UNIVERSITY :^ CALIFORNIA -OS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY * 4 JUL I iu_^u ■> in ■ / CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE Compiled and printed under the direction of JAMES M. BAKER Secretary of tlie Senate By EDWARD C. GOODWIN Librarian WASHINGTON IQI8 I 3ih INTRODUCTION. The library of the United States Senate is primarily a library of reference to our own legislative history. Among the more important publications found here are: The American Archives, fourth series, six volumes, from the ^King's message, March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence by the United States, in 1776; fifth series, three volumes, from the Declaration of Independence to December 31, 1776; Journals of the American Congress, 1774-1788; Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of the Congress of the Confederation from the first meeting thereof to the dissolution of the Confederation by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, 1775-1788; History of the Confederation; Debates of the Constitutional Convention (Elliot-Madison) ; The Federalist; Journals of the Continental Congress; ]3iplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution; Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States; American State Papers; Annals of Congress; Debates in Congress; Congressional Globe; Congressional Record; Abridgment of the Debates in Congress; Niles's Register; Journals of the House of Representatives; Journals of the United States Senate; Executive Journals of the United States Senate; United States Statutes at Large; Revised Statutes of the United States; Departmental decisions; Reports and digests of the Supreme Court of the United States, and of the other Federal courts; Constitutional and international law publications; Lives and writings of men conspicuous in our legislative history; Modern histories, atlases, encyclopaedias, and other books of reference ; Congressional documents; Parliamentary History and Debates (Cobbett-Hansard, author- ized edition; Official report, Commons, Lords), A. D. 1066 to the present time; Miscellaneous works, all aggregating, with dupHcates, about 225,000 volumes. 768130 SOME REFERENCES. Abbot, Henry L. Problems of the Panama Canal. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1905. S° (13) See Mississippi River, physics, etc. Abel, A. H. Compiler correspondence of James S. Calhoun, while Indian agt. 1915. 8° (30). Abnormal man. See MacDonald, Arthur. Abridg'ement of the Debates otf Congress. List, p. 378. Abstract, statistical, of the United States. List, p. 688. Accounting system of the U. S. from 1789 to 1910. Treas. Dept., ion. 8° s. Accounts, Committee on. Index to reports of. Ref. Adams, Charles Francis. [Life of,] by Charles Francis Adams, jr. [being vol. 29 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1900. 12° G. (editor). See John Adams. G. (editor). See John Quincy Adams. G. Charles Francis, jr. (editor). See Charles Francis Adams. G. Charles Kendall. Editor-in-chief, Johnson's Universal cyclo- pedia. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1896. 8 vols. 4° (27) Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. Editor-in-chief. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1901. 12 vols. 4° Ref. — Henry. [Life of] John Randolph [being vol. 16 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° G. John. Administrations of Washington and. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott. By George Gibbs. N. Y., 1846. 2 vols. 8° I. Correspondence between John Adams and William Cunningham, beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. Pub- lished by E. M. Cunningham. Bost., True & Greene, 1823. 12° G. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, pro- nounced in Newburyport July 15, 1826. By Caleb CXishing. Cambridge, Milliard & Metcalf, 1826. 8° G. - [Life of,] by John T. Moore, jr. [being vol. 6 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., n. d. 12° F. 6 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Adams, John. Works of, with a life of the author. By Charles F. Adams. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1856. 10 vols.* 8° G. * Note. — Duplicate copies as follows: Vol. 1, 7 copies; vol. 6, 2 copies; vol. 7, 11 copies; vol. 8, 13 copies; vol. 9, 4 copies; vol. 10, 10 copies. (3 ) John Quincy. [Life of,] by John T. Morse, jr. [being vol. 15 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., n. d. 12° F. Memoirs of, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1874-1877. 12 vols. 8° G. John Stokes (and D. M. Barringer). The law of mines and mining in the U. S. Bost.», Little, Brown & co., 1897. 8° O. Samuel. [Life of,] by James K. Hosner [being vol. 2 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° F. The writings of. Collected and edited by Harry Alonzo Gushing. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's, Sons, 1904-8. 4 vols. 8° G. Adjutant General's Office. Subject index to general orders and circulars. 1860-1880. 1913. 8° (30) Administrations of Washington and [John] Adams. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott. By George Gibbs. N. Y., 1846. 2 vols. 8° I. Adulteration of food products. Digests of the laws. 56 — 2; S. doc. 141. S. Advancements in the Navy. See Sampson-Schley. Africa, commercial, in 1901. 57—1; H. doc. 15, pt. 10. 4° (7) Agriculture, Department of (and kindred) publications. (30) Administrative regulations of 1914. (30) Annual reports, bulletins and yearbooks. List, p. 328. [vSame] of experiment stations, 1906, 1907. (30) Farmers bulletins, index to Nos. 1 to 250. 1907. Division of Publications. 8° (30) — — [Same] 1-500. 1916. Cold storage and prices. Dept. of Agr., 1913. 8° • Colleges. Legislation, regulations and rulings. Feb. 1916. 8° 3 copies. (30) See Land grant, etc. Credit. Report of committee to investigate. S. doc. 380; 63—2. Pts. 1, 2, 3. Experiment Station record. General index to. 1901 to date. 8° 2 cop. Farm products. Imports into the U. S., 1851-1908. Dept. of Agr., 1910. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 7 Agriculture, Department of (and kindred) publications^Con. Food legislation, 1907. 8° Foot and mouth disease. Proceedings of Convention at Chicago. 191"). 2 copies. (30) Forest areas. See National, etc. — Forestry. A primer of. 56 — 1; H. doc. 727; Pt. 2, Prac- tical Forestr3^ Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24' 1905. 12° [Same.] Instructions for making timber surveys. 1917. Graves. Geography of the world's. Dept. of Agri. 1917. (30) — — — Graphics, album of. Values per acre of crops of the United States. Wash., Agriculture Department, 1890. Atlas. A. — Horse, Diseases of the. Special Report of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Rev. ed. 1903. 8° 57 — 2; H. doc. 487. Imports of the United States, 1898-1902. By Frank H. Hitchcock, 1903. 8° Index to the annual reports of, 1832-1893. 8° Index to the yearbooks of 1894-1900. B. Charles H. Greathouse, 1902. 8° 2 copies. List, p. 331. Instructions for making timber surveys in the na- tional forests. 1917. 2 copies. Journal of agricultural research. Dept. of Agri., 1913 to date. 4° Land grant colleges, the. Laws, regulations, etc. 1911. 8° Laws applicable to. 1908-1913. 8° 3 copies. Listby titles of publications of 1840-1901. 8° By George WilUam Hill, 1902. National forest areas, Jan. 1, 1918. (30) [Same] laws, &c. Dept. of Agri., 1913-1916. 8° (30) Research, Journal of. Dept. of Agri., 1913 to date. 4° Soil Surveys, 1912. (30) Usebook, The. Regulations and instructions for the use of the national forest reserves. Wash., 1906. 8° 6 copies. — Weather forecasting in the United States. Yearbooks. 1899-1910. 8° Ainsworth, Robert. Latin dictionary. Edited by Morell. Lond., 1796. 4° Ref.- [Same.] By Morell & Carey. Lond., 1823. 4° Ref. Alabama claims. See Claims. 8 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Alaska and British Columbia. Boundary line between, 1889. Vol. 1, message, report, and maps; vol. 2, maps. 8° 50 — 2; S. ex. doc. 146. D. and the northwest part of North America. Phillips, 1588-1898. L. C. Coast of. Directory. 1869. (30) • Coast Pilot, United States, Pt. 1, 6th ed., 1917. 8° Dept. Com. (30) Commercial, 1867-1903. Area, population, production, railways, telegraphs, transportation routes, and commerce with the United States, and foreign commerce. <|From the Sum- mary of commerce and finance for July, 1903. [> Department of commerce and labor. Bureau of statistics . . . [Washing- ton, 1903x] L. C. Compilation of the acts of Congress, and treaties, relating to, from Mar. 30, 1867, to Mar. 3, 1905. 1906. 4° 59—1; S. doc. 142. [Same.] 1913. Sen. doc. 1093; 62-3. Geographic dictionary of. By Marcus Baker. 1902. 8° 2 copies. Second edition. By James McCormick. 1906. 8° 55 — 1; H. doc. 938. — Map of, showing known gold-bearing rocks, with descrip- tive text. Geological Survey, 1898. 8° D. Military reconnaissance in, by Frederick Schwatka, 1883. 8° 48—2; S. ex. doc. 2. Mineral resources of, 1908. 60- 2; H. doc. 1522. Narratives of explorations in. 1900. 4° 56 — ^1; S. rept. 1023. (3) Resources. By William H. Dall. Bost., Lee & Shepard. 1897. 8° D. See Harriman Alaska expedition. D. Albany Evening Journal Almanac, 1885. (46) Alexandria, Va., Business directory, 1867, 1871. Boyd. (47) Alger, Russell A. Spanish-American war, 1897-1899. Harper & Bros., 1901. 8° F. Alien and sedition laws. Debates in the House of Delegates of Virgmia in December, 1798. Sen. Doc. 873; 62-2. O. Allen, Charles H. (governor of Porto Kico). Reports for 1901, 1902. 8° Ira. Particulars of the capture of the ship Olive Branch. Phila., printed for the author, 1805. 8° 2 copies. (15) AUibone, S. Austin. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tenny- son. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1901. 8° 2 copies. B. Allowed claims of loyal citizens. See Bowman Act. Jlli CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE^ _ ^ ^' . ;: *■ Almanacs and annuals. (1-2 and 46*) * Note. — Sundry publications prior to 1910 in 40. Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire genealogique, diploma- tique et statislique. 1865 to 1906, witii exceptions. 12° American almanac and repository of useful knowledge. 1830-1889 with exceptions. (46) 8° [Same] almanac, yearbook, cyclopaedia, and atlas. X. Y., 1903. 8° F. (46)^ [Same] almanacs, preliminar}' check list of 1639-1800. Morrison. 4° 1907. (46) [Same] ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1855 to date, with exceptions. 8° (46) [Same] statesmanship, and Public OflS.cial Yearbook, 1907-8. 8° Australian (Western) yearbook. 1900-1; 1900-3. 2 vols. By Malcolm A. C. Fraser. Perth, 1902, 1904. 8° Baltimore Sun almanac, 1888, 1893, 1904. 8° (40) British almanac. Lond., C. Knight, 1850-1860, 1865, 1869. 8° Canada. The statistical yearbook of Canada for 1903, 1904. Ottawa, S. E. Dawson, 1903. 8° (46) [Same.] Heaton's commercial annual. 1911. 8° 2 copies. Canadian yearbook, for 1900, 1901, 1902, 1905, 1912. (46) Carnegie Institution of Washington. Yearbooks. Eagle almanac, Brooklyn daily. 1902, 1903, 1908, 1910, 1911. Evening Journal (Albany, N. Y.), 1885. (46) Heaton's commercial annual. 1911. 8° 2 copies. Information annual. 1916 — Cumulative Digest Corp. N. Y. 8° B. International who's who. See Who's who in the world. [Same] Yearbook. Compendium of the world's progress during the years 1898-1 902. By Frank Moore Colby. By Dodd, Mead & co. 8° (46) National The, and annual record 1863.* (46) New York Herald almanac, 1872-1877, inclusive. N. Y., New York Herald co. 8° (46) [Same] Star, 1880. (46) [Same] Times Index, 1913. 8° (15) — Royal kalendar and court and city register. Lend., Suttaby, 1851-1863. 8° 10 CATALOGUE OF LIBBARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. • Almanacs and annuals — Contmued. Smull, John A. Legislative hand-book and manual of the State of Pa. liarrisburg. Wm. Staaley Ray. 1870, 1876, 1898, 18993 1911. 8° (41) Statesman's year book. Statistical and historical annual of the States of the world for the j^ears 1864 to date. Edited by J. Scott Keltic. Lond., Macmillan & co. 8° B. Statistical abstract of the U. S., 1879 to date. B. See List, p. 686. Statistician and economist, 1891-1906. San Francisco, L. P. McCarty. 8° (46) Statistics, manual of. Stock Exchange handbook. 1901. N. y., E. H. Nicol. 8° — Tribune almanac and political register. 1838-1914. N.Y. 8° Whitaker's almanack for 1885, 1896, 1901. Lond., Whit- aker & Son. 8° (46) — - Who's who. An annual biographical dictionary, 1901, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910 to date. Lond., Adam & Chap- Black. 8° B. — Who's who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States in 1901- 1903, 1904-1905, 1906-1907, 1912, 1913— to date. Chi., A. N. Marquis & co. 8° Who's who in the world. International Wlio's who. Ed, by II. Kingrose, N. Y., Paris, and Lond. International Wlio's Who Pub. CO., 1910. 8° World almanac and encyclopedia for 1869, 1872-1876, 1886-1893, 1896 to date. 8° N. Y. Altitudes in the United States, dictionary of. Compiled by Henry Gannett. 1891. 8° (3) America, commercial. See Commercial America. — Defenseless. See Defenseless America. maps of. See Library of Congress. Fallen, J. B. Walker^ 1915. (3) History of the war of independence of the United States of. By Charles Botta. Phila., L. R. Bailey. 3 vols. 1820. 8° E.' Narrative and critical history of. By Justin Winsor. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1889. 9 vols. 4° C. See History. American almanac. 1878-1889. Edited by A. R. Spofford. (46) Archives. See List, p. 331. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. H American archives—Continued. Fourth series. A documentary history of the EngUsh colonies in North America. By PeterForcc, Mar. 7, 1774-July 4, 1776. Wash., 1837-1846. 6 vols. ¥° Fifth series, July 4, 1776-Dec. 31, 1776. Wash., 1848- 1853. 3 vols. F° Bar Association. }{eport of twentieth annual meeting, Cleveland, Ohio. 1891,1897. Vol. XX. Pliila., Dando Print- ing co., 1897. 8° (3) See Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists. B. Campaigns. By M. F. Steele. Wash., Byron S. Adams. 1909. S° 2v. F. Commerce, One hundred years of. Edited by Chauncey M. Depew. N. Y., D. O. Haynes & co., 1895. 2 vols. 4° B. Commonwealth. By James Bryce. Lond., Macmillan & CO., 1888. 2 vols. 8° (3) - [Same.] 1901. 2 vols. 8° E. Conflict, The. A history of the great rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-1865. By Horace Greeley. Hartford, O.D. Case & CO., 1864. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies of Vol. I. E. (3) Congress, The. A history of national legislation and po- litical events, 1774-1895. By Joseph West Moore. Harper & Bros., 1895. 8° E. American ("Continental") Congress, Journals of. X. (38) Constitutions. A compilation of the political constitu- tions of the independent nations of the New World, with short historical notes and various appendixes. By Jose I. Rodri- guez. 2 vols. 1906-. (International Bureau of the American Kepublics.) 4° 2 copies. M. Cyclopeedia. See Cyclopa;dias and dictionaries. — Diplomacy, A century of, being a brief review of the for- eign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. By John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1901. 8° E. in the Orient. By John W. Foster. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1903. 8° 2 copies. E. Indians (American), north of Mexico. Handbook of. H. doc. 926, pt. 1; 59—1. diplomacy, its spirit and achievements. By John Bas- sett Moore. X". Y., Harper & Br(^., 1905. 8° E. Diplomatic Code. A collection of treaties and conven- tions between the United States and foreign powers, 1778-1834. By Jonathan Elliot. Wash., J. Elliot, jr., 1 834. 8° 2 copies. E. 12 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. American diplomacy, its spirit and achievements — Continued. Diplomatic Questions. By John B. Henderson, jr. New York, The Macmillan co., 1901. 8° E. — • See Diplomacy, practice of, etc. — Ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1855 to date. 8° See Almanacs. (46) Government, The. Organization and officials with the duties and powers of federal officeholders. By II. C. Gauss. N. Y., L. R. Hamersly & co., 1908. 8° B. Historical Association. F. (41) List, p. 333. History told by contemporaries. Albert Bushnell Hart, 1492-1900. Macmillan co., 1900. 4 vols. 8° E. [Same], The Journal of. Edited by Francis Trevalyan Miller. Associated Publishers of American Records. (Place of publication not given.) Vol. 1, No. 1, first quarter of 1907. 764 p. 4° D. [Same.] By Alexander Johnston. N. Y., Henry Holt & CO., 1902. 8° B. [Same] Missouri compromise and slavery in. By Archibald Dixon. 2d ed. Cin., The Robt. Clark co., 1903. 8° F. interest in popular government abroad. By Evarts B. Greene. T. Journal of International Law. A quarterly, published by the Am. Soc. of International Law. Balto., N. Y., Baker, Voorhis Co. 4° Vols. 1-8. (34) National Red Cross Reports. (3) Newspapers, check list of. Morrison, 1639-1900. Directory and annual. 1871-1911. Phila., N. W. Ayer& Son. 8° (3) Political History. 1763-1876. By Alexander Johnston. In two parts: 1. The Revolution, the Constitution, and the Growth of Nationality. 1763-1832. 2. The Slavery Contro- versy, Secession, Civil War, and Reconstruction. 1820-1876. N. Y. and Lond. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905. 8° E. Politics from the beginning to date. By Thomas V. Cooper. Phila., Fireside Publishing co., 1883. 8° Patriotism, Gems of. By W. B. Stewart. 1917. (3) Practical Navigator. An epitome of navigation and nauti- calastronomy. By Nathaniel Bowditch. 1912. 4° 2 copies. Railroad rates. By Walter Chadwick Noyes. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1906. 8° 2 copies. (30) American Red Cross relief committee reports. May, 1898, to Mar., 1899. 8° CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 13 American Republics, Bureau of. (7) List, p. 334. Costa Rica, 1892. (3) Bulletin of, Republics, (7) May, 1910. Dedication of new buildinii; in Washington. 61—2; H. doc. 163, pt. 11. (7) Directories and handbooks. List, p. 335. Curtis's Handbook of. Handbook of the American Re- pubHcs, 1891. (7) Customs, congress of. Proceedings of the first meeting held at New York, Jan., 1903. 57—2; S. doc. 180. Tariffs. 52—1; S. ex. doc. 8, pt. 10. See Tariff. List, p. 272. (20) [Same.] First General International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics, held at Washington, D. C, Dtc, 1902. 57—2; S. doc. 169. 8° " Revolution, documentary history of the" — title under which Congress authorized the American Archives. [Same], The. The other side of. See Loyalists of Massa- chusetts. (38) Schools for the deaf, histories of the. By Edward Allen Fay. Wash.,TlieVoha Bureau, 1893. 3 vols. 8° F.4. (3) Shipping, Government policy in aid of. W. D. Ren- ninger. Phila. 1911. 8° S. 4 copies. State papers. List, p. 338. Statesmen. By Thomas William Herringshaw. Clii.,Am. Pub. Asso., 1907. 8° B. Statesmen Series. 32 vols. Bost. and X. Y., Houghton. Mifflin & CO. 12° F. G. CONTENTS. Vol. 1, Benjamin Franklin, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 2, Samuel Adams, by Jas. K. Hosmer. Vol. 3, Patrick Henry, by Moses Coit Tyler. Vols. 4, 5, George Washington, by Henry Cabot Lodge. Vol. 6, John Adams, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 7, Alexander Hamilton, by Henry Cabot Lodge. Vol. 8, Gouverneur Morris, by Theodore Roosevelt. Vol. 9, John Jay, by George Pellew. Vol. 10, John Marshall, by Allan B. Magruder. Vol. 11, Thomas Jefferson, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 12, James Madison, by Sidney Howard Gay. Vol. 13, Albert Gallatin, by John Austin Stephens. Vol. 14, James Monroe, by Daniel C. Gilman. Vol. 15, John Quincy Adams, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 16, John Randolph, by Henry Adams. Vol. 17, Andrew Jackson, by Wm. Graham Sumner. Vol. 18, Martin Van Buren, by Edward M. Shepard. Vols. 19, 20, Henry Clay, by Carl Schurz. Vol. 21, Daniel Webster, by Henry Cabot Lodge. Vol. 22, John C. Calhoun, by Dr. H. Von Hoist. Vol. 23, Thomas H. Benton, by Theodore Roosevelt. 14 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Vol. 24, Lewis Cass, by Andrew C. McLaughlin. Vols. 25, 26, Abraham Lincoln, by John T. Morse, jr. Vol. 27, William Henry Seward, by Thornton Kirkland Lothrop. Vol. 28, Salmon Porter Chase, by Albert Bushnell Hart. Vol. 29, Charles Francis Adams, by Charles Francis Adams, jr. Vol. 30, Charles Sumner, by Moorefield Storey. Vol. 31, Thaddeus Stevens, by Samuel W. McCall. Vol. 32, General Index, by Theodore Clarke Smith. American Statesmen — 2d series. Best, and N, Y. H. 8. Hough- ton, Mifflin & CO. 1906. 12°. Vol. 1, James G. Blaine, by Edward Stanwood. Vol. 2, John Sherman, by Theodore E. Burton. Street Railway Investment. (A supplement to the Street Railway Journal.) N. Y., Street Railway pub. co., 1897. 4° A. Vessels, Captures of, by the British. See Charles Pinckney. Americana. Catalogue. Phila. Rosenbach co. 1917. 8° B. Ames, John G. See Indexes. Herman V. Amendments proposed to the Constitution of the U. S. 1789-1889. 54th Cong., 2d sess. H. doc. 353, pt. 2. 8° M. Anderson, Alexander D. Tehuantepec Inter-Ocean Railroad. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & co., 1880. 8° (30) Andre, John (Major). Vindication of the captors of. By Egbert Benson. N. Y., Joseph Sabin, 1865. 8° (3) Andreades, A. History of the Bank of England. 1640-1903. Two volumes in one. Lond., P. S. King & son. 8° (10-11) Andrews, James De Witt. Commentaries on the laws of England. 4th edition. Edited by Cooley & Andrews. 2 vols. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1899. 8° O. Anglo-Saxon interests. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Animal industry. Bureau of. List, p. 344. products. Tariff on. See Tariff series. Dept. of Commerce. (21) Annals of Congress. List, p. 378. Statistical, of the United States. By Adam Seybert. 1818. (3) See Biographical Annals. Annandale, Charles (editor). The New Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Gebbie & co., 1892. 8 vols. 12° A. Annual Cyclopaedia, The. See Cyclopaedias and dictionaries. Annuals, etc. See Almanacs and annuals. Anson, William R. The law and custom of the constitution. (English.) Part 1. Parliament. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1897. 8° See Constitution. M. CATALOQUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 15 Anthon, Charles. Classical dictionary. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1883. 4° See Dictionaries. Anthony Report. Statement of the rules and practice of the Sen- ate in the appointment of its committees. S. jour., Mar. 14, 1863, p. 456. S. mis. doc. 42; 38th Cong., spec, sess.; also, S. doc. 1122; 62—3. X. Anti-trust decisions, 1890-1918. (22) See Federal Anti-Trust Decisions. Federal, law. With amendments. Cases instituted by the U. S. Decisions. 1914. 2 copies. (22) (Sherman), with amendments and list of decisions there- under or relating thereto, July 1, 1911. S. 1. 2 cop. See, a7so, "Commerce clause," etc. S. (22) Antoinette, Marie. Secret memoirs of Princess Lamballe. Being her journals, letters, and conversations during her confidential relations with. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 17.) 1. Appalachian region, forest, rivers, and mountains of the southern. 1902. 4° 57— 1; S. doc. 84. (3) Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. . N. Y., D, Appleton & co., 1887. 7 vols. 4° Ref. Cyclopaedia of Biography. Edited by F. H. Hawks. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1879. 4° Ref. Universal Cyclopaedia and Atlas. Edited by Charles Kendall Adams and Rossiter Johnson. 1901. 12 vols. 4° Ref. Apportionment, among the several States. 1900. 8° 56 — 2; H. rept. 2130. B. Appropriation and kindred laws of the United States. B}^ Thos. P. Cleaves. 1881-1887. 8° and new offices. (3) List, p. 345. Appropriations, balances, and disbursements of the Government, 1908. Treas. Dept. Doc. No. 2533. 1908. 4° Digest of, for the support of the Government, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1889, 1890, 1892-1894, 1896-1900, 1902-1906, 1908, 1909. (47) Estimates of. (3) Aqueduct Commission of New York City. James C. Spencer, president. N. Y., D. Taylor (prints), 1887. 4° (41) Arbitrations, international. List, p. 348. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1903. International courts of. By Thomas Balch. Phila., Allen, Lane & Scott, 1896. S° O. [Same] history and digest of; to which the United States has been a party, 1783-1898. By John Bassett Moore. 1898. 6 vols. 8° 53— 2; H. mis. doc. 212. O. • 16 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Arbitrations, international — Continued. — - North Atlantic Coast fisheries. Report on arbitration of, at The Hague. Sen. Docs., Vols. 71-82; 61-3. Speech, by Senator H. C. Lodge, Feb. 29, 1912, contains, among other things, a list of arbitration treaties acted on by U. S. Senate. S. doc. 373; 62—2. treaties and conventions. List in S. doc. 373; 62—2. Archibald, Robert W. Impeachment proceedings, 1912. S. Doc. 1114; 62-3. Archives. See Guide to the, etc. of government ofl&ces outside of the city of Wash- ington. 1913. H. Doc. 1443; 62—3. Argentina. Guide to law and legal literature of. By E. M. Borchard. 1917. (25-26) Arizona. Constitution adopted by. 61 — 3; S. doc. 798. Armor plate, cost and price. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1896. 8° 54—2; H. doc. 151; 55—2; H. doc. 127. (31) Hearings before Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, 1895- 1897. S. rept. 1453; 54—2. manufacture. See list of publications relating to. 1917. 2 copies. (31) Violation of contracts. Report and evidence submitted by Committee on Naval Affairs (House). 1894. 8° 53—2; H. rept. 1468. K. (31) Arms, U. S. See Flag. Armstrong, George B. The beginnings of the True Railway Mail Service, and the work of George B. Armstrong in founding it. The Lakeside press. 1906. 84 pp. 8° (30) Armies. Strength and organization in France, Germany, Austria, Russia, England, Italy, and Japan, July, 1914. War Coll. Div., Gen. Staff, No. 22. War Dept. Doc. 499. 1916. 8. (31) Army, of the Confederate States, General officers, 1861-1865. 1908. 8° 60— 1; S. doc. 244. (31) the United States, History of the. By Colonel Sir Howard Vincent. Eng. Cosburn, Newbury, 1907. 24 pp. 8° (31) See War Department. Asiatic Pilot. Vols. 4 and 5. Hydrographic office. (3) Assistant Attorneys General for the Post Office Depart- ment. (30) Astronomical Observations. List, p. 350. Atlantic Coast. United States Coast Pilot. Part V. New York to Chesapeake Bay entrance. 4th ed. Dept. of Com. and Labor. 1909. 4° (30) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 17 Atlantic Coast — Contiimed. Deeper Waterways Association. First annual convention. Baltimore, Nov., 1908. 8° S. (23) Islands and Africa, North. HydrographicOllice, 1908. (3) Ocean, general examination of. By Ch. P. de Kerhallet. 1S70. 8^ (3) Atlases and maps. A. Agricultural Graphic, album of. Values per acre of crops of the I nited States. Published by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture. Wash., 1890. 4° — — — Alaska, boundary of, atlas. Arrowsmith's general atlas, 1840. Atlas to accompany the ofhcial records of the Union and Confederate armies. G. P. O., 1891-1895. 2 vols. F° Battlefield of Chicamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863. ¥° Black's general atlas, 1885. Bradley's atlas, 1888. Canada railway systems, map of. Canal Zone, map of, 1907, accompanying the annual report of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Colton, George W. General atlas of the world, accom- panied by descriptiA^e, statistical, and historical letterpress descriptions. N. Y., Colton & co., 1871. F° [Same.] 1872. Congo Basin in Africa. Cram's quick reference atlas and gazetteer of the world. Army and navy edition. By Geo. F. Cram, author and pubr. N. Y. and Chic. 1907. 12° 2 cop. — [Same] standard American railway system atlas, of the world, 1908. N. Y. and Chi., Geo. F. Cram, 1908. 3 copies. A. and Senate Chamber. Cuba, map of. Diplomatic and consular offices of the United States, map showing the location of the. 1888. 8°. District of Columbia, atlas of. 1890. Florida, map of, illustrative of surveys for a canal. 1856, 4° 3 copies. 34— 1 ; S. Ex. doc. 89; vol. 14, pt. 2. Foreign government maps. Phillips. 1904. L. C. Geological Survey, ^lap showing the condition and prog- ress of the topogi'aphical surveys. Historical atlas of modern Europe from the decline of the Roman Empire. Comprising also maps of parts of Asia, Africa and the New World. Edited by R. L. Poole. Oxford, Clarenden Press, 1902. F' 49183—18 2 'O 18 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Atlases and maps — Continued. Indian reservations, atlas of. [Same] Territory, map of 1889. 4° Johnston's Royal Atlas and Modern Geography, W. & A. K. Johnston, Lim. Edin. and Lond., 1!)10. ¥° — Keith's general atlas of the Globe, 1821. King, Clarence. Atlas of mining mdustry, 1863-1869. Labberton, Robert H. New historical atlas and general history. N. Y., Townsend MacConn, 1887. 4° Labor- transportation routes of the world. Library of Congress. List of geographical in. See Li- brary of Congress publications. Maryland topographical atlas, 1873. Maumee Valley and historic grounds in. atlas of. — Miscellaneous maps and charts to accompany Senate re- port No. 227, second session, Fifty-third Congress, as follows: Pacific and Western Atlantic; Hawaiian Islands; Oahu; Hawaii; Maui; Kauai; Honolulu; Pearl Harbor, on Oahu. Mississippi River (upper), map of the hydrographical basin of, with report intended to illustrate. By I. N. Nicollet. Wash., Blair & Rives, 1843. 8° Mitchell's general atlas, 1874. Mount Vernon, surveys for roads to, atlas of. ■ Oceanic steam routes, with distances. U. S. Navy Dept., 1907, 1912. A. Philippine Islands, map of. — Atlas of the. 1900. 4° 56—1 ; S. doc. 138. [Same.] 1911. Bach. Philip's general atlas of the world. Edited by W. Hughes. Lond., George Philip t& son. F° Porto Rico. Int. Dept., 1910. Rand, McNally & co.'s atlas of the world. Historical, descriptive, statistical. Vol. 1, United States; vol. 2, foreign countries. Rand, McNally & co., Chicago, etc. 1894, 1902, 1903, 1908, 1911. A. Y° Rebellion Records, atlas to accompany. Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. Johnston's. W. & A. K. Johnston, Lim. Edin. and Lond., 1910. ¥° — ■— — St. Lawrence River and proposed canal between St. Law- rence River and Lake Champlain, atlas of. Sandwich Islands, atlas of. — Scribner's statistical atlas of the United States, showing by graphic methods their present condition and their political, social, and industrial development. By F. W. Hewes and IT. Gannett. N. Y., Charles Scribner's [1883]. F' •o CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 19 Atlases and maps— C-ontiuued. South Carolina. Official map, 1914. — — Statistical atlas of the Ninth Census. — [Same.] Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Censuses. Steadman's atlas, 1873. Tanner's alhis, 1838. Transportation routes of the world. Distances from New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Port Townsend to the principal ports of the world and the principal cities of the United States. Department of Commerce and Labor, 1909. United States. Alaska 1 and 2; Indian reservations: Pa- cific railways; Washington Territory; fishing grounds; l'>rit- ish America. Maps of. Venezuela boundary atlas. Washington City atlas, 1880, 18<)0. and District of Columbia atlas. Williamson's atlas of States and Territories over which land surveys have been extended, 1879. Yosemite Park, map of. Atlas and maps. Attorney General of the United States. Cabinet, and the. H.B. Learned. 1909. 8° S. *— Opinions of. 8° U. List, p. 351. Digest of. Vols. 1-16. Prepared by A. J. Bentley, 1885. 8° H. doc. 15, 48—2. (19) [Same.] Vols. 1-25. 1907. (19) [Same.] Prepared by James A. 1- inch. 1y, 1807-8. 3 vols. 8° (29) Burton, Theodore E. John Sherman, Life of. Bost. ami X. Y. Houghton. Mifflin & co., 1906. American Statesman. 2d series. 12° H. 2 copies. Financial crises and periods of industrial and commercial depression. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1909. 12° 2 copies. Corporations and the State. N. Y. and Lond. D.Apple- ton & CO., 1911. 8° O. 30 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Business of Travel, The. A fifty years' record of progress. By W. Frasier Rae. Lond., Thos. Cook & Son, 1891. 8° (7) Butler, Chas.H. The treaty-makinji; power of the United ^States. N. Y., Banks Law Publishincr CO., 1902. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. O. , Chas. H. Index digest of the opinions delivered and cases decided by the Supreme Court of the U. S., 1902-1905— and reported in vols. 187-202. N. Y., The Banks Law Pub. co., 1906. 8° O. Rev. C. M. (Chaplain). Obituary address in Senate on occasion of the death of John C. Calhoun, Apr. 2, 1850. 8° G. Cabinet. Attorney General and the. H. B. Learned, 1909. 8° H. Meeting. Some aspects of the. H. B. Learned. 1915. 8° H. OflB-cers — shall they have seats in Congress? H. B. Learned. 1914. 12° S. Cabinets of England and America. List of books, witli references to periodicals relating to. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Cabot, George. The life and letters of. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1897. 8° G. Cadiz, Gulf of. Winds, currents, and navigation. By R. H. Wyman. 1870. 8° (7) Calhoun, James S. Correspondence while Supt. of Indian Affairs in N. Mex. 1915. 8° P. (7) John C. [Ijife of,] by Dr. H. a^ou llolst [being vol. 22 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° F. Obituary address, by the Rev. C. M. Butler, D. D., Chap- lain of the U. S. Senate, Apr. 2, 1850. 8° G. Statue of. Proceedings in Statuary Hall, Mar. 12, 1910. G. (Sen. Doc. 647; 61—2.) — The works of. By Richard K. Crahe. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1854. 6 vols. "^ 8° G. (7) Note. — Duplicate copies of vols. 4, 5, and 6. California. Debates in the convention for the formation of tlie State constitution, in Sept. and Oct., 1849. By J. Ross Browne. Wash., John T. Towers. 1850. (7) (34) 2 copies. Campaign literature. See Republican, Democratic, etc. I. (2-3) Canada, census of. vol. ii, 1901. (7) — . Commerce between the U. S. and. (From the sum- maries of Commerce and finance for June and July, 1898.) Geological survey of. Annual report (new series), vol. X, 1897. Ottawa, Dawson, 1899. 4° (7) CATALOCiUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 31 Canada, Heaton's cominercial annual of. 1911. Toronto, lleaton's Aijpnry. S° B. ]. 2 copies. Journals of Senate of, 1909 and 1910. (7)' Reciprocity with. See List of books, ptc. (Jriffin, 1907. L. C. Reciprocity with. 1S54. Ilistoiy of the reciprocity treaty of. 62—1; S. doc. 17. Reciprocity with, 1911. See History of bill IT. H. 4112 in index to Record for 62d Cong. 1st sess. And under "Can- ada," in same index, will be found reference to sundry docu- ments, tables, etc., presented, relative to said measure. 2 copies. (22) Statistical yearbooks of. Ottawa, S. E. Dawson, 1900- 1905. 8° B. ■ ~ Tariff, customs, 1907; with index and appendix. Ottawa, 1907. 8°. 2 copies. — [Same.] Relations of, 1911 . 6 copies. (21) The Rockies of. By Walter Dwiglit Wilcox. Putnam's Sons, 1900. 8° A. ' Trade of the U. S. with. In Monthly Summary of Com- merce & Finance for June, 1904. 4° — Yearbook. See Almanacs and annuals. Canals. See Interoceanic canals. - — — — See Irrigation of. Canal Record. See Interoceanic canals. — Zone, code of civil procedure of the, by order of the Presi- ,,,,^;^ dent. May 1, 1907. 1907. 8° — Census, 1912. 8° Cannon, Joseph Guriiey. Proceedings in the House of Represen- tatives on the eightieth anniversaty of his birth, May 6, 1916. H. doc. 1092; 64—1. 8° G. Capitals. Taxing of government property in by different countries. S. doc. 163; 63—1. Capitol, U. S. Building (The) and its wonderful decorations. By Smith D. Fry. Wash., 1912. 12° B. — Centennial celebration of the laying of the corner stone of, Sept. 18, 1893. H. mis. doc. 211. 53d Cong., 2d sess. V. 38. 4° A. History of the location of at Washington. See S. rept. 480; 60 — 1, p. 12 being an extract from the private journal of William Maclay. A. History of. By Glenn Brown. 1909. 2 vols. F° 56—1; S. doc. 60. A. [Same], documentary. 58 — 2; H. rept. 646. A. 32 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Capitol, National, The. Its architecture, art and history. By Geo. C. Hazehon, jr. N. Y., J. F. Taylor & co., 1908. 8° 2 copies. A. Works of art in. C. E. Fairman. 1913. S. doc. 169; 63—1. Car shortage, Report 1906. See Interstate Commerce. Caribbean, countries of the. Speeches incident to the visit of Philander Chase Knox, 1912. 8° H. (14) Carleton, J. H. Mountain Meadow massacre. 57 — 1; II. doc. 605. Carnegie endowment for international peace. Publications. J. America's message to the Russian people. Addresses by the members of the special diplomatic mission of the United States to Russia. 1917. Bos. Marshall Jones Co. 8. J. Ayala, Balthazar. De Jure et Otiiciis Bellicis et Disciplina Militari. 2 vols. 1912. Vol. I. A reproduction of the edition of 1582, with portrait of Ayala. In- troduction by John Westlake, etc. xxvii — 226 p. Vol. II. Translation of the text, by John Pawley Bate, xvi — 245 p. Balkan wars. Report of the international conmiission to inquire into the causes of the conduct of. 1914. Central America, the five republics of, their political and economic development and their relations with the United States. By Dana G. Munro. Edited by David Kinley. Published by the Oxford Universit}^ Press, American Branch. New York, N. Y. 1917. — Congress of Nations, an Essay on a, for the acijustment of international disputes without resort to arms, by William Ladd. Reprinted from the original edition of 1840, with an introduction by James Brown Scott, director. 1 — 162 p. 1916. Declaration of Independence, the; the Articles of Con- federation; the Constitution of the United States. Edited, with an introduc'toty note, by James Brown Scott, director, 124 p. 1917. — Diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European War, Edited by James Brown Scott, director. 2 vols: Ixxxi— 1516 p. 1916. — Economic effects of the war upon women and children in Great Britain. N. Y., Oxford Univ. Press, 1918. J. Economic protectionism. By Josef Grunzel. Edited by Eugen von Philippovich. Published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, xiii— 357— 6p. 1916. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 33 Carnegie endowment for international peace — Continued. Epidemics resulting- from wars. By Dr. Friedrich Prinzing. Edited by Harald Westergaard, LL. D. Pub- lished by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, xii — 340 — 6 p. 1916. France, the colonial tarifif policy of. By Dr. Aithur Girault. Etlitod by Charles Gide. Published by the Claren- don Press, Oxford, England, viii— 305— 6 p. 1916. Grotius, Hugo, the father of the modern science of inter- national law. By Hamilton Vreeland. N. Y. Ox. Uni. Press, 1917. Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and 1907, the. 2d ed. Edited by James Brown Scott, director, xxxiii— 303 p. 1915. Hague Court Reports, the, comprising the awards, accompanied by syllabi, the agreements for arbitration, and other documents in each case submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration and to commissions of inquiry under the provisions of the Conventions of 1899 and 1907 for the pacific settlement of international disputes. Edited by James Brown Scott, cxi— 664 p. 1916. Hague Peace Conferences, the, and their official reports, instructions to the American delegates to. Edited by James Brown Scott, director, v— 138 p. 1916. Hygiene and War. Suggestions for makers of textbooks and for use in schools. By George Ellis Jones, Ph. D. 207 p. 1917. International Court of Justice, an, by James Brown Scott, ix— 108 p. 1916. International Court of Justice, the status of the, with an appendix of addresses and official documents, by James Brown Scott, director, v — 93 p. 1916. International law, recommendations on, and official commentary thereon of the Second Pan American Scientific Congress held in Washington, December 27, 1915-January 8, 1916. Edited by James Brown Scott, vii— 53 p. 1916. International Law, resolutions of the Institute of, dealing with the law of nations, with an historical introduction and explanatory notes. Collected and translated under the supervision of and edited by James Brown Scott, xli — 261 p. 1916. Las Convenciones y Declaraciones de La Haya de 1899 y 1907. Edited by James Brown Scott, director, xxxv — 301 p. 1916. 49183—18 3 34 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Carnegie endowment for international peace — (^^ntinued. Limitation of Armament on the Great Lakes. The report of John W. Foster, Secretary of State, December 7, 1892. vii— 57 p. 1914. Nationalism and war in the Near East. By a (li})lo- matist. Edited by Lord Courtney of Penwith. PubUshed by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, xxvi — 434 p. 1915. Neutral rights, the controversy over, between the United States and France, 1797-1800. A collection of American State papers and judicial decisions. Edited by James Brown Scott, director, vi — 510 p. 1917. : — - — - Rachel, Samuel. De Jure Naturae et Gentium Disserta- tiones. Edited by Ludwig von Bar. 2 vols. 1916. Vol. I. A reproduction of the edition of 1676, with portrait of Rachel, in- troduction by Ludwig von Bar, and list of errata. 16a — x — 335 p. Vol. II. A translation of the text, by John Pawley Bate, with index of authors cited. 16a — iv — 233 p. . Russia, greetings to the New. Addresses at a meeting held at the Hudson Theater, New York, April 23, 1917, under the auspices of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. 14 p. 1917. Russia, the Revolution and the War. An account of a visit to Petrograd and Helsingfors in March, 1917. By Dr. Christian L. Lange, secretary general of the Interparliamentary Union. 26 p. 1917. Scandinavian countries. The industrial development and commercial policies of the three. By Povl Drachmann. Edited by Harald Westergaard, LL. D. Pubhshed by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, England. 130 p. 1915. Seas, the freedom of the. A dissertation by Hugo Grotius on. Translated with a revision of the Latin text of 1633, by Ralph van Deman Magoffin, Ph. D. Edited by James Brown Scott, director, xv — 83 p. (Parallel pp.) 1916. Signatures, Ratifications, Adhesions and Reserva- tions to the Conventions and Declarations of the First and Second Hague Peace Conferences, vii — 32 p. 1914. South American Opinions on the War. I. Chile and the war, by Carlos Silva Vildosola; II. The attitude of Ecuador, by Nicolas F. Lopez. Translated from the Spanish by Peter H. Goldsmith. 27 p. 1917. Steel Company, United States. The inside history of. A romance of millions. By James H. Bridge. N. Y., The Aldine Book co., 1903. 8° F. CATALOGUE OP LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 35 Carnegie endowment for international peace — Continued. Textor, Johann Wolfgang. Synopsis Juris Gentium. Ed- ited by Ludwig von Bar. 2 vols. 1916. Vol. I. A reproduction of the first edition (1680), with portrait of Textor, introduction Ijy Ludwig von Bar, and list of errata. 28a — vi — 148 — 168 p. Vol. II. A translation of the text, by John Pawley Bate, with index of authors cited. 26a — v — 349 p. United States. Calendar of papers in Washington relating to the Territories of the (to 1873). By David W. Parker. 1911. Vattel, E. de. Le Droit des Gens. 3 vols. 1916. Vol. I. A photographic reproduction of Books I and II of the first edition (1758), with an introduction by Albert de Lapradelle. hx — 541 p. and portrait of Vattel. Vol. II. A photographic reproduction of Books III and IV of the first edi- tion (1758). xxiv— 376 p. Vol. III. Translation of the edition of 1758 (by Charles G. Fenwick), with translation (by G. D. Gregory) of introduction by Albert de Lapradelle. Ixxxviii — 398 p. Victoria, Franciscus A. Relectiones: De Inchs and De Jure Belli. Introduction by Ernest Nys. Translated by John Pawley Bate. 475 p. Wars, losses of life in modern. Austria-Hungary; France. By Gaston Bodart, LL. D. Military selection and race deterioration. By Vernon Lyman Kellogg. Edited by Harald Westergaard, LL. D. Published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, x— 207— 6 p. 1916. War, Problems about, for Classes in Arithmetic. By David Eugene Smith, Ph. D., LL. D. 23 p. 1915. Yearbooks, United States. Sundry. (7) Zouche, Richard. Juris et Judicii P>cialis, sive, Juris inter Gentes et Quaestionum de Eodem Explicatio. 2 vols. 1916. Vol. I. A reproduction of the first edition (1650), with portrait of Zouche. Introduction by Thomas E. Holland, list of errata, and table of authors. xvi— 204 p. Vol. II. Translation of the text, by J. L. Brierly. xvii — 186 p. Carolina. Extracts from the Reverend Mr. Bolzivs's journal from their arrival in. [n. d.] G. Carr, Wm. Wilkins. Judicial interpretation by the United States courts of the acts of Congress relating to the tariff. Phila., T. & J. U. Johnson & co., 1894. 8° Ref. (21) Carroll, Mont., to the Yellowstone National Park. By W. Ludlow. 1876. 4° (31) Carson, Hampton L. The Supreme Court of the United States. Its history and centennial. Phila., A. R. Keller co., 1892. 2 vols. 4° A. 36 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Cartography. List of works relating to. Phillips. 1901. L. C. Cartularies, List of (principally French) recently added to the Library of Congress with some earlier accessions. Griffin. 1905. (25-26) Cases on constitutional law, with notes. By James Bradley Thayer. Camb., Charles W. Sever & co., 1895. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. Ref. Cass, Lewis. [Life of,] by Andrew C. McLaughlin [being vol. 24 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° F. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1897, 1902, 1907, 1908 to date. 4° (Coast and Geodetic Survey publication.) (31) Comprehensive index to the publications of the United States. See Public documents. Also List documents, etc. List, p. 417. descriptive, of the Government publications of the United States, Sept. 3, 1774, to Mar. 4, 1881. Compiled by Ben: Per- ley Poore. 1885. 4° See Public documents. (47) Government publications. Monthly. By J. H. Hick- cox. Wash., The editor, 1885-1894. 10 vols. 8° Ref. of the public documents of the Fifty-fourth Congress and of all departments of the Government of the United States for the period from Mar. 4, 1895, to date. of the Senate library. See Senate. — of United States public documents. Monthly. 8° Rules for a dictionary. By Charles A. Cotter. 3d ed. 8*^ Causes of death, Manual of the International list of. Dept. of Commerce, Bu. of the Census, 1913. 2 copies. (30) Cement. See Twenty-second annual report of the United States Geological Survey. Part iii. 1902. 57-1; H. doc. 5. Census of Cuba, 1899. War Department. 2 vols. 8° Bureau of. See Commerce, Dept. of. (30) of Michigan, Ijansing, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford co., 1906. 2 vols. 8° (7) Reports of the U. S. List, p. 355. Heads of families— first census, 1790. See note, p. Not in Senate Library. Centennial of the United States Military Academy at West Point. 1802-1902. 58—2; H. doc. 789. 2 vols. 4° Central America. History of. See vols. 6, 7, and 8 of Bancroft's works. D. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 37 Central America and West Indies Trade Directory. 1915. (7) ■ — American Peace Conference. Held at Washington, D. C, 1907. Report of William L. Buchanan, representing the United States of America. 1908. 8° 2 copies. I. and South American commissioners. Report of. (7) Also -18-2; IT. ex. doc. 226. Pacific Railroad. See Pacific Railroads. Century cyclopedia of names. Edited by B. E. Smith. N. Y., Century co. s. Fol° 3 copies. (27) — ■ Dictionary. An encyclopedia lexicon of the English lan- guage. N. Y.. The Century co., 1891. 2 copies. 6 vols. s. Fol° (27) [Same.] 1903. 10 vols. s. Fol° (27) of American diplomacy, being a review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776-1876. By John W. Foster, Houghton, Mifflin & co., Bost. & N. Y., Riverside Press, 1901. 8° E. of population growth. 1790-1900. Bu. of Census. 1909. 4° (22) Certain accepted heroes, and other essays. By Henr}* Cabot Lodge. X. Y., Harper & bros., 1897. 8° F. Ceylon and Burma, the fauna of. See Fauna of British India. (7) Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Sundr}^ publica- tions — bulletins, reports, etc. (8) Charleston. Siege of, by the British fleet and army under com- mand of Admiral Arbuthnot and Sir Henry Clinton, and the surrender of that place May 12, 1780. [From Rivington's Royal Gazette, March, 1780.] Albany, J. Munsell, 1867. 8° F. Charters (Colonial), Federal and State constitutions, and other organic laws of the United States. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 1872. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. [Same.] By Francis Newton Thorpe. 1909. 59—2; H. doc. 357. 8° 7 vols. M. Charts and books (Mariners'), general catalogue. Hydro- graphic Office to date. 1910. 4° (30) Coast pilots, and tide tables, catalogue of. 1897, 1902, 1907, 1908 to date. 4° B. and (30) Chase, Salmon Portland. [Life of,] b}- Albert Bushnell Hart [being vol. 28 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° G. Samuel. The trial of, on a charge exliibited by the Senate of the United States, [n. d.] 8° (29) 38 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Chambaud, Louis, Nouveau dictionnaire. Franpois-Anglois et Anglois-Franfois. Londres, Codele & Davies, 1805. 2 vols. 4° A. Chatham. By Frederic Harrison. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan and CO., 1905. 12° (Twelve English Statesmen.) G. Checklist of American almanacs. 1639-1800. Morrison. L. C. — of American newspapers in the Library of Congress. Slaiison. 1901. L. C. Chesapeake «fc Ohio Canal Co., memorial of. 1831. (7) Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters to his son. (LTniversal Classics Library, vols. 4 and 5.) I. labor. List of references on. Dept. of Labor. 1916. 8° (30) laws. Administration of. Dept. of Labor. 1917. 8° (30) Child study in the LTnited States. Report of modern language association. University types and ideals. Higher education. Degree conferring, schools, kindergartens, etc. Report of Education, 1898. 8° 55—3; H. doc. 5. 57—1; S. doc. 400. Chile. Guide to law and legal literature of. By E. M. Berchard. 1917. (25-26) including bibliography of. See MacDonald, Arthur. China, claims against. Report of William W. Rockhill, commis- sioner, with accompanying documents. 1901. 8° 57 — 1; S. doc. 67. See also Appendix to Foreign Relations, 1901, 57—1; H. doc. 1, vol. 1. (7) affairs in, 1901. Appendix Foreign relations of the United States. 57— 1; H. doc. 1. 1901. (38) and Korea. Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc., re- lating to, 1904-1908. By W. W. Rockhill. Dept. of State. Information series No. 4-A. 1908. 8° 2 copies. C. Chinese, the, at home and abroad. With report of the special committee of the board of supervisors of San Francisco on the condition of the Chinese quarter of that city. By Wil- lard B. Farwell. A. L. Bancroft & co., 1885. 8° (7) — ; Immigration. List of references on. Griffin. 1904 L. C. Japanese war. 54 — 1; H. doc. append. 1. 1894. (38) Letters, Persian and. By Chas. L. Baron de Montesquieu. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 13.) I. Treaty, laws, and regulations governing the admission of. 1910. 8° 2 copies. (7) Chisholm, George G. Handbook of commercial geography Long- mans, Green & co., 1889. 8° Ref. Massacre, 1878. Home Rule in Mississippi. By James M. Wells. (7) CATALOGUE OF LLBKAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 39 Choate, Rufus. Addresses and orations of. 7th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1897. 12° G. The life of. 6th ed. By S. G. Brown. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1898. 12° G. Cholera and yellow fever, epidemic, in the Army of the United States during the year 1867. Report on. 1868. 4° (//iWar Department, Surgeon-General's Office, circular no. 1.) (7) in Europe and India, report on. By Edward O. Shake- speare. 1890. 4° (7) Chotteau, Leon. Le traite Franco-Americain; documents. Paris, Guillaumin et cie., 1880. 8° Ref. Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 8° 2 copies. ' B. Church, Alonzo W. Compiler of finding list of public documents. 1892. 8° (Not documented.) Ref. [Same.] 1896. 8° 54—2; S. doc. 103. Citer-digest of the U. S. Statutes. By Henry C. Ruen and Edward L. Dwight. Detroit, Citer-Digest co.. 1910. 8° Ref. Citizenship of the United States. By F. Van Dyne. Rochester, Lawyer's cooperative publishing co., 1904. 8° O. A treatise on American citizenship. By John Wise, Long Island, Edward Thompson co., 1906. 8° O. Expatriation, and protection abroad. Report of com- mission, under S. res. 30; 59—1. H. doc. 326; 59—2. 1906. 8° O. Civil service act, rules, and executive orders. 8° (7) Commission. Operations of the civil service. Report of the select Senate committee, 1888. 50—1; S. rept. 2373. 8° Report of a select committee on reform in the civil service relative to charges against the United States Civil Service Commission. 1890. 8° 51— 1;H. rept. 2445. In same volume. Letter from the Attorney General, May 8, 1900, relative to violation of sec. 11 (56 — 1; S. doc. 345); and other documents. 8° (7) Report and testimony of the Senate committee to investi- gate certain discharges at the South Omaha Bureau of Animal Industry. 1898. 55— 2; S. rep. 659. 8° Reports. List, p. 358. Report — 29th annual (1912) contains acts and amendments rules, decisions of courts, growth and extension under different Presidents, etc., H. doc. 963; 62-3. (7) Claims, Collated. I^ist, p. 359. Ref. Alabama claims, and their " final and amicable settlement." By Charles C. Beanian. Wash., Moore, 1871. S' !0 40 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Claims — Continued. Geneva Award, speeches on. (7) Bowman and Tucker acts. Claims allowed by Court of Claims. Haskins report, 60 — 1; H. rept. 543. China. The execution of the treaty with China for the set- tlement of claims. 40 — 3; H. ex. doc. 29. China. Ref. Claims on certain war vessels built in 1862-1865. 57—1; S. rept. 1942. Commissioner of Claims. List of claims presented to, at Washington, D. C. 8° Ref. Summary reports of the, in all cases reported to Congress as disallowed under the act of Mar. 3, 1871. 1881. 4° Rep. Court of Claims. Cases decided in. 1867-1895. vols. 1-7, reported by Nott and Huntington; vols. 7-39, by Nott and Hopkins; vol. 25, index. 8° [Same.] Digest of claims referred by Congress from the Forty-eighth to the Fifty-first Congresses. By J. B. Hollo- way. 1891. 8° Ref. ■ [Same.] Digest of the reports of. By C. C. Nott and A. Hopkins. 1876. 8° Ref. — French spoliation, with special reference to insurance com- panies. Statements and papers before the Committee on Claims, House of Representatives, on the bill H. R. 22534, 61—2. [Same.] History, jurisdiction, and practice of. By William A. Richardson, 2d ed. 1885. 8° Ref. [Same.] Judgments in the. 1863-1867. 40— 1;H. mis. doc. 50. [Same.] Reports and digest of opinions. By John C. Devereux. N. Y., Banks, Gould & co., 1856. 8° [Same.] Rules of. 1907. — Great Britain. Claims against, correspondence concern- ing. 1869. 5 vols. 8° Ref. House and Senate claims. Reports, etc., 1816-1832, 8 vols. (Miscellaneous.) vol. 2 missing. Houmas land claims, exposition of the, and of the second section of the Missouri land bill. Wash., 1859. (30) Index (consolidated) of claims reported by the Commission- ers of Claims to the House of Representatives from 1871-1880. 1892. 4° Ref. Indian depredation claims. 47 — 1 ; H. ex. doc. 125. Loyal citizens. List of claims of, presented to the Com- missioners of Claims, under act of Mar. 3, 1871. 8° Ref. [Same.] Laws relating to. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 41 Claims —Continued. Mexican claims. 48 — 1; H. ex. doc. 103. — ■- - ■ Mexico. Claims growing out of insurrection. 11. doc. 1168; 62-3. Private claims. Digest summary and alphabetical list of private claims which have been presented to the Senate and House of Representatives from the Fii"st Congress. See list, p. 359. Private land claims, reports of the Committees on. Part I, Senate; parts ii and in. House. 1879. 8° 45 — 3; S. mis. doc. 81. 3 pts. Revolutionary claims. Laws, etc., 1838. (34) Senate and House claims. Reports, etc., 1816-1832. 8 vols. (Miscellaneous.) List, p 359 Clark, William A., investigation of right to seat in United States Senate from Montana. S. rept. 56 — 1. vols. 6, 7, 8. Clarke, M. St. Clair and D. A. Hall. Legislative and documentary history of the Bank of the United States, including the Bank of North America. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1831^ 8° (11) and Walter Lowrie. (Compilers.) American State Papers^ — a selection of important legislative and executive documents of the Congress of the U. S., 1789-1833. 38 vols. foho. AVash., Gales & Seaton, 1832. (44-45) Classical literature and antiquities, dictionary of. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1897. 4° A. Classification of United States Senators. Proceedings relating to the. Compilation brought down to the close of the 59th Congress. By Henrv H. Gilfrv. 1908. 24 pp. 8° 3 cop. X. Clay, Henr^^ [Life of,] by Carl Schurz [being vols. 19 and 20 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° F. Works of. Edited by Calvin Colton. With an introduc- tion by Thomas B. Reed and a liistory of tariff legislation 1812-1896, by WiUiam McKinley. X. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1904. 10 vols. 8° G. Clayton Act. Index-Digest of "Clayton act," Oct. 15, 1914, and of ''Kern amendment," May 15, 1916. Sen. Doc. 355; 64—1. — Powell. Investigation into certain charges. 42 — 3; S. rept. 512. (29) -Bulwer treaty and Monroe doctrine. 47 — 1 ; S. ex. doc. 194. See also Treaties, Conventions, etc. O. The Hay-Pauncefote treaty, with amendments, etc., 1 901 . 57- — 1; S. ck)c. 85. See also Treaties, Conventions, etc. O. History of amendments proposed to the, 61 — 3; S. doc. 746. N. 42 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Cleaves, Thomas P. [Compiler.] Appropriation and kindred laws of the United States. Conferences and conference reports. Statement and manual prepared by, 1902. 8° 57 — 1; S. rept. 1545. B. Cleveland, Grover. The pubhc papers of. 1889. 4° B. — Recollections of. By George F. Parker. N. Y., The Century co., 1909. 8° G. Clinton, George. First governor of New York. Pubhc papers of War of Revolution Series. Albany, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., 1899. 8° G. Coal fields of the United States. {In Twenty-second annual report of the United States Geological Survey, part iii.) 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 5. (30) land laws, and regulations thereunder. General Land Office, Int. Dept., 1907, 1917. (30) Lands. Article by Thomas P. McDonald. 1914. S. doc. 482; 63—2. Origin of. Bureau of Mines. 1913. 8° (30) trade of the United States and the world's coal suppl}'' and trade. . . . Treasury Department, Bureau of Sta- tistics. [Washington, 1900] L. C. (30) Coast Artillery. Drill regulations for. U. S. Army. 1909. (31) of British Columbia. Hydrographic office, No. 96, 1907. 8° (31) and Geodetic Survey reports. (30) List, p. 361. See Department of Commerce. (30) Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables. 1902^ 1907, 1908 to date. 4° (31) Coast pilot, U. S. Atlantic coast. Pt. VIII. 1908. 4° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] North coast of France. 1917. H. O. 132. 8° (31) — [Same.] Part V. New York to Chesapeake Bay en- trance. 4th ed. Dept. of Com. and Labor, 1909. (31) — Coast Guard, U. S. Forms of procedure for courts and boards in the. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) See List of publications relating to. 1917. 2 copies. (31) See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey catalogue, 1911. (30) 2 copies. Cobbett, William. The parliamentary history of England from the earliest period (1066) to the year 1803 (36 vols.), from which time it is continued in the work entitled ' ' The Parhamentary Debates." 8° CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 43 Cobbett, William. Parliamentary history. List, p. 637. — Parliamentary history of England. See Parliamentary history and debates. Cockrell Commission. See Commissions, etc., Executive Depts., p. 42. Cocoa, world's production of. {In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July, 1905.) 4° Code of Signals. See International, etc. Coffee, world's production of. {In Monthly Summary of Com- merce and Finance, July, 1905.) 4° Coinage and currency of the United States from 1792-1895. 8° {In Treasury Department, doc. 1801.) (31) laws of the United States, 1792-1893. 1893. 8° (10-11) 1792-1894. 1894. 8° 53—2; S. rept. 235. (31) of gold and silver. Hearings and index. 1891. 8° 51 — 2; H. rept. 3967. Coin and currency in the United States, history of. By A. B. Hepburn. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1903. 8° (10) Coin, coinage, and monetary system of the world," theory of. By J.Meyer. 1878. 8° 45— 3; H. mis. doc. 8. of the realm : "Wliat is it or, talks about gold and silver coins. By Emily C. Sharland and J. H. Norman. Lond., Waterlow & Sons, 1888. 8° 2 copies. (10) Coins, tokens, and medals, catalogue of. 1912. 8° (10) Colby, Frank Moore (editor). International _vearbook. 1898-1902. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & co. 5 vols. 4° B. Cold storage and prices. 1913. Holmes. 8° (30) Colombia. {In Bureau of the American Republics, Bulletin 33.) Settlement of differences with. Sundry documents in one volume: (1) Statement of Theodore Roosevelt, Feb. 22, 1915; (2) memorial of merchants of city of New York urging ratification of treaty; (3) treaty of Apr. 6, 1914; (4) same, with sundry statements, communications, etc.; (5) statement entitled "A chapter of national dishonor, byLeander T. Cham- berlain, 1912. S. doc. 380; 62—2. 8° (7) Colorado River of the West. J. W. Powell, 1874. (7) Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid 1892-3. 1895. 8° Colonial administration. {In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Mar., 1903. 1903.) 57—2; H.doc. 15, pt. 9. (7) and Lake Trade. By I. D. Andrews, 1852. (7) See Expansion of the U. S., territorial and commercial. History of North America from the plantation of the British Colonies tiU their revolt and declaration of inde- pendence. By James Grahame. Lond., Smith, Elder & co. Cornliill. 1836. 4 vols. 8° E. See History. 44 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Colonies. See British North American colonies. Congress of. See List, Journals of, p. 575. — history of. See History. Colonization. Government of dependencies, protectorate, and re- lated topics. List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to the theory of. Griffin. 1900. L. C. History of. By Henry C. Morris. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° E. Colton, Calvin (editor). Works of Henry Clay. Putnam's Sons, 1904. 10 vols. 8° G. Colyar, A. S. Life and times of Andrew Jackson, soldier-statesman- President. Nashville, Marshall & Bruce co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. Combattants Frangais de la Guerre Americaine, 1778-1783. Paris, 1903. 4° A. Same, with translation and index. 1905. 4° 58 — 2; S. doc. 77. A. Combinations, the laws of, embracing monopolies, trusts, and com- binations' of labor and capital; conspiracy and contracts in restraint of trade, together with Federal and State antitrust legislation. By Arthur J. Eddy. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1901. 2 vols. 8° O. monopolies and labor unions. By Frederick H. Cooke. 2d ed. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1909. 8° O. Commerce, acts to regulate, 1887-1914. 8° Rev. to Jan 1, 1914. S. doc. 475 ; 63—2. (American.) One hundred years of. By Chauncey M. Depew. N. Y., D. O. Haynes & co., 1895. 2 vols. 4° D. and finance. List, p. 366. and navigation of the U. S. List, p. 369. between the United States and Canada. (From the summary of commerce and finance, Oct., Nov., and Dec, 1896.) clause of the Federal Constitution. By Prentice and Egan. Chi., Callaghan & Co., 1898. 8° M. By Frederick H. Cooke. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1908. 8° M. Court. See United States Commerce Court. [Same.] History, duties, etc. 1913. 8° 2 cop. Department of. (Created by act of Mar. 4, 1913. 37 Stats., 736.) — : Europe, with, 1790-1890. Treas. Dept. 8° (31) internal, 'reports. List, p. 364. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 45 Commerce and Labor, Department of and kindred publi- cations. (30) Created by acts of Feb. 14, 1908 (32 Stats., 825), and Mar. 4, 1913 (37 Stats., 736). See also Labor, Department of. — Abstract Statistical, of the United States, 1878 to date. Bu. of For. and Dom. Commerce. 2 copies. (30) [Same] of foreign countries, 1909. Pts. 1-3. 2 copies, Bu. of For. and Dom. Commerce. (30) Admission of Chinese, 1907. Bu. of Immigration, Dept. of Labor. 2 copies. (30) [Same.] Treaties, laws, and rules governing, 1917. Dept. of Labor, Bu. of Immigration. 2 copies. (30) Aid to merchant shipping, Governm(*nt. 1916. Bu. of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Special Agt. series no. 119. 2 copies. (30) Alaska, U. S. coast pilot of. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 2 copies. (30) — Anthracite coal strike of 1902. See Coal strike. (30) Annual Reports of. Commissioner of Labor. 1906. (Strikes and lockouts.) 21st. (30) 1907. (Labor laws of the U. S.) 22nd. (30) 1908. (Workmen's insurance & benefit funds.) 23rd. (30) See List, p. . Benefit funds, workmen's insurance and. Twenty-third annual report of the Commissioner of Labor. 1908. (30) " Blair report " (so called). Relations between capital and labor. Investigation of the Sen. Com. on Education and Labor, under S. Res. 1882-1887. 4 vols, of testimony. 1885. Not documented. No report by committee. (30) Bulletins of Bureau of Labor. See List, p. 593. Catalogue of publications. 1918. (30) Coal strike of 1902, antliracite. Report to the President on. B}'^ U. S. Commissioners. (Tlie parties and their answers.) (Plan for trade agreement.) (30) Coast and Geodetic Survey. See Department of Com- merce. See also List, p. 361. [Same.] Centennial celebration of, 1916. (30) [Same.] List and catalogue of pubhcations 1816-1902. Reprint with supp., 1903-1908. 2 copies. [Same.] Reports. List, p. 637. Coast pilot. United States, of Alaska. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 2 copies. (30) [Same.] Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1909. 1911. 2 copies. (30) 46 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Commerce and Labor, Department of and kindred publi- cations — Continued. (30) [Sam^e.] Charts and tide tables, catalogue of, 19U. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. (30) [Same.] France, North coast of; H. O. 132. 8° 1917. (31) [Same.] Pacific coast. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. (30) [Same.] See U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey catalogues. (30) Coastwise, ocean and, steamboat-inspection service. 1916. Board of Steamboat-Inspection Service, Dept. of Commer(?e. (30) Combinations, strikes, and boycotts. See Govern- ment by Injunction. (30) By Fredericlc II. Cooke. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1908. 8° (30) M. clause of the Federal Constitution. By Prentice and Egan. Chi., Callaghan & Co., 1898. 8° M. [Same.] Foreign, of the United States. 1894. 4° [Same] and navigation of the U. S. List, p. 369. [Same] internal, reports of. List, p. 364. [Same] of the Constitution; and the trusts. An address by P. C. Knox, 1902. 8° 3 copies. S. Public documents relating to, 1816-1832. Note. — Misc. docs, bound in 5 vols. (30) Foreign and Domestic Commerce. See Department of Commerce. (30) Immigration. Department of Labor. (30) See List of publications, p. 593. — Labor. See Department of Labor. [Same.] See List of bulletins published by, p. 593, — — at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Bui. 54. Bu. of Labor. Mines. See Department of Commerce. [Same.] See list of Technical Papers pul^lished by. (30) - — — [Same.] Decisions of. See Decisions, Bu. of Mines. (30) Navigation. List of publications, p. 369. Statistics. See Department of Labor, List of publications of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, p. 593. Causes of death. Manual of the International list of. Dept. of Commerce, Bu. of the Census, 1913. 2 copies. (30) Census, Bureau of. Department of Commerce. (30) See Lists, p. 355. catalogue' of library of united states senate. 47 Commerce and Labor, Departm.ent of and kindred publi- cations — Continued. (30) Centennial celebration of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1916. (30) Charts. See Catalogue of. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1911. 2 copies. (30) [Same.] See Coast and Geodetic Survey reports. List, p. 361. [Same] coast pilots and tide tables; a catalogue ol, 1914. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1914. (30) [Same] and magnetic tables of the United States for 1915. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, serial no. 67, special pub. no. 44. 1917. 2 copies. 8° (30) — ■ Child labor, list of reference for 1916. 2 copies. (30) Chinese, Admission of, 1907. Dept. of Labor, Bu. of Immigration. 2 copies. (30) [Same.] Treaties, laws, ajid rules governing, 1917. Dept. of Labor, Bu. of Immigration. 2 copies. (30) Commerce and Labor, Department of. Officers and employees of, 1908. 2 copies. 8° (30) [Same.] 1907. 22d annual report of the Commissioner of Labor. 1,562 pp. 8° (30) [Same.] Duties of several bureaus, etc. See Histories, duties, etc. (30) [Same.] Organization and law of. 1904. 8° (30) Commerce and Navigation of the United States, 1914-1916. Bu. of Foreign and Domestic Com. 2 copies. (30) See List, p. 369. Commerce with Europe, 1790-1900. See Treas. Dept., Bu. of Statistics. (30) Commercial America. Dept. of Com. and Labor, 1908. 4° (30) [Same] and agricultural organizations of the U. S. 1912. S. Doc. 1109; 62 3. — • — — [Same] geography, handbook of. By George G. Chisholm. N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1889. 8° — [Same] laws in force relative to commercial subjects. By John Brice. Balto., Neal, Wills & Cole, 1814. 8° 2 copies. (34) — [Same] relations. Reports. List, p. 372. Commercial power of Congress, The, by Paul Jones. Privately printed. N. Y., 1904. 8° 2 copies. M. [Same] and Statistical register. By Samuel Hazard. Phila., William F. Geddes, 1828-1835. 16 vols. 8° (38) 48 CATALOGUE OF LTBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Commerce and Labor, Departm.ent of (and kindred), publi- cations—Continued. (30) [Same] regulations of the foreign countries with which the United States has commercial intercourse. (30) Commissioner of Labor, Annual reports. (30) See List, p. 613. Compressibility of natural gas. Bu. of Mines, Tech. paper 131. (30) Conspiracy. Petitions and remonstrations relating to the meaning of tlie word, and the use of "restraining orders and injunctions." 57—2; S. doc. 115. (30) 1902. 8° 2 copies. (30) See Eddy on combinations. See also Injunctions, labor and strikes. Cost of living. See Retail prices and cost of living series. Bu. of Labor Statistics. (30) Cotton production and distribution, 1916-17. (30) Death, Causes of. Manual of the International list of. Dept. of Commerce, Bu. of the Census. 1913. 2 copies. (30) Deb's conspiracy, correspondence concerning, and U. S. Gov't action on. Listed under Dept. of Justice, "Appendix to Attorney Gen's Kept., 1896." Decisions. Bu. of mines. (30) Bui. 101. Oct. 1914-Apr. 1915. 113. May-Sept. 1915. 118. Oct.-Dec. 1915. 143. May-Aug. 1916. 147. Sept.-Dec. 1916. Deep sea soundings and dredging. Sigbee, 1880. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. (30) Dependent classes, Summary of State laws relating to, 1913. Bu. of the Census. 5 copies. (30) Dictionary of commerce and commercial navigation. By J. R. McCulloch. Loud., Longmans, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1854. 2 vols. 8° See Dictionaries. Divorce. See Marriage' and divorce. Dept. of Labor. (30) [Same.] Documents relating to, Public, 1816-1832, in 5 vols. (30) Domestic commerce. See Bureau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce. (30) Dredging, Deep sea soundings and. Sigbee, 1880. LT. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. (30) Earth. The figure and isostasy. From measurements in the United States. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1909. 2 copies. (30) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 49 Commerce and Labor, Department of (and kindred), publi- cations- Oontinued. (30) [Same.] Supplemental investigations in 1909, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1910. 2 copies. (30) Eight-hour commission. Report of. 65 — 2; H. doc. 690. Employees and oflQ.cers of the Dept. of Commerce and Labor, 190S. 2 copies. 8° (30) — Europe, Commerce with, 1790-1900. See Treas. Dept., Bu. of Statistics. (30) Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of. (30) [Same] countries, witli which the United States has commercial intercourse, Commercial regulations. (30) Gas (Natural) compressibility of. Bu. of Mines, Tech. paper 131. (30) Gasoline, Motor. Bu. of Mines, Tech. paper 166. (30) Geodetic Survey. For more detailed information see " Check List " of U. S. Pub. Doc. 1789-1909. 68 CATALOGUE OP LTBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Commissions and Boards — Continued. Revision of Statutes Commission. Appointed under act approved June 4, 1897. 1 [As early as 1848 the bulk of the Statutes at large, then filling 9 volumes, led to a desire for a revision, excluding private and obsolete enactments and including the whole body of per- manent general laws of the United States in one volume. In 1848 there was a strong report from the House Judiciary Committee in favor of such a revision, and other similar reports followed, with the result that an act approved June 27, 1866 (Stat. L., v. 14, p. 74), was passed by The commissioners appointed under this act were Caleb Cushing, Charles P. James, and William Johnson. The first appropriation to carry out this law was in an act approved Mar. 2, 1867 (Stat. L., v. 14, pp. 455, 456), and it is not probable that the commissioners beg^n work before the appropriation became available. Cushing was sent to Bogota in 1868 to adjust a diplomatic dispute, and it does not appear that he acted further with the commission. The official register of 1869 contains only the names of James and Johnson as conunLssioners. By act approved May 4, 1870 (Stat. L., v 16, p. 96), the law of June , 1866, was extended three years longer, and the names of tlie commissioners as given in the official register were Charles P. James, Benj. Vaughan Abbott, and Victor C. Barringer. Several reports were made by the commissioners in which it appeared that they had made many minor changes in the wording of the statutes, though such changes were noted in the margins. Their work was not acceptably for the reason that it was regarded as impossible to enact a revision of the statutes proposing so many changes. An act approved Mar. 3, 1873 (Stat. L., v. 17, p. 579), was passed putting the work under the control of a joint committee of the House and Senate, composed of Members and Senators appointed from the Committees on the Revision of the Laws of the Senate and House, respectively, which was authorized to receive from the commissioners whatever reports they should make, and discharge them when their term of service expired, wliich was May 4, 1873. 'I'he joint com- mittee was also authorized to contract with some person or persons, learned in the law, to complete the work of revising the statutes of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson Durant was selected to continue and finish the work. Durant revised the commissioners' work, and his revision was introduced in the House as a bill of the 43d Congress, 1st session, Dec. 10, 1873, by Benjamin F. Butler, being given the mmiber 11. 121.'). 'I'he cojjy of this bill in the Public Documents Library is without title-page, bill number, or heading, the lines being numbered by sections as bills usually are, bound in leather, with back title: Proposed revision of laws, 1873. This bill was referred to the Committee on Revision of the Laws, and copies sent to many distinguished lawyers throughout the United States, that it might be examined and made as perfect as possible when reported to the House. Tlie title given to the bjll on its second reading in the House was" BUI to revLse and consolidate statutes of United States in force on 1st day of December, 1873." It jjassed the House, was engrossed, and sent to the Senate, where it also passed. The copy of the act in the Public Documents Library bears the aiitograph signatures of James G . Blaine, Speaker of the House, Matthew H. Carpenter, President of the Senate, and the approval of the act signed by U. S. Grant, President of the United States. This copy was presented by Luke P. Poland to Dr. Wm. K. Mehaffey, at that time a reading clerk of the House. The act was approved June 22, 1874, and published in 1875, the volume containing also, as an appendix, an act to correct errors and supply omissions, approved Feb. 18, 1875. A report by Durant, made to the joint committee and embodying a statement of the changes he had made in the work of the commissioners, is referred to by Mr. Poland in the debates on the bill before the House of Representatives, for which s«e Congressional Record, Jan. 21, 1874. This report is supposed to have been published, though diligent inquii y has failed to locate a copy. Durant also revised the laws relating to the District of Columbia, and compiled the Indian treaties, the post-road bill, and the bill regulating the punishment for military offenses. In 1877, George S. Boutwell was appointed a commissioner for tlie purpose of preparing and publishing a new edition of the 1st volume of the Revised statutes. This edition was pub- lished in 1878, and is the legal standard. ] Santo Domingo Commission. Report of commission of inquiry to Santo Domingo, with introductory message of President, special reports made to commission, state papers furnished by Dominican Government, and statements of over 70 witnesses. 1871. ([42d Cong., 1st sess. S. ex. doc. 9]; serial no. 1466.) 1 Check List of U. S., 1789-1909. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 69 Commissions and Boards — Continued. Silver Commission of 1876. See Monetaiy (or Silver) Commission oi United States, 1S76. Spanish "Treaty Claims Commission. [Organized Apr. S, 1901, iindpr ;irt approved Mar. 2, 1901 (Stat. L., v. 31, p. 877). This act provided that the commission should consist of 5 members to be appointed by the President, and that their power and. jurisdiction should end 2 years from date of act The President w;vs given power to grant 6 months extensions from time to time. The commission finally liecame e.\tinct May 2, 1910. Hy the Treaty of Paris, Deceinber, 189X, the liiited States and Spain mutually agreed to relinquish all claims for indemnity against each other, indixidual as well as national, the United States at the same time agreeing to adjudicate and settle the claims of its citizens against Spain. It was for the examination of the^e claims that the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission was created. During the 9 years of its existence it examined 542 claims, involving Sb4,9:il,69'l. It awarded altogether only $1,387,845. Altliough this checklist is intended to end with the calendar year 1909, an exception has been made for the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, and the final publications issued by it in 1910 have been added in order to make the list of its publications complete.] Tariff Commission, 1882. Report. 1882. v. 1. ([47th Cong., 2dsess. H. misc. doc. 6, pts. 1-2]; vols. 2-3.) [Same.] See Tariif Commission. (20) Tuberculosis Committee. Government employees. Prevention of tuberculosis among Government employees; prepared [by committee appointed] by Executive order of Dec. 7, 1905. [1906.] (Forml.) [Also, rearranged in Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Annual report, 1906.] [Form 2 was a broadside consisting of regulations to prevent spread of tuberculosis in Govern- ment buildings, etc., foimd on pp. 11 and 12 of the above publication. Form 3 was an anti- spitting notice also published as a broadside. Both of these forms were intended for display in public buildings.] — — — Venezuelan Boundary Commission. Report and accompanying papers of commission appointed by President to investigate and report upon true divisional Ime between Venezuela and British Guiana. 55 — 2; S. doc. 91, pts. 1-4; vols. 6-9. War Investigating Commission (or Dodge Commission). Report of commission appomted by President to investigate conduct of War Department in War with Spain. 1899. [An 8 volume report under the same title, including this report as part of v. 1, appears as 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate document 221, serial nos. 3859-66.] ' Washington Monument, Joint Commission to Com- plete. Report of joint commission created to direct and supervise completion of Washington Monument. 1877. Wireless Telegraphy, Inter-Departmental Board on. Wireless telegraphy, report of inter-departmental board appointed by President to consider question of wireless teleg- raphy m service of National Government. 1904. 25 p. Not documented. 70 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Commissions and Boards — Continued. Wireless Telegraphy, etc. — Continued. [Same] [with omission] 1904. 24 p. Not documented. [Same] [with omission and with Comments of board on letter submitted by James R. Sheffield]. 1905. 40 p. Not documented. Yorktown Monument or Centennial Commission. Report of commission created for erection of monument at Yorktown, Va., commemorative of surrender of Lord Corn- wallis. 1883. [2088-1003] 47-2; S. rep. 1003; vol. 2. [Annual reports of the engineer detailed by the Secretary of War at the request of the commis- sion to be in charge of the erection of the Yorktown Monument, 1882-84, appear in annual reports of War Department, 1882-84.] Commercial regulations of foreign countries, Digest of. 1833. 2 copies. (47) ' [Same.] 1836. Vols. 2 and 3. 5 copies. (47) Commission of fine arts. Report for year ending June 30, 1912. S. doc. 960: 62-3. ■ (Philippine) journal. See Pliilippine Commission, etc. List, p. — . Committee on public information. T. (Established by order of the President April 14, 1917.) I. RED, WHITE, AND BLUE SERIES. No. 1. How the War Came to America (English, German, Polish, Bohemian, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish). No. 2. National Service Handbook (primarily for libraries, schools, Y. M. C. A.'s, clubs, fraternal organizations, etc., as a guide and reference work on all forms of war activity, civil, charitable, and military). Price, 15 cents. No. 3. The Battle Line of Democracy. Prose and Poetry of the Great War. Sold at cost. Price, 15 cents. No. 4. The President's Flag Day Speech with Evidence of Germany's Plans. No. 5. Conquest and Kultur. Aims of the Germans in Their Own Words, by Wallace Notestein and E. E. Stoll. No. 6. German War Practices, by D. C. Munro, G. C. Sellery, and A. C. Krey. No. 7. War Cyclopedia. A Handbook for Ready Reference in the Great War. Paxon-Corwiu-Harding. » II. WAR INFORMATION SERIES. No. J . The War Message and Facts Behind It. No. 2. The Nation in Arms, by Secretaries Lane and Baker. No. 3. The Government of Germany, by Prof. Charles D. Hazen. No. 4. The Great War: from Spectator to Participant, by. Prof. A. G. McLaughlin. No. 5. A AVar of Self Defense, by Secretary Lansing and Assistant Secretary of 'Labor Louis F. Post. CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 71 No. 6. American Loyalty by Citizens of German Descent. No. 7. Amerikanische Biirgertreue. A translation of No. G. No. 8. American Interest in Popular Government Abroad, Ijy Prof. E. B. Greene. No. 9. Home Reading Course for Citizen-Soldiers. No. 10. First Session of the War Congress, by Charles Merz. Other issues will appear shortly. III. OFFICIAL BULLETIN. An ace mate daily statement of what all agencies of government are doing in war times. Committee on Ways and Means, H. of R. Tariff Hearings 1909, Schedules A to N, Free and Misc. List. Pages 1-8426, bound in 14 volumes including index and appendix. (20) Commonwealth, the American. By James Brvce. Lond., Mac- niillan & co., 1888. 1001, 1910. 8° E. Compensation for accidents to employees of the U. S. 1908- 1913. Report of operations under act of May 30, 1908. H. doc. 1135; 63 — 2. See Workmen's compensation and Em- ployers' liability. laws of the U. S. and foreign countries. Dept. of Labor. 1917. 8° 2 copies. (30) Compilation of laws relating to accounts of deceased officers and enlisted men of the Army, etc. 1909. 8° (3U) Compiled Statutes. See V. S. Statutes. Composition and proof reading in the Government Prnitino Office, manual of style. 8° B. Comprehensive index to the publications of the LTnited States Government. See Public documents. Comptroller of the Currency, Report. List, p. 375. [Same.] Annual report of) 1912. With appendices. Treas. Dept. doc. 2662. 1913. (31) of the Treasury. Decisions and digests of the. 1894 to date. 8° (34) Decisions and digests of the first and second comp- trollers. (34) Concordance of the Bible, the exhaustive. Showing every word of the text of the common English version of the canonical books, etc. By James Strong. N. Y., Eaton & Mains [1890]. 4° B. Conduct of the War of the Rebellion. Supplemental report of a joint committee on. 38 — 2; S. rept. 142. E. Confederacy, messages and papers of the. See Messages and pa- pers, etc. IT. Confederate States of America. See Congress of the. Constitution. Quotations from, by J M. Matthews. S. doc. 181; 63—1. 72 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Confederation, Secret journals of the Continental. List, p. — . Congress of the. /S'ee Madison Papers ; also Elhot's debates. Conference Reports (Senate). Cleaves, S. rep. 1545; 57 — 1; Gil- fry, S. doc. 33; 65—1. Conferences (Peace) Central America. Held at Washington, 1907. Report of Wm. L. Buchanan. Brussels, 1874. Report of Sir A. Horsford, delegate on the part of Gt. Brit., on Rules of Mihtary Warfare. 8° O. Hague and Geneva Conventions, 1911. Navy Dept. S° O. Peace Conferences at, 1899, 1907. By James Brown Scott. Bos. 1908. Ginn & co. 8° O. Also, H. doc. 1151; 63—2. International conference (second) of American States. Report. 1902. 57— 1; S. doc. 330. Monetary. List of reports, p. 623. See Monetary Con- ferences. Universal Peace Congress. Held in London. Proceed- ings. Lond., Ileadley Bros., 1890. 8° O. Confidential printed documents, U. S. Senate, 1821-1869. (38) Conflict of laws. See Wharton. Congress. A history of national legislation and political events, 1774-1895. By J. W. Moore. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1895. 8° E. — Cabinet. Shall cabinet officers have seats in Con- gress? H. B. Learned. 1914. (7) S. Ref. (14) — Dictionary of, 1789-1859. By Charles Lanman. Dates of meeting, 1789-1820. List, p. 375. Eight years in, from 1857-1865. Memoirs and speeches of Samuel S. Cox. N. Y., D.^Appleton & co., 1865. 8° G. — — History of. 1789-1793. (7) Journals of. General personal index, from the First to Eighth Congress, inclusive. 1885. 4° 48— 2; H. rept. 2692. — Journals of, public, 1774-1788. Wash., Way & Gideon, 1823. 8° 4 vols. 10 copies. (38) Journal of. 1780-1788. Philadelphia. Folwell's Press. Vols. 6-13. 1801. (38) Journals of, secret, 1775-1788, from the first meeting to the dissolution of the confederation, by the adoption of the Constitution. Bost., T. B. Wait, 1821. ' 8° 4 vols. X. 10 copies. (38) of the Confederation, secret journals of. Thomas B. Wait, Boston, 1821. 4vols. 8° X. lOcopies. (38) List, p. 575. of the Colonies, Journals of. List, p. 575. CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 73 Congress — Continued. of the Confederate States of America, 1861-1865, Jour- nals of the. 1904. (7) (58— 2; S. doc. 234.) List, p. 575 (Continental), Journals of. 1904, 1907. vols. 1-7. 1774-1777. 4° X. Universal, Lawyers and Jurists, 1904. (22) Congressional Committees. A study of the origin and development of. By Lauros G. McConachie. N. Y., Thos. Y. Crowell & CO. 8° X. — - — Debates. List, p. 382. [Same.] Directories. List, p. 376. (9) [Same.] 1913 to date. Not documented. 5 copies. (9) [Same.] Directory, biographical, 1774-1911. 4° Ref. [Same.] Documents, early. By Gen. A.W.Greely. 1900. 8° 56—1 ; S. doc. 428. (7) [Same.] Globe. List, p. 383. [Same.] Political register and, 1776-1878. By Ben. P. Poore. Bost., Houghton, Osgood & co., 1778. 4° (7) [Same.] Practice. A manual of. By Thomas H. McKec. (Red book.) Wash., Thomas H. McKee, 1891. 8" B. [Same.] Record. List, p. 388. [Same.] Register, or history of the proceedings and de- bates in the first House of Representatives of the United States at New York, JMar. 4, 1789. Taken in shorthand by Thomas Lloyd, vol. 1. N. Y., Harrison & Purdy, 1789. 8° X. [Same.] Term. Wlien does it begin and end ? Compiled by Henry M. Rose, Asst. Sec'y U. S. Senate, 1911. 8° (7) Conkling, Alfred R. (editor). Life and letters of Roscoe Conkling. Webster & co., 1889. 8° G. — Roscoe. Life and letters of. Alfred R. Conkling. Web- ster & CO., 1889. 8° G. Connecticut, Colony of, 1689 to 1706. By Charles J. Hoadly. (7) Military and civil history of. 1861-65. (7) Connelley, Wm. E. Life of Preston B. Plumb. Chi. Browne & Howell CO. 1913. 8° H. Conservation Commission. See National, etc. of Water Powers. By R. G. Brown. 1913. S. doc. 14; 63—1. Consolidated Index of the United States Statutes at Large, 1789- 1903. By Edward C. Goodwin and James M. Baker. 1906. 4 vols. 4° Ref. Conspiracy. Petitions and remonstrances relating to the meaning of the word, and the use of "restraining orders and injunc- tions." 57—2; S. doc. 115. (30) 74 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. I Conspiracy — Continued. — See Eddy on combinations. O. See also Injunctions, labor, and strikes. Conquest, The. A true story of Lewis and Clark. By Eva Emery Dye. Chi., A. C. McClurg & co., 1902. 8° F. Constitution, The English. Anson, William II. The law and custom of the Constitu- tion. Part l,ParHament. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1897. 8° of the Confederate States. Quotations from statutes at large, of. James A. Matthews. S. doc. 181; 63 — 1. of the United States. M. Amended to May 1, 1913, including the 16th and 17th amendments. S. doc. 12; 63 — 1. M. Amending. See Method of, etc. American Constitutions. A compilation of the political constitutions of the independent nations of the world; with short historical notes and various appendixes. Bureau of American Republics. 1906. By Jose Ignacio Rodriguez. 2 vols. 4° Ames, Herman V. Amendments proposed to the Const, of the United States, 1789-1889. 54th Cong., 2d sess.; H. doc. 353, pt. 2. 8° M. Authorship of Constitution explained. James Madison and Pelatiah Webster defended by Hannis Taylor, etc. S. doc. 787; 62—2. 4° M. Bancroft, George. History of the formation of the Consti- tution of the United States of America. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1882. 2 vols. 8° M. Boutmy, Emile. Studies in constitutional law — France, England, United States. London, Macmillan & co., 1891. 8° (34) Commentary on the, reprinted from the original text of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison; being vols. 11 and 12 of The Works of Alex. Hamilton. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Federal edition. N. Y., Putnam's sons, 1904. 8° H. . Commerce clause of the Constitution, and the trusts. Anti-trust law, 1890-1903. 1903. 3 copies. 8° S. Confederacy, Constitution of the. See Messages and papers of the confederacy. H. Constitutional Government in the U. S. ByWoodrow AVilson. N. Y., Col. Uni. Press, 1911. 8° F. Constitutional and military law of the United States. An introduction to the study of. 1890. 8° Ref. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 75 Constitution of the United States — Continued. Constitutions and charters, beino; the Federal and State constitutions, colonial chartei-s, and other organic laws of the States, Territories, and colonies now or heretofore forming tlie U. S. A. By Francis Newton Thorpe. 59—2; H. doc. 357. vols. 87-91, pt. 3. 7 vols. ' ' '" Constitutions of the several States of the I'nion and United States in the year 1859. Including the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation, and with an essay on changes prior to the year 1879. N. Y., A, S^, Barnes &CO. 8° M. . Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the constitutional limi- tations which rest upon the legislative power of the States of the American Union. 6th edition, giving the results of recent cases, by Alexis C. Angell. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1890. 8° M. — General principles of constitutional law in the United States. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1898. 8° Courts, and the. An address before the American Bar Association. 1912. By George Sutherland. Sen. doc. 970; 62—3. M. Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitutional history of the United States from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their civil war. N. Y., Harper & bro., 1899. 2 vols. 8° M. Cushing, Luther S. Elements of the law and practice of legislative assemblies in the United States. 9th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1874. 8° X. Desty, Robert. The Constitution of the United States. 2d ed. With supplement and tables of cases by Albert Brunner. San F., Bancroft-Whitney co., 1887. 3 vols. 12° M. (34) The Constitution of the Linited States. San F., Sumner, A^liitney & co., 1881. 12° 4 copies. (34) Digest and Manual of the lules and practice of the House of Representatives. N. List, p. 401. (12) Dillon, John M. Complete constitutional decisions of John Marshall, annotated. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 8° M. Documentary history of the Constitution of the United States, 1787-1870. Wash., 1894-1900. 5 vols. 4° Vols. 1, 2, 3, 56 — 2; H. doc. 529. Vols. 4 and 5 not documented. 2 copies. M. Elliot, Jonathan. The debates in the several State conven- tions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1S61. 5 vols. 8° 5 copies. M. 76 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Constitution of the United States — Continued. Federal and State constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the United States. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 1872. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. (34) • (Federal) Convention of 1787, the Journal of the. By James Madison. See Madison Papers, vols. 2 and 3; also Writings of James Madison, vols. 3 and 4; also Yates and Martin Notes on, M.; also Elliott's debates, M. ; also, note, p. 449. Federalist, The. A commentary on the Constitution of the United States. By A. Hamilton, J. Madison, and J. Jay, (Universal Classics Library, vols. 10, 11.) I. 5. [Same.] By Paul Leicester Ford. N. Y., Henry Holt & CO., 1898. 8° M. [Same] on the new Constitution, written in lisS, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay, with an appendix. The numbers written by Mr. Madison, corrected by himself. Prefatory remarks dated at city of Wash., May, 1818. Hollo- well, Masters, Smith & co., 1852. 8° M. Federalist, The a collection of essays written in favor of the new Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal conven- tion, Sept., 1787. Reprinted from the original text. By Henry B. Dawson. N. Y., Chas. Scribner, 1863. 2 vols. 8° (34) Fisher, Sydney George. The evolution of the Constitution of the United States. Phila., J.B.Lippincott co.,1897. 8° (34) Ford, Paul L. The Federahst. N. Y., Holt & co., 1898. 8° 2 copies. M. Foster, Roger. Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, historical and juridical. Bost., Boston Book CO., 1895. vol. 1. 8° 2 copies. M. Fourteenth amendment. Adoption of. By H. E. Flack. Balto., Johns Hopkins Press, 1908. 8° M. Guthrie, William D. Lectures on the fourteenth amend- ment to the Constitution of the LTnited States. Bost., 1898, 8° M. Hall, William E. A treatise on international law. 4th and 6th editions, 1895 and 1909. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 8° O. Hickey, William. Constitution of the United States, with proceedings of the Continental Congress. Bait., John Murphy & CO., 1879. 8° 4 copies. M. history of the New York, from the beginning of the colonial period to the year 1905. By Charles Z. Lincoln. Roch., Lawyers coop. pub. co., 1906. 5 vols. 8° F. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF TTNITED STATES SENATE. 77 Constitution of the United States — Continued. Hoist, H. von. The constitutional antl political liistory of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1877. 7 vols. 8° M. Hunt, Gaillard. Pelatiah Webster and the Constitution. Sen. doc. 402; 62—2. M. Jameson, John A. Treatise on constitutional conventions, their history, power, and modes of proceeding. 4th ed. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1887. 8° M. Lodge, Henry Cabot. An address. Raleigh, X. C, 1911. 62— 2; Sen. Doc. 122. 8. M. Marshall, John. Complete constitutional tlecisions of, an- notated. John M. Dillon. Chi.,Callaghan&co.,1903. 8° M. Meigs, William M. The growth of the Constitution in the Federal convention of 1787. 2d ed. Phila., J. B. Lippincott CO., 1900. 8° M. Memorial, A, of the architect of our Federal Constitution. By Pelatiah Webster of Phila. 1 783. Edited by Hannis Tay- lor. 60— 1; S. doc. 461. 4° M. Method of amending the Federal Constitution. By Wm. P. Potter. 1909. 8° M. Miller, Samuel Freeman. Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. N. Y., Banks &bro., 1893. 8° 2 copies. M. Modern. A collection of the fundamental laws of twenty- two of the most important countries of the world, with historical §,nd bibliographical notes. By Walter F. Dodd. Chi. Uni. Press, 1912. 8° 2 vols. M. Paschal, George W. The Constitution of the United States. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1868. 8° M. — • Pomeroy, John N. An introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. Ind., Bowen-Merrill co., 1888. 8° M. Potter, Wm. P. Method of amending the Federal Consti- tution. An address before the law department of the Univ. of Pa. 1909. 8° M. Powers of the National Government, under the, by Geo. Sutherland. An article in the North American Review for March, 1910. Sen. doc. 417; 61 2. M. — Prentice, E. Parmalee, and John G. Egan. The Commerce clause of the Federal Constitution. Chi., Callaghan & co,, 1898. 8° 2 copies. M. Rules and Manual of the United States Senate. N. List, p. 402. (12) Sergeant, Thomas. Constitutional law. Being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. 2d ed. Phila., P. A. Nicklin and T. Johnson, 1830. 8° M. 78 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Constitution of the United States — Continued. Sterne, Simon. Constitutional history and political devel- opment of the United States. N. Y., Cassell, Fetter, Galpin & CO. [1882]. 8° M. Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1858. 2 vols. 8° M. — [Same.] 5th ed. Edited by Melville G. Bigelow. Bost., 1891. 2 vols. 8° M. Supreme Court and the. By Chas. A. Beard. N. Y. Macmillan co., 1916. 8°. M. Supreme Court and its appellate powers under the. Countryman. Albany, Bender and co., 1913. 8°. Sutherland, George. The powers of the National Govern- ment. (Ariicle in the North American Review for March, 1910.) Sen. doc. 417; 61— 2. M. Sutherland, George. The Courts and the Constitution. (An address before the American Bar Association, 1912.) Sen. doc. 970; 62—3. M. Sutherland, William A. Notes on the Constitution of the United States. San F., Bancroft- Whitney co., 1904. 8° M. Taylor, Hannis. Editor of a memorial of the architect of our Federal Constitution. Sen. doc. 461; 60—1. Also, ''Au- thorship of Constitution explained." James Madison and Pelatiah Webster defended. Sen. doc. 787;. 62— 2. Thayer, James B. Cases on constitutional law. Camb., Charles W. Sever & co., 1895. 2 vols. 8° M. Thorpe, Francis N. The constitutional history of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1901. 3 vols. 8° M. Constitutions and charters, Federal and State. 1909. 59— 2; II. doc. 357. 7 vols. 8° M. Tucker, John R. The Constitution of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1899. 2 vols. 8° M. Von Hoist, H. See Hoist, H. von. M. — Watson, David K. The constitution, its history, appHca- tion and construction. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1910. 2 vols. 8° M. Webster, Pelatiah. A memorial in behalf of the architect of our Federal Constitution. By Pelatiah W^ebster of Phila., 1783. Edited by Ilannis Taylor. Sen. doc. 461; 60—1. See, also, an article by Gaillard Hunt, in "The Nation" of Dec. 28, 1911. Sen. doc. 402; 62—2. M. Willoughtay, Westel Woodbury. Constitutional law of the U. S. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & co., 1910. 2 vols. 8° M. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 79 Constitution of the United States — Continued. See aim List of books in the Library ol Congress, relating to. Griffin, 1903. See also Commercial power of Congress. Constitutions, American. See American Constitutions. and charters, Federal, State, and Colonial, in the U. S. A. By Francis Newton Thorpe. 59—2; H. doc. 357. vols. 87- 91, pt. 3. 7 vols. List, p. 399. Consular regulations, 1896. 54 — 2; H. doc. 303. Reports. Index to. 1887-1902. 8° vols. 1-63. See List, p. 403. Service. List of references on. Griffin. 1905. L. C. System. A manual for. Wash., Taylor & Maury, 1856. 8° Contest for sound money. Hepburn. See Coin and currency. Contested election cases. Contested election cases in Congress, from the year 1789 to 1834, inclusive. Compiled by M. St. Clair Clarke and D. A. Hall. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1834. 8° X. ■- From 1834 to 1865, inclusive. Compiled by D. W. Bartlett. 1865. 8° 38—2; H. mis. doc. 57. X. House of Representatives. Digest of election cases, from 1865-1871. 41—2; H. mis. doc. 152. [Same.] Digest, 1871-1876. 45— 2; H. mis. doc. 52. [Same.] Digest, 1876-1880. 47— 1; H. mis. doc. 57. [Same.] Digest, 1880-1882. 47—2; H. mis. doc. 35. [Same.] Digest, 1883-1889. 50—2: H. mis. doc. 63. — [Same.] Digest, 1891. 51—2; H. mis. doc. 137. [Same.] Digest, 1891-1893. 53— 3; H. mis. doc. 77. Historical and legal digest of all the contested election cases in the House of Representatives of the United States from the First to Fifty-sixth Congress, 1789-1901. By Ches- ter H. Rowell. 1901. 8° 56— 2; H. doc. 510. X. Senate election cases, compilation of, from 1789 to 1885. By George S. Taft. 1885. 8° 49— 1; S. mis. doc. 47. X. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1893. By George P. Furber. 52—2; S. mis. doc. 67, vol. 6. X. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1903. By George M. Buck, 58 — spec, sess.; S. doc. 11, vol. 3. X. [Same.] 1789-1913. By Charles A. Webb and Herbert R. Pierce. 62—3; S. doc. 1036. X. See Precedents. 80 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Continental Confederation, secret journal of. List, p. 575. Congress, Address and recommendations to the States by the United States in Congress assembled. Philadelphia: printed 1783. Boston: Reprinted, by order of the Hon. House of representatives of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1783. L. C. [Same.] Journals of, 1774-1789. Edited from the original records in the Library of Congress. 4° List, p. 577. X. [Same]. Journals (secret) of 1774-1778. X. List, p. 575. X. 10 copies. (38) — Washington's correspondence with. (L. C.) Fitzpat- rick, 1906. Contingent Expenses of the House of Representatives, reports on. See List, p. 406. of the Senate. See Senate, reports of Secretary. List, p. 681. Contracts, law of. By Theophilus Parsons. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1857. 8^^ Ref. Conventions, constitutional. By John A. Jameson. 4th ed. Chi., Callaghan & co. 1887. 8° M. national, etc. See Democratic, Republican, etc. Convict Labor, 20th annual report of commission, 1905. Cook, William W. A treatise on the law of corporations having a capital stock. 5th ed. Chic, Callaghan & co., 1903. 3 vols. 8° Ref. Cooke, Frederick H. Combinations, monopolies and labor unions. 2d ed. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1909. 8° Ref. Commerce clause of the federal constitution. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & co., 1908. 8° M. Cooley, Thomas M. A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the States of the American Union. 6th ed., with large additions, giving the results of the recent cases. By Alexis C. Angell. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1890. 8° See Constitution. M. General principles of constitutional law in the United States. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1898. 8° See Constitution. M. Commentaries on the laws of England. (Cooley 's Blackstone.) 4th ed. Edited by Cooley & Andrews. 2 vols. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1899. 8° Ref. (editor.) See Blackstone. Coolidge, Louis A. Orville H. Piatt; An Old-Fashioned Senator. N. y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1910. 8° H. Cooper, Thomas V. American politics from the beginning to date. Phila., Fireside publishing co., 1883. 8° B. Copyright, bibliography relating to. By T. Solberg. {In Publish- er's Weekly, Apr. 8, 1882.) (7) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 81 Copyright, in Congress, 1789-1904. A bibliography and chrono- logical record of all proceedings in Congress in relation to copy- right from Apr. lo, 1789, to Apr. 28, 1904, First Congress, first session, to Fift3^-eighth Congress, second session. Copyright Office BuUetin No. 8. 1905. (7) Enactments, 1783-1906. By T. Solberg. (Copyright Office BuUetin No. 8.) (7) Law of the United States in force Nov. 15, 1906. By T. Solberg. 1906. 8° (Copyright Office Bulletin No. 1.) 2 copies. S. [Same.] July 1, 1909. Copyright Office Bulletin No. 14. 1909. 8° S. ^ [Same.] With rules for practice and procedure. 1916. 8° 2 copies. S. International. Report on the effect of in the United States. By Carroll D. Wright. 1901. 8° 56— 2; S. doc. 87. (30) Corporations, Bureau of. Annual reports of commissioner. List, p. 409. Special reports on investigations, etc., will be found noted in annual reports and document indexes. A treatise on the law of. By Wm. W. Cook. 5th ed. Chi., Callaghan cS: co., 1903. 8° 3 vols. O. Federal control of. See Library of Congress publications, Federal control, etc. In the District of Columbia. See District of Columbia. Laws of sundry States, information as to procedure inci- dent to incorporation and taxation of in State of New York, •entitled. Where and How. By John S. Parker. 3d ed. New York. The Brown-Green Co., 1907. 8° Ref. State laws concerning foreign. Bu, of Corp., 1915. 8° Ref. Taxation of. Pt. 1. New England. Pt. 2. Middle Atlan- tic States. Pt. 3. Eastern Central States. Pt. 4. Western Central States. Pt. 5. Mountain and Pacific States. Pt. 6. Southern and Southwestern States. Comr. of Corporations. 1909-12, and special report, 1913. (Not documented.) 8° Ref. (20) Corporation-tax cases, 1911, when U. S. Supreme Court sustained law imposing an excise tax on incomes of corpora- tions. H. doc. 601-; 62—2. Transportation by water. Report of the Comr. of. Pts. 1-4°. 1909-1912. 8° (23) • — and the State. By Theo. E. Burton. N. Y. and Lond. D. Appleton & co., 1911. 8° Ref. 49183—18 G 82 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF LTNITED STATES SENATE. Cost of living, The. Massachusetts, 1910. Report of the Commis- sion on the cost of living. Bost., Wright & Potter, 1910. 8° (41) [Same.] See Retail Prices. (30) Digest of report of British board of trade. Bull. No. 93, U. S. Bureau of Labor. 62 — 1 ; S. doc. 38. See, also, Wages and prices. Costa Rica, and her future. By Paul Biolley. Translated from the French by Cecil Charles. • Judd & Detweiler, 1889. 8° C. (7) See American Republics, Bureau of. C. Cotter, A. Historyof United States Steel Corporation, 1916. 8° 1.4. Cotton Exchanges. Special report by Commissioner of Corpora- tions. Five parts. 1908-9. H. docs. 912, 942; 60—1. (7) See, also, annual report for 1912, and document index. Plant, the. Its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses. 8° 54— 2; H. doc. 267. (7) — sold to the Confederate States. S. doc. 987; 62— 3. (7) Coudert, Frederic R. Addresses, histoiical, political, sociological. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. The Knickerbocker Press, 1905. 8° G. Coues, Elliott (editor). Lewis and Clark expedition. N. Y., Francis P. Harper, 1893. 4 vols. 8° F. Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. New ed. N. Y., F. P. Harper, 1895. 3 vols. 8° F. Counsel, Edward. Maxims; political, philosophical, and moral. 2d ed. Melbourne, A. H. Massina & co., 1892. 12° B. Count of electoral vote. See Electoral Commission. F. Countryman, Edwin.- The Supreme Court of the U. S. and its appellate power under the constitution. Albany, 1913.- 8° Court of Claims. History, jurisdiction, and practice of the. By William A. Richardson. 2d ed. 1885. 8° R. Digest of the decisions of the Court of Claims, the Supreme Court, the Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Circuit and Dis- trict courts in suits against the U. S. By C. W. Maupin. Balto., Lord Balto. Press, 1907. 8° (35) Judgments rendered by, for year ended Nov. 30, 1907. Nos. 37-956, with exceptions. 60—1; H. doc. vol. 107. Reports of. List, p. of Customs Appeals. See United States Court of Customs Appeals. — of inquiry. Proceedings, findings, and opinions of the coin^t of inquiry convened under the act of Congress February 13, 1874, in the case of Brig. Gen. Oliver O. Howard, U. S. Army. 1874. 8° H. Supreme, of the United States. By Hampton L. Carson. Phila., A. R. Keller co., 1892. 2 vols. 4° A. See United States Supreme Court Reports, List of, p. 697. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 83 Courtney, Lord of Penwith. See Carnegie endowment for inter- national peace. Courts -martial. A manual for, and of jirocedure under, military law. 2d c(l. 1908. S° (31) of equity of the U. S. Rules of practice. 1912. S. doc. 972; 62—3. of the United States. Organization, jurisdiction, and prac- tice of . 57—1; S. doc. 68. See Report of the commission to revise and codify the laws of the United States. 1906. 2 vols. 4° [Same.] 60—1; H. rept. 2, pt. 1. Manual of, U. S. Army. 1917. 8°. Ref. Cox, Samuel S. Eight years m Congress, 1857-1865. D. Appleton & CO., 1865. 8° G. Three Decades of Federal Legislation. Union-Dis- union-Reunion. 1855-1885. Prov. J. A. & R. A. Reid. 1885. 8° G. Crabb's English synonymes. By George Crabb. N. Y. and Lond., Harper &, Bros., n. d. 8° B. Cralle, Richard K. (editor). Works of John C. Calhoun. N. Y. D. Appleton & co., 1854. 6 vols. 8° G. Note. — 2 copies of vols. 4, 5, and C. Cram, Geo. F. Quick reference atlas and gazetteer of the world. N. Y. and Chic, 1907. 2 copies. B. Standard American railway system atlas of the world, 1908. N. Y. and Chic, 1908. 3 copies. A. and Senate Chamber. Crandall, Samuel B. Treaties, their making and enforcement. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1904. S° (Columbia Uni- versity Publication, No. 1.) N., 2 copies. Crawford, John Martin. Russia, industries of St, Petersburg, 1893. vol. 1. 4° (19) Credit mobilier. Investigation by House committees. Reports made by Messrs. Poland, Wilson, and Butler. 42 — 3; H. rept. 77. (7) Investigation by Senate committee. Morrill's report, and Patterson's "observations." 42—3; S. rept. 519. T. 1. Creighton, Bishop (Mandell). Cardinal Wolsey. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1906. 12° (Twelve English Statesmen.) G. 1. Criminal Code of the U. S. With an appendix containing a ref- erence to all laws of a general nature, permanent in character, in force Dec. 1, 1909, having penal provisions, etc. 4° 35 Stats, p. 1088. Ref. 84 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Criminal Pauper, and defective classes. Statistics of crime, suicide, insanity, and other forms of abnormality. By Arthur MacDonald. Bureau of Education, 1903. 8° 58 — special: S. doc. 12. (7) See Abnormal man. Crises and depressions. See Financial crises, etc. Crocker, Uriel H. Cause of hard times. Bost., 1895. 16° Cromwell, Oliver. By Frederick Harrison. Lond-. and N. Y., Mac- millan & CO., 1907. 12° (Twelve EngHsh Statesmen.) G. 1. Crops, acreage of. See Agricultural, graphic album. A. Cruise of the United States revenue-cutter Bear. See Wrecked whalers, etc. 56 — 2; H. doc. 511. Cuba, (7) census of, 1899. War Department. 8° Commercial Cuba in 1905. {In Monthly Summary of Com- merce and Finance, May, 1905.) 4° Customs tariffs. See Tariffs. — Free trade with. Speech of Jas. H. Wilson. 61 — 1; S, doc. 17. Gazetteer of. Bulletin No. 192. U. S. Geological Survey. By Henry Gannett, 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 474. [Same.] With an additional report on the Isle of Pines. Import duties of. Bureau of American Republics, Bul- letin No. 10. 8° 1891. Law of criminal procedure. See Law. Map of. See Atlases and maps. Magoon report. Report of provisional governor. 1907. S. doc. 155; 60—1. Proposed constitution for the official acceptance of the "Piatt amendment" and the electoral law. 1901. 8° (War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs.) 2 copies. (7) (7) Reciprocity with. 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 535. Report of the Provisional Governor of. From Dec. 1, 1907, to Dec. 1, 1908. 60—1; H. doc. 1457. • Tariff, customs, of the republic of. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for May, 1905.) 4° 2 copies. Warfare in. Message. 55 — 2; H. doc. 405. Reconcen- trades. Autonomy. Message. 55 — 2; S. doc. 230. Affairs in. Davis report. 55 — 2 ; S. doc. 885. Re The Maine disaster, etc. Spanish and United States reports. In 1 vol. 1898. 8° See American Republics, Bureau of. List, p. 334. See List of books, with reference to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1898. L. C. —• and Porto Rico. Import duties of. See Import duties. (20) Import duties of. See American Republics, Bureau of. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 85 Culver, Mrs. C. P., translator, from the German, of The World's Money, by J. llejer. 1878. 8° 45—3; H. mis. doc. 8. Cullom, Shelby M. Fifty years of public life. Chic, McCbirg & co., 1911. 8° G. Cunningham, William. Correspondence with John Adams. Bost., True & Greene, 1823. 12° See John Adams. G. Currency and banks. Index of House bills relating to, from 1st to 42d Cong. By Edward McPherson. 1875. 8° 43— 2; H. mis. doc. 92. Tariff — Reciprocity — Revenue- Banking — Currency — Coinage, 62d Cong. 1st sess. 2 vols. ■ 4° • (21) Bimetallism. See Norman's universal cambist. of the country and of the loans of the United States. By W. F. De Knight. 1900. 4° (10-11) Indian (India) Hershell Report 1892. Coinage of silver. 1893. S° (10-11) From the earliest period to June 30, 1896. 1897. 4° -S'ee Banks and banking. (10-11) Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitutional liistory of the United States from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their civil war. N. Y., Harper & bros., 1899. 2 vols. 8° See Constitution. M. Life of James Buchanan, fifteenth President of the United States. X. Y., Harper & bros., 1883. 2 vols. 8° G. Newton Martin. From Bull Run to Chancellorsville. A story of the Sixteenth New York Infantry, together wnth per- sonal reminiscences. G. P. Putnam's sons. N. Y., 1906. 8° 3 copies. F. 4. William Eleroy. Trade and transportation between the Ignited States and Spanish America. 1889. 8° (21) Cushing, Caleb. Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. 1826. Cambridge^Hilhard&Metcalf, 1826. 8° G. 3. Harry Alonzo. Collector and editor of The Writings of Samuel Adams. N. Y., G. F. Putnam's sons. 1904-5. 4 vols. 8° G. 3. Luther S. Elements of the law^ and practice of legisla- tive assemblies in the United States. 9th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1874. 8° 3 copies. X. Manual. Rules of procedure and debate in deliberative assemblies. By Luther S. Cushing. New ed. Phila., The John C. Winston co., 1907. 12° X. (New) Manual of Parliamentary Practice. By Charles Kelse}' Gaines. 1912. Thompson Brown co. Bost. & N. Y. 12° X. 86 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Customs Appeals, U. S. Court of. Rules, and act incorporating and reports of. 8° 1910. . ■ Reports of. (35) Administrative act of, 1890. (20-21) Compilation of, and digest of decisions thereunder ren- dered by the courts and board of U. S. General Appraisers. 1908. 8° (35) Congress (first) of the American RepubHcs, 1903. 8° 57—2; S. doc. 180. — — - Digest of decisions of the Treas. Dept., and of the . Board of -General Appraisers, 1904-1907, together with deci- sions of the U. S. courts in customs cases. 1908. 8° (31) Journal, and record of internal revenue. Vol. 5, Jan.- June, 1867; Vol. 7, Jan.-June, 1868. N. Y., P. V. R. Van Wyck. Laws. Bulletin No. 61, pt. 1. Committee on Finance, United States Senate. 1894. (20-21) — — — Opinions of collectors. See Tariff inquiries, rephes to. Regulations, 1915. 8° 2 copies. (20-21) Cutter, Charles A. Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 3d ed. 1891. 8° 4 copies. "Cyc." See Cyclopaedia of law and procedure. Ref. Cyclopedia of law and procedure. By William Mack and How- ard P. Nash. N. Y., Am. Law Book co., 1901-1911. 40 vols, and vol. of annotations, 1901-1913.) 4° Ref. Cyclopaedias. (27-28) • (Appleton's) American cyclopsedia. A popular dic- tionary of general knowledge. By George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1873-1878. 17 vols. 4° — Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, and register of impor- tant events, 1861-1875, with index. N. Y., D. Ap})leton & CO., 1862-77. 16 vols. 4° Number of copies: 1861, five; 1862, three; 1863, two; 1864, four; 1865, fo\ir; 1866, none; 1867, two; 1868, three; 1869, two; 1870, two; 1871, three; 1872, three; 1873, three; 1874, three; 1875, three; index, 3 copies. [Same.] New series, 1876-1895. N. Y., D. Apple- ton & CO., 1877-1896. 20 vols. 4° 3 copies. [Same.] Third series, 1896-1902. N. Y., D. Apple- ton & CO., 1897-1903. 7 vols. 4° 3 copies. Britannica (encyclopsedia) See Encyclopaedia, etc. Law and procedure. "Cyc," By Wilfiam Mack and Howard P. Nash. N. Y., Am. Book co., 1901-1911. 4° (In 1911, 38 vols.) Ref. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 87 Cyclopaedias — Continued. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. D. Appleton & CO., 1879 and 1887'. 4° Ref. (Appleton's) new American cyclopaedia. A popular dictionary of general knowledoe. By George Ripley and Charles A Dana. X. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1858-1864. 16 vols. 4° — - — — Cabinet (the new) cyclopaedia and treasury of knowl- edge. Edited by Charles Annandale and A. R. Spofford. Gebbie & co., 1892. 8 vols. 12° Ref. Century cyclopaedia of names. Edited by B. B. Smith N. Y., Century co. 4° Ref. Church cyclopaedia. A dictionary of church doctrine, history, organization, and ritual. Edited by A. A. Benton. L. R. Hamersly & co., 1884. 8° Ref. Geography, cA'clopsedia of. Edited by Hugh Murray. Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1838. 3 vols. 4° Ref. Harper's popular cyclopaedia of United States History from the aboriginal period to 1876. By Benson J. Lossing. N. Y'., Harper & bros., 1881. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. Ref. — — - — Homans, J. Smith. A cyclopedia of commerce and com- mercial navigation. N. Y^., Harper & bros., 1858. 4° Ref. International (New) Encyclopaedia. 24 vols. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & co. 4° Ref. JefFersonian (the) cyclopedia. By John P. Foley. N.Y^., Funk & Wagnalls co., 1900. 4° Ref. Johnson's new universal cyclopaedia. A scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge. N. Y^., A. J. Johnson & son, 1877. 4 vols. 4° Ref. (Johnson's) universal cyclopaedia. New ed. Editor- in-chief, Charles Kendall Adams. 1). Appleton & CO., 1896. 8 vols. 4° Ref. Political science, political economy, and of tlie political history of t4ie United States. Appleton & co., 1890; May- nard. Merrill & co., 1904. 3 vols. 4° Ref. Practical Quotations, The Cyclopaedia of. By J. K. Hoyt. Revised edition. N. Y^., Funk & Wagnalls co., 1896. 8° B. • Universal cyclopaedia and atlas. Newly revised and en- larged ed. Editor-in-chief, Charles Kendall Adams. Ros- siter Johnson, editor of revision. N. Y'., D. Appleton & co. 1901. 12 vols. 8° Ref. 88 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Dalbiac, Philip Hugh. Dictionary of Quotations (English). The Macmillan co., New York, 1903. 8° B. Dale, Samuel S. The metric failure in the textile industry. N. Y. D. Van Norstrand co., 1904. 8° S. Dall, William H. Alaska and its resources. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1897. 8° D. Danforth, Henry G. Digest of United States Supreme Court re- ports. (34) Danish West India Islands. (In Monthly summary of commerce and finance, Jan., 1902.) List of books, with reference to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. L. C. Darien Canal. See Intoroceanic canals. Daughters of the American Revolution. Reports of. List, p. 412. Davis, Arthur P. Hydrography of the ^imerican isthmus. 1903. 4° 57—2; S. doc. 124. — Cushman K. A treatise on international law, including American diplomacy. St. P., Keefe & Davidson, 1901. 8° 2 copies. See International law. O. C. H. Narrative of the North Polar Expedition. 1876. 4° ■ Henry E. Paper — political development of D. C. 61 — 1; S. doc. 110. 8° Jefferson. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1912. 2 vols. 8° G. Dawes Commission. See Five Civilized Tribes. Dawson, Thomas Fulton. Life and character of Edward Oliver Wolcott. N. Y., Knickbooker Press, 1911. 2 vols. I. An article on The Grand Canyon giving the credit of first traversing, etc., to James White. S. doc. 42; 65 — 1. Deaf. Histories of American schools for the, 1817-1893. Edited by E. A. Fay. Wash., Volta Bureau, 1893. 3 vols. 8° 2 copies. F. Debates. Hansard's, etc., parliamentary. List, p. 638. in the several State conventions on the adoption of the Federal Constitution. By eJonathan Elliot. Phila., J. B. Lip- pincott & CO., 1861. 5 vols. 8° 5 copies. M. of Congress. Abridgment of, from 1789 to 1856. By Thomas H. Benton. N. Y., D. Appleton co., 1860-1861. 16 vols. 8° Ref. De Bow's commercial review, 1846 to 1856. Vols. 1-20, except 2, 11. (33) Debs conspiracy. /See Strikes, etc. (30). CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 89 Decisions and precedents. See Precedents. — of the Comptroller of the Currency, of the Interior, of the First Comptroller of the Treasury, and Treasury Departitients, etc. Lists, p. 412. of the Treasury Department under customs and internal revenue laws, etc., 1S9S-1907. List, p. 413. Decisive battles of the law. By Frederick Trevor Hill. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1907. 8° O. Contents — United States v. Callender: A fight for freedom of the press; United States v. Burr: The inside history of a "Scotch" verdict; Common- wealth V. Brown: The prelude to the civil war; Dred Scott v. Sanford: The uncovering of an historic trial; The impeach- ment of Andrew Johnson : An historic moot case; The "Ala- bama" arbitration: An international law suit; The Hayes- Tilden contest: A political arbitration; People v. Spies et al. : Chicago anarchists' case. O. Declaration of Independence. Illustrated story of its adoption, with the biographies and portraits of the signers and of the Secretary of the Congress. By William H. Michael. 1904. 4° A. Articles of Confederation; Treaty of Peace, 1783; Ordi- nance of 1787; Constitution of the United States; and Wash- ington's letter of transmittal. Compiled by Wm. A.PefTer. S. of international naval conference. 1908-1909. S. doc. 563; 63—2. of London, Feb. 26, 1909. (Declaration of International Naval Conference.) S. doc. 563; 63 — 2. See, also, Oppen- heim Int. Law, 2d ed., v. 2, p. — ; Law Topics, Naval War College, 1915, p. 93. Deep Waterways. Rept. of Commission. 54 — 2; H. doc. 192. (23) Deeper Waterways Association. See Atlantic Deeper Water- ways Association. Deep-sea soundings and dredging. Charles D. Sigsbee. Coast and Geodetic Survey. W\ash., ISSO. 4° (30) Supplement, 1882. (30) Defenses of Washington. By J. G. Barnard. 1871. 4° T. Defenseless America. By Hudson Maxim. N. Y., Hearst's Int. Lib. Co., 1915. 8° H. Democratic and Republican conventions, platforms, text- books, etc. I. Democratic (and Republican) national conventions. Proceedings of, 1856 to date. Ollicial. I. 90 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Democratic and Republican conventions, platforms, textbooks, etc. Democratic (Republican, etc.) platforms. Na- tional platforms of all political parties, 1789 to date. Thomas Hudson McKee. Wash., Stat. Pub. co., 1892. 12° I. Democratic (Republican, etc.) national platforms and con- ventionsj 1789 to date. Convention, popular, and electoral vote. By Thomas Hudson McKee. Balto., Friedenwald co., 1901. 12° I. [Same.] Platforms of the two great parties. 1856- Trimble. 1912. Democratic (and Kepublican) campaign documents and text-books, 1872 to date. I. Departm.ent, Executive. Expenditures in the, 1816-1832. See Executive Departments. — of Commerce and Labor. See Commerce and Labor. of Justice. Rules and regulations fijoverning the. 1907. 59—2; S. doc. 395. Departmental expenses. Allison report, 1892. Dependent classes. Summary of State laws. 1913. 8° 5 copies. (30) Depew, Chauncey M. (editor). American commerce, one hundred years of. N. Y., D. O. Haynes & co., 1895. 2 vols. 4° B. — Orations, addresses and speeches. Edited by J. D. Champlin. N. Y., Privately printed, 1910. 8° 8 vols. G. Addresses and literary contributions on the threshold of eighty -two. N. Y., privately printed, 1916. 8° G. Descartes, Rene. The method, meditations, and philosophy of. By John Veitch. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 18.) I. Desty, Robert. The Constitution of the United States. San F., Sumner Whitney &co., 1811. 12° 4 copies. [Same.] 2d ed. With supplement by A. Brunner. San F., Bancroft-Whitney co., 1887. 2 vols. 12° M. Devereux, John C. Court of Claims. Report and dio;est of ()[)in- ions. N. Y., Banks, Gould & co., 1856. 8° R. Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, etc. Ref. and. (27-28) Ainsworth, Robert. A thesaurus; or ccmipendious dic- tionary of the Latin tongue. Edited by IVlorell. Lend., 1796. 4°- (27) [Same.] Latin dictionary. By ISIorell & Carey, 1823. 4° Alaska. Geographic dictionary of. By Marcus Baker. 1902. 8° 2 copies. [Same.] Second edition. By James McCormick. 1906. 8° 55—1; H. doc. 938. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 91 Dictionaries, Encyclopsedias, etc, — Continued. Allibone, S. Austin. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tenm^son. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1901. 8° 2 copies. Altitudes. See Gannett. Anthon, Charles. Classical dictionary. X. Y., Harper & Bro., 1SS3. 4° Appleton's (cYclopfedia of) American biography. By James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 18S7. 7 vols. 4° Bailey, Jacobus. Totius Latinitatis lexicon. Londini, S. Baldwin et Cradock, 1828. 2 vols. 4° Baker, Marcus. Geographic dictionary of Alaska. G. P. O., 1902. 8° 2 copies. Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. 9th ed. Bost., Lit- tle, Brown & co., 1904. 8° 2 copies. Battles, dictionary of, from earliest date to the present time. By Thos. Benfied Ilarbottle. N. Y., E. P. Button & CO., 1905. 8° Bayle [Pierre]. A general dictionary, historical and criti- cal. Lond., James Bettenham, 1734. 10 vols. F° — Biographical. See Appleton, Haydn, Herringshaw, Lamb, Lanman, Leonard, Men of America, Who's "Wlio in America, Yfh.o's Who (Lond.). Bouvier, John. Law dictionary. 1897. 2 vols. 4°: 1914. 3 vols. 4° Beyer's French dictionary. Bost., Hilliard, Gray & co., 1838. 8° (27) ■ — Century dictionary. An encj^clopedic lexicon of the Eng- Hsh language. N. Y., The Century co., 1889, 189L 2 copies. 6 vols. ' s. Fol° [Same.] 1903; including cyclopedia of names and atlas. 10 vols. s. Fol° [Same.] Supplement. Vols. XI, XII. N. Y., Tlie Century CO., 1909. 2 copies, s. Fol° [Same.] 1914. On thin India paper. 6 vols. 4° [Same.] Cyclopedia of names. N. Y., The Century co., 1894. 2 copies, s. Fol° Cha.mbaud, Louis. Nouveau dictionnaire. Francois- Anglois et Anglois-Francois. Londres, Cadele & Davies, 1805. 2 A^ols. 4° Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 8° 2 copies. Classical. See Anthon; Harper's. Counsel, Edward. Maxims; political, philosophical, and moral. 2d ed. Melbourne, A. H. Massina & co., 1892. 12 = 92 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Dictionaries, Encyclopsedias, etc. — Continued. Crabb's Enjrlish Synonymes. By Georo;e Crabb. Ref. and. (27-28). N. Y., and Lond., Harper & Bros., n. d. B. 4. Dalbiac, Philip Hng-h. Dictionary of quotations. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1903. 8° B. 4. Dates. -S'ee Haydn's. Edwards, Tyron. Dictionary, of Thoughts. Detroit, F. B. Dickerson co. 8° French. Beyer's French dictionary. Bost., IlilHard, Gray & co., 1838. 8° [Same.] Chambaud, Louis. Nouveau dictionnaire. Fran- cois- Ang:lois et Anglois-Fran^ois. Londres, Cadeie & Davies, 1805. 2 vols. 4° [Same.] Spiers and Surenne's French and Eno;lish pro- nouncing dictionary. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1907. 4° [Same.] Tarver, J. Ch. Royal phraseological English- French and French-English dictionary. 4tli ed. Lond., Dulan & CO., 1862. 2 vols. 4° (27) French-Engiish Military Technical Dictionary, with Supplement. By C. DeWitt Willcox, U. S. A. 1917. 8° 2 copies. Ref. Gannett, Henry. Dictionary of altitudes in the United States. 1891. 8° — — [Same.] 1906. H. doc. 207; 59—1; v. 74, 4th ed. Gazetteer. See Haskel; also Lippincott. 'Geographic. See Alaska; also Johnston. German. Muret-Sanders encyclopsedic English-German and German-English dictionary. New York, The Interna- tional News CO., 1906. 4° 4 vols. Greek. Greek-English Lexicon. By Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott. 6lh ed. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1880. 4° [Same.] 8th edition. N. Y., American Book co., 1897. 40 Harbottle, Thomas Beniield. Dictionary of battles from the earliest date to the present time. N. Y., E. P. Dutton & CO., 1905. 8° Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities, N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1897. 4° [Same] new Latin dictionary. N. Y., Gin., Chi., Am. Book CO., 1907. 4° Haskel, Daniel, and J. Calvin Smith. A complete descrip- tive and statistical gazetteer of the United States of America. N. Y.. Sherman & Smith, 1846. 8° CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 93 Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, etc. — Continued. Haydn's dictionary of dates. N. Y., 1871, 1878, 1892, 1906. 8° [Same.] Universal index of biography. Edited by J. Bertrand Payne. Lond., E. Moxon, son & co., 1870. 8° fierringshaw's American Statesman. Chic, Am. Pub Asso., 1907. 8° Hoyt, J. K. Practical quotations (cyclopaedia). K. Y., Funk & Wagnalls co., 1896. 8° International dictionary of tiie English language. New edition, with supplement of new words. By Porter & Harris. Springfield, Mass., G. & C. Merriam co. S. Fol° Jameson, J. Franklin. Dictionary of United States his- tory. Bost., Historical Pubhshing co., 1899. 8° Johnson, Samuel. Dictionary of the English language. Phiki., James Maxwell, 1819. 2 vols. 4° [Same.] Edited by Todd. Lond., Longman, 1827. 3 vols. 4° [Same.] Lond., H. G. Bohn, 1833. 4° Johnston, Alex. Keith. Dictionary of geography, descrip- tive, physical, statistical, and historical. Lond., Longman, 1851. 8*^° Lamb's bio(^raphical dictionary of the United States. Ed- ited by John Howard Brown. J. H.Lamb CO., 1900. 7 vols. 4° Lanman, Charles. Dictionary (biographical) of Congress, 1789-1859. Containing biographical sketches of its members from the foundation of the Government; with an appendix. / J. B. Lippincott & co., 1859. 8° Latin. Ainsworth, llobert. Edited by Morell. Lond., 1796. 4° — [Same.] 1823. 4° [Same.] Bailey, Jacobus. Totius Latinitatis lexicon. Londini, S. Baldwin et Cradock, 1828. 2 vols. 4° — [Same.] Harpers' new Latin dictionary. N. Y., Cin., Chi., Am. Book CO., 1907. 4° Law. See Bouvier. Leonard, John W. Men of America. A biographical dictionary of contemporaries. N. Y., L. K. Hammersly & co., 1908. 8° Liddell, Henry George, and Robert Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. Sixth edition. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1880. 4° [Same.] Eighth edition. 1897. Lippincott's pronouncing gazetteer of the world, 1855, 1866, 1879, 1889, 1890. 2 vols. 4' |0 94 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias, etc. — Continued. McCulloch, J. C. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. Phila., 1840, 1854, 1869. 2 vols. 8° March, Francis A. A thesaurus dictionary of the English language. Phila., Historical Publishing co., 1902, 1906. 4° Men of America. A biographical dictionary of contempo- , raries. By John W. Leonard. N. Y., L. R. Hammersly & co., 1908. 8° Mulhall, Michael G. The dictionary of statistics. Lond., Geo. Roulledge & Sons, 1892. 4° 2 copies. Muret- Sanders English-German and German-English dic- tionary. N. Y., The International News CO., 1906. 4 vols. 4° — Natick dictionary. (Natick-English; and English-Natick.) Bureau of American Ethnology. James Hammond Trumbull. 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 455. Nautical. Illustrated, Patterson unabridged, 1891. Ogilvie, John. ' Imperial dictionary of English language. Lond., Blackie & Son, 1883. 4 vols. 4° Patterson, Howard. Illustrated nautical dictionary. N. Y., 1891. 4° — Quotation. See Allibone, Bartlett, Christy, Counsel, Del- biac, Hoyt, Rogets. Kichardson, Charles. A new dictionary of the English language. Lond., WilHam Pickering, 1838. 2 vols. 4° (27) Rodwell, G. F. A dictionary of science. Lond., E. Moxon & CO., 1871. 8° Roget, Peter M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. > N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1901. 8° Spanish-English; English-Spanish. M. Velazquez. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1907. 4° [Same.] 1870. 4° Spiers, A., (and Surenne's) French and English pronounc- ing dictionary. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1907. 4° Surenne's (Spiers and) French and English pronouncing dictionary. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1907. 4° — — — Synonymes. See Crabb, Geo., English; Soule, Richard, English; White, Richard Grant, English. Tarver, J. Ch. Royal phraseological English-French, French-English dictionary. 4th ed. Lond., Dulan & co., 1862. 2 vols. 4° Thesaurus. See Ainsworth, Robert, Latin; March, F. A., English; Roget, P. M., English. See also Synonymes. Thoughts, dictionary of. By Tyron Edwards. Detroit, F. B. Dickerson co., 1906. 8° CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 95 Dictionaries, Encyclopsedias, etc. — Continued. Trumbull, James II. Natick dictionary. 1903. 57 — 2; H. doc. 455. Velazquez, M. Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. N. Y., D. Appleton, 1870. 1907. 4° Webster, Noah. An American dictionary of the English language. Sundry editions since 1828. Who's Who, 1900 to date. An annual biographical dictionary. Lond., Adam & Chap. Black. 8° B. 3. (1-2) Who's Who in America. A biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States, 1901-1902, 1906-1907, 1912-1913— to date. Chi., A. N. Marquis & co., 8° B. 3. (1-2) Willcox, C. DeWitt, U. S. A. French-Enghsh Military Technical Dictionary, with supplement. 1917. 8° 2 copies. Ref. — ■ Worcester, J. E. Dictionar}" of the English language. Bost., Hickhng. Swan & Brewer, 1860. 4° Digest of appropriations. For years enthng June 30, from 1910 to date. (3) and opinions of the Judge-Advocate-General of the Army. By Maj. Charles McClure. 1901. 8° Ref. [Same.] Capt. Charles Roscoe Ilowland. 1912. 8° and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. By Henry H. Smith, 1894. 8° 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. |X. . of decisions of the Treasury Dept. (customs) and of the Board of General Appraisers, rendered during the years 1904- to date, together with decisions of the U. S. courts in cus- toms cases. 1908. 8° (31) of the First and Secon.-2; S. doc. 62. (13). Laws and regulations. (13). Report of the Commissioners upon the causes which incite immigration into the U. S. 52 — 1; II. ex. doc. 235. Situation in Canada. Report of the Commission. 61 — 2; S. doc. 469. 8° A list of books (with references to periodicals) on. Griffin. 1904, 1907. L. C. Impeachment. Impeachment of Federal judiciary. By Wrisley Brown. 1913. Sen. doc. 358; 63—2. [Same.] Investigations, etc. (29). [Same.] Extracts from the Journal of the Senate containing the record of impeachment trials in the cases of — William Blount, 1798. John Pickering, 1803. Samuel Chase, 1804. James H. Peck, 1830. West H. Humphreys, 1862. Andrew Johnson, 1868. William W. Belknap, 1876. Charles Swayne, 1904. All in S. doc. 876; 62—2. 49183—18 10 146 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Impeachment — Continued. Proceedings, etc., in cases of — — Robert W. Archbald, 1912. S. doc. 1140; 62—3. 3 vols. Proceedings in House and Senate. [Same.] William W. Belknap, impeachment. 1876. 8° [Same.] Gen. James Wilkinson, alleged accomplice of Aaron Burr. Report of committee. W^ash., A. & G. Way, 1811. 8° [Same.] Aaron Burr, indicted for treason. Wash., A. and G. Way, 1807-8. 3 vols. 8° [Same.] Samuel Chase, impeachment. 1804. 8° [Same.] Powell Clayton, a Senator from the State of Arkan- sas, investigation. Report and testimony. 42 — 3; S. rept. 512. [Same.] Andrew Johnson, impeachment, trial of. 1868. 3 vols. 8° Report of House Committee on the Judi- ciary. 40 — 1 ; H. rept. of committees. [Same.] James H. Peck, impeachment. Bost., Hilliard, Gray & co., 1833. 8° [Same.] S. C. Pomeroy, a Senator froni the State of Kansas, investigation. 42— 3; S. rept. 523. 8° [Same.] Gen. S. D. Stanley, arguments in trial of. N. Y.. S. W. Green, 1879. 8° [Same.] Cluirles Swayne, impeachment. Extracts from the Congressional Record of proceedings in the Senate. 58—3; S. doc. 194. 8° [Same.] Jolm H. Surratt, trial of. (In "The Reporter"). vols. 3 and 4. Wash., R. Sutton, 1867. 4° [Same.] Henry Wirz, trial of, for conspiracy, etc. 40 — 2; H. ex. doc. 23. [Same.] Select list of references on. GrifTm. 1905. L. C. Imports and exports, and receipts and expenditures of the U. S. to 1904. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Aug., 1904. Exports, and domestic manufactures arranged according to paragraphs of the tariff law of 1897. 8° (20) 2 copies. Import duties of Cuba and Porto Rico. See American Republics, Bureau of, Bulletin No. 10, July, 1891. (20) Imported merchandise, 1893, with tlie rates and duties collected under existing law. Compiled by Charles H. Evans. 1894. 8° 53— 2; S. rept. 407. Imports and duties, 1894-1907. By W. \N. Evans. 1908. 3 copies. (21) -- — [Same], duties on. By Lewis Heyl Wash., W. H. Morrison, 1884. .^° (20) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 147 Imports and exports — Continued. (20, etc.) Imports and exports. Compiled by Charles II. Evans 1894. 8° 53— 2; S. rept. 2.50, pt. 2. — [Same] into the United States, etc. The existing tariff on. 18S4. 8° (20) 48— 1 ; vSen. Rep. 12. (20) [Same.] The tariff act of October 3, 1913, on. Treas. Dept., 1913. (21) [Same.] Rates of duty on. 1891. 8^" 51—2; S. rept. 2130. 3 copies. [Same.] Tariff of 1897 on. 1891,1902. 8° (20) See also Exports, and Tariff. Inaugurations (Presidential) from George Washington, 1789, to Grover Cleveland, 1 893, with inaugural addresses. By Thomas Hudson McKee. Wash., Statistical publishing co., 1893. 8" 4 copies. H. (13) Income, taxation. See Library of Cong. list on taxation of inherit- ances and incomes. Griffin. 1907. Inheritance taxes, British income tax, operation and extent of yield. By Chas. M. Pepper. 61 — 1; H. doc. 34; 61—1; S. doc. 52. -tax cases in the U. S. Supreme Court, 1895, vi^hen income tax was declared unconstitutioiuil; corporation- tax cases, 1911, when U. S. wSupreme Court sustained law imposing excise tax on incomes of corporations. H. doc. 601; 62—2. tax law. See Federal income-tax law. Primer. H. Doc. 841; 65— 2. 8° (31) Regulations No. 33, governing the collection of the Income Tax imposed by the acts of Sept. 8, 1916, as amended by the act of Oct. 3, 1917. (31) [Same.] No. 41. Relative to the war excess profits tax, 1917. (31) Rules and regulations for collection of. Independence, history of the war of the. By Charles Botta. Phila. L. R. Bailey. 3 vols. 1820. 8° B. The Declaration of . 5'ee Declaration of Independence. A. 3. Index catalogue of the library of the surgeon general's office. Second series. Vol. XIII. 1908. 4° 2 copies. (31) Indexes. Accounts, H. R. Committee on. Index to reports, 1815- 1887. By T. II. McKee. 1887. 4° Ref. Adjutant General's Office, War Dept. Subject index to general orders and circulars. (31) — Agriculture and Forestry, Committee on. Index to the reports. By T. II. McKee. 1887. 8° (30) 148 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Indexes — Continued. Agricultural reports. General index, 1837-1861. 1879. 8° (30) Cherokee. The Relations with the United States; his- torical sketch, myths, glossary of words, etc. [being part 1, Bureau of American Ethnology, nineteenth annual report]. 1900. 4° 56—2; H. doc. 539. Chivington massacre. Report of special committee. See S. rep. 156; 39—2, p. 26. P. Claims, Comm^issioner of. Index to reports of, 1871- 1880. 1892. 4° (32) ComLmittee reports in House and Senate, Inc^exes to, 1815-1887. By Thos. PL McKee. 1887. 8° 2 vols. Ref. Compilations of all the treaties between the United States and Indian tribes now in force. 1873. 4° P. (30) Comprehensive index of the publications of the United States Government, 1889 to date. 1894. 8° Ref. [Same] of the publications of tlie United States Government, 1881-1893. By Jolm G. Ames. Wash., 1905. 2 vols. 4° 58—2; II. doc. 754. Ref. — ■ Congressional proceedings. Index to tariff, finance, cur- rency. 1892, 1S9S. 4° ■ Consolidated index of the United States Statutes at I^arge, 1798-1903. By Etiward C. Goodwin and James M. Baker. 1905. 4 vols. 4° Ref. Depredation claims of. 49^1; H. ex. doc. 125. 2 copies, Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs. By Ken- neth S. Murchison. 1901. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies of vol. 1. documents and reports of, by Congresses. 1895 to date. 8° Ref. Engineer of the United States Army. Reports of the Cliief. Indexed, analytical and topical, to. By John McClure. Wash., 1903. 57—2; H. doc. 439. Five civilized tribes. Topical index to the annual reports of the commission to. 1894-1905. S. doc. 536; 59—1. Report of Commission to. S. mis. doc. 24; 53 — 3. V. 1. Hostilities of. See Hostile Indians. House and Senate documents, index to, from Forty- second Congress, second session, to the Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. 8° Ref. [Same] of Representatives. Bills presented in the, index to, from the First to Forty-second Congresses, relating to banks, currency, public debt, tariff and direct taxes. 1875. 8° (10) CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 149 Indexes — Continued. House. Executive documents. Consolidated index, from the Twenty-sixth to the Fortieth Congress, 1S39 to 1869. By Edward McPherson. 1S70. 8° Ref. [Same.] Executive documents and reports of committees, index to the, from Dec, 1831, to Mar., 1839. Wash., Langtree. 3 copies. Ref. [Same.] Reports of committees. Consolidated index, Twenty-sixth to the Fortieth ('ongress. By Edward McPher- son. 1869. 8^" Ref. — Index (consolidated) of claims reported by the Commis- sioner of Claims to the House of Representatives, 1871-1880. 1892. 4° Ref. [Same] digest of the opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States during the October terms 1902-1905; reported in vols. 187-202, inclusive. By Charles Henry Butler. N. Y., Banks Law Pub. CO., 1906. 8° Ref. Indian tribes, condition of the. Report of a special com- mittee. 39—2; S. rep. 156. P. Journals of Congress. Index (general personal) of the. 1885. 4° 48—2; H. rept. 2692. [Same.] First to Tenth. By A. Ordway. 1880. 4° 46—2; H. rept. 1776. 4° Land cessions in the United States. Compiled by Charles C. Royce [being part 2, Bureau of American Ethnology, eighteenth annual report]. 1899. 4° 56—1; H. doc. 736'. Lands, leasing of Indian. Hearings before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate. 1902. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 212. — ■ Laws and treaties. 'Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. vol. 1, statutes, executive orders, proclamations, and statistics of tribes; vol. 2, treaties. 1903. 2 vols. 4° 57—1; S. doc. 452. Laws and treaties. Synoptical index. Bost., Little & Brown, 1852. 4° Laws of the United States and treaties, index to, 1789- 1827. Samuel Burch. Wash., Wm. A. Davis, 1827. 8° New York Times, The. April, 1913, to March, 1914. 4 vols. A master-key to all newspapers. N. (15) Senate documents. Index. See House and Senate. Senate executive documents. Index to, for third session Forty-first Congress, 1870-1871. 1871. 2 vols. 8° Ref. Senate Journal. Index to, for 1835-1841, 1841-1847. 150 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Indexes — Continued. Sioux and Crow Indians. Investigation by Dawes com- mittee, 1883. 48—1; S. rept. 283. Students (Indian), record of, returned from Hampton Institute, 1892. 8° 52—1; S. ex. doc. 31. Trade and intercourse. Statements of accounts. 1820- 1827. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820-1827. 2 vols. 8° (30) Trading houses. Statements of the amounts and costs of goods furnished annually to. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820- 1826. 2 vols. 8° ■ — Treaties between the United States and several Indian tribes from 1778-1837. Wash., Langtree & O'SuUivan, 1837. 8° (30) War of the rebellion records. See War of the rebelHon records. Indian Affairs. Calhoun, James S. Correspondence while Supt. Ind. Affrs. in N. Mex. 1915. 8° Cherokee, The. Relations with the United States; his- torical sketch, myths, glossary of words, etc. [being part 1, Bureau of American Ethnology, nineteenth annual report]. 1900. 4° 56—2; H. doc. 539. Chivington massacre. Report of special committee. See S. rept. 156; '39—2, p. 26. Compilations of all the treaties between the United States and Indian tribes now in force. 1873. 4° Depredation claims of. 49 — 1; H. ex. doc. 125. 2 copies. Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs. By Ken- neth S. Murchison. 1901. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies of vol. 1. Hostilities of. See Hostile Indians. Indian tribes, condition of the. Report of a special com- mittee. 39—2; S. rept. 156. Kappler's laws and treaties. See Laws and treaties. — Land cessions in the United States. Compiled by Charles C. Royce [being part 2, Bureau of American Ethnology, eight- eenth annual report]. 1899. 4° 56— 1; H. doc. 736. Lands, leasing of Indian. Hearings before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate. 1902. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 212. — Laws and treaties. Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Vol. 1, statutes, executive orders, proclamations, and statistics of tribes; vol. 2, treaties. 1903. 2 vols. 4° 57— 1; S. doc. 452. vol.3. 1913. S. doc. 719; 62— 2. Ocean. General examination of. By P. de Kerhallet. 1870. 8° (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 151 Indian A£Fairs. Reports of Commissioners of. List, p. 566. Sioux and Crow Indians. Investigation by Dawes com- inittoe, 1883. 48—1; S. rept. 283. Students (Indian), record of, returned from Hampton Institute, 1892. 8° 52—1; S. ex. doc. 31. Trade and intercourse. Statements of accounts. 1820- 1827. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820-1827. 2 vols. 8° Affairs. (30) Trading houses. Statements of the amounts and costs of goods furnished annually to. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1820-1826. 2 vols. 8° treaties, compilation of, in force 1873. 2 copies. (47) Treaties between the United States and several Indian tribes from 1778-1837. Wash., Langtree & O'Sullivan, 1837. 8° Treaties, laws, and regulations relating to Indian affairs. Wash., Way & Gideon, 1826. 8° 2 copies. reservations. Executive orders relating to, from May 14, 1855, to July 1, 1912. — — — ■ [Same.] See Flathead Indian Reservation. Indians, American. Handbook of, north of Mexico. H. doc. 926, pt. 1; 59—1. Industrial arbitration. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Commission. Trusts and industrial combinations. 19 vols. 8° 56—1; H. doc, vols. 93-95, 56—2; H. doc, vols. 94-95, 57— 1; H. doc, vols. 71-82. List, p. 568. (13) — — [Same.] Created in accordance with act of Aug. 23, 1912. [Same.] Report of commission, S. doc. 415; 64 — 1. evolution of the United States, the. By Carroll D. Wright. N. Y., Chautauqua-Century Press, 1895. 8° Information annual. See Almanacs, annuals, etc. committee on public. See Committee, etc. Ingersoll, Edward. An abridgment of the acts of Congress now in force. Phila., Towar & Hogan, 1825. 8° 5 copies. See United States Statutes. (47) Inheritance taxation. See Library of Cong, list of works relating to. Griffin. 1907. -tax laws. Digest. Foreign and U. S. S. doc. 114; 61 — 1. Initiative, referendum, and recall. By Charles A. Beard and BirlE.Shultz. N. Y.,Macmillanco., 1912. 8° 3 copies. S. (13.) and referendum.' 1877. 8° 44 — 2; S. ex. doc. 46. O. [Same.] Lawrence's Wheaton. See Wheaton. [Same.] London, Declaration of. Feb. 26, 1909. 1910. 8° O. . [Same.] Lorimer, James. The institutes of the law of tions. A treatise on the jural relation of separate political communities. Edinburgh, William Blackwood & sons, 1883. 2 vols. 8° O. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 157 International law, etc. — Continued. [Same.] Moore, John Bassett. Arbitrations, history and digest of the, to which the United States has been a party. 1898. 6 vols. 8° 53—2; H. mis. doc. 212. O. [Same.] Digest of. 8 vols. H. doc. 551; 56—2. [Same.] Extradition, report on, prepared for the use of the international American conference. 1890. 8° 51 — 1; S. ex. doc. 55. O. [Same.] Extradition and interstate rendition. By John Bassett Moore. Bost., Boston Book co., 1891 . 2 vols. 8° O. [Same.] Naval conference, declaration of. S. doc. 563; 63—2. [Same.] Naval War College, topics and discussions. 8° O. [Same.] Oppenheim, L. A treatise on. N. Y., Lonmans,g Green' cfe CO., 1906. 2 vols. 8° O. [Same.] Parmele, George H. (editor). 'Wliarton, the con- flict of laws. 3d ed. Roch., Lawj^ers' Cooperative Publish- ing CO., 1905. 2 vols. 8° O. [Same.] Phillimore, Robert. Commentaries upon inter- national law. 3d ed. Lond., Butterworths, 1879. 4 vols. 8° O. [Same.] Situations. International law situations, with solutions and notes. Naval War College, 1907, 1908, 1910, 1911,1912. 8° O. — [Same.] Snow, Freeman. Cases and opinions on interna- tional law, witli notes and a syllabus. Bost., Boston Boole CO., 1893. 8° O. [Same.] A manual based upon lectures delivered at the Naval War College. 2d ed. 1898. 8° O' [Same.] Taylor, Hannis. A treatise on international public law. Clii, Callaghan&co., 1901. 8° O. [Same.] topics, neutral proclamations and regulations. Naval War College. 1916. O. [Same.] Vattel. Tlie law of nations. Edited by Chitty. Pliihi., T. & J. W. Johnson, 1839, 1844, 1883. 8° O. [Same.] Westlake, John. Part I, Peace; Part II, War. Cambridge University Press, 1904 and 1907. 8° O. [Same.] Wharton, Francis. A digest of the international law of the United States. 1886. 3 vols. 8° 49—1; S. mis. doc. 162, pt. 1.- O. [Same.] A digest of the international law of the United States. 2d ed., 1887. 8° O. 158 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. International law, etc. — Continued. [Same.] A treatise on the conflict of laws or private international law. 3d ed. By G. H. Parmele. Roch., Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing co., 1905. 2 vols. 8° O. [Same.] Wheaton, Henry. Elements of international law. 3d ed. Phila., Lea & Blanchard, 1846. 8° O. [Same.] Edited by Lawrejice. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1863. 8° O. [Same.] Edited by Dana. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1866. 8° O. [Same.] Woolsey, Theodore D. Introduction to the study of international law\ 6th ed. Edited by T. S. Woolsey. N. Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1892. 8° O. Metric system of weights and measures. Bu. of Stand. 1906. S. monetary conference, Paris, 1878, 1881. 1887. 8° 49—1; H. mis. doc. 396, pts. 2 and 3. (10-11) See Berlin silver commission. (10) ■ Prison Congress. Its origin, aims, and objects. By Samuel J. Barrows, 1908. 60—1; S. doc. 462. 8° Progress report. S. doc. 595; 62 — ^3. Sanitary Convention of the American Republics. Wash., . 8° 57—2; S. doc. 169. (7) — Situations, with solutions and notes. Naval War Col- lege, 1907. 1908. 8° 2 copies. (31) Spanish war tax bill of 1898. H. R. 10100; 55— 2. Index of proceedings in House and Senate. 8° S. 6 copies. Waterways Commission. Report on the regulation of Lalie Erie. Jan. 8, 1910. 61—2; H. doc. 779. (23) — Who's Who. Who's who in the world. Incorporated with the international Blue Book. Edited by Hyacinthe Ringrose. N. Y., Paris, and Lond., International Who's Who Pub. CO., 1910. B. year book. Compendium of the world's progress. (Annual.) By Frank Moore Colby. Dodd, JMead & co. 4° (23) Interoceanic canals. (13) Canada. Ten maps accompanying the annual report of department of (railways) and canals for 1905. 8° Canal in Central America. See Sullivan and Cromwell compilation. [Same.] Record. Published weekly under the authority and supervision of tlie Isthmian Canal Commission. Vol. 1, Sept. 4, 1907-Aug. 26, 1908. Ancon, Canal Zone, 1908. 4° [Same] tolls. See Panama Canal tolls. CATALOGUE OP LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 159 Interoceanic canals — Continued. — Canal treaties. Executive documents with proceedings in Senate relative to Panama Canal. S. doc. 465; 63 — 12. 8° [Same] Zone, civil procedure of the, by order of the President, May 1, 1907. 1907. 8° [Same] Zone, map of, 1907, accompanying the annual report of the Isthmian Canal Commission. A. Canals and Irrigation in Foreign Countries. Special Consular Koports. 51 — 2; II. ox. dov. -15, ])1. 1. [Same] and Railroads between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. By Rear Admiral Charles II. Davis. 1867. (13) Darien Isthmian ship canal. Lieutenant IVIichler's report; messages, maps, etc., 1861. 36—2; S. ex. doc. 9, 2 pts. See also Commander Self ridge's remarks upon, 1873. L. C. Davis report. See under ''Interoceanic." Dismal Swamp canal, survey of. 54 — 1; II. doc. 317. 8° Florida, map of, illustrative of surveys for a canal. 34 — 1 ; S. ex. doc. 89. . Foreign Countries. See Canals and Irrigation in. Hepburn report, 1900. 56— 1 ; H. rept. 351. Same, 1901. 57—1; H. rept. 15. — — — History, messages, correspondence,, treaties, reports, etc., 1899-1901. Containing: (1) Correspondence, 56 — 1; S. doc. 237. (2) Convention between United States and Great Brit- ain, 56 — 1; S. doc. 160. (3) Clayton-Bulwer and Hay- Pauncefote treaties, 57 — 1 ; S. doc. 85. (6) Preliminary re- port of Isthmian Commission, 56 — 2; S. doc. 5. (7) Morgan report, 1901, 57—1; S. rept. 1. (8) Hepburn report, 1901, 57—1; II. rept. 15. (9) Hepburn report, 1900, 56—1; H. rept. 351. (10) Walker report, 1899-1901, 57—1 ; S. doc. 54. Hydrography of the American Isthmus. Nicaragua and Panama routes, etc. By A. P. Davis. 57 — 1 ; S. doc. 124. 8° Interoceanic. Peport of Senate committee. 1900 (Morgan report). 8° 56 — 1; S. rept. 1337. '6 pts. in 1 vol. - [Same.] Peport on explorations and surveys. By Lull and Collins. 1897. 4° 45—3; S. ex. doc. 75. - [Same.] "Davis report." Eeportof Pear-Admiral Charles H. Davis (1866) on interoceanic canals and railroads, includ- ing: A. Tehuantcpec; B. Honduras; C. Nicaragua; D. Pan- ama; E. Atrato. 1867. 8° 2 copies. - [Same.] (Morgan report.) 1901. 57— 1 ; S. rept. 1. 8° 160 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Interoceanic canals — Continued. [Same.] Cominunicatioii (bound in one volume) : (1) Cor- respondence and other papers, 56 — 1; wS. doc. 161,1900. (2) Clayton-Bulwer and Hay-Pauncefote treaties, 57 — 1; S. doc. 85, 1901. (3) Hepburn report, 1901, 57—1; IL doc. 15. (4) Walker report, 1899-1901, 57—1 ; S. doc. 54. (5) Morgan and Kittredge reports, 1902, 57—1 ; S. rept. 783, 2 pts. (6) Hear- ings before Senate committee, 1902, 57 — 1; S. doc. 253, pt. 1. (7) Documents, 57—1; S. doc. 357. 8° [Same.] List of books, etc., on interoceanic canal and rail- way routes. Griffin. L. C. 1900. /Se^ o/so Morrison list, 1900. Isthmian Canal Conimission. Reports of. 1899- 1901. (Walker report.) 8° 57—1; S. doc. 54, 2 pts. 57—1; S. doc. 123. 57—1; S. doc. 253. List, p. 574. [Same.] Lock pattern. See Sea level or. Morgan report of Senate committee on interoceanic canals. 1900. 8° 56—1 ; S. rept. 1337. 6 pts. in 1 vol. Same, 1901. 57—1; S. rept. 1. Morrison's (Hugh A., jr.). List of books and articles relating to interoceanic canal and railway routes, 1900. 8° 56—1; S. doc. 59. See also Griffin list, 1900. L. C. Nicaragua Canal and Buchanan's Conspiracy. By P." Cudmoro. X. [Same] Canal Commission, report of, with atlas, 1897- 1899. Bait., Lord Baltimore Press, 1899. 4° North Sea Canal of Holland. Report of Corps of Engi- neers, U. S. Army, 1872. Panama Canal and our relations with Colombia. Papers, etc., relating to. S. doc. 471; 63—2. 8° [Same] diplomatic history of. S. doc. 474; 63 — 2. [Same] laws of the Canal Zone, isthmus of, enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission. 1906. 8° — [Same.] Map of, 1906. [Same] Measurement of vessels for. Report by E. R. I® Johnson, 1913. 4 - [Same.] President's message and report of a personal visit to. 8° 1906. 59—2; S. doc. 144. - [Same.] Problems of the. By Brig. Gen. Henry L. Abbot. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1905. 8° - [Same.] Project for the. By Lindon W. Bates, 1905. 4° [Same.] Title. Opinion of the Attorney-General, 1902. 8 [Same.] Tolls, etc. See Panama canal tolls. Record. See Canal Record, under this title. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 161 Interoceanic canals — Continued. Report ol' tlie hoard of consulting;; engineers and of the Isthmian Canal Commission on the Panama Canal. 1906. 8° 59—1; S. doc. 231. . — Roads, and, puhlic. (Canals.) Reports and documents, 1816-1824. * Sea level or lock pattern. Report of board of consulting engineers. 59—1; S. doc. 231. 60—2; H. doc. 1458. Suez Canal data. 59—1; S. doc. 492. Sullivan & Cromwell's compilation of executive docu- ments, etc., relative to a trans-isthmian canal in Central America. Privately printed, N. Y. 1906. 4° [Same.] See "Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot." 1916. . pp. 78-96. Tehuantepec Canal. Report by Robert W. Shufeldt, 1872. 42—2; S. ex. doc. 6. — - [Same.] Railway Company and ship canal. Report of J. J. Williams. L. C. Tolls. See Panama Canal tolls. Trans -Isthmian (Canals) in Central America. Compila- tion of Executive documents and diplomatic correspondence relative to a. [By SuUivan and Cromwell. N. Y., Evening Post job printing house, 1905.] 3 vols. 4° [Same.] Walker report. Report of the Nicaragua Canal Commission, 1897-1899. Bait., Lord Baltimore press, 1899. 4° Walker report. Report of the Isthmian Canal Commis,- sion, 1899-1901. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 54, 2 pts. 57—1; S. doc. 123. 57—1; S. doc. 253. World, Great, of the. See Monograph in Monthly Sum- mary of Commerce and Finance, Jan., 1905. 4° 58 — 3; H. doc. 15, pt. 7. See also the Comprehensive Index. communications by way of the American Isthmus. Report on historical and technical information relating to the problem of. By John T. Sullivan. 1883. 4° Interstate Commerce. (35) Regulation of. History of bills, resolutions, etc., 1862-1911. 1912. 8° 5 copies. Act. Revised to Jan. 1, 1914. Acts indexed and digested. By Charles S. HamHn. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1907. 8° Annual reports of. List, p. 572. Car shortage. See Report of Commissioners Lane and Harlan, 1906. 8° Cases and opinions, 1887-1914. Briggs. Supp. 1915. 8° 49183—18 11 162 CATALOGUE OF LIBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Interstate Commerce — ^Continiied. ■a^^ -^ commLerce law, as changed by the act of June 29, 1906. 1907. 4° S. 3. 59— 2; S. doc. 266. Conference rulings. 1913. 8° 2 copies. — Debate in 49th Cong, on the bill to establish commission, 1886-87. ' Debate in 50th Conir., 1888-89. &)• — [Same.] In 52d Cong., 1891-93. — [Same.] In 53d Cong., 1893-95. Compiled by U. H. Painter. 8° — Decisions and reports of the. List, p. 573. — Express rates, etc. Opinion No. 1967. 1912. 8° — [Same.] 4° 1913. — [Same.] Federal regulation. See Law of. ^ — History of bills, etc., 1862-1911. Briggs. — Index -digest of the decisions under the Federal safety appliances. Kent, 1915. 8° 2 copies. — Digest of decisions of the courts and Interstate Commerce Commission under the act to regulate commerce. 1887-1908. By E. B. Peirce, Chi., 1908. 8° — Intercorporate relationships of railways in the U. S. 1906. 8° — Law of, and its Federal regulation. By Fred'k N. Hud- son. Chic, T. H. Flood & co., 1905. 8° — Points decided by the Commission since its organization. Appendix B. Sixteenth annual report of the Commission. 57 — 2; H. doc. 181. (See subsequent annual reports for a summary of points decided in different years, respectively.) 1902. — Kailroads. Classification of operating expenses. 1902. 8° 33 pages. (30) — Railway rate hearings, 1904-5. 5 vols. 8° And digest of rate hearings. 59— 1; S. doc. 244. 8° — Rates, regulation of. See also Railroads. — Reasonable care, its origin and application. Interstate Commerce Commission. 1907. 8° 2 copies. — Regulations governing the construction and filing of freight rates and passenger fares. 8° — rendition. See Extradition. - — Rules of practice before the Commission. 1907. 8° — Safety-appliances. See Index-digest of decisions under Federal acts of. Kent, 1915. 8° — Statistics of railways in the U. S., 1906 to date. — transportation. A treatise on the Federal regulation of. By Harry C. Barnes. Ind., Bobbs-Merrill co., 1910. 8° 2 vols. (35) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 163 Intoxicating liquor. Federal and state laws. Comp. by W. H. Wheeler. 1916. 12° S. Laws relating to interstate shipment of; and sundry prohi- bition laws, 51st-65th Congresses. (13) Intracoastal waterway. Boston, Mass., to Beaufort, X. C, sec- tion. S. doc. 391; 62—2. Inventors. Men of achievement. By P. G. Hubert, jr. Clias. Scribner's Sons, 1896. 12° (13) — Women, Patents granted by the United States Government, 1790-1895. (13) Investigations, etc. See Digest of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. By Henry H. Smith, 1894. 8° 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. X. Iowa. Railway land grants in. Sen. Doc. 404; 64 — 1. See also Impeachments, etc. R. Ireland, account of the Parliament of. See English ParUament, liistory of. Irish struggle. See Gladstone-Parnell, and the great Irish struggle. By T. P. O'Connor and Robert McWade. Phila., Hubbard Bros., 1886. 8° G. Ironclads in action. By W. H. Wilson. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1896. 2 vols. 8° (5) Iron, fabrication of. Report on. 1871. 4° (Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, 21.) (31) Irrigation and artesian wells. Report by Richard J. Hinton. 51—2; S. ex. doc. 53, vol. 1. 51—1; S. rept. 928, pts. 1, 2, 3; vol. 5; pts. 4, 5, 6, vol. 6. 51 — 2; S. ex. doc. 53, pt. 1, vol. 1, pt. 2 with maps, vol. 1. 52 — 1; S. ex. doc. 41, pts. 1-4, vol. 4. (13) — - — and reclamation of iarid lands. Report, 5 vols., 51 — 1; 5. rept. 928 : publications of reclamation service. (30) canals in the United States. Plans of structures in use on. By Elwood Mead. 1903. 4° (United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 131.) Congress, International. Proceedings, 1912. S. doc. 6; 63—1. [Same.] 1914. S. Congress, National. Ofhcial proceedings. (13) investigations in California. Report on. 1901. 4° {In United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 100.) (30) Isle of Pines, the (Caribbean Sea). Its situation, physical fea- tures, inhabitants, resources, and industries; with maps. War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1902. 8° (Bound with Gazetteer, etc., of Cuba.) P. o 164 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE Isthmian Canal. Treaties and acts of Congress relating to. (Re printed from the annual report of the commission, 1911). 8 ;:■ ; . ., ;-:- [Laws in force Mar. 4, 1911.] 5 copies. (30) — [Same.] Supp. 1911-1915. (30) • r*r Canal Comniission, 1904- Reports of. List, p. 574. Note.— The act approved June 28, 1902, provided for the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Panama and also created the Isthmian Canal Commission, to be composed of 7 members. The Commission was appointed Feb. 29, 1904, and held its first meeting Mar. 22, 1904. On May 9, 1904, an Executive order placed the Commission under immediate supervision of the Secretary of War. The Commission was reorganized and the personnel changed by Executive order of Apr. 1, 1905. Jackson, Andrew. Life of. By James Parton. N. Y., Mason Bros., 1860. 3 vols. 8° H. ^., [Life of] by William Graham Sumner [being vol. 17 of tlie American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Hougliton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. Soldier- Statesman-President, Life and tmies of. By A. S. Colyar. Nashville, Marshall & Bruce co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. Jamaica Bay Improvement Commission. Report of the. 60—2; H. doc. 1506. Jameson, J. Franklin. Dictionary of the United States history. Bost., Historical Publishing co., 1899. 8° Ref. John A. A treatise on constitutional conventions; their history, power, and mode of proceeding. 4th ed. Chi., Calla- ghan & CO., 1887. 8° M. Jane, Fred T. Founder and editor of Fighting Ships. Sampson Law, Marston & co., Ltd., Lond., 1910 (13th year). A. Japanese- Chinese war. 54 — 1 ; H. doc. append. 1. 1894. (38) Jay, John. [Life of] by George Pellew [being vol. 9 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. The correspondence and public papers of. By Henry P. Johnston. N. Y., S. P. Putnam's sons, n. d. 4 vols. 8° H. Jefferson bible. The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Ex- tracted textually from the gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English, by Thomas Jefferson. 1904. 8° 58—2; H. doc. 755. C. Thomas. Calendar of correspondence. Wash., 1894-95. 2 pts. 4° [Being Nos. 6 and 8 of the bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State.] 2 copies. B. H. doc. 623, 57—1; vols. 116, 117. (14) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 165 Jeflferson — Continued . Eulogy on Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, b}" Caleb dishing, 1826. G. Life of. By John T. Morse, jr. [being vol. 11 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. ^— — - [Same.] By John Sharp WilHams. N. Y., Columbia Uni-^T. versity Press, 1913. 8° [Same.] By Henry S. Randall. Derby & Jackson, 1858. 3 vols. 8° H. Master thoughts of. Selected and classified by Benj. S. Catchings. Private]}' printed. The Nation Press, N. Y., 1907 (the references are to ''Tlie Writings of Thomas Jefferson," published by the Jefferson Memorial Association of Washing- ton, D. C). H. The writings of. Memoir, correspondence, and miscel- lanies. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottes- ville, Carr & co., 1829. 4 vols. 8° [Labeled Jefferson's Works.] H. Note. — -Vol. 1 missing. The writings of. Bemg his autobiography, correspond- ence, reports, messages, addresses, and other writings, official and private. H. A. Washington, editor. Wash., Pub. b}^ Cong., 1853. 9 vols. 8° H. (14) vols. 2, 3, missing. [Same.] Wash., Pub. by Taylor and Maury. 1853. Vols. 2 and 3 missing. (14) Jeiferson's manual of parliamentary practice, with references to analogous Senate rules. In Senate "Constitution, Rules, and Manuals." N. Jefifersonian cyclopedia, tlie. By John P. Foley. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls co., 1900. 4° B. Jews. 250th anniversary of settlement of. 1655-1905. (14) Johnson, Allen. Stephen A. Douglas. , A study in American poli- tics. N. Y., The Macmihan co., 1908. 8° G. Andrew. Trial of. 1868. 3 vols. 8° (29) • Charles W. Official proceedings of the National Republican Conventions of 1868, 1872, 1876, 1880. 8° I. ■ — - Rossiter. Editor of revision of Universal Cyclopaedia and Atlas. N. Y., D. Appleton, 1901. 12 vols. 8° (28) -'' Samuel. Dictionary of the English language. Phila., James Maxwell, 1819. 2 vols. 4° [Same.] Edited by H. J. Todd. Lond., Longman, 1827. 3 vols. 4° (27) [Same.] Lond., H. G. Bohn, 1853. 4° (27) 166 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Johnson, new universal cyclopaedia. A scientific and popular treasury of useful knowledge. N. Y., A. J. Johnson & son, 1877. 4 vols. 4° (27) universal cyclopgedia. New edition. Charles Kendall Adams, Editor-in-Chief. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1896. 8 vols. 4" 2 cop. (27) Johnston, Alexander. History of American politics. N. Y., Henry, Holt & CO., 1902. 12° E. American political history. 1763-1876. In two parts: 1. The Revolution, the Constitution, and the Growth of Nationahty. 1763-1832. 2. The Slavery Controversy, Seces- sion, Civil War, and Reconstruction. 1820-1876. N. Y. and Lond., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1905. 8° E. Alex. Keith. Dictionary of geography, descriptive, phys- ical, statistical, and historical. Loud., Longman, 1851. 8° Henry P. [editor]. The correspondence and public papers of John Jay. N. Y., Putnam's sons, n. d. 4 vols. 8° H. — William Dawson. History of the Library of Congress, vol. 1, 1800-1864. 1904. 8° (27) Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. W. & A. K. John- ston, Lim. Edin. and Lond., 1910. F° A. Jones, John P. Speech of, on remonetization of silver, Oct. 14, etc., 1893. Record, 53—1. [Same.] Speech of, May 12, 13, 1890. Record, 51—1; Ap- pendix, p. 237. — — — John Paul. Discovery of the body of. Century Magazine. Oct., 1905. Articles by Horace Porter. 8° (31) Calendar of manuscripts. Ford. 1903. L. C. ■ — Memorial. Commemoration at Annapolis, April 24, 1906. Comp. under the direction of the Joint committee on printing by Charles W. Stewart, superintendent library and naval war records. 1907. 59—1; H. doc. 804. 4° B. Paul. Founder of the American nav}^ By A. C. Buell. N. Y., Charles Scribne'r's sons, 1903. 2 vols. 8° (31) — Paul. Author "The Commercial Power of Congress." Pri- vately printed. N. Y., 1904. 8° 2 copies. M. Jordan, David Starr. The Fur-seals and fur-seal islands. 1898. 4 vols. 4° S. "Journal (of the proceedings of the first Senate), 1789-1791. See Maclay. X. of the American Congress, 1774-1778. X. List, p. 575. 10 copies. (38) of Agricultural Research. Dept. of Agri. 1913 to date. of the Congress of the Colonies. List, p. 575. of the Congress of the Confederate States, 1861-1865. 58—2; S. doc. 234. 8° (7.) List, p. 577. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 167 Journal. (Secret) of the Congress of the Confederation. List, p. 575. X. (88) of the Continental Congress. 1774-1788. Edited from the original records in Library of Congress. 4° X. p. 575. of the House and Senate. List, p. 579, 585. (Executive) of the Senate. List, p. 592. U. International Law (American). Vols. 1-8. (34.) Juarez, and Ctesar Cantu. A refutation of the charges preferred by the Italian historian, in his last work, against the American patriot. Official edition. Mexico, Printing Office of the Fed- eral Gov^ernment, 1885. 8° See Maximilian. H. Judicial code. Act of Feb. 12, 1912, 36 Stats., 1087; amendments toMar. 4, 1913. /S^g«? Index to Stats., 37. Act of Feb. 12, 1912, with amendments to Mar. 4, 1913, printed as a document. (S. doc. 1144; 62—3.) extraterritorial rights. Letters from the Secretary of State, 1882. 47—1; S. mis. doc. 89. Judge- Advocate- General of the Army, digest of opinions of. By Maj. Charles McChire. 1901. 8° 2 copies. (31) Judiciary Committee reports, H. of R. 1895-1913. S. Judson, Frederick N. The law of Interstate Commerce, and its Federal regulation. Chic, T. H. Flood & co., 1905. 8° L. C. Jurisprudence, studies in history and. By James Bryce. N. Y., Oxford University Press, Am. branch, 1901. 8° C. Justice, Department of (and kindred) publications. (30) Annual reports of Attorney General. List, p. 353. Appendix to report of Attorney General, 1896. (30) See Pullman strike, etc. Attorney General of the United States, Opinions and digests. 8° List, p. . (30) Catalogue, Library of Department of Justice. Finch, 1904. (30) Court of Claims, Judgments in, 1863-1880. 8° (30) Court of Customs Appeals. See United States Court of Customs Appeals. (30) — Customs Appeals, U. S. Court of. Rules, and act incorporating and report of. 8° 1910. (30) History and functions. By James S. Easby-Smith. Wash., W. H. Lowdermilk & co. ^904. (30) — Instructions to TJ. S. marshals, attorneys, etc. 1904. 8° 2 copies. (30) International law, treaties, and kindred subjects. Digest of the published opinions of the Attorney-General, and of the leading decisions of the Federal courts. Re. ed. 1877. 8° 44— 2; S. ex. doc. 46. 2 copies. (30) 168 CATALOGUE OF LIBBABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Justice, Department of (and kindred) publications. List of U. S. judges, attorneys, and marshals. 1910. (30) Opinions of the Assistant Attorneys General for the Post-Office Department. 1885-1908. 4 vols. (30) Vol. 1-2, 1885-1892. (30) Vol. 3-4, 1892-1908. (30) [Same] of the Attorneys General. List, p. 351. (30) — [Same] and Digest, Vols. 1-25 (1789-1906), Vols. 26-29 (1906-1912), Vols. 1-29 (1789-1912), Vols. 1-4 (1789-1906). (30). Ottman case, the. Testimony relating to expenditures in the Dept. of Justice. 1884. 48—1; H. misc. doc. 38, pt. 3. (30) — publications of, 1789-1881. 47—1; S. ex. doc. (30) Pullman strike — Debs conspiracy — Other riotous dis- orders of 1894. (30) Register of, and U. S. Courts. (30) 1912, copy no. 1; 1914, copy no. 1, 2, 3; 1915, copy no. 1, 2, 2; 1916, copy no. 2, 3; 1917, copy no. 1, 2, 3, 4. Reports (Annual) of Attorney General, Sundry. (30) See List, p. United States Court of Customs Appeals. Rules of and provisions of act creating. 1910. 8° (30) — United States Judges, etc. See List of, etc. (30) U. S. Marshals, List of, etc. See List of, etc. (30) Kappler, Charles J. Indian affairs. Laws and treaties, 1778-1902, 2 vols. S. doc. 452; 57— 1. 4° P. — [Same] continued to Dec. 1, 1913. S. doc. 719; 62—2. 4° Kasson, John A. Reciprocity treaties in relation to ' 'Most favored nation clause." An address before the Illinois Manufacturers' Association at Cliicago, Oct. 24, 1901. 8° Kearney, Thomas H. Report on a botanical survey of the Dismal Swamp region. Department of Agriculture, 1901. 8° (30) Keep Commission. See Commissions, Dept. methods. Keifer v. Boynton. Investigation of cliarges against H. V. Boyn- ton. 48—1. H. rept. 1112. 8° Ra. Not documented. Vol. 175. Kendrick, Col. Henry L. Obituary address. N. Y., Dutton & co., 1892. 12° H. Kent, James. Commentaries on American law. 11th ed. Edited by George F. Comstock. Bost., Little, Brown & ro., 1867. 4 vols. 8° (34) [Same.] 12th ed. Edited by O. W. Holmes, jr. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1873. 4 vols. 8° (34) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 169 Kent, James. Commentaries on American law. 14tli ed. Edited by J. M. Gould, Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1896. 4 vols. S° (34) Kerhallet, Philippe do. (ienei-al examinations of the Indian Ocean. 1S70. S° Kerr, Clara Hannah. The orio;in and development of the I'nited States Senate. Ithaca. Andrus & Church. 1895. 8° X. King, Clarence. Geological explorations of the fortieth parallel. 1870-1880. 4° (Sen. library has vols. 3-7.) Charles R. [editor]. See Rufus Kinp;. Rufus. The life and correspondence of. comprisinjj his let- ters, private and official, his public documents and his speeches. Ed. by Charles R. Kin^j. N. Y., A. P. Putnam's sons, 1894. 6 vols. 8° H. Kingsbury, Susan Myra. Editor of The Records of the Virginia- Ompany of Lcndon. 1906. * 2 vols. 4° D. Kip, Frederick E. Address on the ''Tariffs for revenue only. 1789- 1913." 4 copies. (21) Tariffs, 1789-1913. Tariff for revenue only a failure. 5 copies. (20) 8° Knit underwear industry. Cost of prodnction in V. S. Rpt. of Dept. of Com. 1915. 8° (30) Knox, John J. Ignited States notes. A history of the various issues of paper mone}". X. Y., Charles Scribner's sons, 1884. 8° (10-11) History of banking in the United States, A. N. Y., Brad- ford Rhodes & co., I'tO;-;. s^ (10-11) philander C. "The commerce clause of the constitution, and the trusts," an address. S. 1. — Speeches in countries of the Caribbean. 8° H; 4. (14) Koerner, A. The Hotchkiss cannon. Pari*, 87 4° ' S. Kohl collection of maps relating to America. Phillips. 1904. L. C. Konkle, Burton Alva. Life and speeches of Thomas Williams. 1806-1872. Phila., Campion & co.. 1905. 2 vols. 8° 1. Korea. See China and. Ku Klux conspiracy. Investigation by joint select committee. 1S71-72, to inquire into the condition of affairs in the late in.surrectionar3^ States. 42 — 2; S. rept. 41, pt. 1: vol. 2. pt. 1. (14) [Same.] Index in separate volume. (14) Labatt, C. A. Commentaries on Master and Servant. Vols. 1 and 2, employer's liability. Roch., 1904. Lawyers' Co-Op Pub. co. . 8° O' Labberton's historical atlas. See Atlases. A. 170 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Department of, and kindred publications. See also Com- merce and Labor, Depts. of. Created by act of Mar. 4, 1913 (32 Stats., 825). Bulletms, reports, etc. Lists, p. 593. See also Strikes, Injunctions, and Industrial Evolution. (30) See Commerce and Labor, Department of. (30) [Same] regulations, 1915. 2 copies. (30) and capital, relations between. ("Blair I'eport," so called.) Investigation of the Senate Committee on Education and Labor, under S. Res. 1882-1887. Four vols, of testimony. 1885. Not documented. No report by committee. (30) Note.— On the title page of vol. 4 of the testimony it is stated that vol. 5 contains testimony and a report of the committee. But no report of com- mittee was made. Some additional testimony was taken by committee, but it was printed for use of committee only. — — — Admission of Chinese. 1907. Copy 2. (30) — [Same] treaties, laws, a*nd rules governing. 1917. (30) — Annual reports of Commissioner of Labor, 1906 (strikes and lockouts), 21st. 1907 (labor laws of United States), 22nd. 1908 (workmen's insurance and benefit funds), 23rd. List, p. 613. Bulletin of Bureau of Labor, No. 54. (30) Bureau of Labor at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor. List of publications. (30) Child labor, list of references for 1916. (30) Copy 1,2. Coal strike of 1902, anthracite. (30) Report to Presi- dent on. Copy No. 1. [Same.] U. S. Commission's report to Pres. Copy No. 1. (The parties and their answers.) (Plan for trade agreement.) Compressibility of natural gas. (30) Tech. Paper No. 131. Cost of living. See Retail prices and cost of living series. (30) Bu. of Labor Statistics. Deb's conspiracy, correspondence concerning and U. S. Gov't action on. Listed under Dept. of Justice, "Appendix to Attorney General's rept. 1896." Decisions of courts and opinions affecting. 1912. • H. doc. 1402; 62—3. 8° 2 copies. (30) [Same.] Bu. of Labor. 1914. 8° (30) [Same.] Decisions of the Solicitor. 1915. 8° (30) Eight-hour commission. Report, H. doc. 690; 65-2. 4. Hours of labor. The "eight-hour law." Army, navy, guns, ships, ammunition, etc. Special report of the Senate Committee on Education (Mr. Kyle, chairman). 55 — 3;'S. doc. 127; vol. 11. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED SPATES SENATE. 171 Labor, Department of, and kindred publications -Continued. Government by injunction. Combinations, conspiracies, strikes, and boycotts. Copy 1. How a miner can avoid some dangerous diseases. Miner's Circular No. 20. (30) Bureau of Immigration. Immigration Investigation Committee, report of. 1895. (30) Immigration laws and regulations. (30) 1907, 1911, with amendments to 1913, 1917. [Same.] (30) Regulation, restriction, exclusion, and deportation. Head tax. Educational tests. Liquor sales at immigrant stations. Statements before Sen. Comm. 1901-02. — index to publications of, by subject (up to 1915). (30) Industrial evolution in United States. (Wright) Copy 1. (30) Labor decisions. 1912, 1914, 1915. (30) Labor- enforcing eight- hour day in work for United States. 1898-99. (30) [Same.] Slvps, guns, ammunition. Hearings before Senate Committee. [Same] laws of States, Territories, and District of Columbia. 1892. (30) [Same] laws of the United States. 1904, copy 1. 1914, pt. 1, 2, copy 1. (30) For laws of 1907 see 22nd annual rept. of Commiss. of Labor. (30) [Same] Second special report of the Commissioner of Labor. Carroll D. Wright. 1896. 2nd ed. (30) [Same] and wages in Europe. See State Department, consular reports. 48 — 2; H. ex. doc. 54 in 3 vols. laws of the various States and Territories and the District of Columbia. 1892. By Carroll D. Wright. 1892. 8° 52—1; H. rept. 1960, vol. 11. (30) [Same] and decisions. Women and child labor laws, and factory inspection laws. Bulletin No. 73. (30) [Same] of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. Tenth special report of the Commissioner of Labor. By Carroll D. Wright. l904. 8° 58—2; H. doc. 733. (30) [Same] and regulations. ^S^e Immigration laws, etc. (30) legislation of 1912, 1914, 1915. (30) Marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867-1886, report on. By Carroll D. Wright. Includmg an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. 1889. 8° (30) [Same.] Re. ed., 1891. (30) ^o. — [Same.] See Special report of the Census Office. (30) 172 CATALOGUE OP t^IBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Department of, and kindred publications — Continued. ^— — Mining decisions. Bulletin No. 101, Oct., 1914-Apr., 1915; Bulletin No. 113, May-Sept., 1915; Bulletin No. 118, Oct.-Dec., 1915; Bulletin No. 143, May-Aug., 1916; Bulletin No. 147, Sept.-Dec, 1916. (30) — Minimum wage legislation in U. S. and foreign countries. 1915. (30) — Motor gasoline. Properties, laboratory methods of test- ing, and practical specifications. Tech. Paper No. 166. b r; Occurrence and mitigation of injurious dusts in steel works. (30) Tech. Paper No. 153. — Opinions of Solicitor. 1908-1912,1915. >See Workmen's compensation, etc. Ores of copper, lead, gold, and silver. (30) Tech. Paper No. 143. ■ — Prices. See "Retail prices and wages." See also "Whole- sale prices, wages, and transportation of commodities in the United States." (30) Primary volatile products of the carbonization of coal. (30) Tech. Paper No. 140. — — — Products of the carbonization of coal. See Primary volatile products, etc. Publications, subject index of, 1915. See Index to Publications, etc. (30) — Pullman strike. Debs conspiracy, and riotous disor- ders of 1894. Filed under Dept. Justice, "Appendix to report of Att. Gen., 1896." Railway strikes and lockouts. 1916. (30) U. S. -i) Board of Mediation and Conciliation. Regulations of Department of Labor. 1915. (30) — Report of Immigration Investigation Committee. 1895. See "Immigration Investigation Com." Retail prices, 1907, to December, 1916. Bu. of Labor Statistics No. 228. 2 copies. (30) [Same] prices and wages. Aldrich report. July 19, -/!ii!!l892. 3 pts. 52— 1; S. rept. 986. 8° (30) — — -- [Same.] 1890-1912. H. doc. 1457; 62—3. [Same.] And cost of living vSeries. (30) Statistics of Unemployed. 1913. (30) Strikes and lockouts, 1881-1900. (30) Decisions of courts. Legislation in States. Copy 1. Also see 21st An. Rept. Comm. of Labor, 1906. — — — Subject index of publications to 1915. 8° doc. 1707; 63—3 (30) Unemployed, statistics of 1913. See Statistics of, etc. (30) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 173 Labor, Department of, and kindred publications — Continued. U. S. Government action on riotous disorders of 1894. Pullman strike, Debs conspiracy, etc., correspoiuience concerning. Filed under Dept. Justice, ''Attorney General's Kept., 1896." (30) , ,,„,,„,.,,,, ; — ■ Wages, See "Retail prices and wages." Also see " Whole- sales prices, wages, and transportation of commodities in the United States." (30) Wages and hours of labor hi the iron and steel mdustry, 1907 to 1913. (30) .— Wholesale prices, wages, and transportation of com- modities m the United States. 1893. 4 pts. 8° 5'2— 2; Sen. rept. 1394. (30) Working women in large cities. Fourth annual report of Commissioner. ISSS. 8° 50— 2; H. ex. doc. 4. (30) — Workmen's compensation. "(30) Opinion of solicitor, 1908-1912; opinion of solicitor, 1915. X. Lake Erie, Regulation of. Report of International Waterways Com- mission. 61 — 2; II. doc. 779. Lalor, John J. (editor). Cyclopaedia of political scieiice. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1890. 3 vols. 4° Ref.."' ;"' Lamar, Lucius Q. C. His life, times, and speeches, 18^25-1893. By Edward Mayes. Baibee & Smith, 1896. 4° 2 copies. B. 7. (14) Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States. By John Howard Brown. Bost., James H. Lamb co., 1900. 7 vols. 4° Ref. ' Land grants made by Congress, statement of. To aid in the construction of railroads, wagon roads, canals, and internal improvements. Compiled from the records of the General Land Office. 1888-1907. 28 pp. 3 copies. A. Colleges, agricultural, 1911. (30) laws. Summary of the most important. By Knute Nel- son. 61—1: S. doc. 59; H. M. doc. 45-47—2; pt. 1. General and permanent, with digest. H. mis. doc. 45, pt. 1; 47—2; vol. 16. Iowa. Sen. Doc. 404; 64—1. Local and temporary, affecting land titles in each State. H. mis. doc. 45, pts. 2 and 3; 47 — 2; vols. 17, 18. — OflH.ce, General. Reports of the Commissioner. List, p. 433. Rules of practice, regulations, proceedings to obtain title, etc. 1906. 8° 3 copies. Landon, Percival. The opening of Tibet. An account of Lhasa and the country and people of central Tibet and of the prog- ress of the mission sent there by the English Government in the years 1903-4. N. Y., Doubleday, Page & co., 1905. 8° C. 174 CATALOGUE OF LIBBAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Laudor, Walter Savage. Classical conversations. (Universal Clas- sics Library, vol. 6.) I. Lanman, Charlos. Dictionary of Congress, 1789-1859. Contain- ing biographical sketches of its. members from the foundation of the Government; with an appendix. Phila., J. B. Lippin- cott & CO., 1859. 8° Ref. (14) (Editor.) Biographical annals of the civil government during its first century, 1776-1876. James Anglim, 1876. 4° [Same.] 2d ed. Illustrated. J. M. Morrison, 1887. 4° (14) Lamed, Charles W, History of Battle Monument, West Point. West Point, 1898. 8° F. Edwin Channing. Memorial of. Chic, McClurg & co., 1886. 8° H. 4. J. N. (editor). History for ready reference and topical reading, from the best historians, biographers, and specialists. Springfield, Mass., The C. A. Nichols co., 1901-1911. 7 vols. 4° C. Latin America. See Bureau of the American Republics. dictionaries. By Robert Ainsworth. Edited by Morell, Lond., 1796. 4° Ref. [Same.] By Morell and Carey. Lond., 1823. 4° Ref. Laughlin, J. L., and H. P. Willis. Reciprocity. N. Y., Baker & Taylor CO., 1893. 8° 2 copies. (21) Law. Agriculture, Department of. Laws applicable to the. By George P. McCabe. 1908. 8° (30) (American), commentaries on. By James Kent. 11th ed. Edited by George F. Comstock. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1867. 4 vols. 8° (34) [Same.] 12th ed. Edited by O. W. Holmes, jr. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1873. 4 vols. 8° (34) [Same.] 14th ed. Edited by J. M. Gould. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1896. 4 vols. 8° Ref. and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. By Edwin M. Borchard. 1917. 2 copies. 25-26. Anti-trust, 1890-1903. 1903. 8° S. 1. Bankruptcy. See Bankruptcy. Blackstone, William. Commentaries on the laws of Eng- land. Edited by John L. Wendell. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1859. 4 vols. 8° (34) [Same.] 4th ed. By Cooley and Andrews. 2 vols. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1899. 8° Ref. Bridges over navigable waters. Law relating to construc- tion of. 1887. 8° P. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 175 Law — Continued. Canal Zone, law of the Isthmus of Panama; enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission. 1906. 8°. Coal land law of the United States. General Land Office, 1907. 8° S. Code of the District of Columbia. See District of Co- lumbia. Q. — '■ Cuba and Porto Rico. See Cuba, District of Columbia. See District of Columbia. Food products, etc. See Food. Labor. See Labor laws. See also Commerce and Labor, Department of. See also Labor, Department of. Organizing executive departments, etc. S° 53 — 1; S, rept. 41. (34) Panama. See Interoceanic canals. Porto Rico. See Cuba and. practice and. of legislative assemblies in the United States. By L. S. Cashing. 9th ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1874. 8° 3 copies. X. Street railway in District of Columbia. See District of Columbia. Laws of the United States. From Mar. 4, 1789, to Mar. 3, 1845, including the old act of confederation, treaties, and other valuable ordinances and documents. In 10 volumes. Bioren & Duane edition. By authority of Congress. 8° Ref. From the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the Thirty-fourth Congress, 1789-1857. Analytical digest of the. By F. C. Brightly. Phila., Kay & Bro., 1858. 4° [Same.l Vol. 2. 1857-1869. Phila., 1869. 4° Now in force, relative to commercial subjects. By John Brice. Baltunore, Neal, Wills & Cole, 1814. 8° Relating to accounts of deceased oflBcers and enlisted men of the Army, etc. 8° K. [Sam»e] to loans and the currency, coinage, and bank- ing. 1886. 8° 49—1; S. ex. doc. 228. [Same.l 1790-1895. 1896. 53—3; S. rept. 831. [Same.] From Thirty-iirst to Fifty-third Congress. By George Minot. Bost., Little & Brown, 1850-1852. 2 vols. 8° Report, preliminary, of the commission to revise and codify. 1901. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 68. Pt. 1, Organization, jurisdiction, and practice of the United States courts. Pt. 2, Penal code of the United States. [Same] final, of Commission, 1906. 2 vols. 4° (34) 176 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Learned, Henry Barrett. Attorney- General and the Cabinet. Pol. Sci. Quar. Vol. 24, No. 3. 8° 1909. S. — Cabinet meeting, some aspects of the. Col. Hist. Soc. Apr. 1914. Vol. 18. 8° S. Congress, shall Cabinet officers have seats inP Dec. 1914, 3 copies. S. Establishment of the secretaryship of the Interior. Am. Hist. Rev. Vol 16, No. 4. 1911. 4° S. Postmaster- General, The. Yale Review. Oct. 1911. 4° S. — ^ Vice Presidents, casting votes of the. 1789-1915. Am. Hist. Rev. Vol. 22, No. 3. Apr. 1915. 4° 3 copies. S. cLee, Richard Henry. Memoir of the life of, and his correspondence with the most distinguished men in America and Europe. By his grandson, Richard H. Lee. Phila., H. C. Carey and I. Lea . 1825. 2 vols. 8° H. - — — [Same] Editor of memoir of his grandfather, Richard Henry Lee. H. Legal education, report on. Advance sheets from the report of the Commissioner of Education for 1890-91. 1893. 8° (14) assemblies. See Law and practice of. X. Legislative history of Robert R. Hitt. 47th to 59th Congresses, 1883-1906. Edited and indexed by Frederic L. Davis. 4° A. — drafting bureau and reference division. Compilation of information upon the subject. S. rept. 1271; 62 — 3. S. reference bureaus. Letter from the librarian of Congress transmitting special report. 62 — 1; S. doc. 7. S. Leland, John (editor). Naval Annual, 1906. Portsmouth, Eng., J. Griffin & CO., 1906. 8° (31) — Waldo Gifford (and Claude Halstead Van Tyne). Guide ivyj...aii to the Archives of the Government of the U. S. in Wash. Wash., Carnegie Institution, 1907. 8° B. -Leonard, John W. Men of America. N. Y., L. R. Hamersly & co., 1908. 8° B. Le traite Franco-Am^ricain; documents. Paris, Guillaumin et cie., 1880. 8° Ref. Lewis, Charlton T. (editor). Harper's book of facts. N. Y. Har- per & Bro., 1895. . 4° B. George C. Government of dependencies. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 25.) I. The Conquest. The true story of Lewis and Clark. By Eva Emery Dye. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1902. 8° F. CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 177 Lewis and Clark expedition, history of. By Elliott Coues. N. Y., Francis P. Hurper, 1893. 4 vols. 8° F. and Clark expedition, history of. By James K. Hosmer. Chic, McClurg, 1903. 2 vols. 8° F. [Same.] President's message communicating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red, and Washita Rivers, by Captains Lewis and Clark, and Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar, with a statistical account of the countries adjacent. Printed by order of the United States Senate, Feb. 19, 1806. H. ex. doc. 85, vol. 1, 9th Cong., 1st sess. 8° F. Libraries in the United States and Canada, statistics of public. By W. Flint. 1903. 8° B. — ^= Public documents supplied to designated depositories. 1907. 8° B. Public, society, and school in the United States. Being chap. XVIII, from the report of the Commissioner of Educa- tion for 1903. (30) [Same.] 1909. Bull. No. 5, Bu. of Ed. B. Library of Congress, annual reports of the Librarian. List 614. Handbook of the new. Illustrated. Compiled by Herbert Small. Bost., 1901. Curtis & Cameron. 8° (25, 26, 41) History of. Vol. i, 1800-1864. By W. D. Johnston. 1904. 8° 5 copies. (25,26,41) Its work, including a description of the building, cost, etc. 1907. 12° 21 pages. publications of the. Alaska and the northwest part of North America. Phillips. 1588-1898. 1898. America. List of maps in Library of Cong. Phillips. 1901. H. doc. 516, 56—2. American doctoral dissertations. List of, printed in 1912. Flagg. 1913. 4 copies. (25,26,41). [Same.] 1913, Stephens; 1914; 2 copies; 1914, Stephens; 1915; 2 copies; 1915, Stephens; 1916; 2 copies. (25-26) American Library Association Catalogue, 1904. 2 copies. (25-26) '*''' ■'''''•'^''■ Almanacs, 1639-1800. American, preliminary check list of. Morrison. 1906. 2 copies. American newspapers. Check list of. See Newspapers, American. Anglo-Saxon interests. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. 49183—18 12 178 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. Apportionment. See Representations, etc. Arbitration. List of references. Industrial. Griffin. 1903. 3 copies. (25, 26, 41) International. Griffin. 1908. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Guide to law and legal literature of. By E. M. Borchard. 1917. (25-26). 2 copies. Atlases. List of geographical, in the Library of Con- gress. Phillips. 1909. See also Ma^ta. 3 vols. 4 copies. (25,26,41) Banks and banking. List of the more important books in Library of Congress on. Griffin. 1904. 6 copies. (25,26,41) First and second banks of the U. S. List of works relating to. Griffin. 1908. 5 copies. (25,26,41) See also Currency, Postal Savings Banks. Biblioteca Filipina. Griffin. 1903. (57—2; S. doc. 74, pt. 2.) 3 copies. (25 26 41) Boer war. List of works in the Library of Congress on the Boer war; comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin, chief bibliographer. 1905. Bonds. See Currency. Boycotts and injunctions in labor disputes. Meyer. 1911. 2 copies. British tariff movement (Chamberlain's plan). List of references. Griffin. 1904, 1906. Budget of foreign countries. Select list of references on the. Griffin. 1904. 1 copy. Cabinets of England and America. List of books with ref- erences to periodicals relating to. Griffin. 1903. 2 copies. Canada. Reciprocity with. See Reciprocity, Canada. Canals. See Interoceanic. Nicaragua. Capital punishment. Select list of references on capital punishment; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1912. 2 copies. Cartography. List of works relating to. PhiUips. 1901. Cartularies. List of. (Principally French.) Griffm. 1905. (25-26) Catalogue of the Library of Congress, 1840. L. C. Of authors, 1864. L. C. Of public documents. See Document Catalogue. (25-26) Subject. 2 vols. 1869. L. C. Of books added to the Library, 1867-1875. L. C. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 179 Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. Censorship. Civil War. List of references on Censorship of the press during the Civil War. Meyer. 1917. Type- written. (25-26) [Same.] References on the press and speech and censorship in time of war. Meyer. 1917. Typewritten. (25-26) Check lists. See Subject. Chinese immigration. See Immigration, Chinese. Child labor. List of references on. Griffin. 1906. Classification. Class Q, Science. 1913. 2 copies. (25-26) [Same.] HT, Social Groups; Communities, Classes, Races. Completing Class H; Social Sciences, Library of Con- gress. 1915. 2 copies. (25-26) Colonization. Government of dependencies, protectorate, and related topics. List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to the theory of. Griffin. 1900. Commerce court. Select list of references on the commerce court. Commission government. Select list of references on commission government for cities; comp. under the direc- tion of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1913. 3 copies. (25,26,41) Compulsory voting. Select list of references on compul- sory voting. Conservation. Select list of references on the conserva- tion of natural resources in the United States; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliogra- pher. 1912. 4 copies. (25,26,41) Constitution of the United States. List of books re- lating to. Griffin. 1903. 2 copies. Continental Congress. Journals of, 1774-1789. Edited by Worthington C. Ford. vol. 1, 1774. Wash., 1904. 4° X. Some papers laid before the Continental Congress, 1775. Taken from vol. 2 of the Journals of the Conti- nental Congress, 1905. Some papers laid before the Continental Congress, 1776. Taken from v. 4-6 of the Journals of the Conti- nental Congress, 1906. V. 16-23. 1780-1782. Ed. by Gaillard Hunt, chief division of manuscripts. 1910-1914. Continental law and international law, the bibliography of Borchard. 1913. (25-26). 180 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-26) Copyright in Congress, 1789-1904. A bibliography, and chronological record of all proceedings in Congress in rela- tion to copyright from Apr. 15, 1789, to Apr. 28, 1904, First Congress, first session, to Fifty-eighth Congress, second session. Copyright OfRce Bulletin No. 8. 1905. [Same.] No. 14, act of July 1, 1909. [Same.] Report on copyright legislation. 1904. (25-26) — ; law of the United States. Prepared by Solberg. 1900, 1906. 2 copies. (25-26) [Same] decisions, 1914-1917. (25-26) [Same] enactments of the United States, 1783-1906; 1900, 1906. Solberg. 2 copies. (25-26) [Same] legislation. See report of Librarian. 1903. (25-26) Consular service. List of references on. Griffin. 1905, 3 copies. (25-26-41) Corporations, Federal, control of. See Federal control, etc* Cost of living and prices. Select list of references on. Meyer. 1910. [Same.] Additional references on the cost of living and prices; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1912. 3 copies. (25-26, 41) Crittenden papers. Calendar of the papers of John Jordan Crittenden. Prepared by C. N. Feamster. 1913. 4 copies. (25-26, 41) Cuba. List of books, with reference to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1898. (55—2; S. doc. 161.) [Same.] List of works relating to Cuba; comp, by A. P, C, Griffin, chief bibliographer. With list of maps relating to Cuba by P. L, Phillips, chief division of maps and charts. 1905, Currency. List of references on; mainty bond and asset currency. Griffin, 1908. [Same] and banking. Select lists of books, etc., with special regard to recent conditions. Griffin. 1908. See also Banks and banking. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Danish West Indies. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. (56 — 2; S, doc, 223,) Deep waterways. List of works relating to. Griffin, 1908, 3 copies. (25-26-41) Defense of the Realm acts, Great Britain. 1917. (25-26) Diplomatic service. See Consular service, etc. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 181 Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (2,5-26) Document Catalogue, Of the 1st vSession of the 54th Congress and all Departments of the Government of the United States from July 1, 1895, to June 30, 1896. 1898. (25-26) [Same.] 2nd Session, July 1, 1896, to June 30, 1897. 1S99. (25-26) [Same.] 55th Congress, July 1, 1897, to June 30, 1899. 1901. 55—3; H. doc. 317. (25-26) [Same.] 57th Congress, July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1903. 1905. (25-26) Dramatic music. Catalogue of full scores. Sonneck. 1908. 8° Eight -hour working day, the, and Hmitation of working hours in general. List of books, with references to peri- odicals, relating to. (jriffin. 1908. 2 copies. Elections. Select list of references on corrupt practices in. Griffin. 1908. See also Primary'- election laws. Embargoes. List of references on embargoes. Meyer. 1917. 3 copies. (2.5-26-41) Employer's liability. List of references. Griffin. 1906. [Same.] Select list of references on employers' liability and workmen's compensation; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1911. 2 copies. England and America. Cabinets of. See Cabinets, etc. European crisis of 1914. List of references on Europe and international politics in relation to the present issues; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibli- ographer. 1914. 4 copies. (2.5-26-41). Far East. Select fist of books relating to the. Griffin. 1904. 2 copies. Federal control of commerce and corporations. List of ref- erences on. Griffin. 1903, 1904, 1907. 1914. 3 copies. (25-26-41) [Same.] List of references on federal control of commerce and corporations. 3d issue, with additions; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1913. [Same.] Special aspects and applications; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1914. First and second banks of the U. S. See Banks and banking, first and second banks, etc. Foreign government maps. See Maps, foreign govern- ments. 182 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-26) Foreign newspapers. Check lists of. See Newspapers, foreign. Foster, Stephen C. Catalogue of first editions of. (1826- 1864). Sonneck, 1915. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Fourteenth amendment. List of discussions of, with special reference to negro suflrage. Griffin. 1906. Franklin, Benj. Papers. Ford. 1905. 4 copies. (25- 26-41) French alliance, The, in the American revolution. List of works relating to. Griffin. 1907. Genealogies. American and English genealogies in the Library of Congress. Preliminary catalogue. 1910. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Germans in the United States. A list of works relating to the. Griffin. 1904. *3 copies. (25-26-41) German law. Guide to the law and legal literature of Germany; prepared by E. M. Borchard, law librarian. 1912. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Government ownership of railroads. See Railroads. Guam. See Samoa and Guam, etc. Great Britain, defense of the Realm acts. Regulations regarding espionage trial and punishment of officers. 1917. (25-26) Handbook of the New Library of Congress in Washington. 1901. [Same] of manuscripts in the Library of Congress. 1918. Hawaii. List of books (with references to periodicals) relat- ing to. Griffin. 1898. Hispanic Society of America, the catalogue of publica- tions. 1907. (25-26) Immigration. A list of books (with references to period- icals) on. Griffin. 1904,1905,1907. >See aZso Naturali- zation. 2 copies. [Same.] Chinese. List of references on. Grifiin. 1904. Impeachment. Select list of references on. Griffin. 1905. 5 copies. (25-26-41) [Same.] 2nd edition, with additions. Meyer. 1912. 2 copies. (25-26) Income tax. See Taxation, etc. Incunabula. Catalogue of the collection of Jolui Boyd Thacher. Ashley. 1915. 2 copies. (25-26) Industrial arbitration. See Arbitration, industrial. Inheritances. See Taxation of. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 183 Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-26) Initiative and referendum. List of references relating to. Typewritten. Meyer. 1909. See also Primary election laws. [Same.] Select list of references on the initiative, refer- endum, and recall; compiled under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bihliographer. 1910, 1912. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Injunction, etc. See Boycotts and. Inland waterways. Select list of references on inland waterways of Europe; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1910. See also Deep waterways. Insurance, Government regulation of. List of references on. Griffin. 1906. 2nd ed. 1908. [Same.] List of works relating to Government regulation of; United States and foreign countries. Griffin. 1908. 2d ed. [Same] workingmen's. Select list of references on. Grifim. 1908. 2 copies. International arbitration. See Arbitration, international. [Same] law and practice. Recognition in, list of references on. Griffin. 1904. [Same] law. The bibliography of international law and continental law; by E. M. Borchard, law librarian. 1913. 2 copies. Interoceanic canal and railway route. List of books (with references to periodicals) on. Morrison. 1900. Iron and steel in commerce. Select list of books, etc., re- lating to. Griffin. 1907. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Jones, John Paul. Calendar of manuscripts. Ford. 1903. Kohl collection of maps relating to America. Phillips. 1904. See Maps, Kohl collection, etc. Labor, particularly relating to strikes. List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to. Griffin. 1903. See also Child labor, and Prison labor. Law and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, Guide to. By E. M. Borchard. G. P.O., 1917. (25-26.) [Same.] Headings and cross references for a subject cata- logue of American and English. Librarian of Congress. Reports of. See List, p. 406. Librettos. Catalogue of opera librettos printed before 1800. Sonneck, 1914. 2 vols. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Lincolniana. List of. Richie. 1903, 1906. 184 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-26) Literature, law, and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, Guide to. By E. M. Barchard. G. P. O., 1917. (25-26) MacDowell, Edward. Catalogue of first editions (1861- 1908). Sonncck, 1917. (25-26) Manual of Librarian. See Keport of Librarian, 1901. (25-26) Maps: In the Library of Congress. Phillips. 1898. See also Atlases. America. List of. Philhps. 1901. (56—2; H. doc. 516.) 2 copies. Foreign governments. Phillips. 1904. Kohl collection of, relating to America. Phillips. 1904. 5 copies. (25-26-41) Spanish possessions m the United States, 1502-1820. List of. Lowery, 1912. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Washington and District of Columbia. Maps and views of. Phillips. 1900. (56—1; S. doc. 154.) Mercantile marine subsidies. List of books (with refer- ences to periodicals) relating to. Griffin. 1900, 1903, 1906, 1911. [Same.] Additional references relating to mercantile marine subsidies; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1911. Monetary question. Select list of references on the mone- tary question; comp. by H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibliog- rapher, and W. A. Slade, chief of periodical division. 1913. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Monroe Papers. Papers of James Monroe. Ford. 1904, 2 copies. Municipal affairs, with special reference to municipal own- ership. Griffin. 1906. 2 copies. Music. See Dramatic music. See Orchestral innsic. Catalogue of early books on music. Gregory. 1913. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Naturalization. List of references on. Griffin. 1907. Naval records of the Revolution. Lincohi. 1906. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Negro question. List of references on. Griffm. 1903; 1906. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Newspapers. Check list of. [Same.] American. Slauson. 1901. 2 copies. (25-26-41) [Same.] John Van Ness Ingram. 1912. 3 copies. (25- 26-41) [Same.] Foreign, Slauson. 1904. 6 copies. (25-26-41) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 185 Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-26) Nicaragua canal. List ol" references to. GrifTm. 1900. (56—1; S. doc. 59.) Northern Securities. See Raih-oads. Old age and civil service pensions. List of references on. Grifiin. 1903, 1904. Open shop. Select list of references on the open shop. Opera librettos. Catalogue of. Printed before 1800. Soinieck, 1914. 2 vols. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Orchestral music. Catalogue of scores. Sonneck. 1912. 8° 4 copies. (25-26-41) Parcels post. Select list of references on parcels post; comp. under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, chief bibli- ographer. 1911. 5 copies. (25-26-41) Pardoning power. Select list of references on the pardon- ing power: Federal and State. Pension. See Old age. Philippine Islands. List of books (with references to peri- odicals) relating to the American occupation of, 1898-1903. Reprinted with some additions. Griffin. 1905. (S. doc. 74, 57 — 2.) 2 copies. See also Bibliotheca Filipina. [Same.] List of books (with references to periodicals). Griffin. With list of chronological maps. Phillips. 1903. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Pierce, Franklin. Calendar of the papers of. Leeech. 1917. (25-26) Political parties. List of works relating to. Griffin. 1907. 3 copies. Porto Rico. List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to. Griffin. 1901. (S. doc. 222, 56—2.) Postal savings banks. T^^ist of books, with references to periodicals. Griffin. 1908. A. A. 5 copies. (25-26-41) [Same.] Supplementary list of references, ]\leyer. Type- written. (2.5-26) [Same.] (See also S. rcpt. 525; 60 — 1, showing history of legislation to 1898.) Preferential voting. Select list of references on preferen- tial voting and the transferable vote. '''■'''' President, powers of the. List of references relating to the. Griffin. 1903. ' Primary election laws. , List of references on. Griffin. 1905. See also Initiative and referendum. Prison labor. List of references. Meyer. 1915. Public documents. See Document catalogue. (25-26) 186 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-26) Public service rates. Select list of references on public service rates in the United States and foreign countries. (Cabs, electricity, gas, street railways, telephones, water.) Railroads in foreign countries, Government ownership of. Select list of references on. Grifhn. 1903, 1904. [Same.] Select list of books on railroads in foreign countries- Governmental regulation. General; Continental Europe ; International freight agreement; Great Britain; France; Germany; Belgium; Switzerland; Italy; Austria-Hungary; Russia; comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin, chief bibliographer. 1905. 5 copies. (25-26-41) [Same] in their relations to the Government and the public, with appendix list of references to the Northern Securities case. Griffin. 1904, 1905, 1907. 2 copies. [Same] valuation and capitalization of. Meyer. 1909. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Recall. See Initiative and referendum. (25-26) Reciprocity. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1902. 2 copies. (57 — 1; S. doc. 317.) Meyer. 1910. 4 copies. (25-26-41) — ■ with Canada. List of books, etc. Griffin. 1907. Meyer. 1911. 5 copies. (25-26-41) Recognition in international law and practice. List of ref- ences on. Griffin. 1904. Referendum. See Initiative and referendum; also Pri- mary election laws. Representation (proportional). List of books, with refer- ences to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1904. Samoa and Guam. List of books, with references to peri- odicals, relating to. Griffin. 1901. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Sciences. See Classification. Secret service. Select list of references on the United States secret service. By H. H. B. Meyer. 1910. (25-26) Senate. Bibliography. 59—1; S. doc. 303. 1906. Senators. Debates in Federal convention on election of Senators. Griffin. 1902. 57—1; S. doc. 404. [Same] (popular election of). List of references on the. Griffin. 1904. Meyer. 1911. 2 copies. Second-class mail. List of works relating to second-class mail matter; comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin, chief bibliographer. 1907. Sherman. List of works in the Library of Congress relat- ing to Gen. Wm. T. Sherman, including his writings; comp. by A. P. C. Griffin, chief bibliographer. 1904. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 187 Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-2G) Short ballot. Select list of references on the short ballot. Spain. Guide to law of. Palmer. 1915. Spanish law. Guide to the law and legal literature of Spain ; prepared under the direction of E. M. Borchard, law librarian. By Thomas W. Palmer, jr. 1915. 3 copies. (25-26-41) .„-,. - ... [Same] possessions, map of, in the United States. See Maps. (25-26) Spies and spy system. List of references. By H. H. B. Meyer. 1915. (25-26) Star-Spangled Banner, The. Soimeck. 1914. 4 copies. (25-26-41) Strikes. See Labor. Subsidies. See Mercantile marine. Sugar. Select list of references on. Meyer. 1910. 3 copies. (25-26-41) Supreme Court of the U. S, List of works relating to. Meyer. 1909. 2 copies. Tariffs of foreign countries. See also British tariff, etc. 2 copies. Taxation of inheritances and incomes. Griffin. 1907. Meyer. 1911. Supp. Trusts. List of books, with references to periodicals, relat- ing to 1st, 2d, and 3d ed. Griffin. (1900), 1902, 1907. 5 copi (25-26-41) Union list of periodicals, transactions, and allied publica- tions currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia. Slauson. 1901. Valuation, etc., of railroads. See Railroads. Van Buren Papers. Calendar of the papers of Martin Van Buren in the Library of Congress ; prepared by Eliza- beth H. West. 1910. 2 copies. Vernon-Wager manuscripts. List of. Ford. 1904. 5 copies. (25-26-41) Virginia Company of London. Records of. Kingsbury. 4° 1906. D. 2. [Same.] An introduction to the records of the Virginia Company of London, with a bibliographical list of the extant documents, by Susan M. Kingsbury. 1905. Wager manuscripts. See Vernon. War, the LTnited States at. References by Library of Congress. 1917. (25-26) 188 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Library of Congress, publications of the — Continued. (25-26) Washington aids. Aids and secretaries to Gen. George Washington. [Facsimiles of handwriting reprinted from the Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington with the Continental Congress] 1906. [Same] (George) correspondence with the officers. Fitz- patrick, 1915. In 4 vols. (25-26-41) [Same] (George) correspondence with the Continental Congress. Fitzpatrick, 1906. 4° 4 copies. (25-26-41) [Same] manuscripts. Calendar of. Friedenwald. 1901- 2 copies. [Same] and District of Columbia. List of maps and views of. See IVIaps, Washington and District of Colum- bia, etc. Water rights. List of references on water rights and the control of waters ; comp. under the direction of H. H, B. Meyer, chief bibliographer. 1914. 2 copies. Waterways. See Deep waterways. Wool. List of references on. Meyer. 1911. 2 copies. of the Department of Justice. Catalogue of. By J. A. Finch. 1904. 8° J. Libraries, Public, of the United States and Canada. Statistics. 1893. 8° (Bureau of Education publication.) T. Liddell, H. G., and K. Scott. Greek-Enghsh lexicon. N. Y., Har- per & Bro., 1880. 4° Life insurance. Testimony before N. Y. legislative committee relative to pensions of. (11) See also New York. saving Service, U. S., annual report of the, 1907. 1908. 8° Treas. Dept., 1908. (31) Light-House Establishment. Laws and regulations relative to. 1896. 8° Treas. Dept., 1896. (31) laws from Aug. 7, 1789, to Mar. 3, 1855. Wash., Nicholson, 1855. 8° (31) [Same] and appropriations. 1789-1855. 1855. (31) Same, 1904. 8° 2 copies. Com. Dept., 1904. (30) Lightning conductors. 1867. 8° Lincoln, Abraham. A history. By John G. Nicolay and John Hay. N. Y., Century CO., 1904.. 10 vols. 8° H. Addresses, etc. First and second inaugural addresses. Mar, 4, 1861, Mar. 4, 1865; message, July 5, 1861; proclama- tion, Jan. 1, 1863; address at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863. 8° H. Complete works; comprising his speeches, letters. State papers, and miscellaneous writings. By John G. Nicolay and John Hay. N. Y., Century co., 1894. 2 vols. 8° H. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 189 Lincoln, Abraham. Democracy of. Address by Henry Cabot Lodge. 1913. S. doc. 18; 63—1. Homestead of. Speeches in H. R. on bill to accept deed of conveyance. II. doc. 1056; 64 — 1. H. 5. [Life of] by John T. Morse, jr. [being vols. 25 and 26 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° G. Life of. By Ida M. Tarbell. N. Y., McClure, Phillips & CO., 1904. 2 vols. 8° H. Memorial. An illustrated address by Glenn Brown. 1910. Mem.orial Commission. (Created by act of Congress, approved Feb. 9, 1911. 36 Stats., 898.) First report of com- mission: S. doc. 965; 62 — 3. and Douglas debates. Political debates between Abra- ham Lmcoln and Stephen A. Douglas, in the celebrated cam- paign of 1858, m Illinois; and other speeches. Columbus, Fol- lett, Foster & co., 1860. 8° H. [Same.] Fifty years after. A new account of the forensic "seven days' battle." By Fredericli Trevor Hill. In The Century Magazine, November, 1908. (The two in one vol- ume.) H. By Edwin E. Sparks. In Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. III. Springfield, 111., 1908. 111., State Hist. Library. L. C. Lincoln- Garfield -McKinley Memorial. Addresses delivered be- fore the two Houses of Congress. Compiled by Charles Row- ley Cushman. 1903. 57— 2; S. doc. 219. 4° Charles Z. Constitutional history of New York. Roch., Lawyers' Cooperative Pub. co., 1906. 5 vols. 8° F. Lincolniana. List of. Richie. 1903. L. C. Lippincott, Constance. Maryland as a palatinate. Pliila., J. B. Lippincott, 1902. 8° pronouncing gazeteer of the world. 1855, 1866, 1879, 1890. See Dictionaries. Literature. Law and legal literature of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. By Edwm M. Borchard. 1917. (25-26) 2 copies. Oriental. The Dabistan or school of manners. (Universal Classics Library, vol.- 15.) I. Ottoman. The poets and poetry of Turkey. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 16.) I. The real and ideal in. By Frank P. Stearns. Bost. J. G. Cupples CO., 1892. 12° (14) See Harper's dictionary of. 190 CATALOGUE OP LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Livingston, Edward. Address with respect to the batture at New, • Orleans. 1808. 8° (14) A system of penal laws for the United States. Wash,, Gales & Seaton, 1828. 4° (34) John. The law register. N. Y., Merchants' Union Law CO., 1868. 4° S. Loans of the United States, 1789 to 1896. 8° (Treasury Depart- ment Bull. no. 1897.) and currency of the country. By W. F. DeKnight. 1900. 4° Lock gates, notes on mitering. By H. F. Hodges. 1892. 4° (14) Lockouts and strikes, and laws relating thereto. See Twenty- first annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1906. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Studies in history. Bost., Houghton, MifHin & co. [1884]. 8° F. Certain accepted heroes, and other essays in literature and politics. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1897. 8° F. Constitution (The) and its makers. An address. Raleigh, N. C, 1911. S. doc. 122; 62—2. Life and letters of George Cabot. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1897. 8° G. [Life of] Alexander Hamilton [being vol. 7 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. Henry Cabot. Historical and political essays. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 8° F. The story of the Revolution. N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1898. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. E. [Life of] George Washington [being vols. 4 and 5 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. — [Life of] Daniel Webster [being vol. 21 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. The war with Spain. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1900. 8° F. — — ■ — Historic towns, Boston. N. Y., Lond., and Bombay, Longmans, Green & co., 1902. 8° F. A fighting frigate, and other essays iand addresses. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1902. 8° F. — Hero tales from American history. Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt. N. Y., The Century co., 1904. 8° F. The works of Alexander Hamilton (editor). Federal edition. N. Y., Putnam's Sons. 1904. 12 vols, 8° H. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 191 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Federalist, The. A commentary on the con- stitution of the U. S., reprinted from the origmal text of Alex. Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison; being vols. 11 and 12 of the Works of Alex. Hamilton, Fed. ed. 1904. H. A short history of the English colonies in America. Rev. ed. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1904. 8° E. A frontier town, and other essays. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. 8° F. Public opinion bill. Speech before the Central Labor Union of Boston, Sept. 15, 1907. 60—1; S. doc. 114. Symphony Hall, Boston, speech at. Jan. 11, 1911. Upon approaching election of Senator. 8° F. One hundred years of peace. Published in the "Out- look" for Dec-Jan., 1912-13. H. doc. 1268; 62—3. 8° F. — ■ Lincoln, Abraham. Democracy of. An address before the students of Boston University School of Law, 1913. 8° S. doc. 18; 63—1. H. Early memories. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1913. 8° F. Senate, amendment of the United States, Political Quarterly. Lond. Feb. 1914. 8° F. Lloyd, Thomas (short-hand reporter). Proceedings of first House of Representatives, at New York, 1789. N. Y., Harrison & Purdy, 1789. 8° X. Long, John D. Republican party; its history, principles, and policies. N. Y., M. W. Hazen co., 1900. 8° F. Lookout Valley, recapture of; origin of plan. Report of Army ^oard. 1901. 8° (14) Lorimer, James. The institutes of the law of nations. Edinburgh, Wilham Blackwood & Sons, 1883. 2 vols. 8° See Inter- national law. O. Lossing, Benson J. (editor). Harper's popular cyclopaxlia of United States history from the aboriginal period to 1876. N. Y., Har- per & Bros., 1881. 2 vols. 4° 2 copies. C. ■ One of the compilers of The Statesman's Manual, 1789-1858. N. Y., Edward Walker, 1858. 4 vols. 8° K. (46). Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. [Life of] William Henry Seward [being vol. 27 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° G. Louis XIV. Memoirs of, and the regency. By duke of Saint- Simon. (University Classics Library, vols. 19, 20, and 21.) I. Louisiana. Purchase of the territory of. State papers and corre- spondence bearing upon. 1903. 8° 57 — 2; H. doc. 431. 2 copies. F. (14) 192 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Louisiana. Purchase of, and our title west of the Rocky Moun- tains, with a review of annexation. By Binger Hermann. 56—1, H. doc. 70S. 4° S. (14) Lounsbury, Thomas R. EngHsh spelhng and spelHng reform N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1909. 8° B. 2 copies. — The standard of usage in English. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1908. 8° E. Lowell, A. Lawrence. The Government of Enghmd. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1909. 2 vols. 8° C. Lowrie, Walter and M. St. Clair Clarke. (Compilers) American Archives, a selection of important legislative and executive documents of the Congress of the U. S., 1789-1833. 38 vols, folio. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1832. (44-45) Loyal citizens in loyal States. Claims for quartermaster's stores etc., of. Laws relating to. Ref. Loyalists of Massachusetts, the. And the other side of the American Revolution. By James H. Stark. Bost., W. B. Clarke co., 1910. 8° E. Ludlow, William. Reconnaissance from Carroll, Mont., to Yellow- stone National Park, 1875. 1876. 4° S. Lumber industry. Special report by Commissioner of Corpora- tions, 1913-1914. 3 copies. (14) See Annual report for 1912. Lusitania, Correspondence relating to. 1915. 3 vols. McCall, Samuel W. [Life of] Thaddeus Stevens [being vol. 31 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° G. McClure, Charles. Digest of opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army. 1901. 8° McConachie, Lauros G. Congressional committees. A study of the origin and development of. N. Y., Thos. Y. Crowell & co. 8° X. McCormick, James. Second edition of Geographic Dictionary of Alaska. 1906. 8° 59—1; H. doc. 938. McCoy, Jos. S. Tables showing the values of 2, 3, and 4 per cent bonds, with simple interest table. 1908. 8° McCrary, George W. A treatise on the American law of elections. 2d ed. Chi., E. B. Myers, 1880. 8° X. [Same.] 4th ed. Edited by H. L. McCune. Chi., Calla- ghan & CO., 1897. 8° X. McCulloch, J. C. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and his- torical, of commerce and commercial navigation. Phila., 1840, 1854, 1869. 2 vols. 8° Ref. A dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical. Lond., Longmans, 1854. 2 vols. 8° Ref. Note.— Vol. 2 missing. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 193 McDonald, William J. A compilation of questions of order and decisions thereon. 1881. 8° X. McGowan, Jonas H. Lawyer's handbook of Federal practice. Wash., Brodix Publishing co., 1891. 8° McKechnie, William Sharp. Magna Charta. A commentary on the great charter of King John. Glasgow, James Maclehose & Sons, 1905. 8° M. McKee, Thomas Hudson. A manual of congressional practice. (Red book.) Wash., Tlios. 11. McKce, 1891. 4° B. National conventions and platforms of all political parties, 1789 to 1901. 4th ed. Bait., Friedenwald co., 1901. 8° 2 copies. 1. [Same.] 1789-1905. 3 copies. I. National platforms of all political parties from 1789 to . 1892. Wash., Statistical Publishing co. 12° 2 copies. I. Presidential inaugurations from George Washington, 1789, to Grover Cleveland, 1893, with inaugural addresses and historical notes. Wash., Statistical Publishing co., 1893. 8° 4 copies. H. Protection echoes from the Capitol. Wash., 1888. 8° United States tariff law. Wash., E. W. Oyster, 1883. 8° Index to reports of the Senate and House, by committees. 1815-1887. 2 vols. 8° T. McKinley, William. History of tariff legislation, 1812-1896, in vol. 10 of the works of Henry Clay. N. Y., Putnam's Sons. 1904. 8° G. Last speech of, delivered at Buffalo, Sept. 5, 1901. 56 — 2; . H. doc.356, pt. 9. 58— 2; S. doc. 268. (14) Last annual message of, to Congress, Dec. 3, 1900. 1906. 2 copies in special binding. 8° H. See Lincoln-Garfield-]\fcKinley memorial. McLaughlin, Andrew C. [Life of] Lewis Cass [being vol. 24 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, IMifflin & CO., 1898. 12° F. McMaster, John Bach. A school history of the United States. American Book co., 1897. 12° E. — John Bach. History of the people of the United States from the Revolution to the civil war, 1784-. N. Y., D. Apple- ton & CO., 1900-1913. 8 vols. 8° E. McPherson, Edward. Handbook of politics, being a record of important political action, national and State, 1872 to 1894. Wash., Phip & Solomons, 1872-1894. 12 vols. 8° (38) History of the rebellion. 3(1 ed. Wash., Solomons & Chapman, 1876. 8° E. (38) 49183—18 13 194 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. McPherson, Edward. The political history of the United States during the period of reconstruction. Wash., Solomons & Chap- man, 1875. 8° E. (38) [compiler.] Index of House bills from 1st to 42d Congress, inclusive, relating to banks, currency, public debt, tariff, and direct taxes. 1875. 8° 43—2; H. mis. doc. 92. McWade, Robert, [and Thomas Power O'Connor]. Gladstone — Parnell and the great Irish struggle. Phila., Hubbard Bros., 1886. 8° G. MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal man, being essays on Education and Crime, Criminal Sociology, Criminal Hypnotism, Alcohol- ism, Insanity, and Genius, with digests of literature and a bib- liography. 1893. Published by U. S. Bureau of Education. Washington, D. C. 445 pages. 8° 2d edition, 1895. 58—3; S. doc. 187. • A plan for the study of man, with reference to bills to establish a laboratory for the study of the criminal, pauper, and defective classes, treating especially of Hypnotism, with a bibliography of child study. 166 pages. 8° Government Printing Office. Washington, D. C, 1902. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 400. Child Study. Experimental study of children, including anthropom'etrical and psychophysical measurements of Wash- ington school cliildren; measurements of school children in United States and Europe; description of instruments of pre- cision in the laboratory of the Bureau of Education; child study in the United States; and a bibhography. Reprint (from Annual Report of U. S. Commissioner of Education for 1897-98), 325 pages. 8° Washington, D. C, 1899. T. 55—3; H. doc. 5. 57—1; S. doc. 400. [Same.] Bibliography of. Included in "A plan for the study of man." (30) Statistics of crime, suicide, insanity, and other forms of abnormality. Bureau of Education, 1903. 8° 58 — special; S. doc. 12. — , George. Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collec- tion. University of Glasgow. Glasgow, James IMaclehose & Sons, 1899, 1901, 1905. 3 vols. 4° B. — , J. R. Geography of New Zealand for senior pupils in the public schools, scholarship candidates, and pupil teachers. WelHngton & Christchurch, N. Z., 1903. B. , William. Documentary source book. 1606-1898. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1909. 8° E. Select charters and other documents illustrative of American history, 1606-1775. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1906. 8° E. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 195 Macdonald, Goorgc. Select statutes and other documents illus- trative of the history of the U. S., 1861-1898. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1903. 8° E. Macfarland, Henry B. F. Nation's relations with its Capital city. 1914. Wash. 8° Machiavelli, Niccolo. History of Florence and of the affairs of Ital}^. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 12.) I. Mack, Wilham (and Howard P. Nash). "Cyc" — Cyclopaedia of law and procedure. N. Y., Am. Book co., 1901-1911. 4° Maclay, William. Journal of the proceecUngs of the United States Senate, 1789-1791. Edited by Edgar S. Maclay. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1890. 8° X. Sketches of debate in the first Senate of the United States, 1789-90-91; including a brief report made by the Librarian of Congress, A. R. Spofford, upon Maclay's journal, 1869. Edited by George W. Harris. Harrisburg, 1880. 8° X. History of the location of the Capitol at Washington. Extracted from the private journal of. Reprinted in S. Rept. No. 480; 60th Cong., 1st sess. 8° A. Madelin, Louis. Victory of the Marne. Paris, 1917. 8. T. Madison, James. Calendar of correspondence. Wash., 1894. 4° [being No. 4 of the bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State]. H. doc. 621, 57 — 1. 2 copies. B. (14) [Life of] by Sidney Howard Gay [being vol. 12 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. papers, the. Purchased by order of Congress, being James Madison's correspondence and reports of debates dur- ing the Congress of the Confederation, and his reports of debates in the Federal Convention. Published by direction of the Joint Library Committee of Congress. Henry D. Gilpin, 1841. 3 vols. Volume 1, Debates m 1776 on the Declaration of Independence and a few of the articles of confederation preserved by Thomas Jefferson; letters of Mr. Madison pre- ceding the debates of 1783; debates in the Congress of the Confederation, from Nov. 4, 1782, to June 21, 1783; letters contemporar}^ with, and subsequent to, the debates of 1783; Volume 2, Debates- in the Congress of the Confederation, from Feb. 19, 1787, to Apr. 25, 1787; correspondence during, and subsequent, to the debates in the Congress of the Confed- eration, from Feb. 15, 1787, to Nov. 2, 1788; debates in the Federal Convention, from May 14, 1787, to Aug. 6, 1787; Volume 3, Debates in the Federal Convention, from Aug. 7, 1787, until its final adjournment, Sept. 17, 1787. 8° 3 sets. H. (14) Also, in vol. 5, EUiott's Debates. 196 CATALOGUE OP LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Madison, James. Writings of. Comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed. Edited by Gaillard Hunt. N. Y. and Lond., G. B. Putnam's sons, 1900-1908. 9 vols. 8° H. (14) Madrid. Columbia Historical Exposition, 1892. See Expositions List, p. 426. Magazine articles. Economic subjects. 1893-1908. (14) Magna Charta. A commentary on the great charter of King John. By William Sharp McKechnie. Glasgow, James Maclehose & sons, 1905. 8° M. Magnetic observatory at the Girard College. 4 vols., plates. 4° tables and charts. 1905. Magruder, Allan B. [Life of] John Marshall [being vol. 10 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, MifHin & cc, 1898. 12° G. "Maine, The," U. S. battleship. Destruction of, in Havana Har- bor, Feb. 15, 1898. Reports by United States officers and Spanish officers. 8° 55—2; H. doc. 405. Malloy, William M. Compiler of Treaties, Conventions, Inter- national acts, etc. 1776-1909. 2 vols. 61—2; S. doc. 357. 8° O. Man, Abnormal. See ISiacDonald, Arthur. (14) a plan for the study of. (14) See MacDonald, Arthur. without a country. H. See The, etc. Man- Suffrage Association. Literature from. 1916. (21) Manual for horseshoers, etc. 1914. War Dept. Doc. 486. 12° (31) 2 copies. Manual, etc., of the Senate and House. S'ee Lists, pp. 401-402. Constitution, Rules, and Manual. P. N. [Same] of Style, Government Printing Office. 8° S. [Same] of the United States Navy. See Navy Dept. (31) War Department. See War Department. (31) Manuscripts, Washington. See Library of Congress. Map (statistical) of the District of Columbia. See Atlases. A. See Atlases and. Maps of America, list of. Phillips, 1901. A. 2. See Library of Congress. March, Francis A. A thesaurus dictionary of the Engfish language. Phila., Historical Publishing co., 1902, 1906. 4° Marine Corps. List of officers. See Navy and Marine Corps. Navy and. General register of the United States, 1782- 1882. By T. H. S. Hamersly. Wash., published by the author, 1882-1888. 8° (31) Navy, etc. United States. Laws relating to, digest of. By William H. Michael. 1898. 8° 55—2; S. doc. 271. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 197 Marine Corps. Hospital Service. Reports of, 1871 to date. See list of publications relating to. 1917. 2 copies. (31) Maritime reciprocity. By Joseph Nimmo, jr., 1871. 8° (21) Marne, Victory of the. By Louis Madelin. Marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867-1886, report on. By Carroll D. Wright. Including an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. 1889. 8° (14) See Special report of the Census Office. Marshall, John. Complete Constitutional Decisions of, anno- tated. Edited by John M. Dillon. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 8° M. (editor). Life of George Washington. James Crissy and others. Phila., 1845. 8° I. Eulogy on. By Horace Binney, Sept. 24, 1835. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1900. 8° 2 copies. H. Life, character, and judicial services. Memorial ad- dresses and proceedings on Marshall day, 1901. Compiled and edited by John F. Dillon. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1903. 3 vols. 4° H. [Life of] by Allan B. Magruder [being vol. 10 of the Amer- ican Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. Proceedings at unveiling of statue. 48 — 1; S. rept., vol. 4. Proceedings at Centennial of appointment as Chief Justice printed as appendix to U. S. 180. Also in Washington Law Reporter, vol. 29, p. 86. Also, In Dillon's Life, etc., of Mar- shall, vol. 1, p. 7. Not printed as a public document. M. Martens guide Diplomatique. By Charles De Martens. Paris. 1837. (38) Martin, Luther. See Secret proceedings and debates of the Federal Convention, 1787. M. Maryland. Colonial laws, declaration of rights, constitution, 'etc., of 1692-1785. pp. 9-584. 8° F. as a palatinate. By Constance Lippincott. Phila., J. B. Lippincott, 1902. 8° Its resources, industries, and institutions. Prepared for the board of World's Fair managers of Maryland by mem- bers of Johns Hopliins University and others. Bait., 1893. 4° (41) Mason, Edward Campbell. The veto power. Bost., Ginn co., 1890. 8° (Harvard Historical Monographs, no. 1.) S. George. Life of, 1725-1792. By Kate Mason Rowland. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1892. 2 vols. 8° H. 198 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Mason, James M. The public life and diplomatic correspondence of. By his daughter. Roanoke, Stone Printing & Manu- facturing CO., 1903. 8° H. Massachusetts. Manual for the use of the general court. By Gifford & McLaughlin. Bost., Wright & Potter, 1885. 8° See Geographic dictionary. Master and servant. Commentaries on the. By C. A. Labatt. vols. 1 and 2, Employer's liability. Roch., 1904. Lawyers' co.-Op. Pub. CO. 8° O. thoughts of Thomas Jefferson. Selected and classified by Benj. S. Catchings. Privately printed. The Nation Press, N. Y., 1907. 8° (The references are to ''The Writings of Thomas Jefferson," published by the Jefferson Memorial Association of Washington, D. C.) H. Matthias, Benj. Rules of order. A manual for conducting busi- ness in town and ward meetings =i^ * * and other delib- erative bodies. Phila., James Harmstead, 1846. 12° X. Maupin, Chapman W. Digest of the decisions of the Court of Claims, the Supreme Court, the Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Circuit and District courts in suits against the U. S. Balto., The Lord Balto. Press, 1907. 8° (32) Maurice, J. F. Hostilities without declaration of war, from 1700- 1870. Lond., 1883. 8° (31) Mawhinney, Robt. J. Digest of the opinions of the Solicitor of the Treasury. 1880-1910. 8° 2 copies, Maximilian. See Juarez and Caesar Cantu. J. Maxims: political, philosophical, and moral. By Edward Counsel. 2d ed. Melbourne, A. H. Massina & co., 1892. 12° (14) proverbs and phrases of all ages. By Robt. Christy. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 8° 2 copies. B. Maximum and minimum duties. See under Tariff. May, Thomas Erskine (editor). Parliamentary practice; a treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings, and usage of Parliament. Lond., Butterworths, 1863. 8° X. [Same.] 11th ed. By T. Lonsdale Webster and William Edward Grey. Lond., Wm. Clowes & sons, 1906. 8° X. Mayes, Edward (editor). Lucius Q. C. Lamar. His life, times, and speeches, 1825-1893. Barbee & Smith, 1896. 4° B. Mayo, Robert. Army and navy pension laws, and bounty-land laws of the United States. Wash., W. H. cS: O. H. Morrison, 1861. 8° (34) Pension laws of the United States, including sundry reso- lutions of Congress, from 1776-1833. Wash., Globe Printing Office, 1833. 8° (34) Treasury Department and its various fiscal bureaus. Wash., Wm. O. Force, 1847. 4° (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 199 Mead, Elwood. Plans of structures in use on irrigation canals in the United States. 1903. 4° Medals of honor. Record of issued, 1862-1917. Navy Dept., 1917. 8° (31) Medicine statistics, Provost-marshal, 1861-65. 2 vols. Mediterranean Sea. General examination of. 1870. (14) Meigs, William M. The growth of the Constitution in the Federal convention of 1787. 2d ed. Phila., J. B. Lippiiicott co., 1900. 8° M. Melbourne. International exhibition at, 1888. lleports of the United States commissioners. 1890. 51 — 1; S. ex. doc. 18. E. Memoirs, secret, court of Berlin. (University Classics Library, vol. 3.) I. Memorial addresses. (48) See List, p. 615. Men of America. A biographical dictionary of contemporaries. By John W. Leonard. N. Y., L. R. Hamersly & co., 1908. 8° B. Mercantile marine subsidies. List of books, with references to periodicals relating to. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Study of subsidies, etc., in principal countries of the world. G. M. Jones. Dept. of Com., 1916. 8° S. 3 copies. Merchant marine. Navigation and the. Laws of the United States. 1895. 8° 54—1; H. doc. 28, pt. 2. (31) [Same.] 1889. 56— 1; H. doc. 14, pt. 2. P. Commission. Report, 1905. S. rept. 2755; 58 — 3. Vols. 3-5. Vessels of the United States. B. List, p. 620. (31) Merchants' Association of New York. Pocket Guide to New York. March, 1906. — Magazine. Hunt. 18 vols. (Missing, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 13.) (38) Merrill, J. W. Yellow Spring and Huron. A local history. Medi- apolis, Iowa, 1897. 8° 2 copies. Messages and Papers of the Confederacy. By J. D. Richardson. Nashville, U. S. Pub. co., 1905. 2 vols. 8" H. and Papers of the Presidents. By J. D. Richardson. 1899. 10 vols. 8° 53— 2; II. mis. doc. 210. Metal mines. Rules and regulations, Bu. of mines, 1915. (30) Metals. Report on production of precious. List, p. 665. Metals and manufacture of. Schedule C, Tarifi" Hearings, 1908-09. 2 pts. (20) Tests of, at Watertown Arsenal. List, p. 688. Meteorology and hypsometry. Tables on. By R. S. Williamson. N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1868. 4° (14) 200 CATALOGUE OE LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Methods of municipal taxation and assessment in the District of Columbia. Compiled by William Tindall. 190S. 44 pp. 8° T. Methodist book concern south. Teller report relative to pas- sage of bill for relief of. S. rept. 1416; 55 — 2. Metric Fallacy, The. By Frederick A. Halsey; and the Metric Failure in the Textile Industry. By Samuel S. Dale. New York, D. Van Nostrand co., 1904. 8° (11) system. The International. (30) system of weights and measures. Hearing before House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. (30) 8° See Hearings. Mexican and Central American Pilot (Pacific coast). 1915. (14) X. war. History of, 1846-1848. By Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox. Edited by Mary Racliel Wilcox. Wash., Church News Pub- lishing CO., 1892. 8° F. Mexico. See American Republics, Bureau of the. List, p. 335. Claims against, and report on payment of claims. 1884. (14) X. Claims growing out of insurrection. H. doc. 1168; 62—3. 8° Historical, geographical and commercial. 56—2; H. doc. 181, pt. 3. F. ■ History of. See vols. 9, 10, and 11 of Bancroft's Works. D. Volunteer general staff during the war with. See Army and Navy Register, by Thos. H. F. Hamersly. K. Tariff, customs, of the republic of. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for Sept., 1905.) 4° (21) Meyer, Hermann Henry Bernard (Chief Bibliographer). Compiler of sundry publications of the Library of Congress. J. Theory of the coin, coinage, and monetary system of the world. 1878. 8° 45—3; H. mis. doc. 8. The world's money. Theory of the coin, coinage, and monetary system of the world. Translated from the German. By Mrs. C. P. Culver. 1878. 8° 45—3; H. mis. doc. 8. Meyers, Wm. F, Laws relating to corporations in the District of Columbia. 1912. 8° T. Michael, William H. The Declaration of Independence. Illus- trated story of its adoption, with the biographies and portraits of the signers and of the Secretary of the Congress. 1904. 4° A. History of the State Department. 1901. 1896. F. — Tariff acts [joint compiler], 1789-1895. 8^. 1896. 54—1; S. doc. 219. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 201 Michigan oflB.cial directory and legislative manual for the years 1901-2. Compiled by Fred M. Warner. Lansing, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck-Crawfordco., 1901. 8° (41) Census of. 1901-2. (41) Military Academy, U. S. (31) History of. See 58 — 3; IT. doc. 582. 4° 2 vols. and naval defenses of the United States, 1836, 1840, 1851. 37^2; II. ex. doc. 92, vol. 7. biographies and other personal literature in the War Department Library. Finding list of . 2d cd. 1899. 8° (31) (constitutional and) law of the United States. An intro- duction to the study of . 1896. 8° O. minutes of the council of appointment of the State of New York. By Hastings and Noble. Albany, James B. I^yon, 1901. 3 vols, and index. 8° (31) law. A manual for courts-martial and of procedure under, 2d ed. 1898. 1908. 12° (31) laws of the United States. Editions of 1838, 1846, 1776-1858, 1776-1863, 1864, 1898, 1901, 1908, 1911, 1915, 1917. See 56—2; H. doc. 545. Ref. Official register, 1836 to 1853, 1901. (31) papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, governor of New York, 1807-1817. Albany, Published by the State, 1898. 3 vols. 8° G. policy of the U. 'S. By Emory Upton, U. S. A. S. doc. 494; 62—2. 8° Ref. policy, a proper. Statements of the Sec'y of War; and the War College. 1915. 8° (31) posts and stations, outline description. 1872. 4° reservations. See United States Military Reservations. telegraph lines, etc. Regulations, 1915. (21) service acts of Great Britain, 1916. S. Doc. 9; 65 — 1. Ref. warfare rules. Conference at Brussels, 1874. By A. Horsford. 1900. 8° (31) Militia of the United States; the, organized. 1898, 1910. 8° K. (31) Roster of the. War Dept., Feb. 1, 1908. 8° 2 copies. K. 2. (31) Regulations of the War Dept. 1908. 8° 2 copies. K. 5. (31) Miller, Francis Trevelyan. Editor The Journal of American His- tory. Associated Publishers of American Records. (Place of publication not given.) Vol. 1, No. 1, first quarter 1907. 764 p. 4° D. 202 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Miller, Samuel Freeman. Lecture on the Constitution of the ITnited States. N. Y., Banks & Bro., 1893. 8° M. Mineral resources of the United States, with special references to the Comstock lode and the Sutro tunnel in Nevada. By AdolphSutro. Bait., J. Murphy &co., 1868. 5° List, p. 621. Mines and Mining, the law of, in the U. S. By D. M. Barringer and J. S. Adams. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1897. 8° Ref. , Bureau of. Publications. 1915. 8° Ref. Mining laws. See U. S. mining statutes. Minnesota. The Legislative manual. 1895. (41) in civil and Indian wars, 1861-1865. (41) Minot, George. See Laws, (public) of the United States. Miscellaneous essays and letters. By Thomas R. Hazard. Phila., Collins, printer, 1883. 12° Mississippi River, physics and hydraulics of. By A. A. Hum- phreys and H. L. Abbot. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1861. 4° (14) [Same.] 1876. 4° (14) • Pike (Z. M.), expedition of, to headwaters of. F. commission. List of reports, p. 622. improvement convention. Report of the proceedings. St. L., Great Western Printing co., 1881. 8° • (upper). Map of the hydrographical basin of the. By I. N. Nicollet. Wash., Blair & Rives, 1843. 8° F. and its source, by J. V. Brow^^r, 1893. Vol. VIII, Min- nesota Historical Association. 8° Harrison. South Minneap- olis, 1893. F. Missouri compromise and slavery in American politics. By Arch- ibald Dixon. 2d ed. Cin., The Robt. Clarke co., 1903. 8° F. land bill. See Claims, Houmas land. River commission. List of reports, p. 623. Modern constitutions. See Constitutions, modern. prison systems. Their organization and regulation in various countries of Europe and America. By Charles R. Henderson. 1903. 8° 2 copies. 57— 2; H. doc. 452. (14) tariff systems. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance. [Mar., 1904.] Monetary commission. Report of the Indianapolis convention. University of Chicago Press, 1898. 8° (31) See National Monetary Commission. conferences. List of reports, p. 623. (31) (11) systems of the world. See 45 — 3. H. mis. 1, No. 8. 8° [Same.] 1916. Bu. of Mint. 8. (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF "UNITED STATES SENATE. 203 Money (paper). A history of tlic various issues ol" United States notes. By J. J. Knox. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1884. 8° (31) and banking. List of works relating to. Bulletin of the N. Y. Ful)lic Library. N. Y., March, 1908. (31) the Peoples. By John W. de Kay. Lond., Ellingham Wil- son, 1913. (47) The monograph, a series of solutions of, as proposed by Senators, Kepresentatives, etc. St. P., Monograph rul)lishing CO., 1894. 8° (31) Mongolia and Tibet. Diary of a journey through. See William Woodville Rockhill. C. Monopolies. See Trusts. Monroe, James. Calendar of correspondence. Wash., 1893. 4° [Being No. 2 of the bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State.] H. doc. 620, 57 — 1. B. (14) Papers of, listed in chronological order. Ford, 1904. L. C. [Life of] by Daniel C. Oilman [being vol. 14 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. The writings of. Edited by S. M. Hamilton. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. 7 vols. 8° H. Monroe doctrine. See Seventh annual message of President Mon- roe. H. mis. doc. 53—2; vol. 37, pt. 2, p. 218, etc. An interpretation. By Albert Bushnell Hart. Bos., 1916, Little, Brown & co. 8° F. Bingham, Hiram. "An obsolete shibboleth." Cong. Record, 63—1, p. 2527. Brazil and the IJ. S. F. Clayton-Bulwer treaty and. 47—1; S. ex. doc. 194. 8** Davis, C. K., speech in Senate Feb. 17, 1896 (Record, p. 1786, etc.), upon concurrent res. reported by Mr. Davis, Jan. 20, 1896. Foster, John W. See "A Century of American Diplomacy," pp. 438-478. Henderson, J. B. See ''American Diplomatic Questions," pp. 289-448. Lodge, H. C. Speech by, Dec. 30, 1895. Cong. Record, vol. 28, pt. 1, pp. 413-420. Morgan, John T. See Res. and debate relative to Isthmus ship canals. Record, 47th Cong., spec, sess., pp. 409-411. Pingrey, D. H. Article by. S. doc. 138; 63—1. 204 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Monroe doctrine — Continued. Pollock, Sir Frederick. S. doc. 7; 58—1. Reddaway, W. F. [Same.] 2d ed. N. Y., G. E. Steg- hert & CO., 1905. 8° F. Slayden, Jas. L. Speech; May 17, 1911. Cong. Record, vol. 47, pt. 5, App., p. 25. — - — - Tucker. A concise history of its origin and growth. By George F. Tucker. Bost., George B. Reed, 1885. 8° 2 copies. F. Wilson, Henry. Speech, Feb. 12, 1856. J. Q. Adams quoted. Globe, App., pp. 84-87. See also Treaties. S. See also Library cards. Montesquieu, Charles L., baron de. Persian and Chinese letters. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 13.) I. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance. List, p. 365. Monographs of. List, p. 368. Moody, John. The truth about trusts. A description and analysis of the American trust movement. N. Y., Moody Pub. co., 1904. 8° 3 copies. Moore, Charles. (Compiler.) Code of law for the District of Columbia. -1903. 8° 2 copies. T. [Introduction to the] History of the Capitol of the United States, by Glenn Brown. A. Purification of the Washington water supply. 2d ed. 1903. 8° 2 copies. T. John B. American diplomacy, its spirit and achievements. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1905. 8° F. Digest of international law. 1906. 8 vols. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 551. vols. 128-132, pt. 4. O. A treatise on extradition and interstate rendition. Bost., Boston Book co., 1891. 2 vols. 8° O. History and digest of the international arbitrations to which the United States has been a party. 1898. 6 vols. 8° 53—2; H. mis. doc. 212. O. Report on extradition, for the use of the International American Conference. 1890. 8° 51—1; S. ex. doc. 55. O. Joseph West. The American Congress. A history of national legislation and political events, 1774-1895. N. Y., Harper Bros., 1895. 8° E. Morals of Jesus. The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Ex- tracted textually from the gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English, by Thomas Jefferson. 1904. 8° 58—2 ; H. doc. 755. C. Morbid anatomy, etc. See Gross morbid anatomy. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 205 Morley, John. Life of William Ewart Gladstone. N. Y., Mac- niillan co., 1904. 3 vols. 8° G. Walpole. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1906. 12° (Twelve English Statesmen.) G. Mormon Church. Publications relating to. Ref. (Sundry publications received from the Senate Committee on Privi- leges and Elections.) Articles of faith. A series of lectures on the principal doc- trines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Da}^ Saints, by Dr. James E. Talmage. Written by appointment, and pub- lished by the church. The Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1899. 16° 490 pp. " Book of Mormon," origin of the. By Perry Benjamin Pierce. (From the American Anthropologist (N. S.), vol. 1, Oct. 1899.) N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1899. 16° pp. 675-694. Book of Mormon. Translated by Joseph Smith, Jr. Reprinted from the third American ed. 30th ed. Published by the reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1905. 12° 545 pp. Defendant's abstract. In the Supreme court of the State of Utah, in the "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, etc., vs. Helen Watson." 16° 61 pp. Doctrine and covenants. Carefully selected from the revelations of God, and given in the order of their dates; by the reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 30th ed. Printed by the Board of Publication of the reor- ganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1904. 12° 394 pp. Doctrine and covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, containing the revelations given to Joseph Smith, jr., the prophet, for the building up of the kingdom of God in the last days. Divided into verses, with references, by Orson Pratt, sr. 3d ed. Printed and published by Brigham Young, 42 Islington, 1891. 16° 503 pp. Primary song book. Published by general board of primary associations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1905. 16° 93 pp. Sacred hymns and spiritual songs. 20th ed. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891. 12°' 462 pp. Sacred hymns and spiritual songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 24th ed. Deseret News Co., Salt Lake City, Utali, 1905. 12° 480 pp. Utah commission. Reports made to the Secretary of the Interior 18S4, 1885, 1880, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, bound in one volume. 16° 206 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Morris, Gouverneiir. [Life of] by Theodore Roosevelt [being vol. 8 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mif- flin & CO., 1898. 12° F. The life of. With selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. By Jared Sparks. Bost., Gray & Bowen, 1832. 3 vols. 8° H. Henry C. The history of colonization. N. Y., The Mac- millan CO., 1904. 2 vols. 8° E. . — Robert C. Report of, before the United States and Vene- zuelan Claims Commission. 1904. 8° 58 — 2; S. doc. 317. — International arbitration and procedure. By Robert C. Morris, New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1911. 8° O. Morrison, Hugh A., jr., compiler of sundry publications of the Library of Congress. See Library of Congress. Joseph M. Second edition of biographical annals by Chas, Lanman. N. Y., J. M. Morrison, 1887. 4° (14) Morse, John T., jr. [Life of] John Adams [being vol. 6 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. , [Life of] John Quincy Adams [being vol. 15 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. — [Life of] Benjamin Franklin [being vol. 1 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. [Life of] Thomas Jefferson [being vol. 11 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series].. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. [Life of] Abraham Lincoln [being vols. 25 and 26 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° G. Morton, Oliver P. Ind. 1900. 56—1 ; S. Doc. 448. Acceptance of statue. (38) Mosher, Robert Brent. See Executive register of the United States^ 1789-1902. B. Most favored nation treatment. By Joseph R. Herod. N. Y., Banks Law Pub. co., 1901. 8° 134 pages. (22) — Keciprocity treaties in relation to. By John A. Kasson, 1901. 8° Countries, for list see index to Treaties and Conventions (1776-1907). p. 2465. "Reciprocity" treaties-favored-nation clauses in treaties of the United States. Letter to Sen. Penrose, Chairman Com. of Finance, from Secretary of State Knox. May 16, 1911. (S. doc.29; 62—1.) See also Ij. C. list of references on reciprocity. (21) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 207 Most favored nation treatment. Most-favored-nation ar- rangements and British trade. Prepareil by the (British) Tariff Commission, Lend., 1911. 8° 2 copies (21) Report of British tariff commission, in relation to the pro- posed reciprocal trade agreement between Canada and the U. S. S. doc. 66, 62—1. 2 copies (21) Mount Vernon, national road to. Report of a survey for, with maps. 51 — 1; H. ex. doc. 106. Ladies' Aid Association of the Union. Reports of, 1858-1895. 8° (14) Mountain Meadow massacre. By J. H. Carleton. 57 — 1 ; H. doc. 605. Mulhall, Michael G. The dictionary of statistics. Lond., Geo. Routlege & sons, 1892. 4° 2 copies. Municipal taxation. See District of Columbia. trading, the dangers of. By Jlobert P. Porter. Lond., G. Routlege & sons, Lim., 1907. 8° Murchison, K. S. Digest of decisions relating to Indian Affairs. 1901. 8° H. doc. 538; 56—2. Murlin, E. L. (compiler). United States red book. James B. Lyon, 1896-1902. 8° B. Murray, Hugh (editor). Cyclopaedia of geography. Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1838. 3 vols. 4° Museum, NationaL See National Museum. Names, geographic, L^nited States board on, reports, 1890-1899; Pliihppines, 1901. in the United States. The origin of certain place names. By Henry Gannett. 1902. 8° [Same.] 2d ed. 1905. 8° Napoleon. A sketch of his life, character, struggles, and achieve- ments. By Thomas E. Watson. Lond., Macmillan Sc co., 1902. 8° See Bonaparte. H. 7. The Life of, including new materials from the British official records. B}^ John Holland Rose. Two volumes in one. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1907. 8° H. 7. Narrative and critical history of America. By Justin Winsor. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1889. 8 vols. 4° C. Nash, Howard P. (and William Mack). "Cyc" — Cyclopaedia of law and procedure. N. Y., Am. Book co., 1901-1911. 4° Natick dictionary. By James H. Trumbull. 1903. 4° 2 copies. National academy of science, memoirs and reports. List, p. 626. almanac and annual record, The. 1863. (46) Association of Railway Commissioners. Proceedings of 20th amiual convention. Oct., 1908. 8° 2 copies. bank act, as amended, with other laws relating to national banks. 1913. S. doc. 197; 63—1. bank decisions. Digest. 1912. 8° (10-11) 208 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. National banks. Instructions and suggestions of the Comptroller of the Currency. 1907. 8° 2 copies. (10-11) Budget. Report of commission on need for. H. doc. 854; 62—2. Capital, Wash. 1914. S. doc. 420; 63— 2. cemeteries, interments in; regulations for government of. 1911. See Roll of honor. Conservation Commission. Report of, with accom- panying papers. Sen. rpt. 676; 60—1. vols. 10-12. 8° conventions and platforms. See Republican and Demo- cratic. I. laws, decisions, etc., applicable to National forests. Dept. of Agr., 1913, 1916. 8° (30) Forest Areas. Dept. of Agri. Jan. 1, 1918. (30) Forest Reservation Commission. Annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912. By act of Congress of Mar. 1, 1911, authorized to expend $2,000,000 a year for five years for the creation of forest reserves in the Appalachian and White Mountains for the protection of the headwaters of navigable streams. H. doc. 1158; 62 — 3. forest reserves. See The Use Book. 1906. 12° (30) — Galleries of history and art. The aggrandizement of Wash- ington. By F. W. Smith. 1900. 8° (15) Gallery of Art, The. By Richard Rathbun. Dept. of Fine Arts, National Museum. 1909-1916. 8° (15) Home for Disabled Soldiers. 1912. H. doc. 100; 62—3. Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Laws and reg- ulations of the. 1912. 8° (31) incorporation of railroads. Views of Senator Newlands. 59— 1;S. rept. 1242, vol. 1. Irrigation Congress. Official proceedings of the eighteenth. Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 26-30, 1910. 8° Liberal League. Report of the Centennial Congress of Liberals, and organization of the, Philadelphia, July, 1876. Bost., 1876. 8° Monetary Commission, publications of the. (Act. 35 Stats., 552.) List, p. 626. Museum, United States. Proceedings of the. Vols. 33-35. 8° 2 copies. See also Smithsonian and National Museum reports. parks portfolio. Int. Dept., 1917. 8° 2 copies. (30) Progressive Party. See Progressive Party. register. A weekly paper. AVash., 1816. Vol. 1. 8° Rivers and Harbors Congress. Proceedings of annual conventions. 1908-1914. 8° S. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 209 National road from the Aqueduct Bridge to Mount Vernon, Va. with maps and plans]. 1890. 8° (30) The old pike, a history of the. By Thos. B. Searight. Uniontown, 1894. 8° (30) See also "Roads and Canals." University. Historical statement. Memorial by John W. Hoyt, 1892. 52—1; S. mis. doc. 222. {See University of the U. S.) Waterways Commission. Preliminary report of. S. doc. 301; 61 — 2. Statement relating to expenditures and work of. Record, 61 — 2, p. 7597. See also Index • to Record, Atlantic Deep Waterways Commission, Inland Waterways Commission, International Waterways Commission. Li'^t of works relating to deep waterways. L. C. Naturalization Laws, and regulations. (30) Nautical almanac. See Almanacs. (46) (illustrated) dictionary. By Howard Patterson. N. Y., 1891. 4° (27) Naval Annual. 1906, 1908, 1910. By T. A. Brassey. Lond. J. Griffin & co. 8° conference, declaration of international. S. doc. 563; 63—2. courts and boards. 1917. (31) vessels of the U. S. 1911. Ship's data. Navy Dept., 1912. (31) War College. International law situations, with solu- tions and notes, 1908, 1910, 1912. 8° 2 copies. O. (31) Navigation. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, and tide tables, 1902. 4° Bibliography of history of the U. S., contribution to. By Chas. T. Harbeck. Cambridge, 1906. 4° Bureau of. See Commerce and Labor, Department of. (30) Laws of the United States. (30) and the merchant marine. Laws of the United States. 1895. 8° 54— 1; H. doc. 28, pt. 2. (31) [Same.] 1899. 56— 1; H. doc. 14, pt. 2. Navy Department and kindred publications. (31) Advancements in the. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy on. Alleged structural defects in battleships. See Hearings, 60 — 1 ; also letters, papers, relating to same, 60 — 1 ; S. doc. 506. American practical navigator. An epitome of naviga- tion and nautical astronomy.. By Nathaniel Bowditch. Hydrogi-aphic office, 1912. 1914, 1916. 49183—18^ — 14 210 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Navy Department and kindred publications — CV)iitiimed. (31) Annual. The Naval Annual, 1906. By John Leyland and T. A. Brassey. Portsmouth. Eng., J. Griffin & Co. 8° [Same.] 1907, 1908, 1910. By T. A. Brassey. Ports- mouth, Eng., J. Griffin & co. Appropriations, annual naval. See also Statutes at Large. [Same.] Annual, 1883 to 1903, including provisions for the construction of the "New Navy." Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer. 1904. 8° 58—2; S. doc. 100. [Same.] Annual, 1883 to 1904, including provisions for the construction of the New Navy," and general information relating to the naval service. Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer. 1904. 8° 58—3; S. doc. 44. 5 copies. [Same.] Annual, 1883-1905, including provisions for con- struction of the "New Navy," and general information relating to the naval service. Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer. 1906. 8° 59—1; S. doc. 132. 6 copies. Continued for 1906, etc., as "Navy Yearbook." Appropriation laws, 1883-1905. Pulsifer. 59 — 1; S. doc. 132. 6 copies. Armor plate, cost and price. Keport of the Secretary of the Navy. 1896. 8° 54—2; H. doc. 151; H. doc. 127. manufacture. List of publications relating to. Oct., 1917. [Same.] Violation of contracts. Report and evidence sub- mitted by Committee on Naval Affairs (House). 1894. 8 53—2; H. rept. 1468. Arctic pilot. 1917. vol. 1, Navy Dept. 8 Badger, Admiral (retired) Charles. Statement before House Committee on Naval Affairs relative to condition, needs, etc., of the Navy. Feb. 22, 1916. 8° See also Statutes at Large. Battleships. See List of publications relating to. Oct., 1917. British Islands pilot. Vol. iv. Western Coast of Scot- land from Mull of Galloway to Rudh' Re' and Oflf-Lying Islands. Hydrographic Office, 1917. 8° Calls used by the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, together with full code of signals. Instructions for the trumpet and drum. 1915. (See also War Department.) Charts and plans, catalogue of issued naval vessels IT. S. Atlantic Station. Hydrographic Office, 1912. 8° 2 copies. o )0 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 211 Navy Department and kindred publications — Continued. (31) Cloud forms, illustrative lor the guidance of observers in the classification of clouds. By C. D. Sigsbee. Hydrographic Office no. 112. April, 1897. Coaling plants, U. S. Supp. to Bull. No. 7. 1911. 8° 2 copies. Coast Giiard, List of publications relating to. Oct., 1917. 2 copies. . Conferences. Hague and Geneva, 1911. Navy Dept. 8° Declaration of London, the), of February 26, 1909. Naval War College, 1909. 8° See International Law Topics. Defenses, military and naval, of the United States, 1836, 1840, 1851. 37—2; H. ex. doc. 92, vol. 7. Dock-yards, European. Report on, by P. Hitchborn. 1886. 8° Drill regulations of the hospital corps 1907, 1915. By Bureau of Medicme and Surgery. 2 copies of 1907, 1915. Dry docks. Supp. to Bull. No. 6., 1911. 8° 2 copies. Fighting ships, 1906-07. By Fred T. Jane. London, Sampson Low, Marston & co., Ltd., 1906. (9th year.) [Same.] 1908. Founded and edited by Fred T. Jane. Lond., Sampson, Low, Marston & co., Ltd. (11th year.) — Finger prints, how to obtain good. Navy Dept., 1916. 8° Firing regulations for small arms. U. S. Navy. 1916. Forms of procedure for courts and boards in the Navy and Marine Corps. 1910. 8° 2 copies. Hague and Geneva Conventions, 1911. U. S. Navy Dept., 1911. 8° *^6e Conferences. ' — History of our, from its origin to the end of the war with Spain, 1775-1898. By John R. Spears. N. Y., Chas. Scrib- ner's sons, 1902. 5 vols. 8° Hospital Corps, drill book for the. 1915. By Bureau of Medicmes and Sm'gery. [Same.] U. S. Navy, handy book for. Bu. of Medicine & Surgery, 1917. 2 copies. Information, in tabular form relating to vessels, per- sonnel, appropriations and comparative strength of great naval powers. Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer. 1905. 58 — 3; S. doc. 117. 2 copies. International code of signals, 1907, 1909, and 1911. Hydrographic Office. 4° 2 copies each. International Law Topics. The declaration of London of Feb. 26, 1909. Naval War College, 1909. 212 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Navy Department and kindred publications — Continued. (31) [Same.] And discussions. Naval War College, 1914. 8° — Ironclads in Action. Naval warfare, 1855-1895. With some accounts of development of the battleship in England. 2 vol. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1896. By H. S. Wilson. Jones, John Paul. Recovery of the body of. Century Magazine, Oct., 1905. Articles by Horace Porter. 8° [Same.] Founder of the American Navy. By A. C. Buell. N. Y., Charles Scribner's sons, 1903. 2 vols. 8° Judge Advocate General's annual report, 1917. Navy Dept., 1918. 8° Law, International, Topics and discussions. Naval War CoUege, 1914. 8° See International Law Topics. [Same.] Naval, 1883-1905. See Appropriations, annual, 1883-1905. [Same] of the Port Helm, Collisions and. See ''Rules of the road at sea." [Same] situations, International. Witli solutions and notes. By Naval War College, 1907, 1908, 1910-1912. 8° List of publications relating to Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Revenue-Cutter Service, Armor-Plate Manufacture and Battleships. 3rd ed. 1917. 2 copies. London, the declaration of, Feb. 26, 1909. See Inter- national Law Topics. 8° Marine Corps, Uniform regulations. 1917. 8° 2 copies. List of publications relating to. Oct., 1917. 2 copies. Medals of honor, record of, issued to officers and enlisted men of the U. S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, 1862-1917. 2 copies. Medical compend, for masters naval aux. service. Medi- cine box, U. S. N. 1916. 2 copies. [Same] Department, manual for, of the U. S. Navy, 1914, 1917. Bu. of Medicine and Surgery. 2 copies. Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of . Manual for the, 1914 2 copies; annual for 1917, 2 copies. Militia, Naval. Annual report, etc. See Naval Militia. Nautical almanac. xSee Almanacs. — Naval Academy, register of U. S. 1913-1914. 8° [Same.] Regulations of the U. S., 1909, 2 copies; 1911, 1916, 2 copies. 8° [Same] auxiliary, regulations for the, 1911, 1914. 2 copies. See Regulations. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 213 Navy Department and kindred publications^Continued. (31) Navy vessels of Iho U. S., 1911. Ship's data. Navy Dcpt., 1912. [Same] Department, consolidation of Bureaus, testi- mony before Committee on Naval Affairs Feb. 17th, 1886. 49—1 ; H. doc. 8° [Same] establishment, biU for increase of. Hearings before Committee on Naval Affairs. 1886. H. doc. 8° [Same] Hygiene, practical suggestions in. By Albert Leary Gihon. 1873. [Same.] By Joseph Wilson; with an appendix — moving wounded men on shipboard. B}' Albert C. Gorgas. 1870. 8° [Same] Laws 1841-1875. [Same] Militia. Accounting instructions, special reference to ships, equipment and stores. Jan. 1st, 1911. 2 copies. [Same.] Annual report, 1908, 1909, and 1910. 8° 2 copies. [Same.] Commission and warrant officers. See Register of. [Same] the, its condition, needs, etc. Statement of Charles >o J. Badger. 1916. 8' - [Same] League of U. S. Miscel. pampldets, folders, etc. Filed in large envelope. - [Same] Uniform regulations, 1913, 1913-1917. 8° 2 copies of, 1913-1917. - [Same] Yard, Washington. History of, from organization, 1799. By Henry B. Hibben. 1890. 8° 51—1; S. ex. doc. 22. Neutrality. Laws of the U. S. relating to. S.. Doc. 714; 64—2. 8° - Newfoundland and the Labrador Coast. 3d. ed. Hydro- graphic Office, 1909. 8° 4 copies. - Officers of the, register of tlie commissioned and warrant officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. Jan. 1, 1908. 60—1; H. doc. 661. - Portsmouth, N. H., navy yard, history of, 1603-1800 By G. 11. Preble. 1892. - Register of commission and warrant officers of the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1819-1837, 1840, 1842, 1844- 1846, 1852, 1870-1873, 1879, 1889-1892, 1896-1903, 1905, 1907 to date. 8° - [Same.] Of Naval Mihtia. 1911, 1912, 1914. 8° - Register of the United States Navy (and) Marine Corps. General, 1782-1882. By T. H. S. Hamersly. Wash., published by the author, 1882. 2 vols. 8° 214 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Navy Department and kindred publications — Continued. (31) Register, ofiS.cial. See War Department — "Army, official register of, 1816, 1817, 1820, 1822, 1824, 1826." 8° — Regulations and instructions TJ. S. Navy. 1865; 1905, 2 copies; 1909, 2 copies. 8° 1913, 2 copies loose leaf. Reports of Secretary. List, p. 628. Revenue Cutter Service, List of publications relating to. G. P. O., Oct., 1917. 2 copies. Rule of the Road at Sea and in Inland Waters; or Steer- ing and sailing rules. Bu. of Navigation, 1868. Sampson-Schley. Official communications to the United States Senate. 1899. 8° 55— 3; Confid. Ex. C. Ship's data, U. S. naval vessels, 1911. Navy Depi. 8° 2 copies. Small arms, firing regulations for. U. S. Navy, 1916. Star Identification Tables. Published by the Hydro- graphic Office, 1909. No. 127. 2 copies. — - — Statistical and chronological history of the United States Navy. 1775-1907. By Robert Wilden Neeser. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1909. 2 vols. Vol. 1— Bibliography. Vol. 2 — Administration of the Navy Department and events and dates of reference in U. S. naval history. Folio. A. Steering and Sailing rules; the rule of the Road at Sea and in inland waters. Collisions and the law of the port helm. Bu. of Navigation, 1868. Uniform regulations. Marine Corps. 1912. 8"^ 2 copies. (of the) United States, from the commencement, 1775 to 1853, with a brief history of each vessel's service and fate as appears upon record. Compiled by George F. Emmons. Wash., Gideon & co., 1853. 4° A. U. S. Naval Vessels, 1911. Ship's data. Navy Dept., 1912. Vessels of U. S. Navy. Ship's data, 1911. Navy Dept., 1912. War of 1912. By Theodore Roosevelt. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. 8° Yearbook. 1883 to date. Founded by Pitman Pulsifer. Containing tables of appropriations since 1883; information relative to naval strength of vessels and personnel; statistics of foreign navies, etc. Later editions include information of earlier. Compiled by Pitman Pulsifer, 1883-1910; by Wood- bury Pulsifer, 1910-1912; by J. B. Knight, 1913-1914; by B. R. Tillman, jr., 1914 to date. List, p. 631. See Appro- priation Laws. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 215 Nebraska. Discovery of. and a visit to, in 16G2. By James W, Savage. 1893. 8° 2 copies. F. Negro question. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Nelson, Knute. Summary of the most important land laws. An article from the "Annals of the American Academy of Politi- cal Science" for May, 1909. 61—1 ; S. doc. 59. Neeser, Uobert Wilden. Statistical and chronological history of the U. S. Navy. 1775-1907. By Robert Wilden Neeser, N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1909. 2 vols. Vol. 1— Bibliog- raphy. Vol. 2 — Administration of the Navy Department and events and dates of reference in U. S. naval history. Folio. A. 5. Newfoundland. Customs tariff of. (From Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for May, 1905.) 4° 2 copies. (21) and the Labrador Coast. 3d ed. Navy Dept. Hydro- graphic Office. 1909. 8° Newlands, Francis G. National incorporation, views on. 59 — 1 ; S. rep. 1242, vol. 1. New Mexico. Constitution of. 61 — 3; S. doc. 835, and 61 — 3; II. doc. 1369. Orleans batture. An address by Edward Livingston. New Orleans, Bradford Anderson, 1808. 8° (15) York. Constitutional history of. By Charles Z. Lincoln. Roch., Lawyers' Co-Operative Pub co., 1906. 5 vols. 8° F. Early governors of. Public papers of. See Clinton & Tompkins. G. Ecclesiastical records of. By Hugh Hastings, State historian. Albany, Lyon, State printer, 1901. 4 vols. 8° F. Election Law. 1912. 8° Legislative manual. 1906. Albany, Brandon Ptg. co., 1906. 12° (41) Military minutes of the council of appointment. By Hastings and Noble. Albany, James B. Lyon, 1901. 3 vols. and index. 8° (41) Red Book, The. By Edgar L. Maurlin. Albany, J. B, Lyon CO., 1902. 8° (41) Taxation of corporations in. See Corporations. Testimony taken before the joint committee of the senate and assembly to investigate and examine into the business and affairs of life insurance companies doing business in the State of New York. Albany, N. Y., J. B. Lyon co., 1906. 7 vols. 8° (41) 216 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. New York City. Directory of, 1902, 1903, 1904. (46) water supply of. An inquiry into the conditions relating to. N. Y., I. H. Blanchard, 1900. 8° (41) police department investigation, report and proceedings. Albany, James B. Lyon, 1895. 5 vols. 8° (41) State historian (Plastings). Reports, first, second, and third annual, 1896-98. (Colonial series.) Albany, Wyncooy-, Ilallenbeck, Crawford co., 1896. 8° See aZso George Clinton and Daniel D. Tompkins. (41) Investigation of Trusts. Kept, of State Committee, 1897. Albany, State Printers, 1897. 3 copies. (22) Times index April 1913 to March 1914. Oct. 1917, to date. N. Y. N. Y. Times. 8° (15) Zealand. See Geography of. Nicaragua. See Bureau of the American Republics. List, p. 335. Canal Commission. See Interoceanic canals. Nicolay, John G., and John Hay. Abraham Lincoln. A history. N. Y., Century co., 1904. 10 vols. 8° H. Abraham Lincoln. Complete works of. Comprising his speeches, letters. State papers, and miscellaneous writings. N. Y., Century co., 1894. 2 vols. 8° H. Nicollet, I. N. Maps of the hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi River. Wash., Blair & Rives, 1843. 8° F. Niles, H. Principles and acts of the Revolution in America; or, an attempt to collect and preserve some of the speeches, ora- tions, and proceedings, with sketches and remarks on men and things, and other fugitive or neglected pieces, belonging to the Revolutionary period in the United States. Baltimore, Wm. O. Niles, 1822. 8° E. — — — Weekly register. List, p. 632. Nimmo, Joseph. Report on the foreign commerce of the United States and the practical workings of our relations of mari- time reciprocity. 1871. 8° (21) Nominations. Made by the President, 63 — 1; 63 — 2. (15) Noncontiguous Territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo. Acts of Cong., etc., relating to. 61 — 1; S. doc. 47. Norman, John Henry. Coin of the Realm. What is it? Lond., Waterlow & sons, lim., 1888. 8° (10-11) Universal cambist. A ready reckoner of the world's foreign and colonial exchanges. Lond., Effingham Wilson, 1897. 8° (10-11) Northern Securities. See Railroads, under Library o Congress publications. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 217 North American. Colonial history of ("The United States of"), from the plantation of the British colonies till their revolt and declaration of independence. By James Grahame. Lond., Smith, Elder & co., Cornhill, 1836. 4 vols. 8° E. Colonial history of. See History. polar expedition. Narrative of the United States ship Polaris, Capt. Charles F. Hall, commanding. 1876. 4° Sea Canal. See Interoceanic canals. Notes (United States). A history of the various issues of paper money. By J. J. Knox. N. Y., Charles Scribner's sons, 1884. 8° (10-11) on the United States Supreme Court reports. See United States reports. Nott, Charles C. See Claims, Court of. Noyes, Walter Chadwick. American railway rates. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1906. 8° 2 copies. (16) Obituary addresses. See Memorial Addresses, p. 615. Oceanic steam-routes, with distances. NavyDept. Hydrographic Office, 1907, 1912. (31) Dept. of Com. and Labor, transportation routes of the world. (30) See also Rand &McNally's and Cram's atlases under ''world." O'Connell monument committee. See O'Hanlon. O'Connor, Thomas Power [and Robert McWade]. Gladstone-Par- neU, and the great Irish struggle. Phila., Hubbard Bros., 1886. 8° G. — Ofl&cers and employees of the Dept. of Commerce and Labor. 1908. (30) OflBcers of the Army of the United States. See Army. Official history of the United States. By the Presidents. With an historical review of each administration by sundry states- men. The Federal Book Concern, 1900. 8° 2 vols. E. register (United States Register) 1802. Pub. by order of the Senate, Feb. 16, 1802. (Said to have been the first "Blue Book," the next issue being in 1814.) 8° S. List, p. 633. Ogilvie, John. Imperial dictionary of English language. Lond., Blackie & son, 1883. 4 vols. 4° O'Hanlon, J. C. Report on the O'ConneU monument committee. Dublin, J. Duffy & co., 1888. 8° Ohio. General and local acts passed, and joint resolutions adopted by the scvent3-fifth general assembly. Springfield. Springfield Publishing co., 1902. 8° 2 copies. (41) 218 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Ohio Constitutional convention. Proceedings and debates. By J. G. Adel. Cleveland, W. S. Eobinson & co., 1873. 4 vols. 4° (41) Convention debates, 1850-1851. J. V. Smith. (41) Historical collections. By Henry Howe. Cin., C. J. Krehbiel & CO., 1902. 2 vols. 8° (41) Hundred yearbook. By Howard Elliott Gilkey. Colum- bus, Fred. J. Heer, 1901. 8° (41) in Congress from 1803-1901, with notes and sketches of Senators and Representatives. By William A. Taylor. Co- . Imnbus, XX Century Publishing CO., 1900. 8° 2 copies. (41) River. Charts, drawings and discriptions of features affecting navigation. War Dept. rules and regulations for the river and its tributaries. Navigable depths and tables of distance for tributaries. War Dept. doc. 537. 1916. 3 copies. (31) River; report of the examination of, with a view to obtaining channel depths of 6 to 9 feet. By Board of Engineers, War Dept. 60— 1; H. doc. 492. (15) Oil. See Twenty-second annual report of the United States Geo- logical Survey, part iii. 1902. 57 — 1; H. doc. 5. Oklahoma. Constitution of the State of. Leader Printing co., Guthrie, 1907. 8° 66 pp. pam. F. 4. 1907. 8° 60—1; S. doc. 187. Laws relating to the Five Civilized Tribes. 1890-1914. 8° 3 copies. (30) Old age and civil service pensions. List of references on. Griffin. 1903. L. C. pike. A history of the national road. By T. B. Searight. Uniontown, 1894. 8° (31) Olive Branch [ship]. Capture of the. 2 copies. (15) Olney, Richard. Panama canal tolls and the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. 1913. S. doc. 33; 63—1. 8° One Hundred Years of Peace. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Pub- lished in the '' Outlook" for Dec-Jan., 1912-13. H. doc. 1268; 62—3. 8° F. Opinions of the Assistant Attorneys General for the Post Office Department. (30) — of the Attorneys General. List, p. 351. Oppenheim, L. International law, a treatise, vol. 1, Peace; vol. 2, War and neutrality. N. Y., Longmans, Green & co., 1906, 1912. 2 vols. 8° O. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 219 " Options " and " futures " in foodstuffs (legislation respecting). Reports from the Canadian government and Ilis Majesty's representatives abroad on legislative measures respecting gambling in "option" and "future" contracts as regards foodstufls. (In continuation of Cd. 1756 of 1904.) Pre- sented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London, Printed for II. M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, ltd., 1907. L. C. Orations. World's best. David J. Brewer, editor; Edward A. Allen and William Schu3der, associate editors. St. L., F. P^ Kaiser, 1899. 10 vols. 4° A. Ordinance of 1787 (and others). See Laws of U. S., Bioren & Duane edition, vol. 1, index. Journals of the American Cong., vol. 4, p. 751; documentary source book, Macdonald, p. 209. Order. Questions of. A compilation of questions and decisions thereon. By William J. McDonald. 1881. 8° X. Rules of. By Benjamin Matthias, 1846. 12° X. Ordnance, reports of Chief of. List, p. 634. (31) property regulations, 1917. (31) and ordnance stores. (31) Instructions for making quar- terly returns. 1865. 8° and war ships. Select committee report. 1886. 8° Department, laws relating to. By W. A. De Caindry. 1872. 8° Gun making in the U. S. By Rogers Birnie, jr., Ord. Dept. 1907. 8° — Metallic ammunition for the Springfield breech-loading rifle-musket. 1870. 4° and Fortification, reports of Board of. List, p. 635. manual for the use of the officers of the U. S. Army. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & co., 1861. 8° Organic acts for the Territories of the United States, with notes thereon. 1900,1903. 8° 56— 1; S. doc. 148. Organized militia of the U. S. See Militia, etc. Oriental literature. The Dabistdn or school of manners. (Uni- versal Classics Library, vol. 15.) I. Origin and government of the District of Columbia. B}- Wil- liam Tindall. 1908. 226 pp. 8° Q. of certain place names in the United States. Geological Survey Bulletin No. 197. 1902. 57—1; II. doc. 695. [Same.] 2d ed. 1905. Bulletin No. 258. Otis, George Alexander. Translator of history of the war of inde- pendence. Phila., L. R. Bailey, 1820. 12° 220 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Ottman case. Testimony relating to expenditures in the Depart- ment of Justice. 1884. 8° (30) Ottoman literature. The poets and poetry of Turkey. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 16.) I. Our country. What it is and what has made it what it is. By W.C.Dodge. 1900. 8° 56— 1; S. doc. 438. (15) Out of their own mouths. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1917. 8° Utterances of German rulers, and others. B. Pacific Ocean, general examination of. By Charles P. de Ker- hallet. 1869. 8° Reported dangers to navigation in the Pacific Ocean, North of the equator. Pt. 1. U. S. Hydrographic Office, 1871. (31) Railroad. Congressional proceedings in the Thirty- seventh, Thirty-eighth, and Forty-first Congresses. West Ches- ter, Pa., F. S. Hickman, 1875. 8° Arguments for, before the Senate committee. B}'- Creed Haymond, Mar. 17, 1888. Wash., 1888. 8° Acts, resolutions, and decisions relating to. 1897. 8° 2 copies. Pack transportation. Daly. 1908. 8° (31) Packing the Court, the charge of, against President Grant and Attorney General Hoar — refuted. By George F. Hoar. Letter to the Boston Herald, Dec. 1896. 2 copies. H. Paine, Halbert E. A treatise on the law of elections to pubfic offices. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1890. 8° X. Painter, U. H. [compiler]. Debates on interstate commerce in 49th, 50th, 52d, ami 53d Congresses. 4 vols. 8° Palmer, T. H. The historical register of the United States from the declaration of war in 1812 to Jan. 1, 1814. Phila., G. Palmer, 1814. 4 vols. 8° E. T. S. Legislation for the protection of birds other than game birds. Department of Agriculture, 1902. 8° (30) Panama Canal. (13) /See Literoceanic canals. Canal Co. Title to. Opinion of Attorney General. 1902 Canal tolls. British notes of July 8 and Nov. 14, 1912. 8° -^ Colombia; our relations with, and. S. doc. 471; 63—2. Diplomatic history. Correspondence. 1914. S. doc. 474; 63—2. 8° Feuille, Mr., law officer of the Commission. H. doc. 1313; 62—3. S. doc. 40; 63—1. Great Britain, and a study of the tolls question. By Geo. C. Butte. 8° S. doc. 19; 63—1. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, and. By Richard Olney. S. doc. 33; 63—1. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 221 Panama Canal — Continued. (13) Johnson, Emory R., special commissioner. Report by, 1912. Laws, etc., relating to. Legislation, history of, etc. See Speech of Hon. Jos. R. Knowland, in Record of May 20, 1913, being submitted by Mr. Towner. Notes and replies (sundry). S. doc. 11; 63 — 1. 8° Olney, Richard. Panama canal tolls and Hay-Pauncefote treaty. S. doc. 33; 63—1. Report by Emory E,. Johnson. 4° 1911. Symposium of views protesting against surrender o of American rights, etc. By Hon. J. R. Knowland, M. C. 8 - Tolls and traffic on Panama Canal. S. doc. 575; 62 — 2. go - Tolls on Panama Canal. British notes of, July 8 and Nov. 14, 1912. 8° - See Library of Congress references. - Traffic and tolls. By Emory R. Johnson, commissioner. 490 p. 4° 1912. (13) - Treaties, executive documents, and proceedings relative to. S. doc. 465; 63—2. - Treaties and acts of Congress relating to. 1917. 8° - Railroad Company. Chartered by legislature of N. Y., Apr. 7, 1849. Controlled by U. S. since 1904. Annual reports, p. 636. - Root, Elihu. Obligations of the U.S. 1912. 8' U. S. relations with. S. doc. 471; 63 — 2. 'O Pan American Union. Bulletins. See p. 636. Financial Conference, First. Washington, 1915. (16) Scientific Congress, Second. Fmal act and interpretative commentary thereon. 1916. 8° O. 6. (16) — — — Proceedings. Vols. 1-11. (16) 3 copies. Pan-Electric Investigation, 1886. Report and testimony of Select Committee on. 49—1; II. rept. 3142. Parcel post. See list of references by Library of Congress. Paris. Two treaties of, and the Suj)reme Court. By S. Webster. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1901. 8° 2 copies. O. (22) Exposition, 1867. Reports of the United States commis- sioners. Edited by WilHam P. Blake. 1870. 6 vols. 8° Exposition of 1878. State Dept. Not in Senate Library. 5 vols. See Poore's Catalogue, p. 1164. Exhibition Reports." 1889. 5 vols. 8° 51—1; II. ex. doc. 410. 5 pts. Park Commission, report of. 57—1 ; S. Rp., No. 166. See also Washington City, improvement of. 56 — 2; S. doc. 94. 222 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parker, David W. CoJiipilor of calendar of papej's in archives of Washington relating to the Territories of the United States. Wash. Carnegie Inst. 1911. 4° George F. Recollections of Grover Cleveland. N. Y., The Century. S° G. John S. Corporations, laws of sundry States, information incident to incorporation and taxation of, in State of New York, entitled "Where and How." New York, The Brou- Green co., 3d ed., 1907. 8° O. Parliament, English. History of the, together with an account of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. By G. Barnett Smith. Lond., Ward, Lock, Bowen cS; co., 1892. 2 vols. 8° C. Parliamentary history and debates. (Cobbett and Hansard) A. D. 1066 to date. List, p. 637. practice. Jeiferson's manual of parliamentary prac- tice, with references, to analogous Senate rules. In Senate "Constitution, Rules and Manual." N. See Law and prac- tice of legislative assemblies in the United States. By Luther S. Gushing. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1874. 8° X. — Gushing' s manual. Rules of procedure and debate in deliberative assemblies. By Luther S. Gushing. New ed. Phila., The John C. Winston co., 1907. 12° X. Cushing's new manual of parliamentary practice. By Charles Kelsey Gaines. 1912. Thompson Brown co., Bost. and N. Y. 12° X. A treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings, and usage of. By Thomas Erskine May. Lond., Butterworths, 1863. 8° X. [Same.] 11th ed. By T. Lonsdale Webster and William Edward Grey. Lond., Wm. Clowes & sons, 1906. 8° X. Reed's Rules. A manual of general parliamentary law, with suggestions for special rules. By Thomas B. Reed. Chic, Rand, McNally & co., 1900. 12° X. Robert's rules of order. Scott, Foresman & co., N. Y. 218 pp. 12° X. Rules of order. By Benj. Matthias, 1846. 12° X. Questions of order and decisions thereon. By Wm. J, McDonald. 1881. 8° X. precedents of the House of Representatives of the United States. By Asher C. Hinds. 1899. 4° 55— 2; H. doc. 576. vol. 80. X. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 223 Parliamentary history and debates — (Jontiniied. — — - — precedents. [Same.] Including roi'erences to provisions of the Constitution, the laws, and decisions of the United States Senate. 1907. 4° 8 vols. (Ten copies, not documented.) vols. 1-5, precedents; vols. 6-8, index-digest. 59 — 2; H. doc. 355, vol. 85, pts. 1-8. X. of proceedings in the House of Commons, with observations. 2d ed. By John llatsell. Lond., J. Dodsley, 1785. 4 vols. 4° X. precedents. [Same.] New ed. Lond., Luke Hansard & sons, 1818. 4 vols. 4° X. — Senate. Precedents relating to the privileges of. Com- piled by George P. Furber. 1893. 8° 52—2; S. mis. doc. 68. (27). Senate. Precedents and decisions on points of order, with phraseology, in the. 1789-1913. By Henry IL Gilfry. 8° 62—3; S. doc. 1123. X. See Precedents. Parsons, Theophilus. Law of contracts. 3d ed. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1857. 8° Ref. Parton, James (editor). Life of Andrew Jackson. Mason Bros., I860. 3 vols. 8° H. Paschal, George W. The Constitution of the United States. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1868. 8° M. Patents. Commissioners' report. I^ist, p. 655. — Laws, relating to, annotated and revised. 8° (34) Rules of practice before United States Patent Office. 8° (34) Patriotic songs, etc. See Gems of American patriotism. Patterson, Howard. Illustrated nautical dictionary. N. Y., 1891. 4° (27) Peace Conference, Central American. Held at Washington, D. C. 1907. Report of William L. Buchanan, representing the United States of America. 8° 2 copies. O. (15) See also Conferences. Peck, James H. Impeachment of. Bost., Hilliard, Gray & co., 1833. 8° (29) Peel. By J. R. Thursfield. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1904. 12° (Twelve English Statesmen.) G. Peirce, E. B. Digest of decisions of the courts and Interstate Com- merce Commission under the act to regulate commerce. 1887- 1908. Chi., 1908. 8° (35) Pellew, George. [Life of] John Jay [being vol. 9 of the American Statesmen Series.] Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. 224 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Penal code of the United States. Report of the commission to revise and codify the criminal and penal laws of the United States. 1901. 57—1; S. doc. 68, pt. 2. (34) (Federal) Code in force Jan. 1, 1910. (35 St., 1088). An- notated by George F. Tucker and Charles W. Blood. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1910. 8° Ref. laws for the United States. By Edward Livingston. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1828. 4° (34) laws for the United States. Act of March 4, 1909. 35 Stats. 1088. Pennsylvania. Legislative handbook and manual of the State of. By John A. Smull. Harrisburg, Wilham Stanley Ray, 1876, 1898, 1899, 1911. 8° (41) Register of. By Samuel Hazard. Phila., William F. Geddes, 1839-42. Vols. 1 to 6. 8° (38) Penological and preventive principles, with special references to Europe and America. 2d ed. By William Tallack. Lond., Wertheimer, Lea & co., 1896. 8° (15) Pension Administration. Investigation of the Pension Office by House committee; Claim-agents' law. 1884; Lobby work. 1885. 8° 45—2; H. rept. 2683. Bills vetoed. Blair reports. 49 — 1; S. rept. 1424. [Same.] Davis reports. 50 — 1; S. rept. 1667. Bureau. A treatise on the practice of the, governing the adjudication of army and navy pensions. 1898. 8° ■ — Commissioner of. Annual report for 1899. 1899. 56 — 1; H. doc. 5. [Same.] 1901. 57— 1; H. doc. 5. [Same.] Decisions of Interior Dept. relating to. List, p. 414. Compilation, with regulations, 1916. By Commis- sioner. 8° (30) [Same.] Orders, instructions, and regulations governing, 1915. (15) Laws. Army and navy, pension and bounty-land laws of the United States. By R. IMayo and F. Moulton. Wash., Jno. T. Towers, 1852. 8° (34) [Same.] By F. F. C. Triplett. 1854. 8° (34) [Same.] By R. JMayo. Wash., Morrison, 1861. 8° (34) [Same.] Army and navy. Laws governing the granting of, together with regulations relating thereto. 1896. 8° (31) [Same.] 1899. 8° (31) [Same] and regulations relating thereto. 1896, 1899, 1905, 1916. 8° (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 225 Pension laws, including sundiy resolutions of Congress, from 1776- 1833, with an appendix containing the opinions of the Attor- ney General. Compiled by R. Mayo. Wash., Globe Printing office, 1833. 8° [Same.] Revision of the. 1898. 56— 1; S. rept. 1. [Same] of foreign nations (military and naval^ not civil). Compiled by J. L. Davenport. 1892. 8° '57—1; S. doc. 56. Legislation. History of. Published as Appendix C to 56 — 1; S. rept. 1. Old age and civil pensions. See "Library of Congress." Revolutionary or JVIilitary, Services, Census of. Wash., Blair and Rives, 1840. 4° Roll of pensioners Jan. 20, 1820. 16—1; H. doc. 55, Roll, by states, and pension establishment. 23 — 1; S. docs., vols. 1:2, 13, 14. Roll of pensioners Jan. 1, 1883. 47 — 2; S. doc. 84, vol. 5, pts. 1-5. Pensions, etc. (30) Peoples money, the. By John W. de Kay. Lond., Effingham Wilson, 1913. (47) People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War, history of the. By John B. MclVIaster. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1900. 7 vols. 8° E. Persian and Chinese letters. By Baron Charles L. de Montesquieu. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 13.) I. Personal recollections of sixteen Presidents; from Washington to Lincoln. By Richard W. Thompson. Ind., Bowen-Merrill co., 1894. 2 vols. 8° H. Petroleum. Special report by Commissioner of Corporations: Transportation, 1906. H. doc. 812; 59— 1. vol.100. Indus- try, 1907. Pt. 1, Standard Oil Co. Pt. 2, Prices and profits. See Document index. (30) Philadelphia. Founders' week. Memorial volume. Containing an account of the 225th anniversary of the founding of the city of Phila., 1683-1908. Phila., 1909. 8° (15) Centennial Exhibition. Grounds and buildings of. Edited by Dorsey Gardner. 1880. 4° (10) Reports; etc. 1880. 9 vols. (10) Report of Transit Commissioner, 1913. 2 copies. (41) Philippine Commission. (16) Acts and reports of the. 1899 to date. List, pp. 659-660. Commission journal. A journal of the Pliilippine legis- lature. Oct. 16, 1907, to date. See List, p. 659. 49183—18 !.''> 226 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Philippine Islands. 1493-1898. Exploration by early navigators, descriptions o! the islands and their peo})le, their history and records of the Catholic missions, etc. Edited by Emma H. Blair and James A. Robertson. Cleveland, Arthur H, Clarke CO., 1903-1908. 55 vols. 8° 'D. — — — Islands, American occupation of the. List of works relating to the. 1898-1903. By A. P. C. Griffin, of the Library of Congress. Wash., 1905. Census of the. Taken under the direction of the Philip- pine Commission in the year 1903. Geography, history, and population. U. S. Bureau of Census, 1905. 4 vols. 8° D. Filipino, El archipielago. Wash., Imprinta del Gobierno, 1900. 2 vols. 4° Geographic names in the. Special report of the United States Board of Geographic Names. 1901. 8° 52—2; S. doc. 228. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1903. L. C. Map of. See Atlases. Pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the. 1902. 2 vols. 8° (Prepared m the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department, 1902.) D. Public Utilities Commissioners, Report of the Board of. Vol. 1, 1914-1915. ■ Spanish public land laws in tlie. Compiled by George P. Ahern and Gregoria Basa. 1901. 8° (War Department, Bureau of Insular Affairs.) D. -; Tariff. Imports, exports, and production in. Comparison of the tariff law of 1905 with tiie proposed law of 1909. 1909. 8° (20) Phillimore, Robert. Commentaries upon international law. 3d ed. Lond., Butterworth, 1879. 4 vols. 8° See Interna- tional law. O. Phillips, W. H. A manual on the cases decided in the United States Supreme Court and cited in other cases in the same court. Wash., ^Y. A. Morrison, 1882. 8° 2 copies. See U. S. Su- preme Court. O. Physiological research. The welcome laboratories. Brockwell Hall, Heme Hill, London, S. E., 1894. 8° (15) Pierce, Franklin. Federal Usurpation. N. Y., D. Appleton & cc, 1908. 8° 2 copies. M. Pike, Zebulon Montgomery. Expedition of. By E. Coues. New ed. N. Y., F. P. Harper, 1895. 3 vols. 8° F. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 227 Pinchot, Gifford. A prinior of forestry. Pt. 1, The Forest, United States Dopartmqnt of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. 1892, 12° (30) [Same.] 2d ed., 1900. 56— 1; H. doc. 727. (30) [Same.] Farmer's Bulletin No. 173. 1903. 8° (30) [Same.] Pt. 2. Practical Forestry. United States De- partment of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. 1905. 12'' (30) Green Book, The. Instructions for keeping accounts in accordance with fiscal regulations. 1907. 12° 2 copies. (30) Use Book, The, Regulations,, etc., for the use of the National Forest Reserves. 1906. 12° (30) Pinckney, Charles. Three letters, written, and original]}' published, under the signature of a South Carolina planter. 1. The case of Jonathan Robbins; 2. Recent captures of American vessels by British cruisers; 3. On the riglit of expatriation. Phila., Aurora office, 1799. 8° Pitkin, Timoth}'. Statistical view of the commerce of the United States of America; its connection with agriculture and manu- factures; and an account of the public debt, revenues, and expenditures of the United States. Hartford, Chas. Hosmer, 1816. 8° [Same.] N. Y., James Eastburn & co., 1817. 8° 6 copies. Pitt. By Lord Rosebery. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1906. 12° (Twelve English statesmen.) G. WilUam. Memoirs of tlie life of. By George Tomline. 2d ed. Lond., John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1821. -8° 3 vols. H. Place names. Origin of certain, in the United States. By Henry Gannett, of United States Geological Survey. Bulletin no. 197. 8° 1902. 57—1; H. doc. 695. — [Same.] 2d ed. Bulletin no. 258. 1905. Ref. Plan for the study of man, a. With reference to bills to establish a laboratory for the study of the criminal pauper and defective classes, with a bibhography of child study, 1902. 1902. 8° 57 — 1; S. doc. 400. T. 1. See Abnormal man. Platforms, political. See Republican, Democratic, etc. Piatt amendment, official acceptance of. Constitution and elec- torial law for Cuba. (Translation.) Division of Insular Affairs, War Dept., 1901. (31) See Cuba.. Orville H. An Old-Fashioned Senator. By Louis A. Cool- idge. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1910. 8° 11. Thomas Collier. Autobiography. N. Y., B. W. Dodge & CO., 1910. 8° 2 copies. H. IPlato's orations.] The republic; The Statesman. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 27.) I. 228 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Plumb, Preston B. Life of. By Win. E. Connelley. Chi., Browne & Howell CO. 11)13. 8° H. Plymouth, 275th Anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims. December 21, 1895. (15) Pneum.atic-tube service. Report of the Postmaster General. 1901. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 289. See Postal service. Investigations, and letter from P. M. G,, H. Doc. 1220; 60—2. 1908. Report of commission. Pt. 1, S. Doc. 615; 63— 2. 1914. Pt. 2, H. Doc. 1629; 63—3. 1915. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. By S. A. Allibone. Phila., J. B. Lippincott co., 1901. 8° 2 copies. B. "Poland" report upon Dist. of Col. affairs, involving "half and half" basis. H. rep. 627; 43-1. Polar (north) expedition. Narrative of the U. S. S. Polaris, Capt. Charles F. Hall, commanding. 1876. 4° Police power. Public policy and constitutional rights. By Ernst Freund. Chi., Callaghan & co. 8° O. and prison cyclopsedia. By George W. Hale. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1892. 8° B. Political economy of natural law. 4th ed. By Henry Wood. Bost., Lee & Shepard, 1899. 8° (15) See List of U. S. public documents on various subjects, for sale by the Supt. of Documents. S. manual for 1880. Edited and compiled by Stilson Hutch- ins. . W^ash., Wash. Post Pub. co. [1880]. 8° party platforms in Presidential campaigns, 1840-1908. 12° science, cyclopaedia of. Edited by John J. Lalor. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1890. 3 vols. 4° text-books. See Republican and Democratic. Politics. American, from the beginning to date. By Thomas V. Cooper. Phila., Fireside Publishing co., 1883. 8° (15) American, history of. By Alex. Johnston. Henry Holt & CO., 1902. 12° B. Handbook of. Being a record of important political ac- tion, National and State. By E. McPherson. W^ash.," Philip & Solomons, 1872-1894. 12 vols. 8° 12 copies. I. Polygamy in Utah. Special report of the Utah commission, 1884, 48—1; H. ex. doc. 153. Pomeroy, John N. An introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. Ind., Bowen-Merriil co., 1888. 8° (29) ' S. C. Investigation of charges of bribery 8° 42 — 3; S. rept. 523. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 229 Poole, Reginald. Historical Atlas of modern Europe. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1902. A. Poore, Ben: Ferlej. Charters and constitutions. Federal and State. 1872. 4° 2 copies. M. Descriptive catalogue of Government publications. 1774- 1881. 1885. 4° 3 copies. The political register and Congressional directory; a statistical record of- the Federal officials, legislative, executive, and judicial, of the United States, 1776-1878. Bost., Houghton, Osgood & CO., 1878. 4° Veto messages of the Presidents of the United States, with the action of Congress thereon. 1886. 8° T. Poor's manual of the railroads of the United States. N. Y., Poor's Railroad Manual co., 1881 to date. 8° B. Population growth. A century of, m the .U. S. 1790-1900. Bu. of Census, 1909. 4° S. Porter, Horace. Article on discovery of the body of John Paul Jones, in Century magazine, Oct., 1905. 8° H. Robert P. The Dangers of Municipal Trading. Lond., G. Routledge & sons, Lim., 1907. 8° T. Porto Rico. (15) See American Republics, Bureau of the. List, p. 335. Commerce of, with foreign countries and the United States, • and of the United States with Porto Rico. 1901. . . . Treasur}^ department, Bureau of statistics. L. C. Journal of Executive Council, 1904, 1905, 1906. (15) Law of criminal procedure. See Law. Laws enacted Jan. 13-Mar. 13, 1913. 63—1; S. doc. 20. Map. See Atlas. Register for 1910, 1911. Revised Statutes and Codes, 1911. S. doc. 813; 61 — 3. 4° 1682. Report of the commission tq revise and compile the laws. Vol. 1, pts. 1, 2, 3. Commentaries on proposed revision. 1901. 8° 57— 1; H. doc. 52. Reports of the governor of, 1901, 1902. By Charles H. Allen. 8° Revised statutes and codes. Containing all laws passed at the first and second sessions of the legislative assembly in effect after July 1, 1902. Including the political code; penal code; the code of criminal procedure; the civil code. San Juan, Boletin Mercantile Press, 1902. 8° — and Cuba. Import duties of. See Bureau of American Repubhcs, Bulletin No. 10, July, 1891. (20) 230 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Porto Rico— Continued. See also List of books, with references to periodicals, relat- ing to. Griffin. L. C. Ports of the United States. Bu. of Com. Misc. Series, No. 33, 1916. Report of terminal facilities, commerce, etc., at 68 selected ports in 1913. By Grosvenor M. Jones. (30) Portsmouth, N. H., navy-yard, history of, 1603-1800. By G. H. Preble. 1892. 8° (31) Postal guide, United States official. 8° B. (31) laws and regulations of the United States. Edition of 1886. 1887. 8° 50— 1; H. mis. doc. 63. (31) [Same.] 1893. 8° 52—2; H. mis. doc. 90. (31) [Same.] 1902. 8° (Not documented.) 2 copies. (31) [Same.] 1902, with supplement 1907. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] 1913. H. doc. 935; 62— 3. savings banks. History of legislation, and general infor- mation relating to. 60—1; S. rept. 525. See Library of Congress list of books and references. Savings Depositories. See Senate report, No. 525, 60th— 1st session. service. Hearmgs m regard to appropriation bills, 1896- 1903. S° See Hearings. Testimony taken by the commission to investigate. 1900. 3 vols. 8° Vols. 1 and 2, railway mail pay; vol. 3f second-class mail matter, pneumatic-tube service, etc. (31) telegraph. Statements and testimony on, before the Sen- ate committee. Wash., 1884. 8° (31) Postmaster General, The. H. B. Learned. 1911. 4° H. 4. Pneumatic-tube service; report. 1901. 8° (31) Post- Office Department and kindred publications. (31) Annual reports of the Postmaster General. List, p. 663. American Post Office, The. An article by Nathan B. Wilhams, entitled " The American Post Office. A discussion of its history and development and present-day relations to express companies.' 61 — 2; S. doc. 542. 8° (31) Laws, of Congress governing P. O. Dept. and the postal service. By R. P. Goodwin. 1907. 8° (31) 2 copies. Opinions of the Assistant Attorneys General for the Post Office Department. See Department of Justice (30) Opinions of the Attorneys General. List, p. 351. Parcel post regulations, Effective from Jan. 1, 1913. (31) Parcel post, ^^e List of references by Library of Congress. Pneumatic -tube service. See Postal Service (31). See also Railway mail pay. (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 231 Post- Office Department and kindred publications — Contiimcd. Pneumatic - tube service, report on. 1901. 56 — 2; H. doc. 289. 8° (31) Post-of&ce list, laws and instructions. 1825, 1851. (31) Postal Guide, United States official. 1903, 1899-1902, 1904 to date. 8° (31) ^ ^ Postal laws and regulations of the United States. Edition of 1880. 1887. 8° 50—1; H. mis. doc. 90. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] 1902. 8° (Not documented.) 2 copies. S. doc. 59—2; 394. (31) [Same.] 1902, with supplement. 1907. 8° 2 copies. (31) Postal Laws and Regulations of the United States. Edition of 1913. 62— 2; H. doc. 935. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] 62— 3; H..doc. 935. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Applicable to The Railway Mail Service. 1915. (31) [Same.] Applicable to The Rural Mail Service. 1915. 2 copies. (31) — Postmaster General, report of the, 1824-1827. vol. 2. (31) [Same.] Annual reports of the postmaster general. List, p. 661. Postal Service. Testimony taken by the commission to investigate. 1900. 3 vols. 8° Vols. 1 and 2, railway mail pay; vol. 3, second-class mail matter, pneumatic-tube service, etc. 2 copies. (31) Postal telegrapli. Statements and testimony on, before the Senate committee. Wash., 1884. 8° (31) Railway mail pay, etc. Testimony by the commission to investigate. 1900. 3 vols. 8° vols. 1 and 2, railway mail pay; vol. 3, second-class mail matter, pneumatic-tubes, etc. 2 copies. (31) 8ee 56—2; S. doc. 89, pts. 1-3; 56—2; vols. 8, 9, 10. See also Postal service. — — — Railway mail service, the. Postal laws and regulations applicable to, 1915. (31) register of the dept. (31) Rural mail service, the. Postal laws and regulations applicable to, 1915. 2 copies. (31) Star route investigation. Report made by special agents of the Post Office Dept. 1881-1884. 1884. 48—1; H. ex. doc. 100; and48— 1; H.rept.372. 8° (31) 2 copies. 48—1; H. ex. doc. 100. Posts and stations (military) . Outline description. 1872. 4° (31) 232 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Pottery Industry. Report on cost of production in U. S., England, Germany, and Austria. Dept. of Com. 1915. 8° (30) Powell, William A. Army of the United States, list of officers of. N. Y., L. R. Hamersly & cc, 1900. 8° Powers of the National Government. By George Sutherland. (Article in the North American for March, 1910.) 61 — 2; S. doc. 417. 8° M. Practice of diplomacy, the. By John W. Foster. Bost., Hough- ton, Mifflin & CO., 1906. 8° F. in Europe with the heavy Armstrong, Woolwich, and Krupp rifled guns, report upon the. 1883. 4° (Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, No. 2.5.) Prayers in the House of Representatives. Offered at the open- mg of the daily sessions during the 62d Congress by Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., chaplain. 1911-1913. H. doc. 1458; 62—3. G. in the Senate. Prayers offered in the Senate of the United States. By Dr. Edward Everett Hale, chaplain. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1904. 12° H. Note. — Autograph copy inscribed: "For the Senate Library; with the Love, Hope, Prayers, and Expectations of Edward E. Hale, Feb. 6, 1905." Preble, G. H. History of the United States navy-yard, Portsmouth N. H. 1892. 8° Precious metals. List of reports, p. 664. Precedents. House of Commons. Precedents and proceedings of the, with observations. 2d ed. By John Hatsell. Lond., J. Dodsley, 1785. 4 vols. X. [Same.] New ed. Lond., Hansard & sons, 1818. 4 vols. 4° X. House of Representatives. Parliamentary precedents of the. By Asher C. Hmds. 1899. 55— 2; H. doc. 576. 1vol. X. [Same.] Including references to provisions of the Con- stitution, the laws, and decisions of the U. S. Senate. 1907. 4° 8 vols. Vols. 1-5, precedents; vols. 6-8, index digest. X. (Ten copies not documented.) Also, 59 — 2; H. doc. 355, vol. 85, pts. 1-8. Digest of decisions and precedents of the House of Representatives of the United States relating to their powers and privileges respecting their members and officers, etc. By Henry H. Smith. 1894. 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. X. Senate. Precedents relating to the privileges of the. By George P. Furber. 1893. 52— 2; S. mis. doc. 68. X. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 233 Precedents . Senate — Continued. Precedents and decisions on points of order, with phraseology, in the U. S. Senate, 1789-1911. Henry II. Gilfry. 1914. 8° 62—3; S. doc. 1123. X. Digest of decisions of Senate and House, rolatmg to their powers and privileges. B}^ Henry H. Smith. 1894. 53 — 2; S. mis. doc. 278. X. See Elections. Prentice, E. Parmalee, and John G. Egan. The commerce clause of the Federal Constitution. Chic, Callaghan & co., 1898. 2 copies. 8° M. ^ E. Parmalee, and John G. Egan. The Federal power over carriers and corporations. N. Y., The Macmilhin co., 1907. 8° O. President, powers of the. See list of references. By GrifFm. L. C. 1908. pro tempore. Proceedings in the United States Senate 1789-1911, relative to. Gilfry, 1911. 62—1; S. doc! 104. 8° X. Inaugurations from George Washington, 1789, to Grover Cleveland, 1893, with inaugural addresses and historical notes. By Thomas H. McKee. Wash., Statistical Publish- ing CO., 1893. 8^ 4 copies. H. Succession act. 24 Stats, at L., 1. Rules and Manual (1911), p. 388. Annual messages. List, p. 665. Commission on Economy and Efficiency. See Economy and Efficiency Commission. — • Messages and papers. . By J. D. Richardson. 1899. 10 vols. 8° 53—2; H. mis. doc. 210, pts. 1-10. Nominations made by the. 1914. 63 — 2. (15) OflB.cial history of the United States. Federal Book Con- cern, 1900. 2 vols. ■ 8° E. Recollections of Sixteen; from Washington to Lincoln. By Richard W. Thompson. Indianapolis, Browai-Merrill co., 1894. 2 vols. 8° H. of the United States, 1789-1905. By John Fiske, Carl Schurz, Robert C. Winthrop, George F. Curtis, George Bancroft, Jolin Hay, and others. Edited by James Grant Wilson. N . Y., D. Appleton & co., 1905. 8° H. Prices, movement of, in the United States, 1840-1901. In Great Britain 1845-1901. " In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for July, 1902. 1902. 4° 57—2; H. doc. 15, pt. 1. S. (30) 234 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Prices, retail, 1907 to Dec, 1916. H. Doc. 272; 65—1; Bii. of Labor. 8° (30) 2 copies. Rise in, causes of the. J. A. Hobson. S. doc. 9S0; 62—3. (30) See Wliolesale and retail prices in the United States. (30) and wages in the United States. 1900 to 1907-08. Pre- pared under the direction of the Commissioner of I^abor. 61— 2; S. doc. 436. 8° (30) — See Wages and prices of commodities, Primary election laws. List of references on. Griffin. 1905. L. C. , See also S. doc. 393, 59 — 2; being an abstract from the primary laws of sundry States. ■ — See also S. doc. 114, 60 — 1; being a speech of Hon. H. C. Lodge before the Central Labor Linion of Boston, Sept. 15, 1907, on "The public opinion bill." Code of the peoples rule. Compilation of various "statutes, relative to systems of government-registration, direct primaries, corrupt practices acts, etc. 61 — 2; S. doc. 603. Primer of forestry, a. By GiflFord Pinchot. 2d ed. Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 24. Parts 1 and 2: Part 1. The Forest; Part 2. Practical Forestry. 1900. 12° (30) 56—1; H. doc. 727. [Same.] Revised. 1903. Farmers' Bulletin No. 173. . 1900 and 1903. 8° (30) Principles and acts of the Revolution in America; or, an attempt to collect and preserve some of the speeches, orations, and pro- ceedings, with sketches and remarks on men and things, and other fugitive or neglected .piecos, belonging to the Revolu- tionary period in the United States. Baltimore, Wm. O. Niles, 1882. 8° E. Printing and binding'. See Public printing and binding. Prison systems, modern. Their organization and regulation in various countries of Europe and America. By Charles R. Henderson. 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 452. B. (15) See International Prison Congress. 60 — 1; S. doc. 462. Also Police and Prison Cyclopaedia . Private rights and Government control. George Sutherland, 1917. M. Sen. Doc. 119; 65— 1. Problems of the Panama canal. By Henry L. Abbot. N. Y., The Macmillan co 1905 8° Proctor, Robert G. [compiler]. Tariff acts 1789 to 1897. 1898. 4° Procedure in the Senate of the United States. 1913. 8° S. (19) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 235 Proceedings of a conference of governors in the Wliite House, Ma}- 13-15, 1908. 60—2; II. doc. 1425. Progressive Party. Platform adopted at its first national conven- tion, Chi., Aug. 7, 1912. 2 copies. 8° I. — Sundry pamphlets and publications issued in 1912. Prohibition. Selections compiled by Joseph Dehor. (15) X. Proof reading. See Government Printing Office manual. Proper military policy, A. Statements of the Secretary of War, and the War CoUege. 1915. 8° (31) Protection echoes from the Capitol. Edited by Thomas II. Mc- Kee; assisted by W. W. Curry. Wash., 1888. 8° (15) Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. By Robert Christy. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. 8° 2 copies. B. Publications of the United States, Sept. 5, 1774, to Mar. 4, 1881. A descriptive catalogue of. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 1885. 4° Public building. (A collection of documents relating to, from 1817 to 1823.) 8° (31) debt of the United States. Practical information concern- ing the. 2d ed. By William A. Richardson. Wash., \\. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1873. 8° (31) of the United States. Index of House bills relating to, from 1st to 42d Congress. By Edward McPherson. 1875. 8° 43— 2; H. mis. doc. 92. documents. Catalogue of United States; monthly. 8° descriptive catalogue of the Government publications of the United States, Sept. 3, 1774, to ^lar. 4, 1881, to and in- cluding the 4Gth Congress. Compiled by Ben: Perley Poore. 1885. 4° comprehensive index to the publications of the United States Government, 47th-52d Congresses, 1881-1893. Com- piled by John G. Ames. 1905. 2 vols. 4° 58- 754. [Same.] 53d Congress, 1893-1895. Prepare^ supervision of the superintendent of documents 51—1; H. doc. 410. [Same.] 54th Congress, 1st session, 1895-1896. 1898. 4° 54—2; H. doc. 355. [Same.] 54th Congress, 2d session, 1896-1897. 1899. 4° 55—2; H. doc. 585. [Same.] 55th Congress, 1897-1899. 1901. 4° 55— 3; H. doc. 317. [Same.] 56th Congress, 1899-1901. 1903. 4° 56—2; H. doc. 559. 2; H. doc. under the 1896. 40 236 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Public documents — Continued. [Same.] 57th Congress, 1901-1903. 1905. 4° 57— 2; H. doc. 494. [Same.] 58th Congress, 1903-1905. 1908. 58—3; II. doc. 483. [Same.] 59th Congress, 1905-1907. 1910. 4° 59—2; H. doc. 830. [Same.] 60th Congress, 1907-1909. 1912. 4° 60— 2; H. doc. 1574. [Same.] 61st Congress, 1909-1911. 1913. 4° 61—3; H. doc. 1515. [Same.] 62d Congress, 1911-1913. 1915. 4°. Consolidated index, in accordance with the act approved Jan. 12, 1895, prepared by the superintendent of documents. [Same.] 54th Congress, 1st session, 1895-1896. H. doc. 430. Vol. 88. [Same.] 54th Congress, 2d session, 1896-1897. H. doc. 356. Vol. 77. [Same.] 55th Congress, 1st session, 1897. H. doc. 96. Vol. 17. [Same.] 55th Congress, 2d session, 1897-1898. H. doc. 586. Vol. 87. [Same.] 55th Congress, 3d session, 1898-1899. H. doc. 318. Vol. 97. [Same.] 56th Congress, 1st session, 1899-1900. H. doc. 756. Vol. 123. [Same.] 56th Congress, 2d session, 1900-1901. II. doc. 560. Vol. 137. [Same.] 57th Congress, 1st session, 1901-1902. H. doc. 718. Vol. 131. [Same.] 57th Congress, 2d session, 1903-1904. H. doc. 495. Vol. 116. [Same.] 58th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1903-1904. H. doc. 790. Vol. 126. [Same.] 58th Congress, 3d session, 1904-1905. H. doc. 482. Vol. 121. [Same.] 59th Congress, 1st session, 1905-1906. II. doc. 943. Vol. 117. [Same.] 59th Congress, 2d session, 1906-1907. H. doc. 829. Vol. 111. [Same.] 60th Congress, 1st session, 1907-1908. H. doc. 985. Vol. 102. [Same.] 60th Congress, 2d session, 1908-1909. H. doc. 1573. Vol. 150. ■ [Same.] 61st Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1909-1910. H. doc. 999. Vol. 134. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 237 Public documents — Continued. — [Same.] 61st Congress, 3d session, 1910-1911. IT. doc. 1514. Vol. 129. [Same.] 62(1 Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1911-1912. II. doc. 926. Vol. 145. [Same.] 62d Congress, 3d session, 1912-1913. II. doc. 1493. Vol. 139. [Same.] 63d Congress, 1st session, 1913. H. doc. 291. Vol. 12. [Same.] 63d Congress, 2d session, 1913-1914. H.doc 1182. Vol. 162. [Same.] 63d Congress, 3d session, 1914-1915. H.doc. 1722. Vol. 108. distribution of. Regulations of the Joint Committee on Printing, making ell'ective. Public resolution 14, 59th Con- gress, 1st session, to prevent unnecessary printing and bind- ing. 8° S. See Hearing List, p. 494. early, of the first fourteen Congresses. By A. W. Greely. 1900. 8° 56— 1 ; H. doc. 428. S. ■ (Franco -Americaiii.) Le traite. Par Leon Chotteau. Paris, Guillaumin et cie., 1880. 8° finding lists. See Finding lists. domain. Its history, with statistics. By Thomas Donald- son. 1884. 8° 47—2; H. mis. doc. 45. Pt. 4. health. State laws and regulations pertaining to. U. S. Pub. Health Ser. 1913. 8° S. health and marine hospital service. Regulations, laws, etc. 1903 to date. 8° land; statutes of U. S., compiled. 1916. 8° Keener. Ref. [Same.] Decisions of the Department of the Interior and General Land Office in cases relating to the. Digest to vols. 1 to 30. 2 pts. Pt. 2, table of cases reported. 8° List, p. 415. laws, opinions, and instructions. Gales & Seaton. 1838. 2 pts. 8° 5 copies. [Same] relating to. Wash., E. de Krafft, 1817. 8° 5 copies. (30) libraries. See Libraries. list of, supplied to designated libraries. 1907. 8° T. printer, reports of. List, p. 670. printing and binding. Act of Jan. 12, 1895, providing for the public printing, binding, and distribution of public docu- ments. Investigation and testimony. Senate and House, 1891- 1895. 8° 52— 1; S. rept. 18. (15) 238 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Public printing and binding — Continued. See Hearings List, p. 494. investigating testimony report. Wash., 1859. 8° 35 — 2f H. rept. 189. (15) opinion. Vols. 1-8. Wash., 1886-1890. 4° O questions. See Briefs on. Publications of the United States. Bureau of Education from 1867-1890, with subject-index. [Reprint of chapter xxxv o; the report of the Commissioner of Education for 1888-89.] 1891. 8° Pulsifer, Pitman. Navy Yearbook. Compilation of annual appro- priation laws from 1883 to 1910, including provisions for the construction of all vessels of the "New Navy." Tables show naval strength in vessels and personnel; also statistics of foreign navies. The later editions include the information of the earlier. Documented. 8°. List, p. 631. (31) — Information in tabular form relating to vessels, the per- sonnel of and appropriations for the Navy, and the comparative strength of the great naval powers. 58 — 3; S. doc. 117. 8° 29 pages. Tariff acts of Congress, 1789-1895. (Joint compiler.) 1896. 8° 54—1; S. doc. 219. Pure food. Adulteration of food products. Digest of the laws, 1901. 56—2; S. doc. 141. 8° legislation in 1907. See Food legislation. Quarantine laws and regulations of the United States. Rev. ed. 1903. 8° (Treasury Department publication.) (15) Quartermaster Corps. Compilation of laws, 1914. 8° Department. Regulations for the. (31) — See War Department. (31) Quay, Matthew S. Arguments before the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the United States Senate. 1899. 8° H. [Same.] Reply to the brief of arguments in support of Mr. Quay's claim to a seat. See vol. 2. H. Questions of order and decisions thereon in the Senate of the United States. By Wm. J. McDonald. 1881. 8° X. Quincy, Edmund (editor). Speeches of Josiah Quincy in the House of Representatives, 1805-1813. H. Josiah. Speeches of, delivered in the House of Representa- tives, 1805-1813. Edited by Edmund Quincy. Little, Brown & CO., 1874. 8° H. Quotations. See under "Dictionaries, etc." Rae, Frasier. Business of travel, the. A fifty-years' record of progress. Lond., Thomas Cook & son, 1891. 8° CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 239 Railroads. (30) (16-17) Canada. Ten maps accompanying the annual report of the department of railways and canals for 1905. 8° Classification of operating expenses as prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. 2d ed. 1902. 8° 33 pages. Commissioners, National Association of Railway. Sun- dry reports of. 8° 2 copies. (16) [Same.] Proceeding of the 21st annual convention, 1909. 1910. (16) 22nd Annual convention, 1910. 1911. (16) Commissioner's reports, 1884, 1901. 8° (16) (30) Cost, capitalization, and estimated value of American. Slason Thompson. 3d ed. Chi., Gunthorp-Warren Ptg. co., 1908. 8° (16) Government ownership of. Select list of references on. L. C. Great Britain. Rebates. Correspondence between the board of trade and the railwa}^ companies' association with regard to certain arrangements entered into by railway cofn- panies with regard to rebates on traffic, &c. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, ltd., 1907. L. C. ^ Intercontinental. Report of the commission. 7 vols. 4° State Department publication, 1891-1898. — [Same] railway line. IVIessage from the President of the United States transmitting the report of the International American Conference relative to the. 180. 8" 51 — 1; S. ex. doc. 125. Intercorporate relationship of railways in the U. S. 1906. 8° (16) International. Report of International American Confer- ence, 1890. 8° 51—1; S. ex. doc. 125. (16) Library, The Railway. By Slason Thompson. Chi., Gunthorp-Warren Ptg. co., 1910. 1914. 8° (16) Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Wash., G. W. Bowman, 1861. 4° 36—2; S. ex. doc. 78. National incorporation of . 59 — 1; S. Rep. 1242. Views of Senator Francis G. Newlands in vol. 1. Pacific Railroad. Congressional proceedings in the Thirty- seventh, Thirty-eighth, and Forty-first Congresses. West Chester, Pa., F. S. Hickman, 1875. 8° (16) [Same.] Arguments for, before the Senate committee. Bj Creed Haymond. U&r. 17, 1888. Wash., 1888. 8° (16) 240 CATALOGUE OP LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Railroads — Continued. Poor's Manual of, 1881-to date. N. Y., Poor's Railroad Manual co. S° B. Rates. American railroad rates. By Walter Chadwick Noyes. Bost., Little, Brown & co!, 1906. 8° (16) 2 copies. — Regulation of rates by Congressional legislation. 1873. 42—3; S. rept. 462. (16) [Same.] Sen. Hearing Interstate Commerce Committee, 1904-1905. 59— 1; Sen. doc. 16-20, No. 243. Also not documented Vols. 97-101. (40) — [Same.] Hearings before the Committee on Interstate Commerce, United States Senate. Index. 1905. 8° 5 vols. Digest of. 1906. 8° 59— 1 ; S. doc. 244. Safety appliances. Railway employment safety appliances. Reports of the committee appointed by the board of trade to examine and, when necessary, to test, appliances designed to diminish danger to men employed in railway serv. ice, together with the appendices thereto. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London, Printed for H. M. Stationary off., by Darling & son, ltd., 1907. L. C. Statistics of, in tlie United States, 1906 to date. Inter- state Commerce Commission. (16) — — - — Street a'hd electric. Special reports. Census. 1905. 4° Tehuantepec interocean. By A. D. Anderson. N. Y., A. S. Barnes & co., 1880. 8° (16) The three Americas. By H. R. Helper. St. L., W. S. Bryan, 1881. 8° (16) Twenty-eight-liour law. Annotated act of June 29, 1906. 34 Stats., 607. 8° (16) Union, Central, and Western Pacific Railroads. Acts and joint resolutions of Congress and decisions of the Supreme Court. 1897. (16) [Same] Pacific Railroad Company. Report of the Govern- ment directors on. 1864-1886. 49—1 ; S. ex. doc. 67. (16) IJnited States, railways in the. Sixteenth annual report on the statistics of. 1904. 8° Railway land grants in Iowa. See Sen. Doc. 404; 64 — 1. mail pay, etc. Testimony by the commission to investi- gate. 1900. 3 vols. 8° vols. 1 and 2 railway mail pay; vol. 3 *second-class mail matter, pneumatic tubes, etc. See 56—2; S.. doc. 89, pts. 1-3; 56—2; vols. 8, 9, 10. See also Postal service. mail service. (Beginnings of the true) and the work of George B. Armstrong in founding it. By George B. Arm- strong. The Lakeside Press, 1906. 84 pages. 8° (16) CATALOGUE OF LIBBARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 241 Rand, McNally & Co.'s atlas of the world. Chi., Kand, McNally & CO., 1894. 2 vols. F° See Atlases and maps. A. [Same.] 1902,1908,1911. 2 vols. A. Randall, Henry S. (editor). The life of Thomas Jefferson. Derby & Jackson, 1S58. 3 vols. 8° H. Randolph, John. [Life of,] by Henry Adams [begin vol. 16 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. Thomas Jefferson (editor). Jefferson's works. Carr & co., 1829. 4 vols. 8° H. Rathbun, Richard. National Gallery of Art. Dept. of Fine Arts. National Museum. 1909. 8° (15) Real and ideal literature. By Frank Preston Stearns. Bost., J. G. Cupples CO., 1892. 12° Rebellion, History of the. By Edward McPherson. 3d ed. Wash.. Solomons & Chapman. 1875. 8° E. War of the. Conduct of. Supplemental report of the Joint Committee. 1866. 2 vols. 8° F. • records. Military, List, p. 674. Naval, List, p. 678. [Same.] Frank Moore. Vols. 1 and 6. N. Y., George Putnam, 1861. (41) [Same.] See Civil War. Also see War between the States. Receipts und expenditures of the United States. List, p. 679. [Same.] 1789-1893. 53—2; S. rept. 707. Reciprocity. Address by Hon. John A. Kasson. 1901. 8° "Most- favored-nation" clause discussed at page 13. M. with Canada. See Canada. (21-22) 2 copies. with Cuba. 1902. 57— 1 ; H. doc. 535. (20) By J. L. Laughlin and H. P. Willis. N. Y., Baker & Tay- lor co., 1893. 8° 2 copies. (21) "Favored-nation" clauses in the treaties of the United States. Letter from Secretary of State Knox to Senator Penrose, Char. Sen. Com. on Finance, May 16, 1911. (62 — 1; S. doc. 29.) (21) List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Griffin. 1909. Meyer, 1910. L. C. Maritime. See Maritime reciprocity. (21) Most-favored-nation agreements, l^eport of British tariff commission in relation to proposed reciprocal trade agreement between Canada and the U. S. 62 — 1 ; S. doc. 66. 2 copies. (21) Proposed reciprocal trade arrangement between Can- ada and the; prepared l)y the British Tarifl' Commission, Eng. 8° 2 copies. (21) Recognition in international law and practice. List of references on. Griffin. 1904. L. C. 49183— IS 16 242 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Reciprocity — Continued. Tariff Reciprocity- Revenue -Banking- Currency- Coinage. 62(1 Cong-., 1st sess. Congressional, liecord pro- ^^,^ ^^.ceedings. 2 vols. 4° (21) .,m ir,-;!,,,, ',' Treaties and agreements of the United States since 1850. {In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Sept. 1904.) (22) _ _ [Same.] 57-1; II. doc. 15, pt. 5. Reclamation Service. List, p. 679; and publications. (30) Recollections (Personal) of sixteen Presidents, from Washington to Lincoln. By Richard AV. Tliompson. Indianapolis. Brown-Merrill co^ 1894. 2 vols. 8° U. Reconstruction, The political history of the United States during the period of. By Edward McPherson. Wash., Solomons & Chapman, 1875. 8° E. ^ Documentary history of. By Walter L. Fleming. Cleve., A. H. Clark co., 1906. 8° 2 vols. E. Journal of joint committee on. 63 — 3; S. doc. 711. Report of joint committee "Fessenden report." 39—1; H. rept. 30, vol. 2. Records of the Virginia Company of London, The. The court book from the manuscript in the Library of Congress. Edited by Susan Myra Kingsbury. 1906. 2 vols. 4° D. Red Book (New York). Illustrative legislative manual. 1902. (41) (United States). Containing portraits and biographies of the President and his Cabinet, Senators, and members of the House of Representatives, and sundry other matters of interest for the years 1895-1896. By E. L. Murlin. Albany, James B. Lyon," 1896. 8° B. A manual of Congressional practice. By Thomas Hud- son McKee. Wash., Thomas li. McKee, 1891. 8° B. — ' Cross, American National. Relief committee reports, 1898 1899. N. y., Knickerbocker Press. 8° (3) Sea and Gulf of Aden pilot. 1916. 8° J. 6 and (33) Hydrographic Off. U. S. (H. O. 157). Reed, Thomas B. Introduction by, to works of Henry Clay. N. Y., Putnam's sons, 1904. 10 vols. 8° G. Monument to. Address by Hon. Samuel W. McCall,. upon the unveiling of the monument at Portland, Maine. Aug. 31, 1910. 61—3; S. doc. 864. H. Reed's rules. A manual of general parliamentary law, with suggestions for special rules. Chic, Rand, McNally & CO., 1900. 12° X. Referendum. See Initiative and. Reference bureaus and libraries. See Legislative reference bureaus. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 243 JReformed spelling. See "Simplified spelling"; also, "English spelling and spelling reform." Register. American, 180S-09; 1848-49; 1851. (38) [Same.] See Shykels. (38) Annual public events. 1867. (38) Executive, 17S«»-19U2. (38) Volunteer forces, 1 SOI -65. (31) Department of Agriculture. See from Official Register. Department of Commerce and Labor. 1908 to date. (30) Department of Interior. 1906 to date. 8° 2 copies. (30) Department of Justice, 1909 to date. 2 copies. (30) Department of Navy, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1825, 1827, in 1 vol- ume; 1842,1847-1852, 1870-1873,1889-1907, to date. 8° (31) — Post Office Department, Official. (47) Department of State, 1906 to date. 2 copies. (31) Department of Treasury. [Not published since 1883.] Department of War. Army Register (official) 1839, 1853, 1870-1873, 1877, 1899-1907 to date. (Documented.) 8° E. 6. (31) United States official. 1828 to date. (18) X. Registration regulations. May 18, 1917. T. Regulations for freight rates and passenger fares. 1907. 8° of the organized militia of the United States. 1908. 8° 2 copies. (31) of the United States Naval Academy, 1909. 8° (31) Renninger, Warren D. Government policy in aid of American shipbuilding. 1789-1911. 8° 4 copies. S. Reporter. A monthly budget of governmental affairs. Note. — Library has vols. 4 and 5 for 1884 and 1885. Reports, United States, notes on the. Representation (proportional). List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. L. C. Republic, The. Devoted to the dissemination of political informa- tion. [Mar., 1873, to Jan., 1877.] 8 vols. 8° Republican and Democratic conventions, platforms, text books, etc. 1789, to date. (I and 8) Republican campaign documents, miscellaneous, from 1875-1884. 12 vols. ■ 8° Republican campaign text-books, 1894-96, 1898-1900, 1902-04, 1906, to date. Republican (and Democratic) national conventions. Proceedings of, 1856, to date. See Democratic. 244 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Republican and Democratic conventions, platforms, text books, etc. (I and 8.)— Continued. [Same.] Official proceedings of the National Republican Conventions, 1856, 1860, 1864, 1868, 1872, 1876, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1896, 1900, 1904, to date. Charles W. Johnson, Minneapolis. 8° Republican (Democratic, etc.) platforms. National platforms of all political parties, 1789-1892. Thomas Hudson McKee. Wash., Stat. Pub. co., 1892. 12° Republican national platforms. 1789-1892. By Thos. H. McKee. Wash., Stat. Pub. co., 1892. 12° 2 copies. — ;-r— - [Same.] National platforms (and conventions) of all political parties, 1789-1901; 1789-1905. By Thomas Hudson McKee. Balto., Friedenwald co., 1901; 1905. 12° — — — [Same.] Platforms of the two great parties. 1856- 1912. Trimble. 1912. — [Same.] Political party platforms in Presidential cam- paigns, 1840 to 1904. Wash., Globe Printing co., 1905. 12° party; its history, principles, and policies. By John D. Long. N. Y., M. W. Hazen co., 1900. 8° F. Restraining orders. See Labor. Restraint of trade. See Eddy on Combinations. Retail prices, 1907 to December 1916. Bu. of Labor Statistics, Whole No. 228. 2 copies. (30) and cost of living. Series, . Bureau of Labor Statistics, Dept. of Labor. (30) and wages. Aldrich report. July 19, 1892. vols. 6, 7, 8. 52—1 ; S. rept. 986. (30) Revenue, estimated 1909. (21) Revenue-Cutter Service. Register of officers and vessels. July 1, 1910. 8° 2 copies. (31) (Seelistof publications relating to. 1917. 2 copies. (31) laws. See Internal revenue. system, Reports of a commission to revise the, 1865-66, containing some special reports not documented. iSee Tariff. (20) Revised Statutes. See United States Statutes. Revision and codification of laws, etc. Final report of the Com- mission, Dec. 15, 1906. 2 vols. 4° (19) Report of special joint committee. S.rept. 10;60 — 1. (19) [Act approved June 4, 1897 (Stat. L. v. 30, p. 58), provided "that the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint three commissioners, whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Attorney General, to revise and codify the criminal and penal law* of the United States." The duties of this commission were extended, by act approved Mar. 3, 1899 (Stat. L. V. 30, p. 1116), to include the revision of laws concerning the jurisdiction and practice of the United States courts. By act approved Mar. 3, 1901 (Stat. L. v. 31, p. 1181), Congress further extended the duties of the commission to include the revision of all laws of a permanent CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 245 Revision and codification of laws, etc. — Continuod. and general nature. Congress, by act approved June 30, 1906 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 754), directed that the commission should complete its work and make a final report to Congress on or before Dec. 16, 1906. The commission was at first known as Commission to Revise and Codify Criminal and Penal Laws, later, when its duties were enlarged, as Commission to Revise Laws of United States. Although by law the commission made annual reports to the Attorney General, its final report was to be made directly to Congress. Criminal Code, 35 Stats, pages 1088-1159. Judicial Code, 36 Stats, 1087-1170. [Same.] Amended to Mar. 4, 1913. Sen. Doc. 1144; 62—3. Judiciary title, part II, comparative print for the use of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. 64 — 1 . S. 2 copies. of revenue system of the United States. Report of a commission, 1865-1866. 1866. (20) Revolution (American). The diplomatic correspondence ol the. By Jared Sparks. Bost., N. Hale, Gray & Bowen, 1829. 12 vols. 8° 2 copies. E. [Same.] Wash., F. P. Blair, 1834. 7 vols. 8° 2 copies. E. Claims. See Claims, etc. Officers and soldiers of the. Claims, etc. Wash., Thomas Allen, 1838. 8° Naval records of 1775-1788. L. C, 1906. 4° 2 copies. (31) Principles and acts of the. By H. Niles. Balto., 1822. 8° E. Roll of pensioners Jan. 20, 1820; 16—1 ; H. doc. 55. Roll of pensioners Jan. 1, 1883, 47—2; S. doc. 84, vol. 5, pts. 1-5. Roll by States, and pension establishment. 23 — 1; S. docs., vols. 12, 13, 14. Soldiers, list of. See above. The story of the. By Henry Cabot Lodge. N. Y., Scribner's sons, 1898. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. E. 4. (19) Revolutionary diplomatic correspondence of the United States. By Francis Wharton. 1889. 6 vols. 8° 50—1; H.mis.doc. 603, pts. 1-6. 2 copies. E. or military services, Census of pensioners for. Wash. Blair and Rives, 1841. 4° Rhees, William Jones (editor and compiler). Smithsonian Institu- tion pubHcations, 1835-1899. 8° F. Rhode Island. See Geographical dictionary. Rhodes, James Ford. History of the United States from the com- promise of 1850. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1902. 5 vols. 8° E. Richardson, Charles A. New dictionary of the EngHsh language. Lond., Wilham Pickering, 1838. 2 vols. 4° (27) 246 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Richardson, James D. A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. 1899. 10 vols. 8° Ref. Messages and papers of the Confederacy. Nash., U. S. Pub. CO., 1905. 2 vols. 8° H. William A. History, jurisdiction, and practice of the Court of Claims. 2d ed. 1885. 8° Public debt of the United States with national banking laws. 2d ed. Wash., W. H. & O. H. Morrison, 1873. 8° 2 copies. (10-11) Riddle, A. G. Life of Benj. F. Wade. Cleve., W. W. Williams, 1886. 12° I. Rifle, TJ. S. Rules for management of . 1917. (31) Ringrose, H. Editor International Who's Who. N. Y., Paris and Lond., International Who's Who Pub. co. B. Ringwalt, Ralph Custis. Briefs on public questions with selected hsts of references. New York, 1906. Longmans, Green & co. 8° F. Ripley, George (editor). American cyclopaedia. New American cyclopaedia. Rise and fall of the Confederate Government. Jefferson Davis. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1912. 2 vols. 8° G. Rivers and harbors. Anal^^tical and topical index to the reports of the chief engineers on works and surveys, 1866-1879. 1881. By L. Y. Schermerhorn and others. 2 vols. 8° [Same.] 1880-1887. vol. 1. K. [Same.] 1888-1892. vol. 3. [Same.] 1866-1900. By John McClure. Wash., 1903. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 439. 3 vols. K. — — — - Laws relating to improvement of, 1790-1913. 3 vols. 8° 63—2; H. doc. 1491. [Same.] 1790-1913. H. doc. 1491; 62— 3. 3 vols. Preliminary examinations, surveys, projects and appro- priations, being a letter from the Chief of Engineers, 1898. 55—2; H. doc. 482. v. 64. 8° [Same.] 1903. 57—2; H. doc. 421. v. 83. 8° Reports of surveys for the improvement of harbors and rivers (and the construction of roads and canals). Compiled by order of the Senate. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1839-1841. 4 vols. 8° Congress. See National, etc. See Forest, rivers, etc. Road, the national; a history of the. The old Pike. By Thomas B. Searight. Uniontown, by the author, 1894. 8° (30) National, from the aqueduct bridge to Mt. Vernon, Va. Report of a survey for. 51 — 1; H. ex. doc. 106. 8° CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 247 Roads and canals. A compilation of documents and reports relat- ing to roads and canals, 1816-1829. 6 vols. 8° (vol. 5 miss- ing.) (30) Reports of surveys for the construction of roads and canals (and the improvement of harbors and rivers). Com- piled by order of the Senate. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1839- 1841. 4 vols. S° (30) Steam carriages in Great Britain, 1831. 8° 22— 1;II. doc. 101. DulT Green, 1832. Robbins, Jonathan, case of. See Charles Pinckney. Roberts's rules of order. Scott, Foresman & co. X. Y. 218 pp. 12° X. Rockhill, "William Woodville. Compiler of treaties, conventions, agreements, etc., relating to China and Korea. State Dept. Information series Xo. 4-A. 1908. 2 copies. 8° Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892. Wash., Smithsonian Institution, 1894. 8° C. — Report of, on China. 8° 1901. 57—1; S. doc. 67. See also appendix to foreign relations, 1901. 57 — 1; II. doc. 1, vol. ]. Rockies of Canada, the. By Walter Dwight Wilcox. X. Y., Put- nam's sons, 1900. 8° A. Rodriguez, Jose I. American Constitution. A compilation of the political constitutions of the independent nations of the Xew World, with short historical notes and various appendixes. 2 vols. 1906. 4° (International Bureau of the American Republics.) M. Rodwell, G. F. A dictionary of science. Lond., E. Moxon & co., 1871. 8° (Haydn series.) Ref. Roget, Peter M. Thesaurus of English words and, phrases. X. Y.. Longmans, Green & co., 1901. 8° B. [Same.] Xew ed. X. Y., T. Y. Crowell & co., 1904. 8° B. ' ■' Rolfe, W. J. (Bibliographer, etc.) The complete works of Shake- speare. Bost. and X. Y., The Colonial Press co., 1900. 8° 20 vols. A. Roll of honor, interments in national cemeteries in — ^ Arkansas, Colorado, Dakota, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas. Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Caroliiia, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Vii'ginia, vol. 1. Arizona, Arkansas, Arlington, Colorado, District of Columbia (Military Asylum Cemetery and Harmony Cemetery), Florida, Fortress Monroe, Hampton (Va.), Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, ^Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada. New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington Territory, vol. 2. 248 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Roll of honor — Continued. Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota, Florida. Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin, vol. .S. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia, vol. 4. Arkansas, Colorado, Dakota, Georgia, Illinois, Indian Territory, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky. Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington Territory, vol. 5. Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee, vol. 6. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indian Territory, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee. and Virginia, vol. 7. 1869. 8 vols. 8° 2 copies. Rome, history of. By Victor Duruy. Translated by M. M. Ripley. Bost., C. F. Jewett Publishing co. [n. d.] 8 vols, in 16 sees. 4° C. Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. By Theodore • Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge. N. Y., The Century co., 1904. 8° F. — - Thomas H. Benton [Life of] [being vol. 23 of the Ameri- can Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co. 1898. 12° F. Gouverneur Morris [Life of] [being vol. 8 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. The naval war of 1812. G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902. 8° (31) President. See Messages and papers of. Simplified spelling. For executive order authorizing and directing the use of, in all Government publications of the executive departments. See Simplified spelling Root, Elihu. Speeches incident to the visit of Secretary Root to South America, 1906. 1906. 8° H. ' ■ See Russia, America's message to the Russian people. Roper, Daniel C. Tariff Handbook. Statistical basis for H. R. 10. 63—1; 1913. 3 copies. (21) Rose, Henry M. The Congressional term. \'^Tlen does it begin and end? 1911. 8° 5 copies. X. Walter M. Digest of the United States Supreme Court reports. See United States Supreme Court. John Holland. Life of Napoleon I, including new materials from the British official records. Two vols, in one. N. Y., TheMacmillan CO., 1907. 8° H. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 249 Rosebery, Lord Pitt. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & cc, 1906, 12° (Twelve English statesmen.) G. Rowland, Kate Mason. Life of George Mason 1725-1792. N. Y., Putnam's sons, 1892. 2 vols. 8° H. Royal Kalendar and court and city register. Lond., Suttaby, 1851- 1863. 8° Royce, Charles C. (compiler). Indian land cessions in the LInited States. 1899. 4° 56— 1; H. doc. 736. Ruen, Henry C. (and Edward L. Dwight), compiler of the Citer- Digest of the U. S. Statutes. Detroit, Citer-Digest co. 1910. 8° Ruggles, Samuel B. Report of International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1870. 41—2; H. ex. doc. 266. Rule of the road at sea. See Sailing rules. Rules of the House of Representatives, and the joint rules of the two Houses. By John M. Barclay. Wash., 1871. 8° X. of the Senate and House. N. 1-5. See Lists: Consti- tution, Rules and Manual, pp. 401, 402. and regulations governing the departments of — Commerce and Labor. Wash., 1907. 8° 59— 2; S. doc. 397. Interior. Wash., 1907. 8° 59— 2; S. doc. 396, pts. 1-4. of military warfare. Conference at Brussels, 1874. Re- port by A. Horsford. 1900. 8° L. of order. A manual for conducting business in town and ward meetings * * * ^nd other deliberative bodies. By Benjamin Matthias. Phila., James Harmstead, 1846. 12° X. of the Supreme Court of the United States. 1912. 8° Rcf. Rural credits. (19) 1. Bills introduced during the 63d Congress. 2. Information and evidence secured by the American and United States Commissions, being Senate Document No. 214, and report of the American Commission, being Senate Docu- ment Xo. 261. .--P, 3. Agricultural credit and agricultural cooperation in Germany, being report of the British Board of agriculture and fisheries, by J. R. Cahill. 4. Hearings before subcommittee of the House, Dec. 3, 1913, to Feb. 12, 1914. 5. Hearings before subcommittees on Banking and Currency of Senate and House, "Feb. 16, 1914 to July 23, 1914. 6. Report to the governor and legislature of the State of Wash- ington, by Ralph Metcalf and Clark G. Black, 1915. r' 7. United States documents prior to 63d Congress. 8. United States documents during 63d Congress. 250 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Jlussell, Israel C. Geology and water resources of the Snake River plains of Idaho. 1902. 8° (19) William H., and William B. Winslow. Syllabus digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. See United States Supreme Court. Ref . Russia, America's message to the people of. Address by the members of the special diplomatic mission of the U. S. to Rus- sia 1917. Bos. MarshallJones CO. 1918. 8. (19) industries of. John Martin Crawford, St. Petersburg, 1893. vol. 1. 4° (19) Russian advance, the. By Albert J. Beveridge. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1904. 8° F. 7. (19) Sailing directions for Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the St. Law- rence River to Montreal. Hydrographic Office, Dept. of the Navy. 1907. 8° 2 copies. (31) rules. The rule of the road at sea and in inland waters. By Thornton A. Jenkins. 1869. 8° (31) Sailor's log, a. By Robley D. Evans. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1902. 8° G. Salary tables. See Government salary tables. Salutes and ceremonies at seacoast and other posts provided with artillery. Instructions for. 1902. 4° (Artillery Circular L, 1902.) Samoa and Guam. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. Grifhn. 1901. L. C. Sampson- Schley. Ofhcial communications to the United States Senate. 1899. 8° (55—3. Confid. Ex. C.) (31) San Domingo. See Davis Hatch. Memorial of. Report of the select committee on the memorial of Davis Hatch, June 25, 1870. 8° 41—2; S. rept. 234. Sanitary convention. (7) See International, etc. Santo Domingo. Hearings in the matter of charges against the American minister to. Before Commissioner Phelan. 1915. Not documented. See Senate Library hearings, vols. 66-73. Savage, James W. (Paper.) The discovery of Nebraska, and a visit to, in 1662. 1893. 8° F. Schenck, General. Investigation of the connection of, with the Emma Silver Mining Co. (limited), of London, by the Com. on Foreign Affairs of the H. of R. N. Y., Tyrrel, 1876. 8° See Emma Mine. Schley, Winfield S. Record of proceedings of a court of inquiry in the case of. 1902. 2 vols. 8° 57—1; H. doc. 485. 2 copies. School history of the United States. By John B. McMaster. N.Y., Am. Book CO., 1897. 12° (;Sfe History.) E. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 251 Schopenhauer, Arthur. The wisdom of hfe. (Universal Classics Library, vol. 30.) I. . * Schurman report, 1st Philippine Commission. 1S99-1900. Sen. doc, vols. 44-46; 56-1. D. Schurz, Carl. Henry Clay DLife of] [being vols. 19 and 20 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. Schwatka, Frederick. Militar}- reconnaissance in Alaska. 1883. 8° 48— 2; S. ex. doc. 2. D. Science, a dictionary of. By G. F. Rodwell. Lond., Moxon & co., 1871. 8° (Haydn series.) Scott, James Brown. See Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Scotland, account of the Parliament of. See Enghsh Parliament, history of. Sea, rules of the road at. Thornton A. Jenkins. 1869. 8° Seal of the United States, History of. Department of State, 1909. 4° 2 copies. S. See Flag, and. Seals (fur) and the fur-seal islands of the North Pacific Ocean. By D. S. Jordan. 1898. 4 vols. 4° S. Searight, Thomas B. The old pike; a history of the national road, Uniontown, 1894. 8° Seattle, Wash., souvenir of. Seattle, Lowman & Hanford, 1900. 8° Second Liberty Loan, 1917. Source Book. Publicity Bureau. 8° S. 2 copies. Selective service system. Its aims and accomplishments, etc. T. Secret journals of the (Continental) Congress of the Confederation. See List, p. 577. proceedings and debates of the Federal Convention, 1787. Yates and Martin notes. Albany, Websters and Skinners. 1821. 8° M. — — — [Same.] Printed as a document. 60 — 2; S. doc. 728. Service Investigation. Report of a Select Committee. 60—2; H. Kept. 2320. • — Service of the United States. Select list of references on. By H. H. B. Meyer. 1910. (25-26) Sectional struggle, the. An account of the troubles between the North and South from the earliest times to the close of the civil war; compromise of 1833; earh^ tariffs and nullification. By Cicero W. Harris. N. Y., Lippincott co., 1902. 8° (20) Select charters and otlier documents illustrative of American his- tory, 1606-1775. By WiUiam Macdonald. N. Y., The Mac- millan co., 1906. 8° E. 252 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Select statutes and other documents illustrative of the history of the United States, 1861-f898. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1903. 8° E. Selfridge report. War vessels built, 1862-1865. 57—1; S. Rept. 1942. Vol. 9. Senate, United States. Amendment of the United States Senate. H. C. Lodge. Political Quarterly. Lond., Feb., 1914. 8° F. Anthony report. Statement of the rules and practice of the Senate, 1789-1863, in the appointment of its committees. S. Jour. Mar. 14, 1863; p. 456. S. mis. doc. 42; 38— spec. sess.; also, S. doc. 1122; 62 — 3. Bibliography. List of books, etc., treating of the United States Senate. 59—1; S. doc. 303. bills and joint resolutions, history of, from Fiftieth Congress. (19) — Confidential documents, printed. 1821-1869. 2 copies. (38) Continuing body, as a. Library of Cong, compilation. 1917. X. 5 copies. Digests of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives. By Henry H. Smith. 1894. 8° 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. X. Election cases from 1789 to 1885. By George S. Taft. 1885. 8° 49— 1; S. mis. doc. 47. X. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1893, by George P. Furber. 1893. 8° 52—2; S. mis. doc. 67. X. [Same.] Continued to Mar. 3, 1903, by George M. Buck. 1903. 8° 58— spec, sess.; S. doc. 11. X. [Same.] 1789-1913, by Chas. A. Webb and H. A. Pierce. S. doc. 1036; 62—3. X. - Executive journal. See List of journals. (Executive.) p. 592. Filibusters. Extracts from Congressional Globe and Record. Prepared by Library of Congress. 65th — Special Sess. 1917. 8° X. General index to reports of the Secretary, 1823-1900. 1900. .56— 1; S. doc. 290. B. Library catalogue. By E. T. Cressey. 1895. 8° 53—3; S. mis. doc. 83. [Same.] By Clifford Warden. 1901. 8° 56— 2; S. doc. 233. [Same.] Revised and enlarged to inchide finding lists of public documents. By Edward C. Goodwin, librarian. 1906-1918. 8° Not documented. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF LTNITED STATES SENATE. 253 Senate, United States — Continued. — Finding lists of public documents. Compiled by Alonzo W. Church and Henry W. Smith. 1892. 8° 29 pp. Not documented. Ref. — [Same.] By Alonzo W. Church and James M. Baker. 1896. 8° 91 pp. 54—2; S. doc. 103. [Same.] By James M. Baker. 1901. 8° 281 pp. 56—2; S. doc. 238. Limitation of debate. Library of Congi-ess compilation. 1917. X. 5 copies. — Manual, containing the standing rules and orders. 8° List, p. 401. (19) — Origin and development of the United States Senate. By Clara Hannah Kerr. Ithaca. Andrus & Church, 1895. 8° X. — Precedents relating to the privileges of the. By George P. Furber. 1893. 8° 52— 2; S. mis. doc. 68. X—. (19) and decisions on pomts of order, with phraseology, in the U. S. Senate, 1789-1909. By Henry H. Gilfry. 1909. 8° 512 pp. 61— 1; S. doc. 129. X. (19) Procedure in. 1913. 8° (19) Questions of order and decisions thereon in the Senate of the United States. By Wm. J. McDonald. 1881. 8° X. Reports of the Secretary. List, p. 679. Senators (popular election of). List of references on the. Griffin. 1904. L. C. Classification of. See Classification, etc. — — — Compilation of speeches and reports relative to. 8° 57—1; S. doc. 406. [Same.] Reprinted, with additions, including an article by ex-Senator George Y. Edmunds; also a speech by Hon. Geo. F. Hoar, Apr. 6-7, 1893, 59—1; S. doc. 232; and an abstract of primary laws of sundry States, 59 — 2; S. doc. 393. Extracts from primary laws of sundry States, 1907. .8° 59—2; S. doc. 393. Sergeant, Thomas. Constitutional law. Being a view of the prac- tice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. 2d ed. Phila., P. H. Xicklin and T. Johnson, 1830. 8° See Consti- tution. O. Service Regulations, Cavalry. 1914. War Dept. Doc. 461. 12° (31j Seward, William H. [Life of,] by Thornton Kirkland Lothrop [being vol. 27 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° G. 254 CATALOCxUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Seward, William H. The works of. Edited by G. E. Baker. Best. Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1887-1889. 5 vols. 8° H. Note. — Vol. 5, "The diplomatic history of the war for the Union." Boat., 1884. Sewerage of the District of Columbia. 1890. 8° K. 3. 51—1; S. ex. doc. 445. [Same.] 1894. 53—2; S. rept. 623. Seybert, Adam. Statistical annals. Phda., T. Dobson & son, 1818. 4° See Statistical annal. Shakespeare. The complete works of. The Cambridge text from the latest edition of William Aldis \Miite; introduc- tions, notes and glossaries to each play by Israel Gollancz; complete notes, with various readings and general glossary of Alexander Dyce; general introduction and a bibliography by W. J. Rolfe; a history of the drama and general criticism by Henry N. Hudson and others. Bost. and N. Y., The Colo- ' nial Press CO., 1900. 8° 20 vols. A. — Complete concordance to dramatic works of. John Bartlett. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1906. 4° B. See Bacon is, etc. Edward O. Report on cholera in Europe and India. 1890. 4° ' Sharland, Emily C. Coin of the realm. ^Miat is it? Lond., Waterlow & sons, 1888. 8° 2 copies. (10-11) Sheahan, James W. Corporation laws of the city of Washington. Wash., R. A. Waters, 1853. 8° Shepard, Edward M. Martin Van Buren [Life of] [being vol. 18 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1898. 12° F. Sheridan, Philip H. Record of engagements with hostile Indians from 1868 to 1882. 1882. 8° Sherman antitrust law, with amendments and list of decisions thereunder or relating thereto, July 1, 1911. (22) Authorship of. Report on an investigation of the official records. By M. H. Bumplirey. 8° 1912. S. 3 copies. (22) Discussion of, citations, etc., in an address on Govern- ment control of corporations, etc. By Charles G. Washburn. Worcester. 1911. 8° S. James Schoolcraft. Memorial service held at the Repub- lican Club of the city of N. Y., Nov. 24, 1912. 8° H. (John) recollections of forty years in the House, Senate, and Cabinet. An autobiography. Chi., Werner co., 1895. 2 vols. 8° H. — . John. By Theo. E. Burton. Bost. and N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & CO., 1906. American Statesmen. 2d series. 12° 2 copies. G. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 255 Sherman, Roger. Life of. By L. H. Boutell. Chi., A. C. Mc- Clurg & CO., 1896. 8° H. Shipbuilding. Government policy of American— 1789-1911. W. D. Renniiiger. Phila. 8° S. 3. 4 copies. (19) Ship canal. See Interoceanic canals. Shipping, Government aid to. (19) Ships. The magnetism of, and the deviations of the compass. 1867. 8° (In Transactions of foreign societies; by Poisson.) data. United States vessels. 1911. 8° [Same.] 5'ee Navy Department. (31) Shultz, Birl E. (and Charles A. Beard). Initiative, Referendum, andRecah. N. Y., Macmillan & co. 1912. 8° 3 copies. S. 3. Siege of Charleston. See Charleston. Signal book, U. S. Army. ' 1916. Corps Manual of the U. S. Army. Property and disbur- sing regulations. 8° (31) service reports. List, p. 682. Signals. See International Code of. Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Biographies and portraits of the. See Declaration of Independence. Sigsbee, Charles D. Deep-Sea Soundings and Dredging. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Wash. 1880. 4° . Supplement. 1882. Silver. The future of. By E. Suess. 1893. 8° 53— 1; S. mis. doc. 95. -coinage speeches. 1893. — commission. See Berlin Silver Commission. Commission reports. List, p. 683. in Europe. By S. Dana Horton. N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1892. 8° (10—11) Simplified spelling. For the use of in all government publications of the executive departments. By executive order of Theodore Roosevelt, April 27, 1906; being the system of spelling recom- mended by the Simplified Spelling Board. 1906. 57 pp. 8° Ref. Sketches of my own time. By David Turpie. Ind., The Bobbs- Merrill co., 1903. 12° 2 copies. I. Slavery. History of Missouri compromise and slavery in American politics. Archbald Dixon. 2d ed. Cin., The Robt. Clark co., 1903. 8° F. Slovaks of Hungary, The. By Thomas Capek. N. Y,, Knicker- bocker press, 1906. 8° (19) Small arms for the military service. Reports of experiments. Wash., Nicholson, 1856. (31) [Same.] 1873. 8° (31) 256 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Smith, Herbert (compiler). Handbook of the new Library of Con- gress. Bost., 1901, Curtis & Cameron. 8° Franklin W. National galleries of history and art. The aggrandizement of Washington. 1900. 8° T. G. Barnett. History of the English Parliament, together with an account of the parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. Lond., Ward, Lock, Bowden & co., 1892. 2 vols. 8° C. Goldwin. The United Kingdom. A political history. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° C. 4. Henry H. (compiler). Digest of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. 1894. 8° 53—2; S. mis. doc. 278. X. Finding list (joint compiler) of public documents. 1892. 8° — J. Calvin (editor). Gazetteer of the United States of America. Sherman & Smith, 1845. 8° ■ James S. Easby. Department of Justice. Its history and functions. Wash., W. H. Lowdermilk & co. 1904. 8° 30. William Farrar. Report of board of Army officers upon claim of Maj. Gen., that he, and not General Rosecrans, origi- nated the plan for the relief of Chattanooga in Oct., 1863. 1901. 8° (31) Smithsonian Institution. Origin and history. 1835-1899. By William Jones Rhees. 2 vols. 8° 56—1; H. doc. 732, pt. 1, vol. 113. 8° Reports of. List, p. 684. Institution and National Museum. Reports. List, p. 685. SmuU, John A. Legislative handbook and manual of the State of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Wm. Stanley Ray. 1876, 1898, 1899, 1911. 8° (41) Smyth, Albert Henry. The writings of Benjamin Franklin. N. Y. The Macmillan co., 1907. 8° 10 vols. G. Spelling reform. See "Simplified spelling;" also ''English spell- ing and spelling reform." Spies and spy system. Select list of references on. By H. H. B. Meyer. 1915. (25-26) Snake River plains of Idaho. Geology and water resources of. By LC. Russell. 1902. 8° (19) Snow, Freeman. Cases and opinions on international law, with notes and a syllabus. Bost., Boston Book co., 1893. 8° See International law. O. International law. A manual based upon lectures de- livered at the Naval War College. 2d ed. 1898. 8° See International law. O. Soldiers buried in national cemeteries. See Roll of honor. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 257 Solicitor of the Treasury. Digest of the opinions of. 1880. 8° 2 copies. (31) Soule, Richard. Dictionary of Enghsh synonvmes. Xew ed. rev. and enlarged by Geo. II. Howison. Bost., Little, Brown & CO., 1908. 8° B. Sound currency, 1895. A compendium of accurate and timely information on currency questions. N. Y., Reform Club Sound Currency Committee, 1895. 8° (10-11) South America. Speeches in, Elihu Root, Secretary of State, 1906. 1905. 8° II. [Same.] Trade Du-ectory. 1914. (19) X. — American, Central and, commissioners, report of. 48 — 2; H. ex. doc. 226. Carolina, reports, resolutions and journals of the General Assembly 1861-1865. (41) Spain, the war with. By Henry Cabot Lodge. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1900. 8° F. War with. Report of the Commission appointed by the President to investigate the conduct of the War Department in the. 1900. 8 vols. (56 Cong., 1st sess. S. doc. No. 221.) F. See Treaty of peace with, etc. (22) Spanish- American war. By Russell A. Alger. 1897-1899. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1901. 8° F. Treaty Claims Commission. List of documents. (April 15, 1903.) 1903. 8° F. [Same.] 1904. 8° 2 copies. F. Work and Decisions of, 1901-1907. By WiUiam E. Fuller. 1907. 8° F. War-tax bill of 1898. Index to debates. (20) 6 copies. Sparks, Jared. The diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. Bost., N. Hale, Gray & Bowen, 1829. 12 vols. 8° 2 copies. E. Life of Gouverneur Morris. Bost., Gray, Miffin & co., 1832. 3 vols. 8° H. Spaulding, Henry G. Charles Sumner. An address. Bost. 1911. 8° I. Spears, John R. The history of our Navy from its origin to the end of the war with Spain, 1775-1898. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's sons, 1902. 5 vols. 8° (31) Spinoza, Benedict de. Improvement of the understanding, ethics, and correspondence. "(Universal Classics Library, vol. 29.) I. Spofiford, Ainsworth R. Editor of articles on America in the new cabinet cyclopaedia. Gebbie & co., 1898. 8 vols. 12° A. 49183—18 17 258 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Standard field tables. General Land Office. 1910. 12° (30) of usage in English, The. By T. R. Lounsbury. N. Y., Harper & Bro., 1908. 8° B. Oil Company. See History of the Standard Oil Com- pany. Stanley, D. S. Arguments of the judge-advocate and of Mr. R. T. Merrick in the trial of General Stanley. N. Y., S. W. Green, 1879. 8° (29) Stanton, Edwin M. Life and pubhc services of. By G. C. Gor- ham. Bost. and N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1899. 2 vols. 8° H. Stanwood, Edward. Life of James G. Blaine. Bost. and N. Y., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1906. 8° G. Stark, James H. The Loyalists of Massachusetts and the other side of the American Revolution. Bost., W. B. Clarke, 1910. 8° E. , John, and Daniel Webster. Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the statues presented by the State of New Hampshire. 1895. 4° Star route investigation. Report made by special agents of the Post-Office Department. 1884. 48—1; H. ex. doc. 100. (31) [Same.] 48— 1; H. rept. 372. (31) "Star-spangled Banner." Sonneck, (L. ofC.) 1914. State, Department of, and kindred publications. (31) Coflfee, production and trade in. Consular report. 1888 50— 1; H. ex. doc. 401. 8° 2 copies. (31) Commerce of the World, and the share of the United States therein. 1883. 8° (31) Commercial relations of the United States with foreign countries, 1880-1881. 8° (31) Consular regulations, United States. 1870, 1888. (31) 2 copies of 1870. Consular reports. Index to. 1887-1902. Vols. 1 to 63. 8° (31) [Same.] See List, p. 401. Consular report, special. Coffee, production and trade in 1888. 50—1; H. ex. doc. 401. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Labor & wages in Europe and other countries. 3 vols. 5 parts. 8° 1885. 2 copies. H. ex doc. 54—3; 1885. (31) [Same.] Taxation in foreign countries. 50—1 ; H. ex. doc. 400. 1888. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Volumes 1 to 13, and 16 in 5 parts. 8° Misc. H. and S. docs, from 1889-1898. (31) , [Same.] Vols. 42-68. 1893 to 1902. Misc. H. & S. docs. CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 259 State, Department of, and kindred publications — Continued. Consular service, Diplomatic and, of the United States. Corrected to February 1 , 1901. [Same.] Corrected to February 7, 1901. (31) [Same.] 1912-1917. S° 2 copies. (31) Diplomatic and consular service of the U. S. Current lists. Diplomatic correspondence with belligerent govern- ments relating to neutral rights and duties. (31) Diplomatic correspondence with belligerent govern- ments relating to neutral rights and commerce. (Lusi- tania, &c.) 3 vols. 3 copies. [Same.] Relative to neutral rights and commerce. Dept. of State, May 27, 1915. 2 copies. (31) European war. Diplomatic correspondence with belliger- ent governments relating to neutral rights and duties. No. 2, printed byStateDept. Oct. 21, 1915. 2 copies; No. 3, Aug. 12, 1916; No. 1, May 27, 1915. 2 copies. (31) See Diplomatic correspondence. History of the State Department. By William H. Mchael. 1901. 8° 2 copies. (31) Labor and wages. 3 vols. 48—2; H. ex. doc. 54. 3 parts. 1885. 8° 2 copies. (31) Vol. 1. Labor and wages in Europe. Vol. 2. Labor and wages in Europe. Vol. 3. Labor and wages in other countries than Europe. Lusitania, etc. Diplomatic correspondence of the United States with belligerent governments relating to neutral rights and commerce. Published by State Dept. May 27, 1915. 2 copies. (31) Organization and work, of State Department. 1911. 8° (31) Register of the Dept. of State. July, 1906, to date. (21) 1914-1916. 8° (31) State Department, history of. By Wilham H. Michael. 1901. 8° 2 copies. (31) State papers, British and foreign. 34 Vols. 1812-1846. Lond., Harrison & son. 1860. (38) and public documents of the United States, from the accession of George Washington to the presidency, exhibiting a complete view of our foreign relations since that time. 1789-1818. Bost., T. B. Wait & Sons, 1817-1819. 12 vols. 8° F. 1. See American State papers; List, p. 338. Taxation in foreign countries. 50 — 1 ; H. ex. doc. 400. 1888. 8° 2 copies. (31) 260 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. State Publications. o CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 267 Tariff. (20-21)— Continuod. American Republics. 1893. 3 vols. 8° 52 — 1; S. ex. doc. 8, pt. 10. 2 copies. See also List, p. 334. — . -— Board report on wool and manufactures of wool. H. doc. 342; 62—2. 4 vols. Act of May 15, 1882. Report of testimony, 47 — 2; H. mis. doc. 6, vols. 2, 3. Report of tariff commission. London, P. S. King & son, 1904. (L. C.) For sundry bills and resolutions relating to, see index to Cong. Record. British possessions in Europe, customs tariff of the. See United Kingdom. C. British West Indies, customs tariff of the. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for June, 1905.) 4° Bulletins of the American Republics, bureau of. List, p. 337. Canada. The customs tariff, 1907. With index and appen- dix. Ottawa, 1907. 8° -— i Tariff relations of. 1911. System now in force and proposed concessions to the U. S. Tariff Series No. 26. Dept. of Com. and Labor. Classification of merchandise, with rate of duty and regulations. Dept. Com., Bu. of Statistics. Schedule E. 1908. Commission, British. Proposed reciprocal trade arrange- ment between Canada and the U. S. 1911. 2 copies. (21) [Same.] Report of reciprocity with Canada. 1911. 2 copies. (21). Commission, Reports of a, appointed for a revision of the revenue system of the United States, 1865-66. David A. Wells, Stephen Colwell, Samuel S. Hayes, commissioners. 1866. (Not documented.) [Same.] Appointed May 15, 1882, Report of. 47—2; H. misc. doc. 6. 2 vols. (20) act of Mar. 3, 1865. See 42—2; H. ex. doc. 109, vol. 9, p. CXLVII. Young Report. Comparative text of law of 1909 and H. R. 3321, as it passed the House. Committee on Finance. 1913. 1st annual rept., 1917. : — Cuba. Customs" tariff of the republic of. (From the Monthly Summar}' of Commerce and Finance for May, 1905.) 4° 2 copies. Debates and votes on, 55—1. 1897. (21) 268 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Tariflf. (20-21)— Continued. — Cuba. Reciprocity with. See Hearings. Customs laws, compilation of, and digest of decisions under. 1908. 8° Decisions rendered by the Treasury Department, 1869- 1872. Wash., 1873. 8° [Same.] of the Treasury Department under customs and other laws, 1898. Synopsis of decisions, vols. 1-2; Treasury Decisions, 1899 to date. List, p. 412. Digest of decisions of the Treasury Department and of the Board of General Appraisers under tariff acts of 1883, 1890, 1894, and 1897. 1901. 8° "Dingley Act," so called. Act of July 24, 1897. H. R. 379. 30 Stats., 151. [Same.] Debates and votes on, 55 — 1. 1897. (21) Documents. 1841-1842. (Being miscellaneous bound documents.) Downing, R. F. & co. Customs tariff act of 1897. Revised to Jan. 1, 1906. N. Y. 8° Essays on the tariff. By sundry authors. 1880. 8° Estimated revenues Pa3me bill (H. R. 1438), 1909, with Dingley law, 1897. Exports (colonial) 1697-1789. Exports (United States), 1789-1893. Charles H. Evans. 1894. 8° 53—2; S. rept. 259, pt. 2. [Same.] 1888-1889. 50—1; Sen. rept. 2332 and views of the minority. 4 pts. 1888. — Finance Committee's report, 1894, on changes made by Wilson-Gorman bill (53 — 2; H. R. 4864) in the text and rates of duty of McKinley law of 1890 and in the administrative law of 1890; also statistics relating to the Mills bill of 1888, etc. (53—2; S. rept. 334, vol.' 6. 4°) Foreign tariffs. See S. rept. 551; 48—1. 1884. H. ex. doc. 58; 49 — 2. 1887. Consular rept., vol. 16, Bu. of Foreign Commerce, State Dept., 1899. 4 vols. France, customs tariff of. Tariff Series no. 6. Dept. of Com. and Labor, 1907. 8° Germany and Russia: Tariff between 1880-1914. Dept. of Com., 1918. Handbook. Statistical basis for H. R. 10. 63 — 1. By Daniel C. Roper. — [Same.] Act of 1897, rev. to 1902. Wm. M. Rich. N. Y., F. B. Vandegrift & co., 1902. 2 copies. [Same.] 63—1; Report on H. R. 3321. 1913. 2 copies. Harris, Cicero W. Early tariffs and nullification. The sectional struggle. Phila., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1902. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 269 Tariff. (20-21)— Continued. Heyl's (Lewis). United States duties on imports, 1884. Wash., W. H. Morrison, 1884. 8° Hearings. See List, p. , etc. r [Same.] 1908-1909, before Committee on Ways and Means, H. of R. Pages 1-8426, including Index and Appentlix. Schedules A to X, free and misc. list. Bound in 14 volumes. [Same.] Revision of the Tariff, 1889-1890. 51—1. [Same.] 1893. 53 — 1. H. misc. doc. 43. 2 copies. [Same.] Ways and Means. 54 — 2; H. doc. 338, pt. 1, vol. 66. 1897. History of. See Downing. See Tuassig. '■ — See Vandegrift. Imports and duties, 1894-1907. Showing quantities, values, duties, and rates of duty. Compiled by Wm. W. Evans. 1908. 8° See Imports. 60— 2; H. doc. 1504. ■ — Index to debates and documents, various tariffs. See index to Record, under "Import duties." [Same] of Congressional proceedings on measures relating to tariff, finance, and currency, 1849-1891, Senate Committee on Finance. 1892. 4° copies. [Same.] 1891-93; 1893-95. [Same] of House bills relating to tariff, etc., from the 1st to the 42d Congress. By Edward McPherson. 1875. 8° 43—2; H. mis. doc. 92. [Same] to tariff bill of 1909. 4° Judicial interpretation by the United States courts of the acts of Congress relating to. By Wm. W. Carr. Phila., T. & J. W. Johnson & co., 1894. 8° Kip, Fredericlv E. Address on "Tariffs for Revenue Only" from 1789-1913. 4 copies. Maximum and minimum provisions. Negotiations be- tween the U. S. and foreign Governments, relative to. 61 — 2; H. doc. 956. [Same] Jates of duty of Pa}Tie bill (1909) as it passed the House. Estimated upon duties collected under the Dingley law of 1897. " McKinley Act," so called. Act of Oct. 1, 1890. H. R. 9416, 51st Cong., 1st sess. 26 Stats., 567. [Same] William. History of tariff legislation, 1812-1896, in vol. 10, of the works of Henry Clay. N. Y., Putnam's sons, 1904. 8° G. 270 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Tarifif. (20-21)— Continued. ■4-^- Merchandise, classification of Schedule E. Rates of duty and regulations. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, Bu. of Sta- tistics, 1908. Mexico, customs, of the republic of. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for Sept., 1905.) 4° 2 copies. " Mills bill." H. R. 9051. 50th Cong., 1st sess. 1888. (This bill did not become a law.) " Morrill Act," so called. Act of Mar. 2, 1861. H. R. 338, 36th Cong., 2d sess. 12 Stats., 178. " Morrison Act," so called. Act of Mar. 3, 1883. H. R. 5893, 47th Cong., 2d sess. 22 Stats., 488. Modern tariff systems. {In Monthly Summary of Com- merce and Finance, Feb., 1902, and Mar., 1904. 1902,1904. 4°) Newfoundland, customs tariff of. (From Monthly Sum- mary of Commerce and Finance for May, 1905.) 4° Notes on tariff revision. Prepared for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means. House of Representatives. 1909. 4° Vols. A and B. [Same.] 1913. 63— 1; S. doc. 136. Ogden, E. D. (compiler). Tariff or rates of duties on imports into the United States under acts of 1861-63. N. Y., Bogert, Bourne & Auten, 1864. 8° Paper and books. Schedule M. U. S. Tariff Commission, 1917. 2 copies. " Payne-Aldrich Act," so called. Act of Aug 5, 1909. H. R. 1438, 61st Cong., 1st sess. 36 Stats., 11. ^ [Same.] For statistics, etc., see Cong. Record index. — [Same] bill (1909), comparison with Dingley law (1897). Philippine, hearings on, before House Committee on Ways and Means, 1905, 59—1. [Same] Islands, act of March 8, 1902, temporarily to pro- ■ ' vide revenue in — contained in Treas. Dept. Doc. No. 2279, noted above, and in Stats, at Large. [Sam.e.] Tariff comparison; imports, etc., 1901-1908; Hear- ings before Ways and Means Committee, 1909. 1909. 8° [Same.] Amendments, Feb. 26, 1906. [21] [Same] amendments and revision of, Mar. 3, 1905. (21) ^ Protection echoes from the Capitol. By Thos. H. McKee and W. W. Curry. Wash., McKee & co., and N. Y., G. S. Fellows & CO., 1888. 8° [Same] favors to foreigners. By Jas. G. Parsons. Pre- sented ki Senate by Mr. Owen. 61 — 1; S. doc. 54. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 271 Tariff. (20-21)— Continued. Rates of duty on imports into the United States 1789-1890. By Senate Committee on Finance. 1891. 8° 51 — 2; S. lept. 2130. Reciprocity with Cuba. See Hearings; list, p. . See also under Library of Congress publicatL ns. Replies to tariff inquiries. Opinions of collectors of cus- toms concerning ad valorem and specific rates of duty on imports. 1894. 8° 53—2; S. rept. 358. [Same.] Schedule A, chemicals. S. reports 368, 370, 401, 406; 53—2. — [Same. J Schedule B, earths, earthenware, and glass- ware. S. reports 407, 412, 413, 415; 53—2. — . [Same.] Schedule I^, sugar. S reports 452, 453; 53—2. [Same.] Schedule F, tobacco, etc. S. reports 454, 456; 53—2. [Same.] Schedule G, agriculture, etc. S. reports 460, 461, 462, 463, 465, 466; 53—2. [Same.] Schedule H. spirits, etc. S. reports 467, 468; 53—2. [Same.] Schedule I, cotton manufactures. S. re- ports 469, 473, 474; 53—2. [Same.] Schedule J, flax, hemp, and jute. S. reports 475, 491. [Same.] Schedule K, wool, and manufactures of, S. reports 492, 493, 494, 511, 512; 53—2. — Report on the commercial relations of the United States with foreign nations. Wash., Gales & Seaton, 1842. 8° — Schedules and briefs. 3 vols. 1913. 8° — Spanish war-tax bill, 1898. Index to debates. — State papers and speeches on. By F. W. Taussig, Cam- bridge, Harvard University, 1892. 8° — Statistics, reports, etc., of the different acts. See Index to the Cong. Record. — Tariffs 1739-1913. By Frederick E. Kip. 4 copies. — Tariff — Reciprocity — Revenue — Banking — Currency — Coinage. 62d Cong., 1st sess. Congressional Record pro- ceedings. 2 vols. 4° 6. — [Same.] State papers and speeches on the tariff, Cam- bridge, Harvard University, 1892. — Taussig, F. ^Y'. Tariff history of the United States. X. Y., G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898, 1909, 1910. 8° — Treasury decisions under customs and other laws, 1898- 1907. Synopsis of decisions, vols. 1, 2, 1898. — [Same] decisions. Vols. 1 to date. (31) 272 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Tariff. (20-2 1 )— Conthmed. Undervaluation frauds; investigation, 1884; woo. luid woolen yarns. 48 — 1; H. ex. doc. 101. ^— United Kingdom, customs tariff of the. (From the Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance for June, 1905.) 4° 2 copies. See Sugar. Votes in the Senate upon the "Payne- Aldrich" bill, from May 5 to July 8, 1909. 61—1; S. doc. 153. . " Walker Act," so called. Act of July 30, 1846. H. li. 384, 29th Cong., 1st sess. 9 Stats., 42. War Tax Bill. 1898. 6 copies. Tariff Series, Dept. of Commerce. (20-21) No. 1. *Tariff on leather and its manufactures. 1907. 2. Tariffs ou agricultural and animal products. 1907. 3. *Tariffs on machinery, machine tools, and vehicles. 1907. 3a. Supplement to Tariff Series No. 3. 1910. 4. *Conventional tariff of Servia, based ou treaties with Great Britain, France, and Italy. 1907. 5. *Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. 1907. 6. ^Customs tariff of France. 1907. (Superseded by No. 25.) 6a. Commercial agreement between the United States and France. 1908. (Superseded by No. 25.) 6b. Proposed new customs tariff of France (second revised edition). 1909. (Superseded by No. 25.) 6c. Commercial convention between France and Canada. 1909 6d. Abrogation of commercial agreements between the United States and France. 1909. (Superseded by No. 25.) 6e. Proposed new customs tariff of France (supplement of Tariff Series No. 6b, second revised edition). 1910. (Superseded by No. 25.) 7. Customstariff of the German Customs Union (revised edition). (Super- sedes 1908 edition and supplement thereto.) 1911. 7a. German Customs Union. New conventional rates of duty. 1912. 8. Customs tariff of New Zealand. 1908. 9. *Customs tariff of Montserrat. 1908. 10. ^Customs tariff of Virgin Island. 1908. 11. ^Customs tariff of Bermuda. 1908. 12. *Customs tariff of Saint Lucia. 1908. IC. ^Customs tariff of Turks and Caicos Islands. 1908. 14. Customs tariff of Bahamas. 1908. 14a. Supplement to customs tariff of Bahamas. 1909. 14b. Bahamas. Changes in the customs tariff. 1911. 15. ^Customs tariff of Italy. 1908. 15A.*Supplement to customs tariff of Italy. 1909. 15B.*Italy. Tariff changes in 1910. 1911. 15c. Supplement to tariff of Italy. 1913. 16. *Preferential tariff of Brazil. 1908. 17. Customs tariff of Australia. 1908. 17a. Supplement to customs tariff of Australia. 1909. 17b . Commonwealth of Australia. Regulations under the trade descriptions act, 1910. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 273 Tariff Series, Dept. of Commerce— Continued. (20-21) No. 17c. Commonwealth of Australia. Tariff changes in 1910. 1911. 17d. Commonwealth of Australia. Changes in tariff and customs regula- tion.s. 1912. IS. *Customs tariff of the United Kingdom. 1908. 19. Commercial travelers in foreign countries. 1908. 20. Export tariffs of foreign countries. 1909. 21. ^Foreign tariffs on petroleum and petroleum products. 1909. 22. Proposed new customs tariff of Argentina. 1909. (Failed of enact- ment.) 23. ^Customs tariff of Mexico. 1910. 24. *Consular regulations of foreign countries. 1910. 25. Customs tariff of France. 1910. 2.5a. Supplement to tariff of France. 1912. 26. Tariff relations of Canada. 1911. (21) 27. Customs tariff of Cuba. 1911. 27a. Supplement to tariff of Cuba. 1911. 28. Customstariff of Japan. 1912. 28a. Supplement to tariff of Japan. 1913. 28b. Supplement to tariff of Japan. 1914. 2 copies. 30. Foreign import duties on motor vehicles and accessories. 1914. 2 copies. 30a. Supplement to Foreign import duties on motor vehicles and accesso- ries. 1917. 2 copies. 31. Registration of trade-marks in Latin America. 1916. 2 copies. (21) 32. Import duties on textiles in South America. Part 1. Argentina. 1916. 2 copies. 33. Customs tariffs of Venezuela. 1916. 2 copies. 34. Tariff systems of South American countries. 1916. 9 copies. (21). 36. Customs tariff of Chile. 1917. 2 copies. Changes in tariff rates and customs regulations of foreign coimtries since July 1, 1910, are published from time to time in P'oreign Tariff Notes. ^ Tarver, J. Ch. Royal phraseological English-French, French-English dictionary. 4th ed. Lond., Dulan & co., 1862. 2 vols. 4° Taussig, F. W. The tariff histor}- of the United States. 4th and 5th ed. N. Y., G.P.Putnam's sons, 1898-1910. 8° 2 copies. (20) Tax, War tax bill. 1898. 6 copies. (20) Taxation and revenue systems. Digest of constitutional and statutory provisions in the different States in 1912. Dept. of Commerce. 1914. 4° of Corporations. Pt. 1. — New England. Pt. 2.— ^liddle Atlantic States. Pt. 3. — Eastern Central States. Pt. 4. — Western Central States. Pt. 5. — Mountain and Pacific States. Pt. 6. — Southern and Southwestern States. Spec. supp. rept. 1913. 8° (20) of inheritances and incomes. See Griffin's compilation of works on. L. C. of street railways. See Street railways. 49183—18 18 274 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Taxes. See Direct taxes. Taxing Government property in the several capitals of lead- ing countries. Reply of the Secretary of State in response to a Senate resolution. S. doc. 163; 63 — 1. Taylor, Hannis. A treatise on international public law. Chi., Cal- laghan & co., 1901. 8° O. Jurisdiction and procedure of the Supreme Court of the United States. Roch., Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing CO., 1905. 8° Ref. (editor). A memorial of the architect of our Federal Constitution. By Pelatiah Webster, of Philadelphia, 1783. 60—1; S. doc. 461. 4° M. Constitution of the United States; real authorship ex- plained. James Madison and Pelatiah Webster defended. S. doc. 787; 62—2. M. 6. William A. Ohio in Congress from 1803 to 1901, with notes and sketches of Senators and Representatives. Columbus, XX Century Publishing co., 1900. 8° 2 copies. F. Tea, coffee, and cocoa. World's production and consumption of. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July, 1905. 4° Tehuantepec canal. See Davis report, under Interoceanic canals. .i^illilll— Interocean (ship) railroad, the. By Alex. D. Anderson. N. Y. and Chi., A. S. Barnes & co., 1880. 8° Telegraphic cable between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands. Report of the survey. 1892. 4° 52 — 1; S. ex. doc. 153. (21) Telegraph. See Postal telegraph. Also, Military telegraph. — of the world (submarine and land). 4° 57 — 2; H. doc. 5, pt. 1. (21) See Wireless telegraphy. Telephone stock. Pan Electric investigation of. 49 — 1; H. rept. 3142. Pt. 1. I. and telegraphs. See Special report of the Census, 1902. Territorial expansion. 57 — 1; H. doc. 15, pt. 5. (22) See Colonial administration. Territories of the United States. Organic acts for the. 1900-1, 1903. 8° 56 — 1;S. doc. 148. /See aZso Judicial extraterrito- rial rights. 2 copies. (22) See H. Hearings — Committee on Territories. List, p. 511. 63— 1; vol. 1; 63— 2; vol. 1. (22) Calendar of papers in Washington archives relating to the Territories of the U. S. to 1873. By David W. Parker. Wash. Carnegie Inst. 1911. 4. List of reports of governors, p. 687. Tests of metals at Watertown Arsenal. List of reports, p. 688. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 275 Thesaurus. See March's thesaurus dictionary of the English lan- guage; Roget's thesaurus of English words and phrases; Crabb's synonymes; Soule's dictionary of English synonymes; Words and their uses. By Richard Grant White. B. Thayer, James B. Cases on constitutional law. Cambridge, Chas. W. Sever & co., 1895. 2 vols. 8° M. The Man Without a Country. By Edward Everett Hale. Re- printed in the Outlook, July, 1909, w^ith portrait & editorial. . 8° H. Thirty years' view, and thirty years in the United States Senate, 1820-1850. By Thomas H. Benton. D. Appleton & co., 1883 and 1903. 2 vols. 8° G. Thompson, Chas. L. Supplement to Rose's Notes to the Supreme Court Reports. Vols. I-V. San Fran., Bancroft-WTiitney CO., 1904-1909. 8° — Richard W. Personal recollections of sixteen Presidents; from Washington to Lincoln. Indianapolis, Bowmen-Merrill co., 1894. 2 vols. 8° H. Slason. Cost, capitalization, and estimated value of Ameri- can railways. Gunthrop-Warren Ptg. co., 1908. 8° Slason. The Railway Library. 1910. Chi., Gunthrop-War- ren Ptg. CO., 1910. 8° Thornton, W. W. A treatise on the Federal employers' liability and safety appliance acts. Cin., The W. H. Anderson co., 1909. 8° O. Thorpe, Francis N. The constitutional history of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1901. 3 vols. 8° M. Charters and Constitutions, being the Federal and State Constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the States, Territories, and colonies now or heretofore forming the United States of America. 59—2; H. doc. 357. Vols. 87-91. pt. 3. 7 vols. 8° M. Three Americas Railway, The. By H. R. Helper and others. L. W. S. Bryan. 1881. 8° — Decades of Federal Legislation. 1855 to 1885. By Samuel S. Cox. Prov. J. A. & R. A. Reid, 1885. 8° G. Thursfield, J. R. Peel. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1904. 12° (Twelve English Statesmen.) G. Tibet, Mongolia and. Diary of a journey through. See William Woodville Rockhill. C. The opening of, by Perceval Landon. N. Y., Doubleday, Page & CO.. 1905. 8^ V. Ticket brokerage. Hearings before the Committee on Interstate Commerce. 1898. 8° 55—2; S. doc. 128. 276 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Tide tables. See Charts, etc. S. Catalogue of. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1911. 2 copies. (30) [Same.] See Coast and Geodetic Survey reports, p. 361. (30) Tilden, Samuel J. The writings and speeches of. Edited by John Bigelow. N. Y., Harper & bro. 2 vols. 8° I. Timber and stone law, June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory thereof, to Nov. 30, 1908. 1908. 8° 2 copies. (30) Tindall, William. Methods of municipal taxation and assessment in the District of Columbia. 1908. T. Origin and government of the District of Columbia. 1908. 8° T. Tobacco industry. Special report by Commissioner of Corpora- tions. 1909, 1911. (30) See Document index, 61—1 and 2. Also Annual report for 1912. Tomline, George. Memoirs of the life of William Pitt. Lond., John Murray, Albemarle street, 1821. 8° 3 vols. H. Tomlins, F. G. (editor). Universal gazetteer, ancient and modern. Lond., 1836. 2 vols. 8° Tompkins, Daniel D. Governor of New York, 1807-1817. Mihtary papers of. Second war with Great Britain series. Albany, published by State, 1898. 3 vols. 8° I. Tout, T. F. Edward I. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1906. 12° (Twelve Enghsh Statesmen.) G. Trade and commerce of the British North American colonies with the United States and other countries. 1851. 8° 31 — 2; S. ex. doc. 23. (20) [Same.] Wash., R. Armstrong, 1853. 8° 32—1; H. ex. doc. 136. (20) Trade and commerce of the British North American colonies with the United States and other countries. By I. D. Andrews. Wash.,R. Armstrong, 1853. 8° 32— 1; S. ex. doc. 112. T. 3. [Same.] Map. (20) For contracts, etc., in restraint of. See Eddy on Combi- nations. Trade and. Report on Brazil, Uruguay, Argentine, ChiU, Boliver and Peru. Vol. 5. Fed. Trade Commission, 1916. 5 copies. (21). Directory of Central America and the West Indies. 1915. 8° (30) and transportation between the United States and Spanish America. By Wilham Eleroy Curtis. 1889. 8° (20) -marks. Registration of. Editions of Jan. 4, 1892, 1906. 8° S. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 277 Traill, H. D. William III. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co., 1906. 12° (Twelve English Statesmen.) G. Transit commissioners, report of. City of Philadelphia, 1913. 2 vols. (41) Trans-Isthmian Canal in Central America. Bee Interoceanic canals. (^. Transmission of military information. Scriven. 1908. 8° (31) Transportation by water. See Corporations, Report of Comr. of. routes of the world. 1909. Distances from Xew York, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Port Townsend to the prin- cipal ports of the world and the principal cities of the U. S. Dept. of Com. and Labor, 1909. A. Transport service. See Army transport service. (31) between San Francisco and the Philippine Islands. Investigation by the War Department. 1902. 57 — 1; H. doc. 537. (31) Travel, business of. A fifty years' record of progress. B}' W. Fra- sier Rae. Lond., Thos. Cook & son, 1891. 8° Treason. See Impeachments, investigations, etc. Treasury Department publications. (31) (31) Reports of the Secretary, p. 689. Department and its various fiscal bureaus. By Robert Mayo. Wash., Wm. L. Force, 1847. 4° Appraisers, Board of General, decisions relating to tariff and revenue laws, 1898 to date. 8° Comptroller (and first and second Comptrollers), decisions and digests of. Customs laws, compilation and digest of decisions under. 1908. 8° Decisions relating to customs and revenue laws, 1898 to date. List, p. 413. Digests of decisions of the Board of General Ap- praisers relating to tariff and revenue laws. Department. Digests of decisions of Comptrollers of the Treasury. /See Insular cases ; Internal revenue. Register of. Regulations for the government of customs inspectors, etc. 1908. 12° See also "Financial." (10-11) Alcohol, denatured, regulations and instructions relating to the manufacture, sale, and use of. Regulation No. 30. rev. Oct. 12, 1917. (31) Annual reports. See Reports. Also see Subject of report. (31) 278 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Treasury Department (and kindred) publications — Continued. Appropriations, digest of, for the support of the Govern- ment, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1889, 1890, 1892-1894, 1896-1900, 1902-1906, 1908, 1909. (47) Coast Guard, United States. Annual report, 1915. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Forms of procedure for Courts and Boards. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Instructions for. 1916. 2 copies. (31) — [Same.] Regulations governing the uniform of the. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) Commerce of the United States with European Coun- tries from 1790 to 1890. Bu. of Statistics, 1893. 8° (31) Comptroller of the Currency. Annual report of, 1912. With appendices. Treasury Dept., doc. 2662. 1913. (31) Courts and Boards, Forms of Procedure, in the United States Coast Guard. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) — Custom inspectors, regulations for. 1908. (31) Customs Journal and record of internal revenue. Vol. 5, Jan.-June, 1867; vol. 7, Jan.-June, 1808. N. Y., P. VR. VanWyck. (31) — Decisions, digest of, Internal Revenue, 1864-1904. 8° (31) [Same.] Treasury, under tlie Customs, Internal-Revenue, and other laws including decisions of the Board of General Appraisers and the Court of Customs Appeals. Vol. 34, Jan. 17, 1918. No. 3. (31) Federal Reserve Board. Second annual report, for year ending Dec. 31, 1915. 64—1; H. doc. 442. (31) Forms of Procedure for Courts and Boards in the United States Coast Guard. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) Government salary tables. 1916. 8° (31) Income-Tax acts, 1913, 1916, 1917. [Same.] Primer, relative to acts of 1916, 1917. H. doc. 841; 65—2. (31) Instructions for United States Coast Guard Stations. 1916. 2 copies. (31) Internal Revenue. Decisions, 1862 to Jan., 1871. 1864- 1904. 8° (31) [Same.] Digest of, Dec. 24, 1864 to June 30, 1898. 8° (31) [Same.] [Same.] 1864-1904. 8° (31) [Same.] Revenue Laws, 1861-1873, with index. 1898. 8° 55— 2; S. rept. 1123. War-revenue laws of 1898. (31) [Same.] 1899-1901. 8° (31) — [Same.] Abstract of, in force May 1, 1899. 8° (31) [Same.] War revenue, 1898. (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 279 Treasury Department (and kindred) publications — Continued. [Same.] War-revenue reduction law of lOOl. (31) [Same.] Supplement. 1911-1915. 8° 5 copies. (31) [Same.] Supplement No. 1 to compilation of 1911, includ- ing the income-tax act of October 3, 1913, the act to increase the revenue of October 22, 1914, and other acts passed since the compilation of 1911 was issued. 1915. 8° (31) Internal- Revenue Manual. Laws and regulations, 1888 12° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Record and Customs Journal, vol. 5, Jan.- June, 1867; vol. 7. Jan.-June, 1868. X. Y.. P. VK. Van Wyck. (31) — Laws and regulations for internal-revenue officers and agents. Manual of 1888. (31) [Same.] Internal-Revenue, in force 1879. 1900,1911. 8^ 2 copies of 1900. 10 copies of 1911. (31) [Same.] Supplement No. 1. Com])ilation of 1901. 8° 2 copies. (31) See Internal-Revenue Laws. Liberty loan, second of 1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) Life -Saving Service. Annual report. 1914. 8° 2 copies. (31) Life-Saving Service of the United States, Register of. 1914. (31) Lighthouse Establishment. Laws of the United States relating to, 1789-1855. 1855. (31) Laws and appropriations, 1789-1855. 1855. (31) Manual, Internal Revenue, 1888. Laws and regulations for internal-revenue officers and agents. 12° 2 copies. (31) Merchant marine. Laws of the United States relating to. 1895. 54—1; H. doc. 28, pt. 2. (30) [Same.] vessels of the United States, List of. p. 620. 1891. Bureau of Navigation. 2 copies. (31) Mint, annual report of the Director of, 1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) Monetary systems of the world, 1916. Compiled by Bu. of the Mint. 1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) National Banks. Instructions and suggestions of the Comptroller of the Currency. 1907. 8° 2 copies. (31) Navigation and the Merchant Marine, Laws of the United States relating to. 1899. 56—1; H. doc. 14, pt. 2. (31) See Navigation Laws, under Dept. of Commerce. (30) [Same.] 1895. 54— 1 ; H. doc. 28, pt. 2. (31) Quarantine laws and regulations of the United States. Revised edition. 1903. 8° (31) 280 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Treasury Department (and kindred) publications — Continued. Register of the United States Life -Saving Service, July 1,1914. (31) Regulations and instructions relating to the manu- facture, sale, and use of denatured alcohol. Oct. 12, 1917. Reg. No. 30, rev. (31) [Same] for custom inspectors. 1908. (31) [Same] governing the uniform of the United States Coast Guard. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) Reports, annual. United States Coast Guard. 1915- 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Director of the Mint. 1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Life-Saving Service. 1914. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Supervising Architect. 1913-1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) Revenue -Cutter Service. Register of officers and vessels. July 1,1910. 8° 2 copies. (31) — Salary tables. Government. 1916. 8° (31) Statistical tables, exhibiting the commerce of the United States with European countries from 1790 to 1890. Bu. of Statistics, 1893. 8° .(31) Supervising Architect. Annual reports 1913-1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) Treasury Department and its various fiscal bureaus. By Robert Mayo. Wash., Wm. L. Force, 1847. 4° (31) Uniforms, regulations governing those of the U. S. Coast Guards. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) — United States Coast Guard. Annual report, 1915, 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Regulations governing the uniform of the. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) — [Same.] ^S^e Coast Guard of the United States. (31) [Same.] Guard stations, instructions for. 1916. 2 copies. (31) Vessels, merchant, of the United States, 1891. Treas. Dept. doc. 1444, Bu. of Navigation. 2 copies. (31) Not documented. ■ — [Same.] See List, p. Department, decisions of the comptroller of. 1896 to date. 8° (34) Treaties, conventions, international acts, etc., between the U. S. and other powers, 1776-1909. Compiled by William M. Malloy. In 2 volumes. 61— 2; S. doc. 357. 8° O. (22) [Same.] Continued to Mar. 4, 1913. By Garfield Charles. Vol. 3. S. doc. 1063; 62—3. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 281 Treaties and conventions concluded between the United States and other powers since July 4, 1776. By J. H. HaswelL 18S9. 8° 48—2; S. ex. doc. 47. voL 47. (22) [Same.] Smce July 4, 1776. 41— 3; S. ex. doc. 36. 1871. 2 copies. (22) _ in force 1778-1899. Compiled by Henry L. Bryan. 1899. 8° 55—3; H. doc. 276. vol. 80. o". (22) — [Same.] 1778-1902. 58— 2; S. doc. 318. vol.37. 8° O. (22) [Same.] 1904. 8° 58—2; S. doc. 318. O. (22) — — — Their making and enforcement. By Samuel B. Cran- dah. 1904, 1915. 8° O. Canal treaties. Executive documents with proceedings in Senate relative to the Panama Canal. (S. doc. 465; 63 — 2.) 8° — Clayton-Bulwer treaty — ^lonroe doctrine, and inter- oceanic canal, correspondence in relation to"; being a reprint of S. ex. docs. 46—2, No. 112; 47—1, No. 194; and 48—1, Xo. 26. See 56—1 ; S. doc. 237. 1885. O. (22) General peace treaties of 1914. Con. ex. J; 63 — 2. O. 2 copies. 8° • Power of Congress over. S. doc. 487; 60 — 1. Reciprocity, and agreements of the United States since 1850. In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, Aug., 1904. 4° (22) and statutes of the United States relating to com- merce, navigation, and revenue. By Thomas F. Gordon. Phila., 1830. (47) Treaty-making power of the United States. By Charles Henry Butler. X. Y., Banks Law Pub. Co., 1902. 2 vols. O. [Same] of peace between the United States and Spain. Dec. 10, 1898. 1899. 55—3; S. doc. 62, pt. 1. Also supple- mental treaty between the United States and Spain, Xov. 7, 1900. 56 — 2; S. doc. 124. Also S. joint resolution, relative to. 57—1; S. doc. 182. Bound in one vol. 8° O. (22) Two treaties of Paris and the Supreme Court. By Sid- ney Webster. X. Y., Harper & bros., 1901. 8° O. (22) Trials. See Impeachments, etc. Triangulation of the United States Lake Survey. Report of the primary. 1882. 4° (Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, No. 24.) Tribune almanac. See Almanacs. Triplett, F. F. C. Analytical digest of the pension and bounty land laws. 1854. 8° 282 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Truesdell, George. Report to Washington Board of Trade (1912) upon financial relations of the District of Cohimbia and the Federal Government from 1871 to 1912. 8° T. Trust (anti) decisions, 1890-1906. (22) See Federal anti-trust decisions. Trusts. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to. 2d ed. Griffin. 1902. L. C. Also (22) and the comnierce clause of the Constitution. Anti-trust law, 1890-1903. An address by Philander C. Knox. 1903. 3 copies. (22) and monopolies, laws on. House Committee on the Judi- ciary, 1913. 8° 2 copies. (22) Bills and debates in Congress relating to. Vol. 1, 50-57 Cong., S. doc. 147; 57—2. 4° S. (22) Vol. 2, 57-61, pp. 1115-2403. 4° S. (22) Vol. 3, 62-63-1, pp. 2405-3408. 4° S. (22) Cuban sugar sales. Investigation by Sen. Committee 1902. Pts. 1-6. (22) Federal antitrust decisions, 1890-1899. By Jas. A, Finch. G. P.O., 1907. 2 vols. 3 copies. (22) Index digest of the act of Oct. 15, 1914 ("Clayton Act"), and of the "Kern amendment" of same. May 15, 1916. S. doc. 355; 64—1. (22) In the State of New York. Report of the joint committee of the senate and assembly. Albany, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford co., 1897. 8° 4 copies. (22) ~ In foreign countries. Laws, references, etc. 1911. 8° — laws and unfair competition. Fed. Trade Comm. 1916. 8° (22) laws and unfair competition. Bu. of Corp., 1915. 8° (22) Sherman antitrust law with amendments and list of decisions thereunder or relating thereto, July 1, 1911. [Same.] Authorship of the. By M. H. Bumphrey. 1912. 3 copies. (22) — Cases instituted by the U. S. 1914. 2 copies. (22) See Eddy on combinations. '- Sugar. Alleged bribery of U. S. Senators. Investigation by the Senate committee. 1894. 2 pts. (22) The truth about. By John Moody. N. Y., Moody pub. CO., 1904. 8° (22) Tucker, George F. The Monroe doctrine. A concise history of its origin and growth. Bost., George B. Reed, 1885. 8° 2 copies. F. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 283 Tucker, George F. (and Charles W. Blood), compiler of the Federal penal code, with annotations. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1910. 8°. George T. (joint author). See Gould. John R. The Constitution of the United States. Chi., Callaghan & co., 1899. 2 vols. 8° M. Trumbull, James H. Nat ick dictionary. 1903. 4° Ref. Turpie, David (editor). Sketches of my own time. Ind., The Bobbs-Merrill co., 1903. 12° 2 copies. I. Transportation by water in the U. S. Report of the Comr. of Corporations. Ft. 1. 4° 1909-1912. 8° routes of the world. See Atlases, etc. Twelve English statesmen. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan & co. 12° G. 1. William The Conqueror, by Edward A. Freeman. 1907. 2. Henry II, by Mrs. J. R. Green, 1905. 3. Edward I, by T. F. Tout, 1906. 4. Henry VII, by Dr. James Gairdner, 1906. 5. Cardinal Wolsey, by Bishop (MandeU) Creighton, 1906. ~ 6. Elizabeth, by E. S.'Beesly, 1906. 7. Oliver CromweU, by Frederic Harrison, 1907, 8. William III, by H. D. Traill, 19€6. 9. Walpole, by John Morley, 1906. 10. Pitt, by Lord Rosebery, 1906. 11. Peel, by J. R. Thursfield, 1904. 12. Chatham, by Frederic Harrison, 1905. Twenty years of Congress; from Lincoln to Garfield, 1861-1881. By James G. Blaine. The Henry Bill pubhshing co., 1884. 2 vols. 8° 2 copies. G. Tyler, L. G. Letters and times of the Tylers. Rich., Whittet & Shepperson, 1884. 3 vols. 8° I. Moses Coit. Patrick Henry P^ife of] [being vol, 3 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, MiiHin & co., 1898. 12° F. Tylers. The letters and times of the. By L. G. Tyler. Richmond, Whittet & Shepperson, 1884. 3 vols. 8° I. Undervaluation of wool and woolen yarns. Investigation on, 48—1; H. ex. doc. 101. Unemployed. Statistics of. See Labor. Uniform regulations, United States Army. 1913. Revised to Jan. 15, 1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) Union and Confederate armies. Atlas to accompany the oflEicial records of the. 1891-1895. 2 vols. F° A. Pacific Railroad Company. Reports of the Government directors on, 1864-1886. 49—1; S. ex. doc. 69. Acts, resolutions, and decisions, relating to. 1897. 8° 2 copies. 284 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United Kingdom. A political history. By Gold win Smith. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1904. 2 vols. 8° C. Customs tariff of the. 5'ee Tariff. (21) United States. Army, history of the. By Sir Howard Vincent Cosbiirn, Newbury, Eng., 1907. 8° (31) Brightly, Frederick C. • Analytical digest of the laws oj the United States from the adoption of the Constitution to the end of the Thirty-fourth Congress, 1789-1857; 1789-1859; 1857-1869; 1857-1863. Phila., Kay & Bro. 4° Coast and Geodetic Survey, See Department of Com- merce. (30) census. Reports. List, p. 355. Coast Guard. Courts and boards procedure. 8° 1916. (30) — ^- — [Same.] Instructions. 1916. Coast Pilot. Atlantic coast. Part V. New York to Chesapeake Bay entrance. 4th ed. Dept. of Com. & Labor. 1909. 4° (30) — — — [Same.] Pacific coast. California, Oregon, and Washing- ton. (30) Colonial history of "the United States of" North America from the plantation of the British colonies till their revolt and declaration of independence. By James Grahame. Lond., Smith, Elder & co., Cornhill, 1836. 4 vols. 8° E. Commerce Court. Created June 18, 1910. 36 Stats., 539. Abolished Dec. 31, 1913. 38 Stats., 219. Opinions not published in book form by the court. [Same.] Cases brought in the Commerce Court, 1910- 1911. (S. doc. 789; 62—2.) Compiled Statutes of the United States. 1901-1913. St. Paul, West Publishing co. Ref . Consolidated index to the United States Statutes at Large, 1789-1903. 1905. 4 vols. 4° Ref. Court of Customs Appeals. Rules of and provisions of act creating. 1910. 8° Ref. Digest of the decisions of the Federal courts from the organization of the Government to the present time. Phila., Kay & Bro., 1868. 4° (34) [Same.] 1868-1870. 4° 1868-1873. 4° (34) Courts, organization, jurisdiction and practice, 1901. S. doc. 68; 57—1. (34) — Federal Statutes annotated. 1903-4. 10 vols. The Edward Thompson Company. 8° (34) [Same.] Supplements to date. Ref. Gordon, Thomas F. A digest of the laws of the United States. Phila., 1827, 1837, 1844. 8° (34) CATALOGUE OF IJBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 285 United States — Continued. Gould, John M., and George F. Tucker. Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States and the subsequent legis- lation of Congress. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1889. 4° (34) [Same.] vol. 2. Supplement. Bost., Little, Brown & co., 1898. 4° Ref. Graydon, William. An abridgment of the laws of the United States. Harrisburg, J. Wyeth, 1803. 8° (34) Historical register of the. From the declaration of war in 1812 to Jan. 1, 1814. By T. H. Pahner. Phila., G. Palmer, 1814. 4 vols. 8° H. History of the. By George Bancroft. N. Y., D. Appleton & CO., 1890. 6 vols. 8° H. [Same] of the war of the independence of the. By Charles Botta. Phila., L.K.Bailey. 3 vols. 1820. 8° E. [Same] Harper's Cyclopaedia of. From the aboriginal period to 1876. By Benson J. Lossing. N. Y., Harper & bro., 1881. 2 vols. 4° C. [Same] Harper's Encyclopaedia of. From 458 A. D. to 1902. N.Y., Harper & bro., 1902. 10 vols. 8° A. [Same] the. By James F. Rhodes. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1902. 5 vols. 8° E. [Same] the people of the, from the Revolution to the civil war. By John B. McMaster. N. Y., D. Appleton & co., 1900. 7 vols. 8° E. [Same] cyclopaedia of political science and political econ- omy, and. By John J. Lalor. 3 vols. N. Y., May nard, Mer- rill & CO., 1904. 4° E. Immigration into. See Immigration. Index of opinions, with references to cases in Federal Reporter and U. S. Reports. Ingersoll, Edward. An abridgment of the acts of Congress now in force. Phila., Towar & Hogan, 1825. 8° International exhibition, 1876. Reports, awards, etc. 1880. 9 vols. 4° (13) Jurisdiction and procedure of the Supreme Court of the United States. Hannis Taylor. Roch., Lawyer's Cooperative Publishing co., 1905. 8° Ref. Laws of the United States of America, from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 3d of March, 1845. Phila., Beoren and W. John Duane. 10 vols. 8° Ref. [Same[ from Mar. 4, 1789, to Nov. 3, 1827, including all treaties. Index of. By Samuel Burch. Wash., Wm. A. Davis, 1827. 8° Ref. [Same] 1789 to 1851, with an index. Note. — Vol. 11 miasing. 286 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States — Continued. Laws (public) of the United States of America. From Thirty-first Congress to Fifty-third Congress. By George Minot. Bost., Little & Brown, 1850-1852. 2 vols. 8" 6 copies. (34) Military Academy. Centennial of the. 1802-1902. 58—2; H. doc. 789. 2 vols. 4° [Same.] Regulations for the, 1911. 2 copies. (31) [Same reservations, national cemeteries and mili- tary parks. Title, jurisdiction, etc. Prepared in the office of the Judge Advocate General. Rev. ed., 1910. 8° 2 copies. (31) Mining laws and regulations. 1907, 1909. (30) [Same] statutes, annotated. Bu. of Mines. 1913, 1915. 8° 2 vols. (30) - ' .. [Same.] Metal mines. Rules and regulations. Bu. of Mines. 1915. (30) Narrative and critical history of America. By Justin Winsor. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1889. 8 vols. 4° C. naval vessels, 1911. Ship's data. Navy Dept. 1912. (31) —-^ Navy, from 1775 to 1853, with a brief history of each vessel's service and fate as appears upon record. Compiled by George F. Emmons, 1853. Wash., Gideon & co., 1853. 4° B. Official Register. 1828 to date. (18) [Same.] Statistical and chronological history of the U. S. Navy. 1775-1907. By Robert Wilden Neeser. N. Y., The Macmillan co., 1909. 2 vols. Vol. 1— Bibliography. Vol. 2 — Administration of the Navy Department and events and dates of reference in U. S. naval history. Folio. A. [Same] history of. By the Presidents. Federal Book Concern, 1900. 2 vols. 8° E. [Same] postal guide. B. 2 copies. Progress of the, in its material industries. (In Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, current numbers. 4°) Receipts, expenditures, and public debt of the, 1789 to date. (Bureau of Statistics publication.) Red Book, the, containing the portraits and biographies of the President (Cleveland) and his Cabinet, Senators and Mem- bers of the House of Representatives, a description of the chief buildings in Washington, and sundry statistics. Compiled by E. L. Murlin. Albany, James B. Lyon, 1896. 8° B. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 287 nited States — Continued. Revised Statutes of the United States. 2d ed. 1878. [Same.] Supplomont. Vol. 1, 2d ed. 1891. [Same.] Vol. 2. 1901. .: , Rifle. Description and rules for management. 1917. 8° School history of. J. B. MclMaster. N. Y., American Book CO., 1897. 12° E. Select charters and other documents illustrative of Am. history, 1606-1775. By Wm. Macdonald. N. Y., The Mac- millan co., 1906. 8° E. [Same] statutes illustrative of American history. By W. Macdonald. N. Y., Macmillan co., 1903. 8° E. Senate. Origin and development of. By Clara Hannah Kerr. Ithaca, Andrus & Church, 1895. X. See Senate. Statistical record, 1800-1906, etc., of the progress of the United States, 1800-1906, and commercial and financial statis- tics of foreign countries, 1905. 8° B. Statutes citer- digest. A compilation showing the his- tory and construction of the U. S. Statutes. By Heniy C. Ruen and Edward L. D wight. Detroit, Citer-Digest co., 1910. 8° Ref. Steel Corporation. History of . Cotter. 1916. 8° I. Supreme Court. Its history. By Hampton L. Carson. PhUa., A. R.Keller CO., 1892. 2 pts. 4° A. [Same.] Charge of packing, the, against President Grant and Attorney General Hoar, refuted. By George F. Hoar. Letter to the Boston Herald, Dec, 1896. 2 copies. H. — — [Same.] Manual on the cases decided. By W. H. Phillips. Wash., W. H. Morrison, 1882. 8° (34) [Same.] Rules of, including rules of practice for the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in equity and admi- ralty cases. 1907. 8° Ref. [Same.] Table of cases argued and adjudged. Compiled by H. D. Clarke. 1888. 8° (34) [Same.] Reports. Official edition. List, p. 699. [Same.] [Same.] Digest of. Danforth. 2 vols. 1789-1891. (34) [Same.] Index. By William G. Myers. St. L., 1878. 8° Refs. [Same.] [Same.] Butler. 1 vol. 1902-1905. Vols. 187-202. (34) [Same] [Same.] Rose. 3 vols. 1789-1861. Vols. 1-186. Ref. 288 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States — Continued. Supreme Court Indexed digest of (Lawyer's Cooperative). 4 vols. 1789-1901. Vols. 1-186. Ref. [Same.] Revised edition, 6 vols. 1908. Vols. 1-206. - [Same.] Supplement. 1918. A-Z, Vols. 207-244 Ref. [Same.] Obiter digest of . (1 Dallas to 197 U.S.) N. Y., Edward Thompson co., 1906. 2 vols. 4° Refs. [Same.] Syllabus-digest of . 4 vols. 1789-1901. Rusell & Winslow. (Lawyer's Cooperative edition, 1 copy.) Ref. [Same.] Rose's Notes to United States Reports. 13 vols. 1789-1901. (2d ed.) Ref. — — — [Same.] Supplement to, Vols. I-V. By Chas. L. Thomp- son. San Fran., Bancroft-Wliitney co. 8° Ref. Territorial and commercial expansion of. 57—2; H. doc. 15, pt. 2. 4° Universal Classics Library. Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin, editorial director. Wash., M. Walter Duane, 1901. 30 vols. 8° I. CONTENTS. Vols. 1 and 2, English belle-let- Vols. 10 and 11, The federalist. tres. Vol. 12, Machiavelli, Niccolo. Vol. 3, Secret memoirs court of History of Florence and the Berlin. affairs of Italy. Vols. 4 and 5, Chesterfield, Earl Vol. 13, Montesquieu, Chas. L. of. Letters to his son. Baron de. Persian and Chi- Vol. 6, Landor, Walter S. Clas- nese letters. sical conversations. Vol. 14, Hebraic literature. Trans- Vol. 7, Goethe, Johann W. von. lated from the Talmud, Midra- Conversations with Ecker- shim and Kabbala. mann. . Vol. 15, Oriental literature. The Vols. 8 and 9, Evelyn, John. dabistiln or school of manners. The Diary of. Edited by Wil- Vol. 16, Ottoman literature. The liam Bray. poets and poetry of Turkey. Congress of Lawyers and Jurists. Official report of the; held at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28-30, 1904. St. Louis, 1905. 8° B. (22) cyclopaedia and atlas. Editor-in-chief, Charles Ken- dall Adams. N. Y., D. Appleton & co. 12 vols. 1901. 4° military training. Letter from Secretary of War, Feb. 23, 1917. Sen. Doc. No. 10; 65—1. (31) peace congress. Held in London, 1890. Proceedings. Lond., Headley Bros., 1890. 8° T. University of the U. S. Memorial in regard to a national univer- sity. By John W. Hoyt. 52—1; S. mis. doc. 222. 1892. (22) Report of the Senate committee to establish; submitted by Mr. Kyle. 54—1; S. rept. 429. CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 289 University of the U. S. — Continued. Report of the Senate committee to estabhsh; submitted by- Mr. Deboe. 57 — 1; S. rept. 945. Appeal of members of executive council of the national university committee of 400; presented by Mr. Frye. 60 — 1; S. doc. 143. Upton, Emory. Military policy of the United States, 3d impression. 1912. .8° S. doc. 494; 62— 2. S. Doc. 379; 64— 1. Ref. [Same.] Epitome of . War Dept. Doc. 505. 1916. (31) Use Book, The. Regulations and instructions for the use of the national forest reserves. 1906. 8° 6 copies. Utah commission. Reports of 1884-1896 bound in one volume. 16° List, p. 709. (22) History of. By Hubert H. Bancroft. San Fran., History CO., 1890. 8° F. Polygamy in. Special report of the Utah commission, 1884. 48—1 ; H. ex. doc. 153. Van Buren, Martin. Life and political opinions of. By William M. Holland. 2 ed. Hartford, Belknap & Hamersley, 1836. 8° I. [Life of,] by Edward M. Shepard [being vol. 18 of the American Statesmen Series]. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1898. 12° F. Calendar of the Papers of. L. C. 1910. 4° 3 copies. B. Vance, Zebulon B. Life of. By Clement Dowd. Observer Print- ing and Publishing co., 1897. 8° I. Vandegrift, F. B. Handbook of the United States tariff. N. Y., 1902. 8° (21-22) Van Dyne, Frederick. Citizenship of the United States. Roch., N. Y., Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing co., 1904. 8° O. Tyne, Claude Ilalstead (and Waldo Gifford Leland). Guide to the Archives of the Government of the U. S. 2ded. Wash., Carnegie Institution, 1907. 8° B. Vattel. The laws of nations. Edited by Chitty. Pliila., T. & J. W. Johnson, 1839, 1844, 1883. ■ 8° See International law. O. Velazquez, M. Pronouncing dictionary of Spanish and English language. N. Y., D. Appleton, 1870. 4° Ref. Venezuela. See Bureau of the American Republics. and British Guiana Boundary. Report of the special commission to examine and report on the true divisional line. 1898. 3 vols. D. 49183—18 19 290 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Venezuela Claims Comniissioii. Report of Robert C. Morris before the United States and Venezuelan Claims Commission. 1904. 8° 58—2; S. doc. 317. Vermont volunteers. Revised roster of. By T. S. Peck. Mont- pelier, Watchman Publishing co., 1892. 4° (23) Vernon-Wager manuscripts. List of. Ford. 1904. L. C. Vessels (merchant) of the United States. Twenty-seventh annual list of. 1895. 4° 54— 1; H. doc. 29. [Same.] 1891 List of. Bureau of Navigation. 2 copies. (31) See List, p. 620. of the United States Navy, 1797-1887. (31) ■ [Same.] Ship's data. 1911. Navy Dept., 1912. (31) — Measurement of . 2d. ed. 1915. 4° (31) Veto messages of the Presidents of the United States, with the action of Congress thereon. By Ben: Perley PoorC; 1886. 8° 49—2; S. mis. doc. 53. (23) power. ByE. C.Mason. Bost.,Ginnco., 1890. 8° (Har- vard Historical Monographs, no. 1.) (23) power of President. Hearing before Judiciary Committee of H. of R. Sept. 9, 1913, with statement of law in various States, etc. S. Vice President. Casting votes of, 1789-1915. 4° H. 3 copies. (23) Victory of the Marne. By Louis Madehn. Paris. 1917. Vienna international exhibition, 1873. Reports of the commis- sioners. 1876. 4 vols. 8° Vincent, Col. Sir Howard. The United States Army. Newbury, Eng., George J. Cosburn, pr., 1907. 8° Virginia. The statutes at large; being a collection of all the laws, from the first session of the legislature, in the year 1619. By W. W. Hening Richmond, Samuel Pleasants, 1809, 1823. 11 vols. 8° Company of London, See Records of the Virginia Com- pany of London. D. Volunteer (oflacial) army register of the forces of the United States Army for the years 1861-1865. Wash., 1865. 8 vols. 8° (31) Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey. Lectures, addresses, and speeches of. See Forty years of oratorv. Bowen-Merrill co., 1898. 2 vols. 8° L ' " ' Harriet Cecilia. Forty years of oratory; being lectures, addresses, and speeches of her father, Daniel Wolsey Voor- hees, Ind, and Kans. City, 1898. The Bowen-Merrill co. 2 vols, 8° I. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 291 Voting, Absent. Summary of statutes and constitutional provisions in force in the various States. 1916. Sen. doc. 659; 64 — 2. Wade, Benj. F. Life of. By A. G. Riddle. Cleve., W. W. Wil- liams, 1886. 12° I. Wager manuscripts. See Vernon. Wage earners — woman and child in the United States. S. doc. 645; 61—2. Wages and hours of labor. Summar}'. From the report on con- ditions of emplo3anent in the iron and steel industry. S. doc. 301; 62—2. and prices in the United States, 1900 to 1907-8. Pre- pared under the tlirection of the Commissioner of Labor, 1910. 8° 61—2; S. doc. 436; S. in the iron and steel industry. 1907 to 1915. Bu. of Labor, 1917. 8° (30) Cost of living. Digest of report of British board of trade. 62—1; S. doc. 38. payment legislation in the U. S., 1917. Bu. of Labor. 8° (30) and prices of commodities. Livestigation relative to wages and prices of commodities. Hearings, reports, and publications. See S. doc. vol. 46; 61 — 2, which contains: No. 349, Increase in cost; No. 409, Cost in Canada; No. 421, Prices paid by Navy Dept., 1900-1909; No. 436, Retail prices inU. S., 1900-1907; No. 437, Prices, etc., at Windsor, Can., and Detroit; No. 441, Freight rates; No. 465, Labor condi- tions, etc., in Gt. Brit.; No. 477, Wages and prices abroad, 4 pts.; No. 488, Prices in Navy; No. 498, Prices of farm prod- ucts, 1900-1909; No. 523, Report of Mass. Com. on, etc.: No. 537, Wages and prices in Canada; No. 549, Monthly prices, Jan. 1909-10; No. 601, Wages and prices of commodities; No. 629, Cost of living of working classes in principal towns in Gt. •Brit., etc.; No. 630, Wages and hours of labor of union car- penters in U. S.; No. 631, Wages and hours of labor in Aus- tria, etc. (30) and retail prices. Aldrich report, July 19, 1892. 52- — 1; S. rpt. 986, 3 pts. vols. 6, 7, 8. (30) and transportation, 1893. (30) in commercial countries. 2 vols. 8° (Commissioner of Labor's fifteenth annual report for 1900.) in Europe, Labor and. 48 — 2; H. ex. doc. 54, in 3 vols. (30) Wallace, H. E. (editor). The manual of statistics. X. Y., C. A. Nicoll, 1901. 8° B. 292 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Walpole. By John Morley. Lond. and N. Y., Macraillan & co., 1906. 12° (Twelve English statesmen.) G. War and humanity, The. By James M. Beck. N. Y., G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1917. 8° G. [Same.] Chinese- Japanese. 54 — 1; H. doc. append. 1. 1894. (38) Department and kindred publications. (31) Accounts due deceased officers and enlisted men. Laws relating to. 1909. 8° (31) Adjutant general's office. Subject index to general orders and circulars, 1860-1911. 1911. 8° (31) [Same.] Compilation of general orders, circulars, and bulletins of the War Department, 1881-1915. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) Alaskan cables. See Signal Corps Manual No. 2. (31) Annual report of the Quartermaster General. [Same.] of the Secretary of War, 1899. Arches, stability of well proportioned. By D. P. Wood- bury. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1858. Professional Paper No. 7, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. (31) Armies of, strength and organization of the, France, Germany, Austria, Russia, England, Italy, Mexico, and Japan. (Showing conditions in July, 1914.) Office of the Chief of Staff, War CoUege Division. War Dept. Doc. No. 499. 1916. (31) — Armor plate, cost and price. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1896. 8° 54— 2; H. doc. 151. (31) — — [Same.] Violation of contracts. Report and evidence submittedby Committee on Naval x^ff airs (House). 1894. 8° 53—2; H. rept. 1468. (31) [Same.] For land defenses. In Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, No. 17. (31) Arms. See Small arms. (31) [Same.] Small, proper caliber for. Ordnance Memoranda No. 15. 1873. 8° (31) [Same.] Target practice. Annual report of. 1913. 2 . V. copies. (31) [Same.] For the military service. Report of experiments with. Wash., A. O. P. Nicholson, 1856. (31) Army. Bakers manual for 1910. By Commissary Gen- eral. War Dept. Doc. 358. 2 copies. (31) -iTTTTT^ [Same.] Confederate, general officers in the, 1861-1865. 60— 1;S. doc. 244. 8° (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 293 War Department, and kindred, publications — (Continued. Army, U. S. cooks, manual for. 1910, 19 IG. War Dept. Docs. ;^79 and 564. (iil) [Same.] Extracts from. 1917. War Dept. Doc. o64-A. 2 copies. (31) — — [Same.] Courts-martial. 1917. 8° Kef. (31) [Same.] Drill regulations foi- Coast Artillery. 1909, 1914, 1917. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] for Field Artillery (4.7-inch gun) (provisional). 1914. War Dept. Doc. 462. 2 copies. (31) [Same] For 4.7-incli gun. War Dept. Doc. No. 652. 1917. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] For Field Artillery, provisional drill and serv- ice regulations for 6-inch howitzer. 4 vols. 1917. lOpts. War Dept. Doc. No. 569. 2 copies. (31) [Same]. For Field Artillery. 1908. (31) War Dept. 323. [Same]. (For Horse and Light.) 1916. Vol. 2, pts. 4-8. War Dept. Doc. 538. (31) [Same.] For Horse and light. 4 vols., 10 pts. 1916. Corrected to Apr. 15, 1917. War Dept. Doc. No. 538. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] For Field service, 1905, with amendments, 1908. 1908. 12° Corrected. 1914. (31) [Same.] For Field service; pocket book, U. S. Army. 1917. (31) [Same.] Infantry drill regulations, 1911. Corrected to April 15, 1917. 2 copies. War Dept. Doc. 394. (31) [Same.] For Mountain Artillery. 1908. War Dept. Doc. 328. (31) [Same.] Engineer Field Manual. With errata and addenda to. Professional Papers No. 29, Corps of Engineers. (31) ^^ [Same.] Engineers, Chief of . Analytical and topical index to the reports upon works and surveys for river and harbor improvements, 1866-1890. 1903. 3 vols. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 439. Reports of; List, p. 419 (31) [Same.] General officers in the U. S., 1861-1865. 1908. 8° 60— 1;S. doc. 245. (31) [Same.] Harbor boat regulations. 1917. (31) [Same.] Historical register of, from its organization, Sept. 29, 1779, to Sept. 29, 1889. By F. B. Heitman. Wash., National Tribune, 1890. 4° (31) ...... [Same.] 1789-1903. 1903. 2 vols. 4° 57—2; H. doc. 446. (31) 294 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. War Department and kindred publications — Continued. Army, from its organization, Sept. 29, 1789, to Sept. 29, 1889. By F. B. Heitman. Wash., National Tribune, 1890. 4° (31) [Same.] 1789-1903. 1903. 2 vols. 4° 57—2; H. doc. No. 446. (31) — [Same.] Official, of the U. S., 1816, 1817, 1820-22, 1824, 1826, 1821-1853, 1870-1873, 1888-1903, 1905 to date. 8° (Documented.) (31) [Same.] History, legislative, of the General Staff of the. From 1775 to 1901. By R. P. Thian. 1901. 8° 56—2; S. doc. 229. (31) [Same.] History of the United States Army. By Colonel Sir Howard Vincent. Eng. Cosburn, Newbury, 1907. 24 pp. 8° (31) [Same.] horseshoer, The. 1912. War Dept. Doc. No. 423. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] manual for. 1917. War Dept. Doc. No. 611. 2 copies (31 ) [Same.] How to feed an. By Subsistence Department. 1901. War Dept. Doc. No. 129. '2 copies. 12° (31) [Same.] Inspector- General's Dept., Guide to. 1917. 8° (31) — [Same.] LfOgislative history of the General Staff of the. From 1775 to 1901. By R. P. Thian. 1901. 8° 56-^2; S. doc. 229. (31) [Same.] List of officers of the, from 1779 to 1900. By William H. Powell. N. Y., L. R. Hamersly & co., 1900. 8° (31) — [Same.] Manual for the medical department of . 1911, 1916. 8° 2 copies. War Dept. Docs. Nos. 392 and 504. (31) ^ [Same] for the Pay Department. 1836-1861,1863-1866, 1910. (31) — [Same] for the Quartermaster Corps of the. 1916. 2 vols. War Dept. Doc. No. 562. Office of the Quarter- master General, 1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Vol. 1. Corrected to Dec. 15, 1917. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] for the pay of officers and enlisted men. War Dept., 1910. 8° (31) ■^. [Same.] Officers, list of the, from 1779 to 1900. By William H.Powell. N. Y., L.R. Hamersly &co., 1900. 8° (31) [Same.] Pensions. Nee Pensions. (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 295 War Department and kindred publications— Continued. [Army.] Register, complete Regular Army of the U. S. 1779-1879. By Thos. H. S. Hamersly. Wash., 1881. 8° (31) — [Same.] Historical, from its organization, Sept. 29, 1789, to Sept. 29, 1889. By F. B. Heitman. Wash., National Trihune, 1890. 4° (81) [Same.] 1789-1903. 1903. 2 vols. 4° 57— 2; H. doc. 446. (31) [Same.] Official, of the U. S. 1839, 1853, 1870-1873, 1877, and 1900-1909. (Documented.) 8° [Same] and Navy Register of the United States; by Thomas H. S. Hamersly. Containing: Register of regular army officers from 1776-1887. Volunteer general staff during the war with ]\Iexico. Volunteer officers appointed by the President during the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865. Chron- ological summary of engagements and battles fought by U. S. Armies, 1775-1865. General Navy Register, 1776-1887. Also list of vessels of war of the U. S. Navy, 1797-1887. Wash.. T. H. S. Hamersly, 1888. 8° (31) [Same.] Register, Volunteer, 1861-1865, pts. 1 to 8. Wash., 1865. 8° 3 sets. (31) — [Same.] Regulations, 1S61, 1889, 1895, 1898, 1901-1904, '■^"'''' 1905,1908,1910,1913. Corrected to April 15, 1917. 8° (31) [Same.] Regulations of the Pay Department, 1836- 1861,1863-1866,1910. 1910. War Dept. Doc. 376. 2 copies. (31) -, — - [Same.] Saber exercise. 1914. War Dept. Doc. 463. 12° (31) [Same.] Signal book. 1916. War Dept. Doc. No. 500 (31) — [Same.] Signal Corps manuals. See Signal Corps. (31) !_ [Same.] Small Arms Firing Manual. 1913. Corrected to 1917. 12° (13) [Same.] Subsistence Department, manual for the. 1908, 1910. 8° 2 copies. War Dept. Docs. Nos. 321 and 369. (31) [Same.] Tables of organization. (Based on field serv- ice regulations, 1914.) War Dept. Doc. 460. 1914. 3 copies. (31) [Same.] With changes to Nov. 13, 1916. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Target range pocket book, 1908. (31) [Same.] Transport Service, United States. 1908. Regu- lations. War Dept. Doc. 308. 8° 2 copies. (31) 296 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. War Department, and kindred, publications— Continued. [Army.] 1914. War Dept. Doc. 465. (31) [Same.] Investigation by War Department. 57 — 1; H. doc. 537. 8° 1902. (31) [Same.] Between San Francisco and the Philippine Islands. 57— 1;H. doc. 537. (31) — Uniform regulations, 1913; revised to Jan. 15, 1917. 8° 2 copies. (31) — United States. ti-L [Same.] Artillery, Army Field. Drill regulations (pro- visional). 1908. War Dept. Doc. No. 323. (31) [Same.] With changes to 1911. (31) [Same] for (Horse and Light). 1911. War Dept. Doc. 397. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] 1916. Vol. 2, pts. 4-8. War Dept. Doc. IS^o. 538. (31) [Same.] Corrected to Apr. 15, 1917. 4 vols., 10 pts. 2 copies. (31) [Same] for (4.7-inch gun). (Provisional.) 1914. War Dept. Doc. No. 482. (31) [Same.] 1917. War Dept. Doc. No. 652. 2 copies. (31) [Same] for Anny Field Artillery. (6-inch Howitzer.) (Provisional.) 4 vols., 10 pts. 1917. War Dept. Doc. No. 569. 2 copies. (31) [Same] for mountain artillery. (Provisional.) 1908. War Dept. Doc. No. 328. (31) [Same] for noncommissioned officers and privates of Army of the U. S. 1917. 2 vols. War Dept. Doc. No. 614. 2 copies. (31) [Same] for field officers, Gunnery and Explosives. 1911. War Dept. Doc. 391. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] Volunteers of the United States. (31) See IMilitia. Artillery for the United States land service. By Alfred Mordecai. Wash., 1849, J. and G. S. Gideon. (31) Bakers, Manual for Army. 1910. War Dept. Doc. 358. 12° (31) Bayonet. Report upon the subject of trowel bayonet. Ordnance memoranda No. 15. 1873. (31) _ __ Biographies, Military, and other personal literature in the War Department Library. Finding list of. 2nd ed. 1899. 8° (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 297 War Department and kindred publications — Continuod. Breech system for the muskets and carbines of tho militar}'- service, selecting a. 1873. Ordnance memoranda No. 15. (31) Bridges over navigable streams, Laws of the United States relating to the construction of. From March 2, 1805, to March 3, 1887. 2nd ed. 1887. By John G. Parke, Office of p:ngineers U. S. Arm3^ 8° (31) ^ — Calls used by the United States army, navy, and marine corps, together with full code of signals. Instructions for the trumpet and drum. 1915. (31) Canal. Report of Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-1901 . 58—2: S. doc. 222. (31) Canals. See "Roads and Canals." War Department. (31) Casemate embrasures, effect of firing with heavy ord- nance from. By Joseph G. Totten. Wash., Taylor and Maury, 1857. (31) Professional paper No. 6, Corps of Engi- neers, U. S. A. Cavalry, ITnited States Army. Manual for noncommis- sioned officers and privates. 1917. War Dept. Doc. 620. 2 copies. (31) -^ — '■ — [Same.] Service regulations. 1914. (Experimental.) War Dept. Doc. 461. (31) — — [Same.] Drill regulations. Rev. 1902, amend. 1909, War Dept. Doc. 340; 1911, War Dept. Doc. 340; 1916, War Dept. Doc. 561. — Cement, hydraulic, limes and mortars. Practical treatise on. By Q. A. Gillmore. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1872. (31) Professional Paper No. 9, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. — Cemeteries, Regulations for the government of national. 191 1. By Office of tlie Quartermaster General. 8° 2 copies. (31) «Se?' ''Roll of Honor." Charleston Harbor, Defense of. Supplementary report to engineer and artillery operations against the, in 1863. By Q. A. Gillmore. D. Van Nostrand, N. Y., 1868. (31) Pro- fessional Paper No. 16, Supplement, Corps of Engineers. U.S.A. Civil government. The law of, under military occupation. 1902. Division of Insular Affairs. (31) — — Civil War. .^f'^ "War of the Rebellion." (31) Coast Artillery instruction order. 1916. War Dept.. doc. No. 495. (31) 298 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. War Departmeat and kiridral publications -Continued. . Coast Artillery target practice for 1912. With com- ments of officers on material and methods, and suggestions for the improvement of practice. War Dept. doc. 450. 2 copies. (31) ,.__ [Same.] Drill regulations for. 1009, 1014, 1917 corrected to June 15, 1917. War Dept. docs. 343 and 474. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] War game. 1916. WarDept.doc. No. 540. (31) Code of signals, etc. See Calls used b}^ the U. S. Army, etc. (31) Commissary General. See Quartermaster. (31) Compilation of general orders, circulars, and bulletins of the War Department, 1881-1915. B3- the Adjutant Gen- eral's Office. 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) Confederate army, General officers in, 1861-1865. 1908. 8° 60—1; S. doc. 244. (31) [Sara(\] Soldiers, claims of, for horses, side arms, and bag- gage alleged to have been taken from them by Federal troops at and after the surrender of Appomattox, in violation of terms of the surrender. Compilation of laws relating to. 1909. (31) Corps of Engineers. Military railways. Prof, papers No. 32. War Dept. doc. 359. 1910. 2 copies. (31) — Cotton Tax, Compilation of laws relating to. 1909. (31) Courts of Inquiry. See Courts-martial, A manual for, and of procedure under military law. (31) — Courts-martial. A manual for, and of procedure under military law. 2nd ed. 1898. War Dept. doc. 77. 12° (31) [Same.] 1908. War Dept. doc. 329. 2 copies. 12° (31) [Same.] Rev. ed. 1908. War Dept. doc. 370. (31) [Same.] Corrected to April 15, 1917. War Dept. doc. 560. 8° 3 copies. (31) Cuba. Pro])Osed constitution for. The official acceptance of the Piatt amendment, and the eiectorial law. Translation. Division of Insular Affairs, 1901. (31) Defenses. See Fortifications. (31) Deceased officers and enlisted men, Accounts due Compilation of laws relating to. 1909. (31) Distances, Official table of. 1905, 1906, 1910. For the guidance of disbursing officers of the Army charged with the payment of money allowances for travel. 8° (31) Drill. Army field artillery, provisional drill and service regulation for. (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 299 War Department and kindred publications Continued. Drill. Regulations for Mountain Artillery, 1908. (Pronsional.) War Dept. doc. 328. 12° (31) [Same.] for Field Artillery, lOOS, with changes to 1011. 12° (31) [Same.] 1917. War Dept. 12° (31) [Same.] for Field Artillery. Proyisionsal drill and seryice regulations, 6-inch howitzer. 1917. Vols. I, II, IV. War Dept. doe. 569. 12° (31) [Same.] U. S. Cavalry. 1902, Key., Amend., 1909, 1911, 1916. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] For Coast Artillery U. S. Army. 1909, 1914, 1917. 2 copies. (31) [Same], etc.. for the Hospital Corps. 1908. 12° 2 copies. (31) — [Same.] And outlines of first aid for the Hospital Corps, U. S. Army. Key. 1908. By the Surgeon General. War Dept. doc. 315. 2 copies. 12° (31) [Same.] For Infantry United States Army, 1911, cor- rected to April 15, 1917. War Dept. doc. 394. 2 copies. 12° (31) — • [Same.] For field companies of the Signal Corps. (Pro- yisional.) Ed. 1911. (31) -nti-^ [Same.] Sanitary troops. 1914,1917. (31) [Same.] For Signal Troops. 1917. War Dept. doc. No. 606. 2 copies. (31) — — — Efficiency, of the. Hearings before the Senate Com- mittee on Military Affairs (1902) upon the bill S. 3917, to increase the efficiency of the Army. 1902. 8° S. Hr. Vol. 67. Electrical instruments and telephones of the U. S. Signal Corps. Rev. 1910. War Dept. doc. No. 378. 1911. 8° 2 copies (31) Engineer and Artillery operations against the defences of Charleston Harbor hi 1863. With a supplement. By Q. A. GiUmore. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1868. (31) Professional , , Papers No. 1 6, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. '- — Engineer Field Manual. 1912, rev. ed. 6 pts., with errata and addenda. Professional Papers No. 29, Corps of Engineers, U. S. iVxmy. War Dept. doc. No. 355. 2 copies. (31) [Same.] 5th rev. ed. 1917. (31) [Same.] Training Manual United States Army. [Same.] Appendix No. 2. Instructions for the use of Company and Regimental forms. 1917. 2 copies. (31) 300 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. War Department and kindred publications— Continued. Engineer Training Manual. Appendix No. 3. Instruc- tions for the use of Engineer Department forms. 1917. 2 copies. (31) Engineers, United States Army, Chief of. Analytical and topical index to the reports upon works and surveys for river and harbor improvements, 1866-1900. 1903. 3 vols. 8° 57—2; H. doc. 439. By John McClure. (31) Vols. 93-95. List, p. Farriers. See Manual for Farriers, etc. (31) Field Artillery. See Artillery. (31) , i_ - [Same] Artillery. Drill regulations for U. S. Army (Pro- visional). 12° (31) [Same] Artillery, gunnery and explosives. 1911. 12° (31) [Same.] Officers, Gunnery and explosives for. 1911. War Dept. doc. 391. 2 copies. (31) [Same] battalion Signal Corps. Table of organization and equipment. 1917. War Dept. doc. 607. (31) — '■ [Same] service pocket book, United States Army. 1917. War Dept. doc. No. 605. 2 copies. (31) [Same] Service Regulations, United States Army. 12° (31) 2 copies 1905 (amended 1908), War Dept. doc. 316; 2 copies 1910, War Dept. doc. 363; 2 copies 1913 (corrected), War Dept. doc. 363; 1914, War Dept. doc. 462; 3 copies 1914 (corrected), War Dept. doc. 475. Firing small arms, Manual for U. S. Ai-my and Organ- ized Militia (Provisional) 1909; 1913 corrected to April 15, 1917. War Dept. docs. nos. 338 and 442. (31) [Same.] Regulations for, 1906. War Dept. doc. No. 322.' (31) Finding list of military biographies and other personal literature. 2nd ed. 1899. 8° (31) Fortifications and sea-coast defenses. 37 — 2; H. rept. 86. (31) Fort Pulaski, siege and reduction of. Official report to the U. S. Engineer Dept. By Q. A. Gillmore. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1862. (31) Professional Papers No. 8, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. [Same] Stevens, Lincoln National Military Park. Letters from the President and other officers. 57 — l;S.doc. 433. (31) Fuel tests, report on, and the issue of fuel. 1914. 8° Office of the Q. -^t Gen. 2 copies. (31) General officers in the, 1861-1865. 1908. 8° 60—1; S. doc. 245. (31) [Same] orders, circulars, and bulletins of the War Department, Compilation of, 1881-1915. Adjt. Gen.'s Office, 1916. 8° 2 copies. (31) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 301 War Department and kindred publications — Continued. — General orders and circulars, subject index to, 1860- 1911. 8° (31) 1860-1880, War Dept. doc. 447. 1913. 1881-1911, War Dept. doc. 417. 1912. Generating sets, installation, care and operation of 25 kw. GasoliLie-Electnc. Instruction Book No. 1. Engi- neering Dept., U. S. A., 1916. 2 copies. (31) — Gettysburg National Military Park Commission. An- nual reports of the Secretary of War, 1893-1904. 8° (31) Guide for use of officers of the Inspector General's Department. 1911. War Dept. doc. 403. S° (31) Gunnery and explosives, for field artillery officers. 1911. War Dept. doc. 391. 2 copies. (31) Guns. ., 1912. 8° Ref. ■ — htws, State, operation of. S. doc. 419; 63 — 2. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 325 Workmen's compensation and insurance— Continued. Laws, State and foreign. S. doc. 336; 63 — 2. Laws, foreign, summary. S. doc. 643; 62 — 2. Laws, U. S., digest (compensation and insurance). 1913. 8° Ref. Message of the President and report of Commission. S. . doc. 338; 62—2. Opinions of the Sohcitor, Dept. of Com. and Labor. 1908- 1912. 8° Ref. — Report of the commission to investigate. S. doc. 553; 62—2. World almanac and encyclopedia for 1869, 1872-1876, 1886-1893, 1897 to date. N. Y. 8° iS^g Almanacs. Ref. World's best orations. David J. Brewer, editor; Edward A. Allen and William Schuyler, associate editors. St. L., F. P. Kaiser 1899. 10 vols. 4° A. Columbian Commission. Report of the committee on awards. 1901. 2 vols. 8° 57— 1; H. doc. 510. F. Wrecked whalers in the Arctic Ocean. Report of the cruise of the U. S. revenue cutter Bear. 1899. 8° 56—2; H. doc. 511. (31) Wright, Carroll D. A report on marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867-1886; including an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. G. 1889. 8° The industrial evolution of the United States. N. Y., Chautauquan-Century Press, 1895. 8° Carroll D. Report on the effect of the international copy right law in the United States, 1901. 8° 56—2; S. doc. 87 Sundry publications by Bureau of Labor. See List, p. 593 Yates, Robert. See Secret proceedings and debates of the Federa Convention, 1787. M. Yellow Spring and Huron. A local history. By J. W. Merrill Mediapolis, Iowa, 1897. 8° Yellowstone National Park. Reconnaissance from Carroll, Mont to. By WilHam Ludlow. 1876. 4° (31). Historical and descriptive sketch of. 60 — 2; S. doc. 752 1909. 8° Yosemite National Park. General information. 1915. Dept. o Int. 8° 36 pp. (30). — Map of. See Atlases and maps. A. DOCUMENT LISTS. Note. — The congressional documents, it should be remembered, comprise the messages communicated to Congress by the President of the United States, the legis- lative journals of both Houses of the Congress, the secret proceedings or executive journals of the Senate, the reports of congressional committees on bills, resolutions, and public affairs, communications made to Congress by the executive or judicial officers of the Government, and many miscellaneous publications, such as United States laws, the Congressional Record, the Congressional Directory, Rebellion Records, etc., as Congress may order to be printed for its information and distribution. * * * It was not until the commencement of the Thirteenth Congress, in December, 1813, that the House of Representatives, which legislative branch piiblishes by far the larger number of documents and reports, realized sufficiently the growing importance and permanent value of its own transactions to impel it to introduce systematic methods of publication. The House then adopted a consecutive series of numbers, which was applied to its public documents, beginning anew at the commencement of each Congress and running uninterruptedly to the end of the last session of such Congress. The Senate long sat in secret session, and apart from its meager executive and legislative journals had the policy of placing as little as possible of its proceedings in printed and accessible form. Later, when public opinion constrained a change of policy, it was years before it showed a marked inclination to print freely its reports or documents. It naturally pursued a more conservative or dilatory course, and did not apply the serial numbering to its documents until two years after the action of the House, in December, 1815, at the beginning of the first session of the Fourteenth Congress. — ^[Gen. A. W. Greely, U. S. A., in American Historical Association Report for 1896, 54th Congress, 2d session, House Doc. No. 353, part 1, pp. 1109-1114. Also, "Papers Rflating to Early Congressional Documents: Public Documents of the First Fourteen Congresses, 1789-1817." — (Greely.) 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate Doc. 428, Vol. 37.] Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, 1789-1856. See list, under Congressional Record, p. 378. 327 328 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Agriculture, Annual Reports on, 1841-1861.^ Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 6 3 6 6 8 6 6 13 10 9 9 7 7 10 7 9 6 12 8 11 8 14 10 6 8 Part. Num- ber. Part. 1841 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 9 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1&2 1&2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 S. ex S. ex.... H. ex. .. S. ex H. ex. . . S. ex H. ex... S.ex.... H. ex... H. ex. .. H. ex. . . S. ex H. ex. . . H. ex... S.ex.... H. ex... S. ex H. ex... S. ex H. ex. . . S. ex H. ex... S. ex.... H. ex. . . S. ex.... H. ex. . . S. ex.... H. ex.. . S. ex.... H. ex. . . S. ex H. ex. .. 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 169 129 109 150 177 75 78 307 52 54 59 15 20 32 118 102 55 65 27 39 42 59 20 12 53 65 30 32 47 105 11 48 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1846 1847 1849 2 2 1850 2 9 1851 9 2 1852 o 1853 2 1853 2 3 1854 3 1855 3 1855 3 1856 4 1856 4 4 1857 4 1858 4 1858 4 1859 1860 1861 fnot amone' documents) I The aimual report on agriculture began in 18-37 with a two-page statement in the report of Henry L. l=;ilsworth. Commissioner of Patents. From that date to 1861 it formed a part of the report of the Commis- sioner of Patents, making a separate volume after 1849. In 1862 the Department of Agriculture was established, and its annual report was uniformly issued up to 1893. Begiiming with the report for 1894, in accordance -Aith paragraph 2, sec. 73, of the printing act of Jan. 12, 1895, two separate publications have been issued, one, the report proper, containing the Secretary's report and the purely executive reports of the several chiefs of bureaus, divisions, and offices; the other, known as the Yearbook, embracing the Secretary's report and a collection of special articles on agricultural science. The title of the head of the department was Commissioner of Agriculture until 1889, when he became Secretary of Agriculture and a member of the Cabinet. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 329 Agriculture, Department of, Reports of the Commissioner of 1862-1888. Year. 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 (not among documents). . 1873 1874 (not among documents). . 1875 (not among documents). . 1876 (not among documents). . 1877 (not among documents). . 1878 (not among documents) . . 1880 (not among documents). . 1881-82 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 18882 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 37 3 38 1 38 2 39 1 39 2 40 2 40 3 41 2 41 3 42 2 42 3 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 House or Si^nate document. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. S. ex.. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. Vol- ume. 11 16 12 15 15 21 15 14 13 17 (') 1 26 25 32 34 37 28 32 Year. Num- ber. 78 91 68 136 107 (') (') (•) (•) 327 C) 27 228 109 178 269 378 201 470 Part. 1 No number. ' For succeeding reports, see .Agriculture, reports of Secretary of. 330 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Agriculture, Department of, Reports of the Secretary. Secretary. Rusk... ' Do. Do. Do. Morton. Do. Do. Do. Wilson . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Houston Do. Do. Do. Year. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Con- gress. 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 6] 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 Session. 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 o House or Senate document. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex.. n. ex.. H. ex.. House. House. House. House . House . House . House. House. House . House . House . House. House . House . House. House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House . Vol- ume. 17 17 20 20 19 19 23 20 23 26 32 42 34 27 27 27 25 20 44 1047 68 80 77 64 97 52 83 63 Num- ber. 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 70 108 1007 121 939 653 1437 903 1470 Part. 7 6 6 6 6 6 1,2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SEKATE. Agriculture, Department of, Yearbooks. 331 Year. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916- Congress. Session. 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 63 3 64 1 64. 2 House or Senate document. H.ex.. House . House . House . House . House. House . House . House . House . House. House . House. House . House. House . House . House . House. House. House. House . House . Volume. Number. 35 355 74 380 20 6 65 454 ■ 82 293 99 558 105 519 118 661 101 459 100 708 101 424 105 892 105 813 : 45 987 71 1560 69 129 81 1222 78 137 65 952 98 989 53 1682 84 93 64 1487 Part. American Archives. Documentary History of the English Colonies in North America. FOURTH SERIEvS (6 VOLUMES). From the King's message of March 7, 1774, to the Derlavation of Independence by the United States in 1776. Vol. 1. Mar. 4, 1774-May 2, 1775. — Proceedings, papers, and debates, relating to the American colonies, during the seventh session of the thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain — The King's message —American mutiny bill — Bills restraining trade, etc., of northern and southern colonies — "Taxation no tyranny," by Dr. Johnson — Proceedings of the Continental Congress, held in Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774-Ocl. 26, 1774, with memorial suspending trade with Great Britain, if certain acts are not repealed, etc. Vol. 2. Mar. 1, 1775-Aug. 1, 1775. — Proceedings, papers, and correspondence, Massa- chusetts Committee of Safety assembled at Concord Apr. 5, 1775-May 30, 1775 — Massachusetts Provincial Congress at Concord, Apr. 22, 1775-June 30., 1775 — Committees of Safety in New York, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Continental Congress, Philadelphia, May 10, 1775-Aug. 1, 1775. 332 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. American Archives — Continued. Documentary History of the English Colonies in North America — Con. FOURTH SERIES — Continued. Vol. 3. Aug. 1, 1775-Dec. 30, 1775. — Proceedings, papers, and correspondence, Vir- ginia Convention, July 17, 1775-Aug. 26, 1775 — Provincial Congresses and Continental Congress, Sept. 5, 1775-Dec. 30, 1775. Vol. 4. Sept. 12, 1775~Mar. 4, 1776. — Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, proceedings of committees and Provincial Congresses and Continental Congress, Jan. 1, 1776-reb. 29, 1776. Vol. 5. Jan. 5, 1776-May 11, 1776. — Correspondence and miscellaneous papers, pro- ceedings of committees and provincial assemblages. Continental Congress, Mar. 1, 1776-May 11, 1776. Vol. 6. July 4, 1776-Oct. 26, 1776. — Proceedings, papers, and debates, relating to the American colonies, during the second session of the fourteenth Parliament of Great Britain; also correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and proceed- ings of Provincial Congresses and Continental Congress, May 13, 1776- July 4, 1776 — New Jersey Provincial Congress on July 18, 1776, adopted and assumed the name and title of " The Convention of the State of New Jersey. ' ' FIFTH SERIES (3 VOLUMES). From the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to December 31, 1776. Vol. 1. May 3, 1776-Sept. 3, 1776. — Correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and pro- ceedings of provincial conventions, committees on safety, and Continental Congress, July 5, 1776-Sept. 2, 1776. Vol. 2. July 15, 1776-Oct. 31, 1776. — Correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and pro- ceedings of provincial conventions, committees on safety, and Continental Congress, Sept. 3, 1776-Oct. 31, 1776. Vol. 3. Aug. 12, 1776-Dec. 31, 1776. — Correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and pro- ceedings of provincial conventions, committees on safety, and Continental Congress, Nov. 1, 1776-Dec. 31, 1776. Note.— "The original plan of this work, undertaken by the late Peter Force, of Washington, in 1830, and discontinued in 1853, was projected on the most ample scale. It was designed to cover nothing less than all the public state papers and documents, with extensive publications from privatepapers, narratives, and journals, as well as from newspapers, bearing upon the discovery, settlement, and history of the United States from 1492 to the flnal ratification of the Constitution in 1790. Mr. Force and his associate, Matthew St. Claii' Clarke, were authorized by act of March 2, 183'3, under contract with the Secretary of State, to prepare and publish a work entitled "The I>ocumenlary History of the American Revolution." The whole history of the American Colonies was divided in the arrangement of this work ioto six periods, embracing — 1. The origin of the several colonies; their charters, bills of rights, etc., and the public papers previous to and their condition in 1763. 2. From 17(33 to the Congress of 17G5 at New York. 3. From 1765 to the Congress of 1774 at Philadelphia. 4. From 1774 to the Declaration of Independence. 5. From. 1776 to the peace of 1783. 6. From the peace to 1789, the organization of our present Federal Government. The publication authorized by Congress began with the fourth period, closing with the Declaration of Independence. Six folio volumes known as the Fourth Series, and three folio volumes of the Fifth Series, ext nding only to December, 1776, were published during the years 1837 to 1853, when the work was stopped by the Secretary of State withholding his approval. * * * In February, 1867, the Force Library, with all its manuscripts and printed material, was purchased for the Oovernment by the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Committee on the Library for the sum of $100,000, and added to the Library of Congress." * * * [A. R. Spofford, 4Cth Cong., 1st sess., S. Mis. Doc. No.34, vol. 1: same, Atlantic Monthly tor May, 1898, vol. 81, pp. 678.] CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 333 American Historical Association. Year. Vol- ume. Con- gress. Session. House or Senate document. Number. Part. 1889 4 5 5 4 4 17 62 74 81 83 1 114 1 115 1 125 1 126 1 121 1 122 1 103 104 j 109 110 105 107 108 99 100 126 127 124 125 120 128 116 117 148 7 98 135 130 106 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 • 57 1 ^^ \ 58 58 ■ 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 S. mis. . . S. mis. .. S. mis. .. S. mis. .. S. mis. . . H. mis... House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . - House . . . House House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House - . . House. .. House . . . House . . . House... House. . . House . . . House. .. 170 83 173 57 104 91 291 353 577 295 733 548 702 461 745 429 923 986 1282 137 1293 154 968 968 933 1697 818 n497 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 ^ 1 2 1897 1898 1899 1, 2 1900 ........(.... 1 2 1901 1,2 1902 1, 2 1903 1.2 1904 1905 3 1.2 1906 ' 1,2 3907 1,2 1908 1,2 1909 .' 1910 1911 1 1912 2 1913 1,2 1914 1884-1914, General Index 1 1915 • This association was organized September 10, 1884. It was incorporated by act of Congress approved January 4, 1889. Five volumes of its ''papers" have been issued by private publishers. The annual reports are public documents. 2 Constitutional amendment, by Ames. ' Bibliography of American Historical Societies down to 1905, with subject and author index. < Not yet issued. 334 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. American Republics,^ Bureau of the, annual reports and bulletins.^ Number. First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth....... Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth.. Fourteenth.. Fifteenth Sixteenth . . . Seventeenth, Eighteenth.. Nineteenth ^ Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1891 52 1 1892 52 2 1893 53 2 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 1896 54 2 1897 55 2 1898 55 3 .1899 56 1 1900 56 2 1901 57 1 1902 57 1 1903 58 2 1904 58 3 1905 58 3 1906 59 1 1907 60 1 1908 60 2 1909 61 1 House or Sen- ate document. Num- ber. Senate ex.. 8 Senate ex.. 84 Senate ex.. 43 Senate ex.. 70 Senate. .... 241 House . 319 178 Senate. .... Senate. .... 51 TTonsR . 175 181 557 House . House . .... House . .... 306 House . 458 145 267 406 House House House . House . 603 1000 163 House House . Vol- umes. 3 9 1 6 11 58 12 6 74 75 90 89 66 65 71 89 89 105 101-104 1 In accordance with a resolution passed and signed by the 4th International American Conference held in Buenos Aires, July 12~Aug. 30, 1910, the name of the American Republics Bureau was changed to Pan American Union. In accordance with tlie resolution above referred to, tlie title of the director was changed to "director general" and the title of the secretary to "assistant dirfeelor." 2 The International Bureau of American Republics was created by the 1st International American Con. ference held in Washington, D. C, Oct. 2, 1889-Apr. 19, 1890, and was confirmed and reorganized by the 2d and 3d International American Conferences held, respectively, in Mexico City, Oct. 22, 1901-Jan. 31, 1902, and in Rio de Janeiro, July 21-Aug. 20, 1906. This bureau is an international organization supported by contributions of the 21 Republics in this hemisphere, who have an equal interest in the institution. The bureau was organized in 1890, under the supervision of the Secretary of State of the United States, acting at the request of the 1st conference, and under authority of act of Congress approved July 14, 1890 (Stat. L. V. 2(i, p. 275). Mar. 18, 1899, at a conference of diplomatic representatives of the. countries com- posing the International Union of American Republics it was unanimously agreed, that "the Bureau of American Republics shall be governed under the supervision of the Secretary of State of the United States with the cooperation and advice of four representatives of the other Republics composing the International Union, the five persons indicated to constitute an executive committee of which the Secretary of State is to be ex officio chairman, or in his absence, the acting Secretary of State." At tlie 2d International Ameri- can Conference, held in Mexico, it was resolved as follows: "Article 1. The International Bureau of the American Republics shall be under the control of a Governing Board composed of the diplomatic represen- tatives of all the Governments of said Republics accredited near the Government of tlie United Slates of America, and of the Secretary of State of the latter nation, who shall be the chairman of said board. " The 3d International American Conference enlarged the scope of the bureau without materially altering its status or organization. Notwithstanding the fact of its close connection with the Secretary of State, it has never been, strictly speaking, a division of the State Department of the United States. ' For subsequent publications, see Pan American Union, p. 636. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 335 American Republics, Bureau of the, commercial directories. Country. Con- gress. Brazil 52 Venezuela 52 Colombia I 52 Peru I 52 Chile ! 52 Mexico I 52 Bolivia 52 Ecuador 52 Paraguay j 52 Uruguay ' 52 Argentine Republic 52 Costa Rica Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Salvador Cuba and Porto Rico. European colonies Haiti Santo Domingo Newspapers Same, revised Reciprocity, etc Nomenclature 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 55 55 55 Ses- sion. Senate or House doc- ument. Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate.. . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Senate. . . Num- ber. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 178 178 178 Vol- umes. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 12 13 Part. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 For publications subsequent to Aug. 30, 1910, see Pan American Union, p. 636. 336 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. American Republics, Bureau of the, handbooks. Country. American Republics. Brazil Mexico Costa Rica Guatemala Colombia Venezuela American Republics. Nicaragua Santo Domingo Paraguay Bolivia Honduras Salvador Peru Uruguay Haiti Ecuador Argentine Republic. Alaska Hawaii Num- ber. Con- Ses- gress. sion. (•) 52 52 1 52 52 52 52 i 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 2 52 2 55 55 2 Senate or House doc- ument. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S.ex. S.ex. S. ex. S. ex. S. ex. S.ex. Docu- ment. 8 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 96 96 178 178 Vol- umes. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 12 12 Part. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 13 13 ' Not documented. For publications subsequent to Aug. 30, 1910, see Pan American Union, p. 636. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 337 American Republics, Bureau of the, tariff bulletins. • Ill I J 'ij( >. Country. Mexico Brazil Cuba Porto Rico Costa Rica Santo Domingo Nicaragua Bolivia Salvador Honduras Ecuador Colombia Venezuela British West Indies. Spanish America. . . Guatemala United States Peru Chile Uruguay Argentine Republic Haiti United States Year. Con- gress. 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1892 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1897 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 55 Ses- sion. Senate or House doc- ument. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Num- ber. 'vol- umes. 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 178 12 Part. 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 4 4 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 5 3 4 7 lO For publications subsequent to Aug. 30, 1910, see Pan American Union, p. 636. 4!)183— IS 22 338 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. American State Papers.^ A Selection of Important Legislative and Executive Documents of the Congress of the United States, 1789-1833, Compiled under authority of Congress by lion. Walter Lowrie, Sec^retary of the Senate; Hon. Mathew St. Clair Clarke, Clerk of the House. Complete in 38 volumes. Series Foreign relations. Indian affairs. Finance . Commerce and navi- gation. Remarks. Executive communications to Congress and reports of committees on our relations with foreign nations. All documents accompanying Indian treaties, Indian wars, massacres, and depredations; also efforts made for their benefit in civili- zation, agriculture, and the mechanic arts.. Public debt and credit, direct and indirect tax- ation, currency, the Mint of the United States, United States and State banks, an- nual estimates, revenue collections, and table of receipts and expenditures. Imports and exports, fisheries, Lighthouse P^stablishment, improvement of rivers and harbors, roads and canals, and reports of committee containing general principles. • "The 'American State Papers' are of the highest historical value to students of American affairs. * * ♦ The necessity of reprinting tiie early ( 'oni,'ressional documents and reports was, from time to time, urged upon Congress, but for years without avail. Meanwhile time and circumstances had scattered or destroyed tho greater part of the early documents, which were originally printed for the convenience and u:;eof a few score men. (At first there were 26 Senators and 61 Kepresentatives.) As the number of Senators and Representatives steadily increased and Congressional committees were multiplied, the demand for reports and documents of former Congresses exceeded the' supply, and, to crown all, the burning of the Capitol, in 1814, practically destroyed the entire reserve. "The •iH -P w d > •ft -p eS i-H CQ 03 a> cs -t-3 W CO o (D •p -p o a. a M o el o •rH -P o 0) 00 o o d. I o a o ■X" o O Q a aj C/j w , r MO 3 6 t/: — ^ o p. A! £ a a g a Q ? y. p o a '3 p- •^ a .■*^ rH o O P o P o o ft o p C3 ^CO P *w O M a ft P ft p o Ol P 03 =a o .a a «2 s^ .a ca ft o ^ rt P-l M _^ (^ S ?; Ta P ±; >. I n .s" 03 o o ft P .a" 03 FQ ■5 H 1/3 Oj -t-s CJ 03 "3 o o o 13 o •a .3 S a 03 o ft tH o C/J « s~i a Si. « ft o tn m o c '3 o ft ^- £ ^ -d iS p 03 03 P '"" O o 03 O * s ca ^ I - s s tn 'cJ en p s ca c3 en" M 5 13 13 P P ft '5 '^ p « Cv en P 13 03 'en ir w s ft ,P p i^ p a a .« en- ^< o a 2 p o ca ^ OT P 2 ft P (U ft C P p .t; -^ ■p p (51 13 13 o CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 341 a 3 3 ea e8 o §• £ — t: a ■^ •" C! 3 3 .2 « I o a, £ g § i2 a 3 W 3 P. a> K PL, T3 c a a « D £ S S •5 P. S S..@ ^ M ^ ^ "^ C o 2? B t, g o ^ o a ■d T' o I c9 s o .a o p. •d C C3 C3 6 03 O c S 3 3 C c9 a as "3 a o CO ■d a C3 >I3 _a -|1 = c o i2 (5 ^ I •a G 3 B o .„ O T? ti H y. a ^ 43 a ^ c« w » a> O " O J "d S 3 W »-^ O c!3 o -^ -2 ^ o .S •- .':; ^ '-> ■§ c •d c C3 3 o M ca o 3 & 3 a ^ H 3 3 •d C ^ tj", •D 35 C a n 03 Ul B ^ -a .3 •d -t: 3 --" >— 1 P-« 3 o p. 3 to •a 3 ca iM I c C3 5 ca ^ « S I ■5 3 B 3 o o a O O. XI a CO « o B S B "a; t: - §^ § •^ a a 3 o o i "3 ^ O tn (T1 C ■n Ut 3 "2 O I B o 5 ■d -e a o i; - _: "3 C3 B O Xi 2 to a 5 o •" O4 a> o o* ^ a § s J a Oh oT ^ o si ca H L/ T^ a 5 C3 to 0) a to 03 be B o O 3 k. a .- . a S o ft •d a c! M o — -U o i5 B 09 a ca B 03 Xi % ^ ^ CO OJ a -^ o .. a a o 03 "^ '^ Xi -* o a >. - t? B a -2 - 03 a M ft J3 a - 5 O) •— •3^2 a eC3 ° I ft E a a •d B ca to ca K « |:>H ft o wj 'd a a H cJ s a 2 -.J .-I r1 M a •d 3 a o ^ 03 ^H to z! ■* -as a ^ a , 03 03 t-j a a >-> CO 00 IM (N CO CO 00 00 •O .-I ca a ^H 00 »o" of fij ».H^ a ft 03 a 03 a 3 Q a 03 a xi -k> C31 CO ^H .-H .-( •d CO •d •d ■d" r/i , n m .a o to to *d CO -H ,-1 (M -H •a 'f -d to ■" *d — I a O; ^ ; ^' ja ^' A ; ^'" ; x: A ^ T^ j:= ' J=! ■ *j ■<-> *-> -4-^ -f t' 00 CO f r/> 00 Cl -rr -r '~* ■"* .—* —I N Cl CI CI (N 1-H M CO -^ 10 »— t Cl 1-* (N CO ■«»* 10 'X) *"r^ t ■■,■ > 342 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 3 C o Q U 0) Ph 03 d 03 o •1-4 T3 a •1-^ a o o I CO CO 00 lH 00 « c3 03 (V 4» •a o n (9 > -P SI u 0) CD > a ■-H n •iH h] 4* o PL, 3 o d o u « « (0 CO > 13 o Pi o S o i o a 5 © o O & o > 2 .a a § a -^ J3 o j3 £ d d a f/) H l-t o a> ft a a> w o I ca P. bo a o ft C9 '" •a g .a C: « I 3 o d a s !B ^ d d o ft « I ft o ft a o a ;3 tn K O n P-1 d , a > bo d P3 V, O y C3 O 1) g " ■l ° ft o .9 d u< ca ^ o ft s C3 o H 60 I o a a 3 i? o r; I a a o ft o a d I CO d to -w _!1 — .2 d ■ Ph Ph I o O ft a S ^ c: Ph « 2 O .3 .d ^ c d » ■ a c Ph -O ft to ^ (1) H "-§ 03 a so .g IH o rd a 03 t3 to d , h^ P5 -* ® ^ ■3 d 3 ■3 d 03 a 5 ■-l '?, f< t— I O) O) fl) 01 0> c; WJ o n a d b !/: fi C3 03 CO CO CO rt w O) -^ -t^ -M '3 CO CO CO CTj C-J .-I >-l -H r-< IM ■3 -3 CO CO CJ C-J : ■4^ -«-> -t^ 4-3 +J -4^ -M « crt rn r/i w w CM 1— « »-H 1— * f— I T-H <— 1 ■"^ ^, ja ^ .£? - to t3 04 C^ *89|Jd6 ^H C^ CO ■<*' iO 00 00 CO 00 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 343 I 73 C 3 .2 ^ i g .s e o ^ o 00 o .a IM X2 o o J3 rn wi o c ■Tl § •a ;g 05 O Wl o O) e tf o o 1 S .9 a o -^ o s - o C o I c o o o o 1 ja PH (1) -M rn rt ro r! IM 1 o o S >, •n o t3 1 JD 1) o O C s ■a v a E S o o •■-4 o a '5 c3 a «■, *-• o "^ M ca 03 3 ta u o •5 <-^ 3 O — » -*J ca 73 tC -tJ a =a tc ca c a o o I 73 *- a -a 2 ■^" Ph a « o ■^ o 75 *^ ^^ 7n S « t(? S W s « a 5 o .1 O .a C3 a -< d 3 •6 •a* tJ 'd M M w (N • rf3 jd -ca 4-> ■4-> r- o r* "^ f-* 1-* »-i ■ .1-. i»i •4^1 ■ -b •4-3 4^ M CO r«'..M ., N I— 1 »-* XI • 1 .a ^f CO cn 1-H CJ iM T-4 00 1— 1 ^-4 (M ! iKHin 344 CATALOGUE OF LIBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. American State Papers* — Continued. state Papers and Publick Documents of the United States, 1789-1818 including Confidential Documents. Bost., T. B. Wait & Sons, 1817. Vol. 1. Apr. 30, 1789-Apr. 4, 1794. Speeches by and messages from President transmitting documents Index Vol. 2. Apr. 4, 1794-Jan. 19, 1797. The same Index Vol. 3. Jan. 19, 1797-Apr. 3, 1798. The same Index Vol. 4. Apr. 3,' 1798-Oct. 21, 1803. The same Index Vol.5. Nov. 4, 1803-Nov. 17, 1807. The same Index Vol. 6, Oct. 27, 1807-Nov. 8, 1808. The same Index Vol. 7. Nov. 8, 1808-Dec. 28, 1810. The same Index Vol. 8. Dec. 31, 1810- July G, 1812. The same Index Vol. 9. July 6, 1812-Feb. 28, l'815. The same; Treaty of Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814, pp. 435-445; President's proclamation, Feb. 18, 1815, pp. 445-466 Index Vol. 10. Feb. 9, 1790-Feb. 18, 1813. Confidential state papers, with portraits of Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Madison Index Vol. 11. Dec. 5, 1815-Feb. 28, 1818. Speeches by and messages from Presi- dent transmitting documents Index Vol. 12. Mar. 14, 1818-Ai;g. 1, 1818. The same; appendix with inaugural speech of President Adams, Mar. 4, 1797, etc Index Animal Industry, Bureau of. Year. Vol- ume. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Number. 1 884 2 9 6 12 42 1 29 1 1 1 61 52 52 89 48 48 49 50 51 52 52 53 54 54 54 55 55 55 2 o i^ 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 U. mis.. . H. mis.. . H. mis. . . H. mis.. . H. mis. . . S.ex.... H. mis. . . S. ex House. . . Senate. . . House . . . House . . - House . . . House . . - 25 1 885 36 1886 156 1 887 139 1888 270 1889-90. 11 1891-92 120 1893-94 27 1894-95 205 1895-96 45 1895-96 291 1896-97 227 1897 578 1898 307 • [Though only one document, and that unimportant, relating to Wait's collection of state papers and public documents has been found in the Congressional series, it is well If nown that Congress bought numer- ous copies of the several editions of which there were three, the first in S v., the second in 10 v., and the third in 12 v. The first issue, in 1814, began with Jefferson's administration. After 5 v. had been issued, bringing the record and date of printing down to 1815, a return was made to the beginning, and 3 v. of the papers of the administrations of Washington and John Adams were issued in 1S15. These were made v. 1-3 of the 1st edition, the volumes previously issued becoming v. 4-8, with an index to the series in v. S. The 2d edition, issued 1817, cairied the chronological record one volume farther and added a 10th volume made up of confldential documents, 1790-1813, not previously printed, this volume having its own index. The 3a edition, printed in 1819, brings the record down to 1818. Only v. 11 and 12, with index in v. 12, are new matter. That this series is much less known and less used than Gales & Seaton's later and larger one under the name American state papers is no doubt due to the several facts that Wait covers but one subject, foreign relations, that its arrangmenet is chronological, with no classification, under countries or otherwise, and that it is insuffic'ently indexed. None of Wait's 30 volumes is included in the numbered Congressional jrries.l CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Animal Industry, Bureau of— Continued. 345 Year. 1899 1900 1901 )902 :,. 1903 .-,-!--i-i- 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Vol- ume. 122 127 120 107 107 112 117 92 47 75 73 84 80 67 97 52 83 63 Con- gress. 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. House . House . House . House . House . 3 House. House . House . House . House . House . House . House . House. House . House. House . H. doc. Number. 745 549 682 474 743 467 941 743 978 1568 130 1041 138 953 653 1437 903 1470 Annals of Congress. See Congressional Fecord, p. 378. Appropriations, New Offices, etc. Year. 1836 ■ 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1841 1842 1843 and 1844. 1845 1846 1847 --.-.-.'iHH-.-H-- ...... .X\-. 1848 Tf . f» 1849 1850 ^. 1851 : Con- gress. Ses- sion. 24 1 24 2 25 2 25 3 26 1 26 2 27 1 27 2 27 3 28 1 28 29 1 29 2 30 1 30 2 31 1 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. H. doc... 7 H. doc... 4 H. doc... 11 H. doc... ■ 6 H. doc... 7 H. doc... 5 H. doc... 1 H. doc... 5 U. doc... 8 H. doc!.. 6 U. doc... 4 pt.2 H. doc... 7 H. doc... 4 1 S. mis. .. 1 S. mis. . . 1 H. mis... 2 Number. 297 189 464 249 265 124 62 293 218 280 167 228 124 155 65 57 346 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Appropriations, New Offices, etc. -Continued. iutik Ypar. 1852 1853 1854 1855 ]856 1857 1858 1857 1858 ... 1859 18()1 1862 1863 ,,..,,,,,!! 1864 1865 .. 186G . .'/':JiJ'A[ 1867 u)\> .n 1868 - 1868 1869 1870 .....-..- 1871 1873 1874 1875 1876 ' -- 1877 --- .- 1878 ... _■___..,. Ii_ 1878 .'. 1879 1879 I8S0 J881 1882 1883 1884 1885 -.'"■', 1886 : 1887 1888 Con- 8(>s- ?;nvs. sion. 31 2 32 ] 32 2 33 1 33 2 34 2 34 3 35 1 35 2 36 1 36 9 37 1 37 2 38 1 38 2 39 1 39 2 40 1 40 2 40 3 41 1 41 2 42 1 42 '3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 1 45 2 45 3 46 ] 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 House or Senate document. IJ u. H. H. H. S. s. 11. H. IT. H. H. H. H. H. II. n. H. n. H. U. II. H. n. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H, H. H. H. H. n. H. H. S. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. Vol- ume. 1 1 1 1' 1 2 1 4 1 7 6 1 1 3 I 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 5 2 10 1 1 6 3 1 4 1 13 4 25 2 17 1 3 Number. 21 71 24 98 38 2 56 273 61 100 44 24 27 85 58 130 84 55 168 54 36 153 43 101 310 95 192 44 20 66 34 22 47 117 58 36 64 38 394 116 212 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP^ UNITED STATES SENATE, Appropriations and New Oflaces — Continued. 347 Year. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 189G 1897 (none issued; see 1898) 1898 1897-98 1899 1900 , 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 and 1914 1915 1916 and 1917 Con- gress. Ses- sion. 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 1 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 1 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1&2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 1-2 63 3 64 2 House or Senate document. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. doc. S.doc. S. doc. S.doc. S. doc. S. doc. S.doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc- S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S.doc. Vol- ume. Number. 4 94 6 246 7 95 7 227 8 70 11 277 6 150 14 316 10 191 27 342 14 173 41 453 33 235 32 449 19 222 34 315 12 195 31 535 33 402 30 536 57 655 58 781 34 951 22 1150 24 621 12 993 10 744 348 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Arbitrations. ■'i' ,i,r, Subject. Alabama claims Berlin boundary Geneva Halifax fisheries Fur seal History and digest of international arbi- tration. Between carriers en- gaged in interstate commerce and their employees. The same, date of con- sideration. Memorial of the Na- tional Association for the Promotion of Arbitration. Partial list of arbitra- tion between the United States and other powers. Treaty with Great Britain. Between carriers en- gaged in interstate commerce and their employees. Do Convention to estab- lish international court of arbitration. International Bureau uf Permanent Court of arbitration. Report of industrial commission, arbitra- tion. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1 1869 41 1872 42 3 1872 42 3 1877 45 2 1894 53 2 1894 53 2 1896 54 1 1896 54 1 1896 54 1 1897 54 2 1897 54 2 1898 55 2 1898 55 2 1900 56 1 1901 56 o 1902 57 1 House or Senate document. S.ex.... H. ex n.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... 11. mis... H. rept. H. rept. S.doc. S. doc S.doc. S. rept. H. rept. S.doc. II. doc. II. doc. Volume. 11 1 1 18 to 20 7 39 Number. 11 IP. 5 1 87 177 212 1058 1909 140 116 63 59 1 454 10 159 81 272 80 186 Part. Volume of series. 2 to 6 1 1 1 to 3 1 to 16 1 to 6 5 1 to4 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 349 Arbitrations — Continued. .Biu iji. ;...;..>:■ >m Subject. Year. ] uteiparliam e n t a r y union for promotion of international ar- bitration. Alaskan bonndary Venezuelan arbitra- tions. Do Labor troubles of rail- roads. H. 6141. Same, report with hearings. S. 2517. In clothing industry, New York City. In dress and waist in- durftry, New York City. Do Of labor diBputes, rept. of Bd.of Trado. Of tolls exemption of U. S. vessel on Panama Canal. S. rept. 376. Of labor troubles of railroads, report of Mediation and Con- ciliation Board. International, letter by Oscar T. Crosby on. Effeets on wages and condition of railroad employees on. Compulsory, in labor disputes in Norway. Of labor troubles on railroads, compila- tion of laws. 1903 1903 1903 1903 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1916 1917 1917 Con- Ses- gre.s3. sion. 1 58 58 2 58 2 58 2 63 1 63 1 63 2' 63 2 63 2 63 2 63 2 63 3 63 3 64 1 64 2 64 2 or Senate document. II . rept . S. doc. S. doc. 1 H. ropt. S. rept. H.doc. H.doc. H. rept. . H. doc . . S. rept.. H. doc. . S. doc... S. doc. .. S.doc... H.doc... Volume. 15 35 36 1 124 124 D 124 B 103 16 31 12 99 Number. Part. 619 162 316 317 30 72 907 908 1151 422 581 1423 987 493 650 2117 Volume of serie>. 350 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Astronomical Observations. [1845-1884 not documented.] Volume. Year. Volumo. Year. Volume. Year. Volume. Year. 1...- 1845 9 1862 17 1870 25 1878 2 1846 1847 10 11 1863 1864 18 19 1871 1872 26 27. 1879 3 1880 4 1848 12 1865 20 1873 28 1881 5 1848-1850 13 1866 21 1874 29 1882 G 1851-1852 14 1867 22 1875 30 1883 7 1853-18GQ 15 1868 23 1876 31 1884 8 1861 16 1869 24 1877 V'olume. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1, 2d series. 2, 2d series. 3, 2d series. Year. 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1894-1899 1894-1901 I 1882-1884 ll900-1901 Congress. Session. 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 1 52 2 54 1 56 1 56 1 56 2 57 1 } ^' 2 House doc- ument. H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... 11. mis... H. mis... H. doc... H. doc... PI. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... Vol- ume. Number. 38 257 14 132 11 38 256 24 115 57 219 121 738 121 739 84 242 96 430 89 355 Size. Quarto. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Attorneys -General,' Opinions. 351 Attorncy-Cleneral. Edmund Randolph William Bradford Charles Lee Levi Lincoln John Breckenridge Caesar Rodne.v William Pinkney Richard Rush William Wirt J . M . Berrien R. B. Tauoy B. F. Butler Felix Grundy Henry D. Gilpin John J. Crittenden i(. .hmu. Hugh S. Legar6 John Wilson .: . John Y. Mason Nathan Cliliord Isaac Toucey Reverdy Johnson John J. Crittenden Caleb Cushing Do Do Jeremiah S. Black Edwin M. Stanton ^^.....i....^. Edward Bates Do u James Speed Henry Stanbery O. H. Browning Volume. Year. 1,2 2 2 2,3 3 3 3 3,4 4 4 4,5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 From- 1789 179-1 1795 1801 1805 1808 1811 1814 1817 182U 1831 1833 1838 1840 1841 1841 1843 1845 1846 1848 1849 1850 1853 1854 185G 1857 1860 1861 1863 1864 1866 1868 To- 1794 1795 1801 1805 1808 1811 1814 1817 1829 1831 1833 1838 1840 1841 1843 1845 1846 1848 1849 1850 1853 1854 1856 1857 1860 1861 1863 1864 1866 1868 ' "(In sec. 35 of '.\n act to estaMish the ju'liiial courts of the United States,' approved Sept. 2-1, 1789, provision was made for the appointment of an Attorney-General "whose duty it shall he to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme (3ourt in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and o|dnion upon (juestions of law when require The office of Attorney General was created September 24, 1789, and his duty defined to be " to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the President of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the departments, touching any matters that may concern their departments." The Department of Justice was organized as an executive department June 22, 1870, the chief offlcer being the Attorney General. His duties, salary, and tenure remained as fixed by law, except as modified by the act creating the department. (11. S., v. 16.) ' Digest of vols. 1-25, G. P. O.. 1907. 49183—18 23 354 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Attorneys General, Reports— Continued. Attorney General. Miller Do Do Do Olney Do Harmon Do ; McKenna Grigga Do Do Do Knox Do Moody Do Do Bonaparte Do". Do Wickersham Do Do McReynolds McReynolds-Gregory Gregory Do Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1889 51 1 1890 51 2 1891" 52 1 1892 52 2 1893 53 2 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 1896 54 2 1897 55 2 1898 55 3 1899 56 1 1900 56 2 1901 57 1 1902 57 1903 58 1-2 1904 58 3 1905 59 1 1906 59 2 1907 60 1 1908 60 2 1909 61 • 2 1910 61 3 1911 62 2 1912 62 3 1913 63 2 1914 63 3 1915 64 1 1916 64 2 House or Senate document. Volume. n. ex.... 18 H. ex.... 21 H. ex.... 22 H. ex.... 22 II. ex.... 21 H. ex.... 21 n. doc... 23 H. doc... 23 H. doc... 23 H. doc... 30 H. doc... 36 n. doc... 47 H. doc... 37 n. doc... 31 n. doc... 31 H. doc... 32 H. doc... 30 H. doc... 26 II. doc... 87 H. doc... 35 H. doc... 35 H. doc... 25 n. doc... 33 H.doc... 35 Il.doc... 31 11. doc... 25 II. doc... 30 H. doc... 28 Number. 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 pis. 1, 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 1043 104 1003 117 930 460 1390 33 1483 Blue Book. See Oflicial Register, p. 633. Bureau of American Republics. See American Republics, Bu- reau of, p. 334. Bureau of Labor. See Labor, Bureau of, p. 593. Catalogues, documents, etc. See Documents, catalogues, etc., p. 417. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 355 Census Reports.^ Subject. Population ^ Do Do Do Do ..::... Manufactures ; Compendium , Manufactures Population Compendium Agriculture Manufactures Mortality Population Preliminary report , Industries, etc Population Vital statistics Population Manufactures Agriculture Transportation Cotton Do Taxaton, etc , Alaska and newspapers Forestry Petroleum Vital statistics Do Precious metals Mining laws Mining industries Water power Do Social statistics D:; Wages Defective classes Miscellaneous Compendium Compendium, part 2 Num- ber of Year, census, i 1-4 1-5 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 17891 to ISlb] 1789] to 1830 J 1820 1830 1810 1810 1840 1850 1850 1790| to ,1850 J 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1870 1870 1870 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1S80 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 35 37 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 House or Senate docu- ment. S. ex. 11. ex.. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. 11. mis. H. mis. H. mis. II. mis. II. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. n. mis. II. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. II. mis. II. mis. n. mis. 10 39 116 Remarks. Not documented. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. By De Bow. Not documented Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 Until the organization of the Department of the Interior in 1349 the Census Office was connected with the Department of State. Its reports are issued decennially. * Statistics by .\daTn Seyberth, ]r. 356 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Census Reports — Continued. Subject. g g a •& a o o o \r ■& House or Senate docu- ment. 1 a ' "3 > 50 1 a 3 it ? CO :5 Remarks. Mineral Resources U 1890 52 H. mis.. 340 1 Street Railways 11 1890 52 H. mis. . 50 11 340 2 Mississippi Valley Commerce . . 11 1890 52 11. mis. . 50 11 340 3 Wealth, Debt, and Taxation— Public Debt. 11 1890 52 II. nns.. 50 2 340 4 Part 1. Wealth, Debt, and Taxation— Valuation 11 1890 52 II. mis. . 50 "2 340 4 Part 2. and Taxation. Great Lakes Transportation 11 1890 52 H . m is . . 50 U 340 5 Compendium, Population 11 1890 52 II. mis. . 50 3 340 6 Part 1. Compendium, Miscellaneous Stat istics 11 1890 52 H. mis. . 50 4 340 G Part 2. Compendium, Population 11 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 4 340 C Part 3. Population and Resources of Alaska 11 1890 52 II. mis.. 50 9 340 7 Vital Statistics, District of Columbia and 11 1890 52 II. mis.. 50 340 8 Baltimore. Education . 11 11 1890 1890 52 52 H.mis.. 11. mis.. 50 50 8 340 9 10 Transportation, Pacific Coast 11 .^^40 Manufacturing Industries (Textiles) 11 1890 52 It. mis.. 50 12 340 11 Manufacturing Industries (Electric) 11 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 12 340 12 Vital Statistics, New York and Brooklyn . . . 11 1890 52 II. mis.. 50 18 340 13 Insurance, Fire, Marine, and Inland 11 1890 52 11. mis. . 50 5 340 14 Parti. Insurance Life 11 11 1890 1890 52 52 H. mis.. 11. mis.. 50 50 5 6 340 340 14 15 Part 2. Indians Taxed and not Taxed Vital Statistics, Boston and Philadelphia. . . 11 1890 52 11. mis.. 50 18 340 16 Churclies, Statistics of 11 11 1890 1890 52 52 H . mis . . H. mis. . 50 50 8 340 340 17 18 ■• Population of the United States Part 1. Do 11 11 11 1890 1890 1890 52 52 52 H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. 50 50 50 8 18 10 340 340 340 18 19 20 Part 2. Social Statistics of Cities Agriculture by Irrigation, Statistics of Transportation by Land 11 1890 52 II. mis. . 50 11 340 21 Part 1. Transportation by Water 11 1890 52 II. mis. . 50 11 340 21 Part 2. Manufacturing Industries, Totals for States 11 1890 52 11. mis.. 50 12 340 22 Part 1. and Industries. Manufacturing Industries, Statistics of 11 1890 52 11. mis.. 50 12 340 22 Part 2. Cities. Manufacturing Industries, Selected In- 11 1890 52 II. mis.. 50 12 340 22 Part 3. dustries. Real Estate Mortsrasres 11 1890 52 H. mis.. 50 13 340 23 Crime, Pauperism, Benevolence, Analysis 11 1890 52 11. mis.. 50 14 340 24 Part 1. of Statistics. Crime, Pauperism, Benevolence, General 11 1890 52 II. mis.. 50 14 340 24 Part 2. Tables. Farms and Homes, Proprietorship and 11 1890 52 11. mis. . 50 15 340 25 Indebtedness. i Insane, Feeble-minded, Deaf and Dumb, 11 1890 52 11. mis. . 50 Itj 340 26 and Blind. Occuuation of PoDulation 11 ' 1890 52 II. mis.. 50 17 340 27 Vital and Social Statistics, Analysis and 11 1890 52 11. mis.. 50 18 340 28 Part 1. Rate Tables. 1 Vital and Social Statistics of Cities of 100,000 11 1890 52 H.mis.. 50 18 340 28 Part 2. and upward. ' 1 Vital and Social Statistics, Statistics of 11 1S90 52 H.mis.. 50 18 ! 340 28 Part 3. Deaths. Do 11 11 11 1890 1890 1890 52 52 53 2 H.mis.. H.mis. H.mis.. 50 50 1 18 19 340 340 185 28 29 Part 4. Statistical Atlas Abstract CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 357 Census Reports — Continued. Final Reports of the Twelfth Census. 1900. Vol- ume. Subject. — |~rm —rr, — 1 Population 2 do 3 \ ital Statistics. 4 do 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Agriculture... do Manufactures. .do. .do. Part. .do. Abstract. Remarks. With maps-, diagrams, and general tables. Do. With analysis and ratio tables. ropulation and deaths, by States and Ter- ritories, at each census, 1850-1900, etc. Farms, live stock, and animal products. Crops and irrigation. United States, by industries; maps and charts. States and Territories, with tables. Special reports on selected industries, with niaps, charts, and illustrations. Special reports on selected industries, con- tinued. Complete and tabulated digest of the above 10 volumes. a o o o Filial Reports of the Thirteenth Census. 191 0.' Population: Volume I Volume II General Report and Analysis. Reports by States, with Statistics for Counties, Cities, and other Civil Divisions —Alabama to Montana. Volume 111. — Reports by States, with Statistics for Counties, Cities, and other Civil Divisions — Nebraska to Wyoming; Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. Volume IV. — Occupation Statistics. Agriculture: Volume V. Volume VI. Volume VII. Manufactures: Volunu' VIII. Volume IX. Volume X. -General Report and Analysis. -Reports by States, with Statistics for Counties — Alabama to Montana. -Reports by States, with Statistics for Counties — Nebraska to Wyoming; Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. -General Report and Analysis. -Reports by States, with Statistics for Principal Cities. -Reports for Principal Industries. Mining: Volume XI. — Mines and .Quarries. 1 Not documented. Note. — For subsequent publications see "Circular of information, etc., 1790-1916." 1917. 358 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Civil Service Commission. Reports.* Year. No. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1884 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 > 2 2 3 1 2 1 '2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex*... S. ex S. ex H. ex — H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex H. ex.... H. mis... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... S. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc. H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H. doc... 26 28 31 12 4 18 21 22 22 21 10 63 63 61 84 84 134 123 47 91 83 51 8 92 110 105 106 108 97 130 81 116 89 105 207 140 223 145 JL 79 318 321 314 296 340 555 703 20 644 369 44 20 600 1158 135 1434 148 963 995 1258 30 1488 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 g 1890 8 ]891 8 1892 8 1893 8 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 > The Civil Service Commission was organized under the provisions of an act of Congress approved Jan. 16, 1883. CATALOGUE OF LIBKAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 359 Commons, House of. See Parliamentary Debates, p. Claim.s, House List of Private. Period covered. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Fart. Num- ber. Part. Congresses. Years. 1-31' .%. 1789-1851 1789-1851 1789-1851 1851-1871 1871-1881 1881-1891 A-G 1-31 ' . H-0 1-31' P-Z 32-42 42 47 53 . 3 1 2 H. mis.. 109 42-47 II. miH... n. mis... 2 40 53 213 47-52 4 > Not documented. Claims, Senate List of Private. Claims, Indian Depredation. Period covered. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Congresses. Years. 14-26 14-39 14-46 47-52 1815-1841 1815-1857 1815-1881 1881-1891 1891-1899 1899-1903 1903-1905 1905-1909 1909-1911 1911-1913 1913-1915 1915-1917 26 40 46 53 56 57 58 62 2 3 3 o 1 2 1 2 S. doc... S. mis. . . S . mis . . . S. mis. . . S . doc . . . S. doc... S. doc... S.doc... 5 1 2 9 38,39 18 9 26 1,2 236 43 14 266 449 221 3 646 1,2 1,2,3 52-55 1,2 56-57 58 59-60 61 62 63 64 Year. Con- Ses- gress. sion. 1 i 41 1 49 2 ■ 50 1 House or Senate document. n.ex. H.ex. H. ex. Vol- ume. 31 20 25 Part. Num- ber. 125 77 34 Part. 360 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Claims of Loyal Citizens Allowed under Bowman and Tucker Acts. Year. 1908. 1908. Con- Ses- gress. sion. 60 1 60 1 House or Senate document. H. rept. S.rept. . Vol- ume. E. C. Part. Num- ber. 543 382 Part. Claims Disallowed, Report of Commissioners. Vol. Period covered. From— To— 1 2 3 4 1871' 18751 18771 18791 1874 1876 1878 1880 Submitted to Congress, as per act 43d Congress, 2d session, approved Mar. 3, 1875. Printed and bound for use of U. S. Senate, 25 copies. 1 Not documented. Claims, Public Documents Relating to. China. Claims against Great Britain. Claims against Mexico. Claims growing out of insurrection Mexico. Claims against. Various documents and reports. Weil and La Abra awards Private land claims Various claims. Reports of investigation War. Claims relative to vessels built, 1862-1865. (Self ridge report) Year. 1827-1876 1898 Con- gress. 40 41 62 48 46 55 57 Ses- sion. Document. H.ex . S. ex . . H.doc. Vol- ume. 2-6 16 H.ex. S. mis ; S. rep S. rep 25 4 Part. 1-5 Num- ber. 29 11 1168 1-3 103 81 544 1942 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Claims, Reports on Miscellaneous. 361 Vol. Period covered. Subjects. From— To— 1 History of the national and private "AlaVjama claims" and their final and amicable settlement, by Charles C. Beaman, jr. Claims against Mexico, messages, correspondence, documents, and reports — Weil and La Abra awards. Reports on private land claims. Hounias land claim — Missouri act, 1858— History and expo- sition, 1859. List of Indian depredation claims. 1 '■ 1 1-3 1 1 1827 1858 1867 1876 1888 Coast and Geodetic Survey Reports.' Year. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1834 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 . 30 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 Senate . . . H. ex.... Senate . . . H. ex.... H. ex.... Senate... n. ex.... Senate... Senate... H. ex Senate... H. ex H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex Senate... H. ex.... S. ex 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 o 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 13 79 14 4 15 20 20 14 28 11 23 97 16 25 13 38 6 6 6 1834 1835 1835 1836 1837 1837 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1842 1842 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 • The Coast Survey was established by an act of Conc;ress approved Feb. in, 1S07, and reorfjanlzed UBder the provisions of an act approved July 10, 1S32. Reports of progress were madi' in ISIO and 1818, when the work of the survey was suspended until 1832, since which date an annnal report has been i.ssued. " Provision was made in act of Mar. 3, 1S71, for extending tlio triangulation of the coast survey, so as to form a geodetic connection between the ,\tlantic and the Pacific coasts of the I'nited States. Beginning with that of 1878, ita reports have been entitled ' Reportof the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.' " 362 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Coast and Geodetic Survey Reports— Continued. Year. 1848. 1848. 1849. 1849. 1850. 1850. 1851. 1851. 1852. 1852. 1853. 1853. 1854. 1854. 1855. 1855- 1856. 1856. 1857. 1857. 1858. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 Congress. 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 Session. 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 o i^ 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 House or Senate donimfint. I S.ex.. H. ex. S.ex.. H. ex. S.ex.. H. ex. S.ex. H. ex. S.ex. H. ex. S.ex. H. ex. S.ex. H. ex. S.ex. H. ex. S.ex. H. ex. S. ex. H. ex. S.ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. n. ex. TI. ex- H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. Hex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. S.ex.. S ex., S.ex.. Volume. 1 4 5 4 2 4 5 4 11 8 13 4 12 6 17 3 15 4 15 6 16 6 7 7 6 9 8 9 13 14 18 11 8 11 11 12 11 14 11 4 4 2 Number. Part. 1 13 5 14 7 12 3 26 58 64 14 12 10 20 22 6 12 18 33 21 14 33 41 14 70 22 11 15 75 87 275 71 206 112 121 240 133 100 81 37 12 13 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 363 Coast and Geodetic Survey Reports — Continued. Year. Congress. 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 • 51 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 64 64 Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1879 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1,2 3 1 o 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 S.ex S.ex S.ex S.ex S.ex H.ex-... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex S.ex S.ex S.ex S.ex S.ex S. doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc . . H. doc . . H. doc. II. doc. 2 2 3 4 3 22 23 22 24 22 27 30 31 32 3 4 2 3 4 2 2 29 5 43 6 6 20 23 46 39 35 54 82 80 91 86 75 76 105 60 92 71 17 12 49 77 29 43 18 40 17 22 85 80 43 43 3? 37 19 8 8 25 35 345 48 454 68 50 223 200 17 17 17 17 1134 131 1040 152 966 •966 400 1391 423 1489 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 , 1891 1 1891 2 1892 1 1892 2 1893 1894 1 1894 2 1895 1,2 1896 1897 '... 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 > ProRress sketches. 364 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Cobbett's Parliamentary History. See p. 637. Commerce (Internal) Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1876 44 2 H.ex.... 13 46 2 1877 ' 1878 • 1879 45 4« 3 H.ex.... H.ex.... 15 16 32 7 3 1880 2 1881' .. 1882 (see Treasury doc. no 336). > 1883 ' . 1884 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 20 20 17 20 7 7 7 6 2 1885 3 1886 2 1887 '. 2 1889 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 23 24 28 27 25 26 6 6 6 6 6 6 .. 2 2 1891 2 1892 2 1893 2 1894 2 > None issued. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 365 Coinm8rc3 and flnanco, annual summary of. Number. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9., 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Yea-. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1878 46 1 1879 46 2 1880 46 3 1881 47 1 1882 47 2 1883 48 1 1884 1885 49 1 1886 49 2 1887 50 1 1888 50 2 1889 51 1 1890 51 2 1891 52 1 1892 52 2 1893 53 2 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 1896 54 2 1897 55 2 1898 55 3 1899 56 1 1900 56 "2 1901 57 1 1902 57 2 1903 58 1 1904 58 3 1905 59 1 1906 59 2 * Document. 11 01186 ex House ex House ex House ox House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House ex House. .. House. .. House. .. House. .. House. .. House . . . House. .. House. .. House. . . House . . . House . . . House . . . Num- ber. 3 51 84 133 72 32 26 199 249 167 13 46 53 255 97 15 100 158 259 162 411 475 145 376 578 405 619 783 Vol- ume. 1 22 28 22 19 18 25 25 28 26 24 25 33 32 28 29 51 49 53 69 89 92 65 91 88 101 366 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Commerce and finance, monthly summary of. Year. 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1899 1900 1900 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 Month. July August September October November December January February March April May June July-December January-June July-December January-June July-December January-June July-December January-June July-December January-June July-September. . . . October-December. January-March April-June July-Se])tember October-December. January-March April-June *. . July-September October-December. January-March April-June July-September October-December. January-March April-June July-September 1 Nos. 1 to 6, July to December, 1895, one volume; Nos, » Not documented. Con- giess. Ses- sion. Document. Num- ber. Vol- ume. Part. 54 1 (') (') 83 54 1 C) {') 83 54 1 (') n 83 54 1 {') {') 83 •54 1 House. .. 91 83 54 1 House . . . 210 83 54 1 House . . . 295 84 54 1 House . . . 343 84 54 1 House. . . 374 84 54 1 House. . . 398 84 54 1 House . . . 422 84 54 1 House. . . 426 84 54 2 House . . . 26 33 1-6 54 2 House. . . 26 34 7-12 55 1 House. . . 94 11 1-6 55 1 House. . . 94 12 7-12 55 2 House. . . 573 76 1-6 55 2 House . . . 573 77 7-12 56 1 House. .. 15 44 1-6 56 1 House. . . 15 45 7-12 56 House. . . 15 55 1-6 56 2 House. . . 15 56 7-12 57 1 House. . . 15 45 1-3 57 1 House. . . 15 46 4-6 57 1 House. . . 15 47 7-9 57 1 House. . . 15 48 12-12 57 2 House. . . 15 39 1-3 57 2 House. .. 15 40 4-6 57 57 2 2 House. . . 15 41 42 7-9 10-12 House. . . io 58 2 House . . . 15 39 1-3 58 2 House. .. 15 40 4-6 58 2 House. .. 15 41 7-9 58 2 House . . . 15 42 10-12 58 3 House . . . 15 41 1-3 58 3 House. . . 15 42 4-6 58 3 House. .. 15 43 7-9 58 3 House . . . 15 44 10-13 59 1 House . . . 15 35 1-2 le; Nos 7 to 12, January to Ju ne, 1896 one vol ume. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 367 Commerce and finance, monthly summary of —Continued. Year. 1905 190« 1906 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1913 1914 1914 1915 1915 1916 1916 1917 Month. October-Decomber. January-Marcb Ai)ril-June July-September October-December. January-March A])ril-June July-September October-December. Jaiuiary-March April-June July-Sei)tember October-December. January-March April-June July-September October-Deceml)er. January-March April-June July-September October-December. January-March April-June July-September October-December. January-March April-June July-December January-June July-December. . . . January-June July-December. . . . January-June July-June July-June ("on- Kress. Ses- sion. 59 1 59 1 59 1 59 2 59 2 59 2 59 2 60 1 60 1 60 1 60 1 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 61 2 61 2 61 2 61 2 61 3 61 3 61 3 61 3 62 1 62 2 62 2 62 2 62 3 62 3 63 2 63 2 63 3 63 3 64 1 64 o Document. Num- ber. Vol- ume. Houee . . . 15 36 House. . . 15 37 House 15 37 House. . . 15 30 House. . . 15 31 House . . . 15 32 House. . . 15 33 House. . . 15 68 House. . . 15 69 House. . . 15 70 House. . . 15 71 House. . . 1017 99 House. . . 1017 100 House. . . 1017 101 House . . . 1017 102 House. . . 174 96 House. . . 174 97 House. . . 174 98 House. .. 174 99 House. . . 1028 101 House. . . 1028 102 House. . . 1028 103 House. . . 1028 104 House. .. 157 103 House . . . 151 104 House. . . 151 105 House. . . 150 106 House. . . 938 81 House . . . 938 82 House . . . 305 108 House . . . 305 109 House . . . 1401 63 House . . . 1401 64 II. doc... 96 45 II. doc... 74 1501 Part. 4 6 7-9 10 12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-6 7-12 1-6 7-12 1-6 7-12 1-12 1-12 368 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Commerce and finance, monthly summary of — Continued. MONOGRAPHS. Immigration into the United States, 1820-1903. [June, 1903.] British Steamship Contracts. [July, 1903.] Steamer Lines Plying between Ports of United States and Foreign Ports. [August, 1903.] British and Foreign Trade and Industry. [October, 1903.] Modern Tariff Systems. [March, 1904-.] Statistical Abstract of the World. [April, 1904.] Trade of the United States with Canada. [June, 1904.] Imports and Exports and Receipts and Expenditures of the United States to 1904. [August, 1904.] Reciprocity Treaties and Agreements of the United States since 1850. [August, 1904.] Great Canals of the World. [January, 1905.] Commercial Cuba in 1905. [May, 1905.] World's Production and Consumption of Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. [July, 1905.] Commerce and Labor, Department of. Reports of the Secretary.^ Year. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912: Congres.s. Session. 58 2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 House or Senate document. House . House . House . House. House. House. House. House. House . House . Volume. Number. 44 46 92 412 26 7 22 7 52 7 81 1048 79 109 90 1008 85 122 74 961 Part. • Department of Commerce and Labor created by act approved Feb. 14, 1903. (32 Stats. L., 825.) De- partment of Commerce and Department of Ijabor created by act approved Mar. 4, 1813. Commerce, Department of. Report of the Secretary. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1913 63 63 64 64 2 3 1 2 H. doc . . H. doc .. H. doc... H. doc... 104 59 92 70 812 1505 423 1482 1914 1915 1916 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 369 Commerce (Foreign) and Navigation of the United States.' 1821. 1822. 1822. 1823. 1823. 1824. 1824. 1825. 1825. 1826. 1826. 1827. 1827. 1828. 1828. 1829- 1829. 1830. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1833. 1834. 1834. 1835. 1835. 1836. 1836. 1837. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1839. 1840. 1840. 1841. 1842. Congress. Session. 17 1 17 2 17 2 18 1 18 1 18 2 18 2 19 1 19' 1 19 2 19 2 20 1 20 1 20 2 20 2 21 1 21 1 21 2 21 2 22 1 22 2 23 1 23 1 23 2 23 2 24 1 24 1 24 2 24 2 25 2 25 2 25 3 26 1 26 1 26 2 26 2 27 2 "27 3 1 Ilouse or Senate document. H. doc . S. doc. . H. doc . S. doc. . H. doc. S. doc. H. doc. Senate. . H.ex... Senate.. H.ex... Senate. . H.ex... Senate.. H.ex... Senate . . H.ex... Senate. - H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... Senate.. H.ex... Senate.. H.ex... Senate.. H. ex... Senate.. H.ex... Senate.. H.ex.. S. ex. . . Senate.. H. ex... Senate.. Hex... Senate.. Senate.. Volume. 3 2 4 2 4 3 5 3 9 3 6 5 6 2 4 2 2 2 4 5 2 ( f> 4 5 5 6 3 4 5 10 5 8 7 5 5 5 4 Number. Part. 39 26 62 38 73 33 90 76 148 72 120 174 253 86 137 95 49 76 140 230 109 289 355 149 187 375 258 225 188 446 372 306 577 251 238 122 356 247 > As the commerce of the country has Increased, these statistical reports have grown from octavo to bulky quarto volumes. For ISGO-Ttj, a brief annual report of llie director with usually some condensed statistical matter is found also in ainuial reports of Treasury Department. Until 1S50 there is no edition without congressional document number. See, for papers lelat iiig to commerce and navigation, Apr. 13, 1789-Feb. 25, 1823, American State I'apers, Commerce and Navigation, serial Nos. 014-015. 4!)1S3— 18 24 370 CATALOGUE OF LIBEABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Commerce (Foreign) and Navigation of the United States- -Con .<■. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1842 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1- 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 H.ex.... Senate... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex...: S.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex S. ex H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex.... H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 8 5 7 4 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 8 16 14 11 12 19 5 14 16 16 13 13 14 14 15 13 12 15 8 11 12 13 17 15 17 17 22 16 15 10 220 289 125 154 4 13 7 11 5 42 3 1843 1844 .... 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1 1851 • 1851 ' 1852 » 1853 ' 2 1853 ' 1854 > 1854 1 1855 1 1855' ,.,(. 1856 ' 1856 ' • •.■^•RM" 1857 '.. ■ 1858 » 1858 1 1859 » 1859 ' I860 ' 1860 > 1861 1 1862 > L^ 1863 » 1864 1 1865' 1866 ' 1867 ' 1868 ' 1869 ' 1870 96 . ' Not numbered. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 371 Cominerce (Foreign) and Navigation of the United States — Con. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1871 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 "60 61 61 62 62 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1,2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex:... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex H. ex H. ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... 9 11 14 17 13 13 21 15 16 16 17 18 17 19 24 16 20 21 22 23 27 27 25 26 30,31 27,28 32,33 35 41,42 52,53 42,43 36,37 36,37 38, 39 33 28 67 98 95 100 102 80 108 242 183 171 124 46 90 32 7 7 7 7 7 7 19 7 • 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1511 117 1038 142 957 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1 1877 .». 1878 1 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883: 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 - . • ■ • • 1896 1,2 1897 1,2 1898 -->>•• 1899 1,2 1900 1,2 1901 1,2 1902 1,2 1903 1,2 1904 1,2 <1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 372 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Commerce (Foreign) and Navigation of the United States — Con. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. ]9]3 '63 63 64 64 2 3 1 2 H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H. doc... 107 62 95 73 942 1670 35 1486 1914 1915 19 L6 Commercial Directory of Latin America. See American Repub- lics, p. 334. Commercial Relations. Reports.' Year. 1855 1855 1856 1856 * 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 -;7l- rJj!' 1870 ---.- 1871 .17 ,iri7 - -it»i -l4'i ... 1872 1873 1874 1875 p 1876 1877 Congress. Session. 34 1 34 1 34 3 34 3 35 1 35 1 35 2 35 2 36 1 36 2 37 2 37 3 38 1 38 2 39 1 39 2 40 2 40 3 41 3 41 3 42 2 42 3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 House or Senate document. s. ex. . . . H. ex s.- ex. ... H. ex S. ex. .. . H. ex S. ex. .. . H. ex H. ex S. ex. . . . H ex H. ex H. ex H ex H. ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex H ex Volume. le. Number. 19 107 10 47 14 35 7 60 16 53 5 17 17 37 8 85 2 4 9 6 4 45 12 63 10 41 11 60 10 56 13 81 14 160 14 87 6 18 8 93 18 220 10 160 13 143 16 157 15 166 12 45 22 102 Part. 1-4 1-4 :m?.i ' ThLs report is prepared under the supervision of the Secretary of State, s ions of a resolution of tlie House of liepresentatives of December 14, 1853, and August 18, 1856. ' in accordance with the provi- of an act of Congress approved CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SETSATE. Commercial Relations. Reports — Continued. 373 Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part 1878 45 3 H.ex.... 18 108 1879 46 2 n.ex.... 25-26 90 1,2 1880 1881 J 46 3 H.ex.... 30 98 ',rrirrvr 1882 1883 } ^« 1 H.ex.... 29-30 176 1,2 1884.... 1885 J 49 1 H.ex.... 34 253 1885-86 49 2 H.ex.... 26-27 171 1,2 1886-87 50 1 H.ex.... 31 402 1887-88 • 51 1 H.ex.... 44 437 r 1888 1889 } - 2 H.ex.... 29 70 1889 1890 1 52 1 H.ex.... 37 204 1891 ■ 52 9 H.ex.... 34 257 1893 1 53 54 2 1 H.ex.... H. doc 28 55-56 83 186 1894 ...... 1895 (2 voly.) 1896 54 2 H.doc... 64-65 323 1,2 1897 55 55 2 3 H.doc... H.doc... 66,67 76,77 483 266 1.2 1898 1.2 1899 56 1 H.doc... 96,97 90,91 92,93 481 1,2 1.2 1900 56 9 H. doc . 380 1901 57 1 H.doc... 320 1,2 1902 57 58 58 59 2 land 2 1 H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 81,82 103, 104 120 116 305 722 481 940 1.2 1903 1.2 1904 1 1905 1 1906 59 2 H.doc... 78 354 1 1907 ..'.. 60 60 . 61 2 2 2 H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 81,88 89,90 86,87 1566 1567 121 1-2 1908. ..:^L 1-2 1909.... 1-2 1910 61 61 62 ■ 62 3 3 3 3 H.doc... 1910 H.doc... H.doc.,. H.doc... 96 78 79 1503 959 1452 1911 1912 I ', '11 .■.h:I Comm,issioiiers, Reports of. See under headings of the bureaus, respectively. 374 CATALOGUE OF LIBBARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Comptroller of Currency. Reports.' Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1865 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 and 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 5 6 6 4 5 5 5 6 9 7 7 12 13 14 14 15 16 15 17 19 14 17 18 20 20 24,25 24,25 23 22,23 26,27 24, 25 28,29 31, 32 37,38 48,49 38,39 32,33 32,33 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 ■*••--- 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1 2 1888 1 2 1889 1 2 1890 1 2 1891 1 2 1892 1 2 1893 1894 1 2 1895 1 2 1896 1 2 1897 1 2 1898 ] 2 1899 1 2 1900 1 2 1901 1.2 1902 1 2 1903 1 2 * The office of the Comptroller of the Currency approved Feb. 25, 1863, and June 3, 1864. was organized under the provisions of acts of Congress CATAL()(;UE OF LIBRARY OF UNITKD STATES SENATE. 375 Comptroller of Currency. Reports — Continued. Year. 1904. iyo5. lynG. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. Congress. Session. 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document. Volume. Number. H. doc. . . 33,34,35 10 II. doc... 31 11 H.doc... 26 11 11. doc... 78 and 80 9,11 H.doc... 4 1050 H.doc... 4 115 H.doc... H.doc... 2 1001 11 Hoc... 3 115 H.doc... 6 940 H.doc... 2 358 H.doc... 2 1521 II. doc... 5 and 6 24 H; doc... 6 and 7 1496 Congress, Acts Chang:mg the Time of Meeting:. Date of act. Sept, Mar. May May May Jnly May Mar. Mar. Apr. Jan. June July Veb. July A[)r. Ai>r. May 29, 1789 2,1791 5, 1792 30, 1794 3, 1797 1,1797 13,1800 3, 1803 26, 1804 27. 1808 30, 1809 24. 1809 6, 1812 27, 1813 27,1813 18,1814 18, 1818 20, 1820 Meeting of Congress. First Monday in January, 1790 Fourth Monday in October, 1791 First Monday in November, 1 792 First Monday in November, 1794 First Monday in November, 1797 Second Monday in November, 1797 Third Monday in November, 1800 First Monday in November, 1803 First Monday in November, 1804 First Monday in November, 1808 Fourth Monday in May, 1809 Fourth Monday in November, 1809 First Monday in November, 1812 |.^. Fourth Monday in May, 1813 First Monday in December, 1813 Last Monday in October, 1814 Third Monday in November, 1818 Second Monday in November, 1820 Part. 1,2,3 1 1 1 1 1,2 1,2 Statutes. Vol. 1 1 1 1 1 1 o o 2 2 o 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Page. 96 198 267 370 507 525 85 242 283 490 514 549 781 804 48 128 433 581 I "The Congress shall assemble * * * in every year * ♦ * on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day." — Const., Art. I, sec. 4. Congress, abridgment of the debates in. Sec p. 378. Congress of the Colonies, journals of. See p. 575. Congress of the Confederation, secret journals of. See p. 575. 376 ^TALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Congress I the Confederate States, journals of, List, p Congress, l3bates in. See ''Congressional Kecord," p. 382. CongressionaPirectory^*^ 577. f d O a m ft d O m 3 gW-cB M d o Q i > 11 I 1809 14 2 1816 16 1 1819 16 2 1820 17 1 1821 1 17 2 1822 18 1 1823 18 2 1824 1 19 1 1825 19 2 1826 i 20 1 1827 20 2 1828 21 1 1829 1 21 1 1829 2 21 2 1830 1 - 21 2 1830 2 22 2 1832 1 : 22 2 1832 ' 22 2 1832 23 1 1833 1 23 1 1833 o 23 1 1833 24 1 1836 1 24 1 1836 2 24 1 1836 (2) (2) m j 25 1 1837 25 2 1837 25 2 1837 25 3 1839 26 1 1840 26 1 1840 2 26 2 1840-1 1 27 1 1841 27 2 1841 27 3 1842 1 27 3 1843 2 28 1 1843-4 1 28 2 1845 29 1 1846 1 29 1 1846 2 29 2 1846 30 1 1848 30 2 1849 31 1 1850 31 2 1850-1 32 1 1852 32 2 1853 33 1 1854 33 2 1855 be a o o 0) CO ^^.1 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 P 1856 1856 1857 I I 1857 1858 1858 1858 1859 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1862 1864 1865 1865 1865 1866 1S67 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1870 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1876 1876 1877 1-1 o> • O m 3 d a> So 51^ a > (') (') (') 1 Prior to the Thirty-ninth Congress (1865) the Congressional private individuals: since that date at the Government Printing numbered document in the Forty-seventh Congress. ' Not documented. Directory Office. It 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 was printed by contract with was first published as a serial- CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Congressional Directory — Continued. 377 1 o O 1 CD o Senate r House d c u - ment. Document No. 1 > Congress. o5 •ea 1 d a '■5 Senate or House d c u - ment. .Ad a ft c5 e 3 45 1 1877 1 54 1 1896 3 ' S. Doc. 14 IS 45 1 1877 2 54 2 1897 2 S. Doc. 16 7 45 2 1877 1 55 (') 1897 2 S. Doc. 1 45 2 1877 2 55 2 1898 2 ' S. Doc. 22 2 45 2 1877 3 55 3 1899 2 S. Doc. 2 45 3 1878 1 56 1 1900 1 2 1 S. Doc. 15 3 45 3 1879 2 56 2 1901 2 S. Doc. 2 46 1 1879 1 (') (•) (>) 57 1 1902 3 S. Doc. 3 46 2 1879 1 57 2 1903 2 S. Doc. 3 46 2 1880 2 58 (') 1903 3 S. Doc. 2 46 2 1880 3 58 1 1904 3 S. Doc. 1 46 3 1880 1 58 2 1904 1 S. Doc. 8 46 3 1881 2 58 3 1905 2 S. Doc. 5 47 1 1881 (') 59 1 1905 3 S. Doc. 10 47 1 1881 1 59 2 1907 2 S. Doc. 7 47 1 1882 3 S. Mis.. 114 2 60 1 1908 S. Doc. 2-4 47 2 1883 2 S. Mis.. 8 ^ 60 2 1908 2 S. Doc. . 538 1-2 48 1 1883 3 S. Mis.. 27 61 1 1909 2 S. Doc. 1 48 2 1884 S.Mis.. 14 61 2 1910 3 S. Doc. 159 2,3,4 48 2 1885 2 S. Mis.. 14 J 61 3 1910 1 S. Doc. 667 26 49 1 1886 3 S. Mis.. 15 1 61 3 1911 2 S. Doc. 667 27 49 2 1887 2 S.Mis.. 11 52 1 1911 1 S. Doc. 1 50 1 1888 3i S. Mis.. 1 1 62 2 1911 1 S. Doc. 113 2 50 2 1889 2 ; S.Mis.. 1 1 )2 2 1912 2 S. Doc; 258 3 51 1 1890 3' S. Mis.. 13 2 2 1912 3 S. Doc. 470 (») 51 2 1891 2 i S. Mis.. 9 52 3 1912 1 S. Doc. 952 1 52 1 1892 3 S. Mis.. 1 62 3 1913 2 S. Doc. 952 2 52 2 1893 2 S.Mis.. 1 63 1 1913 1 S. Doc. 1 1 53 1 1893 2 S.Mis.. 8 63 1 1913 2 S. Kpt. 1 108 53 2 1894 3 i S. Mis.. 12 53 3 1895 2 S. Mis.. 19 2 • Not documented. 2 Special. 3 No. 470 Congressional Directory, third edition, is not included in the set of bound volumes, as the con- gressional print was limited to 75 copies. Congressional Globe. See "Congressional Record," p. 383. 378 CATAi.ouui': of library of united states senate. Congressional Record, Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, 1789-1856.' By Benton. [From Gales & Seaton's Annals of Congress , from their Register of Debates, and from the Official Reported Debates by John Rives.] Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. 1 1789-1796 1796-1803 1803-1808 1808-1813 1813-1817 1817-1821 7 1820-1824 ] 1824-1826 ] 1826-1828 ] 1828-1830 ] 1830-1832 1832-1836 L3 1835-1839 2 8 9 10 11 12 L4 1839-1843 3 4 L5 L6 1843-1846 1846-1850 5 6 ' Concluded with the sixteenth volume; the publishers proposed at some future time to continue the work and bring it down to the latest period, but failed to do so. Annals of the Congress of the United States, 1789-1824. (By & Seaton, Washington. 8°.)' a o o a o E 3 O M > 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 -10. Senate, spe-'ial session. Indexes, rear. Documents, etc., and acts. Senate, special session, tiallatin, contested election of. Indexes, rear. Docs., etc., an 8 1 1 8 1 1 8 2 2 8 2 2 8 2 2 8 2 2 2 9 1 1 9 1 1 9 1 1 9 2 1 9 2 1 9 2 1 10 1 1 10 1 1 10 1 1 10 1 2 10 1 2 10 2 3 10 2 3 10 2 3 11 Spl. 3 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 2 1 11 2 1 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 11 3 3 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 1 2 12 1 2 12 1 2 12 1 2 12 2 3 12 2 . 3 12 2 3 12 2 3 Part. House Appendix Senate House Appendix Senate House Appendix. Senate House Appendix. Senate House. Appendix. Senate House Appendix. Senate . . . . House Senate House Appendix. Senate House .Appendix. Senate. . .. House Senate House Senate Appendix. Senate House Pages. 369-1244 1245-1318 9-77 81-67() 677-1226 1229-1704 77-SO 9-250 253-1110 1145^ 9- 109- 685- 9- 3S5- 781- 1441- 2284- 9- 1296 108 684 1298 382 778 1440 2284 2876 462 469-1576 1601-1794 462-466 9-50 53-470 473-680 681-1280 1281-2054 2057-2590 9-370 369-380 381-1114 1117-114S 1149-1358 9-322 329-1184 322-326 1185-1586 1587-1694 1693-1712 1713-2364 9-121 121-124 124-134 137-1170 Period. Oct. 17, 1803, to Mar. 27, 1804. . do Remarks. Nov. 5, 1804, to Mar. 3, 1805. . do Nov. 5, 1804, to Mar. 3, 1805. . , 1S03-1805 Mar. 4, 1805 Dec. 2, 1805, to Apr. 21, 1806. . , do.... 1805-1806 Dei-. 1, 1806, to Mar. 3, 1807.... do 1805-1807 Oct. 26, 1807, to Apr. 25, 1808. . 1807 Oct. 26, 1807, to Apr. 25, 1808. . do 1807-1808 Nov. 7, 1808, to Mar. 3, 1S09. . . do 180.S-1809 Mar. 4-7, 1809 May 22, 1809, to June 28, 1809.. Nov. 27, 1809, to May 1, 1810. . . Nov. 27, 1809, to Ian. 23, 1810.. Jan. 23, 1810, to May 1, 1810. . . 1809-1810 Dec. 3, 1810, to Mar. 3, 1811.... Jan.-Mar., 1811 Dec. 3, 1810, to Mar. 3, 1811.... Jan.-Mar., ISll.. ISlO-lSll Nov. 4, 1811, to July 6, 1812 Nov. 4, 1811, to Mar. 9, 1812. . . June 20, 1812, to July 3, 1812. . Mar. 9, 1812, to July 6, 1812.. . . Apr. 1 to July 3, 1812 Jan. 29, 1812. 1811-1812 Nov. 2, 1812, to Mar. 3, 1813... Mar. 4, 1813 Dee. 10, 1812, to Feb. 18, 1813.. Nov. 2, 1812, to Mar. 3, 1813 . Inde.xes, rear. v ^ ' Acts, Sth C'ong., 1st sess. Trial of Judge Cliase. Indexes, roar. Documents, etc., and acts. Jefferson's inaugural speech. Indexes, rear. Secret Journal of House, Dec, 1805, to Mar., 1806, pp. 1116- 1144. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Acts. Trial of Aaron Burr. Indexes, rear. Do. Docs., etc., and acts. Supplemental speeches, pp. 1577-1594. Supplemental Secret Journal, House, 1594-1600. Docs., etc., and acts. Senate, special session. Indexes, rear. Do. Do. Docs., etc., and acts. Senate secret sessions. Indexes, rear. House scret sessions. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Senate executive pro( eedings. Indexes, rear. Secret proceedings, embargo bill, etc. Speech of Mr. Giles, 50,000 vol- unteers. Documents, etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Madison's speech, 2d inaugural. Conlldential proceedings, liast Florida. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 381 Congressional Record — Continued. Annals of the Congress of the United States, 1789-1824 — Continued. a* iuo a o d o u B 3 > 12 2 3 13 1 1 13 1 1 13 1 1 13 1 1 13 1 1 13 2 1 13 2 1 13 o 2 13 2 2 13 2 2 13 3 3 13 3 3 13 3 3 13 3 3 14 1 1 14 1 1 14 1 1 14 2 2 14 2 2 14 2 2 15 Spl. 2 15 1 1 15 1 1 15 1 2 15 1 2 15 2 3 15 2 3 15 2 4 15 2 4 16 1 1 16 1 1 16 1 2 16 1 2 16 2 3 16 2 3 16 2 3 16 2 3 17 1 17 1 II' 17 1 17 2 Part. Appendix Senate. . .'... House.. .. Senate. House.. .. .. Appondi.'w. Senate House Appendix' Senate. . . House Appendix Senate. . . House.... Appendix. Senate House Appendix. Senate House Appendix. Senate House Appendix. Senate House .\ppcndix. Senate. House.. Pages. Period. 1173-1364 0-83 83-102 505-536 105-498 498-504 537-.778 7S1-I440 1441-2031 2031-20G0 2061-2S5S 9-300 301-1274 1275-1280 1281-1968 9-372 373-1466 1469-1920 9-218 223-1070 1073-1348 218-226 9-394 397-1312 1313-1782 1785-2004 9-288 289-1216 1217-1444 1445-2552 9-70Q 701-1280 1281-2252 2253-2628 9-406 406-430 433-1302 1303-1312 1313-1832 9-470 470-510 513-1248 1249-1893 1812-1813 May 24, 1813, to Xu?.. 2, 1S13.. May 31, 1S13, to Mxg. 2, lsl3.. Feb. 2, 1813 May 24, 1813, to Aug. 2, 1813.. July 15-July 29, 1813 Dee. 6, 1813, to Apr. 18,1814.. Dec. 6, 1813, to Feb. 16, 1814.. Feb. 16, 1S14, to Apr. IS, I8I4. Dee. 9, 1813, to Dee. 20, 1,H13.. 1813-1814 Sept. 19, 1S14, to Mar. 3, 1815. do Feb. 23, to Mar. 2, 1815 1814-1815 Dec. 4, 1815, to Apr. 30, 1816.. do 1815-1816 Dec. 2, 1816, to Mar. 3, 1817... do 1816-1817 Mar. 4 to Mar. 6, 1817 Dec. 1, 1817, to Apr. 20, 1818.. Dec. 1, 1817, to Mar. 12, 1818.. Mar. 12, 1818, to Apr. 20, 1818. 1817-1818 Nov. 16, 1818, to Mar. 3, 1S19., Nov. 16, 1.818, to Feb. 17, 1819. Feb. 17, 1819, to Mar. 3, 1819... 1818-1819 Dec. 6, 1819, to May 15, 1820. . . Dec. 6, 1819, to Feb. 12, 1820... Feb. 12, 1820, to May 15, 1,820.. 1819-1820 Nov. 13, 1820, to Mar. 3, 1821.. .Tan. 17, 1821.. Nov. 13, 1820, to Mar. 3, 1,S21.. 1820-1821 Mar. 5, 1821 De-. 3, 1821, to May 8, 1822. ... Jan. 22- Apr. 30, 1822... Deo. 3, 1821, to Mar. 11, 1822. Mar. 11, 1822, to May 8, 1822. Remarks. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Senate executive proceedings. Senator Hunter's si)eecli, secret session. House secret sessions. Indexes, rear. House secret proceedings, em- bargo. Docs., etc., and acts. Session called i)y proclamation. Do. House secret proceedings. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Docs., etc., and acts. Senate special .session. Index, rear. Do. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Do. Docs., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Do. Do. Supplemental speeches, Senate. Docs., etc., and acts. Monroe's inaugural speech. Indexes, rear. Executive proceedings, mili- tary nominations. Indexes, rear. 1 Speech of William Hunter, of Rhode Island, in secret session of the Senate of the United States, Feb. 2, 1813, on the proposition for seizing and oceupj ing I he province of Fast Florida l)y the troops of the United States, is printed as "Supplemental .speech," pp. .WS-.'iSG, Annals 13th Cong., 1st .sess., vol. 1. 'Includes important documents relating to our relations with Great Britain, causes and character of the war, capture of the city of Washington. 882 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Congressional Record — Continued. Annals of the Congress of the United States, 1789-1824— Continued. Vl a a o a a ^ 3 o u 02 > 17 1 2 17 1 2 17 2 3 17 2 3 17 2 3 18 1 1 18 1 1 18 1 2 18 1 2 18 1 2 Part. House Appendix Senate. . . House Appendix Senate. . . House .... Appendix Pages. 1893-1896 1897-2614 9-324 325-1178 1181-1418 9-790 793-1696 1697-2770 2766-2916 2917-3280 Period. May, 1822 1821-1822 Dec. 2, 1822, to Mar. 3, 1823.. do 1822-1823 Dec. 1, 1823, to May 27, 1824. Dec. 1, 1823, to Feb. 27, 1824. Feb. 27, 1824, to May 27, 1824 May 27, 1824 1823-1824 Remarks. Speech, pension for Commo- dore Perry's family. Does., etc., and acts. Indexes, rear. Documents and acts. Indexes, rear. Case of Ninian Edwards. Docs., etc., and acts. Debates of Congress, Register of 1824-1834. (By Gales & Seaton, Washington. 8°.) Con- Ses- gress. sion. 2 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 J- 22 22 2 22 2 23 1 Volume, etc. Volume 1 Special sess. Senate. Volume 2, part 1 Volume 2, part 2 Volume 3 Volume 4, part 1 Volume 4, part 2 Volume 5 Special sess. Seriate. Volume 6, part 1 Volume G, part 2 Volume 7 Volume 8, part 1'... Volume 8, ]>art 2 1829-1830 1829-1830 1830-1831 1831-1832 1831-1832 1832 11832-1833 Volume 9, part 1 i 1832-1833 Volume 9, part 2 . . . . . ,1 832-1833 Volume 10, part 1.... 1833-1834 Volume 8, part 3.. Year. 1824-1825 1825-1826 1825-1826 1826-1827 1827-1828 1827-1828 1828-1829 Period covered. Dee. 6, 1824 to Mar. 3 Mar. 4, 1825 to Mar. 9 Dec. 5, 1825 to Mar. 13 Mar. 13, 1826 to May 26 Dec. 4, 1826 to Mar. 3 Dec. 23,1827 to Feb. 7 Feb. 7, 1828 to May 26^ Dec. 1,1828 to Mar 3 Mar. 4, 1829 to Mar. 17 Dec. 7, 1829 to Mar. 24 Mar. 24, 1830 to May 31 Dec. 6, 1830 to Mar. 3 Dec. 5,1831 to July 16 Dec. 5, 1831 to May 9 May 9, 1832 to July 16 Dec. 3, 1832 to Mar. 3 Dec. .3, 1832 to Jan. 24 Jan. 24, 1833 to Mar. 3 Dec. 2,1833 to Apr. 18 1825 1825 1826 1826 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1830 1830 1831 1832 1832 1832 1833 1833 1833 1834 Remarks. > Senate Executive, pp. 1310 to 1417. Proceedings and debate on nomination of Martin Van be United States minister to Great Britain, pp. 1310-1386; nortlieastern boundary, pp. 1386-1418; tinn of Samuel Gwiu to bo register of land otiiee in the State of Mississippi. Senate. House. House. Senate. House. House. Senate. Buron to nomina- CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 383 Congressional Record — Continued. Debates of Congress, Register cf 1824-1834— Continued. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 23 1 23 1 23 ] 23 2 23 2 24 1 24 1 24 1 Volnmo, etc. 24 24 2 24 2 25 1 25 1 Volume 10, part 2... Volume 10, part 3. . . Volume 10, part 4... Volume 11, part 1 . . Volume 11, part 2... Volume 12, part 1... Volume 12, f>art2. Volume 12, part 3... Volume 12, part V .. Volume 13, part 1... Volume 13, ])art 2... Special sess. Senate. I Volume 14, part 1 . Volume 14, part 2. Year. Periofl povcred. 1833- 1833- 1833 1834- 1834 1835 1835 1835 1835- 1835- 183G 1S3G 1834 -1834 -1834 -1834 -1835 -1835 -1830 -1836 -1830 -1836 -1836 -1837 -1837 1837 1837 1837 1837 Apr. 18,1834 to June Dec. 2, 1833 to Feb. Feb. 20,1834 to May May 19,1834 to June Dec. 1, 1834 to Mar. Feb. 10,1835 to Mar. Dec. '7, 1835 to Apr. Apr. 25,1836 to July Dec. 7, 1835 to Feb. Feb. 17,1836 to May May 23, 1830 to July Dec. 5, 1836 to Mar. Dec. 5, 1830 to Jan. Jan. 17, 1837 to Mar. Mar. 4, 1837 to Mar. Sept. 4,1837 to Oct. Sept. 4, 1837 to Oct. Oct. 2, 1837 to Oct. 30 20 19 30 3 3 25 4 17 23 4 3 17 3 10 16 2 16 ,1834 ,1834 ,1834 , 1834 ,1835 ,1835 ,1836 ,1836 ,1836 ,1836 ,1836 ,1837 ,1837 ,1837 ,1837 ,1837 ,1837 ,1837 Rfimarks. Senate. House. House. House. Senate. House. Senate. Senate. House. House. House. Senate. House. House. Senate. Senate. House. House. ' Snpplomental speoches in Senate and House, i>p. 4t)2')-47Uii. Congressional Globe, 1833-1873. 4°. (By Blaiii &. Rives, Washington.) Con- Ses- gress. sion. *— -^^ 1 23 23 2 24 1 '24 '2 25 ^1 Uomarks. Appendix Appendix. Appendix. Pages. 480 332 616 780 1 -283 1-355 1-146 1-343 Year. 1833-1834 1834-1835 Period covered. Dec. 2, 1833 to June 30, 1834. Dec. 1, 1834 to Mar. 3, 1835. 1835-1836 Dec. 7, 1835 t(. July 4, 1830. ll836- 1837 1837 Dec. 5, 1836 to Mar. 3, 1837. Sept. 4, 1837 to Oct. 16, 1837. 1 Proceedings of tlie 'rwenty-foiirtli C^ongn-ss, .second session, willi apjicndix, and Tuenty-fiftli Congress, first session, with laws of this session and ufipendi.K, are bound in one (same) volume of Globe. 'For proceedings of this special session of Senate, Mar. 4-10, ls;!7, see Senate Journal, Twcnty-fi.uri I; Con;;ross, secund session, pp. 355-3(;8. 384 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, Congressional Record — Continued. Congressional Globe, 1833-1873— Continued. Con- Ses- gress. sion. 2 25 25 3 26 1 26 2 27 Spl. 27 1 27 2 27 2 27 3 28 1 28 1 28 2 '29 'Spl -29 -1 3 29 •u 9(> o 1 o Spl. ;w 80 31 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 2 2 31 Remarks. Appendix. 01. vi Appendix Appendix Senate, «perial . Appendix Appendix . Appendix. .\ppendix. Appendix. Appendix Senate, special sess . Part 1 Appendix Appendix. Appendix. Appendix . Senate, special sess. Parti Part 2 Appendix, part 1 . . Appendix, part 2. . Appendix. Pages. 512 641 238 418 502 807 262 262- 397 454 504 987 989 408 256 747 784 1- 408 1- 421 1-1224 1-1184 576 488 1085 1213 700 355 326- 355 1008 1009-2076 848 849-1716 1- 840 1- 446 Year. 1837-1838 1838-1839 1839-1840 1840-1841 1 ^ 1841 1841-1842 1842-1843 1843-1844 1844-1845 1'^ 845-1846 1846-1847 1847-1848 1848-1849 1849 1849-1850 1850 1850-1851 Period covered. Dec. 4, 1837 to July 9, 1838. Dec. 3, 1838 to Mar. 3, 1839. Dec. 2, 1839 to July 21, IS 10 Dec. 7, 1840 to Mar. 3, 1841. Mar. 4, 1841 to Mar. 15, 1841. May 31, 1841 to Sept. 13, 1841 Dec. 6, 1841 to Aug. 31, 1842. Dec. 5, 1842 to Mar. 3, 1843. Dec. 4, 1843 to June 17, 1844 Dec. 2, 1844 to Mar. 3, 1845. Mar. 4, 1845 to Mar. 20, 1845. Dec. 1, 1845 to Aug. 10, 1846. Dec. 7, 1846 to Mar. 3, 1847. Dec. 6, 1847 to Aug. 14, 1848. Dec. 4, 1848 to Mar. 3, 1849. Mar. 5, 1849 to Mar. 23, 1849. Dec. 3, 1849 to May 16, 1850. May 16, 1850 to Sept. 30, 1850 Dec. 2, 1850 to Mar. 3, 1851. ' Senate special session. Mar. 4-20, 1845, not found in Globe. For proceedings of this special session of Senate see Senate Journal, Twenty-eighth Congress, second session, pp. 271-287. 2 Twenty-ninth Congress, first session, part 1 contains, at pp. 1223-1224, the Executive Journal of the Senate on the Oregon questioii, removal of the injunction of secrecy from the correspondence relatiujj to. 3 Twenty-ninth Congress, first session, appendix, contains speeches and important state pajiers, (Jref,'on question, etc. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 385 Congressional Record — Continued. Congressional Globe, 1833-1873— Continued. Con- gress. 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 Ses- sion. Kemarks. Spl. 1 1 1 1 2 2 Spl. 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 3 3 3 Spl. 1 1 1 1 Spl. 2 2 Spl. 1 Senate, special sess. Parti Part 2. Part 3 Appendix Appendix ' Senate, special sess. Parti Part 2 Part 3 Appendix Appendix Parti, index ante.. Part 2, index ante.. Part 3, no index.. . Part 3, 2d session... Part 3, laws (2 ses- sions). Parts Appendix, index ante. Part 1, index ante.. Appendix, 3d sess. Appendix, laws Senate, special sess. Parti Part 2 Part 3 Appendix Senate, special sess. Parti Part 2 Senate, special sess Appendix Parti Pages. 398- 425 1- 832 833-1696 1697-2497 1-1192 1-1168 1- 373 243- 330 784 785-1568 1569-2224 1232 1192 1- 400 1- 800 801-1600 1601-2241 1- 91 1- 59 61- 76 1-1308 1-1120 1- 370 399- 457 371- 398 1024 1025-2048 2049-3050 1- 605 3051-3061 1040 1041-1684 1685-1692 1-364 1-944 Year. Period covered. 1851 1851-1852 1852 1852 1852 1852-1853 1853 1853-1854 1854 ■ 1854 1854-1855 1855-1856 1856 1856 1856 1855-1856 1855-1856 1855-1856 1856-1857 1856-1857 1856-1857 1857 1857-1858 1858 1858 1858 1858-1859 1859 1859-1860 Mar. 4, 1851 to Mar. 13, 1851. Dec. 1, 1851 to Mar. 23, 1852. Mar. 23, 1852 to July 8, 1852. July 8, 1852 to Aug. 31, 1852. Dec. 6, 1852 to Mar. 3, 1853. Mar. 4, 1853 to Apr. 11, 1853. Dec. 5, 1853 to Mar. 29, 1854. Mar. 29, 1854 to June 29, 1854. June 29, 1854 to Aug. 7, 1854. Dec. 4, 1854 to Mar. 3, 1855. Dec. 3, 1855 to Apr. 2, 1856. Apr. 2, 1856 to July 11, 1856. July 11, 1856 to Aug. 18, 1856. Aug. 1 to Aug. 30, 1856. Dec. 3, 1855 to Aug. 30, 1856. Dec. 3, 1855 to Aug. 30, 1856. Dec. 3, 1855 to Aug. 30, 1856. Dec. 1, 1856 to Mar. 3, 1857. Dec. 1, 1856 to Mar. 3, 1857. Dec. 1, 1856 to Mar. 3, 1857. Mar. 4, 1857 to Mar. 14, 1857. Dec. 7, 1857 to Mar. 10, 1858. Mar. 10, 1858 to May 11, 1858. May 11, 1858 to June 14, 1858. June 15, 1858 to June 16, 1858. Dec. 6, 1858 to Feb. 15, 1859. J Feb. 15, 1859 to Mar. 3, 1859. (Mar. 4, 1859 to Mar. 10, 1859. Dec. 5, 1859 to Mar. 1, 1860. » Thirty-second Congress, second session, appendix (separate volume), contains speeches, important State papers, laws, etc. Also Senate special session, Mar. 4-Apr. 11, 1.S5S pp. 243-330. 491S3— 18 25 386 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Congressional Record — Continued. Congressional Globe, 1833-1873 — Continued. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 36 1 36 1 36 1 36 Spi. 2 36 2 37 37 Spl. 1 37 2 37 2 37 2 37 2 37 3 37 3 38 38 Spl. 1 38 1 38 1 38 1 38 2 38 2 38 2 39 39 Spl. 1 39 1 39 1 39 1 39 1 39 2 39 2 39 2 Kemarks. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Appendix Senate, •{xjcisil aesa. Parti Part 2 Senate, special sess. Extra session Appendix Parti ■ .. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 l...!..'J.. Appendix Parti Part 2 Senate, soecial eess. Parti '.... Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Appendix Parti Part 2 Appendix Senate, special sess. Parti Part 2 Part 3...^ Part 4 Part 5 Appendix „ . . . Parti Part2 Part 3 Appendix Pages. 945-1888 1889-2832 2833-3303 1-534 3303-3311 1-992 993-1433 1433-1526 1-459 1-52 1-960 961-1920 1921-2880 2881-3407 1-427 1-912 913-1553 1553-15(^4 1-976 977-1952 1953-2928 2929-3047 1-237 1-816 817-1424 1-164 1424-1440 1-960 961-1920 1921-2880 2881-3840 3841-4310 1-444 1-752 753-1504 1505-2005 1-249 Year. 1860 1860 1800 1860-1861 1861 1861 1861 1861-1862 1862 1862 I 1862 1862-1863 1863 1863 1863-1864 1864 1864 1864 1864-1865 1865 1865 1865-1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866-1867 1867 1867 Period covered. Mar. 1, 1860 to Apr. 30, 1860. Apr. 30, 1860 to June 11, 1860 June 11, 1860 to June 25, 1860. June 26, 1860 to June 28, 1860. June 26-28, 1860. Dec. 3, 1860 to Feb. 18, 1861. Feb. 18, 1861 to Mar. 3, 1861. Mar. 4, 1861 to Mar. 28, 1861. July 4, 1861 to Auo. G, 1861. Dec. 2, 1861 to Feb. 26, 1862. Feb. 26, 1862 to May 2, 1862. May 2, 1862 to June 23, 1862. June 23, 1862 to July 17, 1862. Dec. 1, 1862 to Feb. 12, 1863 Feb. 12, 1863 to ]\Iar. 3, 1863 Mar. 4, 1863 to Mar. 14, i863 Dec. 7, 1863 to M-ir. 7, 1H64. Mar. 7, 1884 to Apr. 29, 1864 Apr. 29, 1864 to June 14, 1864. June 14, 1864 to July 4, 1864. Dec. 5, 1864 to Feb. 16, 1865. Feb. 16, 1865 tu Mar. 3, 1865. Mar. 4, 1865 to Mar. 11, 1865. Dec. •\ 1865 tj Feb. 21, 1866. Feb. 21, 1866 to Apr. 12, 1866. Apr. 12, 1866 to May 29, 1866. May 29, 1866 to July 16, 1866 July 16, 1866 to July 28, 1866. Dec. 3, 1866 to Jan. 25, 1867. Jan. 25, 1867 to Feb. 18, 1867. Feb. 18, 1867 to Mar. 3, 1867. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 387 Congressional Record — Continued. Congressional Globe, 1833-1873— Continued. Con- gress. 40 Ses- sion. ' 1 Spl Remarks. Pages. 40 2 ' 40 2 40 2 40 o 40 2 40 2 « 40 3 40 3 40 3 41 1 Spl. 41 2 41 2 41 9 41 2 41 2 41 2 41 2 41 3 41 3 41 3 42 1 42 1 Senate, special sess. Appendix Parti Part 2 Parts Part 4 Parts Recess Recess Recess Appendix Supplement (im- peachment trial of President Joliiison). Parti Part 2 Part 3 Appendix 1-752 753-1504 1505-1901 1-340 1-722 Senate, special sess. 723-777 Appendix > 1-56 Parti '' 1-944 1-463 464-767 767-817 821-851 1-49 1-1024 1025-2048 2049-3072 3073-4096 4097-4518 4518-4522 4522 4522-4523 1-602 1-526 Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. 945-1888 1889-2832 2833-3776 2 Part 5 '3777-4720 Parte Part 7, appendix. . Parti Part 2 Part 3 Appendix Parti Part 2 4721-5664 1-771 1-816 817-1648 1649-2010 1-413 1-592 593-842 Year. 1867 1867 1867 1867 1867-1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1867-1868 1868 1868-1869 1869 1869 1869 1869 1869-1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1869-1870 1870-1871 1871 1871 1871 Period covered. Mar. 4, 1867 to Mar. 30, 1867. July 3, 1867 to July 20, 1867. Nov. 21, 1867 to Dec 2, 1867 Apr. 1, 1867 to Apr. 20, 1867 Dec. 2, 1867 to Feb. 6, 1868. Feb. 6, 1868 to Mar. 21, 1868. Mar. 21, 1868 to June 11, 1868. June 11, 1868 to July IG, 1868. July 16, 1868 to July 27, 1868. Sept. 21, 1868. Oct. 16, 1868. Nov. 10, 1868. Dec, 1867 to July, 1868. Feb. 3, 1868 to May 26, 1868. Dec. 7, 1868 to Feb. 1, 1869. Feb. 1, 1869 to Feb. 23, 1869. Feb. 23, 1869 to Mar. 3, 1869. Mar. 4, 1869 to Apr. 10, 1869. Apr. 12, 1869 to Apr. 22, 1869. Dec. 6, 1869 to Feb. 1, 1870. Feb. 1, 1870 to Mar. 11, 1870. Mar. 11. 1870 to Apr 20, 1870 Apr. 20, 1870 to May 24, 1870 May 24, 1870 to June 20, 1870 June 22, 1870 to July 15, 1870 Dec. 22, 1869 to July 15, 1870. Dec. 5, 1870 to Jan. 30, 1871 Jan. 30, 1871 to Feb. 24, 1871 1871 Feb. 24, 1871 to Mar. 3, 1871. 1 The proceedings of the first session of the Fortieth Congress, special session of the Senate (.\pril 1-20, 1867), and the Apoendix. Mar. 4, 1871 to Apr. 11, 1871. Apr. n,1871toApr. 20, 1871. including the several recesses and the are all in one volume 388 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Congressional Record — Continued. Congressional Globe, 1833-1873 — Continued. Con- Ses- gress. sion. Spl. 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 9 42 2 42 2 42 2 42 3 42 3 J2 3 liemarks. Pages. Senate, special sess. 843-931 Appendix 1-340 Parti 1-896 Part 2 1 897-1792 Part 3 1793-2688 Part 4 12689-3584 Parts Part 6, appendix... Index (separate volume) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Appendix 3585-4504 1-844 1-cccx 1-672 673-1632 1633-2211 1-343 Year. Period covered. 1871 I May 10, 1871 to May 27, 1871. 1871-1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1871-1872 1872-1873 1873 1873 Dec. 4, 1871 to Feb. 8, 1872. Feb. 8, 1872 to Mar. 19, 1872. Mar. 19, 1872 to Apr. 23, 1872. Apr. 23, 1872 to May 17, 1872. May 17, 1872 to June 10, 1872. Dec. 2, 1872 to Jan. 17, 1873. Jan. 17, 1873 to Feb. 22, 1873. Feb. 22, 1873 to Mar. 3, 1873. Congressional Record. 1873-1917. 4' Con- gress. Ses- sion. 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 Spl 1 1 1 1 1 Vol. Part. Pages. Ind 1 2 3 Ind 1 < 2 3 1-205 1- 1009- 2001- 3009- 4001 4993- 1- 1008 2000 3008 4000 4992 5447 507 1- 833- 1665- 832 1664 2276 Remarlfs. Senate, spe- cial sess. Appendix. Index 1-149 164 1009 2001 -1008 -2000 -3008 Years. 1873 1873-1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1874 1873-1874 1873-1874 1874-1875 1875 1875 Period covered. Mar. 4, 1873 to Mar. 26, 1873. Dec.l, 1873 to Jan. 29, 1874. Jan. 29, 1874 to Mar. 5, 1874. Mar. 5, 1874 to Apr. 11, 1874. Apr. 11 , 1874 to May 19, 1874. May 19, 1874 to June 15, 1874. June 15, 1874 to June 23, 1874. Dec, 1873 to June, 1874. Dec.7, 1874 to Jan. 28, 1875. Jan. 28, 1875 to Feb. 23, 1875. Feb. 23, 1875 to Mar. 3, 1875. Mar. 5, 1875 to Mar. 24, 1875. Dec. 6, 1875 to Feb. 10, 1876. Feb. 10, 1876 to Mar. 28, 1876. Mar. 28, 1876 to May 5, 1876. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARl' OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 389 Congressional Record. 1873-1917 — Continued. Con- gress. 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 Ses- sion. Vol. 2 Ispl 2spl 2spl 28pl 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Part. Pafres. 4 3009-40H) 5 ;4017-5008 6 5003-5699 1-329 Iml 1 2 3 3 4 Ind. 1 2 3 4 5 5 Ind 1 2 3 3 Ind. 1 2 1-848 849-1696 1697-2253 1-269 1-332 1-46 47-817 1-72 1-253 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-4128 4129-4900 1-500 1-928 929-1856 1857-2410 1-584 1-1296 1297-2477 Remarks. Appendix., Impeac;h- ment of W. W. Belknap, a n d in- dex. Index Appendix. P r o c e ed- iuga of Electo- ral Com- mission. Index Senate, spe- cial sess. Appendix .J. Index Appendix. Index Appendix. Index Years. 1876 1876 1876 1876 1875-1876 1876-1877 1877 1877 1877 1876-1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877-1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1877-1878 1878-1879 1879 1879 1878-1879 1879 1879 Period covered. May 5, 1876 to June 22, 1876. June 22, 1876 to July 29, 1876. July 29, 1876 to Aug. 15, 1876. Dec. 6, 1875 to Aug. 15, 1876. Mar. 2, 1876 to Apr. 1, 1876. Deo. 4, 1876 to Jan. 23, 1877. Jan. 23, 1877 to Feb. 20, 1877. Feb. 20, 1877 to Mar. 3, 1877. Jan. 31, 1877 to Mar. 2,' 1877. Mar. 5, 1877 to Mar. 17, 1877. Oct. 15, 1877 to Dec. 3, 1877. Dec. 3, 1877 to Feb. 13, 1878. Feb. 13, 1878 to Mar. 25, 1878. Mar. 25, 1878 to May 1, 1878. May 1, 1878 to June 5, 1878. Juno 5, 1878 to June 20, 1878 Dec. 2, 1878 to Feb. 3, 1879. Feb. 3, 1879 to Feb. 24, 1879. Feb. 24, 1879 to Mar. 3, 1879. Mar. 18, 1879 to May 13, 1879. May 13, 1879 to July 1, 1879. 390 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Congressional Record. 1873-1917— Continued. Con- gress. 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 Ses- sion. Vol. 1 1 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Spl. Spl. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 Part. 2 Iiid. 1 2 3 4 5 5 Ind. 1 2 3 3 Ind. (') (') 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Ind. 1 2 3 4 4 Ind. 1 2 3 4 5 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-4624 1-352 6 Pages. 1-125 1-912 913-1776 1777-2472 1-265 1-499 504-548 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-5204 5265-6480 6481-7019 1-673 1-1008 L009-2016 2017-3024 3025-3077 1-352 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-4240 4241-5456 5457-6182 1-503 Remarks. Appendix.. Index 1879 1879 1879-1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 Appendix. Index 1879-1880 1880-1881 1881 1881 Appendix. Index Senate, spe- cial sess. Senate, spe- cial sess. Appendix.. Index Appendix. Index , Appendix.. Years. 1880 1881 1881 1881 1881-1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1881-1882 1882-1883 1883 1883 1883 1882-1883 1882-1883 1883-1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1883-1884 Period covered. Dec. 1, 1879 to Feb. 19, 1880. Feb. 19, 1880 to Apr. 1, 1880. Apr. 1, 1880 to May 5, 1880. ]\Iay 5, 1880 to June 1, 1880. June 1, 1880 to June 16, 1880. Dec. 6, 1880 to Jan. 25, 1881. Jan. 25, 1881 to Feb. 19, 1881. Feb. 19, 1881 to Mar. 3, 1881. Mar. 4, 1881 to I\Iay 20, 1881. Oct. 10, 1881 to Oct. 29, 1881. Dec. 5, 1881 to Feb. 9, 1882. Feb. 9, 1882 to Mar. 17, 1882. Mar. 17, 1882 to Apr. 18, 1882. Apr. 19, 1882 to May 17, 1882. May 17, 1882 to June 23, 1882. June 23, 1882 to July 25, 1882 July 25, 1882 to Aug. 8, 1882. Dec. 4, 1882 to Jan. 9, 1883. Jan. 9, 1883 to Feb. 2, 1883. Feb. 2, 1883 to Feb. 20, 1883. Feb. 20, 1883 to Mar. 3, 1883. Dec. 3, 1883 to Feb. 11, 1884. Feb. 11, 1884 to Mar. 18, 1884. Mar. 18, 1884 to Apr. 16, 1884. Apr. 16, 1884 to May 10, 1884. May 16, 1884 to June 21, 1884. June 21, 1884 to July 7, 1884. > Index to proceeding! in each special session in same volume. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 301 Congressional Record. 1873 1917 (\mtiiiiied. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1 Vol. 15 48 48 2 16 48 2 16 48 2 16 48 2 16 49 Spl. 17 49 17 49 17 49 17 49 17 49 17 49 17 49 17 49 17 49 17 49 2 18 49 2 18 49 2 18 49 9 IS 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 2 20 50 2 20 50 2 20 50 2 20 Part. Ind. 1 o 3 Ind. 1 1 o Pages. 1-928 929-1840 1841-2.57:j 1-197 8 Ind. ] 1- 1089- 2177- 3265- 4353- 5441- G561- 7649- 1- 1088 2176 3261 4352 5440 6560 7648 8040 483 I i 1- 1009- 2017- 1- Ind. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ind. 1 2 3 Ind 1008 201 2756 2127 1-1008 1009-2000 2001-3008 3009-4000 4001-5008 5009-6000 6001-7008 7009-8000 8001-9152 9153-9616 620 1-992 993-1984 1985-2727 1-242 1-74 Remarks. Years. Index !l883-1884 !l884-1885 1885 1885 Appendix.. 1884-1885 Index '1884-1885 Senate, spo- 1885 cial sess. Appendix. Index Appendix. Index A])])endix.. Index A])pendix. Index 11885-1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1885-18S6 1885-1886 1886-1887 1887 1887 1886-1887 1886-1887 1887-1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1887-1888 1887-1888 1888-1889 1889 1889 1889 1888-1889 Period covered. Dec. 1, 1884 to Jan. 22, 1885. Jan. 22, 1885 to Feb. 18, 1885. Feb. 18, 1885 to Mar. 3, 1885. Mar. 4, 1885 to Apr. 2. 1885. Dec. 7, 1885 to Feb. 3, 1886. Feb. 3, 1886 to Mar. 8, 1886. Mar. 8, 1886 to Apr. 8, 1886. Apr. 8, 1886 to May 11, 1886. May 11, 1886 to June 9, 1886. June 9, 1886 to July 6, 1886. July 6, 1886 to July 23, 1886. July 23, 1880 to Aug. 5, 1886. Dec. 6, 1SS6 to Jan. 25, 1887. Jan. 25, 1887 to Feb. 21, 1887. Feb. 21, 1SS7 to -Mar. 3, 1887. Dec. 5, 1887 to Feb. 7, 1888. Feb. 7, 1888 to Mar. 13, 1888. Mar. 13, 1888 to Apr. 16, 1888. Apr. 16, 1888 to ilay 11, 1888. May 11, 1888 to June 7, 1888. June 7, 18S8t7 35 57 35 57 35 57 35 57 .... 35 57 1 35 Part. 1-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1-8 1 2 3 3 1-3 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 1-8 1 2 3 4 4 1-4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pages. 1-1008 1009-2016 20] 7-3024 3025-4032 4033-5040 .5041-593() 5937-4)808 1-771 1-1072 1073-2144 2145-2938 1-282 1-1008 1009-201(5 2017-29ti0 2961-3888 3889-4816 4817-5744 5745-6672 G673-6893 1-725 1-992 993-1984 1985-2976 2977-3606 i 1-384 I 1-38 41-1008 1009-2080 2081-3152 3153-4224 14225-5280 5281-6336 6337-7392 7393-7795 Remarks. Years. Index 1897 1897-1898 1898 i 1898 1898 1898 1898 ; 1898 Appendix . il897-1898 Index 1897-1898 1898-1899 Api)endix . Index Appendix Index Appendix Index Special . . . 1899 1899 1898-1899 1898-1899 1899-1900 1900 1 900 • 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1899-1900 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901 1901 1901 1900-1901 1900-1901 1901 1901-1902 1901-1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 Period covered. Mar. 4 to July 24, 1897. Dec. 6, 1897 to Jan. 25, 1898. Jan. 25 to Feb. 22, 1898. Feb. 22 to Mar. 21, 1898. Mar. 21 to Apr. 18, 1898. Apr. 18 to May 19, 1898. May 19 to June 14, 1898. June 14 to July 8, 1898. Index, end. Dec. 6, 1897 to July 8, 1898. Dec. 5, 1898 to Jan. 26, 1899. Jan. 26 to Feb. 21, 1899. Feb. 21 to Mar. 3, 1899. Index, end. Dec. 5, 1898 to Mar. 3, 1899 Dec. 4, 1899 to Jan. 19, 1900. Jan. 19 to Feb. 21, 1900. Feb. 21 to Mar. 16, 1900. Mar. 16 to Apr. 7, 1900. Apr. 7 to Apr. 28, 1900. Apr. 28 to May 19, 1900. May 19 to June 5, 1900. June 5 to June 7, 1900. 1899-1900. Dec. 4, 1899 to June 7, 1900 Dec. 3, 1900 to Jan. 14, 1901. Jan. 14 to Feb. 6, 1901. Feb. 6 to Feb. 25, 1901. Feb. 25 to Mar. 23, 1901. Dec, 1900 to Mar., 1901. Dec. 3, 1900 to Mar. 3, 1901 Mar. 4 to Mar. 9, 1901. Dec. 2, 1901 to Jan. 27, 1902 Jan. 27 to Feb. 22, 1902. Feb. 22 to Mar. 21, 1902. Mar. 21 to Apr. 16, 1902. Apr. 16 to May 10, 1902. May 10 to June 5, 1902. June 5 to June 25, 1902. June 25 to July 1, 1902. CATAI.OGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 395 Congressional Record. 1873-1917 — Coiitinued. Con- gress. 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 Ses- sion. 1 Vol. 35 Part. 8 1 35 1-8 2 36 1 2 36 2 o 36 3 2 36 3 2 36 1-3 Spl. 37 1 37 1 37 2 38 1 2 38 2 2 38 3 2 38 4 2 38 5 2 38 6 2 38 6 2 38 1-6 3 39 1 3 39 2 3 39 3 3 39 4 3 39 4 3 39 1-4 40 1 40 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 40 6 40 7 40 8 40 9 40 10 40 1-10 2 41 1 2 41 2 Pages. Remarks. Appendix Index 1-662 1-729 1-1088 1089-2176 2177-3078 1-210 1-266 1-141 145-544 547-552 A p pendix and in- Appendix Index I 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-5040 5041-5852 1-292 1-523 1-1056 1057-2112 2113-3168 3169-4041 1-196 1-1008 1009 2017- 3025 4033 5041 6049 7057 8065 9073 -2016 -3024 -4032 -5040 -6048 -7056 -8064 -9072 -9817 1-1008 1009-2016 dex. Appendix Index Appendix . Index Years. 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903 1903 1902-1903 1903 1903 1903 1903-1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1903-190-4 1904-1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 Period covered. Appendix. Index 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907 Mar. 4, 1901 to July 1, 1902. Dec. 1, 1902 t() Jan. 22, 1903. Jan. 22 to Feb. 14, 1903. Feb. 14 to Mar. 4, 1903. Dec. 1, 1902 to Mar. 4, 1903. Mar. 5 to Mar. 19, 1903. Nov. 9 to Dec. 7. 1903. Mar. 5 to Dec. 7, 1903. Dec. 7, 1903 to Jan. 21, 1904. Jan. 21 to Feb. 18, 1904. • Fob. 18 to Mar. 9, 190-1. Mar. 9 to Mar. 31, 1904. Mar. 31 to Apr. 18, 1904. Apr. 18 to Apr. 28, 190-1. Dec. 7, 1903 to Apr. 28, 1904. Dec. 5, 1904 to Jan. 18, 1905. Jan. IS to Feb. 8, 1905. Feb. 8 to Feb. 23, 1905. Feb. 23 to Mar. 4, 1905. Dec. 5, 1904 to Mar. 4, 1905. (Mar. 4 to Mar. 18, 1905. JDec. 4 to Jan. 12, 1906. Jan. 12 to Feb. 3, 1906. Feb. 3 to Feb. 26, 1906. Feb. 16 to Mar. 20, 1906. Mar. 20 to Apr. 11, 1906. Apr. 11 to Apr. 23, 1906. Ajjr. 28 to May 17, 1906. May 17 to June 8, 1906. June 8 to June 23, 1906. June 23 to June 30, 1906. Dec. 4, 1905, to June 30, 1906. Dec. 3, 1906, to Jan. 11, 1907. Jan. 11 to Jan. 31, 1907. 396 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Congressional Record. 1873-1917 — Continued. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 2 Vol. 41 Part. 59 3 59 2 41 4 59 2 41 5 59 2 41 1-5 60 .42 1 60 42 2 60 42 3 60 42 4 60 42 5 60 42 6 60 42 7 60 42 8 60 42 1-8 60. 2 43 1 60 2 43 2 60 2 43 3 60 2 43 4 60 2 43 1-4 61 Sp. 44 1 61 44 I 61 - 44 2 61 44 3 61 44 4 61 J. 44 5 61 44 1-5 61 2 45 1 61 2 45 2 61 2 45 3 61 2 45 4 61 2 45 5 61 45 6 61 2 45 7 61 2 45 8 6L 2 45 61 2 45 61 3 46 1 61 3 46 2 61 3 46 3 61 3 46 4 Pages. 2017-3024 3025-4032 4033-4673 1 1009 2017- 3025 4033 5041- G049- T057 -1008 -2016 3024 -4032 5040 -6048 -7056 -7312 1-1008 1009-2016 2017-3024 3025-3858 1-12 14-1008 1009-2304 2305-3376 3377-4448 4449-5097 1-1008 1009-2240 2241-3424 3425-4480 4481-5696 5697-6768 6769-7904 7905-9120 1-*518 1-546 1-1038 1039-2036 2037-3034 3035-4022 Remarks. Index. 1907 1907 1907 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1907-1908 |l908-1909 1909 ' 1909 Appendix..! 1909 Index J1908-1909 1909 Appendix.. Index Years. Appendix.. Index A])pendlx. 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909-1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1909-1910 Index 1909-1910 1910-1911 1911 1911 1911 Period covered. Jan. 31 to Feb. 15, 1907. Feb. 15 to Feb. 26, 1907. Feb. 26 to Mar. 4, 1907. Dec. 3 to Mar. 4, 1907. Dec. 2, 1907, to Jan. 23, 1908. * Jan. 23 to Feb. 14, 1908. Feb. 14 to Mar. 7, 1908. Mar. 7 to. Mar. 27, 1908. Mar. 27 to Apr. 21, 1908. Apr. 21 to May 10, 1908. May 10 to May 27, 1908. May 27 to May 30, 1908. Dec. 2, 1907, to May 30, 1908. Dec. 7, 1908, to Jan. 16, 1909. Jan. 16 to Feb. 6, 1909. Feb. 6 to Feb. 24, 1909. Feb. 24 to Mar. 4, 1909. Dec. 7, 1908, to Mar. 4, 1909. Mar. 4 to Mar. 6, 1909. Mar. 15 to Apr. 3, 1909. Apr. 3 to May 22, 1909. May 24 to Jane 16, 1909. June 17 to July 13, 1909. July 15 to Aug. 5, 1909. Mar. 4 to Mar. 6, 1909. Mar. 15 to Aug. 5, 1909. Dec. 6, 1909, to Jan. 25, 1910 Jan. 26 to Feb. 22, 1910. Feb. 23 to Mar. 18, 1910. Mar. 19 to Apr. 9, 1910. Apr. 10 to May 2, 1910. May 3 to May 23, 1910. May 24 to June 11, 1910. June 13 to June 25, 1910. Dec. 6, 1909 to June 25, 1910. Dec. 6, 1909 to June 25, 1910. Dec. 5, 1910 to Jan. 17, 1911. Jan. 18 to Feb. 6, 1911. Feb. 7 to Feb 20, 1911. Feb. 21 to Mar 2, 1911. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY '>F UNITED STATES SENATE. 397 Congressional Record. 1873 1917 — Continued. Con- gress. 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 Ses- sion. 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Vol. 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sp. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 Part. Pages. 1 2 3 4 5 1 J 2 I 3! 4 j 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 1-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1-7 1 Remarks. 4023-4342 1-247 Appendix Index 1-1024 1025-2062 2063-3134 3135-4178 4179-4400 Appendix Index.. 1-1054| 1055-2076 2077-3128 3129-^230 4231-5244 5245-6312 6313-7360 7361-8414 8415-9446 9447- 10532 10533- 11904 1-945 1-1040 1047-2068 2069-3052 3053-4124 4125-4856 1-201 Years. Appendix Index Appendix Index 1-1022 102.3-2014' 2015-3052 3053-4116 4117-5138 5139-6O53' Appendix Index . - . 1-1030 1911 1910-1911 1910-1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911-1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 Period covered. Mar. 3 to Mar. 4, 1911. Dec. 5, 1910, to Mar. 4, 1911. Dec. 5, 1910, to Mar. 4, 1911. Apr. 4 to May 5, 1911. May 6 to June 14, 1911. June 15 to July 20, 1911. July 21 to Aug. 18, 1911. Aug. 19 to Aug. 22, 1911. Dec. 4, 1911, to Jan. 17, 1912. Jan. 18 to Feb. 14, 1912. Feb. 15 to Mar. 9, 1912. Mar. 11 to Apr. 2, 1912. Apr. 3 to Apr. 23, 1912. Apr. 24 to May 12, 1912. May 13 to May 28, 1912. May 29 to June 20, 1912. June 21 to July 22, 1912. July 23 to Aug. 8, 1912. Aug. 9 to Aug. 26, 1912. Dec. 9, 1911 to May 14, 1912. Dec. 4, 1911 to Aug. 26, 1912. Dec. 2, 1912 to Jan. 4, 1913. Jan. 6 to Jan. 25, 1913. Jan. 26 to Feb. 12, 1913. Feb. 13 to Feb. 26, 1913. Feb. 27 to Mar. 4, 1913. Dec. 11, 1912, to Feb. 13, 1913. Dec. 2, 1912, to Mar. 4, 1913. Mar. 4 to 17, 1913. May 3 to June 13, 1913. June 17 10 Aug. 2, 1913. Aug. 4 to Sept. 2, 1913. Sept. 3 to Sept. 18, 1913. Sept.. 22 to Dec. 1, 1913. Apr. 7 to Dec. 1, 1913. Apr. 7 to Dec. 1, 1913. Dec. 1 to Dec. 10, 1913. 398 CATALOGUE OP LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Congressional Record. 1873-1917 — Continued. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 2 Vol. 51 .63 63 2 51 63 2 ■51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 2 51 63 3 52 63 3 52 63 3 52 63 3 52 03 3 52 63 3 52 63 3 52 64 53 64 53 64 53 64 53 64 53 64 53 Part. 64 64 64 64 04 64 64 64 64 64 64 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1-17 1 2 3 4 5 6 1-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 1-15 1 Pages. 1031-2088 2089-3100 3101-4182 4183-5206 5207-6256 6257-7290 7291-8330 8331-9342 9343-10374 10375-11436 11437-12460 12461-13568 13569-14584 14585-15662 15663-16977 1-1293 1-1094 1095-2204 2205-3212 .3213-4342 4343-5529 1-934 Remarks. Appendix Index . 1-1056 1057-2100 2101-3112 3113-4176 4177-5200 5201-6256 6257-7284; 7285-8290 8291-9386 9387-10472 10473-11516 11517-12586 12587-14173 1-1216 1217-2260 Appendix Index . . Years. 1-1046 Appendix Appendix Index 1913-1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1913-1914 1913-1914 1914-1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1914-1915 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1915-1916 1915-1916 1915-1916 1916-1917 Period covered. Dec. 17, 1913, to Jan. 21, 1914. Jan. 22 to Feb. 6, 1914. Feb. 7 to Mar. 2, 1914. Mar. 3 co Mar. 20, 1914. Mar. 21 to Apr. 4, 1914. Apr. 6 to Apr. 25, 1914. Apr. 27 to May 8, 1914. May 9 to May 27, 1914. May 28 to June 12, 1914. June 13 to June 30, 1914. July 1 to July 21, 1914. July 22 to Aug. 8, 1914. Aug. 11 to Sept. 1, 1914. Sept. 2 to Sept. 24, 1914. Sept. 25 to Oct. 24, 1914. Dec. 1, 1913, to Oct. 24, 1914. Dec. 1, 1913, to Oct. 24, 1914. Dec. 7, 1914, to Jan. 6, 1915. Jan. 7 to Jan. 23, 1915. Jan. 24 to Feb. 6, 1915. Feb. 7 to Feb. 22, 1915. Feb. 23 to Mar. 4, 1915. Dec. 7, 1914, to Mar. 4, 1915. Dec. 7, 1914, to Mar. 4, 1915. Dec. 6, 1915, to Jan. 13, 1916. Jan. 14 to Feb. 3, 1916. Feb. 4 to Feb. 24, 1916. Feb. 25 to Mar. 15, 1916. Mar. 16 to Mar. 30, 1916. Mar. 31 to Apr. 15, 1916. Apr. 16 to May 2, 1916. May 3 to May 18, 1910. May 19 to June 8, 1916. June 9 to July 5, 1916. July 6 to July 24, 1916. July 25 to Aug. 14, 1910. Aug. 15 to Sept. 8, 1916. Dec. 6, 1915, to Sept. 8, 1916. Dec. 4, 1916, to Jan. 8, 1917. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 399 Congressional Record. 1873-1917 — Continued. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 2 Vol. 54 64 64 2 54 64 2 54 64 2 54 64 2 54 64 2 54 65 Sp. 55 65 55 65 55 65 55 65 55 65 55 1 65 55 2 3 4 5 6 6 1 1 2 4 Pages. 1047-2104 2105-3174 3175-4244 4245-5034 1-925 Remarks. Years. Period covered. 1-98 101-1070 1071-21 02 2163-3264 3265-4334 4335-5408 5409-6436 Appondix Index Sen. ipl. session. 1917 1917 1917 1917 1916-1917 1116-1917 1917 • 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 ,laii. 9 to Jan. 26, 1917. Jan. 27 to Feb. 12, 1917. Feb. 13 to Feb. 24, 1917. Feb. 25 to Mar. 4, 1917. Mar. 5 to Mar. 1(1, 1917. Apr. 2 to Apr. 24, 1917. Apr. 25 to May 11, 1917. May 12 to June 5, 1917. June 6 to June 26, 1917. June 27 to July 23, 1917. July 24 to Aug. 29, 1917. Constitutions and Charters Tho] 'pe. Vol- ume. Subjf'Ct-s. Congress. Session. Volume. Part. Document. Number. Colonial Charters, etc. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California 59 2 87 House. . . 1 Colorado 537 Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia. General table of con- ten te. Florida fleorcia Guam 59 2 88 House. . . Hawaii Idaho 2 Illinois .-)37 Indiana Indian Territory Iowa Kansas 400 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Constitutions and Charters— Thorpe— Continued. Vol- ume. Subjects. CoriRress. 6 (Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. . . . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada 'New Hampshire. . New Jersey New Mexico ! New York North Carolina Ohio ^-..- Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania '^Philippine Islands. . Porto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Tutuila (Samoa) Utah ■Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alphabetical Index. (Consult table of contents, vol. 1.) 59 Session. 59 59 59 59 Volume. 89 Part. 90 91 91 91 Porument. House . House . House. Number. House . . 537 537 537 537 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 401 Constitution, Digest, and Manual of the Rules and Practice of the House of Representatives. Year. Congress. Session. Document. Number. Volume. 1880 > 1883 1884 ' 1885 ' 1886 » 1887 » 1890 1891 » 1893 1 1895 ' 1896 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 2' 3 1 2 H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.koc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc ... . H.doc n. doc H.doc 352 137 560 229 324 18 88 21 5 75 87 24 423 1053 85 1049 1049 15 314 1109 974 101 141 109 66 1897 46 1898 70 1899 75 1900 82 1900 59 1901 63 1902 48 1903 2 1904 63 1905 54 1906 43 1907 95 1908 130 3 1910 1910 122 1911 1 1912 135 1913 124 1914 152 1915 1556 1916 1274 1917 :.. 2118 49183—18- -26 ' Not documented. 402 CATALOGUE OP LIBRAE if OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Constitution, Rules, and Manual of the United States Senate. Year. Congress. Session. Document. Numbor. Volume. 1868 ' 1 1869 ' 1871 1 I 1873 1 1 1877 1 t 1881 1 1885 1 1886 1 1 1888 ' 1890> 1892 ' 1896 54 1 S. doc 304 12 1899 2 1901 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 S. doc S. doc S. doc S. doc S. doc S. doc S. doc 237 227 198 406 769 846 1073 34 1903 23 1905 15 1907 35 1909 19 1910 62 1912 11 1913^ 1915 1 1916 1 1 Not documented. 2 Revised edition, Mar. 2, 1899 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 403 Consular Reports. Volume. Number. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document- Vol- ume. I'art. Num- ber. Part. 11 1 to 3 4 to 8 9tol2 13 to 16 17 to 22 23 to 24 J 25 to 27 28 to 30 21 (') (') (') (') 65 19 39 31 41 51 6 1881 1882 1882 47 47 47 1 2 2 H.mis H. mis H. mis 25 4 11 7 8 (') Index, nos. 1-29 10 31 to 34 35 to 38 39 to 42 43 to 44 45 to 48 49 to 52 53 to 5G 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1885 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 H. mis H. mis H. mLs H. mLs H. mis H. mis 11. mis 4 5 6 7 10 7 8 12 12 12 12 34 28 29 1 11 : 2 12 ; 3 13 4 14 15 (1) Index, nos. 1-.50 18 57 to 59 60 to 62 63 to 68 69 to 72 73 to 75 76 to 78 79 to 82 83 to 86 87 to 90 91 to 94 95 to 97 98 to 100 101 to 104 105 to 107i lOS to 109 110 to 111 1885 1885 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 188? 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889 1889 1889 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 11. mis H. mis H. mis H.mis H. mis H. mis H. mis II. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H.mis H. mis H.mis H.mis H. mis 12 12 4 4 9 21 21 22 22 23 23 13 13 24 25 25 1 2 178 179 55 56 169 604 605 606 607 608 609 140 141 231 232 232 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30, pt. 1 30, pi. 2 31. pt. 2 32 112 to 115 116 to 117 118 to 119 120 to 123 124 to 127 128 to 131 132 to 135 136 to 139 140 to 143 144 to 147 148 to 151 152 to 155 156 to 159 160 to 163 164 to 167 168 to 171 172 to 175 176 to 179 '80 to 184 1889 1889 1889 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1893 1893 1893' 1893 1.894 1894 1895 1895 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 .2 2 2 3 3 1 1 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H.mis II. mis II. mis 11. mis H. mis H.mLs 11. mis II. mis H.mis H.mis H. mis H. mis 26 39 39 9 15 15 34 39 49 IS 18 5 6 19 32 4 7 35 36 234 267 267 128 17 18 154 258 339 108 109 24 54 123 205 135 66 30 31 33, pt. 2 1 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 t 42 .'. 43 44 45 46 : 47 48 ^9 ! 1-4 1-4 1-4 » Not documented. 404 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Consular Reports — Continued. Volume. Number. Year. Con- gress. • Ses- sion. House or • Senate document. Vol- ume. Tart. Num- ber. Part. 50 184 to 187 188 to 191 192 to 194 195 to 199 200 to 203 204 to 207 208 to 211 212 to 215 216 to 219 220 to 223 224 to 227 228 to 231 232 to 235 236 to 239 1895 1895 1895 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 50 50 50 50 56 50 50 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 00 (JO GO 60 GO 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 1 . 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ][. mis House 11. doc H. doc II. doc II. doc H.doe H.doe II. doc II. doc H.doe H.doe H.doe 11. doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe .11. doc H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe II. doc H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H.doe H . doc H.doe H.doe H.doe 52 72 31 50 4 5 40 47 48 40 41 46 47 48 09 49 CO 07 68 66 67 68 55 56 51 52 53 54 55 59 00 01 62 50 57 58 59 72 73 59 60 61 62 91 92 93 94 88 89 90 91 132 377 24 164 51 91 201 435 565 73 294 16 190 020 543 744 240 527 550 152 553 710 113 438 21 22 650 783-785 780-788 328-330 331-333 334-330 337-339 513-515 510-518 519-521 522-524 34(i-348 349-351 582-584 1 4 51 1 4 52 1 5 53 1 5 54 1 6 55 1 5 56 1-6 57 1-5 58 1-5 59 1-6 60 1-5 61 1-5 62 1-6 63 1-5 Index, nos. 204-239 Oeneral 64 240 to 243 244 to 247 248 to 251 252 to 255 256 to 259 260 to 263 264 to 267 268 to 271 272 to 275 276 to 279 280 to 282 283 to 285 286 to 288 289 to 291 292 to 294 295 to 297 298 to 300 301 to 303 304 to 306 307 to 309 310 to 312 313 to 315 316 to 318 319 to 321 322 to 324 325 to 327 328 to 330 331 to 333 334 to 330 337 to 339 340 to 342 343 to 345 346 to 348 349 to 351 352 to 354 355 to 357 1902 1902 1902 1903 _1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1900 190t) 1906 1906 190(5 1900 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 inde.x. 1-4 65 1-4 66 1-4 67 1-4 68 1-4 69 1-4 70 1-4 71 1-4 72 1-4 73 1-4 74 1-3 75 1-3 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84.. 85 86 87 88 89 ......... 585-587 588-590 591-593 498-990 ♦91-993 994-990 997-999 151-153 154-150 157-159 160-162 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1-2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENAITJ;. Consular Reports, Special. 405 Volume. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. - Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. 1. Cotton textiles in foreign countries; P'iles in 1889 51 • 1 H.niis.... 40 268 ...... Spanish America; Malt and beer in Spanish America; Fruit culture in foreign countries. 2. Refrigerators and food preservation in foreign 1891 52 1 H. mis 16 19 countries; European emigration; OUve cul- ture in the Alps (Maritimes); Beet-sugar in- dustry and flax cultivation in foreign countries. 3. Streets and highways in foreign countries 1891 52 1 H. mis ... 16 20 4. Port regulations in foreign countries 1890 51 2 H. ex. doc 27 45 5. Canals and irrigation in foreign countries 1890 51 2 H. ex. doc. 26 45 6. Coal and coal consumption in Spanish America; 1891 52 1 H. mis . , 33 153 Gas in foreign countries; India rubber. 7. The stave trade in Foreign countries; Tariffs of 1892 52 2 TI. mis 19 110 foreign countries. 8. Fire and building regulations in foreign countries. 1892 52 2 U. mis.... 19 111 9. Australasian sheep and wool; Vagrancy and 1892 52 2 n. mis 28 119 pubUc charities in foreign countries. 10. Lead and zinc mining in foreign countries; Ex- 1893 53 2 H.mis.... 22 175 tension of markets for American flour. 11. American lumber in foreign markets 1894 1895 53 54 3 1 H. mis.... H.doc... 18 37 92 32 12. Highways of commerce, ocean lines, railways. canals, and other trade routes of foreign coun- tries. 13. Money and prices in foreign countries 1895 54 2 H.doc... 32 25 1,2 14. Drug trade in foreign countries 1897 55 2 H.doc... 49 563 15. Soup trade in foreign countries 1898 55 3 H.doc... 37 34 1,2 16. Tariffs of foreign countries: Part 1, Europe 1898 1898 1898 55 55 55 3 3 3 H.doc... H. doc H. doc... 37 38 39 285 285 285 1 Part 2, America 2 Parts 3, 4, 5, Asia, Africa, Australasia, and 3,4,5 Polynesia. 17. Sewage and garbage in foreign countries; Foreign 1899 56 1 H.doc 50 116 trade in coal tar and by-products. 18. Merchant marine of foreign countries 1899 1899 56 56 H. doc H.doc... 50 51 257 731 19. Paper in foreign countries; Uses of wood pulp 20. Book cloth in foreign countries. (Part 1) 1899 56 H. doc 52 731 School garden in Europe. (Part 2) 1899 56 H.doc... 52 731 Stave trade in foreign countries. (Part 3) 189*9 56 H.doc... 52 731 21. Foreign markets for American coal. (Part 1) 1899 56 H.doc... 53 741 V^liicle industry in Europe. (Part 2) 1899 56 H.doc 53 741 Trusts and trade combinations in I<:urope. 1899 56 H.doc... 53 741 (Part 3.) •- • - 22. Acetic acids in foreign countries. (Part 1) 1900 56 2 H.doc... 65 290 1 Mineral-water industrv. (Part 2) 1900 1900 56 56 2 2 H.doc... H.doc... 65 65 290 290 2 Foreign trade in heating and cooking. (Part 3). . 23. Parti. Gas and oil engines 1901 57 1 H.doc... 69 70S Part 2. Silver and plated ware 2 24. Creameries in foreign countries " [ 112 ...... 25. Stored goods as collateral for loans 1902 57 2 H.doc... " 54 199 447 26. Briquets as fuel in foreign countries 27. Markets for agricultural implements and vehicles 45 . rl - J J in foreign countries. 1903 1 28. Commercial travelers in foreign countries fl904 \ 58 1-2 H.doc... 56 446 29. Macaroni wheat in foreign countries ) 508 30. Emigration to United States 732 406 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Consular Reports, Special — Continued. Volume. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. 31. Windmills In foreign countries 73 32. Foreign markets for American fruits 1905 58 3 U.doc... 57 74 423 33. Industrial education and industrial conditions in Germany. 34. Marketing goods in foreign countries 316 35. Warehouses is foreign countries for storage of 423 merchandise. il905 58 3 II. doc... 58 36. Foreign markets for American cotton manufac- 427 tures. 37. Machine-made lace industry in Europe 1906 59 1 n.doc... 55 164 165 38. Insurance in foreign countries 39. Cotton-seed products in foreign countries 1906 59 2 II. doc 103 800 40. Foreign markets for American motor macMnes. . . 1908 60 1 II. doc... 63 846 41 1909 1910 61 61 2 3 H. doc... H. doc... 92 552 42.1 • For subsequent reports see document indexes. Continental Congress, Journals of, 1774-1789. See p. 575. Contingent Expenses of the House. Reports of Clerk. By whom made. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. T. Beckley 11802 11809 '1812 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1842 P Magruder Do M. St. C. Clarke 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 * 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 H.ex H. ex H. ex H.ex H. ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H. ex H. ex H.ex H.ex H. ex H. ex H. rept H. ex 1 ■1 • 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 Do 10 Do 3 Do 5 Do 4 Do 9 Do 5 Do 7 Do 4 Do 4 Do 3 W. S. Franklin 19 Do Do 28 74 Do 7 Do 7 H . A . Garland 6 Do 33 Do 7 M. St. C. Clarke 13 G. W. Summers 30 M. St. C. Clarke 10 'Notnjimbered. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 407 Contingent Expenses of the House. Reports of Clerk— Con. By whom made. M. St. C. Clarke Do C.J. McNulty.. R. B. French... Do Do Campbell Do B, M. Young. . . Do J. W. Forney... Do Do Do Do Do Ciillom Do..... Do Do J. M. Kunkel... J. C.Allen Do J. W. Forney... Do F. E. Spinner... Etheridge Do McPhersoii Do Do Do Do J. M. Broomall. McPherson J. M. Broomall. McPherson Do Do Do Do Do Year. Congress. Session. 1843 28 1 1844 28 1 1845 28 2 1845 29 1 1846 29 2 1847 30 1 1848 30 2 1849 31 1 1850 31 2 1851 32 1 1852 32 2 1852 32 2 . 1853 33 1 1853- 33 1 1854 33 2 1855 34 1 1855 34 1 1856 34 3 1856 34 3 1857 34 3 1858 35 1 1859 35 2 1860 36 1 1860 36 2 1861 36 2 1861 36 2 1862 37 2 1863 37 3 1864 38 1 1865 38 2 1866 39 1 1867 39 2 1868 40 2 1868 40 2 1869 40 3 1869 40 3 1870 41 2 1870 41 3 1871 42 2 1872 42 3 1873 43 1 1874 43 2 House orv Senate document. H. ex.. H.ex.. H. ex.. Hex.. H.ex.. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. n. rept H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. rept H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. rept H. mis. H. rept H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. II. mis. H. mis. H. mis. Volume. Number. 8 46 54 15 2 6 4 15 5 2 4 6 2 8 9 8 30 9 48 71 379 4 25 7 1« 94 33 24 30 29 20 21 31 84 25 36 25 8 7 13 15 4 408 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Contingent Expenses of the House. Reports of Clerk-Con. By whom made. Year. McPherson Adams Do Do Do Do Do McPherson John B. Clark Do Do Do Do Do McPherson Do Do James Kerr Do Do Do Alexander McDowell. Do Do Do « Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do South Trimble Do Do Do Do Do 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 ]906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Congress. 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 Session. 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 House or iSenate document. Volume. H. H. H. H. H. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H H H. H. mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc . . doc . . . doc . . doc. . doc. . Number. 4 12 6 9 6 5 11 8 5 5 4 15 16 13 6 4 7 6 6 32 16 29 19 39 165 36 18 57 20 60 19 55 50 44 60 63 53 108 27 131 1062 128 235 123 1077 136 242 125 986 153 357 102 1204 142 2 110 1379 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 409 Contingent Expenses of the Senate. See Senate, reports of Sec- retary, p. G79. Corporations, Bureau of,' Reports of Commissioner.^ Year. 1901. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908- 1909. 1910. 1911. 19123 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 58 3 59 1 59 2 CO 1 60 2 61 2 Gl 3 62 2 62 3 Senate or House document. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. n.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. Number. Volume. 165 51 7 26 7 22 7 52 1,048 81 109 79 1,008 90 122 85 958 85 1 Part. 1 Created Feb. 14, 1903. (32 Stats. L. S27.) 2 Special reports of investigations, etc., noted in annual reports and document indexes. 3 For subsequent reports, see: ^Commerce, Dept. of, etc. Court of Claims Reports.' (Documented.) Year. 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 Number. 1-41 43-83 82-175 176-198 199-255 256-276 277-293 294-296 Congress. Session. 34 i;2 34 3 35 1 35 36 1 36 2 37 o 37 3 House or Senate documents. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. n. mis. H. mis. H. rept. Volume. 1,2 1,2,3 1-5 1-3 1,2 1 ' " Prior to 185-5, all claims of citizens against the Government were laid before Congress and referred to a Committee on Claims in the Senate or House. The inability of these committees to examine fully all the claims submitted, and the difficulty of getting Congress to appropriate money for the payment of such claims as were favorably reported, amounted often to a denial of justice. By an act approved Feb. 25, 1S55, a court for the hearing of private claims was established. It was, however, required to submit its Bndings, with briefs and testimony, to Congress, where they were referred to committees as before, and the resulting delay and injustice were but little mitigated. On Mar. 3, 1S63, an amendatory act was passed makmg the Court of Claims really a court, its fmdings no longer subject to review by Congress, but providing for an appeal to the Supreme Court." 410 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Court of Claims Reports.* (Not documented.) Volume. Term. Appealed cases. Reported bj'— Remarks. From— To— 1 1863-65 1866 1867' 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872-73 1873-74 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 ■ 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 Nottand Huntington do 2 3 do 4 do 5 . 6 do 7 8 1865 1872 do Nott and Hopkins. . . do 9 10 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 . do 11 do 12 do 13 14 do 15 do Also analytical table of vols. • 16 do 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. 17 18 19 20 do William A. Richard- son. Nott and Hopkins. . . do With legislation of 47fh Con- gress, 2d session, relating to court. 21 do 22 23 do do Also index ond table of vols. 1-21, and table of Supreme Court decisions in appealed cases, from 2 Wallace to 122 U. S. Reports. 24 do 25 26 do do Index and table of vols. 1-25, list of opinions, roll of com- missioners, and table of Su- preme Court decisions, from 2 Wallace to 135 U. S. Re- ports, inclusive. • 27 do 1 Not documented. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 411 Court of Claims Reports. (Not documented.) — Continued. Volume. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Digest. Digest. , Digest.. Term. 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 1863-75 1856 1907 Appealed cases. From— To— 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 19D1 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 Reported by — Nott and Hopkins. do Ml" do do do do do ' do do , do do do Remarks. Nott and Hopkins. . John C. Devereux.. Chapman W. Mau- pin.' Reports, actions, etc., frnm organi2.ation of cuurl, 1855, to date. • Not documented. 412 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, Daughters of the American Revolution. Reports. Year. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1909 1910 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Report num- ber. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Teriod. 1890- 1897- 1898- 1900- 1901- 1902- 1903- 1904- 1905- 1906- 1907- 1908- 1909- 1909- 1910- 1911- 1912- 1913- 1914- 1915- 1897 1898 ■1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Con- gress. Ses- sion. 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 61 61 61 61 62 63 63 63 64 64 Senate or House dfic- umeiit. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate . Senate. * Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate. Senate Senate Senate Senate. Senate. Num- ber. 164 425 219 447 210 277 193 532 400 431 117 517 856 371 9 524 988 392 710 Vol- ume. 11 35 16 31 16 33 10 28 28 26 4 67 14 1 18 9 14 6 Note.— The Society was organized Oct. 11, 18"J0, at Washington, D. C, with eleven members. Mrs. Caroline Scott Harrison, wife of the President of the United States, was elected its first President-General. Incorporated by act of Congress approved February 20, PJOti. Decisions of the First Comptroller of the Treasury. Vol- ume. Year. By- Con- gress. Ses- sion. Document. Num- ber. Vol- ume. 1 2 1880 1881 1 1882 ' 1883 • 1884 1 1885 Lawrence Lawrence 46 47 3 1 H. Ex H. Ex 81 219 29 24 3 Lawrence 4 Lawrence 5 Lawrence 6 Lawrence . Not documented. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENAIE. 413 Decisions of the Comptroller of the Treasury. Volume. Period. Volume. 13 Period. 1 1896. July, 1906-June, 1907. 2 1896. 14 July, 1907-June, 1908. 3 1897. 15 July, 1908-Juue, 1909. 4 1898. 16 July, 1909-June, 1910. 5 July, 1897-June, 1899. 17 July, 1910-June, 1911. 6 July, 1899-June, 1900. 18 July, 1911-Juue, 1912. 7 July, 1900- June, 1901. 19 July, 1912-Juue, 1913. 8 July, 1901-Juiie, 1902. 20 July, 1913-June, 1914. 9 July, 1902 -June, 1903. 21 July, 1914-June, 1915. 10 July, 1903-June, 1904. i 22 July, 1915-June, 1916. 11 July, 1904-June, 1905. 23 July, 1916-June, 1917. 12 July, 1905-June, 1906. 1 Digest, Oct., 1894-June, 1902. Decisions of the Treasury Department under customs and internal-revenue laws, etc. Volume. Decision number. Period. i 1 18750-19586 January-June, 1898, Synopsis No. 1. 2 19587-20467 July-December, 1898, Synopsis No. 2. 1 20468-21330 January-June, 1899. 2 21331-21882 July-December, 1899. 3 21883-22696 January-December, 1900. 4 22697-23444 January-December, 1901. 5 23445-24126 January-December, 1902. 6 24127-24869 January-December, 1903. 7 24870-25444 January- June, 1904. 8 25445-25920 July-December, 1904. 9 25921-26559 January-June, 1905. 10 26560-26958 July-December, 1905. 11 26959-27458 January-June, 1906. 12 27459-27800 July-December, 1906. 13 27807-28300 January-June, 1907. 14 28301-28659 July-December, 1907. 15 28660-29125 January-June, 1908. 16 29126-29450 July-December, 1908. 17 29451-29887 January-June, 1909. 18 29888-30237 July-December, 1909. 19 30238-31171 January-December, 1910. 20 31172-31734 January-June, 1911. 21 31735-32126 July-December, 1911. 22 32127-32681 January-June, 1912. 1880-1911. Digest of decisions by Robert J. Mawhinney. 23 32682-33055 July-December, 1912. 414 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Decisions of the Treasury Department under customs and internal-revenue laws, etc. — Continued. Volume. Decision number. Period. 24 33056-33594 January-June, 1913. 25 33595-34033 July-December, 1913. 26 34034-34609 January June, 1914. 27 34610-35027 July-December, 1914. 28 35028-35564 January-June, 1915. Decisions of the Treasury Department under internal- revenue laws. Volume. Decision number. Period. 15 16 17 18 1745-1926 1927-2112 2113-2276 2277-2428 . January, 1912-December, 1913. January-December, 1914. January-December, 1915. January-December, 1916. Decisions of the Interior Department, relating to pensions and bounty lands. Volume. Period. Volume. Period. Volume. Period. 1 1887. 8 1895-1897. 14 1903-1904. 2 1888. 9 1897-1898. 15 1904-1905, 3 1889-1890. 10 1898-1900. 16 1905-1906. 4 1891. 11 1901. 17 1906-1907. 5 1892. 12 1901-1902. 18 1908-1912. 6 1892. 13 1902-1903. 19 1913-1914. 7 1893-1895. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 415 Decisions of the Interior Department, relating to public lands." Volume. Period. Volume. Period. 1 July, 1881-June, 1883. 24 January, 1897-June, 1897. 2 July, 1883- June, 1884. 25 July, 1897-December, 1897. 3 July, 1884-June, 1885. 26 January, 1898-May, 1898. 4 July, 1885-June, 1886. 27 June, 1898-December, 1898. 5 July, 1886-June, 1887. 28 January, 1899-June, 1899. G July, 1887-June, 1888. 29 July, 1899- April, 1900. 7 July, 1888-December, 1888. 30 May, 1900-June, 1901. 8 January, 1889-June, 1889. 31 July, 1901-December, 1902. 9 July, 188y-December, 1889. 32 January, 1903 -May, 1904. 10 January, 1890-June, 18C0. 33 June, 1904-June, 1905. 11' July, 1890-December, 1890. 34 July, 1905-June, 1906. 12 January, 1891-June, 1891. 35 July, 1906- June, 1907. 13 July, 1891-December, 1891. 36 July, 1907-June, 1908. 14 January, 1892- June, 1892. 37 July, 1908- June, 1909. 15 July, 1892-December, 1892. 38 June, 1909-May, 1910. 16 January, 1893-June, 1893. 39 June, 1910-Maroh, 1911. 17 July, 1893-December, 1893. 40 April, 1911-April, 1912. 18 January, 1894-June, 1894. 1 Digest, 1881-1901, part 1. - 19 July, 1894-December, 1894. 2 Digest, 1901-1902, part 2. ^ 20 January, 1895- June, 1895. 41 May, 1912-March 15, 1913. 21 July, 1895-December, 1895. 42 March, 1913-December, 1913. 22 Jauuary, 1896-June, 1896. 43 January, 1914-February, 1915. 23 July, 1896-December, 1896. 44 March, 1915-P^bruary, 1916. ' Not documented. ' Digest, volumes 1 to 40, pts. 1 and 2, by George J. Hessolman. Department of Justice. See Attorney General. District of Columbia. Reports of the Commissioners. Year. 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 Congress. Session. 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 - 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 Hon so or Senate document. H. ex IT. ex H. ex H. ex II. ex n. ex IT. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex H. ex Volimir 8 5 5 10 11 12 12 13 14 13 15 Number. I'art. 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 416 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. District of Columbia. Reports of the Commissioners — Con. Year. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 189(). 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901! 1902. 1902. 1903. 1903. 1904. 1904. 1904. 1905. 1905. 1906. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913 1914 1915. 1916. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 49 1 H. ex 16 6 49 2 H. ex 12 6 50 1 H. ex 15 6 50 2 H. ex 16 6 51 1 H. ex..... 16 6 51 2 H. ex 18 7 52 1 H.ex 21 7 52 2 H. ex 21 7 53 2 H.ex 20 7 53 3 H.ex 20 7 54 1 H. doc... 24 54 o H. doc. . . . 21 55 2 H. doc 24,25 1,2 55 3 H. doc 27,28 ' 1,2 56 1 H. doc 33,34 7 1,2,3,4 56 2 H. doc 44,45 7 1,2,3,4 57 1 H. doc 35 7 1,2,3,4 57 2 H. doc 28 7 1,2 57 o H. doc 29 7 3,4 58 2 H. doc 28 7 1,2,3 58 2 H. doc... 29 7 4,5 58 3 H. doc... 28 7 1 58 3 H. doc 29 7 '7 "^ 4 58 3 H. doc 30 7 5, pts. 59 1 H. doc 27 8 3, pts. 59 1 H. doc 28 8 2, pts. 59 2 H. doc 22 8 2, pts. 59 2 H. doc 23 8 3, pts. GO 1 H. doc 73-77 8 5, pts. 60 2 H. doc 110-115 1049 5, pts. 61 1 H. doc 106-110 110 5, pts. 61 ^ •H. doc. . . . 107-111 1009 5, pts. 62 2 H. doc... 109-113 I23I 5, pts. lto5 62 3 H. doc 98-102 934 1 4, pts. 1 to5 63 2 H.doc 131-134 403 1-5 63 3 H. doc 82- 85 1392 1,2, 3,4,15 64 1 H.doc 117-121 89 1-5 64 2 H.doc 90- 94 1503 1-5 Not printed. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 417 Documents, Catalogues, etc. Catalogue subject. Published by - American Librarv Association . Catalogue (Descriptive) of Gov- ernment ])ublications, 1774- 1881. 4°. Charts, Coast Pilots, and Tide Tables. Comprehensive index of public documents, 1881-1893. 4°. [Same], 1893-1895. 4° [Same], 1895-1897. 4' 4°. 4°. 4°. 4°. 4°. [Same], 1897-1899. [Same], 1899-1901. [Same], 1901-1903. [Same]-, 1903-1905. [Same], 1905-1907. [Same], 1907-1909. 4^^ Consolidated index of Government publications, 1895 to date. Early congressional documents for the first fourteen Congresses. Maps of America U. S. documents (5 MSS. vols.) Government Print- ing Office. Ben: Perley Poore. Coast and Geodetic Survey. John G. Ames Superintendent of Documents. ■ Gov^ernment Print- ing Odace. Greely Library of Congress. U. S. S^.na O 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 H.ex...... H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex Hex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.ex H.doc H. doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 11 13 14 15, pts. 1, 2 10 19 18, 19 18 18 21,22 21,22 21,22 24,25 30, 31 40,41 32,33 25, 26 ■ 24, 25 25,26 23,24 18,19 26, 28, 29 44,45 45, 46 33-34 42-43 44-45 134 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1045 107 100(; 1200 1449 403 5 5 5 5 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 • 5 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1,2 1,2 1,2 4 2 1878 1879 2 3 1880 3 1881 4 1882 1 1883 1 4 1884 4 1885 . . .'. 4 1886 4 1887 4 1888 5 1889 5 1890 1891 5 5 1892 5 1893 5, pt. 2 5 1894 1895 2 1896 2 1897 2 1898 2 ]899 2 1900 o 1901 1902 2 o 1903 ') 1904 2 1905 2 1906 1907 1908 2 2 9 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 ..., 1914 2 1915 . 64 64 i 2 H. doc H.doc 120 93 89 1503 4 4 1916 ' Not yet printed. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 419 Efficiency, U. S. Bureau. Reports. Congress. Session. • Year. House or Senate document. V'olume. Number. 64 2 Mar. 25, 1913-Oct. 31, 1916... H.doc 114 1793 Engineers. U. S. Army. Reports of the Chief. Year. 1867 K 1868.. 1869.. 1870. . 1871.. 1872.. 1873.. 1874.. 1875.. 1876.- 1877.. 1878.. 1879.. 1880. . 1881 . . 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886.. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890. . 1891.. 1892.. 1893.. 1894.. 1895.. 1896.- Con- Ses- gress. sion. 40 2 40 3 41 2 41 3 42 2 42 3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 id 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 House or Senate document. H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex..-- H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.doc... H.doc... Vol- ume. 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 • 3,4 2 2 3,4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-8 3-7 3-8 5-10 4-10 2-8 Part. 2,3 2-4 Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 2 2 2 2,3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Part. 1,2 1-3 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-6 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-6 1 For reports prior to ISST see Secretary of War reports, and for complete index to the Engineer reports from Um to IS'JO, in iuiivo, see the Analytical Index, piiblishel by the War Department in 3 volumes. Fifty-seventh Congress, second session. H. doc. 439, Vols. \)A, 94, and U5. 420 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Engineer Department, Army. Reports of the Chief — Contd. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. M um- ber. Part. Vol- ume. Part. 1897 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 G2 62 63 63 64 64 2 3 ] 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 H. doc... H. doc... H.doc... H. doe-. . . H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H.doc... H. doc... H. doc... 3-8 4-9 8-13 15-22 12-] 8 5-10 10-1 5 6-10 6-9 6 6 14-16 14 17 17-19 20-22 18-20 17-20 17-19 18-20 18-20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 26 1042 103 1010 124 930 428 402 '740 1408 91 1377 1-6 1898 1-6 1899 1-6 1900 1-8 1901 1-7 1902 1-6 1903 1-6 1904., 1-5 1905 1-4 1906 1 1907 1 1907 3 1908 1 1909 5 1910 1-3 1911 1-3 1912 1-3 1913 1-3 1914 1-3 1915 1-3 1916 1-3 I Index to reports 186G-1912. Entomological Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. No. 1 ■ No. 2 ' No. 3 1882 1884 1889 1889 47 48 51 51 2 2 1 1 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis 15 15 41 9 4^ No. 4 39 No. 5 269 Biblio<^raphy 133 Not in Senate Library. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SEXATE. 421 Entomological Reports — CJontiiiued. Year. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Congress. Session. 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 1 55 2 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63. 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document. n. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. n.ex.. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc H.doc H.doc H. doc. H. doc. Volume. 1 Number, i 17 20 20 19 19 .- 23 6 20 6 23 6 26 6 32 6 42 6 34 6 27 6 27 6 27 6 25 6 21 6 23 6 20 6 68 108 80 1007 77 121 64 939 97 653 52 1437 83 903 63 1470 Part. 7 6 6 6 6 422 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Ethnology. Reports of the Bureau.* Volume. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 12 2 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 47 48 48 49 • 50 52 52 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis H. mis House H.doc H.doc H. doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H. doc H.doc... H. doc H. doc H.doc 20 8 17- 10 14 31 41 2 25 9 10 GO 55 68 10 94,95 117,118 118, 119 128 108 89,90 116 114 109 98 121 117 119 126 112 145 95 131 105 61 32 42 167 571 107 295 11 116 81 82 266 230 339 93 316 736 539 709 483 641 476 939 821 825 1572 134 1504 153 967 1128 1720 1325 1878 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1,2 15 16 ...... 17 1,2 18 19 1,2 1,2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33' 34 * 35* ' The Bureau of Ethnology had its origin in an act approved Mar. 3, 1S79, transferring the work of et'.inologlcal research from the Department of the Interior to the Smithsonian Institution, with wliich institution it has since that time been connected. ' Not published as a document. ' See document catalogue. * Not yet printed and subject to change. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Ethnology. Contributions to North American. 423 a 3 O > Subject. c o d o a> CO I House or Senate doc- ument. E "3 o e 3 1 « Tribes of the Extreme Northwest (Dall) ; Tribes of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon (Gibbs).* 2 Klamath Indians of Southwest- ern Oregon (Gatschet). 1889 51 1 H. mis... 44, 45 272 1,2 3 1 Tribps (if California, (^Powers^ 4 1 Houses and House-life of the American Aborigines (Morgan). 5 Cup-shaped and other Lapidarian Sculpture in the Old World and in America (Rau); Pre- historic Trephining and Cranial Amulets (Fletcher); A Study of the Manuscript T r o a n o (Thomas). 1881 47 1 H. mis . . 26 66 6 The Cegiha Language (Dorsey). . 1889 51 1 H. mis... 46 273 7 Dakota-English Dictionary (Riggs). 1891 52 1 H. mis. . . 21 26 .... 8 2 Pottftrv of Eaatp.rn TlTiited States (Holmes). 9 Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography (Riggs). 1893 53 o H.mis.. . 21 173 .... 10 Navajo Houses, Expedition to Arizona, etc. (Cosmos Mindel- eff). 1896 55 3 H. doc... 95 316 2 11 Tusayan Migration Traditions (Jesse Walter Fewkes). 1898 56 2 H. doc... 119 539 2 12 Natick Dictionary (James Ham- mond Trumbull; introduction by Edward Everett Hale). 1901 57 2 H.doc... 99 455 13 The Hako: A Pawnee Ceremony (Alice C. Fletcher). 1903 58 2 H.doc... 90 641 .... ' Not among the documents. ' Not printed. Eulogies. See Memorial Addresses, p. 615. 424 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Explorations and Surveys. Reports. Explorer. Abert Do Allen Do Do Barlow Bartlett Cooke Grain Craven Culbertson. Doane Dutton Emory, W. H... Do Do Do Ferguson Foster and Whitney. Do... Do... Fisk Fremont. Do. Gibbon Gillis Gray, A. B. Greely relief expedi- tlon.i Gunnison Hall's twoexpeditions. Harber Healy. Year. 1846 1848 1886 1898 1846 1872 1859 1849 1850 1870 1846-1847 1853 1859 1859 1850 1851 1863 1842 1843-1844 1852 1849 1853 1886 1864 & 1869 1884 Con- gress. 29 30 49 55 29 42 34 30 34 46 32 41 52 30 33 34 34 38 31 32 38 27 28 32 33 33 49 49 33 45 48 47 48 49 32 36 31 43 S. ex.. II. ex. H.ex. H.ex. Herndon 1852-1853 Ives 1860 Jackson 1849 Jones 1872 King 1867-1869 Lewis and Clsrk « 1805-1806 Long' 1823 » No. 157, bound In vol. 22, H. mis. doc, 49th, 1st. Ses- sion. 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 Spl. 3 2 Spl. 3 1 1 Spl. 1 1 Spl. 1 Spl. 1 3 House or Senate Vol- docu- ume. ment. S.doc. S. doc.^ S.ex.. S. doc. H.ex.. S. ex.. S.ex.. S.ex.. S. ex.. H.ex., S. mis. S. ex.. S. mis. S.ex.. S.ex.. S.ex.. H.ex.. S.ex.. H.ex. S.ex.. H.ex. S.ex.. H.ex. H.ex. H.ex. S.ex.. H. mis. H. mis. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. Num- ber. 8 4 2 13 6 2 20 1 8 24 1 1 2 3 1 20 14 1 5 15 5 22 5 3 27 23 8 32 6 14 3 17 438 23 125 172 168 66 108 2 51 63 1 51 97 7 6 108 135 1 69 4 45 243 151 166 43 121 55 157 393 18 27 163 105 209 153 36 90 5 285 Part. 1-3 1-3 Survey. Part. Comanche Indian country. New Mexico. Alaska. Alaska, explorations in. Des Moines River. Upper Yellbwstone. Mexican boundary. Santa Fe to San Diego, Cal. Interoceanic canals. Do. Mauvaises Terrcs and Up- per Missouri. Yellowstone country. Nicaragua Canal. Fort Leavenworth to San Diego. Mexican boundary. Do. Do. Tucson and Lebes Bay. Geology of Lake Superior land district. Do. Do. Rocky Mountains. Do. [California, etc., and Rocky I Mountains. AmazoTi Valley. Astronomical exiiedition. Ran and marked the boundary line between United States and Mex- ico under treaty of Gua- dalupe Hidalgo. Arctic regions. Do. Utah. Arctic regions. Search for Jeannette sur- vivors. Cruise of the Corwin. Do. Do. Amazon Valley. Colorado River. Mining lands in Michigan. Wagon road in Wyoming. Not documented. Colorado and Pikes Peak 2 See Elliott Coues's edition. CATALOGUE OF LIBHARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. xplorations and Surveys. Reports — Continued. 425 Explorer. Powell ^i.-j-j. Lull :... Lull and Collins. Lull and Macomb. McFarland Marcy Do Do Menocal Michler Nicollet Owen Do Pacific Railroad sur- vey. Do Perry Do , Do , Pike' Powell Raymond , Do , Ruffner , Schuetze , Schwatka Selfridge Shufeldt Simpson Sitgreaves , Stansbury Sullivan Taunt Warren Wlieeler Year. 1875 1879 1848 1849 1853 1854 1885 1860 1808-1843 1848 1848 1853 1853 1852-1854 1852-1854 1855 1805-1807 1874 1884 1869 1893 Whipple Whitney (see Foster). Wilkes Intercontinental Rail- way. Mississippi River Do 1884 1874 1873 1849 1853 1851 1882 1886 1866 1872-1879 1851 1844 1891-1893 1908 1908 » 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1 See Elliott Couos. Con- gress. 43 45 45 30 52 31 32 34 49 36 28 28 30 33 33 33 33 33 Ses- sion. 43 48 42 43 49 48 42 42 31 32 32 47 49 39 31 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 1 ' 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 Spl. 2 2 2 House or Senate docu- ment. H. mis. S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... H. ex.. H.ex.. S. ex... S. ex... H.ex.. S. ex... H.ex.. S. ex... H. mis. H.ex.. S. ex... H.ex.. H.ex.. S. ex... H. mis. S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... S. ex... H. ex . . S. ex... H.ex.. S. ex. H. doc. II. doc. S. doc. . II. doc. S. rept. H. rept. H. rept. Vol- ume. 6 2 75 Num- ber. 4 2 14 8 12 6 7 2 4 7 13 11 14 12 6 23 1 12 24 1 5 3 6 10 2 23 1 10 1-3 1 2 62 131 3 1 3 300 75 34 46 64 54 60 99 9 62 168 57 91 79 97 34 300 44 12 193 131 2 113 6 12 59 3 107 77 58 Part. Survey. 19 1 50 50 429 540 609 660 1726 1-12 1-11 1-3 1-3 1-7 1-24 7 2 Survey of land i Colorado River. Nicaragua Canal. Interoceanic ship canals. Panama and Santa Fe. Dead Sea. Nicaragua Canal. Fort Smith to Santa Fe. Red River of Louisiana. Big Wichita River. Nicaragua CanaL Darien Canal. Upper Mississippi River. Chippewa land district. Do. Pacific Railroad. Do. Japan expedition. Do. Japan treaty. Colorado River. Point Barrow expedition. Yukon River. Ute Indian country. Jeannette expedition. Alaska. Darien Canal. Tehuantepec route. Navajo country. Jkini country, etc. Great Salt Lake Valley. Interoceanic canals. Congo River. Upper Mississippi. GeologicalSurvey ; not doc- umented. San Diego to Colorado River. Exploring ex{)edition; not documented. Not documented G. P. O. 1S98. Report. Atlas. Report relative to, 1909. Do. To provide for, etc. To. To T 'ovide for and con- ference report. n lancj grants. 426 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Explorations and Surveys. Reports— Continued. House cr Explorer. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Senate docu- Vol- ume. N-- Part. Survey. ment. Survey of public lands, 1909 61 2 H.doc. 133 753 additional estimates to 1909 61 2 H. doc. . 133 797 ' pay for compiling, in- 11909 61 2 H. doc. 133 541 cluding Minnesota, of 1910 61 3 II. doc. 128 1362 lands on Indian reserva- 1910 61 3 H. doc. . . 85 695 tion. 1910 61 3 H.doc. 127 1175 Public lands, etc. 1910 61 3 H. doc. 127 1212 ' 1 Same in Minnesota, Idaho, 1910 61 3 H.doc. 127 1174 1 Montana, and Utah. 1910 61 3 S. doc . . 1 1122 Survey in Wyoming. [ 1911 61 3 H. doc. 127 1176 Permanent International Council for Exploration of the Sea. 1912 62 2 H. rept. . 1 325 ' International Couucil for 1 Exploration of the Sea 1 Surveys, military, in the Philippine Islands, estimates for maps, etc. Expositions.' Reports. Exposition. Con- gress. Brussels, 1888 Madrid, Columbian Historical Melbourne Paris, 1867 Paris, 1878 Paris, 1889 .* Philadelphia, Centennial Vienna, 1873 Brussels, 1897 Paris, 1900 (report of the special com- missioner to). Chicago, 1893 Do Si. Louis, 1904 (report of commission for Europe). St. Louis (final report) Jamestown Do Alaska - Yukon - Pacific Exposition, 1910. 50 53 51 40 46 51 44 55 55 57 57 58 59 59 60 61 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Volume. S. ex.. H. ex.. S. ex.. S. ex. . H. ex.. H. ex.. 4 31 4 n. ex... S. doc... S. doc... 1 IT. doc. 1 '' U. doc. 1,2 S. doc. S. doc. H. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 20-24 38-42 17 11 1 106 107 6 14 Num- ber. 147 100 118 16 29 42 410 {') 196 152 4 510 510 244 202 72-76 735 671 Part. 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-4 ' See also "document index.' 2 Not documented. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 427 Federal Reserve Board, Reports of. Created by act of Dec. 23, 1913. (38 Stats., p. 251.) Year. Number. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. • 1 1914 1 2 3 63 64 64* 3 1 2 H.doc H.doc H. doc 87 123 96 1523 1915 442 1916 1888 Federal Trade Commission, Reports of. Created by act of Sept. 26, 1914. (38 Stats., p. 717.) Year. Period covered. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1915 Mar. -Tunc 30 64 64 1 2 H.doc H.doc 144 114 475 1916 1485 Finance Reports. See Treasury, reports of the Secretary, p. 689. Fish Commission Bulletins. Year. 1881 1882, 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 Congress. Session. Volume. 47 1 1 47 2 2 48 1 3 48 2 4 49 1 5 49 2 6 . 50 2 7 51 ] 8 51 Li 9 52 1 10 52 2 11 53 2 12 53 2 13 53 3 14 54 1 15 54 2 16 55 2 17 55 3 18 56 1 19 56 2 20 57 1 21 House or Sen- ate document. s. n. H. H. H. H, H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. mis. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. Volume. Number. 131 11 40 11 \ 6 34 9 165 10 136 18 261 13 131 5 341 11 112 18 122 20 120 12 86 49 79 71 348 71 . 561 91 308 116 734 120,121 540 125 706 Part. 1,2 428 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Fish Commission Bulletins — Continued. Year. 1902.. 1903.. 1904.. 1905.. 1906.. 1907.. 1908.. 1909.. 1910.. 1911.. 1912.. 1913.. 19141. 1915 1 1916 ' Congress. Session. Volume. 57 2 22 58 1-2 23 58 3 24 59 1 » 25 59 2 26 60 1 27 60 2 28 61 2 29 61 3 30 62 2 31 62 3 32 63 2 33 63 3 34 64 1 35 64 2 36 House or Sen- ate document. H. doc H.doc II. doc H. doc II. doc II. doc 11. doc H.doc H.doc H. doc H. doc II. doc H.doc H. doc H. doc Volume. Number. 486 112 118 752 118 479 112 929 85 356 55 981 83 1571 81 122 92 1439 87-88 176 77 985 106 885 61 1716 94 1363 72 2137 Part. 1,2 ' Not j-et printed. Fish and Fisheries. Reports of the Commissioner.^ Year. 1871-72... 1872-73... 1873-74... 1874-75... 1875-76... 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 , 1889-1891. 1892 Coiiijress Session. Volume. 42 9 1 42 3 o i 43 1 o 3 44 1 4 45 2 5 45 3 6 40 2 7 46 3 8 47 1 9 47 2 10 48 I 11 48 1 12 48 2 13 49 2 14 50 2 15 51 1 16 52 2 17 53 o 18 House or Sen- ate document. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. II. mis. H. mis. S. mis. S. mis. TI. mis. H. mis. H. mis. II. mis. Volume. 2 3 O i-i 3 3 3 4 32 33 6 4 8 47 21 36 Number. 61 74 108 107 49 n 59 29 110 46 67 68 70 90 133 274 113 209 ' The United States Fish Commission was 1871. Transferred to Commerce and Labor established by a joint resolution of Congress approved Feb. 9,' Department July 1, 1903. (Stats. L., vol. 32, pt. 1, p. 825.) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 429 Fish and Fisheries. Reports of the Commissioner — Coiitd. Year. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. Congress. Session. Volume. 53 3 19 54 1 20 54 2 21 55 1 22 55 2 23 55 3 24 56 1 25 56 2 26 57 1 27 57 2 28 58 1-2 29 58 3 30 59 1 31 59 2 32 60 1 33 60 2 34 61 2 35 61 3 36 62 2 37 62 3 38 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Sen- ate document. H. mis. House. House . House. House. House . House. House . H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc H. doc H. doc H. doc. H. doc. Volume. 14 80 42 2 59 74 104 122 124 111 117 118 112 85 52 81 79 92 85 74 104 59 92 70 Number. 89 424 104 32 299 221 692 541 705 485 751 479 929 356 7 1048 109 1439 122 961 812 1505 423 1482 Foreign Relations, 1816- This is a collection of documents bearing upon important questions connected with our foreign relations. They are copies of documents which were separately ordered printed by the Senate and House of Representatives at various times during the period between 1816 and 1832. There are messages of the Presidents of the United States, reports of Secretaries of State, embracing voluminous correspondence between the Department of State and our ministers abroad, reports of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and reports of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, upon subjects of leading importance; and there are me.morials and other papers touching our foreign relations. These documents, several hundred all told, were collected by Col. William Hickey, formerly chief clerk of the Senate, arranged chronologically, and bound in 11 volumes, aggregating fully 5,000 printed pages, as follows: Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. Volume. Period covered. 1 1816-1818 1818 1818-1821 1818-1826 5 6 1821-1822 1822-1824 1824-1825 ;' 1825-1827 9 1828-1829 2 10 11 1829-1830 3 7 1830-1832 4 8 '■•■ 430 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Foreign Relations.' Secretarj' of State. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Edward Livinpston .John Forsvth 1835 1836 1837 1837 1838 1838 2 1839 2 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1848 1849 1849 2 1850 1851 1851 2 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 24 24 25 25 25 25 1 2 2 2 3 3 H.ex.... Senate. . . Senate. . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 Do Do Do Do Do Do Daniel Webster 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex Senate... H.ex.... Senate. . . H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 o 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 5 Do.... Do Do Abel P. Upshur Do John C. Calhoun Do James Buchanan Do Do Do Do Do John M. Clayton Do 1 Clayton and Webster. . . . Daniel Webster S.ex H.ex.... 1 2 1 1 2 Do Edward Everett William L. Marcy Do. Do 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 Do *" Do Do Do Do ' These volumes contain the annually published correspondence relative to foreign affairs conducted by the Department of State. This correspondence was not issued in separate volumes until 18iU. Such portions of the same as prior to that date were from time to time published are embraced in the Executive documents of the Senate or House of Representatives. For Foreign Uelatiuns -priur to 18;i5 see American State Papers, Foreign Relations; also Waite's Stale Papers, Spark's Diplomatic Correspondence, and Wharton's Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution. • No correspondence issued. CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 431 Foreign Relations — Continued. Secretary of State. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Lewia Cass 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 ' 1860 1861 35 35 35 , 35 36 36 37 1 1 2 o 1 2 2 S. ex H..ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex S.ex 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do 1 Do . 1 Jeremiah S. Black William H. Seward S.ex 1 Do 1862 1863 1864 2 1865 1866 1867 1868 ^869 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 S.ex S.ex S.ex Hex.... H.ex.... S.ex S.ex H.ex.... 1,2 1-4 1-4 1-3 1,2 1,2 1 Do 1.2 Do 1-1 Do Do 1-3 Do Do Elihu B. Washbiirne Hamilton Fish 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 41 42 42 43 43 44 3 3 1 2 1 H.ex.... H. ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 1 1-3 Do Do Do Do Do 1,2 Do 1876 1877 44 45 2 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... William M. Evarts Do 1878 1879 45 46 3 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... 1 Do Do 1880 1881 46 47 3 1 H.ex.... H.ex.... 1^ Blaine and Frelinghuysen F. T. Frelinghuysen 1882 47 2 H.ex.... 1 Do. 1883 48 1 H.ex.... Do 1884 48 2 H.ex.... Thomas F. Bayard 1885 49 1 H.ex.... Do 1886 49 2 H.ex.... Do 1887 50 1 H.ex..:. 1 Do 1888 50 2 H.ex.... 1.2 James G. Blaine 1889 51 1 H.ex.... 1 Do 1890 1891 1892 51 52 52 2 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... -*- Do John W. Foster ' No correspondence published. ' Correspondence relative to the assasnnation of President Lincoln. • No corresp undone e submitteil. The only documents relative to foreign relations, which accompanied the President's message Dec. 6, 18.i9, were four in number, at pp. .vxi to Liv. 432 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Foreign Relations- Continued. Secretary of State. Walter Q. Greshain Do Richard Olney Do John Sherman W. R. Day John Hay Do Do Do Do Do Do Elihu Root Do Do Philander C. Knox Do Do Do William J. Bryan. . Do Robert Lansing Do Year. (,'on- gress. Ses- sion. 1893 53 2 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 189G 54 2 1897 55 2 1898 55 3 1899 56 1 1900 • 56 2 1901 57 1 1902 57 o 1903 58 1-2 1904 58 3 1905 59 1 1906 59 2 1907 GO 1 1908 60 2 1909 61 2 1910 61 3 1911 62 2 1912 62 3 2 1913 63 2 2 1914 63 3 2 1915 64 1 M916 64 2 House or Senate document. H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.doc. U.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc . H. doc. H. doc. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. 1 1,2 1-3 1-3 101 1000 114 1492 1129 1721 1364 2136 ; 1 Part. 1 Appendix. Affairs in Ctiina, Rockhill's report, etc. This report is published also as S. doc. 67, 57th Cong., 1st sess. ' Not yet printed. French Spoliation claims.' Year. 1826 (President Adams) 1855 1863 (Senator Sumner). 1867 (Senator Sumner). 1869 (Senator Sumner). Con- gress. 19 34 38 40 41 Ses- I sion. House or Senate document. History of claims. List of memorials, etc. List of reports to 1863. 1 The documents on this subject are numerous. See, for list of claimants, S. rept. no. 41, 3Sth Cong., 1st sess.; S. ex. doc. no. 205, 48th Cong., 1st; S. ex. doc. no. 102, 49th Cong., 1st sess.; S. ex. doc. no. 30, 49th Cong., 1st sess. See also American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vols. 1 and 2. Senate... S. ex. .. . S. rept... S.rept... S. rept... Vol- ume. 1 Num- ber. 5 102 14 87 1 41 1 1 1 10 Remarks. CATALOGUE OF T.TBRARY OF UNITED STATES BENATB. 433 French Spoliations — Continued. Year. 1881 1881 1883 1885 1886 (Broadhead and Tuck's report). 1886 (Finding of Court of Claims). Con- Ses- gress. sion. 47 1 47 1 48 1 49 1 49 1 49 2 House or Senate document. H. rept. S. rept.. S.ex.... S. ex.... S.ex.... H. mis.. List of reports 1802 to 1870. Vol- ume. Num- ber. 4 1067 3 537 6 205 7 102 1 30 1 6 Remarks. List of claims. Do. Do. General Land OflB.ce Decisions. See Decisions of the Interior Department relating to Public Lands, p. 415; also, reports of Sec- retary, p. 569. General Land Of&ce. Reports of the Commissioner.^ Year. 1825. 1826. 1826. 1827. 1827. 1828. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 19 1 19 2 19 2 20 1 20 1 20 2 House or Senate document. Senate... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H. ex Senate... Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. 20 1 2 1 Part. Vol- ume. ' For land aflairs prior to 1825, see American State Papers, Public Lands, volumes 1, 2, 3, etc. By act establishing the Department of War, Aug. 7, 1789, the Secretary of War was charged with super- vision over "the granting of lands to persons entitled thereto for military services rendered to the United States." The act establishing the Department of the Treasury, Sept. 2, 1789, required the Secretary of the Treasury to execute "services relative to the sale of the lands belonging to the United States." An act of May 18, 1796, provided for surveying these lands, and authorized the President to grant patents for lands, to be countersigned by the Secretary of State and recorded in his oflfice. Land offices were established and proper registry provided for by acts of May 10, 1800, and Mar. 26, 1804. Act of Apr. 25, 1812, provided "that there shall be established in the Department of the Treasury an office, to be denominated the General Land Office, the chief officer of which shall be called the commissioner of the General Land Office, whose duty it shall be * ♦ ♦ to superintend, execute, and perform all such acts and things touching or respecting the public lands of the United States ♦ • • as have heretofore been directed by law to be done or performed in the office ef the Secretary of State, of the Secretary and Register of the Treasury, and of the Secretary of War." An act of July i, 1836, "to reorganiee the General Land Office" provided that the executive duties con- cerning public lands and private claims for land prescribed therein "be subject to the supervision and con- trol of the commissioner of the General Land Office, under the direction of the President of the United States." The question immediately arose as to whether the eflect of this law was to remove the control of the Land Office from the Treasury Department. The opinion of the Attorney General on the subject, rendered July 4, 1836 (J 1.5:3, p. 137) was to the effect that the supervision remained with the Treasury Department, and in order to remove all doubt, the President, at the suggestion of the Attorney General, directed that the Secretary of the Treasury continue to superintend the business of the Land Office. In 1849 the act establishing the Department of the Interior transferred the General Land Office from the Treasury Department to the Interior Department. 49183—18 28 434 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. General Land OflQ.ce. Reports of the Commissioner — Contd. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1828 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 \ 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex S.ex H.ex.... S.ex 11 ex.... 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 5 2 1 2 1 2 142 196 3 9 15 2 3 3 5 3 6 11 23 17 29 21 12 61 38 22 24 10 18 15 37 7 15 16 12 9 2 2 12 1829 1829 1830 .'J Jc>.teJJ. j... . 1 1830 ... 1831 1 1831 1 1 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 : . . 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 . . 1841 1841 . 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 . . . . . 1845 .. .. 1846 ; 1847 1848 1848. 1849 2 1849 2 2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 435 General Land Office. Reports of the Commissioner — Contd. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1850 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex..-. S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex .H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... S.ex S.ex S.ex H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex.. '. H.ex.... H.ex H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 6 4 4 8 9 9 9 2 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1850 1851 3 1851. 3 1852 11 1 2 3 5 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1858 1859 I860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 4 1868 1869 ' 1870 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1878 1880 436 CATALOGUE OF LIBBABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. General Hand Ofllce. Reports of the Commissioner — Contd. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1881 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 '60 60 61 '61 62 ' 62 63 63 64 64 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 H.ex.... Hex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H.ex.... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H.doc... H. doc- H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... 9 10 10 11 11 8 10 10 11 11 14 12 13 14 14 12 12 14 17 26 22 18 18 18 18 14 26 42 43 31 40 42 36 29 37 33 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1046 107 1006 120 933 1009 1475 90 1899 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889..... 1890...-. 1891 1892 1893... 1894.-... 1895-. 1896-...- 1897 1898 1899 1900 - 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 ..'. 1906-..-- ----- 1907............ 1908... 1909..^ 1910.. L. i911... 1912..,.. . 1 1913. J. - '... - 1 1914- J ' ...... 1 1915- -1 ; 1916 5 1 (^'TS! CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Geological Survey Bulletins. [For subjects of each bulletin see preface to latest bulletin.] 437 Year. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1893. 1894. 1894. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1897. 1897. 1898. 1898. 1899. 1899. 1900. 1900. 1901. Congress. Session. Bulletin numbers. 48 1 1-6 48 2 7-14 49 1 15-23 49 2 24-30 49 2 31-36 50 1 37-41 50 2 42-46 50 2 47-54 51 1 55-61 51 2 62-65 52 1 66-70 52 1 71 52 1 72-75 52 1 76-80 52 1 81-82 52 1 83 52 84-86 53 2 87-89 53 2 177 53 2 178 53 2 179 53 2 180 53 3 78 54 1 34-314 413, 414 54 1 412 54 1 415-421 54 2 27-32 54 2 33-37 55 2 567-569 55 2 570-572 5^ 3 302-304 55 3 305-306 17,572, 56 1 633 714-718 56 1 719,720 746-750 56 2 535-536 House or Senate document. IT. mis... H. mis... n. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... n. mis... H. mis... II. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis.. H. mis.. H. doc. H. doc. II. doc. H. doc, H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc. H. doc Volume. Part. 36 16 1 8 8 2 11 11 32 15 17 18 19 20 20 45 27 23 24 25 26 27 9 77 78 79 35 36 74 75 87 88 54 55 113 Document number. 71 41 43 163 164 375 137 138 244 136 21 23 24 25 336 337 118 176 90-97 98-501 102-106 107-117 118-122 128-1293 123-1261 127 130-136 137-142 143-149 150-152 153-156 157-159 160-161 162-169 170-176 177-178 438 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Geological Survey Bulletins — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. Bulletin numbers. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Document number. 461-475 1902 57 1 635 693-701 H.doc... 97-102 179-203 ' 204-208 1903 57 2 430 434-437 H. doc... 65-67 204-216 470-472 ^ 62- 66 606 ■ 1904 58 1-2. 675-680 624-731 H.doc... 58-64 217-245 771-779 1905 58 3 387-403 452-457 H.doc... 84-87 246-268 202-207 1906 59 1 409 824-839 H.doc... 73-78 269-299 931-938 53- 63 1907 59 2 300-321 H.doc... 55-60 .......' 781, 782 796-798 823-828 717-734 1908 60 1 322-345 H.doc... 31-37 .......'■ 930-932 940 976-977 1909 60 60 2 2 1909 346-350 H.doc... 46 1001 1010-13 1909 60 2 351-354 H.doc... 47 1015 1025-27 1909 60 2 355-359 H.doc..'. 48 1028-30 1033-36 1909 60 2 360 H.doc... 49 1036 1038 1909 60 2 361-370 H.doc... 50 1039 1055-61 • 1389 1390 190fl 60 2 371-375 H.doc... 51 1475 1507-9 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 439 Geological Survey Bulletins — Continued. Year. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. 1909. Congress. 1909. 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 Session. 61 Bulletin numbers. 376-379 380 381 382-388 389-394 395-397 398-101 402-407 408-414 415-419 420-425 426-429 432, 433 435, 436 439 3 3 3 3 3^ 430 431 434 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 House or Senate document. II. doc. II. doc. H.doc. 11. doc. H. doc. H.doc. II. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc Volume. '^H. doc. 52 53 54 55 56 5 6 47 48 49 50 51 52 35 pt. 35 pt. 37 38 39 40 ^1 Part. 42 Document number. 1510 1519 1521 1522 1523 1536 1537-40 1546-48 1549-54 94-96 97-100 175, 176 181 183-185 186-190 219,220 365-369 370-373 502, 870 871-873 988 989, 993 982, 983 996 1031 1264 1015 1014 1300 1011 1016 1019 1027 1022 1042 1053 1220 1219 1226 1376 440 CATALOGUE OF LIBBARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Geological Survey Bulletins — Continued, Year. Congress. Session. Bulletin numbers. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Document number. 451 1274 452 1384 1909 61 3 453 454 H.doc... 43 1366 1425 455 1414 1427 to 1433 436-460 1412 to 1909 61 3 467-461 458^62 H.doc... 44 1437 1428 to 469-463 1438 1432 to 1441 1442 to 1909 61 3 464-467 465-468 466-469 H.doc... 45 1462 1435 to \ 1463 1460 1461 1910 61 61 3 3 470 471 472 H.doc... H.doc... 46 47 1 2 1464 1910 1465 1466 1910 61 3 473 474 H.doc... 48 1467 1468 475 1469 1470 1910 61 3 476-478 477-479 H.doc... 49 1471 1472 1473 1810 61 3 480 H.doc... 50 1474 1475 1910 61 3 481-483 482-484 H.doc... 51 1480 1481 1482 485 486 1483 1484 1910 61 3 487 488 H.doc... 52 1485 1486 489 1487 490 1488 1910 62 3 491 H.doc... 53 1499 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 441 Geological Survey Bulletins — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. Bulletin numbers. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Document number. 1910 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 ■1 2 2 2 2 2 2 i 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 492-494 493-495 496 497-499 498-500 501-504 502-505 503-506 507 508-509 510 511-513 512-514 515-518 516-519 517 520 521 522 523-524 525-526 527-529 530 531 532-535 536-539 540 541 542 543-545 546-550 551-552 553-557 H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 46 47 48 49 50 51 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1 2 1 2 , 167-169 1910 168-170 171 1910 172-174 1910 173-175 180-183 181-186 1910 182-350 351 1910 352 1910 353 354 1910 355 390 1911 814 815 816-819 817-844 1911 818 845 1911 846 1911 880 1911 881 1912 882 982 1912 1239 1240-1242 1912 1243 1912 1426 1912 1427-1430 1912 1431 1432 1913 1466 1476 306 1913 307 1913 308 1913 309-311 1913 312-316 1913 317-318 1913 319-323 442 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Geological Survey Bulletins— Continued. Year. Congress. Session. Bulletin numbers. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Document number. 1913. . 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 55S-564 565-568 569-573 574-576 577-579 580 581 582-584 585-586 587 588-590 591 592 593-594 595-597 598-600 601-603 ' 04-606 607-610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626-628 629-631 632-639 640 H.doc. Rdoc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. Kdoc. Rdoc. Rdoc. H.doc. Rdoc. Rdoc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. Rdoc. H.doc. H.doc. Rdoc. Rdoc. H.doc. Rdoc. H.doc. Rdoc. Rdoc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 33 34 35 36 37 :;8 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 1 2 1 324-326 1913 766-769 770-773 1913 774-778 1913 779-781 1913 782-784 1913 785 1913 786 1913 787-7t9 1913 790 1913 1062 1063 1913 1064-1066 1913 1067 1913 1068 1913 1069-1070 1913 1071-1073 1913 1074 1153 1914 1154 1683-1685 1914 1686-1688 1914 1689-1692 1914 1693 1914 1694 1914 1695 1914 1696 1914 1699 1914 1700 1914 1715 1915-1916 1915-1916 1915-1916 1915-1916 1915-1916 40-41 42 43 44 868 1915-1916 869 1915-1916 870 1915-1916 871-873 1915-1916 874-876 1915-1916 877-884 1915-1916 1249 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Geological Survey Bulletins — Continued. 443 Year. Congress. Session. Bulletin numbers. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Document number. 1915-1916 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 2 2 641 642 643 644 645 646 647-649 650 651 652-654 655-657 H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 37 38 2 1250 1915-1916 1251 1915-1916 1252 1915-1916 1253 1915-1916 1254 1915-1916 1255 1915-1916 1256-1258 1915-1916 1259 1915-1916 1260 1916-1917 2113-2115 1916-1917 2123-2125 Notes. — Bulletin 203, doc. No. 701, contains bibliography and index of North American geology, etc., 1901. Geological Survey Monographs. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. lilono- graph num- ber. 51 1 1 48 2 2 47 3 47 4 47 5 47 6 48 7 48 8 48 9 49 10 49 11 49 12 50 13 50 14 50 16 51 16 52 17 52 18 52 19 52 1 20 52 2 21 53 2 22 53 2 33 53 2 24 54 1 25 54 1 26 54 a 27 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Docu- qient num- ber. Part. 174 35 1,2 52 1,2 51 50 43 72 73 74 305 304 307 1,2 610 1,2 611 147 1,2 249 60 77 342 343 118 47 119 120 297 411 ........ 136 Subject. 1889. 1884. 1881. 1881. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1885. 1885. 1885. 1887. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1891. 1891. 1891. 1891. ' 1892. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1895. 1895. 1896. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. n. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. IT. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. II. mis. H. mis. H. mis. II. mis. II. mis. 11. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. 17 11 17 16 15 14 37 38 39 2 2 27 24 25 17 37 29 30 52 53 27 5 14 15 63 76 45 Lake Bonneville. Grand Canyon district. Comstock Lode, etc. Comstock Mine. Copper Rocks oJ Lake Superior. Mesozolc Flora of Virginia. Silver Lead at Eureka. Paleontology of Kureka. Raritan Clays, etc., of New Jersey. Dinocerata. Lake La Ilontan. Geology, etc., of LeadvlUe, Colo. Quicksilver In Pacific Slope. Triasine Rocks of New Jersey. Potomac Mesozoic Flora. Paleozoic Fishes of North America. Flora of the Dakota Group. Gastropoda of New Jersey. Penokee iron district. In Wisconsin and Minnesota. Geology of Eureka district. Ilhinocepterus Celioptera. Manual of Topographic Methods. Geology of Green Mountain. MoUusca of New Jersey. Glacial Lake Agasslz. Flora of the Amboy Clays. Geology of Denver Basin. 444 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Geological Survey Monographs — Continued. Year. 1896 1897 1897 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898, 1899 1899 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1904 1904 1906 1909 1909 1909 1909 1914. Mono- Con- Ses- graph gress. sion. num- ber. 54 2 28 55 2 29 55 2 30 55 3 31 56 3 31 55 3 32 55 3 32 55 3 33 55 3 34 55 3 35 55 3 36 55 3 37 65 3 38 56 1 39 56 1 40 57 1 41 57 2 42 57 2 43 57 2 44 57 2 45 57 2 45 58 1-2 46 58 1-2 47 58 3 48 58 3 48 59 2 49 50 1 61 2 51 61 2 52 61 2 51 61 2 52 63 2 S3 House or Senate document. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. Atlas... H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. In.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc... Vol- ume. 53 82 83 55 66 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 108 109 91 73 74 75 82 83 114 115 67 63 54 63 Docu- ment num- ber. 218 581 582 101 101 281 287 288 289 290 291 292 315 726 743 310 219 429 432 433 565 753 475 475 310-311 119 114 119 114 1099 Part. 1-2 Subject. Marquette iron-bearing district. Geology of old New Hampshire County, Mass. Fossil Medusae. Geology of Aspen district. "Atlas." Geology of Yellowstone Park. Do. Geology of Narragansett Basin. Glacial Gravels of Maine. Later Extinct Floras of North America. Crystal Falls iron-bearing district. Fossil Flora of Lower Coal-Measures of Missouri. Illinois Glacial Lobe. Eocene and Oilgocene Coral Faunas. Adephagous and Clavicorn Coleoptera from Florissant. Erie and Ohio Basins. Carboniferous Ammonoids of America. Mesabi iron-bearing district of Min- nesota. Pseiidocratites of Cretaceous. Vermilion iron-bearing district of Min- nesota. Do. Menominee iron-bearing district of MIclilgan. Treaties on Metamorpliism. Status of Mesozoic Floras of U. S. 2d paper. Plates. ' Do. Ceratopsia-Cretaceous Flora of southern New Yorli and New England. Cambrian Brachiopoda. The Geology of the Lake Superior Region. Pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and history of Great Lakes. Catalogue of library of united states senate. 445 Geological Survey Professional Papers. Year. 1909 1909 1910 1909... 1910 1910 • ! V 1910 .1.. 1910 1911-12 1911 1911 1911 .:....... 1911-12 1913-14 1913-14 1913-14 1913-14 1913-14... 1913-14 1913-14 1914-15 1914-15 1914-15 1914-15 1915-1916 1915-1916 1915-1916 1915-1916 1916-1917 1916-1917.:. 1916-1917 1916-1917 1916-1917 1916 Con- gresa. Ses- sion. Num- ber. 61 2 68 61 69 61 3 70 61 o 71 61 3 72 61 3 73 61 3 74 61 3 75 62 2 76 62 2 77 62 2 78 62 3 79 62 3 80 63 2 81 63 2 82 63 2 83 63 2 84 63 2 85 63 2 86 63 2 87 63 3 88 63 3 89 63 3 90 63 3 91 64 1 92 64 1 93 64 1 94 64 1 95 64 . 2 96,97 64 ■ 2 98 64 2 99 64 100 64 2 101 64 2 [ 102- 1 1(53 Docu- ment. H. doc.. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc.. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc . H.doc. H.doc H.doc. H.doc. H. doc H. doc 11. doc. H. doc. H. doc. II. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. Jn. doc. Docu- ment num- ber. 970 997 1050 998 1267 1446 1453 1454 595 596 597 1250 1301 585 586 587 588 589 590 1101 1540 1674 1675 1719 444 445 446 447 [1802 [1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 Vol- ume. 55 56 54 57 55 56 57 58 57 58 59 52 52 65 65 66 67 67 68 68 43 44 45 46 62 63 64 05 39 h 41 42 43 44 Note.— Professional Papers No. 70 will be documented Siity-flrst Congress, third session. 446 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, Geological Survey Reports. Year. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913-14 . . 1914-15 . . 1915-16... 1916-17... Num- ber of report. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 Con- Ses- gross. sion. 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 1 . 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H. ex. . H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. House. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc H.doc H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H. doc. H.doc H.doc. H. doc . H. doc. Volume. 10 12 13 14 14,15 17,18 16,17 16,17 17 4 17-20 15-17 15-19 17-23 22-29 28-31 24 24 24 22 17 26 42 43 31 40 42 36 29 37 33 Part. 1,2 1,2 24 24 22 17 26 Docu- ment num- ber. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1046 107 1006 120 933 1009 1475 90 1899 Part. Vol- ume. 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 31 Part. 1,2 1.2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1-3 1-4 1-3 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-4 CATALOGUE OF LIBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Geological Survey of Territories. hayden's reports. 447 Year. 1867 . . 1868.. 1869. . 1870. . 1871.. 1871.. 1871.. 1873.. 1875. . 1875.. 1877.. 1878. . 1878.. 1879.. 1881.. 1889.. 1895.. 1897.. 1899 '. Con- Rress. Session. Volume. 40 2 1 40 3 2 41 2 3 41 3 4 42 42 3 3 5 42 3 Sup. 5 43 1 6 44 1 7 44 1 8 45 2 9 45 3 10 45 3 12 46 2 11 47 1 13 51 1 14 54 2 55 2 56 1 House or Senate document. H.ex. H. ex. H.ex. H.miB... H. ex U.ex.... H.ex.... H. mis... H. mis. . . S. doc... H.doc... S. doc... Volume. 1 1 1 21,22 43 4 39 9 Num- ber. 62 1 1 1 62 271 109 149 115 Part. pp. 128 pp. 220 Subject. Nebraska. Wyoming. Colorado, etc. Wyoming. Reprint of 1, 2, 3. Montana. Fossil flora. Montana. Colorado, etc. Do. Colorado, etc. Do. Territories. Idaho, etc. Alaska, for coal and gold. Indian Territory. Insular survejH, etc. 1 For subsequent surveys see document indexes. CLARENCE KING's REPORTS.* POWELI.'S REPORTS. Year. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Con- gress. Session. Volume. 46 47 47 48 48 49 3 1 2 1 2 1 House or Senate document. H. ex. H. ex. H.ex. H.ex. H.ex. H.ex. Volume. 10 11 12 12 13 13 Num- ber. Tart. 5, pt. 2 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 5, pt. 3 Subject. ' Three reports, not documented. Note.— Catalo(;ue and Index to the, Kini;, Powell, and Whocler Terrltori il Surveys, fn Bulletin no. 222, U. S. Uool. Survey, 5.Sth Cong., 2d sejs., H. doc. no. (500, vol. 58. 448 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Health, National Board. Year. 1879 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 Congress. Session. 46 2 47 1 47 2 48 1 48 2 49 1 House or Senate document. H.ex H.ex S. ex. H.ex H.ex S. ex. Volume. 18 18 1 21 28 6 Number. 10 13 5 43 176 91 Hearings, Congresional, alphabetical list of. ,•;.;■ ■•;■■•.■! Documented. Not docu- mented. S ubject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Accident compensation to Government emj Senate Committee on Judiciarv. Feb. 2f) jloyees: , 1916 87 152 89 57 6 Activity of certain off (J vernment .limiting on Judiciary, Mar. 17 Adulterated oil, turpen manufacture of: SeoE tures, Apr. 4, 1916 cers and c ?, 2 parts: I , 1916 mployec louse Co s of the m mittee 9 ine, or paint , preventing the ite Committee on Manufac- 9 Adulteration of linscei 1 oil: Senate Committee on Manufactures, Mar. 1 Adulteration of paint, e mittee on Manufactu Aeronautics in the A Military Affairs, Aug Agents and superiuten Granting Indians r mittee on Indian 0, 1914 2 tc, to proh ■es, P"eb. 17 rmy: Hous . 12, 1913. . ibit: Senate Com- , 1910. 61 1-2 S. rept. 2 546 e Committee on 107 85 85 1 1 79 79 79 7 lents: ight to select: Sena Affairs. Mar. 9. 191( te Com- 5 3 Recall of by Indian tribes: S« on Indian Affairs, May 2, 19 Agricultural appropriation bill: S< on Agriculture and Forestry- Apr. 17, 1908 inate Co 16 . mmlttee 7 snato Co mmittee 1 Feb. 14, 1913. .......... K :'.': J- .'. 6 Cotton futures amendment: Mav. 1916 3 Grain-grades amendment: Ma; Migratory birfls, protection of f, 1916 I 4 Mav. 1 316 5 Agricultural Department, irrigation: IIou se Com- 5S 3 11. doc. 53 381 Agricultural extension: culture, Sept. 23, 191, Agricultural extension tural colleges, to esta Agriculture and Fore House Committee on Agri- j 74 1 3 departmei Wish: Sena stry, Mar. Its with agricul- te Committee on 1, 1912 5 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 449 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Agricultural lands in Alaska: House Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 19, 1902 Agricultural products, marketing in Europe of: Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Aug. 14, 1914. . Agriculture: Industrial Commission Agriculture appropriation bill: House Committee on Agriculture — Jan. 12, 1906 Dec. 13, 1909 Dec. 9, 1912 Dec. 9, 1913 1917: 64th Cong., 1st sess 1917: 64th Cong., 2d sess 1918: Dec. 5, 1916 Estimates— Jan. 13, 1908 ' Agriculture, training in; report of Vocational Edu- cation Commission: Commission on National Aid to Vocational Education, Apr. 20, 1914 Alabama, affairs in: Joint Select Committee to In- quire into Condition of Affairs in the late Insur- rectionary St ates Alabama, election of 1894: Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections Alaska: Agricultural lands in: House Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 19, 1902 Berners Bay region. Interior Department In- vestigation relative to lands in: Joint Com- mittee to Investigate Interior Department, etc., 1910 Conditions tn: Senate Committee on Territo- ries, July 1, 1903 Construction of railroads in: Senate Committee on Territories — May 2, 1913 May 2, 1913 Fisheries: House Committee on Merchant Ma- rine and Fisheries, May 25, 1916 Fur-seal uivestigation in: House Committee on Claims, Feb. 23, 1916 Government: House Committee on Territories — Territorial— Mar. 18, 1908 For— Mar. 8, 1910 Legislative assembly for— Mar. 17, 1911 Legislative assembly of— Feb. 15, 1916 Commis.sion form of — June 3, 1914 Military and post roads, bridges, and trails in: House Committee on Territories, Jan. 22, 1915. Pacific Railway & Terminal Co.: House Com- mittee on Territories, Jan. 12, 1908 Documented. Con- gress, 57 63 56 63 42 54 57 61 58 Ses- sion. 1-2 Report j y , ordocu- ment. "™^- H. doc. 110 S. doc. j 29 H. doc. 73 H. doc. H. rept. S. rept. H. doc. S. doe. S. rept. 149 2 2 110 4,36, 37 No. 610 579 179 1004 22 447 610 719 282 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt. 1 2 5 6 2 75 139 140 5 140 6 3 24 4 65 2 155 3 144 6 68 2 68 5 68 8 166 3 123 3 123 4 68 3 49183—18- -29 450 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Alaska— Continued. Prohibition of liquors in Territory of: House Committee on Territories, Jan. 10, 1917 Prohibition in: Senate Committee on Terri- tories, Jan. 26, 1917 Railroads in; settlement of labor troubles by arbitration: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, June 20, 1913 Railway, public health along the line of: Senate Committee on Territories, May 12, 1916 Railroad, telegraph, and telephone lines in: Senate Committee on Territories, Feb. 10, 1905. Roads and trails in, extract from Army appro- priation bill: House Committee on Military Affair.s, Apr. 11, 1916 Seal fisheries, to protect: Senate Committee on Conservation of National Resources, Feb. 26, 1910 To authorize the legislature of, to establish and maintain schools: House Committee on Ter- ritories, Feb. 23, 1917 To repeal the law allowing the Territory to tax fisheries, 5 parts: House Committee on Terri- tories, Mar. 21, 1916 Alaskan land for New England Fish Co.: Senate Committee on Territories, Mar. 27, 1914 Alcohol: Denatured: House Committee on Agriculture, Feb. 16, l9Ui Denatured: House Committee on Agriculture, July 14, 1916 Denatured,, withdrawal from bond, tax free: Senate Committee on Finance Relative to: Joint select committee Alcoholic li(4Uors in District of Columbia, i^rohibit- ing the manufacture and sale of: House Commit- tee on District of Columbia, Feb. 6, 1917 Aldrich bill, S. 302:5: House Committee on Banking and Currency — 1908 Apr. 8, 1908 (Mr. E. S. Parker) Aldrich and Fowler bills: Apr. 10, 1908 (Mr. Horace White) Aliens, registration of: House Committee on Immi- gration and Naturalization, Feb. 28, 1917 Alleged divulgence of the President's note to bellig- erent powers, parts 1-14: House Committee on Rules, Jan. 5-Feb. 1, 1917 Same, parts 15-25, Feb. 2-24, 1917 Alleys, certain, in the District of Columbia: House Committee on District of Columbia, Mar. 31, 1914>. Documented. Con- gress. 63 61 59 54 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. rept. 1-2 S. doe. S. doc. H.rept. Vol- ume. Not docu- mented. No. 61 605 362 2291 Library. Vol. 171 95 90 24 157 171 166 65 81 140 168 87 Pt. 15 1 11 3 17 11 2 11 10 11 11 169 173 174 1 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 451 Hearing's, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Documented. Con- gress, Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt. American Sugar Refining Co.: Special Committee to investigate the American Sugar Refining Co., and Others American Sugar Refining Co., and others: Special House Committee on Investigation of American Sugar Refining Co., and Others— Vol. 1— July 12, 1911 Vol. 2— June 27, 1911 Vol. 3— July 21, 1911 Andrew safety appUance: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Sept. 25, 1913.. Animal Industry, Bureau of: House Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture — Jan. 23, 1915 Jan. 27, 1915 Anniversary, semicentennial, of the act of emanci- pation, celebration of: House Committee on In- dustrial Arts and Expositions, May 27, 1914 Anti-injunction and labor bills: House Committee on the Judiciary, Feb. 5, 1908 Anti-injunction and restraining orders: House Com- mittee on the Judiciary- Mar. 14, 1906 May 12, 1906 Appointments and promotions in municipal govern- ment of District of Columbia, to regulate: House Committee on Disrtict of Columbia, Mar. 31, 1916. . Appropriation bill, diplomatic and consular: Senate Committee on Appropriations — May 22, 1914 Feb. 23, 1915 Do Appropriation bill. District of Columbia: Senate Committee on Appropriations — Feb. 2, 1907 Apr. 13, 1908 Jan. 23, 1909 Feb. 16, 1912 Jan. 23, 1914 Dec. 18, 1914 Appropriation bill, fortifications: Senate Committee on Appropriation, Feb. 3, 1914 Appropriation bill, general deficiency: Senate Com- mittee on Appropriations — July 16, 1914 Mar. 1, 1915 Do Appropriation bill, Indian: House Committee on Indian AfTairs — Jan. 17, 1912 Dec. 10, 1913 62 H. rept. 331 57 58 59 95 89 93 38 40 38 144 34 17 20 33 4 34 7 78 3 2 2 2 3 2 4 33 5 34 8 34 2 33 3 34 6 31 5 93 6 452 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Appropriation bill, legislative, etc.; Senate Com- mittee on Appropriations—" Feb. 28, 1908 Apr. 29, 1914 Jan. 6, 1915 Appropriation bills: House Committee on Naval Affairs— 1902 1903 1904-5 1906-7 Appropriation bill: Relief of Americans abroad: Senate Committee on Appropriations, Aug. 4, 1914 Sundry civil: Senate Committee on Appropria- tions — June 20, 1914 Feb. 16, 1915 Urgent deficiency: Senate Committee on Ap- propriations — Sept. 22, 1913 Mar. 6, 1914 Arbitration of labor troubles in Alaska: Senate Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce, June 20, 1913 Arbitration of labor troubles of railroads: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce Arid lands on the public domain, to promote the reclamation of: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands, Feb. 26, 1916 Arizona, Apache County, relief of certain persons expelled from lands in: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Jan. 25, 1917 Armenians, relief of: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, June 21, 1916 Armor plant for United States: Special committee. Bound in Senate hearings: Special House Committee on Naval Affairs, Nov. 24, 1914 Select committee hearings: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Nov. 24, 1914 Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Jan. 18, 1916 Armor-plate investigation: House Committee on Naval Affairs — 1894 1896 Array appropriation bill: Senate Committee on Military Affairs- Mar. 11, 1912 Feb. 8, 1913 Mar. 17. 1914 Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 63 63 53 54 Report or docu- ment. S. rept. S. rept. H. rept. H. rept. Vol- ume. No. 72 1468 1453 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 2 1 34 4 34 9 70 71 72 73 34 34 34 33 33 149 92 146 58 68 90 22 22 57 Pt. 3 10 13 11 1 1 1 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 453 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Army appropriation bill— Continued. House Committee on Military Affairs — 1907-8: Dec. 11, 1906 Dec. 8, 1910 • Dec. 13, 1911 1916: Dec. 4, 1914 1917: Mar. 28, 1916 1918: Dec. 6, 1916 Army, efficiency of: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, 1902 Army, establishment of territorial divisions in: Sen- ate Committee on Military Affairs, June 22, 1911. . Army, mobile, and Coast Artillery Corps, to in- crease: House Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 4, 1915 Army of the Potomac, relative to: Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War Army transport service, 1902: Board of officers Army veterinary service: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, May 22, 1914 Articles of war, revision of: House Committee on Military Affairs, June 29, 1916 Artillery of the United States Army: House Com- mittee on Military Affairs, Jan. 8, 1907 Asbruy, Francis, memorial to, part 2: House Com- mittee on Library, Jan. 16, 1917 Attorney General, instruction to institute certain suits: House Committee on the Public Lands, Mar. 12, 1908 .\uld, Addie May and Archibald William, Kaw Indians, relief of: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, June 27, 1916 Ranking and currency reform: House Committee on Banking and Currency, Jan. 7, 1913 Banking laws, national, changes in administrative features: National Monetary Commission Bankruptcy law, repeal of: House Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 9, 1916 Documented. Con- gress. 37 57 61 Ses- sion. Banks and banking, to revise system of: Senate Committee on Banking and Currency Barry, Maj. Gen. Thomas H., before Board of Vis- itors to Military Academy: House Committee on MUitary Affairs, Jan. 26, 1911 Barton, Clara, memorial to: House Committee on Library, July 24, 1916 Beall, William O., official conduct of: Special in- spector, Interior Department Beef industries, investigation of (2 parts): House Committee on Judiciary, Apr. 3, 1916 63 59 Report or docu- ment. S. rept. H. doc. Vol- ume. 2 109 S. doc. 13 S. doc. i 16 17 S. doc. No. Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 108 537 404 232 232 232 357 44 2 44 7 45 1 107 8 157 1 172 77 22 107 157 44 171 Pt. 55 6 85 10 14 152 2 44 IS 171 1 152 10 454 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Berners Bay region, Alaska. Interior Department investigation relative to lands in: Joint Commis- sion to Investigate Interior Department, 1910 Berry baskets, to standardize: House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, May 4, 1916. . Bibliography division, salary of chief: Senate Sub- committee on Appropriations Bills of lading; Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 16, 1912 Bills of lading (2 parts): House Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, Apr. 13, 1916 Bills of lading, uniform: House Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 20, 1908 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont.: Disposition of surplus lands of: House Committee on Indian Affairs, July 12, 1916 Surplus lands in (2 parts) : Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Apr. 11, 1916 Blodgett, Judge H. W.: House Judiciary Committee Board of Education, District of Columbia: House Committee on District of Columbia, Jan. 19, 1916 . . Boards of trade, prevention of "dealing in futures" on, etc.: House Committee on Agriculture, Feb. 9, 1910 Boilers for battle cruisers: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Feb. 10, 1917 Bond sales of 1894-1896: Senate Committee on Fi- nance Boundary, water. United States and Mexico: House Committee on Foreign Relations, Feb. 5, 1914 Bounties for foreign mail service, charges relative to. Bowers, Alphonso B., extension of patents: Senate Committee on Patents Boynton, H. V., charges against: House select com- mittee. Report and testimony, Apr. 1, 1884. Vol. 175, (40) Brandeis, Louis D., nomination of: Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary, Feb. 9, 1916 Brown, Lathrop, v. Hicks, Frederick C: House Committee on Elections No. 3, July 13, 1916 Brownsville, Tex., affray at: Senate Committee on Military Affairs Bureau of Engraving and Printing, irregularities in: House Committee on Expenditures in Treasury Department, Jan. 15, 1916 Documented. Con- gress 61 57 45 54 61 57 48 Ses- sion. 60 Report or docu- ment. S. doc. S. doc. H.M. D. S. doc. H. rept. S. doc. H. rept. S. doc. Vol- ume. 16 H 28 19 19 21 22 23 No. 719 196 22 187 2297 431 1112 389 402 402 402 402 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 144 15 150 35 148 85 144 5 93 91 2 83 145 145 Pt. 13 3 7 10a 6 6 15 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 455 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Conliiiiied. Suhjecl. Bureau of Soils: House Committpe on Expenditures in Departmcntol Agriculture, Jan. 20, 1915 Cable lines, Pacific: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Campaign contribution: Senate Committee on in- terstate Commerce — Part 1— June 14, 1912 Part 2— Oct. 15, 1912 Canada, reciprocity with: Senate Committee on Finance Canal, interoceanic, construction of: Senate Com- mittee on Interoceanic Canals Canteen in the Army, to restore: House Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 9, 1913 Capital and labor io manufactures and general busi- ness: Industrial Commission Car shortage: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb. 1, 1917 Car supply and train service: House Committee on Interstateand Foreign Commerce, Feb. 4, 1908 Carlisle Indian School: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 6, 1914 Carlisle Indian School and other subjects,JointCom- mission (bound in Senate hearings): House Com- mittee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 6, 1914 Carmack amendment, bills to amend: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Sept. 24, 1914 : Carriers, common, liability of, to employees: Senate Committceon I{;ducationand Labor, Feb. 21, 1908. Cattaraugus Indian Reservation, N.Y.,leasmg, for oil and gas purposes: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Jan. 11, 1917 Cattle: Quarantineof, House Committee on Agriculture, Feb. 25, 1915 - Importation of. May 15, 1914 Census, Twelfth, and permanent: Senate Commit- tee on the Census Central heating, ligh*ting, and power plant on the Mall, in Washmgton, D. C: Senate Committee on the Library, Feb. 3, 1916 Central Pacific Railroad , legalization of conveyances by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Dec. 18, Documented. Con- gress. 54 Ses- sion. 57 1912. Charges against H. V. Bojmton and others: Select committee of the House Charges againstcertain Membersof theHouse: Select committee of the House 56 3 1-2 1-2 Report or docu- ment. S. doc. 54 48 60 S. doc. S. doc, S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. H. doc. S. doc. H. rept. 84 5 6 19 95 No. 194 834 56 56 253 495 68 175 H.rept. j 3-4 1112 1727 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 89 19 20 45 169 35 45 45 96 169 74 74 89 21 Pt. .:J..V.i. 6a a 4 456 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Cherokee Indians: Agreement with, to ratify: Conference committee Eastern, rehef of heirs of: House Committee on Indian Affairs, , 1916 Judgment, payment of interest on: HouseCom- mittee on Indian Affairs, Dec. 14, 1916 Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Co.: Senate Commit- tee on Coast and Insular Survey, Mar. 21, 1914 Chicago Drainage Canal: House Committee on In- terstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb. 20, 1907 Chicago Drainage Canal: Senate Committee on For- eign Relations Chicagostockyards, conditions in: House Committee on Agriculture, June 6, 1906 Chicago strike of Jime and July, 1894: Strike commis- sion Chickasaw Indians, opening of rolls: Senate Commit- tee on Indian Affairs Child-labor bill: House Committee on Labor- May 22, 1914 Jan. 10, 1916 Child labor, interstate commerce in products of (2 parts) : Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 15, 1916 Children's bureau: House Committee on Labor, May 12, 1911 China, trade in: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 20, 1914 Chinese boycott: Senate Committee on Immigra- tion, Apr. 17, 1906 Chinese indemnity, remission of: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, June 1, 1914 Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen, enrollment as Indian citizens: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations: Citizenship in: House Committee on Indiln Af- fairs, Feb. 25, 1908 Claims against: House Committee on Indian Af- fairs, Mar. 30, 1916 Coal and asphalt deposits in (3 parts): House Committee on Indian Affairs, Mar. 9, 1916. . . . Church, religious denomination, society, or associa- tion, name of, to prohibit the use for purposes of trade and commerce: House Committee on Judi- ciary, Feb. 3, 1916 City planning: Committee on District of Columbia, June 1, 1909 Documented. Con- gress. 56 59 53 60 59 61 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. S. doc. S. Ex. Doc. S. doc. 2 S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. 15 36 59 No. 213 393 ai 483 257 422 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt 148 148 36 35 31 31 148 149 151 9 7 1 3a 103 6 147 4 82 1 41 7 95 10 10 5 40 1 Catalogue of library of united states senate. 457 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Civil Service, 1890: Senate Committee on Reform in the Civil Service Civil Service, investigation imder Senate resolution of Mar. 13, 1888: Select Committee to Investigate the Operations of the Civil Service Civil Service, report of South Omaha inquiry: Sen- ate Committeeon Civil Serviceand Retrenchment. Civil Service Commission: Senate Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment Civil War veterans, care of Federal and Confederate: House Committee on Military Affairs, May 9, 1916. . Civil War volunteer officers' retired list: Senate Committee on Military Affairs , June 5, 1912 House Committee on Miltary Affairs, May — , 1916 Civil War volunteerofflcers'retired pay: Senate Com- mitteeon Military Affairs, Jan. 22, 1914 Claim of certain Confederate officers: House Com- mittee on War Claims, Mar. 28, 1914 Claim of Frederick County, Md.: House Committee on War Claims, Feb. 21, 1914 Claims, "Gladiator," cotton: House Committee on War Claims, Feb. 28, 1914 Clark, William A., relative to right to seat in Senate: Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections Clayton Antitrust A ct , to amend : House Committee on the Judiciary, July 19, 1916 Climax baskets, to fix thestandards for: House Com- mittee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Apr. 27, 27, 1916 Coal distribution on the North Atlantic coast: Sen- ate Committee on Naval Affairs, Apr. 23, 1914 Coal lands and coal-land laws of the United States: House Committee on the Public Lands, Dec. 17, 1906. Coal lands in Alaska: House Committee on Territories, Feb. 3, 1913. Charges against Interior Department, relative to: Joint Committee to Investigate the In- terior Department and Forestry.Service Leasing of: House Committee on the Public Lands, Jan. 27, 1911 Coal-leasing bill, Alaska: House Committee on the Public Lands Documented. Con- gress. 51 50 55 56 56 61 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. H.rept. S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. S. doc. Vol- ume. No. 10 4 4 2445 2373 659 659 6,7 1052 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 719 719 719 719 719 719 719 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 157 22 157 57 124 124 124 151 144 58 55 68 55 120 Pt. 7 2 7 13 12 11 12 2 1 9 12 7 458 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Subject. Coal mines in Colorado, conditions in: House Com- mittee on Mines and Mining — Feb. 9, 1914 Feb. 20, 1914 Mar. 4, 1914 Coal, mining and transportation of: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb. 5, 1915 Coal mining, investigation of wages and labor con- ditions in: House Committee on Labor, Feb. 5, 1917 Coast Guard: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, May 1, 1914 Cold storage of food In District of Columbia, to regu- late: Subcommittee of House Committee on the District of Columbia Colonial Dames of America, to incorporate: Senate Committee on the Library Columbia River naval base: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, June 29, 1916 Commemoration of Battle of Plattsburgh: Senate Committee on the Library, Mar. 12, 1914 Commerce, regulation of: Senate Select Committee on Interstate Commerce Commerce, an act to regulate. House bill 19745: House Committee on the Judiciary, Apr. 4, 1908. . Committee between the several States: House Committee on the Judiciar y, 1906 Commerce and industries department: Committee on Commerce Commission for enduring peace: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Jan. 11, 1916 Commission to study social insurance and unem- ployment: House Committee on Labor, Apr. 6, 1916 Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 61 54 49 55 Common carriers, property, physical valuation of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 11, 1913 Common officers of railway and supply companies: Senate Committee on Judiciary, July 13, 1916 Community forums in District of Columbia: House Committee on the District of Columbia, Apr. 12, 1916 Compensation of certain employees, to fix: House Committee on Labor, Mar. 20, 1916 Compulsory pilotage, e.xempting barges from: House Committee on Merchant Maruae and Fisheries, Feb. 1, 1916 Conduct of the war, relative to the Army of the Potomac: Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War 37 Report or docu- ment. H. rept. S. rept. S. rept. S. doc. S. rept. Vol- ume. 11 No. ■:^Ji'. 227S 1552 46 205 2 108 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt 110 111 112 95 170 95 146 170 154 7 14 90 2 57 1 40 3 38 3 11 15 4 87 8 144 21 170 10 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 459 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Subject. Confederate soldiers, claims of: House Committee on Invalid Pensions, June 19, 1916 of neutral nations: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Feb. 24, 1916 Connecticut River navigation: Senate Committee on Commerce, Feb. 6, 1912 Con.struction and repair of vessels: House Com- mittee on Naval Affairs, Jan. 5, 1909 Contempt cases, procedure in: House Committee on Rules, July 9, 1912 Controversies between employers and employees, arbitration in: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, June 20, 191.3 Convict, pauper, or prison labor, importation of goods made by: Senate Committee on Manufac- tures, May 20, 1914 Convict-labor bill : House Committee on Labor, Jan. 20, 1916 Convict labor, interstate commerce in goods manu- factured by (S. 901): Senate Committee on Educa- tion and Labor, Jan. 19, 1916 Same (S. 4060) (4 parts), Mar. 14, 1916 Convict-made goods, interstate commerce in: Sen- ate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Mar. 13, 1914 Convicts, Federal, to authorize the working of, upon public highways: House Committee on the Judi- ciary, Feb. 28, 1916 Copper mines in Michigan, conditions in: House Committee on Mines and Mining — Jan. .31, 1914 Mar. 2, 1914 Coppinger grant, relief of claimants to: House Com- mittee on Public Lands, Feb. 16, 1912 CopjTight acts, amendment to: House Committee on Patents, May 27, 1914 Copyright amendment, Townsend: House Com- mittee on Patents — Jan. 24, 1912 Feb. 21. 1912 '. Copyright identification, additional, motion-picture photoplays: House Committee on Patents, Apr, 5, 1916 Copyright law, act amending: House Committee on Patents, Dec. 10, 1913 Copyright laws, amendment of: House Committee on Patents, Apr. 25, 1916 Copyright laws, revision of: House Committee on Patents, Mar. 26, 1908 Copyrights: House Committee on Patents, Dec. 7, 1906 Documented. Con- gress, 60 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. Vol- ume. 20 No. 62K Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 149 146 3 56 50 57 147 89 89 50 152 Pt. 12 10 2 108 109 55 16 116 3 51 8 51 10 161 5 llg 14 161 7 51 5 51 1 460 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Corbett Tunnel claims, Shoshone project.Wyommg: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands, May 4, 1912 Corn club, boys', work in Indiana: House Com- mittee on Agriculture, Jan. 23, 1914 Corporations, persons, and firms engaged in inter- state commerce, control of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce — Jan. 5, 1912 Feb. 26, 1913 Corporations, regulations and control: Senate Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce — Part 1— Aug. 4, 1911 Part 2— Jan. 5, 1912 Parts— Feb. 12, 1912 Cost of living in District of Columbia, authorizing and directing Department of Labor to investigate: House Committee on the District of Columbia, Feb. 10, 1916 Cotton, its preparation, transportation, and mar- keting: House Committee on Interstate and For- eign Commerce, June 24, 1913 Cotton, uniform standards for: House Committee on Agriculture, Aug. 10, 1914 Cotton exchanges, regulation of: House Committee on Agriculture, Apr. 22, 1914 Cotton growers, relief of: Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, Oct. 6, 1914 Cotton purchase: House Committee on Banking and Currency, Sept. 21, 1914 Cotton statistics: House Committee on Census, Jan. 31, 1916 Cottonseed statistics: House Committee on Census, Feb. 17, 1916 Court of appeals for employees in Federal classifi«d service: House Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, Apr. 7, 1916 Court of Claims, reorganization of: House Commit- tee on Judiciary, Feb. 29, 1916 Credit Mobilier, investigation by House committees: Select Committee of the Senate Creek Indian allotments, equalization of: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, May 17, 1912 Creek Indian lands in Alabama, title to: House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 10, 1912 Creek Indians, agreement with, to ratify: Confer- ence committee Creek Nation, withholding certain lands from allot- ment in: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Jan. 7, 1914 Documented. Con- gress, Ses- sion. 42 56 Keport or docu- ment. Vol- ume. 3 H. rept. S. doc. 15 No. 77 213 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 37 74 47 46 16 17 18 144 94 Pt. 18 95 19 74 7 74 9 35 1 83 1 144 3 144 4 164 2 152 6 13 3 55 13 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 461 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued . Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Creek Nation, withholding from allotment unal- lotted lands of: House Committee on Indian Af- fairs, May 5, 1916 148 4 Crews of vessels, complement of: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Jan. 23, 1908. . 42 2 Criminal, pauper, and defective classes, study of: Senate Committee on Education and Labor, Feb. 21,1908 6 1 Crow Indian Reservation: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs- Apr 1 1908 11 3 Jan 9.1913 13 2 Crow Reservation, matters relating to: Senate Com- mittppon Indian Affairs 60 1 S. doc. 27 445 Cruelty to animals, prevention of: Senate Commit- tee on Agriculture and Forestry, Feb. 28, 1908. . . . 1 3 Cuba, affairs in: Senate Committee on Foreign Re- 54 2 S. doc. 5 166 Cuba, hearings on reciprocity treaty: Senate Com- mittpp on Korpipn Rplations 58 1 S. doc. 2 2 Cuba, purchase of land by nonresidents in: House Cnmmittpp rni Tnsnlar Affairs Dec 2 1902 32 2 Culberson-Smith car and transportation service bill : House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- mprop Feb l.'i 1008 35 5a Currency Commission (H. R. 15849): House Com- TTiittppnn Hnnk"inp and Cnrrpnpv Kph n lliOS 11 7 Currency legislation, proposed: House Committee on Banking and Currency- Dec 11 1906 11 11 1 4 P'ph 4 1008 ("Mr T H Cowiiprthwaitl 11 6 Fph T 1008 fMr V. D Fisher) 11 8 Customhousefrauds,New York: Senate Committee 42 2 S. rept. 4 227 Customs, administrative laws governing: Senate 60 2 S. doc. 4 683 Customs laws, administrative: House Committee 69 4 Customs employees, increase in salaries of: House , 124 2 Customs ports: House Committee on Expenditures in Treasury Department— Mqv in IQ1 1 . . 26 2 4np IH IQl 1 26 7 Dairies,sanitaryconditionin: House Committee on Riilp^ A r»r 11 IQlfi 164 9 Dam legislation, general: House Committee on In- terstate and Foreign Commerce, 1914-1916 169 8 462 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Danbury hatters, judgment against: House Com- mittee on Appropriations, Feb. 20, 1915 Danisii West Indian Islands, cession of (2 parts): House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Feb. 12, 1917 Danville, Va., alleged massacre of colored men at: Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections Daugliters of American Revolution, insignia of: House Committee on Patents, Apr. 5, 1916 , Davenport, John I.: House Committee on the Ju- diciary Davis, J. McCan, v. Williams, Wm. l^^lza: House Committee on Elections No. 1, Mar. 10, 1910 Dayton, Judge Alston G.: House Committee on Ju- diciary, July 9, 1916 Death on high seas, right of action for: House Com- mittee on Judiciary, Feb. 4, 1916.. '. Deficiency bill: House Committee on Appropria- tions, July 11, 1913 Denatured alcohol, withdrawal from bond, tax free: Senate Committee on Finance Depredations, Indian: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 25, 1908 Designs, registration of: House Committee on Pat- ents, Apr. 22, 1914 Dietrich, Charles H., charges against; Special com- mittee of Senate Diplomatic and Consular appropriation bill: House Committee on Foreign Relations — Jan. 15, 1912 ! Dec. 10, 1913 1917— Jan. 19, 1916 Diplomatic and Consular appropriation bill: Senate Committee on Appropriations— 1917— June 9, 1916 1918— Jan. 8, 1917 Diplomatic and consular reports, special: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Documented. Con- gress. 48 1913. Diplomatic and Consular Services: House Commit- tee on Foreign Relations, Sept. 2, 1914 Discrimination by common carriers: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Aug. 16, 1916 Dismissal, Army, of First Battalion, Twenty-fitth Infantry: Senate Committee on Military Affairs. . Distilleries using the filtration-aeration process, to remove water limitation in: House Committee on Ways and Means, Apr. 5, 1916 District of Columbia, affairs in: Joint select com- mittee 45 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. rept. 59 58 60 43 H.M.doc. Vol- ume. S. doc. S. rept. S. doc. S. rept. No. 579 23 3()2 22 2152 402 453 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 77 168 161 29 91 146 81 91 105 91 149 166 Pt. 145 3 151 3 152 1 76 1 31 4 116 2 3 14 9 1 1 10 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 463 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. District of Columbia appropriation bill: House Committee on Appropriations — 1909— Feb. 18, 1908 1913— Dec. 11, 1911 1914— Jan. 28, 1913 1915— Xov. 24, 1913 1916— Nov. 23, 1914 1917 (with supplement)— Jan . 5, 1916 1918— Dec. 5, 1916 District of Columbia appropriation bill: Senate Committee on Appropriations— 1917— May 31 , 1916 1918— Jan. 25, 1917 District of Columbia, charities and reformatory in- stitutions: Joint select committee District of Columbia Code, to amend: House Com- mittee on Judiciary, May 5, 1916 District of Columbia, electric lighting: Senate Com- mittee on District of Coliunbia District of Columbia, interest on bonds: House Committee on the District of Columbia, subcom- mittee Dogfish bill: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Feb. 21, 1916 Dona van, Jeremiah, v. Hill, Ebenezer J.: House Committee on Elections No. 1, May 22, 1916 Dougherty, Clara, et al., relief of: House Committee on the District of Columbia, June 11, 1914 Dredges built in Canada of A merican material, docu- menting: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, June 27, 1916 Dry dock, at New York, to contract for use of: Sen- ate Committee on Naval Affairs Duties on chemicals, etc.: Senate Committee on Finance, Mar. 14, 1912 Duties on sugar, etc.: Senate Committee on Finance, Apr. 1, 1912 Dyestuffs, to establish the manufacture of: House Committee on Ways and Means, Jan. 14, 1916 "Eastland," steamer, investigation of accident to the: Board of Inquiry, July 24, 1915 Education, Federal aid to: House Committee on Agriculture, May 5, 1908 . .• Education, vocational. Report of commission: Commission on National Aid to Vocational Edu- cation, Apr. 20, 1914 Eight-hour day in work for United States: Senate Committee on Education and Labor Do Documented. Con- gress. 55 54 62 61? 55 57 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. S. doc. H. rept. S. doc. Vol- ume. A 21 H. doc. S. doc. S. doc. No. 185 92 1580 149 26 12 1004 318 141 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 7 1 8 2 10 3 77 3 81 2 142 1 142 2 81 6 91 3 15;^ 154 145 87 155 8 7 lt;ti 161 4 Pt. 464 CATALOGUE OF UBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Eight-hour law: Senate Committee on Education and Labor Jan 9, 1912 6 3 Election frauds in New York: Select committee of the House 40 45 62 60 68 60 3 3 2 1 3 1 H. rept. H.M.D. S. doe. S. doe. H. doc. H. rept.. 2 2 37 30 53 3-4 31 23 601 409 378 1727 Election frauds, in New York, investigation of John I. Devenport: House Committee on the Judiciary. Elections, right of women to vote: Senate joint com- mittee Elections, right of women to vote: Senate Select Committee on Woman Suffrage. . . House Committee on Election of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Con- gress Electric Boat Co., corrupt practices relative to legis- lation* Select committee of the House Electrical and mechanical system of voting: House Committee on Accounts, July 31, 1914 74 171 147 38 39 1 Ellis Island, conditions at: House Committee on Rules, Feb. 15, 1917 14 Ellis Island immigration station: House Committee on Immigration, July 28, 1916... 3 Employers' liability: House Committee on Judi- ciary, Feb. 19, 1908 5 Employers' liability and workmen's compensation: House Committee on Judiciary, Mar. 15, 1912 2 Employers' liability to railroad employees in inter- state commerce: Employers' Liability and Work- men's Compensation Commission 02 02 1 2 S. doc. S. doc. 10 13 90 348 Do Employment of females: House Committee on Dis- trict of Columbia, Jan. 31, 1913 17 44 89 149 88 170 46 49 50 47 113 114 4 Enlistment in the Army, term of: House Commit- tee on Military Affairs, May 9, 1911 9 Entomology, Bureau of: House Committee on Ex- penditures in the Department of Agriculture, Feb. 23, 1915 1 Erricsson, John, memorial to: House Committee on Library, Mar 13, 1910 16 Esperanto: House Committee on Education, Mar. 17, 1914 6 Espionage and interference with neutrality, to pun- ish: House Committee on Judiciary, Feb 22, 1917 b Estimates: House Committee on Naval Affairs- Dec. 10, 1906. . • Dec. 8, 1909 Dec. 7, 1910. 2 Estimates submitted by Secretary of Navy: House Committee on Naval Affairs- Dec. 7, 1908 . .:...:.-.. 1 Dec. 8, 1913 Nov. 30, 1914 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 465 Hearings, Cong-ressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Estimates submitted by Secretary of Navy: House Committee on Naval Affairs — Continued. 1916, Vol. 1— Jan. 5, 1916 Same, Vol. 2— Feb. 14, 1910 Same, Vol. 3— Mar. 22, 1910 Europe, marketing of agricultural products in: Assistant Secretary of Commerce Everglades in Florida: House Committee on Ex- penditures in Department of Agriculture, Feb. 3, 1912 Everglades in Florida, exhibits: House Committee on Expenditures in Department of Agriculture, Feb. 10, 1912 Exhibition of activities of the Government service: House Committee on Industrial Arts and Expo- sitions, Jan. 5, 1917 Expenditures in the Department of Agricultiu-e: House Committee on Agriculture, Feb. 3, 1910 Expenditures for high explosives: Senate Commit- tee on Expenditures in War Department, Jan. 13, 1915 Experiment stations in connection with land-grant colleges: Senate Committee on Argiculture and Forestry, June 24, 1910 Experiments on living animals: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, June 19, 1916 Explosives, shipment and storage of: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Aug. 10, 1910 Export trade, to promote, and for other purposes: House Committee on Judiciary, July 18, 1916 Export trade, promotion of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Jan. 5, 1917 Federal courts, a probation system in: Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary, Mar. 25, 1910 Federal employees' compensation, 3 parts: House Committee on Judiciary, Mar. 31, 1910 Federal employees' liability act, amendments to: House Committee on Judiciary, July 12, 1910 Federal grain inspection: Senate Committee on Ag- riculture and Forestry, Jan. 10, 1908 Federal injunctions: Senate Committee on Judi- ciary, Jan. 10, 1910 Federal injunctions of State officers: Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary, Feb. 10, 1912 Federal injunctions, limiting: Senate Committee on Judiciary- June 11, 1912 Jan. 6, 1913 Federal Motion Picture Commission: House Com- mittee on Education, Jan. 13, 1916 Documented. Con- gress, 63 I Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. Vol- ume. No. 29 579 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 158 159 160 20 145 Ft. 21 169 4 1 39 o 79 7 79 f; 149 10 151 5 92 7 87 7 153 3 151 4 1 2 32 33 21 10 21 5 21 7-11 21 9-12 49183—18- -30 466 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Federal reserve act, amendments to: Senate Com- mittee on Banking and Currencj', Mar. 22, 1916. . . Federal Reserve Board- Impeachment of: House Committee on Judi- ciary, Feb. 13, 1917 Nomination of Thomas D. Jones for member of: Senate Committee on Banking and Currency. Federal reserve districts, etc., decision of Reserve Bank Organization Committee determining: Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, Apr. 2, 1914 Feeble-minded persons, school and home for: House Committee on District of Columbia, May 4, 1910 .'. Fermenting tubs, change of time for filling: House Committee on Ways and Means, Apr. 5, 1916 Fertilizer, to prevent the use of fish for: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb. 18, 1914. Field clerks, Army: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Mar. 22, 1916 Fiscal relation between the United States and the District of Columbia: Joint select committee, Oct. 26, 1915 Fish, protection of: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Feb. 19, 1914 Fisheries in Alaska, laws relating to: House Com- mittee on Territories, Apr. 19, 1910 Fisheries treaty between United Slates and Domin- ion of Canada: House Committee on Foreign Relations, Feb. 20, 1914 Fisheries, United States-Canada: House Commit- tee on Foreign Relations, Feb. 26, 1914 Fitch, John, memorial to: House Committee on Library, Feb. 27, 1915 Five Civilized Tribes of Indians: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Mar. 9, 1916 Five Civilized Tribes, Cherokee and Creek agree- ments: Conference committee Five Civilized Tribes, contracts with: House select committee Five Civilized Tribes, enrollment of: House Com- mittee on Indian Affairs, Apr. 1, 1914 Documented. Con- gress. ra Five per cent case. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion investigation: Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Flag, American, to prevent desecration of: Senate Committee on Military Affairs Flag, transfer of: Senate Committee on Foreign Re- lations, Jan. 27, 1915 50 01 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Not docu- mented. Vol- ume. 2 S. doc. 03 S. doc. H. rp. 28 15 D S. doc. S. doc. Library. No. !- Vol. 170 545 213 2273 14 parts 1,3 . 4,5 17 440 229 35 144 106 95 86 101 103 68 91 91 103 149 94 91 Pt. 23 11 15 12 10 10 7 3 CATALOGUE OP LIBBARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 467 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Documented. Flood control at Pittsburgh: House Coramittee on Flood Control, Mar. 27, 1916 Flood proteition and drainage: House Committee on Rivers and Harbors, Apr. 28, 1914 Flood waters of the Rio Grande: Senate Committee on Irrigation, Jan. 23, 1915 Floods on the Mississippi, prevention of: Sen'ate Committee on Commerce, Jan. 29, 1914 Florida, affairs in: Committee on Southern out- rages Florida, validation of patent to certain land in: House Committee on Public Lands, July 20, 1910. Food, cold storage of: Senate Committee on Manu- factures Food, cold storage of, in District of Columbia: House Committee on District of Columbia Food furnished troops in Cuba and Porto Rico: Court of inquiry Food held in cold storage: House Committee on In- terstate and Foreign Commerce, July 9, 1914 Food products in the District, storage of: House Committee on District of Columbia, Jan. 24, 1910. . Foods held in cold storage: Senate Committee on Manufactures, May IS, 1911 Foot-and-mouth disease, arrest and eradication of: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry — Dec. 9, 1914 Dee. 19, 1914 Dec. 28, 1915 Foreign Mail Service, subsidies for, charges relative to legislation for: House select committee Foreign service, improvement in: House Commit- tee on Foreign Relations, Mar. 20, 1912 Forest lands, consolidation of certain: House Com- mittee on l^ublic Lands, Feb. 28, 1912 Forest lands, consolidation of: House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 26, 1917 Forest lands in Oregon, consolidation of: House Committee on .Agriculture, .\ug. 1, 1916 Con- gress, 42 42 Ses- sion. Forest Service: Joint Committee to Investigate In- terior Department and Forest Service Forest Service: House Committee on Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture, Feb. (i, 1915 — Forfeiture of certain public lands granted as rail- way right of way: House Committee on Judiciary, Apr. 25, 1916 61 61 56 61 61 Report or docu- ment. S. rept. H. rept. S. rept. H. rept. S. doc. H. rept. Vol- ume. S. doc. 3 2 28 H f 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 No. Not docu- mented. 41 22 1272 2278 270 2297 719 Library. Vol. 146 122 50 37 163 95 17 22 32 79 79 30 55 171 140 .S9 152 Pt. 1 17 10 4 468 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Fort Fisher expedition, heavy ordnance, etc.: Joint Committee, Dec. 14-20, 1804 Fort Logan, Colo., military academy at: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 21, 1916 Fort McHenry, supervision and control of: House Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 28, 1914 Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., enlargement of military post of: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Mar. 7, 1916 Documented. Con- gress 38 Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont., appraise- ment of land on: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, May 12, 1916 Fort Peck (Mont.) Indian Reservation, conditions in: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 10, 1917. Fort Pillow, attack on Fort Sam Houston, depots and terminal facilities at: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 2, 1916 Fort Sam Houston, Tex., enlargement of military reservation of: Senate Committee on Military Af- fairs, Feb. 2, 1917 Fortifications appropriation bill: House Committee on Appropriations: Dec. 9, 1913 Feb. 3, 1915 Fortifications appropriation bill: 1917 — House Committee on Appropriations, Jan. 12, 1916 , . . 1917 — Senate Committee on Appropriations, June 23, 1916 1918, supplement — House Committee on Ap- propriations, Jan. 13, 1917 1918— Senate Committee on Appropriations, Jan. 31, 1917 Fortification and related purposes: House Commit- tee on Military Affairs, Jan. 8, 1915 Fowler bill, H. R. 12677 (Lyman J. Gage): House Committee on Banking and Currency, Feb. 19, 1908 38 Franking privileges: House Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads Frauds, election, investigation of John I. Daven- port: House Committee on the Judiciary Frauds in Internal Revenue Service: House Select Committee on Internal Revenue Frauds Free ship bill: House Committee on Merchant Ma- rine and Fisheries, Feb. 15, 1912 Freight cars, railroads to furnish promptly; Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce 59 45 39 60 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. rept. Vol- ume. 3-1 S. rept. H. rept. H.M.D. H. rept. S. doc. D 2 3 Not docu- mented. Library. No. 142 105 2332 23 24 511 Vol. Pt 86 107 86 85 92 86 93 11 43 77 4 81 3 142 3 81 8 108 3 91 4 107 6 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 469 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Documented. I Con- 1 gross Freight claims, settlement of; Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, May 19, 191(1 Freight, classification of; House Committee on In- terstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 28, 1913 Freight, uniform classification of; Senate Commit- tee on Interstate Commerce, Mar. 12, 1914 Freight rates, advance in: Interstate Commerce Commission Freight rates on coal: House Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, .A-ug. 22, 1913 Freight rates, .5 per cent case, investigation: Inter- state Commerce Commission Fuel to be used in the United States to provide for the uniform selection and purchase of: House Committee on Mines and Mining, Apr. 25, 1916 Fur-bearing animals in Alaska, killing of: House Committee on Ways and Means, Dec. 19, 1914 Fur-bearing animals in Alaska, protection of: House Committee on Ways and Means, Jan. 18, 1915 Fur-seal herd of Alaska: Report of special agents of committee, June 20, 1913 Fur-seal herd of Alaska: Statement of H. W. Elliott in re, Dec. 15, 1913 Fur-seal industry of Alaska, investigation of: House Committee on Expenditures in Department of Commerce — Jan. 23, 1913 Oct. 13, 1913 Fur seals and sea otter, protection of: House Com- mittee on Foreign Relations, Jan. 3, 1912 Further additional urgent deficiency bill ,1916: House Committee on Appropriations, Mar. 9, 1916 Further additional urgent deficiency bill: Senate Committee on Appropriations, Mar. 15, 1916 Further urgent deficiency bill: House Committee on Appropriations, Apr. 28, 1914 Further urgency deficiency appropriation bill, 1916: House Committeeon Appropriations, Jan. 11,1916. Further urgent deficiency bill, 1916: Senate Com- mittee on Appropriations, Jan. 25, 1916 Same, extract from, Jan. 25, 1916 ^ Gainesville (Ga.) post-office cas3: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, May 19, 1913 Gallenkamp, Chas. F., conduct as surveyor of cus- toms: House Committee on Expenditures in Treasury Department Game refuges: House Committee on Agriculture, June 17, 1916 61 63 61 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. No. 47 48 49 50 14 725 446 H. rept. 1281 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 82 36 50 95 62 140 Ft. 4 Sa 3 18 160 4 124 5 124 4 89 10 89 8 89 9 90 1 29 2 143 3 81 3 77 1 143 2 81 1 81 2 470 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAE Y OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Documented. Con- gress. ( iarden city movement: Senate Committee on Agri- culture and Forestry, Feb. 9, 1917 Garden city project: House Committee on Irriga- tion of Arid Lands — Jan. 25, 1913 Apr. 11,1914 Gas ill the District of Columbia, sale of: House Com- mittee on the District of Columbia, Mar. 2.3, 1908. Gasoline and other petroleum products, investiga- tion of high price of: House Committee on Rules, Mar. 10, 1916 , Gas-pipe lines, to make common carriers: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 18, 1914 • Oaylord, Winfield R. v. Cary, Wm. J.: House Com- mittee on Elections No. 3, Mar. 17, 1916 General deficiency bill: House Committee on Ap- propriations- June 30, 1914 Feb. 17, 1915 July 14, 1916 Feb. 16, 1917 General leasing bill: Joint Conference of Committee on Public Lands, Dec. 18, 1916 General Service Corps of the Army: House Commit- tee on Military Affairs, May 18, 1911 Georgia, affairs in: Joint Select Committee to In- quire into the Condition of Aflairs in the Late In- surrectionary States >, Gold bullion and foreign coin, deposits of: Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, Mar. 22, 1916 Gompers, Samuel, argument of: House Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 14, 1908 Government aid through district organizations: Sen- ate Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands, Mar. 28, 1916 Government of the District of Columbia: House Committee on the District of Columbia, July 24, 1913 Ses- sion. 42 Government Hospital for the Insane: Special com- mittee of investigation Government Printing Office, printing of bills, etc., delay in: Senate Committee on Printing Graham, J. C, and Smith, Orson, whether or not polygamists: House Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads Grainexchanges: House Committee on Rules, Mar. 3, 1914 Grain exchanges, control of: House Committee on Foreign Relations, Feb. 26, 1914 59 59. .56 Report or docu- ment. H. rept. Vol- ume. No. 22 H. rept. S. rept. H. rept. 3, 4 7644 :Al ! 4430 3 811 Not docu- mented. Librarv. Vol. 91 37 92 16 164 88 38 89 86 122 91 Pt. 96 1 145 6 77 5 81 4 143 5 168 1 95 2 44 11 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 471 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Documented. Not docu- mented. Con- gress. Grain grades, standardization of: Senat? Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Jan. 15, 1915 Grain inspection and grading bills: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, May 20, 1910 Gracing homesteads and gra ing upon public lands: House Committee on Public Lands, Mar. 3, 1914. Guaranty of bank deposits, history of: Senate Com- j mittee on Banking and Currency Hawaii: Acts of legislature of: House Committee on Ter- ritories, Jan. 7, 1916 Labor conditions in: House Committee on Ter- ritories, Aug. 29, 1916 National Park in Territory of: House Commit- tee on Public Lands, Feb. 3, 1916 Prohibition in: House Committee on Territories, July 18, 1916 Senate Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, Dec. 13, 1916 To set aside a portion of revenue receipts of Ter- ritory for improvement of shipping facilities (2 parts): House Committee on Territories, Jan. 14,1916 Hawaiian investigation: Senate Committee on Pa- cific Islands and Porto Rico — Sept. 8, 1902 Sept. 9, 1902 Hazing at Naval Academy: House Committee on Naval Affairs, subcommittee , Hazing at West Point Military Academy: House select committee Headquarters clerks, fixing the status and granting increase of pay to: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 27, 1916 , Hearings: House Committee on Expenditures in Department of Justice, Sept. 15, 1913 Hemp and sisal (pt. 1): Senate Committee on Agri- culture and Forestry, Feb. -Apr. , 1916 Same(pt. 2), Apr., 1916 Hetch Hetchy Dam site: House Committee on Public Lands, June 25, 1913 Hetch Hetchy Reservoir site: Senate Committee on Public Lands, Sept. 24, 1913 Hidden, goods, from view by wrapping and boxing (2 parts): Senate Committee on Interstate Com- merce, Feb. 18, 1916 Hog cholera: House Committee on Agriculture, Feb. 4,1916 59 56 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. I H. doc. H. rept. Vol- ume. 98 4-6 No. 690 2768 Library. Vol. 32 36 119 35 166 166 163 166 90 166 59 60 86 90 80 80 119 63 82 74 I Pt. 2a 1 4 1 6 2 472 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Scs- i ^^Ti":*' Vol- ume. No. Library. sion. VI uuuu- ment. Vol. Pt. Homesteads, filing upon: House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 24, 1912 55 88 55 123 145 41 41 41 41 50 14 Homesteads, stock raising: Senate Committee on I^iblic Lands, Feb. 4, 1916 7 Homestead laws, amending the: House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 31, 1912 15 Honolulu Rapid Transit & Loan Co.: House Com- mittee on Territories, Dec. 4, 1913 1 Horgan v. Tinkham, contested election case of: House Committee on Elections No. 2, May 3, 1916. . Hours, eight, on Government work: House Com- mittee on Labor May 3, 1906 2 Hours of labor on Government work: House Com- mittee on Labor, 1910 4 Hours, eight, for dredge work: House Committee on Labor, Feb. 20, 1912 8 Hours, eight, for women employed in District of Columbia: House Committee on Labor, Jan. 30, 1913 9 Hours of service of railroad emploj-ees: Senate Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 2, 1915 4 House employees, appointment: House special com- mittee 56 2 H. rept. 3 2978 H. J. Res. 68: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Jan. 15, 1900 32 1 House Members, charges against: House Com- mittee on the Judiciary 61 2 H. rept. D 893 H. R. .59.56, 1741, 15822, and 17936: House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Feb. 17, 1912 15 55 38 11 28 17 5 4 H. R. 14019; 14018 and 14027; 14031; 14025; 14024; 14023; 14021; 14022: House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 27, 190S 3 H. R. 950: House Committee on the Judiciary, Feb. 9, 1911 9 H. R. 9180, 12655, and 14403: House Committee on Bajiking and Currency, Jan. 22, 1908 3 H. R. 103, to investigate expenditures in the War Department: House Committee on Expenditures in the War Department, June 6, 1911. Houses of ill fame, abatement of: House Committee on the District of Columbia, Dec. 9, 1912 3 Houses of ill fame, abatement of: Senate Committee on the District of Columl:)ia, Dec. 9, 1912 7 Huntington, Collis P.: Senate Committee on Pacific Railroads 54 1 S. rept. 4 778 Hydroelectric development in navigable streams: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- merce, Feb. 19, 1914 95 95 9 Hygiene, mental, and rural sanitation: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Dec. 15, 1914 3 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 473 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Illinois, to reimburse the State of: H Committee on Claim.s, May 1.3, 1916 Illinois River, removal of dams: House Committee on Flood Control, May 11, 1916 Illiteracy among the adult population: House Com- mittee on Education, Jan. 26, 1914 Immigration: Industrial Commission Immigration act, In relation to section 42 of: Senate Committee on Immigration, .Tan. IS, 1908 Immigration, Hindu: House Committee on Immi- gration and Naturalization, Feb. I-'?, 1914 Immigration, restriction of: House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, Dec. 6, 1913 Immigration, restriction of, H. R. 558: House Com- mittee on Immigration, Jan. 20, 1916 Immigration, restriction of, H. R. 10384: House Committee on Immigration, Mar. 11, 1916 Imperial Valley: House Committee on Public Lands, Dec. 23, 1914 Inauguration day, proposed change of:' House Com- mittee on Judiciary, Jan. is, 1906 Income tax: House Committee on Expenditures in Trea.sury Department, Jime 1, 1916 Indian AlTairs Office: House Committee on Expend- itures in Interior Department Indian appropriation act, 1914, amendment of: House Committee on Indian Affairs, May IS, 1916. . Indian appropriation bill: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs — Jan. 17, 1913 May 8, 1913 Mar. 12, 1914 Apr. 2, 1914 Jan. 16, 1915 Indian appropriation bill, 1916, 5 parts: House Com- mittee on Indian .Vffairs, Dec. 20, 1916 Indian appropriation bill, 1917: Senate Committee on Indian -VlTairs, Feb. 15, 1916 Indian appropriation bill, 1918, with excerpts on diversion dam at Gila River, Ariz.: Senate Com- mittee on Indian Affairs, Dec. IS, 1916 Indian contracts— with Five Civilized Tribes: House select committee Indian contracts with John F. McMurray: Select committee, June 25, 1910 Indian lands, leasing of: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Indian lands, survey and allotment, etc., on Crow Reservation : Senate Committee on Indian Affairs . Documented. Con- gress. 57 62 61 61 57 60 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. H. doc. H.rept. 11. rept. 11. rept. S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. D D 16 27 No. 184 1279 2273 2273 212 445 Not docu- mented. Liljrary. Vol. 144 146 88 10 92 92 147 147 120 38 145 148 13 41 41 42 43 148 85 92 Pt. U 4 1 1 2 4 1 11 474 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearing, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Subject. Documented. Not docu- mented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Indian Territory, Indians of, final disposition of: SelectCommitteetoInvestigateMattersConnected with Adairs in the Indian Territory 59 63 63 57 57 57 57 57 56 57 57 56 57 57 56 57 56 56 56 57 57 56 2 2 2 , s. H. S. 11. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. rept. Doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. doc. 3-4 158 5 73 74 75 71 81 94 79 78 95 80 77 95 82 93 94 95 72 76 94 5013 973 337 179 180 181 177 187 476 185 184 476 186 18;5 476 380 476 476 476 178 182 476 Indian wars later than Civil War, pensions for sur- vivors of: House Committee on Pensions, sub- committee Indians, tuberculosis among: Joint Congressional Commission Industrial Comn Agriculture: lission: Industrial Commission Agriculture sion and taxation: Industrial Commis- Capital and trial Comn Chicago disp labor employed in mining: Indus- lission utes. 1900: Industrial Commission. . Combinations in Europe: Industrial Commis- sion Distribution of farm products: Industrial Com- mission Foreign legislation: Industrial Commission • Immigration and education: Industrial Com- mission Labor legislation: Industrial Commission Labor organizations: Industrial Commission Manufacturers, etc. : Industrial Commission Manufactiire Final report Preliminary Prison labor Transportat Transportat Trusts, etc.: Trusts: Indi Industrial disp House Commi Injunctions: Ho Jan. 11, 1912 May 13, 1912 Injunctions, to mittee on Judi Insane in Alaska ritories, Mar. 4 Inspection of k employees an( Committee on Insurance: Hou 14, 1906 rs: Industrial Commission : Industrial Commission report: Industrial Commission : Industrial Commission on: Industrial Commission on: Industrial Commission Indu.strial Commission istrial Commission ites in Colorado and Michigan: ttee on Rules, Dec. 10, 1913 122 39 40 S use Committee on Judiciary- 1 2 regulate issuance of: Senate Com- ciary, subcommittee 62 1-2 s. doc. 40 944 , care of: House Committee on Ter- ,1910 68 50 38 18 19 4 comotives and tenders— safety of I travelers upon railroads: Senate Interstate Commerce, Feb. 2, 1915. . 1 36 Committee on Judiciary, May 4 Insurance comp mittee on Dist Part 1— Dec Part 2— Jan inies, investigation of: House Com- rict of Columbia— .26, 1912 13,1913 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UN-ITED STATES SENATE. 475 Hearing, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Intercoastal waterway: House Committee on Riv- ers and Harbors, Jan. 19, 1914 '. Interest on public ilcposits: House Committee on Kxpenditures in Treasury Department, Aug. 10, 1912 Interior Department, investigation of charges: Joint Committee to Investigate Interior Department and Forest Service , Intel ior Department investigation relative to lands in Herners Bay region, Alaska: Joint Committee to Investigate Interior Department, Relativeto Lands, 1910 Internal-revenue frauds: House Select Committee on Internal Revenue Frauds International Harvester Co.: House Committee on Rules, Jan. 17, 1912 International High Commission: House Committee on Foreign Allairs, Jan. 12, 1916 International tribunals to enforce peace: Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Jan. 18, 1917 International wireless telegraph: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations- Dec. — , 1907 , Feb. 21, 1912 Interoceanic canals: Senate Committee on Inter- oceanic Canals Interstate Commerce Commission: Knlargement of (2 parts): Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Apr. 21, 1916 ( J ranting authority to examine correspondence files of carriers: House Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 3, 1916 Investigation of freight rates, 5 per cent case... Investigation of I'ow York, J'ew Haven & Hartford Railroad: Interstate Commerce- Commission Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 61 61 39 56 57 Power of; Interstate Commerce Commission.. 63 63 .58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 Report or docu- ment. S. doc. S. doc. H. rp. S. rp. S. doc. Vol- ume. S. doc. S. doc. H. doc. H. rp. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 34 36 37 9 19 14 19 100 B 16 17 IS 19 20 21 No. 719 719 24 1337 253 446 543 422 4899 243 243 243 243 243 244 Not docu- mented." Library. Vol. 122 o6 146 93 10 10 92 169 Pt. 11 476 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Subject. Interstate Commerce Commission— Continued. Railway rates: Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Interstate commerce, bills affectmg: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb.-May , 1916 Interstate commerce, fraud in commodities in: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Dec. 18, 191:5 Interstate commerce in liquors, to regulate: Com- mittee on Judiciary, July 29, 1909 Interstate commerce on railroads: House Commit- tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 17, 1917 Interstate and foreign transportation: Joint Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce, Fov. 20, 1916 Interstate shipments of immature calves: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Apr. 3, 1912 Interstate trade: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce— Feb. 26, 1914 June 6, 1914 Interstate Trade Commission: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 30, 1914. . Interstate transmission of products of convict labor. Investigation of offices of surveyor of customs and assistant United States treasurer at St. Louis, Mo.: House Committee on Expenditures in Treas- ury Department, Apr. 21, 1910 Involuntary servitude imposed upon seamen: Sen- ate Committee on Commerce, Dec. 2, 1912 Irrigation, etc., Agricultural Department: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands, Jan. 13, 1905 Investigation of arid lands: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands .' Irrigation, issue of certificates for extending work: Senate Committee on Irrigation Irrigation in Nebraska: House Committee on Irri- gation and Arid Lands, Aug. 13, 1914 Irrigation projects: House Committee on Irriga- tion of Arid Lands- Mar. 2, 1912 Apr. 15, 1916 Documented. Con- gress. 61 61 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. 1 S. doc. 63 58 68 60 S. doc. Vol- ume. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 No. 725 146 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 169 97 26 H. doc. 53 i H. doc. S. doc. 53 36 446 381 381 507 169 95 36 48 49 96 26 92 37 149 Ft. 13 7 3 5a 3 14 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 477 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Irrigation, projects for: Senate Committee on Irri- gation and Reclamation of Arid Lands Irrigation projects on Salt and Gila Rivers: House Committee on Expenditures in Interior Depart- ment Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands: Senate Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands Isthmian Canal: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce — June 5, 1906 Feb. 11, 1907 Isthmian Canal Commission, recognizing the serv- ices of citi7,ens employed by: Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals, Mar. 17, 1916 .Tew^s of Roumania: House Committee on Foreign Relations, Dec. 10, 1913 .Joint Tariff -Association, agreement of: Senate Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce Jones, Thomas D., nomination for member of Fed- eral Reserve Board: Senate Committee on Bank- ing and Currency Judicial procedure, reforms in, 3 parts: House Com- mittee on Judiciary, Dec. 17, 1910 Juvenile court, and removing disabilities resting upon children convicted of crime in juvenile court : Committee on District of Columbia, Feb. 1, 1916 Juvenile Court in the District of Columbia: Senate Committee on District of Columbia, May 11, 1916. Kahn bill: House Committee on Patents, Dec. 17, 1913 Kansas affairs: House select committee Keating-Owen child labor bill, constitutionality of: House Committee on Labor, Jan. 13, 1916 Keifer v. Boynton: Select C/ommittee of the House, 1884 Kent wine bills: House Committee on Ways and Means, Mar. 1.5, 1916 Keolcuk, Iowa, bridges at: House Committee on In- terstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 17, 1913 Keokuk Dam: House Committee on Rules, Apr. 7, 1914 Documented. Con gress. 61 62 .51 55 I 56 63 Ses- sion.. Report or docu- ment. 3 S. rept. H. rept. 34 48 Kickapoo Indians, alTairs of: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, subcommittee Kickapoo Indians, Mexican, affairs of: Senate Com- mittee on Indian Alfairs, Feb. 10, lOOS 60 rept. doc. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. H. rept. H. rept. S. doc. D 4 35 28 14 15 16 16 No. 1281 1,506 928 Not docu- mented. 64 424 545 200 1112 215 215 215 350 Library. Vol. 34 34 89 91 1.53 144 88 116 147 160 36 122 11 Ft. 2a 3a 7 11 17 4 13 9 6a 9 478 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Klamath Reservation, Oreg., disposal of timber and timber lands in: Senate Committee on Indian Aflfairs, Mar. 14, 1916 Ku-Klux conspiracy. See "Joint Committees" — Alabama, afTairs in, etc.; Mississippi, affairs in, etc.; Florida, affairs in, etc.; Georgia, affairs in, etc.; North Carolina, affairs in, etc.; South Caro- lina, relative to affairs in, etc. Labor and capital : Senate Committee on Education and Labor, 1882-1887 Labor on contracts with the District of Columbia, hours of: Senate Committee on District of Colum- bia, Apr. 25, 1908 Labor, convict, importation of goods, wares, and merchandise by: House Committee on Labor, Feb. 27, 1914 Labor, convict, interstate transmission of products of Labor legislation: Industrial Commission Labor organizations: Industrial Commission Labor, penal, competition in: House Committee on Labor — May 3, 1906 UaT. 8, 1910 Labor trouble at Lawrence, Mass.: House Commit- tee on Rules Labor troubles of railroads (arbitration): Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce Labor troubles, of railroads, arbitration of: Senate Committee on Inter-state Commerce Labor, wages, and hours: Senate Select Committee to Investigate Wages and Cost of Commodities Landing charges on American products, to prevent imposition of: Senate Committee on Commerce. . . I>ands in Alaska, certain, purchase of: House Com- mittee on Public Lands, Mar. 27, 1914 Lands in Arkansas, to quiet and confirm title to certain: House Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 15, 1910 Lauds for educational purposes: House Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 15, 1916 , Lands, sale of, to the Cordova Bay Town Site Co.: House Committee on Public Lands, May 16, 1908 Lands, certain, exchange of, between the United States and the State of Idaho; House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 23, 1914 Lawrence, Mass., strike at: House Committee on Rules Leasing of oil and gas lands withdrawn from entry: Senate Committee on Public Lands, May 21, 1914 Documented. Con- gress 63 56 57 62 63 63 61 57 62 Ses- sion. 1-2 1 1 3 1 1-2 Report i Y , S. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. S. rept. S. rept. S. doc. S. doc. H. doc. 26 95 80 138 1 1 64 22 No. Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 85 28-31 446 476 186 671 72 72 847 310 138 I 671 103 41 41 119 121 163 55 119 Pt. 2 3 10 63 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 479 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Leaves of absence, indefinite, to superannuated em- ployees of Postal Service: House Committee on Post Ollices and Post Roads, Apr. 7, 1916 Legislative Drafting Bureau and Reference Di- vision: Senate Committee on Library, Feb. 4, 1913. Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill: Senate Committee on Appropriations- Mar. 16, 1916 Apr. 1, 1916 (supplement) 191»— Jan. 3, 1917 : Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill: House Committee on Appropriations — Jan. 9, 190S Nov. 29, 1910 Jan. 6, 1913 Jan. 14, 1914 Nov. 27, 1914 1917— Nov. 27, 1916 Leprosarium, national, establishment of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Dec. 15, 1914 Lessler, Montague, attempted bribery of Liabilities of common carriers under bills of lading: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Mar. Documented. Con- gress. Ses- Report i?„^ ordocu- s'°n- ment. 17,1914. Liability of common carriers to employees: Senate Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 20, 1908 Liability of employers: Senate Committee on Inter- state Commerce, May 3, 1906 Lil)rary of Congress, Bibliography division, salary of chief: Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations. Library of Congress, condition, etc.: Joint Commit- tee on Library Library of Congress, salaries of chiefs of division: Senate Committee on Appropriations, subcom- mittee Library, public, of District of Columbia, appoint- ment and removal of employees o : House Com- mittee on District of Columbia, Feb, 1, 1916 Life-Saving Service, London clause to forbid use of: Senate Committee on Commerce Lighthouse, Diamond Shoal: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 22, 1915.. Lighthouse Service: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, April 1, 1916 Lighthouse Service: Senate Committee on Com- merce, Jan. 18, 1917 Lilley, George L., investigation of charges made by Electric Boat Co. : House select committee 57 ,54 57 60 Vol- ume. No. H. rept. S. doc. S. re|)t. S. doc. Not docu- mented. Li rary. Vol. 3482 S. doc. 1 H. rept. 16 3 16 22 196 1573 196 310 1168 1727 165 22 95 50 21 15 144 95 169 91 Pt. 81 4 81 5 91 2 7 1 7 3 10 2 78 1 81 5 143 6 16 1 14 7 480 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Subject. Lime barrels, to standardize: House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, June 1, 1916 Linseed oil, adulterated, to prevent manufacture, etc.: Senate Committee on Manufactures, Apr. 14, 1910 Liquor-tax laws: House Committee on Ways and Means, Feb. 3, 1906 Liquor traffic, alcoholic: House Committee on Al- coholic Liquor Traffic, May 5, 1914 Liquor traffic, alcoholic: House Committee on Al- coholic Liquor Traffic, Mar. 23, 1916 Liquor traffic in the District of Columbia, regula- tion of: Senate Committee on District of Colum- bia, Apr. 13, 1910 Liquors, intoxicating, amendment to the Constitu- tion prohibiting: Senate Committee on Judiciary, Apr. 16, 1914 Liquors, intoxicating, interstate shipments of, into dry territories: Senate Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 30, 1912 Liquors, intoxicating, interstate traffic in: House Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 11, 1912 Liquors, intoxicating, to prohibit interstate com- merce in certain cases: House Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 17, 1917 Liquors: Intoxicating, regulation of sale of in the Dis- trict of Columbia: Senate Committee on Dis- trict of Columbia, May 8, 1908 Intoxicating, sale of: House Committee on Dis- trict of Columbia, Feb. 26, 1912 Sale of, to minors in the District: House Com- mittee on District of Columbia, Dec. 12, 1913.. To regulate Interstate Commerce in: Commit- tee on the Judiciary, July 29, 1909 Loaning money in the District of Columbia: Senate Committee on District of Columbia, Apr. 21, 1916. Lobby activities, and charges against Members of the House: House Committee on Lobby (select committee): Dec. 9, 1913 Aug. 19, 1913 Aug. 23, 1913 Sept. 9, 1913 , Lobby activities, ship purchase bill in Senate, Senate hearings: House Committee on Lobby (select committee): F"eb. 16, 191.5 Lobby to influence legislation, maintenance of (ap- pendix): Senate Committee on Judiciary: June 13, 1913 Documented. Con- gress. 51 61 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. rept. Vol- ume. S. doc. I No. 546 146 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 144 69 74 144 52 21 39 170 5 17 88 125 126 127 128 78 53 55 .56 Pt. 14 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 481 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Lobby to influence legislation, maintenance of Lobeck bill: House Committee on Agriculture, Apr. 20, 1914 Local boards of steamboat inspectors, appeals from: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish- eries, Mar. 6, 1916 Locomotives, inspection of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, July 1, 1914 Lorimer, William, charges against: Committee on Privileges and Elections, Dec. 21 , 1910 Lorimer, William, election of: Committee of the Senate, June 20, 1911 Lower Brule Indians, removal, etc.: Senate Com- mittee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 13, 1897 McCUntic- Marshall Construction Co.: Senate Com- mittee on Claims, June 13, 1916 McKinley bill, H. R. 15262: House Committee on Banking and Currency, Jan. 31, 1908 McKinley souvenir dollar, coinage of: House Com- mittee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Jan. 13, 1916 Documented. Con- Ses- gress. sion. 61 62 54 61 59 McMurray, John F., Indian contracts with: Select House committee, June 25, 1910 McNally, J. C, investigation of: Senate Committee on Commerce, Feb. 6, 1914 Magazines, postage, etc.: Postal Commission, Oct. 1-Nov. 28, 1906 , Mail, second-class: House Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, Jan. 26, 1910 , Mail, second-class, rates of postage on: House Com- mittee on the Post Office and Post Roads, Feb. 9, 1914 Mail service, ocean: House Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads: Jan. 21, 1908 Feb.— 1911 Malaria and typhoid fever, prevention and suppres- sion of: Senate Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine, Mar. o, 1914 Maneuvering grounds, permanent, and camp of in- spection near Chickamauga: House Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 26, 1911 Manufactures, etc.: House Committee on Manufac- tures, Nov. 9, 1900 57 Manufactures: Industrial Commi.ssion ; 36 Marine Corps, United States, status of: House Com- i mittee on Naval Affairs, Jan. 7, 1909 1 Marine, merchant, naval auxil aries for uss in: House Committee on Naval Affairs, .\ug. 11, 1914. Marketing of farm products: Assistant Secretary of [ Commerce, Aug. 14, 1914 ....,..| 63 49183—18 31 Report 1 y , or docu- i ^^ ment. "™^- S. rept. S. doc. S. doc. H. rept. H. doc. No. 16 D H. doc. H. doo. S. doc. 942 484 132 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 2273 608 183 95 I 476 29 1 579 54 74 154 95 89 11 144 52 117 52 .53 63 44 47 115 Pt. 10 19 482 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. naH Subject. Marriage and divorce, uniform laws as to: House Committee on the Judiciary, Apr. 12, 1916 Marshall, H. Snowden: House Committee on the Judiciary, Jan. 10, 1916 Matches, white phosphorous: House Committee on Ways and Means, Dec. 16, 1910 Maus, Col. L. Mervin, retirement of: Senate Com- mittee on Military Affairs, Feb. 8, 1917 Measures, standard, to establish national bureau of: Subcommittee of the Committee on Commerce, Dec. 28, 1900 Meat products, transportation and sale of: Senate select committee, Nov. 20, 1888 Medical Corps of Navy, increase of personnel: Sen- ate Committee on Naval Affairs, May 29, 1902 Members of House, charges against Select House committee- Mar. 9-May 1, 1909 Mar. 5, 1910 Apr. 1, 1910 Merchant marine and commerce, American: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Apr. 4, 1906 Merchant Marine Commission: Merchant Marine Commission, June 24, 1904-Oet. — , 1905 Merchant marine, regulation of licensed officers in: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish- eries, Mar. 19, 1914 Merchant Marine League: Select House committee, Apr. 1, 1910 Merchant vessels in the foreign trade of the United States, Governtnent ownership and operation of: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish- eries, Aug. 28, 1914 Metals, and manufacture of: Senate Committee on Finance, Feb. 16, 1912 Metric system: House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, 1907 Mexico, relief of American citizens in: House Com- mittee on Appropriations, July 10, 1916 Mexico, revolutions in: Senate Committee on For- eign Relations, Sept. 7, 1912 Mexico, war claims against: House Committee on Foreign Relations, Feb. 6, 1913 Michigan, Lake, riparian rights: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 18, 1917. Migratory birds, protection of: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Feb. 3, 1917 Military recourses and pohcy of the United States, facts of interest concerning: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 20, 1914 Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 56 51 57 60 60 61 61 58 61 '.,'J 56 Report or docu- ment. ,1 .v(i"il : Vol- ume. t;i ,Ti: rlYl:/'(l ji-lSV/. ,M:«V H.rcpt. H.M.D. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. t;'/i ao ^y l(J. ,'4 Jfil. . S. doc. 'iiUlliU -l-'r-.'fP. 2 I 2 19 ' , -■ I ; No. Library. Vol. rt. .144 92 86 163 146 63 144 31 23 543 ■/U u. 393 393 j'ii. l;/: 56 lim/iio') 29 149 -j 91 ■i 91 .j 91 .| 146 .1 168 I 92 50 19 3 1 . Jiax.^-. 13 8 2 12 13 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 487 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Documented. Con- gress. 42 59 Nicaraguan affairs: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Oct. S, 1912 Nicholls, .Toshiia, claim of heirs of: House Commit- tee on Wa.vs and ivTeans, Feb. 98, 1914 North Carolina, relative to affairs in: Select House Committee, June 5, 1S71 Officering and manning of vessels, to regulate (vlrh supplement): House Commiitee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Apr. 6, 1916 > Officers of eastern Oklahoma, protecting: Senate Committee on Judiciary, Dec. 14, 1916 Officers, Navy staff corps increase: Senate Com- mittee on Naval Affairs, May 29, 1902 | 5 Ohio State University, to amend act to satisfy cer- tain claims against: House Committeee on Public Lands, Jan. 8, 1907 Oil, gas, etc., exploration for and disposition of: House Committee on Public Lands, Mar. 2.5, 1914. Oil-land withdrawals: House Committee on Public Lands, May 13, 1910 ■ - ■ f>il lands leasing bill: Senate Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 7, 1915 Oil lands leasing bill (with supplement): Senate Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 2, 1916 Oil lands leasing bill: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Jan. 17, 1917 Oil by pipe lines, transportation of: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commrece, May 15, 1914 1 Oklahoma, Indian contracts in: Select House com- j mittee — I Apr. 1- June 20, 1910 61 Ses- sion. Aug. 4-19, 1910. Oklahoma, land grants to State of: House Commit- tee on Public Lands, May 20, 1916 Oklahoma, removal of restrictions on Indian lands in: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 28, 1908. Oleomargarine: House Committee on Expenditures in Treasiu-y Department, Jan. 20, 1913 Oleomargarine and other imitations dairy products: Senate Committee on Agriculture— Feb. 17, 1902 Dec. 19, 1900 Oleomargarine law: House Committee on Agricul- ture, Apr. 20, 1910 Omaha Reservation, affairs in: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, July 24-25, 1895 61 57 56 54 Report ,-ni ment. H.rept. 2 a:L. S. doc. , 26 H. doc. i 51 No. 22 .Jul.-: H. rept. H. rept. ! D 1 E .uhM S. doc. S. rept. 1 S. doc. 17 4 3 395 500 2297 2297 2273 2273 223 2ai3 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt 10 124 155 87 121 55 53 88 93 95 163 31 27 10 10 1 u 7 6 8 16 I'JjlUl. 488 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subje ct. Documented. Con- gress. One-cent drop-letter postage: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Jan. 31, 1917 Opium, importation and use of: House Committee on Ways and Means, Dec. 14, 1910 Oregon and California land grant: House Commit- tee on Public Lands- May 1, 1908 Apr. 2, 1912 Feb. 17, 1910 (10 parts) Oregon-California land grants: Senate Committee on Public Lands, May .5, 1910 Original packages, oleomargarine, etc.: Senate Com- mittee on Agriculture, Feb. 17, 1902 Osage Indians, contracts with: Select House Com- mittee, Aug. 4, 1910 ! Osage Indians, to enroll certain persons in: Senate i Committee on Indian Affairs, Apr. 29, 1908 Osage Indians, enrollment of: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Jan. 20, 1909 Osage Indians in Oklahoma, relief of: Senate Com- mittee on Indian Affairs, Jan. 13, 1917 Osage Indian funds: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Nov. 14, 1896 , Osage Nation of Indians of Oklahoma, claims of: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Apr. 7, 1916. Osage National Council, leases for oil and gas pur- poses: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Jan. 18, 1913 Osage Reservation, oil lands in (4 parts): Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Jan. 17, 1916 Outrages in Southern States: Select Senate com- mittee, Jan. 19, 1871 Paint, adulterated, to prevent manufacture, etc.: Senate Committee on Manufactures, Feb. 17, 1910. Paint, adulteration of, etc., to prohibit: Senate Committee on Manufactures, Feb. 17, 1910 Paint Creek district. West Virginia, conditions in: Senate Committee on Education and Labor- June 2, 1913 Sept. 3, 1913 * Pacific cable: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Jan. 16-30, 1900 Pacific cables: Senate Committee on Foreign Re- lations Pacific Mail Steamship Co., subsidies to: Subcom- mittee of Senate Committee on Pacific Railroads, Dec. 9, 1897 Pacific Railroad: Senate Committee on Pacific Rail- roads, Apr. 27, 1887, to Aug. 22, 1887 57 61 60 60 54 Ses- sion. 42 61 61 56 54 55 50 Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. S. doc. H. rept. S. doc. S. doc. 17 D 36 99 S. rept. Not docu- mented. Library. No. Vol. 93 69 55 120 155 88 223 2273 482 744 1330 1 S. rept. 1-2 S. rept. 1-2 S. rept. S. doe. S. doc. S. rept. S.E.D. 1-7 1-3 540 546 137 116 194 1171 51 11 92 148 31 85 38 39 Pt. 11 7 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 489 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Pacific Railroad, lands patented to: Senate Sub- committee to Committee on Pacific Railroads, Dec. 9, 1897 Pacific Railroads, indebtedness to United States: Senate Committee on Pacific Railroads Panama Exposition: House Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 30, 1911 Panama-California Exposition, installation of Gov- ernment exhibits at: House Committee on Indus- trial Arts and Expositions, Sept. 19, 1914 Panama Canal: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce — Jan. 14, 1908 Mar. 31, 1908 Jan. 6, 1909 Panama Canal: Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals, Mar. 29, 1912 Panama Canal appropriation bill, 1917: House Com- mittee on Appropriations, Feb. 4, 1916 Panama Canal tolls: Apr. 7, 1914 ,. Panama Canal, skilled labor: 1907-1915 Panama Canal, act supplemental to: Senate Com- mittee on Appropriations, Dec. 12, 1905 , Panama Canal matters: House Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 11, 1916 Panama Canal, regulation of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Dec. 18, 1911.., Panama Canal, skilled labor: House Committee on Appropriations, 1907-1915 Panama Canal, estimates of, for 1915: Nov. 20, 1913. Panama Canal, fortification of: Feb. 23, 1914 Panama-Pacific International Exposition Building and Panama-California Exposition: House Com- mittee on Industrial Arts and Expositions, May 1914 Documented Not docu- mented. Con- gress. 55 54 59 62 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. S. rept. S. rept. Library. No. Vol. 1171 6, Panama Railroad, management: Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals, Jan. 11, 1906. Panama, story of: House Committee on Foreign Re- lations, Feb. 19 1913 Pan electric investigation, 1866: Select Committee of the House Paper, manufacture of: Select House Committee, Apr. 2o-Dec. 30, 1908 Parcel post: House Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads — Apr. — , 1910 June — , 1911 Nov. 7, 1911 Parcel post in foreign countries: House Committee on Post OflSces and Post Roads, Aug. — , 1911 — 59 60 S. doc. H. doc. S. doc. H. doc. 137 30 132- 136 69 680 401 1502 34 93 34 34 34 14 142 51 79 150 79 79 79 93 30 175 53 53 54 54 Pt. 4a 5a 6a 490 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued>hf?oH Subject. Parcel-post packages: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Mar. 24, 1910 Parcel-Post System: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Feb. 25, 1914 Passengers carried on vessels, increase in number of, . and providing for appeals from local boards (3 parts): House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Jan. 27, 191G Patent, application for, temporary extension of time for filing: House Committee on Patents, Dec. 16, 1914. Patent, to prevent abandonment of Government applications for: House Committee on Patents, Mar. 29, 1916 Patent laws, amendment of: House Committee on Patents, Jan. 13, 1915 Patent Office certificates of correction: House Com- mittee on Patents, Jan. 21, 1912 Patent Office, to provide increased force and sala- ries in: House Committee on Patents, Jan. 22, 1908. Patent Office, reorganization of: House Committee on Patents- May 7, 1914 Jan. 12, 1916 Patent Statutes, Oldfield revision and codification of: House Committee on Patents- May 18, 1912 May 27, 1914 Patents issued to Indians in State of Washington, confirming: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Mar. 22, 1916 Patents, revision of statutes relating to: House Committee on Patents, Apr. 8, 1908 Pay of the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Corps, increase in: House Committee on Military Affairs, Feb. 12, 1907 Pay Corps, Navy, for increase in: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, May 29, 1902 Pay, extra, to certain employees: Committee on Accounts, Mar. 22, 1884 Payment under reclamation projects, extension of period of: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands, Feb. 28, 1914 Peace celebration at Vicksburg, Miss.: House Committee on Appropriations, Jan. 9, 1915 Peace federation, emergency: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Feb. 22, 1917 Peace propaganda investigation: House Committee on Rules, Jan. 19, 1916 , Documented. Con- gress. 57 48 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. H. rpt. Vol- ume. 26 982 No. 395 4 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 84 62 154 116 161 116 91 51 116 161 ,,51 116 85 51 44 175 92 81 168 171 Pt. 11 1 lUiUi'l. 5 6 8 13 CATALOGUE OF LIBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 491 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Penalties on American-owned foreign-built vessels, repeal of — provisional registry of vessels abroad: House Committee on MerchaQt Marine and Fish- eries, Sept. 24, 1914.. w*.... J.. .,„(., Penitentiaries, United States, at Atlanta, Ga., and Leavenworth, Kans., equipment for manufacture of supplies for use of the Government, etc.: House Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 27, 1917 Penn Memorial Bridge: House Committee on Library, Jan. IS, 1915 Pension appropriationbill: House Committee on A ppropriations— Jan. 26, 1914 1917— Anr. 7. lOlti 1918— Jan. 22, 1917 Pension appropriation bill: House Committee on Pensions, Dec. 16, 1914 Pensions for the Forsyth Scouts and their widows: House Committee on Pensions, Dec. 18, 1913 Pension for loss of limb or total disability, increase of: House Committee on Invalid Pensions, Mar. 13, 1916. Pensions for survivors of Indian wars later than Civil War: Subcommittee of House Committee on Pensions, Mar. 7, 1914 Pensions, monthly payment of: House Committee on Invalid Pensions, Dec. 16, 1913 Pensions, old-age: House Committee on Labor, Jan. 27, 1917 - Peonage in western Pennsylvania: House Com- mittee on Labor, Aug. 1, 1911 1- - -_-.-.• Pere Marquette Railroad: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 7, 1914... Petersburg, Va., attack on: Senate Committee on Conductof the War, Dec. 17, 1864 Petroleum and gasoline: House Committee on ■. Mines and Mining, Apr. 3, 1916 Petroleum, crude, embargo upon: House Commit- tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Apr. 15, Documented. Not docu- mented. Con- gress. 63 IxoH Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. llO(t) 38 1916. Philippine civil government, reorganization of de- partments of: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Jan. 19, 1906. . ." Philippine government, limit of indebtedness of: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Feb. 21, 1912. Philippine Islands, affairs in: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Dec. 9, 1910, 61 H. doc. ri ■nil; •■>,iiuiu Vol- ume. II. hi 158- S. rpt. H. rept. No. Library. Vol. Pt. t170 ,103 78 142 168 116 116 149 93 170 41 95 I i< ii'i 11 2 5 2 11 10 11 '\ 4 1 8 6 12 160 149 33 33 lilu^ial 492' CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Phjlippine Islands, affairs in: Senate Committee on Philippines- Jan. 1, 1902, to June 28, 1912 Jan. 20, 1906 Jan. 21, 1904 Philippine Islands, Catholic church claims and pro- posed agricultural bank in: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Jan. 7, 1907 Philippines, government of: Senate Committee on Philippines — ■ Dec. 14, 1914 Dec. 15, 1916 Philippines, sale of friar lands in: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Juno 7, 1910 Phosphate lands: House Committee on PubUc Lands, Dec. 17, 1908 Physicians and surgeons, certain, right to practice in territories or dependencies: Senate Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine, Apr. 29, 1916 Pima Indian Reservation: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Mar. 14, 1912 Platte River, Nebr., diversion of water from: House Committee on Flood Control, June 21, 1916 Pneumatic-tube service' for the mails: Commission to Investigate the Pneumatic-Tube Postal System, Dec. 2, 1912 Pneumatic-tube service for the mails (bound in House hearings): Senate Commission to Investi- gate the Pneumatic-Tube Postal System, Dec. 2, 1912 Pneumatic-tube service: House Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Dec. 11, 1916 Pneumatic-tube service: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads — Mar. 29, 1916 (2 parts) Jan. 26, 1917 Ponca Tribe of Indians, Okla.: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 13, 1917 Porto Rico, civil government for: Senate Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico- Jan. 10, 1911 Feb. 25, 1914 Porto Rico, a civil government for: House Commit- tee on Insular Affairs— Feb. 26, 1914 Jan. 13, 1916 Porto Rico, delegate from: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Feb. in, 1904 Documented. Con- gress. 57 59 58 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. 23-25 22 4 No. 331 227 124 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 33 61 2 90 5 33 3 55 2 90 13 146 129 129 165 84 93 169 24 61 93 145 32 Pt. 5 12 5 13 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 493 Hearings, Cone^ressional, alphabetical list of — ^Continued. Subject. Porto Rico, government for (3 parts): Senate Com- mittee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, Jan. 28, 1916 Porto Rico, industrial and other conditions in: Special commission, Oct. 4, 1898-Feb. 7, 1899 Porto Rico and Hawaii, relief of railroads in: House Committee on Territories, Jan. 30, 1917 Port Royal, S. C, naval station, proposed removal: Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Feb. 1,5, 1901 Postal cards and reply letters: House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, Jan. 15, 1915 Postal and civil-service laws, amending: House Com- mittee on Post Office and Post Roads, June 5, 1914. Documented. Con- gress, .56 56 Postal and civil-service laws and railway pay: Sen- ate Committee on Post Offices, etc., Sept. 17, 1914 . Postal and civil-service laws: Aug. 18, 1914 Posta Commission, 1906-7: Postal Commission, Oct. 1,1906 Postal employees, fetirement of: House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, Apr. 12, 1916 Postal Savings Bank: Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, Mar. — , 1910 Postal Savings Bank System: House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, Jan. 29, 1909 Postal Savings System: Senate Commisttee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Feb. 4,1914 Postal savings and money-order bills: Senate Com- mitteeon Post Offices and Post Roads, Jan. 13, 1914 Postal Service and subjects: House Committee on Appropriations, 1896-1903 Postal Service and subjects: Senate Committee on Appropriations, 1896-1908 Postal Service employees, retirement of : House Com- mittee on Post Office and Post Roads, Feb. 24, 1917 Po.stal subjects, various {see Senate): House Com- mittee on Post Office and Roads, 1896-1903... Po.stal telegraph: Senate Committees on Post Offices and Post Roads, Jan. 17, 188^1 Postmaster at Grand Rapids, Mich.: Senate Com- mitteeon Post Offices and Post Roads, June9, 1914 Postmaster at Jackson, Tenn.: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Feb. 22, 1915.... Postmasters in civil service: House Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, Mar. 31, 1916 Post Office Department: House Committee on Ex- penditures in Post Office Department — Feb. 24, 1908 May 24, 1911 H. R. 109— July 20, 1911 Investigation of— June 26, 1911 59 I Ses- «X°PM ^'«1- S. doc. 19-23 S. doc. H. doc. 11 98 No. 221 156 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt 608 90 171 117 117 16 62 11 64 12 165 5 53 1 52 4 62 10 62 9 25 25 171 8 25 26 62 7 62 4 164 1 22 23 I 23 2 23 3 494 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. ifl^H Subject. Post Office Department; House Committee on Ex- penditures in Post Office Department — Contd. Lewis Publishing Co.— July 24, 1911 Investigat'on of — July 25, 1911 Aug. 21, 1911 Post Office appropriation bill: House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads— 1909— Jan. 16, 1908 19W— Jan. — 1912 1916— Dec. 8, 1914 1917— Dec. — 1915 1918— Dec. — 1916 Post Office appropriation bill, 1917: Senate Com- mittee on Post Offices and Post Roads — Apr., 1916 Propaganda in reference to — May 27, 1916 Railway mail pay — Apr., 1916 Pottawatomie Indians, Wisconsin Band of: House Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 19, 1916 , Practice code, proposed: Senate Committee on Judi- ciary, Jan. 25, 1916 Preparedness for national defense (21 parts): Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 18, 1916 Press agents, department: House Committee on Rules, May 21, 1912 Prevention of cruelty to animals, etc.: Senate Com- mittee on Agriculture and Forestry, Feb. 28, 1908. . Prevention of cruelty to animals in transit: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 23, 1917 Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report V , ordocu- ^'" ment. Pribilof Islands, seal fisheries, to protect: Senate Committee on Conservation of National Re- sources, Feb. 26, 1910 Prices of commodities, wages, investigation of: Select Senate committee, Feb. 24, 1910 Prices, regulatioft of, 2 parts: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Cojnmerce, May 30, 1916. . . Prices, to prevent discrimination in and to provide for publicity of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce — Jan. 9, 1915 Feb. 27, 1916 I'rinting, report of committee: Senate Committee on Printing, 1894 Printing and binding, public, and distribution of public documents: Senate Committee, on Print- ing, 1892 i :;;:;: 1-. .. . Printing and binding, public, and distribution of public documents: House Committee on Print- ing, 18d3 L-.v .•.-.•].. 61 61 53 52 53 ume S. doc. S. doc. S. rept. S. rept. H.rept; 61 63 No. Not docu- mented. 605 847 574 18 iiiU'. Library. Vol. 23 24 25 52 54 117 165 165 84 84 84 149 87 86 56 1 92 149 96 150 96 96 96 Pt. li (inii'i 6 9 •i' 5 2 4 3 (iM 9 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 495 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — ContlKiifed^^JEi jH Documented. Subject. Con- gress Printing and binding: House Committee on Agri- culture, Jan. 5, 1907 Printing and binding, public: House Committee on 'Printing, Apr. 22, 1914 .-.I.-.-.-.-. Printing and binding, public: Senate Committeie on Printing, Mar. 14, 1914 Printing, hard roller versus power presses: Senate Committee on Printing, Jan. 29, 1912 Printuig, public: Select Senate committee, Jan. 24, 1860 Printing, public, delay in: Senate Committee on Printing, July 7, 1906 Probation system for Federal prisoners: House Committee on Judiciary, May 13, 1916 Procedure, judicial, simplification of: Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary, Nov. 10, 1915 Procedure in United States Supreme Court in case of suit against a State: House Committee on Judi- ciary, Jan. 16, 1917 Proctor, Wm, jr., monument to: House Committee on IJbrary, Feb. IK, 1916 Promotion in the line of the Army, equalization of: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Feb. 28, 1916 Public buildings and grounds: House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Jan. 23, 1914 Public buildings and grounds, Nos. 1 to 21: House Committee on l^ublic Buildings and Grounds, Jan. 7, 1916 Public buildings and grounds, No. 23: House Com- mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Jan. 11, 1917 Public lands, Ala.ska, to extexid laws to: House Com- mittee on Public Lands, Feb. 19, 1902 , Public lands under the Carey -Vet, cancellations of segregations of: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands, Mar. 21, 1914 Public lands, conduct of Interior Department rela- tive to: Joint committee, Jan. 2(5- May 17, 1910 — Public lands in Philippine Islands, sale of, etc.: House Committee on Insular Affairs, Jan. 5, 1911.. Publications, certain, exclusion of, from the mails: House Committee on the Post OfHco and Post Roads, Feb. 1, 1915 Pueblo Indians of New Mexico: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 13, 1913 Pullman strike, 1884: Strike Commission Pulp and paper: Select House Committee, Apr. 25- Nov. 20, 1908 36 59 57 61 61 53 60 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. rept. S. rept. H. doc. S. doc. H. rept. Vol- ume. No. 205 A 4430 110 36^41 S. ex. doc. H. doc. 2 |132- I 135 610 719 2289 7 1502 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt 2 116 63 24 151 170 149 86 118 162 171 92 117 13 \l If! 12 1 2 2 15 496 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Race-gambling bets, prevention of tranr.mission of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce- Apr. 3, 1916 • 82 92 42 171 3 112 57 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 15 97-101 5 68 68 123 3 Jan. 12, 1917, part 2 11 Radio communication: House Committee on Mer- chant Marine and Fisheries — Jan. 18, 1912 .' 5 Jan. 11, 1917 4 Radio communication: Senate Committee on Com- merce, Mar. 1, 1912 3 Radium: House Committee on Mines and Mining, Jan. 19, 1914 2 Radium: Senate Committee on Mines and Mining, Feb. 10, 1914 9 Railroad companies, claims, settlement of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 6, 1908 83 Railroad emplo.vees, hours of service of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce- Jan. 21, 1907 2a Feb. 5, 1908 .... 4d Railroad freight rates and routing shipments: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 5, 1908 7a Railroad passenger fares and mileage tickets: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Comm2rce, Jan. 8, 1907 la Railroad passenger fares and passes: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Mar. 10, 1908 fa Railroad property, physical valuation of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb. 10, 1911 4a Railroad rates. Court of Commerce, etc.: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 3, 1910. . 2 Railroad rates, regulation of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, 1904-1905. Including index Railroad tracks to the navy yard, extension of: Sen- ate Committee on District of Columbia, Feb. 24, 1908 2 Railroads in Alaska: House Committee on Terri- tories- Jan. 9, 1906 1 Mar. 28, 1910 6 Railroads in Alaska, building of: House Committee on Territories, July 9, 1913 5 by arbitration: Subcommittee of Senate Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 14, 1910 63 1 S. rept. I 72 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 497 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of^Continued. Subject. Documented. , Con- I gress. Ses- sion. Railroads in Alaska, settlement of labor troubles by arbitration: Senate ('ommittee on Interstate Commerce, .Tune 20, 1913 Railroads, advances in freight rates: Interstate Com- merce Commission, August-December, 1910 Railroads, government ownership: Senate Commit- tee on Interstate Commerce, May 16, 1900 Railroads, labor troubles of, arbitration of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce Railroads, locomotive-boiler inspection: Subcom- mittee of Senate Committee on Interstate Com- merce, Feb. 14, 1910 Railroads, municipally owned, rights of trustees of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- merce, Feb. 10, 1916 Railroads in Nevada, certain, legalizing conveyances on: House Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 27, 1915 Railroads, regulation of rates: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Dec. 9, 1904 Railroads, regulation of rates: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Dec. 16, 1904-May 23, 1905 Railroads, safety of passengers and employees on: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- merce, July 10, 1913 Railway mail clerks: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads — Mar., 1916 Jan. 24, 1917. Railway mail pay, relative to: Joint commission, Aug. 18, 1896 , Railway mail pay: Joint Committee on Postage on Second-Class Mail Matter and Compensation for the Transportation of Mail, Aug. 1, 1914 Railway mail pay, Pennsylvania R. R. system: Mar. 28, 1913 Railway mail pay: Senate Committee on Post Ofricesand Post Roads, Jan. 13, 1915 Railway mail pay: House Joint Committee on Postage on Second-Class Mail Matter and Com- pensation for Transportation of Mail — Aug. 1, 1914 Jan. 24, 1913 Railway mail pay: House Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads — June 14, 1910 Fefb. 14, 1911 63 61 56 63 61 58 59 56 Report or docu- ment. S. rept. S. doc. S. doc. S. rept. S. doc. Vol- ume. 1 48 47 49 50 3.')n 1 59 H. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 100 16-20 No. 72 725 725 725 725 420 72 446 Not docu- mented. 422 243 89 Librarv. Vol. Pt 169 120 97-101 36 84 93 129 117 62 10 9a 1 10 129 4 130 53 5 53 5 49183—18- -32 498 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Railway mail pay, short lines; Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Mar., 1916 Railway mail pay, trunk lines: Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Mar., 191B Railway rates, regulation of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Dec. 16, 1904-May 23, 1905.. liailway system in Hawaii: House Committee on Territories, Feb. 20, 1914 Rainy River, extending time for construction of a dam across: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Apr. 22, 1908 Ratfs, interstate, regulation of: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, June 30, 1916 Reciprocity with Canada: Senate Committee on Finance— Feb. 20, 1911 May 8-10, 1911 Reciprocity (and sugar) with Cuba, 1902: House Committee on Ways and Means, Jan. 15, 1902 Reclamation projects, etc.: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands, Apr. 23, 1910 Reclamation Service; House Committee on Appro- priations, May 24, 1914 Reclamation Service, appropriations for: House Committee on Irrigation of And Lands, Dec. 16, 1914 Reclamation work under the irrigation act: House Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands, Apr. 16, 1906 Red River, levees for; Senate Committee on Com- merce, Jan. 25, 1917 Red River expedition. Fort Fisher expedition, heavy ordnance: Joint Committee, Dec. 14-20, 1864. Reed, James A., Senator from Missouri, hearing: Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, July 6, 1914 Referendum on declaring war; House Committeeon Foreign Affairs, Feb. 17, 1917 Reforms in legal procedure; House Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 25, 1912 Registers, American, for certain steamers: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Jan. 30, 1911 Registration of designs (2 parts), with appendix, briefs, etc.: House Committee on Patents, Mar. 22, 1916 Registration of designs; Senate Committee on Patents, Jan. 24, 1917 Regulation of commerce in water-borne transporta- tion: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Jan, 12,1917 Documented. Con- gress 59 61 62 57 38 63 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. H. doc. S. rept. S. doc. No. 16-20 243 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 84 84 84 5-6 108 3-4 28 834 56 535 142 545 123 35 82 37 79 92 37 91 168 39 42 161 93 92 Pt. 11 10 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 499 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Relief of settlers: House Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 2, 1916 Removal of employees in the classified service: House Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, Apr. 20, 1911 Rent, question of: House Committee on Expendi- tures in Treasury Department, July 17, 1911 Representation of the District of Columbia in Con- gress; Senate Committee on District of Columbia, Feb. 24, 1916 Representatives, apportionment of: House Com- mittee on f;lection of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress, Feb. 6, 1915 Reserve Officers' Training Corps in National Guard organizations: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Feb. 13, 1917 Retirement of employees in the classified service, contributory plan: House Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, Feb. 20, 1914 Retirement of employees in the Federal classified service: House Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, Apr. 28, 1916 Retirement of employees in the classified service: Senate Committee on Civil Service and Retrench- ment, May 23, 1916 Retirement fund for superaimuated employees in the classified civil service: House Committee on Reform in the Civil Service, Mar. 10, 1908 Revenue, to increase (2 parts): Senate Committee on Finance, July 17, 1916 Revenue for increased Army and Navy appropria- tions, 1918: Senate Committee on Finance, Feb. 6, 1917 Revised Statutes, to amend section 4896 of: House Committee on Patents, Feb. 5, 1908 Revised Statutes of the UniteM No. 1506 485 485 61 605 Library. Vol. 40 82 82 92 97 145 84 .52 145 93 55 16 16 168 155 36 Pt. 10 10 10 12 502 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt. Seamen's bill; House Committee on Merchant Ma- rine and Fisheries — Dec. 14, 1911 Jan. 29, 1912 Dec. 13, 1913 ' Second-class mail matter, etc.: Postal Commission, Oct. 1-Nov. 28, 1906 Securities, overissuance of by carriers: Senate Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce, June 23, 1916 59 II. doc. Senate bribery, investigation of alleged attempts at: Special Senate committee, May 21, 1S94 53 S. rept. Separation of electric power and street railway com- panies: House Committee on District of Columbia, Apr. 16, 1914 Service pensions, Civil War veterans: Senate Com- mittee on Pensions, May 12, 1902 Settlers, certain, relief of: House Committee on Pub- lic Lands, Jan. 26, 1914 Settlers in Oklahoma, free homes for: House Com- mittee on Public Lands, May 5, 1908 Settlers within the grant to New Orleans, Baton Rouge & Viclcsburg R. R. Co., relief of: Senate Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 1, 1916 Seventh-day Baptist Conference, iiieorpoiation of: House Committee on the Judiciary, Feb. 18, 1916. . Sherman antitrust law, amendment of: Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary — Apr. 23, 1908 Apr. 23, 1908 Sherman-Johnson; Light-draft monitors; massacre of Cheyenne Indians: Joint committee, Dec. 20, 1864 S. doc. Shiloh National Military Park, extension of limits of: House Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 26, 1911 Ship-subsidy lobby, alleged: Select House commit- tee, Apr. 1, 1900 Shipping act, amendments to: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Feb. 12, 1917.. Shipping bill, regulatory features of: House Com- mittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Apr. 13, 1916 Shipping board, naval auxiliary, and merchant marine, creating a: House Committee on Mer- chant Marine and Fisheries, February, 1916 Senate Committee on Commerce, May 29, 1916.. 38 S. rept. 61 3 H.rept. 98 608 10 26 H 436 I 457 ! 477 485 487 606 361 142 2297 42 43 104 82 86 44 171 155 154 87 120 1 55 8 88 5 152 3 21 2 52 1 17 CATALOGL^E OF IJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 503 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical li&t of — Continued. Subject. Shipping combinations, investigation of: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries — Jan. 7, 1913 1912-1915. Shoes, Army, contracts for: House Committee on Military Affairs, May Ifi, 1911 Shop management, Taylor system, investigation of: House Committee on Labor, Apr. 28, 1911 Signal Service, unlawful expenditures in: House Committee on Expenditures in War Department, Feb. 9, 1886 Sioux and Crow Indians: Select Senate committee, Aug. 7, 1883 Smith, Orson, J. C. Graham and, whether or not polygamists: House Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads Smith, Robt. G., nomination of: Senate Committee on District of Columbia, Feb. 14, 1916 Smoke law to locomotives, proposed application of. Union Station, Washington, D. C: Senate Com- mittee on District of Columbia, Jan. IS, 1907 Smoot, Reed, relative to Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, J;ui. 16, 1904-Apr. 11, 1906 Soliciting or receiving assessments, subscriptions, or contributions for political purposes: House Com- mittee on Election of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress, Mar. 3, 1914 Sorsby, Amy M., relief of: House Committee on Foreign Relations, May 1, 1914 South Carolina, relative to affairs in: Joint Commit- tee, Mar. 10, 1871- Jan. 5, 1872 Southern Pacific Imperial Valley claim: House Committee on Claims, Jan. 23, 1917 Spanish-American War, food furnished troops in: Court of Inquii'y Speer, Emory, conduct of: House Committee on Judiciary, Aug. 26, 1913 Spirits, distilled, outrage: House Committee on Ways and Means, Jan. 12, 1911 Staff service of the Army: House Committee on Military Affairs, May 2, 1911 Staff corps in Navy, enlargement of: Senate Com- mittee on Naval Affairs, May 29, 1902 Stamped envelopes: House Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, Apr. 20, 1910 Standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities, to establish: House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Mar. 18, 1914 — Documented. Con- gress 49 48 56 59 42 56 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. H.M.D. S. rept. ll.rept. S. doc. S. rept. ll.rept. S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. 24-27 28 26 No. 255 283 611 4S6 22 22 270 395 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 43 (10.5-106 i 135-138 44 ( 103 1 41 88 89 91 16S 98 69 44 53 86 Pt. 3 1 10 5 5 504 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of —Continued. Subject. Standard barrel and grades for apples: House Com- mittee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Mar. 7, Documented. Con- gress, 1912. Standard box for apples: Feb. 11, 1914 Standard weights for various commodities, es- tablishment of: House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Jan. 20, 1916 Standards Bureau, National, to establish: Subcom- mittee of Senate Committee on Commerce, Dec. 28, 1900 Standardization of time: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, May 26, 1916 Staples, steadying the world's price of: House Com- mittee on Foreign Relations, Aug. 7, 1914 Star-route investigation: Testimony before House! Committee on Expenditures, May 8, 1884 J States, insurrectionary affairs in: Joint Select Com-] mittee, Mar. 10, 1871-Jan. 5, 1872 j Stationary firemen in Federal buildings, compensa- tion of: House Committee on Expenditiues on Public Buildings, July 7, 1916 Steam boilers, locomotive, inspection of: Subcom- mittee of Senate Committee on Interstate Com- merce, Feb. 14, 1910 Steamboat-Inspection Service, appointment of addi- tional inspectors and assistants in: House Com- mittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Jan. 8, 56 g Report ^^^ or docu- ®^""- mcnt. Vol- ume. S. doc. 1915- Steamboat-Inspection Service: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Jan. 13, 1916 Steamboat-Inspection Service, appointment of assistant inspectors: Houie Committee on Mer- chant Marine and Fisheries, Jan. 20, 1916 Steamers along the Pacific coast, line of: Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals, Feb. 10, 1910.. Steenerson, Halvor, Representative from Minne- sota, charges against: Subcommittee of House Committee on Judiciary, Mar. 5, 1910 Stock exchange, regulation of: Senate Committee on Banking and Cvurency, Feb. 4, 1914 Stocks and bonds: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb. 9, 1914 Stop-watch and bonus system in Government 48 42 61 1 H. M.D. IS. rept. 2 H.rept. 2 S. doc. work: House Committee on Labor — Apr. 17, 1914 Mar. 30, 1916 Storekeepers, gaugers, and storekeeper-gangers: House Committee on Expenditures in Treasury Department, Apr. 17, 1914 No. 70 22 2 2 ( 38 lpt.2 22 22 61 1-2 H.rept. 59 D 446 Not docu- mented. Liljrary. Vol. 15 86 144 82 91 Ft. 145 893 103 154 154 14 36 95 103 147 90 10 14 2 2 21 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 505 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Subject. Street railways in the District of Columbia: House Committee on District of Columbia- Jan. 13, 1908 Jan. 20, 1914 Jan. 26, 1914 Street railways in the District of Columbia, munici- pal ownership of: House C ommittee on District of Columbia, May 13, 1914 Street Railway Companies in the District of Colum- bia, to amend provision of act relating to: House Committee on District of Columbia, Apr. 19, 1916, Street railways and gas in the District of Columbia: House Committee on District of Columbia, Jan. Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 31, 1907. Strikes at Lawrence, Mass.: House Committee on Rules, Mar. 2, 1912 Strike at Lawrence, Mass.: House Committee on Rules, Mar. 2, 1912 Strike, Pullman employees, Chicago, 1894: Strike Commission Strike, threatened, of railroad employees: Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Aug. 31, 1916 Submarine controversy, corruption relative to: Se- lect committee of the House Subsidies for foreign mail service, charges relative to legislation: Select House committee, Apr. 1, 1900 Suffrage parade: Senate Committee on District of Columbia, Mar. 6-17, 1913 Suffrage, right of women to: Joint Committee on Woman Suffrage, Mar. 13, 1912 Sugar frauds: House Committee on Expenditures in Treasury Department, June 15. 1911 Sugar Refining Co., American: Special Committee to Investigate the American Sugar Refining Co. and Others Sugar, tariff on, reduction of, to aid Cuba: House Committee on Ways and Means, Jan. 15, 1902 Sunday in the District of Columbia: House Com- mittee on District of Columbia, June 12, 1914. ... Sunday, closing certain places of business in the District of Columbia on: Senate Committee on District of Columbia, Apr. 15, 1908 Sundry civil appropriation bill: House Committee on Appropriations— 1911— Jan. 12, 1910 1912— Jan. 14, 1911 1914— Jan. 10, 1913 1914— (President's Commission of Economy and Efficiency)- Jan. 13, 1913 62 53 60 61 Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. S.ex.doc. 62 62 57 H. doc. H. rept. H. rept. 138 No. Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 3-4 H S. doc. H. rept. H. doc. 37 B 108 671 1727 2297 16 86 87 87 144 16 56 82 6U1 331 535 26 87 8 9 10 10 Pt. 22 506 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued, Subject. Documented. Con- gress. Sundry civil appropriation bill: House Committee on Appropriations— Continued. 1915— May 26, 1915 1915— Feb. 28, 1914 1916— Dec. 16, 1914; Jan. 15, 1915 1917— (2 parts with supplement)— Feb. 2, 1916 . 1918— (with supplementary hearings) — 1917 Supervising Architect's ( )fflce: House Committee on Expenditures in Treasury Department- May 31, 1911 Feb. 27, 1913 Susquehanna River, floods of the: House Comrmttee on Flood Control, Feb. 3, 1917 Swamp-land claim of the State of Illinois: House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 29, 1908 Tampa, to make the headquarters of the customs district of Florida: House Committee on Ways and Means, Apr. 9, 1914 Tariff Commission: House Committee on Ways and Means, Dec. 13, 1910 Tariff, duties on shoes and meats: Senate Committee on Finance, May 3, 1911 Tariff, Philippine Islanr's: Senate Committee on Philippines, Jan. 20, 1906 Tariff, revision of: Subcommittee of Senate Com- mittee on Finance- May 26, 1888 Dec. 28, 1896-Dec. 11, 1897 Nov. 10, 1908-Dec. 22, 1908. Tariff schedules, etc.: Senate Committee on Finance 1913-1915 Tax, $100, exemption of flavoring extract manu- factures from payment of: House Committee on Ways and Means, Feb. 23, 1914 Tax receipt, prohibition of issuance of, to any per- son living in prohibition territory: House Com- mittee on Ways and Means, Apr. 9, 1914 Tax, Spanish War, on mixed flour, to repeal: House Committee on Ways and Means, Feb. 18, 1915 Teachers, public school, retirement of, in District of Columbia: Senate Committee on District of Columbia, Jan. 12, 1917 Telegraph cable from Key West, Fla., to the Canal Zone: House Committee on Interstate and For- eign Commerce, May 14, 1906 Telephone, postalization of: House Committee on the Post Ofllceand Post Roads, Jan. 15, 1915.... Tennessee Coal & Iron Co.: Senate Committee on Judiciary, Jan. 22, 1909 Ses- sion. 62 59 50 54- 60 Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. S. doc. S. doc. S. rcpt. H. doc. H. doc. 29 22 9 66-67 (1.39 1146 58 277 2332 338 1505 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 79 80 82 141 167 26 27 168 124 69 66-69 124 124 124 91 34 117 21 Pt. la 8 3 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 507 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Tenth judicial circuit and circuit court of appeals: House Committee on Judiciary, Fel). 26, 1916 • 152 87 36 152 4 Tenth judicial circuit, proposed: Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary, Dec. 12, 1916 9 Terminals, regulation of, interlocking directorates: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 21, 1913 • 7a Texas, to create a new judicial district in: House Committee on Jtidiciary. Apr. 7, 1916 11 Te.xtiles, for Federal inspection of: House Commit- tee on Ways and Means, May 21, 1902 57 1 S. doc. 28 413 Thayer, Rufus H., charges against: House Commit- tee on Expenditures in Department of Justice, Sept. 15, 1913 .::... ...i 90 K Ticket brokerage: Select Committee on Interstate Commerce, Dec. 16, 1897; Jan. 6, 7, 15, 1898 55 2 S. doc. 10 128 Timber, sale of. Territory of New Mexico: House Committee on Public Lands, Feb. 8, 1908 55 55 4 Tioga road in Yosemite National Park: House Com- mittee on PubUc Lands, Mar. 18, 1912 18 Titanic, steamship, sinking of: Subcommittee of Select Committee on Commerce, Apr. 19, 1912 62 2 S. doc. 28 726 Tobacco coupons, tax on: House Committee on ^^'ays and Means — Apr. 2, 1908 69 124 129 144 90 51 116 51 116 161 5 Mar. 11, 1914 g Tobacco, purchase of: Joint Commission to Investi- gate the Purchase of American-Grown Tobacco, June 24, 1914 2 Tobacco statistics: House Committee on Census, Feb. 8, 1916 5 Topographic and hydrographic survey: House Committee on Expenditures in Interior Depart- ment, Mar. 20, 1914 2 Trade-mark laws: House Committee on Patents, Jan. 24, 1912 7 Trade-mark laws, amendment to: House Commit- tee on Patents, Apr. 15, 1914 i^...-.. 8 Trade-marks, registration of: House Committee on Patents, Feb. 11, 1908 4 Trade-mark statutes, revision and amendment of: House Committee on Patents, Dec. 11, 1914 9 Trade-mark statutes, amendment of: House Corn- 3 Transport service between San Francisco and the Philippine Islands: Special board of oflicers, Apr. 3,1900 . 57 57 1 1 H. doc. H. doc. 109- 72 537 178 Transportation: Industrial Commission Transportation of commodities: House Committee on Interstate and Foreicn Commerce. Jan. 15. 1915 96 5 508 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Transportation, facilities, railroads. to furnish: Select Committee on Interstate Commerce, Feb. 14, 1908. Ttansportation, Government to take control of: Select Committee on Interstate Commerce, May 16, 1900 Transportation of pictures, prohibition of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, May 17, 1910 Transportation, relating to Industrial Commission, Apr. 7, 1899 Transportation of waste material: House Commit- tee Treasury Department, relative to: Select House committee. May 3, 1864 Treaty of 18.32 with Russia: Select Committee of Foreign Relations, Dec. 13, 1911 Treaty of 1832 between United States and Russia, termination of: House Committee on Foreign Relations, Dec. 11, 1911 Treaty of Ghent, celebration of: House Committee on Foreign Aflairs, Dec. 5, 1913 Trust legislation: House Committee on Judiciary — Dec. 9, 1913 Mar. 4, 1914 Trust legislation and patent legislation: House Committee on Judiciary, Feb. 20, 1912 Trust, shipping, investigation of: House Commit- on Rules, Dec. 18, 1911 Trusts: Industrial Commission — Apr. 7, 1889 Mar, 20, 1900 Trusts: House Committee on Manufactures, Mar. 8, 1 888 Tuberculosis, Indian Sanitarium: Joint commission, Aug. 30, 1913 Tuberculosis, investigation of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, June 27, 1914 Tuberculo.sis, treatment of: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Feb. 1, 1916. . . Tuberculosis, etc., standardization of treatment of: Senate Committee on Public Health and Na- tional Quarantine, Jan. 17, 1916 Twenty-fifth Infantry, dismis.sal of battalion of: Senate Committee on Military Affairs Uintah and Ouray Agencies, Utah: Senate Com- mittee on Indian Affairs, Sept. 15, 1913 Uintah and Ouray Agencies, Utah, and other sub- jects. Joint Commission (bound in Senate hear- ings): House Committee on Indian Affairs, Sept. 15,1913 Documented Con- gress. 60 56 56 38 56 57 50 63 60 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. S. doc. S. doc. H. doc. H. rept. H. doc. 1 ' H. doc. H. rept. 2 I S. doc. Vol- ume. 35 93 93 76 S. rept. 22 No. 311 420 476 140 476 182 3112 337 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 36 164 10 29 91 101 102 39 56 402 95 150 90 44 44 Ft. la 1 12 20 4 CATALOGUE OF fJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 509 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Undercharges and overcharges, presenting claims for: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, May 25, 1916 United States and the Orient: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Dec. 12, 1916 United States Court for China: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Jan. 10, 1917 United States courts, procedure in: Senate Com- mittee on Judiciary, Jan. 25, 1912 United States Power Squadrons to fly a distinguish- ing signal, granting authority to: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Apr. 4, 1916 United States Steel Corporation: Special House Committee United States Steel Corporation: House Committee on Investigation of United States Steel Corpora- tion — May 27, 1911 July 26, 1911 Aug. 11, 1911 Jan. 12, 1912 Feb. 14, 1912 Mar. 11, 1912 Extracts from minutes, etc.: Feb. 25, 1901 Report of Commissioners of Corporations on, appendix and index: July 1, 1911 Universal military training: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Feb. 12, 1917 Unlawful expenditures in Signal Service: House Committee on Expenditures In War Deptartment, Feb. 9, 1886 Urgent deficiency bill: House Committee on Ap- propriations— Feb. 9, 1914 1915— Dec. 18, 1914. , 1916— Dec. 13, 1915 1917— Dec. 18, 1916 Urgent deficiency appropriation bill for Military and Naval Establishments, 1916: House Commit- tee on Appropriations, Mar. 25, 1916 Usury charges against banks, investigation of: House Committee on Rules, Jan. 17, 1916 Vessels for Foreign Mail Service, to subsidize, charges relative to: Select House Committee, Apr. 1, 1910 Veterans, Confederate, homesfor: Senate Committee on Military .\ffalrs, .\ug. 25, 1916 Veto power of President: House Committee on Judiciary, Sept. 9, 1913 Documented. Con- I Ses- gress.l ion 62 49 61 1-2 Report or docu- ment. H.rept. H.M. D. H. rept. Vol- ume. No. 13 H 1127 255 2297 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 149 5 146 13 168 12 21 4 150 60 61 62 63 64 66 65 67 94 76 81 143 142 143 164 86 Pt. 10 510 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of— Continued. Subject, Virginia, military land warrants, to amend act to satisfy: House Committee on Public Lands, Jan. 8, 1907 Vocational education: Senate Committee on Agri- culture and Forestry, Apr. 12, 1910 Vocational education, cooperative system of educa- tion: House Committee on Education, Jan. 26, 1914. Vocational education, report of Commission: Cora- mission on I'ational Aid to Vocational Education, Apr. 20, 1914 Vocational Education Commission: House Commis- sion on National Aid to Vocational Education, Apr. 20-24, 1914— Report on training in agriculture Clerks for, etc Voluntterretired list: House Committee on Military Affairs, Dec. 13, 1906.. Voluntary retired list , officers' : House Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 23, 1914 Voting, elestrical and mechanical system of: House Committee on Accounts, May 15, 191G Wabash- Pittsburgh Terminal Co.: House Commit- tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, July 15, 1914 Wabash-Pittsburgh Terminal Co., investigation of, H. Res. 559: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, July 15, 1914 Wabash-Pittsburgh Terminal Co., investigation of, H. Res. 57 (2 parts): House Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 14, 1916 Wages for mechanics in Government employment, scale of: House Committee on Labor, Feb. 27, 1914 . Wages of mechanics and laborers employed by the Government, regulation of: House Committee on Labor, Jan. 27, 1916 Wages and prices of commodities: Select Senate Committee, Feb. 24, 1910 Walker, Ellen B., andothers, claimsof: Senate Com- mittee on Indian Affairs, June 23, 1916 War, conduct of, relative to Army of the Potomac: Before Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War War Department, conduct of, in War with Spain: Special commission, Oct. 4, 1898-Feb. 2, 1899 . War Department, consolidation of certain branches in: House Committee on Military Allairs, May 22, 1911.... Warehouse and grain standards legislation: House Committee on Agriculture, Jan. 13, 1916 Documented. Con gress. 59 63 63 63 61 37 56 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. 3 S. doc. S. rept. S. doc. Vol- ume. No. 51 500 149 1004 149 1004 149 1004 63 847 2 108 19-23 221 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 44 107 144 1.50 150 103 147 85 44 140 Pt. 1 1 1 11 12 1 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 511 Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Suhject. Documented. Con- gress, Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. Pt. Washington, George, estate of: House Committee on Public Lands, Mar. 25, 1912 Washington, George, reimbursement of estate of: Mar. 19, 1914 Washington Market Co., accoimt between the United States and the District of Columbia, relat- ing to rent from; report of Wm.W. Spalding: House Committee on District of Columbia, Sept. 26, 1914. Water power bill: Senate Committee on Public Lands, Dec. 9, 1914 Water-power dams on navigable rivers. A letter from Mr. Rome G. Brown: Senate Committee on Commerce, Mar. 18, 1914 Water power development and control: National Waterways Commission, Nov. 21-24, 1911 Water power, Federal control of: Senate Committee on Commerce, 1912 Water power, receipts from sale of: House Committee on Irrigation of And Lands, Feb. 12, 1917 Water-power plants for manufacture of nitrates and withdrawal of water-power sites: Senate Commit- tee on Agriculture and Forestry, Mar. 16, 1916 Water users' a.ssociation, issue of certificates bj': Senate Committee on Interstate, May 18, 1908 Weights, net, and contents of packages: House Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 27, 1911 Weights and measures, regulation and control of manufacture, sale, and use of: House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, Feb. 10, 1916 West Point Military Academy, construction of buildings at: House Committee on Military Affairs, Feb. 5, 1917 Whitaker, Edw. W., relief of: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Mar. 3, 1916 White Earth Reservation: House Committee on Expenditures, July 25, 1911-Mar. 28, 1912 Wilfley, Lebbeus R., impeachment of: House Com- mittee on Judiciary, Feb. 24, 1908 Wine, pure: House Committee on Ways and Means, Feb. 1, 1906 Wine, fortified sweet: House Committee on Ways and Means, Mar. 12, 1906 Wisconsin Indians: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Sept. 20, 1909 Woman suffrage: House Committee on Judiciary- Mar. 13, 1912 Mar. 3, 1914 (4 parts) 62 S. doc. 25 274 60 S. doc. 36 507 62 II. rep. C*D 1336 62 H. doc. 141 762 55 119 80 64 . 36 170 79 36 144 171 86 38 69 69 12 152 20 3 3a U 7 5 512 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings, Congressional, alphabetical list of — Continued. Subject. Woman suffrage— Continued. House Committee on Election of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress — Dec. 15, 1914 Dec. 17, 1914 Mar. 27, 1916 Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage — Apr. 19, 1913 Apr. 19, 1913 Dec. 1.5, 1915 House Committee on Woman Suffrage, Dec. 3, 1913 To establish committee in House on: House Committee on Rules, Dec. 3-5, 1915 Woman suffrage parade in District of Columbia, Mar. 3, 1913: Joint committee on Senate Commit- tee on Judiciary and Senate Committee on Woman Suffrage, Mar. 13, 1912 \Vood, Leonard, nomination of: Senate Committee on Military Affairs, Jan. 4, 1904 Woolen goods, for Federal inspection of: House Committee on Ways and Means, May 21, 1902 Workmen's compensation: Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation Commission Workmen's compensation and employer's liability: House Committee on Judiciary, Mar. 15, 1912 Workmen's compensation: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jan. 29, 1914... Wreck bill: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Jan. 3, 1913 Wright, Daniel Thew: House Committee on Judi- ciary- May 1, 1914 June 20, 1914 Yosemite National Park, western boundary of: House Committee on Public Lands, Mar. 20, 1912. . Documented. Con- gress. 58 63 62 57 62 62 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. H. doc. H. doc. S. doc. 1 S. doc. S. doe. S. doc. Vol- ume. 53 157 25 28 16 13 No. 378 754 1035 413 90 348 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. I 89 1 145 2 24 5 65 3 90 12 122 23 39 43 99 100 55 Pt. 19 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 513 Hearings before Senate Committee on- Agricultxire and Forestry. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses« sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. .No. Library. Vol. Pt. Agricultural appropriation bill: Apr 17, 1908 1 ' 1 ' ■ Vi 'i 1 1 79 79 79 1 1 79 79 1 1 32 32 79 79 91 32 80 80 1 Feb. 14 1913 6 Cotton-futures amendment: Mav. 1916 3 Grain-erades amendment: Mav. 1916 4 Mi eratorv birds nrotection of; Mav. 1916 5 Agricultural extension departments with agricul- tiu"al colleges to establish : Mar. 1 . 1912 5 Crueltv to animals prevention of: Feb. 28, 1908 3 6 Experiment stations in cormection with land-grant colleees" June 24 1916 Federal srrain insoection" Jan. 16 1908 2 Foot-and-mouth disease, arrest and eradication of: Dec. 9 1914 3 1 Dec 9 1914 1 Dec 28 1915 1 Garden oitv movement* Feb 9 1917 1 Grain srades standardization of: Jan. 15 1915 2 Hemn and sisal Tnart IV Feb -Anr 1916. 1 1 Same (cart 2)' Anr 1916 2 Oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products: Feb 17 1902 57 56 58 1 2 2 S. doc. S. rept. S. doc. 17 4 6 223 2043 204 Dee 19 1900 Roads, national aid in improvement of: Jan. 26, 1904. 1 79 4 Water-power plants for manufacture of nitrates: Mar 16 1916 2 Appropriations. Appropriation bill, Diplomatic and Consular: May 22, 1914 Feb. 23, 1915 , Do .Tune 9, 1916 , 1918— Jan. 8, 1917 Appropriation bill. District of Columbia: Feb. 2, 1907 Apr. 13, 1908 Jan. 23, 1909 Jan. 23, 1914 Dec. 18, 1914 May 31 , 1916 1918— Jan. 25, 1917 Appropriation bill, fortifications: Feb. 3, 1914. June 23, 1916 1918— Jan. 31, 1917 49183—18 33 33 34 78 81 91 2 2 33 34 81 91 34 81 91 514 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Appropriations — Continued . Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Appropriation bill, further urgent deficiency: Jan 25 1916 81 81 81 34 33 34 2 34 34 81 81 91 34 34 34 33 33 1 Extract from' Jan 25 1916 2 Appropriation bill, further additional urgent defi- ciency Mar 15 1916 . 3 Appropriation bill, general deficiency: , Julv 16 1914 '- 2 Mar 1 1915 . 1 1 :} Do 6 Appropriation bill, legislative, etc.: Feb. 28, 1908 1 Apr. 29, 1914 4 Jan. 6, 1915 9 Mar. 16, 1916 4 Supplement: Apr. 1 , 1916 5 191S— Jan. 3, 1917 2 Appropriation bill, relief of Americans abroad: Aug. 4, 1914 5 Appropriation bill, sundry civil: June 26, 1914 3 Feb. 16, 1915 10 Appropriation bill, urgent deficiency: Sept. 22, 1913 1 Mar 6 1914 2 Library of Congress, Kibliography Division, salary of chief* Subcommittee 57 1 59 : 1 1 S. doc. S. doc. 16 2 196 69 Panama Canal, act supplemental to: Dec. 12, 1905. . Postal Service and subjects: 1896-1908 25 1 Banking and Currency. ^ 63 1 S. doc. [ ^^ 16 I I'' 232 232 232 Banks and banking, to revise system of Cotton growers, relief of: Oct. 6, 1914 35 89 35 89 35 1 Federal reserve act, amendments to: Mar. 22, 1916. . 2 Federal reserve districts, etc., decision of Reserve Bank Organization Committee determining: Apr. 2 1914 2 Gold bullion and foreign coin, deposits of: Mar. 22, 1916 1 Guaranty of bank deposits, history of 4 Jones, Thomas D., nomination for member of Federal Reserve Board 63 63 2 2 S. doc. S. doc. 28 28 545 545 Reed, James A., Senator from Missouri, hearing: July 6, 1914 Rural credits: Feb. 16, 1914 35 35 36 5 Rural-credit bill, argument for 3 Stock exchange, regulation of: F,eb. 4, 1914 2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Census. 515 Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Census, Twelfth, and permanent 54 2 S. doe. 3 68 Civil Service and Retrenchment. Civil service. Report of South Omaha inquiry 55 2 S. rept. 4 6.59 Retirment of employees in the classified service: May 23, 1916 89 3 Claims. McClintis-Marshall Construction Co.: June 13, 1916. 89 Coast and Insular Survey. Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Co.: Mar. 21, 1914. 36 Commerce. Commerce and Industries department 55 2 S. doc. 11 205 Connecticut River navigation: Feb. 6, 1912 3 37 4 2 Floods on the Mississippi, prevention of: Jan. 29, 1914 2 Involuntary servitude impose dupon seamen: Dec. 2, 1912 Landing charges on American products, to prevent imposition of 57 57 1 1 S. doc. S. doc. 22 22 310 310 Life-Saving Service, London clause to forbid use of Lighthouse Service: Jan. 18, 1917 91 37 3 7 McNally, J. C, investigation ot: Feb. 6, 1914 1 Mississippi, leveeing: Mar. 21, 1912 4 Mississippi River, improvement of: Oct. 27-28, 1903. . Mississippi River, lower, riparian owners, claims for damages to: June 24, 1916. . . 58 2 S. doc. 7 245 87 87 3 3 91 91 37 37 2 2 Navigation of vessels, liability arising, in for dam- ages: Jan. 23, 1913 Navigation on water, safety of: June 6, 1912 5 Radio communication: Mar. 1, 1912 3 Red River, levees for* Jan. 25 1917 6 River regulation, flood control, and water conserva- tion and utilization: Dec. 19, 1916 8 Rivers and harbors appropriation bill: Mar. 23, 1914 3 Jan. 21, 1914 4 516 CATALOGUE OF IJBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Commerce — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Ft. Sacramento River, Cal., improvement of: Feb. 8, 1912 3 36 1 Seaman's bill: Sept. 10, 1911. . . .. S Shipping Board, naval marine, and merchant ma- rine creating a: May 29, 1916 87 1 Standards Bureau, National, to establish: Sub- committee, Dec. 28, 1900 56 62 2 2 S. doc. S. doc. 5 28 70 726 Titanic steamship, sinking of: Subcommittee, Apr. 19, 1912 Water-power dams on navigable rivers. A letter from Mr. Rome O. Browne: Mar. 18, 1914 36 ' 4 Water power. Federal control of: 1912 3 6 Conservation of National Resources. Seal fisheries Ln Alaska, to protect: Feb. 26, 1910. 61 S. doc. 61 605 District of Columbia. City planning: June 1, 1909 Electric lighting, District of Columbia Houses of ill fame, abatement of: Dec. 9, 1912 Juvenile court in the District of Columbia: May 11, 1916 Labor on contfactAS with the District of Columbia, hours of: Apr. 25, 1908 Li'iuortraflicin the District of Columbia, regulation of: Apr. 13 , 1910 Liquors, intoxicating, regulation ol sale of in the District of Columbia: May 8, 1908 Loaning money in the District of Columbia: Apr. 21, 1916 Municipalities, plans for improving: June 1, 1909. . . Railroad tracks to the navy yard, extension of: Feb. 24,1908 Representation of the District of Columbia in Con- gress: Feb. 24, 1916 Rockefeller Foundation, to incorporate: Mar. 11, 1910 Smith, Robt. G., nomination of: Feb. 14, 1916... Smoke taw to locomotives, proposed application of. Union Station, Washington, D. C: Jan. 18, 1907. . Suffrage parade: Mar. 6-17, 1913 Sunday, closmg certain places of business in the District of Columbia on: Apr. 15, 1908 Teachers, public school, retirement of, in District of Columbia: Jan. 12, 1917 61 54 61 61 1-2 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. rept. 59 422 92 422 405 5 88 88 88 5 5 91 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 517 Hearings before Senate Committee on— Continued. Education and Labor. Documented. Not< men iocu- ted. ary. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. I,ibi Vol. Pt. Carriers, common, liability of, to employees: Feb. 21 , 1908 6 89 89 ? Convict labor, interstate comm< rce in goods manu- factured by— S 901: Jan. 19, 1916 5 S. 4060 (4 parts): Mar. 14, 1916 5 Criminal, pauper, and defective classes, study of: Feb. 21 , 1908 6 1 57 55 2 2 S. doc. S. doc. 12 26 141 318 Do 1 Eicht-hour law Jan. 9. 1912 6 ' 3 Labor and canital: 1882-1887 28-31 38 Paint Creek district, W. Va., conditions in: June 2 1913 Sept. 3, 1913 39 1 Expenditiii'es in War Department. Expenditures for high explosives: Jan. 13, 1915. 39 Finance. Alcohol, denatured, withdrawal from bond, tax free. Bonds, sales of, IS94-1S96. Canada, reciprocity with. Customs, administrative laws governing: Subcom- mittee Duties on chemicals, etc.: Mar. 14,1912 Duties on sugar, etc.: Apr. 1, 1912 Metals, and manufactures of: Feb. 16,1912 Revenue, to increase (2 parts): July 17, 1916 Revenue for increased Army and Navy appropria- ■ tions, 1918: Feb. 6, 1917 Tariff, duties on shoes and meats: May 3, 1911 Tariff, revision of: Subcommittee, May 26, 1888 Tariff schedules, etc. : 1913-1915 .59 54 61 62 62 60 62 50 2 2 3 1-2 1-2 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. s. doc. s. doc. i s. doc. 6 5 84 5 6 S. doc. S. rept. 29 9 362 187 834 56 56 683 58 2332 91 66-69 3 10 Foreign Belations. Cable lines. Pacific Chicago Drainage Canal Chinese indemnity, remission of: June 1, 1914. Cuba, affairs in: Subcommittee Cuba: Hearings on reciprocity treaty Flag, transfer of: Jan. 27, 1915 54 59 54 58 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 194 393 166 2 40 91 518 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Foreign Relations — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. International wireless telegraph: Dec. 5, 1907 10 10 40 1 Feb. 21, 1912 2 Mexico, revolutions in: Sept. 7, 1912 3 Niagara Falls, preservation of: Apr. 11 , 1906 59 1 1 S. doc. 1 7 393 Niagara River water power: Feb. 10, 1917 92 10 40 10 1 Nicaraguan aSairs: Oct. 8, 1912 ! 4 Safety of life at sea: Apr. 1, 1914 2 Treaty of 1832 with Russia: Dec. 13, 1911 2 i 1 Immigration. Chinese boycott: Apr. 17, 1906 10 10 Immigration act, in relation to section 42 of: Jan. 1 8 , 1908 6 Indian Affairs. Agents and superintendents, granting Indians right to select: Mar. 9, 1916 85 85 92 85 85 45 3 Agents and superintendents, recall of, by Indian tribes: May 2, 1916 7 Arizona, Apache County, relief of certain persons expelled from lands in: Jan. 25, 1917 3 Auld, Addie May, and Archibald William, Kaw Indians, relief of: June 27, 1916 10 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont. , surplus lands in (2 parts): Apr. 11, 1916 g Carlisle Indian School: Feb. 6, 1914 Chickasaw Indians, opening of rolls 60 59 1 2 S. doc. S. doc. 36 5 483 257 Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen, enrollment as Indian citizens Creek Indian allotments, equalization of: May 17, 1912 13 11 13 3 Crow Indian Reservation: Apr. 1, 1908 3 Jan. 9, 1913 2 Crow Reservation, matters relating to 60 1 S. doc. 27 445 Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont., appraise- ment of land on: Mav 12, 1916 85 92 13 41 41 s Fort Feck (Mont.) Indian Reservation, conditions ih; Feb. 16, 1917 5 Indian appropriation bill: Jan. 17,1913 4 May 8, 1913 1 Mar. 12,1914 2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 519 Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Indian Affairs — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. i Ses- 1 ll'^L^'} Vol- ume. No. Library. sion. Ul uui:u- ment. Vol. Pt. Indian appropriation bill— Continued. Apr 2 1914 42 43 85 92 Jan 16 1915 1917_Feb. 15, 1916 2 1918, with excerpts on diversion dam at Gila River .\riz. — Dee. 18, 1916 4 Indian lands leasinc of 57 60 60 1 1 1 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 16 27 14 15 16 16 212 445 215 215 215 350 Indian lands, survey and allotment, etc., on Crow Reservation Kickapoo Indians, aflairs of; Subcommittee Kickapoo Indians, Mexican, affairs of: Feb. 10, 1908. 11 85 1 Klamath Res rvation, Oreg., disposal of. timber and timber lands in: Mar. 14 1916 4 Lower Brule Indians, r.^moval, etc.: Feb. 13, 1897... 54 2 S. doc. 4 132 Minerals, metalliferous, on Indian res5rervations: Dec, 13, 1916 85 11 Omaha H' servation, affairs in: July 24-25, 1895. . . . 54 1 S. doc. 3 79 Osage Indians, enrollment of: Jan. 26, 1909 11 92 3 Osage Indians in Oklahoma, relief of: Jan. 13, 1917. . 2 Osage Indian funds: Nov. 14, 1896 Osage Indians, to enrollcertain persons in: Apr. 29, 1908 .. 54 1 60 J 60 2 1 2 S. rept. S. doc. S. doc. 2 36 22 1336 482 744 Osage reservation, oillandsin (4 parts): Jan. 17, 1916. 85 85 13 13 44 85 12 1 Patents issued to Indians in State ol Washington, confirming: Mar. 22, 1916 5 Pima Indian Reservation: Mar 14. 1912 1 Pueblo Indians of New Mexico: Feb. 13, 1913 5 Uintah and Ourav Acencies. Utah: Sent. 15. 1913 Walker Ellen B and others claims of: June 23, 1916 9 Wisconsin Indians' Sent 20. 1909 Interoceanic Canals. 1 56 1 S7 1 1 S. rept. S. doc. 9 19 1337 253 Interoceanic Canals. Isthmian Canal Commission, recognizing the services of citizens employed by: Mar. 17, 1916 89 14 51 79 Panama Canal: Mar. 29, 1912 . 2 Panama Canal tolls: Apr. 7, 1914 Panama Canal, skilled labor: 1907-1915 3 Panama Railroad, management: Jan. 11, 1906 Steamers along the Pacific coast, line of: Feb. 10, 1910 59 2 S. doc. 30 401 14 1 1 520 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Interstate Commerce. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Alaska, railroads in. Settlement of labor troubles by arbitration: June 20, 1913 63 63 63 1 1 1 S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. 1 1 1 72 72 72 Arbitration of labor troubles in .Maska: June 20, 1913 Arbitration of labor troubles of railroads Bills of lading: Feb. 16, 1912 15 19 20 82 3 Campaign contributions: Part 1, June 14, 1912 Part 2, Oct . 15, 1912 Child labor, interstate commerce in products of (2 parts): Feb. 15, 1916 1 Commerce, regulation of: Select committee 49 1 S. rept. 3 46 Common carriers, property, physical valuation of: Feb. 11, 1913 15 50 50 47 46 16 17 18 92 82 4 Controversies between employers and employees, arbitration in: June 20, 1913 '. 5 Convict-made goods, interstate commerce in: Mar. 13, 1914 6 Corporations, persons, and firms engaged in inter- state commerce, control of: Jan. 5, 1912 Feb. 26, 1913 Corporations, regulations and control: Fart 1, Aug. 4, 1911 Part 2, Jan. 5, 1912 Parts, Feb. 12, 1912 Export trade, promotion of: Jan. 5, 1917 7 Freight claims, settlement of: May 19, 1916 4 Freight cars, railroads to furnish promptly 60 1 S. doc. 8 311 Friehgt, uniform classification of: Mar. 12, 1914 50 82 50 50 92 48 49 3 Hidden, goods, from view by wrapping and boxing (2 parts): Feb. 18, 1916 \ 2 Hours of service of railroad employees: Feb. 2, 1915. 4 Inspection of locomotives and tenders — safety of employees and travelers upon railroads: P'eb. 2, 1915.. 1 Intersta-i ""Jommerce Commission, enlargement of '2 parts): Apr. 21, 1916 8 interststs trade: Feb. 2-5, 1914 June ^ , 1914 1 55 ! 56 63 1 1 1 S. doc. S. doc. S. rept. 4 35 1 64 424 72 Joint Tariff Association, agreement of Labor troubles, of railroads, arbitration of. . . Liabilities of common carriers under bills of lading: Mar. 17, 1914 50 15 92 2 Liability of employers: May 3, 1906 1 Prevention of cruelty to animals in transit: Feb. 23, 1917 9 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 521 Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Interstate Commerce — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. • Vol. Ft. Race-gambling bets, pre\ ention of transmission of: Apr. 3, 1916 82 92 15 3 Part 2, .Jan. 12, 1917 11 Railroad rates. Court of Commerce, etc.: Feb. 3, 1910. 2 Railroads, in Alaska, labor troubles of, settlement by arbitration: Subcommittee, Feb. 14, 1910. 63 56 61 59 1 1 2 1 S. rept. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 1 35 59 16-20 72 420 446 243 Railroads, Government ownersliip: May 16, 1900 — Railroads, locomotive-boiler inspection: Subcom- mittee, Feb. 14, 1910 Railroads, regulation of rates: Dec. 16, 1904-May 23, 1905 97-101 82 92 82 92 82 82 82 Rates, interstate, regulation ol: June 30, 1916 ' 7 Regulation of commerce in water-bonie tratisporta- tion: Jan. 12, 1917 6 Safety of employees and travelers on railroads: Railway clearance — Apr. 25, 1916 10 Railway clearance — Jan. 26, 1917 10 July 8, 1916 8 Securities, overissuance of by carriers: June 23, 1916. 6 Standardization of time: Mav 26, 1916 5 Steam boilers, locomotive, inspection of: Subcom- mittee, Feb. 14, 1910 , 61 2 S. doc. 59 446 Strike, threatened, of railroad employees: Aug. 31, 1916 82 9 Ticket brokerage: Dec. 16, 1897: Jan. 6, 7, 15, 1898... 55 60 56 2 1 1 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 10 8 35 128 311 420 Transportation, facilities,^ railroads to furnish: Feb. 14, 1908 Transportation, Government to take control of: May 16, 1900 Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands. Flood waters of the Rio Grande: Jan. 23, 1915 50 89 7 Government aid through district organizations: Mar. 28, 1916 6 Irrigation: Issue of certificates for extending work. . Irrigation, projects for 60 61 51 60 1 3 1 1 S. doc. S. rept. S. rept. S. doc. 36 D 5 36 507 1281 928 507 Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands Water users' association, issue of certificates by: Mav 18, 1908 . . Investigation and Retrenchment. Customhouse frauds. New York . 42 2 S. rept. 227 522 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — ^Continued. Judiciary. Subject. Accident compensation to Government employees: Feb. 26, 1916 Brandeis, Louis D., nomination of: Feb. 9, 1916 Central Pacific Railroad, legalization of convey- ances by: Dec. 18, 1912 Common olTicers of railway and supply companies: July 13, 1916 Federal courts, a probation system in: Mar. 25, 1916. Federal injunctions: .Tan. 10, 1910 Federal injunctions of State ofBcers: Feb. 16, 1912 Federal injunctions, limiting: June 11, 1912 Jan. 6, 1913 Injunctions, to regulate issuance of: Subcommittee . . International tribunals to enforce peace: Jan. 18, 1917 Documented. Con- gress Interstate commerce in li'iuors, to regulate: July 29, 1909 Liability of common carriers to employees: Feb. 20, 1S08 Liquors, intoxicating, amendment to the Constitu- tion prohibiting: Apr. 16, 1914 Lifjuors, intoxicating, interstate shipments of, into dry territories: Jan. 30, 1912 Liquors, to regulate interstate commerce in: July 29, ieo9 Lobby to mfluence legislation, maintenance of: Appendix, June 13, 1913 Lobby to influence legislation, maintenance of Oflflcers of eastern Oklahoma, protecting: Dec. 14, 1916 Practice code, proposed: Jan. 25, 1916 Procedure, judicial, simplification of: Nov. 10, 1915.. Salary of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia: Jan. 16, 1915 Sherman antitrust law, amendment of: Apr. 23, 1908 Tennessee Coal & Iron Co.: Jan. 22, 1909 Tenth judicial circuit, proposed: Dec. 12, 1916 United States courts, procedure in: Jan. 25, 1912. 62 61 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. 1-2 61 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. No. 40 944 146 146 Not docu- mented. Library. Vol. 87 83 21 93 21 52 21 53 55 56 54 87 87 52 21 52 21 87 21 Pt. 87 S 87 7 21 10 21 5 21 7-11 21 9-12 10 5 4 2 2 1 3 9 4 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 523 Hearings before Senate Committee on — ^Continued. Library. Documented. Not docii- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. llcport or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Central heating, liRhting, and power plant on the Mall, in Washington, D. C: Feb. 3, 1916 89 8 Colonial Dames of America, to incorporate 54 2 S. rept. 3 1552 Commemoration of Battle of Plattsburg: Mar. 12, 1914 57 22 1 Legislative Drafting Bureau and Reference Division: Feb 4 191.3 1 Manufactxires. Adulterated oil, turpentine, or paint, preventing the manufacture of: Apr. 4, 1916 Adulteration of linseed oil: Mar. 10, 1914 Adulteration of paint, etc., to prohibit: Feb. 17, 1910 Convict, pauper, or prison labor, importation of goods made by: May 20, 1914 Food, cold storage of Foods held in cold storage: May 18, 1911 Linseed oil, adulterated, to prevent manufacture, etc.: Apr. 14, 1910 Taint, adulterated, to prevent manufacture, etc.: Feb. 17, 1910 Paint, adulteration of, etc., to prohibit: Feb. 17, 1910 61 61 51 61 61 1-2 2 1-2 12 S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. 546 1272 546 546 516 Military Affairs. 89 57 22 Army appropriation bill: Mar. 11, 1912 22 22 57 77 22 o7 5 Feb. 8, 1913 6 Mar 17 1914 Arniv pfTiripncv of* 1902 Array, establishment of territorial divisions in: June 22 1911 4 Armv veterinary service: Mav 22. 1914 6 60 1 S. doc. 19 19 21 22 23 389 402 402 402 402 lirownsv'illp. Tox . allrav at . ...;,,,.. Civil War voliintppr ofTipprs' rptirpd list* Junp 5. 1912 22 57 7 Civil War volunteer ofTicers' retired pay: Jan. 22, 1914 Dismissal, Army, of First Battalion, Twenty-fifth Infantry 60 1 S. doc. 22 402 Field clerks Armv Mar. 22. 1916 86 7 Flag, American, to prevent desecration of 57 1 S. doc. 17 229 524 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on— Continued. Military A£fairs — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Fort Logan, Colo., military academy at: Jan. 21, 1916 / 86 86 86 93 sr. 93 22 57 57 3 Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., enlargement of military post of: Mar. 7,1916 6 Fort Sam Houston, depots and terminal facilities at: .Tune 2, 1916 8 Fort Sam Houston, Tex., enlargement of military reservation of: Feb. 2, 1917 3 Headquarters clerks, fixing the status and granting increase of pay to: June 27, 1916 9 Mnns Col L Mervin retirement of * Feb. 8. 1917 .... 4 Militia pay bill: June 7, 1911 3 Military resources and policy of theU nited States, factsof interest concerning: Jan. 20, 1914 8 National defense bills: Jan. 12, 1915 4 National Soldiers' Home, P^icific Branch: Subcom- mittee, Nov. 20, 1912 62 3 S. rept. B 1167 Neutral nations, conference of: Jan. 13, 1916 86 86 86 93 1 Preparedness for national defense (21 pts.): Jan. 18, 2 Promotion in the Ime ol the Army, equalization of: Feb. 28, 1916 4 Reserve OfTicers' Training Corps in National Guard 2 Twenty-fifth Infantry, dismissal of battalion of Universal military training* Dec. IS. 1916 60 1 S. rept. 22 402 94 86 86 23 Veterans Confederate, homes for: Auet. 25. 1916. ... 10 5 Wood, Leonard, nomination of: Jan. 4, 1904 Mines and Mining. Radium: Feb. 10, 1914. 57 Naval Affairs. Armor plant for United States: Select committee: Nov. 24, 1914 58 90 93 5S 90 1 Arraorplant for theU. S. A.: Jan. 18, 1916 . .. 1 Boilers for battle cruisers: Feb. 10, 1917 7 Coal distribution on the North Atlantic coast: Apr. 23, 1914 9 Columbia River naval base: .Tune 29, 1916 2 Dry dock at Now York, to contract for use of. ... 55 57 57 2 1 1 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 21 26 28 225 395 407 Medical Corps of Navy, increase of personnel: May 20, 1902 Moriarty, submarine boat: May 31, 1902 CATALUGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 525 Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Naval Affairs — Coutinued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Naval Academy, hazing at: Subcommittee, Feb. 15, 1906 59 1 H. doc. 98 690 Navy, urgent need of more officers in: Feb. 20, 1917. 93 G Officers, Navy staff corps increase: May 29, 1902 57 1 S. doc. 26 395 Oil lands leasing bill: Jan. 17, 1917 .^ 93 8 j 56 1 56 57 56 1 1 1 2 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 9 9 26 11 137 116 395 156 Pacifle cable: Jan. 16-30, 1900 ■ ^ Pay Corps, Navy, for increase in: May 29, 1902 Port Royal, S. C, naval station, proposed removal: Feb. 1, 5, 1901 San Francisco Bav, naval base on: Feb. 20, 1917 93 5 Staff Corps in Navy, enlargement of: May 29, 1902. . . . 57 1 S. doc. 26 395 Pacific Islands and Porto Rico. Hawaii, prohibition in: Dec. 13, 1916 90 59 60 24 61 90 4 Hawaiian investigation: Sept. 8, 1902 Sept. 9, 1902 v; 1 Porto Rico, civil government for: Jan. 10, 1911 1 Feb. 25, 1914 ■ 1 Porto Rico, government for (3 parts): Jan. 28, 1916.. 3 Pacific Railroads. Himtington, Collis P Pacific Mail Steamship Co., subsidies to: Subcom- mittee, Dec. 9, 1897 Pacific Railroad: Apr. 27, 1887, to Aug. 22, 1887 Pacific railroads, indebtedness to United States Pacific railroads, lands patented to: Subcommittee, Dec. 9, 1897 54 55 50 ,';4 55 S. rept. S. rept. S. ex. doc. S. rept. S. rept. 6 1-7 4 778 1171 51 778 1171 Patents. Bowers, Alphonso B., extension of patents. Registration of designs: Jan. 24, 1917 S. doe. 28 431 93 Pensions. Service pensions, Civil War veterans: May 12, 1902. 57 S. doc. 26 361 526 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Philippines. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Philippines, government of: Dec. 14, 1914 61 90 2 Dec. 15, 1916 5 Philippine Islands, affairs in: Jan. 1, 1902, to June 28, 1912 57 59 58 59 1 1 2 1 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 23-25 22 4 22 331 227 124 277 Jan. 20, 1906 Jan. 21, 1904 Tariff, Philippine Islands, Jan. 20, 1906 Post Ofl&ces and Post Roads. Gainesville, Ga., post-offlce case: May 19, 1913 62 93 84 62 84 84 84 64 62 62 62 26 62 62 93 84 84 93 62 84 84 62 62 62 84 1 One-cent drop-letter postage: Jan. 31, 1917 11 Parcel-post packages: Mar. 24, 1910 4 Parcel Post System: Feb. 25, 1914 8 Post office appropriation bill: 1917— April, 1916 6 Railwav mail pay: April, 1916 7 Propaganda in reference to: May 27, 1916 9 Postal and civil-service laws: Aug. 18, 1914 12 Postal and civil-service laws and railway pay: Sept. 17, 1914 • 11 Postal savings and money-order bills: Jan. 13, 1914. 9 Postal Savings System: Feb. 4, 1914 10 Postal telegraph: Jan. 17, 1884 Postmaster at Grand Rapids, Mich.: June 9, 1914 . . . 2 Postmaster at Jackson, Tenn.: Feb. 22, 1915 4 Pneumatic-tube service: Jan. 26, 1917 12 Mar. 29, 1916 (2 parts) 5 Railway mail clerks: March, 1916 1 Jan. 24, 1917 10 Railway mail pay: Jan. 13, 1915 6 Trunk lines, March, 1916 2 Short lines, March, 1916 3 Road, public, system of foreign countries and of the several States: Sept. 26, 1913 7 Roads, good: Jan. 21, 1913 5 Roads, good. Federal aid to: Nov. 25, 1914 13 Salaries of employees of first-class post offices, reclas- sification of: Mav 9, 1916 8 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Committee on — Continued. Printing. 527 Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Government Printing Office, printing of bills, etc., delay in 59 53 52 2 2 1 S. rept. S. rept. S. rept. A 18 4430 574 Printing, report of committee, 1894 96 96 63 24 Printing and binding, public, and distribution of of public documents, 1892 Printing and binding, public: Mar. 14, 1914 1 I'rinting, hand-roller versus power presses: Jan. 29, 1912 2 Printing, public, delay in: July 7, 1906 59 2 S. rept. A 4430 Privileges and Elections. Alabama, election of 1894 Clark, William A., relative to right to seat in Senate. Do Danville, Va., alleged massacre of colored men at. . . Lorimer, William, charges against: Dec. 21, 1910 Smoot, Reed, relative to: Jan. 16, 1904-Apr. 11, 1906. 54 56 56 48 61 59 1 j S. rept. 1 i S. rept. 1 I S. rept. 1 I S. rept. 3 ; S. rept. 1 I S. doc. 2 i 447 6,7 ! 1052 8l 6 I 579 C 1 942 24-27 1 486 Public Buildings and Grounds. Monticello, purchase of: Mar. 17, 1914 90 93 6 Jan. 9, 1917 ... 13 Public Health and National Quarantine. Physicians and surgeons, certain, right to practice in territories or dependencies: .\pr. 29, 1916 90 f.3 90 90 9 Malaria and typhoid fever, prevention and suppres- sion of: Mar. 5, 1914 2 Rural sanitation in the Health Service (3 parts): Feb. 11, 1916 8 Tuberculosis, etc., standardization of treatment of: Jan. 17, 1910 7 Public Lands. Hetch Hetchy Reservoir site: Sept. 24, 1913 Homesteads, stock raising: Feb. 4, 1916 Leasing of oil and gas lands withdrawn from entry: May 21, 1914 63 88 03 528 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Senate Comniittee on — Continued. Public Lands — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Ft. Mining of coal, oil, gas, etc., on the public domain, to encourage: May 25, 1914 63 63 63 88 88 88 04 4 New Orleans, Baton Rouge & Vicksburg R. R. Co., r^Uief of settlers within the grant to: June 12, 1914. . Oil-lands leasing bill: .Ian. 7, 1915 7 Oil lands, leasing of (with supplement): Feb. 2, 1916. 6 Oregon-California R. R. land grants: May 5, 1910 8 Settlers within the grant to Now Orleans, Baton Rouge & Viclcsburg R. R. Co., relief of: Feb. 1, 1910 5 Water-power bill: Dec.' 9, 1914 Territories. Alaska, conditions in: July 1, 1903 58 1-2 S. rept. 1 282 Alaska, construction of railroads in: May 2, 1913 ( 24 1 65 65 95 90 24 90 4 Alaskan land for New England Fish Co.: Mar. 27, 1914 2 1 Alaska, prohibition in: Jan. 20, 1917 1 Alaska railroad, public health along the line of: May 12, 1916 11 Alaska, railroad, telegraph, and telephone lines in: Feb. 10, 1905 3 Mount McKinlcy Park, establishment of: May 5, 1916 10 Woman Suffrage. Elections, right of women to vote GO 1 S. doc. 36 409 Woman suffrage: Apr. 19, 1913 1 24 05 90 5 Doc. 1.5, 1915 3 12 Senate Special Committees. Select committee to investigate the operations of the civil service. Civil service, investigation under Senate resolution of Mar. 13, 1888 Committee on conduct of the war. Petersburg, Va., attack on: Dec. 17, 1804. Select committee. Credit Mobillier, investigation by House committees. 50 38 42 1 S. rept. 10 2 S. rept. 1 3 H.rept. 2 2373 114 77 CATALOGUE OF IJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 52 Q Hearings before Senate Committee on— Continued. Special Senate Committees — ^Continued. Subject. Select committee to investigate matters con- nected with affairs In the Indian Territory. Indian Territory, Indians of, final disposition of Select committee to investigate wages and cost of commodities. Labor, wages, and hours , Select committee. Meat products, transportation and sale of: Nov. 20, 1888 Outrages in Southern States: Jan. 9, 1871 Prices of commodities, wages, investigation of: Feb. 24, 1910 Printing, public: Jan. 24, 18C0 Sioux and Crow Indians: Aug. 7, 1883 Wages and prices of commodities: !• eb. 24, 1910 Special committee. Dietrich, Charles II., cliarges against Senate bribery, investigation of alleged attempts at: May 21, 1894 Special committee to investigate the American Sugar Refining Co. and others. Sugar Refining Co., American Commission to investigate the pneumatic-tube postal system. Pneumatic-tube service for the mails (bound in House hearings): Dec. 2, 1912 Documented. Not docu- mented. Con- gress, 59 61 51 42 61 36 48 01 58 53 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. 2 S. rept. 3 S. doc. 62 S. rept. S. rept. S. doc. S. rept. S. rept. S. doc. S. rept. S. rept. H. rept. Vol- ume. 3,4 64 No. 63 2 2 63 10 5013 847 829 1-3 847 205 283 847 21.52 436 457 477 485 487 (i06 331 Hearings before House Committee on — Accounts. ■ I.'IJL Library. Vol. 129 Pt. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- Ses- gress.l sion. 1 Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Electrical and mechanical system of voting: July 31, 1914 74 175 144 1 Extra pay to certain employees: Mar. 22, 1864 Voting, electrical and mechanical system of. May 15 1916 48 1 11. rept. i 982 1 1 49183—18- -34 530 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Agriculture. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Agriculture appropriation bill: Jan. 12, 1906 1 3 5 6 75 139 140 140 74 81 140 5 74 74 1 74 74 74 4 6 140 140 74 74 5 4 2 140 2 Estimates: Jan. 13, 1908 Dec. 13, 1909 Dec. 9, 1912 2 Dec. 9. 1913 1917— 64th Cong., 1st sess 1917— 64th Cong., 2d sess 5 1918— Dec. 5, 1916 fi Agricultural extension: Sept. 23, 1913 3 Alcohol, denatured: Feb. Ki, 1915 Alcohol, denatured, July 14, 1916 3 Boards of trade, prevention of "dealing in futures" on, etc Feb. 9 1910 Cattle, quarantine of: Feb. 25, 1915 4 Cattle, importation of: Mav 15, 1914 8 Chicago stockyards, conditions in: June 6, 1906 1 Corn club, boys', work in Indiana: Jan. 23, 1914. . . . 6 Cotton exchanges, regulation of: Apr. 22, 1914 9 Cotton, uniform standards for: Aug. 10, 1914 7 Education, Federal aid to: May 5, 1908 Expenditures in the Department of Agriculture: Feb. 3, 1910 1 Forest lands in Oregon, consolidation of: Aug. 4, 1916 4 Game refuges: June 17, 1916 2 Hog cholera: Feb. 4, 1916 5 Lobeck bill: Apr. 20, 1914 10 Miscellaneous bills: Feb. 23, 1910 Oleomargarine law: Apr. 20, 1910 Printing and binding: Jan. 5, 1907 Warehouse and grain standards legislation: Jan. 13, 1916 1 Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. Liquor traffic, alcoholic: May 5, 1914.. . Liquor traffic, alcoholic: Mar. 23, 1916. 74 144 Appropriations. Danbury hatters, judgment against: Feb. 20, 1915. Deficiency bill: July 11, 1913 District of Columbia appropriation bill: 1909— Feb. 18, 1908 ■. . . . 1913— Dec. 11, 1911 77 76 7 8 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Appropriations — Continued. 531 Subject. District of Columbia appropriation bill— Continued. 1914— Jan. 28, 1913 1915— Nov. 24, 1913 1916— Nov. 23, 1914 1917 (with supplement)— Jan. 5, 1910 1918— Dec. 5, 1916 P'ortiflcations appropriation bill: Dec. 9, 1913 Feb. 3, 1915 1917— Jan. 12, 1916 1918 (supplement)— Jan. 13, 1917 Further urgent deficiency bill: .\pr. 28, 1914 Further urgent deficiency appropriation bill, 1916: Jan. 11, 1916 Further additional urgent deficiency appropriation bill, 1916: Mar. 9, 1916 General deficiency bill: June 30, 1914 Feb. 17, 1915 1917— Feb. 16, 1917 1916— July 14, 1916 Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill: Jan. 9, 1908 Nov. 29, 1910 Jan. 6, 1913 Jan. 14, 1914 Nov. 27, 1914 1918— Nov. 27, 1916 Mexico, relief of American citizens in: July 10, 1916. Panama Canal, skilled labor: 1907-1915 Panama Canal, estimates of, for 1915: Nov. 20, 1913". Panama Canal, fortification of: Feb. 23, 1914 Panama Canal appropriation bill, 1917: Feb. 4, 1916. Peace celebration at Vicksburg, Miss.: Jan. 9, 1915 . Pension appropriation bill: Jan. 26, 1914 1918— Jan. 22, 1917 Postal Service and subjects: 189»V1903 Reclamation Service: May 24, 1914 Sundry civil appropriation bill: 1911— Jan. 12, 1910 1912— Jan. 14, 1911 1914— Jan. 10, 1913 1914 (President's Commission of Economy and Efficiency)— Jan. 13, 1913 1915— May 2(1, 1915 1915— Feb. 2S, 1914 Documented. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Not docu- mented. Librarv. Vol. 10 77 81 142 142 77 81 142 168 143 113 Pt. 77 5 81 4 IGS 1 143 5 7 1 7 3 10 2 78 1 81 5 143 6 143 7 79 3 79 4 79 4 142 4 81 6 78 2 168 2 25 79 2 8 1 9 10 1 1 10 4 79 1 SO 532 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Appropriations— Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Librar}'. Vol^ Pt. Sundry civil appropriation bill— Continued. 1916 — Dec. 16 1914; Jan. 1.5, 1915 82 141 167 76 81 143 142 143 1 1917 (2 parts, with supplement) — Feb. 2, 1916 1918 (with supplementary hearings) Urgent deficiency bill: Feb. 9, 1914 -' 2 1915— Dec. 18, 1914 1 Urgent deficiency appropriation bill for the mili- tary and naval establishments, 191t): Mar. 25, 1910. i Urgent deficiency appropriation Vjill: 1917— Dec 18. 1916 6 1916— Dec 13 1915 1 Banking and Currency. Aldrich bill, S. 3023: 1908 Apr. 8, 1908 (Mr. E. S. Parker) Aldrich and Fowler bills: Apr. 10, 1908 (Mr. Horace White) Banking and currency reform: Jan. 7, 1913 Cotton purchase: Sept. 21, 1914 Currency Commission (H. R. 15S49): Feb. 5, 1908... Currency legislation, proposed: Dec. 11, 1906 Jan. 27, 1908 (Mr. A. N. Jordan) Feb. 4, 1908 (Mr. J. H. Cowperthwait) Feb. 5, 1908 (Mr. E. D. Fisher) Fowler bill, H. R. 12677: Feb. 19, 1908 (Lyman J. Gage) H. R. 9180, 12655, and 14403: Jan. 22, 1908 McKinley bill, H. R. 15262: Jan. 31, 1908 Money trust investigation, 15 parts May 16, 1912: Jan. 7, 1913. Jan. 7, 1913 Rural credits: Dec. 3, 1913. 2 3 84 85 83 2 10 11 3 5 1-15 16-30 Census. Cotton statistics: Jan. 31, 1916 Cottonseed statistics: Feb. 17, 1916. Tobacco statistics: Feb. 8, 1916 144 144 144 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 533 Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Civil Service Reform. Claims. Coinage, Weights, and Measures. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Removal of employees in the classified service: Apr. 20, 1911 15 86 15 2 Retirement of employees in the classified service, contributory plan; Feb. 20, 1914 .3 Retirement fund for superannuated employees in the classified civil service: Mar. 10, 1908 1 Alaska, fur seal investigation in: Feb. 23, 191ti 144 144 144 168 6 Illinois, to reimburse the State of: May 13, 1916 8 New Yorlv, claims of the city of: Apr. 25, 1916 7 Souther Pacific Imperial Valley claim: Jan. 23, 1917 4 H. R. 5956, 1741, 15822, and 17936: Feb. 17, 1912 Metric system: 1907 Standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities, to establish: Mar. 18, 1914 Standard barrel and grades for apples: Mar. 7, 1912. Standard box for apples: Feb. 11, 1914 Berry basinets, to standardize: May 4, 1916 Climax basl ...... 23 j 2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 537 Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Expenditures in Post Office Department — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Post Office Department— Continued. Investigation of — June 26, 1911 j. . 23 23 24 25 3 Lewis Publishing Co.— July 24, 1911... 4 Investigation of—' July 25, 1911 it-'] : Autr 21 1911 ... ^ ;•■. Rural Delivery Service for mail: Feb. 14, 1912 62 2 H. doc. 140 651 Expenditures on Public Buildings. Stationary, firemen in Federal buildings, compensa- tion of: July 7, 1916 Expenditures in War Department. 145 Expenditures in Treasury Department. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, irregularities in: Jan. 15, 1916 145 26 26 9 Customs ports: Mav 10. 1911 2 Aug. 16. 1911 .. 7 Gallenkamp, Chas. F., conduct as surveyor of 61 2 H. rept. E 1281 Inoome tax* June 1 1916 145 27 26 26 27 26 145 90 26 26 27 11 1 Investigation of offices of surveyor of customs and assistant United States treasurer at St. Louis, Mo.: Anr 21 1910 1 Mint service' Mav 11 1911 3 2 6 Salaries and proposed increases in the custodian 10 Storekeeper, gaugers, and storekeeper-gangers: Apr. 17 1914 6 5 Supervising Architect's Office: Mav 31 1911 4 Feb 27 1913 3 Unlawful expenditures in Signal Service: Feb. 9, 1886 49 49 1 1 H.M.D. H.M.D. 13 13 255 255 Signal Service, unlawful expenditures in: Feb. 9, 1886 H. R. 103, to investigate the expenditures in the War Department: June 6, 1911 28 538 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Expenditures in the War Department — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Flood control at Pittsburgh: Mar. 27, 1916 146 146 146 146 146 146 168 2 Illinois River, removal of dams: May 11, 1916 5 Mississippi River floods: Mar. 8, 1916 l . . — <-- 3 Newlands-Broussard Rainey River regulation bill (2 parts): Mar. 31, 1916 1 Platte River, Nebr., diversion of water from: June 21, 1916 6 Sacramento River floods: Apr. 5, 1916 4 Susquehanna River, floods of the: Feb. 3, 1917 7 Foreign Affairs. Armenians, relief of: June 21, 1916 Boundary, water. United States and Mexican: Feb. 5, 1914 Commission for enduring peace: Jan. 11, 1916 Cons,Tess of neutral nations: Feb. 24, 1916 Danish West Indian Islands, cession of (2 parts): Feb. 12, 1917 Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill: Jan. 15, 1912 Dec. 10, 1913 , Diplomatic and Consular Service: Sept. 2, 1914 , Diplomatic and consular appropriation bill, 1917: Jan. 19, 1916 Fisheries treaty between United States and Domin- ion of Canada: Feb. 20, 1914 Fisheries, United States-Canada: Feb. 26, 1914 Foreign service, improvement in: Mar. 20, 1912 Fur seals and sea otter, protection of: Jan. 3, 1912. . . Grain exchanges, control of: Feb. 26, 1914 International High Commission: Jan. 12, 1916 Jews of Roumania: Dec. 10, 1913 Mexico, war claims against: Feb. 6, 1913 Migratory birds, protection of (2 parts): Feb. 3, 1917. Munitions of war, exportation of: Dec. 30, 1914 National Drainage Congress: Feb. 26, 1914 Niagara Falls, preservation of : Jan. 16, 1912 Niagara River, diversion of water from: Jan. 16, 1914 Feb. 9, 1914 July 8, 1914 July 13, 1916 Jan. 22, 1917 Panama, story of: Feb. 19, 1913 Peace federation, emergency: Feb. 22, 1917 Referendum on declaring war: Feb. 17, 1917 146 91 146 146 168 29 91 91 146 11 7 10 3 14 1 91 10 91 16 30 1 29 2 91 7 146 8 91 11 30 2 168 11 91 15 91 6 29 4 91 13 91 8 91 2 146 12 168 13 30 3 168 8 168 10 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 539 Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Foreign Affairs — Continued. Immigration and Naturalization. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Sorsby, Amy M., relief of: May 1, 1914 91 91 91 29 16S 146 5 Staples, steadving the world's price of: Aug. 7, 1914. 3 Treaty of Ghent, celebration of: Dec. 5, 1913 12 Treaty of 1832 between United States and Russia, termination of: Dec. 11, 1911 1 United States Court for China: Jan. 10, 1917 12 United States and the Orient: Dec. 12, 1916 13 ".". . 1 , :■ , , Aliens, registration of: Fell. 2X, 1917 Ellis Island immigration station: July 28, 1916 Immigration, Hindu: Feb. 13, 1914 Immigration, restriction of: Dec. 6, 1913 H. R. 558— Jan. 20, 1916 H. R. 10384— Mar. 11, 1916 Naturalization of George Edward Lerrigo: May 7, 1914 Nelson, Gordon W., citizenship of: Sept. 11, 1913. . 169 147 92 92 147 147 92 92 Indian Affairs. Appropriation bill, Indian: Jan. 17,1912 Dec. 10, 1913 1914, amendment of— May 18, 1916 1917 (5 parts)— Dec. 20, 1916 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., disposition of surplus lands of: July 12, 1916 Carlisle Indian School and other subjects, Joint Commission (bound in Senate hearings): Feb. 6, 1914 Cattaragus Indian Reservation, N. Y., leasing, for oil and gas purposes: Jan. 11, 1917 Cherokee judgment, payment of interest on: Dec. 14, 1916 Cherokee Indians, eastern, relief of heirs of: — , 1916 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, citizenship in: Feb. 25, 1908 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, coal and asphalt deposits in (3 parts): Mar. 9, 1916 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations of Indians, claims against: Mar. 30, 1916 31 5 93 6 148 5 148 8 148 6 45 169 2 148 7 148 9 31 2 31 3 149 2 148 2 540 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Indian Affairs — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Creek Nation, withholding certain lands from allot- ment in : Jan. 7, 1914 94 148 31 94 149 148 31 31 148 169 149 44 2 Creek Nation, withholding fi lotted lands of: May 5, 1916. Depredations, Indian: Feb. 25 Five Civilized Tribes, enrollm Five Civilized Tribes of Indiai Montana, claims of Indians in Oklahoma, removal of restrict in: Feb. 25, 1908 om allotment unal- 4 , 1908 4 pnt of: Apr. 1, 1914... '1 is: Mar, 9, 1916 3 Mar. 14, 1916 1 ions on Indian lands 1 Osage National Council, leases for oil and gas pur- poses: Jan. 18, 1913 '6 Osage Nation of Indians of Oklahoma, claims of: Apr. 7, 1916 - 3 Ponca Tribe of Indians, Oklah Pottawatomie Indians, Wlseor 1916 oma; Feb. 13, 1917... 3 isin band of: Feb. 19, . . 1 Uintah and Ouray Agencies, Utah, and other sub- jects. Joint Commission (bound in Senate hear- ings): Sept. 15, 1913 Industrial Arts and Expositions. Anniversary, semicentennial of the act of eman- cipation, celebration of: May 27, 1914 Exhibition ol activities of the Government service: Jan . 5, 1917 Natural resources useful for chemical products: May 11, 1916 Panama-California Exposition, installation of Gov- ernment exhibits at: Sept. 19, 1914 Panama-Pacific International Exposition Building and Panama-California Exposition: May 6, 1914. . San Antonio bicentennial exposition (3 parts): Mar. 28, 1916 93 2 69 4 69 5 93 3 93 1 45 12 Insular Affairs. Cuba, purchase of land by nonresidents in: Dec. 2, 1902 32 32 33 33 2 H. J. R. 68: Jan. 15, 1900 1 Philippine civil government, reorganization of de- partments of: Jan. 19, 1906 1 Philippine government, limit of indebtedness of: Feb. 21 , 1912 4 Philippine Islands, affairs in: Dec. 9, 1910 61 3 H. rept. F 2289 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 541 Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Insular Affairs — Continued. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Documented. Not docu- mented. Suljject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. I'hilippine Islands, Catholic Church claims and proposed agricultural bank in: Jan. 7, 190" 33 33 93 145 32 Philippines, sale of friar lands in: June 7, 1910 3 Porto Rico, a civil government for: Feb. 26, 1914 Jan. 13, 1916 1 13 Porto Rico, delegate from: Feb. 10, 1904 2 Public lands in Philippine Islands, sale of, etc.: Jan. 5, 1911 61 3 H. rept. 2289 Andrew safety appliance: Sept. 25, 1913 Bills of lading, uniform: Mar. 20, 1908 Bills of lading (2 parts): Apr. 13, 1916 Car shortage: Feb. 1, 1917 Car supply and train service: Feb. 4, 1908 Carmack amendment, bills to amend: Sept. 24, 1914. Chicago Drainage Canal: Feb. 20, 1907 China, trade in: Mar. 20, 1914 Coal, mining and transportation of: Feb. 5, 1915 Coast Guard: May 1, 1914 Cotton: Its preparation, transportation, and mar- keting: June 24, 1913 Culberson-Smith car and transportation ser\ ice bill: Feb. 15, 1908 Dam legislation, general: 1914-1916 Discrimination by common carriers: Aug. 16, 1916. . Explosives, shipment and storage of: Aug. 16, 1916. . Fertilizer, to prevent the use offish for: Feb. 18, 1914. Food held in cold storage: July 9, 1914 Freight, classification of: Jan. 28, 1913 Freight rates on coal: Aug. 22, 1913 Gas pipe lines, to make common carriers: Mar. 18, 1914 Grain inspection and grading liills: May 20, 1910 Hydroelectric development in navigable streams: Feb. 19, 1914 Hygiene, mental, and rural sanitation: Dec. 15, 1914. Interstate commerce, bills affecting: Feb. -May, 1916. Interstate Commerce Commission, granting author- ity to examine correspondence files of carriers: Mar. 3, 1916 Interstate commerce on railroads: Jan. 17, 1917 Isthmian Canal: Junes, 1906 Feb. 11, 1907 95 17 35 10a 150 i 169 6 35 6a 96 3 35 3a 95 10 95 5 95 14 95 19 35 5a 169 8 149 9 149 10 95 15 95 8 36 8a 95 18 96 1 36 2a 95 9 95 3 169 13 169 169 11 7 34 2a 34 3a 542 CATALOGUE OP LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Interstate and Foreign Commerce— Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Interstate commerce, fraud in commodities in: Dec. 18, 1913 97 36 96 36 95 95 169 95 169 169 95 149 1 Interstate shipments of immature calves: Apr. 3, 1912 5a Interstate Trade Commission: Jan. 30, 1914 6 Keokuk, Iowa, bridges at: Jan. 17,1913 6a Leprosarium, national, establishment of: Dec. 15, 1914 2 Lighthouse, Diamond Shoal: Jan. 22, 1915 1 I/ighthouse Service: Apr. 1, 1916 ■ 14 Locomotives, inspection of: July 1, 1914 7 Michigan, Lake, riparian rights: Jan. 18, 1917 9 Muskingum River, lease of land and water power on: Mar. 21, 1916 12 Navigation, proposed aids to: Dec. 8, 1914 4 Niagara River, bridge across: Aug. 4, 1916 8 Nicaragua Canal Co. : Jan. 1 7-20, 25, 1899 56 1 S. doc. 6 50 Oil bv pipe lines, transportation of: May 15, 1914. . . 95 34 34 34 150 16 Panama Canal: Jan. 14, 1908 4a Mar. 31, 1908 5a Jan. 6, 1909 6a Panama Canal matters: Jan. 11, 1916 1 Panama Canal, regulation of: Dec. 18,1911 62 2 H. doc. 137 680 34 95 149 149 96 150 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 109 7a Pere Marquette Railroad: Mar. 7, 1914 12 Petroleum, crude, embargo upon: Apr. 15, 1916 4 Prices, regulation of (2 parts): May 30, 1916 6 Prices, to prevent discrimination in and to provide for publicity of: Jan. 9, 1915 2 Pricos, to prevent discrimination in and to provide for publicity of: Feb. 27, 1915. ., 5 1908 8a Railroad employees, hours of service of: Jan. 2, 1907 2a Feb. 5, 1908 4d Railroad freight rates and routing shipments: Mar. 5, 1908 7a Railroad passenger fares and mileage tickets: Jan. 8, 1907 la Railroad passenger fares and passes: Mar. 10, 1908... 9a Railroad property, physical valuation of: Feb. 10, 1911 4a Railroads, municipally owned, rights of trustees of: Feb. 10, 1916 10 Railroads, regulation of rates: Dec. 9, 1904 58 3 H. doc. 100 422 Railroads, safety of passengers and employees on: July 10, 1913 36 9& CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 543 Hearing's before House Committee on — Continued. Interstate and Foreign Commerce — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Scs- .sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Rainy River, extending time for construction of a dfim arrnss- Vnr 22 1908 35 95 149 97 95 34 36 96 36 95 150 149 150 95 150 150 36 95 11a RnnL- Island Railrnad- Mar 24 1Q14 13 ^aft^tv ftnnlifiTiPte'^* Tiinp 22 IQtfi 7 2 ^^tAflrs; finri hnnfis* Fph Q 1Q14 21 Telegraph cable from Key West, Fla., to the Canal Zone- Mav 14 IWli la Terminals, regulation of, interlocking directorates: Jan 21 1913 7a 5 Transportation of pictures, prohibition of: May 17, 191Q la 20 'Pnhprf-nln'si'N trpatrP-PTit of* Kph 1 I91t) 4 Undercharges and overcharges, presenting claims fnr- Mav 9^ IQIft * 5 United States Power Squadrons to fly a distinguish- 6 \VQV»f»cVi_PittGhiiT-ch Tprminiil Co • Tnlv 15 1Q14 11 Wabash-Pittsburgh Terminal Co., investigation of: TT T?p<; 'i? f? nart=;V Tan 14 l^H\ 2 H Rps iiQ- Julv l.'> 1914 3 3a WnrlrmpTi'<; pnmnPTmatinii* Tan 2*) 1Q14 6 1 Invalid Pensions. Confederate soldiers, claims of: June 19, 1916 Pension for loss of limb or total disability, increase of: Mar. 13, 1916 Pensions, monthly payment of: Dec. 16, 1913 Irrigation of Arid Lands. Arid lands on the public domain, to promote the rec- lamation of: Feb. 20, 1916 Corbett Tunnel claims, Shoshone project, Wyo.: May 4, 1912 Garden City project: Jan. 25, 1913 Apr. 11, 1914 Irrigation, etc.. Agricultural Department: Jan. 13, 1905 Irrigation in Nebraska: Aug. 13, 1914 Irrigation projects: Mar. 2, 1912 58 H. doc. 53 381 149 149 93 149 37 37 92 92 37 12 11 4 13 4 5 544 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Irrigation of Arid Lands — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Irrigation projects, proposed: Apr. 15, 1916 149 92 92 37 92 37 170 14 Payment under reclamation projects, extension of p»riod of: Feb. 28, 1914 5 Public lands under the Carey Act, cancellations of segregations of: Mar. 21, 1914 6 Reclamation projects, etc. : Apr. 23, 1910 2 Reclamation Service, appropriations for: Dec. 16, 1914 7 Reclamation work under the irrigation act: Apr. 16, 1906 1 Water power, receipts from sale of: Feb. 12, 1917 1 Judiciary. Anti-injunction and labor bills: Feb. 5, 190S Anti-injunction and restraining orders: Mar. 14, 1906 May 12, 1906 ' Activity of certain officers and employees of the Government, limiting (2 parts): Mar. 17, 1916 Bankruptcy law, repeal of: Feb. 9, 1910 Beef industries, investigation of (2 parts): Apr. 3, 1916 Blodgett, Judge H. W Church, religious denomination, society, or associa- tion, name of, to proliibit the use for purposes of trade and commerce: Feb. 3, 1916 Clayton Antitrust Act, to amend: July 19, 1916 Commerce, an act to regulate, House bill 19745: Apr. 4, 190S Commerce between the several States: 1906 Convicts, Federal, to authorize the working of, upon public highways: Feb. 28, 1916 Court of Claims, reorganization of: Feb. 29, 1916 Davenport, John I Dayton, Judge Alston G.: July 9, 1914 Death on high seas, right of action for: Feb. 4, 1916. District of Columbia code, to amend: May 5, 1916. . . Employers' liability: Feb. 19, 1908 Employers' liability and workmen's compensation: Mar. 15, 1912 Espionage and interference with neutrality, to punish: Feb. 22, 1917 Export trade, to promote, and for other purposes: July 18, 1916 Federal Employees' Compensation (3 parts): Mar. 31, 1914 45 45 II. m. doc. IT.m.doc. 22 23 38 40 38 152 152 152 151 151 40 38 152 152 151 152 153 38 39 170 151 153 1 2 9 2 10 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 545 Hearings before House Cortimittee on — Continued. Judiciary — ^Continued . Subject. Federal Employees Liability Act, amendments to: July 12, 1916 Federal Reserve Board, impeachment of: Feb. 13, 1917 ■ Forfeiture of certain public lands granted as railway right of way: Apr. 25, 1916 Gompers, Samuel, argument of: Feb. 14, 190S II. R. 950: Feb. 9, 1911 Inauguration day, proposed change of: Jan. 18, 1906. Injunctions: Jan. 11, 1912 May 13, 1912 Insurance: May 14, 1906 Judicial procedure, reforms in (3 parts): Dec. 17, 1916 Liquors, into.xicating, interstate traffic in: Jan. 11, 1912 Liquors, intoxicating, to prohibit interstate com- merce in certain cases: Jan. 17, 1917 Marriage and divorce, uniform laws as to: Apr. 12, 1916 Marshall, H. Snowden: Jan. 10, 1916 Motion-picture films, certain, prohibiting shipment of: Mar. 17, 1916 Penitentiaries, United States, at Atlanta, Ga., and Leavenworth, Kans., equipment of, for manufac- ture of supplies for use of Government, etc.: Jan. 27, 1917 Probation system for Federal prisoners: May 13, 1916. Procedure in United States Supreme Court in case of suit against a State: Jan. 16, 1917 Reforms in legal procedure: Jan. 25, 1912 Seventh-Day Baptist Conference, incorporation of: Feb. 18, 1916 Speer, Emory, conduct of: Aug. 26, 1913 Steenerson, Halvor, Representative from Minnesota, charges against: Subcommittee, Mar. 5, 1910 Tenth judicial circuit and circuit court of appeals: Feb. 26, 1916 Texas, to create a new judicial district in: Apr. 7, 1916 Documented. Con- gress Trust legislation: Dec. 9, 1913 Mar. 4, 1914 Trust legislation and patent legislation: Feb. 20, 1912. Veto power of President: Sept. 9, 1913 Wilfley, Lebbeus R., impeachment of: Feb. 24, 1908. . Woman suffrage: Mar. 13, 1912 Woman sulTrage (4 parts): Mar. 3, 1914 49183—18 35 Ses- sion. 61 62 1-2 Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. H.rept. 2 H. doc. D 141 No. Not docu- mented. 893 762 Library. Vol. 151 170 152 38 38 38 39 40 38 153 39 170 152 153 152 Pt. 4 5 13 7 9 1 1 2 4 2 3 12 4 170 3 151 2 170 2 39 4 152 3 98 152 4 152 11 101 102 39 6 38 8 152 7 54 G CATALOGUE OF LIBRAE Y OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Judiciary — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Libiary. Vol. Pt. Workmen's compensation and employer's liability: Mar. 15, 1912 39 99 100 2 Wright, Daniel Thew: May 1, 1914 ■. fe June 20, 1914 ' Labor. Child-labor bill: May 22, 1914 Jan. 10, 1916 Children's bureau: May 12, 1911 Coal mining, investigation of wages and labor con- ditions in: Feb. 5, 1917 Commission to study social insurance and unem- ployment: Apr. 6, 1916 Compensation of certain employees, to fix: Mar. 20, 1916 Convict-labor bill: Jan. 20, 1916 Hours, eight, on Government work: May 3, 1906 Hours of labor on Government work : 1910 Hours, eight, for dredge work: Feb. 20, 1912 Hours, eight, for women employed in District of Columbia: Jan. 30, 1913 Keating-Owen child-labor bill, constitutionality of: Jan. 13, 1916 Labor, convict, importation of goods, wares, and merchandise by: Feb. 27, 1914 Labor, penal, competition in: May 3, 1906 Mar. 8, 1910 National colonization bill (2 parts): May 18, 1916. .. . . National employment bureau: June 5, 1914 Feb. 3, 1916 Pensions, old-age: Jan. 27, 1917 Peonage in western Pennsylvania: Aug. 1, 1911 Shop management, Taylor system, investigation of: Apr. 28, 1911 Stop- watch and bonus system in Government work: Apr. 17, 1914 Stop-watch and bonus systems for Government em- employees: Mar . 30, 1916 Wages for mechanics in Government employment, scale of: Feb. 27, 1914 Wages of mechanics and laborers employed by the Government, regulation of: Jan. 27, 1916 103 147 41 170 170 170 147 41 41 41 41 147 103 41 41 170 103 147 170 41 103 41 103 147 103 147 6 4 7 7 11 10 6 2 4 8 9 5 4 1 3 9 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Library. 547 Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Se.s- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Ft. Asburv Francis, memorial to, part 2: Jan. 16, 1917.. 171 171 149 "3 Barton Clara, memorial to: July 24, 1916 1 Ericsson John memorial to: Mar . 13, 1916 16 Fitch John memorial to: Feb. 27, 1915 103 171 103 149 7 National flower for United States: Feb. 2, 1917 2 Perm Memorial Bridge: Jan. 18, 1915 8 Proctor Wm ir monument tO" Feb 18. 1916 . . 15 Manufactures. Manufactures, etc.: Nov. 9, 1900. Trusts: Mar. 8, 1888 57 50 H. doc. H.rept. 183 3112 Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Alaska fisheries: May 25, 1916 Compulsory pilotage, exempting barges from: Feb. 1 , 1916 Crews of vessels, complement of: Jan, 23 . 1908 Diplomatic and consular reports, special: 1913 Dogfish bill: Feb. 21, 1916 . . .' Dredges built in Canada of American material, doc- umenting: June 27, 1916 Fish, protection of: Feb. 19, 1914 Free ship bill: Feb. 15, 1912 Local boards of steamboat inspectors, appeals from: Mar. 6, 1916 Merchant marine and commerce, American: Apr. 4, 1906 Merchant marine, regulation of licensed officers in: Mar. 19, 1914 Merchant vessels in the foreign trade of the United States, Government ownership and operation of: Aug. 28, 1914 Motor boats: Mar. 29, 1916 Navigation of vessels: June 22, 1914 Officering and maiming of vessels, to regulate (with supplement): Apr. 6, 1916 Passengers carried on vessels, increase in number of, and providing for appeals from local boards (3 parts): Jan. 27, 1916 Penalties on American-owned foreign-built vessels, repeal of— provisional registry of vessels abroad: Sept . 24, 1914 Radio communication: Jan. 18, 1912 Jan. 11, 1917 155 155 154 103 42 171 154 4 42 2 105 1 154 6 155 5 103 12 43 2 154 7 42 1 103 13 103 9 154 8 103 10 11 5 4 548 CATALOGUE OF I.IBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Merchant Marine and Fisheries — Continued. Military Affairs. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Lil)rary. Vol. Pt. Registers, American, for certain steamers: Jan. 30, 1911 42 42 43 104 155 171 155 154 43 f 105-6 1 135-S 103 154 154 43 3 Seaman's bill: Dec. 14, 1911 4 Jan. 29, 1912 1 Dec. 13, 1913 Seamen's act, amendment of: June 22, 1916 4 Shipping act, amendments to: Feb. 12, 1917 5 Sliipping bill, regulatory features of: Apr. 13, 1916. . 2 Shipping board, naval marine, and merchant marine, creating a: Feb. — , 1916 5 Shipping combinations, investigation of: Jan. 7, 1913 3 1912-1915 1 , Steamboat-Inspection Service, appointment of ad- ditional inspectors and assistants in: Jan. 8, 1915. . J 14 Steamboat-Inspection Service, appointment of assistant inspectors: Jan. 20, 1916 1 Steamboat-Inspection Service: Jan. 13, 1916 2 Wreck bill: Jan. 3, 1913 4 1 Aeronautics in the Army: Aug. 12, 1913 Alaska, roads and trails in, extract from Army . appropriation bill: Apr. 11, 1916 Army appropriation bill, 1907-8: Dec . 11, 1906 Dec. 8, 1910 Dec. 13, 1911 .". Army appropriation bill, 1916: Dec. 4, 1914 Army appropriation bill, 1917: Mar. 28, 1916 , Army appropriation bill, 1918: Dec. 6, 1916 , Army, rnobile, and Coast Artillery Corps, to in- crease: Jan. 4, 1915 Articles of War, revision of: June 29, 1916 Artillery of the United States Army: Jan. 8, 1907.., Barry, Maj. Gen. Thomas II., before Board of Visitors to Military Academy: Jan. 26, 1911 Canteen in the Army, to restore: Jan. 9, 1913 '. . Civil war veterans, care of Federal and Confederate: May 9, 1916 Civil War volunteer officers' retired, list: May — , 1916 Enlistment in the Army, term of: May 9, 1911 Port McHenry, supervision and control of: Jan. 28, 1914 Fortification and related purposes: Jan. 8, 1915. . . 107 7 157 1 44 2 44 7 45 1 107 8 157 1 172 107 4 157 5 44 3 44 18 45 2 157 3 157 2 44 9 107 3 107 6 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 549 Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Military Affairs — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report i Vol- No. Library. mcnt. 'ume. Vol. Pt. General Senice Corps of the Army: May 18, 1911 . . . 44 44 44 44 45 107 107 157 171 1.56 14 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 107 44 171 11 Maneuvering grounfis, permanent, and camp of in- spection near Chickamauga: Jan. 26, 1911 19 Military Academy appropriation bill: Jan. 14, 1907 4 Jan. 24, 1911 16 Jan. 24, 1913 3 Feb. 4, 1914 2 Jan. 27, 1915 1917— Miay 2.3, 1916 4 1918— Jan. 16, 1917 6 Military Establishment of the United States Army, to increase the efficiency of (2 parts): Jan. 6, 1916. . Militia, Erganized, to increase the efficiency of: Jan. 19, 1911 15 Militia pay bill: June 6, 1912 13 National Guard associations: Jan. 27, 1908 6 Pay of the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Corps, increase in: Feb. 12, 1907 5 Rifle practice, etc., among citizens of the United States: Jan. 12, 1911 14 Shiloh National Military Park, extension of limits of: Jan. 26, 1911 17 Shoes, Army, contracts for: May 16, 1911 10 Staff service of the Army: May 2,1911 8 Volunteer retired list: Dec. 13, 1906 ! 1 Volunteer retired list, officers': Jan. 23, 1914 ' 1 War Department, consolidation of certain branches in: May 22, 1911 . 12 West Point Military Academj% construction of buildings at: Feb. 5, 1915 7 i Mines and Mining. Coal mines in Colorado, conditions in: Feb. 9, 1914 110 111 112 108 109 160 160 112 160 112 Feb. 20, 1914 Mar. 4, 1914 Copper mines in Michigan, conditions in: Jan. 31, 1914 Mar. 2, 1914 Fuel to be used in the United States, to provide for the uniform selection ancfptu-chase of: Apr. 25, 1916. 4 Mining laws, general, commission to codify and sug- gest amendments to (3 parts): Jan. 5, 1916 2 Mining schools, appropriation: Dec. 4, 1913 . ... o Petroleum and gasoline: Apr. 3, 1916 3 Radium: Jan. 19, 1914. .•..■.'..-. 550 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Naval A£fair8. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Lilirary. Vol. Pt. Appropriation bills: 1902 70 71 72 73 58 1903 1904-5 1906-7 Armor plant for United States, special committee • (bound in Senate hearings): Nov. 24, 1914 1 Armor-plate investigation, 1894 . 53 54 60 2 2 2 H. rept. H. rept. S. doc. 5 2 20 1468 1453 628 Armor-plate investigation, 1896 Construction and repair of vessels: Jan. .5, 1909 Estimates: Dec. 10, 1906 4f) 49 50 47 113 114 158 159 160 Dec. 8, 1909 Dec. 7, 1910 2 Estimates submitted by the Secretary of the Navy: Dec. 7, 1908 1 Dec. 8, 1913 Nov. 30, 1914 Estimates submitted by the Secretary of the Navy, 1916: Vol. 1— Jan. 5, 1916 Vol. 2— Feb. 14, 1916 Vol. 3— Mar. 22, 1916 1 Hazing at Naval Academy: Subcommittee 59 1 H. doc. 98 690 Marine Corps, United States, status of: Jan. 7, 1909. . 47 115 50 48 115 9 Marine, merchant, naval auxiliaries for use in: Aug. 11, 1914 2 Navy, United States, accounting system in: May 4, 1910 1 Navy Department, proposed reorganization of: Dec. 16, 1909. . . Navy, personnel of: May 4, 1912 1 Patents. 1914. Copyright acts, amendment to: May 2 Copyright amendment, Townsend: Jan. 24, 1912 Feb. 21, 1912 Copyright identification, additional— motion picture photoplays: Apr. 5, 1916 Copyright law, act amending: Dec. 10, 1913 Copyright laws, amendment of: Apr. 26, 1916 Copyright laws, revision of: Mar. 26, 1908 Copyrights: Dec. 7, 1906 Daughters of American Revolution, insignia of: Apr. i, 1916 116 161 51 8 51 10 161 5 116 14 161 7 51 5 51 1 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearing's before House Committee on — Continued. Patents — Continued . 551 Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Designs, registration of: Apr. 22, 1914 116 116 116 116 51 51 116 161 161 51 116 51 161 51 51 116 116 Kil 51 2 Kahn bill: Dec. 17, 1913 13 Patent, application for, temporary extension of time for filing: Dec. 16, 1914 6 Patent laws, amendment of: Jan. 13, 1915 7 Patent OfBce certificates of correction: Jan. 21, 1912. 9 Patent Office, to provide increased force and salaries in: Jan. 22, 190S 2 Patent Office, reorganization of: May 7, 1914 : 5 Jan. 12, 1916 2 Patent, to prevent abandonment of Government ap- plications for: Mar 29, 1916 . . 4 Patent statutes, Oldfleld revision and codification of: Mav 18, 1912 11 May 27, 1914 1 Patents, revision of statutes relating to: Apr. 8, 1908. 6 Registration of designs (2 parts) wdth appendix, briefs, etc : Mar 22, 1916 . 1 Revised Statutes, to amend section 4896 of: Feb. 5, 1908 3 Trade-mark laws: Jan 24, 1912 7 Trade-mark laws, amendment to: Apr.*15, 1914. 8 Trade-mark statutes, revision and amendment of: Dec 11. 1914 9 Trade-mark statutes, amendment of: Feb. 2, 1916 .. 3 4 Pensions. 110 110 11 Pensions for the Forsyth Scouts and their widows: Dec 18 1913 10 Pensions for survivors of Indian wars later than Civil Wir- .Siihcnmmittpp Msir 7 1Q14 63 2 H. doc. 15S 97t Printing. Printing and binding, public, and distribution of public documents: 1893 Printing and binding, public: Apr. 22, 1914 53 H. rept. 96 116 13 552 CATAI/JOUE OF LIBBAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on Contiimed. Post Office and Post Boads. Subject. S)(je\iTnentefl. Not flocu- mented. Con- jp-ess. Ses- sioTi. or flocu- ment. Vol- ume. Franking privileges ■V'* j • iraharn, J. C, and Smith. Orson, whf^hf-r or not ' j \>r,\y^Siraist3 >> , lyeaves of at^isenee, in.l;;ir»;te, tf> vafxranrujatwl 1 employees of Postal Service: .\pr. 7, 191*> Mail, second-cJass: Jan. 2», 1910 i — Mail, »e flnd-class, rates of jK/^tage f>n; »b. », l&l J..| Mail service, '•I'f^n: Tin. 21. F^-i Parceb post: Apr. I, I&IO.. i 1 I n. Tj,. »I. rp. Jane 14, 1011 Xav.7,lMl I'arr*!-. pr«t in UjT^.izn r'njntries: Au^. V', r.«ll Pneiimatic-tul-* service; Der;. II, IW> Post Office appropriation bill: 1917 -L>eft., Krt-S-Jan., l»i« laijs— i>ec., iaift Postal cards aivl reply letters: Jan, 1-5, 1915 Postal and eivil-aervice laws, amending: Jane 5, 1914. Postal emiA>yees, rettrement of: Apr. 12, 1916 Postal Service employees, retirement of: Feb. 24, 1917 Postal Savings fiank system; Jan. 29, 1909. Postal suV/jects, ■? .Senater. l>m~Wfi Post T/fftee appro^. .„ .-ill: 1909— Jan. I*^i, I9rft 19»— Jan. 9, 1912. 191fr -I^er;. >;, 191 i Pablirations, certain, exclosjon of, from the maib: Feb. 1,191-5 Railway mail pay: Jane 14, IdlO Rf/iuU, 'ffiiA: Apr. 24, 191"? -. Smith, ''.wson, J. C. CniiAm and, wt»ether fjr not poly?amists Stamped envelopes; Ajw.a), 1910 Telephone, postalixation of: Jan. 15, 1W.5 , . No. 2:«2 611 Vol. I Pt. 16S 4 .52 ?, 117 Z .52 I » 4 5S f. M 2 .54 1 16.5 1 1^1.5 2 165 3 117 2 117 ! les 5 171 S 52 4 2S S2 2 .54 i (17 7 117 1 .53 ''/ J4 4 --, 2 117 1 »« Public Buildinea and Grounda. Pnbtic !«) Jdfn?3 and gnor '! - • Jan. 22, 1914 Sob, 1 to 21: Jan. 7, 19)6.. •^a 2»: Jar ' "•'- CATALOGUE OF l.lBR.Vl^Y OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 553 Hearings before House Coiuniittee on — Continiiod. Public Lauds. Dortimem^d, ssubjoct. 1 cress, sion. ordoctJ- menu Not docu- l.i!>rarv. ump. No. .V»*ste», i^rrKniltural lands in; Feb. 19. 1902. Vttornoy i>i»er:U. instniciion to in$tinit« certain suits: Mar. 12, 1Seok . i, :o: Jan. UV 1912. FU%rida, v^lidalitm of patent to oertain lamis in: JuVyJiV 191»^ Forest Sands, consn^lidat ion of certain; Feb, 4S, 1912 Forest la«ds. ciwA^idation of; Jan. *s WIT O- lesteads anvi grsiit^ tipraij, National Park in Territorr oft Feb, S, 191 Wet* h Hetohy dam < ' ' :\ 191S ITomestead law-s. an~< Jan. SI, 1912 Honwsteads, tilinjir upon: Jan. 2t> 1912 H. K, 1W». l*01S and UiT2r. IWSU IWSB, l«J24, llOiv 1«>21, UiVJi?: Jan. 2:, lAtS. '. tnij^wial Valley; IVo.3S, 19M LAnvts- > reb-l.\mi^--. l^tHls ^ ,i.^ of; Mar. 2T, 19U l.ands in .Vrkansas, to quiet anvl confirm title ti^ vWtaJn: FeV. l,\ I9'.0 I^an^ls, cwtain, exohanp? of. betwif«» the UYtfrt^-. Statips ami the ^tat* of Idaho; .Tan. SS, 191*. FajhIs, j»le of, to the Cordova Bay ToiKti ;?ito «.\^ May l(v I9i>s Motutt IViiVw National l^arfc; Mar. 29, 1916 \r,^K";i M.K;rVy Nathmal I'-ark; May «. »K .Vpr,4<,l91< Vpr. .\ 191tv Neva^l* lan^l ifn^tnts, (2 jsMtsV Mar. U IM*» - Ohio State rniv*rsity. to amend a<« tt» s»tift> Vol. Ft. H, doc 12 l-\' I i I I 1 :i I. Ip 13 l»^ ;^ •o IT 10 2 iiv 2 55 15 55 U 55 S -■" 4 3 5 «» Mar 45,1*14 OiWa: OViah , - (ayaiM*ts.. v>w^y^ an.! v"ali**«ia land jcrant ; j MayU liWS .Vpr. a. 1912. Owiipy»tianvU"iah~*f>mialarKlipTaj\tSvlv'>i>*rts>: Prtv" j 191(5 rhv^phate lanvts: IVc. IT. I«^ »^»b»»c laifcK -V»astak to ext^vi i*»rj j a F*K 19, 1««.]| « | I ] B. tec j UO K + 554 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Committee on — Contiimed. Public Lands — Continued. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. . Vol. Pt. Railroads in Nevada, certain, legalizing convey- anffis on' Feb 27 1915 120 163 120 55 120 55 55 55 55 5 Relief of settlers- Feb 2 1916 1 Rnnlfv Mountain National Park' Dec. 23. 1914 -' 6 Rf^'hool oommon lands for* Mav 5 190S 9 Settlers, certain, relief of: Jan. 26, 1914 1 Wpttlprs in Oklfihoma free homes for* Mav 5 190S 8 Swamp-land claim of the State of Illinois: Jan. 29, 1908. ..." 4 Timber, sale of. Territory of New Mexico: Feb. 8, 1908 4 Tioga road in Yosemite National Park: Mar. 18, 1912. Virginia, military land warrants, to amend act to satisfy: Jan 8, 1907 IS 59 2 H. doc. 51 500 Washington, George, estate of: Mar. 25, 1912 55 119 55 20 ■Washington, George, reimbursement of estate of: Mar. 19, 1914 3 Yosemite National Park, western boundary of: Mar. 20, 1912 19 Reform in the Civil Service. Court of appeals for employees in Federal classified service: Apr. 7, 1916 164 164 164 O Postmasters in civil service: Mtr. 31, 1916 1 Retirement of employees in the Federal classified service: Apr. 28, 1916 3 Rivers and Harbors. Flood protection and drainage: Apr. 28, 1914 Intercoastal waterway: Jan. 19, 1914 Mississippi River, impounding of water above Keo- kuk Dam: Feb. 14, 1917 Mississippi River levees: Jan. 23, 1914 Rivers and harbors improvements Rivers and harbors improvements: December; 1916- January, 1917 Transportation of waste material: July 2(i, 1910 122 1 122 2 171 11 122 3 164 4 171 12 104 5 Roads. National multiroad highways: Api. 5, 1916. Roads, good: Dec. 8, 1913 104 122 CATALOGUE 6f LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 555 Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. Rules. Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sioii. Re lort or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Alleged divulgence of the President's note to belli- gerent powers: Parts 1-14, Jan. 5-Feb. 1, 1917 173 174 56 164 171 164 122 122 56 122 122 56 171 50 Parts 15-25, Feb. 2-24, 1917 Contempt cases, procedure in: July 9, 1912 G Dairies, sanitary condition in: Apr. 11, 1916 9 Ellis Island, conditions at: Feb. 15, 1917 14 Gasoline and other petroleum products, inyestiga- tion of high price of: Mar. 10, 1916 8 Grain exchanges: Mar. 'i, 1914 7 Industrial disputes in Colorado and Michigan: Dec. 10, 1913 8 International Harvester Co.: Jan. 17, 1912 2 Keokuk Dam: Apr. 7, 1914 9 Monticello, purchase of: Feb. 2.3, 1915 5 New York, New Haven & Hartford and Grand Trunk Railroad agreement, investigation of: Dec. 10, 1912 5 Peace propaganda investigation: Jan. 19, 1916 13 Press agents, department: May 21, 1912 4 Strikes at Lawrence, Mass.: Mar. 2, 1912 . 62 2 H. doc. 138 671 Trust, shipping, investigation of: Dec. 18, 1911 56 164 1 Usury charges against banks, investigation of: Jan. 17, 1916 7 Woman suffrage, to establish committee in Ploflse on: Dec 3-5 1915 63 2 H. doc. 157 754 Territories. Alaska, government: Territorial— Mar. 18, 1908 :....... 68 68 68 123 166 123 68 171 171 166 68 68 2 For— Mar. 8, 1910. 5 Legislative assembly for — Mar. 17, 1911 8 Commission form of — June 3, 1914 3 Alaska, legislative assembly of: Feb. 15, 1916 3 Alaska, military and post roads, bridges, and trails in: Jan. 22, 1915 . . 4 Alaska Pacific Railway -Dec. 11, 1897 454- 60 2 2 H. doc. H. doc. 6G-67 (139- 1 146 338 |l505 Nov 10, 1908-Dee. 22, 1908. . 1908-1909, parts 1 to 14. (20) Ta.x, 100, exemption of flavoring extract manu- factures from payment of: Feb. 23, 191-4 124 124 124 8 Tax receipts, prohibition of issuance of to any person living in prohibition territory : Apr. 9. 1914 1 Tax, Spanish War, on mixed flour, to repeal: Feb. 18, 1915 3 Textiles, for Federal inspection of: May 21, 1902 Tobacco coupons, tax on: Apr. 2, 1908 57 1 S. doc. 28 413 69 124 69 69 Mar. 11, 1914 . i 9 Wine, pure: Feb. 1, 1906 1 1 Wine, fortified sweet: Mar. 12, 1906 1 3 Woolen goods, for Federal inspection of: May 21, 1902 ' . 57 1 S. doc. 28 413 Woman Suffrage. Woman suffrage: Dec. 3, 1913. 122 House Special Committees. Select Committee. Charges against certain Members of the House Select Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. Civil service: 1890 Select Committee. Election frauds in New York Electric Boat Co., corrupt practices relative to legis- lation Five Civilized Tribes: Contracts with Foreign mail service, subsidies for, charges relative to legislation for Hazing at West Point Military Academy Special Committee. House employees, appointment 60 51 40 60 61 61 56 56 H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. 3-4 3-4 D H 4-6 H. rept. 3 2978 1727 2445 31 1727 2273 297 2768 558 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before House Cominittee on — Continued. House Special Committees — Continued. Documented. Subject. Select Committee. Indian contracts— with Five Civilized Tribes Indian contracts with John F. McMurray: June 23, 1910 Select Committee on Internal-Revenue Frauds. Internal-revenue frauds Select Committee. Kansas affairs Lilley, George L., investigation of charges made by Electric Boat Co Lobby activities and charges against Members of the House: Dec. 9, 1913 Aug. 19, 1913 Aug. 23, 1913 Sept. 9, 1913 Lobby activities, ship-purchase bill in Senate, Sen- ate hearings: Feb. 16, 1915 McMurray, John F., Indian contracts with: June 25, 1910 Members of House, charges against: Mar. 9-May 1, 1909 Mar. 5, 1910 Apr. 1, 1910 Merchant Marine League: Apr. 1, 1910 New York, election frauds in North Carolina, relative to affairs in: June 5, 1871. Oklahoma, Indian contracts in: Apr. 1-June 20, 1910 Aug. 4-19, 1910. Osage Indians, contract with: Aug. 4, 1910 Pan-Electric Telephone stock investigation, 1886. Paper, manufacture of: Apr. 25-Dec. 30, 1908 Pulp and paper: Apr. 25-Nov. 20, 1908. Ship-subsidy lobby, alleged: Apr. 1, 1900 Submarine controversy, corruption relative to Subsidies for foreign mail service, charges relative to legislation: Apr. 1, 1900 Treasury Department, relative to: May 3, 1864. Vessels for foreign mail service, to subsidize, charges relative to: Apr. 1, 1910 Con- gress. Gl 61 39 34 60 Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. H. rept. 3 H.rept. II. rept. 61 60 60 61 61 61 40 42 61 61 61 61 61 n. rept. H. rept. Vol- ume. D D 60 60 61 60 61 38 61 H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. 11. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. doc. H. doc. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. H. rept. D 3 4 D H H 2 2 I H D E D 132- 130 132- 135 H 3-4 H 2 H No. 2273 2273 24 200 1168 1727 2273 1727 1727 893 2297 2297 31 22 2297 2297 2273 2273 2273 Not docu- mented. 1502 1502 2297 1727 2297 140 2297 Library. Vol. Pt. 125 126 127 128 78 175 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, Hearings before House Committee on — Continued. House Special Committees — Continued. 559 Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt. Special Committee to Inyestlgate American Sugar Refining Co. American Sugar Refining Co 62 2 H. rept. B 331 American Sugar Refining Co. and others: Vol. 1— July 12, 1911 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 65 67 Vol. 2— June 27, 1911 Vol. 3— July 21, 1911 Special Committee on Investigation of tTnited States Steel Corporation. United States Steel Corporation: Mav 27, 1911 July 20 1911 Aue. 11, 1911 . Jan. 12, 1912 . . Feb. 14, 1912 . i,..j..... - . - - J -- Mar. 11, 1912 United States Steel Corporation, extracts from minutes, etc.: Feb. 25, 1901 United States Steel Corporation, report of Com- missioner of Corporations on, appendix and index: July 1 , 1911 United States Steel Corporation 02 1-2 H. rept. E. 1127 Documented. Not docu- mented. Subject. Con- gress. Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. Vol. Pt Assistant Secretary of Commerce. Agricultural products, marketing in Europe of: Au2 14 1914 . 03 03 03 50 50 56 2 2 2 2 2 2 S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. 29 29 29 15 15 15 579 579 579 213 213 213 Europe, marketing of agricultural products in iJarketing of farm products in Europe: Aug. 14, 1914. Conference Committee. Cherokee Indians, agreement with, to ratify Creek Indians aerppment with to ratifv Five Ci\ilized Tribes: Cherokee and Creek agree- ments 560 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Hearings before Joint Committees, Commissions, Etc. — Con. Subject. Board of officers. Army Transport Service, 1902 Transport service between San Francisco and the Philippine Islands: Apr. 3, 1900 Court of Inquiry. Food furnished troops in Cuba and Porto Rico Naval court of inquiry, Schley, Admiral, testimony in case of: Navy yard, Sept. 12, 1901 Schley, Admiral, naval court of inquiry testimony in case of: Sept. 12, 1901 Schley, WinfieldS., in the case of: Sept. 12, 1901 Spanish-American War, food furnished troops in... Industrial Commission. Agriculture Capital and labor in manufactures and general business Immigration Industrial Commission: Agriculture Industrial Commission: Agriculture and taxation... Industrial Commission: Capital and labor employed in mining Industrial Commission: Chicago disputes, 1900 Industrial Commission: Combinations in Europe... Industrial Commission: Distribution of farm prod- ucts Industrial Commission: Foreign legislation Industrial Commission: Immigration and education. Industrial Commission: Labor legislation Industrial Commission: Labor organizations Industrial Commission: Manufactures Industrial Commission: Manufactures, etc Industrial Commission: Prison labor Industrial Commission: Final report Industrial Commission : Preliminary report Industrial Commission: Transportation Do Industrial Commission: Trusts Industrial Commission: Trusts, etc Labor legislation Labor organizations Manufactures Transportation, relating to: Apr. 7, 1899 Transportation Trusts: Apr. 7, 1889 Mar. 20, 1900 Documented. Not docu- mented. Con- i Ses- sion. Report or docu- ment. Vol- ume. No. Library. gress Vol. Pt. 57 H. doe. H. doc. S. doc. H. doc. H. doc. S. doc. S. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doe. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. 109 109 28 103 103 103 28 73 95 78 73 74 75 71 81 94 79 78 95 80 95 77 94 82 93 95 72 24 76 95 80 95 93 72 93 76 1 537 537 270 485 485 485 270 179 495 184 179 180 181 177 187 476 185 184 476 186 476 183 476 380 476 476 178 476 182 476 186 476 476 178 476 182 57 56 57 57 57 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 56 57 57 56 57 56 57 56 57 56 56 57 56 57 56 «> 57 56 56 57 56 57 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 561 Hearings before Joint Committees, Commissions, Etc. — Con. Subject. Interstate Commerce Commission. Freight rates> advance in Freight rates, 5 per cent case, investigation Interstate Commerce Commission: Investigation of New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R Interstate Commerce Commission: Power of Interstate Commerce Commission: Railway rates. . New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R., investi- gation of: Apr. 10, 1914 Railroads, advances in freight rates: August-De- cember, 1910 Joint committees. Alabama, aflairs in: Joint Select Committee to In- quire into Condition of Affairs in the Late Insur- rectionary States Alcohol, relative to: Joint select committee Army of the Potomac, relative to: Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War Documented. Con- i Ses- gress.l sion. Coal lands in Alaska, charges against Interior De- partment, relative to: Joint Committee to Inves- tigate the Interior Department and Forestry Service. Conduct of the war, relative to the Army of the Potomac: Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War District of Columbia, aflairs in: Joint select com- mittee 49183—18 36 61 63 63 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 61 63 61 61 61 61 42 54 37 61 61 61 61 Gl 61 61 37 43 Report y , •"■ 7. House of Lords. See Parliamentary Debates, p. 655. House, Journals of. See Journals of the House, p. 589. House Rules, etc. See Constitution ami, p. 401. House and Senate Rules and Manual. See Constitution and, pp. 401-402. House of Representatives. Reports of the Clerk. See Con- tingent Expenses, list of, p. 406. Indian Affairs. Reports of the Commissioner.' Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1825 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex Senate... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... H. ex Senate... 2 112 146 pp.89 1825 1825 1826 1 1 1826 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Z 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1827 .. 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1830 1830 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 1835 '. 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1838 1 For Indian affairs prior to 1825, see American State Papers, Indian Affairs, vol. 1. The supervision of Indian affairs was originally committed to the Secretary of War. Under him was appointed first a super- intendent of Indian trade, who subsequently became Superintendent of Indian Affairs. By act of Congress approved July 9, 1832, provision was made for the appointment of a Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to be an officer of the War Department. On the organization, however, of the Department of the Interior in 1849, his office was made one of the bureaus of said department, with which it has since been connected. 566 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SEN.ITE. Indian AflFairs. Reports of the Commissioner — Contiimed. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 « 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 Purt. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1838 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27' 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex....' Senate... H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate. .. H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate . . . H.ex Senate - - - H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S. ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... 2 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 8 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 11 1 1 2 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 2 2 1849 1850 1850 1851 o O 3 1851 1852 . ■ 1852. 1853 1853 . 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858.. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 567 Indian Affairs. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. \'ol- umc. 1 Part. Num- ber. Port. Vol- ume. 1859 36 1 S.ex 2 1 I860....'. 36 2 S. ex 1 ...... 1 1861 37 2 S.ex 1 1 1862 37 3 H.ex.... 2 2 1863 38 38 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... 3 5 1 3 5 1864 1865 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 1 ^ i866 4 1867 1868 1869 1870 1 5 1871 1872 42 43 3 1 H.ex.... H.ex.... 3 4 1 1 5 5 1873 1 1874 43 2 H.ex.... 6 5 1875 44 44 45 45' 46 46 47 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... 4 4 8 9 9 9 10 1 1 ...... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 2 1882 47 2 H.ex 11 5 2 1883 48 1 H.ex 11 5 2 1884 48 2 H.ex.... 12 5 2 1885 49 1 H.ex 12 5 2 1886 49 2 H.ex.... 8 5 2 1887 50 1 H.ex.... 11 ...... 5 2 1888 50 2 H.ex.... 11 5 2 1889 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 H. ex . . . . H. ex . . . . H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex H. doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 12 12 15 13 14 15 15 13 13 15 18-19 . 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 1890 2 1891 2 1892 2 1893 2 1894 2 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1,2 568 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Indian Affairs. ■ I I >i ! ! I I i M I ' Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. Congress. Session. 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 .58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 '63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document H.doc.^ H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc. H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc. . . H. doc. . . H.doc... H. doc. .. H. doc... Vol- ume. 28 24 19 20 19 19-20 15 27 42 43 32 41 43 37 30 38 34 Part. Num- ber. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1046 107 1006 120 933 1009 1475 90 1899 Part . L2 Vol- ume. 2 2 Industrial Commission, Reports of the. Congress. Session. Document. Num- ber. Vol- ume. Title. 56 1 House. . . 476 93 Trusts and industrial combinations. r Do. 56 1 House . . . 476 94 < Prison Labor. [Transportation . 56 1 House . . . 476 95 Labor Legislation. 56 9 <0 House. .. 494 94 Distribution of Farm Products. 56 2 House . . . 494 95 Capital and Labor. 57 1 House . . . 177 71 Chicago Labor Disputes, 1900. 57 1 House. . - 178 72 Transportation, Second Report. 57 1 House . . . 179 73 Agriculture and its Labor^ 57 1 House . . . 180 74 Agricultui'e ; Taxation. 57 1 House . . . 181 75 Capital and Labor in Mining. 57 1 House . . . 182 76 Trusts and Industrial Combinations, Second Report. 57 1 House . . . 183 77 Capital and Labor, Second Report. 57 1 House . . . 184 78 Immigration; Education. 57 1 House . . . 185 79 Foreign Legislation on Labor. 57 1 House . . . 186 80 Labor Organizations, etc. 57 1 House . . . 187 81 Industrial Combinations in Europe. 57 1 House . . . 380 82 Final Report. 64 1 Senate . . . 415 Report of committee appointed in ac- cordance with act of Aug. 23, 1912. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 569 Interior Department . Reports of the Secretary.' Secretary. Year. Con- Kress. Ses- sion. 1 Jfouse or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- l)er. Part. Ewing 1849 31 S. ex.... 2 1 2 Ewing and McKenna 1849 31 1 H. ex.... 3 2 5 2 Alex. n. H. Stuart 1850 31 2 S. ex 1 Do 1850 31 2 H. ex.... 1 Do 1851 32 1 S. ex.... 2,3 2,3 Do 1851 32 1 H.ex.... 2 Q Do 1852 32 2 S. ex.... 1 Do : 1852 32 2 H. ex.... 1 Robert McClelland 1853 33 1 S. ex.... 1 .. Do 1853 33 1 H. ex.:.. 1 t J- Do 1854 33 2 S. ex.... 1 Do 1854 33 2 II. ex.... 1 Do 1855 34 1 S. ex 1 Do 1855 34 1 H.ex.... 1 Do 1856 1856 34 34 3 3 S. ex.... H.ex.... 2 1 Do Jacob Thompson 1857 35 1 S. ex 2 11 Do 1857 35 1 H.ex.... 2 Do 1858 35 2 S. ex 1 Do 1858 35 2 H.ex.... 2 Do 1859 36 1 S. ex.... 1 Do 1860 1861 36 37 2 2 S. ex.... S.ex.... 1 1 Caleb Smith Do 1862 1803 37 38 3 1 H.ex.... H. ex 2 3 2 John P. [Jsher 3 Do 1864 38 2 H. 3X.... 5 5 James Harlan 1865 39 1 H.ex.... 2 ...... Orville H. Brownins; 1866 39 2 H.ex.... 2 4 Do 1867 40 2 H.ex.... 3 Do 1868 40 3 H.ex.... 2 Jacob D. Cox 1869 41 2 H.ex.... 3 Columbus Delano 1870 1871 41 42 3 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... 4 3 1,2 1,2. Do 5 Do 1872 1873 1874 42 43 43 3 1 2 H.ex.... H. ex H.ex.... 3 4 6,7 1,2 1.2 5 Do 5 Zachariah Chandler 5 ' The Departmeit of the Interior was organized under the provisions of an act of Congress approved Mar. 3, 1849, by which act the Patent Ofhce and the Census Office were transferred from the Department of State, the Laad Office from the Treasury Department, the Indian Office from the War Department, the I'ension Office from the War and Navy Departments, and placed under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior. Since that date the Bureau of Education, the United States Geological Survey, the Ofhce of the Commissioner of Railroads, and the Bureau of Labor have been established and attached to the Department, and a numlier of institutions and offices of the Government, not connected with any of the above-named l)ureaus, have also been put under its supervision all making their annual reports to th Secretary. 570 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Interior Department. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. Secretary. Year. Zachariah Chandler. . Do Carl Schurz Do Do Kirkwood and Teller. Henry M. Teller Do Do Do Lucius Q. C. Lamar. . Do Lamar and Vilas William F. Vilas John W. Noble Do Do Do Hoke Smith Do Do David R. Francis Cornelius N. Bliss Do E. A. Hitchcock Do Do Do Do Do Do Do James R. Garfield,.. , Do Richard A. Ballinger Do Walter L. Fisher Do -.. Franklin K. Lane.. Do Do Do Con- gress. 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 ]898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 , 1910 1 1911 ' 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 Ses- sion 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 H ouse or Senate document. H. ex... H. ex... H.ex... H.ex... PL ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H. ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. PL doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H. doc H.doc H.doc H. doc. H. doc Vol- ume. Part. 4 4 8,9 9,10 9-11 9-11 9-12 10-13 10-12 11-14 11-15 8-11 10-14 10-15 11-15 11-16 14-19 12-19 13-18 14-18 14-22 12-19 12-22 14-25 17-31 26-41 22 18 18 18 18 14 26-29 42-45 43-45 31-34 40-43 42-43 36-37 29-30 .137-38 .33-34 1,2 1,2 Docu- ment num- ber. 5 1046 107 1006 120 933 1009 1475 90 1899 Part. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1,2 1,2. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Internal Revenue.' Reports of the Commissioner. 571 Year. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888- 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903- 1904. 1905. Congress. 53 53 54 54 55 ^.t5& 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 1 Office created by act of 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 r-,9. Session. House or Senate document. J'lly 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 I 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 o 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 1, 1862, H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex.*. . . H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... II. ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... House . . . House. . . H.doc- H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 12 stats. 432 Yolunip. 9 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 9 7 7 12 13 14 14 15 16 15 17 20 14 18 19 18 21 22 22 21 24 ; 28 i 23 I 26 33 j 39 50 40 34 34 36 41 Number. 55 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 11 8 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 20 572 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. • Internal Revenue. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Congress. Session. 59 i 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 1 House or Senate document H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc. H. doc. Volume. 39 81 5 5 5 6 7 5 7 2 Number. 20 20 1051 116 1045 126 941 513 1395 359 1494 Interstate Commerce Commission. V Annual Reports. Year. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Congress. Session. 50 1 50 2 51 1 • 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 63 3 House or Senate document. S.ex.. S.ex.. H. mis. H. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. H. mis. House . H.doc. H.doc H.doc. H.doc. H.doc H. doc. H.doc H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc H. doc H. doc H. doc H.doc Volume. Number. 1 48 2 60 1 50 3 13 2 31 1 15 2 10 2 25 50 88 41 99 40 157 67 141 80 298 85 275 87 305 60 181 71-73 253 72 146 63 195 70 325 93 454 no 1317 . Ill 148 112 1168 Number of report. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ^he Interstate Commerce Commission was created by act of Congress approved Feb. 4, 1887. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 578 Interstate Commerce Commission. Annual Reports — Contd. Ynar. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 191 (i. Congress. Session. 62 2 62 3 03 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 or Senate document. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. due. Volume. Number. 149 119 105 964 138 503 88 1389 124 21 97 1484 Number of report. 25 26 27 28 29 30 Interstate Commerce Commission Reports. (Decisions.) ^ Vol- ume. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Period. May, 1887-June, 1888 Apr., 1888-Mar., 1889 Mar., 1889-May, 1890 June, 1892-May, 1895 1895-1896 Aug., 1895-Aug., 1896 Sept., 1896-May, 1898 May, 1898-Feb., 1901 May, 1901-Dec., 1903 Jan., 1904-Apr., 1905 Apr., 1905-Aug., 1906 Nov., 1906-Dec., 1907 Dec, 1907-June, 1908 June, 1908-Dec., 1908, with table of cases cited in vols. 1-14. Jan., 1909-Apr., 1909, with table. of commod- ities cited in vols. 1-15. Apr., 1909-June, 1909 June, 1909-Feb., 1910 Feb., 1910-June, 1910 June, 1910-Dec., 1910. . : Dec, 1910-May, 1911 $... May, 1911-Dec., 1911 Nov., 1911-Mar., 1912 Mar., 1912-June, 1912 June, 1912-Oct., 1912 Oct., 1912-Jan., 1913, with table of cases Publisher. Cooperative Publishing Co. Strouse Publishing Co. » Do. Cooperative Publishing Co. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Government Printing Office. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. cited in vols. 12-25. 'From .^prii, 1887, to September, 1894, two Arms publish?d the decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, namely, The L. K. Strouse Co., of New York City, and the Cooperative Publishing Co., of Rochester, N. Y. The Interstate Commerce Commission's decisions cite the different editions as follows: Vols. 1 to 5, The L. K. Strouse Co. edition; vols. 6 to 11, the Cooperative Publishing Co. edition; vols. 12 and subsequent, the Government Printing Othce edition. 574 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Interstate Commerce Commission Reports. (Decisions) — Continued. Vol- ume. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 «♦ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Period. .-f ■ TT-TTl^ : Jan., 1913-Apr., 1913 Apr., 1913-Juue, 1913 Apr., 1887-June, 1913, table of cases and opinions. June, 1913-Jan., 1914 Jan., 1914-Mar., 1914 Mar., 1914-June, 1914 June, 1914-Oct.,1914 Oct. , 1914-Feb. , 1915 Jan., 1915-May, 1915 Apr., 1915-July, 1915 June, 1915-July, 1915 July, 1915-Dec., 1915 Dec, 1915-Jan., 1916 Jan., 1916-Apr., 1916 Apr., 1916-May, 1916 May, 1916-July, 1916 July, 1916-Nov., 1916 Nov., 1916-Jan., 1917 Jan., 1917-Apr., 1917 Mar., 1917-May, 1917 Publisher. Government Printing Office. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Isthmian Canal Commission, Reports of. Annual report. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate. Volume. Document No. 1 1904 1905 1906 1907 190S 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 H.doc S.doc H.doc S.doc H.doc S.doc H. doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H. doc li. doc 74 11 51 10 33 33 22 30 226 2 3 127 144 4 55 5 6 1054 263 7 8 1030 162 9 f 162 31 10 ll 965 28-29 426 11 22-23, 27-28 24 1403 12 23 13 1498 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 575 Journals of the American Continental Congress, 1774-1788. X. Vol. 1. Sept. 5, 1774-Dec. 31, 1776. — Congress in session at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775, received depositions relative to the beginning of hostilities at Lexing- ton and Concord, Mass., Apr. 19, 1775 — George Washington appointed Com- mander in Chief of the American Army Jinie 15, 1775 — Pension system for disabled soldiers and sailors established Aug. 26, 1776 — Index. Vol. 2. Jan. I, 1777-July31, 1778. — The several States ordered to send to Congress their statute laws and the additions that may be made thereto, etc — Index. Vol. 3. Aug. 1, 1778-Mar. 30, 1782. — Executive and legislative business— Index. Vol. 4. Apr. 1, 1782-Nov. 1, 1788. — John Adams appointed commissioner to negotiate peace with Great Britain; definite treaty received by. Congress Dec. 30, 1783, and ratified Jan. 14, 17.85 — Appendix with proceedings of committees, etc., and delegates fiom the States met in Philatlclphia, and on Sept. 17, 1787, agreed upon the Constitution of the United States; State proclamations announcing the ratification — Index. Journals of the Congress of the Colonies.* Volume. Period. Remarks. Stam n act ■ 1765 1774-1789 1774-1776 1777-1778 1778-1782 1782-1789 1774-1778 1774-1781 1781-1786 1786-1788 Not documented. Do. Do. Do. Domestic afiairs, not mented. Foreign affairs, not mented . Do. Do. (Continental Journals 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Do Do Do • Journals, secret docu- Do docu- Do Do 1 Indian Congress, see Statesman's Manual, vol. iv, p. 18. 2 See Statesman's Manual, vol. iv, p. 30, and Bioran & Duane Statutes, vol. i, p. 10. Journals (Secret) of the (Continental) Congress of the Con- federation. 1775-1788. From the first Meeting thereof to the Dissolution of the Confederation by the Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Vol. 1. May 10, 1775-July 2, 1788.— Domestic affairs, pp. 9-279— History of the Con- federation, pp. 283-464. Vol. 2. Nov. 29, 1775-Aug. 16, 1781.— Foreign affairs, pp. 5-474— Supplement, pp. 475-587. Vol. 3. July 27, 1781-May 15, 1786.— Foreign affairs. Vol. 4. May 17, 1786-Sept. 16, 1788.— Foreign affairs. 576 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Journals of the Constitutional Convention. In a special message dated December 16, 1821, President Monroe stated that in pursuance of a resolution of March 27, 1818, "1,000 copies of the journals and acts of the Convention which formed the Constitution have been printed and placed at the disposal of Congress." This publication is not found among the numbered Congres- sional documents. It was published in Boston, 1819, by T. B. Wait, in one volume, octavo, under this title: "Journal, acts, and proceedings of the Convention assembled at Philadelphia, Monday, May 14, and dissolved Monday, September 17, 1787, which formed the Constitution of the United States." It is supposed to have been edited by John Quincy Adams, then Secretary of State. (Not in Senate Library.) CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 577 02 o o o ai m • o , ^..^ -H CJ CV 1 • c^ . IM • C^l • e^ • CO • CO > 3 tj Tti • -^ • rj* • -^ . .<)< • -*« • ■^ Docu- ment umbe S3 : ^ : ^ : g5 : " : ^ • CO 1 « : • Senate or House. o 1 u d • d d d • 8 o ■ o o ■ O o o "O : "o •d • T^ ■a 13 T! tn ; i£ oi '• m M !/j OT w d (N C '. "^ eq '• N ; ''^ • e>» • CI « o w-S! 1 CO 00 a QC '■ oo 00 ■ oo 00 00 • 00 lO ^ tr . in •o ■ lO lO »o »o CO a> .> 03 *J q c a; C CL» tH > K a *— 1 P a. o CJ cu rt c« * p 3 - , E a o a cc a ' C3 c^ w « V o n § i OC 1 tu e o o 5 ■2 1 § •3 "5 c o 'S •O T3 -O ■o u 5 -O t: t: 'Z rs M ■a -c •o -c -o 1 a s R fl r-t M c O Ph Ph U U 1-H r-i r-l .-H (N (N M ■^ -^ lO (M (N cc -^ -a* lo CO CO O ^ o CC CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO oc CO OC CO •oc OC oc oc a « 00 OC 00 00 00 1 . .. -. .^ .s 1 T- 1 ft l^ c^ r^ ■Tj' 00 I— * c. t^ -5< 00 o >— < I— ( C^ 3 i-H f( f( H s > ■g 2 !> 'oj s ft -i-^ o > C3 f^ ►? ;s s 1^ S ^ [i< < o s (in s o o s CD CC CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO -J OC oc oc 00 2 OC 00 oc CO a 00 00 00 00 o( oo 00 00 1 , I r-H 1-H "* '"' l-H •■^ t— ) f< i-H i-H a o 'T oc C33 o " 00 C3 .6 3 ) _ l-a ^ ^ i f^ [^ -< ^ p^ <1 « S I? Pm <; G S ^; 2 o ^ J3 < > . J3 t-. ^ E o 01 o o -o ■ n o «1 o o o o o O o C3 o O d o o 1 ■o -o "C i: ■c ■c t:. ■c •c X) "C ■c ■c ■o •o a 5 : Vol. t-i (M CO ■^ to CO r^ ti ^4 « •s ■» •o r^ M m ■» M N jH «» to ■m m a w« 6i8 i-i f-H e* «-4 N O to 49183—18- -37 578 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. * Vol. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Period covered. Sept. 5-Oct. 26.. May 10-Sept. 20. Sept. 21-Dec. 30. June 1-4 June 5-Oct. 8 Oct. 9-Dec. 31. . Jan. 1-May 21 1777 May 22-Oct. 2 Oct. 3-Dec. 31 Jan. 1-May 1 May 2-Sept. 1 Sept. 2-Dec. 31.. Jan. 1-Apr. 22. . Apr. 23-Sept. 1 . Sept. 2-Dec. 31.. Jan. 1-May 5 May 8-Sept. 6... Sept. 7-Dec.29.. Jan. 1-Apr. 23.. Apr. 24-July26. July23-Dec. 31. Jan. 1-Aug. 8 Aug. 12-Dec. 31. Year. Seats of Congress. 1774 Philadelphia, Pa. 1775 Do. 1775 Do. 1776 Do. 1776 Do. 1776 Baltimore, Md., Dec. 30, 1876, to Mar. 4, 1877. 1777 Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 4, 1877. 1777 Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 27, 1877. 1777 York, Pa., Sept. 30, 1877. 1778 Do. 1778 York, Pa., Philadelphia, Pa 28, 1877. i., June 1778 Philadelphia, Pa. 1779 Do. 1779 Do. 1779 Do. 1780 Do. 1780 Do. 1780 Do. 1781 Do. 1781 Do. 1781 Do. 1782 Do. 1782 Do. ' Edited from the original records in tlie Library of Congress. " The earliest printed volume of the Journal of the Continental Congress was for the session held at Phila- delphia, Sept. 5, 1774; it was printed at Philadelphia by William and Thomas Bradford, 1774. An edition for the same session was immediately issued by Hugh Gaine, New York, 1774. Two later Journals were printed in Philadelphia by William and Thomas Bradford in 1775 and 1776, respectively. This ended the publication of the Journals by the Bradfords, and as their work had become unsatisfactory on account of their delay in printhag, another printer was employed who could execute the work more expeditiously. Robert Aitken then printed the Journals for a time, beginning where the Bradfords left off. Under the sanction of a committee of Congress, but not by Congress itself, Aitken published the Journal in monthly subdivisions from Jan. to May, 1776. This was completed in Oct., 1776. " Meantime on Sept. 26, 1776, the Continental Congress ordered that Aitken be employed to reprint the Journals from the begiiming, with all possible expedition, and to continue to print the same. Aitken was further directed to purchase from the Bradfords such parts of the Journals as they had printed, but not yet published, to be paid for by the Congress. Under this order and by direction of the printing committee, Aitken issued in 2 v. his new edition of the Journals. With these volumes began the authorized edition. " CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 579 03 n a> Pi A O ta 1— t 03 d O x: M 'C C3 » ft -S kl O 2 C3 EH 1-4 eg ^ a" ft o •? 1 2 m =o J ratifie 'irginia M m wa dent, 4 g '53 B o ^ g. ft c w 03 ■» T3 ^ >> g '^ 1 =5 'S ID a v^ B o « ID a d 3 a Z "2 T3 S ^5 a H '^ "O s _ C US -' itutio: y sepa -V 1-H §■ S K J«) 1 1 t^ a CO ^ CO ■-j c O t- I<. ti •— uo ti CO '5 « O 3 CO .- TT «0 >> 05 IN •-H i: -c <^ fl ■4^ (^ CM t^ t^ OS CO IS- CO ■c ■S a. » ft ft ft ft a p. a ft j: M ft ft ft ft o ft ft ft (- ^ T o "3 "3 'c3 o3 S "S "5 ■3' § X) >^ +^ e p e a "g c K a -c .2 o o o o S o IH i rr~ CO pQ >-s 1-^ 1-5 H, CJ H- t— Hj i c s =3 CO "3 "es "3 '3 •f^ "3 "3 "3 c3 +j ■1- -^ ■*H> ■►- -f^ -1- & i^ M £ a i § s § E a ■5 s E £ £ £ 1 E £ £ a 3 o w o si .a Appen Appen ^ Supple Supple Supple Supple ft g CO fl ID ft £ M 1= 1 3 CO 2 ^ e3 ft ^ c c c a o 2 "^ c c c c p 1 O C c c C c c 6J c 1 3 C c c c C c c •C -c ■e -c c •d •c ■e t; 'C -c ■c ■e ■e ■C 'C -e •c ■a ft 03 ■? o I— f (M ro -T »o o ,_ ~~|^ cc cr- Q I-H IN CO ■f iC a= ,, O) cc O: f" o- OT 05 O: CT di 03 o: OT o O o o o I^ t^ t^ r-* IT- 1- 1^ v. Q( ^ ^ a M cu tM > . > < u > ^ Ut > ^ > . >H (« t-. ^ C 3 a 03 03 03 i-5 03 03 a c: IS 03 03 c 3 ^ C3 ft > o o 13 ^ S :s S 1-5 ;^ S 3 1-5 3 i-s 1^ S ^ s s S 151 <1 ;^ < OS o o rH « CO ■^ >0 CO t- r- 00 O! 1-H e^ CO ■s- lO o r- o OD OJ 05 C cs OJ O) 03 CJ 05 Ol o 05 o o o l>. t^ t^ t-- t~ t^ t^ 1~ r- 1- 1- I- t- « 0& 00 'C 1 .-H f-H I— 1 rH cH »-H •-H 1—1 r- i-i f—t 1 ''I' TT ■J> ■^ lO ~ IM CO t-- trs irj CO CO IN r^ r- to t-. "3 IN ^ ^ co" S O > o a > " 5: a a U- o c •«-^ > O o -t^ CJ a> CJ o « o O) « C3 o w > M rt f-H o CO rH c< f-H N I-H « 1-i M CO f~t « fH N rH C4 1-H IN f-H aj 3 M-3 •-* CS "5 '^f i£3 CO t^ CO cn o f-H O a ^ « 6 s t- 0) a -a ^ 3 ft M ,Q - ^ "» bo 2? « .9 M O rt — O ■§ « a -ii .a " oT ^ g ■* "3 .S >H .a o a m 1 2.2 O *3 S .2 t. C3 "i-i S ?6 3 2 frt "" 53 ^ 03 o.g >> w (- cl .2 ft 5 ft £ -« ^«5 .a -^ -V -M O - If S'y ft »-• .^ tH O IH O w ,s » > ^ 5 .C o -^^ ta .a .a a 5 2 cn a> 2 a 43| s > .H ^ " 03 V 1- ft a o a> 43 flj c^ '^ « == s a o I' W^-2 a) 43 <" .S *^ » +3—2 -s o ft 22 fc .ti •5 >< M iS II « .sa "3 cn -. a R OI •C Ml .a °3 (-1 Lh o ^ a; H 03 O - o a-« 03 j3 CO ■^ 00 ■O f-1 .^ cn •a-S 580 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. o O > PI 03 ;3 O 43 Cm O CQ -^ O »-9 ■o o u o fin Pi m o 03 a a 03 P. ft a o ft 3 a' a o ft ft ■o n n C3 r^ t— , '03 03 g CO o- ro 00 f 'T' ft ft ft Lh ^ CJ T3 TS h O O **-i O o m a O o 03 p S ft M I .3 X •r n 3 cr I ft j. "a a 3 O ft ft < I ^ ft 03 ft a " § .2 a s t3 ft o "CI el 3 P Urn M CO M a* 0) 3. 3 I I 2 l-H 00 rrj T ?2 I s s i f^ ft ^^ ft s § 1 1 «^ ►? ^ I ■3 « 2 o p ° 03 03 CO a a g Si S ■■' ft "ft M ft ft 2 3 3 03 13 P I ft ft CO Oi ft ft 03 3 ►-I ■M a 'p -d P 03 P 1-H OO O CO »0 CI O OO ft ft ft ft "2 ft '^. ft ■O tJ t3 'O b »-« ^ . o o o "5 «t-t ».-( ».-i P P o CO «3 o OJ 3 3 & & 1 I C5 in en 00 .1 I t- m d. o 03 3 & I o QJ cu ,3^ W W o ft 3 p 03 be .g p 3 3 P P § i so M a p 03 03 ? ft ft ft ft ft Pi ft ft ft ft ft ft ft CO m K rn en 03 S o O o _o _o CO CO Cy fl 03 03 03 03 t3 T3 t3 3 a i )-( M M p ft s ft a 03 03 ft •V ft 3 O O 1 en y, P ■a -o p p c3 03 M be P P T3 P P P 02 CO ■ I M X X 03 03 03 •73 -O T) 73 to M I I u CD <0 Id t:) ►s >g 5 5 O ; ; ; ; « : : : : p" • • • ■ o • ■ • ■ +-).•.. 6B . . . . •g o o o o •g -O t3 Id -O C3 ooooooooooooooo 'C 'O T3 'O '^ "O 'O 'd t3 'd 'd 'O XJ 'd 'd o o o o o o n3 'O 13 'CJ 'd n3 Oi Ol O »-< Cfl O O •-< -^ -H OO 00 00 00 OO CO CO -^ »o ^ OOOO^IMCO-1">OCO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO r^ 00 OS o f-( X)OOOOGOOO GCCOGOGOOOOO >>»>ot> f;^dQ^6c:5d>:c>>do66d <6 cS di <6 zS 6 2;S.;z;ftZ zSftMftfifi:z;ft;z;ftftftftft ftftftftfifi "o CO I^ t~ r^ 00 00 O 05 03 o l-t 1-H 1-i CO 1-1 l-H 1-t CO 1-1 1-1 00 1~i OJ rH s S ?^ CO CM CM ^ CO CM • > 2§ (N f— t IM CO l-H « .-. IM CO 1— ( N 1-* C-^ 1-* (N 1— ( CM 1-i CM rH CM I— 1 CM iH CM 1-t O T-1 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 581 c3 a o _o ft ft '-ri c3 n rK lyi •a nn OJ ^ to TO rrj to ■■0 ^ CO O Ol CO CO f7> to r^ .— t 1 T in ,=> CO CO to CO to CM •-I rH •A CO ( in 1 ni IM 1 I.-5 1 o 1 IN 1 (rt 1 CO ,h to 1 (N 1 >o 1 (XI !S F-H •o rp CO 1 CO to .-H CO 1 to 1 »-H CM ..^ 1— 1 (—1 »-« t— 1 to lO t-4 >-i CO fH itl T-l o s to o r-* *-l l-H & ft t* ft 05 ;S n', p4 --0 ft ft •-I ft lO ft to ft -»« ft ■^ a to ft 1^ ft tt> Pi UJ Pi p< ft ft ft ft <»" -r ft ft ft P- ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Pi ft p. U) a (-. ft L-< ft o ft ^ t-l P. ^ ft u ft (H ft k* ft K> ft M ft t_ ft U. ft OJ OJ a) a; ni CJ 01 n> O) (1) n> Ui Ti h •rt •rt fcH ft Or •^ t~, •rt •rt •rt L- •rt •rt Ui •rt ^ Ti U ■rt t-l •rt t-l Ti b« *i Ui P. -2 1- >- t^ 1:. dJ L3 Ol Tl n •rt o ■rt o •rt •rt o o TJ o n o ■^ o •rt rt •rt n •o fn •rt •rt o S i n o n ui o ^ o o o o o o o 1-1 o o o o *r! 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X ■3 a t-H o c O "ca t- :r 1 o o V. o CO -I" 3 O "^ 3 s 2 o ■*^ w i ■ T3 1 § f=H •3 s o y. raittees, etc. edings of speci ds of impeach se, Nov. 30, 18 g i fc-t o ft t-H c: C bJO "^ o 1 1 »fc- C K -c c H 5? ><; d cJ o o d o S' -c c d c ■c 3 c c d a u "2 .t.J ^J .tJ -*-» +-3 ^.^ zr c o; +J +j 4- .«— H- o .= ft c 1^ .^ ^' a 0^ Qj u Qj a> " vT c/T wT tn* wT u q; (U a a. cr cr at c cr ry5 ^ o £^ -t— +- +j •*- 4- H.i O) 03 c-i c <:. O O CJ o a a c c c C c C Clh PC o e^ 3 a <1 < <^ -^ <^ <^ Pi <1 < •< ^ r— 1 X X .a ^ "3 O O -O "O i: 73 -3 T3 •E ™ ■c t: •c ■c CO •c ■c •3 a c e C a c c c: C e c c ;:; c c c c • c c a a. Q. Oj (I) o a 0, a a 0^ O) a a^ c 0. 0. a 03 a a. R C i a ft u-, ft ft ft ft E « c .< ft - a c u a c - C C - a a & ft P, P. O ft ft ft ft ft C .< ft ft c M ft a a c « t^ a a a <^ <; < 0^ ft I? o: 2 a ^ o c < : Si 3 c "a •c o c C O c o c c o c £ c c c c ^ •e s t3 'C TJ ■c ■e ■e ■e ■o -0 o; ■^ ■3 •3 ■3 •3 O O o 1 f^ r^ W t^ r- t~ i^ ^ 1- i^ « at a t— « v.. 1 -^ c^ cc c/T (M C5 oc ^ oz c ^ CO CO CO CO 1- CO 00 10" O c: I-H CM c^ CM H ■4^ 9, t ) u !;►. t- c u- c 3 Lh > . > ^ C > ^ tl > . t-i (m L-. Ut V~t L. > o d c3 c 03 ca 3 3 e3 03 03 03 03 c! 03 B . c a s S s ;3 Hi 1^ S S S s S S s s ■< s < O o s T-H />* M ■^ to « t- »^ 00 ti ~i •-^ oo to ~~o r^ o Ol d Ci ai OS Oi CI o o= 05 OJ en S . o 8 t— t- r- 1- l^ t^ t- r-- t>- i-^ r-. r^ 00 c^ 00 OC' t-i 1 »-t 1— 1 fH ^ t— ( •— ' •H tH I— 1 ^ ^H 1— 1 I-H 1-* Pi s -^ ■^ '-C -r lO O > o u > » r* d d >■ « d 4-> > ci d 4J c: 0) o o a> O o tu c3 o a> a> O OJ 0^ o O « at c> C3 o iz; ft ^ ft ft S ;?; ft ft ^ ft ft o ^ ft ft •3 > »— ( i-H T-H rH I-H (N (M CM CM CM C-) CM CO CO CO CO 00 CO ■^ Tft ■^ ^§ t-i W CO rt (N ^ M I-H CM »-( CM CO ^H C "a 03 ^3 d ft 3 '(-< a ?? ■3 a 03 a 4-t a <1> a 0] 0^ is -4^ 1? 03 (1> >■ •3 a t/, t- 4^ a in d a d O) •^ X2 x: , T' at a> J3 ?-H ■i-J 03 Ct d! at a 3 •3 g Si a it- <>— £ a 3 a at a a 4-J a p "03 a -3 3 60 a n 3 3 60 a -i-i X! > rt k- £ en 3 a Si 1 -d ♦J S-i XJ a 03 a a & 13 tr 03 Si at Si x: a a 3 d ^ » ■^ at -n «3 r1 ^ r! ^ * a s •a ■3 3 ^ I-, ■3 +-> Ci U. © at r! >. x: Lh --^ a X^ X! O) a cfi at ^ fy ^ •3 ■3 « s: ^ a -3 C3 3 a 03 03 x: XJ at t/j 'n x: H-t I-< at ■3 a X3 x: a 03 S r> a at a feO (i; 2 t? ■^ S at x: H a OJ M .1.J r: a 2 a g 1 a tn (_ au 3 Ol ■« » 3 x: •3 CS > -3 y^ en c8 a a a 6 >> X! 2 XI a c3 03 P & a 'T' Kf -t-^ r*— at i .^^ a 2 r- Ct •7-1 ft XI r! 03 H ""* n1 > d^ <-> a a CM c3 3 a I-H hr - CM a r3 •3 0) 00 d 1^ a ^ ;:^ a « 3 si fl a a a d 1 +-> 3 *^ ^ CJ •5 03 > C/J 586 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. o O eg d (D w a! d d o 2 Xi lU M IS > o o _o s> I o t^ i ^ ■a w d o .23 Id C3 V "53 6 i?5 CO a o en .iij ?^ l-s a OS >-» "3 a O a .3 en a; T3 a) a .a 4J 1 l-s ii 03 •- .g •d o ft o .2 d t3 d ■< o d .2 C3 13 s a C3 .a n o S a S3 to CO d .2 '-^ a CK) 3 g .g s CO 03 .a s on Indian t on treaty wi 3 03 d .4. ft ■ a T 1 w li o 0) r-^ <^ .a § d d CO c3 c3 t- T-l w 00 .* ^ m Qj a; ft ft • .3 .13 l-H c 3 .— ft ft 3 03 1 fe ft o d o o o ft ft C3 "oS d Tt« o 1 u a d +j a> a ri U H 1 o C3 .2 .2 CO +J 0* > > .2 o o 1^ a ■4^ 3 d "' Q 3 3 o o CO 0) a .2 "3 .9 s •a 8 .g .2 .s y, a. .a X — Special x; also res S £ "3 "3 3 ft 3 o X w 1 3 o X W 1 T) T3 •rt •d a) ■« T) y. y. X > aj ni IV o ft hH u rn U 03 T) Tl '0 Tt ■n -O TS Ti ■rt ■3 w TS 1 1 1 uT .3 .3 fl .g a .g .y !-• .s .a d d .a o o o o o o C> o o o o •n T) T3 ■rt T) -d "d CJ T3 -d Tl T-l •3 . 0) « 7 w m r/i w rf) t« m rn f/i rn M rn w OT W t/j w OT Zn r/3 CO to CO zn -M ■*-> -«-> ■*^ -^ V3 ■s <» o o O o O o o CJ o C) CJ f) Cj o f) CJ <■) O O c3 o t> CJ z> 1 <: < < *< <; <1 a: g T a ;^ kk -•d 1 .a 1 ft .a ft •a ■xi T3 •c ■o T) ■o ■o T3 ■d T) ■a ■d ■d ■o T3 T3 13 -d ■« ■3 T3 ■3 ■^ >J- c a C □ a a a c a « C G a a c CJ ^ a d d 3 -^ G d d d -^ a; tu q; O) OJ a) a. 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O C3 Oh d '5' M C3 ■S ^ 00 .:i > c c3 D 03 .a A ,, ft 2 o a c3 g a si B a d 2 03 2 m o> tH ^ >o ^1^ ft ft ft i^ ho be .a -a 00 -^ i & 1, tl » !3 1:3 L- " o3 t3 ft ft > > 3 3 a) QJ > .3 .3 ■:-• •3 tS i =) 3 is 03 03 o C3 o C-t '^ .3 ■3 t- O C3 m o ft xi '-9 w a) ^ CD It OJ ■3 3 "3 o S '" £ ® o ft '^ ft tZ3 W M X i L ■ o) 0^ o> a:) ■3 -3 -3 -3 .3 .3 .3 .5 ■n -7:^ Ti "^ C C C 3 03 c3 03 c3 ft '4 03 d t-4 ,—t Xi •-' -t; t4 03 •3 a ■3 rr u t3 3 ^ 3 3 w 3 jH m ft 3 o .2 'o v ft m I o 2; ■3 3 03 O ^ 3 ■3 iJ 3 2 S Ph O .2 -r 6 i' w ft ft a 3 00 ^ o -v S t» ::! 3 C3 3 e ft ft — — & t3 03 ■3 3 03 3 ft ft a ft 3 OT d •- 03 .3 -3 1-. -tj S Ph « o g (M ft ft 3 03 03 I I K 03 03 -3 0) ft ft I . I X X i«! 03 03 a> ■3 -3 -3 •3 3 PS c3 3 03 C — — 3 3 ft ■3 2 a 03 03 •3 -3 3 3 •3 73 3 3 c3 03 ■3 . =! 3 03 3 -3 3 •3 a ■3 3 c8 I a g 03 -^ > 03 03 3 03 X 2 x w S w 03 03 03 ■3 -d -3 3 a 3 (y C3 OJ .a ■3 3 ft ft ■< 03 o O <1 -M +-> -M U3 c/1 en 03 03 ! 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Oi Ol OJ OJ a> aj CJ a> ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Ph ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft a ft ft <1 < <^ < ^ ►-^ d 3 oJ O o 03 < <; S 2; O a -^ (., (h ^ S IS .o CO on Ol Ol o ,_, ^ (M lO CD I^ n (-> o !-> I-H 1—1 r-t 1— ( 02 l-H Ol Ol Ol Ol OS I— 1 Ol 1—1 OS i-H Oi •^ co~ (m" t^ I— ( o •o" '^'^ TjT ■^ t-*" 1— f r^ ccT -qT lo" fj oj I-' cJ fj l-i cJ 6 to o o fj b a> a) B 72 207 86 359 590 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES' SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 31. Betterment of industrial conditions, by V. H. Olmsted Present status of employers' liability in the United States, by S. D. Fessenden. Condition of railway labor in Italy, by Dr. Luigi Einaudi No. 32. Accidents to labor as regulated by law in the United States, by W. F. Willoughby Prices of commodities and rates of wages in Manila The Negroes of Sandy Spring, Md.: A social study, by W. T. Thorn, Ph. D. . . The British workmen's compensation act and its operation, by A. M. Low No. 33. Foreign labor laws: Australasia and Can- ada, by W. F. Willoughby The British conspiracy and protection of property act and its operation, by A. M. Low No. 34. Labor conditions in Porto Rico, by Azel Ames, M. D Social economics at the Paris Exposition, by Prof. N. P. Gilman The workmen's compensation act of Hol- land No. 35. Cooperative communities in the United States, by Rev. Alexander Kent The Negro landholder of Georgia, by W. E. B. DuBois, Ph. D No. 36. Statistics of cities No. 37. Railway employees in the United States, by Samuel McCune Lindsay The Negroes of Litwalton, Va., by Wil- liam Taylor Thom No. 38. I>abor conditions in Mexico, by Walter E. Weyl The Negroes of Louisiana, by J. Bradford Laws No. 39. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1901 d o ^56 56 ■57 House or Senate document. II. doc. H. do(5. H.doc. H J2 S 12; 86 359 315 95 377,1-6 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 597 Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. o d o House or Senate document. i "o > No. 40 Present condition of the hand-working and domestic industries of Germany, by H. J. Harris 57 >57 58 ■57 58 1 2 Sp. 2 2 H.doc... U.doc... S. doc... H.doc... H.doc... 95 90 1 90 75 No. 41. Labor conditions in Cuba, by V. S. Clark. . Beef prices, by F. C. Croxton 377. 1-6 No. 42. Statistics of cities Labor conditions in Cuba No. 43. Report on anthracite-coal strike No. 44. Italian bureau of labor statistics, etc Factory sanitation and labor protection, bv C F. W. Doehring Statistics of cities, errata, etc i No. 45. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1902 Dio'est of foreien nublications 370, 1-2 Decisions of courts, etc Labor laws of various States No. 46. Report of Anthracite Coal Strike Com- mission 6 No 47 Labor reDort. Hawaii, etc No. 48. Editorial note, farm colonies of Salvation Army Nesroes of Xenia, Ohio No 49 Statistics of manufactures in Massachu- setts, sixteenth annual report, etc Cost of living 370, 3-5 Labor in N ew Zealand Agreements Decisions of courts, etc No. 50. Labor unions and British industry, A.M. Low Land values in Philadelphia, by Davies... Afreements etc No. 51. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1903 Union of coal-mine workers, by F. J. Warne etc 343, 1-3 No. 52. Child labor in United States, by Hannah R. Sewall Agreements, decisions and laws, etc 598 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Lpadinjj articles in numbers of the Bull?1in. No. 53. Wages and cost of living ' Agreements, etc No. 54. The working of .United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Labor bureaus of foreign countries "Strikes and lockouts in United States, 1881-1890 Wages, 1890-1903 Cost of living Housing of working people in United States by employers Public baths Trade education Labor legislation No. 55. Child labor, editorial note Building and loan associations in United States ■Revival of handicrafts in America, etc No 56. Influence of trade union.-^ on immigrants, by Carroll D . Wright Labor conditions in Australia, by Victor S. Clark, Ph. D Agreements between employers and em- ployees Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics: Massachusetts Digest of recent foreign statistical publi- cations : Strikes and lockouts — A ustria France ." . Germany Great Britain Italy Netherlands Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1896 o o 58 }58 House or Senate document. a 3 H.doc. g 5 76 343, 4-6 H. doc. 80 368, 13 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 599 Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 57. Course of wholesale prices, 1890 to 1904. . Street railway emi>loynient in the United States, by Walter E. Weyl, Ph. D State Cooperative Accident Insurance Fund of Maryland Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics: New York Ohio Statistics of manufactures in Massachu- setts: Seventeenth Annual Report Digest of recent foreign statistical publica- tions Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1904 No 58. Labor conditions in the Philippines, by Victors. Clark, Ph. D Labor conditions in Java, by Victor S. Clark, Ph. D The new Russian workingmen's compen- sation act, by I. M. Rubinow Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics: Connecticut Maine Virginia Digest of recent foreign statistical publi- cations Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1904 ° . No. 59. Wages and hours of labor in manufactur- ing industries, 1890 to 1904 Retail prices of food, 1890 to 1904 , Laws relating to child labor in European countries Digest of recent reports of State bureaus of labor statistics a o O 58 3 58 House or Senate document. H. doc H. doc. B a > 80 81 Q a 368, 1-3 386, 4- G 600 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY' OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the IJullctin. a 8 a •i 1 House or i § Senate 1 . § document. o > B No 59. Digest of recent foreign statistical publi- cations \ Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1, 1904 No. GO. Government industrial arbitration . The eight-hour law and enforced labor contracts in the Panama Canal Zone 58 3 11. doc... 81 386, 4 6 Digest of recen t reports of State bureaus of labor statistics Digest of recent foreign statistical j^ibli- cations Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States relating to labor enacted since January 1 , 1904 No 61 . Labor conditions in Porto Rico The early organizations of printers Digest of recent labor statistics Statistics of manufactures in Massachu- setts: Eighteenth Annual Report Digest of foreign statistical publications. . . 59 3 H.doc... 81 386 Decisions of courts affecting labor Laws of various States since January 1, 1904 Cumulative index of labor laws and de- cisions relating thereto No. 62. Municipal ownership in Great Britain Conciliation in the stove industry Laws on the employment of children in the United States Digest of labor statistics Digest of foreign statistical publications. . . Decisions of courts affecting labor 59 1 H. doc... 93 592, 1-3 State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No 63. Workingmen's insurance Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1905 Digest of labor statistics Digest of foreign statistical publications. . . CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SEN.\TE. 601 Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading artielos in niitnbprs of the Bulli'tin. OQ a a 3 \ '& CO 1 i 1 1 2 House or Senate document. E 1 3 o > 93 94 94 99 a 3 \o fi3. Decisions of courts affecting labor 59 59 '59 59 i n.doc... H.doc... n.doc... H.doc... State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 64. Conditions of living among the poor Benefit features of British trade unions Digest of labor statistics 592, 1-H Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since Januarj', 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 65. Wages and hours of labor in manufacturing industries, 1890-1905 .*. . . Retail prices of food, 1890-1905 Digest of labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions 592, 4-6 No. 66. Third report of the Commissioner of Labor on Hawaii No. 67, Conditions of entrance to the principal trades Cost of industrial insurance in the District of Columbia Digest of labor statistics 592, 4-6 Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor. . . State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No 68. Free public employment offices in the United States . Laws of foreign countries relating to em- ployees on railroads Digest of labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics 715, 1-3 Opinions of the Attorney General affecting labor Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions 602 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articlos in numbers of the Bulletin. o No. 69. Wholesale prices, 1890-1906 Digest of labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 70. The Italian on the land A short history of labor legislation in Great Britain The British workmen's compensation acts. British workmen's compensation act of 1906 Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 71 . Wages and hours of labor in manufacturing industries, 1890-1906 Retail prices of food, 1890-1908 Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 72. Unskilled immigrant laborers in the United States Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws affecting labor since 1904. . Index of labor laws and decisions No. 73. Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January 1, 1904 Index of laws relating to women and children 59 60 a o w CO House or Senate document. H.doc. H. doc . B 3 "o > a a iz; 99 715, 1-3 57 580 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 603 Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continiiod. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 73. Index of laws relating to inspection of fac- tories, health, and safety Index of labor laws and decisions Index to volume 15 No. 74. Employers' liability in the United States. . Foreign workmen's compensation acts. . . . Bi'itish trade disputes acts, 1906, 1907. . . . State labor statistics Foreign labor statistics Opinions of Attorney General on labor Decisions of courts affecting labor No. 75. \ATiolesale prices, 1890-1907 Industrial hygiene Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January 1, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 76. Canadian industrial disputes investiga- tion act of 1907 - . What is done for the unemployed in the European countries. Digest of State labor statistics Digest of labor statistics (foreign) Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January 1, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions Index to volume 16 No. 77. Wages and hours of labor, 1890-1907 Retail prices of food, 1890-1907. . Compensation for injuries of artisans and laborers in the service of the United States : Cost of living in the principal towns of Great Britain Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions be a o O 60 >60 60 60 House or Senate document. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. a "3 > •Q a 3 57 580 58 587 58 587 U.doc. 85 1016, 1 604 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 78. Industrial accidents Mexican labor in the United States Cost of living in the principal industrial towns of the German Empire British old-age pension act of 1908 Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign labor statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January 1, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 79. Mortality from consumption in dusty trades Charity relief and wage earnings Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign labor statistics Opinions of Attorney General on labor Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since Janilary, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 80. Woman and child wage earners in Great Britain Minimum wage act, 1908, New South Wales Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign labor statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January 1, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions No. 81. Wholesale prices, 1890-1908 Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statist ics Decisions of courts affecting labor. State labor la-ws since January, 1904 Index of labor laws i.iid decisions No. 82. Mortality from consumption in occupa- tions exposing to municipal and general organic dust Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor State labor laws since January 1, 1904 Index of labor laws and decisions Index to volume 18 bo a o o 60 ,60 60 House or Senate document. H.doc. H. doc. II. doc. S 3 85 1016,2 85 1016,;^ 86 1527,1-3 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 605 Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 83. Women's trade-uuion movement in Great Britain Cost of living in the principal industrial towns of France Earnings and hours of labor in British tex- tile industries Digest of State labor statistics Digest of foreign statistics Decisions of courts affecting labor Index No. 84. Accidents to railroad employees in New Jersey, 1888 to 1907, by F. S. Crum The Minnesota iron ranges, by G. O. Vir- tue, Ph. D No. 85. Review of labor legislation of 1908 and 1909, by Lindley D. Clark, A. M., LL. M. Laws of various States relating to labor, enacted since Jan. 1, 1908 No. 86. Canadian industrial disputes investiga- tion act of 1907, by Victor S. Clark, Ph.D :. Phosphorus poisoning in the match indus- try in the United States, by John B. Andrews, Ph. D List of industrial poisons Publications of International Association for Labor Legislation No. 87. WTiolesale prices, 1890 to March, 1910 No. 88. Cost of living of families of moderate in- come in Germany in 1907-8 No. 89. Child-labor legislation in Europe, by C. W. A. Veditz, Ph. D No. 90. Fatal accidents in coal mining, by Fred- erick L. Hoffman Recent action concerning accident com- pensation, by Lindley D. Clark, A. M., LL. M Foreign workmen 's compensation acts Cost of industrial accident insurance, by Miles M. Dawson Cj o 5? *« a o m 61 61 61 61 House or Senate document. E ■3 > S D 2 I H.doc.l 84 182,1 H. doc. 84 H.doc. 182, 2.-:i 85 896, 1-3 H. doc. 94 1025.1-3 606 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. Congress. d o House or Senate document. > S No. 91. Working hours of wage-earning women in Chicago, by Marie L. Obenauer Labor laws declared unconstitutional, 1)y Lindley D. Clark, A. M., LL. M lleview of labor legislation of 1910, by Lindley D. Clark, A. M., LL. M Laws of various States relating to labor. ■01 3 H. doc... 94 1025, 1-3 enacted since Jan. 1, 1910 0No. 92. Industrial accidents in Germany, by Henry J. Harris, Ph. D Workmen 's compensation insurance : Laws and bills, 1911, by Lindley D. Clark, A. M., LL. M No. 93. Wholesale prices, 1S90 to 1910, and report of British Board of Trade on Cost of Liv- ing in England and Wales, Germany, France, Belgium, and the United States, >61 3 H.doc... 95 1436, 1-3 decisions of courts affecting labor No. 94. Fourth report of Commissioner of Labor on Hawaii 90 Nos. 95-97, July-Nov., 1911, v. 23. 3 pts 165 Nos. 98-100, Jan. -May, 1912, v. 24. 3 pts 91 166 No. 101. Care of tuberculous wage earners in Germany (Workmen's insurance and compensation, series 1) 92 853 No. 102. British national insurance act, 1911 (Workmen 's insurance and compensa- tion, series 2) 92 918 J / No. 103. Sickness and accident insurance law of Switzerland (Workmen's insurance and comnensation, series 3) 62 .... H.doc... 92 919 No. 104. Lead poisoning in potteries, etc. (Indus- trial accidents and hygiene, series 1) . . 93 920 No. 105. Retail prices, 1890-1911 (Retail prices and cost of living, series 1). 2 pts 94 921 No. 106. Retail prices, 1890-June, 1912 (Retail prices and cost of living, series 2) . 2 pts. 95 922 No. 107. Law relating to insurance of salaried . employees in Germany (Workmen's insurance and compensation, series 4). 92 924 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 607 Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. t a 6 d o 1 House or Senate document. i > IM £1 .Q ■ s 3 No. 108. Retail prices, 1890-Aug., ]')12 (Retail prices and cost of living, series 3) 62 .... H.doc... 96 925 No. 109. Statistics of unemployment and the work of employment offices in the United States 87 88 984 No. 110. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1912 1188 No. 111. LaVjor legislation in 1912 89 1189 No. 112. Decisions of courts and opinions affect- ing labor, 1912 92 1402 No. 113. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1912... J 91 1457 No. 114. WTiolesale prices, 1890 to 1912 93 14r9 No. 115. Retail prices, 1890 to February, 1913....; * 91 14C0 No. 116. Hours, earnings, and duration of em- \ ployment of wage-earning women in selected industries in the District of Columbia 62 3 H.doc... 94 1461 No. 117. Prohibition of night work of young per- sons 1 90 1462 No. 118. Ten-hour maximum working day of | women and voune persons 90 1463 No. 119. Working hours of women in the pea can- neries of Wisconsin 90 95 1467 No. 120. Hygiene of the painters' trade 1477 No. 121. Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer 1 91 1478 No. 122. Employment of women in power laun- dries in Milwaukee 94 90 1479 No. 123. Employers' welfare work 1480 No. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the build- ing trades of Greater New York 96 1481 No. 125. Retail prices, 1890 to April , 1913 91 1482 No. 126. Workmen's compensation laws of the United States and foreign countries.. 114 301 No. 127. Dangers to workers from dust and fumes. • and methods of protection 116 302 No. 128. Wages and hours of labor in the cotton, woolen , and silk industries, 1890 to 1912 . 63 2 H.doc... ,117 303 No. 129. Wages and hours of labor in the lumber. millwork, and furniture industries. 1890 to 1912 ^ 117 304 No. 130. Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer 122 405 608 CATALOGUE OF TJBRAin OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. O O d o 1 House or Senate document. 6 3 "o > Number. No 131. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, 132. 1907 to 1912 117 122 406 No. Retail prices, 1890 to June, 1913 407 No. 133. Report of the Industrial Council of the British Board of Trade on its incjuiry 134. into industrial agree Wages and hours of lab jments 124 422 No. or in the boot and shoe and hosiery and knit goods in- 135. dustries, 1890 to 19] Wages and hours of lab L2 117 423 No. or in the cigar and clothing industries, 1911 and 1912 118 424 No. 136. Retail prices, 1890 to August, 1913 122 427 No. 137. Wages, etc., in building railroad cars, 1890-1912 118 728 No. 138. Retail prices, 1890 to October, 1913 123 729 No 139 Michigan copper district strike 124 741 No. 140. Retail prices, 1890 to December, 1913 123 742 No. 141. Lead poisoning in smelting and refin- ing of lead 116 764 No. 142. Administration of labor laws, etc., in 63 2 H.doc. European countries 125 905 No. 143. Union scale of wages, etc., May 15, 1913 . . . 118 90b No. 144. Industrial court of , cloak, etc., industry, New York City . . . 1?4 907 No. 145. Conciliation, etc., in industry, New York Wages, etc., in dress dress and waist City 124 908 No. 146. and waist indus- try, New York City 118 939 No. 147. Wages, etc., in cloak industry, etc 119 940 No. 148. Labor laws of United States, etc. (parti). . 126 941 No. 148. Labor laws of United States, etc. (part 2). . 127 941 No •149 Wholesale prices, 1890-1913 129 1051 No. 150. Wages and hours of labor in cotton in- dustry, etc., 1907-1913 119 1052 No. 151. Wages and hours of labor in iron and steel industry, 1907-1912 120 1053 No. 152. Decisions of courts and opinions affect- 153. ing labor, 1913>s 128 1054 No. Wages and hours of labor in lumber in- dustry, etc., 1907-19 13 121 1055 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. 609 Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. No. 154. Wages and hours of labor in boot and shoe industry, etc., 1907-1913 No. 155. Compensation for accidents to employ- ees of United States, 1908-1913 No. 156. Retail prices, 1907 to December, 1914 (retail prices and cost of living) No. 157. Iniustrial accident statistics (indus- trial accidents and hygiene) No. 158. Government aid to home owning, etc., of working people abroad No. 159. Short-unit courses for wage earners, etc. . No. 160. Hours, earnings, etc., of women in In- diana mercantile establishments, etc . . No. 161. Wages, etc., in clothing and cigar in- dustries, 1911-1913 No. 162. Industrial survey of Richmond, Va., for vocational education No. 163. Wages and hours of labor in building railroad cars, 1907-1913 No. 164. Butter prices from producer to con- sumer (retail) No. 165. Lead poisoning in manufacture of stor- age batteries No. 166. Labor legislation of 1914 No. 167. Minimum-wage legislation in United States and foreign countries No. 168. Wages, etc., in iron and steel industry 1907-1913 No. 169. Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1914. . No. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war No. 171. Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 1, 1914 No. 172. Unemployment in New York City No. 173. Index numbers of wholesale prices No. 174. Subject index to publications of Labor Statistics Bureau to May 1, 1915 No. 175. Summary of report on condition of woman and child wage earners in United States 49183—18 39 s o O 63 63 a o House or Senate document. H.doc. H. doc. B > 1 a; e 3 121 1056 115 1135 76 1439 69 1440 70 1441 71 1442 80 1443 77 1444 71 1445 77 1446 76 1447 69 1448 74 1539 72 1676 77 1677 75 1678 73 78 73 79 73 80 1679 1680 1681 1706 1707 1708 GIO CATAL,OGUE OP TJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. No. 176. No. 177. No. 178. No. 179. No. 180. No. 181. No. 182. No. 183. No. 184. No. 185. No. 186. No. 187. No. 188. No. 189. No. 190. No. 191. No. 192. No. 193. No. 194. No. 195. No. 196. No. 197. No. 198. Leading articles in numbers of the Bulletin. Effect of minimum- wage determination in Oregon Wages and hours of labor in hosiery and underwear industry, 1907-1914 Wages and hours of labor in boot and shoe industry, 1907-1914 Industrial poisons u.sed in rubber in- dustry Boot and shoe industry in Massachusetts, as vocation for women Wholesale prices, 1890-1 914 Unemployment among women in retail stores of Boston Regularity of employment in women's garment industries Eetail prices, 1907-June, 1915 Compensation legislation, 1914 and 1915. Labor legislation of 1915 Wages and hours of labor in men's cloth- ing industry Report of British committee on danger in use of lead in painting buildings Decisions of courts affecting labor, 1915. . Wages and hours of labor in cotton, woolen, and silk industries, 1907-1914. Collective bargaining in anthracite coal industry Proceedings of American Association of Public Employment Othces Dressmaking as trade for women in Massachusetts Union scale of wages and hours of labor, May 1, 1915 Unemployment in United States Proceedings of Employment Managers' Conference, Minneaplois, Jan. 19-20, 1916 Retail prices, 1907-Dec., 1915 Collective agreements in men's clothing industry a o o 63 a o 64 House or Senate document. IT. doc. H. doc. 1 > i 80 1709 78 1710 78 1711 69 1712 101 46 102 47 101 103 104 106 108 110 112 109 110 113 114 101 110 114 114 105 113 48 49 50 51 558 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 1154 1 1 55 1156 1157 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Gil Labor, Bureau of. Bulletins — Continued. Leading articles in numbers or the Bulletin. No. 199. Vocational edxication survey ol" Minne- apolis, Minn No. 200. Wholesale prices, 1890-191 5 No. 201. Report of committee on statistics and compensation insurance cost No. 202. Proceedings of Conference of Employ- . ment Managers' Association of Boston, May 10, 191G No. 203. Workmen's compensation laws of United States and foreign countries No. 204. Street railway emi^loyment in United States No. 205. Occupational anthrax No. 20G. Employment and unemployment No. 207-209. Industrial accidents and hygiene No. 210. Workmen's insurance and compensation. No. 211. Labor laws of United States No. 212. Workmen's insurance and compensation. No. 213. Labor laws of United States No. 214. Wages and hours of labor No. 215. Women in industry be a o o )CA 04 a o House or Senate document. H. doc. s H. doc . . 115 102 112 114 107 111 1112 80 81 83 85 84 80 87 88 1158 1159 noo 1101 1162 1163 1164 1366 *1367-69 1374 1380 2126 2127 2128 2129 * Not yet printed. Series of Bulletins Published by the Bureau of Labor. The publication of the annual and special reports and the bimonthly IkiUetin has been discontinued, and, beginning with July, 1912, a Bulletin will be published at irregular intervals. Each number will contain matter devoted to one of a series of general subjects. These Bulletins will be numbered consecutively in each series and will also carry a consecutive; whole number, beginning with No. 101. A list of the series is given below: Wholesale Prices. Retail Prices and Cost of Living. Wages and Hours of Labor. Women in Industry. Workmen's Insurance and Compensation (including laAvs relating thereto). Indus! rial Accidents and Hygiene. (Conciliation and Arbitration (including strikes and lockouts). Labor Laws of the United States (including decisions of courts relating to labor) Foreign Labor Laws. Miscellaneous Series. Labor laws of various States enacted since January 1, 1908. Note— The Twenty-second Annual Report of this bureau contains all laws of the various States and territories and of the United States relating to labor in force January 1, 1908. 612 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Labor, Bureau of.' Reports of the Commissioner. Year. 1886. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892.... 1893 . . . . 1894.... 1895-96. 1897.... 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. -906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1909. 1910. 1911 1912, Con- gress. Ses- sion. 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1-2 House or Senate document. H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex..., S.ex.... H.ex... H.doc. H.doc. II. doe.. H. docs. H.doc. Vol- ume. 15 11 14 15 36 37 38 Num- ber. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc H.doc. 68 85,86 107 108 109 51 45 113 82 106 110 56 84 82 83 93 85 74 1 1 1 1 336 265 232 6 65 30 209 64 339 69 341 Part. 564 301 713 528 18 18 747 428 906 822 982 1565 132 132 1505 122 961 Vol- ume. 1,2 Report >fo. 1,2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 Contents. Industrial depressions. Convict labor. Strikes and lockouts. Working women. Railroad labor. Iron, steel, and cost of produc- tion. Textiles, etc., cost of produc- tion. Industrial education. Building and loan associations. Strikes and lockouts. Work and wages of men, wo- men, and children. Economic aspects of the liquor problem. Hand and machine labor. Water, gas, and electric light plants under private and mu- nicipal ownership. I A compilation of wages in com- mercial countries, from official sources. Strikes and lockouts. Trade and technical education. Cost of living and retail prices of food. Wages and hours of labor. Convict labor. Strikes and lockouts. Labor laws of the United States. Workmen's insurance and ben- efit funds in the United States. Workmen's insurance and com- pensation S3'stems in Europe. Same. Industrial education. Troubles in bituminous coal mines in Westmoreland County, Pa. 1 The Bureau of Labor was established by act of June 27, 1884 (vol. 23, p. 60), as one of the bureaus of the Department of the Interior. By act of June 13, 1888 (vol. 25; p. 182), it was made an independent depart- ment. — Department of Labor; transferred to and made a part of Department of Commerce and Labor Feb. 14, 1903 (32 Stats., 825); made an executive department Mar. 3 1913 (37 Stat. L., 736). Annual and special reports discontinued subsequent to July, 1912. Bulletins continued. CATALOGUE OF TJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 613 Labor, Bureau of. Special Reports of the Commissioner.^ Year, etc. Not dix-umented. . . Labor laws Index to reports of Bureau of Statis- tics. 1S92 Con- gress 1892. 1893. 1893 . . . . 1894 ... 1897.... 1903.... 1905 . . . . 1905 . . . . 1908-09. 1909-10. 1909-10. 1909-10. 1909-10. 1909-10. 1909-10. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1911-12. 1911-12. 1912-13. 52 52 53 53 54 58 58 59 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. 2 S.ex., 2 H.ex. 2 3 2 Spl. 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.doc... S.doc... H.doc... H.doc... S.doc..., S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... Vol- ume. 7 32 31 34 44 1 79 1 ! S.doc. 2 S.doc. H.doc. S.doc. H.doc. 14 59 49 58 59 60 46 86-104 18-21 31 47 36 Num- ber. 66 254 257 354 135 1 301 580 725 427 380 290 420 521 349 645 110 870 847 301 Report No. 8 9 10-11 12 Remarks. Not documented. Do. insurance in Ger- (not doeu- Compulsory many. Goldenburg system. Phosphate industry mented). Slums of cities. Housing of working people. The Italians in Chicago. Anthracite Coal Commission. Coal-mine labor. Hawaii. Also as Bull. 66. Western Union Telegraph Co., etc. Pension funds, etc. Telephone companies. Ci^il service retirement. Do. Strike, Bethlehem Steel Works. Increase in cost of food. Condition of women and child wage earnersin United States. 19 vols. Iron and steel industry. 4 vols. Strike of textile workers in Law- rence, Mass. Coal strike, Westmoreland County, Pa. Summary of wages and hours of labor, etc 1442 j \ Increase in price of anthracite coal following wage agreement of 1912. ' Special reports included in bulletins subsequent to July, 1912. Labor. Department of.^ Reports of the Secretary. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1913 63 63 G4 64 2 3 1 2 House House House House 113 68 100 79 917 1555 28 1495 1914 1915 1916 I Made an executive department Mar. 3, 1913. 614 CATALOGUE OP LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Librarian of Congress.^ Reports. Librarian. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. 1 Volume. Number. Meehan 1839 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 .1895 1896 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 26 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 40 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 ^2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 Senate S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S . mis S. mis Senate Senate S.doc A 2 1 1 2 4 3 5 5 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 1 9 47 16 R Doff ord 6 Do 10 Do 19 Do 11 Do 31 Do 25 Do 13 Do 20 Do 125 Do 31 Do 27 Do 24 Do 30 Do 45 Do 50 Do 42 Do 28 Do 52 Do 35 Do 89 Do Do. 78 73 Do 90 Do 213 Do 90 Do 151 Do 267 Do 148 Do 305 Spofford (s'i[:)ecial report) . Spoff ord 7 131 Young . . . 13 Do S . doc II. doc II. doc S. doc ! S. doc S. doc II. doc 24 Putnam 25 Do Do 24 35 Do 6 Do Do 10 18 » The Library of Congress, first established by the act of Apr, when the British fired the Capitol. Ly the act of Jan. 30, 1815, chased by the Government, and this collection formed the basis 24, 1800, was partially destroyed in 1814 the library of Thomas Jefferson was pur- of the present national library. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Librarian of Congress. Reports — Continued. 615 Librarian. Putnam Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.. Do. Do. Do.. Do.. Year. 1905 1906 1!J07 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Congress, 3SS. Session. 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document. H. doc. II. doc. 11. doc. H. doc. H.doc. II. doc. H. doc H.doc. H. doc H. doc H. doc. H. doc. Volume. 40 36 94 117 112 113 120 106 139 89 125 98 Number. 18 18 18 1032 126 1033 147 962 399 1402 34 1490 Lords, House of. See Parliamentary Debates, p. 655. Manual, Constitution, Rules and. House of Representatives. See Constitution and, p. 401. Manual, Constitution, Rules and, United States Senate. See Constitution and, p. 402. Memorial Addresses (Eulogies) . Name. Adams, H. C Alger, Russell A Allison, William B . . . Allen, Amos L Allen, Thomas Anderson, Carl C Anthony, Henry B . . . Arnot, John, jr Bacon, Augustus O. . . Baird, Samuel T Barbour, John S Bate, William B Beach, Lewis Beck, James B Bland, Richard P Bingham, Henry H . . . Bogy, Lewis V Bradley, William O.. Bremner, Robert G . . Brick, Abraham L Brosius, Mariott Brown, William G . , jr . Brownlow, Walter P. . Bryan, W. J Buckingham, Con Burk, Henry , State. Wisconsin Michigan Iowa Maine Missouri Ohio Rhode Island. New York Georgia Louisiana Virginia Tennessee New York Kentucky Missouri Pennsylvania . Missouri West Virginia. New Jersey... Indiana Pennsylvania. West Virginia. Tennessee Florida Connecticut. . . Year. 1906 1907 1908 1911 1882 1912 1884 1887 1914-15 1900 1893 1906 1866 1890 1900 1912 1877 1917 1915 1908 1901 1917 1911 1908 1875 Pennsylvania I 1903 Con- gress. 59 59 60 62 48 62 48 49 63 56 52 59 49 51 55 62 45 04 03 60 57 64 61 60 43 58 Ses- sion. Docu- ment. 1 Not documented. In Library of Congress. 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 ' Senate H.doc. S.doc. S.doc. H.doc. H. mis., H.doc. S. mis... H. mis.. S.doc... H. doc. S. mis... S.doc... H. mLs. . S.mis... T^. doc. H. doc. (') S.doc... H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. S. doc... (^) H. doc. Journal, Num- ber. 809 405 767 178 47 1486 66 159 992 728 64 403 160 26 740 956 649 1429 1512 712 2139 1500 767 Vol- ume. 104 34 17 134 23 3 7 11 111 5 35 7 2 111 437 11 100 129 129 108 121 17 113 207. 616 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Memorial Addresses (Eulogies)— Continued. Name. State. Burke, Robert E Burleigh, Edwin C Burnes, James N Burnside, Ambrose E Calhoun, John C Caperton, Allen T Carpenter, Matthew H Castor, George A Chandler, Zachariah Chipman, J. Logan j Michigan Clark, Rush 1 Iowa Clarke, Frank G | New Hampshire. Texas Maine MLssouri Rhode Island South Carolina... West Virginia WLsconsin Pennsylvania Michigan Year. Clarke, James P. .. Clay, Alexander S . Clay, Henry Clayton, John M . . Cogswell, William. Arkansas Georgia Kentucky Delaware Massachusetts. Cole, William H [ Maryland. Colquit, AlfredH Council, Richard E Conry, Michael F Cook, Joel Cooke, Edward D Covode, John Cox, Samuel S Grain, William H Craig, Alexander K Cranford, John W Crisp, Charles F Croft, George W Crump, Rousseau O Cummings, Amos J Cushman, Francis W Daly, WUliam D Danford, Lorenzo i Daniel, John W Davey, Robert C Davis, Cushman K Davis, Garrett Davis, Henry W Davis, Je£f De Armond, David A De Graflfenried, R. C Dingley, Nelson Dolliver, Jonathan P Douglass, Beverly B . . . .' Douglas, Stephen A Dowdney, Abraham Duncan, William A Dunwell, Charles T , Earle, Joseph H Elkins, Stephen B Ellwood, Reuben Enochs, William H Epes, Sydney P Ermentrout, Daniel Georgia New York I 'ew York Pennsylvania Illinois Pennsylvania New York Texas Pennsylvania Texas Georgia South Carolina Michigan New York Washington New Jersey Ohio Virginia Louisiana Minnesota Kentucky Maryland Arkansas Missouri Texas Maine Iowa Virginia Illinois New York Pennsylvania New York South Carolina West Virginia Illinois Ohio Virginia Pennsylvania ' Not documented. In Con- gress. 1901 1917 1889 1882 1850 1876 1882 1906 1880 1893 1881 1901 1917 1911 1852 1857 1895 1887 1894 1912 1917 1911 1897 1871 1889 1896 1892 1906 1896 1904 1901 1902 1909 1900 1899 1911 1909 1900 1873 1866 1912 1909 1901 1899 1911 1878 1861 1886 1884. 1908 1897 1911 1885 1893 1900 1899 Library Ses- sion. Docu- ment. 57 64 50 47 31 44 47 59 46 53 47 56 64 61 32 35 54 49 53 62 64 61 55 42 51 54 52 59 54 58 57 57 61 56 56 61 61 56 43 39 62 61 57 55 61 45 37 49 48 60 55 61 49 53 56 56 of Congress H. doc. S.doe... H. mis.. (0 (') (') (') H.doc. (') (') (0 H.doc. S.doc. S. doc. ' (1) (•) H.doc H. mis. S. mis.. H. doc. H. doc H.doc H.doc 0) (0 H.doc (I) (1) H. doc. H.doc H.doc H.doc H.doc H. doc H. doc S.doc. H. doc. S. doc . (1) (') S.doc. H. doc H.doc H.doc S.doc. (') (0 H. mis H. mis H.doc. S.doc. S. doc. H. mis (') H.doc H. doc Num- ber. 715 745 144 803 521 721 874 Vol- ume. 332 162 153 1487 2142 1479 275 429 255 470 462 711 995 522 740 876 147 230 1146 141 469 271 872 188 27 1512 283 875 302 755 754 129 11 16 104 106 11 83 108 121 79 87 59 113 105 129 126 106 111 83 126 18 126 105 79 83 7 6 129 28 83 15 111 111 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 617 Memorial Addresses (Eulogies) — Continued. Name. State. Evans, John H Evins, John H Farr, Evarts W Ferry, Orris S Fessenden, William I'itt. Finley, David F, Flack, William H Foerderer, Robert H Foot, Solomon Ford, Melbourne H Foster, David J Foulkrod, William H Frye, William P Gamble, John R Garfield, James A Gay, Edward J Gear, John H George, James Z Gibson, Randall L South Carolina do New Hampshire . Connecticut , Maine South Carolina New York Pennsylvania. . .. Vermont Michigan Vermont Pennsylvania Maine South Dakota Ohio Louisiana Iowa Mississippi Nebraska Year. 1884 Gilmore, Samuel L ] Louisiana. Goodwin, Forrest Gordon, George W Gorman, Arthur P Goulden, Jc ieph A Granger, Daniel L; D Greene, William L Griggs, James M Kahn, Michael Hanna, Marcus A Harmer, Alfred C Harris, Isham G Hartridge, Julian Haskell, Dudley C Hawk, Robert M. A Haywood, Monroe L Hearst, George Hendricks, Thomas A Herndon, Thomas H Heyburn, Weldon B Hill, Benjamin H Hitt, RolertR Hoar, George F Hoar, Rockwood Hobart, Garrett A Hoflecker, Jchn H Holman, William S Houk, George W Houk, Leonidas C Houston, George S , Hubbard, Elbert H , Hughes, Charles J , Hurley, Denis M , Johnson, Andrew , Johnson, Martin Johnston, Joseph F Kelley, William D Maine Tennessee Maryland I 'ew York . . . . . Rhode Island. . Nebraska Georgia Louisiana , Ohio Pennsylvania. Tennessee Georgia Kansas Illinois Nebraska California Indiana Alabama Idaho Georgia Illinois Massachusetts. do New Jersey Delaware Indiana Ohio Tennessee Alabama Iowa Colorado New York Tennessee North Dakota. Alabama Pennsylvania. 1880 1876 1869 1917 1906 1903 1866 1891 1912 1911 1912 1893 1881 1889 1900 1897 1892 1911 1915 1912 1906 1916 1909 1899 1910 1886 1904 1900 1897 1879 1883 1882 1899 1891 1885 1883 1912 1882 1906 1904 1006 1899 lOCO 1897 1895 1892 1880 1912 1911 1899 1876 1908 1915 1890 Con- Ses- Docu- Num- Vol- gress. sion. ment. ber. ume. 48 2 H. mis.. 28 6 48 2 H.mis.. 28 6 46 3 (') 44 2 41 2 (') 64 2 H.doc. 2138 108 59 2 H.doc. 810 104 58 3 H.doc. 472 113 39 1 {') 52 1 H.doc. 62 3 1472 61 3 H.doc. 1477 121 62 3 S.doc... 1145 H. mis.. S. mis... 99 123 14 47 1 5 51 2 H. mis.. 108 8 56 3 S. doc... 236 18 55 2 S.doc... 344 28 52 2 (1) 61 3 H.doc. 1478 121 63 3 H. doc. 1671 100 62 3 H.doc. 1474 59 2 S. doc... 404 34 64 1 H.doc. 1360 139 60 2 H. doc. 1518 129 56 1 H.doc. 752 111 61 2 H.doc. 150 126 49 1 H.mis.. 380 15 58 2 S. doc... 321 41 56 2 H.doc. 525 106 55 2 S.doc... 343 28 45 3 (1) H.mis.. 48 1 46 23 47 2 S. doc... 56 1 455 41 52 1 (') 49 1 S.mis... 120 6 48 1 H. mis.. 53 23 62 i S.doc... 1149 47 2 S. mis... 32 3 59 2 H.doc. 808 104 58 3 S.doc... 201 17 59 2 H.doc. 806 104 56 1 S. doc... 450 41 56 2 H.doc. 520 106 55 2 H.doc. 321 62 54 1 H.mis.. 82 11 52 2 H.mis.. 234 32 46 2 (•) H.doc. 62 3 1471 61 3 S. doc... 873 83 59 2 H. doc. 801 104 45 1 (0 S.doc... 61 2 657 53 63 3 S. doc... 991 11 51 1 (•) > Not documented. In Library of Congress. > See Senate Journal, 41-2, index. 618 CA'i\\XOG UE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Memorial Addresses (Eulogies) — Continued. Name. State. Kendal, John W Kentucky Kenna, John E West Virginia Kerr, Michael C Indiana Ketcham, John H New York Kipp, George W Pennsylvania Konig, George Maryland Kyle, James H South Dakota Laird, James i Nebraska Lassiter, Francis R Virginia Latimer, Asbury South Carolina. . . Latta, James P Nebraska Lay, Alfred M Missouri Lee, William H. F Virginia Legare, George S South Carolina . . Leonard, John E Louisiana Do do Lester, Rufus E Georgia LiUy, William Pennsylvania Lincoln, Abraham Illinois Lisle, Marcus C Kentucky Logan, John A Illinois Loudenslager, Henry C New Jersey Love, William F Mississippi Lovering, William C Massachusetts Lowe, William M Alabama McDonald, Edward F New Jersey McEnery, Samuel D Louisiana McHenry, John G Pennsylvania McKinley, William Ohio McLaurin, Anselm J Mississippi McMillan, James Michigan , Madison, Edmond H Kansas Mahoney, WUliam F Illinois Malby, George R New York MaUory, Stephen R Florida Marsh, Benjamin F IlltnoLs , Martin, Lewis J New Jersey , Merritt, Edwin A., jr j New York Meyer, Adolph ' Louisiana Miller, John F I California Milliken, Seth L i Maine Mitchell, Alexander C i Kansas Moflatt, WUliam : Michigan Moody, James M i North Carolina Morgan, John F ' Alabama Morrill, Justin S Vermont Morton, Oliver P ' Indiana Moss. Hunter H., jr | West Virginia Mutchler, WiUiam ' Pennsylvania NLson, George S I Nevada North way , Stephen A j Ohio Nutting, Newton W ! New York O'Cormor, M. P South Carolina O'Neill, Charles Pennsylvania Otey, Peter J Virginia Year. 1892 1893 1876 1906 1912 1914 1901 1889 1911 1908 1912 1881 1891 1912 1878 1879 1906 1893 1903 1894 1886 1912 1898 1911 1882 1S92 1911 1912 1901 1909 1902 1912 1904 1912 1908 1905 1915 1915 1908 1886 1897 1912 1887 1903 1907 1899 1877 1917 1893 1912 1898 1889 1881 1893 1902 Con- gress. Ses- sion. I Not documented. In Library 52 53 44 59 62 63 57 51 61 60 62 47 52 62 45 46 59 i I 53 57 53 49 62 55 61 47 52 61 , 62; ■ I «^ i ^" 62 j I ^^ 1 62 I 60 59 I 63 63 60 49 55 62 50 57 60 55 45 64 53 62 i 55 51' 47 53 57 i of Congress. Docu- ment. (•) (') (') H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. S.doc... (') H.doc. 2 I S.doc... 3 { H.doc. (•) .0) H.doc. (') (') H. doc. . (•) S.doc...! (0 S.Mis... H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. W ' (') S.doc.j H. docj H.doc. S. doc.j H.doc. H. doc.i H. doc.j H.doc. I S.doc.j H.doc. I H.doc. I H.doc.; H.doc. S. mis... H.doc! H.doc H. mis..i H.doc. I S. doc...! S. doc... (') H.doc (0 S.doc... H.doc (0 H. mis.. (•) H.doc. Num- ber. Vol- ume. 1 ; 811 1 104 1473 1261 100 451 33 1509 121 767 1' 1470 1485 807 104 219 17 93 6 1469 273 79 1448 121 871 83 1489 453 577 j 225 I 975 468 I 978 770 j 802 I 1438 I 1714 j 1518 I 145 543 1468 377 466 766 170 2140 1148 274 59 714 98 53 22 113 17 104 100 100 129 6 62 12 105 17 12 108 79 19 129 CATALOGUE OF LIBSAKY OF UNITED STATES SEXATE. 619 Memorial Addresses (Eulogies) — Continued. Name. State. Otis, Norton P New York Parker, William H tfouth Dakota Parsons, Edward Y ] Kentucky Patterson, George K ' Pennsylvania r»ync, Serene E i New York Pepper, Irvin S I Iowa Perkins, James R i New York Pettus, Edmund ^V j Alabama Phelan, James Tennessee , Pinekuey, John M Texas Pike, Austin F New Hampshire. Piatt, Orville H ! Connecticut Plumb, Preston B : Kansas Polk, Rufus K ' Pennsylvania Post, PhUip S I Illinois Powers, Llewellyn ■ Maine Price, William T W isconsin Proctor, Redfield ' Vermont Quay, Matthew S Pennsylvania Quirm, Terrence J New York , Year. Con- I Ses- gress. sion. Randall, Samuel J ; Pennsylvania R ankin, Jo.=eph ' W isconsin Rayner, Isidor | Maryland Rice, John B Illinois Richardson, WiUiam ; Alabama Rixey, John F Vugiiiia Robertson, Edward W Louisiana Rodd«nbery, Seaborn A Georgia Rumple, J. N. W Iowa Russell, Charles A Connecticut." Salmon, Joshua S New Jersey Schleicher, Gustav Texas Settle, Evan E Kentucky Sewell, William J New Jersey Shackelford, John W North Carolina Shaw, Albert D New York Shaw, George Butler Wisconsin Shepard, John L Texas Sherman, James S New York Sliively, Benjamin F Indiana Simpkins, John ■ Massachusetts Skiles, V.illiara W Ohio Slemp, Campl^ell ' Virginia Smith, George W Illinois Smith, Sylvester C : California Spinola, Francis B \ New York Stackhouse, Eli T South Carolina Starkweather, Henry H Connecticut Stanford, Leland California Stockbridge, Francis B Michigan Stokes, J. William South Carolina Sullivan, Timothy D New York Sumner, Charles | Massachusetts Taylor, Robert L ; Tennessee 1 Not documented. In Library of Congress. 1905 1908 1876 1906 1915 1914 1911 1907 1891 1905 1886 1905 1891 1902 1895 1908 1886 1908 1903 1878 1890 1886 1912 1875 1915 1907 1887 1914 1903 1902 1902 1879 1899 1901 1883 1901 1894 1901 1912 1917 1898 1904 1907 1908 1912 1892 1892 1876 1893 1894 1901 1914 1874 1912 58 60 44 59" 63 G3 61 60 51 59 49 59 52 57 53 60 49 60 58 45 51 49 62 44 63 59 50 63 57 57 57 45 56 57 47 56 53 57 62 64 55 58 60 60 62 52 52 44 53 53 57 C3 43 62 Docu- ment. 3 j H.doc. 2 I H. doc 2 i (I) 2 : H.doc. 3 ! H. doc. 2 ! H.doc. H.doc. S.doc... H. mis.. H. doc. . H. mis..' S.doc... (I) ; H. doc.j (1) H.doc. H. mis.. S.doc... S.doc... (>) (■) 1 H.mis.. 3 S.Doc. (') H. doc. H. doc . H. mis.. H. doc- H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. (') H.doc. S. doc... H.doc. (') H.doc. S.Doc. S.doc... H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. (') (>) (') (') S. mis... H.doc. H. doc. (') S. doc... Num- ber. Vol- ume. 469 771 804 1713 960 1508 771 135 805 98 534 716 770 I 161 I 764 202 379 981 1702 812 143 1147 464 465 468 717 272 471 1515 1516 1484 152 713 1177 ' Senate Journal, pp 1147 338-339 113 129 104 100 151 121 17 8 104 6 30 129 129 7 17 17 15 100 104 16 151 105 105 105 751 226 111 22 523 106 467 1134 105 11 79 113 129 129 129 151 620 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Memorial Addresses (Eulogies) — Continued. Name. Thompson, Charles W. . . Tirrell, Charles Q Tongue, Thomas H Townsend, Richard W. . Tribble, Samuel J Updegraff, Jonathan T. . Utter, George H Vance, Zebulon B Walker, James B Walthall, Edward C Warwich, John G Watson, Lewis F Wedemeyer, William W. Webster, Daniel Welch, Frank Witherspoon, Samuel A . Why te, William P Wicklille, Robert C Wilber, David Wilder, William II Wiley, Ariosto Williams, Alpheus S W ilson, Epliraim K Wilson, Henry W ise, R ichard A Wood, Fernando Wright, Ashley B Wright, Myron B State. Alabama Massachusetts Oregon Illinois G eorgia Ohio Rhode Island North Carolina. . , Missouri , Mississippi , Ohio.. , Pennsylvania Michigan New Hampshire. Nebraska Mississippi Maryland Louisiana New York Massachusetts . . , Alabama Michigan Maryland Massachusetts Virginia New York Massachusetts Pennsylvania Year. 1904 1911 1903 1889 1917 1882 1912 1894 1890 1898 1892 1890 1912 1853 1879 1916 1908 1912 1890 1915 1908 1879 1891 1876 1901 1881 1897 1894 Con- gress. 58 61 57 61 64 47 62 63 51 55 52 51 62 33 45 64 60 62 61 63 60 46 62 44 66 47 55 63 Ses- sion. Docu- ment. H H doc. . doc. . doc. (') . doc. (1) doc. mis.. . mis. doc. (>) . mis. doc. (') (') . doc. doc. . doc. (') . doc. . doc. (0 mLs.. (») . doc. (■) doc. (') Num- ber. 478 1447 463 2141 1488 151 134 171 Vol- ume. 113 121 105 108 12 133 8 1483 1360 139 771 17 979 1703 100 1518 129 229 8 524 12 464 62 ' Not documented. In Library of Congress. Merchant Vessels, annual list. s Cong. Record, p. 631: 44—1. Annual number. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Year. Congress. 54 Session. 1895 1 1896 54 2 .1897 55 2 1898 55 3 1899 56 1 1900 56 1901 57 1 1902 57 2 1903 58 o 1904 58 3 1905 59 1 1906 59 o 1907 60 1 1908 60 2 1909 61 2 1910 61 3 1911 62 2 Document. Number. House . - . 29 House. . . 38 House . . . 15 House. .. 100 House. . . 18 House. . . 16 House. .. 16 House. . . 16, House. . . 16 House. . . 16 House. . . 16 House. . . 16 House . . . 16 House. . . 1023 House. . . 180 House. . . 1026 House. . . 160 Volume. 34 37 35 54 56 57 49 43 43 45 38 34 66 97 94 99 101 Note. — Annual lists 1-26, inclusive, were not published file in the Bureau of Navigation. in document form, and can only be lound on CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Mineral Resources of the United States. G21 Year. Congress. Session. House or ; Senate , document. Volume. Number. ]867 39 40 40 40 41 42 42 42 43 43 44 48 ) « 49 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 11. ex.... 29 18G8 n.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.-.. H.ex.... Hex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. mis... H. mis... H. mia... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 16 17 9 10 1 10 9 10 18 14 40 9 6 2 2 16 42 7 4 28 19,20 17 19,20 22,23 27,28 37,38 202 1868 273 1869 54 1870 207 1871 10 1872 211 1873 .' 210 1874 141 1875 177 1876 159 1882 75 1883 1884 36 1885 146 1886 42 1887 4 1888 230 1889 1890 296 • 1891 83 1892 38 1893 181 1894 5 1895 5 1896 5 5 1898 5 1899 5 622 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Mineral Resources of the United States — Continued. Year. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 Congress. Session. 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document. Volume. Number. II. doc. 11. doc. II. doc. II. doc. II. doc. II. doc. II. doc. H. doc. II. doc. n.doc. II. doc. ir.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. 50 44 92 49 42 39 30 62,63 58, 59 59,60 GO, 01 53,54 69,70 47,48 66-67 45-46 17 17 658 20 21 21 21 1077 113 1476 134 949 471 1388 657 •2133 1 Not yet printed. Mississippi River Commission Reports. Year. 1881 1882 1883 1884 1884 (supplemeutal) 1885 1886 1887 , 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 Congress. 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 Session. n. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1 S. ex.... 1 10 2 S. ex. .. . 2 32 1 H.ex.... 19 37 2 H.ex.... 21 64 2 H.ex.... 30 38 2 H.ex.... 19 25 2 H. ex. . . . 20 30 1 H.ex.... 25 37,59 2 H.ex.... 25 64 1 H.ex.... 6 1, pt. 2 2 H.ex.... 6 1, pt. 2 1 H.ex.... 8 1, pt. 2 2 H.ex.... 6 1, pt.2 2 H.ex.... 7 1, pt.2 3 H.ex.... 9 1, pt. 2 1 H.doc... 9 2 2 H.doc... 8 2 2 H.doc... 7 2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 023 Mississippi River Coininission Reports — Continued. Year. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1997. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 191G. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. 55 3 H.doc... 56 1 H. doc... 56 2 H.doc... 57 1 H. doc. . . 57 2 H. doc. . . 58 1 2 H.doc... 58 3 H.doc... 59 1 H.doc... 59 2 H. doc. . . 60 1 H.doc... 60 2 H.doc... 61 2 H.doc... 61 3 H. doc. . . 62 2 H.doc... 62 3 H. doc. . . 63 2 H.doc... 63 3 H.doc... 64 1 H.doc... 64 2 H.doc... Volume. I Number. Part. 12 21 17 9 14 10 9 42 16 23 25 19 22 20 19 19 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2^ 2 22 26 UO.K 111 1010 124 936 402 1408 91 1377 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Missouri River Commissioii Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1883 48 49 49 1 1 2 S.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... 1 30 20 24 1884 41 1885 28 Monetary Conferences. Reports. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1867 40 41 45 45 47 2 2 3 1 1 t S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H. mis... H.ex.... 1 12 5 24 23 14 266 58 396 231 1867 1878 1878 2,3 1881-82 624 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Monthly Summary of Comm.erce and Finance. See p. 368. Monographs in the. Immigration into the United States, 1820-1903. [June, 1903.] British Steamship Contracts.- [July, 1903.] Steamer Lines Plying between Ports of United States and Foreign Ports. [August 1903.] British and Foreign Trade and Industry. [October, 1903.] Modern Tariff Systems. [March, 1904.] Statistical Abstract of the World. [April, 1904.] Trade of the United States with Canada. [June, 1904.] Imports and Exports and Receipts and Expenditures of the United States to 19(h [August, 1904.] Reciprocity Treaties and Agreements of the United States since 1850. [August, 1904.] Great Canals of the World. [January, 1905.] Commercial Cuba in 1905. [May, 1905.] World's Production and Consumption of Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. [July, 1905.] » National Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Year. 1881 1882 1883 1886 1887 1889 1891 1894 1895 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1902 1903 1904 1906 Congress. Session. 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 51 2 52 1 53 3 54 1 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 2 House or Senate document. S. mis.. S. mis.. S. mis.. S. mis.. H. mis. S. mis. . S. mis.. S. mis.. H.doc. S. doc. S.doc. S. doc. S.doc. S.doc. S. doc,. S.doc. S.doc. S.doc. S.doc. Volume. 1 Number. 3 110 5 69 7 ■ 154 3 30 26 597 6 94 6 169 3 20 59 253 5 77 11 111-169 9 117 7 76 7 76 18 233-450 7 81 3 73 14 197 7 76 Part. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. National Academy of Sciences. Reports. 625 Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1881 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 51 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 ' 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 S. mis. . . S. mia. .. S. mis. .. S. mis. .. S. mis. .. S. mis. .. H. mia... S. mis... S. mis. .. S. mia. .. S. mia. .. S . mia . . . S. mia. .. S. mis. .. S.doc... S.doc... S. doc... S. doc... S.doc... S. doc... S. doc... S. doc... S. doc... S.doc... S. doc... S.doc... S.doc... S.doc... S. doc... S.doc... S. doc... S.doc... S. doc... S. doc... S. doc... S.doc... 1 2 1 1 5 2,3 6 2 3 3 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 9 5 13 7 3 14 4 5 6 22 58 85 36 25 11 16 41 13 54 1883 85 1884 68 1884 32 1885 153 1886 30 1887 596 1888 163 1889 47 1890 1891 60 170 1892 69 1893 27 1894 49 1895 55 1896 50 1897 57 1898 56 1898 117 1900 72 1901 153 1902 81 1903 73 1904 197 1905 144 1906 72 1907 242 1908 770 1909 369 1910 868 1911 343 1912 1107 1913 437 1914 989 1915 264 1916 707 49183—18- -40 626 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. National Monetary Commission. ^ Reports. Subject. Special reports from the banks of the United States The history of banking in Canada Digest of State banking statutes The use of credit instruments in pay- ments in the United States The National Bank of Belgium The discount system in Europe The discount system in Europe Fiscal systems of the United States, England, France, and Germany Address Senator Nelson W. Aldrich before the Economic Club of New York, Nov. 29', 1909 Bank acceptances History of the national-bank currency.. Suggested changes in the administra- tive features of the national bank- ing laws. (Replies to circular letter of inquiry of Sept. 26, 1908) Interviews on the banking and cur- rency systems of England, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy German Bank Inquiry of 1908. Vol- ume I German Bank Inquiry of 1908. Vol- ume II The Reichsbank, 1876-1900 Clearing houses The English banking system The banking system of Mexico The Bank of France in its relation to national credit Renewal of Reichsbank charter Miscellaneous articles on German bank- ing. Evolution of credit banks in France. Congress. Session. Docu- ment. Number. 61 2 S 225 61 2 S 332 61 2 s 353 61 2 s 399 61 2 s 400 61 2 s 402 61 2 s 402 61 2 s 403 61 2 s 406 61 2 s 569 61 2 s 572 61 2 s 404 61 2 s 405 61 2 s 407 61 2 s 407 61 2 s 408 61 2 s 491 61 2 s 492 61 2 s 493 61 2 s 494 61 2 s 507 61 2 s 508 61 2 s 522 Volume. 8 9 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 •Created by act of May 30, 1908. 35 Stat. L. 552. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 627 National Monetary Commission. Reports — Continued. Subject. Congress. History of crises under the national banking system The First and Second Banks of the United States The history and methods of the Paris Bourse German imperial banking laws The banks of issue of Italy The Swedish banking system Statistics for Great Britain, Germany, and France, 1867-1909 The credit of nations and the trade bal- ances of the United States Laws of the United States concerning money, banking, and loans, 1778-1909. State banking before the Civil War and the safety-fund banking system in New York, 1829-1866 The origin of the national banking sys- tem Supplement to origin of the national banking system The Canadian banking system Banking in Russia, Austria- Hungary, the Netherlands, and Japan The Independent Treasury of theUnited States and its relations to the banks of the country Seasonal variations in the relative de- mand for money and capital in the United States Bank loans and stock exchange specula- tions History of the Bank of England and its financial services to the State Report of the National Monetary Com- mission Session. 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 Docu- ment. S. S. S. 2 S. S. S. Number. 538 571 573 574 575 576 578 579 580 581 582 582 583 586 587 V'olume. 589 591 243 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 7 628 CATALOGUE OF LTBRARY OF TJNITEl^ ST.\TES SEN.VTE, Navy Department.^ Exports of the Secretary. Secretary. Year. t 1 Con- eress. I Ses- '■ sion. House OT 1 SeTiate- i document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- Iwr, Tflrt. SMBuei L. Southard 1825 19 1 Senate... ■1 2 ■ Bo 1825, 1826 1826 1827 1827 1828 1828 1 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 1 H.ex....; 2 Senate... 1 1 2 1 1 1 o Do Bo 2 1 H.ex.-.. Senate... Do Bo 1 H.ex..-. Bo 1 2 2 Senate. . . Hex.-.. Do ' John Brancli 1829 21 1 Senate. . . 1 Bo 1829 1830 183v'^ 1831 21 21 21 22 1 H.ex.... 2 Senate... 2 H. ex...- 1 Sejiate... Bo Bo -— v Levi Woodburv 1 Bo — J 1^1 1832 22 22 1 2 H.ex-.-. H.ex-..- I 1 o Do o Do 1833 23 1 Senate. . . 1 Do 1833 23 1 Hex..-. 1 Mahlon BicMnson 1834 23 2 Senate... 1 1 Do 1834 23 2 Hex..-. o Do 1835 24 1 Senate. . . 1 Do 1835 24 1 H.ex...- ]^ 1! Do 1836 24 2 Senate. . . 1 Do 1836 24 2 Hex... o Do 1837 25 2 Senate... 1 Do 1^7 1838 25 25 2 3 H.ex-..- Senate. . . 2 1 Jame? K. Panlding ] Do 1838 25 3 H.ex.. - 2 1. . - _ . . Do --. 1839 26 1 Senate. . . 1 _ Do 1841 26 26 26 27 1 2 2 2 H.ex...- Senate... H.ex.... Semate... 1 1. - . . 1 2 1 Bo Bo ...... Badger and Upshur 1 Created by act approved Apr. 30, 1798, snperrisioii of naral affairs having been exercised prior to that time by the War Department. Reorganized by acts of Aug. 31, 1S42, and July h, Ist2. A further reor- ganization under order of the Secretary of the Navy was put into effect Dee. 1, 190S. 2 For reports prior to 1S25 see American State Papers, Kaval Affairs, vok. 1 and 2- The Navy Depart- ment was organized under the provisions of an act of Congress approved Apr. 30, 179S, since ■which dale annual reports have been issued by the secretary . Such of these reports as were made prior to isSn, and many since, are l:)ound in the same volume with other executive documents, and can not now be had in .^ieparate form. These reports have been is.sued as departmental documents and as executive documents of the Senate or House, or both, bound in leather. They are also indnded tn the *■ Message and Document " series. CATALfjGTTB. ffF UHUKT OW r-yrFEB sTATBi WKSf±TE, M&rj Department. Meportm of the «^ .^«jreiarf. '.'?ar. ' nn- uou. ^ansn ir iivBiinMir. ixnu. ■'■1111' .ST .'ir-. .tbel P rprfinr 1341 27 <» H. ex.... 1 IH , 1842 27 5 i 5<»naJ» 1 _ D«>. 1842 "V- i H »i 1 .1 Dax-id Henshaiv . 1843 28 T Senate... 1 . !)*>,. 1843 28 1 F. ei I J Gilmer anri Mascn 1*44 2S 1 ??. . . , _ . . Df> *-i»' 25) 7 H.ex... ., ... J«hnY. Maeoa .•.4fi 2!} _ Senate. . - D«. LS45 29 _ H. ex... z Dw_ IMT :50 _ 5. est. . . _ .:... LH,. . _ - iO - H.ex... _ •_ Do,.. ^.. 1A4& 30 - H.ex... _ William B. Prescoa L*4» 31 _ 5. ex 1 _ Do.. U4^ 31 1 H ex.... 3 r _ William A. Gahaia 1x5*"} :- _ ^. ex T _ Do '. ■'TO " - - 3. ex... - _ Do i . ex L»o l.«oI •30 •J— : ff. ^T.... 7 ^ John P. £e?in«»>.. - ■ _ ■-- - H.ex... •1 1 ■T limes C. Dobbin. : • .'.: 33 J. 5. ex. .. - 3 Do ^.. iasa H.ex.... _ - 3 Do 1*54 a3 _ 3. ex... . - 2 Do - : - - -,4 ^ .S . ex . . . - 3 Do : •-.- :4 _ H.ex... - 3 Do --:-'fi ^4 : 5 . ex . . . T t ^ Do 1356 34 J H.ex... - - ♦ Isaac Toocey 1837 35 T S, ex 4 -- J Do ^m: 35 1 H.ex--.. 2 3 •T 3 Do 1556 35 _ 5 . ex 4 - 4 J^" i 1858 35 ^ H. ex.... 2 4 2 4 Do 1859 36 1 S.ei 3 - 3 ^ i 1860 36 .T S. ex.... 3 : i 3 Gadeim Wrfles. .- - 5 . ex H. ex 3 1 •J ...... 1 1 3 Do - ... 3 Do li63 3.S I H.ex-... 4 X 4 Do 1=64 38 •■» H.ex-.. 6 - •i 630 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Navy Department. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document . Vol- ume. 5 Part. Num- ber. Part. Gid«on Welles 1865 39 1 H.ex.... 1 Do 1866 1867 1868 39 40 40 2 2 3 H.ex.-.. H.ex.... 4 6 Do Do H. ex...'. 4 Borie and Robeson 1869 41 2 H. ex.... 1 George M. Robeson 1870 41 3 H. ex.... 3 Do 1871 1872 42 42 2 3 H. ex.... H. ex.... 4 4 3 Do 3 Do 1873 43 1 H. ex.... 3 3 Do 1874 43 2 H. ex.... 5 3 Do 1875 44 1 H. ex.... 3 3 Do 1876 44 2 H. ex.... 3 3 Richard W. Thompson . . . 1877 45 2 H. ex.... 7 3 Do 1878 45 3 H. ex.... 8 3 Do 1879 46 2 H. ex.... 8 3 Do 1880 46 3 H. ex.... 8 3 Do 1881 47 1 H. ex.... 8 3 Do 1882 47 2 H. ex.... 8 3 William E. Chandler 1883 48 1 H. ex.... 8 3 Do 1884 1885 48 49 2 1 H. ex.... H. ex.... 9 9 3 William C. Whitney 3 Do 1886 49 2 H. ex.... 7 3 Do 1887 50 1 H. ex.... 8 3 Do 1888 50 2 H. ex.... 8 3 Benjamin F. Tracy 1889 51 1 H. ex.... 8,9 3 Do 1890 51 2 H. ex.... 9 3 Do 1891 52 1 H ex 12 3 Do 1892 52 2 H ex 10 3 Hilary A. Herbert 1893 53 2 H. ex.... 11 3 Do 1894 53 3 H ex 12 3 Do 1895 54 1 H.doc... 12 3 Do 1896 54 2 H. doc... 10 3 John D. Long 1897 55 2 H doc . 10 3 1 Do 1898 55 3 H doc 11 3 1 Do... 1899 56 1 H doc 15 3 1 Do 1900 56 2 H.doc... 24 3 1 Do.... 1901 57 1 H.doc... 19-20 3 1-2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 631 Navy Department. Reports of the Secretary— Continued. Secretary. Year. Con- gress. W. H. Moody 1902 Do. 1903 I Paul Morton 1904 C. J. Bonaparte 1905 V. n. Metcalt 1906 Do 1907 Do 1908 George V. L. Meyer 1909 Do. Do. Do. Daniels Do Do. Do. 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 Ses- sion. 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 9 House or Senate document. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. Vol- ume. 16 16 16 16 12 22 39 37 28 37 39 33 27 32 30 Part. Num- ber. 3 3 3 3 3 3 1045 106 1005 119 932 681 1484 20 1480 Navy Yearbook. (Compilation of laws.) Compiler. Pitman Pulsifer . . . Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Woodbury Pulsifer Do J. B. Knight Do B. R. Tillman, jr . Do Year. 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Con- gress. 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 04 Ses- sion. 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 9 House or Senate document. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. Part. 11 3 12 9 13 5 5 25 1 5 1 3 Num- ber. 100 117 132 140 100 570 195 666 112 959 247 637 3 555 Part. -f Part. 632 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Niles's Weekly Register.' [75 volumes.] Vol. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Period. Sept., 1811, to Mar., 1812. Mar. to Sept., 1812. Sept., 1812, to Mar., 1813. Mar. to Sept., 1813. Sept., 1813, to Mar., 1814. Mar. to Sept., 1814. Sept., 1814, to Mar., 1815. Mar. to Sept., 1815. Sept., 1815, to Mar., 1816. Mar. to Sept., 1816. Sept., 1816, to Mar., 1817. Mar. to Sept., 1817. Sept., 1817, to Mar., 1818. Mar. to Sept., 1818. Sept., 1818, to Mar., 1819. Mar. to Sept., 1819. Sept., 1819, to Mar., 1820. Mar. to Sept., 1820. Sept., 1820, to Mar,, 1821. Mar. to Sept., 1821. Sept., 1821, to Mar., 1822. Mar. to Sept., 1822. Sept., 1822, to Mar., 1823. Mar. to Sept., 1823. Sept., 1823, to Mar., 1824. Mar. to Sept.., 1824. Sept., 1824, to Mar., 1825. Mar. to Sept., 1825. Sept. 1825, to Mar., 1826. Mar.toSept., 1826. Sept., 1826, to Mar., 1827. Mar. to Sept., 1827. Sept., 1827, to Mar., 1828. Mar. to Sept., 1828. Sept., 1828, to Mar., 1829. Mar. to Sept., 1829. Sept., 1829, to Mar., 1830. Mar. to Sept., 1830. Vol. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Period. Sept., 1830 to Mar., 1831. Mar. to Sept., 1831. Sept., 1831 to Mar., 1832. Mar. to Sept., 1832. Sept., 1832 to Mar., 1833. Mar. to Sept., 1833. Sept., 1833, to Mar., 1834. Mar. to Sept., 1834. Sept., 1834, to Mar., 1835. Mar. to Sept., 1835. Sept., 1835 to Mar., 1836. Mar. to Sept., 1836. Sept., 1836 to Mar., 1837. Mar. to Sept., 1837. Sept., 1837 to Mar., 1838. Mar. to Sept., 1838. Sept., 1838 to Mar., 1839. Mar. to Sept., 1839. Sept., 1839 to Mar., 1840. Mar. to Sept., 1840. Sept., 1840 to Mar., 1841. Mar. to Sept., 1841. Sept., 1841 to Mar., 1842. Mar. to Sept., 1842. Sept., 1842 to Mar., 1843. Mar. to Sept., 1843. Sept., 1843 to Mar., 1844. Mar. to Sept., 1844. Sept., 1844 to Mar., 1845. Mar. to Sept., 1845. Sept., 1845 to Mar., 1846. Mar. to Sept., 1846. Sept., 1846 to Mar., 1847. Mar. to Sept., 1847. Sept., 1847 to Mar., 1848. July, 1848 to Jan., 1849. Jan. to July, 1849. ' Niles's Weekly Register, published and printed in Baltimore, Md. Its first number appeared Sep- tember, 1811. It covered a vast area of political, historical, geographical, scientific, statistical, and bio- graphical interest, and contained a thorough record of foreign and domestic events of the times. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 633 Official Register of the United States (Blue Book). Year. Printed by— 1 Year. Printed by- 1816.... Josiah Elliott. 1867.... Government Printine; Office. 1817.... De Krafft. 1869.... Do. 1820. . . . Davis & Force. 1871.... Do. 1822.... Do. 1873.... Do. 1824.... Do. 1875.... Do. 1826.... Do. 1877.... Do. 1828.... Peter Force. 1879'... Do. 1830.... Wni. A. Davis. 18811... Do. 1831.... Do. 18831... Do. 1833.... Francis P. Blair. 18851... Do. 1835.... Blair & Rives. 1887 1... Do. 1838.... Do. 1889 1... Do. 1839.... A. B. Claxtou & Co. 1891 1. . . Do. 1841.... Thomas Allen. 18931... Do. 1843.... J. &G. N. Gideon. 1895 1... Do. 1845.... Do. 1897 1... Do. 1847.... Do. 18991... Do. 1849.... Gideon & Co. 19011... Do. 1851.... Do. 190S 1. . . Do. 1853.... Government Printing Office. 19051... Do. 1855.... Do. 1907 1... Do. 1857.... Do. 1909 1... Do. 1859.... Do. 19111... Do. 1861.... Do. 1913 ^.. Do. 1863.... Do. 1915'... Do. 1865.... Do. 1 Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 contains the legislative, executive, and the judicial departments. Part 2 con- tains the Post Office Department and the Postal Service. 2 Part 2 omitted. Opinions of the Attorney General, /^(se Attorney General. Opin- ions, p.-SSl. 634 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Ordnance. Reports of the Chief. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Vol- ume. 1872 42 43 13 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 «^ 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex...- H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... House. . . House. .. H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 2 2 2 4 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 9 8 9 11 11 9 9 9 14 23 2 10 15 11 10 7 7 15 18 28 1 3 1 2 ...... 2 2 2 2 2 o t^ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1042 103 1005 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 9 6 6 6 6 1 1873 3 1874 1 1875 3 1876 3 1877 3 1878 3 1879 3 1880 3 1881 3 1882 ; 3 1883 3 1884 3 1885 3 1886 3 1887 3 1888 3 1889 3 1890 3 1891 3 1892 3 1893 3 1894 3 1895 3 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 CATALOGUE OF I.IBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 635 Ordnance. Reports of the Chief — Coiitinuod. Year. 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 62 2 62 3 G3 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document. H. doc . H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. Vol- ume. Part. 37 39 33 27 32 14 Num- ber. Part. 119 932 681 1484 20 1378 Vol- ume. Ordnance (Board of) and Fortification. Reports.' Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. Part. 1885 49 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex. . . . H.ex.... House. .. House. .. House. .. House. . . House. . . House. . . H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 28 29 28 21 28 11 9 9 10 14 23 55 57 3 2 3 3 11 14 125 139 134 11 13 144 114 1,2 •i- 49 12 11 23 136 2 2 2 2 2 2 85 245 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1506 130 945 428 1409 26 1375 1.2 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 'I - ' ' ■ ' 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1 For earlier reports, see American State Papers, Naval Affairs, vols. 1 and 2. 636 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Panama Railroad Company.' Reports since 1904. Year. An. Rep. No. Congress. Session. Document. Volume. Number. 1905 (') 57th 58 th 59th 60th 61st 62d 63d 64 th 65th 66th 67th 59 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 S. doc S. doc H.doc H.doc S. doc S. doc S. doc S. doc S. doc S.doc H.doc S. doc II. doc 11 3 51 104 23 133 86 41 26 30 107 44 16 429 1905 88 1906 415 1907 541 1908 632 1909 529 1910 743 1911 257 1912 1022 1913 362 1914 1520 1915 325 1916 1378 • Chartertd by legislature of N. Y., 1849. Controlled by U. S. since 1904. 2 Special report by Joseph L. Bristow, Commissioner. < Report of financial status. Pan American Union.* Bulletins. Period. Year. Congress. Session. Document. Vohirae. Number. Parts. July-December. .. 1910 61 3 H.doc... 115 1018 1-6 January-June. . . . 1911 61 3 H.doc... 116 1018 7-12 July-December. . . 1911 62 1 H.doc... 122 150 1-6 January-June. . . . 1912 62 2 H.doc... 123 150 7-12 July-December . . . 1912 62 3 H.doc... 108 937 1-6 July-December . . . 1913 63 2 H.doc... 141 300 1-6 July-December . . . 1914 63 3 H.doc... 39 1400 1-6 July-December . . . 1915 64 1 H.doc... 127 39 1-6 July-December. . . 1916 64 2 H.doc... 101 1500 1-6 For earUer publications, see American Republics, Bureau of, p. 334. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 637 Parliamentary Debates. Cobbstt's Parliamentary History. " THE PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND (COBBETT'S) FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1803, FROM WHICH LAST- MENTIONED EPOCH IT IS CONTINUED DOWNWARD IN THE WORK ENTITLED 'THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES.' "—(HANSARD'S.) [1066-1803—36 volumes.] Period. A. D. 1066-1625 A. D. 1625-1642 A. D. 1642-1660 A. D. 1660-1688 A. D. 1688-1702 A. D. 1702-1714 A. D. 1714-1722 A. D. 1722-1733 A. D. 1733-1737 A. D. 1737-1739 A. D. 1739-1741 A. D. 1741-1743 A. D. 1743 1747 A. D. 1747-1753 A. D. 1753-1765 A. D. 1765-1771 A. D. 1771-1774 A. D. 1774-1777 Jan. 29, 1777-Dec. 4, 1778 Dec. 5, 1778-Feb. 10, 1780. . . . Feb. 11, 1780-Mar. 25, 1781. . . Mar. 26, 1781-May 7, 1782 May 10, 1782-Dec. 1, 1783 Dec. 3, 1783-Feb. 1, 1785 Feb. 1, 1785-May 5, 1786 May 15, 1786-Feb. 8, 1788 Feb. 14, 1788-May 4, 1789 May 8, 1789-Mar. 15, 1791 Mar. 22, 1791-Dec. 13, 1792. .. Dec. 13, 1792-Mar. 10, 1794... Mar. 14, 1794-May 22, 1795. . . May 27, 1795-Mar. 2, 1797 Mar. 3, 1797-Nov. 13, 1798. . . Dec. 3, 1798-Mar. 21, 1800. . . . Mar. 21, 1800-Oct. 29, 1801. . . Oct. 29, 1801-Aug. 12, 1803. .. Reign. William 1 to 22 James 1 Charles 1 to 18 Charles 1 18 Charles 1 to Commonwealth 12 Charles 2 to 4 James 2 4 James 2 to 13 William 3 1 Anne to 13 Anne 1 George 1 to 8 George 1 9 George 1 to 6 George 2 6 George 2 to 10 George 2 10 George 2 to 12 George 2 13 George 2 to 14 George 2 14 George 2 to 16 George 2 16 George 2 to 20 George 2 20 George 2 fo 26 George 2 26 George 2 to 4 George 3 5 George 3 to 11 George 3 12 George 3 to 14 George 3 15 George 3 to 17 George 3 17 George 3 to 19 George 3 19 George 3 to 20 George 3 20 George 3 to 21 George 3 21 George 3 to 22 George 3 22 George 3 to 24 George 3 24 George 3 to 25 George 3 25 George 3 to 26 George 3 26 George 3 to 28 George 3 28 George 3 to 29 George 3 29 George 3 to 31 George 3 29 George 3 to 31 George 3 29 George 3 to 31 George 3 34 George 3 to 35 George 3 35 George 3 to 37 George 3 37 George 3 to 39 George 3 39 George 3 to 40 George 3 40 George 3 to 41 George 3 42 George 3 to 43 George 3 Vol- ume. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 638 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's, etc. FROM THE YEAR 1803 TO THE PRESENT TIME, FORMING A CONTINU- ATION OF THE WORK ENTITLED "THE (COBBETT'S) PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1803." [1803-1901—524 volumes.] Par- lia- ment. 2d 2 2 2 Series. roriod. Volumes. 1 1803-1820. . . . 1820-1830..-- 1803-1830.... 1830-1891.... 1887-1888.... 1892-1901.... 1 to 41. 2 1 to 25. 1-2 General index. 3 1 to 356. 3 : General index. 4 1 to 100. First Series.^ Ses- sion. 2d 2 3 3 Period covered. Nov. 22, 1803-Mar. 29, 1804. Apr. 5-July 31, 1804 Reign. 44 George III. do Jan. 15-Mar. 12, 1805. Mar. 13-May 14, 1805. a 3 May 15-July 12, 1805 do 1 5 3 4 Jan. 21-May 6, 1806 46 George III.. 1 6 2 4 May 6-July 23, 1806 do 1 7 3 1 Dec. 15, 1806-Mar. 4, 1807 47 George III.. 3-4 1-1 Mar. 5- Aug. 14, 1807 do 1 9 2 Jan. 21-Apr. 8, 1808 48 George III.. 1 10 2 Apr. 11- July 4, 1808 do 1 11 3 Jan. 19-Mar. 7, 1809 49 George III.. 1 12 3 Mar. 8-Mar. 30, 1809 do 1 13 3 Apr. 11-June 21, 1809 do 1 14 4 Jan. 23-Mar. 1, 1810 50 George III. . 1 15 4 Mar. 2-May 17, 1810 do 1 16 4 May 18-June 21, 1810 do 1 17 5 Nov. 1, 1810-Feb. 21, 1811 51 George III.. 1 18 5 Feb. 22-May 10, 1811 do 1 19 5 May 13-July 24, 1811 do 1 20 C Jan. 7-Mar. 16, 1812 52 George III. . 1 21 6 Mar. 17-May 4, 1812 do 1 22 6 May 5-July 30, 1812 do 1 23 5 1 Nov. 24, 1812-Mar. 9, 1813 53 George III.. 1 24 5 1 Mar. 11-May 10, 1813 do I 25 5 1 May 11-July 22, 1813 , do 1 26 5 2 Nov. 4, 1813-June 6, 1814 54 George III.. 1 27 5 2 June7-July 30, 1814 [Prorogued].., do 1 28 6] 3 Nov. 8, 1814-Mar. 3, 1815 55 George III.. 1 29 > "Table of con tents," "Alphabeticallistsof House of Commons, cabinet ministers,' each volume. Parliamentary accounts, acts, and indexes in rear part of each volume, and second series, 1803 to 1830, see page 333, post. 45 George III. Series. 1803-1820 1 Vol- ume. 1 to41 1 Addendum. Appendix, etc. Appendix, etc. Appendix and ad- dendum, etc. Appendix, etc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Addenda, etc. Do. Do. Do. Do. 'etc., in front part of General index, tirst CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. 639 Par- Ses- lirt- ment. sion. 5 3 5 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 1 6 1 6 2 Period covered. Mar. 6-May 1, 1815... May 2-July 12, 1815.. Feb. l-Mar. 6, 1816... Mar. 17-Apr. 25, 1816. Apr. 26-July 2, 1816.. Jan. 28-Apr. 25, 1817. Apr. 28-July 12, 1817. Jan. 27-Apr. 13, 1818. Apr. 30-June 10, 1818. Jan. 14-Apr. 30, 1819. May 3-July 13, 1819.. Nov. 23, 1819-Feb. 28, 1820. Reijm. 55 George in.. do 56 George III.. do do j 57 George III.. do 1 58 George III..! do 59 George III.. do 60 George III. Series. Vol- ume. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Appendix, etc. Addendum. Appendix, etc. Do. Addendum, etc. Appendix, etc. New Series (second), Commencing with the Accession of George IV.' 7th 1st 7 1 7 1 7 2 7 2 7 3 i 3 7 4 7 4 7 5 7 5 7 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 2 .8 3 8 3 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 Apr. 21-June 26, 1820 June 27-Sept. 7, 1820 Sept. 8-Nov. 23, 1820 Jan. 23-Apr. 2, 1821 Apr. 3-JuIy 11, 1821 Feb.5-Apr. 22, 1822 Apr. 24- Aug. 6, 1822 Feb. 4-Apr. 30, 1823 May 1-July 19, 1823 Feb. 3-Mar. 29, 1824 Mar. 30-June 25, 1824 Feb.3-Apr. 18, 1825 Apr. 19-July 6, 1825 Feb.2-Mar. 17, 1826 Mar. 20-May 31, 1826 Nov. 14, 1826-Mar. 22, 1827 Mar. 23-July 2, 1827 Jan. 29-.\pr. 22, 1828 Apr. 22-July 28, 1828. Feb. fr-Mar. 30, 1829.. Mar. 21-June 24, 1829. Feb.4-Mar. 8, 1830... Mar. 9-Apr. 7, 1830... Apr. 8-June4, 1830... June 7-JuIy 23, 1830.. 1 George IV. do do do do 3 George IV. do 4 George IV. do 5 George IV. do 6 George IV. do 7 George IV. do do do 9 George IV. do 10 George IV. do 11 George IV. do do do 1821-1830 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 to25 1 3 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Appendix, etc. Do. Do. Do. Addendum, etc. Appendix, etc. Addendum, etc. Appendix, etc. Do. Do. Do. Do. (Addenda. [Appendix, etc. Appendix, etc. Do. 1 "Table of contents," " Alphabetical lists of House of Commons, cabinet ministers," etc., in front part cf each volume. Parliamentary accounts, acts, and indexes in rear of each volume. "Chronological tables " in front part of volume 1 and volume 20. " Lords' spiritual and temporal " roll, volume 21, pai;e x. General index to the first and second series— 1803 to 1830. (Separate volume.] 640 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. GENERAL INDEX TO THE FIRST AND SECOND SERIES' OF HAN- SARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, FORMING A DIGEST OF THE RECORDED PROCEEDINGS OF PARLIAMENT FROM 1803 TO 1830. ARRANGEMENT. 1st division: Debates in the House of Lords, 1803 to 1830, chronologically arranged. Debates in the Houseof Commons, 1803 to 1830, chronologically arranged. 2d division: List of the succession of Peers, members of Parliament, etc. 3d division: Index to state papers, parliamentary returns, finance accounts, reports, petitions, protests, lists of divisions, etc. 4th division: Index (a) to the Peers, and Index (b) to tlie Commoners who have spoken in debate. 5th division: Alphabetical index to the subjects of debate and matteia incidentally introduced. Third Series; Commencing with the Accession op William IV. ^ Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 9th Ist 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 11 2 11 2 Period covered. Oct. 26-Dec. 20, 1830 Dec. 21, 1830-Mar. 3, 1831. Mar. 4 -Apr. 22, 1831 June 14-July 18, 1831. July 18-Aug. 13, 1831.. Aug. 15-Sept. 13, 1831 . Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1831 . . Oct. 5-Oct. 20, 1831.... Dee. 6, 1831-Feb. 6, 1832. Feb.7-Mar. 8, 1832 Mar. 9-Apr. 6, 1832 Apr. 9-May 23, 1832 May 24-July3, 1832 July3-Aug. 16, 1832 Jan. 29-Feb. 28, 1833 Mar. 1-Apr. 1, 1833. Reign. 1 William IV... do do 2WmiamIV.... do do do do do do do do do 3 William IV.... do Series. 1830-1891 3 3 3 Vol- ume. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (General [Subject Index, 1831. General Indexes. Appendix, General dex. In- Do. Do. Do. (Erratum Vol. 15 Appendix '1 Apr. 2-May 20, 1833 do 3 May 30-July 1, 1833 do 3 July 2-July 25, 1833 do 3 July 26-Aug. 29, 1833 do 3 20 Do. Feb. 4-Mar. 10, 1834 4 WUliam IV.... 3 Mar. 11-Apr. 25, 1834 do 3 * General index, 1st and 2d series, in separate volume 2 Table of contents: In front part of each volume — Subjects of debate in House of Lords and in House of Commons. King's speeches and messages; addresses to the King. Lists of divisions in House of Commons. Officers of state, ministry. Lords, Commons. Ctironological tables, proclamations, "arguments," advertisements, etc. In rear of each volume — Indexes. Chronology of the volumes. "Table of all the statutes" in Appendices. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.,&c. Do. CATALOOTTK OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's— Continued. 641 Par- lia- ment. 11 Ses- sion, 11 2 11 i2 12 12 12 1 12 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 3 12 3 12 3 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 3 13 3 13 3 13 3 13 13 13 13 14 14 2 14 2 14 "} 14 2 14 2 It 2 n 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 11 4 14 4 14 4 I'eiiod covered. Apr. 25-May 27, 1834. Jimc 2-;uly 9, 1834... July 10- Aug. 15, 1834. Feb. 19-Mar. I'J, 1835. Mar. 20-May 21, 1835. May 22-June26, 1835. June29-Aug. 3, 1835.. Aug.3-Sept. 10, 1835. Feb. 4-Mar. 7, 1836. . . Mar. 8-Apr. 20, 1836.. Apr. 21-June2, 1836.. June3-July 7, 1836... July 8-Aug. 20, 1836.. Jan. 21-Mar. 6, 1837... Mar. 7-Apr. 18, 1837.. Apr. 19-JuIy 17, 1837. Nov. 15-Dec. 23, 1837. Jan. 16-Feb. 20, 1838. . Feb. 22-Mar. 28, 1838. Mar. 29-May 18, 1838. May 21-July 7, 1838. . , July 9-Aug. 16, 1838.. Feb.5-Mar. 6, 1839... Mar. 7-Apr. 12, 1839. . Apr. 15-June 5, 1839. . June6-July 6, 1839... July 8-Aug. 6, 1839... Aug. 7-Aug. 28, 1839.. Jan. 16-Feb. 6, 1840... Feb. 7-Mar. 23, 1840. . Mar. 24- May 11, 1840. May 12-June22, 1840. June 23-Aug. 11, 1840. Jan. 26-Mar. 5, 1841... Mar. 8-May 6, 1841... May 7-June22, 1841.. Aug. 19 Oct. 7, 1841.. Feb.3-Mar. 3, 1842... Mar. 4-Apr. 6, 1842... Apr. 7-M'iy :/, 1842 .. May 3-June 16, 1842.. June 17-July 11, 1842. July 12-Aug. 12, 1842. Feb. 2-Feb. ?7, 1843.. Feb. 28-Mar. 24, 1843. Mar. 27-May 8, 1843.. May 9-June 15, 1843.. June 16-JuIy 28, 1813. July 31-Aug. 24, 1843. Feb. 1-Feb.21, 1844.. Feb. 22-Apr. 2, 1844.. Apr. 15-May 24, 1844. 49183—18 41 Heign. Series. 4 William IV. do do do do do do do 6 William IV.. do do do do 7 William IV.. do do 1 Victoria do do 1 Victoria do do 2 Victoria do do do do do 3 Victoria do do do do 4 Victoria , do : I do I 5 Victoria t do I do do do do 6 Victoria do do do do do 7 Victoria do do Vol- ume. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 642 CATALOGUE OF IJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's— Continued. Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 (7)7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 Period coveretl . Reign. Series. May 30-June 26, 1844 7 Victoria. June27-Sept. 5, 1844 i do Feb. 4-Feb. 26, 1845 8 Victoria. Feb. 27-Apr. 2, 1845 , Apr. 3-Apr. 30, 1845 May 1-June3, 1845 June4-July 3, 1845 July 4-Aug. 9, 1845 Jan. 22-Feb. 23, 1846 Feb. 24-Mar. 23, 1846 j Mar. 24-May 1, 1846 ' do. May 4-May 29, 1846 1 do. June 4-July 24, 1846 : do. July 27-Aug. 28, 1846 ' do. do do do do do 9 Victoria . do 10 Victoria, .i'i Jan. 19-Feh.l5, 1847 Feb. 16-Mar. 15, 1847 Mar. 16-Apr. 26, 1847 do Apr. 27-June 1, 1847 [ do June2-July 6, 1847 ' do July 7-July 23. 1847 do Nov. 18-Dec. 20, 1847 ' 11 Victoria Feb.3-Feb. 28, 1848 i do Fel). 29- Apr. 6, 1848 Apr. 7-May 26, 1848 May 29-June 30, 1848 July 3-Aug. 9, 1848 Aug. 10-Sept. 5, 1848 Feb. 1-Feb. 28, 1849 Mar. 1-Mar. 28, 1849 Mar. 29-May 7, 1849 May 8- June 11, 1849 June 12-July 6, 1849 July 9-Aug. 1, 1849 July 31- Feb. 25, 1850 Feb. 26-Mar. 26, 1850 Apr. 8-May 13, 1850 May 14-June 17, 1850 Junel8-July 18, 1850 July 19-Aug. 15, 1850 Feb. 4-Mar. 14, 1851 do do do do do 12 Victoria.. do do do do do 13 Victoria.. do do do 14 Victoria.. Mar. 17-Apr. 10, 1851 do. May 27-June 30, 1851 ' do July 1-Aug. 8, 1851 j do Feb. 3-Mar. 22, 1852 ' 15 Victoria. Mar. 23- Apr. 29, 1852 , do Apr. 30-June 3, 1852 1 do June4-July 1, 1852 ! do. Nov. 4-Dee. 31, 1852 ! 16 Victoria. Feb. lO-Mar. 10, 1853 | do Mar. 11-Apr. 18, 1853 | do Apr. 19-May 9, 1853 | do May lO-June 10, 1853 ! do June 13-July 8, 1853 1 do Vol- ume. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. J'rotest. Appendi.x. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Protest. Appendix. Do. Do. Proclamation. Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Protest. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates, Hansard' s^ — Continued. 643 Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. Period covered. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 j 16 ! 16 16 16 16 16 16 IG 17 17 17 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 3 IS 3 18 1 18 1 18 2 18 2 18 2 18 2 18 2 18 3 18 3 18 3 18 3 18 4 18 4 18 4 18 4 18 5 18 5 18 5 18 5 18 6 18 6 18 6 18 6 July 11-Aug. 20, 18.53 Jan. 31-Fel). 27, 1854 Feb. 28-Mar. 28, 1854 Mar. 29-May 8, 1854 May 9-June 12, 1854 June 13-July 10, 1854 July 11-Aug. 12, 1854 Dec. 12, 1854-Mar. 1, 1855.. Mar. 2-May 2, 1855 May 3-June 21, 1856 Reign. 10 Victoria. 17 Victoria . do 18 Victoria. do .do June 22-Aug. 14, 1855 j do Jan. 31-Mar. 11, 1856 | 19 Victoria. Mar. 12-May 5, 1856 ' do May 6-June 27, 1856 i do June 30-July 29, 1856 do. Feb. 3-Mar. 21, 1857. Apr. 30-June 18, 1857 June 19-July 17, 1857 July 20-Aug. 28, 1857 Dec. 3, 1857-Feb. 22, 1858.. Feb.23-May 3, 1858 May 4-June 17, 1858 June 18-Aug. 2, 1858 Feb. 3-Mar. 10, 1859 Mar. 11-Apr. 19, 1859. 20 Victoria. do do do 21 Victoria. do do do 22 Victoria. -do. .do. May 31-July 18, 1859 July 19-Aug. 13, 1859 \ do Jan. 24-Mar. 5, 1860 j 23 Victoria. Mar. 6-Apr. 23, 1860 do .Vpr. 24-June6, 1860 i do June 7-July 20, 1860 i do July 23-Aug. 28, 1860 ' do Feb. 5-Mar. 18, 1861 24 Victoria. Mar. 19-May 17, 1861. May 23-June27, 1861. June28-Aug. 6, 1861.. Feb. 6-Mar. 24, 1862.. Mar. 2.5-May 26, 1862. May27-July 7, 1862.. July 8-Aug. 7, 1862. . . Feb. 5-Mar. 26, 1863.. Mar. 27-May 28, 1863. May 29- June 30, 1863. July 1-July 28, 1863.. Feb. 4-Mar. 14, 1864.. Mar. 15-May 3, 1864 . . May 4- June 20, 1864.. June 21-July 29, 1864. do do do 25 Victoria. do do, 26 Victoria. do do do 27 Victoria. do do do Series. Vol- ume. 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 1 168 169 »170 171 172 173 174 175 '176 Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. fProclamation.l jj JAppendix. ] .\ppendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. [Proclamation. JAppendix. Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Dp. Do. Do. Do. flntroductlonl 1 to index. J Appendix. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 Vol. 168, preceding the index, is a " Notice to the rea do Jan. 17-Feb. 19, 1878 ! 41 Victoria Feb. 20-Mar. 2.5, 1878 ' do Mar. 26-May 15, 1878 do .>.. May 16-June 20, 1S78 J do June 21-July 22, 1878 • do July 23-Aug. 16, 1878 i do Dec. 5, 1878-Feb. 28, 1879....! 42 Victoria Mar. 3-Mar. 28, 1879 do Mar. 31-May 8, 1879 ; do May 9-June 16, 1879 do June 17-July 9, 1879 ; do July 10-Aug. 2, 1879 do Aug. 4-Aug. 15, 1879 ' do Feb. 5-Feb. 28, 1880 43 Victoria Mar. 1-Mar. 24, ISSO do Apr. Z)-June 14, 1880 do June 15-July 8, 1880 do July9-Aug. 2, 1880 | do Aug. 3-Aug. 24, 1880 do 2.5-Sept. 7, ISSO do Jan. 6-Feb. 2, 1881 do Feb. 1-Mar. 1, 1881 do Mar. 2-Mar. 25, 1881 do Mar. 26-May 6, 1881 i do May 9-June 2, 1881 do June 3-July 4, 1881 do July 5-July 27, 1881 do July 2S-Aug. 15, 1881 do Aug. 16-Aug. 27, 1881 43 (sic) Victoria.. Feb. 7-Mar. 2, 1882 do Mar. 3-Mar. 24, 1882 do Series. Vol- ume. 3 Mar. 25-May 2, 1882. .do. «240 »241 "242 ■243 J 244 Do. »227 j * 228 I Appendix. >229 I *230 I »231 j Do. ' 232 , '233 D... >234 *23.5 »236 Do. '237 »238 »239 «240 *241 "'242 ■243 J 244 »245 •246 ^247 «248 ' 249 Do. ' 250 = 251 Do. '252 »253 5 254 *255 '- 2.56 Do. 1257 *25S 3 259 <260 *2»)1 »262 ^263 S264 9 265 Do. '266 »267 i Financial | statement. 1882. J 3 May 3-June 2, 1882 do , 3 < 269 3 June o- June 21, 1882 do | 3 » 270 3 June 22- July 10, 1882 do 3 « 271 3 July 11-July 27, 1882 do j 3: '272 3 July 28-Aug. 18, 1882 '. do 3| » 273 Protests, 3 Oct. ^1-Xov. 23, 18S2 ' do 3| » 274 3 Nov. 24-Dec. 2, 18S2 do 3; "275 Appendix. 4 Feb. 15-Mar. 9, 1883..'. i do 3! » 276 4 Mar. 10-Apr. 10, 1883 j do 3i » 277 , —The smill figures in " Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. index. Index. X»o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. index. Index. Do. Do Do Do Do. Do. Dc. Do. Do Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. index. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. index. Index. Do 646 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's Continued. Par- lia- ment. 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 Ses- sion. 24 1 24 1 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 2 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 Period covered. Apr. 11-May 4, 1883 May 7-June 7, 1883 June 8- June 29, 1883 July 2-July 19,1883 July 20-Aug. 9, 1883 Aug. 10-Aug. 25, 1883 Feb. 5-Feb. 25, 1884 Feb. 26-Mar. 15, 1884 Mar. 17-Apr. 7, 1884 Apr. 8-May 9, 1884 May 12-June 10, 1884 June 11-July 3, 1884 July 4-July 21, 1884 July 22-Aug. 5, 1884 Aug.6-Aug. 14,. 1884 Oct. 23-Nov. 17, 1884 Nov. 18, 1884-Mar. 3, 1885. Mar. 4-Mar. 19, 1885 Mar. 20- Apr. Ifj, 1885 Apr. 17-May 7, 1885 May 8-July 7, 1885 July 8-July 24, 1885 July 27-Aug. 12, 1885 Aug. 1.3-Aug. 14, 1885 Jan. 12-Mar. 4, 1886 Mar. 5-Mar. 25, 1886 Mar. 26-Apr. 16, 1886 Apr. 19-May 24, 1886 May 25-June 19,1886 June 21-June 25, 1886. Reign. 43 {sic) Victoria. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Series. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 49 Victoria. do do .do. .do. .do. Vol- ume. Note Aug. 5-Sept. 9, 1886 50 Victoria 1 3 '308 Sept. 10-Sept. 25, 1886 do ' 3 ^ 309 Jan. 27-Feb. 17, 1887 do 3 '310 Feb. 18-Mar. 10, 1887 do 3 2 311 Mar. 11-Mar. 30, 1887 do 3 3312 Mar. 31-Apr. 25, 1887 do : 3 < 313 Apr. 26-May 13, 1887 do '\ 3 5314 Protest. May 16-Tune 13, 1887 do | 3 « 315 June 14-July 6, 1887 do ! 3 '316 July 7- July 25, 1887 do j 3 « 317 July 26-Aug. 10, 1887 do ' 3 » 318 Aug. 11- 4ug. 25, 1887 do I 3 '» 319 Aug. 26-Sept. 8, 1887 do 3 "320 Sept. 9-Sept. 16, 1887 do 3 i2o321 Gen. index, Feb. 9-Mar. 1, 1888 50 (sic) Victoria, j 3 • 322 Appendix. Mar. 2 Mar. 21, 1888 do \ 3 2 323 Mar. 22-Apr. 19, 1888 do I 3 '324 Apr. 20- May 10, 1888 do ! 3 < 325 May 11 June 12, 1888 do ...-I 3* 5326 •» General index, session 1887-1888, in separate, unnumbered volume. —Tiie small figures in "Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. S278 «279 5 280 6 281 ' 282 8 283 > 284 2 285 3 286 «287 6 288 6 289 ' 290 8 291 9 292 1293 2 294 3 295 <296 5 297 6 298 '299 8300 9301 1302 2303 3 304 <305 5 306 Protest. Appendix. Do. Do. 6 30' ,•7 I Proclama- tion. Appendix. .Duplicated. Appendix. Index. Do. Do. Do Do. Gen. index. Index. Do. Do. [)o. Do. Do. Do. Do. (ien. index. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. index. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. index. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1887. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. G47 Parliamentary Debates, Hansard's — Continued. Par- lia- ment, 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 4 24 4 24 4 24 4 24 4 24 4 24 4 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Ses-j sion. I Period covered. 3 '; June 13-June 19, 1888. 3 { July 2-Julj' 19, 1888... 3 July 20- Aug. 7, 1888. . 3 j Aug. 8-Nov. 22, 1888.. 3 : Nov. 23-Dec. 11, 1888. 3 Dec. 12-Dec. 22, 1888. 4 , Feb. 21-Mar. 15, 1889. Mar. 18-Apr. 8, 188!).. Apr. 9-May 13, 1889.. May It -June 4, 1889.. June 17-July 9, 1889.. July 10- July 31, 1889.. Aug. 1-Aug. 20, 1889.. Aug. 21-Aug. 30, 1889. 5 i Feb. 11-Mar. 4, 1890. 5 Mar. 5-Mar. 26, 1890. Mar. 27-May 1, 1890.. May 2-June3, 1890... June .5-June 25, 1890.. June 2G- July 10, 1890. July 17-Aug. 5, 1890.. Aug. li-Aug. IS, 1890.. 6 Nov. 25, 1890-Feb. 4, 1891. Feb. 5-Mar. 2, 1891 do. Mar. 3-Apr. 6, 1891 do. Apr. 7-May 1, 1891 do. May 4-June 8, 1891 do. June 9-June 30, 1891 do. July 1-JuIy 21, 1891 do. July 22-Aug. 5, 1891 do. Reign. Series. 50 {sic) Victoria. do do do do do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .•-do. .do. Vol- ume. •327 '328 «329 »330 "•331 " a 332 Appendix. Do. '('333 (^Estimates. 1 1 Ac. '6 334 j '(>335 ' <'>336 ' 5(>337 «6 338 '6 339 8 6 340 Index. 16 341 2 6 342 3 6 343 <6 344 5 6 345 « 6 .346 '6 347 8 6 348 16 r349 2 6 350 3 6 351 «6 352 5 6 353 • 6 354 '6 355 8 6 .35fi Appendix. Estimates, &c. Do. Appendix. f Do. •j E.slimates, Index. Do. a General index, se.ssions 1887-1888, in separate, unnumbered volume. 6 "Chronology of Hansard's Debates" follows the title-page. c The Ministry (Cabinet, 3 M &5 «6 >8 19 »10 * 11 5 12 «13 ' 14 8 15 »16 10 17 11 18 n 19 "20 "21 122 »23 •24 <25 »26 6 27 '28 829 130 '31 «32 <33 6 34 •6 35 Proclamations. Gen. Index, Tables. j Appendix.] lEstimates.) Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. and 1892, Index. Do. Do. Appendix Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. Index, 1893-94. Estimates. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. Index, 1894. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Gen. Index, 1895. Do. Index. Do. Appendix Do. 39 («ic) Victoria... 4 ! i 36 do 4 1 »37 a In front of volumes, generally: Table of Contents; The Ministry; List of Lords and Commons; Proc lamations; Bills dealt with in the volume. In rear of volumes, generally: Indexes; Appendixes; Acts; Divisions of House; Business of House. b Bills dealt with in first session of 1895. Note. — The small figures in "Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. 649 Par- lia- ment. 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 28 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 28 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 20 as 26 Ses- sion. Period eovered. Reign. 2 Mar. 3-Mar. 23, 1896 59 (sic) Victoria... 2 Mar. 24-Apr. 27, 1896 do 2 Apr. 2a-May 19, 1896 do 2 May 20-June 23, 1896 ' do 2 June24-July 16, 1896 do 2 July 17-Aug. 6, 1896 '" do 2 Aug. 7-Aug. 14, 1896 do. Series. Jan. 19-Feb. 8, 1897 60 (sic) Victoria. Feb.9-Mar. 4, 1897 do Mar. 5-Mar. 29, 1897 do Mar.30-May 6, 1897 do May 7-May 31, 1897 do June 1-July 12, 1897 do July 13-July 30, 1897 i do July31-Aug. 6, 1897. Feb. 8-Feb. 24, 1898.. Feb. 25-Mar. 15, 1898. Mar. 16-Apr. 1, 1898.. Apr. 4-Apr. 29, 1898.. May 2-May 17, 1898.. May 18-June 10, 1898. June 13-Juiie 23, 1898. June 24-July 5, 1898.. July 6-July 15, 1898.. July 18-July 26, 1898. . July 27-Aug. 3, 1898.. Aug. 4-Aug. 11, 1898.. .do. 61 (sic) Victoria . do do do Aug. 12, 1898 Feb. 7-Feb. 20, 1899. Feb. 21- Mar. 6, 1899.. Mar. 7-Mar. 20, 1899. . Mar. 22-.\pr. 19, 1899. Apr. 20-May 5, 1899.. May8-May 19, 1899... (Adj. to 31st.) May31-June 19, 1899. June 20-Ju!y 5, 1899.. July 6-JuIy 21, 1899.. July 24-Aug. 4, 1899. Aug. 7-Aug. 9, 1899. Oct. 17-Oct. 27, 1899. Jan. 30-Feb. 14, 1900. Feb. lo-Mar. 2, 1900.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 61-62 (sic) Victoria 62(sfc) Victoria...! .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Vol- ume. «38 »39 <40 Ml «42 MS 8044 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 «50 151 86 52 >53 »54 »55 «58 557 «58 '59 860 «61 10 62 "63 "64 i»c85 wee '67 »68 <69 S70 •71 772 8 73 974 J«75 " 76 Appendix f Appendix |Gen. 1 1 .Append Lx. "Contents, front. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. en. Ind°x, 1896. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Index, 1897. Index. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. [Gen. Index, i 1898. " Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. "Contents," &c., front. "Chronol- ogy," &c. Do. Do. 6 e NOTE.- 63 («(c) Victoria... 4 '77 Do. do 4 178 Do. do 4 «e 79 Do.e Bills dealt with in first session of 1896. Bills dealt with in first session of 1897. Bills dealt with in first session of 1898. -The small figures in " Vohime" column signify number of voKinic of the session Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, rear. Index, rear. Do. Do. d Bills dealt with in first session of 1S99. « Public bills dealt with in this volume. 650 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 27 1 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 2 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 3 27 4 27 4 Period covered Mar. 5-Mar. 21, 1900. 63 (sic) Victoria.. Mar. 22-Apr. 0, 1000 do Apr. 26-May 11, 1900 ' do. May 14-May 28, 1900.... June 14-June 28, 1900.... June 29- July 13, 1900.... July 16-July 27, 1900.... July 30-Aug. 8, 1900 Dec. 3-Dec. 15, 1900 do. Jan. 3-Fel). 27, 1901 1 Edward VII. do do do 64 (sic) Victoria. do do. do. Feb.28-Mar. 14, 1901 Mar. 15-Mar. 27, 1901 Mar. 28-Apr. 26, 1901 ' do Apr. 29-May 13, 1901 ! do May 14-June 10, 1901 do June ll-.Iune 26, 1901 do June 27-July 10, 1901 do July 11-July 24, 1901 do July 2o-Aug. 7, 1901 do Aug. S-.Aug. 17, 1901 i...' Jan.3-Aug. 17, 1901 ' do Jan. 16-Jan. :«), 1902 ! 1-2 Edward VII. Jan. 31-Fel>. 13, 1902 2 Edward VII., Feb. 14-Feb. 27, 1902 do Feb. 28-Mar. 13, 1902 do Mar. 14-Apr. 10, 1902 do .'-A-.; Apr. 11-Apr. 25, 1902 \ do Apr. 28-May 12, 1902 ' do May 13-June 5, 1902 ' do June 6-June 24, 1902 ' do June 25-JuIy 10, 1902 ; do July 11-July 28, 1903 ' do July 29-Aug. 8, 1902 ' do Oct. 16-Nov. 3, 1902 ' do N0V.4-N0V. 19, 1902 ' do Nov. 20-Dec. 4, 1902 ! do. Dec. 5-Dec. 18, 1902 Jan. 16-Dec. IS, 1902 Feb. 17-Mar. 3, 1903 Mar. 6-Mar. 23, 1903 Vol- ume. 3 80 «81 5 82 "83 J 84 8 85 9 86 10 87 188 189 2 90 391 <92 593 «94 '95 «96 •97 "98 "99 ■MOO I 101 no2 3 103 U04 5 105 «106 M07 8 108 9 109 i»110 11 111 12 112 13 113 "114 15 115 i«116 "117 1 118 2 119 "Contents," &c., front. " Chronol- ogy," &C.a Do. a Do.a Do." D0.1 Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." ' Contents," Ac, front. "Chronol- ogy," &c." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do. a Do. a Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." Do." "Contents," &c., front. " Chronol- ogy," &C." Do." Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, rear. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1901. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. (ieneral In- dex, 1902. Index, rear. Do. Note.- " Public bills dealt with in this volume. -The small figures In "Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 651 Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. Par- lia- ment. 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Ses- sion. Period covered. Mar. 24- Apr. 8, 1903. Apr. 21 May 6, 1903... May 7-M!iy 26, 1903... May 27-June 19, 1903.. June 22-July 7, 1903... July 8-July 22, 1903... July 23- Aug. 5, 1903... Aug. 6-Aug. 14, 1903- . Feb. 17-Aug. 14, 1903.. Feb.2-Fel.. 16, 1904.. Feb.l7-Mar.2, 1904... Mar. 3-Mar. 17, 1904.. Mar. 18-Mar. 29, 1904. Apr. 12-Apr. 28, 1904. Apr. 29 May 16, 1904. May 17-June 13, 1904 . June 14- June 28, 1904. June 29-July 13, 1904 . July 14-July 28, 1904.. July 9, 1904.. Aug. 10-.\ug. 15, 1904. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. .\pr. May May June July July Aug. 14-Feb. 28, 1905. 1-Mar. 14, 1905.. 15-Mar. 30, 1905. 31- Apr. 12, 1905. 13-May 10, 1905 . 11-May 26, 1905. 29-June23, 1905. 26-July 7, 1905.. 10- July 21, 1905. 24-Aug. 2, 1905.. 3-Aug. 10, 1905. Feb. 13-Mar. 2, 1906... Mar. 5-Mar. 16, 1906... Mar. 19-Mar. 29, 1906.. Mar. 30-Apr. 25, 1906.. Apr. 26-May 10, 1906.. May U-May 25, 1906.. May 28-June 18, 1906.. June 19-July 3, 1906... July 4- July 16, 1906... July 27-Aug. 4, 1906... Get. 23-Nov. 2, 1906... Nov. 5-Nov. 14, 1906.. Nov. 5-Nov. 14, 1906.. Nov. 15-Nov. 27, 1906. Reign. 3 Edward VII. do. do. do. do. do. 4 Edward VII. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 5 Edward VII. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 6 Edward VII. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Series. Vol- ume. 3 120 *121o 5 122 «123 ' 124 8 125 9 126 10 127 " 128 1 129 ■■'130 3 131 * 132 5 133 6 134 ' 135 8 136 9 137 i»138 i" 139 '2 140 1 141 2 142 3 143 <144 5 145 6 146 7 147 8 148 9 149 '0 150 "151 1152 a 153 3 154 * 155 5 156 6 157 '158 8 159 9 160 i»161 11162 12 163 13 164 1*165 "Contents," Ac, front. "Chronol- ogy," &C.0 Do. Do.o Do." Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.o Do.a Do.i Do." Do." Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.a Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.a Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do." Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do." Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Do.o Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1903. Index, rrar. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. . Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1904. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1905. Index, rear. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. a Public bills dealt with in this volume. Note.— The small figures in " Volume" column signify number of volume of the session. 652 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. Par- lia-' ment. 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 • 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Ses- sion. Period eovorecJ. Reign. Nov. 28-Dec. 10, 1906 6 Edward VII. 2 Apr. 8-Apr. 23, 1907 Dec. 11-Dec. 21, 190«. Feb. 13-Dec. 21,1906. .do. .do. Veh. 12-Fel). 26, 1907 7 Edward VII. Feb. 27-Mar. 12, 1907 do Mar. 1,3-Mar. 27, 1907 i do.... do... do... do... do... Apr. 24-May 6, 1907.... May 7-May 29, 1907 May 30-June 13, 1907... June 14-June 26, 1907. . . June 27-July 10, 1907 ' do.. July 11-July 24, 1907 do.. July 25-Aug. 6, 1907 i do.. .\ug. 7-.\ug. 16, 1907 ' do.. Aug. 19-Aug. 24, 1907 do.. Aug. 26-Aug. 28, 1907 , do.. Jan. 29~Fel). 11, 1908 s 8 Edward VII. Feb. 12-Fel). 26, 1908 ' do Feb. 27-Mar. 12, 1908 do Mar. 13-Mar. 27, 1908 do Mar. 30-May 4, 1908 do Mayo-May 18, 1908 do May 19-June2, 1908 do June 3- June 24, 1908 do June25-July 8, 1908 do July 9-July 21, 1908 do July 22-Aug. 1, 1908 do Oct. 12-Oct. 26, 1908 do Oct. 27-Nov. 9, 1908 do Nov. 10-Nov. 23, 1908 do Nov. 24-Dec. 4, 1908 do Dec. 7-Dec. 21, 1908 do Jan. 29-Dec. 21, 1908 do Series. Vol- ume. 4 IS 166 4 !i« 167 4 " 168 • 169 1 ' 170 ! ' 171 ♦172 9 173 6 174 M75 I 8 176 9 177 i«178 "179 H180 "181 " 182 1183 S184 »185 U86 M87 8 188 M89 8 190 9 191 i»192 " 193 '2 194 "195 1*196 "197 16 198 " 199 "Contents," &c., front. " Chronol- ogy ;"i^c.o Do.o Do." Do.a Do.i Do." \1n.n Do." Do.i Do.™ Do. a Do.o Do.a Do.o Do.o Do.i Do." Do.a Do." Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.o Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Do.a Index, rear. Do. General In- dex, 190(1. Index, rear . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1907. Index, rfar. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General In- dex, 1908. o Public bills dealt with in this volume. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 653 Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) -Continued. HOUSE OF COMMOJ^S. Par- lia- ment. 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Ses- sion. Period covered. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. May June June July Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 16-Mar. 5, 1909... 8-Mar. 26, 1909... 29-Apr. 23, 1909.. 26-May U, 1909.. 17-June i, 1909... 7-June 25, 1909... 28-July 16, 1909.. 19-Aug. 6, 1909... 9-.\ug. 27, 1909... 30-Sept. 17, 1909. 20-Oet. 8, 1909... 18-Nov. 5, 1909... 23-Dec. 3, 1909... Feb. 15-Mar. 11, 1910.. Mar. 15-Apr. 1, 1910... Apr. 4-Apr. 22, 1910... Apr. 25-June 17, 1910.. June 20-July 8, 1910... July 11-Aug. 3, 1910. . . Nov. 15-Nov. 28, 1910. Jan. 31-Feb 24,1911.. Feb.27-Mar- 17, 1911.. Mar. 20-Apr-7, 1911... Apr. lO-Apr-28, 1911.. May 1-May 19, 1911... May 22-June 16, 1911.. June 19-July 7, 1911 . . . July 10-July 28, 1911.. July 31-Aug. 22, 1911.. Oct. 24-Nov. 10, 1911.. Nov. 13-Nov. 24, 1911. Nov. 27-Dec. 16, 1911.. 1911 Reign. Series. Feb. 14-Mar. 1, 1912 Mar. 4-Mar. 22, 1912 Mar. 25-Apr. 12, 1912 Apr. 15-May 3, 1912 May 6-May 22, 1912 June 4-June 21, 1912 June 24-July 12, 1912 July 15-Aug. 7, 1912 Oct. 7-Oct. 25, 1912 Oct. 28-Nov. 14, 1912 Nov. 18-Dec. 6, 1912 Dec. 9-Dec. 20, 1912 Dec. 30, 1912-Jan. 17, 1913. Jan. 20-Feb. 5, 1913 Feb. 6-Feb. 14. 1913 9 Edward VII. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 10 Edward VII... 10 Edward VII- 1 George V. 1 George V .do. do do do do 2 George V. do do do do .do. .do. .do. do do do.... do do 3 George V do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. Vol- ume. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Contents. Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acts (general index). Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acl3 (general index). Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acts (general Index). Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 654 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. HOUSE OF COMMONS— Contiuued. Par- lia- ment. Ses- sion. 30 2 t 30 2 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 ' 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 ; 30 4 30 4 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Period covered. Mar. 6 and 7, 1913. Reign. 3 George V. Mar. 10-Mar. 28, 1913. do. Mar. 31-Apr. 18, 1913 do . 3 and 4 George V.. 4 George V Apr. 21-May 8,1913 May27-Juae 13,1913.... June 13-July 4,1913 do July 7-July 25, 1913 do July 28-Aug. 15, 1913 do Mar. 10-Aug. 15, 1913 3 and 4 George V Feb. 10-Feb. 27, 1914... Mar. 2-Mar. 20,1914 Mar. 23- Apr. 8,1914.... Apr. 14-May 1,1914.... May 4-May 22, 1914,... May 25-June 9-26, 1914. June 29-July 17, 1914. . . July 20-Aug. 10, 1914. . . Aug. 25-Sept. 18,1914.. Feb. 10-Sept. 18, 1914.. Nov. 11-Nov. 27, 1914 Feb. 2-Feb. 18,1915 Feb. 22-Mar. 18, 1915 Apr. 14-May 19, 1915 June3-July2, 1915 July 5- July 29, 1915 Sept. 14-Oct.21, 191.5 Oct. 26-rov. 18, 1915 Nov. 22-Dec. 17, 191.5 Dec. 20, 1915-Jan. 13, 1916. Jan. 17-Jan. 27, 1916 Nov. 11, 1914-Jan.27, 1916. Feb. 15-Mar. 16, 1916 Mar. 21-May 2, 1916 May 3-June 1, 1916 June20-.Iuly 6, 1916 July 10-July 31, 1916..;... Aug. 1-Aug. 23, 1916 Oct. 10-rov. 2, 1916 Nov. 7-"ov. 23, 1916 Nov. 27-r)ec. 22, 1916 Feb. 15-Dec. 22, 1917 Feb. 7-Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 5-Mar. 23, 1917 Mar.26-Apr. 27, 1917 Apr. 30-May 25, 1917 June 5-Jime 22, 1917 June 25- July 13, 1917 Aug. 6-Aug. 21, 1917. do 4 and 5 George V. 5 George V 4 and 5 George V.. 5 George V 5 and 6 George V.. 6 George V 6 George V do do do do 5 and 6 George v.. . 6 G oorge V do 6 and 7 George V.. 7 George V do do do do do 6 and 7 George V. do 7 George V do 7 and 8 George V. 8 George V do .do. Series. Vol- ume. Contents. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 53 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Public and private acts (general index). Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acts (general index). Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acts (general index). Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. (ieneral index. Public and private acts. 1)0. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General index. Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 655 Parliamentary Debates (authorized edition) — Continued. UOUSE OF LORDS. I'ar- lia- ment. 1 sion. 28 4 28 4 1 28 4 28 4 29 1 29 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 3 30 4 30 4 '30 4 30 5 30 5 30 •5 30 e 30 6 30 6 30 7 Period covered. Reign. Feb. 16-May 26, 1909 9 Edward VII.... June 23-Sept. 16, 1909 do Sept.20-Oet. 14, 1909 do Oct. 19-Dec. 3, 1909 do Feb. 15-July 7, 1910 | 10 Edward VII- 1 George V. July 11-Xov. 28, 1910 1 George V Jan. 31-Apr. 6, 1911 do Apr. 26-June 29, 1911 do .,...,. July 3-Aug. 22, 1911 i 2 George V Oct. 25-060. 16, 1911. Feb. 14-May 16, 1912.... Junell-Nov. 28, 1912.... Dec. 2, 1912-Mar. 7, 1913. Mar. 10, 1913-Aug. 15, 1913. Feb. lO-Apr. 30, 1914 May 5-July 16, 1914 July 20-Sept. 18, 1914 Kov. 11, 1914-.\lay 19, 191.i. . June3-Oct. 20, 1915 Oct. 26, 191.5- Jan. 27, 1916. . Feb. 1.5-May 18, 1916. May 22-Aug. 3, 1916.. Aug. 8-Dec. 22, 1916. . Feb. 7-May8, 1917. Vol. 7 to George V. 3 George V. . do do 10— do 4 and 5George V. do do .5 and 6 George W do do 6 and 7 George V. do.... do.... 7 and 8 George V Series. 1 Vol- ume. 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 5 - 6 1 1 6 5 ' 5 r.8! 5 9 5 10 1 5 11 1 5 12 5 13 I— i 5 14 5 15 5 16 5 17 .5 18 1 •5 19 I r> 20 1 i 5 21 .5 22 5 23 5 24 Contents. Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acts (general iiide.x). Pulilie and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acts (general index). Public and private acts. Do. Public and private acts (general index). Public and private acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Public and private acis (general imie.x). Public and private acts. Do. Public and private acts (general index). Public and private acts. Patents. Reports of the Commissioner.' Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. Part. 1837 25 2 Senate. . . 2 105 1837 25 2 H. ex.... 5 112 * 1838 25 3 H. ex.... 3 80 1839 26 1 Senate... 3 111 1839 26 1 H. ex.... 3 106 1 The Patent OiHce was originally connected with the Department of State, but was transferred to the Department of the Interior upon its organization in 1849. From 1837 to 1842 it issued brief reports in pamphlet form, but subsequently in volumes, as above enumerated. Prior to 1862, when the Department of Agriculture was established, the report on agriculture was prepared and published lay the Commissioner of I'atents, and forms a volume, or part of a volume, of his annual reports, the first being that of 1840. These reports, except vol. 4, 1869, vols. 2 and 3, 1870, and vols. 1, 2, 3, 1871, are included in the set of Con- gressional documents bound in leather, forming a part of the executive documents of the House of Repre- sentatives. Those of 1849 to 1858, inclusive, are included also in the executive documents of the Senate. A separate edition bound in cloth was also publislied. In 1872 the Official Gazette, a weekly publication, was substituted in the place of the annual reports, when the publication and distribution of the latter ceased. An index to the Gazette is issued annually. 656 CATALOGUE OF IJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Patents. Reports of the Commissioners — Continued. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Part. Number. Part. 1840 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex Senate. . . H. ex.... Senate. . . H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... S. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex S. ex. . . . H. ex S. ex.... H. ex.... S. ex.... H. ex.... S. ex.... H. ex S. ex.... H. ex — S. ex.... H. ex S. ex.... H. ex.... S. ex. ... H. ex.... S. ex S. ex.... H. ex H. ex H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex — II. ex 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 6 5 3 6 6 7 6 6 12 10 9 9 6 7 8,9 7 7,8 6 9-11 8 8-10 8 11-13 10 7,8 5,6 5 10 11,12 10 9 16 1 1 1 1 1 1,2 1,2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1,2 1-3 1-3 1-3 152 169 129 109 150 177 75 78 307 140 52 54 59 15 20 32 118 102 55 65 27 39 42 59 20 12 53 65 30 32 47 105 12 7 53 52 60 51 52 109 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1 1849 1 1850 1 1851 1 1851 1852 1 1 1852 1 1853 1 1853 1 1854 1,2 1854 1,2 1855 1,2 1855 1,2 1856 1-3 1856 1-3 1857 1-3 1857 1-3 1858.... 1-3 1858 1-3 1859 1,2 1860 1,2 1861 1-3 1862 1,2 1863 1,2 1864 1-3 1865 1-3 1866 1-3 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 657 Patents. Reports of the Commissioner — Continued. Year. 1867 18G8 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873.^ 1874 1875 J876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 18^8 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 49183—18 Congress. Session . 40 2 40 3 41 2 41 3 42 2 House or Senate document. 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 ^ 58 i 58 59 59 60 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 H. ex.. n. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. U. ex.. H. ex.. II. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. n. mis. S. mis. . H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. S. mis. , S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis H. mis. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. H.doc. S. doc. 11. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. Volume. 10 10 9 9 8 6 4 10 8 8 13 14 15 15 16 20 22 4 3 5 5 5 3 4 4 3 7 8 10 6 20 9 13 13 14 88 22 77 90 95 42 I'art. 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-3 Number. Part. 96 52 102 89 86 190 58 150 107 36 61 48 33 67 6 71 73 18 71 135 164 109 78 58 68 53 127 70 242 183 185 104 185 138 151 342 177 266 425 558 620 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-3 -42 658 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Patents. Reports of the Commissioner— Continued. Year. 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Congress. Session. 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 63 3 04 1 64 T 2 House or Senate document. H. doc... H. doc . . . H. doc... H. doc... H doc . . . H doc . . . H doc . . . H doc. - . H doc . . . Volume. Pari. 67 65 76 74 42 36 29 80 60 I Number. 1407 123 1348 131 933 1009 1475 660 2027 I 'art. Patents. Lists of.* Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Num- ber. u 1 5 16 Remarks. Not numbered. Not documented. Do. Commissioner of Patents. 8 11 11 21 22 2 3 3 1 H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 1829-1830 Jan. 22. 1822... 1790-1836 1790-1847 1 Subsequently issued as weekly Gazette and annual report. Pensions. Reports of the Commissioner, mchided in reports of the Secretary of the Interior, p. 569. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 659 Philippine Commission.' Acts of. Congress. ,ho 57.. 57-. 58.. 58.. 59.. 59.. CO.. 60.. 61^ 1 2 2 House . House . House . 3 House. 1 House. 2 House. 1 2 2 House. House . House . mber. Volume. 2 11 2 15 2 9 2 15 2 15 2 11 2 11 1042 19 103 20 Public LavTf. Acts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 The Taft Philippine Commission was appointed by the President in March, 1900. The commission was directed by the President to report to the Secretary of War, and all its actions to be subject to his approval and control. The commission arrived in Manila June 3, 1900, but did not perform any functions in the military government until Sept. 1, 1900. In September, 1900, the central government of the islands was established under instructions of the President, with a military governor as chief executive and the commission as the legislative body with certain executive functions in addition. This continued until July 4, 1901, when the civil executive authority theretofore reposed in the military governor and in the com- mission was transferred to a civil governor. Congress approved and ratified the President's action by pass- ing on July 1, 1902, an act temporarily to provide for administration of affairs of civil government in Philip- pine Islands, etc. (Stat. L., v. 32, pt. 1, p. ('.91). 'i he Philippine Commission passed a general election law Jan. 9, 1907, in conformity with the organic act of Congress of July 1, 1902, for members of the Philippine Assembly and for oflicers for the different provinces and municipalities. The election for members of the Philippine Assembly was held July 30, 1907, and the assembly was opened by the Secretary of War Oct. Hi, 1907. The election for the municipal and provincial ofTicers was held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, 1907. The Philippine I^egislature which has since Oct. l(i, 1907, exercised the legislative function for the islands, is composed of 2 bodies, the Philippine Commission forming the upper house, and the Philippine Assembly the lower house. » Beginning with Olst Cong., 3d sess., acts of the legislature will be found with commission reports. Philippine Commission. Commission Journal/ official journal of the Pliilippine Legislature. being the Volume. Legisla- ture. Session. Period. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 Inaugural 1 Oct. 16, 1907-Feb. 1, 1908. Feb. 3, 1908-May 21, 1908. May 22, 1908-June 19, 1908. Feb. 1, 1909-May 20, 1909. Mar. 28, 1910-Apr. 19, 1910. Oct. 17, 1910-Feb. 3, 1911. 2.. 3... Special 2 4 Special 1 2 Oct. 16, 1911-Feb. 1, 1912. 5 Special Executive fl Feb. 2, 1912-Feb. 6, 1912. Feb. 4, 1911-Feb. 6. 1912. Oct. 16, 1912-Feb. 3, 1913. 6 Special Executive Feb. 6, 1913-Feb. 11, 1913. Feb. 6; 1912-Feb. 11, 1913. » Not documented. 060 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Philippine Cominission. Commission Journal — Continued. Volume. Legisla- ture. Session. Period. 3 [2 Oct 16 1913-Feb 3 1914 7 8 Special Executive 3 Legislative .... Executive Feb. 6, 1914-Feb. 28, 1914. Veh. 12, 1913-Feb. 28, 1914. Ocl. 1(1, 1914-Fel). 5, 1915. Mar. 1, 1914-Feb. 5, 1915. Do. Philippine Commission. Reports. Year. Congress. Session. Uoeument. Number. Volume. 44 Report. 1899- 56 1 S. doc... 138 Schurmau report, 1900. pt. 1, 2.1 1900.... 56 . 2 House . . . 2 11 1 Civil affairs. Landa held for ec- 1900.... 56 2 Senate . . f 112 1 190 } - 1 clesiastical uses < in Philippine Is- . lands. 1901.... 57 1 House . . . 2 9,10 9 1902.... 57 2 House. . . 2 13,14 3 1903.... 58 2 House . . . 2 6-8 4 1904 .... 58 3 House . . . 2 12-14 5 1905.... 59 1 House . . . 2 11,14 6 1906.... 59 2 House . . . 2 8-10 7 1907.... 60 1 House. . . 2 8-10 8 1908..-. 60 2 House . . . 1042 16-18 9 1909.... 61 2 House . . . 103 19 10 1910.... 61 3 House . - . 1002 14 11 1911.... 62 2 House . . . 116 18 12 And acts. 1912.... 62 3 House . . . 929 15 13 Do. 1913.... 63 2 House. . - 428 14 14 1914.... 63 3 House . . . 1409 15 Included in 1915 re- port. 1915.... 64 1 H.doc... 92 15 16 1916.... 64 2 H.doc... 1378 16 17 1 Schurman commission was appointed by President McKinley, Jan. 20, 1899, to investigate affairs in the Philippine Islands. CATALOGUE OF IJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 661 Postmaster General. Reports.' Postmaster (Jeneral. Year. John McLean 1825 Con- gress. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1825 1826 1826 1827 1827 \ 1828 I 1828 William T. Barrv i 1829 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1829 1830 1830 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1834 1834 Amos Kendall 1835 Do. Do. Do. Do.. Do.. Do.. Do.. Do.. Do.. James M. Do.. Niles. J 835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 J 840 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 Ses- sion. 25 2 25 2 25 3 25 3 26 1 26 1 26 2 26 2 House or Senate document. Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate.. . H. ex.... Senate.. . H. ex.... Senate . . . H. ex.... Senate . . . H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... n. ex.... Senate.. . H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate.. . 11. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate . . . H. ex.... Senate.. . H. ex.... Senate . . . H. ex.... Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. 2 1 I 2 1 1 1 .2|, 1 2 1 .2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Part. -L ...... 1 2 1 3 1 ...2 1 2 1 2 1 For postal affairs prior to 182.5 .see Ameriran State Papers, Post Office, vol. 1. The Post Office was temporarily established by law, imder the Constitution, Sept. 22, 1789, and a Postmaster General was authorized to be appointed, to be subject to the direction of the President of the United States in perform- ing the duties of his office and in forminp contracts for the transportation of the mail. His powers and salary and the compensation to the assistant or clerks and deputies which ho should, appoint, and the regulations of the Post Office were to continue as they last wece under the resolutions of the late Congress This act was to continue in force until the end of the second session of the First Congress, and was further continued by the acts of .\ug. 4, I7i»0, and Mar. 3, 1791, to the end of the first session of the Second Congress. The acts of Feb. 20, 1792; May s, 1794; Mar. 2, 1799; Apr. ;J0, 1810; and .Mar. A, 1825, established at the seat of (iovernment of the I'niled States a (iencral Post Oftice, established post roads, within the tJnited States, and provided for the appointment of a Postmaster General and assistants and deputy postmasters at all places where they should be found necessary, and prescribed in detail the duties of all such officers. By actof Junes, 1872, the Post OflTice Department was established and made one of the executive departments. 662 CATALOGUE OF LIBBARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Postmaster General. Reports— Continued. Postmaster General. Year. Francis Granger Do Charles A. Wkkliffe. Do Do Do Do Do Cave Johnson Do Do Do Do Do Do Jacob CoUamer Do :.. Nathan K. Hall Do Do Do 184J 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 Samuel D. Hubbard ! 1852 Do. Do. 1852 1853 James Camjibell 1853 Do I 1854 Do 1854 Do 1855 Do 1855 Do 1856 Do 1856 Aaron V. Brown 1857 Do 1857 Do 1858 Do • 1858 Joseph Holt 1859 Do 1860 H. King and M. Blair.... 1861 M.Blair 1862 Do 1863 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 27 ') 27 2 27 3 27 3 28 1 28 1 28 2 28 2 29 1 29 1 29 2 29 2 30 1 30 30 31 31 31 3J 32 32 32 32 ' 33 33 \ 33 i 33 I 34 34 34 i 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 -1 2 2 1 1 2 '> 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex Senate... H. ex.... Senate H. ex.... Senate...! H. ex....' Senate... H. ex.... S.ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... S.ex.... H. ex.... S.ex.... H. ex.... S.ex.... H. ex.... S.ex.... H. ex.... S. ex. . . . H. ex S. ex . . . . H. ex.... S. ex. . . . H. ex.... S.ex.... H. ex.... S.ex H. ex S. ex. . . . H. ex.... S.ex.... S.ex.... S. ex. . . . H.ex.... H. ex Part. 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 4 5 Num- ber. Part. 1 2 1 2 1 9 1 2 1 2 I 4 1 8 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 5 2 1 3 n 3 2 3 1 4 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 5 CATALOGUE OP f.IBRARV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 668 Postmaster General. Reports — Continued. Postmaster General. William Denison Do A W. Randall Do Do John A.J. (reswell... • Do Do Do Do Marshall Jewell Do Do James N. Tyner David M. Key Do Horace Maynard Thomas L. James. . . . Do Walter Q. Gresham . . . Frank Hatton William F. Vilas Vilas and Dickinson.. Don M. Dickinson Do John Wanamaker Do Do Do WiKson S. Bi-ssell Do William L. Wilson. . . Do James A. Gary Charles Emory Smith . Do Do Do Henry ('. Payne Do Year. 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 Con- gress. Ses- Fion. 38 2 39 1 39 2 40 2 40 3 41 "" 2 41 3 42 2 42 3 43 1 43 2 44 1 44 2 45 2 45 3 46 2 46 3 47 1 47 2 48 1 ■48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 o 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 House or Senate dooiiment. H. ex.. Hex.. Hex.. Hex.. Hex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H. ex . . H. ex . . H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. Hex.. H. ex . . Hex.. H.ex.. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. Vol- ume. 5 6 4 4 4 1 3 4 4 3 5 3 3 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 7 9 9 10 10 13 11 12 13 13 11 11 13 16 25 21 17 17 Part. Num- ber. Part. 4 . 4 '. 4 I- 4 1. 4 !■ 4 i. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 664 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Postmaster General. Reports Continued. Postmaster General. George B. Cortelyou. Do Do George von L. Meyer Do Frank H. Hitchcock. Do Do Do A. S. Burleson Do Do Do Year. 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 19] 5 19] G Con- gress. 58 59 59 GO 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 G4 64 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. 2 i H.doc. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. 17 17 13 24 37 36 27 35 37 32 26 31 29 4 4 4 4 1044 105 1004 118 931 712 1387 358 1728 Part. Precious Metals. Reports of production. Year. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1 Con- Ses- i gress. sion. 46 3 47 1 1 47 2 1 I 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 o Li 53 2 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. House . House . H. doc. H. doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. doc. 28 23 24 31 33 36 25 30 26 35 36 35 32 28 40 30 43 42 78 82 84 49 77 Num- ber. l^irector of the Mint. 91 297 160 176 268 290 200 405 158 354 295 200 247 237 35 23 167 47 239 239 275 22 351 Burchard. Do. Do. Do. Kimball. Do. Do. Do. Leech. Do. Do. Do. Preston. Do. Do. Do. Do. Roberts. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 665 Precious Metals. Reports of production — Continued. Year. Con- gress. 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. H.doc... n.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc. H.doc... H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. Yol- ume. 1 Num- ber. 1 49 19 44 19 . 37 19 82 19 6 1344 6 144 I 6 1415 7 127 . 8 942 , 6 726 8 1397 8 36 9 1492 Director of the Mint. Roberts. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. nrf President. Annual Messages. President. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. .-■.:- I, Part. George Washington Do 1790 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 ..... I Do Do Do Do Do ......1...... Do ...... 1 Do Do Do Thomas Jefferson Do i !....-.. Do Do .V . . . . Do Do > Do Do Jamps MfldisoTi Do Do 666 (^XTALOGUE OF [JBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. President. Annual Messages- -Continued. President. Year. 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1821 1822 1822 Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. .Tampa Madison ! Do Do Do Do 1 JamcR Monroe 1 Do I Do ! Do 16 17 17 17 17 2 1 1 2 2 H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... 1 1 i Do 1 ' Do..: : 1 1 2 Do... Do Do 1823 18 1 Senate.. . 1 Do 1823 18 1 M. eXi- ■ ■■■2^. Do 1824 18 2 Senate.. . 1 Do 1824 1825 18 19 2 1 Hex.... Senate... 2 2 John Quiucv Adams Do 1825 1826 19 19 1 2 H.ex.... Senate. . . 1 i 1 Do Do 1827 20 1 Senate... -, 1 1 Do 1827 20 1 H.ex.... 2 Do 1828 20 2 Senate.. . 1 Do 1828 20 2 H.ex.... 2 A ndrew Jackson 1829 1829 21 21 1 1 Senate. . . H.ex.... 1 2 Do Do 1830 21 2 Senate. . . 1 Do 1830 21 2 H.ex.... 2 Do 1831 22 1 H.ex.... 2 .... Do 1832 22 2 H.ex.... 2 Do 1833 23 1 Senate... 1 1 Do 1833 23 1 H.ex.... 1 Do 1834 1834 1835 23 23 24 2 2 1 Senate... H.ex.... H.ex 1 2 2 Do Do Do 1836 24 2 Senate... 1 Do 1836 24 2 H.ex 2 Martin Van Buien 1837 25 1 Senate... 1 Do 1837 25 1 H ex 1 Do 1837 25 2 Senate... 1 CATALOGUE OF LIBR.\KV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 667 President. Annual Messages -Continued. President. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Tart. Num- ber. Part. Martin \an Buren Do 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate. . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate. . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate. . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate- . . H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.bX.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex..:. S.ex..... H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... "1 1 1 1 1 i ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 o 8 Do Do Do Do Do William Henry Harrison (none). John Tvler Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do James K. Polk Do Do Do Do Do Do Zachary Ta \ lor Do Millard Fillmore. Do Do Do 1 Do Do P'ranklin Pierce Do . Do Do Do Do 668 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. President. Annual Messages — Contiimed. President. Year. Con- gress. } Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. Franklin Pierce 1856 34 3 S.ex 2 5 Do 1856 34 ' 3 H.ex.... 1 1 1 James Buchanan 1857 35 1 S.ex 2 11 Do 1857 35 1 H.ex.... 1 2 Do 1858 35 2 S. ex 1 Do 1858 35 ■ 2 H.ex... 1 2 Do 1859 36 1 S.ex 2 Do 1860 36 i 2 S.ex Abraham Lincoln 1861 37 1 S.ex Do 1861 37 i 2 S.ex Do 1862 37 3 H.ex.-.. Do 1863 1864 38 38 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex Do Andrew Johnson 1865 39 1 H.ex.... 1 Do....". 1866 39 2 H.ex.... 1 Do 1867 40 2 H. ex 1 Do 1868 40 3 H.ex.... 1 Ulysses S. Grant 1869 41 2 H.ex.... Do 1870 41 » H.ex.... Do 1871 42 2 H.ex.... 1 Do 1872 42 3 H.ex.... Do 1873 1874 43 43 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... 1 Do Do 1875 44 1 H.ex.... 1 Do 1876 1877 44 45 2 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... Rutherford B. Hayes Do 1878 1879 45 46 3 2 H.ex.... Hex.... Do Do J.. 1880 46 3 Hex.... James A. Garfield (none). Chester A. Arthur 1881 47 1 H.ex.... Do 1882 47 2 H.ex.... Do 1883 48 1 1 H.ex.... Do 1884 48 2 H.ex.... Grover Cleveland 1885 1886 49 49 1 1 , 2 H.ex.... H ex Do Do 1887 50 1 , H.ex.... Do 1888 50 2 1 H.ex.... 1 1 1 Benjamin Harrison 1889 51 1 H.ex.... 1 Do 1890 51 2 H.ex.... 1 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 669 President. Annual Messages — Continued. President. Year. Benjamin Harrison 1891 Do....:.,jnvl 1892 Grover Cleveland 1893 Do 1893 Do 1894 Do ' 1895 Do 1896 William McKinley 1897 Do ! 1897 Do 1898 Do 1899 Do 1900 Do 1901 Theodore Roosevelt 1902 Do...... I 1903 Do ! 1904 Do Do Do Do William H. Taft. Do Do... Do Woodrow Wilson. Do Do Do Do Do Con- Ses- i gress. sion. 52 1 , 52 2 i 53 1 1 53 2 53 3 .'JU 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 ! 1916 I 1917 1917 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 House or Senate document. 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1,2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 H. ex... H.ex... Hex... H.ex... H.ex... House. . House. . H.doc. H.doc. H.doc.. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. Vol- ume. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 139 134 157 103 144 114 Part. Spl. Num- ber. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1040 101 1000 248 927 339 1184 1 1384 1 468 frt t Note.— For confidential and special messages and proclamations see " The Messages and Papers of the Presidents," H. mLs. doc, 53d Cong., 2d sess., vol. 37, no. 210, parts 1 to 10. Public Lands.— Decisions of the Department of the Interior in cases relating to. See Decisions, etc., p. 415. 670 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Public Printer.* Reports. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. rulilie Printer, etc. 1853 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 9 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 S. ex.... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... S. ex H. mis... H.mis... H. mis... H. mis... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. .. S. mis. . . S . mis . . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. .. S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. .. S . mis . . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . p. 1 1 •*- 2 3 2 31 14 3 3 14 11 18 6 21 25 23 14 18 25 1 1 1 1 1 22 11 24 19 23 6 6 7 12 10 24 62 John T. Towers, Supt. 1854 A. G. Seaman, Sunt. 1855 Do. 1856 Do. 1857 Do. 1858 George W. Bowman, Sunt. 1859 I860 John Heart, Supt. Do. 1861 John D. Defrees, Supt. Do. 1862 1863 Do. 1864 Do. 1865 Do. 1866 Do. 1867 John D. Defrees, Cong. Printer. Do. 1868 1869 A.M. Clapp, Cong. Printer. Do. 1870 1871 Do. 1872 Do. 1873 Do. 1874 A.M. Clapp, Pub. Printer. Do. 1875 1876 Do. 1877 John D. Defrees, Pub. 1878 Printer. Do. 1879 Do. 1880 Do. 1881 Defrees and Rounds, Pub . '1882 Printers. S. P. Rounds, Pub. Printer. 1883 Do. 1884 Do. 1885 Do. 1 The office of Superintendent of Public Printing was established by an act of Aug. 26, 1852. The duties of the superintendent were those of an auditor. Underact of June 23, ISOO, tlie Government Printing Office was established, and on Mar. 23, 1861, John D. Defrees, the first Superintendent of Public Printing under the new law, assumed charge of the establishment. The title of the chief, by act of Feb. 22, 1867, was changed to Congressional Printer, and again, by act of June 20, 187-1, to Public Printer. CATALOGUE OF LIBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Public Printer. Reports — Continued. 671 Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. 1 1 2 •> o 2 1 1 1 Num- ber. Public Printer, etc. 188G 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. . . S. mis. .. S. mis. . S. mis. . . Senate... 26 47 41 25 27 30 17 25 46 32 18 33 5 11 19 19 5 5 5 5 5 5 664 248 660 114 903 378 622 2 554 Th. E. Benedict. Pub 1887 1888 1889 Printer. Do. iMiuik \V Palmer Pub 1890 1891 I'rinter. Do. Do. 1892 Do. 1893 Palmer and -Benedict, Pub. Printers. Th. E. Benedict, Pub. 1894 1895 Printer. Do. 189G Senate . . . Do. 1897 S.doc... S. doc. .. S.doc... S. doc... S.doc... S. doc. .. S.doc... S.doc... S. doc. .. S.doc... S. doc. .. S. doc. .. S. doc. .. S. doc... S. doc... S.doc... S. doc . . . S. doc . . . S. doc... S. doc . . . 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 9 45 4 4 3 6 1 2 1 Frank W. Palmer, Pub. 1898 Printer. Do. 1899 Do. 1900 Do. 1901 Do. 1902 Do. 1903 Do. 1904 Do. 1905 Chas. A. Stillings, Pub. 1906 Printer. Do. 1907 Stillings and Leach, Pub. 1908 Printers. Saml. B. Donnelly, Pub. 1909 Printer. Do. 1910 Do. 1911 Do. 1912 Do. 1913 Cornelius Ford, Pub. 1914 Printer. Do. 1915 1916 Do. Do. 672 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1. Seat of war. Period covered. D Ph CO v Eg £ a 8 1 CO ] House or Senate docu- ment. <0 a o > d 1^ ! P< Charleston, S. C Dec. 20, 1860-Apr. 14, I8G1 Secession of Georgia Jan. 3-26, 1861 Secession of Alal)ania and Mis- Jan. 4-20, 1S61 sissippi. Secession of Florida Jan. 6-Aug. 31,1801 Jan. 9-May 20. 1861 1 .... 1893 52 2 H. mis.. 3 40 Secession of North Carolina .... Secession of Louisiana Jan. 10-Feb. 19, 1861 Texas and New Mexico Feb. 1-June 11,1861 Arkansas, Indian Territory, Feb. 7-May 9,1861 and Missouri. Maryland, Pennsylvania, Vir- Apr. 16-July 31,1861 2 1893 52 2 H. mis.. 4 41 . . . . ginia, and West Virginia. Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, May 10-Nov. 19, 1861 3 . . . - 1893 52 2 H. mis.. 5 42 .... and Indian Territory. Texas, New Mexico, and Ari- June 11, 1861- Feb. 1,1862. 4 1893 52 2 H. mis.. 6 43 .... zona. Maryland, northern Virginia, Aug.l,1861-Mar.l7,1862. 5 1882 47 1 H. mis.. 18 54 . - . . and West Virginia. South Carolina, Georgia, mid- Aug. 21, 1861-Apr. 11, 1862 dle and east Florida. West Florida, southern Ala- Sept. 1,1861-May 12, 1862 6 1882 47 1 H. mis.. 23 63 .... bama, southern Mississippi, and Louisiana. Kentucky, Tennessee, north- Nov. 19, 1861-Mar,4, 1862. 7 .... 1882 47 1 H. mis.. 27 67 .... ern Alabama, and south- western Virginia. Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Nov. 19,1861-Apr.l0,1862 8 1883 47 2 H. mis.. 6 27 .. . . and Indian Territory. Southeastern Virginia Jan. 11-Mar. 17, 1862 North Carolina Jan. 11- Aug. 20, 1862 Feb. 1-Sept. 20, 1862 9 1883 47 2 H. mis.. 12 41 Texas, New Mexico, and .... Arizona. , _ > Kentucky, Tennessee, north- Mar.4-June 10,1862 10 1 1884 48 1 H. mis.. 13 26 > • ■ ■ ern Mississippi, northern Alabama, and southwestern ■ ■ 1-1 .H Virginia. Do do 10 11 2 1 1884 1884 48 48 1 1 H. mis.. H.mis.. 17 28 32 65 The peninsular campaign, Vir- Mar. 17-Sept. 2, 1862 1 ginia. Do do 11 11 12 2 I 1884 1884 1885 48 48 48 1 1 2 H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. 29 30 12 65 65 37 3 Do do Northern Virginia, West Vir- do 1 ginia, and Maryland. Do do 12 12 13 2 i 1 3 1885 1885 1886 48 48 49 2 2 1 H.mis.. H.mis.. H. mis.. 13 14 3 37 37 21 2 Do do 3 Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Apr. 10-Nov. 20, 1862 Indian Territory, and De- ' partment of the Northwest. 1 Coasts of South Carolina, Geor- Apr.l2-Junell,1863 14 1886 49 1 H. mis.. 4 22 . . . . gia, and middle and east Florida. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1 — Continued. 673 Seat of war. West Florida, southern Ala- bama, southern Mississippi (Vicksburg),and Louisiana. Texas, New Mexico, and Ari- zona. Kentucky and Tennessee Northern Alabama and south- western Virginia. Western Tennessee and north- ern Mississippi. Do North Carolina and south- eastern Virginia. Northern Virginia and AVest Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania. . Kentucky and Tennessee Alabama and Virginia North Carolina and West Vir- ginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania. . Missouri, Arkansas, and Kan- sas. Indian Territory and Depart- ment of the Northwest. Kentucky, Tennessee, and southern Alabama. Southwestern Virginia Mississippi and western Ten- nessee. Arkansas and Louisiana Do Virginia and Maryland Pennsylvania Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Texas and New Mexico North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania. . Do South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Do North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania. . Kentucky and southwestern Virginia. Tennessee and Mississippi Northern Alabama and north- ern Georgia. Do 49183—18 43 Period covered. May 12,1882-May 14,1863 Sept.20, 1862-May 14, 1863 June 16-Oct. 31, 1862 do June 10, 1862-Jan. 20, 1863 .do. Aug. 20, 1862-June 3, 1863 Sept. 3-Nov. 14,1862 .do. Nov. 1, 1862-Jan. 20, 1863. do Nov. 15, 1862-Jan. 25, 1863 .do. Nov.20-Dec.31,1862. do Jan.21-Aug.l0,1863. .do. Jan. 20-Aug. 10,1863. do do Jan.26-June3,1863.. do May 14-Dec. 31,1863. do June 3-Aug. 3, 1863. . .do. .do. Jane 12-Dec. 31, 1863. .do. Aug. 4-Dec. 31, 1863. do Oct. 20-Dec. 31, 1863. do .do. H5 03 1886 1 1885 2 j 1885 1885 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1888 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 49 51 1 51 1 51 1 House or Senate docu- ment. H. mis. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis. . H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H.mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H mis.. H.mis.. H.mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H.mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H.mis.. H. mis.. H.mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H.mis.. a 3 O > o § ft a o 11 164 .... 14 273 16 338 20 371 2 53 7 325 8 338 9 339 10 341 11 342 13 387 16 585 3 60 6 113 7 129 2 * 3 5 4 6 7 44 8 45 10 105 11 106 12 146 13 147 14 148 19 223 22 228 30 240 31 241 33 245 34 246 35 247 36 248 .... 674 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1— Continued. Seat of war. Period covered. Kentucky and southwestern Virginia. Tennessee, Mississippi, north- ern Alabama, and northern Georgia. Do Kentucky, southwestern Vir- ginia, Tennessee, Missis- sippi, Alabama, and north- ern Georgia. Do North Carolina, Virgmia, Ten- nessee, and Mississippi. Alabama and northern Georgia Louisiana and the Trans- Mississippi States and Ter- ritories. Do Do Do South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. Do Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. Do Do North Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Do Do Atlanta campaign Do Do Do Kentucky, southwestern Vir- ginia, Tennessee, Missis- sippi, Alabama, and north- ern Georgia. Do Do Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. Do Do Maps to accompany these rec- ords. Louisiana and Trans-Missis- sippi States and Territories. Do Do Do Oct. 20-Dec. 31, 1863. .do. .do. Jan. l-Apr. 30, 1864. .do. .do. -do. Jan. 1-June30, 1864. .do. .do. .do. Jan. 1-Nov. 13,1864. .do. May 1-June 12, 1864 . May 1-Aug. 3, 1864. May 1-Sept. 8, 1864.. do do do May 1-Nov. 13, 1864. .do. .do. Junel3-July 14, 1864.. .do. .do. July 1-Dec. 31, 1864. 31 31 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 .do. .do. -do. a o 1890 51 1890 51 1890 1890 1890 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1892 1892 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 House or Senate docu- ment. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H.niis. 2 H. mis. 2 H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. n. mis. H. mis. H. mLs. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis. H. mis. H. mis., H. mis. H.mis. 77 C9 P. 14 10 15 15 15 16 16 48 48 48 48 48 233 233 233 338 338 338 261 96 96 96 96 3 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 1 2 3 1-36 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 675 Rebellion Records. Military, Series 1 — Continued. Seat of war. Southeastern Virginia and North Carolina. Do Do Northern Virginia, West Vir- ginia, Maryland, and Penn- sylvania. Do South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Kentucky, southwestern Vir- ginia, Tennessee, Missis- sippi, Alabama, and north- ern Georgia. Do Northern and southeastern Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Do Do North Carolina, South Caro- lina, and eastern Florida. Do Do Louisiana and Mississippi Kentucky, West Virginia, Georgia, and Mississippi. Alabama, Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina. Do Pacific coast Do Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Vir- ginia, and Virginia. Do Virginia, Kentucky, Tennes- see, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. Do South Carolina, Georgia, Flo- rida, and North Carolina. SERIES 2. Prisoners of war, slaves, etc. . . Suspected and disloyal persons. Prisoners of war and state Do. Do. Do. Period covered. Aug. 1-Dec. 31, 1864. .do. .do. Aug. 4-Dec. 31, 1864. .do. Nov. 14-Dec. 31, 1864.... Mar. 14, 1864-Jan. 23, 1865. Dec.l,1864-June23,1865. Jan. 1-June30, 1865 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do .do. Jan. 1, 1861-June 30, 1865. do Jan. 1, 1861-June 30, 1865. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1861-1862 Apr. 27, 1861-May 3, 1862. Feb. 19, 1861-June 12, 1862. June 13-Nov. 30, 1862.... Doc. 1, 1862-June 10, 1863. June 11, 1863-Mar. 31, 1864. 52 '53 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 2 1893 3 : 1893 1 1895 2 I 1895 3 [ 1895 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 53 53 53 House or Senate docu- ment. H.mis. H. mis. H.mis. H. mis. H.mis.. H. mis.. H.mis.. H. mis.. H.mis.. H. mLs.. H. mis.. H. mis.. H. mis. H.mis H. doc' 69 H.doc' 70 H. doc..| 56 H. doc..[ 57 H. doc. 13 H. doc. n. doc. H.doe.. 16 H.doc. 56 H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H. -loc n.doc. 14 15 57 58 45 46 47 48 49 55 97 121 121 208 208 208 37 37 37 369 369 251 251 59 59 95 95 288 288 476 65 66 67 284 311 50 .312 C9 676 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Rebellion Records. Military, Series 2 (continued), 3, 4. Seat of war. SERIES 2— continued. Prisoners of war and state — Do... SERIES 3. Correspondence, etc., Union... Do Do Do Do SERIES 4. Correspondence, etc.. Confed- erate. Do Do General index Period covered. Apr. 1-Dec. 31, 1864. Jan. 1, 1865, to end.. Nov. 1, 1860-Mar. 31, 1862 Apr. 1-Dec. 31, 1862 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1863 Jan. 1, 1864-Apr. 30, 1865 . May 1, 1865, to end Dec. 20, 1860-June 30, 1862. July 1, 1862-Dec. 31, 1863. Jan. 1, 1864, to end Nov. 1, 1860, to end 2 '. 3 - 03 o a fe o a t« o None submitted. « For index to the reports of the Secretary of tlie Senate sess., vol. 1, No. 290. S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. . S. mis. , S. mis. , S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. S. mis. {') S. mis. Senate. Senate. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc- S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. Vol- i Nura- ume. I ber. Secretary. 2 10 11 1 81 1 3 2 1 35 4 4 1 2 38 4 2 13 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 543 158 668 George C. Gorham. Do. Do. J. C. Burch. Do. Do. R. B. Nixon, financial clerk. Do. F. S. Shober, acting sec- retary. Do. A. G. McCook Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. W. R. Cox. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Charles G. Bennett. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 823-Jan. 31, 1900, see S. Doc. 5Gth Cong., 1st 682 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Senate. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. Year. 1911 1912 1912 and 1913 . . . . 1913 1914 1915 1916 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 62 2 62 3 63 1 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or Senate document. S. doc. S. doc . S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. S. doc. Vol- ume. Num- ber. 5 115 4 954 5 26 2 252 2 627 1 1 3 556 Secretary. Charles G. Bennett. Do. Do. Jamea M. Baker. Do. Do. Do. Senate and House Rules and Manuals. pp. 401 and 402. Signal Service Reports. See Constitution and, Year. 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 Con- gress. 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 Ses- sion. House or Senate document. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex- H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex- H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. H. ex. Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. Part. 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 6 2 6 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 8 2 8 2 9 ...... 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 8 2 10 2 2 2 Vol- ume. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 1 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 683 Signal Service Reports— Continued. Year. 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Con- Ses- gress. sion. 53 2 53 3 54 1 54 2 55 2 55 3 56 1 56 2 57 1 57 2 58 1-2 58 3 59 1 59 2 60 1 60 2 61 2 61 3 62 2 62 3 63 2 63 3 64 1 64 2 House or .Senate document. n. ex.... H. ex.... H. doc... H. doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc. .. H.doc... H.doc... H. doc. .. H. doc . . . H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... Vol- ume. 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 10 13 11 15 12 11 13 13 14 Tart. Num- ber. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1042 103 1002 116 929 428 1409 92 1378 Part. Vol- ume. Silver Commissions. Reports. Commission, Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. The Jones 1876 44 49 53 2 1 2 Senate . . . H. mis. .. S. mis 5 24 10 703 396 274 1,2 The Jones ("republication) 1 The Berlin. 1893 684 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Smithsonian Institution. Reports.' Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1846 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 Senate... S. mis H. mis. . . S. mis . . H. mis. . . S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis H. mis... S. mis. . . S. mis. .. S. mis. . . H. mis. . . S. mis. .. H. mis. . . S. mis. .. H. mis. . . H. mis. . . S. mis H. mis. . . H. mis. . . H. mis. . . H. mis. . . H. mis. . . H. mis. . . S. mis H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... S. mis H. mis. . . S. mis H. mis. . . S. mis S. mis S. mis S. mis 3 -. 1 2 4 2 14 1 1 12 12 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 3 211 1847 23 1848 48 1849 120 1849 50 1850 1 1851 108 1852 53 1853 73 24 1854 37 73 1855 113 54 1856 55 272 1857 135 1858 49 1858 57 90 I860 21 1861 77 1862 25 1863 83 1864 55 1865 102 1866 83 1867 86 1868 83 1869 153 1870 20 149 1872 107 1873 130 1874 56 1875 115 1876 46 1877 35 1878 59 ' The Smithsonian Institution was founded upon the bequest of James Smithson, of London, England, who gave his entire property to the United States to establish an institution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. It was incorporated by act of Congress approved Aug. 10, 1846. The first report was issued in 1847, and an annual report thereafter. The volume, however, containing the report for 1853 embraces the essential portions of preceding reports and is now considered the first of the set. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Smithsonian Institution. Reports — Continued. 685 Year Congress. Session. House or Senate document. \olunie. Numter. 1879 46 46 47 47 48 2 3 1 2 1 S. mis S. mis S. mis H. mis. .. H. mis. . . 2 1 2 5 34 54 1880 31 1881 109 1882 26 1883 69 Smithsonian Institution and National Museum Reports. Year. Congress. Session. Jfouse or Senate document. Volume. Number. Part. 1884 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 . 1 2 1,2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 S. mis H. mis. . . H. mis. . . H. mis. . . H. mis. . . H. mis... H. mis... H..mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. mis... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 2 25,26 11,12 17,18 14,15 20,21 10,11 43,44 22,23 29,30 15,16 81 72,73 78,79 91,92 119, 120 114, 115 126, 127 109, 110 114, 115 106, 107 113, 114 97 96-97 119-120 115-116 117-118 124-125 110-111 143-144 93-94 129-130 103-104 33 15 170 600 142 224 129 334 114 189 90 425 352 575 309 737 537 707 484 748 430 929, 930 575 847 1543 112 1217 159 972 899 1462 397 1794 1.2 1885 1,2 1886 1.2 1887 1,2 1888 .' 1,2 1889 1,2 1890 1,2 1891 1,2 1892 1,2 1893 1,2 1894 1,2 1895 1,2 1896 1,2 1897 1,2 1898 1,2 1899 1,2 1900 1,2 1901 1.2 1902 1,2 1903 1,2 1904 1,2 1905 1,2 1906 1,2 1907 1,2 1908 1,2 1909 1,2 1910 1,2 1911 1,2 1912 1,2 1913 1,2 1914 1.2 1915 1,2 1916 1,2 686 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. State Department.^ For annual reports, etc., see Foreign Rela- tions, p. 427. Statistical Abstract. Year. Congress. Session. Number. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1879 46 46 46 47 47 48 49 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 H. ex.... H. ex — H. ex H. ex.... H. ex.... 1 22 28 22 19 18 25 25 25 28 26 24 25 33 28 28 29 51 49 53 69 89 92 65 91 88 88 95 101 72 103 100 105 107 84 3 1879 51 1880 84 1881 133 1882 72 1883 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 H. ex H. ex.... H. ex — H. ex H. ex H. ex — H. ex.^.. H. ex.... H. ex H. ex.... H. ex — H. ex House. .. H6u8e . . . House . . . House. .. House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House. .. House. .. House . . . House. .. House . . . House. .. House. .. House . . . House... 32 1884 26 1885 -. . 26 1886 199 1887 249 1888 1889 167 13 1890 46 1891 53 1892 255 1894 '.'. 97 15 1895 •- 100 1896 158 1897 259 1898 162 1899 411 1900 475 1901 145 1902 376 1903 578 1904 405 1905 619 1906 783 1907 853 1908 1541 1909 133 1910 1416 1911 145 1912 960 > This is the oldest of the executive departments. The act of Congress approved July 27, 1789, estab- lished a Department of Foreign Affairs, and tliis act was followed by another, approved Sept. 15, 1789, which enlarged the duties of the department and directed that it be called the Department of State. This law required the Secretary to receive and pubUsh the laws of the United States; to be custodian of the seal of the United States; to authenticate copies of records and papers properly coming before him, and to receive all records and papers in the office of the late Secretary of Congress, except such as related to the Treasury and War Departments. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Statistical Abstract — Continued. 687 Year. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. Congress" Session. Number. 63 2 36 63 3 37 64 1 38 64 2 39 House or Senate documents. Volume. House . . . 110 House. . . 65 H.doc... 97 H.doc... 75 Number. 996 1672 443 1879 Territories. Reports of Governors. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Docu- ment. Part. 1883 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 H. ex H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex — H. ex — H. ex H. ex.... H. ex — H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H. doc... H.doc... H. dtjc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H. doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... H.doc... 11 12 12 9 10 12 13 13 16 14 15 16 16 14 14 16 21 30 26 22 22 22-23 21 16 26-27 43 44 32 41 43 14 15 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1046 107 1006 120 933 428 1409 5 1884 5 1885 5 1886 5 1887 5 1888 - 5 1889 5 1890 5 1891 5 1892 5 1893 5 1894 5 1895 3 1896 3 1897 Mis. 3 1898 Mia. 3 1899 Mis. 2 1900 Mis. 2 1901 Mis. 2 1902 Mis. 2 1903 Mis. 2 1904 Mis. 2,3 1905 Mis. 1 1906 Mis. 1 1907 Mis. 1-2 1908 1909. . .. 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 688 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Tests of Metals at Watertown Arsenal. Year. Congress. Session. House or Senate document. Volume. Number. 1881 47 47 48 49 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 00 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1-2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 S.ex.... S. ex S.ex.... S.ex S.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex-... H.ex.... H.ex.... H. ex House . . . House . . . House . . . House. . . House . . . Hotise . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . - . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . House . . . 13 1 2 2 3 21 23 45 25 34 36 29 26 30 71 46 43 41 68 81 80 105 87 81 78 43 45 13 34 34 24 32 34 30 24 26 27 12 1882 1 1883 5 1884 35 1885 36 1886 31 1887 16 1888 25 1889 14 1890 165 161 1892 43 1893 43 1894 92 373 1895 54 1896 131 1897 164 1898 . ... 143 1899 ;-,-.-.-).-- 1900 i-.-'K-- 1901 300 190 508 1902 335 1903 521 1904 291 1905 22 1906 26 1907 636 1908 132."^ 1909 149 1910 1089 1911 161 1912 974 1913 404 1914 1399 1915 1376 1916 1431 Treasury. Decisions, etc. See Decisions, etc. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 689 Treasury. Reports of Secretary. (Including " Finance Re- ports.") By whom made. Year. Con- gress. Alex. Hamilton Do A. Gallatin Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do William Jones Do G. M. Campbell Dallas Crawford Do Do Do Do Crawford on currency. Crawford Do Do Do Rush Do Do ... Do Do Do Do Do Ingham. Do. 1790 1795 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 3825 1826 1828 1827 1827 1828 1828 1829 1829 1 3 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 "1 T lU 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 Ses- sion. Spl. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex...- Senate . . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Num- ber. Part. 6 13 3 11 4 •t 7 9 3 6 49183—18- -44 690 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Treasury. Reports of Secretary -Continued. By whom made. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Num- ber. Part. Ingham 1830 1830 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1833 1834 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 1837 1837 1837 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 2. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... Senate... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... ■ Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... H.ex.... 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 6 7 1 3 3 2 9 15 73 2 3 27 2 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 3 10 2 17 18 5 17 3 7 6 16 2 6 2 7 6 Do McLane 1-. Do Do Taney, removal of deposits Taney Do Taney, deposit banks Woodbury Do Woodbury, public money Woodbury Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do : Do Ewing Do Forward Do Do Do Spencer Do Bibb Do Walker Do Do Do Do CATALOGUE OF LTBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 691 Treasury. Report^ of Secretary — Continued. By whom made. Year. 1 Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. 1 Num- ber. Part. Walker 1848 1849 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1,2 1,2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 H.ex.... H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex H.ex.... S.ex S.ex H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... d.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... H.ex.... 2 7 4 2 2 3 4 3 5 3 4 2 4 2 5 4 1 2 1 1 6 1 5 2 4 1 6 7 6 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 8 6 6 7 57 2 4I 1 4 11 ' 11 18 22 23 2 3 2 3 2 10 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Do Meredith Do Corwin Do Do Do Do Do Guthrie Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Cobb Do Do 1 Do Do Do Do Chase Do Fesseiiden McCulloch Do Do Do Boutwftll Do Do Do Richardson Bristow Do Morrill 692 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Treasury. Reports of Secretary^Continued. By whom made. Sherman Do Do Do Folger Do Do McCulloch Manning Do Fairchild Do Windom Do Foster Do Carlisle Do Do Do Gage Do Do Do Do Shaw Do Do Do Do Cortelyou Do MacVeagh Do Do Do W. G. McAdoo Do Do Do Year. Con- gress. 1 Ses- sion. 1877 45 2 1878 45 3 1879 46 2 1880 46 3 1881 47 1 1882 47 2 1883 48 1 1884 48 2 1885 49 1 1886 49 2 1887 50 1 1888 50 2 1889 51 1 1890 51 2 1891 52 1 1892 52 2 1893 53 2 1894 53 3 1895 54 1 1896 54 2 1897 55 2 1898 55 3 1899 56 1 1900 56 2 1901 57 1 1902 57 2 1903 58 1-2 1904 58 3 1905 59 1 1906 59 2 1907 60 1 1908 60 2 1909 61 2 1910 61 3 1911 62 2 1912 62 3 1913 63 2 1914 63 3 1915 64 1 1916 64 2 House or Senate document. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H. ex. . H.ex.. J3. ex. . H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc . H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc . H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H. doc. H.doc. H.doc. Vol- ume. Num- ber. 11 2 12 2 13 2 13 2 14 2 15 2 14 2 16 2 17,18 2 13 2 16 2 17 2 19 2 19 2 23 2 23 2 22 2 21 2 25 8 22 8 26 8 29 8 35 8 46 8 36 8 30 8 30 8 31 8 29 9 24 9 78 9 2 1041 2 102 2 1001 3 115 4 928 2 358 2 1521 2 359 2 1753 Part. 1,2 1,2 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 693 United States. statutes at Large, Revised Statutes, and Supplement to the Revised Statutes. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. A joint resiilutinn of .Tune 14, 1790, declared "that all treaties made, or which shall be made and juonudgated under the authority of the United States, shall, from time to time, be published and annexed to their code of laws by the Secretary of State." This order has been observed in the current series of Statutes at Lar^^e. An edition of the Statutes at Large was edited by Richard Peters, and jMiblished by Little & Brown in 1845. This edition of the Statutes has boon continued in regular order for each subsequent Congress. Volume 8 (in addition to the treaties between the United States and foreign nations from P'eliruary 6, 1778, to February 24, 1845) contains: 1. Tables of acts of Congress from 1789 to 1845 relating to the judiciary, to im{)orts and tonnage, to public lands, and to the post office; 2. An index to the five volumes of public statutes; and 3. General index to the matter embraced in the eight volumes (1789 to 1845), inclusive of this volume 8. An edition of the laws published in 1815 by Bioren & Duane and R. C. Weight- man. This edition was compiled by J. B. Colvin upon the basis of a plan prepared by Richard Rush, then Attorney General of the United States, and adopted by Jamep Monroe, Secretary of State, in conformity with the act of Congress of the ISth of April, 1814. (For the correspondence of and the plan adopted by Attorney General Rush and Secretary of State Monroe, and for explanatory observations by the compiler, see volume 1, pages iii-vii, viii-xi, of this edition.) The edition consi.sted originally of five volumes, and embraced the laws of the United States from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1815, with the exception of "'the local judiciary acts, and all acts confiding power to corporate bodies in the District of Columbia, or which have been otherwise passed by Congress in their character of legislature for the District," which were excluded. The series of laws contained in the preceding volumes of the edition of Bioren & Duane were continued to March 3, 1845, by the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth volumes. Volume 1 contains the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the proceedings which led to its adoption; treaties with foreign nations and Indian tribes, from 1778 to 1814; grants, treaties, and cessions by which lands have been acquired by the United States, from 1783 to 1814; old proclam.ations and grants of lands, and treaties between foreign governments relating to titles to lands, and boundaries of territories now included within the United States; grant to the Hudson's Bay Company; cessions of land by several States to the United States; title of the United States to Louisiana (grant to Crozat); Treaty of Paris of February 10, 1783, between Great Britain, France, and Spain; explanatory notes of the acquisition, surveys, sales, donations, and other dis- position of and regulations concerning the public lands in the early periods of the Government; extracts from early English charters conveying territory; ordinance for the government of the territory northwest of the River Ohio; resolutions of the old Congress relative to military-bounty land; evidence respecting land claims of Ohio, Illinois, W'abash, Yazoo, Houma, Renaut, Dubuque, Chouteau, Bastrop, St. Vrain, etc.; origin of the Departments of State, War, Navy, Treasury, Post Office, Indian Affairs, and the Mint; an ordinance for settling the accounts between the United States and the individual States; lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers, and cessions of land for same from the States to the United States; the military establishment of the United States in 1787, and lands held for military purposes; acts and resolutions of the old Congress concerning the seat of the General Govern- ment, the flag of the United States, device for a great seal, device for copper coinage, half pay, commutation, invalids, pensions, acts of limitation, etc. 694 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States — Continued. The act of January 12, 1895 (28 State., 615), requires that "the Statutes at Large shall contain all lawe, joint and concurrent resolutions passed by Congree.^, and also all conventions, treaties, proclamations, and agreements." Each volume of Statutes at Large contains an index. A commission to revise and codify the criminal and ])enal laws of the United States was authorized by an act of Congress dated June 4, 1897. By an act of March 3, 1901, the duties of said commission were extended so as to include a report of all laws of the United States of a permanent nature. This commission made its final report to Congress December 15, 1906. Statutes at Large. ^ Laws and treaties. No. of volume. Period covered.. Laws of the first five Congresses , June 1, 1789 to Mar. ^; 1799. Laws of the Sixth to Twelfth Congress, in- 2 Dec. 24, 1799 to Mar. 3, 1813. clusive. Laws of the Thirteenth to Seventeenth 3 June 19, 1813 to Mar. 3, 1823. Congress, inclusive. Laws of the Eighteenth to Twenty-third 4 Jan. 1, 1824 to Mar. 3, 1835. Congress, inclusive. Lawe of the Twenty-fourth to Twenty- 5 Jan. 14, 1836 to Mar. 3, 1845. eighth Congress, inclusive. Private laws of the first twenty-eight Con- 6 Mar. 3, 1789 to Mar. 3, 1845. gresses. Indian treaties 7 Sept. 17, 1778 and Oct. 11, 1842. Treaties between the United States and foreign nations. Laws of the Twenty-ninth to Thirty-first Congress, inclusive. Laws of Thirty-second and Thirty-third Congresses. Laws of Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Congresses . Laws of Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congresses. Laws of the Thirty-eighth Congress Laws of the Thirty-ninth Congress Laws of the Fortieth Congress Laws of the Forty-first Congress Laws of the Forty-second Congress Laws of the Forty-third Congress Laws of the Forty-fourth Congress Laws of the Forty-fifth Congress Laws of the Forty-sixth Congress of the Forty-seventh Congress ' See note above as to indexes in volume 8. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Feb. 6, 1778 to Feb. 24, 1845. Dec. 29, 1845 to Mar. 3, 1851. Jan. 13, 1852 to Mar. 3, 1855. Feb. 20, 1856 to Mar. 3,1859. Feb. 16, 1860 to Mar. 3, 1863. Jan. 16, 1864 to Mar. 3, 1865. Dec. 18, 1865 to Mar. 3, 1867. Mar. 12, 1867 to Mar. 3, 1869. Mar. 10, 1869 to Mar. 3, 1871. Mar. 20, 1871 to Mar. 3, 1873. Dec. 17, 1873 to Mar. 3, 1875. Dec. 24, 1875 to Mar. 3, 1877. Mar. 21, 1877 to Mar. 3, 1879. Apr. 18, 1879 to Mar. 3, 1881. Dec. 20, 1881 to Mar. 3, 1883. • See note above relating to contents of volume 8. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States — Continued, statutes at Large — Continued. 695 Laws and treaties. l^aws of the Forty-eighth Congress. Laws of the Forty-ninth Congress.. Laws of the Fiftieth Congress Laws of the Fifty-first Congress Laws of the Fifty-second Congress. Laws of the Fifty-thirl Congress... Laws of the Fifty-fourth Congress.. Laws of the Fifty-fifth Congress Laws of the Fifty-sixth Congress... Laws of the Fifty-seventh Congress Do Laws of the Fifty-eighth Congress.. Do Laws of the Fifty-ninth Congress. . , Do Do Laws of the Sixtieth Congress Do Laws of the Sixty -first Congress Do Laws of Sixty-second Congress Do Laws of the Sixty -third Congress. . Do Laws of the Sixty-fourth Congress . Do No. of volume. Period covered. 23 Jan. 18, 1884 to Mar. 3, 1885. 24 Dec. 7, 1885 to Mar. 3, 1887. 25 Jan. 20, 1888 to Mar. 3, 1889. 20 Dec. 19, 1889 to Mar. 3, 1891. 27 Jan. 22, 1892 to Mar. 3, 1893, 28 Sept. 1, 1893 to Mar. 2, 1895. 29 Dec. 2, 1895 to Mar. 1897. 30 Mar. 15, 1897 to Mar. 3, 1899. 31 Dec. 4, 1899 to Mar. 3, 1901. 32 Pt. 1 Dec. 14, 1901 to Mar. 3, 1903. 32-2 Do. 33-1 Nov. 12, 1903 to Mar. 3, 1905. 33-2 Do. 34-1 Dec. 4, 1905 to Mar. 3, 1907. 34-2 Do. 34-3 Do. 35-1 Dec. 2, 1907 to Mar. 4, 1909. 35-2 Do. 36-1 Mar. 15, 1909 to Mar. 4, 1911. 36-2 Do. 37-1 Apr. 6, 1911 to Mar. 4, 1913. 37-2 Do. 38-1 Mar., 1913 to Mar • J 1915. 38-2 Do. 39-1 Dec, 1915, to Mar., 1917. 39-2 Do. Consolidated Index to the United States Statutes at Large, 1789-1903. G. P. O., 1905. 4 vols. 4°. Revised Statutes. Two editions of the Revised Statutes of the United States have been published, the first edition in 1873 and the second edition in 1878. Since the latter year Supple- ments to the Revised Statutes have been published as follows: Volume 1 (first and second editions), embracing the legislation by Congress from 1874 to 1891, inclusive. Volume 2 (in eight parts, published from time to time) embraces the legislation from 1891 to 1897, inclusive. Part 8 of Supplement, vol. 2, contains a consolidated index relating to the matter in all of the eight parts. The Revised Statutes of 1873 were published as part 1 of volume 18 of the Statutes at Large. Part 2 of volume 18 contained the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of Columbia and post roads, together with a compilation of all the treaties in force December 1, 1873. Part 3 of volume 18 contained, as usual, the statutes enacted during the period of the Forty-third Congress, March 4, 1873, to March 3, 1875, inclusive. 696 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States - Continued. Revised Statutes — Continued. In 1878 the Revised Statutes were "reprinted, with amendments, under authority of an act of Congress approved the 2d day of Malrch, in the year 1877, with an appen- dix," ' Hon. George S. Boutwell having been the commissioner charged with the execution of the work. Supplement to the Revised Statutes. Volume 1, second edition, 1874-1891 (Forty-third to Fifty-first Congress, inclusive). This volume embraces the statutes, general and permanent in their nature, passed after the Revised Statutes and in force at the end of the Fifty-first Congress (1874- 1891), with references connecting provisions on the same subject, explanatory notes, citations of judicial decisions, and a general index. Volume 2, numbers 1 to 9, inclusive, 1891-1901 (Fifty-second to Fifty-sixth Con- gress, inclusive). This volume contains the general and permanent laws of the Fifty- second, Fifty-third, Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth, and Fifty-sixth Congresses (1891-1901), inclusive, with a consolidated index to the entire volume, numbers 1 to 9. District of Columbia Statutes. "Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of Columbia, passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-74," are contained in part 2 of volume 18 of the United States Statutes at Large. In addition to the "Revised and Consolidated Statutes of the United States, general and permanent in their nature, relating to the District of Columbia, in force on the 1st day of December, in the year of our Lord 1873," this volume contains "Revised Statutes of the United States relating to Post-Road&, passed at the first session of the Forty-third Congress, 1873-74," and "public treaties of the United States, in force on the 1st day of December, 1873." A complete index accompanies each of these divisions in the volume. "The Compiled Statutes in force in the District of Columbia, including the acts of the second session of the Fiftieth Congress, 1887-1889," in one volume, were com- piled by William Stone Abert and Benjamin G. Lovejoy, and were printed and pub- lished under the authority of an act of Congress approved March 2, 1899, and the direction of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. The law required that "all statutes and parts of statutes in force in said District, including the acts of the second sessions of the Fiftieth Congress, and relating to all such matters as would properly come within the scope of a civil and criminal code," should be compiled, arranged, and classified, with a proper index. The statutes included in the compila- tion have been selected from: (1) The British statutes in force in Maryland at the time of the cession of the territory to the L^nited States for the seat of government and now in force in the District. (2) The statutes of Maryland, beginning with the session of the Maryland assembly held the 26th day of April, 1704, and ending with the acts passed prior to February 27, 1801. (3) The Revised Statutes of tte United States relating to the District of Columbia, published in 1875. (4) The Revised Statutes of the United States and the Statutes at Large in which the District of Colum- bia is specifically named or which refer to "courts of the United States," and also such statutes, civil and criminal, referring to certain territory of the United States and all places or districts of country under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, and which are not locally inapplicable. (5) The acts of the legislative assem- bly of the District from June 2, 1871, through June 26, 1873. In addition there has 1 The appendix contains, among other matters, statutes relating to the "revision and consolidation of the statute! aws of the United States" (see p. 10S9),and also a reference index bj' which the various pro- visions of the Revised Statutes may be traced to the original enactments in the Statutes at Large (see p. 1101 ) . CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENA-TE. 697 United States — Continued. District of Columbia Statutes— Continued. been publislied with the compilation an appendix containing certain historical chapters which deserve preservation and a place in the same \olume with ihe slatutee in force; also, judicial citations of the Federal courtH and of the court of appeals of Maryland, explaining or construing the text, and many valuable footnotes con- taining useful information. District of Columbia Code of Law, 1902, 1905, 1911. "An act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," approved March 3, 1901, went into effect and operation from and after the Ist day of January, in the year of our Lord 1902. It has been amended by acts approved January 31 and June 30, 1902, and March 3, 1905. U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 31, p. 1189, vol. 32, pp. 2, 520, and vol. 33, p. 689. United States Supreme Court Reports.' Vol. Reporter. Matter contained. Period. Chief Justice. 1 Dallas, vol. 1 Decisions of supreme court of Pennsylvania. Decisions of court of com- mon pleas of Philadel- phia County. Decisions of court of oyer and terminer at Phila- delphia. Decisions of court of errors and appeals. 1754-1789 1785-1789 1785-1788 1786-1788 1 The reports of decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States are not published by the Govern- ment, but by the reporter of the court through a private publishing house. The act of Mar. 4, 1911 (36 Stats. L., 1153), provides for the present distribution by the Attorney General. Under the provisions of this act the reporter is required to deliver 300 copies of each report to the Attorney General without any charge therefor. Additional copies required by the Attorney General or the public shall be furnished by the reporter at a sum not exceeding S2 per volume if published prior to Mar. 4, 1911, and J1.75 if published subsequent to Mar. 4, 1911. The following acts of Congress relate to this subject: Revised Statutes, sec. 6S3: 25 Stats. L., 661; 32 Stats. L., 630; 34 Stats. L., 1387; 36 Stats. L., 1153. An official set of these reports from the begiiming is made up as follows: Reporter. Vols. How cited. U. S. V. no. Period cov- ered. Dallas 4 9 12 16 24 2 23 91-238 Dal. Cr. Wh. Pet. How. Black. Wal. U.S. 1- 4 U.S. 5- 13 U. S. 14- 25 U. S. 26- 41 U. S. 42- 65 U. S. 66- 67 U. S. 68- 90 U. S. 91-238 U.S. 1790-1800 Cranch, 1801-1815 W heaton 1816-1827 Feters * 1828-1842 Howard 1843-1860 Black . 1861-1862 Wallace 1863-1874 United States renorts 1875-1915 Curtis's condensed Reports embrace Dallas 2— How. 17, and digest, 22 vols, embrace Dallas 2— Wheaton 12, 12 vols. Peters's condensed Reports 698 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. Reporter. Matter contained. Period. Chief Justice. ) Dallas, vol. 2 Decisions of Federal court of appeals. Aug. sess., 1781 do Dec sess 1781 do Jan sess 1782 do May sess . 1783 do May sess., 1784 do May 1 sess 1787 Decisions of court of com- ?88-1790 mon pleas of Philadel- phia County. Decisions of supreme court 1766-1797 of Pennsylvania. Decisions of court of errors 1791-1792 and appeals. Decisions of United States Apr. term, 1792 circuit court, Pennsyl- vania district. do Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. term 1793 do term 1794 do term. 1795 do term, 1796 do Apr. Apr. Feb. term 1797 do term 1798 Decisions of United States term, 1790 Jay, Supreme Court (at New York). do Aug. term, 1790 Do. do Aug. Feb. term, 1791 Do. do term, 1792 Do. do Aug. Feb. term 1792 Do do term, 1793 Do. 'A Dallas, vol. 3.... Decisions of United States Supreme Court. Feb. term, 1794 Vacancy. do Feb. term, 1795 Do. do Aug. Feb term. 1795 Rutledsre do term. 1796 Vacancy. Ellsworth do Aug. Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. term 179(5 do term, 1797 term. 1797 Do. do Do do term, 1798 term, 1798 Do do Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 699 United States Supreme Court Reports — Contmued. Vol. Reporter. Dallas , vol . 3 . Dallas, vol. 4. Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. Decisions of sujireme court of Pennsylvania. Decisions of United States district court, Pennsyl- vania district. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. Decisions of court of errors and appeals, Pennsyl- vania. Decisions of supreme court of Pennsylvania. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ,.- do do do '. do Period. Chief Justice. Feb. term, 1799 Ellsworth. Dec. term, 1798 Mar. term, 1799 June term, 1799 Apr. term, 1799 Aug. term, 1799 Feb. term, 1800 Aug. term, 1800 July term, 1799 Jan. term, 1802 Jan. term, 1804 Apr. term, 1790 Sept. Jan. Apr. Apr. Jan. Apr. Sept. Dec. Mar. Dec. Dec. Mar. Sept. Dec. Mar. ! Sept. I Dec. j Mar. I Sept. i Mar. I Sept. term, 1791 term, 1792 term, 1792 term, 1793 term, 1794 term, 1794 term, 1795 term, 1795 term, 1796 term, 1797 term, 1798 term, 1799 term, 1799 ttrra, 1799 term, 1800 term, 1800 term, 1800 term, 1801 term, 1801 term, 1802 term 1802 Do. Vacancy. Do. 700 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. Reporter. Matter contained. Period. Chief Justice. Dallas, vol. 4. Cranch, vol. 1. 7 8 9 10 11 Cranch, vol. 2. Cranch, vol. 3. Cranch, vol. 4. Cranch, vol. 5. Cranch, vol. 6. Cranch, vol. 7. Decisions of supreme court of Pensj'lvania. do do do do do do do Decisions of circuit court of United States for Pennsylvania. do do do do do do do..... do do do do Decisions of supreme court of Pennsylvania. Decisions of court of errors and appeals of Delaware. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do do do do do do do do • do do do \ do Dec. term, 1802 Mar. Sept. Dec. Mar. Sept. Dec. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Apr. Apr. Oct. Apr. Oct. Apr. Oct. Dec. Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term. term term term term term term term term term term term term Sept. term Aug. term term term term term tenn term term term term term term term 1803 1803 1803 1804 1804 1804 1805 1796 1799- 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1804 1805 1805 1806 1806 1800 1788 1801 Marshall. 1801 1803 1804 1805 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1812 1813 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States Supreme Court Reports— Continued. 701 Vol 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Reporter. Cranch, vol. 8. . . Cranch, vol. 9. . . Wh eaten, vol. 1. \\lieaton, vol. 2. WTieaton, vol. 3. WTaeaton, vol. 4. WTieaton, vol. 5. Wheaton, vol. 6. Wheaton, vol. 7. Wheaton, vol. 8. Wheaton, vol. 9. Wlieaton, vol. 10 Wheaton, vol. 11, Wlieaton, vol. 12 Peters, vol. 1 Peters, vol. 2 Peters, vol. 3 Peters, vol. 4 Peters, vol. 5 Peters, vol. 6 Peters, vol. 7 Peters, vol. 8 Peters, vol. 9 Peters, vol. 10 Peters, vol. 11 Peters, vol. 12... Peters, vol. 13 Peters, vol. 14 Peters, vol. 15 Peters, vol. 16 Howard, vol. 1. . . Howard, vol. 2. . . Howard, vol. 3. . . Howard, vol. 4. . . Howard, vol. 5. . . Howard, vol. 6. .. Howard, vol. 7. . . Howard, vol. 8. . . Howard, vol. 9. .. Howard, vol. 10. . Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do do do do do do do do : ...-do '. ...Ah ...-do Period. Feb. tenn, 1814 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Dec. term, 1815 term, 1816 term, 1817 term, 1818 term, 1819 term, 1820 term, 1821 term, 1822 term, 1823 term, 1824 term, 1825 term, 1826 term, 1827 term, 1828 temi, 1829 term, 1830 term, 1830 term, 1831 term, 1832 term, 1833 term, 1834 term, 1835 tenn, 1836 term, 1837 tenn, 1838 term, 1839 term, 1840 term, 1841 term, 1842 term, 1843 tenn, 1844 term, 1845 term, 1846 term, 1847 term, 1848 term, 1849 term, 1850 term, 1850 term, 1850 Chief Justice. Marshall. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Vacancj'. Taney. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 702 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Reporter. Howard, vol. 11. Howard, vol. 12. Howard, vol. 13. Howard, vol. 14. Howard, vol. 15. Howard, vol. 16. Howard, vol.17. Howard, vol. 18. Howard, vol. 19. Howard, vol. 20. do. Howard, vol. 21. .! do. Howard, vol. 22. .! do. Howard, vol. 23. .! do. Howard, vol. 24. .; do. Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. ...-do Black, V ol. 1 ol. 2 vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. do Black, V do Wallace, 1 . . .do Wallace, Wallace, Wallace, 2... 3... 4... do do Wallace. 5 ... .do Wallace, 6 do Wallace, 7... do Wallace, 8 do Wallace, 9 do Wallace, 10 do Wallace, n do Wallace, 1? ... .do Wallace, 13 do Wallace, 14. . do Wallace, 15 do Wallace, 16 do Wallace, 17 do Wallace, 18 do Wallace, 19.. do Period. Dec. term, 1850 Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. term Dec. terms and 1869. Dec. term Dec. terms and 1870. Dec. term Dec. terms and 1871. Dec. term Dec. Dec. Dec. term term term Dec. term. Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term 1851 1851 1852 1853 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1358 1859 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1868 1868 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1873 1873 1873 Chief Justice. Taney. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Chase. Do. Do. - Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Vacancy Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 703 United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Reporter. Wallace, vol. 20 Wallace, vol. 21. Wallace, vol. 22. Wallace, vol. 23. Otto, vol. 1 Otto, vol. 2 Otto, vol. 3 Otto, vol. 4 Otto, vol. 5 Otto, vol. 6 Otto, vol. 7 Otto, vol. 8... Otto, vol. 9... Otto, vol. 10.. Otto, vol. 11.. Otto, vol. 12.. Otto, vol. 13.. Otto, vol. 14.. Otto, vol. 15.. Otto, vol. 16.. Otto, vol. 17.. Davis, vol. 1.,. Davis, vol. 2. Davis, vol. 3. Davis, vol. 4. Davis, vol. 5. Davis, vol. 6. Davis, vol. 7. Davis, vol. 8. Davis, vol. 9.. Davis, vol. 10. Davis, vol. 11. Davis, vol. 12. Davis, vol. 13. Davis, vol. 14. Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Period. Chief Justice. Oct. term. 1873 Vacancy. Oct. term. 1874 Waite. Oct. term, 1874 Do. Oct. term, 1874 Do. Oct. term, 1874 Do. Oct. term. 1875 Do. Oct. term, 1875 Do. Oct. term. 1876 Do Oct. term, 1876 Do. Oct. term. 1877 Do. Oct. term. 1877 Do. Oct. terms. 1877 Do. and 1878. Oct. term, 1878 Do. Oct. term, 1878 Do. Oct. term, 1879 Do. Oct. term, 1879 Do. Oct. term. 1880 Do. Oct. term. 1880 Do. Oct. term, 1881 Do. Oct. term. 1881 Do. Oct. term. 1882 Do. Oct. term, 1882 Do. Oct. terms. 1882 Do. and 1883. Oct. term. 1883 Do. Oct. term, 1883 Do. Oct. term. 1883 Do. Oct. term. 1884 Do. Oct. term. 1884 Do. Oct. term. 1884 Do. Oct. terms, 1884 Do. and 1885. Oct. term. 1885 Do. Oct. terra. 1885 Do. Oct. terms. 1885 Do. and 1886. Oct. term, 1886 Do. Oct. term. 1886 Do. Oct. term. 1886 Do. 704 CATAI.OGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States Supreme Court Reports — Continued. Vol. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Reporter. Davis, vol. 15 Davis, vol. 16. Davis, vol. 17. Davis, vol. 18. Davis, vol. 19. Davis, vol. 20. Davis, vol. 21. Davis, vol. 22. Davis, vol. 23. Davis, vol. 24. Matter contained. Davis, vol. 25. Davis, vol. 26.. Davis, vol. 27 Davis, vol. 28 | do Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do do do do do Decisions of United States Supreme Court and Centennial Appendix. Decisions Supreme Court. . Decisions of United States Supreme Court. Davis, vol. 29. Davis, vol. 30. Davis, vol. 31. Davis, vol. 32. Davis, vol. 33. Davis, vol. 34. Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, vol. 35. vol.36. vol.37. vol.38. vol.39. vol.40. vol.41. vol.42. vol.43. vol.44, vol. 45. vol.46. vol.47. vol.48. Davis, vol. 49. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Period. Oct. term, 1886 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. term, 1887 term, 1887 term, 1887 term, 1887 term, 1887 term, 1888 term, 1888 term, 1888 term, 1888 Chief Justice. Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1889 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. term, 1890 Oct. terms, 1890 and 1891. Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1891 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1892 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. term, 1893 Oct. terms, 1893 and 1894. Oct. term, 1894 Waite. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Fuller. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States Supreme Court Reports— Contiimed. 705 Vol. 157 158 159 IGO 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Reporter. Davis, vol. 50. Davis Davis Davis Davis. Davis. Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis, Davis Davis Davis. Davis, Davis, Davis. Davis, Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis, Davis. Davis vol.51. vol.52. vol.53. vol.54, vol. 55. vol. 56. vol.57. vol.58. vol.59, vol. 60. vol.61, vol. 62. vol. 63. vol.64. vol. 65. vol. 66. vol.67. vol.68. vol.69. vol.70. vol.71. vol.72. vol.73. vol.74. vol.75, vol. 76. vol.77. vol.78, vol. 79. Butler, vol. 1. Butler, vol. 2. Butler, vol. 3. Butler, vol. 4. Butler, vol. 5. Butler, vol. 6. Butler, vol. 7. Butler, vol. 8. 49183—18— Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Period. Oct. term, 1894 894 894 895 895 895 895 896 896 896 896 897 897 897 897 898 898 898 899 899 899 899 900 900 900 900 901 901 901 901 902 902 902 902 903 903 903 903 Oct. term Oct. terms and 1895. Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. terms and 1898. Oct. term Oct. terra Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term Oct. term, Chief JiHtice. Fuller. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. -45 706 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. United States Supreme Court Reports —Continued. Vol. 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Reporter. Butler, vol. 9. Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler, Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler vol. 10.. vol. 11.. vol. 12., vol. 13. vol. 14. vol. 15. vol. 16. vol. 17. vol. 18. vol. 19. vol. 20. vol.21. vol.22. vol.23. vol.24. vol.25. vol.26. vol.27. vol.28. vol.29. vol.30. vol.31. vol.32. vol.33. vol.34. vol.35, vol. .36. vol.37. vol.38. vol.39. vol.40. vol.41. vol.42. vol.43, vol. 44 Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Period. Oct. term, 1904 Oct. term, 1904 Oct. term, 1904 Oct. term, 1904 Oct. terms, 1904 and 1905. Oct. term, 1905 Oct. term, 1905 Oct. term, 1905 Oct. terms, 1905 and 1906. Oct. term, 1906 Oct. term, 1906 Oct. term, 1906 Oct. term, 1907 Oct. term, 1907 Oct. term, 1907 Oct. term, 1907 Oct. term, 1908 Oct. term, 1908 Oct. term, 1908 Oct. term, 1908 Oct. term, 1909 Oct. term, 1909 Oct. term, 1909 Oct. term, 1909 Chief Justice Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Occ. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. term, 1910 term, 1910 term, 1910 term, 1911 term, 1911 term, 1911 term, 1911 term, 1912 term, 1912 term, 1912 term, 1912 term, 1912 Fuller. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. . Do. Do. Do. Do.i Fuller and White. White. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. » Died during vacation, July 4, 1910; proceedings relative to his death in vol. 219. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 707 United States Supreme Court Reports— Continued. Vol. 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Reporter. Butler, vol. 45 . Butler, vol. 46 . Butler, vol. 47 . Butler, vol. 48 . Butler, vol. 49 . Butler, vol. 50 . Butler, vol. 51 . Butler, vol. 52 . Butler, vol. 53. , Butler, vol. 54. Butler, vol. 55. Knaebel, vol. ] Knaebel, vol. 2 Knaebel, vol. 3 Matter contained. Decisions of United States Supreme Court. do Period. .do .do -do .do .do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. » Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. term, 1913 term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, term, 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1916 Chief Justice. "White. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Utah Commission. Reports. Year. 1882 1883 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 Congress. Session. 47 2 48 1 48 1 48 2 49 1 49 2 50 1 ' 50 2 51 1 51 2 52 1 52 2 53 2 53 3 54 1 House or Senate document. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H. ex.. H.ex.. H. ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. H. doc. Volume. 11 11 27 12 12 9 11 12 13 13 16 14 15 16 16 Number. 1 1 153 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Part. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Volume. 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 708 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. - War. Reports of the Secretary.* Secretary. James Barbour Do Do Do Do. Do Southard and Porter Do John H. Eaton Do Do Do Randolph ad interim and Taney ad interim. Lewis Cass Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Butler ad interim Do Joel R. Poinsett Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Bell and McLane John C. Spencer Do Do James M. Porter Do -^ar. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1825 19 1 1825 19 1 1826 19 2 1826 19 2 1827 20 1 1827 20 1 1828 20 2 1828 20 2 1829 21 1 1829 21 1 1830 21 2 1830 21 2 1831 22 1 1831 22 1 1832 22 2 1833 23 1 1833 23 1 1834 23 o 1834 23 2 1835 24 1 1835 24 1 1836 24 2 1836 24 2 1837 25 2 1837 25 2 1838 25 3 1838 25 3 1839 26 1 1839 26 1 1840 26 2 1840 26 2 1841 27 2 1841 27 2 1842 27 3 1842 27 3 1843 28 1 1843 28 1 House or Senate document. Senate. . . H. ex.... Senate. . . H. ex Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate... H. ex.... Senate. . . H.ex.... Senate... H.ex.... Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2- 1 2 1 o L4 1 2 1 2 Part. • For reports prior to 1825 see American State Papers, Military Affairs, vols. 1, 2, 3, etc. The War Depart- ment was organized under the provisions of an act of Congress approved August 7, 1789. Reports were from that date made by the Secretary, which are found among the documents of the Senate or House. Tbe annual report, however, does not form a separate volume until 1849. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 709 War. Reports of the Secretary — Continued. Secretary. William Wilkins Do William L. Marcy Do Do Do Do.. Do Do Geoi-ge W. Crawford Do Winfield Scott ad interim Charles M. Conrad Do Do Do Do Jefferson Davis Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Samuel Cooper ad interim. JohuB. Floyd Do...: Do Do Do Joseph Holt and Simon Cameron. Edwin M . Stanton Do Do Do Do Edwin M. Stanton and U. S. Grant ad interim. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. 1844 1844 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1850 1851 1851 1852 1852 1853 1353 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Senate. H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. Senate. H.ex.. H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S. ex... H.ex.. S. ex... H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S.ex... H.ex.. S.ex... S.ex... S.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex... H.ex.. H.ex.. H.ex.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2,3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 2,3 2,3 2,3 2 2 4 5 14 3 3 2 Part. Num- ber. 2,3 2 I 1,2 1,2 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 11 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 83 1 1 1 Part. 1 1 2 2 2,3 2,3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2,3 2,3 2,3 2 2 4 5 710 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. War. Reports of the Secretary— Continued. Secretary. Year. Con- gress. Ses- sion. House or Senate document. Vol- ume. Tart. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1-5 1-6 Num- ber. Part. ^ John M. Schofield Rawlins and Sherman ad inter m. William W. Belknap Do 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1,2 3 1 H.ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... H. ex.... House. . . H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... H. doc... 2 9 o .11 2 9 O 2-4 2 2 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-11 2-9 2-10 4-11 3-11 2 2 2 2 2 2-18 4-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 l,-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Do 2 Do - 2,3 Do 2 Do 2 Robson ad interim, Taft, James D. Cameron. Geor e W. McCrary Do 2 2 2 Alexander Ramsay Do 2 2 Robe t T. Lincoln Do 2 2 Do 2 Do 2 William C. Endicolt Do 2 2 Do 2 Do 2 Redfield Proctor 2 Do B. Pressly 2 Stephen B. Elkins Daniel S. Lament Do 2 2 2 Do Do R. A. Alger Do Elihu Root Do Do Do Do William H. Taft Do CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. War. Reports of the Secretary -Continued. 11 Secretary. William H. Taft.... Do Do J. M. D ckin^on Do Henry L. Stimson... Do Lindley M. Garrison Do Newton D. Baker. . . Do Year. 1906 Con- gress. Ses- ! sion. 59 2 1907 60 1 1908 60 9 1909 61 2 1910 61 3 1911 62 2 1912 62 3 191!'. 63 2 19 i-: 63 3 19Jo 64 1 ]91fi 64 2 House or Senate document. H. n. IT. u. H. H. li. H. H. H. H. doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc... doc. . doc. . . doc. . . doc . . . Vol- ume. Part. Num- ber. 2-11 2 ' 2-11 2 10-19 1042 13-21 103 11-14 1002 15-18 116 12-15 929 11-14 13-15 428 1409 13-15 92 14-16 1378 Part. DOCUMENTS BY CONGRESSES. LIST OF SENATE AND HOUSE DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS, BY CON- GRESSES, FROM THE FIRST SESSION OF THE FIRST CONGRESS, 1789, TO THE THIRD SESSION OF THE SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS, I915! INCLUSIVE.! 1st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 4, 1789— Sept. 29, 1789 •s o Series. S. ex. docs. Document No. .do. Notes. [MS., folio.]— Plan of Secretary of War for the arrange- ment of the militia, modified according to the alterations suggested l>y the President. Introduction to the same. Details of the plan; statement of the troops in service, etc. Rhode Island's communication to Congress ex- plaining its attitude toward the Constitution of the United States. Extracts from Mr. Jefferson's letter of November 14, 1788, to the President respecting the consular convention with France. Secretary of War reports upon the treaties of peace negotiated by the governor of the Western Territory with certain Indian tribes; treaties made in consequence thereof; speeches by certain Indians in the councils; instructions of 1787-88, relative to an Indian treaty; report by Gen. Arthur St. Clair. Grievances of the Cherokee Nation and proposals by the warrior chiefs to President Wash- ington liy which to preserve harmony between the citi- zens of the United States and the Indians. "A great talk" held l)y the warriors and chiefs of the Cherokee Nation. President Washington informed by General St. Clair of the constant hostilities between the Indians living along the Wabash River and the people of Ken- tucky; the embarrassing circumstances to the govern- ment of the Western Territory, and requesting immedi- ate action. Statement of $20,000 appropriated by Con- gress, August 20, 1780, for the expenses of negotiations with Indian tribes. [In same volume are documents which are included in Senate list below for second and third sessions. First Congress.] Message from the President, May 2.i, 1789, laying before the Senate "in pursuance of the order of the late Con- gress," treaties between the United States and several nations of Indians. « ' For the first 20 Congresses the most important of the documents named in this list are reproduced in "American State Papers," together with many additional documents whirh had not Ijeen previously published. (See "American State Papers," vobI.) In "Annals of Congress" (anfe) arc also published, In whole or in part, some of the most important documents of the earlier Congresses. From the Fifteenth Congress, first session, these lists are substantially us reported by the Superin- tendent of Documents. 713 714 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 1st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. "3 Series. Document No. Notes. > Ph ^ S. ex. docs . . President's message to Senate communicating a state- ment from the Secretary of War of tlie military force in 1789. 1 H. docs [Folio.]— Joint resolution of Congress, submitting the first twelve amendments to the Constitution to the several States for their ratification; ratification of the same, in whole or in part, by the States of New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, South Car- olina, North Carolina, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, New Jersey, Virginia, and Vermont. [In this volume are documents named in vol. 1, 2d session 1st Congress, below.] 9 . .do [MS., folio.]— Report of the Secretary of War, June 15, 1789, relating to the several Indian tribes. 1st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Jan. 4, 1790— Aug. 12, 1790 S. docs [MS., folio.]— Governor of Rhode Island transmits to Presi- dent of United States an act of the general assembly of that State for calling a convention to take into con- sideration the Constitution proposed for the United States by the general convention at Philadelphia, Sep- tember, 1787. Governor of North Carolina transmits to l^resident Washington copy of an act of that State "ceding to the United States certain western lands." Governor John Hancock, February 10, 1790, incloses to President Washington "some papers ' evidential of the encroachments made by the subjects of the King of England upon the eastern frontier" of Massachusetts, which, in the language of a resolution of the Legislature of Massachusetts, "are contrary to the treaty "of peace." Governor George Clinton informs President Washing- ton of the passage of certain acts by the Legislature of New York, one ceding to the United States the site of Sandy Hook Lighthouse, another relating to the recep- tion and safe-keeping of prisoners sent to that State by the United States Government. H. docs [Folio.]— Report of Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, on the cod and whale fisheries. -do [Folio.]— No. 1. Secretary of the Treasury on the support of the public credit. 2. Secretary of the Treasury on the funds that may be applied toward the interest of the debt of the individual States. 3. Plan of the Secre- tary of War for the general arrangement of the militia. 4. Recommendations of Samuel Osgood, Postmaster General. 5. Secretary of State on copper coinage. 6. Secretary of State on uniformity of weights, measures, and coins, with an appendix. > These papers are in the MS. Book of Treaties and Conventions, folio 1, p. 119. CATALOfiUE OF LIISHAKV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Ist CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. 715 p o > SI Series. Document No. Notes. 3 H. doc [MS., folio.]— No. 1. I'lan of the Secretary of AVar for arrangement of the militia (MS.). 2. Introduction to same. Speeches of C'ornplanter, Halftown, and the fJreat Tree, chiefs of the Seneca Nation, to the Great Father, on December 9, 1790, and .January 10 and Feb- ruary 7, 1791. 3. Deeds of the five nations, 17S8. 4 do 4. Quitclaim of the four nations, 1789. 5. Sundry papers relating to the claim of Baron Steuben for remuneration for services in the United States Army during the Revo- lutionary War. fMS.. folio. 1 — General statement of thp Dennrtrnpnt. n( War. 1st CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 6, 1790— Mar. 3, 1791 S. docs. [MS., folio. ]~Resolutions and address to the President and the Congress by Kentucky convention respecting the separation of the district of Kentucky from the State of Virginia. Statement by Secretary of War of the in- formation on which the expedition against the Indians northwest of the Ohio was founded, and also the instruc- tions to the governor of the Western Territory and the commanding officer of the troops relative to the same object. Report of Secretary of State JelTerson to Tresi- dent Washington relative to the situation of the citizens of the United States ta captivity at Algiers; names of the captives. Secretary of State reports relative to trade of the United States in the Mediterranean. New Jersey act jiu'Lsdiction in the United States of a lot of land at Sandy Hook for lighthouse purposes. State- ment by register's office of appropriations of $10,000 for defraying the contingent charges of Government— pay- ments made upon orders of the President. Maryland act to empower the wardens of Baltimore to levy and collect certain port duties. Secretary of Treasury Ham- ilton reports the terms of the loan of 3,000,000 florins mentioned tiy the Fresident as having been negotiated in Holland. Secretary of War transmits letter from Gov- ernor Blount relative to the government of the territory ceded by North Carolina to the United States. Corre- spondence with State Department relative to diplomatic relations and intercourse with the Government of Portu- gal. Secretary of State Jefferson transmits to Congress his plan for establishing uniformity in the currency, weights, and measures of the United States. Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton reports relative to further provision for establishing the public credit, and arguing in favor of a national bank. President Washington's proclamation defining the boundaries of the territory ceded by Maryland as the district for the permanent seat 716 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 1st CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. Series. Document No. H. docs. .do. .do. Notes. of government of the United States. The Secretary of State transmits letter from one of our citizens captive in Algiers, giving desired information. Secretary Jeffer- son's report and accompanying papers relative to the cod and whale fisheries. Extract from letter of United States charge d'affaires in France, informing Secretary Jefierson of the dissatisfaction manifested in France on account of alleged tariff discriminations against that country Vjy the United States. Report of Secretary Hamilton relative to the establishment of a mint. [Folio.]— No. 1. Secretary of the Treasury on establishing the public credit. 2. Report of Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, on the judiciary system, parts 1, 2, 3, and notes. 3. Abstract of duties arising on the tonnage of vessels entered into the United States from the 1st of October, 1789, to the 30th of September, 1790. 4. Secre- tary of the Treasury on duties on imports from 1st of August, 1789, to 30th of Septemlier, 1790. 5. Secretary of the Treasury relative to appropriations of money for certain purposes. 6. Estimates for 1791. 7. Secretary of the Treasury on the establishment of a mint. [MS., folio.]— War Department report from 1789 to 1791, including reports relative to Indians on the western frontier and in the South; letters of General St. Clair, General Harmer, etc. (MS.) [MS., folio.]— President Washington's letter to Gouver- neur Morris relative to observance of treaty with Great Britain, and Mr. Morris's letters in response thereto. Letter of Secretary of State, with report on lands in Northwest and Southwest Territories. Operations of the Army under command of General St. Clair. Con- tract for land on Lake Erie. Attorney General's state- ment relative to his official situation in certain respects. Vermont's ratification of the Constitution. King of France announces his acceptance of the Constitution for that nation. Correspondence lietween the Secretary of State and the British minister on the subject of a clause of a statute of Great Britain relative to its com- merce with the United States. Justices of United States courts take exception to provisions of the invalid pension act, and state theii* views to the President relative thereto. By order of President Washington, Secretary of War Knox submits a message (speech) of the Corn- planter and New Arrow to Major General Wayne. Governor of Virginia transmits petition of officers of Vir- ginia line on the subject of their lands. General Vrayne reports on the operations of the Army under his com- mand. Secretary of State transmits, in response to call by a resolution of the House, a report on the privileges and restrictions of the commerce of the United States in foreign countries. Relative to relief for M. de la Fayette. Secretary Jefferson reports upon information from the Di- rector of the Mint that an impediment had arisen to the coinage of precious metals. Governor of South Carolina CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 717 1st CONGRESS, 3(1 SESSION— Continued. .2 o CO o > C3 1^ Series. Document No. Notes. communicates the fact that breaches of neutrality have been committed in that State by the enlistment of men for the service of the French Hepublic to go on an ex- pedition against a power not at war with the United States. French Minister Genfit comments upon the foregoing statements relative to enlistments for France, etc. Gouverneur Morris's correspondence with the minister of foreign affairs of France relative to capture on the sea. Secretary Jefferson's report on proceedings of Governor St. Clair respecting the lands of the inhab- itants of Kaskaskia, etc. Navigation of the Mississippi. 2d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Oct. 24, 1791— May 8, 1792 H. docs. .do. [MS., folio.]— No. 1, Extractor a letter from the Secretary of War, May 25, 1791, to Maj. Richard Call, commanding officer of the troops in Georgia. No. 2. Extract of a letter from the Secretary of War, July 13, 1791, to Maj. Richard Call, commanding officer of the troops in Georgia. No. 3. Instructions to Ensign John Heth, of the First American Regiment, May 31, 1791. Nos. 4 and 12. Secretary of War to Brigadier-General McGillivray. No. 5. An account current, United States and Brigadier- General McGillivray and the Creek Nation. No. 6. Secre- tary of War to Governor Blount. Nos. 7, 8, and 11. Secre- tary of War to governor of Georgia. No. 9. Instructions to Joseph Ellicott. No. 10. Letter to Spiers, McCloud & Co. [Folio.]— 1. Estimates for the year 1792, by Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury. 2. Report of the Secretary of State on the quantity and situation of the lands not claimed by the Indians nor granted to nor claimed by any citizen within the territory of the United States. 3. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of manufactures. 4. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on receipts and expendi- tures, 1791-92. 5. Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of the public debt. 6. Same subject of a later date, including the debts of the several States. 7. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the act for laying duties on spirits, etc. 8. Report of the Secre- tary of the Treasury on the best mode of raising the additional supplies requisite for the ensuing year. 9. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury giving an abstract of the goods, wares, and merchandise exported from each State, from October 1, 1790, to September 30, 1791. 718 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 2d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 5, 1792— Mar. 3, 1793 Series. S. docs. II. docs . .do. Document No. .do. H. reports. Notes. No. 1.1 Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton transmits, ir pursuance of a resolution of the Senate, a general account of revenue and appropriations to the end of the year 1792. [Folio.] — No. 1. Duties on imports and tonnage, year ending September 30, 1791. 2. Exports from October, 1791, to October, 1792. 3. Revenue on domestic dis- tilled spirits. No. 1.2 Message from President Washington, transmitting the abstract of a supplementary arrangement, made by him pursuant to law, for raising revenue upon fe reign and domestic distilled spirits. [Folio.]— No. 1. Secretary Hamilton reports, in obedience to resolutions of the House of Ilepresentatives, a plan for the redemption of so much of the public debt as, by act of Congress, the United States have reserved the right to redeem; and the plan of a provision for the reimbm'sement of the loan made of the Bank of the United States. No. 2. Secretary of the Treasury trans- mits sundry statements respecting the several foreign loans. No. 3. Supplementary statement by Secretary of Treasury, containing "the several sums that have been borrowed in the United States under the authority of the President." No. 4. Copy of the journal of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners. Also reports by the Secretary of the Treasury on eighty-two petitions. [Folio.]— Report from the committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the failure of the late expedition under Major-General St. Clair. Supplementary report from the same committee upon the same subject, giving results of reexamination of the documents formerly before them, of hearing and examining other testimony produced to them, of hearing and considering the written communications made by the Secretary of War, Samuel Hodgdon, and the commander in chief of the expedition. [In volume 3 (folio), House documents.) 3d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1793— June 1, 1794 H. docs [Folio.] — No. 1. Estimates of appropriations for the year 1794. 2. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury re- specting tonnage of vessels. 3. Moneys in the Treas- ury Feb. 5, 1794. 4. Copy of a contract with the Bank of the United States for a loan of $2,000,000. 5. Abstract of exports for year ending Sept. 30, 1793. 6. Report of the Secretary of War on tjO petitions for pensions. 7. Letter from the Secretary of State, accompanying an I Found in vol. 3 (folio). House documents, and In American State Papers, Finance, vol. 1. ' Found in American State Papers, Finance, vol. 1. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 3(1 CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Contiuued. 719 CQ O > c9 PL, Series. Document No. Notes. H. doc. .do. .do. address from the representatives of the French people, memljers of the committee of public safety, to the Con- gress of the United States. S. Heport and estimate of a committee on such ports and harbors as need to be put in a state of defense. 9. Correspondence between Citizen Genet and the officers of the Federal Govern- ment, prefixed with the instructioas of the French authorities to the said Genet. 10. Resolutions relative to duties on imports. 11. Report on revenue collec- tions. 12. Assays of foreign coins. [Folio.]— Seeretarj' Hamilton gives an account of the receipts and expenditures of the United States for the year 1792. [Folio.]— Secretary Hamilton transmits a report present- ing suhdry estimates and statements relative to appro- priations for the service of the year 1794, and for other objects therein specified. [Octavo.]— Message of President Washington December 5, 1793, relative to France and Great Britain, with the papers therein referred to, to which are added the French originals— Genet, etc. Message May 20, 1794, and docu- ments relative to hostile threats against the territories of Spain in the neighliorhood of the United States- certain persons (Frenchmen) taking measures to excite the inhabitants of Kentucky to join in a military enter- prise (Clarke's) against the Spanish dominions on the Mississippi. 3d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 3, 1794— Mar. 3, 1795 S. docs. .do. [Octavo.]— No. 1. Proceedings of the Executive respecting the Pennsylvania insurgents. 2. Communication from the minister of the French Republic concerning weights and measures. 3. Report on the state of the mint. 4. Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton communicates a plan for further support of the public credit. 5. Report of Secretary Hamilton for the improvement and better management of the revenues. 6. Message of President Washington communicating a report from Secretary of War Knox on the preservation of peace with the Indian tribes on the frontiers. [MS., folio.]— Instructions to Governor Blount as to the Creek Indians. General Putnam's treaty with the Wabash and Illinois Indians. The President's and Governor Mitfiln's letters relative to a settlement at Presque Isle. Confidential intelligence to General Wayne by the Wyandottes respecting the proceedings of British agents. Speech of a Wyandotte chief to Gen- eral Wayne, and General Wayne's reply thereto. Esti- mate of appropriations for 2,000 regular troops for three years and of 2,000 mounted volunteers for four months. 720 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 3(1 CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. 1^ o > 03 Series. H. docs. .do. H. reports. Document No. Notes. [Octavo.]— No. 1. Secretary of the Treasury on the pultllc credit. 2. Same, for the lictter management of the revenues. 3. Report of the Attorney Ceneral on fees and compensations in tlie United States courts. 4. Ob- servations of the Secretary of War relative to preserving our treaties with tlie Indian tribes, and of affording adequate protection to our frontiers. 5. State of the min 6. French weights and measures. 7. Abstractst of exports for the year ending September 30, 1794. 8. Proceedings of the Executive relative to the Pennsyl- vania insurgents. 9. A bill for organizing the militia. [Folio.]— Estimates and statements relative to appro- priations for the serv ice of the year 1795, and the expendi- tures of sums previously appropriated. Report of the commissioners for purchasing the public debt, Novem- ber 18, 1794, stating the amount of purchases and other proceedings since the previous report, December 16, 1793. By direction of the President, Secretary of War Knox submits to the House of Representatives a state- ment of such difficulties and inconveniences as have occurred in the execution of the act more effectually to provide for the national defense by establishing an uni- form militia throughout the United States. Secretary of Treasury states the amount of goods on which the duties of 7i and 10 per cent were paid for the year 1793; also the quantities of coffee, cocoa, and coal im- ported in the same year. [Folio.] — Receipts and expenditures for the years 1791- 1795. [Folio.] ' — Indian claims to certain lands in North Caro- lina. Claim of Stephen Sayre for reimbursement while in Diplomatic Service. To establish trading houses among Indian nations. Recommending a more general promulgation of the laws. Harbor fortifications. On indemnifying sufferers by the depredations of tlie insurgents In western Pennsylvania. Protection of the western frontiers. Reduction of the public debt. Lands for lighthouses. Relating to "An act concern- ing Invalids." Better organization of the militia. Joab Stafford's pension claim. Duties on goods de- stroyed by fire. On defects in the judiciary system of the Northwest Territory. Settlement of the accounts of the Continental Government. Troops necessary to protect the western and southern frontier. Fortifica- tions. Ordering the printing of the laws in two papers m each State. Compensation of commissioners of loans and their clerks. Salaries of department clerks. Dis- position of Indian lands by the State of Georgia. Armed men on Indian lands. 1 In vol. 2, House documents. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 4tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1795— June 1, 1796 '21 Series. S. docs. Document No. Notes. H. docs. .do. H. reports. [MS., folio.]— Report of the Attorney General containing a collection of charters, treaties, and other documents relative to and explanatory of the title to the land sit- uate in the southwestern part of the United States, and claimed by certain companies under a law of the State of Georgia, passed January 7, 1795. [Folio.]— No. 1. Treasurer's accounts for quarter ending September 30, 1794. 2. Statement of the debt. 3. Re- turn of exports for five years ending October 1, 1795. 4. Sundry statements of the Treasurer. 5. Public credit. 6. Report of the Secretary of War on naval equipment. 7. Internal revenue. 8. Trobabie receipts and expenditures in 1796. 9. Abstracts of official emoluments. 10. Correcting an inaccuracj- in No. 8. 11. Acts passed at the first session of the Fourth Con- gress. [Folio.]— No. 1. Presidential proclamation of peace l^e- tween the United States and the tribes of Indians called the Wyandottes, Delawares, Shawanoes, Ottavvas, Chipewas, Putawatimes, Miamis, Eel River, Weeas- Kickapoos, Plankashaws, and Kaskaskias. (The re- mainder of this volume is a duplicate of volume 1, except acts of first session.) [Folio.]— The same as volume 1, with the addition of one report of a House committee. [Folio.]— Report of the Committee on Claims on the peti- tion of John Gibbons, treasurer of the State of Georgia. (Bound in volume 4, executive documents, this session.) 4th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 5, 1796— Mar. 3, 1797 H. docs. [Octavo.]— No. 1. President Washington's eighth annual message. 2. Expenditures of the War Department from March 4, 1789, to December 31, 1795. 3. Statement of the aggregate of the appropriations made by law, and the actual expenditures of the United States for the War Department, 1789-1796. 4. Estimates of appro- priations for 1797, and statement of receipts and expendi- tures for the year ending September 30, 1796. 5. States ment exhibiting amount of drawbacks paid on export- in 1793, 1794, and 1795. 6. Report and statements ex- hibiting a view of the delits of the United States January 1, 1790, 1791, and 1796. 7. Reports of the commissioners for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of government, with documents showing receipts and ex- penditures and progress and state of the work for six months ending November IS, 1796. 8. Estimates for the Navy and for fortifications for 1797. 9. Statement of goods, wares, and merchandise exported during the 49183—18- -46 722 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 4tli CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION— Continued. a ■ o > C9 Series. Document No. H. docs. .do. .do. H. reports. Notes. year ending September 30, 1796. 10. Deficiency appro- priation for the military department. 11. Expendi- tures of appropriations for intercourse between the United States and foreign nations. 12. Report of the Director of the Mint for 1796. 13. Report of the Secre- tary of State on tlie memorial of Antonia Carmichael. 14. The same on the petition of certain Philadelphians relative to destruction of their property by French armed vessels. 15. Report of the Secretary of War on the petition of Hugh Lawson White. 16. The same, on petition of Monsieur Poirey, formerly aid-dc-camp to Lafayette. 17. The same, relative to expenditures in the military department in 1796. 18. Letter from the Attorney General on the contract between the United States and John Cleves Symmes. 19. The same, on the petition of Fanny Forsyth. 20. The same,* on the memorial of John Hobby. 21. Additional report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. 22. The same, relative to the sale of stock of the Bank of the United States. [Folio.]— No. 1. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury containing a plan for laying and collecting direct taxes. 2. Appendix containing documents referred to in pre- ceding report. 3. Abstract of emoluments and expendi- tures of the officers of the customs for 1796, with an ex- planatory letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury. [Folio.]— No. 1. Receipts and expenditures for 1790. 2. Appendix, showing reduction of the domestic debt to the close of 1796. 3. Statements of the foreign and domestic debts of the United States, and of the expenditure of the proceeds of foreign loans to the same period. [Folio.]— No. 1. Receipts and expenditures, 1796. 2. Statement of Imports for two years, October 1, 1794, to October 1, 1796. 3. Statement relative to military and naval establishments. 4. Statement showing amount of drawbacks on exports during the years 1794, 1795, 1796. 5. Report of Secretary of State exhibiting claims of the citizens of the United States for property captured by the belligerent powers. 6. Report of the Commis- sioner of the Revenue on the internal revenues of the United States. 7. Report of the Secretary of State on registered and impressed American seamen, with docu- ments relative thereto. 8. Statement of exports for one year prior to October 1, 1797. 9. Emoluments of cus- toms officers. 10. Statement of tonnage of ships and vessels from 1790 to 1796. 11. Report of the Secretary of War on the application of moneys for the subsistence of the Army, Quartermaster's Department, etc. 12. Statement of moneys expended for the naval arma- ments. [Octavo.]— No. 1. Report of the committee appointed to prepare an address to the President of the United Statei in answer to his speech to both Houses of Congress. No. 2. Report of the Committee of Revisal and Unfin- CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. •23 4tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. P o 08 Series. Document No. Notes. ished Business on bills and reports depending and un- determined upon at the last session of Congress. No. 3. Report of the Committee of Ways and Means on the measures which ought to be taken relative to the bal- ances found ))>' the commissioners for settling accounts between the United States and the individual States to be due from certain States to the United States. No. 4. Report of the Ways and Means Committee on the subject of further revenues and the provisions requisite for improving and more ellectually securing the internal revenues. No. 5. Report of same committee on House resolution relative to the propriety and expediency of laying a tax upon all theatrical exhibitions; also of im- posing additional duties on articles of foreign growth or manufacture imported into the United States and on articles manufactured or used within the United States. No. 8. Same, on the proceedings of the accounting ofRcers of the Treasury upon certain claims not admitted to be valid. No. 9. Proceedings of the accounting officers of the Treasury upon certain claims not admitted to be valid, accompanying a letter from Secretary of Treasury Oliver Wolcott, jr. No. 20. Same committee on the ex- pediency or inexpediency of designating certain claims against the United States to be excepted from the opera- tion of the acts of limitation. No. 21. Same committee on arrearages of pay or other emoluments to which officers and soldiers of the late Army and Navy appear entitled for their services during the late war. No. 21. On memorials of sundry manufacturers of soap, candles, cordage, and of Stephen Addington, calico printer in Germantown, relative to tariff rates. No. 25. On petitions of sundry refugees from Canada and Nova Scotia. No. 26. Report of the committee on the memo- rial of the commissioners appointed under the act " for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of government of the United States," and on so much of the President's speech as relates to the establishment of a national university. No. 28. On what alterations ought to be made in the compensation allowed by law to the officers of the United States. No. 29 On so much of the President's speech as related to the promotion of agriculture. No. 30. On what amendments may be necessary in the act "to ascertaui and flx the military establishment of the United States." No. 32. On ihe State of the naval equipment. No. 33. On the sale of lands of the United States hi the territory northwest of the Ohio River and above the mouth of Kentucky River. No. 34. On memorial of the Illinois and Wabash Land Company. No. 37. On the report of the Attorney General relative to the contract with John Cleves Symmes. No. 38. On the actual state of the fortifica- tions of the ports and harbors of the United States. No. 39. On the report of the Director of the Mint. No. 40. On a Senate resolution concerning the suabil'ty of 724 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 4tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. o > 03 Ft, Series. 11. Docs. Document No. Notes. States. No. 41. On the operation of the act for relief and protection of American seamen. No. 42. Mr. Smith's motion to amend the Constitution of the United States so as to provide that the electors of a President and Vice-President be obliged, in giving their votes, to designate the person for whom they vote as President and the person for whom they vote as Vice- President. No. 43. Mr. Harper's motion to amend House rules prescribing the method of talcing evidence in the trial of contested elections; also, reports on numerous petitions and memorials of private citizens for relief, etc. [Folio.]— Report of the Committee on Ways and Means m obedience to instructions of resolution of House to in- quire wlietlier any and what additional revenues will be wanted for the public service. [In vol. 4 (folio), House documents.] 5tli CONGRESS, 1st AND 2d SESSIONS May 15, 1797— July 10, 1797 Nov. 13, 1797— July 16, 1798 S. doc. H. doc. Message frorrf the President, laying before the Senate, for its consideration and advice, a treaty of perpetual peace and friendship between the United States and tlie Bey and subjects of Tripoli, of Barbary, concluded at Tripoli on the 4th of November, 1796. Message from the Presi- dent, stating that, "Having received the original treaty concluded between the United States and the Govern- ment of Tunis, I lay It before the Senate of the United States, whether they advise and consent to its ratifi- cation." [Octavo.]— Speech of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, May 16, 1797. Documents referred to in the President's speech, including corre- spondence between the Department of State and our envoys to France, the decree of the Executive Directory of the French Republic, and copies of certain important original French letters. Confidential message from President Adams, July .3, 1797, inclosing sundry docu- ments from the Departments of State and War relative to the Intercourse of the United States with foreign nations, "all conspiring to show in a very strong light the critical situation of our country." Message and documents relative to the proceedings of the commis- sioner for running the boundary line between the United States and east and west Florida. Message and docu- ments respecting tlie depredations committed upon the commerce of the United States between October 1, 1796, and June 22, 1797, including a schedule of the names of American vessels captured by the French, and of the circumstances attending them. Letter of the commis- sioners of the city of Washington of the progress and CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 725 5tli CONGRESS, 1st and 2cl SESSIONS— Continued. C3 O c8 Series. Document No. n. docs. .do. Notes. stato of the business under their administration. Account of receipts and expendlturas of the United States, .\pril 1, 1796, to March 31, 1797. Trea-sury esti- mate for a supplementary appropriation. Sundry statements from the Secretary of War relative to the fripatos Unxied Stales, Cnmtitution, and Constellation. Report of Secretary of War respecting the Torps of .Vrtil- lerists and Engineejs in the service of the United States. Report of the committee appointed to bring in a bill for making further provision for the fortification of tho ports and hari)ors of tho United States. Motion by Representative Smith, of Charleston, that further pro- vision ought to be made by law for fortifying the porta and liarbors of the United States, for completing and manning the frigates United States, Cowtitution, and Constellation, for procuring a further naval force, em- powering the President to employ the naval force as convoys to protect the trade of the United States, for regulating the arming of the merchant vessels of the United States; that the military establishment ought to be augmented; the President should be empowered to raise a provisional army; to borrow sufTicient money to defray the expense of providing for the defense and security of the U. S. etc. [.Octavo.]— Report of commissioners of the city of Wash- ington. Treasurer's accounts for the year 1796. Report of the Secretary of State on depredations on commerce. Documents referred to in the Presidents's speech, May 16, 1797 (see vol. 1). Documents on foreign intercourse. Report of Secretary of War, and documents relative to affairs with Spain. Receipts and expenditures, year 1796. Statement of Secretary of War relative to frigates. [This volume is marked " Stato Papers, 5 Cong.,1 sess., 1797."] [Folio.]— Receipts and expenditures for 1796. Appendix, showing reduction of domestic debt and expenditures of the foreign loans. Statement of imports for the two years ending September 30, 1795. Statement relating to the military and naval establishments, and to fortifi- cations. Drawbacks paid upon exports for 1794, 1795, and 1796, compared with duties on similar articles during the same period. Message from the President relative to claims for property captured by belligerent powers. Internal revenues. Report and abstract of registered American seamen, an 03 Series. Sen. ex. docs. II. docs. .do. Document No. .do. .do. < H. reports. Notes. No. 1. Tresident's me.ssagt? communicating edict of the French Directory of October 29, IT'JS, relative to foreign shipping. [Folio:]- -No. 1. Message from the President giving list of . commissioned private armed ves,sels. 2. Report of the commissioners of Washington for six months ending No- vember 18, 1798. 3. Internal revenue collected. 4. Im- ports for year ending September 30, 1797. 5. Kmolu- ments of customs oflicers for 1798. 6. Tonnage of United States shipping, December 31, 1797. [Folio:] — Same as volimie 1, with the exception of the mes- sage of the President, and with the addition of receipts and expenditures of the United States for 1797. [Octavo:]— Speech of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, delivered the 8th of December, 1798. Message from the President accompanying a re- port to him from the Secretary of War, relative to the military establishment, and suggesting several subjects which, in the opinion o! Secretary McIIenry, "will de- serve the attention of Congress, to render the military establishment more manageable and systematic, and procure to it the means of further improvement." Presi- dent's message on the impressment of American seamen by British war ships. The same, on expenditures of contingent fund. The same, relative to relations with the French Republic. The same, transmitting report of the Secretary of State on the same subject, and corre- spondence with our envoys extraordinary, Messrs. Pinckney, Marshall, and Gerry. French originals re- ferred to in the last two. Coinage during 1798. Message from the President accompanying a report from the Sec- retary of State containing observations on some of the documents communicated by the President in a pre- vious me,ssago. Edict of the French Directory. Report of the commissioners of the city of Washington. Report of the commissioners of the sinking fund. Estimate of appropriations for 1799, and receipts and expenditures for the year ending September 30, 1798. Secretary ol the Treasury suggests a plan for digesting the laws on duties on distilled spirits. Business of the Mint since its establishment. Exports for year ending September 30, 1798. Relative to the Navy. Estimates for building and equipping certain war vessels. Letter of the Post- master-General relative to the post-office and post-roads. [Folio:]— Emoluments of internal-revenue officers. In- ternal revenue. Imports for the year ending September 30, 1798. Tonnage in 1798. Receipts and expenditures for 1798. Domestic and foreign debt on December 31, 1798. [Folio:]— Report of the committee to examine the accounts of the United States relative to the public debt, and to report the amount incurred and extinguished since the establishment of the Government in 1789. 730 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 6th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1799— May 14, 1800 o > C8 Ph Series. H. docs. Document No. .do. -do. Notes. [Octavo:]— President's message on the insurrection in PennKyI\'ania; also transmitting letter from Patricic Hem-y declining the mission to France: also a letter from Talleyrand. Statements relative to the Mint. Con- tingent fund. Tiie sinking fund. Impres.sed seamen. Secretary of State on the same subject. Claims adjusted under our treaty with Spain. Case of Jonathan Rob- bins. Claim of J. B. Cutting. On promulgation of tlie laws. Commissioners of Washington City. Estimate of appropriations for 1800; also receipts and expendi- tures for 1799. E.xports in 1799. Duties and drawbacks on exports and imports. Compensation of customs officers. On the Ohio salt springs. Transactions of the Mint. Losses in the Pennsylvania insurrection. Val- uation of property in New York. On certain French prisoners in jail in Burlington, N. J. Expenses of the Springfield Armory. On tlie military system. [Octavo:]— No. 1. Message from the President, inclosing a letter from Martha Washington relative to the burial place of her lato husband. Progress of public buildings in Washington (,'ity. Secretary of War on a system of national defense. Same, on claim of Seth Harding. Same, on claim of William Milton and others, of Georgia. Same, on petition of John Armstrong. Captain Trux- ton's engagement with the French ship of war La Ven- geance. [Octavo:] — Mr. Livingston's motion relative to Jonathan Robbins. Mr. Nicholas's motion relative to Presiden- tial elections. New Jersey copper mines. Governor Arthur St. Clair on a division of the Northwest Terri- tory. Register of seamen impressed in 1798 and 1799. Citizens of Knox County, northwest of the Ohio River, for division of the Northwest Territory. Petition of Cato Wells and others in Mississippi Territory. Mr. Foster's motion relative to Presidential elections. Re- port on petition of John Vaughan. On revisal and un- finished business. On natural defense. On alleged insult to John Randolph. On claim of Moses White. On petitioners in Mississippi Territory. On land laws. On a public loan. On John Mountjoy's claim. On Col. Temple Elliott's claim. On Robert Elliott's claim. On courts in Northwest Territory. On certain war claims from Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. On the judi- ciary system. On legislative afl'aii-s in Mississippi. Heirs of Major Trueman. On alien laws. On purchase from Indians of Lake Superior copper bed. On the Western Reserve. On certain land warrants. On Judge Symmes's purchase. On claim of Thomas John- son. On claim of Oliver Pollock. On claim of Benja- min Wells. On claim of Benjamin Bird and others. On trading horses with Indian tribes. On claim of Jane Lynch. On claim of J. B. Vierdier. On petition of Charles Pettit. On revenue. On certain diplomatic appropriations. On certain Indian appropriations. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SEKATE. 6th CONGRESS, Ist SESSION— Continued. 731 telz; o > Series. H. docs - Document No. Notes. IFolio:]— Imports and exports for year ending September 30, 1798. Compensations of customs officers. Tonnage of the Unitort States. Relative to the Mint. Emolu- ments of internal-revenue ollicers. Collections of in- ternal revenue. Duties and drawbacks on goods, wares, and merchandised imported and exported during the years 1795, 1796, 1797, and 1798. Exports during one year prior to October 1, 1799. Report of committee on the accounts of the United States relating to the public debt, the amount incurred and extinguished, etc., since the establishment of the Government under the present Constitution. 6th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 17, 1800— Mar. 3, 1801 H. ex. docs. Internal revenues of the United States. President's mes- sage on military appropriations. Emoluments of cus- toms officers in 1800. 7th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1801— May 3, 1802 S. docs S. reports. H. docs... .do. Message from the President, inclosing a report from Secre- tary of Treasury Gallatin on the state of the finances. Report by Mr. Tracy on the bill from the House to allow drawback of duties on goods exported to New Orleans [Folio.]— Sinking fund. Imports for 1800. Interal reve- nue. Duties paid on imports and exports. Compara- tive duties in certain foreign countries. Emoluments of customs oflTicers in 1801. District tonnage. [Octavo.]— President Jefferson's first annual message and accompanying documents. President Jefferson sends to the House a letter from the marshal of Marylixnd and a return of the census of Maryland, ''as more correct than the one first returned by him, and transmitted by the President to Congress." Message from the President accompanying a memorial and letter from the Commis- sioners of the city of AVashington to the President rela- tive to the loans obtained by the said Commissioners from the State of Maryland. Estimate from the Presi- dent of the necessary sums to carry into effect the con- vention between the United States and the French Re- public of September 30, 1801. Documents relating to the establishment of trading houses with the Indian tribes, etc. Message communicating "a representation of the Commissioners of the city of Washington relative to the affairs of the city," with documents and copies of acts passed by the general assembly of Maryland con- 732 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 7tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. .- o (-1 'J^ o > C3 Ph Series. H. docs . .do. Document No. .do. Notes. ceming the Territory of Columbia and the city of Wash- ington. Message and documents exhibiting the condi- tion of the military establlslimcnt and "respecting cer- tain other subjects for the consideration of Congress." Message transmitting a roll of the persons having office or employment under the United States. Message in- closing report of the Director of the Mint upon the state of the Mint. [Octavo.]— Transactions with the Barbary powers. Ma- rine hospitals. Contingent fund. Additional, of Bar- bary powers. Debtors In Washington Jail. Estimate of army expenditures in 1802. Lake Superior copper mines. The French corvette ] 03 Series. S. docs. .do. Document No. S. reports. H. docs. H. reports. Notes. [Folio.]— Financial report, 1803, with account of receipts and expenditures during 1S02. I'ublic debt, etc. [Octavo.]— President Jefferson's third annual message. Hostility of the Moors. Treaty of Kaskaskia. Laws of Indiana. Contingent fund. Mint report. Relative to delivery of Louisiana. Transportation of mails. Report of surveyor of public buildings at Washington. Imported slaves at New Orleans. Convention with Spain. Memorial of artisans and manufacturers of Phil- adelphia. Extension of mail facilities. Amendments to Louisiana bill. [Octavo.]— Report on unauthorized acts of citizens by correspondence with Spam. [In volume 2, part 2, Senate documents.] Relative to the expediency of extending the carriage of the mail of the United States in stage or covered wagons. [In volume 2, part 1, Senate documents.] [Octavo.] — Peace with Morocco. Receipts and expenses for disabled seamen. Additional estimates. Siuking fund commissioners' report. Mint report. Report of Attorney-General relative to fees paid for legal advice. Powers of courts in Territories. Petition of Georgetown citizens asking incorporation for public library. Cap- tors of ships Meshouda and Mirboha. Documents per- taining to Nantucket Harbor. [Octavo.]— Reports on unfmished business: On claim of John Hunter. Paul Conlon. Brlgantine Henrick. Amey Dardin. Charles de Wolfe. William Gardner. Davis and Martin. C. Taber. Z. Cox. Sugar refiners. City of Natchez. Randolph and McGills. On military land warrants. Courts in the Territories. On division of Indiana Territory. On claim of B. Wells. On the fisheries. Claim of Alexander Moultrie and the Yazoo Company. Claimants of Tennessee lands. The frigate General Greene. Expediting the mails. On cork man- ufacturers, calico printers, and paper manufacturers. Lands in Mississippi. On claim of David Valenzln. Commissions to collectors in Virginia. On claim of Ann Elliott. On contest of Moore v. Lewis, from Virginia. Executors of John Habersham. On contest of McFar- land V. Purviance, from North Carolina. On conduct of Samuel Chase and Richard Peters. On the public buildings at Washington. On exploration of Louisiana. Fishing bounties. On reprinting laws of the United States and Journals of the House and other public docu- ments. Claims of Georgia militia. On encouragement of the whale and cod fisheries. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 8th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 6, 1804— Mar. 3, 1806 735 Series. Document No. Notes. II. docs. .do. -do. [Octavo.]— President Jefferson's fourth annual report, with documents. Public buildings at AVashlngton. Affairs in Tripoli. Mint report. The brig Heinrich. Commodore Preble's report on Tripoli. Militia. Con- tingent fund. Georgia lands, l^estruction of the frigate Philadelphia. Treaty with the J'lankashaw tribe of Indians. Treaties with the Delawares and Sac and Fox Indians. Road from Washington to New Orleans. Estimates of appropriations for 1805. Re- ceipts and expenditures for 1804. Census of South Carolina. Additional estimates. Mississippi lands. Fees to counsel. Tonnage. Claim of McFadcn and Johonnot. Duties and drawbaclcs. Claim of Stephen Sayre. List of patents issued July 31, 1790, to Decem- ber 31, 1804. Army rations. Public buildings at Schuylkill, and statement of the United States military stores deposited therein. Navy pension fund. Secre- tary of War's report relative to sundry claims for mili- tary services rendered in the late Revolutionary War. Claim of Robert Henderson. Unproductive post roads. Settlement with Georgia. [Folio.] — Georgia lands. Value of exports. [Folio.]— Treasury report. Claims against the United Slates barred by the statutes of limitation. Report oJ Register of the Treasury of the claims for services rendered arid supplies furnished during the Revolu- tionary War. Importations, 1802-1803. Distiict ton- nage statement. Emoluments of customs collectors. Exports, 1803 and 1804. American seamen impressed abroad. Statement of applications made to the Brit- ish Government in 1,538 cases of impressed seamen (names given), claiming to be citizens of the United States, from March 11, 1803, to August 31, 1804. Title to lands in Georgia. Contracts for carrying the mail. Sinking fund commi.ssioners' report, February 5, 1805. Receipts and expenditures, 1803. 9tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1805— Apr. 21, 1806 H. docs. [Octavo.] — Message ol the President, transmitting an act of the State of South Carolina ceding to the United States various forts and fortifications and sites for the erection of forts in said State. Message transmitting papers in the case of the brig' Heinrich, in correspond- ence with the Government of Denmark in relation to that matter. Also, documents relating to the hostile designs of Hamet Caramalli, ex-Bashaw of Tripoli. Report of Secretary of War in lelalion to fortifications, expense of the Navy since its establishment, etc. 736 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 9tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. 03 • Series. H. docs . .do. .do. H. reports. Document No. Notes . Indian treaties. Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Captains I>ewis and Clarlv, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar, with statis- tics, etc. Memorials of Boston merchants complaining of aggressions by British ships. Memorial of inhab- itants of Pennsjivania urging amendment of the Con- stitution of the United States in relation to the judicial power. Memorial of New Haven Chamber of Com- merce on foreign insults to American shipping. Ex- tract of a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe, relative to impressments. Unproductive post roads. Documents accompanying the message of the President of December 5, 1793, relative to Great Britain. Resolutions of citizens of Petersburg, prolTering the "support of our blood and fortune in preserving our public honor and security." Act of Pennsylvania con- cerning port charges, etc., at Philadelphia. Motions by Mr. Joseph Clay relative to foreign intercourse; by Mr. John Randolph, to amend the Constitution in respect to judges of the United States; by Mr. Randol])h, in relation to contractors; by Mr. Crowninshield and Mr. Sloan, lelative to foreign intercourse. [Folio.] — Annual report Secretary of Treasury. Esti- mates, revenue and receipts, and expenditures. Dis- trict tonnage. Exports and imports. Sinking fund. Navy pension fund. Emoluments of customs officers. 12. Mail contractors. 13. Bills drawn in accordance with the convention with the French Republic. 14. Supplementary to 13. 15. Exports in 1805. [FoUo.] — No. 1. Receipts and expenditures for 1805.— Pub- lic debt. [Folio.]— Letter of Secretary of State accompanying state- ments of applications made to the British Government in cases of Impressments of American seamen. Annual report of Secretary of the Treasury, Gallatin, 1805. Secretary ol Treasury reports relative to District ton- nage; importations; exportatlons; report of commis- sioners for the district east of Pearl River, of British grants for lands lying in said district; emoluments of customs officers; list of bills drawn by the minister plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris, on the United States Treasury, for claims embraced by the convention with the French Republic of April 30, 1803. Navy pension fund report. Unproductive mail routes. Sinking-fund commissioneis' report. [Octavo.]— Report on claims of F. Amory, John McFad- den, Peter Landias, Wm. Levis, and Hugh Maxwell, S. Kingston, Abijah Barnum, division of Indian Terri- tory. Slaves in the Territories. Adjudication of land claims. Indian treaties. Tonnage duties in Philadel- phia. Charlestown, Va., as aport of entry. Duties on American fisheries. Survey of shoals off North Caro- lina. CATALOGUE OF LIBBAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. ■37 9th. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1806— Mar. 3, 1807 Serial No. > i ' Series. TO ^ 1 Document No. Notes. 1 H docs [Folio.]— Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Estimates, revenue and receipts. Land claims in Indian Territory. Imports in 1805. Navy pension fund. District tonnage. Goods, wares, and mer- chandise exported during the year 1806. Public debt. Operations of the sinking fund during 1806. lOth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Oct. 26, 1807— Apr. 25, 1808 H. Ex. papers .do. .(1.0. [Octavo.]— No. 1-59, President JefTerson's annual message. ■21. Communications from the Executive. 22 and 23. Reports of the Secretary of State. 24-40. Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury. 41-49. Reports of the Secretary ol War. 50-55. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy. 56-58. Reports of the Postmaster General. 59. Report of the superintendent of public buildings on construction of south wing of the Capitol. [Octavo.]— Message from the President with corre- spondence touching our relations with Great Britain and France. The engagement between tlie sliips Chesapeake and Leopard. [Octavo.]— Annual message from President with docu- ments. Estimate of extraordinary expenses incurred by Navy Department, 1807. Message transmitting copy of President's proclamation interdicting the harbors and waters of tiie United States to British armed vessels, and forbidding Intercourse with the same. In pursuance of resolution of the House. Message transmitting a copy of the proceedings and of the evi- dence exhibited on the arraignment of Aaron Burr f.nd others. Secretary of Navy lctU>r relating to aggres- sions committed witliin our ports and waters by foreign armed vessels. Further report on same subject and to measures necessary for the protection of our ports and harbors. Secretary of War, three statements relatlvn to amount of merchandise and supplies purchased on behalf of United States for three years prior to Septem- ber, 1807. Similar statement from Secretary of Navy. Statement by Secretary of War of the officers and sol- diers composUig the Army of the United States, Decem- ber 2, 1S07. Estimates of appropriations, 1808. Treasury statement of receipts and expenditures, 1807, and of balances of appropriation unexpended, September 30, 1807. Secretary of Treasury report In regard to ex- penses arising from trial of Impeachment of Judge Chase. War Secretary's estimate, December 7, 1807, of the aimual expense of an army of 32,800 men, and an estimate of the expense of hospital, quartermaster, and ordnance departments for the first year. Secre- 49183—18 47 738 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. lOtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION^Contiuued. •CO ^ Series. Document No. H. Ex. papers. Notes. tary fiallatiu's statement to House Committee in relation to tlie etluct of the act to proliibit the importa- tion of certain goods, wares, and merchandise. Sec- retary of State transmits a memorial of the French minister on the claim of Amelia Eugenie de Beau- marchais, heir and l«igal representative of the late Taron de Beauniarcliaig. Secretary of Treasury Galla- tin gives his opinion respecting the propriety of con- tinuing for a liinit<^d time the duties called the "Med- iterranean iuud," uuiicr the act to protect the commerce and .seamen of the Unitwd States against the Barbary powers. Message commiinicatlng letters from Gov- ernor Hull resijecting Indians m the vicinity of Detroit. Unproductive post roads. Mint Director's report. I'resident's annual account of the fund for defraying the contingent charges of Government for 1807. Navy Register, 1807. Treasury Register, 1807. War De- partment Register, 1807. State Department Register, 1807. Report in relation to invalid pensioners. Draw- backs on exports, 1804, 1805, 1806. President Jefferson's message commimicating documents and information touching thi! official conduct of Brig. Gen. James Wilkinson at New Orleans. Treasury statement of tonnagt! employed in exporting articles the produce or manufacture of the United States. Treasury esti- mates of deficiencies. Deficiency estimate for additional seamen. Secretary of Navy states to the House the number of additional seamen required to enable the Kxecutive to man the ConstUution, Chesapeake, Wasp, Hornd, and Arqus, and 68 gunboats, and 4 bomb ketches. President's message transmitting a treaty of limits between the United States and the Choctaw Nation of Indians. lOctavo.]— No. 1. Message from the President trans- mitting Detroit treaty with the Ottaway, Chippeway, Wyandot, and Potawatamie Nations of Indians. Nos. 11, 14, and 50. Messages from the President com- municating information relative to the commencement of war by the Dey of .A.lgiers against the United States, and the amicable adjustment of the late difTerences. No. 12. The President "does not wish to be empowered to employ more seamen than the number at present authorised by law," etc. No. 16. Cumberland Road CommLssioners' Report. Nos. 27 and 33. Invalid pensioners. No. 29. Land titles in Michigan. No. 34. President's message transmitting two decrees, one of the Emperor of the French, the other of the King of Spain, in violation of the maritime rights of neutrals. No. 37. Report on Military Academy. No. 39. The militia. No. 40. President's message relative to forti- fying the ports and harbors of the United States. No. 42. Surveyor's report of progress made on public buildings at Washington, particularly the Capitol. No. 53. Trans- actions of the Mint, 1S07. No. 56. Treasurer's accounts 1806-1807. CATALOGUE OF LIBRAE Y OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 739 lOth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. > C3 Pi Series. PI. Ex. papers. Document No. H. mis. papers .do. .do. Notes. [Folio.]— Message of the President, with a report from the Secretary of State on the subject of inipres.sments. Ke- port on registered seamen. Secretary of Treasury an- nual report. District tonnage. Importation. E.xports. Emoluments customs oll'.cers. Public debt. Secre- tary of Navy, special report on condition and needs of the Navy. Navy pension fund. Secretary of War, report on fortifications. Report of sinking-fund coim- missioners. [Octavo.]— The arrangement adopted in relation to the construction of the south wing of the Capitol. Reso- lutions of New York legislature relative to the protec- tion of the port of New York. Documents relative to bill making further appropriations for the Navy, 1807. Petition of Anthony Boucherie, of Philadelphia, a sugar refiner. Letter from Hamet Caramelli, e.x Bashaw of Tripoli, stating his distressed situation and Imploring relief from the beneficence of the United States and offering his services to this Government Acts of Maryland relating to elections. General Wil- kinson's conduct in Orleans Territory; deposition thereon of Daniel Clark. [Octavo.]— No. 7. Disposition of certain charts of the coast of North Carolina. No. 8. Relating to claim of Mat- thew Smith and Darius Gates. No. 9. Claim of John Bagley. No. 13. Secretary of Treasury gives opinion upon probable eft'ects of the bill e.xtendlng the terras of credit on revenue bonds in certain cases. No. 24. Vir- ginia legislature resolutions proposing amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing State legislatures to remove from oir.ce their Senators hi Congress. No. 25. Document accompanying the bill to punish conspiracies to commit treason against the United States. No. 30. Documents relating to laying out Cumberland road. No. 48. Act concerning public contracts. Nos. 49 and 51. Documents accom- panying the bill making a further appropriation for the support of the Government, 1808. No. 55. Further in- formation and papers relati\e to the conduct of General Wilkmson at New Orleans. Nos. 2, 10, 38, 43, and 47. Motions made in House. No. 38. Motion for an inquiry into the conduct of Harry Innls, United States district judge for Kentucky, allegation being that whilst in the tenure of his oflice he had been "party or privy to a project on the part of Spain or her subjects to dismem- ber these United States, or to the seduction of the State of Kentucky from this Union " No. 47. Motion for im- peachment of Judge Bruin, of Mississippi Territory, for neglect of duty, drunkeimess on the bench, etc. [Octavo.]— Nos. 37, 38, 39, 40, 41-47. Documents accom- panylng bills. Nos. 48-63. Motions. Nos. C4-71. Mis- cellaneous papers. No. 57. Mr. Poindexter's motion for Impeachment of Judge Bruin, of Mississippi Territory. No. 61. Deposition of Daniel Clark, the Delegate from 740 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. lOth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Contiuued. Si' o > 03 Serlos. Document No. Notes. H. reports. .do. .do. tlie Territory of Orleaus, hi relation to tlie conduct of Gen. James Wiiliinson. No. 04. Furtlier iiiformaiion in relation to tlie conduct of (ienenil Wilkin.sou. [Octavo.] -Nos. 8 and 36. Committee on Klections re- ports on petition of Josliua Barney, of Baltimore, com- plaining of the undue election and return of William McCreery to servo as a Member of Congress. On revisal and unfinished business. On sundry petitions for relief. On petition of mercliants and traders of Philadelphia for permission to clear vessels with their cargoes. On petition of sundry coppersmiths of Philadelphia and copper manufacturers of New York City for protective duty on copp* in sheets, etc. Nos. 12 and 22. On aggressions committed within our ports and waters by foreign armed vessels; violations of our jurisdiction, and measures necessary for the protection of our ports and harbors. On the expediency of selling to indi- vidual States and Territories any United States arms or ordnance which may be parted with without injury lo tlie public. No. 16. Standing rules and orders to be observed in the House. On Potomac River bridge hill. No. 29. On the military and naval establishments. No. 38. Relative to the election of Philip B. Key from the Third Congressional district of Maryland. No. 41. Relative to the objections to the election of Jolui Cul- peper as a Member of the House for North Carolina. [Octavo.]— Nos. 3, 15, 28, 32, 36, 43, 50. Private claims. No. 31. Relative to compensation of Captain Pike and his companions for their services in exploring the Mis- sissippi River and in their e.xpeditiou to the sources of the Osage, Arkensaw, and La Plate rivers, together with their tour through New Spain. No. 35. On rais- ing an additional military force. No. 41. Relative to compensation for certain commissions for taking testi- mony in pension eases. No. 44. Joint committee report on business of the session. No. 46. On petitions of sun- dry inliabitants of Randolph and St. Clair counties, Indiana Territory. No. 52. On bill to make further appropriation for completing the south wing of the Capitol. No. 54. Relative to the rupture and amica- ble settlement with the Dey of Algiers. [See also Nos. 11 and 14, same volume.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-5. Reports from Committee on Elec- tions. Nos. 6, 7. Committee of Ways and Means. Nos. 9-13. Committee on Claims. Nos. 14, 15, 16. Commit- tee on Commerce and Manufactures. Nos. 17, 18, 19. Committee on Revised and Unfinished Business. Nos. 20-32, 34-40. Reports from select committees. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES' 'SeMtE. 741 lOth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 7, 1808— Mar. 3, 1809 > Series. S. docs. .do. Document No. .do. H. dors. do. .do. .do. Notes. [Octavo.]— Nos. 3, 5, U. 25, 29, 32, 34. |In vol. 3, House docs.) [Folio.]— No. 3. Pre?idenl's message Decemhcr ?T, 1808, with tlie list of vessels permitted to depart from the (Iniled States since December 22, 180". No. 7. I'apcrs respecting the bill for the relief of .sick and disabled and distressed seamen. [In vol. -5 (folio), House docs.) (f)ctavo.] — No. 11. President's message transmitting eor- respondenie bet ween Mr. Pinknov an b ' Series. Document No. CO Notes. 5 "FT docs [Folio.]— Nos. 1-12. Nos. 1 and 2. Secretary of Treasury. 1 annual statement of district tonnage, with explanatory I letter. No. 4. Treasury statement of sums annuallv le- ceived since establishment of the present Government, and a statement exhibitinc the annual amount of the several branches of the customs and the charges thereon. No. 5. Documents accompanjing bill to authorize and require the President to arm, man, and fit out for imme- diate service all the public ships of war, vessels, and gun- boats of the United States. No. 6. Sinlving fund com- missioners' report, 1808. No. 8. Documents relating to bill to amend laws for establishment of the Treasury, War. and Navy Departments, and estimates of appro- priations for 1809. No. 10. Treasury statements of im- portations in American and foreign vessels, October 1, 1806, to September 30, 1807. No. 11. Official emohi- ments of olficers of customs, 1808. No. 12. Treasury statement of the balances charged on the books of the Treasury for advances made prior to .Tune .30, 1808. ..... 2 (Octavo.]— Nos. 5, 8, 22, 23, 20, 31 , 32, 44, 46. 3 ...., do [Octavo.]— Nop. 11, 18, 21, 2.:, 28. 4 do -• [Octavo.]— Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 8, 9, 14, 17, 18. ? H . reports. [Octavo.]— Nos. 1. 2, f., 7, 12, 17. 19, 21, 24, 30, 34-38, 42. 3 do [Octavo.]— Nos. 1,14. 22. 26. 28. 4 do [Octavo.]— Nos. 7, 9^, 11. 12, 13, 15, 16, 25, 27, 29. 5 .... do [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-51. 6 ....! do [Folio.]— No. 9. Dotuments presented bv the committee i to inquire wlielher any advances of money have been made to the Commander in Chief of the .Vrmy by the Department of War, contrary to law, and, if any, to what amount. |In vol. 5 (folio). House documents.] 11th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION May 22, 1809— June 28, 1809 S. docs H. docs [Octavo.]— No. 2. Secretary of War, resjjccting modifi- cations of laws relating to the military establishment. No. 15. Message from the President transmitting Penn- sylvania resolutions on the case of Gideon Olmstead (conflict between the General and State Governments). No. 23. Repairs in the temporary Senate Chamber. No. 25. Extracts from letters from Mr. Ptokney to the Secretary of State, accompanied by letters and com- munications to him from the British secretary of state for the foreign department. No. 26. Documents accompanying tlie bill providing for the sale of gun- boats. (These Senate documents are found in vol. 2, House documents.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-13. No. 1. Annual message of Presi dent Madison. 1, part 2. Foreign relations. 2, 3, and 4. Reports of the Secretary of War. 5 and 18. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy. 11, 12, and 13. Reports CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITHD STATES SEX ATE. 743 lltli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. > 5h Series. Document No. I Notes. H Docs. do. H. mis. docs. H. reports. .do. .do. by and documents from the Secretary of the Navy; also reports of committees and miscellaneous docu- ments. [Octavo.]— Kos. 1-26. No. 1. Contingent expenses of the House. Nos. 2 and 4. Relating to the military "Stablishmpnt. Nos. 3 and Ifi. Sums nee-ied for forti- fications. No. 7. Progress made in raising additional military force. Nos. 9 and 14. CJeneral view of the state and disposition of the vessels belonging to the United States, and of the gunboats. Nos. 10 and 11. Pinkney's correspondence with Canning. No. 12. Relating to the 52,000,000 foreign-intercourse bill. No. 15. Permsylvania resolutions on Olmstead esse. [This volume is, in parts, duplicate of vol. 1.] ( Folio.]— Nos. 1-7. No. 1. Annual report. Secretary of the Treasury. No. 2. War contracts, statements of. No. 3. Relating to gunboats, expenses, etc. No. 4. Balances charged for advances, etc. No. 5. Importations. No. 6. Emoluments ot customs officials. [Octavo.]— No. 7. Adjustment of Michigan land titles. (In vol. 1, House documents.] No. 11. Secretary of Treasury, views on embargo. No. 12. Relating to the bill to give credit to certain collectCH^ of customs for al- lowances paid by them to owners and crews of fishing vessels. No. IS. Secretary of Navy report relative to a bill concerning the Naval Establishment. Nos. 20 and 21. Motions. [Octavo.]— Nos. 10 and 14. On petitions of individuals. No. 1.5. Joint committee on what business is necessary to be done during the present session. No. 16. Report on petition of sundry -American prisoners confined under sentence of slavery at Carthagena, South .\merica. No. 17. Report of committee on the President's mes- sage in relation to disbanding the troops raised un- der the ".\ct to raise for a limited time an additional military force." jln vol. 1. House documents.) (Octavo-j— Nos. 19 and 20. On contested-election case of William Baylies, Mas-sachusetts. (Same report in vol. 1. House documents ] No. 26. Documents accompany- ing the bill providinK for sale of gunboats. (In vol. 7, House documents.] [Folio.]- Nos. 6 and 7. Reports of Randolph ommittee to investigate whether moneys drawn from the Treasury since March 4, 1801, have been faithfully applied to the objects for which they were appropriated, and whether the same have been regularly accounted for. (Found in vol. 3, House documents.] 744 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 11th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 27, 1809— May 1, 1810 •2 A o > Serial. S. docs. .do. Document No. Notes. S. mis. docs. do do S. reports. .do. .do. H. ex. docs. [Octavo.]— No. 28. Message from the President transmit- ting, in response to Senate resolution, a copy of the cor- respondence with the governor of Pennsylvania in ttie case of (Gideon Olmstead (conflict between Federal and State authorities). No. 38. Secretary of Treasury in reply to Senate resolution respecting the direct tax. [Found in vol. 3, House documents.] [Octavo.]— No. lU. Secretary of War, relative to estab- lishment of a quartermaster's department. No. 22. Secretary of State, report on petition of Jarcd Shattuck (owner of the Mcrcator). No. 29. President's message transmitting correspondence of Secretary of State John Marshall relating to complaints of certain i^■regulariti'^s and violations of tb.e Danish flag, alleged to have been committed by certain officers of the American Navy (case of the Mercator included). [Found in vol. 7, House documents.] [Octavo.]— No. 35. Mr. Bradley's motion relating to mon- eys expended iu our intercourse with the Barbary Pow- ers. [Found in vol. 3, House documents.) [Octavo.]— No. 3. Treaty with the Kickapoo Indians. Nos. 6 and 19. Motions. [Octavo.]— Nos. 8, 14, 23, 31, 33, 38, 40. Motions. No. 12. Memorial of Territory of Orleans praying for admLssiou into the Union of States. [Found in vol. 7, House docu- ments.] [Folio.]- No. 12. Report of committee appointed to in- quire and report whether any alterations are necessary to be made in the act for establishing trading houses with the Indians. [Found In vol. 5, House documents] [Octavo.]— No. 48. As to the expediency of employing tiie torpedo or submarine explosions. (I'ouud in vol. 6, House documents.] [Octavo.]— No. 9. Relative to an effectual organization of the militia. Nos. 25, 34, 37. On claims of private par- ties. No. 27. Joint committee report on business to be acted on during the present session. No. 30. On peti- tion of Father Urban Guillet, in behalf of the religious order of La Trappc. [Found in vol. 7, House docu- ments.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-17 (Messages from the President). No. 1. Annual message. No. 2. Documents with annual message. No. 4. Pinkney's correspondence. No. 5. Washington public buildings. No. 6. Mint report. No. 7. France's blockade of Baltic ports. No. 8. Denmark's seizures of ships and merchandise of United States citi- zens. No. 9. Contingent expenses of the Government. No. 10. Orders in relation to armed vessels riding in waters of the U'nited States. No. 11. Measures taken to secure the free navigation of Mobile River. No. 12. Proposals to France and Great Britain respecting the revocation of their Illegal decrees and orders, and copies of forged papers purporting to have belonged to .\meri- CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. llth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. 745 03 O cS > Ph 3 !. Series. Document No. H. ex. (Iocs. .do. Notes. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. mis. dors. can vessels. Nos. 13 and 14. Certain Indian treaties. No. 15. .\ ])rivate letter from Mr. Pinkney to the Secre- tary of State No. 16. Further information upon the subject of our foreign relations. No. 17. Naturalized foreigners registered as American seamen. [Octavo.l— Nos. 1-14. Reports from Treasury Ilepart- ment. Nos. 15 and )G. Reports from War Department. Nos. 17 and IS. Reports from Navy Department. Nos. 19-21. Reports from- Post OlPice Department. [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-21 and 22. Miscellaneous documents and reports. 11. Hamilton's report on manufactures. 17. Report of the mint, lSfl9. The Yazoo claims. 2 Series. Document No. Notes. ? H. mis. docs . . [Octavo.]— Documents accompanying bills, found at pages 115, 129, 245, 385, 413. Motions, pages 23, 137, 267, 33.3, 347, .349, 375, 501. [In vol. 6 (octavo). House executive documents.) 3 do [Octavo.]— Documents accompanying bills, pages 25, 77, 233. Motions, pages .39, 69, 107, 133, 1(59, 237, 255, 319. [Found in vol. 7, House executive documents.) 1 H. reports [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-40. Reports. Nos. 41-47. Documents relating to bills. Nos. 48-67. Motions. ? do [Octavo).— No. 1. Inquiry into the causes of the mortality of that detachment of the Army ordered for the defense of New Orleans. No. 2. On the investigation into the conduct of Gen. James Wilkinson. 3 do ^-hivr T-r — [Octavo.)— No. 9. On the President's message and its ac- companying documents. Nos. 13i, 18, 22, 26, 33, 39, 40. On private relief bills. No. 19. On unfinished business. No. 29. On standing rules and orders for the House. No. 32. On contested-election case of Jonathan Jen- nings, Delegate from the Indiana Territory. No. 42. On so much of the President's message as relates to the naval establishment. 4 do [Folio.]— No. 7. Report, in parts, from Randolph commit tee on investigation application of appropriations, etc. [In vol. 4 (folio), House executive documents.) a do [Folio.)— No. 8. On memorial of William Lambert, relat- ing to the establishment of a first meridian for the United States at Wa.sliington. [In vol. 5 (folio). House executive documents.) t) do [Octavo.] -Nos. 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 26, 28, 31, 32, 42, 47. [Found in vol. 6, House executive documents.] 1 do [Octavo.]— Reports found at pages 1, 15, 19, 31, 59, 111, 117. 123, 131, 135, 171, 179, 193, 225, 241, 245, 247, 251. [Found in vol. 7, House executive document^.] 11th CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 3, 1810— Mar. 3, 1811 S. ex. docs. .do. [Octavo.]— No. 1. Documents accompanying the message of the President. No. 3. Message transmitting copies of treaty with Great Britain. No. 9. Message from President Madison responding to Senate inquiries rela- tive to amount of property of citizens or subjects of Great Britain or France which has been confiscated under acts of Congress relative to commercial inter- course, etc. No. 10. Message communicating in re- sponse to Senate resolution a copy of the census of the Territory of Orleans, 1806. No. 11. Message transmit- ting report of awards under the seventh article of the British treaty. [Found in vol. 1, House Ex. Docs.) [Octavo.]— No. 2. Statement by Secretary of State of the forelgn-bom and naturalized persons registered as American seamen, 1796-1810. No. 7. Survey of the coast of the Territory of Orleans. No. 8. Secretary of Treasury Crawford's statement relative to the prayer of CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 747 llth CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. oa o 3!z; > Series. S. ex. docs . Document No. 2 3 4 1 S. mis. docs. S. reports. H. ex. docs. Notes. the Bank of the United States for a renewal of its char- ter. [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— No! 20. Message and certain diplomatic cor- respondence with France relative to seizure of .\ merican vessels. No. 24. Message and Treasury report on survey of Ignited States coasts. No. 26. Secretary Gallatin's views relative to renewal of United States Bank charter. [Found In vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.) [Octavo.]— No. IS. "A compendious exercise for the gar- rison and field ordnance, as practiced in the I'nifed States," etc. No. 19. Memorial of the stockholders of the Bank of the United States praying for a renewal of their charter. No. 20. Memorial of Philadelphia cham ber of commerce relative to the Bank of the United States. No. 21. Petition of Philadelphia merchants praying for exemption from the provisions of the non- intercourse laws. No. 24. Memorial of Lexington, Ky., merchants and manufacturers for protection to their industry. [Found in vol. 1, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 2, 3, 7, 23, 43, 44. Motions. [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27-31. Motions. [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 6, 16. Motions. [Fouud in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— No. 41. On memorial of Isaac Wayne, son and executor of .Major General Wayne. No. 59. On me- morial of General Wilkinson, prayhig to be remimerated for moneys disbursed in the service of the United States. No. 60. On memorial of the stockholders of the Bank of the United States, closing with a resolution that the prayer for renewal of charter ''ought not to be granted." [Found in vol. 1, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— No. 2. President's message relative to the in- adequacy of funds for relief and protection of destitute American seamen in foreign countries. No. 4. The President's account of the contingent expenses of the Government for 1810. Nos. 5, 7, and 14. President transmits reports relative to public buildings in Wash- ington and expenditures for completing the Capitol. No. 6. Proclamation of the President announcing the revocation by France of the edict which violated the neutral commerce of the United States, and other official documents on same subject. No. 8. Expendi- tures for the better accommodation of the General Post Office and Patent Office. No. 12. Message communi- cating information relative to the legal repeal or modi- fication, as well as the practical operation, of the orders and decrees affecting our neutral commerce since No- vember 1, 1810. No. 13. Message vetoing the "act incorporating the Protestant Episcopal Church in the town of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia." No. 15. Message vetoing the act for the relief of certain indi- viduals named and the Baptist Church at Salem Meet- ing Houie, in the Mississippi Territory. No. 16. Poet- 748 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. nth CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. o > C3 ^1 Series. H. ex. docs . Document No. .do. .do. U. mis. docs. .do. .do. H. reports. .do. .do. .do. Notes. master General's report relative to transportation of the mails on the Sabbath. [Octavo.]— No. 6. Relief of American seamen in Europe. No. 21. Treasury estimates for 1811; account of re- ceipts and expenditures, 180^1810; and statement of balances unexpended September 30, 1810. 22. Mes- sage relative to duties imposed by France, and other information on the subject of our commercial relations with France. 26. Secretary of War gives an account of the sale of public arms to the State of Maryland. 35. Navy Department Refiister, 1810. 36. War Depart- ment Register, 1810. 37. Navy contracts, 1810. 42. Secretary of War report relative to land forces and forti- fications, and estimate of moneys required on account of fortifications for 1811. (Octavo.]— No. 1. Expenditures for relief of American seamen in Europe, etc. 3. Treasury estimates, re- ceipts, and expenditures, 1810. 5. Treasurer's accounts, 1809-10. 6. Additional Treasury estimates, 1811. 9. Secretary (lallatin's reply to House inquiries re- specting the imposition of additional duties on impor- tations. IT. Secretary of Navy, letter in relation to the needs of the naval establishment. 18. Same, relative to propriety of encouraging the culture of hemp by pro- tective impost duties or by prohibiting the importa- tion of that article into the United States. [Octavo.]— No. o. Treasurer's accounts, 1809-10. 28. Secretary of Navy report on trials of the practical use of tlie torpedo or submarine explosion. 38. Veto of Alexandria Episcopal Church bill. 40. Message rela- tive to finishing work on the Capitol. 44. Expenses o( national armories, 1810. 46. Laws, treaties, etc., in respect to the public lands. [Octavo.]— No. 17. Laws, treaties, and other documents having operation and respect to the public lands. No. 22. New Haven merchant's appeal for relief from oper- ation of the nonintercourse law. No. 23. Memorial of Mississippi Territory for admission as a State into the Union. No. 2.5. Joel Barlow's final settlement of accounts as late agent of the United States for nego- tiating treaties with the Barbary powers. [Octavo.] -Nos. 20, 23, 32, 33. Motions. [Found in vol. 3, Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— No. 6, 34. Motions. [Found in vol. 4, House Ex. Docs.] Reports of House committees: [Octavo.]— Contains practically all the reports found in other volumes, with executive and miscellaneous docu- ments. [Octavo.]— Nos. 26-.39, 42-58. [Found in vol. 1, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 9, 12 13i, 16, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28-32, 41i. [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 1, 15, 25, .30, 32, 35, 36. [Found in vol. 3, House Ex. Docs.] CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 749 12tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Nov. 4, 1811— July 6, 1812 o > Series. S. ox. doc. Doenment No. .do. .do. S. reports. do.... .do. Notes. [Octavo.] — No. 1. l^resident Madison's annual inesso^ie, November 5, 1811. No. 1, part 2. Documents accoin- I)aiiying I're.sident's message. No. '.'. Mes.sat,'e transmit- ting letters from the late and present pleniiwtentiaries of France to the Department of State. [Found ui vol. 2, House Kx. Docs.) [Octavo.]— No. U. Message from President Madison, trans- mitting copies of late correspondence between the Brit- ish minister and the Sec-retary of St:ite, "allording further evidence of the hostile policy of the Uritish ( .ov- emment against oiirnational rights." No. 15. Message relative to trade of the I'nited States to Fmnce. No. Iti. Message communicating a letter from the British mui- ister disavowing any agency of the British Government in the late hostile measures of the Indian tribes. No. 22. Message, with Treasury report, on the survey of the coast of the United States. No. 32. Message from Presi- dent Madison, transmitting the constitution or form of government established by the convention of the Terri- tory of Orleans for the government of that Territory when erected into a sejiarate and independent State un- der the title of the State of Louisiana. No. 33. Message, March 9, 1812, transmitting documents "obtaine Series. H. ex. docs. .f!o. Document No. .do. .do. H. mis. docs. do H. reports. Notes. .do. j [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-21. Messages from the President. 22. I Letter from Secretary of State. 23-30. Letters from j Secretary of Treasury. 31-33. Letters from Secretary of War. 34-36. Letters from Secretary of Navy. 37. Letter from Postmaster General. [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-38. No. 1. Annual Message from the President., and accompanying documents. No. 7. Message, with correspondence, "relative to the aggres- sion committed by a British ship of war on the United States frigate Chesapeake," and showing that " that sub- ject of difference between the two countries is termi- nated by an offer of reparation which has been acceded to." [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-41. No. 5. Treasury estimates for 1812; account of receipts and expenditures, and statement of balances of appropriations unexpended September 30, 1811. No. 13. Banks, statement of. No. 14. Message from the President, transmitting copies of late corre- spondence "affording further evidence of the hostile policy of the British Government against our national rights." [Octavo.]— Nos. 1-49. Messages from the President; letter from Cabinet officers; documents, motions, resolutions, and reports of committees. No. 39. House contingent fund. No. 43. Message on the subject of the orders in council. No. 42. Relative to excitements, on the part of British subjects, of the Indians to commit "hostility against the United States, and to evidence of such hostil- ity prior to the late campaign on the AVabash." No. 47. Treasury letter accompany a bill authorizing $11,000,000 loan. [Octavo.]— Motions and petitions. [Found in vol. 1, Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— Petitions, memorials, resolutions, motions, etc. [Found in vol. 1, House reports.] [Octavo.]— On contested election of Taliaferro ; . Hunger- ford. On revisal and unfinished business. On Cum- berland road. On foreipi relations. On claims. On House rules. On munitions of war. On memorial of Mississippi for admission as a State. On public lands. On the naval establishment. [Found in vol. 2, House Ex. Docs.] [Octavo.]— 1-76. No. 1-4. Reports of Committee of Ways and Means. 5. Commerce. 6-22. Claims. 25-30. Pub- lie lands. 31. Elections. 32. Post-offices and posi- roads. 33. District of Columbia. 34. Revisal and un- finished business. 35. Accounts. 36-57. Select con,, mittees. 58-66. Documents. 67-76. Motions. [Found in vol. 1, House reports, etc.] CATALOGUE OF I.IHHARV OF L' XI LED STAI F.S; i^FNATi 51 12th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 2, 1812— Mar. 3, 1813 OS ■ ■s o o > C3 Series. Document No. Xotcs. S. State papers ,...Jo... . S. mis. docs.. .do. 1 , S. reports. H. State papers .do. H. reports. [Octavo.] — Xo. 1. President's annual message to Congress. 2. Documents accumpauying tlie message. 9. Message, with correspondence, relative to tlie pacific ailvauces made on the part of tliis Goveniment to that of (Jreut Britain. [Found in vol. 1 , House Slate Papers.) [Octavo.] — Xo. 4. Message from tlie President, with report of the Secretary of War relative to murders commitio>i by Indians in Tennessee. Xo. 6. Message traiismitiing correspondence between Secretary of Xavy and Captain Chauncey and Lieutenant Elliott relative to the capture and subsequent disposition of the British armed brigs Detroit and Caledonia. Xo. 31. Report of Secretary of State on the subject of registered seamen of the United States. Xo. 37J. Message from the President communi- cating copy of a proclamation of the British lieutenant- governor of Bermuda Island. [Found in vol. 2, House State Papers.) [Octavo.] — Xo. 3. Motion. 10. Memorial of Baltimore private-armed commissioned vessels of war. [Found in vol. 1, House State Papers.] [Octavo.] — No. 5. Evidence relating to petition of John Wortlimgton and others. Xo. 9. Resolution for amend- ment to the Constitution. 22. Mr. Dana's motion. 23. Duplicate from Mr. King, United States minister at London, to Mr. Pickering, Secretary of State, December 10, 1796. 34i. Remonstrance and resolutions of ti>e citizens of New York on the subject of the nonimporta- tion acts. [Found in vol.2, House State Papers.] [Octavo.]— Xo. 13. On petition of Washington Lee. 14 On petition of Reuben Atwater. 37. On the bill for the admission of Mississippi Territory into tlie Union, [f oimd in vol. 2, House State Papers.] [Octavo.] — Nos. 1-25. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 2. Documents with message. 6 and 11. Reward for capturing the OucttHic. Xo. 16. Treasury estimates for 1813; receipts and expenditures, 1811-12. No. 20. President'smessage transmitting a report of the Secretary of the Xavy in relation to the presentation of a gold medal to Commodore Preble and swords to the andofficersofhissquadron. Houst miscellaneous, 1 , 2, 3. House reports, 1-13; 9 is complimentary to Captains Hull, Decatur, and Jones. Senate executive, 1, 2, and 3. Senate miscellaneous, 1 and 2. [Octavo.]— Xos. 1-44. Messagesfrom the President relative to murders by Indians in Tennessee; certain Pennsyl- vania resolutions; giving an official account of the cap- ture of the Jaua; communicating the proclamation of the governor of Bermuda, and relative to tlie repeal of the I Berlin and Milan decrees. -■Mso reports from Cabinet ofBcers, memorials, documents, motions, and reports from committees. [Octavo.]— Xos. 1-7. Reports of Committee on Ways and Means. 8-10. Committee on Clauns. 11-14. Public Lands. 15-35. Select committees. 36-37. Motions. 752 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 13th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION May 24, 1813— Aug. 2, 1813 3o 1^ "o Series. Document No. Notes. > Ch 1 .... S. State papers [Octavo.]— No. 1. President Madison's amiual message, May 25, 1813. No. 3. Secretary of State reports informa- tion of customs collectors who have not made regular returns of registered seamen. 25. Secretary of War reports on memorial of William Tatham. [In vol. 1, liouse State Papers.] 1 1 . . . . S. mis. docs. . [Octavo.]— Nos. 2, 24, 26, 27. Motions. No. 17. Memorial S. reports of James Jay. [In vol. 1, House State Papers.] [Octavo.]— No. 12. On petition of Joshua Barney and others. No. 13. On memorial of Stephen Girard and others. No. 17i. On James Jay's memorial. No. 19. Joint committee on business of the present session. No. 23. Relating to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 1 H. State papers Company. [Octavo.]— No. 1. .\nnual message. No. 20. President's message transmitting information touching the French decree purporting to be a repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees. No. 28. Letter from Secretary of Treasury "-- accompanying the bill authorizing a loiin. No. 30. Treasury letter on subject of a reduction of the duties 1 H. mis. docs.. on prizes and prize goods. [Octavo.]— No. 10. Remonstrance of the Massachusetts legislature against the war with Great Britain, and pro- test of the minority of said legislature against said re- monstrance. No. 7. Mr. Webster's motion calling for information touching the French decree purporting to be a repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees. No. 8. Motion relative to House rules in contested-election cases. No. 9. Jacob Perkins's petition for renewal of patent to nail-cutting machine. 1 H. reports [Octavo.]— Reports by committees on Claims, Elections, Military Aflairs, Revisal of Business, etc., and by select committees. 13tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1813— Apr. 18, 1814 S. state papers [Octavo.]— President Madison's annual message. Also, messages from the President relating to duties on im- ports; value of wool and cotton manufactures; commis- sions granted during the recess of the Senate; recom- mending exportations from tlie United States and a repeal of laws which prohibit the importation of articles into the United States not the property of the enemy; transmitting report of the Secretary of State in relation to individuals selected from American prisoners of war and sent to Great Britain for trial, and also in relation to any orders for retaliation, etc. Letter of Secretary of the Navy transmitting " documents narrating tlie splen- did and decisive victory" gained on Lake Erie by the CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 13tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. 753 5^ > Series. S. mis. docs. S. reports. .. H. State papers Document No. .do. H. mis. docs. H. reports... .do. Notes. United States squadron under the command of Captain Oliver Uazard Perry. List of commissioned officers and midsliipmen of the Navy. List of ships and vessels of the Navy, and their conditions, etc. [Octavo.]— Motions, memorials, etc. [In vol. 1, Senate State Papers.] [Octavo.]— From Committee on Naval Aflairs; on Patents; on Printing of the Senate; on Foreign Relations; on the petition of Stephen Girard; on the memorial of Bowie and Kurtz and others; and report of the joint committee to inquire when it may be e.xpedient to adjourn the two Houses of Congress. [In vol. 1, Senate State Papers.] [Octavo.]— Messages from the President at the commence- ment of the session of Congress; transmitting corre- spondence between the Department of State and its officers on foreign affairs; relative to the reception of Mr. Crawford by the Court of France; Russian media- tion; message relating to Turreau's letter; the campaign on the northern frontier; the distressed condition of the inhabitants of the Michigan Territory and of thelndians in and adjoining said Territory; recommending a repeal of the embargo; relative to our relations with France, and transmitting the report of the Director of the Mint. Letters from Secretary of the Treasury transmitting annual estimates for ISU; statement relative to incor- porated banks and insurance companies in the District of Columbia. Letters from Secretary of War, from Sec- retary of the Navy, and from the Commissioner of the General Land Office. [Octavo.]— Nos. 51, 54, 68, 74, 75, 78, 81, 86, 89, 94. No. 51. Unsettled accounts, War Department. No. 54. Mes- sage transmitting documents tending "to explain the causes of the failure of the arms of the United States on the northern frontier. " No. 68. Incorporated banks and insurance companies. District of Columbia. No. 74. Message from the President respecting the distressed condition of the inliabitants of Michigan Territory, etc. No. 78. Militia called into service iu 1813; bounties, pre- miums, and strength of the Army. No. 81. Relief of destitute .Vmerican seamen. No. 86. Respecting ex- ecution of laws for increase of Navy. No. 94. Rela- tive to a deficiency in estimated receipts of the Treasury and necessity for providing additional revenue. [Octavo.]— Motions and petitions. [In vol. 2, State Papers.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 71 and 83. [In vol. 3, State Papers.] [Octavo.]— Committee on Revisal and Unfinished Busi- ness; on Pensions; on the Judiciary; on Claims; on Pub- lic Lands; on Ways and Means, and reports by special committees. [In vol. 2, ex. docs.] [Octavo.]- Nos. 49, 50, 52, 53, 55-67, 69-73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96. [In vol. 2, State Papers. 49183°— 18- -48 754 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 13tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Sept. 19, 1814— Mar. 3, 1816 •§.5 S^^ o > a Series. Document No. Notes. S. State papers S. mis. docs. S. reports . H. State papers [Octavo.]— Message from the President, with report of Secretary of State on our relations with the continental powers of Europe. Message with information in rela- tion to laying out Cumberland road. Message vetoing the act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States of America. Message in response to a Senate resolution requesting "the proof of any traffic carried on in the West Indies by the sale of negroes taken from the United States by the British forces since the present war. " Documents relating to the capture of the British fleet on Lake Champlain. Capture of the Brit- ish sloop of war Epervier by the United States sloop Peacock. Capture of the British sloop of war Reindeer by the United States sloop Wasp. Report of the Secre- tary of the Navy relating to the better organization of the Navy Department. [Octavo.] — Memorial of the Baltimore Committee of Vigi- lance and Safety. Motions, resolutions, memorials, etc. [In vol. 1, Senate State Papers.] [Octavo.]— On Revision of the Standing Rules of the Sen- ate; on the gallant conduct of Captaia Macdonough and the forces under his command in the Battle of I^ake Champlain; of Captain Warrington in capturing the Expervier; of Captain Blakeley hi capturing the Reindeer. Report on the transportation of the Thomas Jefferson library, lately purchased. On laying out the Cumberland road. Sunday mails. Compensation to individuals for losses during the war. Thanks to General Jackson. Regulating printing and binding for the House. Regulations respecting American sea- men. Report of the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress. Report on the differences existing between the United States and some of the individual States respecting the relative powers of the General Govern- ment over the militia. On the President's message respecting the unauthorized mode of warfare adopted by the enemy, on the plea of retaliation. [In vol. 1, Senate State Papers.] [Octavo.]— 1. President's message, at commencement of the session. 3. Message, with correspondence between British Admiral Cochrane and tlie Secretary of State in relation to an order by the former to destroy and lay waste the towns on the coast of the United States. 6. Message on negotiations for peace. 8. Message, con- veying copies of instructions given to the United States ministers appointed to negotiate a peace with Great Britain. 12. Defects in the military establishment. 13. Message, with documents relative to retaliation upon prisoners of war. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. lath CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued 755 1^ o > C5 Series. H. State papers Document No. H. mis. docs. .do. H. reports. .do. Notes. [Octavo.]— Message from Tresident ifadison, with com- munications from the American ministers at (Ihent, showing the progress and state of the negotiations for peace with Great Britain. The President's account of the Government contingent fund. Message, transmit- ting the treaty of peace and amity between the United States and Great 15ritain. Treaties with Indians. Treasury letters relating to the §25,000,000 and the 83,000,000 loan bills; prohibiting intercourse with the enemy; estimates for 181.5; state of the Treasury, 1S14, and a \'ievv of the situation of the Treasury for isi.i, with propositions relative to the ways and means for the same; appropriations made for tlie t umberland road. Secretary of War on account of expenditures on the national armories at Harpers Ferry and Spring- field, 1S14, and of the arms made and repaired at each place during 1814. [Octavo.]— 2. Clerk of the House details facts in relation to the destruction of the office of the House. 10. Sys- tem of revenue to re\-ive and maintain unimpaired the public credit. 20. Relative to the bill laying duties on carriages and the harness therefor. 21. Banks of New York City opposing the biU to incorporate a national bank. 23. Correspondence with Secretary of the Treas- ury relative to a loan for 1815. [In vol. 1, House State Papers.] [Octavo.]— 35. Loss of contigent account and vouchers of the Clerk of the House. 38. Report on causes and par- ticulars of the invasion of Washington and Alexandria by the British. 53. Mode of subsisting the Aimy. 56. Missouri, memorial relative to defenselessness of that Territory, and praj-ing aid of Congress. 60 and 67. Resolutions e.xpressive of the sense of Congress of the gallantry and good conduct with whicii the reputation of the arms of the United States has been maintained by certain officers therein named. 62. Relative to appropriations for the Navy Department, 1815. Mo- tions, resolutions, memorials, etc. [In vol. 2, House State Papers.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15-19, 22. No. 24. On cause and particulars of the invasion of the city of Washing- ton. [In vol. 1, House State Papers.] [Octavo.]— Nos. 30, 32-34, 36, 37, 39, 41-43, 45-47, 49, 52, 63- 65, 68-73, etc. [In vol. 2, House State Papers.] 756 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Idtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1815— Apr. 30, 1816 1^ > Series. Document No. Notes. 1 S. State papers No. 1-94. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 3. Register of the Navy, 1815. 19. Report of the Secre- tary of the Treasury on roads and canals. 1 H. State papers No. 1-36. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 5. Commercial treaty between the United States and Great Britain. 6, 7, 11^, 19, and 20. Naval affairs. 27 and 32. Foreign affairs. 4 and 34. War reports. 33. Official register. 22. Post-Offlce. 8, 12, 23, and 24. Treasury. 36. Prisoners in Dartmoor Prison. 25. In- dian affairs. 1 do No. 37-90, except 45. No. 39 (frigates Constitution and Cj^anf), 40, 43, and 85 (Marine Corps). Navy. 42,59,65, 67, 68, 74, and 81. War. 53, 70, 73, and 78. Treasury. 84. Foreign. 50. Proposed tariff. 49. Cotton wool. 61. Wool. 69. Resolution for a monument to Washing- ton's memory. 82. Patent Office. 1 H. reports Vol. 1.— Fifty-one documents irregularly numbered. Vol. 2.— Documents numbered 37 to 90. [In vol. 2, House State Papers.) 2 do litli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1816— Mar. 3, 1817 S. state Papers H. State Papers .do. No. 1-123. No. 1. President Madison's annual messages, 8. Joint report of the Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, and Navy. 64. Jefferson's report on commerce. 72.0. a naval depot. 83. Foreign affairs. 114. Controversy with Spain. 115. Uniform national currency. No. 1-39. No. 1. President Madison's annual message. 2. Finance report. 4. National University. 6. Canal between the lakes and the Hudson River. 12. Salaries of Congressmen. 23. United States flag. No. 40-102. No. 44. Militia. 64. Report of the Architect of the Capitol. 100. Sabbath mails. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 15th. CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 1, 1817— Apr. 20, 1818 757 "a . ¥ i Th Series Document no. Notes 1 S. journal 2 1 2 S. docs do n. journal. 1-131 Except 5, not printed; 84, Duty on salt, indexed, but not printed; 1 16, not printed. 2-4, 6, 7, missing from P. D. L. copy. Two docs. no. 136. 170 Is Pension roU, 1818. 3 4 132-193 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 .... H. docs do do 1-4 6 5-37 Except 29, not printed. Two docs. no. 24 and 28. 7 38-69... . 8 do do 70-95 Except 78, not printed. Two docs. no. 87. Except 106 and 112, not printed. Two docs. no. 147. 146 missing from P. D. L. copy. 165 is Relations with Spain. Not printed. Except 188, not printed; 170 missing, and 182 Imperfect in P. D. L. copy. Two docs. no. 185. 198 is Importations, 1816; 202 is Naval rules. 9 96-124 10 do do 125-148,155.... ri491... 11 7 8 . 150-154,156-194 195-202 1?! do IStli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 16, 1818— Mar. 3, 1819 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 S. journal. S. docs... do.... H. journal. H. docs do do do .do. .do. -do. .do. 1-63... 64-102. 1-30 31-46,48. 47 49-85.... 92 86-123. . 124-136. 137-150. Except 35 and 56, missing from P. D. L. copy. Two docs. no. 68. 2 is Spanish American affairs; 14 is Seminole War. 48, South American affairs. Is In four unnumbered parts. Internal duties and direct tax. Except 76, missing from P. D. L. copy. 65 and 75 are affairs with Spain. Report on Bank of United States. Except 92, in serial no. 21, and 93, not printed. 133 is Statements of importations, 1817. 758 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. letli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1819— May 15, 1820 fcfl m > P4 Series Document no. Notes 25 S. journal. . . 9!fi 1 2 3 4 S. docs do. 1-73 Message, State, etc. 131, 133, missing from P. D. L. copy. Abstract of unpaid bonds for duties. Same, pt. 2. 27 74-98,100-135.. 99 28 do. 29 do. 99. 30 H. journal . 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H. docs do 1-11 32 12-33 33 34-54 . 34 do 55 Pension list. 35 . . 5G-75 36 . do. 76-92 37 93-108 . 38 do 109-122 123 3«» do Annual accounts of IT. S. Treasurer 1819 40 H. reports 1-98 Except 3, not jjrinted. 16tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Nov. 13, 1820— Mar. 3, 1821 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 S. journal. S. docs . . . do.... .do. do H. journal . H. docs do do do do do do .do. do H. reports. 1-41... 42-91.. 92-117. 118.... 119.... 120.... 1-34... 35-44.. 10 45-55. . 56-80. . 81-96. . 97-108. ;109.... ^110..-. 111.... .112.... 1-70... 65 is Naval rules, 1821. List of passengers arrived, 1820. Report of Sec'y of State on weights and measures. Annual accounts of U. S. Treasurer, 1820. Except 10, in serial no. 50. Comptroller of Treasury, list of balances. System of field service and of martial law, etc. Two docs. no. 91 and none no. 92. Report of Sec'y of State on weights and measures. Claim of James Johnson for transportation. Debtors to Post-Oflice Department. Payments to inspectors ainl weighers of customs. 34, Tariff, is in 2 pts. Contains also resolutions 1-11. 17th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 3, 1821— May 8, 1822 58 59 60 61 S. journal. S. docs do do H. journal. 1-63. 64-94. 95. . . . Except 56, not printed; 19, missing In P. D. L. copy. Part of 59 bears doc. no. 90. Two docs. no. 60. 83 is Unpaid duties on imports. Annual accounts U. S. Treasurer, 1821. Standing rules and orders of House and Senate, p. 719. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 759 ITtli CONGRESS, Ist SESSION— Ton tinued 1° o > Ah Series Document no. Notes 6S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 H. docs do 1-10 Many of the sets of II. docs, are bound as Indicated In thislist; othersetsareboundin7v.,asfoUows: v. l,no3. 1-13; V. 2, nos. 14-37; v. 3, nos. 38-47; v. 4, nos. 48-63; V. 5, nos. 64-91; v. 6, nos. 92-115; v. 7, nos. 116-134. M 11-33 631 do 34-39. 39 is Commerce and navigation, 1821. 42 is Allair of Andrew Jackson as governor of Florida. 652 do 40-47... 653 do 48-56 66 do 57-66 60 is Indian affairs In Michigan. 66 is Banks. 67 do 67-93 . 68 do 94-115. 69 do 116-134 1-69 70 H. reports do 71 70-111 V. 2, but 105 and 107 are indexed to appear in this vol- ume. 8 is Public roads and canals. Except 94, 105, and 107, in serial no. 70. Contains also resolutions 1-15. 92 is Slave trade. ITtlL CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1822— Mar. 3, 1823 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85' 852 86 87 S. journal.. S. docs do H. journal. H. docs do do do do do do do do do do H. reports. do 1-12. . 13-43. 1-27 32 28-53 54-67 68-85 86-98 99-104 105-110 Ill Ill Unnumbered 1-55 5&-105 26 is Commerce and navigation, 1822. Comptroller of Treasury, accounts, 1822. E.xcept 32, in serial no. 77. 62 is Commerce and navigation, 1822. 71 is correspondence on Treaty of Ghent. 104 is Mail contracts; remainder are Treasury accounts. 105 and 109 are Treasury accounts. Ordnance Department expenses, 1816-22. Same, pt. 2. Index to H. docs, and reports, 15th-17th Cong., 1817-23. Also resolutions 1-10. 75 is Beaumarchais claim. 18tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 1, 1823— May 27, 1824 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 S. journal.. S. docs do do H. journal. H. docs do 1-30. . 31-45. 46-80. 1-16.. 17-51. Message, War, Navy, etc. 38 is Commerce and navigation, 1823; 45 Is Manufactures 53 is Longitude of Capitol, Lambert's supplemental rp- 2 Is Message, War, Navy. Except 40, in serial no. 95. 760 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 18tll CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued > 4.3 M 03 PL, Series Docmnent no. Notes 95 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 H. docs 40 Comptroller of Treasury, accounts, 1823. 96 52-76 73 is Commerce and navigation, 1823. 97 do 77-103 83 is Massachusetts claim; 95 is Postage, 1822. 98 do 104-128 130 140 125 is erroneously niunbered 115, but is placed and in- 99 dexed correctly. 128 is Salt, lead, and copper reports. Commercial regulations of foreign nations. 100 do Correspondence, public deposits in banks, 1817-22. 101 do 140 Same, v. 2. 102 do 129-150 151-161 162,163 1-80 . . . Except 130, in serial no. 99, and 140, in serial nos. 100 103 104 do and 101. Except 155, missing in P. D. L. copy. 156 and 158 are Land claims in Florida. Treasurer's accts.; Index to documents 1-1 4th Congs. 105 1 2 .... H. reports 106 81-133 Also resolutions 5 and 9, and an unnumbered resolution of sympathy for Greek independence. Report 113 is mimbered 130 on p. 17-27. ISth. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1824r— Mar. 3, 1826 107 S. joiunal Also proceedings special session Senate, 19th Cong., Mar. 4-9, 1825, p. 269. Message, State, War, Navy> and Post-OflSce, etc. 108 1 2 3 4 S. docs do 1-9 109 10-32 Two docs. no. 13. 110 33-43 Commerce and navigation, 1824, etc. do 44 Navy pay, recruiting, courts-martials, etc. 111 45 n. journal Treasurer's accounts, 1824. 112 113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 1 2 H. docs do do 1-5 2 is Message, State, War, Naw, and Post-Oflace. 114 6-39 Two docs. no. 37. 115 40-58 116 do 59-81 117 do 82-90 90 is Commerce and navigation, 1824. 118 do 91-108 8th article of treaty for cession of Louisiana, etc. 119 ,1 2 do 109 Indian agents' disbursements, 1824. 120 111 Land claims in Florida. 121 .do 110 Comptroller of Treasury, accounts, 1824. 122 .... H. reports .do 1-78 Except 24, not printed. Report 19 is erroneously num- 123 79-90 bered 17 on p. 9-17. Except 82, indexed as memorial of legislature of lUinois In relation to Comanche and other Indians, but not printed. 79 is Money accounts of President Monroe. 19tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4t— 9, 1825 S. journal. See serial no. 107, p. 269. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 19tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1825— May 22, 1826 7(31 •1§ > .4.3 Series Document no. Notes 124 S. journal... Appendix, p. 411-490, is Executive journal. 2 is Message, State, War, Navy; 6 is Finance. 125 1 2 3 4 5 S. docs do 1-19 126 20-55 ^?^ do 56-76. . 68 is Congress of American States at Panama; 76 is Com- merce and navigation, 1825. 88 is Report on Executive patronage. French spoliation correspondence, 1792-1804. iw do 77-101 199 do 102.. 1»0 n. journal 1S1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 H. docs .do 1-19 1 is Message, War, Navy> Post-Offlce, State; 6 l.s Finance. Unsettled balances 18''.^ 132 20... 133 .do . . 21-49. 134 .do 50-80. Louisiana land claims etc. 135 .do 81-105. . 136 . .do 10&-122 112 Except 112, in serial no. 137. 122 Is Treaty of Ghent, slaves. Trade and intercourse ■with Indian tribes. 137 do 138 do 123-147 148-165 166-184 1-130.. 137 is Revenue frauds. 139 do Commerce and navigation, 1825, etc. 140 do Treaties accompanying 178 are missing. Except 10, not printed. Except 205, not printed. Contains also resolution9l-46 except 42, not printed. Two resolutions no. 41. 141 H. reports do 142 131-232 19tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1826— Mar. 3, 1827 143 S. join^al 144 1 2 3 .... S. docs do do 1... Message, Colonial trade. War, Navv, etc. 145 2-49 . . 3, Finance rp., includes parts of House print, H. doc. 11. 67, Letter of Cadwallader Wallace, is unniunbered. 72 146 50-72 147 H. journal is Commerce and navigation, 1826. 148 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 .... H. docs do 1,2 2 is Message, Colonial trade, War, Navy. 149 3-34 11 is Finance report. 150 do 35-56 45 is British and American laws on colonial trade. 151 do 57-72 Except 68. in serial no. 157. 57 is Cavalry tactics; 59 Is 152 .do. 73-119 Georgia affairs. Except 112, in serial no. 156. 153 .do 120-131 132-145 144,146 112 Commerce and navigation, 1826, etc. 154 1 2 . .do. Except 141, in serial no. 158; and 144, in serial no. 155. 155 . 145 is Treasurer's accounts, 1826. Trade with British colonies; Revenue. 156 do Disbm^ements to Indians, 1826. 157 do 68 Claims for spoliations by foreign powers. 158 .... do H. reports do .do 141 Unsettled accounts, 3d auditor, 1826. Title-page reads 159 1-79 "1st session " erroneously. 79 is Investigation of Calhoun's conduct as Sec'y of War. 160 161 80-102 Except 98, in serial no. 161. Contains also resolutions 1-6. 98 Georgia controversy over Indian treaty. 762 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 20tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 3, 1827— May 26, 1828 ■3 . "o o3 Series Document no. Notes > fM 16^ S. journal 1(Ul 1 S. docs 1-25 Message, State, War, Navy, Post-Office, etc. 164 2 3 4 do 26-72 15 docs, are on duties on wool. 1fi5 do 73-109 166 do 110-170 171-207 167 do Except 175 and 200. Both 175 and 200, though printed as such, are omitted from v. 5 of S. docs. The index to the volumes of S. docs, omits entries for both, including instead references to the corresponding House prints. 175, pt. 1, Growth and manufacture of sUk, a reprint of H. doe. 158, in serial no. 172, has been separately bound In P. D. L. as serial no. I672. 175, pt. 2, Rearing of silk- worms, a reprint of H. doc. 226, in serial no. 172, is not m P. D. L. 200, Retrenchment, a reprint of H. rp. 259, in serial no. 179, has Ijeen bound in P. D. L. in its logical place in v. 5 of S. docs. 168 H. journal 16ft 1 H. docs 1-9 2 is Message, State, War, Navy, etc.; 4, 7, 8, and 9 are Treasury docs. 170 2 3 4 do 10-60 171 do 61-129 179! ... .do 130-172,226. . 158 and 226 are Silk and silk-worms. 173 5 ... .do 173-222 223-267 174 .. .do Except 226, in serial no. 172. 253 is Commerce and navi- gation, 1827. 175 7 1 do 268-288 1-59 176 H. reports 42, Land claims in Michigan, twice printed, with and without 515 p. of accompanying papers. 177 2 do 60-140 178 do 141-226 Excent 14*1. not nrinted 179 4 do 227-270 Except 250, not printed. 2 reports no. 249, index 249a and 249b. 20tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1828— Mar. 3, 1829 180 S. journal Also proceedings special sess. Senate, 21st Cong., Mar. 4-17, 1829, p. 196. Except 14, not printed. 1 is Message and Dept. reports. 86 is Commerce and navigation, 1828. 181 1 2 S. docs do 1-79 . . . 182 80-106 183 H. journal 184 1 2 3 4 5 6 H. docs do 1-19 Message, Denartmenf, renorts. etc. 185 20-88 Unsettle 121 incon Except 1 gation. White's i accounts of 3d Auditor etc. 186 do 89-133 iplete; see complete print in serial no. 188. 46, in serial no. 189. 137 is Commerce and navi- 1828. r.nnd laws in FloriHa. 187 188 do do 134-147 121 189 do 146 Convictions, executions ,.and pardons for Federal crimes, 1795-1829. ExceDt 1(15 missins'lTi P T> T. f>mTn- 190 H. reports 1-104 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 763 21st CONGRESS, SPECIAL. SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—17, 1829 3o "3 > Series Document no- Notes S. journal See serial no. 180, p. 196. 1 21st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1829— May 31, 1830 191 S. journal 192 1 2 .... S. docs do 1-49. . . 1 is Message and Dept. reports. 25 is Final report on Florida land claims. 95 is Commerce and navigation, 1829. 135 is Gold and silver values. 140, not in P. D. L. copy. 193 50-146 194 H. journal 195 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 .... II. docs do 1-23 2 is Message and Department reports. Pages 33-40 and 49-56 of doc. 6 bear doc. no. of Senate print. 49 is Commerce and navigation, 1829. 79 is Register Military Academy, 1800-29. Also IT. rijs. 380 and 381. Except 106, 148, and 152, not printed. Two rps. no. 196 24-52 197 do 53-89 19S ' do 90-126 199 H. reports do 1-175 200 176-298 299-419 10, two 138, and two 150. 4, 5, 13, and others read incorrectly "20th Congress." Except 230, not printed. 213 is Loyall vs. Newton 201 do election. Except 343 and 417, not printed; 380 and 381, in serial no. 198. Two rps. no. 345, two 349 (one Is missing), and two 350. Contains also res. 1-16, two no. 7. 348, Slave trade, includes reprint of docs, from 1817 to 1830. 21st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1830— Mar. 3, 1831 202 S. journal App: Choctaw treaty, and Impeachment of Judge Peck. 203 1 2 S. docs do 1-40 Message, Department reports, etc. 204 41-76 76 is Conmierce and navigation, 1830. 205 11. journal 206 1 2 3 4 II. docs do 1-30 2 is Message, Department rejwrts; 4 and 17 are Treasury W7 31-50 . . .' 51-104 balances. 50 is Patent laws and lists of patents, 1790-1830. 208 do 53, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, is numbered 40 on p. W91 do 105-140 Unnumbered . 1-119 9-24. 140 is Commerce and navigation, 1830. ?092 do Index to H. docs, and rps., lSth-21st Cong., 1823-31. 210 ( H. reports Also res. 1 and 2. Two rps. no. 31. 764 CATALOGUE OF iJBKAKV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 22d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1831— July 16, 1832 •r o S a o > C9 Series Document no. Notes 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 210 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 S. journal. S. docs... do do n. journal. H. docs do do do do do do H. reports. do .do. .do. .do. 1-55. 5&-110. . 111-182. 2-18. . . . 19-82... 83-103. . 104-185. 1S6-234. 235-307. .30S 308 1-223... 224-325. 326-459. 460-463. 464-513. Except 1, not printed; it is identical with II. doc. 2 In serial no. 210; see prefatory note to index to S. docs. In serial no. 212. 1, not printed. 2 is Messape, Department reports. Doc. 27 erroneously headed "Report no. S3" on p. 25-28. 99 is Fisheries; 101 is British report on steani carriages. Two docs. no. 210. 230 is ComiiuTce and navigation, 1831. 250, Treaty with Sublime Porte, includes supplemental report with same number. The headiag of the first doc. reads incorrectly " Treas. Dcpt." Manufactures In United States, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Except 255-262, 265, 272, not printed; in place of them the following nmnhers are duplicated: 228,-235, 238, 245. Bank of United States, etc. Also res. 1-8. Rp. 506 Is erroneously hoaded "Rp. no. 502" on p. 17-20. 478 is Steamboats. 22d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1832— Mar. 2, 1833 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 S. journal.. S. docs do H. journal. H. docs do do H. reports. 1-84. 85... 1-45. . . 46-109. 110-148. 1-128... 30 Is Nullification, Jackson's message. System of civil and criminal law for Dist. of Colimibla. 2 is Message and Department reports. Two docs. no. 19. Except 89 and 107, not printed. Two docs. no. 88, the latter of which, Maryland refiners of sugar, is not noted in index to II. docs. 109 is Conuiierce and navigation, 1832. 147 is French spoliations. Also res. 1-3. 121 is Bank of U. S. 23d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1833— June 30, 1834 237 238 239 240 S. journal. S. docs... .do. .do. 1-39. . . . 40-139. . 140-266. 1 Is Message, War, Navy, etc.; 2, 16, 17 relate to U. S. Bank. 19 is erroneously numbered "91." Except 119, not printed. 138, Post-Offlce contracts, has index of 26 p. added. 157 Is also found at end of serial no. 263. 262 Is missing In P. D. L. copy. CATALOGUE OF LIBBABY OF UXITED STATES SENATE. 765 2.'5d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION'— Continued -3 - ■3 > Series 1 Docuiuesnt 00. >■ -jU:; WL 4 B- docs 267-372 289 isCommeroe and navigation, 1K3. 306 is printed •with and -trithout signatures of meniorialins- «4f 5 do 373-ffi3 373 is Bank of V. S.: 422 is Post-OflJoe investleation. 243 « do ©4-513 Exoept 4«0. not printed; «0«. in serial no. 252, and S12. in Srfrial nos. 244-24^. «44 7 do 512 Ccrxespondenoe on f»Tni3ration of Indians, lS31-Si ... ^j. f4^ 8 9 10 .... do do 512 fMi 512 512 Sacie, V. 3. «47 do Same, v. 4 218 u » • - - do 512 Same, t. 5. 2«» 12 do 514 Pension roUs of United States [v. t]. ew 13 do 514 Same [v. Z\. Same [v. -3]. StatisTieal -new- of population r. !?., 1790-1830. f»\ 14 do 514 29* 15 .... do 5(P fl^S TT jf>nma1 ?,H 1 H. docs 1-49 Message, War, Navy, Treasury rep«l£, etc 7?) Is'l f.laims ir| TWlftj^nrip ?,»» 2 do 50-79 2i< .do 8&-2C8 Except 81, not printed. 148 is £lso found in serial no. 2S7, bound after 231. K7 4 .do 204-349 Except 369, not printed. Contains also doc. 14fe, Tx»und after doc. 2-31. ?l^ ^ do a5(M40 Except 406s, not printed. 2a9 6 do 441-523 Two docs. no. 46S. ^6 Is State banis; 523 is Bank of U.S. ?M) 1 H. reports do 1-200 - 261 2 201-313 2«2 3 4 **-• do 314-445 Except 370. not printed. 414 is Chesapeake and Ohio Canal 268 -- -. do 447-560 .AJso res. 1-5, 9, and House reprint of S. doc. 157. 26i 5 '"• do 446 Contested election, Robert P. Letcher ts. Thomas P. Moore. 23(1 CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1834^M:ar. 3, 1835 265 266 267 26% 269 270 271 272 273 274 27a 276 277 S. joumaL. S. docs do do do HL journal. H. docs -do. .do. .do. do H. reports. do 1-8 Messa^, Dept. reports, etc. 8 is Report on banks. 17 is Tyler's report on L'. 6. Bank. 40-139 86 is Post ofliee and post roads. 140-154 149 is Commerce and na^-ig•dtion, 1834 Contains Adams's oration on La&yette, p. 657. 2 is Menage, Dept. reports, proceedings in French legis- lature. 21-77. 78-1.33 1 121 is Scott's Infantry tactics, 3 v. 134-17 1-20. 178-199 1-142.. 1.34 is U. S. vs. Thos. H. Except 14S, not printed. Smith & Sons. 187 is Commerce and na^^gation, 1834: 190 is State banks. Except 6, not printed; lOS, in serial no. 277. Contains I also resolutions 1-3. 103 Examination of Post-OflSoe Department. 766 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 24tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1835— July 4, 1836 c3 CO ^ fc Series Document no. Notes 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 S. journal. S. docs... 1-15. .do. -do. 16-149. . 150-269. .do. 270-339. .do. 340-403. do H. journaL . H. docs 404-430. 2-16. .do., .do-. .doL. .do., .do., -do.. 17-58... 59-113.. 114-197. 198-214. 215-269. 270-298. H. reports. do 1-349... 350-540. .do. 541-857. Message, Dept. reports, Correspondence with Spain, Ohio-Michigan boundary dispute, etc. Except 209, Report of expedition of dragoons under Col. Henry Dodge to Rocky Mountains, 1835, which is missing from nearly all copies of this volume. The same matter is found iu serial no. 289, H. doc. 181, imder title "Col. Dodge's journal." 236 is Meade claim. 312 is Bank of U. S. and deposite banks. 333, Feather- stonhaugh's Geological reconnoissance by way of Green Bay, bears doc. no. only on title-page, above imprint. 375 is Commerce and navigation, 1835; 403 is Cherokees. Following 378 is a doc. without a number, which is indexed as 378^. 425 is Frauds in sale of Indian reservations. 1 , not printed. 2 is Message and Dept. rps. 15, Private laud claims in Michigan, letter of transmittal only. 44 is Ordnance and ordnance stores. Priv.ite land claims in Missouri; etc. Army officers' pay, 1833 and 1834; etc. 271 is Seminole hostilities. 276, Creek hostilities, appears as a doc. of 13 p. and again with additional matter cover- ing 413 p. 290, Cherokee treaty, letters of transmittal only. Except 61, 200, and 261, not printed. 378 is Contested election, Newland vs. Graham. 522 reads incorrectly "Rep. no. 532." 600 appears twice, with and without accompanying pa- pers. Contains also res. 1-4. 24 til CONGRESS, 2(1 SESSION Dec. 6, 1836— Mar. 3, 1837 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 S. journal. S. docs do do H. journal. H. docs do do do H. reports. .do. .do. 1-59. . . . 60-213.. 214-226. 1-19.... 20-79... 80-143.. 144-189. 1-229... 230-327. 193,194. Also jDroceedings special session Senate, 25th Cong., Mar. 4-10, 1837, p. 355. Message, Department reports, etc. Except 188, not printed. 224 is Coiut of inquiry. Gen. Scott and Gaines In Indian wars; 225 is Commerce and navigation, 1836. Message, Departmeht reports, etc. 65 is state banks. 188 is Commerce and navigation, 1836. Except 128, not printed; 193 and 194, both in serial no. 307. Also 2 res. numbered 1. Bank agent incfuiry; Executive Departments inquiry. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 767 25tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—10, 1837 •3 . CQ "o > -4-3 CM Series Document no. Notes S. journal See serial no. 296, p. 355. ' 25tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Sept. 4— Oct. 16, 1837 808 S. journal 309 S. docs H. journal 1-37 Message, finances, etc. 810 811 1 2 .... H. docs do 1-54 Also rps. 1-3 and res. 1-3. For doc. SB with appendixes,! see serial no. 312. William B. Stokes et al., with appendixes. This doc.,- 312 52 without appendixes, is also found in serial no. 311. 25tli CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION Dec. 4, 1837— July 9, 1838 813 i S. journal ' 314 1 2 3 4 5 6 .... S. docs ! 1-92 Message, Department reports, etc. 120 is Cherokee treaty of 1835. 315 93-138 316 139-261 262-387 388-470 471-509 196 is Louisiana land claims. 317 do Except 324, not printed. 344 is Post^OfiBce expenses. 318 do 404 is Payments to pension agents; 446 is Commerce and 319 do navigation, 1837. Condition of State banks, etc. 320 H. journal 821 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 .... H. docs do 1-8 Message, Dept. reports, etc. " Lastpart of doc. 3," Marine 322 9-70 hospitals on western waters, printed as separate doc. Except 31 and 49, not printed. 323 .do 71-78 78 is Inquiry into campaign against Seminoles and Creeks. 824 .do 79 Condition of State banks. 825 .do 80-125 118 is Pension laws. 326 do 126-146 147-200 201-296 297-329 330-422 423-467 351 Except 142, not printed. 126, Maine boundary, is a com- 327 do pilation of documents of different sessions; for list of these, see p. 3 of the document. 138 and 139 are Mall contractors. 147 is Exploring expedition to South Sea. 3?S do Except 212, not printed. Two docs. no. 249. 3W do Except 301, report on Core Sound, missing. 330 .do Except 351 , in serial no. 332. 372 is Commerce and na'Ti- 331 gation, 1837. 444 is Pensioners and pension agents. 332 do ... United States and Mexico, 1828-38. 333 H. reports do 1-330 334 331-550 551-819....-...^ 820-1068 • Except 448, not printed. Nos. 353 and 414 are erro- 335 do neously numbered 352 and 444, respectively. 336 do Except 907, Arsenal, Lincoln County, N. C, 929, 980, Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., against subtreasury, and 983, none of which were printed. Contains also res. 1-17, two no. 3, and two no. 12; none no. 13. 768 CATALOGUE Olf LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 25tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 3, 1838— Mar. 3, 1839 ■S d > Series Document no. Notes 837 S journal 338 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 S. docs .do 1-17 Message, Dept. reports, etc. \ 339 18-140 340 do 147-253 254-276 277-307 200 is Commerce in Turkey and Egypt; 235, Am. society for diffusion of useful knowledge, includes reproduction of the Prospectus with its title-page on p. 17. 254 is Post-Office, 1838; 209 is Salt. 341 do 342 288 is Post-0 ffice incidental expenses, 1838; 306 is Com- merce and navigation, 1838- 343 .... H. journal .... 344 H. docs .do 1-9 . Message, Department rejDorts, etc. 21 is Steam-engines; 24 is Light-houses. 345 10-29 346 .do 30-120 347 .do 121-210 211-227 228-253 Unnumbered . 1-273 848 .do 227 is Condition of State banks. 34!) .do 233 is Treasurer's accts.; 253 is Commerce and naviga- tion, 1838. Inde.x to H. docs, and rps., 22d-25th Cong., 1S31-39. Except 120 and 121, not printed. 168 is National foundry. Except 312, not printed. Contains also res. 1-18. 313 is Defalcations of S. Swartwout et al.; 322 is Canal, Atlan- tic to Pacific. 350 351 .... do H. reports do 352 274^325 26tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1839— July 21, 1840 353 S. journal 354 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 S. docs do 1-11 Message, Department reports, etc. 68 is Operations of Topographical Bureau, 1839. Court of inquiry in case of Lt. Col. Brant, etc. 174 is Greenliow's memoir on N. W. coast N. America. 355 12-58 35fi do 59-123 357 do 124-196 197-278 279-446 447-559 600-021 358 do 277 is Chesapeake and Ohio Canal stock; 278 is Florida War. Except 380, missing in P. D. L. copy. Two docs. no. 284, Lo'nsville and Portland Canal. Florida bonds, etc. 359 do 300 do 301 do 577 is Commerce and navigation, 1839. ?S-? H. journal 303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 H. docs do 1-11 Message, Department reports, etc. 27, 28, 29, 31 are Treasury accounts. Except 00, 79, and 98, not printed. Except 172, in serial no. 367. Condition of State banks. 304 12-58 305 do 69-149 360 307 do do do 150-205 172 308 206-239 240-265 1-299 220 is Mail contracts, 1839. For illustrated print of doc. 239, Mineral lands of U. S., see serial no. 407. Except 243, not printed. 251 is Commerce and naviga- tion, 1839. Except 242 , not printed. 277 is Smithsonian bequest. 506 is New Jersey election. 641 is New Jersey election. 684, MiUtia, majority report, missing in P. D. L. copy. 588 is S. Carolina election; 707 is N. P. Trist, consul at Havana. Contains also res. 1 and 2. 309 370 .... H. reports do 371 300-506 507-587 588-716 37'? do 873 .... do CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 769 26tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 7, 1840— Mar. 3, 1841 "a ■ 1" > Series Document no. Notes »74 S. journal Also proceedings special session Senate, 27th Cong., Mar. 4-15, 1841, p. 247. Message, War, Navy, Post-Office, Treasury, etc. 39 is Treasury accts. with Post-Oflice. 125 is Slave trade. ma 1 2 3 4 5 5 .... S. docs do 1-5 876 6-60... . 877 do 61-150 878 do 151-235 J236 Except 2.32, not printed. Private claims, 14th-20th Cong. Commerce and navigation, 1840. Nicollet's report on hydrographical basin of Mississippi R. 1 2 do do H. journal 879 |238... 3S0 237 381 882 1 2 3 4 5 6 H. docs do 1-20 Message, War, Navy, Post-Office, Treasury, etc. E.xcept 81 and 83, not printed. 38 is Land Office. 85 is Post-0 ffiee; 87 is Independent Treasury. Condition of State banks. 883 21-84 384 do 85-110 38o do Ill 38A do 112-124 123 Except 123, in serial no. 387. 115 is Seizure of vessels, and African slave-trade; 122 is Commerce and navigation, 1840. Opinions of Attorneys-General, 1789-Mar. 1, 1841. Also res. 1-4. 387 .. 388 H. reports 1-249 27tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—15, 1841 S. journal See serial no. 374, p. 247. 27th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION May 31— Sept. 13, 1841 389 390 891 399!1 393 J S. journal S. docs H. journal [H. docs . . . [H. reports Except 47, not printed. Message, etc. Bound together. Contains also res. no. 1. 27tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1841— Aug. 31, 1842 894 S. journal 395 1 2 3 4 5 S. docs do 1-8 Message, Department reports, etc. 39fi 9-109 Treasury accounts, etc. 397 do 110-240 241-335 336-444 898 do 320 is Mexican Claims Commission; 325 is Mexican affairs. 899 do 1842. 346 is erroneously numbered 264 and 246. 356 is Commerc* and navigation, 1841. 49183°— 18- -49 770 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 27th. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued e9 . CO 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 Series II. journal. H. docs . . . .do. .do. .do. do.... do.... 11. reports. do.... do do do Document no. 1-25. 26-120. . 121-164. 165-240. 241-293.. 212...... 1-322.... 323-552. . 553-740.. 741-945. . 946-1106. Notes 2 is Message and Department reports. 9 is Treasurer's accounts. Except 75, not printed. 65 is Post-offlce revenue. 103 is Commercial relations, 1841. Except 211, not printed, and 212, in serial no. 406. 189 includes facsimile of Rumsey's Treatise on steam, 1788. 205 is Navy yard, Norfolk. 273 is Commerce and navigation, 1841. NeT? York custom-liouse investigation. Except 188, not printed. Pt. 2 of no. 401, minority report, is numbered 641. 650 is Colonial trade; 669 is New York custom-house. Retrenchment in Executive Departments, etc. Contains also res. 1 and 2. 27tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 5, 1842— Mar. 3, 1843 419! S. journal . 41S 1 2 3 4 .... S. docs .do 1 : ;:;^ ;-"•■! .. Message, Department reports. 414 2-67 68-195 415 .... do .do Two docs. no. 90; second one is a duplicate of no. 103. 243 is Fremont's Rocky Mt. expedition; 247 is Commerce and navigation, 1842. 41 R 196-247.. 417 H. journal 418 419 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 .... .do 1-11 12-29. . 2 is Message, Dept. reports; 11 is Treasurer's accts. Except 19, not printed. 29 is Foreign commercial sys- tems. 109 is Patent Office report, 1842. 133 is Armory site. 144, Sword of Washington and Staff of Franklin, includes proceedings of House and Senate. Except 180, in serial no. 423. 183 is Light-houses. jPost-Office contracts. The following reference to doc. 210, Final report of com- mission on northeastern boundary dispute, is found in place of said document in this volnme: "The message and documents referred to above will be found in a separate vol.— being vol. 9." It was, however, never printed. 219 is Indian frauds; 220 is Com. and navigation, 1842. Except 60 and 124, not printed. 229 is National foundry. 271 is Indian frauds; 283 is African colonization. 4^0 do 30-109 4'i'l .do 110-148.., 149-197 198-205. .:■.■.::'.' I18O 206-215. 21(^220. .^.L:" 1-146 147-270 271-283 284-296 4^? .do 4^» do 424 4?5 .do 426 427 .... H. reports do 428 do 429 . .do 296 is Relief of States, public lands. «!•■■ CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UKITED STATES SENATE. 28tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1843— June 17, 1844 ri "3 . ■£§ "o > ■4^ Series Document no. Notes 430 S. journal < 431 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 .... S. docs do 1 Message, Dept. reports, including cultivation of hemp. 432 2-99 433 do 100-108 16»-288 289-349 350-398 399-408 150 is Patent Office, 1843; 168 is Choctaw commission. 434 do For drawings of doc. 243, Falls at Louisville on Ohio 435 do River, see end of serial no. 437. Commerce and navigation, 1843; etc. 436 do 386 is Johnson's Report on American coals. 437- do 399 is Retrenchment; 407 is Owen's Geological exploration. Contains also drawings for doc. 243, for te.xt of which see 438 H. journal serial no. 434. 439 1 2 H. does do do 1-14 2 is Message, Dept. reports. Funding system of U. S. and of Gt. Britain, has 24 intro- 440 15 lG-70 ductory pages without doc. no. 441 3 4 5 e 1 2 3 44 £) -■frW . .do 71-177 Except98, not printed. 177 is Fatent Office, 1843. 443 444 178-249 250-280 1-352 223 is Commerce and navigation, 1843; 225 is Rhode Island affairs. 276 is Johnson's Report on American coals. 44.'> H. reports do .... 446 353-615;. X. . .1.^ 510-582 iExcept 397, not printed, and 438, in serial no. 468. 447 do 546 and 581 are Rhode Island aflairs. • 28tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1844— Mar. 3, 1845 448 S journal Also proceedings of special session Senate, 29th Cong., 449 >450 451 1 2 3 4 5 6 da 7 8 9 10 10 11 S. docs do 1-11 12-67 Mar. 4-20, 1845, p. 271. Message, Department reports, etc. 21 is Statistics of agriculture, manufactures, etc. do 68-90 75 is Patent Office, 1844. 452 .do 97 [pt. 1] 97'[pt. 2] 97 [pt. 3] Magnetic and meteorological observations at Girard 453 454 455 do do do College; by Bache [v. 1]. First 45 pages without doc. nu Same [v. 2]. Same [v. 3]. Same, supplement, plates. 456 .do 98-135 125 is Commerce and navigation, 1844; 135 is Foreign com- 457 136-149 150-173 172 mercial systems. Fost-Office revenues, 1841-44; etc. 458 do Except 1 72, in serial nos. 459 and 460. 150 is Naval affairs 459 460 461 ■ 1 o do do off Liberia. Astronomical obser\'ations at Naval Observatory, 1838-42. 172 Magnetic and meteorological observations at Naval 174-177 Observatory, 183S-42. Fremont's explorations, 1842-44; etc. 175 and 176 were i»» H. journal printed by order of special session Senate, 29th Cong., though nmnbered with docs, of 28th Cong. 2d sens. > ' 772 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 28tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued a3 C "o 4J C3 Series Document no. Notes m > Hi 463 1 2 3 4 4 .... H. docs do 1-23 Message, Department reports, etc. 464 24-72 35 is Statistics; 45 is Cominercial systems; 52 is Nicollet's 465 .do 73-139. . rp. on Mississippi; 53 is Tariff of 1842; etc. 73 is Foreign commerce; 78 is Patent Office, 1844. 466 1 2 do do H. reports 140-105 flOO 154 is Commerce and navigation, 1844. Fremont's explorations, 1842-44. Appropriations, new offices, etc., created in 1845. Mineral lands of U. S. This is an illustrated reprint of 467 167 ri681 468 1-200 fl. doc. 239, 20th Cong. 1st sess., bearing its original number, but indexed as no. 108 of this volume. Also rp. no. 438, 28th Cong. 1st sess., on Warehousing. 29tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—20, 1845 S. journal . S. docs See serial no. 448, p. 271. Docs, printed as S. docs. 175 and 176, 28th Cong. 2d sess., in serial no. 401, originated and were ordered printed at this session. 29tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Det;. 1, 1845— Aug. 10, 1846 469 S. journal 470 471 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S. docs .do 1 2 3-43 Message, Department reports, etc. Treasury (Finances) 1845. 472 do 4 is Commerce and navigation, 1845. 473 44-195 474 .do 196-306 307 475 do Patent Office, 1845. 476 477 do do 308-376 377-438 439-490 344 is Case of Maj. J. W. Ripley. Right of search and slave trade, etc. 478 .do.... 488 is Light-house system. 479 H. journal 480 481 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 H. docs do.... 1-5 6-12 Message, Department reports; etc. Treasury (Finances) 1845; etc. 489! 13-50 Commerce and navigation, 1845; Receipts & expenses; etc. 483 .do... 57-139. . Except 13'2, not printed. 95 is Pension laws. 484 .do... 140-lCl 102-208 209-228 220 Patent Office, 1845; etc. 485 do 175 is Statistics of agriculture, manufactures, banks, etc., 486 487 do in U. S.; 185 is Cherokee disturbances; 190, 195 are Chick- asaw claims; 196, 197, and 207 relate to Mexican War. Except 226, in serial no. 487. 222 is Light-house system. Bank returns, 1841-46. 488 H. reports do 1-210 Except 163, not printed. 489 211-497 498-fi80 687-846 Except 381-389, not printed.- 490 .. 491 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 29tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 7, 1846— Mar. 3, 1847 773 1 Document no. 00 "o > (3 Series Notes 492 S. journal 493 1 2 3 S. docs do 1-3 Message, Dept. reiwrts; Finance; Coast Survey. 7 is Commerce and navigation, 1846. 209 is Sugar manufacture; by Bache and McCulloh. 494 4-100 495 do 101-224 49A H. journal 497 1 2 3 4 H. docs do 1-4 4 is Message and Department reports. 5, 7, and 10 are Treasury; 11 is Conunerce and navigation, 1846. Except 13, not printed. Note in index to H. docs., in serial no. 499, erroneously excepts 22 also. Except 74, 95, 102-116, not printed. Note in index to H. docs., in serial no. 500, erroneously excepts 96 also. 119 IS Gen. Taylor's Mexican War correspondence; 120 is Bank returns. 498 5-11 499 do 12-59 00-124 1-90 500. do 601 H. reports 30tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1847— Aug. 14, 1848 602 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 §11 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 620 521 522 523 524 625 526 527 S. journal. ..'C'J S. ex. docs. . do do do .do. .do .do. 1 2-5... 6-11. J 12-31. 32^0. 41-50. do .S. misc. docs. .S. reports. H. journal H. ex. docs. . . do do do do do do do do H. raise, docs, H. reports ....da. _ 51-64. 65-73. 1-155. 1-243. 1-7. 9-40.... 41 42-59... 54 60 61-77... 78-86... 1-101... 1-199... 200-479. 480-739. 740-841. Message, Department reports. 2 is Land Office, 1847; 5 is Commerce and navigation, 1847. 7 is Emory's Military reconnoissance, 1846-7. 21 is Pea Patch Island (Delaware R.) arbitration; 23 is Abert's report on New Mexico, 1846-47. 33 is Court martial trial of Lt. Col. Fremont. 50 is a compilation of various McCulloh reports on sugar analysis, manufacture, etc.; p. 1-117, reprint of S. do«. 165, 28th Cong. 2d sess.; p. 119-156, reprint of S. doo. 407, 29th Cong. 1st sess.; p. 157-395, reprint of S. doc. 209, 29th Cong. 2d sess. ; remainder is new matter. 52, 60, 62 are Mexico, treaty documents, etc.; 67 is Owen's geological recomioissance in Wisconsin and Iowa. Court martial trial of Maj. Gen. Pillow, etc. 23 is Smithsonian Institution; 26 is Tour in Mexico; U8 is Fremont's Upper California. Two reports no. 179. 242 is Draining of Everglades. (This is the first volume of Senate reports issued sepa- rately.) 4, 6, 7 are Treasurer's accts. Message, Dept. reports, including cap tuie of Mexico. Expeditions of Emory, Cook, Abert, and Johnson. Except 54, in serial no. 519. 56 is Mexican War papers. Patent Olflce, 1847. Mexican War correspondence. 77 is Banlc returns. Dismissal of Lts. Pender and Singletery; etc. 741 is Harbor and river improvements. Two reports no. 810. 774 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 30th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1848— Mar. 3, 1849 1° > 4-9 03 Series Document no. Notes m 528 S. journal. Also proceedings special session Senate, 31st Cong., Mar. 5-23, 1849, p. 349. 18 is Steam boilers. Land Office, 1848. 529 5H0 1 2 3 4 1 2 .... S. ex. docs do 1,3-21 2 5?;i do 22-31 23 is Punishments in Navy, 1846-4S. 532 do 32-38 32, Warehousing system, includes Bradford's map of New York, 1728, Duyckinck's, 1755, etc.; 34 is Dead Sea investigations. 533 S. misc. docs. . do 1-66 534 67 Private claims, 14th-30th Congress. Two rps. no. 295; the one on Colt's repeating fire arms should be 296. 535 S. reports n. journal 244-331 536 537 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .... H. ex. docs 1 Message and Department reports. 538 do 2-10 Treasury accts., etc. 539 do 12 Land'Office, 1848. 540 do 11-41 Except 12, in serial no. 539; 11 is Treasury receipts, etc.; 13 is Coast Survey. do 541 42-51 ... 42 is Commerce and navigation, 1848; 51 is Punishments 542 do 59 in Navy. Patent Office, 1848. 543 ... .do. 52-69 Except 59, in serial no. 542. 67 is Warehousing system; 61 is Slave trade. 48 is Smithsonian Institution. 544 H. misc. docs. . H. reports do 1-02 545 1 2 1-144 114 is Sulphuric ether. 54fi 145 Canal or railroad between Atlantic and Pacific. 31st CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 5—23, 1849 547 S. journal . S. docs 1-4. See serial no. 528, p. 349. 2 is Coolve's Journal; 4 is Steamboat accidents. 31st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 3, 1849— Sept. 30, 1850 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 S. journal . . S. ex. docs. do do l[pt.l]. ...... 1, pt. 2 l,pt.3 3-5.. 6-28. Message, State, War, Navy, Post-Offlce, 1849. Interior: Lands, Indians, Pensions, 1849. p. 371-935 are in serial no. 551. Same, Lands, continued— Jackson's Geological and min- eralogical reports on Michigan. Treasury, 1849 (with manufacturer's prices, 1835-49). Commerce and navigation, 1849; Indian disbursements; Coast Survey. Except 15, in serial nos. 555 and 556, and 18, in serial no, 567. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 31st CONGRESS, Is't SESSION— Continued 77 CO 555 556 557 55S 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 678 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 Series , ex. docs .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 15. 15. 18. 29-38, 40-48. .■59 S. misc. docs. S. reports H. journal H. ex. docs 39.... 49-C3. 64-82. 1-127. 120. . . 1-216. .do. .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do. .do. H. misc. docs. 1-3..... 4 6[pt. 1]. 5,pt.2. 5, pt. 3. 6-14.. 17.... 20.... 20.... 15-39. 40-G7. 68-73. 74-87. 88-90. 1-49.. 50-57. H. reports. 1-199. . . 200-399. 400-503. Notes Patent Office, 1849, pt. 1: Arts and manufactures. Same, pt. 2: Agriculture. Some copies erroneously num- bered 20. California and New Mexico. Reads on p. 1, " Rep. com." instead of " Ex. doc." 47 is California geology and topography; etc. Meteorology, by Espy, with weather charts. Same, weather charts/ cont'd, and barometric diagrams. 49 i^ Seminoles; 52 is California and Oregon; 57 is Cuba. Army explorations in the Southwest, 64, has plates 1-75, except 2, 21^.39, not printed. 75 is Liberia. Except 120. in serial no. 564. Smithsonian Institution, 1849, with Jewett's report on pubUc libraries. Estimates; Postal expenses; Treasurer's accts. Treasury report on finances, 1849. Message, State, War, Navy, Post-OfHce, 1849. Interior: Lands, Indians, Pensions, 1849. p. 371-935 are in serial no. 571. Same, Lands, continued — Jackson's Geological and miu- eralogical reports on Michigan. 11 is Indian disbursements; 14 is Coast Survey. California and New Mexico. Patent Office, 1849, pt. 1: Arts and manufactures. Same, pt. 2: Agriculture. Except 17, in serial no. 573, and 20,, in serial nos. 574 and 575. 15 is Commerce and navigation, 1849. 68 is State banks. 69, Michigan copper lands, with Jesuit's map of 1672, is pt. 1 of Foster and Whitney's report; for pt. 2 see serial no. 609. 75 is Tigre Island and Central America. Mail contracts, 1849; etc. 88 incorrectly printed "2d sess." Smithsonian Institution, 1849, with Jewett's report on public libraries, etc. 140 is Whitney's railroad to the Faclflc. 489 IS Ewing case and Commodore James Barron's case. 31st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1850— Mar. 3, 1851 586 587 1 588 2 .... 589 3 .... 590 4 S. journal . S. ex. docs. . . do...:... do |l,pt.l. |l, pt. 2. 2-7. . 8-37. 23... .\lso proceedings special session Senate, 32d Cong., Mar. 4-13, 1851, p. 281. Message, Interior, Na-v^y- Post-Office, 1850. War, 1850, v^ith Journey of Ma]. Cross to Ft. Kearny. 2 is Land Office, 1850; 4 is Finances; 7 is Coast Survey. Except 23, in serial no. 590. 28 is Hydrometer tables. Trade oJ British colonies with U. S., 1829-50. 776 607 60S 609 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 31st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued •3 . ■C2 "o •e Series Document no. Notes oa > ^ 591 5 S. ex. docs 38-45 45 is Court-martial trial of Commodore Jones. 592 S. misc. docs J. S. reports 1-33.. .. 598 217-320 Except 264 and 266, not printed. Two reports each of nos. 265 and 267. 594 H. journal 595 1 H. ex. docs (•l.Pt.l ll,Pt.2 Message, Interior, Navy, Post-Office, 1850. War, 1850. The journey of Maj. Cross to Ft. Kearny gives Hst of 35 plates which are only found in Senate print, serial no. 587. 596 2 3 do 2-5 Treasurer's accounts; etc. 597 .do 6-11 9 is Land Office, 1850; 11 is Finance report. Coast Survey, 1850; etc. 598 4 5 do 12-22 . 599 do 23-54 Except 32, in serial nos. COO and 001. Patent Office, 1850, pt. 1: Arts and manufactures. Same, pt. 2: Agriculture. Opinions of Attorneys General [v. 1], 1789-1838. Same [v. 2], 1838-51. 600 f) 1 do 32. . . 601 6 2 do 32. 602 7 1 do 55. 603 7 2 do 55 604 8 . . . . do Unnumbered . Commerce and navigation, 1850. 605 H.misc. docs. . 1-21. ... Two docs. no. 1, that on Slavery is duplicate of no. 2. Except 86, Mail between New York and Liverpool, in- dexed, but not printed. 606 H. reports 1-109..4.,,..,,.. 32cl CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—13, 1851 S. journal S. misc. docs. S. reports S. ex. does. . . 1,2. 1... 1,2. 3... 4... See serial no. .586, p. 281. Smithsonian Institution, 1850, with copyright list, 1846-9, etc. Mileage of Senators from California. Case of Brv't Col. Plj^mpton; Liberation of Kossuth. Stansbury's Great Salt Lake Expedition. Geology of Lake Superior land district, by Foster & Whit- ney, pt. 2: Iron region and general geology. Pt. 1 is in serial no, 578. 32(1 CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 1, 1851— Aug. 31, 1852 610 611 612 613 ei4 615 616 617 618 [1] 2 S. journal . . S. ex, docs. do do do do do do do l,pt.l... l,pt.2.... l,pt.3.... 2-27 3 3 28 29-38 Message, State, War, 1851. Navy, Post-Office, Interior, 1851. Interior, continued: Lands, Pensions, Indians. Except 3, in serial nos. 615 and 616. Coast Survey, 1851. Same, charts. Report of I^ight-House Board. 37 is Rejected or suspended pension applications. DQ 619 620 621 622 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 6511 6512 652 653 654 655 656 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 32d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 777 9 10 11 623 I llo 12 13 14 15 16 [1] Series S. ex. docs. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. do do do S. misc. docs . S. reports... do H. journal... H. ex. docs.. do do do do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. [15] [2] do H. misc. docs. [H. misc. docs.] do do.... H. reports. Document no. 39-55. 50-94 , 95-111,113-117. 112 118,pt.l 118,pt.2 119 120-131 Unnumbered 1-111 1-209... 210-357. 1,3. 2... 2 4-22 26*. 26 23-52 53,54,57-87. 55 56 88-101 102 102.. 103 104-122 123-135 Unnumbered 136 136.. 1-71. Unnumbered do do. 1-176. . Notes 50 is Mail transportation between New York and Cali- fornia. 97 is Rights on Tehuantepec; 100 is Fisheries. Andrews' report on trade and coramerc« of British Xorth American colonics, trade on Great Lakes and rivers, canals, railroads, etc. Same, maps, in black cloth binding. Patent Office, 1851, pt. 1: Arts and manufactures. Same, pt. 2: Agriculture. Papers on Mexican Boundary Commission. 121 is Graham'srp. on Me.xican bdry. survey June 18, 1852. Commerce and navigation, 1851. Two docs. no. 13. 108 is Smithsonian Institution, 186L 110 is Florida election, Yulee vs. Mallory Except 126, not printed. Estimates for 1853; Treasurer's accts., 1851. Message, State, War, 1851. Navy, Post-Office, Interior. Interior, continued: Lands, Pensions, Indians. 5 is Fortifications. Coast Survey, 1851. Same, charts. Except 26, in serial nos. 638 and 639. Portugal claims; etc. Report of Light-House Board. Mail contracts, 1851. 91 is Mail steamships; 101 is Mail contracts. For earlier prints of doc. 95, Falls at Louisville, see serial nos. 434 and 437. Patent Office, 1851, pt. 1: Arts and manufactures. Same, pt. 2: Agriculture. Indian accounts, 1850 and 1851. 122 is Condition of State banks. 123-125 are Post-Office expenses, contracts, etc. Commerce and navigation, 1S51. Andrews' report on trade and commerce of British North American colonies, trade on Great Lakes and rivers, canals, railroads, etc. Not listed in index to these vol- umes, and erroneously headed 32d Cong. 2d sess. Same, maj>s, in black cloth binding. Except 45, indexed as Resolutions of Massachusetts leg- islature relative to Cape Cod Harbor, but not printed. 59 is Pennsylvania contested election. Private claims, lst-31st Congs., v. 1: A-G. Same, v. 2: H-0. Same, v. 3: P-Z. 23 is erroneously numbered 22. 778 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 32d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1862— Mar. 3, 1853 03 at M M 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 68-2 683 6841 6845 685 68C 687 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 Series S. journal. S. ex. does. do do do .do. do do do do do do do S. misc. docs. S. reports. . . H. journal... H. ex. docs. . .do. .do. do do do do do do do H. misc. docs.. [H. misc. docs.] H. reports Document no. 1 2,3,5-21,23-40 22. [Unnumbered 36 36 54'iLVIA 59 .58 1-53. . . . 358-432. l.'.'ii 1.... 2-6.. 7-23. : bo ill 24-^. 43.... 44-63 62 64 65 65 66-69 Unnumbered 2-24 Unnumbered 1-7 Notes Also proceedings special sess. Senate, 33d Cong., Mar. 4-Apr. 11, 1853, p. 327. Message and Interior, 1852. War, Navy, and Post-0 ifice, 1852. Except 36, in serial nos. 603 and 664. Louisiana land claims, De Bastrop grant. Treasury rp. 1852, with Sabine's historical Report on fisheries of American seas, 1504-1852. Commerce and navigation, 1852. Exploration of valley of the Amazon, pt. 1, by Ilerndon. Same, pt. 2, by Gibbon. 52 is Foreign commercial regulations. Exploration of Red River of Louisiana, by Marey. Patent Office, 1852, pt. 1, Arts; pt. 2, Agriculture. Zuni and Colorado River expedition, by Sitgreaves. Coast Survey, 1852. 53 is Smithsonian Institution, 1852. Message and Interior, 1852. War, Navy, and Post-Olfice, 1852. 2 is estimates for 1854; 6 is Treasurer's aects., 1852. 23, Treasury rp., contains Sabine's historical Report on fisheries of American seas, 1504-1852. Exploration of valley of the Amazon, pt. 1, by Herndon. Pt. 2 is in serial no. 722. Except 62, in serial no. 680. Mail contracts, etc., 1852. Coast Survey, 1852. Patent Office, 1852, pt. 1: Arts and manufactures. Same, pt. 2: Agriculture. Condition of State banks; etc. Commerce and navigation, 1852. No. 1 not printed. 7th census of United States, 1850. (Sardiner Mexican claim investigation; etc. 33d CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4— Apr. 11, 1853 S. journal S. misc. docs.. S. reports S. ex. docs 1-3. 1,2. 1-8. See serial no. 057, p. 327. Fraud investigations; etc. 4 is Indian affairs in California; 6 is Mexican Boundary. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 33d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 5, 1853— Aug. 7, 1854 779 ■a . 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 097 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 o > c3 1 2 3 3a , 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 [1] 9 [1] 2 Series S. journal. .. S. ex. docs . . ...;do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. .do. .do. .do. do do S. misc. docs.. S. reports. . . do do H. jomnal... H. ex. docs. . do do .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1, pt. 1 . l,pt. 2. 1, pt. 3. do do l,Pt-4 2-24 25,26,28,29... 27, pt. 1 27, pt. 2 30-60 59 61 62-66,68 67 .69 70-89 Unnumbered 14 1-71,73,74.... 1-181 . . . 183-394. 182 1 2,3 4-11 12 13-36 37,38 39 39 40-52.54-65 53 Notes 66-85. . . 86796. . . 97-106. . 107-111. 112-120. 121 121. 121. Message, Foreign relations, and Interior, 1853. War, 1S53: Engineers, etc. War, cont'd. Topographical Engineers, Ordnance; Navy; Post-Offlce. Maps. Except 14, in serial no. 704. Finances, 1853; eic. 25 is Indian disbursements, 1852; 29 is Surveys. Patent Office, 1853, pt. 1: .\rts and manufactures. Same [pt. 2]: Agriculture. Except 59, in serial no. 699. Cniise of the Dolphin, by Lt. Lee. ' Ramsey fraud case, Indian allairs. 68 is European penal codes, and French affairs, 1847-52. Affairs of Jonas King in Greece, Indian disbursements, 1853. 77 is Reveime laws. Commerce and navigation, 1853. Coast Survey, 1853. Except 54, not printed. For 72, indexed as Kansas-Ne- braska act, see chap. 59, Laws of U. S., 33d Cong. 1st sess., approved May 30, 1854 (S7.9:10). 73, Smith- sonian Institution, 1853, includes reports of secretaries, 1847-53. Except 276 and 278, not printed. Select Committee on Mexican Claims. Message, Foreign relations, and Interior, 1853. War, 1853: Engineers, etc. War, cont'd, Topographical Engineers, Ordnance; Navy Post-Offlce. Maps. Estimates for 1855; Finances, 1853. Treasurer's accts., 1853; etc. Coast Survey, 1853. Indian disbursements, 1852; Clerks in Treasury. Patent Office, 1853, pt. 1: .Vrts and manufactures. Same [pt. 2]: Agriculture. 65 is Steam Navy of U. S. Exploration of Valley of the Amazon, pt. 2, by Gibbon. Pt. 1 is in serial no. 678. 74 is Tariff correspondence. Spanish violations of American rights; etc. 102 is Condition of State banks. Indian disbursements, 1853; etc. Receipts and expenditures of Government, 1853; etc. Astronomical expedition to Southern Hemisphere, 1849-52 (Gilliss), V. 1: Chile. Same [v. 2]: Argentine Provinces. Same [v. 3]: Observations to determine solar parallax. 780 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 33d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ■c° a- S CO 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 Series . ex. docs . , , , H misc. does. H. reports, . . .do .do Document no. 121 121 121 122-124,126-128 125 129 129 129 129 Unnumbered 1-98 1-121 122-266 267-372 Notes Same [v. 4 and 5], not printed. Material issued as app. 1, of Washington observations, 1890, serial no. 3424. Same [v. 6]: Magnetical and meteorological observations. Correspondence of 11. Marshall, comr. to China; etc. Mail contracts, 1853. Pacific Railroad surveys (octavo set), [v. 1], Humphreys, McClellan, Jesup, Stevens. Same [v. 2], Beckwith, Whipple, Pope. Same [v. 3]. Of the reports of Parke, Emory, and WU- liamson, listed to appear in this volume, only Parke's is in P. D. L. It is classed under W7.14o: Same [v. 4], maps. Commerce and navigation, 1853. Except 17, not printed. 76 is National armories; 97 is Smithsonian Institution, 1853, with secretaries' rps., 1847-53. Private claims. 21 is erroneously numljered 20. Except 192, not printed. 33cl CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1854— Mar. 3, 1855 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 —759 760 761 -762 763 764 765 S. journal. . S. ex. docs. do do do do... do... do... do... do do do do. Unnumbered 4-34 35-03.... 42, pt. 1 . 42,pt.2.. 42,pt.3.. 64-77.... 10 78 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. 78. Message and Interior, 1854. War, Navy, and Post-Office, 1854. Maps. Treasury (Finances) 1854. Treasurer's accounts, 1854. Commerce and navigation, 1854. Except 10, in serial no. 757. 9 is Affairs of Jonas King in Greece; 34 is Naval expedition to Japan. E.xcept 42, in serial nos. 753-755. Patent OfHce, 1854: Arts and manufactures, v. 1, text. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. Same: Agriculture. Illustrations included, 69 is Indian disbiirsemeuts, 1854. Coast Survey, 1854. Explorations and surveys for Pacific Railroad (quarto set), V. 1: Routes, Indians, meteorology, etc. See, for supplement to this volume, serial no. 992. Same, v. 2: Rps. of Beckwith, Lander, Pope, Parke, and Emory. Same, v. 3: Whipple's route, geology, Indians, etc. Same, v. 4: Whipple's route, botany, zoology, etc. _ ,,. Same, v. 5: California route, geology, botany. Same, v. 6: California to Oregon route, geology, botany, etc. Same, v. 7: West California and Rio Grande, geology, botany, official review of surveys. ,f,. Same, v. 8: Mammals, text and plates. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 33d CONGRESS, 2d. SESSION— Continued 781 03 ■ 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 798 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 o > 03 PL, 13 13 13 14 14 14 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 n 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 Series S. ex. docs... S. misc. docs. . S. reports. . H. journal.. H. ex. docs. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs. H. reports Document no. 78. 78. 78. 79. 79... 79... 1-24. [25 l26 27 395-551. 1 1 1 2,3 4-9 10-16 17-58 20 59, pt. 1 . . . . 59, pt. 2.... 59, pt. 3.... 60-85 86 87-90,92-96. 91 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 91. 97. 97 97 98 Unnumbered 1-38 1-151 Notes Same, v. 9: Birds, text. Same, v. 10: Reptiles, plates only; fishes and miscel- laneous zoology with plates. Same, v. 11: E.xplorations, 1800-57, with maps, profiles, etc. Perry's expedition to China Seas and Japan, 1852-54 [v. 1): Narrative. Same, v. 2: Agriculture, natural history, etc. Same, v. 3: Observations on zodiacal light, with charts. Except 20, not printed. 24 is Smithsonian Institution, 1854. Georgia-Florida boundary line, reprints, 1670-1846. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Private claims, 14th-33d Congress. Message and Interior, 1854. War, Navy, and Post-Office, 1854. Maps. 3 is Treasury (Finances) 1854. 4 is Treasurer's accts., 1854; 6 is Estimates for 1856. Receipts and expenditures, 1854; etc. Except 20, in serial no. 784. Coast Survey, 1854. Patent Office, 1854: Arts and manufactures, v. 1, text. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. Same: Agriculture. Illustrations included. 82 is Condition of State banks. Mail contracts, 1854. 87 is Indian disbursements, 1854; 93 is Cuba. Explorations and surveys for Pacific Railroad (quarto set), V. 1. Contents of this set are same as for Senate print, serial nos. 758-768. See, for supplement to v. 1, serial nos. 1054 and 1055. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Same, v. 6. Same, v. 7. • Same, v. 8. Same, v. 9. Same, v. 10. Same, v. 11. Perry's expedition to China Seas and Japan, 1852-54 [v. IJ: Narrative. Same, v. 2: Agriculture, natural history, etc. Same, v. 3: Observations on zodiacal light, with charts. Mortality statLstics, 7th census, 18£p. Commerce and navigation, 1854. 37 is Smithsonian Institution, 1854. 141 and 144 relate to Smithsonian Institution, its manage- ment. f! 782 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 34tli CONGRESS, 1st AND 2d SESSIONS Dec. 3, 1855— Aug. 18, 1856, and Aug. 21—30, 1856 [Publications of the 2d session, Aug. 21-30, are bound with those of the 1st session, in serial nos. 809, 825, 833, 839, 864, S67, and 870. Back titles read 1st and 2d sessions. 34th Congress.] "C ° 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 834 835 S36 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 10 Series S. journal . . S. ex. docs. do..... do . J '. t .10 i J do.... do do do.... do.... do.... .do .do .do .do..:j.=j. .do. .do. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do do do S. misc. docs. S. reports H. journal . . . do H. ex. docs. . . do do do do. do. do. do. do. Document no. l,pt. 1.. l,pt.2.. 1, pt. 3.. 1, pt. 4.. 2 3-19 20, pt. 1 . 20, pt. 2 . 20, pt. 3. ^1-43.... 23.... 44-65. 06-76. 77-98. 99-103. [104-106, 109..., jUnnumbered 22... 96... 107.. 107 107 107 i08..i.'tuiiau. ,(.;i-, 108.. 108.. 1-82. 1-197... 198-290. 2-5, 7-9. Notes 6 .ii.s.iii'. 10 11, 13 12 12 Contains also S. journal, 34th Cong. 2d sess., p. 653. Message, State, and Interior, 1855. War, 1865. Navy and Post-Office, 1855. , Maps. , 7 Treasury (Finances) 1855. 19 is Indian disbursements, 1855. Patent Office, 1855: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, with drawings. Same: Agriculture. Except 22, in serial no. 826, and 23, in serial no. 820. 25 is Nicaragua, Costa Rica; 27 is Chili; 35 is British recruitr ment. . , Laws of Territory of Kansas, with correspondence. ; 65 is Treasurer's accounts, 1855. : : 68 is Nicaragua; 72 is R. W. Thompson, Indian attorney. Except 89, Florida, canal survey, indexed, but not printed, and 96, in serial no. 827. 77 is Wisconsin and Michigan liari:)ors. 99 is Slave trade; 103 is U. S. and British Claims Comn. rp. 109 is claim of John C. Fremont. Commerce and navigation, 1855. Contains also S. ex. docs. 1 and 2, 2d session. Coast Survey, 1855. Sickness and mortality in U. S. Army, 1839-55, statistical. Commercial relations, 1855, v. 1: Commercial digests. Same, v. 2: Comparative tariffs. Same, v. 3: Consular returns. Same, v. 4: Consular returns. Mexican boundary survey (Emory), v. 1: Narrative and geology. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Botany. . •' Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Zoology. Two docs. no. 42. 73 is Smitlisonian Institution, 1855. , Contains also S. misc. docs. 1 and 2, 2d sess. Dec. 3, 1855-May 5, 1856. May 5- Aug. 18, and 2d sess., Aug. 21-30, 1856, p. 1541. Message, State, and Interior, 1855. War, 1855. Navy and Post-Offlce, 1855. Maps. 2, changes in foreign commercial systems, 1855, states on p. 2 that the law requiring tliis annual rp. liad Ijeen in- operative about 11 years. 9 is Treasurer's accts., 1855. , Coast Survey, 1855. 'i Treasury (Finances) 1855. .-; Indian disbursements; Public lands. Patent Office, 1855: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, with drawings. CATALOGUE OF LIBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 783 34tli CONGRESS, 1st AND 2d SESSIONS— Continued •eg 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 16 1 866 867 2 868 1 869 2 870 3 871 1 872 2 Series n. ex. docs. do do do do do do..... do do Document no. 12 14-39 40 41^0, 4S-92. 47 47 47 47 93-103 104-137 122. 135. 135 135 13S-146. .do : Unnumbered . H. misc. docs.. l-li .do : 80-142. H. reports. do 1-199. . 200. .. . .do 201-359 Ct. Claims rps. do 1-26.. 27-41. Notes Same: Agriculture. Receipts and expenditures, 1855. Except 72, Treasury clerks, indexed, but not printed. Commercial relations, 1855, v. 1: Commercial digests. Same, v. 2: Comparative tariffs. Same, v. 3: Consular returns. Same, v. 4: Consular returns. 93 is Indian wars; 102 is Banks; 103 is Central America. Except 122, in serial no. 8fi0, and 135, in serial nos. 861- 8()3. 105 is Slave and coolie trade. Mall contracts, 1855. Mexican boundary survey (Emory), v. 1: Narrative and geology. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Botany. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Zoology. 145 is Appropriations, 1850-5G. Contains also H. ex. doc. 1 , 2d sess. Commerce and navigation, 1855; and Estimates of appro- priations, 1857. 15 Is New Mexico election, Otero vs. Gallegos. 113 is Smithsonian Institution, 1855. Contains also H. misc. docs. 1 and 2, 2d sess. 182 is assault upon Senator Sumner, and his speech. Kansas affairs. 307 is Gibson's arrest in Dutch E. India; 359 is Foreign criminals and paupers. Contains also H. rp. 1, 2d sess. 26 is Reeside claim for mail contracts. 34tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Aug. 21—30, 1866 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports H. journal H. ex. doc H. misc. docs . H. reports 1,2. 1,2. "rfi''HuT: 1,2. 1... See serial no. 809, p. G53. See serial no. 825. See serial no. 835. None made. Sec title-page note, serial no. 837. See serial no. 839, p. 1541. See serial no. 864. See serial no. 867. See serial no. 870. 34tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 1, 1866— Mar. 3, 1857 878 874 875 876 877 S. journal. S. ex. docs do do do l-4..'4iji!JLl Series Document no. Notes S. journal See serial no. 873, p. 373. McCIellan's rp. on Art of war in Europe, 1855 and 1856. Sec serial no 890 916 S.ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1 1-3 1,2 . . See serial no. 891 35 til CONGRESS, SESSION Dec. 7, i857— June 14, 1858 917 S. journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 35th Cong., June 15, 10, 1S,58, p. 721. 1 is Treasury (Finances) 1857; 8 Is Kansas affairs. Message, State, and Interior, 1857. War, 1857. 918 919 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 .... S. ex. docs do... 1-10,12-10 11. 920 do... 11 921 do 11 Navy and Post-Oflace, 1857. Maps. 9^'^ do 11 923 . .do... 17-19 Kansas affairs; AVar Dept. expenses; Treasurer's accts. Except 33, in serial no. 932. 20 is Indian disbursements, 1857. Patent Office, 1857: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, with illustrations. 924 925 926 . . . . do do do 20-29,31-35.... 30, pt. 1 30,pt.2 30,pt.3 30,pt. 4 36-57 927 do Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 3, illustrations cont'd. 9^8 do Same: Agriculture. 7 plates precede title-page. 929 .do... Except 53, in serial no. 9.33. 42 is Lake harbors; 44 is 930 .do... 58-73 Yards and Docks Bureau contracts. Seizure by Chileans of Brig Macedonian in Peru; etc. 931 do Unnumbered. - 33 Contains also S. ex. doc. 1, special session 35th Cong., June 15, 16, 1858. Commerce and navigation, 1857 932 do Coast Survev, 1857. 933 .do... 53 Commercial relations, 1857. 934 .... S. misc. docs.. 1-94 Except 44, not printed. 17-94 are reports of Court of Claims. 45 is Robert Harrison's Florida claim. 95-130, 130-139, 142-145 are reports of Court of Claims. 95-145 935 936 .do... 146-250 251-273 1-160 161-330 105 is Letitia Humphrey's claim; 142 is .\rmstrong case. 14G, 186, 190-193, 212-219, 246-250 are reports of Court of 937 .do... Claims. 251-253 and 256 are reports of Court of Claims. 272 is 938 939 S. reports Smithsonian Institution, 1857. Two reports no. 65. 00 is Paraguay; 82 is Kansas. 940 1 2 o 4 H. journal 941 H. ex. docs .do 1,3-10 Estimates for 1859; Treasury (Finances) 1857; etc. 942 2 Message, State, and Interior, 1857. 943 944 do .do 2 2 War, 1857. Navy and Post-Office, 1857. 945 2 Maps. 946 .do... ril, 12, 14-16.... [18-20 11 is Treasurer's accounts. do .. 19 is Yards and Docks Bureau contracts. 947 13 Receipts and expenditures, 1857. 948 .do 17 Commercial relations, 1857. 949 do 21 Coast Survey, 1857. 49183°— IS- -50 786 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 35 til CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued •P d "o > a"' Series Document no. Notes 9M> 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 H. ex. docs do do do do do 22-31 Indian accts.; Lake harbors; Nicaraguan affairs; etc. Patent Office. 1857: Arts and manufactures v 1 951 32 95? 32 Same; Arts and manufactures, v 2 95a 32 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 3 954 32 Same: Agriculture. 38, 39, 45 are Indian wars in Washington and Oregon; 50 is Revenue laws; 64 is Execution of Col. Crabb and others by Mexicans. 71 is Utah e.xpedition; &5 is Cotton in Europe; 88 is Gen. John E. Wool in Dept. of the Pacifig 96 is Mail contracts 955 33-70 956 do 71-88 957 do 89-96 95H do 97-118. 98 is E.xplorations of Amoor River, Asia; 107 is Banks. Except 126, indexed as Geological survey of Oregon and Washington Territories; this was probably John Evans' report, which was not printed. 124 is Beale's Wagon road from Ft. Defiance to the Colorado; 129 is Postal accts. Commerce and navigation, 1857. 4 is Ohio election; 12 is House expenses. Maryland election, Whyte vs. Harris. 135 is Smithsonian Institution, 1857 959 do 119-140 Unnumbered . 1-67.. . 960 961 do H. misc. docs. . do 969! 68. 96H do 69-137. 964 H. reports do 1-200 965 201-351 352-411 412-457 458-539,541-551. 540 966 do 377 is Kansas constitution, with reports, testimony, etc. 457 is Land claims in New Mexico 967 do 968 . .do.. .. 549 is Wilkins' Point (Long Island) investigation. Case of Judge John C. Watrous. 969 do 970 .... Ct. Claims rps. .do 82-126 971 127-151 152-175 Robert Harrison's Florida claim' etc • 97? .. .do 35tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE June 15, 16; 1858 S. journal S. ex. docs 1... See serial no. 917, p. 721. See serial no. 930. asth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1858— Mar. 3, 1859 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 S. journal. S. ex. docs. do..;.. do do do do l,pt. 1. 1, pt. 2. l,pt. 3. l,pt. 4. l,pt. 5. 9 Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 36th Cong., Mar. 4-10, 1859, p. 483. Message, State correspondence, and Interior, 1858. Vv^ar, 1858 [v. 1]. Same, V. 2. Title-page reads "v 2, pt. 2." Navy and Post-Offlce, 1858. Maps. Treasury (Finances) 1858. Contains also S. ex. doc. 1, special session Senate, 36th Cong., erroneously headed "35th Cong." CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITEET STATES SENATE. 35tll CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 787 1 1 Series Document no. Notes 980 6 7 8 9 10 2 S. ex. docs ... do 3-6 S. ex. doc. 2, special session Senate, 36th Cong., erro- neously headed "35th Cong.," precedes no. 3. 6 is Progress in Coast Survey and weiglits and measures. Except 14, in serial no. 990. 15 is Indian expenses; 18 is Claims against foreign countries. Commissioners to China, correspondence [v. 1]. Same [v. 2]. Except 37 , in serial no. 991 , 46, in serial no. 992. 36 and 40 are rps. on Wagon roads in the West. 981 7-21,23-28 22,pt.l 22,pt.2 29-45,48 47 9S2 do. 983 do.. 984 do do 985 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Patent Office, 1858: Arts and manufactures v. 1. 986 do 47 Same: Arts and manufactures v. 2. 987 do 47 988 do 47 Same: Agriculture. Commerce and navigation, 1858. Coast Survey, 1858. Commercial relations, 1858. 989 do Unnumbered . 14 990 do 991 do.. 37. 992 do 46. . . . Explorations and surveys for Pacific Railroad, supple- ment to V. 1: Steven's route from St. Paul to Puget Sound, narrative and scientific reports. See, for v. 1, serial no. 758. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1 and 2, special. session Sen- ate, 36th Cong., Mar. 1859. 1-3, 5-9, 19-23, 30, 32-40, are Court of Claims rps. 49 is Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1858. S. misc. docs . . S. reports H. journal 1-55 993 994 331-396 995 996 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 H. ex. docs do do do do do do 1,3 Estimates for 1860; Treasury (Finances) 1858. Message, Foreign affairs, and Interior, 1858. War, 1858. Title-page reads "v. 2." Same, continued. Title-page reads "v. 2, pt. 2." Navy, including Naval code, and Post-Office, 1858. Title-page reads "v. 3." Maps. 7 is Treasurer's accts., 1858; 13 is Indian expenses. 20 is Receipts and expenditures, 1858. 30 and 43 are Carmlck and Ramsey, mail contract case. Coast Survey, 1858. 67 and 08 relate to Consular fees. 997 2 998 2 999 2.. 1000 2 1001 2 1002 4-13 1003 do 14-22 23-32,34-49.... 33 1004 .. do 1005 do 1006 ... do 60-84 85 1007 ... do Commercial relations, 1858. 1008 .... do . 80-104, 106-108. 105 108 is Pacific wagon roads. 1009 1 2 3 4 do do do do do Patent Office, 1858: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. 1010 105 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2. 1011 105 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 3. 1012 105 •. Same: Agriculture. Mail contracts. 1013 109 110-114 Unnumbered . 1-42,44-61 43 1-255 1014 .do 112 is Condition of banks; 114 is Cram's Memoir of Wash- 1015 do ington and Oregon. Conunerce and navigation, 1858. 1016 1017 .... H. misc. docs. . do 57 is Smithsonian Institution, 1858. Claims of citizens of Kansas. 1018 .... H. reports do Except 184, in serial no. 1019, and 198 and 189, in seria' no. 1020. Naval contracts and expenditures. 1019 184 788 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 35tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ■a . •CO "o > -1.3 Series Document no. Notes 3 .... H. reports Ct. Claims rps. [188 Aects. of Wm. Cullom, clerk of House, investigation. , Accts. of A. G. Seaman, Supt. Public Printing, investi- gation. 1020 {l89 1021 176-198 .... 36tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—10, 1859 S. journal.. S. ex. docs. do S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1... 2... 1,2. See serial no. 973, p. 483. See serial no. 979. This doc. is erroneously headed "35th Cong." See serial no. 980. This doc. is erroneously headed "35th Cong." See serial no. 993. These docs, are headed "Special ses- sion. Mar. 1859." None presented. 36tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 5, 1869— June 25, 1860 1022 S. journal Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 36th 1023 1024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 S. ex. docs .do 2 2 Cong., June 26-28, 1860, p. 776. Message, Foreign affairs, and Interior, 1859. . War, 1859. 1025 do 2 War, continued; Navy; Post-Office, 1859. Maps. 1026 . .do 2 1,3-10,13-15... 11 1027 3 is Treasury (Finance) 1859, with title-page reading erroneously "June 30, 1860." Patent Office, 1859: Agriculture. 1028 . .do 1029 .do 12 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. 1030 . .do 12 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. 1031 .do 16-29,31-37.... 30. . . 20 and 22 relate to Capitol extension. 1032 .do Correspondence of commissioners to China. 1033 .do 38-51,53-58.... Unnumbered . 52. 38 is Compulsory enlistment in army of Prussia; 42 is Mountain Meadows massacre. Commerce and navigation, 1859. 1034 do 1035 .do Sickness and mortality in U. S. Army, 1855-60. Delafield's Art of war in Europe, 1854-56. 1036 .do 59. 1037 .do 60. Military Commission to Europe (Mordecai). 1038 S. misc. docs.. S. reports do 1-62 Contains also S. misc. doc. 1, special session Senate, 1039 1-204 June 26-28, 1860. 29 is Capitol dome and porticos. 1040 205-284 Except 235, not printed. 205 is Public printing inves- 1041 ... H. journal tigation; 278 is John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry. Bound also in one volume. 1042 1043 1044 H. ex. docs . 1-3,5,6,8,9.... 4 . Estimates of appropriations for 1861; etc. Commercial relations, 1859. 1045 do 7 Treasury receipts and disbursements, 1859. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 789 36tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 o > 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 Series H. ex. does.. .do. .do. Document uo. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs.. -do. .do. do H. reports... do do . do Ct. Claims rps. do do do do 10-13 14-22 23-40,42,43... 41 44-52 53,54,57-70... 55 55 56 56 71-85 86-89,91-102.. 90 Unnumbered 1,2,4-7 3 8 9-11 12-42 43-89 90-100 1-200 201-321 322-510 511-667 648 199-208 209-225 226 227-240 241-255 Notes Indian expenses; Indian war claims; Interior Dept. ex- penses; Interior Dcpt. employes. New Mexico, land claims; Treasury accts., 1859; etc. 24 is Treasury expenses; 25 and 35 are War Dept. ex- penses. Coast Survey, 1859. 44 is Post-Office accts.; 49 is Condition of banks. 65 is Affairs in Oregon. Meteorological observations, 1854-59, v. 1: Weather. Same, v. 2: Plant and animal phenomena, and storms, 1859. Explorations and surveys for Pacific Railroad, v. 12, book 1: Narrative and geographical memoir, with illustrations. Same, v. 12, book 2: Botany and zoology, with plates. The material here arranged in 2 v. appears in 1 v. in serial no. 992. 71 is Navy yards; 76 is Hebrew affairs; 81 is Texas frontier. Mail contracts: etc. Colorado River of the West (Ives), with geology, botany, etc. Commerce and navigation, 1859. 4 is Maryland election, Harrison vs. Davis. Kentucky election, memorial of James S. Chrisman. Missouri election, Frank P. Blair vs. J. R. Barrett. Pensions for soldiers of 1812; Jefferson territory; Ken- tucky election. 12, 4 pts., is Nebraska election; 25 is Expenses of House of Representatives. 55 is Maryland election; 86 is Expenses Paraguay expe- dition. Smithsonian Institution, 1859; etc. 249 is Public printing; 321 is Land claims, New Mexico. 394 is Report on Pres. Buchanan's protest. Except 648, in serial no. 1071. Covode investigation. 205 is Case of Henry M. Shreve for snag-boat patent. Case of Richard W. Meade. 36tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL, SESSION SENATE June 26—28, 1860 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs. . S. reports See serial no. 1022, p. 776. None presented. See serial no. 1038. None presented. 790 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 36tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1860— Mar. 2, 1861 C3 . o a 02 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 n PL, Se»ies Document no. S. journal. S. ex. docs. do S. misc. docs. S. reports.. H. journal. 11. ex. docs. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs II. reports. , Ct. Claims rps. 2-5,8,10-13... Unnumbered 6 1-21 285-311- 1.. 3-0,8,9- 7 10-12--. 13,15-41. 14 42-48..-. 49-72 73-82 Unnumbered 1-44 1-77 78-103, 105-107. 104 104 250-258. 259-269. 270-276. Notes Contains also proceedings of special session Senate, 37th Cong., Mar. 4-28, ISGl, p. 399. Message and Interior, 1860. War, 1860. Navy and Post-Offlce, 1860. Maps. 10 is Aves (or Bird) Island correspondence, 1855-59. Contains also S, ex. docs. 1 (Lincoln's Inaugural ad- dress) and 2, special session Senate, 37th Cong., Mar. 4-28, 1861. Patent Office, 1860: v. 1, Arts and manufactures. Same: v. 2, illustrations. See, for Agriculture, serial no. 1099. Interoceanic ship canal near Darien (Michler). Same, maps. Commerce and navigation, 1860. Commercial relations, 1S60. 3 is Military Academy, West Point; 21 is Smithsonian Institution, 1860. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-4, special session Senate, 37th Cong., Mar. 4-28, 1861. 288 is Journal of Committee of 13 on Slavery. First volume here listed bearing imprint "Washington, Government Printing Office." Estimates of appropriations for 1862. Treasury (Finances) 1860. 5 is Mississippi River improvement. African slave trade. Treasurer's accts.; Deficiency estimates; Receipts and expenses, 1860. Coast Survey, 1860. 44 is MiUtary road Ft. Walla- Walla to Ft. Benton (Mul- lan). 48 is Patent Office rp. 1860 [v. 3]: Agriculture: see for v. 1 and 2, serial nos. 1083 and 1084. Except 74, not printed. 73 is Mail contracts; 77 is Banks, Commerce and navigation, 1860. 6 is New York election; 12, 15, 18, 19, 21-28, etc., relate to Secession. 2 is Watrous case; 31, 58, and 59 relate to Secession. 78 is Abstraction of Indian bonds; 79, 88, 90, 91, etc., relate to Secession. Kansas claims, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Theodore Adams; Samuel Norris; R. R. Ward. Gilbert Cameron case; etc. CATALOGUE OF LIBRAE Y OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 791 37tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—28, 1861 "3 . o a 03 "o > •1^ Series Document no. Notes S. journal See serial no. 1077, p. Sec serial no. 1082. See serial no. 1089. None presented. 399 S.ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1,2 1-4 1 37tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION July 4^Aug. 6, 1861 1111 S. journal. fS. ex. docs Is. misc. docs.. [S. reports H. journal 1-8 Lincoln's Message, War, and Navy; Treasury; etc. War measures etc. 1112 1-12 1... . Frederic P. Stanton succeeds J. H. Lane of Kansas 1113 fH. ex. docs 1h. reports H. misc. docs.. 1-20 9 is State and Territorial expenses, 1789-1860. 1114 1-4 ElHciency of volunteer forces; etc. 4, 9, Daily vs. Morton; 5, 10, Butler vs. Lehman; 6, 12, Kline vs. Verree election cases. 23 is Acts and resolu- tions passed during 1st session, the only time Session laws have been published as a numbered Congressional document. 1115 1-24. . . 37tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1861— July 17, 1862 1116 S. journal 1117 1 .... S. ex. docs 1 Message, Foreign relations, and Interior, 1861. 1118 2 3 do 1 War, 1861. 1119 1 do 1 Navy and Post-Office, 1861. Maps. 2 is Treasury (Finances) 1861; 8, 14, 18, 22, 30 are Trent affair; 31 is Indian disbursements, ISfil. 1120 3 9. do 1 1121 4 do 2-31 1122 .5 do 32-65 39 is Patent rp. on Agriculture, 1861; 56 is Capture of New Orleans. 1123 6 do 66-72.. . . 66 is Pittsburg Landing; 72 is Ordnance and ordnance stores. 1124 S. misc. docs.. . 1-108 Includes many State memorials. 108 is Act incorporat- ing Union Pacific R. R. Co. 1125 S. reports H. journal 2-69 1 belongs to 1st session. 37 is Surrender of navy-yards. 1126 1127 1 H. ex. docs 1-27 Estimates of appropriations, 1862 and 1863; etc. 28, 34, Treasury accts.; 29, Brigham Young's accts. 36 is Receipts and expenditures, 1861. Commercial relations, 1861. 1128 ?, do 28-34 1129 3 do. .. . 35_44j 46-52 1130 4 5 do... . 45 1131 1 do 53-69,71-79.... 53 is Patent Office rp., 1861, with List of patentees; 63 is War Dept. expenses; 67 is Purchase of arms by Fre- mont. 1132 5 2 do 53 Patent Office, 1861: Arts and manufactures, v. 1, with rp. and list of patentees which also appears in serial no. 1131. if 792 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 37th. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 1§ > Series Document no. Notes 11S3 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 3 11. ex. docs do 53 Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. See 1134 70 for rp. on Agriculture, serial no. 1122. Coast Survey, 1861. 92, Militaiy and naval defences, consists of reprints. Mexican affairs, 1861-2; etc. 1135 do. 80-99. . 1136 do 100-104 105-124 125-151 137. 1137 do 116 is Preliminary rp. on 8th census, 1860. Except 137, in serial no. 1139. Mail contracts. 1138 1139 do do 1140 do Unnumbered . 1-91 Commerce and navigation, 1861. 77 is Smitlisonian rp., 1861, witii scientific app. 91 is Appropriations, new offices, etc., 1862, but title-page incorrectly reads "1861." 2 is Investigation of Government war contracts. Same, continued. 1141 H. misc. docs . . H. reports 1142 1143 1 2 3 4 1 2 I,and2,pt. 1.. 2,pt. 2 3-85 1144 . do 16 is Loyalty of Govt, clerks; 43 is National armory. Pennanent fortifications and sea-coast defences; etc. 1145 do 86-148 1146 1147 .... Cl. Claims rps . do 277-290 291-293 Latham claim, Buffalo and Oswego custom-houses; etc. 37tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 1, 1862— Mar. 3, 1863 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 115a 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 4a 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 S. journal... S. ex. docs. . S. misc. docs. S. reports. . do do do H. journal.. H. ex. docs . do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... 1-50. 1-41. 70-107. 108.... 108.... 108. . . . l[pt.ll- l[pt.2]. l[pt.3]. (1 [pt. 4]. 12-21 l[pt.5]. 23-51.... 53-62. . . . 64-77.... 79-85.... 22 [52] 52 78 63 Unnumbered Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 38th Cong., Mar. 4-14, 1863, p. 445. Treasury (Finances) 1862; 39 is Indian expenses; 43 is Military road from Ft. Walla-Walla to Ft. Benton. 11 is Senate expenses; 37 is Message of Gov. of Utah. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1 and [2], special session Senate, 38th Cong., Mar. 4-14,1863; although no. 2 is correctly headed " spec, sess., S. misc. doc," it is erro- neously numbered 42 and indexed with S. misc. docs, of the 37th Cong. 3d sess. 75 and 84 relate to Gen. Banis' expedition. Conduct of the war, pt. 1: Army of Potomac. Same,pt. 2: Bull Run; Balls Bluff. Same, pt. 3: Western Department, or Missouri, etc. Message and Foreign relations, 1862. Interior, 1862. Navy, 1862. War and Post-Offlce, 1862. Registered seamen; Estimates for 1863 and 1864; etc. Maps. 23 is Mexican affairs; 25 is Condition of banks. 54 is Condition of Mexico, 1862 (802 pages). 71 is Court-martial of Fitz John Porter. 81 is Pope's army in Virginia; 82 is Mail contracts. Coast Survey, 1862. Patent Office, 1862: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. After p. 64, the signatures read "H. ex. doc. 54." Same: v. 2, illustrations. Agriculture, 1862, 1st report as a separate Department. Commercial relations, 1862. Commerce and navigation, 1862. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 793 37tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued Serial no. > a Series Document no. Xotes 1171 1172 1 2 .... n. misc. docs.. do 1-24,26,27 25 26 is Direct and excise tax laws. Smithsonian Institution, 1802. 1173 H. reports Ct. Claims rps. 1-C4 294-296 48 isCharges against Patent Comr.; 49 is Govt, contracts. Claims of Wormer, Cole, andBrowTi, Govt.contratlors. 38tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—14, 1863 1174 S. journal.. S. ex. docs. S. misc. docs . . S. reports 1,2 1 and [2] . See serial no. 1148, p. 445. 2 is Gen. Rosecrans' rp. on battle of Murfreesl)oro. docs, are erroneously beaded " 37lh Cong." See serial no. 1150. None presented. Both 38tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1863— July 4, 1864 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 118S 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1191 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1 2 3 4 5 5a 6 1193 13 S. journal.. S. ex. docs . S. misc. docs. S. reports H. journal.. H. ex. docs. do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs, do .do. 1-56. 1-136. 1-105. 20 is War expenses, 1861 and 1862; 5o is Commerce, his- tory, and statistics, 1789-1863. 41 is French spoliations; 63 is Fort Pillow massacre; 99 is Naval supphes. 4-10, 12-26. 1 Message and Foreign relations, v. 1,1863. 1 ■ Same, V. 2. 1 Interior, 1863. 1 Navy, 1863. 1 War,Post-Office,and Agriculture, 1863; etc. Agriculture omits appendixes which are in serial no. 1196. 1 Maps. 2, 3 Estimates for 1864 and 1865; Treasury (Finances) 1863, with prices, 1821-63, and Internal revenue rp. Except 6, not printed. 4, 7, 8, 20 are Treasury accts.; 15 is McClellan's campaigns, 1861-62. Coast Survey, 1863. Except 33, 37, and 51, not printed. 36 is Treasurer's accts. Commercial relations, 1863. Patent Office, 1863: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. 69 is Armored vessels in attack on Charleston. Prize cases in New York. Except 101, not printed. 84 is Receipts and expend- ! itures, 1863; 102 is Wilkes' court-martial. 91 '• .\gTiculture,1863. Unnumbered. Commerce and navigation, 1863. 1-15 12-15 are Contested election cases. 16-27 16, 17, 20, 26, 27 are Contested elections. 28-82,84,85 36, 43, 49areContested elections; 81 is National Academy of Sciences, 1st rp. 11 27-40, 42-59. . . . 41 60 60 61-73 74 75-90,92-104... 794 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 38th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ■CO m 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 o > CIS Series H. misc. docs.. (H. misc. docs.] do do do II. reports do Document no. 83 Unnumbered do do do 1-111 112-144 Notes Smithsonian Institution, 18C3. 8tli census of United States, 1860, Population. Same, Agriculture. Same, Manufactures. Same, Mortality and miscellaneous. Ill is New York custom-liouse investigation. 140 is Treasury Dept. investigation. 38tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 5, 1864— Mar. 3, 1865 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 1 2 3 S. journal. S. ex. docs. . . S. misc. docs. S. reports .do. .do. -do. H. journal .. H. ex. docs.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs . . H. reports 1-3.5. 1-48. 106-141. 142, pt. 1. 142, pt. 2. 142, pt. 3. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,3 4-14, 16-50. [15] 51 51 60 68 52-82 83-85 Unnumbered 1-58 55 57 1-30 Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 39th Cong., Mar. 4-11, 1865, p. 343. 11 is Mexican affairs, 1861-64. Also S. misc. docs. 1-3, special session Senate, 39th Cong., Mar. 4-11, 18G5. Also S. report 1, special session Senate, 39th Cong., Mar. 4-11, 1865. 114 is Petersburg mine explosion; 121 is Heavy ordnance. Conduct of the war: Army of the Potomac; Battle of Petersburg. Same: Red River and Fort Fisher expeditions; Heavy ordnance. Same: Sherman- Johnston, etc. See, for supplements, serial nos. 1241 and 1242. Message and Foreign relations, 1864, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Same,pt. 4. Interior and Post-Oflace, 1864. Navy, 1864. See, for War rp. , serial no. 1230. Estimates for 1865 and 1866; Treasury (Finances) 1864. Except 11 and 31, not printed. 32 is Exchange of prisoners. Coast Survey, 1864. Patent Office, 1864: Arts and manufactures, v. 1. Same: Arts and manufactures, v. 2, illustrations. Commercial relations, 1864. Agriculture, 1864. Except 60, in serial no. 1227; 68, in serial no. 1228, and 81, not printed. 54 is Court-martial of Maj. Hastings; 73 is Receipts and expenses, 1864. All are War rps. 83, the 1864 rp., belated, incomplete. Commerce and navigation, 1864. Except 55, in serial no. 1233, and 57, in serial no. 1234. Smithsonian Institution, 1864. Contested elections, 1834-65, by Bartlett. 24 is Trade with rebellious States; 25 is New York cus- tom-house. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 7 39th CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4^11, 1865 U5 Id "o > 03 Series Document no. Notes S. journal See serial no. 120S, p. None presented. iSfe serial no. 1210. See serial no. 1211. 343 S. ex. does. . .. .... .... S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1-3 1 39tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1865— July 28, 1866 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1 [2] [3] S. journal. . S.ex. docs. 1-2G.. 27-6.5. S. misc. docs.. S. reports ■-^° H. journal ' II. ex. docs ' do ' j do 1-125 1-140 Unnumbered . do .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do do do do n. misc. docs. 1.. 1.. [1]. 1.. 1 1 1,2-4. 5-49.. 50-72. 52. 52 52 56 73 73 74-133 75 102 136 134, 135, 137-156 Uim umbered . 1-7 2 is Condition of the South , Dec. 1865; 11 , Court-martials; 26 is Provisional State governors. 27, 30, 55 relate to Freedmen; 55, 56, to Mexico. Maps for 62, Interoceanic canals, are bound after 63. Conduct of the war, supplement, v. 1: Sherman and Thomas. Supplemental to serial nos. 1212-1214. Same, supplement, v. 2: Pope, Sheridan, etc. Message and Foreign relations, 1865, pt. 1. 2. Same,pt. 3. Same, app.: Assassination of President Lincoln (Trib- utes of the nations). Interior, 1865. War,18&5,v.l. Same,v. 2. Same, app., pt. 1: Military railroads (McCallum), and Provost-marshal-general, final rp., 18C3-('i<>, pt. 1. Saiiie, app., pt. 2: Provost-marshal-general, final rp., 1863-66, pt. 2. Navy, 1865. Post-Offlce, 1865; Estimates for 1866 and 1867; Treasury (Finances) 1865; Comptroller of Currency, 1865. Treasurer's accts. , 1864; 34 is Revenue system. Except 52, in serial nos. 1257-1259, and 56, in serial no. 1260. 70 is Freedmen's Bureau. Patent Office, 1865, v. 1. Same, V. 2. Same, v. 3, illustrations. Commercial relations, 1865. Mexican affairs, pt. 1 . Same,pt. 2. Except 75, in serial no. 1264, and 102, in serial no. 1266. Coast Survey, 1865. Smithsonian Institution , 1865. Agriculture, 18(ir). 1,55 is Government railroad property. Commerce and navigation, 1865. 7, 2 pts., is New York election. Dodge vs. Brooks. 796 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 39tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued "3 . > 4-3 Series Document no. Notes 1270 2 3 1 2 3 .... H. misc. docs. . .do 8-55 8-11 are Contested elections. 1271 56-130 92 and 117 are Contested elections; 130 is Appropriations, 1272 H. reports . do 1-117 new offices, etc., 1866. Except 30, in serial no. 1273, and 101, in serial no. 1274; also 31 and 94, notprinted. 93isRoscoeConklingand Provost-Marshal-Gen. Fry investigation. Report of Joint Committee on Reconstruction. 1273 30 1274 do 101 Memphis riots and massacres. 39tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1866— Mar. 2, 1867 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 S. journal S. ex. does S. misc. does.. S. reports H. journal H.ex. docs do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1-0 7-38.... 1-54. . . . 141-178. 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1,2. 3-8. do H. misc. docs . H. reports do do 9-24. . . 25-49.. 50-54. . 55,56.. 57-70. . 71-116. 76 81 87 107 109 109 109 Unnumbered 1-83 1-15 16 17-33 34 2 is a special Revenue rp.; is Freedmen's affairs. 26 is Sand Creek massacre. 53 is Arkansas loyal troops. 156 is Condition of Indian tribes. Message and Foreign relations, 1866, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Interior, 1866. War, 1866. Navy and Post-Office, 1866. 3 is Comptroller of Currency, 1866; 4 is Treasury (F»« nances) 1866. 12 is Receipts and expenses, 1865; 17 is Mexican affairs. 29 is Mineral resources west of Rockies (Browne), 1866. Case of Geo. St. Leger Grenfel in Cliicago conspiracy; etc. Internal Revenue Comr., 1866; Rivers and harbors. 68 is New Orleans riots. Except 76, in serial no. 1294; 81, in serial no. 1295; 87, in serial no. 1296; 107, in serial no. 1297, and 109, in serial nos. 1298-1300. 72 is Norfolk riot. Mexican affairs, 18C5-66. Commercial relations, 1866. Coast Survey, 1866. Agriculture, 1866. Patent Office, 1866, v. 1. Same, V. 2. Same, v. 3, illustrations. Commerce and navigation, 1866. 83 is Smithsonian Institution, 1866. Except 9, not printed. 15 is Revenue frauds. New Orleans riots, July and Aug. 1866. 24 is Internal revenue frauds; 30 is N. Y. custom-house. Affairs of southern railroads. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 797 40th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 4—30, July 3— 20» and Nov. 21— Dec. 2, 1867 "3 . o >• a Series Document no. Notes 1307 S. journal. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, Apr. 1-20, 1867, p. 193. 1308 S. ex. docs S. reports Is. misc. docs.. II. journal 1-20 1309 '-'■■■] 1-43..] 14, Reconstruction; 20, Mexican affairs, I86C-C17. Con- tains also nos. 1-9, special session Senate, Apr. 1-20, 1807. 44, National Academy of Sciences, 1866, was issued in unbound form, though omitted from sheep-bound set. 1310 Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-5, special session Senate, , Apr. 1-20, 1867. 1311 H. ex. docs n. misc. docs . . do 1-36 33 is Mexican loan affnir 1312 1313 1 2 .... 1-37,39-55 38, 2pts 1-7 37, 39, 47, 48 are Contested elections. Contested Ohio election, Delano vs. Morgan. 7 is Impeachment of Pres. Johnson, with testimony. 1314 II. reports 40tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Apr. 1—20, 1867 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1-9. 1-5. See serial no. 1307, p. 193. See serial no. 1308. See serial no. 1309. None presented. 40tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 2, 1867— July 27, 1868; Sept. 21, Oct. 16, aud Nov. 10, 1868 1315 S. journal.. .. Contains as an app. proceedings of Senate preliminary to trial of articles of impeachment of President Andrew Johnson (p. 793). Excepts, not prmted. Hislnternat. Money Conference, Paris; :9 is Occupation of San Juan Is.; 3S, ,\ltoVelo Is. claims. Except 84, not printed. 77, Raynolds' Exploration of the Yellowstone, is erroneously headed "1st sess." 42 is Trial of Fenian prisoners. Educational interests of District of Columbia, not 1316 1 2 3 S. ex. docs do 1-40 1317 41-86 84 1318 do . . 1319 S. misc. docs... S. reports H. journal . . 1-110 printed; issued with additional matter as H. ex, doc. 315, 41st Cong. 2d sess., serial DO. 1427. 86 is Smithsonian Institution, 1807. 1320 4-189 173 is Projectiles for rifled cannon. 1321 1322 2 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 II. ex. docs . . . do do do do. ... 1 Message and Foreign relations, 1867, pt. L Same, pt. 2. War, 1867, pt.l. 1323 1 1324 1 1325 1326 1 1 Same, pt. 2: Engineers. Interior, 1867. 1327 . do 1 Navy and Post-OflRce, 1867. 1828 do 2,3 Treasury (Finances) 1867; Estimates for 1860. 798 CATALOGUE OF LIBRABY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 40tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued is o ^ &enes Docament DO. Notes 1 > :- 1329 6 .... H. ex. docs 4.5 Compt. of Ciirrency, 1867; Internal ReTenue Comi., 1867. 16 is Pardons of confederates by President. 13S0 7 .... do 6-22.2-4-57 I3SI 8 --.- do 23 Trial of Henrv Wirz. 13S3 9 do 58-05 71 is Indian expenses, 1S67. Patent Office, 1567, t. 1. 13S3 10 1 do 96 13H 10 2 do 96 Kai™», V 9 ISSd 10 3 do 96 Same, t. 3, iDnstrations. 1S36 10 4 do 96 Ssme, v. 4, illustrations. iss; 11 do 97,98,100-156. 101 is P.allroad lands; 126 is Paris TTniversal ExpositioD (Hewin> 13SS 12 do 99 Ordnance report. 1339 13 do 157-159461-150. 157, 3 pts., is Trial of Americans for Fpnianism; 177,2pts., is Bnssian America, porchase, description, etc. Commfircial relations, 1S«)7. Exceot 202. in serial no. 1342, and 206. Fort Riley mili- U40 14 15 do 160. l«-232 1311 .... ... .do tary reservation, indexed but never printed. 1342 16 ... .do 202 Mineral lesocrc^ Test of Rockies (Browne/, 1867. Except275, in serial no. 1344, 255 is Safes of gold. 1313 IT . . - - do.. 253-2K 13« IS .... do 275 Coast Survey, 1867. 13» 19 .... do 296-311 299 is EdocaticHi rp., 1567-68, vitfaoat accompanyiDg doc^. 13M 3 do 312-343 315 is Receipts and expenses, 1866; 337 is list of Vessels bought, sold, and chartered by L". 8., 1861-68; 342 is Reccnstmcticm. 13i; 'T^ -.- d^.]... Ummzcbeied. Agricuhore, 1*;7. UlS :^ do —^ Commerce and navigation, 1867. 1319 1 H wnafLdocs.- l-*4. 12-14. 28, 33 are Contested electiixis; 23 is Loans and car- reac-y acts, 1790-1*»,7. 1330 2 do 83-l£6 L>4 is New Mexico election. 1331 --.- ---- [H. misc. docs.]. T"nnnmV*»«H Paris eiqtositiaa, 1867, v. 1: Fine and ose&il arts. • ■wa^bis, bibBo^raphv. 13«2 do do -aiEfi, V. 2: Iron, steel, precioos metals, , V. 3: Maehvnfry «nH jtniersn^ 13»( do do Some, T. 4: Teiefr^hv, staan , «aigt™wrfng, ete 1333 do do Saame, t. 5: Cereals, food, pbotsgc^hy, cables, wine, edrH»tion, mndimie, etfi. 133C . . . . do do Same, v. 6: Wool, cotton, silk faboES, edncatioa. 1357 1 . H.r=port? ' 1-16 -.- '■A. 13^ - Ezc^ 89, not printed. 44nii CONGRESS, 34 SESSION Dec. 7, 1868— 3far. 3, 1869 1339 ; 138* 5.ei.d«s 1-56 5 is Pjeotm of La Pbta, Sootb America; 48 is " Panoebe Graiwie" farad eiaira. UCl i.riise.dco.. 1-37 43 s Let at fowste ekdms in Senate, 1.5tb-39th Cong. i3ce S.rcpore 190-23 aKisHesivyofdiianee; 273 is U. S. sectsities. 13(3 H.joamaL.... 13^ 1 1 |H.ex.d3es. 1 Mesea^ aad FoR^ celatioDS, 18f>6, pC L 13::3 1 2 K *> 1 2. 0CS 2 1 lnt«Tor, lies. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 799 40tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued 3 a 1 &4 Series Document no. ] 1367 lSfi8 1S(» 3 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 [15] [16] 1 1 j H. ex. docs... 2 ! do do 1 1 1 2,3 4.5 i 6-49 1370 1371 1S7S do do do ... .do 1S73 29 50,51,5?-S2....' 52 1S74 I87S 1 2 3 4 do do do do do do 1S76 1377 137S 52 52 52 1379 71 ISSO 13S1 13$S do do do .. SS S4-«6.SS-102... s: Unnunibered . do 1-57 ' 1S$3 1SS4 ISSo .... [H.ex. doos.].. do H. mi3- I n, r?ports. ' 1-12. Same, v. S: Rebel cmiaers. claims negonationi^ Same, V. 4; ~ " rvailiamentary and judicial apjts. Same, v. 5: . '.itary aod judici&l appeDdix. ? Purdy's Report on internal rerwine in Califonua. is Myers vs. MoiTet eleciioji: 19 is Utah tndiaz: expenses: 27 is Van Wyck vs. Greene eiectioa, . .1 are election reports, except 1 and S. list CONGRESS. SPECLVL SESSION SENATE Apr. 12—22. 1869 S. journal j ! 5ef serial no. l.'SC, p. 167. 800 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 4:1st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1869— July 15, 1870 1° CO "o > P-. Series DociTment no. Notes 1404 S. journal 1405 1 2 3 .... 8. ex. docs do 1-39 7 is Cuban revolution, 1809; 14 is Postal convention with 1406 40-90 France. Except 76, not printed. 40 is Sliawnee lands in Kansas; 02 is National cemeteries. 108 is American injuries in Cuban revolution, 1869-70. Except 159, Rp. of National Academy of Sciences, not printed. 47 is Retrenchment; 234 is Davis Hatch claim; 204 is 1407 .. do 91-110 1408 S. misc. docs. . . S. reports II. journal 1-104 1409 9-205 1410 Printing investigation. 1411 1412 1413 1414 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 H. e.x. docs do do do l,pt.l l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,Pt.3 2,3 Message, Foreign relations. Navy, Post-Office, 1869. War, 1869, V. 1. Same, v. 2: Engineers. Interior, 1869. 1415 do Treasury (Finances) 1869; Comptroller of Currency, 1869. 1416 do 4-48 Internal Revenue Comr., 1809; Estimates for 1871; etc. 1417 1 2 3 4 do do do do do do do do do 49-142 Except 76, not printed, and 102, in serial nos. 1420-1422. 1418 1419 143-215 200 Except 206, in serial no. 1419, and 207, in serial no. 1424.. 100 is Struggle for Cuban independence. Coast Survey, 1809. Patent Office, 1809, v. 1. 1420 102 1421 102 Same, v. 2. 1422 102 ■ .. Same, v. 3, illustrations. 1423 102 . . . Same, v. 4, illustrations, not printed in Congressional set. Mining west of l^oclcies (Rajonond), 1809. 1424 207 1425 210-250 257-307 308-315 UnniiTTibered . do Except 232 and 254, not printed. 240 is Indian wars; 1426 do 241 is Bounties to colored soldiers. Except 273, Buildings of Howard University, indexed 1427 do but never printed. 288 is Georgia affairs (Terry). 314 is Mail contracts. 315 is belated Special rp. on pub- 1428 do lic schools in District of Columbia, with general edu- cational matter. See note under serial no. 1318. Agriculture rp., 1809. 1429 do Commerce and navigation, 1809. 1430 do do Diseases of cattle in I'nited States, 1809. 1431 II. misc. docs. . do 1-25 Except 13-15, in serial no. 1432; contains also Van "Wyck V. Greene (unnumbered), bound between nos. 10 and 11, and Covode v. Foster (unnumbered), bound be- tween nos. 24 and 25. 7 is Taylor v. Reading. Contested elections from Kcntuclcv, Missouri, Indiana. 1432 13-15.. 1433 1434 .... do do do H. reports do 20-151,153 152 Except 100. not printed. Contains two docs. no. 116. 44, 46, 53, 68, 143, 144 are election cases. Contested elections, 1865-71 (Bartlett). 1435 154 Louisiana contested elections. 1436 1-32 28 is Navigation interests; 31 is Gold panic. 1437 33-72 65 is Paraguayan investigation. 1438 do 73-122 121 is Charges against 0. O. Howard. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 801 41st CONGRESS, Sd SESSION Dec. 5, 1870— Mar. 3, 1871 > P4 Series Document no. Notes 1439 S. journal 1440 1 2 S. ex. docs do 1-53 Except 36, in serial no. 1441. Treaties and conventions, July 4, 1776-May, 1871. Congressional Printer's rp., 1870; etc. 380 is Cost of collecting 'revenue. 1441 36 1442 S. misc. docs.. S. reports H. journal 1-90 1443 200-380 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 1 2 H. ex. docs do do do l,pt.l 1, pt. 2 l,pt.2 l,Pt.3 l,Pt.4 l,pt.4 2,3 Message and Foreign relations, 1870. War, 1870, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Engineers. Navy and Post-OIIice, 1870. 1449 1 2 .do Interior, 1870, v. 1. 1450 . Same, v. 2: Education. 1451 do do Treasury ( Finances) 1870; Comptroller of Currency, 1870. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1870; Estimates for 1452 4-18 1453 do 19-60 1872; etc. 18 is Commercial relations, 1869. 59 is Treasurer's accounts, 1808. 1454 do 61-88,90-94.... 89 93 is Commercial relations, 1870. 1455 1 2 3 do do 3o Patent Office, 1870, v. 1. 1456 89 Same, v. 2, not issued in Congressional set. 1457 89 Same, v. 3, not issued in Congressional set. 1458 95-110 96 is Commerce and navigation, 1870. 1459 . . . . do , do . 112 Coast Survey, 1870. 1460 1461 111-153 Unnnnibered . 1-65 Except 112, in serial no. 1469. 153 is Smithsonian Insti- tution, 1869. Agriculture, 1870. 1462 .... H. misc. docs. . do 1463 66-107 103 is Beard v. Corker; 104 is Stamped envelopes. 1464 H. reports 1-53 39 is Indian aflairs; 48 is Ventilation of Capitol. 4:2d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 4— Apr. 20, 1871 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 S. journal... S. ex. docs.. S. misc. docs. S. reports... H.joumaL H. ex. docs. .do. H. misc. docs. [H. misc. docs.] 1-12. 1-53. 1-3.. 1-10. . 11-20. 1-43 Unnumbered Contains also proceedings of special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871, p. 159. 9 is Report on Santo Domingo Island. Contains also S. ex. docs. 1 and 2, special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-3, special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871. Committee rp. on outrages in Southern States, with North Carolina testimony; etc. Contains also S. rps. 4 and 5, special session Senate, May 10-27, 1871. 1 is Information for immigrants; 10 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1870. 19 is Hayden's Geological survey of Nebraska; 20 is Smithsonian Institution, 1870. 2, 3, 35^ and 36 are Contested elections. 9th census of United States, 1870, v. 1: Population and social statistics. 49183°— 18 51 802 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UlSTITED STATES SENATE. 4:26. CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued •3 . •r" o o > ■4^ Pi ScriGs Dooiiment no. Notes fca CO 1474 [H. misc. docs/ do Unnumbered . do Same, v. 2: Vital statistics. 1475 Same, v. 3: Industry and wealth. 1476 do do Same, Compendium. H. report 1 See serial no. 1528. 42d CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE May 10—27, 1871 S. journal S. ex. docs. . .. S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1,2. 1-3. 4,5. See serial no. 1465, p. 159. (See serial no. 1466. See serial no. 1467. See serial no. 1468. 42(1 CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1871— June 10, 1872 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 14S4 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1606 [1] 2 2 3 3 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs. S. reports ....*) do do H. journal. 1-5,7-35. 30-87 6 1-61 62-167. 6-232.. H. ex. docs.. .do. .do. .do. .do. 41, pt. 1.. 41, pt. 2.. 41, pt. 3.. 41, pt. 4.. 41, pt. 5.. 41, pt. 6.. 41, pt. 7.. 41, pt. 8.. 41, pt. 9. 41, pt. 10. 41, pt. 11. 41,pt. 12. 41,pt. 13. 183 227 227^ 227 .l,pt.l. l,pt.2. l,pt.2. l,pt.5. 1, pt. 5. 31 is Case of V. S. in Geneva arbitration. 39 is International Penitentiary Congress. Tehuantepec Ship Canal (Shufeldt). Fish Commission rp., 1871-72, is 61, though it bears no number except as signatures. 149 is Smithsonian Institution, 1871. Except 41, in serial nos. 1484-1496; 183, in serial no. 1497, and 227 , in serial nos. 1498-1500. Affairs in insurrectionary States: rp. & minority views. Same: North Carolina. Same: South Carolina, v. 1. Same: South Carolina, v. 2. Same: South Carolina, v. 3. Same: Georgia, v. 1. Same: Georgia, v. 2. Same: Alabama, v. 1. Same: Alabama, v. 2. Same: Alabama, v. 3. Same: Mississippi, v. 1. Sam°: Mississippi, v. 2. Same: Florida, and miscellaneous. Sales of ordnance stores. New York custom-house investigation, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Message and rps. of War, Navy, Post-Olfice, Interior, and Agriculture, without accompanying docs., 1871. , , Foreign relations, 1871. War, 1871, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Engineers. Interior rp., 1871, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. ■Mi CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. gQS 42d CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION— Continued C9 . "C 2 o > 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 152C 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 18 1 Series n. ex. docs. do do do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .do .do -do. do do do H. misc. docs. .do. -do. .do. H. reports. Document no. Notes l,pt.3. .l,pt.4. 3,4 5-20. . . . 21-84. . . 85-106. 107-109. 110-212. 121 213-277. 278-281. 283,290. ' ■.''■ f < [294,322 282.... 282 282 284-323,325,326 324.. [327]. 220.. 1-33. 34-110. . 111-200. 201-230. 1-21,23-71. 22,pt. 1... 22, pt. 2... 22,pt. 3... 22, pt. 4... 22,pt.5... 22,pt.6... 22,pt.7... 22, pt. 8... 22, pt.9... 22, pt. 10.. 22, pt. 11.. 22, pt. 12.. 22, pt. 13.. 72-83 84-99 Treasury (Finances) 1871. Navy, 1871. Post-Office, 1871. Compt. of Currency, 1871; Internal Revenue Comr., 1871. Estimates for 1S73; 15 is Trea.surer's accts., 18C9. 29 is Receipts and expenses, 1867; 36 is same for 1808, 37 for 1869. 86 is Patent rp. and lists, 1871; 106 is Treasurer's accts., 1870. 108 is Commerce and navigation, 1871; 109 is Customs- tariff legislation. Except 121, in serial no. 1514. 211 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1871. Coast Survey, 1871. Except 220. in serial no. 1523. Survey cf Chijjpewa River, Wis., etc. Condition of Treasurer's office; Navigation and customs laws. Treaty of Washington, correspondence; Mail contracts. Geneva arbitration, British case and evidence, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Except 290, 294. 322, all in serial no. 1516. 317 is Exami- nation of consulates; 325 and 326 are Hayden's Geo- logical survey of AVyoming and Montana. Geneva arbitration, British counter case. Agriculture, 1S71. Commercial relations, 1871. 15 and 22 are contested elections; 32 is Cod and whale fisheries, by Thos. Jefferson, 1791, and Lorenzo Sabine, 1852. 34, 37, 47, 48, 66, 75 are contested elections. 163 and 182 are contested Texas elections. 201 is Charges against Navy Dept.; 211 is Political trou- bles in Louisiana. Contains also II . rp. 1, 42d Cong. 1st sess. 46 is Ordnance stores. Affairs in insurrectionary States: rp. &. minority views. Same: North Carolina. Same: South Carolina, v. 1. Same: South Carolina, v. 2. Same: South Carolina, v. 3. Same: Georgia, v. 1. Same: Gcorgif., v. 2. Same: Alabama, v. 1. Same: Alabama, v. 2. Same: Alabama, r. 3. Same: Mississippi, v. 1. Same: Mississippi, v. 2. Same: Florida, and miscellaneous. Affairs in District of Columbia; etc. 94 is Sutro tunnel; 06 is Frauds against Indian soldiers. 804 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 4.26. CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 2, 1872— Mar. 3, 1873 02 1544 1545 1546 1547 154S 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 ^1 Series S. journaL S. ex. docs S. misc. docs. S. reports. H. journal.. H. ex. docs. do Document no. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. do H. misc. docs. do 1-52 1-73,75-103. 74 233-456. 457 458-523. Notes l,pt. 1. l,pt. 1. l,pt. 1. l,pt. 1. l,pt. 1. l,pt. 1. l,pt.2.. l,pt.2.. 1, pt. 5.. 1, pt. 5.. 1, pt. 3.. l,pt.4.. l,pt. 6.. l,pt.7.. 2 3,4,6-19. 5,190:... 20-91 92-150 151-159,161-210. 160 211-239,241,242 240 1-25 26-99 .do. ....[ do. 100- 108,110-112. 109. 113. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 43d Cong., Mar. 4-26, 1873, p. 597. 9 is Yellow fever quarantine of southern coasts. Congressional Trinter's rp., 1872; etc. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-11, special session Senate , Mar. 4-26, 1873. Fish Commission report, 1872-73. 451 is Senator Caldwell's election, Kansas. 1871. Louisiana investigation. 512 is Charges against Senator Clayton; 519 is Credit Mobilier; 523 is Senator I'omeroy investigation. Con- tains also S. rp. 1, special session Senate, Mar. 4-26, 1873. Message and Foreign relations, 1872 [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2, Papers relating to Treaty of Washington, V. 1: Geneva arbitration, Case of U. S., British case, U. S. counter case, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 2: Counter case of Gt. Britain, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 3: U. S. and British arguments, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 4: Rp. of U. S. agent, protocols, award, etc. Same, pt. 2, v. 5: Berlin arbitration (Northwest boun- dary). War, 1872, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Engineers. Interior, 1872, V. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Navy, 1872. Post-Office, 1872. Board ol Public Works, District of Columbia. Philadelphia Centennial Commission rp., 1872. Treasury (Finances) 1872. Compt. of Currency, 1872; Internal Revenue Comr., 1872; etc. Estimates for 1874; Index of patents issued, 1872; also H. misc. doc. 44, Receipts and expenses, 1872. 20 is Treasurer's accts., 1871; 91 is Louisiana affairs. 100 is Receipts and expenses, 1870. Except 190, in serial no. 1564. 185 is Penitentiary Con- gress and National Prison Assoc, rp.; 210 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1872. Commercial relations, 1872. 242 is Commerce and navigation, 1872. Coast Survey, 1872. 25 is Statutes in force in District of Columbia (1872). Except 44, in serial no. 1564. 99 is Report of Centennial Exposition Commission, 1873; title-page, table of con- tents, and preface precede first page of the report, which bears the doc. number. 107 is Smithsonian Institution, 1872; 112 is Hayden'3 Geological survey of Mont., Idaho, Vv^yo., and Utah. Index to private claims, 32d-41st Cong. Dariea Ship Canal (Selfridge). CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 805 42d CONGRESS, 3cl SESSION— Continued •3 . ■c ° > Ph Series Document no. Notes 1576 1 2 3 .... H. reports do 1-97 Except 77, 78, 81, 82, and 95, all in serial no. 1577. 74 1577 77,78,81,82,95. as is Army-stafl organization; 85 is Army regulations. All relate to Credit Mobilier investigation. 1578 .do Indian frauds. 43(1 CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4—26, 1873 S. journal See serial no. 1544, p. 597. None presented. See serial no. 1546. S. e.\. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1-11 1 See serial no. 1550. 43d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 1, 1873— June 23, 1874 1579 1580 1581 1582 158:{ 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 159-2 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 2 1598 2 1599 2 1600 3 1601 4 1602 4 1603 5 S. journal S. ex. docs do do do S. misc. docs. do S. reports . .do.... .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do.... .do.... .do.... 1-42. 43-56. .do .do .do .do .do n. journal H. ex. docs 57.... 58.... 1-128. 129... 130 1-280 281-30C, 308- 1 452,454-478. 307, pt. 1 307, pt. 2 453, pt. 1 453, pt. 2 453, pt. 3 l,pt.l. 1, pt. 1. l,pt. 1. l,pt.2. l,pt.2. l,pt. 2. l,pt.3. 1, pt. 4. 1, pt. 5. 1, pt. 5. 6. &.■:*: 23 is Condition of steerage-passengers; 30 is Centennial Commissioners' rp., with Vienna Exhibition. 52 is Claim on Brazil for brig Caroline; 53 is Civil Service Comn., Apr. 15, 1874; 54 is European light-houses. Nicaragua ship canal (Hatfield). Index to patents issued, 1873. Congressional Printer's rp. , 1873; etc. 129, Fish Commission report, 1873-74, was consolidated with S. misc. doc. 108, 43d Cong. 2d sess., serial no. 1631, and not printed in this volume. Smithsonian Institution, 1873. 242 is Postal telegraph. ► 474 is Charges against Congressional Printer. Transportation routes to seaboard, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Allairs in District of Columbia, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Message and Foreign relations, 1873, v. 1. Same, V. 2: Papers on expatriation, naturalization, etc. Same, v. 3: Washington arbitration, American-British Claims Commission reiwrt. War, 1873, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Navy, 1873. Post-Offlce, 1873. Interior, 1873, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Board of Public Works. District of Columbia, 1873. Treasury (Finances) 1873. • 806 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 43d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued la > Series Document no. Notes 1G04 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 .... H. ex. does . . . do 3,4 Compt. of Currency, 1873; Internal Revenue Comr., 1873. 1605 5,36,124,187... 6-35,37-57 58-122 Estimates for 1875; Revenue suits and fines. 1606 . 6 is Justice (Attorney-General) 1873; 30 is steamer Vir- 1607 ginius; 57 is Receipts and expenses, 1871. 122 is Modoc War. 1608 1609 .... do do. 123-132, 134-141 133 Except 124, in serial no. 1605. 132 is Sanborn contracts; 141 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1873. Coast Survey, 1873. 1610 do 112-210 143 Except 143, in serial no. 1611; 183, in serial no. 1612, and 1611 .... do 187, in serial no. 1605. Commercial relations, 1873. 1612 do 183 Commerce and navigation, 1873. 1613 .do 211-219 220-255 256-290 Customs duties and internal taxes refunded, 1873; etc. 1614 .do 255 is Hurtt court-martial. 1615 .do..- 285 is Reconnaissance of northwestern Wyoming (Jones). 1616 .do Erroneously assigned to Agriculture report, 1873, which 1617 H.misc. docs. . .do 1-52 was never issued as a Congressional document. 20 is Sloan vs. Rawls, Georgia election case. 1618 53-125 53 and 125 are .\rkansas election cases. 1619 do 120-173, 175-264 174 250 is Postal railway-car service; 264 is Moieties to in- 1620 do . .do formers in revenue frauds. Contested Arkansas election, Gunter vs. Wilshire. 1621 205-299,301.... [300] Preliminary rp. on Colorado River of the West; etc. 1622 . .do Exploration of Colorado River of the West (Powell), 1623 H. reports do 1-262 1869-72. Schedule of volumes on doc. title-page, serial nos. 1617-1621, says "indexed as in v. 5," but it only appears as a separate quarto without doc. no. 259 is Forest preservation. 1624 263-434 435-611 612-770 771-843 384 is Reduction of military establishment. 1625 do Sanborn contracts, testimony of 322 pages, is inserted J626 do between 559 [pt. 1] and 559, pt. 2, on same subject; 485 is Washington National Monument. Except 613, not printed. 626 is Western Arkansas. 1627 do 778 is Indian affairs inquiry; 785 is Safe-burglary in at- torney's office. 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 4:3d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 7, 1874— Mar. 3, 1875 .% . . S. journal. S. ex. docs. S. misc. docs. S. reports. 1633 H. journal. 1-32. 1-107,109-122. 108 479-693. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 44th Cong., Mar. 5-24, 1875, p. 453. 19 is Transportation routes; 25 is Aflairs in Arkansas; 28 is National cemeteries. Contains also S. ex. docs. 1 and 2, 44th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 5-24, 1875. Contains also S. misc. docs. 1-6, 44th Cong, special ses- sion Senate, Mar. 5-24, 1875. Fish Commission report, 1873-74 and 1874-75. Except 540 and 691, not printed; the latter is indexed as report on S. 1102, to promote efBciency of Light- House Service. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, §07 4:3d CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION— Continued 02 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 I 13 1647 14 1648 15 1649 16 1650 17 1651 18 1652 19 1653 1 1654 2 1655 3 1656 1 1657 2 1658 3 1659 4 1660 5 1661 6 1662 7 Series H. ex. docs. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do U. misc. docs do do H. reports. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. Notes Message and Foreign relations, 1874. War, 1874, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. 'iidvy, 1874. Post-Office, 1874. Justice (Attorney-General) 1874. Interior, 1S74, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1st rp., 1871. Treasury (Finances) 1871. Compt. of Currency, 1874; Internal Revenue Comr., 1871. Estimates for 1870; Indian expenses, 1S74; Patents, 1874. 10 is Treasurer's accts., 1873; l.^- is Post-Office accts. Modoc War claims, etc.; 74-78 are River improvements. 95 is Cholera epidemic of 1873, and history of cholera. Coast Survey, 1874. Except 150, in serial no. 1643. Commercial relations, 1S74. Commerce and navigation, 1871. 177 is Mining west of Rockies (Ra3rmond), 1874; 179 is Receipts and expenses, 1872. Agriculture report, 1874. 21 is Louisiana election, LawTence vs. Sypher. 50 is Smithsonian Institution, 1S74; 92 is Index of bills relating to banks, currency, tariff, etc., lst-42d Congs. 90 is I:nprovements in District of Columbia, 1871-74. 2 is Poland's rp. on Affairs in Arkansas. Condition of the South (Louisiana affairs); etc. Alien claims, mode of adjusting. 150 is Printing of V. S. notes; 265 is Vicksburg troubles. Condition of the South. Affairs in Alabama. 2GS is Pacific mail steamship subsidy. 44.tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 6—24, 1875 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1, 2. 1-6. Sec serial no. 1628, p. 453. See serial no. 1029. Document headings read only "si)e- cial session." See serial no. 1630. Document headings read only "spe- cial session." None submitted. 44tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 6, 1875— Aug. 15, 1876 1663 1664 1665 1666 S. journal S. ex. docs... S. misc. docs. do 1-94 1-106,108-131. 107 94 is Davidson's Irrigation in India, Europe, etc. 115 is Smithsonian Institution, 1875. Fish Commission report, 1875-76. 808 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 44th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued "C 2 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 Series S. reports do do do H. journal H. ex. docs... do do do do do do^ .do. do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do... .do... .do... .do... do do [H. ex. docs.]. Document no 1-328 , 329;526,528-534. 527 527 , do do do H. misc. docs. . do .do.... .do.... .do.... do do do do H. reports do l,pt.l.... l,pt.l.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... l,pt.2.... 1, pt. 3.... l,pt.4.... 1, pt. 5.... 1, pt. 5.... (1, pts. 6-9. 17-13 2 3,4 5, 6, 107... 14-21. 22-80,82,83... 81 84-123,126-158. 124 159-195 166.. 191.. [196]. [196].. [190].. [196].. 1-49. . 50-82. 61,65 83-103 104-169, 171-174 170, pts. 1-3 170,pt.5 170, pts. 4, 6-9.. 175-186 187-194 1-342 343-440 Notes 331 is Geo. E. Sj)encer election inquiry. Mississippi elections in 1875, v. 1. Sam^e, v. 2. Message and Foreign relations, v. 1, 1875. Same, v. 2. War, 187^, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1875. Post-Office, 1875. Interior, 1875, v. 1. Same, y. 2: Education. Pts. 7 and 8 are Commissioners of I>. C, 187Sb I'ost-Office accts., 1875; etc. Treasury ( Finances) 1875. Compt. of Currency, 1875; Internal Revenue Comr. , 1875 Estimates for 1877; Indian expenses, 1875; Patents, 1875. 14 is Justice (Attorney-General) 1875; 21 is Labor in Europe and America. S3, Seal-lisheries in Alaska, includes Elliott's report, bound after p. 201. Coast Survey, 1875. Except 107, in serial no. 1685. Commerce and navigation, 1875. Except 16<), in serial no. 1692, and 191, in serial no. 1093. 159 is Mining west of Rockies (Raymond), 1875. Commercial relations, 1875. Mail contracts. Vienna International Exhibition, 1873, v. 1: Introduc- tion, executive commission, agriculture. Same, v. 2: Science, education. Same, v. 3: Engineering. Same, v. 4: Architecture, metallurgy, general index. 47-49 are Contested election cases. Except 61 and 65, both in serial no. 1700. 54, 55, 57, 58, 64, and 82 are Contested elections. Contested elections from Illinois and Virginia. 103, 3 pts., is Investigation of Board of Audit, D. C. .147 is Nat. Home for D. V. Soldiers, 1875; 167 is Indian affairs, investigation; 174 is Hallet Kilboum case. Report on naval affairs, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. 180 is Whisky fraud investigation. Post-Offlce Dept. expenditures, testimony; etc. \ Except 353 and 394, not printed; no. 389, pt. 2 only appears. 354 is Army reorganization and transfer of Indian Bureau; 440 is Pacific railroads. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 809 44tll CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ■3 . .1^ Series Document no. Notes 02 > PL( 1710 3 .... H. reports 441-578, 580-622 495 is Govt. Printing Office investigation; 502 is Freed- inan's Savings and Trust Co. investigation. 1711 4 do 679 1712 do /.. 623-784 623 is Investigation of Alaska affairs; 761, of New York ~ P. 0. building; 784, of Navy Dept. 1713 6 do 785-793 787 is Venezuelan Mixed Commission; 793 is Govt. Hos- pital for Insane, investigation. 1714 7 do 794-814 Except 799 and 800, in serial no. 1715. 814 is PostrOffice Dept. investigation. 1715 8 do ■ 799,800 AVar Dept. management; Justice Dept. expenses. 1716 9 do 815-842 816 is Conduct of Federal ofTicers in Louisiana ditli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1876— Mar. 3, 1877 1717 1718 1719 S. joumaL S. ex- docs. .... I 1-20 !f21 do i| 22-30, 32-36. 39-46. Contain^ also proceedings special session Senate, 45th Cong., Mar. 5-17, 1877, p. 433. 2 is Investigation of electoral vote in Louisiana. Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. 27 is European ships of war (King). 46 is Digest of opinions of Attys.-Gien., rev. ed. (Cad- walader). Contains also S. ex. doc. 1, 45th Cong. special session Senate, Mar. 5-17, 1877. Mexican claims, list; State Dept. expenses, 1789-1876. Coast Survey, 1876. 20 is Railway mail transportation. Electoral vote of Louisiana in 1876. Electoral vote in South; Smithsonian Institution, 1876. Mississippi elections, 1875 and 1876. Fish Commission report, not printed here; issued in 45th Cong. 2d sess., serial no. 1787. South Carolina elections, 1875 and 1876, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Charters and constitutions, 2d ed. (Poore), pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Except 611, in serial no. 1733; 689, in serial no. 1734. 704 is Alabama elections, 1874-76. Florida election in 1876. Chinese immigration investigation. Louisiana elections, 1876, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. U. S. Monetary Commission, 1876, report, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Message and Foreign relations, 1876. War, 1876, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. 810 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 44th. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued C3 . Series Document no. Notes 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 H. ex. does . do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs. do do do do H. reports l,pts. 3and4. l,pt.5 l,pt.5 [1, pts. 6-8 17-20 2 3,4 5,6,36 (21-35,37-39., [41,42,44 40, pt. 1 40, pt. 2 43 45 46 [pt. 1] . . . . 46, pt. 2 f 1-12, 14-33. . . 130-45 13 31, pts. 1-3.. 34, pts. 1,2.. 34, pts. 3,4.. 34, pts. 5,6.. 35, pts. 1-3.. 1-156 157-219 Post-Office, 1876; Navy, 187G. Interior, 1876, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1876; etc. 7, 9, 11, 13 are Department expenses; 20 is Justice (At- torney-General) 1876. Treasury (Finances) 1876. Compt. of Currency, 1876; Interna! Revenue Comr. , 1876, Estimates for 1878; Indian expenses, 1876; Patents, 1876. 30 is Use of Army in Southern States in 1876. 44 is Agency of Steinberger in Samoan Islands. 1 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, not issued in this 1 form, see serial nos. 2119-2120. Mail contracts, 1876. Commercial relations, 1876. Commerce and navigation, 1870 [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2: 1st report on internal commerce. Except 31, in serial no. 1764. 42 is Testimony before Electoral vote committee. Counting electoral votes, 1787-1876. South Carolina election, 1876. Louisiana election, 1876, pts. 1 and 2. Same, pts. 3 and 4. Same, pts. 5 and 6. Florida elections, 1876. 156, 2 pts., is Louisiana election. 175, 2 pts., is South Carolina election; 185 is Monetary Commission, 1876, same report as found on first 208 p. in serial no. 1738; 218 is Election in northern cities. 45tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 6—17, 1877 S. journal , S. ex. docs S.mise. docs... S. reports 1 1 See serial no. 1717, p. 433. See serial no. 1719. See serial no. 1785. None presented. 45tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Oct. 15— Dec. 3, 1877 1771 1772 1773 1774 S. journal S. ex. docs do •. .. S. misc. docs.. S. reports H. journal H. ex. docs... H. misc. docs. See serial no. 1780. See serial no. 1782. See serial no. 1785. See serial no. 1789. Except 5, in serial no. 1805. 13 is Mexican border troubles. Except 16, in serial no. 1778. 2, 4, 5, 9 are Elections. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 45tll CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 811 1775 1776 1777 1778 Series H. misc. docs do do do H. reports.^ - - Document no. 6,7. S.ll 10.. 16.. 1-4. Notes Contested elections, Dean vs. Field and Richardson vs. Rainey. Same, Haralson vs. Shelley and Tillman vs. Smalls. Same, Finley vs. Bisbee, jr. Same, Nutting vs. Keilly. Ste serial no. 1822. 45tli CONGRESS, 2(1 SESSION Dec. 3, 1877— June 20, 1878 1779 S. journal 1780 1 S. ex. docs 1-35 Except 12, in serial no. 1783. 24 is Franco-German war and the Commune, 1870-71. Contains also S. ex. docs. 1, 2, 5-9, 45th Cong. 1st sess. 1781 ? do 36-100 Except 69, in serial no. 1784, and 84, in serial no. 1782. 1782 S .do 84 D. C. expenditures, 1790-1870. Contains also 45th Cong. 1st sess., S. ex. docs. 3 (Navy Dept. expenditures, 1789- 1876) and 4 ( Anny and navy pensions, 1789-1876). 1783 4 12 Coast Survey, 1877. Bridging Mississippi River. 35 is Smithsonian Inst., 1877. Contains also S. misc. 1784 5 do 69 1785 ♦ 1 S.misc. docs... 1-35 doc. 1, 45th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 5-17, 1877; also S. misc. docs. 1-15, 45th Cong. 1st sess. 1786 7: do 36-48,51-89.... 85 is McGarrahan claim, Panoche Grande, Cal. 1787 ? do 49. . Fish Commission report, 1877. Arguments to amend patent laws. Contains also S. reports 1-25, 45th Cong. 1st sess. Pt. 2 of rp. 25 is incorrectly headed "2d session." 209 is 1788 4 .do 50 1789 1 S. rexwrts 26-209 Freedmen's Hospital investigation. 1790 2 8 do 210-512 513-546 1791 do 540 is Investigation of Grover election, Oregon. 1792 H. journal. . . 1793 1 H. ex. docs l.Pt-l Message and Foreign relations, 1877. 1794 2 do l,Pt-2 l,pt.2 War, 1877, v. 1. 1795 do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. 1796 ■4 do l,pt.2 Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. 1797 5 6 7 8 9 10 .do l,pt.2 l,pt.2 1, pts. 3 and 4. l,pt.5 l,Pt-5 |1, pts. 6-8 17-33 Same, v. 3: Ordnance. 1798 .. .do Same, v. 4: Signal Office. 1799 do Navv, 1877; Post-OfBce, 1877. 1800 do Interior, 1877, v. 1. 1801 do Same, v. 2: Education. 1802 . .do Commissioners of D. C, 1877; Washington Monnment. Justice (Attorney-General) 1877; etc. 1803 11 do 2 Treasury (Finances) 1877. 1804 12 do 8,4 Compt.ofCurrencv,lS77; Internal Revenue Comr., 1877. 1805 13 do 5,6,61,73 Estimates for 1879; Indian expenses, 1877; Patents, 1877; Arid region (Powell). Contains also 45th Cong. 1st sess., H. ex. doc. 5 (Deficiency estimates). 1806 14 do f34-50, 52-60, I 62-72. 1 Except 35 and 39, in serial no. 1807. 49 and 52 relate to J Mississippi River improvement. 1807 15 .do 35,39 Receipts and expenses, 1873 and 1874. The 1875 report is in serial no. 2028. 812 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 45tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued m 1808 16 1809 17 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 Series H. ex. docs . do H. misc. docs. .do. .do. Document no. 51 74-88,91-101. Notes .do. .do. .do. H. reports. .do. .do. 89 89 90 102 1-30,3^-35. 31, 2pts... 36-50 51,53-56... 52 57-62,64-66 63 1-245 246-588. . . . 589-701.... 702-833.... 834-1018. . . Mail contracts, 1877. 98, Tests of metals, 1875-78, includes Report of U. S. board, and Report of committees, each with full title- page. A 2d ed. of doc. 98 was issued later without doc. no. as V. 1 of the report (Y3. Ir6: R29'i2), v. 2 of which appeared both with and without doc. no. See, for Congressional ed. of v. 2, serial no. 1921. Halifax Commission (Fisheries) 1877, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Commerce and navigation, 1877. Commercial relations, 1877. 11 and 30 are Venezuelan Mixed Commission testimo- nies. Investigation of State Dept. expenses. Charges against John W. Polk, doorkeeper of House; etc. 51 is Frost vs. Metcalfe; 56 is Reorganization of Army. Contested elections in House, 1871-76. Resumption of specie payments; Te.xas border troubles; etc. Navy Dept. investigation. Contains also H. rps. 1-4, 45th Cong. 1st sess. 701 is Relations with Mexico, 1825-77, with Texas fron- tier troubles appended after p. 460. 787 is Investigation of Navy Dept. expenses. Except 899, not printed, and 1018, in serial no. 1866. 951 is McGarrahan claim, Panochs Grande, Cal. 45tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 2, 1878— Mar. 3, 1879 1827 S. journal 1828 1 . . . . S. ex. docs 1-12,14-48 Except 27, in serial no. 1830. 25 is Sheep-husbandry. 1829 2 do 13,75.. Coast Survey, 1878; Panama and Napipi ship canal route. Contains also S. misc. doc. 16, D. C. estimates, and Contributions to science of hydraulic engineering, by Edw. Fontaine, 1879, unnumbered. 1830 3 4 do 27 Hall's 2d Arctic expedition. 59 is Alaska resources, etc.; 74 is Centennial rp. International Monetary Conference at Paris, 1878. , Except 16, In serial no. 1829; 53 and 59, in serial no. 1831 do 49-57,59-74 1832 5 do 58. . 1833 1 .... S. misc. docs... 1-30,32-80 1835. 13, 17, 25, and others relate to sewerage in D. C. 18C4 2 3 do 31. . Fish Comnilssion report, 1878. Transfer of Indian Bureau; Smithsonian Institution, 1835 do 53,59... . 1878. 1836' 4 .... do Sl[pt.l] Reports of Committees on Private Land Claims, 2d sess. 19tli Cong.-lst sess. 44th Cong., pt. 1: Senate. 18362 4 do 81,pts.2,3 547-693 Same, pts. 2 and 3: House. 555 is Reorganization of Army. 1837 1 .... S. reports...... 1838 2 do 694-869 Except 744, in serial no 1839 and 855, in serial no. 1840. 805 is Competing telegraph lines. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 45th CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued 813 03 . HI a 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 o > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 1 Series S. reports... do II. journal.. II. ex. docs. do do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do do do H. misc. docs. do do do do H. reports .do. Document no. 744 855, 2 pts. l,pt.l l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,pt.2 1, pts. 3 and 4. l,pt.5 l,pt.5 [1, pts. 6,7 [7-31 2 3,4 5,6,48 32, pts. 1,2... 32,pt.3 33-87,89-107. 108.. 1-21. 22,23 24-30,32-34... 31[pt. 1] 31, pts. 2-5 1-118,120-168. 119, 169-291 . Notes Affairs in Indian Territory. Elections of 1878, v. 1, Louisiana; v. 2, SouBh Carolina. Message and Foreign relations, 1878. War, 1878, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1878; Post-Office, 1878. Interior, 1878, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Education. Commissioners of District of Coltraibia, 1878; etc. Justice (Attorney-General) 1878; etc. Treasury (Finances) 1878. Compt. of Currency, 1878; Internal Revenue Corar., 1878. Estimates for ISSO; Indian expenses, 1878; Patents, 1878. Contains also H. rp. 52, Indexing journals of Congress. Commerce and navigation, 1878, pts. 1 and 2. Same [pt. 3]: Internal commerce. Except 48, in serial no. 1855. Mail contracts. Commercial relations, 1878. 8 is Monetary system of the ■world (Meyer); 16, Post- Office; 21, Naval affairs. Investigations of Judge Blodgett and John I. Davenport. 29 is Depression in labor and business. Presidential election investigation, 1876, v. 1. Same, v. 2-5: Florida; Louisiana; Cipher telegrams. Except 52, in serial no. 1855, and 127, not printed. Con- tains also H. rp. 1018, 45th Cong. 2d sess. 53 is Metric system; 140 is Presidential election report. Investigation of public printing and binding; etc. 46tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 18— July 1, 1879 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 S. journal. . S. ex. docs. do do do.. S. misc. docs.. S. reports H. journal H. ex. docs . . . H. misc. docs. 1-30,32-36,38. 31. 37, pts. 1, 2. 37,pt.3.... 1-50 1-9 1-11 1-13, 15-26. 24 is Liability of States for direct tax,with statutes, 1798- 1868. Observations of transit of Venus in 1874. Beport of case of Fitz Jolin Porter, v. 1. Same, v. 2, with maps. 46 is Imports, duties, 1867-78. See serial no. 1893. 3 is Statistical abstract, 1st, 1878; 5 is Consular reports on State of labor in Europe, 1878. Except 21, not printed, and 23, in serial no. 1880. 8, 9, 15, 24-26 are Contested elections. 814 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 46tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 03 . 03 1877 1878 1879 1880 Series IT. misc. docs. do do do H. reports Document no. 14,pts.[l],2.. 14, pt. 3 H,pt.4 23 1-36 Notes Pennsylvania election, Curtin vs. Yocum, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. New Yorlc election, Dufly vs. Mason. See serial no. 1934. 46tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1879— June 16, 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 18891 18892 18893 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 [1] [2] 3 4 S. journal S. ex. docs do do .do .do .do do do S. misc. docs. do do S. reports .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do H. journal... H. ex. docs.. 1-16, lS-50. 17 51-99 100-180. ....... 181-207,210-216. 208 209 [pt. 1] . 209, pt. 2.. 209, pt. 3 209, pt. 4.... 1-53 54-58,60-104. 59 10-340 277 303,2 pts 341-387,389-487. 388 488-571 572-670. 671-725. 693, pts. 2, 3. l,pt.l l,pt.2 l,pt. 2 l,Pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,Pt.2 1, pts. 3 and 4. 29 and 31 are Ute Indian affairs. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1879. 51 is Foreign systems of naval education; 74 is Claims against U. S. 112 is Interoceanic canal. 181 is Patents for public lands; 188 is Harbor of refuge, Pacific Coast. Report on State of technical education, not printed here; it is found as 47th Cong. 2d sess., S. ex. doc. 25, serial no. 2075. Art and industry, pt. 1: Drawing in public schools. Same, pt. 2: Industrial and manual training. Incor- rectly stamped on bacli as v. 8, instead of v. 7, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3: Industrial training in private institutions. Same,pt. 4: Industrial trainirig in technical schools, etc. 12 is Civil code of law for District of Columbia. Smitlisonian Institution, 1879; etc. Fish Commission report, 1879. Except 125, not printed; 277 and 303, in serial no. 1894. Contains also S. rps. 1-9, 46th Cong. 1st sess. Election of Senator John J. IngaUs. Civil service and retrenchment in Rhode Island. 440 is Investigation of Freedman's Savings and Trust Co. Louisiana election, Spofford vs. Kellogg. 497 is Alleged election frauds; 539 is Treasury investiga- tion. 572 is Alleged election frauds; 670 is Removal of Ponca Indians. Except 724, not printed. 693 is Negro exodus from Southern to Northern States, pt. 1; see, for pts. 2 and 3, serial no. 1900. 708 is Removal of Northern Chey- enne Indians. Negro exodus, pts. 2 and 3. Message and Foreign relations, 1879. War, 1879, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1879; Post-Office, 1879, CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 46tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 815 CO Series Document no. Notes . 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 192S 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 9 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 G 1 2 3 4 5 1 ' 2 H. ex. docs. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do....... H. misc. docs. do .do. .do. do do H. reports. do do do do .do. 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 Jl,pts. 0-8... 18,11,12, 1-1-22 2 3,4 5,6,33 7 9 10 13, 2 pts 23 24-45 46,48-51 47 52-89 90, pt. 1 90, pt. 2 1-18 19-30 31 , 3 pts 32-39,41-47.. 40, pt. 1 40, pt. 2 1-197 198-572 573-981 982-1520 1521-1793.... 1776. Interior, 1879, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3: Education. Comrs. of D. C, 1879; Civil sendee in Gt. Brit, and U. S. Justice (Attorney-General) 1879; etc. Treasury (Finances) 1879. Compt. of Currency, 1879; Internal Revenue Comr.. 1879. Estimates for 1881; Indian expenses, 1S79; Patents, 1879. Commerce and navigation, 1879. Resumption of specie payments, 1879. National Board of Health report, 1879. Treasurer's accounts, 1879. Tests of metals, v. 2, 1878-79. See, for v. 1, serial no. 1809, and note thereunder. Except 33, in serial no. 1916. 37 is Forestry (Hough), V. 2; V. 3 is in serial no. 2W6; v. 1 and 4 are not in Congressional set. Public Lands Comn., 1879; 51 is Statistical abstract, 1879. Mail contracts. Except 66, indexed as Survey of Chattahoochee River, not printed. 62 is Enforcement of revenues. Commercial relations, 1879, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 5 is Depression in business, and Chinese immigration. 23 is Ohio elections; 26 is Ocean National Bank, New York. Postal star service inquiry. 38 is Ute Indian outbreak; 39 is District of Columbia investigation; 41 is Voelter's paper pulp patent. Contested election, Mackey vs. O'Connor, pt. 1 Same, pt. 2. 14 is Metric system. Contains also H. rps. 1-36, 46tb Cong. 1st sess. Except pt. 1 of 428, missing in P. D. L. copy. Except 758 and 759, not printed. Except 1736, not printed; 1776, in serial no. 1939. 1790, indexed as Anonymous letter investigation in con- tested-election case of Donnelly vs. Washburn, not printed here, see 46th Cong. 3d sess., H. rp. 395, in serial no. 19S3. General index of journals, Ist-lOth Congresses. 46tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 6, 1880— Mar. 3, 1881 S. journal. S. ex. docs. .do. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 47th Cong., Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, p. 403. 9 is Trichina? and trichinosis; 27 is Agriculture, 1880 (preliminary). Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1880. 1-11, 13-30. 12. 816 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 46tli CONGRESS, 3d. SESSION— Continued 1" > Series Document no. Notes 1943 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 S. ex. docs S. misc. docs... do do 31-63 Many relate to river improvements; 62 is Criminals sent to U. S. Contains also 47th Cong, special session Sen- ate, Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, S. ex. docs. 1-.5. 3 is Capitu- lations of Ottoman Empire. rl is Senate expenses, 18S0; 31 is Smithsonian Institution, 1880. Contains also 47th Cong, special session Senate, [ Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, S. misc. docs. 1-23. List of private claims, Senate, 14th-46th Congs., v. 1. Same, v. 2. 1944 1945 1946 fl-13, 15-28, 30- 1 50. 14[pt. 1] 14, pt. 2 29 1947 .do Fish Commission report, 1880. Except 916, in serial no. 1949. Contains also 47th Cong. special session Senate, Mar. 4-May 20, 1881, S. rp. 1. Election frauds in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. 1948 1949 S. reports do H. journal 726-935 910 1950 1951 1952 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 n. ex. docs .! l,pt.l l,Pt.2 l,pt.2 l,Pt-2 l,Pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,pt.2 1, pts.3and 4. 1, pt. 5 l,pt.5 l,Pt.5 2 Message and Foreign relations, 1880. War, 1880, v. 1. 1953 do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. 1954 do Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. 1955 do Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. 1956 do Same, v. 3: Ordnance. 1957 do Same, v. 4: Signal Office. 195S do Navy, 1880; Post-OfBce, 1880. 1959 do Interior, 1880, v. 1. 1960 do.. Same, v. 2. 1961 do Same, v. 3: Education. 1962 1963 .... do do Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1880. Treasury (Finances) 1880. Compt. of Currency, 1880; Internal Revenue Comr., 1880. Estimates for 1882; Indian expenses, 1880; Patents, 1880. 1964 3,4 1965 do 5,6,G7 1966 do 7,2pts 8 Contains also 46th Cong. 3d sess., H. misc. doc. 5. Commerce and navigation, 1880 [2 pts.]. 1967 do National Board of Health, 1880. 1968 . do (9-11,14-41,43- 1 46,48-66. 12,13 1 Except 55, in serialno. 1977. Justice (Attorney-General) J 1880; etc. Many relate to river surveys. Treasurer's accts., 1880; 6th Auditor's accts. 1969 do 1970 1971 .... do do 42, pt. 1 42,pt.2 42,pt.8 42,pt.4 42,pt.5 47, pts. 1,4.... 47, pts. 2,3.... 55. Paris Universal Exposition, 1878, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Fine arts, education, carving, fabrics. 1972 1973 do do Same, v. 3: Iron and steel, ceramics, glass, forestry, etc. Same, v. 4: Chemistry, mining, engines, machines, etc. 1974 do Same, v. 5: Agricultiire, live stock, horticulture, pisci- 1975 1976 1977 do do -do. . culture. Laws relating to survey and disposition of public land. Same. Mail contracts. 1978 do 68-80,82-97,99. 68 is Fines for mail contracts, 1880; 84 is Statistical ab- .... do do H.misc. docs.. H. reports do 1979 81 stract, 1880; 99 is Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1880. Decisions of 1st Comptroller, v. 1, 1880, 2d edition. 1980 98 Commercial relations, 1880 and 1881. 1981 1-19 Except 5, in serial no. 1965. 1982 1 2 .... 1-343 1983 344-400 387 is Pensions, bounty, and back pay; 395 is Anony- mous letter to W. M. Springer, in Donnelly vs. Wash- bum election case, facsimiles and testimony. See 47th Cong. 1st sess. 1984 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 47th CONGRESS, SPECIAL, SESSION SENATE Mar. 4r-May 20, 1881 817 P4 Series Document no. Notes S. journal See serial no. 1940, p. Sec serial no. 1943. See serial no. 1944. See serial no. 1948. 403. .... S. ex. docs S. misc. docs.. S. reports 1-5 1-23 1 47tli CONGRESS, SPECLIL SESSION SENATE Oct. 10—29, 1881 1985 S. journal S. ex. docs... S. misc. docs. S. reports 1-6. 1-9. See 47tli Cong. 1st sess., serial no. 1984, p. 3. International Sanitary Conference of 1881; etc. See serial no. 1993. None issued. 47tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 5, 1881— Aug. 8, 1882 1984 S. journal Contains also proceedings of special session Senate, Oct. 1985 10-29, 1881, p. 3. See special session Senate, Oct. 10-29, 1881. 1986 1987 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 1 .... S. ex. docs do 1-36 37-48,50-70.... 49 4 is Justice (Attorney-General) 1881; 10 is Mississippi River Commission. 70 is Texas Boundary Commission. 1988 do Coast and Geodetic Survey, 18S1. 1989 do 71-88 71 is AfEairs in Alaska (Beardslee); 79 is Chili-Peni- 1990 do 89-158 159-195 196 Bolivia war. Many relate to engineering sMveys and plans. 1991 do 178 is Heavy ordnance and projectiles; 184 is Columbia 1992 do River (Powell); 194 is Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Monroe doctrine. 197, Receipts of moneys by United States from all sources, 1789-1882, not printed; a state- ment of receipts, 1789-1885, appears on p. 108 of H. ex. doc. llii, 49th Cong. 1st sess., serial no. 2388. Expenses for public works, harbors, forts, 1789-1882. 1993 .... S. misc. docs., .do 1-98 Contams also 47tli Cong, special session Senate, Oct. 1994 99-109.111-115. 110 10-29, 1S81, S. misc. docs. 1-9. 109 is Smithsonian Institution, 1881; 114 is Congressional 1995 do directory, 3d ed., first to appear in Congressional set. Fish Commission report, 1881. 1996 . 116-122. 125-133 123 Excerit 132, not i>rinted. 116 is Internal revenue col- 1997 do lecting in N. C; 131 is Fish Commission Bulletin, 1881. Blaine's eulogy on President Garfield. 1998 124, pts. [11,2.. 124,pt.3 124, pt. 4 124, pt. 5 124, pt. 6 124, pt. 7 1-343 Fisheries of U. S.: Natural history and atlas. 1999 do Same: Geographical review of fisheries, 1880. 2000 do Same: Fishing grounds of N. America, Fishermen of 2001 U. S. Same: History and methods of the fisheries, v. 1. 2002 do Same: Historj' and methods of the fisheries, v. 2. 2003 do Same: History and methods of the fisheries, plates. 2004 S. reports Except 265, in serial no. 2005. 49183°— 18 52 818 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SEJSATE. 47tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Serial no. o •4^ Ah 1 Series Document no. Notes 2005 2006 2 3 4 .... S. reports do .... 205, 2 pts 344-588 589-878 Investigation of departmental expenses. 576 is Report on civil service in U. S. 2007 do 878 is Distilled spirits in bonded warehouses. 200S H. journal 2009 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 [6] •-1 t 8 9 10 11 12 13 H. ex. docs do l.Pt.l l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 1, pts. 3 and 4. i,pt.5.. ..:... l,pt.5 l,Pt.5 l,pt.5 |l,Pt-6 [8-12. Message and Foreign relations, 1881. War, 1881, v. 1. 2011 do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. 2012 .do Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. 2013 .do Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. 2014 .do Same, v. 3: Ordnance. 2015 .do Same, v. 4: Signal OITice. Navv, 1881; Post-Offlce, 1881. 2016 . .do 2017 .do Interior, 1881, v. 1: Lands. 2018 . .do Same, v. 2: Indians, etc. 2019 Same, v. 3: Geological Survey. 2020 Same, v. 4: Education. 2021 do Ccmmissionerj of District of Columbia, 1881. .do 12 is Tests of metals, 188? OQO^ 2 3,4 Treasury (Finances) 1881. 2023 Compt. of Currency, ISSl; Internal RevenueComr., 1881. 2024 .do 5,6,62 7, 2 pts 13-19 Estimates for 1883; Indian expenses, 1881; Patents, 2025 1881. Commerce and navigation, 1881 [2 pts.]. 2026 .do 13 is National Board of Health, 1881; 19 is Treasurer's 2027 20-86 accts., 1881. Except 62, in serial no. 2024. 2028 87-116 97 is Receipts and expenditures, 1875. 2029 117-121 122-192 (193-218, 220- 1 225,227. 219 117 is same for 1876, and 121, same for 1877. 2030". 133 is Statistical abstract, 1881. 2031 [209 is Exportation of pork; 216 is Mint Bureau, produc- \ tion of precious metals, 1881. Decisions of 1st Comptroller, 1881, 2d edition. 2032 do 2033 .do 220 Mail contracts. 2034 .do [2281 Agriculture, 1881 and 1882. 2035 2036 H. misc. docs., .do 1-7,9,10,12,13. 8,53 12 is Lynch vs. Chalmers and 13 is Anderson vs. Reed election. D. C. estimates; Private claims, House, 42d-4Gth Congs. 2037 .do 11 Florida election, Bisbee vs. Finley. 2038 do (14, 2 pts [15, 2 pts 10-18,21 19,20 Mississippi election, Buchanan vs. Manning. , 2089 .do South Carolina election, Mackey vs. O'Coimor. Contested Alabama elections. 2040 .. .do S. C. elections: Lee vs. Richardson; Small vs. Tillman. 2041 22, 5 pts 23-26 Alabama election, Lowe vs. Wheeler. 2042 do 24 is National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 2043 .. 27[pt. 1] 27, pt. 2 27, pt. 3 2S-46 1881; others are election cases. Missouri election, Sessinghaus vs. Frost, pt. 1. ' 2044 ; do Same, pt. 2. 2045 do Same, pt. 3. 2046 .do 29 is Stovall vs. Cabell election; 38 is Forestry (Hough), 2047 do 47,55,56,58 V. 3; 44 is Senate and House proceedings on presenta- tion of Jefferson's writing-desk. Life-Saving Service, 1881; Interstate commerce, etc. 49, indexed as Husbandry of Angora goat, not printed. 57, listed to appear in v. 13, was printed as an extra volume, see serial no. 2064. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 819 47th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued OS . ■C o 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 205:$ 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 27 [28] 1 2 3 4 Series H. misc. docs. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do.... do.... H. reports. do.... do.... do.... .do. .do. .do. Document no. Notes 59,60 61 , [62, pt. 1] 48 Flags of maritime nations, 5th ed., 1S82. 50 Geological Survey monographs, v. 5: Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Same, v. 4: Ck)mstock mining and miners. Same, v. 3: Geology of Comstock lode. Same, v. 3, atlas, v. 2 is in serial nos. 2320 and 2321; V. 1, in serial no. 2776. See serial no. 2036. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 5. v. 1-4 are in serial nos. 3112-3115. Eulogies on Michael P. O'Connor; Right ascension of time stars. Ethnology rp., 1881, 2d. 1st rp. not in Congressional set. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories I (Hayden), 1878, 12th, pt. 1. [62, pt. 2] Same, pt. 2, and maps. 63 i Rebellion records, series 1, v. 6. ♦ 64, pt. 1 Compendium of 10th census, pt. 1. 64, pt. 2 Same, pt. 2. 65 Consular reports [v. 7], nos. 23-24^. v. 1-6 are not in Congressional set. Contributions to North American etlinology, v. 5. v. 1, 3, and 4, not in Congressional set; v. 2, in serial nos. 2803 and 2804. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 7. 57 ' Digest of election cases, 1876-80. 1-392 ' 393-653 653 is Construction of war vessels for Navy. 654-993 Except 683 and 966, not printed. 66 67 994-1276. 1277-1617. 1618-1811. 1559 Except 1035, 1234 (indexed as " Report accompanying H. 6181, on Richard Jones") 1235, and 1236, not printed. Except 1325 and 1465, not printed, and 1559, in serial no. 2071. Except 1665 and 1798, not printed. 1790 is Chili- Peru. Index of journals, llth-lOth Congresses. 47tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1882— Mar. 3, 1883 2072 S. journal 2073 1 [1] S. ex. docs 1-4.6-24 Tests of metals, 1882; etc. 2074 1 o 8 2 do . 5 National Board of Health, 1882. 2075 25-32 25 is Industrial education; 32, Mississippi River Comn. 2076 do 33-76,78-83,85. go is Property sold for taxes in insurrectionary States. 2077 4 5 do Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1882, 2078 1 do S4[pt.l] Pensioners in New England, New Jersey, and D. C. 2079 5 2 do 84, pt.2 Same, in New York and Pennsylvania. 2080 5 3 do 84,pt.3 Same, in Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa. 2081 5 4 do •84,pt.4 Same, in Northwestern and Western States and Terri- tories. 820 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 47tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 ^104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 8120 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 Series S. ex. docs . . . S. misc. docs.. S. reports [1] H. journal... H. ex. docs.. do do do do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 84, pt. 5. f 17,19-31,33- 45,47-51. 18 32 46 879-980 981-1031 l,pt.l. l,pt.2. l,pt.2. l,pt.2. l,pt.2. l,pt.2. l,pt.2. l,pt.3. l,pt.4. l,pt.5. l,pt.5. l,pt.5. l,pt.5. jl,pt.6. [8-34. . . 2 3,4.... 5,6. 35-70,72. do H. misc. docs. . -do. 106,108. 109 1-5,7-18. Notes 71 73-92,94-104... 93 105,107 6,pt.2 19-25,29,36... 20,pt.l. 20,pt.2. Same, in Middle Atlantic, Gulf, and Central States and foreign countries. 8 is Congressional directory, 2d ed.; 48 is Bills and jomt res. in 47th Cong.; 31 is Sorghum sugar. Comparative rates of internal revenue. Eulogies on Benjamin H. Hill. Fish Commission report, 1882. 969 is Heavy ordnance and projectiles. Revenue collecting in North Carolina; etc. 1003 ^ Yorktown celebration. Message and Foreign relations, 1882. War, 1882, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1882. Post-OfHce, 1882. Interior, 1882, v. 1: Lands. Same, v. 2: Indians, etc. Same, v. 3: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1882. Justice (Attorney-General) 1882; etc. Treasury (Finances) 18S2. Compt. of Currency, 1882; Internal Revenue Comr., 1882. Estimates for 1884; Indian expenses, 1882. Contains also H. misc. doc. 9, Dist. Columbia estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1882. 48 is Naval engineering in Gt. Britain; 61 is Plans for military buildings; 72 is Statistical abstract, 1882. Patent Office, 1882. 98 is mail contractors' fines, 1882. Mail contracts. Cruise of the Corwin in Arctic Ocean, 1881; Interoceanic communication (Sullivan). Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1882; loss of Steamer Jeannette. Agriculture, 1883. Except 9, in serial no. 2106. 13 is Nat. Home for D. V. Soldiers, 1882; 16 is Geological Survey bulletin 1. Report of Tariff Commission, 1882, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 19 is Consular reports [v. 8], nos. 25-26^. 20 relates to printing of rp. of Board on Behalf of Executive De- partments at International Exhibition, Phila., 1876; see, for rp., serial nos. 2119 and 2120. Rp. of Bd. on Behalf of Executive Departments at Intemat. Exhibition, PhUa., 1876, v. 1: War Dept exhibits. Same, v. 2; Navy, Treasury, Post-Office, Agriculture. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 821 47tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ■3 . ■gfl "o 4^ !3 Series Document no. Notes tn > Ph 2121 5 6 7 .... H. misc. docs . do 26 Smithsonian Institution, 1882. 2122 27 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 8. 2128 do 28 American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1886, 1st ed. 2124 8 30-34 Eulogies: William M. Lowe; Jonathan T. Updegraff; Godlove S. Orth; Robert M. A. Hawk; John W. Shackelford. 2125 q .do 35 Digest of election cases, 47th Congress. Decisions of 1st Comptroller, v. 3, 1882. Not printed because MS. was not supplied. Consular reports [v. 9], nos. 27-30, and inde.x to nos, 1-26^; Fish Commission Bulletin, 1882. 2126 10 .do 37 38 2127 11 do 39,40 2128 12 13 .do 41 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 9. 2129 1 do 42[pt.l] 10th census, v. 1: Population. 2130 13 2 do 42[pt.2] 1 Same, v. 2: Manufactures. 2131 13 3 do 42,pt.3 Same, v. 3: Agriculture. 2132 13 4 do 42,pt. 4 Same, v. 4: Transportation. 2133 13 5 do [Apt. 5] Same, v. 5: Cotton, pt. 1 2134 13 6 do 42, pt. 6 Same, v. 0: Cotton, pt. 2. 2135 13 7 do 42,pt.7 Same, v. 7: Valuation, taxation, indebtedness. 2136 13 8 do 42,pt. 8 Same, v. 8: Newspapers and jseriodicals, Alaska, etc 2137 13 9 do 42,pt. 9 Same, v. 9: Forest trees of North America. 2138 .do Same, v. 9: Forestry maps. 2139 13 10 do 42,pt. 10 Same, v. 10: Petroleum, etc. 2140 13 11 do 42,pt. 11 Same, v. 11: Mortality and vital statistics, pt. 1. 2141 13 12 do 42, pt. 12 Same, v. 12: Mortality and vital statistics, pt. 2. 2142 13 1"' do Same, Plates and diagrams accompanying Mortality and vital statistics, pt. 2. 2143 13 13 do 42,pt. 13 Same, v. 13: Precious metals. 2144 13 14 do 42,pt.U Same, v. 14: Mining laws. 2145 13 15 do 42, pt. 15 Same, v. 15: Mining industries. 2146 13 16 do 42, pt. 16 Same, v. 16: Water power, pt. 1. 2147 13 17 do 42, pt. 17 Same, v. 17: Water power, pt. 2. 2148 13 18 do. 42,pt. [18] Same, v. 18: Social statistics of cities, pt. 1. Errone- ously headed pt. 16, Instead of pt. 18. 2149 13 19 do 42, pt. 19 Same, v. 19: Social statistics of cities, pt. 2. 2150 13 20 do 42, pt. 20 Same, v. 20: Statistics of wages, etc. 2151 13 21 do 42,pt. 21 Same, v. 21: Defective, dependent, delinquent classes. 2152 13 22 do 42, pt. 22 Same, v. 22: Power and machinery. 2153 14 43 Geological Survey monographs, v. 0: Older mesozoic flora of Virginia. 2154 Ti do ii Entomological Commission report, 3d. 1st and 2d re- ports, not in Congressional set. 2155 16 do 45,pt.l Land laws of U. S., general and permanent, and digest of late decisions, 1884 edition. 2156 17 18 19 1 do 45, pt. 2 45,pt.3 45,pt.4 1812-1958 Land laws of U. S., local or temporary, 1884 edition, 2157 do V. 1. Same, v. 2. 2158 do Public domain, with statistics, 1884 edition. 2159 H. reports Except 1936, indexed as Condemned cannon and can- non balls for monuments, but never printed. 1827 is American shipping interests. 2160 2 do 1959-2044 1985 is Mississippi River improvement. 822 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES Sh^.ATE, 48tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 3, 1883— July 7, 1884 C3 . •a o « a 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 Series S. journal.. S. ex. docs. .do.. .do., .do., .do.. .do. .do. do S. misc. does . do do S. reports. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. II. journal., n. ex. docs . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 1-4,G-28,3(M9. 5 29 50-83.. 84-100. 101-190 197-203, 205-208 204 1-27 28-109, 111-127. 110 3-147. 148-343. 344-490. 491-550. 551-578. 579 580-900. 1 , pt. 1 . l,pt. 2. l,pt. 2. l,pt. 2. l,pt. 2. l,pt. 2. l,pt. 2. l,pt.3. l,pt.4. 1, pt. 5. l,pt. 5. l,pt. 5. l,pt. 0. 0-18.... 2 3,4 5,31,35,64,82. 7 19-36. 37 (38-42, 44-72, 74- I 83,85-92. 43 Notes 30,44, etc., are River and harbor surveys; 40 is Justice Dept. expenses, 1881-83. Tests of iron and steel, 18S3. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1883. 54 is Cattle-grazing lands in Indian Territory. 93 is El Sopori land claim, in Ariz.; 100 is Ct. of inquiry on loss of the Proteus on Greely relief expedition. 123 is Progress on De Lesseps' Panama canal, 1883-84. 198 is Suez Canal, 1809-84, and American canal, 1835-84; 205 is French spoliations. Cruise of the Corwin in Arctic Ocean, 1881. 27, 3 pts., is Congressional directory, 3 editions. 85 is National Academy of Sciences report, 1883. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 2. v. 1, not in Congressional set. 1, not printed, rp. 485 being substituted therefor; 2, not included in bound volume, only 200 copies of it having been printed. 12 is Tarifls, 1789-1883, and free list. 283 is Condition of Indians in Montana and Dakota. 345 is Swine products of U. S. 512 is Mississippi election of 1883. 551 is Foreign tariffs; 557 is Postal telegraph. Alleged outrages in Virginia. 70f) is Fish and fisheries of Atlantic Coast. Message and Foreign relations, 1883. War, 1883, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal OflBce. Navy, 188;^. Post-Office, isa3. Interior, 1883, v. 1: Lands, etc. Same, v. 2: Indians, etc. Same, v. 3: Geological Survey. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1883. ICxcept 7, in serial no. 2197. 8 is Justice (Attorney- General) 18S3. Treasury (Finances) 1883. Compt. of Currency, 1883; Internal Revenue Comr., 1883. 35 is Railway Mail Service; 64 is River and harbor ap- propriations and e.xpenditures; others are estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1883. Except 31 and 35, both in serial no. 2196. 19 is Mail contract fines, 1883; 32 is Statistical abstract, 1883. Mississippi River Conmiission, 1883. Except 64 and 82, both in serial no. 2196. 70 is Impor- tation of American hog products. National Board of Health, 1883 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 823 48tll CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continuea 09 2202 2208 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 19 2232 20 2233 21 2234 22 2235 23 2236 24 2237 25 2238 26 2239 27 Series H. ex. docs do do do -do. .do. do do do do do H. misc. docs. do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do... .do._. .do... .do... -do... .do... .do... .do... .do... Document no. Notes 73 84 93-99 100-103 104-128 129-175 172 170, pt. 1 176, pt. 2 177 178 1-3,5-11,13-15 4[pt.l] 4,pt.2 12[pt. 1] 12, pt. 2 12,pt.3 12, pt. 4 16 17-19 20-24 25, pt. 1 25, pts. 2, 3... 26 27, pt. 1 27, pt. 2 , 28-31 32 33 34,36,37,39,40, 42-45, 48, 50. 35,41 38, pt. 1 [v. 1]. J38,pt.l,v.2.. [38, pts. 2,3... 46,47,53 49, 2pts J51-55, 57-59, 61 I 64. 56 60 Patent Office, 1S83. Mail contracts, 1883. 93 and 98 are Receipts and expenses, 1878 and 1879. Star route investigations; Undervaluation of wool; In- dian depredation claims; Weil and La Abra Mexican claims. 100 is Swine products; 128 is Undervaluation of imports. Except 172, in serial no. 2208. 154 is Me.xico-Guatemala boundary; 163 is Jeannette relief expedition. Irregular practices of pension attorneys. Commercial relations, 1882 and 1883, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1883. Agriculture, 1884. 11 is Fish Conunission Bulletin, 1883. Official register, 1883, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Consular reports [v. 10], nos. 31-34, and Declared exports 1st and 2d quarters, 1883. Same [v. 11], nos. 35-38, and Declared exports, 3d and 4th quarters, 1883. Same [v. 12], nos. 39-41J. Same [v. 13], nos. 42-44. Virginia election, O'Ferrall vs. Paul. Election cases: Manzanares vs. Luna; Garrison vs. Mayo; Wallace vs. MclCinley. Election cases, etc. 22 Is Frederick vs. Wilson; 23 la English vs. Peelle. Ohio election, Campbell vs. Morey. Same. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 10, pt. 1. Virginia election, Massey vs. Wise. Same. Election cases, etc. 29 is McLean vs. Broadhead ; 30 is Craig vs. Shelley. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 10, pt. ?. Not in Public Documents Library; it is indexed as Reporton wages (Weeics), and may have been printed in paper-bound edition as doc. 33, but in sheep-bound set this report appears only as v. 20, 10th census; see serial no. 2150. l30 is Steamships (Lundborg); 37 is Compulsory pilotage; I 50 is Portage hake and Lake Superior Ship-Canal Co. American ephemeris and nautical ahnanac, 1887, 1st ed.; American coaster's nautical almanac, 1884, 1st ed. Investigation of Justice Dept. e.xpenses. Same, continued. Same, Star-route cases and Ottman case. Eulogies: Dudley C. Haskell, Thomas .■Mien, Thomas H. Hemdon. Imports, duties, 1867-83; Exports, 1697-1883. 'Except 63, in serial no. 2235. 58 is Govt, property, Hot I Springs; 59, Site for public bldg., Brooklyn, N. Y. •■ Decisions of 1st Comptroller, v. 4, 1883. Vertebrata of tertiary formations of the West (Cope), 824 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 48tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued C3 . 03 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2261 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Series H. misc. docs , do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. H. reports. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 65[pt. 1]. 65, pt. 2. 65, pt. 3 . . 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1-342 343-636. . 637-979. . , 980-1175. 1176-1519 1520-1862 1863-2165 Notes Rebellion records, series 1, v. 11, pt. 1. Same, v. 11, pt. 2. Same, v. 11, pt. 3. Jeannette inquiry. Fish Commission report, 1883. Same, 1884. Smithsonian Institution, 1883. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territoiies (Hayden), Monographs, v. 8; not issued as Congres- sional document. See, for bureau edition, 1 18.5 : 8. Geological Survey bulletins 1-6. Geological Survey monographs, v. 7: Silver-lead de- posits of Eureka, Nev. Same, v. 8: Paleontology of Eureka district. Same, V. 9: Brachiopoda and lamellibranchiataof Eari- tan clays and greensand marls of New Jersey. Mineral resources of U. S., 1882. Except 11, not printed. Except 371, indexed as Aid to common schools, but never printed; 495 in 2 pts. perhaps supplanted 371. 1112 is Charges against H. V. Boynton, journalist. Except 1732, not printed. Except 2019, indexed as Claim of Mary F. Potts, but never printed. 4:8th. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1884:— Mar. 3, 1885 2260 S. journal Contains also proceedings of special session Senate, 49th 2261 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [1] 2 [1] 2 S. ex. docs do do do S. misc. docg.. do .. .do 1-49 Cong., Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1885, p. 501. 17 is Leases of Indian lands; 40 is History of Railway 2262 47 Mail Service, 1834-84. 47, letters of transmittal only; see, for accompanying papers, serial no. 2262. Treaties and conventions. Letter of transmittal is 47, 2263 2264 50-94,96-106... 95 in serial no. 2201. 106 is New Mexico land titles. Contains also 49th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1885, S. ex. docs. 1 and 2. Indian education and civilization (Alice C. Fletcher). 2265 2266 2267 ri-32, 34-55, 57- 1 65,68. 33, pts. 1, 2.... 56,66 C14, 2 pts., is Congressional directory, 2 editions. Con- tains also 49th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4- [ Apr. 2, 1885, S. misc. docs. 1-25. Smithsonian Institution and National Museum, 1884. Dedication of Washington Monument; Eulogies on 2268 do 67 Henry B. Anthony. Descriptive catalogue of Government publications. 2269 do 69 1774-1881 (Poore). National Academy of Sciences, memoirs, v. 3, pt. 1. 2270 .... do. do 70 Fish Commission report, 1885. 2271 71 Astronomical and meteorological observations, 1881. 2272 do 72 Same, 1882. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 825 48tli CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION— Continued 03 . CO 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2808 2309 o > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2810 Series S. reports. .do. n. journal.. IT. ex. docs. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do..... .do .do .do .do. .do. do... do H. misc. docs. Document no. 901-1292. 1293-1573. 1, pt. 1 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt. 2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.3 l,pt.4 1, pt. 5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt. 6.«. l6,8.9 2 3,4 5,115,196,270. 7[pt. 1]... 7, pts. 2, 3. jlO-42, 45-53, 1 55-64. 43 44 54, pt. 1 54, pt. 2. 54, pt. 3. 65-175.. 176-225. f226-234,236-247, I 249-265, 267. 235. 248. 266. 269.. 270.. 1-11. Notes Except 1262, which was suppressed. It is supposed to have been report made Feb. 13, 1885, bj- Senator Jackson of Tennessee, adverse to pension claim of Mary E. Fillebrown. Contains also 49th Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4- Apr. 2, 1SS5, S. rp. 1. Message and Foreign relations, 1884. War, 1884, V. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: En.gtaeers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1884. Post-Offlce, 1884. Interior, 1884, v. 1: Lands, etc. Same, v. 2: Indians, etc. Same, v. 3: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4: Education. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1884. 9 is Treasurer's accounts, 1884. Treasmy (Finances) 1884. Compt. of Currency, 1884; Internal Revenue Comr., 1884. Estimates of appropriations, and 3d International Geo- graphical Congress at Venice, 1881. Commerce and navigation, 1884 [pt. 1]. Same [pts. 2 and 3J: Internal commerce. 12 is Justice (Atty.-Gen.) 1884; 14, Intemat. Meridian Conf. (Eng. and Fr.); 64, Mississippi River Comn., 1884. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1884. International expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. Consular reports [Labor in foreign countries, v. 1]: Europe. Same [v. 2]: Europe, continued. Same [v. 3]: America, Asia, Africa, Australasia, Poly- nesia. Except 115, in serial no. 2293. Except 196, in serial no. 2293. 203 is Receipts and ex- penses, 1880. 226 is Central and South American Commission reports; 247 is Congo Conference; 267 is Range and ranch cattle traffic. French and American Claims Commission, correspond- ence. Same, accounts, vouchers, etc. Mail contracts, 1884. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1884. Agriculture, 1885. See serial no. 2293. 6 is Fish Commission Bulletin , 1884; 1 1 is National Ilome for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1884. 826 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 48tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ca . 2311 2812 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 [1] [2] Series Document no. H. misc. docs. .do. -do. .do. .do .do .do -do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do 42. II. reports 2166-2604. 32 33 34 35..uio:!i.l. [35] 37,pt. 1. 37, pt. 2. 37, pt. 3. 39 40,41.... Notes .do. .do. .do. 2G05-2676. 2677-2696. 2692 25 and 36 are Animal Industry Bureau reports, 1884 and I 1885, 1st and 2d. Digest of opinions of Attorneys-General, 1789-1881. Patent Office, 1884. Decisions of 1st Comptroller, v. 5, 1884. Eulogies: W. A. Duncan, J. H. Evins. British naval and military operations in Egypt, 1882; Chile-Peru-Bolivia war, 1879-81; French navy in Tu- nis war. Ethnology report, 1882, 3d. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1888, 1st ed. Consular reports [v. 14], nos. 45-48. Geological Survey monographs, v. 2: Grand Canyon dis- trict. V. 1 is in serial no. 2776. Same, v. 2, atlas. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 12, pt. 1. Same, v. 12, pt. 2. Sec, for supplement to pt. 2, serial no. 2490. Same, v. 12, pt. 3. Entomological Conmiission report, 4th. Insects afl'ecting orange; Geological Survey bulletins 7-14. Ethnology report, 1883, 4th. Except 2189, indexed as a report of Naval Affairs Com- mittee on Jeannette expedition survivors, but never printed. 2546 is Heavy ordnance. 2676 is Management of soldiers' homes. Except 2692, in serial no. 2331. 2681 is Ohio election in- vestigation; 2683 is Pension Office investigation. General personal index of journals of lst-8th Congresses, being record of Members, 1789-1805. 49tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4:— Apr. 2, 1885 S. journal See serial no. 2260, p. 501. S. ex. docs S. misc. docs . . S. reports 1,2 See serial no. 2263. 1-25 See serial no. 2265. 1 See serial no. 2274. 49tlL CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1885— Aug. 5, 1886 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 S. journal S. ex. docs do do do 1-34,37-68.. 35 36 69-73, 75-77. 45 is Electrical conference, Philadelphia, 1884 Tests of iron and steel, 1884. Same, 1885. 69 is Rps. of Govt, directors of Union Pacific R. R. Co., 1864r-86; 72 is Tariff revision, 1886, with documents. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 827 49tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 08 . OQ o > 2337 233S 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2845 2346 2347 2848 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2864 2365 2866 2367 2868 2869 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 Series S. ex. docs. . do do Document no. .do. .do. S. misc. docs.. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. S. reports. H. journal. do 74.... 99.... 99.... 78-98. 100-153. 1.54-226. 1-40 47-70, 72-98. 71. 82. 99-151,153,157- 161, 163-170. 104, 120, 145. . . 152,154 155, 156. . . 162, pt. 1. 162, pt. 2. 162, pt. 3. 171 172. 1-45, 47-90. n. e.x. does. do do do do do 46, pt. 1 46, pt. 2 91-392 393-784 785-1088 1089-1315 1278, pts. 1,3. 1278, pt. 2.... 1316-1453 1454-1615 l,pt.l. l,pt.2. l,pt. 2. l,pt. 2. 2. l,pt.2. 1, pt.2. l,pt.2. Notes Awards under treaties ■with France and Spain. Menocal's Nicaragua surveying party, 1885. Same, maps. 78 is Disallowed accounts; 85 is Education in Alaska; 91 ■s is National Board of Health, 1885. 102 is French spoliations; 153 relates to construction of ships Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, and Dolphin. .196 is Independent State of the Congo; 226 is Laws rela- ting to loans, coinage, and banking, 1790-1881. 15, 3 pts., is Congressional directory, 3 editions. Except 82, in serial no. 2345. 47 is Compilation of Sen- ate election cases, 1789-1885. Patent Office, 1885. Investigation of Coast and Geodetic Survey. Except 104, 120, and 145, all in serial no. 2347. 106 Is Ohio election (H. B. Payne); 131 is Imitation dairy [ products. Acceptance of Garfield statue; Eulogies on Vice-Presi- dent Hendricks and John F. Miller. Washington observ^ations, 1883; National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 3, pt. 2. Natural history of Alaska, and collections, 1877-8L Wharton's Digest of International law, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Digest of opinions of Attorneys-General, 1789-1886. Not printed. A similar digest, 1789-1881, was issued In serial no. 2312. Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes of United States, by Frederick n. Wines. Not printed. Issued only as V. 21, 10th census, serial no. 2151. 89 is Expenditures for public buildings, 1789-1885; 90 ia' Ordnance and war ships. Senate Select Com. on Interstate Comonerce, rp. [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2. Except 1278, in serial nos. 2362 and 2363. Condition of Indians in Ind. T., etc., pts. 1 and [3]. Same, pt. 2. 1391 is River and harbor appropriations. Except 1613, indexed as Freights, commodities, and prices for period from 1873 to present time, but never printed. Dec. 7, 1885-May 12, 1886. May 13-Aug. 5, 1886. Appendix and index in V. 2. Message and Foreign relations, 1885. War, 1885, v.l. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. 828 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 49tll CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 Series [1] 2 2402 34 2403 36 2404 36 2405 37 2406 1 2407 2 2408 3 2109 4 2410 6 •2411 6 2412 7 2413 8 2414 9 2416 10 2416 11 2417 12 H. ex. does... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs. .do. .do, .do. .do, .do, .do .do .do .do .do .do l,pt.3 l,pt.4 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt. 2, pt. 1 2, pt. 2 3 4,6-8,10-17,20. 5,62,116,176... 9 18 19 21-26, 28, 30, 32-48, 50. 27 29,31 49 49 51 52-118 119-152, 154-172 153 173-280. 253 281-379. Notes 290. 378. 11-14,17-20,24, [ 2.5,30-34. 29 36 37-163, 165-177 164 178,179. Navy, 1885, Post-Office, 1885. Interior, 1885, v. 1: Lands, etc. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4: Education. Same, v. 5: Labor. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1885. Treasury (Finances) 1885, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Collection of duties. Comptroller of Currency, 1885. 4 is Internal Revenue Comr., 1885; 7, Justice (Atty.« Gen.) 1885; 20, Post-OfRce routes, contracts, etc. ■ ■ Estimates, receipts, expenditures, public debt, etc. Mail contracts, 1885. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1885. Commerce and navigation, 1885. 26 is Statistical abstract, 18S5; 50 is Central and South I American Commission reports. Treasurer's accounts, 1885. Receipts and expenses, 1881 and 1882. Board on Fortifications, report, text. Same, plates. Consular reports on Cattle and dairy farming. Except 62 and 116, both in serial no. 2388. 125 is Indian depredation claims; 172 is Foreign mercan- tile marines. Cruise of Steamer Corwin in the Arctic, 1885. Except 176, in serial no. 2388, and 253, in serial no. 2402. 274 is Weil and La A bra Silver Mining Co. Commercial relations, 1884 and 1885. Except 290, in serial no. 2404, and 378, In serial no. 2405. 365 is Receipts and expenses, 1883. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1885. Agriculture, 1886. [15 is in serial nos. 2431 and 2432; 23, 26, 35, not printed. 33 is Geological Survey bulletins 15-23; 34is Fish Com- l mission Bulletin, 1885. Revision of House rules, debates, 36th and 46th Congs. Geological Survey monographs, v. 11; Lake Lahontan Same, v. 10: Dinocerata. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 13. Same, v. 14. Official register, 1885, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Consular reports [v. 15], nos. 49-52, and Cholera in Europe. Same [v. 16], nos. 53-56, with appendices. Mineral resources of U. S., 1883 and 1884. 38 is National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1885; 69 is Decisions of 1st Comptroller, v. 6, 1885. Rebellion records, series 1, V. 15. Consular reports [v. 17 and 18], nos. 57-62, and Scouring of wool. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 829 49tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— CoT\tinued ■3 . In "o 4-d C3 Series Documei.t no. Notes tg" > ^ 2418 13 H. misc. docs.. 180-340 Except 273, in serial no. 2419; 302, in serial no. 2420; 304 and 305, botli in serial no. 2407, and 338, in serial no. 2421. 237 is European dock-yards. 2419 14 do 273 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 10, pt. 1. Eulogies: Reuben Ellwood, Joseph Rankin, Michael Ilahn. 2420 15 do 302,379,380.... 2421 Ifi do 338 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 10, pt. 1. Except 354, in serial no. 2423; 355, in serial no. 2424; 2422 17 .... do 341-395 871, in serial no. 2425; 379 and 380, both in serial no. 2420; 392, in serial no. 2120, and 393, in serial nos. 2427 and 2428. 2423 IS do 354 American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1889, 1st ed. Pan-Electric Telephone Company, testimony. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 17, pt. 1. Exaniination of wools and other aniinal fibers 2424 IQ do 2425 ?0 . .do 371 2426 ?1 do 392. . 2427 22 1 do 393 [pt. 1] Lady Franklin Bay expedition (Greely), v. 1, narrative. 2428 22 2 do 393, pt. 2 Same, v. 2, scientific. Contains also 49th Cong. 2d sess., IL misc. do?. 157: Schley's Cireely relief expedition. 2429 23 do 39(),pts. 1,3 [Monetary or] Silver Commission [of U. S.], 187G; Inter- national Monetary conference, Paris, 1S81. 2430 ''4 . .do 39G,pt. 2 15[pt. 1] International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1878. Smithsonian Institution, lSS5,»pt. 1. 2431 25 do 2432 2fi do 15, pt. 2 Same, pt. 2: National Museum. 2433 27 [1] 7. do 397 Geological Survey monographs, v. 12; Leadville, Colo. Same, v. 12, atlas. 2434 27 do [397] 2435 1 H. reports do 1-373 .... Except 41, not printed. 2436 2 3 4 5 374-708 709-1029 1030-1270 1277-1542 2437 do 2438 do 1076 relates to Indians and Yellowstone National Park. 2439 do Except 1316, not printed. 2440 do 1543-1887 Except 1632 and 1680, not printed. 2441 7 do 1888-2264 Except 1931, 1982, and 1999, not printed. 2442 8 9 10 do 2265-2577 2578-2855 2S56-3142 2443 do 2444 do Except 2902-2907, 2940, and 2993, not printed. 2445 11 12 do 3143-3474 3475 Except 3316, not printed. 2446 do General personal index of journals of 9th-lGth Con- gresses, being record of Members, 1805-21. 49tlL CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 6, 1886— Mar. 3, 1887 2447 2448 2449 1 2 2450 1 .... 2461 2 .... S. journal. . S. ex. docs. S. misc. docs. . 1-110... 111-125. 1-29. 30, pt. 1 . 31-89,91. 77 is Taunt's Journey on the Congo in 1885. Ill is Shawnee Indian lands; 115 is Chippewa Indians; 117 is Capture of Geronimo; 120 is Coimt Pulaski, pa- pers, 1777-1884; 125 is Alaska e.xiiedition, 1SS5 (Allen). 11, 2 pts., is Congressional directory, 2 editions; 15 is iBrigation in V. S. (Ilinton). National .\cademy of Sciences reporl , 1886. S3 is Veto messages, 179'2-Aug. 4, 1880; 91 is Laws on rivers and harbors, 1790-1887. 830 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 49tli. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued art CO 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 1 24802 2481 2482 2488 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 Series S misc. docs. S. reports. . .. II. journal II. ex. docs... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do 181-200. I Document no. 30, pt. 2.. 90 92 93,94 1616-1773. 1774-1961. 1902-1990. 22-27 28-30, 32-78. 31, pt. 1. 31, pt. 2. 40 79-130. . . 131-180. II. misc. docs.. .do. .do. .do.... 171 [pt. 1] 171, pt. 2 201 1-52,57-155... 53. 54. 55, 50. 135 140,156,166,108. Notes National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 4, pt. 1. Fish Commission report, 1886. Cholera in Europe and India. Eulogies: John A. Logan, Austin F. Pike. 1683, 2 pts., is American fishery interests. 1884 is lliver and harbor appropriations. 1990 is Undervaluation of imports, investigation. Message and Foreign relations, 1886. War, 1886, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineeis. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 3 and 4: Ordnance and Signal Office. Navy and Post-Offlce, 1880. Interior, 1886, v. 1: Indians, etc. Same, v. 2: Lands, etc. Same, v. 3: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4 and 5: Education and Labor. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1886. Treasury (Finances) 1880. Compt. of Currency, 1880; Internal Revenue Comr., 1886. Estimates of appropriations for 1888. Mail contracts, 1886. Deficiency estimates, 1887. Commerce and navigation, 1886, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: Internal commerce. 8 is Justice (Attorney-General) 1886; 19 is Rights of American fishermen in British waters; 20, pts. 1 and 2, are Post-Offlce expenses and fines; 20, pt. 3, is in serial no. 2474. 26 is Treasurer's accounts, 1886. Except 40, in serial no. 2481. 28 is Missouri River Coinn., 1880; 5.8 is Foreign customs duties. Tests of metals, 1886, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1880. Except 89, in serial no. 2474. 110 is Receipts and ex- penses, 1884. Except 171, in serial uos. 2485 and 2480. 157 is Consular reports on P) migration and immigration. 199 is Statistical abstract, 1886; 200 is Mint Bureau, pro- duction of precious metals, 1880. Conmiercial relations, 1886, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Agriculture, 1887. Except 135, in serial no. 2492, and 146, in serial no. 2493. 51 is National Home for D. V. Soldiers, 1880. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 17, pt. 2. Same, v. 12, pt. 2, supplement, v. 12, pt. 2, is in serial fio. 2323. Consular reports, v. 19 and 20, nos. 63-72. Patent Office, 1880. Mineral resources of U. S., 1885; Animal Industry Bu- reau report, 1880, 3d; etc. See, for 157, serial no. 2428. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 49tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 831 |o "o -*-» S Series Document no. Notes CO > P^ 2494 7 H. misc. docs.. 158-162 Eulogies: Abraham Dowdney; John Arnot, jr. Beach; William T. Price; William H. Cole. Lewis 2495 8 do 163, 164. Geological Survey bulletins 24-36. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1886. Consular reports, v. 21, nos. 73-75. Ethnology report, 18S4, 5th. Smithsonian Institution, 1886, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: National Museum. 9 do 165 2496 Il69 2497 in do 167 2498 11 do 170, pt. 1 170,pt.2 2499 12 .... do 2500 1 H. reports 3470-3817 3501 is Telegraph facilities and ser\-ices. 2501 ? do 3818-4181 Excent 3994, 4012. not Drinted: and 4174. in serin' nn 2502. 2502 3 do 4174, 2 pts Investigation of labor troubles, 1887. SOth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 5, 1887— Oct. 20, 1888 2503 S. journal 2504 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 S. ex. docs do 1-50 34 is Bimetallism in Europe; 48 is Interstate Commerce Cormnission, 1887, 1st report. Pacific Railway Commission, report and testimony. 2505 51,pts. [l]-3... 51, pts. 4, 5 51, pts. 6, 7 51,pt.8 51,pts. 9, 10... 52-124. 2506 do Same, testimony. 2507 2508 do do Same, testimony. Same, testimony. 2509 do Same, testimony and index. 2510 do do Except 91, in serial no. 2511, and 113, In serial no. 2512. 124 is Forfeiture of Oregon lands. Rainfall of Pacific Slope; Climate of Oregon and Wash- 2511 91,282 2512 ... .do 113 ington. American fishing in British waters. 2513 do 125-193 194-281 223 130 is Mexican free zone; 142 is Washington papers (96 2514 do sample pages); 143 is Venezuela Transportation Co. Except 223, in serial no. 2515. 194 is Kansas raihoad 2515 do . . grants; 226 is British Guiana- Venezuela boundary. Civil Service Conmiission, 1887. 2516 S. misc. docs.. do 1-100 Congressional directory, 3 editions; etc. 2517 101-211 212 A 2d edition of 109, Fisheries treaty with Great Britain 2518 do ... . was issued, with a large map which does not appear in the 1st edition. 106 is Municipal election at Jackson, Miss. Appropriations, new oflaces, etc. 2519 S. reports do 1-315 2520 316-506,508-660 507, pts. [1], 2 . 507, pt. 3 661-1153 1194-1G23 1624-1874 1875-2396 2332, 3 pts 2373, 2 pts 622, 2 pts., is International copyright hearings. 2521 do Business methods in Executive Departments. 2522 do Same. 2523 do 2524 do 2525 .do 1&30 is awards of Mexican Claims Commission. 2526 do Except 2332, in serial no. 2527, and 2S73, in serial no. 2527 do 2528. Tariff revision. 2528* .do Operations in civil service, 18S8. 2529 IT ioumal Dec. 5, 1887, to Apr. 4- [12], 1888. (The House did not ■ 1. .;!..; adjourn, but took recesses Apr. 4-12; the legislative day therefore was Apr. 4 for all that time.) 832 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. SOtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Ir "o 4-i C3 Series Document no. Notes ^"^ > PM 2530 •? n. journal Apr. 13-Oct. 20, 1888. Index. 2531 3 t X do 2532 .... 11. ex. docs l,pt.l Message and Foreign relations, 1887. 2533 2 3 do l,pt.2 l,pt.2 ],pt.2 l,pt.2 War, 18S7, v. 1. 2534 do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. 2535 4 do 2536 do 2537 6 7 do. l,Pt.2 l,pt.2 Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. 253S do Same, v. 3 and 4: Ordnance and Signal Office. 2539 S do l,pt.3 Navy, 1887. 2540 9 10 11 12 do l,pt.4 l,Pt-5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 Post-Offlce, 1887. 2541 do Interior, 1887, v. 1: Lands, etc. 2542 do Same, v. 2: Indians, etc. 2543 1 do Same, v. 3, pt. 1: Geological Survey. 2544 12 2 do l,pt.5 Same, v. 3, pt. 2: Geological Survey. 2545 13 14 15 Ifi do l,pt.5 l,pt. 5 i,pt.o 2 Same, v. 4: Education. 2546 do Same, v. 6: Labor. 2547 do Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1887. 2548 .. -do... Treasury (Finances) 1887. 2549 17 ... .do... . 3, 2 pts 4,7-13,18-28... Comptroller of Currency, 1887. 4 is Internal Revenue Comr., 1887; 7 is Justice (Attor- 2550 18 do ney-General) 1887; 21 is Texas Boundary Commission. 2551 19 ... .do .5; 14, pt. 3; 29, 30,376. 1 Estimates for 1889; Mall contracts, 1887; Deficiency es- J tunates. 2552 '>0 .do... 6,2pts 14, pts. 1,2.... Commerce and navigation, 1887, 2 pts. Fines of mail contractors, 1887. 2553 21 do 2554 22 23 24 do 15 Treasurer's accounts, 1887. 2555 do IG Tests of u'on and steel, 1887. 2556 do 17 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1887. 59 is Mississippi River Commission, 1887. Except 124, in serial no. 2559. 2557 do 31-89 2558 26 do 90-210 2559 27 do... 124, 382 Receipts and expenses, 1885 and 1886. 249 is Statistical abstract, 1887; 283 is American rights in Samoa. 2560 ?S do 211-281. 2561 29 do 282-469 Except 376, in serial no. 2551; 382, in serial no. 2559; 400 and 405, in serial no. 2562; 402, in serial no. 2563. 309 is French spoliations; 401 is Coffee trade. 2562 sn do 400,405 Taxation in foreign countries; Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1887. 2563 31 32 do 402 . . Commercial relations, 1887. 2564 do 470 Agriculture, 1888. 1 Except 63. in serial no. 2597, and 164, in serial no. 2569. J 86 is National Home for I). V. Soldiers, 1887. 2565 1 1 1-41, 43-86, 88- 1 280. 2566 2 do 42,375 Mineral resources of U.S., 1886; Geological Survey bulle- tins 37-41. 2567 3 do 87, pt. 1 Official register, 1887, v. 1. 2568 4 do... 87,pt. 2 164 2569 5 6 do Patent Office 1887 2570 . . . . do 281-599 Except 325, in serial no. 2571; 338, in serial- no. 2572; 339, in serial no. 2573; 341, in serial no. 2574; 342, in serial no. 2575; 374, in serial no. 2576; 375, in serial no. 2566; 387, in serial no. 2577; 571, in ser;al no. • 2578; 572, in serial no. 2579; 577, in serial no. 2576; 685, in serial no. 2580, and 597, in serial no. 2596. 550 is Wool, its history, manufacture, tariff, etc. 2571 7 -... do 325 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 18. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 833 SOtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued > ■4.3 Series Document no. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2572 H. misc. docs.. do 338 2573 339 2574 .... do do 341 2575 342 do 374 2576 do do do 577 001 2577 387 2578 571 2579 572 25S0 585 2581 2582 2583 do do -do... 600, pt. 1 600, pt. 2 602 25S4 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 1 2 3 4 5 6 do do do do do do .do... 603, pt. 1 603, pt. 2 003, pt. 3 603, pt. 4 603, pt. 5 603, pt. 6 604,605 2591 do 600. 607 2592 do 608, 609 2593 [1] 2 do do do 610 2591 610 2595 611 2596 597 2597 53 2598 H. reports do 1-260 2599 261-600 2600 do 601-970 2601 do 971-1380 2602 2603 do do 1381-1770 1771-2250 2604 . .do 2251-2690 2605 2606 do do 2691-3200 3112 2607 do 3201-3532 2608 do 3300 Notes Same, v. 19, pt. 1. Same, v. 19, pt. 2. Same, v. 20, pt. 1. Same, v. 20, pt. 2. Acceptance of portraits of ex-Speakers Sedgwick, Var- num, and Banks. Eulogies: Seth C. Moffatt. Centennial celebration at Newburgh, N. Y. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 21. Etlmology report, 1885, 6th. Importation of contract labor. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 22, pt. 1. Smithsonian Institution, 1887, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: National Museum. Cruise of steamer Corwin, 1884. Diplomatic correspondence of American Revolution (Wharton), introduction, etc. Same, correspondence, Feb. 5, 1775-Jan. 1, 1779. Same, Jan. 1, 1779-July 25, 1780. Same, July 25, 1780-Nov. 25, 1781. Same, Nov. 25, 1781-Nov. 13, 1782. Same, Nov. 13, 1782-Mar. 4, 1785, and index. Consular reports, v. 22 and 23, nos. 76-84. Same, v. 24 and 25, nos. 85-91 . Same, v. 26 and 27, nos. 92-97. Geological Survey monographs, v. 13: Quicksilver. Same, v. 13, atlas. Same, v. 14: Fossils of New Jersey and Connecticut Valley. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 4, pt. 2. Postal laws and regulations. 178 is Telegraphic facilities and services. Except 355, not printed. Except 1433, not printed. Except 2330, not printed. Except 2824, 2841, 2842, 2934, 2936, 2938, 2939, 2950, 3144, not printed, and 3112, in serial no. 2606. Investigation of trusts. Except 3300, in serial no. 2608, and 3498, not printed. Govenmient Printing Office investigation. 50tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1888— Mar. 2, 1889 2609 S. journal Contains also proceedings 51st Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1889, p. 551. 17 is Opening of Sioux reservation; 31 is Samoan affairs. 2610 1 2 .... S. ex. docs do 1-59 2611 60-76 60 is Interstate Commerce Commission, 1888, 2d; 69 is Affairs in Hayti; 70 is Volunteer troops to guard over- land mail and emigrant routes, 1861-66, which is reprinted in serial nos. 2678, 2679, and 2680. 49183°— 18- -53 834 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. SOtli CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION— Contirued 02 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2680 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 263C 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2658 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 37 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Series ex. docs... S. misc. docs., S. reports ... H. journal H. ex. docs do do do.. do do do do do Document no. 77-130 131-147 1-30 31-61,63-93.. 62 94 2397-2604 260.5-2719 2686, 2 pts.... 2705 [pt. 1]... 2705, pt. 2.... 2707 2710 .do. 1, pt. 1 , l,pt. 1 l,pt.2 l,pt, 2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.3 l,pt.4 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.6 2 3 4, 7-21, 23-30. 5,71 6 22 31 [pt. 1]. 31,pt.2... 32-119.... 120-169... Notes 45. 77 Is Sugar frauds; 100 is Bering Sea fisheries. 142 Is Revenue frauds; 145 is Civil Service Commission, 1888. Contains also 51st Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4-Apr. 2, 1889, S. ex. doc. 1. Congressional directory, 2 editions; etc. 34 is Royal Gold and Silver Commission of Great Britain; 43 is Sunday rest bill hearings. Contains also 51st Cong, special session Senate, Mar. 4- Apr. 2, 1889, S. misc. docs. 1-15. Texas election outrages, testimony. Appropriations, nev.- offices, etc. 2604 is Plate printing by hand vs. by machine. Except 2686, in serial no. 2620; 2705, in serial nos. 2621 and 2622; 2707, in serial no. 2623, and 2710, in serial no. 2624. Contains also 51st Cong, special session Sen- ate, Mar. 4-.\pr. 2, 1889, S. rps. 1-3, the last being Business methods in Executive Departments. Investigation of aqueduct tunnel in D. C. T,a Abra claim against Mexico. Same. Report on Indian traders. Indian traders and Chippewa timber contracts. Message and Foreign relations, 1888, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. War, 1888, v. 1. Sanje, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 3 and 4: Ordnance and Signal Oflace. Navy, 1888. Post-Office, 1888. Interior, 1888, v. 1: Lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5: Education. Same, v. 6: Labor Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1888. Treasury (Finances) 1888. Comptroller of Currency, 1888. ■ -i- Internal Revenue Comr., 1888; Justice (Attorney -Gen- eral) 1888; etc. Estimates of appropriations for 1890. Commerce and navigation, 1888. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1888. Contracts for carrying mails, 1888. Fines of mall contractors, 1888. Except 45, in serial no. 2653, and 71, In serial no. 2646. 158 is Mint Bur., production of precious metals, 1888; 164, 166, Madagascar; 167 is Statistical abstract, 1888. Tests of metals, 1888. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 835 SOtll CONGKESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ■3 . "o % Series Document no. Notes m > P4 , ..'.0, .;* ,1 ■_■■_ E.xcept 109, in serial no. 2658; 113, in serial no. 2059; 2664 1 .... n. misc. docs.. (1-3,5-59,61,62, 1 04-132,135. 129, in serial no. 2060. 35 is Nat. Home for I). V. Soldiers, 1888; 103 is Inspection of soldiers' lioiues in States. 2655 2 do 4 Mineral resources, 1887. 2656 3 do 60 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 22, pt. 2. Digest of election cases, 48th-50tli Congs. Patent Offline 1S.9S 2657 4 do G3 265S 5 do 103 2659 fi do 113. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 23, pt. 1. Same, v. 23, pt. 2. Fisli Commission report, 1887. Irrigation in Egypt. Fish Commission BuUetin, 18.87. Geological Survey bulletins 42-16. Same. 47—54 2660 7 do 129... 2661 8 do 133 2662 q do 134 2663 in do 133.. . 26611 11 1 do 137 2661*2 11 2 do do 138 2665 139 Animal Industry Bureau rps., 1887 and 1888, 4th and 5th. Consular reports, v. 28, nos. 98-100. Same, v. 29, nos. 101-104. 2666 13 1 do 140 2667 13 2 do 141 2668 14 do M2[pl. 1] Smithsonian Institution, 1888 [pt. 1]. 2669 15 do 142,pt.2 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. 2670 16 do.. 143-115 Eulogies: Edward AV. Robertson; James N. Bumes; acceptance of statue of Lewis Cass. 116, Proceedings in accepting statues of Muhlenberg and Fulton, was never printed. 2671 17 do 147,pts. 1,2 Geological Survey monographs, v. 15: Potomac flora. 2672 18 1 do 148 Washington observations 1884 2673 II. reports 3533-3869 Except 3855 and 3861, not printed. 2674 ? do 3870-4069 Except 4058, not printed. 3883 is Alaska fur-seal fisheries. 2675 3 do 4070-4168 Except 4147, in serial no. 2676. 4156 relates to adniisr sion of Utah; 4105, to trusts. 2676 4 do 4147 Labor troubles in anthracite regions, 1887-88. 51st CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4— Apr. 2, 1889 S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs. S. reports 1.... 1-15. 1-3.. See serial no. 2G09, p. 551. See serial no. 2C13. See serial no. 2615. See serial no. 2619. 51st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1889— Oct. 1, 1890 2677 S. ioumal 2678 2679 1 2 3 4 .... S. ex. docs do 2-10 11-16 I, Trade relations with Mexico, not printed. 10, Ne- vada war claims, has 3 docs, of 50th Cong, appended. II, California war claims, has same appendixes as doc. 10. 2680 do ... 17 Oregon war claims, with same appendixes as doc. 10. 2681 do 18 Centennial Intemat. Exhibition at Melbourne, 1888. 836 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 51st CONGRESS, 1st SE S SION— Continued 2682 2683 2684 268.5 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C3 Series Document no. Notes S. ex. docs . .do. .do., .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. S. misc. docs.. S. reports do do do do do do do H. journal H. ex. docs... . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 19-52. 53 [pt. 1]. 53, pts. 2,3... 54-59 60-122.. 115 123-215. 216-239. 1. 231.... 232, pt 232, pt. 2 232, pts. 3, 4... 232, pt. 5 232, pt. 6 232, pt. 7 1-13 14-163 78 164-245 178 246 1-300 301-643 644-829 830-927 928, pts. 1-3 . . . 928, pts. 4-6... 929-1304 1305-1406 1407-1843 1530, 2 pts i,rt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt. 2 l,pt.2 l,pt.3 l,pt.3 l,pt.4 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 1, pt. 5 l,pt.5 l,pt. 5 22 is History of navy-yard at Wasliington, 1799-1889; 51 is Sioux reservation. Intemat. Marine Conference, Washington, D. C, 1889, V. 1. Same, v. 2. Reports prepared for [1st] Intemat. American Confer- ence. Except 115, in serial no. 2687. Rainfall in Nebraska. 125 is [1st] International American Conference, railway line. Except 231, in serial no. 2(;90, and 232, in serial nos. 2691-2096. 222 is Artesian wells. Internat. American Conference [1889-90, 1st], Minutes. Same, reports, v. 1. Same, reports, v; 2. Same, reports, v. 3 and 4. Same, Spanish edition, v. 1. Same, Spanish edition, v. 2. Same, Spanish edition, v. 3. 13 is Congressional directory, 3 editions. Except 78, in serial no. 2699. Patent Office, 1889. Except 178, in serial no. 2701. 170 is American Histor- ical Association, 1889. Tariff statements and tables. Appropriations, new offices, etc. 15 is Awards of Mexican Claims Commission. 538 Is Montana election ease. 829 is Transportation and sale of meat products. 847 is Transportation interests of L' . S. and Canada. Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands. Same. 930 is Immigration law expenses. 1378 is River and harbor appropriations. Except 1530, in serial no. 2712. Relations with Canada. Message and Foreign relations, 1889. War, 1889, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 3 and 4: Ordnance and Signal Office. Navy, 1889, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Post-Office, 1889. Interior, 1889, v. 1: Lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Misoellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 837 51st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued |s "o "S Series Document no. Notes > ^i 2731 16 H. ex. docs... l,pt.6 Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1S89. 2732 17 do l,pt.7 |i,pt.s U.7 Agriculture, 1S89. 2733 18 do Civil Service Commission, 1889. Internal Revenue Comr., 1S89; Justice (Attorney-Gen- eral) ISSO. 2734 1Q do 2 Treasury (Finances) 1889. Comptroller of Currency, 1SS9. Estimates of appropriations for 1891. Commerce and navigation, 1889 [pt. 1]. 2735 ''n do 3, 2pts 5,174,334 2736 ''1 do 2737 22 .... do filpt. 1] 2738 23 do 6,pt. 2 Same, pt. 2: Internal commerce. 273J> 24 25 2() 27 28 do 8-13,15-39 14 13 is Statistical abstract, 1889. 2740 do . . Tests of metals, 1889. 2741 do 40-54, 50-105... 55 Various river and harbor surveys. 2742 do Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1889. 2743 do 100-140 Except 113, in serial nos. 2744 and 2745. 106 is Proposed road from Washington to Mt. \'emon. 2744 29 .... do ii3[pt. n Mail contracts. 18S9. 2745 30 - - . . do 113, pt. 2 Fines of mail contractors, 1889. 2746 31 32 do 141-212 213-263 Except 174, in serial no. 2736. 2747 do Savannah River survey-, etc. 247 is Chippewa Indians in Minnesota. 2748 33 do 264, 2 pis Waterway from Lake Michigan to Illinois River. 2749 34 do 265-294 294 is Receipts and expenses, 1887. 2750 35 do 295-391 Except 336, in serial no. 2751. 354 is Mint Bur., produc- tion of precious metals, 1889; 360 is Re-rating of pensions. 2751 36 37 do 336 Labor Department, 5th, 1889: Raih-oad labor. 2752 do 392-470 Except 394, in serial no. 2736; 410, in serial nos. 2753- 2757; 436, in serial no. 2758, and 437, in serial no. 2759. 392 is Importations of breadstuffs and provi- sions. 2753 38 do 410, pt. 1 Paris Exposition of 1889, v. 1. 2754 39 40 41 42 .. 410, pt. 2 410, pt. 3 410, pt. 4 410, pt. 5 Same, v. 2. 2755 do Same, v. 3. 275f> do Same, v. 4. 2757 .... do Same, v. 5. 2758 43 44 1 do 436 Treasurer's accounts, 1889. 2759 do 437 Commercial relations, 1888. 2760 II. misc. docs.. 1-3,7-43,46-70. Except 41 , in serial nos. 2764 and 2765. SO is Interstate Commerce Cormnission, 1889, 3d. 2761 2 3 do 4 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 24, pt. 1. 2762 do 5 Same, v. 24, pt. 2. 2763 4 5 do 6 Same, v. 24, pt. 3. 2764 do 41[pt. 1] 41,pt.2 44 Official register, 1889, v. 1. 2765 do Same, v. 2. '>7fiR do Rebellion records, series 1, v. 25, pt. 1. 2767 8 9 do 45 Same, v. 25, pt. 2. 2768 do (77-104. 107-145. 1 149-175. [77 is National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1889; 133isBibliographyofeconomicentomology; 168 is MelviUe Fuller's Address on George AVashington. 2769 10 105 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 26, pt. 1. 2770 11 12 do 106 Same, v. 26, pt. 2. 2771 2772 do 146 Same, v. 27, pt 1. 13 14 do 147 Same, v. 27, pt. 2. 2773 do 148 Same, v. 27, pt. 3. 838 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 51st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued •lg 'o Series Document no. Notes 03 > Ph n.misc. docs.. 178 2774 15 Tariff hearings, 1889-90. 177-222 Except 194, in serial no. 2776; 211, in serial no. 2777. 2775 10 do 225-227 230, 235, 236. . . . 242, 250-260. . . . 230 is Mineral resources of U. S., 1888. Except 257, in serial no. 2797. 2776 17 .do . 194 Geological Survey monographs, v. 1: Lake Bonneville. Salmon of Alaska; Fish Commission Bulletin 1888 2777 18 19 ?0 .do . 211,261 223 2778 .do Rebellion records, series 1, v. 28, pt. 1. Smithsonian Institution, 1889 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 28, pt. 2. Eulogies: W. D. Kelley; S. S. Cox; R. W. Townshend; 2779 .do 224, pt. 1 224, pt. 2. 228 2780 ?1 . .do 2781 22 23 ... .do 2782 do 229 243 262-266. David Wilber; N. W. Nutting; S. J. Randall; James Laird. 2783 94 ... .do 231 Consular reports, v. 30, nos. 105-107|. Same, v. 31, nos. 108-111, and index to v. 18-31. 2784 25 2G ?7 do 232, 2,33 234 237 2785 do Same, v. 32, nos. 112-115. 2786 do Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 17. Same, v. 18. 2787 28 29 30 31 3? .do 238 2788 do. 239 Same, v. 19. 2789 .do 240 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 29, pt. 1. Same, v. 29, pt. 2. Geological Survey bulletins 55-61. 2790 .do 241 2791 do 244 2792 33 34 35 36 37 38 do 245 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 30, pt. 1. Same, v. 30, pt. 2. Same, v. 30, pt. 3. Same, v. 30, pt. 4. Geological Survey monographs, v. 16: Paleozoic fishes. Washington observations, 1885. 2793 do 246 2794 do 247 2795 .... do do 248 2796 219 2797 do 257 2798 39 40 do 267 Consular reports, v. 33, nos. 116-119. Special consular reports, v. 1: Cotton textiles, files, cax- pets, malt and beer, fruit culture. 2799 do 268 2800 41 4? do 2G9 Entomological Commission report, 5th. Animal Industry Bureau reports, 1889 and 1890, 6th and 7th. 2801 do 270 2802 43 do 271 Tertiary insects of North America (Hayden). Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 2, pt. 1: Klamath Indians. 2803 44 do 272,pt.l 2804 45 46 do 272, pt. 2 273 Same, v. 2, pt. 2. 2805 do Same, v. 6: Cegiha language. See, for v. 5, serial no. 2062; v. 1, 3, and 4, not in Congressional set. 2806 47 1 .do 274 Fish Commission report, 1888. 2807 .... n. reports 1-289 2808 2 3 do 290-657 658-1044 2809 do Except 712, not printed. 1210 is American merchant marine in foreign trade. 2810 4 5 do 1045-1210 1211-1648 2811 do Except 1473, not printed. Except 2070, not printed. 2445 is Civil Service Commission investigation. 2812 6 do 1649-2084 2813 7 8 9 10 do 2085-2445 2446-2772 2773-3025 3026-3243 2814 do 2815 do 2816 do Except 3174, not printed. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 839 51st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1890— Mar. 3, 1891 CO > P-. 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2821 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 Series S. journal S. ex. docs S. misc. docs... Document no. do do do do S. reports do do TI. journal n. ex. docs... do do do do do do do do do do do do....... do do do do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. 1-75. 1-25. 26 27-93. . . . 58 S3 94 95 1844-2129. 2130-2360. 2361-2024. .do. .do. i,pt2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.3 l,pt.4 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 l,pt.5 1, pt. 5 l,pt.5 l,pt.6 l,pt-7 2 3, 2pts ( 8 l4,7 5, 167. . . . 6 [pt. 1]. 6, pt. 2.. 8-47 45, pt. 1 . 45, pt. 2... 48-128 Notes 70. 80. 53 is Irrigation investigations and reports. 9 is Congressional directory, 2 editions; 13 is Interstate Commerce Commission, 1890, 4tli. Eulogies: James B. Beck. E.xcept 58, in serial no. 2822, and 83, in serial no. 2S23. 77 is Investigation of Fish Commission. Patent Office, 1890. American Historical Association, 1890. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 5. Appropriations, new offices, etc. 1944 is Nicaragua Canal Company, history and progress. Tariff statistics, 1789-1890; etc. 2615 is Investigation of Supervising Architect's Office. Message and Foreign relations, 1890. War, 1890, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Signal Office. Navy, 1890. Post-Offlce, 1890. Interior, 1890, v. 1: Lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture, 1890. Comjnissioners of District of Columbia, 1890. Treasury (Finances) 1S90. Comptroller of Currency, 1890. Civil Ser\'ice Commission, 1890. Internal Revenue Coiiu-., 1890; Justice (.Attorney-Gen- eral) 1S90. Estimates for 1892; Deficiency estimates, 1891. Commerce and navigation, 1890 [pt. 1]. Same, pt. 2: Internal commerce. E xcept 45 , in serial nos. 2856 and 2857. 46 is Statistical abstract, 1S90; 47 is Receipts and expenses, 1888. Special consular reports [v. 5]: Canals and irrigation in foreign countries. Same [v. 4]: Port regulations in foreign countries. Except 70, in serial no. 2859; 80, in serial no. 2860; 90, in serial no. 2861, and 106, pt. 3, in serial no. 2862. 106, pt. 1, is Post-Office expenses, pt. 2 is Mail con- tractor's fines, 1890. Commercial relations, 1889. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1890. 840 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 51st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued e3 . Series Document no. Notes 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 37 38 H. ex. docs. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. II. misc. docs.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. n. reports. .do. .do. 90 106, pt. 3. 129-209. . . 1G5. 210-295. 265. 287 1-11,15-75.. 79-127 12 13 14 76 77 78 108, 133-135. 128 129, pt. 1 . 129, pt. 2. 130 131 132 136 137 3244-3471. 3472 3473-3732. 3733-3878. 3879-4006. 4007-4058. Treasurer's accounts, 1890. Business of Post-Office Department, 1890. Except 165, in serial no. 2864, and 167, in serial no. 2852. 181 is Suspended land entries, 1890. Tests of metals, 1890. All n. ex. docs, are accounted for in other vols. There was no V. 35 issued. The index calls for no such vol. I^xcept 265, in serial no. 2867, and 287, in serial no. 2868. 295 is Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1890. Labor Department, 6th, 1890: Cost of production, iron, steel, coal, etc. Water storage in arid regions. 38 is Nat. Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1890. Except 108, in serial no. 2876. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 31, pt. 1. Same, v. 31, pt. 2. Same, v. 31, pt. 3. Same, v. 32, pt. 1. Same, v. 32, pt. 2. Same, v. 32, pt. 3. Eulogies: E. J. Gay; L. F. Watson; J. P. Walker; James Phelan. Consular reports, v. 34, nos. 120-123. Smithsonian Institution, 1890 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2 J: National Museum. Diseases of horse. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1889. Washington observations, 1886. Geological Survey bulletins 62-65. Digest of contested elections in 51st Congress. 3446 is Ohio ballot-box contract. Immigration reports. 3732 is Investigation of Conunissioner of Pensions Raum . 3767 is Ceding of arid lands; 3823 is Illegal practices of U. S. courts. 3907 is Coinage of gold and silver; 4006 is Silver pool in- vestigation. 4038 is Civil Service Comn. investigation; 4048 is Chinese immigration. 52d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 7, 1891— Aug. 5, 1892 2891 S. journal 2892 1 S. ex. docs 1-40 Except 5, in serial no. 2893, and 8, in serial nos. 2894- 2898. 2893 2 .... do 5, 153, 157 Texas climate; Cable to Hawaii; Dakota climate. 2894 3 1 do 8, pts. 1-5 American RepubUcs Bureau, 1st report, 1891; Hand- book of American Republics (EngUsh); same (Span- ish); Brazil; Mexico. 2895 3 2 do 8, pts. 6-9, 11.. Same: Costa Rica; Guatemala- Colombia; Venezuela; Commercial directories. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 841 Serial no. "3 > S3 PL, Series Document no. Notes 2896 2897 2898 2899 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 S. ex. docs do do do 8, pt. 10 8, pt. 10 8, pt. 10 41, 4pts 42-83. .. Tariffs of American Republics, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Artesian and imderflow investigation. 58 is Pine Kidge and Rosebud Indian reservations. Except 149, in serial no. 2902, and 153 and 157, both in serial no. 2893. Handbook of American Republics, 1893. Handbooks: Nicaragua; Santo Domingo; Laws of im- migration and public lands in American Republics; Paraguay; Bolivia. Handbooks: Honduras; Salvador; Peru; Uruguay; Haiti. Congressional directory, 3 editions. Except 65, in serial no. 2905, and 68, in serial no. 2906, 31 is Interstate Commerce Commission, 1891, 5tli. Fish-cultural stations* Salmon of Alaska 2900 do 2901 do 84-156 29021 do 149[pt. 1] 149, pts. 2-C... 149, pts. 7-11.. 1, 3 pts 2-97 29025 2902 3 2903 290t do do S. misc. docs.. do 2905 65, 192 68 2906 do Patent Office, 1891. 2907 do 98-226 Except 169, in serial no. 2908, and 192, in serial na 2905. 173 is American Historical .\ssociation, 1891. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 6. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Eulogies: P. B. Plumb; E. K. Wilson. 18 is Printing and distributing pubUc documents. 2908 .... do 169 2909 227 2910 2911 .... S. reports do 228,229 1-148 2912 149-453 454-665 666-849 850-1116 986, pt. 1 986, pt. 2 986, pt. 3 2913 do • 2914 do River and harbor appropriations; etc. Except 986, in serial nos. 2916-2918. EfEect of tariff law upon prices and wages, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. 2915 2916 do . . .do 2917 . 2918 do 2919 H. journal 2920 2921 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 .... H. ex. docs — do l,pt.l l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,Pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,Pt-2 l,Pt-3 l,pt.4 l,pt.5 1, pt. 5 l,pt.5 l,Pt.5 l,Pt-5 l,Pt.5 l,Pt.5 l,Pt.6 l,Pt.7 Message and Foreign relations, 1891. War, 1891, V. 1. 2922 do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. 2923 .do Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. • 2924 Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. 2925 Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. 2926 do Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. 2927 do Same, v. 2, pt. 0: Engineers. 2928 do Same, v. 3: Ordnance. 2929 do Same, v. 4: Signal Office. 2930 do Same, v. 5: Inspector-general. 2931 do Navy, 1891. 2932 do Post-Office, 1891. 2933 do Interior, 1891, v. 1: Lands. 2934 do Same, v. 2: Indians. 2935 do Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. 2936 do Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey. 2937 do Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey. 2938 2939 2940 [1] [2] do do do Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture, 1S91. 2941 do Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1891. 842- CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued "3 . 'o -i-» fl Series Docixment no. Notes m > ft 2942 22 H. ex. docs... : l4,7 Civil Service Commission, 1891. Internal Revenue Comr., 1891; Justice (Attorney-Gen- eral) 1891. 2943 9-^ do. . . - -- . 2 Treasury (Finances) 1891. Comptroller of Currency, 1S91, v. 1. 2944 24 .... do 3,pt.l 2945 25 do 3,pt.2 5,94,205 Same, v. 2: National banks. 2946 do Estimates of appropriations for 1S93 and deficiencies. Commerce and navigation, 1891 [pt. 1]. 2947 27 6[pt.l] 2948 28 . . . . do 6, pt. 2 Same, pt. 2: Internal commerce. 2949 29 30 do 8-28 15 is Electrical Commission of District of Columbia. 2950 do 29-42,44-40 Many relate* to river surveys. Coast and Geodetic Sui-vey, 1891. Same, pt. 2. 2951 31 do 43,pt.l 43,pt.2 2952 3^ do 2953 33 .do. 47-79 53 is Statistical abstract, 1891; 74 includes Checklist of public documents, 1st edition. 2954 34 35 do 80-135 Except 94 , in serial no. 2946. 91 is Relations ■with Chile. 2955 .... do 130-100,162-200. 200 is Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1891. 2956 36 37 .do 161 Tests of metals, 1891. 2957 do 201-275 Except 205, in serial no. 2940, and 232, in serial no. 2958. 204 is Commercial relations, 1890 and 1891; 235, 2 pts., is Causes which incite immigration to U. S. 29581 38 [1] do 232, pt. 1 Labor Department, 7th, 1891 : Cost of production, tex- tiles and glass, v. 1. 29582 38 [2] do 232, pt. 2 Same, v. 2. 2959 1 H. misc. docs.. 1-10,27-335.... Except 48, iQ serial nos. 2980-2984; 50, in serial nos. 29S5 and 2980; 60, in serial no. 2987; 77, in serial no. 29SS; 107, in serial no. 2989; 141, in serial no. 2990; 153, in serial no. 2991; 154, m serial no. 2992; 233, in serial nos. 2993-2995; 234, in serial no. 2990; 256, in serial no. 2996; 258, in serial no. 2997; 261 , in serial no. 2998; 295, in serial no. 2999; 296, in serial no. 3000; 320, la serial no. 2990; 334, in serial nos. 3001 and 3002. 335 is Labor troubles at Homestead, Pa., 1892. 2960 2 3 4 do 11 "Washington observations, 1887. 2961 .... do do 12 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 33. 2962 13, pt. 1 Same, v. 34, pt. 1. 2963 5 .... do 13, pt. 2 Same, v. 34, pt. 2. 2964 6 do 13, pt. 3 Same, v. 34, pt. 3. 2965 7 .... do 13, pt. 4 Same, v. 34, pt. 4. 2966 S do 14,pt.l Same, v. 35, pt. 1. 2967 9 10 do 14, pt. 2 15,pt. 1 Same, v. 35, pt. 2. 2968 .... do Same, v. 30, pt. 1. 2909 11 12 13 14 do 15, pt. 2 15, pt.3 10,pt.l 10,pt. 2 Same, v. 36, pt. 2. 2970 do Same, v. 36, pt. 3. 2971 do Same, v. 37, pt. 1. 2972 .... do S.ame, v. 37, pt. 2. 2973 15 do 17,18 Consular reports, v. 35 and 36, nos. 124-131. Special consular reports, v. 2: Refrigerators and food preservation, European emigration, olive culture, (19 2974 16 do beet-sugar and flax. 20 Same, v. 3: Streets and highwavs. 2975 17 do 21,22 Geological Survey bulletins 66-71. 2976 18 19 20 do 23 Same, 72-75. 2977 do 24 Same, 76-80. 2978 do 25,336 Same, 81-ja. V.^/ CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 843 52d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued "3 % Series Document no. Not&s > Ph 2979 21 .... H. misc. docs.. 20 Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 7: Dakota-EngiLsh dictionary'. 2980 22 23 do 48,pt.l 2 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 38, pt. 1. Same, v. 38, pt. 2. 2981 do 2982 24 25 26 do 48,pt.3 48,pt.4 48,pt.5 Same' v. 38, pt. 3. Same, v. 38, pt. 4. Same, v. 38, pt. 5. 2983 do 2984 do 2985 27 - . . - do 50[i)t. IJ Official register, 1891, v. 1. 2986 28 29 do 50,pt.2 60 Same, v. 2. 2987 do Geological Survey monographs, v. 17: Flora of Dakota group. 2988 30 .do 77 Same, v. 18: Paleontology of New Jersey. Ethnology report, 1886, 7th. Eulogies: Speakers Grow and Randall; L. C. Houk; 2989 31 .do 107 2990 32 do 141,234,320.... W. n. F. Lee. 2991 33 .do. . . 153 Special consular reports, v. 6: Coal, gas, India rubber. Consular reports, v. 37, nos. 132-135. 2992 34 35 36 do . ... 154 2993 do 233,pt.l 233, pt. 2 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 39, pt. 1. 2991 do Same, v. 39, pt. 2. 2995 37 38 39 40 do 233, pt. 3.* 256 Same, v. 39, pt. 3. 2996 Washington observations, 1888. 2997 258 Consular reports, v. 38, nos. 136-139. 29981 [1] [2] .do 261 Atlas to Rebellion records, plates 1-84 and index. 29982 40 do 261 Same, plates 85-175. These 2 v. were issued as bound Congressional docimients in 1903. 2999 41 42 43 44 45 do 295 Ethnology report, 1887, 8th. 3000 .... do do 296 Mineral resources of U. S., 1889 and 1890. 8001 334, pt.] 334, pt. 2 337 Smithsonian Institution, 1891 [pt. 1]. 8002 do Same [pt. 2J: National Museum. 8003 .do Geological Survey bulletins 84-86. 3004 46 47 do 338,pt. 1 338, pt. 2 RebelUon records, series 1, v. 40, pt. 1. 8005 do Same, v. 40, pt. 2. 8006 48 49 50 do 338, pt. 3 339 Same, v. 40, pt. 3. 8007 Consular reports, v. 39, nos. 140-143. 8008 1 do 340,pt.l 11th census. Final volumes: Mineral industries. Of doc. 340, pts. 2, 3, 5, 8-13, 16, and 19, were not applied to any publication and are therefore missing. 8009 50 2 do 340, pt. 4 Same: Wealth, debt, and taxation, pt. 1, public debt. 3010 50 2 do 340,pt.4 Same: Wealth, debt, and taxation, pt. 2, valuation and taxation. 3011 50 3 do 6 Same: Compendium, pt. 1, population. 8012 50 4 do 340,pt. Same: Compendium, pt. 2, vital and social statistics, etc. 3013 50 4 do 340, pt. 6 Same: Compeudiimi, pt. li, population, etc. 8014 50 5 do 340,pt.l4 Same: Insurance business, pt. 1, fire, marine, and inland insurance. 8015 50 5 do 340,pt.l4 Same: Insurance business, pt, 2, life insurance. 8016 50 6 do 340,pt.l5 Same: Indians. 8017 50 7 do 340,pt.l7 Same: Churches. 8018 50 8 do 340, pt. 18 Same: Population, pt. 1. 8019 50 8 do 340, pt. 18 Same: Population, pt. 2. 3020 50 50 50 50 9 10 11 11 .do 340,pt.7 340, pt. 20 340, pt. 21 340, pt. 21 Same: Alaska. 8021 Same: Agriculture, irrigation, fisheries. 8022 .do Same: Transportation business, pt. 1, by land. 8023 do Same: Transportation business, pt. 2, by water. 844 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 63 . So DQ 3024 3025 3026 8027 8028 8029 3030 3031 8032 3033 3034 8035 8036 3037 8038 8039 8040 3041 8042 8043 3044 3045 3046 304" 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 8053 o > 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 52 53 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 10 17 18 IS 18 18 19 [1] [2] Series H.misc. docs. do do do do do do do do do do .do. do do H. reports. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 340, pt. 22. 340, pt. 22. 340, pt. 22. 340, pt. 23. 340, pt. 24. 340, pt. 24. 340, pt. 25. 340, pt. 26. 340, pt. 27. 340, pt. 28. 340, pt. 28. 340, pt. 28. 340, pt. 28. 340, pt. 29. 341 342 343 [343] 1-322 323-686 687-943 944-1302..!. 1303-1641 . . . 1454 1642-1955... 1808, pt.l.. 1868, pt. 2.. 1956-2147... 1900. 2090. Notes Same: Manufacturing industries, pt. 1, totals for States and industries. Same: Manufacturing industries, pt. 2, statistics of cities. Same: Manufacturing industries, pt. 3, selected indus- tries. Same: Real estate mortgages. Same: Crime, pauperism, and benevolence, pt. 1 , analy- sis. Same: Crime, pauperism, and benevolence, pt. 2, gen- eral tables. Same: Farms and homes. Same: Insane, feeble-minded, etc. Same: Occupations. A special report; not a "final volume." Same: Vital and social statistics, pt. 1, analysis and rate tables. Same: Vital and social statistics, pt. 2, vital statistics. Same: Vital and social statistics, pt. 3, statistics of deaths. Same: Vital and social statisties, pt. 4, statistics of deaths. Same: Statistical atlas. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1890. Geological Survey monographs, v. 19: Penokee iron- bearing series. Same, v. 20: Geology of Eureka district, Nev. Same, v. 20, atlas. Except 634, not printed. Except 1454, in serial no. 3047. Expenditures of World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, Except 1868, in serial nos. 3049 and 3050. Pension Offlce investigation. Same. Except uos. 1960, in serial no. 3052; 2087, not printed, and 2090, in serial no. 3053. 1956 is Yellowstone Na- tional Park investigation; 1966 is Abuses in U. S. courts. Labor Dept., 2d special rp.: Labor laws in States and Territories. 1st and 3d rps., not in Congressional set. Immigration investigation, Ellis Island, 1892. 52d CONGRESS, 2d. SESSION Dec. 6, 1892— Mar. 3, 1893 8054 3055 8056 S. journal. S. ex. docs. do 1-19 20-36,39-68. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 53d Cong., Mar. 4- Apr. 15, 1893, p. 169. 15-18 relate to Indian affairs and contracts. Except 65. in serial no. 3060, and 66, in serial no. 3061. 20 is Operations of Animal Industry Bureau, 1892. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 845 o2d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— <:ontinued Serial no. "3 > -4^ Series Document no. , Notes tnut 80g6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 3 3 3 S. ex. docs ] do ' 37,pt. 1 ' 37, pt. 2 ' 38,pt.l ' 65 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1392, v. 1. Same t. 2. soeo do PtnanriAl statfcrtir^ m30-Senate bribery investigation. , [Replies to tarlS inquiries, bulletins 27-37. Isame, bulletins 38-50. Same, bulletins 51-54. Tariff comparisons. Except 559, in serial no. 3191; 603, in serial no. 3193; 606, 624, in serial no. 3188; 698, in serial no. 3193. Sugar schedule in tarifl bill of 1894. Tariff law of 1894. Replies to tarifl Inquiries, bulletin 55, 4 pts. Same, bulletin 56, 2 pts. Same, bulletins 57-60. Not printed. Same, bulletins 61 and 62. Nos. 709 and 7lO, bulletins 63 and 64, which were originally intended to be includ- ed in this volume, have not appeared in any form. Message and Foreign relations, 1893. War, 1893, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Same, v. 4: Inspector-general. Navy, 1893. Post-Oflice, 1893. Interior, 1893, v. 1: Secretary and Public lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. 49183°— 18- -54 850 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 53d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 03 . s a 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 32201 32202 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 8238 Series H. ex. docs do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. misc. docs.. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document, no. 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 5 1, pt. 6 1, pt. 7 l,pt.8. 4 7 23 2 3,pt.l. 3,pt.2. 33,103. 6, 2 pts 8-96... 29,pt.l. 29, pt. 2. 38 47 Notes Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey. Same, v. 4,'pt. 2: Geological Survey. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture, 1893. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1893. Civil Service Commission, 1893. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1893. Justice (Attorney-General) 1S93. Ordnance and Fortification Board, 3d report Treasury (Finances) 1893. Comptroller of Currency, 1893, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Estimates of appropriations for 1895. Deficiency estimates, 1893 and 1S94. Commerce and navigation, 1893. Contains also H. misc. doc. 90. Except 23, in serial no. 3218; 33, in serial no. 3221; 39 and 42, letters of transmittal only, statenjijnts never printed; 43, letter of transmittal only, sec, for Tests of metals, 1893, serial no. 3438; 47,48, 70, 76, 79, in serial no. 3224; 83, in serial no. 3225; 95, in serial no. 3224. Hawaiian Islands. Pages 2-5, 7, and 8 of 70 are inter- changed with the corresponding pages of 79. Commercial relations, 1893. Statistical abstract, 1893. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1893. Except 103, in serial no. 3221; 112, 140, in serial no. 3224; 209, in serial no. 3227; 237, in serial no. 3225; 256, in serial no. 3224; 257, in serial no. 3228. Labor Department, 9th, 1893: Building and loan associ- ations. Labor Department, 7th special report: Slums of cities. 6th report, not in Congressional set. Except 29, in serial nos. 3230 and 3231; 38, in serial no. 3232; 47, in serial no. 3233; 54, in serial no. 3234; 55, in serial nos. 3235 and 3236; 81, in serial no. 3237; 82, in serial no. 3238; 93, in serial no. 3239; 96, in serial no. 3222; 97, in serial no. 3240; 107, in serial no. 3241; 119, in serial no. 3242; 120, in serial no. 3243; 121, in serial nos. 3244 and 3245; 122, in serial no. 3246; 123, in serial no. 3247; 130, in serial no. 3248; 173, in serial no. 3249; 175, in serial no. 3250; 176, in serial no. 3251; 177, in serial no. 3252; 178, in serial no. 3253; 179, in serial no. 3254; 180, in serial no. 3255; 181 , in serial no. 3256; 184, in serial nos. 3257 and 3258; 200, in serial no. 3259; 205, in serial no. 3260. Official register, 1893, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Mineral resources of U. S., 1892. Geological Survey monographs, v. 22; Manual of topo- graphic methods. CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 53d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 851 09 . s a CQ S234 32S5 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 S243 3244 3245 3246 8247 3248 8249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 8259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 32651 32652 32653 3285 < 32655 32666 3265' 32658 32659 3265 » 3266 32671 3267 2 3267 1 3267 * 3267 s 3267 6 Series Docutnent no. Notes [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [OJ [71 [S] [9] [101 [1] [2] [3] [4], [5] [6] H. misc. docs. do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 54 55,pt.l.... 2.... 81 82 93,214-210. 97 107 119 120 121, pt. 1.. 121, pt. 2.. 122 123 130 173 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 184, pt. 1. 184, pt. 2. 200 205 208, pt. 1 . 208, pt. 2. 208, pt. 3. 209 210, pt. [1] 210, pt. 2. 210, pt. 3. 210, pt. 4. 210, pt. 5. 210, pt. G. 210, pt. 7. 210, pt. 8. 210, pt. 9. 210, pt. 10 211 212[pt. 1]. 212 [pt. 2]. 212 [pt. 3]. 212 [pt. 4] . 212 [pt. 5]. 212 [pt. 6]. Consular reports, v. 43, nos. 156-159. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 43, pt. 1. Same, v. 43, pt. 2. Ethnology report, 1890, 11th. Same, 1891, 12th. Eulogies: William Mutehler, J. Iv. Chipman, W. H. Enochs, WUliam Lilly. Rebellion records, series I, v. 44. Congrfes GiV)logique International, 1891. Geological Survey monographs, v. 23: Green Mountains in Massachusetts. Same, v. 24: Mollusca and Crustacea of miocene of New Jersey. Rebellion records, series 1, v^ 45, pt. 1. Same, v. 45, pt. 2. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1892. Consular reports, v. 44, nos. 100-103. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1893. Contributions to North American ethnology, v. 9: Dakota gramraiar. v. 8 not issued. Special consular reports, v. 10: Lead and zinc mining and markets for American flour. Geological Survey bulletins 87-89. Same, 90-97. Same, 98-101. Same, 102-106. Same, 107-117. Mineral resources of U. S., 1893. Smithsonian Institution, 1893 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Weather Bureau, 1893. Consular reports, v. 45, nos. 1G4-167. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 40, pt. 1. Same, v. 46, pt. 2. Same, v. 46, pt. 3. Fish Commission report, 1892. Richardson's Compilation of Presidents' messages, v. 1: 1789-1817. Same, v. 2: 1817-33. Same, v. 3: 1833-41. Same, v. 4: 1841-49. Same, v. 5: 1849-61. Same, v. 6: 1861-69. Same, v. 7: 1869-81. Same, v. 8: 1881-89. Same, v. 9: 1889-97. Same, v. 10: 1897-99, appendix, and index. Centennial of laying of cornerstone of Capitol. Moore's International arbitrations, v. 1 : History. Same, v. 2: History. Same, v. 3: Digest. Same, v. 4: Digest. Same, v. 5: Domestic commissions, etc., index. Same, v. 6: Maps. 852 CATALOGUE. OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 53d CONGRESS, 2(1 SESSION— Continued "3 . ■i^ 2 m o > 40 • Series Document no. Notes 32fxS n. misc. docs.. do 213 List of private claims, 47th-51st Congress. See serial no. 3239. 214-216 171- V >^. , 471-825 826-1150 1151-1477 1408 3269 3270 3271 1 2 3 4 5 .... 11. reports do .do... Except 208, 210, 349, 392, 409, in serial no. 3158. Except 637, 822, in serial no. 3158. E.xcept 970-972, in serial no. 3158. Except 1468, in serial no. 3273. Violations of annor-plate contracts. 3272 3273 .do... 53d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 3, 1894r-Mar. 2, 1895 3234 S. journal 3275 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 .... S. ex. docs do 1-57 Except 7, in serial no. 3276; 8, in serial nos. 3277, 3278. Chicago strike, 1893-94. 3276 7 3277 do 8,pt.2 58-67 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1894, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. 3278 do 3279 do 3280 do 68-105 76, letter of transmittal only, List of employees in Treas- ury Department not printed. 77, letter of transmittal only, sec, for 8th special labor report, serial no. 3325. Except 19, in serial no. 3282; 50, in serial no. 3283; 64, in serial no. 3284. Congressional directory, 2 editions. Nat. Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 7: Bombycine moths of North America, pt. 1. Pt. 2 is in serial no. 4776. Acceptance of Stark and "Webster statues. History of Red Cross Society. Not printed. Appropriations, new ofEces, etc. Eulogies: Z. B. Vance, F. B. Stockbridge, A. H. Col- quitt. Except 760, in serial no. 3290=; 769, 808, in serial no. 3148. Except 865, 875, 932, 952, 1021-1024, 1033-1035, in serial no. 3148; 986, in serial no. 3290'. Condition of cotton growers. 3281 .... S. misc. docs.. do 1-148 3282 19, 2 pts 50 3283 do 3284 do 64 3285 do 149 3286 do 150 3287 3288 3289 do S. reports do 151-153 711-831 832-1049 986, 2 pts 7C0, 2 pts 3290' do 32902 do Alcohol in the arts. 3291 H. journal 3292 3293 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 H.ex. docs do l.Pt.l l,pt.l l,Pt.l l,Pt.2 l,pt.2. l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,pt.2 l,Pt.3 l,pt.4 l,pt.5 Message and Foreign relations, 1894. Foreign relations, appendix 1. Same, appendix 2: Hawaii. War, 1894, v. 1. 3294 do 3295 do 3296 do Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. 3297 do 3298 do 3299 ... do . 8300 do. 3301 do 3302 do 3303 do Navy, 1894. Post-Offlce, 1894. 3304 do 8305 do Interior, 1894, v. 1: Secretary and Public lands. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 853 53d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued "a . "t^ 2 3 t Series Document no. Notes M > (S 3306 15 H. e.\. docs .. . 5 Same, v. 2: Indians. 3307 16 do l,Pt.5 l,pt.5 Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4: Geological Survey. 3308 17 do 83091 18 [1] do l,Pt.5 Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. 33092 18 [2] do l,Pt.5 Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. 3310 19 do l,pt.o Agriculture, 1894. 3311 20 do l,Pt.7 2 CommLssioners of District of Columbia, 1894. Treasurj- (Finances) 1894. Comptroller of Currency, lS9t, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 3312 21 .... do 3313 22 ' do 3,pt.l 3, pt. 2 3314 23 I... do 3315 24 do 4 Internal Revenue CoTnmi<;<;innpr 1S04 3316 25 do 5, 13, 110, 258 Estimates of appropriations and deficiencies. Commerce and navigation, 189<. 3317 26 .... do 6, 2 pts 3318 97 do 7. Justice (.Vttorney-General) 1894. Except 13, la serial no. 3310; 15, in serial no. 3.320; 92, in serial no. 3321; 99, letter of transmittal only, state- 3319 ?R do 8-150. . ment not printed; 100, in serial no. 3322; 110, in serial no. 3310. 3320 29 30 31 32 33 ?,4 do 15 Statistical abstract, 1894. 3321 do 92 Tests of metals, 1894. 3322 do 100 Columbian Historical E.xposition, Madrid, 1892. 258 is in serial no. 3310. 3323 do 151-257 259-353 354 3324 do 3325 do Labor Department, Sth special report : Housing of work- ing people. See, for letter of transmittal, serial no. 3280, S. e.x. doc. 77: 3326 35 .do 355 Agriculture Yearbook, 1894. 3327 1 H. misc. docs.. 1-87 Except 25, in serial no. 3328; 27, in serial no. 3329; 35, in serial no. 3330; 44. in serial no. 3.331; 58, in serial no. 3332; 66, in serial no. 3333; 70, in serial no. 3334; 78, in serial no. 3335; 79, in serial no. 3336; 80-85, in serial no. 3337; 86, in serial no. 3338. 332S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .do 25 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1894, Sth. 3329 do 27, 2 pts 35 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1894. 3330 do Consular reports, v. 40, nos. 108-171. 3331 do ... 44 Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 20. 3332 .do 58 Naval war records, series 1, v. 1. 3333 .do OG Consular reports, v. 47, nos. 172-175. 3334 .do 70 Patent Office, 1894. 3335 ... .do 78 Geological Survey bulletins 118-122. 3336 do 79 80-85 Civil Service Commission, 1894. 3337 .... do Eulogies: P. S. Post, G. B. Shaw, G. W. Houk, M. C. Lisle, Charles O'Neill, M. B. Wright. 3338 12 do 80 Fi-sh Commission Bulletin, 1S94. 3339 13 14 15 do S8 Weather Bureau, 1894. 3340 .do 89 Fish Commission report, 1893. 3341 do 90,pt.l Smitlo-onian Institution, 1894 [pt. 1]. 3342 10 do 90, pt. 2 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. 3343 1- .do 91 American Historical Association, 1894. *3344 .do 92 Special consular reports, v. 11: American lumber in foreign markets. 3345 1 11. reports 1478-1750 Except 15S4, 1652, 1736. in serial no. 3158. 3346 - - • - do 1751-2000 E.xcept 1759, 1839, ISol, 1908-1910, 1954, 1;i7:!-I976. 2000, in serial no. 3158. 854 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAKY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 54tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1895— June 11, 1896 C3 . m 3346a 334V 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 8359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 8366 3367 3367a 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 8378 8379 3380 8381 3382 8383 3384 8385 3387 Series S. journal... do do do do do do .do., .do., .do.. do do do do S. reports do do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 1-31 25 32-100 101-155 137,pts.l,2... 137, pt. 2, atlas, 15(V213 214-270 219 242 271-314. 304 315 316 14,3 pts. 1-274.... 275-506.. 507-703.. 704-885. 886-1140.. |799,2pts. ■■"■|lll09 H.journal. .. l,pt. 1. do l,pt.2. 2. 2. 2. 2. do 2. do 2. do 2. Notes ■ E.x"^pt 14, in serial no. 3361; 25. in serial no. 3348. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1895, 2 pts. Government Printing Office, 1895; etc. E.xcept 137, in serial nos. 3351 and 3352. Seal life, pts. 1, 2. Same, pt. 2, atlas. Except 219, in serial no. 3355; 242, in serial no. 3356; 268, in serial no. 3396. 230 mentions draft of bill for renaming streets of District of Columbia, but this draft is not given here. 237 is Torrey bankruptcy bill. Tariff acts, 1795-1895. Patent OfHce, 1895. Except 304, in serial no. 3358. 314 is Pacific railroads hearings. Senate manual. Nicaragua Canal hearings. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Congressional directory, 3 editions. 409, 3 pts., relates to University of United States. 637 is Dedication of Chickamauga and Chattanooga Park. E.xcept 799, in serial no. 3367. 778, 2 pts., is Pacific railroads. Except 1109, in serial no. 3367. River and harbor bill. Nicaragua Canal. Message and Foreign relations, 1895, pt. 1. Same,pt.2. War, 1895, v. 1. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: En^neers. Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 6: Engineers, Mississippi River Com- mission. Same, v. 2, pt. 7: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Navy, 1895. Post-Office, 1895. Interior, 1895, v. 1: Secretary and Public lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey, Director's rp., etc;* Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey, Economic geology. Same, v. 4, pt. 3: Geological Survey, Mineral resources, 1894. Same, v. 4, pt. 4: Geological Survey, Mineral resources, 1894, continued. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 54tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 855 53 . •C o Notes 3388 3389 3390 3391 339-2 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3420 8401 34 3402 35 3403 36 3404 37 3405 38 3406 39 3407 40 3408 41 3409 42 3410 43 3411 44 3412 45 3413 46 3414 47 3415 48 3416 49 3417 50 3418 51 3419 52 3421 54 3422 55 3423 50 3424 57 3425 58 8426 53 59 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 28, 2 pts. 29 30, 4 pts. 31, 4 pts. 32 33 34 35 3i) 37, pt. 1 . 37, pt. 2. 37, pt. 3. 42, 3 pts. 288 54 5fr-138... 76,77 79 88 100 132, 5 pts. 139-223. 175 186, pt. 1. 186, pt. 2. 219 224-278. . . 253. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education. Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture report, 1S95. Agriculture expenditures. Justice (Attorney-General) 1895. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1895. Treasury (Finances) 1895. Comptroller of Currency, 1895, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1895. Estimates of appropriations for 1897. . Receipts and expenditures, 1895. Deficiency estimates, 1896. Contains also S. doc. 268. Commerce and navigation, 1895, pt. 1, v. 1. Same, pt. 1, v. 2. Same [pt. 2]: Immigration. Except 25, in serial no. 3390; 41, in serial no. 339C; 42, in serial no. 3412; 54, in serial no. 3413. 55 is Military Acadeii;y. Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., report, 1895; Navi- gation laws of U. S. 27th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1895. Consular reports, v. 48, nos. 176-179. Same, v. 49, nos. 180-183. Special consular reports, v. 12: Highways of commerce. Labor Department bulletins, v. 1, nos. 1-7. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1896, 2d ed. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1894. Naval war records, series 1 , v. 2. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 47, pt. 1. Same, v. 47, pt. 2. Same, v. 47, pt. 3. National Home for Disabled V'olunteer Soldiers, 1895. Same, report of inspection, 1895. Tests of metals, 1S95. Except 76 and 77, in serial no. 3415; 79, in serial no. 3416; 88, in serial no. 3417; 91, in serial no. 34.50; 100, in serial no. 3418; 128, in serial no. 3396; 132, in serial no. 3419. Amiy register, 1896; Navy register, 1896. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1895. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1895, 9th. Statistical abstract, 1895. Consular reports, v. 50, nos. 184-187; and supplement to 187. No. 184 is F^xports declared, quarter ended Sept. 1895; suppl. to 187 is sanie, quarter ended Dec. 1895. Except 175, in serial no. 3421; 186, in serial nos. 3422 and 3423; 210, in serial no. 3150; 219, in serial no. 3424. Fur-seal fisheries of Alaska (Elliott). Commercial relations, 1894 and 1895, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Washington observations, 1890. Except 253, in serial no. 3426; 266, in serial no. 3427. 224 is Affairs in Cuba. 279 is in serial no. 3456. National .\cadeiny of Sciences memoirs, v. 8, no. 1. 856 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued Serial no. o > Series Document no. Notes 3427 60 H. docs 266 Ethnology report, 1892, 13th. 8428 61 do 280-409, 423. . . . E.Kcept nos. 288, in serial no. 3412; 291, ".a serial no. 3429; 295, in serial no. 3451; 297, in serial no. 3430; 311-314, in serial no. 3444; 324, in serial no. 3396; 339, in serial nos. 3431 aud 3432; 343, in serial no. 3151; 352, in serial no. 3433; 359, in serial no. 3435; 360, in serial no. 3434; 361, in serial no. 3435; 369, in serial nos. 3436 and 3437; 373, in serial no. 3438; 374, la serial no. 3451; 377, in serial no. 3439; 379, in serial no. 3440; 380, in serial no. 3441; 898, in serial no. 3451. 423 is Laws of street-railway franchises in District of Co- lumbia. 3429 62 63 .... do.^. do 291 American Historical Association, 1895. 3430 297 Geological Survey monographs, v. 25: Glacial Lake Agassiz. 3431 64 .... do 3.39, pt.l Labor Department, 10th annual report, 1894: Strikes and lockouts, v. 1. 3432 65 .... do 339, pt. 2 Same, v. 2. 3433 66 67 do 352 360 House manual. 3434 do American Library Association catalog, 1893. Handbook of ex-perinient station work; Honey bee. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 48, pt. 1. 3435 68 do 361,359 3436 69 do 369. pt. 1 3437 70 ...;.do 369, pt. 2 Same, v. 48, pt. 2. 3438 71 79 do 373 Tests of metals, 1893. 3439 do 377, 5 pts Consular reports, v. 51, nos. 188-191; and supplement to 189, Exports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1896. 3440 73 74 75 do do 379 Naval war records, series 1, v. 3. 8441 380 Agriculture Yearbook, 1895. 3442 do 410 Document catalogue, 53d Congress, Mar. 4, 1893-June 30, 1S95. 3443 76 do 411 Geological Survey monographs, v. 26: Flora of Amboy clays. 3444 77 ... - do 311-314,413,414 Geological Survey bulletins 123-120, 128, 129. 3445 78 79 80 do 412 Same, 127. 344A do 415-421 424 Same, 130-136. 3447 do Fish Commission report, 1894. Smithsonian Institution, 1895 [pt. 1]. , Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. 3448 81 do 425, pt. 1 425, pt. 2 3449 82 do 3450 83 84 do [Unnumbered . 191,210 ' Finance, commerce, and immigration, July-Oct. 1895. do Same, Nov.-Dec. 1895. 3451 r295, 343, 374, 1 398,422,426. ISame, with title. Monthly summary of finance and com- J meree, Jan.- June, 1896. 3452 85 86 do 427 . Patent derisions 1895 3453 do 428 Weather Bureau, 1896. Includes meteorological tables for calendar year 1895. Administrative rp. 1895 not in Congressional set. 3454 87 do 429 Eulogies: Wm. H. Grain. 3455 88 do 430 Document index, 54th Congress, 1st session. 3456 89 . .. do 279, 2 pts 1-293 Nicaragua Canal Board, with plates. 3457 1 H. reports 3458 2 3 do 294-572 573-842 3459 do 3460 4 5 .'..:. do 843-1136 1137-1410 8461 do CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 857 54tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued "C 2 V a o > CM Series Document no. Notes 34«2 3463 6 7 8 9 10 •-••' H. reports Ho 1417-1633 1034-1812 1813-2125 2126-2289 22G3... 1497, Pacific railroads funding bill, is in 3 pts. Pt. 3, Views of the minority, a report of the 2d session, is bound here, and also in serial no. 3554. Settlement with Arkansas; etc. 3464 do 3465 3466 .... do do Except 2263, in serial no. 34CG. 2120 is Nicaragua Canal. Reciprocity and commercial treaties. 8466a 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3476a 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 34931 34932 3494 3495 3496 3497 8498 Sdtll CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION Dec. 7, 1896-Mar. 3, 1897 S. journal. S. docs .do. .do. .do. .do. do.... do.... S. reports. do.... do.... H. journal. H. docs... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do do.... do.... do.... do do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1-34. 35 30-99... 100-137. 138-187. 183 16, 2 pts. . 1141-1297. 1298-1453. 1454-1575. 5 6, 2 pts. 7 8 Contains also proceedings special session Senate, 55th Cong., Mar. 4-10, 1897, p. 191. Except 16, in serial no. 3473. 18 is Govermnent Print- ing Office, 1896. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1896. 115 is Grain rates at Missouri River points. Except 159, in serial no. 3502; 183, in serial no. 3472. 187 is Investigation of bond sales. Patent Office, 1896. Congressional directory, 2 editions. 1141 is Alcohol in the arts; 1100 is Cuban independence. 1453 is Armor-plate prices. 1517, 2 pts., is Second-class mail matter; 1573 is Library of Congress, hearings. Message and Foreign relations, 1890. War, 1890, v. 1: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same, v. 2, pt. 1: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 2: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 3; Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 4: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 5: Engineers. Same, v. 2, pt. 0: Engineers. Same, v. 3: Ordnance. Navy, 1890. Post-Office, 1890. Interior, 1896, v. 1: Secretary and Public lands. Same, v. 2: Indians. Same, v. 3: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 4, pt. 1: Geological Survey, Director's rp., etc. Same, v. 4, pt. 2: Geological Survey, Economic geology and hydrography. Same, v. 4, pt. 3: Geological Survey, Mineral resources, 1895. Same, v. 4, pt. 3: Geological Survey, Mineral resources, 1895, continued. Same, v. 5, pt. 1: Education Same, v. 5, pt. 2: Education. Agriculture report, 1890; Agriculture Yearbook, 1896. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1896. Treasury (Finances) 1896. 858 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Sitli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— r.onlinued "o Series Document no. Notes s^ > ^ 3499 2;j n. docs 9,2pts 11 Justice (Attoruey-GeneraJ) 1890. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1890. 3500 24 25 do 10, pt. 1 10, pt. 2 fl2 Comptroller of Currency, 1S9G, v. 1. 3501 do Same, v. 2. Estimates of appropriations for 1898. Receipts and expenditures, 1S90. 3502 VCi do 75 .70,250 Also S. doc. 159. All are deficiency estimates. 3503 27 28 29 do 13, pt. 1 13,pt. 2........ 14-22,41-148... Commerce and navigation, 1890, v. 1. 3504 do Same, v. 2. 3505 do Except 46, in serial no. 3510; 70, 75, in serial no. 3502; 99, in serial no. 3517; 104, in serial no. 3518; 108, in serial no. 3540; 131, in serial no. 3519; 135. in serial no. 3520; 136, in serial no. 3521; 137, in serial no. 3522. 22 is Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1S90. 35or> 30 23 Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1S95. Consular reports, v. 52, nos. 192-195; and supplement 3507 31 do 24, 5pts to 192, E.xports declared, quarter ended June, 1890. 3508 32 do 25, 2pts Special consular reports, v. 13: Monej' and prices in foreign countries. 3509 33 do 20, pts. 1-0 Monthly suiiunary of finance and commerce, Jul.v-Dec. 1890. 3510 34 do 20, pts. 7-12... Same, Jan.-June, 1897. The April issue is in 2 pts., the 2d pt. bemg a tariff compilation. 3511 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 .do 27-32 Geological Survoj' bulletins 137-142. 3512 do 33-37,340,347.- 38 Same, 143-149. 3553 do 28th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1S9G. 3514 . .do 39 American ephem.eris and nautical almanac, 1897, 2d ed. 3515 . . .do 40 Naval war records, series 1, v. 4. 3516 do 40, 274 99 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1890. 3517 . .do Interstate Commerce Commission, 1890, 10th. 3518 .. .do 104 Fish Commission report, 1895. 3519 43 44 do 131 135, Opts Tests of metals, 1890. 3520 do Labor Department bulletins, v. 2, nos. 8-13. 3521 45 do 130 Geological Survey monographs, v. 27: Geology of Den- ver Basin. 3522 40 47 . .do 137 House manual. 3523 do 149, 150 Army register, 1897; Navy register, 1S97. 8524 48 do 151-249 Except 158, in serial no. 3525; 164, in serial no. 3520; 192, in serial no. 3527; 202, in serial no. 3528; 218^ in serial nos. 3529 and 3530; 230, in serial no. 3531 hs, 250 is in serial no. 3502. 3525 49 50 do 158 Statistical abstract, 1S96. 3520 do 104, Opts Consular reports, v. 53, nos. 190-199; and supplements to 190 and 199, PLxports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Deo. 1890. 3527 51 52 53 do . .. 192 Deep Waterways Commission. Civil service tables. 3528 .... do do 202 3529 218,pt.l Geological Survey monographs, v. 28: Marquette iron- bearing district of Michigan. 3530 54 55 do 218, pt. 2 230,pt.l Same, atlas. 3531' 1 do Ethnology report, 1893, 14th, pt. 1. 8531 2 55 2 do 230, pt. 2 Same, pt. 2. 3532 50 do 251,pt,. 1 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 49, pt. 1, 8533 57 do 251, pt. 2 Same, v. 49, pt. 2. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 859 54tll CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued '3 . s a "3 C3 Series Document no. Notes 3534 58 H. docs 252-337 Except 255, in serial no. 3535; 267, In serial no. 3536; 274, in serial no. 3516; 291, in serial no. 3537; 303, in serial no. 3.')3S; 818 and 321, in serial no. 3539; 323, in serial nos. 3540 and 351 1 ; 332 , in serial no. 3535. 315 is 3535 3536 59 no do do 255,332 207.. Canadian-.Vmeriean Fishery Commission report. Kulogics: C. F. Crisp and William Cogswell. Cotton plant. .\ni:nal Iiidiistr.v Bur. rp. , 1895 and 1896, 12th and 13th. 3537 3538 01 t'.2 do do 291 303 3539 03 do 318, 321 Civil Ser\'ic-e Conui;ission, 1895 and 1896. 3540 64 do 323, pt. 1 Coiimiereial relations, 1896, v. 1. 3541 05 do 323, pt. 2 Same, v. 2. 3542 00 do 338, pt. 1 33S, pt. 2 TfirifT hea.riricj'2 1St»r>-n7 v 1 3543 07 do Same, v. 2. 3544 6S do 339... . Ethnology report, 1894, 15Ui. 340 is in serial no. 351Z Labor Dcpt., 11th annual rp.. lS9.>-90: Work and wapes. 1 Water-supply and irrigation papers, 1-9. 847 Is In 3545 m do 341. 3546 70 do 108, 342-346, 1 349-351. 1 serial no. 3512. 3547 71 do 348 Fish Commijsion Bulletin 1896 3548 72 do 352, pt. 1 Smithsonian Institution, 1890 [pt. 1]. 3549 73 do 352, pt. 2 353, pt. 1 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. American Historical Association, 1S90, v. 1. 35501 74 1 do 3550 = 74 2 do 353, pt. 2 Same, v. 2: Proposed amendments to Constitution of U. S. 3551 75 76 .. 354.. PatPnt Office decisiona. 1896 8552 do 355 Document catalogue, 54th Congress, 1st session, July 1, 1895-June 30, 1896. 3553 77 do 356 Docimient index, 54th Congress, 2d session. ri497, pt. 3 Pacific railroads funding bill, minority views; see, for 35&1 I H. reports [229O-2416 pts. 1 and 2, serial no. 3402. 2291 is Alcohol in the arts, report and hearings. 3555 2 3 do '2447-2773 2774-3080 3556 do Except 3035, in serial no. 3557. 3557 4 do 3035 Investigation of Soldiers' Home, Leavenworth, Kans. 55tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4 10, 1897 S. journal . S. doc S. reports. Sec serial no. 3406a, p. 191. Claim of A. H. Herr, see serial no. 3559. None issued. 55tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 15-July 24, 1897 3557a S. journal 3558 3569 1 2 S. docs do 1,2 pts 2-17,19-35 Congressional directory, 2 editions. Also 1, special session Senate, 55th Cong. 10, 4 pts.. is Pacific railroads; 34 is Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indian reservations. 860 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 5otli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 03 . "C 2 a> a 3560 3561 3562 3563 8564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3570a 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 8587 3588 Series S. docs . do.. do.. do.. .do.... .do.... Document no. 18 30-04... 65-133.. 134-190. .do .do .do 138. 185. ISS 191 192 [3 pts.]. S. reports ' 1-SG. .do ! 87-393. PI. journal H. docs , 1-90. .do 32 .do j 60 .do i 51, Opts. .do. 91, 5 pts. 1.... ! 92, pt.2 92,pt.3 92, pt. 4 93 9-1, pts. 1-C. ! 94, pts. 7 I 59, pt. 1. I 59, pt.2. I 95, pt. 1. 12.. .do. -do. 95, pt. 2. 9G H. reports , 1-10. Notes Deep-water harbor, California. Except 138, in serial no. 3504; 185, in serial no. 3565; 188, in serial no. 3500. Labor Department, 9th special report: Italians in Chi- cago. Charities and reformatories in District of Coltunbia, pt. 1. Contains also S. rp. 700 and 781 of 55th Cong. 2d sess., which are pts. 2 and 3 of the same report. Tariff comparisons, 1894 and 1897. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Also S. doc. 329 of 55th Cong. 2d sess. All are Tariff laws, comparisons, etc. 81, pt. 2, is a report of 55 th Cong. 2d sess. 20 is Pacific railroads. Except 32, in serial uo. 3572; 51, in serial no. 3574; 59, in serial nos. 3583 and 3584; 60, in serial no. 3573. Fish Commission report, 1890. Naval war records, series 1, v. 5. Consular reports, v. 54, nos. 200-203; supplement to 203; and index to v. 42-54. Supplement to 203 is Exports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1897. Consular reports, v. 55, nos. 204-207; and supplement to 206, Exports declared, quarter ended June, 1897. Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Ethnology report, 1895, 10th. Monthlj' siunmary of finance and commerce, July-DeC 1897. Same, Jan. -June, 1898. Rebellion records, series 1, v. 50, pt. 1. Same, v. 50, pt. 2. Same, v. 51, pt. 1. Same, v. 51, pt. 2. Document index, 55th Congress, 1st session. Tariff: etc. 55tli CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION Dec. 6, 1897-Jiily 8, 1898 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 S. journal. S. docs do.... .do. 1-21,23-38. 22, 2 pts. . . 39-67 08-76,78-109... 33 is Government Printing Office, 1897. Congressional directorj', 2 editions. Postal telegraphs, telepliones, and postal savings banks, etc. For correction of doc. 40, pt. 1, see doc. 40, pt. 2. Except 91 , in serial nos. 3595-3598. 96 is Viaduct across Rock Creek, D. C. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 861 55tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued "3 . S a "o Series Document no. Notes CO > PL, 3591 ,5 S. docs 77 National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 8, no. 2. Contains also S. docs. 139, 174, 55th Cong. 3d sess., Memoirs, v. 8, nos. 3 and 4. 3595 fi do 91,pt.l 91,pt.2 91,pt.3 Venezuelan Boundary Commission, v. 1: Historical. 3596 7 do 3597 8 do Same, v. 3: Geographical. 3598 9 do 91,pt.4 110-137 3599 10 do 128 is Ticket brokerage, hearings. 131, 3 pts., is U. S. fruit in Germany, San Jost§ scale, etc. 3600 11 do 138-1 77,179-20r,. Except 185, in serial no. 3(X)9. 8601 12 ...- do 178, pts. 1,7-10, 13-17. 1 American llepublics Bureau report, 1897, and Bulletins 1 75-78, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90. For pt. 18, see serial no. .3619. 3602 13 do 178, pt. 2 Commercial nomenclature, English, Spanish, Portu- guese. 3603 14 do 178,pt.3 Nomenclaturacomercial, Spanish, English, Portuguese. Nomenclatura commercial, Portuguese, Spanish, En- glish. 3604 IS do 178,pt.4 3605 16 do 178,pt.5 Commercial directory of American Republics, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 3606 17 18 do 178, pt. 6 178,pt.ll 3607 do American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 5, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1897. v. 1-4 not in Congressional set. Same, v. 5, nos. 7-12, Jan.- June, 1898. 3 pages on Death 3608 19 do 178,pt.l2 of director Jos. P. Smith, in four languages, which are bound in bureau edition of no. 8, are missing from • Congressional edition, though given in table of contents. 8609 ?n do 185 Patent OfRce, 1897. 8610 ?i do 207-237 Destruction of battle ship Maine, etc. 3611 22 .... do 238-246,248-289, Except 283, in serial no. 3617. 271 is Laws of Navy and Marine Corps. 3612 23 24 do 247 Mexican Boundary Commission, 1891-%, pts. 1 and 2. 8613 do 247 Same, album. 3614 do 247 Same, atlas. 3615 2G do 290-341 Except 302, in serial no. 3659; 829, in serial no. 3568. 340 is Direct legislation and referendiim. 3616 27 28 do 342 Appropriations, new offices, etc. 8617 do 283,343,344 ... Eulogies: Jos. 11. Earle, I. G. Harris, J. Z. George. 8618 29 do 345 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1897. 3610 30 do 178,pt.l8 American Republics Bureau bulletin 93. 178, pts. 1-17 are in serial nos. 3601-3{i08. Bulletins 94-97 were to have been 178, pts. 19-22; 94 is in serial no. 3971, 56th Cong. 1st sess.; 95-97, not issued. 8620 1 S. reports 394-620 Except 411, in serial no. 3021. 81, pt. 2, Minority rp. on Sioux City and Pacific Railroad bonds, bound in serial no. Sryi^O, is a rp. of this session. 8621 2 3 do 411 Alcohol in manufactures and arts. 8622 do 621-906 Except 659, in serial no. 3023; 700 and 781, in serial no. 3565; 885, in serial no. 3624. 3623 4 5 do C59 885,2pts Examination of civil service law, with testimonies. 8624 do Affairs in Cuba. Includes reprints of Senate documents and reports of 54th and 55th Congresses. 3625 6 .... do 907-1171 P^xcept 1123, in serial no. 3626. 3626 7 8 do 1123 Internal revenue laws, 1861-73. 8627 do 1172-1416 862 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 55tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued [3 • > Series Doctiment no. Notes 8628 11. journal 3629 3630 3631 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 .24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 - . . . II. docs do do do 1 2 2 Message and Foreign relations, 1897. War, 1897: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: Engineers, pt. 6. Same: Ordnance. 3632 2 3633 8634 3635 .... do do do 2 2 o 3636 do 2 3637 do 2 3 8638 do Navy, 1897. Post-Offlce, 1897. 3639 do 4 5 5 3640 do Interior, 1897: Secretary and I'ublic lands. Same* Indian ntfair'^ 3641 do 3et2 do 5 Same: Miscellaneous. 3613 3644 .... do do 5 5 5 5 5 5 Same: Geological Survey, pt. 1, Director's rp., etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 2, Theoretic papers. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, Economic geology. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Mineral resources, 1896. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Mineral resources, 1896, continued. Same: Education v 1. 8645 3616 3617 8648 . . . . do do do do 3649 do 5 5 3650 do Same: Education v 2 3651 do 6,26 Agriculture, 1897; Agriculture expenditures, 1897. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1897, v. 1. [Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. [Same, v. 3: Health Department. Treasury (Finances) 1897. Justice (Attorney-General) 1897. Comptroller of Currency, 1897, v. 1. Same, v 2 3652 3653 do do 7 7 3654 do... 8 3655 do 9 . 3656 do 10,pt.2 11... 3657 do.. 3658 do Internal Revpniip Com "missi oner 1SQ7 do fl2 Estunates of appropriations for 1899. Receipts and expenditures, 1897. Also S. doc. 302. All are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1897, v. 1. 3659 94 3660 do 156,203,319... 13,pt. 1 13,pt. 2 14,10-133 15. 3661 do... 3662 8663 do do . Except 26, in serial no. 3651; 27, in serial no. 3064; 94, in serial no. 3659; 95, in serial no. 3665. 14 is Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1897. 29th annual list of merchant vessels of TT S 18Q7 3664 do 27,278 95. 3665 do Armor Factory Board report. l4l is Reservoir sites in Wyoming and Colorado. Except 156 and 204} , in serial no. 3659; 157, in serial no 3668; 201, in serial no. 3674. 8666 do 134-141 [142-163, J65, 1 171-205. 157 3667 do 3668 do 3669 do 164 Tests of metals, 1897. 3670 3671 do do 166....u,........i. 167 Weather Bureau, 1897. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1896. Army register, 1898; Navy register, 1898. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1898, 2d ed. Consular reports, v. 56, nos. 208-211; and supplements to 208 and 211, Exports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Dec. 1897. 3672 do.. 168,109 170 8673 do do 3674 201, Opts CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATE^ SENATE. 803 55tli CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION— Continued •3 . o Series Document no. Notes m > Ch 3675 47 .... H. docs 435, 5 pts Same, v. 57, nos. 212-215; and supplement to 215, Ex- ports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1898. 3676 48 do 505, 5pts Same, v. 58, nos. 210-219; and supplement to 218, Kx- ports declared, quarter ended June, 1898. 8677 49 do 503 Special consular reports, v. 14: Drug trade in foreign countries. 3678 50 do 206, 6pts r207-226, 228- ] 258, 260, 261, i 263-387. Labor Department bulletins, v. 3, nos. 14-19. [Exeept278, in serialno. 3604; 288, in serial nos. 3C84and I 3685; 299, in serial no. 3687; 301 and 302, in serial no. 3679 51 do 3688; 314, in serial no. 3689; 319, in serial no. 3659; 321, I in serial no. 3690; 338, in serial no. 36S0. 3680 52 ...■. .do 227, 338, 578. . Animal Industry Bureau operations, 1897; Meat in- spection; Animal Industry Bureau report, 1897^ 14th. 3681 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 do 259 Statistical abstract, 1897. 3682 do 262 Naval war records, series 1, v. 6. 3683 do 559 Same, v. 7. 3684 do 288,pt.l 288,pt.2 476 Rebellion records, series 1, v. 52, pt. 1. Same, v. 52, pt. 2. Same, v. 53. 3685 do 3686 do 3687 do 299 ITish Commission report, 1897, and Manual offish-culture. fSOl, 302, 453, ' ill, 509-511, 3688 60 do Water-supply and irrigation papers, 10-18. [ 579, 580. 3689 61 62 do do 314 Civil Service Commission, 1897. 3690 321,464,543... Eulogies: W. S. Hohnan, A. B. Wright, S. L. Milliken. 3691 63 do 388-396 389 is Fox and Wisconsin rivers; 390 is Beet-sugar in- dustry. 3692 64 do 397-548 Except 435, in serial no. 3675; 454, in serial no. 3693; 464, 543, in serial no. 3690; 476. in serial no. 3686; 483, in serial nos. 3694 and 3095; 453, 477 . 509-51 1 , in serial no. 3688. 482 is Surveys of rivers and harbors. 3693 65 66 ... .do... 454 Agriculture Yearbook, 1897. 3694 do 483,pt. 1 Commercial relations, 1897, v. 1. 3695 67 do 483, pt. 2 f549-553 Same, v. 2. Ship canal at Sabine Pass, Tex.; etc. 3696 68 do |555-558 564 559 is in serial no. 3683. Labor Department, 12th annual report, 1897: Economic aspects of liquor problem. 3697 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ... .do OfTicial opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 21. 3698 do 560 House manual. 3699 do 561 Fish Commission Bulletin, 1897. 8700 .... do do .. 562 Tariff acts, 1789-1897. 563 is in serial no. 3677. 3701 566 Patent Office decisioBS, 1897. 565 is in serial no. 3C76. 8702 do 567-569 570-572,574.... 573, pts. 1-6.... Geological Survey bulletins 150-152. 3703 ... .do Same, 153-156. 3704 do Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Dec. 1898. 3705 77 do 573, pts. 7-12.. Same, Jan.-June, 1899. 8706 78 do 575, pt. 1 Smithsonian Institution, 1897 [pt. 1]. 8707 79 1 do 575, pt. 2 Same [pt. 2): National Museum, pt. 1. 3708 79 2 do 575, pt. 3 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum, pt. 2, Memorial of G. B. Goode. 8709 8710 sn do 576 Parliamentary precedents of House. 81 do 577 American Historical Association, 1897. 578 is in serial no. 3680; 579 and 680, in serial no. 3688. 864 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 55tll CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued » a m > Series Document no. Notes 3711 82 83 84 85 86 87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .... H. docs do 581 Geological Survey monographs, v. 29: Old Hampshire County, Mass. Same, v. 30: Fossil m^edusse. 3712 582 3713 do 583 [Rebellion records, series 1, v. 54 and 55 not printed. 3714 do 584 3715 3716 do. . . .do... 585 586 Document catalogue, 54th Congress, 2d session, July 1, 1896- June 30, 1897. Document index, 55tli Congress, 2d session. 3717 II. reports do... 17-245. . 8718 246-543 544-852 853-1193 1194-1420 1421-1658 776,1092 ia59 3719 3720 3721 do do ... .do... Except 776, in serial no. 3723. Except 1092, in serial no. 3723. 1375 is Personnel of Navy. 3722 do... 3723 do Charities and reformatories in District of Columbia, pts. 2, 3. These appeared also as S. reports 700, 781, which are bound with pt. 1 In serial no. 3565. Telephone charges in District of Columbia. 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 55tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 5, 1898-Mar. 3, 1899 S. journal. S. docs do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do S. reports.. do do H. journal. H. docs do do do do 1-3,5-15,17-30. 4, 2pts 16 31-47,49-58.... 48 51, pt. 2 59-fil, 63-110. 62, 3 pts 104 109, 2 pts. . . . 111-169 170,171.-.. 172 1^3 174 1417-1685. 1433 1686-1893. 5 is Government Printing Office, 1898. Congressional directory, 2 editions. Hawaiian Commission report. Except 51 , pt. 2 , in serial no. 3730. 31 is Convention of American Instructors of tlie Deaf. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1898. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 6, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1898. See, for 51, pt. 1 (annual rp. 1898), serial no. 3728. Except 104, in serial no. 3733; 109, in serial no. 3734. Treaty with Spain, text and map. Patent Office, 1898. Bureau of Engraving and Printing investigation. Except 139, in serial no. 3594. 164 is Daughters of the American Revolution, 1890-97, 1st report. Eulogies: J. S. Morrill and E. C. Walthall. Explorations in Alaska in 1898. Appropriations, new offices, etc. See serial no. 3594. Except 1433, in serial no. 3740. Mississippi River floods. River and harbor bill; etc. Message and Foreign relations, 1898. War, 1898: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Major-general commanding Army. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. CATALOGUE OF LIBKARV OF UIsITED STATES SENATE. 865 65 th CONGItESS, 3d SESSION— Continued 3749 3750 3751 370-2 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 37C0 3761 3762 3763' 376;r^ 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 378r, 3784 3785 3786 o > 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Series 3787 3788 45 40 H. docs do do do , do do do do do do do do do do do do Document no. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do.---. Notes 5 5 [6,23.... [121,169. 7 .do. .do. .do. .do. 8 9 10, pt. 1 10,pt. 2 11 12,44,15,185. 13 14, 16-33, 35- 1 43,45-54. ■34,pt. 1 34, pt. 2.. 285, pt. 1. 285, pt. 2. 285, pt. 3. 73, 6 pt3. 294, 5 pts. 47 55,154 50-64,68-72,74- 79,81-120. 121 65. 66. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: Kngineers, pt. 6. Same: Ordnance. Navy, 1898: Miscellaneous. Same, appendix: Avar with Spain. Post-Office, 1898. Interior, 1898: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indians. Same: Miscellaneous. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 1, Director's report, etc. Same: Geological Sui-vey, pt. 2, Theoretic papers. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, Economic geology. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Sr.r\'ey, pt. 5, Forest reserves, text. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Forest reserves, atlas. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1897. Same: Geological Sur\-ey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1897, continued. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1898; Agriculture expenditures, 1898. Experiment Stations Office bulletins 61 and 62. Commissioners of District of Columbia, 1898, v. 1. iSame, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department." Treasury (Finances) 1898. Justice (Attorney-General) 1898. Comptroller of Currency, 1898, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1898. Estimates of appropriations for 1900; Receipts and ex- penditures, 1898; Deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1898. Except 23, in serial no. 3768; 47, in serial no. 3784. 14 is Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1898. Special consular reports, v. 15, pt. 1: Soap, screws, ar- gols, rabbits, ramie. Same, v. 15, pt. 2: Sericulture, and English walnut. Same, v. 16: Tariffs of foreign countries, pt. 1, Europe. Same, pt. 2, America. Same, pt. 3, Asia, Africa, Australasia, and Polynesia. Sec, for supplement, serial no. 4139. Consular reports, v. 59, nos. 220-223; and supplements to 220 and 223, Exports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Dec. 1898. Same, v. <», nos. 224-227; and supplement to 225, Ex- ports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1899. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1897. National Home for Disabled \'o!unteer Soldiers, 1S98. [Except 100, in serial no. 3790; 101, in serials 3797, 3798. [ 99 is Laws other than criminal relating to Alaska. See serial no. 3768. Rebellion records, series 2, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 49183°— 18- -55 866 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. SStti CONGRESS, 3cl SESSION— Continued C3 . 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 38001 3800 2 3801 8802 3803 3804 3805 3806 8807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 8813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 8826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 Series H. docs. do.. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do., .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do Document no. 67.. 284. 311. 312. 313. 314. 80.. 100. 101. 101 287, pt. 1. 287, pt. 2.. 287 [pt. 3]. 288 289 290 291 292 315 [122-135. 137-140, 1 142,144-161. 136,268 141 143 162 (163-180,182-206, 208-219, 222- 228, 230-265, 267,269. 181 207, 6pts 220, 277-283, 297-300. 221 229 266, pt. 1 266, pt. 2 270 271-275 276. 286. 293. 295- 296. 301. 301 302-304. 305,306. 307 308 Notes Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Same, v. 6. Same, v. 7. Same, v. 8. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1899, 2d ed. 30th annual of merchant vessels of U. S., 1898. Geological Survey monographs, v. 31: Aspen District, Colo. Same, v. 31, atlas. Same, v. 32: Geology of Yellowstone National Park, pt. 1. Not yet issued. Same, v. 32: Geology of Yellowstone National Park, pt. 2. Same, v. 32, atlas. Same, v. 33: Geology of Narragansett Bay. Same, v. 34: Glacial gravels of Maine. Same, v. 35: Later extinct floras of North America. Same, v. 36: Ci-ystal Palls, Mich., iron-bearing district. Same, v. 37: Fossil flora of lower coal-measures ol Missouri. Same, v. 3S: Illinois glacial lobe. [Except 154, in serial no. 3785. 142 is Survey of South- [ west Pass, Mississippi River. Navy register, 1899; Army register, 1899. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1898, 12th. Tests of metals, 1898. Statistical abstract, 1898. Except 169, in serial no. 3768; 185, in serial no. 3776. 268 is in serial no. 3808. Forestry investigations, 1877-98. Labor Department bulletins, v. 4, nos. 20-25. hvater-supply and irrigation papers, 19-30. Pish Commission report, 1898. House manual. Commercial relations, 1898, v. 1. Same, v. 2. ^^■eather Bureau, 1898. Eulogies: Nelson Dingley, John Simpkins, W. F. Love, S. A. Northway, E, D. Cooke. Compilation of treaties in force, 1899. Naval war records, series 1, v. 8. Agriculture Yearbook, 1898. American Historical Association, 1898. Civil Service Commission, 1898. Labor Department, 13th annual report, 1898: Hand and machine labor, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Geological Survey bulletins, 157-159. Same, 160-161. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1898, 15th.. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1898. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 867 55tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued •3 . ■C 2 a Series DociiTTient no. Notes 8833 S831 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 1 2 .... H. docs do 309, pt. 1 309, pt. 2 310 Smithsonian Institution, 1898 [pt. 1]. Same[pt. 2]: National Museum. Patent Office decisions 1898 3835 do 3836 do 31G Ethnology report, 1896, 17th, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Document catalogue, v. 4, 55th Congress, July 1, 1897- June 30, 1899. Document index, 55th Congress, 3d session. 3837 do 316 3S38 do 317 3839 do 318 3840 3841 .... H. reports do 1660-2000 2001-2367 56tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1899— June 7. 1900 3842 S. journal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .... do do... fl Secretary of Senate, report, July 1, 1898-June 30, 1899. Same, July 1, 1899- Jan. 31, 1900. Index to reports of secretaries of Senate, 1823-Jan. 31, 1900. 11 is Government Printing Office, 1899. Congressional directory, 3 editions. Except 30, in serial no. 3847. 7th International Congress of Navigation, Brussels, 1898. 59 is Bibliography of interoccanic canals; 61 is Bibli- ography of District of Columbia. History of United States Capitol, v. 1. 3843 133 290 3844 3845 2-14,16,17 15,3pts 18-49.. 3846 do.. 3847 . . ., ...... 30 3848 do 50-59,61-65.... 60 38491 1 2 do do do 38492 60, Same, v. 2. 3850 66-100 71 is Transactions with national banks. 3851 3852 3853 .... do do do 101-147 148-170 161,237 171-208 185 Except 133, in serial no. 3843; 138, in serial no. 3885 w. Except 161, in serial no. 3853. Correspondence relating to interoceanic canal. 8854 3855 do do Except 185, in serial no. 3855; 194, in serial no. 3856. Patent Office, 1899. 3856 .... do do do 194 History and growth of United States census. 3857 209 National galleries of history and art, pts. 1-3. 3858 210-235 221 Except 221, in serial nos. 3859-3866. 3859 do Commission to investigate conduct of War Department 3860 do do do 221 in War with Spain, v. 1: Minutes, report, appendices. Same, v. 2: Appendices. 3861 221 Same, v. 3: Testimony. 3862 221 Same, v. 4: Testimony. 3863 do 221 Same, v. 5: Testimony. 3864 .... do do do 221 Same, v. 6: Testimony. 3865 221 Same, v. 7: Testimony. 3866 221 Same, v. 8: Correspondence. 3867 3868 do do 236-257 r258, 260-269, 271-282, 284- [ 337. 259 Except 237, in serial no. 3853. 245 is Reindeer in Alaska, 1899; 254 is Tariff schedules in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Philippines. [Except 290, in serial no. 3843; 306, in serial no. 3874. 3869 do Filtering water-supply of Washington, D. C. 868 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Setli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued C3 . o > +3 Series Document no. 3870 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .... S. docs do do 270 3871 270 3872 270 3873 do do.. 283 3874 306 3875 do 338-387 3876 do 388 3877 3878 3879 .... do do do do 389-425 426-447,452.... 428 3880 448,451 .... do do do do 456 388H 449 38812 449 3882 3883 450,455 453... 3884 do 454... 38851 .... do do do do 138 38852 138 38853 138 3885 « 138 3886 S. reports do 1-224 3887 225-527.'. 3888 do 516 3889 do 628-765.. 3890 3891 do do 766-1113 1052 3892 do 1052 3893 do 1052 3894 3895 .... do do 1114-1372 1373-1675 , 3896 do 1023 3897 H. journal 3898 3899 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 do l,pt.2 U,pt.3 2 3900 3901 .... do do 2 2. . 3902 3903 3904 do do do 2 2 2 8905 do 2 Notes Food furnished to troops in Cuba and Porto Rico, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. New legislation concerning crimes, misdemeanors, and penalties. Alaska, 1899, Coppet River exploring expedition. Notes on Spanish-American War. These are Naval Intelligence Office, War notes 1-8. Except 413, in serial no. 3937. 425 is Daughters of the American Revolution, 1898, 2d. Except 428, in serial no. 3879. Early Congressional documents, bibliography of lst-14th Congresses (Greely). Acceptance of statues of O. P. Morton and U. S. Grant. Same, T. H. Benton and F. P. Blair. Private claims before Senate, 1891-99, v. 1: A-K. Same, v. 2: L-Z. Eulogies: G. A. Hobart and M. L. Hayward. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1S99. 1st Philippine Commission, 1899-1900 (or Schurman Commission), report, v. 1, 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, atlas. Except 516, in serial no. 3888. Adulteration of food products. 711, 2 pts., is Public Schools in District of Columbia. Except 1023, in serial no. 3896; 1052, in serial nos. 3891- 3893. Right of W. A. Clark to seat as Senator from Montana, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Except 1243, which was withdrawn. Pts. 3-6 of 1337 are in serial no. 4063, where pts. 1 and 2 are reprinted in pt. 4. Explorations in Alaska, 1869-99. Message and Foreign relations, 1899. Conditional agreement with Sultan of Jolo. Preliminary statement of 1st Philippine Commission. War, 1899: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Chiefs of bureaus. Same: Major-general commanding Army, pt. 1, Miscel- laneous. Same: Major-general commanding Army, pt. 2, Depart- ment of the Pacific. Same: Major-general commanding Army, pt. 3, Depart- ment of the Pacific, continued. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba and Porto Rico. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 56tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 809 •3 . > P-, Series Document no. Notes 3906 9 H. docs 2 Same: Engineers, pt. 2. 3907 in do 2 Same: Kngineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: Engineers, pt. 6. Same: Ordnance. 390S 11 do 2 3909 ^?. do 2 3910 IS do 2 3911 14 15 do 2 3912 do 3 Navy, 1S99. Post-Oflice, 1899. 3913 IG 17 18 19 20 do 4 3914 do... 5... Interior, 1S99: Secretarv and Public lands. 3915 do 5 Same: Indians, pt. 1. Same: Indians, pt. 2. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1. 391(> do 5 3917 do 5 3918 21 22 do... 5. . . . Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2. Same: Geological Sun-ey, pt. 1, Director's report, etc 3919 .... do 5 3920 23 do 5 Same: Geological Sur^^oy, pt. 2, General geology and paleontology. 3921 24 do 5 Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, Precious-metal mining districts. 3922 ?n do 5 Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Forest reserves. Same: Geological Suri'ey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1898. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1898, continued. 3923 ?r. do 5 3924 27 . 5 3925 28 .do... 5 3926 29 do 5 Same: Geological Survey, pt. 7, Explorations in Alaska iu 1S98. 3927 30 31 32 do 5 Same: Education, v. 1. 392S do 5 Same: Education, v. 2. 3929 |(!, 173 Agriculture, 1899; Agriculture expenditures, 1899. uo J314, 500 Agriculture in Alaska, 1S99; Experiment stations, 1899. 3930 33 do. 7 j District of Colmnbia, 1899, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. [Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. 3931 34 .do 7 jSarae, v. 3: Health Department. [Same, v. 4: Public scliools. 3932 35 36 . . do 8 Treaiiury (Finances) 1899. 3933 do 9 Justice (Attorney-General) 1899. 3934 37 do 10 Comptroller of Currency, 1899, v. 1. 3935 38 39 do 10 Same, v. 2. 3936 do .. 11 Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1899. fl2 Estimates of appropriations, 1901. 3937 40 .. J 36 Receipts and expenditures, 1899. 1199,642 Also S. doc. 413. All are deflciency estimates. 3938 41 42 43 do . 13 Commerce and navigation, 1899, v. 1. 3939 .do 13 Same, v. 2. 3940 do |14,pt.l U4,pt.2 Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1899. Law s relating to navigation and merchant marine. 3941 44 .... do 15, pts. ]-(■> Monthly summary of conunerce and finance, July-Dec. 1899. 3942 45 do ]5,pts. 7-12... Same, Jan.-June, 1900. 3943 46 do 16, 5 pts Consular reports, v. 61, nos. 228-231; and supplement to 228, Exports declared, quarter ended June, 1899. 3944 47 do 190, 6 pts Same, v. 62, nos. 232-235; and supplements to 232 and 235, Exports declared, quarters ended Sept. and Dec. 1899. 3945 48 620, 5 pts Same, v. 63, nos. 236-239; and supplement to 239, Ex- ports declared, quarter ended Mar. 1900. 870 CATALOGUE OF LIBKAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 56tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued "a . S a m 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 8951 3952 55 3953 53 3954 57 3955 58 3956 59 3957 60 3958 61 3959 62 8960 63 3961 64 3962 65 3963 66 3964 67 3965 68 3966 69 3967 70 3968 71 8969 72 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 8977 3978 8979 3980 3981 3982 3983 o > 49 50 51 52 53 54 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 80 Series H. docs do , do do do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do, .do, .do .do .do, .do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. fl7, 572, 633, 1 714-7] 8. 719, 720, 746-750 18 19-79 80-96, 98-105.. 95, pt. 2 97 106,236 107-114, 120-200 115 735 117 118 287 496 553 579 058 678 I 119, 350, 351, 1 603,721-725. fl75,pt. 1 []75,pt.4 175, pt. 2 175, pt. 3 201-238,240-263. 239 J264-297, 299, { 301-323. 298 300 324 J325-339, 341- 1 358,361-392. 340 349,360 359, 6pts Notes Same, v. 04. nos. 240-243. Special consular reports, v. 17: Sewage and garbage; Coal-tar. Same, v. IS: Merchant marine of foreign countries. Same, v. 19: Paper; Uses of wood pulp. Same, v. 20, pt. 1: Book cloth, etc. Same, v. 20, pt. 2: School gardens in Europe. .Same, v. 20, pt. 3: Stave trade. Same, V. 21, pt. 1: Foreign markets for American coal. Same, v. 21, pt. 2: Vehicle industry in E^urope. Same, v. 21, pt. 3: Trusts and trade combinatioos in Europe. Geological Survey bulletins 162-169. Same, 170-176. 31st annual list of merchant vessels of I' S., 1899. Except 36, in serial no. 3937. Except 95, pt. 2, in serial no. 3956. Atlas of Chicago River and branches. American ephemeris and nautical ahnanac, 1900, 2d ed. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1899. Except 173, in serial no. 3929; 175, in serial nos. 3971- 3973; 190, in serial no. 3944; 199, in serial no. 3937. Naval war records, series 1, v. 9. Same, v. 10. Rebellion records, series 3, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Same, v. 5. Same, series 4, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 31-39, American Republics Bureau report, 1899. American Republics Bureau, bulletin 94: British trade. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 6, nos. 7-12, Jan.-June, 1899. Same, v. 7, nos. 1-6, July-Dec. 1899. Except 236, in serial no. 3958; 257, in serial no. 3947. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1898. IExcept 287, in serial no. 3964; 314, in serial no. 3929. 264 is Transactions of Treasury Dept. with national banks. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1899, 13th. Tests of metals, 1899. House manual. IExcept 349, in serial no. 3982; 350, 351, in serial no. ) 3970. Civil Service Commission, 1899. Navy register, 1900; Army register, 1900. Labor Department bulletins, v. 5, nos. 26-31. 3985 8986 8987 8988 8989 8990 8991 8992 3993 3994 8995 8996 8998 8999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 mil 4008 4009 40101 40102 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Setli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 871 3984 87 o > 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Series H. docs. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Document no. [393-398,400-410, 1412-430,432-450. [399 .do.... .do .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do .do .do .do . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 411 431 f 451-459,401-475 1477-480,482-504, 400, 3 pts 476, pt. 1 476, pt. 2. . 476, pt. 3.. |'470[pt. 4]. 476 [pt. 5]. 481, pt. 1.. 481 [pt. 2]. 505-611.... 588 012-672. 660. 726. 743. 727. 728,740,751-755. 729 732 732 733 733 734 736 736 737, pt. 1 Notes Field operations of Division of Soils, 1899. Beet-sugar industry in United States, 1899. Statistical abstract, 1899. Protection of Sacramento and Feather rivers. 1 Except 496, in serial no. 3%5; 500, in serial no. 3929. J 459 is Uefonnatory system in U. S. Spanish-American War claims. Industrial Commission reports, v. 1: Trusts, preliminary report and testimony. See, for 2d report on trusts, serial no. 4343. Same, v. 2: Tnists, statutes and decisions. Same, v. 3: Prison labor. Same, v. 4: Transportation, preliminary report and tes- timony. See, for 2d report, serial no. 4339. Same, v. 5: Labor legislation. See, for v. 0-19, serial nos. 4168, 4169, and 4338-4349. Commercial relations, 1899, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Except 553, in serial no. 3966; 572, in serial no. 3951; 579, in serial no. 3967; 588, in serial no. 3996. Agriculture Yearbook, 1899. Except 620, in serial no. 3945; 633, in serial no. 3951; 642, in serial no. 3937; 658, in serial no. 3968; 660, in serial nos. 3998-3999; 663, in serial no. 3970. Weather Bureau, 1899, v. 1: Rp. and meteorological tables. Same, v. 2: International cloud observations. [Except 678, in serial no. 3969; 699, in serial no. 3W5. > 694 is Peach leaf curl; 742 is Exports declared, fiscal J year ended June 30, 1S99. Fish Commission report, 1899. Louisiana Purchase. Patent decisions, 1899. Labor Department, 14th annual report, 1899: Water, gas, and electric-light plants. Geological Survey monographs, v. 39: Coral faunas. Same, v. 40: Coleoptera from Florissant, Colo. Primer of forestry, pt. 1. Pt. 2 is not in Congressional set; see, for bureau editions of pt. 2, A13.3:24* and A 1.9:258. Eulogies: Richard P. Bland, Lorenzo Danford, Evan E. Settle, AVilliam L. Greene, Samuel T. Baird, Daniel Ermentrout, Sydney P. Epes. Rontgen ray in War with Spain. Smithsonian Institution, documents relative to its ori- gin and history, v. 1: 1835-1887. Same, v. 2: 1887-1899. American Historical Association, 1899, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Correspondence of John C. Calhoun. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1899. Ethnology rp., 1897, 18th, pt. 1: Director and Eskimos. Same, pt. 2: Indian land cessions. Smithsonian Institution, 1899 [pt. 1]. 872 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 56th. CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued > Ph Series Document no. Notes 4017 4018 120 121 122 123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .... H. docs do 737, pt. 2 738,739 745 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Washington observations, 1891 and 1892. Animal Industry- Bureau report, 1899, 16th. Document index, 56th Congress, 1st session. Except 1082 and 1158, which were withdrawn. 4019 do 4020 .do 756 4021 .... n. reports .. .do 1-245 4022 246-486 487-807 808-1078 1079-1427 1428-1755 1756-2006 4023 do...'.... 4024 do 4025 4026 do 4027 do 56tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1900— Mar. 2, 1901 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 S. journal . S. docs. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1-3,5-19,21-38. 4, 2pts 20 39 40-108. 68 70 89, pt. 1 . 89, pt. 2. 89, pt. 3. 109-160. . 112 190 138 161-204 205 [200-218, 220-228, 1 233,234,238. 219 229 230,236... 231,pt. 1. 231, pt. 2. 231, pt. 3. 231, pt. 4. 231, pt. 5. Contains also proceedings special session Senate, Mar. 4-9, 1901, p. 279. 19 is Government Printing Office, 1900. Congressional directory, 2 editions. Revision of statutes relating to patents, etc. Bergen, Norway, International Fisheries Exposition, 1898. Except 68, in serial no. 4034; 76, in serial no. 4035; 89, in serial nos. 4036-4038. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1900. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 8, no. 5. Postal Commission report, v. 1: Railway-mail pay. Same, v. 2: Railway-mail pay. Same, v. 3: 2d-class mail matter, pneumatic-tube serv- ice, etc. Except 112, in serial no. 4040; 138, in serial no. 4041. Taft Philippine Commission reports, 1900. Lands held for ecclesiastical purposes in the Philip- pines. Patent Office, 1900. Except 190, in serial no. 4040. See serial no. 4125. Except 222 and 223, in serial no. 4176. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1899 and 1900, 3d. Legislative history of general staff of Army, 1775-1901. Eulogies: C. K. Davis and J. H. Gear. Reports of Committee on Foreign Relations, 1789-1901, V. 1: Claims of U. S. citizens against foreign govern- ments. Same, v. 2: La Abra Silver Mining Company. Same, v. 3: Claims, miscellaneous. Same, v. 4: International exhibitions and conferences, cables, canals, foreign commerce, tariff, etc. Same, v. 5: Foreign trade, commerce, tariffs; boundary and fishery disputes. CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 873 56tli CONGRESS, 2d. SESSION— Continued 03 . ~ 9 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4060 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 o > 24 35 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Series S. docs do do do do do do do do do S. reports. . do do do do H. journal. II. docs do do do .do. .do. -do. do. •do.. .do. .do , , do Document no. 231,pt.O 231, pt. 7 231,pt.8 232 232 232 232 232 232 235 237 1337, pts. 3-6. 1676-2019. 2020-2322. 2043 2323-2496. Notes Same, v. 6: Diplomatic relations; Hawaiian Islands. Same, v. 7: Affairs in Cuba, etc. Same, v. 8: Treaties and legislation respecting them. Commissioner-general to Paris Exposition, 1900, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4, Same, v. 5. Same, v. 6. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Senate manual. Nicaragua Canal. Pts. 1 and 2, docs, of the 1st sess. are reprinted with other docs, and rps. here In pt. 4. Except 2043, in serial no. 4066. Oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products. 2381 is River and harbor bill. Message and Foreign relations, 1900. War, 1900: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Chiefs of bureaus. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 1, Miscellaneous. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 2, Department of Habana, and Division of the Philip- pines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 3, Division of the Philippines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 4, Military operations in the Philippines. Same: Ueutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 5, Military operations in the Philippines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 6, Military operations in the Philippines. Same: Lieutenant-general commanding Army, pt. 7, Military operations in China. Same: Civil affairs in the Philippines. Same: Civil affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 1. Same: Civil affairs va. Cuba, v. 1, pt. 2. Same: Civil aflau-s in Cuba, v. 1, pt;. 3. Same: CivU affairs in Cuba, v. 1, pt. 4. Same: CivU affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 1. Same: CivU affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 2. Same: CivU affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 3. Same: CivU affairs in Cuba, v. 2, pt. 4. Same: CivU affairs in Porto Rico. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: Engineers, pt. 6. Same: Engineers, pt. 7. Same: Engineers, pt. 8. 874 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 56tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued "3 . £ a "o Series Document no. Notes w > P^ 4097 23 H. docs 9 Same* Ordnanre 4098 24 do 3 Navy, 1900. Post-Office, 1900. 4099 25 26' do 4 4100 do 5 Interior, 1900: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, report of commissioner. Same* Indian affairs Five Civilized Tribe*? rnmmi«5- 4101 27 do 5 4102 28 do 5 sion, etc. 4108 90 do 5 Same: Miscellaneous, pt.. 1, Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 1, Director's report, etc. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 2, General geology, eco- nomic geology, Alaska. 4101 30 do 5 4105 31 do 5 4106 3? do 4107 33 do 5 Same: Geological Sffrvey , pt. 3, General geology, ore and phosphate deposits, Philippines. 4108 34 do 5 Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 5, Forest reserves, text. Same: Geological Sur\'ey, pt. 5, Forest reserves, atlas. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1899. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 6, Mineral resources, 1899, continued. 4109 35 do 5 4110 36 do 5 4111 37 do 5 4112 38 do 5 4113 39 do 5.. Same: Geological Siu^ey, pt. 7, Black and Grand prai- rie^ Tex. 4114 AO do 5 4115 41 do 5 42 do r6,29 Agriculture report, 1900; Agriculture expenditures, 1900. 4116 [336 Report on agricultural experiment stations, 1900. Agriculture in Porto Rico; Agriculture in Alaska, 1900. Agriculture in Hawaii; Use of water in irrigation. 4117 43 .... do ri71,335 1368,466 4118 44 do 7 JDistrict of Columbia, 1900, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. [Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. 4119 45 do 7 (Same, v. 3: Health Department. [Same, v. 4: Public schools. 4120 46 do 8 Treasury (Finances) 1900. Justice (Attorney-General) 1900. Comptroller of Currency, 1900, v. 1. 4121 47 do 9 4122 48 do 10 4123 49 50 do 10 4124 do 11 ri2 Estimates of appropriations, 1902. Receipts and expenditures, 1900. Also S. doc. 205. Both are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1900, v. 1. Same v 2 4125 51 do Jso 352 4126 5^ do 13 4127 53 54 .... do do 13 4128 14 Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1900. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Dec. 4129 55 . . . . do 15, pts. 1-6.... 1900. 4130 56 do 15, pts. 7-12... Same, Jan.-June, 1901. 4131 57 do 16 4132 58 17 American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 1901, 2d ed. 4133 59 do 18 4134 60 do 19-75 Except 29, in serial no. 4116. Except 80, in serial no. 4125; 81, in serial no. 4136; 106, in serial no. 4137. 4135 61 do 76-121 4136 62 do 81,259 National Home for Disahlpd Vohmtepr Snldiprs IQflO 4137 C3 do ri06, 484-488,530- i 534,553,654. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 40-52. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 875 56th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued "3 . "o to Series Document no. Notes m > Ph 4138 64 n. docs 122-150 140 Except 140, in serial no. 4139; 141, in serial no. 4144; 149, in serial nos. 4145^147. Special consular reports, v. 16, supplement: Tariffs of Chile and Nicaragua. Sec, for v. 10, serial nos. 3779- 1139 65 do ■290, 3 pts 3781. Same, V. 22, pts. 1-3: Acetic acid, Mineral-waters, Stoves. 4140 66 do 240, 4 pts Consular reports, v. 65, nos. 244-247. Same, v. 66, nos. 248-251. 4141 67 -4-3 ft Series Document no. Notes 4213 4214 4215 4216 2 3 4 5 6 H. reports . . . do do ... .do 2322-2700...... 2701-3006 2768, pis. 1,2.. 2768, pt. 3 2768, pt. 4 Except 2768. in serial nos. 4215-4217. Hazing at Military Academy. Same 4217 do Same. 57tli CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4-9, 1901 S. journal. S. doc See serial no. 4028, p. 279. Privileges of officers in naval service promoted from ranks. See serial no. 4220. 57tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 2, 1901— July 1, 1902 4218 S. journal 4219 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 S. docs do 1 Secretary of Senate, 1901. 4220 2, 3, 5-19, 21- 34, 30-49, 51- 53, 55-61. 4, 3 pts 20 19 is Government Printing Office, 1901. Contains also 4221 .do doc. 1, special session Senate. Congressional directory, 3 editions. 4222 do do Astrophysical Observatory, work, etc., 1891-1901. Library of CouOTess, report 1901, and Manual. 4223 35 4224 do 50 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1901. 4225 do 54, 2 pts (62-66, 69-78, 1 80-83,85-97. 68, 2 pts 79 Isthmian Canal Commission, 1899-1901. 4226 do 1 67 omitted, same as app. to H. doc, 1; see serial no. 4268. 4227 do J 62 is Wlialing and sealing claims against Russia. Criminal and Penal Laws Commission, 1901. 4228 .do Governor of Porto Rico, 1st annual report^ 1901. 4229 .do 84 Southern Appalacliian region. 4230 . .do 98-133 98 is Reindeer in Alaska, 1901; 103 is American Instruc- 4231 .. 134-170 151 tors of the Deaf, 1901. Except 151, in serial no. 4232. 4232 do do do Patent 0(rice, 1901. (171 Correspondence relating to Philippine tariff. 4233 4234 1205, 2 pts 172-222 223-268 233 450 Charges of cruelty in the Pliilippines. Except 205, in serial no. '1233. 4235 4236 4237 1 2 do do do do do do Except 233, in serial no. 4236; 253, in serial no. 4238. 223 is Oleomargarine and other imitation dairy prod- ucts. National Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 8, no. 6. Same, v. 8, no. 7: West Indian madreporian polyps. 4238 4239 4240 253, 3 pts 2(19-279,281-303. 280 Hearings on interoceanic canal. Leprosy in United States; etc. Gazetteer of Philippine Islands. 4241 do 304-342 331,pt. 1 331, pt. 2 331,pt.3 Except 331 , in serial nos. 4242-4244. 4242 do Hearings on afiairs iu Philippine Islands. 4243 do Same. 4244 do Same. 878 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 67tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 03 . ID a 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4261 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Series S. docs .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. S. reports. . H. journal.. H. docs. do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 343^06. 356 407-434. 411 435-446,448. 447 449 450 451 452 452 453 1 2-334 1(0 335-558. . . 559-919... 920-1180.. 1181-1G16. 1017-1930. 1931-2120. 776, 2 pts. 1075 [l,pt. 1. ll,pt.2. 2 2 2 2 Notes Except 356, in serial no. 4246. Irrigation investigations in California. Except 411, in serial no. 4248; 426, in serial no. 4308. 412 is Missouri troops in Civil War. Consulates and consular agencies. 448 is Revenues and expenditures in Cuba. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1901. Appropriations, new oflSces, etc. See serial no. 4237. Eulogies: James H. Kyle. Treaties, laws, etc., relating to Indian aflairs (Kappler), V. 1. Same, v. 2. Gettysburg National Park Commission, 1893-1901. Interoceanic canals. Except 166, in serial no. 4258. Improvement of park system of District of Columbia. Except 776, in serial no. 4265. Except 1075, in serial no. 4266. Chinese exclusion. River and harbor bill. Message and Foreign relations, 1901. Same, appendix: Aflairs in China. War, 1901: Secretary and miscellaneous. Same: Chiefs of bureaus. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 1, Miscellaneous. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 2, Division of Philip- pines. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 3, Military operations in Luzon. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 4, Military operations in Visayas, Mindanao and Jolo, and China. Same: Lieutenant-general, pt. 5, Division of Philippines, supplementary. Same: Report of Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Same: Report of Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Same: Public laws passed by Philippine Commission. Same: Engineers, pt. 1. Same: Engineers, pt. 2. Same: Engineers, pt. 3. Same: Engineers, pt. 4. Same: Engineers, pt. 5. Same: P^ngineers, supplement, Mississippi River Com- mission and Missouri River Commission. Same: Ordnance. Navy, 1901, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Post-Offlce, 1901. Interior, 1901: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian aflairs, pt. 1, Report of commissioner. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 57tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 879 ■3 . 3 > Series Document no. Notes 4291 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 61 62 .... H. docs do 5 Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Five Civilized Triljes Com- mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1, Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3, Governor of New Mexico. Same: Geological Survey, 1901, pt. 1, Director's report, and Asphalt and bituminous roc-k deposits. Same: GeoloRical Survey^pt. 2, Ore deposits. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 3, Coal, oil, cement. Same: Geological Survey, pt. 4, Hydrography. Same: Education, v 1. 4292 5 4293 do 5 4294 do 5 4295 do 5 4296 do 5 4297 do 5 4298 do 5 4299 do 1 5 4300 do 5 Same: Education, v. 2. 4301 do 6,29,334 7 Agriculture, 1901: Agriculture expenditures, 1901; Ex- periment Stations Office, 1901. District of Columbia, 1901, v. 1: Commissioners, et«. Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. 4302 do 4303 do 8 Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. Treasury (Finances) 1901. Justice (Attorney-General) 1901. 4304 do 9 4305 .do 10 Comptroller of Ciurency, 1901, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 4306 . 11 4307 .... do do 12 rl2 Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1901. Estimates of appropriations, 1903. 4308 |35 Receipts and expenditures, 1901 . 4309 do 161,244,588 13 Also S. doc. 426. All are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1901, v. 1. 4310 do . .. 13 Same, v. 2. 4311 do 14 Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1901. 4312 do 15, pts. 1-3.... 15, pts. 4-6.... 15, pts. 7-9.... 15, pts. 10-12.. 10 Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 4313 *4314 do do 1901. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1901. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1902. 4315 do Same, Apr.-June, 1902. 4316 do 33d annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1901. 4317 do 17 Mineral resources, 1900. 4318 do 18 Labor Dept., 16th annual rp., 1901: Strikes and lockouts. 4319 do do 19 Weather Bureau, 1901, v. 1: Rp. and meteorological 4320 19 tables. Same, v. 2: Barometry. 4321 do 20 American cphemeris and nautical almanac, 1902, 2d ed. 4322 do p-38,40 ■ 43-49,51,62.... 163,65-136 39,137 Except 29, in serial no. 4301; 35, in serial no. 4308. 61 is in serial no. 4308. 4323 do Except 88, in serial no. 4330. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1901. do ,41 Journals of 1st Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, 4324 64 1900-01. do Report of Auditor of Porto Rico, 1901. 4325 f42, 353, 525, 683. ■ (i39 Exports declared, quarters ended June, Sept., Dec. 1901, and Mar. 1902. do Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1901. 4326 50,176,330 52 Surveys of Tennessee, Kissimmee, and Ohio rivers. 4327 do Commission to Revise and Compile Laws of Porto Rico. 4328 do 53-60,481-484.. 684-692 Water-supply and irrigation papers 53-64. 4329 do Same, 65-73. 880 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 57th. CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ■3 . 53 □ ■A -4J S3 Series Document no. Notes m > P- 4330 63 H. docs 88 House manual. 4331 64 do 138-167 Except 145, in serial no. 4332, and 152, in serial no. 4333. 4332 05 (iO do 145 152, 4 pts 553, 4 pts 710, 4 pts f708, pt. 1 Statistical abstract, 1901. 4333 do Consular reports, v. 68, nos. 256-259. Same, v. 69, nos. 260-263. 4334 67 68 do 4335 do Same, v. 70, nos. 264-267. Special consular reports, v. 23, pt. 1: Gas and oil en- 4330 (>9 do gines. 708, pt. 2 Same, pt. 2: Silver and plated i,vare. 4337 70 do 168-176,188-372. Except 244, in serial no. 4308; 250, in serial no 4350; 275, in serial no. 4351; 283, in serial no. 4352; 305, in serial no. 4354; 306, in serial nos. 4355-4356; 310, in serial no. 4358; 320, in serial nos. 4359^360; 334, in serial no. 4301; 336, in serial no. 4326; 353, in serial no. 4325. 4338 71 do 177 Industrial Commission reports, v. 8: Chicago labor dis- putes of 1900. Sec, for v. 1-7, serial nos. 3990-3992, 4168,4169. 4339 72 do 178 Same, v. 9: Transportation, 2d report. See, for 1st report, serial no. 3992. 4340 73 do 179 Same, v. 10: Agriculture and agricultural labor. Same, v. 11: Agriculture and taxation, etc. 4341 74 do 180 4342 75 do 181 Same, v; 12: Capital and labor in mining industry. 4343 76 do 182 Same, v. 13: Trusts and industrial combinations, 2d re- port. See, for 1st report, serial no. 3990. 4344 77 do 183 Same, v. 14: Capital and labor in manufactures and gen- eral business, 2d report. See, for 1st report, serial no. 4169. 4345 78 do 184 Same, v. 15: Immigration; Education. Same, v. 16: Foreign labor laws. 4346 79 do 185 4347 80 do 186 Same, v. 17: Labor organizations, disputes, and arbitra- • tion; Railway labor. 4348 81 82 do... 187 380 Same, v. 18: Industrial combinations in Europe. Same, v. 19: Final report. 4349 do 4350 83 do 2,50. 704 Navy register, 1902; Army register, 1902. 4351 84 do.. . 275 Mint Bureau,- production of precious jnetals, 1900. Naval war records, series 1, v. 13. 4352 85 86 87 88 do . . . 283 681 4353 do... Same, series 1, v. 14. 4351 ... .do 305 306, pts. 1-6... Interstate Commerce Commission, 1901, 15th. 4355 do.. American Repubhcs Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 12, nos. 1-6, Jan.-June, 1902. 4356 89 .... do 306, pts. 7-12. . Same, v. 13, nos. 1-0, July-Dec. 1902. 4357 90 do 557 American Republics Bm-eau report, 1901, with sketch of Brazil and reports on coffee. 4358 91 do 310 Geological Survey monographs, v. 41: Glacial and drainage features of lOrie and Ohio basins. 4359 92 do 320 Commercial relations, 1901, v. 1. 4360 93 94 do 320 Same, v. 2. 43C1 do f.373-376,378-429, 1 431-460,476- [ 480,486-567. Except 380, in serial no. 4349; 508, in serial no. 4372; 510, in serial nos. 4373-4374; 525, in serial no. 4325; 535, in serial no. 4375; 537, in serial no. 4376; 553, in I serial no. 4334; 557, in serial no. 4357. 4362 95 do 377, 6 pts 430 Labor Department bulletins, v. 7, nos. 38-43. Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, v. 2. 4363 96 do CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 881 57tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ■3 . '^ 2 03 o > ■t-3 Series Document no. Notes 4364 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 H. docs do 461 Geological Survey buUetin 179. Same, 180-184. Same, 185-187. Same, 188, 189. Same, 190-193. Same, 194-203. Schley Court of Inquiry, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Tests of metals, 1901. Committee on Awards of World's Columbian Co sion, V. 1. Same, v. 2. Hearings on reciprocity with Cuba. Transport service bet. San Francisco and PhiUpj Except 588, in serial no. 4308; 635, in serial nc 639, in serial no. 4325; 655, in serial no. 4384; serial no. 4385. Patent decisions, 1901. Sites for military posts and camp grounds. Calendar of correspondence of James Monroe. Calendar of correspondence of James Madison. Calendar of correspondence of Thomas Jeflerson, Same, pt. 2. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1901. Agriculture Yearbook, 1901. Calendars of House, July 1, 1902. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1901, 18th. American Historical Association, 1901, v. 1. Same, v. 2. •Civil Service Commission, 1901. See serial no. 4350. Fish Commission report, 1901. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1901. Smithsonian Institution, 1901 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Ethnology report, 1899, 20th. Eulogies: A. J. Cummings, Marriott Brosius, Stokes, P. J. Otey, R. K. Burke, R. K. Polk. Official opmions of Attorneys-General, v. 23. Document index, 57th Congress, 1st session. 189, Stores and supplies claims under Bowman i appended reprints of many docs, of previoi gresses. 402-466 467-469 470,471 472-475 4365 4366 do 4367 do 4368 do 4369 do 635,693-701.... 485 4370 do 4371 485 4372 508 4373 do. .. 510 mml»- 4374 do 510 4375 535 4376 do 537, 2pts 568-593,595-617, 619,623-679. 594 )ine Is. 4377 do ). 4369; 561, in 4378 do 4379 .. .do 618 4380 do 620 621 622, pt. 1 622,pt.2 655 4381 do 4382 do pt.L 4383 do 4384 do 4385 . .do 661 4386 do 680 4387 do 682 4388 do 702 4389 do. . . 702 431)0 do 704 4391 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 do 705 4392 do 706 4393 do 707, pt. 1 707, pt. 2 709 4394 do 4395 do 4396 4397 L^iU^o do 711-716 717 J. W, 4398 do 718 4399 .... H. reports — .. .do 1-188 4400 189-416 417-738 739-1093 1094-1422 1423-1729 1730-2081 2082-2443 2444-2750 act, has 4401 do IS Con- 4402 do 4403 do 4404 .. .do 4405 4406 do do 4407 do 49183°— 18- — 56 882 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 57tlx CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1902— Mar. 4, 1903 a a > 4-d Oh Series Document no. 440S S. journal. .. . 4409 TI. journal 4410 4411 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 .... S. reports do.. 2127-2544 2545-2944 2945-3318 2751-3157 3158-3511 3512-3919 n 4412 do 4413 4414 .... H. reports — do 4415 do S. docs do do 4416 5 6 4417 4418 2,3,7-34 4,2pts [35 .... do do 4419 169 180 4420 36-61,63-69.... 02 4421 . .do 4422 do 70-73, 75-97. . . . 74 4423 .do 4424 . 98-145 4425 .do 104 4426 .do 124 4427 .do 141 4428 do 14(V-188 147 , 4429 do 4430 do 189-220 210 4431 do do 4432 219 4433 do 221 4434 do 222 4435 do 223 4436 do 224 4437 do 225,226 227 4438 .... do do 4439 197 4440 4441 .... H. docs do 1 1 4442 . do 1 4448 do 2 Notes Contains also proceedings special session Senate, SSth Cong., Mar. 5-19, 1903, p. 237. Secretary of Senate, 1902. Government Printing Oflfice, 1902. Library of Congress, 1902. Kxcept 28, omitted because same as app. 2 to H. doc. 1, 57th Cong. 2d sess.; see serial no. 4440. 32 is Porto Rico, Governor, 1902. Congressional directory, 2 editions. International Conference for Protection of Coffee Indus- try, 1902. 1st International Sanitary Convention of American RepubUcs, 1902. Customs Congress of American Republics, 1903. New statehood bill; etc. Regulation of immigration. 84 is Safety appliances on railroads. Bibliography of Philippine Islands. Except 104, in serial no. 4425; 124, in serial no. 4426; 141 , in serial no. 4427. Experiment Stations Office, 1902. Hydrography of American isthmus. Hearings on 8-hour day for laborers on Government work. Except 147, in serial no. 4429; 169, in serial no. 4419; 177, in serial no. 4474; 180, in serial no. 4419. Bills and debates relating to trusts, 50th-57th Congs. Except 197, in serial no. 4439; 210, in serial ro. 4431; 219, in serial no. 4432. 209 is Federal aid in domestic disturbances, 1787-1903. :-<- Daughters of the American Revolution, 1902. Eulogies: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley. Alphabetical list of private claims before Senate, 1899- 1903. Appropriations , new offices , etc. ( ( t i- Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1902. History of Washington Monument. Eulogies: James McMillan and W. J. Sewell. Senate manual. Restoration of White House. Message and Foreign relations, 1902. Same, app. 1: Whaling and sealing claims against Russia. Same, app. 2: Pious fund of the Cahfomias. War, 1902, v. 1: Secretary and bureau chiefs. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 883 57tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ■3 . a a "o > Series Document no. 4444 4445 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 .... II. docs do 2 2 4446 do 2 4447 do 2 4448 do 2 4449 do 2 4450 do 2 4451 do.. 2 4452 do 2 4453 do 2 4454 do 2 3 . .Mjii ,'.- 4455 do 4456 4. 4457 do 5... 4458 do 5 4459 ('o 5 4460 do 5 4461 do 5 4462 do 5 4463 do 5 4464 do 5 4465 do 5 6 4466 do 4467 do 7. 4468 do 7 . . 4469 do 8 9 10 10 11 4470 do 4471 do 4472 4473 do n2 4474 |78 4475 do [125,344 13 4476 do 13 4477 .... do do 14 4478 4479 15,pts. 1-3 15,pts.4-6 15,pts.7-9 15, pts. 10-12... 16 4480 4481 do 4482 do 4483 do 17 4484 do 18 4485 do 19 4486 do 20 Notes Same, v. 2: Engineers, pt. 1. Same, v. 3: Engineers, pt. 2. Same, v. 4: Engineers, pt. 3. Same, V. 5: Engineers, pt. 4. Same, v. 6: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River and Missouri River commissions. Same, v. 7: Ordnance. Same, V. 8: Miscellaneous. Same, v. 9: Lieutenant-general. Same, v. 10, pt. 1: Philippine Comcmission, 3d report, pt. 1. Same, v. 10, pt. 2: Philippine Commission, 3d report, pt. 2. Same, v. 11: Acts of Philippine Commission. Navy, 1902. Post-Office, 1902. Interior, 1902: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1 , Commissioner. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Five Civilized Tribes Com- mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1, Bureau officers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3, Governor of New Mexico, etc. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1902. jDistrictof Columbia, 1902, V. 1: Commissioners, etc. [Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. (Same, v. 3: Health Department. [Same, V. 4: Education Board. Treasury (Finances) 1902. Justice (.\ttomey-General) 1902. Comptroller of Currency, 1902, v. 1. Same, V. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1902. ''*■ Estimates of appropriations, 1904. Receipts and e.xpenditures, 1902.' Also S. doc. 177. All are deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1902, v. 1. Same,v. 2. Navigation Bureau, Treasury Dept., 1902. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 1902. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1902. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1903. Same, Apr.- June, 1903. 34th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1902. Mineral resources, 1901. Labor Department , 17th annual report, 1902: Trade and technical ed ucation . Weather Bureau, 1902. Civil Service Commission, 1902. 884 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 67tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 'C o > Series Document no. 4487 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 (iO 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 70 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 .... H. does do 21 4488 22 4489 do 23-110,114-153. 54,182 4490 do 4491 do 79 4492 do do do do flll,371,440,476. 454 112 4493 199 447. 4494 449o 113,4pts 438,4pts (154, 155, 157- 1 198, 220-251. 156 449C do 4497 do . 4498 .... do do 477 4499 181 4500 do 200-203 441-444 445,475,488,489. 490-492 204-208, 430. .. . 434-437 470-472 209-214 215-218 448, 449 450,451 478-482 219 429 4501 do 4502 do 4503 do 4504 do 4505 do 4506 do 4507 do 4508 do 4509 do 4510 do 4511 do 4512 do 4513 do 4514 .... .... do do ,,,-l-r 432 4515 433 4516 ,433 4517 4518 ....rdo..._,,| do J52..,.,.. iiA. .m . f253-30:. 300-309, 1 311-408. 290,392 305 4519 do 4520 do 4521 305...: 4522 4523 4524 do do '. do 310,pts.l-3...- 310,pts.4-6 310, pts. 7-9 310,,pts. 10;^12. . 342 4525 4526 4527 .... , do 4528 do 355 Notes House manual. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1901. Except 54. in serial no. 4490; 78 and 125, in serial no. 4474; 79, in serial no. 4491. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1902. Reclamation Service, 1st report, Jime 17-Dec 1, 1902. Exports declared, quartersended June, Sept., Dec. 1902, and Mar. 1903. Same, fiscal year ended June 30, 1902. Special consular reports, v. 24: Creameries in loreign countries. Same, v. 25 : Stored goods as collateral for loans. Same, v. 26: Briquettes as fuel in foreign countries. Consular reports, v. 71 , nos. 268-271. Same, v. 72, nos. 272-275. Except 181, in serial no. 4499; 182, in serial no. 4490. 154 is Auditor of Porto Rico, 1902. Naval war records, series 1, v. 15. Same, v. 16. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1902, 16th. Water-supply and irrigation papers 74-77. Same, 78-81. Same, 82-85. Same, 86-88. Geological Survey bulletins 204-209. Same, 210-213. Same, 214-216. Geological Survey professional papers 1-6. Same, 7-10. Same, 11,12. Same, 13, 14. Same, 15-19. Geological Survey monographs, v. 42: Carboniferous ajmnonoids. Same, v. 43: Mesabi iron-bearing district, Minn. Same, v. 44: Pseudoceratites of the cretaceous. Same, v. 45: Vermilion iron-bearing district, Minn. Same, v. 45, atlas. Sale of liquors in post exchanges. Except 290 and .392, in serial no. 4519; 335, in serial no. 4526; 342, in serial no. 4527; 344, in serial no. 4474; 355, in serial no. 4528; 370, in serial no. 4529; 371, in serial no. 4492; 376, in serial no. 4530. Navy register, 1903; Army register, 1903. Commercial relations. 1902, v. 1. Same, v. 2. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 14, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1903. Same, v. 14, nos. 4-6, Apr.-Jime, 1903. Same, v. 15, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1903. Same, v. 15, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1903. Tests of metals, 1902. Patent Office, 1902. ^, Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, v. 3. . CQ 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 453S 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 885 67tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued > 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Series H. docs. do.. do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. Notes Labor Department bulletins, v. 8, nos. 44, 45, 47-49. Bulletin 40 was issued as S. doc. G, 58tli Cong, special session; «fe serial no. 4556. Statistical abstract, 1902. 421 is liist of river and harbor surveys. Purchase of territory of Louisiana. Modern prison systems. Index to reports of chief of engineers, 1866-1900, v. 1: River and harbor works, .\-Mingo. Same, v. 2: River and harbor works, Miutm-Z, etc. Same, v. 3: Fortifications, bridges, laws, and topical index. Historical register and dictionary of Army, 1789-1903 (Heitman), V. 1. Same, v. 2. Memorial address on William McKinley by John Hay. Ethnology bulletin 25: Natick dictionary. Same, 2('>: Kathlamet texts. Same, 27: Tsimshian texts. Biograpliical Congressional directory, 1774-1903, Agriculture Yearbook, 1902. Patent decisions, 1902. American Historical Association, 1902, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Eulogies: R. O. Crump, T. H. Tongue, J. N. W. Rum- ple, C. A. Russell, J. M. Moody, J. L. Sheppard, J. & Salmon, R. C. de Graflfenreid. Field operations of Biu'eau of Soils, 1902. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1902, 19th. Ethnology report, 1900, 21st. Smithsonian Institution, 1902 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Fish Commission report, 1902. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1902, Special report on diseases of horse. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 24. Document catalogue, v. 6, 37th Congress, July 1, 1901- June 30, 1903. Document index, 57th Congress, 2d session. 58th CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 5-19, 1903 4556 4S57; 4558 4559 r,i2 3 4 S. journal. S. docs .do. .do. .do. 1, 2, 4-10, 12. 3.. 11. 13. See serial no. 4408, p. 257. 6, Anthracite Coal Strike Conunission, is same as Labor Department bulletin 46. Congressional directory. Compilation of Senate election cases, 1789-1903. Acceptance of statues of Charles Carroll and John Hanson. *■ 886 CATALOGUE OF LIBEAKV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 58th. CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Nov. 9— Dec. 7, 1903 ■a . S S3 OQ 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 o > fh Series S. journal. H. journal. S. reports II. reports S. docs H. docs. Document no. 1-13 1,2 1 2-19, 21-28 20 1-4,6-45.. 5 46 , Notes Owing to error by which the 11-lLne entry under Bills and resolutions introduced by Wm. H. Ryan, on p. 175, was incorrectly printed under name of Gordon Russell, there were issued corrected copies of p. 175 and 176. See serial no. 4570. Sec serial no. 4577. Congressional directory. 26 is Governor of Porto Rico, 1903. Great canals of the world. Contains also S. rp. 835, 58th Cong. 2d sess., Typography of Congressional record. 34 is Agriculture expenditures, 1903. House manual. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1903. See, for report of inspection, H. doc. 61, 58th Cong. 2d sess., in serial no. 4670. 58tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 7, 1903— Apr. 28, 1904 4668 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 S. journal . . n. journal. S. reports . . do do do do do do H. reports. do do do do do do do do S. docs. do. .do. 1-282 283-633... 634-1011.. 1012-1409. 1410-1855. 1856-2152. 2153-2625. 1-384 385-815. . . 81<)-1231.. 1232-1551. 1552-1904. 1905-2265. 2266-2602. 2603-2945. 646 5.... 2-57. 58-120. 121-150. 151-181. 1-13 belong to 1st session, 58th Congress. Except 835, in serial no. 4564. 1 and 2 belong to 1st session, 58th Congress. Except 646, in serial no. 4585. Documentary history of U. S. Capitol building and grounds. Secretary of Senate, 1903. Government Printing Office, 1903. Except 4, in serial no. 4593; 5, in serial no. 4586; 10, in serial no. 4594. Except 77, in serial no. 4595; 100, in serial no. 4596; 105, in serial no. 4597. Except 148, in serial no. 4598. Except 155, in serial no. 4599; 162, in serial nos. 4600- 46063; 177, in serial no. 4607. 151 is Investigation of Post-OflSce Department. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 887 58tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued a> a OQ 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 46061 4606^ 46063 4607 4608 46091 46092 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 46:33 4634 o > 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Series S. docs. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do-. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H .do., .do., .do., docs, .do., .do.. .do.., .do.. Document no. 182-244. 245-314. 4, 3 pts. 10 77 100.. 105.. 148.. 155. . .210. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. T62. 162. 177. 200. 222. 222. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 234. 277. 315- 316. 317. 318. 319. 319. 320- 321. 1... 2... 2.-. 2-.. 2... 2... 2... 2... Notes Except 200, in serial no. 4608; 210, in serial no. 4599; 222, in serial no. 46001-2; 234, in serial nos. 4610-4616. Except 277 , in serial no. 4618. Congressional directory, 3 editions. Library of Congress, 1903. Les combattants francais de la guerre am a o > Series Document no. Notes 4635 4654 4655 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4671 4672 4636 10 4637 11 4638 12 4639 13 4640 14 4641 15 4642 16 4643 17 4644 18 4645 19 4646 20 4647 21 4648 22 4649 23 4650 24 4651 25 4652 26 4653 27 28 29 4656 30 4657 31 4658 32 4659 33 4660 34 35 36 37 38 39 4666 40 4667 41 4668 42 4669 43 4670 44 45 46 H. docs. -do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do... -do... .do... -do... .do... .do. .do. .do. 15, pts. 4-6... 15, pts. 7-9... 15, pts. 10-12. 16 17-61 62-66.. 67-138. 139-256. Same, v. 8: Acts of Philippine Commission, July 2, 1902-Oct. 20, 1903. Same, v. 9: Engineers, pt. 1. Same, v. 10: Engineers, pt. 2. ' ' Same, v. 11: Engineers, pt. 3. Same, v. 12: Engineers, pt. 4. Same, v. 13: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River Commission. ' Same, v. 14: Ordnance. Navy, 1903. Post-Offlce, 1903. Interior, 1903: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1, Commissioner. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Five Civilized Tribes Com' mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1 , Bureau ofiBcers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3, Governor of New Mexico. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1903. (District of Columbia, 1903, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. [Same, v. 4: Education Board. jSame, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1902, 2 pts. Treasury (Finances) 1903. Justice (Attorney-General) 1903. Comptroller of Currency, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1903. Estimates of appropriations, 1905. Receipts and expenditures, 1903. Deficiency estimates. Commerce and navigation, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1903, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: Navigation laws. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- Sept. 1903. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1903. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1904. Same, Apr.-June, 1904. 35th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1903. Except 21, in serial no. 4677; 22, in serial no. 4678; 42, in serial no. 4661; 44, in serial no. 4683; 45, inserialno. 4682. See serial no. 4684. ''' Except 111, in serial no. 4691. 138 is Auditor of PortO Rico, 1903. Except 144, in serial no. 4696; 263, in serial nos. 4697- 4699. ■■■'*• CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 889 58tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Gontinued C3 . a> CO 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 469" 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 o > 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 57 4684 58 4685 59 4686 60 4687 61 4688 62 4689 63 4690 64 4691 65 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 80 81 82 Series H. docs do do do .do. .do. .do. do. Document no. .do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do .do 257-382 383-433 434-562 563, 564, 567- 674, 681-687, 696-707, 723, . 756,758. 21, 4 pts 22, 3 pts 650, 3 pts 783-785 , 786-788 45 446 508 ,732 44 62-66,606 675-€77 678,679 680,724-726.... 727-731 , 771-775 , 776-779 , 111, 3 pts , 458, pts. 1-3.. 458, pts. 4-6.. 458, pts. 7-9.. 458, pts. 10-12 144 253, pt. 1 253, pts. 2,4.. 253, pts. 3, 5, 6 338 343, pts. 1-3.. 343, pts. 4-0.. 351 404 750 4.56,478 521 565 Notes Except 260, in serial no. 4661; 888, in serial no. 470C; 843, in serial nos. 4701-4702; 351, in serial no. 4703. E.xcept 404, in serial no. 4704. 383 is Investigation of Post-Office Dept. Except 446, in serial no. 46S2; 456, in serial no. 4706; 458, in serial nos. 4092-4695; 478, in serial no. 4706; 508, in serial no. 4682; 521, in serial no. 4707. Except 578, in serial no. 4714; 606. in serial no. 4084; 641, in serial nos. 4715-4716; 644, in serial no. 4717; 650, in serial no. 4679; 652, in serial no. 4661; 658, in serial no. 4718. Montlily consular reports, Sept.-Dee. 1903, v. 73, nos. 276-279. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1904, v. 74, nos. 2K0-282. Same, Apr.- June, 1904, v. 75, nos. 283-285. Same, July-Sept. 1904, nos. 286-288. Volume number dropped. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1904, nos. 289-291. Special consular reports, v. 27: Agricultural imple- ments and vehicles. Same, v. 28: Commercial travellers. Same, v. 29: Macaroni wheat. Same, v. 30: Emigration to U. S. Reclamation Service, 1903. Geological Survey bulletins 217-222. Same, 223-225. Same, 226, 227. Same, 228-231. Same, 232-236. Same, 237-241. Same, 242-245. American Republics Bureau, pt. 1, Report, 1903; pt. 2, Argentine Republic; pt. 3, List of books relating to Chile. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 16, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1904. Same, v. 16, nos. 4-6, Apr .-June, 1904. Same, v. 17, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1904. Same, v. 18, nos. 1-3, Oct.-Dec. 1904. Stability of international exchange, 1903. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1903, 17th. Same, 1902, 16th, appendix G, pts. 1 and 3. Not printed. Same, 1902, 16th, appendix G, pts. 2, 4, 5: Railways in U. S. in 1902. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1903. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 9, nos. 50-52. Same, v. 9, nos. 53-55. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1902. Naval war records, series 1, v. 17. Same, series 1, v. 18. Army register, 1904; Navy register, 1904. Tests of metals, 1903. Geological Survey monographs, v. 40: Menominee iron- bearing district of Michigan. 890 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 58th. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION-Oontinued ca . ■C 2 CO 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 47441 4744: 4744 s 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 4752 o > 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 loo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 118 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 •126 Series II. docs. do.. do.. do.. ,,..,. do.. J. .,6.0.. ,,. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. .; do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do Document no. 753 566,709,710... 711-714 715-719 780-782 578 641 641 644 658 088-691 692-695 Notes Same, v. 47: Treatise on metamorphism. Geological Survey professional papers, 20-22. Same, 23-26. Same, 27-31. Same, 32-34. Statistical abstract, 1903. Ethnology report, 1901, 22d, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Civil Service Commission, 1903. Mineral resources, 1902. Water-supply and irrigation papers, 89-92. Same, 93-96. 735,736 Same, 97, 737,738. 739-742. 759-763. 764-770. 720. 721. 722. 722. 733. 734. 743. 744. 745. 745. 746. 746. 747. 748, pt. 1 . 748, pt. 2. 749 751 752 752 752 754 754. 755. 757. 757. 789. 789. 790. Same, 99, 100. Same, 101-104. Same, 105-109. Same, 110-116. Agriculture Yearbook, 1903. Irrigation investigations in Utah. Weather Bureau, 1903. Commercial relations, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Labor Bureau, 10th special report: Labor laws. Same, 11th: Regulation and restriction of output. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1903, 20th. Special report on diseases of cattle. American Historical Association, 1903, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Correspondence of French ministers to U. S., 1791-1797. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1903. Same, maps. Labor Bureau, 18th annual report, 1903: Cost of living and retail prices of food. Smithsonian Institution, 1903 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Patent decisions, 1903. Fisheries Bureau report, 1903. Fish Commission Bulletin, 1903, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Comprehensive index of Government pubUcations, 1881-1893 (Ames), v. 1. Same, v. 2. Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth (Jefferson Bible). Typhoid fever in U. S. military camps, 1898, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Centennial of MiUtary Academy, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Document index, 58th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 891 58tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 6, 1904— Mar. 4, 1905 a a 03 4753 4754 4755 4756 o > Series S. journal . 4757 4758 4759 H. journal. S. reports do Document no. Notes .n Contains also special session Senate, 59th Cong. 4-18, 1905, p. 335. Mar. 2G26-3080 3081-4402(\vith exceptions). 4760 4761 4762 B .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. reports... do do 2755 2755 2755 See "Notes column. See "Notes' column. Except 2755, in serial nos. 4757^759. Reports on public bills. Contains 308l-3aS3, 3152. 3277, 3278, 3330-3335, 3341, 3343, 3380, .^^82-33S5. 3419-3423, 3431, 3438, 3532-3534, 3536-3540, 3561, 3563, 3505-3.567, 3569, 3571-3573, 3575, 3576, 3578, 3.579, 3615, 3630-^434, 3636-3638, 36W-3087, 3759, 3760, 3762, 3787-.3792, 3794, 3795, 3798-3804, 3810-.3812, 3814, 3815, 3874, 3888-3891, 3893, 3904-390C, 3908, .3915-3918, 3934, 4019, 4052, 4074- 4076, 4087^093, 4208-4210, 4229-4231, 4240, 4241, 4244, 4263, 4321, 4326, 4329, 4332-4339, 4342, 4343, 4346-1348, 4350, 4352, 4354, 4302, 4365-1369, 4.372, 4375-4379, 4381- 4385, 4387, 4388, 4390, 4401, 4402. 4368 is River ^d harbor bill. 4397, Presentation of bust of Washing- ton, is inserial no. 4778. Other numbers missin^from serial no. 4756 are for reports on private bilb and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in Senate reports, v. A, B, this session. Merchant Marine Commission report, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 30S4 to 3706 as are omitted from serial no. 4756, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 3707 to 4400 as are omitted from serial no. 4756, which contains reports on pubUc bills. 2946-3376 3377-3771 3772-4904(with exceptions). Reports on public bills. Contains 3772, 3774, 3775, 3901- 3903, 3905, 3907, 3944, 3950-3952, 3974-.3976, 3979-3982, 3985-3996, 3998-4001, 4003, 4005-1013, 4074, 4075, 4079, 4082^08.^), 4087-4093, 4095, 4097-4100, 41.34-4142, 4151, 4197-4200, 4202-4209, 4211, 4214-4222, 4397, 4398, 4400, 4402-441l', 4414-i416, 4418, 4503, 4508, 4509, 4547-4552, 4558-4563, 4570-4572, 4575-4579, 458.5-4596, 4598-4602, 4605, 4606, 4608, 4612-4622, 4624^626, 4632-4a38, 4640, 464.3-4tV46, 4648, 4650, 4653, 4068, 4672-4675, 4682, 4797- 4803, 4809-4812, 4815, 4821, 4824, 4825, 48.30-4840, 4843- 4847, 4849, 4852, 4853, 4855-4857, 4859-4862, 4864-4867, 48704880, 4882-4885, 4887, 4889, 4890, 4893, 4894, 4896, 4900, 4901, 4903, 4904. Numbers missing from serial no. 4762 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in House reports, v. A, B, this session. tThe lettered volumes contain only the reports on private ^^^^ tiJns ordered printed after the Pj^^^g^ "f t^f,f'^' "J reuor^'coald not bo printed.^ Th^e volumes can not KSe^i l^l^pti\'o?;ira1irb'^^o?ieral^rpffntf 'senate U House libraries, the Ubrary of Congress, and the Public Documents Library. 892 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 58tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued ''^ 2 B 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Series H. reports . . .do. S. docs. do. .do. do.. H. docs. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. Document no. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 5 2,3,6-69. 70-157... 158-192. 4, 2 pts. 44. 119 128 187 193 194 195 196 197 198 199,200. 201,202. 1 2 2 2... 2 2 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Notes Reports on private bills and en simple and concurrent resolutions, f This volume contains such reports from 3773 to 4318 as are omitted from serial no. 4762, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f Tliis volume contains such reports from 4319 to 4902 as are omitted from serial no. '4762, which contains reports on public bills. Secretary of Senate, 1904. Government Printing Office, 1904. Except 44, in serial no. 4768. 61 is Reindeer in Alaska, 1904. Except 119, in serial no. 4769; 128, in serial no. 4770. 122 is Labor disturbances in Colorado, 1880-1904. Except 187, in serial no. 4771. 189 is Public Lands Com- mission, 1903-05, final report. Congressional directory, 2 editions. Naval appropriation laws, 1883-1904. Venezuelan arbitration before Hague Tribunal, 1903. Stability of international exchange, 1904. Man and abnormal man. Daughters of the American Revolution, 1904. Senate proceedings in impeachment of Charles Swayne. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Executive register of U. S., 1789-1902. Nat. Academy of Sciences memoirs, v. 9: Bombycine moths of North America, pt. 2. Pt. 1 is in serial no. 3283. Senate manual. Acceptance of statues of John J. Ingalls and Frances E. Willard. Contains also S. rp. 4397, Presentation of bust of Washingtcsi, and H. doc. 474, Acceptance of statues of Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin. Eulogies: Geo. F. Hoar and Matthew S. Quay. Message and Foreign relations, 1904. War, 1904, v. 1: Secretary, Chief of staff, etc. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Di\'ision and department commanders. Same, v. 4: Military schools and colleges, etc. Same, v. 5: Engineers, pt. 1. Same, v. 6: Engineers, pt. 2. , Same, v. 7: Engineers, pt. 3. Same, v. 8: Engineers, pt. 4. Same, v. 9: Engineers, supplement, Mississippi River Commission. Same, v. 10: Ordnance. Same, v. 11: Philippine Commission, 1904, pt. 1. Same, v. 12: Pliilippiue Commission, pt. 2. Same, v. 13: PhiUppine Commission, pt. 3. Same, v. 14: Acts of Philippine Commission. t The lettered volumes contain only the reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions ordered printed after the passage of the act of Jan. 20, 1905(Stat. L. v. 33, pt. 1, p. 610). Under the provisions of this act. the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies are kept in the Senate Mid House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Pubhc Documents Library. o P M 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4S00 4801 4802 4803 4S04 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 I 4817 ! 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATl.. 893 58tli CONGRESS, 34 SESSION— Continued o 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Series H. docs. do.. do.. do.. do.. .do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do.. do. do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 5... 9 10 10 10 11 12, 64, 287. 13. 13. 14. 15, pts. 1-3 15, pts. 4-6.... 15, pts. 7-9.... 15, pts. 10-12.. 10 17 18 19 20 21-104 105-205 206-245 246-327,340-381 Notes Navy, 1904. Post-Offlce, 1904. Interior, 1904: Secretary and Public lands. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1, Commissioner. Same: Indian aSairs, pt. 2, Five Ci\-ilizc(l Tribes Com- mission, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 1, Bureau ofTicers, etc. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 2, Governors of Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Same: Miscellaneous, pt. 3, Governors of Alaska and Hawaii, etc. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1904. District of Columbia, 1904, v. 1: Commissioners, etc Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. [same, v. 4: Education Board. Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1903, 2 pts. Treasury (Finances) 1904. Justice (Attorney-General) 1904. Comptroller of Currency, 1904, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1904. Estimates of appropriations, 190C; Receipts and ex- penditures, 1904; Deficiency estimates. Commerce and na\igation, 1904, v. 1 . Same, v. 2. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1904. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- Sept. 1904. Same, Oct.-Dec. 19frl. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1905. Same, Apr.-June, 1905. 30th annual Ust of merchant vessels of U. S., 1904. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1904. Library of Congress, 1904. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1903 Mineral resources, 190;i. .,( Except 28, in serial no. 4S.34; 64, in serial no. 4816; 71, in serial no. 483.5; 73 and 74, in serial no. 4S36; 75, in serial no. 4842; 81, in serial no. 4843. Except 145, in serial nos. 4814-1816; 146, in serial no. 4851; 193, in serial no. 48^5. Except 216, in serial no. 4852; 226 and 232, in serial no. 4853; 233, in serial no. 4854; 243, in serial no. 4830. Except 256, in serial no. 4S55; 266, in serial no. 4856; 267, in serial nos. 4847-4S50; 287, in serial no. 4S10; 291, in serial no. 4857; 301, in serial no. 4858; 802, in serial no. 4854; 316, in serial no. 4637; 369, ia serial ao. 4802. 894 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 58th CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued 03 . m > 4-^ Series Document no. 4833 54 H. docs 382-385,404,413 4834 55 56 57 58 do 28 4835 do 71, 193 do do f73 4836 74 243 f316 4837 423 59 do 427 4838 328-330 4839 60 61 . .do 331-333 334-336 4840 do 4841 62 .... do 337-339 4842 63 64 do 75 4843 do 81 145, pt. 1 4844 65 .do.. .. 145, pt. 2 .145, pt. 3 4845 66 do 145, pt. 4 .145, pt. 5 fl45, pt. 6 4846 67 do 145, pt. 7 1145, pt. 8 4847 68 do 267, pts. 1-3... 4848 69 do 267, pts. 4-6... 4849 70 do 267, pts. 7-9... 4850 71 do 267, pts. 10-12. 4851 72 73 74 75 do 146 4852 do 216 do do 226 4853 232 4854 233,302 4855 76 77 78 79 80 do do do do do 256 4856 266 4857 291 4858 301 4859 386, pts. 1-3... 4860 81 do 386, pts. 4-6... 4861 82 83 84 •do* • •• 428 4862 do 369 4863 do 387-395 4864 85 86 87 88 89 do 396-400 401-403 452-457 405 4865 do 4866 do 4867 .do 4868 do 406 Notes Beef industry; Mexican cotton boll weevil; Sugar^iane; etc. Reclamation Service, 1904. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1904. Special consular reports, v. 31: Windmills in foreign countries. Same, v. 32: Foreign markets for American fruits. Same, v. 33: Industrial education and conditions in Germanj'. Same, v. 34: Marketing goods in foreign countries. Same, v. 35: Wareliouses in foreign countries. Same, v. 36: Foreign markets for American cotton man- ufactures. Monthly consular reports, Jan.-Mar. 1905, nos. 292-294. Same, Apr.-June, 1905, nos. 295-297. Same, July-Sept. 1905, nos. 29S-300. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1905, nos. 301-303. House manual. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1904. American Republics Bureau, 1904. Bibliography of Paraguay. Handbook of Venezuela. Handbook of Honduras. Handbook of Mexico. Patent and trade-mark laws of American Republics (Spanish). Same (EngUsh). Handbook of Bolivia. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 19, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1905. Same, v. 20, nos. 1-3, Apr.-June, 1905. Same, v. 21, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1905. Same, v. 21, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1905. Interstate Commerce Coirunission, 1904, 18th. Statistics upon ginning of cotton. Isthmian Canal Commission, Dec. 1904, 1st report. Philippine Commission, 1904. Army register, 1905; Navy register, 1905. Agriculture Department expenditures, 1904. Patent Office, 1904. Tests of metals, 1904. Labor Bureau, 12th special report: Coal-mine labor in Europe. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 10, nos. 56-58. Same, v. 11, nos. 59-61. Labor Bureau, 19th annual report, 1904: Wages and hours of labor. Civil Service Commission, 1904. Geological Survey bulletins 246-254. Same, 255-259. Same, 260-262. Same, 263-268. Statistical abstract, 1904. , Weather Bureau, 1904. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 895 68tli CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued C3 . '^ 2 02 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 488.5 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Series H. does. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 407-409 410,411 412 414 415-420,431.. 432-438 439-443 444-451 461-466 421 422 424 425 425 426 429 430, pt. 1.... 430, pt. 2.... 458 458 459 , 460 467 , 468-473, 478., 474. 475. 475. 476. 477. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. Notes Geological Survey professional papers 35-37. Same, 38, 39. Commerce and Labor Department, 1904. Gettysburg National Park Commission. 1S93-1904. Water-supply and irrigation papers 117-123. Same, 124-130. Same, 131-135. Same, 136-143. Same, 144-149. E.xperiment Stations Office, 1904. Hearings on interstate commerce act. Agriculture Yearbook, 1904. Rivers and harbors, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Patent decisions, 1904. American Historical Association, 1904* Smithsonian Institution, 1904 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1904. Same, maps. Naval war records, series 1, v. 19. 8th International Geographic Congress, 1904. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1904, 21st. Eulogies: W. F. Mahony, N. P. Otis, G. W. Crofi, W.W. Skiles, R. H. Foerderer, H. Burk, C. W. Thompson. See serial no. 4778. i i Geological Survey monographs, v. 48: Mesozoic floras ol U. S., pt. 1. Same, pt. 2, plates. Ethnology report, 1902, 23d. Ethnology bulletin 28: Mexican and Central American antiquities. Fisheries Bureau report, 1904. Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1904. Commercial relations, 1904. Document inde.x, no. 11, 58th Congress, 3d session. Document catalogue, v. 7, 58th Congress, July 1, 1903- June 30, 1905. 59tll CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION SENATE Mar. 4-18, 1906 S. journal. S. docs 1-6. See serial no. 4753, p. 335. See serial no. 4910. 896 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 59tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Dec. 4, 1905— June 30, 1906 C3 . m 4902 4903 4904 4905 B Series S. journaL, H. journal. S. reports.. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 1-2150 (vfith exceptions). 2153-4424(with exceptions). See "Notes' column. See "Notes" column. Notes Reports on public bills. Contains 1, 3, 4, 0-23,2.5-31, 68, 69, 107-115, 118-137, 139, 198, 209, 210, 212 214, 215, 220- 222, 224, 232-234, 237-256, 258, 260, 351, 37 J, 400-413, 415, 416, 427-429, 435, 436, 474-476, 576, 581-685, 594-699, 602-608, 648, 689, 690, 709, 710, 784-786, 797, 798, 800-810, S16, 818-828, 837, 889, 909, 935, 957, 958, 960, 961, 972, 975, 977, 982-988, 997-1001, 1077, 1089, 1102, 1109, 1110, 1157, 1178, 1189, 1196-1199, 1201-1232, 1242-1246, 1270-1273, 1281, 1294, 1387, 1588, 1403-1405, 1407, 1412, 1416-1418, 1423-1433, 14.35-1438, 1498, 1520, 1522-1524, 1566, 1569- 1572, 1674-1577, 1583-1586, 1603, 1611, 1720-1725, 1736, 1776, 1779-1783, 1785, 1787, 1791, 1792, 1796-1799, 1943, 1960, 1990-1993, 1995-2004, 2150. 1242, pt. 2, Railroad rate legislation, views of minority, is in serial no. 5060. Other numbers missing from serial no. 4904 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in Senate reports, V. A-D, this session. Reports on public bills. Contains 2153-2155, 2176, 2178, 3179, 2182-2187, 2192, 2193, 2210, 2297-2303, 2300, 2307, 2366, 2369, 2376-2387, 2513-2616, 2533, 2636, 2537, 2539, 2540, 2544, 25.50, 2562-2555, 2557-2562, 2564-2507, 2572, 2600, 2074-2079, 2720, 2722, 2724-2734, 2736, 2737, 2740, 2742-2744, 274r;-2750, 2797, 2799, 2801-2803, 2873, 2874, 2900, 2919, 2977, 3032, 3048-3050, 3056, .3057, 3111, 3112, 3241, 3242, 3289-3291, 3302, 3304, 3305, 3310, 33S1, 3382, 3460, 3461, 3471, 3472, 3474, 3476-3478, 3480, 3528, 3558, 3568, 3616-3621, 3623, 3026-3033, 3(335-3639, 3642-3644, 3703-3706, 3732, 3789-3799, 3801, 3805, 3806, 3808-3810, 3835, 3836, 3879, 3890-3898, 3910, 3911, 3920-3923, 3939, 3960, 3963-3965, 3968, 3970-3977, 3979, 4012, 4035-4037, 4101, 4102, 4210, 4212, 4239, 4241-4247, 4250, 4251, 4255, 4256, 4200, 4262, 4204, 4273, 4274, 4276, 4284, 4286, 4293- 4306, 4308, 4309, 4311, 4313, 4322, 4323, 4329-4338, 4350, 4351, 4358, 4362-4364, 4373. 4391^393, 4397-4402, 4415, 4417, 4418, 4421, 4422, 4424. Numbers missing from se- rial no. 4905 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound In Senate reports, v. D-G, this session. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 2 to 685 as are omitted from serial no. 4904, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 080 to 1350 as are omitted from serial no. 4904, which contains reports on public bUls. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 59tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 89t CO Series D E F 4906 S. reports. . .do. .do. .do. .do. 4907 H. reports. Document no. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 2-2656 (with exceptions). .do. 2657-4396 (with exceptions). Notes Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 1351 to 1950 as are omitted from serial no. 4904, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 1951 to 2575 as are omitted from serial nos. 4904 and 4905, which contain reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resohitions.f This volume contains such reports from 2576 to 3180 as are omitted from serial no. 490^, which contains reports on jniblic l^iUs. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions. t This volume contams such reports from 3181 to 3780 as are omitted from serial no. 4905, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 3781 to 4429 as are omitted from serial no. 4905, which contains reports on public bills. Senate report 4312, Relief of representatives of George W. Soule, was ordered reprinted Feb. 4, 1907, with supplemental re- port, making in all 67 p.; this corrected edition is not in the Congressional set, the original print of 44 p. having been included instead. Reports on public bills. Contains 2-4, 6, 9, 11, 20-26, 144, 158, 159, 164, 182-186, 234-238, 241, 242, 244, 245, 291-297, 335, 337-344, 430-432, 496, 542, 545, 579-588, 590-592, 691, 692, 694, 695, 739, 741, 742, 744, 745, 924-927, 1056, 1057, 1060, 1062, 1065-1068, 1105-1111, 1113-1119, 1121, 1181- 1184, 1186-1188, 1294-1297, 1299, 1339-1348, 1350, 1405- 1482, 1.549-1553, 1556-1562, 1566, 1634-1638, 1676, 1678, 1679, 1681-1685, 1714, 1788-1794, 1825, 1834-1837, 1898- 1901, 2112-2116, 2118-2120, 2123, 2166, 2167, 2169-2171, 2173-2175, 2177-2179, 2181-2183, 222:5-2225, 2227, 2228, 2271-2274, 2276-2286, 2331, 2333, 233,5-2339, 2341, 2343, 2347, 2348, 2401-2406, 2467, 2469, 2471, 2474r-2477, 2479, 2481, 2482, 2484-2489, 2492-2495, 2562, 2563, 2565, 2566, 2648-2650, 2652-2654, 2656. Numbers missing from se- rial no. 4906 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions,! which are bound in House reports, v. A-D, this session. Reports on public bills. Contains 2657-2661, 2663-2668, 2674-2676, 2679-2681, 2737, 2739, 2741, 2743-2746, 2748- 2751, 2753-2762, 2814, 2817-2823, 2888-2891, 2897, 2899- 2902, 2907, 2940-2942, 2944-2951, 3013, 3015, 3019-3024, 31-58, 3159, 3161, 3162, 3165-3169, 3200, 3201, 3204-3211, 3213, 3214, 3216, 3217, 3219, 3220, 3287-3293, 3295, 3296, 3337, 3343, 3345, 3347-3350, 3352-3354, 3389, 3390, 3392- 3400, 3402, 3467, 3408, 3588, 3589, 3591, 3610, 3612-3614, 3616, 3617, 3629-3640, 3642, 3699-3705, 3707, 3710-3714, 49183°— 18- -57 898 CATALOGUE OF TJBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 69tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued S a OQ O > 4907 4908 Series .do. .do. D .do. .do. .do. .do. .do... Document no. H. reports... 2657-4396 (with exceptions)— Continued. 4399-5096 (with exceptions). See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. Sec "Notes" column. .do See "Notes" column. Notes See "."^Jotes'' column. See "Notes" column. 3717, 3718, 3793-3798, 3873-3875, 3924, 3926, 3927, 3929, 3930, 3936, 3997, 4001, 4097, 4*98, 4100, 4102-4105, 4107, 4108, 4204, 4206-4210, 4214-4218, 4221, 4222, 4251, 4252, 4256, 4257, 4261, 4263, 4264, 4266, 4267, 4269-4273, 4275, 4339-4342, 4396. Numbers missing from serial no. 4907 are for reports on private bills and on simple and con- current resolutions, t vrhich are bound in House re- ports, V. D-G, this session. Reports on public bills. Contains 4399, 4401, 4402, 44;ss 4407, 4409, 4410, 4418-4422, 442.5-4427, 4429, 4431, 4432, 4434-4437, 4439, 4441, 4443-4448, 4555, 4556, 4558-4562, 4564-4567, 4637-4655, 4658-4661, 4671, 4674^677, 4723, 4724, 4769, 4770, 4774, 4775, 4777, 4782, 4784, 4875-4879, 4886-1888, 4896, 4898-1908, 4911, 4912, 4914r-4917, 4919- 4921, 4923-4938, 4940^946, 4950, 4951, 4953-4955, 4958- 4962, 4964-4968, 4970, 4971, 4973, 4974, 4978, 4979, 4981, 4983, 4988, 4992-4997, 5000, 5009, 5011, 5016-5020, 5030, 5035, 5043, 5046-5049, 5051-5054, 5056, 5060, 5061, 5065- 5069, 5072, 5073, 5075-5077, 5082-5085, 5088-5090, 5094- 5096. Numbers missing from serial no. 4908 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in House reports, v. G and 11, this session. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 1 to 080 as are omitted from .serial no. 4906, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 681 to 1375 as are omitted from serial no. 4906, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.! This volume contains such reports from 1376 to 2020 as are omitted from serial no. 4906, which contains reports on public bUls. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 2021 to 2685 as are omitted from serial nos. 4906 and 4907, which contain reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 2686 to 3300 as are omitted from serial no. 4907, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 3301 to 3920 as are omitted from serial no. 4907, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f This volume contains such reports from 3921 to '1470 as are omitted from serial nos. 4907 and 4908, which contain reports on public bills. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 899 59tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ■3 . "o -4^ Series Document no. Notes 00 > £ 11 H. reports. . . See "Notes" column.. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 4471 to 5093 as are omitted from serial no. 4908, which contains reports on public bills. 4909 1 S. docs 1,5 Secretary of Senate, 1905; Govt. Printing Office, 1905. Contains also 1-6 of special sess. Senate, Mar. 4-18, 1905. Except 127, in serial no. 4919; 132, in serial no. 4920. Except 142, in serial no. 4921. 4910 ?. do 2, 6-82 4911 3 do 83-139 4912 4 do 140-180 4913 5 do 181-249 Except 202, in serial no. 4922; 231, in serial no. 4923; 243, in serial nos. 4924-4928: 244, in serial no. 4929. 4914 6 . . - . do 250-327 Except 277, in serial no. 4930; 313, in serial no. 4923. 4915 7 .... do 328-458 Except 429, in serial no. 4919. , 4916 8 .... do 459-531,530.... Except 483, in serial no. 4931; 486, in serial nos. 4932- 4935; 499, in serial no. 4931. 4917 f> do 3 List of private claims before Senate, Nov. 9, 1903-Mar.4, 1905. 4918 10 do 4, 3 pts Congressional directory, 3 editions. Isthmian Canal Commission, 19a5. 4919 11 do fl27,2pts |429 Special Panama Railroad Commissioner's report, 1905. Naval appropriation laws, 1883-1905. 4920 12 13 do 132 4921 .do 142 Acts and treaties relating to Alaska, 1867-1905. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, final report, 1906. Reports on Panama Canal. 4922 14 do 202 15 ... .do j231 4923 313 Efficiencv of various coals, 1896-98. 4924 16 .do 243 Hearings on regulation of railway rates, v. 1 . Same, v. 2. 4925 17 18 19 20 21 . 243 4926 do do 243 Same, v. 3. 4927 243 Same, v. 4. 4928 do 243 Same, v. 5. 4929 . .do 244, 2 pts 277 Digest of hearings on regulation of railway rates. Hearings on revenue for Piiilippine Islands. Educational service and reindeer service in Alaska. 4930 m ... .do 23 ?4 .do .. .. j483 4931 I499 do Reindeer in Alaska, 1905. 4932 486 Proceedings against Reed Smoot, Senator from Utah, V. 1. Same, v. 2. 4933 25 26 27 28 29 30 do 486 4934 .... do do 486 Same, v. 3. 4935 486 532 Same, v. 4. 4936 do Daughters of the American Revolution, 1905. 4937 do 533 French- Venezuelan Mixed Claims Commission, report. 4938 . .do . 534 Eulogies: Orville H. Piatt. Appropriations, new offices, etc 4939 31 dc 535 4940 3? do 537 Unveiling of statue of Comte de Rochambeau. 4941 1 H. docs 1 Message and Foreign relations, 1905. 4942 2 . . .do War, 1905, v. 1: Secretarv, Chief of staff, etc. 4913 3 4 do Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. 4944 do Same, v. 3: Division and department commanders. 4945 5 6 7 .do... 2 Same, v. 4: Military schools and colleges, militia affairs, 4946 do 2 etc. Same, v. 5: Engineers, pt. 1. 4947 do 2 Same, v. 6: Engineers, pt. 2. 900 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 59tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued e8 . 'C ° s a 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 49^8 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 o > 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Series H. docs. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do.. .do., .do., -do., .do., .do.. .do.. .do., .do., .do.. .do.. .do.. .do., .do.. Document no. do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 5 do 6 do 7--,.,,^r--. (8 do Is 8 JS do [8 do 9 do 10 do 11. > do do 12,55,278,861.. 13 . . do 14 15, pts. 1-3..; 15, pts. 4-6... 15, pts. 7-12.. 16 17 18 19 I20 21 22 23-80,82 (83, 85, 88-163, 1 167-194. 208-378 379-487,494-506. f507-512, 525- i 550,557-591. Notes Same, v. 7: Engineers, pt. 3. Same, v. 8:. Engineers, supplement, Mississippi Rivei Commission. Same, v. 9: Ordnance. Same, v. 10: Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Same, v. 11: Phdlippine Conmiission, pt. 2. Same, v. 12: Philippine Commission, pt. 3. Same, v. 13: Philippine Commission, pt. 4. Same, v. 14: Acts of Philippine Commission. Navy, 1905. Post-Office, 1905. Interior, 1905: Secretary, bm-eau officers, etc. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 1, Commissioner, Five Civi- lized Tribes Commission, etc. Same: Indian affairs, pt. 2, Board of Indian Commis- sioners, etc. Same: Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1905. C-ommerce and Labor, 1905, District of Columbia, 1905, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1904, 2 pts. Treasury (Finances) 1905. Justice (Attorney-General) 1905. Comptroller of Currency, 1905. Estimates of appropriations, 1907; Receipts and expend- itures, 1905; etc. Commerce and navigation, 1905. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1905. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- Sept. 1905. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1905. Same, Jan.-June, 1906. 37th annual Ust of merchant vessels of U. S., 1905. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1905. Library of Congress, 1905. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1904. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1905. Mineral resources, 1904. Tests of metals, 1905. Except 44, in serial no. 4991; 55, in serial no. 4972. Except 231-233, in serial no. 5019; 263, in serial no. 5023; 278, in serial no. 4972; 320, in serial no. 5024; 341, in serial no. 5025. Except 406, in serial nos. 5026-5029; 425, in serial no. 5030; 448, in serial no. 5031; 456, in serial no. 5032; 469, in serial no. 5015; 474, in serial no. 5032. ■580 is Commissioner of labor, report on Hawaii, 1905. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 9(>1 69tll CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued ■3 . 53 n 1 Series Document no. Notes CO > Ph 4989 49 .... H. docs 593-723........ f724-742 Except 619, in serial no. 5035; 657, in serial no. 5036: 665, in serial no. 5037; 690, in serial no. 5038. 4990 50 do |7G3-823 [840-918 Except 804, in serial no. 5039; 812, in serial no. 5040. E.\cept 842, in serial nos. 5041-5042; 843, in serial no. 5043; 861, in serial no. 4972; 879, in serial no. 5044; 892, in serial no. 5045; 906, in serial no. 5040. 4991 51 do 44 4992 52 do 81,84 4993 53 do 86 Reclamation Service, 1905. 4994 54 do 87 fl64 Special consular reports, v. 37: Machine-made lace in- dustry in Europe. Same, v. 38: Insurance in foreign countries. Monthly consular and trade reports, Jan.-Mar. 1906, '4995 55 do 165 4996 56 do 513-515 nos. 304-306. / 4997 57 do 516-518 Same, Apr.- June, 1906, nos. 307-.309. 4998 58 do 519-521 Same, July-Sept. 1900, nos . 310-312. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1906, nos. 313-315. 4999 59 do 522^24 rieo Ethnology bulletin 29: Ilaida texts and myths. Same, 31: List of publications of bureau. Same, 32: Antiquities of Jemez Plateau, New Mexico. Same, 30: Handbook of American Indians, pt. I. Same, 30: Ilandbooli of American Indians, pt. 2. 5000 60 do iy27 928 5001 61 62 do 926 5002 do 926 5003 63 64 do 195 Interstate. Commerce Commission, 1905, 19th. 5004 do 196,197 Geological Survey professional papers 40, 41. Same, 42, 43. 5005 65 60 do 198,199 200,201 5ooe do Same, 44, 45. 5007 67 do 488,489 490 Same, 46, 47. ... .do 5008 68 Same, 48, pt. 1. Same, 48, pt. 2. Same, 48, pt. 3. Same, 49-53. 5009 69 ... .do 490 5010 70 71 do 490 5011 do 491-493,919,920. 5012 72 do 921,922 202-206 Same, 54, 55. 5013 73 do Geological Survey bulletins 269-273. 5014 74 75 76 77 .do 207 Same, 274. 5015 do 469.824-828.... 829-8.33 834-839,931,932. Same, 275-280. 5016 Same, 281-285. 5017 do Same, 286-293. 5018 78 79 do 9.33-938 231-233,551-554. Same, 294-299. 5019 do Water-supply and irrigation capers, 150-156. 5020 80 do 555,550,743-748. Same, 157-104. 5021 81 82 83 749-756 757-762 203 Same, 165-172. 5022 do Same, 173-178. 5023 do Survey of Des Plaines and Illinois rivers. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 19Q5. 5024 84 85 86 320 5025 do do 341 Naval war records, series 1, v. 20. 5026 406,pts. 1-3... American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 72, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1900. 5027 87 do 406, pts. 4-6... Same, v. 22, nos. 4-0, Apr.-June, 1906. 5028 88 do 406, pts. 7-9... Same, v. 23, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1906. 5029 89 90 do 406, pts. 10-12. 425 Same, v. 23, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1906. 5030 do Patent Ofhce, 1905. 5031 91 do 448 Agriculture Department expenditures, 1905. 50:i2 92 do 456,474 N«vy register, 1906; Army register, 1906. 5033 93 . . . ■ do 592, pts. 1-3... Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 12, nos. 62-64. 902 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 69tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued 05 . 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 Series H. docs . do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do Document no. 592, pts. 4-6 019 G57 G(i5 (90 S04 812 842 842 843 879 892 9(Xi 923 923 924 925 925 929 r930,pt. 1... 1930, pt. 2... 939 940 [941 1942 943 Notes Same, v. 13, nos. 65-67. Statistical abstract, 1905. Patent decisions, 1905. Inspection of consulates in the Orient. Hazing at Naval Academy. John Paul Jones commemoration at Annapolis, Apr. 24, 1906. Transportation of petroleum. Naval Observatory publications, 2d series, v. 4, pts. 1-3. Same, 2d series, v. 4, pt. 4. Same, 2d series, v. 5. Weather Bureau, 1905. Agriculture Yearbook, 1905. Labor Bureau, 20tli annual report, 1905: Convict labor. American Historical Association, 1905, v. 1. Same, v. 2: Bibliography of American historical socie- ties. Experiment Stations Office, 1905. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1905. Same, maps. Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1905. Smithsonian Institution, 1905 [pt. 1]. Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Ethnology report, 1903, 24th. Commercial relation?, 1905. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1905, 22d. Animal Industry Bureau bulletin 27: Angora goat. Document index, no. 12, 59th Congress, 1st session. 59tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 3, 1906— Mar. 4, 1907 6058 5059 5060 1 S. journal. . II. journal. S. reports. . 4625-6693 (with exceptions). Reports on public bills. Contains 1242, pt. 2 (1st ses- sion), 4625, 4628-4C34, 4G67, 4671, 4712, 4715, 4808-4810, 4817-4819, 4821-4S23, 4825-4835, 4837, 4905, 4919, 4957, 5009-5012, 5014, 5016, 5020, 5022, 5090, 5091, 5093, 5163, 5175, 5176, 5179, 5262, 5317, 5318, 5320, 5464, 5466, 5467, 5529-5546, 5548-5552, 5588, 5589, 5&30, 5631, 5637, 5638, 5640, 5641, 5650, 5651, 5689, 57G(i, 5788, 5834, 5894, 5982- 5987, 5989-5991, 6010, 6077, 6187, 6188, 6204-6206, 6257, 6307, 6309-6311, 6423, 6459, 6460, 6474, 6475, 6510-6514, 6538, 6618, 6625, 6626, 6629-66:51, 6644, 6645, 6651-6653, 6655, 6659, 6662-6664, 6667, 6669, 6671, 6672, 6678-6687, 6690-6693. 1242, pt. 1, is in serial no. 4904. 5013 is in serial nos. 50G2 and 5063. Other numbers missing from serial no. 50C0 are for reports on private bUls and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in Senate reports, v. A-D, this session. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 903 59tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued « a m o > 6061 6062 5063 B D 6064 Series 6065 S. reports. .do .do .do do .do. .do. H. reports. .do. Document no. Notes 6694-7342 (with ' exceptions) 5013, pt.l.... 5013, pt. 2.... See "Notes' column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 5326-7291 (with exceptions). 7292-8174 (with exceptions). Reports on public bills. Contains 6604-6696, 6698-6700, 6823, 6826-6829, 6831, 6838, 6885, 6942-6945, 694S, 6949, 7006, 70ti7, 7136-7138, 7246, 7250, 7252-7254, 7256, 7257, 7259, 7200, 7262, 7203, 7205, 7266, 7268-7279, 7282-7280, 7288, 7290, 7295-7299, 7301-7303, 7307-7312, 7315, 7316, 7319-7322, 7325, 7327, 7328, 7331-7333, 7341, 7342. 6694 is River and harbor bill. Numbers missing from se- rial no. 50<)1 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in Senate reports, v. D, this session. Indian Territory aflairs, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 4430 to 5008 as are omitted from serial no. 5060, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 5015 to 5700 as are omitted from serial no. 5060, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 5701 to 6451 as are omitted from serial no. 50t)0, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 6452 to 7340 as are omitted from serial nos. 5060 and 5061, which contain reports on public bills. Reports on public bills. Contains 5326-5328, 5407-^5411, 5419, 5420, 5422, 5464-5487, 5552, 5554, 5625, 5629, 5030, 5881-5883, 5885, 6053, 6055, 6120, 6121, 6202-0204, 6206- 6215, 6377-0383, 0392-0394, 6390-<>403, 0405-6409, 6415, 6421, 6422, 6427-6437, 6439-0442, 6584, 6585, 0595, 0597- 0603, 6706-6708, 0711, 6713-0716, 6718, 6720-6740, 0748- 0750, 0752, 6893, 6894, 6901, 0904-0900, 0908, 0909, 7083, 7080, 7088, 7089, 7091-7097, 7099, 7101, 7103, 7105-7112, 7114, 7115, 7117, 7275, 7276, 7278-7282, 7287-7291. Num- bers missing from serial no. 5064 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions.! which are bound in Ilouse reports, v. A-D, this session. Reports on public bills. Contains 7292-7295, 7301-7303, 7305, 7300, 7309-7312, 7539, 7540, 7557-7560, 7503-7565, 7567, 7570, 7572, 7574, 7575, 7577-7584, 7580-7589, 7593- 7599, 7001-7(i04, 7606-7615, 7617-7621, 7024, 7020-7628, 7634, 7630-7043, 7645, 7046, 7648, 7649, 8016, 8018-8026, 8028, 8033-8042, 8044, 8048, 8049, 8051, 8053, 8054, 8056- 8058, 8060-8073, 8077, 8079, 8081, 8085, 8080, 8088, 8090- 8103, 8105-8119, 8121, 8122, 8137-8143, 8145, 8147-8153, 8155, 8158-8161, 8163, 8164, 8166-8174. 7644 is in serial nos. 5006 and 5067. Other numbers missing from se- rial no. 5065 are for reports on private bills and on 904 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 59tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continiied _^ C3 ^ O Oi a «J 5065 5066 5067 606S 5069 15070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 o > B D 10 11 12 13 14 15 It) 17 18 19 Series .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do.. Document no. H. reports. . .do. .do. .do. .do. 7292-8174— OoDtinued. 7044,pt 1 7G44,pt.2 See "Notes" column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes' column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes' column. .5 2,3,6-19. 21-100. . . 101-180.. 181-230. 231-358. -do. 359-393. . . 4,2pts... 20 140 144 155,2pts. 233,333... 266. 278. 394 394 395 396,pt.l. 396, pt. 2. Notes simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in House reports, v. D and E, this session. Government Hospital for Insane investigation, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f This volume contains such report s from 5097 to 56.59 as are omitted from serial no. 5004, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 5600 to 6253 as are omitted from serial no. 5004, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 6254 to 6886 as are omitted from serial no. 5064, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f This volume contains such reports from 6887 to 7512 as are omitted from serial nos. 50«',4 and 5065, which contain reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f This volume contains such reports from 7513 to 8165 as are omitted from serial no. 5065, which contains reports on public bills. Secretary of Senate, 1900. Government Printing Office, 1906. 17 is Commissioner of education for Porto Rico, 1906. 74 is Commercial and agricultural associations. Except 140, in serial no. 5070; 144, in serial no. 5077; 155, in serial no. 5078. 204 is Laws relating to insular and military affairs, 1898- 1906. Except 233, and 333, in serial no. 5079; 266, in serial no. 5080; 278, in serial no. 5081. State Department rules and regulations; etc. Congressional directory, 2 editions. Civil Service Commission, 1906. • Navy yearbook, 1883-1906. President's message concerning Panama Canal. Report on Brownsville affray. Interstate Commerce Commission, testimony on car shortage. Interstate commerce law as changed by act of June 29, 1906. Interstate Commerce Commission, testimony on grain trade. Post-Office rules and regulations, 1902, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2, supplement, 1907. Justice Department rules and regulations. Interior Department rules and regulations, pt. 1: Gen- eral, Civil Service, etc. Same, pt. 2: Pension, Patent, Geological Survey. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 905 59tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Oontinued C3 . ■>^ 2 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 51041 51042 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 6117 5118 5119 6120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 6128 5129 613C 6131 o > 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Series S. docs. do. do. .do.,,,,, do.- do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Document no. 396, pt. 3. 390, pt. 4. 397 398,pt.l- 398, pt. 2. 399,pt.l. 399, pt. 2. 399,pt.3l 399, pt. 4. 400 401 401 401 401 402 403-405-. 406 1 Notes Same, pt. 3: Public lands. Same, pt. 4: Indian Sen'ice. Commerce and Labor Department rules and reflations. Agriculture Department rules and regulations, pt. 1: Miscellaneous. Same, pt. 2: Forest Service and Weather Bureau. Treasury Department rules and regulations, pt. 1 : ilis- cellaneous. Same, pt. 2: Revenue-Cutter Service, Life-Saving Serv ice, and Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. Same, pt. 3: Customs regulations. Same, pt. 4: Internal Revenue Service. Daughters of the .Ajnerican Revolution, 1900. Hearings relating to Panama Canal, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Same, v. 4. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Eulogies: W. B. Bate, A. P. Gorman, R. A. Alger. Senate manual. Message and Foreign relations, 1906, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. War, 1900, v. 1: Secretary, Chief of stafl, etc. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Division and department commanders. Same, v. 4: Militia affairs, militarj' schools and colleges, and military parks. Same, v. 5: Engineers, report without appendixes. Same, v. 6: Ordnance. Same, v. 7: Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Same, v. 8: Philippine Commission, pt. 2. Same, v. 9: Philippine Commission, pt. 3. Same, v. 10: Acts of Philippine Commission. Navy, 1906. Post-Offlce, 1906. Interior, 1906: Secretary, bureau officers, etc. Same: Indian affairs. Same: Governors of Territories, etc. Same: Governor of Hawaii, and Board of Indian Com- missioners. Same: Geological Survey. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Agriculture, 1906. Commerce and Labor Department, 1906. District of Columbia, 1900, v. 1 : Commissioners, etc. Same, v. 2; Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1905, 2 pts. Treasury (Finances) 1906. Justice (.A.ttomej'-General) 1906. Comptroller of Currency, 1906. Estimates of appropriations, 190S. Receipts and expenditures, 1906. Deficiency estimates. 906 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 59tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 03 . > Ph Series Document no. Notes 5132 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55" 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 II. docs do 13 Commerce and navigation, 1900. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1906. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 1906. Same,*Oct.-Dec. 1906. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1907. Same, Apr.-June, 1907. 3Sth annual list of merchant vessels of U S 1906 5133 14 5134 5135 6136 5137 do do do do 15,pts.l-3 15,pts.4-6 15,pts.7-9 15, pts. 10-12... 16 5138 do do do... 5139 17 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1906. Library of Congress, 1906. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1905. Internal Revenue Commissioner, 190^. 5140 18 6141 do do do 19 5142 20... 6143 21 Mineral resources, 1905. 5144 do 22 Engineer Department, 1906, report with appendixes, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 25. 6145 do.. 22.. . . 6146 .... do do 23 6147 24 House manual. 6148 .... do do 25 Naval war records, series 1, v. 21. 6149 26 Tests of metals, 1906. 6150 5151 5152 5153 .... do do do do 27-^2,77-130... 131-198 199-250 251-345 358-521 :. 522-607 609-780 204 Except 88, in serial no. 5158. Except 152, in serial no. 5131. Except 204, in serial no. 5157. Except 276, in serial no. 5158; 310 and 311, in serial no. 5154 do 5171; 325, in serial no. 5174; 326, in serial no. 5175. Except 439, in serial no. 5195; 502, in serial nos. 5196- 5155 5156 do do 5197. Except 558, in serial no. 5198; 575, in serial no. 5200. Except 641, in serial no. 5199; 654, in serial no. 5131; 5157 .... do do 715, in serial no. 5202; 727 and 728, in serial no. 5203; 743, in serial no. 5195. Reclamation Service, 1906. 5158 88, 276 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1906. 6159 do 53,54 Geological Survey bulletins 300, 301. 6160 do 55-60 Same, 302-307. 6161 do 61-63 Same, 308-310. 6162 6163 do 781,782,796-798 823 Same, 311-315. Same, 316. 6161 do 824-828 64-68.. Same, 317-321. 5166 . do . . . Water-supply and irrigation papers, 179-183. 5166 do... 69-76 Same, 184-191. 5167 do 786,787 788,789 790,791 792-794 fSlO Same, 192, 193. 5168 do.... Same, 194, 195. 5169 do Same, 196, 197. 6170 do Same, 198-200. do Geological Survey monographs, v. 49: Ceratopsia. 6171 l3H do Same, v. 50: Cretaceous flora of southern New York and 6172 784,785 815 New England. Geological Survey professional papers 56, 57. 5173 do do do do Same, 58. 5174 325 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1906, 20th. 5175 326 Citizenship, expatriation, and protection abroad. 5176 346-348 Monthly consular and trade reports, Jan.-Mar. 1907, nos. 316-318. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 907 59tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 1 = o > 4^ Series Document no. Notes 6177 5178 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 91 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 n. docs do 349-351 352 Same, Apr.-June, 1907, nos. 319-321. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1906. Same, maps. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1906, 23d. Commercial relations, 1906. 5179 do 352 5180 do 353 51S1 do 354 5182 do do 355 Hinds' precedents of House of Representatives, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 5183 355 5184 355 Same, v. 3. 5185 do 355 Same, v. 4. 6186 do 355 Same, v. 5. 5187 do 355 Same, v. 6: Index-digest, A-G. Same, v. 7: Index-digest, H-P. 51881 1 2 do do do do 355 6188 2 355 Same, v. 8: Index-digest, Q-Z. 5189 356 Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1906. 5190 357 Federal and State constitutions, colonial charters, etc.. 5191 do 357 V. 1: United States, and Alabama^District of Colum- bia. Same, v. 2: Florida-Kansas. 5192 ^ 357... . Same, v. 3: Kentucky-Massachusetts. 6193 do 357 Same, v. 4: Michigan-New Hampshire. 51941 1 2 3 do do do do 357 Same, v. 5: New Jersey-Philippines. 51942 357 Same, v. 6: Porto Rico-Vermont. 5194' 357 Same, v. 7: Virginia-Wyoming, and Index. f439 AgHculture Department appointments, etc., 1900. 5195 743 Animal Industry Bureau, report of operations, 1906. z do do do 799 Beet-sugar industry in U. S., 1906. 5196 bl97 5198 502, pts. 1-3... 502. pts. 4-6... 558 American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 24, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1907. Same, v. 24, nos. 4-6, Apr.-June, 1907. Patent Office, 1906. 6199 .do 641 Patent decisions, 1906. 5200 do 575, pt. 1 1575, pt. 2 608 Smithsonian Institution, 1906 [pt. 1]. 5201 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. Postal Commission, 1906-07. 5202 do 715, 3 pts 727,728 783 Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 14, nos. 68-70. 6203 do Army register, 1907; Navy register, 1907. 62(M .do Statistical abstract, 1906. 5205 .... do do 795 Special report on diseases of horse. 6206 800 Special consular reports, v. 39: Cotton-seed products. 5207 6208 do do 801-812 813 Eulogies: D. M. Hurley, B. F. Marsh, G. .\. Castor, G. R. Patterson, J. M. Pinckney, Rockwood Hoar, R. E. Lester, R. R. Hitt, H. C. Adams, W. H. Flack, J. H. Keicham, J. F. RLxey. Agriculture Yearbook, 1906. 6209 .do 814 Weather Bureau, 1906. 6210 do 816-819 820 Ethnology bulletins 33-36. 5211 do do Experiment Stations Office, 1906, 6212 821 Ethnology report, 1904, 25th. 5213 do ... 822 Labor Bureau, 21st annual rp., 1906: Strikes and lock- 5214 ... do do 829 outs. Document index, no. 13, 59th Congress, 2d session. 6215 830 Document catalogue, v. 8, 59th Congress, July 1, 1905- June 30, 1907. 908 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF LTNITED STATES SENATE. 60tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION t Dec. 2, 1907— May 30, 1908 '^ 2 m 5216 5217 5218 5219 Series S. journal H. journal S. reports .do. Document no. Notes 1-349 (with ex- Reports on public bills, also a few Senate reports on ceptions). simple resolutions of a public character, f Contains 1-1, 0-9, 11-19, 21, 23, 24, 2G-32, 34-46, 49-54, 50-74, 77, 79, 82-87, 89-91, 93-97, 109, 110, 117, 124-126, 128-131, 135, 137-140, 142-144, 146-148, 150, 151, 153, 155-157, 15^-164, 167-169, 171, 172, 174-185, 187-191, 193-198, 202, 203, 210-212, 215-221, 223-253, 255-270, 275-279, 284, 285, 289-303, 305-308, 310-317, 319-325, 327-330, 332, 334-336, 338, 340-343, 346-349. 10 is in serial no. 5220; 201 as in serial no. 5221. 344, suppressed, sec Senate report 382, in Senate reports, v. C, serial no. 5224. Other num- bers missing from serial no. 5218 are for reports on pri- vate bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in Senate reports, v. A, serial no. 5222. 352-696 (with Reports on public bills, also a few Senate reports on exceptions). simple resolutions of a public cliaracter.f Contains 352, 355-362, 364-367, 369-374, 377-379, 383-388, 390, 394, 395, 397-400, 403, 404, 408, 420, 422, 424-426, 428, 429, 432, 433, 43(M41, 445-448, 450-460, 462-474, 476, 479-487, 489- 492, 494, 495, 497-507, 512-617, 519-523, 525, 529-533, 637, 538, 541-548, 552-561, 603, 566, 569-571, 574, 575, 579-583, 585, 586, 588, 589, 591, 590-600, 603, 005, 607, 609-612, 614- 618, 620-623, 625, 627, 629, 630, 636-638, 641, 642, 646, 647, 650-C52, 655-665, 669, 670, 672-681, 684, 687-693, 695, 696. Numbers missing from serial no. 5219 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolu- tions, t which are bound in Senate reports, v. A-C, serial nos. 5222-5224. For many years prior to the 60tli Congress, Senate and House reports were each numbered consecutively through the whole Congress, no matter how many sessions were held, but for Senate and House documents a new series of numbers was begun with each session. Under the act of Mar. 1, 1907 (Stat. L. v. 34, pt. 1, p. 1014), the documents, as well as the reports, are niunbered throughout the Congress. This act became operative with the 2d session of the 60th Congress. The first Senate document of that session is number 538, In serial nos. 5388 and 5389, and the first House document is nxunber 988, in serial no. 5501. CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SEXATE* 909 Goth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued c3 . 5220 6221 t5222 5223 6224 6225 Series 'S. reports . do.... do. .do. 6226 H. reports. .do. Document no. 10, 2 pts. 201 See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 382. 2-1342 (with exceptions). 1351-1792(with exceptions). Notes Revision of laws: Crimes. Business of Post-Oflice Department, preliminary re- port. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- tains such reports from 5 to 443 as are omitted from serial nos. 5218 and 5219, which contain reports on public bills. 382 is in serial no. 5224. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- tains such reports from 444 to 694 as are omitted from serial no. 5219, whicli contains reports on public bills. Claims allowed under Bowman and Tucker acts. This is a report on a private bill, f omitted from serial no. 5219, wliieh contains reports on public bills. Reports on public bUls, also a few House reports on simple and concurrent resolutions of a public charac- ter.t Contains 2, pt. 1, 6, 7, 11-18, 20, 21, 23-31, 33, 90-92, 170, 171, 181, 182, 184, 277, 278, 284-286, 314, 316, 321, 322, 324, 325, 35^-355, 358-362, 365-370, 437, 438, 440- 444, 507, 508, 530, 531, 533-538, 621, 623-625, 635, 636, 638, 639, 641, 643, 615, 650, 651, 677-679, 683, 686, 689, 690, 693, C95-G97, 786, 788, 790, 792-795, 888, 889, 891, 893, 894, 89&- 900, 956-960, 904-966, 968, 969, 971-975, 977-979, 1041, 1042, 1044-1057, 1059-1063, 1065-10*58, 1070-1072, 1075, 1077-1079, 1086, 1087, 1089, 1090, 1106-1112, 1114, 1116- 1120, 1122-1126, 1128-1130, 1132, 1133, 1135, 1136, 1142, 1144-1146, 1168-1172, 1174, 1179-1182, 1184-1187, 1189, 1191, 1200, 1204-1207, 1209, 1210, 1215, 1216, 1219, 1221- 1231, 1233, 1236, 1238, 1244-1265, 1267, 1270, 1272-1284, 1286-1288, 1291-1293, 1298-1302, 1305-1310, 1318-1333, 1338-1340, 1342. 2, pt. 2, not included in boxmd volumes, because duplicate of Senate report 10, pt. 2, m serial no. 5220. 543 is in serial no. 5233. 698, not included in bound volumes, because duplicate of Senate report 201 in serial no. 5221. Other numbers missing from serial no. 5225 are for reports on private bUls and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f which are bound in House reports, v. A-C, serial nos. 5229-5231. Reports on public bills, also a few House reports on sim- ple and concurrent resolutions of a public character.! Contains 1351-1355, 1357, 1359-1364, 1366. 1372, 1375, 1376, 1380, 1381, 1383-1388, 1390, 1392, 1396-1398, 1401- 1403, 1405, 1406, 1415, 1417-1421, 1424-1426, 1434-1439, 1443-1445, 1448-1468, 1470, 1472, 1473, 1475-1482, 1490, 1^92, 1499, 1500, 1502, 1503, 1505-1514, 1518-1520, 1524- 910 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 60tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued m 5226 5227 5228 1 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 o > 4 A B D Series H. reports. do. .do. -do. .do. do. S. docs. do. do. do. do., .do. .do. Document no. 1351-1792 (with exceptions) — Continued. 1727 [pts. 1,2]. 1727 [pt. 3]... See "Notes" column. See "Notes" eolunxn. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 543 1-3 4,pt.l 4,pt.2 4, pt. 3 5 [G-8,57,155,242, [ 405,501. See "Notes" column. Notes 1528, 1533-1535, 1539-1543, 1546-154^, 1552-1559, 1561- 1569, 1576-1579, 1582-1593, 1595, 1596, 1601-1605, 1607, 1608, 1610, 1613, 1614, 1621-1C31, 1633, 1035, 1637-1641, 1644-1646, 1648, 1652-1055, 1658-1066, 166^-1672, 1674, 1675, 1678-1691, 1693, 1695-1703, 1705-1707, 1714-1718, 1726, 1728-1738, 1740, 1741, 1743, 1745, 1759, 1760, 1764- 1767, 1769-1779, 1781-1783, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1792. 1704, suppressed. 1727 is in serial nos. 5227 and 5228. Other numbers missing from serial no. 5226 are for re- ports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in House reports, v. C and D, serial nos. 5231 and 5232. Investigation of charges made by Geo. L. Lilley tinder H. R. 288: pt. 1, Report, pt. 2, Testimony. This is a report on a simple resolution of a public character, f Same: pt. 3, Testimony and index. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- tains such reports from 1 to 550 as are omitted from serial no. 5225, which contains reports on public biUs. 543 is in serial no. 5233. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- tains such reports from 551 to 1100 as are omitted from serial no. 5225, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, t Tliis volume con- tains such reports from 1101 to 1400 as are omitted from serial nos. 5225 and 5226, which contain reports on public bills. Reports on private bills, and on simple and concurrent resolutions of a private character, f This volume con- tains such reports from 1404 to 1790 as are omitted from serial no. 5226, which contains reports on public bills. Claims allowed under Bowman and Tucker acts. This is a report on a private biU.f omitted from serial no. 5225, which contains reports on public bills. Secretary of Senate, 1907; etc. Congressional directory, 1st edition. Same, 2d edition. Same, 3d edition. Government Printing OflSce, 1907. ■Miscellaneous annual reports. Special messages, reports, and addresses, I. Contains S. docs. 91, 114, 115, 132, 151, 185, 187, 200, and 203. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. GOth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION -Continued 911 03 . S a M "3 > a H-t Series Document no. Notes 5241 8 S. docs See "Notes" column. Same, II. Contains S. docs. 208, 213, 224, 226, 244-246, 270, 277_, 311. 5242 9 do See "Notes" column. Same, III. Contains 8. docs. 366, 376, 379, 390, 400, 428, 432, 433, 436, 444, 461, 50t5, 612, 527, 528. 5243 10 do 65 Isthmian Canal Commission, 1907. 1 Special reports to Manufactures Bureau. 5244 11 do 78-82,152,281, 282,404,434. 6245 1? do 92 5246 13 do 100 Navy yearbook, 1907, with appropriations, 1883-1907. Mexican Kickapoo Indians, hearings, v. 1. 5247 14 do 215, pt. 1 215, pt. 2 r215,pt. 3 1350 5248 15 do 5249 16 do Same, v. 3. Treaty with Kickapoo Indians. Inland Waterways Commission. 5250 17 do 325 5251 18 do 338 f389... BrowTisville affray: Report of inspector-general, mes- sages of President, etc. Same: Discharge ofcompanies, message from President, 6252 19 do .402, pt. 1 report of Secretary of War, etc. 6253 20 do 402, pt. 2 ,402, pt. 3 Same: Court-martial of Charles W. Penrose. Same: Court>martial of Edgar A. Macklin. 5254 21 do 402, pt. 4 Same: Hearings, v. 1. 5255 f'f. do 402, pt. 5 Same: Hearings, v. 2. 5256 23 do f402, pt. fi [430 Same: Hearings, v. 3. Same: Names of enlisted men discharged. 5257 24 do 413 Wrongs to Americans in Venezuela. Agriculture Department, expenditures, 1907. 25 do 425 5258 [429 Same estimates for 1909. 5259 26 '?7 do 431 Daughters of the American Revolution, 1907. 5260 do 445, 2 pts Crow Indian Reservation, hearings. 5261 28 29 do 532 Juvenile crime and reformation. 5262 do 533 Promotion of ramie industry. . 534 Not included in bound volumes because the text is a duplicate of S. doc. 533. 5263 30 31 do 536 Appropriations, new offices, etc. 6264 do See "Notes" column. Documents of a public nature, I. Contains S. docs. 101, 116, 117, 143, 145, 146, 154, 174, 175, 184, 1S6, 202, 204-207, 210, 212, 214, 216, 220, 221, 226, 232, 243, 256-258, 278, 279, 283,296. 5265 32 do See "Notes" column. Same, II. Contains S. docs. 297, 298, 308, 326, 337, 349, 351,369.370,375, 377, 378, 392, 395, 400, 401, 415, 422, 423, 426, 427, 435, 437, 438, 443, 450, 452, 454, 456, 458, 460, 465, 466. Same, III. Contains S. docs. 467-470, 487, 495, 504, 516, 5266 33 do See "Notes" column. 518, 519, 521-525, 529-531, 535. 537 was printed as S. doc. 129, 61st Cong. 1st sess. 5267 34 do See "Notes" column. Private claims and other minor documents, I. Con- tains S. docs. 9-54, 56, 58-77, 83-90, 93-99, 102-113, 118- 131, 133-142, 144, 147-150, 153, 150-173, 170-183, 188-199. 912 CATALOGUE OP LIBEAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. GOtli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued a} . S a m "3 > Series Document no. Notes 6268 5269 35 36 1 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 S. docs do See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 1 1 2 Same, II. Contains S. docs. 201, 209, 211, 217-219, 222, 223, 227-231, 233-241, 247-255, 259-2(;9, 271-276, 280, 284- 295, 299-307, 309, 310, 312-324, 327-330, 339-348, 352-365, 307, 308, 371-374, 3S0-3S8, 391, 393, 394, 396-399. Same, III. Contains S. docs. 403, 407-412, 414, 416-421, 52701 52702 5271 1 2 do do do.. 424, 439-442, 446-449, 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 462-464 471- 486, 488^94, 496-500, 502, 503, 505, 507-511, 513-515, 517, 520,520. . Message and Foreign relations, 1907, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. War, 1907, v. 1: Secretary, Chief of staff, etc. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Division and department commanders. Same, v. 4: Militia, military schools, and military parks. Same, v. 5: Engineers, report v.'ithout appendixes. Same, v. 6: Ordnance. 5272 5273 5274 do do 2 2 5275 do 2 5276 do 2 5277 do.. 2 Same, v. 7: Philippine Commission, v. 1. Saine, v. 8: Philippine Commission, v. 2. Same,V. 9: Philippine Commission, v. 3. Same, v. 10: Acts of Philippine Commission. Army register, 1908. Tests of metals, 1907. 5278 do 9 5279 5280 do do. . .. 2..;.iu-l.'ii. 5281 do. 709 5282 .... do do .. 636 5283 26 Engineer Department, 1907, witli appendixes, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Report of examination of Ohio River. 5284 26 5285 .... do .. .do.. 26 5286 492 5287 do 781 Examination of Tennessee River. 5288 5289 do . . See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 32,210 Examinations of rivers and harbors, I. Contains H. docs. 57, 58, 69-83, 216-224, 324-330, 346-351, 395-403, 44-4-453, 463-465, 478, 479, 490, 491, 493, 503, 515, 516, 530- 533, 556-560, 650-054, 665, 666, 692. Same, II. Contains H. docs. 758, 789, 811, 815, 823, 824, 5290 do 828, 829, 851 , 859, 805, 809, 870, 87G, 881, 882, 890, 890, 904- 909, 911, 917-920, 939, 941, 944, 945, 948, 960-955, 957-966, 967,909-971. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1907. 5291 do 3 Navy, 1907. 5292 .... do do... . 661 Navy register, 1908. 5293 4.. Post-Office, 1907. 5294 .... do do 910 Special weighing of mails, 1907. 5295 5.. Interior, 1907: Administrative, v. 1, Secretary, bureau 5296 do 5 officers, etc. Same: Administrative, v. 2, Indian affairs and TeiTi- 6297 do 5 tories. Same: Education, v. 1. 5298 do 5 21 Same: Education, v. 2. 5299 do Mineral resources, 1906. 5300 do 717-720 721-723 Geological Survey bulletins 322-325. Same, 326-328. 5301 do 03 . o P M 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 6310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 6318 5319 5320 6321 6322 5323 5324 5325 6326 5327 5328 6329 5330 6331 6332 6333 6334 5335 5336 6337 5338 5339 5340 6341 5342 6343 6344 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 918 eOth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued > 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Series Document no. H. does 724,725. do 726-730. 731-734,930. do 1 931 do 932,940,97(i,977. do I 764-769. .do .do .do 580, 3 pts. 857, 3 pts. 582-584. . . 585-587. 588-590. .do j 591-593 .do ! 8-l(i...- .do 14. .do .do .do .do do do do do do do do 14 10 13 15, pts. 1-3... 15, pts. 4-C. .. 15, pts. 7-9... 15, pts. 10 12. 853 8 - 8 Notes Same, 329,330. Same, 331-335. Same, 33G-340. Same, 341. Same, 342-345. Water-supply papers, 201-206. Same, 207-212. Same, 213-218. Reclamation Service, 1907. Patent Office, 1907. Patent decisions, 1907. Agriculture, 1907. Agriculture Yearbook, 1907. Beet-sugar industry in U. S., 1907. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1907, 24th. Experiment Stations Office, 1907. Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1907. Same, maps. Weather Bureau, 1907. Commerce and Labor, 1907. Cotton exchanges, summary of report of commissioner of corporations, 3 pts. Same, full report, 3 pts., including reprint of summary. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1907. Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1907. Labor Bureau, 22d annual report, 1907: Labor laws of U. S. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 15, nos. 71-73. Same, v. 16, nos. 74-70. Monthly consular and trade reports, nos. 322-324, July- Sept. 1907. Same, nos. 325-327, Oct.-Dec. 1907. Same, nos. 328-330, Jan.-Mar. 1908. Same, nos. 331-333, Apr.-June, 1908. Special consular reports, v. 40, 2 pts.: Motor machines. Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1907, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2: Navigation and merchant marine laws. 39th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1907. Commerce and navigation, 1907. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July- Sept. 1907. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1907. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1908. Same, Apr.-June, 1908. Statistical abstract, 1907. District of Columbia, 1907, v. 1: Commissioners, etc. Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. 49183°— 18- -58 914 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. eOth CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued -a . 1 Series Document no. Notes > i 5345 76 77 78 79 .-... H. docs do 8 Same, v. 4: Education Board. 5346 8 Same, v. 5: Insurance Department, 1906, 2 pts. 5347 .. .do 9 Treasury (Finances) 1907. do (12,23 Estimates for 1909; Receipts and expenditures, 1907. 6848 1458,880 Deficiency estimates. 6349 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 do 11 Comptroller of Currency, 1907. 6350 ■ .do 20 Internal Revenue Commissioner, 1907. 5351 . .do 19 Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1906. 5352 456 Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1907. 5353 702 Hygienic Laboratory bulletin 41. 5354 do 840-845, 872. . . . 839 Same, 36-40, 42, 43. Bulletins 1-35 not in Congressional 6355 .do set. Yellow Fever Institute bulletin 16. Bulletins 1-15 not in Congressional set. 5356 87 do 10 Justice, 1907: v. 1, Attorney-General; v. 2, Miscella- neous. 5357 88 .... do 003, pts. 1-3... American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, v. 25 nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1907. 5358 89 do G03, pts. 4-(i . . . Same, v. 25, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1907. 5359 90 .... do 603, pt£. 7-9... Same, v. 26, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1908. 5360 91 .... 603, pts. 10-12. Same, v. 26, nos. 4-6, Apr.-Juue, 1908. 6361 92 93 94 .do 600 Civil Service Commission, 1907. 5362 .do 454 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1907, 21st. 5363 .do 18 Library of Congress, 1907. 6364 95 96 97 .do 423 House manual. 5365 do 847, pt. 1 847,pt. 2.:.... Smithsonian Institution, 1907 [pt. 1]. 5366 do Same [pt. 2]: National Museum, 1907. 5367 98 do. .. 825 Ethnology report, 1905, 26th. 536S 99 100 do . .. 986 American Historical Association, 1906, v. 1. 5369 do 986 Same, v. 2: Public archives of the States. 5370 101 .... do 648 Estimates for salaries in Executive Departments, etc. 5371 102 do 985 Document index, no. 14, 60th Congress, 1st session. 6372 103 .... do Sec "Notes" column. Miscellaneous annual reports, I. Contains H. docs. 22, 24, 25, 31, 33, 49, 59-62, 64, 317, 331, 333. 6373 104 — do See "Notes" column. Same, II. Contains H. docs. 357, 373, 374, 378, 422, 430, 437, 438, 459, 460, 499, 541, 549, 553, 661, 601, 611, 693, 713, 746, 783, 793, 887, 913. 6374 105 do See "Notes" column. Miscellaneous special reports. Contains 54, 213, 352, 384, 476, 502, 540, 552, 607, 664, 669, 686, 714, 756, 812, 817, 830, 860, 864, 807, 868, 871, 914, 935, 966, 968, 974. 6375 106 do See "Notes" column. Miscellaneous estimates. Contains 34, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 67, 68, 211, 212, 215, 228, 229, 319, 354-356, 375, 383, 424, 427, 431, 433-436, 466, 468, 469, 473, 477, 480-482, 484, 494-496, 498, 604, 506-508, 510, 518-523, 525, 542-546, 654, 555, 563, 676-578, 602, 605, 612, 613, 617, 635, 637, 639, 640, 642, 643, 658, 659, 662, 670-674, 682-685, 688, 708, 712, 716, 740, 742, 748, 761-763, 784, 791 , 802-804, 807, 808, 814, 816, 818-820, 826, 827, 831-836, 838, 848, 854, 855, 858, 862, 866, 873, 874, 877, 879, 883-886, 889, 898-900, 903, 916, 921-024, 927-929, 933, 936-938, 942, 946, 947. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, Goth CONGRESS, Ist SESSION— Continued yi5 "3 , is "5 Series Document no. Notes ^" > p:; 6376 107 H. docs See "Notes" Court of Claims findinRs. Contains 37, 84-209, 240-312 column. 334-345, 358-372, 3S5-394, 404-418, 439-443, 4(i2, 472, 488, 489, 512-514, 534-539, 550, 551, 562, 56&-575, 619, 620-032, 646, 647, 600, 667, 668, 675-681, 68»-691, 694-701, 735-737, 743-745, 751, 757, 759, 760, 782, 786-788, 794-799, 801, 809, 813, 821, 822, 837, 850, 861, 803, 875, 878, 888, 891-894, 934, 956. 6377 108 do See "Notes" Miscellaneous. Contains 27-30 36 40 4.3 46-48 .W-.'vl . column. 55, 56, 65, 66, 214, 226->27, 2.30-239, 313-316, 318, 320-323, 332, 353, 376, 377, 379-382, 419-421, 425, 426, 428, 429, 432, 455, 457, 4G1, 467, 471, 474, 475, 483, 485^87, 497, 500, 501, 505, 509, 511, 517, 524, 526-529, 547, 548, 564, 565, 579, 581, 594-599, 604, 606, 608-610, 614-016, 618, 621-625, (33, 634, 638, 641, 644, 645, 649, 655-657, 663, 687, 703-707, 710, 711, 715, 738, 739, 741, 747, 749, 750, 752-755, 785, 790, 792, 800, 805, 806, 810, 849, 852, 850, 895, 897, 901, 902, 925, 920, 943, 972, 973, 975. eOth. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION f Dec. 7, 1908-Mar. 4, 1909 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 2 A S. journal.. H. journal. S. reports. . .do. .do. 697-1111 (with exceptions). 701,2pts. See "Notes" column. Reports on public bills. Contains C97, 699, 700, 702-707, 710-718, 720-722, 725, 740-743, 747-750, 754-759, 761-764, 767, 770-776, 778, 780-782, 793, 800-809, 811-813, 816-820, 825-844, 846-848, 855, 856, 858, 864, 865, 808, 872-877, 880- 883, 885, 887, 889, 890, 893-895, 897, 900, 902, 903, 907, 908, 910-912, 916-919, 921-923, 925, 920, 928-930, 932, 933, 935- 937, 941, 942, 949, 950, 955, 960-962, 964-966, 968, 969, 971, 973-976, 979-581, 983, 987, 989-991, 993-1003, 1006-1009, 1011-1013, 1015, 1017-1020, 1024, 1025, 1027, 1029, 1032- 1039, 1042, 1044, 1047-1052, 1054-1062, 1068, 1070, 1072, 1075, lOSO-1084, 1087, 1088, 1090-1094, 1096-1099, 1101, 1103, 1104, 1106-1109, 1111. 701 is in serial no. 5381. Other numbers missing from serial no. 5380 are for reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in Senate reports, v. A and B, serial nos. 5382 and 5383. Business of Post-Office Department, final report on revision of postal laws. Reports on private bills and on simple resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 698 to 934 as are omitted from serial no. 5380, which contains re- ports OD public bills. 916 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. GOth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued OS . "C 2 02 6383 5384 5385 6386 B o > B 6387 6388 6389 5390 6391 6392 Scries Document no. reports. H. reports .do. .do. .do. S. docs. do. See "Notes" column. 1793-2326 (with exceptions). See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 2320. 538 f. 538t. 543.. [547. . l683.. 570. . Notes Reports on private bills and on simple resolutions, t This volume contains such reports from 938 to 1U4 as are omitted from serial no. 5380, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on public bills. Contains 1793, 1794, 1797, 1805, 1806, pt. 1, 1807-1813, 1815, 1821, 1823, 1825, 1827-1829, 1831, 1833-1836, 1841, 1842, 1845, 1851-1853, 1855, 1856, 1858-1867, 1869, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1881, 1883-1886, 1889, 1890, 1892-1903, 1907-1909, 1911, 1915, 1916, 1919, 1920, 1922-1925, 1935, 1936, 1938-1943, 1945-1947, 1961, 1963-1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1984-1987, 1991-1993, 1990, 1998-2000, 2003, 2013-2022, 2025-2027, 2029-2034, 2036, 2037, 2041, 2043-2047, 2049, 2053, 2054, 2056, 2059, 2061, 2062, 2005-2083, 2085-2088, 2091, 2092, 2095, 2099-2108, 2113, 2122, 2130, 2131, 2135, 2138, 2139, 2141-2147, 2149-2155, 2157-2161, 2164, 2166-2169, 2177, 2180-2188, 2190, 2194, 2196-2205, 2208, 2209, 2211-2216, 2218, 2222-2225, 2227, 2229, 2230, 2232-2234, 2236-2239, 2241, 2243-2245, 2247-2249, 2253-2261, 2264, 2265, 2269- 2272, 2274-2276, 2281-2284, 2290-2299, 2301, 2302, 2305- 2308, 2310-2312, 2310-2319, 2321 , 2324-2326. 1806, pt. 2, not included in bound voliimes, because duplicate of Senate report 701, pt. 2, in serial no. 5381. 2320 is in serial no. 5387. Other numbers missing from serial no. 5384 are for reports on jjrivate bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t which are bound in House reports, v. A and B, serial nos. 5385 and 5386. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions, f This volume contains such reports from 1795 to 2002 as are omitted from serial no. 5384, which contains reports on public bills. Reports on private bills and on simple and concurrent resolutions.t This volume contains such reports from 2004 to 2323 as are omitted from serial no. 5384, which contains reports on public bills. 2320 is inserial no. 5387. Fraud in and depredations upon public service, report, with testimony. This is a report on a simple resolu- tion, •)• omitted from serial no. 6384, which contains reports on public bills. Congressional directory, 1st edition. Same, 2d edition. Secretary of Senate, 1908. Customs tariffs, 1846-97. Hearings on customs administrative laws. Navy yearbook, 1908, with naval appropriations, 1883- 1908. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. eOtli CONORESS, 2d SESSION"— Continued 917 '^ 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 10 Series S. docs. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.... .do.... .do... .do... .do... H. docs. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do. Docurnent no. .do .do .do 578 599 044 , 638 664 676 676 676 721 725 728 735 763-767,771... 768 769...!'-;.'.^. See "Notes' column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 1040 1041 1031 1079 1406 1050 1051 1344 1306 1009,1014,1018 1441,1465. 1532,1533,1562- 1564. 1520 1042 Notes Governor of Forte Rico, 1908. Reports relating to District of Columbia. Reports of President's Homes Commission. Estimates for salaries in Kxecutive Departments, etc. Goverimient Printing OflBce, 1908. National Conservation Commission, v. 1. Same, v. 2. Same, v. 3. Proceedings of conference on care of dependent children. Investigation of Western Union and Postal Telegraph- Cable companies. Secret proceedings and debates of Federal Convention, 1787. Final report of Jamestown Ter-Centennial Commission. Eulogies: S. R.MaUorj', J. T. Morgan and E. W. Pettus, Redfield Proctor, W. P. Whyte, W. B. AUison, A. C. Latimerj W. J. Bryan. Appropriations, new offices, etc. Senate manual. Documents of apublic nature, I. Contains S. docs. 539, 542, 540, 503, 571, 579, 582, 583, 585-587, 589, 591-593, 604, 617, 619, 626, 628-631, 034, 635, 637, 639, 640, 645, 040, 048, 649, 651-653. Same, II. Contains S. docs. 656-658, 660, 661, 665-C68, 670, 675, 677, 680, 682, 684, 686-093, 096, 698-701, 704-708, 712-714, 716-720, 722, 729-731. Same, III. Contains S. docs. 733, 736-738, 740-744, 752, 753, 750-701, 770. Private claims and other minor documents. Contains 540, 541, 544, 545, 548-502, 504-509, 572-577, 580, 581, 584, 588, 590, 594-598, 600-603, 605-616, 618, 620-625, 027, 632, 633, 030, 641-643, 647, 650, 654, 655, 659, 662, 663, 669, 671- 674, 678, 679, C81, 685, 694, 695, 097, 702, 703, 709-711. 715, 723, 724, 720, 727, 732, 734, 739, 745-751, 754, 755. Message and Foreign relations, 1908. Treasury (Finances) 1908. Estimates of appropriations, 1910. Receipts and e.xpenditures, 1908. Deficiency estimates. Comptroller of Currency, 1908. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1908. Mint Bureau, production of precious metals, 1907. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 1908. fHygienic Laboratory bulletins 44-48. ^Same, 49-53. Yellow Fever Institute bulletin 17. War, 1908, v. 1: Secretary, Chief of staff, Adjutant- general, etc. 918 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. eOth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued 1° 03 > ■4J 03 Series 5421 5422 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 H. docs do 5423 do 5424 do 5425 do 5426 do 6427 do 5428 do 5429 do 5430 do 6431 do 6432 do 6433 do 6434 .. .do.. 6435 . .do 5436 do... 6437 do 6438 do 5439 do 5440 5441 do do 5442 5443 5444 do do do 5445 do 5446 5447 5448 .... do do do 5449 do 5450 do 5451 do 5452 5453 do do 5454 do 6455 5456 .... do do 5457 do 5458 do 5459 do 5460 do 5461 do 5462 do Document no. 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1042 1467 1052 1052 1052 1123 1124 See "Notes" column. See "Notes" column. 1314. 1484. 1484. 1484. 1484. 1054. 1322. 1043. 1035. 1044. 1220. 1045. 1406. 1024. 1046. Notes 1046 1046 1046 1001,1010-1013. 1015,1025-1027. [1028-1030,1033, [ 1036. 1037 1038,1039,1055- 1061,1389. 1390,1475,1507- 1509. 1510,1519,1521, 1522. Same, v. 2: Armament, transportation, and supply. Same, v. 3: Di\ision and department commanders. Same, v. 4: Military schools and military parks. Same, v. 5: Engineers, report wtliout appendixes. Same, v. 6: Ordnance. Same, v. 7: Philippine Commission, pt. 1. Same, v. 8, pt. 1: Pliilippine Commission, pt. 2. Same, v. 8, pt. 2: Philippine Commission, appendix. Same, v. 9: Acts of Philippine Legislature. Army register, 1909. Engineer Department, 1908, with appendixes, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Examination and survey of Sacramento River. Examination and survey of San Joaquin River, etc. Examination of rivers and harbors, I. Contains H. docs. 1081-1089, 1103, 1107-1122, 1125, 1159-1163. Same, II. Contains H. docs. 1164-1168, 1187-1190, 1211, 1212, 1216-1218, 1236, 1250, 1251, 1253, 1311, 1312, 1421, 1454,1471,1481,1488. Materials and labor for Engineer Department, 1908. Laws, etc., eflective in Porto Rico, May 1, 1900, pt. 1. Same, pt. 2. Same, pt. 3. Same, pt. 4. Isthmian Canal Commission, 1908. Tests of metals, 1908. Justice (Attorney-General) 1908. Official opinions of Attorneys-General, v. 26. Post-Offlce, 1908. Pneumatic Tube Commission. Navy, 1908. Navy register, 1909. Naval war records, series 1, v. 22. Interior, 1908: Administrative, v. 1, Secretary, bureau officers, etc. Same: Administrative, v.2, Indian affairs and Territories. Same: Education, v. 1. Same: Education, v. 2. Geological Survey bulletins 346-350. Same, 351-354. Same, 355-359. Same, 360. Same, 361-370. [same, 371-375. Same, 376-379. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 919 GOth CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ■C 2 09 o > 5464 5465 5466 &467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5180 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 54931 54932 5494 5495 5496 5497 ^98 5499 5500 5501 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Series Document no. .does. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Notes Same, 380. Same, 381. Same, 382-388. Same, 389-394. Geological Survey professional paper 59. Same, 60. Same, 61,62. 1523 1536 1537-1540,1546- [ 1548. 1549-1554 1002 1003 1004,1005 1006 1 Same, 63. [1007,1008,1558, |1„ ' J^Same, 64-67. [ 1559. ;) 1077 j Mineral resources, 1907, pt. 1. 1077 j Same, pt. 2. 101&-1022,1294.| Water-supply papers, 219-223. |1295-1297,1524- 1526, 1534. 1535,1555-1557. 1407 1349 1174 1047 1560 ^Same, 224-230. Same, 231-234. Patent Office, 1908. Patent decisions, 1908. Reclamation Service, 1908, Agriculture, 1908. Agriculture Yearbook, 1908. 1542 1 Beet-sugar industry in U. S., 1908. 1157 Agriculture Department expenses, 1908, detailed state- ment. 1221 1 Agriculture Department expenses, appropriations, and estimates. Forest Service expenses, appropriations, and estimates. Animal Industry Bureau report, 1908, 25th. Special report on diseases of cattle, 1908 edition. 1561 1 Exi)eriment Stations Office, 1908. 1569 i Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 1908. 1569 Same, maps. 1570 Weather Bureau, 1908. 1018 Commerce and Labor Department , 1908. 1034 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1908. 1571 ! Fisheries Bureau Bulletin, 1908, pt. 1. 1571 1565 lOlt), 3 pts 1527, 3 pts 1566 Same, pt. 2. Labor Bureau, 23d annual report, 1908: Workmen's in- surance and benefit funds in V. S. Labor Bureau bulletins, v. 17, nos. 77-79. Same, v. 18, nos. 80-82. Commercial relations, 1907, v. 1. 1566 Same,v.2. 1567 Same, 1908, v. 1. 1567 Same, v. 2. 988 1-990 Monthly consular and trade reports, nos. 334-336, July- Sept. 1908. 920 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 60th. CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued ■3 . 'C "o 1-4 Series Document no. Notes S>" > Ph 5502 92 H. docs 991-993 Same, 337-339, Oct.-Dec. 190S. 5503 93 94 do 994-990 997-999 Same, 340-342, Jan.-Mar. 1909. 5504 do Same. 343-345. Anr.-June. 1909. 5505 95 do |1268-1270,1330, 1 Special reports on manufacturing and trade conditions 1 1342,1353,1498lJ abroad. 5506 96 do 1283 Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., 1908. 40th annual list of merchant vessels of U. S., 1908 5507 97 do 1023 6508 98 do 1511 Commerce and navigation, 1908. t. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 5609 99 .... do 1017, pts. 1-3.. 1908. 6610 100 . . . . do 1017, pts. 4-6.. Same, Oct.-Dec. 1908. 6611 10] . . . . do 1017, pts. 7-9.. Same, Jan.-Mar. 1909. 6512 102 do 1017, pts. 10-12 Same, Apr.-June, 1909. 5513 103 104 do 1541 Statistical abstract 1908. 6514 . . . . do 1000, pts. 1-3.. American Republics Bureau, Monthly bulletin, English section, v. 27, nos. 1-3, July-Sept. 1908. 6515 105 do 1000, pts. 4-6.. Same, English section, v. 27, nos. 4-6, Oct.-Dec. 1908. 6516 106 do 1000, pts. 7-9.. Same, English section, v. 28, nos. 1-3, Jan.-Mar. 1909. 6517 107 ... do 1000, pts. 10-12 1000, pts. 1-3.. Same, English section, v. 28, nos. 4-6, Apr.-June, 1909. Same, secciones espanola, portuguesa, francesa, v. 27, 6518 108 . . . . do nos. 1-3, Julio-Septiembre, 1908. 6519 109 do 1000, pts. 4-6.. Same, secciones espanola, portuguesa, francesa, v. 27, nos. 4-6, Octobre-Diciembre, 1908. 6520 110 111 do 1158 Civil Service Commission, 1908. 6521 do . .. 1049 District of Columbia. 1908. v. 1: Commissioners, etc. 6522 112 do 1049 Same, v. 2: Engineer Department. Same, v. 3: Health Department. Same, v. 4: Education Board. 6523 113 do . 1049 6524 114 115 do 1049 6525 do 1049 Same, v. 5, 2 pts.: Insurance, 1907. Not to be issued. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1908, 22d. 6526 116 117 do 1317 6527 do 1032 Library of Congress, 1908. National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1908. 6528 118 119 do 1106,1219 1543, pt. 1 6529 do Smithsonian Institution, 1908 [pt. 1]. 6530 120 do 1543, pt. 2 Same [pt. 2]: National Museum. 6531 i';^i do 1572 Ethnology report, 1906, 27th. Ethnology bulletin 37: Antiquities in Missouri. 122 do 1500 6532 1501 Same, 38: Unwritten literature of Hawaii, sacred songs of the Hula. 6533 123 do 1528 Same, 39: Tlingit myths and texts. 6534 124 — do 1529 (•1530 Same, 40, pt. 1: Handbook of Amer. Indian languages, pt. 1. Other parts not yet (May, 1911) issued. Same, 41: Antiquities of Mesa Verde National Park, Spnice-tree House. 5535 125 do 1531 Same, 42: Tuberculosis among Indians of U. S. American Historical Association, 1907, v. 1. 6536 126 do 1282 6537 1?7 do 1282 Same, v. 2: Texan diplomatic correspondence. Conference of governors on conservation of natural re- sources, Washington, D. C, May 13-15, 1908. 6638 128 do 1425 1512-1518,1544, 1545. Eulogies: Llewellyn Powers, W. H. Parker, D. L. D. 6689 129 do Granger, A. L. Brick, C. T. Dunwell, Adolph Meyer, Campbell Slemp, A. A. Wiley, G. W. Smith. ' CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. \}2\ 60th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued "3 . ■E 2 > a Series Document no. Not«s 5540 130 H. docs 1053 House manual. 65-11 131 do 100)2 Report of clerk of House. Pulp and paper investigation hearings, v. 1. 5542 132 do I.i02 5543 133 do 1502 Same, v. 2. 5514 134 135 136 do 1502 Same, v 3. 5545 do 1502 Same, v. 4. 5546 do 1.502 Same, v. 5, and v. 6, index. 6547 137 138 . .do 1503 5548 do 1.504 Imports and duties, 1894-1907. 5549 139 do 1505 Tariff hearings, v. 1. Same, v. 2. 6550 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 do 1505 5551 do 1505 Same, v. 3. 5552 do 1505 Same, v. 4. 6553 ... .do 1505 Same, v. 5. 6554 do 1505 Same, v. 6. &o55 do 1505 Same, v. 7. 5556 do 1505 Same, v. 8, appendix, and v. 9, index. Documents of a public nature. Contains 1071, 1C98, 6557 do .See "Notes" column. 1105, 1154, 1179, 1185, 1194, 1201-120S, 1210, 1213, 1214, 1222, 1223, 1227, 1234, 1252, 1255, 1262-1265, 1267, 1275- 1277, 1290-1292, 1298, 1300, 1302, 1304, 1305, 1310, 1325, 1328, 1331, 1336, 1337, 1345, 1350, 13.57, 1364, 1365, 1376, 1409, 1411, 1412, 1418-1420, 1423, 1428, 1431, 1446, 1455- 1458, 1464, 1476, 1479, 1480, 1482, 1489, 1494, 1495, 1499, 1500. 6658 148 do See "Notes" column. Privateclaims and otherminor documents, I. Contains H. docs. 1063-1070, 1072-1076, 1078, 1080, 1090-1097, 1099-1102, 1104, 1126-1153, 1155, 1156, 1169-1173, 1175- \ 1178, 1180-1184, 1186, 1191-1193, 1195-1200. 5559 149 do See "Notes" column. Same, II. Contains H. docs. 1209, 1215, 1224-1226, 122S- 1233, 1235, 1237-1249, 1256-1261, 1266, 1272-1274, 1278- 1281, 1284-1289, 1293, 1299, 1301, 1303, 1306-1309, 1313, 1315, 1316, 1318-1321, 1323, 1324, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1332- 1335, 1338-1341, 1343, 1346-1348, 1351, 1352, 1354-1356, 1358-1363, 1367-1375, 1377-1388, 1391-1405, 1408, 1410, 1413-1417, 1422, 1424, 1420, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1432-1440, 1442-1445, 1447-1453, 1459-1463, 1468-1470, 1472-1474, 1477, 1478, 14S3, 1485-1487, 1490-1493, 1496, 1497. 5560 150 151 do . 1573 Document index, no. 15, 60th Congress, 2d session. 5561 1574 Document catalogue, v. 9, 60th Congress, July 1, 1907- JuneSO, 1909. :l 5566 022 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 61st CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Mar. 15-Aug. 6, 1909 Senate reports. Nos. 1-20: Bound in Senate reports, vol. 1, 61st Congress, 2d session. House reports. Nos. 1-26: Bound in House reports, vols. 1 and A, 01st Congress, 2d session. Senate documents. Serial no. Vol. 1. — No. 1 : Congressional directory 1 5564 Vol. 2.— No. 47: Acts of 59th Congress, etc., relating to noncontiguous territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo 5565 Vol. 3. — No. 48: Alcoholic problem and its practical relations to life No. 146: Report and hearings on interstate commerce in intoxicating liquors, etc. Vol. 4.— No. 117: Uth report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11, 1907-Oct. 11, 1908 5567 Vol. 5.— No. 129: Precedents, decisions on points of order in U. S. Senate, Ist-OOth Congress, 1789-1909 5568 Vol. 6.— Nos. 5, 7, 14, 17, 23, 29, 30, 38, 41, 45, 46, 50, 51, 54, 72, 75, 88, 98, 109, 111, 120, 122, 124, 151, 153-155: Documents relating to tariff. 1 5569 Vol. 7.— Nos. 77, 115, 128, 150, 157: Documents relating to tariff. II 5570 Vol. 8.— Nos. 2-4, 6, 8-13, 15, 16, 18-22, 24^28, 31-37, 39, 40, 42-44, 49, 52, 53, 55-71, 73, 74, 76: Mis- cellaneous. 1 5571 Vol. 9.— Nos. 78-87, 89-97, 99-108, 110, 112-114, 116, 118, 119, 121, 123, 125-127, 130-145, 147-150, 152: Miscellaneous. II 5572 House documents. Vol. 1. — No. 50: Report of survey of Mississippi River 5573 Vol. 2.— No. 50: Same, atlas 5574 Vol. 3.— No. 85: House manual 5575 Vol. 4.— Nos. 91-93: Documents relating to tariff 5576 Vol. 5.— Nos. 94-96: Geological Survey bulletins, 395-397 5577 Vol. 6.— Nos. 97-100: Same, 398-401 5578 Vol. 7.— Nos. 1-49, 51-84, 86-90: Miscellaneous 5579 61st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 9, 1909-June 25, 1910 Senate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-20 (61st Congress, 1st session), 21-39, 42, 44, 45, 47-50, 53-55, 57-60, 64, 67-69, 71-83, 86-92, 97-100, 102, 104-110, 113-115, 117-120, 122, 12^152, 154, 155, 160, 165-107, 170-172, 175, 177, 179-188, 191-200, 202-206, 212, 216-222, 225, 226, 228-232, 234, 235, 237, 240-242, 244-250, 253, 254, 256, 259, 261, 263, 268-270, 274-277, 279, 280, 284-292, 294-298, 300,301,303-314,318,322-326,329-332,334-349,351,352: Miscellaneous. 1 25582 Vol. 2.— Nos. 353-355, 357-361, 366-368, 370-377, 379-387, 392, 394-397, 400-403, 405, 406, 408, 414, 417, 419, 421, 423-432, 435, 436, 438, 441-443, 445, 447-459, 470, 473-476, 478-481, 485, 488, 489, 491-500, 502-504, 511, 515, 517, 518, 522, 524-526, 531-534, 536-538, 540, 541, 543-547, 549, 552, 558-561, 564, 568-573, 578, 580-585, 587, 588, 590-592: Miscellaneous. II 5583 Vol. 3.— Nos. 598, 600, 601, 604-609, 611-618, 622-624, 627-647, 650-667, 670, 671, 673, 674, 682-695, 702, 703, 705, 707-723, 725-731, 733, 734, 736, 738-741, 743, 746, 747, 749-753, 757-761, 765- 768, 772, 780, 781, 787, 789, 790, 793, 795-804, 80fr-810, 813-815, 822, 824-826, 828, 829, 831- 834, 843-847, 850-857, 860, 862, 863, 865, 867-869, 873, 874, 876-882, 886, 889, 897, 900-905, 910-912, 915, 916: Miscellaneous. Ill 5584 Vol. 4. — No. 388, 2 pts.: Revision of laws, judiciary title 5585 Vol. 5.— No. 527, 3pts.: Appropriations for rivers and harbors, 1911 5586 Vol. A. — Nos. 40-208 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 5587 Vol. B.— Nos. 209-413 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 5588 1 No. 5562 is assigned to the Senate Journal and no. 5563 to the House Journal, 61st Congress, 1st session. * No. 5580 is assigned to the Senate Journal and no. 5581 to the House Journal, 61st Congress, 2d session. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 923 61st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. Senate reports — Continued. Serial no. Vol- n.— Nos. 415-626 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. Ill oo8» Vol. D.— Xos. 64S-017 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. IV 5590 The lettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of Januar>- 20, 1005, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in four volumes, lettered from A to D . These volumes can not be furnished to depositorj* 1 ibraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-5, which will bef umishwl as u.sual, contain all the Senate rep>orts on public bills and joint resolutions ordered primed during the session. House reports. Vol. L— Nos. 1, 3, 5-10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 24 (61st Congress, 1st session), 32-38, 40, 4?-48, 51-89, 114, 117, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126-128, KiO, 131, 136, 13S, 141-160, 198, 199, 203-205, 207, 209, 210, 224-229, 239, 242, 259-261, 265-268, 287, 289-293, 295, 298, 309-312, 3a4, 315, 318-322, 326-329, 331-334, 336, 338, 357, 361, 367-372, 375, 377, 379, 381-384, 386-401, 403-409, 411, 422, 423, 428-431, 433, 435-443, 447, 448, 469-478, 485, 494, 496-504, 506-509, 511, 513, 514, 517, 520, 521, 523-528, 530, 548-550, 564, 574, 575, 644, 65;j, 6.59-661: Miscel- laneous. 1 5591 Vol. 2.— Xos. 662, 663, 667, 669, 672, 67.8-680, 692-694, 697, 702, 703, 70S, 709, 71.3-715, 718-723, 727, 729, 730, 735-737, 741-746, 749-757, 760-767, 769, 771, 772, 781-783, 786, 788, 792-796, 806-808, 810, 812, 814, 818, 819, .S23-.S25, 827, 828, 831-834, 877, 878, 881-883, 886, 887, 891, 892, 89.5-899, 901-905, 908, 910, 916, 91.S, 919, 921-924, 926-928, 931-933, 9.37-939, 951, 954, 955, 960-962, 964-973, 97.5-978, 981-9S5, 9.S8-990, 1000-1003, 1006. 1008-1011, 1013, 1014, 1016, 1020, 1022-1024, 1026-ia30, 1036, 1039-1012, 1044-1046, 1064-1068, 1072-1074, 1076, 1081, 1084-1088, 1090-1092, 1094-1100, 110.5-1110, 1114, 1115: Miscellaneous. II 55*2 Vol. 3.— Nos. 1116, 1120, 1134-1140, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1147-1150, 1152, 1159. 1160, 1162, 1163, 1166- 1169, 1239, 1249, 12.50, 1256-1259, 1261, 1263, 1264, 1266, 1270-1272, 1274-1277, 1280, 1283- 1286, 128.8, 1290-1292, 1313, 1321-1324, 1327-1330, 1.335, 1341-1346, 1.348, 1349, 1.353, 1358, 1559, 1368-1371, 137.^1382, 1395, 1.398-1406, 1410, 1411, 1416-1419, 1422, 1423, 142S, 1430- 1434, 1436-144.3, 1445, 1452, 1461, 1467. 1479-1482, 1485, 1486, 1488-1490. 1493, 149.5, 1496,' 1563, 1.564, 1572, 1574-1576, 1578-1586, 15S8, 1.591-1.596, 1599, 1607-1613, 1622-1625,1627, 1629-1635, 1641, 1642, 1644, 1645, 1647, 1648, 1655-16.59, 1667, 1669, 1670, 1672, 1674, 1675, 1677, 1678, 1690, 1693, 1697-1701, 1703-1705, 1707, 1708, 1710-1712. 1716, 1717, 1720, 1721, 1723-1727, 1729-1734,1736: Miscellaneous. Ill 5598 Vol. A.— Nos. 2, 4, 11, 14, 17-19, 21, 23, 25, 26 (61st Congress, 1st session), 27-308 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 55M Vol. B. — Nos. 31-3-505 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 5395 Vol. C— Nos. 510-759 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. Ill 5396 Vol. D.— Nos. 76S-1012 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. IV 5397 Vol. E.— Nos. 1015-1337 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. V' 5598 Vol. F.— Nos. 13.3.8-1738 (with exceptions): Reports on private bill.^, etc. VI 5599 The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 190.5, the " usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in six volumes, lettered from A to F. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress and the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-3, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. Senate documents. Vol. 1.— No. 158: Report of Secretary of Senate, 1909 5600 Vol. 2.— No. 159: Congressional directory, 1st edition 5601 Vol. 3.— No. 159: Same, 2d edition 5602 Vol. 4.— No. 159: Same, 3d edition 560S Vol. 6.— No.195: Navy yearbook, 1883-1909 5604 Vol. 6.— No. 22.5, 2 pts. : Special report from banks of United States \ 5g(j5 No. 570: Statistics for United States, 1867-1909 - -/ Vol. 7.— No.3.32: History of banking in Canada 5606 Vol. 8.— No. 353: Digest of State banking statutes 5607 Vol. 9.— No. 399: Use of credit instruments in payments in United States 5608 Vol.10.— No. 400: National bank of Belgium '.-■ 5609 Vol. 11.— No. 401: Swiss banking law 5610 I No. 1504 blank. 5611 924 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OP UNITED STATES SENATE. 61st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION^bntinue^'.' Senate documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 12. — No. 402: Discount system in Europe No. 403: Fisoal systems of United States, England, France, and Germany No. 406: Work of National Monetary Commission No. 569: Bank accept ances No. 572: History of nat ional bank currency Vol. 13.— No. 404: Suggested changes in administrative features of national banking laws 5(512 Vol. 14.— No. 40.'i: Interviews on banking and ctirrency systems of Kngland, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy 5618 Vol. 15, pt. 1.— No. 407, pt. 1: Germany bank inquiry of 1908, vol. 1 5014, v. 1 Vol. 15, pt. 2.— No. 407, pt. 2: Same, vol. 2 5614, v. 2 Vol. 16.— No. 408: The Reiehsbank, 1876-1900 6615 Vol. 17.— No. 491 : Clearing houses 6616 Vol. IS.— No. 492: English banking system 5617 Vol. 19.— No. 493: Banking system of Mexico 5618 Vol. 20.— No. 494: Bank of France in its relation to national and international credit 5619 Vol. 21.— No. 507: Renewal of Reiehsbank charter 6620 Vol. 22.— No. SOS: Miscellaneous articles on German banking 5621 Vol. 23.— No. 509: Financial diagrams 5622 Vol. 24.— No. 622: Evolution of credit and banks in France 5623 Vol. 25. — No. 538: History of crises under national banking system 5624 Vol. 20.- No. 571: First and Second banks of United States 6625 Vol. 27.— No. 573: History and methods of I'aris Bourse 5626 Vol. 28. — No. 574: German imperial banking laws ^s ■i.-uw^.^... 6627 Vol.29.— No. 575: Banks of issue in Italy :.. •.:..:■.. '.'.■.....'..;. 5628 Vol. 30.— No. 576: Swedish banking system 5629 Vol. 31.— No. 578: Statistics for Great Britain, Germany, and France, 1867-1909 6680 Vol. 32.— No. 579: Credit of nations and Trade balance of United States 5681 A'ol. 33.— No. 580, 2 pts.: Laws of Ignited States concerning money, banking, and loans, 1778-1909 5(>32 Vol. 34.— No. 581: State banking before Civil War, etc 5683 Vol. 35, pt. 1.— No. 582, pt. 1: Origin of national banking system 6684, v. 1 Vol. 35, pt. 2. — No. .582, pt. 2: Supplement to Origin of national banking system 5684, v. 2 Vol. 3G.— No. 583: Canadian banking system \ ..„, No. 584: 1 Interviews on banking and currency systems of (^anada | Vol. 37.— No. 586: Banking in Russia, Austro-llimgary, Netherlands, and Japan 6636 Vol. 38.— No. 587: Independent treasury of United States and its relation to banks of country 5637 Vol. 39.— No. 588: Seasonal variat ions in relative demand for money and capital in United States. 5688 Vol. 40. —No. 589: ^ Bank loans and stock exchange speculation 5689 Vol. 41.— No. 591: History of the Bank of England .■ 66-10 Vol. 42. —No. 592: French bankuig system 5641 Vol. 43.— No. 593: ^ Great German banks and their concentration in connection with economic development of Germany 5642 Vol. 44.— No. 248: Department of Interior— L. R. Glavis 5643 Vol. 45.— No. 324: Government Printing Office report, 1909 5644 Vol. 46.- Nos. 349, 409, 421, 436, 437, 441, 465, 477, 488, 498, 523, 537, 549, 601, 629-631: Wages and prices of commodities 5646 Vol. 47.— No. 357: Treaties, conventions, etc., between United States and other powers, 1770- 1909, vol. 1 5646 Vol. 48.— No. 357: Same, vol. 2 6647 Vol. 49. — No. 380: Investigation of telephone companies 5648 Vol. 50.— No. 390: Coal lands in Oklahoma 6649 Vol. 51. — No. 4G8: Acceptance of statue of George L. Shoup No. 503: Acceptance of statue of Lewis Wallace No. 647: Acceptance of statue of .John C. Calhoun No. 650: Acceptance of statue of Francis II. Pierpont Vol.52. — No. 517: 12threportof National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11, 1908-Oct. 11, 1909 5661 Vol. 53. — No. 577: Memorial addresses on Anselm J. McLaurin 1 t 5662 No. 657: Memorial addresses on Martin N. Johnson ) Vol. 54. — No. 606: Railroad commerce bill 5658 Vol. 55. — No. 612: Contracts in forest reserve timber lands ^ t . ^ . .c: 6654 VoL 56.— No. 654 : Biographical Congre,ssional directory, 1774-1911 6655 Vol. 57.— No. 655: Appropriations, new offices, etc 5656 1 No. 585 blank. 2 No. 590 blank. 3 Nos. 594, 595, and 596 blank. 6650 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 925 Vol. 58.- Vol. 59.— Vol. 60. Vol. 61. Vol. 62. Vol. 6.3. Vol. 64. Vol. 6-5. Vol. 66. Vol. 67. Vol. 68. Vol. 69. Vol. 70. Vol. 71. Vol. 72. Vol. 73. Vol. 74.—: Vol. 75 Vol. 76, Vol. 77 Vol. 78. Vol. 79 Vol. 80 Vol. 81. Vol. 82. Vol. 83. Vol. 84. Vol. 83, Vol. 85, Vol. 85, Vol. 86. Vol. 87. Vol. SH. Vol. 89. CONGRES8, 2d SESSION— Continued. Senate documeJUi — ConlinueU. Serial DO. N'os. 163, IW, 197, 20a-2a>, 210, 214, 215, 226, 270, 27S, 279, 233, 286, 290. 291, 294, 295, 301, 319, .321, 32.5, 327, 328, .334, 3.51, Z-yS, 361, 365-367, 369-371, 373, 376, 377: Documenls of a public nature. 1 5S53 Nos. 37K, 370, 3SJ, .3S8, 389, 398, 410, 411, 416-120, 422, 423, 425-430, 438-440, 443, 445-M7: Documents of a public nature. II .'>ft58 Xos. 448, 449, 452-4.58, 462, 463, 466, 467, 470, 474, 476, 479, 482. 483, 486, 497, 499, 301, 502, 504, .Tft5, 514-516, 518-.521, 524, .5-36, .>41 : Documents of a public nature. Ill -'jftoft Xos. 542, .550, .3.52-.5.54, 561, 567. .599, 600, 602, 603, 6ft5, 609, 610, 613, 621, 623, 621. 62)», 632, 637, 642, 644, 646, 648-ft.53: Documents of a public nature. IV 5«60 Xos. 160-162, 16.5-194, 198-202, 207-20^). 211-213, 216-224, 227-247, 249-269, 271-277, 2S0, 281, 284, 28.5, 287-289, 292, 293, 296-3-.337, 3.39-348, .3.50, 352, 3.W-3.56, 359, .360, :j62-3&4, 36S, 372, 374, 375, ^82, a^^^87, 391-397, 412- 41.5, 424, 431-435, 442, 444, 4.50, 451, 4.59-461, 464, 471-173, 475, 478, 480, 481, 484. 485, 487, 489, 490, 495, 496, 500, .506, 510-513, 52-5-535, 539, .540, .543-5J8, .5.51, .>5.V.VX), 562-.yj6, .368, .597, 598, 604, 607, 608, 611, 614-^20, 622, 62.5-627, 6.34-6.36, 638-641, 613: Private cliims and other minor documents -No. 196: Importing women for immoral purposes No. 206: Steerage conditions No. 381 : Immigrant banks No. 469: Immigration situation in Canada -No. 208: Changes in bodily form of descendants of immigrants -No. 282: Occupation.s of 1st and 2d generations of immigrants -No. 3.38: Immigrants in cities, vol. 1 -No. .338: Same, vol. 2 -No. 6.3.3, pt. 1 : Immigrants in industries, pt. 1. Bituminous coal mining, vol. 1 -No. 633, pt. 1: Same, pt. 1. Bituminous coal mining, vol. 2 Iron and steel manufacturing, vol. 1 Iron and steel manuiacturing, vol. 2 Cotton goods manuiacturing in north Atlantic States ^ Woolen and worsted goods manufacturing ( Silk good.s manuiacturing and dyeing Clothing manufacturing Collar, cuff, and shirt manufacturing Leather manufacturing 1 Boot and shoe manufacturing [ Glove manufacturing > Slaughtering and meat packing manufacturing \ Agricultural implement and vehicle manufacturing / Cigar and tobacco manufacturing Furniture manufacturing Sugar refining Copper mining and .smelting Iron ore mining Anthracite coal mining Oil refining Diversified industries, vol. 1 Diversified industries, vol. 2 ■ Floating immigrant labor supply Summary report, manufacturing and mining, vol. 1 — Summary report, manufacturing and mining, vol. 2 — Recent immigrants in agriculture, vol. 1 Recent immigrants in agriculture, vol. 2 pt. 1.— No. 6.33, pt. 25: Same, pt. 25. Japanese and other immigrant races in Pacific and Rocky Mountain States, vol. 1 5«S4, v. 1 pt. 2.— No. 6.33, pt. 25: Same, pt. 25. Japanese and other immigrant races in Pacific Coast and Rocky Moimtain States, vol. 2 o6M, v.2 pt. 3.— No. 633, pt. 25: Same, pt. 25. Japanese and other immigrant races in Pacific and Rocky Mountain States, vol. 3 o6M. v. 3 —No. 645: Woman and child. wage-earners in United States, vol. 1. Cotton textile in- 5685 No. 6.33, pt. 2: Same, pt. 2. •No. 6.33, pt. 2: Same, pt. 2. No. 6.^3, pt. 3: Same, pt. 3. No. 6.33, pt. 4: Same, pt. 4. No. 6.33, pt. 5: Same, pt. 5. No. 6.33, pt. 6: .=ame, pt. 6. No. 6.33, pt. 7: Same, pt. 7. No. 6.33, pt. 8: Same, pt. 8. No. 6.^3, pt. 9: Same, pt. 9. No. 633, pt. 10: Same, pt. 10. —No. 6.33, pt. 11: Same, pt. 11. —No. 6.^3, pt. 12: Same, pt. 12. No. 6.33, pt. 13: Same, pt. 13. —No. 6.^3, pt. 14: Same, pt. 14. No. 6.33, pt. 15: Same, pt. 15. No. 6.^3, pt. 16: Same, pt. 16. —No. 6.33, pt. 17: Same, pt. 17. No. 633, pt. 18: Same, pt. 18. No. 633, pt. 19: Same, pt. 19. No. 6.33, pt. 20: Same, pt. 20. —No. 633, pt. 21: Same, pt. 21. —No. 6.33, pt. 21: Same, pt. 21. No. 633, pt. 22: Same, pt. 22. —No. 6.33, pt. 23: Same, pt. 23. No. 6.33, pt. 23: Same, pt. 23. —No. 6.^3, pt. 24: Same, pt. 24. No. 6.33, pt. 24: Same, pt. 24. .>661 .5«)2 .'>«63 .5661 .5666 .5667 .5668 5669 .'.6;o 5671 5672 5673 .5674 .5675 o6<6 5677 5678 5679 5680 56S1 .56s-» 6688 dustry —No. 645: Same, vol. 2. No. 645: Same, vol. 3. —No. 645: Same, vol. 4. Men's ready-made clothing . industry Silk industry , .56S6 .5687 5688 920 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE, 61st CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Coutinuod. Vol. 90. Vol. 91. Vol. 92. Vol. 93. Vol. 94. Vol. 95. Vol. 96. Vol. 97. Vol. 9S. Vol. 99. Vol. UW. Vol. 101. Vol. 102. Vol. 103. Vol. 104. -No. 645: -No. 645: -No. 64.'>: -No. 645: -No. C45: -No. 645: -No. 645: -No. 645: -No. 645: -No. 645: tives.. -No. 645: -No. 645: -No. 645: -No. 645: -No. 645: Senate documerUs — Continued. Same, vol. 5. Wage-oarninii; wonio.n in stores and factories Same, vol. 6. Keiiiiiiiiiijrsof cliild labor Icpislul ion in oorlain States Same, vol. 7. Conditions under which children loiive school to po to work.. Same, vol. 8. Juvenile delinquency anil itsrelalion to enijiloyment. Same, vol. 9. History of women in indu.-itry in I'niled Stales Same, vol. 10. History of women in t rade imions Same, vol. 11. Employment of women in metal trades Same, vol. 12. Emplo>inenl of women in laundries. '. Same, vol. 13. Employment of women and infant mortality Same, vol. 14. Causes of death among woman and cliiUi cotton mill opera- Sam?, vol. 15. Same, vol. 16. Same, vol. 17. Same, vol. l.s. Same, \o\. 19. Relation of occupation and criminality of women P"amily budgets of typical cotton mill workers Hook worm disease among cotton mill operatives EmploymenI of women and children in selected industries. Labor laws and factors conditions Serial no. 5689 5690 56»l 5(«W 56<.Nt 56]>4 56»5 5696 5697 56»K 5699 6700 5701 5702 5708 House doeutiunts. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol, 4.- Vol, 5.- Vol. 6.- Vol. 7.- Vol. 8.- Vol. 9.- Vol. 10.- Vol. 11.- Vol. 12.- Vol. 13.- Vol 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16.- Vol. 17. Vol. IS. Vol. 19. Vol. 20. Vol. 21. Vol 22. Vol 23. Vol. 24. Vol. 25. Vol. 20. Vol. 27. Vol. 2S. Vol. 29. ^'ol. 30. Vol. 31. Vol. 32. Vol 33 Vol. 34 Vol 34 Vol 34 Vol 35 \o\ 30 No. 101: President's message and Foreign relations. 1909 No. 102: Treasury Department report. I'.'oy No. 177: Estimates of appropriations, 1011 No. 2,36: Receipts and disbursemont.s, 1909 No. 433: Deliciency est imates for Treasury Department No. 489: Revised estimates for naval service No. 909: Peficiency estimates No. 115; Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31. 1909 No. 116: Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1909 — No. 144: Mint Bureau report on precious metals, calendar year 190S —No. 145: Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report. 1909 -Nos. 164, 165. 179, .503-505, 973: Hygienic Laboratory bulletins, ,54, 55, 57, 59-62 —No. 17S: Same, .^6 —No. 432: Same. ,">S —No. 974: Same, 63 —Nos. 975-979. 992: Same, 64-69 —No. 103: War Department reports, 1909, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staff, etc — No. ItX^: Same. vol. 2. .Vrmamenc, transportation, and supply Division and department commanders M ilitary Academy and m ilitary parks Engineers Ordnance Insular .MTairs Bureau, and Philip])ine Commission Acts of rhili]ipine Legislature, etc Governor of Porto Rico p , .—No. 13S: Army register, 1910 1 . .—No. Ill: Engineer Department report and appendixes, 1909, pt. 1 —No. Ill: Same. pt. 2 — No. HI: Same. pt. 3 —No. 347: Water supply of District of Columbia —Nos. 204-213, 240, 298-329, 341-346, 34S-303, 391-399, 404-414, 427, 455, 408, 477, 483, 480, 487,510,511,522-524,536-538,550,551: Examinations of rivers and harbors. I —Nos. 500, 561, 565, 509, 573, 574, 583,593,001,602,606-611,632-635,039,642-649,653,654,057: Examinations of rivers and harbors. II —Nos. 667. 009, 670. 073, 074, 676, (;78, 0S&-0.S4, 092-698, 700-703, 705, 712, 710, 719, 720, 723, 733, 734, 740, 741, 747, 748, 750, 751: Examinations of rivers and harbors. Ill —Nos. 752. 759, 768, 773, 774, 778, 782, 796, 811, 815, 818, 821, 827, 830-833, 836, 839, 849, 850, 858. 862. 867, 874, 947, 953, 9.59: Examinations of rivers and harbors, IV —No, 521: Abstracts of proposals for materials and labor for Engineer Department, 1909.. —No. 779: International Waterways Commission report on regulation of Lake Erie —No. 263: Isthmian Canal Commission roi)ort, 1909 pt. 1.— No. 149: Tests of metals, 1909, vol. l,pts. I-II .* pt. 2.— No. 149: Same, vol. 2, pts. III-IV pt. 3.— No. 149: Same, vol. 3, pt. V —No. 104: Justice Department report. 1909 —No. 105: Post-Oflice Department reports. 1909 —No. 103: Same, vol. 3. —No. 103: Same, vol. 4. —No. 103: Same, vol. 5. —No. 103: Same, vol. 6. —No. 103: Same, vol. 7. —No. 103: Same, vol. 8. —No. 103: Same, vol. 9. 5704 5705 5706 6707 6708 5709 6710 6711 5712 5718 6714 5716 6716 6717 5718 5719 6720 6721 5722 5723 5724 6726 5726 6727 6728 5729 5730 5781 6782 6783 5734 6735 5786 6787, V. 1 5787, V. 2 6787, V. 3 6788 5789 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 927 61st CONGRESS, 2d SESSIOX— Continued Boute docummt* — Continoed. Serial no. VoL 37.— No. 106: Navy Department reports, 1909 5740 Vol. 38.— No. 139: Nav-yegtster, 1910 57 11 Vol. 39. — No. 986: Official records of UuJon and Confederate navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 23 5742 Vol. 40.— No. 987: Same. vol. 24 . . 574« Vol. 41. — No. 140: Naval Observatory publications, series 2, vol. 6 5744 Vol. 42.— No. 143: Same, vol. 7 5745 Vol. 43. — No. 107: Interior Department rejwrts. 1909. -Administrative reports, voL 1. Secretary and bureau officers, etc 574« VoL 44.— No. 107: Same. Administrative reports, vol. 2, Indian affairs and Territories 5747 VoL 45.— No. 107: Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1 .')748 VoL 46.— No. 107: Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2 .'>749 VoL 47.— Nos. 17.5, 176, 181, 183-185: Geological Survey bulletins, 402-107 .'.7.jO VoL 48.— Nos. 186-190, 219, 220: Same, 408-114 5751 VoL 49.— Nos. 365-369: Same, 415-^19 5752 Vol. .50.— Nos. 370-373, 502, 870: Same, 420-425 5758 VoL 51.— Nos. 871-873, 988: Same, 428-429 ' 5754 VoL .52.— Nos. 989, 903, 982, 996, 983: Same, 432, 433,= 435, 4.36,> 439 5755 VoL 53, pt. 1.— No. 119: Geological Sur\-ey monographs, vol. 51, pt. 1 5756. v. 1 VoL 53, pt. 2.— No. 119: Same, vol. 51, pt. 2 5756, v. 2 VoL 54.— No. 114 : Same, vol. 52 5757 VoL 55. — No. 970: Geological Survey professional paper 68 5758 VoL 56.— No. 997: Same, 69 < 5759 Vol. .57.— No. 998: Same, 71 5760 VoL -58. — No. 113: Mineral resources, calendar year 1908, pt. 1 5761 VoL 59.— No. 113: Same, pt. 2 5762 VoL 60.— Nos. 166-171: Water-supply papers, 235-240 5768 VoL 61.— Nos. 172, 173, 786, 787: Same, 241-244 5764 VoL 62.— Nos. 788-792: Same, 24.5-249 5765 Vol. 63.— Nos. 793-795: Same, 2.50-252 5766 Vol. 64.— Nos. 994, 984, 98.5: Same, 25.3-2.55 5767 VoL 6.5.— No. 123: Patent Office report, 1909 5768 VoL 66.— No. 124: Patent decisions, 1909 5769 Vol. 67.— No. 125: Reclamation Service, 8th report , 1909 5770 Vol. 68.— No. 108: .\griculture Department reprots, 1909 5771 VoL 69.— No. 129: .Vgriculiure Department yearbook, 1909 5772 Vol. 70.— No. 146: Beet-sugar industry in United States in 1909 (Agriculture Dept. report 92; . . . 5778 VoL 71.— No. 202: Detailed statement of expenditures of Agriculture Department, 1909 5774 VoL 72.— No. 421: Expenditures, 1909, appropriation.«, 1910, and estimates, 1911, for Agriculture Department 5776 Vol. 73.— No. 130: Animal Industry Bureau, 26th report, 1909 5776 VoL 74. — No. 127: Animal Industry Bureau report of operations, 1909 5777 Vol. 75.— No. 128: Experiment Stations Office report, 1909 5778 Vol. 76.— No. 142: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, Uth report, 190G 6779 Vol. 77.— No. 142: Same, maps 5780 Vol. 78.— No. 120: Weather Bureau report, 1909 5781 VoL 79.— No. 109: Commerce and Labor Department reports, 1909 5782 Vol.80.— No. 131: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1909 5783 VoL 81.— No. 122: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 29, 1909 57*4 Vol. 82.— No. 1-32: Labor Bureau, 24th annual report, 1909. Workmen's insurance and compen- sation systems in Eiu-ope, vol. 1 5785 Vol. 83.— No. 132: Same. Workmen's in.surance and compensation systems in Europe, vol. 2. .. 5786 Vol. 84.— No. 182, 3pts.: Labor Bureau bulletins, 83-85, vol. 19, July-Nov., 1909 5787 Vol. 85.— No. 896, 3 pts. : Same, 86-88, vol. 20, Jan.-May, 1910 6788 Vol. 86.— Xo. 121 : Commercial relations, 1909 5789 Vol. 87.— Nos. 151-153: Monthly consular and trade reports, July-Sept. 1909, nos. 346-348 6790 Vol. 88.— Nos. 154-1.56: Same, Oct.-Dec. 1900, nos. 349-351 5791 Vol. 89.— Nos. 157-159: Same, Jan.-Mar. ItdO, nos. 3.52-354 5792 Vol. 90.— Nos. 160, 161: Same, Apr., May, 1910, nos. 355, 356 5793 Vol. 91.— No. 162, 2 pts.: Same, June, 1910, no. 357, 2 pts 5794 1 Geological Survey bulletins 4.30 and 431 will be documents of the 61st Congress, 3d session. 2 Geological Survey bulletin 434 will be a document of the 61st Congress, 3d session. 3 Geological Survey bulletms 437 and 438 will be documents of the 61st Congress, 3d session. * Geological Survey professional pai>er 70 will be a document of the 61st Congress, 3d session. 5817 928 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 61st CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 92.— Nos. 552, 554, 553, 913, 912, 964: Special agents series 31-36 5795 Vol. 93.— No. 118: Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., report, 1909 5796 Vol. 94.— No. 180: 41st list of merchant vessels, 1909 5797 Vol. 95. — No. 117: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1909 5798 Vol. 96. — No. 174, pts. 1-3: Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 1909 5799 Vol. 97.— No. 174, pts. 4-6: Same, Oct.-Dec. 1909 5800 Vol. 98.— No. 174, pts. 7-9: Same, Jan.-Mar. 1910 5801 Vol. 99.— No. 174, pts. 10-12: Same, Apr.-June, 1910 5802 Vol. 100.— No. 133: Statistical abstract of United States, 1909 5803 Vol. 101.— No. 163, pts. 1-3: American Republics Bureau bulletin, July-Sept. 1909, vol. 29, nos. 1-3 5804 Vol. 102.— No. 163, pts. 4-6: Same, Oct.-Dec. 1909, vol. 29, nos. 4-6 5805 Vol. 103.— No. 163, pts. 7-9: Same, Jan.-Mar. 1910, vol. 30, nos. 1-3 5806 Vol. 104.— No. 163, pts. 10-12: Same, Apr.-June, 1910, vol. 30, nos. 4-6 5807 Vol. 105.— No. 135: Civil Service Commission, 26th report, 1903 5808 Vol. 106. — No. 110: District of Columbia report, 1909, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. 5809 Vol. 107.— No. 110: Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department 5810 Vol. 108.— No. 110: Same, vol. 3. Health Department 5811 Vol. 109.— No. 110: Same, vol. 4. Education Board 5812 Vol.110. — No. 110: Same, vol. 5. Insiuance Department, calendar year 1908 5813 Vol. 111.— No. 148: Interstate Commerce Commission, 23d report, Dec. 21, 1909 5814 Vol. 112.— No. 126: Report of Librarian of Congress and report of Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds, 1909 5815 Vol. 113. — No. 136: Memoirs of National Academy ol Sciences, vol. 10 5816 Vol. 114.— No. 262: National Soldiers' Home report, 1909 No. 254: National Soldiers' Plome report of inspection, Aug. 11-Oct. 27, 1909 Vol. 115.— No. 112, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1909 5818 Vol. 116.— No. 112, pt. 2: Same. National Museum 5819 Vol. 117.— No. 134: Ethnology Bureau, 28th report, 1907 5820 Vol. 118.— No. 415: Ethnology Bureau bulletin 43 5821 Vol. 119.— No. 416: Same, 44 5822 Vol. 120.— No. 417: Same, 45 5823 Vol. 121.— No. 418: Same, 46 5824 Vol. 122.— No. 419: Same, 47 5825 Vol. 123.— Nos. 420, 842, 990, 991 : Same, 48-51 5826 Vol. 124.— No. 137: American Historical Association report, 1908, vol. 1 5827 Vol. 125.— No. 137: Same, vol. 2 5828 Vol. 126.— No. 141: Memorial addresses on David A. De Armond No. 147: Memorial addresses on Robert C. Davey No. 150: Memorial addresses on James M. Griggs No. 995: Memorial addresses on Francis W. Cushman Vol. 127.— No. 783, pt. 1: ' Revision of laws, judiciary title 5830 Vol. 128.— No. 235: Report of clerk of House 5831 Vol. 129.— No. 671: Tariff acts passed by Congress, 1789-1909 5832 Vol. 130.— No. 948: Comparison of tariffs of 1897 and 1909 5833 Vol. 131.— Nos. 224, 253, 255, 269-271, 334, 431, 478. 484, 506, 528, 533, 540, 546, 549. 557, 575, 587, 591, 595, 507, 605, 615, 638, 641, 651, 655, 668, 672, 699, 707, 709, 711, 715, 717, 718, 721, 738, 754, 755, 761, 762, 806, 810, 817, 823, 847, 848, 851, 864, 881, 886, 888, 890, 894, 899, 901, 904, 911, 914, 916, 918-920, 922, 938, 954, 956, 957, 963, 967: Documents of a public nature 5834 Vol. 132.— Nos. 191-201, 203, 214-218, 221-223, 225-234, 237-245, 247-252, 256-261, 264-268, 272-297, 330-333, 335-340, 364, 374-390, 400-403, 422-426, 428-430, 434-454, 456-467, 469-476, 479- 482,485,488,490-501: Private claims and other minor documents. 1 5835 Vol. 133.— Nos. 507-509, 512-520, 525-527, 529-532, 534, 535, 539, 541-545, 547, 548, 555, 556, 558, 559, 562-564, 566-568, 570-572, 576-582, 584-586, 588-592, 596, 598-600, 603, 604, 612-fil4, 616- 631, 636, 637, 640, 650, 652, 656, 658-666, 675, 677, 679, 685-691, 704, 706, 708, 710, 713, 714, 722, 724-732, 73.5-737, 739, 742-746. 749, 753, 756-758, 760, 763-767, 709-772, 77.5-777, 780, 781, 784, 785, 797-805, 807-809, 812-814, 816, 819, 820, 822, 824-826, 828, 829, 834, 835, 837, 838, 840, 841, 843-846, 852-857, 859-861, 863, 865, 866, 868, 869, 875-880, 882-885, 887, 889, 891-893, 895, 897, 898, 900, 902, 903, 905-908, 910, 915, 917, 921, 923-937, 939-946, 949-952, 955, 958, 960-962, 965, 966, 968, 969, 971, 972, 980, 981: Private claims and other mmor documents. II 5836 Vol. 134.— No. 999: Document index, no. 16, 61st Congress, 1st and 2d sessions 5837 1 House document 783, part 2, being a duplicate in text of Senate report 388, part 2 (serial no. 5585), is not included in the set of bound volumes. 5829 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 929 61st CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 5, 1910-Mar. 4, 1911 Senate reports. Serial no. Vol. 1.— Nos. 920-923, 926, 928-937, 940, 941, 943, 944, 948, 952, 955, 957, 959-961, 963, 964, 966-969, 971-975, 980, 983, 984, 988, 990-994, 996-999, 1001-1003, 1006, 1011, 1011-1020, 1022-1024, 1026-1029, 1036-1040, 1043-1052, 1054, 1056-1064, 1067-1071, 107:j-10Sl, 10S3, 1085, 10*6, 1088-1091, 1093, 1099, 1103, 1109, 1111-1113, 1115-1120, 1122, 1123, 1125, 1126, 1128, 1130, 1133-1138, 1140-1142, 1144, 1148, 1149, 1154-1157, 1160-1166, 1171, 1172, 117.V11S0, 1182, 1183, 1189, 1191, 1192, 1194, 1105, 1197, 1198, 1200-1203, 1211, 1214-1216, 1218, 1220-1223, 1225, 1228-1231, 1233, 1234, 1242-1246, 1248, 12.50, 1251, 1256, 12.58-1260, 1262, 1263, 1265- 1269, 1273-1275, 1277, 1278, 12S0: Miscellaneous 15840 Vol. 2.— No. 1025: Appropriation.s for rivers and harliors, 1912 5841 Vol. 3.— No. 1272: Report and liearings relative to foods held in cold storage 6842 Vol. A.— Nos. 918-1143 (with e.xceplions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 584X Vol. B.— Nos. 1145-1279 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. TI 5844 Vol. C. — No. 942, 4 pts.: Investigation of certain charges against William Lorimer 5846 Vol. D.— No. 1281: Investigation of irrigation projects 5846 The lettered volumes contain only tlie Senate reports on private bills and on simple and con- current resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in four volumes, lettered from A to D. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the Office of the Superin- tendent of Documents. Volumes 1-3, whicli will be furnished as usual, containing all the Sen- ate reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. House reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1739, 1740, 1742, 1748, 1749, 1751-17.53, 1760, 1768, 1780, 1787, 1791, 1794, 1803, LS04, 1858, 1862-1868, 1875-1879, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1910, 1911, 1914-1919, 1923-1925, 1927-1935, 1938, 1940-1942, 194.8-1953, 1956-19.58, 1981-1963, 1969-1974, 1976-1990, 1992-1997, 1999- 2003,2005-2011,2013,2017,2019-2032: Miscellaneous. 1 5847 Vol. 2.— Nos.2033-2048, 2052-2054, 2056-2060, 2063, 2064, 2066, 2067, 2069-2072, 2074-2076, 2078,2079, 2082-2084, 2087, 2092, 2095, 2099, 2103-2110, 2112-2115, 2117-2137, 2141, 2142, 2144, 2145, 2149-2152, 2154, 2156-2159, 2162-2166, 2168-2178, 2180, 2183, 2184, 2186, 2187, 2190, 2193, 2195, 2196, 2198-2203, 2206, 2209, 2211-2219, 2225-2236, 2238, 2242-2244, 2249-2251 , 2253- 2259,2266-2272,2274,2278,2279,2287,2292-2296,2299-2306: Miscellaneous. II 5848 Vol. 3.— No. 2291: Report of House Building Commission 5849 Vol. A. — Nos. 1741-1926 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 5850 Vol. B.— Nos. 1936-2068 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 5851 Vol. C— Nos. 2073-2298 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. Ill 5852 Vol. D.— No. 2273: Investigation of Indian contracts , vol. 1 5858 Vol. E.— No.2273: Same, vol. 2 5854 Vol. F.— No. 2289: Administration of Philippine lands, vol. 1 ."»856 Vol. G.— No. 2289: Same, vol. 2 7)856 Vol. H.— No.2297: Investigation of charges relative to ship subsidy legislation, vol. 1 5857 Vol. I.— No. 2297: Same, vol. 2 S8o8 The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills and joint re.solut ions and on simple and current resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usualnumber" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in nine volumes, lettered from A to I. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the libnir>- of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-3 , which will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. Senate documents. Vol. 1.— No. 658: Notes on postal savings-bank systems of leading countries 5869 Vol. 2.— No. 659: State banks and trust companies since passage of national-bank act 58«0 Vol. 3.— No. 784, 2 pts. : Suggested plan for monetary legislation 5861 Vol 4— No 660 2pt 1: Government I'rrinting Office report, 1910, pt. 1, Report of Public Prints • ^^ 1 No. 5838 is assigned to the Senate Journal and no. 5839 to the House Journal, 61st Congress, 3d session. » No. 661 blank. 49183°— 18 59 Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vel. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Vol. 17. Vol. 18. Vol. 19. 930 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 61st CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Serial no. -No. 660, pt. 2: Same, pt. 2, Manual of style 5863 1. — No. 660, pt. 3: Same, pt. 3, Decisions of CJeographic Board 5864 -No. 747: Abstracts of reports of Immigration Commission, vol. 1 5865 -No. 747: Same, vol. 2 5866 -No. 662: i Dictionary of races or peoples 5867 -No. 665: Immigrants as charity seekers. Vol .1 5868 -No. 665: Same, vol. 2 5869 -No. 748: Emigration conditions in Europe 5870 -No. 749: Children of immigrants in schools, vol. 1 5871 -No. 749: Same, vol. 2 5872 -No. 749: Same, vol. 3 5873 -No. 749: Same, vol. 4 5874 -No. 749: Same, vol. 5 5875 -No. 750: 2 Immigiation and crime 5876 -No. 753: 3 Steerage conditions; Importation and harboring of women for immoral pur- poses; Immigrant homes and aid societies; Immigrant banks 5877 Vol. 20. — No. 756: < Statistical review of immigration, 1819-1910; Distribution of immigrants, 1850-1900 5878 Vol. 21. — No. 758: s Federal immigration legislation; Digest of immigration decisions; Steerage legislation, 1819-1908; State immigration and alien laws 5879 Vol. 22. — No. 761: « Immigration situation in other countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil 5880 Vol.23. — No. 764: Statements and recommendations submitted by societies and organizations interested in subject of immigration 5881 Vol. 24. — No. 785: Index to reports of Immigration Commission 5882 Vol. 25.— No. 666: Navy yearbook, 1883-1910 5883 Vol. 26.— No. 667: Congressional directory, 1st edition 5884 Vol. 27.— No. 667: Same, 2d edition 5885 Vol. 28.— No. 668: Report of Secretary of Senate, 1910 5886 Vol. 29. — No. 671: Report on Government participation in Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition . . . 5887 Vol. 30.— No. 701: Report of Brownsville Court of Inquiry, vols. 1-3 5888 Vol. 31.— No. 701: Same, vols. 4-6 5889 Vol. 32.— No. 701: Same, vols. 7-9 5890 Vol. 33.— No. 701: Same, vols. 10-12 5891 Vol. 34. — No. 719: Investigation of Interior Department and Forestry Bureau, vol. 1 5892 Vol. 35.— No. 719: Same, vol. 2 5893 Vol. 36.— No. 719: Same, vol. 3 5894 Vol. 37.— No. 719: Same, vol. 4 5895 Vol. 38.— No. 719: Same, vol. 5 5896 Vol. 39.— No. 719: Same, vol. 6 5897 Vol. 40.— No. 719: Same, vol. 7 5898 Vol. 41.— No. 719: Same, vol. 8 5899 Vol. 42.— No. 719: Same, vol. 9 5900 Vol. 43.— No. 719: Same, vol. 10 5901 Vol. 44.— No. 719: Same, vols. 11, 12 5902 Vol. 45.— No. 719: Same, vol. 13 5903 Vol. 46. — No. 721: Detailed statement of expenditures of Agriculture Department, 1910 5904 Vol. 47. — No. 725: Evidence taken by Interstate Commerce Commission in matter of proposed advances in freight rates, Aug.-Dec. 1910, vol. 1 5905 Vol. 48.— No. 725: Same, vol. 2 5906 Vol. 49.— No. 725: Same, vol. 3 5907 Vol. 50.— No. 725: Same, vol. 4 5908 Vol. 51.— No. 725: Same, vol. 5 5909 Vol. 52.— No. 725: Same, vols. 0,7 5910 Vol. 53.— No. 725: Same, vols. 8, 9 5911 Vol. 54.— No. 725: Same, vol. 10 6912 Vol. 55.— No. 744: 4th International Conference of American States, 1910 5913 Vol. 56. — No. 745: Savings and annuity plan for retirement of superannuated civil-service em- ployees 6914 Vol. 57.— No. 7G8: International Conference on Bills of Exchange, 1910 6916 Vol. 58.— No. 781: Appropriations, new oflBces, etc 6916 Vol. 59.— No. 808: Uncinariasis in Porto Rico 6917 1 Nos. 663, 664 blank. « Nos. 754 , 755 blank. * Nos. 759, 760 blank. « Nos. 751, 752 blank. « No. 757 blank. » Nos. 762, 763 blank. 5»11 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 931 61st CONGRESS, 3d SESSION -Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 60.— No. 813: Laws of Porto Rico 5918 Vol. 61. — No. 822: Yellow fever, results of work of Maj. Reed and Yellow Fever Commission 5919 Vol. 62.— No. 846: Senate manual 6920 Vol.63. — No. 817: Investigation of wages and prices, vol. 1 5921 Vol. 64.— No. 847: Same, vol. 2 • 6922 Vol. 65.— No. 847: Same, vol. 3 5!«:i Vol. 66.— No. 847: Same, vol. 4 5924 Vol. 67. — No. 856: 13th report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11, 1909-Oet. 11, 1910 6925 Vol. 68. — No. 857: Proceedings on acceptance of Stephenson Grand Army memorial 6986 Vol. 69. — No. 863: Report of committee of Washington Chamber of Commerce on milk situation in District of Columbia 6927 Vol. 70. — No. 800: 4th report of Commissioner of Labor on Hawaii, 1910 5928 Vol. 71. — No. 870: Report on North Atlantic Coast fisheries arbitration at The Hague, vol. 1 6929 Vol. 72.— No. 870: Same, vol. 2 6930 Vol. 73.— No. 870: Same, vol. 3 6931 Vol. 74.— No. 870: Same, vol. 4 6932 Vol. 75.— No. 870: Same, vol. 5 ■. 59:53 Vol. 76.— No. 870: Same, vol. :..... 59:J4 Vol. 77.— No. 870: Same, vol . 7 6935 Vol. 78.— No. 870: Same, vol. 8 6936 Vol. 79.— No. 870: Same, vol. 9 6937 Vol. 80.— No. 870: Same, vol. 10 -. 5938 Vol. 81.— No. 870: Same, vol. 11 59:59 Vol. 82.— No. 870: Same, vol. 12 5940 Vol. 83. — No. 871: Memorial addresses on Samuel D. McEnery No. 872: Memorial addresses on Jonathan P. DoUiver No. 873: Memorial addresses on Charles J. Hughes, jr No. 874: Memorial addresses on Alexander S. Clay No. 875: Memorial addresses on Stephen B . Elkiiis No. 876: Memorial addresses on John \V. Daniel Vol. 84.— Nos. 787, 828, 829, 834, 842, 849, 802: Documents relating to reciprocity with Canada... 5942 Vol. 85.— Nos. 684, 688, 689, 693, 695, 697, 700, 702-706, 708, 709, 722, 736, 737, 746, 765, 767, 782, 783, 786, 798, 800, 804-806, 809, 810, 814-816, 818-821, 823-826, &31-833, 835, 838-841, 843, 848, 859-861, 804, 868, 869: Documents of a public nature 594S Vol. 86.— Nos. 609, 670, 672-6&3,685-6S7, 690-692, 694, 696, 698, 699, 707, 710-718, 720, 723, 724, 726-735, 738-743, 706, 769-780, 788-797, 799, 801-803, 807, 811, 812, 817, 827, 830, 836, 837„844, 845, 850-855, 858, 865, 867: Private claims and other minor documents 5944 House documents. -No. 1000.— President's message and Foreign relations, 1910 5945 -No. 1001: Treasury Department report, 1910 ..-.•.. o!^16 -No. 1039: Estimates of appropriat ions, 1912 | No. 1043: Receipts and disbursements, 1910 | 5947 No. 1367: Deficiency estimates J -No. 10.35: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31, 1910 5SM8 -No. 1045: Report of CommLssioner of Internal Revenue, 1910 .V.M9 -No. 1415: Mint Bureau report on precious metals, calendar year 1909 5950 -No. 1323: Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report, 1910 5951 -Nos. 1023, 1024, 1036, 1207, 1227: Hygienic Laboratory bulletins, 70-74 5952 -No. 1382: Same, 75 ^''•^' -Nos. 1452, 1501, 1502: Same, 70-78 *>'»''^ -No. 1002: War Department reports, 1910, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staft, etc 5955 -No. 1002: Same, vol. 2. Engineers &*^ -No. 1002: Same, vol. 3. Division and department commanders, etc 5957 -No. 1002: Same, vol. 4. Insular Affairs Bureau, Philippine Commission, etc 5958 -No. 1052: Army register, 1911 ^**' -No. 1399: American National Ked Cross, 6th report, Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1910 5960 -No. 1010: Engineer Department report and appendixes, 1910, pt. 1 •">!»<«• -No. 1010: Same, pt. 2 -No. 1010: Same, pt. 3 -Nos. 1001, 1063, 1066, 1067, 10S3-1OS7, 1000, 1092-1094, 1106, 1237, 1276, 1278, 1287, 1290, 1294, 1333, 1334, 1374, 1391, 1395: Examinations of rivers and harbors 6964 Vol. 1.- Vol. 2.- Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Vol. 17. Vol. 18. Vol. 19. Vol. 20. 5'.»fi-J 5!>6:j 932 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 61st CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 21. — No. 1096: Abstracts of proposals for materials and labor for Engineer Department, 1910. 5965 Vol. 22.— No. 1030: Isthmian Canal Commission report, 1910 5966 Vol. 23. — No. 1030: Same, maps and diagrams 5967 Vol. 24.— No. 1089: Tests of metals, 1910 5968 Vol. 25.— No. 1003: Justice Department report, 1910 5969 Vol. 26. — No. 1013: Official opinions of attornej's-general of United States, vol. 27 5970 Vol. 27.— No. 1001: Post-Office Department reports, 1910 5971 Vol. 28.— No. lOOJ: Navy Department reports, 1910 5972 Vol. 29.— No. 1228: Navy register, 1911 5973 Vol. 30. — No. 1017: Official records of Union and Confederate navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 25 ^ 5974 Vol. 31. — No. 1006: Interior Department reports, 1910. Administrative reports, vol. 1, Secretary and bureau officers, etc 5975 Vol. 32. — No. 1006: Same. Administrative reports, vol. 2, Indian affairs and Territories 5976 Vol. 33.— No. 1000: Same. Ldiication Bureau, vol. 1 5977 Vol. 34.— No. 1006: Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2 5978 Vol. 35.— No. 1031: ^.eological Survey bulletin 430 5979 Vol. 36.— No. 1264: Same, 431 » 5980 Vol. 37.— Nos. 1015, 1014, 1300: Same, 434,^ 437, 438 3 5981 Vol. 38.— No. 1011: Same, 440 5982 Vol. 39.— No. 1016: Same, 441 5983 Vol. 40.— No. 1019: Same, 442 5984 Vol. 41.— Nos. 1027, 1022, 1042,1053: Same, 443-446 t.-.-t-- 5985 Vol.42.— Nos. 1220, 1219, 1226, 1376: Same, 447-450 5986 Vol.43.— Nos. 1274, 1384, 1366, 1425, 1414: Same, 451-455 5987 Vol.44.— Nos. 1427, 1412, 1428, 1432, 1433, 1437, 1438, 1441: Same, 456-463 5988 Vol. 45.— Nos. 1442, 1435, 1460-1463: Same, 461-469 5989 Vol. 46.— No. 1464: Same, 470 5990 Vol. 47.— No. 1465: Same, 471 : 5991 Vol. 48.— Nos. 1466-1469: Same, 472-475 5992 Vol. 49.— Nos. 1470-1473: Same, 476-479 5993 Vol. 50.— No. 1474: Same, 480 5994 Vol. 51.— Nos. 1475, 1480-1482: Same, 481-484 5995 Vol. 52.— Nos. 1483-1488: Same, 485-490 5996 Vol. 53.— No. 1499: Same, 491 5997 Vol. 54.— No. 1050: Geological Survey professional paper 70 'i 5998 Vol. 55.— No. 1267: Same, 72 5999 Vol. 56.— No. 1446: Same, 73 6000 Vol. 57.— No. 1453: Same, 74 6001 Vol. 58.— No. 1454: Same, 75 6002 Vol. 59. — No. 1476: Mineral resources , calendar year 1909, pt. 1 6003 Vol. 60.— No. 1476: Same, pt. 2 6004 Vol. 61.— No. 1034: Water-supply paper 256 6005 Vol. 62.— Nos. 1048, 1046, 1449, 1029: Same, 257-260 6006 Vol. 63.— Nos. 1450, 1021, 1051: Same, 261-263 6007 Vol. 64.— Nos. 1020, 1390, 1430: Same, 264-266 6008 Vol. 65.— Nos. 1431 , 1426, 1451: Same, 267-269 6009 Vol.66.— Nos. 1044, 1455: Same, 270,271 6010 Vol. 67.— No. 1429: Same, 272 : 6011 Vol. 68.— Nos. 1360, 1410: Same, 273, 274 6012 Vol. 69.— Nos. 1440, 1443, 1456, 14.59: Same, 275-278 6013 Vol. 70.— Nos. 1489, 1490: Same, 279, 280 6014 Vol. 71.— Nos. 1491-1493: Same, 281-283 6015 Vol. 72.— Nos. 1494-1496: Same, 284-286 6016 Vol. 73.— Nos. 1497, 1498, 1510: Same, 287-289 ..;,,:..:{0 Vol. 87.— No. 1444: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 12th report, 1910 6(»:!1 Vol. 88.— No. 1444: Same, maps 6(»:5'2 Vol. 89.— No. 1328: Weather Bureau report, 1910 6o:W Vol. 90.— No. 1008: Commerce and Labor Department reports, 1910 60:54 Vol. 91.— No. 1040: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1910 6o:ir> Vol. 92.— No. 1439: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 30, 1910 60:16 Vol. 93. — No. 1505: Labor Bureau, 25th annual report, 1910. Industrial education 6037 Vol. 94.— No. 1025, 3 pts.: Labor Bureau bulletins, 89-91, vol. 21, July-Nov., 1910 60:5S Vol. 95.— No. 1436, 3 pts.: Same, 92-94, vol. 22, Jan.-May, 1911 60;!9 Vol. 122.— No. 1049: House manual 6066 Vol. 123.— No. 1077: Report of clerk of House 6067 Vol. 124. — Nos. 1350, 1417, 1418: Documents relating to reciprocity with Canada 606.S Vol. 125.— Nos. 1060, 1069, 1071, 1073, 1076, 1080, 1116, 1129, 1167, 1180, 1184, 1225, 1230, 1232, 1260, 1261, 1265, 1286, 1319, 1325, 1326, 1356, 1357, 1369, 1375, 1405, 1413, 1423, 1445, 1506: Documents of a public nature 6069 Vol. 126.— Nos. 1054-1059, 1062, 1064, 1065, 1068, 1070, 1072, 1074, 1075, 1079, 1081, 1082, 1088, 1091, 1095, 1097-1105, 1107-1115, 1123-1128, 1130, 1131: Private claims and other minor documents. 1 6070 Vol. 127.— Nos. 1132-1166, 1169-1179, 1181-1183, 1185-1206, 1208-1216, 1221, 1223, 1224, 1229, 1231, 1233-1236, 1238-1244, 1246-1259, 1263, 1266, 1268-1273, 1275, 1277, 1279-1285, 1288, 12S9, 1291,1292,1295-1299,1301-1305: Private claims and other minor documents. II 6071 Vol. 128.— Nos. 1306-1318, 1320-1322, 1324, 1327, 1329-1332, 1335-1347, 1349, 1351-1355, 1358, 1359, 1361-1365, 1368, 1370-1373, 1377-1381, 1383, 13S5-1389, 1392-1394, 1396-1398, 1400-1404, 1406-1409, 1411, 1419-1422, 1424: Private claims and other minor documents. III. . . 6072 Vol. 129.— No. 1514: Document index, no. 17, 61st Congress, 3d session 6073 Vol. 130.— No. 1515: Document catalogue, no. 10, 61st Congress 6074 62d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Apr. 4, 1911-Aug. 22, 1911 Senate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-3, 5-14, 10-36, 39-^3, 48, 50, 52-55, 57-63, 65-98, 100-103, 105-121, 123-141: Mis- cellaneous ' 6077 Nos. 4, 15, 37, 38, 44-47, 49, 51, 56, 64, 99, 104, 122, 142, 143: [Bound in Senate reports. Vol. A, 62d Congress, 2d session.] House reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-8, 12, 15, 33-35, 38, 39, 41-13, 45, 53-55, 61, 62, 65-90, 92-106, 108-116, 119, 120, 122-128, 130-138, 141, 144, 146-150, 155, l.iO, 158, 160-163, 165, 166: Miscellaneous C078 Nos. 9-11, 13, 14, 10-32, 36, 37, 40, 44, 40-52, 50-(i0,03, 64,91, 107, 117, 118, 121, 129, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 151-154, 157, 159, 164, 167, 168: [Bound in House reports. Vol. A, 62d Congress, 2d session.] > Information received as the Document uidex goes to press states that the Report on the beet-sugar industry for 1910 will not be issued as a numbered report of the Department of Agriculture, as heretofore, but will be combined with the report for 1911 and published as a bulletin of the Bureau of Plant lndustr>-. There will be no congressional print. Therefore, volume 82, with serial number 6026, and number 1457 in the series of House documents will remain blank. 2 No. 6075 is assigned to the Senate Journal and no. 6076 to the House Journal, 62d Congress, 1st session. 934 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. Senate documents. Serial no. Vol. 1. — No. 1: Congressional directory 6079 Vol. 2. — No. 10: United States bankruptcy law of July 1, 1898, and amendments to June 25, 1910 6080 Vol. 3.— No. 21: Customs tariff of 1842 6081 Vol. 4.— No. 22: Cost of living in American towns, report of British Board of Trade 6082 Vol. 5. — No. 56: Reciprocity with Canada, hearings before Committee on Finance, vol. 1 6083 Vol. 6.— No. 56: Same, vol. 2 6084 Vol. 7.— No. 71: Customs tariff of 1846 6085 Vol. 8.— No. 72,pt. 1: Tariff proceedings and documents, 1839-1857, pt. 1 6086 Vol. 9.— No. 72, pt. 2: Same, pt. 2 6087 Vol. 10.— No. 72, pt. 3: Same, pt. 3 6088 Vol. 11.— No. 77, pt. 1: Chugach national forest lands in Alaska 6089 Vol. 12.— No. 77, pt. 2: Same, maps 6090 Vol. 13. — No. SO: Reciprocity with Canada, compilation of 1911, pt. 1 6091 Vol. 14.— No. 80: Same, pt. 2 6092 Vol. 15, pt. 1.— No. SO: Same, pt. 3A 6093, v. 1 Vol. 15, pt. 2.— No. 80: Same, pt. 3B 6093, v. 2 Vol. 15, pt. 3.— No. SO: Same, pt. 3C 6093, v. 3 Vol. 16.— No. 90: Hearings before Employers' Liability and Workmen's Compensation Com-i mission, vol. 1, Hearings \ 6094 No. 90: Same, vol. 2, Briefs submitted commission J Vol. 17.— No. 105: Preservation of Niagara Falls 6095 Vol. IS. — No. 110: Report on conditions of employment in iron and steel industry in United States, vol. 1 6096 Vol. 19.— No. 110: Same, vol. 2 6097 Vol. 20.— No. 110: Same, vol. 3 6098 Vol. 21.— No. 110: Same, vol. 4 6099 Vol. 22.— No. Ill: Federal anti-trust decisions, 1890-1912, vol. 1 6100 Vol. 23.— No. Ill: Same, vol. 2 6101 Vol. 24.— No. Ill: Same, vol. 3 6102 Vol. 25.— No. Ill: Same, vol. 4 6103 Vol. 26. — Nos. 65, 68, 95: Comparative tables of customs duties 6104 Vol. 27.— Nos. 2-9, 11-20, 23-26: Miscellaneous. 1 6X05 Vol. 28.— Nos. 27-45: Miscellaneous. II 6106 Vol. 29.— Nos. 46-55, 57-64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73-76, 78, 79, 81-86: Miscellaneous. Ill 6107 Vol. 30.— Nos. 87-89, 91-94, 96-104, 106-109: Miscellaneous. IV 6108 House documents. Vol. 1.— No. 15: House manual 6109 Vol. 2.— No. 37: Special agents series 44 6110 Vol. 3. — No. 76: Sacramento Rfver, Cal., from Sacramento to Red Bluff 6111 Vol. 4. — No. 81: Reports on control of floods in river systems of Sacramento Valley and adjacent San Joaquin Valley, Cal 6112 Vol. 5.— No. 93: Seal islands of Alaska 6113 Vol. 6.— No. 96: Raising wreck of battleship Maine 6114 Vol. 7. — No. 105: Report as to operation, receipts, and expenditures of railroad companies trans- porting mails 6115 Vol. 8.— Nos. 4, 5, 9-14, 16-20, 23, 25-29, 40-42, 46, 64, 71, 72, 77-79, 82, 83, 87-89, 91, 94, 95, 109: Examinations of rivers and harbors 6116 Vol. 9.— Nos. 1-3, 6-S, 21, 22, 24, 30-36, 3S, 39, 43-45, 47-63, 65-70, 73-75, 80, 84-86, 90, 92, 97-104,106- 108, 110-113: Miscellaneous 6117 62d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 4, 1911-Aug. 26, 1912 Senate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 144-157, 160-163, 165-173, 17&-188, 200-202, 204, 207-209, 212-217, 219-221, 224-226, 235- 237. 240, 243, 244, 246, 249, 252, 253. 255-259, 261, 265-267. 269, 271-273, 275, 276, 278, 280- 282, 284-286, 288-292, 295, 297-300, 302-308, 311-314, 318, 320, 323, 325-338, 340-342, 347, 350, 352. 353, 355, 356. 361-374. 376, 378-383, 390-392, 395, 398, 399, 401-405. 407-409, 412- 416, 419-422. 425. 426, 428-439. 442-446. 449, 451-465. 467-471. 473-475. 477-484. 486-488. 490-493.495.496. 498. 499: Miscellaneous. I > 6120 » No. 61181s assigned to the Senate Journal and no. 6119 to the House Journal, 62d Congress, 2d session. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 935 62d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. Senate reports — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 2.-N0S. 500-506, 508-512, 516, 518, 520, 521, 523-525. 527, 536, 538-549, 551-5C0, 503, 566-570. 572- 594, 599-G06, 608, 612, 613, 616, 617, 619, 621. 622, 624-629. 631-634. 636-647, 049, 051-653. 65S, 660, 662, 6B8-68O, 684, 687-691. 695. 696, 69,8-703, 707, 710-712, 714-720, 728-734, 737- 748, 752, 753, 755, 757, 760-763, 76.>-767: Miscellaneous. II '..... (J121 Vol. 3.— Nos. 768, 771-781, 783-791, 793, 795, 796, 800-804, 815, 818-823, 82.5, 826,831-835. 838-841, 846, 847,1 849, 851-855, 857, 859-869, 871-874, 876-879, 881-888, 893, 896, 897. 899-904. 906-908, 910, 915, 916, 921-923, 925, 928, 930, 932, 938, 940, 912-945, 947-949. 951-953. 955. 956. 960. 961, 963, 967, 938, 970, 972, 973, 983-986, 988-990, 992, 993, 997, 1000, 1004-1006, 1011, 1010- 1029,1032,1034,1036,1038,1039,1049-1068: Miscellaneous. Ill , SMi Vol. 4.— No. 697: Appropriations for rivers and harbors, 1913 .'.....'. 61-23 Vol. A.— Nos. 4, 1.5, 37, 38, 44-47, 49, 51, 56, 64, 99, 104, 122, 142, 143 (62d Consress. 1st session). 15&- 497 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 6I'24 Vol. B.— Nos. 507-694 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 61'25 Vol. C— Nos. 704-770 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. Ill 61i6 Vol. D.— Nos. 782-895 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. IV 6127 Vol. E.— Nos. 898-1069 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. V 6128 Thelettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple resolutions. Undertheprovisionsof theact of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in five volumes, lettered from A to E . These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept In the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-4, which will bo furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. House reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 169, 170, 17.5-181, 184, 188, 189, 191-195, 198-201, 204-219, 222-224, 226-233, 235-237, 239. 240, 242-244, 248-250, 254-260, 264, 265, 287, 270-287, 289-296, 298-301, 303, 305, 306, 308, 310,312-325: Miscellaneous. 1 6129 Vol. 2.— Nos. 32ii-328, 332-342, 344, 346, 348, 350, 351, 353-355, 357, 359, 361. 362. 364, 368, 369, 371, 379. 380, 383, 384, 386, 388-391, 393-395, 397-400, 402, 405-408. 411-418, 420-426, 428-431, 433, 436-4.38: Miscellaneous. II 6130 Vol. 3.— Nos. 441-446, 451, 455-460, 470. 472, 475, 477-480, 482-487, 490, 497-499, 502-508, 512-515, 517. 522-524. 527. 529, 538-543, 546, 547, 549, 550, 552-559, 563-567, 571, 573, 575-580, 582-597, 599, 602-617, 619, 621-628, 630-638, 642, 645, 647, 648, 650, 652-657, 660, 661: Miscel- laneous. Ill .■ 6181 Vol. 4.— Nos. 662-673, 680, 681, 683, 684, 686, 687, 689-695, 697-699. 701-705. 710-719, 722-726, 72&-730, 732-736, 739, 741-745, 747-750, 754-763, 788, 789. 793-797, 799, 800, 802, 803, 810, 812. 813. 815, 816, 818, 819, 821, 823, 826, 829-831, 833-838, 840, 841, 847, 848, 850-855, 857-859, 866. 867, 878, 884-887, 889-895, 899, 907, 909, 910. 915, 917, 919, 921. 925-927: Miscellaneous. IV 6182 Vol. 5.— Nos. 92,8-934, 936, 938, 940-944, 947, 948, 976, 980, 982-984, 986. 989, 991, 993-996, 998-1001, 100.5-1009, 1012-1025, 1027, 1029-1032, 1036-1052, 1055-1063, 1065, 1009, 1072, 1073, 1089- 1093, 1111, 1114-1120, 1122, 1123, 1126, 1128-1132, 1138-1141, 1147, 1150, 1154-1167, 1169, 1170, 1183-1191, 1193, 1194, 1197-1201,^ 1204, 1205, 1207, 1212, 121&-1217, 1225, 1227, 1228, 1232-1235, 1237, 1238, 1240-1244, 1253, 1254: Miscellaneous. V 6133 Vol. A.— Nos. 9-11, 13, 14, 16-32, 36, 37, 40, 44, 46-52, 56-60, 03, 64, 91, 107, 117, 118, 121, 129, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 151-154, 157, 159, 164, 167, 168 (62d Congress, 1st session), 171-330 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 6134 Vol. B.— Nos. 331-510 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 6135 Vol. C— Nos. 511-746 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. Ill 6136 Vol. D.— Nos. 751-970 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. IV 6137 Vol. E.— Nos. 971-1255 (with exceptions): Report s on private bills, etc. V 61:18 Vol. F.— No. 1152: Report in matter of impeachment of Cornelius H. Hanford, with transcript of testimony, etc 6139 Thelettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills andjoint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of Jaimary 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in six volumes, lettered from A to F. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the liVirary of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-5, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. ' No. 848 blank. ' No. 1202 blank. 936 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. Senate documents. Serial no. Vol. 1.— No. 112: Navy yearbook, 1883-1911 6140 Vol. 2.— No. 113: Congressional directory, 1st edition 6141 Vol. 3.— No. 258: Congressional directory, 2d edition 6142 Vol. 4.— No. 114: Government Trinting Office report, 1911 6143 Vol. 5.— No. 11.5: Report of Secretary of Senate, 1911 6144 Vol. 6. — No. 190: Preliminary report on fertilizer resources of United States 6145 Vol. 7.— No. 243: Report of National Monetary Commission 6146 Vol. 8. — No. 305: Mexican cotton-boll weevil (Entomology Bureau bulletin 114) 6147 Vol. 9. — No. 306: Acts of 61st Congress, etc., relating to noncontiguous territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo, and to military affairs 6148 Vol. 10. — No. 312: Election of Isaac Stephenson, report and hearings, vol. 1 6149 Vol. 11.— No. 312: Same, vol. 2 6150 Vol. 12. — No. 338: Message of President transmitting report of Employers' Liability and Work- men's Compensation Commission, vol. 1, Message of President and report of Com- mission 6151 Vol. 13. — No. 338: Same, vol. 2, Hearings and briefs, with tables of cases 6152 Vol. 14. — No. 371: lUh report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11, 1910-Oct. 11, 1911 6153 Vol. 15. — No. 469: i Final report of National Waterways Commission 6154 Vol. 16.— No. 484: Election of William Lorimer, hearings, vol. 1.., ,,..,. 6155 Vol. 17.— No. 484: Same, vol. 2 "... ..' 6156 Vol. 18.— No. 484: Same, vol. 3 '. 6157 Vol. 19.— No. 484: Same, vol. 4 6158 Vol. 20.— No. 484: Same, vol. 5 6159 Vol. 21.— No. 484: Same, vol. 6 6160 Vol. 22.— No. 484: Same, vol. 7 6161 Vol. 23.— No. 484: Same, vol. 8 6162 Vol. 24.— No. 484: Same, vol. 9 6163 Vol. 25.— No. 494: Military policy of United States, 3d impression 6164 Vol. 26. — No. 646: Record and iudex of private claims 6165 Vol. 27.— No. 719: Indian affairs, laws and treaties, vol. 3 2 6166 Vol. 28.— No. 726: Titanic disaster, hearings 6167 Vol. 29. — No. 787: Real authorship of Constitution of United States explained 6168 Vol. 30.— No. 789: Cases brought in Commerce Court 6169 Vol. 31. — No. 870: Report on strike of textile workers in Lawrence, Mass 6170 Vol. 32. — No. 876: Extracts from Journal of LTnited States Senate in all cases of impeachment presented by House of Representatives, 1798-1904 6171 Vol. 33.— No. 890: Sugar at a glance 61 72 Vol. 34. — No. 951: Appropriations, new offices, etc 6173 Vol. 35.— Nos. 122, 124, 125, 137-140, 143, 15G, IGl, 162, 191, 192, 210, 238, 240, 241, 249, 251, 263, 265, 271, 273, 274: Documents of a public nature. 1 6174 Vol. 36.— Nos. 275, 289, 292, 293, 295, 297-299, 301, 302, 307, 334, 343, 344, 348-350, 352, 353, 373, 374, 377-380, 382, 383, 401, 402, 404-400, 408, 409, 429-432, 435, 439, 440, 442-446, 448, 450-453, 472, 473: Documents of a public nature. II 6176 Vol. 37.— Nos. 475, 476, 479, 485-490, 493, 405, 549, 552, 555-557, 559, 560, 568, 572-575, 599-603: Docu- ments of a public nature. Ill 6176 Vol. 38.— Nos. 604, 615-618, 621, 640, 641, 643-645, 647-651, 653-656, 663, 665, 666, 671-673, 690, 692- 694,696,721: Documents of a public nature. IV 6177 Vol. 39.— Nos. 722, 723, 733, 734, 755, 762-764, 785, 780, 792,3 345^ 846, 850, 855, 865, 867, 869, 872-875, 877, 880-887: Documents of a public nature. V 6178 Vol. 40.— Nos. 892, 895-899, 902-905, 907, 910, 917, 921, 927, 930, 931, 933, 936, 937, 939, 941, 943, 944, 947, 948: Documents of a public nature. VI 6179 Vol. 41.— Nos. 116-121, 123, 126-136, 141, 142, 144-155, 157-160, 163-189, 193-209, 211-237, 239,242, 244-248, 250, 252-257, 259-202, 264, 2GG-270, 272, 27C-288, 290, 291, 294, 290, 300, 303, 304, 308-311, 313-333, 335: Private claims and other minor documents. 1 6180 1 No. 470, Congressional directory, 3d edition, is not included in the set of bound volumes, as the con- gressional print of this publication was limited to 75 copies. * Vols. 1 and 2 were first published as Senate document 452, 57th Congress, 1st session, serial nos. 4253 and 4254; a second edition was issued as Senate document 319, 58th Congress, 2d session, serial nos. 4623 and 4624. > No. 793 blank. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 937 627, 410-428, 433, 4.34, 436-138, 441, 446, 447, 449, 451-468, 471, 474, 477, 478, 480-483, 491, 492, 49(>-548, 550, 551, 553, 554, 558, 561-5<;7, 569-571, 576-598, 605-614, 619, 020, 622-039, 042, C52, 657- 659: Private claims and other minor documents. II 6181 Vol. 43.— Nos. 660-602, 604, 067-070, 074-689, 691„095, 097-718, 720, 724, 725,727-732,735-754, 756- 761, 765-784, 788, 790,i 791-814, 847-849,851-854, 856-864, 866, 868, 871, 878, 879, 888, 889, 891,893,894,900,901, 900, 908-91.5, 918-920, 922-926, 928, 929, 932, 934, 935,938,940, 942, 945, 946, 949, 950: Private claims and other minor documents. Ill 6182 House documents. Vol. 1.— No. 114: Foreign relations, 1911 6188 Vol. 2. — Nos. 017, 730, 833: Cooperation and cost of living in certain foreign countries 6184 Vol. 3.— No. 115: Treasury Department report, 1911 6186 Vol. 4. — No. 128: Receipts and disbursements, 1911 i No. 129: Estimates of appropriations, 1913 1 6186 No. 777: Deficiencj^ estimates ) Vol. 5.— No. 125: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31, 1911 6187 Vol. 6. — No. 126: Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1911 6188 Vol. 7. — No. 127: Annual report of Director of the Mint, 1911, and report on precious metals, calendar year 1910 6ts9 Vol. 8.— No. 157: Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report, 1911 6190 Vol. 9.— No. 184: Hygienic Laboratory bulletin 79 6191 Vol. 10.— Nos. 185, 548, 665: Same, 80-82 61i« Vol. 11.— No. 739: Same, 83 6193 Vol. 12.— No. 740: Same, 84 6194 Vol. 13.— No. 741 : Same, 85 61 95 Vol. 14.— No. 923: Same, 86 61 !>6 Vol.15.— No. 116: War Department reports, 1911, vol. 1, Secretary, chief of .staff, etc 6197 Vol. 16.— No. 116: Same, vol. 2. Engineers 619S Vol. 17.— No. 116: Same, vol. 3. Division and department commanders, etc C199 Vol. 18.— No. 116: Same, vol. 4. Insular Affairs Bureau, Philippine Commission, etc 6200 Vol. 19.— No. 155: Army register, 1912 6*201 Vol. 20.— No. 124: Engineer Department report and appendixes, 1911, pt. 1 6'20i.* Vol. 21.— No. 124: Same, pt. 2 6-203 Vol.22.— No. 124: Same,pt.3 6204 Vol. 23.— No. 391: Intracoastal waterway, Boston, Mass., to Beaufort, N. C, section 620.") Vol. 24.— Nos. 257-272, 275-288, 348, 349, 3.56-360, 395-400, 415, 417, 418: Examinations of rivers and harbors. 1 6'-06 Vol. 25.— Nos. 419-429, 438, 442, 443, 450, 455-457, 463, 464, 471, 472, 480, 4S9, 493, 512, 513, 519, 520, 528, 535, .536, 540, 546, 549. 550: Examinationsof rivers and harbors. II 6207 Vol. 26.— Nos, 554, 556, 557, 563, 564, 566, 568, 579-581, 588, 599, 609, 616, 622-626, 629, 635,637, 638, 647,660: Examinations of rivers and harbors. Ill 8208 Vol. 27.— Nos. 674-678, 682, 690, 693, 697, 699-701, 706, 707, 710, 712, 719-722, 746, 750, 769, 770, 780, 862,897,898,909: Examinations of rivers and harbors. IV 6209 Vol. 28.— No. 511: Abstracts of propo.sals for materials and labor for Engineer Department, 1911 . . 6210 Vol. 29.— No. 246: Preservation of Niagara Tails 621 1 Vol. 30.— No. 162: Isthmian Canal Commission report, 1911 6212 Vol.31.— No. 162: Same, maps and diagrams 6218 Vol. 32.— No. 161: Tests of metals, 1911 6214 Vol. 33.— No. 117: Justice Department report, 1911 6215 Vol. 34.— No. 140: 2 Ofhcial opinions of attorneys general of United States, vol. 28 62 16 Vol. 35.— No. 118: Post Office Department reports, 1911 6217 Vol. 36.— No. 559: Message of President of United States transmitting annual report of Post- master General, 1911, and report of Commission on Second-Class Mail Matter 6218 Vol. 37.— No. 119: Navy Department reports, 1911 6219 Vol.38.— No. 156: Navy register, 1912. "*^® Vol' 39.— No. 179: Official records of Union and Confederate navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 26 Vol-. 40.— No. 120: Interior Department reports, 1911. Administrative reports, vol. 1, Secretary 6222 and bureau officers, etc ' No. 791 blank. ' '^O- 1-«1 blank. 938 CATALOGUE OF LIBEARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. Vol. 41.- Vol.42.- Vol.43.- Vol.44.- Vol.45.- Vol.46.- Vol.47.- Vol. 48.- Vol.49.- Vol. 50.- Vol.51.- Vol. 52.- Vol. 53.- Vol. 54.- Vol. 55.- Vol. 56.- Vol. 57.- Vol. 58.- Vol. 59.- Vol. 60. Vol.61. Vol. 62. Vol. 63. Vol. 64. Vol. 65.- Vol.66.- Vol. 67. Vol. 68. Vol. 69. Vol. 70. Vol. 71. Vol. 72. Vol. 73. Vol.74. Vol. 75. Vol. 76. Vol. 77. Vol. 78. Vol. 79. Vol. 80. Vol. 81. Vol. 82. Vol. 83. Vol. 81. Vol. 85. Vol. 86. Vol. 87, Vol. 88. Vol. 89. Vol.-90. Vol. 91. Vol. 92. Vol. 93. Vol. 94. Vol. 95. Vol; 96. Vol. 97, Vol. 98, 62d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. —No. 120: Same. Administrative reports, vol. 2, Indian affairs and Territories 6223 -No. 120: Same. Education Bureau, vol. 1 6224 -No. 120: Same. Education Bureau, vol. 2 6225 -Nos. 167-170: Geological Survey bulletins, 492-495 6226 -No. 171 : Same, 496 6227 -Nos. 172-175: Same, 497-500 6228 -Nos. 180-183, 186, 350: Same, 501-506 6229 -No. 351: Same, 507 6230 -Nos. 352, 353: Same, 508, 509 6231 -No. 354: Same, 510 6232 -Nos. 35,5, 390, 814, 815: Same, 511-514 6233 -Nos. 816-819, 844: Same, 515-519 6234 -No. 845: Same, 520 6235 -No. 846: Same, 521 6236 -No. 880: Same, 522 6237 -Nos. 881, 882: Same, 523, 524 6288 —No. 595: Geological Survey professional paper 76 6239 —No. 596: Same, 77 6240 -No. 597: Same, 78 6241 —No. 134: Mineral resources, calendar year 1910, pt. 1 C242 —No. 134: Same, pt. 2 6243 —No. 666: Water-supply paper 293 6244 —No. 737: Same, 294 6245 —Nos. 738, 813, 836: Same, 295-297 6246 -No. 837: Same, 298 6247 —No. 838: Same, 299 6248 —No. 839: Same, 300 6249 —Nos. 840-842: Same, 301-303 6250 —Nos. 843, 883, 884: Same, 304-306 6251 —Nos. 885-887: Same, 307-309 6262 —Nos. 888, 889: Same, 310, 311 6253 —No. 547: Same, 312 6254 —No. 209: Indian school and aptency properties ■> No. 486: Property valuations and incomes of Indians, 1911 / —No. 131: Patent Office reports, 1911 6256 —No. 132: Patent decisions, 1911 6257 —No. 133: Reclamation Service, 10th report, 1911 6258 —No. 121: Agriculture Department reports, 1911 6259 —No. 137: Agriculture Department yearbook, 1911 6260 —No. 220: Detailed statement of expenditures of Agriculture Department, 1911 6261 —No. 138: Animal Industry Bureau, 28th report, 1911 6262 —No. 136: E.xperimont Stations Office report, 1911 6263 —No. 139: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 13th report, 1911 6264 —No. 139: Same, maps 6265 —No. 135: Weather Bureau report, 1911 6266 — No. 122: Commerce and Labor Department reports, 1911 6267 —No. 152: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1911 6268 —No. 176: FisheriesBureaubulletin, vol. 31, 1911, pt. 1 6269 —No. 176: Same, pt. 2 6270 — No. 907: Studies on reproduction and artificial propagation of fresh- water mussels 6271 —No. 165, 3 pts. : Labor Bureau bulletins, 95-97, vol. 23, July-Nov. 1911 6272 —No. 166, 3 pts. : Same, 98-100, vol. 24, Jan.-May, 1912 6273 —Nos. 853, 918, 919, 924: Same, 101-103, 107; Workmen's insurance and compensation series, 1-4 6274 — No. 920: Same, 104 ; Industrial accidents and hygiene series 1 6275 — No. 921, 2 pts. : Same, 105, 2 pts. ; Retail prices and cost of living series 1 , 2 pts 6276 —No. 922, 2 pts.: Same, 106, 2 pts.; Retail prices and cost of living series 2, 2 pts 6277 —No. 925: Same, 108; Retail prices and cost of living series 3 6278 — No. 847: Report on miners' strike in bituminous coal field in Westmoreland C ounty, Pa., in 1910-11 6279 Nos. 244, 234, 233, 611, 868, 164, 760, 912, 177, 871, 869, 872, 902, 901: Special agents series, 45-57,1 59 6280 1 Special agents series 58 is a document of the 62d Congress, 3d session. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 939 62d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. Hovbse documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 99.— No. 143:1 Navigation Bureau, Commerceand Labor Dcpt., report, 1911 6281 Vol. 100.— No. 476: Navigation laws of United States, 19U 6i82 Vol. 101.— No. 160: 43d list of merchant vessels, 1911.... 6-»S3 Vol. 102.— No. 142: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1911 C2S4 Vol. 103.— No. 151 , pts. 1-3: Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Sept. 191 1 6285 Vol. 104.— No. 151, pts. 4-6: Same, Oct.-Dec. 1911 6286 Vol. 105.— No. 151 , pts. 7-9: Same, Jan.-Mar. 1912 6287 Vol. 106.— No. 151, pts. 10-12: Same, Apr.-Junc, 1912 62S8 Vol. 107.— No. 145:2 Statistical abstract of United States, 1911 «-j,s!» Vol. 108. — No. 14S: (ivil Service Commission, 2Sth report, 1911 (VJ!H) Vol.109. — No. 123: District of Columbia report, 1911, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. (1291 Vol. 110. — No. 123: Same, vol. 2. Engineer department 62M Vol. 111.— No. 123: Same, vol. 3. Health department 6293 Vol. 112.— No. 123: Same, vol. 4. Education board 62M Vol. 113.— No. 123: Same, vol. 5. Insurance department, calendar year l'.)10 6295 Vol. 114. — No. 458: Message of President of United States on economy and efTiciency in Gov- ernment service, with appendix, Report on organization of Government of United States as it e.xisted July 1, 1911, submitted by Commi.ssion on Economy and Efficiency, vol. 1 6296 Vol. 115.— No. 45S: Same, vol. 2 6297 Vol. 110. — No. C70: Reports of Commission on Economy and Efficiency 6298 Vol. 117. — No. 732: Retirement from classified civil service of superannuated emploj-ees, report of Commission on Economy and Efficiency 6299 Vol. 118. — No. 854: Need for a national budget, report of Commission on Economy and Effi- ciency 6300 Vol. 119.— No. 149: Interstate Commerce Commission report, Dec. 20, 1911 6;}01 Vol. 120.— No. 147: Report of Librarian of Congress and report of Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds, 1911 " 6302 Vol. 121.— No. 103: National Soldiers' Home report, 1911 \ No. 407: National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, Sept. U-Dec. 5, 1911 J ^^ Vol. 122.— No. 150, pts. 1-6: Pan American Union bulletin, July-Dec. 1911, vol. 33 6304 Vol. 123.— No. 150, pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1912, vol. 34 6:J0l Vol. 124.— No. 159, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1911 6:506 Vol. 125.— No. 159, pt. 2: Same. National Museum 6:507 Vol. 126.— No. 153: Ethnology Bureau, 30th report, 1909 6;J0S Vol. 127.— No. 481: Ethnology Bureau bulletin 52 6309 Vol. 128.— No. 154: American Historical Association report, 1910 '. 631P Vol. 129.— No. 601: Decisions of United States Supreme Court in corporation tax cases and income tax cases, with dissenting opinions 631 1 Vol. 130.— No. 342: Wool and manufactures of wool, report of Tariff Board on Schedule K of tarifl law, vols. 1, 2 6312 Vol. 131.— No. 342: Same, vols. 3, 4, and index 6;{13 Vol. 132.— No. 643: Cotton manufactures, report of Tarifl Board on Schedule I of tarifl law, vol. 1. 6:JH Vol. 133.— No. 643: Same, vol. 2 K515 Vol. 134.— No. 178: Memorial addresses on Amos L. Allen 6;$16 Vol. 135.— No. 314: House manual f>:51 7 Vol. 136.— No. 242: Report of clerk of House of Representatives 6:518 Vol. 137.— No. 680: Panama Canal, hearings before Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- merce (5319 Vol. 138.— No. 671: Strike at La^^Tence, Mass., hearings before Committee on Rules 6:520 VoL 139.— Nos. 130, 193, 215, 216, 230, 241, 248, 249, 251,3 252, 250, 303, 310, 317, 32S-331, 343, 383, 384, 389, 406, 416, 440, 449, 451, 490, 504, 510, 521: Documents of a pubUc nature. I. . 6321 Vol. 140.— Nos. 551, 558, 577, 582, 583, 586, 589, 600, 612, 630, 639, 644, 645, 650, 651, 654, 656, 657, 659, 661: Documents of a public nature. II .- 6322 Vol. 141.— Nos. 662, 679, 085, 687, 688, 694, 708, 714, 718, 725, 730, 731. 735. 749, 758, 759. 762, 765. 781, 782. 784. 827. 835. 852. 8i-)3-866. 875, 891. 892, 899, 900, 903-906, 908, 910, 911. 914-917: Documents of a public nature. Ill 6*28 Vol. 142.— Nos. 158, 187-192, 194-208. 210-214, 217-219. 221-229 231, 232. 235-240. 243. 245, 247. 253- 255, 273. 274, 289: Private claims an \ other minor documents. 1 6824 > No. 144 blank. > No. 146 blank. » No. 250 blank. 940 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 143.— Nos. 290-302, 304-309, 311-313, 315, 316, 318-327, 332-341, 344-347, 361-382, 385-388, 392- 394, 401-405. 408-414, 430-437, 439, 441, 444-448,452-454, 459-462, 465-470, 473-475, 477- 479, 482-485, 487, 488, 491 , 492, 494-503, 505-509, 514-518, 522-527, 529-534, 537-539, 541- 543: Private claims and other minor documents. II 6325 Vol. 144.— Nos. 544, 545, 552, 553, 555, 560-562, 665, 567, 569-576, 578, 584, 585, 587, 590-594, 598, 602- 608, 610, 613-615, 618-621, 027, 628, 631-634, 636, 640-642, 646, 648, 649, 652, 653, 655, 658, 663, 664, 667-669, 672, 673, 681, 683, 684, 686, 689, 691, 692, 695, 696. 698, 702-705, 709, 711, 713, 715-717, 723, 724, 726-729, 733, 734, 742-745, 747, 748, 751-757, 761, 703, 764, 766-768, 771-776, 778, 779, 783, 785-812, 820-826, 828-832, 834, 848-851, 855-861, 867, 870, 873, 874, 876-879, 890, 893-896, 913: Private claims and other minor documents. Ill 6326 Vol. 145. — No. 926: Document index, no. 18, 02d Congress, 1st and 2d sessions 6322 62d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 3, 1912-Mar. 3, 1913 Seriate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1070, 1072-1076, 1078-1086, 1088, 1094, 1095, 1097, 1100, 1102-1109, 1111, 1112, 1115, 1116, 1118-1120, 1122-1128, 1130-1136, 1139, 1141-1148, 1151, 1154, 1157-1163, 1165, 1166, 1169-1171, 1174, 1175, 1178, 1179, 1181-1183, 1186-1193, 1197-1199, 1202-1204, 1207-1209, 1212, 1213, 1215-1217, 1223-1225, 1228-1232, 1234-1237, 1241-1243, 1254-1256, 1258, 1263- 1269, 1271, 1273-1277, 1285-1288, 1290, 1291, 1299-1301, 1303, 1308-1313, 1315-1317, 1320- 1322, 1325, 1328, 1329, 1332-1399: Miscellaneous : 16330 Vol. 2.— No. 1210: Appropriations for rivers and harbors, 1914 6331 Vol. A.— Nos. 1071-1340 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc 6832 Vol. C — 7^0.1167: Report on investigation of Soldiers' Home at Santa Monica, Cal 6333 The lettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on piivate bills and on simple and con- current resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound In two volumes, lettered A and B. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the Office of the Super- intendent of Documents. Volumes 1 and 2, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. House reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1262, 1263, 1265, 1268, 1269, 1271, 1275, 1276, 1280, 1281, 1286-1291, 1295, 1298, 1299, 1302, 1303, 1335, 1337, 1339-1346, 1348-1351, 135G, 1358-1363, 13G6-1369, 1378, 1379, 1381- 1383, 1389-1394, 1396, 1397, 1400, 1401, 1409-1411, 1413-1418, 1420, 1421, 1423-1425.1427, 1429, 1430, 1433, 1434, 1436, 1438-1441, 1443-1447, 1452-1456, i459, 1461-1463, 1473, 1474, 1478-1482, 1484, 1486-1490, 1493, 1494, 1496-1499, 1504, 1505, 1507, 1511, 1514, 1515, 1517, 1519, 1522, 1526-1531, 1533, 1535, 1545, 1547, 1550-1552.1554, 1557-1560, 1562-1569,2 1571, 1572, 1574-1579, 1582-1585, 1590-1592, 1594, 1602-160S, 1617-1628: Miscellaneous 6334 Vol. A. — Nos. 1250-1616 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc 6335 Vol. B. — No. 1279: Report on investigation of Indian Bureau 6336 Vol. C. — No. 1.336: Report on investigation of White Earth Reservation, vol. 1 }.•'. '.-.: . . 6337 Vol. D.— No. 1336: Same, vol. 2 6338 Vol. E. — No. 1506: Report on investigation of Salt and Gila rivers^reservations and Reclama- tion Service 6339 Vol. F. — No. 1593: Report on investigation of concentration of control of money and credit 6340 The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bUls and on simple and concur- rent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the ' 'usual number " of such reports could not bo printed. These private reports are bound in six volumes, lettered from A to F. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the Office of the Superin- tendent of Documents. Volume 1, which will be furnished as usual, contains all the House re- ports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. > No. 6328 is assigned to the Senate Journal and No. 6329 to the House Journal, 62d Congress, 3d session. 2 No. 1570 blank. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 941 62d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. Senate documents. Serial no. Vol. 1. — No. 952: Congressional directory, 1st edition 8341 Vol. 2. — No. 0"J: Congressional directory, 2d edition 6348 Vol. 3. — No. 9o3: Government Printing OlTice report, 1912 634S Vol. 4.— No. 954: Report of Secretary of Senate, 1912 6344 Vol. 5.— No. 955: Navy yeai-book, 1,SS.3-1912 6:145 Vol. 6. — No. 960: Report of Fine Arts Commission, 1912 6:146 Vol. 7. — No. 9r>5: Report of Lincoln Memorial Commission 6;147 Vol. 8. — No. 9S7: Cotton sold to Confederate States 6:14S Vol. 9.— No. 103*5: Compilation of Senate election cases, 1789-1913 6;tl9 Vol. 10.— No. 1063: Treaties, conventions, etc., between United States and other powers, supple- ment, 1913, to Senate document 357, 61st Congress, 2d session, %-ol. 3 6:1.j0 Vol. 11. — No. 10(3: Senate manual ftlol Vol. 12.— No. 1093: Compiled laws of Alaska, 1913 63M Vol. 13. — No. 1113: Message of President submitting a budget 6;i.">.1 Vol. 14. — No. 1123: Precedents, decisions on points of order in United States Senate, lst-62d Congress, 17S9-1913 6:5.V4 Vol. 15.— No. 1139: Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma 6;Jjo Vol. 16.— No. 1140: Trial of impeachment of Robert W. Archbald, vol. 1 6.356 Vol. 17.— No. 1140: Same, vol. 2 6:157 Vol. IS.— No. 1140: Same, vol. 3 6:J58 Vol. 19. — No. 1142: Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 11 6.159 Vol. 20.— No. 1143: Same, vol. 12 6360 Vol. 21.— No. 1144: Judicial code of United States in force Jan. 1, 1912 6.'{61 Vol. 22.— No. 1150: Appropriations, new offices, etc 6362 Vol. 23. — No. 9S4: Memorial addresses on Isidor RasTier No. 1134: Memorial addresses on James S. Sherman No. 1145: Memorial addresses on William P. Frye No. 1146: Memorial addresses on Jeff Da\-is \ 6:163 No. 1147: Memorial addresses on Robert L. Taylor No. 1148: Memorial addresses on George S. Nixon No. 1149: Memorial addresses on Weldon B. Hcybum Vol. 24.— Nos. 958, 959, 964, 966-968, 970-974, 980, 982, 983, 985, 988,989, 992,993,997,998, 1000-1004, 1006, 1007, 1010, 1018, 1020, 1021: Documents of a public nature. 1 6364 Vol. 25.— Nos. 1035, 1037-1039, 1046, 1052, 1054, 1059, 1060, 1062, 1064-1066, 1070, 1071, 1075, 1087, 1092, 1094, 1095, 1097, 1098, 1102, 1103, 1105-1110, 1122, 1124, 1126-1129, 1131-1133, 1135- 1138: Documents of a public nature. II 6365 Vol. 26.— Nos. 956, 957, 961-963, 969, 975-979, 981, 986, 990, 991, 994-996, 999, 1005, 1008, 1009, 1011- 1017, 1019, 1022-1034, 1040-1045, 1047-1051, 1053, 1055-1058, 1061, 1067-1069, 1072, 1074, 1076-1086, 1088-1091, 1096, 1099-1101, 1104, 1111, 1112, 1114-1121, 1125, 1130, 1141: Pri- vate claims and other minor documents 6366 House documents. —No. 1492: Foreign relations, 1912 6367 —No. 1257: Claims of American citizens, Apia, in Samoan Islands 6.3fi.'< —No. 1366: Slavery in Peru •>"'''>^ —No. 928: Treasury Department report, 1912 <>>70 —No. 943: Receipts and disbursements, 1912 1 No. 944: Estimates of appropriations, 1914 \ 6:171 No. 1365: Deficiency estimates ' —No. 940: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31, 1912 6.37-2 —No. 941: Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1912 637:i —No. 942: Annual report of Director of the Mint, 1912, and report on precious metals, calendar year 1911 ^'^ —No. 971: Public Health Service report, 1912 6:575 —No. 1464: Hygienic Laboratory bulletin 87 6.376 — No<=. 1465, 1475: Same, 88, 89 ^" —No. 929: War Department reports, 1912, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staff, etc 6:i7<< —No. 929: Same, vol. 2. Engineers --' ^''^ —No. 929: Same, vol. 3. Division and department commanders, etc 6; —No. 929: Same, vol. 4. Insular Affairs Bureau, Philippine Commission, etc 6.3.S1 —No. 1168: Claims growing out of insurrection in Mexico 639-2 —No. 969: Army register, 1913 ^'^^ Vol. 1.- Vol. 2.- Vol. 3.- Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 1 . Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Vol. 17. 942 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. V bl. 18.— No. 936: Engineer Department report and appendixes, 1912, pt. 1 63S4 Vol. 19.— No. 93G: Same, pt. 2 6385 Vol. 20.— No. 930: Same, pt. 3 6386 Vol. 21. — No. 1159: Report on survey of Ohio River, Ohio and W. Va., with view to selection of sites for additional locks and dams 6387 Vol. 22. — No. 1223: Reports on examination and survey of Mississippi River between Winni- bigoshish and Pokegama reservoirs and from Leech Lake dam to mouth of Leech River, Minnesota 6388 Vol. 23. — No. 1260: Report of preliminary investigations and surveys of Patuxent River as source of water supply for District of Columbia 6389 Vol. 24. — No. 1289: Reservoirs at headwaters of Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio rivers and their tributaries 6390 Vol. 25. — No. 1400: Report on water supply of District of Columbia and availability of water power at Great Falls for supplying light and power 6391 Vol. 26.— Nos. 1010, 1051-1003, 1008-1078, 1085-1104, 1112-1115: Examinations ofrivers and har- bors. 1 6392 Vol. 27.— Nos. 1110-1118, 1122, 1124-1130, 1160, 1161, 1167, 1190, 1192, 1194, 1190, 1199, 1217, 1219, 1220, 1224, 1225, 1244-1247, 1258-1261, 1290, 1295-1297, 1309, 1319, 1320: Examinations ofrivers and harbors. II 6393 Vol. 28.— Nos. 1329, 1330, 1336, 1341, 1342, 1351-1359, 1302-1364, 1309-1371, 1382-1387, 1389-1391, 1396, 1397,1406,1410,1416,1418,1436,1437,1439: Exarainationsof rivers and harbors. III. 6394 Vol. 29. — No. 1294: Abstract of proposals for materials and labor for Engineer Department, 1912. 6395 Vol. 30. — No. 1491: Laws of United States relating to improvements ofrivers and harbors, 1790- 1913 6396 Vol. 31.— No. 965: Isthmian Canal Commission report, 1912 6397 Vol. 32.— No. 965: Same, maps and diagrams 6398 Vol. 33. — No. 1453: Flood sufferers in Mississippi and Ohio valleys 6399 Vol. 34.— No. 974: Tssts of metals, 1912 6400 Vol. 35.— No. 930: Justice Department report, 1912 6401 Vol. 36.— No. 1490: Official opinions of attorneys general of United States, vol. 29 6402 Vol. 37.— No. 931: Post Office Department reports, 1912 6403 Vol. 38.— No. 935: Postal laws and regulations, 1913 6404 Vol. 39.— No. 932: Navy Department reports, 1912 6405 Vol. 40.— No. 970: Navy register, 1913 6406 Vol. 41. — No. 983: Official records of Union and Confederate navies in War of the Rebellion, series 1, vol. 27 6407 Vol.42. — No. 933: Interior Department reports, 1912, vol. 1. Secretary and bureau officers, etc. 6408 Vol. 43.— No. 933: Same, vol. 2. Indian affairs and Territories 6409 Vol. 44.— No. 1449: Education Bureau report, 1912, vol. 1 6410 Vol. 45.— No. 1449: Same, vol. 2 641 1 Vol. 46.— Nos. 982, 1239: Geological Survey bulletins, 525, 526 6412 Vol. 47.— Nos. 1240-1242: Same, 527-529 6413 Vol. 48.— No. 1243: Same, 530 6414 Vol. 49.— No. 1426: Sam«, 531 6415 Vol. 50.— Nos. 1427-1430: Same, 532-535 6416 Vol. 51.— Nos. 1431, 1432, 1466, 1476: Same, 536-539 6417 Vol. 52.— Nos. 1250, 1301: Geological Survey professional papers 79, 80 6418 Vol. 53.— No. 949: Mineral resources , calendar year 1911, pt. 1 6419 Vol. 54.— No. 949: Same, pt. 2 6420 Vol. 55.— No. 980: Water-supply paper 313 6421 Vol. 56.— No. 981: Same, 314 6422 Vol. 57.— Nos. 1236-1238: Same, 315-317 6423 Vol. 58.— No. 1424: Same, 318 6424 Vol. 59.— No. 1425: Same, 319 6425 VoLaO.- No. 1454: Same, 320 6426 Vol. 61.— No. 946: Patent Office report, 1912 6427 Vol. 62.— No. 947: Patent decisions, 1912 '. 6428 Vol. 63.— No. 948: Reclamation Service, 11th report, 1912 .*. 6429 Vol. 64.— No. 939: Agriculture Department reports, 1912 6430 Vol. 65.— No. 952: Agriculture Department yearbook, 1912 6431 Vol. 66. — No. 955: Statement of expenditures of Agriculture Department, 1912 6432 Vol. 67.— No. 953: Animal Industry Bureau, 29th report, 1912 6433 Vol. 68.— No. 977: Entomology Bureau bulletin 91 6484 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 943 62d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. House documenU — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 69.— No. 951: Experiment Stations Office report, 1912 61^ Vol. 70.— No. 1421: Soils I5ureau bulletin 85 C4:i6 Vol. 71.— No. 954: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 14th report, 1912 6437 Vol. 72. — No. 954: Same, maps ^ns Vol. 73. — No. 950: Weather Bureau report, 1912 64:59 Vol. 74. — No. 961: Commerce and Labor Department reports, 1912 6110 Vol. 75.— No. 966: Coast and Geodetic Survey report , 1912 6 1 1 1 Vol. 76.— No. 966: Same, progress sketches 644-2 Vol. 77.— No. 985: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 32, 1912 644.3 Vol. 78.— No. 959: Commercial relations, calendar year 1911 6144 Vol. 79.— No. 1452: Same, calendar year 1912 644.'i Vol. 80.— No. 957: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1912 6446 Vol. 81. — No. 938, pts. 1-6: Monthly summary of commerce and finance, July-Dec. 1912 6447 Vol. 82.— No. 938, pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1913 6448 Vol. 83.— Nos. 1175, 1173, 1174: Special agents series 58,' 60, 61 6449 Vol. 84.— No. 960: Statistical abstract of United States, 1912 64.'.0 ■Vol. 85. — No. 958: Navigation Bureau, Commerce and Labor Dept., report, 1912 r>i:>\ Vol. 86.— No. 973: 44th list of merchant vessels, 1912 6I.VJ Vol. 87.— No. 984: 2 Labor Bureau bulletin 109; Miscellaneous series 1 frli.*} Vol. 88.— No. 118S: Same, 110; Retail prices and cost of living series 4 ft454 Vol. 89.— No. 11S9: Same, 111 ; Labor laws of United States series 1 64oo Vol. 90.— Nos. 1462, 1463, 1180:2 Labor Statistics Bureau bulletins 117, 118, 123; Miscellaneous series 2-4 C456 Vol. 91.— Nos. 1457, 1460, 1478, 1482: Same, 113, 115, 121, 125; Retail prices and cast of living series 5-8 6457 Vol. 92.— No. 1402: Same, 112; ]>abor laws of United States series 2 64oS Vol. 93. — No. 1459: Same, 114; Wholesale prices series 1 64.%9 Vol. 94.— Nos. 1461, 1467, 1479: Same, 116, 119, 122; Women in industry series 1-3 6460 Vol. 95.— No. 1477: Same, 120; Indu-^trial accidents and hygiene series 2 646! Vol. 96.— No. 1481: Same, 124, Conciliation and arbitration series 1 6462 Vol. 97.— No. 963: Civil Service Commission, 29th report, 1912 646.1 Vol. 98. — No.934: Districtof Columbiareport, 1912, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. . 6464 Vol. 99.— No.934: Same, vol.2. Engineer Department 6465 Vol.100.— No. 934: Same, vol. 3. Health Department 6466 Vol. 101.— No. 934: Same, vol. 4. Education Board &46< Vol. 102.— No.934: Same, vol. 5. Insurance Department, calendar year 1911 646S Vol. 103.— No. 1110: Report of investigation of Patent Office made by Commission on Economy and Efficiency, Dec. 1912 6469 Vol. 104.— No. 1252: Message of President of United States transmitting reports of Commifsion on Economy and Efficiency 6470 Vol. 105.— No. 964: Interstate Commerce Commission, 26th report, Dec. 16, 1912 6471 Vol. 106.— No. 962: Report of Librarian of Congress and report of Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds, 1912 Mli Vol. 107.— No. 1009: National Soldiers' Home report, 1912 ^ No. 987: National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, Sept. 18-Dec. 5, 1912 / ' Vol. 108.— No. 937, pts. 1-6: Pan American Union bulletin, July-Dec. 1912, vol. 35 6174 Vol.109.— No. 937, pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1913, vol.36 ft4'5 Vol. 110.— No. 972, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1912 <>4 <6 Vol. 111.— No. 972, pt. 2: Same. National Museum <>^<< Vol. 112.— No. 967: Ethnology Bureau , 31st report, 1910 64 7S Vol. 113.— No. 1232: Ethnology Bureau bulletin 53 W 79 Vol. 114.— No. 1233: Same, 54 ^^ Vol. 115.— Nos. 1234, 1235: Same, 55, 56 ^"'^ Vol. 116.— No. 968: American Historical Association report, 1911, vol. 1 64,«2 Vol. 117.— No. 968: Same, vol. 2 ^^ Vol. 118.— No. 1346, pt. 1: Alaska Raih-oad Commission report 64S4 Vol. 119.— No. 1346, pt. 2: Same, maps and profiles *♦>*» VoL 120.— No. 1455: Unveiling of statue of Baron von Steuben ft**** » Special agents series 59 is a document of the 62d Congress, 2d session. »By the act of March 4, 1913, creating a Department of Labor, the Bureau of Labor of the Department Of Commerce and Labor became the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor. 6487 6488 6489 944 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 62d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 121.— No. 956: Memorial addresses on Henry H. Bingham ] No. 975: Memorial addresses on Edmond H. Madison No. 978: Memorial addresses on George R. Malby No. 979: Memorial addresses on Robert C. Wiekliffe No. 1468: Memorial addresses on Alexander C. Mitchell No. 1469: Memorial addresses on Henry C. Loudenslager Vol. 122. — No. 1470: Memorial addresses on James P. Latta No. 1471 : Memorial addresses on Elbert H. Hubbard No. 1472: Memorial addresses on David J. Foster No. 147.3: Memorial addresses on George W. Kipp No. 1474: Memorial addresses on George W. Gordon No. 1483: Memorial addresses on William W. Wedemeyer Vol. 123. — No. 1484: Memorial addresses on Sylvester C. Smith No. 1485: Memorial addresses on George S. Legare No. 1486: Memorial addresses on Carl C. Anderson No. 1487: Memorial addresses on Richard E. Connell No. 1488: Memorial addresses on George H. Utter No. 1489: Memorial addresses on John G. McHenry Vol. 124.— No. 1109: House manual 6490 Vol. 125. — No. 986: Report of clerk of House of Representatives 6491 Vol. 126. — No. 1458: Prayers offered at opening of daily sessions of House of Representatives 6492 Vol.127. — No. 1447: Tariff schedules, hearings before Committees on Ways and Means, vol. 1, schedules A, B 6493 Vol. 128.— No. 1447: Same, vol. 2, schedule C 6494 Vol. 129.— No. 1447: Same, vol. 3, schedule D-H 6495 Vol. 130.— No. 1447: Same, vol. 4, schedule I-L 6496 Vol. 131.— No. 1447: Same, vol. 5, schedules M, N 6497 Vol. 132.— No. 1447: Same, vol. 6, free list, miscellaneous, administrative 6498 Vol. 133.— No. 1447: Same, vol. 7, index 6499 Vol. 1.34.— Nos. 927, 945, 976, 992, 1013, 1015, 1020, 1030, 1039, 1067, 1105, 1157, 1158, 1172, 1206, 1268, 1280,1298,1299,1304,1313,1339,1340,1343,1380,1392: Documents of a public nature. I. 6500 Vol. 135.— Nos. 1401, 1404, 1405, 1408, 1415, 1435, 1441-1446, 1450, 1451, 1456: Documents ol a pub- lic nature. 11 6501 Vol. 136.— Nos. 988-991, 993-1008, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1016-1019, 1021-1029, 1031-1038, 1040-1049: Pri- vate claims and other minor documents. 1 6502 Vol. 137.— Nos. 1050, 1064-1066, 1079-1084, 1106-1108, 1111, 1119-1121, 1123, 1131-1156, 1162-1166, 1169-1171, 1176-1187, 1191, 1193, 1195, 1197, 1198, 1200-1205, 1207-1216, 1218, 1221, 1222, 1226-1231, 1248, 1249, 1251, 1253-1256, 1262-1265: Private claims and other minor doc- uments. II 6503 Vol. 138.— Nos. 1267, 1269-1279, 1281-1288, 1291-1293, 1300, 1.302, 1303, 1305-1308, 1310-1312, 1314- 1318, 1321-1328, 1331-1335, 1337, 1338, 1344, 1345, 1347-1350, 1360, 1361, 1367, 1368, 1372- 1379, 1381, 1388, 1393-1395, 1398, 1399, 1403, 1407, 1409, 1411-1414, 1417, 1419, 1420, 1422, 1423, 1433, 1434, 1438, 1440, 144S: Private claims and other minor documents. HI. . . 6504 Vol. 139.— No. 1493: Document index, no. 19, 62d Congress, 3d session 6505 Vol. 140.— No. 1494: Document catalogue, no. 11, 62d Congress 6506 63d CONGRESS, SPECIAL SESSION Mar. 4^17, 1913 Senate documents. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-6: Miscellaneous '6507 ' No serial number is reserved for the Journal of the special session of the Senate as the proceedings for that session are included in the Senate Journal, 62d Congress, 3d session, serial no. 6328. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 945 63d CONGRESS, 1st SESSION Apr. 7 Dec. 1, 1913 Stnate reports. Serial no. \ ol. 1 .-N OS. 2, S, 18, 19, Jli, SI , :{ l-:!7. :W- i:i, 4.5, U, .5'), 5 l-.VS, lU), 02-07, 7(1, 72-78. 80, 82-85, 87-'J0, 92- ^->, 97, 98, UK), 101, 10:i-10H, 112-1 18, 120, 122, 12.^-l:«: MLscellaneous i ft.-,l(» Vol. A.— Nos. 1-124 (with exceptions): lieports on private bills, etc t;.-,ll Vol. I!.— No. 53: lleport on investigation of Police Departmenl of District of Columbia in con- nection witli woman sutlnige puratie, Mar. :i, lyn gijo Tiie lettered volumes contain only tlie isenate reports on prirate hills ami joinl r&solnUons and on simple and concurrent resolutions, fnder tlie provisions of the act of Janiuiry 20, 1905, the '■usual number" o( such reports could not be printed. These reports are bound in (wo volumes, lettered A and B. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of t', and the libr.iry of the OlfUe of the Bujierintondent of Docunienis. XOlumc 1, wliich will be furnished as u.suai, contains all the Senate reports on puljlic bills and join; resolutions ordered prinleIo The lettered volume contains only the House reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, Uta5, the "usual number" of such reports could not bo printed. These reports are bound in one volume, lettered A. This volume can not lie furnished to depository liliraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the OITice of the Sup- erintendent of Documents. Volumes 1 and 2, which will be furnished as usual, contain all tlie House reports on public bills and joinl resolutions ordered printed during the session. Senate documents. Note.— Senate document 1. Congressional directory, is omitted from the set of bound volumes, as the ■'usual numiier" was not printed. Vol. 1.— No. 9: 15th report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11, 1911-Oct. 11, 1912 6.".I6 Vol. 2.— No. 12: Constitution of United States as amended to May 1, 1913 e.jlj Vol. 3. — No. 17: Agricultural credit and cooperation in Cermany, report to British Board of Agriculture and Fisheries 6018 Vol. 4.— No. 214: Agricultural cooperation and rural credit in Europe, information and evidence secured by commissions. 2 pts 65I9 Vol. 5.— No. 26: Report of Secretary of Senat c, July 1 , 1912-Mar. 13, 1913 6.V20 Vol. 6.— No. 45: Comparison of rates of duty levied by tariff act of 1909 and H. .3321 as passed by House of Representati\ es 6521 Vol. 7.— No. 127: Comparison of rales of duty levied by tariff act of 1909 and H. .3321 as passed by House of Representatives and as reported to Senate Goii Vol. 8.— No. 128: Comparison of raies of duty, statement comparing rates of duly levied by tariff act of 1909, H. 3321 as reporied to Senate, and tariff act of 1894 6d23 Vol. 9.— Nos. 13, 23, 48, 49, 53, 108, 122, 1:30, 107, 179, ISO, 217: Documents relating to tariff 6o24 Vol. 10.— No. 14ii: Report by Commission of Fine Arts in relation to artistic structure of Panama Canal .' «52r> Vol. 11.— No. 162: Report on International Conference on Bills of Exchange, 1912 6.'>26 Vol. 12.— No. 173: .Vets of 62(1 Congress, etc., relating to noncontiguous terrhory, Cuba and Santo Domingo, and to military affairs 6547 Vol. 13.— No. 184: Unveiling of statue of Zachariah Chandler 6-V28 Vol. 14.— No. 197: National-bank act as amended and other laws relating to national banks, 1911. 65'2» Vol. 15.— No. 2.32: Hearings on Ijanking and currency bill, vol. 1 6380 Vol. 16.— No. 232: Same, vol. 2 «•">»' Vol. 17.— No. -232: Same, vol. 3 6^3'- Vol. 18.— No. 240: Banking and currency bill, comparative prin; showing changes suggested by amendment submitted by Mr. Owen, also changes suggested by amendmcnls in- tended to be propo.sed by Mr. Hitchcock *»** I No. 6508 is assigned to the Senate Journal and No. 6509 to the House Journal, 63d Congress, 1st session . 49183—18 GO 946 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITKD STATES SENATE. 63d CONORESS, 1st SESSION-Continued. Senate documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 19.— No. 24'2: House banking and currency bill, also comparative print showing changes suggested liy amendmeni submitted by Mr. Owen, also changes suggested Ijy amend- ments intended to be proposed by Mr. Hit chcock 6534 Vol •20.--N0S. 2-8, U), 11, 14-16, 18-22,24,25,27-44,46,47,50-52,5-1-102: Miscellaneous. 1 65»5 V'ol. 2l.~-Nos. 103-107, lOtt-121, 123-126, 129-135, 137-145, 147-161, 163-166, 108: Miscellaneous. IL . 6536 Vol. 22.— Nos 169-172, 174-17S, 181-183, 185-196, 19S-213, 215, 216, 218-231, 233-239, 241, 243-246: Miscellaneous. HI •. 6537 House documents. Vol. 1.— No. 88: Supplemental estimates 6538 Vol. 2.— No. 188: Survey of East River and Little Hell Gate, N. Y., and resurvey of Hell Oale. 6539 Vol. 3. — No. 226: Water terminal and transfer facilities 6540 Vol. 4. — No. 229: Intracoastal waterway, Beaufort, N. C, to Key West, Fla., section 6541 Vol. 5.— No. 237: Examination and survey of Chicago Harbor and adjacent waterways 6542 Vol. 6. — No. 253: Reports on examination and survey of Etowah, Coosa, Tallapoosa, and Ala- bama rivers ^. 6543 Vol. 7.— No. 276: Construction of barracks in Hawaii and Panama Canal Zone 6544 Vol. 8.— Nos. 4-12, 14-31, 38-45, 57, 99-102, 107-113, 118, 120: Examinations of rivers and har- bors. I 6545 Vol. 9.— Nos. 121-127, 132, 134-139, 148, 149, 160-162, 16,'-., 174-184, 190-197, 200-202, 206. 207: Ex- aminations of rivers and harbors. H 6546 Vol. 10.— Nos. 208, 209, 211, 212, 214, 216, 218-224, 22^, 228, 233-236, 238-243, 247-262, 254-259, 271, 274, 275, 277, 282-287, 289, 290: Examinations of rivers and harbors. Ill 6547 Vol. 11.— Nos. 1-3, 13, 32-37, 46-56, 58-87,89-98, 103-106, 114-117. 119, 128-131, 133, 140-147, 150-159, 163, 164, 166-173, 185-187, 189, 198, 199, 2i)3-205, 210, 213, 215, 217, 225, 244-246, 260-270, 272, 273, 278-281, 288: Miscellaneous 6548 Vol. 12.— No. 291 : Document index, no. 20 654 Jl 63d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION Dec. 1, 1913-Oct. 24, 1914 Senate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 139-142, 146, 147, 153, 1.52, 153, 155, 153, 159, 161, 163, 165-172, 175-183, 185-188, 197, 233-203, 203, 210-212, 216-219, 221-225, 227-231, 242, 245-247, 250-258, 260, 264, 268, 270, 272, 273, 277, 279-281, 283, 284, 287-296, 298-301, 306, 309-316, 318-320, 326-328, 331-333, 336, 338, 339, 348-355, 361, 363, 364, 366-369, 372, 377, 379, 386-389, 391-396, 402-408, 410, 424, 427, 429, 432, 433, 435-442, 444, 450, 451, 457, 467-469: Miscellaneous. 1 1 6552 Vol. 2.— Nos. 470, 471 , 475, 477, 478, 483-488, 491-493, 498, 499, 505, 506, 508, 509, 511-513 ,515, 518-520, 524, 526, 527, 531, 537, 540, 542, 546, 547, 549, 551-558, 530, 531, 568-579, 583, 585, 586, 589-592, 597, 607, 608, 615, 2 621, 624, 629-633, 636, 639, 642-644, 647-650, 652-657, 661, 665, 666, 670, 671, 679, 683, 684, 687, 689, 690, 694, 698-700, 702-712, 716, 718-720, 727-729, 731-734, 733-738, 742, 743, 745-750, 752-759, 763, 768, 739-773. 776-780, 782-784, 787, 788, 790-793, 797, 799-801, 803, 803, 810, 812-814, 816-819, 821, 822, 824: Miscellaneous. II. . 6553 Vol. 3. — No. 599, 2 pts. : Appropriations for rivers and harbors, 1915 6554 Vol. A. — Nos. 134-385 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 6555 Vol. B. — Nos. 393-584 (with ex;ceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 6556 Vol. C— Nos. 587-830 (with exceptions): Reports on private l)ills, etc. Ill 6657 The lettered volumes eoatain only the Senate reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the •'usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These priv^ate reports are bound in three volumes, lettered from A to C. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Con^jress, and the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-3, which will be fin-nished as usual, contain all the Senate repoi'ts on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. House reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 93-96, 101-111, 115-118, 120, 121, 124-132, 135-140, 143, 148-151, 153-157, 159-162, 165- 168, 177, 178, 180, 188-190, 195-199, 204, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 219, 221, 223, 224, 228, 229, 231-234, 237-240, 244, 246-248, 250, 251, 257, 258, 281-283, 287-296, 298, 299, 301, 302, 333-30), 311-314, 329, 335-339, 341-345, 343-353, 356, 358, 353, 362-369, 371-374, 376-378, 330, 334^399, 415: Miscellaneous. 1 6558 1 Serial no. 6550 is assigned to the Senate Journal and 6551 to the House Journal, 63d Congress, 2d session. 2 No. 618 blank. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 947 63d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— roniinued. House reports — Continued. Serial n-944, 950, 953, 9.54. 960, 964-967, 970-975, 979- 984,9,87-990,994-997, 1001-1005, 1007, 1011-1013, 1015, lOlS-1023, 1025, 1026, VUO, 1031, 1041, 1042, 1049-1057, 1059, 1067, 1069-1073, 107.5-1079, 1082-1085, 10.H7-10S9, 1093-1095, 1098-1104, 1108, 1112, 1114-lllS, 1120, 1121, 1124, 1126, 1127, 113.5-1139, 1141, 1142, 114,S- 1150, 11.52-1157, 1159-1163, 116.5-1168, 1171-1175, 1178, 1181-1183, 118.5, 1186, 1190, 1193- 1196, 1200: Miscellaneous. Ill 6.-,60 \'ol. 4.— No. 163: (Conference reiwrl on banking and ciurency bill 6.561 Vol. 5.— No. 300, 2 pts.: Appropriations for ri\ers and harbors, 1915, with supplemental report on Hoods and levees of Mississippi ' iver 6.562 Vol. 6.— No. 521, 2 pts.: Revision of laws, judiciary title, report to accompany H. 15578 6.563 Vol. A.— Nos. 97-321 (with exceptions): 1 eports on private bills, etc. 1 6.564 Vol. B.— Nos. .322-618 (with exceptions): 1 eports on private bills, etc. II 6.56.5 Vol. C.— Nos. 619-889 (with exceptions): reports on private bills, etc. Ill 6.566 Vol D.— Nos. 890-1203 (with exceptions): 1 eports on priA ate bills, etc. IV 6.567 The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills and joint and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. private reports are boimd in four volumes, lettered from A to D. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of, and the llbrarj" of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-0, vhich will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills and joint resolutions crderfd jirinlfd ibn ing the session: Senate documents. -No. 247: Navy yearbook, 1883-1913 .• 6.568 -No. 252: Report of Secretary of Senate, Mar. 14-June 30, 1913 6.569 -No. 261: Agricultural cooperation and rural credit in Europe. 2 pts 6*)70 -No. 336: Workmen's compensation laws of United States and foreign countries 6.571 -No. 337: Impounding wafers and Indian tuberculosis sanitarium 6.572 -No. 378: Report of (Jovernment Printing Office, 1913 6573 -No. 379: Report of Florida Everglades Engineering Commission 6.574 -No. 381: Strike in copper mining district of Michigan 6573 -No. 399: Government ownership of electrical means of communication 6.576 -No. 419: Workmen's compensation, report upon ojieration of State laws 6577 -No. 4.37: Report of National Academy of Sciences, 1913 6.578 -No. 401: Motor and horse-drawn passenger vehicles belonging to the Government 6.579 -No. 465: Tonnage in foreign trade ft»80 -No. 460: Five per cent rate cases 6o81 -No. 474: Diplomatic history of I'anama Canal 6682 -No. 485: Location of Federal reserve districts in United States 6.588 -No. 494: Federal and State laws relating to convict labor 6584 -No. 524: 10th report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11 191--Oct. 11, 1913 6.5K5 -No. 543: Investigation of New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, vol. 1 6686 -No. .543: Same, vol. 2 6687 -No. 508: Laws of Philippine Islands, 3d Philippine Legislature, 2d and spec-ial sessions, 1913 and 1914 «688 -No. 008: Doniphan's expedition, account of conquest of New Mexico 6689 -No. 013: Report of Commission of Fine Arts, 1914 6.590 -No. 021: Appropriations, new offices, etc «.'>91 -No. 204: Currency bill No. 335: Banking and currency bill No. 573: Federal Trade Commission bill No. 582: River and harbor bill Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7 Vol. S Vol. 9 Vol. 10 Vol. 11 Vol. 12 Vol. 13 Vol. 14 Vol. 15 Vol. 10 Vol. 17 Vol. 18 Vol. 19 Vol. 20 Vol. 21 Vol. 22 Vol. 23 Vol. 24 Vol. 25 No. 584: Federal antitrust bill. No. 590: Alaska coal land bill. . No. 597: War revenue bill 6692 1 No. 655 blank. 6600 948 CATALOGUE OF LIBKARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 63d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Contimied. Senate documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 26.— Nos. 253, 254, 257-260, 2(12, 307, 311, 312, 328, 330-3.34, 3.i8-3(i0, 3(11,' 3C.I1, 367, 371-373, 377, 380, 402, 403, 417, 418, 420-42;<, 432-435, 4:18-44(1, 44(1, 44i>-452: Docnnienls of a piibliL- nature. I fi.'»jt;5 Vol. 27.— Nos. 450-458, 462-464, 467-471, 473, 475-477, 481-484, 486-489, 491-493, 495-498, 505: Doeument.s of a public nature. II 6i>94 Vol. 28.— Nos. 522, 523, 525, 528, .5.30-5:^2, 536-542, 544, 545, 549, 552-560: Doeiiments of a public nature. Ill 65»5 Vol. 29.— Nos. .561-567, 509-572, 576-.580, 583, 585-589, 592, 595, .596, 599-602, 601-607, 609-612, 6U-620: Documents of a public nature. IV 6596 Vol. 30 -Nos. 248-251, 255, 256, 263, 26.5-306, 308-310. 313-327, 329, 338-357, 362-365, 368-370, 374- 376, 382-398, 400, 401, 404-416, 424-431, VM, 441-145, 447, 448, 453-4,55, 459, 460, 172, 478- 4,80, 49,0, 499-504, .506-.521, .)26, 527, 529, .533, 534,' .546-.548, 550, ,551, 574, 575, 581, 591, 593, 594, 598, 603: Private claims and other minor documents 6697 House documents. Vol. 1 .—No. 1129: ^oreign relations, 1913 "- 6598 Vol. 2.— No. 358: Treasury Department report, 1913 6599 Vol. 3.— No. 396: Receipts and disbursements, 1913 No. 398: Estimates of appropriations, 1915 No. .595: Deficiency estimates, 1914, and for prior years No. 1043: Deficiency estimates, 1914 and 1915, and for prior years Vol. 4.— No. 452: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Oct. 31, 1913 6601 Vol. 5.— No. 513: Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1913 68(12 Vol. 6.— No. 726: Annual report of Director of the Mint, 1913, and report on precious metals, calendar year 1912 6603 Vol. 7.— No. 392: Public Health Service report, 1913 6604 Vol. 8.— Nos. 401, 886, 8.87: Hygienic Laboratory inilletins 90-92 6605 Vol. 9.— No. 888: ."^ame, 93 6606 Vol. 10.— Nos. 1060, 1001: Same, 94, 95 6607 Vol. 11.— No. 428; War Department reports, 1913, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staft', etc 6608 Vol. 12.— No. 428: Same, vol. 2. Engineers 6609 Vol. 13. — No. 428: Same, vol. 3. Di'.ision and department commanders, etc 6610 Vol. 14. — No. 428: Same, vol. 4. Insular Affairs Bureau, Philippine Commission, etc 6611 Vol. 15.— No. 624: Army register, 1914 6612 Vol.16.— No. 656: Laws of the Philippines, Oct. 16, 1912- Teb. 11,1913 6613 Vol. 17.— No. 402: Engineer Department report and appendi.xes, 1913, pt. 1 6614 Vol. 18.— No. 402: Same, pt . 2 661 5 Vol. 19.— No. 402: Same, pt. 3 6616 Vol. 20.— No. 740: Index to reports of Engineer Department, 1866-1912' 6617 Vol. 21.— No. 841: Separation of Red and Atchafalaya rivers from Mississippi River 6618 Vol. 22.— Nos. 350-352, 514, 515, 517, 518, 581, 584, 601-606, 610, 612, 613, 627-630, 649, 650, 657-661: Examinations of rivers and harbors. I 6619 Vol. 23.— Nos. 667, 668, 680, 688, 699, 701, 702, 706, 707, 762, 795-797, 80O-.S04, 808, 810, 815-818, 820, 826, 834, 835, 844-846, 860, .S63, 864: Examinations of rivers and harbors. II 6620 Vol. 24.— Nos. 805, 868, 870, 871, 873, 878, 879, 8.S2, 883, 890, 891, 893, 896-898, 900, 901 , 911, 913, 918, 920, 931, 935, 963: Examinations of rivers and harbors. Ill 6621 Vol. 25.— Nos. 964, 969, 983, 984, 990-992, 1001, 1022, 1023, 1029, 1108, 1109, 1111,1112, 1119, 1120, 1125, 1130, 1140-1146, 11.59, 1160, 1171, 1176, 1178, llsO: Examinations of rivers and harbors. IV 6622 Vol. 26.— No. 674: Abstract of proposals for materials and la))or for Engineer ! epartment, 1913 . . 6623 Vol. 27.— No. 857: Experimental towboats 6624 Vol. 28.— No. 426: Isthmian Canal Commission report, 1913 6625 Vol. 29.— No. 426: Same, maps and diagrams 6626 Vol. 30.— No. 404: Tests of metals, 1913 6627 Vol. 31.— No. 460: Justice Department report, 1913 6628 Vol. 32.— No. 712: Post Office Department reports, 1913 6629 Vol.33.— No. 681: Navy Department reports, 1913 6630 Vol. 34.— No. 665: Navy register, 1914 6631 Vol. 35.— No. 711: Naval Observatory publications, series 2, vol. 8 6632 Vol. 36.— No. 1009: Interior Department reports, 1913, vol. 1. Secretary and bureau officers, etc. 6633 Vol. 37.— No. 1009: Same, vol. 2. Indian affaus and Territories 6634 Vol. 38.— No. 937: Education Bureau report, 1913, vol. 1 6635 ' No. 535 blank. 2 Not yet issued. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 949 63(1 CONGRESS, 2cl SESSION-Contimied. House (tocumen/j— Continued. Vol. 39.— No. fl37: Same. vol. 2 Vol. 40.— No. 306: < ieoloKieal Survey bulletin 5-40 Vol. 41 .—No. 307: Same, 541 Vol. 42.— No. 308: Same, 542 Vol. 43.— Nos. 30^311: Same, .543-545 Vol. 44.— Nos. 312-310: Same, .546-550 Vol. 45.— Nos. 317, 31S: Same, 551, .552 Vol. 46.— Nos. 319-323: Same, 553-557 Vol. 47.— Nos. 324-326, 766-769: Same, 558-564 Vol. 48.— Nos. 770-773: Same, 565, 56(), .567, .568 Vol. 49.— Nos. 774-778: Same, .569, 570, 571, 572, 573 \'ol . .50.— Nos. 779-781 : Same, 574-576 Vol. 51.— Nos. 782-784: Same, 577-579 Vol. 52.— No. 78.5: Same, 580 Vol. 53.— No. 786: Same, 581 Vol. .54.— Nos. 787-789: Same, .582-.584 Vol.55.— Nos. 790, 1062: Same, 585, 586 Vol. .56.— No. 1063: Same, 5S7 Vol. 57.— Nos. 1064-1066: Same, ,5,sS-500 Vol. 58.-NO. 1067: Same, 591 Vol. 59.— No. 1068: Same, .502 Vol. 60.— Nos. 1069, 1070: Same, 533, .594 '...... Vol. 61 .—Nos. 1071-1073: Same, .5X5, 596, .597 Vol. 62.— Nos. 1074, 1153, 1154: Same, .598, 599, 600 Vol. 63. — No. 1099: Geological Survey monographs, vol. .53 Vol. 64.— No. 1100: Same, vol. 54 Vol. 65. — Nos. .585, .581): Geological Survey professional papers 81, 82 V^ol. 66.— No. .587: Same, 8'! Vol. 07.— Nos. .588, .589: Same, 81, 85 '...... Vol. 68.— Nos. .590 , 1101 : Same, 86, 87 V^ol. 69.— No. 471: Mineral resources, calendar year 1912, pt. 1 • Vol. 70.— No. 471: Same, pt. 2 Vol. 71.— Nos. 408-ilO: Water-supply papers 321-:}23 Vol. 72.— Nos. 411-413: Same, 324-326 : Vol. 73.— Nos. 414-ao: Same, :!27-329 .'-■... Vol. 74.— Nos. 417, 4 18: Same, 3;i0, 331 Vol. 75.— No. 419: Same, 332 Vol. 76.— Nos. 420, 421, 472: Same, 3:53-335 Vol. 77.— Nos. 473, 471: Same, 33ti, ;H7 Vol. 78.— Nos. 921,922: Same, :«8, 339 Vol. 79.— No. 923: Same, 340 - - Vol. 80.— No. 921: Same, 311 Vol. 81.— Nos. 943, 944: Same, 342, 343 Vol. 82.- No. 945: Same, 344 \'ol. 83.— No. 946: Same, 345 • • -. • • - - ; Vol. 81.- Nos. 917,918: Same, 316, 317 • Vol. 85.— Nos. 949-951: Same, 3 18-:{.50 Vol. 86.— Nos. 9.52-951: Same, :!51, :{52, 3.53 Vol. 87.— Nos. 9.5.5-9.57: Same, 351, 3.55, :<.56 Vol. 88.- Nos. 9.58, 9.59, 1077: Same, 357, :5.58, :}.59 Vol. 89.— Nos. 1078, 1079: Same, 360, 361 Vol. 90.- No. 1080: Same, 362 Vol. 91.— Nos. 1081-108 i: Same, 3):i-3(» Vol. 92.— Nos. 1084-1087: Same, 36ii, 367, 368, 369 Vol. 93.— No. 1088: ' Same, 370 Vol. 91.— No. 69,5: Pate-it Offl;e re,))rl, 1913 Vol. 95.— No. 836: Patent decisions, 1913 Vol.9'3.— No. 297: ReclamUijii Service, 12th report, 1913 Vol. 97.— No. 653: Agriculture Department reports, 1913 Vol. 98.— No. 989: Agriculture Department yearbook, 1913 Vol. 93.— No. :585: Stateraanl of expenditures of Department of Agnoultur*. 1913, Serl al DO. 6«13C «•>«:{; 66:tM 6fi{9 6«t0 6611 66I-.' 66»:! 6611 6615 6646 6«»7 66tS 6«49 r>(;5(» 66.5 1 665-2 66.V1 665 i «fi.55 6656 6657 6658 *>659 66641 6661 666> 666.-t MM 6665 6666 6667 666S 6669 6670 6671 667-2 667:; A674 6675 •m;76 6677 667S 6679 66.S0 6ftSt 66S-.' fl6.S.t 66M 6685 6686 6687 6688 6ftS9 6690 6691 669-2 669S 6694 <'>69:> «696 ' Nos. 108&-1098 blank. 950 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SLNATE. 63d CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. ■No. 1126: Experiment Stations Office report, 1913 6697 -No. 1127: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 15tli report, 1913 6698 -No. 1127: Same, maps 669i) -No. 895: Weather Bureau report, 19i:3 6700 -No. 812: Commerce Department reports, 1913 6701 -No. 400: Coast and Geoderlc Survey report, 1913 6702 -No. 885: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 33, 1913 6703 -No. 912: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1913 ; 6704 -No. 305, pts. 1-6: Monthly summary of commerce and flnance, July-Dec. 1913 6705 -No. 305. pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1914 6706 -No. 996: statistical abstract of United States, 1913 6707 •No. 713: Navigation Bureau, Commerce Dept., report, 1913 6708 -No. 425: 45th annual list of merchant vessels, 1913 6709 •No. 917: Labor Department reports, 1913 67 10. ■No. 301: Labor Statistics Bureau bulletin 126; Workmen's insurance and compensa- tion series 5 6711 ■No. 1135: Same, 155; Worlcmen's insurance and compensation series 6 67 1'2 ■Nos. 302, 764: Same, 127, 141; Industrial accidents and hygiene series 3,4 6713 ■Nos. 303,301,406, 423: Same, 128, 129, 131, 134; Wages and hours oi labor series 1-4.. .. 67U •Nos. 424,728, 906,939: Same, 135, 137, 143, 146; Wages and hours of labor scries 5-8. ... 6715 ■Nos. 940, 1052: Same, 147, 150; Wages and hours of labor series 9, 10 6716 •No. 1053: Same, 151; Wages and hours of labor series 11 6717 •Nos. 1055, 1056: Same, 1.53, 154; Wages and hours of labor series 12, 13 6718 ■Nos. 405, 407, 427: Same, 130, 132, 136; Retail prices and cost of living series 9-11 6719 •Nos. 729, 742: Same, 138, 140; Ketail prices ami cost of living serif s 12, 13 6720 •Nos. 422, 741, 907, 908: Same, i:i:{, i;w, 144, 145; Conciliation and arbitration series2-5. 6721 •No. 905: Same, 142; Foreign labor laws series 1 6722 ■No. 941: Same, 148; Labor laws ol United States series 3, pt. 1 6723 ■No. 941: Same, 148; Labor laws of I 'nited States series 3, pt. 2 6724 ■No. 1054: Same, 152; Lal)or laws of United States series 4 6725 ■No. 1051 : Same, 149; W^liolesale orices series 2 6726 ■No. 995: Civil Service Commission, 30th report, 1913 6727 ■No. 403: District of Columbia report, 1913, vol. 1. ( Ommissioners and miscellaneous. 6728 ■No. 403: Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department 6729 ■No. 403: Same, vol. :i. IleaU.h Department 6730 ■No. 403: Same, vol. 4. Education Board 6731 ■No. 403: Same, vol. 5. Insurance Department, calendar year 1912 6732 •No. 1110: Report ol Public Utilities Commission ol District of Columbia, 1913 6733 •No. 461: Report ol Commission of Fine Arts, 1913 6734 -No. 503: Interstate Commerce Commission, 27th report, Dec. 15, 1913 6735 •No. 399: Report of I,ibrarian of Congress and report of Superintendent of Lilmiry Building and Grounds, 1913 6736 140.— No. 459: National Soldiers' Home report, 1913 , No. 502: National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, Sept. 8-Nov. 29, 1913 / ®'*^' No. 300, pts. 1-6: Pan American Union bulletin, July-Dec. 1913, vol. 37 6738 No. 300, pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1914, vol. 38 6739 No. 899, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1913 6740 No. 899, pt. 2: Same. National Museum 6741 No. 1128: Ethnology Bureau, 32d report, 1911 i 6742 No. 429: Ethnology Bureau bulletin 57 ' 6743 No. 1114: Same, 58 6744 No. 933: American Historical Association report, 1912 6745 No. 1004: Vocational Education Commission report and hearings. 2 vols 6746 No. 936: Public Buildings Commission report 6747 No. 960: Memorial addresses on Irvin S. Pepper i No. 1147: Memorial addresses on Seaborn A. Roddenbery i 6748 No. 1177: Memorial addresses on Timothy D. Sullivan J No. 974: House manual 6749 No. 357: Report of clerk of House of Representatives 6750 No. 805: Report of Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries on steamship agree- ments 6751 No. 1181: Journal of 4Sth national encampment of (irand Army of the Repul)lic, 1914. . 6752 ■No. 1151: International Peace Conferences, 1st and 2(1, 1899 and 1907 6758 • No. 1175 withdrawn. See No .1179. Vo: Vol 100. Vol 101. Vol 102. Vol .103. Vol 101. Vol 105. Vol 106. Vol 107. Vol 108. Vol 109. Vol 110. Vol 111. Vol 112. Vol 113. Vol 114. Vol 115. Vol 116. Vol 117. Vol 118. Vol 119. Vol 120. Vol 121. Vol 122. Vol 123. Vol 124. Vol 125. Vol 126. Vol 127. Vol 128. Vol 129. Vol 130. Vol 131. Vol 132. Vol 133. Vol 134. Vol 135. Vol 136. Vol 137. Vol .138. Vol 139. Vol 141 Vol 142 Vol 143 Vol 144 Vol 145 Vol 146 Vol 147 Vol 148 Vol 149 Vol 150 Vol 151 Vol 152 Vol 153 Vol 154 Vol 155 Vol 156 CATALOGUE OF I.IBKAKV OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 951 63(1 CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Coiiliuuod. House documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. I.57.-N0S. 298, 339, 341, 359-361, 384, 390, .391, 453, 4r,2, 463, Ifi",, 4SO-4SJ, 499, .".04, 505, 510, .559, 577,578,625,651,652,079,689,703,710,754,755,758: Doeumpntsofapuhliciwture. I. c;.-,4 Vol. loS.-Nos. 791, 813, 823, 8.33, 840, 852, 87(5, 892, 894, 910, 914, 916. 919, 927-929, 971-973, 978, 997- 999, lOOS, 1028, 1030, 1033, 1122, 1124, 11.32, 11.34, 113.;, 1137, 114s, 1155. 1157, 115s,'ll62, 1172,1173.1179: Documenfs of a piililic nature. II 87.-,5 Vol. 159.— NoS. 292-296, 299, 327-338, 340,342-349, 3.53-:356, .362-38-3, 380-389, 393-395, 397, 4.30-451, 454: Private claims and other iniTior (lucuinents. 1 6756 Vol. 160.— Nos. 455-458, 464-466, 468-470, 4^5-479, 483-498, 500, 501, 506-512, 519-55K, 560-576, 579, 580, 582, 583, 591-.594, .596-600, (i07-609, 611, 614-623, 626. (J31-648, 654, 655, 662-604, 666, 669-673, 6V.5-678, 682-687, 690-695,697,698, 7(X), 704, ',05, 708, 709, 714-725, 727, 730- 732: Private claims and other minor documents. II «;.-,; Vol. 161.— No.s. 73:}-7:59, 74:3-753, 756, 757, 759-761, 7tj3, 765, 792-794, 798, 799, 806, 807, 809, 811, SH, 819, 821, 822, 824, 825, 827-8.32, 837-8:39, 842, 84:3, 847-8.51. 8.5:3-8;-)6, 858, 8.59, ,861, 862, 866, 867, 869, 872, 874, 875, 8", 8,80, 881, 884, 889, 902-904, 909, 912, 915, 925, 926, 9:30, 9:t2, 934, 938, 961, 962, 965-968, 970, 975-977, 979-982, 98.5-9KS, 993, 994, 1000, 1002. KXM, 1005-1007, 1010-1021, 1024-1027, 1031, 1032. 10:34-1042, 1044-10.50, Iai7-I059, 1075, 107i;, 1102-1107, 1113, ]ll.-)-lllS. 1121, 1123, 1131, 1133, 113,S, 11:19, 1149, 11.50, 1152, 1156, 1161, 1 16:1-1170, 1174:' Private claims and other minor documents. Ill 6758 Vol. 162.— No. 1182: Document index, no. 21, 63d ('ongress, 2d session 6759 63d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION Dec. 7, 1914r-Mar. 4, 1916 Senate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 831-841, 844, 846-854, 856, 857. 870, 874, 879, 882, 889, 890, 896-902, 904, 908-913, 917- 920, 922-926, 928, 929, 9:33, 93(i-940, 942. 944-9.57, 9.59-9(i:3, 96.5-968, 972-974, 977, 978, 980- 987,989,991,992,994,995, 997-lt)00, 1(HI2 1007, KXW, 1012-101.5, 1017-1028, 1032-1035. 1039- 1045, 1047-10.57, 1061-1064. 1068, 1069, 1072: Miscellaneous ■ 6762 Vol. 2.— No. 9.58: Appropriations for rivers and harbors, 1916 61Ki V^ol. A. — Nos. 842-932 (with e.xcepi ions): Heports on private bills, etc. 1 6<&4 Vol. B. — Nos. 934-1071 (with exceptions): Reports on j^rivate hills, etc. II 6765 The lettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on private hills and joint resolutions and on simple re.solulions. I'nder the provisions of the act of .lanuary 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are hound in two volumes, lettered A and B. These volumes can not be furnished to depository Jibraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, arid the library of the Ofhce of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1 and 2, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. ' House reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1204, 1207-1219, 1221-1225, 1227, 1228, 12:30, 12;i7, 12:59. 1241, 124;3-1247, 1249-12.-i2, 12.5.5- 1260, 1264, 1265, 1267-1275, 1277, 1278, 12K0-12.S2, 12S4, 12,St;-1290, 1292, 1299, IMt), l,3(r2- 1306, 1308-1314, 1319, 1.320, 1.32:3, 1324, 1.326, 1:330-11332, 1:336, 13.38, 1:340. 1341. 1344-1347. 1362-1369, 1371, 1372, 1374-1380, 1:39:3-1:396, 1:399-1404. 1406, 1409, 1411 1424, 1428-14,36, 14:i,S-1441, 1443, 1444, 1446, 145(v-14()7, 1469-1475, 1484, 148(^-1489, 1491, 1496, 1499, \MK 1503, 1,504, 1509-1511, 1513: Miscellaneous fiVBfl Vol. A.— Nos. 120,5-1318 (with exceptions!: Repoits on private bills, etc. 1 fi7fi7 Vol. B.— Nos. 1321-1512 (with exceptions): Keporls on private bills, etc. II fi76S The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills and on simple and con- current resolutions. Under tlie provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. Tliese private reports are bound in two »olumes, lettered A and 13. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will he kept In the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and tie library of the oihce of the Superintendent of Documents. Volume 1, which will be furnished ivs usual, contains all the House reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during tho .session. • No. 1175 withdrawn. See no. 1179. 2 Serial no. 6760 is assigned to the Senate Journal and 6761 to tho House Journal, 6.3d i ongrass. :} 1 .session. 952 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SKNATE. Vol. 1. Vol. 2. Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5. Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Vol. 17.— Vol. 1. Vol. 2.- Vol. 3. Vol. 4. Vol. 5 Vol. 6. Vol. 7. Vol. 8. Vol. 9. Vol. 10. Vol. 11. Vol. 12. Vol. 13. Vol. 14. Vol. 15. Vol. 16. Vol. 17. Vol. 18. Vol. 19. Vol. 20. Vol. 21. Vol. 22. Vol. 23. Vol. 24. Vol. 25. Vol. 26. Vol. 27. Vol. 28. Vol. 29. Vol. 30. Vol. 31. Vol. 32. 63d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION— Continued. Senate documents. Sei-iiil no. No. 622: Report of Government Printinp; OfTice, 1914 6769 No. 627: Report of Secretary of Senate, .July 1 , 1913-.Tune 30, 1914 6770 No. 637: Navy yearbook, 1S83-1914 6771 ■No. 677: Indians of North Carolina, report on condition and tribal rights of Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties of North Carolina 6772 No. 93S: Senate manual 6773 •No. 980: Fur seals and otlier life of Pribilof Islands, AlasVra, in 1914 6774 ■No. 981: Conduct of Excise Board of District of C olumbia, report of special committee of Senate pursuant to S. R. 522 6775 •No. 986: Proceedings of 20th meeting of Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, June 25-July 1, 1914 6776 ■No. 988: 17th report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11, 1913-Oct. 11, 1914 6777 •No. 990: Statue of George Washington Glick 6778 •No. 991: Memorial addresses on Joseph F. Johnston ^ No. 992: Memorial addresses on Augustus O . Bacon ( " •No. 993: Appropriations, new ofTices, etc 67hO ■No. 994: Memoirs of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 12, pt. 2, 2d and 3d memoirs. 6781 -No. 995: Same, vol. 13 6782 -Nos. 623, 640, 641, 659-662, 673, 711-718, 796: Documents of a public nature. 1 6783 -Nos. 797-801, 941, 944, 949, 950, 952-957, 964-966, 968, 982-985, 987, 989: Documents of a public nature. II 67S4 Nos. 624-626, 628-636, 638, 639, 642-658, 663-672, 674-676, 678-710, 719-795, 802-937, 939, 940, 942, 943, 945-948,951,9.58-963,967,969-979: Private claims and other minor docu- ments 6785 House documents -No. 1721: Foreign relations, 1914 6786 —No. 1521: Treasury Department report, 1914 6787 —No. 1325: Receipts and disbursements, 1914 i I fi7Sft No. 1575: Deficiency estimates, 1915, and for prior years / —No. 1394: Estimates of appropriations, 1916 6789 —No. 1467: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Dec. 7, 1914, vol. 1 6790 —No. 1467: Same, vol. 2 6791 —No. 1:195: Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1914 6792 —No. 1397: .\nnual report of Director of the Mint, 1914, and report on precious metals, calendar year 1913 6793 —No. 1393: Public Health Service report, 1914 6794 —Nos. 1398, 1404: Hygienic Laboratory bulletins 96, 97 6795 —No. 1405: Same, 98 6796 —Nos. 1406, 1407, 1705: Same, 99-101 6797 —No. 1409: War Department reports, 1914, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staff, etc 6798 —No. 1409: Same, vol. 2. Engineers 6799 —No. 1409: Same, vol. 3. Bureau of Insular Affairs and governor of Porto Rico 6800 —No. 1618: Army register, 1915 6801 —No. 1408: Engineer Department report and appendixes, 1914, pt. 1 6802 —No. 1408; Same, pt. 2 6803 —No. 1408: Same, pt. 3 6804 — No. 1491; Preliminary examinations, surveys, projects, and appropriations for improve- ment of rivers and harbors 6805 —Nos. 1328, 1341, 1369, 1419, 1451-1460, 1464, 1469, 1478, l.WS, 1609, 1511, 1512, 1587, 1588, 1592, 1593, 1607, 1666-1668: Examinations of rivers and harbors 6806 — No. 1403: Report of Isthmian Canal Commission and Panama Canal, 1914 6807 — No. 1403: Same, maps and diagrams 6808 —No. 1399: Tests of metals, 1014 6809 —No. 1390; Justice Department report, 1914 6810 —No. 1387: Post Office Department reports, 1914 6811 —No. 1484; Navy Department reports, 1914 6812 —No. 1514: Navy register, 1915 6813 —No. 1475: Interior Department reports, 1914, vol. 1. Secretary and bureau officers, eto. 6814 —No. 1475: Same, vol. 2. Indian affairs and Territories. 6815 —No. 1698: Education Bureau report, 1914, vol. 1 6816 —No. 1698: Same, vol. 2 68) 7 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE 953 63d CONGRESS, 3(1 SESSION— rontimied. Horise documents— Continued. Serial no. Vol. 33. — Nos. 1683-1G8.5: Goological Survey bulletins 601-603 6818 Vol. 34.— Nos. UW5-16SS: Same, 6J4, 605,i 606 ' 6S19 Vol. 35.— Nos. 16S9-1692: Same, 607,' 608, 609. 610 > 68-20 Vol. 36.— No. 1693: Same, 611 6821 Vol. 37.— No. 1694: Same. 612 6vS22 Vol. 38.— No. 1695: Same, 613 6823 Vol. 39.— No. 1696: Same , 614 6824 Vol. 40.— No. 1699: Same, 615 6825 Vol. 41.— No. 1700: Same, 616 1 6826 Vol. 42.— No. 1715: Same, 617 6827 Vol. 43. — No 1540: Gealogi'>al Survey professional paper 88 6828 Vol. 44.— No. 1674: Same, 89 ' 682» Vol. 45.— No. 1675: Same, 90 68:50 Vol. 46.— I-Io. 1719: Same, 91 1 6831 Vol. 47.— No. 1388: Mineral resources, calendar year 1913, pt. 1 6832 Vol. 48.— No. 1388: Same, pt. 2 683S Vol. 49.— No. 1609: Patent Office report, 1914 6834 Vol. 50.— No. 1673: Patent decisions, 1914 6835 Vol.51.— No. 1255: Reclamation Service, 13th report, 1914 6836 Vol. 52. — No. 1437: Agriculture Department reports, 1914 6837 Vol. 53.— No. 1682: Agriculture Department yearbook, 1914 6838 Vol. 54.— No. 1256: Statement of expenditures of Department of Agriculture, 1914 6839 Vol. 55.— No. 1704: Report on work and expenditures of experiment stations, 1914' 6840 Vol. 56.— No. 1717: Field operations of Hureau of Soils, lUth report, 1914' 6841 Vol. 57.— No. 1717: Same, maps ' 6842 Vol. 58.— No. 1554: Weather Bureau report , 1914 6843 Vol. 59.— No. 1505: Commerce Department reports, 1914 6844 Vol. 60.— No. 1391: Coast and Geodetic Stirvey report, 1914 6845 Vol. 61.— No. 1716: Fisheries Hureau bulletin, vol. 34, 1914i 6846 Vol. 62. — No. 1670: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1914 6847 Vol. 63.— No. 1401, pts. 1-6: Monthly summary of foreign commerce, July-Dec, 1914 6848 Vol. 64.— No. 1401, pts. 7-12: Same, .Tan.-.Tune, 1915 6849 Vol. 65.— No. 1672: Statistical abstract of United States , 1914 68£0 Vol. 66.— No. 1396: Navigation Hureau, Commerce Dept ., report , 1914 6851 Vol. 67.— No. 1449: 46!h annual list of merchant vessels, 1914 6852 Vol. 68.— No. 1555: Labor Department reports, 1914 : 685S Vol. 69.— Nos. 1440, 1448, 1712: Labor Statistics Bureau bulletins l.">7, 165, 179; Industrial acci- dents and hygiene series 5-7 6854 Vol. 70. — No. 1441: Same, 15S; Miscellaneous series 5 6855 Vol. 71.— Nos. 1442, 1445: Same, 1.59, 162;' Miscellaneous series 6, 7 6866 Vol. 72.— No. 1676: Same, 167; Miscellaneous series 8 6857 Vol. 73.— Nos. 1679, 1681, 1707: Same, 170, 172, 174; Miscellaneous series 9-11 6858 Vol. 74.— No. 1.539: Same, 166; Labor laws of United States series 5 6859 Vol. 75.— No. 1678: Same, 169: Labor laws of United States series 6 ....:.'.: 6860 Vol. 76.— Nos. 1439, 1447: Same, 1-56, 164; Retail prices and cost of living series 14; 15 6861 Vol. 77.— Nos. 1441, 1446, 1677: Same, 161, 163, 168; Wages and hours of labor series 14-16 6862 VoL 78.— Nos. 1680, 1710, 1711: Same, 171, 177, 178; Wages and hours of labor series 17.-19 6868 Vol. 79.— No. 1706: Same, 173: Wholesale prices series 3 6864 Vol. 80.— Nos-. 1443, 1708. 1709: Same, 160, 175,i 176; Women in industry series 4-6 6Sfi5 Vol. 81.— No. 1258: Civil Service Commission, 31st report, 191-! 6866 Vol. 82.— No. 1392: District of Columbia report, 1914, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous.. 6867 Vol. 83.— No. 1392: Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department 6868 Vol. 84.— No. 1392: Same, vol. 3. Health Department 6S69 No. 1392: Same, vol. 4. Education Board. (Will not be printed.] Vol. 85.— No. 1392: Same, vol. 5. Insurance Department, calendar year 1913 6870 Vol. 86.— No. 1701: Report of Public Utilities Commission of District of Columbia, 1914 6871 Vol. 87.— No. 1523: Report of rederal Reserve Board, Dec. 31 , 1PM 6872 Vol. 88.— No. 1389: Interstate Commerce Commission, 28th report, Dec. 1, 1914. 2 i)ts. in 1 6873 Vol.89.— No. 1402: Report of Librarian of Congress and report of Superintendent of Library Building and Orounds, 1914 OS74 VoL 90.— No. 1354: National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, Aug. 2.5-Nov. 28, 1914 ^ No. 1363: National Soldiers' Home report, 1914 I Vol. 91.— No. 1400, pts. 1-6: Pan Americm Union bulletin, July-Dec, 1914, vol. 39 6876 VoL 92.— No. 1400, pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1915, vol. 40 ; 6877 Vol. 93.— No. 1462, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1914 6878 954 CATALOGUE OP LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 63d CONGRESS, 3d SESSION^Continued. House documents — Continued. Ser Vol. 91 Vol. 95 Vol. 96 Vol. 97 Vol. 9S Vol. 99 Vol. 100 Vol. 101 Vol. 102 Vol. 103 Vol. 104 Vol. 105 Vol. 106 Vol. 107. Vol. 108. Vol. 109. -No. 1 162, pt. 2: Same. National Museum -No. 1720: Ethnology IJureau, .^3d report, 1912 -No. 1718: Et'inoloRy Bureau bulletin 59 •>,. .., j -No. 1697: American Historical Association report, 1913, vol. 1 -No. 1697: Same, vol. 2 -No. 1510: Federal aid to good roads, report of Joint Committee on Federal Aid in Con- struction of Post Roads -No. 1261: Memorial addresses on George Konig ' No. 1429: Memorial addresses on Robert C,. Bremner No. 1438: Memorial addresses on Lewis .T. Martin No. 1671: Memorial addresses on Forrest Goodwin No. 1702: Memorial addresses on William Richardson No. 1703: Memorial addresses on William II . Wilder No. 1713: Memorial addresses on Sereno E. Payne No. 1714: Memorial addresses on Fdwin A. Merritt, jr -No. 1556: House manual -No. 1204: Report of clerk of House of Representatives -Nos. 1184, 1199, 1214, 1215, 1217, 1236, 1250, 1253, 12.57, 1271-1274, 1331, 1334, 1340, 11342, 1350, 1418, 1423, 1427, 1435, 143G, 1405, 1472, 1476, 1482, 1488, 1492: Documents of a public nature. I -Nos. 1519, 1526, 1527, 1541, 1549, 1574, 1590, 1620, 1626-1630, 1661, 1663-1()65, 1669: Docu- ments of a public nature. II -Nos. 1183, 1185^1198, 1200-1203, 1205-1213, 1216, 1218-1235, 1237-1249, 1251, 1252, 1254, 1259, 1260, 1262-1264: Private claims and other minor documents. I -Nos. 1265-1270, 1275-1324, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1330, 1332, 1333, 1335-1339, 1343-1349, 1351- 1353, 135.5-1362, 1364-1368, 1370-1386, 1410-1417, 1420-1422, 1424-1426, 1428, 1430-1434: Private claims and other minor documents. II -Nos. 1450, 1401, 146:3, 1466, 14(;S, 1470, 1471, 1473, 1474, 1477, 1479-1481, 1483, 1485-1487, 1489, 1490, 149.3-1.504, 1506, 1.507, 1513, 1515-1518, 1.520, 1522, 1524, 1525, 1528-1538, 1542- 1548, 1550-1553, 1557-1573, 1.576-1586, 1589, 1591, 1594-1606, 1608, 1610-1617, 1619, 1621- 1625, 1631-1660, 1662: Private claims and other minor documents. Ill -No. 1722: Document index, no. 22, 63d Congress, 3d session -No. 1723: Document catalogue, no. 12, 63(1 ial no. 6879 6880 6881 6S82 6883 6884 6S85 6886 6887 688S 6889 6890 6891 6892 689a 6891 64th CONGRESS, Ist SESSION. Dec. 6, 1916-Sept. 8, 1917. Senate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1-7, 9-1.5, 17-23, 26-2'J, 32-42, 44, 45, 51-58, 60-66, 73-75, 79-82, 86-90, 92-97, 100-104, 106-110, 11:3-117, 12!), 123, 126, 127, 130, 132-135, 139, 140, 143, 144, 117-151, 153-156, 160-162, 16.5-16S, 173-179, 1.83-186, 188, 191-199, 201-204, 206, 208-216, 218, 219, 222, 223, 230-235, 237, 210, 242-250, 252, 253, 255, 258-266, 279-282, 284, 285: Miscellaneous. I... i 6897 Vu]. 2.— Nos. 286-289, 292, 2i)5, 296, 3O1-.303, 306, 307, 312, 313, 315-322, 324, 325, 328-337, 339, 341- 352, 355, 356, 358, 359, 363, 370, 377, 378, 382, 385, 387, 388, 394, 398-402, 405, 406, 408, 410-413, 416-420, 422, 124-431, 434-438: Miscellaneous. II 6898 Vol. 3.— Nos. 440-445, 449, 450, 452-462, 473-476, 479-489, 491, 493-498, 500, 501, 503, 506-515, 518-520, 523, 52^5-533, 53.5-539, 541, 513, 545, 547, 5-50-558, 564-573, 575, 578-583, 586-589, 591-594, 599, 642-651, 656, 658-660, 662, 666, 669-674, 689-692, 702, 706, 709-714, 723, 728, 729, 733- 735, 737, 738, 741-761, 763-769, 771-775, 777-788, 790-794, 796-802, 804-817, 819-821, 823, 824, 826-828, S3.5, 817, 8,54, 8.58, 859, 86.5, 870, 871: Miscellaneous. Ill 6899 Vol. A.— Nos. 8-300 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 6900 Vol. B. — Nos. 304-517 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 6!(0T Vol. C. — Nos. 521-869 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. Ill 6902 The lettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not he printed. These private reports are bound in three volumes, lettered from A to C. These volumes can not be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-3, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. 1 Serial no. 6895 is assigned to the Senate Journal and 6896 to the House Journal, 64th Congress, 1st session. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 955 64:tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. House reports. Serial no. Vol. L— Nos. 4, 5, 7-9, 12-27, 32-48, .54-57, 5i»-67, 74, In, 77-»r,, 87-90, 94-96, 107, ll.-J, U.i, 120-123, 125-128, 130, 131, 1.54-1.'.6, 162, 166, 167, 169-18:}, 18.-., 196-200, 203-20,5, 209-211, 213, 214, 216-222, 224-227, 229, 241-213, 245, 251-2,54, 2.50-260, 262-267, 274, 283, 285, 287, 289-292, 295-300, ,305-307, 309, 310, 312-316: .Miscelhmeou.s. I GIMKJ Vol. 2.— Nos. 319, 320, 349-358, 360, 361, 364-366, 369-381, 394, 395, 404, 407, 418, 424-428, 430, 431, 442, 443, 447-449, 451, 454-470, 482, 489, 492, 493, 49,5-,5O0, ,502-,504, 511, 514-522, 524, .52.5, 533, .535, 537-539, 541, 543, 545-549, 551-554, 570-576, 578, 581-587, 589. 590, 598, 60()-6(M, 606, 608-611, 6i:3-61S, 622-6,30, 634, 6:37-644, 648, 6.50-6,59, 661, 663, 665, 675-681, 684, 685, 687-689, 695, 697-700, 712-716, 721-723: Miscellaneous. II ^^m^ Vol. 3.— Nos. 731-737, 739, 741-751, 7.53-7.55, 765, 767-769, 772, 773, 77.>-7s:i, 788, 794-796, 798, 799, 801-805, 810-814, 816, 819, 822-829, 836, 841-849, 851-8.56, 8.59-861, 867, 868, 882, 886, 8.S8, 890-893, 899, 903, 904, 907-912, 914-920, 922, 924, 925, 932, 934, 9:i6, 939,941, 943-945, 947- m), 952, 9.5:!, 962-966, 973, 975, 976, 979-981, 98.3-991, 99:j-996, 1002, 1001-1007, 102S, 1029, 1031-1033, 103.5-10.39, 1041, 1044-1046, 1049-10,51, 1I).'>6-10,5S, 1061 1067, 10t)9-1072, 1075, 1076, 1084, 1085, 108.S, 10S9, 1091, 1093, 1094, 109fi-1099, 1102, 1105-llO.s, 1116, 1118-11.J4, 1136, 11:37, 1141-114:3, 114,5, 1148, 1149, 11,55-11.58, 1167, 1169, 1171, 1172, 117.5-117.8, U81, 1182,1184,1188-1190,1195-1197,11199-1201: Miscellaneous. Ill 6iH)r> Vol. 4.— No. 284, 2 pts.: Revision of laws, common carriers and antitrust, report and propascil bill «»<»« Vol. A.— Nos. 1-325 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. I (;!M»; Vol. B. — Nos. 326-559 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II (;9<(S Vol. C— Nos. 560-808 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. Ill WMMt Vol. D.— Nos. 809-1194 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. IV 6!H(( The lettered volumes contain only the House reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions, t'nder the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in four volumes, k'ttereil from A to D. I'heso volumes can iiol be furnished to depository libraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the library of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1-4, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordenvl printed during the session. Srnatr docuvicnfs. Vol. 1.— No. 1: Report of Secretary of Senate, July 1, 1914-Juno .30, 1915 fi!H 1 Vol. 2.— No. 2: Report of Government Printinf; OfTice, 1915 fi912 Vol. 3.— No. 3: Navy Yearbook, 1.SS3-1916 2 fi»l:5 Vol. 4.— No. 21: I>aws of 3d l^hilippine Legislature, 3d session, with certain laws enacted by Philippine Commission 6914 Vol. 5. — No. 247: Fiscal relations between United States and District of Columbia, report of Joint Select Committee, with hearings, vol. 1 ^ i ,■ - - 6915 Vol. 6.— No. 247: Same, vol. 2 6»l« Vol. 7.— No. 268: Aeronautics, 1st annual report of National Advisory Committee for Aeronau- tics, Mar. 3-June :30, 1915 691 7 Vol. 8.— No. 316: Electric power /levelopment in United States, pt. 1 6918 Vol. 9.— No. 316: Same, pt. 2 ,l:......,........>........^.... 6919 Vol. 10.— No. 316: Same, pt . 3 OihIO Vol. 11.— No. 355: Index-digest of act of Oct. 15, 1914 (Clayton Act) and of act approved May 15, 1916 ( Kern amendment) «!>-2I Vol. 12.— No. 362: Central heating, lighting, and power plant <>!»-J-' Vol. 13.— No. 379: .Military policy of United Stales, 4th impression «!>•.•:{ Vol. 14.— No. 392: ISth report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct. 11, 19i4-Oct. 11, 1915 : «!►•-•« Vol. 15.— No. 404: Railway land grants in Iowa <>!»"-5 Vol. 16.— No. 409: Nomination of Louis I). Hraiideis, hearings, vol. 1 «!fJouisville & Nashville Railroad Co., hearings before Interstate Commerce Commission 6940 -No. 493: Railroad labor arbitrations 6941 -No. .500: Federal farm loan act 6942 -No. .529: Laws of 3d Philippine Legislature, 4th and special sessions, with certain laws enacted by Philippine Commission, vol. 1* 6943 -No. 529: Same, vol. 2* 6944 -No. .547: Public land statutes of United States 694rj -No. 549: Threatened strike of railway employees, hearing 6946 -No. 551: Fertilizer industry 6947 -No. .553: Appropriitions, new o!Tices, etc 6948 -No. 322: Water-power development bill, comparative print showing H. R. 408 as passed by House and as reported by Senate Committee on Public Lands, with S. 3331 as reparted by Committee on Commerce No. 444: Rural credits bill, comparative print showing S. 2986 as passed by Senate and as passed by House No. 531: To increase revenue, comparative print showing H. R. 16763 as reported to Senate, and present law Vol. 40.— No. 425: Statue of Henry Mower Rice \ No. 552: Statue of Zebulon Baird Vance* / Vol. 41 .— Nos. 4, 9-14, 17, 20, 26, 227-2.33, 237 243, 245, 246, 249 251, 254, 256, 260-264, 307-313, 319-321, 323, ;324: Documenlsof apiiljlicnal\ue. 1 6951 Vol. 42.— Nos. :532 .334, 340-;M4, .349- .3.54, 357, .360, 3'n, .363-386, 37S, 380 .382, 386 389, 391, 393 390, 403, 405, 407, 408, 410, 411, 413, 414, 416, 420 422, 424, 426 433, 437 443, 446, 447: Documents of a public nature. II 6952 V'ol. 43.— Nos. 448 460, 482, 465 472, 474, 477 480, 4S5, 488, 490 492, 494, 496-499,. 501, ,523.528, 530, .5132, rysi, ry.i',, r,40, 543-546, 548, 550: Documents of a public nature. Ill 6953 Vol. 44.— Nos. 5 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22 25, 27 225, 2:34-236, 244, 24S, 2.)2, 253, 2.55, 2.57 2.59,265 267,269- 306, 314, 31-5, 317, 318, 325 331, 335-;3:i9, ;345 348, 356, 3.58, :359, :367-377, 383 385, 390, 397- 402, 406, 417 419, 423, 434- 4.36, 445, 463, 464, 473, 475, 476, 481- 484, 486, 487, 489, 495, 502*- 521, 534, .536-539, 541, .542: Private claims and other minor documents 6954 House documents. Vol. 1.— No. 1364: Foreign relations, 191.5* 6955 Vol. 2.— No. 3.59: Treasury Department report, 1915 • 6956 Vol. 3. — No. 37: Receipts and disbursements, 1915 1 No. 1275: Deficiency estimates, 1917, 1916, and for prior years / Vol. 4. — No. 27: Estimates of appropriations, 1917 6958 Vol. 5.— No. 24: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Dec. 6, 1915, vol.1 6959 Vol. 6.— No. 24: Same, vol. 2 6960 Vol. 7.— No. 29: Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1915 6961 Vol. 8.^No. 36: Annual report of Director of the Mint, 191.5, and report on precious metals, calendar year 1914 6962 Vol. 9.— No. .32: Public Health Service report, 1915 6963 Vol. 10.— Nos. 619, 620: Hygienic Laboratory bulletins 102, 103 6964 Vol. 11.— No. 621 : Same, 104 6965 Vol.'12.— No. 622: Same, 105 6966 Vol. 13.— No. 92: War Department reports, 1915, vol. 1. Secretary, Chief of Staff, etc 6967 Vol. 14.— No. 92: Same, vol. 2. En,'i.iBrirs 6968 Vol. 15. — No. 92: Same, vol. 3. Biu?iM i>f Insular Affairs, goveniorof I'orto Rico, and Philippine Commission .^ 6969 Vol. 16.— No. 144: Army register, 1916 6970 Vol. 17. — No. 887: Aviation school and trainiug grounds for Signal Corps of Army 6971 Vol. 18.— No. 91: Engineer Department report and appendLxes, 1915, pt. 1 6972 6957 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. <)57 64th CONGRESS, Isl SESNION-Coutinued. House document*— Continued. Sorinl no. V'ol. lit.— No. 91: Same, pt. 2 ,;«;:{ Vol. 20.— No. !»I : Same, pt . 3 ' liji; | Vol. 21.— Nos. .54 61, .3fiJ, 370, 375 377, 390 393, 404 419, 428 429, 434 441, 4110, 4(51: K luminal ioii.s of rivers and harbors. I Cit;.-, Vol. 22.— Nos. 4fi2, 463, 470, 4S() 493, 497, 49S, -.OS, 524-537, 540, 554, 555, 557, 5.59, .500, 57K 5X1, 5SS .591: Examinations of rivers ari 1232, 1239, 1240, 1243, 1262, 1269, 1270, 1277, 127S, l2-i3, 12s4, 1286, 1292 1294, l:i03, 1.34.5, 13.5S: Examinations of rivers and harbors. V «tt7» Vol. 26.— No. 650: Abstract of proposals for material and labor for Engineer Department, 191.5. . r.H.Ml Vol. 27. — No. 23: Report of governor of Panama Canal, 1915 r.<»sl Vol. 28. — No. 23: Same, maps and diagrams (i!ts-j Vol. 29.— No. 908; Mcriintic-Marshall Construction Co t;;is:! Vol. 30.— No. 33: Justice Dejiartmeut report, 1915 IWM Vol. 31.— No. 358: Post Odice Department reports, 1915 «iis.5 Vol. 32. — No. 20: Navy Department reports, 1915 (;!>s« Vol. 33.— No. 38-4: Navy register, 1915 : (i»s; Vol. 34.— No. 1313: Naval Observatory publications, series 2, vol. 9, pt. 1* fiitss Vol. 35.— No. 1313: Same, pt. 2 fi9s;» Vol. 36.— No. 1313: Same, pt s. 3*, 4*, appendix* 69«M> Vol. 37. — No. 90: Interior Department reports, 1915, vol. 1. Secretary and bureau ollicers, etc. . . «»ttl Vol. 38.— No. 90: Same, vol. 2. Indian affairs and Territories fitttti Vol. 39.— No. 610, pts. 1 and 2: Alaskan Engineering Commission reports, .Mar, 12, 1914 Dec. 31, 1915 «!«« Vol. 40.— No. 610, pt. 2: Same, maps I-X VIII ««nM Vol. 41.— No. 25: Edticai ion Bureau report, 1915, vol. 1 ' «!«♦."> Vol. 42.— Nos. 40, 41: Geological Survey bulletins 618, 619 «}sn»fi Vol. 43.— No. 42: Same, 620 6»»; Vol. 44.— No. 43: Same, 621 «»»S Vol. 45.— No. 44: Same, 622 ««>«>« Vol. 46.— No. 868, Same, 623. . . :'.:: .■• ;(MM> Vol. 47.— No. 869: Same, 624* 7(K»I Vol. 48.— No. 870: Same, 62.5* -. . ;0t« Vol. 49.— Nos. 871-873: Same, 626-628 7003 Vol. 50.— Nos. 874-876: Same, 629-631 70O4 Vol. 51.— Nos. 877-884: Same, 632 639 : . . 7006 Vol. 52.— No. 1249: Same, 640* 700« Vol. 53.— No. 1250: Same, 641* 7«K)7 Vol. 54.— No. 1251: Same, 642 7(M»S Vol. 55.— No. 1252: Same, 643 7(MW Vol. 56.— No. 1253: Same, 644* 7010 Vol. 57.— No. 1254: Same, 645 '. 7011 Vol. 58.— No. 12.55: Same, 646 :.'...: '«12 Vol. 59.— Nos. 1256-1258: Same, 647*, 648, 649 7tH:i Vol. 60.— No. 1259: Same, 650 V0I4 Vol. 61.— No. 1260: Same, 651* 'WIS Vol. 62.— No. 444: Geological Survey professional paper 92* 70IB Vol. 63.— No. 445: Same, 93* '«! ' Vol. 64.— No. 446: Same, 94* '<>1K Vol. 65.— No. 447: Same, 95 7<>19 Vol. 66.— No. 657: Mineral resources, calendar year 1914, pi. 1 <<*"-<• Vol. 67.— No. 657: Same, pt. 2 '»>"-l Vol. 68.— Nos. 71-73: Water-supply papers 371-373 <0^ Vol. 69.— Nos. 74-76: Same, 374 376 '•>** Vol. 70.— Nos. 77-80: Same, 377-380 <02-* Vol. 71.— Nos. 81-83: Same, 381-383 f '•»''•'' Vol. 72.— Nos. 84-86: Same, 384, 385, 386* '""-*' 1 There was no volume 2 of the report of the Bureau of Education for the year 1915. 958 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 64tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Scri;i.l no. Vol. 73.— Nos. 87, S8, 44<): Same, 387, 388, 389* 7027 Vol. 74.— Nos. 450, 451: Same, 3!I0*, 391* 7028 Vol. 75.— Nos. 452 454: Same, 392*, 393, 394* 7029 Vol. 76.— No. 455: Same, 395 7030 Vol. 77.— Nos. 456, 457: Same, 396*, 307 7031 Vol. 78.— No. 458: Same, 398 7032 Vol. 79.— No. 459: Same, 399 7033 Vol. 80.— No. 660: Patent Oiflce report, 1915 7034 Vol. 81.— No. 1031: Patent decisions, 1915 7035 Vol. 82.— No. 38: Reclamation Service, 14th report, 1915 703fi Vol. S3.— No. 903: Agriculture Department reports, 1915 7037 Vol. 84.— No. 93: Agriculture Department yearbook, 1915 7038 Vol.85. — No. 112: Statement of expenditures of Department of Agriculture, 1915 7030 Vol. 86. — No. 944: Special report on diseases of cattle 7040 Vol. 87.— No. 1009: Special report on diseases of horse* 7041 Vol. 88. — No. 1361: Ilepjrt on work and expenditures of experiment stations, 191.')* 7042 Vol. 89.— No. 1362; Field operations of Bureau of Soils, 17th report, 1915* 7043 Vol. 90.— No. 1362: Same, maps* 7044 Vol. 91.— No. 425: Weather Bureau rep jrt, 1915 7046 Vol. 92.— No. 423: Commerce Department reports, 1915 7046 Vol. 93.— No. 31: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1915 7047 Vol. 94.— No. 13li3: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 35, 1915* 7048 Vol. 95.— No. 35: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1915 7049 Vol. 96. — No.45, 12pts.: Monthly summary of foreign commerce, July, 1915-June, 1916 7050 Vol. 97.— No. 443: Statistical abstract of United States, 1915 7051 Vol. 98. — No. 22: Navigation Bureau, Commerce Department report, 1915 7052 Vol. 99.— No. 448: 47th annual list of merchant vessels, 1915 7053 Vol. 100.— No. 28: Labor Department reports, 1915 7054 Vol. 101.— Nos. 40, 48, 850: Labor Statistics Bureau bulletins 180, 182, 193; AVomen in industry series 7-9 7055 Vol. 102.— Nos. 47, 1159: Same, 181, 200; Wholesale prices series 4, 5 7056 Vol. 103.— No. 49: Same, 183; Miscellaneous series 12 7057 Vol. 104.— No. 50: Same, 184; Retiil prices and cost of living series 16 7058 Vol. 105.— No. 1156: Same, 1917; Retail prices and cost of living series 17 7059 Vol. 106. — No. 51: Same, 185; Workmen's insurance and compensati 'ii series 7 7060 Vol. 107.— No. 1162: Same 203*; Workmen's insurance and compensation series 8 7061 Vol. 108.— No. 558: Same, 186; Labor laws of United States series 7 7062 Vol. 109.— No. 846: Same, 189; Labor law.s of United States series 8 7063 Vol. 110.— Nos. 844, 847, 851: Same, 187, 190, 194; Wages and hours of labor .series 20-22 7064 Vol. 111.— No. 1163: Same, 204*; Wages and hours of labor series 23 7065 Vol. 112.— Nos. 845, 1160, 1164: Same, 188, 201, 20.5*; Industrial accidents and hygiene series 8-10. 7066 Vol. 113.— Nos. 848, 1157: Same, 191, 198; Conciliation and arbitration series 6, 7 7067 Vol. 114.— Nos. 849, 1154, 11.55, 1161: Same, 192, 195, 196, 202; Employment and unemployment series 1-4 7068 Vol. 115.— No. 1158: Same, 199*; Vocational education series 1 7069 Vol. 116.- No. 30: Civil Service Commission," 32d report, 1915 7070 Vol. 117. — No. 89: District of Columbia report, 1915, vol. 1. Commissioners and miscellaneous.. 7071 Vol. 118.— No. 89: Same, vol. 2. Engineer Department 7072 Vol. 119.— No. 89: Same, vol. 3. Health Department 7073 Vol. 120.— No. 89: Same, vol. 4. Education Board 7074 Vol. 121.— No. 89: Same, vol. 5. Insurance Department, calendar year 1914 7075 Vol. 122.— No. 046: Balance sheets of public utilities of District of Columlwa, 1915. . : 7076 Vol. 123.— No. 442: Federal Reserve Board, 2d report, Dec. 31, 1915 7077 Vol. 124. — No. 21: Interstate Commerce Commission, 29th report, Dec. 1, 1915. 2 pts. in 1 7078 Vol. 125. — No. 34: Report of Lil)rarian of Congress and report of Superintendent of Liljrary Build- ing and Grounds, 1915 7079 Vol. 126.— No. 361: National Soldiers' Home report, 1915 \ No. 538: National Soldiers' Home report of inspection, Aug. 31-Nov. 13, 1915 / Vol. 127.— No. 39, pts 1-6: Pan-American Union bulletin, July-Dec, 1915, vol. 41 7081 Vol. 128.— No. 39, pts. 7-12: Same, Jan.-June, 1916, vol. 42 7082 Vol. 129.— No. 937, pt. 1: Smithsonian Institution report, 1915 7088 Vol. 130.— No. 397, pt. 2: Same. National Museum 7084 Vol. 131.— No. 1325: Ethnology Bureau, 34th report, 1913* 7085 Vol. 132.— No. 852: Ethnology Bureau bulletin 60* i 7086 1 Ethnology Bureau bulletin 60 will be issued in several parts, but the number of parts is at present uncertain. CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 959 64tli CONGRESS, 1st SESSION— Continued. Uouxe documents— Con\\n\x^A. Serial no. Vol. 1.33.— No. 853: Same, f.l* ;os7 Vol. 134.— No. 854: Samp, 02 ;,)H,S Vol. 135.— No. S1.S: .Vmcrican Historical .\ssociiition report, 1914*, vol. 1* ' : 7()s9 Vol. rw.— No. SIS: Sumo, vol. 2* jOiH, Vol. 137.— No. UOii: Rankniiitcy law.s of tinited States 70<)l Vol. 138.— No. 1314: Federal farm loan act -^\\)■2. Vol. 139.— No. 1030: Memorial address on Samuel A. Witherspoon* , No. i:5(iO: Memorial address en .loseph .V . (ioiilden* ' / ***"'' Viil. 140.— No. 1055; Final report of Commissi.m to Investigate Title of United States to Lands in District of Columbia 7094 Vol. 141. — No. 1274: House manual ',{\\\:, Vul. 142— No. 2: Rep;/rt of Clerk of House of Representatives 7()<)(j Vol. 143 -No. 409: Journal of 49lh nal i. nal encampment of Orand Army of the Republic, 1915. 7oi>7 Vol. 144.— Nos. 1, 20, 52, 08, 105, 125, 128, 130, 380, :W9, 422, 405, 400, 47.5-477, 494-490, ,504, 515, 5.39, .544, .548, .549, ,5,52, 570, ,584, ,58(), .593, ,594. 005, OlS, C;«i, 037, (V13, 045, 001, 073, 090, 795, 803, 800, 814, 8.55: Docmuonts of a pul)lic iiat lire. I 709H Vol. 145.— Nos. 859, 802, 800, 807, 885, 880, 945, 940, 905, 1034, 1038,' 10.53, 1050, 1084, 1092, 1114, 1153, 1185, 1192, 1237, 1248, 1201, 1307, 1308, 1311, 1315, 1.320, 1321, 1331, 13.32, 1334- 1330, 1340, 1343, 1344, 1354-1357: Documents of a public nature. II 7099 Vol. 140.— Nos. 3-19, 53, 02-()7, 09, 70, 94-104, 10(V-111, 113-124, 120, 127, 129, 131-143, 145-208: Private claims and other rain r documents. 1 7 KM) Vol. 147.— Nos. 209-357, 300, 302-3C8, 371-374, 378, 379, 381-383, 385-388, 394-390, 398-403, 420, 421, 424, 430-433, 404, 407, 468, 471-474, 478, 479, 499- 502, 505-514, 510-523, 541-,543, .545-547, 550, 551, 553, 550, 501-575, 577, 582, 583, 585, 587, 592, 595-.598, 004, 600, 607, t)09, 011-614, 010, 017, 023, 024, 627, 630-()34, 638: Plivate claims and other minor dociimenls. 11 . 7101 Vol. US.— Nos. rag, 040, 047, 049, 0.50, 6.58, 659, 002, 004-060, 009-672, 674-081. 6,S4-686, 688, 689, 691- 697, 699-781, 7S5, 7.S0, 793, 794, 796-79S, 801, 802, 804, S07-S09, 813, 81.5-817, 819-833, 93,5- 843, 85(>-858,8t«-805, 887-902, 904, 905, 907, 909-930, 9:«-935, 937-943, 948-904, 90(;-969, 971-978, 981, 987-990, 993, 994, 998-1007, 1019, 1021-1029, 1032, 1033, 1035-1037, 1041-1049, 1051, 10.52, 1057, 1058, 1000, 10(;2-1083, 1085-1087, 1091, 1093, 109tV1105, 1107, 1108, 1115, 1116, 1118-1129, 1132-1135, 1138, 1140-1152, HOG, 1107, 1170-1184, 1180-1191, 1193-1229, 1233-1230, 1238, 1241, 1242, 1244-1247, 1203-12(:8, 1271-1273, 1276, 1279-12,82, 1285, 1287- 1291, 1295-1302, 1304-1300, 1309, 1310, 1312, 1310-1319, 1322-l:i24, 1326-i:i30, 1333, 1337- 1339,1341,1342,1340-1353,1359: I'rivate claims and other minor documents. III... 7102 Vol. 149— No. 1.365: Document index, No. 23, 64th Congress, 1st session 7103 64th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION. Dec. 4, 1916-Mar. 4, 1917. Senate reports. Vol. 1.— Nos. 874, 870-878, 880-882, 880-898, 900-905, 907, 908, 910, 911, 915, 922, 923, 925, 933-945, 949, 951-953, 955, 958-903. 90,5-974, 976, 978, 979, 985-987, 998, 1000-1004, 1009, 1010, 1013- 1015, 1017, 1021, 1023-1026,2 1029-1034, 10.38, 1039, 1046, 1048-1052, 10.54, 1050-10C)0, 1064, 1069, 1071, 1072, 1075, 1070, 1082, 1085-1087, 1100-1102, 1104, 1100, 1107, 1110, 1111, 1120- 1122, 1125, 1120, 1129-1134, 1141: Miscellaneous.... »7106 Vol. 2.— No. 1020, 2 pts.: Approiirialions for rivers and harbors, 1918 7107 Vol. A. — Nos. 872-1044 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 7108 Vol. B.— Nos. 104.5-1140 (with exceptions): Reptrls on private bills, etc. II 7109 The lettered volumes contain only the Senate reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the " usual number" of such reports could not l)e ijriiUed. These private reports are bound in two volumes, lettered A and B. These volumes can nut be furnished to depository liliraries, but cjpics will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Lil)iary of Congress, and the library of the Office of Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1 and 2, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the Senate reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered printed during the session. 1 No. 1039 blank. 2 No. 1028 blank. 3 Serial No. 7104 is assigned to the Sen;ile Journal and 7105 to the House Journ:il, r.4th Congress, 2d session. 960 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 64th CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. House reports. Serial no. Vol. 1.— Nos. 1205, 1208-1222, 1225-1229, 1231-1233, 1235, 1236, 1243-1246, 1248, 1249, 1251-1253, 1255- I2G7, 1209, 1272-1280, 1282, 1284-1288, 1290-1292, 1302, 1303, 1310, 1315, 1319, 1320, 1322- 1324, 1330, 1332, 1333, 1344, 134T, 1350, 1352-1354, 135fi-13(il, 1303-1370, 1372, 1373, 1375- 1381, 1.392, 1.394-1390, 1398-1401, 1403, 1404, HOC), 1410, 141.5-1427, 1430-14.32, 1434-1437, 1443, 1444, 1448, 1449, 1452-1454, 1492, 1493, 1495-1497, 1500, 1501, 1505, loOO, 1508, 1511- 1513, 1515, 1518-1521, 1525-1531, 1,533, 1535, 1536, 1.540-1.550, 1553, 1550, 1560, 1501, 1567, * 1.571, 1572, 1575, 1576, 1585, 1,586, 1588, 1589, 1.591-1595, 1598-1601, 1613, 1618-1621, 1626, 1627, 1631, 1633-1635, lfi37, 1838: Miscellaneous 7110 Vol. 2.— No. 1289, 2 pts.: Appropriations for rivers and harbors, 1918 Jill Vol. A. — Nos. 1202-1439 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. 1 711'* Vol. B.— Nos. 1440-1636 (with exceptions): Reports on private bills, etc. II 7li3 The lettered volumes contain onlj' the House reports on private bills and joint resolutions and on simple and concurrent resolutions. Under the provisions of the act of January 20, 1905, the "usual number" of such reports could not be printed. These private reports are bound in two volumes, lettered A and B. These volumes can not be furnished to depository Ubraries, but copies will be kept in the Senate and House libraries, the Library of Congress, and the binary of the O.Tice of the Superintendent of Documents. Volumes 1 and 2, which will be furnished as usual, contain all the House reports on public bills and joint resolutions ordered pruited during the session. Senate documents. -No. 554: Report of Government Printing Oflice, 1916 7114 -No. .555: Navy yearbook, 1883-1917 7115 -No. 5.56: Report of Secretary of Senate, July 1, 191.5- June 30, 1916 7116 -No. 5.59: Aeronautics, 2d annual report of National Advisory Committee for Aeronau- tics, 1916 • 7117 -No. 676: Water-power development bill, comparative print showing H. R. 408 as passed by House with bill as pending before Senate 7118 -No. 710: 19th report of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Oct, 11, 191.5-Oct. 11, 1916 7119 -No. 739: Appendix to report of United States section of International High Commission . 7 120 -No. 741: Annual report of Alaskan Engineering Commission, 1916 7121 -No. 743: Senate manual * 7122 -No. 744: Appropriations, new offices, etc. * ■ 7123 -No. 649: Memorial addresses on William O. Bradley * No. 717: Memorial addresses on Benjamin Shively * No. 721: Memorial addresses on James P. (Clarke * No. 745: Memorial addresses on Edwin C. Burleigh * -Nos. 557, 558, 560-648, 6.50,> 6.52-67.5, 677-692: Miscellaneous. I 7125 -Nos. 693-709, 711-716, 718-720, 722-738, 740, 742: MisceUaneous. II 7126 House documents. -No. 2136: Foreign relations, 1916 7127 -No. 1753: Treasury Department report, 1916 7128 -No. 1381: Receipts and disbursements, 1916 No. 2029: Deficiency estimates, 1917, and for prior years -No. 1499: Estimates of appropriations, 1918 7130 -No. 2088: Handbook on care and operation of gasoline engines 7131 -No. 1496: Report of Comptroller of Currency, Dec. 4, 1916, vol. 1 7132 -No. 1496: Same, vol. 2 7133 -No. 1494: Report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1916 7134 -No. 1492: Aimual report of Director of the Mint, 1916, and report on precious metals, calendar year 1915 7135 -No. 1493: Public Health Service report, 1916 '. 7136 -No. 1370: Hygienic Laboratory bulletin 106 7137 -No. 1371: Same, 107 7138 -Nos. 1372, 1373: Same, 108, 109 7139 -No. 1378: War Department reports, 1916, vol. 1. Secretary, chief of staff, etc 7140 -No. 1378: Same, vol. 2. Engineers 7141 -No. 1378: Same, vol. 3. Bureau of Insular Affairs, 1916, Governor of Porto Rico, 1916, and Philippine Commission, 1915 7142 -No. 2132: Army register, 1917 * 7143 -No. 1377: Engineer Department report and appendixes, 1916, pt. 1 7144 -No. 1377: Same, pt. 2 7145 i No. 651 blank. Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7 Vol. 8 Vol. 9 Vol. 10 Vol. 11 Vol. 12 Vol. K3 Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7 Vol. 8 Vol. 9 Vol. 10 Vol. 11 Vol. 12 Vol. 13 Vol. 14 Vol. 15 Vol. 16 Vol. 17. Vol. 18 Vol. 19. 7124 7129 CATALOGUE OF LIBRARY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 961 64tli CONGRESS, 2d SESS10N--Continued. House documents— Conlinuod. Seritil IK). Vol. 20.— No. 2377: Same, pt. 3 7146 Vol. 21.— Nos. 1471, 1692-1701, 172:3-1725, 1729-1737, 1757, 1763, 1775, 1792: Examinations of rivers and harbors. I ~. 7147 Vol. 22.— Nos. 1810, 1813, 1880-1882, 1885, 1886, 1893, 1900, 1925, 1932, 1934, 1942, 1990, 1991, 20(K),2i)01, 2032, 2033, 205:J, 2063-2067, 2060, 2071, 2094, 2096, 2100, 2102, 2103, 210.5-2110: Kxamina- tions of rivers and harbors. II 7148 Vol. 23.— No. 1926: Abstract of proposals for material and labor for Engineer Department, 1916. . 7149 Vol. 24. — No. 1498: Report of governor of Panama Canal, 1916 715« Vol. 25. — No. 1498: Same, maps and diagrams 7151 Vol. 26.— No. 1376: Tests of metals, 1915 71&-> Vol. 27.— No. 1431: Same, 1916* 7I.V1 Vol. 28.— No. 1483: Justice Department report, 1916 71*1 Vol. 29.— No. 1728: Post Omce Department reports, 1916 7155 Vol. 30.— No. 1480: Navy Department reports, 1916 7156 Vol. 31.— No. 1758: Navy register, 1917 .i . . . ,. 7157 Vol. 32, pi. 1.— No. 1946, pts. 1-3: Navy Yards and Naval Stations Commission, lst-3d reports, preliminary 715K, v. 1 ■Vol.32, pt.2.— No. 1946, pt. 4; Same, 41 h report 1 7158, v. •» Vol.33. — No. 1899: Interior Department rejwrts, 1916, vol. 1. Secretary and bureau oflicers, etc. . 7159 Vol. 34.— No. 1899: Same, vol. 2. Indian affairs and Territories 7180 Vol. 35.— No. 1502: Education Bureau report, 1916, vol. 1 7161 Vol. 36.— No. 1502: Same, vol. 2 7I6>.' Vol. :17.— Nos. 2113-2115: Geological Survey bulletins 652, 653, 654* 716:1 Vol. 38.— Nos. 2123-2125: Same, 655*, 656*, 657* 7164 Vol.39.— Nos. 1802, 1803: Geological Survey professional papers 96*, 97 7165 Vol. 40.— No. 1804: Same, 98* 7 166 Vol. 41.— No. 1805: Same, 99* 7 167 Vol. 42.— No. 1806: Same, 100* 716H Vol. 43.— No. 1807: Same, 101* 7169 Vol.44.— Nos. 1808, 1916: Same, 102, 103 : 7170 Vol. 45. — No. 2133: Mineral resources, calendar year 1915, pt. 1* 7171 Vol. 46.— No. 2133: Same, pt. 2* 717'2 Vol. 47. — No. 1385: Water-supply paper 400* 7173 Vol. 48.— Nos. 13H6 l:3S,s: Same, 401, 402, 403 7174 Vol. 49.— Nos. 1389 1391: Same, 404*, 405, 406* 7175 Vol. 50.— Nos. 1392 1394: Same, 407, 408*, 409* 71 76 Vol. 51.— Nos. 1395, 1396: Same, 410*, 411* : 7177 Vol. 52.— Nos. 1397-1:399: Same, 412*, 41:3*, 414* 7178 Vol. 53.— No. 14(K): Same, 415 7 1 79 Vol. 54.— No. 1401: Same, 416 -: .,, 7180 Vol. 55.— No. 1402: Same, 417 ii... 7181 Vol. 56.— No. 1403: Same, 418* '182 Vol. 57.— Nos. 1404 1406: Same, 419 421 7188 Vol. 58.— No. 2121 : Same, 422* 7184 Vol. 59.— No. 2122: Same, 423 < 185 Vol. 60.— No. 2027: Patent Office report, 1916 7186 Vol. 61.— No. 2130: Patent decisions, 1916 « 187 Vol. 62.— No. 1479: Ileclamalion Service, 15tli report, 1916 «188 Vol. 63.— No. 1470: Agriculture Department reports, 1916 7189 ^•ol.64.— No. I4S7: Agriculture Department yearlwok, 1916* '"Wl Vol.65.— No. 1439: Statement of expenditures of Department of Agriculture, 1916 7191 Vol. 66.— No. 2134: Report on agricultural experiment stations and cooperative agricultural work in United Spates, 1916* < "♦- Vol. 67.— No. 2135: Field operations of Bureau of Soils, ISth report, 1916* 719:1 Vol. 68.— No. 2135: Same, maps* '•'♦•• Vol. 69.— No. 1481: Weather Bureau report, 1916 '"♦•■» Vol. 70.— No. 1482: Commerce Department reports. 1916 7196 Vol. 71.— No. 1489: Coast and Geodetic Survey report, 1916 7197 Vol. 72.— No. 2137: Fisheries Bureau bulletin, vol. 36, 1916* 7198 Vol. 73. — No. 1486: Foreign commerce and navigation, 1916 7 199 1 Information received from the Navy Yards and Naval Stations Commission states that a 5th report, which is the final report on the subject of an additional navy yard on the Pacific coast, will soon go to press, and other reports arc in preparation. 49183—18 61 962 CATALOGUE OF LIBRAEY OF UNITED STATES SENATE. 64tli CONGRESS, 2d SESSION— Continued. House documents — Continued. Serial no. Vol. 74. — No. 1501, 12 pts.: Monthly summary of foreign commecre, July, 1916 .June, 1917 7200 Vol. 75.— No. 1879: Statistical abstract of United States, 191(j - 7201 Vol. 76.— No. 1491: Navigation Bureau, Commerce Dept., report, 1916 7202 Vol. 77.— No. 1382: 48th annual list of merchant vessels, 1916 7203 Vol. 78. — No. 1437: Rules and regulations prescribed by board of supervising inspectors, Steam- boat-Inspection Service ._ 7201 Vol. 79.— No. 1495: Labor Department reports, 1916 ...L.-... 7205 Vol. 80.— No. 1366: Labor Statistics Bureau bulletin 206; Employment and unemployment series 5 7206 Vol. 81.— Nos. 1367, 1369: Same, 207, 209*; Industrial accidents and hygiene series 11, 12 7207 Vol. 82.— No. 1368: Same, 208; Miscellaneous series 13 7208 Vol. 83. — No. 1374: Same, 210*; Worlvmen's insurance and compensation series 9 7209 Vol. 84.— No. 2126: Same, 212; Workmen's insurance and compensation series 10 7210 Vol. 85.— No. 1380: Same, 211; Labor laws of United States series 9 7211 Vol. 86.— No. 2127: Same, 213*; Labor laws of United States series 10 7212 Vol. 87.— No. 2128: Same, 214*; Wages and hours of labor series 24 7213 Vol. 88.— No. 2129: Same, 215*; Women in industry series 10 7214 Vol. 89.— No. 1488: Civil Service Commission, 33d report, 1916 72ir) Vol. 90.— No 1503: Districtof Columbia report, 1916; vol.1. Commissioners and miscellaneous. 7216 Vol. 91.— No. 1503: Same, vol. 2. En' Vol. 104.— No. 1794, pt. 2: Same. National Museiun 7230 Vol. 105.— No. 1878: Ethnology Bureau, 3oth report, 1914* 7231 Vol. 106.— No. 1497: American Historical Association report, 191.5* 7232 Vol. 107.— No. 2119: Unveiling of statues of Bulaski and Kosciuszko* 7233 Vol. 108.— No. 2138: Memorial addresses on David E. Finley * No. 2i:i9: Memorial addresses on William