C E SeS b07 i /^ ^ /' R K E L E V\ LIBRARY Mliam ^icforiiu^ \zi-5 HE Publication of the following curious Roll, from one in the pofleffion of His Grace the Duke of Man- chefter, was undertaken by the late Mr. William Pickering, in the year 1845, '^"'^» from accidental cir- cumftances, left unfinifhed at his deceafe in 1854. Upon the fale and difperfion of his property, the impreflion, as far as completed, came into the hands of Mr. Henry G. Bohn, and to that gentleman's fpirit of enterprife and zeal. in the caufe of Literature, it is owing that this pidtorial Chronicle is at length given to the Public. Mr. Pickering was indebted to the Rev. Lambert Larking for the original tranfcript of the Roll, as alfo for the defcription of the Shields emblazoned upon the back of it, and the very complete Index to the Hiftorical Notices. W. C. March 30, 1859. 515 n :^^ « * INTRODUCTION. HE curious piftorial hiftory of the Earls of Warwick given in the following pages is printed from a Roll " labured and " finiftied by Matter John Rows of Warrewyk," and a fhort account of the hiftory of its author, together with fome remarks explanatory of the piftorial illuftrations, will be found neceflary for a due appreciation of the work itfelf and the more ready folution of the fig- nification of the numerous devices that accompany each portrait. John Rows, the author of this and of another Roll upon the fame fubjedt, hereafter alluded to, was born, in or about the year 141 1, at Warwick, and was one of the two fons of Geoffrey Rows of that town, by Margaret, daughter of Richard Fyncham. Geoffrey Rows was the eighth fon of Thomas Rows,* paternally defcended from the Rowfes of Brinklow,^ whilft his wife, Margaret Fyncham, was defcended from the family of Babington, and nearly related to that Thomas Babington of Dethick who fought under Henry V. at Agincourt, and whofe fon John Babington was traitoroufly flain at Bofworth, through the inftrumentality of Sir James Blount, Provoft-Marfhal to the Earl of Richmond. J Rows was alfo conneded, through his mother, with the family whofe chronicler he became, — Joan Babington, his wife's coufin, having married Sir Thomas Neville of Rollefton. His perfonal career is beft gathered from his Life, by Leland, who himfelf • Pedigree as given by Rows on the back of his Latin Roll. St. George's MSS. Vol. IV. 83. in Coll. Arm. ■f In fpeaking of William Rufus, in his " Hiftoria Regum," Rows refers to the poffible defcent of his family from that monarch, through an illegitimate channel, but leaves it in doubt. This family tradition may have had its origin in one of his anceftors, about the izth century, having been Here- bertus Rufus, fon of William. I Sir James Blount had married Jane, the heir expedant of Sir John Babington of Chervill, co. Notts. Being Captain of Hammes for Richard III, he betrayed his truft to the Earl of Richmond, releafed the Earl of Oxford, who was his prifoner in that fortrefs, and joining Henry of Richmond, afted as his Provoft-Marfhal at Bofworth, where, in feeking to flay his wife's uncle, and thereby accelerate her pofleffion of his eftates, he flew inftead John Babington of Dethick, the kinfman of his intended viftim. IntroduSiion. derived it from obfervations dropped now and then by Rows himfelf, in his "Hif- toria Regum." " Artibus Oxonie donatus honore magiftri " — one of the lines attached to his portrait upon the Roll in the College of Arms, informs us that he was educated at Oxford, and on leaving the Univerfity he became one of the Chaplains of the Chantry of Guy's Cliff, Warwick, and refided there the greater portion, if not the whole, of the remainder of his life, for he himfelf fpeaks of having been there forty-one years when he dedicated his " Hiftoria Regum," fhortly after the birth of Prince Arthur, in i486, to King Henry VII. His death occurred in 1491. Guy's Cliff, the refidence of Rows, and the fite of fo much legendary lore, is fituated about a mile and- a quarter from the town of Warwick ; it was de- fcribed by Leland as being in his time " an abode of pleafure, a place meet for " the Mufes, with its natural cavities, its fhady woods, its clear and cryftal " ftreams, its flowering meadows, and caves overgrown with mofs, whilfl a " gentle river murmurs amongft the rocks, creating a folitude and quiet, moft " loved by the Mufes,"* Here Rows lived and wrote ; but he fpent, no doubt, much of his time in his native town and in the caftle of his patron, for he founded a library over the fouth porch of St. Mary's Church, which he furnifhed with books ; and the numerous dates and circumflances given in his " Roll of the Earls of Warwick " afford conclufive evidence that he was intimately acquainted with the muniments of the family and the circumftances that occurred in the Caftle during the period of his long refidence at Guy's Cliff. He tells us that he had fearched in vain • Guy's Cliff, or Gibcliff, as it was formerly called, on the weftern bank of the Avon, was chofen as early as the fifth century by St. Dubricius, Archbifhop of Caerleon, as a place of devotion, and here he built an Oratory dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen ; it was the fpot where in the tenth cen- tury, Guy, Earl of Warwick, fpent the laft years of his life. Thomas Beauchamp, 13 th Earl of Warwick (No. 48), procured the patronage of it from the Priory of Warwick, and changed its name to Guy Cliff, in honour of Sir Guy, but it continued a hermitage till the reign of King Henry VI, in the firft year of whofe reign Richard Beauchamp, 15th Earl of Warwick, obtained a licence to found a Chantry for two priefts ; and by letters patent, 5th Nov. in the ninth year of the fame reign, he had licence to annex thereto lands to the value of 24 marks per annum, confifting of the manor of Afhorne, and a rent-charge in Whitnafli and Wellefburn, making (as fays Rows) " certen " there, a fore was uncerten at Gybclif, a chauntrie of 2 pryftis that God wold fend hym Eyre male." (Vide No. 50.) The Earl's further reafons for this aft are given in the Biographical Notice, No. 50 ; and he further, by will, direftcd that the chapel and refidences for the priefts fliould be rebuilt, which was done at a coft of £184 oj. 5^1/. At the furvey, 37 Hen. VIH. (1545-6), it confifted of the chapel, the refidences, a garden, and two clofes of land, and was at its diffolution valued at £19 10/. 6d. beyond reprizes, which are eftimated at zzs. zd. ♦ IntroduEiton, amongft the muniments for the Conqueror's Charter of creation of the Earldom of Warwick to Henry de Newburgh, — he throws more light than any hiftorian upon the fad hiftory of Anne, Countefs of Warwick, after her hufband's death at Barnet, and a remarkable inftance of his knowledge of family events is afforded in his narration of the time and place of the birth and chriftening of Ann Neville, Princefs of Wales, and fubfequently Queen of England, whofe age till now has been a fubjedt of fpeculation with all hiftorians who have written concerning this ill-fated lady. United in fucceffion to both the rival Houfes of York and Lancafter, it was her unhappy deftiny to be made the pivot on which turned more than one ftate intrigue ; and in feeking a clue to the myftery that envelopes thofe intrigues, and more particularly the caufes of that laft great quarrel between King Edward and her powerful father, the exaft age of Ann of Warwick is in itfelf no infignificant contribution to Englifh hiftory. But neither did Rows confine himfelf to the " folitudo et quies mufis ami- ciffima," or to the " pretty houfe of ftone," built for the Chantry Priefts by Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, or even to frequent journeyings be- tween Guy's Cliff and the neighbouring town ; he was occafionally a vifitor to the metropolis, where he had perufed the records at Guild-hall, and faw the elephant brought to London in the reign of Edward IV; on one occafion he travelled fo far even as North Wales and the Ifle of Anglefey, being fent thither for the purpofe of confulting the Welfh Records, and at another time he went fouthward to vifit the monks of Glaftonbury Abbey ; * he was alfo fo far inte- refted in political matters as upon one occafion to have prefented to the Parlia- ment, held at Coventry in 1459, a Petition upon the State of the Country and Grievances of the People, his fympathies with whom are manifefted in his account of Margaret, daughter and heir of Turchil, of Warwick, (No. 30.) His death occurred 24th January, 1491, at the age of 81 years; and he was buried in the body of St. Mary's Church, Warwick, where, in Leland's time, his epitaph was ftill remaining. His portrait, in the adt of writing his Roll, is to be feen on the back of the one in the Library of the College of Arms, and to which the following lines are annexed: — " John Rows hoc junxit heroum nobile ftemma " Warwyk quem genuit, fenior fuit incola Gyclif, • On this occafion he brought away with him tranfcripts of fome curious genealogies preferved in the archives of the Abbey, one of which fliowed that the foldier who pierced our Saviour's fide was a natural fon of Julius Casfar, and that upon his converfion he married his only child to Jofeph of Arimathea, who was by her the ancellor of Ygema, the mother of the famous King Arthur. * IntroduEiion. " Artibus Oxonie donatus honore magiftri, " Qui Britonum varia ftudiofe cronica luftrans " Scriptis ex variis opus hoc conjecit in unum ^ " Per quod quifque Comes propriis donabitur Armis " In Warwyk fucceffurus feliciter heres. " Fecit hie ut ducum redeat premortua vita " Vivat hie ergo, Deus, per meti nefcia fecla." The Portrait Is accompanied by his Armorial Bearings, viz. i & 4 Vair, on a FefTe Gules, three Ducal Crowns, Or ; for Rows : 2 & 3 Argent, three Bars Sable, on a Bend Ermine, three Crofs crofflets. Sable, for Fincham : there is alfo a Rebus, on his Name, twice repeated, viz. the letter V. in the centre of a Red Rofe ; — Rows was then a Lancaftrian.* Leland and others give the following Lift of his Works : — Hiftoria Regum Angliae. De Comitibus Warwicenfibus. Chronicon Warwicenfe. Vetuftates Clivi Guidonici. De Epifcopis Wigornias. De Academijs Britannicis. Contra Hiftoriolam Cantabrigienfem. And many others, left unfinifhed at his death. Of thefe, the firft was edited by Hearne, in 17 16, and a fecond edition was printed in 1745 ; the Life of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, has been printed in Strutt's " Manners and Cuftoms of the Englifti," and fome Hiftorical Notices from his Englifti Roll, as given in the Lanfdowne MS. 882, are attached to Hearne's " Life and Reign of King Richard II." Allufion has been made to our author's interference with political matters, and upon this fubje6b fomewhat more muft be added for the more complete illuf- tration of the Rolls about to be noticed : — Walpole, in his " Hiftoric Doubts," defignates Rows as a vehement Lan- caftrian ; he was fo only for a brief period towards the clofe of his life : Walpole knew him but as the author of the " Hiftoria Regum Anglias," dedicated with fulfome flattery to King Henry VII ; he knew not that the author of that Dedication had only very lately defcribed his then patron's adverfary. King • The circumftances of our Author's Life, and a very correft engraving of his Portrait, together with fome remarks upon the Rolls, are to be found in a Paper by John Gough Nichols, Efq. printed in the "Gents. Mag." for May, 1845. IntroduSiion. Richard, as ruling his fubjefts " full commendably, punifhing offenders of his " Laws, and oppreflbrs of his Commons, and fo cherifhing thofe that were vir- " tuous that he got great thank of God and love of all his fubjeds, both rich " and poor, and great laud of the people of all other lands about him." But Richard had been vanquifhed and flain ; and Rows now prefaces his Dedication to the conqueror by defcribing his fallen adverfary as a tyrant, — " biennio matris " utero tentus, exiens cum dentibus et capillis ad humeros, cujus in nativitate " Scorpio erat afcendens,'' &c. and he hefitates not to fallen upon him not only the murders of Henry VI. — of Edward V. — and of the Duke of York, — but of his own wife, Anne of Warwick : Walpole, ignorant of his former aflbci- ations, is yet puzzled by his confliding affertions ; for after ftating that the murder of Henry VI. had made him detefted of all nations, he adds imme- diately the account of an embafly arriving at Warwick Caftle from the King of Spain, to negotiate a marriage between their children, at the reception of which he was himfelf prefent ; — again, after ftating that the laws of nature even had been fet afide to form the monfter he had defcribed, he proceeds to fay that, if he may fpeak truth in Richard's favour,* he muft own that, though fmall in ftature and in ftrength, Richard was a noble knight. Had Walpole been aware of Rows's former political creed, he would have poflefTed a clue to thefe contradidions.f For more than thirty years had Rows been Chaplain at Guy's Cliff, to pray for the good eftate of the Earls of Warwick ; twenty of thefe years were pafled under the immediate patronage of that greateft and laft of the mighty Barons who formerly overawed the Crown of England : J no wonder then that we find him loud in praife of the godfon and near kinfman of his illuftrious patron ; no wonder that we find him defending the rights of the people, for Warwick, the ftout fupporter of the caufe of King Edward, was effentially the man of the people, and Edward IV. a people's king, — to fpeak in the forcible language of a modern writer, — " Edward was the man of his age, not one inch behind it or • " Attamen fi ad ejus honorem veritatem dicam." f Anthony a Wood tells us that Rows wrote his hillory in 1483, having commenced it in the latter part of the reign of Edward IV ; and one of the objeftions urged againft him as an hiftorian, by Walpole, is, that though he lived under all the three reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III, the lives of the two firft occupy but two pages, and the latter, three: if Wood's ftate- ment that it was written under the houfe of York be correft, all the latter portion of the work had probably to be cancelled, and (like his Latin Roll) re-written in a fpirit not at variance with the Dedication. t Hume's " Hill of England," edit. 1796, 8°. vol. III. p. 182. IntroduSiion. Eliz.), and if additional evidence of its value were needed, it would be found in the fadt that this officer, whofe fkill and knowledge in his profeffion have never been excelled, made notes of the drawings, and accurately tranfcribed the whole of its Pedigrees and Hiftorical Notices : unfortunately he does not flate in whofe pofTeffion the Roll then was, or give the date of the tranfcript which now forms No. 839 of the Alhmolean Library ; Sir William Dugdale's tranfcript of the Latin Roll is likewife in the fame Library. A rough- coloured copy of a part of this Roll will be found in the Lanf- downe MS. 882 ; it has the appearance of having been made about the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and is printed in Hearne's " Additions to the Life of King Richard II :" it is, however, a very imperfecfl tranfcript; Nos. 13 to 17, and 43 to 46, being altogether omitted ; and as neither Richard III, Anne Neville, nor their fon the Prince of Wales, are included, it is wanting in thofe curious paflages which exhibit the varying political views of the writer. College of Arms, ' WILLIAM COURTHOPE, March ^o, i8i;q. o -* -"' Somerset. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. I. UITHELIN, King of Britain, who founded the Town of Warwick about the period of the Birth of Alexander the Great, B. c. 356, calling it Caer Guithelin, or Caerleon, the City of Guithelin : in his left hand is a reprefentation of the Town of Warwick, a Bear fejant in the gateway ; upon his right, furmounting a Helmet, the Creft of Wales, viz. upon a ducal Coronet, a cradle of fretwork, therein a Greyhound Argent.* Arms. Gules, two Lions combatant, crowned. Or. — Thefe Arms, attributed to He£l:or, Prince of Troy, are given by Hardyng to Brute the firft King of Britain : — " He bare on gules, two lions of gold " Counter rampant with gold both crowned " Of old Trojans, he was the next heir found " And in thefe Arms, he did this Ifle conquer ; " His Anceftry after him, the fame did bear." 2. GUIDERIUS, King of Britain, a.d. 17; flain a.d. 44. In his right hand, a Mound and Crofs, — in his left, a reprefentation of the Town of Warwick, of which he was accounted the fecond Founder. Arms. As the laft. 3. ST. CARADOC, the Reftorer of Warwick. In a complete fuit of chain armour, coronet and nimbus round his head ; he bears in his right hand the Church of St. John the Baptift, which he founded, by his fide the City of Old Sarum, which he built, and at his feet that of Warwick (which he reftored), with the Bear fejant at the gate, and efcutcheon with the Ragged Staff above. Arms. Azure, a ladder in bend Argent, between fix lioncels rampant, Or. 4. CONSTANTINE, King of Britain; crowned a.d. 433, murdered 443, a great benefaiSor to Warwick, the name of which he altered from Caer-leon to Caer- umber ; he holds the City in his left hand, and in his right, a Sceptre : on his right fide ftand the Towns of Worcefter and Caerwent, Arms. As Nos. i and 2. 5. GWAYR : a Coufin in the third degree to King Arthur, and a great benefactor to Warwick, which he holds in his left hand ; he changed its name again from Caer- • Mr. Planche, in his " Regal Records," p. 165, confiders this Creft to have reference to the ftory of Gellert, the faithful dog of Llewellyn, Prince of Wales. Defer iption of the Plates. At Warwick Caftle, flie receives from the herdfman the ring fent to her by her hufband, Sir Guy, juft before his death in the Cave of Guy's Cliff. Arms. Chequy, Or and Azure, a cheveron Ermine, impaling Gules, crufilly botony. Or. Alfo, Ermine, a Cheveron Gules. The Arms of the " Anceftry of Sir Guy." 21. GUY, Earl of Warwick. In chain armour; a Battle-axe in his right hand, and on his left arm, a Shield chequy. Or and Azure, a Cheveron Ermine ; upon his head a fan-like ornament,* which is found upon helmets of the 13th century, charged with the fame Arms as upon the fliield. At his feet lies a group of the monfters of which he rid the world, perhaps meant to reprefent the giant Amarat, Duke O tton, and the Soldan, one of whom carries a fliield with an enormous bofs; there is likewife one of the Dragons of which he flew feveral, and the grateful Lion refcued from death by Sir Guy, when travelling with his friend Sir Heraud of Ardern. Arms, As the laft. Arms of Sir Heraud of Ardern. Ermine a fefle chequy. Or and Azure. 22. GUY, Earl of Warwick, after his affumption of the pilgrim's weeds, and beneath which appears the Tabard of his Arms ; in his right hand, a Staff, — in his left, a Rofary ; his head irradiated, and at his feet, Colbrond the Danifli Giant whom he flew at Winchefter, after his return as a pilgrim from the Holy Land. Arms. Chequy, Or and Azure, a human head (that of Colbrond) affronte, and filleted. Argent. — Creji. Upon a Helmet, a Wreath, thereon a Crofs botony. Or. Arms of Colbrond. Gules, an owl Argent. 23. RAINBURN, Earl of Warwick, fon of Sir Guy and the Lady Felice. The legend attached to him is filent as to the meaning of the figure at his feet ; but we learn from the Latin Roll, that he earned for himfelf in Ruflia the reputation of a valiant knight, from having flain many giants in fingle combat. Arms. Quarterly of 4 : Firfl, Chequy Or and Azure, a cheveron Ermine, — Sir Guy; 2. Sable, a Staff raguly in bend, Argent, — Gwayr; Argent, a Crofs botony. Or, entwined by a ferpent, amid flames of fire, — Eneas ; 4. Chequy, Or and Azure, the head of Colbrond, affronte and filleted. Argent, — alfo Sir Guy : impaling, Per faltire Gules and Azure, a Crofs patonce, Or, for the daughter of Athelflan, King of England. 24. WEGEAT, or WAYTH, ^ Succeflively Earls of Warwick : all fimilarly 25. UFA, i pourtrayed, in chain armour, with Staves or 26. WOLGEAT, or WOLLET, J Lances in the right hand furmounted by their head-pieces, attached by a chain to the hilts of their fwords ; each holds a Charter in the left, in memorial of benefaftions made to the Abbey of Evefliam. Arms of Wageat and Ufa. Quarterly I. Sir Guy ; 2. Gwayr ; 3. Eneas ; 4. Chequy, Or and Azure, with Colbrond's head. Arms of Wolgeat. ift & 4th as the laft : 2nd. Rohand; 3. Gwayr. • An inftance of this ornament is found in Planche's " Purfuivant of Arms," 1852 ; p. 174.. Defcription of the Plates. 27. WYGOD. His head-piece worn, but attached, as before, to the Sword, which is brandifhed in the right hand ; in his left, a fmall Shield. Arms, ift & 4th as the laft : and. Gules :* 3. Eneas ; impaling Sable, an Eagle difplayed, Or, beaked and membred Gules for Leofric, Earl of Mercia. 28. ALWIN. Armed as the five preceding Knights, but the Shield on his arm fliews Chequy, Or and Azure, a Cheveron Ermine. Arms. As Nos. 24 & 25. 29. THURKILL. A great Saxon Warrior, but one of thofe who adhered to the Norman William ; armed as the preceding, but with Battle-axe in his right hand, and in his left, the Town and Caftle of Warwick : at his feet, a Bow, Arrows, and Club.f Arms. As No. 26. 30. MARGARET, daughter of Thurkill. Upon her left, the Preceptory for Templars, founded by her at " Llammadoc " in North Wales. Arms. Lozengy, Or and Azure, a bordure Gules charged with plates, impaling the Arms and Quarterings of her father. 31. HENRY DE NEWBURGH, Earl of Warwick, and hufband of the laft. In his right hand, a Lance ; in his left, the Priory of St. Sepulchre, which he founded : at his feet, a Lion. Arms. As the laft, excepting that the Arms of Eneas are given inftead of Gwayr in the 3rd quartering of the impalement. 32. ROGER DE NEWBURGH, Earl of Warwick. Armed as the laft, but holding in his right hand his Sword, and in his left, the united Church of All Saints and St. Mary ; by his fide is the Hofpital of St. Michael, for Lepers, and beneath, a Precep- tory for Templars, both of them founded by him : at his feet, a Lion. Arms. I. Newburg ; 2. Sir Guy ; 3. Chequy, Or and Azure, the head of Colbrond as before ; 4. Rohand : — impaling, Chequy, Or and Azure. 33. WILLIAM DE NEWBURGH, Earl of Warwick. Armed as his predecefTors, excepting the head-piece, which, hitherto of Anglo-Saxon, is now of Norman faftiion ; he holds in his left hand the Church of St. John, Warwick, which he founded : at his feet, a Lion. Arms. Dexter, as the laft : Sinifter, Per Pale, Or, a Lion Rampant, Azure for Percy, and Azure, fretty Or, for D'Eyville. 34. WALERAN DE NEWBURGH, Earl of Warwick. Reprefented with furcoat over his armour, and head-piece furnilhed with nafal ; in his right hand, a Sword and Charter : he bore the Sword at the Coronation of King John, and the Charter com- memorates the confirmation of his father's gift to Gibcliffor Guy-cliff". A Lion at his feet. Arms. Dexter, as the laft : Sinifter, Per Pale, Azure, a bend Argent cottifed. Or, be- tween fix lions rampant. Or, for Bohun ; and Or, two Bars Gules, for Harcourt. • The Crofs Crofslets botony are omitted here by miftake ; they are given in the Latin Roll. \ The efcutcheon, which marks the building in his left hand to be Warwick Caftle, is omitted in this Roll, though found on the Latin or Lancaftrian Roll. Defcription of the Plates. 35. HENRY DE NEWBURGH, Earl of Warwick. With furcoat, as the laft Earl, and Shield upon his right arm, charged with the fame ; in his left hand, a Spear, and at his feet, a Lion. Arms. Dexter, as the laft : Sinifter, Per Pale, Or, two Bends Azure, for D'Oyly, & Barry nebuly of twelve, Gules and Or, for Baflet. 36. THOMAS DE NEWBURGH, Earl of Warwick. His helmet placed upon the corner of his fliield is the firft reprefented with a vifor, and attached to it is a gorget of chain ; he is uncovered excepting a fillet that furrounds his head. Arms. Dexter, quarterly of Six ; — i. & 2. as the laft ; 3. D'Oyly ; 4. Colbrond's head ; 5. Rohand j 6. Gwayr : impaling azure, 6 lioncels rampant, 3, 2, & i, Or, for Longefpee. 37. MARGERY, Countefs of Warwick. With Charter, in her left hand, allufive to her grant of the Clay-pits to the Commonalty of Warwick. Arms. The dexter per pale for her two huftjands, viz. Per pale, Or and Vert, a Lion rampant Gules, charged with an annulet for Marefchal, and Argent, five Annulets, 2, 2 & i, Gules,* for De Plefletis ; impaling the Arms of her father, as the laft. 38. JOHN MARESCHAL, Earl of Warwick. Helmet as No. 55, with furcoat and fhield charged with the Arms of Marefchal. Arms. Dexter, Per Pale, Or and Vert, a Lion Rampant Gules, charged with an annulet ; impaling thofe of his wife, as the laft. 39. JOHN DE PLESSETIS, Earl of Warwick, fecond huft)and of Margery. In an Anglo-Saxon helmet,t with furcoat of his Arms, and Shield on his left arm : at his feet, a Lion. Arms. Argent, fix Annulets, 3, 2 & i Gules ; impaling as before. 40. ALICE, daughter of Earl Waleran, wife of William Mauduit, Baron of Hanflape. Arms. Argent, two Bars Gules ; impaling, Quarterly of 4, — ift. Newburgh ; — 2. Sir Guy ; — 3. Gwayr ; — 4. Rohand. 41. WILLIAM MAUDUIT, Baron of Hanflape, her hufband. In his hand, a Shield, per pale of Mauduit, and Argent, two Bars, and in chief, three fleurs-de-lis. Gules, for St. Liz. J At his feet, a Gryphon. Arms. Same as the laft j excepting that the Arms of Eneas are put in the place of thofe of Gwayr. 42. WILLIAM MAUDUIT, Earl of Warwick. In helmet and chain gorget, as in No. 36. A Gryphon at his feet. Arms. Quarterly of fix ; i. Mauduit; 2. Newburgh; 3. Sir Guy; 4. Rohand; 5. Argent, two Bars,§ Gules, for St. Liz ; 6. Argent, a Lion Rampant, Azure & Chief Gules, Waltheof, earl of Huntingdon : impaling Sable, a Lion Rampant Argent, crowned Or, for Segrave. * In the fubfequent (hield, the arms given for De Plefletis are 6 Annulets. ■f- In the Latin or Lancaitrian Roll, he is reprefented in a helmet fimilar to No. 36, and with no lion at his feet. J In the laft-quoted Roll, he bears in his hand a (hield with the Arms of Mauduit only ; the coat of St. Liz, given as above, and the quartering of Waltheof, in the (hield No. 42, imply a match between Mau- duit and St. Liz, Earls of Northampton and Huntingdon, not given in the Pedigrees of thofe Families. § The three fleurs-de-lis in Chief are probably omitted by miftake. Defcription of the Plates. 43. ISABEL MAUDUIT, wife of William Beauchamp (in her right), Earl of Warwick. In a mantle of the Arms of Mauduit, over a furcoat powdered with crofs crofllets ; a Rofary in her right hand, and at her feet, a Gryphon. Arms. Quarterly of 4: — i. & 4. Gules a fefle, Or, — Beauchamp; 2. Per pale, Or and Gules, 3 roundles counterchanged, — Abitot; 3. Argent, on a fefle Azure, three fleurs de lis. Or, — Ufflete ;* impaling quarterly of 6 : i. Sir Guy ; 2. Newburgh ; 3. Mauduit ; 4. Eneas ; 5. Colbrond's Head ; 6. Rohand. 44. WILLIAM BEAUCHAMP, Earl of Warwick, hufband of the laft. With fword and lance, and helmet as in No. 22 ; at his feet, a Lion. Arms. As the laft. 45. WILLIAM BEAUCHAMP, Earl of Warwick. A Lion fawns at his right knee ; in his right hand, a Lance, with Banner of the Arms of Beauchamp, and in his left, the Priory of Shouldham in Norfolk, which had been founded by his wife's family, and to which he was a great benefadlor. Arms. Quarterly of 5 : — i. Beauchamp, as No. 43 ; 2. Sir Guy ; 3. Newburgh ; 4. Mauduit; 5. Abitot: impaling. Quarterly of 4: — i. Gules, 2 bends, the upper. Or, the lower. Argent, — Fitz-Piers ; 2. Vair, an efcutcheon quarterly. Or and Gules, — Fitz John ; 3. Vair, — Piers of Ludgarfliall ; 4. Quarterly, Or & Gules, Mandeville. 46. GUY BEAUCHAMP, Earl of Warwick. In his right hand he holds the Priory of Weftacre, co. Norfolk, to which he was a benefactor, and where he built the Gate- houfe ; in his left, a Banner of the Arms of Baliol, having received a gift from the King of the Honor and Caftle of Barnard, forfeited by John Baliol, King of Scotland. At his feet lies Piers Gavefton, upon whofe ihield of Vert, 6 eagles difplayed. Or, he tramples ; the Earl had feized him out of the cuftody of the Earl of Pembroke, carried him to Warwick Caftle, and caufed his head to be ftruck off, on Blacklow HUl. Arms. Quarterly of 7 : — i. Gules, a fefle between 6 crofs crofllets. Or, Beau- champ; 2. Sir Guy; — 3. Fitz-Piers; — 4. Newburgh; 5. Abitot; — 6. Mau- duit ; — 7. Fitz- John : impaling. Quarterly ift & 4th Argent, a Maunch Gules, — Tony ; 2 & 3 Argent, a Lion Rampant, Azure, & Chief Gules, — Waltheof. 47. THOMAS BEAUCHAMP, Earl of Warwick, one of the Founders of the Order of the Garter, and Marflial of England. In his left hand he carries his Baton, as Marflial, — in his right, a Caftle, prefumed to be that of Warwick, which he walled and gated, alfo a Charter, in memorial of his making the Town toll-free. At his feet is a muzzled Bear, and a Font, with a crowned figure, alluding to the Baptifm of a fon of the Monarch of the Lithuanians, whom he took in war, and brought to London and chriftened after himfelf, Thomas. Arms. Quarterly of 8 : — i. Beauchamp ; — 2. Sir Guy ; — 3. Fitz-Piers ; — 4. Newburgh; — 5. Fitz- John ; — 6. Mauduit; — 7. Abitot; — 8. Tony: impaling. Quarterly, ift & 4th, Barry of 12, Argent and Azure, — Brun; 2. Azure, 3 barnacles in pale. Argent ; a chief ermine, thereon a lion iflTuant, Gules, — Gene- * The fleurs-de-lis are omitted upon the front, though found upon the back of the Roll. C Defcription of the Plates. vile ; — 3. Barry of 4, Or and Azure, an inefcutcheon Argent, on a chief of the ift. two pallets between as many gyrons of the fecond, — Mortimer. 48. THOMAS BEAUCHAMP, Earl of Warwick, K.G. He built a ftrong and ftately Tower at the north-eaft corner of Warwick Caftle, and the whole body of the Col- legiate Church of Our Lady, l)oth of which deeds are figured forth ; upon his left knee is the Garter,* and at his feet lies a Bear unmuzzled. Arms. Quarterly of 8 : — i. Beauchamp ; — 2. Sir Guy; — 3. Newburgh ; — 4. Fitz-Piers ; — 5. Mauduit ; — 6. Fitz-John ; — 7. Tony ; — 8. Abitot : Impaling, Quarterly of 16, — i. Gules, feven mafcles, conjoined, 3, 3 & i. Or, Ferrers ; — 2. Lozengy, Or & Azure, Torf, the Dane ; — 3. Azure, a Wolf's head erafed Argent, Lupus ; — 4. Gules, a Cinquefoil Ermine, Bellomont ; — 5. Lozengy, Or and Azure, a bordure compony Argent and Gules, Mellent; — 6. Vair, Or and Gules, a bordure Azure, charged with horfefhoes Argent, Ferrers ; — 7. Gules, crufilly Or, a Wolf's head erafed Argent, Richard, Earl of Chefter ; — 8. Azure, three Garbs Or, Randolph, Earl of Chefter; — 9. Or a Fefle Gules, Lacy; — 10. Per pale. Or and Vert, a Lion Rampant Gules, Marlhal ; — II. Sable a Crofs engrailed Argent, UfFord; — 12. Or, fix lioncels Sable, 2, 2 & 2. Strongbow ; — 13. Per pale, indented Or and Gules ; Grantmefnil; — 14. Or, fretty Gules, Verdun ; — 15. Sable, a Lion Rampant, Gules, McMoro', King of Leinfter. 49. THOMAS HOLLAND, Duke of Surrey, K.G. Marfhal of England,— the Baton of which office he bears in his right hand ; he is delineated with the ducal circlet on his headjt and the Cap of Eftate, then peculiar to the ducal dignity ; at his feet, a Hart lodged, gorged with a ducal coronet, being the device of his half brother. King Richard H. derived from that of their mother, the fair Countefs of Kent, which was a White Hind. Arms. England, with a bordure. Argent. 50. RICHARD BEAUCHAMP, Earl of Warwick, K.G. This powerful noble, the Protedlor of the young King Henry VI. during his nonage, bears upon his left arm the infant crowned and fceptred Monarch, and in his hand a Mace for that monarch's defence, and the Collar of the Livery of the Houfe of Lancafter ; — in his right hand, the Memorial of his ereiStion of the Lady Chapel, adjoining to the Collegiate Church of Warwick, where he lies buried, and beneath is a fmaller Memorial of his benefi- cence to the Chantry of Guy's ClifF; on his left leg, the Garter, and at his feet, the muzzled Bear. Arms. Dexter, as No. 47; impaling. Quarterly of 11, — i. Gules, a Cheveron between 10 Croffes pattee. Argent, Berkeley; — 2. Gules, a Crofs engrailed. Or ; J 3. Azure, a Lion rampant. Or, Fitz-Hamon, earl of Gloucefter ; — 4. Or, a Fefle between two Cheverons, Sable, Lifle ; — 5. Or, three Cheveronells, • In the Latin or Lancaftrian Roll garters have been inferted on the knees of the figure before No. 48 and the two figures following. f The arches furmounting the circlet are probably a miftake, and are not found in the Latin or Lan- caftrian Roll. X Probably Eldol, Earl of Gloucefter, circa 461, called on the back of the Roll Oddo and Doddo, Earls of Gloucefter ; in this ftiield the Crofs is Argent, — in No. 54, it is Or. Defcription of the Plates. gules, Clare ; — 6. Gules, three Clarions Or, Conful, earl of Gloucefter ; — 7. Gules, a Lion paflant. Argent, crowned Or, Lifle ; — 8. Gules, a Lion rampant queue fourche, Or, Burgherfli ; — 9. Azure, a Lion rampant argent, debruifed by a Bendlet, Gules, Weland; — 10. Argent, a Cheveron Gules, Tyes; — 11. Quarterly Argent and Gules, in the 2nd & 3rd quarters a fret Or, over all a Bendlet Sable, De Spencer. 51. MARGARET, eldeft daughter and coheir of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, wife of John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury ; in the head attire that began to be worn about the middle of the 15th century. Arms. Quarterly of 4 : — ift. Gules, 3 Garbs within a double treflure flory counter flory. Or, Comyn ; — 2. Azure, a Lion Rampant within a border. Or, Talbot ; — 3. Gules, a Lion Rampant, within a border engrailed. Or, Talbot; — 4. Argent, two Lions paflant Gules, Strange : — impaling, as on the dexter of the laft. 52. ELEANOR, fecond daughter and coheir of the faid Richard ; and wife of Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerfet ; habited as the laft. Armi. France and England, within a bordure compony Argent and Azure, impa- ling the fame, as in the laft. 53. ELIZABETH, third daughter and coheir of the faid Richard, and wife of George Neville, Lord Latimer. Arms. Quarterly ift & 4th. Gules a Saltire Argent, charged with a rofe gules, Neville ; — 2 & 3. Gules a Crofs patonce Or, Latimer, — impaling the fame, as in the laft. 54. HENRY BEAUCHAMP, Earl of Warwick : in his right hand he holds the Verge or Rod, delivered to a Duke, upon Inveftiture, and the Collar of SS, the Livery Collar of the Houfe of Lancafter, hangs over his arm ; in his left hand he holds a Lance, and at his feet, is the Bear collared and chained, but unmuzzled. Arms. Quarterly of 19 : — i. Sir Guy ; — 2. Rohand ; — 3. Gwayr ; — 4. Newburgh ; — 5. Fitz-Piers ; — 6. Tony ; — 7. Beauchamp ; — 8. Colbrond's head ; — 9. Fitz- John; — 10. Mauduit; — 11. Abitot ; — 12. Waltheof; — 13. Eldol : — 14. Fitz- Hamon; — 15. Clare; — 16. Conful; — 17. Burgherfli; — 18. De Spencer; — 19. Weland : impaling. Quarterly ift & 4th. Argent, three fufils in fefle Gules, Montacute ; — 2. Or, an eagle difplayed. Vert beaked & membred Gules, Mon- thermer ; — 3. Gules, a Saltire Argent, a label compony, Argent and Azure, Neville. 55. ANNE, daughter and heir of the laft named : died an infant of 5 years old ; a Bear at her feet unmuzzled. Arms. I . Sir Guy ; — 2. Rohand ; — 3. Newburgh ; — 4. Beauchamp (ancient) ; — 5. Gwayr ; — 6. Tony ; — 7. Beauchamp ; — 8. Colbrond's head ; — 9. Fitz John ; — 10. Fitz Piers; — 11. Abitot; — 12. Waltheof; — 13. Mauduit; — 14. Baliol; — 15 to 19 as 13 to 17 in the laft ; — 20. Widville; — 21. De Spencer; — 22. Weland. 56. ANNE BEAUCHAMP, After of the whole blood of Henry, Duke of Warwick, and aunt of the laft ; habited as her half fifters, 51, 52, and 53 ; a Bear unmuzzled at her feet. Defer iption of the Plates. Arms. I & 4. Montacute ; 2. Monthermer ; & 3. Neville ; impaling Arms and Quarterings, as in No. 55. 57. RICHARD NEVILLE, Earl of Warwick, the King-maker, her hufband. On his left arm, a Shield with the Enfigns of Montacute and Monthermer ; at his feet the Pied Bull of Neville and the Green Eagle of Monthermer, — on either fide the Crefts of Montacute and Neville.* Arms. I. Montacute; 2. Monthermer; 3. Neville; 4. Per bend finifter. Sable and Or, a Lion rampant counterchanged, Francis ; — impaling as before. 58. ISABEL, daughter and coheir of the laft named, — habited in the fafhion of the pre- ceding Ladies, with the Bear unmuzzled at her feet.f Arms. France and England, with a Label of 3 points Argent, each charged with a canton. Gules; — impaling Quarterly of 26, — i to 12. as the laft im- palement; 13. Montacute; — 14. Monthermer; — 15. Neville; — 16. Beau- champ (ancient) ; — 17. Eneas ; — 18. Baliol ; — 19. Eldol ; — 20. Fitz-Hamon ; — 21. Conful; — 22. Clare; — 23. Burgherfh; — 24. Widville : — 25. De Spen- fer ; — 26. Weland. 59. GEORGE, Duke of Clarence, hufband of the laft : — Great Chamberlain of England, and Lieutenant of Ireland,- he holds in his left hand a Caftle (in allufion probably to his Lordfliip of Richmond) and the Livery Collar of his brother, King Edward IV. (Suns and Rofes) with the pendant Lion of March ; on his head he wears the ducal circlet and Cap of Eftate, and at his feet lies the Dun Cow of Warwick.J His Creft and Badge are upon his right hand ; the latter a camail, or guard for the throat of chain-mail, fo called from its refemblance to the tippet of camel's hair in fafliion in the 14th century. § * The Hiftorical Notices beneath the Portraitures in the Latin or Lancaftrian Roll are as follows : — " Ricardus Nevill, filius & hsres Ricardi de Novovilla Comitis Sar : et poft ejus obitum ejufdem comes, " jure uxoris venerabilis Anne. Erat ifte Comes tante nobilitatis quod ad ejus natum tota Anglia attendebat " et per totum Chriftianiflimum predicatus eft. Capitaneus Califie, Gardianus marchiarum Scotie, magnus " Camerarius Anglie, Senefchallus ducatiis Lancailrie, et fub rege Edwardo, in cujus adolefcentia Locum " tenens, et preterea lub rege Henrico (corona fua readepta) Locum tenens Anglie in eorum abfentia. " Suifque diebus Anglia habuit magnam effufionem fanguinis, finaliter turn fortuna finiftrante apud Barnet " in bello die Pafche xiiij die Apr. 1470 diem claufit extremum : reliflis duobus filiabus fuis heredibus Ifa- " bella ducifla Clarencie, Anna tunc uxore Principis Edwardi apud Teukfbury interfecli, que fecundo " nupfit Rico duci Gloceftrie, fratri Regis Edwardi et ducis Clarencie Georgij. " Nobiliflima Anna virtutum indificiens exemplar, prefati ducis Henrici ex utraque parente foror, poft " mortem neptis fue, fpeciofiffime infantole Anne, predifti Ducis Henrici unice filie et heredis totius Dominii " Warwici cum pertinencijs immediate heres et comitifla. Hec domina nata apud Caverfham juxta Radin- " gum in com. Oxon. tertio idus Julij a". 14.29 cujus vita erat devota fed tribulationibus plena : poft mortem " vero comitis viri fui diu apud Bewle juxta Southampton fub franchefida di£ta Lea, pauperime latuit, ab " hinc in plagam borealem cautelofe evadens ad maiorem ftriflitudinem evoluit, omnibus fuis hereditarie pof- " feflionibus authoritate Parliamenti exuta q. ex eleiSione Anne filie fue ducifle Gloceftrie dum vixit, que " ducifla prius nupferat principi Edwardo apud Teukfburie in bello interfeflo." \ The Latin legend given in the Lancaftrian Roll is, — " Ifabella DuciflTa Clarencie uxor Ducis Georgij " et prima filia Ricardi Nevill comitis Warr: nata fuit hec domina in caftro Warr : mens : Septemb : die " quinto anno 1451, et in eodem Caftro obijt xxij die Decemb. 1476 et Teukeftjurie eft fepulta. Ifta diia " habuit duos filios Edwardum et Ricardum et unicam filiam apud Farley juxta Bathe natam noie Marga- " retam et pdcs Ricus erat Tewkefbury natus fed Warr. fepuitus pro quorum (viz.) matris et filij multa " mala continue fequibantur. Fama erat quod intoxicati erant et quia lufpe6li fuerunt, erant apud Warr. " trafti et fufpenfi et finaliter fequibatur, interfeftio et damnatio predifti ducis Georgij apud Teukft)urye " portea fepulti." J So defcribed in Glover's tranfcript of the Roll. § In the Latin Roll, the Duke of Clarence is reprefented in a Tabard of his Arms and the Garter upon Defcription of the Plates. Arms. Quarterly of Six; 2, 2, & 2 ; i. France; — 2. England, with label of 3 points each charged with a canton Gules ; — 3. Brun ; — 4. Genevile ; — 5. Mor- timer ; — 6. Brun : impaling the fame quarterings as in the laft. 60. EDWARD, Earl of Warwick, fon of George, Duke of Clarence, and Ifabel : at his feet, the Dun Cow of Warwick, and the Bear unmuzzled.* Arms. Quarterly of 4 : — i. France ; — 2. England 5^-3. Beauchamp ; — 4. Sir Guy ; with label of 3 points each charged with a canton Gules : an Inefcocheon quarterly, i. — Fitz-John ; — 2. Newburgh ; — 3. Neville; — 4. Tony.t 61. MARGARET, daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, reprefented as a child with flowing hair, — the Dun Cow, and the Bear of Warwick, collared and chained, but unmuzzled, at her feet.J Arms. The dexter fide blank, — impaling quarterly of 12 — 4, 4, & 4 ; the firft 4, France and England quarterly,§ with the label of her father : the fecond 4, — Sir Guy, Beauchamp, Neville, and Newburgh : the third 4, — Montacute, Monthermer, Francis, and Tony. 62. ANNE NEVILLE, Queen of Richard IIL Habited in Royal Robes, with long flowing hair, and Crown upon her head, — in her right hand the Sceptre, and in her left, the Mound and Crofs : on either fide, are hands ifTuant from clouds, proffering to her the rival diadems of Lancafter and York, in allufion to her two marriages ; at her feet, the muzzled Bear of Warwick. || Arms. France and England quarterly, impaling Quarterly of 7 ; viz. i. Sir Guy ; 2. Beauchamp ; 3. Montagu ; 4. Monthermer ; 5. Neville ; 6. Clare ; 7. De Spencer. his left leg; he wears the ducal cap, without the Arches (which are no doubt a miftake) : a drawing of the Livery Collar which he holds in his left hand may be found in Planche's " Purfuivant of Arms," p. 108. The Latin legend is, — " lUuftris et ex nobiliffima Anglorura fanguine procreatus, Georgius Dux Cla- " rentiae frater ex utroque parente Regis Edwardi 4. Dublinie caftro natus die menfis 06lobr. media hora " inter xi & xij vel pamm plus Anno diii 1440 jure uxoris fue Ifabelle fenioris filiarum Rici Nevil comitis " Warr : et Anne comitifle Warr. com. et Sarum. Ifte dux erat Dux Clarencie comes Warr: et Sar: " magnus camerarius Anglie & dns de Richmund, ac locum tenens Hibernie. Obijt ifte Dux 25 die Febr. " Anno dni 1477." • Like his father, he is upon the Latin Roll reprefented in a Tabard, and with the following legend : — " Edwardus filius et heres Georgij Ducis Clarentie et jure matris comes Warwici cum cunftis " appendicijs. Ifte dominus natus eft in caftro Warr : xxi die menfis Febr. circa horam xj diei a", dni 1474." + The quarterings on the Inefcocheon in the Latin Roll are, i. Gwayr; — z. Newburg (Torf) 5 — 3. Neville ; — 4. Mauduit. J Her legend on the Latin Roll is as follows : — " Domina Margareta filia Georgij Ducis Clarentie uxo- " rifque fue Ifabelle filie et unius heredum illuftris comitis Warr : Rici de Novavilla jure uxoris fue venera- " bills dne Anne filie Rici de Bellocampo comitis Warr. pcellentis Warr comitis. Hec nata eft . . . die " menfis Augufti a" dni 1473 apud Caftell Farley in Com. Wilton, juxta civitatem Bathonienfem." § Upon the Lancaftrian or Latin Roll, France and England impaled occupy the upper half of the im- palement, with the fame label. II Anne Neville is reprefented altogether differently in the Latin Roll ; (he is defpoiled of her regal attire, and habited like her filter Ifabel ; the hands proffering the rival diadems are the fame, and as her death is ftated in the Hiftorical Notice below her portraiture, the removal of the Royal Infignia muft have been the deliberate aft of Rows ; the notice is as follows : " Precellens domina Anna fecunda filia et una heredum " illuftris Ricardi Nevill et confortis fue venerabilis Anne comitifTe Warr : nata eft in Caftro Warr : anno " Domini et obijt apud fepultaque eft Weftmonafterij ante " majus altare Abbathie coram preft)iterio ibidem." The date of her birth is fupplied by the Yorkitt Roll —Vide No. 62. Defcription of the Plates. 63. RICHARD III. King of England : in a full fuit of armour, excepting his head, which wears the Royal Crown ; in his right hand, a Sword, — in his left, the Mound and Crofs : at his feet, his own Cognizance, the White Boar. On his right fide, the Crefts of St. Edward, France, Gafcony and Guienne ; and on his left, thofe of England, Ireland, and Wales.* Arms. As the laft. 64. EDWARD, PRINCE OF WALES, fon of King Richard III: he holds a Sceptre in his left hand, and wears on his head the regal crown ;t — Handing upon his father's Cognizance of the White Boar. Arms. France and England, quarterly; with Label of three points, Argent. • In the Latin Roll, Richard III. is reprefented in a Tabard, with Sceptre in his right hand, fur- rounded by the fix Crefts above defcribed, whilft beneath runs the following legend : — " Ricardus tertius " Rex Anglie Anne Regine filie fecunde Ricardi Nevill, Comitis Warwici et Anne Comitifle, uxoris fue, " infelix Maritus." Between this portraiture and the preceding, the Roll has been mutilated for the purpofe of inferting Edward, Prince of Wales, fon of King Henry VI, and the firft hulband of Anne Neville; he is repre- fented in a full fuit of Armour, ftanding on a Lion, with Sceptre in his right hand and Royal Crown upon his head, furrounded by the Crefts of Jerufalem, Arragon,and Anjou, on his right, and Sicily, Naples, and Lorraine, on his left ; beneath runs the legend noticed in the Introduftion. f The author, in thus reprefenting the Prince of Wales, appears to ftiadow forth the Royal Dignity, to which he was then the apparent Heir; in the Lancafter Roll, he transfers the compliment, as before ftated, to Edward, Prince of Wales, fon of King Henry VI. (then dead), and depifts King Richard's fon in a Tabard, with a ducal Cap and Circlet only upon his head, and neither Rod or Sceptre in his hand, whilft beneath are the following lines: — " Edwardus illuftris Princeps Wallie Regis Ricardi tercij et venerabilis confortis fue Anne Regine " Anglie unica Proles & Heres, immo heres Celi, quem in fanfta anima nunquam infecit macula culpe " fed ante parentes infans obijt et apud Midleham honorifice fepulture traditur." The firft 1 8 Portraits confift of the early Lords of Warwick and Royal Benefadors. The direfl dejcent commences with Rohand, No. i g. 19. Rohand, Earl of Warwick, in the time of King Alfred, defcended from Arthgal, Conful of Warwick (No. 7) in the time of King Arthur. ' 1 21. Guy, Earl of Warwick in the time=p20. Felicia, daughter and heir, of King Athelftan. | 23. Rainbukn, Earl of Warwick. I ' 24, WzGEATus, Earl of Warwick. 25. Ufa, Earl of Warwick. 26. Wolctatus, Earl of Warwick. 27. Wygodus, Earl of Warwick. 28. Alwin, Earl of Warwick. 29. TuKCHiL, Earl of Warwick. 31. HiNRT DZ Newbukgr, Ear! of Warwick, ob. Ii23.=j=30. Margaret, daughter and heir. 32. Roger de Newburgh, Earl of Warwick, ob. I153. 33. William de Newburgh, Earl of Warwick, ob. s. p. 11 84. 34. Waleran de Newburgh, Earl of Warwick, ob. 1205. 35. Henry de Newburgh, Earl of Warwick, ob. 1229. 41. William Mauduit, Baron of Hanflape,=j=40. Alice. 36. Thomas de Newburgh, Earl of War- wick, ob. s. p. 1242. 38. JohnMares-^37. MAR-^39. John de Ples- 42. William Mauduit, 44. William Beau-=p43. Isabel. CHAL, Earl of gery. setis, Earl of Earl of Warwick, champ. Warwick, ob. ob. s.p. 1268. s. p. 1263. Warwick, ob. s. p. 1243. 45. William Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, ob. 1298. 46. Guy Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, ob. 1 31 5. 47. Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, ob. 1369. 48. Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, ob. 1401. I Elizabcth Bkrkeley,=p5o. Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, ob. i439,=:pIsABEL Le Despencer. 51. Margaret, Countefs of Shrewfbury. 52. Eleanor, Du chefs of Somerfet. 53. Elizabeth, Lady Ladmer. I 54. Henry Beauchamp, Duke of Warwick, ob. 1445. 57. Richard Neville, =^=56. Anne. Earl of Warwick and I Salifbury, ob. 1471. I I 55. Anne, daughter and heir, died an intant. 59. George, Duke=f=58. Isabel, eldeft of Clarence, ob. >477- daughter, ob. 1476. Edward, Prince^62. Anne, youngeft=5=63. King Richard III. of Wales, daughter, born 1456. 60. Edward, born 1474. 61. Margaret, born 1473. 64. Edward, Prince of Wales, born 1473 urije lio\D0 HoL I. Utl)0linU2i — kyng guthelyne, or kenelyn hole kyng of grete Brytayn that comprehendyth Englond Walys and Scotlond he was a ver- tuus man and a grete bylder and a monge many othere as ys fchewed in the abbey of Evyfham in dan Thomas Wynchombys warkys he made thys borow abowte the byrthe of kyng Alyfaunder the grete conquerowr on of the ix worthy and named hyt Caerleon. Brwte the ferfte kyng of thys realme devyded thys londe in thre for hys thre Sonnys. The cheff parte was from Trent to the fowthe fe and that of hys eldyft fone locryne was called loygre. The fecunde from Sewerne to the Weft Se was of hys fecunde fone Camber callyd cambria now Walys, The thyrd from Trente to the Scotys Se of hys thyrd fone Albanadl was called Albany. In Walys and Albany were ij Cyteys called Carleon as wrytys mayfter Gerad Barre in The Rows Rol. hys cronycle. Of thes Cyteys hit that is in Sowthe Walys yete holdys the name to thys day. The fecund ys in the Egge of Northe Walys and Albany wyche now ys called Cheftur and the water of dee that hyt ftondythe on partes hyt from Northe Walis. The thyrde as wrytys mayfter Gyldas is thys borow wycche aftyr was called Cairumbre, and aftyr Cayr Gwayr and now Warwyk and ftondythe in logyr that ys . . . . the ChefFe parte of Englond better than Walys 2. tDll)tttU0 — kyng Gwidard — a noble warreur he be gan to reyne the iiij yer from the byrthe of owre lord ihfu cryft and reygnyd xliij yere and dyed abowt the fwame yer that owr lady dyed. He was a gret bylder and among oder he was a fpeciall good lord and coftius repayrer of thys borowgh, and as then hyt was a nobyll Cyte. Thys I had of fir danyll treferer of landef, a excellant croniclar. Thys noble Kyng for denayeng tribut to the Romayns was fawt with in hys own Ream and by trefon was ful cowardly flayn by a romayn that com with Claudius ther capteyn and Emperowr in hys days as writys by flop Gefrey in the comun brute. But yet the Kyng hys brodur to hym Eyre and ymmediate fucceflTor in proces of tyme buryed hym ryally at Glowcetter. The Rows Rot. On0anttnU0 — brodyr to the kyng of lytyl bry- tayn by eleccion was made kyng of thys lond he was grandfader to kyng Arthur the mithi warreur on of ix worthi. Thys kyng was a noble man and a grete bylder he made cayrwent by Chep- ftow and cayrvrongen that is nowe callyd Worcettur and grete expens did in byldyng of thys borow and changyd the name of hit from Caerleon callyng hit cairumbre. Thys mater is playn as I fey both in Northwalys and in Anglifhey in the Walfhe cronycles. tO^pt — a noble prince of the blode Ryal of the brutayns ny cofyn to Kyng arthur on of the ix worthy he dyd grete coft of thys town and namyd hit aftyr hym Carewayr. Thys lord or on of his fucceflurs of the brytonis on a tyme met with a geant that ran on hym wyth a tre fhred and the barke of but the lord had grace wyth hym and was a delyuer man and overcame the Geant and in tokyn ther of then forward here in hys armys a ragged ftaf of filuer on a felde of fable and foo hys heyrys here countinuali aftyr hym. Of thys lorde ys made mencon bothe Northewalys and The Rows Rot. Sowthwalys In theyr Welfli Cronicles and convey hys aunceftri from hym to our formaft fader Adam. 6. |an(fUg 2DUbriCtU0— in the Walfh tong callyd Seynt deueroik a kyngs fon and Quenys he for goddyfTake lefte the world and be came a man of the Church and was a grete letturde man and aftre a Prefte and then byftiop of thys borowh then a noble Cyte callyd Cayrgwayre in theo dayes after Warwik hys fee pontyfical was then at alhalowchurche in the Caftel and foo hyt contynud a colage tyl aftur the conqueft thre fcore yere and then was hyt ioyned to the collage of owr lady wyth in the town and of theo ij colagis Were made on thys holy fader here confecrate to all hys ordres Seynt Sampfon that was aftyr archebyffhop of Yorke and for warre laft thys lond and went in to lytyll Brytan and there was byffhop of Dole, lyke wyfe Seynt Deuoroyk and the people of thys coftys, for fere of the Saxons flod in to Walys and ther was then Seynt Deueroyk the furft byfhop of landafe and from thens was tranflate un to the archebyfhopryk of Caerleon levyng at landaf Seynt The- leaws hys next ther Succeflbur he after that crownyd kyng Arthur and refyned hys Archefliopryke to Seynt Dauyd who tranflate the fee un to Me new that ys now callyd Seynt davies and Seynt Deveroyk aftyr dwellyd folytaryly The Rows Rol. in the yle of Stepholm in Sevarn and ys flirynyd in landaf and there hys day is kept hygh and holy the xiiij day of November. Thys I had in Englifey and powis lond. 7- tt][)0dllU& — Arthal eorl of cite of carvayre now callyd Warwyk a knyght of the rond table in Arthur dayes, a lord of ryall blode and witty in al hys dedys. The furft iinnable of hys naavm that ys to feey Arth or Narthe is afmuch to fey in Walfh as a bere. Wherfore oldmen hold an oppyn- yen that the lordis of Warwyk there grownd hem to take the Bere to here befte. Of thys lord maketh mencion maifler Gefray Monmoth fumtyme byfop of Seynt Afaph in the comen Brute / and foo dothe John Hardyng in hys cronicle reherfing the namys of the knyghts of the rownd tabul in kyng Arthurs dayes. 8. OtUtl)iUfii — Eorl of the cite of caerware now callyd Warwyke of thys borowoh fpeketh peter in redudlorio morali as I fye in the uniuerfite library in Oxenforde and he leithe for hym a clerke callyd Gervays in a boke that he made of the marvelys of the word to the iiij Othus Emperor of Rome/ feyng that in Vervik in Worcetter diocefe in En- The Rows Rol. gland ar Wellis that be half the yer as from Xpiftemmes to Midfomer fait and then they ren ouer and the oder half of the yer they ren frefhe and then is ther but lytyll water in hem. Wher thys wells ar now I con not fey but ther is a ftrete callyd Saltysford and wyth in lytyll more then a mylle from Warwik is a fait well and many fperringys abowt hyt where myght be made many wells and have fait watyr rennyng therowt the yere and the Reuer of Lemyn that rynys by of tyme flows ouer hem. 9- |dttl)tUt)U0 Eorl of Warwyk in the brytons or Walfmenis days was a nobyll knyte and many moe Welfh Errls ther were, nor that I can fynd wrytyng of God have ther fowls but on of hem what he was I can not fey was tombyd and maruelfly buryed in the botom of Auen as kyng leyor maker furft of leicetter was purpofly buryed in the water of Sowre by Lecettur. Thys ys hade in the Walfhe croniclis. lO. arremUnl)U0 — of the moft ryal blode of the Saxons a nobul knyght. In hys dayes the brytons were dryue in to Wales and the lond dyuyded in to many kyndamys and the kyn- damys partyd in to (herys that were namyd after the hede The Rows RoL townis faue there naamys were changyd by the new lordys. As thys kyng Warremond did chaung the name of this town then a Cyte naamyd Caier gwayr and callyd hit Warwyke and inhabit hit new wyth faxons that now ar callyd Engliflhe peple and preuylegid ther townys at here pleflir and at Glowcetter thys kyng was buryed. Of this lord fpekythe the boke of the adtus of the abbots of Seint alboons. II. Ifltl)^ — this was a noble lady dowghter to kyng Alfred fownder of the uniuerfite of Oxonford Thys lady was feruent a geyn the danys that ny hand had deftroid this land and fhe of her grete goodnes ful coftiiifly repayryd many Citeis and caftels and among oder fhe did grete coft of thys caftel and in efpeliall of the dongeon for the fpecial favour that fhe had to the holder at Tamworthe fhe dyed and at Gloucetter is fhe beried at Seynt ofwaldes by her lord fir Ethelrede. Thys proces had I owt of marians Cronicle, and here ye fhall underflond that when thys land was deuyded in to many kyngdoms then by mariage was of tym made pefe and loue be twen hem and fefyng of grete warre, and foo the kynges were cofyns eche to oder and who euer com lyneally of on com of all bothe of Kynges Quenys and grete lordys and ladies and cofyns of .* ^- > JO 11. >^ M The Rows Rol. blode to many holy and Glorius Seyntys To whom all was cofyn and Eyr kyng Alfrede Goddys knyght a noble warreur and a mighti prynce in his dayes to thys goode lady dam Elflede fadur. 12. lanttUS^ 6tltOartlUSf— kyng of England a glo- rius confefllir was borne at Iflepe be fyd Ox- enford wiche gracius lorde whan the power of the danys was utterly excludyd from thys hys Relm then by the advyfe of his fage lordys at a grete parlement made new lawys & of them and of the old lawis that were profetable he mad a whole warke and graunt new and confermyd old priuilagis of citeis and hed townys of hys realm and in fpecially of tho that longyd to the crown of the wyche Warrewik was at that tyme on of hem as wel fheweth in the kyngys boke in hys trefory callid domus day for the Eorlys at that tyme were not lordys of the towne but had there their worfupful manfions caftells felows and the rewU of the contre under the kyng. 13- pUnTU0 tOnCJUeliOt by enheritans duk of Normandy and by conqueft kyng of En- gland as witnes hit William Malmefbury cronicler in hys boke of kyngs. He re- c The Rows RoL wardid his lordis and Gentylmen with mariage and lyvlod in England accordyng to here degre and a mong oder for the loue that he had to fir Roger bemont he made hym of a vicount Erl bemont and hys ij fonys he mad Erls the elder fir Robert he mad Erl of Leycetter in England and the yonger fir herre Newburgh he mad Erl of Newburgh in Normandi and Erl of Warwik in Englond and gave hym the bourgh of Warwike frely and infeparablie as hert and hede of the Erldam owt of the crowne by his fervis of his erldam with the old priuilegs wheche as by the conquerors fre geft the burgeys and inhabitans of the fayd burgh claym as for there fre ryght un to this day thow they have no wrytyng to jQiow for them for they may not cum to the trefory in the cartel to feke hyt and in hapis nevor by ofte dyfpoilyng of the feyd caftel and trefery. fum where myght be found fum copy of record of the feyd Eorl herrys crea- cone with all poffefiions and fredoms rehercyd. the fam Kyng William enlargyd the caftel and dykid the town and yatid hyt and for the enlargyng of the caftel were poUyd down among oder xxvi howfys that were tenantyes to the hows of monkys of Couentrye as is wryte playnle in domus- day the boke a fore feyd. I*) The Rows Rol. 14- ^tDl3t the Empras of Rome and cowntas of Aungey dowerghter and Eyr to kyng herre the furft kyng of England when flie knew that kyng Stewyn that had fworne and don to hur homage dyd ufurp up on hyr the crown of Englandde She entyrd in to England with grete power and a mong oder to her refortyd her brodir bafterd Robert Eorle of Gloucetter and William bechamp the baron of Elmfey William Maudut baron of Hamflape and oder and to them fhe gaue landis and rentys priuilages and liberties and fre- dams new and confermyd theyr old grauntes by Kyngys a for weche landis & priuilegis ar now by mariage in corporate in to the Eorldom of Warwike. 15- \t% '^tii^^WXitQ graunted to the Lord Tony and hysEyerys and that ar now the Eorlys of Warr- wyk many priuilagys alfo Kyng Herre the thryd and Kyng Edward (the furfte) and Kyng Herre the fyfte graunted to fir John plefly and aftyr to fir Willm beauchamp and to fir Richard beauchamp Erl of Warwike feyre to the burgh of Warewik of wiche fum were chaunchyd from on tyme of the yere to a noder as hyt was thowt mofl expedient by ye kyngys lycens Thys kyng was C 2 The Rows Rol. born in the cite of Aungey the hed cite of the counte of Aungey and ys buryd at Worcettur.. i6. \t% CtltaartlU0 tl)e fOtortl) bom in Roan the chef cite of Narmande a vittorius knyght ful fortunat and a gret bylder graunt to the burgh of Warwik ij feyrys and alfo he graunt with owt fe or fyn to the burgh at the inftans of hys noble brodyr Georg duk of clarance many feyre and grete preuilages as the copy wol playnly fhew whech under hys fignet wes fend to the pryve feal and he admyttid the Kyngis wrytyng and foo was hyt had to the Chaunflare and he to the grete hurt of the fayd Lordefhip with ftode hyt the more pyte was. 17- \t% iatCljartlUS; terCtUSf— born in the Caftle of Foderyngay a myghti prince in his dayes fpeciall gode lord to the town & lordfhyp of Warrewyk wher yn the cartel he did gret cofl off byldyng In the which his mojft noble lady & wyf was born and at gret inftance of her he of his bounteus grace with owt fee or fyn graunt to the feyd borowh frely by char- tur as kyng William Conquerour his noble progenitur a fore. tym gret previlagis. \G * 5 o ?l ^P'^^ The Rows RoL were weddyd and byd but a lytyl fefon to gedur he departyd from her to her grete hevynes and never was conuerfant with her after to her underftandyng and al the whyl fhe kep her clen and true lady and wyf to hym deuout to God- ward and by wey of almys gretly helpyng them that were in pore aftate. 21. lit dBp of Warrwyk flour and honour of knyght- hode fon to fir Seyward baron of Walyngford and hys lady and wyfe dame Sabyn a florentyn in Itale of the nobleft blode of the cuntre tranflate from Itayle un to this lond as dam Genches feynt martens After born in grekeland was maryed here and had in thys lond noble Seynt patrik that conuertyd Irlande to the chriftein faythe Thys wurfupfull knyght flr Gy in his a<9:is of Warre euyr confydrid what part was wrongyd and ther to wold he draw, by wyche doyng hys loos fpred fo far that he was callyd the verthieft knyght lyuyng in hys dayes. Then his moft fpecial and cheffe lady that he had fet hys hert moft on dam felys applied to hys wyl and was weddyd to hym. The Rows RoL 22. |)pg noble warreur fir Gy aftyr hys mariage coniideryng what he hade don for a woman fake thowt to be fet the oder parte of hys lyfe for goddis fake departyd from hys lady in pil- grime wede as here fhowis wyche rayment he kept to hys lyves ende and did many gret batels of the wyche the laft was the victory of Colbrond at Winchefbe by the warnyng of an Angell and fromthens unknown faue to the kyng only com to Warwike receyvyd as a pylgrym of hys own lady and by her leave had hys abydyng at Gybclif and hys lyuerey by hys page dayle fet at the cartel and ij dayes a fore hys deethe an angell enformyd hym of hys pafTage owt of thys warld and of his ladys the day four tenyth aftur hym and at Gibclif were they both biried for ther cowd no man from thens remefe hym tyl hys fworn broder come fir Tyrry with home he was tranflate with owt let and un to thys day God for hys fake to tho that deuoutly feke hym for her fekens with other greuis ar by myracle foen remedyed and in remenbrans of hyshabithyt wereful conuenient, youe that hit plefyd, fum good lord or lady to fynd in the fame place ij pore men that cowd help a preft to fyng on of them to be there continually prefent weryng hys pilgrime habit and to fliow folk the place and theyr habitacion myght be ful wel fet over hys caue in the roke. '-*. The Rows RoL 23. I ^fbUtnUlB) Sir Raynbrowne erl of Warrwik In the englifli tong callyd the flour of knyghthode fon & eyr to the moft viftorius knight Sir Gy of Warrewyk & his noble lady dam felyz le bele this valiant chiualer in his childhode was ftolyn from hys mayftir & gydar fir herowd of ardern by maryners of Rufly & fold to a hethyn kyng wher he prevyd to a noble knyght. whom fir herawd fowt wyde in far landis & aftur by fyztyng be twen fir Reynbroun & fir herawds fon that fowt her fadr in a reftyng whyle as is playn in the romans of the faid fir Raynbrouns lyfe the fayd fir herawd cam to knowlege of hem bothe & by proces browt fir Raynbroun her lord home to England & was ful cherfully receyuid of kyng Athelftan and receyvid his landeis with tho kyngis dowghter to his wyfe but fhe did not inherit the crown for hit went tho dayes by Eyr male or by eleccion oft tyme for the dayle warres that wer in tho dayes with the crwel danys and by fum mennys opyneon this lord is buried in a lUand be fyde Venice In happis in Jorneyeng to the holy land he decefid by the way God have mercy on his fowl & all cryf- tenes Amen. ^ t Kji~ I J ^ Kb ^^^^ r IT jl |H V -. U| J> ^^ 3S V i UmI '^UC& iCl^lOT^^^BI f The Rows RoL houe of the lordfliips of Wiklisforth and Grafton and at his decefe they to receyf hem wyt hys ftuf at that tyme found in hem In this lordis dayes the crwel danys in ther venia bul warr brennyd Warrewyk & ij abbeys on of monkys that ftode abowt Wodlow hil & an oder of blak Nonnes that flod in the town at feynt Nicholas & ther Quer is un to this day Quer of the Parifh church of Seynt Nicholas this crwel dede was doon In kyng Etheldredes tyme the yer of owr lord m^ & xvi a fore that was Warrwyk a ryal town & neuer fyn hit myght recouer the hurt that was thon done and un to this day in vilags a bowt in the cuntrey groweth gret plente of Walwort in feldes & a bowt the Cowrtys & maner placys ther as the people wer flayn & murdurd, and in fich placis ar many murdur ftonys con- geilid of fond grauel & mannys blode. This blodflied was betwen newyeris day & the Twelfday kyng Ethelred few yers afore by reafon of his evil courfes diffeynyd flew Wol- geat in England. 27. |^l9[Ot)U0 a lord ryall fuccedyng to fir WoUet long tyme wrangfuUy retanyng the lordfhyppys of Wykilsford and Grafton at the grete in-r ftance of Abbot Ailwyn the fecularis put owt made Abbot of Euifham reftorid hym the fame lordfhips in the dayes of Seynt Edward kyng and confeffour and in the D 2 The Rows Rol. jdede of relefe among his witnes he put his Eiris boeth the fadyr and the fon, Ailwyn and hys fon Turkyl of Warrwik. he had to his lady and wyfe the Suftur of Duke and Eorl Leuerych foundre of the priori of Coventre. 28. |lt]DinU0 — a noble lord fuccedid to Lord Wy- gode to whom in hys tyme was reteyned all the counte of Warrewik In hys dales by auto- rite of William Malmyfbyry Englis men dwellyd in fmale placis with grete plente and normands in roial bil- dyngs and grete fcarfte. 29. |l)Ut]^ilt)U0 of warrwik fon to lord Ailwyn a man of grete wurfliup at the conqueft tyme and aftyr as for bodily ftrength he was tho dayes in his flowrys. And then by the comaundment of kyng William conquerour was the caftel of warrwik en- largid the town yatyd and for the wall dykid but not the wallis performyd he had to hys lady and wife by the con- querour ordinans the countas of perche. SLy •s o # ^ Y ▼ ^ ■■■■ 4.4. i ^ * ^1 The Rows RoL 30- fltS^ttt^ dowghter and Eyr to lord thurkyl fuller to Hr Rotrode Eorl of perch that was a vailent Knyght at the wynnynge of Jherufalem and of all the holy land Thys ladi made a place of Templeris at lanmadok in Gowerland in Walys wiche cuntre was conquerid by her lord herre Newburgh Eorl of Warrwyk and a bowt the yong dayes of thys lady Kyng William Conqueror made the new foreft and deftroyd many townis and churchys for which dede by wrytyng of William Malmiibiry croniclar fewed thes wengavns fyrfl: ther mifchevid Rychard the conquerours fon and aftyr a nodyr lord Richard fon to Robart duk of Normandi eldyft fon of the conquerour and aftyr kyng William fon totheconquerour wold god that in our dayes deftryars of townys and parifh churchis wold take enfample of thes lords punifhments and as wytnes fcripture thobie xiij chapter God bleffyd the makers of Jherufalem and oder townys and curfith ther deftroyers and yfaye ve qui conjungitis domum domui et agrum agro &c. and they are miniftres of goddis vengians feyeng faciam terram veftram defolatam They deftroy the realm and caufe derth of corne for were is gret tilthe is plente of corn and els muft need be fcarfte The hurt that fech enclofers of townys doo to the Realm may be fhewyd by this mean Wher a perfonage is worth xx'' by yer whyl the The Rows Rol. ty th is but the tenth parte of the encrefe then muft the yerly encrefe of the hole town draw to ij hundrid pownd and a town fo enclofyd onely cumyth a hundrid marks by yer. then in ij hundrid pownd yerly to lofe ij hundrid mark hit is a foor los & much, the fae that ther be now fo many feche enclofures of townys of good & fruteful lands and much the rather for by hem are cawfed grete derthis de- ftroyeng of parifh churches waftyng of Citeis & greet townys for lak of corn & cummon to by ther cattle Almygty God enfpyrre the kyng the Queen & the lordis to fe a remedy ageynft this mifcheffe. 31- tnnCUSi — a Normande born ner cofyn bothe to feynt Edward Kyng of England and alfo to King William the conqueror and yn his hof- old browe up of a chyld with the feyd Kyng William yongift fon callyd Herry beauclerk and after by the grete menys and befy labers of the feyd Eorl herry to whom he was playferer the for fayd herri beauclerk was exaltyd to the crown of England a juft Kyng and by cans hym felf was englyfh born he was ful fauoureble to the englyfh peple that long had be fore oppreflid by his predecelTers kyngs fadre and brodre by tytill of his lady and wyfe dame margarite and the grete beneuolens of the conqueror maid Eorl of Warrewik and lord of the feyd burgh geuen owt of The Rows RoL the croun with grete preuilages and lybertyis that long of ryght contynually to the fame lordfhip weche were auncean demayn fhuld aftyr be fre hold as of the kynges fre gyft and graunt Thys noble Eorl was a holy man and hardy knyght and conqueryd in fowthe Walys Swanfey and all Gowerre land and the fwerd held hyt to hym and Eyris un to the tyme that Kyng John in the noon age of herry Eorl Wallerans fon alyend hyt wronfully from there blode Thys Eol was founder of the priory of Warwik Sepulcris that was hed hows thorowt England of that ordre and fpeciall benefadtre he was to the colagis of halows in the caftel and of owr lady with owt the caftel in Warrwik and bothe he encrefyd with prebends and prepofyd to haue made on colage of hem bothe and he had lyued he died the xx day of Jun and is buried at preavs by pont Odimere in Nor- mandi the yere of our lord m' c xxiij by his noble ancetre he foundid at Warmyngton in Warrewikfhere a fel of french monkys to the hows of preaws. 32. I O30tU0 — erl of Warewik and of Newburgh a holy man that diuers tymes in his owen per- fon vifyte the holy land, he fulfyllyd the vir- tuus purpos of his fader makyng on Colage of that of all halow in the caftel and of Seynt Mary in the town of Warrewik he made al fo the fpityl howfe of lepres The Rows RoL of Seynt Michels in the northe fubbarbis and i plas of Tem- plers by yond the byrge on fowth fyde havyng the prevy- legis given of feynt John of Clerkenwell and a noder priori in Walis callyd langenithe and mad hyt a fel to feynt Tau- ryns in Normande he was alfo fpecial good doer to the hows of Kenelworth, he alfo gave the heremytage of Gybclyf un to the priory of Sepulcres of Warrewyk and his fon Eorl Wallerane confermyd his gyftes and then was hit a fel to hem and oder wyle there were chanons and after fecular preftys lyueng by falaryes where they my ght gete hem and with hem lyues armytys and lyued un party by lyuerey fro the priori for then hyt was a worfhupfuU place and by almys from the caftel and of burges of the town and of devout peple of the cuntrey and fo hit contynued to the later dayes of Kyng Edward the thyrd un to Eorl Thomas tok it to hym and found the preflys fowd delyuered hem yerely owte of his cofurs and aftre his fon Eorl Richard endowd hit withe lyuelode and made hyt a chantre of ij preftys he died the xij day of June the yer of owr lord mcliij. |iUltntt0 Eorl of Warrwik a myghty lord he was founder of Seynt Jonhis of Warrewik he weddid fiirft dam mawd eldift dowghter and eyr (of the ij . .) of the lord percy by whom he was fownder of whytby and odre placis but they had no •c =)2 The Rows Rol. children and then hys ladyes enheritans went to hur fuftur dam annes wyf to fir Gofcelyn brodyr of dam Alyce Quene of England fecund wyfe to Kyng herry the furft dowter to the moft famous knyght fir Godfrey of boleyn kyng of Jherufalem the laft of ix worthy Thys Eorl William aftyr weddyd dam margaret d'evyle a god lady and a feyre and dyed withowt Eflw the xv day of Nouembre the yere of our lord m' c Ixxxiiij aftyr fum menis opinen but fum held that he lyvyd lengr and had been in ftrang cuntre as the holy land and come hom and chalangyd is lyvelod and then rys a grete trauers be twen hym and his brodyr and Eyr Eorl Walleran thorwo the wyche eidur of hem geuyng lordfhups fum for the tyme and fum euer owt of the Eorldom to theyre mayn- teners made of a ryche and notable Eorldam but a pore thyng to the grete hurt of there fucceffurs Thys lord was a whyle heuy lord to the howis of Sepulcris of Warrwik but the patriark of Jherufalem wrote to hym a ful ftiryng letter weche I have rod and aftur he was a good lord to hem. 34. |dmtEnU0 — Eorl of Warwik a noble man brodyr to Eorl William myche trowbul he had for hys lyuelode in the daies of kuyng Richard the furft that was born at Oxnford floer of knyghtode callyd for his manhode and hardynes Rychard cor de leon. Thys lord Walleran for mayntenens gaue to E The Rows RoL bifhop Hubert arbifhop of Canterbury chaunfler of England for mayntenans the coUacon of al the probends in his the Colege of Warrewik duryng his dayes and aftre to return to his Eyrys Eorls of Warrwik Thys lord weddid furft marge- rite the dowghter of the Eorl of herford and had no iffw by her and aftyr a noder lady dam Maud and aftyr dam alice harcowt by wiche lady he had grete iflw herry his Eyr Eorl aftyr fir Willerad and dam Alyce wyfe un to fir William maudut baron of hampflape with whos mariage was geue the manor of Walton maudut befyde Warwik and at kyng Johnis corronacion as for his homage of the Eorldam of Warrewik he here a fwerd on the ryght bond of the kyng and he confermyd the gift of hys foder of Gybelyf(to the) to the priory of fepulchres and he died the xxiiij day of de- cembyr the yere of our lord m' cc iij the iiij yer of the reign of kyng John and then his lady and wyfe dame Alee of the hartcowt blode a greyd with kyng John for her felfe to be maryed at her will and the warde of her children m' li & x white ftedys or palfreys. 35- CnttCU0 — Eorle of Warrewik fone and Eyr to Eorl Walleraun in hys nonage loft the lordfhupr of Gowere by kyng Johnis gyft and the feyd kyng John alyend the caftell of briftow from the Eyrys of the Erlis of Gloucetter wiche lordfhip fhulde 5^ ^T The Rows Rol. have longid to the Earldam of Warrewyk by fum mennis wrytyng This lord whan kyng John helde Warre with his lordis he held ftyfly of the kyngys parte for all the wrongs that he had. he had ij ladies and wyues. the furft was dam margery fuftre and Eyr to Sir herry Oyly whos ancetre undre the conquerour made the caftel of Oxneford and in the fame cartel foundyd a church of feynt George and the abbey of Ofney and annexyid hem to gedre In the wiche now is a chapel 1 of feynt George and ther ar found by the place of Ofney a certen of Scolars that of tym grow to gret worfhup. and he had by that lady a fon and a dowhter and bothe fuccedid to hym and aftre he weddyd dam philip baflet dowhter to iir thomas baffet baron of hedingdon in the counte of Oxneford and by hur was he foundr of BifTettur and aftre his difces (ho was wedid to fir William percy of york fher and fho had no yfTw In this lordis dayes ther dwelled a holy anchores on the north fyd of the Qwer of feynt Nicholas of Warrewyk & hur name was Wlwythe This lorde deed was x day of Odobr. 36. ]^Onta0 of Warrewik Eorl of Warrewik fon and Eyre to fir herre Eorl of Warrwik a man of grete comendacion he weddyd to his lady and wyfe dame Ele dowghter to fir Wil- liam Lonfpe Eorl of Salifbury fon to kyng Herre the fecond E 2 The Rows RoL and brodre to kyng John Thys noble lorde is bured at Warrwik. hys worfupfal lady is buryed a fore the hygh aul- terre of Ofney of Oxneforde Sho gaue to the help of pore fcolars of Oxneford to borow by pleggys in ther nede frely vij fcore marke put in a cofer to ther be houe aftre there behauer to borow which is callyd unto thys day Warrewik voucher and fhe has for that and odre benefedies ij maffis folemp by the uniuerfite doon in the yere. Sho was a deuout lady and large in Geftys to collagis of her dayes in Oxneford an religious placis as the fepulcris of Warrwik Ofney and Godftow by Oxnford Redyng lacok and many odre hur lord Eorl Thomas had no iffw bi hur and fo the enheritans fel to hyis fuftre lady margery he dyed the xxvij day of Jun and was buried at Warrwick as for as can be perceyuyd. 37- ^5^1*^^ fufter to Eorl Thomas and after his deth countas of Warrwik by enritans Thys noble lady in her widewod and full power gaue to the poor comynte of the burgh of Warrewik the comin ground that in to thys daye is callyd the cleyputtis She alfo was fpecial good lady to the hofpital of Seynt mihels of Warrwik among odre geuyng hem fre- dame there courtis to holde aftre the forme of the comun law. Sho had ij lordys to her hufbandes but noo iffw re- manyng and fhe died the vij day of June. ?^ *:-r •* '. 36 37 35 59 The Rows RoL 38. |O!)ne0 ^areCcallU0 a vurthi lord and of grete hanour in the dayes of kyng John and kyng Herry the thyrd brodyr to the grefteft lord of England in his dayes fir William Marfhal of England Eorl of Penbroke and of Strogoyle maifter to kyng herre the thyrd in his noon age by the ordinans of his trew lordisconfyrmyd by firGwale the popis legate This lord pafTid not many yerys in his Eorldam and had non iffew remanyng by his lady dam margery by whom he had the Eorldam he dyed the yere of yowre lord m' cc xlv. 39- OftnCS 1)0 ple(retl0 — fecund hufband to dame Margery and by hurre tytyll Eorle of Warrwyk a curteys and a gentyl lord born in the cuntre of peyto where in the chefe Cyte callyd peytres cummyng from Gyan he and fir Gylbert Segraue and mony mo were traiterle and to wrongfuUe take and prifond and put to ranefome thys lord by thys lady dame margery had no iffw remanyng he died the xxyj day of feuerell anno mcclxv and is buryed ful worfhupfully in the hows of Chanons of Mif- fendem in bukyngham fliyr by for the hye altere. The Rows Rol. rand. 40. llCta — dowghter to Eorl Wallerand lady and wyfe to fir William Maudut baron of hamp- flape had to hur mariage Walton maudut be fyde warrewik of her fadre Gyft Eorl Walle- 41. |lllelmU0 ^aUtlUt baron of hamflape weddyd dame Alice dowghter to fir Wallerand and fuftre to Eorl herry Eorlis of Warrwyk by hom he had ij chyldre fir William Maudut Eorl of Warrwyk and dam Ifabel wyfe to fir William beauchamp baron of Elmley he died the furft yere of kyng herre the thyrd the yer of owr lord m' cc xviij . 42. |lUmU0 fl^aUtlUt by titill of hys modre Eorl of Warrewik and by his fadre baron of hanflape and by enherytans of the fadre fyd Chamber- leyn of the chekkur In his dayes was grete wares in the land, he heldeuer of the kyngys parte wherefore fir Andre GifFart by trefon toke the caflel of Warrewik and for that hit fhold be no ftrength to the king, he bete with his felfhip down the wall from tour to tour wiche un to Eorl 40 -i^iaim^^MM— ^'^ W^ r ■ ■ r ^ The Rows RoL Thomas dayes aftyr was heggid. he toke alfo with hym the Eorl and the countas to kyllyngworth caftel and his peple of valour eres and ranefomd the Eorl at xix*^ hundrid mark that was juftli payd at wiche tyme dame Alice the countes pleyng at the Ches in killingworth caftel with fir Richard moundvile knyght toke i pown of his & at the fame fefon he was chalangid by his armys apoyntid at the caftel yate then ris he & toke that knyght 8c browt hym to the lady & with hym redemyd or ranfumd his pawn afftur by poyntment the Caftel was yeld up to the kyng that tym beyng with his grete counfel at Warrewyk. The kyng at that tyme helde ther a grete counfel of his lordis to fet the land in reft aftur the barons warris & the grete batels that had been & keeping of Caftels as that tym was the Caftell of killingworth & mo oder & for a final pefe to be made were chofin at Warrwyk by the gret counfel of the lond certen lordis fpiritual & tempral xij in numbr to whom was geun full power to mak a poyntmens that fliould be ftond by ftedfaftly with owt varians that is to fey W. of Excetter. W. of Bath & Well N. of Worcetter & R. of feynt Dauyes bifhops fir Gilbert Clar erl of Gloucetter humfre Erl of Herford John baflet John baliol Robert Walleran Alan Souch Robert Sumeri & Waryn of Wafilng- burn Thes xij departed to Couitre un to they wer agred then the ftreyt met and fo they com to Warrwyk where fir Od:o- bonus the legat aftur pope callid adrian the v. openle pro- clamyd the apoyntment in the purlieu of owr lady church of Warrwyk, before the Kyng and all his noble counftsel. The Rows Rol. 43- Kabelia Tiftur to fir William Maudut Eorl of Warrwyk was weddyd to fir William beaucham baroner of Elmley a gode and a deuout lady fhe lie the buried in the priory of the wyte nunnys of colefhuU of her lordys and hys auncetre fundacone mydell wey by twen Warwik and worcetter Sho dyed a fore her lorde and hufband the xij daye of Juinnere and he was aftre hurre elft foon weddyd to a lady callyd angaret and had by hur 44. ItllmUS^ tie fteaUC!)amp baron of Elmley by hys lady and wyfe dame Ifabel fuftre to fir William maudut Eorl of Warrwik had ifTw thre fonnis and all were lordys the oldyft fon fir William beauchamp was eyr to hem bothe by his fadyr barone of Elmley and by hys modre Eorl of Warrwik and of there armys made on. bothe ther feldys were gowlis & by her were put in the crofcrofley and by hym j bend of gold The fecund fon was lord of powys by worcetter and to hys felde of gawlis & a bar of gold of his parte were put to by his wyf and lady vj mullottes of gold and the thyrd and yongyft fone to hys part was pout for his lady vi byletts of gold. They had a nodre brodre of the fadre fyde only by his lady dame angarete. The Rows Rol. 45- |tUtttUfi^ ^eaUCl)amp by hys fadyr baron Elmley ond flieryf of Worcetter Shyre by en- heritans and by his fadre or modre pantere at the kynges corronacion and by hys moder Eorl of Warrewik and of Neuburgh baron, baron of hamp- llape and Chamberleyn of the kyngys Checcr and by his lady and wyfe lord of Kyrtlyng and of the furft and chefe parte of the Eorldam of EfTex and fowndre of Suldham in Norfolk he was a lord of grete wifdom and very manful as was well prouid by his ads in the warres of Walls and of Scotland he dyed the ix day of June the yere of owr lord m' cc Ixxxx viij and his buryed by his fadr and his lady by hym at the grey frerys of worcetter a place of there fundacion In this lodys dayes were all the Jues exilid for euer owt of England. 46. ItDpllO beauchamp the wittyft lord callid of England fon and eyr to fir william beauchamp and Eyr alfo to his moder dam Maud or mold of of Kyrtlyng with the purtynance and by his lady and wyfe dame Alice lord Tony and foundr of Weftacre in Norfolk and of the priory of Nunnys of mar- kyate and of Seynt Gylis a ij myle weft from hyt and he The Rows Rol. dyd found hym felfe the colage of Elmley Thys lordys gydyng was fuch that they that talkyd of hym or wryt of hym naamyn euer the good Eorl. And for his manhode kyng Edward the furft gaue to hym and to his Eyres barnerd caftel in the bifhopryke of durhame. A bowt his dayes or fone aftre hym and euyre eny fuch were fuld reygne the famous outlawe Robyn hode and lytyl John and there felawis. hit is maruel that no croniclar writis of hem. Alfo this lord toke fir pers of of Gauefton a Gafcoyn born pley- ffer to kyng Edward the fecund and banyfhyt out of this lond for euer by kyng Edward the furft but the kyng his fun thow he were fworn the contrary had hym to the lond a geyn and made hym Eorl of Cornwayl and his leuetenant of England wille he was abfent to feyt dame Ifabell the Kynges dowhter of fraunce and gave hym the Eyre of the iij parte of the Eorldam of Glowcetter wiche parte is the dukys of bukkynham. This fir pers then defpifid the lordis of Eng- land and fet all there hartes a geyn hym he folde alfo owt of the land the rownd table of filuer that was kyng arthurs with the treflyls the quantite is yot in the caftel of Wyn- cheftre. he was therefore by hedyd by fyr Warrewik beyng there that tyme Seynt Thomas of Lancafter and odre Eorlis Warrwick Suffolk harford and penbroke with odr lordes This Eorl died at Warrewik the xii day of Auguft the yer of yowr lord m ccc xv and is buried at bordyfley. * -, J»- The Rows RoL 47- I)Oma0 25eauel)amp— Eorl of Warrwik fon and Eyrre to fir Gy and dame Alyce a manly knyght of all the warld as is fhoeyd well at crefcy and at peytres where John kyng of iraunce was take and at the fege of cales he warryd alfo in hethenes iij yer and browt with hym the kyngis fon of lettow and Xpend hym in london and namyd hym Thomas aftyr hym and the archbifhoppe of Sens was hys prifoner he was aftyr lettenand of fraunce in the warre tyme undre kyng Edward the iij and lyke wyfe of Scotland undre kyng Ed- ward baliol in hys warrys he alfo by pie gate Gowarland but hys fon loft hyt a gayn he al fo by the kyngys gefte was marfhal of England term of hys lyfe and Sheryf of Warrwik fhyre and leicetter fhyre all is dayes he wallyd the caftel of warrewik to ward hit & yatyd hyt and made the grete bothe alle in the market ftid and made the town tol fre. he was bom in the caftel of Warrewik and aftyr his Godfadre feynt Thomas of Lancaftre namyd Thomas & fir Thomas War- mynton prior then of killyngworth for whom God fhowis oft grete myracles Xpend hym and aftyr he dyed at calis the yer of owr lord m' ccc Ixix the xiiij day of Nouembre and is buried worfhupfully at Warrwik in the feyr quere wiche he be gon but his fon fynifhid hit. F 2 The Rows Rol. 48. |l)Oma0 BeaUCljamp, after the dethe of hys eldir brodre lir gy beauchamp fon an Eyr to ther fadre noble fir Thomas beauchamp was a good knyght and of the ordre of ye gartre and gretly laburd in dyuers londys both Xpen and hethyn with his fadre & aftyr hym felf beyng at Jerufalem he had euer a fauour to the comun wele and auentyrd hym fo far for the comunte that at the laft he was iuggid to perpetual prifon and his landys gen a way from his blode for euer to iir Thomas holand Eorl of Kent and aftur made duke of Surre but at the ij ere end God reftoryd hym a geyn to hys landys and dyed Eorl the viij day of apryl the yer of owr lord m' ccccj he was a grete almyfmon and wol vifite bed- redfolk his own perfon and dele largly with hem he fynnifhid the Quere of our lady church that his fadre be gan and is buryed in hyt In hys tyme alfo he be gan the gold of the trinite and Seynt Georg of Warrwik he alfo be gan the now towres next the downgen Thys lord wher his ancetre had geuyn Gyclif un to the priori of Warrwik he gate hit by change of lyuolode to hym and his Eyris fore euer more and new by It hit the manfion undre the chapell and namyd hit Gyclif in remembrans of iir Gy. ^--^ The Rows RoL 49. |))OntaSi !)Oldnd Eorl of Kent & Surrey and of warren duke of Surre knyght of the garter he had by kyng Ricard the fecund ij yere the Erldam of Warrewik alfo when the Eorl mar- chal was dampnyd unto perpetual exyle this lord was made marfhall of England, he was on the modre fyde to Kyng Ricard brodre. his odre brothre fir John holand was Eorl of huntingdon fadre to John duke of Excetter. This duke Thomas was fpeciall goode lord to the collage of Warrewik whos adis ther to Eorl Thomas Beauchamp at is cummyng confermyd this duke was hedyd by the comens at Sifletter and his landis were deputyd by twen his fufturs for lac of Eyr male — 50- |tel)arUUS Beauchamp Eorl of warrewik a noble knyght as was wel prouid in his Juftyng at mantua in lumbardy and at the general confel at the Cite of conftaunce wher he was for the kyng and the tempralte of England the rialte of all Xpedom yer beyng prefent bothe fpiritual and tempral and aftre at Gynes when he was capten of cales and in many odre landys and in the warrys of fraunce The em- poror callid hym fadre of curtfy fFor and all curtfy were The Rows Rol. loft he feyd hyt myght haue be found in hys perfon and the kyng made hym Eorl of Avmarl Thys lord pur- cheft Seynt bertylmew feyr to Warwick he had purpofid alfo to haue wallyd the town and afligned rentis to do hyt with and to haue gutterd the water of auen where the Rok of fton made hyt ihalowe and to have largid the archis of birgis and compownyd with the owners of the myllis be- twen Warwik and Teukyfbury to have let the myllis or fet fuche ordynance that fmale veflels as the water wold here myght haue be conveyed fro Teukifbury to Warrewik. This dede don had ben a plefont fyght of the veflels com- yng & a makyng to warrewik and all the cuntrey and a grete profit to the lordis in cariage of there wynys and odre ftuf from Briftow by watre and caufid marchandis the bet- ter willyd to dwell in the town Thys lord was maifter to kyng herre the fyxt in hys tender age and with the helpe of the land crownyd hym twies at Weftmyftre as for kyng of England and at paris for kyng of fraunce he made cer- ten there a fore was uncerten at Gybclif a chauntre of ij pryftis that God wold fend hym Eyre male, he did hyt by the ftyrryng of a holy anchoras namyd dam Em Rawghtone dwellyng at all halows in the northeflxete of york and for hyt to her apperyd our lady vii tymes in on yer and feyd that in tyme to cum hyt fhuld be a regal collage of the Trinyte of a kynges fundacone and hyt fhuld be a gracious place to feke to for eny difes or gref and on of Seynt Gyes 50 51 ■ ^ a ■j l< ^^^^^^^ HDk^iAS The Rows Rol. Eyris fliuld bryng hys Reliks a geyn to the fame place. Thys Eorl Richard died at Roaon in Normandi. he then beyng there Regent and the kynges leftenant and is buried, at Warrewik in on of the faryft chapels of England of his fundacone to the whiche he ordeynid pofTeflions for iiij preftys and ii clerkys and aftyr hyt was mouyd to the duke of clarans that tho iiij preftys or vicars to be perpetual and parifli preft & they to were calabii amys and for hope of the perpetuyte the church fhuld euer have able men to there quere he died the laft day of april the yere of yowr lord m' iiij" xxxij he a for his dethe chargid his fon to what dygnyte euer he fhuld be put to neuer to change the name of Warrewik for eny odre This lord was a knyght of the garter and did gret worfup to the ordre. 51- nol)l0 lady dam Margarite eldyft dowghter to fir Richard beauchamp eorl of Warewik by his furft lady and wyfe dam Elizabethe of barkeley dowghter to the lord barkley and by titil of her modre lady lyle. Thys werfhupfuU lady was born in the maner of Godreft by Warrewik and in the caftell of Warrewik fho was maried to the grete and myghti warreour fir John Talbot that was made Eorl of Srewif- bure flayn in Gyan and had plenteous ifTw by hym Sho dyed at london and is buried at pawlis undre the quere. hur The Rows RoL Refon was til deth departe This lady to the honour of God made a decre in her hows not her own childre owt fet. that what euer perfon blafphamyd owr lord by unlawful! fweryng he fliuld lak that day ale wyn and chochyn and only haue but bred and watre. 52. tnP3l)tp princes dame Alianore fecund dowht- re by his furft wyfe to fir Richard beauchamp Eorl of Warrewik duches of Somerfet. born at Walkunftow, lady and wyfe to fir Edmund duke of Somerfet that was flayn at Seynt Albons. they had to gedre noble and plentuous yfTwe. hur Refon was neuer new. This noble princes died at london in her place at Baynard Caftel on a Saturday the vij day of march the yer of owr lord m' cccc Ixvij. 53- tDOtCbupfUl lady dam Elizabethe thyrd dowhter by his furft lady and wyfe to fir Ri- chard Beauchamp Eorl of Warrewik born in the caftel of Warrewik and there buryed. wyfe ^o the lord latymere by whom fhe had fir herry latymere a noble knyght flayn at Egcote felde and buried at Warrewik and a dowghtre callyd dame Kateryner weddyd furft to fir Olyuer dudley a noble man fon to the baron of dudley fiayn 5\ 5^ as' s^ s^ i^-^MJ ^t ^' I 54- 55 'm •^ k V *^:" 5 %U BSeSi ^Sr?' D^ t- ^-tj + -f^r KKi- c?i ^ ^¥ r M |4? The Rows RoL he alfo wold fofur no officer of his to oppres eny man for & hit myzt cum to his knowleg he wold fore punyfh hem & yet they wold not mend therby they fhuld not ferue hym. 55- ^Dp i^n dowhter and eyer to fir herre beu- chap duke of Warrewik ward to a noble and myghty lord fir willm polle duke marchas and Eorl of SufFok. Sho was borne at Car- delFe in fowtwalys a feyr yong lady and dyed a Infaunt of V yer olde and is buryed by her grete grauntmodre dam conftance dowhter to fir Edmunde of Langley duk of york and fon to kyng Edward the thyrd a fore the hye awter in the abbey of Redyng. 56. am :anne Beaucl)amp a noble lady of the blode Royal dowhter to Eorl Ry chard and hole Suftre and Eyr to fir herre Beauchamp duke of Warrwik and aftre the deflece of his only begoten dowhtre lady An. by trew enheritans countas of Warrewik which goode lady had in her dayes grete tri- bulacon for her lordis fake Syre Rychard Neeuel fon and Eyr to fir Rychard Eorl of Salifbury and by her tityll Eorl of Warrwik a famus knyght and excellent gretly fpoke of thorow the mofte parte of all chriftendam. This gode lady was born in the manor ofCawerfham by redyng in thecounte '^'i V The Rows RoL of oxenford and was euer a full deuout lady in Goddis fer- uys fre of her fpeche to euery perfon familiere accordyng to her and thore degre Glad to be at and with women that traueld of chyld. full comfortable and plenteus then of all thyng that fhuld be helpyng to hem. and in hyr tribulacons fho was euer to the gret plefure of God full pacient. to the grete mery te of her own fowl and enfample of all odre that were vexid with eny aduerfyte. Sho was alfo gladly euer companable and liberal and in her own perfone femly and bewteus and to all that drew to her ladifhup as the dede fhewid ful gode and gracious, her refon was and euer fhall. 57- ipr i^tCljarD Jl^euell knyght by hys fadre and modre enheritans Eorl of Salyfbrury and lord of midlam and mony odre grete maners in the Northe and by his ladi and wyfe dam An Beauchamp Eorl of Warrewik and lord of many odre grete lordfhips in euery coft of the land and by the kynges geft gret Chamberleyn of England hye Stuard of the duchre of Lancaftre warden of the Northe marches toward Scotland and of the v portis ammirel of the fee and capten of Calls and where the Kyng had ground lyef tenant in hys abfens. Thys noble lord was purpfid to have endowid his place of Gybclyf with more lyuolede for mo preftys and poer Gentil- men and to haue woltyd and butracyd fir Guys caue for fall- yng downe of the hangyng rok by the avys of oder lordys G 2 The Rows Rol. ftunyng hym fo to doo and to let peynt Sir Gyes Image and inremembrance of feynt Gy he wold haue had a certen of' pore gentylmen found ther as were at feynt Cros of Wyn- cheftre by the fundacon of maifter herre beauford cardynal and bifhop of Wyncheftre brodur to kyng herre the foruth wich place was endowid with forfet lyuelode of the Eorl of Salifbury flayn at Ciffetter with the duke of Surrey, and thys lord had by audorite of parlement recouerd hit a geyn. he had alfo by his lady and wyfe ij dowghtrs Ifabell duches of clarence the eldre lady and the yongre was the moft noble princes Quen An wyfe to the mightifouerayn prince Rychard the thyrd kyng of England. Thys noble Eorl was a knyght of the garter and he had all England at his ledyng and was dred and dowhtyd thorow many landis. And thow froward fortne hym deceuyd at his ende yot his knyghtly a6ts had be fo excellent that his noble and famous name cowd neuer be put owt of laudable memory, he in his teftament be- quathe his bodye to be buryed at Warrewik but for all that he is buryed at Byrfham up on temmys. he was born on the monday on feynt Cecili day the yere of our lord m'cccc xxviij & died ye xiiij day of april the yere of our lord m' cccclxxi. 58. tiXtit '^i^ibtW duches of clarance wyfe to the noble and myghty prince Georg duke of Clarance eldyft dowhter to the moft famus and dred and louyd lord iir Rychard Neouel Eorl The Rows Rol. of Warwike and his noble lady dam An. Sho had chidren the eldyft borne on the fee and buryed by calls the fecund dam margaryte born at caftel farley by bathe The thyrd fir Edward her Eyre borne in the caftel of Warrewik and the fourth lord Rychard born at Towkyfbury and lyuyd not a quarter of a yere and dyed anon aftyr hys lady modre at Warrewik and there buryed. and thys lady her felf was borne and dyed in the caftel of Warrewik and is buryed at Towkyft)oury Sho was borne the v day of feptembre the yere of our lord m' cccc Ij & died the xxij day of decembr. 59- ItOt^t duke of Clarance after the dethe with owt yflw of fir Edmund Eorl of Richmond next brodre to kyng Edwad the fowrth. he was knyght of the garter and Eorl of Warre- wik by hys lady and grete Chamberlayn of England and the kynges lief tenant in Irland born in the caftel of dyuelyn. a myghty prince femly of perfon and ryght witty and wel vifagid. a gret almys geuer and a grete bylder as fhowis at tutbure warrewik and odre placis and there infpeciall was he purpofid to have doone many grete thinges as wallyng the town and haue made a owt ward to the caftell clofyng in the barn and the StabuU as the good noble Eorl fir Richard Beauchamp had purpofyd the fame and the low wey callyd the holow wey in to the town ftiuld have be ufid as was of old tyme. Alfo this noble duke would have made a fet The Rows Rol. parke of the temple feldis a for geyn the caftel for a plefans to be in the caftel and fe the dere and the fporte of hem and a greyd with the oweners of the grownd and at Gypclyf to have performyd the wil and purpos of hys fadre in law and to have gete priuilages to his burges of Warrewik but froward forteon maligned foor a geyn hym and leyd al a parte, he died in the towr of London and is buryed at two- kyfbury the xxv day of feuerel the yere of yowr lord m' cccc Ixxvii alfo hyt was put hym in mynd to let halow the new chapell and that he dyd. 60. |j>t d)tDdttl a noble lord and of the Royal blode fon to the noble prince George duke of clarance and to dam Ifabel his lady and wyfe and by hur tytul Eorl of Warrewik he was born the xxj day of feueral the yere of owr lord m' cccc Ixxiiij and was made knyght at york by kyng Richard the iij with prince Edward his fon and eyr the furft yere of his Reigne. 61. |at)p J00arff arete borne at the caftell of farley yn the counte of Wyltftiyre befyde the cyte of Bathe the yere of owre lord m cccc Ixxiij the day of the monythe of auguft dowhter to the gret prynce George duke of Clarance & hys lady dam Ifabell and fo fufter to Edward Eorle of Warwyck. - «. •■r» G2 G^ The Rows RoL 62. 1)0 mooft nobyll lady & prynces borne of the ryall blode of dyuers realmes lenyally defcend- yng from pryncys kyngys emperowris & mony gloryous feyntys dam Anne by the gret per- vyfyonn of god quene of ynglond & of fraunce & lady of Irelond. wyfe furft to prynce Edward Son and Eyre to kynge Harre the fyxt. and after hys decefe marvelowfly conveyed by all the corners and partyes of the whele of fortune & eft fone exaltyd a geyne herre then evyr fhe was to the mooft hye trone & honour ouer all other ladys of thy s nobyll realme anoyntyd and crownyd Quene of ynglond wyfe unto the mooft vidoryus prince kynge Rychard the thryd. In prefenc fche was femely ameabyll & bewteus & yn condycyons full commendabyll & ryght vertues and accordynge to the inter- pretacion of hur name anne full gracyows Sho was fecond doubter & on of the eyrys of ye mooft myghtty & nobyll lord Syr Rychard nevyll Erie of Warrewyk & of faluftjury and hys worfchypphull lady and wyfe dam Anne. Thys mooft nobyll prynces was borne yn the caftell of Warrewyk The xj day of the monythe of June the yere of owre lord m cccc Ivj and yn owre lady churche there wythe gret folempnyte was fche cryftond. The Rows Rol. 63- |l)C mooft myghty prynce Rychard by the grace of god kynge of ynglond and of fraunce and lord of Irelond by verrey matrimony with owt dyfcontynewans or any defylynge yn the lawe by eyre male lineally dyfcendyng from kynge harre the fecond all avarice fet a fyde Rewled hys fubiettys In hys Realme ful commendabylly ponefchynge offenders of hys lawes fpecyally Extorcioners and oppreffors of hys comyns and cherefchynge tho that were vertues by the whyche dys- crete guydynge he gat gret thank of god and love of all hys fubiettys Ryche and pore and gret lavd of the people of all othyr landys a bowt hym. 64. J)0 noble and myghty prynce Edward prynce of Walys duke alfo of cornewale and Eorle of Cheftyr Son & eyre to the moft hye & excel- ent prynce kynge Rychard the thryd and hys mooft noble lady and wyfe Quene Anne enherytour to bothe Royall poffefions he was borne yn the caftell of mydlam in the north cuntre. End of the Rol. a1 t^ (^)iy\vtr