Vs;v,.^;..;^ I .^ :vft 4''^; •;-*^'''»)' «.« .V£/J »-,\« ,*-r^ >fr::j. ^l <^i f?--V ■.v:*.V, -VV*-; :r^^ M^ I I- GEXEAL()(;iCAL AND HERALDIC HISTORY COLONIAL GENTRY SIR BERNARD BURKE, C.B., LL.D., ULSTER KING OF ARMS, AUTIIOIl OI' ■' TIIK DICTIONARY 01' THR PEKIiAGE AND BA1!()NETA(;K," '-TIIi; LANDED GENTKV," " THE HISTORY OV THE EXTINCT AND DORMANT PEKKACilCS," "the GENERAL ARMORY," "VICISSITUDES OF EAMILIES," " REMINISCENCES ANCESTRAL AND ANECDOTAL," &C. Vol. I. , l,(l\IK)N: liAIliaSON & SONS, 59, Palt. Mall, London, S.W. i'lOOlisfllcrs to JliD ii^atcn aiiti |).il.ii, Ilie yviiuc of Oc'lalfs. 18iil. HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HKR MAJESTY, ST. martin's lane. " Bis dat qui citu dat." The Colonies form pucli an important portion of our Empire that a history of the leading families, and their connection witii the mother country, cannot fail to be of interest. The preparation of this work has already been the means of bringing together kinsfolk from both sides of the globe, and I trust that the result of my labours may still further tend to promote that family love and unity which has always been the characteristic trait of our race. I have received, from every one of my correspondents, unvarying politeness and attention — from many, most important assistance — and to all I now beg to return my best and sincerest acknowledgments. Many imperfections will be apparent, I fear, to the critic of these pages, but I may be permitted to say that the popularity of " Burke's Laxded Gentry " was not lessened by the fact that faults were numerous in the first edition. The publication of this volume, by inviting public criticism, is the only way to draw forth more detailed and correct informa- tion on the subject, and I cordially ask all persons interested to put themselves into direct communication with me, so that any points they may raise could be dealt with in a suljscc^uent edition. I need not say that it will aflbrd me much pleasure to reply to any (piestions affecting the various memoirs. THE EDITOll. *m,* All communications to be addressed to TuK Emtok of " Tlio Colonial Gentry," at Hahri.son and Suns', .")S>, Pall Mall (S.VV.), London. INDEX. PAflP. i Beckett of Melbourne (arms facing p. 288 ; corrigenda, p. xii) . . 145 Aci.AND OF HoLNicoTE (arjKs/aanj/^. 288) .. .. .. .. 357 Adams of Hobaim' . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 149 AiKiNS OP Toronto and WiNNirKC, {corrigenda, p. xii) . . . . 200 Alison of Nvngan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Andrew of Ica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Archer of Beickendon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Archer of Panshangee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Archibald of Halifax AND TiiURo .. .. .. .. .. .. 235 Arkweight of OvEKTOx (arms/ticMjf/ jj. 288) .. .. .. .. 324 Armytage of Ingleby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Atkinson OF Sandhurst AND Terrick Terrick West .. .. .. 150 Baillie OF Henxington Baillie of Toorak and Hay {arm^ facing i Baker of Adelaide (arms facing p. 176) Baker of Victoria and Cowichan Baldwin of Dunedin . . Balls-Headley of Melbourne . . Bayles op Yar Orrong Beetham of Cheistchurch (arms facing p. Berry of Suva. . Bidwill of Pihautea Blaxland of FoEinviCH Blyth Bontthon of CARcr.KW Botsford of Ottawa Boucaut of Glenelg . . Bowker of Craigieburn . . Boyd of Glenfern (currigcwla, p. xii) Brabant of St. John's Beaddon of Treglith (arms fucivg p. 128) Bray of Adelaide (corrigenda, p. xii) . . Bridge of Fairfield . . . . . . Bright of Gawler and Willaston Beoad of Nelson Browne of Guu.foed Lodge Bundey of N(iut]i Auklaiui: . . 352) 240) 182 152 100 106 295 251 174 97 i;07 345 287 40 91 99 344 24 209 2-17 331 222 346 294 292 257 lit gendii. Calvert of Woodlands (armsfacmg ji. 176) . . Camerox of Foedon and Lowestoft (corrigenda, p. xii) . Campbell of Kilbuyde Campbell of Taekalumla Campbell (Cockbukn) of Albany (arms facing p. 240; con p. xii) . . Carlton of Gwavas (arms facing p. 176) Caemichael of Haeton Hills Caeon of Ottawa Cartweight of The Maples Casey of Ibrickane and Weeroona . . Clarke of Mandeville Hall (corrigenda, p. xii) Clarke of Eupertswood (arms faciiig p. 240) Clibborn of Holmesbt (arms facing p. 64) Close op Streyncham . . CocKBUEN OF Adelaide (corrigenda, p. xii) Cockbuen-Campbell of Albany (arms facing p. 240 ; corri Coffin of Baerington CoOPEE of Woollahra (arms facing p. 128) CoENEY of Suva . . Cotton op Adelaide . . Cox OF Pernside . . Cox OF Winbourn Crawford op Mieamae Cumbrae-Stewart of Montrose and Wildernesse. , CuRRiE OF St. Kilda Dangar OF Sydney and Camden (arms facing p. 64) Davenport of Beaumont . . Davis op Redcastle . . Deakin of Llanaeth (corrigenda, p. xii) Denison of Rusholme. . Dever of St. John Dickey of Amherst . . Dickson op Arnside Dixon op Eyeewell Park DoBSON of Hobart. . Dobson of Melbourne (corrigenda, p. xii) Docker op Caehullen Dodds of Sydney Dowling of Luie . . DowLiNG OF Sydney . . DuMAEESQ OP Mount Ieeh (arms facing p. 128) Duncan of Hughes Park Eddington of Ballangeich Eeskine (West) of Hindmaksh Island page . . 53 221 219 48 'riijcnda, . * 108 . • 79 . . 316 346 . . > 180 73 21 18 72 78 46 la^ p. xii) . . 108 . < 62 54 290 . . 76 . . 76 74 > ■ 292 336 . 390 21 23 . 296 270 168 291 382 166 242 32 . 34 79 . 296 167 . 166 328 46 269 . 267 Fawcett ok Pinjarraii Pai!K (nrmf: f- 240) West-Erskine of Hindmarsh Island WhAETON of Highfield (arms facing p. 352) Wilkinson op Glebe Point Williams of Pakaraka Willlams op St. Leonards Wilson op Bulls Wilson op Ercildouxe (arms facing p. (it) Wilson of Maryborough Wilson op Wilcklyn Wilson op Woodlands Windeyer of Sydney and Tomach (corrigenda , p. x Winter-Irving of Noorilim (arms facing jj- 352) Wise op Manly Wood op Riccarton . . Woollcombe of Ashbury (arms facing p. 288) . . Wright op Perth Wright of Wellington . . Wrixon of Rahken ( corrigenda, p. xv) Wyndham of Leconfield (arms facing p. 288) . . YouL OP Symmons Plains ZealofClovei.lv.. page 365 28? 17 35 3U6 237 85 275 211 232 196 58 383 208 240 231 2r,o 320 375 318 192 144 321 95 267 147 323 283 179 322 60 319 319 311 93 155 177 310 354 308 :508 142 302 178 317 COERIGENDA ET ADDENDA. A BECKETT OF MELBOUENE. Hon. Tliomas Turner ;\ Beokeft is a member of the Executive Cnmieil of Victoria. His tliird son, Edward a Beckett, Esq.. m. at Tbirning, .Asbfield, Sydney. 20tb January, 1891, liis coTisin, Fanny Sarah, second daughter of the late Arthur Martin a Beckett, Esq., F.R.C.S. England. AlKINS OF TORONTO AND WINNIPEG. Hon. James Cox Aikins was lieutenant-goTcnior of the proTince of Manitoba from 1882 to 1888. BOYD OF GLENFERN. Captain J. T. T. Boyd d. at bis residence, Glenfern, Inkcrman-road, East St. Kilda, 8th March, 1891, in his G6th year. BRAY OF ADELAIDE. Hon. Sir John Cox Bray, K.C.M.G., was appointed chief secretary of South Australia in 1890. CAMERON OF FORDON AND LOWESTOFT. Donald Cameron, Esq., is not now M.L.C. COCKBURN-CAMPBELL OF ALBANY. Lady Cockburn-Campbell d. at Perth, Western Australia, 11th September, 1890. CLARKE OF MANDEVILLE HALL. Willinm John Turner Clarke, Esq., B.A. Cb. Ch. Oxford,.»i. at Christ Church, Streatham, CO. Surrey, England, 2nd April, 1891, Gertrude, third daughter of Alfred John Mansfield, Esq. of Tclford-avenue, Streatham-hill. COCKBURN OP ADELAIDE. Hon. J. A. Cockburn, M.D., is M.L.A. for Mount Barker. DEAKIN OF LLANARTH. Hon. Alfred Deakin, M.L.A., is a member of the Exccutire Couucil of Victoria. DOBSON OF MELBOURNE. Hon. F. S. Dobson, Q,.C., LL.D., is a member of the Executive Council of Victoria. FAWCETT OF PINJARRAH PARK. Ca))tain Theodore Fawcett is not now a member of the Legislative Coiuicil of Western Australia. FORBES OF CARTERTON. In the emblazonment of the arms read "surmounted by" "surmounted of," FORKKS'L' OF PKKTH. Hon. John Forrest wiv* ercntoil K.C.M.G. 1H91. GRIFFITH OF BRISBANE. Hon. Sir S. W. Grillitli, K.C.M.G., is now vice-president of llic Executive Council, premier, chief secretary, and attorney-general of Queensliuid. HAMILTON OF irOBARf. The wife of Theyre k Beckett Woisiill, Esq., fjave birth to a daughter at Government House, Hobart, 7th Febouary, ISIH. HENTY OF NORTHLANDS. John and Alice Hindsoii had another daughter, Dora Honty, who d. at Seaoombe, Sorrento, Victoria, 2Sth December, 1890, agctl G months and 28 days. Charles James Henty, Esq., second son of Henry Henty, Esq. of Tarring, Kew, Melbourne, m. at Holy Trinity Church, Kew, lUth F'obruary, 1891, Annie Beatrice, tliird daughter of Frederick' William Howard, Esq. of Teaghur, Kew. Barbara Whilemena Bavntun, relict of the Rev. Edward Rued, M.A., and daughter of the late Sii' Edwin Bayntun Sandys, Bart, of Miserden Castle, Gloucestershire, and motlier of Mrs. Richmond Henty, of Northlands, d. at her residence, 32, Albert-gate, Hyde Park, London, 22nd December, 1890, in her 8ljth year. HIGHETT OF TOORAK AND MITIAMO 1'i.RlC. J. M. Highett, Esq., is M.L.A. for llandurang. HOLROYD OF CAULFIELD. The wife of Oscar Van Assche, Esq., gave birth to a son at Curo Pipe, Mauritius, 18tli November, 1890. JACKSON OF SANDFORD HOUSE. Tlie wife of Henry Bowtell Jackson, Esq., gave birth to a son at Sandford House, Sandford, Victoria, 20th March", 1891. LETHBRIDGE OF HOMEBUSH. Christopher Lethbridge, Esq.,;/. at his residence. Prospect, Homebush, New Soutli Wales, 13th January, 1S91, aged (>2. LYNE OF GALA. lion. W. J. Lyne is M.L.A. for The Hume. MACANSH OF CANNING DOWNS. William Macansh, Esq., M.B., third son of the Hon. J. I). Macansh, M.L.C., m. at Toorak Presbyterian Church, 16th December, 1890, Ada Lillias, youngest daughter of the late John C. Lloyd, Esq. of Melbourne. MACBAIN OF SCOTSBUBN. Hon. Sir James MacBain, K.C.M.G., M.L.C., is a member of the Executive Council of Victoria. MACDONALD OF CHARLOTTETOWN. Hon. A. A. Macdonald was lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward Ishmd from 1884 to 1889. NORTON OF ECCLESBOURNE AND EUCHORA. Hon. James Norton, M.L.C., is LL.D. O'LOGHLEN UK ST. KILDA. lion. Sir lirynn O'Loghleii, Barl., Q.C., is an expcntive councillor of Victoria, and was eliH'tecl nicnil)er of the LeE;islative Asscmlilv of Victoriii for Port Fairy, 1889. PEARSE OF FREMANTLE. W. S. Pcarse, Esq., is now M.L.A. for West Fremantle. PEAKSON OF EDIOWIE. Hon. C. II . Pearson, M.A., is now member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria for the East Bourke Borouglis, and an executive councillor of that colony. He was minister of Public Instruction from 1886 to 1890. PLAYFOED OP DBYSDALE. Hon. Thomas Playford is M.L.A. for East Torrens. MURRAY-PEIOR OF MAROON. Hon. T. L. Murray-Prior, M.L.C., is now chairman of committees of the Legislative Council of Queensland. PUGSLEY OF ST. JOHN AND ROTHESAY. William Pugsley, Esq., is not now Speaker of the House of Assembly of New Brunswick. RUTLEDGE OF WERRON&GHJRT. The younger son of Dr. Thomas Fallmer Fleetwood, Charles Rupert, d. at Warrnambool, 5th December, 1890, aged 4 years and 8 months. SMITH OF MARRYATVILLE. Sir E. T. Smith, K.C.M.G., is M.L.A. for East Torrens. STAWELL {embodied in FOSTER OF THURNBY). Sir William Foster Stawell, K.C.M.G-., d. at Naples, 12th March, 1SS9. His eldest dauchter, Anne Catherine, m. at St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington, London, 17th October, 1889, Syfvester John Browne, Esq., youngest son of the late Sylvester John Browne, Esq. of Hartlancis, Heidelberg, Victoria. His second daughter, Mary Letitia, m. at St. Mary Abbott s, Kensmgton, 14th May, 1890, Edward William Hawker, Esq. of Adelaide, South Australia (see Hawkee of Adelaide, vol. ii). STEERB OF PERTH AND BLACKWOOD. Hon. Sir J. G. Lee Steere, Knt., M.L.A. for Nelson, is now Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, having been Speaker of the Legislative Council of that colony from 1886 to 1890. STEPHEN OF MONTREAL AND CAUSAPOCAL. Sir George Stephen, Bart., who resigned the post of president of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company in 1888, was created a peer of the United Kingdom, 1891. TARLTON OF GLENELG, STIRLING EAST, AND ADELAIDE. R. A. Tarlton, Esq., is not now M.L.C. TURNER OP HIGHFIELD. James Turner, Esq., is not now a senator of the Dominion of Canada, VRRDdN OK MKLBOLMtNIi AM) UlTKR MACICDON. Hon. Sir O. V. Voi'don, K.O.M.O., CI?., F.R.S,, is an oxpoutivc oouncillor of Victoritt. WINDKYER OF SYDXEY AND TOMAGO. IIou W. C. Windeyer, M.A., LL.D., received the honour of knighthood, 1891. WRTXON OF RAHKEN. Hon. II. .T. Wrixon is an exoi-utive councillor of Victoria, and member of the liOgislative Assembly of that colony for Portlnml. iiirkr'!) Cnlonial (5rntnT, VOL 1. fL}rnt;) of i^ortljlantio, HENTY, RICHMOND, Esq. of Nortlilauds, Derby, co. BencUgo, Victoria, Australia, b. 3rd August, 1837, at Portland, Victoria, being the first white man born in that colony; in. 30th April, 1861, at St. George's, Hanover- square, CO. Middlesex, England, Agnes B., daughter of the Rev. E. Reed, of Hanover-square, London, and granddaughter of Sir Edwin Sandys, Bart., and Las had issue, I. Ernest George, 6. 17th September, 1862 ; m. 12th June, 1890, at St. Matthew's Church, Albury, Katie, second daughter of Francis M'Crae Cobham, Esq. of Wodonga, Victoria, who settled in the Port Fairy district in 1839. II. Richmond Sandys, h. 24th November, ISO'i ; d. at Goulburn, New South Wales, 1887, aged 22. III. Lindesay Pace, b. 1866. IV. Percival Edward, b. 17th January, 1868; d. 26th March, 1889, at Heidelberg, aged 21 years. I. Eveline Agnes, m. at St. George's, Hanover-square, London, 11th July, 1888, Capt. Edward Ciiarles Starkey, of Tang Hall, York, late 13th Hussars. Mr. Richmond Henty is the autlior of Australiana, or my Early Life, which was published in 1886. l.iiKaac. John IIenty. Esq. of Biirwasli, co. Susso.\, England, b. 1670 ; m. lliyO (his wife S\isaii was b. 1674, anil d. 1730, ai^ed 56 years), and was buried at Rustington, co. Sussex, 7th January, 1729, having had issue, I. John. II. Samuel, b. 20th February, 1609 ; m. 1736 (his wife Jane was b. 1702, (/. 4th Juno, 17-13, and was buried at Rustington. co. Sussex), d. lOtli De- cember, 1772, aged 73 years, and was buried at Rustington, leaving issue. III. Francis, b. 101 b January, 1701 ; buried 10th March following at Rust- ington, aforesaid, aged 2 months. VOL. I. I. Elizabeth, b. 1697 ; d. 20tb December, 1767, aged 70 years, and was buried at Rustington. II. Ann, *. 5tli June, 1703 ; buried 26th Septcnvber, 1723, at Rustington, aged 20 years. The eldest son, John Uknty, Esq., was b. August, 1698. He m. 1728 (his wife Sarah d. 9th January, 1736, aged 36 years, and was buried at Iiiltle- hamjitim, t^o. Sussex), arul was buried 5th November, 1750, at Littlehampton, aged 52 years, having had issue, I. John,//. October, 1729 ■, (/. 26tli Ajiril, li BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1741, aged 11 years, and was buried at Littlehampton, aforesaid. II. William. I. Sarah, 4. June, 1734; buried at Little- banipton. The second son, William Hbntt, Esq. of Littlehampton, CO. Sussex, h. February, 1731 ; m. Jane, third daughter of William Olliver, Esq., of Little- hampton, bv Mary, his wife. Mrs. Henty was *. August, 1737; d. 17th April, 182U, aged 82 years, and was buried at Little- hampton. He d. 24th April, 17ffi, aged 65 years, and was buried at Littlehampton, having had issue, I. William, h. 17(31 ; d. 16th April, 1786, aged 25 years, buried at Littlehamp- ton. II. John, I. October, 1763 ; buried 5tli December following, at Littlehampton. III. Samuel, b. April, 1765 ; d. an infant, and was buried at Littlehampton. IV. George, of Ferring, co. Sussex, banker, 6. December, 1766 ; m. 10th June, 1790, Ann, daughter of the ReT. James Penfold, vicar of Ferring, Goring, and Preston, Co. Sussex (she was b. 5tli May, 1771 ; d. 6th Novem- ber, 1832, aged 61 years, and was buried at Ferring, aforesaid), and d. 25th August, 1829, aged 62 years, and was buried at Ferring, leaving, amongst other issue, George, of Northlands, city of Chichester, co. Sussex, J. P., third son, to whom arms were esta- blished; 6.1803; ™. 1833, Maria, daughter of the late Cornthwaite John Hector, Esq., of Stodham, Hants, and has, with other issue, Douglas, b. 1838; m. 1867, Julia, daughter of Robert Martin, Esq., of Overbury Court, co. Worcester. Edwin, of Ferring Grauge, Worth- ing, CO. Sussex, J.P., b. 1805 ; m. 1838, Laura Frances, daughter of Philip Boghurst, Esq., of Worth- ing, CO. Sussex, J. P., and has, with other issue, Edwin, h. 1844 ; educated at Rugby ; m. 1875, Georgiana Laura Alma Henrietta Eliza- beth, second daughter of the Rev. William Somerset, rector of Woolastone, co. Gloucester. V. James, b. 1769 ; d. IW\\ February, 1794, aged 25 years, buried at Little- hampton. Ti. Thomas. VII. Henry, b. 1777; d. 20th May, 1786, aged 9 years, buried at Littlehampton. I. Ann, b. June, 1759 ; d. 21st February, 1773, aged 13 years, buried at Little- hampton. II. Sarah, b. March, 1772 ; d. 3rd Octo- ber, 1780, aged 8 years, buried at Littlehampton. III. Mary, b. May, 1780 ; d. an infaut, and was buried at Littlehampton. The sixth son, Thomas Hentt, Esq. of West Tarring, CO. Sussex, England, banker and farmer, was born January, 1775 ; left Englaud in the ship " Forth of AUoway," for Launceston, Tas- mania, and arrived at that place, April, 1831. At the commencement of the present century there were but six breeders of the merino sheep in England, of which Mr. Thomas Henty was one, having secured his blood at the sale of the flock of King Geoboe III, which were presented to that monarch by the King of Spain. Mr. Henty became very celebrated for his excellent breed of merino sheep, many from his flock having been sent to New South Wales. He m. Frances Eliza- beth, daughter of Joseph Hopkins, Esq., by Philadelphia, his wife (she was b. at Poling, CO. Sussex ; rf. 8th May, 1848, aged 72 years, and was buried at Launceston, Tasmania), and d. 25th October, 1839, at Launceston, Tasmania, aged 64 years, buried there. He had issue, James (Hon.), member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, eldest son, b. at West Tarring, co. Sussex, 24th Septem- ber, 1800. During the early part of his life he was engaged in farming pursuits on his father's property, subse- quently joined the family banking firm of Henty & Co , at Arundel, Worthing, and Steyning, all co. Sussex (which business is still carried on by members of the same family), and in May, 1829, with his brothers John and Stephen George, emigrated to Swan River, Western Australia, in the ship " Caro- line," taking with them a number of their father's merinos, the thorough- bred horses, "Wanderer" and "Sir John," and other cattle, and purchased a small estate near Perth. After re- maining in that colony for eighteen months they proceeded to Van Diemen's Laud (Tasmania), where they were joined, a few months later, by their father and the rest of the family. After a short visit to Europe, Mr. James Henty returned to Launces- ton, where he commenced business as a merchant, and from 1851 was the head of the well-known firm of James I Henty «i Co., of ilelbourne and Gee- long. In 1844 he was offered a seat in the Nominee Council of Tasmania, which honour he declined. In 1851 he settled in Victoria, and represented Portland in the Legislative Council in 1852. Mr. Henty took, in 1855, his seat in the Upper House for the South- Western Province, which he held for many years. Mr. James Henty was sometime Chairman and Director of the Melbourne and Hob- son's Bay Railroad, of the Liverpool and London Insurance Company, and held similar positions with the Com- missioners of Savings Banks. He ;»., 1830, Miss Carter, of Worthing, co. BURKE'S COI.ONIAL GENTRY. Sussex, and by lioi- (who d. 1868) had seven children, of wlioni are, llenrv. J. P., ehU-st son, ])artner in tlie iirui of James lienty & Co., Melbourne, inereliants, b. at Ijauneeston, Tasmania, yili May, 1833; visited Knahind, 1818, and attended Kind's College, London; returned to Victoria 1851. In 1865 he was returned to the Legis- lative Assembly of Victoria for Cirenville, and has successively held the a|)polntments of Com- missioner of Kduealion, Chairman of the Board, aiul Commissioner of Savings Banks, lie is a Direc- tor of the Victoria Sugar Com- pany, occupies a seat in the Council of the Diocese of Mel- bourne, and is a member of the Cathedral Chapter. He m. 1859 Marion Ann, eldest daughter of W. a. M'Kellar, Esq. late of Highton, Geelong, Victoria, and has issue, Henry P. and Charles. Herbert James, second son, b. 5th October, 1.S34, in co. Sussex, Eng- land, and the following year went to Tasmania with his parents ; returned to England in 18-18, and was educated at King's College, London; in 1851 settled in Vic- toria ; subsequently became a partner in the firm of James Heiity & Co., and finally left the colony for England in 1870. He has served as councillor in the City Council for the Lonsdale ward, has fiUeil tlu' oilice of Mayor of Kew, and was sometime Viee- Consul for the Kingdom of Den- mark at Geelong. He m. April, 1861. Frances, eldest daughter of Sir Francis Murj^hy, first speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria, and by her has issue two sons and two daughters. Thomas (Hon.), member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, b. at Launeeston, Tasmania, 1836; entered the Legislative Comu'il as a representative of the Southern Province 1885 ; and d. October, 1887, aged 51 years. Thomas, b. in 1802, si'rveil at tlie battle of Algiers on boanl the *' Minden,'* and d. in 1819 from a riqitured blood- vessel. Memorial tablet in Tarring Church, CO. Sussex. Edward, of Muntham, Wannon River, Victoria, h. at West Tarring, co. Sussex, 10th March, 1809; in 1831 emigrated to Van Du'men's Land, where his three brothers, Janu's, John, and Ste)ihen George had, a few months ])reviously, arrived from Western Australia, but being dissatisfied with his prospects in the island, he jiroceeded, the following year, in the barque " Carnarvcm" to Victoria, finally, in 1834, settling at Portland. Mr. Edward Hcnty repre- sented the county of Normanhy in the Victorian Legislative Assembly for many years. The first pure nu'rino sheep were landed by liim. lie was the pioneer set tier of Victoria ; d. lUli August, 1878, having lived the latter part of his life in the suburbs of Melbourne. 'William, of Launeeston, Tasmania, soli- citor, elected to the Legislative Assembly of Tasmania, and was for some years Chief Secretary and Treasurer; m. Miss Caniiifield, sister of Mr. Campfield. Governnu'nt Resi- dent at Albany, Western Australia. Charles, of Kel.so, situated near tho mouth of the Tamar, and nearly opposite Georgetown, Tasmania, man- ager of the Bank of Australasia at Ijaunceston. and souu^tinu? uu'inbcr of the Legislative .Vssembly of Tasnnniia. Stephen George, of whom presently. John, of Sandford, Wannon River, Vic- toria, emigrated in May, 1829, with his brothers, James and Stephen George, to Swan River, Western Au.stralia, in the shij) " Caroline," and after renuxining in that colony for eighteen months iiroceeded to Van Dicmen's Land, and finally to Victoria. He d. leaving three daughters. Francis, of Field Place, StiuUey Park- road, Kew, near Jlelbournc, and of Merino Downs, co. Xormanby, Vic- toria, J. P., Commissioner of Savings Banks, youngest son, b. at >'ield Place, near Worthing, co. Sussex, England, 30th November, 1815; left England in the " Forth of Alloway," at the end of 1830, and arrived at Launeeston, Tasmania, in April, 1831, where his brothers James, John, and Stejihcn George had ])rcviously arrivcil from Swan River, Western .Australia, and in 1831' joined his brother Edward in Victoria, being one of the pioneers of that colony. He m. at Launeeston, Tasmania, Mary Ann Lawrence, of that place, aiul d. IStli January, 1889, at his residence. Field Place, Studley Park-road, Kew, Melbourne, in his 74tli year. By his wife (who d. November, 1881, and was buried in Borooudara Cemetery, Kew, near Mel- bourne) he had issue, 1 Lawrence Shum, b. at Merino Downs, 9th April, 1845; and d. there lOlh February, 1877. 1 Louisa, b. at Merino Downs, 12lh August, 1847. 2 Carohne, h. at Merino Downs, 29th August, 1849; »». at Holy Trinity Oiurch, Kew, Victoria, 6th August, 1890, .Vlexandcr Magnus MacLeod, Esq. of Talliskcr, deputy chief insjiector of stock. South Australia, eldest son of the late John Xorman MacLeod, Esq. of Castleniaddic, Portl.mil. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 3 Alice, b. at Merino Downs 8th April, 1852; m. 15tU April, 1875, John Henderson, Esq., of Shrub- lands, and of Queeu-street, Mel- bourne, stock-broker, and has issue, I. William Francis ; II. John L. Henty ; i. Ruby Alice ; II. Elsie Mary Eliza ; ni. Louisa Charlotte Francis; iv. Winifred Caroline Henty. Jane, of Richmond, Victoria, widow of Samuel Bryan, Esq. She is now living, and in the 85th year of her age. Stephen George Henty, Esq. of Port- land, Victoria, where he transacted business as merchant and banker, emigrated in May, 1829, with his brothers James and John to Swan River, Western Australia, in the ship " CaroUne," wlience he proceeded to Tas- mania, finally joining his brother Edward at Portland Bay, Victoria, in 1836. He was one of the founders of the Melbourne Club, and some time a member of the Legislative Council of Victoria. He m. at Swan River, Jane, daughter of Captain Pace, a commander of an armed sloop-of-war in the E. 1. Co.'s service, and d. 187-, having had issue. Richmond, of Northlands. George Edward, m. Miss Adair. William. Walter, m. Miss Campbell. Frances, »«., 1859, M. Smallpage, Esq., and d. leaving issue three sons and one daughter. Annie Maria, m. B. S. Bree, Esq., and has issue two sons and two daughters. Emily, »«. D. WyUe, Esq. ; deceased. Mary, d. at Findon, A'ictoria, January, 1859. Ellen, m. L. Coster, Esq. Agnes, m. E. Coster, Esq., and has seven children. Arms (limited to the descendants of George Henty, Esq., of Ferring, co. Sussex) — Az. three roses in fesse or., between six bezants, four in chief and two in base. Crest — Upon a mount vert a lion ramp, per cliev. or and az., holding between the paws a lozenge of the last charged with a bezant. Motto — Per ardua stabilis. Mesidence — Northlands, Derby, co. Ben- digo, Victoria, Australia. ^tttxt of ^trtl) anti Blactoooti* STEERE, HON. SIR JAMES GEORGE LEE, Knt., of Perth, and of Jayes, Blackwood, Western Australia, member of the Executive Council, Speaker of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, and member of the Federal Council of Australasia, h. 4tli July, 1830, at Hale House, Ockley, co. Surrey, England, knighted by Letters Patent, dated 20th June, 1888, m. I6th June, 1859, at Hampstead, co. Middlesex, England, Catherine Anne, only daughter of the late Luke Leake, Esq. of Perth, Western Australia, and has issue, I. Edward John Lee, h. 2nd February, 1863. ir. Charles James Lee, h. 9th June, 1868. III. Hubert Arthur Lee, h. 4th June, 1872. IV. Wilfred Lee, h. 26th July, 1878. I. Edith Anne Lee. II. Louisa Kate Lee. III. Marian Rose Lee, to. 2Ist September, 1887, at St. John's Church, Bunbury, Western Australia, Alexander Paterson Turnbull, Esq. of Pl-insep Park, near Bunbury, second son of the late Hon. Robert Turnbull, M.L.C. of Melbourne, Victoria. IV. Alice Maude Lee. V. Mabel Constance Lee. VI. Bertha Mary Lee. vn. Amy Florence Lee. Uintage. The family of Steere have been resident at Jayes, Ockley, Dorking, co. Surrey, England, without interruption since the Conquest. Henet Sieehe, Esq., held lands at Trouts, in the parishes of Capel and Ockley, co. Surrey. He m. Mary, sister of Edmund King, Esq., and d. in 1659, and was buried at OckW, leaving, with other issue, a son. BURKE'S COLONIAL (J ENTRY. John Steere, Esq. of Ocklcy, m. Anno, divufjlitiT of Kvorsetl, Esq. of Ockley, ami il. in 1G70, It'iiving a son, John Stkere, lOsq. of Jayos, Oclvlov, bap- tised at Ockley, 1st September, ItilG ; m. Ellen, (lani;hter of Watkins, Esq. of Clifforrl's liui, London, and il. l!)tli, and was buried at Ockley, 2011i January, Ki',)'.), aged 83, bavins; bad liy luT (\vlui (/. 11 111. and was buried ai Oekley, 17tb May, IGSU), with other issue, a son, Jonx Steehe, Esq. of Jaycs aforesaid, baptised at Oekley, 1st February, 1647, m. Fiducia, daughter and eo-heir of John Lee, Esq., of Plaistow, co. Sussex, and Phnustead, CO. Kent, and d. 1-lth Deecmber, IGSfl, aged 42 (when bis widow re-m. Matthew Kaper, Esq., of London, dying in 1705), leaving issue, besides a daughter (Fidueia, m. Samuel Papilion, Esq., of London, merehant, by whom she had a sou, John, who d. s.p.), a son, Lee Steeke, Esq. of Jayes, m. Martha, daughter of Thomas Serocold, Esq., of Lon- don, merehant, and by her (who d. July, 1775), left issue, a daughter, Fiducia, d. unm., and a son, Lee Steeee, Esq. of Hackney, co. Middle- sex, and of Jayes, J. P., Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to the King, m. his cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Steere, Esq. of London, and d. January, 1785, having had by her (who d. February, 1790) a son, Lee, d. an infant, 1758, and a daughter, his heir, M.1RTHA, b. at Haekney, eo. Middlesex, 1755; m. at St. George the Martyr, South- wark, eo. Surrey, 15th February, 1774, Richard Witts, Esq. of Ever.sheds, Oekley, CO. Surrey, who was b. 1746, and d. 15th January, 1815, and was buried at Wotton,co. Surrey, having had issue, Lee Steere Witts, Esq. of Jayes, b. in Somerset -street, Portnvin-sqnare, London, ] 4th December, 1774; assumed the surname and arms of .'i^teeke by Royal Sign Manual, dated 9th January, 1796; m. at St. Maryle- bone, CO. Middlesex, 21st June, 1798, Sarah, eldest daughter of Robert Harrison, Esq., of Ripley Court, co. Surrey, and Benningholme Hall, CO. York, by Sarah, his wife, youngest daughter of Ralph Dodsworth, Esq. of Whitby, CO. York, and d. in 1832, having had issue, I. Lee, of whom presently. II. Robert, b. in Hai-ley-strcet, London, 17th April, 1807, aiid baptised 29th Mav following ; assumed by Royal Sign Manual, dated 1st April, 1819, the surname ami arms of llARIUSON only. I. Elizabeth, b. in Harley-street, London, 11th March, 1802, and baptised 19th Aju-il following; m. fii-st, at St. Maryle- boiic, London, 26th June, 1823, Kev. Henry John Ridley, M.A., rector of Abinger, co. Surrey, and prebeiuhiry of Bristol, son of tlie Rev. Henry Ridley, juvbendary of (lloueester ; and secondly, 28th Sei)tember, 1843, James, first Loril Abinger (see Burke's Peer- age), who d. 7th .Vpril, 1844. She d. 13th October, 188K. II. Sarah, b. in Harlev-strcct, London, 9th October, 1801, and bajitiscd 14tli December following. The elder son, Lee Steere, Esq. of Jayes, Oekley, Dork- ing, CO. Surrey, and of the Carlton Club, London, J. P. aiul D.L. for Surrey (High Sheriff, 1848), J. P. for Sussex, and was M.P. for West Surrey, 1870-80; b. in Harley- street, London, 21st June, 1803, and baptised 19th July following, educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Oxford ; m. at Hessle, co. York, 30lh January. 1826, Anne, second daugtiter of James Keiro Watson, Esq. of Hessle Jlount, eo. York, and d. 9tli October, 1890, having had issue, I. Lee, late Lieut. 88th Foot, h. at Hale, 5tli December, 1826, baptised at Oekley, CO. Surrey, 27th March. 1827; educated at Eton ; m. 1851, Margaret, daughter of the late Keiro Watson, Esq., and has, with other issue, a daughter, Sarah Fiducia Lee. II. Henry Lee, Master of the Warnluim Stagho\mds. m. Elizabeth Fitzroy. III. James George Lee (Hon. Sir), now of Perth and Blackwood. IV. Augustus Frederick Lee, in. Ellen Roe. v. Charles William Lee. Arms — Per pale sa. and gu. three lions ]iass. arg. Crest — Out of a mural crown per pale gu. and sa. a lion's jamb, erect arg. Motto — Tu ne cede malis. Residences — (town) Perth, (country) Jayes, Blackwood, Western Australia. C/Hi— Weld, Perth. Western Australia. Estates— In Williams District, 10,000 acres ; and in Blackwood, 2,000 acres. ^mitl) of (!5ortion Broolu OiMITH, THOMAS HAWKINS, Esq. of Gordon Brook, Grafton, New >0 South Wales, Australia, J.P., h. at Quinton, co. Northampton, 11th April, 1829, m. at Prospect, New South Wales, 7th January, 1802, Emily Blanche {h. 2nd Augtist, 1845), second daughter of Frederic John Rothery, Esq. of Sydney, New South W;\k's [who was h. at Porlsiuuuth, Hants, and 6 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. d. 19th January, 1860, having m. Emily {d. 4th December, 1852), daughter of Robert Chenery, Esq. of Portman-square, London, by Sarah, his -wife], and granddaughter of Nicholas Philipp Rothery, Esq., by Miss Ann Fisher, his second wife, who d. 21st September, 1812. Mr. Smith has no issue. ILtncndc. William Smith, alias Kent, of Moor End, pai-ish of Potters)5ury, co. Northampton, d. 1556, and by his wife Jone, left issue, I. William, of whom presently. II. Edward, of Moor End, m. Alice, daughter of Anthony Furtho, Esq. of Furtho, CO. Nortliampton, and d, 1560, leaving Anthony, of London, citizen and haberdasher, who, by Ann, his wife, had issue two daughters ; and William, who d. s.p. abroad. I. Margaret, m. Edward Earsby, Esq. of Potterspury. II. Lewes, m. John Addington, of Pot- terspury, yeoman, and had issue, Thomas, Aiithonj', and Edward. William Smith alias Kent, of Moor End, aforesaid, m. Mary, daughter of Marsey, Esq. of Berwood Hill, co. Warwick, and d. circa 1587, leaving, I. Henry. II. William, who d. s.p. between 1587 and 1616. III. Thomas, of whom presently. I. Susan, m. first, Walter I'Uing, Esq., and secondly, Hercules Wincot, Esq. of Pakinton. II. Ellen, m. Richard Gorstdowe, Esq. III. Margaret. IV. Anne. V. Joves, m. Thomas Addington, of Pot- terspury, yeoman, and had issue two daughters. Ti. Elizabeth, m. Mr, Holes. VII. Jane, m. Richard Scrivener, of Pot- terspury, yeoman, and had issue sis sons and two daughters. The third and youngest son, Thomas Smith, alias Kent, of Moor End, aforesaid, m. first, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Saunders, Esq. of Long Marston, co. Buclis ; and secondly, Margaret, daughter of Conny, Esq., and widow of Thomas Laigte, Esq. of London. By his first wife he left issue, I. William, aged 6 in 1618. II. Thomas, of whom presently. III. Anthony, of Grafton Regis, co. Northampton. By Ann, his first wife (who d. October, 1642), he had issue, William, who d. in infancy, and Mary. He m. secondly, 1st May, 16-13, Cecily Burrier, and bv her had issue, Anthony, b. 1645; William, b. 1651; Robert (who by his wife, Susan, had issue, John, b. 1678; Thomas, b. 1679; William, b. 1686, d. 1687; Mary, b. 1676, and Margaret, b. 1682) ; John, b. 1659; Elizabeth, b. 1646; and Margaret, d. 1656. I. Margaret, m. William Reeve, Esq. of Grafton Regis, and had issue. He d. 1658. She d. 1083. II. Susan. III. Mary. Thomas Smith, Esq. (who, in his will, omits the " alias Kent," hitherto borne by the family), d. 1658. By Elizabeth, his wife, he had issue, I. Robert, buried 1623—4. II. Thomas, of whom presently. III. Philip. I. Elizabeth, m. 1655, Richard Core, Esq. of Pattishall, co. Northampton, and had John, Richard, Anne, and Sarah. II. Anne, m. Thomas Henson, Esq., and had issue, Thomas, Robert, and Eliza- beth. III. Jane. IV. Mary. V. Susanna. VI. Margaret. The second son, Thomas Smith, Esq., was, in all prob- ability, and is believed to be, identical with Thomas Smith, Esq. of Potterspury, co. Northampton (who, in his will, proved 1721, left lands known to have been in possession of the aforesaid Thomas Smith, alias Kent) ; m. Mary, daughter of Thomas Scrivener, Esq. of Yardley Gobion (of age at her father's death in 1658), and had issue, I. Thomas, of whom presently. II. George, of Yardley Gobion, in the pai'ish of Potterspury, m. Anne (6. 1681), only child of William Wickens, Esq. of Tardley Gobion (marriage settlement dated 1699), and had issue George; Anne, m. Edward Hoar, Esq. of Yardley Gobion ; Mary, m. Mr. Harris ; and Elizabeth, d. an infant He d. 1709. I. Mary, d. vnm. 1730. II. Margaret, m. Edward Brown, Esq. of Moor End, aforesaid (marriage settle- ment dated 1699). Thomas Smith, Esq., formerly of Grafton Regis, and afterwards of Yardley Gobion, m. about 1690, Martha, eldest daughter of Thomas Brown, Esq. {d. 1702) of Broad- water, Yardley Gobion, and sister of Edward Brown, Esq., aforenamed. Thomas Smith d. 1739, having by his said wife (who d. 1721), had issue, I, Thomas. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. n. Julin, c.f Yui'iiK'v Gobion, b. 1703, and d. 1777. Bv Priscilla, his wife (who was b. 1710, and d. 17G0), he loft issue, Elizabeth, who was b. 17G5, and d. uiitn. 171'-1, a^cd 2i). I. Martha, A. lllOl, m. 3rd November, 1716, John Bland, Ksq. of Yardlcy Gobion and Grafton Kegis, wlio d. 17-lS. II. Ann, b. 1602, m. 15th Janimry, 1710, William Webb, Esq. of Alderton, co. Northampton, who rf. 1782. She d. 1745. III. Jane, m. 25th December, 1718, Thomas Scrivener, Esq. of Potters- piirv, and d. 1763. IV. Marv, m. 1717, William Cook, Esq. of Paulerspury, co. Nin'thampton. The elder son, Thomas Smith, Esq. of Moor End, afore- said, b. 23rd April, 1701, iii. 1727, Sarah, daughter of Christopher Wren, Esq. of Hanslope, co. Bucks (who was b. 1G64, and m. Sarah), sister of Christopher Wren, Esq. of Pindon End, Hanslope (who was b. 1694, and rf. 1765, having had issue Sarah, m. Lieut. John France), grand- daughter of Hugh Wren, Esq. of Hanslope (b. 1629), great granddaughter of Hugh Wren, Esq. of Hanslope (b. 1598, rf. 1658), by Eleanor, his wife (who rf. 165S). great great granddaughter of Christopher Wren, Esq. of Hanslope (rf. 1613), by Mary, his wife, and great great great granddaughter of Hugh Wren, Esq. of Hanslope (rf. 1585), by Margaret, his wife. Gcoii'rcy Wren, con- fessor and privy councillor to Kings Hexkt A'II and Henet VIII, was rector of Hanslope from 1509 until his death in 1527. He was brotlier of "William Wren, of Sher- burn House, co. Durham, from whom was de- scended Sir Christopher Wren, the architect (i. 1632). Hugh Wren, b. 1487, living 1553, was chantry priest of Hanslope. Thomas Smith rf. 9th November, 1766, liaving by his said wife (who was b. 1703, and rf. 11th June, 1778, aged 76) had issue, I. Thomas, formerly of Horton, and afterwards of Preston Deanery, both CO. Nortbamjiton, b. 1727, m. 20th January, 1757, Catherine, daughter of John Hawkins, Esq. of Oxford — see Burke's Hisforij of ihe Commonfra (by Miss Wainwright, his wife) ; sister of William Hawkins, Esq. of West- minster (who m. Susanna, daughter of Thonuis Grant, Esq., and rf. 1781, having had issue, Sanniel Hawkins, Epq., of \\'estuiinster, who w. Miss Sarah Cal- hind, of the same jilaee) ; also sister of the Kev. Thomas llawkins, chaplain of Magdalen College, Oxford, author of 2'Ae Origin of Ike Jitiqlish Drnma, &c. (b. 1729, rf. 1772) ; niece of William Hawkins, Esq. of Hornchiirch, co. Es- sex, author of Fleax of the Crown, created Serjeant-at-Law, 1724 (who was b. 1682, and rf. 1750) ; grand- daughter of John Hawkins, Ivstp t)f Great Milton, co. tlxl'ord [who rf. about 1703, having m. Marv, daughter of Edward Dew, Esq. (4." 1619, rf. 1656), of Islip, CO. Oxford, son of Kicbard Dew, Esq. of Harwell, co. Berks, and grandson of lulwnrd Dew, Esq., also of Harwell] ; great, granddaughter of John Hawkins, Esq. (/>. 1621, rf. before 1678) ; great graiidniccc of William Hawkins, Esq. of Mori lake, co. Surrey, J. P. (who was b. 1624, and rf. 167S) ; and great great granddaughter of Wil- liam Hawkins, Esq. of the city of Westmin,ster. Thomas Smith rf. 25th June, 1795, having had by his said wife (who was b. 1727, and rf. Sth Janiuiry, 1793, aged 6ti) a son, Thonuis, l)a]itised 14th Jlarch, 1759, and rf. 11th Novem- ber. 1766, agetl 7. II. John. The younger son, John Smith, Esq. of Pnry Lodge, Potters- pury, was baptised at Grafton Ecgis, 4th October, 1730, and also at Pottorsjjury, 11th October, 173(1; m. first, 7th Janiun-y, 1756, Eleanor, daughter of Kichard Scrivener, Esq. {b. 1(;.94, rf. 1763), of Pottersjiury, by Eleanor, his wife ; and by her (who was b. 1733, and rf. Sth August, 1757, aged 24), had issue, Sarah, of Towcester, co. Northampton, b. 1757, buried 3rd February, 1816, aged 60, vnm. He m. secondly, 31st Jidy,1760, Elizabeth, daughter of John Hawkins, Esq., and niece of Mr. Serjeant Hawkins, aforenamed, and rf. ICth April, 1813, having liad by her (who was b. 1727, and rf. 10th September, 1776, aged 49) a son, Thomas Smith, Esq. of Houghton House, Great Houghton, and afterwards of Manor House, Quinton, both co. Northampton, b. 2tth December, 1767; »«. 17th Ajn-il, 1794, at Towcester, co. Northampton, Frances,* • Frances, the third davighter of Gilbert Flesher, Esq. of Towcester, co. Northampton [who was b. 1730; m. 1758, Sarah (6. 1732, rf. 1806), daughter of Edward Bagsbaw, Esq. of Frowlesworth, Co. Leicester, by Sarab, his wife, daughter of Jttbn A'ere, Esq. of Cestcr Over House, Monks Kirby, co. Warwick (see Burke's Landed Oeniry); and rf. 1779] ; was sister of Catherine [who was b. 176], m. first, 1787, Wdliam Elliott, Esq. of Greens Norton, co. Northampton (J. 1760, rf. 1800), and secondlv, IKOG, John Malsbury Kirby, Esq. of Towcester (4. 1761, rf. 1824), being his second wife; and rf. 1825]; also sister of the Rev. John Thomas Flesher, rector of Till'ield, co. Northampton [who was b. 1771, m. 1799, Rhoda (rf. 1817), daughter of Kev. Thomas Biker, vicar of Culworth, co. Northampton, and rf. 1832, leaving issue, Kev. John Tlumias Flesher, rector of Tillield, afore- 8 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. third daughter of Gilbert Flesher, Esq. of Towcester. She was b. tliere, 22nd Septem- ber, 176-4-, and baptised there, 3rd Novcraber, 1783; d. at jS'ortbampton, 18th Marcli, 1836, aged 72, and was buried at Great Hougltton. He d. 25th November, 1833, aged 86, and was buried at Great Houghton, 2nd December following, leaving issue, I. Thomas, of Hornsey, co. Middlesex, and afterwards of Glenrock, Sydney, New South Wales, b. 7th and baptised 23rd June, 1795, at Great Houghton ; emigrated to New South Wales, 1830 ; 711. at Newtimber, co. Sussex, 23rd October, 1823, Penelope, eldest daugh- ter of the Eev. Webster Whistler, M.A. of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, rector of Hastings and New- timber, CO. Sussex (who was b. 16th January, 1747 and d. 2nd March, 1832, having m. 1795, Miss Mary Lashmer) ; granddaughter of John Whistler, Esq. of Stow Wood, CO. Oxford (who was baptised 1717, and d. 1786, his widow, Elizabeth, dying before 179-4) ; great granddaughter of John Whistler, Esq. of Newbury, co. Berks, and Becliley, co. Hants (who m. Mary, and d. 1721) ; great great granddaughter of the Rev. John Whistler, viear of Clapham, co. Sussex (wiio was b. 102.5, and d. 1685) ; and great great great granddaughter of the Rev. Hugh Whistler, rector of Faeeombe, co. Hants [who m. first, Hannah (d. 1626), and had the afore- named Rev. John Whistler; and secondly, Sarah {d. 1646) ; and d. 1659, having had issue by his second wife, Henry Whistler, Esq. of Epsom, CO. Surrey, whose granddaughter, Jane, m. Sir Thomas Webster, Bart. (6. 1682, d. 1760), of Battle, co. Sussex]. Mrs. Smith was b. at Newtimber, 15th Augiist, 1795, d. at Plymouth, co. Devon, 11th December, 1866, and was buried at Cornwood, co. Devon. He d. at Glenrock, Sydney, 28th July, 1842, leaving issue, 1. Thomas Whistler, of Glenrock, near Sydney, member of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, b. at Hornsey, co. Middlesex, 26th September, 1824, m. at St. James's Church, Sydney, 29th June, 1847, Sarah MaVia (A. 1830), daughter of John Street, Esq. of Tooyong, Bathurst, New South Wales (by Maria, his wife, daughter of John RendeD, Esq. of Tiverton, co. Devon, by Sarah, his wife, sister of Alderman Sir Mat- thew Wood, of Hatherley House, CO. Gloucester, Bart., M.P., twice Lord Mayor, father of Lord Hatherley) ; granddaughter of John Street, Esq. (by Miss Lucy Duneome,of Sheen andOld Albury, CO. Surrey, his wife) ; and great- granddaughter of Henry Street, Esq., who was descended from Lawrence Street, Esq. of Birtley, said, b. 1800, m. 1831, Miss Eliza Spencer (b. 1804, d. 1885), and d. 1852, having had issue John Henry Flesher] ; also sister of Gilbert Flesher, Esq. of Towcester, D.L. for co. Northampton (who was b. 1772, and d. tiiim. 1845) ; granddaughter of Thomas Flesher, Esq. of Duncot, Greens Norton, near Tow- cester [wlio was b. 1684, and d. 1762, having m., first, 1719, Hephzibah (b. 1696, d. 1725), daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hawkins, of Greens Norton, and by her had an only child, Sophia [J. 1722, d. 1775, having m. Thomas Bedford, Esq. of Potterspury, and had issue by liira, Sopliia Frances, b. 1762, m. John Pinckard, Esq. of Handley, near Tow- cester (who was b. 1760, and d. 1834), and d. 1836] ; and secondly, 1726, Hannah {d. 1774), daughter of Charles Gilbert, Esq. of the city of London (who was b. 1677, m. 1702, Anne, daughter of William Boulting, Esq. of Wed- more, CO. Somerset; and d. 1711), son of the 3ev. William Gilbert, rector of Tiffield and ■vicar of Culworth, co. Northampton [b. 1620, m. 1661, Miss Catherine Yerburgh (b. 1637), and d. 1693], son of Williaur GUbert, of Keresby, co. Leicester, who was descended from Henry Gilbert, of Gilbert Place, LuUing- ton, CO. Derby, living there before the year 1066] ; niece of Frances, daughter of Thomas Flesher, Esq. of Duncot aforenamed, and wife of the Rev. Edward Montgomery, of Milton House, CO. Northampton ; great granddaughter of Thomas Flesher, Esq. of the city of London [who was baptised 1648, m. 1679, Frances, daughter of Sir Francis Rewse, of Hedge- stone, Harrow-on-the-Hill, co. Middlesex, Knight, scout-master-general and lieutenant- colonel of horse to King Charles I. Sir Francis Rewse m. Anne (d. 1693), daughter of Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. of Pinner, co. Middlesex (b. 1572, d. 16i6, having m. Mar- garet (A. 1583, d. 1656), daughter of Roger Alanson, Esq. of London), and d. 1654] ; gi'eat great grandniece of Margaret, daughter of Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. of Pinner afore- named, and wife of Henry Wight, Esq. of Gaysham Hal), Barking, co. Essex [who d. 1692, having iiad issue, Sarah, who m. 1662, the Kiglit Rev. Thomas Cartwright {b. 1634, d. 1689), Lord Bishop of Chester] ; also great great grandniece of the Rev. John Hutchin- son (son of Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. of Pinner aforenamed), of Lichfield, co. Stafford, rector of Astbury, co. Chester, and prebend- ary of Turvin, in Lichiield Cathedral [who was b. 1611, d. 1705, liaving m. Elizabeth, daughter of the Riglit Rev. John Hacket (b. 1 592, d. 1670), Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry] ; and great great granddaughter of Thomas Flesher, Esq. of Otley, co. York, where the family had been resident since the Con- quest, the name being derived from the French, Flechier, an arrow maker. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. CO. Surrey, living temp. Jamks II. Thoiiijis W'liistior .Sniitli d. at Bayswtiter, p:iris!i cit" I'lidtlington, CO. Miild.'i'scx, I21I1 November, 185!), ami was liiirieil in Keiisal Green Cemetery, leaving I. Thomas Whistler, b. at Eeelesbournc, near Sydney, 12tli Aui;ii.'!t, 1849; d. num. at Tamworth, New South Wales, 17th October, 187t. II. Henry Whistler, of Ro- chester, co. Kent, captain and brevet-major Royal Engi- neers, b. at Glenroek, afore- said, 8th November, 1850 ; m. at St. Margaret's, Ro- chest«r, 4th August, 1874, Florence Agnata Frances (4. 1853), youngest daughter and co-heir of Major-General George William Powlett Bingham, R.A., C.B., of Rochester, aforesaid [who was b. 1817; m. first, 1845, Sophia (b. 1818, d. 1881), daughter of Col. Charles Cox Bingham, R.A. (who was J. 1772, m. 1798, and d. 1835), by Sarah Osmond, his wife (d. 1862), daughter of Samuel Hayter, Esq. of Warcham, co. Dorset] ; granddaughter of Arthur Batt Bingliam, Esq., R.N. (who was b. 1784, m. Emily, daughter of W. L. Kings- man, Esq. of Petworth, eo. Sussex, and d. 1830) ; great granddaughter of tlie Ven. William Bingham, D.D., archdeacon of London [who was A. 1744, m. 1775, Agnata (d. 1827), daughter of Libert Dorrien, Esq.] ; and great great granddaughter of Rich- ard Bingliani, Esq. of Mel- combe Bingham, co. Dorset, barrister-at-law, who was b. 1698, in. J740, Martha (d. 1765), daughter of William Bait, Esq. of Sarum, Wilts, and d. 1755, having had i.-isue, Richard Bingham, Col Dor- setshire Militia, eldest son [4. 1741, m. first, 1766, Sophia ((/. 1773), daughter of Charles Hasley, Esq. of Great Gaddesden, co. Herts, and by her had issue, Colonel Charles Cox Bingham al'ore- iiivnu'd, and d. 1824], and the before-mentioned Dr. Bing- ham, second son. Richard Bingham, Esq., was a de- scendant of Kohert Bingham, Esq., of Meleombe, co. Dorset, vvlio d. 1524. Capt. Smith- Rewse has issue, 1. Henry Bingham Whistler, i. at Luck- now, India, 22nd August, 1876 ; 2. Geoffrey Bingham Whistler, h. at Kalabagli, Pun- jab, liulia, 16lh May. 1878; and 3. Merrick liinghain Whistler, //. at Koehcster, eo. Kent, 29th Septcnd)er, 1887. Ca])t. Henry Whistler Smith and his issue, by Royal Li- cence dated 9th April, 1889, were authorised to assume the surname of Rkwsk in addition to and after that of S.MiTn. and to quarter the arms of Ki:\vsE. I. Anna Maria, b. at Glenroek, Sydney, 29th April, 1818, m. 9th Se])tember, 1875, at St. Margaret's, Iloehester, Wil- liam Gregory Walker, Esq. of Sydney, barristcr-at-iaw. II. Sophia Ciif.harine, A. at Glen- roek, Sydney, 27th .Vpril, 1852, HI. at St. Margaret's, Rochester, 20th A\m\, 1876, Capt. Henry Lcthbridge Jesscp, R. E. III. Emma Frances, b. at Glen- roek, Sydney, 10th April, 1854, III. at St. Margaret's, Rochester, 8th June, 1876, Giles Frederick Walker, Esq., of Ceylon. IV. Alice Penelope, J. at Glen- roek, Sydney, 6th August, 1850, d. in London, 20th No- vember, 1859. V. Amy Caroline, i. in Welbeck- street, Cavendish-square, eo. Middlesex, 10th May, 1859, m. 15th December, 1886, at St. Margaret's, Rochester, Lieut. Arnaud C. Painter, R.E. 2. Eustace, of Glenroek. Darling Point, Sydney, b. 3rd December, 1825, »!. 2nd Sept ember, 1852, Anna Matilda, daughter of .John Street, Esq. of Tooyoiig. Hathurst, New South Wales, aforenamed, and d. at Guildford, co. Surrey, 6th March, 1872, having had issue, Maria Caroline, b. IStli September, 1854, m. 1881, George Lee Lord, Esq. of Sydney, who d. 1883 ; and Emily Ruth,' b. July, 1857, d. 1859. Mrs. .Viuui -Matilda Smith was b. 1831, and d. 22nd June, 1888, at Mai-lcay Heights, Mac- leay-street, Sydney, New South Wales. 1. Mary Frances, b. 29th Jtily and baptised 18th August, 1827, at Hornsey, co. Middlesex; d. young. 2. Harriet Sophia. i. 11th December, 1828, 111. at St. James's Church, Syihu-y, 6th May, 1816, James Riley, Esq. of Geelong, Port Phillip, Victoria. 3. Catherine Penelope, b. 26th March, 1830, m. at St. Mark's, 10 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. SydneT, Se]itemlier, 1853, Henry Butler, Esq. of Hobart Town, Tasmania, speiiker of the Legisla- tive Assembly of Tasmania, and sometime member of the Legisla- tive Coimdl and premier of that colony, who d. 1885. She d. 1876. 4. Jane Ellen, b. at Sydney, 28th November, 1831, died 5th and was buried 7th January, 1833, at Sydney. 5. Sarah Emily, h. at Sydney, 16th August, 1833, d. there Ist June, 1S35. 6. Emma Amelia, b. at Sydney, 3rd June, 1835, m. at St. Mark's, Sydney, 11th December, 1855, JaniesRusden, Esq.,E.N.,whowa8 b. at Falmouth, co. Cornwall, 8th January, 1823, and d. at Buntrv Bay, Ireland, IJth July, 1860. 7. Marianne Frances, b. at Glen- roclc, 10th June, 1836, m. at St. Mark's, Sydney, 22nd September, 1856, Alexander Fredeiick Bun- dosk, Esq., sometime of Gordon Brook, New South AVales, after- wards of Buckland Abbey, co Bevon, England, and now of The Hove, Torquay, co. Devon, who was b. at Paignton, co. Devon, 5th April, 1817. 8. Henrietta Octa via, i.atGlenrock, 13t.h June, 1839, »«. at St. Mark's, Sydney, 22nd January, 1859, John de Villiers Lamb, Esq. of Palmers- ton, Sydney, New South Wales. 9. Anna" Maria, b. at Glenroek, 5th March, 1811, m. Hon. John Ren- dell Street, of Sydney, member of tlie Legislative Council of New South Wales. II. Henry Hawkins, b. at Great Hough- ton aforesaid, 18th September, 1796 ; buried there 11th May, 1800. III. John. iv. William, of Bedford and Northamp- ton, b. 13th August and baptised 9th October, 1799, at Great Houghton ; d. nnm. 12th December, 1833, at South- ampton, and there buried iu St. John's churchyard. V. Henry Gilbert, sometime of Fairlight, Manly Beach, near Sydney, New South Wales, and afterwards of Brighton, CO. Sussex, England, father of Henry Stinton Snnth-Rewse,Esq. See Smith- Rewse of Manly and Wollon- GONO. VI. Charles, of London, b. 9th June, 1804; emigrated to New South Wales in 1827 ; and d. unm. at Isling- ton, CO. Middlesex, 27th March, 1849. I. Catherine, b. 12th April, 1803; m. at Great Houghton. 15th September, 1825, Henry Burt, Esq. of Towcester, CO. Northampton, and afterwards of London, attorney-at-law (who was b. at Stoney Stratford, co. Bucks, 20th Februarv. 1797, re-m. 20th February, 1841, Miss Elizabeth Bradshaw, and d. 1877) ; and d. at Towcester, 15th October, 1825. II. Frances Elizabeth, b. 15th December, 1808 ; d. 18th May, 1825. The third son, John Smith, Esq., of Manor House, Quinton, and Greens Park, co. Northampton, was born at Great Houghton, 20th June, 1798. Hem. at Farthingstone, co. Northamp- ton, 31st August, 1826, Sarah Ann (6. at Huicote, CO. Northampton, 22nd November, 1794, and d. lOth June, 1858), second daughter of Thomas Hill, Esq., formerly of Huicote and afterwards of Tiffield and Shut- langer, co. Northampton (b. 6th April, 1761, m. 3rd February, 1791, and d. 13th No- vember, 1854), by Elizabeth, his wife (b. 1768, (/. 10th November, 1848), daughter of Shadrach Wesley, Esq., of Blisworth, co. Northampton (who was b. 1737, and d. 1803, his wife, Sarah, surviving till 1824). Mrs. Sarah Ann Smith was granddaughter of James Hill, Esq. of Huicote, Easton Neston, eo. Northampton (who was b. 1725, m. 27th January, 1759, audd. 10th September, 1774), bv Miss Ann Buswell, his wife (who was b' 1731 and d. 22nd January, 1795). Mr. Smith d. 18th and was buried 24th August, 1869, at Quinton, having had issue, I. John Thomas, of Manor House, Quin- ton, and Greens Park, Blakesley, co. Northampton, b. 12tli August, 1827 ; m. at Blisworth, co. Northampton, 5th May, 1859, Frances Ann (4. at Blis- worth, 1st July, 1837), youngest daughter of Beuedict Roper, Esq. of Blisworth [4. 1797, m. 28th December, 1S26, Caroline (i. 1797, d. 1st August, 1878), daughter of Edmund Briggs, Esq. of Bath, co. Somerset, and Miss Elizabeth Hudson, his wife; and d. 13th March, 1847] ; sisterof Ellen [who was b. 1827, m 1851, John Malsbury Kn-by lilUiott, Esq. of Lillingston Hall, Lillingston Lovell, co. Bucks (i. 1823), grandson of AVilliam Elliott, Esq. of Greens Norton aforenamed] ; also si>ter of Charles Edward Roper, Esq. of Blisworth, county alderman (who was b. 1832, m. 1860, Mary, daughter of William Whitton, Esq. of Caswell, Blakesley, CO. Northampton) ; niece of William Roper, Esq. of Bayham Abbey, co. Sussex [who was b. 17^0, m. Frances («. 1790), daughter of William Elliott, Esq., aforenamed, and had issue, John William Roper, Esq. of Frant, eo. Sussex, who d. 1882] ; granddaughter of John Roper, Esq. of Potterspury, co. Northampton [who was b. 1756, m. 13th December, 1787, Miss Ann Freeman (6. 1767, d. 9th October, 1841), and d. 25th October, 1837] ; and great granddaughter of John Roper, Esq, of East Harhng, co. Norfolk. Mr. J. T. Smith d. at Quin- ton, 13th January, 1881, having had issue, BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 11 1. John >S_vcliu\v, of Manor House, Quiuton, 4. at Quiulon, 7th January, 18G1 ; m. at St. Mary Magdalen's, St. Leonards-on-Sea, CO. Sussex, 9t1i October. 1888, Marion Clare (b. •Itli January, 18G3), third daughter of Samuel Chester, Esq. of Hastings, co. Sussex, J. I', (who was b. 13th February, 1828, and d. 1881.), by Ruth (A." lS;iO) his wife, daughter of George Elpliuck, Esq. of Lewes, eo. Sussex. 2. Alfred, baptised Ist December, 1SG5, d. 14th and was buried iSth May, ISGfi. 3. Albert Ernest, b. at Quinton, 15th November, 1870. 4. Thomas Henry, h. at Quiuton, 24th October, 1871. 1. JTanny Ada, of Eresham, co. Worcester, b. at Quiuton, 6th March, 1862. 2. Emily Sarah, of Evesham, co. Worcester, b. at Quinton, 24th June, 1863. II. Thomas Hawkins, of Gordon Brook, emigrated to New Soutli Wales, 1852. III. Henry Gilbert, b. at Quinton, 19th December, 1832 ; d. 23rd and was buried there 28th March, 1838. iv. Charles William, of Fisherbeck, Ambleside, co. Westmoreland, for- merly of London, b. at Quinton, 28th "August, 1834. V. Ui:xuv Fi.KsnEK, of Kyogle, Casino, New South Wales. See next article. I. Frances Elizabeth, 4. 291 h March, 1831, at Quinton; »n. there, 25lh April, 1855, John Jackson, Esq., of 38, Leadenhall-street, city of London, and Bayswater, co. Middlesex, now of The liimes. Watford, Herts, master of the Mercliaut Taylors Company, 1875 (wliowasi. in Leadenhall-street afore- said, 6th June, 1828), d. s.p. 3rd July, 1885, and was buried in Norwood Cemetery, co. Surrey. II. Catlieriue, of Fisherbeck, .-Vmbloside, CO. Westmoreland, h. at Quinton, 30tU May, 1836. ,-l)v«.s— Gu. a chev. eottised between three cinquefoils erm., all within a bordure engr. arg. Crest — In front of a talbot's head couped gu. a cinquefoil erm. between two trefoils slipped vert. Residence — Gordon Brook, Grafton, New South Wales, Australia. Club — Union, Sydney, New Soutli Wales. ^mitl) of 3A]['citj:lc. SMITH, HENRY FLESHER, Esq. of Kyogle, Casino, New South Wales, Australia, J. P. for New South Wales and Queensland, h. at Quinton, CO. Northampton , ISth August, 1838, emigrated to New South Wales, 1859, m. at St. John's, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, ISth January, 1877, Sophia Susannah (6. 10th May, 1854), second daughter of Edwai'd Charles Close, Esq. of Morpeth, New South Wales (who was h. 1825, m. Miss Louisa S. Piatt, and d. 1887, vide Close of Stretncham), and granddaughter of Edward Charles Close, Esq. of Morpeth, by Sophia Susannah, his wife, only daughter of John Palmer, Esq., R N., sometime deputy commissary-general of New South Wales. Mrs. Smith d. 29th October, 1886. Mr. H. F. Smith has issue, Thomas Close, h. at Church-street, Newcastle, New South Wales, loth June, 1878. Lineage and Arms — Vide Smith of Gokdon Brook. Mesidence — Kyogle, Casino, New South Wales, Australia. Club — Union, Sydney, New South Wales. ^mitl)^l\tbj anti SOoUonrjontj, SMITH-REWSE, HENRY STINTON, Esq. of Manly and Wollongong, in the suburbs of the city of Sydney, colony of New South Wales Australia, and of 18, Soutliwell-gardcns, South Kensington, co. Middlesex 12 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. England, h. at St. Kilda Hou.se, Wooloomooloo, Sj-dney, 3rd Nov., 1857; m. 16tli Marcli, 1878, Julia Grieve (/). 1860), second daughter of Edward CoUing- wood, Esq., of Hyde Cliffe, Blackheatla, co. Kent, England (who was b. 1824, and m. Helen, daughter of Rev. James Macgo^van, the author of numerous works) ; niece of William Collingwood, Esq. of Liverpool, co. Lancaster (who was I. 1819 ; ?)i. Miss Marie Imhoff, and has issue, W. Gershom Collingwood, Esq., M.A., of Windermere, co. Westmoreland, 6. 1856, author of The Lime- stone Alps of Savoy, &c.) ; also niece of Cuthbert Collingwood, Esq. of Upper Norwood, CO. Surrey (who was b. 18'2(i, author of BambJes of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Seas, &c.) ; granddaughter of Samuel Collingwood, Esq. of Blackheath (who was 6. 1786, m. his cousin Frances, daughter of Samuel Collingwood, Esq., and d. 1852. She was b. 1789, and d. 1868) ; great gi-anddaughter of William Collingwood, Esq. of Greenwich, co. Kent [who was 6. 175G; in., first. Miss Ann Sophia Deedy(6. 1757, and d. s.p. 1785), and, secondly. Miss Mary Deedy (6. 1764, d. 1843) ; and d. 1827] ; and great great granddaughter of Samuel Collingwood, Esq. of Greenwich [who was b. 1730, m. Miss Mary Edwards (who d. 1798), and d. 1810], great great grandson of Ralph Collingwood, Esq., a descendant of Sir John Collingwood of Eslington, co. Northumberland (who d. 1550), from whom also was descended Cuthbert, Lord Collingwood, Admiral. Mr. H. S. Smith-Rewse has issue, a daughter, Ethel Helen Annie, b. 8th February, 1879. Henry Stinton Smith-Rewse, Esq., and his brothers Gilbert Flesher and Eustace Alfred, in compliance with a deed dated 20th June, 1888, obtained a Royal Licence, dated 9th April, 1889, anthorising them and their issue to assume the surname of Rewse in addition to and after that of Smith, and to quarter the arms of Rewse. ILiiiffiOD. Henry Gilbert Smith, Esq., sometime of Fairlight, Manly Beach, near Sydney, New Si>utli Wales, and afterwards of Brighton, co. Susiiex, England, sometime Member of the Legislative Assembly, and afterwards of the Legislative Council of the colony of New South Wales, fifth son of Thomas Smith, Esq., formerly of Hougliton House, Great Houghton, co. Northampton, and afterwards of Manor House, Quiuton, iu the same county (inde Smith or Goedon Brook), was b. at Great Houghton, co. Northampton, loth February, 1802 ; emi- grated to New South Wales 1827; m., first, at St. Clement's, Hastings, 2-ttli January, 1839, Eleanor, fifth daughter of tlie Rev. Webster Whistler, Rector of Hastings and Newtimber, co. Sussex, and sister of Penelope, wife of her Imshand's brother, Thomas Smith, Esq., formerly of Hornsey, co. Middlesex, and afterwards of Glenrock, Sydney, New South Wales. Mrs. Eleanor Smith (wlio was b. 1813) d. s.p. at Hastings, 11th October, 1839, aged 2(5. A]r. Smith m. secondly, at Moreton Bay, Queensland, 11th November, 1856, Ann Margaret* (4. 1822, d. at Fairlight, Manly * She was entitled, by her descent through heiresses, to quarter the arms of Thomas de Beach, 7th April, 186G), second daughter of the Rev. John Thomas, M.A., of Brockhill, parish of Shelsby Beauehamp, co. Worcester [who m. 1819, Mary (d. 1872), daughter and eventually heiress of Joseph Stinton, Esq., by Mary, his wife, only child of Joseph Scverne, Esq. of Munderfield Harold, Bromyard, co. Hereford (b. 1741, d. 1805), by Mary, his wife (b. 1745, d. 1832), second daughter and co-heiress of Rowland Berkeley, Esq. cf Cotheridge Court, co. Worcester, J. P. (who d. 1759), a descendant of Thomfis de Brotlierton, Earl of Norfolk, son of Edward I., King of England] ; niece of Joseph Stinton, Esq. of Munderfield Harold, aforesaid, and Hampstead, co. Middlesex, J. P. and D.L. (who was b. 1795, and d. s.p. 1850) ; and granddaughter of John Thomas, Esq. of Brockhill, aforesaid, and by her had issue, I. Henry Stinton, of Manly and Wol- longong. II. Gilbert Flesher (Rev.), M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, rector Brotlierton, Earl of Norfolk, son of King Edward I. See Burke's Royal Familiex, ed. 1856. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 13 of St. Mai'giiivl'.f iind St. Peter's, South Elmlumi, eo. Sull'olk, KiikIiiikI, and of Manly and WoUongong. at'ore'*aid, h. at Rrarlv Beaeli. near Sydney, 15th July, ]S(JO,"«;. Ith Auf,'U.i. at Christ Church, Warrnambool, 1st June, 1876, Edith, youngest daughter of the late William Rutledge, Esq. of Parnham Park, Warrnambool, cos. Villiers and Heytesbury, Victoria (see Rutledge of Weeeongguet), J. P., member of the Legislative Assembly, and one of the earliest and best known of the pioneers of the colony of Victoria, by Eliza, his wife, daughter of Richard Kirk, Esq. of Sydney, New South Wales, and d. at Saltram, Torquay, 5th August, 1885, aged 34, leaving issue, 1 Neville Thomas, 6. 22nd March, 187G. 2 Ian Kirk, h. 1st December, 1880. 3 Alan Campbell, h. 25th July, 1882. 4 Eric Rutledge, h. 8th May, 1884. 5 John, h. 28th September, 1885. RUIJKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 16 Ills widow now ivsiflns :\i l'':iniliaiu Park, Victoi'iii. 11. TliDiiins, h. Itli Deocmber, 1863; m. at Yimgery, ISfcli January, 1877, Mary Trotter, younijesfc daughter of tlio lato Roderick Urquhart, Esq. of Yangery Park, Victoria, and d. 22nii. and had issue, Duncan, of Havannali, Cuba; and Malcolm, of Ota go, New Zealand. I. Margaret, m. J). Macpherson, Esq. of Asliens, Helensburgh, N.B., and had issue. .Tonx McKei.lar, Esq. of Knebsworth, Victoria, Australia: b. 1790; m. Rachel, daughter of Thomas Harkness, Estj. of Glenkin and Claclmig, and d. at Knebsworth, 25th October, 1850, leaving issue, I. TnoMA.s, of whom we treat. II. David, of lirooksrlale, Tapanui, Otago, New Zealand ; of the Nacimiento Kanche, State of Coahuila, Mexico, and of New Mexico, U.S.A. ; m. 27th November, 18G7, ,lane Catherine (b. 25th January, 1848), eldest surviving daughter of the late Hon. William Skene, of Skene, Hamilton, Victoria, member of the Legislative Council (see Skene of Mauxoo), and has issue one son and six daughters. III. Peter, of Gladstone House, Inver- cargill. New Zealand ; m. Ellen, daughter of the late J. Smith, Esq., and has issue, 1 . Charles, now of Glnilstonc House. 2. Tliomas. 1. Mary, m. the Kcv. W. Cameron, D.D., of Invercargill, New Zea- land. 2. Ellen. IV. John, of Sweetwater, Colfar oo.. New Mexico, U..S.A. He was the owner of Tapanui Station, Otago, New Zealand, and the first nniyor and principal owner and founder of the town of Tapanui, but removed to America in 1877. He m. Mary, daughter of J. Pinkerton, Esq., and d. at Sweetwater, September, 1883, leaving amongst other issue, 1. John, now of Sweetwater, Colfar CO., New Mexico. I. Margaret, in. at Lochhead, eo. .Irgvll, Scotland, 24tli February, 1846, Robert Macintvre, lisq. of Eastfeild House, Bute, N.B., and d. 12tli March, 1882, leaving issue, 1. Robert, b. 10th Julv, 1852. 2. John, b. 10th February, 1854. 3. Thomas, b. 5th November, 1855. 4. Dugald, b. 12th May, 1861. 1. .'Vnne. 2. Rachel Harkness. 3. ^fargaret. II. Isabella, m. 26th March, 18.50, Mal- colm liuchanan, Ksq., and d. 3rd April, 1874, leaving issue, 1. Malcolm, of Riverview, Kearney, Nebraska, U.S.A. ; b. 4th Febru- ary, 1855. 1. Rachel Harkness. 2. Anne. 3. Mary McKellar. 16 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 4. -Uexandra. III. June, of Avoudale Eanche, Wagon Around, Mora Co., New Mexico, U.S.A. ; m. 1SS6, Joseplx Leopold Matt, Esq. of Missouri, U.S.A. IV. Catharine, m. W. Gralbraith, Esq., M.D., of Invercargill, New Zealand, and has issue. v. Marv, m. Joseph Rogers, Esq., of Glenquoich, Invercargill, New Zea- land, and d. 1874, leaving issue. VI. .\nne, m. 1876, Joseph Eogers, Esq., of Glenquoieli, New Zealand, and has issue. vii. Rachel, m. 3rd July, 1866, Thomas Skene, Esq. of Krongart, Penola, South Australia, only son of David Skene, Esq. of Langseat (see Skexe OP Maknoo), and by liim (who d. 25th November, 1885), had issue, 1. David, now of Krongnrt, b. 10th November, 1872. 2. John McKellar, b. 1st October, 1874. 3. Thomas, b. Ist January, 1878. 1. Rachel Barbara. 2. Jean Edith. 3. Ann. 4. Margaret Mary. 5. Katharine. Armn used — Arg. between twobarrulets gu.^ a lion pass az. in chief three crescents sa.^ and in base as many tnullets of the second. Crest — A dexter arm embowed in armour, holding in the hand a sci/mifar ppr. ilotto — Per- severando. Ilesidenci-s and Estates — Strathkellar and Croxton, Hamilton, A^ietoria, Australia, and Lerags, Oban, co. Argyll, Scotland. FAWCETT, HON. CAPTAIN THEODORE, of Pmjannh Park, Murray District, Western Aiistralia, J. P. since 1862, elected a member of the Legislative Council, 1886, and captain of the Pinjarrah Mounted Volunteers, late of tbe 6tli Dragoon Guards (Carabineers), which he joined in 1851, h. at Corsley House, Wilts, England, 10th February, 1832, was educated at Cheltenham College, m. in London, 30th March, 1864, Eliza Agnes Audry, fourth daughter of Captain Hill, of the 57th Regiment (who d. in 1848, at Clonmel, while on service administering relief during the Irish famine of that year), and has issue, I. Theodore John Henry, 6. 14th August, 1865. II. Charles William Theodore, h. 24th June, 1873. III. Ernest Murray Johnson, 6. 25th April, 1875. I. Mary Agnes, h. 6th October, 1866. II. Agues Constance Augusta, h. 1st August, 1868. III. Emmeline Eleanor May, h. 2nd May, 1875. IV. Eva Adela Julia, h. 4th November, 1877. iLmrnge. This family was seated in Yorkshire about the middle of the 17th century. Sir AViLLUM Fawcett, K.B., 4. 1727. purchased a commission in the army, and was attached to the English contingent under the Marquis of G-ranby, which served under Fbedeeick THE GRE.4.T, of Prussia, in the Seven Years War. Captain Fawcett was accorded the honour of taking home the despatches, and rejiorling the account of the Battle of Marburg (17H0) t« King Geokge II. This he did in the German language. The young oflicer at once olilained his majority, and, after declining offers from Fredekick the Great, who gave him his portrait, he finally rose to be adjutant -general of the army and governor of Chelsea Hospital. In 1799, during tlie absence of H.E.H. the Duke of York in Holland, General Fawcett was appointed commander-in-chief. He d. in 1804, and was accorded a public funeral, H.E.H. the Prince of Wales being chief mourner, attended by four princes of the blood royal, including H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, fatlier of H.M. Queen Victoria. General Fawcett left two sons, William (major-general), and Walker Dawson (major- general). The former of these two sons, Majok-General William Fawcett, after the American War, brought home a wife. Miss Catherine Moore, of Philadelphia, and resided in Ireland as go\ernor of Limerick BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 17 and adjutant-general of Ireland. He tl. in 1826, and was buried at Soutluimpton, having had two sons, I. William (eolonel). II. 1 1 en I'v Augustus, lieutenant R.N., 6. IM li Januarv, IT'.U ; entered the navy, INtli August, lb04, and served as luid- sliijunan at the battle of Trafalgar, 1S05. He d. in 1S82, aged 91 years, without surviving issue. The elder son. Colonel William Fawoktt, of Craven- hill, London, i. 28th Uceember, 178(5, beeamc eolonel of the 11th, and afterwards of the 38th regiment. He m. September, 1827, Mary Agnes, sister of Kraneis Dawe Wiek- liam, Esq. of Bath, co. Somerset, formerly of Melbourne, Vietoria (she d. 1S40), and d. 10th Oetober, 1859, having had issue, I. W'illiam Whallev, of Meadow-banlc, West Norwood, eo. Surrey, Englanil, h. 1st January, 1829; m. 4th June, 1857, Caroline E. Stafford, and has surviving issue, 1 Robert Arthur, b. 14tli Decem- ber, 1860. 2 William Harold, h. 2nd December, 18G8. 1 Katharine Agnes, h. 21tli Decem- ber, 18G3 ; >n. hor cousin, .\rtliur Cuthbert, Esq. 2 Florence Maud, h. 12th Decem- ber, 1867. 3 Lilian Josephine, b. 28tli April, 1S71. II. TiinoDORi; (Hon. Captain), of Pin- jarrah Park. I. 'Emily Selinn, b. 2Gth April, 1830 ; m. September, 18G1, Arthur Andrew Cuthbert, Esq. of Haifa, Syria, and has one son, Arthur, m. his cousin, Katharine Agnes, daughter of William Whallcy Fawcett, Esq. of Meadow- bank, West iVorwood. II. Emmeline Agnes, b. 17th September, 1837 ; m. lOth June, 185G, William Clement Cazalet, Esq. of CJrcnehui-st, near Dorking, co. Surrey, and has ten children. Arms — Arg. on a bend, az., three dol])hin3 embowed of the field, fmned or. Cmat — A dolphin, embowed as in the arms. Motto — OiBcio et fide. Residence — Pinjarrah Park, Murray Dis- trict, Western Australia. Cj)urston of ^t» THURSTON, HIS EXCELLENCY SIR JOHN BATES, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., F.L.S., of St. Helier's, Taviuni ; Thornbnry, Viti Levu ; and Government House, Suva, all in Fiji, governor and commander-in-cliicf of the colony of Fiji, and H.B.M.'s higli commissioner and consul-general for the Western Pacific, h. 31st January, 18-'56; entered the British Consulate at Fiji and Tonga, 1866 ; acting consul, 1867 ; chief secretary and minister for foreign relations, 1872; elected "chosen and special adviser" of the native kings and chiefs to confer with H.M. Commissioners regarding the annexation of the islands to Great Britain, 1874 ; colonial secretary and auditor-general of the colony, 1874 ; secretary to H.M. high commissionei- for the West Pacific, 1879 ; administered the government of Fiji, I6th November to 20th December, 1880, 10th November, 1883, to 2;ird July, 1884, and again in 1885 — 6 ; consul-general for the Western Pacific Islands, 1888 ; lieutenant- governor, 188G, and governor, 1887. He m. 14tli January, 1883, Amelia, only daughter of John Berry, Esq. of Albury, New South Wales, and formerly of CO. Meatli, Ireland (see Berry ob' Suva), and has i.ssue, I. John Horatio, h. 20th October, 1887. II. Edward Thomas, h. 4th June, 1889 T. Eliza d'Este, 6. 19th July, 1884. a. Alys Amelia, h. 19th April, 1886. He was created C.M.G. in 1880, and K.C.M.G. in 1887. vol,. I. c 1€ BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ILt'ntage. The ancestors of this family settled at Kington, Thornbury, co. Gloucester, Eng- land, a copyhold belonging to the Dule of Buckingham. The family, of which there are still many branches existing, is one of the oldest in Gloucestershire, and has now been seated at Kington House for nearly five centuries. The Suffolk family of Thurston, like the Kentish line, is now extinct, and it is believed that these, the Thurstons, of Gloucestershire, are the only direct descendants of John Turstin, the branches of whose family in COS. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Kent called them- selves Turstin, Thurston, and Thruston, and in the western counties assumed the name of Basset. EiCHAKD TuESTiN, lord of the manor of Chemingnarde, near Thornbury, Wilelai Hun- dred, CO. Gloucester, A.D. 1399, came out of the south of Norfolk, where the family was numerous. He claimed a common origin with the Bassets, and aequii-ed Chemingnarde from William and Maud Stafford. On his death, in 1413, the family appears to have broken up and to have found new homes at Wootton-under-Edge, Thornbury, and other places. His great grandson, RoBEET Thurstin, of Kington House, Thornbury, CO. Gloucester, d. 1484, and was huried in the north chapel of Thornbury church. His grandson, Richard Thurston, Esq. of Kington House, Thornbury, d. 1541, and was buried at Thornbury church, leaving a son, Thomas Thurston, Esq. of Kington House, m. 25th September, 1539, Alys Hicks, of Berkeley, and d. 2nd September, 1544, leaving a son, George Thurston, Esq. of Kington House, b. 1540; m. Anne Thurner, of Thorn- bury, and d. in 1612, leaving a son, John Thurston, Esq. of Kington House, h. 1582 ; m. Agnes Tayer, or Thayer, of Thornbury, and d. in 1637, leaving a son, John Thurston, Esq. of Kington House, Thornbury, h. 1616 ; m. Margaret Thurner, and d. in 1658, leaving a son, Nathaniel Thurston, Esq. (so named after Nathaniel, son of John Thurston, of Hoxne Abbey, Suffolk) of Kington House, b. 1641 ; m. Margaret Mills, of Forest of Dean, and d. in 1723, leaving a son, John Thurston, Esq. of Kington House,- Thornbury, b. 1678; m. Ursula Parnell, of Thornbury, and d. in 1739. His third son, Samuel Thurston, Esq. of Kington House, m. Mary Lewis, of Nether Stowey, CO. Somerset, and was father of Horatio Thurston, Esq. of Kington House, b. 1757; m. 25th November, 1786, Elizabeth, daughter of Rear-Admiral Holmes, of H.M.S. *' Cambridge " (who d. at Jamaica, 22nd December, 1761, after the capture of the French frigate " St. Anne," commanded by Captain D'Aequillor), and by her (who d. 1803) left at his decease, in 1835, a son, John Noel Thurston, Esq. of Bath, co. Somerset, and of Thornbury, co. Gloucester, b. 14th August, 1802 ; to. at St. James's church, Bath, 2nd February, 1830, Eliza West, of Bath (who was b. otli August, 1807, and d. 4th January, 1873), and d. 3rd March, 1846, having had issue, John Bates (Sir), K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., F.L.S. Horatio, deceased. Henry, deceased. Anne. Eliza. Emily. Arms used — Sa. three bugle horns, stringed or garnished az. Crest — A stork arg.leggedaz. Residenees — St. Helier's, Tavixmi ; Thorn- bury, Viti Levu ; and Government House, Suva, all in Fiji. CLARKE, HON. SIR WILLIAM JOHN, of Rnpertswood, co. Bourke, in the colony of Victoria, Australia, Bart, (so created 29th December, 1882), LL.D., member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, I. in Tasmania, 1831, m. first, 23rd November, 1860, Mary, second daughter of the late Hon. John Walker, member of the Legislative and Executive Councils of Tasmania, and by her (who d. 1871) has issue, I. Rupert Tukner Haverlock, h. 16th March, 1865. II. Ernest Edward Bowling, R.N., h. 19th May, 1869. 1. Alice Blanche, 6. 4th August, 1862, in. 8th December, 1887, Chess- borough Falconer John Macdonald, Esq., of Wantabadgery, New- South Wales, eldest son of C. C. Macdonald, Esq., late 22nd Regiment. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 10 II. Ethel Maud, h. 12 July, 18G7. Sir William m. seconcllj% 21st Januai-y, 1873, Janet Marian, eldest daughter of the late Peter Snodgnvss, Esq., member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria, son of Colonel Snodgrass, and by her has issue, III. Clive Snodgrass, h. 20th October, 1873. IV. William Lionel Russell, 6. 31st March, 1876. V. Francis Grenville, 6. 14th March, 1879. VI. Reginald Hastings, h. 26th October, 1880. TTi. Mary Janet, 6. 24th December, 1874. IV. Agnes Petrea Josephine, 6. 3rd September, 1877. Hon. Sir W. J. Clarke arrived in Victoria in 1850, and devoted himself to sheep-farming. Sir William was for a time manager of the Woodlands station on the Wimmera, afterwards, conjointly with his brother Joseph, rented the Norton Mandeville station, Tasmania, and subsequently returned to Victoria. During his residence in the latter colony, he was chairman of the Braybiook Road Board, and a member of the Melton Shire Council. In 1878 he was returned to the Legislative Council as one of the representatives of the Southern Province, and in the following year was appointed president of the Melbourne International Exhibition. Sir William is now president of the West Bourke Agricultural Association, and president of the Victoria Coursing Club. His large donations towards the Cathedral Fund of the Church of England, and the Indian Famine Fund, and his many other liberal benefactions, should not be left unrecorded. ILincagc. Tlie paternal ancestors of the Hon. Sir W. J. Clarke, Bart, of Rupertswood, in Victoria, ■were from a Terj early period resident, in the neighbourhood of Wells, co. Somerset, England. They were at first settled in the manor of Greinton, and subsequently at Middlezoy and Weston Zoyland in that Ticinity. The descent of Sir William is deduced step by step from one of the name resident at Greinton in the time of Queen Elizabeth. His widow, Joane, was a benefactress as well of her own church at Greinton as of the neighbouring cathedral of Wells, as shown by her will, dated 30th January, 1628, and proved at Wells, 9th August, lfi33, at which time she had living a daughter, m. to Robert Cooke, Esq., and an only son, William Clahke, of Greinton, whose will, dated 8th December, 1()71, was proved 30th November by Joane, his wife, who sur- vived him. He left three children, I. William, of whom liercafter. II. John, d. 1686, leaving by Joane, his wife, a daughter, m. her cousin, William, son of Gabriel Clarke, Esq. of Greinton. I. Joane, a legatee of her mother. William Clarke d. 1G71 ; his eldest son, William Clahke, of Greinton, was pos- sessed of the lands of Catcott Heath, in t)ie parish of Moorlinch, adjoining Weston Zoy- land. His will, dated 0th December, 1685, was proved at 'Wells, 6th Kovemlier, 1686. By Elizabeth, his wife, he left two sons, I. William, of whom hereafter. II. Thomas, to whom his father be- queathed lands at Alter Moor, in the same county. William Clarke d. 1685—86. His eldest son, William Clabke, of Greinton, proved his father's will, s. his father in his lands of Catcott Heath, and made his will, 8th Jimuary, 1709, which was proved by his daughter at Wells. ISlh May, the same year. By Mary, his wife, who survived him, he left one son and thi'ee daugliters, I. Philip, of whom hereafter. I. Hannah, m. Mr. Sturman. II. lOlizabeth, proved her father's wiU. III. Jane, m. John Hart, Esq. William Clarke d. 1709. His son, Philip Clieke, of Willake in Middlezoy, was in possession in 17t)0 of his father's holding of Catcott Heath; he settled at Weston Zoyland in 1714, and served the ottice of cliurehwarden 1737. He was »i. three times. By his first wife, Jane, daughter of Mrs. Joan Dauntoii, widow (who, by her will, dated Sth December, 1720, bequeathed c 2 20 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. her family paintings to her son-in-law), who d. 12tli May, 1702, lie had one daughter, I. Hester, m. Mr. Harris, of Mark, co. Somerset. By Alice, his second wife, who was buried at Weston Zoyland, 26th Augiist, 1710, he had two other daughters, II. Joan, baptised at Weston Zoyland, 2nd April, 1704, buried there" 26th April, 1712. III. Mary, baptised at Weston Zoyland, 15th January, 1708. By Hester, his third wife, who surrired him, and whose wiU was proved at Wells, 24th March, 1766, he had further issue, a son and five daughters, I. William, of whom hereafter. IV. Hester, baptised 21st March, 1718, m. Mr. Napper. V. Jane, baptised 3rd December, 1720, buried 7th May, 1731. TI. Christiana, baptised 4tli May, 1728, m. Mr. Brewer. Til. Rachel, baptised 2nd February, 1724, buried 12th October, 1736. Till. Joan, baptised 6th June, 1729, m. .28th October. 1749, Thomas Martin, Esq. of Middlezoy. Philip Clarke, d. 11th December, 1742, aged 69, and was buried at Weston Zoyland. His only son, William Claeke, of WillakC; was bap- tised at Weston Zoyland, 27th December, 1726, and resided at his father's place near Middlezoy, where he was married, and his eldest son was born. By Elizabeth, his first wife, who was buried 23rd April, 1762, he had two sons and three daughters, I. William, of whom hereafter. II. Gabriel, baptised 26th December, 1767. I. Elizabeth, baptised 14th October, and buried 12th November, 1754. II. Elizabeth, baptised 14th September, 1755. III. Grice, baptised 5th January, 1760. William Clarke m. secondly, by licence dated 26th July, 1762, Mrs. Mary Keene, but by her, who was buried 30th December, 1789, had no issue. He d. March, 1771, and was buried 29th of that month in the same place, with his father and mother ; his eldest son, William Claeke, of Weston Zoyland, s. to his father's lands, and served as church- warden for Weston Zoyland, 1784. He m. by licence, dated 2nd May, 1771, AmySparke, of Chedzoy, near Bridgwater, eo. Somerset, and had issue, I. William, of whom hereafter. II. John, baptised 14th March, 1776, accidentally killed near Bridgwater. III. Joseph, of Wiveliscombe, co. Som- erset, baptised 2nd December, 1779, had two sons, 1 Joseph, d. s.p. ; 2 William, of Falmouth, Cornwall, England, m. and had issue. IT. Richard Perry, of Barnstaple, co. Devon, England, m. Mary Snow, of Marley, and had, 1. Richard Perry (Rev.), m. and had issue; 2. John, d. s.p. ; 3. Charles Snow, of Barn- staple, m. and had issue. WilUam Clarke d. intestate. His eldest son, William Claeke, of the parish of St. Botolph, Aldgate, London, baptised 11th July, 1772, at Weston Zoyland, settled when young in London, and subsequently resided at Barnstaple, co. Devon. He m. 18th February, 1796, Sarah Turner, of Weston Zoyland, and had issue, I. Charles, of Chelsea, co. Middlesex, England, m. Elizabeth, daughter of John Howe, of Merridge, near Bridg- water, and d. March, 1878, leaving two surviving sons and four daughters. II. William John Tubnee (Hon.), of whom hereafter. III. Lewis, of Essenden, Victoria, Australia, left two sons and seven daughters. I. Sarah Turner, m. Richard Comer, of West Bermudas, and d. s.p., 1843. II. Caroline, m. Mr. Mead. III. Louisa, m. James Hearn, formerly of Lower Petherton, co. Somerset, and afterwards of Thorngrove, and d. at her residence at Brunswick. May, 1890, aged 78, leaving issue four sons and four daughters, several of the sons being well known amongst pas- toralists. She had lived in the colony of Victoria for forty-nine years, and survived her husband many years. William Clarke d. 1819. His second son, Hon. William John Tuenee Claeke, Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, formerly of Fivehead, co. Somer- set, went to Australia in 1840, settled first in Tasmania, and afterwards at Victoria, where he acquired a great estate. He m. Eliza, daugliter of Rev. George Pyke Dow- ling, of Pu^kLngton, co. Somerset (by Anne Biggs, his wife, of an old and wealthy family of Bristol merchants), and had issue, I. William John (Hon. Sir), Bart, of Rupertswood. II. Thomas Biggs, b. 1833, settled in Australia, w. Hannah, daughter of Henric Nicholas, Esq. of Caywood, Tasmania, and d. leaving issue four sons and three daughters. III. Joseph, of Mandeville Hall (.see next article). The Hon. W. J. T. Clarke d. in 1870. Anns — Or, two bars az., between four escallops, three in chief and one in base, gu., with two flaunches of the second. Crest — In front of a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand in a gauntlet ppr., grasping an arrow in bend sinister or, flighted arg., three escallops also or. Motto — Signum quaerens in vcUere. Sesidence — Rupertswood. co. Bourke, Vic- toria, Australia. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. '21 €Uv\\t of iHantirbiUc %n\l CLARKE, JOSEPH, I'lsq. of iliimleville ILill, Toorak, near JIflbonrno, Victoria, Australia, J. P. for the Central Bailiwick, Victoria, b. Lst January, 1835, at Newtown, near Hobart, Tasmania, m. 2'2nd March, 1860, his cousin, Caroline, d:ini;hfcor of his uncle, the late Lewis Clarke, Esq. of Essendon, Victoria, and has issue, I. William John Turner, /,. 11th July, 1862. II. Lewis Alexander, h. 4th May, 1864. On the death of his father, Mr. Clarke became possessed of property in South Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. He is a Director of the Melbourne and Hobson's United Railway Company, and also of the Colonial Bank of Australasia, in which he has a very large interest. Lineage — See preceding article. Residence — Mandeville Hall, Toorak, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Bancjar of §^>tinc^> anti Camtinu DAN GAR, HON. HENRY CAREY, of Grantham, Sydney-, and The Grove, Camden, New South Wales, Australia, member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, of the Middle Temple, London, barrister-at-law, and B.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge ; b. 4th June, 1830, at Port Stephena, New South Wales ; in. 1865, at Sydney, Lucy Jane, daughter of Commander Lamb, R.N., and has had issue, I. Richard Halifax, u. Reginald Neville. III. Horace William. IV. Leonard Adrian. I. Mabel, deceased. II. Lucy Beatrice, ill. Elinor. IV. Nora. V. Muriel Ethel. llincaw. This family first resided in eo. Cornwall, Englnud, after being, as is believed, ex- pelled from France at the time of the Revo- cation of the Kdict of Nantes. Ch.\rles Daxoar, Esq. of Looe, co. Corn- wall, b. November, 1718 ; m. 12lh .May, 1707, at Pelyiit, co. Cornwall, Ann Carey, d. tJth IJecembor, 1807, and was buried at St. Xeol, CO. Cornwall, having had by her (who was b. loth November, 1736; rf. in 1780) a son, William Daxoau, Ksq. of Lanipen, in the ])ari.sh of St. Ncot, b. •llh January, 1772 ; m. yibt March, 170-t, at St. Maliyn, co. Corn- wall, Judith, daughter of John Hooper, Esq. of Helligan, Penhargard and Trequites, co. Cornwall, d. 17lh December, 1851, having had by her (who d. 7th September, 1852), ten sons and one daughter, viz. : — I. Charles, b. 18th March, 1795, d. 22nd January, 17!'C. II. Ukxhy, of whom presently. III. John, 4. 21st Januai-y, 1799, d. 2nd April following. IV. William, of Turanville, Scone, New South Wales, b. lOtli March, IbtK), d. Liiiiii. in England, 1808. 22 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. v. John Hooper, h. 6th May, 1802, d. 26th November, 1806. VI. Thomas, of Scone, New South Wales, h. 13lli June, 1807, m., and liad issue. Tii. Charles, *. 13th June, 1809, living in Australia, 185-i, m., and had issue, nil. John Hooper, b. 17th October, 1811, d. u»»i. at Scone, New South Wales, 22nd June, 1849. IX. Richard, d. an infant. X. Richard Carey, of Haverstock Hill, St. John's, Hampstead, co. Middlesex, a merchant of London, b. 28th Decem- ber, 1817, m. 1st January, 1844, at Callington, co. Cornwall, Ann Trew- eek, daughter of William G-olding, Esq. of Callington, and d. at Effing- ham House, CO. Surrey, in 1866, leaving an only child, Louisa, who was b. in London, 15th July, 1845 ; m. John Michell, Esq., British Consid at Saint Petcrsburgh, and d. there about 1874. I. Elizabeth, b. 8th March, 1805, m. 1832, at Plymouth, co. Devon, Samuel Wellington Cook, Esq. of Neminga, New South Wales. The second son, Heney Dangak, Esq. of Haverstock Hill, in the parish of St. John, Hampstead, co. Middlesex, of G-i-antham, co. Cumberland, New South Wales, and of Neotsfield, co. Northumberland, in New South Wales, J. P. for the territory of New South Wales, and sometime a member of the Legislative Coun- cil, b. 18th November, 1796, at St. Neot, co. Cornwall ; went to New South Wales in 1822, and was first employed as an assistant Government Surveyor. Visitiug England in 1828, he returned to the colony in 1830, and two years later, settled at Neotsfield, thence- forth devoting himself entirely to pastoral pursuits ; in 1853 again visited England, and returned to Sydney about three years later. Mr. Dangar m. at St. Neot, co. Cornwall, 13th May, 1828, Grace, daughter of John Sibley, Esq. of St. Neot, and d. in Sydney, 2nd Alarch, 1861, having had by her (who was b. 25th February, 1801, and d. 1869, in New South Wales), five sons and two daughters, viz. : I. William John, of Neotsfield, Singleton, New South Wales; b. 16th March, 1829, at St. Neot, co. Cornwall ; >». in Sydney, New South Wales, 1865, Marian, daughter of John Phelps, Esq. of Sydney, and d- s.p., 3rd August, 1890. She d. 1880, and was buried at Singleton. Mr. William J. Dangar was sometime president of the Northern Agi-icultural Society, and with his brothers the Hon. Henry Carey, Frederick Holkham, and Albert Augustus, owned property in the dis- tricts of Liverpool Plains, New Eng- land, and Gwydir, New South Wales, to the extent of 130,000 acres. II. Heney Carey (Hon.) of Grantham, Sydney, and The Grove, Camden, New South Wales. III. Frederick Holkham, formerly of Grunknowe, Sydney, New South Wales, and now of Lyndhurst, Cleve- land-road, Ealing, Middlesex, and a merchant of Fenchurch-street, London, b. 23rd October, 1831, at Port Stephens aforesaid, m. 1858, at Sydney, EUza, daughter of John Phelps, Esq. of Sydney, New South Wales, and sister of Marian, wife of William John Dangar, Esq. and has issue, 1. Dudby Richard. 2. Harry. 1. Ada. IV. Albert Augustus, of Baroona, Single- ton, New South Wales, b. 8th June, 1840, m 1866, at Windsor, near Sydney, New South Wales, Phoebe, daughter of E. Rouse, Esq. of Rouse Hill, near Sydney, and has issue, 1. Rodney Rouse. 2. Norman Napier. 3. Clive CoUingwood. 1. Maude Marian. 2. Elsie Eleanor. 3. Grace Gladys. 4. Phyllis Phosbe. Besides his share in the property situated in the districts of Liverpool Plains, New England, and Gwydir, New South Wales, Mr. A. A. Dangar owns 53,000 acres in Queensland. V. Francis Richard, b. 14th February, 1845, at Singleton, d. unm. I. Margaret Elizabeth, b. 28th December, 1834, at Neotsfield, co. Northumber- land, New South Wales, m. Walter Lamb, Esq. of Kambala, near Svdney, and Rooty HU), New South Wales. II. Florence Blanche, b. 26th December, 1847, at Singleton, m. G. V. Want, Esq. Mr. Henry Dangar obtained a grant of arms in 1854. Arms — Erm. on a bend sa. cottised en- grailed gu., a ram's head erased or b'^tween two esquires' helmets ppr. Crest — Upon a mount vert, a demi man affrontee in armour ppr., the helmet adorned with three feathers, az., holding in the right hand a broken tilting spear also ppr., and sujiporting with the left an escoclieon sa., charged with a ram's head erased or. Motto — Triiditus non victus. Residences — Grantham, Svdney ; and The Grove, Camden, New South Wales, Austraha. BQRKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 23 Dabrnport of ISraumont* DAVENPORT, SIR SAMUEL, K.C.M.G., LL.D., J.P., of Beaumont, near Adelaidu, South Australia, vice-president of the South Australiaa Branch of the Geographical Society of Australasia, b. at Shirburn, co. Oxford, 6th March, 1818; ?n. 1st June, 1842, Marcjaret Fraser, only daughter of tho late William Lennox Cleland, Esq., of Calcutta, barrister-at-law, by Harriet Erskine (nee Fullerton), his wife, but has no issue. He settled in South Australia. 18'12 ; was crown nominee of Legislative Council 1846 — 47; non- official member of tlie partly elective Legislative Council which passed the Constitution Act, 1855 — 56 ; elected member of Legislative Council, and first minister therein under responsible government, 1861 ; member of the Legis- lative Council, 1857 — 66 ; hon. executive commissioner for the colony at International Exhibitions of London, 1851, Philadelphia, 1876, Sydney, 1879, and ^Melbourne, 1880 ; assistant executive commissioner for South Australia at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, held in London, 1886 ; seven years president of the Roj^al Agricultural and Horticultural Society, and fifteen years president of the Chamber of Manufactures, both of South Australia ; hon. LL.D. Cambridge, 1886. He was created a knight-bachelor 1884, and K.C.M.G. 1886. HmcagE. Tlie Daven)wrt9 descend from Ormus de Davenport, living in the time of tlie Conquest. This family was seated at Great Wigston, in Leicestershire, in the lOtli century, wliere they resided at Uie Moated House, which was standing till abont 17i5, the site being now tlie property of Sir Samuel Davenport's hi-othcr, Mr. llenry Devereux Davenport. There is a tradition in the family that this property was bought for a younger son of the Davynports of Bramhall, Cheshire, in tlie llJth century. In that century (1553) Thomas Davynporte was mayor of Leicester. He en- tertained Maby Queem of Scots in Leicester Castle. His son purchased lands at Great Wigston, in the parish registers of which place entries occur rchxting to the family from the commencement of the registers in 1569. Numerous monumental tablets exist in the parish church of Great Wigston, of which some members of the family were vicars. John Datenpoht, Esq., of The Moat House, Great Wigston, Leicestershire, 5. 1738, m, 1768, Elizabeth, daughter of John Marriott, Esq. of Everdon, co. Northampton, and d. 20th Sep- tember, 1788, leaving, amongst other issue, Geohoe Davenpoet, Esq., banker, of Oxford, and of Great W'igston, fourth son, h. at Wigston, co. Leicester, 1 Ith July, 1782, >ii. at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, Loiulon, 1st June, 1805, Jane Devereux, daughter of Joseph and Jane Davies, of Mineweare, Pem- brokeshire, and (/. at Oxford, 2nd December, IH-l-fi, aged 61, having had by her (who d. at Oilord, 25th .March, IS Ml, aged 61), I. George Francis, of Adelaide, South Australia, m. his cousin, I'^li/.a Daven- port, of Wigston, CO. Leicester, and d. in .•Vdelaide, 8th April, 18i3, having had issue, 1. George Henry, d. at Toowoomba, Queensland, January, 1881. 2. Charles James, (/.November, 1886. 1. Emily Jane, /». R. B. Ringrose, Esq. II. John Marriott, of Oxford, over fifty years clerk of the ]ieace for co. Oxford, m. Sophia, daughterof Thomas Walker, Esq., of Heathfield, Oxon, and d. 31st January, 1882, leaving issue six sons and one daughter. III. Robert, of Battunga, South Australia, J. P., m., and has issue five sons and two daughters. IV. Samiel (Sir), K.C.M.G., LL.D., J. P., of Beaumont, near .-Vdelaide. V. Henry Devereux, formerly of Ealing, CO. Middlesex, now of Griinville-road, Eastbourne, Sussex ; )».,and has issue three sons and four daughters. I. Mary, m. George Vimables, Esq. of Cookliam, CO. Berks, and (/. in 1883. II. Jane Rose, d. itnm. 1887. III. Maria, m. Robert Hrough- Watson, Ksq. of Swaiihmd Manor, co. York, (/. .•.-.j). 1879. IV. Rhoda Grace. Arms used — Arff. a c/ien. hetmeen three cross rus-sltts filvhee sa. Crest — A felon s head 24 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. conped ppr. haltered or. This singular crest is supposed to have been borne on tlie liehnets of the master sergeants in their perambula- tions through the Peke-hills and tlje forests of Leek and Macclesfield, to the terror of the numerous gangs of banditti wliich infested in former times those wild districts. There is in the possession of the Capesthorne family a long and very ancient roll, containing the names of the master robbers who were taken and beheaded in the times of Koran, Roger, and Thomas de Davenport, and of their com- panions. Motto — Tu ne cede malis. Residence — Beaumont, near Adelaide, South Australia. Bob^Iitr of Cratcjieijunt. BOWKER, HON. ROBERT MITFORD, of Craigieburn, Somer.set East, Cape Colony, member of the Legislative Council, Cape Colony, h. near Aymev, co. Dorset, England, lOtli August, 1810; m. at Glenavon, Somerset East, Cape Colony, 19th December, 1838, Sarah Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Robert Hart, Esq., of Glenavon, aforesaid, and by her (who d. 25th August, 1875, and was buried at Craigieburn) has had issue, I. James Frederick Fleischier, of Glenavon, aforesaid, h. there ; m. Josephine Smuts, of Capetown. II. Robert Mitford, jun., h. at Craigieburn, 16th May, 1848 ; m. at Graaff Reinet, Agues Bohun, and has issue, one son and five daughters. III. Septimus Bourchier, 6. at Craigieburn, 27th March, 1850 ; m. Catherine Horney, but has no issue. IV. William Henry, h. at Glenavon, 25th November, 1851 ; m. Helena Stayman, and has issue, four sons. V. Robert Hart, 6. at Craigieburn, 6th June, 1853 ; m. Emily Brooke, and has issue, three sons and one daughter. VI. Oliver Osbaldeston, 6. at Somerset East, 29th September, 1857 ; unm. VII. Miles Edgerton, 6. at Somerset East, 14th June, 1860; unm. I. Anna Maria, h. at Glenavon, 18th January, 1840; d. unm. 28th February, 1875. n. Ellen Tamplin, b. at Thorn Kloof, 19th March, 1841 ; m. Robert Hart, Esq., of Ailsa, Cathcart District, who d. having had issue, two sons and three daughters. III. Ann Stretch, b. at Glenavon, 7th February, 1843 ; m. James Scott Pringle, Esq. of Bavians River, and has issue. IV. Effie Mitford, h. at Glenavon, 7th June, 1846 ; i». John Ward Stevens, Esq. of Cradock, and has issue, four sons. V. Sarah Elizabeth, h. at Somerset East, 24th January, 1866; m. John Mitford Bowker, Esq., and has issue, six daughters. Hincaac. This family is believed to be identical with that of Bourchier. Mr. Bowker's ancestor, according to tradition, having lost all his estates, through adherence to the Pretender, Chaeles Stuart, was compelled to change his name from Bourchier to Bowker. The Anglo-Norman family of Bourchier is of great antiquity. Tliey are frequently men- tioned in English history. One of the family is famous as having been the patron of Caxton, the printer, and an Archbishop Bourchier, who was killed at the battle of Barnet, is in- terred at Westminster Abbey. Thomas Bowkek, Esq., leftco. Westmore- land to settle in Morthumberland. He was father of several children, amongst whom were Benjamin and Miles ; the latter gentleman, Miles Bowker, Esq., who moved from BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Nortliumbcrland into Dorsetshire, subse- qufiitlv rt'sitled in Wilts, iiuil fln:illv, in 1820, t'iniL;r:itfil to Caj^o CoKtiiv. lit- tii. in Xurlli- unibL'rluiul, about ISltO. Anna Marin, danglitor of Captain John Miliord (of the Reedsdalo II it fords in Nortlaiinberland). Tbcy were both buried in the district of Albany, Cape Colony, and had issue, nine sons (amongst whom are the present Ifon. Rohkkt Mitfoimi BowKEH, and his jouni»est brotlier, James Henry Howker, F.K.OlS., F.Z.S., F.S.St. London (^old medallist), J. P. for Cape Colony, who served in the Kallir War of 18t6 — 47, and in that of 1851 ; inspector, frontier armed and mounted police, 1855 ; served in the Transkei expedition, 1858, and remained in command until the withdrawal of the police in 1805 ; was en<^aged in locating and settliufp the Fingoes ; took part in the expedition to Basutoland, 1868, and wasemployed in settling the boundaries of that country, and dividing it into ilislriets ; comnuuKiant of the frontier armed and mounted police, 1870, and in the following year commaudetl the expedition to Hope Town and the Diamond Fields, and was some lime chief commissioner at the Diamond Fields ; in connnand of expedition to Tembu- land, 1875 ; governor's agent, British Basuto- land, 1877 ; and was ajipointeti one of the connnissioners for Natal for the Indian and Colonial Kxhiliilion), and two daughters, all of whom accompanied their parents to the Cajie, with the exception of one son and one daughter, who were born in South Africa. Arms iised~Arg. a cross enfjrailed gu. between four water-bonqets sa. Ri'sideiire and Esfute — Craigicburn, Somer- set East, Cape Colony, iL)olropti oi Caulficlti. HOLROYD, HON. EDWARD DUNDAS, of Fcruacres, Alina-road, Caulfield, near ^Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Q.C., barrister-at-law, and judge of the Sujjreme Court of Victoria, b. 2.5th January, 1828 ; m. at East St. Kilda, near Melbourne, 19th April, 1862, Anna Maria Hoyles, daughter of Henry Compton, Esq., and grand-daughter of the Rev. T. Comp- ton, vicar of Paignton, co. Devon, England (of the family of the Marque.ss of Northampton), and has issue, I. Arthur George, b. l.Jth May, 1865. It. Spencer Edward, b. 2nd March, 1867. I. Catherine Compton, 6. 1st February, 1863; m. at All Saints, St. Kilda, 19th December, 1888, J. J. O'Hara Wood, Esq. of Brisbane, barrister, eldest son of the late O'Hara Wood, Esq., C.E., of Sydney. II. Ethel Hardman, b. 17th April, 186-i, vi. 4th January, 1890, at AH Saints' Church, East St. Kilda, Oscar Van Assche, eldest son of the late Henri Van Assche, of Antwerp. III. Sophie Marion, h. 4!th September, 1870. Mr. Justice Holroyd was educated at Winchester College, which ho entered as a commoner in February, 1841, and carried off several prizes, and in two consecutive years (1845 and 1846) a Queen's Gold Medal for the best Latin and Engli-sh prose essays. He left Winchester in July, 1846, and in October of that year proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in January, 1851, and M.A. in 1854 ; called to the Bar at Gray's Inn, 6th June, 1855 ; arrived at Melbourne, 1859 ; admitted to practice as a barrister in the Supreme Court of Victoria, 27th July, 1859, and subse- quently became a member of the Ta.smanian Bar ; declined the a2ii)ointment of judge of the Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria, which was offered to him in 1872; appointed Q.C. in Victoria, 14th January, 1879, and 22nd August, 1881, judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ILincage. George Holhotd Esq. of Crawcrott, sou of William Houlekoide, Esq., m. 12th July, 1602, Isabella Haigh, and had two sons, I. G-eorge, of Hutchroyd, parish of Rish- worth, W.R. CO. York, m. at EUand, co. York, 8th July, 1639, Susan Whiteley, and had amongst other children a son Isaac, who settled in Ireland temp. Chaeles II, and acquired large estates in that kingdom, m. in 16M0 his cousin, Mary, daughter of John Holroyd, Esq. of Crawcroft, and had an only son, John, b. in 1680, m. Sarah, daughter of William Elwood, Esq., and sister and co- heiress of John Elwood, Esq., Vice-Provost and representative in Parliament for the University of Dublin, and was «. by his eldest son, Isaac Holroyd, Esq., h. in 1708, m. Doro- thy, youngest daugher of Daniel Baker, Esq., of Penn, co. Bucks, and was s. by his only surviving son, John Baker Holroyd, Esq., afterwards Earl of Sheffield (see Burke's Peerage) ; and II. Isaac. The younger son, Isaac Holkotd. Esq. of Barkisland, parish of Rishworth, W.R. co. York, by Agnes, his ■wife, had six children ; the eldest, George Holroyd, Esq., b. 28th April, 1643, was father of Esau Holroyd, Esq., b. 3rd February, 1689, who had a son, George Holroyd, Esq. of Barkisland, aforesaid, b. 9th January, 1719; m. Eleanor, daughter of Henry Sowley, Esq. of Appleby, CO. Westmorland, and had issue, I. George Sowley (Sir), of whom pre- sently. II. Henry, *. 7th Aprd, 1760; d. 16th April, 1780. I. Mildred, b. Uth Apidl, 1761 ; d. 20th October, 1762. II. Charlotte, b. 30th April, 1762; d. 30th March, 179-1. III. Jane, b. May, 1764; d. 9th January. 1766. IV. Eleanor, b. 18th May, 1768; m. 9th February, 1797, William Glass, Esq., and d. s.p. 7th March, 1828. V. Marv, b. 2nd February, 1771 ; d. 14th October, 1787. The elder son. Sir George Sowley Holroyd, Knt., one of the justices of the Court of King's Bench, b. 31st October, 1758; raised to the Bench 14th February, 1816 ; resigned 17th Novem- ber, 1828. He m. 10th September, 1787, Sarah, daughter of Amos Chaplin, Esq., and d 21st November, 1831, and was buried in Wargrave churchyard, co. Berks, having had by her (who was b. 18th June, 1768, and d. at Exmouth, co. Devon, 14th November, 1848, aged 80, and was buried with her husband), I. George Chaplin, b. 9th September, 1790. This gentleman was engaged in a very spirited action between the " Ceylon," " Windham," and " As- tell," East Indiamen, and two largo French frigates and a corvette, on the 3rd July, 1810, which ended in the capture of the " Ceylon " and " Wind- ham," and escape of the " Astell," on which last-mentioned vessel Mr. G. C. Holroyd was appointed (during the action in which he was wounded) cap- tain of two guns on the gun-deck. He m. 1st, at Hyderabad, 2nd April, 1818, Virginie, daughter of General Mottet de la Fontaine, of Compiegne in Picardy, governor of Pondicherry, and granddaugiiter of the Marquis de Fecamp, by Marie de Solmiac, his wife ; and by her (who d. 1st August, 1845) had issue, 1 George, lieutenant-general Ben- gal Staff Corps, b. 18th Febniary, 1819 ; entered the EI. Co.'s mili- tary service 1st March, 1838, be- came colonel 1st March, 1869, and lieutenant-general 7th Septem- ber, 1884 ; served throughout the operations of the Candahar force, 1838—42 (wounded 15th Septem- ber, 1842), took part in the Gwa- lior campaign, including the battle of Maharajpore ; and the Sutlej campaign of 1845 — 46, and was present at the battle of Sobraon, horse shot. He m. 31st December, 1844, at Futtehgurh, India, Emily, youngest daughter of the late Captain L. Garstin, of the 88th regiment, and has had issue, I. George Augustus, b. 29th November, 1847; d. Easter, 1860. II. Henry WiUiam, b. 26th March, 1854, d. 8th March, 1884. I. Emily Mary Anne, b. 10th July, 1846; d. 16th July, 1847. II. Emmeline Louisa, b. 22nd August, 1849. III. Kate Virginie, b. 15th December, 1851 ; »«. 31st December, 1872, to Major Norton Charles MartelU, Ben- gal Staff Corps, second son of T. C. Martelli, Esq. of Kings- town, Ireland, and has issue, 1 Charles Inghs Holroyd, b. 9th March, 1876. 2 Richard Godfrey Hol- royd, b. 23rd March, 1879. 1 Georgiana Kate, b. 14th November, 1873. 2 Emelyn Irene, b. 26th December, 1874. 3 Kate Virginie, b. 2nd October, 1877. IV. Florence Mary, b. 5th Feb- ruary, 1861. 2 Henry (His Hon.), of Kensington Gardens-terrace, London, eoimty court judge, 4. 14th July, 1820; BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 27 admitted a iiieinber of the Middle Temple, November, 184-1, and practised as u special iileadci- under tlie Bar; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple Gtli June, 18r)3,anil went tlie (Hford Circuit and l^i<'hnclil and StalTord Ses- sions. He re(>orted for some years for the Law Journal, and has since given his services to the In- cor]iorated Council of Law Re- porting for Kngland and Wales ; made a county court judge 27th May, 18S0, by Lord Chancellor Sclborne; m. at Brigliton, eo. Sussex, 28th August, 1858, Louisa Fanny, daughter of Colonel (Jtor- don, and has issue, I. Louisa Gordon, b. 13th Jan- uary, ISlJO. II. Mary Virginie, b. 2'i{\i June, 18(;i." III. Henrietta, b. 10th May, 1863. 3 Charles (niaj.-gen.), lieutenant- colonel Bengal Staff Corps, b. Kith October, 1822 ; entered the mili- tary service of the E.I. Co., 11th June, 1839, and retired as major- general 23rd January, 1875. AVhile in India he was constantly employed on the Staff in Assam, and during the crisis in 1857 w'as principal assistant coiumissioner, Seebsaugur, Upper Assam. He m. 1st, 13th November, 1862, lilary Florence, widow of Colonel Hannay ; she d. at Seebsaugur, Upper Assam, 31st August, 1863, without leaving issue by Major- General Holroyd, who m, 2ndly, 26th August, 1872, Anna Eliza, daughter of Thomas Smith, Esq., and bv lier (who died 7th January, 1880) has issue, I. Patrick Charles, b. 4th June, 1874. II. Edward Fraser Roclifort, b. 20tb November, 1875. I. Nora Palmer, b. 30tli Janu- ary, 1877. 4 John, 4. 2Uth December, 1823 ; entered the Madras cavalry, 3rd August, 1841; took the surname of DOVETON in addition to and after tliat of Hoi.iiOTD, in 1831, ill eomplianee with tlie wish of his uncle, General Sir John Doveton, K.CB. ; m. 5th July, 1847, Pau- line, daughter of Monsieur Amand Law de Clapernon, eommissajre adjoint de la Marine en retraitc, and d. in India, liaving had by her (who d. at Poudichcrry, 6th Novemher, 1886), I. .lohii George, b. 29th July, 1818; d. 23rd April, 1864. II. Henri Victor, b. 19th Oeto- l>er. 1819; d. 271h August, 1850. III. Charles Albert Hodson, b. 61 h June, 1H51. IV. Edward William Law, h. 24th .\ugust, 1852; m. 6th August, 1874, to Marian Georgina Brizzi Bristcghi, of Bologna. V. James Ajuand, b. 13th May, 1856. VI. George Joseph Marius, b. 4th .lanuary, 1S65. VII. A son, b. September, 1867; d. within a month. I. Mary, h. 16th Sejitembcr, 1854; d. 21st September, 1854. II. Mary Adolphine, b. 4tU ApriC 1859. IM. Emma Ceeile Blanche, twin with her sister, Emily Vir- ginie Louisa, i. llthOetober, 1860; d. 12th SeiJtember, 1861. IV. Emily Virginie Louisa, twin with her si>ler Kmiiia Cccile Blanclie, b. 11th October, 1860; d. 11th February, 1861. V. Victorine Ilenrica Francaise Mathilde Genevieve, b. 18th June, 1862; d. 6th July, 1863. 1 Mary Anne, 4. 8th August, 1829; )«. at Exeter, co. Hevon, June, 1850, Major-General Henry Mills, lieutenant- colonel Bengal Staff Corps (son of the Rev. William Mills, H.D., rector of St. Paul's, Exeter), who entered the E.I. Co.'s military service 20th Octo- ber, 1S40, and became a major- general 12th .\ugust, 1876 ; served in tlie campaign of 1842 in Afghan- istan, and was present in tho various actions from Candahar to Peshawur; in the Gwalior cam- paign, and present at the battle of Maharajpore, 29th December, 1843, and the .Sutlej campaign of 1845—46, inelnding the battles of Moodkee and Fei-ozeshah ; and was emploved during the Indian Mutiny in 1857, in moving troojis to the front. They have had issue, I. Henry Holroyd, b. 20th Sep- tember, 1860." II. William Holroyd, b. 14th September, 1862. I. Virginie Lucy, b. 15th May, 1851 ; m. 14tli September, 1876, Surgeon-Major William West Quinton, M.U., lion, brigade surgeon. II. Mary Anne, b. Ist Decem- ber, 1852; d. 11th June, 1855. III. Ada, b. 5th November, 1856; d. 5th September, 1857.. 28 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. IV. Catherine, b. 26th Septem- ber, 186H, and rf. same clay. V. Agnes, b. at Cawnpore, IJith January, 1870. TI. Priscilla, b. at Bareilly, 27th January, 1872. 2 Virginie, b. 29th January, 1835; m. 23th NoTember, 18G2, Key. Alfred Wilson Mills, M.A., Ox- ford, rector of St. Erth, co. Cornwall, son of the Rev. Wil- liam Mills, D.D., rector of St, Panl's, Exeter, and brother of the before-mentioned Major-General Henry MilLs ; and has issue, I. Mary Virginie, b. 7th July, 1864. II. Katharine, b. 9th October, 1869. Mr. G-eorge Chaplin Holroyd m. 2udly, 14.th August, 1848, Fanny, sister of the Eer. Edward C. Har- ington. Chancellor of the Diocese of Exeter, and d. 24th November, 1871. She d. s.p. 25th March, 1874. II. Charles, b. 31st January, 1792 ; entered the Navy, and d. s.p. at Mo- minabad. East Indies, 13th September, 1830. III. Henry Amos, b. 24th May, 1793 ; d. 23rd February, 1794, and was buried at Hampstead, co. Middlesex. IV. Edwabd, of whom presently. V. Frederick Court, b. 28th November, 1797 ; d. an infant, and was buried at Hampstead. VI. Thomas, b. 23rd March, 1799 ; edu- cated at Harrow ; entered the profes- sion of the law, which he abandoned in 1827 ; was a member of the Light Horse Volunteers, and in 1821 did duty at the coronation of King Geokge IV ; in November, 1831, being on a visit to the continent, he had the good fortune to give important aid in saving the town of Spa from destruction by fire, for which service he was pre- sented with a silver medal. In 1832 Mr. Thomas Holroyd proceeded to Calcutta, and after joining a mercantile liouse there, became high sheriff of Calcutta in 1837, when Her Majesty Queen Victoria came to the throne, and had the satisfaction of presiding at a sheriff's meeting and signing the address to Her Majesty from the in- habitants of Bengal. In January, 1839, Mr. Holroyd left Calcutta and settled in G-loucestershire, where he held a captain's commission in the yeomanry of the Duke of Beaufort, and was a member of his Grace's hunt; subse- quently re-visited India, and returned for the second time in 1847 ; and after- wards, at the solicitation of an eminent mercantile firm, proceeded to the Indian Archipelago, and travelled as far as was then permitted over the islands of Java, Balli, Lombock, Sumhawa, Ti- mor, Borneo, and the Celebes, cruising among those islands for some eighteen months in 1847 — 48, and gaining very valuable information as to their capa- bilities. Mr. Thomas Holroyd m. 5th July, 1823, Sarah, daughter of William Morgan, Esq., and by her (who d. 29th June, 1853) has issue a daughter, Sarah Morgan, m. 29th October, 1872, as his 2nd wife, Kear Ad- miral William Charles Chamber- lain, admiral superintendent at Devonport Dockyard, who was b. 21st April, 1818; entered the Navy, June 1831 ; promoted to the rank of lieutenant 4th November, 1840, for his consjiicuous gallantry at the storming of Acre, being himself the first man to surmount the walls ; appointed commander 22nd October, 1844 ; subsequently employed on the West Coast of Africa, capturing slavers, and in the Pacific ; afterwards, on account of ill-health, was obliged to go on half-p,iy, when he visited Malta, and for a time acted as private secretary to the governor, Sir W. Eeid, G'.C.B., E.E., but on the re- turn of his health he went to the Baltic in command of the " Con- flict " towards the end of the Crimean War, and was promoted to Post Rank, 21st February, 1856. After having been em- ployed on the Syrian coast. Cap- tain Chamberlain in July, 1862, commissioned the " Resistance " (one of the first ironclads) at fSheerness, and whilst in command of her in the Mediterranean, in 1865, he received the offer of the command of the Steam Reserve at Portsmouth, which he accepted; in 1868 was appomted captain superintendent of Chatham Dock- yard, which important post he retained until he attained Flag Rank in January, 1874 ; appointed admiral superintendent of Devon- port and Keyham yards, and hoisted his flag 12th August, 1875 ; finally resigning Jime, 1876. Admiral Chamberlain was the eldest son of Sir Henry Chamber- lain, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage), by Anne Eugenia, his second wife, daughter of William Morgan, Esq. of London, and m. first, 19th June, 1845, Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of Cai:)tain Basil Hall, R.N., who was second son of Sir James Hall, Bart, (see Burke's Peeraqe), and bv her had issue, Basil Hall, b. 18th October, 1850 ; Henry, late lieutenant R.N., b. 1st January, 1852; m. 1881, Isa- bel Ellen, daughter of Rev. Lewis Parker, and has issue, Henry Seymour, h. 1883 : Alice Mary, BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 29 and Isabel Dorotliv ; niul Houston Stewiirt, b. Stli SepU'iiibo!-, 1855, »«.187S, Mdllo. Aiiim Hoi-st. Ad- miral ChambtM-lain, hy liis soroiul will', 8urnl\ Mor,';:in Holroyd, liad issue, a daughtoi', Harriet Sarah. He d. 27th February, 1878, at Brigliton, co. Sussex, and was buried there. Her Majesty was pleased to grant his widow apart- ments in Hampton Court Palace, vn. Janu's Jolm (Rev.), of White Hall, near Colchester, co. Essex, reelor of Abherton, co. Essex, b. 2Sth Septem- ber, ISOU; educated at Harrow School and Christ College, Cambridge, B.A. 1830, M.A. 1835; presented to tlie rectory of Abberlon hy the late Lord Lyndhurst, Lord C'lianccUor, and was rector of that parish for forty-six years. He m. 12tli ScptendxT, 1833, Sophia, eldest dauglitcr of Samuel Tyssen, Esq. of Narborough Hall, co. Norfolk, and d. 3rd February, 1876, and was buried at Abberton, having liad by her (who d. 5th July, 1870), 1 Tyssen Sowle,T (major), of Dony- land Lodge, Colchester, co. Essex, and of the Junior United Service Club, London, J. P., captain in the Essex Militia, i. 11th January, 1839, was formerly captain in the Queen's 34th ; served with them in the Crimea, 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and the assault of the Redan ; also in the Indian crisis 1857 — 59, and was present at the actions at Cawnpore (where he was wound- ed), Mecangunge, Lucknow, Az- imgliur, and Bootwul. Major Hol- royd subsequentlv exchanged into the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He m. 2nd October, 1872, Mary Anne Jane, only daughter of the late Rev. Robert Corbett (by Maria Simmonds, his wife, daughter of John Pountney, Esq. of Low Hill, CO. Stafford), who was third son of Uvedale Corbett- Winder, Esq. of Aston Hall, co. Salop. (See COKBETT OF ASHFIELD HaLL, in Burke's Landed Genfiy.) 2 George Ridlev. *. 6th Februarv, 1841; d. 14th July, 1850. 3 John Henry Graham, ca])tain 6th AV'cst York Militia, fornu-'rly cap- tain GJth regiment, 1864 to 1873, when he retired ; was present witli his regiment during the war in New Zealand; h. 5th April, 1846; m. 17th October, 1872, Harriet Gertrude Isabella, eldest daughter of the Hon. Charlea William Moorc-Smyth, of Bally- natray, co. Watcrford, Ireland, J. P. and H.L., who was second son of Stephen, third Earl Mount- casbell (see Burke's Peerage), and has issue. I. Rowland Henry Tyssen, h. 3rd August, 187 I. II. Charles Edward, b. IGth August, 1882. III. A son, b. in Alexandria, 4th J une, 1885. I. Isabella Charlotte Sophia Wilmot, h. 21st July, 1873. II. Alia Lilian Louisa, b. 6th January, 1870. in. Helena Anna Mary, b. 7th March, 1877. IT. Harriet Ic Gwendoline, b. 4th November. 1878. V. Sophia Beryl, b. 29th Sep- tend)cr, 1880. VI. A daughter,*, in 1887. 4 James William, h. 13th February, 1848 ; d. 4th March, 18 18. 5 Charles Whish, h. 13th February, 1849; d. 17th February, 1853. 1 So))hia Baker, b. 271h June, 1834 ; m. 9th June. 1.S58, General John Alfred Street, C.B., colonel of the 2nd battalion Scottish Rifles, who served in the 98th regiment with the expedition to the North of China, 1842; was brigade-major, 1st brigade, 4fh division, in the Crimea, and was present at the battles of Balaklava and Inker- man, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and expedition to Kimbourn ; afterwards served as military secretarv at Gibraltar to General Sir W. i". Williams, Bart, K.C.B., the governor, until he became a major-gcncral Gtli March, 1868, soon after which he was appointed to command the troops in Ceylon. She d. in Ceylon, 15th December, 1874, having had issue, I. Alfred Edmund Campbell, h. IGth Januarv, 1861; d. loth Septcniber,"l861. I. Sophie Catherine, b. 27th July, 1862; m. 22nd April, 1880, ICdric Frederic'k, 3r(l Baron Gifford (b. 5th Julv, 1849), of St. Leonard's, co. Devon, major late 57th regi- ment, V.C. (see Burke's Peerage), who accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in Se))tember, 1873. and for his conspicuous gallantry in the Ashantce War was given the Victoria Cross; took part in the Zulu War, 1879. His lordship was subse(|uently colonial secre- tary for Western Australia, and senior member of the Legislative Coinicil, and in 1883 was appointed colonial secretary at Gibraltar. II. Louisa Marv, b. 18th April, 1864. 2 Charlotte Henrietta, b. 2nd May, 1836 ; d. 22nd April, 1850. 30 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 3 Mary Anne Tliesiger, h. 2-ltli February, 1840; rf. lltli May, 1850. 4 Louisa ]3ocldicot, h. 14th March, 1842; m. 28th October, 18(33. at CoU'hester, co. Essex, to Lieu- tenant Colonel Emilius C. Delme Eadeliffe, of the 88th regiment (eldest son of the Rey. Charles Deluie Radciiffe), in which regi- ment he served in the Crimean War, 1854 — 55, including the battle of Alma and siege of Sebas- topol ; served also in suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857 — 58. They have had issue, I. Charles, b. 21st September, 1864. II. Henry, b. 30th March, 1866, at Futtehgurh. in. George Vaughan, h. 6th June, 1867; d. 7th Septem- ber, 1868. IV. John Frederick, b. 15th December, 1871 ; d. at Darm- stadt, 30th September, 1882. V Seymour Arthur, b. 26th August, 1873. VI. Alfred, b. 1879. I. Marian Louisa, b. 13th April, 1870, at Peshawur. VIII. William James, b. 20th August, 1802; (/. 6th March, 1803, and was buried at Hampstead, co. Middlesex. IX. Henry, harrister-at-law, clerk of the Ci'own, and prothonotary in the Su- preme Court in Calcutta, b. 5th April, 1804; m. 8th December, 1831, Lucy, daughter of the Hon. Sir John Franks, one of the judges of the Supreme Court in Calcutta, and d. there 29th September, 1S59, leaving issue, 1 George Sowley, captain in the 73rd regiment, b. 23rd December, 1841 ; d. at sea 7th September, 1870. 1 Elizabeth, b. 18th September, 1832 ; in. at Calcutta, 29th June, 1853, Jervoise John Grey, Esq., B.C.S., second but eldest surviving son of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Edward Grey, K.C.H., and had issue, I. Jervoise, b. January, 1856; d. same day. II. A son, b. 12th August, 1865; d, soon after birth. 2 Catherine, i. 8th December, 1834; m. at Calcutta, 14th December, 1854, Skipwith H. C. Tayler, Esq., B.C.S., eldest son of William Tayler, Esq., and d. at Patna, 9th October, 1857, having had issue, I. Henry Graham, b. 8th No- vember, 1855. II. Charles Holroyd, b. 6th May, 1857 ; lived only a few days. 3 Lucy Sarah, b. 31st August, 1837 ; in. at Calcutta, 5th Fehruarv, 1863, Edward Grey, Esq., B.C.S., third son of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Edward Grey, K.C.H., and has had issue, I. Charles Edward, i. at Bourne- mouth, Hants, 16th Decem- ber, 1866. II. Ralph Henry, b. at Bur- hnmpore, 30th November, 1868. I. Catherine Lucy, b. at Kish- naghur, 23rd September, 1864. II. Mary Elizabeth, b. at Mal- vern, CO. Worcester, 17th August, 1865; d. at Wimble- don, CO. Surrey, 19th January, 1866. X. Frederic, b. 14tli March, 1810; d. at Hampstead, 29th June, 1811. I. Mury Anne, h. 31st December, 1788; m.4th December, 1810, Captain Charles Court, of the H.E.L Co.'s Bombay Marine Establishment, and Marine surveyor-general of India (appointed 1810)", who d. at Ballygunge, 9th Sep- tember, 1821. She d. s.p. 14th May, 1813, aged 24, and was buried at Cal- cutta. II. Sarah Louisa, b. 4th July, 1796 ; d. 11th January, 1876. III. Sarah Maria, b. 2fith May, 1805 ; d. at Brighton, co. Sussex, 3rd August, 1815. IT. Charlotte, b. 8th September, 1806; d. at Hampstead, 30th June, 1811. The 4th son, Edwaed Holroyd Esq., barrister-at-law and senior commissioner of the Bankruptcy Court in London, b. 24th July, 1794; called to the Bar 26th April, 1826 ; m. 28th Decem- ber, 1820, Caroline, daughter of Charles Pugsley, Esq. of llfracombe, co. Devon, by Sarah Wadland, his wife, and d. 29th Jan- uary, 1881, having had issue, I. George Frederic, barrister-at-law, J.P, for CO. Northampton, and lieutenant in the Northamptonshire Militia, b. 6th May, 1824; was sent to Winches- ter College as a commoner in February, 1837, and in October, 1842, went to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in January, 1846, and M.A. in 1849; in 1865 he came forward as a candidate for the representation of the town of North- ampton in Parliament, but was de- feated ; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in Hilary Term, 1873. Hem. at Roehampton, co. Surrey, 30th August, 1862, Charlotte Lavinia, daughter of Adolphus Johnson, Esq., and d. at Conneragh, near Youghal, CO. Cork, Ireland, 15th September, 1874, having had by her (who d. at Dinan, 29th November, 1870), 1. Fredeiic Edward Adolphus, b. 21st June, 1864. 1. Gertrude Beryl, b. 26th July, 1866. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 31 2. Brcnda, twin witli lici- sister, Jlinnn, b. at ISiiinitz, 20tli Fcb- ruiirv, 18U8 ; re, b. lOtli June, 1872. 2. ICrnest Des Vceux, b. 3rd June, 1875. 3. Clare Lemprifere, b. 3rd Febru- ary, 1877. 1. Kate Harriette, b. 5tli June, 1869. 2. Emily Lempriiire, b. 17th Sep- tember, 1870. 3. -Margaret Jane Lemprijre, b. 26th September, 1882. y. Louis, h. 30th January, 1845, acci- dentally killed at Woods Point, Vic- toria, 18th M.irch, 1867. VI. Alfred (Hon.), of Davey-street, Ho- bart, Tasmania, and of the Inner Temple, barrisler-at-law, solicitor- general and member of the Executive 34 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Council of Tasmania, b. in Ilobiirt 18tli August, 1848, educated at the Hutching school, and, after some pre- paration in various pursuits, went to London, was caHed to the bar of tlie Inner Temple, 2Sth January, 1875, and subsequently of Tasmania 10th September, 1875 ; represented Glen- orchy in the House of Assembly, elected 14th June, 1877 ; ISth August, 1877 ; 20th May, 1882 ; 17lh July, 1886 ; was appointed attorney-general ]3th August, 1877, and became leader of the opposition in 1883 and 1884 ; was elected Speaker for the first time 21st July, 1885. He is a member of the Tasmanian Council of Education and of the Board ot Legal Examiners, and is church advocate for the diocese of Tasmania. Mr. Dobson is un- married. HI. Elizabeth Alice, b. 23rd October, 1843, )». ."ith September, 1868, George Patten Adams, Esq. of Hobart, and formerly of Launceston, Tasmania, solicitor, and registrar of the supreme court, fifth son of James "White Adams, Esq. of Martock, eo. Somerset (see Adams of HoB.iRT),andhashad issue, 1. Arthur Dixon, b. 30th May, 1871, deceased. 2. Sydney Dobson, b. 14th Novem- ber, 1876. 3. Reginald Dobson, b. 22nd June, 1881. 1. Edith Isabel, b. 26th April, 1870. 2. Catherine Mabel, b. 25th Decem- ber, 1873. 3. Florence Marian, b. 5th March, 1874. 4. Alice Gertrude, b. 16th July, 1878. IV. Georgiana, b. 27th November, 1846. Mr. John Dobson d. at Hobart, 2nd June, 1865. Arms tised — Arg. a fesse nebitlee gu, between six Jleurs-de-lis sa. Crest — Two lions' gambs erased in saltire gu. Motto — Ut fibi sic alteri. Residence — Hobart, Tasmania. DOBSON, HON. FRANK STANLEY, of Melbourne, Victoria, AnistraHa, B.A., LL.D., Cambridge, barrister-at-law of the Middle Temple, Q.C., F.L.S. London, member of the Legislative Council, chairman of committees, Victoria, h. 20tli April, 18.36, in Tasmania ; educated first at the leading private school in Hobart Town, of which the principal was Mr. Hutchins, and afterwards at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A., and LL.B., in 1858 ; called to the bar at the Middle Temple, April, 1860, and immediately afterwards, having emigrated to Victoria, practised his profession at the common law Bar. In 1863 he was appointed one of the lecturers on law in Melbourne University, and was for some years certifying barrister to the Victorian friendly societies, which office he resigned on entering Parlia- ment in 1869 as member of Council for the Southern Province. He is one of the trustees of the Public Library and National Gallery, official visitor of the Observatory; member of the Royal Commission for Technological Instruction ; Queen's Counsel ; examiner in French and German at the University ; M.A. of the University of Melbourne, and was for some years the representative for Belvoir in the Church of England Assembly. He was Solicitor-General in the O'Loghlen Ministry from July, 1881, to March, 1883. He m. 1st, 27th June, 1863, Adelaide, daughter of the Rev. Edward Whitehnrst, rector of Dfynog, Wales, and of Oswestry, co. Salop (whose only surviving son. Rev. John Whitehnrst, rector of Farnborough, near Wantage, Berks, England, d. ■ith Decembei-, 1886, aged 48 years), and by her had issue, I. Frank Temple Stanley, of Melbourne, B.A. and LL.B., Trinity Hall, Cambridge, I. 21st April, 1864 ; m. 22nd August, 1887, Miss Bertha Emma Armytage Hopkins. imRKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. .ir. I.Ethel Ailelaidc Fanny Stimloy, i/. 2:)rd November, 1865, in Ilobart, aged 5 months, and was bnriod in the family vault, Hobart. He m. 2ndly, 8th .Tiuu>, 18/1, Edith Mary, younger daughter and co-heiress of John Carter, Esq. of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, Q.C. .She ('. Ijth April, 1874, and lie m. 3rdly, 15th April, 1870, at Hobart, Henrietta Louisa, daughter of the late William Stanley Sharland, Esq., of Woodbridgo, Tas- mania, M.H.A. of New Norfolk. Lineage and Anns used — Vide preceding article. Eesidence — 4, Michie's-buildings, 73, Chancery-lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Clubs — Oxfotxl and Cambridge, London ; Melbourne. Ctllc^' oi Jrctimcton anti ^t. ^ntirc\u*s» TILLEY, HON. SIR SAMUEL LEONARD, C.B. (18G7), K.C.M.G. (1879), P.O., of Fredericton and St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, Canada ; appointed pi-ovincial secretary and member of New Brunswick Government, 1st November, 1854; held that position, with the e.xception of two years, until 1st July, 1867 ; member of Dominion Government and Minister of Customs, 18th July, 1867 to 1872 ; Minister of Finance, Canada, from 1872 to 1873 ; Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, 15th November, 1873, to 1878; Minister of Finance, Canada, 18th October, 1878 to 1885, when again appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, which position he now occupies ; 6. at Gage Town, Queen's County, Province of New Bruns- wick, 8th May, 1818, and was educated at the county grammar school ; m. first, at Portland, St. John, New Brunswick, 6th May, 1844, Julia Anna, daughter of James T. Hanford, Esq. of St. John, and by her (who d. 1862, and was buried at Fredericton, New Brunswick) has had issue, I. William Harrison (Rev.), 6. 26th April, 1845, and d. 1877, leaving (by Bessie, his wife) three children. II. Leonard Arthur, of Toronto, Canada, HI. Albert, d. when two months old. I. Louisa, m. A. P. Strut, Esq. of Fredericton. II. Annie, m. Thomas Bnrper, Esq. of Winnipeg. III. Julia, %inm. IV. Prances, m. William De Wolfe, Esq. of Now Orleans. V. Jessie, m. T. D. Chipman, Esq. of St. Stephens, New Brunswick. He m. secondly at St. Stephens, New Brunswick, 20th October, 1867, Alice Star, daughter of Zachariah Chipman, Esq. of St. Stephens, and by her has issue, IV. Herbert Chipman, b. 6th September, 1868. V. Leonard Percy De Wolfe, b. 21st May, 1870. D 2 36 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Htncacic. The fajiiily of Tillej* "n'as originally seated in Devonshire, England. Two of the name came to America in tlie " JraTilower," and it is supposed that Sir S. L. Tillej is a descend- ant of one of these. It can, however, be afErmed "with certainty that liis ancestors came at an early period to America. His great grandfather, Samuel Tillet, Esq., came to New Brunswick, with other loyalists. in 1783, and became a grantee of the city of St. John, having been, before the Revolution, a resident of Long Island. New York. Mr. Samuel Tilley's grandson, Thomas Moeoan Tillet, Esq. of Gage Town, Queen's County, New Brunswick, m. Anna Susan Hunt, daughter of Wdliam Peters, Esq. of Frede- rieton. New Brunswick, whose ancestors were residents of West Chester. New York, and also came to New Brunswick as loyalists in 1783. She d. at the age of 78 years, he also d. at the age of 78 years, and left a son. The Hon. Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, K.C.M.G., C.B., P.C. CreH vsed — The head of a hattle-axe isanhig from the n-reath ppr. Sesidences — Fredericton and St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada. ^tafforti oi iCantisticilDnt, STAFFORD, SIR EDWARD WILLIAM, K.C.M.G. (1879), G.C.M.G. (1887), of Maine, co. Louth, and Landsdovrne, Christchurcli, New Zealand, Prime Minister of New Zealand from June, 1856, to Jul}', 1861, October, 1865, to June, 1869, and in 1872 ; member of the House of Repre- sentatives of New Zealand uninterruptedly from October, 1855 (at which time he was superintendent of the Province of Nelson), to March, 1878 ; and a commissioner for the Colonial Exhibition, 1886 ; b. 23rd April, 1820 ; to. first, 24th September, 1846, Emily Charlotte, only child of Colonel William Wake- field, by Emily Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Sir John Shelley Sidney, Bart., and sister of Philip Charles, first Lord de L'Isle and Dudley, but by her (who d. 18th April, 1857) had no issue. He m.. secondly, 5th December, 1859, Mary, third daughter of Thomas Houghton-Bartley, barrister-at-law, of the Inner Temple, Speaker of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, and by her had six children, I. Edward Tytler Stafford Howard, 6. 24th May, 1860. II. Humphrey de Bohun Howard, b. 31st March, 1862. III. Berkeley Howard, b. 24th October, 1869. I. Anne Isabella. II. Mary Montgomerie. III. Edith Margaret. Hincactr. The immediate ancestor of this family was, Hugh Staffoed, who m. first, 4th July, 17-16, Mary, daughter and heir of Edward Smith, Esq. of Maine, and by her had issue, I. Edward, his heir. II. William (Rev.), B.A., m. Hannah, widow of Brent Spencer, Esq. of Ballyeastle, and d. s.p. III. Hugh, Lieutenant - General H.E.I.C.S., m. 1st, Thomasine, daugh- ter of Rev. H. Sidlivan, of Clonakilty, CO. Cork, and by her had issue, 1. John, Major-General in H.M.'s service, iii. Frances, daughter of Francis Wlialley, of Winscombe Court and Norton Hall, Somerset, and Hinton House, Hants, and by her {who d. December, 1847) left issue at his decease, February, 1846, William Joseph Fitzmaurice, of Mount Edgoumbe, Surrey, C.B., major-general Bengal Staff Corps (retired), »». 1852, Emily Mary, daughter of Major Gavin Young, judge-advocate-general of the Bengal army and by her has issue, lU'llKirS COLONl.Vli GKNTKY 37 William Fraiuiis Howard, eapliiiii R.E., 4. lUth Di'i'cmber, 1854. Ilenrv Uinrence Oavilfiold Ifownrcl, litnikMiiint, U.K., A, 20th May, IS.VJ. Kclmuiul Hoylo Wliallcy Howard, i. Ibtli October, 181>S. Florence Howard. Thomas Sedgwick, d. 1853, iinm. John Francis, major-general Bengal Staff Corps (retired). Charles Stewart, d. young. IJoyle Torriano, colonel Bengal Staff Corps, in. 1871, daugh- ter of S. iMewington, Esq., M.D., of Ridgeway, Sussex. Thoniasine, ni. M. A'adnalle, and has a daughter. Mary. Anna, d. young. Julia. 2. Edward, major 3lst Regiment, (/. .Vugust, 1826, unin. 1. Eliza. 2. Harriet, m. Colonel Paton, of Di-ayton Hall, Norfolk, and had one son and one daughter. 3. Letitia, m. Major-Greneral Caid- feild, C.B., son of Venerable John Caulfeild, Archdeacon of Kil- more, of Bcnown, co. Westnieath, and d. August, 1826, leaving four sons. 4. Frances, m. H. S. Mercer, Esq. of Edinburgh, and d. s.p. 5. Emily,!)!. 1st, John Forbes Paton, Esq., captain Bengal Engineers, by whom siie had three sons and one daughter, and secondly, John Brown, Esq. of co. Roscommon, by whom she had one son. General Hugh StaiTord m. secondly, Harriet, only child of Lieutenant- Colonel Spencer, and by her had issue, one son and three daughters, who all d. x.p. He d. January, 1819. Hugh Stafford m. secondly, Catherine, daughter of H. Gumming, Esq., of Killowen, CO. Down, but by her had no issue. He t son, Pathick Gill, a captain in the mer- chant service, trading mostly hctvveeii Jianft and Holland. He was a keen Jacobite, and helped several of his friends, who were adherents of the Stuarts, to go and come from Holland. He perished at sea with all his crew between the years 1760 — 1770. Captain Gill in. Anne, sister of ,Tames Clark, Esq. of Linksfield, co. Banff (who »i. 17.'>2, Mar- garet, sister of John Shand, Esq. of the Burn and .Vrnhall), and daughter of Captain Alexander Clerk or Clark, by his wife, Cliris- tian Gordon, des, -ended, it has always been stated, from the old Aberdeenshire family of Gordon of Lesmoir, and had issue, one son and three daughters, viz., I. Patrick. I. Margaret, baptised 14lh October, 1753 ; d, iinm. II. Anne, d. unm. III. Sophia, HI. 1783, Alexander Dulf, Esq. of London, and had two sons, 1 Alexander Duff, d. young, unm. 2 John Duff, settled in .•Vnierica, who, by Ills wife, Margaret Stuart, had, with a son, Alexander, d. unm., two da^ighters, 1. Jane Duff, m. Duncan Jlac- kay, Esq., lately Mayor of Brantford, Canada West, and had issue. 2. Margaret Duff, m. Captain Ritchie, son of Peter Ritchie, Esq. of Aberdeen, merchant and shipoivncr ; no issue. Patrick Gill, Esq. of Aberdeen, h. 1757 ; m. 23rd June, 1782 ; Margaret (who (/. 11th December, 1828), daughter and eventually sole heiress of David Anderson, Esq., planter, of Kingston, in the island of Jamaica, of the same family as David Anderson, of Einshaugh, Aberdeenshire, an eminent mathematiciau (who d. 1629), and had issue, four sons and four daughters, viz., I. Patrick, h. 1783, d. an infant. II. Patrick, b. 1786, d. an infant. III. David, of whom hereafter. IV. Jolin, /-. 1701, (/. 1799—181)0. I. Marv, of Aberdeen, h. 1781, d. num., 1864. II. Margaret, b. 1787, d. young, unm. III. Sophia, b. 1791, d. unm. 26th Sep- tember, 1828. IV. M!iriorv,4.1792,rf. Hi»H.,2nd .Vugusl, l,8,-,fS. ■ Mr. Gill d. 2fith January, 18.50 (having en- tered his 94tli year) j his only surviving son and heir, David Gill, Esq. of Blairythan, Aber- dcensliirc, b. 26th May, 1789, who bought the properties of Blairytlian and Savock, in the jiarisb of Eoveran, Aberdeenshire, was a commissioner of supply, and, for nearly sixty years, a magistrate for the county ; also for some time an ollieer in the Aberdeenshire militia. He m. 20th November, 1838, Mar- garet (b. at Savock, 8tb March, 1809, d. 18th December, 1870), daughter of Gilbert Mitcliell, Ksq. of Savock, (baptised there Ist April, 1774) and Margaret Bruce his wife, sister of James Bruce. ICsq. (see Moir-Bvhks OF To.VLEV. in Burke's Landed Gen'rii), of 40 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Inverquhomerv and Longside, oo. Aberdeen, J. P. and comiiussioner ot" siipj)l_v for Aber- deenshire, and liad issue. Mr. Grill, who had nearly completed his eighty-ninth year, d. at Aberdeen, 6th April, 1878, having had issue by his wife Margaret Mitchell, besides two sons, Patrick and David, who d. infants, four sons and one daughter, viz., I. David, now of Blairythan, co. Aberdeen, LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., J.P., b. 12th June, 18-43 ; m. 7th .July, 1870, Isobel Sarah (authoress of Six Months in Ascension^ &c.), second daughter of the late John Black, Esq. Dr. Gill, who was educated at Marischal College, and the University of Aberdeen, has been Astronomer Royal at the Cape of Good Hope, from February, 1879 ; is a knight commander of the Order of the Medjidie, and author of A De- terminaiion of the Snlar Parallax, &c. II. Patrick Gilbert, of Niall, Wandoo Vale, and Christmas Creek Stations, Korth Kennedy district, Queensland, and of Monomeith, near Cranbourne, Victoria, a J. P. for the colonies of Victoria and Queensland, b. 15th October, 1S45 ; baptised 26th Novem- ber following ; educated at the Uni- versity of Aberdeen ; was one of the earliest of the North Queensland settlers, having settled there in 1864. He d. unm. at Melbourne, 21st June, 1886, and is interred in the Melbourne Cemetery, where there is a tombstone erected to his memory. III. Andrew John Mitchell-, of Savock CLdtercullen, Aberdeensliire, Auchin- roatli, Rothes, co. Elgin, N.B., and of the Isthmian Club, London, F.A.S. (Scotland), author of The Houses of Moir and Byres, b. 1st August, 1847 ; educated at the University of Aber- deen, and R.A. College, Cirencester, CO. Gloucester (s. 1878) ; is a J. P. and commissioner of supply for co. Aber- deen. This gentleman has assumed the additional surname of Mitchell. IV. James Bruce, now of Runnymede and Greenvale. I. Margaret, m. 17th January, 1882, the Rev. Henry Powell, M.A. (Clai-e, Cambridge), rector and patron of Stanningfield, Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, and of the United University Club, London, and has issue, three sons, all b. at Stanningfield rectory, viz., 1, Henry Mitchell Powell, *. 21st May, 1883; 2, Frederick Gill Powell, 'b. 19th August, 1881; and 3, Gilbert David Bruce Powell, b. 15th August, 1887. Arms — Lozengy arg. and vert, on a chief gu. three martlets of the first. Crest — ^A demi eagle rising ppr. Mottoes — Sursum prorsusque, above the crest ; and, below the shield. In te Domine spes nostra. Residences and Estates — Runnymede, Cas- terton, co. Normanby, Victoria ; and Green- vale, Dalryniple, North Kennedy District, Queensland, Australia. Club — Melbourne. 3Sl;jt!j. BLYTH, HON. SIR ARTHUR, K.C.M.G., C.B., F.R.G.S., of Avenue Villa, Campden House-road, Kensington, co. Middlesex, England, Agent- General for the colony of South Australia, 6. in Birmingham, co. Warwick, 19th March, 1823; m. 5th March, 1850, Jessie Ann, fourth daughter of the late Edward Forrest, Esq. of Birmingham, by Eliza, his wife, and has issue, I. John James, m. 1873, Elizabeth Hawker, and has two sons and three daughters. I. Eliza Sarah Emily, unm. n. Frances Eleanor, m. 1877, William Briggs Sells, Esq. of South Australia, and has two sons and two daughters. Sir Arthur Blyth was educated at King Edward's Grammar School, Birmingham ; emigrated to South Australia with his family, and arrived at Adelaide in 1839. He has been five times treasurer, twice commissioner of crown lands, twice commissioner of public works, and twice chief secretary and premier of South Australia, all which offices he held between 1857 and 1876; appointed agent-general for South Australia, 16th February, 1877 ; royal commissioner for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886, and executive commissioner for South Australia ; delegate to Colonial Conference, 1887 ; created K.C.M.G. 1877, and C.B. 1886. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 41 ILt'ncnctf. Wi 1,1,1AM Bltth, Esq. of Biniiiiigliiiin, 00, Warwick, son of Robkut Blvtii, Esq. («lio (I. 183IJ), by .Viiiu' Urittain, his wife fwho d. ISlli), »i." ISKS, Sarah, diiusliter of the Rev. William Wilkins, of Bourlonon- tht'-Water, Gloucestershire, unci b_v her (who d. November, IStU) had iss\ie, I. William Wilkins, 4. 1819; ?n. Belinda Diansford, and has one son and four daugliters. II. Howard, h. 1S21 ; m. his cousin, Hannah Blyth, and luis two sons and one daughter. in Arthue (Sir), K.C,M,0,, C.B., F.R.G.S., agent-general for South Australia. IV. Neville, b. 1825, icanv years a mer- chant in -Vdelaide, colonial treasurer in the Hurt -Vdministration of 18t)8, and minister of education in the Boucaut Ministry of 1877 ; m. Julia Burns, and d. s.p. at the Rowans, Sutton, CO. Surrey, 15th February, 1890, aged 65. William BIyth d. June, 1855. Arms used~Erm. three roebucks Iri'/ipant ppr. Crest — A roebuck's head erased gu. attired or. gorged with a chaplef vert. Hesldences — Avenue Villa, Campden House- road, Kensington, W., and 8, Victoria-cham- bers, Westminster, S.W. Clubs — St. Stephen's and St. George's. (Altaic of #rc|)Stcincs» /^i REENE, MOLESWORTH RICHARD, Esq. of Greystonps, Bacchus V^ Marsb, Victoria, Au.stralia, J. P., b. in South Frederick-street, Dublin, 14th January, 1827, to. at Woodlands, Victoria, Australia, 27th July, 1854, Emma, daughter of Sylvester Browne, Esq. of Hartlauds, Victoria, by Eliza Angell Alexander, his wife, and has issue, I. William Po.meroy, 6. 7th May, 1866. I. Corientia Mary, b. 19th November, 18.")6. II. Constance Angel, 6. 23rd December, 1862. ILinrnac. William Greene, Esq., E,I.C.S., settled in England on his return from India, and held oBlce at the Court of King George III, being granted apartments in Hampton Court Palace, where he resided till his death. He m. Miss Mary Yorke, of the family of the Earl of Hardwicke, and had issue, I. William Pomekov, of whom pre- sently. II. Rawdon (Rev.), vicar of Sandgate, CO. Kent, England, m., first. Miss Mahon ; secondly. Miss Coddington ; and, thirdly. Miss Verschoyle, III. Francis, of Australia, m. Miss Klizaheth Edwardes. I. Mary, m. Rev. John Hardy. William Pomerot Greene, Esq. of CoUen House, Collen, co. Loutli, Ireland, and afterwards of Woodlands, Victoria, Australia, entered the Royal Navy, 1st March, 1810, then aged 13 years, was on board one of the shiijs stationed at St. Helena to guard Napoleon, served under Lord Exmouth at the taking of Algiers, and retired as fir.-t lieutenant, having seen much active service, including the first Burmese War. He m. at Stillorgan, co, Dublin, 1826, Anne, daughter of Richard Griffith, Esq. (who, in early life, went to the East Indies, whence returning, he settled at Millicent, co. Kildare, in the year 1786, became deputy-guvernor of that county, and represented the borough of Askeaton for some years in the Irish Parlia- ment. He was subsequently presented with the freedom of the city of Dublin, by the unanimous vote of the corporation, for his spirited defence of tlu'ir rights and priviFcges in Parliament), by Mary, his second wife, daughter of the Right Hon. Walter Hussey Burgh, of Donore, co. Kildare, Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, and M.P. for Dublin University, by Anne, his wife, daughter of Thomas Burgh, Esq. of Bert, co, Kildare, and sister of Viscountess Ferrard and of Thomas Burgh, whose son was the second and last Lord Downes. Mrs. Anne Greene (who was b. September, 1795, and '/. 1865) was also sister of Sir Richard Orillith, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage). Mr, William I'omeroy Greene d. iu the autumn of 181(J, luiving had issue, I. AIolesworth Richard, of whom wo treat. II, Rawdon Foster, *. 2nd August, 1829, BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. »n. Rose, daughter of Dr. Mackay, and d. 1871, leaving issue, one son, George Maekay, and three daugliters. Tii. William Fredei-iek, b. 22nd October, 1831, d. iinm. 18f;2. IV. Richard GrilllMi, b. 22nd September, 1835, d. unin. 1850. V. George Henry, *. 20th July, 1838, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Crawford, and has issue, 1 William Pomeroy ; 1 Elsie ; 2 Georgiana, and another daughter. VI. Charles Philip ( Rev ) . of the Rectory, Cromwell-road, Clapham, co. Surrey ; rector of Clapham, b. 2nd October, 1840, vnm. I. Mary Frances Elizabeth, m January, 1856, Sir William Foster Stawell, K.C.M.G., of D'EstaviUe, Kew, Mel- bourne, ex-Chicf Justice of the coh.ny of Victoria, second son of Jonas Stawell, Esq. of Old Court, eo. Cork, Ireland, by Anna, his wife, second daughter of the Right Rev. William Foster, D.D., Bishop of Clogher, Ireland (see Foster of Tiitirnbt) ; and had issue, 1 Jonas Molesworth ; 2 William ; 3 Charles Leslie ; 4 George Cooper ; 5 Richard Raw- don ; 6 Rodolph de Salia ; 1 Auce Catherine ; 2 Mary Letitia ; 3 Henri- etta; 4 Melian. Anns used — Verf, three bucks trippanf^ or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a staif^s head, or. Motto — Nee timeo nee sperno. Sesidence — Greystones, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia. ^ttpl)Ctt nf ^?>tmtj^. STEPHEN, HON. SIR ALFRED, G.C.M.G., C.B., of Dynevor-terrace, College-street, Sydney, New South Wales, Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales since 1875, h. in St. Christopher's, West Indies, 20th August, 1802; w., first, 22nd June, 182,4, Virginia (who d. 23rd January, 1837), daughter of Matthew Consett, Esq., merchant, of London; and, secondly, 1838, Eleanor, daughter of the Rev. William Bedford, D.D., senior chaplain of Tasmania. This lady d. July, 1886. Sir Alfred Stephen has had issue, I. Alfred Hamilton Hewlett (Rev. Canon), h. at Hobart, Tasmania, 1826 ; educated at Sydney College, and sub.sequently at Cambridge ; ordained in 1848, returning shortly afterwards to Sydney; appointed to Christ Church in 1850, and in 1855 to St. Paul's, Redfem. In 1869, he -was made a Canon of St. Andrew's Cathedral, and was sometime Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Randwick Institute. Canon Stephen vi. 1852, Rebecca Maria, second daughter of the late George Cox, Esq. of Winbourn, Mulgoa, near Sydney, New South Wales (see Cox of Winbouen), by Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Archibald Bell, Esq. of Belmont, ensign in the 102nd Regiment; and d., having had six children, five of whom survive. II. Matthew Henry (Hon.), Q.C., of Glen Ayr, Glenmore-road, Sydney, judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, h. 5th December, 1828; m. 30th September, 1854, Caroline Sibella, daughter of Henry Tudor Shadforth, Esq. (late Usher of the Black Rod, Legislative Council, Sydney), by Marianne Stephen, his wife, and has a daughter, Caroline Alice Lina, m. at Sydney, New South Wales, 2nd July, 1886, Francis George Villeneuve Smith, Esq., only surviving son of Sir Francis Villeneuve Smith, Knight, of 19, Harrington-gardens, South Kensington, co. Middle.sex, England, lute Chief Justice Supreme Court, Tasmania, by Sarah, his wife, only child of Rev. George Giles, LL D. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 43 ni. Montagu Consett, m. Emily Smitli, and (/. 187li, leaving issue. IV. Edward Milncr, m. Florence Smith, and lias is.sue. V. William Wilbcrforce, wi/n. VI. Cecil Bedford, m. Alice Tooth, and has issue. VII. Septimus Alfred (Hon.) of Sydney, New South Wales, member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, b. 8th May, 18-42 ; m. 31st December, 1864, Lucj', daughter of Robert Campbell, Esq., sometime colonial treasurer of New South Wales, and has issue, 1 Robert Campbell, of the 14th Hussars, b'. 20tli December, 18G7. 2 Colin Campbell, h. 3rd May, 1872. 3 Mewyn Campbell, b. 28th April, 1876. 4 Noel Campbell, b. 26th May, 1878. 5 Humfrey Campbell, b. 28th April, 1882. 1 Fanny Ethel Campbell. 2 Annie Sophia Campbell. viH. Ernest Farish, m. Mary Taylor, and has issue. I. Clara Virginia, m. Alfred Hewlett, Esq., who il. leaving issue. II. Jessie Maria, to. George Leslie, Esq., and has issue. III. Eleanor, deceased. IV. Sarah Consett, UHin. V. Alice Mary, uiim. VI. Agnes, m. Percy Bedford, Esq. vu. Mary Anne, mi. Montagu Severn, Esq. The Hon. Sir Alfred Stephen was educated at the Charterhouse School, London, and afterwards at the Grammar School, Honiton, Devonshire. He went with his father to the West Indies in 181-5, and afterwards returned to England ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, November, 182.3 ; emigrated to Tasmania in 1824; and in April, 182-5, was appointed solicitor-general of that colony ; attorney-general of Tasmania, 1832 to 1838 ; judge, New South Wales, April, 1839 ; president of the Legislative Council, 1856 — 67 ; chief justice, 1844 — 73, and lieutenant-governor, November, 1875 ; adminis- tered the Government from February to June, 1872 ; again from March to August, 1879 ; and, thirdly, from 11th November to 12th December, 1885 ; and was appointed to a seat in the Legislative Council of New South Wales, March, 1875, which seat he resigned March, 1879. He has been for many years a member of the Council of Education; knighted August, 1846; created a C.B. in 1862, K.C.M.G. 1874, and G.C.M.G. 1884. iLinrnac. James Stephen, of Ardendraught, parish of Crudcn, Aberdeenshire, b. in 1670, had issue, I. James, of whom presently. II. Joini, b. 1702, m. Janet Forbes, and was father of George, i. 1730, who, by Elizabeth Robb, liis wife, had a son, George, 4. 1776, m. Anne Burney, and had issue, 1 George .Vlexander, »«. Elizabeth Johnston, and has four children, one of them being Reginald (Rev.), of Christehureh, St. Kilda, Vietoria. 2 Oscar Leslie, m. Isabella Birkmyre, and has two children, the yoani;er of whom is Alexander Condie, C.B., C.M.O. -1 Alfred. 1 Anne, m.OtU Feb., 1S36, 4-i BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Rev. Sir William J^un- bar, Bart., reo'tor of Dunimer, Hants, Eng- l.'ind, and by him (who was h. 16th May, 1804, and d. 27th November, 1881) had issue (see Burke's Peerage and B(tro)ietage). 2 Elizabeth, m. James Young, Esq. 3 Ellen, m. Joshua Dy- mock, Esq. The elder son, James Stephen, Esq., b. 1700, m. Mary Brown, and d. in 1770, at Nautili, near Aberdeen, Scotland, leaving a son, James Stephen, Esq., b. 1733, m. Sibella Milner, and had, amongst other issue, William, M.D., from whom are descended Major J. Grant Stephen, and (through Mary, his daughter, ni. to Ven. Arch- deacon llodson, of Cambridge) Major Hodson of " Hodson's Horse " or " Corps of Guides " celebrity. James, sometime M.P. for Tralee, and afterwards for East Grinstead, co. Sussex, and for twenty years a master in chancery, from whom descend, Henry John Stephen, author of Tk^' Cmmiif^ti furies ; Riglit Hon. Sir James Stephen, K.C.B., P.C., formerly imder secretary of state for the Colonies, and professor of modern history at Cambridge (who m. Jane Catherine, daughter of the Rev. John Venn, rector of Clapham. co. Surrey, and, dying in 1859, was father of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, K. C.S.I, (1S77), Q.d, D.C.L, of Anaverua, Ravensdale, co. Louth, Ireland, 32, De Vere-gardens, Kensington, and of the Athenasum and Oxford and Cam- bridge Clubs, London, one of the judges of the Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice, b. 3rd March, 1829; educated at Eton; M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge ; called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 24tli January, 1854 ; recorder of Newark- on-Treiit, 1859—69; Q.C., and a bencher of the Inner Temple, 1868 ; member of the Council of the Viceroy of India, 1869 — 72 ; professor of common law at the Inns of Court, 1875 ; member of Fugitive Slave Commission, Copyright Law Com- mission, Extradition of Convicts Com- mission, and secretary to Education Commission, 1858—61; appointed one of the judges of the Exchequer in January, 1879, on the retirement of Baron Cleasby ; and treasurer of (lie Inner Temple, 1886—87. He m. 19th April, 1855, Mary Richards, oldest daughter of the Rev. James William Cunningham, vicar of Har- row-on-the-Hill, by Mary, his wife, eldest daughter of the late General Sir Harry Calvert, Bart.) ; George (Sir) Knight, Q.C., sometime D.L. for CO. Bucks (b. 1794 ; educated at Magdalene College, Cambridge ; knighted in 1837, in recognition of his services in the cause of negro emancipation ; called to the bar, June, 1849 ; and in 1855 emigrated to Melbourne (whither two of his sons had preceded him in 1852) ; was elected first president of the Mel- bourne chess club, which was founded in August, 1866, and in that year he acted for a short time as commissioner of insolvent estates at Geelong ; m. 1821. Henrietta, eldest daughter of William Ravenscroft, Esq. of co. Antrim, and d. at Brighton, 1878, having had, amongst numerous other issue, James Wilberforce (Hon.), who was b. in London, 1822 ; educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he graduated fourth wrangler in 1846, and shortly afterwards M.A. ; called to the bar in 1848, and sub- sequently emigrated to Victoria (1854) ; elected member of the Legislative Assembly for St. Kilda in 1871, and became attorney-general ; and in 1872 was made a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria; Sibella, m. Mr. Garratt ; and Nancy, m. Mr. Dicey. James Stephen m., secondly, Mrs. Clarke, widow of a clergyman, and sister of the celebrated Wilber- force. John (Hon.), of whom presently. Sibella, m. Maxwell Morison, Esq. of Edinbm-gh, advocate, from whom is descended the Vernon family, Sibella Morison having m. the Rev. James Vernon, chaplain of St. Helena. Hon. John Stephen, a judge of Supreme Court, New South "Wales, formerly solicitor- general of the Leeward Islands, b, 1770, ?«. Mary Anne Passmore (who d. 1st January, 1863), and d. in Sydney, 21st December, 1833, having had issue, I. Sidney, from whom are descended the late James Sidney Stephen, Francis Stephen, of Melbourne, and Annie, in. Mr. Carre-Riddell. II. Jolin. III. Alfred (Hon. Sir), G.C.M.G., C.B., lieutenant-governor of New South Wales. IV. Francis. V. George Milner. I. Sibella, m. Mr. Robison. II. Mary Anne, m. Mr. Shadforth. III. Clara, m. Mr. Hardy. Arms — Arg. on a chev. between two crescents in chief and a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erect in base gu. two mullets of tlie first. Cresf — An eagle displ. with two heads sa. beaked and legged, or. Motto — Virtus ubique. Mesidence — Dynevor - terrace, College - street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. BURKES COLONIAL GENTRY. 45 GREGORY, HON. AUGUSTUS CHARLES, C.M.G., of Rainwortli, near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, member of the Legislative Council of Queensland (appointed 1882), was b. at Farnsfield, co. Nottingham, 1st August, 1819; arrived in Western Australia, 1829, and in 1841 entered the Civil Service of that Colony, where he was engaged in surveys and explorations until 1854, in which year he was sent to conduct the exploration of Northern Australia, started by the Imperial Government; went to Queens- land in 1855, and in 1859 became surveyor-general of that colony, from which post he retired 1st September, 1879. In 1858, he conducted an expedition in search of Leiehhardt, and the same year received the gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society. He was appointed trustee of the Queensland Museum, 1876, and created C.M.G., 1875. The Hon. A. C. Gregory is unmarried. Uincnof. Thojias G-BEGORr, Esq., sheriff of Kut- tingbam, temp. Charles I, bad issue, I. JosHFA, of wliom presently. II. Josopli, ancestor of tbe Gregorys, of Lenton and Harlaxton, co. Lincoln, England. Joshua Gregory, Esq., m. 1671, Mary Bretagne, and his eldest son was Joshua Gregory, Esq., A. 1681, whose eldest son, Joshua Gregory, Esq., m. 1705, Ann llillar. His eldest son, Joshua G-reooby, Esq., m. Margaret Craven, whose eldest son, Joshua Gregory, Esq., m. Ann Jackson, and had issue, I. Joshua, of whom presently. II. William Johnson, D.L. for co. Bucks, )». Sarah Jalland, and d. 1863 s. p. in. Joshua G-begory, Esq. of co. Nottingham, and subsequently of Western Australia, b. 1790, m. 1813, Frances, sister of Charles Blissett Churchman, Esq., who d. unm. 1833, in Western Australia. This lady was b. in London, 179't', and d. at Perth, Western Australia, 1859. Mr. Gregory d. at Rain- worth, Western Australia, 1838, leaving, I. Augustus Charles (Hon.), C.M.G., of Rain worth. II. Francis Thomas (Hon.), F.R.G.S., of Harlaxton, near Toowoomba, and of Ediiiglcy, near Brisbane. Queensland, Australia, member of the Legislative Council of Q.ueensland, b. at Farns- field, l!)th October, 1821, m. at Ipswich, Queensland, 11th May, 1865, Marion Scott, daughter of the late Alexander Hume, Esq. of co. Middlesex (she was b. in London, 29th May, 1841), and had issue, 1. Francis Augustus, b. 25th Octo- ber, 1867, d. 2nd Januar^■, 1869. 2. Charles Leigh, b. 1st October, 1868. 3. Francis Westbrook, b. 3l8t Octo- ber, 1869. 4. Walter Churchman, b. 28th Jan- uary. 1871. 5. Augustus Claude, h. 25th Novem- ber, 1872, d. 4th May, 1873. 1. Marion Elizabeth Augusta, b. Gth February, and d, 11th October, 1SG6. The Hon. Francis Thomas Gregory wae an old colonist, and was well known for his explorations of Western Aus- tralia, for which he received the founder's gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society. He arrived in Western Australia in 1829, and at the age of 20 entered the Civil vService of that colony ; appointed staff-surveyor in 1847, and in tliat eupacily became known as an enterprising and success- ful explorer. The rivers Gascoyne, Lyons, and Murchisou were discovered and named by him, and also the Ash- burton, De Grey, Fortescue, and other rivers in the north-west of Western Australia, wliich he discovered in 18(!1, when in command of an exploring expedition started by the Imperial (lovernment, Mr. F. T. Gregory went to Queensland in 1862, was for some years commissioner of crown lands, and was called to the Legislative Council in 1874. He d. at Too- woomba, Queensland, 24th October, 1888, aged 68. 4G BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. III. Henry Churchman, of Cheltenham, CO. Gloucester, England, b. 1823, m. 1863, Mary Harris. Residence — Rainworth, near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Club — Queensland, Brisbane. Buntan of IbticjScs ^ailt. DUNCAN, JOHN JAMES, Esq. of Hughes Park, Watervale, South Australia, J. P., member of the Legislative Assembly of South AustraUa fi-om 1872 to 1877, and again from 1884 to 1890; h. 12th February, 1845; m. first, 5th November, 1873, Jane Morison, daughter of Arthur Harvey, Esq. of Durban, South Africa, by Elizabeth Young, his wife, but by her (who d. 1st November, 1874) had no issue. He m. secondly, 27th August, 1879, Jean Gordon, daughter of James Grant, Esq. of Lincoln's-inn-fields, London, by Mary Anne Todd, his wife, and by her has issue, I. John Grant, h. 1st September, 1882. II. Walter Gordon, h. 10th March, 1885. III. Keith Anstruther, 6. 12th November, 188G. I. Mary Hughes, h. 8th January, 1881. ILt'nfBOf. John Duncan, Esq. of Wallaroo, South Australia, son of James Duncan, Esq. of Anstruther, Fifeshire, Scotland, by Betsy Keay, his wife, m. 17th December, 1839, Joan, daughter of Thomas Hughes, Esq. of Pittenweem, Fifeshire, Scotland, by EHza Anderson, his wife, and sister of Sir Walter Watson Hughes, knt. late of 48, Porchester- terrace, London, who was in early life a master in the mercantile marine, settled in South AustraUa, 1841, and was engaged largely in mining and pastoral pursuits. Sir W. W. Hughes developed the Wallaroo and Moonta copper mines, gave 20,000/. towards the establishment of the Adelaide Unirersity, contributed to the expenses of explorations in South Australia, and was a promoter of new industries. He received the honour of knighthood, 1880, and d. 1st January, 1887. Mrs. Joan Duncan d. 9th December, 1856, having had issue, I. Walter Hughes, m. Alice R. Good, but has no issue. II. John James, now of Hughes Park. I. Eliza Eobina, m. John Gordon, Esq., and has issue one son and four daughters. II. Sophia Richman, m. T. J. Hanley, Esq. Mr. John Duncan m. a second time, and d. 19th April, 1880, having had, by his second wife, two sons and two daughters. Crest used- — A panther^ s head. Motto — PrJ'dentia ducit, Residence ■ — Hughes Park, Watervale, South Australia. Cotltijuvtt of ^titlaitic* COCKBURN, HON. JOHN ALEXANDER, M.D. London, of Adelaide, South Australia, ex-premier and chief secretary of South Australia, formerly minister of education, b. 23rd August, 1850, emigrated to South Australia in 1867, m. 13th May, 1875, Sarah Holdway, fourth daughter of the late Forbes Scott Brown, Esq. of Longformacus, Berwickshire, Scotland, and of Glugar, Penang, and has issue, I. Piers Alexander, h. 16th May, 1876. I. Margaret Stuart, b. 18th August, 1880. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY 47 ILincaac. There is in t.lie possession of (lie Hon. .lolin Alesiinder Cocklnirn ii fiimily Bible, printed 1713, wherein iire the foUowinf; entries : — ■lames Coekburn, b. 18th Kebruarj', 1729 ; Junet, A. 2n(l Itiireh, 1731; Mrtryet, li. (ith Februury, 1733 : John, b. 5th Aujjust, 173,') ; Marv, A."l4tli May, 1737; Thomas, b. 173!) ; Mark, b. 1741 ; Kiizabeth, b. 1743 ; Cecil, b. 1745; Hannah, b. 1747; Agnes, A. 1750; unci Sarah, b, 1754; there are also dates whieh seem to show that the father of the above was b. 169S and d. 1760. Peter CocKnCRy, Ksq. of Whitrigg, Ber- wickshire (whose father lived at Ayton, Ber- wickshire, where, iu tlie villase chnrchyard, is the faniilv bnrial ground), was b, ai)ont 1777, »«. Haunali Brodie, and (/. about 1B23, leaving a son, Thomas Cockdttrn, Esq. of Berwickshire, Scotland, ni. at Tweed Hill, Hntton, Berwick- shire, 1H45, Isabella Wright (who emigrated with ihe family to South Australia in iSf)7), and d. in 1855, leaving issue, I. Patrick, d. unm. II. Jon.v Alexanueh (Hon.), of Ade- laide. III. Thouiaa James, m, 1887, Alice liatlurn, and lias issue, two sons, I'atriek and Thomas. I. Isabella Begbie, m. 1872, Clement Giles, Esq., member of the Tjcgislative Assembly of Soutli Australia, and has issue, three sons and two daughters, Crext used — A cock croinng ppr. Residence — Adelaide, South Australia. palmer of 33risi)ant antr §outi) I\cnncti^n PALMER, HON. SIR ARTHUR HUNTER, K.C.M.G., of Brisbane, and of Beaufort, South Kennedy, Queensland, Australia, president of the Legislative Council, h. in Armagh, Ireland, 28th December, 1819; educated at Yougbal Grammar School ; m. 8th June, 1865, Cecilia Jessie, daughter of Archibald Mosman, Esq. of Arniidale and Randwick, New South Wales, and sister to Lady Mcllwraith, aud by her (who d. olst August, 1886) has issue, I. William Dangar Hunter, 6. 17th May, 1866. II. Arthur Cecil Hunter, h. 27th April, 1868. IU. Carl Beaufort Hunter, h. 18th November, 1871. I. Mary Jessie Hunter, h. 24th October, 1873. II. Estelle Georgina Hunter, h. 15th May, 1881. The Hon. Sir Arthur Hunter Palmer emigrated to New South Wales in 1838, was engaged for some years iu pastoral pursuits in connection with Mr. H. Dangar's stations in the north of New South Wales, rising to the position of general manager, and, in 1845, Sir Arthur went to Queensland. He repre- sented Port Curtis in tlie Legislative Assembly of Queensland, 1866 to 1879, and Brisbane since 1879 ; colonial secretary, secretary for works, Queensland, and secretary for lands, Queensland, 1867-68 ; colonial secretary and premier for about Bve years from May, 1870 ; colonial secretary and secretary for public instruction, January, 1879, to December, 1881 ; president of the Legislative Council since 1881 ; administrator of the government from May to November, 1883, again from April to December, 1886, and subsequently from 9th October to 30th November, 1888. In 1881 he was created a knight commander of St. Michael and St. George. liintagc. Rev. Arthur Pai-mer, \M., chancellor of Ossory, and rector of Bunford, co. Kilkenny, Ireland (brother of Patrick Palmer, F.T.C.D., LL.D., and of Ten. Henry Palmer, arch- deacon of Ossory), m. Vlll, Margaret, daugh- ter of the Rev. Samuel Madden, LL.D., 48 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. T.C.D., Tiear-general of Ossory, by Cas- sandra, his wife, daughter of Michael Trarers, Esq. of Skehenore, oo. Cork, and had issue, I. Tliomas, in holy orders, m. twice, but d. s.p. II. George, captain 15th Foot, and major of brigade on stufl' of General Lord Hill, m. Frances, only daughter of Nicholas Power French, Esq. (brother of the first Earl of Clancarty), by Jane, his wife, daughter of Sir Richard Butler, ijart., of Garrybunden and Templeton, co. Carlow, Ireland, and d. in 1809, having had issue, 1. Arthur (Yen.), D.C.L., arch- deacon of Toronto, and for many years rector of Guelph, Diocese of Toronto, Canada, m. first, Hester Madeline, daughter of the Rev. George Crawford, LL.D., vicar- general of Ardagh, and by her had issue, I. George, ni., and has issue, a daughter. II. William Crawford. m. Arthur, F.T.C.D., m. and has issue, a son, Arthur. I. Mary Madeline. II. Frances, ni. to the Rev. H. W. Stewart, and has eleven children. III. Margaret Anne. IV. Hester Rebecca. He m. secondly, Catherine, daughter of Captain John Blanshard, H.E.I. C.S., and by her had issue, I. Richard Power. II. Harry Blanshard Stewart. III. Thomas. I. Katherine Eleanor. 2. Nicholas Power, captain 54lh Bengal Native Infantry, m. Rebeka Barrett, and was killed in action during the Afghan War, leaving a son, Colonel Arthur Power Palmer, C.B., commandant 9th Bengal Cavalry, who served throughovit the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857 — 59, was ad- jutant of the loth Bengal Lancers in Abyssinia, aide-de-camp to General Stafford in the IJufHa Expedition of 1874 — 75, served in the Afghan War of 1878—80, and in the campaign on the north-west frontier of India in 1863 — 64-. This officer has been frequently mentioned in despatches, and ha.« received numerous medals. By Helen, his wife, he has one daughter. III. William, captain 68th Regiment, d. s.p. IV. ABTHrE. v. Harry, entered the army, afterwards took holy orders, and went as mission- ary to .Sierra Leone, where he d., to- gether with his wife and only child. I. Margaret, m. Captain Robert Mayne, and has issue, a daughter, Harriet, m. to the Rev. William Scriven. II. Cassandra, tii. to the Rev. James Melge, son of Mr. Justice Metge, and had issue, three daughters. III. Harriet, d. unm. in 1869. The fourth son, Lieutenant Arthur P.ilmer, R.N., b. in Kilkenny, Ireland, entered the Royal Navy, and was appointed lieutenant in 1808. He m. first, Eliza Hall, by whom he had one son, deceased; secondly, 22nd February, 1819, Emily, daughter of Robert Hunter, Esq. of Dublin and Downpatrick, Ireland, and by her (who was b. in 1791, and d. at Youghal, co. Cork, Ireland, November, 1826) had issue, I. Aethue HrNTEE (Hon. Sir), K.C.M.G., of whom we treat. II. Harry Wyndham. d. unw., 1887. I. Emily Martha, m. Robert Brett, Esq. of Dublin, who d. in 1879, leaving issue, two sons, Arthur Alexander Burrough and Hunter Palmer. II. Meta, m. C. A. Anderson, Esq., M.D., of CO. Mayo, Ireland, who d.^ having had issue, one son and three daugliters, viz., Henry de Burgh, Louisa, Gerald- ine, and Meta. He m. thirdly. Miss Jane Cox, and d. at Youghal, 30th April, 1836, having had by her one son and three daughters. Crest used — A dexter arm embowed in armour^ the hand grasping a spear in bend sinister^ point upwards, all ppr. Mottoes — Avspicium melioris (Pvi : and Pabna virtuti. Besidences — Brisbane, and Beaufort, South Kennedy, Queensland, Australia. CampijtU xif j^arralumla* CAMPBELL, FREDERICK, Esq. of Yarralumla, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia, b. 26th February, 1846, in. 23rd May, 1877, Frances Catherine Burford, daughter of James Wright, Esq. of The Peak, co. Derby, J. P., and by her (who d. 11th February, 1881) has issue a daughter, Sybil Jean, b. 1st October, 1880. Mr. Campbell m. secondly, and by that marriage has issue, A son, 6. 29th March, 1890. lU KlvKS COLONIAL (I i;.NTJ{Y, 49 ILincnar. Tliis i'jiinilv (It'sci'iuls from tin* Cjitiiijl)cll>. of A'-liRfld, cacU'ts of tlie House of Duii- ti\)on, Crinaii, Ar^ylt'sliirc, anti now rcpro- scuta the eltli'r brunch. 'J'lie faniphi'lls o\' Duntroon (wliicli itliu-i' was ]»ass(Hl down from father to son since the tiun- of J)uncan Von;: CaniphcU in 14IS),(lieii out in the persons of .Major-Lxeneral Sir Neil Campbell, governor of Sierra Leone, who (/. utnn. 14th August, lfi27, and his brother, (ieneral Patrick t'aniphell, who d. tiiiin. at Southampton, 29tli Aii-riist. 1.S57. John C\mi'uki.i., Kst|.. a writer to the siiinet, and the last laird of Ashlield, near Crinan, Argvleshire, m. Agnes, danj^hter of Robert Paterson, Ksq. of Kilmarnock, and t/. at Greenock, llith November, 17117 (when the estate of Aslilieltl Avas sold) leaving issue, I. John, a merchant, of Calcutta, il. uiim. II. Robert (Hon.). III. William, j«. The second .son, Hon. RoBEUT Campbell, of Campbell's \Vharf. Sydney, New vSoutli Wales, mem- ber of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, was a merchant at, Calcutta, and in 170t3 went to Sydney, and established a branch of liis business there. He was i. 28th April, 1769, m. at Sydney, 17th Sep- tember, 1801, Sophia, sister of John Palmer, Esq., assistant commissary-general, and d. at his country residence, Duntroon, Qiu'an- beyan. New South Wales, 15th April, 1H4(1, having, by his wife (who d. 5th May, 183a) had issue, I. John (Hon.), member of the Legis- lative Council of New South Wales, />. in Sydney, 25t,h July, 1802 ; edu- cated in England, where he remained from 1810 to 1819 ; was elected to the Legislative Assembly for the Sydney Hamlets in 1850, and in 1860 acce])ted a seat in the Legislative Council ; d. num. 22nd January, 188(i, aged 83. Tlie Hon. John CaniphcU gave 10,000/. towards establishing the bishopric of Eiverina. II. Robert, A. 5lh October, 1801, rf. 3L-t March, l8r)9. III. Cu.iHLics (H,.n.). IV. (Seorgc, h. 27tli June, 1818. \ iMvdcrick, h. 21th June, 1821, d. \:>X\\ February, ISW. I. Sophia, //. 21.th Kcln-uary, 1812. II. Sarah, A. 1st -Vpril, 1815. The third son, Hon. CiiAKi.Es Ca.mi'Iiki.l, of Helconon, near Queanbeyan, Murray County, New South Wales, and of liaggan Ijodge, In- verness, Scotland, member of the Legis- lative Council of New South Wales, and barrister-at-law of Ijincoln's Inn, was h. at sea, 20th September, 1809. He m. at St. John's Chnreh, Parramatta, Cumberland County. New Smith Wales, 22iid June, 1837, Catherine Irena, eldest daughter of George Thomas Palmer, h^sq. of Pemberton Grange, Parramatta, and of Grinninderra, Murray County, New South Wales, lieutenant 61st Regiment. This lady d. in London, 28th April, 1863, and was buried in Laiisdowne Cemetery. Bath. co. Somerset, having pre- deceased her liusbaiul, who (/. at La^gan Lodge, Inverness, his residence in Scotland, 17th August, 188S, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. He had issue, I. Walter, of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, h. 5th November, 1838, d. at Cambridge, 23rd July, 1860. II. Fkedebick, of Yarraluinla. 1. Agnes. il. Susan. III. Sophia, M. 18tli January, 1S72, Richard Henry Pyron, Ksq., lieu- tenant Royal Navy, and has five children : 1, John ; 2, Hugh ; 1, Kate ; 2, Maud ; 3, Mary. Tlie Hon. Charles Campbell ])ur<'liased his estate of Belconon. near Queanbeyan, from Charles Slurt, the explorer, in 1836. He also purchased Cam)ibcU Field, near Melbourne, colony of Victoria, in 1810. blotto ufied — Affile pro viribus. Scsidciire — Yarralumla, Queanbeyan, New South Wales, Australia. iHurrajPr^^ricir nf iHaroon, ML'RRAY-PRIOK, HON. THOMAS LODGK, of .Maroou, Logan River, Queeusland, Australia, member of the Legislative Council, and formerly postmaster-general for the colony of Queensland, b. 13th November, 1819, baptised at Wells Cathedral, vi. first, at South Creek, near Sydney, New South Wales, 3rd September, 1846, Matilda, daughter of Thomas Harpur, Esq. of Cecil Hills, neur Liverpool, New South Wales, and formerly of Lime Park, co. Tyrone, Ireland, and bj- her (who d. 2")tli November, 18G8, and was buried in Brisbane Cemetery, Queensland) lias had issue, VI it,. I. i; 50 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Tliomas de Montmorenci, of Maroon, Logan River, Queensland, J. P., h. 27th January, 1848, m. at Holy Trinity Church, Boweu, Queens- land, 18th March, 1878, Florence Claudia, daughter of Henry Moor, Esq. of Highgate, co. Middlesex, England (who d. 11th February, 1861, and was buried in Highgate Cemetery, co. Middlesex), and has issue, 1. Thomas Bertram, h. 4th February, 1883. 1. Florence Elizabeth, b. 1st January, 1879. 2. Mabel, b. 10th September, 1881. ' 3. Ethel Nora, b. 1st December, 1884. 4. Phyllis Claudia, b. 23rd July, 1886. II. William, b. 18th August, 1849 ; (7. 17th January following. III. Morres, 6. 15th May, 1853. IV. Hervey Morres, of Brisbane, Queensland, B.A. of Sydney University, barrister-at-law, master of titles for Queensland, and member of Colony of Queensland Society, 6. 9bh September, 1856, m. at Kan- garoo Point Church, Brisbane, 17th August, 1881, Margaret Mui-ray, daughter of Alexander McDonald, Esq. of Brisbane, an officer in H.M.'s Customs (who d. 26th October, 1872), and d. 1st January, 18^7. leaving issue a son, Hervey McDonald, b. 25th April, 1883. V. Redmond, b. 25th October, 1858. VI. Hugh, of Aberfayle Station, Torrins Creek, Townsville, Mitchell District, Queensland, b. 5th July, 1860. VII. Lodge, b. at Brisbane, August, and d. September, 1863. VIII. Egerton, of Moorlands, Malvern Hills, Queensland, b. 5th Octobei-, 1866. I. Rosa Caroline, b. 27th Mai'ch, 1851, m. at Brisbane, 29th August, 1872, Arthur Campbell Bulkley Mackworth Praed, Esq., and has issue. II. Elizabeth Catherine, b. 29th October, 1854, m. at Maroon, 15th June, 1883, John Robert Jardine, Esq., and has issue. HI. Weeta, b. 24th June, and d. 27th July, 1861. IV. Matilda, b. 26th January, and d. May, 1865. Hon. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, m. secondly, at Rydc, Parramatta River, New South Wales, ISth December, 1872, Nora Clarina, daughter of Robert Johnstone Barton, Esq. of Boree, Nevang, New South Wales, and by her has issue. IX. Frederick Maurice, b. 9th March, 1880. X. Robert Sterling, b. 29th August 1881. XI. Julius Orlebar, b. 25th March, 1884. v. Matilda Aimee, b. 25th September, 1873. VI. Emiline, b. 18th May, 1875, d. at Sydney, New South Wales, 5th February following. VII. Dorothea Katherine, b. 13th December, 1876. VIII. Alienora May, b. 31st May, 1878. IX. Ruth Angela, b. 27th July, 1885. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 51 Mv. j\Iurrny- Prior ari-ivcd in Sydnoj-, May, 1839; was appoiiiteil to a scat in the Legislative Council of Queensland, 22nd February, 186G, and has been acting president of the Legislative Council of that colony. litncnge. RonETiT Pinnn, Ksq. of Camliridjjc (wliosc will, diitfil 3rd Dftoln'i-. Itii:!, wms provod at Oxford, lltli April, KMl). Bt his wile (living in 1(;43) lie luul issue, besides a daughter, a son, Captain TiioMAs Puion, of Rathdowney, Queen'.s County, Ivehind, who went to Ire- land with his ret^iinont about 163(), and obtained, by letters patent from King Charles II, dated 30tli Mareh, H;67, the estates of Ratlidowne,v, Crealleagh, Kil- eoran, &e., situated in the barony of Upper Ossory, Queen's County. Ke also held land from St. Jolm's College, Cambridge, proved liis father's will 1644, it. 17th March, 1690. His will, dated 17th Mareh, 1G90, was proved at Dublin, 18th April, 1691. 13y Elizabeth, his wife, he had issue, I. Thomas, of Rathdowney, aforesaid, raised a corps and eomnianded it as colonel ; was killed by tlie rebels, 1700. His will was dated 7th July, 1693, in which he desires to be buried at Rathdowney. lie had issue, 1. Richard, of Ratlidownev, living 1690 under 16, d. s.p. 1736. 2. Thomas, of IBolton-street, Dub- lin, and of Rathdowney, A.M. Trinity College, Dublin, founder of the Royal Dublin Society, b. 1679, (/. iniiii. 21st October, i751, and was buried at Rathdowney. (Inscription in Rathdowney Church, " Sacred to the Memory " of Thomas Prior, who spent a " long life in unwearied en- " deavours to promote the wel- " fare of his native country ; " every manufacture, every branch " of husbandry will declare tliis " truth ; ever,y useful institution " will lament its friend and bene- " factor. He died, alas, too " soon for Ireland, October 21st, " 1751.") 1. Isabella or Essabell, living under 16 in 1690, m. Samuel Wag- staffe Stubber, Esq., who d. x.p. 1704. 3. ElUabeth}""'^""!*''"!^^''- II. Richard, of The Green Dragon, alias The Morehouse, parish of Holy Trinity, Cambridge, which he held by lease from St. John's College, Cambridge ; also held land under a similar lease in Parson Drove, jiarish of Leverington, Isle of Ely, eo. Cam- bridge, as did his grandfather Robert. I. Mart. II. Sarah, m Gaile, Esq., and had a son, Benjamin, to whom his uncle. all living 1775. Richard Prior, bequeathed, in 1719, the mills of Kahinina and the lands in Itareslown. Mauy Pbiok, who was living 1690 and 1751, m. the Rev. Thomas MritnAT, and hail issue, I. Joiix, of whom hereafter. II. Thomas, under 16 in 1690. I. Christy, under 15 in 1690. John Mfbray, afterwards Jonx MrERAT- PmoK, Esq. of Rathdowney, Queen's County, Ireland, assumed tiic additional sur- name of Pmnii, in compliance with a clause conlained in the will of his eou.sin, Thomas ]'ri(n-, dated 22nd June, 1751. lie m., first, Mary, daughter of Colonel O'Neill, of co. Down, and by her (who d. January, 1761) had issue, I. And RE w. II. John, living 1775. I. Susannah "^ II. Mary | III. Isabella IV. Elizabeth V. Sarah He m. secondly, Jane, daughter of John Flood,- Esq. of Flood Hall, co. Ivillicnny, ami widow of Rev. James Myhill. He d. 1781. By his second wife he had, HI. Thomas, to whom his father be- queathed lands at Coolishellbeg, co. Kilkenny, and Ballynaeor, co. \V iek- low, living 1775 under age. IV. Frederick, living 1775 underage. V. Richard, living 1 775 under age. VI. Joseph, living 1775 underage. The eldest son, Andeew MrRBAT-PRiOR, Ksq. of Rath- downey, high sherifi' eo. Wieklow, 1777 ; m. 29th April, 1772, Fraiu'cs, second daughter of Redmond Morres, Esq. of Dublin, .M.P. for Dublin, by Elizabeth, his wife, only daughter aiul heir of Francis Lodge, Esq. of Dublin, and (/. 1795, having had issue, I. TnoMAS, of whom presently. II, Andrew Redmond, ap])ointed by patent tsth May, 1809, accountant- general of the Irish post oflice, b. 1786, m. 17th March, 1814, Catherine, daughter of Sir John Call, of Corn- wall, Bart., and relict of General Mac- kinnon, and by her had issue, 1. J(]lin Laurence (Rev.) rector of Linby, perpetual curate of Poj)- ])lewick, CO. Nottingham, and chaplain to the Earl of Rosse. 1. Catherine France^ »«. 2nd March, 1812, Robert Cartwright, Esq., 5-2 BUKKE'S CULOXiAL GENTRY. foui-tU son of William Ralph Cart « right , Esq. of Aynhoe, co. Northampton, M.P. 2. Fanny Isabella. :i. Emily. 4. Sophia Louisa, m. 11th Jime, 1839, Francis Hearle Stephens, captain, litli Light Dragoons, second son ot" Samuel Stepliens, Esq. ot" Tregenna Castle, Corn- wall, I. Eleanor. II. Mary. III. Catherine, d. yoiiug. Thomas Muhhat-Peioe, Esq. of Ruth- downey, high sheriff of Queen's County, 1799, and member of the Irish pailiament for the boroughs of Lcsburue and Bannow, h. 1773, m. at Gretna G-reen, and afterwards at Donnybrook, Ireland, Catherine, daughter of Joseph Palmer, Esq. of Cuifsborough, Queen's County, eolouel commandant of a corps of volunteers, and d. 5th Tlovember, 185-1, buried at jN'ewry, having by her (who d. about 18U2, and was bai'ied at Dublin) had issue, I. Thomas, colonel in the army. H. Lodge Morres, of Bruur^wick-squarc, Brighton, co. Sussex, J. P. and D.L. for CO Middlesex, colonel command- ant of the 5th (Elthorue) regiment of Middlesex militia, and formerly paymaster of tlie 12th Royal Lancers, b. 3rd April, 1797, m. first, in London, June, 1819, Anna Maria, d.iughter of John Brownrigg, Esq. of Coote Hill. CO. Donegal, and widow of Colonel Robbins, and by her (who d. in 1834, and was buried at Hulme, Man- chester, CO. Lancaster) had issue. He III. secondly, at Coventry, co. War- wick, October, 1836, Letitia, only daughter of John Wilkes Unett, Esq. of the Woodlands, eo. Stafford, by Elizabeth, his wife, only surviving issue and heiress of Thomas Unett, Esq. of iStone, co. Stafford, and by her (who d. at Kensington, co. Middle- sex, 22nd July, 1854), also had issue. He III. thii'dly, in 1856, Laura, daughter of Captain King, K.N., of Penzance, co. Cornwall, and widow of Jolin Datton, Esq. of co. York, a cap- tain in the army, but by her (who rf. in 1871, and was buried at Bath, co. Somerset) had no issue. He d. 13th March, 1871, and was buried at Brighton. III. Hervey ilorres. of Himgliam, co. KenI, clerk in the orlnance depart- ment of the Tower of London, A. 24th August, 1798, m. 1832, Mary, only daughter of Thomas Shipden, Esq. of Deal, CO. Kent, banker, and d. s.p. 14th January, 1873, and was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery, co. Mid- dlesex. I. Ellen, b. at Rathdowney, d. about 1824. II. Catherine, b. at Rathdowney, d. about 1824. The eldest son. Colonel Thomas Mukbav-Prioh, of Windsor - terrace, Southsea, co. Hants, formerly M.P., served in the 11th and 18th Hussars in the Peninsula and at Waterloo, b. 17911, m. first, at MiUbrook, co. Hants, 27th November, 1812, Jemima, daughter of Captain Thomas Dickson, of Pi-ospect-place, Southampton, aud by her (who d. 5tli No- vember. 1S17, and was buried at Dover, co. Kent) had issue, I. William Amherst, h. in London, 1814, and d. in 1815. aged six weeks. I. Jemima Frances Sopliia, b. at Shirley, CO. Hants, 15th September, 1813. II. Louisa Elizabeth Catherine, b. at Boulogne, France, 26th December, 1816. He III. secondly, at Cookham Ciiurch, co. Berks, 31st December, 1818, Eliza, daughter of William Augustus Skynner. Esq. of Moor Hall, Cookham. co. Berks, by Mary, his wife, daughter of Richard Orlebar. Esq. of Henwick House, co. Bedford, and by her (who d. 18th November, 1863, and was buried in Southsea Cemetery) had issue, II. Thomas Lodge (Hon.), of Maroon, only surviving son. III. William Augustus, ensign in tne 59th Foot, b. at Bruges, Belgium, 18th November, 1821, d. unm. 5th February, 1844, and was buried in Portsmouth Gan'isou Cemetery. Colonel MurravPrior d. at Southsea, 19th July, 1864. Aniis — Quarterly. 1st and 4th. vert on a bend erm. three cheveronels gu., for Prior ; 2nd and 3rd, ]>er fesse gu. and or, four mullets counterchanged, for MrRRAY. Crests — Ist, an estoile vert, for Prior ; 2nd, a mullet per pale or and gu. for Muerav. Motto — Malo mori quara fiediri. Sesideiice — Maroon, Logan River, Queens- laud, Australia. fBall of fBororata. HALL, SIR JOHN, K.C.M.G., of Horoiata, Canterbury, New Zealand, first minister New Zealand, from 1879 to 18S2, h. 18th December, 1824, m. 1861, Rose Aune, daug-liter of William Drjdeu, Esq. of Kiugstun- upuu-Hull, CO. York, England, and has had issue, lU'liKirs COLOXIAI, OKXTRV r.3 I. GoJfi'Py Di'yilpii, li. lOfli January, l!^n2, d. 2'.>Mi of t]ip samp innutli. II. Will'ivd, Ji. l.->th .Taiuiarv. 1SG4. m. John Drycleii, /). Kith Septomber, 18(!."). IV. Godfrey, h. 14th Dccembpr, 1868. I. Mildred, 6. 26th Jlay, 186:!. II, JIary, h. '22nd June, 1867. Sir John emigrated to New Zealand in 18.52 ; was a member of the Pro- vincial Council of Canterbur)', 1863 — 76 ; resident magistrate for Chri.stchuruh and Lyttleton, 1856 — 68; elected a member of the Hou.se of Representatives, 1855 ; tlie following year became colonial secretary ; member of the Legis- lative Council from 1862 to 1866; postmaster-general, 1866 — 69; again colonial secretary from 1872 to 1873; appointed premier of New Zealand, 1879, and retired from that office, 1882. He was created K.C.M.G. in 1882. Ht'ncnae. Tliis f'niiily oisiims to he a brancli of I be old Lincolufhire fainily of Hall. John Hall, Esq. of Kingston-upon-HuU, CO. Yorli, a Tounger brother of tbe Trinity House at Hull, m. in 17()8, J'" leaner, daughter oi George Dutehnian, Esq. of Kingstoii-iqion- Hull, and rf. 27th November, 1816. Bv bis said wife (who rf. 12th May, 1820) llr.'HiiU had issue, J. .Tobn, fi. Ifitb September, 1774, '/. at Jamaica. II. (JEORGE, of whom presently. ni. Thomas, b. 27th July, 1783, d. 12th .August following. IV. William, b. 18th February, 1785, d. 2nd January, 1787. I. Mary, b. 10th February, 1770, il. Toung. II." Elizabeth, b. 19th February, 1770, rf. voung. III. Eleanor, i. 12th .\pril, 1771, rf. 4th May, 1783. TV. Kiizabeth, b. 27th December, 177C. il. young. V. Mary, h. 17th January, 1780, r!. 14th February following. VI. Elizabeth, b. 17th January, 1780. VII. Eleanor, b. 4th November, 1784. The second .son, George H.ill, Esq. of Kingston-upon- Hull, was an elder brother of the Trinity House there, and was b. 4th January, 1782. He m. first, 2l8t October, 1817, Grace, daughter of Thomas Williamson, Esq. of Kingston-upon-HuJl. and by her had issue. I, George Williamson, of Clu'istchureh, Canterbiu'V, New Zealand, b. 5t!i Augii.^t. 1818, m. 1850, Agnes Emma, daughter of William Dryden, Esq. of Kingston-upon-ilidl, ami lias issue. IT. Tiiomas Wiliamsou, of Timaru, Can- terbury. New Zealand, /^. 18th Novem- ber, 1819. n?. 1845, Sarah, daughter of William Yo\ing, Esq. of Wapping, CO. Middlesex, by whom he has issue. III. John fSirl, K.C.M.G., of Horo- rnta. I. Ann Williamson, twin with her brother, Thomas Wilhamstm, b. 18th November, 1819, i/. 1st June, 1826. II. Grace Williamson, b. 31st January. 1826, }» to Jolin Sugden Neal, Esq. of Croydon, co. Surrey, anil has issue. Mr. Hall m. secondly, 28th November, 1848, Mary Anne daughter of Harrison Packman, Esq. of Horudon-on-the-Hill, eo. Essex, but by her had no issue. He d. 29th August, 1865. Anns — Arg. on a chev. sa. Iietween two talbots' heacU erased in chief of the last, and on a mount a tree-fern in base ppr. a midlet of six points within an annulet or. Crest — Two fronds of fern ppr., therefrom issuant a talbot's head erased .sa. guttee d'or, gorged with a collar gemel. or. Eexidenre — Hororatu, Canterbury, New Zealand. Calbnt of Smootilantis. CALVERT, JOHN JACKSON, Esq. of Woodlands, llarrickville, near Sydney, N.S.W., clerk of the Parliaments, N.S.W., h. 31st August, 1830, at Manchester, co. Lancaster, England, m. at Sydney, 1869, Mary Murray, daughter of .lanips Barkpr, Esr|. of Svdnev, mid has issitp, 54 BURKR'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Thomas Andrew Co))lej, b. in England, 16th November, 18o9. II. Cecil Harnett Hamilton, 6. at Sydney, 5tli January, 1875. I. Ethel Watson, h. 2nd December, 1872. Mr. Calvert was educated at Brasenose College, Oxford ; emigrated to New South Wales in 1853, and obtained an appointment in the colonial secretary's office ; in 1856 was appointed clerk of select committees of the Legislative Assembl3-, afterwards became first clerk of the Legislative Council, and in lb71 was made clerk of Parliaments. Hincnor. TViLiTAM Jackson, Esq. of Woodplump- ton, CO. Lancaster, liad issue, I. TnoMAS (Very Rev.), of whom here- after. II. Willia'ii, of Woodplunipton, co. Lancaster. The Vert Eev. Thomas Calvert, D.D., Warden and Dean of Manchester, Fellow of St. John's College, and Korrisian Professor of Ijivinitj in the Universltj of Camhridge, chaplain to King William IV, A. 1775, as- sumed the surname of Calvert bj royal licence, 1817, m. 24'th September, 1824, Juliana, eklest daugliter of Sir Charles Wat- son, Bart, of Wrattiug Hall, eo. Cambridge, and sister of Sir Charles Wager Watson, Bart, (see Burke's Peerage). Slie d. 14th August, 1877, aged 84, and he d. 1840, leaving issue, I. Charles Thomas, M.A., barrister-at- law of Lincoln's Inn, h. 1825, d. 1882. II. John Jackson, of Woodlands. III. Reginald (Major), of Owlstone Croft, near Cambridge, chief constable of Cambridgeshire, late 11th Hussars, h. January, 1832, m. Maria, eldest daugh- ter of Alexander Colton, Esq. of Hil- dersliara Hall ami Landwade, co. Cambridge, and d. April, 1888. Arirts — Quarterly, 1st and 4th, or six gouttes, three, two, and one gu., within a bordure az. charged with eiglit owls arg. for Calvert. 2nd and 3rd arg. on a fess gu. between two goats' heads couped az. armed and crined or in chief, and a greyhound courant in base sa. three pheons gold, fpr Jackson. Crest of Calvert — Amount vert thereon an owl erm. gorged with a collar az., pendent tlierefrom an inescocheon sa. charged with three gouttes two and one arg. Crest of Jackson — A goat's head az. erased armed and crined or charged on the neck with a pheon, as in the arms. Residence — Woodlands, Marrickville, near Sydney, N.S.W. Property — Woodplumpton HaU and Bal- derston, near Preston, co. Lancaster, England. €m^tx of Seoollaljra. COOPER, SIR DANIEL, Bart., of Woollahra, New South Wales, G.C.M.G., first speaker of the Legislative Assembly, N.S.W., h. 1st July, 1821, at Bolton, CO. Lancaster, m. -ith September, 1846, Elizabeth, third daughter of William Hill, Esq. of Sydney, and has, I. Daniel (11, Hill-street, Berkeley-square, and St. James's Club), 6. at Sydney, 15th November, 1848, m. 12th July, 1886, Harriet, second daughter of the late Sir James Grant-Suttie, sixth bart. of Balgone, and has issue, Dorothy, h. 1887. n. William Charles, 6. 22nd October, 1851, tn. at Sydney, 18th November, 1876, Alice Helen, tbird daughter of George Hill, Esq. of Surrey- Hills, Sydney, N.S.W., and has issue, George William, 6. 1878 ; Arthur- Hamilton, 6. 1888 ; and Alice Nellie. I. Ellen Sophia. n. Alice Jane, m. 9tb July, 1868, to Frederick Green, Esq. III. Mary Elizabeth, m. 29th April, 1886, William Palfrey Burrell, Esq., H.M. consul at Port Said. lU'KKl-rs ('()1,()MAL CKNTIiV. IV. Florence Eva, m. 10th June, 1882, lluf^h Aruiuk'll Trevanion, Ksq., only son of Hugh Charles Trevanion, Esq., and Lady L'Vanee.s Bowes- Lyon, liis wife, which maiTinLre was dissolved 18S7. V. Elizabeth Edith, i». 25th April, 18S3, Henry Valentine Maenaniara, captain R.A., of Uoolen and Ennistynion liovise, eo. Clare, D.L., and has issue. Sir Daniel Cooper emigrated to New South Wales, and returned to England in 18:55 ; was educated at the London University, and in 1843 again proceeded to New South Wales; became a member of the Legislative Council of that colon}-, 1849 ; was elected first speaker of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, and held that office from 22nd May, 1856, to 31st August, 1859 ; is a member of the Senate of Sydney University, president of the Bank of New South Wales ; and was acting ageat-general for that colony in 1888 ; knighted by patent, 18th July, 1857 ; created a baronet, 2Gth January, 1863, for the part which he took in promoting the Lancashire Relief Fund ; K.C.M.G., 1880; and G.C.M.G., 1888; and is an officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. During the Crimean War, Sir Daniel was very energetic in raising subsci'iptions for the relief of the widows and orphans of thesoldiere who fell in battle, and himself subscribed largely during the continuance of the war. Uincagc. Thomas CoorER, Esq. of Bolton-lc-Moors, CO. Lancaster, liad two sons, viz., Daniel C'ooper, Esq. of Sydney, merchant, who d. s.p. 3rd November, 1853, aged 68, and Thomas Cooper, Esq. of Sydney, mer- chant, who »). 1814, Jane, daughter of Nathaniel Eamsden, Esq., and had issue, I. Thomas, of Sydney, h. February, 1819, m. Angelina, daughter of William Macdonald, Esq., and d. s.p. II. Daniel, created a bart. 26th Jan- uary, 1863. III. John, b. 23rd June, 1829. IV. James, 4. May, 1831, m. Adelaide, daughter of William Macdonald, Esq., and has issue, John, Adelaide Eliza- beth, and Emily. V. Charley *. 6th March, 1835, m. Miss Anne Baker, and liad one daughter, Angelina. I. Ellen, w. to James Holt, Ksq..andrf..v./>. ri. Hannah, m. to John Robert Cropper, Esq., who d. 1876, leaving issue. III. Elizabeth, d. 1874. IV. Sarah, ni. James Bootli, Esq., sur- geon, of Montrose, Scotland, and has issue. Arms — Az. a chev. engr. between two lions pass, in chief and a star of eight points in base, or. Crt'>tt — A lion sejant or collared az., supporting with the dexter paw a lanee erect ppr. and suspended therefrom by a chain gold an escocheon also az. charged with a star as in the arms. Supporters — Dexter, Faith, holding in tlie sinister hand a muhet of six points or : Sinister, Hope, holding in the dexter hand a like mullet. Motto — Persc- verantia omnia vincit. Seat — WooUahra, Sydney, New South Wales. Town Hou.te — 6, De Vere-gardens, Kensington, W. Club — Devonshire. J'ositcr oi Cf)umlj;n FOSTER, HON. WILLIAM JOHN, of Thurnby, Newtown, New South Wales, puisne judge of the Supreme Court of N.S.W., h. at Rathescar, co. Loath, 13th January, 1831, m. 8th August, 1854, Matilda Sophia, daughter of John Williams, Esq. of Landigige, Pembrokeshire, South Wales, by Jane Makeig, his wife, and has issue, I. Arthur William John, h. 24th June, 1855, r>a BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY, TT. William Henry, h. 24tli May, 1856, hi. 1886, Ella, daughter of George ("lift, Esq., and has issue, a daughter. III. Thomas Chichester James, b. 5th September, 1858. IV. Edwai-d Pakenham, b. ii'th. June, 1860. V. Frederick Leopold, h. 18th April, . VI. Charles Ernest, b. 1st December, 1871. VII. Rodolph Wellesley, b. 20th September, 1874. T. Catherine Jane, m., 1st August, 1882, Lieutenant Henry John Jeffreys, R.N. II. Wilhelmina Rosalind, m., 29th September, 1886, William Mclntyre St. Clair Maclardy, Esq. of Sydney. III. Helen Mary Elizabeth, imm. Mr. Justice Foster vpas educated, first at Cheltenham College, England, and afterwards at Trinity College, Dublin ; settled in Victoria in 1854 (having visited the colony two years previously), and engaged for a short time in agricultural pursuits ; subsequently studied for the bar, and was admitted 13th May, 1858 ; the following year was appointed crown prosecutor for the northern district, and in 1870 crown prosecutor for Sydney, which office he resigned, December, 1877, and became attorney-general under the Farnell administration, virith a seat in the Legislative Council, which he resigned in 1880 ; afterwards became M.P. for Newtown ; in 1881 minister of justice in the Pai-kes mini.stry ; and again, in 1887, attorney-general, which office he subsequently resigned, and in February, 1888, was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court of N.S.W. Mr. Justice Foster has written a treatise on the District Courts Act, which is still regarded as the standard work on that subject. He has been a member of every diocesan, provincial, and general .synod of the Church of England constituted in New South Wales. Uincacie. Mr. Justice Foster traces liis descent, through the families of Fortescue, Cliiehester, and Boiiehier, back to King Edward III. According to tradition his patei'nal ancestors we-e formerly seated in Berkshire, wlience they migrated into Ireland. John Fostkk, Esq. of Unnleer, eo. Loutli, for many years M.P. for that borough, m. loth December, 170i, Mary, youngest dangliter of William Fortescue, Esq. of Ncwrath, CO. Loiith, who was grandfather of Williain Henry, first Earl of Clermont, and son of Sir Thomas Fortescue, knt. of Dromisken, co. Louth, lieutenant-colonel of Prince Charles's Horse Gruards and governor of the Castle of Carrickfergus; and by her (wlio d. 29th October, 1762, aged 77 years) left at his decease, 16th May, 1747, I. Anthony (Eight Hon.), of wliom hereafter. II. Thomas (Rev ), D.D., rector of Dun- leer, b. 16th November, 1709 ; m. 1740, Dorothy, daughter of William Burgh, Esq. of Bert, co. Kildare, and was s. by his son, John Thomas, of Dunlecr. some time M.P., who n:. 2nd Ajn-il, 1770, Lady Elizabeth Hervey, daughter of Frederick Augustus, fourth Earl of Bristol, Lord Bishop of Derry, and d. 1795, having had by her (who m. secondly, lOtli October, 1809, AVilliam, fifth Duke of Devonshire, K. tf., but d. x.p. by him, 20tli March, 1824), 1. Frederick Tliomas, b. 2nd October, 1777, M.P. 2. Augustus John (Right Hon. Sir), Bart., P.O., Gr.C.H., of Stonehouse, co. Louth, i. December, 1780, was appointed envoy extraordi- nary and minister plenipo- tentiary to tile United States, 1812, and subsequently to Sweden, Denmark, and Sar- dinia. He was created a baronet, 30th September, 18.31 ; he m. 18th March, 1815, Lady Albinia Jane,* * The king granted to this lady and her two sisters, 29th September, 1832, tlie pre- cedency of an earl's daughters. BURKR'S COLONIAL GKNTin' 57 daughter of tlio lion. Oeorge Vero Hoburt, sproini son of Gcoi'ge, tliiitl Harl of Uuck- ingfuunsljire, and fi. 1st August, IH'IS (his widow dying 2Stli Miiy, ISliT), Iia\ iug had, I. FlilUiKRICK Okorgk (^Sil•), who .5. as second baronet, 6. 3rd Janunry, ISIO, and rl. unm. 2oth Deeember, 1857. II. CwE.vDisH IIkhvkt (Rev. Sir), of Ulyile Court, .Vrdee, eo. Loutli, rector of Theydon Gar- non, Kpping, eo. Rssex, 1843 to 1887 ; b. 7tli May, 1817 ; educated at Kton and .Magdalene College, Cambridge (B.A. laU) ; .f. his brother as tiiird baronet, 25th December, 1857 ; m. 15th January, 1844, 1 sabella, youngest daughter of the Rev. John Todd, curate of Frankley and St. Kenelm, Halesowen, eo. Salop, and by her (who d. ard June, 1881) has, 1. John Frederick, J.P. and D.L., high sheriff co. Loutli, 1875, late major 6th battalion Royal Irish Rifles (Louth Militia), and formerly of the 13th Hussars, h. 18th January, 1847 ; educated at Marl- borough and Mag- dalene College, Cambridge; m. 2otli April, 1871, Caro- line Emily, eldest daughter of Thomas Coxhead Chisendale Marsh, Esq. of Grajiies Park, co. Essex, and has issue, Augustus Vere, h. 30th March, 1873; Emily Albinia ; Mary Isabella ; aiul Alice Jane Blanche. 2. Ilervey, lieutenant Royal Irish Rifles, h. 20th June, 1851 ; d. unm. 31st March, 1887. 1. Jane Yere, m. 2nd October, 1872, to Kobert Boothby Heatlicote, Esq. of Friday Hdl, Ching- ford, CO. I'lssex. III. Vere Henry Louis, h. 25th April, 181<», MI. William, M. I*, for I>unleer, who m. 1713, Patience, daughter of John Kowke, Esq, of Dublin, aiul (/. 21th August, 1783, leaving issue. 1. John William, of Castlering, eo. Liutli, 1),L, iM.P. for Dunleer, b. 1745; Hi. 1788. Rebecca, only child of Ilamillon M'Clure, Ksq. of Dublin, and il. 18()'.l, baring had issue, 1. Frederick John, of Castle- ring, and Hallynuiscanlan, Dunilalk, co. Louth, J.P. and D.L., high sheriff CO. Louth, 1815; b. 171111; m. 22nd October, 1827, Isabella, fourth daugiiter of Peter Vere, Esq. of Carlton-on- Trent, co. Nottingham. n. Williani Hamilton, d. 1813. III. llriirv, d. 1S2U. i\ . Cliarlcs Thomas, d. 1822. I. Elizabeth Susan. II. Louisa Jane. m. 2fith Octo- ber, 1819, Thomas Span, second Uaron i'lunket, P.C., D.D., Lord Uishop of Tuani, Killala, and Achonrv, being so consecrated in 1831); and had issue female (see Purke's Peerage). III. Emily Anna, d. 1874. 2. Henry. 1. Patience, m. 1760, to Jolin M'Clintoek, Esq., M.P. 2. Elizabeth, m. to John Jjongfield, Esq., M.P. I. Margaret, m. to Stephen Sibtliorpe, Esq. of Brownston. n. Charlotte, m. 1738, to Nicholas Forster, Esq. of TuUaghan, great grandfather of Sir Thomas Oriel Forster, Bart, of Coolderrv, eo. Momi- glian, Ireland. The eldest son. The Right Hon. Anthony Foster, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Ireland, from 1766 to 1777, h. 12th December, 17li5 ; m. first, 25th February, 1736, Klizabeth, daughter of William Burgh. Fs(|. of Pert, co. Kilclare, and bv her (who d. 30th July, 1744) liad, T. John (Right Hon.), Baron Oriel, so created 17th July, 1821, P.C. Great Britain, chancellor of I lie exchequer and last speaker of the Irish House of Commons, from 1785 to 1801, bar- rister-at-law of the Middle Temi)lc, b. 28th September, 174(); m. 14th De- cember, J 764, Margaret Amelia, dauffhter of Thomas Burgh, Esq., M.P., of Bert, co. Kildare. She was created a peeress of Ireland, as Bahoxe.ss Ohiel, in 171H), and Vis- ror.NTEss Fekrahi), 1707. Lord Oriel d. 16th -\ugust. 1828, liaving had issue. 58 BTJRKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. bfsides a daughter, Anne Dorothea, who m. James Blackwood, Esq., an only son, Thomas Henry, afterwards Thomas Henry Foster-Skeffington, Viscount Ferkard, who »«. 29th November, 1810, Harriot (nee SkefEng- ton), TiscotTNTESS Massereene, only daughter of Chichester, fourth Earl OF Massereene, and d. in 1843. The Viscountess d. 2nd January, 1831, leaving issue. Their eldest son, John Skeffington, became Viscount Mas- sereene, Viscount Ferrakd, and Baeon Oeiei (see Burke's Peerage ; Massereene, Viscount). II. William (Right Ker.), of whom presently. I. Margaret, S. 1737, m. 1759, the Hon. and Eight Eer. Henry Maxwell, D.D., Bishop of Dromore, 10th March, 17G5, and of Meath, 15th April, 1766 ; third son of John, fii'st Baron Farnham, of Farnham, co. Cavan, Ireland, and father of John, fifth lord, and of Eer. Henrv, sixth Baron Farnham. She d. 16th March, 1792. He d. 7th October, 1798. The Lord Chief Baron m. secondly, 1749, Dorothea, daughter of Thomas Burgh, Esq. of Oldtown, CO. Kildare (see Burke's Landed Gentry, " De Burgh op Oldtowij "), and (?. 3rd April, 1778. His second son. Right Eev. William Foster, D.D., Bishop of Clogher, Ireland, was consecrated 14th June, 1789, Bishop of Cork and Ross ; translated to Kilmca-e, 1790, and to Clogber, 1796 ; h. 1744, m. Caiherine Lctitia, daughter of Rev. Henry Leslie, D.D., of Ballybay, co. Monagban, prebendary of Tullycorbet; Clogher, and afterwards preber.dary of Tan- dragee, in the Catlietlral of Armagh (see Leslie op Ballibat in Burke's Landed Qentrii) ; and d. November, 1797, having by her (who i. 1814) had issue, I. John Leslie (Right Hon.), of Rathe- scar, CO. Louth, M.P. for that county for nearly twenty years, baron of the exchequer, Ireland ; m. 1814, Hon. Le- titia Vesey-Fitzgerald, daughter of the Right Hon. James Fitzgerald, P.C., by Catherine, his wife, tirst Baroness Fitzgerald and Veset, and sister of Lord Fitzgerald and Veset, and d. 1842, having by her (who, upon the death of her brother Henry, third Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey, in 1860, in accordance with the will of her brother William, second Lord Fitz- gerald and Vesey, assumed for herself and her issue the surnames of Vesey- Fitzgerald after that of Foster ; and d. 1866) had issue, 1. William Foster- Vesey-Fitzgerald, of Moyvane, Newtown Sandes, co. KeriT ; Kilmurry MacMahon, Kilmihill, co. Clare, and Mullac- loe, CO. Louth, J. P., cos. Clare and Kerry, h. 12th July, 1815; educated at Trinity College, Dublin (B.A., 1839) ; m. 27lh April, 1847, Sarah Anne, only child of Henry Quilter, Esq. of Monkcn Hadley, co. Middlesex, and has issue, I. John Ve.soy, barrister-at-law, h. 25th February, 1848 ; edu- cated at Eton and Balliol College, Oxford. II. William Vesey, h. 25th March, 1850. III. Henry Martin, h. 1st April, 1852. 2. John Foster - Vesey - Fitzgerald (Hon.), J.P., h. in Dublin, 1818 ; educated at Trinity College, Itublin ; and emigrated to Aus- tralia in 1840. He was twice colonial secretary of Victoria, Australia, acting-governor of Victoria in 1854, the following year was elected to the first legis- lative assembly under the new constitution, and held office as treasurer in the first O'Shanassy ministry in March, 1857, finally leaving the colony for Europe. He m. 1S50, Emily, daughter of Rev. John Joseph Fletcher, D.D., of Dunran, co. Wicklow, and has issue, I. John, h. 1864. I. EmUy Henrietta Louisa. II. Anna. 3. James Foster- Vesey-Fitzgerald, of Moyriesk, Quin, co. Clare, J. P.. COS. Clare and G-alway, D.L., co. Clare, and high sheriff of Clare, 1868 ; h. 8th May, 1821 ; edu- cated at Trinity College, Dublin (B.A., 1842) ; "»;. 4th December, 1845, Henrietta Louisa, daughter of the late Sir Ross Mahon, Bai-t., of Castlegar, co. Galway, by his third wife, the Hon. Maria Greraldine Fitzgerald, daughter of the Right Hon. James Fitzgerald, of Incheronan, co. Clare, prime sergeant in Ireland, by Catherine, liis wife. Baroness Fitzgerald and Vesey ; and has issue, I. James, B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, barrister-at- law, h. 1846. II. George, captain, Clare Artil- lery, I. 1849. I. Henrietta Mary Emily, m. 1870, George Barriugton Godbold, Esq., late captain 27th regiment, and d. 24th December, 1877. II. Geraldine Sophia, m. 1872, Robert Hume Crowe, Esq. of Toonagh, J. P., co. Clare. 1. Letitia. II. William Henry (Rev.), of whom hereafter. I. Catherine, in. 1805, William Drum- mond-Delap, Esq. II. Anna, m. Jonas StaweU, Esq. of Old BURKK'S COLOXTAL OKXTRY, Court, CO. Cork, and liad, anioiif;st, other issue, a son, afterwards Sir William Foster St.nvell, K.C'.Sr.G., of D'Kstaville, Kew, Melbourne, ex-chief justiee of the Colony of Victoria, second son, who «as h. in co. Cork, ,Iune, 1815; educated at Trinity College, Dublin (Li. A., 1837) ; called to the Irish bar, 1839 ; enui;rated to A^ictoria, arrivini; in Melbouriu', IS 1-3 ; and afterwards held large scinatting interests ni'ar Avoca, and between Lake Wallace and Glenelg ; apiioiiited attorney-general of Victoria, 18ol ; returned to the legislative assembly of Victoria for Melbourne in 185t>, and succeeded Sir William k Becket as chief justice in 1857, remaining in that othce until 1880, when he was appointed lieutenant-governor of the colony of Victoria. Sir W. F. Stnwell was knighted in 1857, and created K.C.M.CK, 1886. In 1873, the Uni- versity of Dublin conferred upon hiua the degree of LL.D. He m. January, 1856, Mary Frances Elizabeth, only daughter of the late William Pomeroy Greene, Esq. of Collen House, CoUen, CO. Louth, Ireland, and afterwards of Woodlands, Victoria, Australia, formerly lieutenant, R.N. (see GitEENB OF GnEYSTONEs), and had issue, 1. Jonas Molesworth. 2. William. 3. Charles Leslie. 4. George Cooper. 5. Richard Rawdon. 6. Rodolph de Salis. 1. Anne Catherine. 2. Mary Letitia. 3. Henrietta. 4. Melian. III. Henrietta, m. 1810, Jerome Fane, Count de Salis, and d. 1856, leaving issue, William Fane de Salis, who emigrated to Victoria, but afterwards returned to England, and became chairman of the board of directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company ; and the Hon. Leopold Fane de Salis, member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales. IV. Elizabeth m. Rev. James McCreight, and had issue, a daughter, Letitia, m. Edward Jeffreys, Esq. V. Letitia, m. John Henry North, Esq., Q.C., sometime M.P, for the University of Dublin, and d. x.p. The second sou, Kkv. Wii.i.i\st Henry Fostkh. of Lough Gdly, CO. .Vrmagh, and «if .VUauu'nagli, Donegal, Ireland, rector of Lough Gilly, co. Arnuigh, and formerly midshijunan, U.N. ; m. ISth December, 1821, Calherinc, daughter of James Hamilton, Esq. of Hrown Hall, Ballintra, co. Donegal (who was maternally descended from the Scottish royal lunise of Stewart), by the Hon. Helen Pakcnham, his wife, sister of Thomas, Earl of Longford, Major-Uencral Sir Edward Michael Paken- luiiii, .(Mi., Lieuteuant-General Sir Hercules Robert Pakeiiham, K.C.B., and of Catherine, wife of Aa-thur, the first and great Duke of Wellington ; and d. 1861, having had by her (who was h. 1803, and d. 1873), I. Arthur Hamilton William, of Hell Isle and St. Erniin's, co. Donegal, J. P., CO. Donegal, //. 1824; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge; m. .4ra- bella ' Rose, daughter of John Hamilton, Esq. of St. Ernan's and Brown Hall, co. Donegal, J. P. and D.L., high sheritf 1826 (see Burke's Landed Geiifn/, "H.\MILTON OF Brown Hall"); and has issue four daughters. II. WiLLUM John (Hon.), of Thurnby, Newtown. I. Catherine Helen, m. 1849, John James Verschoyle, Esq. of Tassaggard, Sag- gard, CO. Dublin ; and of 36, Upper Mount-street, Dublin, Ireland, J. P., CO. Dublin, who was educated at Trinity College, Dublin ; third son of the late John Verschoyle, Esq. ot Stillorgan Housi', co. Dublin (who d. 18 k)), by Margaret, his wife, daughter of John Stuart, E-q. of Dromespil, CO. Tyrone ; and has issue, besides five daughters, two sons, the elder of whom is the Rev. John Stuart V'crschoyle, B.A., of Pendiroke College, Candiridge, curate of Holy Trinity, St. Marylebone, London, h. 1858. II. Catherine Wilhelmina, uitm. jrms — .^rg. a chev. vert between three bugle-horns sa., stringed gu. Crest— A r,ta.g trippant ppr. 3/o('/«— Divini gloria ruris. /fe.urfe(u-e— Thurnby, Newtown, -N'cw South Wales, Australia. IL^amtltcin of fl)oljait. HAMILTON, HIS EXCELLENCY SIR ROBERT GEORGE CROOK- SHANK, K.C.B., LL.D., of Hobart, Tasmania, govei-nor of Tasmania, b. 30th August, 1836; educated ut Aberdeen University (M.A. 1857, LL.D. 1S86); in. fir.st, 18th Augu.st, 1803, Caroline Jane ]?all, daughter of Frederick Augustus Geary, Esq. of Putney, co. Surrey, wlileh lady <^ 1^7". ; :uid. (10 HURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY secondly, 4th July, 1877, Teresa Felicia, dangliter of Major Reynolds, ^7th regiment ; and has issue, I. John Zachary Macaulay, h. .5tli January, 186;"). n. Robert William. iiT. Henry Wallace Beamer. IV. Alan Woodforde Ball. V. Frederick Geary. VI. Gavin Macaulay. I. Anne Sophie Henrietta, m. 7th April, 1890, at St. David's Cathedral, Hobart, Tlieyre A'Beckett Weigall, Esq. of Melbourne, barrister, eldest son of Tlieyre Weigall, Esq. of Jlelbourne. Ti. Mary Caroline. Sir R. G. C. Hamilton entered the Civil Service in 1855, in which year he went to the Crimea in the commissariat establishment. He became accountant to the Education Office from 1861 to 1869 ; and to the Board of Trade from 1869 to 1872; assistant-secretary to the Board of Trade, 1872 to 1878; accountant-general of the Navy, 1878 to 1882; secretary to the Admiralty in 1882 ; in that year he undeitook the duties of under-secretary for Ireland, and was permanently appointed to that office in 1883 ; but retired in December, 1886. In 1884, he received the distinction of K.C.B. From 1874 to 1875, he was secretary to the Civil Service Commissioners ; and was appointed governor of Tasmania, 1(587. Hincagr. Eev. Gavin Hamilton, of Hoy, Orkney, N.B., m. Helen {d. 1S06), sister of Zachary Macaulay, Esq., the father of Lord Macaulay, and died in 1846, leaving a son, Rev. Zachary MACAULAr Hamilton, P.D., minister of Bressay, Shetland, N.B., i and is now deceased m. 1833, Anne Irvine (rf."l840), daughter of George Crookshank, Esq. of Orkney, N.B., and d. in 1876, leaving issue, Robert George Crookshank (Sir), K.C.B., LL.D., of Hobart. Anne Helen Macaulay, m. Charles Hay, Esq., but has no issue. Margaret Lendriim Logic, m. David Edmondston, Esq. of Buness, Shet- land, and (/. having had issue, two sons and three daughters. Penelope Macaulay, m. Dr. Edmondston, Crest used — Issuing ovf of a ducal coronet or, an oak tree frvcted and penetrated trans- rerselii hq a frame saw all ppr. Motto — Through. Residence — Government House, Hobart, Tasmania. gl^athon of €rnlticitmt. WILSON, SIR SAMUEL, Knight, of Ercildoune, Anakie, Victoria, Australia, and of 9, Grosvenor-square, London, resident at Hughenden Manor, Bucks, England, D.L. for Middlesex, M.P. for Portsmouth, h. at Ballycloughau, co. Antrim, Ireland, 7th February, 1832 ; m. 1861, Jeanne, eldest daughter of Hon. William Campbell, M.L.C. of Victoria, by his wife, Isabella Cameron, and has issue, T. Gordon Chesney, 6. l.st August, 1865. II. Wilfrid, h. 3rd March, 1872. III. Chesney Clarence, h. 2nd March, 1873. iv. Herbert Hayden, h. 4tli Februnrv, 1875. BURKE'S COLONIAL liLXTKV. 01 1 . Ailfliiie Constance. II. Maud Margaret. III. Floreuco Mabel. This gentleman, who was educated at Ballyn\cna Academy, co. Antrim, Ireland, emigrated to Au.stralia, where his brothers had preceded him thirteen years previously, and arrived in Melbourne in May, 1852. After visiting the golilfields with some degree of success, he entered into ))ast()ral pursuits, sub.se- ([Uently, in conjunction with his brothers, purcliasing Longerenong, one of the best stations on the Wimmera ; and afterwards, Yanko station, Murrumbidgee, New South Wales, with other properties. He was twice elected a member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria for the Wimmera ; and was twice elected (first in 1875) to the Upper House of Legislature for the Western Province. He built the "Wilson Hall," of the Melbourne University; introduced the salmon into Australian waters ; is the author of works entitled : Salmon, at the Antipodes, The Angora Goat, and other valuable papers ou acclimatisation. Sir Samuel Wilson was vice-president of the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880, and a royal commissioner for the Fisheries E.xhibition in 1883. He unsuccessfully contested the county of Londonderry in 1881, aii.l the northern division of Buckinghamshire in 1885, and was returned to Parliament, as M.P. for Portsmouth, in 1886 ; knighted in 1875. Ilincaac. SiK S.\Ml'KL AViLsoN is jKiti-nuiUy of a liraiu'h of the family of Wilson, settled in tlie iiortli of Ireland. In the female line he elaims descent from the ancient hist' rie house of Kirkpatiiek, of Closeburn, Dniii- friesshire, traceable back to IvoNK Kihk- PATKicK, who lived in the time of David I, and witnessed a charter of Robert Brus. Lord of Annandale, to the monks of Abbeyholm. In the troublous times of the latter half of the 17th century, three brothers (so says tradition) of the chief of the Closeburn family, crossed in an ojjen boat from Gallo- «ay to the county of Antrim, landed at tlie iiiant's Causeway, and settled in the north of Ireland, where several families descended from tlicui are still resident. One of these, James Kiukpatkick, of Kinllay, co. .-Vn- trim, had a daughter, Elizabeth Kiek- I'ATRICK, b. in 1740 ; m. 1759, John Wilson, of Birneyhill (i. 1719; d. 1780), and had ten sons and two daughters. Of the former the seventh son. .Samuel Wilson, of Ballycloughan, co. Antrim, h. 1775, )«. 18()H, Mary, daughter of Samuel Sniyley, of Dunjird, by his wife, SSarali Henry, of Fairview, Dungivei). They had issue, six sons and five daughters, viz., I. AV'illiani, m. twice, anil d, Iea\ing two sons and four dauglUcrs. II. John, 111. IH52, Anna M'Neill, and had issue, Alfred, d. s.p. ; Anna, m. Captain Bridges, R.X. ; and Minnie. III. Charles, m. 1859, Klizabeth Leece, and had issue, llarold Charles and Fiances Annie. i\. IJavid, ///. Margaret Kitson, ami has three daughters, Louise, m. Ai-thur Aitken ; Marguerite ; and Georgina. V. Alexander, m. 1847, Marion Mackin- non, and has issue, five sons and two daughters. vi. ,'^AML'EL (Sir), now of Krcildoiine, and 9, Grosvenor-square. I. Kliza, III. 1833, Francis ilcCaughey, and d. leaving issue : 1. Samuel McCaiighey, an extensive landowner in Ansti-alia, and one of the largest slieepowuers in the world ; 2. Jirhn ; 3. David; 1. Klizabeth, /«. Dr. Wbith-,\ , aii'l has issue ; IC. Mary. iii. Bev. W. McKay, of Gar\agh, and has issue; 3. Jane, »«. Hugh Stewart, and has issue; 4. Louisa, )«. Jolin McKay, M.D., and has issue ; 5. .\nna, m. R. Smith, ami ha-s issue; li. Margaretta. VI. Thomas Smith, and has issue; and 7. Charlotte, m. John M. Chcsn<'\, J. P., and has issue. II. Sarali Jane, in. James Hamill, M.D., and has issue. III. Mary, m. 1850, Thomas Kelly, who d. .*i.p. IV. Rose .Anna, m. Robert Chesney, anil d. leaving issue. I V. Margarettu, oliticc.liu Stccri* Dauijax- Sutitb of (DaxvuafutUr Smith Stnitl) -Keltic i" of iRiUtlu .,11,1 WoUoiii^ouij of Piujjtvi-al) Park of StKilr>a miri ©oolp.t. of (-".iiilr>ounr. BURKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 65 Hickman (His Honour), bavrister-at-lnw, and, since 1880, judj^o of tlio Court of Insolvency, Victoria, formerly County Court judi^e, />. 'il^rd February, 1842, ?)t. first, 9th July, 1808, Eliza Kmily, second tiaug'hter of William Rut ledge, Esq. of Farnham Park, Warrnambool, Victoria, J. P., member of the Legislative Assembly, and one of the earliest and best known of the pioneers of the Colony of Victoria (see RuTLKDGE OF WKUKO\. 6th June, 18G7. II. Charles Richard, b. 3rd January, 1869. III. Arthur Ernest Parnell, b. Ist May, 1870. IT. Sanniel Percy, b. 29th July, 1873. I. Andalusia Louisa * Granted a patent of precedence as the daughters of a viscount. Charlotte Georgina, VI. 30th April, 1887, Athelstan Laurie, only son of Jolin Kiley, Esq., barris- ter-at-law, of the Inner Temple, and has issue. II. Charlotte .Joseph- ine Klizabelh, in. Ifith October. 1883, Rev. Henry Edward James Bevan, B.A., vicar of St. An* drew's, Stoko New- ington, London, and has issue. III. Gwen Gertrude Mary. Lord Molesworth m. 2ndly, 23rd January, 1883, Agnes, daughter of Dugald Dove, Esq. of Nutshill, CO. Renfrc-w. Anthony Oliv.T, Captain R \., b. 1793 ; III. lirst, 26lh April, 1827, Jane, daughter of John Potter, Ksq., and secondly, 7th July. 1835, Grace Jane, daughter of Morgan Croft on, Ksq., barrister-at-law, and rl. 9th July. 18-tS, having by the latter had issue, 1. Richard, major late Roval Dragoons. b. '3rd May, 1836; m. 24th July, 1861, Mary Louisa, eldest daughter of Charles Augustus Stewart, Esq. of High Leigh, co. Chester, and has surviving issue, Richard Bevil, b. loth November, 1870; Lionel Charles, b. 1874 ; Mary Cicely Caroline, Louisa Juliet Marion, and Katharine Olive Theodora; 2. Morgan Crofton, captain R.E., A. 1837 : "•■ 30th April. 1862, Georgina, only chihl of A. Duke, Esq. of Rugby, and d. lOtli July, 1S67. leaving issue. Herbert Crofton St. George, lieutenant R.A., A. 1st February, 1863, Lilian Mary Grace, and Georgiiui Beatrice ; 3. Anthony Oliver, retired lieutenant-colonel R.A., A. 1839; m. 23rd March, 1865, .Viine, yoinigest daughter of Major Hope Smith, of Cruicksfield, co. Berwick, and has issue, William, A. 1865; Hugh Wilson, A. 1870; Ernest Kerr, A. 1878; Francis Crofton, A. 1880; Anthony Oliver, A. 1S82 ; Evelyn, Maud St. George, Winifred Grace, and Rose .Miriam ; 4. William Robert, R.A., A. 18-U, (/. in liermuda, 15th F -2 68 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. September, 1864 ; 1. Mary, m. 15tli January, 1863, to tlie Ker. William Sykes, M.A., cliaplain to the forces, Can- terbury, eo. Kent ; 2. Kate Charlotte Eleanor, m. 21st July, 1880, to Thomas Duke, Ksq., son of T. A. Duke, Esq. of Clapham ; 3 Grace Jane Sarah, m. 27th July, 1869, Eev. John Marshall CoUard, M.A., of Friar-park, Henley-on-Thames, co. Ox- ford ; 4. Amelia Frances, m. 30th August, 1881, Rev. Walter Oswald Wait, M.A., B.C.L., curate of St. Matthew, Rugby, CO. Warwick. James Thomas, d. 13th July, 1872. Wilhelmina, m. 5th May, 1804, to Bartholomew JefPery, Esq., who d. 1843; she d. 7th May, 1866. St. George Catherine, d. in France, 4th May, 1858. Salome Letitia, relict of Rev. John Boucher, d. 1829. 1. Letitia, m. to Captain George Johnstone, and d. in 1764. 2. Elizabeth, m. to Richard Holmes, Esq. 3. Juliana. 4. Jane. 5. Amelia Charlotte, m. 20th August, 1770, to Knight Mitchell, Esq., and d. 12th November, 1819. 6. Isabella, m. J. Clootwyk, Esq., and d. 1786. IT. Edward (major), who left by Mary, his third wife, two sons, 1. John, who m. Frances, eldest daughter of Matthew HiU, Esq., and d. 24th April, 1791, leaving, John Edward Nassau, D D., vicar of Rochdale, h. in 1790, m. first, 28th November, 1815, Harriet, daughter of William Mackinnon, Esq., and by her (who d. in 1850) had issue. 1. William Nassau (Rev.), M.A., hon canon of Manchester, and vicar of Spotland, Rochdale, co. Lan- caster; 6. 8thNovember, 1816; i». 3rd September, 1814, Margaret, daughterof George Murray, Esq. of Ancoats Hall, Manchester, and has surviving issue, James Mur- ray, b. 19th January, 1849 ; Alexander, b. 8th September, 1851 ; William Nassau, b. 28th October, 1853 ; m. 1882, Clara, daughter of Thomas Healey, Esq. of Howarth Cross, and has, Dorothy Nassau, b. 1883 ; Murray Crompton, h. 14th March, 1856 ; Robert Francis Stuart, 1862 ; and Margaret, b. 28th December, I860; 2 John, b. 1818 ; m. 5th October, 1847, Mary, daughter of Laurence Newall, Esq. of Littleboro', and rf. 2 1 st December, 1886, leaving by her (who d. 7tli September, 1878) issue, Ed- ward Newall Moleswortli Hepworth, b. 1848 ; m. 1880, Marion, daughter of Rev. Frank Ley Bazeley, M.A., vicar of North Molton-witli- Twitchen. South Molton, co. Devon ; Frederick Nassau, b. 25th October, 18.50; m. 14th August 1877, Emma Louisa, only daughter of John Henry Davenport, Esq., and has Eric Nassau, b. 1878 ; Henry Talbot, b. 1880; John Daven- port, b. 1885 ; John, b. 1858 ; in. 1885. Emily Maude, daugliter of Rev. Henry Mitchell, M.A., F.S.A., rural dean, and vicar of Bosham, eo. Sussex, and has Helen, b. 1886; Lavrrence Teesdale, b. 1864 ; William Mackinnon, b. 1867 ; Sarah Emma, b, 1854 ; and Harriet Eleanor, b. 1856; Mai-garet Elise, m. 1885, Edward Ashwell Mitchell, Esq. ; Marion Patricia ; and Flora Hill; 3. Daniel, b. 1821; 4. George Mill Frede- rick, of North Down HaU, Bideford, co. Devon, and of To%vn House, Littleboro', co. Lancaster, J. P., for cos. Lan- caster and Devon, and Com- mander R.N., retired, b. 14th September, 1825 ; m. 19th August, 1851, Sarah, daugh- ter of Lawrence Newall, Esq. of Town House, Littleboro', and by her has issue, Reginald Balfour, b. November, 1852 ; m. 19th April, 1888, Marian, daughter of Edward Thom- son, Esq. ; George Nassau, b. 4th June, 1856, d. 13th April, 1879 ; Arthur Hill, b. 25th October, 1857; Harriet, d. an infant; Mary Capel, and Jessie Fitzgerald ; 5. Rejnell Francis Wynn, M.A., rector of Washington, Durham ; b. 1827; m. first, 1851, Eleanor Jane, only daughter of the Rev. John Hilton, and by her has Francis Hilton, b. 1854; John Hilton (Rev.), M.A., vicar of St. Mark's, Peter- borough, and cha])lain to the Bishop of Pcterborougli ; b. 1856 ; Ernest Hilton (Rev.), B.A., curate of St. Mary's, EURKE'S COLONIAL CKNTRY. 60 Carlisle, A. 1858 ; m. Gtli July, b. null May, 1H5,S; Ai-t)iui- Henry, 4. 141 h J)oii"mbtT, 1886,' Adi'line, dniighter of Rev. Charles King, SI. A., prebendavy or canon non- resiilentiarv of Salisbury, and viear of Stratford Castle, Salisbury, AVilts, and has issue, a son, fi. 20th August, 1888; Artluir, B.A., barrister, /). ISGO ; llary Agnes, /,. 1852; and Eleanor Jane, 4. 1862 ; he m. soeondly, 27th July, 1864, Frances Elizabeth, second and only surviving daughter of Admiral George Henderson, and has further issue, Rodney Henderson, b. 1865 ; Theodore Henderson, i. 1872; Walter Henderson, b. 1873; Bertha, b. 1S68 ; and Dora, b. 1871 ; 6. Guildford Lindsey (Sir), ICC. I.E. (18S8), CLE. (187;i), of Harvington,vSinda, consulting engineer to the Government of India for State railways, *. in 1828 ; m. 22nd August, 1854, Maria Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Thomas Bridges, Esq. of Wahner, by Harriet Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Sir Robert Aflleck, fourth baronet of Halham, and has, Henry Bridges, b. 1855 ; Robert Bridges, i.l863 ; Guy Layard Nassau, b. 1865 ; Percy Bray- brook, b. 1867, lieutenant R.E. ; Amy Frances, m. 1879, Charles lilair, Esq., C.E. ; Eva, b. 1858 ; Louisa Mary, b. 1860; m. 1881, Edward Augustus Dennys, Esq. ; 1. Harriet, m. 1st January, 1856, to Samuel Crompton, Esq., M.D., of Brookmead, Cninleigli, Guildford, co. Surrey ; 2. Ennna Frances, m. 1850 to George Poulden, Esq., barrister-at-law, who d. 1868 ; and 3. Louisa, m, 1846, to the Rev. J. Edwards, who d. 1864. The Rev. Dr. Molesvvorth m. secondly, 1854, Harriet Elizabeth, widow of John Thomas Bridges, Esq., and daughter of Rev. Sir Robert Affleck, bart., and d. 21st April, 1877. 2. Robert, m. I7th November, 1773, Elizabeth, daughter of John Tuke, Esq., and had issue, Edward (ni.ajor), b. 7th July, 1775; who m. first, Elizabeth Dorothea, daughter of Red- mond de Montmorency, brother of first Viscount Frankfort, and by her (who d. 8th October, 1812) had, John Charles Villiers, cap- tain in the annv, b. ISIh October, 1800;' m. 17lh June, 1827, Maria Ca- therine, oidy child of the Rev. Khan), eo. Devon, major- general R.A., i. 7th August 1820, m. luth April, 1857, Mari- anne, daughter of Robert Lind- say, Esq. (see Crawford, E., in Burke's Peerage), and has issue, 1. Hickman Crawford, captain R.A., b. 12th February, 1858, m. 1883, Margaret Amelia, daughter of John Ho])per, Esq. "> Vrthur Ludovick, lieutenant "' R.A., b. 12th July, 1860. 3. Robert Everard, surgeon Armv Medical Staff, b. 7th July^ 1861. 4. George Nassau, lieutenant Royal Irish Fusiliers, b. oth February, 1865. 5. Thomas Cliarles Underwood, b. 27tli October, 1866. 6. Richard Piggot, lieutenant R.A., b. 25tli January, 1868. 7. Herbert EUicombe, b. 15th December, 1872. 8. Walter Guy, b. 18th Feb- ruary, 187-1. 9. Alee ]>indsay Mortimer, b. 'l881. 1. Gertrude, b. 1862, m. 15th July, 1885, Rev. Robert Walpole Sealy Vidal, M.A., vicar of Abbotshani, co. Devon. 2. May, b. 1869. Robert Francis (Rev.), rector of Coston, Leicester-hire, b. 30th June, 1826, »i. 7th February, 1852, Gertrude Le Normand, eldest daughter and co-heir of George Bagot Gossett, Esq., by his wife, Charlotte St. Clair, daughter of Janu'S Douglas, Esq., now Marchioness of Viiudiiaturo, and d. 8th May, 1877, having had issue, George Bagot Francis Richard Pigot, M.A., barrister- at-law, b. 2;ird January, 1853; Henry Lenqiriere, lieutcMaut 6th West York Militia, b. 26th Sep- tember, 1862, (/. 22nd June, 1881; and Algernon Francis, b. 2eth June, 1873. Jane, d. unm. Gertrude, m. to Francis Lascelles, Esq., Madras C'.S. Mary, »«. N. W. Kinderslcy, Esq., who d. 3rd December, 18-H. Emma, m. to G. M. OgUvic, Esq., Madras C.S., and d. 22nd May, 1858. Sclina Hure, m. Oth March, 1844, to Hickman Kearney, Esq., who d. 1869. Agnes, m. 12th October, 1847, to the Rev. Charles Richard De Havilland, M.A., vicar of St. Matthew, Cobo, Guernsey. II. HiCKiiAN Blatney, of whom here- after. III. Theophilus, d. 1851. IV. Bysse Cole, a major in the army, m. Jane, only daughter of William Smyth, Esq., and d. 4th December, 1819, leaving, William Robert, in Holy Orders. Herbert Philips, in Holy Orders, b. 1813, d. Kiim. 1847. V. Bourchier, captain R.N., b. 1778, d. vnm. 1855. I. Caroline, widow of Colonel Gurnell, E.I.C.S. The second son, HlCKM.\N BlATNET MoLESWOliTH, Esq. of Dublin, m. first, January, 180(i, Wilhel- mina Dorothea, daughter of Brindley Hone, Esq., secondly. Maria, daughter of George Studdert, Esq'., and d. 3rd May, 1844, leav- ing by his first wife (who d. 1815) a son, the late Sib RoBEiiT Molesworth, Knt. Arms—Gcu., an escutcheon vair between eight cross crosslets in orle or. Crest— -A dt-xter arm embowed in armour ppr. holding a cross erosslet or. Supporters of the Viscounts Molesworth— Dexter, a pcgasus arg. wings elevated or ; sinister, a pegasus, wings elevated gu. the sinister pcgasus semee of cross crosslets gold. il/oHo— Vincit amor patrise. Residence of the tale Sir Robert Molesu-orlli — Edlington, Melbounie, Victoria, Australia. 72 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. CLTBBORN, THOMAS STRETTEL, Esq. of Holmesby, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, and of The Castle, Moate, co. Westmeath, It-eland, Secretary of the Australian Jockey Club, Sydney, 6. 4th February, 1837 ; m. October, 1868, Clarinda Mary, daughter of Richard Magan, Esq. of Rockfield, co. Westmeath (see Magan of Emoe in Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland), and has had issue, I. George Holmes, b. 1869. I. Ethel Mary, 6. at Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 1871. II. Adelaide Beryl, b. at Sydney, New South Wale.s, September, 1873, d. January, 1874. ILincngt. John Clibbokit, Esq. of Moate, co. Wcstmeatli, tpmp. William III, b. 1623, nt. Dinah English, and was father of Joshua Clibborn, Esq. of Moate, b. 1665, whose will was dated 21st February, 1727-8 ; bj Sarah, his wife, he left issue, I. John, his successor. II. Abraham, of Dublin, merchant, m. Anne, daughter of John Coppeck, by whom he had issue, 1. Sarah ; 2. Jane ; 3. Elizabeth. III. Joshua. IV. George. T. Robert, of Wlielan G-rore, co. Kildare, m. Anne Martin, and had two sons and a daughter, 1. Joshua, m. Lydia, daughter of William Cooper, Esq. of Cooper Hill, Queen's Co., and had a son, Robert, of co. Dublin, mer chant, m. Elizabeth Morris, and d. 1798, leaving, 1 Joshua ; 2, Mary ; 3, Lydia 2. Henry, to whom his father left Whelan Grove. 1. Sarah, m. 23rd August, 1754, Edward Cooper, Esq. of Cooper Hill. VI. James, of Moate ; by Experience Barclay, his wife, he left issue, 1. Jiarclay, to whom his father left the lands of Raheeus, m. Sarah, daughter of William Cooper, Esq. of Cooper-hill, in the Queen's Co., by Experience, his wife, daughter of Abel Strettel, of Dublin, and had issue, 1. James ; 2. William Cooper ; 3. Joshua ; 4. John Barclay ; 5. Edward, m. his cousin Mary, daughter of George Clibborn, Esq. of Moate ; 6. Thomas; 7. Robert; 8. Lydia; 9. Sarah ; 10. Anne, m. 1783, John Johnston Diirragh ; 11. Eliza; 12 Sophia. I. Mary (Mrs. Jackson). II. Dinah (Mrs. Wilson). HI. Sarah. IV. Jane. Mr. Clibborn d. 1728, his eldest son, John Clibborn, Esq. of Moate Castle, b. 1G9.3, m. Sarah, daughter of Hoop of Hoop- hill, near Lurgan, co. Armagh, by whom lie had issue, I. Joshua, m. Hannah, daughter of Jacob Goff, of Dublin, and sister of Jacob Goff, Esq. of Horetown, co. Wexford, by whom (who m. secondly, William Pigott, Esq., of Slevoy, same co.J he had an only daughter, Mary Goff. II. George, of whom hereafter. III. Abraham, of AghernergU, CO. West- meath ; d. 1762. IV. Robert. I. Elizabeth (Mrs. Sutton). II. Ruth. III. Sarah, m. John Pim. IV. Jane. V. Ann (Mrs. Pim). VI. Abigail. His second son, George Clibborn, Esq. of Moate, m. first, Elizabeth Strettel, of co. Dublin, by whom he had issue, I. John, his successor. II. Thomas Strettel, d. tinm. III. Joshua, d. s.p. I. Sarah, »i. Joseph Fade Goff, Esq. of Newtown Park, co. Dublin. Mr. Clibborn, m. secondly, June, 1777, Anne, daughter of George Homan, Esq. of Shurock, co. Westmeath, by whom he had further issue, IT. William, m. Miss Bailey. V. George. II. Anne, m. John White. III. Abigail. IV. Jane. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 73 y. Mary, m. Etlwanl Clibborn. VI. Ruth. Mr. Clibborn was .v. bv his I'hlt'sl son, JouN Clibboux, Ksq. of Moiito, m. Kli/.iv- beth, widow of Richiircl Fethcrstonhiiugli, Esq. and had surviving issue, I. CrTiiisKiiT JouN", liis successor. I. ilarv, m. her cousin, W'iUiani GofP. II. Sarah, in. Abigail. Mr. Clibborn was .?. by his only sni'viving son, CuTHBEKT John Clibborn, Esq. of Moate, 4. 1803 ; m. February, 1S36, Jane, daughter of George Arbuthnot Holmes, Esq. of Moo- rock, in the King's Co., and d. 18J-7, having had b}' her (wlio d. 2nd March, 1876) four sons and one daughter, I. Thomas Stkettel, now of Holmesby, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, and of The Ca.stle, Moate, co. Westmeath. II. George Holmes, b. 23rd August, 1810, (/. March, 1853. III. C'utlibert John, of Kiltegan, co. Wicklow, b. loth January, 1810 ; m. November, 1871, Mary Graves, daughter of Graves Cathrew, Esq., barrister-at-law, and has issue, 1. Graves Cathi-ew, A. 1875. 2. Cuthbcrl John, h. 1877. 1. Jane Holmes, b. 1872. 2. Georgina, b. 1874. IV. John, captain Bengal Staff Corps, of Moorock House, Moate, King's Co., and of Bareilly, North-Wcst Pro- vinces, India, b. 8tli Ucccmber, 1847; )«. 8lh November, 1881, .Vnnie LConio Macpherson Frith, daugliter of John Butler Hamilton, brigade surgeon, Army Medii'al Stall', and has issue, 1. Cuthbert John Hamilton, b. at Musscmrie, Kith November, 1883. 2. Cecil Hamilton, b. at Aligarh, 19th February, 1886. 1. Leome Annie Holmes, h. at Naini Tal, 16th September, 1882. 2. Violet Louise, b. at Aligarli, 29th January, 1885. I. Jane Moore, b. 8th August, 1838 ; d. 13th August, 1853. Arms — -Vrg., two cheveronels between three wolves' heads erased sa. on a chief of tlie last an escalhip between two round buckles of the first. Crext — Out of a dueal coronet or, a wolf's head sa. Motto — Virtus viiicit invidiam. Residences — Holmesby, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, New South Wales, .\ustralia; and The Castle, Moate, co. Westmeath, Ireland. Castj> oi Bndtanc antr StTctrdona. CiASEY, HON. JAMES JOSEPH, C.M.G., of Ibrickane, Acland- '' street, St. Kilda ; and of Weeroona, Port Phillip Bay, both in Victoria, Australia, chairman of General Sessions, and judge of County Courts, Courts of Mines and Courts of Insolvency for the colony of Victoria, chairman of Land Tax Commissioners, member of the Executive Council of Victoria, knight officer Legion of Honour, and knight officer Crown of Italy, h. at Tromroe, barony of Ibrickane, co. Clare, Ireland, 25th December, 1881 ; m. Maria Theresa, daughter of James Cahill, Esq., by Mary McNamara, his vrife, but has no issue. The Hon. J. J. Casey was educated at the Galway College, and, after having spent some time in America, pi'oceeded to Australia iirriving in Melbourne 1-ith February, 1855. The same year he became part proprietor of the Bendigo Advertiser, and afterwards of the M'lvor Times, and the Riverine Herald ; was appointed a territorial magistrate and was returned to the Legislative Assembly for ilandurang in 1803, which seat he retained for many years ; was some time commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey ; in 1868 was appointed Minister of Justice under the M'Culloch administration ; and in 18G9 was also appointed Solicitor-General. He was president of the Board of Land and Works in the Francis Government, from 1872 to 1875 and first Minister of Agriculture, the department of agriculture havintr been founded by him. Judge Casey was appointed chairman of a Roval Com- mission on Intercolonial Legislation, and a Court of Aj)pcal in 1870, and in 1878 was president of the Victoria Commission, and executive commissioner 74 BURKE'S COLOTSriAL GENTRY. for the Colony at the Paris Exhibition ; for his services in which direction ho was created a C.M.G. ; was executive vice-president of the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880 — 81 ; and is president of the Federal Bank of Australia. The Victorian Hansard was established on Mr. Casey's motion, and he is the author of Casey's Justices' Manual. HinEagc. Nicholas Casey, Esq., son of Fkank Casey, Esq., by Jane Sliannon, hie wife, m. 1804, Margaret, daughter of John O'Dwjer, Esq. by Mary Filzpatrick, his wife, and d. 1844, having had by lier (who d. 1842) a son, James Casey, Esq. of Tromroe, Barony of Ibrickane, co. Clare, who m. 1828, Maria, daughter of F. Coffey, Esq., by M. O'Dwyer, his wife, and d. in 1886, having by her (who d. in 1888) a son, the present Hon". James Joseph Casey. Crest used — An eagle rising^ reguard, hold- ing m the beak a dagger. Motto — Vigore et tnrtule. Residences — Ibrickane, Aeland-street, St. Kilda; and Weerouna, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Coji* of 8!5tltnl)ourn» CiOX, HON. GEORGE HENRY, of Winbourn, Mulgoa, near Sydney ; '' Beowang, Mount Wilson ; Burrundulla, Mudgee ; and Pine Ridge, Talbrugar, all in New South Wales, J. P., member of tlie Legislative Council ; 6. 18th October, 1824, at Richmond, N.S.W. ; m. 21st June, 1853, at Mulgoa, Henrietta Jane, eldest daughter of Henry Cox, Esq. of Broombee, Mudgee, and has had issue, \. George Henry Frederick, b. 1858, m. 1879, Miss Edith Tindall, and has issue. II. Herbert Alexander, b. 1860, to. 1883, Miss Mina Wyatt, and has issue. III. Reginald Belmore, b. 18G5. IV. Alan Mackenzie, 6. 1873. V. Vincent Dowling, b. 1875. I. Fanny Eliza, h. 1854, to. 1880, George Stewart, Esq., and has issue. II. Amelia Una, b. 1856, to. 1877, Mordaunt Lowe,-Esq., and has issue. III. Amy Caroline, h. 1861, m. 1881, Reginald Low*, Esq. (deceased), and has issue. IV. Lucy Agnes, 6. 1863. V. Alice May, 6. 1866. VI. Ada Maud, 6. 1868, d. 1883. vn. Florence Minnie, 6. 1871. The Hon. G. H. Cox, on leaving school, became engaged in squatting pursuits in the Mudgee district ; was elected to represent Wellington in the first responsible Parliament, 1856, and in the second Parliament was returned, unopposed, for the same constituency; in 1863 was appointed to a seat in the Legislative Council by Mr. Charles Cowper, which he still holds. In 1862 he was made a justice of the peace, and was the first mayor of the municipality of Cudgegong, which was the first rural municipality proclaimed under the Act. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 75 Mr. Cox was tlio tii-st laiullioUU'r in the iliulgeo district to lease his land to tenants, whicli he commenced to do just after the gohl discovery in 1851. He is well known as a wool grower throughout the colonies, and also abroad. His exhibits have secured him numerous prizes, having won, in 18tJ2, the gold medal given by Messrs. Mort and Co., for greasy wool, a gold medal and diploma of honour at the Amsterdam Exhibition of 1862, another gold medal at Calcutta, in 18GI3, and in 1878 the Grand Prix at Paris for the best wool in the world, besides numerous other prizes. He is a member of the Council of the Agricultural Society of New South Wales, president of the Mudgee Pastoral and Agricultui'al Society, a member of the Synod for the dioceses both of Bathurst and of Sydney, and is now senior member of the Legisla- tive Council of New South Wales. I.tnca2c. This family was at one time seated in Dorsetshire. Robert Cox, Esq. of Wim- borne, in that county, h. in 1731, was the only surviving son of William Cox, Esq., wlio was b. in 1695, and was the son of Thomas Cox, Esq. of Wiinborne, co. Dorset, who was h. in 1670. Robert Cox m. and liad, with oti»er issue, a son. Captain William Cox, of Chxrendon, N.S.W., and formerly of Devizes, eo. Wilts, where he was b. in 17(j1^ ; obtained a com- mission in the army in 17y5, and arrived in New South Wales in 18U1 as paymaster of the lU2nd Regiment or New South Wales Corps, in charge of a number of convicts, chiefly Irishmen, who were concerned in the RebeUion of 1708, amongst whom was Holt, the leader or general. Mr. Cox retired from the army, and became a successful colonist, first at Brush Farm on the Parramatta river (ivhere he employed General Holt as man- ager), and subsequently at Clarendon on the Hawkeslury river. Mr. Cox was cliosen by Governor Macquarie to construct the road which crosses the Blue Mountains from Sydney, crosses Cox's river, and connects Bathurst with the coast. This road is 130 miles in length, and for the service rendered by its construction Mr. Cox received a grant of land in the Bathurst plains, which he called Hereford. He afterwards took np land in the Mulgoa valley, and also formed stations on the Macquarie river at Burrend- ong, and on the Coolah creek. In 1833 he removed from Clarendon to Fairfield, near Windsor. He was for some time engaged in pastoral pursuits, and the progeny of his merinos from the Capo now form tlie cele- brated Mudgee flocks. Mr. Cox was a magis- trate of the Territory, and d. at Fairlield, near Windsor, in 1837, and was buried in the famUy vault at St. Matthew's Church, Wind- sor. He had issue, I. William, of Uobartvillc, Richmond, N.S.W. II. James, of Clarendon, Tasmania. III. Charles, killed by natives of Fiji, South Sea Islands. IV. George, of whom presently. V. Henry, of Broombee, IV.S.W. \i. Edw'ard of Fernhill, N.S.W., grandlather of Edward Standibh Cox, Esq. (see Cox or Fernsiue). George Cox, Esq. of Winbourn, Mulgoa, b. 1795, m. 1822, Elizabeth, daughter of Archibald Bell, Esq. of Belmont, ensign in the 102ud Regiment (she d. 1876), and d. 1868, having had, I. George Henry (Hon.), of whom we treat. II. Archibald Bell, b. 1825, m. 1858, Fanny Lamb, and d. 1863, leaving three surviving daughters. III. .James Charles, b. 1829, and d. same year. IV. Charles Clarendon, b. 1831, at Clarendon, near Windsor; m. first, 1855, Louisa Stuart, and by her had one daughter. He m. secondly, 1860, Julia Haylock, and by her liad two chddren, one son and one daughter, and, thirdly, 1867, Charlotte xMiller, and had issue by her, six eliildrcn — four sons and two diiughter.s. Ue d. IGtli June, 1878, at Broombee. V. James Dalrymjile, h. 183-i ; unm. VI. Frederick Savage, b. 1835, iii. 1861, Mary Hannah Mdler. Ue d. 1868, having liad ten children. VII. Alexander Uassall, b. 1837, m. 1866, Agnes Christiiin Douglas Dickson, and has eight children. VIII. Albert Tarlton, b. 1841 ; unm. I. Eliza Georgina, b. 1823, m. 1847, John Hobart Cox, Esq., and d. 1886, leaving nine children. II. Rebecca ilaria, b. 1827, m. 1852, to the Rev. .Vlfred Hamilton Hewlett Stephen, canon of St. Andrew's Ca- thedral, eldest son of tlie Hon. Sir Alfred Stephen, G.C.M.G.. C.B., lieu- tenant-governor of New South Wales (see Stephen of Svdnet), and by him (who is now deceased) had six children, five of whom survive. III. Sophia Matilda, //. 1S32, m. 1856, 76 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Frederick Borton, Esq., and had six children. IV. Amelia Una, b. 1843, m. 1867, Eev. William White, and has eight child- ren. Arms used — Or three bars az. on a canton gu. a lion's head erased arg. Crest — A griffin's head erased sa, pierced through the neck ivith an arraio gu. headed and featftered arg. Motio — Fortitudo in adrersis. Residences — Winbouvn, Mulgoa, near Sydney ; Beowang, Mount WiUon (summer retreat) ; BurrunduUa, Mudgee ; and Pine Eidge, Talbrugar, uU in New South Wales. Cov of dftrnsttic. Cox, EDWARD STANDISH, Esq. of Fernside, RyLstone, New South Wales, Australia, h. in 1856 ; m. 7th May, 1881, Alice Victoria, daughtei- of Sloper Cos, Esq. of Hobartville, Richmond, New South Wales (by Adelaide Garling, his wife), and great granddaughter of Captain William Cox, of Windsor, New South Wales, who arrived in New South Wales in 1801 (see Cox OF Winbourn) ; and has issue, 1. Edward King Standish, 6. 24th July, 1885. I. Lily Alice Standish, I. 2nd April, 1882. II. Beatrice Standish, h. 5th July, 1883. III. Millicent Margai-et Standish, I. 14th July, 1884. IV. Mai-y Standish, 6. 20th October, 1887. ILiiuacic. Edwabd Cox, Esq. of Fernhill, Penrith, New South Wales, yougest son of Captain William Cox, of Windsor, New South Wales, ■who arrived in that colony in 1801 in charge of a number of convicts (see Cox of Win- BorEN) ; in. Jane Maria Brookes, and had a son, Edwakd KiNa Cox, Esq. of Fernhill, Penrith, N.S.W., m. 19th May, 1855, Milli- cent Anne, daughter of Richard Joseph Langford Standish, Esq. of Frankfort and Glin Lodge, co. Limerick, Ireland (4. 5th September, 1795, and d. 21st May, 1861), who was a descendant of Sir Thomas Standish, bart., who came over to Ireland from Eng- land, and left three daughters, his co- lieiresses, one of whom m. his cousin Mr. Standish, a younger son of Mr. Standish, of Duxbury Park, co. Lancaster; another. Faith, m. in 1633, Darby O'G-rady, ancestor of the Viscounts G-uillamore (see Burke's Peerage) ; and the third, Mary, m. Robert Cox, Esq. of Ballynoe, co. Limerick, Ireland (see Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, Cox OF Balltnoe). Richard J. L. Standish, Esq., m. in 1820, Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Austin Martin, by Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Captain Robert Agnew, of Howlish, co. Durham (see Joseph Foster's Nohle and Gentle Families, p. 595). Edward King Cox d. 2otb July, 1883 (his widow subsequently residing at Bebeah, Mount Wilson) , having had issue, I. Edwaed Standish, now of Fern- side. II. Herbert Montgomerie Standish. III. Alfred Edward. IV. James Templar, v. Ernest King. I. Mary Constance, m. September, 1881, Jihn Archibald Anderson, Esq., and has issue, three sons and one daughter. Arms used — See Cox of Winbocen. Residence — Fernside, Rylstone, New South Wales, AustraUa. Cotton of ^tidattit. COTTON, HON. GEORGE WITHE RAGE, of Adelaide, South Australia, member of the Legislative Council, li. at Slaplehurst, co. Kent, England, 4th February, 1821 ; arrived with his parents in South Australia, 7th March, 1849; m. first, 30th June, 1846. His first wife d. 29th April, 1849, and her BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 11 infjint son slioitly afterwards. lie m. secondly, 22nd September, 1849, Elizahetb, daughter of William llitcliell, Esi|., by Emma Jlorcom, his wife, and by her has issue, I. George Samuel, /). '22nd February, 1858 ; in. 1.5th July, 1880, Annie Wallace, of Adelaide, and has issue, Robert Harold and Alice FJvelyn. II. William Mitchell, JI.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. London, 6. -kh May, 1860; m. 26th June, 1888, Maud Pullein, of Camden Town, London. III. Edward Witherage, h. Isfc March, 1870. IV. Charles Henry, h. 2;3rd September, 1874. I. Emma Morcom, m. 23rd June, 1875, William Boweu Chinner, Esq. of Adelaide, professor of music, but has no issue. Ilincnac. Sir John Maclean's Parochial and Familt/ llislorii of the Deaneiy of Triiii/e Minor re- Intes, that the founder of the family of t'oTTON, in the West of Enghvnd, niifirated from t]ie coxinty of Che.ster in the 14t]i cen- tury. They, or some of tliem, lived for many years in Botreaux Castle, in the West of England, and it is belicTed that the present Hon. G. W. Cotton is descended from a younger branch of this famdy. EicHAHD CoTTox, Esq., son of Richaud Cotton, Esq. of Lamerton, co. Devon, by Elizabetli, his wife, was baptised at North Ijamerton, co. Devon, 20th April, 174-6, and d. fith June, IT'.'i), having had by Mary, his wife (who d. l-ith January, 1796), amongst other issue, Samuel, of whom presently. Richard, found dead on the sea shore in the West of England. James, in the service of the Excise, lived sometime in London and Canterbury. Josepli, went to America. Jane, m Willis, Esq. Grace, m. 30lh May, 1798, Thomas Cory, Esq., and had issue. SAiirEL Cotton, Esq., was baptised 21st June, 1789. In his youth he resided near Plymouth, co. Devon, when about 18 years of age removed to London, thence to co. Kent, and arrived in South Australia, 7th March, 1849. He w. in the parish church of Maid- stone, CO. Kent, about 1817, Lyilia, daughter of James Boorman, Esq. of Mottcndcn, co. Kent, and sister of Thomas Boorman, Esq. also of Mottenden (Henry Boorman, Esq., a second cousin to the Hon. George Wither- age Cotton, is mayor of the town of Tenter- den, CO. Kent, for the current year), and d. in South Australia, 19th July, 1862, aged 73 years, having had by liis wife (who was h. in I'O. Kent, and (/. 10th September, 1878, in the 89th year of her age), besides a daughter (Jane Boorman, who m. 24th December, 1845, Claude Shuttleworth, Esq. of Bowers Hall, Essex, and has issue surviving, Claude Johnson Samuel, William, Alice, and Char- lotte), a son, the present Hon. Geobge Withekage Cotton. Crest used by the Hon. (}. W. Cotton — An eagle displayed. Motto — Aquila non capit museam. Residence — Adelaide, South Australia. fL)a^) cf 3.\cisc 33a|). HAY, HON. SIR JOHN, K.C.M.G., of Rose Bay, Woollahra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, president of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, h. at Little Ythsie, co. Aberdeen, Scotland, 2.3rd June, 1816 ; in. 28th February, 1838, Mary, daughter of James and Mary Chalmers, but has no issue. The Hon. Sir John Hay was educated at King's College, Aberdeen, MA., 18.34 ; emigrated to New South Wales, aiTiving in Sydney in 1838, and settled at Welaregang, on the Upper Murray, about seventy miles above Albury, where he resided for about eighteen years, during which time he was engaged in squatting pursuits. Sir John was returned to the Legislative 78 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Assembly for Murrumbidgee, 2nd April, 1856 ; was minister for Lands and "Works, 1856 — 7; speaker of tbe Legislative Assembly, 1862 to 1865; became a member of the Legislative Council, 26th June, 1867 ; and on the 8th July, 1873, was appointed its President, which office he still holds. He was created a knight commander of St. Michael and St. George in 1878. ILincngc. William Hat, about the middle of last century, held the farm of Shellim, which has been in tbe possession of his descendants ever since. Before that time the family seem to have been resident in Buchan. By Annand. his wife, lie had a son, James Hat, of Shellim, who, by Jean Sim, his wife, was father of, John Hat, Esq. of Little Ythsie, co. Aberdeen, Scotland, b. at Shellim ; m. Jean Mair, who was b. at Mill of Birness, Ellon, and d. at Little Ythsie, Tarves. He d. at Little Ythsie, leaving issue, I. John (Hon. Sir), K.C.M.G., now of Eose Bay. II. James, m. Jane Chalmers, and had issue, 1, James ; 2, John ; 3, William ; 1, Helen ; 2, Jane ; 3, Mary. Renidence — Rose Bay, Woollahjra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Close o! ^trt;initl)am. CILOSE, ROBERT CAMPBELL, Esq. of Streyncham, Stanmore, New ' South Wales, h. 5th October, 1831 ; m. 3rd June, 1880, Marion Sophia, daughter of Charles Nathan, Esq., M.D., and has issue, I. John Campbell, 6. 17th March, 1881. II. Douglas Campbell, h. 20th August, 1883. I. Gertrude Campbell. II. Dorothy Campbell. Itiuagt. This family was formerly settled in York- shire, England. Edwaed Close, Esq., H.E.I.C.C.S. (the only child of an only son), m. in 1789, Mari- anne, only sister of Charles Streyncham CoUin- 8on, Esq. of the Chantry, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, and d. in India, 1790, having had by her (who, after remaining in India nine years, returned to England with her son, and resided with her brother at the Chantry, dying in 1826), a son, Edward Charles Close, Esq. of Mor- peth, Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia, b. in 1790 at Rangamatty, India, educated at Hackrey, England ; in 1805 ob- tained a commission in the 48th Regiment, then serving in the Peninsula, and was engaged in seven battles. In 1817 he went to New South Wales with a detachment of his regiment ; soon after sold his commission and settled at Morpeth, on the Hunter River. He m. 27th September, 1821, Sophia Susan- nah, only daughter of John Palmer, Esq., R.N., then deputy commissary-general of New South Wales, and d. 7th May, 1866, having had by her (who d. 26th June, 1856) three sons and a daughter, viz., I. Edward Charles, of Morpeth, New South Wales, b. 1825, m. Louisa S. Piatt, and d. 1887, having had issue three sons and three daughters. His second daughter, Sophia Susannah, was b. 1854 ; m. 18th January, 1877, Henry Flesher Smith, Esq. of Kyogle, Casino, New South Wales (who was b. 18th August, 1838), fifth but tlurd surviving son of John Smith, Esq. of M.anor House, Quinton, and Greens Park, CO. Northampton (see Smith of G-ORDON Brook), and d. 1886, having had issiie, Tliomas Close, b. at Church- street, Newcastle, New South Wales, 19th June, 1878. II. Robert Campbell, of whom above. HI. George Thomas Palmer, m. Amy Leonora James, and has issue three sons and three daughters. I. Marianne ColUnson, m. George Campbell, Esq., and has issue three sons and three daughters. Arms used — Az. a chevron between three fiarbf arg. Crest — A garb arg. Motto — Fortis et fidelis. Res-ideiice — Streyncham, Stanmore, New South Wales, Australia. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 79 Carlpon of dptuabas. c ARLYON, ARTHUR SPRY GWAVAS, Esq. of Gwavas, Tikokino, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, J.P., h. 31st March, 1860. HtntnOT. Philip Carltox, Esq. of Tregirliiin, I'lir Stutiou, Conuvall, Knglaml, son nnil heir of Thomas Carlyox, Esq. of Tirgreliaii, by Eliziibpfli, liis wife, tlaughtev and co-lieir of Philip Hawkins, Esq. of Pennans, and Eliza- beth Seobell, his wife, whose motlier, Mary, was second daughter and co-heir of Sir Joseph Tredenhnm, knight, of Tregonan, governor of St. llaw.s, m. Elizabeth, only child of Rev. S.vnuiel Trewbody. of Boseundle, and niece uf Edward Craggs. the llist Lord Eliot, of Port Eliot. By this lady he liad a son and heir, Edward Trewbody Carlton, Esq. of Tregrehan, at whose decease, s.p. the estates devolved upon (the eldest son of his uncle, Rev. Thomas Carlyon, of St. Just, Eoseland, by Anne, his wife, daughter and co-heir of William Grwavas, Esq. of Penzance), hi.s lirst cousin, Thomas Carlyojt, Esq. of Tregrehan, high sheriff of Cornwall, 1802. m. his cousin Mary, only daughter and heir of William Carlyon, Esq. of St. Austell, by Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and co-heir of Rev. John Pomeroy, of St. Ewe, by Thomazina Ifookcr, his wife", grandniece of the celebrated Divine, Richard Hooker. By this lady (wlio il. 13th January. 1821) Mr. Carlyon had issue, Wil- liam, his heir; Edward, successor to his brother ; Mary, m. Captain Collins, R.X., of Trewerdale ; Eliza wife of Clement Carlyon, M.D., of Truro (their son is Edward Trewbody Carlyon, Esq. of Trcvre, Cornwall ; and their daughter Elizabeth in. Dr. Browne, Bishop of Ely) ; and Harriet. He d. Ifith December, 1830," and was ,«. by his elder son, William Carlyox, Esq. of Tregrehan, barrister-at-law, b. 7th January, 1781 ; (I. vnm. 27th May, 1841, and was s. by his brother, Edward Carlyon, Esq, of Tregrehan and Greenaway, J. P. and D.L., major-general in the Army, i. 1783; m. 1820, Anna Maria, elder daughter of Admiral Spry, of Place and TregoUs, co. Cornwall, and by her (who d. 131 h June, 1854) had nine sons and one daughter. I. Thomas Tristrem Sprv, of Tregrehan, J.P. and D.L., high siierifl', 1862, for- nicrlv major 3rd Dragoon (Juard.-^, Ii. i;th .\pril, 1822 ; d. 0th June, 188-1. II. Kdwanl .\ugustus, M.A., barri.ster- at-law, J.l*. Devon. England, A. 3rd June, 1823 ; d. 5lh December, 1874. III. Okorok Gwatas, captain 1st Regi- ment of Foot, b. 21st July, 1824, m. Mary Aim, daughter of Thomas Long, Esq., and d. 10th October, 1875, leav- ing surviving issue, 1. George Richard Gwavas, of Tre- grehan, Cornwall, J, P., b. 16th May, 1855. educated at Jesus College, Cambridge, B,A., 1880, called to the Bar by the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple, 1882, s. his uncle. Major Thomas Tris- trem Spry Carlyon, 6th June, 1884. 2. Arthur Spry Gwavas, of Tiko- kino. 3. Edward Fitzherbert Gwavas, b. 8th November, 1861. 1. Alice Helen Gwavas, m. 28th December, 1878, Ernest L. Mein- ertzhagen, Esq. 2. Ada Mary Gwavas, m. 10th De- cember, 1884, Alfred Gibliug, Esq. IV. Richard Hawkins, lieutenant Royal Artillerv, d. 27th April, 18 15. r. Samuel' Alfred, d. 14th August, 1830. VI. William Pomeroy, d. 1853. VII. Horatio, b. 12th "May, 1833 ; »n., and has issue. VIII. Arthur Hooker, b. lOlh Mareh, 1835, d. — IX. Tredenham Fitzherbert, /;. 3rd July, 1841 ; )»., and has issue. I. Anna Maria, »«., 18th -June, 18.50, Edward Coode, l<;s(|. of Trevor Cottage, St. Austell ; and d. lOtli November, 1872, leaving issue. Arms — Sa. a plate bctw. three castles arg. each charged with a cross crosslet gu. Crest — A dcnii lion rampant gu. ducally crowned or. colhu'cd arg. liulding between liis ])awa a bezant. Jl/&^/()— Turris lutissima virlus. Jiesidcnci' — Gwavas, Tikokino, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Dochrr of CarljuUciu DOCKER, HIS HONOUR ERNEST BROUGHAM, of Caihullon, Granville, New South Wales, Australia, Uistrici Court judge since 7th June, 1S8-1, 6. 1st April, 1842 ; m. 25th June, 1873. Clarissa Mary, eldest 80 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. daughter of the Ven. Archdeacon Joseph K. Tucker, of Victoria, and has issue, I. Alfred BrouR-ham, h. 14th August, 1878. II. Ernest Noel Brougham, h. 26th December, 1885. I. Winifred Broiigham. II. Mildred Brougham. III. Agnes Brougham. I?. Gladys Mary Brougham. V. Rosamond Brougham. HtncagE. ROBEKT DoCKEE, Esq. of Newby, co. Westmorland, was b. about 1726, and d. 1806, having bad issue, 1, John (Rev.), Vicar of Eastmean, Hants; 2, William, of Bampton, 00. Westmorland ; 3, Joseph, of Loudon, banker ; 4, Robert ; 5, Thomas ; 6, Edward ; 1, JVIarj. The fourth son, Robert Docker, Esq. of London, mer- chant, m. Eliza, daughter of Joseph Perry, Esq. of Hackney, co. Middlesex. Both d. young, having had issue, 1, Robert, of Wel- linston-road, Edgbastou, Birmingham, co. Warwick, b. about 1800, and d. 1878; 2, Joseph (Hon.) ; 3, John, rf. young; 1, Agnes, d. young. The second son, Hon. Joseph Docker, of Thornthwaite, Scone, New South Wales, member of the Legislative Council of that Colony, and some- time surgeon H.E.I.Co., was b. 1802 ; ap- pointed postmaster-general, January, 1866, and colonial secretary, September, 1868 ; and was again postmaster-general from December, 1870 to May, 1872. He m. in April, 1839, Matilda (who now resides at Darliughurst- road, Sydney), daughter of Major Thomas Brougham, H.E.I.C.S., of Penrith, co. Cum- berland, and died 0th December, 188i, having had issue, I. Alfred, deceased. II. Edwin, deceased. III. Ernest Bropgham (His Honour), District Court judge. IV. Edward Hay. T. Wilfrid Law, m. Ada M. Lord, VI. Arthur Robert, m. Florence L. Lord, and has surviving issue two sons and three daughters, VII. Lawrence Thomas. Till. John Frederick, m. Lillie Woods, and has issue three sons and one daughter. I. Agnes Isabella. Crest used — A bridge ivitli three arches ppr. Motto — Stare super vias antiqnas. Residence — CarhuUen, Granville, New South Wales, Australia. of ^tijiit o! 33anltti3iu STOUT, HON. SIR ROBERT, K.C.M.G., of Bankton, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, 6. 28th September, 1844, in Lerwick, Shetland Isles ; 27th December, 1876, Anna Paterson, daughter of Jolm Logan, Esq Dunedin, J.P., and has issue, I. John Logan, h. 23rd December, 1879. II. Robert, h. 7th April, 1883. III. Thomas Duncan Macgregor, 6. 23rd July, 1885. I. Margaret Annie, h. 23rd April, 1878. The Hon. Sir Robert Stout went to New Zealand, 1863, and was appointed second master in Dunedin Grammar School, having taught as a pupil teacher in his parish school in licrwick for five years. He afterwards became a student at Otago University and fellow of New Zealand University ; was called to the New Zealand Bar, 1871 ; entered the provincial council of Otago, New Zealand, 1872; became provincial solicitor, 1873; was elected to the General Assembly, 1875, for Caversham, and in 1876 for Dunedin; was attorney-general, March, 1878, to June, 1879 ; minister for immigration, 1878 ; BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 81 |ii'iiiie minister ami attofney-gencrai and niiiustci- for cclncation, 1884 to 1887. Sir Robert is president of the Dunedin Ereethought Society, and founded tlio Otago Schoolmasters' Association, now the Educational Institute of Otago, of which he is also president. He formerly contributed constantly to the press, for three years was editor of an important weekly journal in Otago, and has contributed largely to the New Zealand Magazine. He was created K.C.M.G., 1886. Htncnac. This i'luiiily i:? of Norse or Danisli orij^in, and lias bet'u rosident in tlie soutliorn portion of tlio Slietland Isles fov many ceiitui'ies. RoKKHT Srorx, a buildin-, hold real pro- perty in Shetland, part of whieh is still held by his grandson, lion. Sir Robert Stout, lie vt. Graee Williamson, and had a son, Thomas Stout, of l.er»iel;, Shetland Isles, Scotland, who m. first, Margaret Smith, of Celtic origin, whose family was also long resident in the Slietland Isles. By her (who d. 3rd October, 1S5S) he had issue, I. Robert (Hon. Sir), now of Bankton. ir. George Smith, num. III. 'I'homas, ;«. ].S8t, and has issue two children. I. Janet, m., 1878, John ilacgregor, Esq., M..V., barrister-at-law, and has issue, a son, Thonuis Stoul, />. 1879. By his second wife he had issue, IV. Wilhani Anderson, m., 18(!7, and has issue a daughter. V. John Barniatyne, num. Mr. Thomas Stout" rf. Uth March, 1879. ncsiitence — Banktou, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. e*fl)aUoran. O'HALLORAN, JOSEPH SYLVESTER, Esq. of Carlisle-place, Victoria- street, London, formerly of Adelaide, South Australia, secretary of the Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland-avenue, London, h. at Adelaide, 28th March, 1842, m. 17th August, 1886, Alice Mary, daughter of the late Henry Simpson, Esq. of Ridge Park, Adelaide. In 185i>, Mr. O'Halloran received an appointment in the Audit Office, South Ansti'alia, and, after passing ten years in that departmeut, was, in 1869, appointed clerk to the Executive Council and clerk to the Court of Appeals, which offices he retained until 1871 ; acted also as private secretary to the Right Hon. Sir James Fergusson, Bart., governor of the colony of South Australia, from Febi-uary to May, 1870; was appointed assistant-secretaiy and librarian of the Royal Colonial Institute, April, 1881, and in December, 1883, was promoted to the position of secretary. Soon after his retii'cment from the government service, in 1871, Mr. O'Halloran came to England, and found occupation in the city of London, where he filled secretarial appointments for a period extending over seven years. In 1873 he proceeded to New Zealand and travelled through both islands, visited the Cape of Good Hope in 1877, in the following year re-visited Australia, in 1882 proceeded to north-western Canada, and again visited Canada in 1884. Mr. O'Halloran has also formed an acquaintance with many of the smaller Colonies. He was a member of the London Committee of the Jubilee Exhibition, held in Adelaide, 1887. ILincaw. Hugh 0'JI.\i,i.oka>j, of Clanfergeal, de- scended from the ancient family of that name VOL. I. who held lands on the east of Lough Corrib, CO. Gahvay, vas father of 82 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. HtraH O'Hallokax, of Clanfergeal, whose son, Hugh O'Hallorax, of Shanagolden, eo. Limerick, b. 1650, mi. Johanna O'Donoghoe, and liatl a son, Michael O'Hallokax, of Limericlc, who was h. 1682, m. Mary McDonnell, and d. 6th April, 1759, leaving a son, Stltestee O'Halloran", M.R.I. A., of Limerick, surgeon, historian, and antiquarian, who was b. in Limerick, 31st December. 1728. He studied medicine and surgery at the uni- versities of London, Paris, and Leyden. While on the continent he paid particular attention to diseases of the eye, and at Paris wrote a treatise on tliat organ, which was published at Limerick in 1750. Various otlier publications followed, and his Proposah for ihe Adtmncemevt of Sitrgerif in Ireland, with a retrospective view of the ancient state of Phtfsic amongst ns, appears to have actuated the founders of tlie Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, of wliicli lie was elected an honor- ary member, 7th August, 1786, two years after the date of the charter. Among other achievements. Dr. O'Halloran was the virtual founder, in 1760, of the County Limerick Infirmary. He devoted much time to literary and antiquarian researches, and was one of the few modern historians who possessed the power of reading ancient Irish manuscripts. In this department he wrote several works, and, in 1774, published his General Histori/ (f Ireland from the Earliest Accounts to the Close of the 12th Centnrg, He was the author of other works, the whole of which are enumerated in the memoir by Sir William Wilde, which was published in the Dublin Qiiarterltf Journal of Science for August, 1848. He m. in 1752, Mary O'Casey, and 4- 11th August, 1807, in his 80th year, having had three sons and one daughter. His youngest son, Major-general Sir Joseph O'Halloran, G.C.B., in the E.I.Co.'s service, colonel of tlie 30th Regiment, Bengal army, was b. in Limerick, 13th August, 1763 ; appointed mid- shipmau on board the " Swallow " sloop-of- war, in the E.I.Co.'s service, 22nd February, 1781 ; obtained an East Indian cadetship in July of that year, and was gazetted an ensign in I he Bengal army, 9th May, 1782, attaining the rank of lieutenant, 6th January, 1785 ; promoted to tlie rank of captain, 7th January, 1796, to that of major, 25th April, 1808, lieu- tenant-colonel, 4th June, 1814, and colonel, 4tli June, 1829, having been rai3ed to the rank of brigadier-general, December, 1828, which ceased on the expiration of his term on the divisional staff, 23rd December, 1833. This closed also his active military career, after an imbroken, uninterrupted service of over fifty-three years. He landed in England, 13th May, 1834," and on 15th February of the following year received the honour of knight- hood, having had conferred on him some years previously the Companionship of the Order of the Bath, and was investe». ftliss Kliza Hand. 3. Henry Dunkin, b. 16th Decem- ber, 1840; m. Miss Mona Wright. 1. Frances Jane, h. 14th September, 1839, in. Frederick Wriglit, Esq. of Adelaide, and lias issue. Major O'Halloran d. 16th August, 1870. III. .St. George James, midshipman R.N., b. 23rd April. 1799, served in H.M.S. *' Belleropiion " during the American ■war, 1812—14, joined H.M.S. " Sylph," sloop-of-\var, as a volunteer, and perished off the coast of Newfound- land, 1815. IV. Henry Dunn, b. 15th September, 1800, m'. in Canada, 1840, Miss Char- lotte Robertson, niece of Sir Fenwick Williams, bart., of Kars, and d. 15th yepteinber, 1871, having had issue, 1. Joseph Clanfergeal, b. February, 1846, was in the Civil Service of South Australia, 1865 — 68, inspec- tor of constabulary, Mauritius, 1st September, 1870; poor law guardian of Flacq District, 1874, and of Plaincs VViUiems District, 1875 ; police magistrate of Rod- riques, October, 1879 ; civil com- missioner, 1882. He m. Bessie, daughter of Mnjor Edward Nor- man, Madras Native Infantry, and has issue. 2. Henry Montgomery Maxwell. 3. William D'Arcy Gardner. 1. Charlotte, b. February, 1843, m. Surgeon-major Theobalds, Madras armv, and d. in India. 2. Ellen Kathleen, b. fith July, 1847 ; m. 1874, F. Edward Paynter, Esq., and has issue. 3. Florence Cole, b. 6th April, 1849; »n. Rev. Henry Dening, and has issue. 4. Marv Riveroia, d. 10th August, 1853". 5. Frances Karsalie. a. Agnes Bayly. V. Edward Paget, lieutenant H.M. 38th Foot, b. 18lh Aju-il, 18C2, served in the P.uniiese War, 1825 (left leg amputated at Rangoon) ; ni. 1828, Miss Anna Gavm, and (/. x.p. 1831. VI. William Littlkjoiin, of whom hereafter. vii. Joseph Palmer, ensign H.M. 46tli Foot, b. 3rd June, 1807, twin with his sister, Frances Bayly ; '/• of cholera at Bellary, Madras, 8th October, 1825. VIII. John Nicliolas, A. 26th December, 1810, served in the Bengal .Vrniy, re- tired in 1836; wi. 4tli October, 1834, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Jlajor-General James Pringle, Bengal -Vrmy.and d..t.p. 30th November, 1886. I. Frances Bayly, b. 28th August, 1793; (/. an infant. II. Ann Helen, b. 17th October, 1795 ; m. l()th March, 1814, Major George Cuninghamo (of the Cuninghames of Entricken), Bengal Army, who d. at Mauritius in 1838, leaving one son (George, lieutenant 54th Regiment Bengal Native Infantry, who was killed at Gundaniuck in the disastrous retreat from Kabul in Januai'y, 1841) and one dai'ghler, llclen. Mrs. Cun- inghame d. 30tli May, 1856. III. Sophia Slierbonrnc, 4. 28th Decem- ber, 1803; m. 1822, Colonel John Henry Dunkin, C.B., H.M. 44th Foot (who d. in 1825, at Dacca, wliilc com- manding, as brigadier-general, a divi- sion of the Bengal Army), and d. in London, 1832, leaving issue one son, William, lieutenant H.M. 44th Foot, wjio m. Miss .Sojibia Elliott, and d. at Biithurst, New South Wales, Febru- arv, 1852, from injuries sustained through the falling in of a tunnel. IV. Frances Bayly, h. 3rd Juno,' 1807; twin with her brother Joseph Palmer ; stile intentions of the three armed men, he sprunf; np to defend himself, slew their chief, « lu) was ununited on :i white horse, aiid mortally wonnded the otlier two. To com- memorate this tiehicAcnient, he assumed for his crest a li/aril (in Ireland termed a man keeper), and for his shiehl of arms threo mullets pierced, with a white horse capari- soned, w ithoid a rider, on a field ^11. ; adopt- ing for h\» motto the words, in Irish, I wound and 1 kill. licxidfiice — Carlisle-place, Victoria street, Westminster, co. Middlesex, Eni;land. Cupptr of !3rmtialr. TUPrER, HON. SIR CHARLES, Bart, of Aiindalo, Halifax, in the province of Nova Scotia, in the Dominion of Canada, G.C.Jl.G., C.B., LL.D., M.D., L.R.C.S. Edinburgh, high commissioner for the Dominion of Canada, h. 2nd July, 1821, at Amherst, Nova Scotia; m. 8th October, 1846, Frances Amelia, daughter of Silas Hibbert Morse, Esq. of Amherst, Cumberlaud, Nova Scotia, and has issue, I. James Stewakt, of Wilton Lodge, Winnijieg, Manitoba, Canada, barrister-at-law, /). 2{)th October, 1851 ; m. first, 8th Se]itf'mber, 1875, Mary Wilson, daughter of Andreve Robertson, of Elmbank, Montreal ; she d. 7th August, 1876, leaving an only child, 1. Marie Stewart. He m. secondly, 9th June, 1880, Ada Campbell, daughter of Sir Thomas Gait, chief justice of Ontario, and by her has issue, 1. Charles Stewart, 6. 8th August, 1884. 2. Jessie Campbell. 3. Frances. II. Charles Hibbert (Hon.), of Halifax, minister of marine and fisheries, Ottawa, barrister-at-law, M.P., h. 8rd August, 1855 ; m. IHli Septem- ber, 1879, Janet, daughter of James McDonald, of Blink Bonnie, Halifax, chief justice of Nova Scotia, and has issue, 1. Charles, /). 10th December, 1880. 2. James McDonald, h. 23rd December, 1887. 1. Sophie Almon. 2. Frances Lilian. III. William Johnston, of Winnipeg, aforesaid, barrister-at-law, h. 29tli July, 1862; m. 6th July, 1887, Margaret (sister of Janet), daughter of James McDonald, of Blink Bonnie, chief justice of Nova Scotia, and has issue, Katherine Gladys. Emma, h. 23rd July, 1847 ; m Roderick Cameron, R.A., College, Kingston, Canada, captain 1866, major 1875, 22nd July, 1869, Major-Gcneral Donald C.M.G., commandant Royal Military who was }i. 1834; entered R. A. 1856; lieut.-colouel 1882, and colonel 1886; served throughout the Bhootan Campaign 1864 — 66 as adjutant and as stafT officer of officer commanding R.A. Dooar Field Force (medal with clasp, thrice mentioned in despatches), accompanied the Hon. W. McDougall, C.B., to Fort Garry, as a member of the Executive 86 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Council, N.W. Territories, 1869 ; was commissioner of the Inter- national Boundary Commission, and secretary to the Canadian Delegation at the International Conference held at Paris, 1883, for ihe protection of submarine cables. They have issue, 1. William Tupper. 1. Sophie Tupper. 2. Nancie Tupper. 3. Lillie Tupper. 4. Mary Tupper. 6. Frances Tupper. ir. Elizabeth Stewart, d. an infant, 1st November, 1850. iir. Sophie Almon, d. 17th August, 1863. Sir Charles took the degree of M.D. at Edinburgh, 1843, and the same year obtained the diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinbui-gh, and is an M.A. and D.C.L. of Arcadia College, Nova Scotia ; has been a representative in the Nova Scotian and Canadian Parliaments for thii'ty-one years, having been returned fourteen times continuously ; was appointed by Act of Parliament, 1862, governor of Dalhousie College, Halifax; was president of the Canadian jledical Association, from its formation, 1867, until 1870, when he declined re- election. He was a member of the E.\ecutive Council, and provincial secretaiy. Nova Scotia, from 1857 to 1860 ; and from 1863 to 30th June, 1867 ; prime minister of Nova Scotia from 1864 to 1st July, 1867, the date of the Union ; sworn a privy councillor of the Dominion of Canada, June, 1870; held the office of president of the Privy Council, 1870 to 1st July, 1872, when he was appointed minister of Inland Revenue, which post he held till 22nd February, 18'73 ; minister ot Customs 1873, minister of Pablic "Works, 1878—79 ; and minister of Railways and Canals 1879 — 84 ; high commissioner in Great Britain for Canada, 1884 — 87 ; executive commissioner for Canada of the Antwerp Exhibition, 1885, and of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886, of which he was also appointed royal commissioner by the Queen. The University of Cambridge conferred upon him the honorary degree of doctor of law, and the same day had granted to him the honorary freedom of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers of London; was minister of finance, X387 — 88 ; since then high commissioner in Great Britain, and one of H.M.'s plenipotentiaries in the Fishery Commission at Washington, 1887 — 88; nominated a C.B. 29th June, 1867; K.C.M.G. 24th May, 1879, and G.C.M.G. 1st Februai-y, 1886; created a baronet by letters patent bearing date 13th September, 1888. Uinease. In consequence of persecution two brothers, previous to 1522, fled from Hesse Cassel, Upper Saxony; one settled in Holland, and in 1813 a descendant, Daniel Tupper, was burgomaster of Rotterdam. Another mem- ber of the family settled at Sandwich, co. Kent. From this latter branch descended Thomas Tuppee, who emigrated to America in lti3o, landed at Sangus, Mass. (now called Lynn), and two years later removed, with nine others, to vSandwich, Mass., and became the incorporators of the town. He had a son, Thomas Tupper, J. in 1637, whom. Martha, daughter of G-overnor Mayhew, of Martha's Vineyard.* He left a son, Eliakim Tuppeh, who was the father of Eliakim Tuppee, who left a son Charles Tuppee, of Cornwallis, in Nova Scotia, who emigrated from Lebanon, Connecticut, United States of America, in 1700, to Cornwallis ; he m. 24th October, * The old mansion house is still standing in Sandwich, and is occupied by a member of the family, Russell Ellis Tuppei-. BURKK'.S COLONIAL (ii:\ria'. 157 I7C>2, Kli/.iibftli West; liolli nro buried at C'orinviiUis. He it. npod 72 vrnrs, mid slie d. lit tlic age of 85, and left, witli ten otlier sons and four daughters, The Key. Ciiahi.i-s TrppuH, of Kingston, in the jirovineeof Nova Seotia. D.l)., b. intlio townsliip of Cornnallis, (!tli August, 179 1- ; m. Miriam, (hu>;;liler of James l,oekluirt, of I'an^buro', C'unilierland, Nova Seotia. and widow of tlolin Lowe ; she (I. llli July, l.Hol. Kev. Dr. Tupper d. 19th Januaij, 1881, at Ajlcsford, Nova Seotia, and left, with otlier issue, lloN. Sir Chaulks Tuppkh, created a baronet, as above. Creation— VMi September, 1888. Arms — Per fesse az and or on a fcsse erm. between two boars jiass. in chief or, and a e)irig of mayllower slipjiod und leaved in base ppr, three escallops gu. Crest — Upon a mount vert a greyhound stafant sa. ebarged on the body with two escallops or, holding in the mouth a sprig of maylloHer as in llio arms. Motto — LV'sjioir est ma force. Sup- porters (borne by Sir Charles Tupper as ii ti.C.M.O.) -CJn either side a greyhound sa. collared and pendent tlierefrom an escoclieon or, charged with a sprig of mayllower slipped and leaved ppr. Seat — Armdale, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Do- minion of Canada. London residence — 97, Cromwell-road, S.W. Cl«//s — St. George's, Hanover- scpiare; St. Stephen's, Westminster. ^iDcarscin of €tiici\utc. PEARSON, HON. CHARLES HENRY, M.A., of Ediowie, Williams- road, Toorak, Victoria, Australia, minister of public instruction, Victoria, late fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, and sometime profcs.'-or of modern history, King's College, London, b. at Islington, co. Aliddlese.x, 7th September, 1830 ; m. at St. George's Church, Gavfler, South Australia, 10th December, 1872, Edith Lucilla, daughter of Philip Butler, Esq. of Tickford Abbey, co. Buckingham, and of Queen's Gate-terrace, South Kensington, London, and has issue, I. Edith Gertrude Hilda, b. 23rd July, 1875. II. Evelyn Mary Muriel, b. 8th September, 1877. III. Maude Oriel Reada, b. 13th April, 1879. Mr. Pearson was educated at Rugby and King's College, London, after- waids became a student at Oriel and Exeter Colleges, University of Oxford, and took the degree of B.A. ; in 1874 arrived in Victoria from South Australia, where he had been a resident for a few yeais, and immediately took the position of lecturer on history at the Melbourne University, having been lecturer on modern history at Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1869 to 1871. He afterwards became head master of the Ladies' Presbyterian College, which appointment he resigned in 1877, and in the following year was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria for Castlemaine. In 1862 — 3 he edited the National Revietv, and has published among other works, Historij of Enijlaiid ill the Fourteenth Cetifurij. ILtncnar. This family claims descent from the Pearsons of Lincolnshire, who migrated into Yorkshire in the 16th century. John Pearson, Esq. of the city of York, li. 1736, m. first, at St. Sampson's, York, 12tli April, 1757, Mary, daughter of Robert .Vtlay, Esq. of Sheriff Hutton, co. York, ami by her (who was baptised at Sheriii' Hutton, 11th February, 1732, ami was buried at St. Sampson's, 24th September, 1772) had issue, I. John, of whom hereafter. I I. James, formerly of Lisbon, and after- wards a merchant of Jamaica. III. Thomas, of Manchester, co. Lan- caster, A. 1760, m. 9lh November, 1787, Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Brierley, Esq. of Manchester, and U. July, 1827, having had by her (who was 4. 22na September, 1767, d. 9th December, 1821), 1. Jolin, of Manchester, b. 18th September, 1788, m. 1st, at the BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Collegiate Church of Manchester, | 21st September, 1818, Marj, (laughter of John Atkinson, Esq. of Alancrliester, and by her (who was b. 11th May, 1797, and d. 20th December, 1834) had, rlohn Atliinson, h. yth January, 1820, m. at St. John's, New- foundland, 11th September, 1845, Anne, daughter of John Hovd, Esq. of St. John's, jVewfoundland, and d. s.p. 27th October, 1848, and was buried at Malta. His widow re-m. in 1858, James Baird, Esq. of St. John's, New- fo\indland. Slarj' Amie Elizabeth, h. 4th August. 1822, m. at the Catliedral, Manchester, 24th August, 1852, to George Pearson Friend, Esq. of Kingsbridge, co. Deron, only son of George Friend, Esq. of Harberton, and had issue. He »;. secondly, at St. Elpbin's, Warrington, co. Lancaster, 4th August, 1836, Louisa Teresa, daughter of Peter Atkinson, Esq. of Kingston-upon-Hull, co. York, and dying 6th June, 18ti7, left by her a son, Henry, of Manchester, surgeon, h. Idth July, 1837; elected M.R.C.S., 1865. 2. Benjamin Brierley, b. 26th June, 1790, d. unm. 17th September, 1791. 3. Benjamin, of Southside, Wilms- low, CO. Chester, b. 7th April, 1793, m. at the Quakers' meeting house, Plaistow, co. Essex, 8th January, 1835, Charlotte Eliza- beth, daughter of Mark de Giberne, Esq. of Wanstead, co. Essex, and d. 14th September, 1857, having had issue, I. George, of Southside, Wilms- low, CO. Chester, b. 28th October, 1835. II. Edward, of Wilmsiow, aforesaid, b. 12th Norember, 1836, m. 1873, Ellen Clare, daughter of William Miller, Esq. of Millerfield House, Edinburgh, and has issue, Edward VViUiam, b. 1878. I. Charlotte, b. 16th February, 1838, d. 25th March, 1845. II. Helen, b. 9th December, 1839, d. 21st April, 1845. III. Elizabeth, b. 1st Mav, 1841. IV. Maria, b. 18th January, 1843, d. 27tli March, 1845. " 4. James, A. 18th September, 1795, m. at St. Nicholas, Liverpool, 16th October, 1822, Eliza Doodey, of Liverpool, and d. 1841, in Australia, leaving issue. 5. Ebenezer, b. 20th October, 1798, d. 27th October, 1798. 6. Robert Hawker, b. 6th April, 1801, d. num. 1844. 1. Mary Ann, b. 22nd January, 1792, m. at the Collegiate Churcli, Manchester, 25th September, 1816, Joseph Gariide, Esq. of Manchester, surgeon (who was b. 1st June, 179U), and d. 22nd June, 1844, having had issue. 2. Sarali Elizabetli, b. 1st June, 1804, m. at Crediton. co. Devon, 19tli January, 1826, George Friend, Esq. of Hai'berton, co. Devon, who was b. 27tli Febru- ary, 1804, d. 29th October, 1846, having had issue. 3. Martha, b. 28th April, 1807, m. at St. Sidwells, Exeter, co. Devon, May, 1831, as his 2nd wife. John Toms, Esq. of Exeter, co. Devon, and afterwards of Newcastle, in Upper Canada, and had issue. IT. Robert, baotised 16th, and buried 23rd October^ 1768. V. Robert, baptised 6th August, and buried 7th September, 1770. I. Mary, buried 13th March, 1771. John Pearson, Esq., m. secondly, 1773, Jane, daughter of Thomas Pierse, Esq. of Oswaldkirk, co. Tork, and by her (who re-m. at St. Martin's, Coney-street, York, 27th November, 1801, William Pontey, Esq., and d. 11th October, 1840, he having predeceased her 3rd March, 1830, aged 76) had, Ti. Christopher John, d. February, 1781. II. Mary, b. May, 1775, m. at H udders- field, CO. York, John Eastwood, Esq. of Liverpool, co. Lancaster (who was b. at Dalton, co. York, 1776, and d. 13th June, 1838), and d. 14th August, 1833, having had issue. III. Jane, b. 26th May, 1776, m. at St. Martin's, Cony-street, York, 14th May, 1801, Joseph Munby, Esq. of York, solicitor (who was b. at Kings- ton-upon-Hull, 1772, and d. 7th March, 1816), and d. 23rd August, 1819, having had issue. He d. 24th February, 1778. His eldest sou, John Peaeson, Esq. of Goldeu-square, St. James's, Westminster, co. Middlesex, F.R.S., member of the Royal College of Surgeons, member Royal Institution, hon. M.R.C.S. of Ireland, and hon. member of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, b. 3rd January, 1758, m. at St. James's, Piccadilly, London, 24th February, 1784, Sarah, daughter and co-heir of Robert Norman, Esq. of Lewisham, co. Kent, by Ann, his wife, daughter of John Greig, Esq., and d. 12th May, 1826, having had by her (who was b. 24th August, 1763, d. lOtli September, 1826, and was buried with licr husband at St. Luke's, Old-street, City-road, London), I. John Noeman (Rev.), of whom presently. BURKE'S COLOXrAL GENTRY. 89 II Hfiivv Robert, of Hyde l'iirk-sq>mro parisli 'of I'mlcliii^ton, co. Midai.'sex, h 21-th August, 1700, entoroil H.M. TreiHury, ISIO, retired iis cliiet' elerk in ISW' m. Urst, at St. Anne's, Solio, a-tth August, IS19, Anne, daiigliter ot Tliomas Harris, Ksq. of Brixton, co. Surrey, ami by her (who yvas b. 7tli May,' 1797, and d. 'JtU April, 1833) had is-sue, 1. Henry John, h. 28th August, 1820, d. unm., being drowned in the Hay of Biscay, 22nd April, 1838, wliile a uudshipiuau ou boanl tlie " C.nubridge." 2. Frederick Thorpe (Rev.), ot Queen's CoUege, Oxford, b. 10th December, 1821, appointed per- petual curate of St. Georges, Whitwick, CO. Leicester, 18H5. Took the degree of B.A., 1841, M.A., 18+7. Ordained deacon, 1844,' and priest, 1845, botli by the Right Key. John Lonsdale, Bishop of Lichfield. He m. at St. Albans Abbey, co. Hertford, 31st May, 1853, Louisa, daughter and co-heir of Sanauel Leney, Esq., and by her (who was b. 24tli Noyember, 1831) had, I. Frederic Henry Walter, b. 3rd March, 1854. II. Arthur Norman, b. 18th February, 1856, d. 16th April, 1859. III. Reginald Alfred, h. 31st July, 1859. IV. GUbcrt Leney, b. 17th No- yember, 1864. V. Sydney Norman, b. 12th March, 1866. .,. . [twins, b. 25th I. Ada Louisa, I j-^.i^.^ary, II. Sophia, |_jj^55 III. Beatrice Mary, b. 15th May, 1857. IV. Gertrude Anne, 6. 31st May, 1858, d. 10th April, 1859. y. Angela Maud, b. 2nd Sep- tember, 1860. Ti. Julia Madeline, b. 4th Jan- uary, 1862. VII Eleanor, b. 31st July, 1863. 3. Alfred, b. 12th July, 1823 ; entered the Bengal (afterwards Ko.yal) Artillery 1842; retired 30tli September, 1861 ; lieutenant- colonel in H.M. Army, 15th No- vember, 1861. He received a medal and two clasps for the Sutlej campaign in 1845 and 1846, and a medal and clasp for the Indian Mutiny in 1857—59. 4. George Babington, 6. 4th August, 1827 ; entered the 4-tth Regiment Bengal Native Infantry ; received medal for the siege of Mooltan; d. nnm. 29th January, 1850, and was buried at Bari-aek]iori', near Calcutta. 5. Kdward (Rev.), of Mieklegate York, b. 11th .Vliril, 1829 ; entered Worcester College, Oxford, and took the degree of B.A. 1852, and M..V. 1855 ; ordained deacon, 1852, by the Right Rev. Samuel Hinds, bisliop of Norwich ; and priest, 1853, by the Right Rev. Tliom:i8 Turton, bi-shoj) of Kly. 6. Charles Leslie, //. 201 li November, 1831 ; entered the Royal Navy 1847 ; became lieutenant 1857 ; received medal for the Baltic campaigns of 1854—55. He m. at Linden, co. Terry, Tennessee, America, 8tli March, 1865, Georgiana Brooks, \yho was b. July, 1816. , ,, 1. Mary Arabella, b. 2nd May, 1825; ire. at St. John the Evange- list's, Paddington, co. Middlesex, 2nd February, 1860, to Thomas Lowis Thornton, Esq. Mr. H. R. Pearson »«. secondly, at Holy Trinity, Brompton, co. Middle- sex, 23rd January, 1838, Charlotte, daughter of John Cousens, Esq. of Prinsted Lodge, co. Sussex, and d. 16th November, 1870, liaving had by her (who was h. 20th March, 1810), 7. Julius Alexander, F.8.A., b. 4th December, 1838 ; associate King's College, London, 1857. 8 Octavius Henry, b. 1st Novem- ber, 1839; entered H.M._ Pay- master-General's Office, 1859. 9. Henry Robert, b. 14th January, 1847. , ^ 2. Agnes Charlotte, h. 13th June, 3. Madeline Jane, b. 12th Novem- ber, 1844, d. 14th August, 1848. i. Eva Angela, b. 12th December, 1845. , ^ 5. Lucy Madeline, b. 28th June, 1850. 6. Georgina, b. 20th May, 1851. Mr. H. R. Pearson obtained a grant of arms. III. Edward Atlay, b. 5tli December, 1795, d. 24th August, 1799. IV. Lucius, b. 21st July, 179/, d. 16th March, 1798. V Frederick Burnet, of Trinity College, Cambridge, /-. 9th November, 1800; entered 9th Regiment Light Dragoons 1827 ; retired 1831 ; took the degree of B.A. 1823; M.A. 1827; appointed captain 1st Royal Cheshire Militia 1852; retired 1855. He m. at St. Paul's, Knight-sbridge, co. l\Iiddlesex, 29th January, 18.')U, Annie, daughter of James Ueydocke Hill, Esq. of New bold Firs, co. Warwick, and relict of Granville Sharp, Esq., and by her (who was b. iOth June, 1812) had issue, 1. Frederick James Norman, i. 9th April, 1851. 2. Arthur Hubert, b. 25th June, 1855. 90 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1. Isabella, *. 19tli Avigiist, 1852. He d. 3rd Februar.y, ] S7u. TI. Edwin (Sir), of Wimbledon, co. Surrey, and of tlie Athenaeum Club, London, Englund, F.R.S., b. 20th Mar, 1802 ; entered Trinity College, Cambridge, and took tlie degree of B.A. 1825, and M.A. 1828; appointed lieutenant of the Yeomen of the Guard 1836, retired 1842; knighted at St. James's Palace, 4th May, 1830. He »«. at St. Mary's, Bryanston-square, CO. Middlesex, isth April, 1841, the Hon. Alicia Ann Hewitt, eldc-t daughter of James, third Viscount Lifford, and d. 18th April, 1883, having had by her (who was b. 21st May, 1812), 1. Edwin James, of Millfield House, Northchurch, Berkhamsted, Herts, and of the Athenaeum Club, London, J. P. for co. Herts, b. 13th February, 1842 ; appointed lieutenant 2nd Royal Surrey Militia, 6th August, 1864 ; entered the Board of Trade 1865 ; ni. 1«68, Emily M., daughter of the the late R. Valpy, Esq. of ,Champ- neys, Tring, co. Herts, J. P. 2. Francis John, b. 10th April, 1843; d. 26th May, 1843, at Naples. 3. Arthur Ashley, b. 14tli Novem- ber, 1847. 1. Alice Maud, b. 24th October, 1845. 2. Emily Georgiana, b. 20th Novem- ber, 1849. 3. Adelaide Isabella,'*. 11th July, 1851 ; d. 18th December, 1851. 4. Adela Isabella, b. 20th Novem- ber, 1852; d. 13th November, 1866. 5. Edith Anne, b. 8th April, 1855. Tli. Arthur Hugh (Rev.), rector of Norton-in-Hales, co. Salop, and Fox- earth, CO. Essex, M.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge, b. 21st February, 1804 ; m. at Great Chesterford, co. Essex, 25th August. 1829, Isabella, daughter of the Hon. and Eev. Richard Fitzgerald King, M.A., son of Robert, second Earl of Kingston, and d. 31st July, 1847, having had issue by her (who (/. 7th January, 1882), 1. Douglas FitzGerald, b. 5th Jan- uary, 1832 ; entered Christ Col- lege, Cambridge, in 1850; d. 18th July, 18ti0. He »». at All Saints, Southampton, 28th June, 1854, Adelaide Cecilia Caroline, daugh- ter and heir of Samuel Le Fevre, Esq., collector of customs at Bar- bados, by Anna Maria, his wife, 2nd daughter of the Hon. Peter Boyle de Blaquiere, and by her (wiio was b. 6th October, 1834) had issue, Douglas Erris, b. 16tli September, 1856 : and Amy Isa- bella, b. 14th March, 1858. 1. Constance, b. 27th September, 1830; m. at Waleot, near Bath, CO. Somerset, 25th April, 184-, Rev. John Evan.s, M.A. (Trin. Coll., Dub., and Oxford), incum- bent of St. Mary's, Grassendah-, near Liverpuol, who was b. 19th October, 1821 ; look the degree of B.A. 1844, and M.A. 1853. She has issue. 2. Geraldine Frederica, h. 4th No- vember, 1843. VIII. O.-mund Venn, b. 3rd July, 1807; d. 26th April, 1816. IX. William Wilberforce, M.A. (Trin. Coll. Camb.), b. 18th January, 1809; m. at St. James's, Piccadilly, 1835, Angela Eliza, daughter of Alexander Alexander, Esq. of the Larches, co, Warwick, and d, 26th December, 1801, having had issue. I. Lucy, b. 29th December, 1784; d. 19th August, 1805. II. Sarah Ann, b. 14th August, 1786 ; m. at St. James's, Piccadilly, 18tli September, 1817, George Gisboine Babington, Esq. of Rothley Temple, CO. Leicester, F.R.S., who was b. 22nd January, 1794, and d, s.p. 1st January. 1856. "She d. 16th November, 1870." III. Mary Arabella, b. 8th December, 1791 ; 'd. 17tli July, 1810. IV. Frances Medley, b. 22nd December, 1798 ; d. 13th March, 1826. V. Emily, b. 3rd May, 1806; d. lOtli July, 1811. The eldest son. Rev. John Nokman Pearson, of Bower Hall, Bumpstead Steeple, co. Essex, b. 7tli December, 1787 ; entered Trinity College, Cambridge, and took the degree of B.A. 18119, and M.A. 1813; ordained deacon 1812, and priest 1813 ; appointed incumbent of Holy Trinity, Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent, 1839, which living he resigned in 1853 ; m. at Albury, co. Surrey, 11th September, 1815, Harriet, daughter of Richard Puller, Esq. of London, merchant, and sister of Sir Chris- topher Puller, knt., chief justice of Bengal (see Burke's Landed Getifrif), and by her (who was b. 9th September, 1790, and d. 9th March, 1870) had issue, I. John (Hon. Sir), of Dundridge, Har- berton. South Devon, and of 75, Ouslow-square, South Kensington, co. Middlesex, b. 5th August, 181H ; educated at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge (B.A. 1841, M.A. 1844) ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1844; Q.C. December, 1866; appointed a justice of the High Court of Judica- ture, Chancery Division, 1882, and knighted the same year. He m. at St. George the Martyr, Bloomsbury, co. Middlesex, 21st December, 1854, Charlotte Augusta, daughter of the Rev. William Short, M.A., rector of St. George the Martyr, Bloomsbury, and afterwards prebendary of Sarum, BURKK'S COLOXTAL CRXTRY. 01 and rector of Lhiiulririio, co. lloiit- gommy, and d. 13tli Miiy, 1886. II. Franeis Boyle, of the Bengal Civil Service, b. lith November, 1820; ap- poiiiteil iudi^e of the Sudiler Dewaimy ami Nizaiiiut Ailanliit, the High Court of .Vppeal, North-West Provinces, India, 181)3, and one of the puisne judges of il.M. High Coui-l of Judica- ture for the North-West Provinces of the Presidency of Fort William, 1806. lie »i. at Agra, India, 25tli February, 18.'>1, Caroline Charlotte, daughter of General John Campbell, of Kinloch. and has issue, 1. Francis Campbell, A. 28th Decem- ber, 1852 ; m. July, 1886, C. Kiu- eaid-Smith. 2. William Lawrence Wemyss, b. nth July, 1854. III. Christopher Ridley (Rev.), M.A., formerly incumbent of St. James's, Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent, and after- wards rector of Combe Pyne, Lyme Regis, CO. Dorset, b. 2ud June, 1826; entered Queens' College, Cambridge, and took the degree of B.A. 184.9, and M.A. 1852 ; ordained deilcon 1849 ; priest 1S5U. He m. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, co. Middlesex, February, 18G2, Mary Louisa Foster, daugliter of the Rev. Peter la Trobe, Moravian presbyter. IV. Chaeles Henbt, now of Ediowie, Toorak. V. AUeyne Ward (Rev.), M.A., formerly rector of St. Margaret's, Canterbury, CO. Kent, and afterwards rector of Halstead, Sevenoaks, co. Kent, b. loth December, 1832 ; entered Pem- broke College, Cambridge, and look the degree of B.A. 1855, and M.A. I860; ordained deacon, 1855, by the Riglit Rev. Samuel Wilherforce.bislu))) of Oxford; priest 1856. He m. at Duncluirch, near Rugby, co. Warwick, 18th August, 1864, Elizabeth, daughter of George Hume, Esq. of Toft, eo. Warviiek, one of the taxing ■ masters of the High Court of Chancery, and has, with another daughter, Gwendoline Lisa, b. 7lh Julv, 1865. VI. Tiu'odore Venn, b. 11th Julv, 1836; d. 15th May, 1812. I. Harriet Augusta, A. 3rd February, 1817. II. Luev, b. 7tli Mav, 1818 ; (/. num. nth October, 1846.' III. Emily, b 7th October, 1822; (/. 3rd July, 1826. IV. Isabella, i. 15th December, 1823 ; tI)on of Carclc\u» BONTTHON, JOHN LAISTGDON, Esq. of Carclew, Adelaiilo, Smith Australia, editor and (with F. B. Burden, Esq.) proprietor of The Adelaide Adveiiiser and other journals ; justice of the peace ; chairman of the Adelaide School Board; and chairman of the South Australian School of Mines and Industries, b. in London, 15th October, 1848 ; m. 2-tth December, 1870, Marie Louise Friedrike, daughter of Daniel Friedrich Balthasar, Esq. of Berlin, by Louise Charlotte Caroline Haase, his wife, and has issue, I. Clive Hereward, b. 31st July, 1872. II. John Lavington, b. 10th September, 1875. III. Hugh Trevanion, b. 9th July, 1879. IV. Arthur Fairbairn, /;. 18th June, 1883. V. Francis Godolphin, b. 4th January, 1885. I. Mary Elsie, b. 10th March, 1874. II. Edith Annie, b. 8th Augn.st, 1877. III. Ada Laugdon, b. 17th June, 1881. Mr. Bonythou has in his possession the famous BonyUioii lliigon. It boars 92 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. the date 1598, and an inscription states that it was " used at the coronation banquet of James I and VI of Scotland by one of the Bonj-thon family, who officiated at the banquet." 3tt,incngc. The Bonjthons are an ancient Cornisli family. Their original seat, Bonython, is " in the Lizard district in the parish of Cury, a bleak wild tract on the serpentine forma- tion, "where the sea washes the lonely shores of Gunwalloe ; and in this remote district they flourislied for many generations in great repute, exercising a wide influence, both social and political, throughout the length and breadth of the land" (Qetitlemaii'.i Mn/iaziiie, February, 1868). In the 12th century, Simon de Bonython went into Ireland as the king's special representative ; and one of the Cornish historians mentions a member of the family as a man of great repute in the reign of Henry V. During the preceding reign, the well-known estate of Carclew, near Falmouth, ■nith an ad- joining manor, passed by marriage to Eichard Bonython, son of Simon Bonytlion of Bony- (lion. Later on, the family had other seats, notably one in St. Columb Minor. They intermarried with the leading families of Cornwall. Sir Francis Godolphin, the famous soldier of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and the ancestor of the Earls of G-odolphin, was the son of Katherine, daughter of Edmund Bonython. But it was during the troublous days of the Stuart dynasty that the Bony- thons figured conspicuously. They held various important otBc'al positions, had seats in Parliament and were to be found as distinguished men at the Bar, as well as in the Army and the Nary. The poet Long- fellow was a descendant of Captain Richard Bonython, who was one of the original pro- prietors of what is now known as Maine in the United States of America. Both Bony- thon and Carclew hare passed into other hands. At the beginning of the present century, the only property which remained was in St. Columb Minor. There lived John Bontthon, Esq., the head of the family, who was the son of Thomas Boxt- THON, Esq., by Mary Eobert.s. liis wife, and was h. in 1755. His eldest son (by Ann, daughter of John Langdon, Esq.), Thomas Bonython, Esq., was b. in 1787 ; emigrated first to Canada and afterwards to South Australia, whither he was followed by his eldest son (George Langdon) and grand- son (John Langdon) ; m. 5tli October, 1816, Ann, daughter of Jolm Harris Langdon, Esq. of Newport (she was b. at Torpoint, eo. Cornwall in 1799, and is still living in Launceston, Tasmania), and d. at Mount Barker, South Australia, 2l8t September, 1860. His eldest son, George Langdon Bonython, Esq. of Adelaide, South Australia, b. in Prince Edward's Island, 8th August, 1820; m. in London, 6th January. 1844, Annie, daughter of James Fairbairn MacBain, Esq. of Aber- deen, son of James MacBain, Esq., by Janet Faii'bairn, his wife ; and has issue, John Langdon, of Carclew. George Langdon, unm. Alfred MacBain, m. Alice Ekers, and has issue, a daughter, Winifred. Arms vsed — Arg. a chev. between three fleurs-de-lis sa. Crest — A fawn feeding , ppr. Motto — In Deo spes mea, Sesidence — Carclew, Adelaide, South Aus- tralia. iLiUt^ of Bnsijane. LILLEY, HON. SIR CHARLES, Knt. of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, chief justice of Queensland, h. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. North- umberland, 27th May, 1830 ; m. lOth April, 1858, Sarah Jane, daughter of Joshua Jeays, Esq., sometime mayor of Brisbane, and has issue, I. Edwtn Mitfoed, 6. 16th January, 1859 ; in. 1885, Kate Goggs, and has a son, Edwyn Mitford, and a daughter, Kathleen Mitford. II. Charles Bertram, h. 1860 ; m. 28th March, 18S8, Anne Martha Goggs, and has issue a daughter, Madge Buscall. III. Walter Preston, h. 186.3. IV. Harold Bedell, h. 1864. V. Arthur Shipley, 6. 1866. VI. Alfred Mitford, I. 1868. VII. Bertram Mitford, I. 1871. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 93 viii. Wilfred Jciiys, h. 1874. I. Amiic Mmj, h. 1862; w. 1887, Robert Ci-au, jiin., Esq., J. P., ami Ims issue, dairies Robert, b. 1888. n. Ethel ]\[itfonl, /). 1867. III. Gertrude Sarah, h. 1870. IV. Sibyl Mitford, 6. 187:1 V. Graeo Jlitford, 6. 1880. Hon. Sir Charles LiUey was educated at University College, London, and arrived in the Colony of New South Wales in 185G ; became editor (and joint lessee with W. C. Belbridge, Esq.) of the Moretun Bay Courier ; was called to the Bar of Queensland, 1861 ; Q.C. December, 1865; was returned to the first par- liament of Queensland, in 1860, as member for Fortitude Valley, and retained his seat as representative of that electorate till 187-1'; was attorney-general 1865 and 1866 ; premier and attorney-general, November, 1868 ; and colonial secretary, November, 1869. In February, 1874, he was appointed an acting judge of the Supreme Court, and in June, 1879, chief justice of Queensland. Sir Charles Lilley was mainly instrumental in founding the Brisbane Grammar- School, and is chairman of the trustees of that institution. He was chairman of the Royal Commission on Education in 1874, and in 1872 of the Royal Commission on Law Reform ; and was knirrhted 1881. ILtncage. The Lillpys were formerly loeateil in the extreme north of England, unci in Roxburgh- shire, Scotland. Thomas Lillet, Esq. of Hull, co. York, and of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. North- umberland, son of Thomas Lilley, Esq., merchant, by Ann Greene, his wife, m. Jane, eklest daughter of James Siiipley, Esq. (by Jane Crowe, his wife), eldest son of William Shipley, Esq. (of an ancient Northumbrian family), by Hannah, his wife, daughter of Tliomas Mitford, Es(|., who was the son of Thomas Mitford, Esq., and grandson of James Mitford, Esq., a merchant of New- castle-upon-Tyne (of the ancient family of Mittord of Northumberland) ; and was father of the present Hon. Sir Chakles Lilley. Renidence — Brisbane, Queensland, Austra- lia. Clubs — Union and Queen-land Clubs, Bris- bane J and Wanderers' Club, London. WINDEYER, HON. WILLIAil CHARLES, M.A., LL.D., of Lulworth, Boslyn-gardens, Sydney, and of Tomago, Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia, barrister-at-law, senior puisne judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, fc. at Westminster, co. Middlesex, 29th September, 1834 ; m. 31st December, 1857, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. R. T. Bolton, M.A., vicar of Padbury, Bucks, aud some time of Hexham, New South Wales, and has issue, I. Richard, h. 9th September, 1868. II. William Archibald, 6. 9th April, 1871. III. Edward, h. 14th August, 1876. I. Maria, 6. 2nd May, 1859; w. 19th April, 1881, Arthur frby Traill, Esq., J.P., third son of R. .). Trail], p]sq., M.D., of Collai-oy, New South Wales. 0-i BURKE'S COLONIAL GKNTRY. II. Mniy Emily, b. 13tli December, 18G1 ; m. lOth December, 188-i, Arcliibald G. Ralston, Esq., barrister-at-law. III. Jane, b. 17th March, 1864. IV. Margaret, b. 2-tth November, 1866. V. Lucy Allen, b. 8th November, 1872. The Hon. Mr. Justice Windeyer emigrated to Now South Wales with his parents in 1835 ; was educated first at King's School, Parramatta, and after- wards at the University of Sydney, which he entered in 1852 (B.A. 1856 ; M.A. 1859) ; and was admitted to the New South Wales Bar in March, 1857. He was for a short time Crown prosecutor for the whole of the country districts, which office he resigned on entering Parliament, as member for the Lower Hunter, August, 1859 ; the following year he was again returned to Parliament for the electorate of West Sydney, which seat he afterwards resigned, but in January, 1866, was re-elected for West Sydney ; appointed solicitor-general 16th December, 1870; returned to Parliament 8th September, 1876, as first member for Sydney University, and in March, 1877, accepted office as attorney-general, to which office he was again appointed 21st December, 1878; he was elected to the Senate of the TJniver.sity of Sydney in 1865 ; was presi- dent of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts in 1874, and the previous year was also President of the Public Chai-ities Commission. Since 1873 Mr. Justice Windeyer has been a trustee of the Sydney Grammar School and Public Library ; he is a fellow of Sydney University : vice-chancellor 1883-1887 ; and since 1879 has been judge of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Court and deputy judge of Vice-Admiralty Court. Mr. Justice Windeyer initiated the Volunteer movement in New South Wales in 1860, was appointed captain in that force, and gazetted major in 1868; and in 1874 originated the Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society. In 1887 he was appointed an hon. LL.D. of Cam- bridge University. ILincagc. Tlie family of Windeyer is of Swiss origin, and was originally seated in the Canton Berne. John William Wixgeteh (from wliom the Hon. Mr. Justice Windeyer is lineally descended), a soldier, came over to England about the year 1735, and was some time in charge of the naval stores at Piu'fleet. His second son, Archibald Charles, was several times mayor of Rochester, and his eldest son, Walteb Windeyee, Esq., m. and had issue, I. Charles, his heir. II. Archibald. III. Walter, captain E.N., and some time commander of H.M.S. "A^ic- tory," and naval aide-de-camp to King William IV ; rf. from the effects of injuries received in action with a French vessel. IV. John, purser H.M.S. " Warspite." The eldest son, Charles Windeter, Esq., b. in Stafford- shire, 1780, was the first recognised reporter in the House of Lords ; emigrated to Sydney in 1828, and became police magistrate of Sydney, which office he held for many years. He m. 8th August, 1805, Ann Mary (rf 1864), daughter of Richard Eudd, Esq., by Miss Hyde, his wife, and d. in 1855. His eldest son, Richard Windeyer, Esq., barrister-at- law of the Middle Temple, h. in London, 10th August, 1800, was some time parlia- mentary reporter for the Times and other London papers, and the originator of Todd's Par/iamen/an/ Companion. He was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1834 ; emigrated to Sydney in lb35 ; and in 1843 was elected to the first Legislative Council of New South Wales as member for Durham. He in. 25th April, 1832, Maria, daughter of AVilliam Camfield, Esq., of Groombridge- place and Burswood, co. Kent, and d. at Launceston, Tasmania, 2nd December, 1847, leaving by her (who was h. 18th August, 1795, and d. 7th December, 1878) an only cliild, the present Hon. William Charles Windeyer, senior jjnisne judge of the Supi'eme Court of New South Wales. Arms nsed — Arg. a hear salient j>pr. Crest — An apple ppr. ife.«rff«ce.s— (Town) Lidworth, Boslyn- gardens, Sydney. (Country), Toniago, Hiuitcr River, Kew South Wales, Australia. I5UUKES COLONIAL UEM'UV. 95 2!2i:lrnt\ucirtl) of ^JaucUisc. WENTWORTH, FITZWILLTAM, Esq. of V;inclii.so, near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, J.P. for New Zealand, b. 31st July, 18:53, near Sydney, m. 18th February, 1868, at St. Michael's Church, Sydney, Mary Jane, daughter of George Hill, Esq., J. P., and by her (who was b. 1840) ha.s had is.sue, I. Williiini Charles, h. at Merley House, near Wiinborne, co. Dorset, England, 1st September, 1871. u. D'Arc}-, b. at Greycliffc, Rose Bay, Woollahra, New South Wales, 20th June, 1874. ut. Fitz William, b. at Greycliffe, Rose Bay, 12th November, 1875. IF. George Godfrey, b. at Prospect, near Parramatta, New South Wales, 13th February, 1878. I. Edith, b. in New Zealand, 1870, d. at sga, 1871. II. Dorothy, b. at Macquarie-street, Sydney, 9th Februaiy, 1873. Hincacic. The family of Wentwortli, originally Winteworde, is said by genealogists to have derived its designation in Saxon times, from the lordship of Winteworde (so written in Doomsdriji Book) in the wapentake of Straf- ford, and CO. of York. This is a distingnished branch of tlie an- cient stock of Wentworth Woodliouse, co. York, a family whicli lias been rool-ed there from the earliest period. Wliile the lands of Wentwortli Woodhouse continued to be the seat of the Chiefs, and descended from sire to son, in an unbroken scries, till the succes- sion of mule heirs failed "with William, the second Earl of Strafford, the jimior scions of the fiimily founded in several instances iio\ises of rank and influence, the Wen'tworths of WooLLET, OF North and South Elmsal, OF Brettox, op Wentworth Castle, of Nettlested, &c. RooKR Wextwohth, Esq. of Kirkby, co. York, living 1.551 (second son of John Wextworth, Esq. of North Elmsall, co. York), was father of Thomas Wextworth, Esq. of Kirkby, who had two sons : I, Tho.uas ; and li, Hugh, ancestor of Wentworth, of South Elmsall. Tlie elder son, Thomas VV'entworth, Esq., living 1573, was father of William Wentworth, Esq., who d. in 1635, leaving Thomas, of Kirkby, whose line is extinct, and Michael. The yoimger son, Michael Wentworth, Esq. of Mattersey Hall, CO. York, had, amongst other issue, a son, Darct Wentworth, Esq., formerly of Athlone, co. Roscommon, and afterwards of Argreagh and Trim, eo. Meath, Ireland, steward to the 4tli Earl of Roscommon, in IrclaiKl, and captain in the iieath Militia (original commission dated 1st October, 160(1), b. in 1610, III. first,' Alice, daughter ot Sir Robert Sterling, knt., governor of Cork, and major-general of Mimster ; by the Hon. Jane l!layne_y, his wife, daughter of Edward, first Lord Blarney, and widow of Sir James Moore, knt. He m.. secondly, Sarah Dod- well, of Athlone. She was executrix to her husband's will. In her will, which is dated 1st November, 1719, and was proved 8th December following, she desires to be buried at St. I'atriek's Chiu'ch, Tiim, by the side of her husband. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Dodwell, was buried at St. Patrick's Church. Mr. Wentworth d. 29th April, 1710, in his seventie(,h year, and was buried at St. Patrick's Church. By his second wife he had issue, George, of wliom presently. Thomas. Sarah. Jane. Anne, wife of White, Esq. Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy Wentworth obtained from William Hawes, a lease of Fyanstown, eo. Meath. dated 8th June, 1692". His eldest son by his second wife, George Wentworth, Esq. of Fyanstown. eldest son and heir, m. Catherine,' daughter of Robert Longfield, Esq. of Kilbride, eo. Meath, and sister of William Longfield, Esq., and by her (who d. in 1721) had issue, Robert, of whom presently. George. Larey, d. s.p. Michael, d. s.p. The eldest son and heir, KouiiRT WiiXTWoii-iii, Esq. of Fyans- 96 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. town, CO. Meath. and afterwards of Bride- street, Dublin, was under age at tlie date of his father's death. He in. first, 1731, Mary, daughter of Thomas Walsh, Esq., and by her (who d. 1729) had issue, I. Daecy, of whom presently. I. Catherine. He m. secondly, 1732, Anne, daughter of Eduiond DarcT, Esq., and sister of John Dan-y, Esq., both of Millstown, co. Meath, and by her had issue, a daughter, II. Sarah, m. John Sheilds, Esq., of Wainstown, co. Meath, who d. 27th June, 1792, having had a son, Rev. Wentworth Sheilds. rector of Kilbeg and Newtown, co. Meath, whose sons, John Gore Sheilds and Francis Webb Sheilds, assumed by royal licence, dated 7th January, 1877, the prefix surname of Wentworth (see Wade of Clonebeaney, in Burke's Landed Gent' y). Mr. Robert Wentwortb's son and heir, Daecy Wentwoeth, Esq., was living near Portadown, co. Armagh, 1747, and in Portadown, 1801. He was h. about 1722, m. at Seagoe, near Portadown, 8th January, 1747, Martha Dixon, of the parish of Seagoe, and d. 11th November, 1806, aged 84, and was buried at Seagoe churchyard, near Porta- down, having had by her (who d. 17th July, 1803, aged 76, and was also buried at Seagoe), I. William, of Mallartine, co. Armagh, removed in 1P22 to Bellevue Cottage, Ramsgate, co. Kent, cornet in the 5th Dragoon Guards, 3rd May, 1800, and on half-pay, 21st Dragoons, 1803. He ■was h. betweeii 1747 and 1752, m. at Portadown, 2nd February, 1777, Elizabeth Dickson, and d. at Rams- gate, 1828, having had issue, 1. William, of No. 5, Werburgh- street, Dublin, in. 2nd April, 1804, at Seagoe, Mary Calvert, and had an only child, Elizabeth, who m. Dr. Allen E. Mahood, of Kings- town, and had an only child, William Wentworth Mahood, Esq. of Kingstown, who d. s.p. 1.'.76. 2. Robert, m. Miss Oliver. 3. Darcv. 4. Charles Watson, H.E.I.C.S. 1. Mary, in. Skeffington Thompson, Esq. 2. Martha, m. WilUam Bucknell, Esq., who emigrated to Australia. They had issue, a son, Robert. 3. Catherine. II. Samuel, baptised at Seagoe. III. Gerrard. IT. Daecy, of whom presently. I. Mary, baptised at Seagoe, 12th December, 1747. II. Dorothy, in. James Joyce, Esq., and emigrated to Schenectady, State of New York. III. Martha, m. first, Moses Paul, Esq., and by him (who d. about 1812) had issue. She m. secondly, John Johnston, Esq., of Lurgan. IV. Mary Anne, h. about 1771, in. about 1799, Thomas Sinnamon, Esq. of Portadown, and had issue, Darcv, of Portadown ; and Harriett, who in. George Kinkevel, Esq. of Portadown. The fourth and youngest son, Daecy Wentwoeth, Esq. of Home Bush, Parramatta, New South Wales, went to that colony, 1791, as superintendent of convicts on Norfolk Island ; appointed assistant sur- geon to His Majesty's Settlement at New- South Wales, 1st December, 1796 ; a justice of the peace for New South Wales, loth May, 1810 ; surgeon to the settlement by Ro\ a! Warrant dated 31st May, 1811 ; superinten- dent of police at Sydney, 8th April, 1815 (resigned 31st March, 1820) ; treasurer of the Police Fund, 3rd June, 1820 ; superin- tendent of police, and treasurer of the Colonial Revenue, 1821; and retired from public life, 1825. He d. at Home Bush, Parramatta, 7th July, 1827. By Catherine Parry, his wife (who d. in 1800, at Parra- matta) he had issue, I. William Chaeles (Hon.), of whom presently. II. Darcy, major in the army ; educated (1806) at Bexlcy, co. Kent ; served in the 63rd and 73rd Regiments, and finally settled in Tasmania. He m. at Edinburgh, Elizabeth, daughter of Major Charles Macpherson, inspector- general of barracks for North Britain, and d. s.p. 21st Jidy, 1861, aged 65. III. John, midshipman R.N., educated (1806) at Bexley, co. Kent ; sailed in the " Royal Oak " with the expedition under Admiral Malcolm, to North America, 1814, and was drowned at sea, 1820 ; unm. I. Martha, d. young. The eldest son, The Hon. William Chaeles Went- worth, of Vaucluse, near Sydney, and Philip-street, Sydnej', New South Wales, "the Australian Patriot," was S. in Norfolk Island, October, 1793, and at the age of 7 was sent to England for his education, re- turning to New South Wales in 1810 ; in 1813, he accompanied Mr. Gregory Blax- land and Lieutenant Lawson in an attempt to cross the Blue Mountains, in which they were successful, and, after having experi- enced many difficulties and dangers, suc- ceeded in reaching home, June 6th of that year. In 1816 Mr. Wentworth went again to England in the " Emu," and matriculated at Cambridge, and in 1819 published A Statistical, Historical, and Political iJescrip- tion of the Colony of New Houth Wales. Whilst at Cambridge he WTote his well- known poem on Australia. He was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 4th February, 1822 ; returned to New South Wales, and was admitted to the Colonial Bar, September, 1824. The same }ear he and his BFRKE'S COLOXIAL GKNTRY. 97 fi'iend, Dr. Wardell, iilso a barrister, started tlie AustraUan newspaper in Sidney, bnt after tlie deatli of tlie latter tjeiMleman, Mr, A\'ent worth witlulrew in some measure from }\is professional and litei'ary labours and entered info pastoral pursuits, still eontinuiiij; to take an aetive part in polities. He was leader of the Patriotie Association, whieh had as its object the promotion of the interests of tlie people of New So\illi Wales. In June, 1813, he was returned to the Legislative Assembly for the eity of Sydney ; and in l.SiOtook a iirominent part in the foundation of the University of Sydney. In 1851 he proeeeded to Kiitiland on a iiolitical mission, returned to his native country in 1861, and the same year was appointed president of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, ■which colony he finally left for England in lSli2. Mr. Wentworth m. at St. Michael's Church, Sydney, 26th October, 1829, Sarah, daughter of Francis Cox, Esq. of Albion- street, Surrey Hills, Sydney, She d. and was buried in 18S0, at Eastbourne, co. SiLssex, England. Mr. Wentworth d. at Merley House, near Winiborne, co. Dorset, 2(1th March, 1872, aged 78 years, and was buried at Vaucluse, near Sydney, 1873. By his said wife he had issue, I. FiTzWiLLiAM, now of Vaucluse. II. Darcy Bland, lieutenant (retired) 8th Hussars, b. at Vaucluse, 10th January, 1848, m. at Chislehurst, co. Kent, Lucy Anne Bowman. I. Fanny Kalherine, h. 2nd August, 1835, twin with her sister Sarah Eleanor, m. at St. James's, Sydney, John Reeve, E>q. II, Sarah Eleanor, b. at Svdney, 2nd August, 1835, d. uiim. ut Corfu, 1857. III, Klhii Sophia, b. at Vaucluse, 24th Xoveniber. 1838, IV, Isabella Christina, b. 20th Septem- ber, 18K), (/, iiiim. at Malvern. 18.5B. V, Laura, b. 12th November, 181-2, )H,at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, co. Middle- sex, 17th December, 1872, Lieutenant Colonel Henry William ICeays Young, 1 vfe of the 18th Regiment of Foot, of Kylesden, Chart Sutton, co. Kent, who served during the Persian cam- ])aigu of 1856 — 57, with the Bombay Killes, also with the same regiment and the I'oonah Irregular Horse in the Indian campaigns of 1857 — 59. She (/. -i.p. November, 1887. VI, Edith, b. 1st January, 1845, m. at St. Paul's, Kiiiglitsbridgc, co. Aliddle- scx, 1872, to the Ven. Charles Gordon Cummiiig Dunbar, D. D., archdeacon of Grren.ada, 1875 (b. 1841), fourth son of Sir Archibald Dunbar, sixth hart, of Northlield (see Burke's I'eeraf/e)^ J, P., D.L., convener co. Elgin, and formerly an officer 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment, by Sophia, his second wife, daughter of George Grred, Esq. of Tranmere, co. Chester; and has a daughter, Beatrix Levla Marjory Wentworth. Arms — Sa, a chev. between three leopards faces or. Cresl — A griffin pass wings ele- vated arg. Residence — Glencairn, Bournemouth, Hants. Estate — Vaucluse, near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Bcttljam of Cljiistdjurcf). BEETHAM, RtCHMOND, Esq. of Christcliurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, J, P., resident, magi.strate for Cliristchuroh and sheriff of Timaru, South Canterbury, h. at Hornoastle, co. Lincoln, England, 30th April, 1S36 ; TO. at Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, 17th September, 1863, Lucella Frances, second daughter of William Swainson, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., itc, naturalist, of Perngrove, Hntt, Wellington, but has no issue. Hincaac. HrGU DE MoXTUOMKRT, LoRD OF MoXT- GOMERV, was guardian to William Rufcs, and m. Joscelina, daughter of Thorolf de Beaumont, of Portandomare, by Neva, his wife, daughter of Gorma the Old, thir.l King of Denmark, whose wife, Thyra, was daughter of Edward the Elder, King of England. His third son, Rodger, Earl of Arundel akd Count OF Shrkwseurt, m. Mabel Tidvase, daughter and heir of William de Bellesme, Count of Alencon, and was father of, VOL, I. Roger de Poictou, Earl of Lan'c,\ster, who, by Almodia, his wife. Countess of March, was father of Auderbert de Montoomeet, Earl of March. His grindson, Ralph de Betham, changed his name to DE Betham, in lieu of his patronymic, on the restoration to him, in right of his grand- father, of the casile and manor of Bet ham, on Moreeambe Bay, eo. Westmorland, Eng- land. His son, Thomas de Betham. m. Amuira, daughter U 98 BURKE'S COLOXIAL GENTRY. of Richard Fitz-Roger, Lord of Wood Plumpton (whose wife was lieir of Dun- stau Banister), and was great grandfather of Sib Thomas de Betham, of Betham (now spelt Beetham). co. Westmorland, m. Parnell or Petronella, daughter and heir of Sir Robert de Burton, Lord of Burton, near Kendal, co. Westmorland. His grandson, JoHV DE Betham, of Trimby, co. West- morland, living 1405, m. Margaret, sole lieir of CoUinson, Lord of Castlecarroek, co. Cumberland. His great great grandson, Arthcu Betham, of Trimby, A. 1546, at Morland, co. Westmorland, was great great great grandfather of Edward Betmam, of Highmore, Towcett and Newbystones, baptised at Morland, co. Westmorland, 22nd January, 16*3; m. Mar- garetta, and had issue, two sons, I. Rev. Robert Betham, A.M., rector of Silchester, co. Southampton, England. He sold his estate of Highmore, &c., to his cousin, William Betham ; was drowned in Fleet Ditch, London, and buried at Silchester, 25th November, 1719, having had issue, besides three daughters, two sons, viz. : I. Rev. Edward, B.D., d. uum. He left his estate to support a botanic garden in Cambridge. II. Robert, d. an inlant. II. Mathew, of whom presently. Mathew Beeth.im or Betham, baptised nt Morland, 1st October, 1682. He settled at East Ardsley, co. York, whei-e he had issue, four sons, viz. : I. William, of Talkiugham. II. Michael, of Stanisland. III. John, clerk in the Bank of England, d. in London. IT. Joshua, of whom presently. Joshua Beetham, m. Sarah, daughter of . . . Fisher, Esq. of Scrooby, co. York (she was buried, 18u6, at Hooton Pagnell, near Doncaster, co. Y'ork), and was buried, 17H8, at Hooton Pagnell, leaving issue, I. William, of East Ardsley Grange, d. s.p. II. Michael, of London, d. s.p. III. Mathew, d. an infant. IV. George, buried at Hooton Pagnell, 1824, s.p. V. Joshua, of whom presently. 1. Susannah, baptised 12lh July, 1767, buried at Hooton Pagnell, 1820, s.p. Joshua Beetham, Esq. of Doncaster, co. York, merchant, m. Catherine, daughter of . . . Richmond, Esq. of Crimpsall, co. Y'ork. She was burieil at Lincoln. He was buried in Doncaster churchyard, and left issue, William Beetham, Esq. of Danum and Te Mako Taita, both in Wellington, New Zealand, J. P., late of Frimley Hill, co. Surrey, En;»land, m. 25th June, 1S35, Mary, daughter of Philhp Horsley, Esq. of Hull and Don- caster, merchant, who was the son of.Marma- duke Horsley, Esq. of Helmsley Blackamoor, CO. York, and d. 3rd August, 1888, aged 7y years, having had issue, I. Richmond, now of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. II. William Henry, of Towcett, Waira- rapa. New Zealand, J. P., b. at Hex- tliorpe, CO. York, iOth August, 1837. lie is chairman. County Council, Wairarapa North ; m. Marie Zelie Heruiance, daughter of Charles Francois Denis Frere, of Mareuil, L'Oise, France. III. George, of Wellington and Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, J.P , and member of the House of Representatives, New Zealand, b. at Horncastle, co. Lincoln, 9th May, 1840; m. Annie Frances, daughter of N. W. Levin, Esq. of Gledhow-gardens, London, and of Wellington, New Zealand, and has had issue, Mita Muriel, d. an infant. IV. Hugh Horsley, of Brancepeih, W^ai- rarapa, and of the Masterton Club, Masterton, New Zealand, J. P., b. at Horncastle, co. Lincoln. 21st Novem- ber, 1841 ; m. 30th April, 1879, Ruth, third daughter of Charles Robert Bid- will, Esq. of Pihautea, Wairarapa, Wellington, J.P. (see Bidwill of Pihautea), and has issue, 1. Ralph Fitz-Roger Bidwill, b. at Brancepeth, Wairarapa, 10th January, ISSO. 2. Orengard Horsley, b. at Brance- peth, 12th June, 1886. 1. Thvra Talvase, b. at Brancepeth, 5th December, 1883. V. Charles Edward, of Te Apiti, Hawke's Bav, New Zealand, b. at Horncastle, 17th ilay, 1843. VI. Phillip Joshua, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, barrister and solicitor, b. at Frimley Hill, co. Surrey, 1850. VII. Norman, of Te Apiti, Hawke's Bay, A. at Frimley Hill, co. Surrey, 25th June, 1853; m. 27th June, 1881, Alice Marv, eldest daughter of Herbert Samuel Wardell, Esq. of Te White, New Zealand, J. P., resident magistrate and sheriff of Waii-aiapa, and has issue, 1. Norman Trevor Beaumont W'ar- dell, b. at Hastings, Hawke's Bay, 7th March, 1882. 2. Harold Richmond Wardell, b. at Hastings, Hawke's Bay, 6th July, 1 1885. 1 I. Anne Palmer, b. at Horncastle, co. Lincoln, 19th December, 1838 ; m. at The Hutt, Wellington, to Thomas Coldham Williams, Esq. of Wellington and Wairarapa (see Williams op Pakahaka), and has issue, 1. Hugh George, of Lansdowne, Wairarapa, B.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, b. 26th September, 1861. 2. Guv Coldham, b. 18th August, 1868. BruKi-rs coLoxrAL (ikxtky 99 3. Wyreru Heury, b. 15lh May, IHTO. 4. Thomas Gwynne Horsley, b. 11th May, 1871. 5. Algar Temple, 4. 3rd October, 1877. fi. Erie Temple, h. February, 1885. 1. Ethel Alieo, h. 27th March, 18G3 ; m. 10th February, 188f!, Arthur Edward Russell, Esq. of Te Matai, and has issue, I, Ethel Ida; ii, Beatrix Ifamiltou. 2. Maude Mary Auue, b. 18th May, 1865. 3. Hilda Temple, h. 3rd April, ist;7. ■1. Elfle Clare, h. IGth Mareh, 1872. 0. Eila Mabel, i. 3rd February, 1876. 6. Una Mildred, b. 29th December, 1870. 7. Enid Githa, b. August, 1881. II. Mary JIargaret, b. at Hexthorpe, eo. York, 25th May, 1815 ; m. at The Hutt, Wellington, 22nd January, 1868, ♦Tames Nelson Williams, Esq. of Frimley, Hawke's Bay, J. P. (see WiLLiASts OF P.ikar.\ka), and has issue, 1. Heatheote Beetham, b. 2nd De- cember, 1868. 2. Arnold Beetham, b. lOtli April, 1870. 3. Cyril Nelson Beetham. b. 1st Noyember, 1877. 4. Hdric Beetham, b. 12tli July 188-1.. 1. Winifred Beetham, b. 18th Januiiry, 1872. 2. G-ertrude Mary Beetham, b. 9tli September, 1873. 3. Elsie Jane Beetham, b. 16th December, 1874, III. Susaiuudi, b. at Hexthorpe, co. York, 14th October, 18.47 ; m. 21st February, 1878, Cecil Augustus Fitz-Roy. Esq. of Ringstead, Hawke'e Bay, J. P. (see FiTz-RoY OF Ringstead), and has issue, 1. Charles Cecil Soutluuupton, *. 24th March, 1884. 2. Frederick Waller Southampton, b. 3rd July, 1885. 1. Maud .Mary le Strange, b. 12th December, 1878. 2. Louisa Gwendoline le Strange, b. 28th May, 1881. Arms — Or three fleurs-de-lis az, a crescent arg. for dill'erence, impaling: quarterly, 1st, arg. on a fesse gu., three mill-rinds of the field, for SwAlNSON ; 2nd, ai-g. on a chevron sa. three crosses pattee of the field, for Wealdy ; 3rd, gu. a chev. or, between three crosses pattee arg., on a canton erm. a buck's head erased sa. for Strickland ; 4th, arg. a cross gu., between four nails of the second, for Pill. Crest of Beetham — A stag lodged gu. Motto — Per ardua surgam. Residence — Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. 33otsfortf of (DttaVoa. BOTSPORD, HON. AMOS EDWIN, of the city of Ottawa and parish of Sackville, in the Dominion of Canada, lieut. -colonel Reserve Militia, CO. Westmorland, senator of the Dominion of Canada, for the province of New Brunswick, h. 2.5th September, 1804, at St. John, New Brunswick; m. ITth September, 1864, at Sackville, Mary, daughter of the late Oliver Cogswell, Esq. of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, but has no issue. He has been a member of the Legislature for fifty-five years, twice appointed speaker of the Senate by Commission under the Great Seal of the Dominion of Canada, was a member of the Legislative Council of New Brunswick from 1833 until the Union, and was called to the Senate of the Dominion of Canada by Royal Proclamation in 1867; senior judge of Westmorland County for a number of years; a com- missioner to settle the boundary between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in 1836; a delegate to Washington in 1839 respecting the Border difficulties; a commissioner with Colonel Robinson, R.E., and Mr. Bouchette to define the boundary between Canada and New Brunswick, and a delegate to Washington respecting a Reciprocity Treaty in 18.52. He moved the resolution in the Legislative Council in 1806 approving the Union of the British North American Colonies. H 2 100 BURKE'S OOLOX[AL GENTRY. ILinfnac. The progenitor of tlie faniilr on the con- tinent of America, Hexry Botsford, settled in Connecticut in 163.^, only nineteen years after the "iMayllower" crossed tlie ocean. Amos Botsfoed, Ksq. (son of G-ideox Bots- ford, Esq.), a United Empire Loyalist, was b. in New Town, Connecticut, 30th January, 1744, but through adhesion to his allegiance in the Revolutionary War was forced to leave his home. He embarked at New York in the British Fleet, with other Loyalists, in the autumn of 1782, to seek an asylum in Nova Sc.jtia, and landed at Annapolis. He was appointed by tlie British Government agent to the Loyalists, and subsequently removed to Westmorland ; upon the erection of the province of New Brunswick, he represented that county, and was elected speaker of the first House of Assembly in 1786, and was afterwards re-elected by each successive House until his death in 1812, thus havmg filled that inipjrtant otiiee twenty-seven years. He m. 8th November, 1770, Sally, daughter of Colonel Joshua Chandler, a gentleman of large landed estates in New Haven, who ad- hered to the Loyal cause, and came to Nova Scotia, with his faiiily.in the British Fleet, in 1782. Colonel Chandler with his ton William and t«o daughter.*, Jlrs. Sarah Grant and Elizabeth, met with a sad fate, having been shipwrecked on the^r passage from Dighy to St. John, New Brunswick, on the 9th March, 1787, on the rock-bound coast of the Bay of Fundy, and perislied miserably in the woods. Amos Botsford left, with two daughters (Sarah, b. llth August, 1771 ; in. Rev. John Milledge ; and Anne, b. 2i)th April, 1778 ; m. Stephen Milledge, Esq.), an only son. The Hon. Willum Botsford, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, and previously speaker of the Legislative Asseinblv of New Brunswick, b. in New Haven, Connecticut, 29th April, 1773 ; m. 21st January, 1802, Sarah Lowell, dau;;hter of the late Hon. William Ha?en. She was b, 17th October, 1775, and d. May, 1851. He d. at SackviUe, 8th May, 1864, having had issue, I. William Hazen (deceased), represented tlie county of Westmorland in the Legislature of New Brunswick. II. Amos Edwin (Hon.) , of whom we treat. III. Charles, a lawyer. IV. George, a barrister, clerk of the Legis- lative Council of New Brunswick. V. Chipman (deceased), a barrister, re- presented the county of Rishgouche, New Brunswick. VI. Le Barou, M.D., educated at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. VII. Bliss, represented the county of Westmorland in the Legislature, elected speaker, and is now judge of the County Court of Kent and Westmorland. VIII. Blair, warden of the Dominion Penitentiary, Dorchester, deceased. I. Sarah Anne. m. the Hon. Robert L. Hazen, barrister and member of the Senate of Canada. She is now deceased. II. Eliza, d. unm. Crest used — A bird close. Motto — Tjigna .lequens. lie.-iidences — City of Ottawa ; parish of Sackville, Dominion of Canada. 3Salur of !3ticlaitie» BA.KER, HON. RICHARD CHAFFEY, C.M.G., J.P., of Adelaide, South Australia, member of the Legislative Council of South Australia, b. at North Adelaide, 22nd June, 1841; m. Katherine Edith, daughter of the late Richard Bowen Colley, Esq., and by her has issue, I. John Richard, b. 1867 ; educated at Cambridge. II. Robert Barr, b. 16th May, 1879. I. Edith Adelaide. Mr. Baker was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1864) ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, June, 1864; became a member of the Legislative Council in 1877, and took office as minister of education, 1884; was a member of the South Australian Commission on the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, 1886. He was appointed special envoy in 1885 from all the Australian Colonies to Great Britain, to negotiate a Postal union between that country and Australia, and for his services Her Majesty was pleased to confer on him the Order of St. Michael and St. George, in 1886. He is the first lUHKKS COLONIAL (iKNTRY. 101 native-born South Australian ■who sat as a nicnihcr of thi' Housd of Assembly, or who has occupied a seat in the Legislative Council. ILiiuacir. John Bakek, Esq. of Tlton, co. Somerset. d. before 6th January, 1617. He liad issue, I. Nicholas, of Ilton. II. James, of Iltoii, where he was bvu'ied 12th llarch. ](!t9. His will was dated 12th May. lli-iT. He in. twiee (Ills first wife died before 12th May, 1617, Hs his seeond wife. Joan, was living at that date), and had is^ue, 1. Hugh, living 12th May. 1617. 2. John, of Ilton, eo. Somerset. By Joan, his wife, he had a daughter, Joan, 4. 14th Oetober, 1651, and buried at Hton 22nd Oetober, 1654. 3. Thomas (Rev.), of Bishop's XMupton, eo. Devon: eleeted seholar of Watlhaiii College, Ox- ford, 27th April, 1645; B.A. lUth April, 1647 ; afterwards minister of Bishop's Nympton. He was a famous matheuuitieian, and as a mark of esteem the Royal Society presented him with a medal. In their Philotiophicul Transactions for 16S4 an aecouut of his great work The Geomefn'ca/ Keji. vr the Gate of Equations Unlocked, is preserved. Kev. Thomas Baker d. 5th June, 1690. By Elizabeth, his wife, he had issue, Thomas, living 16.S9 ; James, studying at Oxford 16811 ; Joan, ni. Mr. Pole; Theojiliila, iinm.; Hannah, unni. ; Elizabeth, nnm. 4. James, b. before 1629 ; d. before 1689. 5. Kobei't, b. before 1629; living 1654. 1. Mary. »«. at Ilton, 20th January, 1651. John Parsons. K.sq. 2. Joan, wife of Mr. Norman. She had a son, James Norman. Nicholas Baker, Esq. of Iltou, eo. Somer- set, surrendered, in 1617, to " Mistresse Doro- tliie Wadhani, widowe, late wife of Nicholas Wadham, Esquier," all his estate lying in Hortmead, in tlie parish of Ilton, eo. Somerset, late in the tenure and occupation of "one John Baker, deceased," father of him. " the said Nieliolas Baker." His will was proved 5th July, 1633, liy Alice, his widow and ex- ecutrix. He had issue, I. Gabhiel, of whom presently. II. Nicholas, buried at Ilton, 8th April, 1665, having had issue. III. Thomas, living lti27 and 1647, and his wife Frances was li\ ing 1632. IV. Eusebius, of Ilton, yeoman, living 1618. By Anne, his wii'e (who was biu-ied at'llton. 31st December. 16911. he had issue, John, of Ilton, m. at Puekington, CO. Somerset, 27th June, 1665, Susannah Standerwicke, and was buried at Htou 3Uth .Vugust, 1704. He had issue, by Susaniuih, his wife, who (/. 171", AVilliani, of Ilton, yeoman, bap- tised 23rd March, 1669; m. before 1798. and (/. about 1737. By Jane, his wife, who was buried at Ilton, 24t]i July, 1735, he had issue, Euse- bius, baptised 21.st March. 1698 ; buried at Hton, 2nd April, 1699 ; William, bap- tised 3rd Auril, 1700 ; buried at Hton lull of same month ; John, of Ilton. yeoman, bap- tised 6tli September, 1704 (by Ann, his wife, who sur- vived him, he had issue) ; William, baptised 11th Octo- ber, 1710; Mary, baptised 28th May, 1701;' buried at Ilton, 8th June following; Jane, baptised 4tli October, 1708 ; buried at Ilton same day. John, baptised at Ilton, 2nd February, 1674; living 1709, and having issue, John and Gabriel, both under age at that date. Mary, baptised at Ilton 6tli Jiine, 1666; m. Mr Little- John, of Capland, }>arisli of Broadway, CO. Somerset. Ex- ecutrix of her mother's will 14tli January, 1709—10. Joan, baptised 4tli August, 1643, at Hton ; m. there 19tli February, 1662, to William Goodwin, Esq. Botli living 20th April, 1692. She had issue. V. James, of Martoi'k, co. Somerset. By Joan, his wife, who survived him, he had issue, a daughter, Frances, who was living 1632. I. Agnes, or .\niie, was iinm. 1627. and v\ife of John Smith, 20th December, 1652, at which date she had a son, John, living. H. Alice, living 1618. The eldest son, GahkiivL Bakek, Esq. of Ilton. co. Somer- set, )«. before 1643. and d. 29tli May, 1677. Bv Joan, his wife (who was buried at Hton. 2ist December, 1700), he had issue, I. Gabriel,/;. 3rd April. 1647 ; (/.young. II. Nicholas, h 22nd January, 1651; d 7th Miiv, 1657. HI. Gabriel, b. 20th August, 1654; buried at Iltou, 25lh March, 1663. 102 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. IV. James, of wboin hereafter. I. Mary, baptised 17th September, 1643 ; m. at Ivnole. co. Somerset, 8th No- Tember, 16*'6, her cousin, the Rev. "William Baker, ricar of Iltoii, oo. Somerset, for forty-eight years, who ■was b. in 1G37 ; educated at Wadham College. Oxford, and d. 3rd August, 1708, aged 71 ye.ars. She d. at Chisel- borough, CO. Somerset. She had issue, 1. William, h. 17th September, lljt)7 ; d. 7th January, 1668. 2. ■\Villiam (Right Eer.), D.D., fellow of Wadham College, Ox- ford, sometime rector of St. Giles- in-thc-Ficlds, co. Middlesex, and chaplain to the House of Com- mons, Bishop of Bangor, 1723, and, subsequently. Bishop of Norwich, h. 20th December, 1668 ; d. 4th December, 1732, aged 65 years. Ml. in the Abbey Church, Bath. 3. Gabriel, of Ilminster, co. Somer- set, b. 13th December, 1674. He d. 1720, leaving Joan, his widow. 4. iSicliolas (Rev.), rector of Chisel- borough, CO. Somerset, vicar of Broad Windsor, co. Dorset, treasurer of Bangor Cathedral, and prebendary of Ilton, in the cathedral of Wells, b. 24th Feb- rnary. 1676 ; m. twice (Agnes, his first wife, was living 1720, and Jane, his second wife, 1747), and d, Sth January, 1748. He had issue, I. John (Rev.), M.A., of Wad- ham College, Oxford, rector of Garveston alias Gaston, CO. Norfolk, commissary of archdeaconry of Sudbury, joint registrar of Bangor, and vicar of Ilton. co. Somer- set, b. 1713; d. 20th Janu- ary, 1757, aged 44 years, and was buried at Ilton, 25th January following, having had issue, John, aged 9 years, 3rd September, 1751 ; and WiUiam, b. 16th August, 1747, at Ilton, living 1764. ]T. William, LL.B., of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, barrister- at-law of the Middle Temple, treasurer of Norwich Cathe- dral, and joint rector of Bangor, admitted of the Middle Temple, 12tli March, 1739. III. George, living 1732. IV. Nicholas (Rev.), vicar of Martock, co. Somerset, and prebendary of Ilton, in the cathedral "of Wells, b. 11th July, 1719; m. first, Ann Swayne, of Dorchester (who was baptised at Upwey, 1721), and by her had issue, 1. Arthur, buried Sth No- vember, 1752. 2. Nicholas, buried Sth April, 1754. 1. Mary, baptised 27th December, 1750. 2. Jane, baptised 19th May. 1752; buried 30t!i November same year. He m. secondly, Mary Hunt, of Compton Pauncefoot, co. Somerset, and by her (who d. 13th October, 1802, aged 72 years) had issue, 3. Joseph, baptised 20th October, 1755 ; d. in infancy. 4. Gabriel, baptised 31st October, 1757. 5. James, b. 16th May, 1763 ; »». first. Miss Dunn, of Devonshire, and by her had issue, a son, I. Edward Whitley, who m. Miss Harriet Crow, of Yarmouth. She d. in 1862, aged 73 years, and was buried in Nunhead Cemetery, co. Sur- rey, leaving issue, a son, Edward William Whitley, of Discard Park, co. Chester, who was h. 3rd March. 1816; m. Elizabeth Tilley, of Streatbam, eo. Surrey (who was b. 22nd August, 1819, and d. 30th Septem- ber, 1866) and had, amongst other issue, 1. Edward Whit- ley, who m. and has issue a son, Edward Whit- ley, of Wim- borne Minster, CO. Dorset. 2. Edgar Crow, of The Laurels, Victoria, and of Glenora, Co- wichan, both in the province of British Colum- bia, Dominion of Canada, J. P., and member for "N'ictoria, Brit- ish Columbia, in the Cana- dian House of Commons, b. at Lambeth, co. Surrey. Eng- land, ICth Sep- BURKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. lOU loiiibiT, 18-15; pilucated at the Rovnl Hospital Scliuols, trreen- wich i entered the Koyal NaTv,llthSep- teinbfi-, 1860: promoted to tlie rnnk of lieutenant, 9th August, 1870; and was soiiie- tiuie navigating licutenantof H. M.S. "Niobe;" retired 22nd •September, 1878. He sub- sequently be- eame aceount- iiut in the Pro- v\neial Trea- sury, secretary to the Board of Pilot Commis- sioners, and superintendent of pilots, and grand secre- tary of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. Mr. Edgar Crow Baker m. at Bebington, Chesliire, 17th March, 1869, Frances Mary, eldest daughter of Captain Richard Jones, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and by her (who was h. 1st December, 1846) has had issue a daugh- ter, Elizabeth Cecilia Crow, It. 10th August, 1881; and (/.1st August, 1884.. He III. secondly, 17th June, 1793, Hannah, daugliter of William Bishop, Estj. of The Leigh, near Cheltenham, co. Glouces- ter, and by her (who d. 17th July, 1848) had issue, II. William, b. 21st May, 1802 ; d. 4th April, 1823. III. James, b. April, 1805; d. uiim. in Wales. IV. George, h. liith Mnv, 1811 ; m.28th I'Vliruary, 1843, ■Mi'linila Harris, daughter of Phillip Lovell, Esq. of Taunlon, co. Somer- set, by Manila Scalcy, his wife, and has issue. V. John, b. 23rd Janu- ary. 1815; m. 1846, Marv Yates, of co. Stafford, and has had twelve children, seven of whom sur- vive, vi?., four sons anilthree daughters. I. Hannah, /'. 4tli .Vpril, 1795 ; m. Thomas Ridler, Esq. of Gloucester (whorf. about 1853), ;ind d. in 1849, having had issue, one son and one daughter, now de- ceased. II. Mary, h. 27th April, 1797 ; '". James Randall, Esq. HI. Anne, b. 25th January, ISOO; m. Francis Hall, Esq.. a native of Carlisle, and had an only son, now deceased. IV. Agnes .loan, b. 8tli Mav, 1808; m. 23rd May, 1846, Robert Kixon, Esq. of Pembroke Dock, ■who d. in 1852, leaving one child, a daughter. ;j. Jane, baptised lOtli June, 1756. 4. Sarah, baptised 25tli Decemlier, 175S. 5. Catharine, baptised 19lh February, 1760; iii. 2K11i December. 1785, Henry Norris, Esq., son of William Norris, Esq. of Taunton, co. Somerset, and d. 9th December, 1787. 6. Charlotte, baptised 11th March, 1762 ; »«. 13th July, 1788, Henry Nor- ris. Esq., son of Wil- liam Karris, Esq. of Taunton, co. Somerset, and d. 4th .liine, 1830. and was buried at St. James's Church, South Petherton, co. Somer- set. 7. Joan, baptised 16th .•Vpril, 1765; d. iinm. Rev. Nicholas Baker was bwried in Martock church- 104 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. yard, 19th October, 1798, aged SO. r. Gabriel, liTing, 1747. VI. Arthur, living, 174-8. VII. Joseph, living, 1732. 5. James, h. Htli August, lfi79. 6. John, b. 25th October, 1683. 1. Mary, h. 3rd August, 1672; m. at- Lufton, co. Somerset, 201 h August, 1690, to John Goodwin, Esq. Both living, with issue, 17U5. 2. Joan. b. 4th November, 1681 ; d. 21st July, 1682. II. Grace, b. 29th November, 1649 : m. at Ilton. 16th December, 1672, to Robert Eugg, Esq., and had issue. The fourth, but only surviving son, James Baker, Esq., b. 27th May, 1656; m. before 1677, and was living 9th October, 1695. By Elizabeth, his wife (who was living 1689), he had issue, I. James, of Ilton, veoman ; buried at Ilton, 30th April, 1762, aged 85. By Elizabeth, his wife (who was living, 1709), he hiid issue, 1. James, of Ashill, eo. Somerset, baptised 16th July, 1708, at Ilton ; buried there 28th May, 1763. He had issue, Eu3ebius,of Ilton, »!. there, 1st June, 1767, Mary Morris, of Ilton, widow ; and m. se- condly, December, 1770, Rachael Leaky, of Ilton. He was buried at Ilton, 28th Jaauarv, 1772. Betty, wife of . . . Gardner, Esq., execu'rix to her father's will, 14th August, 1763. Sarah, wife of . . . Winter, Esq. 2. John, of Illon, baptised there 17lh January, 1709, and was buried there 14th February, 1766. Testamentary paper was dated 7th September, 1764, at which date his wife, Joan, was living. 1. Mary, baptised at Ilton, 18th June, 1703; m. . . . Hooper, Esq. 2. Jane, baptised at Ilton, 23rd May, 1705; buried there 30th Septem- ber following. 3. Joan, baptised at Ilton, 30th June, 1706; bui-ied there 11th October, 1763. II. Eusebius, baptised at Ilton, 14th October, 16V9. in. Thomas, baptised at Ilton, 2Sth April, 1682. IV. Gabriel. V. John, baptised at Ilton, 2nd August, 1686; buried there 12th September following. Ti. John, baptised at Ilton, 10th Octo- ber. 1687. VII. William, baptised at Ilton, 26th December, 1689. The fourth son, Gabriel Baker, Esq. of Hurst or Bower- henton, in the parish of Martock, co. Somersel, was baptised at Ilton, 3rd August, 1684. By Hannah, bis wife, he had a son, William Baker, Esq. of Hurst or Bower- henton, who m. Anna, daughter of James Garrett, Esq. of Hentstridge, co. Somerset (she d. on Old Midsummer Day, 1789), and d. 13th February, 1799, aged 84 years and 10 months. He had issue, William, who d. s.p.. and John Baker, Esq. of Ilton, and of Lopen, CO. Somerset, only surviving child, b. Ist Sep- tember, 1751 ; m. first, at Ilton, November. 1771, Mary, daughter of Eichard ChafFey, Esq. of Stoke-sub-Hamden, co. Somerset, and by her (who d. 21st August, 1788, and was buried at Lopen, aforesaid) had issue, I. John, of Ilminster, co. Somerset, b. at Ilton, 30th August, 1772 ; m. at Chard, co. Somerset, 1797, Mary Anne, only child of Charles Giffard, Esq. (she rf. 19th January, 1843, and was imried at the Old Meeting Chapel yard at Ilminster), and d. 27th August, 1852, and was buried in the Old Meet- ing Chapel yard at Ilminster, having had issue, 1. Charles Giffard, of Seaton, co. Devon, b. 26th June, 1805; m. first, at Frostenden, co. Suflblk, lOtli December, 1829, Clarissa Juliana, eldest daughter of Robert Bovrett Barfoot, Esq. of Frosten- den, aforesaid, and by lier (who d. April, 1835, and was buried at Eisca, CO. Monmouth) had, I. Charles Edward, b. 7tli November, 1831. II. John Henry, b. 1st March, 1833 ; d. and was buried at Seaton, 26th June, 1852. He m. secondly, at the Old Presbyterian Chapel, Crew- kerne, CO. Somerset, 6th June, 18-44, Elizabeth, eldest daugh- ter of James Cuff, Esq. of Merriott, co. Somerset. 2. John, of Ilminster. attorney-at- law, b. at Ilminster, 12th De- cember, 1806; m. there. 24th August, 1832. Mary Blake, eldest daughter of John Collins, Esq. of Horton, in the parish of Ilminster, and bv her (who was b. 15th Mav, 1810) had, I. Malachi Blake, b. 20th Sep- tember, 1833. II. Henrv, *. 12th February, 1835. ■ III. John Collins, b. 28th Feb- ruary, 1842. IV. Alfred, b. 19th January, 1848. I. Lucv. b. 17th October, 1836. II. Bertha, b. 22nd May, 1838. III. Anna Matilda, b. 10th July, 1840. IV. Mary, i. 11th August, 1843. V. Emil'v Margaret, b. 20th May. 1851. VI. Flora, i. 3rd Januarv, 1854. BURKE'S COLONlAl- GKNTllV 105 3. William, d. an infant. L William, of Taunton, CO. Somer- set, attoi-ney-at-law, b. 2titli May, 1811 ; m. at St. Mary Ma;,'dalen, Taunton, r.th June, 1837, Louisa, youngest daugliter of John Bird, Esq of Grccnham Barton, in tlie parish of Ashbrittle, co. Somer- set. 5. Henry, b. 9th April, ISlt; d. iinm. "23rd April, 1832, and was hnried in the Old Meeting llouse yard at llminster. G. Thomas, of Kensington, co. Mid- dlesex, and afterwards of Kings- eote, in the parish of WoUing- liam, CO. Berks, barrisler-at-law, of the Inner Temple, b. 7th July, 1819 ; m. at St. Mary's Newing- ton Biitis, CO. Surrey, 9th Decem- ber, 1S17, Maria Louisa, second daughter of John Watkins, Esq. of Clieltenham, co. Grloucester, uiid has issue, I. Felix, b. loth CV-tober, lS,j7. I. Jessie, b. 16th December, 1849. II. Amv. b. 16th April, 1852. III. Ella. b. 29tli May, 1859. Mr. Thomas Baker is the author of A Battling Life ; The Laics Relating to Burials; The Law of Sighwai/s ; The Magistrate's Pocket Guide, &c. 1. Matilda, b. 6th June, 1799; d. 20tli November, 181-t, and was buried in the Old Meeting House yard at llminster. 2. 'Mary Aun, b. 26th October, 1800 ; m. at St. Peter's, Guernsey, De- cember. 1820, Richard Webb, Esq. ot Cad north, co. Somerset, who d. at Manchester, 11th May, 184,6, leaving issue. .I. Emily, b. 16th February, 1802. 4. Sarah So])hia, b. 31st May, 1800. 5. Ann Matilda, b. 10th December, 1815 ; m. at llminster, 23rd Sep- tember, 1843, John Cogan Con- way, Esq. of Fortess-terrace, Kentish Town, in the parish of St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, and has issue. 6. Elizabeth, b. 31st July, 1817 ; m. at llminster, 10th April, 1855, her cousin, James Baker, Esq. II. RicHAKD Chaffey, of wlioni pre- sently. I. .-Vnna, b. 15th June, 1774; m. Robert Richard Roberts, a captain in the army, and had issue. II. Aiin, b. 15th March, 1776; »«. Ri- chard Hiue, Esq. of Beaminster, co. Dorset, and has issue. III. Mary, b. 28th June, 1778;! d.uum. Uwins. IV. Martha, b. 28th June, 1778 J V. Harriet, b. 18th Novendier, 1787 ; d. unm. 23rd February, 1838, and was buried at Lopen, co. Somerset. John Baker m. secondly, at Lopen, 1790, Elizabeth, daughler of 'i'homas Ardcn, Esq. of Lopcu, and by her (who (/. 15th December, 1825, and was buried at Lopen) had issue, III. Thomas Arden, only i-sue by the second marriage, i. 23rd February, 1793 ; d. unm. 5tli July, 1852, and was buried at Lopen. His second son, Richard Cuaffisy Baker, Esq. of Lopen, CO. Somerset, was b. 2nd September, 1781. He m. at Lyme Regis, co. Dorset, 18th No- vember, isio, Mary, eldest daughter of John Anstice,Esq.of South Petherton. co.Somersel, and d. 29th April, 1821, and was buried at Lopen, having by his said wife (who was b. 16th August, 1786 ; r/. 2 Itli . August 1849, at Morialta, near Adelaide, South Australia, and was buried in St. Ucorge's Church, Woodford, iu that colony) had issue, I. John (Hon.), of whom hereafter. II. James, of Cleverham, co. Somerset, 4. at Lopen, 21st February, 1815, m. 10th April, 1855, his cousin, Elizabeth, sixth daughter of John Baker, Esq. of llminster, aforesaid. III. Henry, of Sunbury, co. Middlesex, b. 8tli November, 1818, »n. at Enfield, CO. Middlesex, January, 1851, Eliza- beth Anne Willis, and by her (who d. at Sunbury, CO. Middlesex, 14th March, 1856) has issue, Henry C'haftey, b. at Enfield, aforesaid, November, 1851, and Florence Mary, b. February, 1854. I. Harriet, b. at Lopen, ba]>tiscd 14tli December, 1811, m. in 1838, at Oat- lands, Tasmania, John Harnett Harri- son. Esq. of Ealing, co. Middlesex, and has issue, James, Harnett, and Harriet. II. Mary, b. at South Petherton, co. Somerset, baptised 17th July, 1817, m. 22nd January, 1844, at Adelaide, South Australia, Jacob Hagen, Esq. of Ropley, near Aldresford. co. South- ampton, and has one child. Sophia, now of Ropley House, Hants. HI. Elizabeth .Vustice. baptised 17th September, 1821, m. at St. George's Church, Woodford, South Australia, 10th October, 1851, jEncas Morrison Allan, Esq. of Terlmga, South Aus- tralia, son of George Allan, Esq. of Allan \'ale. Tasmania, and d. s.p., 12th April, 1852, and was buried at St. George's Church, Woodford, afore- said. Hon. John Baker, of Morialta, Norton's Summit, near Adelaide, and of Terlinga, South Australia, a member of the Legislative Council and some time premier and chief secretary of the said colony, and one of Her Majesty's justices of the iieace there, was 4. 28tli December, 1812, arrived in the colony of South Australia, 1838; m. at Allan Vale, Tasmania, 7th June, 1838. Isabella, secor.d daughter of George Allan, Esq. of Allan V^ale, Tasmania, and by her (who was b. at Greenock, N.B., 24th July, 1819, and now resides at 106 BURKES COLONIAL GENTRY. Morial(a, Norton's Summit, near Adelaide, which estate consists of 2,200 acres) had issue, I. EicHAHD Chafpet (Hon.), C.M.G., J. P., of Adelaide. II. George AlUui, h. at North Adelaide, 7th April, 1843, deceased. III. John, b. at Morialta, 3Cth May, 1853, deceased. IV. Augustus BoTce, h. in Finchley 'Nevr- road, parish of St. John, Hampstead, CO. Middlesex, 10th March, 1859, deceased. Y. Allan Selby Blake, of Terlinga, South Australia, b. in Paris, 12lh January. 1862. Terlinga Estate consists of about 30,000 acres. I. Mary Anslice, b. at North Adelaide, 30th"April, 1840 ; d. 24th May, follow- ing. II. Mary -•i.nstice, b. ISth December, 1815, m. Sir Robert Dalrymple Eoss, speaker of the House of Assembly of South Australia from 2nd June, 1881, until his death ; treasurer from June, 1876, to October, 1877, and was a member of the South Australian Com- mission on the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, 1886. He d. at North Adelaide. 27th December, 1887, having had two children, Alfred and Isabel. III. Isabella Morrison, b. 1st November, 1847. IV. Elizabeth Anstice, b. 24th Septem- ber, 1849, at Morialta, where she re- sides. V. Jessie Smythe, b. at Morialta, 14th March, 1851 ; rf. 1st April, 1852, and was buried at Melbourne, Tictoria. VI. Margaret, b. 3rd September, 1855, m. 1877, Eeginald Arthur Egerton, Esq. (who was b. 1850), fourth son of Major-general Caledon Eichard Eger- lon, of the SPth Regiment, deputy ad- jutant-general of the forces, and mili- tary secretary to the Duke of Cam- bj'idge ; and grandson of the Rev. Sir Philip Grey-Egerton, of Egerton and Oulton, CO. Chester, bart., rector of Tarporley. and the higlier niediety of MaJpas (.-^fc Burke's J'eerage, Bnronf^f- uge, and Knighiatje), and has issue, 1. Eeginald Francis Le Belward, b. 31st March, 1880. 2. AViUrid Allan, b. 17th May, 1881. :;. Philip, b. ISth March, 1884, d. 21st March, 1884. 1. Mary Caledon, b. 1st February, 1878. 2. Winefride Annie le Clerc, h. 14th February, 1.S79. 3. Hilda Dupre, b. 25th January, 1883. 4. Dorothy, b. 19th May, 1885. 5. A daughter, b. 5th November, 1886. VII. Harriet, b. 31st May, 1857, m. Lieu- tenant William Boileau Charter, E.N. , son of Major Charter. The Hon. John Baker was a life member of the British Association of Science, a fellow of the Eoyal Geographical Society, a member of the Ethnological Society, and of manv other learned societies of Europe, and presi- dent of the Eoyal Agricultural and Horticul- tural Society. He was deputed to present the address to the Queen from the colony of South Australia, on the marriage of the Princess Eoyal, 1858, and d. 19th Mav. 1872. Arms — Per fesse or and az. in chief a cin- quefoil between two swans' necks erased, and in base a swan's neck erased between two cin- quefuils counterchanged. Crest — A dexter arm embowed, ]ipr. charged with two cinque- foils az. holding a lozenge also az. thereon a swan's neck erased or. Motto — Carpe diem. Mesidence — Adelaide, South Australia. Bafecr oi Mttoxi^ anti Co\Dtcfjan, See Baker of Adelaide. |t)tarn oi fl^amtlton. HEARN, WILLIAM EDWARD LE FANU, E.sq., M.D.. of Hamilton, Victoria, Australia, surgeon. Himilton Hospital, and health officer, Hamilton, h. "JOth June, 1854, unni. UUUKES Ct)JA)NIAL (iENTUV, 107 ILincnw. The Ilenrns were orif^iiinllv fpnted in Jvorthumbei'Iniid, Krplaiid. FonI Ciistlf, in that coiintv, wiis the gent oi' tlio llcron faniilv, to nhieli family belonged " r^ir Hugh the Heron," mentioned hv .Sir Walter Seott in Martiiioii. The first to settle in Ireland, about 1713, was, The Venerable Daxiki. Hkar.v, M.A., Archdeaeoii of Cashel, 17i6 to 17(36. He m. Miss D'Ovley, and had issue, I. Robert Thomas, of whom presently. II. George. I. Arabella, m. the Rev. P. Dundiis, rector of MuUingar. Robert Thomas Hearx. Ksq..of the 14th Light Dragoons, m. first. Miss Colclough, by whom he hud issue several daughters and two sons, I. Daniel James, of Correagh, co. West- meath, Ireland, lieutenant-colonel of the 43rd Regiment, m.,and had issue a son, Robert Thomas, major 76th regi- ment, who m. .imelia Maria, daughter of Captain Henry Wilson, of the 37th Regiment, and etit ardea. Residence — Hamilton, ^'ictoria, .\uslralia. 108 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. COCKBURN-CAMPBELL, HON. SIR THOMAS, Bart, of Gartsford, in Ross-shire, Scotland, and of Albany, King George's Sound, Western Australia, member (since 1873) and chairman of committees of the Legislative Council of that Colony, 6. at Exeter, co. Devon, 18i5, s. hia brother 6th September 1871, vi. at Albany, W.A., 1870, Lucy Anne, daughter of Arthur Trimmer, Esq., and Mary Anne, his wife, daughter of Captain Sir Richard Spencer, R.N., C.B., K.H., of Posteness, Western Australia, and has issue, I. Alexander Thomas, b. at Albany, W.A., 1872. Tl. John Stothert, b. 1873. I. Grace Lucy. II. Sophia Olympia Cecilia. III. Rachel Mary Anne, IV. Lalla. ILtnrngE. This is a branch of the Breadalbane Camp- bells. SiK Alexander Campbell (grandson of John Campbell, of Achaladar, by his wife Katlierine, daughter of Sir Ewen Cameron of Lofliiel, see that family in Burke's Landed Gently), a lieut.-gen. wlio, at the battle of Talavera, commanded the 4ih division of the army, and was severely wounded, was created a baronet, 6th May, 1815, and ob- tairjed a renewed patent 3rd July, 1821, ex- tending the limitation to his grandson, Alexandek CoCKBrRN, and after him to the issue male of his second daughter, Isabella, Lady Malcolm. Sir Alexander m. first, Olympia Elizabeth, eldest daughter of William Morshead, Esq. of Cartuther, in Cornwall, and had issue, 1833, to the Hon. and Ven. Henry Reginald Yorke, M.A., archdeacon and canon of Ely, rector of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, and of Aspeden, Herts, brother of Charles Philip, fourth Earl of Hardwicke, aud d. 12th January, 1852, liaviug by liim (who was b.' 30th October, 1803, and d. 26tli September, 1871) liad issue (see Hardwicke, Earl of, in Burke's Peerage) . Sir 1812, John Morshead, a lieutenant of infantry, killed at the battle of Assaye. Allan William, lieut.-colonel in the army, fell at the battle of the Pyrenees, 28th July, 1813. Olympia, m. Alexander Cockbuen. Esq . of Madras, banker, of the family of Coekburn, of Rochester, co. Berwick, and had, Sir Alexander Thomas CocKBURN, second hart. Isabella Charlotte, m. to Sir John Malcolm, G-.C.B., aud d. 18G7, leaving issue. Amelia Harriet, m. to lieut.-colonel Sir John Kinnier Macdonald, C.B., of Sanda, Js'.B., British envoy to Persia, who d. in 1830; she rf. at Boulogne, 16th October, 1860. The baronet m. secondly, Elizabeth Anne, dauuhter of the Rev. Thomas Pemberton, by wliom (who d. 20th January, 1870) he left another daughter, Flora Elizabeth, in. 19th November, Alexander Campbell was jwoxy, in for the tiien Earl of Wellington, at his lordship's installation as Knight of the Bath, and himself leceived knighthood. He served during t,he celebrated siege of Gibraltar, and was colonel of the 80th Reginient at the time of his decease. He l.iiid, wa-t on 23rd September, 15GI, dilaitit along with his tather-in-law, John Edzcare, of W'edderlie, Richard, Oliver, James, and tieorge Edzeare, " tor invading with jukes, swordis, steel bonettis, culveryngis," ,Vc,, the lands of David spelled in records, temp. James V, Hivdcshind, I he residence of the family for generations. 'The son and heir, Tn()MA.s CocKBUKX, of Howchcster, co. Berwii^k, A. 1723; m. Agnes, daughter of John Scntt, of Belford, co. Roxburgh, grand- son of Sir John Seott, of Aiicrum, Bart., and in riglit of his mother, Margaret, sister of the last Lord Rutherford, of Rutherford, heir to that dignity (see Burke's ]ixlinrf and Dor- mant Peera;je.t). By licr he had issue, I. John, of Rowchesler, m. Jane Ross, heiress of Shandwick, co. Ross, repre- sentative of the ancient Karls of Ross, and by the entail assumed that sur- name. By her he bad issue, 1. Thomas, captain in the army, killed at tlie siege of Badiijos. 2. Cliarles, d. s p. 1839. 1. Christiana, d. mini. 1872. Mr. Coekburn-Ross, D.L. and J. P. for I he cos. of Berwick and Ross, (/. 1827, and was s. by his second son, Charles, who dying without issue, the line of Shandwick became extinct. His nephew, John, who s. to his cousin's estate of Stoneridge, assumed the sur- name of liis mother's family, being paternally also representative of the Cockburns of Selburnrigg. He d. 1878. II. Thomas, »». Henrietta Colebrook. and hod Thomas, d. s.p., and Agnes Mary, »f. 13th November, 1815, Henry Staf- ford Northcote, Esq., M.B., their eldest sou was Stafford Henry, first Earl of Iddesleigh (see Burke's Peerage) . in. Alexiinder, m. Olympia, daughter of .Sir Alexander Campbell, Bart., and had a son. Sir Ai.e.xander Thomas CoCKBrBX-CAMl'IiELL, Bart. I. Agnes, m. her cousin-german, Thomas Hood, of Hardacres, co. Berwick, J. P., and had, with other issue, Thomas, captain 75th Regiment, d. at Sani'ta Mama, 1818. John Coc-kburn-Hooil, of Stone- ridge (now Slaiiirigg), co. Ber- wick, J. P. and D.L., b. 8th July, 1795, m. first, 1818, Janet Anne, second daughter of Alexander Low, Esq. of Leadnurquhart, CO. Fife, by his wife, Anne, second daughter of George Thomson, lOsq. of Nuthill and Kalklaud, and by her (who d. in 183(1) had is.-uc, 1. T'liomas Hood, b. 1820, ap- pointed to the first Upper Houses of Legislature in the Colonies of ?vew .South Wales and Queensland, m. first, Spottiswoode of that ilk, but the said Laird and his collegjs were acquit by the haill assize. Wedderlie, co. Berwick, belonged to the Kdgar family for 700 \eHi's. 110 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Charlotte, second daughter of Colonel Jolin Shapland, C.B., by his wife, Elizabeth Flora Nicholetts, and by her (who d. 1854) has isiiie, I. John Shapland Elliot (Eev.),M.A.,Trin. Coll., Cambridge, vicar of Kirkby Fleetham, co. York, b. 15th January, 1844. m. 1876, Gertrude Greorgiana Beresford, and has issue, 1. Claud Beresford, b. 3rd April, 1877. 1. Marion. 2. Grei-lrude Cecilia. 3. Caroline Charlotte. 4. Mary Margaret. II. Thomas Cockburn, cap- tain in the army, b. let January, 18 1.^. III. Alexander Entherford, lieutenant, R.N., b. 4tli March, 1850. ly. Charles Edwin, of Bidfi'ord, New Zealand, b. 16th July, 1851. T. Keith Ross, b. 4th March, 1853. I. Janet Anne Lucy, »«. Benson Day Harrison, Esq. of Scale How, and Bayes Brown, Westmor- land, late lieutenant 8th Hussars. He m. secondly, December, 1866, Caroline Theodosia, eldest daughter of the Rer. John George Beresford, rector of Bedale, co. York (son of Admiral Sir John Poo Beresford, Bart., G.C.B., G.C.H.), by his wife, Caroline Amelia, daughter of chief justice Lord Denraan. 2. Alexander Charles, d. 1866. 3. John, C.B., lieut.- general Bengal Staff Corps, of Stain- rigg House, Coldstream, co. Berwick, 19, Cornwall-gar- dens, London, and of the United Service Club, J. P. ; co. Berwick, b. 1823 ; m. 1879, Bell, eldest daughter of the late Spencer Mackay, Esq. of Grazeley Lodge, Berks, and widow of the Rev. P. G. Bentley, of Feltou Grange, Salop. Lieut. -General Cock- burn-Hood was in the Punjab campaign, 1848-9, at Mooltan, and in the Indian Mutiny campaign, 1857-8, at Delhi and Lucknow. I. James Low, d. unm., 1881. 1. Anne, d. 1863. 2. Agnes, m. George Ferguson, E. I. Co.'s Civil Service at Madras, son of Lord FuUer- > ton. 3. Isabella. 4. Rachel. 5. Cecilia Charlotte, m. Archi- bald Walker, Esq. 6. Janet Keith. Mr. Cockburn-Hood, m. secondly, 1844, Airs. Elizabeth Cosens, of Kiimes, Coldstream, co. Berwick, only daughter ol the late Peter Weir, Esq. of Kames and Bogan- green, co. Berwick, by Margaret, daughter of Thomas Monat, Esq. of Garth, co. Slietlaud. She s. her brother, 1837, and »h. first, 1835, Robert Cosens, Esq., lieutenant, E.N., who d. 1841, leaving issue, George Weir Cozens, b. 1837, and Robert Cozens (who has assumed the additional surname of Weir), b. 1838. Mr, Cockburn-Hood d. 1S7S. II. Isabella, m. Lord Robertson, son of the historian. III. Margaret, m. James Stothert, of Cargen, co. Kirkcudbright. IV. Mary. T. Marion. VI. Cecilia Charlotte, d. num. Mr. Cockbnin was deputy-keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland. jHobjat of Cdvonto, MOWAT, HON. OLIVER, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, LL.D., Q.C., prime minister and attorneygeneral of the province of Ontario, which offices he has held since 1872, 6. at Kingston, Ontario, 2'2nd July, 1820 ; m. at Toronto, 19th May, 1846, Jane, daughter of Jolin Ewart, E.sq. of Toronto, and lias issue, I. Frederick, sheriff of Toronto, 6. 23rd February, 1851 ; unm-. II. Arthur, h. 29th October, 1855 ; m. 20th September, 1881, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Professor McLaren, of Knox College, Toronto, and has issne. BURKE'S COLOXIAL OIO.VTIir. II 1. Olivf!!-, d. in infancy. 2. Arthur McLaren. 1. Marjorie. 2. Margaret. III. John, 6. 1st Au<,'ust, 1860; d. 2nd October, 1861. I. Jane Helen, b. 19th June, 1847; m. 7th September, 1875, Charles R. W. Biggar, Esq. of Toronto, barrister-at-law, and has issue, 1. Oliver Mowat. 2. James Lyons. 3. Frederick Charles. 4. Thomas Ewart, deceased. 5. Jean Evvart. 1. Isabel. II. Jessie, b. 29th November, 1849; d. same day. III. Laura, b. 23rd May, 18.53; m. 11th January, 1882, Thomas Langton, Esq. of Toronto, barrister-at-law. IT. Edith, 6. 13th January, 1S.39. l.tncn(ic. This family is of Scottish origin, and is supposed to be related to the Alowats of BalquholUe. John Mowat, Esq., formerly of Canisby, Caithness-shire, Scotland, the father of the present Ho!J. Olitek Mow.4t, went to Ciinada in 1S16, and settled at Kingston, Ontario, where he died. Rusidfiice — -Toronto, province of Ontario, Djminion of Canada. FITZROY, CECIL AUGUSTUS, Esq. of Ringstead, Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, J. P., inspector of sheep, h. 10th January, 1844; in. 21st February, 1878, Susannah, third daughter of William Beetham, Esq. of Danum, Wellington, and Te Mako Taita, Wellington, New Zealand, J. P., late of Friraley Hill, Surrey, England (see Beeth.\m of Chkistchurch), by Mary, his wife, daughter of Phillip Hursley, Esq. of Hull and Doncaster, co. York, merchant, son of Marmaduke Horsley, Esq. of Helmsley Blackamoor, co. York; and by her (who was h. at He.Ktliorpe, co. York. 14th October, 1S47) has issue, I. Charles Cecil Southampton, b. 24-th March, 1884. II. Frederick Waller Southampton, b. 3rd July, 1885. I. Maud Mary le Sti-ange, b. Pith December, 1878. II. Louisa Gwendoline le Strange, 6. 28th May, 1881. Hincngc. He.vet Fitzroy, second illegitimate son of Kixo Chaule.s II, by Barbara Villiers, Duchess of CleTeland (ft. 2Sth September, 1663), was created 16th Ansust, 1672, Baron of SpnBURr, Viscorsx Ip.swicii, and Earl of Edsto.n ; and lltli September, 1675, BrKE OF Ghaftox. In 1680, his grace was installed a Knight of tlie Garter. The duke m. Lady Isabi-lla Bennet. only daughter and sole heir of Henry, Earl of Arlington, Viscount Thetiord, and Baron .■Vrliuf^ton, by whom he had an only son, Charles. His grace perforinel, at the corona- tion of James IT, the ollice of lord high 112 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. constable of England ; and ou the landing of the Duke of Monmouth, in 1685, he com- manded a part of King James's forces, and behaved witli great gallantry in the action of Philip's Norton Lane, in tlie CO. of Somerset, narrowly escaping with his life. He was, however, one of the first who deserted his royal master for the Prince of Orange, in whose cause he was wounded in stormiug the city of Cork, and ]833, leaving his property of Panimro to his grniulson, Amlrcw Arcliilmld. lie had twelve sunt* niul three daughter?, viz., I. Atiijup. h. 1773; d. itinn. IT. John, fi. 1775 ; d. num. III. Alexander, f>. 1777 ; m. Jciisie Mac- donalH, and (f. ISl/, leaving issue. IV. Donald, i 177'J; d. uiim. V. Colin, h. 17S1 i (/. tinm. 1860. VI. Ronald, h. 17S3; )»., and d. 1846, leaving issue. VII. Angus, h. 17S6: m. IMary, daughter of Arcliibaltl llaedonald, Ksq. of Rhue, and d, lSfi3, leaving issue. VIII. Hugh, of whom presently. I.X. Archibald, h. 1790; d. 1873, leaving issue. X. Charles, b. 1792 ; d. 1857, leaving issue. XI. Norman, d. young, xir. James, d. 183-. I. Ifatildn, d. 1877. IT. Clementina, d. 1873. TIT. Catherine, d. 1882. The eighth son, HrcH Macpoxald, Esq., controller of Customs and Navigation Laws at George- town, Prince Edward Island, was a member of the Provincial Legislature for several years, and for some time held the office of high sherifl' of the i:)rovinee. He was b. at Island Sliona, Inverness-sbire, Scotland, 27th July, 1788; m. April. 1826, Catherine, daughter of Archilald Maedonald, Esq. of Rhue, Arisaig, Scotland (who held the estate of Dalelea and Lochj-hiel, in Inverness-shire), and sister of John llacdonald, Esq., pay- master in the 23rd Rojal Welsh Kiisiliers, who m. Miss Farquhar, and d. s.p. in Malta. Mr. Hugh Maedonald d. at Georgetown, P.E.I.. 1( th November, 1857, having had by his wife (who d. at Georgetown, P.E.I., 21st April, 1872) three sors and two daughters, viz., I. AxDRKW AncTUBAi.D (HoN.), of whom we treat. IT. Archibald John (Hon.), of George- town, Prince I'Mward Island, where he carries on a lucreiintile t)usiness, is a nu'nd>er of tlie l*rovincial i.efiishi- ture and of the ICxecutive Council, b. 10th October, 1831 ; m. 1873, Marion, eldest daughter of Dennis Murphy, Esq. of Ilythe, co. Kent, England, and has issue, 1. Temple William Faber. 2. Archibald Glengyle. 3. Hugh A Ulster. A, John Howard. 1. Mary Marion. 2. Alice. ITT. Augustine Colin, a inerchant of Montague, Prince Edward Island, b. 30th June, 1837; was a member of the Provincial Legislature from 1870 to 1873 ; elected to a «cat in the Dominion House of Commons in 1873, and again in 1878 and 1882, but was defeated at the i;cneral election, 1887. lie m. in 186.5, Mary Klizabetb, filth daughter of the Hon. .fohn Small .Maedonald, and has issue, 1. Winnified. 2. Frank Sotuerled. 3. Louis. 4. Ernest. 1. Josephine. 2. Helena. 3. Florence. I. Ann Isabella, h. 1830; d. 1832. TT. Eliza Maria, b. 1832; m. 18>-3, John A. Macdonell, Efq. of Donaldston, Prirce Edward Island, wlio d. s.p. in 1887. Crfst vned — A ca.stle^ friplf-toivfnd artj., masoned sa., and isstiivg from Ike centre iott er a dexier arvi in armonr finbof^^d., grasping a strvrd all ppr. Motto — My hope is vonsiant in thee. He-^idtnre— Go-rernment House, Charlotte- town, Prince Edward Island, Dominion of Canada. Estate — Island of Panmure, Prince Edward Island, Canada. JHtrttiitl) of iLlautiaff. MEREDITH, EDWIN, Esq. of Llandaff, Masteiton, New Zealand, member of the County Council, North Wairarapa, and chairman of the Whareama Road Board, 6. 22nd August, 1827, m. 14th December, 1852, Jane Caroline, eldest daughter of Captain Frederick Edmund Chalmers, and has issue, I. Edwin, of Te Nui, New Zealand, h. 30th October, 185S, m. Ada Stcuart Johnstone, and has is.sue, 1. Guy Owen. 2. William Laird. 3. GeoT'ge Steuart. 1. Ada :\Iatllda. II. Richard Reibey, b. -ith February, lSi)7, rn. Tlicodora Alice Lane, and has issue, 1 2 no BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. L Owen Glendower. 1. Gwylfa Glendower. III. Clarence Kay, b. 28tli November, 1858; assumed the surname of Kaye in addition to and after that of Mkeedm'H; m., 26th February, 1884, his cousin, Rosina Maria, only child of Captain Joseph Henry Kaye, R.N., F.R.S. (who d. at South Yarra, Victoria), by Mai'ia, his wife, eldest daughter of George Meredith, Esq. of Cambria, Swansea, Tasmania, by Mary Evans, his second wife, and has issue, 1. G-ladys Maria. IV. John Montague, b. 5th December, 1862, unm. I. Mary. II. Rosina. III. Clara, m., 21st December, IV. Elsie Emnieline. V. Edith Dry. VI. Janie Chalmers. VII Gwendoline Meredj^th. VIM. Melita Meredyth. IX. Kathleen Meredyth. 1887, Robert Heat on Rhodes, Esq. Hineactc. The family of Meredith can trace a descent, through a long line of the princes of South Wales, from Owen Glendower. John Mebedith, Esq. of Temple-street, Birmingham, co. Warwick, England, and afterwards of Castle Bromwich Hall, near Birmingham, solicitor and harrister, ?«., about 1768, Miss Sally Turner, of Birmingham, and by her (who d. 1819) had issue, I. John, an eminent solicitor of Birming- ham, m. Lucy, sister of Sir Thomas Lawrence, the artist, and had one daughter, Lucy Louisa Ann, m., about 1824, John Asian, of Birmingham, and has numerous issue. II. Charles, of Leicester, England, soli- citor, coroner, &c., had issue, one daughter, Fanny, deceased. III. Henry, of Birmingham, gunmaker, had two sons, only one of whom, Henry, attained manhood. IV. Geoege, of whom presently. I. Louisa Ann, b. about 1772, m. Thomas Twamley, of Hampstead, near Birming- ham, and had one daughter, Louisa Anne, b. in Birmingham, 20th July, 1812 ; m. at Edgbaston, near Birming- ham, 18th A])ril, 1839, her cousin, the Hon. Charles Meredith. II. Anne, d. unm. One of Mr. Meredith's sisters married a Mr. Linwood, whose daughter Mary was the Miss Linwood whose wonderfully clever and artistic pictures in worsted crewel-work were the admiration of the world in the first quarter of the present century. He d. in 1788. His fourth and yoimgest son, George Mekedith, Esq. of Cambria, Swansea, Tasmania, i. in 1778, entered the Navy in 1794, and, as lieutenant in the Marines, served in America, the West Indies, and Egypt ; was invalided on full pay in 1805. He formerly resided at Castle Brom- wich, and subsequently, on retiring from the Marines, at Newbury, and at Rhyndaston. Pembrokeshire, Wales, from which place he emigrated to Tasmania, arriving at Hobart, 18th March, 1821, in the " Emerald." During his residence in Tasmania, Mr. Meredith experienced many difficulties and dangers, and on one occasion his house was broken into bv the noted bushranger Bradv. Mr. Meredith m., first, J 805, Sarah 'Westall Hicks, an heiress, and by her (who d. in 1820 at Rhyndaston) had issue, I. George, believed to have been mur- dered by aborigines in Kangaroo Land, about 1832. II. Charles (Hon.),of Malunnah, Orford; and Hobart, Tasmania. He was for 24 years a member of the House of Assembly, an executive councillor for 23 years, a mmister of the Crown in four administrations, a magistrate of the territory 36 years, &c., &c., b. 29th May, 1811, at Poyston, co. Pembroke, Wales; in 1821 emigrated, with liis father and family, to Tasmania, which he left for New South Wales in 1833, and took up runs on the Murrum- bidgee, Manaroo, and Limestone Plains; visited England in 1838, re- turned to Sydney the following year, and resided for some little time at the old house, Homebush; subsequently returned to Tasmania, landing in HURKK'.S COLONIAL (lENTUV 117 Hobiirt, October, IStO, and inircluised from his fntlier the osliilc of Spring Vale, was some time resident magis- trate for the district of I'ort Sorell, «hich ollice he vacated in 18-48, and dnrini; the succeeding ten years rented his father's estates and resided in the district of Ghmiorgan ; subsciiuently, in 1858, removing to liis own estates at I'rossor's Phiins. He was retnrned a mendierof the tlien nominee-elective Council, and took his seat, 17tli July, 1855, and 2nd December, 1856, took liis seat as the first member for Glanuirgan, in the first representative rarlianient of Tasmania; shortly aftpr- wards was called upon to acceiJt office as colonial treasurer in the cabinet formed by Mr. Gregson : was next re- turned for the City of Hobart; again took ollice as colonial treasurer, which he held until November, 1866; in the new Parliament represented King- borough until 1871, in which year he was returned for West Devon, for which constituency he sat until his final retirement from Parliament in 1879. In 1872—3 he held office a8 minister of lands and works ; in the Reibcy ministry of 1876—7 again occupied liis former position as colonial treasurer, and immediately after his resignation was appointed police magistrate of Launceston, whither, in June, 1879, he removed from JIalunnah, Orford. lie »«., at Old Kdg- baston Church, near Birmingham, 18th April, 18;i9, his cousin, Louisa Anne, daughter of Thomas Twamley, Esq. of Hampstead, near Birmingham. She was b. in Birmingham, 20th July, 1812, and is the authoress of Notes and Sketches of IS'ew South Wales, Mil Home in Tasmania, Over the Straits, &c., &c., nearly all of which works were illustrated by herself. She has been awarded prize medals in London, Sydney, Melbourne, and Cal- cutta, foV paintings illustrating Australian natural history, and is the only woman holding one of the fifty " Special " silver medals of the Mel- bourne Exhibition of 1866—7 for '' art and literature combined." This lady was elected honorary member of the Tasmanian Royal Society, " in recognition of services rendered to art and science in Tasmania," and on like grounds enjoys a pension fiom the Tasmanian iTo'vernuient. Mr. Meredith d. at Launceston, Tasmania, 2nd March, 1880, having had issue, 1. George Campbell, A. 1st July, 1840. 2. Charles, b. 5th .\.pril, 18 tt, d. loth September, 1888. 3. Owen, raining engineer, h. Gth April, 1847 ; m. 1st November, 1871, Eliza Jane Winasor, and has issue, 1, David Owen; 1, Louisa Anne, b. lOlh Sepleudier, 1873; 2, Winifred Eliza; 3,Saliina Ida; 4, Violet; 5, Corinna Huliy. I. Sarah, »»., at ilobart, .lames B. Povnter, Esq., banker and merchant, and had issue, three sons and one daughter, who reside in the colonics. II. Louisa, «!., at Ilobart. Captain John Bell, merchant and shipowner, and ban issue, one son, George Meredith, livin(^ in Southland, New Zealand, and three daughters, residing in England. in. Sabina, »'., at Uobart, .lohn Boyes, Esq., merchant, and had issue, five sons (one in the army, one a captain R.N., and another, now deceased, who received the Victoria Cross for gallant conduct at Nagasaki) and four daugh- ters. Mr. George Meredith )»., secondly, 30th October, 1820, Mary Evans, and by lier (who d. 2l8t November, 1842) had issue, III. Henry, d. unm. IV. John,"wt. Maria Hammond, and has five sons and five daughters. T. Edwin*, of whom we treat. IV. Maria, »«., 6th November, 1845, Captain Joseph Henry Kaye, R.N., F.R.S., who entered the Navy, 18th December, 182"; obtained his com- mission, 6th April, 1839: from the 15th of the following May until bis return to England in 1843 was en- gaged in an exploring expedition to the Antarctic regions in the " Terror," and subsequently became dii-ector of H.M. Magnetic Observatory at Hobart Town ; and by him (who d. at Soutli \arra, Victoria) has issue, a daughter, Rosina Maria, whom., 26tli Februa.-y, 1884, her cousin, Clarence Kaye Meredith- Kaye, Esq., before men- tioned, third son of Edwin Meredith, Esq. of Llandall, JIasterton, New Zealand, and has issue. V. Clara, »«. Sir Richard Dry, who was a member of the old Legislative Coum-d of Tasmania, afterwards represented Launceston in the House of Assembly, chosen first speaker, and was colonial secretary and premier of Tasmania, from 2'4tli November, 1866, to 1st August, 1869 ; but by him (who d. October, 1869) has no issue. Ti. Fanny, m. Captain F. S. Gaynor, of the 99tli Regiment, and has one son and one daughter. VII. Rosina, »;. Captain F. Deepard, of the 99th Regiment, and has one daughter. He d. in 1856. Arms used — Arfl., a lion, ramp., sa.,,qorged milh a collar, and cliain affixed tliereto re- fie-red orer lite back or ; with sereu quarter- iiu/s. Crest— A demi lion, ramp., sa., collared and chained as in the arms. Motti — Spes e.it in Deo. i?e.5.'rfeHce— Llaudaff, Masterton, New Zealand. 118 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. #1155 of Papanut anti ^Lontjljcac!), GRIGG, JOHN, Esq. of FingUis, Papanui, and of LongbeacB, Ashburton County, Canterbury, New Zealand, J. P., h. at Bodbraue, Duloe, Cornwall, England, 21st April, 1828 ; m. at Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand, 7th June, 1855, Martha Maria, daughter of Henry Vercoe, Esq. of Tautauroa, Mangarei, Auckland, and formerly of Pendavey, Egloshayle, co. Cornwall, and by her (who d. 19lh December, 1884, and was buried at Longbeach) had issue, I. John Charles Nattle, 6. at Otahuhu, Auckland, 17th June, 1861. II. Henry Robert Scott, 6. at Avonbank, Canterbury, New Zealand, 26th October, 1867 ; d. 7th October, 1880. III. Edward Francis Joseph, b. at Longbeach, Canterbury, 28th October, 1874. I. Chrissie Anna, h. 26th March, 1856; d. 10th June, 1865. a. Emily Catherine Nattle, b. Pith December, 1857. III. Mary Emiline, 6. 1st August, 1859 ; d. 11th August, 1881. IV. Annie Abbott, 6. 31st May, 1862. V. Katherine Henrietta, b. 23rd August, 1865. VI. Martha Clarissa, 6. 23rd August, 1872. liincew. Tlie fainilv of Grigg settled in Cornwall about the year 1700, and soon after purchased the manor of Bodbraue f lom Lord Arundel, where they continued to live untU 1854, when it was sold by the present John Grig?. Esq., to Mr. Coad". of St. Au-tel. In the church at Duloe are the following inscriptions :— " Sacred to the memory of John Grigg, of Bodbrane, in this parisli, who departed this life the 4th day of April, 1792, aged tiS years. In grateful remembrance of an affectionate parent, this small tribute is erected by his son, Rob. Grigg. May be rest m peace ; " and " Near this marble are interred the remains of Iilartha Nicbolas Grigg, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Grigg, of East Looe. She resigned this life for eternity the 8th day of August, 1810, in the 21st year of her "josEPH Grigg, Esq. of Bodbrane, Duloe, CO. Cornwall, England, baptised at Duloe, 12th August, 1764; m. 27th March, 1794, Christiana, daugl'.ter of WUliam Nattle, Esq. of Cadson, St. Ire, co. Cornwall, and d. at Bodbrane, 17tb October, 1824, aged 61, having had issue, I. John, of whom presently. II. Joseph, of Port Love, Talland, co. Cornwall. III. Robert, of Tremadart, Duloe, co. Cornwall. IV. Thomas Nattle (Rev.), rector of St. George's, Bristol, co. Gloucester, Eng- land. V. William Nattle (Rev.), curate of St. Ive. CO. Cornwall. VI. Thomas Nattle, of Slade, St. Ive, co. Cornwall. The eldest son, John Gbigg, Esq. of Bodbrane, Duloe, co. Cornwall, baptised at Duloe, 22nd February, 1796 ; m. 5th July, 1827. at St. Ive, Chris- tiana, second daughter of Thomas Nattle, Esq. of Bicton, St. Ive, co. Cornwall. She d. at Bodbraue, and was buried at Duloe. He d. at Bodbi-ane, 21st August. 1845, aged 49, and was buried at Duloe, having had issue, I. John, of whom we treat. II. Joseph, baptised at Duloe, co. Corn- wall, 12th January, 1832 ; d. s.p. at Fowev, CO. Cornwall, 27th September, 1880." III. Thomas, d. in infancy. I. Christiana Nattle, baptised at Duloe, aforesaid, 17th June, 1830 ; d. in New Zealand, October, 1874, tinm. Jleitidences — (Town) Finglas, Papanui, Christchurch ; (country) Longbeach, Ash- burton County, both in the province of Canterbury, New Zealand. lilKKK'S COLONIAL OLNTKV. l\it\)t)> of JL)nlifav. "piCHEY, HON. MATTHEW HENRY, Q.C., D.C.L., of Halifax, Nova JlXj Scotia, in the Uoraiiiion of Caiiadii, Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, 1883 — 1888, 6. at Windsor, Nova Scotia, 10th Jnnc, 1828; educated at Collegiate School, Windsor; called to tlic J5ar in Nova Scotia, 1850; appointed Q.C. 1873, and honorary D.C.L. of Mount Allison Wesleyan College, Sackville, New Brunswick, 1884. He has been thrice mayor of Halifax ; M.P. for Halifax from 1878 to 1883, and Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia 4th July, 1883 to 4th July, 1888 ; to. at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 22nd June, 1854, Sarah Lavinia, daughter of the Hon. John Hawkins Anderson, of Halifax, N.S., merchant, who was sometime a member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of tlie province of Nova Scotia, and receiver-general, subsequently, upon the union of the British North American Provinces, called to the Senate (he d. 24th December, 1870). By her he has issue, I. Matthew Henry, of Halifax, N.S., 6. 11th March, 1857; m. 11th October, 1883, Blanche Sarah, daughter of Emmott Walton Sutcliffe, Esq., late of Halifax, N.S., merchant, deceased, and has had issne, 1. Matthew, 6. 21st October, 1884; d. 1st August, 1885. 2. Henry Max. b. 3rd January, 1886. 3. Emmott Garth, h. 30th April, 1887. I. Margaret Sarah Louisa, b. 18th April, 1855 ; m. 1st June, 1876, Lenox Albert Jack, Esq., of H.M. Dockyard at Halifax, N.S., afterwards H.M. naval storekeeper at Trincomalee, Ceylon, where he d. 9tli February, 1883, leaving issue, Ernest Lenox Richey, 6. 25th June, 1877. She m. secondly, 2nd December, 1886, Lieutenant-Colonel David North, R.A. (retired), of Farview House, Rochi"orthidge, Wesitmeath, Ireland. II. Augusta Emma Lavinia, b. 18th Noveuiliei', 1858. ILincnw. The Rev. Matthew Richey, D.D., was b. in the North of Ireland, 25th May, 1803, and left home at an early age. He was eminently distinguished as a scholar, orator, and divine in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, in Canada, was at one time j)resident of Vic- toria College. Cobourg, and for some years president of Wesleyan Methodist Conference in Canada. He m. Louisa Matilda NichoU, and bv her (who was h. in New York, in 18)-t-, and d. at Halifas, N.S., June, 1880) he left at his decease, which took place at Halifax, 24th October, 1883, a son, the present Matthew Hemky. Rrxidence. — Halifax, Nova Scotia. Domi- nion of Canada. 0ot\ oi ^x'i^hmt. NOEL, HIS HONOUR ARTHUR BAPTIS'J', of Brisbane, (Queensland, Australia, Judge Northern District Court, Queensland, b. in Melbourne, Victoria, 16th December, 1855 ; m. 25th September, 1879, Henrietta Augusta Macdoiiald, daughter of Henry and Anna O'Hara, and has issue, 120 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Leland Virgil Edmund, b. 14.th April, 1882. II. Wriothesley Baptist, b. 27th June, 1884. HI. Cyril, 6. lOth December, 1889. I. Gertrude Vivien, b. 1st July, 1880. II. Gladys Milliceiit, b. Uth April, 1886. His Honour Judge Noel arrived in Queensland, Sth January, 1881. He was called to the bar at the Inner Temple, London, 26th January, 1877, and appointed a judge of the Northern District Court of Queensland, oth January, 1883. l.incagE. Egbert, .son of Noel, was Lord of Ellen- hall, &c., and in the reign of Henry I had a grant of the greatest part of G-ainsborough, in the co. of Warwick, from Lawrence, the prior of Coventry, and the monks of that house. In the reign of Henry II he founded the priory of Eaunton, or Eonton, near Ellenhall, his chief seat, for canons regular of St. Augustine. This Eobert had two sons, I. Thomas, sheriff of Staffordshire for seven years, in the reign of Henrt II, and for one year upon the accession of EiCHAED I, who left at his decease two daughters, 1. Alice, m. to William Harcourt, of Stanton Harcourt, and had Ellenhall and other estates, as her moiety of her father's pro- perty. 2. Jean, m. to William de Dunston, and had for her share Eonton, &c. II. Philip. The second son, Philip Xoel, hadHilcote, in Staffordshire, from his father, and was s. by his son, Egbert Ngel, Lord of ijileote, who in. Joan, daughter of Sir John Acfon, Knt., and from this Robert we pass to his lineal descend- ant, James Noel, Esq. of Hilcote, who in the 5 Henry VIII was nominated, by Act of Par- liament, one of the justices of the peace for assessing and coUecling the poll tax, &c. He m. a daughter of Richard Pole, of Langley, in the co. of Derby, by whom he had six sons, of which Egbert, the eldest, continued the line at Hilcote, while another branch was founded by the third son, Andrew Noel, Esq., who, at the dissolu- tion of the monasteries, had a grant of the manor and site of the late preceptory of Daiby-upon-Wold, in Leicestershire, which had belonged to the knights of St. John of Jerusalem, and of the manor of Perrybarr, m Staffordshire. In the 2S Henry VIII he was sheriff of the co. of Eutland, as he was afterwards, both in the reign of Edward VI and in that of Mary. In 1548 he pur- chased the j-eat and manor of Brook, in Eut- landshire, and was elected for tliat county in the first parliament of Queen Mary. He m. 1st, Elizabeth, daughter and heir of John Ilopton, Esq. of Hopton, in Shropshire, and widow of Sir John Perient, by whom he had Andrew, his heir, and several other children. He espoused 2ndly, Dorothy, dangliter of Richard Conyers, Esq. of VVakerley, in the CO. of Northampton, widow of Roger Flower, Esq., by whom he had one son, John, father of William Noel, Esq. of Kirby Mallory, high sheriff of Leicester 2 James I, whose son and successor, Vere Noel, Esq. of Kirby Mallory, was created a baronet in 1660, and was ancestor of Sir Edward Noel, who s. to the barony of Wentworth, in 1762, and was created Viscount Went- worth. The viscounty is ex- tinct, and the barony is now held by Ralph Gordon Noel, Viscount Ockham, son of the Earl of Lovelace (see Went- worth, Baron, in Burke's Teeraffe). Mr. Noel was s. at his decease by the eldest son of his first marriage. Sir Andkew Ngel, Knt., of Dalby, in the CO. of Leicester, wiio was a person of great note in the time of Elizabeth, living in such magnificence as to vie with noblemen of the largest fortunes. Fuller, in his Worthies of England, saith. that this Andrew, " for person, parentage, grace, gesture, valour, and many other excellent parts (amongst which skill in music), was of the first rank in the court." He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, and became a favourite, but the expenses in which he was involved obliged him to sell his seat and manor at Dalby. Her majesty is said to have made the following distich upon his name : — " The word of denial, and letter of fifty, Is that gentleman's name who will never be thrifty." He was thrice sheriff of the co. of Eutland, and member for that shire in several par- liaments during the reign of Queen Eliz.i- beth. Sir Andrew m. JIabel, 6th daughter of Sir .James Harrington, Knt., and sister and lieu- of John, Lord Harrington, of Exton, by whom he had issue, BURKE'S COLONIAL ULNTlfl'. 121 Edward (Sir), his lieiv. Charles (Sir), Kut., d. iniiii. in lill'.l. Arthur. Alexander, of Whit well, ;»., ami left issue. Luey, m. to VVilliaTii, Lord Kure. Theodo.sia. m. to >Sir Edward Cecil, iiftcr- wartls \'isLH)Uii( Wiudiledou. ilizabeth, m. to Gee haveu, iu Ireland. He d. at his seat. Brook, in Rutland, 9th October, 1G07, anil was .v. by his eltlest son, SiE Edward NoKr., Kut., wlio, wlien young, was made a knight-banneret in the wars in Irelaml, and was created a baronet 29th June, Hill, and elevated to the peerage, by letters patent, dated 2;ird March, 161U-17, as Baron Noel, of Ridlington, in the I'o. of Rutland. His lortiship m. Juliana, eldest daughter and co-heir of Sir Baptist Hicks, Knt., which Sir Baptist was created a baronet, 1st July, 1620. yir Baptist was further advanced to the peerage as Baron Hicks, of Ilmington, in the CO. of Warwick, and Viscount Campdex, in Gloucestershire, 5th May, 1628, for life with remainder, after his decease, to Ids son- in-law. Lord Noel ; and upon his death, on the IStli October, iu the following year (the barony becoming extinct) these dignities were inherited by Lord Noel, who, by his wife (nho d. at Brook, 2jth November, 1680), had issue. Baptist, his successor. Henry, ;». Mary, daughter of Hugh Perry, Esq. of London, but d. x.p. a prisoner for loyalty to King Charles. Elizabeth, m. to John, 2nd Viscount Chaworth, in the peerage of Ireland. Mary, m. to Sir Erasmus de la Fon- taine, of Kirby Sellers, in the co. of Leicester. Penelope, d. iinm. On the breaking out of the civil war. Lord Noel raised forces for tlie royal cause, and departed this life in his garrison at Oxford, 8tli Marcli, 1()43, and his widow erected a handsome mural monument to his memory in Gampden chui-eh. Lord Noel was s. by ^ his elder son. Baptist Noel, second Baron Noel, and third Viscount Campdeu. This nobleman was as faitliful a cavalier as his father, and raised a troop of horse and company of foot for the service of the king. For his estates he was obliged to pay to the sequestrators £9,000 composition, and an annuity of £150 settled on the teacliers of the period. He sustained the loss of his princely seat at Campden, which had been burnt down by tlie royal army to prevent its becoming a garrison to the parliamentarians. His lord- ship lived to witness the restoration of the monarchy, and was made lord lieutenant of the CO. of Rutland. He m. 1st, Liidy Anne Fielding, daughter of William, Earl of Den- bigh, by wiioui he had no surviving issue. He espoused, 2ndly, Anne, widow of Edwartl, Earl of Bath, aiul daughter of Sir Robert Lovet, Knt., but liad only one stillborn child. His lordship wedded, 3rdly, Hester, daughter and co-heir of Thomas, Lord Wotton, l)y ahoiu he had issue, I. Edward, his successor. II. Ili'ury, of Xovth LutTenham, in Rut- land, who m. Elizal)cth, daughier and heir of Sir William Wale, and left an only daughter and heir, Juliana, who m. Charles Boyle, 2nd Earl of Bur- lington. I. Mary, m. to James, Earl of North- ampton. II. Juliana, Hi. to William, Lord Alimitoii. HI. I'^lizabeth, m. to Charles, Earl of Berkeley. Tlie viscount, »i., 4thly, Lady Elizabeth Bertie, daughter of Montague, lOarl of Liiid- sey, and had surviving issue, I. Baptist, of Luffenham, in the co. of Rutland, M.F. for that shire, m. Susannah, daughter and lieir of Sir Thomas Fanshaw, and left, at his decease, one son. Baptist, who inherited as 3rd Earl of Gainsborough. II. John, III. Elizabeth, daughter of Bennet, Lord Sherrard, and had issue, 1. John, M.P., for Northampton- shire, who d. unm. 2. Thomas, in. Elizabeth, widow of Baptist, 4th Earl of Gains- borough. 3. Bennet, m. to a daughter of .... Adam, Esq. 1. Klizabetli, (/. uiiin. 2. Bridget, in. to David, Lortl ilil- sington. 3. Alice. I. Cacherine, m. to John, 1st Duke of Rutland. II. Martha Penelope, m. to ... . Dormer, Esq. His lordship d. at Exton, 2yth October, 1682, and was s. by his eldest son, Edward Noel, 3rd Baron Noel, and 4th Viscount Campden, who had been createil by King Charles II, by letters patent, dated 3rd February, 1681, Bakon Nohl, of Titch- field, with remainder, default of male issue, to the younger sons of his father, and was ad- vanced to the dignity of Earl of Gains- borough, 1st December, 1682, with similar limitation. His lordship was constituted lord lieutenant of the co. of .Southampton, warden of the New Forest, and governor of Portsmouth. He in. 1st, Lady F^lizabcth Wri- othesley, daughter and co-heir of riionias, 4th Earl of Southampton, by whom lie ac- quired the lordship of Titchlleld, and had issue, Wkiotueslky Baptist, his successor. Francis, m. to Simon, 4th Lord Digbv, and (/. in 168 1. Jane, m. to William, 5th Lord Digby, brother and successor of Simon, Lord Digby. Elizabotli, m,. to Richard Norton, Esq. of tlie CO. of .Southampton. Juliana, d. unm. 122 BURKE'S COLOXIAIi GENTRY. 'ilip eai"! ni. 2ncUy, Mnrv, widow of Sir Kobert Worsclpv, of A)ipul(lurcomb, in the Isle of Wif;lit, and damiliter of the Hon. James Herbert, of Kingsey, in Bnekingliam- sliire. He rf. in 1(189, and was .?. bv his son, Wkiotiieslev Baptist Noel 4th Baron Noel, 5tb Viscount Canipden, and 2nd Karl of Gainsborongli, who tii. Catlierine, eldest son of Fulke Greville, 5tli Ijord Brooke, and bad two daughters, his co-heirs, viz., Elizabeth, m. in 1704, to Henry, 1st Duke of Portland. Rachel, iii. in 1705 — 6, to Henry, 2nd Duke of Beaufort. Ilis lordship d. 2l8t September, 1690, when all the honours deyolyed upon his kinsman (refei'to issue of Baptist, 3rd Viscount Camp- den, by his fourth marriage). Baptist Noel, Esq. of Luffenliam, in the CO. of Rutland, 3rd Earl of Gainsborough. His lordship )W. Lady Dorothy Manners, daugliter of John, 1st Duke of Rutland, and had issue. Baptist, Viscount Campden, his suc- cessor. John, d. in 1718. James, M.P. for Rutlandshire, d. unm. 1752. Susan, m. to Anthony, 4th Earl of Shaftesbury. Catherine. Mary, (/. in 1718. The earl (/. 17th April, 1714, and was s. by his son, Baptist Noel, 4th Earl of Gainsborough. This nobleman espoused Elizabeth, daugliter of William Chainnau, Esq., by whom (whom. 2ndly, Thomas Noel, Esq., grandson of the 3rd Viscount Campden) he had issue, I. Baptist, 1 ^^^ ^^^ g,,^ ^^,.,^ II. Henky, J III. Charles, d. young. I. Elizabeth. II. Jane, m. to Gerard Anne Edwards, Esq. of Welham Grove, co. Essex. Her only son, Gerard Noel Ed- wards, assumed the name and arms of Noel, upon iidieriting the estates of his uncle Henry, 6th Earl of Gains- borough, and was >SiE Gerard-Noel Noel, Bart. (See infra.) III. Juliana, >«. to George Evans, 3rd Lord Carbery, and d. in 1760. IV. Penelope, d. young. V. Anne. TI. Lucy, m. to Sir Horatio Mann, Bart. VII. Mary. VIII. Susanna. IX. Sophia, m. to Christopher Neville, Esq. of Wellingore, co. Lincoln, and had issue, 1. Christopher Henry, h. 1774, who took tlie surname of Noel in compliance with the testamentary . . injunction of his cousin, Thomas Noel, Esq. of Walcot. He m. 1818, Miss Abbott, and d. 27th February, 1838, having had an only cliild, Sophia Mary, m. 30(li May-, 1814, Colonel F. "W. Allix, of Willoughby Hall, co. Lincoln (see Burke's Landed Oentrti). 2. Henry (Rev.), rector of Cottes- more. CO. Rutland, grandfather of Ralph Neville, Esq. of Welling- ore and Walcot. His lordship d. 21st March, 1750 — 51, and was s. by his eldest son. Baptist Noel, 5th earl, who d. in minority, on his travels, at Geneva, 1759, when the honours devolved on his bi'other, Henkt Noel, Oth earl, at who'e decease, unm , in 1788, the Earldom of Gains- borough and all the other honours became extinct; while the estates passed to his lord- ship's nephew, Gcrjird Noel Edwards, Esq., who, thereupon assuming the surname and arms of Noel, and subsequently succeeding to liis father-in-law. Lord Barham's baronetcy, became Sir Gerard-Noel Noel, Bart., he m. 1st. 20th December, 1780, Diana, only child of Charles Middleton, Baron Barham, and his successor as Baroness Barham, and by her had issue, I. Charles Noel, his lieir, created Earl OP Gainsborough ; grandfather of the 3rd and present Earl (see Burke's Peerage). II. Gerard Thomas, M.A., in Holy Ordei'S, Canon of Winchester, I. 2nd December, 1782; m. Ist, in February, 1806, Charlotte Sophia, daughter of Sir Lucius O'Brien. Bart., of Dromo- land, and by her (who d. 31st August, 1838) had issue, 1. Anna Sophia, m. in 1832, to the Veil. Philip Jacob, Archdeacon of Winchester, and d. in 1858. He d. in 1885. 2. Louisa Diana. 3. Charlotte Christiana, m. in 1832, to the Rev. James Drummond Money; and d. 19th December, 1848. 4. Emma, «;. in 1830, to the Rev. Charles Edward Kennaway; and d. in 1843. He d. 3rd November, 1875. 5. Elizabeth Welman, m. 7th April, 1853, to the Rev. George Augustus Seymour, Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Winchester, and d. 26th September, 1868. 6. Caroline Maria, d. 7tli December, 1877. He m. 2ndly, 15th May, 1841, Susan, 5th daughter of Sir John Kennaway, Bart., and d. 24th February, 1851. His widow d. 14th February, 1890. III. Horace, maior in the Army; b. No- vember, 1783"; d. December, "l 807. IV. Henry Robert, R.N., b. in 1784 ; d. in 1800. v. William Middle! n, b. 2nd May, JJURKKS COLONIAIi GEXTliY ]2:{ 1789, who was elected M.l'. i'oi' l{iit- liinrl, in iS3«, at tlie dec-eiise of bis father. Sir Oerard Noel, but resigned liis seat in 1840. lie was iipiwinled to the command of tlie Kutland .Militia in 1839. He m. 2()lh May, lsl7, .Vnne, daughter and sole heir of Joseph Vakw, Esq. of Clanna Kails, Gloucestershire, which lady (/. Hth Oelobcr, 1851. He (I. 20tU Ja'unary, 1851). VI. Frederic, Captain R.N., b. 25lli February, 17H0; in. 7th September, 1815, Mary, eldest daughter of William ■\\'oodley,'Esi;i., and Earls of Oaiusl/oronfjh — On either side, a bull, arg., armed and un- guled, ppr., gorged with a naval crown, az., therefrom a cluiin reflexed over the back, gold ; pendent from the crown an escutcheon, also az., charged with an anchor, erect, en- circled by a wreath of laurel, or. Motto — Tout bicn ou rien. Residence — Brisbane, Queensland, Aus- tralia. Club — Queensland. Jorljtsi of Cartnton* FORBES, SIR WILLIAM STUART, of Carterton, Wellington, New Zealand; Pitsligo, co. Aberdeen; and of Fettercairn House, co. Kin- cardine, Scotland, h. 16tli June, 1835 ; s. liis uncle as 9th baronet, 27th May, 1866; m. at Nelson, New Zealand, 1st July, 1865, Marion, .3rd daughter of J. Watts Esq. of Bridgend, Nelson, New Zealand, and has had is.sue, I. Charles Hay Hepburn, 6. 3rd June, 1871. II. Kenneth Macdoneli, h. 1873; d. 1876. III. William, 6. 1st April, 187G. Hugh, 6. 20th June, 1882. Emma Louisa. Marion Elizabeth. . Katherine Evelyn. Adelaide Amy. Beatrice Fullerton. Georgina Gordon. vii. Mildred Gwendoline. Hiiuagc. The surname of Forbes was derived from the lands so called on Donside, in Aberdeen- shire. Fergus, of Forbes, son of John, of Forbes, had a charter of Forbes from .Uex- ander. Earl of Buchan, in 1236. Duncan Forbes had a charter of the same lands from ALEXiNDER III, eiVca 1271. John, of Forbes, who, besides Forbes (which he held from the Crown), held Ediubanchory and Craiglogy from the Earl of Mar, and was sheriff of Aberdeen, bad, by his wife, Mar- garet, a son. Sir John Forbes, of that ilk, who s. before 1387, and by further acquisitions increased the family possessions, was knighted circa 1390, and d. 1406, having had four sons, Alexander, his heir. Sir Wilham, of Kinaldy, wiio m. Agnes, daughter of William Fraser, of Phil- orth, with whom he got Pitsligo, and was ancestor of the Lords Pitsligo. Sir John, who got Tolquhoun by marriage with Margery, daughter and co-heir of Sir Henry Preston, of Formartin, and was ancestor of the Forbeses of Tol- quhoun, Foveran, Waterton, and Cul- loden. Alister Cam, got Brux by marriage with the daughter and heir of Sir Henry Cameron, and was ancestor of the Forbeses of Brux, and of His Honour David Grant Forbes, of Sydney, New South Wales, district court judge. Sir John was s. by his eldest son. Sir Alex.\nder Forbes, of that ilk, who, in 1107, accompanied Alexander Stewart, Earl of Mar, and Sir Walter Lindsay in an expedition into England to tilt with Lord 126 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Beaumont and otlier English liniglits. He fought at Bcaiige in 1-121, visited James I wlien in eaptivitj in England ; and was made a lord of ]iai'lianient as Lord Forbes, circa 1442. He m. Elizabeth, daughter of George Douglas, Earl of Angus, and granddaughter of Robert II (afterwards wife of Sir David Hay, of Yester), and d. 1448, having had issiie, James, 2nd lord ; John, provost of St. Giles; Annabella, m. Patrick, master of Gray ; Margaret, m. Meldrum, of Fyvie ; and Elizabeth, m. Alexander Irvine, of Drum. His son and sueoessor, James, second lord, had, in 1456, a licence to fortify liis castle of Drumminnor, other- wise called Forbes, then tlie chief seat of the family (the name Castle Forbes has since been transferred to Putachie). He m. Egidia, daughter of William, first Earl Marischal, and had, William, third lord, m. Christian Gordon, daughter of Alexander, first Earl of Huntly, and was ancestor of the Barons Forbes. Duncan, of whom presently. Patrick, of Corse, a quo the Foebeses of Craigievar, and the Eabls or Gra- nard. Egidia, m. Malcolm Forbes, of Tolquhon. James, second lord, d. in 1460 or 1461, and was s. by his eldest son, William ; his second son, Duncan Forbes, of Corsindae. had, by Christian, his wife, daughterof Mercerof Bal- lief, a son, William, of Corsindae, who, by his wife, Margaret Lunisden, had two sons, James, of Corsindae, who continued his lire; and Duncan, who obtained the Priory lands of Monymusk at the Reformation, d. 1587, having m. Agnes Gray, and had, with other issue, William, of Monymusk, who m. Lady Margaret Douglas, eldest daigliter of William, 9th Earl of Angus, by whom he had live sonsand three daughters. He d. previously to 1618, and was s. by his eldest son, I. William Forbes, Esq., who was created a Bakonet of Nova Scotia, by patent, dated 31st March, 1626, to himself and his heirs male whomsoever, of the lands, barony, and regality of Forbes, within the region of Nova Scolia, in North America. SirWilli.mm. Elizabeth, daughter of Wishart of Pitaiow, by whom he had three sons, and three daughters. Sir William was s. in 1665 by his eldest son, II. Sir William, who m. Jean, daughterof Sir Thomas Burnet, Bart., of Leys, by whom he had one daughter, who m. George Rickart, of Auchnacant, and an only son, his successor, III. Sib John, who s. his father in 1670, and m. 1st, Margaret, daughter of Robert, 1st Viscount Arbutlinot, by whom he had a son, Sir William, his heir, and a daughter, Jean, ■m.to llaitlanil, of Pittrichie. He w. secondly, Barbara, daughter of Sir John Dalmahoy, of Dalmahoy, by whom he had, with other issue, John, from whom the Forbeses of Boyndlie (see Burke's Landed Gent ri/). Sir John was s., in 1710, by his eldest son, IV. Sir William, who sold Monymusk to Sir Francis Grant, Lord Cullen, in 1713. He 7)1. Lady Jean Keith, daughter of John, first Earl of Kintore, by Lady Margaret, his wife, daughter of the Earl of Haddington, and had by her two sons and four daughters, of whom Mary w. William L^rquhart, Esq. of Meldrum. John, the eldest son, w. Mary Forbes, daughter of Alexander, third Lord Forbes of Pitsligo (through whom, on the decease of John, master of Pitsligo, in 1781, her descendants became heirs of line of that noble family), and dying before his father, left two sons, the elder of whom, T. Sir William, s. his grandfather as fifth baronet in 1730. He m. 1730, Christian, daughter of -John Forbes, Esq. of Boyndlie. and was*, at his decease, iul743, by his eldest sui'viving son, Tl. Sir William, a banker of great emi- nence in Edinburgh. He m. 1770, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Hay, of Havstoune, co. Peebles, Bart., and had. with others who d. young, I. Willi iM, seventh baronet. II. John Hay, of Medwyu, co. Peebles, Lord Medwyn, a Senator of the College of Justice, b. September, 1776 ; d. 1854 ; m. 1802, Louisa, daughterof Sir Alexander Cuming-Gordon, first baro- net of Altyre and Gordonstoun, and had, with other issue, William, of Medwyn, West Linton, CO. Peebles ; of 17, Ainslie-place, Edinburgh ; and of the New Club, Edinburgh, J. P. and D.L. for co. Peebles, and Secretary to the Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland ; b. 1803 ; educated at the University of Edinburgh ; called to the Scottish Bar, 1825 ; m. 1841, Mary Anne, second daughter of the late John Archer Houblon, Esq. of Hallingbury, CO. Essex, M.P., and has had, John Houblon, J. P. for co. Peebles; b. 1852; m. 29th March, 1883, Hon. Alexandra Catherine May Fraser, daughter of Alexan- der, seventeenth Lord Saltoun, and has issue a daughter, b. 1884 ; DorothyCharlotte Mary Elennor ; Mary Anne, m. 14th October, 1863, Walter Henry, eleventh Earl of Mar and Kellie, wlm d. 1888 ; Louisa, m. 17th October, 1877. as his second wife. Sir James Ranken Fergusson, of Spital- haugh, Bart., d. 12th September, 1878 ; Harriet, m. 1871, Hon. Augustus Erskine, and d. 23rd February, 1884 ; Helen Anne ; and Elizabeth Jane. Alexander Pimrose, Bisliop of Brechin 1847—75, d. unm. 1875. George Hay (Rev.), m. Eleanor Mara Irby, daughter of James Wemvss, of Cariston, d. s.p. 1875 Helen, d. 1881, BiniKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 127 Eliznhetli, d. Glli Jiimmrv, 1885, Louisa IVmiel, m. Mnl ApiMl, 1832, Ueorf;o Kal|>li, 3nl Buron Aber- croinb.v, iiiul ^ roT,oxiAr, riRXTitv. i;!i I. Clmvles, of Kiiinear aud Kinloch, .IP. nnd D.L., A, 1706; III. iii-st, 1S25, Christian .lane, onlv clnlil of .John Hoyd Givi'ii^liiidds, Esq., iidvocate, by .lane, liis wife, daughter of Kobcrl Boyd, of Drum, CO. Diiiiibarton, and jii'iress of licr brotlier, J^obert Hoyd, of Drum, and lijiil issue, 1 . Tluimas Charles, d. youiij,'. 2. John Hoyd - Kinnear, Esq. of Kiinioarand Kin- loeh, eo. Fife, J. P., 4. 1S28; calhKl to the Scottisli Bar, 1850, and 1o the English Bar, 1856; unsueeessfuUy contested the county of' Fife, 1868, but was returned, 1885, for the Eastern Division ; ■was political secretary to the Lord Advocate, 1852-56; and is author of Vilest •■/ the Decisions ul' the JJ'iuse of Lords on Appeal from Scotland ; Principles of Iteform, Political and Legal ; Principles of Properly m L'ind, &c. Mr. Boyd- Kinnear, who assumed the former surname on the death of bis grand- inother, 18-iS, m. first, 1852, Sarah Harriet, only child of George Frith, Esq. of Worksop, CO. Nottingham, Eng- land ; she d. 1806, and lie m. secondly, 18G8, Teresa, daughter of Clemeute Bassano, of Venice. 3. Charles George Hood, of Drum, and of Gros- Tenor - crescent, Edin- burgh, architect, b. 1830 j i«. 20th August, 1868, Jessie Jane, daughter of Wellwood Herries Max- well, Esq. of Munches, Stewartry of Kirkcud- bright, J. P. and D.L., M.P. for Kirkcudbright, 1868 to 1874, convener of the Commissioners of •Supply, by Jane Home, his wife, eldest daughter of Sir William Jardine, seventh baronet of Ap- plegarth, co. Dumfries, and had two sons and five daughters. Mr. Charles Kinnear in secondly , 1837, Charlotte, eldest daughter and co-heir of George Pater- son, of Cimoquhie, co. Fife, and bv her (who d. loth December, 1881) had 1. Charlotte Elizabeth. He d. !)th April, 1871, aged 70. Mr. Thoma.s Kinnear m. secondly, 17th November, 1801, Janet, daughter of George Thomson, of Nuthill, Falkland, eo. Fife, and had, II. Tliomas, d. unm., 1838. III. ( Ji'orge, d. unm. 1. Margaret Marjory, m. James Skclton, writer to the Signet, and d. 1878, leaving issue; her son is .lohn Skellon, advocate, author of Shirlei/, &e. ir. Susan, d. unm., 1815. iir. Kachacl, m. John Fraser Macqueeu, Q.C., of Air. lie d. 27th A\igust, 18ii9, and was .V. by his eldest son, Mr. Charles Kinnear, of Kinnear and Kinloch. 2. Charles, of Kinnear, which he entailed, 1809, and d. unm., 9tli January, 1811. 1. Margaret, m Grecuhill, of Cordon, co. Perth. 2. Susan, (/. s.p. HI. Patrick, of whom presently. P.4TRICK KiXNK.Mi, Esq. of Lochton, Carse of Gowrie, co. Perth, J. P., m. Elizabeth, daughter of James Hunter, Esq. of Inchture (by Janet Mathew, his wife, daughter of James Mathew Mains, of Fintrie), and sister of Charles Hunter, Esq. of Seaside, co. Perth, and Thomas Hunter, Esq. of Glencarse, co. Perth, and of Mrs. Ann Kinnear, of Kinnear antl Kinloch, and had, with two daughters, who d. num., a son, Patrick Kin>ear, E,sq. of Lochton, J.P., m. 1811, Elizabeth, daughter of Patrick Hill, Esq. of Pitfour, and d. 184-8, having had, with three daughters now deceased, two sons, viz., I. Robert Hill, of whom further. II. Charles, of Lochton, m. twice, his second wife being Margaret, daughter of James Mathew, Esq. of Watery- butts, and left issue. Crest used — Two anchors cabled in saltire. Motto — / life in hope. Residence — Brookong House, Toorak, Mel- bourne, Victoria. Note. — The first known ancestor of the old family of Kinnear was William dk Kiner, temp. William thb Lyon. Stuon be Kvner, and Amy, his wife, lived in the same reign, and their son, Simon, made a grant to the cliurch of St. Andrew's, which was confirmed by Alkx- AN-PER II, 1213. Sir John i>e Ktnnehk was living, 128P. Robert II, on lotli August, the seventh vear of his reign, granted a charter of the lands of Kynneir, as a free barony, to Jolin de Kvnnea'r, and the heirs male of his body, whom failing, to John, son of Reginald de Kynneir, &c. 132 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY, John ICinnear, of that ilk, sat in parlia- ment. 1560, and his yonnger son, Henry, was abbot and connnendator of Balmerino, and a lord of session ; his eldest son, John, by Christian, daughter of Robert Bethune, of Creich, s. him as eommendator, but d. s.p. His younger brother, David, rector of Auchterhouse, d. 1632, leaving a son, John, who, in 1635, was served heir to his uncle in the manor and monastery of Balmerino. The intermarriages of the heads of the family were with Forret, of that ilk ; Wemyss, of Pittoncrieff ; Balfour, of Monquhany ; Drummond, Moncur, Ramsay, of CoUuthie ; Lord Lindsay, of Byres ; Achmuty, of that ilk, &c. Bavid Kinneir, of that ilk, registered arms, 1672, viz., sa., on a bend or, three martlets (" or Kinnerie birds ") vert. Crest — Two anchors in saltire ppr. Motto — I live in hope. An older bearing was three birds, displayed on a bend ; and still earlier, a fcss between three birds displayed. David d. soon after, and was a. by his son, of the same name, after whose death there occurred, per- haps, the most remarkable succession of heiresses to be met with in any genealogy. Sophia Kinnear, m. Robert, afterwards Sir Robert Anstruther, of Balcaskie, bart., who assumed her name ; they had one child, Christian Kinnear, of Kinnear, who d. young, in 1687. Mary Kinnear, of Kinnear, her aunt, m. Mr. Kenneth Mackenzie, afterwards Sir Kenneth, of Cromartie, bart., second son of George, Viscount Tarbat, and d. 1688, leaving one child, Anne Kinnear, of Kinnear, who d. young, and was s. by her aunt. Agnes Kinnear, of Kinnear, who left a eon, James Kinnear. of Kinnear, who d. 1700, and was s. by his sister, Cecilia Kinnear, of Kinnear, who m. David Bayne, M.D., who took the name of Kinnear, and d. October, 1721. Cecilia Kinnear, of Kinnear, her daugh- ter, m. 28th May, 1751, William Douglas, of the Tilwliilly family, elder brother of the Bishop of Salisbury, and d. 9th April, 1782, leaving one child, Cecilia Maria Dofglas Kinneir, of Kinneir, who m. John Macdonald, of Sanda, comptroller of customs, Bo'ness ; slie sold the estate, 1795, to Charles Kinnear, of Kin- loch, her eldest son. Colonel Sir John Kinneir Macdonald, C.B., of Sanda, envoy to Persia, m. Amelia Harriet, daughter and co-heir of Lieutenant- General Sir Alexander Campbell, bart., of G-artsford, and d. s.p.. 1830. His brother. Vex. William Kinneir Macdonald, archdeacon of Wilts and canon of Salisbury, was father of Rev. Douglas Kinneir Macdonald, of Sanda, vicar of West Alvington, co. Devon, who m. Flora Georgiana, daughter of Patrick Hadow, Esq., and d. 11th February, 1865. Their son, Douglas John Kinneir Macdonald, of Sanda, co. Argyll, resident at Salisbury, now represents the family ; he was b. 1839 ; m. 1866, Jane Martha M'Neill, daughter of John Alexander Mackay, Esq. of Blackcastle, Midlothian, and has issue. Portion of iHtanaimo aiiti Comov* GORDON, DAVID WILLIAM, Eisq. of Seaview, Nanaimo, and of Aspen Grove, Comox, both in the province of British Columbia, Dominion of Canada, member of the Canadian House of Commons ; b. in the township of Camden, co. Kent, Ontario, 27th Februarj', 1832 ; m. first, at Victoria, British Columbia, 3rd September, 1864, Emma Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James Robb, Esq. of Comox, British Columbia, J. P., and by her (who d. 15th February, 1882, and v?as buried in the Old Cemetery, Nanaimo, B.C.) has had issue, I. Herschel, of Comox, b. 24th May, 1867. I. Laura Alma, 6. 26tli September, 1865. II. Amy, h. 20th April, 1869. III. Jessie, b. 11th February, 1871 ; d. 12th May, 1873. IV. Isabella, 6. lltb February, 1873 ; d. 2l8t of same mouth. V. Marion, 6. 20th February, 1874. VI. Edith Montgomery, b. 12th June, 1876. Yii. Margaret Helen, 6. 11th February, 1880. He m. secondly, at Lunsiag, co. York, Ontario, 5th June, 1886, Katherine BURKE'S COLONIAL GKNTRY. 133 Sfatiiiili, daugliter of Joseph .Sbc])aril, Ksq. of Lunsing, co. York, Outario, and by her has issue, VIII. Florence Huntley, h. iOfh February, 1886. Mr. Gordon emigrated to California, in 18-'')6, thence proceeding to Bi-itish Columbia in 1858, where he settled in 1801, at Naiiaimo. He is a contractor and builder, and head of the firm of Gordon and Co., wharf owners. He was one of the promoters, and for many years on the committee of management, of the Nanaimo Literary Institute; in 18r)6 unsuccessfully contested Nanaimo in the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, but was elected to tho House in June, 1877 ; unsuccessfully contested the same seat and his present seat in the Commons, 1878 ; but was returned to the Commons, -ith August, 1882. ILincagf. John G-ordox, Esq., the grandfather of David William Gonlon, Esq., emigrated from Corentrv, eo. Warwick, England, to India, and thence to America. He served in the Royalists' forces during the Revolutionary War, at the termination of which he removed, ■with other United Emjiire Loyalists, to Canada, and finally settled in the township of Camden, co. Kent, Ontario. Ue m. in the Ktate of Maryland, U.S.A., a German lady, and by her had issue, MiCH.^EL JoHX, of whom presently. Aaron "| John > AH deceased. Ephraim J Sarah, m. Mr. Hewit, of co. Elgin, Ontario, both deceased. Elizabeth, m. Mr. Shipley, of co. Elgin, Ontario, both deceased. Michael John Gordon, Esq., b. at Maiden. He, with his brothers, served in the militia, under General Brock, at the taking of Detroit; was present at the battle of Chrysler's Farm, and other engagements duri'ng the war of 1812, 1813, and 1814. His residence and crops were destroyed by the American General, Harrison, when he ascended the River Thames in pursuit of George Proctor and Teeuniseh. He m. Judith, daughter of William Marsh, Esq. (4. in Manchester, England, who built the first house on the present site of Ridgetown, and d. in 1856), by Sarah, his wife, eldest daughter of Alexander ^Fontgomery, Esq., and cousin of General Richard Montgomery, the American commander who Icil in the attack on Quebec in 1775. Mr. Alexander Montgomery m. the daughter of Mordecai M. Myers, Esq. of New York city, and during the Revolution left his home in Stam- ford, Connecticut, and settled in Gagetown, New Brunswick, dying in Toronto in 1839, aged 98 years. His daughter Sarah, above- numtioned, was b. at Gagetown, N.B., 31st May, 177'J ; ni. in 1802, and d. in June, 1883, aged 104 years, having been one of the first settlers of Western Ontario. Mrs. Judith Gordon d. at Wallaeeburg, Ontario, in 1847, where also Mr. Gordon d. in 1852, leaving issue, David Williasi, of whom we treat. Ee.tldences — Seaview, Nanaimo, aiul .Vspen Grove, Comox, both in the province of British Columbia, Dominion of Canada. dputftrtc of #ccliDUtj. GUTHRIE, THOMAS, Esq. of The Hermitage, Geelong; Rich Avon, Avon River, in cos. Borung and Kara Kara ; Quambatook, Avoca River, co. Tatchera, all in the colony of Victoria ; and of Mount Graham, South Australia, 6. 25th April, 1833, at Dons, Berwickshire, Scotland ; left home in 1847, when fourteen years of age, and sailed from London in the barque "Windermere," arriving the same year at Hobart Town, Tasmania; in which colony he spent two years, gaining a knowledge of sheep farming. In 1850 Mr. Guthrie joined the late Mr. George Synnofc in business as stock and station agents and wool brokers; but retired in 180-i, taking over the Quambatook station, the propci-ty of tho firm, and devoting himscU' e.vclusivcly to squatting pursuits. In addition to his estates already meutioucd, ilr. 134. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Guthrie has large squatting propertifs (crown leases) in South Australia and the Northern Territory, the chief of which are Avenue Range and Avon Downs, the latter being 768,000 acres in extent, situate on the James and Rankin rivers, 250 miles south of the Gulf of Carpentaria. He also owns the freehold estate of Brim, co. Lowan, Victoria. Mr. Guthrie was the first person to send sheep from Victoria to the Northern Territory. He m. at Geelong, Victoria, 15th September, 1864, Jlary, daughter of Mr. Rutherford, of Roxburghshire, Scotland, and widow of John Oliver, Esq., and has issue, I. Thomas Oliver, h. 6th January, 1867 ; resides at Mount Graham, South Australia. Ti. Arthur Donaldson, b. loth April, 1870, TIL James Francis, b. 13th September, 1872. I. Mary Gray, 6. 29th Augu.st, 1865; m 17th October, 1888, Philip Russell, Esq. of Makwallock, Beaufort, and Osborne House, Geelong, Victoria, son of Alexander Russell, Esq. (see Russell ok Golfhill). II. Isabella Catherine, b. 28th September, 1868. III. Agnes Ethel, 6. 2nd February, 1875. iLt'ncagc. David Gcthkie, Esq. of Duns, Ber- ■wickshire, Scotland, m. Mary Frater, and had a son, Datid Guthkie, Esq. of Duns, Berwick- shire, Scotland, who was b. there, 22nd De- cemher, 1791 ; m. there in 1814. Agnes Gray (who also was f>. at Duns, 3rd December, 1791, and d there, 4th August, 1859), and d. at Duns, 7lh Septemher, 1842, leaving a son, the present Thomas Gfthrie, Esq. Sesirleiices — (Town) Tlie Hermitage, Gee- long ; (country), Rich Avon, Avon River, cos. Bornng and Kara Kara ; Quambatook, Avoca River, co. Tatchera. all in Victoria ; and Mount Graham, near Mount Gambler, CO. Grey, South Australia. Estates — Rich Avon, on Avon River, cos. Boning and Kara Kara (22,746 acres) ; Quambatook, Avoca River, co. Tatchera (8,600 acres) ; Brim, co. Lowan (320 acres), all in Victoria ; and Mount Graliam, near Mount Gambier, co. Grey, South Australia (3,700 acres). ilflacp!)trson oi Buncjrrltap. MACPHERSON, DUGALD, Esq. of Bungeeltap and Emily Park, Ballan ; of Nhill Station, Nhill, Lowan co., all in Victoria; and of Paddington, Cobar, New South Wales, Australia, J.P., b. at Ashens, Argyll- shire, Scotland, 9th September, 1820 ; m. at Melbourne, l.st June, 1852, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Richard O'Cock, Esq., solicitor, of St. Kilda, near Melbourne, and has had issue, I. Charles Richard, of Paddington, Cobar, New South Wales, b. 11th April, 1854; m. 27th July, 1887, Miss Mary Florence Stevenson, n. Norman, b. 20th May, 1857 ; d. 15th September, 1860. III. Arthur Dugald, of Paddington, Cobar, New South Wales, b. 11th February, 1860. IV. Ronald, of Paika, near Balranald, Caira co.. New South Wales, 6. 23rd October, 1864. V. Cluny, b. 18th February, 1867 ; (/. 28th September, 1871. JilKKKri (.•Ul>UMAL GK.NTUW 135 Mi vr. Dugald, b. Titli April, 1870. VII. John, 6. 1st May, 1870. I. Alice .T.11K", h. 17th January, 1856; m. 8th March, 1882, Charles E. Webb, Ksq. of Walgett, Now South Wales. II. May Adelaide, h. 1st April, 1862. III. Jessie JIusgi-ave, 6. 31st December, 1865. IV. Margaret, h. 21st May, 1868. V. Marion, b. 13th December, 1871. iIuc]ihersoii left Greenock for the colony of Victoria in IHIO. Hincnat. Kennetli J[!iqilipr?on, livinn; in the reign of Alkxaxheh III. eldest son of Ewan Baan, 2nd son of MunU)cIi. jiarson of Kingoiisie, cap- tain of tlie clan Cliattan, m. Isabel, danp;hter of Ferquhard Mackintosh, of Mackintosh, by whom he hail two sons, 1, Duncan, of Cluny, ancestor of the great House of Macpherson, of Cluny, the chiefs of which filled, genera- tion after generation, a prominent place in the local history of Scotland ; ii. Bean, or Benjamin, ancestor of the Macphersons of Brin. DrG.\lD Macpherson, Esq. of Badenoch, and afterwards of Strone, near Kilmun, Argyllshire, Scotland, taxnian, descended from the family of Macpherson, of Cluny, CO. Inverness, was b. in 1746, and d. at Brackley in 1837, leaving issue: 1, DuffALD, 2, Hugh, of Brackley, Lochgilphead, Argyll- shire, taxman, who d. about 1865. leaving a widow and two daughters. The elder son, UroALD Macpheesox, Esq. of Ashens, Argyllshire, taxman, was b. at Strone, Kil- mun. Argyllshire, in 1782; MI, .Jane, daughter of Peter McKellar, Esq, of Bramfield, Ardrishaig, Argyllshire, taxman, son of Mal- colm McKellar, Esq. She was 4. at Bram- field, June, 1800, and now resides at Ashens, Helensburgh, .Scotland. He d. at Ashens, 1862, having had issue, I. Dugald, of whom we treat. II. Peter, of Paika, near Balrannld, Caira co,, New South Wales, b. 1827; ill. November, 1.S64-. Eliza, youngest daughter of Richard O'Cock, Esq. of St, Kilda, near Melbourne, solicittn', and sister of Mrs. Dugald Macpher- son, and has, 1. Walter Alexander, b. 7th August, 1865. 2. .lohn Allan, b. 7th September, 1872. 3. Sydney Eonald, b. 6th March, 1871), 4. Leslie Mitchell, b. I7th May, 18P1. 1. Florence Catherine, b. 28th January, 1867, 2, Jane, b. 8th August, 1868. 3. Margaret Ethell, b. 3rd April, 1871, 4, Constance May, b. 6th February, 1S7G, ni, John, b. 1st August, 1835 ; d. at Nice, 1888, on his way to England, I, Margaret, b. 1818; d. 1887, II, Jessie, b. 1822 ; m. July, 18.58, Alexander Francis Leslie, Esq,, factor to the Earl of Fife, and has issue, 1, Alexander, b. 12th May, 1859. 1, .Jane McKellar, b. 12th August, 1860, 2, Elizabeth Murray, b. 22nd Oc- tober, 1863. III, Catherine, b. 1826 ; m. January, 1861, William Mitchell, Esq, of Suc- coth, Argyllshire, Scotland, and has one surviving son, William, b. November, 1863, Arms used — Per f esse or. and az., a Jymphad. of the Jirsfj witk her sails furled, oars In action, mast and tacktmrj all ppr., Jla^JJt/- ing gu., in the dexter chief point a hand coiiped, grasping a dagger, point upwards gu., in the sinister chief a cross crosslet fitr'n-e if the last. Crest — A cat sejant ppr. Motto — Touch not the cat hut a glare. Residences — Hungeeltap and Emily Park, Ballan ; Nhill Station, Nhill, Lowan co„ all in Victoria ; and Paddington, Cobar, New South Wales. illurraj) of iVlittacjoncj:* MURRAY, HIS HONOUR CHARLES EDWARD ROBERTSON, of Drumeevin, Mittagong, New South Wales, district court judge, b. 1st August, 1812 ; m. 29th November, 1877, Arabella Marcella, daughter of the late Nicholas O'Connor, Esii,, M.D., of Mallow, co. Cork, Irehind, tirst- class staff surgeon, and has issue, J3G BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Harry Haslewood, b. 3rd February, 1880. II. Charles O'Connor, 6. 27th February, 1882. I. Eileen Marcella, b. 9th September, 1885. II. Mary Dorothea Leonie, b. 19th April, 1888. ILincacjE. It is believed that this family of Murray traces a common ancestor with the Dukes of Athole. They were formerly seated at PhiliphaugU, Selkirkshire, Scotland, whence Judge Murray's great grandfather (who was a doctor of medicine) migrated to co. Norfolk, and settled at Norwich. Chibles MuEEAr, Esq., by Elizabeth Knight, his wife, was father of Chaelks Knight Mueeay, Esq., bar- rister-at-law, who >«., 1st, 16th November, 1827, Hon. Henrietta Anne, eldest daughter of the third Countess of Rothes (see Burke's Peerage), but by her (who d. 14th Api'il, 1833) had no issue. He m. 2udly, 25th Sep- tember, 1838, Maria Haslewood (who d. 26th December, 1876), and d. 14th June, 1865, leaving issue, I. Chaeles Edwaed Robeetson (His Honour), now of Drumeevin, Mit- tagong. New South Wales. I. Mary Grace, m. 17th July, 1860, Edmund Sheppard, Esq., barrister-at- law ; both deceased, leaving issue, 1. Edmund Haslewood. 2. William Fleetwood. 3. Arthur Murray. 4. Herbert Norman. II. Edith Maria, unm. Arms used — Arg. a hunting horn sa., gar' nifihed and stringed gu., on a chief az. three stars of the first. Crest — A demi man winding a horn ppr. Motto — Htnc usque superna venabor. Residence — Drumeevin, Mittagong, New South Wales. iHiirraj^ of Casttrton. MURRAY, ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, E,sq. of Dunrobin, Caster- ton, Victoria, formerly of Caius College, Cambridge, 6. 29th June, 1849. He is unmarried. Hiiunac. This is a branch of the clan Murray, re- presented by the Duke of Athole. WilLiAM M0EEAT, a farmer in Suther- landshire (as was also his father), had, by Mary, his wife, a son, who proceeded to Hobart, Tasmania, and m. the daughter of Lieutenant Sturgeon, by his wife, a member of the family of Skene, of Skene (an account of which appears in this work), and had by her a son, the present Alexander Suther- land Mueeay, Esq. Arms used — Az. three mullets arg., ivithin a double tressw eflory counttr-Jiorg or. Crest — A demi socage ppr., holding in his right hand a dagger ppr., pommel and hilt or., and> in his left hand a key of the last. Motto — Furthfortune and fill the fetters. Residence — Dunrobin, Casterton, Victoria. MILLER, MATTHE'W ROBERTSON, Esq. of Crag Miller, Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, b. irth February, 1829; in. 1st, 17th July, 1848, Margaret, daughter of John McKellar, Esq. of Soraby, Argyllshire, Scotland, and by her (who d. 1856) has a daughter, I. Margaret, b. 19th February, 1853 ; m,. R. Harding, Esq. of Mount Vernon, Waipukurau, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, and has seven children. Mr. Miller m. 2ndly, 17tli February, 1859, Elizabeth, daughter of John Anderson, Esq. of Dumfries, Scotland, and by her has issue, I. John Anderson, b. 28th July, 1870. II. Matthew Robert, b. 20th October, 1875. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1.37 III. Jame.s William, b. 17tli February, LS~8. IV. Edric Duncan Uruniniond, b. November, 1884. II. Helen, b. November, 1861. III. Agnes Jrary, b. 1868. IV. Elizabeth Jane, b. 1872. V. Catherine Afay, /). 1874. VI. Frances jrclvcllar, b. 187G. VII. Jessie Maud 1 , ■ r t i lo-- > twins, 0. July, lb((. VIII. JIabel Dawson J Mr. Miller left England in 1840, and after spending seven years in Victoria, went to New Zealand, where he Las resided since 1858. Uiiuncjt. M.4TTnEW MiLLEK, Esq. of Millorstone, Paisley, Eonfrewshire, Scotland, had a son, Matthew Millee, Esq., of the same place, who was father of Mattiikw Miller, Esq., of the same place, whose son Matthew Miller, Esq. of Millerstone, Paisley, Kenfrewsliire, Scotland, m. 1780, Catherine Moir, and d. 1820, leaving issue, the late Mr. Miller, of ilillarstone. Paisley, who m., in Dromore, Ireland, January, 1826, and d. at Crag Miller, Napier, New Z'caUuid, 12tli April, 1885, aged 83 years, leaving issue by hi.s wife (who ost which he had previously filled in Maui'itius. He m. at Barbadoes, West Indies, Miss Eliza Jane Sliepheard (who was b. in Herefordshire, and d. in 1S61), and d. in Sydney, 30lh August, 1835, aged 49 years, having had issue, William Geohge (Hon.), of Hillside. James Turquand, m. Mary W^eston, and d. 1874, leaving issue one eon and one daughter. Theresa Sliepheard, m. 1841, Thomas Sutcliffe Mort, Esq., who was A. at Bolton, CO. Lancaster, England, 23rd December, 1810, and arrived in Sydney, in 1838, where he subsequently ob- tained great notoriety. Sherf. in 1869, leaving issue five sons and two daugh- ters, and he m. 2ndly, Miss Macaulay, and d. 9th May, 1878 (when a statue was erected to liis memory in Mac- quarie-place, Sydney), leaving issue by liis second wife two sons. Elizabetli Carter, m. J. S. Mitcliell, Esq. of Etham, Darling Point, Sydney, and d. 1868, leaving issiie three sons and five daugliters. Maria, m. 1846, Hon. Henry Mort, M.L.C. (younger brother of the above- mentioned Thomas Sutcliffe Mort, Esq.), who was b. at Willow Field, near Bolton, co. Lancaster, 31st De- cember, 1818; educated at Manches- ter, and emigrated to New South Wales in 1840, where he was identified with his brother in many of his under- takings. He was for some time a member of the Legislative Assembly, and in 1S79 nas appointed a life member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales. , He is a director of the Liverpool. London, and Globe Fire and Life Insurance Company, the Alliance Marine, Mercantile Bank, Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, the Australasian Investment Company, and the Sydney Meat Preserving Company, of which he was one of the originators. Mrs. Maria Mort d. in July, 1873, leaving issue three sons and three daughters, anf-l \u-r widower rc-tti. in widow of Dr. Rowliincl Trai Kathoriiie ^farioii, m. 2lllli .lune, 1849, His Honour .Tiimes Slicen Dowlins;, of Sydney, N.S.W., District Coxirt J nd{;e, anti has issue five sons and one daugh- ter (see T)oWLiN& oi- Svdnet). liLKKK'S COl^OMAL GKNTJiV 1878, the ]:!0 Oetavia Jane, m. Kcv. Robert MoHatl, and d. s.p. in May, 1877. Residence — Hillside, Edgrcliffe-road, WooUnhra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Osmanti of ^tatuclL OSMAND, HOX. WILLIAM HENRY SEVILLE, of the Sycamores Stawell, in the colony of Victoria, member of the Legishitive Council of that colony for the province of Nelson (elected 1888), b. at Stoke Damcrel, CO. Devon, England, lOtli April, 1824 ; emigrated to Victoria, 18.50 ; m. at Christ Church, St. Kilda, 18th October, 1862, Mary Jane, only child and licir of Thomas Wood, Esq., .sometime of Bideford, co. Devon, by Mary Anne Roper, liis wife, but has no issue. Prior to Mr. Osmand's emigration he had served in the Royal Navy, having been commissioned as acting .second master to the "Antelope," 11th September, 1847, and to the " Trincomalee " 17th same niontli. ILincagc. .T.^MES OsMOxn, of Somersmill, in the parisli of Willand. co. Devon, yeoman {great grandson of Thomas Osmond, of Stagmill, in tlie parish of Uplownian), recorded his pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation of Devon, 1620. He d. October, 1044, having »i. Johane, daughter of William Chaniberlaine or Chamberl\n, of Halberton, and left issue six sons and three daughters. George Osmond or Os.mand, of Halher- tou, yeoman, one of the younger sons of James Osmond, of Somersmill, d. lOSl, leaving by Welthian, his wife (who d. 1(588), three sons, James, Philip, and George, whose descendants lived at Halberton, Sampford Peverell, and elsewhere in the neighbourliood, and one of whom — owning property in or near Topsham — is said to have been the father of James Osmand, Esq., b. at Edinburgh, 1775, and, having studied under Sir Joshua Brooks, entered the Royal Navy lUth June, 1797, as surgeon's mate on board H.M.S. " Gibraltar " ; qnalilied at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 1808 ; ranked as assist- ant surgeon Otii June in that year ; ap- pointed surgeon .SOth August. 1.S09, and was placed on the half-pay list 28th December, 1S2I, when he went to reside at Ritlgeway, Plympton Sf. Mary, co. Devon. For his services at Algiers and Trafalgar (on board the " Swiftsure '") Surgeon Osmand received the medal and clasp in 1848. He m. ISth September, 1804, Elizabeth, daughter of James Baker, of Stoke Damerel, shipwright, and by her (who d. 26th October, 1.S4H, aged 65 years, and was buried there) had issue two children, William Henry Seville (Hon.). Elizabeth Jane Seville, baptised 2iul January, 1820, d. an infant. Surgeon Osmand d. 26th February, 1849, and was buried at Plympton St. Mary, where his son has placed a tablet and window to his memory. Ilesideiice — The Sycamores, Stawell, Vic- toria, Australia. ixutlctiflc oi ag^lcrroncjcjurt. RUTLEDGE, THOMAS FORSTER, Esq. of 'Werronggnrt, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, J. P., h. at Port Fairy, co. Villiers, 19th April, 1846 ; m. 3rd Augnst, 1876, Edith Annie Lydia, eldest daughter of the late John Ritchie, Esq. of Boodcarra and Aringa, co. Villiers, Victoria, J. P. (by Sarah Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Charles Davis, Esq. of Sydney, N.S.W.), and granddaughter of the Rev. Dr. Ritchie, of Torbolton, Ayrshire, Scotland, and has issue, 1. Xoel Beresford Forster, b. 10th February, 1SS6. 140 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTBT. II. Thomas Forster, h. 21st March, 1887. I. Edith Muriel. II. Violette Blanche. III. Kathleen. IV. Amy Forster. V. Emily Millicent. VI. Eileen. ILincagc. This family, of English origin, settled in Ireland in the time of Oliver Cromwell, and owned the lands of Ballymagirl, near Bawn- boj, CO. Cavan, Ireland, for several genera- tions. James Rftledge, Esq., was squire of Ballymagirl, Cavan, in the 18th centurj. He m. Martha, daughter of Mr. Forster, of Longford, in Ireland, and sister of Thomas Forster, Esq., M.D., of the Army Medical Department, and afterwards of the Brush Farm, near Sydney, New South Wales, and by her had issue, I. William, of whom hereafter. II. John, sometime of Port Fairy, co. Villiers, Victoria, and afterwards re- turned to Ireland, where lie d. uiim., near Dublin. III. Eichard, of the Briars, Famham, CO. Villiers, Victoria, b. 1st April, 1810, m. 11th August, 1849, Alice, daughter of the Rev. Charles Dickin- ' son, incumbent of Ryde, near Sydney, New South Wales, "and d. 24th Oc- tober. 1887, leaving issue, 1. Charles James, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Dublin University), b. 26th August, 18G0, residing in Vic- toria. 1. Elizabeth. 2. Ahce. 3. Amy, m. William Bayne, Esq., and has issue. IV. Forster, of Ballymagirl, co. Cavan, b. 25th December, 1816, «. his father, in. Elizabeth, daughter of William i Parsons, Esq. of Cavan, and d. leaving two sons and two daughters, viz., 1. William, joint owner with his brother of the Ballymagirl pro- perty, m. Eliza Wilcox, of Cavan, and has issue. 2. Richard, of Ballymagirl, m. Katherine Mack, of co. Cavan, and has issue. 1. Eleanor, m. her cousin-german, Forster McCoed, Esq. of Clon- turk, CO. Longford, Ireland, and has issue. 2. Martha. v. Thomas, of Carwoola, Molonglo, New South Wales, b. 12th March, 1818, m. 11th October, 1840, his cousin-german, Martha, daughter of Thomas Forster, Esq., M.D., and has issue, 1. William Forster, of Gidleigb, New South Wales, b. 28th July, 1850, //(. 11th June, 1887, Jean, daughter of Major Morphy, of tlie 23rd Regiment of Foot, 2. Edward Knox, of Glen Riddle, near Tamworth, New South Wales, m. 29th November, , Frances Hamilton, daughter of Hamilton Hume, Esq., and d. 13tli December, 1882, leaving issue one son and one daughter. 3. Francis Henry, of Gunningbar, New South Wales, b. 26th De- cember, 1865. 1. Alice Louisa, *. 19th May, 1852. 2. Elizabeth Martha, b. 24th June, 1854. 3. Fanny Amy, b. 1860, )«. 1885, a solicitor of Young, New South Wales. 4. Jane Eva, b. 8th April, 1862, m. 1st June, 1887, C. S. King, Esq. VI. Lloyd, of Port Fair}', co. Villiers, Victoria, merchant, m. Isabella, eldest daughter of Richard Bennett, Esq. of Sydney, and has issue, " 1. Edward Lloyd, of Grafton, New South Wales, banker. 2. Percy Lloyd, secretary of the Liverpool, London, and Globe Insurance Company, Sydney, m. Miss Holly, of Sydney. 1. Annie, m. Mr. Young. I. Mai-y Anne, m. 1844, Lloyd Edwards, Esq. of Carwoola, New South Wales (at one time a landowner in the county of Antrim) , and has issue, one son, Richard, and four daughters. II. Martha, m. 1844, the Hon. Edward Knox, of Fiona, Sydney, N.8.W., merchant, member of the Legislative Council, and has issue, four sons and four daughters, viz., 1. George, of Sydney, N.S.W., bar- rister, m. Jane de Winton, daugh- ter of the late Captain Pryce or Price, and d. 9th March, 18S8, at Cairo, aged 42 j-ears, having had issue. 2. Edward, of Sydney, merchant, m. May, 1878, Edith, third daugh- ter of Joseph Seaife Willis, Esq. of Sydney, by Janet, his wife, lifth' daughter of Robert Speir, Esq. of Burnbrae, Renfrewshire, Scotland (see Speir of Buknbrae AND Ccldees in Burke's Landed Ocntry), and has issue: 1, Dorothy ; 2, Marjorie. 3. Thomas Forster, a meichant of miJKE'S COLONIAL ULXTI{Y. 141 Sviliie.v, m. :!i-(l U:i\, 188G, at Port Fiiirv, Victoria, Aiiiy Hope, second claugliter of tlio late Jolm Ritcliic, JCsq. of Uooiloarra and Aringa iiforesiiid, .T.P., and sister of Mrs. Thomas For^ter lintledge, of \V'errrtng»i;nrt. 4. Atlrian, of Sydney, barrister. 1. Clara I'^lizabetli, m. 20(,h Oeceni- ber, ]S7tJ, VVilbam Oswald Gil- christ, Esq. of 2011, Qneen's-gate, London, 8.\V., and has issue (see Gilchkist). 2. Jessie, m. Eric M:icka}', Esq. 3. Fanny. 4. Kate. The eldest son, William Rutlbdge, Esq. of Farnham Park, Warrmunbool, Victoria, J. P., member of the Legislative Assembly, and one of t lie earliest and best known of the pioneers of the colony of Victoria, i. January, 180t!. at Ballymagirl ; m. 1840, Eliza, daughter of Richard Kirk, Esq. of Sydney, for some time an army surgeon, and d. 1st June, 1876, leaving by lier {who d. at Farnham Park, Warrnambool, 31st August, 1888) two sons and fiye daugh- ters, viz., I. Thomas Forster, of wliom we treat. II. William Rupert, see next afticle. I. Jane Martha, m. 18H1, Lieutenant- General James Farrell Peunycuick, R.A., C.B., of 22, Linden-road, Bed- ford, England, and of the Junior United Service Club, London, formerly Laird of Soilzarie and Logic, Perth- shire, Scotland, reputed head of the ancient family of Pennyouick, of that ilk, CO. Edinburgh ; eldest son of the gallant Colonel John Peunycuick, C.B., K.H., of Soilzarie and Logic, co. Perth, and of the 24th Regiment (who was killed at Chillianwallah, East Indies, in 1849), by his wife, the daughter of the late Rev. James Farrell, vicar of Lanesbro', and Rath- owen, CO. Longford. Lieutenant- General Peunycuick was h. in 1829 ; served during (lie Crimean War from November, 1854, and was present at the battle of Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (oth class of the Medjidie), served also in the Indian Mutiny, 1857 — 8, including the relief of Lucknow and battle of Cawnpore; and in China, 1S60, and was present at Tangku. cajiture of Taku Forts, and surrender of Pekin. He yvas placed on the retired list, 188G. He has, with other issue, who d. young, 1. Alick, military cadet. 2. Jack, residing in Victoria since 1887. 3. Elliot. 4. Charles. 1. Ruth, )«. at Christ Cluircli, \Varrnanibool. \^ictoria, 15tli July, 1885, James Bruce Gill, Esq. of Riinnyniede, Casterton, CO. Norinanhy, Victoria, and Qreenvale, Dalrymple, North Kennedy District, Queensland, Australia (see Gill of Rdnnv- MKDK AND GKEENVALK). 2. Edilh. 3. Maud. 4. Etliel. 5. Ada. II. Eliza Emily, m. Oth July, 18(18, to His Honour Hickman Molesworlh, since 188() judge of the Court of Iu>oI- vcncy, Victoria, formerly County Court j iidge (who was b. 23r(l February, 1 842) , elder son of the late Hon. Sir Robert Jlolesworth, knt., of I'^dlington, Mel- bourne (see MoLKSwouTii OF Edlino- ton), judge of the Supreme Court at Victoria, 185()tol6S(l ; andbyhim (who m. secondly, loth June, 1882, Alice Henrietta, daugliter of Dr. Ffloyd Minter Peck, of Sale, Gippsland, Victoria, previously of Newmarket, and has issue by her, Elanie, Lynette, and one other child) had issue, 1. Robert Arthur, 4. (ith July, 1871. 2. William Farnham, b. 7th March, 1874. 1. Enid Josephine. 2. Emily Maud. III. Martha,"™. 25tli June, 1872, Thomas Macknight Hamilton, Esq. of Ensay, North Gippsland, Victoria, J. P. (see Hamilton of Ensay), and by him (who was b. 5th May, 1844) has issue, 1. William Butle'dge, b. 8th July, 1874. 2. Robert Ion, b. 16th July, 1878. 3. James Irvine, b. 20tli Jiily, 1880. 4. Thomas Ion, b. 6tli March, 1882. 1. Eliza Ruth. 2. Norali. 3. Enid Mary. 4. Fxlith Gordon. IV. Susanna, m.. Thomas Falkner Fleet- wood, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S. (Dublin) of Warrnambool, Victoria, and has issue, 1. Thomas Falkner. 2. Charles. 1. Ruby Eliza. 2. Sybil Mary. 3. Pearl. V. Edith, )«. 1st June, 1873, at Christ Church, Warrnambool, John McKellar, Esq. of Tarrone, Victoria, eldest son of Thomas McKellar, Esq. of Strath- kellar and Croxton, Hamilton, A'ic- toria, Australia, and of Lerags, Oban, Argyllshire, Scotland, J. P. in Vic- toria, and late member of the Legis- lative Council of Victoria (see McKellar of Stratiikellar, Crox- ton, AND Lerags), and by him (who was b. 28th October, 1850," and d. 5th August, 1885) has had issue, 1. Neville Thomas, b. 22nd March, 1870. 2. Ion Kirk, b. Ist Decemhcr, 1880. 3. Alan Campbell, b. 25th July, 1882. 142 BUJiKE'S COLONIAL fi EXTRA'. 4. Eric Kutledge, h. 8th May. 1884. 5. John, h. 28tli Scptemher, 1885. Mrs. McKellar now resides at Farnham Park, Victoria. The Hon. William Kutledge owned land near Kilmore, together with the great Farn- Jiani special survey of 5.000 acres. He and his brothers were landowners, merchants, and bankers at Fort Fairy, or Belfast as it is also called, of which place Mr. Rutledge was magistrate, mayor, and alderman. Crest used — A mural coronet. Motto — Coronat Jides. Sesidence and Estate — Werronggurt, Warriiarnbool, Victoria, Australia. Club — Melbourne. iAUtlcticjc oi dfarubam |3ai1t anti ^})cr\uociti. RUTLEDGE, WILLIAM RUPERT, Esq. of Farnliam Park, Denningtoti ; and of Sherwood, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, J. P., b. 14tli July, 1849 ; TO. 1877, Margaret Lorraine, second daughter of William Armstrong, Esq. of Hexham Park, co. Villiers, J.P., and has issue, I. William Lorraine Leslie. II. John Horace Douglas. I. Dorothy. II. Janet Isabel. Lineage — See preceding memoir. Residences and Estates — Farnham Park. Bennington ; and Sherwood, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. Club — Melbourne. S2EnvJ5n of 2i\ai)tcn» WRIXON, HON. HENRY JOHN, of Raheen, Studley Park-road, Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, member of the Legislative Assembly, Victoria; b. in Dublin, Ireland, October, 1839; in. 17th December, 1872, Charlotte, daughter of the Hon. Henry Miller, of Findon, Kew, Melbourne (who d. 7th February, 1888), chairman of the Bank of Victoria, one of the early settlers and legislators of Victoria, son of Captain Henry Miller, of the 40th Regiment of Foot, who was present at the battle of Waterloo ; and widow of Musgrave Wrouo-hton Anderson, Esq. [by whom .she had issue, Lilian Charlotte, m. at Holy Trinity Church, Kew, 13th February, 1889, Alan Sidney Stanley, Esq. of Long- stoweHall,Cambridge, J.P.co. Cambridge,6.1861 ; second son of Captain Sidney Stanley, of Longstowe Hall, Cambridge, M.A. (Camb.), J. P. cos. Cambridge and Huntingdon, and D.L. co. Cambridge, late captain 1st Hunts Light Horse (Duke of Manchester's), and high sheriff for cos. Cambridge and Hunts, 1873 — 74, who was 6. 21st December, 1828, and assumed by royal licence, ls56, the surname of Stanley, in Men of his patronymic, being the only sur- viving son of William Wentworth, Esq. of Cambridge (.see Stanley of Long- stowe Hall, in Burke's Landed Gentrij); and Helen Maud, m. at St. George's, Hanover-square, co. Middlesex, 18th December, 1890, Charles Wentworth Stanley, Esq. of Longstowe Hall, Cambridge, M.A. (Camb.), J. P. co. Cam- bridge, and, from 1885, captain 4th batt. Suffolk Regiment of Militia, b. 1860, eldest son of Captain Sidney Stanley, of Longstowe Hall, Cambridge, M.A., J. P. and D.L.], and has issue, I. Arthur Henry, b. 1878. II. JoliQ Melbourne, b. 1881. I. Charlotte Mabel, 6. 1875. 1U"K1CK'.S COI.O.VIAI, Cl'lX'I'llV. 142 Mr. Wrixon arrived in Australia in 1850 ; in 1858 returned to Ireland, and was educated at the University of Dublin ; called to the Irish Bar in 18G0 , returned to Victoria in 1863, where ho was admitted to the Bar towards the end of that year ; was junior counsel in the celebrated cases of the Queen v. Beaney, aud Cornish and Bruce v. the Queen, when a verdict was recorded for '260,OOOL In 18C8 he was returned for Belfast, in 1870 took office as solicitor- general in the M'Culloch Ministry, and in February, 188(-i, was appointed attorney-general, which office he vacated in 1890. In 1871 he brought in and carried " The Criminal Law Amendment Bill." ILincnttc. This familv lived at BalWgiblin, co. Cork, Irelaiul, and the profj;onitor in that kingdom is said to liave been a soldier who came over with CromHell. Henry Wiuxon, Esq. of Ballygiblin, co. Cork, had a sister Mrs. Anne Samuels, as appears by liis will dated 131 h April, 1714, which was proved 9th October, 171-1. iiy Catherine, his wife, he had issue, I. Nicholas, of whom presently. II. Robert, of Killroe, co. Cork, d. 1750. Bj Mary, his wife, he had issue, besides two daughters (the elder of whom )«. . . . BuUen, Esq., and theyoungerm. Alderman William Win- throp, by whom she had a daughter, Bridget), two sons, Henry and Robert. III. John, of Blossan Fort, co. Cork, d. n-ii. He had issue, 1. Henry, of Blossan Fort, d. 177« ; 2. Robert, of Cork, d. 17tJ8, having had, by Mildred, his wife, John, Benjamin, father of Henry, and Bridget ; aud 3. John, Alderman of Cork, whose daughter, Elizabeth, m. . . Hannings. Esq. IV. Henry, of Glenfield, co. Cork, d. 1732, having had by Mary, his wife, sister of John Yeamans, Esq.: 1. Yca- mans; 2, Henry, of Glenfield; 3, John; 4. Ediuond; 5. Nicholas; 1. Mary ; 2. Catherine ; 3. Susanna ; 4. Dionisia; and 5. Alicia. I. EUinor, m. Roger Crofts, Esq., and had a daughter, Alicia. II. Alicia, m. . . . Freeman, E.sq. HI. A daughter, m. . . . Lake, Esq., by whom she had a son, Henry. Nicholas Weixon, Esq. of Ballygiblin, m. the daughter of Charles Bastuble, Esq. of Castlemagner, and sister of Arthur lias- table, Esq., and John Bastable, Esq., and d. 1740, leaving issue, a daughter, Charity (who m. Arthur Lysaght, Esq., brother of John, Lord Lisle), and a son, Hemby Nicholas Wkixon, Esq. of Assolas, CO. Cork, who m. Anne, daughter of William Mansfield, Esq., and d. 1794, leaving, besides a daughter, Mary (who d. ISIO, having w. 3Uth lil.iy, 1772, "as his 1st wife, William Hare, £.-iq., who was elevated to the peerage, Slst July, 1800, as Bahon Ennismore, CO. Kerry ; and further created Viscount En xisMOHE and LisTOWEL, 15th January, 1816; and Eabl oe Lis- TOWEL, 5th February, 1822. See Burke's Pefrat/e), a son. William Wrixon, Esq. of Ccoilsk, co. Cork, who m. Mary, daughter of Jolm Town- send Becher, Esq. of Annisgrove (by Mary, his wife, daughter of the Rev. .Morgan Donouin), and sister and heir of Henry Becher, Esq. of Creagh, both co. Cork, and had issue, William, of Ballygiblin, A. in 1780; assumed the additional surname and arms of Becher, and was created a baronet, 30th September, 1831. He m. at Kilfane, co. Kilkenny, 18th De- cember, 1819, the very celebrated actress, F^lizabetli, daughter of John O'Neill, Esq., and d. October, 18.50, his widow dying 2!)th October. 1872. His son is the present Sir Henry Wrixon- Becher, Bart., of Ball\git)lin, CO. Cork. See Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, and Kniyhtaye. Henry. John Michael, barrister-at-law. Nicholas, in holy orders. Marianne, m. to Thomas Harris, Esq. of Bathview, Mallow, co. Cork, and has several children. Jane Charlotte. G-eorgiana, m. to Robert De la Cour, jun., of Fairy Hill, co. Cork, Esq. Abthvr Nicholas Wri.xon, of the Dragoon Guards, believed to be a descendant of the family of Wrixon of BiiUygiblin, m. Maria Bentley, by whom he had a son. Judge Arthur Nicholas Wrixon, of Barker's-road, Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, and afterwards of Hareourt-street, Dublin, Ire- land, who was A in 1810; emigrated to Australia in 1850, but afterwards returned to Ireland ; m. in 1S32, Charlotte Matilda, daughter of Captain William ISace, of Fair View, Clontarf, Dublin ^who fought under Wellington throiigliout the Peninsular War, was, for a short time, in command of his regiment at Toulouse, and received the Toulouse gold medal), and d. in Ireland, 18()1, having had by her (who was A. in 1821, and d. in Indand, 1859), I. William Henry, of Barker's. road, Kew, Melbourne, A. in 1833; unm. II. Arthur Nicholas, episcopal minister in the United .States, A. in 1835 ; unm. III. Henry John (Hon.), now of Rahecn. i?e«;e, 1226, is the first of the name traced ; in 1258, Alan Yeewtne "was sent as envoy from the Scottish nobles to those of Wales; Keginald was archdeacon of Teviotdale and Glasgow, and d. before 1286; RoOEK or Irwyn was clerk of the King's wardrobe, 1327—32, and in 1329, William Irwtn was clerk register; and in 1384, Nicholas de Yrewtne was canon of Glas- gow. In 150-t, David Ihwix was owner of Irwin and Hegslaud ; younger branches were seated at Woodhouse, Coveshaw, Auchin- bedridge. Stank, Luce, Wyseby, Gribton, Logan, Knockhill, &e., and at Castle Irvine, CO. Fermanagh. Christopher Irving, of Bonshaw, Annan, CO. Dumfries, is said to liave been at Flodden ; in 1547 he was taken prisoner by the English under Henry Wharton. Edward Irving, of Bonshnw. his son, in 1.^90, was at feud with William Bell, of IJlackethouse, and drove him from his I'ortalice. At this time, Johnstone, of that ilk, is styled his " master and land- lord;" he and his sons were concerned in the slaughter of Lord Maxwell, warden of the Marches; one of his sons was killed by the Kirkpatricks, circa 1554 ; Bonshaw Tower was besieged, but not taken, by the Earl of Marton. His son, Christopher Ievino, of Bonshaw, m. 1506. Margaret, daughter of John Johnstone, of that ilk, which marriage had been, in 1564, prohibited by the privy council. He had issue, William, of Bonshaw, d. s.p., and Edward Irving, of Bonshaw, who m. Margaret, widow of Sir Alexander Kirk- pafrick, of Kirkmiehael, and had issue, I. William. II. Herbert, in whose favour his nephew James resigned the estate, 1655. But at this period the succession is involved in some obscurity; George Irving, of Bon- shaw, m. Agnes Carleton, who in her widow- hood m. her husband's brother, Jeffrey Irving, of Robgill, who was beheaded in 1624. The second son of Edward Irving, Herbert Irving, was of Bonshaw, 1648. James Irving, of Bonshaw, was, 25th May, 1655, served heir special of his grandfather's grandfather, Edward, of Bonshaw, in the BUIUvK'S COLONIAL GHNTUY. 157 laiuU of Kfclcfcvlian, held of the crown, and ininietliiiloly, ns iilroady stilted, resigned the Beat to his uneU', IFerbort. William Irvinu, of lionsliaw, registered arms, 1673, and seen>9 to have been " the wild Bonshaw," known as a persecutor of tlie Covenanters; he was stiiblied to death at Lanark by a drunken follower in ](i83, and buried in the old ehureh Ih.-rc; liis violent death had been foretold by Mr. Donald C'argill, whom he took prisoner at Covington Hill. There were intermarriages with Kirk- patriek, Douglas, of Kelheiid, and Jardine, of Apiilegirth. Heuukkt Ikving, of Bonshaw, d. before 1691*, and was x. by liis ^on, WiLLUM Irving, of Bonsliaw, b. 1663, m. 1698, /Kmilia, eldest daughter of .Vudrew, third Lord RoUo (see Burke's Peerage), and by her (who d. 1747) had, I. John, his heir. II. Robert, writer to tlie signet, living 1765, m. Miss Veitch, sister of Lord Elioek, and d. s.p. III. James, M.D., b. 1713, settled in Jamaica, where lie acquired Ironshore, and other valuable eetiitcs; m. Eliza, daughter of Jacob Jlotte, Esq. of Charleston, South Carolina, and was living in 1765. His eldest son, James, of Ironshore, Jamaica, by his wife (who re-m. Elie Francois Boucher de la Motte, and d. 1813), the daughter of Phillip O'Connor, Esq.ofCarrick Foyle. Jamaica, had, 1. James, of Ironshore, Jamaica, Kensington-square, London, and Pisa, Italy, b. 1792, m. 1819, Judith Bowen, third daught er of Thomas Nasmyth, Esq. of Rhodes llall, Jamaica, M.D., and bv her (who d. at Bonshaw, 19th June, 1873) left at his decease, wliicli took place at Leghorn, Italy, 10th October, 1855, I. James, M.D., b. 9th July, 1822, d. s.p. at Leghorn, 11 Ih February, 1856. II. Robert Nasmyth, now of Bonsliaw, eo. Dum- fries, late lieutenant 12th Regi luent, b. 20th August, 1827, unm. 2. Henry Hoghton, of the 58th Regiment. 3. John lieaufin, )»., and had a son, John Beaufin, of Florence. 4. Jacob ^Emilius, w., and had issue two sons Jacob jEmilius, of America (who has an only son, Jacob .Emilius), and John Beaulin, of America. IV. PauIuSiEmilius (lieutenant-colonel), governor of Upnor Castle, living 1765. He had a son, Lieutenint-Geiieral Sir Panlus ..Emiliiis, created a baronet, 1809, whose title became extinct on the death of his son, Sir Thomas St. Lawrence, third baronet. I. Maria .Emilia. II. Jane. William Irving rf. 17-12. His eldest son, John lRViXLi,of lionsliaw, l>. 25th .A.ugust, 1699, m. Krituloiu von Claprod, and d. 17-i9, leaving, I. William. II. Hcncy, who left one son, John, lieutenant -colonel, living 1765, m. Judith, daugliter of Colonel Paulus -Emilins Irving, of Wood- liouse, and was father of John (Rev.), vicur of Llantris- sent, eo. Monmouth, and af terwartls of Bonshaw, parish of Annan, co. Dumfries, m. Margaretta Davies, and d. 1870, leaving an only child, Margaretta .Emilia, m. Rev. Charles Irving, rector of Donoughmore, eo. Donegal. At the death of the Rev. John Irving, Bonshaw passed to its present owner, Robert Nas- myth Irving, the heir male of the family. III. Robert, lieutenant-colonel 7t)th Regi- ment, killed at tlie siege of Guadaloupe, 5tli October, 1796, aged 50, leaving by his wifi^, Elizabeth, daughter of James Currie Carlyle, of Bridekirk, three daughters, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Sophia, who m. Colonel William Beck- with, brother of Sir George Beckwilh, G.C.I3. IV. Paulus ^Eniilius. I. Mary .Emilia, m. Hon. Clement Rollo, son of Robert, fourth Lord Rollo (see Burke's Peerage), and had issue, Robert, who settled in America; John ; and Mary, who */. lotm., 1776. II. Katherine, living unm. a.t Doncaster, 1.839. III. Jane, »». James Currie Carlyle, Esq. of Bridekirk. The eldest son, William Irving, of Bonshaw, who exe- cuted a deed of tailzie, 19th December, 1765, and (/. 1779, having m. 13lh November, 1767, Janet, daughter of Sir John Douglas, Bart., of Kelheail ; she rf. 1806, leaving a daughter, Christina, and a son, John Robert Irving, of Bonshaw, advo- cate, III. Jacobina Donaldson, and d. s.p.m.s., 18tli June, 1839. He had, I. Jolin, lieutenant in the Royal Marines, (/. s.p. 1837. I. Joan Maria, m. John Dickson, Esq., master of the academy at .\iinan, and had issue. II. Janet Maroahet. The younger daughter, and eventual co-heir, Janet Margaret Irving, i«., at Edin- burgh, Scotland, 1826, John Winter, Esq., formerly of Lander, Berwicksliire, and of Edinburgli, Scotland, and afterwards of Lauderdale, Ballarat, Orenville co., in the colony of Victoria, son of Thomas Winter, Esq. of Cold Shields, and afterwards of Lauder, eo. Berwick (whose family was for- 158 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ir.erlr located in G-loucestershire, England, and who d. about 180-i), by Betty Yellowlees, bis wife. Mr. John Winter was b. 3uth June, 1794, emigrated to Victoria with bis family in 1842, and became owner of the celebrated Winter's Freehold Gold Mine, Ballarat. In 1857 the Winters acquired a number of valu- able sheep-runs in the Rodney district, and a few years later purchased the freehold of large tracts to preserve their estates from the encroachments of selectors. He d. at Lauder- dale, Ballarat, 12th August, 1875, aged 74 rears, having had by his said wife (who d. at Bonshaw, Ballarat, "6th May, 1846), amongst other issue, two sons, James, J. P., of the firm of Winter Bros., of Durringile, Toolamba Estate, Mur- chison, Rodney co., Victoria, b. at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1834. He was elected president of the Shire CouncU of Waranga in 1870, of which he had been a member from 1864 ; in 1871 , the daughter of the Hon. W. H. Pettitt, and d. at Norwood, near London, 4th February, 1885. II. William Ievixo (Hox.),of Noorilim, who assumed the additional surname of Ieving. Arms — Quarterly; first and fourth, arg. three holly leaves vert, for Irving ; second and third, checquy or and sa. a fesse arg., charged with a saltire couped gu., two Haunches of the last, each charged with two trefoils slipped of the first, for Win'teb. Crest of Ibvixo, a dexter cubit arm in armour, holding in the gauntlet a branch of holly con- sisting of seven leaves and fructed, all JJpr; motto over, Haud uUis labcntia ventis. Crest of WiN'TER, a liind trippant arg., supporting with the sinister fore-foot a saltire gu., gorged with a collar flory counter fiory, with chain affixed thereto and reflexed over the back sa., and charged on the body with two trefoils slipped of the last. Motto — Sub sole sub umbra virens. Residence — Noorilim, G-oulburn River, Moira co., Victoria, Australia. Clubs — Austi'alian and Melbourne. Estates— aunho^e Estate (24,800 acres), Mount Seobie Estate (8,900 acres), both co. Rodney; Noorilim Estate (2,400 acres), co. Moira; and Tirrengower Estate (7,000 acres), in COS. Heytesbury and Polwarth, all in Vic- toria. Total, 43,i00 acres. gadtson of Sadtson Bait. JACKSON, FRANCIS ARTHUR, E.sq. of Jackson Dale, Fiji, h. at the Vicarage, Riccall, co. York, Englaud, 19th October, 1837; educated at Ragby when Dr. Archibald Campbell Tait, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, was head master ; served in the New Zealand Militia during the New Zealand War. He is the head of the Colonial branch of the Jacksons of Doncaster (formerly of Fairbnrn and of Rossington, co. York), located in the colonies of New Zealand and Fiji. Htncaac. This family of Jackson were formerly owners of Fail-burn Manor, and of Rossington Grange, co. York, England. Fairburn Manor ■was sold, by the descendants of Thomas Jack- son, Esq. of Fairburn Manor, to the Right Hon. Viscount Palmerston, K.G. (the cele- brated premier of England), in 1817. One branch of the family settled in the United States of America nearly a century ago, and their descendants are now citizens of the United States, and landowners in the state of New York. Another branch settled in cos. Tyrone and Armagh, Ireland, and pur- chased lands there. James Jacksox, Esq. of Fairburn, Led- sham, CO. York, son of John Jackson, Esq. of Fairburn, baptised 24th April, 1642 ; m. 11th June, 1673, Ann Askham ; and was buried at Ledsham, co. York, 20th May, 1703, leaving one son, James Jackson, Esq. of Fairburn, lessee of the great tithes of Fairburn under the dean and chapter of York, and had freehold lands there, baptised 4th February, 1675; d. in 1745. Bv Anne, his wife (who was buried 10th March, 1736), he liad an only son, James Jackson, Esq. of Fairburn, bap- tised 11th November, 1703; »n. 26th April, 1732, Mary, daughter of John Pease, of Fair- burn, yeoman (she was buried 16th March, 1774) ; and was buried 14th December, 1789. He had issue, I. John, of Fairburn, co. York, baptised 18th April, 1733 : m. 14th July, 1755, Sarah, daughter of Matthew Lee, Esq. She was buried 7th May, 1774. He d. 2nd November, 1797, aged 64, and was bui'ied at Ledsham. He had issue, 1. Thomas, of Fairburn, only son, baptised 14th June, 1756. He purchased the whole of the manor of Fairburn, and in 1801 became lord of that manor, which his descendants sold to Lord Pal- merston in 1817. He )«. thrice, and d. 17th November, 1813, leaving issue. 1. Elizabeth, baptised 27th Decem- ber, 1757; m. 16th June, 1785, IMIilvK'.S C'OLO.NIAL (IKN'I'UV. 159 Hie Rev. John Lowe, M.A., of Lincoln CoUope, Oxon, viear of Huddersfifkl, vieiirof Brotlierton, rector of Tankersley, perpetual curate of Wentworth, domestic chaplain to E;irl Fitzwilliiun, pre- bendary of York ealhednil, and justice of the peace for Mie W. R. CO. York, lie (/. :;Md .May, IS37, aged SO, and was buried at. Went- worth, CO. York. She rf. llth July, 1794, and was buried at Hrotherton, eo. York. 2. Mary, baptised 23rd January, 1759, and (/. 2tth August, 1702. 3. Catherine, baptised 61 li Oetober, 1760; 7)1. 2nd June, 1791. as his second wife, Thonuis William Tew, Esq., deputy-judgo of the Itonour Court of Pontefract, a banker at Wakefield, Pontefract, and Doneaster (who was b. llth January, 17l)-l, and m. 1st, 10th De- cember, 1787, Elizabeth, daughter of ... . Vans, Esq. of Hundhill Hall, Pontefract. She rf. 31st Oetober, 178S), son of Thomas Tew, Esq. of Margaret- street. Cavendish-square, London (see Tew of Carleton Granoe in BiU'ke's Landed Gentn/), by EUinor, his wife, daughter of Edward Coc-kroyd, Esq. of My- tholmroyd, IlJifax, eo. Y'ork. He d. 22nd October, 1832, and was buried at Doneaster, liaving had by his second wife (who d. 9th June, 1830, aged 67, and was also buried at Doneaster), a son, Edward Tew, Esq. of Crofton Hall, CO. York, J.P. and D.L. for the West Riding, and previously captain 1st West York Yeoniijury Cavalry ; and a daughter, Catlie- rine Mary, b. 1st January, 1801; m. 25th October, 182o, Rev. James Jackson Lowe, rector of Fletton, CO. Htuitingdon, and d. 16th January, 1869. 4. Sarah, m. 2nd January, 1704, to G-rosvenor Perfect, Esq. of Thorp Arch Hall, co. Y'ork, and d. in 1798, leaving issue. 5. Mary Ann, baptised 6th March, 1766; d. umn. 4th Decendier, 1813, and was buried at Swindon, CO. York. II. James, of wliom presently. III. Joseph, of 16, Hatton- garden, Lon- don, free of the Brewers' Coinpanv, 1781, baptised at Ledsham, 12th April, 1738; m. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, CO. Middlesex, 29th August, 1775, Sarah, only daughter of Edward Smith, Esq., citizen of London, free of the Girdlers' Company, and d. 9th August, 1799, and was buried at 8t. Bride's Church, Fleet-street. His widow d. 23rd January, 1832, aged 77, and was buried ai St. Bride's, Fleet-street, London. He had issue, with three younger children, viz., Joseph, John, and Mary, who d. young or itniit.^ a son, the Very Rev. James Edward Jack- son, M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford, dean and rector of Armagh, b. 5th Ufarch, 1778. Ho was the author of Two Main Quf'sliotix ht'tiiH'en the Vhtircftes of Kittjland and Rome; m. 1st, liis first cousin, Lydia, daughter of Thomas Jackson, Esq. of Tullydocy, co. Tyrone, Ireland. She'i/. 7ih December, 1810, and was buried in the family vault at St. Bride's Church, Fleet-street, London. He m. 2ndly, in 1819, Lydia, daughter of Robert Lam- bert, Esq. of Elland Hall, near Halifax, co. York, and d. at Paris, 19th August, 1841, in the 64th year of his age, and was interred in the church of St. Bride, Fleet- street. There is a stained glass window in Armagh Cathedral, erected to his memory by Lord John George de la Poer-Beri'sford, archbisho]) of Armagh and pri- mate of all Ireland. His second wife d. 17tli November, 1870, aged 78, and was buried at Harold's Cro.ss, Dublin. IV. Tliomas, of Tullydoey, co. Tyrone, Ireland, baptised at Ledsham, CO. Y'ork, 2(lth .Vugust, 1740; m. at Leeds, CO. Y'ork, llth December, 1783, Lydia, daughter of James Eyre, Esq. of Leeds, co. York, merchant, and d. 29th Api-il, 1805, and was buried at lienburb. His widow d. 6th Decem- ber, 1852, aged 91, and was buried at 13enburb, having had i.ssue, 1. James Eyre, of Tullvdoev, afore- said, J.P., b. 3rd Februa/v, 17i)l.; d. unm. 19th March, 1S(;2, and was buried in the family vault at Benburb. 1. Mary, m. 16th August, 1804, to .Samuel Neville Ward, Esq. of Baston, Haves, co. Kent (who d. 27th October, 1850), and d. lotli June, 1855, having had issue (see Ward of Calverley in Burke's Landed O' yitrif). 2. Lydia, m. her first cousin, the Very Rev. .lames Edwaril Jack- son, M.A., of Queen'9 College, Oxford, dean and rector of .Armagh, vide ante. 3. Elizabeth, d. unm., Slst February, 1862. 4. Ann, d. ««>»., 27th May, 1859. 5. Sarah Eyre, m. 7th Aprd, 1S09, to the Rev. ,Iames 'I'lsdall or Tindall, M.A., rector of Ballin- derry, co. Londonderry, Ireland, and d. Oetober, 1865, leaving issue. V. Henry, of llossington Grange, co. i'ork, J.P., baptised at Ledsham, 29th 160 BURKE'S COLONIAI; GENTRY. May, 17-t">; i/. num. at his seat, Ros- sington Grange, 22nd September, 1822, and was buried at Ro8sington,co. York. I. Elizabeth, »». 3rd November, 1763, Thomas Fisher, Esq. of Frystone- Monk, CO. York, who d. 13th October, 1793, aged Gi. She d. 4th March, 1810, and was buried with her husband at Frystone-Monk, co. York. II. Mary, d. young in 1737. The 2nd son, James Jackson, Esq. of Doncaster, co. York, J. P., and alderman, baptised at Led- sham, CO. Y'ork, 2uth March, 1734; elected mayor of the borough of Doncaster, 27th September, 1787, and agahi 24th September, 1795; m. at Doncaster, 11th October, 1764, Mary, daughter of John Partrick, Esq. of Doncaster, and niece of William Partrick, Esq., alderman and justice of the peace ; and d. 11th October, 1797, aged 63, and was buried in the family vault in St. George's Church, Doncaster. By his wife (who d. 27th May, 1810, and was buried in the family vault in St. George's Church, Doncaster) he had issue, I. William Partrick, b. 5th August, 1765 ; d. 5th May, 1771, and was buried in the family vault in St. George's Church, Doncaster. II. James, of whom presently. III. John, b. 5th September, 1769; d. 26lh August, 1785, and was buried in the family vault in St. George's Church, Doncaster. I. Maria, b. 9th July, 1772; m. I7th November, 1791, John Branson, Esq., M.D., of Doncaster, J. P., alderman, and an eminent surgeon, who was b. 2l8t February, 1759 ; elected mayor of Doncaster in 1838, and again in 1830 ; and d. 3rd July, 1838. She d. 6th October, 1849, leaving issue, a son, Ferguson, also an M.D., who m. 22nd May, 1845, liis cousin, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Neville Ward, Esq. of Baston, Hayes, co. Kent, before-mentioned. The 2nd son, James Jackson, Esq. of Doncaster, co. Y'ork, J.P., banker, and aiderman of the borough of Doncaster, elected mayor, 22nd September, 1803, and again 22nd September, 1814, b. at Fairburn Manor, Ledsham, co. York, 27th September, 1767 ; m. at Tickhill, CO. Y'ork, 27th October, 1800, Henrietta Priscilla, sister and co-heiress of Henry Bower, Esq. of Doncaster, F.S.A., and 2nd daughter of Freeman Bower, Esq. of Kil- lerby Hall, Bawtry, and Maltby Hall, all in CO. York, J. P., and D.L., W. R. co. Y'ork, who was son of George Bower, Esq. of Bridling- ton, E. R. CO. York, and grandson of William Bower, Esq. of Bridlington (see Bower or Welham, in Burke's Landed Oeniry). She was b. 23rd January, 1781, and d. at Cheveley Hall, CO. Cambridge, 26th August, 1852, and was buried at Cheveley, co. Cambridge. Mr. James Jackson d. 11th March, 1821, and is buried in the family vault in St. George's Church, Doncaster. He had issue, I. Freeman Henry, b. 25th December, 1801, baptised at St. George's Church, Doncaster, and d. 18th March, 1820. II. James (Rev.), M.A., of Brasenose College, Oxford, sometime Chaplain H.E.I.C.S., afterwards rector of Lyd- gate, CO. Suffolk, and subsequently vicar of St. Sepulchre's, London, and rural dean, b. 3rd May, 1803, baptised at St. George's Church, Doncaster; m. at Farley Castle, co. Somerset. 9tli April, 1834, Eliza, daughter of John Houlton, Esq. of Farley Castle, alias Farleigh-Hungerford, co. Somerset, J. P., and D.L., colonel 1st Regiment Somerset Militia (see Houlton op Faelet Castle in Burke's Landed Oeniry), and by her (who was h. 25th March, 1807; and d. 12tli April, 1877) had issue, 1. James Bower, captain in H.M. 3rd West India Regiment, and afterwards of H.M. 21st Regi- ment of Infantry, b. at Surat, India, 18th May, 1835; m. at Charter House, London, 5th January, 1864. Isabella Sophia, third surviving daughter of John Miles, Esq., M.D., of Charter House, and d. at Ealing, co. Middlesex, 12th December, 1881, without issue. 2. John Houlton, b. at Ahmednug- gur, India, 27th December, 1837 ; m. at St. Michael's, Cornhill, London, 27th June, 1869, Eli- phalette, daughter of the Rev. Thomas William Wrench, M.A., rector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London, by Diana Maria, his wife, daughter of John Kirke, Esq. of Markham and Retford, CO. Notts., J. P., sometime captain in the 24th Light Dragoons, and afterwards colonel of the Sher- wood Rangers (see Kirke op MiKpiELD Hall in Burke's Landed Oentrti) ; and has issue, besides three daughters, five sons, viz., I. Richard Houlton, b. 18th March, 1870. II. Edward Ellis, b. 22nd November, 1871. III. Wilfrid Swinhoe, b. 15th August, 1873. IV. Laurence.i. 17th May, 1875. V. Francis, h. 4th January, 1883. 3. Edward Ellis, b. at Bombay, India, 1st July, 1839, and d. 19th July. 1840. 4. Ellis Charles, b. at Ahmednuggur, India, 15th May, 1841, and d. at Chatham, Ontario, 13th January, 1878. 5. Freeman Henry, h. at the Rec- tory, Farley, co. Somerset, 24th December,' 1842; »«. at St. lirUKK'S COJ.O.NIAL (IKN'I'UV. 1(51 Michael's, Cornlull, l.ondon. ITtli December, 1S72, Mary Editli, daughter of Ketiry Brniisbv Coo]>er, Esq. of the lleiigal Civil Service, of the fiuiiily of Sir Astley I'aston Cooper, Bart., and has issue, I. Freeman Astley, b. 4th March, 1871, II. Neville Ward, A. at Baroda, India, in 1875. 6. Edward, of London, civil en- gineer, b. at the Rectory, Lyd- gate, CO. Sutlolk, 20th December, ISiS ; »(. Georgina Uorothea, daughter of the Kev. Thomas William Wrench, M.A., rector of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London, and has issue, I. Edward Robert Houlton, b. 18th April, 1881. I. Evelyn Mary, b. at Singa- pore,"5lh May, 1877. II. Henrietta Eliza, A. at Singa- pore, 3rd June, 1879. 7. Francis Arthur, A. at the Rectory, Lydgate, CO. Suffolk, 4th Feb- ruary, 1847; settled in Australia. 1. Henrietta Eliza, A. at the Rec- tory, Lydgate, in 1844; vi. at St. Sepulchre's Church, London, 3rd July, 18f!-, George William Smith Fielding, Esq., late 11th Hussars, and by him has issue, I. George Ellis, A. 1870. II. James Bernard, A. 1872. I. Maud Hetty, A. 1874. 2. Marianne, A. 17th February, 1849; d. 1st Januai-y, 1851, and was buried at St. Sepulchre's, London. III. John Edward (Rev.), M.A. of Brase- nose College, Oxford, second class in Lit. Human., curate of Farley Castle, CO. Somerset, 1834, rector of Leigh Delamere, and vicar of Norton, co. Wilts, 1845-6, sometime rural dean of Malmesbury, hon. canon of Bristol Cathedral, and fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, A. 12th November, 1805, baptised at St. George's Church, Don- caster. He is the author of The History of Doncaster Churchca, The Wiltshire Collections of Aubrei/ and Jackson, Wiltshire Historical Papers, Farleigh Hungerford, Wiilf Hall and the Sey- mours, Lord Stourton and the Murder of the Hartgills, temp. Mary 1, The Literary Treasures of Longleat, some sermons, and numerous articles iu The Wiltshire Archceoloi/ical and Natural History Magazine, of which he was editor for eleven years. This eminent genealogist, lieraldic scholar, and anti- quary, has, by his works on topo- graphical, areha?ological, genealogical, and antiquarian subjects, added much learned matter and historical informa- tion, much of which was discovered by himself, to the literature of his VOL. I. country. The Rev. Canon Jackson is unm. IV. William, lieutenant in the 25th, 9th, and 75111 Reainients of Foot, A. 20th January, 1 8U8, baptised at St. George's Church, Doncaster; m. at St. Helier's, Jersey, J'jllen Aconibe (who d. at Ricluiuind, 11th May, 1881), and d. at Richmond, 17th January, 1879, and was buried thei-e, having had issue, 1. William George, A. 13th Decem- ber, 18."iO, served as captain in one of the Waikato regiuK'nts dui-ing tlu' New Zealand War; m. at the Church of St. Clement Danes, London, SIh July, 1861, Elizabeth McCuUoch, daugliter o^ William Blair McKean, Esq. of South- ampton, and d. at Newmarket, 4th June, 1879, leaving issue, two daughters, Elizabeth and Ethel M. Ellen. A. 20lh December, 18(55. 2. John Edward, d. young, and was buried at St. Malo. 1. Henrietta Marianne; m. at St. Barnabas, Hornsey-road, 9th April. 1868, Alexander Gordon Duff MeKilligin, of Eichmond, eo. Surrey, and d. 24th September, 1873, leaving issue, I. Alexander Gordon Duff, A. 1869. II. Percy Stuart, A. 1871. 2. Elizabeth Ellen, d. young. V. Charles, of Doncaster, co. York, bar- rister-at-law, J. P. and treasurer of the borough of Doncaster, and captain West York Yeomanry Cavalry, banker 1831 to 1866, A. 25th July, 1809, baptised at St. George's Church, Don- caster ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 6th May, 1834; m. at Hands- worth, CO. York, 6th September, 1812, Margaret Caroline, daughter of Hugh Parker, Esq. of Woodthorpe, co. York (see "Parker of Woodthohpe and Streetthoepe," in Burke's Landed Gentry; ed. 1817), J.P. and D.L. W.R. CO. York, and sister of the late Right Hon. John Parker, P.C, M.P., secretary to the Treasury and the Admiralty. &c. ; and d. at Balby, co. York, 1st December, 1882, having had issue, 1. James, of Doncaster, A. 21st July, 1847 ; m. Eliza Letilia, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Wiilium W^rench, M.A., rector of St. Micliael's, Cornhill, London, and d. having had issue, I. Rowland Bower, A. 1877. II. Alan Hawiey, A. 1881. I. Alice Dorothy, A. 1875. 2. Charles Hugh, of Doncaster, A. nth August, ]8.')1. Jle is unm. 3. Edward .Man, A. 22iid January, 18,')7, m. 16th October, 1883, Mary v. Boyee. 4. Hugh Rowland. 1. Caroline Alice, m. at Doncaster, M 162 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 27tli April, 18G5, to the Rev. Tliomas William Hamilton France-Hayliurst, M.A.of Trinity College, Cambridge, of Davenhaui Lodge, reetor of Davenham. Norlh- wich, CO. Chester, son of the Rev. Thomas France-Hayhurst, of Bos- toek Hall, co. Chester, lord of the manors of Bostock, Kinderton, and Stanthorne, hon. canon of Chester, J.P. and D.L., and M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge (see " France-Hayhukst of Bostock H.tLL," in Burke's Landed Gentrif) ; and has issue, I. Hesketh, 4. 1866. II. Edward, b. 1868. III. Walter, b. 1870. IV. Francis, b. 1873. V. Gerald, b. 1875. I. Lucy, b. 1874.. II. Constance, b, 1877. 2. Mary Frances. 3. Margaret Caroline. 4. Florence. vr. Feanois Aethuk (Rev,), of whom hereafter. VII. George (Lieutenant-General), Ben- gal Staff Corps, of St. Helens, near Preston, co. Lancaster, sometime col- onel in H.M. Bengal Cavalry, b. 1st July, 1812, baptised at .St. George's Church, Doncaster ; served in Bundel- eund in 184-2. in the Punjaub cam- paign of 1848 — 49, and during the operations on the Peshawur frontier in 1851 — 52, under Sir Colin Campbell, and in 1857 was twice wounded in an attack on a body of mutineers of the 26th Bengal Native Infantry. He m. at Kurnaul, India, 9th February, 1839, Phillis Sophia, daughter of Nathaniel Nugent Strode, Fsq., captain 16th Regiment, and by her (who is now de- ceased, and is buried in Brighton Cemetery, co. Sussex) has had issue, 1. George Charles (Colonel), Bengal Cavalry, second in command and squadron commander 1 2th Bengal Cavalry, major of the body-guard and aide-de-camp to I^ords Mayo, Northbrook, and Lytton, when governor-generals and viceroys of India, b. at Chittoreghur, India, 5th February, 1841; served with the Eusufzai field force in 1863, and with the Abyssinian expedi- tion in 1868. 2. Arthur Strode, b. at Saugor, India, 26th January, 1845, d. on board the " Gloriana," 23tli May, 1848. 3. Clement Nugent, of Hertford College, Oxford, proctor of the I'niver.sity of Oxford, 1883, b. at Simla, India, 2nd April, 1846. 4. Morton Strode, of II. M. War Office, b. on board the " Gloriana," off the Isle of France, on the voyage from India, 6th March, 1847 : baptised at Cheveley, co. Cambridge; m. 23rd Jidy, 'l884, Edith Ro.sine, second daughter of W. W. Martin, Esq., and has issue, Myrtle Strode, b. 6th June, 1885. 1. Annie Phillis. 2. Henrietta Mary, d. 8th June, 1859, and was buried at Murree, in the Punjaub, India. 3. Alice, d. at Murree, Punjaub, India, 2nd May, 1859. 4. Ellen Gertrude, d. at Brigliton, CO. Sussex, England, 13th March, 1883, aged 25, and was buried in Brighton Cemetery. VIII. Thomas (Rev.), M.A. of Brasenose Colli'ge, Oxford, sometime vicar of Wadworth, co. York, and afterwards vicar of Merevale, co. Warwick, b. 31st January, 1816, baptised at St. George's Church, Doncaster; d.vnm.&t Brighton, CO. Sussex, 7th August, 1878, and was biu'ied in Brighton Cemetery. I. Henrietta Eliza, baptised at St. George's Church, Doncaster; m. at Doncaster, 6th April, 1826, to the Rev. James Thomas Bennet, M.A., rector of Cheveley, co. Cambridge, and J. P., son of Philip Bennet, Esq. of Tollesbury, co. Essex, and Roughani Hall, CO. Suftolk, J.P. and D.L., high sheriff of Suffolk, 1821 (see "Bennet of RouQHAM Hall," in Burke's Landed OeiUri/) ; and d. at Nowton Hall, near Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, 13th August, 1882, and was buried at Cheveley, co. Cambridge. The Rev. James Thomas Bennet d. 12th July, 1868, aged 71, leaving issue. II. Frances Mnry, b. 1st January, 1814, d. 15th Janiuiry, 1815, and was buried in the family vaidt, St. George's Church, Doncaster. III. Marianne, baptised at St. George's Church, Doncaster, 1820, d. unm. 20th December, 1874. The sixth son. The Rev. Francis Arthur Jaci^son, M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambriilge, viear of Riccall, co. York, and formerly curate of Charborough, co. Notts, b, 30th April, 1811, baptised at St. George's Church, Doncaster; m. at East Markham, co. Notts, 14th July, 1836, Charlotte, youngest daughter of John Kirke, Esq. of Markham and Retford, CO. Notts, J. P., sometime captain in the 24th Light Dragoons, and afterwards colonel of the Sherwood Rangers (see " Kirke of Mir- PIELD Hall." in Burke's Landed Oentn/), by Anne Mervyn, his first wife, eldest daughter of Sir William Richardson, Bart., of Castle Hill and Augher Castle, co. Tyrone, and of Kilfeaele, co. Tipperary (see RlcHARDSON- Bunbury, Barts., of Castle Hill, co. Tyrone, in Burke's Peerage and Baronetage) ; and d. 21st February, 1844, and was buried in Riccall ("hurch. Aduion. gr.anted to Charlotte, his widow, 11th March, 1845, who d. at Wey- mouth, CO. Dorset, 13th October, 1887, and BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 163 was buried in Brifjliton Ccnii'terv, co. Sussex. Tliey luul issue, I. Fbaxcis AiiTiirii, now of Jnelison Dnie, in tlio Colony of Fiji. II. Freeman Rayney, of Wanganui, Xew Zealand, J.l'. for that eolony, was foruicrly of the Birchvvood, and Mani- pori Lake sheep stations, and was a member for Rirerton in the Council of the provinee of Southland, New Zealand, b. at the Viearajie, Riecall, CO. York, 27th October, 1N38; m. at Waldcek, New Zealand, 19th February, 1859, Anna Eleanor Augusta, youngest daughter of the late John Shea- Lawlor, Esq. of Gurteenrvu', co. Cork, Ireland, by Margaret, his wife, daughter of Daniel llaliony. Fsq. of Duuloe Castle, Killarney, co. Kerry, Ireland (see " Mahont of UrNLOE Castle," in Burke's Landed Qenlry), and has issue, 1. Freeman Lawlor. 2. Henry Herbert. 3. Edward Eayney. 1. Florence Charlotte, w. J. R. Mason, Esq. of The llutt. Wel- lington, and of Napier, New Zea- land, and has issue. 2. Mary Lctitia. in. Henry Boweh, of Telau (we next article). I. Charlotte Letitia, authoress of A Motnance of PosUipo, and other works ; m. at Christchurch, New Zealand, 9th March, 1858, her cousin, Thomas Woollaston White, Esq. of The Warren Station, Canterbury, New Zealand (i. 25th May, 1829), eldest son of the Rev. Taylor White, yiear of Norton- Cuckney, co. Notts (by Dorothy Letitia, his wife, daughter of Colonel John Kirke, of Markliam and Retford, co. Notts, before mentioned), and grand- son of Sir Thomas Woollaston White, first bart., of Walling Wells, near Worksop, CO. Notts (see Burke's Peerage and Baronetage'). Mr. Thomas Woollaston White d. s.p. 1887. II. Henrietta Priseilla, m. fir.st, at Christ Church, Canterbury, New Zealand, Ihomas George Dyson Holland, Esq., and by liim (wlio d. 29th July, ]8t;9) had issue, a son, Thonui.s George Harold Woollaston Dyson Holland, of the Bank of Australasia; and a daughter, d. soon after birth. She m. secondly, Edward Harold De Courcy Martelli, Esq., and by him (who was killed by his horse falling over a stone wall, whilst hunting) had issue, two sons and three daughters. She m. thirdly, Janu'S .llfred Selfe, Esq., son of Hcury Sclfc Selfe, Esq., a London police magistrate, by Anna Maria, his wife, eldest riaughter of the Venerahle Archdeacon Spooner (see undcr"lxNi-:s- liiiLixosTON OK Bartley Lodgk," iu Burke's Landed Geniri/), by Anna Maria Sidney, his wife, (laughter of the Eight Hon. Sir Lucius O'Brien, third hart., of Dromoland, co. Clare, Ireland fsee under " LoKi) Inchiquin," in Burke's Peerage). The mother of Mr. James Alfred Selfe was eldest sister of Catherine, wife of the Most Rev. Archibald Campbell Tait, arch- bishop of Canterbury. III. Frances Marion Mervyn, posthu- mous child; »i. at Waldcek, New- Zealand, 22nd July, 1S(U, Thonuis Smith Wright, Esq. of Dipton Bush sheep station, eldest son of Isaac Wright, Esq. of Hohart, Tasmania, wool broker and merchant, and has had issue, a son, Ernest, d. June, 1882, and a daughter, Ada, b. 18G8. Arms — Per pale gu. and az. on a fesse erni. cottised arg. between three shovellers of tlio last, a cross crosslet between two annulets of the first. Cce.s( — A demi griffin gu. collared and chain retlexed over the back or, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's head erased arg. Motto — Strenue et lioneste. Residence — Jackson Dale, Savu Savu East, Fiji. Estates — Jackson Dale ; Na Ko ; Vadra Vadra; Vatu Kuro; and Wai Kovuua, Fiji. Siad^son oi Cdau. JACKSON, HENRY BOWER, Esq. of Telau, Savu Savu West, Fiji, h. at the Vicarage, Riecall, co. York, England, 25th December, 1841 ; m. 23rd November, 1888, Jemima, eldest daughter of the late Samuel Cos, Esq. of Savu Savu, Fiji, and has issue, a son, Han-y Francis Rayney, h. 11th February, 1890. Mr. Henry Bower Jackson served during the second New Zealand War, with Her Majesty's colonial forces, and received the New Zealand War medal. Lineage and Arms — See preceding article. Besideiice — Telau, Savu Savu West, Fiji. Estates — Telau, and Na Nanu Island, Fiji. .M 2 164 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. JACKSON, JOHN HENRY, Esq. of Sandford House, Sandford, co. Normaiiby, Victoria, Australia, J. P., b. at Launceston, Tasmania, 29th Janualy, 1829 ; m.. at Wannon Parsonage, near Coleraine, co. Normanby, Mary Anne, youngest daughter of Benjamin Bovvtell, Esq. of London and Kent, England, descended from a family of French refugees, and by her (who d. at Southport, Queensland, 15th August, 1884) has issue, I. Henry Bovvtell, h. 27th June, 18-56; m. 24th November, 1886, his cousin-german, Elizabeth, only daughter of Robert Towart, E.sq. of Casterton. II. Ernest Sandford, M.D., resident surgeon, Brisbane Hospital, Queens- land, b. 18th July, 1860. I. Ada Constance, m. May, 1877, Ernest James Stevens, Esq. of Dur- rimba, Southport, Queensland, J. P., and member of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, and has issue. II. Alice Maude, m. 13th June, 188-, William Tomline Wilkinson, Esq.. solicitor, and has issue. III. Margarette, m. at St. Mary's Church, Sandford, 13th February, 1889, Rowand Harry Macarthur, Esq., second son of Rowand Macarthur, Esq. of Bairnsdale. Mr. Jackson is guardian of minors, shire councillor, and formerly its president, president of the district Pastoral Society, and member of Church Assembly, Ballarat diocese. Ht'iuaac. This family were long resident in York- shire. Mr. J. H. Jackson's grandfather left his native county and settled in London. He »». Jane Paynter, and had issue, four sons and two daughters, viz., I. John Henrt, of whom hereafter. II. Samuel, of Yarra House, Enfield, eo. Middlesex, England, and formerly of St. KUda, Melbourne, Victoria, Aus- tralia, b. 1807, settled at Melbourne, and was an eminent and one of the earliest architects of that city, having built many of the principal buildings. He m. Mary Anne Lowther, and d. at Yarra House, Enfield, 7th May, 1876, aged 69 years, leaTing issue, an only daughter, Mary Anne, who m. Thomas Cornelius Lawson, Esq. of London, surgeon, and has issue. HI. William, one of the original " Fawk- ner Party," who landed in the schooner "Enterprise," in Port Pliillip Bay, and, with three or four others, the first to stand on the pre- sent site of the city of Melbourne in 1835. This gentleman, together with hiselder brother Samuel, took up laud at Jackson's Creek (so named after him). The greater part of this estate is now named Sunbury, and is tlie seat and residence of Sir W. J. Clarke, Bart. Subsequently the two brotliers bought from John Henty, in 1846, Saxdfobd, wliioh is still in the possession of the family. Mr. W. Jackson m. Mrs. Bassingham, and d. s.p. 1862, in England, iv, Joseph, freeman of the Haber- dashers' Guild of the City of London, b. 1811; settled in Tictoria, 1850; and d. at Sandford, in 1887. I. Eliza, m. her cousin-german, Thomas Weston, Esq. of London, surgeon, and had issue. II. Jane, d. unin. The eldest son, John Henky Jackson, Esq. of Laun- ceston, Tasmania, b. in London, 30th April, 1800, and baptised there at Sion's Chapel, 22nd May, following ; landed in Van Die- men's Land (nowTasmania), 29th September, 1823; m. at St. John's Church, Launceston, 9th June, 1828, Sarah Lowe, who was b. 3rd October, 1808, and d. at Ring's Meadows, Launceston, 1848. Mr. Jackson, who owned land near Westbury, Tasmania, d. 22nd September, 1837, and was buried in the Old BL'KKE'S eULOMAL UEXTItV. 1(55 Ccnietorv, I.auncestoii, leaving issue, one son aiui two danj^liters, viz., I. John IIkxuv, now of Sandford. I. Eliza, b. 13tli June, 1831, m. \M\ January, 1858, Tlionuis Coriiey, Esq. of Irrnwahand Warrnambool, but has no issue. II. Sarah Elizabeth, h. 11th May, 1833, m. Kobort Towart, Esq. of t'a.'^tcrton, CO. Normanby, Victoria, aud has had issue, 1. James Alexander, settled in New South Wales, and m. 4th Dei'oniber, 18 — , Edie Kin*;, and has issue. 2. Herbert, also in New South Wales. 3. Norman, in New South Wales. 4. (joorpe. 5. Allan. 1. Elizabeth, m. 24th November, 1880, her cousin-german, Henry lidwtell Jackson, Ksq., elder son of .IdliTi Henry Jackson, Esq. of Sandibrd. Hesidence — Sandford House, Sandford, co. Xornianby, Victoria, .\ustralia. i».. Fanny Matthews, and had issue, 1. Edward Darvall. 2. Charles. 1. Mary. 2. Eliza. 3. Mary Agnes. 4. May. I. Emily Mary, »i. J. E. Hogg, Ksq. II. Laura Georgina, m. A. G. Rose, Esq. III. Mary Frances, inim. IV. AUce Eliza, »«. H. Salwey, Esq. ^r«M— Quarterly ; 1st and 41 li, az , on a bend engr. or, between two fieurs-de-lis arg.,an eagle, with two heads displ., sa., for Kateh; 2nd, gu. a chev. vaire or and az. between three roses arg., for Reeve ; 3rd, gu. a leg, in armour, couped at the thigh, bt.'tween two spears erect, points upwards. Vrext of Kater — \ eat ramp, guard. ppr. between two elephants' trunks or. Motto — Nil mortalibus arduum. i?c.5irff»c/>— Mount Broughton, Moss Vale, New South Wales, .-Vustralia. 166 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. DICKSON, RAYNES WAITE, Esq. of Arnside, Domain-road, South Yarra, Melbourae, Victoria, Australia, president of the Law Institute of Victoria, and advocate of the diocese of the Church of England, Melbourne ; 6. 13th August, 1844; m. 20th October, 1870, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Kiddle, of Somersetshire, England, and has issue, I. Raynes Waite Stanley, b. 11th November, 1871. lincnctc. William Dickson, Esq. of Anfield Locige, near Liverpool, England ; m. 27tli .January, 180] , Frances Rickets, daughter of Raynes Barrett Waite, Esq. of Blue Hole and Moreland Estates, Montego Bay, Jamaica, who was lineally descended from Colonel .Sir Thomas Wayte, the youngest of the twelve judges who condemned King Charles I to death. Colonel Wayte was one of the first settlers in Jamaica, where he acquired considerable property. Mr. Dickson, d. 1st September, 1,S 17 (his wife having predeceased him on the 2nd April, 1842), leaving one son, who resided at Ashmeadow House, Arnside, Moreeambe Bay, co. Westmoreland, England, and wlio m. 4th June, 183.5, and d. at Leipsie, loth October, 1869, having had by his wife (who d. at Bootje, near Liverpool, eo. Lan- caster, 22nd April, 1850), I. Ratnes Waite, now of Arnside, South Yarra. I. Frances Anne, m. the Rev. Mathew Henry Martin, and has issue three sons and two daughters. II. Elizabeth Waite, deceased. III. Agnes Hannah, unm. Crest used — A bear's head, muzzled. Residence — Arnside, Domain-road, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Bolultncj oi ^^)tintj>. DOWLING, HIS HONOUR JAMES SHEEN, of Sydney, New South Wales, district court judge ; 6. in London, 2nd December, 1819 ; m. 20th June, 1849, Katherine Marion, daughter of James Laidley, Esq. of Rosebank, Sydney, N.S.W., late deputy commissary-general (see Laidley of Hillside), and has issue, I. James Arthur, 6. 28th April, 1850 ; m. 25th January, 1887, Maude Matilda Street. II. Vincent George, b. 23rd April, 1852. in. Neville, 6. 9th August, 1856 ; »i. 3rd August, 1887, Marie Stuart Russell. IV. Russell, 6. 15th October, 1858. V. Septimus William, h. 7th April, 1863. 1. Katherine Eliza, b. 7th February, 1862. His Honour J. S. Dowling emigrated to Australia with his father in 1828, but I'eturuod to England in 1836 ; entered King's College and graduated LL.B. in 1841 ; was called to the Bar in 1846 ; appointed attorney-general at Port Curtis in 1849, and afterwards went to Sydney. He was made police magistrate in 1851 ; appointed crown prosecutor in 1857, and in 1861 district court judge. New South Wales, which post he has since held. BUKKE'S COLONIAL U ENTRY. IG7 Hintnat. Hon. Sir James Dowi-ino, Knight (brotlier of Vincent George Dowling, Esq., who was gnindfjither of Vincent Janies Dowling. Ksq. of Lnie). was h. in London, :i5tli Novenii)er, 17S7 ; edncated at 8f. J'aul's Scliool, London ; in early lif<' was newspaper reporter in the ilonses of Parliament ; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1815 ; edited several legal text books, and brought out nine volumes of law reports. He was appointed a ])uisne judge of the colony of New South Wales, tith August, 1827, and arrived at Port Jackson, in the ship " llooghly," with his family, 24th February, 1828; appointed acting chief justice, April, 183H, and eliief justice in succession to Sir Francis Forbes, when he was knighted. Sir James Dowling m. in 1835, as his second wife, Harriott Mary, eldest daughter of the Hon. John Blaslnnd, formerly of Newington Hall, CO. Kent, Enjiland, and afterwards of New- ington, Parramatta River, New South Wales, sometime member of the Legislative Council of that colony (see Blaxlaxd of Fokd- wich), and widow of Alexander Macdonald Eitchie, Esq. of Calcutta, merchant (who m. in 1816, and had issue), and d. in Sydney, 27tli September, 18-11, aged 57 years, having had issue by his first wife, I. James Sheen, district court judge. II. Vincent Francis Woodcock. I. Susan, m. the Rev. Charles Speucer, M.A., and d. his widow. II. Eliza, »i. 30th March, 1842, Sir Arthur Hodgson, K.C.M.G. (1886), of Clopton House, Stratford-on-Avon, CO. Warwick, England, and of the Windham t'lub. London ; formerly of Eton Vale, Darling Downs, Queens- land, Australia, J. P. and D.L. for co. Warwick (high sherilf thereof 1881), and J. P. for the honiujdh of Siratfoni, li. 2i)tii June, 1818; educated at Eton and Cambridge; emigrated to New South Wales, and arrived in Sydney in 1810; represented Darling Downs for sometime in tlie Fjegislative Assembly of New South Wales, and after the separation of Queensland sat for the Warrego in the Parliament of the latler colony ; sometime secretary for public works, colonial secretary, and premier of Queensland ; was ap- pointed general suiierintendenl of tlie Australian Agricultural Company in 18.56; and in 1871 returned to Eng- land. He was representative Utv Queensland at the Exliibition held in London, 1862 ; executive commissioner for the same eolonv at the Paris Exhi- bition, 1878 ; royal connnissioner, k<;.. Colonial and Indian Kxbibition, 1886; and was mayor of Stratford-on-Avon from 1884- to 1888; son of tlie Rev. Edward Hodgson (d 1851), vicar of Rickmansworth, Herts, by Charlotte, his wife, sister of the late Colonel Pemberton, of Trumpington Hall, eo. Cambridge, and has, with other issue (see Hodgson), Francis Henry (Rev.), M.A., vicar of Abbots Langley, Herts, h. 1848; educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge; m. July, 1881, Mary, second daugh- ter of the late Hammond Solly, Esq. of Serge Hill, Herts. TIT. Maria, m. George Blaxland, Esq., a merchant captain trading between China and India, second son of the Hon. John Blaxland, of Newington; and d. s.p. Rextdenca — Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Bobjlintj of ilutc* DOWLING, VINCENT JAMES, E.sq. of Luie, Rylstone, New South Wales, Australia, J. P. for New South Wales and Queensland ; b. in New Soutli Wales, 11th January, 1835 ; m. Frances Emily, fifth daughter of Thomas Chaplin, Esq. of Breillah, Sydney, New South Wales, and has, I. Willoughby Vincent, b. at Thargomindah, (Jueenslaud, 19th May, 1871 ; educated at Eton. II. Frank Osborne, 6. 25th January, 1884. I. Ethel Maude, /). at Thargomindah, Queensland, 3rd June, 1869. II. Ruth Beatrice, b. at Luie, New South Wales, 8th October, 1878. III. Elsie Luie, /;. at Luie, New South Wales, 11th August, 1880. Mr. Dowling was educated in England, and on his return to his native count ry entered into the business of a squatter. He is one of the pioneers of Australia, having discovered the ("^uttiiVjurra and Spring country, and the river Paroo 168 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. in 1859, on which he formed stations, and for many years was settled at Thargomindah, until 1875. He also opened up the country on the Bulloo, Wilson, and several other rivers. Mr. Dowling was appointed a justice of the peace for the colony of New South Wales in ISliO, and for Queensland on the formation of that colony. In Queensland he holds several stations, among them the Gummin Gummin station. He purchased from Dr. Cox in 1877 the estate of Luie, which consists of 14,900 acres of land, on which are pastured many sheep, the wool from which has taken numerous prizes, among them the gold medal at Calcutta and the silver medal at Amsterdam. ILincage. Vincent Georg-e Dowling, Esq., a war correspondent, brother of Sir Jaiues Dowling, Knight, who was father of His Honour James Sheen Dowling, of Sydney, New South Wales, district court judge; was for many years editor of Bell's Life in London, and he it was who first caught Bellingham after the assassination of the Right Hon. Spencer Perce- val, chancellor of the exchequer and prime minister of England, in the lobby of the House of Commons, 11th May 1812. He was father of WiLLOUOHBT Dowling, Esq., who emi- grated to New South Wales in 1830, and resided at Flinton, near Sydney. He m. in 1834-. and d. in IS-iS (his widow surviving till 1870), iiaving had issue. I. Vincent James, of Luie. II. John Francis, murdered by blacks in Queensland whUe exploring, 1865; num. I. Susan Emily, m. Francis Alexander Powell, Esq., eldest son of Nathaniel Powell, Esq. of Turalla, Bungendore, New South Wales, J. P., and has issue two sons and two daughters. Arms used — Or on a hend az. a staff's head cahossed between two billets. Crest — A falcon belled and jessed, holding in the dexter claw a sword. Motto — Fortis et egregiiis. Residence — Luie, Rylstone, New South Wales, Australia. Club — Union, Sydney. DENISON, LIEUT.-COLONEL FREDERICK CHARLES, C.M.G. (1885), F.R.H.S., of Rusholme, Toronto, Canada, lieut. -colonel in Governor-General's Body Guard, M.P. for West Toronto, Canada, b. at Rusholme, Toronto, 22nd November, 1846; vi. at Chippawa, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 22nd April, 1874, Julia Abigail, daughter of Oliver Tiffany Macklem, Esq. of Niagara Palls, Ontario, and has issue, I. Frederick Coningbam, h. 5th July, 1875. II. Harold Edmund, /). ::!rd June, 1878. III. Edgar Street, b. 13th August, 1879. IV. Victor Edward, b. 13th December, 1882. V. Gordon Cyril, b. 30th March, 1885. VI. Egerton Boyer. b. 6tli Februaiy, 1887. I. Jessie Florence. II. Dora Louise. Colonel Denison was called to the Bar 1870, and was alderman of the city of Toronto from 1878 to 1884 ; was a cornet in the Governor-General's Body Guard during Fenian raid into Canada in 1866 ; served as orderly officer to Sir Garnet (now Viscount) Wolseley in the Red River Expedition of 1870, appointed cuptain in 1872, major in 1876, and lieut.-colonel in 1884. Went to Egypt in command of Canadian voyageurs, employed by the Imperial Government in the campaign in the Soiidan, 1884- — 85, for the relief of BURKK'S COLONIAL (iKNTRY. ir.9 General Gordon, and wliilo accomjianyiiig General Earle's column took part in the battle of Kit bekan, and for his services received the Egyptian medal and two clasps, and was made C.M.G. l.inca(if. The founder of the CaniitUan t)ranch of the Denison family was Captain John Denison, son of George Dexison, Esq. of Hcadon, Yorkshire. He was b. at Headoii, 20th Norem- her, 1755. After serving a number of years witli Iiis regiment, tlie 2nd West York, Ca])tain Denison sailed for Canada, 1st July. 1702, eventually settling in Toronto, 170(5. He pur- chased a large tract of land near Weston, co. York, Ontario, about 1798, which is still in the possession of the family. He m, Sophia, daugh- ter of Artliur Taylor, Esq. of Dovercourt, Harwich, co. Essex, England, and rf. at Tor- onto, 28th October, 1824, having had issue, I. Georqe T.iyLOR (Lieut. -Colonel), of whom presently. II. Thomas, m. and left issue. III. Cliarles, d. s.p. I. Elizabeth Sophia, m. John F. Taylor, Esq. LiEnT.-CotONEL Geokqe Tatlob Deni- son, of Bellevue, Toronto, b. 29th December, 1783 ; )«. Esther Borden, daughter of Captain Richard Lippincott, a United Empire Loyal- ist, who, after fighting for seven years for his king and a " United Empire," settled near Toronto, receiving a large grant of land in the township of Vaughan, comprising about 3,000 acres, from the Crown, as compensation for tlie loss of his property in the United States, whicli had been confiscated. He d. 18th De- cember, 1853, leaving issue, I. Kit-hard Lippincott (Lieut.-Colonel), unsuccessfully contested West Y'ork in 1861, and d. lOth March, 1878, leaving issue. II. George Tayloe (Colonel), of whom presently. III. Robert Brittain (Lieut.-Colonel), was brigade-major and afterwards deputy adjutant-general of Toronto district. He has issue. IV. Charles Leslie, b. 21st August, 1841, m. and has issue. I. Sophia, m. William Coates, Esq. n. Mary, m. J. Fennings Taylor, Esq., and has issue, in. Gcorgina. The second son. Colonel Geokoe Tatloe Denison, of Rusholme, Toronto, b. at Bellevue, Toronto, 17th July, 1810, was sometime senior otilcrer of Militia in the province of Nova Scotia. He rf. 30tli May, 1873, having had (by ilary Anne Dewson, his wife) seven sons and two daughters, viz., I. George Taylor, lieut.-colonel com- manding Governor - General's Body Guard, police magistrate, Toronto, J. P., b. 30th August, 1839, unsuccess- fully contested Algoma in 1872. n. Frederick Charles (Lieut. • Colonel), of whom we treat. III. Henry Tyrwhitt, b. 29th January, 1849. IV. Clarence Alfred Kinsey, captain and adjutiint Governor - General's Body Guard, b. 9th April, 1851. V. John, lieutenant R.N., 4. 25th May, 1853. VI. Septimus .Julius Augustus, captain 4th Batt. South Staffordshire Regi- ment, England, b. 3rd iSeptember, 1859. VII. Egerton Edmund Augustus, captain 3rd Batt. South Staffordshire Regi- ment, England, b. 25th December, 18(30 ; d. 8th July, 1886. I. Esther Borden. II. Elizabeth Mary, m. Major J. M. Delamere. Crest used — A dexter arm emboired, vested az., ctiff or, the hand ppr. pointing with the forefinger to a star gold. Motto — Perserer' ando. Residence — Rusholme, Toronto, province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. EINLAYSON, JOHX HARVEY, Esq. of Strelda, Stanley-street, North Adelaide, South Australia, J. P., editor and part pnjprietor of the South Australian Register, and member of the North Adelaide School Board of Advice under Education Department, b. 3rd February, 1843 ; m. 20th Mxwch, 1878, Alice, daughter of the late Thomas Shoobridge, Esq. of London, merchant, by Jane Pym, his wife (a descendant of John Pym, temp. CrrAtu-ES I), and by her has issue, I. Harvey Pym, b. 11th January, 18S1. II. Katharine Alice, 6. 14th August, 1&79. 170 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Hintnat. Henrt Fixlayson, Esq., was a freeman of tlie city of Glasgow, wliitlier lie removed from Stirling. By Mary Fletchfield, his wife, he had five sons, William, Robekt (of whom presently), James, John, and Ebenezer, and one daugliter, m. to Robert Brigson, Esq. RoBEUT FiNLATsoN, Esq.,burgess of Glas- gow (in which city he was a manufacturer, with his son of the same name), m. Jane ConneU,and had eleven children, the youngest of whom, William Finlayson, Esq. of Helen- holme, Mitcham, South Australia, arrived in that colony, February, 1837. He m. at Edin- burgh, 30th September, 1836, Helen Harvey (who d. 20th October, 1884), and has had issue, I. Robert Kettle (Rev.), m. twice, and has five sons and three daughters. II. Wilham, m. twice, having had issue bv his first wife, two daughters, and by his second wife, two sons. III. John Harvey, of Strelda. IV. Ebenezer, in. and has surviving issu* one son and one daughter. V. Henry, d. in infancy. I. Jane Council, uiun. II. Helen Harvey, widow of William Ambrose, Esq., has issue two sons and thiee daughters. III. Jessie Grace, vnm. IV. Elizabetli Mary Christina, m. Hubert Nickels, Esq., and has four sons and one daughter. T. Hannah, m. William B. Randell, Esq., and has two sons and three daughters. Residence — Strelda, Stanley-street, North Adelaide, South Australia. ^tutiijolmc of jHcrcbalc anti Coltistrram* riTUDHOLME, JOHN, Esq. of Merevale, Christcliurch ; and Coldstream, k3 Ashburton cc, Canterbury, New Zealand, J. P., sat as member of the House of Representatives for Kaiapoi, Canterbury, from 1867 to 1874, and also for Gladstone from 1878 to 1882, b. in 1829 ; educated at Queen's College, Oxford. He left England for Canterbury, New Zealand in 1851, wbere he was for many years a member of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, and m. in 1862, Litcy Ellen Sykes, daughter of William Moorhouse, Esq. of Knottingley, W.R. co. York, England, J. P., and has issue, I. John, 6. 1863 ; educated at Christ's College, Christchurch, New Zealand, and at Christ Church, Oxford (B.A. 1887). n. William Paul, b. 1864 ; educated at Christ's College, Christchurch, New Zealand, and at Magdalen College, Oxford (B.A. 1886), and was called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, London, 1887. III. Joseph Francis, 6. 1866; educated at Clirist's College, Christchurch, New Zealand, and at Jesus College, Cambridge. I Lucy Ellen, h. 1869. II. Florence Mary, h. 1872. ILincagc. The family of Studholme, at a vei-y remote period, removed from Hinchcliffe, co. Dur- ham, into Cumberland, where they continued to hold land till 1853, when Mr. John Studholme's elder brother Joseph went over to Ireland, and purchased an estate in King's County. JoHX Studholme, Esq. of Studholme, Abbey Holme, and afterwards of Alorton Head and St. Nicholas, near Carlisle, co. Cumberland, sold the last of the family estates. By Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Paul Nixon, Esq., he had issue, I. Josepli, of Ballyeighan and Kilmaine, J. P. for King's co., Ireland, m. 11th July, 1878, Mary Hastings, only daughter of James Robert Davis, Esq. of Bagot-street, Dublin, by Charlotte Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Robert Atkins, Esq. of Firville, co. Cork, and has had issue, 1. John, h. 9th June, and d. July, 1882. 2. Launcelot Joseph Moore, b. September, 1884. 1. Elizabeth Charlotte Anne. 2. Mary Hastings. II. John, of whom we treat. 5th 21st BURKK'S COIiONTAI. GHXTRY. 171 III. Mii'hiiel, of Waimiit.e, Tinmrii, Can- torbury, New Zealand, J.P., m. and has issue. IV. Piuil. I. Friinces. n. Kliznbeth. III. Ada, m. Cliarles Baker Stoney, Esq., M.D., and has issue. Anna tifn'ii — Vfrf,fT horsp ar(/.,('apfiri-yoncd or, on a chief of the second three spiir-romelJi gu. Crest — A horse* s head couped arg.^ bridled or. Motto — Semper paratus. Sesid'nces — Merevalo, near Chriatcliurch ; and Coldstream, Asliburton co., Canterbury, New Zealand. dfitiul) of ^Drcscott anti Coronto. FRENCH, FREDERICK JOHN, Esq. of PrescoU, co. GrenviUc, and of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Canada, barrister-at-Iaw, member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Canada (returned in 1879, and re-elected in 1883 and 1886), h. at Burritts Rapids, co. Grenville, Ontario, 18tli January, 1847 ; educated at Ottawa ; called to the Bar, May, 1870 ; m. at Stratford, Ontario, 28th April, 1875, Alma Lucia, daughter of John Gordon, Esq., formerly of Aberdeen, Scotland, and has issue, I. Frederick Henry, h. 18th February, 1876. II. Guy Carleton, h. V-Mh October, 1878. III. George Grenville, h. 28ta December, 1S80. ILintaac. Jeremiah French, Esq. (tlie great grand- father of the above), or his immediate ancestor, is said to have come from the neigh- bourhood of Manchester, co. Lancaster. There is some account of him given in Munson's Earli/ Hixfori) of Manchester, Vermont, U.S.A., in 1764, to which point lie came from New York State, and the public records at MohtpeUer, the capital of Vermont, contain much information about him. On the breaking out of the Revolution he, witli a few others at Manchester, refused to assist the rebels, and joined the British Army in Canada, serving as an officer under Burgoyne. In consequence of liis loyalty to tlie British Crown his lands at Mancliester were con- fiscated, and his wife and cliildren driven from their home and land across tJie border. In 1792 he was a member of the first Canadian Parliament, and his name appears in the original records of the Parliiinient, which are in England. During the visit of the Duke of Kent (father of Queen V^ictoria), in the early part of this century, he was entertained at the residence of Jeremiah French, and it was during the festivities on this occasion that the latter's daughter, a young girl, was accidentally shot by her own father, when the gentlemen, including the duke, were at target practice. He m., and had, amongst other issue, a son, Benjamin French, Esq., who in. Miss Wood (whose sister m. the Bishop of Toronto), and had issue, Benjamin, m. Sophia, daughter of Colonel Henry Burritt, M.P. He is still living. John Straohan, of whom presently. Ann, d. unm. Maria, »«. James Forsythe, Esq. Mary, m. Mr. iMeGillis. Fanny, m. Sutherland Colquhoun, E.sq. Eliza, m. Caleb Knight, Esq. She is still living. John Stkachan French, Esq. of Burritts Rapids, b. at Cornwall, Ontario, 1st Mawli, 1812; in. Ist June, 1836, Marianne Chesley, of Cornwall, wlio was b. 16th September, 1811, and d. 17th September, 1867. He d. 10th January, 1858, leaving, amongst other issue, the present Frederick John French, Esq. Anns used — Sa., a bend or, between two dolphins embowed arg. Crest — A crescent per pale arg. and or, between the horns a fleur-de-lis counterchanged. Motto — Mala mori quam- fcedari . Residences — Prescott, co. Grenville; Os- goode Hall, Toronto, Canada. 172 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. SANDERSON, FREDERIC JAMES, Esq. of Killingworth, North Adelaide, South Australia, collector H.M. Customs, president of Marine Board of South Australia, and special magistrate, /). 4th July, 1834, at Newoastle-on- Tyne ; in. 1st July, 1856, Sarah, daughter of William and Louisa Cecilia Younghusband, and has, I. Francis Villiers, h. 11th June, 1862 ; m. 20th December, 1888, Fanny Augusta, daughter of Edward Klingender, Esq. of Toorak, Victoria, and has a daughter, Beryl Olire. I. Annie Louisa, m. Henry Debonaire Gardener Haggard, Esq. II. Edith Fergussou. III. Helen Lilias. Mr. Sanderson arrived in the colony of South Australia in 1852 ; was appointed clerk in the Treasury, 2'5th June, 1854 ; secretary to the Lands Titles Commissioners, 1st December, 18t)2, and secretary to the attorney- general, 1st December. 18"0. He was acting under-secretary and government statist, from January, 1878, to June, 1879, and was appointed collector of customs and chief inspector of distilleries, 9th July, 1879. ILtnmac. Mr. Frederic James Sanderson is the son of Francis Sanderson, Esq., formerly of Killingworth House, Newcastle-on-Tyne, co. Northumberland (who d. in South Australia, 22nd February, 1864), by Hannah, his wife, ■who also d. in South Australia, 4th NoTember, 1862. Arms used — Paly of six arg, and az., on a bend sa. three annulets or. Crest — On a mount vert a talbot pass. sa. eared or. Motto — Sans Dieu rien. Residence — Killingworth, North Adelaide, South Austi'alia. nxM) oi ^titlaitit. SMITH, JOSEPH HENRY, Esq. of Brongham-place, Adelaide, South Australia, chairman of the South Australian Railway Commissioners, h. 13th August, 1843 ; m. 22nd October, 1869, Lydia, daughter of the late R. Christian, Esq. of Barrow, Rutland, and has had issue, I. Harry Osborne, h. 15th August, 1870, d. 10th April, 1884. II. Frederick George, h. 27th May, 1879. I. Agnes Ethel. II. Florence Helena. III. Blanche Alice. V. Frances Marguerite. ILiiuaqc. Th'.s amily is originally from Stafford- shire. Joseph Valentine Smith, Esq. of Wal- sall, CO. Stafford, and of London, m. Mary Osborne, of Loudon (of an old Leicestershire family), and d. February, 1870, leaving issue, Joseph Henry, of Adelaide. Frederick Osborne. Alice. Motto used — Pax in hello. Sesidenre — Brougham - place, Adelaide, South Australia. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 173 STEEL, REV. ROBERT, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., of Lcwin-ton Hou.se. St. Leonards, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, iniiiister of St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Sydney, h. at Pontypool, co. Monmouth, 15th May, 1827 ; to. 23rd November, 1853, Mary, daughter of John Allardyce, Esq. of Glass, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and has issue, I. John James, M.B., Ch.B., L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S. Edinburgh, 6. 31sfc August, 1854. II. Robert Alexander (Rev.), M.A. (Sydney), minister at Queanbeyan, New South Wales, 6. 4th July, 1856 ; m. 1879, Amy, daughter of James Barnet, Esq., colonial architect, Sydney, and has issue two sons and three daughters. HI. Hugh Peden, of Sydney, solicitor, b. 30th January, 1865. I. Mary Jane, m. James Robertson, Esq., accountant. II. Anne Gillespie, to. Edward Kossuth Satchell, Esq, dentist, J. P. III. Elspett Allardyce, m. Arnold Bertie Low, Esq. The Rev. Dr. Steel was educated at the School of Ochiltree, Ayrshire, and at the Royal Burgh Academy of Ayr ; in 1843 entered King's College and University, Aberdeen, and in 1846 proceeded to New College, Edinburgh, to study theology ; minister first at Cumbrae, in the Firth of Clyde, 1852, after- wards at Salford, Manchester, co. Lancaster, 1855, and while there he was chosen one of the executive committee of the United Kingdom Alliance ; subsequently removed to Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, 1859; and was trans- lated to Sydney, New South Wales, 1862. Dr. Steel is councillor of St. Andrew's College, within the University of Sydney, and was prominently associated in the establishment of that college. He has for many years been elected by the general assembly of the Presbyterian Chui-ch of New South Wales tutor in church history and pastoral theology, and in 1867 was appointed moderator of the general assembly. In 1872 he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, the University of Gottingen having conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1861. Dr. Steel is the author of Doing Good, or the Christian in Walks of Usefulness, 1858 ; Samuel the Prophet, 1859 ; Lives made Stihlime ly Faith and Works, 1861; The Christian Teacher in Sunday Schools, 1867; Burning and Shining Lights, or Memoirs of Good Ministers, 1864 ; The New Hebrides and Christian Missions, 1880; The Shorter Caiechism Illustrated, 1885, and The Achievements of Youth, 1890 ; in addition to which he edited for several years the Presbyterian Magazine and the Australian Witness, after- wards the Presbyterian, and in earlier life contributed articles on religious subjects to the British Messenger, the Quiver, and several other publications. Hincnac. Robert Steel, Esq., wliosc family was for many generations connected with Ayr- shire, Scotland, m. .Tean Peden (wlio d. 1847), a descendant of Alexander Peden, the cel-i- bratcd preacher of the Church of Scotland in the days of the Covenant, who was ejected from the parish of Glenluce, 1G()2, and d. ItJSj. Mr. Steel d. 1859, having had a son, 174 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. James Steel, Esq., who m. 1826, Anne Gillespie (who d. 1830), and d. 1S29, leaving a son, the present Rev. Robert Steel, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., minister of St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Sydney. Crest used — A lions head erased. Motto — Ferro non furto. Residence — Lewington Honse, St. Leonards, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. BAYLES, HON. WILLIAM, of Yar Orrong, Toorak, near Melbourne, Australia, J. P., executive councillor and alderman of the city of Melbourne, h. 1st November, 1820, at Hunderthwaite, co. York, England ; in. 1864, at Pituncarty, Macquarie River, Tasmania, Isabel, daughter of the late Arthur Buist, Esq. of Pituncarty, Macqi^arie River, and has had issue, I. William James, of Selbourne Chambers, Melbourne, barrister-at-law. II. Walter Melville, squatter, of Toorak Station, near Hughenden, Queensland, Australia. III. Norman, of Yar Orrong, Toorak, solicitor. T. Mary Buist, d. 24th November, 1888, at Yar Orrong. II. Elizabeth Sarah. III. Ada. Arriving in Tasmania in 1846, Mr. Bayles settled in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1852 ; was elected a member of the Melbourne City Council, 1861, and mayor of Melbourne, 1865 ; elected to parliament in 1864 for Villiers and Heytesbury, and represented that constituency for 15 years ; was commissioner of Trade and Customs in 1868. Since 1863 he has owned the estate of Coomete, near Hexham, co. Villiers, Victoria, Australia. Htncaar. The family came from Scotland and settled at Hunderthwaite, co. York, England. William Batles, Esq., of that place (grandfather of the Hon. William Bayles), )«. Miss Mary Deut, of Mickleton, co. York, and had tliree sons, I. William, of whom presently. II. John, settled in Tasmania, and d. there, leaving no sxirviving issue. III. James, d. in London. His son James John settled in Tasmania, in 1823, at Rokeby, oil the Macquarie River. The eldest son, William Bayles, Esq. of Hunderthwaite, CO. Y'ork, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Hogg, Esq. of Romald-Kirk, co. York, and had issue, I. William (Hon.), of Y'ar Orrong. II. James, of Hunderthwaite. Arms used — 6u. aj'esse arg. betw. in chief three martlets and in base as many mullets of the last. Motto — Virfufe et prudentia. Sesidence — Yar Orrong, Toorak, near Mel- bourne, Victoria, Australia. Estate — Coomete, near Hexham, co. Villiers, Victoria, Australia. JHauttU of Wtlltncrtcin. MANTELL, HON. WALTER BALDOCK DURANT, of Maramarama, Sidney-street, Wellington, New Zealand, member of the Legislative Council and of the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute, h. 11th March, 1820, baptised at St. Michael's, Lewes, Sussex, England ; m. 1st, 29th BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 175 July, 1803, JIai-y Sarah, daughter of Edward Prince, Esq., and has by her a son, Walter Godfrey, b. 30th Ajn-il, ISGl ; m. 2Sth November, 1888, Katheriue Louis Marguerite, only daughter of Ern.st Louis Bucholz, of Saxe- Cobnrg-Gotha, who was for many years consul for Germany at Auckland, New Zealand. He m. 2ndly, 10th .lanuary, 1S70, Jane, daughter of Benjamin ITiirdwick, Esq. of Beckenliam, Kent, England, soheitor. iLiiua(\c. Walter Mantell, Esq., liviiij; feinp. Henry VI, 1440, m. Elizabotli, daugliter of John Abbot, Esq., citizen and mercer of London, and iiad a son, Walter Mantkll, Esq., liring temp. Edward IV, 1470, wlio was father of John Mantell, Esq., living temp. Henrt VII, 1495. He was (alher of Sir Walter Mantell, Knight, of Hey- forde, CO. Northampton ; w. Margaret, da^Igh- ter and heir of Oliver Wood, one of the justices of the Common Pleas, and dying in 1530, his widow rr-m. Sir William ilaut, of Bishopsboiirne, Knight. She m. 3rdly, Sir James Hales, Knight, and d. at a very advanced age, in 1577, and was buried in St. Mildred's Church, Canterbury. Sir Walter Mantell had issue, I. John, m. Ist, Anne, daughter of . . . Brown, Esq., by whom he had issue, a son, Walter, who was attainted and executed at Sevenoaks, 1st May, 1533 ; and, 2ndly, Anne, daughter of Fienes, Lord Dacres, and by her had issue, two sons, one of whom d. young, and the other d. unm. II. Walter, purchased the site of Horton- priory, attainted, and executed at Maidstone, 1st May, 1533. He m. Jane, or Mary, daughter of Sir James Hales, Knight, one of the justices of the Common Pleas, and had issue, 1. Matthew, had Horton-priory re- stored to liim in 1571 ; ni. Liicre- tia, daughter of . . . Wake, Esq. of Bilsworth, and had issue, I. Walter, of Horton Mona- choruni, co. Kent, seneschal of the Church of Christ, Canterbury ; m. Catharine, daughter of Thomas Turney de Brockhill, Esq., and had issue. Walter, aged 15 in 1619. Henrv, aged 12 in 1619. John; aged 10 in 1G19. Matthew, aged about 8 in 1(J19. Thomas, aged about in ltU9. Elizabeth. Catharine. Benctta. It. William. 2. A son, d. unm. 3. Thomas, of Westminster; m. Catharine, daughter and co-heir of Roger Horn, £s(i. of Keiiard- ington, and dying in 1588, hia widow re-m. Kobcrt .Smith, Esq. Mr. Mantell had issue, besides four daughters (one of whom vi. . . . Broadley, ancestor of the Broadleys of Devonshire and of Dover), three sons, I. A son, »«., and was father of John, of Tenterden, who d. in 1687, leaving issue, Regi- nald, of Tenterden, who d. s.p. 1743, and another son, who had two sons, 1. Ed- ward, of Mershani, co. Kent, wlio w. and had issue, Ed- ward, d. a minor ; Cluirlcs, d. s.p. ; Thomas, Fellow of Bennet College, Cambridge; and William, of KenehiU, Tenterden, who m. and had issue ; and, 2. Thomas, of Ashford, co. Kent, d. unm. in 1756. II. Thomas, a lieutenant in the army. By Jane, his wife, he had issue, besides two daugh- ters (one of whom m. Robert Daincs, Esq. of Dover), two sons, viz., 1. Charles, a mariner, who m. and had issue, besides two daughters (one of whom m. John Parker, of Dover, shipwright, and the other m. to Richard Hudson, Esq.), a son, Charles, of Dover, who m. Klizabcth, daugh- ter of Thomas Uobbes, of London, distiller, and widow of Henry Uoves, Esq. of Dover, and luid ft son, Thomas, of Chil- ham, CO. Kent, surgeon, who m. Catherine, daughter of the Kcv. John Nichols, rector of Fordwich, co. Kent, and maternally descended 176 BCRKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. from a brotlier of Bishop Ridley's, and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, of Dover, F.A.S., F.L.S., &c., &c., knighted 10th May, 1820, by H.M. King Geokge IV ; )». Anne, daughter of William Oakley, Esq., and great- grand - daughter of Henry Doves, Esq., and ■was living s.p. in 1829 ; 1. Catherine; 2. Eliza- beth ; 3. Mary ; all d. infants ; 4. Sarah, d. unm. ; and 5. Martha, m. Christopher Greaves, Esq. of Canterbury, ivbo d. in 1802, having had issue, two daughters, Catherine, d. unm., and Susan Crauford. who was living unm., 1829. 2. Thomas, commanded a ship of war, was taken by the Algerines, and many years a captive in Algiers. III. A son, d. unm. 4. A son, d. unm. Tii, Thom.is, of whom presently. I. Anne, m. Richard NeviU, Esq., and had issue, 1. Thomas, -i.p. 1619 ; 2. Thomas, dean of Canterbury, s.p. 1619 ; 3. Alexander, s.p. 1619. II. Eleanor. III. Margaret. IV. Mary. V. Dorothy. The third and youngest son, Thom.is Mantell, Ksq., headborough of Lewes, co. Sussex, 1562 ; constable of Lewes, 1572 ; and one of the twelve, 1591. He was father of Thomas Manteli, Esq., one of the society of the twelve, 1611, who was father of, I. John, m. 1628, Dorothy Hunger. II. Thomas. I. Dorothy, m. 1629, William Morris, Esq. The second son, Thomas Mantell, Esq., headborough, in 1644, and constable in 1652, had issue, I. Eicliard, m. 1st, in 1644, Elizabeth, and, 2ndly, Mary, who d. in 1708. II. Edward, of whom hereafter. I. Mary, m. in 1655, Jos. Walter, Esq. of Lyudfield. The second son, Edwaed Mantell, Esq., m. 1st, Ann TestCT, and by her had issue, Thomas, of whom presently, and Susannah, b. in 1690, and d. in 1710. He m. 2ndly, Mary Martin, and by her had issue, a daughter, Elizabeth, d. in 1710. His only son, Thomas Mantell, Esq., d. in 1736. By Martha, his wife (who d. in 1736), he had issue, besides three daughters (Mary, b. 11th May, 1718; Susan, b. 3rd January, 1720; Martha, b. 1st November, 1722), a son, Thomas Mantell, Esq., b. 15th Marcti, 1716; m. Susannah Austen (who d. in 1790, aged 74 yeare), and had issue, George (Rev.), of Swindon, co. Wilts, m. Martha, daughter of .... Houstoun, Esq., M.D., of Bath, and had a son, George, of Fsiringdon, CO. Berks, M.D., who m. Ann, daughter and co-heir of the late John lies, Esq. of Studley Grange, CO. Wilts, and liad, amongst otlier issue, Sir John lies Mantell, Knight (created 1867), of Swinton Lodge, near Manchester, co. Lancaster, and of tlie Windham Club, London, F.R.G.S., J. P. for Lancashire, and stipendiary justice for the division of Manchester, 1S69 to 1885; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1847; Queen's advocate, Gambia, 1841 — 47; and chief justice at the Gambia, 1847--66 ; b. 1813; m. 1866, Elinor Knight, second daugli- ter of Charles Hitchcock, Esq., M.D., of Fiddington House, Devizes, Wilts. Thomas, b. 1741, d. 1748. William, b. 1744, d. s.p. 1792. Thomas, of whom hereafter. Harry, b. 1752, d. s.p. Mary, m. Mr. Dewley, and d. s.p. Susanna, m. Mr. West, and had several children. Thomas Mantell, Esq., b. 21st April, 1750 ; m. 1776, Sarah Austen, of Peckham, CO. Kent (who was b. 25th November, 1755), and d, 11th July, 1807, having had issue, I. Thomas, of Lewes, co. Sussex, m. Hannah Groves, and had issue. II. Gideon Axgeenon, of whom pre- sently. III. Samuel, of Lewes, co. Sussex, m. Henrietta Kennard, niece of Sir George Crewe, Bart., and had issue. IT. Josliua, unm. in 1828. I. Sarah, d. an infaut. II. Mary, m. Charles West, Esq. of London. III. Jemima, unm. 1828. IT. Keziah, unm. 1828. The second son, Gideon Algernon Mantell, Esq., P.R.S., of 19, Chester-square, Pimlico, Lon- don, formerly of Castle-place, Lewes, co. Sussex; Brighton, CO. Sussex; and Clapham, CO. Surrey ; b. 3rd February, 1790 ; vi. at St. Mary'lebone, London, 4th May, 1816, Mary Ann, eldest daughter of George Ed- ward Woodhouse, Esq. of Maida-hill, Pad- dington, CO. Middlesex, and d. 11th Novem- ber, 1852, having had issue, I. Walter Baldock Dueant (Hon.), now of Wellington. II. Reginald Neville, b. 11th August, Sti-phmt {^ill Stephen of tt}iiutiriil.mii (lau'-Mipciiiil ot'RumivmtrDi-miB (jirrnuialc. uf Siiidtcii Calt>ert Footer of ^burubxt Qarltiou of Gtomta© O'RuUoi-im of AitelatDr of l>itntiltoit RURKKS COLOMA]. (iKXTlir i; 1827; baptised at St. Mifhacrs, Lewes, co. Sussex; d. unm. 1857. . KUen Maria, b. 30lli May, 1818; baptiserl at St. Mieliael's, Lewes ; m. J. VV. Parker, Esq. of West Strand, London, pnlilislier. Both deceased s.p. [. Uauuali Matilda, b. 2-lth November, 1822, baptised at St. Mieliael's, Lcwci; tl. unm. 18tl. Arms — Arg. a eross engr. between four martlets sa. Cres/ — A stag's liead eouped affrontee arg. Hixiilnirc — ^fiiramarama, Sidne_v-st reel , Wellington, Kew Zealand, EOSS, HON. DAVID ALEXANDER, of Westficld House, St. Eoy- road, in the Banticue of the city of Quebec, Canada, member of the Legislative and Executive Councils, province of Quebec, and lieutenant- colonel of Militia; called to the B;ir 1848, appointed queen's counsel L^7.S, and attorney-general 1878; b. at Quebec 12th March, 1819; m. there 27th February, 1872, Harriet Ann, daughter of the late Colonel Samuel Lynde Valentine, of Bangor, Maine, and widow of the late James Gilih, jun., Esq. of Quebec, but has no issue. ILincntiE. The family originally came from Tain in Scotland. John Eoss, Esq., the paternal grand- father of the Hon, D. A. Ross, was b. there. He joined the expedition for tlie conquest of Canada, under General Wolfe, as a volunteer, and fought at Louisburg and at Quebec on the Plains of Abraham in vSeptember, 1759, where he was wounded. He m. 1769, Anne Story, of Boston, and d. about 1818, leaving issue, two sons : 1. John ; and 2. David, of the city of Montreal, Q.C.; m. Mary, widow of Rev. Dr. Sparks, a Presbyterian minister. The elder son, John Ross, Esq. of Quebec, a prothono- tary of the Court of King's Bench, b. 1782 ; »«. 1817, Margaret, daughter of David Ross, Esq. of Quebec, and d. in 182(3, leaving a daughter, Eliza Jane, and a son, the Hon. David Alexander Eoss. His widow re-!)i. Mr. Strang, and by him had issue, John ; Annie, m. Henry Atkinson, Esq. of Etchemin, and is deceased ; and Mary, widow of the late Dr. James M. Cas- sels. resides at Lennoxville. Crest vfifd — A lion ramp., Injidint/ a rose^ slipped and leared. Motto — Hosam ne rode, Sesidenre — Westficld House, St. Foy-road, in the Banticue of the city of Quebec, Canada. Club — St. George's, Hanover-square, Lon- don. WBm oi illanlj). WISE, GEORGE FOSTER, Esq. of Manly, near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, government agent for immigration, some time sheritf and comptroller of prisons ; h. July, 1814 ; m. June, 1842, Frances Lucy Maiy Anne, daughter of the late Milbourn Marsh, Esq., postmaster-general of Jamaica, West Indies, and niece of the late Sir Francis Forbes, first chief justice of New South Wales, but has no issue. ILincaac. The family of Wise originally came from the county of Kent. The paternal grandfather of Mr. G. F. Wise resided at Maidstone in that county. He ;«. Miss Stacy, and by her had a son, Edward Wise, Esq. of Hill llmve, Pern- bridge, Isle of Wight ; a resident of the Isle of Wight for 65 years. He m. in 1812, VOL. I. Amelia Wilson (who d. about 1817), and d. in 1S63, having had issue, I. George Foster, now of Manly, near Sydney. II. Edward (Hon.), I'lidgeof the Supreme Court, of New South Walts, /». m the Isle of Wight, 13lh Aiigu.^t, 1818; educated at Rugby; culled to the Bar N J78 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. in 18-tl; for several years trarelled the western circuit, during wliicli time lie edited the law reports of the Court of Queen's Bench, and a work on the law of riots and on bankruptcy ; arrived in Sydney in 1855, appointed solicitor-general in 1857, and in 1859 attorney-general, and was made a judge of the Supreme Court in Feb- ruary, 1860. He m. Maria Bate, daughter of Lieutenant John Smith, E.N., and rf. at St. Kdda, Melbourne, Victoria, 28th September, isfio, leav- ing issue, four sons and one daughter (Minnie Aubrey, m. 14th April, 18S6, at St. Michael's and All Angels', Chis- wi k, CO. Middlesex, England, Arthur Hamilton Raikes, Esq. of Winder- mere, CO. Westmoreland), all of whom reside in England, except tlie second son, Bernhard Ringrose, of Sydney, New Soutli Wales, barrister-.it-law, attorney-general of New South Wales, 1887-8, and lately one of the members of Parli:iment for the city of Sydney ; m. 188-t, Lilian Margaret, daugliter of John Forster Baird, Esq. of Beaumont Hill, Northumberland, and has issue, one son, Anthony Forster. Mr. Jus- tice Wise presented his valuable col- lection of books to the Sydney Free Public Library. . Emily Anne, m. 16th August, 1836, Hon. Sir William Montagu Manning, Knight, LL.D., of Wallaroy, near Sydney, N.S.W., and of the Athenaeum Club, London, judge of the Supreme Court, New South Wales, 1876 to 1887, and chancellor of the Sydney University since 1878, who was h. at Alphington, near Exeter, co. Devon, 20th June, 1811 ; educated at Uni- versity College, London ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1832 ; went to Sydney in 1837, and was soon after- wards made chairman of Q.uarter Sessions ; solicitor-general. New South Wales, 1844 to 1848 ; acting judge of the Supreme Court, January, 1848, to November, 1849 ; again solicitor - general from November, 1849, to May, 1856 ; was appointed a nominee member of the Legislative Council in 1851; returned to the Legislative Assembly for South Cumberland in 1856, and the same year became attorney-general, retiring the follow- ing year ; again attorney - general, 1860 and 1868-9 ; kniglited'in March, 1858, when on a visit to England ; returned to the colony in 1859 ; nominated a life member of the Legislative Council, 1861 ; and in 1876 appointed judge of the Supreme Court ; son of John Edye Manning, Esq. of Clifton, Bristol. Mrs. Man- ning d. 16th November, 1846, leaving issue (see Manning of Wallaroy), and, on 7tli June, 1849, her widower re-fii. Eliza Anne, second daughter of Very Rev. William Sowerby, Dean of G-oulburn, New South Wales, by whom he has issue. Anns used — Sa, three chei^ronels Crest — A panther's head erased. Residence — Manly, near Sydney, South Wales, Australia. New YOUL, CHARLES, Esq. of Sjmmons Plains, Perth, Tasmania, J.P., b. 7tli November, 1843; m. 20th November, 1872, Locklina Charlotte, daughter of Francis Flexmore, Esq. of Beauvilliers, Macquarie-street, Hobart, Tasmania (see Flexmore of Kempton), by Charlotte, his wife, daughter of Captain Thomas Peters, of the Duke of York's Regiment, and has issue, I. Charles Albert Henry, 6. 23rd June, 1878. I. Mabel Constance Annie, h. 5th September, 1873. II. Lina Henrietta, 6. 2Sth June, 1875. Mr. Youl's property, situated on the South Esk River, consists of 5,300 acres. Hincagc. Rev. John Yotjl, arrived ia- New South Wales, 1800, m. 1810, Jane, daughter of She d. 1877, leaving a son, SiE James Akndell YotiL, K.C.M.G., of Waratah House, Clapham-park, co. Suri'cy, England. He succeeded in introducing salmon and trout into the rivers in Tasmania, and also made the first shipment of salmon ova to Otago, New Zealand ; was political agent for Tasmania, 1861-3; seven years honorary secretary and treasurer to the Aus- tralian Association ; and acting agent-general for Tasmania, February to October, 1888; created K.C.M.G. 1891. He m. in 1838, Eliza, lUKKirS COLONIAL flKNTRY. 170 (lini<»1i(or of ... , nnd by licr (who ii)iin. VI. Grace, vii. Elorence Nightingale, J Crest used — A whealsheaf bi-lween tlii-ee crc-fceitfs. Residence and estate — Symmons Tlaiiis, South Esk River, Pei'ih,Tasmania(5,300 acres). WILLIAMS, HON. HARTLEY, of St. Leonard.s, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, senior puisne judge of the Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria; h. in Colliug-wood, Victoria, 15th October, 1843; m. first, 24th December, 1870, Edith Ellen, tlaughter of Commissary-General G. Home, late of the 15th Hussars and 12th Lancers, and by her has issue, I. Hartley Eyre, h. 5th December, 1871. II. George Herbert, h. l(3th January, 1875. in. Edward Ernest, h. 4tb December, 1875. I. Edith Ethel, h. 26th June, 1873. II. Muriel Maude, h. 25th April, 1880. He m. secondly, 4th January, 18S7, Jessie Bruce, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Acland Lawfoi'd, Esq. of Kiuellau, Wimbledon Common, and by her has issue a son, IV. Roy Bruce, 6. 22nd April, 1888. The Hon. Mr. Justice Williams was educated at Repton School, near Burton- on-Trent, co. Derby, England, and afterwards at Trinity College, Oxford, where he took the degree of B.A. He is a member of the Inner Temple ; was called to the English Bar in April, 18G7; returned to his native country, October, 1867 ; admitted to the Victorian Bar, April, 1868 ; and was elevated to the Supreme Court Bench, 4th July, 1881, of which he is now the senior puisne judge. Hiiteage. This family is of Welsh origin. Burton Williams, Esq., a planter of Trinidad, West Indies, m. Miss Hartley, daughter of Major Hartley, and had a son, Hon. Sir Edwakd EviiE Williams, for over 20 years jiidge of the Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, 18:!3 ; emigrated to Vic- toria soon after his niiirriage and shortly after the foundation of Port Phillip, and for a time practised at tlie Victorian Bar; vtas for some years a member of the Bourke District Council, having been elected a mem- ber of that body in 18-4-t; crealed chairman of Quarter Sessions, January, 18,j2, whicli appointment he held in conjunction with that of commissioner of tlie Court of Bequests for the city of Melbourne and the county of Bourke; took office as solicitor-general, .April, 1852, by virtue of which position he became a nominee member of the Legislative Council, and VM subseqiu'ntly appointed a judge of the Supreme L'ourt of A ictoria. C)n resign- ing his seat on the Bench in 1874, he re- turned to England, and d. at Bath, co. Somerset, in 1879, having had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him the previous year. By Jessie, his wife, daughter of the Key. Charles Gibbon, "f the Manse, Lonmay, near MintlaV, Aberdeenslure, Scotland, by Miss Dull', his wile, cousin to the Earl of Eife, he had issue, I. Edward Eyre (Colonel), m. Harriet Ingram. II. Haktley (Hon.), now of St. Leo- uartls. N 2 ISO BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Annie Grace, m. Frederick Langloli Parlior, Ksq.. ami has issue, three sons and two daughters. II. Jessie, d. 1S72. Arms used — Qyronnii of eight erm. and sa., a Iio?i ramp, or. Crest — A ialbot pass, per pale erm, and or. Residence — St. Leonards, St. Xilda, Mel- bourne, Victoria, Australia. Carthjitcjfjt of %\)t iHapIts, CARTWRIGHT, HON. SIR RICHARD JOHN, K.C.M.G. (1879), P.C. (1872), of The ilaples, co. Frontenac, and of King-street, King.ston, Ontario, Canada, M.P. for South Oxford and leader of the opposition in the Dominion House of Commons, president of the late Commercial Bank of Canada, minister of finance 1873 to 1878 ; 6. at Kingston, Canada, 4th Decem- ber, 1835 ; educated at Trinity College, Dublin ; entered Canadian Parliament 1863 ; in. 1859, Frances, eldest daughter of Colonel Alexander Laws, H.E.I.C.S, of Cork, Ireland, and has issue. Hincaae. There were three families bearing this surname in the time of Henry Till. Sir Kichard is supposed to be descended from the Eev. S. Cartwrioht, principal of one of the colleges in Oxford, temp. Queen Elizabeth. Mr. Cartwright, who was sent to Boston by Charles II, in 1663, as commissioner to the then colony of Massachusetts, is also thought to be an ancestor of Sir Richard John Cart- wright. Richard Cartwright, Esq., was b, in London, February, 1720, settled in New Tork, 1741. In tiie troubles of 1775-6 his house was sacked and burnt, and he and his son driven into esUe. It is probable that all documentary evidence which might have proved tlie family to have been a cadet of the Cartwrights of Aynhoe then perished. He m. in 1743, Miss Beaseley, of Albany, State of New York (descended from one of the early Dutch families wlio settled in New Amster- dam when a Dutch colony), and had issue, Hon. Richard Cartwright, member of the Legislative Council of U])per Canada from its formation in 1792 until his death, h, at Albany, State of New York, then a British colony, 2nd February, 1759. He accom- panied his parents into Canada, and for a time attended Colonel Butler, of the Queen's Rangers, as his secretary. He afterwards was associated with the Hon. Robert Hamilton, until this gentleman went to Niagara, Mr. CartwTight remaining at Kingston. Soon after his settlement in E!ingston, Mr. Cart- wright was appointed judge of the Common Pleas, and on the division of the provinces was appointed a member of the Legislative Cotincil. but dechned to accept a seat in the Executive Council, wliich was several times offered to him. He m. Miss Secord, of French Huguenot extraction (whose family came to America on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV), and d, at Montreal in 1815, having had issue, I. R. D. (Rev.), of whom presently. II. James, d. v. p. III. John S., b. 1804, represented the county of Lennox and Addington from 1836 until his death, in 1845, at Kings- ton. He lel't issue. IT. Stephen, d. v.p, I. Hannaii, d. v. p. Ret. R. D. Cartwright, of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, cha])lain to the forces; m, Harriet, daughter of Conway Edward Dobbs, Esq. of Dublin, a descendant of the family of Dobbs, of Castle Dobbs, co. Antrim, Ireland. She d, at Kingston, in 1887. He d, at Kings- ton in 1843, leaving issue, the present Hon. Sir Richard John Cartwright. Amis used — Erm, a fess between three fire- balls sa, fired ppr. Crest — A wolfs head erased or, pierced through the neck tvith the broken blade of a sword arg. Motto — I)efend the fold. Residences — The Maples, CO. Frontenac; and 13, King - street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. ^a^nc of §out1) garra* PAYNE, THOMAS BUDDS, Esq. of Maritimo, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, J. P., h, 19th April, 1819, in Carlow, Ireland ; arrived in Melbourne, 24th December, 1839, and is amongst the successful pioneers of the colony He was for some time engaged in pastoral pursuits, IJURKR'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 181 but afterwards adopted the legal profession, and was tlio first conveyancer uiulor tlie 11th Victoria, No. 33, admitted by the Supreme Court to practice in the colony. He retired from practice in 1854, and m. at Acrhadowey, co. Londonderry, Ireland, 3rd July, 1855, Rosa Mary, oldest dau^htor of the late Curtis Hemphill, Esq. of Aghadowoy, co. Louclondurry, and has issue, I. Frederick William. II. Thomas Henry. in. Arthur Ernest Tyndall. I. Mary Elizabeth Jane, m. James Littlejohn Ogilvy, Esq. of Dilbhui, Oatley-street, Woollahra, Sydney, N.S.W., manager of the Com- mercial Bank of Australia, 171, Pitt-street, Sydney, N.S.W. II. Sarah Emily Frances, unin. Mr. Payne has possessed estates in the colony of Victoria since 18 tO. ILincaar. Mr. T. B. Payne is dei-ceiKleil from a very old faniily possessing large estates in England. His grandfather settled in Ireland in till' iTtli eenturv, and liad a son, John Payne, Esq. of Giltown Lodge, co. Kildare, Ireland, who was b. in eo. Carlow, Ireland, an.l by llary, his wile (who was b. in Queen's co., Ireland), had amongst other issue, a son, Thoma-S Budds, of whom we treat. Arms used — Gu. on a fens between two liuus pass. arg. a sprig of trefoils. Cre.ter. Crest used — A stag's head pierced with an arrow. Sesidence — Waihemo Grange, Dunback, Otago, New Zealand. Batllic of JImuincjtciiu BAILLIB, HON. WILLIAM DOUGLAS HALL, of Hennington, Picton, Marlborough, New Zealand, member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand and chairman of Committee.s, lieut. -colonel New Zealand Militia, and late captain in the 24.th Regiment of Foot, h. 22nd February, 1827; m. Ilth July, 185-1, Hannah Maria Ann, daughter of John Greensill, Esq. of Purfleet, co. Essex, of H M. Ordnance Department, by Eliza, his ■wife, daughter of John Roberts, Esq., D.D., and has issue, r. William Grey Hall, h. 11th May, 1867. 11. Thomas Douglas Hall, h. 1st June, 1872. in. James Hamilton Flail, 6. 13tli January, 1877. I. Eliza Mary, 6. 8th January, 1869. II. Caroline Louisa Hall, h. 17th July, 1870. Hineage. The name of Baillie is met with in the time of Edward I. Sir John Baillie is mentioned as being appointed one of the arbitrators to hear and determine upon the claims of the competitors for the Crown of Scotland in 1292, whose name and seal, seTen stars with the moito " Quid clarius astris," is attached to that document. Tradition says that on a certain occasion one of the family single-handed killed a wild boar, anil relieved his sovereign from Hanger, whereupon he was desired henceforth to bear nine stars, which all his descendants do, but some of them have the boar's head for a crest, and .'thers the arm and scymitar, being the weapon wiih wlvich the deed was done. Sir William Baillie, of Lamington, co. Lanark, by Marian, liis wife, daughter of Sir John Scton, of Seton, had a numerous issue. The tliree eldest sons, it is said, had maimed a clergyman, who had been taken into the house as tutor, for a grievous offence which he had committed in their family, of which injury he died. The power of the Church at this time being great in Scotland, the three brothers were (continues the tradition) obliged to tly. The eldejt, who settled in Inverness, is slated to have fought at the battle of Brechin, and to have been for his services rewarded with the lands of Dunain and Torbreck, part of the castle lands of Inver- ness; from hnn springs the family of Doch- four, and its derivative brancli of Redcastle and Tarradale (see Burke's Landed Oentri/ of Great Britain and Ireland). The second, of whom presently, settled in Ireland, and the third went to the Isle of Anglesey, and founded the family of wliich the Marquess of Anglesey is a descendant. The second brother was Alexander Baillie, who settled in Ire- land, at Innishargie, co. Down, in the reign of James I., about the year 1620, and d. 1687. He had issue, John (Capt.), of whom presently; and Edward, who settled at Ring- dufferin, co. Down, and was ancestor of the family of Bailie of Kingduft'erin (see Burke's Landed Gentru of Great Britain and Ire- land). The eldest son, Capt. John Baillie, who was h. 1623, d. 1687, and was s. in Innishargie by his eldest son, James Baillie, Esq., who was h. 1653, and d. 1710. He was s. by his second son, John Baillie, Esq. of Innishargie, b. 1697, wlio m. Jane, daughter of Matthew Eordc, Esq. of Seaforde, co. Down, and d. 1759. He had issue, I. James, who sold Innishargie. He w. Anne, daughter of Francis Hall, Esq. of Strangford, aud d. 1787. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 183 II (Col.), of Sherwood and Kilbrju'e, eo. C'lirlow, which property )ie licquralhcd to liis iicplicw, Jolin BaiUie's son, .lohii McLean liaillie, Ksq. Ill (Yen.), archdeacon of Casliel. IV. WiLU.ijr (Capt.), of -Blioni pre- sently. V. John, whose son, John, hud issue, John MeLean, present owner of Sher- wood and Killirade (iropcrty, left to him by his j;reat-iineU' Colonel Baillie; and Clement, Colonel K.E. VI. Thomas, eapt. R.N., lieutenant- governor of Greenwich Hosi)ital, and surveyor-general of the Ordnance; d. 18u2.' VII. Richard, killed in Holland. Capt. William Haillie, of the 17th Light Dragoons and of the olst Regiment of Foot, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Comber (she rf. about 1850), and d. 1812, having had two sons, G-eorgc and Thojias. The younger, LiBUT. Thomas Baillir, of the 23rd Regiment of Fusiliers, was surveyor-general, New ISrunswick. IJi-itich North .Vuieriea, and resided at The Herniitaue, Xew Brunswick. He »K. Kith June, 1821, Elizabeth, daughter of Major Townshend Monekton Hall, of the 28th Regiment of Koot (who is a direct de.-eendant of Sir Wdliam de Montalk Hall, of Skelton Castle, i^o. York, one of the nobles attendant upon King Hk.vuv YIll at the Field of the Cloth of Cold), and d. 5th June, 18f;;i, having by his said wife (who d. June, 1832) had issue, two sons, I. William Douglas Hall (Hon.), of Hennington. II. Thomas tleorgc, b. 27th August, 1828; d. 27th November, 1865. .■Irms — Az. nine stars three, tlu'ec, two and one, arg., a bordure wavy or. Crest — • A star of eight points arg. issuant from a cloud ppr. Motto — Quid elarius astris. Residence — Hennington, I'iclon, Marl- borough, New Zealand. iHtlltar of €trcjarlc][n MILLEAR, THOMAS, Esq. of Etlgarley, Wickliffe-road, Victoria, Australia, J. P., h. at Edgarley, Glastonbury, Somerset, England, 16th February, lS3-t ; appointed territorial magistrate in 1862 ; m. 3rd July, 1S6-2, at Berry Bank, Cressy, Victoria, Nancy, daughter of Joseph Gardner Mack, Esq. of Berry Bank, Cressy, Victoria, youngest son of James Mack, Esq. of Berry Bank, Reston, Berwickshire, Scotland, by Anna, his wife, eldest daughter of John Austin Esq. of Baltonsborough, co. Somerset, England, and has issue, I. Thomas, h. 24th April, 1866, imm. I. Milliceut May, 6. 12th May, 1863; m. David Melvin, Esq. II. Mary Cecile, h. 31st October, 1869. III. Frances Isabel Clare, h. 31st January, 1870. IV. Carolina Alice, h. 22nd January, 1874. Utncaac. The MUlears are supposed to belong to the family of Milliers, of Brittany. Thomas Milleab, Esq. of Edgarley, Glastonbury, co. Somerset, England (which estate he probably ac-quiied by purchase), was b. about 177i ; m. Mary Haiiie, who d. about 1838, and was buried in St. John's ehurchyavd, Glastonbury. He d. about 1851 (M.I. in Glastonbury churchyard), and had issue (besides a daughter m. to the Rev. H. V. Olver, and had four sons, educated at the London and Cambridge Universities. One of her grandsons, Thomas Olver Harding, was senior wrangler about 187-1), a son, TiiuMAS MiLLF.An, Esq. of Edgarley, Glastonbury, co. Somerset, b. 5th January, 1809 ; m. at West^ Pennard, eo. Somerset, in 1833, Eliza Norris, of NYest Pennard, where she was *. in 1811, and d. in l.s-13, at Edgar- ley. He d. at Edgarley, in 1S(!5, having had issue, I. Thomas, of Edgarley, Victoria. II. John, deceased. I. Eliza, »». Thomas Pickford, Esq. of London. n. Mary, m. A. Bailey, Esq. of Glaston- bury, CO. SonuTset. Residence— ¥Agar\cy , Wicklifreroad, Vic- toria, Australia. 184 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Cliih — Australian, Melbourne. Estates — Eilgarley, Wickliffe-i-oad, co. Eipon, Vietoria (18,-1.90 acres), and a share in the following estates : — Pallal, Bingera, CO. Murchison (11,250 acres) ; Canoon, Hay, CO. Waradgery (17,800 acres) ; Wanganelln, Wangaiiella, co. Townsend (45, .530 acres) ; and Murgha, Deniliquin, co. Wakool (42,312 acres), all in New South Wales, Australia. jHotfatt of ?L)opIuns JL^tll MOPFATT, JOHN, Esq. of Hopkins Hill, Chatsworth, Victoria, Aus- tralia, president of the Mount Rouse Shire Council, 1889 to 1890, h. at Shirva, near Kirkintilloch, Scotland, 17th December, 18.54; is unmarried. Uincacic. Tlie Moffatts came from the Moffatt Hill.s, Scotland, in the time of the Covenanters, in the IGth century. This branch is descended from one of three brothers, the other two of whom went to Ireland, and traces its descent through the families of Ferrie, Galbraith, and Buchanan, back to King Robert Bruce of Scotland. John Moffatt, Esq. of Westfield, h. at Westerwood, Cumbernand, 1787 ; «?. 1815, Mary, daughter of William Ferrie, Esq. of Newlaud, who was 2nd son of Robert Ferrie, Esq., 4th laird of Balgi-oclian, by Marjorie Galbraith, his wife ; and d. at Westfield, 25th May, 1833, aged 46, having had by her (who was J), in 1791, and d. at Westfield, 30th October, 1861, aged 70) a son, WiLLUM Moffatt, Esq. of Hopkins Hill, Chatsworth, Victoria, Australia, formerly of Sliirva, Kirkintilloch, Scotland, b. at West- field, 1821 ; emigrated to Victoria in Feb- ruary, 1872; m. 7th March, 1854, Isabella, daughter of Robert Anderson, Esq. of Inch- brcck, near Kirkintilloch, and d. 23rd June, 1879, leaving issue, I. John, now of Hopkins Hill. II. Robert, of Ballarat, Victoria, h. at Shii'va, near Kirkintilloch, 22nd August. 1858 ; m. 17th November, 1880, Minnie, daughter of Archibald Fletcher, Esq. of Sydney, New South Wales, and has issue, two daughters, Isabella, b. 14th July, 1881 ; and Naomi, b. 22nd September, 1882. III. William, of Lake Bolac. Vietoria, b. at Sliirva, 29th June, 1863 ; m. 19th August, 1885, Jessie, daughter of Donald McLellan, Esq. of Manor House, Hamilton, Victoria, and has issue, a son, William Harold, b. 22nd June, 1887. I. Mary, h. at Shirva, 7th December, 1860; m. 12th April, 1882, Jamea Clark, Esq. of Tek Mallay, Tenkasi, Southern India, coffee planter, but has no issue. II. Isabella, b. 15th March, 1868, at Shirva, aforesaid. Residence — Hopkins Hill, Chatsworth, Vic- toria, Australia. EITZ/"^ BRALD, HON. NICHOLAS, of Moira, St. Kilda ; and of Colllns- vJT street West, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia., elected a member of the Legislative Council of Victoria for the North Western Province in 1864, since which time he has been twice re-elected ; J. P. since 1863. Mr. FitzGerald was b. at Galway, Ireland, Augvist, 1829 ; in 1845 he entered Trinity College, Dtiblin. where he obtained honours ; and in 1849 gained a first scholarship at Queen's College, Galway, having entered the King's Iniis, Dublin, the previous year. He passed some years in Ceylon and India, and soon afterwards, having established himself in Victoria (18.59), he founded the famous Castlemaine Ale Brewery, similar establishments being now also held by him in Melbourne, New South Wales, and Queensland. He m. at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, September, 1863, Marianne, eldest daughter of the late Sir John O'Shanassy, K.C.M.G., of Tara, Hawthorn, Melbourne, and has hud issue, • BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 185 , FuANCi. J0HX,.6. IBCvt, educated at Trinity College, Dubl.n ; m. 23rd January, 1889, at the Oratory, Brompton, co. Mid.llesex the I on. Mina Susan Georgina North (who was b. 28th Noven.ber 18..5) eldest daughter of the Right Hon. William Henry John, Uth Lord North. II. John Plnukctt, 6. 1866. III. Edward, b. 1868. [V. Matthew, 6. 1870. V. Percy Desmond, b. 1872. VI. Reginald, b. 1874. VII. Nicholas Kevin, b. 1877 ; d. 1879. l.incanr. John FitzGkrald, Esq. of Gm-teens, co. Waterford, Irebind (of a family wliicli is stated to Iiiive held landed property in Kil- kenny), foi-feitcd his hereditary estates for his devotion to the royal cause. He m. the widow of General Harrison (Cromwell's General), by whom he acquired the estate of Turlough, CO. Mayo, Ireland, and had a son and successor, Thomas FitzGekald, Esq. of TurlouKh ; m. 1st, Elizabeth Perron (mother of Ralph Jenison, Esq., master of the Buckhounds to King George II) ; and 2ndly, Henrietta, daughter of J. Browne, Esq. of the Neale, by whom he had six sons and four daughters, amongst whom were, John, of Turlough, s. his father, d. mim., and was x. by his brother George. George, of Turlough, who s. his brother, was a captain in the Austrian Service, m. Lady Mary Hervey, sister of Fred- erick, 4th earl of Bristol, bishop of Derry, and by her (who d. 1753) had two sons, 1. George Robert, m. Lucy, sister of the Right Hon. Thomas ConoUy, of Castletown, and d. leaving one daughter. 2. Charles Lionel, of Turlough Park, Ueutciiant-colonel of the North Mayo Militia; m. 1777, Dorotliea, eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Butler, Bart., of Ballintemple, CO. Carlow, and was great grand- father of the present Charles Lionel FitzGerald, Esq. of Tur- lough Park (see Burke's Landed OetUry.) Patrick, of whom presently. Mary, m. the Marquis d'Arezzo, governor of Naples. Bridget, in. Thomas Leslie, Esq. o'; Grange. Mr. FitzGerald d. 15th July, 17t7, in his S(5th year. His 4th son, Patrick FitzGerald, Esq. of Kilnecarra, CO. Mayo, m. 2ndly, Margaret Aylward, of Ballina'car, co. Galway, and was «. by his eldest son, Pat kick FitzGerald, Esq. of Balhnacar, m. 1744, Anne McDonnell, of Tannagh, co. Mavo, and was s. by his only son, Patrick FitzGerald, Esq. of Ballinacar, m. 1774, Julia, daughter of Edmond Burke, Esq. of Creagh, Duffin, co. Mayo, and had, with other issue, Francis FitzGerald, Esq. of Galway, b. 1779, m. Elenor, eldest daughter of John Joyes, Esq., of Wood Quay, Galway, and by her (who d. 1S40) had issue, Nicholas, the Sth son, of whom we treat. He d. in 1857. Arms used — Brm. a saltire gii. Crest— A hoar passant. Motto — Manor prubitlaque virtus. Residences— Uoira., St. Kilda, Melbourne ; and 117, Collins-street West, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Estates — Castlemaine, Victoria ; Fort Bourke Station, Darling River, New South Wales ; Tickilava Station, Sparta Downs, and Mount Ilowitt, South Gregory, Queena- laud. l\tncj of Souljlc Ba)in (l^oonoo #ocmoo, anti Cam\nortt)* KING, HON. PHILIP GIDLEY, of Bank.sia, Double Hay, Sydney; Goonoo Goonoo; and Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia, member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales ; 6.31st October, 1817, at Paramatta, New South WaUs; m. tlicre. 1st June, 1813, his cousin. 186 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Hannibal Hawkins Macarthur, Esq. of The Vineyard, Paramatta, New South Wales (see Macaethue of Wtandra), nephew of John Macarthnr, Esq. of Camden Park, the founder of the wool- growing industry of Australia, and has issue, I. Philip Parker McA.rthnr, /). 1st April, 1844; unm. II. George Bartholomew Gidley, b. 2nd July, 1846 ; m. Elizabeth Grey Brodie, and has had 10 children, viz., 1. George McArthur Gidley. •2. Arthur Philip Gidley. 8. Euston Hannibal Gidley. 4. Allan Essington. 5. William Bartholomew Gidley. 1. Elizabeth Matilda. 2. Eramelino Blanche Grey. 3. Mary Pearl. 4. Adeline Maud. 6. Olive. III. John Lethbridge, 6. 2nd July, 1853; issue, 1. Philip James Lethbridge. 2. Frederic John Lethbridge. Fanny Marsden, and has 3. Francis Lethbridge. 1. Iva Muriel. I. Elizabeth .Maria, 6. 18th August, 1857 ; m. Lieutenant Henry E. Goldfinch, R.N., of Forest Lodge, Lyndhurst, nephew of Serjeant Merewether, Q.C., and has issue, 1. Philip Henry McArthur. 2. Gilbert McArthur. 1. Elizabeth Lucy McArthur. The Hon. P. G. King spent his early youth in the Royal Navy, under the command of his father and Captain Robert Fitzroy, and retired in 1836, soon after which he became attached to the staff of the Australian Agricultural Company at Port Stephens, and in 1854 was selected by the Boai'd of Directors of the Peel River Company to manage its affairs. He was the first mayor of the town of Tamworth, was appointed a commissioner for the Sydney Inter- national Exhibition of 1879, and in 1880 was appointed a member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales. Htncngr. This family is of Cornisli extraction. Philii'P KiNe, Esq., b. 1557; and d. in 1636. An inscription is to be found to liis memory in Launceston Church, co. Cornwall. By Thor Bethywin, liis wife, lie had issue, I. John, h. ir,m. II. William, b. 1595. III. Philip. IV. George, b. 1603. V. Thomas, b. lOOG. VI. Robert, //. IG09. I. Mary, ''. 151(4. II. Tyheria, b. 1596. III. Margaret, b. 1601. The 3rd son, PniLip King, Esq., b. 1598, was father of Philip Kins, Esq., who was b. in 1042, and d. in 1/689, having had issue, I. Philip. II. John, b. 1681. HI. Nicholas, b. 1687. I. Mary, b. 1674. II. Elizabeth, b. 1679. III. Priscilla, b. 1683. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1R7 The eldest son. Piiii.ip Kino, Esq.,*. 1678; m. Mr.s. Joan Peurse, and )nid i.-isue, I. Philip, b. 1712; d. 1713. I[. John, h. 1714. III. Digorv, b. 1716. IT. Hufsli," 4. 1717. V. Anthony, b. 1722. VI. PiiiLU", of whom presently. I. Philippa, b. 1720. The 6th iind youngest son, Philip Kino, Esq. of Launceston, co. Cornniill, b. 1726; m. Utrccia Oidley (who was b. at Exeter, co. Devon, in 1725), grand- daughter of Bartholomew Cridley, Esq. (7/. 1690), who was grandson of John GiiUey, Esq. of tlie manors of Gidley, Bitten, and AViekley (b. 1611 ; and d. 1683), wlio was a firm supporter of Charles I, and a eoloncl of the Arm.v under Ch.ikles II ; and by her had a son, CAPTAIN Philip Gidley Eiug, R.N., 3rd governor of Xew South Wales, b. at Launces- ton, Cornwall, 23rd April, 1758 ; entered the Eoyal Navy, and at the age of 12 was mid- shipman ; in 1775 went on active service to Virginia, was promoted by Admiral Byron to the rank of lieutenant, 2Gth November, 1778, in which capacity he went to tlie East Indies in the " Europe," in January, 1783, with Captain Aithur Phillip, first governor of Xew South Wales ; was 2nd lieutenant of K.il.8. " Sirius," commanded by Captain Philliji, and was present at the head of Sydney Cove when the governor proclaimed the foundation of the Colony; appointed superintendent and com- mandant of Norfolk Island by Governor Piiillip, 12th February, 1788, tliree days afterwards sailed from Port Jaeksou in the "Supply" with his party of 24 persons, landed and formed tlie first British settle- ment at Norfolk Island, oth JIarch, 1788, where he remained until 24th March, 1790; afterwards went to England, and returned 21st September, 1791, with the rank of com- mander in the Navy and a commission as lieutenant-governor of Norfolk Island. Having attained the rank of post captain, he was governor of the colony of New South Wales from 2Sth September, 1800, to 12th August, 1806. He m. in 1790, Anna Josepha (A. 13th January, 1767; and d. in 1844), daughter of .... Coombes, Esq. of Bcnlford, England, and d. at Lower Tooting, co. Surrey, 3rd Sep- tember, 1808, having had, besides daughters (amongst whom were Anna Maria, b. 23rd April, 1793; m. 13th February, 1812, Hanni- bal Hawkins Macarthur, E?q. of The Vine- yard, Pa -amatta. New South Wales, and d. at Ipswich, Q.ueensland, .A.ustralia, 1st Sep- tember, 1852, having had 11 children (see M-iCARTiiUR OF Wtaxdka) ; and Mary, the youngest daughter, »i. in England, 25tli July, 1826, Robert Copland Lethbridge, Esq. of Werrington, Penrith, New South Wales, whither he emigrated in 1826, and d. 5th October, 1865. She was b. at Old Oovern- nienl. House, .Sydney, and d. 17th December, 1872, leaving issue (see Lktiiiikidoe of Ho.mkbi'sh). an only son. KKAitAoMinAi, I'liii.Lir Pakker Kino, F.R.S., F.L.S., of Dunheved, Penrith, New- South Wales, was the first Australian who became an admiral, b. 13th December, 1791, in Norfolk Island; entered the Royal Navy, November, 1807, and distinguished himself by his gallantry in boat actions on the French coast ; attained the rank of midshipman, 18th May, 1808, and was promoted to a lieutenancy in the "Trident" 64, guartl-ship at Malta, 28th February, 1814. In February, 1817, he was sent in command of an expedition having for its object a survey of the coasts of Aus- tralia, and continued employed on that ser- vice in the " Mermaid" and" " Hathurst" (of which laller vessel he was mar Abbott, and has had issuc.ThomasChalincr.^.of Woolmers, Longford, Tasmania, d. at Longford, 4th March, 1890, in his 50th year ; and Louisa. 2. William, m. his cousin, Ann Hortle, and has issue, twelve children. 3. Joseph, of Panshanger, Longford, Tasmania. (See next article.) 1. Martha, m. the lion. Kobert Q. Kermodc, of Mona \'alc, Koss, Tasmania, and has issiu> four sons, viz., I.William; 11. Robert; III. Louis ; IV. Thomas. 2. Ellen, m. the Rev. Alfred Stack- house, M.A., incumbent of Long- ford and Perth, Tasmania, and has issue, four sous and one daughter. 3. Susan, m. James Stewart Kil- gour, Esq., M.D., and has issue, twelve children. III. Edward, arrived in Tasmania in 190 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1835, and inlieritod the land purchased by and granted to liis late fatlier. lie d. at Nortliburv, February, 1862. IV. Joseph, original proprietor of Panslianger, Longford, Tiisniauia, d. 28th June, 1853. Tlie eldest surviving son, William Archee, Esq. of Bricliendon, Longford, Tasmania, J. P., left England in 1823, in the " Aguihir," a vessel chartered by himself and other intending colonists, taking with him 32 sheep of tlie Hampton Court flock of merinos, whicli number he landed in Tasmania. He m. 1st May, 1829, Caroline, second daughter of Robert Har- rison, Esq. of M^oodbury, Antill Ponds, Tasmania, J, P., and the owner of consider- able propei'ty in Tasmania, and of Rochford Hall, CO. Essex, England, where he was a captain of Mvlitia. She d. at Brickendon, 26th April, 1802, aged 57 years. He also d. at Brickendon, 24th March, 1879, aged 90 years, haying had i,s8ue, I. Eobert Joseph, b. 19th December, 1832, m. Ellen, eldest daughter of Alexander Olerke, Esq. of Mouiitford, Longford, Tasmania, and had issue, besides five daugliters, a son, Alex- ander, LL.B., St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and barrister-at-law of the Middle Temple, London. II. William Henhy Davies, now of Brickendon. III. Alfred, h. 16th July, 1844 ; m. Christien Von Heucketum, and bus issue, three sons. IV. George Frederick (Rev.), M.A. Christ's College, Cambridge, canon of Hobart Cathedral, h. 20tli July, 1848; m. Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Young, M.H.A., J. P., and late deputy-com- missioner of Oude. and has issue, four sons and one daughter. I. Eliza Caroline, >«. Alfred John Home, Esq., J. P., eldest son of Lieutenant Alfred Home, of H.B. Majesty's Ser- vice, and chief police magistrate of Longford, and has issue, one son, Raymond Kensey, and one daughter, Aimee Caroline. II. Mary, unm. III. Ellen, unm. Arms used — Az. achev. between three pheons arq. Crest — A bear's gnmb holding an nrroio ■in bend all ppr. Mottoes — Malo mori quam fcedari ; Le Jin conronne Vcenvre, Residence — Brickendon, Longford, eo Westmoreland, Tasmania. Clnb — New University, St. James's-street, London, England. ARCHER, JOSEPH, Esq. of Panslianger, Longford, Tasmania, J.P., 6. 27tli January, 1828, at Woolmers, Longford, Tasmania; in 1836 educated in England, returned to Tasmania in 1842 ; in 1862 was made a magistrate, and in the same year was elected member for Longford in the Legislative Council ; continued to represent that constituency for 10 years, and then retired from public life ; m. 28tli December, 1852, Ann, second daughter of the Hon. W. P. Weston, of Hythe, Longford, who was twice premier of the colony of Tasmania, and a member of Mr. F. Smith's ministry, without oflBce, and has issue, I. Percy Weston, h. 25th September, 1855. II. Edgar Kermode, h. 31st July, 1860. III. Bertram Lyttleton, &. 18th December, 1863. IV. Leonard Dubrelle, h. 25th March, 1868. V. Bernard Clark, h. 20th March, 1871. I. Isabel Madeline ; m. 3rd December, 1880, the Hon. F. W. Grubb, of Launceston, Tasmania, member of the Legislative Council. II. Frances Mary ; m. 21st December, 1887, Arthur Peck, Esq. of Mel- bourne, Victoria, architect. III. Aimee Josephine ; m. 28th April, 1887, R. L. Parker, Esq., of the firm of Ritchie and Parker, solicitors, Launceston, Tasmania. Mr. Archer was one of the promoters of the Launceston and Western Railway. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTllY. 191 Lineage — See preceding article. Residence — Panshanger, Longford, Tasmania. Estates — Pan.sliangor, Longford, iuul Burlington, hotli in Tasmania. EYAN, CHABIiKS, Ksq. of Dciriwcit Heights Upper Macedon, Vic- toria, Australia, 6. 11th March, 1818; iii. 13th October, 1847, Marian, daughter of John and Susanna Cotton, and has issue, I. Henry, 6. 26th January, 1850; m. 11th December, 1879, Denise Anne, daughter of Thomas J. Nankivell, Esq. of Toorak, J. P., and has issue, three daughters. II. Charles Snodgrass (Dr.), of 1G2, Collins-street East, Melbourne, /). 20th September, 18-53, at Melbourne, educated at the Church of England Grammar School, and subsequently at the Melbourne University, as a student of medicine ; afterwards proceeded to Edin- burgh, where he graduated in medicine and surgery, and took the degrees of M.B. and C.H.M. ; studied medicine in France, Austria, and Italy; in September, 187tJ, entered the Tuikish Service, and was forthwith sent to Nisch, where he was placed in charge of a largo hospital during the Servian War ; was afterwards sent to the Orchanie Balkans, in charge of 3,000 Turkish soldiers, and from there was ordered to march to Widdin, although still suffering from a severe attack of dysentery. He reached that jjlace in ten days, having nearly died from exhaustion on the road. Whilst in Widdin, he was present during nine bombardments. From Widdin he proceeded with Osman Pasha to Plevna, which he gained after marching for three successive days and nights ; was present at the first battle, being the only doctor on the field. He was present at the great action of 31st July. On the 8th September his horse was shot under him, and his attendant killed by his side, whilst riding into one of the redoubts, which were about to be attacked by Skobeleif ; with the attacking columns, entered one of the redoubts captured by the Turks from the Russians at the battle of Gravitza, and on the Turks being repulsed from this redoubt, was the last to leave, which he did leading his horse, on which he had placed two Turkish soldiers whose legs were broken, and in this way returned to Plevna, a distance of sis miles, for the first two miles of which he was exposed to a very heavy fire. He next accompanied the expedition to Lof tcha. On the 18th October, he left Plevna for Constantinople, and was sent to Erzeroum in charge of an ambulance. Here he remained four months, in charge of a hospital ; during this period the city was besieged by the Russians for six weeks, and for four weeks Dr. Ryan was suffering from a severe attack of typhus, which disease carried away twenty-two out of the thirty-six surgeons in Er/.eroum, and more than 16,000 Turkish soldiers died from it and from dysentery. He received the Order of the Medjidie of the 4th class, the Order of 192 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. the Osnianiela of tlie 3rd class, and the war medal. Dr. Ryan m. •Okli July, 1883, Alice Elfrida, daughter of the Hon. Theophilus J. Sumner, of Stony Part, Brunswick, Victoria, member of the Legislative Council, and has one son. III. Cecil Godfrey, 6. 30th July, 1866 ; unm. I. Marian Ellis, b. 80th July, 1848; m. 13th October, 1873, Frederic Charles Rowan, late captain 43rd Regiment, and has issue, one son, Frederic Charles Eric Elliot, b. 13th July, 1875. II. Ada Mary, 6. 9th May, 1855; m. 23rd February, 1883, Lord Charles Thomas Douglas-Montagu-Scott, Rear-Admiral R.N., C.B., Naval A.D.C. to the Queen 1886-88, commanded H.M.S. "Bacchante," 1879 to 1882, youngest son of Walter Francis, 6th Duke of Buccleueh and 7th Duke of Queensben-y, and brother of the present Duke of Buccleueh and Queensberry, and by him (who was b. 20th October, 1839) has two sons, Charles William, b. 17th April, 1884, and David John, b. 7th March, 1887. III. Blanche Adelaide, b. 20th November, 1857; nnm. IV. Mabel Hartley, b. 13th March, 1861 ; uiim. ILintage. Tliis family have lived at Kilgera, Kil- kenny, Ireland, for generations. Kilgera, ■withother estates in the neighbourhood, was given to an ancestor of Mr. Ryan, by Oliver Cromwell. The estates have now all passed away from the fa\nily, Kilgera having been sold under the Encumbered Estates Act, about thirty years ago. Hknry Ryan, Esq. of Kilgera, Kilkenny, and of 48, North Great George-street, Dub- lin, Ireland, by Ellis Agar Hartley, his wife (whose godmother was the Countess of Bran- don), had issue, Charles, of Derriweit Heights. Edward, m. Margaret, daughter of Deering, Esq., Q.C., of Derry- brusk, CO. Fermanagh, Ireland ; de- ceased. William Hartley, d. unm. Henry, d. unm. Robert, d. vnm. Richard, living unm. Anne, m. the Rev. Thomas Nolan, D.D., vicar of St. Saviour's, Paddington, co. Middlesex, both deceased. She had issue, besides three daughters (one of whom, Lucy Martha, m. 1870, as his 4th wife, Thomas Berry Horsfall, Esq. of Bellamour Hall, Rugeley, co. Staf- ford (where his widow now resides), D.L. for COS. Lancaster and Stafford, and M.P. for Derby and Liverpool, who d. 1878), two sons, viz. : 1. Thomas (Rev.), M.A. Oxford, rector of Kings- ton- Bagpuze, Abingdon, co. Berks; and 2. Edward, deceased. Ellis, m. Isaac Corry, Esq. of Abbey Yard, Newry, Ireland, and had issue, a son, Trevor, and several daughters. Arms used hy Mr. Charles My an — O-xi. ihree griffins' hi'ads erased or. Crest — A griffin segreant az. holding in the dexter claw a sword erect ppr. Motto — Malo mori quam ftedari (being the arms of the family of Ryan of Inch, see Bui-ke's Landed Gentry). Residence — Derriweit Heights, Upper Ma- cedon, Victoria, Australia. Club — Melbourne. WBu^ of ilfliDntcftort. WAY, HON. SAMUEL JAMES, of Montefiore, Adelaide, South Australia, Chief Justice of South Australia, Judge of the Vice- Admiralty Court, member of the Executive Council, chancellor of the Univer- sity of Adelaide, &c., &c., b. at Portsmouth, Hants, England, 11th April, 1836 ; educated at Sliebbear, North Devon, and at Chatham, co. Kent; arrived in South Australia, 6th March, 1853; called to the Bar of South Australia, 1861 ; appointed Q.C. 1871 ; member of Education Board, and member of the Council ■nriiKK's roLOxiAL (!K.\tkv. \m of the University of Adelaitle, 1874; retiinied to the South Australian Par- liament foi- the district of Sturt, 1875, and appointed attorney -general the same year; chief justice, 18th March, 1876; elected vice-chancellor of the University of Adelaide, 2Sth April, 1876 ; administered the government of South Australia in 1877, 1878, 1879, and 18815 ; chancellor of the University of Adelaide, 1883. Chief .lustit'c Way is uumari-iod. ILmcanr. Til is family was seated at Morcharcl Bishop, CO. Devon, England, where their names occur in the parish registers, since the latter part of the seventeentli century. Rev. James Wat, of Adelaide, South Australia, Bible Ciiristion minister, son of JoH\ and Kuzabetu Wav, was l>. at Morchard Bishop, co. Devon, 17th June, 180t; entered ministry of the Bible Christian Church. ISth .Slay. 182G ; president of Bible Christian Conference, 1847; arrived in South Australia, 13tli November, 1850; established the first Bihie Christian societies in South Australia and A^ictoria, and was for many years their general superintendent in Australia. He m. at Rochester, co. Kent, Kngland, in 1834, Jane (/j. at Chatham, co. Kent, 21st August. 1811), second daughter of Kdward AVillis, Esq. of Chatham, co. Kent (who was the last of a long succession of small freeholders in co. Korfolk, but settled and married at Chatham), by Elizabeth, his wife, and d. at Noarlunga, South Australia, 14ili August, 1884, having had, Sami'ki, Jami!s (Hon.), chief justice of South Australia. Edward Willis, L.R.C.P., of Adelaide, III. thrice, and has issue, 1. Inman ; 2. James; 1. Bessy ; 2. Kate; 3. Grace; and 4. Marion, all iinm. Elizabeth, m. Frederick Dewe Beach, Esq., and has i.ssue, 1. Frederick James, in. Sarah Long, and has issue ; 2. Sydney Edwin ; 3. Herbert Way ; 4. Frank ; 1. Florence ; 2, Jane, . JJeil ; 6. Gordon Cathcart ; 1. Jeanie; 2. Florence. J?e.?/(/^Kce — ilontcfiore, Adelaide, South Australia. Jltiit of 3i3cllt\)tlle. FLINT, HON. BILLA, of the city of Belleville, co. Hastings, province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, J. P., and a member of the Senate of Canada from May, 1867 ; first president of the Board of Police, Belleville, and mayor of that town in 18G1, h. in Elizabethtown, co. Leeds, Ontario, 9th February, 1805 ; m. there, 10th September, 1827, Phebe Sawayer, second daughter of E. Clements, Esq. of Elizabethtown, aforesaid, but by lur (wlio d. at Belleville, 24th May, 1886, and was buried in the cemetery ne;ir that city) had no issue. ILincagr. The great grandfather of the Hon. Billa Flint migrated from Flintshire, N. Wales, and settled in Connecticut, U.S.A., when a British province. His son subsequently started for Canada as a United Empire Loyalist, but was forced to settle down at Brandon, Vermont. He d. near the then village of Brandon, having had, amongst other issue, a son, Billa Flint, Esq. of Brockville, co. Leeds, Ontario, h. in Connecticut, U.S.A., before the Declaration of Independence, went to Canada in 1781 ; m. in 1802, Phebe Well.s, whose father came from the north of Ireland, and settled down in one of the eastern states. She was b. in Vermont, U.S.A., went to Canada about 1801, and d. in the State of Penn.sylvania, U.S.A., aged 90 years. He d. in 1852, aged about 77 years, and had, amongst other issue, the present Hon. Billa Flint, only sur- viving child. UpKideiice — City of Belleville, co. Hastings, Iiro\ince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. VOL. I. 194 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. i^tM'u of Jfrcmantlc. PEARSE, WILLIAM SILAS, Esq. of Plympton House, Cantonment- road, Fremantle, Western Australia, J. P., and formerly member of the Legislative Council, 6. 2Ist May, 1838; m. 2:3rd April, 1863, the daughter of John Hawkes, Esq. of Warwick, England, by Johannah Pendleton, his wife, and has issue, a daughter, Amelia Johannah. Hineage. William Pearse, Esq. of Fremantle, Western Australia, nephew of Silas Pearse, of Plymouth, co. Devon, left England about 1828 or 1829; m. May, 1837, Su.sanna, daugh- ter of William Grlyde, Esq. of Yeovil, co. Somerset (who d. in 1850), and sister of Samuel Glyde, Esq., also of Yeovil, and d. 6th April, 1866, having had bv her (who d. 5th November, 1879), I. William Silas, of whom above. AH II. George, b. 1st December, 1839. ^ III. Samuel, b. llth July, 1845. iv. Francis, b. 30th September, 1847. T. James, b. 9th August, 1852. I. Mary, b. 24th January, 1842. II. Priseilla, b. 1st January, 1850. III. Anne, b. 14th September, 1854. Residence — Plympton House, Cantonment road, Fremantle, Western Australia. ^ettrslualti oi ^tirlaitic* PETERSWALD, WILLIAM JOHN, E.sq. of St. Heliers, Adelaide, South Australia, chief commissioner oi Police for the colony of South Australia, b. at Jamaica, West Indies, 28th November, 1829 ; educated at the Edenborough Academy, and afterwards at Elizabeth College, Guernsey ; resided for a time in Jersey, where he was a captain of Militia, and afterwards left for South Australia. He m. at St. Heliers, Jersey, llth March, 1852, Emily Mary, daughter of Charles de Ste Croix, "GrifGer" of the Island of Jersey, by Jane, his wife, and has had issue, I. William Charles, b. at Lea, 26th March, 1863, d. at Adelaide same year. II. William Ernest, of Adelaide, South Australia, major in the South Australian Militia Force, 6. 30th January, 1854; in. 19th April, 1885, Ellen, fourth daughter of Edward Spicer, Esq. of 133, Cannon- street, London, and of Adelaide, South Australia, merchant, but has no issue. III. Arthur Charles Turner, 6. at Adelaide, llth February, 1861, unm. IV. John, 6. at Adelaide, 23rd April, 1863, mim. V. Francis Dumaresq, b. at Adelaide, 14th January, 1868. I. Emily Jane Mathilde, m. William Birkenshaw Wilkinson, Esq., financial agent, Adelaide, ir. Grace Margaret. III. Florence Maude. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. vjr, Hiiicdac. The Peterswalds vrorc ori;^iniiII_v a nob)e family of Silesia, where tliev resiJed at the castle of Peterswaldiui, in the district of Reicheubach, governed by ArnoUl von Peters- wald in 1322. The family, which was very wealthy in the first h;iir uf llie seventeenth century, hafl come into I'^ranken, Southern (Jermany, and had been admitted in the kniglits canton of Rhiin W'erra. liranchcs of the family went snbseqnently to Sweden, HanoTer, &c. Carl Fi'iedrich von Pclcrs- wald, royal master of the horse of Great Britain and Prunswiek Lnneburg, &c., in 17.52, son of jraxiniiliaii von Peterswald, by his wife, Klizalietli von Kussowon the llurdt, in liis will, dated 1752, made his heir the eldest son of liis sister, Helene Juliane von Petersn-ald (who was b. 108O, and m. 1700), by her husband, Friedrich Wilhelm, II von Kiekstedt, on condition that he took the additional surname and arms of von Peters- wald. Wilhelm von Petkrswald left Crermany for political reasons about the year 1770, and settled in Exeter, eo. Devon, where be m. and had two sons, William and .Tohn, who emigrated to tlamaica. West Indies, where they possessed an estate named Petersfield, St. Mary, and were successful as planters. The latter, John, d. s.p. 20th November, 1811, at Jamaica, aged 38 years, and the forn'.er, WiLLi.VM PKTRiiS\v.\LD, Esq., Sometime colonel of the St. Mary's 1st Regiment (West Indies), m. at Kingston, Jamaica, 23rd June, 1823, Jean, daughter of Captain Walter (iray, of the Sutlu'rland Fenciblrs, by Eliza, bis wife, daughter of Sir Arthur Nieolson, of Lochcnd, Slutland, Bart., and (/. at Liverpool, 25lli A\igust, 1818, aged 72, leaving by her (who was li. ()th November, 1790, and d. at Adelaide, 18158, aged 78) an only cluld, the present Wn.LUM Joux Peterswald, Esq. Armx — Or. on a fesse sa. a boar's head fessewisc erased pointing towards the sinister. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet two elepliants' trunks erect. Hr.tidfnc,>—Si. llelicrs, Adelaide. South Australia. PLAYFORD, HON. THOMAS, of Drysdale, Norton's Summit, South Austrnli.a, M.P., J. P., premier and treasurer in tlie South Australian Ministry, h. 2()th November, 1837 ; m. 18(30, Marj- Jane, eldest daughter of the late Rev. William Kinsman, and lias issue, r. Thomas, b. 23rd April, 1861. n. Edward Copley, b. 22nd March, 18G4 ; m. 1888, Emily Welbourne, and lias issue, a daughter, in. John Tomlinson, b. Uth October, 18(19. IV. Charles Loyd, b. 2nd November, 1871. V. Frank Elliot, b. 10th October, 1876. I. Mary Annie, m. 1886, the Rev. J. Sexton. II. Eliza, m. 1888, J. H. Tuck, Esq. III. Harriet Alice. IV. Jane Peny. V. Mabel. He held office as commissioner of crown lanils and immigration at various periods between 2nd February, 1876, and 2Hli June, 1881 ; was commissioner of public v»forks frotn IGtIi June, ISSi, to 4th February, 1885; and again commissioner of crown lands and immigration, 4th February, 1885, to 16th June, 1885. Hincaac. Thomas Platford was h. near Doncaster, CO. York, England. He m. Miss Mai-y Tomlinson (who d. aged 81 years), and lived and d. a fai-mcr at Barnbv Dunn, about seven miles from Doncaster, aged 84 years. His eldest son, Thomas Pl.atford, Ii. in 1785, enlisted at the age of 16 in the 2nd regiment of Life 2 196 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Guards, and was present at the battles of Vittoria, Toulouse, and Waterloo. He rose to the rank of sergeant-major, and left the regiment after twenty-one years' service ; was then employed by Adjutant-General Cannon to write the historical records of a nuniberof the regiments in the British Army. Having purcliased, on the founding of tlic colony in 1836, some land in South Australia, lie emigrated tiiere in 1843. He w. in 183G, Mary Ann Perry (whose father was of Welsh descent, and spent all his life in the service of the East India Company, and whose mother was a Miss Drysdale, whose fatlier came from Perth, Scotland), and d. in 1873, having liad by her (who d. in 1871), I. Thomas (Hon.), now of Drysdale. II. John, VI. and has issue, one daughter, in. Edward, m. and has issue, two sons and four daughters. Eesid'-nce — Drysdale, Norton's Summit, South Australia. ^tiht}y of €ntall^* I)EIBEY, HON. THOMAS, of Entally, Hadspen, Tasmania, M.A. V' Ti-inity College, Oxford, M.P. for Westbury, and speakur of the House of Assembly, Tasmania, b. 21th September, 1821 ; m. 28th October, 1842, Catherine McDonall, daughter of James Kyle, Esq. of Inverness, Scotland, by Anne, his wife, daughter of Captain Urquart, of Minus, Scotland, but has no issue. The Hon. Thomas Reibey was premier and colonial secretary for nearly eighteen months, again colonial secretary in the Crowther Ministry for tliirteen months, and has been fifteen years in Parliament. He was elected S])eaker of the House of Assembly in July, 1887. lLtnEac(t. The original spelling of the name was Baby, having been altered to its present form by the Hon. Thomas Rcibey's fatlier. Thomas Raby, Esq., sometime in the East Indian Navy, subsequently commanded a ship of his own, and finally settled in Sidney, New South Wales, as a merchant; was a descendant of a very ancient English family of Raby. He m. Mary Haddock, of Ipswich, CO. Suffolk, and had a son, Thomas Reibey, Esq , who altered the spelling of the name. lie m. in New South Wales, Richarda, daughter of Richard Allen, Esq., M.I)., medical attendant to King Georgk IV, and sister of the late Hon. George Allen, member of the Legislative Coum-il of New South Wales, who was descended from the founder of Dulwich College, 1819, " AUeyne Edward." He had issue, I. Thomas (Hon.), now of Entally. II. James Haydock (Rev.), M.A. Ox- ford, rector of Denbury, co. Devon, England. I. Mary Allen, widow of the late Cliarles Arthur, Esq., who was nephew of the late Colonel Sir George Arthur, of the York Chasseurs, who, in 1814, was appointed superintendent of Hon- duras, which post he held till 1822 ; in 1824 was appointed governor of Tasmania, and cimtinucd so for twelve years, subsequently appointed governor of Bombav, and d. in England, 1844. Sexidfnce — Entally, Hadspen, near Laun- ceston, Tasmania. E.itates — Entally, aforesaid (about 4,000 acres^, and the Oaks Estate, Tasmania. ^fvnon of Coltistrcam. VERNON, FORBES GEORGE, Esq. of Coldstream, Okanagan, and of Victoria, in the province of British Columbia, Canada, member of the Executive Council and chief commissioner of lauds and works for the province of British Columbia, h. at Clontarf Castle, near Dublin, Ireland, 2l8t August, 1843 ; m. at Victoria, 11th September, 18J'7, Katie Alma Branks, of California, and by her (who d. 31st March, 188-5, and was buried at Victoria) had two daughters, l^URKE'S CULU^ilAL GL-NTKV. .197 I. Gladys Louise, h. 1S78. u. Beatrice Alma Ashley, b. 1881. Hiiuanc. KiClIAKD PE VkrNON "U'alter de Vernon. Tliis family descends from tlie Lords of A'ernon, in the Duchy of Jioruumd.v. Tlieir eoininon ancestor, William de Vehnon, assumed (hat sur- name from the town and di^^riet of Vernon, ot which he was proprietor in 1052. This William had two sons, ( who hot.h came into England with and ^ William the CoNQt'EKOR. The elder, Richard, Lord of Vernon, was one of the barons created hy Hugh Lupus, earl of the eountv palatine of Chester, hy the title of B.\RON OF Smi'BHOKE. This Ru'hard, aeeording to Dome.'day Book, was a consider- able landed proprietor. His 2nd son was, William de Vernon, whose great grand- son, Richard de Vernon, m. Avice, daughter and co-heir with her sister, Elizabeth, of William de Aveuell, of lladdon, co. Derby, and dying before his father, left four sons, whereof, I. Warine. who .«. liis grandfather as Baron of Shipbroke, m. Auda, daughter and co-heir of William Malbank, Baron of Wich-Malbank, now Nampt- wicli, CO. Cliester, with whom he acquired several manors in that shire, and bv whom he had two sons, Warine and Ralph. He was *•. bv the elder, Warine, Baron of Sliijibroke, who III. Margaret, daughter of Ralph de Andevillc, and relict of Hugh de Altaribus, by whom he had a son. Warine (who (i. x.p.), and three daughters, liis co-heirs, viz. ; Margery, m. to Richard de Wjlbraliam. Edith, m. to Sir AVilliam Staf- ford, Knt. Rohesia, »». to John Litt'e- bury. These ladies, after a pro- longed litigation witli their uncle, Ralph, were obliged to surrender to him a moiety of tlieir patrimony. The sou of this Ralph, Sir Ralph de Vernon, lived to a prodigious age and thence was called The (lift lirer. He was a witness on the Scrope and Orosvenor controversy. II. Ralph, a priest, d. s.p. in. Sir William. IV. Robert. The 3rd son. Sir William de Vernon, KnI., chief justico of Chester, 15 Henry IU, m. Mar- gery, daughter of Sir Robert de Stokepoil, and" sister of Rohert de Slokcport, who il. \-i:V.\ and aciiuired by her the manor of .Vppleby-l'arva.andthc advowson of Appleby - Magna," in Leicestershire; he was .v. by his son. Sir Richard he Vernox, who in 1252 had a grant from King Henry 1X1 of the castle of the Peake, m. Margaret de Vipont, and was .v. by his son, Sir Richard dk Vernon, Knt. He m. 1st, Alionore, daughter of Giles do Frenes, which lady rf. n.p. ; and, 2ndly, .Tuliana, daughter of William de Vesey (by Agnes, daugliter of Wilham de Kerrars, Earl of Derby), by whom he acquired Har- laston. By her he hail a son, Sir Richard deA'ernon, who m. Matilda, daughter and co-heir, with her sister, Alio- nore. of Sir William Camville, Lord of Aston and Clifton Camville, suninioned to Parlia- ment as baron, 2nd and 4th Kdward II. Sir Richard d. before his father, leaving a son, William, ten years old. and a daughter, Isa- bella, who m. i'n 1337 Sir Richard Slallord. The son, Sir William de Vernon, Knf.. It. 1312 — 13; m. Margaret, daughter of Robert, Baron de Sto]>l'ord, and was .v. by his son. Sir Richard de Vernon, Knt., of lladdon and Harleston, who iii. Juliana, daughter of Robert, or Roger, de Penibrugc (by .luliana Zouche), and sister and heir of Fulco de Pembrugc, and d. 1377, leaving a son and successor. Sir Richard de Vkknox, Knt., of llad- don and Harlaston, A. 137U ; m. Johanna, 2nd daughter and heiress, with her sister Isabella, of Richard Stackpole. (After her sister Isabella's death, who was widow of Rese ap GritlUh, she became possessed of tlie GrillUh and Somcrville estates.) Sir Richard Vernon d. in llul, le:iving two sons and two daughters. The eldest son. Sir Richard Vernox, b. 1394.— 95, m. Benedieta, daughter of Sir John Lndlowe (he iulievitedTong, CO. Salop, on tlie death, in 14-4(), of Isabella, the widow of E'lilco de Pembrugc). He was speaker of the Parliament held at Leicester in 1425, and treasurer of Calais; d. 1451, aged 56, and was s. by his eldest surviving son. Sir VVilliam Vernon, Knt., li. 141G; iii. Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir William Swynfen, Knt., by Jocosa, youngest daughter of WiUiam Durvassal als Spernore ; she was also heiress of Robert Pype. Sir William was knight-constable of England ; he d. in 14()7. aged 40, leaving four sons and four daugl.teri!. He was .v. by his eldest son. Sir Henry Vernon, Lord of lladdon, &e., goiernor and treasurer to Prince Arthur, eldest son and heir ap]iarent of King Henry Vll; the Prince spent much of his lime 198 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. with Sir Henry at Hnddon, where one of the apartments was called " the Prince's cham- ber." Sir Henry m. Anne, daughter of John, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, by whom he had (with six daughters and four younger sons), I. Eirhard (Sir), who inherited Haddon, and marrying Margaret, daughter of Sir Kobcrt JJymoke, £nt., left at his decease, in l.'>17, treorge (Sir), of Haddon, who (/. in 1567, seized of thirty manors, leaving by Margaret, daughter of George, Lord Talboys, two daugh- ters, his co-heirs, viz., Dorothy, m. to Sir John Man- 1 ners. Margaret, m. to Thomas Stan- ley, 2nd son of Edward, Earl of Derby. II. Thomas, of .'^tocksey, whose grand- son, Henry, claimed the barony of Powys. He d. S-ji. 1606 ; is buried at Newington. III. HUMPUEKT. IV. John (Sir), was one of the king's council in Wales, and custos rotulorum of Derby ; ni. Ellen, daughter and co- heiress, with her sisters Anne an^l Dorothy, of Sir Jolm de Montgomerie, by Elizabetli, daughter of Sir Thomas Greslcy ; she inherited Sudbury. Sir John Vernon d. 1545, and was s. by his only son, Sir Henry Tcrnon, of Sudbury, who m. in 1547, Margaret, daughter and co-heir with her sister, Elizabeth, of Humphrey Sw-in- nerton, of Swiunerlon and Hil- ton, by Cassandra, daughter of Sir John Gifford. He died 1569, leaving two sons and two daughters, John, who m. Jlary, daughter of Edward Littleton, of Pil- laton, and widow of Walter Vernon, of Houndshill, but d. s.p. 1600. Dur-ied at Sudbury. Henry, of Hilton, m. Dorothy, daughter of Sir Anthony Heveningham, and d. 21st June, 15'J2, leaving Margaret, an only daughter, his heiress, who was b. three months after the death of her father ; she m. her third cousin, Sir Edward Vernon. This Sir Henry Vernon gave the great bell to Tonge, of 48 cwt., and 6 yards round, and a lent out of his manor of Norton " for the tolling of it when any Vernon comes to town." He d. in 1511. The third of his sons, HuMPHEEY Vernon, Esq., m. Alice, dangbter and co-heiress of Sir John Lud- low, of Hodnet, co. Salop, and grand- daughter, maternally, of Richard Grey, Lord Powis, and left at his decease, in 1542 (with other issue), two sons. George, who inherited Hodnet, and whose great grandson, Henry Vernon, Esq., was created a hart, in 1660, a dignity tliat expired with the third hart.. Sir Ricliard Vernon ; but the estate of Hodnet ultimately passed through Elizabeth, only daughter of the first hart., to her granddaughter, Elizabeth Atherton, wife of Thomas Heber, Esq., of Marton (see Burke's Landed Geiitiy). Thomas. The second son, Thomas Veenon, Esq., who m. Helena, daughter of Ealph Shirley, and left, in 1556, an only son, Waltek Vernon, Esq. of Houndshill, b. 1552 ; m. Mary, daughter of Edward Little- ton, Esq. of Pillalon, co. Stafford, and was *■. in 1592, by his only surviving son, SiE Edward Veenon, Knt., of Hounds- hill, b. 14th December, 1584 ; m. 1613, his cousin, Margaret, daughter and sole heiress of Henry Vernon, Esq. of Hilton and Esing- ton, co.'Stallbrd. He d. 16th June, 1657, leaving (besides six daughters, amongst whom were Anne, m. George Harper, Esq. of Twyford, co. Derby ; and Mary Catherine Grace Elizabeth, d. iinm.) three sons, viz., I. Henry (Sir), of Sudbury, Hounds- liill, ic, 4. 1615; m. :^lst September, 1634, Muriel, daughter and sole heiress of Sir George Vernon, Ent., of Haslington, judge of the Common Pleas, and was ancestor of the Ver- nons of Sudbury (now Lords Vernonl, the Vernons of Hilton Park, Hareiield, &c. II. Edward (Colonel), of North Aston, CO. Stafford, had a grant of the castle and lands of Clontarf, co. Dublin. He m. a sister of Joseph Guldeford, Esq., and had issue, Mary, who d. num.. and Elizabeth. III. John, of whose line we treat. The third son, John Veenon, Esq. of Clontarf, co. DubUn, quartermaster-general of the army in Ireland, m. first, Anne, daughter of James Huish, Esq. of Sand, Devon, and had a son, John, who d. in London, unm. He m. secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Eulke Walwyn, Esq. of Much Marde, Hereford, and d. intestate 13th March, 1670, leaving issue. Tlie son and heir. Ret. Edwaed Veenon, of Redmile, co. Leicester, m. Lettice, daughter of John Bankes, of Uttoxeter, co. Stafford, and had issue, 1. John, his heir; ii. Edward, D.D., rector of St. George's, Bloomsbury, Middle- sex, d. num. 1765; and I. Catherine, m Yeates, Esq. The elder son, John Vernon, a captain in Oie army, afterwards of Clontarf Castle, co. Dublin, m. Dorothy, sister of Hans Otto Gralin, a Hanoverian nobleman, by whom (who d. 7th May, 1773) he had issue, I. George, his heir. II. Edward, of Dublin, captain 4tli Dragoons, high sheriff of Dublin 1768 ; BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTJJY. 199 in. 1st JiMiuiirv, ITfiO, his cousin, Caroline Ciitlierine Yeatee, and Iniil issue, seven sons, 1. .rolin Frniei-icli, h. 21st October, ITOU; (/. ISth Decenilicr, 17(!0. 2. George William, barrister • ut • law, b. Kith January, 1762; d. liinti. 171)2. 3. Francis, R.N., *. 20tli February, 17li5; (/. s./l. 179(). 4. C!liarlcs Ilawley (Sir), cliamber- biin to II. 1^*. the lortl-lieutenant of Ireland; l>. 22n(l .lulv, 1706; d. itum. 24tli Jimc, KS35. 5. Brabazun Dean, lieutenant - colonel in the army, :intl major llifh Eegiment, //. 27(li November, 176s ; m. Helen, daughter of Harmer Bond, Ksq. of Uallyna- liallick, near Rockmills, co. fork. G. Uenry, h. 1st May, 1771 ; m. 1796, Frances, daughter of Thomas Plunkctt, Ksq. of Port- marnock, and had issue, Kev. txeorge Edward Vernon, of Cxrosvenor-plaoe, Bath ; m. first, Jane, daughter of Arch- deacon Kingsbury, and by her had no issue. He m. secondly, Harriet, daughter of Lieutenant-t'olonel Henry Bruen, of <_)ak Park, co. C'arlow, M.P., and d. leaving a son, John Bruen, who d. 1S73. leaving a son and a dauglitcr. 7. Harcourt, in the army, b. 18th March, 177.J ; d. iiiitn. I. Charlotte, m. Thomas Wright, Esq. of Houghton, CO. Derby. The elder son, CrKOEGE Vernon, Esq. of Clontarf Castle, barrister-at-law, whose will is dated 1st May, 178.5, and proved 5th \ray, 1787 ; m. Eliza- beth Hughes, widow, and had issLu', I. John, his heir. II. George, d. num. lOth May, 1802. I. Frances Horothy, i. 17th November, 1755; >». 22nd October, 1776, James Crawford, Esq. of Auburn, co. Jjublin, and d. 2Uth July, 1S44. II. Diana, m. Sir Brodrick Chinnery, Bart. The elder son, John' Verxox, Esq. of Clontarf Castle; )«. 1780, Elizabeth, daughter of H. Fletcher, Esq. of Newtown Park, co. Dublin, and had issue, I. George, his heir. II. John F"ane (Kev.), of Auhone, co. Cavan,6. May.l7',lO; m. Dccember,1812, Frances, dauglitcr of Jphn Kearney, D.D., Bishop of Ossory ; and d. 7lh June, 18-13, having had issue, 1. Jolm Edward, of Krnc Hill, CO. Cavan, M.A., J.P., and D.L., high sheriff 1861, and one of the Irish hmd commissioners from 1881 to 1887; *. 12th August, 1816 ; HI. 2nd July, 18-16, Harriet, youngest daughter of the Right Rev. l)r. John Leslie, Bishop of Kilmorc, by Isabella, his second wife, second dauglitcr of the Hon. and Right Kev. Thomas St. Lawrence, Bishop of Cork, and had issue, John Fane, of Erno Hill, Belturbet, co. Cavan, 1, Wilton-jilaee, Dublin, and of (lie Athenirnm Club, London, M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge, bar- ristcr-at-law, J. P. eos. Cavan and Dublin, /,. 5th July, 18-lt», m. 11th May, 188i;, " Thomasina Georgiana, second daughter of Rev. Henry Joy Tonibe, B.D., of Hollywood House, Glenealy, co. Wieklow, prebendary of St. Michael's and senior canon of (-'hrist Church, Dublin, rector of Glenealy and rural dean of Wiek- low, 1855-81; Edward Saunder- son. b. 6th March, 1851 ; and two daughters. He m. secondly, in 1858, Maria Esther, eldest daughter of the Hon. George CoUey, of Ferncy, co. Dublin, and d. 1887, having had by her one tlaughter. 1. Anna, m. 27th Alareh, 184-3, Sir Nicholas Chinnery, Hart. This lady and her husband were both killed, in the railway accident at Abergele, 1868. 2. Frances. I. Frances, m. Bertram Mitford, Esq., b;irrister-at-law. II. Elizabeth, m. Charles Arthur Tisdall, Esq. of Charlesfort, co. Meatli. III. Maria, m. first, the Hon. and Rev. Pierce Butler, brother of the third Earl of Carrick ; and secondly, Walter Fawkes, Esq. of Farnley, eo. Vork. The elder son, George Vernon, Esq. of Clontarf Castle; m. 1808, Henrietta Maria, daughter of Wilson Gale-Braddyll, Esq. of Conisliead Priory, near Ulverston, co. Lancaster, and d. 1822, having had issue, I. George Eraddyll, of Clontarf Castle, d. viini. about 1833, and was ,v. by his next brother, the present Mr. Vernon, of Clontarf Castle. II. John Enw.uiD Venables, of whom presently. III. Charles Pierce, d. tinm. about 1838. IV. Walter Fawkes, d. num.. V. Braddyll Francis, d. unm. VI. Henry Townley, lieutenant R.N., rf. vnm. I. Henrietta Jane, m. Henry Pelham Clay, Esq. of co. Nottingliani, son of General Clay. n. Flizaiieth "charlotte, m. the Right Hon. Jiiliu Parker, late secretary to the Admiralty, of Onslow-squarc, Luiuloii. 200 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. III. Maria Frances, m. first, George Colman, Esq., and secondly, ....Napier, Esq. The second son, John Edward Vex.^bles Yernon, Esq., now of Clontarf Castle, eo. Dulilin, Ireland, B.A., J.P., and D.L. co. Dublin, high sheriff 1847 : *. 1813 ; educated at Trinity College, Dublin (B.A. 1838) ; s. his brother' 1833 ; m. first, 20th August, 1S3R, Louisa Catharine, only daughter of Charles Proby Bowles, Esq. of Park-lane, London, and by her (who d. 12th August, 1853) had issue, I. Edward, lieut«nant-colonel and hon. colonel 5th battalion Roval Dublin Fusiliers, h. 31st January, 1838; »i. 27th Mareli, 1861, Jane, daughter of Matthew Brinkley, Esq. of Parsons- town, co. Meath, son of John Brinkley, D.D., Bisho]) of Cloyne, and has issue, Charles Albert, h. 1864. II. Charles Albert, b. 17th January, 1810. III. Forbes George, of whom we treat. IV. Granville William, major 16th Regi- ment, h. 2nd July, 1845 ; m. 30th November, 1882, Emma Rosalie Pender, daughter of Stephen Francis Shairp, Esq. of St. Max, St. Leo- nards. T. John Francis Henrv, h. 31st January, 1848; d. num. 14th' March, 1884. I. Louisa Emily, m. 2nd June, 1863, George William, second son of Ed- mund Floyd Cnppage, Esq. of Clare Grove, co. Dublin. Mr. J. E. V. Vernon m. secondly, 25th Sep- tember, 1856, the Hon. Rosa Gertrude Harriet Daly, daughter of James, first Lord Dunsandle, which lady d. s.p. 31st A\igust, 1859. Aniix — Arg. a fret sa. Crest — A boar's head erased sa., dueally gorged or. Moffo — Vernon semper viret. Eexideiicex — Coldstream, Okanagan ; and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. ^Mm oi CdiJ^nto anti 8!2tltnntpccj:. AIKINS, HON. JAMES COX, of the citie.s of Toronto, province of Ontario, and Winnipeg, province of Manitoba, and of co. Peel, province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, lieutenant-governor of the province of Manitoba, and a member of the Privy Council of the Dominion of Canada, h. in co. Peel, Ontario, 30th March, 1823; educated at Victoria University, Canada ; sat in the Canadian Assembly from 1854 until 1861 ; in 1862 was elected to the Legislative Council, and in 1867, at the union of the British North American provinces, was called to the Senate by royal proclamation ; sworn a member of the Privy Council, 9th December, 1869, from which date until the re- signation of Sir John A. Macdonald, in November, 1873, he was secretary of state and registrar-general of Canada; re-appointed to same office in Sr John's new administration, 19th October, 1878 ; subsequently minister of Inland Revenue, and, 8th October, 1882, appointed lieutenant-governor of Manitoba. He m. in Toronto, 5th June, 1845, Mary Elizabeth Jane, only daughter of the late John Somerset, Esq. of Toronto and co. Peel, province of Ontario, and has issue, I. John Somerset, of tbe city of Winnipeg, h. 27th February, 1850 ; m. 13th October, 1887, Abby Lemira, daughter of C. C. Colby, Esq., M.P., deputy speaker of the House of Commons. II. James Albert Manning, of the city of Winnipeg, M.A. of the University of Toronto, Q.C., b. 10th December, 18-51 ; vi. 10th December, 1884, Mary Bertha, daughter of the Hon. A. W. McLelan, member of the Privy Council of Canada, and postmaster-general for Canada, who was sometime president of the Privy Council for the Dominion of Canada, minister of Marine and Fisheries, and minister of Finance, and represented Canada in connection witli the Inter- JiLKKKS COLONIAIj CllXTIO'. 201 national Fisheries Hxhibition cf IHSo, held in Jjunduii, and Ijy her has issue, 1. James Cox. 2. Gordon Harold. III. William Henry, of the city of Toronto, M.B. (Toronto University), M.D.C. (Victoria Univer.sity), L.R.C.P. (London), h. 22nd August, 18.59 ; 7rt. 27tli Deeember, 1887, Ann;usta Hankswoi'th Wood, daughter of tlie late Easton Hawksworth, P]sq. of Tiiverniay, M.D., and grand- dauijliter of Amassa Wood, Esq. of the city of St. Thomas, Ontario. I. Helena Ann, /). 20th April, 18-iG ; w. 22nd August, 1872, Rev. Donald George Sutherland, M.A.. B.D. (Victoria University), LL.Ii. (Toronto University), and has issue, 1. James Arthur. 1. Mary Helena. 2. Clara Margaretta. 3. Helen Gladys Graham. H. ]\rary Jane, h. 23rd February, 184-8; m. l.^th Jidy, 1873, James Elliot Graham, Esq., M.D. (Toronto University), L.R.C.P. (London), and has issue, 1. Joseph Sutherland Aikins. 1. Mary Edith. 2. Annie Florence Helen. 3. Emma Lucille. 4. A daughter. ."). A daughter. III. Emma Francis. IV. Clarissa Elizabeth, (/. in infancy, v. Clarissa Elizabeth. l.incn(it. This family is of Scottish orijin. James Aikins, Esq. of co. t'cel, Ontario, Canada, the fatlipr of tlie present Hex. James Co.v Aikins, was h. in the eounty of Monaghan, Ireland, in 1779; m. 1813, Annie Cox (who was h. 1791, and d. 1650), emi- grated to America in 1866, and lived in Philadelphia, state of Pennsylvania, for four years, when he went to Canada and settled in CO. Peel, Ontario. He (/. in 1S(J5. J^fxldrucffi —{Town) 'i'oronto, ]irovince of Ontario ; and WiimipcK, jn'ovince t>f Mani- toba; (country) in co. Peel, province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. Eftnffs — In the cities of Toronto and Winnijieg, and in a number of counties in the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba, Canatla. JL)olmcs of iL)alulicsitonc |L}ousc, HOLMES, HON. MATHEW, of HawkcstoneHonse, Wellington; Cintra, Dunedin ; Awa Moa, Oamaru ; Castlerock, Lnmsden ; and Maniponi, Southland, all in New Zealand ; member of the Legislative Council of that colony; 6. near Strabane, in Ireland, l.")th September, 1817; -ni. at Strath- allan, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 26th May, 1841, Anne, j-oungest daughter of Allan McLean, Esq. of Strathallan, formerly of Coll, Argyllshire, Scotland, and has issue, I. Allan, of Dnncdin, Olagu, New Zealand, barri.vlcr and solicitor, h. 25th 202 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Januaiy, 1845 ; m. Lillias Waklie Wj-ndliolin, and lias issue, one son and a daughter. II. James Stuart, of Awa Moa, Oamaru, Otago, h. 14(h July, 1847 ; m. Kate, daughter of . . . IMiller, Esq. of Edinburgh, and has three sons. III. Wathew Stuart, h. 4th October, 185-5, iinm. I. Elizabeth, 6. 14th April, 1842 ; m. U. S. Warren, Esq., late of Melbourne, deneased, and has one son and four daughters. II. Isabella, h. 1st April, 1846 ; m. the Hon. George JIacLean, M.L.C., J. P., of Duncdin, and has one son and five daughters. III. Annie Julia, b. 7th February, 1852 ; m. John White, Esq. of Dunedin, solicitor, and has four sons and two daughters. IV. Kate McLean, b. 17th July, 1858, uum. In the early days of the colony the Hon. M. Holmes was a member of the Pi'ovincial Council of Southland, and afterwards of the Provincial Council of Otago. Uincaac. The family of Holmes came from the West of Eiif^land and settled principally in Down, Tyrone, and Londonderry, in Ireland, during the plantation of Ulster, in the reign of James I. Others of the name came from the Lowlands of Scotland, aud settled in Cavan, Longford, and Antrim. The immediate ancestors of the Hon. Mathew Holmes were farmers residing at Strabane, in Ireland, for about 150 years. The Hon. Mathew Holmes was the last of tliat par- ticular brancli, and, about fifteen years ago, he sold his interest in the last farm held by the family in Tyrone. James Holmes, Esq. of Ballycolinan, Strabane, Ireland, m. Elizabeth Watson, who d. about 1843. He d. about 1818, leaving a son, Mathew-, of whom we treat. jResidences — Hawkestone House, Welling- ton ; Ciutra, Dunedin ; Awa Moa, Oamaru ; Castlerock, Lumsden ; aud Manipoi-a, South- land, all in New Zealand. Properiif- At Awa Moa, Castlerock, Mani- pora, Cintra, and Wellington, Kew Zealand, and in Victoria, Australia. iHcClclan of JL^ciprtucll MC/^iLELAN, HON. ABNER REID, of Riverside, Hopewell, Albert co., V_^ New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada, member of the Senate, com- missioner of the Civil Court, and auditor of county accounts, h. at Riverside, Hopewell, 3rd January, 1830; educated at Hopewell; was a member of the Government of New Brunswick as chief commissioner of Public Works, from April, 1886, until the Union; called to the Senate by royal proclamation in May, 1867. He m. at Haryey, Albert co., October, 1876, Anna Bathsheba, eldest daughter of the late William James Reid, Esq., collector of customs at the port of Harvey, Albert co.. New Brunswick. iLtiuage. This family is supposed to have been originally seated at Koss-sliire, Scotland. Peter McClelan, Esq., emigrated from Lomlouden'y, Ireland, to Londonderry, Nova Scotia, and was one of the pioneers in the location and settlement of Londonderry, Col- chester CO., Nova Scotia, where be continued to reside. By . . McElmen, his wife (whose parents innnigrated to Nova Scotia from Londonderry, Ireland), he had issue, Petee, of whom presently. William, d. yoiuig. David, of Londonderry, Nova Seotia (where the name ia spelt McLelax), was grandfather of the pi-esent Hon. Archibald Woodbury McLelau, for- BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 203 mcrly postninsti'r-f;('iifnil niul a nieinbei- of t!ie Dominion ministry, now lieutenant -fiovornor of Nova Scotia ; and d. ut ],onilondcrry, N.S., at a very atlvnnced age. Nancy, (I. young. Kuth" »i. her cousin, Mattliew McElmen, Esq. of Londonderry, Nova Scotia, and d. tliere, his widow, aged 103 years. Mr. Peter McClclan, m. secondly, and by this marriage had several children. His eldest son, Pktee McClki.an, Ksq. of llojiewell, Albert CO.. New Brunswick, J. P. and judge of the Court of Sessions for Albert Co., N.B., was li. at Londonderry (or Great "N'illage as it is now called). Nova Scotia, 1777; acquired considerable property in Albert co., and m. at Hopewell, in that CO., 180'J, Luey, daughter of Bradbury Robinson, Ksq. (who came from the New Enaland States to Harvey, Albert CO., N.B., where he died), by Mary Clarke, his wife ; and d. at Ho]iewell, 19th November, 186G, having had by her (whoi/. 1S77) eleven children, viz., I. John Edward, b. 8th January. 1810, III. Mary A. Peck, and d. 18th Decem- ber, 1880, having liad issue, 1. Peter Edward. . 2. Abner James. 1. Clara Ada. 2. Ida May. 3. Minnie Lucy. 4. Hattie Ray.' 5. Mary Ella Maud. 6. Ethel Blanche. ir. Joseph Greenleaf, b. 26th April, 1811, d. Ifith April. 18iS. HI. Thomas, b. 2ijth December, 1812, m. Anne Turner, and has issue, 1. Thomas Henry. 2. John .\bner. 3. Joseph Obed. 4. Peter James. 1. Lucy. 2. Nancv. IV. Peter, A. Slst October, 1822, d. 19th October, 18G6. V. George, h. 0th February, 1824, m. Mary Klizahetli Pearson, and d. IGlh January, KS(J(I, having had an oidy child, Florence Rebecca. VI. Abner Reid (Hon.), of Riverside. I. Mary, b. 18th October, 1814, m. William C. Robinstjn, Esq. of Monc- ton. Now Brunswick, but has no issue. II. Anne, b. 30th September, 1816, m. Elisha P. Turner, Esq., and has issue, 1. Joseph Witter. 2. Peter McClelan. 3. Amos. 1. Lucy. 2. Anne Elizabeth. 3. Nancy. 4. Zenas. 5. Harriet. III. Harriet, b. 31st December, 1817, d. 29th October, 1886. IV. Jane, b. 24th May, 1820, m. Thomas Gilbert, Eso.. high sheriff of Albert CO. up to liii death, and has hail issue, 1. Charles Simonds, deceased. 2. W'alter Raleigh. 3. Humphrey Thomas. 1. Helen .Jane. V. Luey, b. 23rd October, 1825, d. 9tli July, 1846. Sesidence — Riverside, Ho))chcII, Albert CO., New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada. W;' oi Ccntcrficlti. IRBT, EDWARD, E.sq. of Bolivia, Teutertield, co. Clive, New South Wales, Australia, h. iu Hampsliire, England, l-lth May, 1821 ; in. 10th July, 18.50, Mary, 2nd daughter of Archibald Windeyer, Esq. of Kinross, Raymond-terrace, New South Wales, and by her (who d. 20th July, 1885) ha.s issue, I. Edward de Crcspig-ny, m. and has issue. II. Frederick WiUiam. III. Charles Augustus. IV. Rowland John. Mr. Irby was educated at tlie Military Academy, Woolwicli, with the intention of entering the Army, but his health failing him lie found it tiecessai-y to seek a change of climate, and emigrated to Australia in 1^12, landing at Sydney. About twelve months later, he commenced pastoral j)ursuits. staying for ^oiiie years ou ]\Ir. Windeyer".s station, ami eventually 204 BURKES COLONIAL GENTRY. becoming manager for that gentleman. He afterwards pnrclia.=ed Bolivia from Sir Charles Roberts, which station consists of 100,000 acres. ILtncagc. The family of Irbv is of great antiquity. Anthont Ieby, Esq. of Gosberton, co. Lincoln, living temp. Henet VIII, was grandfather of Anthony Irbt, Esq., M.P. for Boston in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I, an eminent lawyer, a bencher of, and autumn reader to,tlie society of Lincoln's Inn, which did him tiie lionour of having his arms painted on the tliird window of Lincoln's Inn Chapel. Mr. Irby was appointed one of the master8 in Chancery, temp. James I. He m. Alice, daughter of Thomas Welbye, Esq. of Moulton, and widow of Mr. Tash, and was s. at his decease by his eldest surviving son, Sir Anthony Ibby, Knt., M.P., and high sheriff of co. Lincoln in tlie reign of Charles 1 ; who m. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Peyton, Bart., of Isleham, co. Cam- bridge, and dying in l(i32, was «. by his eldest son. Sib Anthony Irby, Knt., M.P. for, and recorder of, the borougli of Boston, and liigh sheriff of co. Lincoln in 1637. This gentleman m. 1st, Erances, daughter of Sir M'illiam Wray, Bart., of Glentworth, co. Lincoln, and had an only daughter, Elizabeth, who m. in lti45, the Hon. George Montague, of Horton, eldest son, by his third wife, of Henry, 1st Earl of Manchester, and was mother of George Montague, the celebrated Earl of Halifax, so distin- guished as a statesman and a poet (see Burke's J^jtinct Peei'Of/e) . Sir Anthony m. secondly, Margaret, daughter of Sir Richard Smyth, Bart., of Osterhanger, CO. Kent ; and thirdly, Margaret, daughter of Sir Edward Barkham, Knt., but by those ladies had no issue. He vu fourthly. Cathe- rine, daughter of William, Lord Paget, and had, with five daughters, an only son, his successor, in 1670. Anthony" Ieby. Esq. This gentleman m. Mary, daughter and heiress of John Stringer, Esq. of Ashford, co. Kent, and was s. by his elder son, Edward Irby, Esq., M.P. for Boston, ■who was created a baronet, 13th April, 1704. Sir Edward m. Dorothy, daughter of the Hon. Henry Paget, and granddaughter of Lord Paget, and dying in 1718, was s. by his only son, SiE William, h. Rth March, 1707, who was elevated to the peerage as Baeon Boston, 10th April, 1761. This nobleman tilled several high offices about the Court during the reigns of George I and George II ; and, while a commoner, sat in Parliament for Launceston and Bodmin. Ife m. Albinia, daughter of Henry Selwyn, Esq., by Ruth, his wife, daughter of Anthony Conipton. Esq. of Oainsl.Tw, co. !Xorthumber- land, and had, with a daugliter, Augusta, m. to Lord Walsingliam, two sons, Frederick, his successor. William Henry, b. in 1750; m. in 1781, Mary, youngest daughter and co-heir of Rowland Blacliman, Esq.of Antigua, and left issue at his decease in 1830, William Henrv Rowland, b. 13th March, 1784- d. in 1812. Augusta, m. to Sir William Lang- ham, Bart., who d. 1812. His lordship d. 30th March, 1775, and was «. by his elder son, " Frederick, 2nd baron, F.A.S. and D.C.L., b. 9th June, 1749; who m. 15th May, 1775, Christiana, only daughter of Paul Methuen, Esq. of Corsham House, Wilts, and by her (who d. 9th May, 1832) had issue, 1. George, ■3rd baron, D.C.L., h. 24th December, 1777 ; who m. 17th October, 1801, Rachel Ives, eldest daughter and co-heir of William Drake, Esq. of Amersham (descended from the Drakes of Shardeloes and the Garneys of Boyland Hall), and by her (who d. 6th April, 1830) he had 'issue. George Ives, 4th baron, b. 14tli September, 1802; m. first, 25tli January, 1831', Fanny Elizabeth, eldest daughter of W. R. Hop- kins-Northey, E.'q. of Oving House, Bucks, and by her (who d. 14th April. 1860) had issue, Florauce George Henry, 5th baron, h. 9th March," 1837: m. 17th October, 1859, Hon. Augusta Caroline, second daughter of John St.Tincent, Hrd Lord de Saumarez, atd by her (who m. 2ndly, 16th April, 1883, Sir Henrv Percy Anderson, K.C.M.G.! M.A"., of Tannheim, Bournemouth, Hants, and of 76, Eaton- place, London, a senior clerk in the Foreign Office, son of the late Rev. R. Anderson) had issue, George Florarce (Sir), 6th and present Baron Bos- ton, of Boston, CO. Lin- coln, and a baronet, of Hedsor Lodge, Maiden- head, Bucks, and of the Carlton, Junior Carlton, and Bachelors' Clubs, London. M.A. Oxon., D.L. for CO. Anglesea. a ma«;istrate for Bucks, I and a loi'd-in-waiting to I the (Jueen, 1885 to 1886, I /;. 6th September, 1860; UrUKK'S COLONIAL LIKNTUV. ■Ji C. edueatt'tl at Ktoii luul Christ ChuiH'li, Oxford ; m. 13tli Alaivli, 1890, CeciliaConstiuice, daugh- ter of tlie late Hon. Augustus Anthony Frederick Irby, of Hil- lingdon Orange, Ux- bridge, Middk'sex. Cecil Siauniarez, of Hitch- am Urange, Taplow, Maidenhead, Bueks, .I.P., capt. 7th batt. (Militia) King's Roval Rifle Corps, A. 3rd February, 1862 ; edu- cated at Eton; m. 31st January, 1885, Florence Augusta, secontl daughter of the late Clement Up- ton-Cottrell-Uornier,Esq. of Rousham, Oxon., and has issue, Greville Northey, A. 24th August, 1889, and Evelyn Au- gusta, A. 25th September, 1887. Gilbert Neville, b. 23rd October, 1864, hon. attache Diplomatic Ser- vice, late lieutenant Ist Argyll Rille Volunteers. Alice Fannv Catlicrine, m. 3rd July, 1890, Gordon Frederic Deedes, Esq. of llillhurst, Kent. Winifred Mary. Evelyn Maud Mary, A. 22nd October, 1875; d. 2nd April, 1876. His lordship Florance George Henry, 5th Uaron Boston, d. 3rd January, 1877. Kacliel F"auny Anne, m. 26th May, 1857, to Augustus Arthur V'ansittart, Esq. of Bisham Abbey, Berks, who d. 1882. Alice Frec^-erica, m. 25th July, 1861, to John Wingficld Malcolm, Esq. of Poltalloch, Locligilphead, Argyllshire, 7, Great Stanhope-street, Lon- don, and of the Carlton and Junior Carlton Clubs, Lcm- don, M.A. Oxon., J. P. co. Kent, J.P and D.L. Argyll- shire, and from 1872, licut.- colonel Ist Argyll Ritle Volunteers, of which he was appointed bun. coLinel, 1886, M.P. for Boston from 1860 to 1878, and for Argyllshire from 1886 ; eldest son of J. Malcolm, Esq. of Poltalloch, J.P. and D.L., and nephew of the late Neil Malcolm, Esq , M.P. His lordship George Ives, 4th Baron Boston, ;». secondlv, 30lh July, 1861, Caroline .\mclia, eldest daughter of John St. Vincent, 3rd Lord de Saunuirez, and had by her, ^L^ud Caroline, d. 1st September, 1873, and Dorothy Gwendalcn, d. an infant, 16th j"uly, 18(i5. He d. 22ml ncceuibcr, 1869, a!ul was .v. by his oTily son, Florance (icorge IL'ury. \Vdham Drake, A. I8tb SeiitcmhcV, 1808; d. ]8tb October, 1839. Augustus Anthony Frederick, A. 13th February, " 1820; m. 22nd May, 1866, Jessie Augusta, eldest daugnter of Sir T. Montgomei'y Cuninghame, Bart , and d. 5tli April, 1870, leaving issue, Char- lotte Augusta, m. 3ist July, 1888, JCdward Neil Baynes, Esq., son of Sir William Bajncs, 3rd bart. of Harefield ; and Cecilia Con- stance, m. 13th March, 1890, the 6th and present Baron Boston. Llcwelljn Charles Robert (Rev.), M A., rector of Winston, co. Northampton, A. 14th November, 1822; m. 1st July, 1845, Mar- garet Emily, daughter of Jonat lian Bullock, Esq. of Faulkbourn, Essex. Rachel Emily, m. 7th May, 1840, to William Jones Prowse, Esq., captain R.N. (who d. 186u;. son of George Bragge Prowse, Ksq., lieutenant-colonel of the 1st Somerset Regiment of Militia, and d. 9th July, 1873, having liad issue. Charlotte Isabella, m. in 1827, to Thomas, 5th Earl of Orknev, and d. 7th September, 1883. Frances Matdda, d. 25th November, 1879. Frederica Maria Louisa, m. 17th December, 1^40, Edward Horatio Hussey, Esq. of Ralhkenny, styled baron, of Galtrim, and (/. (his widow) 13th July, 1885. Georgina Albinia. Catherine Ceciliii, m. 11th March, 1852, to Colonel Waller Caulfeild Pratt, late captain 67th Regiment, of Oving House, Aylesbury, Bucks, and of the Army and Navy Club, London, J.P. and D.L. for Bucks, lieut. -colonel commanding tlie Bucks Militia, from 1855 to 1880, when he was appointed hon. colonel; third surviving son of Colonel Pratt, of Cabra Castle, CO. Cavan. His lor(l.ihip George, 3rd Baron Boston, (/. 12th March, 1856, and was ,v. by his eldest son, George Ives. II. Frederick Paul, rear-admiral of the Red, C.B,,of Boyland Hall, Norfolk, A. in 1779; m. Ilrst, December, 18li3, Emily Ives, youngest daughter and co-heir of William Drake, Esq. of Amersham, Bucks, and had by her (who d. 7th August, 1806) a son. 206 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Frcderiuk William, of Boyland Hall, Norfolk, J. P. and D.L., *. in 1806; m. 7th March, 184fi, Isa- bella Hari'iet, only child of Robert Nieliolfloii Bruce, Esq. of Chester- sqiuu'e, London ; and d. 1st June, 1S77. He m. secondly, in 1816, Frances, second daughter of Ichabod Wright, Esq. of Mapperley Hall, co. Notting- ham, and by that lady (who d. Kith January, 1852) had several children, viz., 1. Charles Paul, R.N., b. 1818; accidentally shot, 1836. 2. Montagu Henry John, b. in 1828. 3. Leonard Howard Loyd, lieut.- colonel late 7-lth Regiment, b. 1836; ra. first, 31st August, 1864, Gteraldine Alicia Mary, daughter of Rev. J. Magenis, rector of Great Horkesley, and had by her (who d. 18th April, 1882) issue, Frederick Arthur, lieutenant Ride Brigade, b. 23rd June, 1865; and Leonard Paul, b. 9th January, 1871. Colonel L. Howard Irby 111. secondly, 22nd January, 1884, Mary, eldest daughter of the late Col. John James Brandling, C.B., R.H.A., of Low Ciosforth, co. Northumberland, and has a daughter, Frances Margaret, b. 1st December, 1884. 1. Frances Harriet, in. 19tli June, J845, Lewis Loyd, Esq. of Monk's Orcliard, Beckenliam, co. Kent, 20, Hyde Park-gardens, London, &ndof the Oxford and Cambridge, Carlton, St. Stephen's, and Athenaeum Clubs, London, one of H.M.'s lieutenants for the City of London, J. P. co. Surrey, and sheriff thereof 1803, formerly a banker in London; ehlest son of E. Loyd, Esq. of Coombe House, Croydon, co. Surrey, banker, who d. in 1863. 2. Margaret Amelia, m. February, 1843, to Henry Kett Tompson, E.'sq. of Witchingham Hall, Nor- folk. 3. Adelaide Paulina. Rear-Admiral Irby d. 24th April, 1844. in. William Augustus, in holy orders, b. 28th November, 1780; d. 10th March, 1807. IV. Paul Anthony (Rev.), of whom presently. V. Edward Methuen, b. 21st March, 1788, an officer in the 3rd Regiment of Foot, killed at T alavera, 27tli July, 1809. TI. Charles Leonard, captain R.N., b. 9th October, 1789 ; entered the Navy, 23rd May, 1801 ; appointed lieutenant, I3tli October, 1808, and captain, 1827 ; was the author, in conjunction with Mr. James Mangles, of a work entitled Traneh in. Effi/pt, Niibin, Sfiria, and Asia Minor in 1817-18, published in 1823. He m. 8th Feb- ruary, 1825, Frances, second daughter of John Mangles, Esq. of Hurley, co. Berks, and d. 3rd December, 1845, having had (with a daugliter, Frances Elizabeth, m. 22nd November, 1855, to the Rev. Robert Jolin Howard Rice, M.A , vicar of Sutton Courtney, Berks) a son, John James Charles, major in the Army ; adjutant of Chel- sea Hospital, b. ieth August, 1830; was present at the battles of the Alma, Inkerniann, and Balaklava, and siege of Sebastopol, and on one occasion during the Eastern Campaign of 1854-55 was severely wounded (left leg amputated). He m. 15th April, 1856, Henrietta Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. Thomas Wal- pole (see Eakl of Oefohd in Burke's Peerage), and has issue, 1. Charles Leonard, i. 4th April, 1857; 2. Ernest John Frederick, b. 30th March, 1864 ; 3. Ralph Alexander, b. 11th April, 1866 ; 4. Alfred Spencer Christian, b. 24th August, 1868; 5. Augustus Horatio, b. llth September, 1873; 1. Frances Rachel Gertrude; 2. Theresa Margaret, d. 5th January, 1869 ; 3. Henrietta Dorothea ; 4. Amicie Maud. ^'11. Adolphus Frederick, in holy orders, b. 1797 ; d. 29th April, 1863. I. Cliarlotte, d. nnm. in 1848. II. Albinia, d. 21st August, 1839. III. Christian Elizabeth,!/. 5th Februarv, 1875. IV. Augusta Matilda, m. 20th Januarv, 1853, to the Rev. WUliam Holds- worth, M.A., incumbent of Netting Hill, and d., his widow, 4th April, 1877. V. .Vnne Maria Louisa, m. in 1817, to Henry John, Lord Selsey, who d. 10th March, 1839. Sh'c d. 19th December, 1870. His lordship d. 23rd March, 1825, and was ,?. by his son, George. His 4th son. Rev. Paul Anthony Irby, rector of Cottesbrook, co. Northampton, b. in 1784 ; m. first, in 1814, Patience Anne, eldest rlaugliter of Sir W. De Crespigny, Bart., and by bcr (who d. in 1831) had issue, I. Claude Frederick, major late Madras Army, b. in 1815. II. Thomas William (Rev.), B.A. Cam- bridge, rector of Rushmere, Wang- ford, CO. Sufiblk, b. in 1817. III. Augustus Henry, lieut. -colonel, b. in 1818 ; d. in India, 18hl. IV. Edward, now of Tenterfield. V. Leonard, b. 1822 ; d. 1856. VI. Algernon, b. 1825; d. nnm. 23rd November, 1876. I. Frances Anne, m. 14th May, 1850, to John Cotton Powell, Esq. of Selsfield, CO. Sussex. BURKE'S COLOMAL GKXTRY. 207 II. Cixrolino, »«. first, 27tl\ Foliniiiry, 18-tO, to the Ri'V. Septimus Stoekclale, rector of Wilby, eo. Northairipton, wliorf. lull May, following 1 secondly, ISoll, Rev. Robert (iililiiiigs, vicar of Ka.Uey, Berks, who d. l,S(i5. Til. Kiiiina, '.i, first established himself as an importer and afterwards as a brewer, finally retirins^ from business, 1887. In 1875 he built the Kent Town Brewery, in Rundle-road. In 1872 he entered Parliament, and acci'ptt'd the office of ifinistor of Education, 188'!.; ■was mayor of Kensington and Norwood, ISGS, 18G!t, 1870, 1872, and 187.'3 ; and of Adelaide, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1887, and 1888; commissioner at Inter- national Exhibitions at Philadel])hia, 187(5, Paris, 1878, Sydney, 1880, and at Alelbourne, 1881 ; commissioner at Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London, 1886, and at the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition, 1888 ; vice-president and promoter of the Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition, 1887; president of the South Australian Zoological and Acclimatization Society, trustee of the Savings Bank, and a member of the Board of Management of the Adelaide Hospital, and other institutions. He was created K.C.M.G., 1888. Arms — Per pale gu. and az. on a chev. nebuly-counter-nebuly or, between two bezants in chief, and a cross crosslet fitchee in base of the third, a pellet between two cross crosslets fitchee of the second. Crest — A goafs head coaped arg. gorged with a collar gemel az. and between two bezants. Motto — Dum spiro spero. Besulence — The Acacias, Marryatville, Adelaide, South Australia. Clubs — Adelaide and Austral. Cj^rluljitt of #antpi\ TYRWHITT, RICHARD, Esq. of Nantyr, West GwlUimbury, Canada, lieutenant-colonel 36th battalion active Militia (Peel i-egiment), first returned to Parliament for South Riding, co. Simcoe, Ontario, 16th February, 1882. He served as lieutenant in a provisional battalion on Niagai-a frontier in 1866, and in the North West Rebellion Campaign, 18S-5, commanded the Wimbledon Team in 1866, h. at Tecumseth, Simcoe, Ontario, 20th November, 18-12; m. at Trinity College Chapel, Toronto, 26th April, 1870, Emma, daughter of the Ven. Archdeacon George Whitaker, M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, Provost of Trinity College, Toronto (who d. at the Rectory, Newton Toncy, Wiltshire, England, August, 1882), and has issue, I. Richard Edmund, h. October, 1872. II. George Herbert, /;. Septemljer, 1874. I. Alice Mary. h. 2Vi\\ March, 1871. Ti. Emma Mildred, //. October, 1875. III. Elizabeth, h. February, 1881. IV. Charlotte Louisa, b. April, 1888. V. Arundel, b. June, 1886. Htncnw. This family, styled by Cnnulpii in his Britannica "the honourable and ancient house of Tyrwhitts, knts.," has been seated for several centuries in the north of England. It has had an able historian in one of its members, Mr. Robert Philip Tyrwhitt. The first person of the name of whom we have any certain account, is a Sir JIkuculus, who is said (on the authority of the Vincent and Harleian MSS.) to have been knighted and settled in Northumberland, 2ud William I. Thi.s knight, or his son, bearing tlie samo p 2 •212 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY name, married a daugliter of Sir Tliomas Scargill, Knt., and was living A.D. 1109, 10th Henhy I. Sir Hercules is stated to liave thus acquired the surname of Tyrwliitt : — Severely wounded in defending a bridge, single handed, against uuraerous assailants, at tlie moment he had succeeded in ioreiug tliem to retire, he fell exhausted amongst llie flags and rushes of an adjoining svi-auip. v\hile tlie attention of his party, who, in the interim had rallied, was fortunately directed to the spot where he lay by a flock of lapwings (or as called in some counties tyrwhits) screaming and hovering above, as is customary witli those birds when disturbed in the vicinity of their nests. Camden, however, in his Remains, derives the name from the place so called. The son of Sir Hercides, SiB Robert Ttbwhitt, was Lord of Tyrwliitt and Assancke, in Northumberland. He wedded a daughter of Sir John Wither- ington, and from this marriage descended, through a line of progenitors who allied with the Umfravilles, Lowthers, Harbottles, Ogles, \'auxes, of Gillesland, Nevilles, &c., Egbert Tyrwhitt, grandson of Sir Oliver, who was grandson of Sib Hercules. This gentleman, who is described (Harl. MSS. 810) as " Robertus Xyrwhit arm. de Ketilby, com. Line, ac Tyrnhitt com. North- umbria," is mentioned in several of the MSS. sometimes as of Tyrwhitt and at others as of Ketilby. He m. Anne, daugliter of William Wycliffe, Esq. of Wycliffe (a sister or cousin of the celebrated John Wycliffe, who was succeeded in the mastership of Balliol Col- lege, Oxford, by Thomas Tyrwhitt, a cadet of the family), and had two sons, I. Thomas, of Tyrwhitt, who m. a daughter of Alan de Boisterick, and was ancestor of the Tyrwhitts, of Northumberland. II. William (Sie). The second son, SiK William Ttbwhitt, of Ketilby, in the county of Lincoln, is described in the Harleian MSS., No. 1550, as " Primarius Justicianus Anglise," but of Sir William's being invested with the chief-justiceship we have no otlier authority. He m. the daughter and heiress of John Grrovale, Esq. of Harps- well, in Lincolnshire, and liad (with a daughter, Cecilia, who wedded Sir William Newport, Knt., and became, after her husband's death. Abbess of Ipswich) a son and successor. Sib Robert Ttbwhitt, Knt., of Ketilby, who was one of the judges of the court of king's bench, in the reigns of Henbt IV, V, and VI ; his patents, four m number, are dated 8th Henrt IV, 1st Henbt V, 1st Henry VI, and may be fouad in Calen- darium Pateiitium, Turri Londinensi. He is named among the " TiRECKS des Peticions " to Parliament either for England or Uascony and Aquitaine, for every parlia- ment between 9ih Henbt IV and 7th Henrt VI. That the boldness of the feudal chief, however, strongly predominated in the cliaraeter of this learned functionary over the meekness of the christian judge, appears too evident by the following curious extract from Cotton's records : — " 13 Henbt IV, William Lord Rosse, of Famlake, complayneth against Robert Tirwhitt, one of the justices of the king's bench, for withholding from him the manor of Molton Rosse, in Lincoln- shire, and laying wait for the said Lord Rosse with the number of 500 men. Sir Robert Tirwhitt before the kynge confesseth his fault and craveth pardon, and offeringe to stand to by order of two lords of the kindred of the sayd Lord Rosse as they should choose, wherennto the kynge agreed, and the sayd Lord Rosse chose the archbishop of Canterbm-y and the Lord Grey, chamberlaine to the kynge, who made alonge award, leav- ing the right of common of pasture in Wragby, in com. Line, to the determination of Sir William G-ascoigne, chief justice, and it was enjoigned to the said Sir Robert Tirwhitt tliat at a day certaine he shod repair at Molton Rosse 2 tunnesof Gascoigne wyne, 2 fatt oxen, and 12 fatt sheepes, and offer reparation. And that he should bring together all knights, esquires, and yeomen, that were of his own, and that they sliod all confess their fault and cra^e pardon, and further offer to the sayd Lord Rosse 5Ul> markes in money, and that the sayde Lorde Rosse should refuse the money, graunt him pardon, and take his dinner only." The whole of the proceedings in this matter, from their commencement by the petition of William Lord Roos to the award of the arbitrators above mentioned, are recorded at great length in the rolls of Parliament, 13 Henrt IV. The details are very curious, and throw much light on the manners of that day. The award is an object of particular interest to the philological antiquary, as being almost the earliest specimen, on record, of English as a written language. This feud between the families of Rosse (or Roos) and Tyrwhitt continued up to the time of James I who, on tlie occasion of several lives being lost on both sides in a casual rencontre during a hunting party, caused a gallows to be erected at Molton Rosse, near Belvoir, declaring that he would hang the first like offender on it. This gallows is said to be renewed from time to time, up to the present day, whenever it ialls into decay. (Gough's Camdert, vol. ii, p. 38S ; Mistorji of LinvoJnshire, I^'IG ; and (rent's Magazine, part I, a.d. 1799.) Sir Robert had issue, I. William (Sir), his heir. II. John, of Harpsvvell, who m. the daughter and heiress of Sir . . . RoUes- ton, Knt., and had four daughters, of whom Elizabeth espoused John Which- cote, of Whichcote, in Shropshire. I. Katlierine, m. to Sir John Griflith, Knt. II. Maud, m. to Sir William de Mont- resor. nrUKK'S ('(n.ONIAL GKXTRV. 213 Tlie elder son, Sm \Vii.i,iA.« Ttrwhitt, Knt., of Ketilby, shared in the glories of Ai;iiu'0\irt (Nicholas's Affincourf), mid received by roval grant. 8t]i Henrt V, the bailiwick of tiiree towns in France ; in this grant he is styled, " toutissimo dilecto militi meo Willo Tvrwiiit." Sir William, who was likew-ise apjiointed in the 1st JIenby VI, seneschal of certain castles and parks in the counly of Tjineoln, founded the hosjiitals of Wranby and Cilanford Hrigg, in that shire, and the cliuiintry and chapelry of llighani, in Essex ; was slierilf iVir York- shire, l-lth JIenuy VI, and one of the knights of the body to that monarch. He was s. at his demise, 2Pth Henky VI, by his son, Adam Tykwhitt, Esq. of Ketilby, some- times styled Sir Adam, Knt. This gentleman wedded. 1st. a davigliter of John, second Ijord Lundey.and 2ndly,a dangliterof .Sir William Newport. Knt.. by Cecilia, dauglitcr of Sir William Tyrwhitt. His son and successor, Sir Robert Tyrwhitt, Knt., of Ketilby, received a general pardon, 3-lth Henry VI, for all offences lie might have committed, and died 36th Henry VI, possessed of three manors in the county of York, and fifteen in the county of Lincoln, besides divers manors. &c , in Nottingliamshire, Essex. Sussex, and Loudon. Sir Robert m. Jane, daughter of Sir Richard Waterton, Knt., and was s. by his son. Sir William Tyrwhitt, of Ketilby, who acquired by grant, from Richard III, the bailiwick and lordship of Scotter, and though "virmiger de persona" to that monarch, he received a general pardon frtnn He\ry VII. and was subsequently, for his distinguished valour at the battles of Stoke and Blacklieath, made successively a knight and a banneret. He espoused Anna, daughter of Sir Robert Constable, Knt. of Flamborough. and had issue, I. Robert (Sir), his heir. II. Philip (Sir), knt. banneret, living 23rd Henry VIU. III. Edward, 1 IV. Thomas, I , n / „ ,T 1 > who all (I. s.p. V. Humplirey, j VI. John, J I. Agnes, III. to Thomas, Lord liurgli, K.G. II. Elizabeth, m. to Sir William Skip- witli, Knt. Sir William, who was thrice slierilT for l^incolnshirc, was .v. at his tlcceasc, in 1522, by his eldest son. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt, Knt. of Ketilby, grantee of Cameringliam and StainKcld, at which latter place he built the mansion bear- ing tiiat name, long the residence of the Stainfield branch of the Tyrwhitts, its first baronets. Tliis gentleman, vice-admiral of England, and a banneret, was seneschal of the priory of Newstead, as also of Elsliam, and bailiff of Barton-on-Iluiiihcr, 2t!th Henhy VIII.* He m. Maud, daughter of .-^ir Robert Tallboys, of Goulton, and had issue, * About this period the Beverley branch of I. Wii.i.iAM (Sir), his heir. II. Robert (Sir), of Lcighton Broms- would.in Herts, one of the ecclesiastical commissioners for Lincolnshire, 26tli Henry VIII, who received large grants in the counties of York, Lincoln, Herts, Essex, and Sussex. Sir Robert was sometime master of the iiorse to (v'ueenMAHY. He wedded Klizabcth,t daugliter of Sir Kdward Oxcnbridge, second son of Sir (lodtlard Oxeiibriilge, sometime governess to the Princess Elizabeth, by whom ho had an only daughter and heiress, who m. Sir Henry D'Arcy, Knt.. and predeceased her father, s.p., in 1507. III. Philip, of Barton-on-Humber, who m. the daughter and co-heir of I'^dward Burnaby, Esq. of Barton, and from this alliance sprang the Tyrwhitts of Stainfield, baronets (so created 20th June, KJll), which family is now ex- tinct, but the estates have passed by ■will to the Drakes, of Shardelocs, and are now enjoyed by the present Thomas Tyrwhitt-iJrake, Esq. of Shardeloes. Sir Robert's eldest son and heir. Sir William Tyrwhitt, Knt., seneschal of the priory of Gaykewell, served the ollice of sheriff for Lincolnshire, 28tli Henry VI II, and, with his brother Robert, was one of the ecclesiastical commissioners for that county, in tlie 2ntli of the same reign. Sir William, who obtained large grants Irom the crown at the dissolution of the monasteries, married a. daughter of Sir Robert Girlington, of Nor- manby, and, predeceasing his father in 15-11, left issue, I. Robert (Sir), of Ketilby, who raised and led 250 of his tenantry with the the Tyrwhitts, descended from Adam Tyr- whitt, second son of Brian Tyrwhitt, of Tyr- whitt, and in the fourth degree from Sir Hercules, became extinct, the great part of their possessions in the counties of York antl Lincoln devolving on the Tyrwhitts of Ketilby. A William Tyrwhitt, of this branch, after- wards Sir William, who married a daughter of John, Lord Luinley, was at Agincourt, with three archers ; he was son of Robert Tyrwhitt, of Beverley, who died Gtb January, 1-127, two years betore his contempor:iry. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt, of Ketilby. It ii])pears, too, that soon after the first Sir William Tyrwhite, described as " Priniarius Justicianus Angliie," settled at Ketilby. that the lordship of Tyr- whitt, in Northumberland, was usurped by a prior of the Order of Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; it. shortly after came into the possession of the Ogles, who were connected with the Tyrwhitts. + This lady was the authoress of a small Tohiine of Jlloniint/ and KeenitUf Prnit-rx^ ivt'f/i (lirer.\' Psalmes, Himite,^, and Medita- tions, Lond. 1574. This little hook was so highly valued by Queen Elizabeth, that she had a copy of it hound in solid gold. — Watt's Bior/ynp/tirat JJirfionan/. 214 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. army sent against tlie rebel earls, 13tli EliizABKTH. He m. Elizabeth, daugh- ter and heiress of Sir Thomas Oxen- bridge, son and heir of Sir Goddard Oxenbridge, by Elizabeth, his wife, the sole daughter and heiress of Sir Thomas Echinghani, of Echingliam, and was s at his decease, in 1581, by his eldest son, William Tyrwhitt, Esq. of Ketilby, who wedded a daughter of Peter Ereschville, Esq. of Stayrely, in Derbyshire, and wa.s 5. by his son, Eobert Tyrwhitt, Esq. of Ketilby, wlio m. Bridget, daughter of John Manners, tourtli Earl of Rutland, and left a son and successor, William Tyrwliitt, Esq. of Ketilby, who m. Catherine, daughter of Anthony Brown, Viscount Monta- gue, and was «., at his decease, by his eldest surviving son, Francis Tyrwhitt, Esq. of Ketilby, who (1. in 1673, leaving an only daughter and heires.s, Catherine, wlio espoused Sir Henry Hunloke, Bart., of Wingerwortli, and the great great grandson of this mar- riage was Sir Henry Hunlote, Bart., of Wingerworth, who thus rejirescnted the eldest or Ketilby branch of the Tyrwhitts. II. William, d. x.p. III. Tristram, of (iranby, in Lincolnshire, who was "camp maister" to the army marching nortliwards to quell tlie rebel earls of North imiberland and West- morland. He in. a daughter of Sir William Sliipwitli. Knt., by Alice, his wife, daughter of Sir Lionel Dymock, Knt., but d. s.p. Sir Tristram was author of A Treatise on the Duty of a Commander-in- Chief. IT. Makmaduke, of whom pi-esently. I. Elizabeth, m. Humphrey Littlebury, of Stainsby. II. Eaith, m. 1st, Ambrose Sutton, Esq. of Barton, and 2ndly, Lawrence Meers, Esq. III. Troth, m. Godfrey Foljambe, Esq. The fourth son of Sir William Tyrwhitt, Marmaduke Tyrwhite, Esq. of Scotter, espoused Ellen, third daughter of Lionel Reresby, Esq. of Thribourg, in the county of York, by whom he left at his demise, in 1599, a son and heir, Robert Twyrwhitt, Esq. of Seotter, and afterwards of Cameringham, co. Lincoln, who was sheriff for Lincolnshire, 9th James I. He m. Anne, daughter of Edward Basset,* * " The Bassets," to follow the words of a quaint inscription in Cameringham, " were also in their generations of great authority, liaving been barons and allied to the crown, and companions of the Order of the Garter." Esq. of Fledborough, in Nottinghamshire, and had (with other children, who died young). I. Marmaduke, his heir. II. Robert, was for tliirty-two years in the service of Charles I. He was eldest esquire of the horse, master of the buckhounds, and, with Sir C. Clerk, ranger of the New Forest. He followed the fortunes of that ill-fated monarch to the last, and when the momentary ascendency of the Regicides had sullied their country with tlie blood of his master, he did not long survive. The broken cavalier lingered, unmolested by Cromweli, at Hampton Court, but for two j'ears. He d. Januaiy, 1051, and was buried iu Hampton Cliurch, where a monument is erected to his memory. III. WilUam, d. v.p. IT. Edmund, gentleman pensioner in ordinary to Charles I. T. Fi-ancis, was, in his youth, cup-bearer to the Queen of Bohemia, sister to Charles J, and accompunying her to her husband's court, was present at most of the great battles of that period on the continent. In 1631, having the king's commission for that purpose, he raised 1,500 men for tlie service of Gustavus Adolphus, and in 1632, when, upon the retirement of the Marquis of Hamilton from the command of Gus- tavus's English and Scottish forces, his successor, the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, had reformed the 6,000 Britisli into two regiments, Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Tyrwhitt was, by Gustavus's desire, appointed to the command of the first. In November of tlie same year, a few days before tlie battle of Lutzen, he was taken prisoner by the ImperiaUsts, whilst on a reconnoitring party with Gustavus, and was thus debarred from sharing the honours of that fatal day. He escaped after the action. In 1642, he joined King Charles, at York, with 155 men, and in the same year was appointed to a principal command in the wars iu Ire- land, where lie rf., 1643, and was buried in Christ Church, Cork. TI. Thomas, "divine and chaplain" to King Charles I. I. Elizabeth, m. Sir Ferdinando Lee. The eldest son and successor, Marmabuke Tyrwhitt, Esq. of Camer- ingham, b. 1588, m. Mary Haggerston, and, dying in 1631, was s. by his eldest son, Cecil Tyrwhitt, Esq. of Cameringham, who m. Anne Townshend, and was s. at his demise, in 1694, by his son, Robert Tyrwhitt, Esq. of Cameringham. Tliis gentleman m. Ellen, daughter of Thomas Lyster, Esq. of Coleby, and had issue, I. Thomas, who s. his father at Camer- ingham. This gentleman, who em- braced the Catholic I'eligion, d. vnm. liURKK'S t'OhoN'lAJ. (IKXTKY li- nt Paris, ill 17o">, Imviiig alii'iiutod his ]iatornal ostatos. 11. EoiiKUT, of wlioin present ly. iir. Marniaduke, d. in IIJ'JO. I. Fraiiees. II. Elizalietli. III. Man. IV. Auiie. The second son, The Rev. Robeht TvEwniTT, D.D., canon of Windsor, reetor of (St. James's, West- minster, and of Kensington, eo. Middlesex, eanon residentiary of St. Paul's, and areli- deaeori of London, m. Klizabeth, daughter of the Right Rev. Edmund Gibson, D.D., Lord Bishop of Loudon, by Margaret, his wife, daughter and co-heir of the Kev. John Jones, D.I)., rector of Selatyn, co. Salop ; il. 17-i2, and was buried in the Chapel Royal, Windsor, having had (with two daughters, who li. young) five sons, viz., I. Thomas, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., in- herited the wreck of his uncle Thomas's fortune. He was a distinguished member of the literary, as well as poUte, world. The most eminent scholars of this country and of the continent united in bearing a willing testimony to the vast extent of his literary attainments. His best works are his Safes on Shakespeare, his Chancer, and his ArMofle's Puefirs. These last were published after his death (from the manuscript found among his ]iapers) by the University of Oxford. The first edition, consist- ing of a limited number in folio, was, with a few exceptions, presented to crowned heads. He was deputy secre- tary of war, and clerk of the House of Commons, d. umn. August, 1786, and was buried in the Chapel Royal, Wind- SOl". II. Edmund, in holy orders, rector of Bisliop's Wickham, vicar of Bromfield, in Essex, and prebendary of Chiswick, in St. Paul's ; m. Margaret, daughter of Thomas Gilbert, Esq. (brother of the Most Rev. John Gilbert, Arehbisliop of York), and d. Htli January, 1785, leaving issue, 1. Thomas (Sir), Knt., sometime Lord Warden of tlie Stannaries, and vice-admiral of the counties of Devon and Cornwall, and private secretary to King George IV when Prince of Wales. He represented Plymouth in several successive Parliaments, and was constituted in ISlii fi^cn- tleman usJier of the black rod, an appointment he retaiiietl until the suninicr of 1832. Sir Thomas, who had several foreign orders of knighthood, d. iiiim. 24tli Feb- ruary, 1833. 2. Edmund, formerly in the Life Guards, d. t/inn. 182t). m. Robert, in holy orders, M.A., a con- siderable benefactor to Jesus College, Cambridge, of which he was sometime fellow. He founded four Hebrew scholarships there, and d. num. 25th March, 1817, aged 82. IV. William, a military officer, was killed at the siege of Louisburgh, iinm. V. John, of whom presently. The fifth and youngest son, John Ttkwiiitt, Esq., captain R.N.. some- time of Wallingford, and aflernards of Netherclay House, co. Somerset, »i. 23rd October, 17()4, Katherine, only child aiul heiress (by Katherine, his wife, daughter of Edward Jones,* D.D., canon of Windsor, fourth son of Chief Justice Sir Thomas Jones) of Very Rev. Peuyston Booth, D.D., Dean of Windsor and Wolverhamjiton, grandson of Francis Clinton, sixth Earl of Lincoln, andrf. in June, 1812, having had issue, I. Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esip, afterwards Sir Thomas Jones, Bart., h. 1765, sometime M.P. for Denbigh and Shrewsbury, inherited, in 1700, the estates of his maternal cousin. Sir Thomas Jones, Knt., of Stanley Hall, heir of Sir Thomas Jones, chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas, temp. James II, and assumed by sign- manual the surname and arms of Jones only, under his relation's will. He was created a baronet 3rd October, 1808; m. in 1791, Harriet Rebecca, daughter of Edward Williams, F;sq. of Eaton, co. Salop, who d. in 182-1. Sir Thomas d. 21tli November, 1811, leaving issue, 1. Thomas John (Sir), h. 12th July, 1793 ; sheriff of Shropshire, 1816 ; sometime M.P. for Bridgnorth ; m. in April, 1821, Eliza Wahvyu, youngest daughter of John Mac- namara, Esq. of St. Kitts, ami d. 5th October, 1839, leaving by her (who d. 2Jth June, 1865), I. Henry Thomas (Sir), of Stanley Hall, co. Salop, b. 16th April, 1824-, late lieu- tenant in the Ritie Brigatle; «. his father 5th Octol'er, 1839; m. 3rd November, 18,')3, I<]mma Harriet, Baroness Berners in her own right, only daughter of Hon. and Rev. Robert Wilson, and niece and heiress of Henry William, Lord Berners (see Burke's Peerage), and has issue, t 1. Harry Tyrwhitt Wilson, equerry to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, late lieutenant Grenadier Guards, now lieutenant * The wife of Edward Jones, D.D., was Mary Huxley, lieiress of Stanley, en. Salop. t The \m\\e of Baroness Berners arc cu- entitled to bo styled " Honourable." 216 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Prince of Wales's Own Norfolk Militia Artil- lery, liigh sUerifl: co. Leicester, 1884 (assumed by royal licence, 23rd February, 1876, the sur- name and arms of Wil- son only), b. 7th August, 1854. 2. Kaymond Robert, B.A. Cambridge, b. 22nd July, 1855. 3. Hugh, lieutenant R.N., b. 14th July, 1856; m 10th August, 1882, Julia Mary, daughter of Wil- liam Orme Foster, Esq. of Apley Park, co. Salop, and has, Gerald Hugh, b. 18th September, 1883. 4. Clement, h. 21st Octo- ber, 1857. 5. Rupert, lieutenant R. A., b. 25th May, 1859. 6. Philip Bourchier, late lieutenant R.N., b. 28th November, 1861. 7. Leonard Francis (EeT.I, B.A., b. 29th October, 1863. 8. Thomas KnvTet, b. 28th December, 1864, d. 8th October, 1886 9. John, 6. 14th September, 1876. 1. Ardyn Mary. 2. Sibyl Grace. 3. Hester Efa. II. Edmund, major-general, late Bengal Stall" Corps, formerly deputy inspector- general of police, Meerut, Bengal, b. 18£5; m. 10th February, 1851, Mary Jane, daughter of Richard Ford. Esq., and has issue, Louisa Harnett, m. 25th May, 1880, Mons. Louis Alphonse Duperrel; Lucy Marian ; Minnie, m. 12th June, 1878, Captain Francis W. Bromfleld, 2ud battalion Cheshire Regiment, instruc- tor at R.M.C.. Sandhurst. III. George Booth, b. 1830, d. on board the " Nizam " s.s., off Aden, 28th April, 1875, unm. I. Leila, m. in 1848, to Captain Hylton Jollift'e (who rf. 1854), eldest son of William, first Lord Hylton. II. Harriet Anne, m. 4th August, 1846, to John G. Sheppai'd, Esq. of High House, Campsey Ash, Suf- folk, who d. 1882. III. Charlotte Frances, »«. 6th August, 1850, to Albert Ricardo, Esq. 2. Charles TyrwLitt, *. 24th March, 1801; m. first, 28th November, 1817, Emily, daughter of Admiral Tollemache, and sister of Lord ToUemache, which lady d. 3rd December, 1821 ; secondly, Cathe- rine Alicia De Burgh, sister of Hubert De Burgh, Esq. of West Drajton, wliich lady d. May, 1837 ; and' thirdly, 19th March, 1838, Jane Maria, daughter of John Clerk, Esq. He ycatt, ]\I.A., rector of Great Hallingbury. and vicar of Bovinger. Essex (she was b. 20th March, 1777, d. ISth August, 1846, aged 70 years, and was buried 20th Aiigust following in the Protestant division of the cemetery, outside the Porte BlKKl rOT,ONM.\I. nKXTRV 217 liOuvain, Brussels) ; and d. 30th Jnnunry, 183fi, in the filth yeiir of his ngo, nivl was buricil nth Februiii'v (olh)Hiiii;, in IJantsiiint- ffraid t'Imrch, li:ivin;j hud issue, I. Robert I'hiUp, harrister-at-law, one of the metropolitan poliee magistrates, h. lotli Jul.v, 179S. in the parish of St. Panoras.Vo. lliddk-sex; called to the Bar 11th l''ebriiar_v, 1825; m. at St. James's, Westminster, eo. Middlesex, 30lh September. 182 t, Catherine Wig- lev, eldest dauf;hterof llenrv St.John, Esq. of Crouch Mill, eo. 'Middlesex, _vount;est son of the Hon. and Very Kev. St. Andrew St. John, sometime dean of Worcester (see St. John, in Burke's Peeniiie). He d. at Oxford, England, 18tli J unc. 18S(j. leaving issue, 1. Richard St. John (Rev.), M.A. of the University of Oxford, of Ketelby, The Parks, Oxford, vicar "of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1858; h. lOth March, 1827 ; m. first, at Trinity Church, Marylebone, co. Middlesex, 28th June, 1858, Eliza Ann, second daughter of John Spencer Stan- hope, Esq. of Cannon Hall. Barnsley, co. York, by Lady Elizabeth, his wife, and by her (who d. Sth September, 1859, and was buried in the Holy Cross Cemetery, Oxford) has a son, I. Walter S])eucer Stanhope, lieutenant 1st Warwick Jlilitia (resigned), b. 6th, and baptised 13th, September, 1859. He »». 2ndly, at Long Preston, eo. York, 2nd January, 18G1. Caroline, younger daughter of John Yorke, Esq. of Bewerlcy Hall, Pateley Bridge, co. York (see Burke's Lauded Geii/n/), and by her (who rf. tith December, 1883, aged 53 years) has issue, II. Cecil Robert (Rev.), M.A., b. 25th December, 18t;2. III. Hugh St. John, b. 21st May, 1865. IV. Beauchamp Edward, twin with his sister Frances Mary, b. loth August, 1867. T. Reginald Yorke, b. lOtli June, 1870. I. Alice Catherine, b. 13th Feb- ruary, 186-4. II. Frances Mary, twin vi-ith her brother Beauchamp Ed- ward, b. 15tli August, 1867. 2. Beauchamp St. John (Rev.), M.A. of Clare College, Cam- bridge, formerly vicar of Up- church, Sittingbourne, co. Kent, and now vicar of Wispington. Hornca.stle, Liucoln.shire, b. at Arundel Cottage, Crouch Hill, eo. Middlesex, 31st May, 1830; bap- tised at Uornsey Church, co, Middlesex. 3. Robert Fox, A. 20th May, 1834; d. lUh July, ISSS. II. Thomas (Rev.), M.A., vicar of Winterbouriie Whitchurch, rector of Turuworth, both eo. Dorset, and a pre- bendary of New Sarum, A. 11th .lanu- ary, 1802 ; m. 20th June, 1837, .Mar- garetta Anne, 2nd daughter of the Rev. Nathaniel Bridges, vicar of Hcnstridge. co. Somerset, and d. 11th August, 1810, at The Hague, buried in the Protestant cemetery there llth August, IStO, leaving issue (besides two other children), 1. Thomas Enright Percy, lien- tenant 30tli Regiment ; d. in the Puniaub, 20th August, 1868. 2. Philip Nathaniel, commander R.N., b. 31st July, 1813, m. 2ith April, 1870, Catherine, daughter of Frederick St. John, F^stj., anil has issue. 3. Henry Mervyn (Rev.), M.A. of the University of Oxford, for- merly vicar of Nazing, Essex, and now vicar of St. Mitdiael and AW Angels', South Broudey, London ; 4. 14tli May, IHt.-); m'. iUh April, 1872, Jacqueline F'ranccs, daugh- ter of Yen. William B. Otter, archdeacon of Lewes, and grand- son of the Right Rev. Dr. Otter, Bishop of Chichester, and lias issue. 4. Cecil Booth (Rev.), M.A., vicar of Cauldon and Waterfall, Ash- bourne, eo. Dorby. sometime chaplain .and fellow of St. Chad's College, Dcnstone, co. StatTord, b. 26th May, 1849. 1. Alicia Margarctta, m. 0th No- vember, 18"i0, Edward Francis Knottesford-Forteseue. F'sq. of Alveston Manor House, co. War- wick, in. Richard Edmund (Rev.), ir..V. of Brasenose College, Oxford ; of Breckles, Reading, Berks, took orders at Salisbury, 24th December, 1837 ; on the retired India list ; A. 25t h Feb- ruary, 1807; m. 17tll March, 1850, Elizabeth Hester, daughter of .\.ndrew Peterson, Escj. of ifesuil and Jcinclle, in Belgian Luxemburg. IV. Henry, barrister-at-law, A. 31st .Vugust. ISOH ; called to the Bar, 21st November. 1831; d. unm. at Toronto, Canada, 30th May, 1838, and waa buried 1st June following, in Si. James's churchyard, Toronto. T. Percy, A. 6111* October, 1810; d. at New Orleans. VI. Wn.I.iA.M, of whom presently. VII. Septimus, b. 21st August, 1815; went to Canada in 1833. and was captain of the Loyalist Militia in 1838. He is now residing at Greensborough, North Carolina, U.S. ; b. 2l3t August, 1815 ; m. 3lith April, 1842. Maria Louise, daughter of Captain Wildcy, 218 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. of the 3rd Ligbt Dragoons ; s.p. JJccember, 1871. To mark the origin of liis family, he gave the name of Kettleby to a place which is so marked in the maps of Canada. I. Harriet Anne, h. 15th September, 1800. II. Eliza, h. 16th January, 180-1. III. EmUy, b. 27th July, 1805; d. at Bath, CO. Somerset, England, 19tli May, 1871. IT. Louisa Stanley, h. 30th January, 1814 ; in. 11th October, 1850, Signer Enrico Cicopieri St. Clair, who d. in London, 8th October, 1867, and was buried in Woking cemetery. The 6th son, William Ttewhitt, Esq. of Nantyr, co. Denbigh, recorder of Chester, was h. at Stanley, Bridgnorth, eo. Salop, 10th July, 1812; went to Canada in 1830; m. at Lloyd Town, Toronto district, 22nd May, 1840, Elizabeth, daughter of Captain John Armstrong, and by her (who was h. at Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland, and d. at Ottawa. Ontario, 1886) had issue, I. KiCHAHD, of whom we treat. II. John, h. 22nd January. 18-4.'), was at Dunedin, New Zealand, iu 1867. III. William Henry, I. July, 18-16 ; d. September, 1847. I. Margaret Elizabeth, h. 26th March, 1841 ; m. at West Gwil- limbury, Canada, Thomas Gra- hame. Esq , M.P. in the Canadia)! Parliament till March, 1871, and has issue, 1. Percy, b. 3l8t July, 1865; 1. Susanna Maria; 2. Ellen ; and 3. Harriet Hannah, all b. at Hawthorn Bank, Tor- onto. He d. at Tecumseth, Ontario, 6th February, 1847. Arms — Gu. three tirwhits or lapwings, or. Crest — A savage ppr. wreathed and cinctvired yert, holding in both hands a club. Itlnttoex — Me stant« yirebunt ; and Tyme tryetU truth. Residence — Nantyr, West Gwillimbury, Canada. T^ICOLSON, SIR ARTHUR THOMAS BENNETT ROBERT, of that _Ll ilk, and Lasswade, and of L_yndlu;rst, Esplanade, St. Kilda, Mel- bourne, Victoria, Australia, Bart., J. P. for Victoria, h. 1842; educated at Melbourne College, s. his father as tenth baronet, 1879, was a commissioner for the Centennial International Exhibition, held in Melbourne 1888. He m. 14tli July, 1881, Annie, eldest daughter of the late John Rutherford. Esq. of Bruntsfield-place, Edinburgh, formerly of Ulillawa, Australia, aud has issue, I. Arthur John Frederick William, h. 8th June, 1882. II. Harald Stanley, h. 22nd October, 1883. III. Lionel Rutherford, h. 1887. Hincncic I. John Nicolson, of Nicolson and Lass- wade, Midlothian, was created a baronet of Nova Scotia, 2nd July, 1629, with remainder to his heirs male in general, and was s. by his grandson. II. SiK John, who was s, by his eldest son, III. SiB John, at whose decease s.p. the title devolved upon his brother, IT. SiK William, who was s. by his eldest son, T. SlE Thomas, who was s. by his brother, Ti. SiB James. This gentleman dying s.p. the title devolved on Til. Arthur Nicolson, of Lochend, Shetland (direct descendant of Bishop Nicol- son, of Dunkeld, son of the first baronet), who 711. Mary, daughter of Alexander Innes, commissary-clerk of Aberdeen, aud left a son. Till. Sir Arthur Nicolson, who was served heir male in 1826. He m. in 1821, Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of William Jack, D.D., principal of the University and King's College, Aberdeen, but dying s.p. in 1863, was s. by his cousin, IX. Sir Arthur Bolt Nicolson (who was served heir male in 1866), son of Captain James Nicolson, R.N., by Catherine Ann, sister of Major -Uexander Maxwell Bennett; b. in Lerwick, Shetland, 1811 ; m. 1829. Margaret, daughter of Eev. George Bisset, of Uduy, Aberdeenshire, by whom (who d. 1869) he had issue, I. Arthur Thomas Bennett Egbert, present baronet. I. Mary Isabella. II. Anne Jane Oceana. III. Katherine McAi'thur. Bl'RKirs COLONIAL (; K.N'l'UV. lilt) Sir Arthur, eaptnin in tln' Hh (or King's Own), siiiloil for South Austnilia, where lie iirrivcd in 1S3S, went to Vietoriii ISoii, iind WHS appointed commissioner of goldlields. He d. June, 1879. Creadon— 2nd .Tulv, U;29. Arms — Or three faleons' heads erased gu. Crest — A (U'nii lion or armed and langueil gu. Supporters — Two eagles or armed gu. Motto — (ionorositate. Seats — Qrimister House, Lerwiek, and Brough Lodge, Ketlae, Shetland, Seotland. liesirieiice — Lvndhurst, Esplanade, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. CampijcU of l\iH)i7)tic» CAMPBELL, JOHN LOGAN, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S. Edinburgh, of Kil- bryde, Auckland, New Zealand, superintendent of Auckland, New Zealand, and cabinet niini.ster without portfolio, 185ti, h. at Ediiibtir^-li, ;>nl November, 1817; m at Weerut, N.W.P., India, 18oS, Emma, daughter of Sir John Craci'oft Wilson, C.B., K.C.S.L, Indian Civil Service, and has had issue, I. John Logan, h. at Florence, Italy, "iGth May, 1864 ; d. in infancy. I. Ida, b. at Naples, 22nd December, 1859 ; d. in London, 1880. u. Winifred, 6. at Florence, 26th May, 1864; in. 10th December, 1889, Herbert Cyril Orde Murray, lieutenant 1st Glnucestcrshire Regi- ment, only son of Colonel A. Staveley Murray, chief paymaster in Ireland. Uincngc. Tliis family is lineally descended from that of Campbell, of AberuehiU, Bahonkts of Nov.\ Scotia. The immediate ancestor of the family is Sir John Campbell, of Lawers, CO. Perth (great grandson of John Campbell, of Lawers, youngest son of SiK Colin Camp- bell, first of Grlenorchy, 3rd son of DuNCAN, 1st LoED Campbell, the ancestor of the families of Argyle and Breadalbane, see those titles in Burke's Feeraf/e), who m. his cousin Beatrix, daughter of Sir Colin Camp- bell, of Cllenorchy, and had three sons, I. Sir James Campbell, of Lawers, m. Jean, daughter of James, 1st Lord CoLviLLE OF CuLHOss (see Burke's Peerage). Their son, John, m. 1629, Margaret, Baroness Loudoun, and was elevated to the peerage, 12th May, 1633, by the titles of Bahon Karrin- TEAXE AND Mauchline, and Earl of Loudoun, to him and his male heirs forever; but his lordship joining the opposition to the Court, the patent was, by a special order, stopped at the Chancery, and the title su]ierseded until 1641, when it was allowed witli the original precedency. In this year he was appointed high chancellor of Seotland, and first commissioner of the Treasury; and after the decapitation of the king, when tlve I'arliauient re- assembled in 1018, Lord Ijoudoun was chosen presitlent of the Session, which ordered the Proclamation of Charles II. L^pon his majesty's subsetpicnt defeat at Worcester, the earl was not only deprived of his office, but forced to conceal himself in the Highlands, while an act of attainder and forfeiture passed against him. His lordship and his son, Lord Mauchline, haft the honour, afterwards, of being specially excepted from the indemnity granted by the usurper to the people of Scot- land. He d. 15th March, 1662, and was s. by his only son James, 2nd Earl of Loudoun (see that title in Burke's Peerage), who is represented as heir general by the ivirl of Lovuloun :ind as heir male by Sir James Campbell, of Aberuchill, Bait. II. Colin Campbell, of Aberuchill. III. A rchibald Campbell, prior of St ratli- 611an. In 1594 Sir John acquired Aberuchill, and other lands, from the family of Moray, of Abercairuy, and the following year resigned them in favour of iiis second son, Colin Campbell, of Aberuchill, who had a crown charter of continuation in that estate, 12th July, 1596, and acquired Craigincli, Leonards, and otiier lands. In 1612, Archi- bald, Earl of .-Vrgyll, justice general of Scot- land, granted a commission to " my lovit Colin Campbell, of Aberuchill," to apprehend or pursue to the dcatli all persons of "that most unhajipie and barbarous raice of tho name of ^f'tiregor," his majesty's rebels. An Act of Parliament, 1617, against the clan Gregor, mentions depredations connnitteil by them on the estate of Aheruciiill. Colin Campbell had issue by his wife, Jean, daughter of Harie Druminond, of Riccarton, I. James (Sir). 220 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. II. Joliu, of Foordie, a member of the Committee of War, 1647, d. in or before 16S3, leaving is.sue, Mary, m. Henrv Stewart, advocate, 4tb son of Sir William Stewart, of GrandtuUv ; from this marriage descends Sir Archibald Douglas Stewai-t, Bart., of Grandtnlly, co. Perth (see Burke's Peerage and Baronetaffe). He was s. in 1618 by his eldest son. Sir James Campbell, of Aberuchill, a firm adherent of the royal cause, who was created a baronet of Nova Scotia by Eoyal Patent dated 13th December, 1627 (see Douglas's Baronai/e of Scotland). He m. Ann, daughter of Patrick Henburn, of Woolling, and Janet Napier, his wife, and dying in November, 1640, was s. by his son. Sib Colin Campbell, 2nd baronet of Aberuchill, then a minor, who became a lawyer and politician of note, and held the various high appointments of sheriff depute of Argyllshire IHGS ; senator of the College of Justice under tlu- title of Lord AberuchUl 1689 ; lord of justiciary and privy councillor 1690 ; and was also of the Privy Council to Queen Anne 17t'3. He represented the co. of Perth in Parliament from 16H0 to 1702. In 16IJ9 Sir Colin Campbell acquired the barony of Kilbryde, with itsnne old castle near Dun- blane, Perthshire, tlie seat of the Earls of Menteith, still the property of his represen- tative. A crown charter a few months later erected all his lands into one free barony, hold- ing directof the king, to be called Aberuchill, and made Inneruchill into a burgh of barony. Lord Aberuchill suliered losses amounting to 17,201/. at the hands of the Scots from the Highland Army, under Lord Dundee, and had an Act of Parliament granting him com- pensation, which he appears never to have received. He m. 1st, Margaret, daughter of Alexander Foulis, Ksq. of Katho, and had one son, Archibald, who rf. num. v.p. He m. 2ndly, Catherine, daughter of Sir John Mackenzie, of Tarbat, Bart., and sister of G-eorge, 1st Earl of Cromarty (see Burke's Peerage), by whom he had, II. James (Sik), his successor. III. Colin, commissioner of customs, father of Colin Campbell and Jean, wife of Alexander, Lord Lindores. I. Anna, m. Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, of Cromarty, Bart, (see under Eael of Cromartie, in Burke's Peerage), and had issue. Sir Colin d. at Edinburgh, 16th February, 1704, and was s. by his eldest son. Sir James Campbell, 3rd baronet, who m. 1st, Jean, daughter and heir of Sir John Dempster, of Pitliver, co. Fife, and had, 1. Colin, of Pitliver, which estate he sold. He was an advocate, and m. in 1722, C^atherine, daughter of William Nisbet, of Dirleton, in East Lothian (whose youngest daugliter. Williel- mina, m. David, 6th Earl of Leven and oth Earl of Melville, see Burke's Peerage) \ he d. before his father, about 1738, leaving 1. James, 4th baronet. 1. Catherine. 2. Colina, m. Thomas Hogg, Esq., banker, Edinburgh, son of William Hogg, Esq., and Grizell Nimmo, and had issue, two daughters. I. Catherine, m. 1721, George Drum- mond, Esq., six times elected ac- countant-general of Excise, and Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and had issue. Sir James m. 2ndly, his cousin, Lady Jane Campbell, daughter of James, 2nd Earl of Loudoun, by wliom he had no issue. He d. before June, 1754. and was s. by his grandson, SiE James Campbell, 4th baronet, i. 1723, who m. 1st, in 1754, Margaret, daughter and heiress of Captain William Conductor Ball, of Hatton Garden, London, land conmiissioner for Scotland, and had, with three other sons, who d. young, I. Colin, captain 19th Regiment of Foot, brevet-major and lieutenant-colonel of the Perth Militia, who d. unm. 1811. II. Alexander (Sir), 5th baronet, 4. 16th August, 1757; m. in !816, Miss Mar- garet Coldstream, of Crieff ; and d. in 1824, leaving, amongst other issue, James, present baronet (see Burke's Peerage and Baronetage). I. Jane, m. 1775, to William Pearson, Esq. of Kippenross, co. Perth, and had issue. Sir James m. 2nclly, Mary Ann, daughter of Joseph Burn, Esq., and had by her, III. Thomas, b. 1769; d. unm. 1799. ly. William, writer to the signet, who m. 1st, ^liza, daughter of William Hunter, Esq. of Glenormistou, co. Peebles ; and 2ndly, Jane, daughter of Cleghorn, of Strathvithie, co. Fife, and had issue. V. Frederick, m. Miss CaroUne Mouat, and had issue. VI. John, M.D., F.R.C.S. Edinburgh, of whom presently. II. Marianne, m. 1st, to Sir William Cunningham Fairlie, of Kobertland and Fairlie, Bart. (see Burke's Peerage and Baronetage) ; 2ndly, James Hathorn, Esq.. and d. s.p. III. Catherine, ;«. to Alexander Wight, W.S., and d. s.j). IV. Margaret, m. to Lawrence Dinwiddie, of Genuiston, co. Lanark, and had issue. V. Helen, in. 1st, to John Barclay, M.D.; 2ndly, to Charles Oliphant, W.S., and d. s.p. Sir James Campbell in early life served in the Scots Greys, and was present at the battle of Fontenoy; he sold the estate of Aberu- chill in 1772, and in 1800 executed an entail of the barony and estate of Kilbryde. On his death, March, 1812, these and the title passed to his eldest surviving son ; his 4th son bv his 2nd wife. lU'iiKirs coLoxrAi, ckxthv. 2-21 .Torn CAMrnEi.i., Ksii., Ml)., F.R.C.S. of einlil, or luid sii. ; 2n(l, «rp., a lympliad, Edinbursli, IT'^K who m. 1S07, Catlierino, | licr oars in action, en.; 3r(l, or, a fess .Trd (iaiislitrr of .lolm Logan. Esq. of k'nork- | I'liM'qiiv, a/,, and ar;;.. all within a bordure phinn'.ioli. co. Ayr. had, besides four daugh- j erni. Crrs/ — A lion guard, gn., crowned ter.s, three sons, viz., j with laurel, and holdiiit; in liis dexter paw a J. Janu's. A. at Kilbrvde Castle, Perth, ; sword, pjir.. hihed and ]ioninu-Ued. or, and in IHIl!); rf. in I'MiMburnh, ISl'.l. j the sinister a dair or highhind pistol ppr. II. John Logan,//. 1H12 ; (/. 1817. | Motlo — Secpiiter victoria ibrteis. III. ,ToiiN' LooAN", of Kilbryde, Aiiek- Residence — Kilbrvde, Auckland, New Zea- land, New Zealand. land. .<4 »•»«•' —Quarterly, 1st and 4tli. syronny Cameron of JfortJon anti iioliicstoft. CAMERON, HON. DONALD, of Fonlon, Lymington ; and of Lowestoft, near Holiart, Tasniaoia, J. P., h. 1st August, LS14, member of the Legislative Couiieil, and sometime (chairman of (Quarter Sessions; m. 8th June, LS47, Mary J., second daughter of J. Morrison, Esq. of Stirling, by Jane Maidment, his wife, a descendant of John Maiduient, of Olden Barne- ■veldt, Holland, advocate, and has issue, I. Donald Norman, h 3rd November, 1851 ; m. Annie, eldest daughter of the Hon. J. R. Scott, of Hobart, Tasmania, member of the Legisla- lative Council, and has issue, three sons. II. Cyril St. Clair, captain 9tli (the Queen's Royal) Lancers, h. 5th De- cember, 1857 ; appointed 2iul lieutenant, 22iid ]\Iarch. 1879, and lieutenant, 1st July, 1881 ; served in the Afghan War in 1879 — 80, accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to C'andahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (medal w'ith clasjj and bronze decoration). He m. 28th August, 1887, Margaret H., 2nd daughter of General William Templer Hughes, C.B., of Dunley. Bovey Trace}', CO. Devon, England, son of the Rev. Henrj- Allwright Hughes, M.A., rector of Honiton, co. Devon, by Sophia Elizabeth, his vnie, eldest daughter of the Rev. Edward Honywood, LL.D., rector of Honiton, and has issue, a sou, Donald, b. 1st May, 1888. III. Eustace Noel, h. 8th April, 1865; unm. 1. Adeline Constance, 6. 9th April, 1854; m. 6th October, 1875, Captain Arthur Joseph Stonrton, late of the 78th Highlaiideis (who has been for many years settled in Australia, and belonged to the Australian Sondan Contingent on active service in the Soudan in 1885), eldest surviving son of the Hon. Willimn Stourton (by Catherine Alicin. his wife, daughter of Edniond Scully, Esq. of Bloomheld, co. Tip- perary), and grandson of William, 17th Baron Stourton (.'■oe Burke's Peerage), and by him (who was b. 21st February, 1841) has had issue, 1. Frederick, b. 1876; d. 1877. 2. Reginald Joseph Norman, b. 4th October, 1877. Mr. Cameron has been in the Commission of the Peace for foitj- years, and has been mt'inlicr for Nnrth Esk in the ijcgislative Council for eighteen years. 222 13URKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Itincactc. The family of Cameron is of gi-eat antiquity and historic interest in Scotland. This is a branch of the family of Cameron of Lochiel, CO. Inverness, Scotland. James Ca.aieron, Esq., b. 15th October, 1730 (whose father, with two of his sons, accompanied the clan Cameron, headed by their chief and kinsman, Donald Cameron, of Lochiel, to join Charles Edward, " the Tonng Pretender," and fell at the battle of CuUoden), went to Edinburgh where lie prospered. He m. 14th June, 1770, Jane Lindsay (who rl. 8th December, 1785), and d. 10th April, 1790, having had two sons, John, a merchant of Jamaica. Donald. The 2nd son, Donald CAiiEnoN, Esq.,M.D., of Fordon, Lymington, and of Haddon House, Tas- mania; studied medicine in Edinburgh, and was aj^pointcd surgeon mate or assistant surgeon in the Eoyal Navy, 1798, Joined the " La Forte," which was lost in the Bed Sea, was then transferred to the " Lion," 64 guns, was on the Red Sea and Indian Station for over two years, and returned to England acting full surgeon, was tlien placed on tlie ]North Sea station, where he remained for over four years, retiring in the early part of 1800. He then entered into private practice in the north of Scotland. In 1820 he emi- grated from Scotland with his family in the " Skelton Castle," to New South Wales, and in 1S23 settled in Tasmania. Mr. Cameron, til. 10th January, 1780, Margaret, youngest daughter of Robert Still, Esq. of Edinburgh, writer to the signet, a descendant of an old Aberdeen county family, and by her (who d. 14th June, 1859) had, amongst other issue, I. Donald, now of Fordon. II. Robert, b. 20th September, 1817; III. Maria, daughter of Alexander Still, Esq. of Sydney, and has issue, one son and two daughters. I. Elizabeth, b. 10th December, ISOl, and d. 10th January, 18G0, having had eight children. II. Margaret, b. 10th February, 1819, d. 13th March, 1858. Dr. Cameron d. 7th July, 1857. Arms of Cameron of Lofhit-l — Hu. three bars. or. Crests — 1st, a sheaf of five arrows tied with a band gu. ; 2nd, a dexter hand grasping a sword ppr. Mottoes — Unite, and Pro rege et patria. Besidences — (Country) Fordon , Lymington ; (town) Lowestoft, near Hobart, Tasmania. 3Sra^ of iltirlaitir. BRAY, HON. SIR JOHN" COX, K.C.M.G., of Adelaide, South Australia, J.P., speaker of the House of Assembly of South Australia, h. 31st May, 1842 ; m. 13th January, 1870, Alice Maud, daughter of John and Sarah Hornabrook, and has issue, I. Cecil Thomas, 6. 27th September, 1874. II. Harry, 6. 10th June, 1879. I. Blanche Ada. Sir J. C. Bray entered the South Australian Parliament in 1872 ; became minister of justice and education, 1875 ; attorney-general, June, 1876, to October, 1877; premier and chief secretary, 24th June, 1881, to 23rd April, 1884 ; treasurer and premier, 23rd April to 16th June, 1884; chief secretary, 15th October, 1885; treasurer, 1886 to 1887; and speaker of the House of Assembly, 31st May, 1888 ; created K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1890. Htnraar. Tost Cox Beat, Esq., the paternal grand- father of the Hon. Sir John Cox Bray, d. m 1837. By Sarah Pink, his wife (wlio d. in 1855), he had a son, Tom Cox Beay, Esq., who d. 4th June, 1881. By Sarah, his wife (whom he m. at Portsmouth, Hants, 1839, and who d. 3rd May, 1877), he had issue, John Cox (Hon. Sir), now of Adelaide. Thomas William (Rev.), m. Rachel Le Mesurier, of Bedford, England, and d. leaving five sons and one daughter. Sarah Ann, m. John 8. Kerr, Esq. of G-reenock, Scotland, and has two sons and three daughters. Blanche Louisa, m. Alexander Donald- son, Esq. of Edinburgh, Scotland. Residence — Hutt-strcet North, Adelaide, South Australia. r.URKirs rni.nxrAr, nKxrnY ^liQon of |l;mfjaiL ALISON, WILLIAM, Esq. of Ciiiiuoiibar station, Njnpaii, Now South Wales, Australia, member of the Legislative Assembly, b. 7th April, 1855 ; m. 29th June, 1887, Ellen Maud, daughter of James Milson, Esq. of Elamang, Sydney, New Soulli Wales. Hincacjr. Till' family of Alison from voi'v early tiuu's I'l'sicleil in the parish of Avondale, Lanark- shire. The G-aelic name is Mc.\lister, and was cliaut^ed into Alison when the elan was driven from Loupe, Arptyllshire, by the fol- lowers of Kini; Kobkkt the BKrcE. Alex- ander Me.\Uster, a desi-eutlaut of Gomerled, the Lord of the Isles, took the side of Baliol, and, with his brother John, was attacked by King EoBKHT TUK BiiUCE in his principal stronghold called Castle Sweyn.in Knapdale. Compelled to tlee he was taken jiri-oner on liis way to Ayrshire and was confined in Dundonald Castle, where he d. in 1300. His brotlier John escaped to the abode of Sir Winter de Hamilton, in Hamilton, the an- cestor of the dukes of that name, who also at first took the side of Baliol. To preserve him and his followers from the wrath of Bruce, Sir AVinter de Hamilton placed them in Avondale. Tliere they have continued for tJUO years, and a great many of the small estates in that neighbourhood are still owned by their descendants. Their original estate of Loupe was confiscated and given to the youngest brother, who remained faithful to Bruce, and that branch of the elan retained the ancient name of ^VIcAlister to the present I'entury and are frequently mentioned in Scotch history. The Alisim family are also alluded to several times in tlie time of the Covenanters. One Archibald Alison, of Windyedge, a farm belonging to the ancient estate of Cairndnff, fought at the battle of Drumdog against Claverliouse, afterwards Viscount Bui'.dee, and also at the battle of Bothwell Bridge ; but at the skirmish at Ayrsmoss, he was taken prisoner and suffered martyrdom at the Grassmarket of Edinburgh in 1(570. His dying testimony ia recorded in the well-known volu-ne called T/ie Cliiiid iif Wilnessex. The sword of Michael, his brother, is still in the hands of the family, a sword which he wielded at the battles of Drumdog and Bothwell Hridye, and at. tlie siege of Londonderry. His e.-tale is si ill in the possession of a cousin of the present William Alison, Ksq. Jamu9 At.isox, Esq. of Windyedge, eo. .Vyr, m. 6tli April, 1S13, Jeannic, duughter of William Jamieson, Esq. of Afiddleeroft, co. Perth (she d. 4th December, 1871-), and d. 1st February, 1861. His eldest son, Wii.i.i.VM Alison, I'%q.of Dunavon.Strath- aven, Lanarkshire, Scotland, J. P. and com- missioner of supply for CO. Lanark, A. 1815; m. at Sydney, New South Wales, 8lh Feb- ruary, 1842, Eliza, daugliter of the late Captain Charles Hope Thoni}ison, of Queens- ferry, and d. 31st March, 1885, having had issue, I. James, of Bonnyton, Ayrshire, a com- missioner of supply for co. Ayr, 4. 1854, unm. II. William, of whom we now treat. III. Charles, m. Constance, daughter of Dr. Cox, of Sydney, New South Wales. I. Ellen, »(. George Kussell, Esq., and has issue, two sons and one daughter. II. Jane Jamieson, unm. III. Cliristina, unm. IV. Eliza, m. Walter Ilussey Vivian, Esq., and has issue six daughters. T. Adeline, unm. Residence — Cannonbar station, Nyngan, New South Wales, Australia. jHacaitI)ui' of iiO|>antira* MACARTHUR, REV. GEORGE FAIRFOWL, of Wyandi^a, Ashfield, near Sydney, New South Wales, senior chaplain to the volunteer forces of New South Wales, and for seventeen years head-master of The King's School, Parramatta (retired in 1886), h. 19th January, 1825 ; m. IGth May, 1849, Margaret Anne (6. 4th September, 1827), younger daughter of Charles Frederick Priddle, Eh(1. of i'ctei-shain. New South Wales, by Jane Isabella Wardell, his wife, a co-heiress of Robert Wardell, Esq., LL.D., of Petersham, Nev*' South Wales, and has had is?ne, ■2>4 BURKE'S COLONIAL GKNTRY. I. George Hannibal Charles, commander R.N., b. 24th April, 18.^0 ; to. Kate Maria Ewer, of Salisbury, and by her (who was 6. 12th August, 1849) bas issue, 1. Lionel George, b. 20th April, 1876. 2. Alan George, b. 26th May, 1877. 1. Violet Kate, b. 15th September, 1878. 2. Olive Kate, b. 30th May, 1881. 3. Marjorie Kate, b. 27th May, 1883. II. Robert Broughton, b. 25tii July, 1851, d. 9th May. 1852. III. Arthur Gordon, 6. 7th January, 1854, d. 15th January, 1855. I. Margaret Isabella, b. 21st August, 1863,9)?. 5th February, 1889, Walter Sigismund Brown, Esq., M.R.C.S. England, second son of Walter Bi-own, Esq., M.D., of Bridlington, Parramatta. II. Annie Catherine, b. 25th September, 1867. Hincngc. The Macarthurs were originally the chiefs of the clan Campbell. The first appearance of the Campbells is in the reign of Ai.e.yander H of Scotland. The most ancient MS. genealogies attest their Gaelic origin. When first mentioned we find them divided into two great families, after- viards distinguished by the patronymics of Macarthur and MacL'ailinmore. Till the reign of Robert Bruce the Campbells did not possess a heritable right to any property in Argyllshire. The situation of the Mac- arthur branch at tliis time was very different, for we find them in possession of a very ex- tensive territory in the earldom of Grarnioran, the original seat ot the clan. It is, there- fore, impossible to doubt that Macarthur was at tills time the head of the clan. This posi- tion he appears to have maintained until the reign of J.\mes I ot Scotland. In 1487, when this monarch summoned his parliament at Inverness for the purpose of entrapping the highland chiefs, John Macarthur was one of those who fell into the snare and seems to have been amongst the few specially devoted to destruction. He was beheaded along with Alexander the Lord of Crarinoran, and his whole property forfeited with the exception of " Stracliur," and some lands in Perthshire, which remained to his descendants. His position at the liead of the clan is sufficiently pointed out by the historian. Bower, who calls him " Princeps Magnum apud suos, et dux Mille Nominum." Macartliur of Strachur was chief of the clan Campbell previous to 1427, since which date the oldest cadet, MacCailiumore of Campbell of Loch Arve, now Duke of Argyle, has filled that position, not by right of de- scent, but by feudal and territorial power. John Macaetuur, Esq. of Strachur, Loch Arve, N.B., was slain at CuUoden. He had seven sons (all of whom fought at CuUoden Moor, A.D. 171H) : — I. Charles, who niort- gaged his estate to the MacCailinmore or Argyle family. He had issue, two sons, 1. Charles, in whose time the Strachur mort- gage fell due and was foreclosed; and. 2. Duncan, who entered the royal navy in 1794 as an assistant surgeon. He eventually rose to the rank of a "physician of the fleet," and it was he who attended the great Duke of Wellington at his death ; II. a son, who, after CuUoden, went to Perthshire. His grandson was "Macarthur of Little Mill," Perthshire; in. a son, whose grandson was " Macarthur of Hinton," a purser in the royal navy. He wrote a book of considerable merit on Naval Courts Martial ; IV. Alexander, of whom presently ; V. a son, also went to Perthshire, after CuUoden. His grandson was a lieutenant R.N. ; vi. a son, supposefl to have been killed at CuUoden ; and VII. a son, supposed to have gone out to the American colonies. The fourth son, At.e.\andek Macarthur, Esq., fled from Scotland after the battle of CuUoden, and appears to have taken refuge in the West Indies, whence, after a time, lie returned and settled at Devonport, Devonshire, England. He m. a Scotch lady, and by her had two sons, I. James, of whom presently. II. John, of Camden Park, Menangle, Camden CO., and of Elizabeth Farm, Paramatta, Cumberland co., both New South Wales, Australia ; i. in 1767, at Plymouth, co. Devon ; and entered the army in 1782, and at the close of the war in 1783 (his regiment having been reduced, and he being put on half-pay) entered upon a course of study to complete his education. After the lapse of some time he pur- chased a captain's commission in the 102nd Regiment, destined for New South Wales ; embarked for Sydney with his young wife and infant son, afterwards General Sir Edward Macarthur, and arrived in Sydney in June, 1790. As early as 1791 he began to turn his attention to ngricul- BUUKE'S COLONIAL (JKNTUY. 225 tme; in foiiiiron willi tlio other ofliciTS of lilt' rfjjinirut, lie was oflered muaeres of land near I'arraniaUa, with a promise lliut whoever first l)ro\ight his land into eultivation shonld liave an additional qiiantilv. fajilain Mac- artluir was the one to elaini this )irivi- lei;e, and he it was who, in 17'.'5, first hroke Australian soil with a plough, all previous eidtivalion having been earried on in true primitive st\le,with the hoe. On the land thus aequired he established a homestead, to which he gave the name of "Elizabeth Jann." In 1794, he jiurehased from a brother officer sixty Bengal sheep, which had been inijiorted into the I'olony, and from that time devoted himself to the production of fine wool in Australia. In 17'.)6 he obtained irom the Cape some pure Spanish merino sheep, in all five ewes and three rams, and with this new and valuable blood he commenced to crop his hairy sheep ; and \>hilst others were devot- ing themselves to the )iroduction of carcasses, he steadily }iersevered in his original object — the prodiu'tion of fine wool. In ISOl he took the first sam- ples of merino wool to England, and having submitted them to the inspec- tion of a committee of manufacturers, they reported that the merino wool was equal to any Spaiish wool, and the crossbred of considerable value. Sup])orted by the manufacturers, who, in the unsettled state of European affairs, were fully alive to the advan- tage of obtaining a national source of supply for their raw nuiterial, and en- couraged by Lord Camden, the Secre- tary of State, Cai)tain Slacarthur decided on retiring from the army and devoting himself to the production of fine wool, on condition that he should receive a grant of not less than 5,000 acres of land in any locality he might point out. He obtained some sheep from the royal flock of Spanisii merinos at Kev\-, and returning to the colony in 1S05, in the sliip "Argo," which lie had purchased, he succeeded in landing five rams and one ewe. The land which was granted to him by Lord Camden, then known as " The Con-pastures," became the foundation of the Camden Park Estate, where the descendants of her grandfather's flock are preserved with great care by the present owner. After taking a lead- ing ])art in the deposition of Governor liligh (a mo.'it accurate account of which is to be found in Kusden's llislorii of Australia, vol. i), Captain Macarthur was, w ith several officers of the New South Wales corps, sent to England under arrest, and after an absence of seven years, being bonour- ably acquitted, he returned to Aus- tralia in 1817, provided by the VOL. I. GoTcrunicnt with suflicicnt accomnio- dation for hinifelf and his sons, James and William. John Macarthur was calleil the " Father of the Colony." In 1S25 he was a))poinled member of the first Legislative Council of New- South Wales. The expectations that he liad formed of the wool tnide of the colony were crowned with com- plete success, and the wines from the vineyard which he formed at Camden have taken the fii-st rank at international exhibitions. IJem., 1788, Elizabeth, daughter of R. Veal, Esq. of Judgi'worthy, Bridge Kule, Devon- shire, England, and il. at Camden Park, lOlli Ajiril, IbAi, having had issue by her (who d. in Echruary, 1850), 1. Edward (Sir), K.C.B., lieutenant- general in the anny, b. at Jiatli, England, 1789; entered the army 1808, and the following year was promoted to the rank of lieu- tenant, in 1820 to that of ciiptain, and in 182fJto that of major. He served throughout, the Peninsular War; was present at the battles of Corunua, A'ittoria, the Py- renees, Nive, Nivelle, Orthes, anil Toulouse, and was with the a9th Eegiment in Sicily, Canada, Spain, and France. After his return to England he was, for several years, secretary to the lord chamberlain ; was appointed to the charge of a district in Ireland during the troubles of 1837 ; made lieutenant-colonel 1841; subsequently went to Xew South Wales as deputy adjutant- general ; made colonel 18,j'l ; in 1855, apjiointed commander-in- chief of H.M. forces in Australia ; promoted to the rank of lieuten- ant-general, 185G; and from 1st January to 31st December, ISoti, was lieutenant-governor of Vic- toria. He was created a K.C'.B. in 1862, and the same year was appointed colonel of t)ie KKKli Foot. He Hi. in 18(52, Sarah, third daughter of Lieutenant - colonel Neill, and sister of the gallant Brigadier-general Kcill, who fell at Luckiiow ; and d. x.ji. in London 4th January, 1872, aged 82 years. 2. John, of London, barrister-nt-hi'v, b. 1794; educated at King's College, Cambridge, was nomi- nated to be chief justice of Kew South Wales, when death over- took him, 1831. He was ujim. 3. James, of Camden Park, New South Wales, b. at Parramalta, 1798 ; educated by a French refu- gee illuou de Kerilhin) until 1809, when he and his brother William accompanied their father to Eng- Q 226 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. liind, and were sent to Grrove Hall Academy, Bow, under tlie tuition of Dr. fandsay. After having travelled (in 1815) tlirougli several continental countries, he returned to New South Wales in 1817, in the " Lord Eldod," and assisted his father in the manage- ment of the Camden Estate, again visited England in 1828, returning in 1830, and went to England for the third time in 1836, taking petitions to the King and Parliament on transportation, immigration, and representntive institutions. He then published Neio South Wales, its Present State and Future Prospects. He returned to Sydney in 1839, when he became a member of the Legislative Council, was rejected by the electors of Cumberland, 1843; elected for Camden, 1848, and again under the new constitu- tion in 1851, continuing to serve until 1856 ; in 1859 was returned for West Camden, but declined re-election ; again left for England in 1860, and returned to the colony in 1864. In England he was a member of the Inter- national Statistical Congress, and one of the commissioners of the Exhibition of 1862. When offered the honour of knighthood, in re- cognition of his public services, he respectfully declined the proffered distinction. Mr. James Mac- arthur m. 14th June, 1838, Emily, second daughter of Henry Stone, Esq. of Lombard-street, London, banker, and d. 21st April, 1867, having had by her (who d. 27th November, 1880) an only daugh- ter, Elizabeth, now of Camden Park, Menangle, New South Wales, I. 8th May, 1840, m. 31st January, 1867, Arthur Alex- ander Walton Onslow, Esq., retired captain, E.N., who was h. at Trichinopoly, India. 2nd August, 1833, his father being at that time in the H.E.I. Co.'s civil service ; went to Sydney, 1838, and thence to England, 1841 ; educated at schools in Surrey and Nottinghamshire, and entered the navy in May, 1847, on board H.M.S. " Howe," 120 guns. Captain Sir James Stirling, first governor of Western Austra- lia ; was for three years on service in the Channel and Mediterranean squadrons, and during that period took the Queen Dowager Adelaide to Madeira ; was sent to the West Coast of Africa in 1850, and the following year was present at the attacks on Lagos, in the Bightof Biafra, — a great stronghold of the slave trade — now an English colony. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant for gallant conduct displayed by him in a severe storm on his way to England in H.M. paddle-steamer " Volcano ; " sailed for the Baltic in March, 1854, and the following year was present at tlie bombard- ment of Sweaborg. He was next employed on the Austra- lian station in H.M.S. " Herald," surveying the East Australian coast, re- turning to England, 1861 ; was made commander, 1863, and subsequently went to Sydney on sick leave ; was placed on the retired list, April, 1871, and promoted to the rank of post-captain. He represented Camden in the New South Wales parlia- ment for many years, having been first returned in Janu- ary, 1870. Captain Onslow was the eldest son of Arthur Pooley Onslow, Esq. of Send Grove, Ripley, co. Surrey, England (see Onslow, Bart., in Burke's Peerage), by Rosa Roberta, his wife, daughter of Alexander MacLeay, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S.,for many years colonial secretary of New South Wales, and elected speaker of the first Legisla- tive Council in Australia ; and d. at Camden Park, 31st January, 1882, leaving issue, 1. James William, h. 7th November, 1867 ; 2. Arthur John, b. 29tl> April, 1873 ; 3. George MacLeay, b. 2nd May, 1875 ; 4. William Arthur, b. 27th May, 1877; 5. Francis Arthur, b. 7th June, 1879 ; 1. Emilv Susan, b. 12th June, 1869, "rf. 20tli April, 1876 ; and 2. Sibella Rosa, *. 4th June, 1871. 4. William (Hon. Sir), knight, of Camden Park, Menangle, New South Wales, member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, b. at Parramatta, in De- cember, 1800; assisted in the managament of the Camden Estate. He was a member of the Legislative Council from 1849 to 1855; representative commissioner for the colony at the Paris Exhi- bition of 1855, at the close of which he received the honour of nrUKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 227 liniglitliooil, ami was nimU' im Dllli'or of tlie Lcgiou of Honour. In November, lb57, Sir Willinm rctiiniod to llic colony, and left Ui^ain for Eniiland in t-oiiiuH'tion «ilU tlie London Exliibition of 18(j2 ; returned to New South A\'ales in Martli, \S(H, and was a|ipointi"d to a scat in flic Legis- lative Council. Uc tl. vnm. 'Z'Mh October, 1882. 1. Klizabetb, //. 1792, d. unm. 1842. •J.. Marv, h. IT'.Ki. m. 1.S2.3, Dr. rlanies liownian. princij^al medical ollicer of New South Wales, and (/. in 1856, havinj; had issue, four sons and one daughter. 3. Emmeline Eniilv. '". 1813, Sir Jlcnrv Watson i*arkcr, knight (ISo.S), K.C.M.O. (1877), of Sta- wcll House, Kichniond, eo. Surrey, Kngland, and of the Union Club, London, J. P., b. at Lewisham, co. Kent, 1808; was, in New South AVales, private secretary to (rovernor Sir George Gripps, 1838- 46; crown nominee of the Legis- lative Council, and chairman of committees of the whole Council, 18'16-55; a representative mcndier of the Legislative Assembly at its first institution, 1856-58 ; crown trustee of the Australian Museum, 1848-56 ; and oflicial trustee, 1856-57 ; first minister and princi- ]ial secretary at the first institu- tion of responsible government, 1856-57, and a member of the Executive Council, l.s5(j-60. He was the fourth surviving son of Tliomas Watson Parker, Esq. of Lewisham, co. Kent, by llary, his wife, daughter of John Carnell, Esq. of Sevenoaks and of Cor- rendon, Hadlow, botli co. Kent. Ladv E. E. Parker, d. s.p., 3rd May, 1888. Mr. Alexander Macarthur's elder son, J.^mesMacahthue, Esq.of StoUc Damerel, eo. Devon, England, b. 1752 ; m. Catherine, daughter of Hannibal Hawkins, Esq. of Arnvale. co. Cornwall, England (said to be a lineal descendant of Ailmiral Sir John Haw- kins, temp. Queen Elizabeth), by Elizabeth Earle, his wife, an Irish lady. James Mac- arthnr and his wife both d. on the same day, 7th February, 1824, having had fourteen children, Tiz., I. Hannibal Hawkins, of whom pre- sently. II. James Earle, lieutenant in the 14th Regiment, b. 18th December, 1788; ///. Anna, daughter of Major Field, of the 14th Regiment of loot, and had issue, two sons aiul two daughters. III. John, major-general Royal Marines, and was for many years in command at Port Essington, New South Wales, until the settlement was finally aban- doiu'd in 18,50, A.Uitli Mareli, 1791 ; in. Mary, daughter of Lieutenant James Macarthur, of llaslar Ilosiiilal, rf. 28th July. 18(12, haA'ing Iiad issue (besides two children wh«^ il. in infancy) seven sons, of whom Charles and Kdward both attained high rank in the Royal Marines, and ICdward served with distirwiion at, Odessa, in tl\e Crimean WllT. IV. Charles, lieutenant R.N., A. 2nd Marih, 1792; f/. unm., 14th April, 1S27. I. Khzabeth, b. 15th Juno, 1783; m. -Major Nicholson, R.M., and had issue, one son and three daughters. II. Catlierine, b. ]6th July, 1784; m. 29lh March, 1808, Captain John Geary, R.N., who was b. 8lli Septem- ber, 17S7, at St. Margaret's, co. Kent ; entered the navy, 2Mh December, 1797 ; master's mate of the '• Mon- arcli," 74 guns, at the Battle of Tra- falgar, where he was wounded ; pro- moted to a lieutenancy, 29th May, 1810 ; afterwards became aetiug- captain of the " Madagascar," and for his great exertions in subsequently saving part of 11. M. 90th Regiment, who had been wrecked in the " Coun- tess of Harcourt," on the coast of Sicily, was honoured with the thanks of the Governor, Sir F. Ponsonby ; appointed commander 17th February, 1831. Captain Geary, wlio during the term of his service was several times wounded, succeeded, on different occasions, in saving tl)e lives of three persons who had fallen into the sea, by jumping overboard. He comes from a family eminently naval, his brothers William Charles, Francis Daniel, and Joseph Tincent, were all lieutenants in the navy, as were also his maternal uncles, John and Nicho- las Tucker, the latter of whom was for eighteen years attached to the military department, of Greenwich Hospital; and amongst his ancestors were Admiral Francis Geary, the cele- brated Captain Percy, who tlourished ti-mp. Queen Elizabeth, and Sir Cloudesley Shovel. Captain Geary liad ten cliildren, of whom the second son, William Charles, was a lieutenant R.N. ni. .Mary, b. 16th September, 1785, twin with Emma, d. unm. IV. Emma, A. IHth September, 1785, twin with Mary, d. unm. V. Maria, A. 8th November, 1786; d. vnm. VI. Caroline, A. 11th April, 1790; m. I'apliiin Mends, R.N., and d. 30th May, 1821. VII. Louisa, b. 13th August, 1794; d. an infant. Till. Ann, A. 21st January, 1796; hi. Captain R. Douglas, R.N. and d. in April, 1825, having luid issue (be- u -2 228 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. sides one cliild who d. young) two daughters. IX. Funny, I. 10th June, 1797 ; m. Lieutonsmt-General Henry Ivatt Uela- coiTibe, of tlie Royal Marines, and d. 27th October, 1853, having had issue, six sons (four of whom ». John Stansfield, Esq. of Strongforil, Idle, CO. York, and had eight children. The third son. Rev. James? Andrew, incumbent of Whitby, CO. York, b. 25th October, 1780; in. 11th January, 1S19, Jane, daughter of John Chapman, Esq. of Whitby (she (1. 1876), and d. 3rd December, 1843, leaving issue, I. William (Rev.), M.A. of the University of Oxford, hon. canon of Peterborough, rural dean and rector of Paston, Peter- borough, CO, Northampton, England, b. at Whitby, co. York, 16th October, 1820; m. 12th July, 1862, Isabella Mary, daughter of Robert Maugham, Esq. of Cliancery-lane, London, but has no issue. II. John Chapman (Rev.), now of lea, Masterton, New Zealand. III. James, M.D. of St. Bartholomew's, London, b. 5th September, 1830, at Whitby, CO. York ; m. 1862, Isabella, daughter of Henry Simpson, Esq. of Whitby, but has no issue. I. Jane, ttmn. Motfo nsed — Crescif nub potidere lurtir.y. liesidence — lea, Masterton, Wellington, New Zealand. ^rmj>tac3:t oi Mt^lt^K ARMYTAGE, GEORGE, Esq. of Ingleby, Winclielsea, Victoria, Aus- tralia; and of 69, Queea's-gate, London, S.W., J. P. for Winchelsea and Tasmania, h. 29th July, 1821 ; vi. 14th August, 18.52, Louisa Eulalie. eldest daughter of Francis Flexmore, Esq. of Greenponds, Tasmania (see Flexmore OF Kempton), and has, I. Geokge Francis, of 4, Kensington-square, London, h. 21st August, 1853 ; m. 9th Septenaber, 1879, Rosamond, youngest daughter of B. W. Ball, Esq. of Putney, co. Surrey, England, and has issue, 1. Eulalie Georgina, h. 26th June, 1880 ; 2. Daphne, h. 29th September, 1884. n. Oscar Ferdinand, M.A., of the Isthmian Club, London, h. 12th July, 1860; w. 7th May, 1885, Maud, eldest daughter of Richardson Andrew, Esq. of Prestbury Hall, co. Chester, England. III. Cecil Frederick, 6. 7th October, 1861. IV. Albert Victor Somerville, h. 17th November, 1867. Hiiuntif. Stephen Akmytage, Esq., m. Anne Taylor, of Oxford, England, and d. at Bath, CO. Somerset, England, having had issue, I. Geoege. II. Cliarles Stephen,™. Catherine Ward, of Kidderminster, co. Worcester, Eng- land, and had one daughter, Anne, m. Claude Hamilton, Esq., and d. 1820. III. William (Rev.), d. num., soon after taking Orders, being drowned when shooting near Halifax. I. Anne, m. John Rose, Esq. G-EOEGE Armttage, Esq., eldest son, b. 1765, m. Elizabeth Rose, of Ticknall, near Ashby-de-la-Zouche, co. Derby, England, who d. 24th March, 1850. Mr. Armytage d. De- cember, 1^53 (having lived the latter part of liis life at Brussels). He had issue, I. George. II. John, went to Waterloo with the English general who was billeted in liis father's house at Brussels, and has not since been heard of. III. Alfred, d. at Lille, January, 1842. I. Elizabeth, m. Baron Jolly, a general in the Belgian Army, who d. 2nd De- cember, 1879. She d. 9th August, 1869, leaving issue, 1. Oscar, Baron Jolly. 2. Ferdinand, Baron Jolly, a general in the Belgian Army and aide- de-camp to the king. II. Sophy, a nun, lady superior of the Order of Daughters of the Cross, /). 20th July, 1808; d. at Liege, 2l8t April, 1885. III. Fanny, a nun, d. 29th May, 1877. IV. Mary Anne, a nun, d. 15th Decem- ber, 1877. V. Matilda, m. Mr. Clarke, and had issue, 1. William, a major in the Belgian Army; 2. Alfred; 3. Leander ; 1. Sophy ; 2. Mary ; 3. Clotilde. George Armytage, Esq., eldest son, of lUJKKK'S COLONlxVL CiKNTItV 231 Tlip lIiTinilngp, tteolong, A'ii'torin, AustraUn, ■).l'. for aeeloiif;, A. ti* ■Pickimll, co. Drrliv, 1795- left Eii!;linul. l"fl>nmr.v, 1815, mul arrived iit Svdiu-v, X.S.W., 10th Ausost. following, wiu-re he romiviiied only four nioiillis, proceeding to Bagdad, Tasmania, and liuuUv to Victoria in 18 la. Mr. Anny- tage HI. Eliznlieth i'ctci-s, of Bagdad, 'Tas- mania, who was h. 5th June, 1802,^ and d. 1S7;!. He d. at The Hermitage, Oeelong, 12th July, 1862, aged G7 years, having had issue, I. Thomas, h. 17th February, 1820 ; d. num. 1841, aged 21. II. GiiouuK.of whom we treat. III. Alfred, b. :iOtli March, 1823. IV. Charles Henry, b. 2-ltli August, 1824; m. Caroline Tuckwell, and d. 1875, leaving issue, 1. Charles Nor- man ; 2. George Harold j 3. Ernest ; 1. Ada ; 2. Laura. V. Joseph Edward,*. 31st October, 1829; d. 1872 «")H. VI. Frederick William. *. I7th October, 1837; m. Mary, daugliter of the late Simon Staugiiton, Esq. of Exford Station, Melton, Victoria (sec St.\uoii- TON OF Etnesbury), and has issue, I.Fred; 2. Harry, »». Fanny Kelly; 3. Frank, )«. his cousin, Carrie Army- tage ; 4. Bertram. VII. Ferdinand Felix, m. Anne Fair- bairn, and d. 22nd August, 1889, at Como, Victoria, aged 45, leaving- issue, I.James; 2. George ; 1. Carrie, »;. her cousin, Frank .Vrmytage ; 2. Kmuia ; 3. Mabel ; 4. Margaret. I. Kli/.a Anne, h. 12tli August, 1827; III. Jolm Rout Hojjkins, E-q. of Win- elielsea, Victoria, and d. 1885, leaving issue, 1. Walter ; 2. Arthur; 3. Henry ; 1. Kliza Mary, »». 23rd April,^ 1874, Samuel Tliomas Staughton, Esq. of Kvncsl)urv, Mellon, Victoria, IM.L.A., J.'l'., and' has issue (see Stavohton OF Eynksbchy) ; 2. Ada, m. Alec Murphy, Esq. ; 3. Bertha ; 4. Ethel ; 5. Tjilv"; <). Nellie. II. Elizabeth Sophia, b. 25th November, 1831, III. John Charles Gallctly, Esq., and iiiis issue, 1. Charles; 2. Claude; 3. Reginald ; 1. Blanche, m. Fred Gal- lowav, Esq.; 2. Ethel; 3. Jone. in- Virginia Charlotte, b. 12tli Novem- ber, 1833 ; m. George Fairbairn, Esq., and lias issue, five sons and one daughter. IV. Matilda, b. 3rd October, 1835, d. young. V. Emma Henrietta, b. 5th February, 1840, d. young. Arin.i used — Ou. a lion'.i head erased hetir. three cro.ise.i bot'innee arg. Crest. — A de.vter arm embuwed, couped at the s/widder, hnbileA or. the ciijr arfl. hii/diiifl in the hand ppr. n daqqer of the second, pommel and hilt of the first. Motto — Semper paratus. Residences — Ingleby, Wiiichelsea. Victoria, Australia; 59, Quecn's-gate, London, S.W. 2mal!ur of Wmtisor. WALKER, HON. WILLIAM, of Crescentville, Wiudsor, New South Wales, Aui5tralia, solicitor, member of the Legislative Council; b. at Glasgow, Scotland, 26th February, 1828 ; m. first, 29th March, 1853, Mary Cova, daughter of Jonathan Hassall, Esq. of Matavi, Camden, New South Wale's, and by her (who d. 13th July, 1858) had two children, since deceased ; secondly, 24tb August, 1859, Henrietta Medora, daughter of Robert Cooper, Esq. of Ormonde House, Paddington, New South Wales, and by her (who d. 4th September, 1874) has issue, I. Frederick William, of Sydney, solicitor, h. Tth December, 18G1. Ti. Charles Alexander, b. 5th March, 1865. lit. Archibald George, of Sydney, h. 8th January, 1867. IV. Robert Bruce, b. tith November, 1870. I. Mary Medora, m. Patrick James Clark, Esci. of Sydney, manager of an insurance company. II. Elizabeth Henrietta. III. Henrietta Anne. He m. thirdly, 20th April, 1876, Jessy, daughter of the Rev. William Wood, of Pitt Town, New South Wales, Church of England clergyman, and by her has issue, 232 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. V. Jolm Russell Dalglish, b. 13th October, 1880. Ti. Arthur Ferguson, 6. 10th August, 1884. IV. Alice Wood. V. Je.ssj Agnes Theodora. The Hon. William Walker arrived in Sydney with his parents in 1837 ; educated at Windsor ; admitted an attorney in 1852 ; represented Windsor in the Legislative Assembly for ten years, from 1860 to the end of 1869; and appointed to the Legislative Council 30th December, 1887. He was the chief founder of the School of Arts in the town of Windsor, and was its first president, which office he resigned after seventeen years' service ; was secre- tary of the Hawkesbury Benevolent Society for eleven years, and wrote its history in 1856. In 1871 he was elected an alderman of Windsor, and after- wards served the office of mayor of that borough. Hincnae. This family was settled at Kinross, Kinvoss- shire, Seotlaiid, and in the churcliyard of Kinross the tombstones of the earlier mem- bers are still to be seen. GrBOKGE Walker, Esq., was i. at Kinross, 1734 ; m. Agnes Reston ; d. at Grlasgow, 1S25, and was buried with his wife in the burying- ground of the cathedral of Grlasgow. His son, William Walker, Esq. of G-lasgow, was, with his father, connected in business with the great firm of Robert Dalglish and Co., of G-lasgow. He m., in 1794, Agnes Wilson, of Glasgow, and by her (who d. 17th November, 1832, aged 67, and was buried with her husband in Cathedral Cemetery, Glasgow) left at his decease, 3rd March, 1834, aged 61, George Walker, Esq., formerly of Glas- gow, N.B., and afterwards of Windsor, New South Wales, was educated for the Presby- terian ministry at the University of Glasgow, but finally adopted teaching as his profession, and emigrated to New South Wales, under the auspices of the Rev. Dr. Lang, in the year 1837. He m. at Glasgow, 23rd Novem- ber, 1824, Elizabeth Ferguson, of Glasgow (who d. at Windsor, New South Wales, 7th December, 1876, aged 7fi), and d. at Windsor, New South Wales, 26th September, 1883, aged 87, leaving issue, William (Hon.), of Crescentville. George, m, Sarah Smith, of Pitt Town, New South Wales. Elizabeth, 7n. Rev. Canon George Banks Smith, of Hobart, Tasmania. Crest used — A staff standing at gaze under vtf nut treej all fpr. Motto — Semper vigi- lans. ltesidence^Crescentvi]\e, Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. ^^crticiu of iHcHjotirnc anti ^Ipptr jHacction. YERDON, HON. SIR GEORGE FREDERIC, K.C.M.G., C.B., F.R.S., of Queen-street, Melbourne, and Alton, Upper Macedon, Victoria, Aus- tralia ; 6. at Bury, co. Lancaster, England, 21st January, 1834 ; m. 28th March, 1861, Annie, second daughter of the late John Armstrong, Esq. of Melbourne, solicitor, and by her (who d. 22nd August, 1889) has issue, I. Arthur Laurence Ridley, b. 1862. H. Reginald, b. 1865. m. Egbert Sumner, b. 1868. IV. Nevil, b. 1885. Sir G. F. Verdon emigrated to Melbourne in 1851 ; was called to the Victorian bar, 1863. In 1857, he was engaged with the volunteer force in suppressing an outbreak of the convicts ; in 1858, was honorary assistant in the Astro- nomical Observatory ; returned to the Legislative Assembly for Williamstown in 1859, and was treasurer for Victoria in 1860 and 1861, and from 1863 to lUTRKF/S rOLONTAL GEXTRY. 233 IPfiR; nppointed first ui^'ent-gonoriil in I'liirrland for Victoi-ia, 1807, rosipnod tliiit post in 1S7'2, and bci-ame colonial inspe(;tor and general manager of tlio Eiicjlisli, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, Melbourne, a position which he continues to occupy. He is president of the trustees of the Public Library, National Gallery, and Museums of Victoria, member of the board of visitors to the Melbourne Observatory, of which he was sometime honorary secretary and chairman ; major on the retired list of the local forces of Victoria, and a justice of the peace for the colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Anstralia. Sir George represented Victoria at the official reception of the Soudan contingent at Sydney, and was representative of the Royal British Commission at the Melbourne International Centennial Exhi- bition, lSSS-89. He is an associate of the Institution of Civil Engineers ; hon. member and president. Institute of Architects ; was elected a fellow of tlio Royal Society in 1870, invested with the Companionship of the Order of the Bath, 1S6G, and created K.C.M.G., 1872. lLinrac^c. At tlip General Surrey, Bertuam de Verdun (stated to Imve been son of Grodfrcve, C'omtc de Ver.■/). Theobald de Viedon, ancestor of the Verdons, Lords of Darlaston and Biddulph, CO. Stafford. Maud, m. to John Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arundel. Roesia was 5. by her eldest son, John de Verdon (alias Le Botiller). This great feudal lord, being one of the barons marchers, had orders, in the 44th Henrt III, on the incursions of the Welsh, to keep his residence upon the borders. After which he was one of tite barons who adhered to the king, in the conflict between the crown and the nobles ; and upon the triumph of the royal cause at Evesham, he was commissioned to raise forces in AVorcestershire, for the purpose of attacking the only remaining hold of the barons, at Kenilworth. But these troubles being at length ended, John de Verdon was signed with the cross, and accompanied Prince Edward to tlie Holy Land. John de Verdon m. first, Margerie, daugliter of Gilbert de Lacie, and co-heir to her grandfatlier, Walter de Lacie, Lord Palatine of Meath, in Ireland, by which alliance the castle of Weobley, co. Hereford, came into the Verdon family ; and secondly, Alianore, whose surname is unknown. At his death, being slain in Ireland, 1278, he left issue, I. Nicholas (Sir), of Ewyas Lacie, rf. %\p. and s.p., 1271. II. John, Lord of Weobley, d. s.p., circa 1295. III. Theobald, of whom presently. IV. Thomas, of Staft'ordshire ; returned as a man-at-arms, 17th Edward II ; ancestor, it is believed, of Sir Thomas de Verdon, Knt., of Denston, co. Staf- ford, and of his brother. Sir John de Verdon, sheriff of Staffordshire, 34th Edward III, who d. s.p., leaving his sister, Joan, wife of John de Whit- more, LordofWhitmore, his heir. This Joan left two daughters and co-heirs, viz., Joan, »«. to Henry Clerk, of Ruyton, co. Salop ; and Elizabeth, m. to jami'S de Boghay, Lord of Whit- more. (See Burke's Landed Qenirt/, Mainwaring of Whitmobe.) I. Agnes, d. 1305. The third son, Theobald de Verdon, lord of the moiety of Meath, in Ireland, had, in the 3rd Edward I, on doing homage, livery of his lands, paying lOOZ. for his relief. At this period he held the otEce of Constable of Ireland. For some years subsequently this eminent person seems to have enjoyed the favour of the crown, and to have received several immunities ; but in the 19th of Edward's reign we find him arj'aigned for treason, and divers otlier misdemeanours, before the ting and council, at Bergavenny, anu condemned to imiirisonment and con- fiscation ; the king, however, taking into con- sideration the good services of his ancestors, and his own submission, freed him for a fine i of 5(X) marks ; and he was soon after sum- liURKK'S COFjOXIAL nF.XTllY. 235 monod to pavliiimoul iis JiAiiov Vkudox. Ill till- :illtli of (lie siinu' ivij;!! (1';dwahd 1), Iiis lonUliiii WHS one of the barons in tlie parliament of Lineoln, wlio, bv a publie in- stnunent, under their seals, sent to Pope BoxiFACK VIII, asserted the right of King Edward, as superior lord o!' the wliole realm of Seotland. Lord Vei'don having liad sum- mons to parliament to iJrd November, 13ti0, d. in 1309. By Margery, or Eleuor, his wife, he had issue, I. John (Sir), d. v.p. and x.p., 12!)7. II. Theobald, of whom presently. The younger son. Sir Thkobai.d de Verdon, second baron, liad summons to parliament in the lifetime of his father, as "Theobald de Verdon, .junior," from 20tli December, 121)0, to 22nd February, 1307, and afterwards, witliout the word "junior," from 4th March, 130;i, to 24th October, 1314. This nobleman, in the 6th Edward IT, was constituted justice of Ireland, having likewise the lieutenancy of that realm, and the fee of 500/. per annum, then granted to him. His lordship m. Rrst, Maud, daughter of Edmund, Lord Mortimer, of Wigmore, by whom, who d. at Alvetou Castle, 1315, he had issue, I. John, d. s.p. II. William, d. s.j>. I. Joan, m. first, William de Montagu, and secondly, Tliomas de Furnival, second Lord Furnival, and d. in 1334. Joan had the castle of Alyeton as co- lieiress of her father. II. Elizabeth, m. to Bartholomew, Lord de Burghersh. Elizabeth had the castle of Ewyas Lacie as her share. III. Margaret,"', first, Marcus Hussee ; secondly, William Ic Blount ; and thirdly. Sir John Croplmll. Margaret had the castle of Weobley, as third co- heiress. By Sir John (''rophull she liad a son, Thomas Croplmll, whose daughter and liciress, Agnes, m. Sir Walter Devereux, knight. He m. sei'ondly, Elizabeth, widow of John , Esq. of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, civil engineer. 236 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. II. Elizabeth Alice, &. 16tli November, 1851 ; m. tlie Right Rev. Llevcellyn Jones, Bishop of Newfoundland and Bermuda, of St. John's, New- foundland ; and Bermuda. III. Mary Lavinia, 6. 13th Sej teniber, 1802. This family is of Scottish origin. About tlie middle of the 17th century several members of the family settled in London- derry, Ireland, where they remained till about the middle of the 18th century. Some of these went to America and settled temporarily in Londonderry, New Hampton, from which place four brothers of the name went to Nora Scotia, and settled in Truro in 17fi2. David Archibald, the eldest of these brothers, was b. in 1717. In 1766 he became the first member of the township of Truro, in the General Assembly of that province, and in after years the seat was held by his son, Samuel; liis grandson, Samuel George William; and liis great grandson, Charles Dickson (whose brotliers were the late Sir Edw-ard Mortimer Archibald, K.C.M.G., Britisli consul-general at New York, and the late Sir Thomas Dickson Arcliibald, knight, of Bickley, co. Kent, England, a judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, England, and after- wards of the Court of Common Pleas. David Archibald's great great grandson is the pre- sent Charles William Archibald, of Rusland Hall, Ulverstou.co. Lancaster, England, J. P., member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, eldest son of the above-mentioned Charles Dickson Archibald). He m. in 1741, Rachel, daughter of James Duncan, Esq. of Haverhill, Massachusetts,New England. His descendants, and those of his brotliers, are now very numerous. Tliey are to be found in every county of Nova Scotia, every province of tlie Dominion, and in almost every state of the Union. One of David Aa-chibald's brothers, SA5H?EL,had a son, James Aechib.iid, who, in 1796, was appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Colchester, in Nova Scotia, which office he held till his death in 1828. He left numerous issue, amongst whom was Samuel Aechibald, Esq., who was h. at Truro, 14tli October, 1784; was a justice of the peace for over forty years ; m. 10th February, 1807, his cousin, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Matthew Archibald, Esq. (who was also a representative of Truro for some years in the Municipal Assembly, and a son and a grandson of his in after years represented the county of Colchester in that Assembly), a brother of the above-mentioned James, liis father, and by her (who was b. in 1786, and d. 3rd April, 1846) left, at his decease, 10th April, 1864, the present Hon. Sir Adams Geoege Aechibald. Arms (granted to the descendants of Sir Thomas Dickson Archibald, knight, judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, son of the Hon. Samuel George Archibald, master of the rolls, Nova Scotia) — Arg. on a bend az., be- tween two estoiles of the last, three crescents of the first, all within a bordure invected sa., charged with three mullets or. Crest — A palm branch slipped in bend ppr., in front thereof a mount vert, thereon an estoile or. Motto — Palma non sine pulvere. Residences (Town) — 61, "Holies-street, Halifax ; (country) The Cottage, Truro, Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada. C?k6— Halifax. ^^adtcr of ^3nt()» PARKER, STEPHEN HENRY, Esq. of Karrakalta House, Perth, Western Australia, barrister-at-law, member of the Legislative Assembly for York, and formerly member of the Legislative Council for the city of Perth, b. at York, Western Australia, 7th November, 1846 ; m. at Perth, 27tli July, 1872, Amey Katharine, daughter of the Hon. George Walpole Leake, Q.C., member of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, and sometime acting chief justice, Perth, and has issue, I. Francis Maitlaud Wyborn, h. 1876. II. Harold Wyborn, h. 1880. III. Hubert Stanley, b. 1883. IT. Ronald Wyborn, b. 1886. I. Rose Elizabeth, b. 1873. II. Mabel Constance, b. 1875. III. Ethel, b. 187S. IV. Hilda Amey, b. 1879. BURKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 237 Hincagr. Edwaup PAiiKEK. de Whitflnii-ch, eo. Clioster, Kiisilaiul, left oiio son, Henky Paukkk, de Norllilleet, co. Kent, VI. twiee, bv his first wife he had one son, Cliristopher. He «i. 2ndl_v, Mai-nnret, diiui;liter mid heir of William Duvy, Ksq. of Noi-tlitleet, and bv lier hud, besides a daujih- ter. Marsiaret, in. first, to Mr. Swanne, and seeondlv. to Mr. Franke, a son, RiCHAKU Parkek, Esq. of Northlleet, eo. Kent, m. Jane, daughter of Nicholas Grove, Esq. of Swanseonibe, had issue. Kent, and by her Hen-rt, his heir. William, d. s.p. Johanna, d. s.p, IIexry Parker, Ksq. of Northfleet, m. Elianora, daughter and heir of Mr. Dudley, of Stone Place, co. Kent, and b^- her had issue, KiCHARD, his heir. Elianora, m. the Very Rev. William Franklin, D.D., of Sliorne, co. Kent. Mart:;aret, in. John Gierke, Esq. of Kem- sing, eo. Kent. Richard Parkeb, Esq. of Stroude, co. Kent, J. P., m. Prissilla, daughter of Robert Kdoljthe, Ksq. of llinsell, and sister of Sir Kuliert Edolphe, and by her had issue, living at the time of the Visitation of Kent in 162U, three sons and one daughter, viz., John, his heir. Richard. Henry. Frances. John Parker. Esq., believed to be ancestor of John Parker, uho jiossessed part of the Northbourne estate in Kent, and was father of Stei-iikn Parker, Esq. of Nortlibourne, near York, Western Australia, who emi- grated to that colony in ]8;i0. He m. at iN'orthbonrne, Deal, eo. Kent, iltli November, 1.S13, (Su.-annab, daughter of Robert Wy- born, Esq. of Northbourn Court, near Deal, CO. Kent, and by her had issue, I. John Wyborn, b. 1814, at North- bourne, baptised there, 25th Januarv, ItsKi. I[. Stephen Robert, baptised at North- bourne, CO. Kent, 25tli January, 1810. III. Stephen Stanlev, of whom ]ire- sently. IV. ICdward Read. V. William Mercer. Stephen Stanley Parker, E.scj. of Northbourne, York; Budge House, York: and Adelaide-terraee, Perth, Weslern Australia, b. 181 G, at Northbourne, co. Kent, England ; m. 1844, at York, Western Aus- tralia, Elizabeth, daughter of John Sewell, Esq., formerly of Maplestead, co. Essex, and has issue, Stephen Henbt, of whom we treat. Arms used — Ermine a s/ai/'s head ca- bossed ffu. attired or. Cre.'if — Out of a ducal coronet gu. a bull's head or, attired and crined arg. Residence — Karrakalla House, Perth, Western Australia. Cripp of (Drart 6orcj:c, millPP, CHARLES GEORGE, Es.]. of Oiaii Gorge Station, Woodbury, JL Canterbury, New Zealand, J. P., barrister-at-law, b. at Kentisbere, co. Devon, 1st July, 1826; called to the bar at Lincoln's Jnu, 30tli April, 1853; emigrated to New Zealand, January, 1855 ; m. at St. Michael's Church, Can- terbury, New Zealand, 23rd September, 1858, Ellen Shejiliard, ;5rd dau^i-hter of the Most Reverend Henry John Chitty Harper, lord bishop of Clirist- church, Canterbury, New Zealand, and pnmate of New Zealand, by Emily, his wife, daughter of Charles Woolridge, Esq. of Winchester, co. Haiit.s-, England, solicitor, and by her (who was h. 11th December, 1834, at Willow- brook, near Eton, co. Bucks, England) has issue, I. Charles Howaed, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, barristcr- at-law of the Inner Temple, London, M.A. of the Univeisitv of Cam- bridge, b. at Mount Peel, Cantaibury, New Zealand, 1st October, 1859. II. Leonard Owen Howard, of Wellington, New Zealand, barrister-at- law of the Inner Temple, London, h. at Retreat Villa, Acland-street, St. Kilda, ^lelbourne, Victoria, Australia, 17th November, 18(j2. III. Bernard Edward Howard, of Melbourne, Victoria, b. at Orari Gor"e, Canterbui'j-, New Zealand. 23rd December, 1868. 238 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. IV. John Mowhvay Howard, b. at Orari Gorge Station, Canterbury, New Zealand, 6th May, 1870. I. Frances Emily, h. at Bishop'.s Court, Christchurcli, Canterbury, New Zealand, 24th March, 18G1, m. at St. Thomas's Church, Woodbury, Canterbury, 25th July, 1882, Arthur Hope, Esq. of Kaurunui, Timaru, and of Richmond Station, Mackenzie Country, Canterbury, New Zealand (who was I. at Seaforth House, Seaforth, co. Lan- caster, England, 26th September, 1853), third son of Thomas Arthur Hope, Esq. of Airlie-gardens, Ken.sington, London, Eormerly of Stanton, Bebington, Cheshire, England (see Hope of Timaed), by Emily Hird, his wife, daughter of Christopher Hird Jones, Esq. of Liverpool, and has issue, 1. Henry Norman, h. at Timaru, Canterbury, 2-ltli October, 1883. 2. Owen Morley, b. at Timaru, 16th November, 1886. 3. Selwyn Peter, b. at Timaru, 11th February. 1889. 1. Edith Mary, b. at Timaru, 23rd December, 1884. 2. Roma, h. at Timaru, 22nd March, 1890. II Catherine Mary Howard, b. in Worcester-street, Cliristchurch, 24th August, 1864. III. Eleanor Howard, b. at Orari Gorge Station, 6th August, 1867. IV. Edith Howard, b. at Orari Gorge Station, 10th March, 1872. l,inEaaE That this family resided in Somerset, and had landed property in that county for many generations, appears from a great number of old parchment deeds still in the possession of the family. The oldest -which has at present been found is of the reign of Henht VIII, and relates to the estate of East Brent, which has only lately been sold. Eeferring to the same estate of East Brent, there are several deeds in the succeeding reigns, and a marriage settlementof thetimeofCHiHLES II, in which East Brent, Shipham, and Newbay are mentioned as family property. John Tripp, Esq. of Shipham and Hunt- spill, Somerset, living in the reigns of Wil- liam III and Mart II, and Queen Anne, m. twice. From his second marriage are de- rived the Tripps of Bristol, one of whom went to Holland, and amassed great wealth at Amsterdam, where, in his honour, a street is still called Tripp-street. His son was created in Holland Baron Tripp by the Prince of Orange, and one of his descendants com- manded with great credit the Nassau Brigade at Waterloo (see Waterloo Despafc/i, i9th June, 1818 : " General Kruse of the Nassau Service likewise conducted himself much to my satisfaction ; as did General Tripp, com- manding the heavy brigade of cavalry"). The son of the first marriage. Rev. John Tripp, rector of Huntspill, »»., and had issue, two sons : i. John, the heir; II. Samuel, who m. and had numerous i^sue. The eldest son, John Tripp, Esq. of Huntspill, barrister- at-law, deputy recorder of Taunton, and J. P. for COS. Wilts, Doi'set, Gloucester, Devon, and Somerset, m. Anne, daughter of the Eev. James Upton, rector of Bishop's Hall, near Taunton, and fellow of Exeter College, Ox- ford (whose son, Prebendary John Upton, was also a fellow of tliat college, and rector of Great Eisington, co. Gloucester. He (/. unm. at Taunton, co. Somerset), and by her had issue, I. John. II. James Upton, ni. Miss Edsaw, of FitLlev\orth, ami had issue, 1. James, wlio m. first. Miss Buckle, and, secondly. Miss Harvey, and had issue by both. 2. Charles Upton. 3. Francis Upton. 1. Sarah Caroline. III. George, post-captain, R.N., was present at the battle of Bunker's Hill in 1775 ; m. Miss Deacon, and had issue, Elizabeth Anne, who m. her cousin, Eev. Robert Henry Tripp. IV. Robert (Eev.), rector of Rcwe, near Exeter, co. Devon, m. Miss Thom|i- son, of Kirk Deighton, and had issue, 1. Eobert Henry (Rev.), vicar of Altarnon, co. Cornwall, m. his cousin, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of George Tripp, Esq. 2. William Upton. 3. John. 4. Charles Upton, captain 36th Native Infantry. r.UKlvK'.S COLUMAl. CKNTKY. •2.S9 1. Mnrianno. 2. Kliziibi'tli. 3. Amu'. V. Heiirv, biirrislcr-at-law and bonchor of Lincoln's Inn, ivsiiU'd lit Orclmrd Wvndliinn, noiir Wiilclicl, I lie ancient seat of tbe Wvndhams, for fiftj- years, antl (/. there itiim. I. Mary, il. num. u. Anne, m. lirijiadier-General Wil- liam Owen (nlio was 4. at Rotter- dam, ;iOtli September, 1746, and d. at Martinique (Fort George) in 1795), son of John, who was a lieutenant- general and colonel of the 5!'th Foot, and sonietin\e M.P. for West 1,00, and grandson of Sir Arthur Owen, third bart. of Orielton, co. Pembroke, and left issue, 1. Sir William Owen, eighth bart. of Orielton, eo. Pembroke, b. at Port Mahon, Minorca, 11th April, 1775, and baptised at St. Paneras Church, London; was called to the bar at the Middle Temple, 22nd November, 17!)'J ; practised as a special pleader, and in the common law courts, and went the Oxford Circuit. He also received the appointment of attorney-general for the Car- marthen Circuit, and that of postman of the Court of Ex- chequer, ■?., on the tieath of bis uncle. Sir Arthur Owen, in 1817, to the baronetcy, and in 1844 assumed the additional name of B.^RLow, upon succeeding, on the death of his aunt, Emma Anne, widow of Hugh Barlow, Esq., M.P. (formerly Hugh Owen), and under tbe will of that gentle- man, to a life interest in the estate of Lawrenny, in Pembroke- shire. He d. unm. at bis resi- dence. Fig Tree-court, Temple, London (where he liad lived for nearly sixty years), 25th Febru- ary, 1851, aged 70 years, and was buried in tbe Benchers' Vault in tlie Temple Church. 1 . Emma Anne, m. at Machynl- leth, CO. Montgomery, February, 1821, Thomas Jones, Esq. of Esgair Evan, eo. Montgomery, and d. s.p. 30tli Septendjer, 1861, buried at Llanbrynmair, co. Montgomery, North Wales. 2. Frances, h. 7tb November, 1785 ; m. at Bathwick Church, Bath, co. Somerset, 15th June, 1813, her first cousin. Rev. Cliarles Tripp, D.D., afterwards rector of Silver- ton, CO. Devon, and had issue. HI. Francis Alicia Deborah Frcderica Upton, d. unm. The eldest son. Rev. John Thtpp, LL.D.of Christchurch, Oxford, rector of Spofforth and Catton, co. York (which living was bestowed upon hiui by George O'llricji, Earl of JCgrcmont), h. at Taunton; »i. Sarah Bunbell, and U. 11th February, 1814, having had issue, I. George, captain 25th Regiment of Foot, served in Egypt under Sir Kalidt .Vben'rombie, in 1801, and was at the liattle of Aboukir. He d. unm. at Spofforth Rectory, 21»t August, 1H04. II. Cii.\Ki.KS, of whom presently. III. Peter, lieutenant-colonel 98th Regi- ment of Foot, and governor of Port Elizabeth, Natal, A. at Spofforth, 18th August, 1786; y>i. at Graham's Town, Cajjeof Good Hope, 24th November, 18:i8, Krauies Mary, daughter of John White, Esq. of Durham, army sur- geon, ile (/. at St. Clair, Ry(l"e, Isle of Wiglit, I2th June, 1862, and was buried in the cemetery there, leaving three children : I.Henry John Ilow- artl ; 1. Ellen Sarah ; 2. Frances Charlotte Anne. IV. .John Upton, retired commander, H.N., 1817, A. at Spotfurth, 27lh t)c- tober, 1791 ; entcrcLl the navy. 20th t)ctober, 1802; made lieutenant 7th June, 1809. He )». at Bathwick Church, Batli,co. Somer.set, 5th Janu- ary, 1826, his cousin, Sarah Caroline, daughter of James Upton and Sarah Tripp, of Filtlcworth, Sussex. He d. at Cleveland-place, Bath, lilst De- cember, ISoO, and was buried at Wal- cot, Bath, iea\"ing issue : 1. John Henry ; 2. Henry Howard; 3. George; 1. Henrietta Elizabeth ; 2. Jessie. I. Frances, b. at Spofforth, 16th August, 1788, m. there 27th June, 1811, Henry Eyre, Esq. of Landford, Wilts, son of tbe Rev. Henry Eyre, of Landford, whose niece was Frances Elizabeth, Countess Nelson, only daughter and heiress of his brother John Maurice Eyre, Esq. of Landford House. II. Charlotte, 4. at Spofforth, 21st June, 1794, d. unm. at Exeter, 2;!rd .Vugust, 1845, and was buried at Kentisbere, CO. Devon. The second son. Rev. Chaki.es Tmpr, D.D. of Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, formerly rector of Boml- leigh, CO. Devon (to which living he had been presented by his godfather, the Hon. Percy Charles Wyndham) and afterwards rector of Kentisbere, co. Devon (which living was bestowed upon him by George O'Brien, Karl of Kgremont), also at different tinu's })resentetl to tbe sinecure rectories of Blackborougli, co. Devon, and South Bradon, CO. Somerset, and afterwards rector of Silver- ton, CO. Devon, J. P. for cos. Somerset and Devon ; b. at S|)offorlh, co. York, 20lh April, 1784; m. at Batlnvick Church, Bath, co. Somerset, 15th June, 1815, his first cousin Frances, second daughter of Brigadier- General William Owen, lieutenant-colonel 61st Regiment (by .Vnne, his wife, daughter of John Trijjp, Ksq., barrister-at-law), and sister of the late Sir William Owen, 8th 240 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. baronet of Orielton, and by ber (wbo was b. 7th November, 17S5, and d. 27th March, ISGC) had issue, I. Henry (Rev.), M.A., reetor of Win- ford, near Bristol, co. Somerset, and late fellow of Worcester College, Ox- ford (B.A. 1839, M.A. 1841) ; *. at ■ Bondleigh, eo. Devon, 6th April, 1816 ; educated at Winchester and Oxford ; m. at St. Leonard's Church, Exeter, 25th June, 1857, Anne, daughter of Bev. George James Gould, incumbent of Mariausleigh, co. Devon, and by her (who was b. at Luekham 16th April, 1839, and d. at Winford 29th Mareli, 1888) has had issue, 1. Oweu Howard, b. 6th January, 1862, at Winford. 2. Henry Howard, b. 6th October, 1867. 3. Walter Charles Howard, b. 23rd January, 1870. 4. Cecil Edward Howard, b. 3rd December, 1872. 5. Howard Bertie, b. 26th March, 1874. 6. Hugh Upton Howard, J. 3rd October, 1878. 1. Mary Howard, b. 9th June, 1860 j m. 2ud October, 1886, P. Cripps, Esq. 2. Florence Margaret Howard, b. 29th November, 1863; m. 17th December, 1885, W. L. Gub- bings, Esq., Army Medical Staff. 3. Annie Frances Howard, b. 29th January, 1865. 4. Amy Howard, b. 15th July, 1866. 5. Agnes Howard, b. 17t)i October, 1868. 6. Emma Howard, b. 3rd March, 1871. 7. Winifred Howard, b. 3rd May, 1875. 8. Alice Josephine Howard, b. 28th Januarv, 1877. 9. Geraldme Howard, b. 27th Octo- ber, 1879. ir. Jolin (Eev.), B.A. of the University of Oxford, rector of Sampford Brett, CO. Somerset, and chaplain of the Union, Williton, Taunton, co. Somer- set ; b. 20th July, 1821, at Bondleigh ; m. at St. Leonard's Church, Exeter, 11th November, 1856, Elizabeth, eldest daughler of Rev. George James Gould, and sister of the wife of his elder brother Henry, and by her (who was b. at Luekham, 7th October, 1837) has issue, besides five other sons and two daughters, a son, Charles Howard, b. at Carhampton, eo. Somerset, 22ud July, 1858. III. Charles, *. 30th April, 1825, at Bondleigh, d. 8th August, 1825, and buried at Kentisbere, co. Devon. IV. Charles George, of whom we treat. V. William Owen (Rev.), b. at Kentis- bere, 13th May, 1828 ; m. at Pudding- ton, CO. Devon, 27th November, 1856, Mary Georgina Anne, eldest daughter of Rev. David Llewellyn, rector of Puddington, and d. at Kennerleigh, CO. Devon, 18th Aprd, 1860, having had issue, a son, Charles Llewellyn Howard, b. at Kennerleigh Rectory, CO. Devon, 19th September, 1857, and a daughter, Ethel, m. 1885, E. P. Eooper, Esq. of Tivei-ton, co. Devon. TI. Arthur Sampford, b. 1st January, 1831, at Sampford Brett, co. Somerset ; m. 23rd July, 1857, at Puddington, Agnes Jane Harriett, second daughter of Rev. David Llewellyn, and sister of his brother William's v\-ife, and has issue, besides two other sons and a daughter, a son, Arthur William Howard, b. 5th May, 1858, at Esgair Evan, Llanbrvnmair. VII. Howard, *. 18th August, 1832, at Sampford Brett, d: unm. at Glasgow, 9th Aprd, 1857, and was buried at Llanbrynmair. I. Frances, b. at Bondleigh, co. Devon, 22nd October, 1817 ; d. 2oth Febru- ary, 1818, and was buried there. II. Frances Anne, b. at BontUeigh, 31st May, 1819 ; m. at Silverton, co. Devon, 5th" December, 1850, Eev. John Henry Wise, rector of Brendon, North Devon, and has issue: 1. John Oweu, b. at Hankerton, co. Wilts, 16th De- cember, 1852, and 1. Emma Blanche. III. Eliza, b. at Bondleigh, 14th Marcli, 1823; m. at SUverton, 27th August, 1816, Captain C. T. Bentley, of II M. 78th Highlanders, who d. at Derby, bth January, 1858, aged 44 years, leaving issue. Dr. Tripp d. at Silverton, co. Devon, 9th April, 1865, in his 81st year, and was buried there. Arms used — Gk. a scaling ladder in lend, beitoeen six cross crossletsjitchee or. Crest — A hawk ppr. Sesidtiice—OraTi Gorge Station, Wood- bury, Canterbury, New Zealand. Sealte oi i\j>tit. WALKER, ARTHUR GEORGE, Esq. of Addington, Ryde, near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 6. 3rd September, 1828, at Rhodes, Concord, New South Wales, and baptised at St. John's Church, Parramatta, 3t>s.3L ot' C'liriC'ti-lnirch of T>iniir«ttf JlUuhiu imifKK'S COLONIAL GKxXTRY. 241 New South Wales; m. 10th Januurj, ISot, Laclilina Elizfibctli, eldest daughter of Dr. Thomas Scott, R.N., and granddaughter of Lieutenant Thomas Davey, governor of Tasmania, and has issue, I. Arthur Ernest Scott, b. at Rhodes, Tasmania, 30th November, 1854. II. Hiihert Travers, b. 1st September, 1856, at Rhodes; m. Mary Cleve- l;uid, third daughter of Thomas Scott, Esq. of Newcastle, and has one son, Norman Francis. III. Percy Ehrensward, /). at Rliodes, 11th June, 1858. IV. Ro.ss Lewin Bla.xland. of Iveridge, Tasmania, on which estate he was b., 1859. V. Lachlan Scott, b. at Iveridge, Tasmania, July, 1860. Mf. Walker m. secondly, 3rd June, 1889, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Bhixland, Escj. of Cleves, Pari'amatta River, who was fourth son of Gregory- Blaxland, Esq., discoverer of the famous pass in the Blue Jlountains (see Blaxland ok Fordwich). HilUcigt. John TValkeb, Esq. of Headingley, near Leeds, and of Gawthorp Hall, near Biugley, both eo. York, barrister. at-law, son of Joseph and Maey AValkee, of Wortlev, in tlie parish of Leeds, was b. 24tli August, 1754, appointed recorder of Leeds hy Queen Anne, and toot the usual oath on the 29th March, 1711 ; m. first, at St. Peter-at- Arches, Lincoln, 4th May, 1780, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Field, Esq., formerly of Hunslet, Leeds, and afterwards of Norton, co. Lincoln, and by her (who d. 11th May, 1781) had issue, a daugh- ter, Elizabeth Field, b. SOth April, 1781, d. August following, and was buried at All Hallows, Barking, Tower-street, London. He m. secondly, at St. Peter's Church, Leeds, 16th MaT,"l786. Mary, sister of Mrs. English (wife of Dr. English, of Hampton Court, physician to King Oeoege III), and daughter of John Eogersou, Esq. of Leecje, CO. York, by Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of . . . Brooke, Esq. of Rhodes Hall, near Leeds, co. York, whose ancestors, the De Brokes, were of Norman origin. Mrs. Mary Walker owned the greater part of Leeds. She had issue, I. John, merchant in the South Sea trade, and a captain in the militia, b. 13t,h May, 1787, baptised at St. Dionis Backchurch, Lime-street, London, n. Edward Brooke, h. 2nd May, 1789, baptised at St. Dunstan's, Stejiney, co. Middlesex ; m. Elizabeth, daughter of William Stanford, P"sq. of the island of Malta, and had issue, 1. Edward Brooke Evans, went to Tasmania when a boy ; m. Rose, daughter of Walter Powell, Esq., and had two sons and two daugh- ters. 1. Elizabeth Stanford, »i. Ueury VOL. I. Searle, Esq., and has two daugh- ters: Ellen, m. IJeaii Kirby, and Mary Rogerson, anm. III. Thomas, of wliom presently, ir. Abraham, b. 24tli October, i7!'7, bap- tised at St. Dunstan's, Stepney, went, when a young man, to Tasmania ; 7n. Jane, daugliter of Captain Welsh, and had issue, several sous (two only of whom survived) and two daughters, 1. Mary, m. 12th February, 1862, as his first wife, Albert Norton, Esq. (6. 1st January, 1836, m. secondly, Harriet Deacon, and by her has issue, one son, Albert Janu's), sixth son of the Hon. James Norton, of Klswick, near Sydney, New South Wales, solicitor, mem- ber of the Legislative Council of N.S. W., and brother of the present Hon. James Norton, of Eecles- bourne and Euchora, near Sydney (.see t/iaf famili/). She d. in giving birth to an infant, which also died. 2. Ellen, m. Douglas Gadsden, Esq., but has no issue. I. Mary, b. 7th November, 1793, baptised at St. Dunstan's, Stepney. II. Elizabeth Ann, b. 6th January, 1795, baptised at St. Dunstan's, Steijuej. The third son, TnoM.vs Walker, Esq. of Rhodes, Concord, on the I'arraniatta River, New South Wales, and of Rhodes, on the South Ksk River, and Iveridge, both in Tasnuuiia, deputy assistant commissary-general of New South Wales, b. in Yorkshire, 3rd December, 1791 ; baptised at St. Dunstan's, Stepney, co. Mi(kllesex, entered the army of the Duke of Willington before he was eighteen years of age; was attached to his staff, and also to the Kith Light Hussars (afterwards the IClh Light Dragoons), being in the commissariat; went all through K 242 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. the Peninsular Wav, and was present at the Battle of Waterloo. For his serviees he re- ceived the medal for Vittoria and the elasp for St. Sebastian, and had the highest creden- tials from the Uiike of Cambridge, through the Duke of Wellington. Thomas Walker and his brother officer, Thomas Cordeaux, were chosen, out of all the commissariat, to go out to New South Wales and inspect the commissariat, which was at that time in a very bad state. He was deputy-assistant com- missary-general, and went to New South Whales in Governor Macquarie's time. On retiring from the service he settled in Tas- mania, where he lived for about forty years. He m. Anna Elizabeth, second daughter of the Hon. John Blaxland, formerly of Newing- ton Hall, CO. Kent, England, and afterwards of Newington, Parramatta River, New South Wales, sometime member of the Legislative Council of that colony, the head of the Blax- land house (see Blaxland op Foedwich), by Harriott, his second wife, only daughter of John Louis de Marquet, of Calcutta, for- merly an officer in the Garde du Corps of Louis XVI, and by her (who was h. at New- ington Hall, CO. Kent, England, 8th Decem- ber, 1804, and d. 20th December, 1889) had issue, I. Frederick Thomas, h. 11th May, 1827, at Rhodes, Concord, New South Wales, and baptised at St. John's Church, Parramatta, New South Wales, unm. II. Aethue Geokge, now of Addington, Ryde, near Sychiey. III. John Rhodes, b. 8th May, 1839, at Rhodes, Tasmania; baptised at Christ Church, Longford, Tasmania, unm. IV. Harold de Broke, b. 18th December, 1843, at Rhodes, Tasmania ; baptised at Christ Church, Longford, vnin. I. Harriott Mary, b. 29th October, 1823, at Rhodes, Concord, and baptised at St. John's Church, Parramatta ; m. at Longford, Tasmania, 1st June, 1854, as his first wife, the Hon. James Nor- ton, of Ecclesbourue, Double Bay, near Sydney, and of Euchora, Springwood, Blue Mountains, near Sydney, New South Wales, member of the Legis- lative Council of that colony, trustee of the Free Public Library, Sydney, andof the Australian Museum, Sydney, fellow of St. Paul's College, within the University of Sydney, and university solicitor (see Norton of Eccles- BOtTENE AND Euchoea), and d. at Ecclesbourne, 12th September, 1860, and was buried in Sydney, having had issue one son and three daughters. II. Gertrude Jane, b. 11th January, 1826, at Rhodes, Concord, m. 21st March, 1860, as his first wife, William Norton, Esq., barrister-at-law (who was b. 25th December, 1830, and re-m. Mrs. Douglas, by whom he had no issue), brother of the aforementioned Hon. James Norton, and d. 6th August, 1862, having had a daughter, Gert.rude, who d. young. III. Anna Frances, b. 2l8t June, 1830, at Rhodes, Concord, unm. IT. Louisa Eliza, b. 23rd February, 1832, at Rhodes, Tasmania, unm. v. Selina Rhodia, b. 30th August, 1833, at Rhodes, Tasmania, d. young. TI. Marion Laura, b. 11th July, 1835, at Rhodes, Tasmania, »». 3rd May, 1888, the Rev. Charles F. Garnsey, of Christ- church, Sydney. VII. Ellen Blaxland, h. 11th July, 1837, d. in infancy. VIII. Alice Octavia, b. 16th March, 1841, at Rhodes, Tasmania, nnm. IX. Adela Russell, b. 22nd February, 1847, at Rhodes, Tasmania, m. 27th July, 1870, George Coleridge Nixon, Esq., son of the Right Rev. Dr. Francis Russell Nixon, first Anglican Bishop of Tasmania. Thomas Walker d. at Rhodes, Tasmania, 12th April, 1861. Arms used — Ar^. a chev. between three crescents az. Crest — A greyhound pass. Motto — FidelUer et alacriter. Sesldence — Addington, Ryde, near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. DIXON, MARMADUKE, Esq. of Eyre'well Park, West Eyreton, Canter- bury, New Zealand, J.P., h. 1828 ; m. 1859, Eliza Agnes, daughter of the Rev. James Suttel Wood, of Wood Hall, Wensleydale, Yorkshire, rector of Cranfield, Bedfordshire (by Catherine Mary Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of E;Oger Darvall, Esq., son of Joseph Darvall, Esq., governor of Bencoolen, in the H. E. I. Co.'s service), who was the son of John Rider Wood, Esq. (by Ann, his wife, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Cautley, vicar of Ousebarn, co. York), and grandson of Richard Wood, Esq. (who m. in 1729, Elizabeth, daughter of Ottiwell Rider, Esq. of Bolton Castle, Wensleydale, co. York), and by her has had issue (besides a son, d. young), BURKE'S COr.ONIAL GENTRY. 243 I. 'Jfrivmailulxc Jolm, h. 180;^. II. Richard Onno, /(. 186-i. I. Agnes Rosa Marion. II. Catherine Amelia Mary Elizabeth. liinragc. Wtt.t.t.vm Dixon, Esq. of IToIton Park, co. Lincoln, rf. ill 17,'iO. By Martini DriUT, liia wife, of AtUiiif^tou, co, Lanciistor, he Imd issue, besides four other cliildreu, I. William, of whom ])resontly. II. Thomas (Rev.), of Laoeby, co. Lin- coln. III. Richard (Rev.), of Cliixby, co. Lin- coln, »?. Miss Wallidcn, and had issue, two danohters, Fanny and Martha Walkden, both of whom d. unm. I. Ann, eighth and youngest child, m. Richard Roadlcy, Esq. of Searby, co. Lincoln, and had issue, a daughter, Mary Aim, who m. her cou,sin, Thonuis John Dixon, Esq. of Ilolton, co. Lin- cola, and had issue. The eldest son, William Dixon, Esq. of Ilolton, afore- said, who, in 1800, established the " Society of Industry " at Caistor, co. Lincoln, for the better relief and employment of the poor. He m. the daughter of the Rev. Mr. Parkin- son, for fifty years rector of Healing, co. Lincoln (by his wife, the daugliter of the Rev. Mr. Green, vicar of Kirkby-npon-Bain, CO. Lincoln, whose wife was the daughter of Sir Richard Walwyn Green, of Hereford- shire), and by her had seven children, amongst whom were, Thomas John, of Holton, co. Lincoln, eldest son, who was high sheriff for that county, 1862 ; m. his cousin, Mary Ann (d. 1885), daughter of Richard Roadley, Esq. of Searby, aforesaid, and d, 1870, having had seven children, all of whom d. young, except two daughters, viz., Ann, now of Holton, unm. ; and Emily, m. to . . . Jamieson, Esq., M.D., of Caistor, co. Lincoln. James Geebn, fifth child, of whom pre- sently. Amelia Margaretta, seventh and youngest child, m. George Shipworth, Esq. of Moortown House, co. Lincoln, high sheriff, co. Lincoln, 185S, and had eleven children, amongst whom were, George Borman, of Moortown Hall, South Kelsey, Caistor, co. Lincoln, barristcr-al-law, lord of the manor of Soutli Kelsey, b. 1820; called to the bar at the Afiddlc Tem))le, 2nd May, 181-5 ; m. 1846, Miss Alethea A. Bigsby ; Margaretta, m. to the Rev. Mr. Turner, of Oflbrd Cluny, co. Huntingdon ; Su.^annah, m. 1858, John Lewis Ffytche, Esq. (A. 181C), of The Terrace, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, and of the National Conserva- tive Club, London, M.A. Oxon., F.S.A., J. P. and D.L. co. Lincoln, J.P. CO. Derry, and liigh sheriff, co. Lincoln, 1865, lord of the manors of Shefford-cum-Campton, co. Bedford; Risley, co. Derby ; Leybourn, co. Lincoln ; and Fenstanton, co. Huii- tingdon ; cousin to Lord Tennyson, the )ioet laureate, and eldest son of .T. Ffytche, Esq. of Thorpe Hall, near Louth, CO. Lincoln, J.P. and D.L., who d. 1855 ; Charlotte, m. to the Rev. Benjamin Gibbons, M.A. Ox- ford, of Waresley House, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, CO. Worcester, vicar of Lower Mitton, Stourport, co. Wor- cester ; and Annie, m. to the Rev. Samuel Wright Andrews, M.A. Cam- bridge, J. P., prebendary of Lincoln, rector of Claxby-wit]i-Normanby-on- the-Wold, CO. Lincoln, 18()P, and vicar of Usselby, Caistor, co. Lincoln, 1887. James Geeen Dixon, Esq. of Caistor, co. Lincoln, m. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Dawber, Esq. of Brigg, co. Lincoln (by Miss Robinson, his wife), who was son of W. Dawber, Esq. of Scampton Hall, in the same county, by Mary, his wife, danghter of the Rev. Mr. Kirk, vicar of -\ppleby, and d. in 1878, aged Sil, having had by her (who d. in 1872), the present Maemaduke Dixon, Esq. of Eyrewell Park. Arms used — Gu., ajtettr-de-lis or, a chief erm. Crest — A lion ramp. arg. Motto — Respice Jinem. Residence — Eyrewell Park, West Eyreton, Canterbury, New Zealand. #rucijcr of (Drmlc;'» GRUEBER, STEPHEN HENRY, Esq. of Orniley, Fingal, Tasmania, J.P. since 18-13, and elected ten years .successively warden of the municipality of Fingal, 6. 8tli May, 1818; emigrated to Tasmania in 1839; m. 23rd May, 1839, Elizabeth Miller, of Edinburgh, and has issue, VOL. r. u 2 '244 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY I. Stephen Henry, present owner of Ormley, Pingal, Tasmania, J. P. since 1872, 6. 7tli October, 1843; m. 6th March, 1867, Hannah Fletcher, and has issue, a daughter, II. Thomas William, h. 17th June, 1845; m. 2nd July, 1868, Harriet Thompson, and has issue, two sons and one daughter. III. Charles Frederick Archibald, h. 23rd September, 1849; m. 10th January, 1873, Elizabeth Elliston, and has issue, six sons. lY. Francis Henry, b. 6th May, 1852 ; wram. I. Mary Elizabeth, m. 29th January, 1867, Thomas Spencer, Esq. II. Elizabeth Helen, m. 28th November, 1881, Edward 0. Cotton, Esq. of Glamorgan, Tasmania. ILliuage. The Gvuebers are of German extraction. Three brothers emigrated from ITrankfort in 1572, one settled in India, and d. s.p., one in Ireland, whose descendants are now extinct, and one In England, whose descendant, Stephen Henkt G-eueber, Esq., was a captain in the E. I. Co.'s serrice, and was father of Stephen Henet G-euebee, Esq. of Brock- ley, CO. Kent, England, East India merchant of the City of London, and member of the Goldsmiths' Company ; m. 3rd August, 1801, Mary, daughter of She d. 20th' February, 1862. He d. Slst January, 1855, having had issue, I. Henry, m. Eliza Pierce, and d. leaving a daughter. II. Thomas, of Granville Park, Black- heath, CO. Kent, England, formerly practised as a solicitor ; m. Emily Rowsell, and has issue, three daugh- ters. III. Charles Stephen (Rev.), B.A. Ox- ford, vicar of Hambridge, near Taun- ton, CO. Somerset, England, m. Cathe- rine Appold, and has issue, three sons and seven daughters. IV. Stephen Henet, now of Ormley, Fingal. I. Mary Anne, m. Hugli Pierce, Esq., and has issue, four sons and five daughters. Arms used- — Per pale or and az., three roses counterchanged . Crest — A rose between ttvo wings erect, each charged with a rose. Motto — Honor virtutis prcemium. Sesideuce — Ormley, Fingal, Tasmania. Estate — Now owned by Mr. Stephen Henry Grueber, jun. — Ormley, situated between Fingal and Avoca, on the banks of the South Esk River, Tasmania (6,000 acres). JuDlTtSt of ^trt|)» FORREST, HON. JOHN, C.M.G., J.P., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.L.S., of Hay- street, Perth, Western Australia, member of the Legislative Assembly for Bunbury, first colonial treasurer and premier, under responsible govern- ment, of Western Australia, and one of the representatives of that colony at the National Australasian Federal Convention, formerly commissioner of Crown Lands and surveyor-general of Western Australia, h. 22Dd August, 1847 ; m. 29th February, 1876, Margaret Elvire, elder daughter of Edward Hamersley, Esq. of Pyrton, near Guildford, Western Australia, B.A. (Trinity College, Cambridge), brother of the late Hugh Hamersley, Esq. of Pyrton Manor, co. Oxford, England, J. P. and D.L., chairman of Quarter Sessions, and high sheriff, 1840 (see Hamersley article below), but by her has no issue. The Hon. John Forrest is an honorary fellow of the Italian Geo- graphical Society, honorary fellow of the Imperial Geographical Society of Vienna and St. Petersburg, knight of the Italian Crown. In 1865, he entered the Survey Department in Western Australia, and has commanded several exploring expeditions into the interior of Australia, including that BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 245 sent out by the Government in 1869 to search for Lcichhardt, for winch services he received the thanks of the Governor and Legislative Council, and was presented with the gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society on 22nd May, LS76, and also with a grant in fee of 5,000 acres of land by the Imperial Government. The same year he was appointed deputy surveyor-general of Western Australia. He acted as commissioner of Crown Lands and surveyor-general, from September, 1878, to January, 1879 ; acting comptroller of Convicts from May, 1880, to July, 1881 ; appointed commissioner of Crown Lands and surveyor-general of Western Australia in January, 1883, and colonial treasurer and premier, on the inauguration of responsible government, 1891. He was created C.M.G., 1882; author of Explorations in Australia, 1870, Notes on Western Australia, 1884, 1885, and 1886; represented the Colony at the Colonial Conference in London, 1887. Hinfaac. This family is believed to have originally come from France. John Forrest, Esq. (at that time pro- nounced Foret), a merchant of Bervie, near Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, Scotland, b. 1750. He erected the first spinning mill in Kincardineshire, m. twice, and d. 1826, having had by his first -wife two sons and two daughters, viz., I. James, of whom presently. II. Thomas, went to the West Indies, and d. there. I. Agnes, m Dixon, Esq., and had issue, Rev. James ; Thomas, an artist ; David ; and William. II. Mary. James Forrest, Esq., b. in 1789. at Bervie, Kincardineshire ; trained to the law, and became a writer to the signet ; ni. Mary Cheyne, and d. 185(j, leaving an only son, William Forrest, Esq. of Leschenault, near Bunbury, Western Australia, civil engineer, b. 1819; emigrated to Western Australia in 1842 ; tn. at Glasgow, Scotland, in 1840, Margaret, daughter of David Hill, Esq., and has issue, I. William, b. 1842; m. 1864, Mary Ann, daughter of John Fowler, Esq., and has issue, 1. Alexander. 2. Walter. 3. Edward. 1. Grace. 2. Edith. 3. Agnes. 4. Maud. 5. Laura. 6. Eva. 7. Una. II. James Hill, b. 184.5 ; tn. 1870, Annie Maria, daughter of W. C. Ramsay, Esq., and has issue, 1. Cunningham. 2. William. 3. Matthew, 1. Mary. 2. Annie. 3. Margaret. 4. Rose. 5. Minnie. 6. Grace. III. John (Hon.), of Perth, the subject ot this article. IV. Alexander, M.I.C.E., of Perth, West- ern Australia, member of the Legisla- tive Assembly for West Kimberley, and one of the rejjresentatives of the colony of Western Australia at the National Australasian Federal Con- vention ; b. 1849 ; m. 1880, Amy, eldest daughter of Edward Barrctt- Lennard, Esq. of Annandale, Western Australia (see Baeeett-Lennard, Bt., in Burke's Peerage), and has issue, 1. Kimberly Fitzroy. 2. Anthony. 3. John. 1. Sylvia. Mr. Alexander Forrest accompanied his brother John in his exj)editions in 1870 and 1874, and subsequently made expeditions in Western Australia without the assistance of his brother, v. David, b. 1852; m. 1881, Mary, daughter of John W. Parker, Esq., and has issue, VI, Robert, b. 1854; m. 1875, Esther Cons. VII. George, b. 1858, m. Alic and has issue, 1. Ernest. 1. Flora. 2. Blanche. Arm.t — Arg., on a mount a fore.st of trees ppr,, on a chief az, three stars of eight points of the first. Crest —X cubit arm erect, vested az, oifF arg. the hand p|)r. holding a cross botonny Utehee in bend sinister of tlie second. Mottv — Vivunt d\im virent. Mesidence — Hay-street, I'erth, Western Australia. OXeil, 246 BURKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. jpnmily of ^nmctslcg. Previously to the 16th century this family was seated in Staffordshire. One of the Staffordshire house, Sib Hugh Hameus- LET, settling in London, was president of Christ's Hospital, and became lord mayor of London, 1627. From him is supposed to descend, Rev. Samuel Hamekslet, rector of Checkendon, co. Oxford, who m. 1705, Anne Alleine (deceased 1767), and d. 1775, having had issue, HuQH Hambeslet, Esq. of Pyrton Manor, Tetsworth, co. Oxford, who m. ISIO, Margaret, daughter of John Sevan, Esq., and by her (who d. 1849) had issue, I. Hugh, of Pyrton Manor, J.P. and D.L., chairman of Quarter Sessions, high sheriff, 1810, b. 1st August, 1814 ; m. 2nd June, 1835, Philippa Mary Anne, daughter of John Shawe Philipps, Esq. of Culham, co. Oxford, and by her (who d. 21st February, 1877) had issue, 1. Hugh Buckley, of Pyrton Manor, CO. Oxford, b. 29th July, 1838 ; m. 1879, Elizabeth Sophia, daughter of J. Shaeu Carter, Esq. 2. Edward Samuel, of Pyrton Manor, and of the Junior Carlton Club, London, J.P. and D.L. co. Oxford, b. 14th August, 1839; m. 1st, 24th January, 1865, Alice, daughter of ... . Barton, Esq. of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, who d. 21st February, 1875; 2ndly, 3rd De- cember, 1878, Louisa M., daugh- ter of J. B. Grraham, Esq. 3. Ai'thur (Rev.), rector of Nuf- field, CO. Oxford, b. 19th February, 1841 ; m. 14tk February, 1865, Jane, daughter of the Rev. T. Hopkins, of Nuffield, and d. 21st November, 1872. 4. John Henry, of Hoole Lodge, near Chester, lieut.-colonel late 23nd Regiment, major 1st battalion Cheshire Regiment in 1881, and chief constable of Cheshire from 1881, b. 20th April, 1842 ; m. 1878, Lucy, daugbter of Rev. James Caspar Clutterbuck, D.C.L., H.M. inspector of poor law schools. 5. Alfred St. G-eorge, barrister-at- law, b. 8th October, 1848. 6. Cecil Suafto, b. 10th February, 1851. 1. Fanny Philippa, m. 4th August, 1863, Colonel Claude Ducat, Bombay Staff Corps. 2. Emily Clara, m. 13th Januai'y, 1859, Colonel Hale, R.E. 3. Mary Anne, d. 26th October, 1873. 4. Katherine, m. Rev. C. Bowly, rector of Messing, Essex. 5. Adelaide Sophie, m. 21st De- cember, 1880, Lieutenant-Colonel the Hon. Edward Alexander Holmes- .\ Court, of Oxford, major of the 85th Regiment, or Shrop- shire Light Infantry, from 1882 to 1886, when lie was appointed hon. lieutenant-colonel ; chief constable of Oxfordslure from 1888; b. 23rd October, 1845; 5th son of the second Baron Hey- tesbury, and has issue. Mr. Hugh Hamersley m. 2ndly, 25th January, _ 1882, Hon. Gertrude Anne Holmes-A Court, daughter of 2nd Lord HeytJesbury, and d. 1884. II. Edward, of whom presently. III. Samuel, m., and has issue, Malcolm Travers, m. Catherine, daughter of . . . Spratt, Esq. ; Margaret, m. . , , Wilson, Esq. I. Margaret m Green, Esq., and has issue. II. Frances Isabella, in. 1827, William Locke Broekman, Esq. (see Brook- man OF BEAcnBOROuaH in Burke's Landed Gentry). III. Elizabeth, m. 1st, George Johnston, Esq., son of General Johnston, and has issue ; and 2ndly, Baron von Konitz. Mr. Hamersley d. 1828, and was s. by his eldest son, Hugh. His 2nd son, Edward Ha.\ier3ley, Esq. of Pyrton, near Guildford, Western Australia, B.A. Trinity College, Cambridge, m. Anne Louise Cornells, and d. 1874, leaving issue, I. Edward (Hon.), member of the Legis- lative Council of Western Australia, m. Jane, daughter of J. M. Dempster, Esq., and has issue, Edward, Charles William, Percy, Elvire, Louise. II. Charles, m. Blanche, daughter of Arthur Trimmer, Esq., and d. Decem- ber, 1890, having had issue, Arthur, Elvira, Margaret. III. Hugh, m. Marion, daughter of J. M. Dempster, Esq., and has issue, Hugh, John, Evelyna. IV. Samuel Richard, m. Matilda, daugh- ter of Thomas Brown, Esq., and lias issue, Hugh, Vernon, Ada, Mary, Ethel. V. Eevon. VI. George, m. Emily, daughter of . . . Anderson, Esq. I. Mahgaret Elvire, m. 29th February, 1876, Hon. John Fokrest, C.M.G., J.P., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.L.S., of Hay-street, Perth, Western Australia, colonial treasurer and premier of Western Australia. II. Flora. Arm.n. F. W. Frampton, Esq., but has no issue. II. Fanny Austin, b. 17th April, 184-t; m. 'Walter Frampton, Fm\,, and has issue, 1. Walter John ; 2. Napier Paul ; 3. Arundel Emily Paul ; and 4. Charles Gerard. Arms used — Ou., three herons, arg. Crest - — Ji h^ron clos-e ppr., holding iti {he bill a standard staff, the banner Jlotant, thereon the word " Hastings." Motto — Nil des- perandnm. Residence — Holmwood, Adelaide, South Australia. Club — Adelaide. Bro^unc of (!5uilforti iCotitjc* BROWNE, HON. THOMAS HILLMAN, of Guilford Lodge, Queenstown, Cape Colony, has been a member of tbe Legislative Council of the Cape of Good Hope from 1878, J. P., b. at Green Fountain, Albany, Cape Colony, 17th September, 1824; m. at Bathurst, Cape Colony, 1st September, 1847, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Miles, Esq. of Bathurst, Cape Colony, and has issue, I. Alfred Miles, of Springfield, Queenstown, Cape Colony, b. 3rd September, 1855 ; m. 1882, Celia Millar, and has issue, two daughters. II. Robert Lawrence, of Schafhausen, Queenstown, b. 5th September, 1867 ; m. 1885, Annie Filmer, and has issue, one son and one daughter. III. Charles Edwin, h. 14th October, 1864. IV. Thomas, 6. 7th January, 1867. I. Sarah, 6. 15th December, 1850; m. 1881, Joseph Hayes, Esq. of Schafhausen, Queenstown, and has issue, one son and two daughters. II. Alice, 6. 16th December, 1852; m. 1880, J. C. Furdon, Esq. of Mapassa, Queenstown, and has issue, two sons and two daughters. III. Emma, h. 4th March, 1859 ; to. 1887, Lorenzo Miles, Esq. of Falstaf, Queenstown, and has issue, a daughter. IV. Jessie Ellen, h. 4th November, 1860 ; m. 1884, Walter Filmer, Esq. of Cloete Dale, Queenstown, and has issue, two daughters. V. Annie, h. 27th September, 1862, unm. VI. Rosa, h. 30th October, 1868. ■^Lineage. This family was for some time resident in Surrey, England. The Hon. Thomas Ilillman Browne's father, Stephen Browne, Esq., was b. at Harefield, co. Middlesex, England, 30th January, 1771, and m. Sarah, daughter of Hillman, Esq. of New Shoreliam, CO. Sussex, England, at which place she was 4. 19th January, 1783. VOL. I. Arms used — Sa. three lions pass, in bend arg. between two double culiises of the last. Crest — An eagle displayed vert. Motto — Suivez raison. Residence — Guilford Lodge, Queenstown, Cape Colony. I'ropertii — 12,000 acres in the Eastern Province, Cape Colony. 258 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. M-K ^atl\dlar JDf Bunara. ELLAR, HON. CHARLES KINNAIRD, M.B., CM., of Dunara, Rose Bay, Sydney, New Soath Wales, Australia, member of the Legislative Council, N.S.W., late minister for Mines and representative of the Government of Sir Patrick Jennings, K.C.M.G., in the Legislative Council, and formerly president of the Board of Health and medical adviser to the Government, 6. 5th December, 1844, in Sydney ; m. 9th August, 1877, Marion, second daughter of Thomas Buckland, Esq. of Belvoir House, Sydney, and has issue, I. Keith Kinnaird, 6. 17th July, 1880. II. Eric Buckland, h. 17th July, 1882. I. Isobel Marion Dorothea, h. 1st July, 1885. Hon. C. K. MacKellar graduated M.B. at the University of Glasgow in 1871. llincaQc. This family was settled in Argjllshire, Scotland. Lieutenant Johx MacKellae, of the 71st Highland Light Infantry, the grandfather of the Hon. Dr. C. K. MacKellar, was b. in Argyllshire, Scotland. He served in the Peninsula, West Indies, and Flanders, and afterwards retired witli the rank of captain. He m. Euphemia, daughter of ... . Jackson, Esq., and had issue, Frederick, of whom presently, and Charles Kinnaird. Frederick MacKellar, Esq. of Sydney, N.S.W., M.D., h. in Scotland, 1811 ; m. at Sydney, February, 1844, Isobel Beatson, daughter of James Robertson, Esq. of Leith, Scotland, sheep-owner, son of James Robert- son, Esq. of Fifeshire, surgeon, and by her (who was h. in Scotland, 1811, and <^. in Sydney, N.S.W., 1873) had issue, I. Charles Kinnaird (Hon.), of whom we treat. I. Euphemia, m. John A. Gamack, Esq., and has issue. Mr. MacKellar d. 1863. Arms used — Arg. a lion passant az. between two barrulets gu. in chief three crescents sa. and in base as many mullets of the third. Crest — An arm emboived in armour holding in the hand a scymitar all ppr. Motto — Perseverando. Residence — Dunara, Rose Bay, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Clubs — Australian and Athenseum, Sydney, N.S.W. f^ttjj)ctt i3f Coora!t anti iHtttamo paiit. HIGHETT, JOHN MOORE, Esq. of Toorak aud Mitiamo Park, Victoria Australia, member of the Legislative Assembly, Victoria; b. 6th September, 1847, near Geelong, Victoria; m. at Melbourne, Victoria, 30th September, 1882, Annie Josephine, daughter of Captain Charles Bradney Payne, R.N., of Osenington, Melbourne, Victoria (son of Rear- Admiral Payne, of Weymouth, co. Dorset, England), by Josephine Simmons, his wife, who was a relation of Field Marshal Sir John Lintorn Arabin Simmons, G.C.B., late governor and commander-in-chief of the island of Malta and its dependencies, and has issue, I. Vivien Lintorn, 6. 2nd March, 1885. II. A son, 6. 20th February, 1890. I. Josephine Moore, b. 29th April, 1886. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 259 Hi'ncaac. Tliis family was at one time resident in "Wiltsliire, Knizland. The preat grandt'atliei* of the pi-cpeiit J. M. Highett, Ksi]., hud es- tates at Kodmede, in that county. He had issue, tliree sons, viz., I. John, d. s.p. II. James, b. at Eodmede, eo. WiUs, England, m. and had issue : 1. James, d.s.p. 2fith September, 1873 ; 2. Charles, of Field House, Clifton, Bristol, eo. Gloucester, England, M.D., b. 1811, owns estates in Somersetshire, s.ji. ; 3. Felix Henry, d. 31st January, 1847. III. Joseph, of whom presently. The youngest son, Joseph Hiqhett, Esq., b. at Eodmede, CO. Wilts, lived for many years at Weymouth, CO. Dorset ; m. Miss Harding, of Dorset, and had issue, besides three daughters (one of whom was Sarah, of Riehmond, Melbourne, I. at Weymouth, eo. Dorset, England, 1812, and d. umn. at Eiehmond, Melbourne, 1877), two sons, I. William (Hon.), of Eiehmond, Mel- bourne, Victoria, banter, memberof the Legislative Council of Victoria, b. at Weymouth, co. Dorset, England, 1807, and arrived in Tasmania, February, 1830. In 1838 he was appointed first manager of the Union Bank of Aus- tralia in Victoria, which post he re- signed a few years after, becoming one of its local directors, in which capa- city he remained for several years, was one of the direclors of the Bank of Victoria, on its establishment in 1852, and was oiu* of the originators of the Victoria Fire and Marine Insurance Company, which was inaugurated in ]8t;) ile d. unm. at Eiehmond, Mel- bourne, 1880. II. John. The second son, John Uiouett, Esq. of Highton, Vic- toria, b. at Wevmouth, co. Dorset, 1810; m. 18-16, Sarah Moore, who was b. 1820, in Warwickshire, England, and d. 1883. He d. at Queeusdiff, Victoria, 1867, leaving issue, I. John Mooee, of whom we treat. II. Joseph, b. 9th November, 1848, m., and now deceased. III. Francis James, b. 19th Januarv, 1852, m. IV. William Edward, of Orrong-road, Armadale, solicitor, b. 28th October, 1854 ; m. 24th April, 1884, Flora Dale Crooke, and d. 22nd June, 1890. I. Anglesea, b. 25th March, 185t), m. II. Sarah Jane, b. 4th November, 1858 ; m. 24th April, 1885, Major Wheler, of Preston, co. Lancaster, England. Arms ttsed — A7-(/. a lion ramp. gii. a chief 2>(r fess dmicettee of the first and sa. Crest — A demi ]>effasits ramp, .fa, vinr/ed, 7naned, and tufted or. Motto — Fac et spera. Residences — Toorak and Mitiamo Park, Victoria, Australia. Estates — Highton, Geelong ; Mitiamo Park; and Maugatt Hill, Victoria. jHcDoiicjall of i\osalit flatus. MCy\OUGALL, HON. JOHN FREDERICK, of Rosalie Plains, JL' Jondarjan, Queen.sland, member of the Legislative Council, h. in CO. Cumberland, New South Wales, 31st August, 1820; jn. 31st July, 1846, Catherine Maria, daughter of Major G. P. D'Arcy, of the 39th Regi- ment, by Catherine Maria White, his ■wife, and has had issue, I. D'Arcy T., 6. 17th July, 1847; cl. 19th July, 1886. n. John, I. 17th May, 1849; d. 2nd October, 1865. in. William Ardagh, 6. 11th August, 1851 ; d. 22nd March, 1853. IV. Roderick, 6. 6th July, 1855. V. Angus Frederick, h. 7th September, 1859; d. 8th March, 1879. VI. Stuart Brisbane, 6. 25th March, 1862. VII. Ronald, 6. 21st November, 1863; m. 6th January, 1886, Flora Eliza- beth Frances, daughter of Mr. Justice Harding, and has issue, a daughter, Lorn. viii. Fergus Henry, h. 13th July, 1865. I. Florence Rose, h. 25th January, 1853 ; in. 24th February, 1887. II. Louisa Maria, h. 24th March, 1857 ; unm. The Hon. J. F. McDougall was educated at King's School, Parramatta, and left New South Wales for Queensland some thirty years ago, and has s 2 2G0 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ever since been engaged in pastoral pnrsnits. He was appointed, upon the separation of Queensland from New South Wales, in 1860, one of the original twelve members of the Legislative Council for five years, and assisted Sir Charles Nicholson and Sir Maurice O'Connell as one of the three Commis- sioners for opening the first Parliament of Queensland ; at the expiration of five years was re-appointed for life to the Upper House ; and has, upon two occasions (when the president was called upon to take the acting governorship), occupied the position of acting president of the Legislative Council of Queensland. ILiiuagc. Tliis family claim McDougall, of Dunolly, as their chief. Andrew and Elizabeth McDougall emigrated from Argyllshire, Scotland, arriv- ing in New South Wales in 1796, and settled upon a grant of land near Parraniatta, eo. Cumberland ; thence their sons and daugh- ters, when of age, located themselves upon their estates (grants from the Crown) of Kelso-place, JJunoUy, Lorn, and Mid-Lorn, situated upon the Hunter river. Their elder son, upou the death of his parents, occupied the original estate of Baulkham Hdla, near Parramatta, until his death in 1839, when his eldest son, Andrew Louis, came into posses- sion. He »;. 31st July, 1819, and by his wife (who d. in 1872) had issue, I. Andrew Louis, wlio came into posses- sion of tlie Baulkham Hills estate upon the deatli of his father in 1839, but subsequently removed to Grafton, Clarence river, where he holds the position of police magistrate. He is now in the 70th year of his age. He m. in 1846, and has issue, three sons and four daughters. II. John Feedeeick (Hon.), now of Rosalie Plains, in. Cyrus, d. leaving issue, two sons and three daughters. jr. Donald, deceased. V. Wallace, deceased. Ti. Bruce, d. leaving issue, two sons and one daughter. Til. Malcolm, d. leaving issue, six sous and two daughters. Till. Kenneth, has issue, three sons and one daufihter. I. Elizabeth Maria, umn. Arms used- — Quarterly ; \st and 4/A, az. a lion ramp. arg. ; 2nd and Zrd, or, a lymphad sa. with aflame offire,ppr., issuing from the iopmasi. Crest — An arm in armour, em- lowed, fessways, couped ppr., holding a cross crosslei fitchee gii. Motto — Vincere vel mori. Residence — Rosalie Plains, Jondaryan, Darling Downs District, Queensland. Estate — 50,000 acres, situated in the Darling Downs District, Queensland. M^'B JHacBatn oi ^tot^hxivn. AIN, HON. SIR JAMES, K.C.M.G., of Scotsburn, Toorak, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, president of the Legisla- tive Council of Victoria from 1886, youngest son of the late Smith MacBain, of Invergordon, Ross-shire, N.B., by Christina Taylor, his wife ; was b. 19th April, 1828. In 1853, Sir James, having been previously iu business in Inverness, Scotland, left England by the s.s. " Great Britain " for Melbourne, where he arrived on the 14th October of that year, and soon afterwards obtained an engagement in the bank of New South Wales. A few years later he relinquished this appoiotment and became the Melbourne managing partner of the mercantile and squatting agency firm, Gibbs, Ronald & Co., and in 1863 he became partner in the firm of Gibbs, Ronald & Co., Gee- long, and Richard Gibbs & Co., of London. The business acquired by these firms was, in 1865, sold to the Australian Mortgage, Land and Finance Com- pany, Limited, Mr. MacBain for some time continuing the management of the business in Melbourne. He afterwards became a director of that Com- pany. He is a director of the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered J BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 261 Bank, was a director of the Colonial JJiiuk of Australia, the Victoria Fire and Marine Insurance Company, and the Australasian Fii-e, Marine, and Life Insurance Company ; and for some years he was president and member of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines. In 1S04 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly for the Winmera district, and sat in the Assembly till 1880, in which year he became a member of the Legislative Council ; knighted 1886, and created K.C.M.G. 1889. Horn. 13th July, 18.53, Jessie, youngest daughter of the late William Smith, Esq. of Forres, N.B., but has no issue. Crest used — A wolf's head. Motto — Vires in ardui.<. Residence — Scoisbnrn, Toorak, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Clubs. — Australian and Melbourne, both in Melbourne. iHacansfj of Cannincj JDotunsi. "ACANSH, HON. JOHN DONALD, of Canning Downs, near Warwick, Queensland, Australia, member of the Queensland Legislative Council, b. at Stirling, Scotland, 31st May, 1820 ; m. at Raymond Terrace, Hunter River, New South Wales, 8th January, 1849, Sarah Jane, daughter of Archibald Windeyer, Esq. of Kinross, near the town of Raymond Terrace, New South Wales (who was b. in England, was for upwards of thirty years an officer in the Ordnance Department, and, on retiring, emigrated with his family, in 1838, to New South Wales), and has issue, I. John Donald, junr., b. 19th December, 1862, m. Louisa Gore, and has issue, 1. John Donald. 1. Isabel. 2. Anne de Havilaud. 3. Juliet. II. Thomas Windeyer, of Canning Downs, b. 1st September, 1854; III. William, of Brighton, Victoria, Australia, physician, 6. I'Jth Sep- tember, 1858 ; unm. IV. James Gilchrist, of Canning Downs, b. 6th June, 1860 ; viim. v. Archibald Rowland Finlay, of Brisbane. Queensland, i. 19th November, 1861 ; unm. VI. Andrew Walter Irby, of Sydney, New South Wales, b. 17th August, 1863 ; umn. I. Ann, 6. 29th October, 1849; m. 10th June, 1873, William Thomas, Cadell, Esq. of Deepwater, New England, Now South Wales, J. P., and has issue, 1. Donald James William. 2. Alan Macansh. 3. Colin Kingsmead. 1. Hilda Kathleen. 2. Beryl Nina. II. Elizabeth, b. 21st April, 1851 ; m. 31st May, 1876, Richard Hud.son, Esq., and has issue, 262 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1. Richard Harold. 2. John Macansh. 1. Rose Winifred. 2. Elizabeth Sarah Kathleen. .3. Mm-iel Mary. Ill Sarah Kate, 6. 31st July, 1856; m. 6th July, 1883, Henry Francis Burton, Esq., and d. 5th July, 1885, leaving issue, a daughter, Sarah Kate. IV. Mary Cecilia, h. 2Sth November, 1865 ; unm. V. Flora Juliet, I. 17th August, 1867. Mr. Macansh emigrated to New South Wales in 1838, with his mother, his only sister, and his younger brother, the only other member of the family was his elder brother, who, at that time, was an assistant-surgeon in the H.E.I. Company's Service in Bengal. Soon after his arrival in Sydney he obtained an appointment in the Bank of Austi-alasia, and since 1840 has been engaged in farming and squatting pursuits in New South Wales and Queensland. In 1875 he purchased the Canning Downs Estate, comprising 66,000 acres, and then came to Queensland, and was called to the Legislative Council, April, 1886. ILiiuagc. This family is of Scottish origin. De. JoHjf Macansh, who was surgeon on board Lord Collitigwood's ship " Tille de Paris," was b. in Perthshire, Scotland, about the year 1777. After retiring from the navy he resided at Stirling, N.B. ; in. about 1811, Ann, third daughter of John White, Esq. of Esk Mills, Pennycuik, Scotland (who came from Yorkshire), by Ann Haig, his wife, and d. at Stirling, about the year 1830, haying had by her (who was h. near Penny- cuik, Scotland, and d. 11th November, 18-15, near Raymond Terrace, New South Wales) three sons and one daughter. Tbe second son is the present Hon. John Donald Mac- ansh. Residence and Estate — Canning Downs, near the town of Warwick, co. MeriTale, Darling Downs District, Queensland, Aus- tralia. ^}n\t of #ala» LTNE, JOHN, Esq. of Gala, Cranbrook, Tasmania, J.P., member of Par- liament and warden of Glamorgan, Tasmania, h. 7th February, 1810 ; m. 21st June, 1843, Lilias Cross Carmichael, daughter of James and Martha Hume, of Edinburgh, Scotland, and has issue, I. William John (Hon.), of Sydney, New South Wales, member of the Executive Council and of the House of Assembly, New South Wales, b. 6th April, 1844, at Apslawn, Great Swansport, Tasmania ; to. 27th June, 1870, Martha Coates, elder daughter of Edward Cavr Shaw, Esq., formerly of Terenure, co. Dublin, Ireland, and after- wards of Red Banks, Glamorgan, Tasmania, J. P. for the territory (see Sh.\w of Hobaet), and has issue, 1. John, h. 12th December, 1877. 1. Anne Fenton, h. 16th October, 1871. 2. Lilias Cross Carmichael Hume, h. 13th November, 1873. 3. Victoria Emma Shaw, b. 24th May, 1879. The Hor. W. J. Lyne was educated at Horton College, Ross, and at BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 2G3 Rost«lla, by the Rev. H. P. Kane. When twenty ycnv.s of age he went to Queensland, and travelled overland from Brisbane to the Gnlf of Carpentaria. He was among the first pionceis who took up .station property on the shores of the gulf. On account of ill- health he returned to Tasmania, and accepted a position as council clerk to the Municipal Council of Glamorgan, which he held until the beginning of 1875, when he again left Tasmania, and recom. menced squatting pursuits on the Murray, at Cumberoona, near Albury, in which district he resided until elected to the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales in 1880, since which time ho has continued to reside in Sydney. Mr. Lyne was secretary for Public Works in the Dibbs Administration, 1885; declined the offer of leader of the opposition in the succeeding Ministry formed by Sir John Robertson ; again secretary for Public Works in the Govern- ment of Sir Patrick Jennings, which office he continued to hold until the Jennings Ministry retired in 1887. Mr. Lyne instituted a water conservation commission in New South Wales, and under his pre- sidency its proceedings were brought to a successful issue. II. Bishop, b. 27th May, 1848 ; m. Emma Bennett, and has issue, two sons and four daughters. III. Charles, b. 30th August, 1849 ; unm. IV. Clarence James Quai-tus, b. 9th August, 1855; m. Lilias Murray. V. Carmichael Pinloch, b. 30th July, 1861; m. Alice Walch, and has issue, one son. Mr. Lyne emigrated from Gloucestershire, England, to Tasmania with his parents in 1826. He has held the commission of the peace for over 40 years, has been warden of Glamorgan for 11 years, and a member of the Legislature for the last eight years. ILtncnge. John Ltne, Esq. of Little Comjiton, co. Gloucester, England, son of Thomas Ltke, Esq. of Lvde, CO. trloucestcr, and grandson of Hekkt Ltne, Esq. of Little Compton aforesaid, m. 1st July, 1775, Betty Curtis, of Colesbourne, co. Grloucester, and had a son, William Ltne, Esq. of Apsley House, Glamorgan, Tasmania, b. at Little Compton, CO. Gloucester, 15th March, 1782; arrived in Tasmania in 1826; in. in London, to Sarah Bishop, who d. 2iid December, 1873. He d. 2nd February, 1854, having had issue, I. John, now of Gala. II. William, of Apsley House, Cran- brook, Tasmania, J.l'., chairman of Quarter Sessions, cu. Glamorgan, and member of Municipal Council, 4. 7th November, 1811 ; emigrated to Tas- mania with his parents in 182G, and acquired the estates of Apsley, Cran- brook ; and Redclifi'e, Swansea, both CO. Glamorgan, comprising in all about 10,000 acres. Ue m. 9th Sep- tember, 18-tl, Caroline, daughter of John and Hannah Amos, and d. No- vember, 1889, having had issue, . James, h. 2nd December, 1S48; 111. 18th July, 1880, Lizzie Emily Walch, and has issue, one son and two daughters. . Frederick, of Eedcliffe, Swan- sea, CO. Glamorgan, Tasmania, J.P., b. 12th March, 1850 ; m. H\\ March, 1875, Flora Margaret, daughter of Henry Lyne, Esq., and has issue, I. Walter Douglas, I. 24th December, 1875. II. William Henry, b. 27tli April, 1870. III. Frederick John, A. IHli October, 1885. I. Flora Mary. II. Edith Caroline. Mr. Frederick Lyne's estate of Kedcliffe consists of 4,900 acres. . Lewis Walter, b. 28th December, 1855 ; m. .April, 1880,KosinaAm08. . Fanny Matilda, b. 18tli June, 1843; m. nth Marcli, 1.874, Henry Gordon Von Stieglitz, Esq. of TuUochgorum, Fingal, Tas- 264 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. mania, second son of Henry Lewis A^on Stieglitz, Esq. of Sunnysifle, Lymington, Tas- mania, and grandson of Henry Lewis, Baron Von Stieglitz, of Gortalowny House, Cookstown, co. Tyrone, Ireland, and has issue, three sons and three daughters (see Ton Stieglitz of WamboV 2. Elizabeth Hannah, h. 30th De- cember, 1846; in. 11th March, 1874, W. D. Hamilton, Esq. 3. Sarali Anne Kate, b. 2l8t Janu- ary, 1854. 4. Emma Lavinia, h. 27th Septem- ber, 1857 ; m. 20th September, 1877, Louis Murray, Esq. 5. Can-ie Alice, b. 25th Marcli, 1861. IIT. Henry, w. Mary Amos, and has nine children. I. Elizabeth, m. William Hume, Esq., and has three children. II. Susannah, m. Adam Amos, Esq., and has fifteen childi-en. Arms used — Ou. three bucks^ heads couped arg.^ on a chiej" of the second two griffins heads erased sa. Crest — A griffin's head erased sa. Motto — Aperto vivere voto. Se.tidence — Gala, Cranbrook, co. Glamor- gan, Tasmania. Estates — Gala and Apslawn, both co. Glamorgan, Tasmania. (See Lyne of Gala.) ilcarmonti) of ^rcstonljolmt. LEARMONTH, PETER, Esq. of Prestonholme, Hamilton, Victoria, Australia, territorial magistrate and returning officer, co. Dundas, for Legislative Assembly, h. 9th February, 1821 ; m. 18th December, 1864, Mary Jarvey, daughter of John Pearson, Esq. of Portland, Victoria, by Mary, his wife, daughter of David Simpson, Esq. of Glenmavis, near Bathgate, and sister of Sir James Young Simpson, Bart, (so created 3rd February, 1860), M.D., one of H.M.'s physicians in Scotland (see Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage), and has issue, I. James Allan, b. 8th April, 1856 ; m. September, 1886, Annie Thomson, of Monivae, and has issue, a daughter, Christina Mary. II. Stanley, b. 4th October, 1859 ; m. August, 1887, Clara A. Wimble, of Wimbledon, m. Percy, 6. 17th October, 1861. IV. Harold, b. 2nd October, 1863 ; m. at the Wesleyan Church, Hawthorn, 9th May, 1889, Lavrla, youngest daughter of the late L. Gooderidge Hamilton, Esq. v. John Pearson, 6. 23rd October, 1865. VI. Norman, 6. 4th February, 1872. VII. Graeme Preston, b. 24th December, 1873. I. Marian Cecilia, d. 19th March, 1868. II. Mary Simpson, 6. 30th September, 1867. III. Ethel, d. 10th May, 1885. Mr. Peter Learmonth, together with his brothers, emigrated to Australia between 1837 and 1841. BURKH'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 265 Hincngc. This finiiily resided nt Polmont, Stirling- slnre, Scotland, near tlie seat of Sir Tliomns Lcarniontli, of Kri'ildonne, of whose family it is believed to be a eadet braneh. The grand- father of tlie present Peter Learmontli, Esq., followed the oeoupation of a farmer and grazier at Polmont, whence his son, John Leahmonth, Esq., removed into Kdinburgh, and m. there, 16th April, 1807, Margaret Watson, who rf. at Melbourne, Victoria, Slst October, 1872, leaving issue, I. Alexander, of xVustralia, m. a daughter of General Hanbury Williams, of Monmouthshire, Wales, and had issue, three sons and two daughters. II. William, of Ettrick, Heywood, in the colony of Victoria, father of .lohTi Ralston Learmontli, Esq. of Euiner- alla West, Macarthur, Victoria. (.S'ee next article.) III. James Allan, of Australia, m. a daughter of Mr. Holdrieh, of Hobart, Tasmania, and d. s.p. IV. Petek, of Prestonliolme. Mr. John Learmonth d. at Edinburgh, 6th July, 1863. Crest used — A rose slipped ppr. Motto— Spero. Residence — Prestonholmc, Hamilton, Vic- toria, Australia. iLcanuoutlj of €umcralla M\t%U LEARMONTH, JOHN RALSTON, Esq. of Eumeralla West, Macarthur, Victoria, Australia, J.P., 6. 2ud June, 1838 ; m. 27th April, 1875, Mary Jane Marshall, daughter of the Rev. John Fulford, of Melbourne, Victoria (whose family formerly resided in Devonshire, England), by Sarah, his wife, and has issue, I. Noel Fulford, h. 22nd February, 1880. II. Cecil John, 6. 11th July, 1883. I. Bessie Dorothea Letitia, h. 17th January, 1882. II. Violet Mary, 6. 29th July, 1887. ILtntage. William Leaemonth, Esq. of Ettrick, Heywood, Victoria, Australia, J. P., who was the second son of John Learmonth, Esq. of Edinburgh (see Learmonth of Preston- holme), by Margaret Watson, his wife, was b. in Stirlingshire, Scotland ; emigrated to Tasmania in WH, and engaged in sheep- farming; went to Victoria in 18i4, and became a squatter. Shortly after the discovery of the goldfields he joined the late Stephen George Henty in a large mercantile business in Portland, leaving his station in charge of a manager. Mr. William Learmonth after- wards purchased the Taliara Station, on the Wannon River, where he resided until he sold it to the late Mr. Arcliibald Johnson, and then went to Ettrick. Mr. Learmonth was several times mayor of Portland, during liis residence in that town. He was also a member of the first Road Board, and was for many years president of the shire of Portland, of which he was a councillor at the time of his death. He m. in April, 1837, Mary, daughter of Robert Ralston, Esq. (who was a native of Wigtonshire, Scotland, and in 1819 emigrated, with all his family, in a ship of his own, bringing horses and cattle out with liim, to Tasmania, where he followed the occupation of a pastoralist and farmer), by Elizabeth Brice, his wife, and had issue, of whom survive, I. John Ralston, of Eumeralla West. II. Edward Bruce, m. 26th March, 1881, Eliza Wilhelmina Colvin Clark, and has issue, Audrey, b. 1886. I. Amy Agnes, b. 19th September, 1856; unm. Mr. William Learmonth, d. 7tli July, 1889, aged 7-t, and was buried in the private cemetery on the Ettrick Estate, on the banks of the Darlot Creek. Crest and Motto used — Same as preceding article. Residence — Eumeralla West, Macarthur, Victoria, Australia. Estate — Ellangowaii, near Heywood, Vic- toria. 266 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ^anfnrti i^f |L)amilton anti 22tlcsanforti* SANFORD, HON. WILLIAM ELI, of Hamilton, and of We.sanford, Mu.skota, Canada, senator of the Dominion of Canada, 6. in the city of New York, 1836 ; m. first, at Hamilton, 18.59, Emeline, only daughter of the late Edward Jackson, Esq., but by her (who d. 1860, and was buried at Hamilton, Ontario) had no issue. He m. secondly, 1866, at Ottawa, Harriet Sophia, daughter of the late Thom;is Vaux, Esq. of Ottawa, Ontario, and by her has had issue, I. Edward Jackson, b. 24th June, 1867. II. Harry, 6. May, 1869, deceased. I. Edna Blanche, b. 30th December, 1872. II. Emma Muriel, b. 29th May, 1875. Htncagc. The Hon. W. K. Sanford is believed to be a descendant of Thomas de Sakfokd (see Burke's Landed Gentry), -n-ho -n-as knighted by William the Conquekoe on the battle- field of Hastings. The American branch of the family settled in Redding, Connecticut, and one of its members, Ezekiel Sanford, engineer, built Fort Saybrook, Connecticut, iB 1626. Eli Sanfoed, Esq., the father of the Hon. William Eli Sanfoed, was h. at Eedding, Connecticut, 1782 ; and m. EmeUne, second daughter of the late Thomas II. Argall, of New York city. She was I. 1810, in New York, and d. there, 1836. He d. in New York, 1838. Arms itiied — Per chev. sa, and ernt. in chief two boarx' heads conped close or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet gn, a boars head and neck or. Motto — Nee temere nee timide. Residences — Hamilton; and Wesantord, Muskota, Canada. Estate— WesthouTae, Westboume, Mani- toba (76,000 acres). jHcBoiisall of d^ttatoa* MCy^OUGALL, HON. WILLIAM, C.B. (1867), Q.C., of Ottawa, I / Canada, 6. 1822 ; educated at Victoria University, Cobourg ; admitted as an attorney. Upper Canada, 1847 ; called to the bar, Upper Canada, in Hilary term, 1862 ; Q.C. 1881. In 1848 he founded the Canada Farmer, subsequently merged in the Canadian Agriculturist, which he published and edited until 1858 ; in 1850 founded the North American, of which he was chief editor until 1857, when itwas merged in the Toronto Daily Globe, on the staff of which he was the leading political winter, from 1857 to 1860 ; repre- sented Canada at the New York Exhibition, 1853 ; was secretary of the Constitutional Reform Association of Upper Canada, 1859 ; member of the Executive Council and commissioner of Crown Lands, Canada, from May, 1862 to March, 1864; provincial secretary from June, 1864, and acting minister of Marine from July, 18G6, until the Union, 1867 ; sworn a member of the Privy Council in Canada, and was minister of Public Works for the Dominion, from 1st July, 1867 ; lieutenant-governor of Rupert's Land and the North-West Territories, October, 1869 ; chairman of the commission appointed to open trade relations with the West Indies, Mexico and Brazil, 1865-6 ; delegate to the Charlottetown Union Conference, 1864 ; to that at Quebec, in the same year ; and to the Colonial Conference in London, to complete terms of Union of the British North American Provinces, BURKE'S COLONIAL (ilONTRV. •JC? 1866-7 ; accompanied Sir G. E. Cartier to Enf^land on the question of the defences of the Dominion and the acquisition of the North-West Territories, 1868 ; commissioner for Ontario, for the settlement of the noi-th-western boundary of the province, 1871 ; special commissioner in England for the Dominion on the subject of Fisheries, 1873 ; in 1873-4, visited Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, at the instance of the Canadian Government, to appoint agents and make arrangements for aiding agricultural emigrants to the Canadian North-West. He sat in the Canadian Legislature from 1858, until the Union, 1867, when he was returned to the House of Commons ; elected to Ontario Assembly in May, 1875; resigned September, 1878, and was again returned to the House of Commons. He retired from public life, 1882. The Hon. W. McDongall m. first, 18-15, Amelia Caroline (d. 1869), daughter of Joseph Easton, Esq. of Millbank ; and secondly, 1872, Mary, daughter of John Beatty, Esq., M.D., of Cobourg, Ontario. ILincaw. The tradition in tlie familv is that they came from Inverness-sliire, Scotland. John McDouGALL, Esq., tlie grandfather of the Hon. William McDouoall, left Scotland at an early age, shortly before the American Revolution, and served on the British side during that fratricidal war. When peace was declared, he, with other loyalists, pro- ceeded to Nova Scotia, and settled at Shel- burne, whence he went to Western Canada, settling finally at Little York, afterwards known to the world as Toronto. He m. at Shelburne, N.S., the daughter of a retired British officer, and had issue, two sons and five daughters. His second son, Daniel McDouGALL, Esq. of St. Mary's, co. York, Ontario, a well-to-do farmer and J. P. for many years, d. in 1876, leaving issue, six sons and four daughters. His eldest son is the present Hon. William McDouoall. Bank Street-road, Ottawa, Residence Canada. Club — Rideau, WEST-ERSKINE, HON. WILLIAM ALEXANDER ERSKINE, of Hindmarsh Island, Lake Alexandrina, South Australia, M.A. (Christ Church, Oxford), memberof the Legislative Council of South Australia, b. 12th September, 1839, at Anamoe, co. Wicklow, Ireland. He represented, in two Parliaments, the Mount Barker electoral district, South Australia, and in one Parliament the electoral district of Encounter Bay, South Australia; was formerly minister of Public Works (1875-6), and was one of the two special representative commissioners for South Australia, to the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, in 1876. By Royal Licence, dated 1872, he was authorized to take and use the surname of Erskine, in addition to and after that of West, and to bear the arms of Erskine, quarterly with his own family arms. Mr. West-Erskine is unm. lincngt. Matthew West, Esq., i. in 1777; some- time an officer in the IGth (Buckingham) Regiment, was descended from an orti'-er in William Illrd's army, who, with his two brothers, also officers in the army, went to Ireland, and are believed to have settled severally in cos. Dublin, Wicklow, and Kil- dare. They were descended from a branch of the Wests, Earls De La Warr. Matthew West, m. in 1802, Maria Louisa Joly, daughter of Baron de Blassi, or de Blassy, by Maria Louisa Rumley, his wife (of a family resident in Cork, Ireland), and had, amongs"t other issue, William James (Rev.), of whom pre- sently. Augustus William (Very Rev.), M.A. Trinity College, Dublin, rector of Presteign, co. Radnor, and formerly dean of Armagh. Rev. William Jaues West, M.A., 268 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. rector of Delganv, co. Wicklow, Ireland, and rural dean. m. Elmina, eldest surviving daughter and co-heir of Alexander Erskine, of Balball, co. Forfar, and of Longhaven, co. Aberdeen, heir male and chief of theErskines of Dun, CO. Forfar (now represented through the female line by the Marquess of Ailsa), a branch of tlie ancient family of the Erskines, Earls of Mar (see Family of Eeskine at llie close of this article), and by her (who d. 1886) liad issue, I. William Alexander Eeskine (Hon.), of whom we treat. II. Augustus George, of Warkwood, Redland, near Bristol, co. Gloucester, England, late of the 76th Regiment, b. January, 1841 ; m. Sarah Eyre, and has issue, four sons and three daughters. III. Henry Matthew (Rev.), M.A., rec- tor of Templemichael, Longford, Ire- land, b. December, 1842; m. 1874, Helen Mary, daughter of Robert Foster Dunlop, Esq. of Monasterboice, and has surviving issue, three sons and two daughters. IV. Alexander, A.June, 1844; m. Cathe- rine Darley, and d. 1871, leavinr; issue, y. Frederick John, 4. August, 1848 ; m. Laura Swindle, and has issue, vi. Arthur Fitzgerald, d. 1851. yii. Alfred Edward, b. August, 1851 ; m. 1878, Florence Levey, and has issue. I. Amelia Louisa, d. 1875, aged 22 years. II. Elmina Eliza, d. 1864. Rev. W. J. West d. in October, 1859. Arms. — Quarterly ; Ist and 4th, quarterly, 1st and 4th, arg. a pale sa., 2nd and 3rd, gu. a sword in pale arg. pommel and hilt or, for Ebskine ; 2nd and 3rd quarters, arg. a less dancettee sa. between a crescent in chief gu. and a trefoil slipped in base vert, for West. Crests — 1st, Eeskine : A griffin's head erased gu. charged with a mullet erm., hold- ing in the beak a sword bendwise, point up- wards ppr. ; 2nd, West : Out of a muial crown ppr. a griffin's head az. charged with a trefoil slipped or. Mottoes — Jour de ma vie ; and over the crests ; In Domino confido. Residence — Hindmarsh Island, Lake Alei- andrina, South Australia. C/kJ— Adelaide. jfamtlB of ©rsktnc. This is a branch of the ancient family of the Erskines, Earls of Mar, and is thus de- scended from RoBEET Beuce, King of Scot- land. SiE Thomas Eeskine, of that ilk, granted Dun, which had been some time in the possession of the family, to his son by his 2nd wife, Jean Barclay, viz.. Sir John Eeskine, of Dun, 1393. Alexander Eeskine, of Dun, was father of John Eeskine, of Dun, who had a charter, 1449; m. Marjory, daughter of Graham, of Fintry, and d. 1508, leaving, I. John, his heir ; II. Thomas, fell at Flodden ; and III. Alexander. The eldest son, John Eeskine, of Dun, m. Catherine, daughter of William Monypenny, of Pit- miliie, and had issue, I. John (Sie). II. Thomas (Sir), of Brechin, secretary of state, judge, ambassador to France, constable of Montrose, &c., ancestor of the Eeskines of Pittodeib (see Burke's Landed Gen/rt/). III. Robert (Rev.), rector of Glenbervie, and provost of Trinity College. IV. Alexander, fell at Flodden. John Erskine fell at Flodden, 1513; his eldest son. Sir John Eeskine, provost of Montrose, and keeper of Inverqueich, also lost bis life at Flodden ; m. Margaret, daughter of William, Lord Ruthven, widow of Alexander, Earl of Buchan, and had by her, who d. 5th August, 1548, Sir John Erskine, of Dun, provost of Montrose, a leading reformer, superintendent of Angus and Mearns, constable of Mont- rose, which he defended against the English, 1548, one of the envoys who attended the marriage of Q,ueen Maet to the Dauphin, a member of Convention, and five times mode- rator of the General Assembly. Sir John d. 22nd March 1589, in his 8l8t year ; »». 1st, Lady Elizabeth Lindsay, daughter of David, Earl of Crawford, and by her (who d. 29th July, 1538) had, I. John, d. s.p., 7th September, 1583. II. Robert. III. William. IV. James. V. Thomas. VI. Alexander. Sir John m. secondly, Barbara Bierle, or Barle, daugliter of the Lord of Gamneoourt, in Picardy, a lady of the household of Queen Mary of Lorraine (Guise) ; they had a charter, 20th September, 1643, of the lands of Kirkbuddo to them and the heirs male of their marriage, the issue of which were, VII. John, of Kirkbuddo, whose heirs possess that estate (see Eeskine of KiEKBPDDO, in Burke's Landed Gentry) . I. Margaret, m. 1562, Patrick Maule, of Panmure, and was mother of the 1st Earl of Panmure. Lady Erskine d. 15th November, 1572. It is difficult to give with any precision the succession of the family at this time, but intermarriages took place with the families of Ogilvy, Lord Airlie ; Keith, Lord Altrie; Lindsay, Lord Spynie ; Halliburton, of Pitcur ; Bethune, of Creich, Lighten, of Craig ; and Ogilvy, of Inverguharity. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 269 David Erskine, of Dun, left two sons, minors, to whom tlieir uncle, Robert Krskine, in ICIO, lulniinisterid poison ; for tliis lie WHS eseeuted at lOilinburgh, in Deeeniber, 1(>13, and liis sisters iniil aeeonipliees were also convicted, Helen being banislietl, and Isobel and Annas executed ill June, 1G14. John, the eldest son, of Dun, d. of the effect of the poison in May, 1613, but his brother survived. David Erskine, of Dun, b. May, 164.0; X. his brother. Sir Alciandcr ; m. a daughter of 8ir James Luinsdaine, of lunergcUie, and had two sons, I. David, of Dun, a senator of the College of Justice, 1710 — 53, m. Magdalene, daughter of Riddell, of Haiuing, and (/. 26th May, 1758, leaving, John, of Dun. his only son, who d. 1787, leaving, John, of Dun, who d. 1812, having had issue, 1. William John, captain, killed, in 1798, by the Irish rebels at Kilcullen Bridge. 1. Alicia, of Dun, d. ttntn. 1824, leaving the estate to her nephew, the Hon. John Kennedy-Erskine. 2. Margaret, >». 1793, Archibald, Marquess of Ailsa, K.T., and had issue ; her great-grand- son is the present owner of Dun. II. Ai.EXANDRB, hence Balhall. David Erskine, rf. May, 1G98. His second son, Alexander Erskine, merchant in Mont- rose, had issue, I. David, attained the rank of major- general, 1777, d. s.p., 1779. II. Robert, d. s.p. III. John. I. Jean, d. unm. II. Ann, d. unm. III. Margaret, d. unm. The third son, John Ekskink, of the parish of St. James, Cornwall, in the island of Jamaica, wi. Eliza- beth, daughter of Irving, of the Bonshaw family, tli July, 1833. He was 6. 1755, and d. 1855; m. Ist, Elizabeth Motte Jackson, and had, I. Alexander, 6th Dragoon Guards, d. s.p. 1846. I. Miiry, co-heiress of Balhall, m. Rev. Robert Ellis, viear of Birdsale, co. York, and d. s.p. April, 1883, aged 82. Mr. Erskine m. secondly, Eliza Sharp Bris- sett, and had, II. Elmina, of Balhall, co. Forfar, m. Rev. William James West, M.A., rector of Delgany, co. W'ieklow, Ire- land, and rural dean, and was mother of the present Hon. William Alex- ander Erskine West-Erskine. III. Greorgiana, m. William Trueloek Bookey, Esq. of co. Wieklow. I\'. Josephine, m. Rev. Brownlow Mail- land, and d. 1870. V. Selina, m. Captain Scott, 6th Dragoon Guards. VI. Caroline. VII. Julia Amelia, m. Samuel N. Bar- rett, Esq. Alexander Erskine left, at his decease, the estate of Longhaven, between his five youngest daughters. Ctitiincjton of Ballantjdcij* EDDINGTON, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Esq. of Ballangeicli, co. Villiers, Victoria, Australia, h. at Rothesay, Scotland, 25th Decern- ber, 1835 ; m. at Melbourne, 28th June, 1875, Fanny Elizabeth Buckley, of East Melbourne. Itincaac. The Edingtons migrated to Scotland du- ring the early half of the 12th century. Their lands of Edington were for several centuries held of Coldingham Priory. Adamus de Edington and his son Adam successively attested charters granted by Walthur and Patrick, Earls of Dunbar, be- tween 1166 and 1289. Robert de Edington is among the witnesses to the charters of Roger, Bishop of St. Andrews, in 1193. On 27th July, 1479, Jacobus de Edington, with others, was summoned to appear before the Parliament to answer to the charge of treason in having held out the castle of Dunbar against the King, and for having cruelly put to death some of his subjects. In the time of James II, the possessions of the family of Edington, in Berwickshire, 270 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. were lost, in eonsequence of the family's ad- herence to the Presbj'tm'ian form of worship, the great great greal grandfather of the pre- sent rejn'esentative being, according to tradi- tion, tlie last proprietor. His eldest son was b. at Jardinfield, a remnant of the Edington estate, a7ul d., aged 104 years, leaving issue, John Eddinoton, Esq., the great grand- father of the present representative, who held a commission in the army. He changed the spelling of his name from Edington to Eddington; m. in Ireland, 1764, Miss Cathe- rine Munro (whose father went from the north of Scotland into Ireland), and d., 1814, aged 76 years, having had two sons, I. GrEOKaB (Captain), of whom pre- sently. ir. John, major of the 4th West India Regiment, d. 1815, and was buried at Edinburgh. Captain George Eddinoton, of the 1st Battalion Eoyal Scots, b. 6th July, 1766, was present at the taling of Demerara. He m. first, Susan, daughter of Captain Graham, and by her had issue, I. John (Lieutenant), of whom pre- sently. I. Susan, d. unm. Captain Eddington m. secondly, July, 1813, Helenor, second daughter of Captain Smollett Campbell, of the 73rd Regiment, younger son of James Campbell, Esq. of Craignish, Argyllshire, Scotland, and d. in Edinburgh, lOt'h December, 1851, aged 85 years, having had issue by her, II. Smollett Montgomerie (Colonel), of Glenereggan House, Kintyre, Argyll- shire ; Shane Valley, Isle of Man ; 13, Wynnstay-gardens, London; and of the United Service Club, Edin- burgh ; J. P. and D.L. for co. Argyll, served in the 37th Regiment and 78th Highlanders, and is colonel of the Argyll and Bute Mditia; b. 11th Sep- tember, 1816 J educated at the Aca- demy and University of Edinburgh ; m. first, 29th December, 1841, Mary Jane, only child and heiress of Cap- tain John Fleming, R.N., of Muasdale, Argyll, by his wife, Mary Campbell, of Island Rhie ; and, secondly, 2Sth April, 1867, Isabella Mary, eldest daughter of Richard Eorman, Esq. (by his wife, Eliza Meyrick, of Myllo- degarth), and widow of Captain George Robertson, and by the former (who (/. 17lh February, 1865) had issue, 1. John Fleming, of Melbourne, b. 1845. 2. George, b. 1851 ; d. 1884. 3. James Edward, b. 1854 ; d. 1866. 4. Edward William, *. 1855 ; d. 1859. 5. Smollett Montgomerie, b. 1858. 6. Dugald Campbell, b. 1862. 7. Breadalbaue, b. 1863. 1. Mary Elizabeth, m. Count Leo- pold Stolberg-Stolberg. 2. Helenor Campbell. 3. Catherine Eda. 4. Mary Jane, d. 1865. III. James George, captain 95th Regi- ment, )«. 11th September, 1849, Eliza, youngest daughter of James McPher- son, Esq. of Rotterdam, merchant. He was killed at the battle of the Alma, aged 29 years, and left three daughters. IV. Edward William, lieutennnt 95th Regiment. Killed at the battle of the Alma, aged 21 years. II. Elizabeth, of 4, West Maitlaud- strect. Edinburgh, unm. III. Catherine Mary, tinm. His eldest son. Lieutenant John Eddington, was gazetted to the 2nd Battalion Royal Scots in 1814, went with his regiment to the East Indies, and for his services during the Mahratta War received a medal and two clasps. At the age of 20 he was obliged to retire upon half -pay, and in 1839 emigrated to Australia. He m. Ann Elizabeth, daugh- ter of James Blair, Esq. of Rothesay, Scot- land, merchant, by Elizabeth MeLachlan, his wife, and had issue, I. Aechibald Campbeii., of whom we treat. II. Harry Graham, of Ballarat, Tic- toria, Australia, b. 31st October. 1837 ; »«., 1859, Lizzie, daughter of the Ten. Archdeacon Braine. 1. Violette, m. George Gordon, Esq. of Melbourne, Victoria, C.E., and has issue, three sons and one daughter. Arms used — Az. three savage heads coitped arg. Crest. — A savage's head covped at the neck and distilling blood. Motto — Data fata secutus. Sesidetice^Hallaageich, co. Villiers, Vic- toria, Australia. Btalun of iLlanartf). DEAKIN, HON. ALFRED, of Llanarth, Walsh-street, South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, barrister-at-law, representative for Essendon and Flemington in the Legislative Assembly of Victoria, member of BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 271 the Federal Council of Australasia, representing Victoria, and ex-chief secre- tary and ministor of Wiiter Supply, 6. 3rd August, 1856, at Fitzroy, Mel- bourne; m. 3rd April, 1882, Martha Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Hugh Junor Browne, Esq. of Melbourne (only son of the Rev. Archibald Browne, of St. Andrew's Church, Demerara, by Martha Fraser, his wife, daughter of Colin Matheson, Esq. of Bennotsfield, chief of the clan Matheson, see Ilixtory and Genealogy of thu Mathesons, by Alexander Mackenzie, F.S.A., published at Inverness), by Elizabeth Tumor, his wife, of a Devonshire family, and has issue, two daughters, viz., I. Joy, 6. 14th July, 1883. II. Stella, b. 3rd June, 188G. The Hon. Alfred Dcakiu has been commissioner of Public Works and minister of Water Supplj', so appointed 8th March, 1883 ; vice-president Board of Land and Works and solicitor-general, 13th November, 1883; pre- sident of Royal Commission on Water Supply, December, 188-i ; and chief Secretary and minister of Water Supply, 18th February, 1886, which offices he vacated in 1890 ; sent on special mission to America to report upon irriga- tion ; senior delegate of the Colony to the Imperial Conference held in London, 1887; declined knighthood and K. CM. G. in that year; delegate to the Chinese Conference, 1888 ; and member of the Federal Council of Australasia, 1889 ; elected leader of the Liberal Party on the retirement of Sir Graham Berry, K.C.M.G. ILtncnttc. The Deakins of Derbyshire are believed to have been the ancestors of the Hon. Alfred X>eakin. John Deakin, E.sq. of co. Stafford, was for many years an officer of the Inland Revenue, successively stationed at Northamp- ton, Towcester, Market Harborough, Bi- cester, and Witney. He had three brothers, Robert, Charles, and Thomas (who left one BOD, who has no issue), and one sister. Their father's name is thought to have been John. John Deakin, Esq. of co. Stafford, m. Catherine Cross, daughter of a Bucking- hamshire fiirmer. She d. in 1852, and he in 1831, at Witney, aged 64 years, leaving a son, William Deakin, Esq. of South Yarra, Melbourne, one of the early proprietors of coaches, 1854^8, b. at Towcester, co. North- ampton, in 1819; «(. at Grosmont, CO. Mon- mouth, Wales, 18th October, 1849, Sarah, daughter of WiUiam Augustus Bill, Esq., a farmer and stock breeder (who was b. in Shropshire, and d. at Hughlin Court, co. Monmouth in 1852, aged 65), by Sarah Jones, his wife, a farmer's daughter (who was A. in co. Monmouth, and d. in 1853, aged 56. Her mother was of the Morgan.s of Brecknockshire), and by her (who was b. at the Great House, Llanarth, co. Monmouth, in 1822) has issue, besides a daughter (Cathe- rine Sarah, num.), a son, the present Hon. Alfred Deakin Crest used — Out of a naval coronet or, a dexter arm embomed ppr., holding a battle- axe, arg., on the wrist a ribbon az. Motto — Strike Dakt/ns, the devil's in the hemp. Residence — Llnnarth, Walsh-street, South Yarra, Mclljourne, Victoria, Australia. ^ tocktoii of ^t. 'S>o\)\\. STOCKTON, ALFRED AUGUSTUS, Esq., Ph.D., D.C.L., LL.D., M.P.P., of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, h. at Studholm, King's County New Brunswick, 2nd November, 1842 ; educated at the University of Mount Allison College, where he graduated B.A. in 1864, M.A. in 186?, and D.C.L. 272 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. in 1884 ; also graduated LL.B. at Victoria University, Cobourg, Ontario, 1869, and LL.D., May, 1887, Ph.D. upon examination at Illinois Wesleyan University, 1883 ; called to the Bar of New Brunswick, Trinity term, 1868. He is a director of the Provincial Building Society, St. John, New Brunswick ; a member of the Board of Governors of Mount Allison University, and secre- tary of board ; an examiner in constitutional history and political economy at Mount Allison University, and in law at Victoria Univer.sity ; president of the New Brunswick Historical Society, registrar of the Gou7't of Vice-Admi- i-alty of New Brunswick, and a bencher of the Barristers' Society of the pi'ovince of New Brunswick. He compiled and published The Rules of the Legislative Assembly Court, and edited, with copious notes, Berton's Reports of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick ; first returned to the New Brunswick House of Assembly, in August, 1883, for the city and county of Saint John, and again elected at the general election in April, 1886. He was for a number of years in co-partuership with his brother, Robert 0. Stockton, and senior member of the firm A. A. and R. 0. Stockton, which partnership was dissolved in April, 1887. Mr. A. A. Stockton m. at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 5th September, 1871, Amelia Elizabeth, '2nd daughter of the Rev. Humphrey Pickard, D.D., of Sackville, New Brunswick, and has had issue, I. Ernest Pickard, h. 22nd October, 1875. II. Goldwin Pickard, 6. 13th April, 1885. III. Ronald Pickard, b. 23rd January, 1887. I. Elsie M., h. 6th December, 1872. II. Hazel C., h. 6th September, 1877; ». Rev. David Fergus, of Thropton, near Morpeth, co. Northumberland, Eng- land. Crest used — A lion passant. Motto — Tu ne cede malis. Residence — Highfield, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Property — In Ontario ; Manitoba ; and North-West Territory. ILttpnticjc of |L)omci)U5!). LETHBRIDGE, CHRISTOPHER, Esq. of Prospect, Homebnsh, New South Wales, Australia, h. 13th May, 1829; m. .3rd December, 1885, Sarah Anne, fourth daughter of AVilliaiu Lawson, Esq. of Veteran Hall, Prospect, but has no issue. 1 2 276 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Htncactc, Cheistopheb Lethbeidge, Esq. of Mad- ford, Launuoston, co. Covmvall, England, eolieitor, by Mary Copland, his wife, had amongst other issue [including Harriet, his second daushter, who m. 1817, Rear-Admiral Phillip Parker King, F.R.S., F.L.S., of Dun- heved, Penrith, New South Wales (see King- OF Double Bat, Goonoo Goonoo, and Tamworth), who d. February, 1856. She il. 19th December, 187.5], Robert Copland Lethbeidge, Esq. of Werrington, Penrith, New South Wales, second son, h. in Cornwall, emigrated to New South Wales in 1826 ; m. in England, 25th July, 1826, Mary, youngest daughter of Cap- tain Philip Gidley King, R.N., third governor of New Soutli Wales (see King of Double Bat, Goonoo Goonoo, and Tamwoeth), and d. 5th October, 1865, having had by her (who was b. at Old GoTernment House, Sydney, and d. 17th December, 1872), I. Christophee, now of Prospect. II. John King, of Tregeare, St. Mary's, New South Wales, J. P., returning offii-er for the Nepean electorate and coroner for the same district, b. 27th May, 1832 ; m. 28th April, 1864, Frances F.rama, third daughter of the late William Tindall, Esq. of Penrith, New South Wales, and has issue, 1. John King, b. 20th February, 1869. 2. Robert Copland, b. 2nd Septem- ber, 1870. 3. William Baron, b. 13th March, 1872. 4. Philip Northmore, b. \iiii Octo- ber, 1873. 1. Mary Isabelle. 2. Amy Frances Copland. 3. Maud Ruth Australia. 4. Laura Hannah. III. WiUiiim Baron, m. Jane Boulton, and has issue, one son and two daugh- ters. IV. Robert Copland, m. Ella Minter, and has issue, four sons and four daughters. r. George Henry, m. first, Katherine Taylor, and by her has issue, six sons; and secondly, Ada Dawson, and by her has two daughters. I. Mary Copland, m. Charles Cowjier, Esq., sheriff of New Soutli Wales, son of Sir Charles Cowper, K.C.M.G., sometime premier of New South Wales, and grandson of the Ven. Archdeacon William Cowper, D.D.. and has issue, five sons and two daughters. II. Elizabeth Margaret, m. her cousin, Arthur Septimus King, Esq. of Mel- bourne, seventh and youngest son of Rear-Admiral Phillip Parker King, F.R.S., F.L.S., of Dunheved, Penrith, New South Wales, and has issue, six sons and four daughters. Arms used — Arg. over water ppr. a bridge of five arches embattled, on the centre arch a turret gu., in chief an eagle displayed sa., charged on the bre'ist with a bezant. Crest — Front a bridge embattled of one arch gu. a dem i eagle issuant sa., wings elevated erminois, on the breast a leopard^ s face or. Motto — Spes mea in Deo. Residence — Prospect, Homebush, New South Wales, Australia. MACKINNON, ALL^.N MACLEAN, Esq. of ilountford, Longford, Tasmania, J.P., h. 27tli May, 1836 ; m. 17tli Febrnary, 1870, Anna, eldest daughter of the late John Ralston, Esq. of Logan, Evandale, Tasmania, by Rachel Ilatchinson, his wife, and has issue, I. Charles Alan Ralston, 6. 10th June, 1873. II. William Russell, 6. 2nd July, 1877. HI. Guy Leslie, 6. 23rd July, 1881. IV. Cyril Hubert, h. 16th October, 1885. I. Lucy Isabel, 6. 5th December, 1871. II. Evelyn Florence, h. 14th August, 1887. Mr. Mackinnon has been a justice of the peace for about 21 years, chairman of General Sesslon.s, and president or vice-president of the Northern Agri- cultural Society of Tasmania for a considerable period. BURKKS CUl,()MAL GKNTKY. 277 Hiiifnac. This is supposed to be «, cndet line of Iho family of (lie chiof of ^laokiiinon. The JIai'liiiiiious clfM'i'iid from Fiiiijoii, youugost soil of AlI'IN. King of Scotland; the name iIacflni;on buoami' siibsccjuently ^laolindcn, and tlit-n AFaokinnon. liittlt' can be accumtcly learned as to tlie early history of the Mackinnons; but there is one event of imj)ortance whieh is recorded by clear testimony. On tlie decease of John of the Isles, in the fourtoentli century, Mac- kinnon excited his second son, John Mor, to rebel afjainst his eldest brother, and his fac- tion was joined by the llaclciins and the Madeods. But Donald, the elder brother, was supported by so lar^je a majority of the tribe, that he drove John Mor and his party out of the Isles, and pursued them to Ire- land. Eventually, John Mi'r appealed to his brother's mercy, and was pardoned ; but Mackinnon, as the instigator of the rebellion, was seized and put to death. On the forfeiture of the last Lord of the Isles, and in the disturbances winch con- tinued during the following century, the Dame of Sir Lauehlan Mackinnon occurs very frequently, and he appears to have been a man of consideration. John Mackinnon, Esq. of the Isle of 8kye, in the Western Highlands of Scotland (who had a brother, the Rev. Donald Mac- kinnon, of Strath), m. in 1792, Mary, sister of the Rev. Donald Maclean (she d. in 1855), and d. in 1811, leaving issue, Allan Mackinnon, Esq. of Dalness, Evan- dale, Tasmania, J. P., h. 1796, in 8kye, Scot- land ; »«. :;3rd July, 18.33, Jessie, daughter of Allan Maclean, Esq. of Talisker, Scotland (of a younger branch of the clan Maclean), and by her (who was h. in the Island of Coll, in the "Western Highlands, and is still living) had issue, I. John Lachlan, /i. 12th November, 1834; d. vnm. Ifith >'ovember, 1S80. II. Allan Maclean, now of Mount- ford. III. Donald, of Dalness, Evandale. See next article. I. Sibbella, h. 14th September, 1837 ; m. the late William Alexander Tolmie, Esq., manager of the Colonial Bank of Australia, Geelong, Victoria (who was li. in Skye), and has issue, one son and two daughters, vi/.., 1. Hugh, of Waipahi, New Zea- land. 1. Jessie. 2. Lilias. II. Hannah Maria Russell, h. 11th Feb- ruary, 1839; m. Malcolm Tolnue, Esq., manager of the Colonial Baidi of Australia, Sandhurst, Victoria, and has issue, four sons. III. Flora Mary, h. 1st February, 1815; ttmu. Mr, .Allan Mackinnon arrived in Tasmania 1823 ; became owner of Strath in 1827 and »)f Dalness in 1835, whieh properties have since remained in the possession of the family. He was a justice of the peace for ujiwards of 20 years, and d. at Dalness, Evandale, 17th October, 1877. His first cousin, tlie Rev. John Mackinnon, soinetime minister of Sleat, and subsequently of Strath, m. in 1815, Anne, daughter of Lauchlau Mackinnon, Esq. of Corry and Letterfearn ; a number of their descendants are settled in the adjacent Australian colonies. Arms (of the chief of the elan Jfackinnon) — Quarterly : 1st, vert, a boar's head coupeil arg., holding in the mouth the shank bouc of a deer ppr., for Mackinnon ; 2nd, a/,., a tower triple-towered arg., masoned sa., windows and portcullis gu., for Macleod; 3rd, or, a lymphad or galley gu. ; 4tli, arg.. a dexter hand conped fessewise from the sinister ppr., holding a cross crosslet fitchee sa., the t«o last fur Macdonald. Crest — A boar's head erased, holding in the mouth the shank bone of a deer ppr. Another crest is also borne, in commemoration of King Alpin, slain in 83-i, viz., a man's head, crowned, eouped ppr., gutte de sang. Mottoes — Audentes fortuna juvat; Cuindi- nich bas Alpin. Besidenee — Mountford, Longford, Tas- mania. Estates — Mountford, in the Longford Dis- trict; and Strath and Wandilla, in the \Vc>t- biiry District (in all about 8, (UK) acres), Tasmania. iHaditunon of 33alnc9is;» MACKINNOiSr, DONALD, E.sq. of Dalness, Evumlalo, Tasmania, J. P. and warden of the municiiiality of Evandale, h. 12tli February, 1841 ; m. lltli July, 1883, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of William Stone, Esq. of Kent, England, by Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Josiah William Britting- ham, Esq., third son of Cliristopher Roper Brittingliam, Esq. of Swanton Hall, Norfolk, England, and liy her (who (/. 7th May, 188!») has issue, B BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Allan Edgar, 6. 11th April, 1889. II. Jessie Marj, h. 26th November, 1884. Lineage and Arms. — See preceding article. Uesidence and Estate. — Dalness, Evandale, Tasmania. JL^catlte of Bltn JLfcatlic* HEATLIE, HON. THOMAS TENNANT, of Glen Heatlie, District Worcester, Cape of Good Hope, J. P., a member of the Legislative Council since 1878, also a member of the Divisional Council, District Wor- cester, and of the Land Board, 6. at the Drostay, in the village of Tulbagh, Cape of Good Hope, 4th March, 1829 ; m. at the Scottish Church, Cape Town, 18th January, 1852, Eliza Ann Beeton, of Cape Town, and has had issue, I. Henry Thomas, 6. 6th October, 1857 ; m. 25th January, 1887, Catherine Rossami. II. William Stenebrum, of Swellendam District, 6. 5th September, 1859 ; m. 8t-h April. 1885, Jane Campion. ill. Arthur, of King William's Town, b. 3rd July, 1861. IV. Charles Beeton, of Glen Heathe, h. 29th October, 1863. v. Percy Graham, b. 16th February, 1866; d. 15th November, 1877. VI. Edwin Percival, b. 29th May, 1868 ; d. 8th July, 1877. VII. Noble Robertson, of Glen Heathe, 6. 15th March, 1870. VIII. Barry, 6. 25th April, 1872. IX. Bertram de Vos, 6. 15th June, 1874. X. Sydney Glaeser, 6. 3rd July, 1876. XI. Thomas James Michal, 6. 25th July, 1878. I. Eliza Ann, of Glen Heatlie, b. 27th December, 1853. II. Anna Catherine, b. 10th October, 1855; m. 28th June, 1877, James Glaeser, Esq., and d. at Worcester, 21st February, 1882, having had issue, besides three children who d. in infancy, a sou, Louis, b. 25th August, 1878. ILineagf. THOM.is Heatlie, Esq., the father of the i. Annie, b. 1825; m. Michel CJptoii, Hon. THOM.is Tennant Heatlie, was b. in M.P., of Cape Colony, who d. about ^ 1856, leaving a son, now aged 29 years. II. Jockomaria Dempster, b. 1827; m. 1851, Arthur Barker, Esq., who d. 1862, without surviving issue. III. Catharine, b. 1S30; unm. Residence — Glen Heathe, District Worces- ter, Cape Colony. Property — Glen Heatlie, Ben Heatlie, and Orange Grove, District Worcester, &c. Roxburghshire, Scotland, 1787. He settled in Cape Colony about 1809, and m. there, 1824, Anna Catharina Van Nickerk, who was b. at the Cape in 1802, and d. 1840. He d. in 1846 (his brother, George Heatlie, was b. in Scotland, and d. num. in Cape Colony, 26th September, 1813), having had issue, I. Henry, b. 1824; d. unm.. 1845. II. Thomas Tennant (Hon.), of whom we treat. III. William, b. 1832; d. 1846. BURKE'S COLOXIAL GKXTRY. 270 M'^M' iHriHillnn of ^)>linr)'. 'ILLAN, HON. WILLIAM, of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, colonial treasurer and minister for Railways, and one of the representatives of N.S.W. at the National Australasian Federal Convention ; b. at Londonderry, Ireland, 14th November, 1850 ; m. 8th March, 1878, Ada Charlotte, daughter of Frederick and Florence Graham, and has issue, I. William McArthnr, h. 27th July, 1879. II. Gibson, b. May, 188;i. I. Elizabeth Charlotte, b. January, 1882. II. Constance, 6. February, 1885. Mr. McMillan was educated in Dublin and London ; in 1869, emigrated to New South Wales, arriving in Sydney, 26th November of that year, and immediately entered into commercial pursuits. In 1886 he was elected chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, of which he had been a member for several years previously, and in 1887 was returned to the New South Wales Legislative Assembly for East Sydney. He was one of the representatives for Sydney at the Commercial Congress, held in London in 1886, in connection with the Indian and Colonial Exhibition. Hincaac. Mr. McMillan's ancestors were settled in Piimiiore, Scotland, the family emigrating from Scotland to the north of Ireland about 1745. Rev. Gibson McMiilan, of Melbourne, Victoria, and formerly Wesleyan minister of Londonderry, Ireland, son of Charles McMillan, Esq., m. Miss McArthur, daugh- ter of the Rev. John McArthur, of London- derry, by Sarah Finlay, his wife, and sister of the 'late Sir William McArthm-, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., of Gwydyr House, Brixton Rise, London, and of the' Reform Club, for many years M.P. for Lambeth, and alderman of London, lord mayor thereof 1881, and sherilf of London and 'Middlesex, 1868—9 ; and of Alexander McArthur, Esq. of Holland Park, London, merchant, D.L. for London, J. P. CO. Surrey, and M.P. for Leicester, formerly a member of the Legislative .■Vssemhly, and afterwards mcniljer of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, and had issue, I. John (Rev.), LL.D. (T.C.D.), b. April, 18-14 ; )«. Annie Robinson, of Dublin ; and rf. at Edinburgh about 1885, liuving had issue, a daughter, Lilly, A. about 1872. It. William (Hon.), of Sydney. Anns used — Or, a lion ramp, sa., in chief three mullels az. Crest — A dexter and sinister hand issuing from the wreath, brandishing a two-handed sipord ppr. Motio — Miseris surrurrrre disco. liesidfnce—tiydney, New South Wales, Ausi ralia. I^cnuctip of €Ucrslic. KENNEDY, WILLIAM McLAUGHLIN, Esq. of Ellerslie, Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand, 6. 20th May, 1857 ; m. 15th February, 1884, Jessie, daughter of George Richard Meredith, Esq. of Rocky Point, Kakabu, Hilton, Canterbury, New Zealand, of the ancient family of the Merediths, uf Pentrebychan Hall, Wrexham, co. Denbigh, and has issue, Renel Gershorn, b. 13th May, 1885. 2S0 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Uincnw. James Ke:jnedt, Esq.. great great grand- father of the present William McLauglilin Kennedy, Esq., with his fatlver, came from Seotland and settled in Ireland. His son, Geokge Kennedy, Esq. of Camus, near Coleraine. co. Londonderry, Ireland, and for- merly of Killeague, in the same county, was b. October, 1775. He m.. about 1796, Miss Mary Paul, of English descent (who was h. in April, 1776, and d. May, 1835), and d. 8th November, 1857, having had, besides five other children, William, of whom presently. Kobert, of New York, now living. James (Rev.), of New York, now living. Elizabeth, now living in West Pennsyl- vania, U.S.A. William Kennedy, Esq. of Cross House, Ballyinoney, co. Antrim, Ireland, b. 1805; m. about 1829, Nancy, daughter of Andrew Catherwood, Esq. of Castleroe, co. London- derry, who was b. at Catherwoodstown. Mr. Kennedy d. 9th December, 1881, having, by his wife (who is still living), had issue, I. Andrew, of whom presently. II. William. III. Joseph. IV. James, d. while a student of Queen's College, Belfast. T. Hugh, of Cross House, Ballymoney, CO. Antrim, Ireland, b. 6th March, 1846; m., 4th July, 1866, Sarah, daughter of John Henry, Esq. of Cool, Macooqiiin, and has issue, 1. WUliam John, b. March, 1876. 1. Mary Eliza; 2. Sarah; 3. Char- lotte. I. Mary Jane, m. William Boyd, Esq. of Grarragh, who is now deceased. Andrew Kennedy, Esq. of 255, West 32-street, New Y'ork, b. October, 1829; m. in Ballylaggan Church, co. Londonderry, Ireland, November, 1855, Mary Jane, daugli- ter of David Millar, Esq. of Gills House, Coleraine, co. Londonderry, by Sarah McLaughlin, his wife (whose family holds property in Glenleary, co. Londonderry, ob- tained by grant from William, Prince of Orange), and bv her (who was b. 18th June, 1834) has had I. William McLafqulin, of Ellerslie. II. David Millar, of Danbnry, Connecti- cut. U.S.A., merchant, b. February, 1861 ; »». in New York, 9th November, 1887, Carrie Wetteck, of Brooklyn, and has a daughter, Gracie, b. October, 1888. III. Joseph, of Danbury, Connecticut, U.S.A., merchant, b. Fijbruary, 1863. IV. James Catherwood, b. 5th Mai'ch, 1865. I. Annie Marguerite Catherwood, b. fith May, 1859 ; m. in New York City, 23rd January, 1889, James William Andrew, Esq. II. Mary Jane, b. 5th October, 1867 ; d. 22nd November, 1882. III. Sarah Millar, b. 24th December, 1869. IV. Susan Boyd, b. 24th April, 1S72 ; d. 25th February, 1882. V. Letitia Eakin, b. 1st November, 1875. Motto tised — Veritas odium parit. Jie.iideace—Kllerslie, Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand. iHannincj of 2!2^1allarcij'. MANNING, HON. SIR WILLIAM MONTAGU, Knight, LL.D., of Wallavoy, Woollabra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, mem- ber of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, b. at Alphington, near Exeter, Devon, England, 20th June, 1811 ; m. first, 16th August, 1836, Emily Anne, daughter of Edward Wise, Esq. of Hill Grove, Bembridge, Isle of Wight (see Wise or Manly), and by her (who d. 16th November, 1846) has issue, I. Edward Montagu, of Chesterton Hall, Chesterton, co. Cambridge England, late lieutenant 47th Regiment and captain Gloucester Regiment, b. August, 1841 ; 7)i. 1868, Anne Esther, daughter of "William Powell, Esq. of Kensington Palace-gardens, London, tind has issue, 1. William Montagu, of Emmauuel College, Cambridge. 2. Maurice. 3. Arthur. 1. Priscilla. 2. Emily. BURKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 281 III. IV. I. Frances Editli, b. l^'-u ; m. to the Rev. James Christian Corlette, M.A., LL.D. 0.\on., vicar of Aslitiekl, New South Wales, and has issue, four sons and three daughters. II. Emily Matilda, h. 1845 ; m. 1873, Henrj^ Heron, Esq., and d. 25th August, 1890, having had issue, five sons and one daughter. She veas known as a writer under the nom de plume of " Australie," many of lier productions having appeared in the columns of the Stjdnpy Morning Herald and the Sydney Mail. Her best known work ■was The Balance of Pain. He m. secondly, 7th June, 1849, Eliza Anno, second daughter of the Very Rev. William Sowerby, dean of Goulburn, New South Wales, and by her has issue, II. William Hubert, B.A. Oxon., M.A. Sydney, barrister-at-law of Lincoln'.s Inn, b. 1851 ; m. 1880, Annie, daughter of 15. Parkinson Nickolls, Esq. of Sydney, New South Wales, but has no issue. Gertrude, b. 1860 ; m. Richard Philp, Esq., M.A., LL.D. (Dublin), of Geelong, Victoria, school inspector, barrister-at-law. Helen Mary, b. 1860 ; m. at All Saints' Church, Woollahra, April, 1888, Greville Phillips Tregarthen, Esq. of Sydney. The Hon. Sir W. M. Manning was educated at Tavistock, Devon ; South- ampton, CO. Hants ; and University College, London ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, November, 1832 ; emigrated to New South Wales, September, 1837 ; chairman of Quarter Sessions of New South Wales, 1837 to 1844 ; solicitor-general, 1844 to 1848 ; acting judge of Supreme Court, 1848 to 1849 ; again solicitor-general, 1849 to 1856 ; appointed a nominee member of the Legislative Council, in 1851 ; elected as representative for South Cumberland, in the Legislative Assemblj-, under New Constitution, in 1856, and the same year became attornej'-genei'al, retiring the following year ; Q.C., 1857; again attorney-general, ISGO, and 1868-9; knighted in March, 1858, when on a visit to England ; returned to the colony in 1859 ; nominated a life member of the Legislative Council, 1861 ; retired on elevation to the bench, 1876 ; judge of Supreme Court, 1876 ; Equity judge, 1881 ; and retired, 1887 ; re-nominated to the Legislative Council, 1888. He was elected life fellow of Sydney University in 1861, and chancellor, 1878, which office he has con- tinued to hold till the present time ; has been president of the New South Wales Rifle Association from its commencement in 1860 ; president and vice- president of various other institutions ; published Notes of Proceedings in Electoral Revision Courts, 1832, and jointly edited Nevile and Manning's li'^orts in Court of King's Bench, 1832 to 1836. Itiiuaar. The family of Manning is said to be de- scended from an ancient and noble family residing in a town of the same mime in Saxony, whence they came to England before tlie Conquest, and settled in Kent. WlLLUM M.\NxiXG, K.si|. of Jfarding- slone, eo. Xortliampton, 4. 1G20, had issue, William. James (Rev.), vicar of Hardingstonc. Samuel (Rev.), viearof I'reston lieanery, CO. Northampton. The eldest son, William ilAXXixo, Esq. of Ilardingstone, !>. 1050, was father of William MANiNixo. Esq. of Ilardingstone, /'. KJSl ; III. Elizahctli, daugliter of Benjamin 282 BURKE-S COLONIAL GENTRY. Clarkp, Esq. of Delapre Abbey, near Harding- stone, iintl of Roeiiampton Park ; and d. in 17ii, leaving, amongst otber issue (of whom tlie youngest was Owen (Kev.), B.D. Cam- bridge, vicar of G-odalming, co. Surrey, and prebendary of Lincoln, from whom it is understood descended William Manning, and his son, Cardinal Manning), a son, William Mansing, Esq, of Hardingstone, b. 1712, d. 1762, leaving issue, William, of Hardingstone, eo. Northampton, h. 1735, d. 1815 (whose line became extinct at the de- cease, in 1845, of Manning Lansberry, of Hardingstone), and Rev. James Manning-, of Exeter, co. Devon, b. 1754 ; m. 1778, Lydia Edye (who was b. 1760, and d. 1847), and d. in 1831, having had issue, William, who had issue ; James, Queen's serjeant-at-law, and John Edte Manning, Esq. of Clifton, Bristol, eo. Gloucester, b. 1783 ; m. 1804, Matilda Jordan, daugliter of .... , and d. in 1870, h.aving had by her (who was b. 1778, and d. 1860), to survive infancy, I. John Edje, b. 1807 ; m. Frances Elizabeth, daughter of T. Turner, Esq. of Exeter, and d. in 1889, leaving issue, two sons and two daughters, all b. in Australia. II. William Montagu (Hon. Sir), of Wallaroy. III. James Alexander Louis, b. at Exeter, CO. Devon, 9th April, 1814; arrived in Sydney in 1834, and entered into agricultural and pastoi'al pursuits ; was made a magistrate in 1836 ; in 1838 resided on his station near Bina- long; in 1853 went to Kamaruka, where he remained eight years; and since 1869 has resided in Sydney. He in. 1845, Mary M., eldest daughter of Major Firebrace, and has issue, three sous and three daughters, all b. in Australia. IV. Arthur W., b. 1819 ; m. first, Fanny, daughter of Gr. Lake, Esq. ; secondly, Hester Donovan, and has issue, two sons and five daughters, all b. in Australia. V. Henry, b. 1821 ; m. Charlotte, daugh- ter of R. NichoUs, Esq., and rf., leaving issue, four sons and seven daughters, all b. in Australia. I. Hannah Jane, b. 1810 ; m. Captain W. H. Clarke, 4th Regiment, and d. s.p., 1882. II. Elizabeth Botterell, b. 1815; m. George Townshend, Esq. of Trevallyn, Wrexham, Denbighshire, brother of the late General H. D. Townshend, of Trevallyn, and d. 1888, having had issue, two sons (George, d, s.p., and Charles William, now of Trevallyn, J. P. and D.L. for Denbighshire, and sheriff thereof 1889, who was b. 1847, and ni. 1883. Clara, daughter of Colonel R. W. O' Grady) and five daughters, all b. in Australia. III. Adelaide Lydia Matilda, h. 1817; m. Captain Charles Forbes, 17th Regi- ment, and d. 1882, leaving issue, one son and four daughters, all b. in Australia. Arms used — Gu., a cross Jf cry between four trefoils slipped or. CresI — Out of a ducal coronet or, an eagle's head sa., beaked or, be- tween two ostricti feathers arg. Motto — Vive ztf iHvas. Residence — Wallaroy, Edgecliffe - road, Wot.Uahra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Club — Athenceum, London. THORNTON, HON. GEORGE, of Sydney; Longwood, Darling Point; and Llangollen, Summer Hill, all in New South Wales, Australia ; member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, chairman of the City Bank, of the Savings Bank, and also of the Mutual Life Assurance Society of Victoria, b. in Macquarie-street, Sydney, New South Wales, 28th December, 1820 ; educated at the Australian College, Jamieson-street ; m. at Sydney, 4th August, 1840, Mary Ann, daughter of John Solomon, Esq. of Sydney, and has issue, I. George William, of Sydney, b. 22nd October, 1841 ; unm. I. Frances Morris, b. th May, 1843; m. 18th February, 1868, Captain George Edwards Bulmer, of the Royal Naval Reserve, of Parrook Lodge, Gravesend, co. Kent, England, son of John Bulmer, Esq., who was 6. at Hartlepool, co. Durham, 15th May, 1812; m. there, 4th September, 1833, Mary Sewell (who was h. at They don Bois, co. Essex, 29th September, 1814, and d. 10th May, 1864), ajid d. 17th BURKE'S COLOXIAL GKXTRV. 283 April, \^7i. Jolm Bulmor was tlio son of Kulpli Bulmer, Esq., who was b. 1773; III. Jane Rippon (who was b. 177o, d. 5th June, 18")1, aged 76, and was buried at Hartlepool), and d. 1820. Captain G. E. Bulnicr has issue, 1. Thornton Bulmor (Hulnier), /*. 21st December, 1868; educated at Rugby and at Hertford College, Oxford. 2. Gcorafo Edwards, h. 9tli June, 1870; now studying for the army. 1. Frances Mary Thornton, b. 24th November, 1879. The Hon. George Thornton was formerly a custom-hou.se and ship agent, and afterwards an import merchant, but has retired from business. He was for some years an alderman, and has been twice mayor of the city of Sydney ; was also member for that city in the Legislative Assemblj-, having been elected in 1858, and was at one time also member for the Western Goldfields. He has been mayor of Woollahra, and in 1877 was appointed to a seat in the Legislative Council ; has been a magistrate of the city of Sydney for many years ; was a commissioner for the New South Wales International Exhibi- tion for 1879, but was obliged to decline the offer of executive commissioner to the Philadelphia Exhibition. Mr. Thornton has visited England several times, and on returning from one of his visits he was wrecked off Pernambuco in the ship " Duncan Dunbar." On one occasion, when in England, he managed the agency of the New South Wales Government for more than a year. ILincnac. Samtjel Thorntox, Ksq. of Barnsley, co. York, England, woollen manufacturer, was the father of Samuel THOKyTOK, Esq., who was b. at Barnsley, co. York, emigrated from England in 1812, and arrived as one of the earliest emigrants in Sydney, New South Wales, a free immigrant, in 1814, and obtained grants ] Point; and Llangollen, Summer Hill; all in of land from the Colonial government. He New South Wales, Australia. m. Sarah Madden (wlio was b. in London, [ and rf. in 1827), and rf. in 1842, leaving issue, the present Hon. George Thorn-ton. Crest used — Issuing out of a ducal coronet a lion^s head. Sesidences — Sydney ; Longwood, Darling WILLIAMS, HON. HENRY, of Pakaraka, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands, Auckland, New Zealand, J. P. for the colony of New Zealand, member of the Legislative Council, and chairman of the Bay of Islands County Council, 6. 10th November, 182.'> ; m. loth February, ISiO, his cousin, Jane Elizabeth, daughter of the Right Rev. William Williams. D.C.L., first bishop of Waiapu, New Zealand, and lias had an only child. Maria Jane, d. 27th November, 1855. ■^.incaac. This family is of Welsh origin. Thomas Williams, Esq., the son of Thomas Williams, Esq., was b. 1754, came to Nottingham, where he remained until his death in 1804. By Mary Marsli, his wife, who was b. in 1758, and d. in 1831, he had issue, I. Thomas Sydney. 28i BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I'. John. III. 11 UN RY, of whom presently. IV. William (Right Rev.), D.C.L., fir.st bishop of W'aiapu, Kew Zealand, b. 1800; educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, where he gradnated B.A. in 182-1 ; ordained by Dr. Howley, bishop of London, in 1824, and afterwards spent some time in London walking the hospitals, and qualifying himself to act as surgeon to the mission, a capacity in which his services were frequently called into requisition in after years. He went to New Zealand in 1826, as missionary, under the Church Missionary Society ; was ap- pointed archdeacon of Waiapu in 1843, by Bishop Selwyn ; presented with the degree of D.C.L., by the University of Oxford, in 1852 ; and was consecrated first bishop of Waiapu in 1859. He compiled a Dictionarit oj the New Zealand Lan- guage, 1849 (second edition, 1858), and wrote Christianity among the New Zealanders, 1867. The Right Rev. Bishop Williams m. Jane Nelson (who was b. in 1801), and rf. at Napier, in 1879, having had issue, 1. William Leonard (Ven.), B.A., archdeacon of Waiapu ; m. Sarah Wanklyn, and has issue, I. Frederick Wanklyn ; m. E. M. Brathwaite, and has issue, Ronald Wanklyn. II. Herbert Wiiliam (Rev.), M.A., m. Bertha L. Mason. III. Alfred Henry. IV. Francis James Volkner. V. Sydney Leonard. VI. Arthur Edward. I. Emily Jane ; m. Charles Gray, Esq., and has issue, Robert Leonard, Donald Camplin, and Agnes Sara. U. Margaret Ellen ; m. C. Maclean, Esq., and has issue, Wdliam Haydon, Leonard Herbert Lionel, Kenneth Edward, Eric Wanklyn, Margaret Elizabeth, and Dorothy. III. Edith Mary. IV. Agnes Maria. 2. Thomas Sydney. 3. James Nelson, of Frimley, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, J.P.; »«. at The Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, 22nd January, 1868, Mary Margaret, second daughter of William Beetham, Esq. of Danum and Te Mako Taita, both in Wellington, J. P., late of Frimley Hill, co. Surrey, England (see Beetham of Christ Church), and by her (who was b. at Hesthorpe, co. York, England, 25th May, 1845) has issue, I. Heathcote Beetham, b. 2nd December, 1868. n. Arnold Beetham, b. 19lh April, 1870. III. Cyril Nelson Beetham, b. 1st November, 1877. IV. Edrio Beetham, b. 12th July, 1884. I. Winifred Beetham, b. 18tli January, 1872. II. Gertrude Mary Beetham, b. 9th September, 1873 III. Elsie Jane Beetham, b. 16th December, 1874. 1. Mary ; m. her cousin, the Ven. Archdeacon S. Williams. 2. Jane Elizabeth; m. H. Williams, Esq. 3. Anna Maria. 4. Lydia Catherine. 5. Marianne. 6. Emma Caroline ; m. Williani Nelson, Esq., and has issue, Lionel and Hilda Margaret. I. Mary. II. Lydia. HI. Mary Rebecca. IV. Catherine. The third son, Ven. Henry Williams, archdeacon of Waimate, New Zealand, formerly of Notting- ham, England, subsequently of Paihia, Bay of Islands, and afterwards of Pakaraka, Bay of Islands, Auckland, New Zealand, b. 1792 ; entered the Royal Navy, 1806, serving until 1815, when he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and on the conclusion of peace, retired on half-pay ; entered into Holy Orders, 2nd June, 1822, ordained deacon by the bishop of Loudon, and priest by the bishop of Lincoln ; went to New Zealand in 1823 as missionary under the Cliurch Mis- sionary Society, and in 1844 was appointed archdeacon of Waimate by Bishop Selwyn, the first bishop of New Zealand. He m. 20th January, 1818, Mai'ianne, daughter of Wright Coldham, Esq., who was the son of George Coldham, Esq., by Dorothy, his wife, daughter of John Wright, Esq., the son oi Kervin Wi'ight, Esq. of Debenham, co. Suffolk, by Sarah, his wife, daughter of the Rev. Jolm Meadows (who was ejected in 1662, and was the son of Daniel Meadows, Esq. of Chattisham, co. Suffolk, who was b. in 1577, and grandson of William Meadows, Esq., who was b. in 15.30), by Sarah, liis wile, daughter of Benjamin Fairfax, Esq., the sou of the Rev. Benjamin Fairfax, of Rumburgh, CO. Suffolk, who was b. 1592, ejected 1662, and d. 1675, and was the son of John Fair- fax, Esq., master of the great hospital in Norwich, in 1609, who was the son of William Fairfax, Esq. of Bury and Walsinghani, descended from Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Walton and Anne Gascoigne, his wife. Wright Coldham, Esq., above-mentioned, m. Anne, daughter of Robert Temple, Esq , the son of John Temple, Esq., who was b. in 1700, and d. in 1777, and was son of Thouuis Temple, Esq. (who was b. in 1677, and d. in 1735), the son of Colonel James Temple, son of Sir Thomas Temple, who was sou of John BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 285 Toniple, Ksq., the son of Peter Temple, Esq., son of Tliomus Temple, the son of Eilnin, who took the snrniinie of Temple, from the ninnor of Temple, in Leicester.^hire, and was son of Edwin (who was deprived of his earl- dom by William the Conqi'kuok), the son of Algar, son of Leoffric, Earl of Mersia, living femp. Edward thk Confkssor. Tlie \'en. Henry Williams, BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1. G-eorge Thomas Frederick, m. Kate Barton, and has issue, Edward George. 2. Edward Michael. 1. Henrietta Jane. 2. Auna Maria, m. Harry Branch, Esq., and has issue, Ered Christine. Olive Witmifred. ^ 3. Marianne Elizabeth Georgina, m. F. J. Kemp, Esq., and has issue, Ernest Alfred. III. Catherine, m. the Most Rev. Octavius Hadfield, D.D,, bishop of Wellington and primate of New Zealand, son of Joseph Hadfield, Esq. of Bonchurch, Isle of Wight (see Hadfield of Netley), and has issue, 1. Henry Samuel. 2. George Joseph. 3. Octavius. 4. Charles Alexander. 5. Ernest Frederick. 6. Francis Carlton. 1. Annie, m. 3. W. Marshall, Esq. 2. Georgina. 3. Catherine. 4. Amelia Caroline. TT. Caroline Elizabeth, m. S. B. Lud- brook, Esq., and has issue, 1. Henry Samuel. 2. Samuel Blomfield. 3. W^illiam Williams. 4. Edward Eeginald. 1. Marion J.ane. 2. Rose Caroline. 3. Lilian Mary. V. Lydia Jane, ni. Hugh Carleton, Esq. Arms used — G'U.,a chev. erm. hetween three Saracens' heads in profile, cotiped ppr. Crest — A Saracen's head affroiitee, couped at the shoulders ppr. and wreathed round the temples. Motto — Afynjw dmc fi/dd. Residence — Pakaraka, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands, Auckland, New Zealand. Simmons of Cl)urc{)ilL QIMMONS, "WINSTON CHURCHILL, Esq. of Churchill, Richmond, k3 Tasmania, formerly warden of the municipality of Richmond for upwards of twenty years, chairman of General Sessions, h. ISth November, 1827 ; m. first, 22nd May, 1862, Mary Ida, daughter of Alexander Goldie, Esq. of Laburnum Park, Richmond, Tasmania, and by her has issue, I. Frank Churchill, 6. 7th December, 1863. II. Charles Vivian, h. 11th February, 1864. He m. secondly, 26th January, 1871, Isabella, daughter of William Gunn, Esq., P.M., Launceston, Tasmania, and by her has issue, III. Cecil Ryrie, h. 16th April, 1872. I. Mary Lintorn, 6. 20th May, 1873. II. Lillian, 6. 6th June, 1874. III. Isabell, 6. 16th June, 1882. Hineage. C.\PTAiN Thomas Simmons, of Bath, Somersetshire, m. Frances Lintorn, and by her had issue, I. Thomas Frederick, of Langford, co. Somerset, cajitain K.A., m. Mary, daughter of the Hon. John Perry, judge at Jamaica, and had, amongst other issue, Charles John Simmons, of London, solicitor ; and Field-Murshal Sir John Lintorn Arabin Simmons, G.C.B. (1878), K.C.B. (1869), C.B. (1855), G.C.M.G. (1887), of 36, Corn- wall - gardens, London, and of the Athenteum and United Service Clubs, London, governor and commander-in- chief at Malta (1884— 88), colonel-com- mandant E.E. ; served in America in important engineering operations ; in- spector of railways, and secretary to the Railway Department of the Board of Trade, 1846 — 53; served on the Panube and in the Crimea (Crimean and Turkish medals, orders of the Mcdjidic and Legion of Honour) ; Liva Pasha in Turkey, 1857 ; H.M.'s Commissioner on the International Commission for defining the boundary of Turkey and Russia, in Asia, under the Treaty of Paris ; consul-general at Warsaw, 1858 — 60 ; commanded E.E. at Aldershot, 1860—5 ; com- mandant of the School of Military BURKK'S COLONIAL GEXTRl'. 287 Engiiieerinp; at Clii\thMm, ISiSS — 8; povonior. HuTnl Militai'v Acuili'inv, Woolwifli, ISlJD — 75 ; in.-iiK'ctor-gi'm'- nil of Fi)rli(KMlioii8 iiiul director of Works, War OUIci-, 1875 to 18S0; nttat'liecl to tlu' Special Mmbassy to Berlin in 1878; and attended" tlie Berlin Conference in 1880. Field- Marshal Sir J. L. A. Simmons was h. in 1821 ; educated at tlie Royal Military Academy, Woolwich ; w. first, 18-t(j, Kllen Lintorn (V/. 1851), danjjhter of John Lintorn Simmons, Esq. of Keyns- ham, CO. Somerset ; and secondly, 185G, Blanch, daughter of Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. of Kutland-gate. He has no male issue. These two sons of Captain Thomas Frederick Simmons are the only known relatives (bearing the surname of Simmons) of Mr. Winston Churchill Simmons in Europe, and with their deaths the family name will die out in England. II. John. III. Charles. IV. James, of whom presently. I. Frances. II. Mary. The 4-th and youngest son, J.\Mi:s Sl.MMOxs, Esq. of Champigny, Ilobarl, Tasnuiuia, It, in 1797, was somelime an ollicer in the Uoyal Artillery, which he left soon after his nuirriage, went to Ta.snumia in 182:i, and lu'ld an imperial appoint uu-nt in the Department of tlie Royal Engineers up to the time of his death, lie m. Jane Rvric Hall (who was h. 18(«, and d. 188()), and d. in 184ti, having had issue, WixsTON CiiuiiCiiiLL, of Cliurchill, Rit^limond, Tasmania. James Gordon, m. Jane, daughter of G-. Stokell, Ksq., and has issue, Kenneth; Leslie: and Kthel Frances Lintorn, m. Ralph Terry, Esq., and has issue, nine sons and two daughters. Josephine, m. Captain Charles Payne, R.N., and has issue, four sons and two daughters. Arms — Sa., gutte d'eau, a dolphin naiant enibowed or, vorant a fish arg., a (canton erm., thereon a mural crown gu. CrcH — A stump of an oak tree sprouting, in front thereof, a mount, thereon a branch of laurel fructed, in bend sinister, all ppr. Motto — Stabilitate et victoria. Besidence — Churchill, Richmond, Tas- mania. BLAXLAND, EDWARD TREMAYNE, Esq. of Fordwich, Broke, vid Whittiugliam, New Soutli Wales, Australia, acting manager of branch of Commercial Bank, h. July, 1864; m. at St. Andrew's, Lismore, New South Wales, 1st December, 1890, Mary Jane, eldest daughter of the late John Sheehan, Esq. of Nowra, New South Wales, and stepdaughter of the lato Thomas Hood, Esq. of South Woodburn, New Soutli Wales. ILtncaac. The Blaxlands are of great antiquity, and •were in possession of the Isle of Thanet be- fore the Norman Conquest. It was taken from them by William the Conqueror, and divided among several of the families of his followers. In one or more of the oldest churches in the Isle of Thanet, such as Minster Church, may be seen down the aisles, numerous marble slabs, with inscriptions and ertlgies of the Blaxlands. Tlu*re are three manors in Kent which still retain the name of Blaxland. John Blaxland or de Blockisland, of Blaxland Towers, the ancestor of this family, is mentioned in the oldest chronicles, as far back as when St. Augustine came to England. He was present at the christening of King Etuklbekt and Queen Bektiia, the first Christian king and queen of England, on Whit-Sunday, 2nd June, 597, and in their presence presented St. Augustine with a grant of land for the future abbey of St. Augustine, the first missionary home in Hritain. Part of the ruins of the abbey still remain, and on tUe site stauds the present .Vbbey of St. Augustine. With King Eichaed I at the Crusades the name of Reginald dk Block- island is among those who received honours and rewards from the king. One JoH.v Blaxland was captain of the guard of Queen l*>Liz.iBETn. He m. Elizabeth, daugh- ter of John Lowen, the poet, who was with Beaumont and Fletcher (of the intellectual coterie of ShaksiJcare) at the celebrated White Hart. In 1730 the coat of arras was granted to John Bia.kland, of the parish of St. An- drew's, Holborn, co. Middlesex, who was the son of John Blaxland, of Luddenham Court, CO. Kent, and grandson of John Blaxland, of Allen Court, in the parish of Minster, in the Isle of Thanet, co. Kent, by Frances, his wife, one of the daughters ami co-heirs of Geofl'ry Sandwcll, of .Miuicklon, in the Isle of Thanet, a descendant of John de Sandale, who was admitted canon of York, 6th May, 1311-, chanuellor of England. 1315, and elected bishop of Winchester, Augu.st, 1316, continuing in that see till his death, at his seat in .Soutliwark. 2iid November. 1319, 2S8 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. and buried in tlie cliurcli of St. Mary Orery. One John Blaxlaxd, supposed to be a descendant of Jobn Blaxhmd, of llolborn, m. the dauglilcr of Jolin Oxley Parker (of tlie family of Mattbew Parker, arehbisliop of Canterbury in the time of Queen Elizabeth), and had four sons, I. John (Hon.). II. Cliristopher. III. Samuel. IV. Gregory, of Brush Farm, Parramatta River, New South Wales, b. in co. Kent, 1771, was sent to New South Wales, by his eldest brother John, in 1804, and settled on an estate called the Brush, not far from the banks of the Parramatta River. In 1813, he, together with W. C. Wentworth and Lieutenant Lawson, discovered tlie famous pass in the Blue Mountains, a task which had several times pre- viously been unsuccessfully attempted, and which heroic work nearly cost them their lives. Through this act the colony of New South Wales was opened out to the extent that it now is, and abundance of pasture for the flocks and herds discovered at a time when it was about to be abandoned on account of the prevailing drought. All three were rewarded with grants of land. It was Gregory Blaxland who planted the first vineyard in the colonv with vines from the Cape, and he made the first wine, for which he gained the first gold medal, and the silver medal. He also first brought the buffalo grass from the Cape, which has ! since proved so beneficial. Gregory Blaxland «;., in 1798, in England, Eliza, daughter of John Spurdou, Esq., and d. 3rd January, 1853, having had issue, 1. John, m. Ellen Falconer, daugh- ter of a banker in England, and had issue, six sons and one daugh- ter. 2. George, m. Mary Rees, niece of Governor Darling, of New South Wales, and had issue, two eons and two daughters. 3. AVilliam. 4. Charles, of Cleves, Parramatta River, New South Wales, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Major Russel, and had issue, seven sons and four daughters, one of whom, Mary Elizabeth, m. 3rd June, 1889, as his second wife, Arthur George Walker, Esq. of Adding- ton, Ryde. near Sydney, New South Wales, who has issue by his first wife (see Walkee of Rtde). 5. Gregory. 1. Elizabeth, eldest child, m. Dr. Forster, surgeon of the 50th (Queen's Own) Regiment. They lived at the Brush Farm, near the banks of the Parramatta River, and had issue, two sons and four daughters. The elder son, William, was the second agent- general for New South Wales, and was a most valuable member of Parliament. The eldest child, Elizabeth, m. at Hunters Hill, New South Wales, 17th October, 1839, her cousin, Artliur Blax- land, Esq. of Fordwich, Broke, rid Whittingham, New South W'ales, who d. at Fordwich, where she now resides. She has had issue, four sons and four daugh- ters. 2. Jane, m. Captain Hayes, and had issue, three sons. The eldest son, The Hon. John Blaxland, formerly of Newington Hall, co. Kent, England, and afterwards of Newington, Parramatta River, New South Wales, was b. at Fordwich, co. Kent, 4th January, 1769, and was educated at King's School, Canterbury. On the death of his father he took up his residence at the Hall, Newington, co. Kent, formerly a rectory, to which was attached the great tithes of St. Nicholas. He also possessed Hartlip, and a valuable part of the Romney Marshes. John Blaxland was a captain in the Duke of York's Cavalry. Having previously, in 1804, freighted a ship with every necessity, and sent his youngest brother, Gregory, to New South Wales, he built another ship, which he called " The Brothers," and in which he left England with his wife and family and farm servants, under a convoy of a huncb'ed sail, in July, 1806, and, after a nine months' voyage, arrived in Port Jack- son, Sydney, April, 1807. On his arrival, the severe treatment with which he met at the hands of Governor Bligh caused him to return to England, and on representing to the , Government the measures which had been directed against him, he was to a certain ex- tent compensated. In 1808 he took part in the deposition of Governor Bligh. He sat in the Legislative Council from 1824 to 1814. John Blaxland m. first, in Kent, 1790, Miss Davies, who d. after the birth of her in- fant, which did not survive. He)«. secondly, in 1797, Harriott, only daughter of John Louis de Marquet, of Calcutta, formerly an oflicer in the Garde du Corps of Lopis XVI, by Elizabeth Carter, his wife, adopted child of Colonel White, By this marriage he had, I. John de Marquet, h. in Kent, dis- covered the Bulga Pass in the Blue Mountains, as also large tracts of valuableland for pasturage. He d.unm. II. George, a merchant captain, trading between China and India, was i. in Kent. His log-book and charts are considered most valuable. He m. Maria, third daughter of Sir James Dowling, chief justice of New South Wales (see Dowlino op Sydney), by his first marriage. She d. in child- birth. ■CtlUltMlrtUl iif Lci-oufti-ir» ouriif of (Damtoo oi l^olnicotc Ai'luitrti\bt of Oucrtittt f Ii»buc>iiu oi ?LiUlciuiibr of As^bbtirt' of (ui*lbom-m* BURKE'S COLONIAL GKNTRY. 289 in AiiTnrR. of whom pivsontly. I. llui-riott Marv, b. in Kriil, wi. first, ISIO, Alexander Maciloniild Kitoliie, Ksq., a merchant of Caleutia, and liy Uim had issue, 1. jij-thur Macdonakl, barrisler-nl- law, m. and had issue cue ecu and several dauijlilers. 2. Alexander Macdonald, m. but had no issue. 1. Elizabeth, in. James Boj'dell, Esq., squatter. She in. secondly, 1835, Sir James Dowling, chief justice of New South Wales (see Bowling op Sviinky), but by him (who d. 27th September, 1844, aged 57 years) liad no issue. II. Anna Elizabeth, b. at Newington Hall, CO. Kent, 8th December, 1804, baptised in Canterbury Cathedral. She m. Thomas Walker, Esq., deputy assistant commissary-general of New- South Wales, of Rhodes, Concord, on the Parramatta Kiver, New South Wales, and of Rhodes, Soutli Erskine Kirer, and Iveritlge, both in Tasmania, and d. 20th December, 1889. He d. at Rhodes, Tasmania, 12th April, 1861, and was buried at Christ Church, Longford, leaving issue (see Walkek OF Rtdk). III. Jane Elizabeth, b. in Kent, tiiim. IV. Louisa Australia, b. in New South Wales, baptised at St. John's Church, Parramatta, nnm, v. Elizabeth Maria, h. in New Soutli Wales ; baptised at St John's Church, Parramatta ; m. Colonel Breton, of the 4th (King's Own) Regimeut, which was stationed at Parramatta. VI. Mary, b, in New South Wales ; baptised at St. John's Church, Parra- matta ; m. Judge MoUe, of MoUe's Maines, and lived in India. The Hon. John Rlaxland, d. 5tl> August 184"). His youngest sou, Ahtiiuh IJi.A.XLANi), Esq. of Fordwich, Rroke, viii Whittingham, New South Wales, was b, in New Sovith Wales ; !)aptiscd at .St. John's Church, Parramatta; hi. at Hiuiter's Hill, New South Wales, 17th October, 1839, his cousin, Elizabeth, eldest child of Dr. Forster, surgeon of the ."lOth ((Queen's Own) Kegiment, by Elizabeth, his wife, eldest child of Gregory Blaxland, Usq., and d. at Ford- wich, aforesaid (where his widow still resides), having had four sons and four daughters. The eldest son, JoHX Aethith Blaxi.ani), Ksq. of Ford- wich, Broke, rU'i Whittingluim, was b. at Brush Farm, New South Wales (fornu^rly the estate of his grand uncle Gregory Hlaxlanil, Esq), 9th October, 1840; m. at "All Saints' Church, Singleton, New .South Wales, 23rd July. 1862, Emily Mary, daughter of Robert Kodd, Esq. of Minnemhah, New South Wales, and d. 23rd Jidy, 1877. His widow now resides at Fordwich. He had four sons and three daughters, viz., I. Edward Trematnk, of Fordwich. II. Richard Marquette, 6. 10th February, 1866. III. Robert Fordwich, b. 23rd September, 1870. IV. Bertie Reginald, b .August, 1874. I. Ellen Marv, b. I8II1 November, 1868. II. Maud Bh'mcli, b. 1872. III. Amelia Rodd. A. December, 1878. Amis used — Qnarlerlii, \st and 4//t, vert, a fesse between three falcons^ heads erased erminois, for Blaxland; 2nd and 'Srd, ffu., a fess embattled erm. between three roses arff., for iSand-well. Crest of Blaxland — An earjle displayed with two heads ppr.,t/utte de santj. Crest of Sandwell — A lion's (jamb erect and erased rji/., enfled with a ducal coronet erm. Motto — Juste etfortiter. Besidenct — Fordwich, Broke, rid Whit- tingham, New South Wales, Australia. j^tt{)olson of #j_'tincj> ant iliititicni)am. l^ICHOLSON, SIR CHARLES, of Sydney ami Ludacnhani, in New X^ South Wales, Australia, Bart., b. 23rd November, 1808. This geiitle- man, who is D.C.L. of O-xford, LL.D. of Cambridge, and M.D. Edinburgh, went to Australia in 183i, and his career there has been highly distinguished. He has been three times Speaker of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, having been elected a Member of the first Legislative Council as fai- back as 1843. He has been Chancellor of tlie University of Sydney, and in 1859 was made first Speaker of the first Queensland Legislature. He wa? knighted 1st March, 1852, and created a baronet 8th April, 1859. He m., 8th August, 1865, Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Archibald Keightley, E§q., and has issue, VOL. I. n 290 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Charles Archibald, b. 27th April, 18G7. II. Archibald Keightley, b. 28th March, 1871. III. Sydney Hugo, 6. 9th February, 1875. ilintage. Charles Nicholson, Esq. of London, who d. 182-1, son of Chables Nicholson, Esq. of Cockenuouth, Cumberland, m. Bar- bara, youngest daughter of John Ascougli, Esq. of Bedale, eo. York, and by her (who d. 1811) had an only surviving child, Chables, the present baronet. Creation— 8th April, 1859. Arms — Ae. two bars nebuly arg. in chief a sun in splendour ppr. between two stars of eight points or. Cre.tt — On a rock ppr. a lion's head az. charged with a star, as in the arms. Motto — Virtus sola nobilitas. Seat—T!\\e Grange, Totteridge, Herts. Club — Athenseuni. €ox\\t^ oi g'uba. CORNEY, HON. BOLTON GLANVILL, M.R.C.S. England, of Na Tna ni Yale, Suva, Fiji, member of the Legislative Council, and of the Native Regulation Board, since 1885 ; chief medical officer, and sometime acting agent-general of immigration (appointed January, 1885), b. 10th December, 1851 ; educated at Fontainebleau, in London, and at Schwerin ; in 1877 entered the colonial service a.s government medical officer, Fiji ; also health officer, SuTa, 1877 ; and medical officer for the Immigration Depart- ment, 1881. He m. 1874, Evelyn, daughter of Roland Hill, Esq. of Nibley, CO. Gloucester, England, by Elizabeth Cornock, his wife, and has had issue, I. Evelyn Glanvill, b. 1875 ; d. same year. II. Orlando Pridham, b. 1878; d. 1882. Htncaac. Henry Corney, Esq, of Deal, eo. Kent, m. at St. Lawrence, Isle of Thanet, England, Ist January, 1776, Mary Stock, of Ramsgate, in the Isle of Thanet, and had a son, Bolton Cornet, Esq., formerly of Maize Hill, Greenwich, co. Kent, and afterwards of Barnes, eo. Surrey, England, b. 1784 ; was a «ivil servant on the staff of Greenwich Hospital for about 40 years, and, retiring in 18 15 or 6, devoted himself to the critical study of literary antiquarian lore, especially Sliakesperean ; was a meiuber of the Royal Society of Literature, and for many years an honorary auditor for the Royal Literary Fund. He edited Loclce on the Conduct of the Understanding^ Goldsmith^s Poems, Thomsons Sea-sons, and some of the Hakluyt Society's reprints. He also wrote an autliori- tative work on the Bayeaux tapestry, also a controversial criticism on the elder IHsraeli's Curiosities of Litierature, and was a frequent and much respected correspondent to Notes and (Queries. Mr. Corney m. at St. Alphage, Greenwich, in 1848, Henrietta Mary, daughter of Admiral Richard Pridham, R.N., of Ply- mouth, CO. Devon. This distinguished naval officer entered the Navy in August, 1790, was present in many attacks made by Nelson on the coasts of France and Spain, having previously seen much active service, and acted as adjutant to the naval battalion at the reduction of Minorca, in November, 1798. His ship, the " Hussar," being wrecked during her passage home with despatches from Ferrol, 8th February, 1804, he was made a prisoner of war in France, and was detained as such until May, 1814 ; on 15th June of which year he was advanced to the rank of commander. In a severe gale off the Cape of Good Hope, on the 23rd September, 1829, he had the misfortune to break his left arm, besides sustaining other severe injuries, by a fall on the deck at midnight. On the occasion of his advancement to post-rank, 22nd July, 1830, he returned home, and did not again go afloat. The admiral m. 20th March, 1801, Mary Glanvill, of Catchfrench, St. Germans, co. Cornwall, a lineal de- scendant of Sir John Glanvill, of Broadhinton, Wilts (where monumental tablets are erected to the memory of himself and wife), grand- father of John GlanviD, Esq. (d. 1735), who BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 291 lived at ChpvpaneT, pnrisli of Hillmavton, Wilts, and owiu'd Harton and lands at Catcli- french, pnri>li of St. Oornians, oo. Cornwall, at which last inontioncd pliici' the family now resides. This John Olanvill was a kin.i^nian of the Edgeoumbes, of Mount Edgecnnibe, and was, like many others in the I'amily, a barrister, as was also a Sir John Cilanvil, who was descended from Ranidphde Glnnvil, chief justice of Enplaml in ilie n-ij^n of Hknrt II. Admiral Richard I'ridhnm was son of John Pridham, Ksq. (who was />. in 1746, and was sometime mayor of Plymouth), and grandson of Richard and TTnnnah Prid- ham, Mr. t'orncy (I. in ISTd, having had by his said wife (who w-as b. in 1801), and d. in 1S7;V), the present Hon. Bolton Giantill C'OliNET, Arms used— Per ehev. erm. and sa., a chev. engr. cottnterfhanged ; iwpaling, erm., on a chev. .vrt., ihree gunffes d'or, on ft cantt.n az,, a crescent or. Ctest — A demi wild-man iiff'rrinlee, vrealhed round the tcai.it and ti-ntples with lein'fs, and supjoorting a club resting on ttie de.xtfr shonlder. Itesidence — Na Tiia ni Yalo, Suva, Fiji. Btbcr of ^t. Soljn. DEVER, HON. JAMES, of Chiiiman's-hill, Saint John, New Brnnswi'ck, Dominion of Canada ; called to the Senate of the Dominion of Canada, 14th March, 1868 ; 6. at Ballyshannon, Ireland, 2nd May, 1825 ; pro- ceeded to Canada with his father, and settled at St. John, New Brunswick, where he eventually acquired an estate. He m. at St. John, N.B., 25tli November, 1853, Margaret, daughter of Daniel Morris, Esq, of Lancaster, N,B., and has issue, I. James Edmund, B,A. of the University of New Brunswick, and now on the editorial staii' of the Standard newspaper, Syracuse, State of New York. II, Thomas Lancaster. I. Catherine Adelia, m. Alfred Delecour Ray, Esq., of Notting-hill, London, England. II. Mary Caroline, m. Felix Charles Tracy, Esq., of Turin, Italy. III. Margaret Eugenie, to. Thomas Francis Hughes, Esq., commissioner of customs, China. IV. Agnes Josephine. V. Isabel Marie. VI. Ada. VII. Annie Gertrude. Uintnat. Paul Efsene Deteb, Esq., the great grandfather of the present Hon. James Dever, was an officer in tlie army, and was concerned in the Irish troubles of his day. He was drowned in the Ri\er ]*lrne, near Ballyshannon, and left an only child, Paul Devkr, Esq., who was educated for the Church, He m. Miss McGowan, a niece of Sir Anthony Cohen, of Higginstown, by whom he had an only child, James Deveb, Efq. of Ballyshannon, Ireland, who m., 1817, Catherine, daughter of Daniel Gallagher, Esq, of Ruslicen, Ireland, by Margaret O'Donncl, of Tyr- connel, his wife. He d. in 1851, having had by her (who d. in 1870) six sons and two daughters, of whom the present Hon. James Deter is the only surviving son. Residence — 5, Chipman'e-hill, St, John, New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada. u 2 29-2 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Broati oi 0tl^o\h BROAD, HIS HONOUR LOWTHER, of Ronaki, Nelson, New Zealand, district judge, Nelson, and barrister-at-law, 6, at Kensington, co. Middlesex, England, 24tli December, 1840, m. 3rd October, 1867, Isabella Mary, second daughter of Henry Bunny, Esq., deputy superintendent and provincial secretary for the Province of Wellington, and member of the New Zealand parliament for Wairarapa, by Catharine, his wife, daughter of the late William Baker, Esq. of Speen-hill, Newbury, co. Berks, England, and has had issue, I. Edmund Lowther, b. 27th October, 1870. II. Charles Harrington, b. 6th October, 1872. III. Edward William, b. 30th April, 1875. IV. John Henry Chareyre, 6. 5th August, 1877. V. George Ai-thar, b. April, 1879. Ti. Francis Rupert, b. 5th December, 1883 ; d. 1886. vn. Nowell, 6. 25th December, 1887. I. Isobel Laura Mary, b. 23rd December, 1868. II. Catharine Zita, b. 11th June, 1881. ILtncaac. The family of Broad, Tariously spelt Brode, Broade, and Broad, became divided ; one branch, it is beUeved, settled in Bute, Scotland, and another in Cornwall, England. Chaeles Broad, Esq. of Oaklands House, Shepherd's Bush, London, m. Sara, daughter of James Lowther, Esq., assistant secretary of the G-eneral Post Office, and was father of Rev. John Bboad, M.A., of Bancroft House, Hitchin, co. Herts, who d. 1858. He 711. Eliza, daughter of John Brooker, Esq., and by her (who d. 1879) had issue, Charles, m. Leonora, daughter of E. Evelyn Liardet, Esq., and d. 1879, leaving issue three sons and four daughters. XowTHEK (His Honour), of Konaki, Nelson. Arthur, m. Mary, daughter of John West, Esq. Harrington, m. Zillah, daughter of P. Broad, Esq. of Eeigate, co. Surrey, and has issue. Alfred, OT. the daughter of H. Beale, Esq. of Billericay, co. Essex. Ernest, m. Bessie, daughter of P. Broad, Esq. of Eeigate, co. Surrey, and has issue. John, ujim. Clara, m. Richard Badger, Esq. of Stan- ford, CO. Bedford, and d. 1855, leaving issue a son and a daughter. Mary, m. R. Lush, Esq., and has issue. Carohne, m. Gilbert Archer, Esq., and has issue. Emily, m. Francis Cooke, Esq. of Rich- mond, CO. York, and has issue, Frank Herbert, b. 1863. Jessie, m. W. H. Horton, Esq., and has issue. Alice G-race. m. H. Bronnsmith, Esq., and has issue. Lucilla, itmn. Arms used — Arg. a pale sa,, in fesse three lozenges counterchanged. Crest — A demi savage^ holding in the dexter hand three arrows, and pointing ioith the sinister to an imperial vrown. Motto — Fortior leone Justus. Residence — Ronaki, Nelson, New Zealand. Cvabfortr oi iHtramar* CRAWFORD, the late JAMES COUTTS, Esq. of Mii-amar, Wel- lington, New Zealand, and formerly of Overton, co. Lanark, Scotland, captain New Zealand Militia and 1st Lanark Militia, and sometime member BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 203 of the Legislative Council of New Zealand; h. 19th January, 1817; s. his father in April, 1828 ; m., first, 28th November, 1843, Sophia, younpest daughter of Admiral Sir James Whitley Deans-Dnndas, fr.C.B., of Barton Court, CO. Berks, and A.ston Hall, eo. Flint, .sometime one of the Lords of the Admiralty (by Janet, his first cousin, only daughter and heiress of Charles Dundas, Lord Amesbury, by Ann, daughter and solo heir of Ralph Whitley, E.sq. of Aston llall, co Flint), who was son of James Deans, Esq., M.D., of Calcutta, by Janet, his wife, daughter of Thomas Dundas, Esq., M.P., of Fingask, great grandson of Charles, sixth Earl of Lauderdale, and by her (who d. 1862) had I. James Dundas, h. November, 1850. I. Janet, 6. 8th September, 1844 ; vi. John Armino Willis, Esq., bari-ister- at-law and H.M. inspector of schools for Middlesex, and has issue one son and four daughters. He «!., secondly, August, 1867, Jessie, only daughter of Alexander McBarnet, Esq. of Torridon and Attadale, Ross-shire, Scotland, and by her (who <;. 1880) had, II. Henry Duncan, h. 1859 ; m. a daughter of Colonel Pearce, of Wel- lington. III. Alexander Donald, b. 1862. IV. Charles John, b. 1867. Mr. Crawford was the representative of the family of Crawford, of Monorgan, co. Perth, and Easter Seatoun, co. Forfar. He was educated at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, where he obtained a gold medal ; sub- sequently joined H.M.S. " Prince Regent," 120 guns, flagship of Rear- Admiral Sir William Parker, in the Channel Fleet, and finally left the navy in 1837, when a sub-lieutenant. In 1838 he emigrated to Sydney, New South Wales, and the following year visited New Zealand ; landed again at Wel- lington in 1846, after having been for some time a run-holder in Queensland ; returned to England in 1850, and proceeded to Wellington again in 1857. He was appointed a member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand in 1860, retaining his seat for seven years, and was for nearly fifteen years resident magistrate and sheriff at Wellington, for a large portion of which time he sei-ved on the council of the Philosophical Institute. In 1862 ^Ir. Crawford made a geological survey of the Province of Wellington. Ho was a member of the Geological Society of London, and a corresponding member of the Geological Societies of Edinburgh and Austria. In 1879 Mr. Crawford published his Recollections of Travel in New Zealand and Australia, and he was a frequent contributor to The Transactions of the Keio Zealand Institute. This gentleman, for saving life, was presented with the Royal Humane Society's medal. In 1883 he sold the property of Overton, near Strathaven, co. Lanark, which had been purchased by his father ; and d. in London, 8th April, 1889. Hincage. Henet Cbawfohd, Esq., merchant, bur- gess of Dundee, Scotland, descended from the Crawfords of Kilbirny, eo. Ayr, bouf;h( Easter Seatoun, co. Forfar, in July. 1670, and registered arms. He m. Kiizabeth Dunsmurc, and d. .luly, 1684, leaving a son. 29-1 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Heney Ckawfoed, Esq. of Monorgan, CO. Perth, and of Easter Seatouii, m. Isabella, daughter and co-heir (with her sisters Eliza- beth, wife of Sir John Hay, of Murie, and Margaret, wife of Thomas Milne, of Milne- fieldj of Sir David Nevay, of Nevay, eo. Forfar, a senator of the College of Justice. Their son, Hexby Crawford, Esq. of Monorgan, sold Easter Seatoun 1715, inherited half the barony of Nevay, m. Elizabeth, daughter atid heir of Mr. James Paton, of Seottson, minister of Kettiiis, and had, witli other issue, I. Henrt, his heir. II. James, merchant in Dundee, m. Helen, daughter of James Coutts, Esq. of Hallgreen, eo. Kincardine, and had, with other issue, James Coutts, of whom after. Henry Crawford d. March, 1731. Hie eldest son, Henkt Crawpoed, Esq. of Monorgan, «)., first, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Elphinstone, of Logie, co. Aberdeen, Bart. ; secondly, Helen, daughter of Dr. George Murray, of Invergowrie, and had issue, I. Henry, d. v.p. II. John, his heir. III. Elliott, d. s.p. IV. Thomas, d. s.p. V. James, d. s.p. VI. Charles, colonel in the army, d. 1837, leaving one child, Mary, m. Major Mayne. I. Marion, m. David Jobson, Esq. The second son, John Crawford, Esq. of Monorgan, merchant in London, sold the estates, and d. in 1818, leaving one daughter, Eliza, who d. 1846. His cousin, James Coutts Ceawfoed, Esq. of Over- ton, near Strathaven, co. Lanark, Captain K.N., became heir male of the family, »»., first, Ann, daughter and co-heir of Alex- ander U\incan, Esq. of Restalrig, co. Edin- burgh, and had Mary Simpson, »»., about 1823, the Hon. Sir Henry Duncan, C.B., K.C.H., Captain, R.N., and had a son, Adam, who m. Miss Mackenzie, and had issue Ada, now proprietor of Naughton, Fife. He m., secondly, Jane, daughter of Ad- miral John Inglis, of Redhall and Auchen- dinny, near Edinburgh, and had by her (who d. about 1822 or 1823), James Coutts, late representative. Anna, d. in South of France about 1883. He in., thirdly, Helen, daughter of Dugald Campbell, Esq. of KUdalloig, co. Argyll, and d. in April, 1828. Arms — Quarterly : 1st and 4th, gu., a fesse wavy erm., between three mullets, arg., pierced az., for Crawford ; 2nd and 3rd, sa. a chevalier on horseback, armed at all points cap-a-pie, brandishing a scymitar aloft arg., a bordure gu., for Nevat. Crest — An increscent chequy arg. and az. Motto — Fide et diligentia. Sesidence (of the late James Coutts Craw- ford, Esq.) — Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand. Clubs — Reform Club, Pall Mail, London Caledonian United Service Club, Edinburgh Australian Club, Sydney, New South Wales and the Wellington Club, Wellington, New Zealand. 3Sritji)t of #ab)ler anti SS^tllaston. BRIGHT, HON. HENRT EDWARD, of Gawler and Willaston, South Australia, member of the Legislative Council, was 6. in London, 30th June, 1819 ; educated at Felsfcead, Essex ; left England for South Australia in 1849 ; was returned to the parliament of that colony, 1865, for the district of Stanley; honorary commissioner of public works from 1873 to 1875 ;■ and in ] 884 was elected a member of the Legislative Council. Mr. Bright m. 15th March, 1841, at St. George's, Hanover-square, London, Jane Prudence, second daughter of James King, Esq. of Oxford, and has issue, I. Henry Edward, of Lama, South Australia, 6. 16th March, 1843 ; m. 29th December, 1863, Harriet, fourth daughter of R. E. Garrood, Esq. of Chelmsford, Essex, England, and has issue, 1. Elmy Harold. 2. Henry Garrood. 3. Frederic King. 4. Leslie. / BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 295 1. Sii])liy. 2. Lanrii. Mr. H. E. Brijjht, jmi., held the office of mayor of Gawler for two years. Thomas Robert, of Glare, district of Stanley, South Australia, a practitioner of the supreme court of South Australia ; filled the office of mayor of Clare for one year; h. 1.5th March, 1852; in. 26th May, 1874, Jane, second daughter of William Rogers, Esq., J. P., of Sandergrove, South Australia, and has issue, 1. William Stuart. 2. Pei'cy Douglas. 1. Marion Bessie. ILiiunat. It is believed that the .Tncestors of this family resided in Wales. The Hon. Henry Edward Bright's grandfather was h. at Fel- etead, Bury, Essex, England ; m. Mary, danghter of Edward Livermore, Esq. of Barnston Hall, near Dunmow, co. Essex, and if. January, 1822, at Great Waltham, co. Essex, and was buried at Felstead, leaving,with other issue (who resided at Grreat Waltham, Essex, all having been born there), a son, Edward Bright, Esq., who m. in London, Mary Ann Smith, and d. there, 31st May, 182.'!, leaving a son, the present Ho2(. Henby Edwaed Beioht. Crest used — A sun in •■splendour ixsuinj out of clnuds. Motto — In ardvisfortHudo. Residences — Gawler and W^illaston, South Australia. 33alti\utn of 33unctitn* 'all unm. BALDWIN, CAPTAIN WILLIAM, of Chingford, Dunedin, New Zealand, honorary resident magistrate for that colony, and visiting justice for the Danedingaol; &. 9th November, 1838; m. 4th August, 1863, Janet Curling, daughter of the late Hon. Andrew Buchanan, of Dunedin, and has issue, I. Godfrey Buchanan. II. Percy. III. Gerald. IV. Vawdrey. I. Fanny Emma, m. 1883, the Hon. Edmund William Parker (who was 6. 2nd March, 1857), eighth son of the sixth and present Earl of Macclesfield, and has issue, 1. Cyril Edmund, 6. at Christchurch, New Zealand, 15th May, 1884. 2. Wilfred Henry, h. 1888. 1. Gwendoline Mary, h. 8th October, 1880. II. Olave, unm. III. Norah, unm. Captain Baldwin was one of the discoverers of the New Zealand gold fields, was afterwards a commissioner of goldfields, a member of the New Zwilaud parliament, and a commissioner of the New Zealand Government Life Insurance. 296 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Hineage. The first of tliia family who came to Ire- land, or at least to the south of that kingdom, were two brothers, who settled there in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the elder of whon\ was ranger of one of the rojal parks, and m. to the daughter of Herbert of Powis, a house ennobled under tliat title, and illus- trious under those of Pembroke, Montgomery, and Cherburg (see Burke's Extinct Peerage). From this alliance the Christian name of Herbert has been transmitted to the family, whicli has also continued to quarter the arms of Herbert with those of Baldwin. These two brothers purchased property, and fixed theii" residence in the vicinity of Bandon, in the CO. of Cork, the elder at Mossgrove, the younger at Lisnagart. Tlie father of Captain WiUiam Baldwin, Henry Baldwin, Esq. of Lissard, near Bandon, eo. Cork, Ireland, J. P., m. Helena Williamson. Crest tised — Standing on a cross a dope, holding in its beak an olive branch. Motto — Seqvere vie est voluntas Dei. Re.iidence — Chingford, Dunedin, New Zealand. 3Botiti5S oi ^j>tinc^n DODDS, HON. ALEXANDER, of Merrenbum, North Shore, Sydney, New South Wales, member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, 6. 2nd April, 1814; m. 25th December, 1850, Mary, daughter of Peter Dickson, Esq., by Eleanor, his wife, and has issue, I. Alexander James, h. 2nd February, 1863. II. Frederic, h. 9th November, 1854. in. William Gordon, 6. 26th April, 1856. I. Christina. 1Ltnca(\E. James Dodds, Esq., m. 1760, Helen Grey, and had a son, James Dodds, Esq. of Heiton, Eoxburgh- shire, Scotland, who m. 2nd January. 1797. Helen, his wife, who survived him, d. 26th July, 1858. He d. Ist February, 1814, having had issue, I. John. II. James. III. Archibald. ly. Alexander (Hon.), now of Merrea- burn. I. Helen. II. Margaret. III. Agnes. Cre.it used — A loheatsheaf. Motto — Semper paratiis. Residence — Merrenbum, North Shore, Sydney, New South Wales. Babis of i\cticastlc. DAVIS, CHARLES PERCY, Esq. of Mount Camel, Redcastle, Victoria, J. P., 6. 17th November, 1841; m. 1st August, 1866, Elizabeth Inglis, daughter of Andrew Russell, Esq., late member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, and has had issue, I. Ernest Degraves, 6. 30th August, 1867. II. Charles Lukin, 6. 6th May, 1876. I. Violet Gwendoline, h. 8th December, 1869. H. Gladys Georgina, 6. 14th October, 1878 ; d. 15th October, 1879. Hincage. James Davis, Esq. of Woodside, Gipps I Charles Peect, now of Mount Camel, Land, Victoria, m. 22nd April, 1837, Louisa | Redcastle. Frances Harrison, daughterof Peter Degraves, I Cres't used — A demi lion ramp. Motto — Esq. of Cascades, Tasmania, and had a son, | Inspice. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 297 Sesidence — Mount Camel, Redcaslle, Vic- toria, Clubs — Conservative, St. James's, London, S.W. ; Mclhournp, Melbourne, Victoria ; Warrigal, Sydney, N.S.W. BRABANT, HIS HONOUR HERBERT WILLIAM, of St. John's, Wangauui, New Zealand, resident magistrate at W^anganui, and judge of the Native Land Court of New Zealand ; h. in Curzon-street, Majfair, London, I9th March, 1838 : m. in 1863, and has issue. ILintngc. RoBEKT Herbert Brabant, Esq., M.D., of Devizes, Wilts, and afterwards of Batli, CO. Somerset, m. Klizabeth, daughter of William Hughes, Esq. of Devizes, Wilts, banker, and was father of William Hughes Brabant, Esq. of Cannon Hall, Hampstead, co. Middlesex, and Savile-place, London, solicitor, who >u. 1836, Eniillia, daughter of Richard Stainforth, Esq. of Clapham, co. Surrey, and d. at Sloperton, near Bromham, Wilts (where he resided the last few years of his life), latli May, 1867, having, by his said wife (who d. at Bath, CO. Somerset, England, 11th April, 188-t), had issue, I. Herbert William (His Honour), of St. John's, Wanganui. II. Henry Stainforth, of Tauranga, New Zealand. III. Arthur Baring, of Hanover. IV. William Frederick, of Hilldene, Harrow-on-the-Hill, co. Middlesex, and of 7, Savile-place, Conduit-street, London, solicitor, of the firm of Capron, i)aUong, Hitchins, and Bra- bant, b. 19th February, 181.8 ; m. lOth April, 1869. Amelia Sarah, daughter of Captain James Tliomas Gordon, of the loth Bengal Native Infantry, and has, with four other children, Gordon William, midshipman, R.N., b. March, 1S72, and Ethel Murdoch, b. 1870. V. Thomas Hughes, L.R.C.P. London, of the firm of Evans and Brabaut, surgeons, 35, St. George's-road, Lon- don. VI. Frederick Awdry, of 12, Gray's Inn- square, London, solicitor. VII. George Wlutmore, of 1, New-square, Lincoln's Inn, London, barrister-at- law of Lincoln's Inn. I. Emily Georgiana, num. II. Harriet Maria, unm. Arms used — Arg., on a /esse, humettee, gu., three leopards* faces or. Crest — A falcon, close. Motto — Dum spiro spero. Residence — St. John's, Wanganui, New Zealand. 3crst|). JERSEY, HIS EXCELLENCY THE EARL OF (Victor Albert George Child-Villiers, P.C., G.C.M.G.), Viscount Villier.s, of Dartford, and Baron Villiers, of Hoo, co. Kent, in England ; Viscount Grandison, of Limerick, in the co. of Leitrim, in Ireland, governor and commander-in-chief of New South Wales, lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum (from 1887), and ■VTce-chairman of quarter sessions (from 1878), for O.xfordsliire, J. P. and D.L. CO. Warwick, and J.P., cos. Oxford, Middlesex, and Glamorgan, a lord-iii- waiting to the Queen, 1875 to 1877, and paymaster-general, 1889 to 1890, when he was appointed governor of New South Wales ; b. 20th March, 1845 ; educated at Eton and at Balliol College, Oxford ; m. 19th September, 1872, Hon. Margaret Elizabeth Leigh, eldest daughter of second Lord Leigh, and has had issue, I. George Henry Robert Child, Viscount Villiers, 6. 2nd June, 1873. a. Arthur George Child, h, 2-lth November, 1883. 298 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Margaret Child, b. and d. 24th April, 1874. II. Margaret Child, b. 8th October, 1875. in. Mary Jalia Child, b. 26th May, 1877. IV. Beatrice Child, h. 12th October, 1880. ILttiEage. The Kioht Hon. GtEOege Augustus Fredekic, 6th Eahl of Jeesby (for whose descent see Bvirke'e Peeraye), was b. 4th April, 1808; m. 12th July, 1841, Juha, eldest daughter of the Eight Hon. Sir Robert Peel, second baronet, and by her (who m. secondly, 12th September, 1865, Charles Brandling, Esq. of Middleton Hall, co. York) had issue, I. Victor Albert G-eorgb, Vth earl, governor of New South Wales. II. Robert Frederick, late captain Scots Guards, b. 1st March, 1847. III. Edward Reginald Clement, b. 18th June, 1849. I. Julia Sarah Alice, b. 1842 ; m. 3rd September, 1861, to Sir G-eorge Orby WombweU, fourth baronet, of New- burgh Priory, Easingwold, Yorkshire, and has had issue, 1. George, Lieutenant King's Own Rifle Corps, b, 1st November, 1865 ; d. 16th January, 1889, at Meerut, India. 2. Stephen Frederick, *. 19th Feb- ruary, 1867. 1. Juha Georgiana Sarah, m. 29th August, 1882, Vesey, Lord Cre- morne, eldest son of Richard, Earl of Dartrey, K.P. 2. Mabel Caroline. 3. Cecilia Clementina, m. 28th July, 1890, W. Graham Menzies, Esq. of Hallyburton, Forfarshire. II. Caroline Anne, b. 1843 ; m. 4th April, 1872, William Henry Phillips Jenkins, Esq. of Upton House, Banbury, co. Oxford, and has issue. 1. WilUam Reginald Haldane, b. 1877. 1. Caroline Julia Georgiana. 2. Evelyn Anne. His lordship, who had been M.P. for Honiton, Weymouth, and Cirencester, d. 24th October, 1859. Creations — Viscount Grandison, 3rd Janu- ary, 1620, in the peerage of Ireland ; baron and viscount, 20th March, 1691 ; earl, 24th September, 1697, in the peerage of Eng- land. Arms — Quarterly ; Ist and 4th, arg., on a cross, gu., five escallops, or, for Vilhers ; 2nd and 3rd, gu., a chevron, engrailed, erm., between three eaglets close, arg., ducally gorged, or, and in the chief point for distinc- tion an escallop, gold, for Child. Crests — 1st, ViLLiEES, a lion ramp., arg., ducally crowned, or ; 2ud, Child, on a rock, ppr., an eagle rising, arg., ducally gorged, or, holding in the beak an adder, ppr., and charged on the breast for distinction with an ermine spot. Supporters — Two lions, arg., ducally crowned, or, each gorged with a plain collar, gu., charged with three escallops, of the second. Motto — Fidei coticula crux. Official Residence — Government House, Sydney, New South Wales. Seats — Middleton Park, Bicester, co. Ox- ford ; and Osterley Park, Isleworth, co. Middle- sex. Town Residence — 3, Great Stanhope-street, W. Clubs (in London) — Carlton ; Junior Carl- ton ; St. Stephen's. ^tanljviticjt ti! Baj^Icsfortr anli Clare^ STANBRIDGE, HON. WILLIAM EDWARD, of Wombat, Daylesford, Victoria, and of Clare, New South Wales, member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, first elected, 15th December, 1881, re-elected 9th September, 1886; and life fellow of the Anthropological Society of London; h. at Astley, near Coventry, co. Warwick, England, 1st December, 1816 ; arrived in the colony of Victoria in 1841 ; m. Florence, younger daughter of the late Richard Colles, Esq. of Castlemaine, Victoria, and has issue, a daughter, Florence Colles, b. at Daylesford, Victoria, 1st August, 1878. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 299 ILincaae. William StAnbRIDOe, Esq. of Coventry, CO. Warwick, was aldcrinan and somclitiic luaTor of tlic citv of Covcutry. By Kditli, liis wife, he had a eon, Edwabd Stanbkiuoe, Esq. of Coventry, who m. Anne Crofts, of tliat city, and by lier had issue, William Edwakd (Hon.), now Davlesford and Clare. Oliver. of Thomas. Edith, of White Rook, Hastings, co. Sussex, England, tiiim. Arms used— Or, on a ckei'., az., three escaUops, art/., on a chief of the second, a lion pass, of the first . Crest — A denii lion ramp, or., holding between the paws an e.scaUop arg. Residences — Wombat, Daylesford, Vic- toria ; and Clare, New South Wales. Carlton oi #Icncl(j, ^ttrlincj: €ast, anti ^tidattic* TARLTON,HON. ROBERT ALFRED, of Olivedean, Glenelg; Fernbrook, Stirling East ; and of Cavendish Chambers, Grenfell-street, Adelaide, South Australia, J. P., member of the Legislative Council of South Australia since 1872, and one of the Council of the Adelaide branch of the Royal Geographical Society, 6. at Birmingham, co. Warwick, England, 21st April, 1828 ; m. first, at the Congregational Church, Camden-road, Holloway, London, 22nd June, 1854, Caroline, third daughter of Daniel Walters, Esq. of Camden-road, Holloway, London ; of Braintree, Essex ; and of Newgate- street, City of London, silk manufacturer, and by her (who d. 20th March, 18(55, and was buiied in the family vault. West-terrace Cemetery, Adelaide^ has had issue, I. Robert Talliam. I. Florence, m. the Rev. Osric Copland, of South Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, and has issue, Maurice Osric ; Helen and Edith. II. Caroline Mary, vi. Hei-bert Phillipps, Esq. of Lyndhurst, Somerton, New South Wales, and has issue, Tarlton ; Constance and Kathleen. III. Louie, TO. 27th March, 1888, at Newtown, Sydney, New South Wales, James Eddington Jefferis, Esq., M.B., CM., M.R.C.S., of Erskineville-road, Newtown, son of the Rev. James Jefferis, LL.D. IV. Lizzie. Mr. Tarlton m. secondly, Sophia Walters, daughter of Caleb Turner, Esq., and granddaughter of the above-mentioned Daniel Walters, Esq., his first wife's father, and by her has issue, II. Robert Henry, d. an infant, 1868. lu. Henry Herbert. IV. Fritz Ernest. V. Hedley. VI. Leslie Jefferis. VI r. Elliot. V. Sophie. VI. Maud. VII. Edith. 300 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Htncaw. Tlie Hon. Eobert Alfred Tarlton is sup- posed to be descended from a branch of the Tarleton family, of Tarleton, co. Lancaster, and to be related to General Tarlton, who distinguished himself in the American war. Robert Tarlton, Esq., h. at Tutbury, CO. Stafford, England, m. there, to Mary, daughter of Major Green, of co. Lancaster, and by her (who was also b. at Tutbury) had issue, EoBEBT Alpebd (Hon.), of whom we treat. Thomas Henry (Rev.), M.A. Cantuar, Cambridge, rector of Lutterworth, co Leicester, England. Crest used — A lion ramp., collared and chained. Motto — Devs, patria, rex. Sesidences — Olivedean, Glenelg ; Fern- brook, Stirling East. Office — Cavendish Chambers, Grenfell-street, Adelaide, all in South Australia. Estates — Somerton, Glenelg ; Fernbrook, Stirling East ; part owner of Coralbignie Station, Gawler Ranges ; Moimt North West Station, Farina ; and Caduowie Springs Sta- tion, Peake, all in South Australia. Capper oi Xnbcrtarstll TAPPER, ROBERT, Esq. of Wadham House, Invercargill, New Zealand, b. 2nd October, 1829 ; m. 30fch December, 1861, Julia Emelia Umbdan- stock, a French Huguenot, and has issue, I. Robert, 6. 5th October, 1862. II. George Albert, b. 6th October, 1864. III. Alfred Edwin, b. 28th November, 1867. IV. Jules Henry, b. 20th August, 1870. V. Gustavus, b. 23rd November, 1872. VI. Ernest Edward, 6. 31st December, 1877. I. Lily, b. 5th September, 1875. iLincage. This is a Hampshire family. Heney Tapper, Esq., was the grand- father of Mr. Robert Tapper. By Harriett, his wife, he had, besides two daughters, who d. s.p., two sons, the elder of whom emigrated to Jamaica about 1810 ; m., and had issue, two daughters ; and the younger, b. at Titchfield, Hants, m. by special licence at St. Michaelis Church, Oxford, 13th March, 1826, the daughter of Thomas Harple, Esq. of Wheatley, co. Oxford, by Sarah, his wife, and d. May, 1856, at Weston-super-Mare, co. Somerset, England, having had by her (wlio d. 16th May, 1888, at the New River, South- land, New Zealand), I. Henry, d. leaving two sons. ir. Robert, of whom we treat. III. Edward, d. s.p. IV. Charles, m. 1870, and has issue, one son and two daughters. V. George, m. 1868, and has five sons and one daughter. VI. Edwin Alfred, m. 1882, and has issue, one son and three daughters. I. Elizabeth, d. leaving two sons. II. Harriett, d. leaving two sons. III. Sarah, m. 1858, but has no issue. IV. Emma, d. s.p. V. Eliza, m. 1869, and has issue, two sons and one daughter. Re.iidence — Wadham House, Invercargill, New Zealand. 5tm})0usit of Cunwv* STENHOUSE, ANTHONY MAITLAND, Esq. of Comox, British Columbia, and of Card, Fort Macleod, Alberta, both in the Dominion of Canada, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 21st February, 1849, unmarried. His Comox property was granted to him by the Crown, 1st June, 1886. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY". 301 Hincagc. The Scottish faiiiily of Stcnhuiisi' in held to Vie iilentiful with Ihiit. of IStoiihousi', of Kiullf^v, in Kent, and with tlint of Stiinnus, of C'arliugfoi-d and rortarliii^ton, in Irchiud. The Stenhouses, of Comley Pui'lt, near Dun- fermline, Scotland, descend directly from Stanehouse, of Carbolzie, in Scotland (see Bin-ke's Landed Oentrtj, SlANNCS OF Cah- LINaFOKD). In the American War of Independence, at least two scions of the stock suffered in the Royal cause — the one being Thomas Stannus, then il.F. for Portarlington, who was severely wounded while serving with the 22nd Regi- ment, and the other, Alexander Stenhouse, Ksq., M.D., whose American estates were confisc:ited by tlie Republic at the close of the war. This Dr. Alexander Stenhouse was cousin-german to the present Mr. A. M. Stenhouse's grandfather. The British govern- ment revrarded his fidelity with a life pension. The deceased members of the Comley Park Stenhouses, are all, with one or two excep- tions, interred under the walls of the Ohl Abbey Church of Dunfermline, within a few feet of the tomb of King RouKKT BiiUOE, whose remains lie under the floor of the church. WiLiiAM Stanehouse, Esq. of Carbolzie, m. and had, amongst other issue, a yoimger son, Thomas Stanbhouse, Esq., who had a son, Alexandee Stauehouse, Esq., who was father of James Stenhop.se, Esq. of Fod and Glen- quhey. His eldest son was father of the above-mentioned Dr. Alexander Stenhouse, whose American estates were confiscated by the Republic at the close of the war. His younger son, Willi AH Stenhouse, Esq., M.D., was father of James Stenhouse, Esq. of Comley Park (or, as it is now spelt. Comely Park), near Dunfermline, Scotland, M.D. (which estate he purchased about the midtUe of last cen- tury) ; in. and had twelve children, two of whom (a son and a daughter) d. in infancy, the others are as follow, viz. : — I. William, M.D. of the University of Edinburgh, R.N., s. his father in the Comley Park Estate. He served 20 years in the Royal Navy, and dis- tinguished himself on board H.M.S. " Revenge," at the Battle of Trafalgar. He d, num. II. John, m. in 1807. III. Janu's, M.D. of the Univer.sity of Edinburgh, .«. his brother William in the Comley Park Estate. IV. RoBEKi Talbot, of whom pre- sently. T. Alexander, M.D. of the University of Edinburgh, sometime surgeon in the East India army. I. Jane. II. Caledonia. III. Elizabeth. IV. Margaret. V. Lucy, »(. Dr. Kinnis, staff-surgeon R.N., and survived him for many years. The fourth son, Robert Talbot Stenhouse, Esq. of Comley Park, Fifeshire, Scotland, s. his brother James in that estate, which was afterwards sold by his widow. lie was some- time a lieutenant in the Fifesliire Yeomanry Cavalry, and afterwards controller of H.M. Customs in the Ionian Islands, b. at Condey Park House, 7th December, 1794; »«., 1835, bis cousin Rebecca, daughter of the late John Stenhouse, Esq. of Edinburgh, merchant, and d. 30th November, 1866, leaving by her (who was b. in Edinburgh, 1808, and is at present; residing at Portobelk), Scotland), a son, the present Anthont Maitland Sten- house, Esq. Arms med — Arg., on a Jesse sa., between thi'ee falcons, rising, az., belled aud jessed, a leopard's head cabossed, or, betteeen two mullets of the Jield. Crest — A talboVs head couped ppr. gorged with a collar or, charged with Jire pellets, issunig out of the mouth a dove. Motto — Fortis etjidelis. Sesidences — Comox, British Columbia; and Card, Fort Maeleod, Alberta, both in the Dominion of Canada. ^taiicjljtcin o! €^)ntsi)ur|_n STAUGHTON, SAMUEL THOMAS, Esq. of Eynesbury, Melton, Victoria, J. P., member of the Legislative Assembly for West Bourke, member Shire of Wyndham, b. 17th November, 1839; m. 23rd April, 1874, Eliza Mary, daughter of John Rout Hopkins, Esq. of Winchelsea, Victoria, by Eliza Anne, bis wife, eldest daughter of George Armytage, Esq. of The Hermitage, Geelong, Victoria (see Arjiytaoe Of Ingleby), and has issue, I. Samuel Thomas, 1 ^^.^^^ ^ g^^j^ December, 1876. II. Arthur John, J 302 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. in. Roy, I. 16th May, 1888. I. Ellie Mary, 6. 1875. II. Tassie Constance, h. 1879. III. Marjory Bee, h. 1881. IV. Dorothy Emma, 6. 1884. l,tncagc. The Staughton family came from St. Neofs and Great Staughton, co. Huntingdon, Eng- land, ■which latter village was named after them. Numbers of the tombstones may be seen at the church at St. Neot'e. Simon Staughton, Esq. of Exford Station, Meltcm, Victoria, d. 18th May, 1863, having had issue, I. Simon Frederick. II. Samuel Thomas, of whom we treat. III. Stephen George. IV. Harry Werribee. I. Mary, in. Frederick William Armyt- age, Esq., and has issue, four sons (see Armytage of Inoleby). II. M. Tasmania, m. Howard Spensley, Esq., and has issue, one son and three daughters. III. Emma, m. and has had issue, four sons and one daughter. Residence — Eynesbury, Melton, Victoria, Australia. WYNDHAM, REGINALD, Esq. of Leconfield, Branxton, JTew South Wales, ft. 18th August, 1846; m. 13th March, 1867, Julia Bateman, youngest daughter of Captain G. Champain, and by her (who d. 21st November, 1888) has issue, I. Reginald Horton, h. 24th January, 1868. I. Clara Louise. II. Jessie May. III. Ivy Ellen. IV. Mary Blanche. Hiiuage. This family claims descent from Ailwardus, an eminent Saxon of Norfolk, who being possessed of an estate there, in Wymondham, (subsequently called Wyndham), is stated to have assumed, soon after the Norman Con- quest, the surname of Wyndham. WiiLiAM, son of Ralph db Wimondham, was possessed, 10th Edwakd II., of the manors of Crownthorpe and Wicklewode, Norfolk, and in wliich he was s. by his son. Sir John de Wimondham, m. Catherine, daughter of Sir Johnde Eedisham, Knt., and was father of Thomas de Wimondham, m. Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Walcot, Knt., and had a son, John, whose son, another John Wimondham, m. Margaret, daughter of Sir John Segrave, Knt., and was father of John Wyndham, Esq. of Crownthorpe, and of Felbrigg, wl\ich latter he purchased of the trustees of Sir John Felbrigg, K.G. This John Wyndham, in the 38th Henry VI., was one of the knights for Norfolk in the Parliament held at Coventry, wherein the Earl of Warwick, and other accomplices of the Duke of York, were attainted of high treason. He m. Margery, daughter of Sir Robert Clifton, of Bokenham Castle, Norfolk, and relict of Sir John Hastings, and was s. by his son, Sir John Wyndham, who was in the battle of Stoke, anno 1487, against the Earl of Lincoln, Lambert Simnel, and their ad- herents, and was knighted immediately after the victory ; but being afterwards engaged in the interests of the House of York, he was condemned for high treason, and beheaded, with Sir James Tyrrel, lieutenant of Guisnes Castle, 17th Henky VII. Sir John Wynd- ham m. first, Lady Margaret Howard, daughter of John, Duke of Norfolk, by whom he had Thomas, his successor, and other children. He m. secondly, Eleanor, dauglitor of Norman Waslibourne, Esq. of Washbourne, eo. Worcester, and widow of Sir Richard Scrope. Sir John was s. by his eldest son. Sir Thomas Wyndham, of Felbrigg, who was a distinguished naval commander, and attended King Henet VIII. as one of the BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 303 kniglits of liis body at the siege of Therouene anil Toiunay, &c. lie m. first, Eleanor, daughter and co-heir of Sir Richard Scrope, Knt., of Upsal, co. York, by whom ho had issue, I. Kdinund (Sir), of Felbrijii;. He ob- tained from JIknhy Vlll., witli wliom he was a favourite, larfje )»raiils out of the confiscated C'hureli lands. He m. Susan, daughter of Sir Koi;er Towns- hcnd, of Riivnhani, Norfolk, and was s. by his son, Francis (Sir), barrister-at-law, who was made one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas, 21st Elizabeth, His lordship and his two brothers dying s.p., Fcl- brigg and other estates tlevolved iipon the heirs of their uncle, John, of whom presently. II. JoHX (Sir), of Orchard VVyndham. I. Margaret, m. Sir Andrew Lutlrell, Knt., of Dunster Castle, Somerset. II. Mary. m. Sir Erasmus Paston, Knt., ancestor of the Earls of Yarmouth. III. Elizabeth, d. s.p. Sir Thomas ;«. secondlv, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Sir Henry Wentworth, K.B., of Nettle- sted, and relict of Sir Roger D' Arey, by whom he had one son. Sir Thomas Wyndham, an eminent naval officer. The line of Edmund, the eldest son of Sir Thomas, failing as above, we proceed with the second son, Sir John Wtndham, who was knighted at the coroniition of Edward VI. lie m. Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of John Sydenham, Esq. of Orchard, Somerset, and thus acquired tliat estate, wliieh now retains the name of Orchard Wyndluun. Sir John had (with four daughters, Margaret, m. John Fraunceis ; Eleanor, m. Thomas Carne ; Catherine, m. Christopher Wood ; and Eliza- beth, m. — Welch) four sons, I. John, m. Florence, daughter of John, and sister and co-heir of Nicholas Wadham, Esq. of Merrifield, Somerset (founder of Wadham College, Oxford), by whom he left at his decease, 25th August, 1.572, v.p., an only son, John (Sir), heir to his grandfather. II. Edmund, of Kentsford, m. Mary, daughter and co-heir of Richard Chamberlaine, Esq., alderman of Lon- don, and had, with other issue, Thomas (Sir), of Kentsford, m. EHzabeth, daughter of Richard Coningsby, Esq. of Hampton Court, and by lier had several children ; of the sons, most of them were engaged in the service of Charles I. The fourtli son, Colonel Francis Wyndham, is memorable for having con- ducted King Chari.es II. to his seat at Trent, after the battle of Worcester. Colonel W'yndham, for his devotion to tlie royal cause during the civil wars, was created a baronet. He m. Anne, tla^igh- ter and co-heir of Thomas Gerard, Esq. of Trent, with whom he acquired that estate, and d. iu 1G7(J, leaving three sons, 1. Thomas (Sir), second baronet of Trent, whoso only daughter and heir, Anne, m. William James, Esq. of Ight- hani Court, in Kent. 2. Gerard, d. unm. 3. Fraru'is (Sir), third bar- onet, wliose son, Thomas, d. r\p., leaving a son, Francis, fourth baronet, who d. young ; and a daughter, Frances, m. Henry Brondey, Esq., afterwards Lord Mont- fort. Hugh (Sir), fourth son, created a baronet 4th August, 1G4-1, but by Mary, his wife, daughter of Christopher Alanson, Esq. of London, leaving only daughters and co-heirs, his title became extinct. III. Humphrey, of WiveUscombe, in Somerset, whose only daughter and heir, Elizabeth, m. John Colles, Esq. of Barton. IV. Charles, ancestor of the Windhams OF Sandhill. Sir John Wyndham was s. by his grand- son. Sir John Wtndhav, Knt. of Orchard- Wyndham, m. Joan, daughter of Sir Henry Portman, of Orchard, and had issue, I. John, of Orchard-Wyndham, ancestor of the Earls of Egremont (see Burke's JSxtinct Peerage). II. Henry, d. unm. 1613. III. Thomas, of Felbrigg, ancestor of the distinguished statesman, the Right Hon. William Windham, of Felbrigg, who d. in 1810. IV. Francis, d. 1624. V. George, d. young, 1624. VI. George (Sir), of Uffords, near Cro- mer, Norfolk, knighted 16t.h July, 1633 ; m. twice, but had issue only by his second wife, Frances, daughter and co-heir of James Davy, Esq. of Suf- field, a son and successor, Francis, of Ufford's Manor, m. Sarah, daughter of Sir Thomas Dayrell, of Shudy Camps, co. Cambridge, and dying 1694, left issue, Francis, of Ufford's Manor, whose son, John, of Cromer, m. Elizalietli, only I'hild of Richard DaMon, Esq., and was ancestor of the Wynd- HAIH.S OF CrOMEK UaLL, Norfolk. Thomas, m. llrst, Jane, daugliter 304 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. of John Wyndliam, Esq. of Dunraven, aiid sccouilly, Anne, daughter, and eventu- ally heiress, of Samuel Edwin, Esq. of Llanmihangel, oo. Glamorgan ; he d. 1751, leaving, by his second wife, a son, Charles Wtndham, Esq. of Clearwell, who took the name of Edwin, and d. 1801 ; he m. Eleanor, daugh- ter of George Rooke, Esq. of Bigswear, and was father of Thomas Wyndham, Esq. of Dunraven Castle, who m. Anna Maria Charlotte, daughter of Thomas Ashby, Esq., and by her (who ?«. secondly, John Wick Bennet, Esq. of Laleston) he left, at his decease in 1814, an only daughter and heiress, Caroline Wyndham, wife of William Henry, second Earl of Dunraven. VII. Humphrey, ancestor of the Wtnd- HAMS OF DtTNKATBN Castle, CO. Gla- morgan; his son, Humphrey Wynd- ham, Esq. of Dunraven Castle, m. Joan, daughter of John Carue, of Ewenny Abbey, and was father of John Wyndham, serjeant-at-law, who m. Jane, daughter of William Strode, Esq., and had a son, John Wyndham, Esq., whose daughter, Jane, heiress of Dunraven, m. Thomas Wyndham, of Clearwell. viii. Hugh (Sir), of Silton, baron of the Exchequer, and afterwards one of the justices of the Common Pleas, d. lf)84, aged 82. Sir Hugh m. thrice, first, Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Wode- house, Bart, of Kimberly ; secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Minn, of Woodcote, Surrey, and relict of Sir Henry Berkeley, Bart. ; and thirdly, Catherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Fleming, of Stoneham, and relict of Sir Edward Hooper, Knt., but had issue only by his first wife, two sons, John and Hugh, both d. young ; and three daughters, Blanche, m. Sir Nathaniel Napier, Bart. ; Joan, d. young ; and Rachel, m. John, Earl of Bristol. IX. Wadham (Sir), one of the judges of the Court of King's Bench, ancestor of Wyndham of Dixtox. X. Francis, d. unm. I. Joan, m. John Giffard, Esq. of Bright- ley. II. Margaret, m. John Courtenay, Esq. of Molland. III. Florence, m. John Harris, Esq. of Hayne. IV. Eaehel, m. Thomas Moore, Esq. of Heytesbury. V. Margery, m. Thomas Carew, Esq. of Crowcombe. VI. Anne, m. Sir John Strode, Knt. Sir Wadham Wyndham, Knt. of Nor- rington, co. Wilts, ninth sou of Sir John Wyndham, Knt. of Felbrigg, co. Norfolk, by Joan, liis wife, daughter of Sir Henry Port- man, Knt. of Oriliard Portman, in Somerset, adopted the legal profession, and was con- stituted, in 1660, one of the judges of the Court of King's Bench. He m. Barbara, daughter of Sir George Clarke, Knt. of Wat- ford, CO. Northampton, and had, with four daughters, I. John, of Norrington, father of Thomas Wyndham, Lord Wykdham of Fin- Gi.Aa. II. Thomas, M.P. for Calne, d. 1698. III. William, ancestor of the Wtnd- HAMS OP Dinton. IV. Wadham, of St. Edmund's College, Salisbury, m. Sarah Hearst, of Sarum, and by her (who d. in 1758, aged 81) left at his decease, in 1736, a son, Henry Wyndham, Esq. of The Close, Sarum, m. Arundel, daughter of Thomas Penruddocke, Esq. of Compton, Wilts, and left, with a daughter (Letitia, Lady A'Court), several sons, of whom the eldest, Henry Penruddocke Wyndham, Esq. of The College, Sarum, M.P. for Wilts, m. in 1768, Caroline, daughter and heir of Edward Hearst, Esq. of The Close, Sarum, and d. in 1819, leaving (with otlier sons, who d. s.p.), Wadham Wyndham, Esq., his heir, of The College, Sarum, M.P., m. Ann Eliza, daughter of Lieu- tenant-General Slade ; and d. s.p. 1843. CaroUne Frances, m. 1797, John Campbell, Esq. of Dunoon, co. Argyll, and of Blunham, co. Bedford, and d. 3rd December, 1846, leaving, with three daughters [1. Caroline Letitia, m. 1S'2S, Richard Hetley, Esq., and d. leaving an only daughter, Mary Caroline, b. 1827 ; m. August, 1861, Philip A. Pleydell Bouverie, Esq. (see Campbell op Dunoon, Buvke'sljanded Oentrif of Great Sritain and Ireland) ; 2. Julia Anne Frances, wife of S. E. Thornton, Esq. ; d. 1870; and 3. Ellen Christian, wife of Rich- ard King - Wyndham, Esq.], a son and heir, John Henry Campbell, Esq. of "The Close, Salisbury, and of Corhampton House, Hants, D.L., M.P., wi.o assumed the BURKE'S COLONIAL riKXTHY 305 snrniime and nnns of Wyndiiam on MiccoecliiifT to tlie estutes of bis niii- Irriml ancestors, b. L'Otli Jiilv, 1798; m. 7th February, 1830, I'rania Mary Anne, flau«:;bter of the late Lieutenant - Colonel Kington, by his wife, tlie Mareliioness of C'lanricarde. He d. 16th November, 1860, and his wife 17th June, 18f9, whereupon bis sis- ter and co-heiress, Ellen Chkistian King, wife of Rich- ard King, Esq. of AVarnford, Hants, niul Fowelscombe, Devon, s. to the A\'yndlunn estates, anil has, with her husband, taken the surname ami arms of Wyndham. The Scotch property (Innellan, Dunoon Castle, &c.) has passed to Mrs. Bouverie Campbell, whose son is next heir to tlie Wynd- iiam estates. Rich- ard King-Wynd- HAM, Esq., above- mentioned, of Cor- hampton House, Bishop's Waltliam, and The G-rove, Ex- ton, Hants, J. P., was b. in 1814 ; m. 1839, Ellen Chris- tian, youngest daughter of the before - mentioned JohnCampbell,Esq., and has had a son (\\ ho d. young) and four daugliters, viz., I. Ellen Caroline, m. Rev. John Vodin Walters, M.A., rec- tor of St. Columba's, London ; ii. Julia Catherine; ill. Alice Jane ; lY. Edith Marion. Mr. King- Wyndham, his brother, Captain John King, and his sister, Miss Ellen King, arc the chil- dren of Ibe late John King, Esq. of Fow- elscombe, Devon (who d. 1858), by Jane, his wife, da\ighter of H. Cummin, Esq. of Hill House. T. George, m. Kathcrine, daughter and heir of Gabriel Ashley, of New Sarum, and left issue. The tliird son, William Wyndham, Esq. of Dinton, Wilts, »;. Henrietta, daughter and co-heir of Henry Stratford, Ksq. of Hawling, co. Glou- cester, and was s. at liis decease, 1733, by his eldest son, William Wyndham, Esq. of Dinton, Wilts, aiul of Hawling, co. Gloucester, who m. Barbara, daughter and heiress of Michael Smith, Esq. of Stanton St. Bernard, Wilts, and dying 29th Novcndicr, 1702, left, with other issue, a son and successor, William Wtndiiam, Esq. of Dinton and Hawling, m. 1762, Elizabetli, daughter of Sir Thomas Heathcote, Bart, of Hursley Park, and had, with four daughters, six sons, William, his heir. Thomas (Rev.), rector of Pimpcrne and Melcombe Regis, Dorset, m. Anne, daughter of Walter Stubbs, Esq., and had one son, Thomas, who m. 1S42, Anne Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Thomas Penruddocke, of Wiiikton, Hants, and rf. s./). 1881. Rev. Thomas Wyndham, d. 1862, aged 91. Wadham, d. 1.835. George, m. 1803, Elizabeth, daughter of George Dominicus, Esq. of East Far- leigh, Kent, and d. 1846, having had issue, 1. George Dominicus, m. 1858, Fanny, daughter of Rev. J. Adams, of Ashmore, Dorset ; 2. Henry, of Roundhill Grange, m. 1857, Agnes, daughter of W. H. Ludlow Bruges, F'sq. of Seend, Wilts, and d. llth December, 1884, having liad one son, *. 1858, and d. 1870; 3. Charles, E.I.C.S., killed in action at Afglian- istan, 29th October, 1841 ; he m. Miss Bruce, and left one daughter, Lucy Eliza, m. Rev. Frederick Gray. Jolin Heathcote (Rev.), rector of Corton, ill. 1813, Jane Dorothy, only daughlcr of the Rev. Dr. John Eveleigh, provost of Oriel College, Oxford; and d. Jan- uary, 1852, leaving an only son, John Eveleigh Wyndham, Esq. of Stock Dennis, Somerset, M.A., J.P., b. 25th May, 1814 ; educated at Oriel College, Oxford (B.A. 1836, M.A. 1840); m. April, 1840, ElizalictU Gcraldine, elder daughter of Colonel Fitzgerald, of Maperton, Somerset, and Turlough Park, CO. Mavo, aiul had issue, 'I'honuis Heathcote Gerald, M.A., Fellow of Merton College, b. 18 12 ; educated at Eton and Oriel College, Oxford ; d. llth November, 1876 ; Edward John F^vcleigh, b. 1816; Charles Hugh, late 21st Fusiliers, b. 1818; Francis Wad- ham, b. 1851 ; Mary Geraldine, d. young, 1851 ; Jane Florence ; Alice ; Blanche; Eva; Isabel; Geraldine. VOL. 306 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Cliai'les, m. 1824, Maria Frances, daugh- ter of Sir "William Heathcote, B.nrt., and d. 18-4B, leaving an only daughter, Frances Elizabeth Maria, m. first, 1849, Captain T. P. Eickford {d. lSfi9), leaving a son ; and secondly, August, 1871, Frederick Gray, Esq. of Pippen- ford Park, Sussex. Mr. Wyndham was s. at liis decease, 1786, by his eldest son, William Wyndham, Esq. of Dinton and Norrington, AVilts, b. 18th December, 1769, who m. 3rd March, 1794, Lsetitia, daughter of Alexander Pophaui, Esq., one of the masters in Chancery, and by her (who (/. 7th December, 1837) had issue, I. William, of Dinton, Wilts, J.P. and D.L., M.P. for South Wilts, 1852-59, b. 17th April, 1796; m. 14th June, 1831, Ellen, eldest daughter of Kev. Samuel Heathcote. of Bramshaw Hill, Hants, and had issue, William, now of Dinton House, co. Wilts, and of Silvertou, and Orchard Wyndham, co. .Somerset, J.P. and D.L. for co. Wilts, and patron of one Uving, b. 12th Jan- luiry, 1834; educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 185G); m. 7th November, 1867, Frances Ann, second daugh- ter of the Rev. Charles James Stafford, B.D., vicar of Dinton, and has issue, 1. William, b. 9th October, 1868. 2. Alward, b. 17lh September, 1877. 3. John, b. 1st September, 1879. 4. Hugh, b. 5th April, 1882, twin with Hilda. 1. Marion. 2. Frances. 3. Ann. 4. Ellen. 5. Hilda, twin with Hugh. Mr. Wyndham inherited Silver- ton and Orchard Wyndham from the Countess of Egremont, in 1877. X^dmund (Rev.), b. 20th September, 1835 ; m. 1865, Augusta Margaret, daughter of Rev. William Moore Harrison, of Clayhanger, Devon, and has no issue. .Arthur, b. 23rd January, 1837. AVadham, b. 16th July, 1838; d. April, 1847. Hugh, b. 8th October, 1839; m. ISfS, Maria, youngest daughter of Colonel William Arthur Heath- cote, of RoUestone, Wilts, and has had issue, 1. Hugh, d. an infant. 2. Wadham. 3. Edmund. 1. Edith. 2. Mary. 3. Katherine. 4. Constance, b. 1880. Thomas Heathcote (Rev.), b. 14th February, 1845; m. 1880, Ellen Kate, daughter of Rev. William Law, of Marston Trussell, North- amptonsliire. Ellen, m. 20th April, 1854, Herbert Barnard, Esq. of Portland-place, London, and Ham, Surrey, and has issue, three sons, besides daughters. La;titia, m. 18th August, 1868, Rev. Joseph Heald Ward, rector of Gussage St. Michael, Dorset, and has issue, one son and two daugh- ters. Mr. Wyndham d. 27th February, 1862. II. Alexander Wadham, of West Lodge, Elandford, Dorset, and Borrishoole, CO. Mayo, captain Scots Greys, b. 1799 ; m. first, 1830, Emma, daughter of Sir John Trevelyan, Bart., and by her (who d. 17th May, 1857) had issue, 1. William Trevelyan, b. 1831; m. 1857, Anne, daughter of Rev. R. Salkeld, and has issue, William Gwydyr, b. 1865; Walter Tar- rowick, b. 1870 ; Emma Editha ; Bessie Ida ; Letitia ; and Agatha. 2. Alfred, b. 1836; m. 1859, at Toronto, Canada, Caroline Eliza- beth Stuart, and has issue, Alex- ander, b. 1860; Walter, b. 1864; Ernest Alfred, b. 1868; Agnes Stuart ; and Ethel Emma. 3. Spencer, b. 1838, deceased. 1. Emma Lfetitia, ™. 1852, Wil- liam Leonard Halliday, Esq., H.E.I.C.S.; both (/. at Cawnpore, July, 1857. Captain Halliday fell gallantly leading a sortie. 2. Ida, rf."l873. 3. Julia, )«. 1866, Ma^or Lachlan Forbes, 31st Regiment. 4. Beatrice Ernestine, m. 5th Sep- tember, 1865, Arthm- Moseley Channell, Esq., barrister-at-law, only son of Sir William Fry Channell, a baron of the Ex- chequer. 5. Maria Helena Wilson, m. 1870, Henry Albert Pattinson, Esq. of Seaton, Devon. He m. secondly, 1862, Augusta, daugh- ter of T. B. Evans, Esq. She d. 1865 ; he d. 1869. III. George, of whom hereafter. IT. Francis, b. 1810; d. 1867. T. John (Rev.), rector of Sutton Mande- ville, Wilts, b. 30th March, 1812 ; m. first, 26th September, 1840, Mary, eldest daughter of Rev. William Sand- ford Wapshare, vicar of Chitterne St. Mary's, Wilts, and by her (who d. 1844) has issue, 1. Edward Sandford, b. ISth Feb- ruary, 1842 ; m. August, 1873, Edith, daughter of Pliilip W. BURKE'S COI.UMAI, CKNTKY. .•107 Wri<;l)t, Esq. of Birkliiim, Now South Walt's, iiiul liiis, Artlnir Percy, b. Aiipiisf, 1K7 I, and ullicr issue. 1. Catherine Louisn. m. 18ff<, Rev. Jai!ie9 Kiminglon Ward, rector of Puddleston. 2 Anna, to. 1874, Rev. George AUcn Vandcr JFcMlen, rector of West Knoyle, A\'ilts. 3. Alice Mary, m. 1875, Percy Wriglit, Esq., New South Wales. 4. Frances Emma, m. 1870, Rev. William Frederick Newman, of llockwortliy, Devon. He TO. secondly, lllh October, 1849, Catherine, widow of William Lowndes- Stone, Esq., onlv son of William Lowndes-Stone, Esq. of Briglitwell, CO. Oxford, which lady d. 26th April, 1850. He TO. thirdly," 1853, Caroline Delia Keylie, who d. 1854. He m. fourthly, 1863, Paulina Margaret, daugliter of Colonel Lewis, by whom he has Eleanor Mabel; Amy Paulina; Rhoda Margaret; and a son, John Reginald. VI. Charles Henry, of Wans House, Chippenham, Wilts, J. P. and D.L., formerly captain 7th Hussars, b. 1816 ; m. 27th April, 1848, Eleanora Anne Julia Hunt, eldest daughter of Rev. James Grubbe, and has had issue, Constance Emmeline, d. 1857; VAV.i Frances; Edith Mary; Ada Lretitia, m. 4tli December, 1877, Henry George Hunt Grubbe, Esq. of Eastwell, Wilts. I. Lcetitia, m. 1824, William Codrington, Esq. of Wroughton, Wilts ; d. Novem- ber, 1845. n. Mary Anne, m. 1837, Henry Godol- phin Biggs, Esq. of Stockton, Wilts, and d. 1838. III. Louisa Elizabetli, m. 1825, Rev. Wadham Knatchbull ; d. June, 1845. IV. Ella, d. 1866. T. Charlotte, to. 1838, John Edward Andrew Starky, Esq. of Spve Park, Wilts, who d. i2th January, 1843. TI. Henrietta Sophia, d. 1862. Mr. Wyndham d. 19th September, 1811. Hie third son, George Wtndham, Esq. of Dalwood, Branxton, New South Wales, h. 1801 ; m. 1827, Margaret, daughter of John Jay, Esq., and d. 24tli December, 1870, having had by her (who d. September, 1870), I. Alward, b. 1828; to. 1858, Annette, daughter of William Keene, Esq., and has issue, Alward, b. 1859 ; William, ! ^/. 1860; Egbert, h. 1863; Edward,*. 1872; Margaret; Julia; and Letitia. II. George, A. 1831 ; «i. 1856, Elizabeth Louisa, tlaughter of Richard Greenup, Esq., M.I)., and by her (who d. 1H66) has, George, i. 1857 ; Wilfrid; Ella; Maud; Edith. III. John, of Dalwood, near Branxton, New South Wales, h. 1833; m. first, 28th July, 1858, Lucy Kllen, daughter of Dr. Henry Oleniiie, and by her has issue, Harry, A. 27th Kebruary, 1863; John Percy, b. 25th April', 1866; Harold Edward, b. 16th September, 1869; Amy, b. 13th July, 1859; Flo- rence I.sabella, b. 10th September, 1861; Ethel, h. 2,5th December, 1864; and Linda Lucy, b, 18th December, 1867. He m. secondly, Florence Isa- bella, only daughter of Augustus Thomas Mathew, Esq. of Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, and by her has issue, 1. Francis Llandaff, b. 24th December, 1872; 2. Augustus Llan- daff, b. 8th February, 1876; 3. Ernest Llandaff, b. 17th February, 1878; and 1. Eleanor, b. 9th Augus't. 1874. IV. Francis, b. 1835; m. 1858, Harriet Fletcher. V. Hugh, h. 1836; to. 1862, Celia, daughter of Dr. Hayloek, and has issue, Hugh, b. 1865 ; Eleanor ; Alice ; Weeta; Celia. VI. Alexander, b. 1840; to. 1867, Fanny Lsetitia, eldest daugliter of Charles Codrington, Esq., and had one son, Alexander Codrington, b. 1862, d. 1877 ; Geoffrey, b. 1871. He d. 1880. VII. Charles, b. "l842; m. 1866, Emily, second daughter of Rev. Alfred Glennie. vui. Guy, b. 1843; m. 1868, Elizabeth, tiaugliter of Dr. Henry Glennie, and il. 1882, leaving a son, Arthur Guy, b. 1868. IX. Reginald, now of Leconfield, New South Wales. X. Wadham, b. 1848: to. Elizabeth, daughter of William Keene, Esq. of Bando, New South Wales, and has three sons and one daughter. I. Weeta, m. 1852, Arthur Mackenzie, Esq., and had issue, two sons and three daughters. She d. 1883. II. Lffititia, TO. 1873, Herbert Wilkinson, Esq., and d. 1876. Arms — Az., a eliev., between three lions' heads erased or. Crest — A lion's head erased, within a fetterlock or. Motto — Au bon droit. Iffsidence — Leconfield, Branxton, New South Wales, Australia. 308 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. OTricrljt oi ^trtlj. WRIGHT, HON. JOHN ARTHUR, M.I.C.E., of Pertb, Western Australia, J. P., member of the Executive and Legislative Councils, engineer-in-chief, formerly commissioner of railways and director of public works, h. 2.5th November, 1841 ; m. 20th January, 1870, Katherine, second daughter of Peter Whitington, Esq., M.D., of Tuxford, co. Nottingham, England, and has issue, I. John Harold Kitson, b. at St. Petersburg, Russia, 1st November, 1870. n. Richard Evelyn, b. at St. Petersburg, 20th February, 1872. I. Hilda Kathleen. Hincaac. This family liare residpd for generations at Buxton, near Norwich, England. Richard Wright, Esq., d. at Brighton, CO. Sussex, England. By Sarah, his wife (who d. at Fiuchley, co. Middlesex), he had issue, John Wright, Esq., M.I.C.E., m. at Brighton, England, 24th April, 1839, Mary, daughter of , and d. at The Pre- cincts, Rochester, co. Kent, 3rd December, 1883, having had by her (who also d. at The Precincts, 23rd December, 1888), John Arthur (Hon.), M.I.C.E., now of Perth. Richard Ernest, m. Sara, daughter of John Niven, Esq. of Uitenhage, Cape Colony, and has issue, a son, John Niven. Alfred, d. iinm. Edward James, num. Mary Anna, m. Lieutenant- Colonel James Henry Robert Cruickshank, R. E., who was appointed ensign, 11th June, 1858; lieutenant, 27th August, 1858; cap- tain, 15th May, 1870; major, 21st De- cember, 1877 ; and lieutenant-colonel, 1st June, 1885. Arms used — Az., two bars or, in chief three leopards* heads cabossed of the last. Crest — A game-cock^s head erased gu. Mottoes — Over crest, Quod volo erit ; below shield, Contre fortune hon cceur. Mesidence — Perth, Western Australia. WRIGHT, SYDNEY EVELYN LIARDET, Esq. of Hope Lodge, Hopper-street, Wellington, New Zealand, late paymaster R.N., has served twenty years in the Royal Navy ; was engaged in the Syrian War (1839-40), and during the Crimean War in the "Quake" gunboat; was specially gazetted for sinking a Russian gunboat at the taking of Kertch ; and was five years on the West Coast of Africa engaged in the suppression of the slave trade, for which services he has received the Turkish Order of the Medjidie, and holds four medals and two clasps. He emigrated to the colony of New Zealand in 1858, and entered into mercantile pursuits ; b. 7th June, 1825 ; m. 26th September, 1857, at St. Alphage Church, Greenwich, England, Georgiua Amelia, eldest daughter of the late William Pickford, Esq. of Coventry, co. Warwick, and has had issue, I. Sydney Evelyn, b. 5th April, 1872. II. Fortunatus Evelyn, 6. 8th August, 1874. in. Albert Edward Evelyn, b. 6th July, 1880. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 309 I. Catherine Amelia, /). l:5tli Ottobcr, 18."i9 ; m. 2Lst, January, 1884, James Wilkie Liddell, Esq. late of Glasgow, and has one child. II. Susannah Evelyn, 6. 25th November, 1801 ; uvm. III. Laura Louisa Evelyn, b. 17th September, 1863; d. 28th June, 1874. iv. Loui.«. 1839, Mary Milner Broadbent, and d. 17th January, 1860, leaving issue, 1. Christopher Moore, b. at Parra- matta, N.S.W., 1842. 1. Harriet, i. 1844; m. N. G. Molir, Esq. 2. Mary, b. 1851 ; m. L. Triebel, Esq. T. James, in the Hon. E.I.Co.'s Service. I. Maria Williams, J. 1816 ; m. to Henry Tacy Kemp, Esq., a civil com- missioner in New Zealand. The 2nd son. Rev. John Alexander Wilson, late of the Church Missionary Society, New Zealand, and formerlv of the Roval Navy, b. 15th June, 1809; m. 16th July, 1828, Anne Catherine, 2nd daughter of Major Francis Hawker, 81st Regiment, of Portsmouth, hy Frances Cripps, his wife, cousin of the late Lord Halifax ; and by her (who d. 23rd November, 1838) had issue, I. John Alexander (His Honour), of Woodlands. II. Charles James, b. 1831 ; in. 1865, Jane Anlezark. III. Francis Hawker, b. 1834; m. Geor- gina, daiigliter of Brent Neville, Esq. of Ash brook, Dublin, Ireland, and widow of Mr. Barry ; and d. 5th March, 1887, having had issue, Charles George Kingston, b. 1862; Ada Muriel, b. 1863. IV. George Alfred (major-general), b. 1838 ; received medal and clasp for service in the Afghan war of 1878- 79; m. 1869, Frances Clayton, of Broughton, Preston, co. Lancaster, and d. 21st January, 1889, having had issue, George Robert Hawker, b. 1874 ; Charles Joseph Clayton, b. 1880 ; Florence Margaret, b. 1872 ; Frances Beatrice, b. 1876. Rev. J. A. Wilson d. 5th June, 1887. Motto used — Vigilans etfidelis. Residence — Woodlands, Devonport, Auck- land, New Zealand. ^Iicne of iHavnoci* CiKENE, THOMAS, Esq. of Marnoo, Victoria, Australia, J.P. for the iO Western Bailiwick of Victoria, h. 15tli December, 1845 ; m. 2nd August, 1871, Margaret Scott, 2nd daughter of the late Alexander Anderson, Esq., M.D., of Jedburgh, Scotland, and by her (who was 6. 12th June, 1847) has issue, I. William, h. 14th December, 1875. II. Thomas Hamilton, ft. 20th April, 1877. HI. Henry Clair, h. 29th June, 1878. I. Eliza Catherine, I. 12th February, 1873. It. Jane Alice, ft. 3rd June, 1874. III. Margaret, ft. 29th May, 1880. ILtiuanr. About ten miles due west from Aberdeen is the Loch of Skene, a considerable sheet of water, and on the north side of it extends the ancient barony of Skene, co-extensive with the more modem parish of the same name. It is bounded on the north by the BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 313 parishes of Ivinollur aiul Kintore, on the west b_v tilt* ])ari.slics of Kiiim'niii\ now aiincsei.1 to C'lunio uikI Kclit, ami on the east by tlie frei'iioiii lands of Abei'doeii. The barony consisted of two distinct portions. On the western orhirper portion was situated tlie old tower of Skene, said by tradition to be the first built stone iiouse in Mar. It now forms the west wing of the house of Skene. On Easter Skene was the Cliurch of Skene, now a parish church, but formerly a vicaraj^e dependent upon the mother cliureh of Kin- tell. These lands were erected into a barony by King Robert Bruce in the year 1317, and have from time immemorial been in the possession of the baronial family of Skene of Skene. The traditionary origin of the family is thus given by Mr. Alexander Skene, in 1(578 : " Ane ohl tradition there is that the tribe and family of Skene had their origin from Struan Robertson of Vthole, and they from M'Donald, and that our first author was a son of the Laird of Struans, and had his first donation immediately from the king, for killing ane devouring wolf in the forest near the freedom land of Aberdeen, for which he got the confirmation of East and Wester Skene to the freedom of Aberdeen, and that with ane coat of arms helmed and flurished relating to the valorous act, viz., three wolfs' heads erazed upon the points of three skeens, triumphant in a field of gules ; above the helmet ane naked hand holding a laurel branch with this motto, ' Virtutis Kegia merces,' which arms are registered in the booke of Heraldry. Under the reign of what king that happened I am not cer- tainly informed, but sure I am that there was lately in the charter chest of the House of Skene a restauratiou f rom a forf auture granted by K. W. the Lion. This is now amissing." Sir George Mackenzie, in his Science of Heraldry, published two years after, in 1080, gives the same account. He says : — " Some also derive their names, as well as their arms, from some considerable action, and thus a second son of Struan Robertson, for killing of a wolf in Stocket Forrest by a durk in tlie king's presence, got the name of Skene, which signifies a durk in Irish, and three durk points in pale for his armes." Another manuscript, written not very long after, gives the king's name as " Malcolm Kenniore." But the first appearance of the name of Skene in any authentic document is in 1296, when " Johan de Skene del Counte de Edneburgh," and Johan de Skene, Patrick de Skene del Counte de Aberdene, did homage to King Edward the First (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, pp. 203- 208). The seals attached to these homages are preserved, and show that Johan de Skene del Counte de Edneburgh, and del Counte de Aberdene, was the same ]>er3on. On tlie death of the last Laird of Skene, in 1827, the succession to his estates fell, under the deed of entail executed by his great grand uncle, Major George Skene, of Caraldstone, and by his elder brother, George Skene of Skene, to his nephew James, Earl Fife, while the male representation of the family devolved upon the Skenes of Hal- yards, in Fife. James, 5th I'^arl I'ife, wjio succeeded his uncle (ttli Earl) in 1857, was in the same year created a Britisii I'eer, by the title of Baron Skene of Skene. James Skene, in Bandodle, afterwards of Wester Corse and Raniore, second son of Alexander IX., of Skene, by "Lord Forbes' daughter," was the first of the sons of the family who bore the designation of *' in Ban- dotUe," the Tanistry lands having been acquired by his father. Prior to the 16th century there was little outlet for the sons of such taniihes except to enter the Church, or to have their names inscribed on tlie rental roll as kiudlie tenants of some outlying farm (hence the term Tanistry), wliich their de- scendants, if the laird was embarrassed, acquired in property, or they descended to the condition of ordinary farmers. In 1538, James Skene in Bandodle appears as uncle and curator to Alexander Skene of that ilk, and in 1513 he is infeft in the sunny third of the lands of Blaekhall, He lit. Janet Lumsden, daughter of Lumsden of Cushney, and by her had ten sons, viz., I. James (Mr.), who s. his father, ancestor of the Skenes of Wester Corse and Ramore. II. William (.Ur.), commissary of St. Andrews, d. unm. III. Alexander (Mr.), advocate, d. s.p. IV. Robert, of whom hereafter. V. Gilbert (Mr.). In 153G he was ap- pointed professor of medicine in King's College, Aberdeen, and in 1575 settled m Edinburgh, and was physician to James VI. of Scotland j d. s.p. VI. John (Mr.), afterwards Sir John Skene, of Curriehill, Lord Clerk Register, was a celebrated lawyer in the reign of James VI. He m. Helen, daughter of Sir John SomervUle, of Caninethan, andihad throe sons, James (Sir), of Currieliill, president of the College of Justice, s. his father 1617, and was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia by Charles I., by a patent which is not dated, but which is recorded in the Register of Signatures, 15th January, 1630. He m. Janet, daughter of Sir John Johnston, of Hilton, by whom he had two sons. The elder son. Sir John Skene, 2nd baronet of Curriehill, s. his father in 1633. He sold the estate of Curriehill 1637, and having levied a regiment of men upon his own charges, went to Germany, and n. Victoria, and by her (who d. 15th June, 187()) has a daughter, 1. Elizabeth Eobertson, b. 5th June, 1876. He m. secondly, 15th July, 1879, Clara Sibbald, sixth daughter of the late Alexander Anderson, Esq., M.D., of Jedburgh, Scotland, and by her has issue, 1. Curtis Gillespie, b. 16th April, 1880. 2. Clarence Sibbald, //. &lh Mav, 1881. 3. Lawrence, b. 26tli August, 1882. 2. Gertrude Agnes, b. 23rd Man'h, 1886. III. David Alexander, of Pierrepoint, Hamilton, Victoria, lieutenant in Vic- torian Mounted Infantry, b. 1st August, 1855 ; m. 7th November, 1888, Lilias, only daughter of the late John Prendergast Hamilton, P.M. (by Agnes, his wife, daughter of James Buchanan, Esq.), fourth son of the late Colonel .John Ferricr Hamilton, 3rd Dragoon Guards, of Cairnhill. co. Ayr, and WestportjCO. Linlithgow, Scotland, J.P. and D.L. (see Hamilton oi' Elderslie). IV. John Lawrence, b. 30th March, 1859 ; d. 15th Mav, 1863. I. Ann, b. 21st July, 1844; d. 8th August, 1844. II. Jane Catherine, b. 25tli January, 1848; m. 27th November, 18ti7, David McKellar, E.iq. of Brooksdalc, Tapanui, Otago, New Zealand, of the Naciniiento Eanche, State of Coahuila, Mexico, and of New Mexico, U.S.A., second son of John McKellar, Esq. of Knebs- worth, Victoria (by Rachel, his wife, daughter of Thomas Harkuess, Esq.), and younger brother of Thomas McKellar, Esq. of Strathkellar, Crox- ton, and Lerags, aforesaid (see thai famili/), and has issue, one son and six daughters. III. Alargaret, b. 30th October, 1852; m. 20th April. 1879, Louis Whyte, Esq. of Meltham. Victoria, and d. iu London, I9th July, 1879. Arm.i—Qxx., three skenes (or daggers) pale- no BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. wiivs iu fesse arg., hilted and pommeled or, on the point of each a wolf's head couped of the tliird. Crest — A dexter arm from the shoulder issuing out of a cloud, holding in the hand a garland ppr. Supporters belong- ing to the head of this family — Dexter, a Highlandman in his proper garb, holding a shene in his right hand in a guarding posi- tion ; sinister, another Highlandman in a servile habit, his target on the left arm and the darlaeh by the right side, all ppr. Motto — Virtutis regia merces. Residence — Marnoo, Victoria, Australia. Club — Melbourne. ^Unt of ^t. l^tltia. QKENE, ALEXANDER JOHN, Esq. of St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, kj M.A., J. P., and late surveyor-general of Victoria, b. at Aberdeen, 31st March, 1820 ; m. in Victoria, 31st August, 1842, Catherine, daughter of the late James Williamson, Esq., S.S.C., Edinburgh, and has issue, I. James Williamson, 6. 19th June, 1848. II. Alexander, h. 8th August, 1853. III. Archibald Bathgate, 6. 9th June, 1855. I. Catherine Margaret Auldjo, b. 27th March, 1869. Mr. Skene was educated at the University and King's College, Aberdeen, where he graduated M.A. in 1838 ; arrived in the colony of Victoria, 1839, and commenced practice as a surveyor ; in 1854 was appointed surveyor to the colony of Victoria, and in 1869 surveyor-general, from which post he retired in 1886. He is a justice of the peace for the Central Bailiwick of Victoria, and has filled the offices of commissioner of crown lands and commissioner of land tax. ILincncir. Alexantek Skene, Esq., major Royal Veteran Battalion, younger son of Thomas Skene, Esq. of Blackdog (see preceding memoir), was b. 2nd May, 1784 ; served through the Peninsular War ; m. first, 6th April, 1817, Catherine, daughter of John Anderson, Esq. of Slains, Aberdeenshire, and by her had issue, I. Alexander John, now of St. Kilda. II. Thomas, b. 17th May, 1822; d. 28th November, 1828. I. Margaret, m. George Auldjo Esson, Esq., accountant in bankruptcy, Edin- burgh. He m. secondly, Margaret, daughter of G-eorge Auldjo, Esq. of Portlethen, and d. 2l8t May, 1865. Arms — Same as preceding article. Sesidence — St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Carmicjbael of fL)avtnn J^tlls. CARMICHAEL, the late WILLIAM, Esq. of Harton Hills, co. Normanby, Victoria, J.P., b. at Abington, co. Lanark, Scotland, 7th August, 1806 ; VI. at Harton Hills, Susan, daughter of Alexander Ingram, Esq. of Lasswade, Scotland (she was buried at Roroit), and had issue, I. George Ingram, of Penshurst, Victoria, m. Nanse, daughter of Mv. Lewis, and has four children. II. Archie, b. 5th February, 1875. I. Beryl, b. 10th June, 1876. II. Jeannie, b. 28th February, 1878. BURKE'S COLONIAL GEXTRT. 317 He d. 11th ^lay, \S90, at his residence, Harton Hills, aged 84, having resided in the colony of Victoria for more than fifty years. ILt'iunac. This family 18 of Scottish desoent. "VViiLiAM Cakmiciiakl, Ksq. of Abingtoii, Oil. Liinark, m. Kliziibi'tli, daunliter of . . . AVilliaiiison, Ksq., and was father of tlie late William Carmichakl, Esq. Anns used — Ari/. afissc, wreathed az. and gu. Crest — A dexter hand and arm in armour, erect, holding a broken spear ppr. Motto — Reiidii, ai/e readt/. Eesidenre (of the late Mr. Carmichael) — Harton Hills, co. Xornnvuby, Victoria. %tal of €mt\\}K ZEAL, HON. WILLIAM AUSTIN, of Clovclly, Lanscll-road, Toorak, and of Bank-place, Melbourne, Victoria, member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, member of the Legislative Council of Victoria ; territorial magistrate for the colonies of New South Wales and Queensland, director of the Mutual Bank of Australasia and the Australian Mutual Provident Life Co. ; b. 5th December, 18o0 ; is unmarried. ILincafic. " JoHK Zeal, Esq. of Knowstone, co. Devon, England (where lie was a man of some posi- tion, and where his family had lived for many generations), the grandfather of the present Hon. William Austin Zeal, m. Mary Lear, of Exeter, co. Devon. Arms used — Az., a chev. between three firij/ins' heads erased arg. Crest — A demi i;ri^f/iii, collared and chained. Motto — Mora trah.it periciihim. Residence.'^ — Clovclly, Tiansell-road,Toorak, and Bank-place, Melbourne, Victoria. illoorc oi ^pnncjbjooti, MOORE, HON. CHARLES, of Moore Court, Springwood, Blue Moun- tains, New South Wales, member of the Legislative Council, b. 29th August, 1820, at Ballymacarne, Cavan, Ireland ; m. 2nd August, 1883, Annie Hill, eldest daughter of A. C. Montgomery, Esq. of Ryde, Isle of Wight, B.A. barrister-at-law, but has no issue. The Hon. Charles Moore vf&s educated at Drumkeen school, and at the age of 12 was sent to the care of his brother William, a linen and woollen draper in Cavan ; afterwards entered one of the large commercial houses in Dublin. After having engaged in other businesses, he determined to emigrate to Australia, and left Plymouth, September, 18-i9, in the ship " Minerva." On his arrival he settled at Randvvick, Sydney, New South Wales. Mr. Moore was elected councillor in 1860, and mayor in 1863. In 1865 he offered himself for election as alderman for Bourke Ward, and was successful; elected mayor of Sydney, 9th December, 1866, which o6Bce he undertook without the usual salary, and was again elected mayor, 9th December, 1867. During this term of office it devolved upon him to receive the Duke of Edinburgh, as chief magistrate of the city, and to invite him to lay the foundation stone of the present Sydney Town Hall, which cei'emony was performed 4th April, 1868. Mr. Moore was a third time elected 31« BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. mayor of Sydney, 9th December, 1868. He shortly afterwards visited England and the principal European cities, and returned in October, 1872, after an absence of two and a half years ; was again returned for Bourke Ward ; and in July, 1874, was returned to Parliament for East Sydney, but ■was unsuccessful in the general election of 1880 ; he was appointed to a life membership of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, 10th December, 1880. In 1867, Mr. Moore had the honour of giving his name to the finest public recreation reserve in the city of Sydney, which had been reclaimed from the waste and given to the citizens as a public pai'k, under his own direction and design. He is also entitled to public regard for numerous other services rendered by him for the public weal. ILtncaw. According to tradition, Mr. Moore's ances- tors were connected witli the city guilds of London. They went to Ulster at the time of the plantntiun, and settled near Cavan, where some of their descendants are still living. One of them, Mark Moore, Esq. of Cavan, M.D., is cousin to the Hon. Cliarles Moore. Sir William More, who was lord mayor of London in 1395, is believed to have been of this family. Chahles Moobe, Esq. of Ballymacarne, Cavan, Ireland (son of James Moore, Esq., and brother of John Moore, who d. 30th August, 1765, aged 34 years), ii, Reileliffe, Queensland, member of the Legislative Council of Queensland, and postmaster-general in Sir S. W. Griffith's ministrv ; /). at Rhos-y-Medre, Ruabon, co. Uenbigli, Wales, L")th July, 1889; ?»i. at St. Kilda, Victoria, 18th April, 18(J'2, Elizabeth Hannah, daughter of William Field, Esq. of Teignmouth, co. Devon, England, and by her (who (/. at Toowong, ord February, 188(5) has had issue, 1. Walter Frederick, of Rhos-y-Medre, Toowong, Queensland, B.A. of Trinity College, Oxford, and barrister-at-law of the Middle Temple, London; h. at Melbourne, Victoria, 31st January, 18(53; m. 30th November, 1886, Ada Ethel, fourth daughter of Mr. Justice Harding, of St. John's Wood, Brisbane, Queensland, and has issue, a daughter, Ethel May, b. 3rd September, 1887. I. Elizabeth Beatrice Lilian, h. at Sherwood Grove, Toowong, Queensland, 10th April, 1875. Mr. Wilson arrived in Victoria, 1853, and proceeded to the colony of Queensland in 1865, when he was admitted a solicitor of the Supreme Court. He was sometime a councillor for the shiie of Toowong, and for four years an active member of the committee of the Brisbane hospital ; he was appointed to a seat in the Legislative Council, 1st July, 1885. ILincaae. This family was originally resident on the borders of England and Scotland, north of the Tweed, and settled in Yorkshire at the beginning of the present century, whence they reraoyed to Baron's Cross, Hereford- shire, and subsequently to Plas Kynaston, co. Denbigh, Wales. Benjamin Fkedekick Wilson, Esq. of Plas Kynaston, Rhos-y-Medre, Ruabon, co. JJenbigh, ^yas father of the Hon'. Walter Horatio Wilson, and d. at Melbourne. Crest used — A demi wolf, per /esse erm. and erminois. Motto — Facta nan verba. Bad(je — An acorn. Hfnidence.i — Wilcelyn, Toowong ; and Wih'elyn-ou-Sea, Kedclifl'e, Queensland. S^cltlscin of illarj)l)circiu(i{). WILSON, HON. ANDREW HERON, of Doon Villa, Maryborough, Queensland, elected a member of the Legislative Council of Queens- land in 1883 ; b. August, 1844, at Ayr, Scotland ; m. at Cunning Park, Ayr, Miss Jessie Adam, of Fairhome, Ayr, but has no issue. He arrived in the colony of Queensland early in 1864, and in 1866 started the Maryborough saw and planing mills, now known as the Wilson, Hart & Co.'s saw-mills. His father, Andrew Wilson, Esq. of Ayr, Scotland, m. Jean Heron, of the same place. Crest used — A lion ramp. Afotto — Semper vigilans. Itesidence — Doon Villa. ^Liry borough, Queensliiiid. 320 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. WARD, HIS HONOUR ROBERT, of The Pines, Wanganui, New Zealand, judge of the Native Land Court, New Zealand, 6. 6th September, 1840; m. 3rd March, 1863, Eleanor, third daughter of William King, Esq., by Mary Wakefield, his wife, and has issue, I. Robert Percy, h. at New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand, l.st July, 1868. II. William Fox Longley, 6. at Rangitikei, 4th January, 1871. III. Arthur Wakefield, b. at Rangitikei, 10th September, 1874. IV. Leonard Anson, 6. at Wanganui, 2Sth May, 1882. I. Marion Isabel, b. 6th March, 1864, at New Plymouth, New Zealand n. Bertha Mabel, b. at New Plymouth, 18th November, 1866. III. Ethel Mary, 6. at Rangitikei, 5th April, 1872. IV. Ella Irene, 6. at Rangitikei, 30th May, 1876. V. Eleanor Bessie, b. at Rangitikei, 16th January, 1878. Hincnctc. "Rev. Egbert Wahd, of Norfolk, England, and afterwards of New Zealand, son of John Ward, Esq., by Ellen, his wife, was h. in Norfolk, lltL January, 1813, and emigrated to New Zealand in the ship " Eayraond," in 1844. He resided at New Plymouth, Auck- land, Wellinjjton, and Christchurch, and rf. at Wellington, 13th October, 1876. By Emily, his wife (who was 4.3rd March, 1819, in Norfolk, England ; m. there, and rf. at Wellington, New Zealand, 8th December, 1880), he had issue, I. Robert (His HoxorH), of The Pines. II. John, m. Alice Muston, of Sydney, and has eleven children. III. Charles Ehenezer (Rev.), of Auck- land, »!. Ellen Hannaford, and has eight children, IV. Erederiek William, of Sydney, jour- nalist, m. Amy Cooke, and has six children. T. Josiah (Rev.), of Greytown, New Zealand, m. Anne Dean, and has three children. Ti, Harlaud, in the Civil Service, Auck- land ; unm. Til. G-arner, o' Sydney, journalist ; I. Martha Ann, ?«. Thomas Humphries, Esq., chief surveyor of the Auckland district, and has five children. II. Elizabeth Raymond, living, iinm., at Sydney. III. Hester Hannah, m. John MeGowan, Esq. of the Civil Service, Wellington. IV. Emily Ellen, utim. Crest used — A dexter arm emhcived, JiH clenched. Motto — Kia tafia ki te mahi tika [Be strong to do thai which is right). Sesidence — The Pines, Wanganui, New Zealand. jH0orc of (l^lenmadt. MOORE, GEORGE HENRY, Esq. of Glenmark, Canterbury, New Zealand, 6. at Billown, Isle of Man, 12th October, 1812; m. at Ross, Tasmania, November, 1840, Annie, daughter of William Kermode, Esq. of Mona Vale, Tasmania, and has had issue, I. William, h. in Sydney, New South Wales; d., num., in London, 1865. I. Annie Quayle, b. in Sydney ; unm. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 321 Hincnar. Thomas JfooKE, Esq. of Billovvn, Isle of Man, J. P., member of tlie House of Keys, and cftiitain of the parish, third son of His lIoxouB Deemster {i.e. judge) Mooke, of Kusheu Abbey and Billown, Isle of Man, ■\vlio was sole judge for the whole island ; was A. 7th November, 1786, at. Rjishen Abbey ; 111. Catherine Moore, of liillown, Isle of Man, sister of George Moore, Esq., Ameriean con- sul at Trieste (see familt/ below), and widow of Mr. Gooch.son of Sir Francis Gooeh, Bart. She was b. in London, Isl January, 3 782, and d. at Billown, 23rd June, 1859. lie cl. at Billown, 8th March, 18C2, leaving a son, the present Geokge Hemiy Moore, Esq. of Glenuiark. Arms used — Three gretfhoutids courant in pah. Crest — A moorcock rising. Residence — Gleninark, Canterbury, New- Zealand. According to tradition, three brothers left Ireland with King William, one of whom settled in England, one, the ancestor of Sir John Moore, the hero of Corunna, in Scotland, and the third, the ancestor of Catherine, mother of George Henry Moore, Esq. of Glenmark, in the Isle of Man. In all probability this family descends from the Muirs of Eowhallan, one of whom went to Ireland, from whom also descends the family of Moore, of Tara House, co. Meath. Philip Mooee, Esq. of Douglas, Isle of Man, b. in 1075 ; d. in 17t6, having had five sons, viz., Philip, of The Hills, Isle of Man ; George (Sir), of whom presently; James (Rev.), of Dublin; William, d. in 1727, aged 13 (to whose memory there is erected in Cartmel church, Lancashire, a monument, on which are engraved the arms of Moere, with the motto " Duris non frangar ") ; and John, (/. a minor. Sir Georoe Moore, of Ballamoorc, Isle of Man, with one of his brothers founded and endowed two separate schools in Peel- town, Isle of Man. He was sometime speaker of the House of Keys (the Manx Parliament) ; m. the daughter of Cii'sar Bacon. Esq. of Seafield, Isle of Man, and was grandfather of George, American consul at Trieste, m. first, at Constantinople, 8th May, 1804, Mary Eroding ; and secondly, at Trieste, s'th February, 1817, Sarah Nicholson, of Baltimore, U.S.A. He was father of the late George Moore, Esq. of 27, St. Aubyn's-road, Upper Norwood, eo. Surrey, sometime British consul in Italy and in the United States of America. Catherine, m. Thomas Moore, Esq. of Billown, Isle of Man, J. P., member of the House of Keys, and ea]itain of the parish, and was mother of the present George Henet Mooee, Esq. of Glenmark. mim oi IDatljrop. WEBB, HON. EDMUND, of Hathrop, Bathur.st, New South Wales, J. P., membei- of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, b. at The Lodge, Liskeard, Cornwall, England, 4th September, 1830; m. 17th January, 1854, Seliua Jane Jones, fourth daughter of the late William Tons, Esq. of Springfield, Orange, New South Wales, and has had five children, four of whom survive, viz. : — I. Ednmnd Tons, b. 27th January, 1855; m. 28th March, 1877, Fanny Edgworth, second daughter of the late Hon. James Byrue.s, and has issue, three sons and three daughters. II. Sydney William, b. 15th August, 1859; m. 27th September, 1883, Lucy Ann Amelia, eldest daughter of B. Lee, Esq., police magistrate, Bathurst, and has one son. I. Selina Helen, b. 24th November, 1857; m. 29th December, 1880, Joseph Thompson, Esq., LL.D. II. Catherine Emma, h. 7tii February, 18(51 ; to. 29th ]\Iarch, 1883, Ernest Matthew Bowman, Esq. of Meiotherie, Gulgong, New South Wales, J.P. Mr. Webb was educated at the academy of ilessrs. Keley and Roberts, at VOL. I. Y 3'22 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Siiltash, wliereLe had as his schoolfellow the present Judge Boucaut, of South Australia; he arrived in Sj-dnej' in 1847, with his mother and two sisters, and in March, 1850, settled in Bathurst. In September, 1851, he commenced business on his own account in Bathurst, and retii'ed in 1875. Mr. Webb is one of the trustees of the Bathurst School of Arts, towards the founding of which institution he took the first stsps. He has been five times mayor of Bathurst, and in January, 1870, was returned to the Legislative Assembly for West Macquarie, which constituency he continued to represent until December, 1874, when he stood for Bathurst but was defeated by his opponent, Mr. F. B. Suttor ; in. 1878, again entered Parliament as representative for East Macquarie, which electorate he represented until summoned to the Legislative Council in August, 1882, of which he is still a member. He is a member of the Licensing Board for the Bathurst district, having been for many years a magistrate of the territory ; is treasurer and one of the trustees of the local hospital, and a member of the Council of Newington College. ILincaw. Edmtjnd Webb, Esq., h. at St. Mellion, Cornwall, England; »«. Catherine Herring Langmaid (who d. ahout 1858), and d. about 1856, haTinghad a eon, Thomas Webb, Esq. of The Lodge, Liskeard, Cornwall, b. ISOO ; d. 1st April, 1831. By Mary, his wife (who was b. in 1794, and d. January, 1849), he had issue, I. Thomas Geake, b. 1826 ; m. January, 1854, and has eight sons and five daughters. II. Edmfxd (Hon.), now of Hathrop. I. Catherine, m, Thomas G-eake Lane, Esq., and has issue one son and three daughters. II. Mary Geake, d. unm. in 1856. Crest used — Out of a ducal coronet a demi eagle disfl. Mesidence — Hathrop, Bathurst, New South Wales. WB\\%m oi Bulls. WILSON, JAMES GLENNY, Esq. of Bulls, in the province of Wel- lington, New Zealand, J. P., member, for the district of Poxton, in the House of Representatives, h. 29th November, 1849; m. 21st January, 1874, Annie, daughter of Robert Adams, Esq. of St. Enochs, Victoria, by Jane Anderson, his wife, and has issue, I. George Hamish, h. 16th June, 1876. II. Robert Adams, h. 24th June, 1877. III. Noel Dalrymple, 6. 19th October, 1878. I. Jane Dorothea. [I. Nancy. Hincagc. John Wilson, Esq., the grandfather of Mr. James Glenny Wilson, was a manu- facturer in Hawick, Roxburghshire, .Scotland, and was descended from a family of Wilsons who had for many generations been farmers under the Duke of Buccleuch. He m. 1790, Mary Richardson, and d. in 1832, leaying issue. I. Geoege. II. James, M.P. forWestbury, president of the Board of Trade, and afterwards finance minister to the Indian Council; d. at Calcutta, 1859. The elder son, Geoege Wilson, Esq., m. 1841, Jane, BURKE'S COLONIAL GKNTKT. 323 daughter of the Rev. John Law, of Nmvcastle- lo)i, in tlic ^oiilh of ycolland, and by lier (who d. 1S51) had issue, I. Charh-9 Jolin, m. jrnrv Oh'nny, and has issue, 1. Geoi'so j I. Ivallierine. II. George MuiTay ; iiiiiii. III. James Glkn'xt, now of Bulls, Wel- lington, New Zealand. I. Jane ilurray, m. Jolin Graham, Esq., and has is.sue, 1. Walter ; 1. Jean ; 2. Katheriiie. liesidence — Bulls, Wellington, New Zea- land. \^ TILKINSON, HIS HONOUR WILLIAM HATTAM, of Hereford House, Glebe Point, Sydney, New South Wales, metropolitan district court judge of Sydney, &. in London, I5th February, 1831 ; m. 24th February, 1852, Elizabeth Sibyl, sister of Lieutenant-Colonel Milligan, staff officer of pensioners in Toronto, Canada, late of the 73rd Regiment, and second daughter of W. Milligan, Esq., M.D., of the 6th Inniskilliug Dragoons (by Elizabeth Sibyl, his -wife, daughter of Colonel Lane, sometime governor of St. Helena, of the family of the Lanes of Staffordshire, by Margaret, his wife, daughter of John Camac, Esq. of Lurgen, co. Armagh, Ireland), and has issue, r. William Camac, h. I5th September, 1857. II. Henry Lane, h. 27th June, 1859. HI. Frederick Bushby, 6. 6th May, 1861. IV. Edward Western Cave, h. 24th May, 1865. I. Elizabeth Sibyl Jane. II. Grace Maria. III. Alice Isabel. I V. Lucy Rachel. His Honour Judge Wilkinson was educated at the Bluecoat School, and after- wards at King's College, London ; immigrated to New South Wales, Septem- ber, 1852 ; was called to the Bar, December, 1858 ; appointed crown prosecutor in 1870, and one of the metropolitan district court judges in 1874. He is president of the Conrt of Claims, and is the author of Wilkinsons Australian Magistrate. "iLtncngr. \ Henry Wilkinson, Esq. of AUfartliing Manor, Wandsworth, had issue, Hey. Fred- erick Wilkinson, M.A., who went to New South Wales as one of the early colonial chaplains, and Capt. Henet Bichard Wilkinson, of the H.E.I.C.S., who m. 1822, Deborah Jane, sister of George A. Bushby, Esq. of the H.E.I.C.S., for many years under secretary of stale at Calcutta, and afterwards resident at Hyderabad (who m. the daughter of Sir TliomaB Baring, one of the governors of tlie Bluecoat School), and daughter of William Bushby, Esq. of Kirk Michael, near Dumfries, N.B., by Maria Camac, his wife; and by her (who d. 1871) had issue, William Hattam (His Honouk), metropolitan district court judge of Sydney. Maria, of London, unm. Captain Wilkinson d. in 1.S36. UtaUlvHce — Hereford House, Glebe Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. T 2 324 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ARKWRIGHT, FRANCIS, Esq. of Overton, near Marton, Rangitikei county, in the province of Wellington, New Zealand, formerly of Coton Hall, Warwickshire, and Overton Hall, Dei-byshire, England, J. P. co. Warwick and N.R. co. York, lord of the manor of Churchover, co. Warwick, formerly in the 100th Regiment, and sometime M.P. for East Derbyshire, b. at Chui'ch Mayfield, Staffordshire, 17th March, 1846; educated at Eton; m. first, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, co. Middlesex, 2nd January, 1868, Louisa, daughter of Henry John Milbank, Esq., by Lady Margaret Henrietta Maria Grey, his wife, sister of the late Earl of Stamford, and by her (who was b. 28th January, 1849, and iL 6th May, 1873, and was buried at Sutton Scarsdale, CO. Derby) has had a daughter, Margaret Louisa, b. 28th April, 1873. He m. secondly, at Up-Ottery, co. Devon, 15th September, 1875, Hon. Evelyn Addington, third daughter of William Wells, third Viscount Sidmouth, of Sidmouth, co. Devon. Hinraw. SlE ElCHABD AkKWRIGHT, of Wil- lersley, Cromfortl, co. Derby, England, to whom we owe the compilation and com- pletion into a connected whole of the different parts of the invention called the spinning frame, was born at Preston, in Lancashire, September, 1732. He m. fir.st, 1755, Patience, daughter of Robert Holt, of Bolton, by whom he had one son, Kichaed, his heir ; and secondly, 1761, Margaret Biggens, by whom he had one other child, Susannah, m.to Charles Hurt, Esq. of Wirks- worth, CO. Derby. Sir Richard Arkwright was knighted on presenting an address to George III, and served as sheriif of Derby- shire 1787. He d. 2nd August, 1792, and was s. by his son, Richard Aekwkight, Esq. of Willersley, Cromford, co. Derby, J. P. and D.L., high sheriff 1801, b. 19th December, 1755; m. 1780, Mary, daughter of Adam Simpson, Esq. of Bonsall, co. Derby, and had issue, I. Richard, M.P., b. 30th September, 1781 ; m. Maria, daughter of the Rev. William Beresford, and (Z. s.p. 1832. II. Robert, of Sutton Scarsdale, of whom hereafter. III. Peter, of Willersley, Cromford, co. Derby, J.P. and D.L., b. 17th April, 1784; m. 1805, Mary Anne, daughter of Charles Hurt, Esq. of Wirksworth, CO. Derby, and by her (who d. 1872) had issue, 1. Frederic, of Willersley, aforesaid, b. 16th August, 1806; »n. 4th November, 1845, Susan Sabrina, daughter of the Venerable Arch- deacon Burney; and by her (who d. 7th October, 1874) had issue. I. Frederick Charles, of Wil- lersley, CO. Derby, J.P. co. Derby, and high sheriff thereof, 1887 ; captain 2nd Derbyshire Rifle Vulunteera from" 1882 to 1887; b. 7th November, 1853 ; educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford ; s. his father, 6th December, 1874 ; »». 7th No- vember, 1883, Rebecca Olton, third daughter of Sir John G-ay Newton Alleyne, third baronet, and has, with other issue, a son, Richard Alleyne, b. 1884. I. Ellen Mary, >n. 29th Julv, 18H8, to Rev. Frederick Fawkes, vicar of WooUey, second son of Rev. Ayscough Fawkes, of Farnley, and has issue. II. Susan Alice. Mr. Frederic Arkwright d. 6th December, 1874. . Edward, i. 15th December, 1808 I m. 1845, Charlotte Wilmot, daughter of Robert SitweU, Esq., and d. 1850, leaving by her (who d. 1855) three daughters, Con- stance Charlotte, wife of Captain Fawkes ; Edith Anne, wife of R. D. Cleasby, Esq. ; and Mary Anne, wife of Rev. Richard FitzHerbert. . Henry (Rev.), M.A., vicar of Bodenliam, near Leominster, and chaplain of Coningsby Hospital, Hereford, 4. 16th March, 1811 ; BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 325 ni. tirst, Tlt'iirictta, tlanglitor of the Rev. Clmrles Tlionieyci-oft, of Tlioi'ncyci'of t , oo. Chester, and by her (who d 1844) lias hail one son, Henry Joliii, //. lOtli Fehniary, ]S14."nnil llirec (lausliters. Henri- etta lieek, Sophia Jlary. and Mary Ann FiOuisa, d. 1S70. He »«. seeondly, 1847, Ellen, daughter of John Home Purves, Esq., and has liad by her (who d. 1883) a son, Charles Erelyn, h. 1848 (m. 1871), Isabel Einnnv, danghter of John Compton, Esq.), and several daughters. 4. Alfred, of Gate House, Wirks- worth, CO. Derby, J. P. and D.L., *. 19th June, 1812 ; m. 13th March, 1845, Elizabeth, daughter of George Henry Crutchley, Esq. of Sunning Hill Park, eo. Berks, formerly colonel in the Guards, and d. 1887, leaving two daugh- ters, Emily Elizabeth, of Gate House, Wirksworth, unm. ; and Julia Helen, wife of Captain James Digby Legard, R.H.A. 5. James Charles, b. 1st October, 1813; m. first, 29th June, 1854, Isabel, daughter of W. L. Clowes, Esq. of Broughton, eo. Lancaster, vvliich lady d. s.p. 5th April, 1855. He m. secondly, 2Sth April, 1804, Mary Esther, eldest daughter of William Brodhurst, Esq. of the Friary, Newark. 6. Ferd'inand William, of The Albany, Piccadilly, London, J. P. and D.L. eo. Warwick, b. 10th December, 1814. 7. Aiiguslus Peter, commander E.N., M.P. for North Derbyshire from 18G8 to 1880, of "Willersley, Cromford, co. Derby, and of the Carlton and United Service Clubs, London, J. P. co. Derby, b. 6th March, 1821 ; educated at the Royal Naval College, Portsmoutli; d. 1887. 8. John Thomas, of Hatton House, CO. Warwick, J. P. and D.L. for that CO., and high sheriff thereof 1871, formerly captain W'arwick- shire Yeomanry, b. ind Novem- ber, 1823 ; educated at Eton ; m. 1856, Laura, daughter of the late Rev. Edward Willes, of Hanislall Bidware, co. Stafford, and by her (who d. 1886) has, I. John Peter, b. 1864. II. Ferdinand George. I. Laura Jane, m. J. Broughton Drydale, Esq. of Wroxall Abbey, co. Warwick. II. Emmeline Louisa. 1. Mary Anne, m. 1852, Robert Strange, Esq. of Naples, who d. 1871. 2 Susan Maria, m. 1339, the Right Rev. Josejih Cotton Wigiam, D.D., bishop of Rochester, and had issue. She rf. June, 1804 ; he rf. 1867. 3. Fanny Jane, m. 21st January, 1873, Darwin Gallon, Ksq. of Claverdon Leys, co. Warwick. 4. Margaret Helen, m. Jamea Richard Wigram, Esq., and liM issue. 5. Caroline Elizabeth, »)i. 1853, John Clowes, Esq., second son of W. Lcgh Clowe.s, Esq. of Broughton Hall, CO. Lancaster, arul has issue, Peter Arkwi-ight, E.sq., d. 19th Sep- tember, 186(i, and was s. by his eldest son, Frederic. IV. John, of Hampton Court, Leomin- ster, CO. Hereford, J.P., high sheriU 1831; b. 27th August, 1785; m. 13tK April, 1830, Sarah, eldest surviving daughter of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns, Bart., of Harewood, co. Hereford, and d. 1858, having had issue, 1. John Hungerford, of Hampton Court, CO. Hereford, and of the Carlton Club, London, J.P. and D.L. for that co., and high sheriff thereof 1862 ; patron of five livings, b. July, 1833 ; educated at Eton and Christ Church, Ox- ford (B.A. 1864, M.A. 1867) ; m. 12th June, 1866, Charlotte Lucy, youngest daughter of the late John Davenport, Esq. of Fosley, CO. Hereford, and Westwood Hall, CO. Stafford, and has issue, I. John Stanhope, b. 1872. I. Gerakline Mary Rose. II. Evelyn Lucy Alice. III. Olive Katharine Mary. 2. Richard, of Hampton Court, Hereford ; 8, Cadogan-plaee, London; and Carlton and White's Clubs, London ; M.A. (Camb.), I>.L. CO. Hereford ; was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1859, and was M.P. for Leominster from 1866 to 1875 ; b. 23rd Jan- uary, 1835; m. 22nd July, 1862, Lady Mary Caroline Charlotte Byng, daughter of George, second Earl of Strafford. 3. George (Rev.), rector of I'en- combe, Herefordshire, b. 29lh July, 1836 ; m. lUth January, 1860, Hon. Elizabeth Kcnyon (now residing at Firlands, I'^ast- hampstead, Bracknell, Berks), daugliter of Lloyd, third Lord Kenyon, and d. 4th October, 1877, leaving issue, Bernard George, b. 1861 ; Sidney John, b. 1863 ; Hubert Seymour, b. 1865 ; Richard Kdcn St. .\uhyn ; Ernest Henry, b. IMiS ; Violet Frances ; and Cecily Margaret. 4. Hcnrv, captain Slf.h Regiment, A.D.C., b. Kith December^ 1837; 320 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. killed by an avalanelie on Mont Blanc, 13t.h October, 1S66. 5. E.hvyn (Kev.). *■ 2iul May, 1839. 6. Avthur Cliandos, of Tlioby Pi'iory, Brentwood, Essex ; The Mount, Selattyn, near Oswestry, Shropshire ; and of Arthur's Club, London ; J.P. cos. Salop and Essex, and major and houorary lieutenant - colonel Shropshire Yeomanry, late lieutenant 2nd Life auard.s ; h. 8th March, 1843 ; educated at Eton ; m. 1870, Agnes Mary, only daughter of William Michael Tufueli; Esq. of Hatfield- place, Chelmsford, Essex, and has issue, Wilfred Lionel Tyrell, b. 1871; Harold Arthur; Cyril; Gerald Byng ; Lilian Agnes. 7. Charles Leigh, I. 6th June, 1846. 1. Caroline Sarah, m, 27th January, 1858, Hon. and Rev. Berkeley Lionel Seudamore - Stanhope, M.A., rector of Byford - cum- Mansel - Gamage, co. Hereford, and has issue, Lionel, b. 9th December, 1861 ; Mary. 2. Mary, m. 7th August, 1862, Samuel Courthope, eldest son of Samuel Bosanquet, Esq. of Dingestow Court, co. Mon- mouth, and Forest House, Essex, and has issue, Samuel Ronald Courthope, b. 6th September, 1868 ; Vivian Henry Courthope, *. 6th April, 1872 ; Maud. 3. Frances Catherine, nt. 21st July, 1881, Lieutenant-Colonel Wil- liam Hill James, late 38th Regi- ment. 4. Emily Sophia. 5. jUice Eden. V. Charles, of Uunstall, co. StafTord, J. P., b. 22nd November, 1786; m. Mary, daughter of Edward S. Sitwell, Esq. of Stainsby, and d. s.p. 28th December, 1850. VI. Joseph (Rev.), of Mark Hall, Har- low, Essex, and Normanton Turville, CO. Leicester, b. 9th August, 1791 ; m. 29th October, 1818, Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Wigram, Bart., and by her (who d. 21st May, 1863) had issue, 1. Robert Wigram, of Knuston Hall, Wellingborough, co. North- ampton, and of Sanderstead Court, Croydon, co. Surrey, J.P. CO. Northampton, and hon. major Hunts 1st L.H. v., formerly cap- tain 7th Dragoon Guards, b. 5th April, 1822; m. 30th December, 1847, Sophia Julia, eldest daugh- ter of Alexander Greig, Esq. of 10, Lowndes-street, London, and d. 1888, having liad issue, I. Frank Wigsell. of Knuston Hall, Wellingborough, co. Northampton, and Sander- stead Court. Croydou, co. Surrey, late captain Cold- stream Guards, b. 29th Sep- tember, 1848 ; m. 1878, Rosa Frederica, youngest daughter of William Baring, Esq. of Norman Court, Salisbury, and has issue a son, Esme Francis Wigsell, b. 1882, and one daughter. II. Herbert Robert, b. 15th November, 1860. III. Julius, b. 9th January, 1865. I. Mary Sophia Clare. II. Diana Laura. III. Isabel Gertrude. 2. Charles, of Ashlands, co. Leices- ter, late lieutenant 1st Dragoon Guards, b. 9th September, 1823 ; m. 10th September, 1864, Honoria, daughter of E. B. Harto])p, Esq. of Dalby Hall, Leicester, and has nine sons and two daughters. 3. Julius (Rev.), vicar of Latton, Essex, b. 28th September, 1827 ; m. Laura Ehza, daughter of Alexander Greig, Esq. of 10, Lowndes-street, London, and d. 15th April, 1864, leaving four daughters. 4. Loftus Wigram, of Parndon Hall, Little Parndon, Harlow, Essex, J.P. CO. Essex, and master of the Essex foxhounds, b. 29th September, 1829 ; m. 1864, Eliza- beth, daughter of S. Reynolds, Esq., and d. 1889, having had, amongst otlier issue, Loftus Joseph Wigram, of Parndon Hall, eldest son, b. 14th October, 1866. 5. Arthur William, of Broughton Astley, Lutterworth, co. Leicester, and of Arthur's Club, London, J.P. and D.L. forco. Leicester, and was on roll for high sheriff, 1877, b. 20th February, 1831 ; m. 3rd April, 1856, Emma, daughter of the Rev. John Wolley, of Beeston, Notts, and by her (who d, 20tli June, 1866) has, with another son and two daughters, Leonard Arthur, b. 1859. 1. Eleanor Harriet, m. 4th Feb- ruary, 1851, George Granville Randolph, Rear- Admii-al R.N ., C.B. 2. Anne Maiy, m. 16th September, 1841, Rev. George Edward Brux- ner, M.A., of Thurlaston, Holt, Leicestershire ; d. 19th January, 1854. 3. Anna Frances, d. 1883. 4. Catherine Elizabeth. 5. Susan Ellen, d. 1873. 6. Gertrude. 7. Agnes Isabella. Rv. Joseph Arkwright, d. 29th Feb- ruary, 1864, and was s. by his eldest son, Robert Wigram. ETRTCE'S COLONIAL GKXTIIY. 327 I. Kliznbeth, wi. Fraiicis Hurt, Esq. of Aldorwaslcy, co. Derby, and d. 1838, leaving issue. II. Anne, m. V^ice-Clmncellor Sir James Wigraui, and d. 1844, leaviiig issue. Richard Arkwriglit, Esq., d. 18-18. His eldest surviving son, RoBEBT Ahkvvuight, Esq. of Sutton Searsdale, near C'lie.storliold, co. Derby, J. P. and D.L., b. 7th llareh, 1783 ; m. Frances Crawford, daiiplilcr of Stephen George Kenible. i^]8([. ot Durham, and d. Gth August, 1859, having liad issue, I. George, barrister-al-law, J.P., M.P. for Leominster, b. 20th August, 1807 ; d. s.p. 1856. II. William, major 6th Dragoons, b. 12th 8e]iteu\ber, 1S09 ; m. Fanny Susan, 2nd daughter of Edward Thornewill, Esq. of Dove Cliff, co. Stafford, and d. 13th May, 1859, leaving, 1. William, of Sutton Searsdale, CO. Derby ; 54, Rutland-gate, London ; and WInte's Club, London, J. P. for co. Derby, and lord of the manor of Sutton Searsdale ; *. 2l8t April, 1857 ; inheritor of the Sutton Searsdale estate under the will of his grandfather, Robert Arkwriglit, Esq. ; educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford; m. 8tli Jidy, 1884, Agnes Mary, eldest daughter of John James Thomas Somers-Cocks, Esq. of 4, Har- rington-mansions, South Kensing- ton, and niece of Sir Philip Reginald, 5th Lord Somers, anda baronet. 1. Kanny Elizabeth, m. 4th June, 1874, to Lieutenant - Colonel William Thornliill Blois, late 6th Royal Warwickshire Regi- ment, of Sutton Rock, Derby- sliire, J.P. CO. Derby, brother of Sir John Ralph Blois, 8th baronet of Grundisburgli and Cockfield Hall, CO. Sutlblk ; and has issue, Eustace William, b. 4th Decem- ber, 1877 ; Ernest Pierreijont. b. 10th March, 1880 ; Basil Frederick, b. 18S1 ; and Geoffrey Stephen, b. 1884. 2. Emma, m. 13th July, 1876, George Henry William Hervey, Esq. of Sleaford, co. Lincoln, 2nd son of the Right Rev. Lord Arthur Charles Hervey, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells, and grandson of the Marquess of Bri.-^tol, and d. 29th April, 1877, leaving a daugh- ter, Gwendolen Ktnuia. He in. secondly, 3rd July, 1879, Mary, daughter of William VN'ells Cole, Esq., and has issue. Douglas George, b. Hrd .Vprd, 1880; Gerald Arthur, //. IH81 ; Geraldine, b. 1884; a (hiugliter, b. 1887. 3. Sophia, »i. 1st June, 1880, Hon. Evelyn Henry Pierre|K)iit, of Higham (Jrange, Hinklcy, CO. Leicester, 2nd son of the 3rd Earl Manvers, and has issue, Gervas Evelyn, b. l.jth April, 1881 ; Eva M'ary, b. 23rd October, 1882 ; Clare Isma, b. 2nd Sep- tember, 1884 ; Ida Helen, h. 27th January, 1886. III. GoDKHEV Habey (Rev.), of him again. IV. Eustace, b. 27th December, 1818 ; m. Emma Anne, daughter of John Stracpy, Esq., and, dying IHlfi, left a daughter, Eustace Emma Milliccnt, m. 1870 to Colonel Ot. M. Hutton. I. Fanny Elizabeth, m. 27th July, 1852, Sir Hew Dalrymple, Bart., convener of CO. Haddington, D.L., and lieu- tenant-colonel 71st Foot, who d. s.p. 27tli April, 1887, wlicn the baronetcy devolved on his brother. Sir John Warrender Dalrymple, 7th and present baronet. Tlic 3rd son, Rev. Godfrey H.irrt Arkwkight, who had the estate of Sutton Searsdale for life, and resided there, was b. 10th October, 1814. He m. 1st, 13th November, 1844, Frances Rafela, 3rd daughter of Sir Henry Fitz- herbert, 3rd baronet of Tissington Hall, CO. Derby, and by her (who d. 1849) had issue, I. Fbaxcis, of Overton, near Marton, Rangitikei county, ]irovince of Wel- lington, Xew Zealand. II. William Harry iRev.), M.A., vicar of Kowsley, Bakewell, co. Derby. I. Frances Alice, d. 1864. He m. 2ndly, 24th AprO, 1862, Marian Hilary Adelaide, 5th and youngest daughter of the Hon. and Very Rev. George PcUew, D.D., dean of Norwich, prebendary of York, and rector of Chart, Kent, who was 3rd son of the Ist Viscount Exmouth ; and by her had a daughter, Marian, and two sons, God- frey Edward Pellcw and Walter. Rev. G. H. Arkwrightrf. 17th December, 1866. Arm-f — Arg., on a mount vert, a cotton tree, fructed ppr., on a eliief az., between two bezants, an escutcheon of the field, charged with a bee, volant, ppr. C're.it — An eagle, rising, or, in its beak an escutcheon, az., pendent by a ribbon gu., thereon a hank of cotton arg. Mo/lo — Multa tuli fecique. Jie.tidciice — Overton, near .Marton, Rangi- tikei county, province of Wellington, New Zealand. Club — Carlton, Ijondon. 328 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. DUMARESQ, HENRY ROWLAND GASCOIGNE, Esq. of Mount Ireh, Hadspen, Tasmania, J. P., member of the House of Assembly for Longford, member of Fisheries Board, and member of Sj'nod for Carrick, b. 20th February, 1839 ; m. 5th July, 1876, Caroline Ann Spencer, eldest daughter of the Rev. T. Watson, late senior chaplain Bombay Array, and has had issue, I. Henry John, b. 24111 January, 1888. I. Mary Frances Caroline, 6. 20th February, 1880. II. Fanny Isabel, b. 17th December, 1885 ; d. 9th July, 1886. ILincntic. This is a well known Jersey family. The first of the name to settle in that island is stated to have been of a Norman family, and to have migrated in the suite of certain ecclesiastics who visited Jersey for the pur- pose of dedicating one of the parish churches, in the early part of the thirteenth century. The name has been variously spelt De Marisco, De Marais, Dumareys, and Du- maresq. GuiLLE DuMARESQ, Seig. of La Haule, judge delegate aud lieutenant - bailly of Jersey, living 1407, had issue two daughters and a son, Thomas Dumaeesq, Seig. of La Haule, who had issue, Jacques (who continued the line of Dumakesq, of La Haule), and Thomas Dumaresq, who m. Jeanette, only daughter and heiress of John De Bagot, Seig. of Gorge, and had a son, John Dumaresq, the elder, Seig. of Vincheles de Bas, and of Gorge, m. Mabel, eldest daughter and co-heii-ess of Philip Payn, Seig. of Samares, and had issue, I. John, the younger, Seig. of Samares, m. Jane, daughter of Thomas Lem- pricre, bailly of Jersey. From him descended, through the family of Dumaresq of the Colombiers, John Dumaresq, captain E.J.M., who m. Susan Alexandre, and had an only daughter and heiress, Amelia Carteret, wlio m. Charles Anthoine Marie Gabriel Armand, father of the present distinguished French artist Edouard Charles Armand - Dumaresq (which latter surname he assumed, together with the arms of Dumaresq, pursiumt to letters patent granted by H.LM. Napoleon III, 1858), Knight of S. Sylvester of Rome ; of Isabella the Catholic, of Spain ; and of SS. Maurice and Lazarus, of Piedmont. II. Richard. I. .Jane, m. Nicholas Lempriere. IT. Catiierlne, m. Ricliard j\Iallet. JII. CoUette, m. Nicholas Jourueaulx. The younger son, Richard Dumaresq, Seig. of Vincheles ile Bas, and of Gorge, »i. CoUette, daughter and co-heiress of Anthony Larbalestier, Seig. des Augres (she d. 1590), and d. 1556, having had issue, I. Edward, d. unm. II. John, Seig. of Vincheles de Bas, bailly of Jersey, m. first, in Guernsey, 1546, Isabel, daughter of Edmund Perrin, Seig. of Rozcl (slie d. 1567) ; and secondly, in Serk, 1508, CoUette, daughter of Clement Dumaresq, Seig. of Samares, and had issue by both wives. III. Helibr. IV. Clement, settled at La Chenee, the estate of his wife, who was Margaret, eldest daughter and co-heiress of John Messervy, of St. Martin. From him descends the family of Dumaresq du Moriu, and de la Chenee. I. Mabel, m. first, John Messervy ; and secondly, Michael Lemjiriere, Seig. of Diclament. II. Thomasse, m. Clement Journeaulx. III. Elizabeth, )«. Henry MaUet. The 3rd son, Helier Dumaresq, m. Frances, daughter of Laurens Hamptonne, and had issue, three daughtei-s (Sephora, of age in 1591, and living in London, Sarah and Susan), and a son, John Dumaresq, lieutenant-bailly, cap- tain of the parish of St. Helier, aud colonel E. Regiment, R.J.M., m. first, Sarah, daugh- ter of John Dumaresq, bailly, and by her had a son, I. Elias. d. s.p. He m. secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Bisson, and by her had issue, II. John, of whom presently. III. John. IV. Edward. V. Abraham. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 329 VI. Bi'iijamiii, iL s.p. .Tony Bfmauesc), captnin of tlip parish of S. Ili'lior, IGG'J, ami iiiajov E. Rpfjiiiieiit, R.J.M., m. first, Kliznbeth, dauiilitor of Nathaniel Le G-oupU, and by her had issue, I. John. ir. Abraham, m. Miss Jane Giiilh', and had issue, 1. Abraham, m. Miss Elizabeth Pallol, and had a son, Abraham. 2. Abraham. 3. Jolin. 1. Catherine, »i. Peter Lisson, Esq., surfjeon. 2. Jane, iii. William Godfray, Esq. III. Edward. I. Elizabeth, d. s.p. He m. secondly. Miss Catherine Varin, and by her hatl issue, a daughter, II. Martha, m. Philip Chantelou. The eldest son, John Dumaresq, major R.J.M., m. Henriette, only daughter and lieiress of Messire Renay du Boiiays.ClieTalier, .Seigneur of Saugerre, Brittany, and had issue, I. John, baptised 12th January, 1686, at S. Heller's, Jersey, m. Miss Ann Horton, and was father of Augustus, captain 39th Foot, 1767, who m. Miss Horatia Elizaljeth Bentley, and had issue, Augustus, i. in London, 1786, and Ann Horatia, b. at Southampton, Hants, 1798. n. Rene. III. Philip Amory, d. s.p. The 2nd son, Rene DrsiARESQ, m. Miss Mary Margaret Poingdestre, and had issue, I. John, of whom presently. II. Bene, lost at sea. lU. Elias. IV. Philip, d. young. John Dumaresq, b. 1732; m. Rachel, second daiightcr and eventual eo-heiress of Philip Bandinel, Seig. of Melesches, and d. at Southampton, having had issue, I. John, colonel in the army. II. Philip, president of the Council, and collector of H.M. Customs, Cape Breton, m. Miss Jeruslia Perry, and had (with several other children, wlio settled in America), Perry, lieutenant R.N., entered tlie Royal Xavy as a midsliipman, on board the " Magieienne," in 1803. While in command of the "Paz," in 1811, on the North American station, lie cap- tured the Anu>rican vessels, the " Revenge," tlie " Montesquieu," and the " Massasoit." William Grant, H.M.C.S., m. Ann Woolward, daugliter of John Henderson, Esq., and second cousin of tlie late Viscountess Nelson, and had a son, John D'Auvergne, colh-etor of H.M. Customs, Deal, co. Kent, who m. Miss Elizabeth Weed, and has issue, Herbert Nisbet and John D'Auvergne. in. Charles, lost at sea. I. Mary, m. F. Anley, Royal Marines. II. Esther, in. first, Mr. Grant; and secondly, W. Birch, Esq. of Wanstead, CO. Essex. III. Elizabeth, m. first, Philip Bandinel ; and secondly, Henry Wright, Escj., collector H.M. Customs, New Bruns- wick. The eldest son, Colonel John DrinARESQ, who is buried in Worcester Cathedral, served throughout the American war, and on account of his services rendered to the British Government during that war, his sons were educated at Great Marlow (Sandlnirst), and were given commissions in the army. By Anne Jones, his wife, he had issue, I. Henry, lieutenant-colonel H.M. anny, and afterwards chief commissioner of the Australian Agricultural Company in New South Wales, was educated at the Royal Military College, and at the age of 16 joined the 9th Regiment ; " served in eight campaigns, of which six were in the Peninsula, one in Canada, and the last, that of Waterloo," as detailed in the ofTicial record of his services at the Horse Guards. After nine years' service he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, June, 1817. He was employed on the staff upwards of eighteen years, and out of twenty-six years' service, he was employed more than twenty-two abroad, and had been twice dangerously wounded. At the battle of Waterloo he was on the staff of Lieutenant-General Sir John Byng (afterwards Lord Strat- ford), and was shot through the lungs at Hougoumont, but being at llie time charged with a message for the Duke, he, in spite of his wound, reached him, and delivered tlie de- spatcli before he fell. This incident is graphically related by Scott, in Paul'/! Letters to his Klnsjulk ; and Colonel Dumaresq is also honourably men- tioned by Booth in his Anecdotes of the Field of if'aterloo. Colonel Dumaresq retired from the army in 183-1. He III. in 1S28, Elizabeth Sopliia,* elder daughter of the Hon. Augustus Ricliard Butler - Danvers (formerly the Hon. Augustus Hichard Butler, having assumed the additional surname and arms of Danvers, on the • This lady was given, by royal lici>Tice, 24th October, 1866, the precedence of an earl's daughter. 330 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. occasion of his first marriage with MiuT. tlie daugliter and heiress of Sir John Danvers, Bart., in 1792), and granddaughter of Brinsley, 2nd Earl of Lanesborough ; and hy her (wlio d. ]2th March, 1877) left at his decease (which took place at Port Stepliens, in New South Wales, 5th March, 1838, at the age of 4fi), 1. Arthur Fitzroy Charles, lieut. K.N. 2. Algernon Edward. 3. Henry Hart Davis, captain E.E. 1. Louisa Susan, m. Major Inglis, late of the .5th Dragoon Guards. 2. Harriette Maria Amelia, m. Row- land Winn, Esq. of Appleby Hall, York. 3. Priscilla Isabella Laura. 4. Cornelia Charlotte Anne, m. 28th April, 1859, Henry Strickland- Constable, Esq. of Wassand Hall, Sigglesthorne, near Hull, co. York, and 70, Cadogan-square, London, B.A. (Cambridge), J. P., E. R. CO. York (who was b. 18th March, 1821, and took by royal licence in 1863 the additional surname of Constable), youngest son of Sir George Strickland (afterwards Sir George Chomley), seventh baronet, and has issue (see Burke's Peerage^ Baronetage, and Knightage). I. William John, captain Royal Staff Corps, joined the Army from the Royal MUitary College at Great Mar- low, June, 1809 ; two years later pro- ceeded to the Peninsula, and continued with the anny there until the close of the war in 1814, having been princi- pally employed in reconnaissances and in tiie charge of bridges, and in similar capacities was employed with the British Army in Belgium in 1815. He afterwards, in 1819, proceeded to Canada, where he was engaged in the construction of the Ottawa canal ; and finally, in 1825, removed with his company to Sydney, New South Wales, and was placed in charge of the public works, roads, and bridges. He retired from the service in 1829 to settle in that colony, and became a member of its first Parliament. Cap- tain Dumaresq m. Christianne Susan, daughter of the Hon. Alexander Macleay, F.R S., F.L.S., member of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, who was the eldest son of William Macleay, Esq. of Caithness, Scotland. The Hon. Alexander Macleay, who was b. 24th June, 1767, was secretary to the Transport Board during the war with France under the first NAPOLEoy, and was one of tlie founders of the Linnean Society, of which be acted for a time as honorary secretary. In 1825 he was appointed colonial secretarv of New South Wales, which office he resigned in 1837 ; an3 in August, 1843, when in his 77th year, was elected speaker of the first repio* scutative Legislative Council in New South Wales, resigning that appoint- ment May, ln46. He laid the founda- tion stone of the first Free Library in New South Wales, 14th Februai-y, 1843, and in the same year was ap- pointed first parliamentary represen- tative of the electorate of Moreton Bay. He d. 19th June, 1848, having m. Eliza, daughter of James Barclay, Esq. of the City of London. Captain Dumaresq d. in 1868, aged 76 years, having had issue, 1. William Alexander, B.A. Cam- bridge. 2. Alexander Macleay, captain 63rd Regiment. 1. Elizabeth Ann, d. young. 2. Susan Frances Sophia, m. at Sydney, 12th October, 1859, Hon. Louis Hope, of The Knowle, Hazlewood, co. Derby, and of the Carlton Club, London, late cap- tain Coldstrean\ Guards, seventh son of John, fourth Earl of Hope- toun, and grand-uncle of His Excellency the Governor of Vic- toria, and has issue (see Burke's Peerage). 3. Eliza Henrietta. III. Ed'ward, of whom presently. I. Marianne, m. the Rev. P. Boissier, M.A. II. Elizabeth, m. General Sir Ralph Darling, G.C.B., governor and com- mander-in-chief of the Colony of New South Wales from 19th December, 1825, to 21st October, 1831. III. Amelia. The third and youngest son. Captain Edwabd DruAEESQ, E.E., of Mount Ireh, Hadspen, Tasmania, and of St. Heliers, East Kew, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, late of the Bombay Army, justice of the peace and coroner, appointed first surveyor-general of Tasmania, 1826, and commissioner of the Court of Requests, 1830, b. 1802; m. 7th November, 1827, Frances Blanche, fifth and youngest daugh- ter of Michael Legge, Esq. of Garrane, co. Tipperary, Ireland (see Legge of Chllens- wooD House), and by her (who d. 15th July, 1855) has issue, I. Edward John, b. 18th July, 1836; m. Cordelia, daughter of Edward Lee, Esq., and has a daughter, Constance May. II. Henrt Rowland Gascoighb, of Mount Ireh. III. Alfred William, b. 5th August, 1845; VI. Han-iette Dent. I. Blanche Marianne,*. 26th July, 1828; m. Rev. S. B. Windsor, M.A., chaplain British Army. II. Elizabeth. III. Amelia. IV. Cornelia. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Arm-i — Gu., tluvc o«callo]is irl of Essex had been murdered in the Tower, contrary to the inquisition taken after his death, which found that he had destroyed himself. .Mr. Braildon was fined £2,000, and ihe Treworgey pro]ierty seized by the Crown. He pleaded his own defence, and afterwards published a ]iam|)hiet on the subject entitled : The Earl of JSxxex's Innocenrt/, and Honour I'indi- cated in a Letter to a Friend. I. Ann, m.. Mr. Harrington, of Devon, grandson of Sir John Harrington, Xnt., godson of Queen Elizabeth. The elder son, Henry Bkaddon, Esq., d. at Treworgey, 26th September, 1711, leaving a son. Key. John Bkaddon, who, in 1713, was inducted to the livings ot Lutlincott and St. Giles-on-the-Heath, Devon. He m. Mary, daughter of >'icliolas Hill, Esq. of tirimscott, Cornwall, and left two sons and three daugh- ters. The elder son, JoH.v Bhaddon, Esq., m. Mary, only child of Richard .Martyii, Kaq. of Melford, Devon, and d. at Melford, 17SS, leaving three sons and a daughter, I. William, of Treglith, Cornwall, m. 1771-, Margaret, daughter of John 332 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Spettigue, Esq. of Treglith, and d. 1S23, leaving three sons. 1. Jolin, of Tregliih, J.P. and D.L., m. Judith, daughter of Ricliard Kingdon, Esq., J. P., of Hols- wortliT, Devon, and by her (wlio d. 1856) left at his decease, 1857, ■with two other sons, the present Boger Kingdon Braddon, Esq. of Treglith, Treneglos, Launceston, CO. Cornwall, lord of the manor of Downeckney, who was h. 1H16, s. his father 1857 ; m. 1870, Elizabeth Mountjoy, youngest daughter of the late John Pearse, Esq. of Treator, Padstow, Corn- wall, and has, with other issue, a son and heir, John Kingdon, b. 1871. 2. Thomas Austis. 3. Richard Martyn. II. John (ReT.), rector of Werrington, Devon ; d. s.p., 1842. III. Heney. I. Mary, m. Rev. Thomas Tregenna Hamley, and d. s.p., 1815. The third and youngest son, Henry Braddon, Esq. of Skisdon Lodge and Camelford, co. Cornwall, m. Sarah Phillis, daughter of William Clode, Esq. of Camelford (originally of a Dorsetshire family), sister and heiress of Major William Clode, of Skisdon, and had by her (who d. in September, 1846) issue, I. Richard, major Bengal Army, d. unm. 1837, in India. II. William, of Skisdon, co. Cornwall, and Biackland, co. Devon, J.P. ; m. Hannah Maria, daughter of J. Daniells, Esq., R.M., Bengal Civil Service, and d. 1858, leaving issue, 1. William Clode, now of Skisdon, Wadebridge, co. Cornwall, J. P., b. 1814 ; m. 1840, Margaret Selina, daughter of Captain John Wogan Patton, Bengal Army, and has issue, I. William Clode, of Skisdon, Wadebridge, co. Cornwall, J.P. COS. Brecon and Corn- wall, and hon. major 1st Brecknockshu-e Rifle Volun- teers, late lieutenant 75th Regiment, b. 1841 ; m. 1866, Barbara Elizabeth Maria, daughter of the late William Himter Little, Esq. of Llan- Tair Grange, co. Monmouth, D.L., and has, with other issue, Edward Clode, b. 1873. II. Edward Henry Clode. major half -pay. Border Regi- ment. I. Mary Isabel. 2. Henrj' Edward, m. Alicia Eliza- beth, daughter of J. Chapman, E.«q. of Bloomfield, co. Tipperary, and d. 1884. 3. John Clode, m. Julia, daughter of Rev. R. Dawson, rector of Flitwick, CO. Bedford, and d. 1862. 1. Mary Maynard, m. Rev. James Henry Chowne, son of James Tilson, Esq. of Goring, Oxford, who, in compliance with the will of his uncle. General Christopher Chowne, assumed the surname of Chowne. 2. Sarah, d. unm., 1834. 3. Maria. 4. Annie Frances, m. Admiral Richard Strode Hudlett, C.B., and d. 1864. 5. Louisa Charlotte, d. unm., 8th July, 1858. III. John Clode, of Camelford, d. unm., 18.50. IT. Henry. V. Edward Nicholas (Rev.), vicar of St. Mary's, Sandwich, CO. Kent ; m. Cliar- lotte, daughter of William Wright, Esq. of Rochester, co. Kent, and had issue. I. Sarah Phillis Clode, of Camplahay, Devon, m. first. Captain Edward Kelly, 51st Regiment, second son of Arthur Kelly, Esq. of Kelly, co. Devon, who d. 1831. She m. secondly, Rev. William Cowlard, rector of Wer- rington, CO. Devon. II. Mary, m. Admiral Charles Basdin, and (i. 1871. Mr. Henry Braddon d. 1817. His fourth son, Heney Beaddon, Esq. of London, m. Fanny, daughter of John White, Esq., of co. Cavan, and had issue, I. Edwaed Nicholas Coventry (Hon. Sir), of whom we treat. I. Margaret Eleanor, m. Signor Carthi- gone, and has a son Nicholas. II. Marv E., the popular authoress, m. J. Maxwell, Esq. of the firm of Max- well & Co., publishers. Arms — Sa., a bend engr. arg. Crest used — A man's head affrontee between two arms emboived in armour couped at the shoulders. Mutto — Aut mors aut libertas. Sesidences — Treglith, Forth, Tasmania ; and 5, Tictoria-street, London. C?mS«— Grosvenor and St. George's, London. Estates — Treglith, Tasmania (420 acres). BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 333 6robc oi Coltii)roo!t» GROVE, JOHN WILLIAM, Esq. of Coldbrook, Long Bay, D'Entre- casteau.K Cliannel, Tasmania, J. P., member of Licensing Bench and Educational Board of Advice, &c., b. in Tasmania, 4tli June, 18ijl ; m. lOth December, 1878, Frances Mary, only daughter of the late Thomas Johnson, Esq. of Hobart, Tasmania, merchant, but has no issue. Ilincaw. Mr. J. W. Grove's ancestor resided at Towcester, co. Northainptoii, being descended, according to family tradition, from the Grroves, of Willsliire. He had a son, Robert Gkove, Esq. of Birmingham, co. Warwick, b. abont 1637 ; m. the daugliter of Mr. Miller, of London, and d. 10th October, 172-1, and, with his wife, was buried at 8t. Martin's Church, Birmingham, having had issue, I. John, who, by Anne, liis wife, left issue, William and Samuel, and one daughter, Mary, »». Samuel Sanders, Esq. of Handsworth, near Birming- ham, whose daughter, Mary, m. John Bradbury, Esq. of Handsworth, afore- said. II. William, of whom presently. I. Mary, m. to Isaac IJe Lafont, Esq., major of Horse, afterwards of Red Lion-street, Holborn, co. Middlesex, and rf. loth December, 1700, and lies buried with her iiusband, in .St. James's Church, Westminster, leaving no issue. II. Anne, in. John Tompson, Esq. of Birmingham, co. Warwick, and d. about 1754, and is buried, with her husband, in St. Martin's Church, Bir- mingham. She left issue, four sons and four daughters. III. Sarah, m. John Holtham, Esq. of Birmingham, and d. about 1757, leav- ing no issue. The younger son, William G-kove, Esq. of Coventry, co. Warwick, attorney-at-law, and one of the coroners for the county of Warwick ; m. at Trinitj' Church, Coventry, 5th September, 1094, Hannah, one of the daughters of Nathaniel Harryman, Esq., alderman of Coventry, and d. 10th February, 1734, and was buried in Trinity Church, Coventry, liaving had by her (who d. 12th June, 1729, and was buried with her husband), I. William. II. Robert, i. at Coventry, 2nd December, 1712 ; buried at Trinity Church, Coventry, 12th January, 1720. I. Hannah, b. at Coventry, November, 1695, m. John Steynor, Esq. of co. Worcester, and d., leaving three sons and one daughter. II. Mary, h. at Coventry ; m. lUh February, 1723, Thomas Newsham, Esq. of Butler's Marston, co. Worces- ter, and d. leaving issue, one daugh- ter. III. Elizabeth, b. at Coventry, 14th October, 1700; m. 19th December, 1728, John Stanton, Esq. of Long- bridge, near Warwick, and d. leaving issue, two sons and three daughters. IV. Prances, b. Hth January, 1705, buried at Trinity Church, Coventry, 15th July, 1706. The elder son, William Grove, Esq., LL.D., was b. at Coventry, 14th December, 1702, M.P. for Coventry from 1741 to 1761; m.2nd October, 1739, at Easton Neston, co. Northampton, Mary, eldest daughter and co-heir of Thomas Bayley, Esq. of Madeley, co. Stafford, and widow of John Sanders, Esq. of Honily, co. Warwick, who d. 16th March, 1736, and was buried at Honily ; and d. 1st May, 1767, and was buried at Trinity Church, Coventry, having had by his said wife (who was b. at Madeley, 17th March, 1700, and d. 20th April, 1781, and was buried with her hus- band), I. William. I. Mary, A. 25th February, 1743, buried at Trinity Church, Coventry, 8lh February, 1753. II. Jane, b. 8th July, 1745; d. 13th September, 1745, and was buried at Trinity Church, Coventry. III. Hannah, b. 4th July,"l746; m. at Clifton, near Bristol, co. Gloucester 11th July, 1768, Jeremiah Lowe, Esq. of Coventry (who was b. 20th October, 1731), and d. 22nd April, 1784, and was buried in St. Micliael's Church, Coventry, having had issue, 1. Jeremiali, b. 12th August, 1769. 2. William, b. 3rd November, 1770. 3. Richard, b. 25th November, 1771. 4. John, b. 8th January, 1774. 5. Robert, b. 22nd December, 1775. 6. Harry, b. 18th February, 1778. 1. Emm, b. 10th April, 1780; m. 24th July, 1800, at the parish church of St. Marylebone, co. Middlesex, the Rev. Thomas 334 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Grove, rector of Mavesyn Rid- ware, Lichfield, co. Stallbrd ; and d. i;ith September, 1811, and was buried at Parkgate, near Chester, leaving issue. Mr. Jeremiah Lovfe m. secondly, at St. Michael's, Coventry, 18th Novem- ber, 17H1-, Mary, daughter of Thomas Burgh, Esq. of Coventry, M.D. He d. 1st May, 1767, and was buried at Trinity Church, Coventry. His only son, William Gkove, Esq., LL.D., formerly of Coventry and of Houily, co. Warwick, and afterwards of the Cathedral Close, Lichfield, CO. Stafford, high sheriff, co. W^nrwick, 1773; h. in the parisli of St. Trinity, Coventry, 6th July, 1741 ; m. at the Church of the Holy Cross (commonly called the Abbey Church), Shrewsbury, co. Salop, 19th September, 1768, Lucy, eldest surviving daughter of Edward Sneyd, Esq. of Lichfield (who m. at St. Stephen's, Walbrook, London, 26th October, 1742, Susanna, youngest daughter and co- heiress of the Rev. Moses Cooke, rector of Henuingham Sible, co. Essex), and by her (who was I. 9th February, 1748, d. 6th De- cember, 1787, and was buried in Lichfield Cathedral) had issue, I. Edward, of Shenstone Park, co. Staf- ford, J. P., b. at Honily, co. Warwick, 30tli July. 1769. II. Thomas (Rev.), of whom hereafter. I. Mary, b. at Honily, co. Warwick, 27th August, 1770 ; m. Thomas Lister, Esq. of Armitage Park, co. Stafford. Their eldest daughter, Adelaide, m. first, 9th February, 1826, her cousin, Thomas, second Baron Ribblesdale (see Burke's Peerage), who was b. 23rd January, 1790, and d. 10th De- cember, 1832 ; and secondly, 11th April, 1835, Lord John Russell, who was created Earl Russell in 1861 (see Burke's Peerage), and d. 1st Novem- ber, 1838; and their younger daughter, Harriett, who was some time maid of honour to the Queen, m. her cousin, Dr. Cradock, nee Grove, principal of Brasenose College, Oxford. II. Lucy, b. 12th October, 1775, at Honily ; d. 16th September, 1778, and was buried there. III. Susanna, b. in the parish of St. Trinity, Coventry, 9th December, 1779. The younger son. Rev. Thomas Geovb, rector of Mavesyn Bidware, Lichfield, CO. Stafford, b. 4th Octo- ber, 1771, at Honily, co. Warwick ; ordained 8tb June, 1800, by the Right Rev. Dr. Spencer, Bishop of Peterborough, and in- ducted to the rectory of Mavesyn Bidware, March, 1801, which he held until his death ; in. 24th July, 1800, at the paiish church of St. Marylebone, co. Middlesex, Emm, only daughter of Jeremiah Lowe, Esq. of the city of Coventry, by Hannah, his wife, and by her (who was J. 10th April, 1780 ; d. 19th September, 1811, and was buried at Parkgate, near Chester) had issue, I. Edward, b. 21st October, 1803, in the Close of Lichfield, co. Stafford ; (/. 7th November, 1804, at Hill Ridware, in the parish of Mavesyn Ridware, co. Stafibrd. II. Thomas, of whom presently. III. Charles, of 7, Carlton-hill, St. John's Wood, London, b. 14th December, 1809, at Hill Bidware; entered the Royal Navy, June, 1823, from which he retired in 1836; m. first, October, 1834, Eliza, daughter of J. Harrison, Esq. of H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, Hants, but by her (who d. December, 1871) has no issue. He m. secondly, October, 1878, Caroline Charlotte, eldest daughter of the Rev. H. Plow, rector of Bradley, Hants, and by her has no issue. I. Emm Maria, b. 6th May, 1801, at Thornhaugh, co. Northampton ; d. 1813. II. Mary, b. 7th September, 1802, in the Close of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield ; d. September, 1878. III. Elizabeth, b. 20th January, 1805, at Hill Ridware, parish of Mavesyn Rid- ware, CO. Stafford; d. 1820. IV. Charlotte, b. 22nd August, 1806, at Hill Bidware, aforesaid ; and d. there, 27th November, 1808. V. Lucy, b. 28th April, 1811, at Hill Ridware; d. 16th October, 1867, at Eastbouj'ne, co. Sussex, and was buried there. The Rev. Thomas Grove d. April, 1852, and was buried at Hampstead, co. Middlesex. His second son, Thomas Grove, Esq. of Sunnybanks, Long Bay, Tasmania, J. P., late Keutenant in the 63rd Regiment, was b. 7th November, 1807, at Hill Ridware, aforesaid ; m. about 1841, Harriett Matilda Frith, who d. 12th December, 1888. He d. 2nd October, 1881, in Tasmania, having had issue, I. Thomas Edward, b. in Tasmania, 4th March, 1847 ; m. Kate McLay, and has one daughter. II. Charles Henry, b. in Tasmania, 24th August, 1649 ; m. Annie Robertson, and has issue, three sons and one daughter. III. John William, now of Coldbrook, Long Bay, Tasmania. IV. George Frederick, b. in Tasmania, 1853 ; drowned, 1873. V. Philip Ernest, b. in Tasmania, 1855 ; unm, VI. Frank Albert Sneyd, b. in Tasmania, 1859 ; mini. VII. Percy Herbert, b. in Tasmania, 1864 ; unm. I. Susan Elizabeth, b. in Tasmania, 5th October, 1843 ; m. to the Eev. Walter Hugill, but has no issue. II. Lucy Harriet, b. in Tasmania, 29th BURKE'S COLONIAL GKNTliY. 335 June, 184") ; m. to the Rev. Edward H. Tlioiniison. and has issue, two sous and two dauf^^hters. III. Mary Maude Cliarlottc, b. in Tas- mania in 1857 ; num. IV. Kliza Emma Victoria, fi. in Ta.smania, 1862; unm. Arms — Quarterly, Istand 4tli, arg., a ehev. engr. gu. between three stocks of trees eradi- cated p])r., for GiiOVK ; 2nd and 3rd, arg., on a chcr., between three martlets fjii., three mullets or, for Baylev. Cresl of Grove — A mount, thereon a dragon, wina;8 elevated vert, collared and chain rellexed over the back, and eliarged on the shoulder with an estoile or. Moffo—hnuiio uiaiientem. Residence — Coldbrook, Long Bay, D'lCntre- casteaux Channel, Tasmania (100 acres). fU})Ux oi MlinUvhomm. HATTER, HENRY HEYLYN, Esq., C.M.G., of Winterbourne, Malvern- road, Armadale, near Melbourne, Victoria, government statist of Victoria, officer of the French Order of Public Instruction, chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Ital)', 6. at his father's country residence, Eden Vale, Wiltshire, England, 28th October, 1821 ; m. at Melbourne, June, 1857, Susan, daughter of the late William Dodd, Esq. of Porchester-terrace, Hyde Park, London, and has issue, an only surviving child, I. Henry Barkly, h. 30th July, 1865, clerk in the Civil Service of Victoria, in the office of the Government Statist. Mr. H. H. Hayter was educated at Charterhouse, settled in Victoria in December, 1852, and, in 1857, entered the government service, in the depart- ment of the registrar-general. When a Royal Commission was appointed, in 1870, to inquire into the working of the public service, Mr. Hayter was chosen as its secretary, and in 1874 he was appointed government statist. He is an honorary member of the Royal Statistical Society of London, of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, the Statistical Association of Tokio, and of the Royal Society of Tasmania ; honorary corresponding member of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, London, of the Statistical Society of Manchester, of the Com- mercio- Geographical Society of Berlin, of the Geographical Society of Bremen, and of the Royal Society of South Australia ; honorary foreign member of the Societe de Statistique of Paris ; fellow and honorary corresponding secretary for Victoria of the Royal Colonial Institute, and representative member for Victoria of the International Statistical Institute. He is the author of The Victorian Year-Book, Notes on the Colony of Victoria — Historical, Geographical, Meteorological, and Statistical ; Notes of a Tour of Neil) Zealand, and of a great number of statistical reports and other official documents. He was created C.M.G. 1882. ILiiuaac This family was settled for a long period at Winterbourne Stoke, near Amesbury, Wiltshire. John Hatter, Esq. of that place, and for- merly of Wylye, Wilts, b. 1757, m. 10th Decem- ber, 1782, Grace, daughter of Stephen Good- enough, of Codford St. Peter, co. Wilts, and d. 25th March, 1827, buried at VV^intcrbourne Stoke, having by her (who was buried at Winterbourne Stoke, 30th Jidy, 1830, aged 67 years) had issue, I. Thomas, deceased. II. Goodenough, deceased, in. John, deceased. IV. Henry, of whom hereafter. V. Sir William Goodenough, Barf. (Right Hon.) of Southill i'aik, co. 336 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Berks, b. at Wintei-bourne Stoke, 28th Jannarv, 1792, was called to tlie Bar at Lincoln's Inn, in November, 1819, and having practised with success in the Courts of Chancery, was made a Q,.C. in 1838, a bencher of Lincoln's Inn and treasurer 1856, named judge- advocate-geucral in December, 1847 ; and sworn a privy councillor in February, 1848. He was afterwards appointed, in May, 1849, financial, and in July, 1850, parliamentary, secretary to the Treasury, which office he held until March, 1852, and was re-ap- pointed in December of the same year, again retiring in February, 1858. He was created a baronet, 19lh April, 1858. He was M.P. for Wells, 1837 to 1865, and was deputy-lieutenant for Berks, and a magistrate for Wilts and Somerset. He m. 18th August, 1 832, Anne, eldest daughter of William Pidsford, Esq. of Linslade, Bucks, and had issue, 1. Sir Arthur Divett, Bart, of Southill Park, Berks, M.A., b. 19th August, 1835, lieutenant- colonel in the Army, late captain Grenadier Guards, M.P. for Wells, 1865 to 1868, and for Bath, 1873 to 1885 ; a lord of the Treasury from 1880 to 1882, and financial secretary of the War Office, 1882 to '1885; m. 7th November, 1866, Henrietta, daughter of Adrian John Hope, Esq. He s. his father as second bart., 26th December, 1878. 1. Mary Pulsford, b. 29th Decem- ber, 1833 ; m. 17th June, 1857, Lieutenant-General William Rick- man, late 77th Regiment, of Bark- ham Manor, Wokingham, Berks, and has issue. The Right Hon. Sir W. G. Hayter, Bart., d. 26th December, 1878, and was .?. by Ms only son. Sir Arthur Divett Hayter, second and present Bart. I. Anne, m. James Wickens, Esq. of Cavendish-square, London, and had issue, a son, the late Vice-Chancellor Sir John Wickens. II. Elizabeth, m. Rev Rudd, of Yarm, co. York; both deceased. The fourth son, Henry Hattee, Esq. of Eden Vale, co. Wilts, b. January, 1791 ; m. Eliza Jane, daughter of John Heylyn, Esq. of Lymington, Hants, solicitor, by Philadelphia Cogan, his wife, who afterwards m. Admiral George James Shirley, R.N. (who entered the Navy, 18th May, 1779, was appointed midshipman, October," 1780, lieutenant, November, 1790, commander, 11th September, 1797, became a rear-admiral on retired half-pay, 2nd June, 1825, and was placed on the active list of vice-admirals, 12th November, 1840. He d. 2ud August, 1815, at Bath, aged 77, leaving issue. He was the son of Captain James Shirley, who was lost when in command of the " Vestal " frigate, with all on board, on the banks of Newfoundland, in 1777; and grandson of Captain James Shirley, who d. in command of the " Dolphin," on the East India Station, in 1774). She was b. at Lymington, Hants, 1794, and d. 1857. He d. December, 1836, leaving issue, I. Heney Heylyn, C.M.G., of whom we treat. II. Harrison, of Addison-road, Kensing- ton, CO. Middlesex, C.E., of the firm of Hawkshaw, Son & Hayter, of Great George-street, Westminster. He m. and has issue, two sons and four daughters. His wife is deceased. III. William Goodenough, of Argyll- road, Kensington, co. Middlesex, one of the official trustees of charitable funds, under the Charity Trusts Com- mission, Whitehall, London. He »«., and has two sons. I. Harriet Baring, b. 9th May, 1820; (/. viim. about 1883. II. Philadelphia, m. Lieutenant John Russell, R.A., now stationed at Pigeon House Fort, Dublin, Ireland, but has no issue. III. Alethea, m. Rev. Charles Matheson, M.A., of St. Thomas's Hill, Canter- bury, CO. Kent, England, and has issue, two sons and four daughters. Arms (limited to the descendants of the Right Hon. Sir William Goodenough Hayter, first baronet) — Az., an escallop between three bulls' heads, couped, or. Crfst — A bull's head erased, sa., semee of escallops, or, and pierced through the neck with a broken spear, in bend sinister, point upwards, ppr. Motto —Via vi. Residence — Winterbourne, Malvern-road, Armadale, near Melbourne, Victoria. Club — Melbourne. C UMBRAE-STEWART, FRANCIS EDWARD, Esq. of Montrose, Brightoii, near Melbourne, and of Wildernesse, Beaconsfield, co. Mornington, Victoria, formerly of Riversleigh, Christchurch ; and Racecourse BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 337 Hill, New Zealand ; J. P. for the colonies of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand, formerly member of the Provincial Council of Canterbury for Rakaia and Papaniii, New Zealand, and sometime provincial secretary and deputy superintendent of the province of Canterbui-y, New Zealand, b. at Clifton, near Bristol, co. Gloucester, Enj,'land, 8th September, 1833; w. at St. Luke's, Christchurch, New Zealand, 14th February, 18G3, Agnes, second daughter of Robert Park, Esq. (b. 1812) of Winchmore, Can- terbury, New Zealand, surveyor-general of that colony, who was son of Matthew Park, Esq. of The Mearns, Renfrewshire, Scotland, and brother of Patrick Park, Esq., R.S.A., the sculptor; and has issue, I. Francis William Sutton, B.A. (Christ Church, Oxford), of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, and of the Victorian Bar, b. at Rivers- leigh, Christchurch, New Zealand, 27th January, 1865. II. Edward Chamberlin, of Ardmoleish, Gippsland, Victoria, /). at Riversleigh, 5th October, 1866. III. Charles Robert Ogilvie, Lieutenant 2nd Battalion Victorian Rifle Militia, b. at Riversleigh, 17th February, 1868. IV. Gordon Kinross, b. in Victoria, 25th May, 1873. V. Frederick Arthur Agnew, b. in Victoria, 16th June, 1877. VI. Reginald Grahame, 6. in Victoria, 9th November, 1881. I. Mary Isobel, b. 1872, in Victoria. II. Beati-ice Emily Bannatyne, b. 1880, in Victoria. III. Janet Agnes, b. 1885, in Victoria. ILtrtcngt. This family claims to have a common an- cestor with the Marquesses of Bute, in the person of SiE James Stuart or Stewakt, of Ardmoleish, sheriff of Bute, who was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1627; and, adhering to the rojal cause, held Kothe- say Castle for the king in the Ciril Wars of the seventeenth century, and suffered con- siderably both by fines and sequestrations. His descendants were also sufferers in the troubles of 1715 and 1745. It is stated that his great grandsons were, I. Chaeles, captain R.N., of whom pre- sently. II. Thomas, town clerk of Montrose, Scotland, b. 1739; m. Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Guise, of Mont- rose, and d. in 1791, having had issue, 1. Daniel, captain 22nd Light Dragoons, b. 2-lth November, 1777; d. in India, s.p., 4th De- cember, 18J1, aged 34 years. 2. John, major 3rd Bombay Native Infantry, b. 3rd June, 1779 ; d. s.p., 2l8t September, 1821, aged 43 years. 3. Charles Forbes, captain 17th Eegiment Bengal Infantry, b. 17th May, 1781 ; d. s.p., in India, 22nd November, 1815, aged 34 years. 4. Thomas Guise, captain 7tli Bombay Native Infantry, b. 9th VOL. I. December, 1784 ; d. s.p., 14th October, 1S21, aged 38 years. 5. Samuel, b. 2nd January, 1786 ; d. s.p., 6th January, 1810. 6. David Carnegie, captain 12th Madras Native Infantry, b. 6th February, 1789 ; d. s.p., 30th September, 1823, aged 34 years. 1. Elizabeth Brodie, b. 1st October, 1787; m. 1st May, 1810, Henry Westmacott, Esq , brotlu'r to Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A., and d. in 1826, having had issue, I. Stewart, of London, artist, formerly in the H.E.I.Co.'s maritime service, b. 1813. II. James Sherwood, of London, sculptor, b, 1823 ; »». and lias issue. The elder son. Captain Chaeles Stewaet, R.N., b. in Bute, 1738, was in Admiral Holmes's squad- ron at the taking of Quebec, 1759, and served also in the West Indies ; m. Elenour Ogilvie (who was b. at Montrose, Scotland, 1763; d. 2()th April, 1836, aged 74 years, and was buried with her husband at St. Augustine's, Bristol, England) ; and d. in 1798, having had issue, I. Charles, lieutenant R.N., m., but d.s.p., 1837. II. James, lieutenant R.N., had a sou 338 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. James in the Boyal Navy, wlio af'tcr- wanls became an artist, in. Thoii.\s, of whom presently. I. Anne, m. Captain John Cooke Car- penter, R.N.. K.H., who entered the Navy in 1781, was present at Lord Howe's memorable actions of 28th and 29th May, and 1st June, 1794, and for his conduct on those occasions was promoted to a Lieutenancy, 1st August following, made commander 11th April, 1809 ; attained post-rank 19th July, 1821 ; was nominated a K.H. 25tb January, 1830 ; and accepted the retirement 1st October, 1846. Their daugliter, Anne Cooke, m. George Bengough, Esq. of The Ridge, Wotton-under-Edge, co. Gloucester, and had issue (see Bengough of The RlDQE, in Burke's Landed Gentry). II. Mary, m. J. W. Clarke, Esq. of Bristol, CO. Gloucester. Their issue, two daughters, are now Uving at Tun- bridge Wells, CO. Kent. The third and youngest son, C.tPTAix Thomas Stewaet, served in the Royal Navy during the great French War, and also in the H.E.I.Co.'s maritime service ; when in England he resided at Clifton, near Bristol, CO. Gloucester, h. in Scotland, 1793 ; emigrated to Sydney, New South Wales, in 1840 ; m. 1811, Anne Sutton, of Ilfracombe, CO. Devon (who was h. in 1794, and d. in 1871), and d. 1861, hav'ng had issue. I. Thomas, h. 1813, served in the New Zealand War, 1860, and d. num., 1868. II. Cliarles, drowned at sea off tbe coast of New Zealand in 1842 ; s.ji. III. Christopher, master mercantile marine, h. in 1821 ; m., and has issue, a daughter. IV. John Timothy Mangles, h. 1826 ; settled in the interior of Australia, uwm. T. William Duncan, mercbant in Sydney, New South Wales, I. 1831 ; m. Ada, daughter of John Throsby, Esq. of Throsby Park, New Soutli Wales ; and d. in 1875, leaving issue, two daugh- ters. VI. Francis Edwaed, of Montrose and Wildernesse. I. Anne, d. young and unm. II. Elenour, d. young and unm. III. Lucy, m. F. J. Brown, Esq., and d. in 1878, leaving issue. IV. Cliarlotte, m. W. T. Gardiner, Esq., and has issue. Arms used — Or, a /esse chequy az. and ary., within a double tressure fiory connter- Jiory gu. Crest — A demi lion ramp. yu. Motto — Avito viret honore. Residences — Montrose, Brighton, near Melbourne, and Wildernesse, Beaconsfield, CO. Mornington, Victoria. JFulton of iSapirr. F ULTON, FRANCIS CROSS LEY, Esq. of Tbe Villa, Napier, New Zealand, J. P. for that colony, h. 30th March, 1836 ; m. 20th November, 1858, Fanny Fidela, youngest daughter of Edward Smith Hall, Esq. of Sydney, New South Wales, formerly of co. Leicester, England, and has issue, I. EosTACE Henry, 6. 8th May, 1860, unm. I. Lina Eliza, h. 18th May, 1863. II. Florence Dora, 6. 23rd September, 1864. III. Iris Fidela, 6. 23rd September, 1868. "EmEagt. This family was originally settled in Ayr- shire, Scotland, and held the lands of Muir- ton, in Beithparisb. On the 8th September, 1614, when Sir William Wade was lieu- tenant of the Tower, a minute was made by order of the Privy Council, directing the Rev. Dr. Fulton to visit the Lady Arabella Stuart, then a prisoner in the Tower, for having married Seymour, afterwards 1st Marquess of Hertford. From this Dr. Fulton is stated to have descended. The Rev. Robeet Fulton, of Guanabo, Island of Jamaica, who m. and had two son.?. The elder, Richard FmiTON, Esq., a captain in the army of WUliam III, settled at Bellasize, near Lisburn, on the estates of the Seymour family ; he m. Margaret, sister of John Camac, Esq. of Kilfert, co. Down, who d. 1725, and had two sons, James, who is supposed to have d. s.p. ; and John. The second son, John Fulton, Esq. of Lisburn, having been appointed registrar of the Supreme Court of Calcutta, proceeded to India about BUKKE'S COLONIAL CKNTIJY. XV.) 178" ; but iiisloail of tiildrif; up liis uppoiut- ment on nrriving in that country lie turueil his attention to mercantile pursuits. He d at sea on his lumu'ward voyasc in IHOO. Mr. Fult, " Theodore Cracroft Uo|ie, Esq. of the Bombay Civil Service. He d. November, 1872. 2. Joseiih Hennessy, lieutenant 3rd Bengal Native Infantry, b. 2Ulh March, 1816, d. unm., 24th M.ay, 1843. A tablet has been placed to his memory in Trinity Church, Marylebone, by his brotlu^r ofTicers. 1. Eleanor Sophia, d. unm., 1849. 2. Anne, ni. James Hope, Esq. of Lower Seymour-street, London, M.D., F.R.S., who d. 1841, having had an only son, Theodore Cra- croft Hope, Bombay t'lvil Service, b. December, 1831; )h. 16th August, 1866, Josephine Mary McGildowney, daughter of J. W. Fulton, Esq. 3. Mary Charron, m. William Toller, Esq. of Cleveland-gardens, London, and d. 1849, leaving issue, two davighters, 1. Caroline Hope, m. April, 1868. Ca))lain F. B. Johnson, R.N., eon of the Rev. F. C. Johnson, vicar of White Leckiugton, Sonu'rset. and first cousin to the Countess of Vane ; and 2. Ellen Fulton. 4. Charlotte Hayes, m. George Mac- intosh, Esq. of Geddes, convener of Nairnsiiire, and has issue, 1. William .Vlfred Bruce, d. May, 1868; 1. Anne .Vgnew, tn. 1859, John Walker, Esq. of Maryport, Cumberland, barrister, and has issue ; 2. Henrietta, d. unm. 1855 ; 3. Amy Matilda. Z 2 340 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. The second son, James Fulton, Esq. of Lisburn, co. An- ti'iui, Irelaml, ;«. Aniie, daughter of Henry Bell, Esq., and by her (who d. 5th January, 1834) leit at his decease, 21st July, 1817, aged 02 years, I. John, eaptain 2nd Bengal European Regiment, b. 1785 ; d. umn., 27th March, 1829. II. EoBEKT Bell, of whom presently. III. James, m. Anne, daughter of H. Stephenson, Esq. of York, and left one daughter. IT. Henry, d. s.p. I. Eliza. II. Anne Bell. III. Jane. EoBEKT Bell Fulton, Esq., major Ben- gal Artillery, of Lisburn, co. Antrim, Ire- land, b. 1788; 711. 1815, Eliza Jane, daughter of Henry Stephenson, Esq. of Hillsborough. She was'*. 1709, and d. 5th May, 1863. He d. 5th May, 1836, having had five sons and three daughters, I. George William Wright, captain in the Bengal Engineers, tilled at the siege of Lucknow, 1857, having m. a daughter of Major Wrougliton, and left issue. II. John, of New Zealand, general R.A., ■m., and has issue. III. James, of New Zealand, b. 1830, m. 1S52, and has issue. IV. Robert, b. 1832, d. unm., 1863. V. Francis Crossley, of whom we treat. I. Anne, m. 1848, J. Berndillon, Esq., in the E.I.Co.'s Service, and has issue. n. Jane, m. 1839, W. H. Sproule, Esq. of Belfast, and d. 1842, leaving issue, one son and one daughter. III. Alicia Charlotte, d. unm., 1852. Arms (limited to the descendants of John Williamson Fulton, Esq.,M.A., of Braidujle) — Arg., a lion ramp, az., a bend gobony erm. and gu., in the sinister chief point a mnllet sa. Crest — A cubit arm erect, grasping a broken javelin all ppr., the arm charged with a mullet sa. Motto — Vi et virtute. Residence — The Villa, Napier, New Zea- land. Ivintoit* KINTORE, HIS EXCELLENCY THE EARL OP (Algernon Hawkins Thomond Keith- Falconer, P.O., G.C.M.G.), Lord Falconer of Halker- ton, and Lord Keith of luverui'ie and Keith Hall, in Scotland ; Baron Kintore of Kiutore, co. Aberdeen, in the United Kingdom ; LL.D. ; governor and commander-in-chief of South Australia ; major 3rd battalion Gordon Highlanders from 1885 ; a lord-in-waiting to the Queen 1885-86 ; captain of the Yeomen of the Guard 1886-89 ; appointed governor of Victoria 1889 ; h. I2th August, 1862; m. 14th August, 1873, Lady Sydney Charlotte Montagu, second daughter of George, sixth Duke of Manchester, and has issue, I. Ian Douglas Montagu, Lord Inverurie, h. 5th April, 1877. II. Arthur George, 6. 5th January, 1879. I. Ethel Sydney, h. 20th September, 1874. II. Hilda Madeline, h. 5th November, 1875. His Excellency was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1874, M.A. 1877). He is a J. P. and D.L. for cos. Aberdeen and Kincardine, fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, fellow of the Royal Soceity of Edinburgh, provincial grand master of Freemasons in Kincardineshire, and substitute grand master mason of Scotland. ILincacic. The Right Hon. Francis Alexander, eighth Earl of Kintore (see Burke's Peerage), lord lieutenant of Kincardineshire from 1856 to 1S64, and of co. Aberdeen from 1864 to 1880, was h. 7th June, 1828; m. 24th June, 1851, Louisa Madaleiue, second BURKK'S COLOXTAL OKXTRY. 341 tlauiilitpr of Francis Ilmvkina, Ksi]., hrotluT of his lonlslii|i's niotUor, l;Ouisn, Countess of Kiutoru, and Imil issue, I. AiOKHNON Hawkins TnoMONn, ninth earl, fjovernor of Soutli Australia. II. Dudley Melealfi' I'ourtenay, 4. 13th January, 1854 ; ii. 1S7:1. III. Ion "Grant Neville, M.A., h. 5th July, 185H; m. 4th March, 1884., Crnendolcn, daughter of Rohcrt Cooper l-ee Bevan, Ksq. of Foshury House, CO. Wilts, and d. May, 1887. IV. Arthur, A. 27th Augu.-it, 1803; (/.9th December, 1877. I. Madaleine Dora, *. lS,-)8; m. 12th July, 1880, Captain Francis Henry Tonge, late captain t;:ind Regiment, son of Captain Louis Tonge, K.N., of Highway, Wilts. II. Blanche Catherine, h. 1850 ; m. 4tli December, 1883, tTranville Roland Francis Smith, Esq., lieutenant Cold- stream Guards, b. 24th December, 1860, son of Rowland Smith, Esq. of Duffield Hall, co. Derby, M.P. for South Derbyshire 1868-74, and high sheriff 1877, who was grandson of Samviel Smith, Esq. of Woodhall Park, Herts, brother of the first Lord Carrington, and has issue, 1. Granville Keith Falconer, b. 26th February, 1886. 2. Roland Audley, I. 31st January, 1887. III. Maude, b. 1869. The earl il. 18th July, 1880. His widow, who survives, resides at Edmondstone House, Liberton, N.B. Creations — Baron Falconer, 20th Decem- ber, 1617. Baron Keith and Earl of Kintorc, 2Ulh June, 1077. Baron Kintore, 5th July, 1838. Arms — Quarterly; Ist and 4th, az., a falcon displayed, arg., charged on the breast with a man's heart, gu., between three nnd- lets of the second, for FalconhU; 2iid and 3rd, counterquartered ; 1st and 4th, gn., a. sword in bend sinister, surmounted by a sceptre in bend dexter ; in chief, an imperial crown, the whole within an orle of eight thistles, or, as a coat of augmentation, for preserving the regalia of Scotland; 2nd and 3rd, arg., a chief, paly of si^, or and gu., for Keith. Crests — Ist, Keith : An aged lady from the waist, richly attired, holding in her right hand a garland of laurel, jipr. ; 2nd, Falconer : An angel in a praying posture, or, within an orle of laurel, p]ir. Supporters — Two men in complete armour, each liolding a pike or spear, in a sentinel's posture, ppr. Motto — Q.uie amissa salva. Official Residence— Q^ovcmmcnt House, Adelaide, South Australia. Serits — Keith Hall, Inverurie, Aberdeen- shire; and Inglismaldie, Laurencekirk, Kin- cardineshire. Town Mouse — 13, Lower Berkeley-street, Portman-square. C^«i.?(in London) — Carlton, Marlborough. ^mitf) of 33at{)tivst anti 6ami)oolfl* C1MITH, HON. JOHN, of Llauarfch, city of Bathurst, and of Gamhoola, fO CO. Asliburnham, New South Wales, J. P. since 1851, and a member of the Legislative Council since 1880, 6. 19th May, 1811, at Trelanvean, St. Keverne, co. Cornwall, England ; to. I'ith September, 1842, at Springfield, Bathurst, New South Wales, Mary, eldest daughter of William Tom, Esq. of Springfield, Bathurst, and has issue, I. Fergus Jagg, of Hawthorne, Bathurst, and of Toogong, J. P., and M.P. for West Macquarie, h. June, 1843 ; in. January, 1866, Emily Grace, eldest daughter of Dr. Machattie, of Bathurst, but has no issue. II. Lancelot Noel, of Borce, Ashburuham, J. P., 6. February, 18 l.") ; to. June, 1872, Gertrude Stuart, second daughter of Dr. Machattie, of Bathurst, and has seven children. III. Edwin Ambrose, of Narroogal and Glenrock, Wellington, New South Wales, J. P., h. January, 1848; m. April, 1876, Janet, third daughter of John Gardiner, Esq. of Wellington, and has five children. IV. Claudius, of Nandilyan Heights, Molong, and of Dovedale, h. October, 1849; m. December, 1870, Mary Barbara Hope, widow, but has no issue. V. Wallace Arabin, of Gamboola, h. July, 1858 ; m. September, 1881, Kii/.a- beth, eldest daughter of Mr. Prince, of Jersey, and has five childreu. 3-12 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Emily Jane, &. September, 1846 ; m. July, 1865, the Hon. Sir Joseph George Long Innes, Knt. (187-5), of Winslow, Sydney ; Clover Hill, Sutton Foi-est ; and of the Au.stralian Club, Sydney, all in New South Wales, judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wale.s, who was h. in Sydney, 16th October, 1834 ; was educated at King's School, Parramatta ; called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1859 ; admitted to the New South Wales Bar, 1862 ; district judge of Queensland, 1865-9 ; elected a member of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, 1872 ; the same year called to the Legislative Council (retiring 1880) ; solicitor-general New South Wales, 1872-3 ; attorney-general, 1873-5 ; minister of justice, 1880-81 ; and puisne judge of Supreme Court since October, 1881 ; eldest son of the late Captain Joseph Long Innes, of the 39th Regiment. They have six children. II. Fanny Blanche, 6. July, 1851 ; m. April, 1873, Robert Darvall Barton, Esq. of Bathurst, J. P., and has six children. III. Helen Evangeline, h. August, 1853 ; m. 15th April, 1873, W. Harvey Holt, Esq. of Glenprairie, Queensland, J. P., and has seven children (see Holt of Pabeamatta and Rockhampton). IV. Annie, h. August, 1855 ; m. December, 1877, Charles Hampden Barton, Esq. of Wellington, and has five children. V. Mary Edith, h. March, 1857 ; in. June, 1881, Marsham Elwin a Beckett, Esq. of Ashfield, solicitor, and has three children. VI. Jessie Gertrude, h. January, 1862; m. February, 1884, William C. a Beckett, Esq. of Nelgowrie, J. P., and has two children. The Hon. John Smith sailed for the colony of New South Wales in December, 1885, arriving there in April, 1836. He had the advantage of an introduction from the then secretary of state for the colonies (Lord Glenelg) to the Governor, Sir Richard Bourke, and having turned his attention to pastoral pursuits, he was engaged as superintendent by the late John Maxwell, Esq. of Narroogal. In 1842 he purchased the Gamboola sheep run, and commenced sheep farming, his estates now carrying over 60,000 sheep. He has been a member of the Union club since its formation in 1857. "EiriEaQf. This family was originally seated in Corn- wall, England. JoHX Smith, Esq., the grandfather of the Hon. John Smith, was a landed proprietor, residing at Trelanvean, in the parish of St. Keverne, co. Cornwall. He owned Tregarn, G-ruggilh, and other smaller estates. He m. and had issue, I. John, of whom presently. I. Jenny, m. Jolm Jago, Esq. of Fal- mouth, CO. Cornwall, and bad issue, Ur. Jago, of Truro, co. Cornwall. II. Mary, m. Eli Cuttance, Esq. of St. Keverne, co. Cornwall, and had a son, Eli, of Falmouth, co. Cornwall. John Smith, Esq. of Trelanvean, co. Corn- wall, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Cock, Esq. of Lesneage, St. Keverne, co. Cornwall, and had issue, I. John' (Hon.), of whom we treat. II. James, m. and is deceased. III. William, d. young. IV. Robert, m. and is deceased. V. Eichard, of co. Cornwall, farmer, m. VI. George, of co. Cornwall, fai-mer, ni. Tii. Francis, m. and is deceased. VIII. Sydney, m. and is deceased. I. Mary Ann, »?. and is deceased. II. Jane, m. Mr. Bunt, of co. Cornwall, and has issue, Thomas, chief engineer BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. :M3 in Hie dockyiirds at Slinnglmi, in tbo SLTvice of the Cliinese Government. Ilesiihncts — Llannrtli, city of Batluirst ; and (lamlioola, eo. Ashbiirnhani, both in New Soulb Wales. Fsfafes — Oaniboola, Borco Cabonne, Hoi-eo Nyran^, Toogon;^, all in eo. Asbburnbani ; Nari'oogal, in cos. Gordon and Wellin^tnn; Dnvi'dale Park and Roscdale, bolhco. Wel- lington, all in >few South Wales. Club — Union. JOHNSON, HON. GEORGE RANDALL, of Fit/.lu-ibeit-torrace, Wel- lington, and The Arai, Poverty Bay, New Zealand, and also of Stalham and TuDstead, co. Norfolk, England, member of the Legi.slative Council of New Zealand since June, 1872, 6. 7th November, 1833 ; educated at Clai-e College, Cambridge (B.A. 1857, M.A. 1860). and called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn 1861. He m. 11th March, 1873, Lucy, daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel Andrew Hamilton Russell (Jate of the 58th Regiment), of Furzebank, Torquay, co. Devon, England, who formerly resided at Maungakure, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, and was for many years a member of the Legislative Council, being for a short time native minister. The Hon. G. R. Johnson has issue, I. Randall, h. 5th August, 1880. I. Beatrice Lucy Randall. II. Constance Emily Randall. III. Agnes Hamilton Randall. IV. Fanny Amelia Randall. Hincncir. This family of Johnson has been established at Stalham and Tunstead for at least three centuries. James Johnson, Esq. of Stalham and Tunstead, co. Norfolk, m. at Redenhall Church, near Harleston, co. Norfolk, 27th April, 1786, Sarah, daugliter of Daniel Walne, Esq. of Pulham, eo. Norfolk. She was b. March, 1758, and il. 18 15. He rf. Gth June, 1821, and was buried at Stalham, having had issue, I. Richard (Rev.), eldest son and heir. II. Randall, b. 71 h June, 1791. III. George Baker, i. 17th August, 1795. The eldest son and heir, Rev. Richard Johnson, M.A., rector of Lavenbam, co. Suffolk, fellow of Caius Col- lege, Cambridge, and of Stalham, co. Norfolk, J. P. for Suffolk, b. 4tli March, 1787; m. 1828, Mary Ann, daughter of George Cubitt, Esq. of Catfield Hall, co. Norfolk, J.P. and D.L. She d. June, 1876. He d. 1855, having had issue, I. Richard Cubitt, d. nmn., 1851, aged 21. II. Geoege Randall (Hon.), of whom we treat. III. James Woodbine. See next arlirle. IV. Henry, late of H.M. 45th Regiment, d. unni. I. Fanny, m. Rev. Charles Thomas Jex- Blake, M.A., rector of Lyng, co. Nor- folk, and (/. leaving issue, one son, Thomas, and si.\ daughters. II. Agnes Sarah, m. Rev. Robert Henry Davies, M..!., incumbent of the Old Church, Chelsea, co. Middlesex, Eng- l.and, and has issue, three sons and four daughters. III. Mary, m. Rev. Robert Rashdall, rector of Teversham, co. Cambridge, both deceased, leaving surviving issue, two sons and one daughter. IV. Charlotte, m. John George Image, late captain 21st Fusiliers, and has issue, two sons and two daughters. T. Emma, m. Rev. James Gale, vicar of Bardsdale, Westmorland, and has issue, one daugliter. VI. Getavia, d. unm. VII. Anna, unm. Arms — Gu., on a saltire, erm., five crosses moline, sa., a cliief of the second, clnirged with three mullets of the third. Crixl — A lion ramp, ei'minois, holding iti the dexter paw a mullet as in the arms, the dexter foot resting on a cross moline gu. Aluilo — Slruuue el ]irospere. 344 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Vesidences — Fitzherbert-terrace, Welling- ton ; The Arai, Poverty Bay, New Zealand ; and Stalliam and Tunstead, co. Norfolk, England. Club — -United University, Loudon. JOHNSON, JAMES WOODBINE, Esq. of Wairakala, Gisborne, Poverty Bay, New Zealand, J. P., and captain in the New Zealand Militia, h. 1st Januai-y, 1844 ; tinm. Lineage and Arms — See preceding article. Residence — Wairakaia, Gisborne, Poverty Bay, New Zealand. Property — At Whepstead Hall; Bricet ; and Wattisham, all co. Suffolk, England. Bciutaut of (Ulcntlcj:, BOUCAUT, HON. JAMES PENN, of Glenelg, South Australia, senior puisne judge of the Supreme Court of South Australia ; 6. 29th Octo- ber, 1831, near Falmouth, co. Cornwall, England ; emigrated, with his father, to Adelaide, in 1846 ; m. 22nd Mai-ch, 1864, Janet, daughter of Alexander McCulloch, Esq. of Gottlieb's Well, near Adelaide, squatter, and has issue, I. Alexander Le Rey. II. James Penn. III. Walter Hillary. IV. Max Arthm-. V. Ernest Bertram. I. Virginia Winifred. The Hon. Mr. Justice Boucaut was called to the South Australian Bar November, 1855, and in 1867 declined a Q.C.-ship ; sat in the South Aus- tralian Parliament for the city of Adelaide fiom 1862 to 1863, and was again retm-ned to Parliament in 1865. He held office in several ministries : as attorney-general October, 1865, to March, 1866; thence to May, 1867, as attorney-general and premier; and again as attorney-general in 1872; as premier and commissioner of crown lands and public works from June, 1875, to June, 1876 ; as premier and treasurer from 26th October, 1877, to 25th September, 1878, when he accepted a puisne judgeship of the Supreme Court of South Australia. Hincaae. Hillary Boucaut, Esq. of Hauteville, Guernsey, m. Martha de Beaugy Le Eey, and d. about 1835, leaving a son, Captain Rat Boucaut, H.fe.I.C.S., of HauteTille, Gruemsey, and afterwards of South Australia; m. Ist January, 1831, Winifred, daugliter of James Penn, Esq. of Mylor Church Town, co. Cornwall, Englaud, superintendent of Her Majesty's dockyard, Mylor, and cousin of Colonel Penn (inventor of Penu's steel guns), who was cousin to Master Commander Penn, of H.M.S. " Vic- tory," claiming relationship with the family of William Penn, of Pennsylvania. Captain Boucaut d. 29th January, 1872, having had by his said wife (who d. 19th October, 1883), BURKE'S COLONIAL OKNTllY 345 I. Jamks Pexn (Hon-.), of Glpnolg. II. Kiiy Fiirkiii, m. C'lmrlotto Dover, niid has issue, live 80iis and seven iluu'jh- ters. III. Hillarv, m. first, Lctitia Conway, and by her bad issue, one son ; and, secondly, KUen Wiles, and by her has issue. I. Emma Martha, m. Thomas Taylor, Esq., B.M., and has issue, one son and four daughters. II. Winifred IVnn, m. Frederiek Kd- ward Monekton, Esq., and has issue, tliree sons and two daughters. III. Louisa Bastin, m. James Logan, Esq., and has issue, three eons and six daughters. IV. Sarah Jane, m. Arthur Ilarvey, Esq., and has issue, three sons and three daughters. Residence — Liverpool • terrace, Glenelg, South Australia. 33iti\ytll of pljautca. BTDWILL, JOHN" ORBELL, Esq. of Pihautea, Feather.ston, Welling- ton, New Zealand, J.P., 6. 21st July, 1854 ; m. 26th March, 1881, at Masterton, Sarah Bouella, only daughter of Robert Mudge Marchant, E.sq., C.E., of Chilcompton, Bath, co. Somerset, England, by Bonella Maria, his wife,' daughter of the late James Mahon, Esq. of Northampton, Galway, Ireland, and has issue, I. John Came, h. at Te Malre, Pihautea, 9th February, 1882^ ^ I. Florence Marjorie, 6. at Te Maire, Pihautea, IGth April, 188G. Uineage. Joseph Bidwill or Bidwell, of Sydney House, Exeter, co. Devon, England, was 4. at UfEcnlme, near Colhimptou, co. Devon, where, according to traLUtiou, the family had been seated for some generations. His son and heir, JosKPU Bidwill, Esq., b. 20th March, 1750; m. 21st June, 1780, Martha, daughter of Mr. Farrant, of Clist Hydon, co. Devon, and had fifteen children, of whom the eldest sxu-viving son and heir was, Joseph Green Bidwill, Esq. of Sydney House, Exeter, co. Devon, an officer in Her Majesty's 4th (Queen's Own) regiment of Dragoon Guards, b. 2(;th February, 1796 ; m. Charlotte Wilmot, daughter of John Carne, Esq of Falmouth, co. Cornvrall, England (she d. at Felix Well, -Ith March, 1S64), and d. 1st September, 1«71, having had issue, I. Charles Robert. II. John Carne, b. 5th Feb., 1815 ; d. iium. at Tinana, New South AVales. ^ I. Elizabeth, b. 22nd September, 1«17; m. 1840, Thomas Digby Miller, Esq., son of Thomas Hamilton Miller, Esq., sheriff of Selkirkshire, Scotland, and has, with other issue, Charles Kobcrt, b. 1844 ; m. Anne Pain, of Wellington, New Zea- land. Annie Elizabeth, m. William Digby, Esq. II. Mary Carue, b. 5th October, 1822; III. 1846, William McD.mald, l';sq. of New South Wales, son of Brigadier- General McDonald, and has issue. III. Harriett, of Sydney House, Exeter, eo. Devon, b. 16th November, 1824; m. Samuel Ware, Esq. of Exeter, co. Devon, solicitor, but has no issue. IV. Charlotte, b. 4th January, 1828 ; m. 1st January, 1851, Albert Henry Bamfield, Esq., son of Major Bam- field, of the 36th Native Inl'anlry, who was killed at the battle of Chillian- wallah, and has had, 1. Henry Edward Loch, b. 1st Nov- ember, 1851. 1. Agnes Mary Kabouc, b. 4th August, 1853. 2. Alice Marion, b. 11th November, 1862, at Lahore. 3. Ada Harriett, b. 20th January, 1864, at Umballc. 4. Mabel, b. 23rd July, 1866. 5. Beatrice Mary, b. 1868 ; d. an infant. 6. Mildred, b. 3rd November, 1869. The eldest son, Charles Robert Bidwill, Ksq. of Pi- hautea, Wellington, New Zealand, J. P., captain of militia, settled at Pihautea, l84-t ; m. Catherine, daughter of John Orbell, Esq., late of Hawkesbury, Otago, New Zealand, and of the Grove, Essex, England, and d. at Pihautea, 21st April, 1884, having hud three sons and five daughters, I. JoHX Orbell, of whom we treat. II. William Edward, of Rototawhai ; b. 19th May, 1858; partner with his brothers in the Pihautea estate. 316 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 111. Chai'les Robert, of Sawalia, h. 6th November, 1863 ; partner with his brotliers in the Pihautea estate. I. Catherine C.arne, h. 25th June, 1852; m. first, January, 1870, Rielvird Jolin Barton, Esq. of Wliite Roek and Fernside, J. P., and by him had a daughter, Eva. She m. secondly, G-. T. F. Hutton, Esq., and by him has a son, Edward George, h. 1882. II. Charlotte, h. 10th Julv, 1856; m. February, 1876, Thomas' Waitt Bal- four, Esq., manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Napier, and has one son and two daughters. 1. Allan, h. 29th December, 1882. 1. Mary Russell, b. 20th December, 1876. 2. Muriel Catherine, *. 20th Octo- ber, 1878. III. Ruth, b. 13th March, 1860; m. 30th April, 1879, Hugh Horsley Beet- ham, Esq. of Brancepeth, Wairarapa, New Zealand, J. P. (see Beetham of Chetstchurch), and has issue, 1. Ralf Fitz-Roger BidwiU, h. 10th January, 1880, at Brancepeth. 2. Orengard Horsley, b, 12th June, 1886, at Brancepeth. 1. Thyra Talvase, b. 5th December, 1883, at Brancepeth. IV. Elizabeth Eliza, b. 24th January, 1862, )«.. 4th January, 1881, Joseph Barnard Rhodes, Esq. of Spring Hill, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, and has two children, 1. Athol Gut, h. 14th June, 1884. 1. Marjorie, '6. 21st October, 1882. v. Jessy, b. 7th November, 1866. Arms used — Per saltire gu. and erm. Crest — An escallop. Residence — Pihautea, Feathersfon, Wel- lington, New Zealand. Caron of #ttaba. CARON, HON. SIR JOSEPH PHILIPPE RENE ADOLPHE, K.C.M.G. (1885), Q.C., of Daly-street, Ottawa, Canada, minister of militia and defence for the dominion of Canada, B.C.L., 1865 ; called to the Canadian Bar, 1865 ; vice-president of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 1867; M.P. in the Dominion Parliament since 1873; Q.C. in 1879 ; and P.O. for Canada, 1880 ; son of the Hon. R. E. Caron, late lieutenant-governor of the province of Quebec ; h. in the city of Quebec, 1843 ; educated at the seminary of Quebec, at the Laval University, and at the University of MoGill ; m. 1867, Alice, daughter of the Hon. Francois Baby, member of the Legislative Council of Quebec, and has issue, I. Adolphe De Blois. I. Alice. Arms used — Arg., on a bend, az., eight fleurs-de-lis, two, two, two, and two. Crest — A fleur-de-lis. Motto — Siiaviter in modo, fortifer in re. Residence — Daly-street, Ottawa, Canada. Cluhs — Toronto and Rideau. Brttisc of Jatrfitltr. B RIDGE, HENRY HAMILTON, Esq. of Faii-eeld and Ashcott, Wai- pawa, Napier, New Zealand, J. P., h. 8th Octobei-, 1844!; unm. iLincac(c. Not only tradition, but documentary and other evidence, leads to the conclusion that John Bridge (the ancestor of the Bridge family in America, settled tliere since 1632) was descended from the same stock as the family of which we treat, and near of kin to William Bridge, the celebrated Puritan di- vine of Norwich, and a prominent member lUJRKK'S C0L(3.N1AL tlKXTRY. 317 of tlio Westminster Assemblr. John Bridge being a fellow-townsman of Jolni llarwood, anil, like him, interested in the intelleelnal, moral, and religions welfare of the infant eolony, it is probable that lie took some part in the foundation of wliat has now beeome the eelebnited Harvard I'niversity at Cam- bridge, Mass. The late treneral (TarlieUl, president of tlie United States, is ineluded in the genealogy of this family, members of the same having held (hvers important posts under the United States Governiuent. Stephen Bridge, Esq., belonged to a family long resident in co. Kssex, England, especially in the Colnes, where their regis- ters go back many generations. He m. luth March, ISIO, Elizabeth Fowler, of the family of Fowler, of Toddington and the South of Bedfordshire. She rf. 14th May, ] 841. He d. ]2th January, 1833, leaving issue, Rev. Stephex Bridge, M.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge, incumbent of St. Mat- thew's, Denmark Hill, co. Surrey, froiu 1844—1868, and rector of Droxford, Hants, from 18(58 — 1886, vvlien he retired. He now resides at 5, Royal York-crescent, Clifton, Bristol, CO. Gloucester, having >«. 8th April, 1839, Margaret, daughter of John Hewlett, Esq. of Cujiola House, Hornsey, co. Middle- sex, and of Aboukir estate, St. Anne's, Jamaica. He has issue, I. Stephen Frederick (Rev.), M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, vicar of St. Paul's, Heme Hill, co. Surrey ; m. llth January, 1881, Stella Sophia, daughter of Henry Simpson, Esq. of Clapliam, co. Surrey, and has issue, 1. Ste]ihen Henry Howard, i. ISttli December, 188(). 1. Stella Margaret, b. 12th April, 1882. 2. Maria Theresa, b. 25th April, 1885. II. Henry Hamilton, of whom we treat. III. Stewart, of Fairfield and Ashcott, Waipawa, Najiier, New Zealand, b. 21st Ajiril, 1853, iimn. I. Margaret Emily. II. Helena Marian. III. Maude Maria. IV. Frances Julia, m. Rer. Ernest Charles Bevan, M..-i.., vicar of Send, CO. Surrey, but has no issue. V. Eliza Lucy. TI. Ada Mary. Arms used — Az., a chief, gu., over all a bend engr. sa., charged in the dexter point with a chaplct or. Crest — Two icings en- dorsed arg., on each a chev. engr., sa., charged with a chaplet or. Motto — Post hominem animus ditrat. Hesidences — Fairfield and Ashcott, Wai- pawa, Napier, New Zealand. fl^autifitlti of iHtHjournc* HANDFIELD, REV. HENRY HBVVETT PAULET, of St. Peter's Parsonage, Melbourne, Victoria, minister of St. Peter's Church, canon of St. Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, and rural dean of that city, Ik 12th. December, 1828, at Hermitage House, near Dublin, Ireland; m. 10th November, 1853, Mary Leigh, daughter of William Upton Tripp, Esq., attorney, formerly of Bardon, Somerset, England, but by her (vpho d. 5th May, 1875) has no issue. The Rev. H. H. P. Handfield was educated at Uppingham School, and also at the Collegiate Institution, Liverpool ; in 1848, went to Australia with Bishop Perry, in the " Stag," and was for a short time assistant-master in the Melbourne Diocesan Grammar School ; sub- sequently becoming inspector-general of schools. He was ordained deacon by Bishop Perry, on St. Thomas's Day, 1851, and was appointed curate of St. Peter's Church ; ordained priest on St. Thomas's Day, 1852, and became incumbent of St. Peter's on the last Sunday in 1854 ; appointed canon of the cathedral by Bishop Perry, in 1870 ; and rural dean of the city of Melbourne by Bishop Moorhouse. He has for some years been a member of the Council of the Diocese, was chosen to be one of the representatives of the Diocese of Melbourne at the General Synod of the Australasian Church, and also to be one of the Board of Electors to appoint a Bishop, when the sec was vacated by Bishop Perry. 348 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Hincncic. This family is believed to have come from Ashforcl, CO. Kent, England. Tradition asserts tliat a Hand6eld was with Wolfe at the time of his death on the Heights of Abraham, and that a Colonel Handiield served in the conquest of Canada. One of the family, a Miss Handfield, in. into the family of Viscount Gal nay. Colonel Charles Handkeld, of Her- mitage House, near Dublin, Ireland, com- missary-general for Ireland, had several brothers. He m. 9th June, 1778, Margaret Alford Winslow, and d. 1831, having had (besides other sons and several daughters. The last of the latter d. at South Brent, co. Somerset, in 1885, aged 93 years), Edward Handpield, Esq., commander E.N., wlio m. Louisa Sarab Coakley, and d. at Belbroughton, co. Worcester, England, 1839, having had by her (who d. at Dundalk, Ireland, 1S34), I. John Charles, d. leaving issue. II. Edward, R.N., deceased. III. Carey, d. s.p. IV. George Johnson, M.A., deceased, y. Henet Hewett Paulet (Rev.), now minister of St. Peter's Church, Melbourne. VI. Frederick Oliver, d. having had issue, 1. Frederick ; 2. Paulet ; 3. Harold ; 4. Carey ; 5. Eeginald ; 1. Eleanor. VII. William Hoptou, m. and ha8 issue, 1. Edith; 2. Florence, m. and has issue, Harry and Louisa. Tin. Phillips, deceased. IX. Charles Arthur Stuart, m. Miss M. Beverley. I. Lousia Monckton, m. A. J. Masters, Esq. II. Theodora Maria. III. Fanny Charlotte. Arms vsed — Arg., a lioii, ramp., sa., between nine crosses crosslet of the last. Crest — An eaglets head couped, trings elevated, and ducallii crowned. Motto — Justus nee timidus. Residence — St. Peter's Parsonage, Mel- bourne, Victoria. (UnffttJ) oi BSrtsIjant* GRIFFITH, HON. SIR SAMUEL WALKER, K.C.M.G., of Merthyr, Brisbane, Queensland, leader of the opposition, member of the Legis- lative Assembly of Queensland since 1872, 6. at Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glamorgan, Wales, 2Ist June, IS^'i ; m. 5th July, 1870, Julia Janet, daughter of James Thomson, Esq., commissioner for crown lands. East Maitland, New South Wales, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland, and has issue, I. Llewellyn Arthur Peter, 6. 6th July, 1872. II. Edward Percival Thomson, 6. 3rd February, 1877. I. Mary Eveline, 6. 1871. II. Helen Julia, 6. 1874. in. Edith Margaret, 6. 1879. IV. Alice Gwendoline, h. 1881. The Hon. Sir S. W. Griffith was educated at Sydney University, New South Wales (B.A. 1863, M.A. 1870); called to the Queensland Bar 1867; Q.C. 1876 ; entered the Legislative Assembly 1872 ; attorney-general 1874 to 1878; secretary for public instruction 1876 to 1878 ; secretary for public works 1878 — 9; leader of the opposition 1879 — 83; premier, colonial secretary, and secretary for public instruction November, 1883 ; resigned the last-mentioned office January, 1885, and the office of colonial secretary April, 1886, and accepted the newly-created office of chief secretary; delegate to the Intercolonial Convention held at Sydney December, 1883 ; member of the Federal Council of Australasia, held at Hobart, and chairman of the standing committee of the Federal Council 1886 ; delegate to Colonial Conference held in London 1887 ; Colonial Treasurer 1887 ; elected President of the Federal BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 349 Council at the sessions of 1S88 ; resigned office .lunc, 1888, was re-elected to the Lei,'islative Assembly for Noi'th Brisbane, and now leads the opposition party. He was created a Knight Commander of St. Jficliael and St. George, 1880. Htncagc. The family of GrilTith has been settled in Gliimorcnnsliiro from ii very early period. IIe.nky CtKIFFITH, Ksq. iind lus brother Thomas left Coyehureh, in that eoiiuty, and settled at Frome, co. Somerset, about the middle of the 18th eentury. The former m. Jane Hallidav, of Fronie, and had, Heney, of wliom presently. Ed\yard, of Frome, b. 170O. Mary. Jane, b. 1702. Henht Griffith, Esq. of Frome, h. 1759. By his first wife, Martha Hall, he had issue, Henry, who m. Sarah Green and left issue. William, of whom presently. Eioliard. Eleanor. Fanny. William Griffith, Esq. of Frome, eo. Somerset, b. 1788, and d. in 1840. By his first wife, Eliza Baker (who m. in 1812, and d. in 1820), he had, with other issue, a son. Ret. Edward Gbipfith, of Brisbane, Queensland, formerly of Morthyr Tydvil, eo. Glamoi'^ari, who emigrated with his family to Australia in 185-1 ; m. 1812, Miss Mary Walker, and has issue, I. Edward, b. 1843; m. Ellen Bickerton, and has issue. II. Samtel Walker (Hon. Sir), K.C.M.G., now of Merthyr, Brisbane. I. Mary Harriet, unm. II. Aliee, m. Henry James Oxiey, Esq., and has issue. III. Lydia, m. Cliarlee Basil Lethem, Esq., and has issue. IV. Priscilla, m. J. W. C. Drewe, Esq., and has issue. V. Jessie, m. Nathaniel Lassell, Esq., and has issue. Arms used — Arg. , across floryengr.bettoeen four lions ramp. sa. Crest — A wyvern or. Motto — l£speraiice sans fenr, Sesidence — Merthyr, Brisbane, Queens- land, Australia. MAUNSELL, YEN. ROBERT, LL.D., of Auckland, New Zealand, archdeacon emeritus of Auckland, h. October, 1810; m. first, October, 1834, Susan Pigott, and by her has issue, I. Edward Schwartz, 6. 16th June, 1837 ; m. first, Rose Maginity, and by her has issue, 1. Robert Edward. 2. Frederick. 3. Herbert. 4. Henry. 6. Percy. 1. Prances. 2. Ada. 3. Maud. He m. secondly, Mary Spratt, and by her has issue, 6. Thomas. 7. Daniel. II. George, h. 2nd December, 1838; in. first, Rosetta Sherwin, and by her has a son, 1. Robert Sherwin. 350 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. He VI. secondly, Elizabeth Keating, and bj lier has issue, 2. George. 1. Bertha. 2. Rose. 3. Hannah. in. Robei-t, of Tinui, Wellington, New Zealand, h. 1st February, 1840 ; IV. John Frederick, h. 16th November, 1841 ; m. Emma Louise Beauchamp, but has no issue. I. Susanna Eliza, m. to the Rev. Charles Bing, Melanesian Mission. II. Frances, m. Schwartz Kissing, Esq., manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Auckland. III. Anne Gabbett. Ven. Robert Maunsell, m. secondly, Beatrice Panton, and by her has issue, V. Herbert, b. 1st October, 1864 ; mijn. IV. Agnes. V. Jane, in. Augustus Coutts, Esq., chief clerk, Auckland Post OfEce. He emigrated to New Zealand in 1834. Hincnw. The pedigree of this ancient and eminent family can be, it is said, deduced from the period of the Conquest. The Ven. Robert Maunsell's father, whose residence was named Milford, two miles from Limerick, was for some time in the customs, from which he retired on a pension ; he afterwards founded a bant, and d. about ISS-t. He m. a Miss Fitzgerald, who surTired him, and by her had, Richard (Rev.), of Adare, near Limerick, deceased. John (Rev.), who resided near Castle Island, and is deceased. George, deceased. Windham, deceased. Thomas, quondam attorney, deceased. Edward, of co. Limerick, farmer, de- ceased. Frederick, of Adare, co. Limerick, farmer. Robert (Vsif.), archdeacon emeritus of Auckland. Frances, d. unm. Eliza, m. Mr. Smythe. Arms used — Ar^., a chev. between three viaunches sa. Crest — A hawk rising ppr. Motto — Honorantes me hotwrabo. Sesidence — Auckland, New Zealand. I^tdtpatnck of Clostijunu KIRKPATRICK, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GEORGE AIREY, of Closeburn, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Q.C., LL.D. (Trinity College, Dublin), M.P. for the county of Frontenac, and speaker of the House of Commons, Canada, from 1883 to 1887, b. at Kingston, Ontario, 13th September, 1841, called to the Bar 1865, appointed Q.C. 11th October, 1880, and was an honorary commissioner of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886. He m. first, at Kingston, 25th October, 1865, Frances Jane, daughter of the Hon. John Macaulay, and by her (who d. 20th January, 1877) has issue, 1. George Macaulay, lieutenant R.E., b. 23rd August, 1866. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 351 II. Arthur Thomas, i. 20th February, 187L III. William Macpherson, 6. 8th October, 1874. IV. Guy Hamilton, b. 5th November, 1875. 1. Helen Young. He m. secondly, at the British Embassy, Paris, 26th September, 1883, Isabel Louise, youngest daughter of the Hon. Sir David Lewis Macpherson, K.C.M.G. (1884), of Chestnut Park, Toronto, Canada (who was h. 1818 ; educated at Inverness R.oyal Academy ; went to Canada 1835, and was elected to the Legislative Council of Canada 1864, of which he continued a member until the Confederation of the Provinces, 1867, when he was summoned by royal proclamation to the Senate of the Dominion ; sworn of the Privy Council of Canada 1880 ; speaker of the Senate 1880 to 1883, when he was appointed minister of the interior; son of David Macpherson, Esq. of Inver- ness, by Naomi, his wife, daughter of John Grant, Esq.), by Elizabeth Sarah, his wife, eldest daughter of William Molson, Esq. of Montreal, and by her has issue, V. Eric Reginald Macpherson, h. 18th September, 1884. ILmcngc. This family is of Irish descent, and is prob- ably a cadet of tlie ancient lionse of Kirk- patrick, of Closeburn, co. Dumfries, ScotlMiid. Alexander Kibkpatrick, Esq. of Cool- mine House, Clonsilla, co. Dublin, Ireland, J. P., m. Mary Anne, daughter of John Kutlierf'oord.Esq. of St. Dolougli's.co. Dublin, and d. 1878, leaving, amongst other issue, Alexander, of Coolmine House, co. Dub- lin, b. 1828 ; educated at Trinity Col- lege, Dublin (B.A. 1850), and is a magistrate for Queen's co. and co. Dublin. He m. 1854, Maria Louisa, daughter of the late Rev. Robert D. Robinson, of Ballynevin Castle, co. Tipperary, and by her (wlio d. 1877) has, with other issue, Alexander De la Pere, b. 1857; educated at Trinity College, Dublin (B.A. 1878). Thomas. Thomas Kibkpatrick, Esq., Q.C., was the fourth son. He represented Frontenac in the House of Commons from the Union until bis deatb ; m. Helen, daughter of Alex- ander Fisher, Esq., judge of tbe Midland district, and d. March, 1870, leaving issue, the above Lieutenant-Colonel Geoege AlREY KlEKPATEICK. Crest used — A hand holding a dagger in pale, distilling drops of blood ppr. Motto — / mnk sicker. Hesidence — Closeburn, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. LABERTODCHE, PETER PAUL, Esq. of Melbourne, Victoria, B.A. (Trinity College, Dublin), secretary for Victorian (Government) Rail- ways, h. 1st November, 1825; m. 22nd February, 1859, Eleanor Annie, daughter of Henry Scales, Esq. (whose family estates are in Kerry, Ireland), by Eleanor Cadden, his wife (of a Galway family), and by her (who was h. in New South Wales) has issue, 1. Guy NealLandale, 6. 21st June, 1871 ; educated at Westminster School, London. I. Pauline Harriette Ellie, wnn. II. Ethel Adelaide, m. 1887, Augustus Pelham Brooke Loftus, Esq., late A.D.C. to the governor of New South Wales, second son of the 352 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Rigtt Hon. Sir Augustus "William Frederick Loftns, P.O., G.C.B., governor of New South Wales 1879-85, ami sometime ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg, and grandson of John, second Marquess of Ely, but by him (who was b. 6th July, 1851) has as yet no issue. Mr. Labertouche has resided in Melbourne for more than 36 years. Hi'ncage. The ancestors of Mr. P. P. Labertouche were, according to tradition, titled Huguenots, holding estates near Toulouse, and, continues tlxe tradition, were foreed to leave France at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The name is believed to have then been T>e Laberatouche. Mr. Labertouche's grand- fatlier lived and died in the county of Wex- ford, Ireland, leaving a son, Abel Labertouche, Esq. of Dublin, mer- chant and shipowner, who m. about 1817, Harriette Hodgkinson, daughter of the vice- provost of Trinity College, Dublin. She d. in 1838. He d. in 1858, having had issue, I. Abel William, of Dublin, notary pub- lic, m. Elizabeth Anne Moody, and has a daughter, Harriette. II. Petee Paul, now of Melbourne. III. G-eorge Evans, resident in New South Wales, iinm. I. Maria, m. first, .James Williams, Esq. of Meath, Ireland, and by him has a daughter, Florence. She m. secondly, W. G-. Kent, Esq. of Dublin, solicitor, but by him has no issue. II. Sarah, m. Neal Browne, Esq. of Mayo, Ireland, and d. leaving issue, one son, Dodwell Francis, resident in Ceylon. III. Helen, m. Andrew Eeid, Esq., and d. leaving one son, Alexander. lY. Kate, utim. V. Elizabeth Ann, ««>». Residence — Melbourne, Victoria. MINCHIN, EDWARD CORKER, Esq. of Woodburn, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, b. 26th January, 1821 ; m. 25th March, 1845, Sarah Anne Birch, only child of William Henry Hutchinson, Esq. of Rockforest, co. Tipperary, Ireland, by Sarah Birch, his wife, and has issue, I. William, b. 26th March, 1846 ; m. Susan Longden, and has issue, seven sons and one daughter. II. John Birch, C.E., b. 2nd March, 1849 ; m. Lastenia del Pozo, and has issue, two sons and one daughter. I. Rebecca, b. September, 1847; m. her cousin, Johnstone Thomas Stoney, Esq. of Emell Castle, King's Co., Ireland, J.P., and by him (who d. 7th March, 1876) has issue, a daughter, Rebecca Sarah Minchin. When resident in Ireland, Mr. Minchin was a J. P. for co. Tipperary. He emigrated with his family to New Zealand in 1852. The Rockforest Estate came to Mr. Minchin in right of his wife, but as the property was very heavily encumbered, it was sold during the famine years, 1847-52, and is now the property of Captain William Gibson, brother of Lord Ashbourne, the present Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Hineaac. The Minchin family first settled in Ire- land, some centuries ago, at BalUnakill Castle, near Roscrea, co. Tipperary, where they held considerable estates. William Mixchin, Esq., by his wife (who was a daughter of John Fitzgibbon, of Mount Shannon, co. Limerick, barrister-at- law and M.P., and sister of John, Earl of Van BtimliU 0f Brijsbonr BnilHr of t5oaraU unit Hau y t> r b f « pf C^ixrtfrtnn ^Wintrr-Irtiini\ BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 353 Clare, Lord Cliancellur of Ircliiiiil), li:ul issue, William IfiNcniN, Ksq.of GveenliiUs, co. Tip[>orary (which estate hail been the pro- perty of tlie family for several generations, and was sold in the Eneunibered Estates Court in 1852). J. P., m. Rebecea, daughter of John Winehin, Esq. of Bushcrstown, King's Co., high sheriff of that county, 1708 (see JVIlNcuiN OF BrsiiERSTOWN in Burke's Landeil Genli'i/) ; and d. in 1831, having had by her (who d. December, 1829) four .sons and five daughters, viz., I. William (Eev.), of whom presently. II. John, captain 9th Lancers, d. young. III. Charles, in the Royal Engineers, was present at Waterloo. IV. Richard, d. young. I. Dora, »i. Slajor Eolleston, of Frank- fort Castle, King's Co. ir. Alicia, )«. Thomas Mahon, Esq. of CO. Clare. III. Maria, m. Rev. Thomas Westrop, of CO. Limerick. IV. Rebecca, m. Rev. William Young, rector of Clare, co. Clare. V. Eliza, m. Rev. Charles Driscoll. The eldest son, Rev. William Minchin, of GfreenhiUs, CO. Tipperary, m. 1815, Mary Anne, daughter of Corker Wright, Esq. of Rutland, King's Co., JR., and d. in 1869, having had by her (who d. in 1842), ' Edward Corker, now of Woodburn. John, C.E., m. first, Clementina Holmes, and by her has issue, one daughter ; and secondly, Mary Suiidius, and by her has issue, one daughter. Henry Paul, m. Lavinia, daughter of the Rev. Alfred Fennell, and has issue, three sons and two daughters. Corker Wright, m. Amy, daughter of Captain Peter Brown, and has issue, three sons and three daughters. I Richard, m. first, Ellen Ocock, and by her has issue, two sons and three daughters ; and secondly, KUen Mo- George. Frederic, unm. Charles Huni])hrey, m. Edith Fennell, and has issue, one son. Thomas Mahon, m. Zara, daughter of Rev. William Guinness, and has issue, three sons and three daughters. Dorothea, m. first, Patrick Savage, Esq., and by him has issue, two sons ; and secondly. Rev. James Hildebrand, and by him'has issue, one daugliter. Elizabeth Lucy, m, first, .lanies John- stone Stoney, Esq., J. P., and by him has issue, one sou and one daughter ; and secondly, George Andrews, Esq., and by him has issue, one daughter. .Vuu'lia, m. John Alexander Corrie Bos- well, Esq., and has issue, three sons. Rebecca, m. first, her cousin. Captain William Minchin, of the 95th Regi- ment ; secondly, Kev. Haynes Jeffers, and by him has issue, one son and one daughter; and thirdly, Ca])tain George Gideon, and has issue by him, one son. Lucy, >». Captain Edward Algernon Blackett, R.N., and has issue, three sons and three daughters. Maria Frederica, m. Michael John Burke, Esq., and lias issue, two sons and one daughter. Ellen, m. Henry INicholls, Esq., and has issue, six sons and two daughters. Arms used — Mrm.^ a chevron with two couple-closes (/u., hetiree» three Jleiirs-de-liSy (rz. Crest — A dexter naked arm embowed ppr.j holding in the hand a baton or. Motto — Regarde a la mart. Residence — Woodburn, Christchurch, Can- terbury, New Zealand. Stuart of ^))tint;n riTUART, THOMAS PETER ANDERSON, E.sq. of the University, |iO Sydney, New South Wales, M.D. of Edinburgh and Sydney Universities, professor of physiology, dean of the faculty of medicine, fellow of the Senate of the University, director of the Prince Alfred Hospital, member of the Medical Board of the Colony, &c., &c. ; h. at Dumfries, Scotland, 1856 ; m. 1882, Elizabeth, daughter of Archibald Ainslie, Esq. of Dodridgc, near Dalkeith, Edinburgh, but by her (who d. 1886) has no issue. Professor Stuart was educated first at tlie Dumfries Academy, afterwards proceeded to Wolfenbiittel, Germany, and, on his return to Scotland, entered the Edin- burgh University, where he carried oil' many prizes, graduating with first class honours as bachelor in medicine and master in surgery in 1880, and was sometime prosector in the anatomical department of that University. VOL. I. '- A 354 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Professor Stuart subsequently visited Strasburof, where be studied under several eminent doctors, and, on returning to Edinburgh, was appointed assistant to the professor of physiology at the University, which post he retained until appointed professor of anatomy and physiology at Sydney University, New South Wales, arriving in that colony, 1883. Besides his professorship at the University of Sydney, he became a member of the Senate and dean of the Faculty of Medicine in 1883, and joined the Council of the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1889. He was appointed a trustee of the Australian Museum in 1890, and of the Victoria Park in 1889 ; a director of the Prince Alfred Hospital in 1883 ; senior physician to the Hospital for Sick Children in 1884 ; president of the section of anatomy and physiology at the Inter- colonial Medical Congress in 1889 ; and chairman of the medical section of the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1890. Dr. Stuart established the University Medical Society, and was largely instrumental in the erection of the Medical School of the University of Sydney. He is vice-president of the Highland Society of New South Wales. ILtntagr. Alexander Stuaht, Esq. of Cromwell House, Dumfries, Scotland, sou of J.imes Stuart, Esq., who came from the island of Skye, where numerous gravestones of the Stuarts exist in the parish burial ground ; m. 1S54, Jane Anderson, and has a son, the present Peofessoe Thomas Petee Andeeson Stuaet. Arms — Per fess or and arg.. fess ehecquy az. and of the second, between a lycnphad, sails furled, and oars in action sa.. Hags fljing gu., in chief, and a saltire, eouped, of the fourth, in base. Crest — A lymphad, as in the arms ; motto over. En avaut ; mantling gu. ; doubled arg. Residence — The University, Sydney, New- South Wales. WOOLLCOMBE, BELFIELD, Esq. of Ashbury, near Tiraaru, Canter- bury, New Zealand, retired commander R.N., and retired resident magistrate of New Zealand, h. at North Tawton, co. Devon, England, 24th March, 1816; to. 1st January, 1861, at Heathcote Valley, near Christ- church, Canterbury, New Zealand, Frances Anne, second daughter of the Rev. Henry Fendall, deceased, and has issue, I. Belfield Morth, h. 11th December, 1868. I. Laura Russell, h. 17th June, 1862. II. Jaquette Mary, h. 29th July, 1863. III. Catherine Jane Luxmoore, 6. 12th February, 1865. IV. Effie Caroline Fendall, 6. 11th June, 1867. y. Frances Chrysta Acland, 6. 13th April, 1871. This gentleman entered the Navy 26th November, 1829, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant 8th June, 1841. Iltncagc. William Wollocombe, or Wolcombb, of Holland, in Plvnipton St. Mary, Devon, b. 1-497 ; m. Badegunde, daughter and heir of Bawden of Leehani, and had issue, i. Eobert, of Plympton, m. Emma, daughter and co-heir of John Pitts, of Pittou, and d. 1584; BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 355 II. Baldwin; III. William, of whom liere- after; I. Jolinn ; II. Grace. He d. 15(ji). Tlie third son. William Woollcombe, of Piiton, in tlie parish of Yoahnpton, m. 1650, Jo.an, diuigh- ter and eo-Iieir of John Pitts, of Pitton, and had issue, i. John, his heir; ir. Uenrv, (i. s.p.; I. Pliilijipa, m. Henry Trebv. of llol- beton ; II Juno, m. John Planning, of Plvnip- ton St. Mary; iii. Rudegniul, m. John Biekford, of Foss. The eldest son, Joitx WooLCOMBE, Ksq. of Pitton, i. 1573; signed the visitation of Devon, l()2il, being then aged 43 years. He m. Joan, daughter of Johi\ Skinner, of Bramfoni Spek<', near Exeler, and had issue, i. William, his lieir; II. Jolin, b. 1G13 ; III. jVieliolas, h. lOKi ; IT. Eobert, b. KJIS ; i. Joan, h. 1(!07 ; 11. Susan, b. 1608; HI. Mary, b. 1612, m. William Reynolds ; IV. Agnes, b. 1616. lie d. KiSO. His eldest son, AVtlliam Woolcombe, Esq. of Pitlon, b. 1606; m. 1633, Mary, daughter and co-lieir of John Pascoe, of Torr, Devon, and had issue, I.John, his heir; ii. William, d. s.p.; iii. Henry, m. 1684, Elizabeth, widow of Richard Stuckey, Esq., and sister and heir of Henry Walter, Esq. of Aslibury, and d. s.p. 1692, leaving Ashbury to his nephew, John Wool- combe ; IT. Philip, d. ■•!.p. ; v. Tliomas, d. s.p. ; I. Joan, m. Richard Walters. The eldest son, John Woolcombe, Esq. of Pitton, b. 1635 ; m. 1672, Thoniasina Frances, of Plymouth, and had issue, i. John, his heir; ii. Henry, d. .«.j). ; in. William, of Ashbury, which he inherited from liis brother John, d. s.p., and ■was s. by his brother Philip; iv. Philip (Ret.), who s. his brother. He d. 1690, and was ,«. by his eldest son, John Woolcombe, Esq. of Pitton and Ashbury, M.P. for Plymouth and liigh slieriff for Devon 1712, vi. Anne, daughter of Richard Hele, of Fleet, and d. s.p., 1713, when he left Ashbury to his brother William, and Pitton to his brother. Ret. Philip Woolcombf, of Ashbury and Pitton, vicar of Zeal Monachorum. He m. Elizabeth, daughter of Offsriiig Blackball, D.D., bishop of Exeter, and had a son, John, his heir; and two daugliters, Anne, »». Captain William Carleton, brotlier of Guy, first Lord Dorchester; and Elizabeth. The only son, John' Woollcombe, Esq. of Ashbury, b. 1720, was higli sheriff for Devon, 1754. He m. 1745, Mary, daugliter anti heir of Jeffery Morth, or Murtli, Esq. of Talland, Cornwall, and had issue, i. John Moeth, his heir; li. Henry, m. Betty, daughter of William Helyar, Esq. of Coker Court, Somerset, and d. s.p. ; III. Pliilip, d. s.p. ; IT. William, m. first, Anne Walker, and secondly, Nancy Louis, and had issue ; T. Francis, d. s.p. ; TI. Charles, m. Elizabetli Carwithen, and had issue. Mr. Woollcombe d. 1778, and was s. by his eldest son, John Mokth Wooli^combe, Esq. of .Ash- bury, b. 13th October, 1747; ni. 2Ulh Decem- ber, 17bl, Harriett, daughter of William Helyar, Esq. of Coker Court, Somerset, M.P. for that CO., and had issue, I. John Morlh, of Ashburv, high sheriff for Devon, 1822, b. 1^83 ; m. I8th April, 1S12, .Anne Eleanor, daughter ol Sir Thomas Louis, first hart, of Chelslon, rear-adiniral of the White, and d. s.p. 1866, when he was s. by his nephew, Ven. Henry Woollcombe. II. Hbnby, of whom presently. III. Robert, major Royal Marine Artil- lery, m. Elizabeth, daugliter of Bonaniy Dobrec, Esq. of Beauregard, Guernsey, and had issue, 1. Robert, m. Jane, daughter of James Kilkelly, Esq. of Drimcong, CO. Galway, and had issue, 1. Robert Lloyd, M.A., LL.D., bar- rister-at-law ; 2. Thomas Dobree ; 1. Isabella Frances Mary; 2. Anne Courtenay. 2. Frederick. 3. John Dobree, C.B , brigadier- general R H.A., Bombay. 1. Harriett Martha. 2. Elizabeth Anne. 3. Ellen. IT. Thomas. I. Harriett Helyar. II. Elizabeth Bridget. III. Maiia Joanna, tn. Rev. Stephen Oakley Attlay. IT. Laura. T. Caroline, m. John Sillifant, Esq. Mr. Woollcombe d. 1802, and was s. by his eldest son, John Morth Woollcombe, Esq. The second son. Ret. Henrt Woollcombe, b. 17S1 ; m. 18th April, 1S12, Jane Frances, daughter of Sir Thomas Louis, first bart. of Chelston, rear-admiral of tlie White, and d. 16th August, 1861, having had by her (who d. 14lh April, 181!.') four sons and one daughter, I. Henry (Ven.), of -Vshbury, arch- deacon of Barnstaple, s. his uncle, John Morth Woollcombe, Esq., b. 26lh March, 1813; m. 14th May, 1846, Jaqucte Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Cliarles Belfield Louis, R.N., and had issue, 1. Henrv, B.A., J.P., *. 8th August, 1848;' m. 27th July, 1876, Annie Mary Josephine, daughter of William P. Jorden, Esq., and d. 1S83, having had issue, 1. Henry Morlh, b. and d. 1877; 2. John Morth, b. 1878; 3. Louis Doug- las, b. 18S2; 1. Jaquctfe Rade- gunde, b. 1880; 2. Marcella Jose- phine, b. 1881 ; 4. Dorothy Mary, b. 1884. 2. Charles Belfield, now of Ashbury, North Lew, near Exbourne, co. Devon, J.P., b. 2nd March. 1851. 3. Walter George, b. 2nd January, 1856. 4. Herbert Louis, b. 1st August, 1862. 2 A 2 356 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 5. Thomas Clement, b. 2ncl July, 1864. 1. Mary, h. 28tli March, 1847. 2. Jaquete Frances, b. 1st Septem- ber, 1807. II. Louis (Rev.), rector of Petrock- stowe, 4. 27th March, 1814 ; m. 1854, Augusta Runtlell, daughter of Rev. Charles Browne, of Whitstone, Devon, and has issue, 1. Charles Louis, lieutenant King's Own Borderers, b. 1857. 2. Reginald, b. 1858. 3. Arthur Augustus, b. 1S60. 4. Gerald Douglas, b. 1865. 1. Margaret, b. 1855. 2. Clara Jaquette, b. 1863. III. Belmeld, of whom we treat. 17. George (Rev.), rector of Highamp- ton, CO. Devon, b. 13th April, 1819 ; m. 1865, Emily Rose, daugliter of Charles StirUng, Esq., and has issue, 1. Henrv St. John Stirling, b. 1869. 2. Louis Charles Stirling, b. 1872. 1. Mary Elizabeth Stirhng, b. 1867. 2. Eleanor Jaquette Stirling, b. 1882. I. Jaquette Harriett, of Morth Grange, near Exbourne, co. Devon, b. 22nd April, 1817. Arms — Quarterly of eight : 1st and 8th, arg., tliree bars, gu., for Woollcombe ; 2nd, sn., three sinister wings displayed arg., for Atcombe ; 3rd, arg., an eagle displayed with two heads sa., a border of tl)e last, bezantee, for Tregian ; 4th, sa., three fusils conjoined in fess. erni., for Gifford ; 5th, sa., a lion ramp, arg., debruised by a bend gu., for Churchill; 6ih, or, on a bend cottised az., three cinquefoils of the field, for Dawnbt ; 7th, arg., two chevrons sa., for Esse. These are the arms given in Visit. 1620 ; the present family quarter also PiTTES — Arg , a chevron, gu., between three peacocks' heads erased az. ; and Morth — Arg., a lion ramp., be- tween three fleurs-de-lis gu. Crr'xf — A spur or, rowel points gu., as given in Visit. Devon 1620. Creit (now borne) — .A_ falcon ppr., wings displayed arg., charged with tliree bars gu., belled and jessed or. Residence — Ashbury, near Timaru, Canter- bury, New Zealand. i^tcjcjc of Cullcnsbjooti ^omt. LEGGE, ROBERT VINCENT, Esq. of Cnllenswood House, St. Mary's, Break o'Day River, Tasmania, b. 3rd October, 1803 ; m. 24-th. April, 1839, Elizabeth Graves, youngest daughter of John De Lapenotiere, Esq., captain R.N., and by her (who d. 11th September, 1888) has had issue, four sons and four daughters, of whom survive, WiUiam Vincent, of Hobart, retired lieutenant-colonel Royal Artillery, commandant of the Tasmanian Local Forces, b. 2nd September, 1841 ; m. 1st December, 1867, Frances Anne Talbot, only daughter of Major W. Gray, of tbe 94th Regiment of Foot, and widow of Alick Thompson, Esq., and has issue, Vincent De Lapenotiere ; Robert William ; and Elizabeth Frances Eleanor. Elizabeth Blanche, h. 24th September, 1848; m. 2rth May, 1874, William Malleson Bromley, Esq., youngest son of Bishop Bromley. He is deceased. Fanny Amelia, b. 29th June, 1855. Mr. Legge went to Tasmania in 1827, and took up land on the Break o'Day River, receiving from Government grants of 1,000 and 1,500 acres, and afterwards purchased additional blocks. Htnease. It is recorded that the family of Legge came originally from Venice, where it was noble and wealthy, in the 10th century, the name then being De la Lega. The branch from which the present family is descended settled at Legges, near Tun- bridge, CO. Kent, England, about the 12tli century. A member of the family, Thomas Legge, served the office of sheriff for the city of BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 357 London in 13-i3, !\ncl was lord niavor in the \enrs 1346 and 13o3. In 1338. tliis opulent citizen lent Ei)W.\i!d III .t'300 towards carrying on the war with Fi'snee, which wa-s a very eon.'jitlerahle sum in thct-e days, and more than any other citizen aiivanccd, except the lord mayor and Simon de Fniuncis, who each lent i' 800 in the ensuing year. Alder- man I.eggc is stated to hnye in. Lady Kliza- beth Beauchnmp, daughter of Thomas, Earl of AVarwick : he had two sons, SiMON, his heir, and John, knight of the sliirc for Surrey, 1379, beheaded by Wat Tyler's rebels. l'"rom Simon, the elder son, descended William Lkoge, yvho wint to Ireland in the 15th century, and settled in co. Ti|)perary, where this branch of the family continued to reside until the family estates were broken up and sold by Mr. R. V. Leggc's father in the beginning of the present century. During the last century the family seats in eo. Tip- ])crary were Garrane and Ballinderry, and also a large estate in England, callcti I'inncr, w-hich was. howeycr, bequeathed to the second Earl of Dartmouth by Mr. R. V. Legge's great grand-uncle. Major Francis Legge, governor of Nova Scotia. William Legge »i. Anne, only daughter of John, son of Miles, Lord Bermingham. He d. at the advanced age of 90, and was s. by his son, Edward Legge, vice-president of Munster during the lieutenancy of his kinsman, Sir Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy, the com- panion of Walter Raleigh. This gentleman m. Mary, daughter of Percy Walsh, Esq. of Moyvalley, and had six sons and seven daughters. From one of these sons the pre- sent Mr. R. V. Legge is supposed to be descended. The eldest son. Colonel William Legge, was brought out of Ireland by his godfather, Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, and sent by him to serve as a volunteer under Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden ; and he fought afterwards under Prince Maurice of Orange, in the Low Countries. On his return to England, he was first constituted keeper of the king's wardrobe, during life ; and made, soon after, groom of the bedchamber. Colonel Legge, during the Civil Wars, became emi- nently distinguished by his faithful attach- ment to Charles I, and his persevering exertions in the royal cause, before and after the death of the king. At tlie battle of Worcester he was wounded anfl laki'n jirisoncr, and would have been executed, if liia yvifo had not contrived his escape from Coventry gaol in her own clothes. He was high in favour after the Restoration, and enjoyed several lucrative and honourable oilices, amongst them the governorship of Oxford. From liim is descended the Eorl of Dartmouth (see Burke's Pecratjt). Michael Lkgge, Esq. of Ballinderry and Rodeen, co. Tippcrary, Ireland, son of Ei>- wAiiD Legge, Esq., m. Anne, daughter of Simon Young, Esq. of Brooklield, co. Tip- pcrary, and had issue, Michael Legge, Esq. of Garrane, co. Tip- pcrary, m. Blanche, da\ighter of Colonel Vincent, and d. 7th October, 1834, aged 70, having had by her (who rf. 15th April, 1819, aged 46), I. William, )«. Maria Eyre Silk, and had issue, WilUam ; John ; Blanche ; Maria; Letitia ; and Lucy. II. RoBEKT Vincent, now of Cullens- wood House. I. Eliza, m. Mathew Franks, Esq., and had issue, Robert ; Rebecca ; and Ellen. II. Mary, ni. Captain James Gray, of the 18th (Rnyal Irish) Regiiuent", and had issue, William ; James ; Talbot ; Blanche ; Bessie ; Minnie ; and Annie. III. Alicia, m. Henry Jennings, Esq., and had issue, Henry ; Robert ; Blanche ; Philippa; Sophia; Fanny; Henrietta; and Alicia. IV. Sarah, m. Thomas Pitcairn, Esq., and had issue, Robert; Thomas; and lilanchc. V. Frances Blanche, m. 7th November, 1827, Captain Edward Dumaresq, K. K., of Mount Ireh, Hadspen, Ta.smania, and of St. Helier's, East Kew, Mel- bourne, A'ictoria, late of the Hombay Army, and rf. 15th July, 1855, having had issue (see Dcmaresq of AIoukt Ireh). Arms used — Or, two lions pass, rounfer- pass, az., quartering, art/., three mullets, two and one. Cre.it — A man's leg, couped at the middle of the thigh, standing on a triple lower, all ppr. Motto— f^e defcndendo. Jie.sidence — CuUenswood House, St. Mary's, Break ii'Daj River, Tasmania. ^rlantr of fDolntcotc. A GLAND, HON. JOHN BARTON AKUNDEL, of Holnicote, Mount Peel, Rangitata, Canterbury, New Zealand, M.A. of the Univei-sity of Oxford, barrister-at-law, and a member of the Legislative Council of New- Zealand since 1865. Mr. Acland was b. at Killerton, near Exeter, co. Devon, England, 25th November, 1823 ; he was educated at Harrow and Christ Church, Oxford ; was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1849 ; and went to New Zealand in 1854, landing at Lyttelton, in the Canterbury Settlement, 358 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. January, 1855, and engaged in pastoral pursuits. In 1856 Mr. Acland settled at Holnicote, and has since carried on the occupation of a sheep-farmer. He m. at Chri.stchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, 17th January, 1860, Emily WedJell, eldest daughter of the Most Rev. Dr. H. J. C. Harper, bishop of Christcliuich and primate of New Zealand, and has had issue, I. Barton Dyke, b. 17th February, 18G2 ; d. 7th March, 186.3. II. John Dyke, b. 17th February, 18G8 ; educated at Chri.st's College, Canterbury, New Zealand, and at Christ Church, Oxford. III. Henry Dyke, B.A., 6. 21st September, 1867; educated at Christ's College, Canterbury, New Zealand, and at Christ Church, Oxford. IV. Hugh Thomas Dyke, b. 10th September, 1874 ; educated at Christ's College, Canterbury. I. Agnes Dyke, b. 28th February, 1861 ; m. 15th September, 1885, Walter Empson, Esq., head master of Wanganui Collegiate School, New Zealand, eldest son of the late Rev. Arthur Empson, vicar of Eydon, co. Northampton, by his wife, a daughter of Dean Hook, of Leeds, and has issue, 1. Arthur Hugh Acland, b. 26th July, 1886. 1. Judith Mary. II. Emily Dyke, d. 1864. III. Mary Emily Dyke, b- 3Ist May, 1865 ; in. 10th May, 1887, Frederick Villebois Lysaght, Esq., eldest son of J. R. Lysaght, Esq. of Mokoia, Haweni, New Zealand. IV. Harriet Dyke, b. 21st June, 1866. v. Lucy Alice Dyke, b. 19th April, 1869. VI. Elizabeth Dyke, b. 23rd September, 1870. vii. Emily Rosa Dyke, b. 20th March, 1873. vill. Dorothy. ILincage. The family of Acland is one of great an- tiquity. The pedigree recorded in the Visit- ation of Devon, a.d. 1620, commences with Baldwin Eccelin, whose sou, Baldwin AcALEN, of Acalen, in the parish of Land Key, Devon, was living temp. Henky III, but the antiquity of the family is also shown by a deed in Pole's MS. Deeds and Charters, in which mention is made of Hugh de Acalen, temp. Hexet II. The visitation pedigree carries down the family link by link to Hugh Acland, of Acland, living at the time the visitation was made. He was eldest son of John Akeland, of Akeland, by Mar- garet, his wife, daughter and co-heiress of Hugh Radcliffe, of Stt-puey, and elder brother of Sir John Acland, Xnt. of Columb John, high sheriff of Devon in 1608. The afore- said Hugh Acland, of Acland, living in 1620, m. 1585, Margaret, daughter of Thomas Slonke, Esq. of Potheridge (aunt to General Monk), and had, with other issue, a son and heir, SiK Arthuk Acland, of Acland and Columb John, knighted 1606. He m. Eleanor, daughter and heiress of Robert Malet, Esq. of Wooleigh, co. Devon, and by her (who became the second wife of Sir Francis Vin- cent, Bart.) he had issue, John, his heir; Elizabeth, m. to Anthony Vincent, Esq. of Stoke d'Abernon; and Anne, d. unm. Sir Arthur d. 1614, and was s. by his son, I. John Acland, Esq., was created a baronet, 1st March, 1614 — 5; but the letters patent having been destroyed during the civil wars, new ones were granted in 1677, with a special clause of precedence from the date of the first letters. Sir John was distinguished by his zealous devotion to the cause of royalty ; and at one time the garrison of Columb John was the only armed force (ac- cording to Lord Clarendon) which Chaeles I had in the whole county of Devon. Hews. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Francis Vincent, Bart., by whom he had (with two daughters, Eleanor, the wife of Sir John Davie, Bart., and Susanna, who m. first, Edward Halsall, Esq.; andsecondly, John Carleton, Esq.) three sons, who in turn inherited the baronetcy. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 359 At liis decease, 2-ttli August, 1647, he was *. by the eldest, II. Sir Fbaxcis, who d. num., inlGI-0, and was s. by his brother, III. Sir John. This gentleman in. Mar- garet, daughter of Uenys Rolle, Ksq. of Stevenstoue, co. Devon, and dying during his minority, in 1655, left one daughter, Jlar- garet, who m. Lord Arundel of Trerice, and a son, liis successor, IV. Sir Arthur, at whose decease in minority and unm., in 1672, the title reverted to his uncle, T. SiK Hugh, who m. Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Daniel, Knt., of Beswick llall, CO. York, by whom he had (with ii tUiughter, EUzabeth) six sons, viz., I. John, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Eiehard Aeland, Ksq. of Frcmington, and dying v. p., 1792, left, 1. Hugh, successor to his grand- father. 2. Richard, m. Anne, daughter of Peter Burrell, Esq., and had one son, and a dauglitcr, Frances Anne, who m. Sir Richard Hoare, first bart. of Stourhead. 3. John, rector of Broadclist, whose only son m. a daugliter of Dr. OUver, of Batli. 4. Arthur, d. x.p. 1. Anne, m. to Sir John Davie, Bart. II. Hugh. III. Thomas, in holy orders, rector of South Brent, 7n. and left issue. IT. Charles. V. Arthur, m. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Gilbert, gent., and d. s.p., 31st May, 1740. His widow re-m. Charles Browne, Esq., and d. 20th February, 1754. TI. Francis. Sir Hugh was s. by his grandson, TI. Sir Hugh, M.P., who m. Cicely, eldest daughter and eventually sole heir (upon the decease issueless of her only sister, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Palmer, Esq. of Fairfield, co. Somerset) of Sir Thomas Wrothe, of Pether- ton Park, Bart, (a lineal descendant of Sir Hugh de Plesssetts, brotlier of John, Earl of Warwick, temp. Henry 111), by wliom (who m. secondly, tlie Rev. Thomas Troyte) he had surviving issue, Thomas, his successor. Arthur, who, on succeeding to the estates of his maternal relatives, the Palmers, at the decease of Peregrine I'almer, Esq., M.P. for the University of Ox- ford, settled on one of those, Fair- field, in Somersetshire. He m. Eliza- beth, daughter of William Oxenham, Esq. of Oxenham, co. Devon, and d. in 1771, having had by her, John (Sir), his heir, of Fairfield, CO. Somerset, i. 11th February, 1756 ; m. first, in 1781, Elizalieth, daughter of Rev. Henry Fuller, and sistei oi John Rote Fuller, Esq. of Eosehill, co. Sussex, and had issue, H\igli, i. in 1788, d. num., in 1810; Peregriiu', last baronet ; Arthur, h. in 1 7!t] , d. unm., in 1810; Maria Palmer; Frances Anne ; and Henrietta Palmer. He m. secondly, 51 h November, 1818, Sarah Maria, daughter of Robert Knipc, Esq. of New Lodge, co. Herts (her ladyship d. lOtli Sejitembcr, 18.")3), and by her had no issue. Mr. Aeland assumed, by sign manual, the additional surname of Palmer, in 1818, and was created a baronet Oth December, the same year. He d. 23rd Feb- ruary, 1S31, and was .v. by his son, Sir Peregrine Palmer Fuller- Palmer- Aeland, of Fairfield, CO. Somerset, h. 10th Novem- ber, 1789 ; m. 7tli November, 1815, Fanny, second daugh- ter of William Leader, Esq. of Putney-hill, Surrey, by whom (wiio d. 29th Fcbr\i- ary, 1S41) he had an only surviving daughter, Isabella Harriet, m. 11th September, 1849, to Sir Alexander Bateman Periam Hood, Bart., who adopted in conse- quence, by royal licence, the surnames of Fuller- AcLAND, in addition to and before that of Hood. Sir Peregrine assumed, 12th August, 1834, the surname of FuiLER, in addition to and before Palmer-Acland. He d. 25th October, 1871, when the title became ex- tinct. Tom, d. in 1843. AN'rothe (Sir), b. in 1770, a lieu- tenant-general in the army, and K.C.B., who d. unm., in 1816. Elizabeth, m. to Charles Grove, of Salisbury, M.D., and d. in May, 1843, leaving issue, 1. William Chafyn Grove, Esq. of Zeals House, Mere, Wdts, who m. Elea- nor, youngest daughter of Thomas Mitchell, Esq. of Standou House, Wilts, and had a sou, William Chafyn Grove, of Zeals, who d. unm., 11th November, 1865, and a daughter, Julia Elizabeth Chafyn Grove, now of Zeals ; 2. Charles; 3. Harry Thomas; 1. Frances Harriet, widow of William Grove, Esq. ; 2. Maria Carohne, m. to George Bullock, Esq., and luid a son, George Troyte liulloi-k, Esq. of North Coker, CO. Somerset. Fr.mees, wife of Major-General Richard Stovin. Maria Palmer, m. 1784, to Sir H. H. Hoare, Mart. 360 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Hugli, posthumous. Auiic. Sir Hugh was «. at his decease by his eldest sou, VII. SiE Thomas, who >». Elizabeth, only daughter and heiv of Tliomas Dyke, Esq. of Tetton, in Somersetshire, by whom (who d. in 1753) he had, I. John Dtke, of Piston, majoi- 20th Eegiment of Foot, and colonel 1st battalion Devon Mditia. Colonel Ac- land d. 1(78, leaving by his wife. Lady Christian Harriot Caroline Fox, daughter of Stephen, first Earl of Hchester, 1. John, successor to the title. 2. Elizabeth Kitty, m. 26th April, 1796, Henry George, second Earl of Carnarvon, and d. 5tb March, 1831, leaving issue, II. Thomas, eventual inheritor of the baronetcy. Sir Thomas d. 24th February, 1785, and was s. by his grandson, Tin. Sib John, at whose decease, 1785, his sister. Lady Carnarvon, became heir to part of the estates, while the remainder, with the title, reverted to his uncle, IX. SiE Thomas Dvke, who m. 4th July, 1785, Henrietta Anne, only daughter of Sir Richard Hoare, Bart., and had, Thomas Dtke, the tenth bart. Hugh Dyke, b. 10th March, 1791 ; m. in 1817, EUen Jane, widow of the Rev. William Robinson, and daughter of Dr. Chappel Woodhousc, dean of Lich- field; and rf. 24th March, 1834, leav- ing by her (who m. secondly, in 1835, Richard Hinckley, Esq. of Beacon I'lace, Lichfield), Hugh Woodliouse, h. in 1818, who d. in 1851, leaving issue, John AVoodhouse, b. 1849, late 57th Regiment, who m. 1875, Anne Waddell, daughter of Colonel Hughes, and Ellen Mary Wood^ house, m. 6th June, 1867, Rev. Frederick Wentworth Vernon, second sou of C. Vernon, Esq. of Hilton Park, Staffordshire. Charles Richard Dyke, captain R.N., b. 1793 ; m. 1819, Charlotte Frances, daughter of Gleorge Templcr, Esq. of Stover, CO. Devon ; and d. s.p., 1828. His widow d. 22nd March, 1875. Frances Ann, m. 29th July, 1812, to the Rev. John Faithful Grover Fortescue, M.A., rector of Shoreham, Essex, who d. IGth jS'ovembcr, 1865. Elizabeth Lucy Theresa, m. 1823, to Admiral Henry Jenkinson, R.N., of Alveston, co. Warwick, and d. 1st December, 1857. Sii- Thomas d. 17th May, 1794 (his widow m. the Hon. Matthew Fortescue, captain R.N., bi other of Earl Fortescue, and d. in Septem- ber, 1841), and was .s. by his eldest son, X. SiK Tho-mas Dtke Acland, of Killer- ton, Exeter, co. Devon, M.P. Devon ; b. 29th March, 1787; who m. 7th April, 1808, Lydia Elizabeth, only daughter of Henry Hoare, Esq. of Mitcham Grove, Surrey, and by her, who d. 23rd June, 185(i, had issue, I. Thomas Dyke (Sir), present bart., of Colunib-John, co. Devon ; Killer- ton, Exeter, co. Devon ; and Holnicote, Taunton, co. Somerset, P.C., M.A., Hon. D.C.L. (Oxon.), late fellow of All Souls, J.P. and D.L. for Devon and a magistrate for Somerset, M.P. for West Somerset, 1837 to 1847, for North Devon, 1865 to 1885, and for West Somerset, 1885 to 1886 ; colonel of Volunteers, formerly major Devon Yeomanry Cavalry, b. 25th ifay, 1809 ; educated at Harrow and Clirist Church, Oxford (B.A. 1«31) ; m. first, 14th Mai-cli, 1841, Mary, eldest daughter of Sir Cliarles Mordaunt, eighth bart. of Massingham, and by her (who d. 11th June, 1851) has liad issue, 1. Charles Thomas Dtke, M.P. for Nortli East Division, Corn- wall, M.A. Oxon., J.P. and D.L. COS. Somerset and Devon, lieut.- colonel Devon Yeomanry Cavalry, barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple, *. 16th July, 1842 ; edu- cated at Eton ; m. 1st November, 1879, Gertrude, third daughter of Sir Jolin W. Walroud, Bart. 2. Francis Gilbert Dvke, Rille Bri- gade, b. 1813; rf.' 24th August, 1874. 3. Arthur Herbert Dyke, M.A., M.P. for West Riding, co. York, late principal of the Oxford Mili- tary School, b. 1847; m. 14th June, 1873, Alice Sophia, eldest daughter of the Rev. Francis M. Cunningham, M.A., rector of Brightwell, Wallingford, and has issue, Francis Dvke, b. 1874, and Cuthbert Charles Dyke, b. 1875, d. 14th April, 1882. 1. Lucy Marianne, d. 1845. 2. Mary Lydia, m. 30th October, 1872^ to the Rev. Richard Hart Hart-Davis, M.A., vicar of AH Samts, Dunsden, near Reading, and has issue. 3. Cicely, d. 1851. 4. Agnes Henrietta, »". 11th August, 1885, Frederick HenryAnson, Esq., eldest soji of Rev. Frederick Anson, canon of Windsor (see Earl op Lichfield, Burke's Peerage, BaroneiagCy and Knightage). Su* Thomas m. secondly, ISth June, 185G, Mary, daughter of John Erskine, Esq., brother of James, seeonci E.arl of Rosslyn. II. Arthur Henry Dyke, of Huntsham, Devon, b. 3rd May, 1811, who «. by will to the estates of the late Rev. Edward Berkeley Troyte. D.C.L. , and took, by royal licence, 1852, the sur- BURKE'S COLONIAL (il'JNTRY. ■Ml naiiic ami iivms of Tuoyte; m. 15th iSi>i)teinlu'i% isy,'), France?, daiiglilcr of Robert Williams, Ksq. of Bridehoad, and dviii;; UMli .hine, 1S57. left, 1. Cliarlos Arthur Williams Troyto, of iiuiitslmm Court, Hampton, Devon, J.P. und D.L., high sheriff 1881, hon. major 1st Koval Devon Yeomanry Cavalry, and lieutenant-colonel 3rd Devon R.V., b. 11th .May, 1S12; »i. 21st June, ISlJl, Katherine llai'y, eldest daujjhter of Sir John Wah'ond Walrond, first bart. of Bradfield, co. Devon, by Hon. Frances Caroline Hood, his wife, daughter of Samuel, second Lord Bridport, antl has had issue, I. Arthur .\cland, b. .'iOth March, ISGo ; d. 30th ilarch, 18S3. II. Hugh Leonard Acland- Trovte, b. ISth December, 1870. in. Gilbert John Acland- Trovte, b. 4th September, 1876. IV. Herbert Walter Aclaud- Trovtc, 4. 13th September, 1882. I. Frances Lucy.Vcland-Troyte. II. Cicely llary Aclaud-Troyte. 2. John Edward, M.A. Oxford, cap- tain Essex Regiment, assumed the surname of AcLAND-TEorxE in 1876, b. 1848 ; m. 26th Occo- ber, 1882, Norah Lctitia Nugent, daughter of Henry Hyde Nugent Bankes, Esq. of Studland, Dorset, and has, Hinry Vivian, b. 27th November, 1883 ; Arthur Nugent, h. 7th September, 1885. 3. Reginald Henry Dyke (Rev.), M.A., chaplain at Pau, France, formerly vicar of W'interbourne- Down, CO. Gloucester, assumed tlie surname of .Vclan'd-Tkotte, 187H, b. 1851 ; m. 8th January, 1879, Eliza, youngest daughter of G-eorgePrice, Esq., late of Jamaica. 1. Frances Lydia Dyke, m. 21st July, 1863,' to the'Rev. Charles Sandford Bere. 2. Harriet Dyke, m. 8tli Sc))teinber, 1863, to George Griffith, Esq. 3. Angelina Anne Dyke, m. 22nd July, 1865, to the Rev. James Dunn. 4. Mary Dyke, m. 30th June, 18G4, to the Rev. Walter Hook, sccorjd son of the Very Rev. the Dean of Chichester. 5. Joanna Dorothea Dyke, «;. 30tli June, 1861, to Leonard Harper, Esq., barrisfcr-at-Iaw, second son of the Most Rev. Dr. Harper, Bishop of Cliristchurch, New Zea- land, and Primateof New Zealand. 6. Sarah Lucy Dyke, d. at Funclial, Madeira, liltir.Vpril, 1863. III. Charles Baldwin Dyke, lieutenant R.N., d. at sea, in 1837. IV. Henry Wcntworth (Sir), Bart. (»o created" 16th June, 1800), K.C.B., M.D., M.A., LL.I)., D.C.L., F.R.S., regius professor of medicine in the University of Oxford, hon. physician to the Prince of Wales, and sometime president of the General Medical Coun- cil, b. 23rd .\ugu9t, 1815; m. 14th July, 1846, Sarah, eldest daughter of WiiUam Cotton, Esq., D.C.L., K.R.S., of Walwood, Leytonstone, Essex, and by her (who rf. 1878) has issue, 1. William Alison Dyke, captain R.N., F.R.G.S., b. iSth Decem- ber, 1847; «(. 7th July, 1887, Emily Anna, daughter of the Right Hon. W. H.Smith, M.P., and has a son, i. 16th May, 1888. 2. Henry Dyke, B.A., b. lllh Octo- ber, 1850; m. 1878, Margaret Hitchens, daughter of J. J. Rogers, Esq. of Penrose. 3. Theodore Dyke, M.D.. M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., A. 14th November, 1851 ; m. 12th April, 1888, Caroline Cameron, only surviving daughter of Sir William Gull, Bart., F.R.S. 4. Herbert Dyke, b. 9th April, 1855. 5. Reginald Brodie Dyke, M..\., barrister-at-law, b. 18th May, 1856; »n. 12th August, 1885, Helen Emma, daughter of Rev. Thomas Fox, rector of Temple Combe, co. Somerset. 6. Francis Edward Dyke, captain late R.A., b. ]2th May, 1857 ; »i. 8th January, 1885. Marion Sarah, daughter of William Kenneth Macrorie, D.D., Bishop of Maritz- burg, and has issue, Herbert Arthur, b. 9th October, 1886; Charis .\gnes, A. 14th June, 1888. 7. .Vlfred Dyke, lieutenant Devon Yeomanry Cavalry, b. 19lh August, "1858 ; ?«. 30th J uly, 1885, Beatrice Danvers, daughter of Right Hon. W'illiam Henry Smith, M.P., and has issue, Angela Cicely Mary, b. 26th August, 1888. 1. Sarah Angelina, h. 26th June, 1849. V. Peter Leopold Dyke, M.A., preben- dary of Exeter, rural dean, and vicar of Broadclyst, Devon, b. 'Si\\ June, 1819 ; m. first, 24th April, 1845, Julia, daughter of the Rev. Uenjamin Bar- ker, rector of Shipdham, and by her (who d. 18th September, 1851) has had, 1. Thomas Dyke, b. 3rd July, 1846; 111. 1874, Flora .Margaret, ilaugh- ter of Robert Waitt, ICsq., and by her (who d. 1885) has issue, Leopold George Dyke, b. 1876. 2. Benjamin Dyke, liculciuint K.X., 362 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. b. 18th August, 1847; m. 1881, Clare, dauRliter of Edward Caj, Esq. of Melbourne, and has, Baldwyn John Pjke, 4. 8th Febi-iuiry, 1883. Uubert Ednard Peter Djke, b. 12th August, 18S4. . Henry Dyke, M.A., vector of Kympton St. George, Devon, b. 4th March, 1850; m. 22nd Janu- ary, 1878, Adelaide Clementina Hart, second daughter of Richard Yaughan Davis, E^q., and has issue, Edward Leopold Dyke, b. 7th December, 1878. John Henry Dyke, b. 24th June, 1880. Richard Dyke, b. 1881. Katharine Annie, b. 3rd Octo- ber, 1881. Adelaide Mary, b. 3rd July, 1884. 1. Katherine Dyke, d. 2nd June, 1872. He m. 2ndly, 12th December, 1872, Julie, daughter of Herr Philip Wappncr, of DusseJdorf. Ti. John Barton Arundel (Hon.), now of Holnicote, New Zealand. Tir. Dudley Reginald Dyke, d. 1837. I. Lydia Dorothea, d. 14th March, 1858. II. Agnes Lucy, m. 3rd August, 1848, to Artliur Mills, Esq., late M.P. for Exeter, aud has issue. Sir Thomas d. 22nd July, 1871. Aj'>iix — Chequy arg. and sa., a fesse gu., quartering Wrutiie and Dtxe. Crest — A man's hand, couped at the wrist, in a glove, lying fessways, thereon a falcon, perched, all ppr. Motto — Inebranlable. Jiesidence — Holnicote, Mount Peel, Rangi- tata, Canterbury, New Zealand. JL^opctoun. HOPETOUN, HIS EXCELLENCY THE EARL OF (John Adrian Louis Hope, G.C.M.G.), Viscount Aitbrie and Baron Hope of the county of Lanark, in Scothind ; Baron Hopetoun of Hopetoun, and Baron Niddry of Niddry Castle, co. Linlithgow, in the United Kingdom, governor and commander-in-chief of Victoria, D.L. for cos. Lanark, Linlithgow, and Dumfries, lieutenant Lanarkshire Yeomanry Cavalry, from 1881; honorary lieutenant-colonel commandant of the Eorth division of the Submarine Mining Corps of the Engineer Volunteers, from 1888 ; a lord-in- waiting to the Queen, 1886-86 and 1886-89, and lord high commissioner to general assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1887-89, when he was appointed governor of Victoria ; fc. 25th September, 1860 ; educated at Eton ; m. 18th October, 1886, Hon. Hersey-Alice Eveleigh-De Moleyns, daughter of Dayrolles Blakeney, foiu-th Lord Ventiy, and has, VicToi; John Loris, Lord Hope, h. 24th September, 18S7. Hincngt. The Right Hon. John Alexander, 6th Earl of Hopetoun, lieutenant and sheriff of Liulithgowsliire, and at one time an olllcer in the army (ride descent in Burke's Peer- age), was b. 22ud Marcli, 1831 ; m. 3rd January, 18G0, Etheldred Anne, eldest daughter of Charles Thomas Samuel Birch- Reynardson, Esq. of Holywell Hall, near Stamford, Lincolnshire, and by her (who d. 15th October, 1884) had, I. John Adrian Louis, present peer, governor of Victoria. II. Charles Archibald, b. 12th May, 1863, d. 2nd April, 1S88. I. Estella Mary, b. 6th July, 1866. II. Dorothea Louisa, b. 22nd December, 1868. The earl d. 2nd April, 1873. Creations— 'K^r\, kc-.., 15th April, 1703— in Scotland, barou, 3rd February, i8U9. Baron, 17th May, 1814 — in the United Kingdom. Arms — Az., on a chevron, or, between three bezants, a bay-leaf, slipped vert. Crest — A globe, fracted at Ihe top, under a i-ainbow, with clouds at each end, all ppr. Supporters — Two females, in loose garments, hair dis- hevelled, each holding in the exterior band an anchor, all ppr. (the emblem of Hope). Motto — At spes non fraota. Official Hesidence — Government House, Melbourne, A'^ictoria. Seats — Hopetoun House, South Queen's Ferry, co. Linlithgow ; Ormiston Hall and Keitli House, Hadduigtonshire ; aud Papillon Hall, Leicestershire. Clubs (in London) — Carlton, Bachelors', and Scottish Conservative. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 363 iHoovt oi SOicrtoiu MOORE, "WALTER MONTAGU, Esq. of Wierton, Geraldine, New Zealand, J. P., Major, Soiitli Canterbury Rifle Battalion, New Zealand Volunteers ; elected in November, 1887, member of tbe Geraldine County Council (triennial elcutioiis), and appointed by tbnt body to represent tbem on tbe Soutb Canterbury Hospital and Cliaritable Aid Board, b. 31.st October, 1851, at Frittenden House, Stai)li'bui-st, co. Kent, England ; m. \iJth May, 1879, at Waitangi, Cliatliam Islands, New Zealand, Katlierine, daughter of Arcbibald Watson, Esq. of >Sband, Te Whakurn, Cbatluun Islands, New Zealand, late resident magistrate of Cbatham Islands, and has issue, I. Walter Hugh, b. 30th January, 1881. Mr. Moore, in partnership with his brothers, Henry Walter and Francis Edward, owns property near Geraldine, known as Gapes Valley, tirst possessed in March, I87S, and in paitnership with his brother, Fi'ancis Edward, is part owner of a leasehold sheep-run in tbe Chatham Islands, known as " Moi'eroa." Hincnar. The INtosT Rev. John Moore, D.D. Avclibisliop of Ciintt'i'bury, tlie great grand- fiillicr of Mr. Walter M. Moore, was b. in the city of Gloucester ; educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, and, in May, 1750, was ad- mitted fellow of Worcester College, on Dr. Clarke's foundation ; in 1761 he iiad a pre- bend of Durham conferred on liini, and in May, 1763, a canonry of Christ Church, in Cxford; in November, 1769, he was inducted to the rectory of Ryton, and on the 20th Se])tember, 1771, was installed dean of Canterbury, from which he was removed, in 1775, to the bisliopric of Bangor, and from thence translated to the see of Canterbury. Archbishop Moore m., in 1770, Catherine, second daughter of Sir Robert Eden, third bart. of We.-t Auckland, co. Durham, and sister of William, first Lord Auckland, and of Morton, first Lord Ileidey, and by her had issue. His eldest son, Kev. George Mooee, M.A., rector of AVrotham,co. Kent, and canon of Canterbury, w. first. Lady Maria Elizabeth Hay, daughter of James, thirteenth Earl of Erroll (see Burke's Peerage). She d. in 1S01-. He m. secondh', in 1806, Harriet Mary, daughter of Sir Brook Bridges, third bart. of Goiidneston, co. Kent (by Fanny, his wife, daughter of Edward Fowler, Esq. of Graces, Co. Essex, son of Christopher Fowler, JOst]., and Frances, his wife, daughter of Henry Nlildmay, Y.sq. of Graces, co. Essex, by Mary, his wife, sister and co-heir of Benjaniin jlildmay. Baron Fitz-Walter), and aunt of Baron Filz-Waltcr (who was so created 17th April, 1868J, and by her had issue, 1. George Bridges (Rev.), rector of Xun- stall, CO. Kent, »/. three times, aufl rl . in 1885, leaving issue (besides three daughters, unm.), 1. John, late of the Rille Brigade. 2. George, captain R.N. 1. Charlotte, nmn. 2. Mary, m. Rev. Scott Robertson, canon of Canterbury. 3. Dora, to. Vj. Tw(ipenny, Esq. of Sitlingbourne, co. Kent. II. Edward (Rev.), of whom presently. III. William, of Wierton, Maidstone, co. Kent, of Arthur's Clidj, London, and of the Royal Yacht Club, Cowes, Isle of Wight, J.r. for co. Kent, high sheriff 1867, formerly in tbe H. E. I. Co 's maritime service ; b. iu 1815 ; m. 1813, Anne, youngest daugh- ter and co-heir of the late Walter Jones, Esq. of Ballinamore. She d. s.p., in 1882. IV. Henry Talbot, of Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, co. Kent, m. Mis3 Eliza Dee.lcs, and d. s.p., in 1883. I. Isabella, to. Colonel ^ oung, of Claro Priory, co. Suffolk, and lias fourteen children. II. Family, m. Rev. Edward Burncy, of Thurnham Vicarage, co. Kent, who lh January, 1878. 3. Herbert Henry, captain Gordon 3G4 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Highlanders. He serred in the Egyptian War of 1882, in the Nile Expedition of 1884-85, with the 1st Battalion Gordon High- landers, and with tlie River Column under Major-G-eueral Earle. 1. Emily, nnm. His second son by his second wife, Rev. Edward" Moore, M.A., of The Oaks, E.iTersham, co. Kent, honorai-y canon of t'anterbury, for thirty years rector of Frit- tenden, co. Kent, and some time incumbent of Davington, Faversham, co. Kent, b. 22nd March, 1814; m. 29th March, 18J.2, Lady Harriet Janet Sarah Moutagu-Douglas-Scott, youngest daughter of Charles William Henry, fourth Duke of Buccleuch and sixth Duke of Queensberry, K.T. (see Burke's Peerage), and by her (who d. 16th February, 1870) has had issue, I. Edward Marsham (Rev.), M.A. Ox- ford, rector of Benefield, Oundle, co. Noi'thampton, m. Lucy, daughter of David Watts Bussell, Esq. ot Biggin, CO. Derby. II. Charles H. (Hon.), of Calcutta, mer- chant, mercantile meuiher of Council of Bengal. III. Arthur W., captain R.N. IV. Henry Walter, in New Zealand, m. Henrietta, daughter of J. R. Lysaght, Esq. She d. in 188-1. T. William F., of Liverpool, merchant, m. Alice, daughter of Philip Rathbone, Esq. VI. Walter Montagu, now of Wierton, Geraldine, New Zealand. VII. Francis Edward, in New Zealand, m. Sophia, daughter of J. R. Lysaght, Esq. VIII. Herbert C. (Rev.), chaplain to the bishop of Calcutta. I. Alice, m. to the Rev. Sidney Phillips, vicar of Kidderminster, co. Worcester. II. Evelyn (Hon.), maid of honoui- to the Queen. III. Harriet, d. in 1859. IV. Helen, d. in 1859. Crest used — A 3Ioor's head in profile, conped at the shoulders ppr., and round the temples a wreath. Residence — Wierton, Geraldine, Canter- bury, New Zealand. Estate — Gapes Valley, near Geraldine, New Zealand. Ccsicl)tma!tti- (si Caipo fDtll anti liauro TESCHEMAKER, the late WILLIAM HENRY, E.sq. of Taipo Hill and Kauro Hill, Otago, New Zraland, J. P., 6. at Bath, co. Somerset, England, 19th March, 1829 ; graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, 1851 ; in. at Clifton, Bristol, co. Gloucester, 2ud July, 1872, Eliza Jeannette, daughter of Captain Pitman, R.N., of Clifton, Bristol ; and d. 24th Jvtly, 1888, at his residence, Taipo Hill, Otago, having had issue. I. Frederick Lawrie, II. Cecil de Shiite. III. Harold John. I. Cicely Marguerite. II. Edith Muriel. III. Violet Mary. IV. Gladys May. ILtncnot. John Tescfemakee, Esq., LL.D., of Plantation Amersfoort, Demerara, and of Exmouth, Devonshire, England, m. Anne, daughter of Ricl)ard Shute, Esq. of Syden- ham, CO. Kent, and of Monkton Combe, near Bath, CO. Somerset (she d. 1885), and d. 1867, having had, amongst other issue, the late Wiiliim Henet Tescsemakeh, Esq. Crest used — Issuing out of a ducal coronet^ two wings displayed, and between them a mullet. Motto — Ohne furcht. Residences of the late Mr. Teschemaker — Taipo Hill and Kauro HiU, Otago, New Zealand. in'KKK'S COLOXTAT- CKXTRY. 365 Cfiomson of iCcnncl THOMSON, the late ,10UN TURNBULL, Esq. of Leiinol, Gladstone, Invercarsjlll, New /oiiliiiid, late surveyor-general of New Zealand, h. loth August, 1821, at Glororum, near Baniborough, Northumberland, Kngland ; educated at Dunse Academy and at Woolei', and studied further at Marischal College, Aberdeen. Ho afterwards studied e;igineering, under an eminent master, and was in the same office with the celebrated Sir William Armstrong. He TO. 7th October, 1858, Jane, second daughter of James Williamson, Esq. of Kaikorai Bank, near Dunedin, one of the picmeer settlers of Otago (by Janet Wyse, his wife, daughter of Captain John IMackie, of Grangemouth, ship- owner), who was son of Alexander Williamson, Esq. of BleachBeld House, Falkirk, Scotland, and by her had issue, I. Janet Mackie, m. 8th February, 1888, John Logan Bush, Esq. II. Margaret Janet Turnbull, iii. 19th January, 1887, William Grant Forbes, Esq. III. Patricia Clay. IV. Clara Jane. V. Jacobina Williamson ; to. at St. Cuthbert's Church, Carham, North- umberland, 2-lth September, 1890, A. T. Clay, Esq., son of John Clay, Esq. of Kerchesters, Kelso. VI. Eveline Alexa. VII. Jemima Williamson. VIII. Georgina Esther. IX. Nona Eugenie. Mr. Thomson arrived in the colony of New Zealand, as early as 185G, from the Straits Settlements, where he had spent some eighteen years, and where he had been for a long period chief surveyor. He also acted there as a civil engineer, and in that capacity constructed the Horsbnrgh Lighthouse, which gained him a high reputation. This lighthouse, which was begun in May, 1850, and completed in Jaly, 1851, is erected on the rock of Pedra Branca, in the China seas. On account of the Indian climate proving un.suitable to him, Mr. Thomson removed to New Zealand, where he landed in Auckland, and, proceeding south, arrived at Otago, of which province he accepted the post of chief surveyor, and his labours in that capacity led, in no small degree, to the opening up of the province — first to the squatter, and afterwards to the agriculturist. He held, for many years, the joint offices of chief surveyor, chief commissioner of Crown lands, and provincial engineer of Otago, in which last ca]jacity he directed the work of the removal of Bell's Hill, Dunedin. Ho was appointed surveyor-general of the colony of New Zealand, in Jfay, 187G, from which office he retired in 1879, when he settled in Southland, and on one of his properties, near Invercargill, built the mansion of Lennel. He was for a time mayor of Gladstone, after his retirement from the surveyor-general- ship, and, in 1881, unsuccessfully contested the representation of Mitaura in parliament. He was president of the Southl.and Institute, since its institution, the author of several books, and the translator of Hakavit Abdulla from the 366 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Malay. He was a member of the Eoyal Scottish Society of Arts, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a member of the Naturil History Society of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a member of the New Zealand Institute, and the founder of the Otago Institute. He d. at his residence, Lsnnel, Gladstone, 16th October, 1884, in the 64th year of his ago. ILincagc. This family is of Scottish descent. The late Mr. John T. Thomson's giMndfathci', James Tuomson, Esq. of Earnslaw, Berwick- shire, Scotland, d. 2lst July, 18-H, leaving, by Patricia Crreive, his wife (who d. 12th February, 1807), amongst other issue, a son, Alexanbrb Thomson, Esq. of G-lororum, near Belford, co. Northumberland, England, wlio m. 20th NoTember, 1817, Janet, second daughter of John TurnbuU, Esq. of Abbey St. Bathans, Berwickshire, and d. 5th October, 1830, having had by her (who d. 4tli March, 18(57), I. John Tuenbull, late of Lennel. II. James, commander of the "Anibert," lost in a hurricane off Madras, 25th November, 1846, iinm. III. Alexander Christie, of G-rueldykes, Berwicksliire, m. Janet, daughter of Dr. Wightnian, M.D., of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, CO. Northumberland, Eng- land, and has two sons and three daughters. IT. George, commander of the " Lan- rick," in China seas, m. Esther Mitchell, and has four sons and five daughters. V. Peter, deceased. VI. Douglas, deceased. I. Margaret, m. George Scott, Esq. of Ayer Rajah, Penang, and had issue, one son and six daughters. II. Patricia, m. .John Clay, Esq. of Ker- chesters, Winfield and Wedderlie, cos. Roxburgh and Berwick, Scotland, and had three sons and five daughters. III. Janet, m. Charles Borthwick, Esq. of Mindrim, co. Northumberland, Eng- land, and has issue, two sons and four daughters. Arms used — A bitc^^s head cahossed, on a cliipf^ a cross crosslet, Jitrhee^ between two mullets of six points^ f.ierced. Crest — A dexter nnked arm, conped at the elbow, and lying f ess ways, holding in the hand a cross crossht, fitchee, erect. Motto — Deus pro- videbit. Residence of the late Mr. J. T. Thomson — Lennel, Gladstone, Invercargill, Otago, New Zealand. Crancjmar of Btirsbjooti* TRANGMAR, the late JAMES, Esq. of Burswood, Portland; Bochara, Rivtr Waunon ; Violet Creek, on Violet Creek ; and of Morgiana, River Wannon, all co. Normanby, Victoria, J. P. for the Western Bailiv»'ick, major of Militia, Garrison Artillery, unattached, and retiu-ning officer for electoral dis- trict of Portland, 6. at Brighton, co. Sussex, England, 10th March, 1820 ; emigrated to the Australian Colonies in 1839; m. first, at Longford, Tasmania, 17th July, 1S49, Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Coulston, of Longford, Tasmania, and by her (who d. 6th July, 1861, and was buried at Portland, Victoria) had issue, I. James William, of Coleraine, Victoria, h. 10th August, 1850. II. Henry Watson, of Bleak House, Birregurra, Victoria, 6. 30th Septem- ber, 1857. By Annie, his wife, he has had an only child, Alvie Annie, who d. at Bleak House, 9th May, 1889, aged 4 years. III. George Charles, h. 30th June, 1859. I. Anne, 6. 9th January, 1853 ; m. Frederick Louis Lyne, Esq. of Port- land, Victoria, solicitor. He m. secondly, at Coleraine, Victoria, 24th August, 1867, Catherine, daughter of Mr. McKebery, of Milton, co. Antrim, Ireland, and by her had issue. BURKE'S COLONIAL GEXTRY. 367 IV. Ernest Albert, /i. l-^itli February, 18G9; d. at Saudlmrst, '27tli June, 1889. Mr. Traiigmar d. IGth December, 1SS8. Hinracir. Tliis family originully enme fi-oin Nor- mandy. One braneli settled for several centuries in Portslade, eo. Sussex, and another at Scarborough, co. York, KngUmd, which latter now spell iheir name Tranmar. DcuMng the last 200 years the name lias beeu variously spelt, viz., franmere, Tanguiere, and Tran- mar, but for the lust 120 years, with the exception of the Yorkshire branch, the name has been uniformly spelt Trangmar. James TuAyaMAK, Esq. of Brighton, Sussex, England, the father of the late James Traxgmak, Esq., was b. at Bee.ling, Sussex, 7th December, 17S3 ; m. 5th May, 1810, Anne Marshall, who was h. at Elstead, Surrey, 3rd ilarcli, 1704, aud d. 9th Marcli, 1S75. Uo d. 5th May, 1855. Ilis brother William Trangmar, Esq., resided in llussol- street, Brighton, co. Sussex. C)-est used — A dexter arm emhowed in armour, holding in the hand, ppr., a sword. Residences of the late Mr. Trani/mar — Burswood, Portland; Boehara, River Wan- non; Violet Creek, on Violet Creek, Hamil- ton ; and Morgiana, River VVauuon, all co. Normanby, A^ietoria. H.ilales of the late Mr. Trangmai — Burs- wood, Portland ; Boehara, River Wannon ; Violet Creek, on Violet Creek ; Morgiana, River Wannon ; and Cape Nelson, Trewalla, all 00. Normanby, Victoria. ixusscU of ^olfJilL RUSSELL, tbo late GEORGE, Esq. of GoUliiU, near Sbelford, Geelong District, Victoria, J. P., h. at Clunie Mains, parisli of King- lassie, Fifesbire, Scotland, 18th June, 1812 ; m. at Balwearie, parish of Abbotsball, Fifesbire, 13tb April, 1852, Christina Leslie, daughter of Robert Carstairs, Esq. of Balv^earie, Fifesbire, a farmer on the Raitb estate, and by her (who d. 3rd March, 1867, and was buried in the private cemetery at Golfhill) had issue, I. Philip, h. at Golfhill, 27tb March, 1864. I. Christina Leslie Carstairs, 6. at Edinburgh, Scotland, January, 1853; m. John Barker, Esq. of the Royal Mint, Melbourne. ir. Anne Carstairs, 6. August, 1854 ; m. John Bell, Esq. of Riverina, New South Wales, and has issue, m. Emily, h. 3rd October, 1856 ; m. Thomas C. Hope, Esq., M.D. IV. Eupheraia Leslie Carstairs, 6. 8th November, 1858 ; m. Alexander Leslie Drysdale, Esq. of Strathvean, Camperdown, Victoria, and has issue. V. Mary Drysdale, I. at Golfliill, Victoria, 25th October, 1S50. Yi. Margaret Hester, h. July, lh62. VII. Janet, h. 1866. Mr. Russell d. 3rd November, 1888. liiucactc. This family came from Fifesbire, Scotland, and according to tradition the Russells were staunch Presbyterians in the days of the Covenanters. Philip Eitssell, Esq. of Clunie Mains Fifesbire, Scotland, farmer, /;. in 17GG; m. first, about 1790, lus cousin, Isabella Russell, who d. about 1805, leaving six children, of whom wer* 368 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. William, arrived in Australia, 1839, m. but d. s.p. II. Pliilip, first of the family to settle in Australia. He left Seotland iu 1821, a^ed about 21 years, and arrived in Tasmania the following year. In 1844 he went to Victoria, and in. Sophia Jennings. He d. s.p., in Yictoria, 7th July, 1S44. I. Janet, d. vnm. II. Euphemia, m. George Lewis, Esq., and had issue, who settled in Victoria. He m. secondly, Anne, sister of Robert Car- stairs, of Balwearie, Fifeshire, farmer (who m. and had issue), and of James Carstairs (who d. unm.). She was b. about 1807, and d. in 1826, haying had issue, III. Robert (Rev.), of Evandale, Tas- mania, Presbyterian minister, d. at Evandale, .s.p., in 1877, aged 69 years. IV. James, d. young. v. George, late of Golfhill. TI. Alexander, settled in Victoria in 1842, and d. leaving a son, Philip, b. 6th December, 18(56, who succeeded to the property of Makwallock, district of Beaufort, Victoria, consisting of about 20,000 acres. Philip Russell, Esq., m. 171 h October, 1888, Mary Gray, eldest daughter of Thomas Guthrie, Esq. of The Hermitage, Geelong (see that family) . Mr. Philip Russell d. in 1833. His brothers were George, of Pitkeerie, An- struther, Fifeshire ; .lohn, of Elie, Fife- shire ; and James, of Kincraig, Elie, Fife- shire, all farmers, and two of his nephews are the Hon. Philip, of Carngham, Victoria, member of the Legislative Council, and Thomas, of Wurrook, near Rokewood, Vic- toria, member of the House of Assembly, brother of the Hon. Philip. Residence of the late Mr. George Russell — Golfhill, near Shelford, Geelong district, Vic- toria. Estate of the late Mr. George Russell — Golfhdl, aforesaid (30,000 acres). j^ortoit of €ccltsi)Oiivnc anti €ucf)xira> "l^ORTON, HON. JAMES, of Ecclesbourue, Double Bay, near Sydney, _Ll and of Euchora, Springwood, Blue Monntains, near Sydney, New Soutli Wales, member of the Legislative Council, trustee of the Free Public Library, Sydney, and of the Australian Museum, Sydney, fellow of St. Paul's College, vfithin the University of Sydney, and University solicitor, b. at Sydney, 5th December, 1824 ; m. first, at Longford, Tasmania, 1st June, 1854, Harriott Mary, eldest child of Thomas Walker, Esq. of Rhodes, Concord, on the Parramatta River, New South Wales, and of Rhodes, South Esk River, and Iveridge, both in Tasmania, deputy assistant commissary-general of New- South Wales (see Walker of Rtde), by Anna Elizabeth, his wife, second daughter of the Hon. John Blaxland, formerly of Newington Hall, co. Kent, England, and afterwards of Newington, Parramatta River, New South Wales, .sometime member of the Legislative Council of that colony, the head of the Blaxland House (see Blaxland op Eoedwich), and by her (who was 6. 29th October, 1823, at Rhodes, Concord ; baptised at St. John's Church, Parra- matta; d. at Ecclesbourue, 12th September, 18G0, and waa buried in Sydney) has had issue, I. James Albert, of Ecclesbourne, b. 5th September, 1860; unm. I. Gertrude Augusta, b. 30th June, 1855 ; m. 24th July, 1875, James Thomas Marsh Bell, Esq. of Coochin, Queensland, by whom she has four sons and one daughter, ii. Anna Marian, b. 25th June, 1856; d. 18th May, 1SS3; unm. III. Agnes Isabella, b. 19th April, 1858 ; m. 31st January, 1880, George Henry Green, Esq., manager of the Commercial Bank, Brisbane, Queensland, by whom she has two sons and two daughters. Mr. Norton m. secondly, at Sydney, 31st December, 1862, Isabella, eldest ]5UUKK'S COLONIAL GKNTIJY. 3G9 ditnglitfr ol' the llev. Willinm Stoplioiis, iiicuinbeiit of Ijovoiis, Mllnlhorpo, Westmorland, England, iind by lier has issue, II. William Henry, of Koclcsbourne, h. 25th October, 1863; unm. IV. Alico Eliza, h. 18th November, 18G5 ; unm. Mr. Norton is one of the oldest solicitors on the rolls of the 8iipr(>mc Court. On 2nd ]\Iaj, 1881, he joined the Stnart ministry, and was sworn in as post- master-general of the colony, which office he held till the resignation of the Stuart Government in October, 1885. ILinraar. The Nortons hare been seated in Sussex from a very early period, and there possessed considerable landed property. James Norton, Esq. of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, England, was b. in tlie earlv part of last century, and resided at Nortliend (one of his estates). He m. Miss Eebecca Steel, of Kewlimber, by whom he bad one son and three daiigliters, viz., I. Juux, of wboni presently. I. Elizabeth, ?«. James Farringdon, Esq. of Batnors Hall, Lingfield, Surrey. II. Ann, m. \\'illiam Holmer, Esq., J. P. for Surrey. III. Amy, m. and d. young, .i.p. John Norton, Esq. of Leatberhead, and afterwards of Ore Place, near Hastings, Sussex, b. about 1772 ; emigrated to Aus- tralia in 18] il, and acquired some property at Mulgoa, on the River Nepean, wbicli be called Fairligbt, and afterwards a niucb larger property at Kanimbla, in tlie heart of the Blue Mountains, at wbicb places be and bis family carried on agriculture and stock breeding for many years ; m. about 179-J', Miss Mary Masters Ei-adford, and by ber bad ten children, viz., I. John, lieutenant B.N., d. unm., being lost at sea in the " Hero," wbich foundered witb all bands in the Baltic Sea, in ISll. II. Natbaniel, b. at Leatherbead, co. Surrey, July, 1787 ; entered tlie Royal Navy Gtb January, 1798, on board the "Bu.sy," 18, in which vessel he assisted, in August, 1799, in taking possession of a ileet of merchantmen under the convoy of a Swedish frigate, off the island of Goree. He after- wards Joined in the expedition against the Helder ; and contributed to the capture of the French lugger privateer " Le Dragon," 16, on tlie l(!th September, 1799. He removed to the " Unite " frigate in July, ISUO, and in March, 1801, was present, as midship- man, at the reduction of the Danish and Swedish islands. He was after- wards eniployetl off Harwich and on the Irish station, from June, 1803, nntil October, 1SU7, in the " Romulus," 36, and "Helena," IS, in wbicb loiter ship he aided in cllecting the ea]iture, 5th June, 1805, of the ".Santa Leo- cadia," Spanish privateer. After VOL. I. serving nearly three months as acting lieutenant in (be " Dryad," 3G, be was nominated, in January, 1808, master's mate of " La A'irginie," of 40 guns and 281 men, and on 19lh May fol- lowing he shared in that ship, and was mentioned for liis conduct, in an obstinate conflict of an hour and a half, which terminated in the surrender of tlie Dutcli frigate " Guclderland," of 30 guns and 253 men, 25 of whom were killed and 50 wounded, whilst of the British, not more than one man was killed and two wounded. Mr. Norton, as a reward for bis conduct, eight days after this exploit, was ap- pointed lieutenant in the "Brisk" sloop, which promotion was sanctioned by the .Vdmiralty on the 3rd June in tlie same year, and on the 29tli JiUv ensning, having obtained an appoint- ment to the " Illustrious," 74, be witnessed, in April, 1809, the famous attack made by Loi'd Cochrane on the enemy's shipping in Basque Roails, and subsequently sailed for the East Indies, where he assisted at the con- quest of tlie Mauritius and of tlie Island of Java. He was appointed to the command of the " Procris " sloop, 6th February, 1812. His last appointment was, 30tb May, 1815, to the " Tigre," in which he cruized in the Channel. He ultimately accej:ited the rank of retired commander 9tb Mar. b, 1846. He m. 4th March, 1841, Miss Ellen Barker, and d. s.p., 17th August, 1851, having resided lor many years at Sydney, New South Wales. Mrs. Norton d. 16th October, 1852. III. JA.ME.S, of whom presently. IV. William, d. unm., under age. I. Mary Masters, d. num., aged about 30 years. II. Rebecca, b. July, 1787 ; now living in England. III. Nancy, d. unm., aged 16 years. IV. Elizabeth, d. unm., in Sydney, aged 30 years. V. Emma, i. 4tb October, 1797; m. John Joseph AVilliam Henry Moles- wort li Oxicy. Esq. (more generally known as John Oxley), lieutenant R.N., and first surveyor-general of the 370 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. colony of New South Wales, who was b. in Knglaud in 1781 ; entered the navy, and rose to the rank of lieu- tenant ; afterwards emigrated to Australia, and was appointed surveyor- general of New South Wales, 1st January, 1812, and a member of the Legislative Council of that colony, 11th August, 1824. Mr. Oxley, who was well known as an Australian explorer, d. 25th May, 1828, having had issue, two sons, John Norton, now living near Sydney ; and Henry Molesworth, who m. Emily Liardet, and d. at Wingicarribbee, near Perrima, 20th March, 1867, leaving issue, three sons and a daughter. VI. Rosa, d. in infancy. The third sou, Hon. James Nokton, of Elswiek, near Sydney, eo. Cumberland, New South Wales, solicitor, member of the Legislative Council, was h. at Ore Place, near Hustings, Sussex, England, 27th July, 1795 ; emigrated to Australia with his parents and afterwards, on becoming a solicitor, went to Sydney, New South Wales, where he immediately ob- tained a large practice, and up to the time of his death was considered at the head of his profession in the colony. He was appointed the first registrar of the diocese of Australia (now Sydney), which oiEce he continued to hold till his death. He m. first, 10th January, 1824, Jane, daughter of Alexander Kenneth Mackenzie, Esq., manager of the Bank of New South Wales, Sydney, and by her (who was h. 10th January, ISOS, at South- gate, CO. Middlesex, England, and d. 23rd March, 1840) had issue, I. James (Hon.), of whom we treat. II. John Oxley, b. 8th March, 1827, and d. 26th December, 1880, leaving two sons and three daughters by his wife Emma Newton, who is still living. III. William, barrister-at-law, h. 25th December, 1830; m.. first, 21st March, 1860, Gertrude Jane, second daughter of Thomas Walker, Esq., and sister of Harriott Mary, first wife of the present Hon. James Norton, and by her (who was b. 11th January, 1826, at Rhodes, Concord, New South Wales ; baptised at St. John's Church, Parramatta, in the same colony, and d. 6tli August, 1862) had issue, one daughter, Gert- rude, now deceased. He m. secondly, Mrs. Douglas, who d. s.p. bv him. IV. Edward, b. 9tli March, "1832 ; »». Alice, the adopted daughter of the Rev. Frederic Wilkinson, of Meads, Enfield, New South Wales, incumbent of St John's Church, Ashfield, and has numerous issue. V. Henry, b. 28th September, 1833 ; m. 2'ith April, 1861, Ellen, daughter of Mr. McDonnell, of New Zealand, and d. 30th July, 1878, having had by her (who is now deceased) four sons and one daughter. VI. Albert, b. 1st January, 1836, m. first, 12th February, 1862, Mary, elder daughter of Abraham Walker, Esq. of Tasmania (by Jane, his wife, daughter of Cajitain Welsh), who was the brother of Thomas Walker, Esq. of Rhodes, Concord, on the Parramatta river. New South Wales, and of Rhodes, South Esk river, and Iveridge, both in Tasmania, deputy-assistant commissary-general of New South Wales, and son of John Walker, Esq. of Hcadingley, near Leeds, and of Gawthorji Hall, near Bingley, both CO. York, barrister-at-law (see Walker OF Ryde), by his second wife, Mary, daughter of John Rogerson, Esq. of Leeds, co. York. She d. s.p. He m. secondly, Harriet Deacon, and by her has issue, one son, Albert James. I. Jane Augusta, b. 16th May, 1828 ; m, 25th February, 1851, the Rev. Charles Frederic Durham Priddle, incumbent of St. Luke's, Liverpool, co. Lancaster, England, and d. 13tli November, 1H83, leaving four sous and three daughters, viz. : — 1. Charles James. 2. Frederick Edward. 3. George Robert. 4. Alfred Ernest. 1. Edith Jane. 2. Marian Isabella. 3. Harriett Ethel. II. Mary Isabella, b. 20th June, 1829, now living in England, unm. Mr. Norton in. secondly, 1st Febrnary, 1843, Marian, only daughter of John Back- house, Esq. of Ipswich, Suffolk, England, by Lucy, his wife, and by her (who was b. at Ipswich, Suflblk, 22nd February, 1816, and d. 30tli April, 1879, at Soutlisea, Hants, England) had issue, VII. Herbert, of Hillside, Batheaston, near Bath, co. Somerset, England, M.R.C.S.E. and F.R.C.S.Edin., 6.8th January, 1844; m. 15th March, 1881, Susannah, youngest daughter of the late Dr. Nash, of Chilton Hill House, Bridgewater, co. Somerset, and has issue, Amv Alberta, b. 10th May, 18S4. VIII. Godfrey Cliarles George, captain Duke of Cambridge's Own Middlesex Regiment, now st;Ltioned at Hounslow, CO. Jliddlesex, and of the Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, London, b. 14th O-tober, 1851 ; m. 30th January, 1879, Alicia Margaret, eldest daughter of Colonel U. G. A. Powell, and has issue, 1. Irene Alicia Aimee, 4. 25th January, 1880. 2. EtBe Florence Mary, b. 27th March, 1881. IX. Gilbert Frederick Allan, of 1, Park- place, Stoke, Devonport, co. Devon, captain and brevet major Royal Artil- lery, b. 8tli March, 1855, accompanied BURKE'S r01,0XIAL niOXTRY. 371 the British troops to tin- Somliiii and was present at the battle of Ahou Klea. lie m. l.'jtli April, 1SS2, Alice Elizabeth Murray, voiiiigest dauyliter of the late General llnrray-Avnsley, Madras Cavalry, of East Court, Lasham, Hants, England, and has issue, 1. Gilbert Murray, b. 2iid February, 1887. 1. Maud Aliee, b. 28th August, 18S3. III. Caroline Amy, A. 18th May, 18-16 ; m. 7tli February, 1867, the Kev. Charles Knight, M.A., third son of the late John Knight, Esq. of Ileuley Hall, Ludlow, Shropshire. iv. Emily Elizabeth, b. 2nd September, 1848 ; ■ m. loth August, 1881, John Gregg O'Neill, Esq., M.B., of 31, Bron- desbury-road, Kilburn, London, second sou of the late Hon. James O'Neill, member of tlie Legislative Council, New Zealand, and has issue, 1. Erie Cathbar Feargus, b. 1st February, 188(). 1. Sibyl Victoria Gregg, b. 2Sth May, 1SS2. 2. Carinna Augusta Barry, i. 10th September, 1883. Hon. James Norton d. at his residence, Elswick, near Sydney, 31st August, 1862, and was .'. by his eldest son, the present HoK. James Noutok. Armf! nxed — Az.^ flircp xwordXy onfl in j>ale^ point Kpwards, surmounted of the other two in saltire, points downwards (ir(j. Crest — A dexter arm einbowed in armour, lioldint) in the hand ppr., a sword arg,, pommel and hilt or. Motto — Cogi qui potest ncscil mm. Residenres — Ecclesbourne, Double Bay, near Sydney ; and Euchora, Springwood, Blue Mountains, near Sydney, New South Wales. MESSER, the late WILLIAM COCKBURN, Esq. of Springwood, CO. Dundas, Victoria, 6. at Edinburgh, Scotland, 23rd August, 1828 ; TO. at Jedburgh, co. Roxburgh, Scotland, 21st August, 1867, Mary Stuart, daughter of Alexander Anderson, Esq., formerly C.S. Hong Kong, and after- wards M.D., of Jedburgh, co. Roxburgli ; and had issue, I. Alexander Anderson, h. 9th April, 1872. II. William Frank Cockburn, 6. 4th December, 1873. III. Tom Hamilton, b. 21st November, 1885. I. Elizabeth Grace Cockburn, h. 14tli October, 1869; d. 18th August, 1873. II. Adeline Jane Cockburn, 6. 26th April, 1871. III. Mary Stuart Cockburn, h. 19th April, 1882. IV. Marguerite Deloraine Cockburn, h. 10th March, 1884. Mr. Messer d. 18th June, 1889, at St. Cuthbert's, Melrose, Scotland, aged 60. ILincngc. This family came from Perthshire, Scot- land, where they were seated at Gorthy, at Glentulehan. Mr. William C. Messcr's grandfather, Robert Meiiceb, Esq., altered the spelling of the name to Messer. He was a life renter of the farm of Netlierhowden in Lauderdale, and purchased the proixrty of Blainsley in Lauderdale. By Margaret Brunton, bis wife, he had two sons, Robert Brunton, who in- herited the property of Blainsley in Lauder- dale, which at his deatli (unm.) passed to his brother; and Adam. The younger son, Adam Messek, Esq., who inherited the property of Blainsley in Lauderdale from his brother, m. Jane, daughter of John Cockburn, Esq. of Edinburgh, who was b. at Ormiston, East Lothian, and d. there. Mrs. Messer d. 20th May, 1871, aged 71 years, having sur- vived her husband, who d. 7th July, 186T, aged 75 years, when the above-mentioned property was sold. He had issue, William Cockburn, late of Spring- wood. Rol ei't, of London, civil engineer. John Cockburn, retired naval surgeon. James M., deceased. Adam Brunton, depulv inspector-general, Royal Naval Hospital, iilalta. Margaret, m. Jane, m. Residence of the late Mr. Me.ner — Spring- wood, CO. Dundas, Victoria. 372 BURKE'S COLO^fI.lL GENTRY. 3aetti of Eatf)ci* EEID, ALEXANDER ARTHUR, Esq. of Ratho, Botliwell, Tasmania, b. 18th June, 1864; is unmarried. ILincaac. Mr. A. A. Rekl's great grandfather and great great grandfatlier lield property in Mid Lothian, i^oothind. The only remaining male descendant now in Scotland is Alexander CTCorge Reid, Esq. of Aucterarder, dean of tlie Perthshire Bar, only son of George Reid, Esq. of Ratho Hall and Balermo. Alexander Reid, E.iq. of Ratho, Mid Lothian, b. 13th Angnst, 1789 ; went to Tas- mania in 1822. Mr. Reid was appointed jus- tice of the peace in 1828; m. 6th December, 1809, Mary Minrhead (who was b. 23rd October, 1789, and d. at Ratho, Tasmania, 51 h September, 1SG7) ; and d. at Ratho, Bothwell, Tasmania, 23rd May, 1858, leaving issue, Alexandee Reid, Esq. of Ratho, Both- well, Tasmania, J. P. from 30th November, 18G7. and for many years warden and coroner for the district of Bothwell ; m. Lucy Maria, third daughter of the late Thomas Lempriere, Esq., of H.M. Commissariat Department (who d. at Aden, 6th January, 1S52), and d. 27th August, 1881, having had issue, I. Alexander Arthur, now of Ratho. II. Henry Lemj^riere, b. at Bellerive, 1st September, 1867. I. Mary Selina, b. at Hobart, 13th De- cember, 1859; tn. Arthur John Man- deville, Esq., second but ouly surviving son of the late James Henry Mande- ville, Esq. of Merton, co. Surrey, England, and has issue, two daughters, viz.. Vera and Rita. II. Lucy Emmeline, b. at Hobart, 9tli Eebruary, 1862 ; m. 4th December, 1883, Charles Stewart Agnew, Esq. of Waverley, Oatlands, Tasmania, J. P. (appointed 28th April, 188-1), oidy surviving son of the Hon. James Will- sou Agnew, M.D. Glasgow, M.R.C.S. England, of Hobart, Tasmania (see Agnew of Hobart), and has issue, 1. James Stewart, b. 14th Novem- ber, 1884. 2. Charles Eric Andrew, b. 1st Feb- ruary, 1886. 3. Rupert. 1. Kathleen Louisa, b. 23rd Novem- ber, 1888. III. Charlotte Jeanie, b. at Ratho, 27th March, 1866. IV. Marion Frances, b. at Hobart, 3rd May, 1869. y. Amy Isobel, b. at Hobart, 30th August, 1874. Arms used — Qitarterhj ; \st and ithjOrg.y a chev. az.^ between two mullets in chief, and a cross rrossle' in base gu. ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a fesse, cheqiii/, az, and arg.,for Stewart. Crest — A hand issuing from, a cloud, holding a hoo/c, expanded ppr. Mottoes — Provirtute; Nihil amanti durum. Residence — Ratho, Bothwell, Tasmania. (9*#rati^> of Carlton anti (l^iiccnscltff* 09/^RADT, the hate THOMAS, E.sq. of Carlton-terrace, Drummond- VJ street, Carlton, near Melbourne ; and of QueensclifE, Victoria, J. P. for Melbourne, and alderman of that city, son of Thomas O'Gbady, Esq. (by Mary, his wife), whose family is believed to have been seated in the county of Limerick since the time of Ceomwell. He was 6. in 1826 ; m. in London, to Miss Catherine Goodwin, and d. at his residence, Carlton-terrace, 28th April, 1890. He had issue, I. John F. II. Charles A. III. Thomas. IV. William H. V. Frederick. I. Mary Ann, m. A. D. Cotton, Esq., son of Judge Cotton, of London. Mr. O'Grady emigrated to Victoria in 1856, and engaged in building operations BURKR'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 373 as a contractor ; entered the Melbourne City Council, 'iOtli November, 18G8, and about two years later brcanie alderman of the Victoria Ward, when that Ward was created, and held that position to tlie time of his death. ]fe was mayor of Melbourne, 1S72 — o, was for manj- years chairman of the Health Committee of the City Council, sometime chairman of tlie ^Melbourne Harbour Trust, and was the first chairman of the Melbourne Tramway.s Trust. Alder- man O'Grady was a member of the Royal Commissions for the Melbourne Exhibitions of 1880 and 1888, was one of the Exhibition Trustees, and a director of several institutions and companies. He owned jtroperty in the city of Melbourne and other parts of Victoria. Ar'ms used — Per pale gu. and sa., three lions jmss. guard., per pale arg. and or, the centre lion charged on the side icith a portcullis az. Crest — A horse's head erased arg., charged with a portcullis az. Motto — Vulncratus non victus. Residences of the late Alderman O'Grady — Carlton- terrace, Drummond- street, Carlton, near Melbourne; and (^ueenscliff, Victoria. H .\WDON, CYRIL GOODE.ICKE, Esq. of Westerfield, Ashburton, New Zealand, J.P., 6. 9th September, 18-i6; rth September, 1881, Mary Charlotte Georgiana, eldest daughter of Richard Strachey, Esq. of Ashwick- grove, Oakhill, Bath, co. Somerset, England, J.P. (see Stkachet, Bart., Burke's Peerage), by Charlotte Lindsay, his wife, third daughter of Ralph Haukin, Esq. of Bedford, and by her (who was 6. 7th February, 1858) has issue, 1. Cyril Strachey, h. 9th June, ISS-). I. Daisy Carlotta. II. Violet Hermione. ILiiuaPc. The Ilawdon family were settled at Cal- garth, CO. Cuinberlautl, England, in the reign of Edward IV, and at Walkcrfield or Waker- field, CO. Durham, owning lands at Ingleton and Hilton, since the reign of James I. John Hawdon, Esq. of Walkerfield, co. Durham, m. Hth June, 1798, at Gainsford, CO. Durham, Elizabetli Hunt (who d. 17th January, 1815), and d. 22ud May, 18-15. His foui'tli son, Hon. Joseph Hawdon, M.L.C, whose name was so intimately connected with Aus- tralian exploration, m. January, 1812, Emma, daughter of W. Outliwaite, Esq. of Grenbury, Richmond, co. York, and d. 1870, leaving by her (who d. 1852), I. Arthur Josepli, of Underwood, Rangi- tata. New Zealand, h. 5tli January, 1814 ; m. Elizabetli, daughter of S. Barker, Esq., and has issue, 1. Keynard, h. 1878. 1. Emma Fay. II. Cteil Goodricke, of whom wc treat. I. Emma Josephine, m. 2nd December, 1868, Hon. Robert Campbell («. 1813), of Otekaitc, Oamaru, New Zealand, member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, third son of Robert Campbell, Esq. of Buscot Park, Faring- don, CO. Berks, and of 31, Lowndes- square, London (see Burke's Landed Qentrij of Great BrUain and Ireland), J. P., and high sheriff, co. Berks, 1862 ; and d. in Duncdiii, 17tli April, ISyO, having survived her husband but a few months. II. Alice, m. Edward Wingfield Hum- phreys, Esq. of 138, Manchester- street, Christcliurch, and Gartlimyl, near Dunedin, New Zealand, .second son of Erskine Uumplireys, Esq. of Gartlimyl, Wales, barrister-at-law of Lincoln's Inn. .1 rms used — Gu., on a chev., hcticecn three vniss rro.^i.'ilets Jilchee ur, a tion ramp. Crest — ■ A tion's head erased. Hlotto — Ferio ie;)0. Uesideuoe — Westerfield, Ashburton, New Zealand. Clulis — Cliristchurcli, Chi'istchurch, New Zealand ; and Oriental, Hanover-square, London. 374 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. RETNOLDS, HON. WILLIAM HUNTER, of Montecillo, Dunedin, New Zealand, member of the Legislative Council of New Zealand, member of Otago University Council, member also of the Board of Governors, Dunedin High School, and vice-president of Savings Bank, 6. 1st May, 1822, at Chat- ham, CO. Kent, England ; m. 7th October, 1856, Rachel Salina, daughter of William and Eleanor Pinkerton, of Radford and Budle, co. Northumberland, and by her (v^ho was 6. 19th December, 1838, in South Australia) has issue, I. Leslie Hunter, 6. 16th August, 1862. II. Eardley Culley, b. 29th June, 1864. in. William Eric, b. 7th October, 1866. IV. Alick Gillespie, 6. 24th November, 1868. I. Eleanor Bissett, b. 16th August, 1857 ; m. 20th June, 1878, George Lyon Denuiston, Esq. II. Marion Hunter, b. 19th December, 1859. III. Rachel Pinkerton, 6. 28th August, 1870. IV. Lina Maud, 6. 14th April, 1874. V. Vida Isobel, b. Cth August, 1876. The Hon. W. H. Reynolds landed in New Zealand with his parents, January, 1851. Ut'ncaar. Thomas William Reynolds, Esq., waa b. ab the residence of his parents in Exeter, CO. Devon, England. By Lydia Johnston, his wife (who was b. in Kent), he had a son, Thomas Reynolds, Esq., who estabUshed himself in Spain and Portugal, retiring from his business in 1850, and in January the fol- lowing year he landed in New Zealand. He m. 1810, Marion Hunter, whose parents were b. in the East Lothians, Scotland. She d. near Dunedin in 1869. He also d. near Dunedin in 18G6, having had issue, I. William Hunter (Hon.), now of Montecillo, Dunedin. ir. Thomas, m. 1836, in Portugal, and has surviving issue, five sons and three daughters. III. Robert Hunter, m. 1847, in Spain, and d., leaving issue, six sons and three daughters. I. Eliza Hunter, emigrated to New Zealand with her husband and parents, m. in Loudon, 1847, James Macan- drew, Esq., who d. leaving issue, four sons and four daughters. Sesidence — Montecillo, Dunedin, New Zealand. "IVrORQUAY, the late HON. JOHN, of Parkdale Farm, in the parish of St, _L^ Ajidrevp's, Manitoba, Canada, first minister of the province of Manitoba, filled the respective positions of minister of Public Works, provincial secre- tary, provincial treasurer, president of council, and railway commissioner, and was the only member who had continuously been a member of the Legislative Assembly since its inception ; b. 8th May, 1841, in the parish of St. Andrevp's ; educated at St. John's Academy ; iii. 2iid Juue, 1862, at Portage la Prairie, BTTRKR'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 375 Elizabeth, second daiitjhter (if George Setter, Esq., formerly of Parkdnlo, but now of High BliilT, andt/. at his residence in Winnipeg, 5th July, 1889, having had issue, I. Thomas, 6. 17th October, 186:5. "] II. John George, 6. 7th August, 180(3. i ^n ^f ^^^^ cjty of Winni- III. Alexander, b. 6th November, 1867. ^ pg„ ^jjj ^nm. IV. Horatio Clarence, b. 8th November, 1869. I V. Andrew James, b. 6th August, 1872. J I. Isabella Jessie Ann, 6. 11th July, 1865. II. Ellen Caroline, 6. 23rd March, 1871. III. Ada Theodora, 6. 29th June, 1881 ; d. Uth April, 1883. HinCclttC. Oman Nohquay, Esq., grandfather of the i waitc, Esq. of St. Andrew's parish, by Eliza- li:te Hon. Joliu JS'orquay, came from South ' bptli, his wife, and il. in 1847, liaving had by Ronaldshay, one of the" Orkney Islands, to | Iwr (who d. in 1841) two sons and four America, about the year 1800, and entered ] daughters, viz., .loHX (Iloy.), late of Parkdule Farm. Thomas, warden of Municiiiality of St. i Andrew's. Jane, m. Edward Mowat, Esq. Annie, m. Charles Adams, Esq. Mary Anne, deceased. Emma, deceased. the service of the Ilndson's Bay Company in Saskalcliewan District. He subsequently re- moTed to tlie Red River Settlement, where he d. about the year 1825, leaving, by .Tane Morniek, his wife, two sons, Henry (d. 1874) and JonN, both b. in Saskatchewan District, about the years 1808 and 1810 respectively. Tlie younger son, .loHN NORQITAT, Esq. of St. Andrew's 1 Residence of the late Ron. John Korquay parish, Canada, «. in the District of aaskat- ! .._p„kclale Farm, parish of St. Andrew's, chewan about the year 1810; m. 1833, ^f.,,iJt,oba Canada. Isabella, second daughter of Jacob Truth- , ' ' ' SStTaspoiirn of Broctoort!). WASHBOURN, HENRY JOHN, Esq. of Brockworth, Riccarton, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, h. 20th July, 1816 ; in. first, 20th July, 1837, Maria, daughter of Henry Ruck, Esq. of Down Ampney, Cricklade, Wilts, and by her (who i. 1st October, 1847) has had, I. Henry John, of Selwyn, Canterbury, New Zealand, 6. 31st August, 1838; m. June, 1860, Fanny, daughter of George Durey, Esq. of Riccarton, Canterbury, and has issue, 1. Henry John, b. 28th August, 1862. 2. Edward, 6. 13th May, 1865. 3. Thomas, 6. 31st August, 1868. 4. William, b. 17th July, 1870. 5. Frank, b. 20th August, 1877. 6. Richard Selwyn, b. 20th January, 1880. 7. Herbert Cecil, b. 9th November, 1885. 1. Fanny, b. 22nd October, 1863. 2. Elizabeth .Mary, b. 15th January, 1807. 3. Mabel, b. 23id'.\i.ril. 1872. 376 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 4. Maria, b. 17th June, 1874. 5. Barbara, h. 28tU November, 1882. II. Edward, of Sedgemere, Southbridge, Canterbury, New Zealand, b. 24tli August, 1842 ; m.. 31st October, 1878, Ellen Jnlia, daughter of Henry Dent Gardiner, Esq. of Purau, Port Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has an only child, Ethelberta, b. 18th October, 1884. I. Maria, S. 28th August, 1840; m. 29th August, 1861, William Robert Maddison, Esq. of Brookdale, Southbridge, Canterbury, but has no issue. II. Fanny, b. 7th September, 1844. III. Charlotte Anne, b. 23rd September, 1847 ; d. 15th July, 1848. Mr. Washbourn m. secondly, loth August, 1850, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Jones, Esq. of Lark Hay Villa, Hucclecote, co. Gloucester, and by her has had issue, IT. Mary Elizabeth, h, 2nd July, 18.>2 ; m. 15th January, 1873, William Henry Wilcox, Esq. of Temuka, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has a daughter, Mary Theodora Joyce, b. 24th November, 1873. V. Eleanor, b. 11th July, 1854; d. next day. VI. Margaret, b. 21st August, 1855 ; m. 21st August, 1878, Henry Josepli Campbell Jekyll, Esq. of Gayhurst, Avonside, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has i.ssue, 1. Edward Joseph Richmond Webb, b. 21st October, 1883. 2. Ralph Trevor Buchanan, b. 6th June, 1885. 1. Barbara Margaret Bellairs, b. 24th October, ISSO. 2. Dorothy Agatha Jones, b. 28th February, 1882. 3. Ellenor Lavinia Campbell, b. 2nd December, 1888. VII. Catherine, b. 19th May, 1859 ; m. 22nd September, 1886, Charles Phillips Kay, Esq. of Brookshaw, Pigeon Bay, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has one son, Thomas Washbourn, h. 23rd Januaiy, 1889. Mr. H. J. Washbourn, with his family, left England in 1850 to found a new home in New Zealand. They were among the pioneers of the Canterbury settlement. Hincauc Mr. II. J. Wasliboiini probably belongs to tlie younger orancli of the Wasbbournes of Wasbbourne, the ebler brancli of which is represented by the Money-Kyrles of Homme House, Much Marele, co. Hereford (see Burke's Landed Gentr/i). The tradition is th.it during tlie Civil Wars tlie family sacri- ficed all "save lionour" in the Stuarts' cause. Nash observes of Little Wasbbourne, anciently Wasseborne — "It is sometimes called Knight's Washbouruc, from the knightly ebaracter of the family who take their surname from thence." This village and that of G-reat Washboiu'ne were once tlieir properly. Thomas Wasbbourne, D.D., who was incumbent of the church of St. Mary-de-Lode, Gloucester, was a uiember of the same family. He published a volume of poems, still extant, ami on the occasion of the Eestoration preached a sermon in the cathedral at Gloucester to commemorate the event. BURKE'S COLOXTAL fiKXTm' 377 WiLiiAM Wasubourn, Esq., surgeon, K.N., A. in I7t0, at Ulouccster, whero he re- sided, )«. 17C9, Mary, daughter of J. BuUook, Esq. of Garlei'ord, co. Worcester, and had a son, Thomas Wasubouen, Esq. of Oloucesfer, 4. 1770; m. first, 179(5, Elizabeth Kendall, and by her (who ruarv, 1828. 3. Margaret, b. 24tli July, 1829. 4. Jane, b. 6th March, 1836. iv. Mary, b. 2nd October, 1806 ; in. 24th March, 1830, Henry Ward, Esq., M.R.C.S., of Ross, Herefordshire, and has issue, 1. Charles Scudamore, b. 8th May, 1833. 2. Llewelyn, b. 6th October, 1837. 1. Mary Anne, b. 16th April, 1831. 2. Emily Margaret, b. 11th Janu- ary, 1835. V. Margaret, b. 18th October, 1808 ; m. 12th October, 1829, Anthony Bubb, Esq. of Witcombe Court, Little Wit- combe, Badgeworth, co. Gloucester, and has had issue, 1. Anthony, b. 31st October, 1S31. 2. John Jones, b. 7th April, 1833. 3. Henry, b. 16th January, 1843. 4. Arthur, b. Uth October, 1844. 5. Edward, b. 27th April, 184f). 6. Frank, b. 19th July, 1851 ; d. 3rd September, 1851. 1. Margaret, b. 12th August, 1830. 2. Mary, b. 20th October, 1834. 3. Eliza, b. 20th November, 183G. 4. Anne, b. 19th August, 1838. 5. Jane, b. 25th February, 1841. 6. Fanny, b. 31st August, 1847. Arms used — Arf/.^ on a /V.m, between six martlets Etbtr Station. PHILLIPS, COLEMAN, Esq. of Dry River Station, Martinboro', Wairarapa, New Zealand, J. P., barrister-at-law, Supreme Court of New Zealand, 6. 10th December, 1846 ; is unm. He emigrated to New- Zealand in 1864, and had to fight for his lands with the natives, becoming what is since known as a "military settler." He is first cousin to Alderman Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips, Knt. (1866), commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, and Grecian Order of Our Saviour; Lord Mayor of London, 1865-6 ; J.P. and D.L. ; sheriff of Middlesex, 1859 ; and second cousin to G. Faudel Phillips, Esq., sheriff of London and Middlesex. Ht'neaac. This is a very old Jewish family. Mr. Cole- man Phillips being a " Cohen," which gives him an undisputed genealogy of some 3,400 years. BURKE'S COIiONlAL GENTRY. 379 Mauk PiiiLLii'S, Ksij. of Roseneath- Ifrrnue, Prestoii-roiid, Brijjliton, oo. Sussex, -England, bj- Hannah, his wife, has issue, Coleman, of whom we treat, PhUip. Samuel. Rebecca. Clara. Sophia. 7fcs/(/e»ce— Dry River Station, Martinboro', Wairarapa, New Zealand. 3tvctti oi JI)ci!utiIta* EEID, ROBERT CALDWELL, Esq. of Hokitika, New Zealand, J.P., b. 3rd February, 1840; m. lltli June, 1869, Emily, daughter of tlie late James Manning, Esq. of Dunedin, New Zealand, but has no issue. He represented the Hokitika district in the Legislative Assembly for several years, and was appointed by the New Zealand Government one of the commissioners for the Colonial Exhibition held in Loudon, 1886. When there he publi.shed a book on the West Coast gold-lields, entitled Bambles on the Golden Coast, which contained a number of views of the most beautiful scenery of New Zealand. HinEagc. Peteb Reid, Esq. of Wick, Scotland, by Maria, his wife, had issue, Robert Caldwell, of whom we treat. Alexander, d. uniii, John, of Auckland, New Zealand, m. Helen Chapman, and has two sons and one daught er. Patrick, of Castlemaine, Victoria, Austra- lia, m., and has six chiltli'cn. William, of Wick, Scotland, tinm. James Thomas, m., and has eight child- ren. Elizabeth, m.. J. H. Bulk, Esq. of Wick, Scotland, and has issue, four sons. Maria, m. .James Barron, Esq. of Wick, Scotland, and has issue one eon and one daughter. Residence. — Hokitika, New Zealand. ^tdttrincj: of |L)intimars;!), PICKERING, JOHN, Esq. of Olive House, Hiudmarsh, South Australia, J.P., and sometime a member of the Legislative Council, h. 1st May, 1814 ; emigrated to South Australia in 1840 ; m. July, 1848, Mary Rofe, ot co. Kent, England, and has an only son, John, comptroller of accounts, S.A. railways, h. 12th July, 1849 ; m. i4th July, 1873, Eliza Jane Ridgway, and has issue, (. Arthur John. II. Ernest Edgar. I. Amy. II. Edith Mary. Uincaaf. This family has been resident in Warwick- shire, England, for many years. John Pickerino, Esq. of Leamington, co. Warwick, England, by Rose, his wife, had issue, John, of whom we treat; Charles; and James. Sesidence—OMye House, Hindmarsh, South Australia. 380 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 0ti\l of ^^>tint^ anti lltama. "IVTEILL, WILLIAM, Esq. of the City Bank, Pitt-street, Sydney ; and of i A Ayr Park, Kiama, New South Wales, manager of the City Bank, consul for the Ai-gentine Republic, and J. P. for the territories of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia; b. in East Greenock, Scotland. I9th January, 1829 ; m. 10th December, 1850, Helen, daughter of Alexander Lyle Patison, Esq., by Helen Forsythe, his wife, and has issae, I. Alexander Lyle Patison, h. 24th August, 1851 ; m. Nellie Alexander, and has issue one son and one daughter. II. William John Walker. II r. Leopold Edward Flood, medical student, B.A. of the University of Sydney. He took the University gold medal for classics when in his 19th year. I. Agnes Allan Wharrie, m. 12th June, 1879, E. B. Woodhouse, Esq. of Mount Gibael. II. Helen Elizabeth Stuart. III. Charlotte Mary Jean, m. 5th September, 1887, Louis C. Henderson, Esq., manager Real Estate Bank, Sydney. IV. Isabella Acacia Rose, m. Dr. Arthur Henderson, of Melbourne, Vic- toria. V. Lilian Florence Boyd, Prior to his arrival in Sydney, on 19th January, 1849, Mr. Neill was trustee of bankrupt estates in Glasgow, to which post he was gazetted in 1846. The same year he was appointed sub-inspector of the poor of Port Glasgow, which office he held until leaving Scotland. On his arrival in Sydney he first obtained an appointment in the Bank of Australia, and afterwards in the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, of which he was some time secre- tary, relinquishing that post in 1871 to take the management of the City Bank, which is still held by him. He was appointed J. P. for Queensland, 26th November, 1870, having pi-eviously been placed on the commission of the peace for New South Wales. He was appointed J. P. for Victoria ; later on for South Australia ; and on the 4th January, 1884, consul for the Argen- tine Republic. Mr. Neill was treasui-er to the Sydney Bethel Union, in 1870, and is now one of the trustees of the Bethel property, and chairman of the board. He has for some years been chairman of the trustees of the Scar- borough Park Reserve, at Lady Robinson's Beach, Botany, and has also been chairman of the trustees of Cook Park Reserve, in the same locality. "Eincaac. It is believed that this family was for many centuries seated at Greenock. William Neill, Esq., d. about 184-1 (his wife. Agnes Allan, liaving d. a few years pre- Tiously), leaving a son, William Neill, Esq. of Cliapelton, East Greenouk, Scotland, who d. about 1829, having had, by Mary, his wife, besides fire daughters (two only of whom survive, one being Mrs. Wharrie, of Glasgow, widow, mother of several sous and daughters, one of whom is Mrs. Milne, widow of Captain Milne, lost at sea), two sons, William, d. in infancy, and the present William Neill, Esq., manager of the City Bank, Sydney. Hesideiices — The City Bank, Pitt-street, Sydney ; and Ayr Bark, Kiama, New South Wales. BURKK'S COI-OXIAL GEXTRT. 381 O'C ONNOR, JEREMIAH EDWARD, Esq. of Toronto, only surviving son, b. iu Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., 15(h Julv, ISG Hiiiraac. Tlic groMi great great granclfatliei- of Mr. Jereiiiiiili Edward O'C iniior is said to liave lield large estates in Kerry, Irehiud. IJe luid issue, I. Jonx, of whom hereafter. II. Arthur, in. Roderick. IT. Charles. John O'Coxxon was I. at Tralee, in Ire- land. He removed to Kerry and resided at the Whitehouse-lane ; m. Aileen, dauglitcr of Dr. Jeremiah Downing, of Evragh, aud Lad issue, I. Jekemiah Methun, of whom pre- sently. II. Cliarles, b. at the Whitehouse-lane, CO. Kerry. III. Daniel, b. at the Whitehouse-lane, CO. Kerry. IT. Arthur, b. at the Whitehouse-lane, CO. Kerry. I. A daughter, m. Edward Orpin, E.sq. of Dublin, eounsellor-at-law, son of Thomas Orpin, Esq., by his wife, the daughter of Luke Parker, Esq. II. Margaret Luey, m. Mortimer Down- ing, Esq. of Bearhaven. Jeremiah Methun O'Connoh, Esq., b. at tlie Whitehouse-lane, eo. Kerry, m. Katherine Charlotte Herbert, daughter of John O'tjidlivau, Esq. of Grarinish, and had issue, I. Jonx, of whom presently. II. Daniel, b. at Fangirt, co. KeiTy ; vi. tliere, Barbara Hurgate. Nothing definite is known concerning him since his departure from South Boston, Mass., for New Orleans, but he is supposed to have d. in Georgia. III. Jeremiah, b. at Fangirt, co. Kerry; »B. in Detroit, Michigan, and d. there. I. Ellen Arabella, 4. in eo. Kerry ; m. there, Denis Elliot 0'.Sullivan, Esq. ; and d. in South Boston, Mass. II. Margaretta Olivia, A. in London, Eng- land ; m. in CO. Kerry, Peirce Jeffrey Keating, Esq., son of Jeffrey Keatiiig, Esq. of Cullin or Thomastown, co. Tji>perary ; and d. in South Boston. III. Katherine, b. in CO. Kerry ; vi. Jere- miah Murphy, Esq.; and d. in South Boston. John O'Connor, Esq., A. at Fangirt, in CO. Kerry, about the year 179G ; went to Boston, Mass., in the latter part of Septem- ber, 1823, and settled in Essex co., Ontario, Dominion of Canada, about 1828 ; »«., in co. Kerry, about 1818, Mary O'Connor, of co. Kerry, wlio d. at her residence in Maidstone, Essex CO., Ontario, 22nd April, IbOl, aged 63 years. Ho d. at the residence of his son, 37,' High-street, Detroit, Michigan, 10th October, IStlG, leaving issue, I. John (Hon.), of whom presently. II. Jeremiah, A. 3rd August, 1838 ; m. 1868, Eleanor, daugliter of the late Geoi'ge Jacobs, Esq., and grand niece of the Baroness tie Longeuil, and hail issue, a son, Arthur, and a daughter, Aileen. Hox. John O'Connor, of 83, Gerrard- street East, Toronto, Canada, judge of the superior court of Ontario, Canada, b. at Boston, Mass., 21st January, 1824; called to the Bar of Upper Canatla, 185 1 ; was a member of the Michigan Bar in 18t'J ; repre- sented Essex eo. in the Canadian Parliament from 1867 to 1874; created a Q.C., 1872; was sworn of the privy council, 2nd J idy, 1872. and at the same time was appointed president of that council; minister of inland revenue, 4th March, 1873 ; postnuistcr- geueral, 1st July, 1873. He Has returiu-il to Parliament for Russell CO., 1878; again made president of the privy council, 17th October 1878 ; postmaster-general, secretary of state, and again postmaster-general until his retire- ment from the Cabinet in May, 1882 ; and on the 11th September, 1884, he was ap- [idinted judge of tlie (Queen's Bench of the High Court of Justice of Ontario. He m. at Sandwicli, Essex co., Ontario, 23rd April, 1849, Mary, daughter of Kirliard Barrett, Esq. of Killarney, co. Kerry, Ireland, and d. at the " Arhngton," in Cobourg, Ontario, 3rd November, 1887, having had issue, I. John, A. at Sandwich, Essex Co., On- tario, 17th February, 18.50; d. 17th December, 1874, at Ottawa, Canaihi. II. Richard, b. at Windsor, Ontario, 29tli January, 1857 ; d. at Toronto, 21st February, 18()5. III. Jeremiah EinvARn, of whom we treat. He was twin with his brotlier Roderick Charles. IV. Roderick Cliarles, b. at Detroit, Michigan, 15th July, 1867, twin with his brotlier Jeremiah Julward ; d. at same place, 3rd August, 1867. I. Sarah Catluu'ine, A. at Sandwich, Essex CO., Ontario, 25th May. 1852 ; d. at Ottawa, 17th February, 1880. 282 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. II. Marv, h. at WincLsor, Ontario, 30tli Mareii, 1855 ; «!. at Ottawa, 6th Octo- ber, 1880, Tbomas Mercer Morton, Esq., son of tlie late Dr. Morton, of Brant ford, Ontario. III. Ellen Louisa, b. at Windsor, On- tario, 25th July, 1858. IT. Margaret, b. at Windsor, 6th Nov- ember. 1860; m. 27th October, 1883, at Toronto, Eugene Belleau, Esq., son of G-abriel Belleau, Esq. of Quebec, notary, and nephew of Sir Narcisse-Fortunat Belleau, K.C.M.G., Q.C., lieutenant-goTernor of Quebec from 1869—1873. T. Kathleen Mary Angela, h. at Wind- sor, 5th August, 1869. Arms used — Arg., an oal- free, vert. Creat — All arm eynbowed in armour, ppr., holding a sword arg., hilt and pomel or, en- itHned with a snake ppr. Sesidence — 85, Gerrard-street East, To- ronto, Ontario, Canada. Bidtt^> of ^mijnst. DTCKET, HON. ROBERT BARRY, Q.C., of Grove Cottage, Amherst, Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada, h. at Amherst, Nova Scotia, 10th November, 1811 ; m. there, 10th October, 1844, Mary Blair, second daughter of the Hon. Alexander Stewart, C.B., master of the rolls, judge of Vice- Admiralty Cotirt, Halifax, 20 years M.P. for Cumberland, and member of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia, who d. at Halifax, his place of residence, 1st January, 1865, and by her has issue, I. James Alexander, M.I.C.B., of Amherst, Nora Scotia, h. 11th May, 1849 ; in. 5th June, 1873, Isabel J., daughter of the Hon. Richard McKeffey, of Windsor, M.L.C., and has issue, Mary Hill and Grace. II. Arthur Rupert, of Amherst, Nova Scotia, barrister-at-law, 6. 18th August, 1854; in. "ilst August, 1878, Myra, youngest daughter of R. B. Boggs, Esq., and has issue, Oliver, Horace, Constance, and Myra. iir. Frank Stewart, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 6. 16th February, 1864; I. Mary, h. 20th November, 1846 ; m. 2nd June, 1868, Henry E. Milner, Esq., C.E. (Landscape School Garden, Crystal Palace), of Kings- wood-road, Upper Norwood, co. Surrey, England, and has issue, 1. Edward Barry ; 2. Robert; 1. Frances Mary ; 2. Winifred Blair; and 3. Dorothy Janet. II. Ellen, h. 6th October, 1851 ; m. 12th February, 1872, Martin W. Maynard, Esq., C.E., railway department, Ottawa, Canada, and has issue, 1. Arthur Stewart ; 2. Francis Herbert ; 3. Morris Wilkins ; and 4. Jeffrey. The Hon. R. B. Dickey was educated at Windsor Academy; was called to the Bar, January, 1834, and appointed Q.C. in 1863. He was a member of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia from January, 1858, to May, 1867, when he was appointed by the Queen to the Senate of the new Dominion of Canada; was a delegate to the Portland Convention, July, 1850, and accredited by the government of Nova Scotia to the Colonial Office, Downing- street, London, in 1858, and again in 1865, on the subject of the Intercolonial Railway. BURKE'S COLONIAL GEXTRY. 383 Hinfnw. About tlie niicUUe of last century William Dickey, Ksq., (liegnHuifntlier of tlio proscut Hon. Robert Barry Dickey, with several brothers anil sisters, emigrated from Dun- luore, CO. .Vutrim, in the north of Ireland, to Kova Scotia, ns did also his wife, with her father, Eobert McGowau, Ksq. By her ho had, amongst other issue (whose descendants are now to be found in King's and Colchester COS., NoTa Scotia, tic.), a son, RoBEKT McGowAN DiCKET, Esq. of Am- herst, Nova Scotia, who was It. 17th Septem- ber, 1784; was M.P. for Cumberland co. from 1836 to 1851 ; m. 22ud April, 1806, Klcanor, daughter of Major Thomas Chap- man, whose ancestors resided in the vicinity of Whitby, co. York, England, and after- wards formed part of a large party of emi- grants from Vorkshiro to tlio lieacl of the Bay of Fundy, where their descendants abound, and also in the adjoining county of Westmoreland. Mr. Dickey d. 1 tth Janu- ary, 1854., having had, by his said wife (who was b. 20tli November^ 1790. and d. 3rd March, 1848), the present Hon. Kobeet BAliliY DiCKET. Jie.iideii.ee— Gvovc Cottage, Amherst, Cum- berland, Nova Scotia, Canada. 2^cn ^ticcjlit^ of Brtsljane. VON OTIEGLITZ, EDGAR BOYNE, Esq. of Wambo, Brisbane, O Queensland, h. 1st July, 184.6 ; m. Eleanor Beatrice Thomson, and has issue, I. Edgar Walter Tliomson, b. 19th February, 1882. II. Francis Lewis Altmor, b. 10th September, 1883. III. Leslie Oscar, 6. IGth March, 1887. I. Constance Birrah Beatrice, h. 8th December, 1885. Hfncaw. The nobility of the Holy Roman Empire was conferred on the ancient and distin- guished family of Stieglitz by patent from Joseph II, Emperor of Germany and Austria, bearing date, at Vienna, 15th De- cember, 1765. The family, connected in ancient times with the civil and military service of Saxony, was originally from Bo- hemia, where, among the archives of the city of Pilsen, it is recorded that, during many centuries, several members were raised to the first dignities of the State, and one especially, named Bartholomaeus, was, by His Imperial Majesty Rudolph II, favoured with par- ticular consideration. A tradition reports that this Bartholomaeus was granted hereditary nobility in 1583 by the Emperor Rudolph II as Barthol. Stieg- litz von Czenkow (a place not far from Pilsen), and that his descendants, being per- secuted on account of their following the doctrine of Lutlicr, had to leave their estates, and to proceed to Saxony without title or wealth. In the 13th and 14th centuries lived a family of Stieglitz (also spelt Stiglitz, Stcg- litz) on their estates in Pommerland and Brandenburgh, the traces of Hhich disa]ipcar in the 14th century, just at the time wlien we read for the first time of a family or the same name resident in and near Pilsen. The two members of the faniilv on whom hereditary titles were conferred by the Emperor Joseph II, 15th December, 1765, were Christian Ludwig (i.e., Lewis), mem- ber of the High Court of Justice at Leipzig, and Wilbelm (i.e.. William) Ludwig, colonel of a regiment in the service of the Elector of Saxony ; the former being the ancestor of the Irish-Australian branch of the family, and the latter of the German branch, wliich is still existing in Germany, the members of which have been mostly in the royal Saxon civil or military service, one having been a general in the Prussian-Austrian War in 1866. The mother of the celebrated .\ustrian P'ield-Marshal Baron Gablenz was also a member of this branch. Christian Ludwio, Baron von Stieg- litz, the above mentioned, m. C. F. Riehter, and had issue, five sons, viz., I. Christian Ludwig, b. 1756 ; »n. A. L. Reinhard; and (/. in 1836. His de- scendants aro.noiv living in Saxony and Germany. II. Friedrich Ludwig, 4. 1758; d. 1777. III. Caspar Ludwig, b. 1760; m. C. Grohmann ; and d. 1805, leaving issue. His descendants are now ex tinct. IV. Hkinbich Ludwig, of whom pre scntly. 38 1 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. T. August Ludwig, h. 17C3; d. 1827. His descendants are now living in Saxony and Germany. Heineich Ludwig, Bakon vojf Stieo- I.ITZ, of Grortalowny House, Cookstown, co. Tyrone, Ireland, b. 17ti2 ; went to Ireland in 1SU5; m. 20tb Ai)ril, 1802, Charlotte, daugh- ter of John Atkinson, Esq. of CrowhiU, co. Armagh, Ireland, and d. 8th January, 1824', and was buried at Derryloran, near Cooks- town, having had by her (who d. 22nd Nov- ember, 1852, at Ballanee, Victoria, Austra- Im), I. Frederick Lewis, Baron von Stieglitz, of The Glen, Newry, co. Armagh, Ireland, J. P. for cos. Armagh and Down, b. 13th October, 1803 ; in early life proceeded to Tasmania, where he became possessed of considerable pro- perty, and was a member of the Legis- lative Council of Tasmania during Sir William Denison's Government. After 1850 he returned to Ireland, and resided at The Glen. He m. first, Mrs. Ransom, and secondly, 1859, Hester Anna, daughter of the late George Blacker, Esq. of Carrick- Blacker (by Anne, his wife, daughter of Cnjitain Sloane), and sister of the late Stewart Blacker, Esq. of Carrick- Blaeker (who d. 1881), now Baroness von Stieglitz, of Carrick-Blacker, Portadown, co. Armagh, Ireland. He d. nth May, 18GG, and is buried in the family vault at Derryloran, near Cookstown, CO. Tyrone. II. Heiu'y Lewus, of Simnyside, Lyming- ton, Tasmania, h, 13t)i January, 1808 ; m. 9th December, 183-1, Helen Amos, and a!, in 1876, having had by her (who d. at Sunnyside, Lymington, Tasmania, 24th September, 1890, aged 7s years), 1. Frederick Lewis, of Braybrook, Victoria, Australia, m. 1-tth Dec- ember, 1875, Catherena J. Lang- horn, and has had issue, I. Henrv Lewis, b. Sth Novem- ber, 1876. II. Frederick Langhorn, i. 14th June, 1878; d. 16thMay,lS80. III. William Stanley, b. 19th January, 1880. I. Helen Eliza, b. 5th April. 1883. 2. Henry Gordon, of Tullochgorum, Fiugal, Tasmania ; m. 11th March, 1874, Fanny Matilda, eldest daughter of William Lyne, Esq. of Apsley House, Cranbrook, Tasmania, J. P., chairman of Quarter Sessions, co. Glamorgan, and member of Municipal Coun- cil (see Ltne of Gala), and has issue, I. Henry William, b. 28th March, 1879. II. Charles Frederick, b. 10th July, 1880. III. Gordon Lewis, J. 25th November, 1881. I. Caroline Helen, b. 8th March, 1876. II. Aileen May, b. 2nd May, 1877. III. Fanny Lavinia, b. 22nd February, 1886. 3. Adam, of Sunnyside, Lymington, Tasmania, b. 7th June, 1842. 4. John Charles, of Andora, Evan- dale, Tasmania, b. 18th October, ls44;»«. first, 20th February, 1881, Mary Jean Mackenzie, and by her (who d. February, 1883) has issue, a son, I. Frederick Lewis, b. 18tli October, 1882. He )». secondly, 22nd September, 1885, LUy B. Stead, and by her has issue, a son, II. John Daniel Randolph, h. 1887. 5. William Robert, of St. Heliers, Townsville, Queensland, m. 23rd June, 1881, Eliza Barbara Al- lauby, and has issue, I. Helen Estella, b. 29th Sept- ember, 1882. II. Zilla Allenby Queeny, b. 8th May, 1887. 1. Jessie, of Sunnyside, Lymington, Tasmania. 2. Charlotte Mary, m. 8th March, 1870, Robert Williamson, Esq. of Craigialee, Ascot Vale, Mel- bourne, Victoria. 3. Helen Margaret, of Sunnyside, Lymington, Tasmania. 4. Emma Sophie, of Sunnyside, Lymington. III. John Lewis, of Altrcore, co. Tyrone, Ireland, J. P. for that CO., and formerly of Ballanee, Victoria, where he was also a magistrate, b. 15th June, 1809; »«. 1836, Emma, daughter of Henry Lewis Cowie, Esq. of Russell-square, Loudon, and d. 22nd August, 1808, and wasbui'iedin the family vault at Derry- loran, near Cookstown, co. Tyrone. IT. Francis Walter, of whom pre- sently. T. Robert William, J. 4th August, 1816; emigrated to Australia, and became possessed of a large estate at Lake Hindmarsh, Winimera. and another smaller estate at Ballan, Portland Bay, both in Victoria ; subsequently returned to Ireland; m. 15th May, 1845, Marcella Belcher, now of 14, Queen Aune's-gardens, Bedford-park, Chiswick, CO. Middlesex, England ; and d. ISth March, 1876, and was buried at Derryloran, co. Tyrone, having had issue, 1. Elizabeth Charlotte, of London. 2. Adelaide Mary, m. to the Eev. Mr. Barker, of Rosstrevor, co. Down, Ireland. 3. Auguste Sophie, of London. BURKE'S COI.OXIAI, CKXTRY. 385 4. riorenpc MarifUa, ni. 28th June, 18(il, Ltn. liarou von Ompteila, of lierlin. vr. Cliarles Au^iistus. of Knockbivrrai;li Park, Rosstri'Vor, co. Down, IrcUiiul, J. P. for the county of Down, and member-general of the Synod of the C'luireli of Iri'hmd, /;. 1st September, 1810 ; in 1840 proeeeded to the eolony of Victoria, wliere he soon became the successful owner ()f a hirgc station at Durdiwarrali, Portland. Some 10 or 12 years afterwards he returned to Irehmd, having realised a eonsitlerable fortune, and took up his residence on an estate of his at Olenaule, co. Armagli, where he remained four years, and then settled at Eosstrevor, haTing purchased the property at Knockbarragh Park in 1859. He m. 29tli May, 1814, Sophia Louisa, fourth daughter of the late Joseph William Belcher, Esq. of Evora, Richmond, Victoria (who d. 1805), by Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Austin, Esq. of AVaterfall, co. Cork, Ireland, and d. in July, 1885, at ICnockbarragh Park. I. Elizabeth Caroline, h. 7th January, 1805; m. 2nd March, 1824, Francis Atkinson, Esq. of Mony Hill, co. Armagh, Ireland, formerly of Berem- boke, Victoria, and d. in 1870. II. Charlotte Christine, b. 11th April, 1806 ; )». Jolin Anthony Conic, Esq., and d. in 1812. The fourth son, Francis Walter voji Stieolitz, Esq. of lona, Stewart-street, Launceston, Tasmania, J. P. (appointed September, 1843), and for many years coroner of the territory, b. 16th December, 1811 ; went to Tasmania in 1829 ; m. 23rd October, 1840, Anne Eansom, a native of the eolony of Tasmania,and d. 14tli April, 1889, aged 78 years, having had issue, I. Frederick Lewis, M.D., b. 1841 ; m. Louisa Langdale, of Hanipstead, co. .Middlesex, England ; and le mount, in liase, of the last, an eagle, displ., reguard., gu., dueally crowned, armed and beaked of the first, hold- ing in the beak a sprig of tliree thistles az. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, or, an arm in armour, embowcd, the hand grasping a swortl, all ppr., between two wings, expanded, the dexter per fess arg. and gu., the sinister per fess gu. and arg. Motto — Spes niea in Deo. Residence — Wambo, Brisbane, Queens- land. Sollic of ^Oatrcfea* JOLLIE, EDWARD, Esq. of Waireka, Patea, Taranaki, New Zealand, h. 1st September, 1825 ; m. 14th May, 1861, Caroline Armstrong, daughter of the Rev. John Muggeridge Orsmond, by Mary Isabella Nelson, his \vife, and has had issue, I. Francis, lieutenant 20th Hussars, h. 30th March, 1865. II. Edward, h. 26th October, 1871. I. Margaret Isabel, 6. 11th May, 1862. II. Caroline Stanley, h. 3rd October, 1863. Til. Elizabeth, 6. 25th June, 1866. IV. Mary, 6. 5th March, 1868. V. Florence, h. 6th October, 1869; d. 1873. VOL. I. 2 <3 386 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. VI. Sara Godwin, h. 11th November, 1873. VII. Clu-istabel Frances, b. 22nd October, 1875. This gentleman came to New Zealand in 1842, as a c idet of the New Zealand Company. He acquired property in the colony, and entered actively into a political career, being member of the House of Representatives for Cheviot from 1860 to 1861, when he resigned, and settling in Canterbury sat as member for the Ellesmere district in the Provincial Council for several years. He subsequently visited Europe, and on his return to New Zealand in 1883, settled at Patea. Hincacic. This Huguenot family left France at the revocation of the Ediet of JS'antes, and took refuge in Scotland, where they settled at Pertli and Stirling. At the end of the last century, John Jollib left Scotland and resided in Carlisle, co. Cumberland, Enijland, ■where he started a paper called the Carlisle Journal (still in existence, although not now the property of this family). East Tower- street, in Carlisle, was built by this gentleman. He m. Mary Ogilvie, of the family of that name in co. Forfar, Scotland, and had a eon, Fbancis Jollie, Esq. of Bramijton, near Carlisle, eo. Cumberland, m. Margaret Eoutledge, whose motlier was a Miss flali- burton, of the Cupar-Angus family, and d. about 182G, having had, I. Francis, m. Mrs. Jane Cooper, widow ; and d. s.p. II. John, m. Emma, daughter of Mr. Chambers ; and d. s p. III. William, M.D., d. unm. IV. Edw.^rd, now of Waireka. I. Elizabeth, m. Peter Haggle, Esq. of Gateshead, co. Durham, England, and had issue, 1. Peter Sinclair. 2. Francis. 3. Douglas. 4. Charles. 5. Edward. 1. Frances. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Louisa. 4. Florence. 5. Caroline. G. Clara. Creaf tixed. — A bird, Iioldhit) in the beak a spri(j of olive. Motto — hfslavi. Residence — Waireka, Patea, Tax'anaki, New Zealand. ^Stllaus of ^^xt%. PILLANS, FRANCIS SCOTT, E.sq. of Myres, Inch Clntha, Stirling, Otago, New Zealand, J. P. and late member of the Legislative Council, h. at Leith Mount, 1st January, 1810 ; arrived at Port Chalmers, Otago, New Zealand, on Christmas Day, 1849 ; is unmarried. Uincaac. James Pilians, Esq. of Leith Mount, Scotland, the grandfather of F. S. Pillans, Esq., was b. 2nd February, 1739 ; m. 8th July, 17(58, Helen Skirving; and d. 23rd December, 1808. His uncle, Thomas Pillans, Esq., went to London, where he lost his fortune in the South Sea speculationi! in 1720, after which he settled in Holland ; his son, Kichard Pillans, Esq., b. 1727, settlsd in Norwich, and d. in 1793. From him sprang the Norfolk branoli of the Pillans family, now extmct, the last survivor being the late Countess of Dudley and Ward. Mr. James Pillans had issue, James Pillans, Esq. of Mvres Castle, Fife, N.B., b. 5th November, 1774 ; m. at St. Helen's Church, London, 18th November, 1800, Anne, daughter of John Wilson, Esq. of the Cleugh, Lanarkshire, N.B. She was b. at Slanmore, 2nd May, 1774, and d. at Plean, Stirlingshire, 15th September, 1852. He d. 7th June, lSfi2, having had issue, I. James, m. Elizabeth Ben, and had issue, two sons and two daughters. II. Jolm Wilson, m. Jane Broughton, and liad issue, two sons and five daughters. III. William Soltau, colonel of the Bengal Horse Artillery, Hon. E.I. Co.'s service, late of Broome Hall, near Bungay, eo. Suffolk, b. 12th March, 1806 ; m. at Chislehurst, eo. nuRKK's ror.oNiAL nK:^Ti!Y 387 Kent, 2Gtli .Time, 1s:l><, ^fm-ia Lonisn, seeoiul (liuijjhter of the latf W'illmni Soltau, Ksq. of d:i|iliani, ro. SuiTi'v. Slie was h. 23nl .Soptonibcr, 1807, aiiil d. 27tli Oftoher, ISSIi. Ho d. 2ml Jfarcli, 187;i, having liad issue, 1. William Soltiiu, of Manuka Islaml Station, lialelutha, Otay^o, New Zealaiul, J. P., h. at Agni, India, 7tli A|iril, ISt!); arrived in New Zealand in 1807: WJ. 5tU February, 1871), Marj' Agnes, seeond daughter of the late Thomas Halliwell, Esq. of Dunedin, New Zealand, and has issue, a son, William Soltau, h. at Ocldeston, eo. Norfolk, England, 11th Mareh, 1880. 1. Anna Sophia, itnm, 2. Ijouisa Lowis, m. Alexander EI|ihinston, Esq., son of John Elpliiuston, Esq. of Clinton Park, llttuts, and d. s.p. '•^. l*"ran<'es Maria, itnm. IV. Kit.VNns .SciiTT, now of Myrcs. V. Thomas liiimilton, d, iinm. VI. .Mathew .Vlexander, »>. Margaret MeLean, hut has no issue. I. Anne Maria, m. Joseph Maitland, Esq., and has issue, four sona and one daughter. II. Franees, m. David Davidson, Esq., and has issue, four sons and one daughter. III. Helen Skirviug, m. Walter Hunter, Esq., ami has issue, five sons and three daughters. Annx itsed — Art/., three pihs, isxning from the chief, ffii., surmounted hi/ a cher. of the Itvtt, charijed with three plate.t. Crest — A de.rter cuttit firm, hntdintj a d(uj(jer in fiend .lini.iter, all ppr. Mollo — rirtiiteel roliore. Resilience — Myres, Inch Clutha, Stirling, Otago, New Zealand. JlfiHastcr of 28ilniltnma. M^M ASTER, ALEXANDER ANTHONY, Es(i. Tokaralii, Oamaru, New Zealaiul, h. 1863; of Waikaura and 26th Septctuber, Hincaac This family is of Scottish origin. Anthony McMastkr, Esq., the gi-and- father of Mr. A. A. MeMaster, held property in the town of Stranraer, co. Wigton, Scot- land, where he resided. By Mary, his wife, daughter of Mr. MeKie, he had one son, Alex.\nder McMASTER,Esq.of Waikaura, Oamaru ; Tokaralii and Duntroon, Waitaki, New Zealand, J. P., jn. I'Jth July, 18H0, Helen, daughter of John Adair, Esq. of Stranraer, co. Wigton, solicitor, and pro- curator iiscal for CO. Wigton, by his wife, one of the family of McKie, of co. Wigton. Mr. MeMaster d. 10th September, 18S5 (his wife having predeceased him 1st April, 1873), leaving two sons ami one daughter, ANTiioNy, now of h. Stli July, I. Alexander Waikaura. II. Ronald, of Tokaral 1865. I. Mary MeKie. Crest used — Issuing out of a coronet^ a unicornis head. .Motto — .Medio tutus. Residences — Waikaura and Tukarahi, Oamaru, New Zealand. ixoljcrts of SSllootinsmcj^ "pOBERTS, REV. CLAUDE WILLIAM, of Woodrising, Spreyton, Tas- Jl\j mania, B.A. Cambridge, formerly vicar of Waiigford, Henliam, aiul Reydon, co. Suffolk, England, J. P. for Suffolk, and chairman of the JJevon Hospital, Ta.smania, h. 16th February, 1837; in. Helen A. M., daughter of the Rev. John M. Johnson, rector of Scoulton, co. Norfolk, by Aune, his wife, daughter of the Rev. Henry Wilson (who was summoned to Parliament as Baron Berners, by writ dated 23rd April, 18:18), tmd has issue, 2 c 2 388 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. I. Claudo Arthur, h. 1862. II. Henry Radclyffe, h. 1864. III. Richard Reginald, /). 1868. IV. Knyvet Henry William, 6. 1872. V. Percival John Radclyffe, h. 1875. VI. Hugh Berners Radclyffe, /). 1883. I. Helen Eva, m. 18S0, Mowbray Gray, Esq. II. Eleanor Maud Marion, m. W. R. Sale, Esq. III. Laura May. TV. Constance Evelyn Elizabeth. V. Adelaide Seymour Ethelwyn. VI. Evelyn Radclyffe. TII. Mary Gertru.de. Umcnttc. This family was originally possessed of a manor at Abergavenny, Wales. William Roberts, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., barrifter-at-law and fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, was editor of the British Eepiew, attacked by Byron, also author of JjiJ'e of Hannah More, and many other works. By Mary, his wife, who d. iu 1832, he left at his decease, in 1849, a son, Kev. Artiiuk Roberts, M.A. Oxford, rector of Woodrising, Thetford, co. Norfolk, m. 1831, Elizabeth Bacon, and d. in 1880, leaving issue, I. Claude William (Rev.), of whom we treat. I. Mai-y Elizabeth, m. the Rev. Joseph Neville White, B.A. Cambridge, vicar of Stalham, co. Norfolk. II. Eleanor Anne, m. Rev. William Melville Pigot, M.A. Oxford, vicar of Eaton, Norwich, co. Norfolk, and d. in 1887, leaving issue, two sons and three daughters. Arms 7ised — A Hon ramp. Crexi — A stag's head erased. Motto— Se negare est amare. Residence — Woodrising, Spreyton, Tas- mania. i^it!)ola9; of 33ot!)\ycll "I^ICHOLAS, WILLIAM, Esq. of The Nant, Bothwell, Tasmania, J.P., J_ 1 road trustee, h. 24th April, 1846 ; m. 24th February, 1874, Alice Mary, daughter of James Sprent, Esq., surveyor-general, by Susan Harriet Oakes, his wife, of Parramatta, New South Wales, and has issue, I. Harold Sprent, h. 8th January, 1877. n. Cecil Francis, h. 4th January, 1879. I. Eveline Mary, 6. IGth May, 1875. II. Beryl, h. 1st September, 1886. Hincnae. Edward Nicholas, Esq. of Tlie Xant, Monmouth, left Wales for Tasmania in 1822, and at once secured a grant from the Crown near Bothwell, where he lived. He d. 1848, leaving a son, who d. in 18G7, who had, amongst other issue, the present WiLLiAir NtcnOLAS, Esq. Crest used — An owl close. Motto — Vinci t qui vigilat. Residence— The Nant, Bothwell, Tasmania. Estate— 30,000 acres. BUIJKE'S CULUMIAL C ENTRY. 3S9 ivctt) of Cltirrsltt* X)Kin. JOHN, Esq. of Ei(Ui-slio, Oainani, Now /oalaiul, J. P., b. 2Uh \j Marcb, 1S35 ; Hi. 1-itli December, 1855, Agues Humphries, aud lia.s issue, I. J.ilin Forrester, h. May, 1859. II. James Beiuiie, h. June, 18tjl. III. Charles William, b. October, 1865.' IV. Stuart Bathgate, b. September, 1870. V. Douglas Harold, h. Deeeniber, 1873. VI. Egercon Hamphries, b. July, 1875. VII. Stanley Gordon, b. August, 1877. I. Margaret, in. Tliomas Crawford Deunison, Esq., C.E. II. Auuie Murdoch. III. Agnes Jane. IV. Constance Mary. V. Florence Helen. Mr. Reid left Scotland for Melbourne, Australia, iu 1S53, where he reuiaiiied tcu years, afterwai-ds settling iu New Zealand. ILtncagt. Tlio gi'innlpaiviits of John Ki'id, Ksq., resided at. Glasgow, Scotland, and liis father, William Reid, Esq. (who was h. there), »«. 1833, Jane Forrester (i. at Animore, Perth- shire, Scotland), and d. in Victoria, 1878, where also hid wife had liredeceascd biin in 1861. Cresf used — A demi raffle, witiffs elevated. Motto — Fortitndine et tatjore. Residence — Elderslic, Oamaru, New Zea- land. jE-stete— Elderslie Estate, and the Ral- rndderv property, both iu the Oauiaru uis- trict, Otago, New Zealand. OXSLOW, HIS EXCELLENCY THE EARL OF (Sir William Hillier Ouslow, G.C.M.G.), CO. Salop ; Viscount Cranley, of Cranley, co. Surrey; Baron Onslow, of Onslow, co. Salop, and of West Clandon, Surrey; Baron Cranley, of Imbercourt, and a baronet ; governor and commander-in- chief of New Zealand from 1888 ; lord high steward of Guildford from 1875 ; J. P. and D.L. for co. Surrey; one of the lords-in-waiting to Her Majesty in 1880 and 1886-87 ; parliamentary nnder-secretary for the colonies, 1887-88 ; and parliamentary secretary to the Board of Trade in 1888 ; 6. 7th March, 1853; educated at Eton and Exeter College, O.xford (B.A. 1874); s. his grand-uncle, as fourth earl, 24th October, 1870 ; ni. 3rd February, 1875, Hon. Florence Coulston Gardner, daughter of Alan, third Lord Gardner, and has, I. RicuAKD WiLLi.v.M Ai,.\.N, ViscouNT Ci!.\Ni,EY, b. 23rd August, 1870. II. Victor Alexander, b. at Govcruuient House, Welliugtuu, 13lli November, 1890. 390 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1. Gwendolen Florence Mary, h. 22nd July, 1881. 71. Dorothy Evelyn Augusta, b. 7th February, 1885. Hincncjc. Geoege AtrGusTPs Cranlet Ouslow, Esq. of Alresford, Hampshire, eldest son of Colonel the Hon. Thomas Chanlet On- slow, "who was second son of the 2iid E.\RL OF Onslow (see Burke's Peerage), b. 14th May, 1813 ; m. 11th July, 1848, Mary Harriet Ann, eldest daughter of Lieutenaiit-General WilUain F. B. Loftus, of Kilbride, eo. Wick- low, and d. 1.3th April, 1855, leaTing by her (who d. 7th November, 1880) an only son, William Hilliek, present earl, go- Tcrnor of New Zealand. Creations — Baronet, 21st November, 1660. Baron, lyth June, 1716. Bai-on Cranley, 20th May, 1776. Earl, &c.,19th June, 1801. Arms — Arg., a fesse, gu., between six Cornish choughs, ppr. Crest — An eagle, sa., preying upon a partridge, or. Supporters — Two falcons, close, ppr., belled, or, brewets gu. Mottoes — Above the crest, Semper iidelis ; and, below the shield, Festina lente. O^cial Residences — (rovernment Houses, Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand. Seats — Claiidon Park and Stoke Bark, near Guildford, Surrey. Toirii House— 7, Eichmond-terrace, White- hall, S.'W. Clubs (in London) — Carlton, White's, Travellers'. CuiTic Df ^t. MM. CURRIE, JOHN LANG, Esq. of Larra and Titanga, both co. Hampden, and Eildon, Grey-street, St. Kilda, Victoria, J. P., h. at Howford, Selkirkshire, Scotland, ITth November, 1818; m. at St. Kilda, Victoria, 14fh May, 1852, Louise, daughter of Mr. Johnston, of St. Kilda, Victoria, and has had issue, I. William John, b. 1st May, 1855 ; d. 13th July, 1887. II. JoHU Lang, b. 21st May, 1866. ^ 11 r. James Cedric, 6. 10th July, 1860. jv. Edwin, 6. 6th July, 1862. T. Charles Sebbald, b. 1st August, 1866. Yl, Henry Alan, b. 6th June, 1868. vir. Hugh, b. 27th August, 1871 ; d. same month. I. Henrietta, 6. 20th March, 1853; m. 12th August, 1873, Patrick Scllar Lang, Sheriff Clerk, Esq. of Selkirkshire, and has issue, n. Louise Jane, b. 15th October, 1858; 711. 16th September, 1884, Richard Grice, E.sq. of Melbourne, and has issue. III. Alice, b. 27th January, 1865 ; d. 30th November, 1866. IV. Agnes Eleanor, b. 1st September, 1869. Hincaar. The family of Currie was seated at Dunse, Berwickshire, Scotland, from 1570 to 1765, and this family claims descent from a cadet of Currie of that ilk, Anuandale. Tlie elder line merged in the Johnstons of Annandale by the marriage of its heiress in 1550. Sir Walter de Currie swore allegiance to Edward I. 1296. Adam de Currie assisted Wallace Sanquhar. Piers de Currie, cele- brated in Siottish ballad and in ancient Norse chronicles for his heroic achievements and death fighting against Haco at the battle of Largs in 1263. About the middle of the seventeenth cen- tury, Hartwoodburn, Selkirkshire, became the property of the Currors or Curries, and in 1713 it was possessed by George Currie, from whom the present J. L. Currie, Esq., is said to descend. In 1690 the name was sjjelt Currier, other spellings of the name benig Corr^', Corrie, Curry, Curror, and Currie. BURKI-rS COLONIAL GENTKA'. 391 WiiiiAM CliiUli-, Ksq. of ITowford, Scl- kii'ksliiri', Siotliiiiil, »«. iibiml ISIO, llenri- ftt;i, sister of Aiulrew Liiii;;, Esq. of Si'lkirk, uiitl of AVilliinii Liitig, Escj. of Eiliiilniri;li, Scotliiiid, ami rf. in 1S30, Imviiig had by her (who rf. about 1860), I. Andrew, h. (ilh November, 1812, m. Isabelhi Ifnrdio Denliohn, und has live sons and tlu'ee (hiughters. II. John' Lam), of whom we treat. III. William, i. 2Snl February, LS20, d. 1825. IV. George, h. 31st Deoembev, 1822, m. in Australia. Miss Harriet Glaseot, and has tbit'o sons and tliree daughters. I. Jeau, 4. l^th May, 1811, iii. William Scott, Esq. ot Ladhopc, Yarrow, Scot- land, and Ims two sons and ono daugh- ter. II. Henrietta, b. lOtli October, 1815, m. in Australia, Leonard Salmon I. owe, Esq., and lias issue, a duu(;lilcr, Mary. Arms iixed — Oit., a xalfire, arrj,, a rose in chivf of the last, barhrd ond seeded rert. Crest — A cock gu. Hollo — Audax et vigi- lans. Residences — (Country) — Larra, Titancn, both CO. Hampden. (Town): — Eildon, Grey- street, St. Kilda, Victoria. Estates— Ijiwra, and Titanga, both co. Ilanijidcn, ^'ictoria. ^Ocavson of I\ilman;> ^m\\ anti Craicjcllacfjic* PEARSON, HON. WILLIAM, of Kilmany Park, S .Ic, TaMJil co., and of Craigellachie, St. Kilda, both in Victoria, J. P., wa.s for twelve years a member of the Legislative As.sembly of Victoria, and is now a member of the Legislative Council of that colony ; 6. at Hilton, parish of Kilmany, Fifeshirc, Scotland, 20th September, 1818; was educated at Polinoiit and Edinburgh High School ; emigrated to Victoria, arriN-ing in Hobson's Bay in IS tl ; hi. at Sale, Tanjil co., 4th August, 1869, Eliza Laura, daughter of 11. .1. Tiavcr«, Esq., formerly in the Hon. E.I.Co.'s Civil Service, and has had issue, I. Hugh, h. at Kilmany Park, 22nd June, 1?60 ; d. 27th November, 1874. II. Henry Travers, h. at Kilmany Park, 19th July, 18G1 ; d. 17th March, 1880. III. William, h. at Kilmany Park, 25th June, 1864; m. 2ud July, 1887, Sophie Emily Gooch. IV. John Benward, h. at Kilmany Park, 9th December, 1866. V. Alexander Buchanan, h. at Kilmany Park, 13th September, 1869. I. Helen, h. at Kilmany Park, 21st September, 1871. II. Laura Margaret, h. at Kilmany Park, 14th March, 1874. ILiiungc. The old Scottish family ot Tebson of I.ocnLAXDs, PiERSON of the barony ot Bal- MADiES, Forfarshire, and Peahson of the barony of Kiitenboss, Dunblane, Perth- shire, of wliich the Hon. William Pearson is head, appears under various sjiellings, in some of the earliest ofiieiul records of Scot- land. This family is desi'ribed as then " ancient," in 1G84, by John Ochterlony of The Guynd, in his Account of the Sh ire of Forfar.* In the Ragman Roll — tlic sealed instru- ment of fealty subscribed by the representa- tives of Scotland, to Edwaud I, of England, in his oflice as arbiti-ator between TJruee and JBaliol — Wauticr Pieressone (del C'ouute do • See MacfarlaneMSS., Advocates' Library, Edinburgh.— .*>yiu//. Mixr., p. 313. lierewyk) signs as landowner in Perwiekshire, 28th August, 129G. In a safe conduct granted by Edward III, of England, signed by the king at Westminster, 11th June, 13(10, David Pcrisone, " nu'rcator de Scotia," is permitted to pass through England, "cum quatuor sociis eqiiilibus." Six others, nanu'd in the same document, have passes for two mounted companions each. The sale conduct provides against the export of bows and arrows to the prejudice of England. From 1372 to 13y0, David Perisonc, and his brothers, Alexander and John, were comptrollers of the customs of North Berwick, Duuifries, and Haddington. In the Close Rolls, 20 Ric. IT, 27th June, 1396, "The king (RiCHAiiu 11) connnands his cousin, Henry Percy, Earl of North- 392 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. iinibei-land, to order the release of the Scots iiicreliants and tlieir goods, lately wrecked in a ship of Henrv Pierson's, on the coast of Wcrkworth, last Lent, and said to be in his (the earl's) custody, that the truce be not broken." In 1-125, the head of the family, John de Peeisson, was burgess of Linlithgow, and nervitor* (j/euerosus) to the king, James I, of Scotland. A payment out of the customs of Linlithgow is ordered to him "by the king's ring, to tbe auditors." In 1450, his eldest son, Thomas, held lands at Blackness, Eister Liff, Forfarshire, at whose death, in 1466, sasine of these lands (which now form part of the west-end of Dundee) was granted to his two daughters, Mariota and Sybilla Persoun. Henry, brother of John de Perisson, was bailie of Linlithgow, 1434. His son, Thomas Peresone, was one of the clerks of the Chapel Eoyal, Edinburgh, 1467. John Person was ]irocurator for tlie Abbot of Culross in 1489 in all places jiertaining to that Abbey, in the burgh of Dunfermline, and Sir Andro Pierson was one of the monks of the Abbey of Dun- fermline at that date (see Eoss's Old Huii- fennline). In 1506, the nephew of Thomas Peirson, of Blackness, servitor {armiger) to George (Hepburn), t " Abbas de Arbroath," had a charter of " ly Eude with pertinents ill ly Almory de Arbroath." The chartulary of the abbey contains several charters, granting lands to Thomas Peirson and his successors. A grant was made, 1st June, 1506, to Thomas Pierson, " et Mariote, Sponse sue Moderne " (present or second wife), " dimidiam tercie partis ville nostre de Southterre." Thomas Peirson married, as his second wife, his cousin, Mariota, daughter and co-lieiress (with her sister, Sybilla) ot Thomas of Black- ness. Thomas and Mariota Persoun, on tlie 13th October, 1508, obtained a grant of lands of Kepty (now part of Arbroath, on which tlie railway station is placed), Arbroatli, which, with the other grants, formed the nucleus of the future property of Lochlands. Thomas Peirsone, m. thirdly, Margareta Schort (who survived her husband, and afterwards m. Andrew Christesou, who also held land from the abbey of Aj-broath), and, dying before 1524, left issue, I. John, son by first marriage, a monk of Arbroath, who signed as a witness to charters granting abbey lands, 1539, and 1544, to which Cardinal Beton signed as commendator of the abbey of Arbroath. II. Walter, of whom hereafter. III. Thomas, son by first marriage. He had a charter of Clow, 1605. Ancestor of the Pearsons of Clow (between * The term servitor, at that date, had a different significance from that wliich now obtains. The office varied in importance, according to the rank of the person attended. For an e.\haustive inquiry into this subject, 6ee(?en//fHinji'iJ/«^(r:i»f, 1836,pp.22,23,106. t Till" military abbot of Arbroath, who fell at Floddcn, 1513. Dunning and Forgundcnny, Perth- shire), from whom descend {Sir Charles Pearson, the present solicitor-general for Scotland and M.P. for the Lhiiver- sities of Edinburgh and St. Anth-ews j and also Lady Paton, wife of Sir J. Noel Paton, Knt., H.M. Limner for Scotland. IV. David, son by first marriage. His son, Henry, obtained a monastery charter of Nether Baith, Dunfermline Abbey, 1576, and, with Mariora Dewar, his spouse, had sasine of one- tliird part of the lands of Wester Baith, " now called " Peirson's Baith,* 8th March, 1576. Charter granted by Eobert Eichardson, "servitor" to Mary Queen of Scots, commendator of St. Mary's Isle, Crail, Fifeshire, and treasurer to the queen. V. Adam, son by third marriage, in- herited abbey lands of Kepty, and others. He m. in 1529, Elizabetli Fethe (who deduced from Duncan de Fethyn, witness to a cliarter of Arbroath Abbey, 1254), and had issue, 1. Bernard, i. 1531, d. young. 2. James, inherited the abbey lands of Kepty, Smiddie Croft, and Lamblaw Croft, which included Lochlands, as part of Cairny. He was of Cairny before 1560. In 1599 he disponed that part of the lands of Cairny called Lochlands, to his nephew, Thomas Pierson, son of his next brother, David. James Peirson had issue, 1. " Mr."t David, who had a renewed charter of Cairny, 1601, with old augmentation dues for the abbey lands. His eldest son and heir, " Mr." Alexander, was de- signated of Bahnadies, 1614, and in 1624 a feu- ferme charter of the lands and barony of Balmadies, or Auchter- merichties, was granted to him and his wife, Isobel Beton, of the family of Beton of Bal- four. They had issue three sous and one daugh- ter, 1. James, of whom ag«in ; 2. *' Mr." Archi- bald, became slicriff de- pute of Forfar to David, first Earl of Southesk, sheriff (see Craivford Case, p. 131) ; 3. " Mr." Eobert, who graduated A.M. at St. Andrews, * The term " Baith," according to Celtic derivations, signifies land covered with birch trees. t The title of "Mr." in Scottish usage meant, in those days, a graduate of a univer- sity. BUKKK'S COI.O.NIAL GEKTUY. 393 1625, mid WHS ujipoiiited to the churcli at Orkney, 1U35, but was tloposed from )iis pliarge in 1(J30, for signing in favour of tlio Mar(|uis of Monlrose (see Scott's Fuxli Errles., Heal.) ; lie m. first. Miss EupliaiiiR Ilalero, and seeondly, Miss Isabcll Collaoe ; 1. Jean, m. William, son of " Mr." AlesanderWedderburnc, first of ICingennie, co. Forfar, wliicli finnily be- came afterwards baronets of Blackness (see Burke's Peerage and Baronet- age). " Mr." Alexander I'eirsou's eldest son and heir, James, m. liis cousin, Eliza- beth, only diuigliter and lieiress of " Mr." Archi- bald Pierson, of Eister Powrie, second son of David Pierson, of Barne- grene, and had issue, 1. " Mr." Alexander, of him again; 2. John, in. his cousin - german, Eliza- beth, danghter of " Mr." Erancis Peirsone, minis- ter of Kirkmicliael, Strathardle; 1. Margaret, m. first, her cousin, John Pierson, of Eister Liff, Dundee. Iler husband died before she had been married a year and a day, and slie therefore renounced her marriage settlement in Eister Liff. Slie m. secondly, John Ochterlony, of Wester Seatoun. James Pier- son's elder son, Mr." Alexander, m. Lady Margaret Murray, of Lintrose, and d. iii 1700, leaving issue, 1. Archi- bald, baptised lOtli De- cember, 1663; d. s.p.; 2. John, d. s.p. ; 3. James, younger of Bal- madies, of whom pre- sently ; 1. Elizabeth, twin with her sister Margaret, b. 1657 ; 2. Margaret, twin with her eister Elizabeth, b. 1657 ; 3. Catherine, b. 1665; m. James Rait, brother of William Rait, of Hal- green. The third son, James, b. 1666, was younger of Balmadies wlien the ]iropcrty of Lochlaiids was Iransferri'd to him, i'onscijiieul ujion the forfaiilluiv of "Mr." ^\■illlam Pcar.sone, 1689. He liiul made, in ]73i», a disposition of his whole cslale, Balmadies, Loch- lands, Bariict;rcne, Berryfold, and Smiddy Croft, by wliieh his second surviving son, Robert, became liis heir on his father's death in 1745. James I'icrson )H. Alargaret, daughter of Sir Alexander Lindsay, of Evelick, bart., aiid widow of Alexander Ar- butlniot, of Findourie (who was coniiiiissioncr of supply in 16SKI and 1702, and d. 17-15), and had seven sons, 1. James, h. 1695; d. 1714; 2. John, b. 1690 ; d. s.p. ; 3. " Mr." Robert, of whom presently ; 4. William ; 5. Alexander; 6. David ; 7. Thomas. The third son, " Mr." Robert, advocate, heir to his father, b. 1701 ; m. 1740, Ann, daughter of John Fniscr, of Kirkton and Uospilal- field, and d 1763, leav- ing issue, 1. James, of whom again ; 2. Jolin ; 3. David; 1. Margaret ; 2^^Mary, b. 1746 ; d. 1771. The eldest son, James, was a merchant in Riga when he was made heir special to his father ill 1765. Ue m. Angelica Maria de Tromjjowska, of Livoniii, and had issue, 1. James, of wliom presently; 2. Robert, »«. Charlotte, daughter of John Hay, of Riga ; 3. John, resided in Poland. The eldest son, James, of Balmadies, m. Margaret Ochterlony, of The Guynd. and "had issue one son and one daughter, viz., James Alexander, b. 1800; s. to The Guynd on the death of his maternal uncle, John Ochterlony ; )«. Elizabeth, daughter of John Grant, of Glen- moriston, and rf. s.p. 1873 ; and Frances, now of The Guynd, re.«iding inCheltenham, uinn. The proiierty of Balmadies was sold, before 1«20, to Henry Stephens, llie ' Well-known author of 3l'4. BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. the TiooTc (if the Farm. By him it was re-sold in lh30 to the trustees of Sir Charles Ochterlony, uho then caUed tlie pro- perty by liis own name. II. James, s. to the property of Cairuy, and ?». Jonet, daugh- ter of William Guthrie, of Gagie, grandson of Alexander Guthrie, of Guthrie, dying in 1G13. lie had assigned tlie property of Cairny to John Ochterlony, of Rlon- trose, but his son, James, was still infett in the " town and lands of Cairny in secu- rity of an annual rent upon, them." James Peirson repre- sented Arbroath in the Scot- tish Parliament of 1628. His son, Alexandei', was elected treasurer of Montrose in lej'l, without previous service. He became bailie of Montrose in 1042. Ihis town had declared for the !N'ational Covenant of 1638. In ItJ-t-l it was subjected to a night attack, organised by young Irvine, of Drum, with 300 soldiers, horse and foot. During the melee, Alexander Peirsone was " slayiie." The feeling • of the country was shown by the passing of an Act of Parliament of Chakies I, 16i7 ("Act Erie of Eglintonne"), by which " the relict and bairnis of Alexr. Peirsone, ane of the first to suffer in his bluid and his estate for ye guid cans," were assigned ''a somme of 10,000 merks out of ye first and readiest sommes due and payable to ye pubhc by ye auld laii'd of Drum, and heirby prefer said relict and bairnis to all other parties." 3. David, of Uarnegrene, became magistrate and bailie of Arbroath, 1564. He had confirmation by James V, at Stirling, of a charter granted by John (Sir John Hamilton), Abbot of Aberbrothoc, of the abbey lands of Barnegrene, 1578. He represented Arbroath in the Scottish Parliament, 1579. Acting officially, 1589, he granted sasine of a gai-den, lying within the walls of the Abbey of Ar- broath, possessed by miiquliile (i.e., deceased) John Peirson (monk). David Peirson d. before 1599, leaving issue, I. Thomas, who s. to the abbey lands of Barnegrene. Loch- lands, including Kepty, had been disponed to him by his uncle, James Pierson, of Cairny. These lands were incorporated in one charter by James VI, under the Great Seal, dat^d from Holy- rood House, 23rd November, 1599. Thomas Peirson had represented Arbroath at the Convention of Burghs, held at Aberdeen, 1590; Mon- trose, 1591 ; and Edinburgh, 1592. He obtained for Ar- broath a charter as a royal burgh, signed at Holyrood, 23rd November, 1599, and took infeftment as attorney for the provost and olBeials of the burgh, 10th July, 1601. In 1612, he was chosen moderator of the Convention of Royal Burghs, held at Arbroath that year. Thomas Pierson m. Miss Agnes Bos- well, and had issue, 1. " Mr." David, of whom again ; 2. "Mr." Thomas, who became minister of Forfar, and m. Miss Elizabeth Maule, of the ancient family of Maule, of Paninure, whose only son, " Mr." David, minister at the Kirk of Kirkaldy, left an annual rent of £160 out of the lands of Lochlands, in 1682, to his son and heir, Thomas Peirson ; 3. William j 4. James, became town clerk of Arbroath; 1. Janet, m. John Ochterlony, of The Guynd, Forfai'shire. The arms of John Ochterlony and Janet Peirson, sculptured in stone, with their initials and the date 1646, remain fixed on one of the buildings of The Guynd. Their great grandson, John Ochterlony, wrote the Account of the Shyre of Forfar ; 2. Isobell, in. her cousin, Archibald Peirson, of Chapeltown and WesthaD, sheriii depute of Eorfar, who matriculated arms, differenced by two crescents, as the second sou of the second son of his house. Thomas Pierson's eldest son, " Mr." David, who s. to Lochlands on the death of his father, had tra- velled in early life, and has described his having seen the comet of 1618 IJURKKS COLONIAL GENTRY. 305 in Flovpnce. lie boffivn at Paris a ouriovis com- pilation of the folk lore of his time, under the title of J'ariefifti ; or a Sitj'veiffh of Hare and J^xceUeni Maf/crs, Xe- ct'ssai'if and JJehctable for all Hurts of Persons. I'liblislu'd in London in 1(135, this liook is .-till foimd in old libraries, and is umeh jiri/.ed b_v book collectors. It is pre- faced by many commen- datory notices in Latin anil quaint old l''n(;lisli verse. One of these by William Drumniond, of ILiwthornden, the poet, closes with the distich ; — " This booke a world is ; here if errours be, the like (nay worse) in the ^reat world we sec." " Mr." David I'erson had issue ; 1. Thomas, s. his father, but d. s.p. ; 2. James, s. his brother, but d. s.p. ; 3. David, s. his father, d. s.p. 1667 j 4. " Mr." William. The fourth son, " Mr." William, took the M.A. degree at St. An- drews, and qualified for the Church of Scotland. lie was appointed minis- ter of Kinnaird parish, from which he was transferred to Dunferm- line, 1663 ; to Paisley in 1666, and iu 1673 the D.D. degree was con- ferred upon him. He was appointed to a charce in Stirling, 167G. By Mai-y Livingstone, his v\'iie, he had issue, five sons and two daugh- ters, viz., 1. " Mr." Wil- liam, of whom again ; 2. Thomas; 3. David; 4. John ; 5. Robert ; 1. Agnes ; 2. Mary. The eldest son, " Air." William, took an active part for James II of England in the cam- paign of Claverbouse,* * In Drummond of Balhaldy's nuMnoir of Lochicl, Dundee's disposition of his troops at the battle of KUlieerankic is thus given : — " Sir John McLean, then a youth of about 18 years, was posted with his battalion on the right, on bis left the Irishmen under the command of CoUoncll Pearson ; nixt tlien the Tutor of Clunrunald, with his battalion ; Glengarry wUh his men were placed nixt to 1689. He was one of the rebels in Kranee in the list with liuclian, Cannon, John Crichton, Captaui of Clanranald, Sir John McLean of that ilk, &e., against whom the decree of for- fault ure was issued, 2nd July, 16!I5. Thedecreeof forfaulture was set aside in '■ Mr." William Pear- son's instance by the granting of a charter bv William III, 23rd September, 161Ki, where- by the estate of Barne- grene and Lochlands passed into the hands of James Peirsone, younger of Balmadics, and became incorjjo- rated in one free barony of Balniadies. II. " Mr." Archibald, of Kister I*owrie, second son of David of Barnegrcne, in. Klizabeth, daughter of trardyne of Law- ton. His only daughter and heiress, Elizabelh, m. her cousin, James Pierson. eldest son and heir of " Mr." Alex- ander Pierson, of Balniadies. III. George, the third son of David of Barnegreiu', was first burgh tieas\u-cr of Ar- broath, and commissioju^r at the Convention of Koyal Burghs, held at St. Andrews, 1601. I. Elizabeth, m. David Kamsay, who had a charter of the Barbour's Croft, Arbroath Abbey, 1602. II. Catherine, in. David Uer- ring, of the Ualtoun of Essie. Thomas Peirsou's second son by his first wife, Walter Peieson, occupied land in Quhytfeild (Whitefield or Wluatfield), Dun- dee, and retained an interest in the lands of Eistcr Liff, Blackness, which had belonged to Thomas Pierson of Blackness,* 1450. With Clanranald. The few horses ho had were placed in the centre, and consisted of Low Country gentlemen, and some remains of Dundee's old troop. Nixt them was Loehicll, and Sir Donald (.\[ac Donald's) battalion on the left of all." — Special commissions were freely dispensed by James II for this cam- liaign, but the accepted leader of Cannon's Irish contingent was Colonel Pursell, unless he was superseded by one of these connnis- sions, notwithstanding that he was trusted bv Camion. — (Sec The Grdmeid, pp. 237- 210.) * Blackness was sold to Captain Henry Lyell before 1570. 396 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. his brotliers.Tiioiims and David, he ■nitnessed a charter by Alesone Charteris, relict of Fotlieringliam of Powrie, 1554, granting the lands of Forgundenny to Cristofer Seton. AValter Peirson m. Isobel, daughter of the above-uieiitioned Cristofer Seton (of tlio ffiniily of Seton of Meldrum, wlio obtained a charter of tlie lands of Forgundenny, con- firmed by Mary, Queen of Scots, 30th April, 1556), and rf. in Quhytfeild, beside Dundee, in January, 1560. having had issue, I. James, of Eister Liff, Dundee, be- came of Quhytfeild. He m, first, Elizabeth, daughter of C. Carnegy of Nengait, a cadet of the family of Carnegy of that ilk, and secondly, Jonet Lyn. II. John, m. Margaret, daughter of C. Carnegy, of Newgait. They had a charter of the lands of Balnabreich, in special warrandice of {\\e lands of Eister Liff, granted by John Carnegie, of that ilk, 1593. The arms of John Peirson and Margaret Carnegie, seulptiu'ed in stone, with tlieir initials and date 1591, are preserved in the tower of St. Mary's Church, Dundee. iir. Alexander, of whom again. IV. Tiiomas, »«. Jonet Cokburne. Theu' only child and heiress, Elspet Person, *■ had a band subscrivit, 23rd May, 16i5, for 600 merks," money borrowed by the town of Dundee for the paj-- ment of Major Mungo Murray for charges belonging to the transport of eight pieces of ordnance and their furniture, for the defence of Dundee against the Marquis of Montrose (see Jlaswell's Uisluri/ of Old Dundee, p. 500) . I. Miii'garet, m. Thomas Davidsonn. II. Margaret, m. David Abirdene. The third son, Ai.EX.\NDEB Peieson, represented Edin- burgli in the Convention of Estates, held at Holyrood House, 1602, and in the Scottish Parliament of 1608, and from 1609 to 1617 ; was six times moderator of the Convention of Royal Burghs. He held the lauds of Wester Saltoun under wadset from Lord Abernetliy of Saltoun,* for twenty-one years, from 1603 to 1624. He became a merohant burgess of Edinburgh, 1586. In 1595 he had a gift of escheat of the lands of Eister Liff, Blackness, Dundee, while his next brother, John, was at the Horn.t at the instance of Thomas Gairdin, in Dundee, " for not finding caution of law burrows " (finding surety to keep the peace). He »«., first, 1589, Bessie, daughter of the deceased J hone Eistoun, and in her right was made • Jean, daughter of Alexander, 6th Lord Abernetliy, had m. Alexander, eldest eon of A\'illiam Seton, of Meldrum. t In Scottish law, a declaration of out- lawry, after three blasts of a " Horn," and the putting up of a citation at a pier or slmre and market cross. guild brotlier of Edinburgh. The Eistoun family was a prominent burgess family of Edinburgh at that period, and subsequently. In 1652, among the honorary burgesses and guild brothers, was Captain Richard Eistoun, deputiegovernour of the castle of Edinbui-gh. In 1591, Alexander Perssone and Elizabeth Eistoun were infeft in the lands of Quliytfeikl beside Dundee, by Thomas Fotlieringliam of Powrie, which lands had been occupied by his elder brother, James, in succession to his father, Walter Peirson. Alexander «>., secondly, Margaret Mitchell, and d. 1625, having had, by Elizabeth Eistoun, his first wife, five sons and two daughters, viz., I. " Mr." Alexander, advocate, who dis- tinguished himself in the defence of Lord Balmerino, 1634. By precept, the estates direct that Alexander Peirsun shall be employed in consulta- tion by tlieir procurator and agent (appointment dated 8th January, 1644; Acta Pari.). He was raised to the bench in 1649, as Lobd SoriH.iLL, taking his title from his property in Stirlingshire. He m. Christian, daugh- ter of William Rig, of Carbery, and had issue eight sons and three claugh- ters, of whom the eldest son, Sir Alexander Pearson of Southall, was commissioner of shire for Stirling, 1665-66 ; and the eldest daughter, Catherine, m. Mr. Robert Burnett, second son of the first Sir Thomas Burnett of Leycs (see Burke's J'eer- age). II. " Mr." Adam, .f. his fatlier as mer- chant burgess of Edinburgli. He m. Isubel, daughter of James Edger, of Peffermylue, and left one son, Alex- ander, who was served lieu- to him, 1646, and who )«. Margaret Gled- stanes. III. " Mk." James, of whom hereafter, n'. John, became merchant burgess of Edinburgh, served on the Committee of War 1646, and was commissioner of shire for Edinburgh 1655. He m. Margaret, daughter of Michael Byres, of the family of Byres of Coates, and had issue four sons and five daughters, of whom the eldest daugh- ter, Margaret, m. Thomas Burnett, first of Kemuay, ancestor of the late Dr. George Burnett, Lyon Ixing of Arms (see Burke's Peerage). V. Thomas, merchant, of Edinburgh, d. s.p. 1630. His eldest brother, " Mr." Alexander, advocate, was served heir of provision to him, 1630. I. Elspeth, in. Thomas Cleghorn, gold- smith burgess,* and had issue. II. Margaret, m. Edward Edger, of Peffermylue,t and had issue. * Of the guild of Goldsmith Bankers. t Edward Edger, cadet of the family of Edger of Wedderly, co. Berwick, impaled the arms of Pearson of Kippenross, differenced BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 307 The tliird son, " Mb." James Pearsox, of Kippcnross, Perthshire, b. 1591, studied at ICdiiiburi^h UnivprsitT, and took the M.A. detjrec 2nd tTuly, 1615. Uavinfiquiililied for the Cliurch, he was admitted minister of Dinihhuie by Adam (BeUendeii), hisliop, 17th August, 1623, and was ap])ointed (h^an of Diinbhme Catliedrul by James VI of Seotland, by pre- sentation under the Pi-ivy Seal, dated at Theobalds, 3rd Mareh, 1H24. As Dean of Dunblane, " Mr." James Peirsoun, on the 17th February, 1626, successfully raised an action against James Kinross, fiar of Kip- pcnross, Dunblane, for arrears of vicarage dues. " Mr." James Pearsoiie m. Jean, second daughter of David Drumniolid, of Innermay, deriving from Thomas of Drum- mondirenoch, younger brother of the first Lord Drummond. The arms of Pearson and Drummond are inlaid together within a border on an oak slab fixed to one of the stalls of Dunblane Cathedral. These stalls are of black oak, most elaborately carved. They are the only vestiges of ancient eccle- siastical furniture existing in any place of Presbyterian worship in Scotland. The arms of Dean Pearson still exist, sculptured in stone, on the dean's house, Dunblane. The Dunblane issue of the National Covenant of Scotland of 1638, containing mostly signa- tures of the neighbouring heritors, following tliosc of Rothes, Lindsay, and Montrose, has been preserved in this family from the time of Dean Pearson. On the 9th Novem- ber, 1633, " Mr." James Peirsoune, minister, and dean of Dunblane, and Jean Drummond, his spouse, obtained a charter under the Great Seal, of tlie barony of Kippcnross, " which lands belonged before, heritably, to Sir James Cheisholme, of Cromlix,* holden by him immediately of the Crown, and which were purely and simply resigned by staff and baton, in the hands of the lords com- missioners of exchequer, as in the hands of the king, at Edinburgh, on the 9th Novem- ber, 1C.33, in favour of, and for new heritable infeftment to, the said James Peirsoune and Jeane Drummond, his spouse, as of new, is hereby given : to be holden of the king and }iis successors in fee, heritage, and free barony for ever, for the rights and services due and wont."t On the 5th Noiember, 1448, there is a record of a charter by Jonet of Kinross, of Kippcnross. Kippcn- ross had been created a barony, 7th March, 1507, by charter of confirmation under tlic by a mullet in place of a cinquefoil, and with the motto of the Forfarshire Picrsons — Dum spiro spero. They are sculptured in stone over the entrance to the tower of Peffermylue House, in which Mary, Queen of Scots, had sometimes resided wlien at Craigmillar. • Helen, daughter of Sir .tames Cheis- holme, of Cromlix. liad married David, elder brother of Jean Drummond, who is styled Ijadie Kippcnross in the old records, in ac- cordance with the custom of the time. + Original charter of 1033. Great Seal; — Carta — "Rex eonfirmavit Jo- hanni Ros de Kippaneros, et hcredibus ejus, terras de Ki])paneros, Kippanerait, Auchlocby, Culinuis, &c., incor]ioravit in manu libenim baroniam de Kijipuneros." Dean Pearson built a house over the ancient tower of Kip]ienross, styled tlie '• Newe house of Kippcnross," in 1616. He was requisitioned to lend money to the public (Acta Pari. 1649). He rf. "in 165H. and his relict re-m. in 1660, Major John Jlonu-, of Argaty. She retained the life rent of k'ip])en- ross, in right of the original charter of li;33, and d. in 1691. James Pearson and Jeuii Drummond had issue, I. James, of whom hereafter. II. David, writer in Edinburgh. III. Alexander, h. 1616. I. Jean, b. 1633 ; m. .Tames Belshes, of the family of Belshes of Tofts. The eldest son, James Peihsone, of Kippcnross, b. 1637, was one of the commissioners of supply for Perthshire, 1678, and had his armorial bear- ings, which were of older date, confirined at the visitation of Sir Charles Araskine, of Cambo, knight, baronet, Lyon King of Amies, 14th July, 1673. He m. 15fh Octo- ber, 1601, Helline, daughter of Sir .lohn Rollo, of Bannockburn (by his second nni'- riage with Annabella, daughter of George Buchanan, of that ilk), second son of the first Lord Rollo, and had issue, three sons and seven daughters, I. James, b. 1664, was one of the victims of Cameron of Lochiel's "very sad and unwarrantable mistake," as recorded by Fountainhall in his His/o-rical Ohservaiionx. During the Argvle Re- bellion in 1685, " Sir Ewen Cameron, of LockyeU's men, throw mistake in not understanding the word fall upon a party of the Perlhshyre gentlemen, to the number of twelve, commanded by Sir John Graeme, postmaster-general, and under pre- tence of their being Argyle's men (whether the mistake was innocent or wilful to get their spoyll) they 'kill five of them, viz., Pearson of Kippenerosse, Paul Do(i)g of Bal- lingrue, Linton of Pittendreich, Nap(i)er of Balquhaple, &c. Lochiell was so affected at this melancholy accident that he could speak none for some moments, and never was known to weep but on this occasion. At LochieH's visit to the Court to clear his character in person. His Majesty having desired Iiim to relate the particulars of their late cxpeili- tion against Argylc, he did it in few words, and in the most modest 7nan- ncr, and carefully avoyding all re- flections on tlie conduct of others, he related his oun missfortune in sudi terms as made His .Majesty say that he ought rather to have been pityed 398 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. and comforted for so adlicting ane accident than accused, and that it was wholly owing to his generals, who ought to have informed him of the posts of the several partys, which would have effectually pre- vented it."* II. JoHX, of whom hereafter. III. Alexander, h 1672, d. in infancy. I. Janet, b. 1662 ; m., 1691, Patrick G-raeme, of Inchbraikie, who was out- lawed, 1696, for his fatal quarrel with the master of KoUo, in 1691. Graeme had a full remission granted to him in 1720. Their grandson, Captain Patrick Graeme, of the 73rd Regi- ment, Scotch Brigade, of the Dutcii Army, in which he served during the whole of the Seven Years War, .9. as eighth laird of Inchbraikie. II. Joana, b. 1065. III. Margaret, b. 1666. ir. Isabelle, b. 1669. V. Elizabeth, b. 1670; in. Walter Bu- chanan, of Wester Spittlehau. TI. AnnabcUa, b. 1673 ; made a will in favour of her grand nephew John, son of Hugh Pearson. Vll. Anna, b. 1674. James Pearson d. in 169+, and was x. in Kip- benross by his second son, John "Peakson, of Kippenross, b. 1667, who m. Jean, daughter of the first Sir Patrick Thrcipland, bart., the royalist, and widow of Alexander Linton of Pittendreieh (a fellow victim with James Pearson through Lochiell's mistake in the Argyll Kebellion), and had issue, I. James, d. young, 7th April, 1711. II. Hugh, of whom presently. I. Joan, b. 1702; m. "Mr." William Somerville. II. Ilellen, b. 1703 ; m. her cousin- gerrnan. Captain Patrick Graeme, at Orchill (see Burke's Landed Gentry, ed. 1849), and had one daughter, Helen, who in. George Kobertsou, of Faskally, co. Perth. John Pearson became noted throughout liis part of Scotland, for his gigantic size and fur his hospitality and good-fellowship, according to the customs of the day (see Scotland and Scotsmen in the I8th Century, Ramsat op Ochterttre). Hugh Pearson, of Kippenross, executed service to his father, 5th January, 1722. He took great interest in his property, and planted, in 1742, the Beech Walk, along the banks of Allan Water, reputed to be the first walk of the kind artifieially made in Scotland (see Woods, Forests and Estates of Perthshire, Hitnter). The surpassing beauty of the property is attested in the Letters of Thomas Ers'kine of Linlathen (p 8). Erskine spent much of his boyhood there. At Albauo, on the road to Rome, he noted * Balhaldy's Memoirs of Lochiell, p. 219. an evergreen oak as large as the " Kippenross Tree." This refers to the sycamore, acer- pseudo-platanus, which went by the name of the " Big Tree of Kippenross," in the time of Charles II. This tree was planted a.d. 1400, as shown by some old estate papers. Its girth, where the branches separate, was 27 feet 4 inches ; and the branches spread to a width, of 114 feet. In Loudon's Arboretum et Friicticetn-in Uritannicum, this sycamore is stated to be the largest of its kind in Britain. A drawing of it (taken before it was damaged by lightning, in 1827) is shown in Fittler's Scotia Depicta, Plate XX. Hugh Pearson m. 6th March, 1743, Mistress Agnes Gibb, daughter and co-heiress (with her sister Catherine) of the deceased William Gibb, chirurgeon, Edinburgh, and had issue two sons, I. John, b. 15th December, 1743; executsd service to his father, lltli June, 1751, and 29th January, 1755 ; d. tinm. II. William. The second son, William Pearson, Esq. of Kippenross, h. 27th January, 1750, executed service to his brother, llt'li March, 1772, and m. 25th September, 1775, Jane, only daughter of Sir James Campbell, of Aberuchill and Kilbride, 4th baronet (see Campbell of Kilbryde), by Margaret, his first wife, daughter and heiress of Captain WilHam Conductor Ball, of Ilatton Garden, London, land com- missioner for Scotland. In 1778, being then 28 years of age, William Pearson parted with Kippenross to tiie adjoining proin-ietor, John Stirling of Kippendavie, and the con- joined property is now known as Kippen- davie. The legal arrangements of transfer were completed 9tli February, 1781, when "John Stirling of Kippendavie was seized in the barony of Kippenross under life-rent superiority of William Pearson of Kippenross, of parts of the said barony." The boundaries of the barony were Allan Water on the south, Slieriffmuir on the north, Dunblane village on the west, and the Brook of Old Wherry on the east. Dean Pearson's house of Kippen- ross, or Kippenerosse (said to have been so named after one of the four crosses of St. Blane, anciently known as Kippen Cross, White Cross, Anchor's Cross, and Cross Capley) , was burnt down in William Pearson's time. He built the commencement of the present substantial mansion house of Kippen- ross, wliich has been much added to by the present owner, Colonel Stirling, whose father, John Stirling of Kippendavie, acquired a wide reputation from his connection with railway enterprise. William Pearson had issue, I. Hugh, commander R.X., of whom hereafter, ji. John, b. 1783 ; d. at Westbush, Inveresk, 8th August, 1807. III. James, b. 1787, was nominated to a cadetship in the Hon. E.I.Co.'s service by Lord Leven and Melville, a cousin BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 399 of liis niotlier's, l1iroiii;Ii tho sisters Kalliprino ami Willu'liiuiia Nisln't. of Dirleloii.* On aiTiviii;; in India in 1801-, James Pearson joined tlic army before tlie fortress of Hluirtporo. In 1805 he served with the grand army under Ijord I-ako, in pursuit of Uolkar, and suhseijuently joined the Isl battalion IMli Kof;in\ent before the fortress of Callenghur, where ho was repeatedly engaged witli parties of the enemy. In tlie expedition to Java against the Dutch, in 1811, ho was wounded in the assaidt of Carnelis. and bceanie entitled to tlie Peninsula medal with Java elasp. lu reeoguition of his services he was ajiptiinted adjutant of an Aniboynese corps rtiised from the prisoners of war. In 1SI2, in command of a wing of the newly- raised corps, he joined the ex))edition to Palembang, and was engaged with the deposed Sidtan's forces in a severe action in which the commanding olBcer was killed. In 1815-18 he served in Ne]")aul, and during the insurrection at Cnttack had a detached command. He was repeatedly engaged with the insurgents, and for his con- duct received the thanks of the governor - general, as well as those of the general commanding tlie division. In 1828 he succeeded as major to the conunand of the Goth Regiment B.N. I., at Agra, and raised that regiment to an exceptioiuil state of discipline, as testified by Brigadier- General Eichards, inspecting ofBcer; finally retiring from the service as major, 1832. lie m. 1821, Agnes, youngestdaughter of William Richard- son, Esq., deceased, late of Iveitliock, Forfarshire, who matricxdated arms 1793, bearing in base a hawthorn tree (derived from the arms of his maternal gi'audfather, Henry Hatborn, of Aries and Castlowig, Wigtonshire), in place of the lymphad borne in base by his ancestor, Richardson of Smeaton, in recognition of his being commendator of St. Mary's Isle, Crail, Fifeshire, and who was high treasurer of Scot- land, 1566. Major Pearson had issue seven sons and four daughters, of ■whom are, David Ritchie, M.D. (Edinburgh), late Army Medical Staff and 2nd Batt. Prince Consort's Own Ride Brigade, now of Kensington, Lon- don, representative of this younger branch of tlic funiily in England, b. 1837 ; m. 1869, Jane, elder daugh- ter of James Rae, Esq. (partner * See Burke's Peerage, articles Campbell OF Aberuchill, aiul Leven and Melville. Katherine Nisbet, widow of Colin Campbell of Aberuchill, was celebrated for her beauty, her piety, and her devotion to tlie princijilea of the Covenant. in tlic late firm of Jackson and Rae, merchants, Melbourne, .Vu8- tralia), by Jane Dickson, his wife, whose mother, Janet Irving, was the eldest sister of lulward Irving, the preacher. Dr. Pearson has surviving issue four sons and two daughters, viz., 1. James Rae, 4. 2nd August, 1871, Clare College, Cam., selected candidate, l.C.S. 2. Hugh Drummond, Royal Military Academy, Wool- wich, It. 1 7th February, 1873. .3. Allan Campbell, A. IStli A])ril, 1874. 4. Philip Oraeme, b. Ist Dc- cendicr, 1877. 1. JMuricl Agnes, 4. 19th June, 1876. 2. Mary Ursula Lowthcr, 4. Idtli 'September, 1879. John Richardson, captain, late 95th Regiment, second surviving son of Major Pearson, wiis a eudct at- tached to tlie 6th B.N, I. when the mutiny broke out at .\llahahad in 1857. Out of sevenlcen ollicci's, he was one of the three survivors on detached service at the river who escaped into Allahabad Fort. He served wilh Creneral llaveloek through tlie subsequent campaign, including ten general actions ami first relief of Lucknow, and served in the defence of Lucknow tdl its final relief. Ifc was mentioiied in despatelies, 30th December, 1857, for services in the field ; was given command of field de- tachment, Sangur District, and served as staff olHcer (ith Column Bundelkund Field F'urce, adjutant Meerut Light Horse and 3rd Bengal Irregular Cavalry ; was again mentioned in despatches, 2-tlh January, 1859, and ex- clianged into the 95th (Derby- shire) Regiment on attaining tho rank of captain. He m. 1^70, Archangc Margaret, only dsngli- terof the late John Stewart Lyon, Esq. of Kirkmichael, Dumfries- shire, and has issue, one son and one daughter. IV. William, 4. 1790, d. up. I. Margaret, 4. 1776 ; m. 1811, the Rev. David Ritchie, D J)., one of the minis- ters of St. .Vndrew's Clinrch, Edin- burgh, professor of logic in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, 1808, and mode- rator of the General .Vssembly of tho Church of Scotland, 1814. She'rf. 1840. II. .\gnes Catherine, 4. 1780; d. unm., 26tli July, 1865. William Pearson's eldest son, Hroil Peahson, Esq., commander R.N., 4. 1778, entered the Royal Navy in 1793. lie was mentioned in dcsjiatches relating to Lord Brid port's victory off L'Orient, and in 400 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. t)ie action off Cape St. Vincent, 14th Febru- ary, 17!*7 ; was severely wounded in the attack made by Lord Nelson on the Spanish gunboats off Cadiz, and served as lieutenant on board the " Elephant," bearing Lord Nelson's flag, at the battle of Copenhagen. For his services on the north coast of Spain, as first lieutenant of the " Arethusa," he had conferred upon him the rank of lieutenant- colonel in the Spanish service. Having had the projjerty of Myrecairnie, in Fifeshire, left to liim, he retired from the navy as com- mander, at the conclusion of the war, 1815. He subsequently purchased the property of Vellore, Linlithgowshire, and m. 1817, Helen, daughter of Thomas Littlejohn, Esq. of Stir- ling, N.B., having had issue by her seven sons and seven daughters, viz., I. William (Hon.), of Kilmany Park and Craigellachie. TT 1 ' r twins, d. in infancy. III. Hugh, J ' ' IV. James, d. in infancy. V. Hugh, lieutenant R.N., d. s.p. Ti. Alexander Littlejohn, m. Wilhel- mina, daughter of Boyd A. Cuning- hame, Esq. of The Fultous, Gippsland, Victoria, and d. 1887, leaving surviving issue, five sons and two daughters. VII. Thomas Livingstone, late lieutenant R.N., b. 18.33; entered the Royal Navy in 1846, and served in the Baltic, 1854, and the Black Sea, 1855 ; was engaged, in command of the " Hai'dy," both at Sebastopol and at Kinburn, for which services he was made a kniglit of the Legion of Honour. He m. 1856, Edith Newman, and has issue two sons and two daugh- ters. I. Christina, m.. Worthy Haswell, Esq., M.U., and had issue, one son and one daughter. II. Jane Campbell. III. Margaret, d. young. IV. Helen, m. James Macknight, Esq., W.S., grandson of James Macknight, Esq., D D., the well known commen- tator of the Epistles, and had issue, three sons and six daughters. V. Agnes Catherine, m. J. J. Paul, Esq., M.D., late surgeon R.N., and has issue, two sons and two daughters. VI. Mary, d. young. VII. Elizabeth Mary, m. Thomas Miehell, Esq., C.B. (created 4th December, 1875), late of the Britisli Embassy and consul at St. Petersburg, and now H.B.M. consul-general for the king- dom of Norway, residing at Christi- ania, which appointment he has held smee 4th November, 1880. She d. s.p. 1888. Arms — Arg. two daggers az., tlie pomels divided in chief, and the points enjoined, piercing a man's heart in base ppr., in the honour point a einquefoil sa. Crest — A tower ppr. Motto — Rather die than disloyal. Residences — Kilmany Park, Sale. Tanjil CO. ; and Craigellachie, East St. Xilda, both in Victoria. Clubs — Melbourne and Australian, both in Melbourne. END OF VOL. 1. ^ HARBISON AND SONS, PIUNTERS IN OKDINAKT TO IIEH MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN S lANK. NEW AND IMPORTANT BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Harrison and Sons, 59, IP ^^ H, Xj I^ ^^ H, X-. ^ LONDON, S.W. Anglican Chnrcli Magazine (The). A Jloiitlily Bovicw lor Nortlicni ;m(l Cuntnil Kuropc. Edited l.y John LoMAS. Price ]0d. Blind, The Education and Employ- meiit of the. By T. 1!. Akmitage, M.D. What it liiis betMi, is, and ought to be. Second Edition, 1886. 216 pp. Price 6s. " We cordially welcome the appearance of this New Kdition, and trust tliat it will be the mean.'i of directmc the attention both of teachers and students 10 a system which we believe to be the best for practical use that has yet been promulg.it. d."— .Jt/ir jin iim. ' Book of Common Prayer, according to the ]\IS. preserved in the Rolls Record Office, Dublin. K.litcd hy A. J. 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The Baronetage, incorporated with the Peerage, is complete in every detail as to the Lineage and present condition of each Baronet and his family. The Knightage has been much enlarged by the in- troduction of the family connections of the Knights of the several Orders of tbc Knights Bachelors and of the Members of Her Majesty's Most Honour- able Privy Council. Precedence. — This important subject has been fully dealt with, and the Lists may be I'elied on as authoritative. The Peers, Baronets, and Kniglits, and the Companions of the several Orders of Knighthood are placed according to their relative rank ; and there is given a Scale of General or Social Precedence, and a List of the Maids of Honour to the Queen, with their relative Precedence. Tables of Prece- dence of Diplomatic Agents ; Relative Rank of the Officers of the Navy and Army ; and Precedence in the Colonies, the Dominion of Canada, and the Indian Empire are also supplied. 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To such students, in fact, * Burke' is an indispensable biographical dictionary, and one which needs no recom- mendation. . . ."" — Times. " The reader who takes up ' Burke ' does ro with the full consciousness that every statement, every detail, however small, has been subjected to the closest scrutiny and most stringent revision." — Mornhuj Post. ' ' The present edition is marked by the accurate editorship that has justly entitled it to be con- sidered a complete genealogical and heraldic dictionary." — The DaUn Telegraph. " It is scarcely necessary to add that the present edition of Burke's Feerage is distinguished by the completeness and accuracy that have hitherto constituted what is one of the mosc entertaining and suggestive books in the world, a volume of reference that everybody may consult with confidence." — Satv.rdoy Revkiv. *'This work supplies, with admirable minuteness and perfect conectness, the information so eagerly sought for.''— Iltu^trottd London Neics. " Without denying the merit of other peerages, this is par excellence the book for those who desire to know, not only about living persons, but about their ancestors." — The Graphic. " Sir Bernard can put forward the hope, scarcely distinguishable from a claim, that his present volume is ' in all respects complete.' " — Notes, and Qua-us. *'Sir Bernard Burke's handsome volume easily maintains its position as the most comprehensive, the most complete, and most reliable of all the Pterages." — VaniO/ Fair. " The success of Sir Bernard Burke in bringing his great work through so many editions must be regarded as a marvellous achievement, worthy of his learning and litemry reputation. It is not a dry record of dates and names, or a collection of heraldic symbols, but the cultured taste of the author has made it attractive by historical illustrations and notes of many inci- dents in the career of great families, which have the charm of romance."— /)w6fm DaHy Express. 59. i^aU Mali, London, S. W. Burke's, Sir Bernard, Landed G-entry of Groat Hntain and Iivlami, being- a rcforil of tlie Linoago, &c., of alxmt 4,500 Families, with a tloscription of tlieir Arms, Crosta, &c. Seventh Kditiox. TliorouirUly Kovisctl tlirou^hoiit, 1880. This edition ol tlic Jjanded Gentry has heen conipihnl from connnunicatioiis matlo hy tlie chiefs and heads of famihes from tlieir private papers, traditions and gcncaloi^ies. 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Burke's, SirBernard, Dormant, Abeyant, FOHFEITED, AND EXTINCT PEI'MtAGE.S of the British Empire. New Edition, bkouoiit down to lSS:i. Comprising every Peerage created since the Conquest, that is luiw E.xtinct, Dormant, under Attaiii- der, or in Abeyance, and tr;iciiig down the various dignities to their ccisting representatives. Illustrated by Steel Engravings of the Principal Arms. Royal 8vo., cloth gilt. Price £2 2s. '* By the publication of this splendid volume, Ulster Kinc of Arms completes the structure of infornijitinn whit-li lie lias been so loni; en^jagcd in rcaiinc, and in wliosc construction he has displayed not only the accuracy and research of the lieral'', but the generalization, liio appre- ciation of the historian."— -Vo/vuKf/ Fotit. t 2 Harrison and Sons, Publishers, Burke's Celebrated Trials connected with the Upper Classes of Society in the Reh\tioiis of Private Life. By Peteb BuKEE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 8vo., clotli. Price 16s. 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ELEMENTS OF CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL GEOLOGY, by Gustav BiscnoF, Ph.D. Edited, and in pai-t tr.mslated from the Manuscript of the Author, by Benj. H. Paul, Ph.D. 3 vols., demy 8vo., cloth. Price - ,£1 Us. 6d. LEHMANN'S PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY', translated and edited by Dr. G. E. Day, F.R.S. 3 vols., demy 8vo., cloth. Price 7s. each. DR. OTTO FUNKE'S ATLAS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PLATES. Price 75. HANDBOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, by Leopold Gmelin, translated and edited by Henby Watts, E.A., F.R.S. 6 vols., deuiy 8vo., cloth. Price 10s. 6d. each. HANDBOOK OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, by Leopold Gmelin, translated and edited by Heney Watts, B.A., F.K.S. 12 vols., demy 8vo., cloth. Complete tiar ^4 4s. Sepiu-ate vols. 10s. 6d. each. INDEX TO GMELLN'S HANDBOOK OP CHEMISTRY, by Henky Watts, B.A., F.R.S. Demy 8vo. cloth. Price 14s. Chemical Effect of the Spectrum (The). By Dr. J. M. Edee. Translated and Edited by Captain W. de W. Abney, R.E., C.B., F.R.S., Vice-President of the Pliotograpliic Society. Post 8vo., sewn. Price 2s. 59, Pall Mall, Londo7i, S. W. Cleopatra's Needle. The London Obelisk: A Now Transmit ion iif the Hioroglypliic Text. By Geo. Patehson Yeats. lUnstiMtc'd. IVst Svo., |)iiri'liinoiit \rrniiiiur. I'rice Is. UlUD vjaSeS, Being considerations on the Forma- tion, AI;in:i^oinent, ami Dissolution of Clubs, with especial relcTencc to the liabilities and e.vpulsion of members. B_v .\ktiiur F. Leach, IJarrister-at- Law. Seconj) Edition. With the Labouchere Case, 1879. Uemy 8vo., sewn. Price Is. Clubs of the World : a General Guide or Index to tlio London and County Clubs, and those of Scotland, V,;de«, Ireland, United Kini;dom Yacht Clubs, and British Colonial Possessions, together with the Kiitrlisb and other Clubs in ICiiropc, the United States, and elsewhere tlu'oua:hout the world. By Lieut.-Col. CiEOBGH James Itet. Post Svo., doth. Second Edition,' 1880. Price 6s. " Here we have a general Riiiile to all the Clubs of llie civilized worlJ, with all the facts about them which anyone woulii want to become acquainted with. The amhor enlivens his i»aces with amusing and interesting anecdotes, collected from various sources." — .VdivW and MUiiory Gazette. Colonial Office List for the present year. Comprising Historical and Statistical information respecting the Colonial Dependencies of (Ireat Britain, an account of the Services of the 0()icer.s in the Colonial Service, a Transcrii)t of the Colonial licgulations, the Customs Taritl of each Colony, and other information compiled from Official Eecords, by the permission of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, by John Anderson and Sidney Webb, of the Colonial Oflice. Maps. Demy 8vo., cloth. Price 7s. 6d. (Publislied Aninially.) " None of the many volumes published on the Colonies during the pa.st few years approaches it in the remotest degree for completeness. U is a perfect encyclopedia of information- historical, commercial, statistical, political, and ofhcial, of every colony, however great or however small, from the Dominion of Canada down to the little coral group of the Cocos." — Titms. " Appears to be as well edited as usual." — Alfcritruin. Consular Formulary : By a. percy ingus (Urit. \'icc-Coiisul). Being a collection of Forms ami Precedents for the use of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in the discharge of tlu'irduties umler the Constilar Act, tlie Merebaut Marine and liegistration Acts, and generally in matters connected witli British Shipping, 'IVade, and Commerce. 8vo., cloth. Price 12s. 6d. Corpulence. A Letter on, addressed to the Public By W. Banting. 4th Edition (reprinted 1885). Svo., sewn. Price Is. Courts-Martial, The Practice and Pro- cedure of, and Disposal of Oileucos by Commanding Oflicers. liy Col. G. Cox, Koyul Irish Fusiliers. Fcap. folio. Price 10s. "Is a very careful compilation Wc do not doubt that it will prove very useful to Presidents of Courts-fllartial, as they will have before iheui every part of tho form of proceedings, with notes on almost every pyint that can possibly arise." — Broad Art-oic. Harrison and Sons, Publishers, Cricket. Jerks in from Short Leg. By Quid. Cricket as n Profession, tlie Field, Umpires, Cricket Clubs, Cricket Grounds, Cricket Nurseries, Confidence, Temper, a Cricket Dream, Cricket Types, the Spectators, tlie Ladies, Conclusion. With 90 Illustrations, by \V. H. Dg Bellew. Fcap. 4to., cloth gilt. Price 7s. 6d. Dress worn by Gentlemen at Her MAJESTY'S COURT. Revised Edition, 1882. 8vo., sewn. Price Is. Dublin Castle. a Historical Account of the Castle and of English Rule in Ireland. By M. O'CoNXOK Morris. Demy 8vo, 300 pp., with 8 Illustrations from Photographs. Price 12s. *' Mr. O'Connor Morris traces the bistory of the famous edifice and its successive occupants from early Norman days, through the Plantagenets and the Tudors, the Elizabethean, the Stuart, and the Cromwell periods, to the very last hut one Lord Lieutenant, and even to the present Secretaiy." . " a narrative relnted with Hibernian raciness and humour." — Dnily News. '* Is interesting and readable, and a number of excellent illustrations brighten its pages very agreeably." — Court Journal. Foreign Office List for the present Year, forming a complete British Diplomatic and Consular Handbook, with JIaps, showing where Her Majesty's Ambassadors, Ministers, Consuls, and others are resident abroad : together with a List of Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Representatives resident within the Queen's Dominions. Compiled by Sir Edwaed Heetslet, C.B., Librarian and Keeper of the Papers, Foreign Office. Demy 8vo., cloth. Price 6s. (Published Annually.) "Is a5 complete a handbook to the Diplomatic ami Consular .Services as could be compiled, and its information is ;>iven on the best possible authority." — Moniing Post. " It is a mine of informatio;!. . . . a valuable book, and carefully compiled." — Vanity Fair. Harmony, Treatiseon. By a. day. Entirely re-written, revised and edited, with an Appendix, by G. A. Macfaeeen, Mus. Doc. Demy 8vo. Price 10s. 6d. •' It must eventually supersede all other systems." — The Queen. Hertslet's Treaties and Tariffs, regulating the Trade between GREAT BRITAIN and— JAPAN, January, 1879. Price 15s. SPAIN, August, 1878. Price SOs. TURKEY, January, 1875. Price 153. AUSTRIA, January, 1875. Price 7s. 6d. CHINA, January, 1877. Price 10s. ITALY, June, 1876. Price 15s. Hertslet, R. H. Jerusalem and the HOLY LAND IN 1882, with Maps. Post 8vo., sewn. Is or in cloth gilt edges, 2s. 6d. "Very readable and interesting." — John Bull. 59, Pall Mall, London, S. IV. Hertslet's Treaties, Laws, &c., relating to ConiineiTO, >,';iviL':ition, tliu Sliivc Trade, Postiil Arniii'ifniiMits, Oip.vnglit, Kxtradition, Trade JI;irk9, &c. ; wherein nrc liefincil the Rights and Privi- leges of Britisli Subjeets Ahrmid, ici.d of Foreigners in tlie British Dominions. 17 vols. Sold sepiiriitcly. Vol. I., 1827. Price l?f. Vol. IX., 1850. Price 30s. Vol. 11., 1840. Prioe 12s. Vol. X., 1S59. Price 30s. Vol. III., 1811. Price 18s. Vol. XI.. 18(11. Price 303. Vol. IV., 1835. Price 18s, Vol. XII., 1871. Price lOs. Vol. V„ 1810. Price 20s. Vol. XIII., 1877. Price 423. (Kepvintcd 18S6.) Vol. XIV., 1880. Price 42s. Vol. VI., 1845. Price 25s. Vol. XV., 1885. Price 42s. Vol. VII. 1850. Price 30s. *VoI. XVI., 18S5. Price 25s. Vol. VIII. 1851. Price 30s. Vol. XVII., 1890. Price 42s. • Being a General Index to Vols. I. to XV. An IXDEX to Vols. I. to XII. only. Price 10s. As an authoritative work of reference, it is for the statesman, the political writer, and the historical student invaluable."— 0«i/y Netcs Historical Records of the British AKJIV, viz. :— King's (The) Liverjiool Rpgimoiit of Foot. An nccotnit of the formutiur of the Ecgiment in 1685, and of its subsequent services to 1881, with liiographiciil Notices, numerous Coloured Plates, &c. 8vo., cloth. Price £1 5s. fiOth King's Royal Rifle Corps (formerly the 62nd, or the P^oyal American Regiment of Foot). Regimental Cbronich^ and List of Officers. Ry Capt. N. \V. Wallace, GOtli Royal Rilles, with Photographs and Coloured Plates. Roy. 8vo., cloth gilt. Price £1 Is. Homes of Family Names in G-reat BRITAIN. By H. B. Grrpy, M.B., Edin. Demy 8vo. 600 pp. Price 10s. 6d. " Should have attractions for a very large number of people."— Gtoiic. " His work is full of interesting and suggestive material for antiquarians, philologers, and genealogists. It is well equipped for reference, both by its general arrangement, and by its full indices, and forms, on the whole, a valuable contribution to the literature of its subject." — Tlie Scotsman. "It fills a gap in the reference library, and certainly enriches the Utcrature of nomenclature."— St. Stit'h<^iVit Review. House of Commons, The Sittings of the, for eleven years — 1880 to l8tlt). A Table showing at a glance tlie Days on which the House sat, with details as to Late Adjournments, Length of Sessions, and Period of Recesses; and other interesting information. Price Is. "The details are very interesting, and cannot fail to be most useful for reference on a matter of public importance."— TuK ItioHT Hon. A. \V. Fkel, Si'Careb of tue mouse of Commons. How to Spin for Pike; spinning lackle: what it is, nnd what it ought to be. By II. C. Pknnell. Illustrated. Second edition, enlarged. Fcap. bvo., boards. Price Is. Harrison and Sous, Publishers, India Office List (The), containing an Account of the Services of tlie Officers in the Indian Service, and other information. Compiled from Official Records by direction of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Maps. Price 6s. Published annually. " Nearly half of its contents is devoted to information of a general and special character about India, and it thus forms a handhook to that country which should be in general use through- out the empire." — Time-'i. " It is a most complete and valuable annual of reference on all matters pertaining to the India uffice." — Allen's Indian Mail. Inskip, Rev. R. M. Navigation and NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, containing Practical Rules, Notes, Examples, and an Appendix. 8vo., cloth. Price 6s. 6cl. Japanese. First Book for English STUDENTS. By John O'Neill. With Tables of the Japanese Hiragand and Katakaiia characters. 4to., sewn. Price 10s. 6d. Johnson, A. C. Elements of Plane AND SPHERICAL TRIGOXOJIEl'RY, Tlieoretical and Practical, for the use ol' Junior Naval Students. Eighth Edition, 1885, 8vo., cloth. Price 6s. Large G-ame Shooting in Thibet and the North-West, by Alexakdeh Kinloch. Containing description of tho Country, and of the various Animals to he found, to^rether with extracts from a journal of several years' standing, and illustrated by Photographs of Heads and Horns, executed by the Photo-tint process. SECOND SERIES. Demy -ito., cloth gilt. Price 21s. *' The Author compresses his adventures into a very small space, and seems to have under- gone nil sorts of futigue and exposure, in company with his wife, in a country not usually accessible to ladies; and he gives good advice as to the best means of curing and preserving skins and heads," — Saturdau R--iietc. *^* "Tliis work will prove highly acceptable to sportsmen, for the Author not only explains where the game is to be found, the mode of travel, and the best seasons to hunt, but gives some weil-cxecuted photos of the large game As a sportsman and a word-painter he is inimitable, and his work should be largely patronized." — Earopain Mail. %* "This is an attractive volume .... Captain Kinloch writes on all these subjects in a genuine and straitihtforward style, aiming at giving a complete description of the habits and movements of the game .... Tlie full-page illustrations in this book are fine photographs taken from life, and add much to the value of this valuable work." — Brituh Mail. LiOUVre ( i ne). a complete and concise Hand- book to all the Collections of the Museum, being an abriJgment of the French Official Catalogues, arranged by S. Sophia Beale. Small 4to., cloth boards, 3s. " A useful liandbfiok." — The Artist. "Will be of great service to the visitor." — Cooh's Ej:fuy^ionist. Macintyre, Lt.- Colonel J. M. Catechism FOU OFFICERS OF AETILLERY VOLUNTEERS. Square 16mo. sewn. Price Is. 6d. 59, Pall Mall, London, S. W. Melting and Boiling Point Tables, iv 'i'llOMAS CaRNELLEV, D.Sf. 2 \nls. Iloyill Ito. 1*1-100 X'2 2s. (.'Ucll. '* Of great- value as a book of reference for persona engaccd in chemical research."— r»*w*. " We strongly advise every chemical inquirer to have Mr. Carnelley'8 volumo on his desk In the laboi-a t ory ."—_-!?/< mrt« !» . Meyer, E. Test Book for Military Students; t'i'ut.iining- tlii> Line Matlioiiiiitii'al Uopoits for Direct Commissions from 1858, and SniuUuirst, from 1800 to 1S(J1-, with Answers. Fcap. 8vo., clotli. Price 3s. C.l. Microscope, How to work with the. By Dr. Lionel .S. 1!eale. Fiftli Kilitinn, revised tliroui;li(]nt :iiid much enlarg-ed, witli 100 Plates, coniiirising more than ;U)0 iMigravintrs, some printed in colour.s, and most of wliich have been drawn on wood by tlie Autlior, 1880. 8vo. Price 21s. National Eifle Association, Bisley COJliMON. Programme. Publisheil .Vnnually. 4Smo., clotli. Price Is. Ditto. Report of Proceedings. Pnblished Annually. Demy 8vo., sewn. Price Is. Newall, Major-Qen. D. J. F. The HIGHLANDS OF INDIA STUATECilCALLY CONSIDKREl). With special reference to their colonization as Reserve Circles, .Military, Indus- trial, and Sanitary, with a ilap. Diagrams, Illustrations, &c., 1882. Demy, 8vo., cloth. Price 10s. 6d. " We readily acknowledge the value of the information and statistics which he has hrouKht together concerning every peak or plateau which could attract men who are in search of health, sport, or investment of capital." SutHnloi/ Kcviac, Newall, Major-Qen. D. J. F. The IIUiHLANDS OK INDIA. Second Sekies. Being a chronicle of Field Sports anil Travel in India, with .32 full-page and over 200 'IV^xt Illustrations, Uiagranis, &c. Hy MAJott-GENKK.iL I). J. F. Newall, R..\., Rengal Retired, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, .Member of the Royal United Service Institute, lic. Demy 8vo., elotli. Price 21s. Nightingale's Life or Death in India. With an appendi.K on Life or Dcalii by Irrigation. Demy 8vo., sewn, Price Is. Nightingale's Notes on Nursing : what it is, and what it is not. By Flobe>xe Nxqutingale. Demy 8vo., limp cloth. Price 2s. " We have never read any book on any subject on which so much is said, and said so well in a shorter space. • • • ."—Times. "These 'Notes' are addressed to women, and every woman in the country ou^lit to read them.*' — Daily News. lo Harrison and Sotis, Publishers. Nightingale's Notes on Nursing, for THE LABOURING CLAS.SE8. By Fiobence Niohtikgaie. Foolscap 8vo , sewn. Price 6d. *,* This Edition contains a Chapter devoted to " Jlinding Baby." Nomenclature of Diseases, oiawn up by a Joint Committee appointed by the Koyal College of Physicians of London, Second Edition, being the 1st revision, 18S5. Demy 8vo. Price 4s. "As a matter of course, every Physician and Surgeon in the United Kingdom will provide himself ivith this indispensable book." — KnoirlcJfic. Notes on Mental and Moral Philosophy. By H. Coleman, B.A. With an Appendix; containing a selection of Questions set at the India Service Examinations, between the years 1856 and 1864, and references to the answers in the text. Fcap. 8vo., cloth. Price 3s. 6d. Oyster Fisheries & Legislation. Letters to The Times. By H. C. Pennell, late Inspector of Oyster and Sea Fisheries. 8vo., sewn. Price Is. Parker, Sir Wilham, Bart., G-.C.B., Life of. (Admiral of the Fleet), First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, &c., from 1781 to 1866. By Vice- Admieal Augustus Phillijioee, with History of the Parker Family, iJcc. 3 vols., demy 8vo., cloth. Price 16s. each. *,* '* Tliis is a deliehtful book, as full of adventure and interest as one of Marryat's novels, yet written without any kind of affectation or exaggeration." — Vaniti/ Fair. "The chief value of this important biography seems to us that it shows, in a clear light, the state of the Navy ai a most critical epoch." — CiHl Service Gazette. "This eventful life is full of interest and instruction. Admiral Phillimore, as biographer, ha? executed his labours well— it is worthy to take its place with Southey's Life of Nelson."— Hour. Parkyn, Lieut. S. S. Transport in SOUTHERN AFGHANISTAN BETWEEN SUKKUR AND QUETTA, 1878-1880. By Lieut. S. S. Paektn (The Royal Irish), late Assistant- Superintendent and Paymaster of Transport. Second Edition. Post 8vo., sewn. Price Is. Pease, J . A, competitive Examinations of Militia Sulalt«rns for Commissions in the Line; Solutions of the Questions in Military Topography and Field Fortification. March and September, 188.'5. Military Tutor. Fcap. folio, sewn. Price 2s. Ditto, ditto, ditto, March, 1884. Fcap. folio, sewn. Price Is. 6d. Practical Geometry ; First Course. Fcap. folio. Price 2s. 6d. Ditto, Second Course, arranged for the use of Candidates for admission to the R. M. Academy, Woolwich; R. M. College, Sandhurst, &e., &c. Fcap. folio, sewn. Price 3s. 59, Pall Mall, London, S. W. i • Photographic Society of G-reat Britain. Jouniul luul Tr:ins!ioliuiis. Xiiw .Sorius, imlilisliuil uiontlily, liMiii Oclolicr to June, price various. Catiilogue Niimlier, price 6d. Pig- Sticking or Hog-Hunting. ByCupt. Bauen-Puwell. a Cumplclc Al-hjuiiL I'or Sportsiiieii mid OLiiers. Twenty-five full-page lllustrutiuna by tlie Author. Demy 8vo., uloth extra, gilt top. Price 18s. " This hook is not only full of sporting anecilotcs and .nccouats of splendid runs, but deals in a complete and practical m.-inncr with tlie habits of the pis, the best soil of spear, the qualill- cations of a horse to he used in hos-huiiliiis,', and the best method of arranging exiieditions. .... Is a work which will be read by tliat numerous class who, netcr liavinK pursued any- thing more formid.ible tlian a rat or a wasp, yet keenly enjoy wliat we may term vicarious hunting The illustrations are well executed and spirited." — AthznfKum. P.S, How to obtain the P.S. compiis- ing the full course of Examination at the School of Instruction, with the latest AiUlitions and Corrections. By Henky R. W. Lomsden. Price Is. "This little manual cannot fail to prove practically useful to those wlioni it is intended to instruct, and will doubtless be claimed as a vmle mecmi\iy all aspirants for the P.S."— .■Irmy and Navy Gazette. Regimental Chronicle, and List of officers of the 60th, or King's Royal Rifle Corps, formerly the 62nil, or the Royal American Begimcnt of Foot. Hy Nesbit Willouqiibt Wallack (Captain 60th Royal Rifles), with Photographs and Coloured Plates. Royal 8vo., cloth gilt. Price irl Is. Roll of the Royal College of Physicians OF LONDON ; comprising Biographical .Sketches of all the cniincut Physicians, whose names are recorded in the annals from the foundation of the College in 1518 to its removal in 1825 from Warwick Lane to Pall Mall Kasf. By William Munk, JI.D., F.iS.A., Fellow of the College, &c. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 3 vols.. Demy 8vo. Price 31s. 6d. Roulette and Trente - et - Quarante (THE PROBLEM OF). By Pkofessok J. S. iioxn. Price Is. " This little book seeks to miow that the two games it is devoted to are subject to strict laws, and that therefore, presumably, they are capable of being attacked scieatiflcally in accordance with those laws." — A, J; ]S. Gazette. Royal United Service Institution, JOURNAL OP THE. Issued .Monthly. Price 2s. 6d. 1 2 Harrison and Sons, Publisliers, Russia in Central Asia. Historical sketch of Russia's progress in tlie East up to 1873, and of the incidents which led to tlie campaign against Khiva, with a description of the niihtary districts of the Caucasus, Orenbm-g, and Turkestan. By Hugo Stumm. Translated into English hy J. W. Ozanne and Capt. H. Sachs. Maps. Demy 8vo. Price 15s. " The historical account is well done. . . . The portion, however, which will be most interesting to English readers in general, is the geographical and ethnological description of the country." — At)iCiur_uiii, " The book is interesting, and will repay perusal." — Vanity Fair. " Seeing Darkly : a Glimpse into the INCONCEIVABLE." Being an Introduction to the Gospel of Infinite Ignorance. By H. B. Gtjppr, M.B. Crown Svo. Leatherette, gilt top. Price Is. Service Almanack (The). Tenth Year of puhlication. — Contents for 1891 : — Chronological Synopsis of English Army and Navy from formation to present date. Members of both Houses of Parliament who are serving, or have served, in the Army, Navy, or Auxiliary Forces, with war services, if any. British Naval and Military Celebrities of the Day, Biographical Slcctelies of. Dictionary of Battles. Concise descriptions of all Battles, &c., home on the colours or appointments of regiments, and also principal naval actions during corresponding period. Descriptions of the Service Clubs and of all Service Institutions, Bene- volent, Educational, &c. Full descriptions of all British Orders and Dis- tinctions. Full description of all British War Medals. List of Knights and Companions of the various Orders, v.-ith dates of Investiture. List of Victoria Cross Winners, from institution, with description in each case of the act of bravery. Volunteer I'rizes at Bisley, Shoeburyness, &c. Naval and Military Relative Rank ; Precedence in India, &c. Pay and Pensions of Army and Navy. Army and Navy Estimates in detail. Service Glossary, with derivations and full explanations of Naval and Military terms. The British Army. Station of every regiment and battery, when it proceeded .abroad or returned liome. Consti- tution of the Territorial Regiments, &c. Full statements of the Indian Army and Colonial Corps. Old designations of Line Regiments, in nume- rical'order, with the new titles, and the new titles alphabetically arranged. The British Navy. Stations, tonnage, dates of commissions, &c., of ships. Regulations respecting First Appointments to the various branches of both Services. Packs of Hounds within reach of the various stations in the United Kingdom. The year's Journal. Every event of Service interest recorded. Naval and Military Strength of European Nations. Terms of Service in Array and Navy, strength of the different branches, &c. Principal Moneys, Weights, and Measures of Foreign Countries. Naval and Military Obituary for the Year, &c., &c. Post 8vo., sewn. Is. Cloth, lettered, Is. 6d. (Published Annually.) OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "Indispensable to the Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces." — Saturda>/ Review. " The Service Almanack is a model of careful and judicious editing. After a close scrutiny 59, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 13 of its 344 pages, wc have not come across a single error. The trolunio contain! nothinK wo would dispense with, and nothinE occura to us as being omitted. It thoroughly Justillcs its title as tho Service Almanack. — Broad Arrotr. "A more useful manual it would be difficult to Dnd."— ffiii.'fif Scrvia Magiiziue. 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