BURKETTandSWARTZEL Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/farmarithmetictoOOburkrich HH^HH ^KBf' -^'^i^'^ff' I 1 3 1 1 ¥ \ m ■ FARM ARITHMETIC TO BE USED WITH ANY TEXT-BOOK OF ARITHMETIC OR WITHOUT By CHARLES WILLIAM BURKETT Editor American Agriculturist Formerly Professor of Agriculture in the Nenv Hampshire and the North Carolina Colleges of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and Director of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station and KARL DALE SWARTZEL Professor of Mathematics , Ohio State Uni'versity ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK ORANGE JUDD COMPANY LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Limited 1913 Copyright, 1913, by ORANGE JUDD COMPANY All Rights Reserved Entered at Stationers' Hall LONDON, ENGLAND '.;' ; '/'J, J Printed in U. S. A. PREFACE. This book is primarily, as its title implies, a farm arithmetic. It is not intended to be a medium for the setting forth of the general principles of arithmetic. It is hoped that it may serve two other very important ends in elementary and higher schools. First, it will supply new, concrete, useful, and interesting problems for prac- tice, drill, and review. Second, it will tend to develop in the mind of the pupil an appreciation of and an insight into the quantitative side of farm life. A boy or girl who has once become interested in solving the problems of the farm will not easily be drawn away from the farm. This book may be used at any time after the funda- mental principles of arithmetic have been covered, i. e., during the last two or three years of the elementary school, and should ordinarily be completed before the high school is reached. It may be used alone or in conjunc- tion with any standard grammar school, advanced, or high school arithmetic. It is also hoped that this volume may be helpful to a large number of farmers and country folk generally who are interested in the many numerical and quantitative problems that have so much to do with success on the farm. Charles W. Burkett, Karl D. Swartzel. May, 1913. 284628 TO THE TEACHER. There is much in modern higher arithmetic that is of but little value to certain classes of pupils. Particularly is this true of the subject matter of many text-books now in use in rural schools — country, town, and village. These books were made by city people for city children and are, for the most part, admirably adapted to city schools. The prob- lems deal very largely with city affairs and occupations. Now, it is a fact that the fundamentals of arithmetic may be stated in terms of agriculture and that such a statement is much needed in rural life affairs. The main object to be secured in the study of arith- metic is to learn to "think number" — i. e., to learn to think quantitatively. After the elements of number study are mastered the field opens up in distinct directions. There is little use of spending many weeks on problems of cube root, partial payments, bank discount, stocks and bonds, merchandising, etc., in the rural and country town schools, since these subjects seldom, if ever, enter into the lives of the children. Arithmetic may be taught in terms of agriculture. The household, the soil, the dairy, the field, the crops, and the animals offer wonderful opportunities for the introduction of number and arithmetical problems into the school work as a vital part of the life of the children. Thus farm arithmetic falls directly into line with the en- vironment of farm boys and girls. On the other hand, agriculture may be taught in terms of arithmetic. When so taught the real nature of the all im- portant problems with which the country youth of the present and the future must deal, both in school and after yii Vlll TO THE TEACHER taking up home and farm life, will become apparent to him and will receive adequate attention at his hands. Farm arithmetic, therefore, should be a basic study in every school in every rural community. USING THE BOOK. After the ordinary elementary work in arithmetic has been covered, this book should follow at once. The fundamentals of the first books in arithmetic will find application and expression in this. In case it is desired that further study be required in higher arithmetic, this book may be made a supplementary text, alternating with the other in the regular weekly periods. The problems should be solved and the informational questions dis- cussed and answered in the same manner as is followed in the use of an ordinary text-book on higher arithmetic. The authors believe that an earnest use of this book in the schools will be of inestimable value to every child. This will be apparent both in the present school work and in the practical results when school days are over and the text-book problem becomes the real problem of the home and farm. In every way the book aims to teach arithmetic in terms of agriculture and agriculture in terms of arith- metic, and to be a real part of the country life environ- ment. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. Plant Feeding 1 II. Animal Feeding 41 III. Human Feeding 60 IV. Dairy Products 72 V. Soil 88 VI. Field Crops 99 VII. Fruits and Vegetables 114 VIII. Farm Animals 123 IX. Hand and Machine Labor 143 X. Farm Mechanics 149 XL Farm Buildings 171 XII. Roads 180 XIIL Farm Drainage 184 XIV. Silos 189 XV. Meat Products 197 XVL Forestry 209 XVII. Rules and Measures 220 XVIII. Concrete Construction 230 XIX. Farm Accounts 237 XX. Miscellaneous Problems 243 Answers to Problems 251 Appendix 259 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page What plants contain 2 Common elements in two leading crops 3 When a ton is sold 5 How a boy beat the average 7 Dairy farming helps the land 8 Locked up for ages to come 10 With and without fertilizer 11 Increasing the potato yield 13 Changing the timothy ration 14 No question about value of manure 16 Plant food in bag of fertilizer 19 Fertilizer distributor 20 Seven of our leading farm products 21 Alfalfa plant and roots 22 Manure spreader at work 24 Plant food in corn 26 Homemade tool for liming the land 28 Why is the difference so great? 29 Two kinds of farming 31 Feeding cattle in the field 32 Two crops at the same time 35 Crimson clover ready for cutting 37 On most farms hogs have a place 39 Relative amounts of the weight of green plants obtained from water, air and soil 41 Increasing the farm protein supply 42 Protein in clover hay 44 Nutritive ratio of some common feeding stuflFs ' 46 Growing plants contain much water 48 Producing milk under sanitary conditions 52 Poor way to feed sheep 54 Money is made where the right feed is provided 57 Pure-bred dairy cattle at pasture 59 Where peace and sympathy abound 62 Protein the same in all 63 Quick cooling of milk always retards bacterial growth 64 Rump cut from high-grade animal 65 Growth of bacteria 66 Of fine form and high quality 67 Mineral matter in some common foods 68 Different kinds of flour compared 69 Milk pail 72 ad Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Dairy cows at pasture 73 Babcock tester glassware 75 Babcock milk tester 76 Churning in the olden days 78 Modern cream separator 79 Combined churn and butter worker 80 Rounding out the cheese 82 In the curing room 84 Bottled milk ready for market 86 Getting samples of soil from fields 88 Getting humus into the soil 90 Disking the ground before plowing 92 Plowing levees for rice 93 Two ways of growing corn 95 The plow comes first in all tillage operations 97 Modern tools on large hay farm 100 Cotton ready for the pickers 102 Crimson clover a fine cover crop 105 Corn improved by selection 107 Seeding corn land to wheat 109 Cotton bolls 111 This plowing is ideal 112 Cultivating beans 115 Spraying the orchard 117 Engine power used in orchard 119 Remarkable Leghorn and her achievements 122 Out for an airing 124 Prize winning Shorthorn cattle 126 Hackney, typical of the harness class 128 Cheapest gains are made with young animals 132 Relation between daily gain in weight and age in days 133 Relation between cost per 100 pounds of gain and age in days 134 Jersey cow showing dairy type 135 Angus steer showing beef type 136 Section of cow stable floor 138 Supper time for the pigs 139 Trio of light Brahmas 141 Giant harvesters at work 144 Various types of sickles 145 American cradle 146 Threshing the wheat 147 Track contrivance for feeding cattle 150 Relative cost of power when supplied by horse and by man — 151 Belgian stallion, showing draft type 153 Covered barnyard of small cost 157 Before the coming of modern wagons 164 Fattening steers 168 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Xlil Page How to measure grade with level and rule 170 Dairy barn up to date and fully equipped 172 Small barn, 36 x 40 feet 173 Floor plan of small barn 175 Elevation of end of roof, with three-fifths pitch 177 Making the old roads better 181 Why good roads pay 182 Old land remade by drainage 185 The area is just the same 190 Dairy herd and barns 192 Filling the silo 194 Ready for market 197 Retail beef cuts and weight 198 Retail cuts of mutton 199 Retail cuts of pork 200 Hog carcass in four parts 203 Hams, trimmed and untrimmcd 204 Butchering outfit 205 Smoking meat 206 Grove of black walnut trees 208 Growing timber as farm crop 212 Heavy loss en route to market 214 Sledding time 218 Using poles to get height of tree 221 Plant food in cotton 224 Seed cotton ready to be ginned 226 Layout of farm, showing fields 229 Constructed of concrete throughout 231 Concrete fence posts 233 Concrete water tank 234 Forms for making concrete hog troughs 235 Interior of cow barn, showing concrete construction 239 FARM ARITHMETIC CHAPTER I. PLANT FEEDING. Farming profits are derived directly and indirectly from the soil ; directly through the growing of plants and indirectly through the feeding of animals. The wise farmer, therefore, gives much thought to the care and en- richment of the land. Although the greater part of the substance actually entering into the growth of plants comes from water and air, all plant growth may be said to depend upon the soil. The comparatively small part which comes from the soil is absolutely essential to the growth of the plant and must be present in a sufficient quantity and in the proper form. Where plants get their food. The young plant be- ginning its life obtains its first food from the seed. With this food it starts its roots into the soil and its stems and leaves into the air. Both roots and leaves begin imme- diately to gather food for further growth. The leaves take from the air carbon and oxygen. The roots take from the soil water (oxygen and hydro- gen), nitrates (nitrogen), phosphoric acid (phosphorus), potash (potassium), lime (calcium), iron, sulphur, sodi- um, chlorine, magnesium, silicon, manganese, etc. Composition of plants. A mixture of all kinds of plants after having all moisture driven off by heat, con- tains the following percentages of elements : «c • « • «. a • • • 4 K m ;.:i5oii:s%.:|.' J V Ni [ineralAsh 5% itrogen 1.5% Hydrogen 6.5% From Air and ■( Water 93.5% Oxygen 42% Carbon 45%. What Plants Contain. 2 PLANT FEEDING. 3 Element Per cent. Where it came from Carbon, 45 Air Oxygen, 42 Air and water Hydrogen, 6.5 Air and water Nitrogen, 1.5 Soil Minerals (« ish), 5 Soil Total, 100.0 1. In a ton of dried mixed plants how many pounds of carbon? How many pounds of each of the other constituents ? Nltroger\ CORN < PKospKc vPo-taaslum Nitrogen WHEAT< PKospKorus VpotassLvjm Common Elements in Two Leading Crops. As shown in the table the amount of carbon is 45 per cent (45%) of the total weight. To solve this problem we must find 45% of 2,000 pounds. One per cent (1%) of a number means one part in one hundred parts, which is the same as saying one one-hundredth (.01) part of the number. 45% is .45 of the number. To get 45% of a number we therefore multiply by .45. 4 FARM ARITHMETIC. Solution : 45% of 2,000 pounds = .45 X 2,000 pounds = 900 pounds. Answer : 900 pounds carbon. Note. — The above solution may be made as follows: 1% of 2,000 pounds = 20 pounds. 45% of 2,000 pounds == 45 X 20 pounds = 900 pounds. Solution for the remaining constituents : 2,000 X .42 = 840 Oxygen 2,000 X .065 = 130 Hydrogen 2,000 X .015 = 30 Nitrogen 2,000 X .05 — 100 Mineral 900 Carbon Total 2,000 This addition serves to check or prove the correctness of the work. 2. How many pounds in each ton are obtained from the soil ? From the air and water ? Wheat contains : Carbon In grain 46.1 In straw 48.4 Oxygen 43.4 38.9 Hydrogen 5.8 5.3 Nitrogen 2.3 0.6 Ash 2.4 7.0 Note. — The percentages given in the preceding table, as well as in those to follow, are merely average values. The corre- sponding percentages for any given sample may differ greatly from these figures. For example, two varieties of corn grown in the same soil and under the same climatic conditions may have greatly different chemical analyses. This may also be true of two samples of the same variety grown under different climatic conditions or in different soils. 3. In producing a ton of wheat, how many pounds come from the soil? A ton of wheat straw? 4. How many pounds of carbon in 25 bushels (60 pounds each) of wheat? 5. When wheat yields 25 bushels of dry grain an acre PLANT FEEDING. » and two tons of dry straw, how many pounds of soil ma- terial have been removed? The three important elements. As a rule all the soil elements essential to the growth of plants, except nitro- gen, phosphorus and potassium, are abundantly present in the soil. These are therefore the only ones with which the farmer is seriously concerned in the feeding of his plants. The problem of fertilizing the land demands a careful study of these three very important elements. What Crops Remove From Soil , IN Per Cent. Crop Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Potash Com Wheat Oats Cotton Lint 1.9 2.4 2.1 0.3 1.3 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.6 3.1 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 1.3 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 Timothy Potatoes 0.9 0.3 Com Stover 1 4 Wheat Straw 5 Oat Straw 1 2 Cottonseed 1.2 6. How much nitrogen is removed from the soil in one ton of shelled corn? How much phosphoric acid? How much potash? WHEAT CORN TIMOTHY COTTON MILK 6UTTER When a Ton Is Sold. The relative amounts of plant food removed when a ton of each product is sold is indicated in the sketch. 6. FARM ARITHMETIC. Solution: .019 X 2,000 pounds = 38 pounds „....Nitrogen .007 X 2,000 pounds = 14 pounds Phosphoric acid .004 X 2,000 pounds = 8 pounds Potash 7. When corn yields 40 bushels an acre, how many pounds of nitrogen are removed from each acre of soil? Phosphoric acid? Potash? Solution: If a bushel of shelled corn weighs 56 pounds, 40 bushels will weigh 40 times 56 pounds = 2,240 pounds. .019 X 2,240 pounds = 46 pounds Nitrogen .007 X 2,240 pounds = 16 pounds Phosphoric acid .004 X 2,240 pounds = 10 pounds Potash Note. — In the above examples, as well as in those to follow, the answers should not be carried out to a greater number of significant figures than are shown in the table. The reason for this is obvious. 8. A hundred bushels of wheat, weighing 60 pounds a bushel, would represent the removal from the soil of how much nitrogen? How much phosphoric acid? How much potash? 9. A 20-acre field of wheat yielded 32 bushels an acre. What was the draft per acre upon the soil for nitrogen? For phosphoric acid? For potash? For the three com- bined ? What was the total amount of each of these three important elements removed from the field? 10. When oats yield 50 bushels (32 pounds each) an acre, what is the draft upon the soil for these three ele- ments ? 11. What is the draft when cotton yields one-half bale (a bale weighs 495 pounds) an acre? When timoth\ yields two tons an acre ? When potatoes yield 100 bushels (60 pounds each) an acre? 12. Jerry Moore of South Carolina, a member of the Boys' Corn Club, raised 228^^ bushels of corn in 1910 PLANT FEEDING. 7 on one acre, and won the first prize for the state — a trip to Washington. What was the draft upon that acre of soil? Average Production Per Acre in the United States. Wheat Oats Cotton Corn Timothy Potatoes 14 bushels 28-6 bushels 1-3 bale 29.4 bushels 1.1 tons 85 bushels 13. Determine feeding draft on the soil for each of the above crops on the basis of the average produc- tion per acre in the United States. aOKOu Av«>-aj«y;rldorcorn J%rry Moore'a yield of corn. Ho>x^ A Boy Beat the Average. Jerry Moore's acre yield of corn is here contrasted with the average yield of the county. 14. A yield of 14 bushels of wheat and 1,680 pounds of wheat straw per acre entails what loss to the soil in nitrogen? What loss in phosphoric acid? Potash? Solution for nitrogen: 14 bushels wheat weighs 14 X 60 pounds = 840 pounds. According to our table, page 5, 2.4% of this is nitrogen. .024 X 840 pounds = 20 pounds. Our table shows that wheat straw is .6% nitrogen. 1,680 pounds would therefore contain .006 X 1,690 pounds = 10 pounds Nitrogen In an average crop of wheat there is removed from the soil 20 pounds -f- 10 pounds, or 30 pounds, of nitrogen an acre. The amount of phosphoric acid and of potash may be calculated in the same way, and will be found to be 9 pounds and 13 pounds respectively. 15. Determine number of pounds of each kind of plant food the average crop of corn removes from the soil when the yield is 29.4 bushels of corn and two tons of stover per acre. 6 FARM ARITHMETIC. 16. Determine number of pounds of plant food an average crop of cotton removes from the soil when the yield of cotton lint is 165 pounds and cottonseed 330 pounds an acre. 17. Determine number of pounds of plant food the average oat crop removes from the soil when yield is 28.6 bushels and 2,400 pounds straw an acre. Important truth. These problems show how the soil is depleted when various crops, including cottonseed, corn stover and straw, are sold or otherwise not returned to the land. BEEF MILK BUTTER WHEAT Dairy Farming Helps the Land. In the sketch are shown the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium removed from the land when 1,000 pounds each of beef, milk, butter and wheat are sold. 18. How many bushels of wheat an acre has been grown when 36 pounds of nitrogen are removed by the grain from the soil? Solution : Wheat grain is 2.4% nitrogen ; therefore 2.4% of the number of pounds of wheat per acre must equal 36 pounds, i. e.: 2.4% = 36 pounds, 1% = 15 pounds, 100% =z 1,500 pounds per acre or 1,500 -^ 60 = 25 bushels an acre. This amounts to dividing 36 by 2.4 and multiplying the result by 100, which is the same as dividing 36 by .024. 19. In problem 18, suppose the 36 pounds to be the PLANT FEEDING. » total nitrogen removed, and suppose the weight of the straw to be 2^ times that of the grain. Solution: 2.4% of the grain is nitrogen, .6% of the straw is nitrogen, and since there is 2>2 times as much straw as grain the nitrogen in the straw amounts to 2J/< X -6%, or 1.5% of the weight of the grain. The nitrogen in both grain and straw, therefore, amounts to 2.4% + 1.5%, or 3.9%; of the weight of the grain. The weight of the grain is 36 -^- .039 = 920 pounds, or about 15 bushels. 20. One hundred and forty pounds of nitrogen were taken from a 10-acre field by the removal of cottonseed. What was the yield an acre in pounds of seed ? Plant food in the soil. Forty-nine different soils were analyzed. They showed an average of 3,053 pounds of nitrogen, 4,219 pounds of phosphoric acid and 16,317 pounds of potash an acre in the upper 8 inches of soil. 21. How many average crops of wheat (14 bushels of grain and 1,680 pounds of straw) will this nitrogen supply? The phosphoric acid? The potash? 22. How many crops if only the grain is removed and the straw is returned to the land ? 23. How many crops of corn (grain 29.4 bushels, stover two tons) ? 24. How many crops of corn if the stover is returned to the land? 25. How many crops of cotton (165 pounds lint, 330 pounds seed) ? 26. How many crops of cotton lint, if all of the seed is returned to the land? Important truth. Almost all soils contain large quantities of plant food. Any soil will become unpro- ductive and exhausted long before it is depleted of plant 10 FARM ARITHMETIC. food. Good tillage, the addition of straw, stover, cotton- seed, and stable manures, and the frequent growing of clovers, alfalfa, cowpeas, and soy beans will increase the quantity of plant food in the soil and will improve its productiveness. Barnyard manure is one of the best of all fertilizing materials. Buying plant food. The practice of purchasing plant Locked Up for Ages to Come All rock contains plant food. Nature releases but a amount each year. All soil was originally rock. food — nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash — in order to supplement that already present in the soil has assumed enormous proportions in recent years. These commercial fertilizers are potential plant food, and are intended to assist in supplying the needs of the growing plant, but only in a small way. They are known as chemical manures, or chemical fertilizers. PLANT FEEDING. 11 Manures or fertilizers may be so compounded as to furnish the three important elements in any proportion desired. Carriers of nitrogen. Nitrate of soda, sulphate of ammonia and dried blood are commercial forms of fer- tilizing materials that supply nitrogen only. The per cent of nitrogen is shown in the following table : Material Nitrate of soda, Sulphate of ammonia, Dried blood, Per cent Nitrogen 16 20 14 27. How many pounds of nitrogen in a ton of nitrate of soda? Process : 2,000 X -16 = 320 28. How many ix)unds of nitrogen in a ton of sul- phate of ammonia ? 29. How many in a ton of dried blood ? 30. When you apply 100 pounds of nitrate of soda to an acre of land, how many pounds of actual nitrogen are applied ? Process : 100 X -16 = 16 pounds. 31. How many pounds of actual nitrogen are applied to the soil when a mixture of 50 pounds of nitrate of soda and 50 pounds of sulphate of ammonia is used ? 32. How many pounds of dried blood will he necessary to increase the application to 30 pounds? With and Without Fertilizer. Wheat was used here as a soil- ing crop. The plot at the left made 4.6 tons to the acre, while the one at the right having had an application of nitrate of soda produced 7^ tons. 12 FARM ARITHMETIC. Carriers of phosphoric acid. Acid phosphate is the principal material supplying phosphoric acid alone. It ordinarily carries 14 per cent phosphoric acid. 33. How many pounds of actual phosphoric acid in a ton of acid phosphate? 34. Suppose you desire to apply 35 pounds of actual phosphoric acid to your soil, how many pounds of acid phosphate will it require ? Carriers of potash. Muriate of potash, sulphate of potash, and kainit are commercial forms supplying potash only. The per cent of potash in each is shown in the table following: Material Per cent of Potash Muriate of potash, 50 Sulphate of potash, 48 Kainit, 12.5 35. How many pounds of actual potash in a ton of muriate of potash? Sulphate of potash? Kainit? 36. Suppose you desire to apply a mixture of these three materials to your land so as to get 30 pounds of actual potash — ten pounds from each material — how many pounds of each will be necessary ? Carriers of more than one kind of plant food. Lead- ing fertilizing materials and per cent of each element car- ried is shown in the table below : Material Percent nitrogen Per cent phosphoric acid Per cent potash Ground bone 3.0 S.O 7.0 6.0 8.0 22.0 15.0 2.5 11.0 7.0 1.5 1.5 Tankage Wood ashes 5.0 PLANT FEEDING. 38 37. How many pounds of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in a ton of fertiHzer made of equal parts of ground bone, cottonseed meal, tankage, fish scrap, and wood ashes? 38. What is the percentage of nitrogen in a ton mixed in this way ? 39. Of phosphoric acid? 40. Of potash? Increasing the Potato Yield. Mineral fertilizers were applied, practically doubling the returns. Important truth. No fertilizing material is wholly plant food. A large part of every fertilizer is inert mat- ter, known as filler. The plant food elements are in gen- eral found only in chemical or physical combination with other elements which are not plant foods. Muriate of pot- ash is the most concentrated of the fertilizing materials ; yet in one ton of muriate of potash only 1,000 pounds is actual plant food. The remainder is foreign matter, which is of no valu^ to the soil or to the plant. One must 14 FARM ARITHMETIC. always consider the amount of actual plant food present in a commercial fertilizer and must be familiar with the percentage of each food element contained. In order to use such materials wisely and economically one must know something of the nature of the soil in question and of the crop to be grown. Mixing fertilizing materials. Fertilizing materials may be used singly or in combination. By properly select- ing the materials a fertilizer may be made to suit any soil and any crop. 41. A ton of home-mixed fertilizer is made of 1,200 pounds of acid phosphate, 400 pounds of cottonseed meal, , ^.i:;< Without NitTO^n/;/;;;;,^;;^^^^^^^ Ration of Nltrogro.' '"'■'■•V''-'-'"i ■-•!;'>•';; V" FuU Ration of Nitropn.'. ■;.'•' I ■,'::., Changing the Timothy Ration. All three were fertilized alike with muriate of potash and acid phosphate. and 400 pounds kainit. What will be the quantity of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash ? Solution : Turning to page 12 we find that acid phosphate ana- lyzes 14 per cent phosphoric acid ; cottonseed meal 7 per cent nitrogen, 3.5 per cent phosphoric acid and 1.5 per cent potash ; and kainit 12^ per cent potash. Acid phosphate. 1,200 X 14 = 168 pounds phosphoric acid. Cottonseed meal. 400 X 07 = 28 pounds nitrogen, 400 X 025 =: 10 pounds phosphoric acid, 400 X .015 = 6 pounds potash. Kainit. 400 X .125 = 50 pounds of potash. PLANT FEEDING. 15 We now have — Phosphoric acid Nitrogen Potash In acid phosphate 168 00 In cottonseed meal 10 28 6 In kainit 00 00 50 178 28 56 42. In a ton of fertilizer mixed in this way what is the percentage of each element of plant food? Solution : To find this percentage divide the amount of each element by the total amount of the mixtuie, and multiply by 100. The calculation is as follows : Phosphoric acid, 178 2,000 X 100 = 8.9% phosphoric acid Nitrogen, 28 -^ 2,000 X 100 = 1.4% nitrogen Potash, 56 ^ 2,000 X 100 = 2.8% potash. Note. — This mixture would be designated as a 8.9-1.4-2.8 mixture. 43. How many pounds of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in a ton of fertilizer, containing 1,400 pounds of acid phosphate, 100 pounds of nitrate of soda, 200 pounds of cottonseed meal. 100 pounds of dried blood, and 200 pounds of muriate of potash ? 44. What is the percentage of phosphoric acid, nitro- gen and potash in the above fertilizer? 45. Suppose, instead of using 1,400 pounds of acid phosphate, we use 1,400 pounds of ground bone; how many pounds of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash will the ton of mixture contain? 46. What is the percentage of phosphoric acid, nitro- gen and potash in a ton of the mixture? Fertilizer formulae: A Widely Used Corn Fertilizer. Acid phosphate, 875 pounds Cottonseed meal, 950 pounds Kainit, 175 pounds Total, 3.000 pounds 16 FARM ARITHMETIC. 47. What percentages of phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash are contained in the above f ertihzer ? 48. When 4G0 pounds of this fertiHzer are used per acre, how many pounds of phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash are added to the soil? oond& of grain )er acre l.( )00 2.C 00 3.C )00 4.C 00 5.C 00 6.0 1852-1871 forms of heat and muscular power. HUMAN FEEDING. 61 Nutrients in Some Common Foods. In 100 pounds or in per cent. Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds or in per cent. - Kind of food Refuse Water Protein Fat Carbo- hydrates Beef loin 13..3 20.8 4.7 18.4 19.7 13.6 25.9 22.7 44.7 11.2 l.S.O 20.0 20.0 25.0 35.0 27.0 5.0 52.5 43.8 53.7 51.2 41.8 34.8 47.1 42.4 40.4 88.3 65.5 87.0 90.5 74.0 11.0 12.0 12.5 35.3 6.8 12.6 77.7 62.6 55.2 94.3 63.3 48.9 63.4 85.9 15.6 13.5 25.6 14.6 13.0 13.8 13.3 15.6 9.9 5.8 12.7 3.2 3.3 2.4 1.0 9.7 7.8 7.8 8.2 17.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.8 16.6 20.0 6.6 14.0 23.0 31.7 11.7 17.5 4.0 1.2 8.8 3.8 0.3 17.6 80.8 0.9 1.7 1.2 10.9 1.6 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.5 Beef ribs Dried beef Leg of mutton Pork chops Cured ham Fowl Turkey Fresh mackerel Oysters 3 3 Raw eggs Whole milk 5 Skim milk 5.1 4.5 Cream . . . Butter. . Wheat flour 73 6 73 9 Wheat bread, white. . . Cream crackers 52.0 68.3 57 8 4 6 Potatoes, Irish. . . Potatoes, sweet Tomatoes 14.0 20.8 3.7 9 7 12 9 7 7 6 3 131. In a purchase of ten pounds each of beef loin and ribs, how many pounds more of digestible protein do you secure in the former than in the latter ? Process: Turning to table, we find beef loin contains 15.6 pounds protein and beef ribs 13.5 in 100 of fresh substance. Loin, 15.6 ^ 100 X 10 = 1.56 Ribs, 13.5 ^ 100 X 10 = 1.35 Difference, .21 Note. — We are here preserving an additional figure, since the weighing is much more accurate than in the preceding chapters. The last figure even here, however, has but little significance. 132. What is the difference in amount of fat in these foods when 20 pounds of each are purchased ? 62 FARM ARITHMETIC. 133. How many pounds difference of protein and fat in a purchase of 20 pounds each of pork chops and cured ham? 134. What is the percentage of difference? 135. What is the difference of total digestible nutri- ents (protein, carbohydrates and fat) in 100 pounds of corn meal and 100 pounds of wheat flour ? Where Peace and Sympathy Abound. No matter what the future may bring the happy days of childhood in the coun- try never depart from adult memory. 136. A man doing moderate work requires .24 pounds of protein daily. If he eats oysters solely, how many pounds will be required to furnish the needed protein ? 137. If he uses crackers as food for the day, how HUMAN FEEDING, 63 many pounds will be required to furnish the .24 pounds of protein ? 138. He requires .12 pounds of fat daily. How nearly does this quantity of crackers meet the fat required ? 139. He requires 1.12 pounds of carbohydrates. How nearly does the quantity of crackers meet the carbohy- drate requirement? Apples, !2lbs. 4oz. Ipt. or lib. of Milk 5 cz. of Froteio. Beef, 3 or. Bread 6.4 oz. Potatoes,2ll Eggs, Beans, Cheese, 2 lbs. 4.9oz 2.6oz. 2.2oz. Protein the Same in All. Here is shown the weight of food required to yield the equivalent of protein in one pound of milk. 140. By using butter, whole milk and beef loin in con- nection with crackers, how many pounds of each will be necessary for the daily ration of the man doing moderate work when the dietary (feeding) standard calls for .24 pounds of protein, .12 pounds fat and 1.12 pounds carbo- hydrates ? 64 FARM ARITHMETIC. 141. What is the nutritive ratio of this ration? 142. Beef loin is worth 25 cents per pound, butter 25 cents per pound, whole milk 3 cents per pound, and crackers 5 cents per pound. What is the cost of the daily ration ? Note. — For solution of 139, 140 and 141 follow same method as used in compounding rations for animals. Consult table on page 61 for nutrient content. Cost of Nutrients. Cost is a factor of considerable consequence in the selec- tion of food materials. Where different food materials are equally palatable, nutritious, and otherwise suited for nourishment, those furnishing the larg- est amounts of available nutrients at lowest cost naturally should be selected. 143. When beef loin sells at 25 cents per pound, how many pounds of digesti- ble nutrient may be purchased for $1.00? Process : Since 1 pound costs $0.25, $1.00 will buy 4 pounds. Beef loin contains — In 100 In 4 of^tfk Tw'iyI ^ pounds pounds retards bacterial Protem, 15.6 ^100 X 4 = .62 growth. Fat, 16.6 -^ 100 X 4 = .66 Total, 1.28 From four pounds of beef loin costing $1.00 the purchaser ob- tains 1.28 pounds of digestible nutrients. 144. What is the cost of 1 pound of digestible nutri- ents? 100 ^ 1.28 = 78 cents. 145. When beef loin sells at 12^ cents per pound, what amount of digestible nutrient is obtained for $1.00? HUMAN FEEDING. 65 146. What is the cost of each pound of nutrients? 147. When pork chops cost 12 cents per pound, what is the cost of a pound of nutrients ? 148. When milk costs 3 cents a pint (1 pound), what is the cost of a pound of nutrients ? Rump Cut From High-Grade Animal. Observe distribution of large and small particles of fat, showing high quality of meat. 149. When potatoes cost 60 cents per bushel, what is the cost of a pound of nutrients ? Comparative cost of nutrients. The market price of food materials is not regulated by the amount and value of the nutrients contained therein. Nutrients contained in one kind of food may be of no greater value than that contained in another, yet it may cost more per pound. Total bulk has but little to do with the problem. Other 66 FARM ARITHMETIC. things being equal, the selection of food materials should take into account the comparative cost of digestible nutri- ents. It may even happen that the cheapest food from this standpoint is the more appetizing and otherwise de- sirable when properly prepared. .._^. 150. When oysters sell for 35 cents per quart, 5.6 pounds are ob- tained for $1. What amount of digestible nutrients will this quan- ^^^M^i tity contain? 151. If, instead, you spend $1.00 for beef loin, paying 20 cents per pound for it, what quantity of digestible nutrients do you receive? Growth of Bacteria. Showing the growth of bacteria at different tem- peratures during 24 hours, each dot representing a single bacterium. A, at 50 degrees, 7 bacteria; B, at 70 degrees, 700 bacteria. 152. You spend $1.00 for wheat flour, paying three cents per pound for it. How many pounds of digestible nutrients do you get? 153. Finally you make a purchase of beans, the cost of which is 5 cents per pound. What quantity of digesti- ble nutrients do you obtain for $1.00 ? Dietary Standards. Digestible nutrients Age and work performed Protein Carbo- hydrates Fat Boy and girl, 10-12 0.14 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.67 0.89 0.89 1.00 1.00 1.12 07 09 Girl, 14-16 0.09 Boy, 14-16 0.10 0.10 0,12 154. What quantity each of wheat flour, butter, eggs, and whole milk will be required for daily food for a boy and girl 14-16 years old ? HUMAN FEEDING. 67 Note. — Proceed just as you did with the compounding of ani- mal rations. Consult table on page 61 for nutrient content. 155. At the following prices, wheat flour 3 cents a pound, butter 25 cents a pound, eggs 25 cents a dozen, beef loin 25 cents a pound, and milk 8 cents a pound, what is the cost of a day's requirement? Important truth. For the great majority of people in good health, the ordinary food materials — meats, fish, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, sugar, flour, rice, meal, nuts, fruits, potatoes, and other vegetables — make a fitting diet. The great problem is to supply these foods in such quan- tities and proportions as is best suited to the actual needs of the body. The problem is of very great importance in the case of growing children and of adults who are not in normal health. Of Fine Form and High Quality. These Angus steers secured championship honors at one of the recent Inter- national live stock shows. At the time the picture was taken they were three Kears old. Right after the show they were slaughtered for beef. 68 FARM ARITHMETIC. Mineral nutrients. In feeding farm animals little at- tention is given the question of mineral supply, since hays, roughage material, grains, and their by-products form the bulk of the ration. Mineral nutrients, therefore, are fur- nished in sufficient quantities. With man it is different. Wheat is robbed of its bran, meat of its bone, eggs of their shells. These contain much of the mineral salts. They are fed to live stock FOOD TOTAL NUMBER OF POUNDS IN 2O00 POUNDS OF SUBSTANCE 5 10 20 30 50 7.5 IQO 125 150 175 200 WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR WHEAT BRAN CORN CORN MEAL DRIED BEET PULP OATS OAT MEAL PEAS, GARDEN BEANS. GARDEN BEEF CHEESE TIMOTHY HAY RED CLOVER HAY ALFALFA HAY ;^^^ HT "— — Mineral Matter in Some Common Foods. Note the small amount of mineral matter in a ton of wheat flour. Wheat bran on the other hand is abundantly supplied. In our methods of manufacture, farm animals profit at the expense of the human family. to make bone and teeth and flesh, but occur in the aver- age menu in insufficient quantities for the teeth, bone and flesh of children and men. 156. A ton of wheat contains 36 pounds of mineral salts, of which 27 pounds are digested when eaten. If made into flour but 8 pounds of mineral salts are left for human consumption, of which amount 6 pounds are HUMAN FEEDING. 69 digested. What is the percentage of digestible mineral salts removed from wheat by th-e process of manufacture ? 157. A farmer grows ten acres of wheat which pro- duces 25 bushels an acre. This wheat analyzes 1.8 pounds of mineral salts to each 100 pounds. How many pounds of mineral salts are produced in the entire crop? 158. If this wheat is eaten, 75 per cent of the mineral salts will be digested. How many pounds will be digested ? Ash .^ % \ I Ash \^t% Fat 2 % \ / Fat Z^5% Water \Z''i% \ / Water 9^o% Tis5ue-build,neMaterial \ / 'nssue-buildin^ Material Energy-Giving Material J I Ener^y-jiving Material and Fider / I and Fiber 70 Vio % / \ 71 ^ % Baker's or Family Flour G^^sham or True Whole Di-f ferent Products Wheat Flour Derived from Milling Wheat Different Kinds of Flour Compared. It will be observed that much of the ash materials is removed in the milling process. 159. If this wheat, 30 per cent of which is bran and other by-products, is manufactured into flour, what quan- tity of flour is made? 160. In 100 pounds of wheat flour there are 0.6 pounds of mineral salts. How many pounds of mineral salts are there in this above quantity of flour? 161. If of this quantity of mineral salts 75 per cent is digested, how many pounds are digested ? 162. What is the difference in number of pounds of mineral 3alts produced from 10 acres of wheat, each acre 70 FARM ARITHMETIC. of which produces 25 bushels, and that finally available for food when manufactured into flour? Important truth. While the manufacture of cereals may increase their palatability, it is also true that the process removes much of the mineral salts which are essential to the full development of teeth, bone, and tissue. Digestible Mineral Nutrients. Average Per cent, or pounds in 100 Beef, 0.6 Pork, •0.6 Veal, 0.7 Mutton, 0.5 Poultry, 0.5 Milk, 0.5 Butter, 2.3 Eggs, 0.7 Flour, 0.4 Breads, 0.8 Vegetables, 0.6 Legumes — beans, peas, etc.. 2.6 Fruits, 0.3 163. How many pounds of digestible mineral salts in 100 pounds of each of these foods ? 164. How many times better are the legumes as min- eral producers than beef ? Than fruit ? Than flour ? 165. How many pounds of beef are required to fur- nish the body with as much mineral salts as would be supplied by a pound of beans ? 166. How much flour will be required to do the same ? 167. How many pounds of bread will you have to eat to secure the quantity of mineral salts a pound of beans would furnish ? 168. How much bread and milk when used in the pro- portion of 1 to 2 will be required to equal a pound of beans or peas? HUMAN FEEDING. 71 169. How much bread and butter when used in the proportion of 1 to 10? Important truth. Mineral salts are essential for body growth and good health. They are not harmful, even when taken in excess of the body's actual needs. In planning dietaries, include as frequently and as exten- sively as possible foods containing considerable quantities of digestible ash. This is neither difficult nor costly, since foods carrying this nutrient are abundant in quantity, rea- sonable in price, and easily prepared. Many of these foods are appetizing and high in value in the other nutri- tive substances. CHAPTER IV. DAIRY PRODUCTS. The products of the dairy form an important part of human food. Dairying is the leading animal industry of our country, and must continue so indefinitely. Of all animals the dairy cow is the most economical producer of food for human beings. Milk Pail. A common practice on farms where sanitary milk is produced. 170. A fattening ox, gaining 15 pounds weekly, yields 1.13 pounds of protein (lean meat). A dairy cow during the same time, and yielding 20 pounds of milk daily, yields 7.46 pounds of protein in milk. How many times better is the dairy cow as a protein producer than the fattening ox? 171. During the week a fattening ox stores in his body .22 pounds of mineral matter, while during the same time a dairy cow secretes in her milk a total of 1.35 72 DAIRY PRODUCTS. 73 pounds. The mineral matter secured by the cow is how many times that secured by the fattening ox ? 172. During the same time a fattening ox stores in his body 9.53 pounds of fat, and the cow in her milk secretes 6.33 pounds of fat and 8.32 pounds of milk sugar. On basis of heat production, how much more valuable is the product of the cow than that of the fattening ox ? Dairy Cows at Pasture. 173. Supplied with an equal amount of food, a fatten- ing ox will gain 3 pounds in live weight for every pound of butter fat produced by the cow. When fat cattle sell at 7 cents per pound, and butter at 30 cents, how much is the difference in favor of the dairy cow ? Milk. Milk is Nature's first food for mammals. This is because milk is a perfect food for the young ; it contains water to slake thirst, ash to make bone, protein to make flesh and muscle, fat and sugar to keep the body warm 74 FARM ARITHMETIC. and to furnish energy and fat. Fat or adipose tissue is Nature's way of storing energy and warmth for future use. A good dairy cow will yield in one year 6,600 pounds of milk, in which there are : 5,670 pounds of water, 50 pounds of ash, 230 pounds of casein and albumen (protein), 284 pounds of fat, 376 pounds of milk sugar. These substances are practically all digestible. 174. What is the percentage of water in milk? 175. The percentage of ash? 176. The percentage of protein ? 177. The percentage of fat? Compare these values with table on page 61. 178. The percentage of milk sugar? 179. How many pounds of water in a ton of milk? 180. How many of ash? 181» Haw many of protein ? 182. How many of fat? 183. How many of sugar ? 184. When a cow yields daily 25 pounds of milk which tests 4.3 per cent butter fat, what quantity of butter fat is produced? 185. A dairyman has 25 dairy cows in his herd. Ten yield 40 pounds each daily; ten, 30 pounds; and five 20 pounds. The milk averages 3.8 per cent butter fat. What is the total quantity of butter fat produced? DAIRY PRODUCTS. 75 Important truth. Milk varies in composition with cows of different breeds, and with different cows of the same breed. In the same herd the milk from no two cows shows exactly the same percentage of butter fat. The milk first drawn from the udder is very low in fat; the last very high. It follows that cows should be selected not only because of their yield of much milk during the year, but also because of their ability to produce milk with a high per cent of butter fat. Variation in Test. 186. A dairyman has a herd of 25 cows. Ten of these cows yield 40 pounds each daily ; another ten, 30 pounds ; the remaining five, 20 pounds. The fat test of the first group is 5.4 per cent; of the second, 4.5 per cent ; of the third, 3.8 per cent. What quantity of fat is daily pro- duced by this herd? 187. Suppose the fat test of the first group were 3.8 per cent and of the third 5.4 per cent, the second remaining just the same. What quantity of fat would be produced daily? 188. When butter fat is worth 25 cents per pound, what is the money value of this difference ? Babcock Tester Glass- ware. a, milk pipette; b, milk bot- tle; c, cream bottle; d, graduate glass for the acid. 189. How many cows of the third type would be required to equal in butter production 10 cows of the first type in problem 186? 190. A certain quantity of milk testing 5 per cent con- tains 45 pounds of fat. What is the quantity ? 76 FARM ARITHMETIC. 191. Four cans contain milk as follows: 100 pounds, and tests 5.4 per cent ; 80 pounds, 4.3 per cent ; 84 pounds, 3.8 per cent ; and 180 pounds, 3.1 per cent. What per cent is the mixture ? 192. In a can is a certain quantity of milk that tests 5 per cent ; in another can is a certain quantity that tests 3 per cent. The amount of butter fat in both cans is 40 pounds, one-fourth of which is in the first can. How much milk is there in each can? Babcock Milk Tester. A small tester for four samples. An outfit like this ought to be in every school. The Babcock Tester. The Babcock test was discov- ered by Dr. Babcock of Madison. Wisconsin. The test is made as follows : By use of a pipette 17.6 cubic centi- meters of milk are put into a test bottle, then sulphuric acid of the correct strength is measured in a graduate, and 17.5 cubic centimeters of it carefully poured down the side of the test bottle into the milk. The acid and the milk should be thoroughly mixed by being gently shaken with a rotary motion. The mixture becomes hot and has a dark color. The bottles are put in the tester, and the DAIRY PRODUCTS. 77 machine is rapidly rotated for five or six minutes. Enough warm water is then added to each IxDttle to bring the fat up into the neck. The bottles are whirled again for two or three minutes, after which they are removed. The amount of fat can be read in per cent on the neck of the bottles. 193. A dairy farmer has in his herd two cows, each producing during the year 6,000 pounds of milk. By using this Babcock tester he finds that the test of one is 3.2 per cent ; and of the other 5.8 per cent. What is the difference in fat produced during the year by the two cows ? 194. At 25 cents per pound, what is the money value of the butter fat yielded by the first cow. By the second ? 195. This same farmer finds that last year one of his cows gave 8,000 pounds of rnilk, the test of which was 3.2 per cent ; another cow gave 5,000 pounds, which tested 5.6 per cent. Which is the more valuable cow ? What is the butter fat difference ? Important truth. The value of a cow depends upon her ability to produce a large quantity of milk that shows a high fat test. Neither the quantity nor kind of feed influences the fat per cent. It may influence the quantity produced, but not the quality. The latter is a fixed char- acter with the cow just as color or breed is fixed. The Babcock tester enables the owner to know the quality of the milk for every cow. Relation of fat to butter. The churn collects fat globules into butter. When thus manufactured the com- mercial product contains fat, water, salt, milk, sugar, and some casein. Hence the fat when churned produces on an average one-sixth more butter than the fat content of milk or cream. 78 FARM ARITHMETIC. 196. In 50 pounds of butter, how much butter fat? Other matter ? 197. A certain cow last year yielded 5,000 pounds of milk that tested 5.4 per cent butter fat. At 25 cents per pound, what was the value of the butter she produced ? Process : 5,000 X .054 = 270 270 X 1-6 = 45 Butter produced 270 -j- 45 = 315 pounds. 315 at 25 cents = $78.75 value of butter. Churning in the Olden Days. Such primitive methods are seldom seen in these days. Modern churns have driven these hand methods largely into oblivion. 198. The owner of this cow had another that yielded 3,850 pounds of milk, which tested 4.8 per cent fat. What was the value of the butter this one produced at 25 cents per pound ? 199. Another cow in this herd yielded 4,300 pounds of milk that tested 3 per cent butter fat. At 25 cents per pound what was the value of the butter produced? DAIRY PRODUCTS. 79 200. The total quantity of butter this herd produced during the year was 5,760 pounds. The average test of the milk for the year was 4.8 per cent. How much milk was produced during the year ? 201. The butter at 25 cents per pound averaged $60 for every cow in the herd. How many cows in the herd ? 202. The preceding year the milk from this herd aver- aged 245 pounds for each day of the year, and made an average test of 4.2 per cent. How much butter was made during the year ? Modern Cream Separator. With this apparatus practically all the cream is obtained from milk, time, labor and waste. Cream. There are three methods of creaming: Shallow .s^//m5r__ Skimming cream from shallow pans or crocks. Deep setting Skimming cream from deep cans. Centrifugal...^. -Skimmm^ by the separator. 80 FARM ARITHMETIC. Some fat is left in the skim milk whatever the method employed. This amount is, Shallow setting, 0.8 per cent. Deep setting, 0.2 per cent Separator, 0.05 per cent. 203. What is the loss of butter fat in 500 pounds of skim milk when shallow setting is followed ? 204. When deep setting is followed? Combined Churn and Butter Worker. This is of creamery size and a kind frequently used in large butter factories. 205. When the separator is used? 206. What is the loss of butter during one year when 110 pounds of skim milk is daily produced, the separator being used ? 207. When deep setting cans are used ? 208. When shallow setting pans or crocks are use4 ? DAIRY PRODUCTS. 81 209. At 25 cents per pound for butter, what is the yearly money loss with shallow pans or crocks? 210. With deep setting cans ? 211. With the separator? 212. In 1,610 pounds of skim milk, testing .12 of one per cent, how much fat is lost ? 213. How much butter may be made from 460 pounds of cream that tests 33 per cent fat ? 214. Cream that tested 22 per cent fat was made into 84 pounds of butter. How much cream was there? 215. How many pounds of 25 per cent cream may be taken from 500 pounds of 4 per cent milk ? Process : 500 X 04 = 20 25 per cent cream means 25 pounds of fat in 100, or in. 1 pound .25 of 1 pound fat. 20 -H .25 — 80 Thus 80 pounds of 25 per cent cream may be made from 500 pounds of 4 per cent milk. 216. How many pounds of 20 per cent cream may be taken from 600 pounds of 6 per cent milk ? 180. 217. How many pounds of 30 per cent cream may be taken from 600 pounds of 3 per cent milk? 60. 218. A dairyman sent to market 100 pounds of 25 per cent cream. From what quantity of 4 per cent milk was the cream taken ? Ans. 625. 219. His neighbor sends with him 100 pounds of 30 per cent cream which had been taken from 625 pounds of milk. What was the per cent of fat in this milk? 4.8. How much 25 per cent cream might have been made? (120 pounds,) How rnuch 20 per cent? (150 pounds.) 82 FARM ARITHMETIC. Butter. The churn gathers the fat globules together in a mass called butter. The average composition of butter is as follows : Water, Fat, Casein (protein). Salt, Per cent. 13 83 1 3 220. 221. In a ton of butter how many pounds of water? Of fat? 222. Of protein? Rounding Out the Cheese. One of the final steps in cheese making is pressing the cakes. They are now ready for storing and ripening. 223. Of salt? 224. What is the nutritive ratio of butter? Important truth. In churning the temperature of cream may vary from 50 degrees to 66 degrees. When the temperature is higher than this, more fat is left in the DAIRY PRODUCTS. 83 buttermilk and the butter is soft and of inferior quality. Thin cream churns more slowly than thick cream. In making butter, churning should be stopped when the granules are about the size of large grains of wheat. 225. When cream is churned at a temperature of from 50 degrees to 60 degrees, 0.2 per cent of fat is left in the buttermilk; when churned at a temperature of from 75 degrees to 80 degrees the buttermilk tests 0.9 per cent. What is the difference or loss for a herd of cows when 12,640 pounds of buttermilk are made annually? 226. At 25 cents per pound for butter, what is the amount of this yearly loss ? Cheese. This product of the dairy is made by coagulating milk with rennet, a ferment of the calf's stomach. ^lilk that is rich in fat, makes more and richer cheese. Full cream cheese contains — Per cent. Water, 37 Fat, 34 Casein, 24 Ash, 5 227. How much water in a ton of cheese? 228. Fat? 229. Casein? 230. Ash? 231. What is the nutritive ratio of cheese ? 232. When cheese sells for 15 cents per pound, what is the value of a ton of fat and casein ? 233. Ninety-five per cent of the nutrients in cheese is digested. In 100 pounds, how many pounds of digestible nutrients (fat and casein) are there? 84 FARM ARITHMETIC. 234. When cheese sells for 15 cents per pound, what is the cost of 1 pound of digestible nutrients ? 235. Beef loin contains 15.6 per cent of digestible pro- tein and 16.6 per cent digestible fat. When sold at 25 cents per pound, what is the cost of a pound of digestible nutrients ? 236. How many more pounds of digestible nutrients in a dollar's worth of cheese than in a dollar's worth of beef loin? In the Curing Room. One way of storing cheese during the ripening period. Important truth. From 9 to I2 pounds of milk are required to make 1 pound of cheese. From 100 pounds of milk, containing 3 per cent fat and 2 per cent casein, 8.8 pounds of cheese may be made; from 100 pounds of milk containing 4.5 per cent fat and 2.7 per cent casein 11.7 pounds of cheese may be made. Marketing. Milk may be marketed as milk, butter, cream, or cheese. DAIRY PRODUCTS. 85 The form in which it should be marketed is governed by the distance from market, the relative current prices of the different products, the breed of cows, the inclination of the owner, etc. 237. What is the value of 100 pounds 4.2 per cent milk when sold at 4 cents per pound, i. e., 8 cents per quart ? 238. What is the value of cream, testing 30 per cent fat, in 100 pounds of 4.2 per cent milk, when sold at 20 cents per pint (1 pound) ? 239. What is the value of the cheese made from 100 pounds of 4.2 per cent milk (nine pounds of this grade of milk makes 1 pound of cheese) when sold at 12 cents per pound ? 240. What is the value of the butter made from 100 pounds of 4.2 per cent milk when sold at 25 cents per pound ? Important truth. This comparison does not necessa- rily mean that milk production is more profitable than butter, cheese, or cream production. It costs more to de- liver milk to the consumer than the other products. Then, too, a good deal of fertility is permanently lost from the soil by the sale of milk. When butter is made all skim milk and buttermilk is left on the farm and are available for the feeding of pigs, calves, and poultry — items of great importance in the wise management of a dairy farm. 241. When milk, testing 4 per cent fat, costs $1.60 per hundred pounds, what is the value of 20 per cent cream on basis of fat content? Process : In 100 pounds of 4 per cent milk costing $1.60, there are 4 pounds of fat Since 4 pounds of fat cost $1.60, fat costs 40 86 FARM ARITHMETIC. cents per pound. In 100 pounds of 20 per cent cream there are 20 pounds of fat. Then 20 pounds of fat at 40 cents per pound will cost .40 X 20 = $8.00— this is, therefore, the value of 100 pounds of 20 per cent cream. Note. — A gallon of 30 per cent cream weighs 8 pounds; 20 per cent cream 8.3 pounds ; 4 per cent milk 8.55 pounds. 242. When milk, testing 4 per cent fat, costs $1.60 per hundred pounds, what is the value of one gallon of 20 per cent cream on basis of fat content? 243. A dairyman sells his milk, testing 4.5 per cent, at Bottled Milk Ready for Market. When milk is bottled immediately after cooling and then kept cool it remains sweet and pure much longer than if marketed in large insanitary cans. 20 cents per gallon. What price should he receive per gallon for 30 per cent cream, so that the value of the fat in this cream may be the same as that it now has in milk ? 244. When milk, testing 3 per cent fat, costs 15 cents per gallon, on basis of fat content, what should 4 per cent milk cost ? Five per cent milk ? Twenty per cent cream ? 245. When cream, testing 20 per cent fat, costs $1 a DAIRY PRODUCTS. 87 gallon, what should cream testing 30 per cent fat cost a gallon ? Standardized milk. Milk standardized to a certain per cent fat. 246. A dairyman has 322 pounds of milk which test 4.3 per cent fat. He desires to standardize this to 5 per cent fat. How much 5 per cent milk will this quantity make? Process : 322 X 4.3 = 13.8 pounds fat. 13.8 -^- .05 = 276 pounds 5 per cent milk. This means that when 322 pounds of 4.3 per cent milk are standardized to 5 per cent milk, 276 pounds will result. 247. Another dairyman has 322 pounds of milk which tests 3.2 per cent fat. When this is standardized to 5 per cent fat, what quantity will result ? 248. A farmer has separated his milk and finds that he has 60 pounds of 30 per cent cream. How many pounds of skim milk will be required to make this into milk that will test 5 per cent butter fat ? 249. To 250 pounds of 3.2 per cent milk, how much 30 per cent cream must be added to make a 5 per cent milk? Ans. 18 pounds. CHAPTER V. SOIL. That part of the solid surface of the earth in which plants grow is known as the soil. In semi-technical language, the uppermost part is called the soil and the underpart the subsoil. The soil contains plant food and the moisture in which this food must be dissolved before it can become a fac- tor in the growth of plants; it affords a foothold for plants — a place in which they may grow ; it supplies pro- tection, air, agreeable temperature, and other congenial surroundings, that plant roots may be at home in it. ''The GcTTiNO SaMPLLS of SoiL FROM FiELDS. No two soils are just alike. Their water content also varies. By means of simple apparatus as shown in the picture, samples may be obtained from any depth and the amount of water in tkem determined. SOIL. 89 soil is the ultimate employer of all industry — the source of all wealth and the universal banker." — Hill. 250. A sample of soil having a surface area of one square foot and a depth of 12 inches, was dug from a clover field and weighed. The upper 6 inches weighed 60.1 pounds; the lower, 61.4 pounds. These two layers were then dried and weighed, and the following weights were obtained: for the first, 51.1 pounds; for the second, 52.7 pounds. The moisture was what per cent of the dried weight in each layer? 251. What was the per cent of moisture in the 12- inch section of soil ? 252. What is the weight of an acre of the upper 6 inches of this soil after being dried? Process: Multiply number of square feet in an acre by 51.1 253. What is the weight of the water contained in an acre of the upper 6 inches of soil ? Of the lower 6 inches ? 254. The water in the upper 6-inch layer would have what depth if extracted and spread evenly over the same area? Process : 1. Divide the weight of water per square foot of surface area by 62.5 (weight of 1 cubic foot of water). This will give the depth in feet. 9 -^ 62.5 = 0.14 feet. 2. Multiply quotient by 12 (inches in a foot) to obtain the depth in inches. 0.14 X 12 = 1.7 inches. Note. — This is equivalent to dividing by 5.2, since 62.5 ^ 12 = 5.2 255; How many inches depth of water in the second 6 inches of soil? 256. Assuming no loss by evaporation or drainage, to how many inches of rainfall does the water in the 12-inch depth of soil correspond ? 90 FARM ARITHMETIC. 257. This soil was analyzed by a chemist who found that it contained in the upper layer 0.162 per cent of nitro- gen, 0.249 per cent of phosphoric acid and 0.386 per cent of potash. How many pounds per acre of each of these elements of fertility did this upper layer contain? 258. This chemist also analyzed the second layer and found 0.092 per cent of nitrogen, 0.134 per cent of phos- phoric acid, and 0.224 per cent of potash. How many pounds of each did this second layer contain? Getting Humus into the Soil. The rape crop seeded at the last cultivation of the corn is now being plowed under to keep up the humus supply of the land. Cowpeas, rye and crimson clover are other good crops to use for the same purpose. 259. What was the number of pounds each of nitro- gen, phosphoric acid, and potash per acre in the 12 inches of soil? 260. A crop of wheat which yields 30 bushels per acre removes from the soil by chemical analysis, as indicated, 48 pounds of nitrogen, 21.1 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 29.8 pounds of potash. When wheat yields at this rate, how many crops will the nitrogen in this soil supply? SOIL. 91 261. How many crops will the phosphoric acid sup- ply? 262. How rnany crops will the potash supply? 263. A crop of oats yielding 60 bushels per acre, re- quires of nitrogen 73.3 pounds, of phosphoric acid 25.7 pounds, of potash 61.5 pounds. How many crops of such oats will the nitrogen content of this soil supply ? Phos- phoric acid? Potash? Important truth. Nature has not stored these ele- ments in the soil in such a form as to be wholly plant food. Only a small percentage of any one is directly available at any time. Available plant food is readily lost by leaching and drainage. Plence, if all the elements had been in an available form originally the soil would have lost its fertility ages ago. Great quantities of plant food are locked up in the soil in such forms that they can be made available only by good tillage, crop rotation, winter- growing crops, humus, stable manure, and legumes. These together form the key which unlocks the door to Nature's richest storehouse. Moisture of the soil. Water is important to plant growth. It dissolves plant food and carries it to all parts of the plant body. Crops often fail or are greatly in- jured by an insufficient supply of moisture in the soil. How to keep enough water in the soil during the grow- ing season for all the needs of the growing plant is a very important problem. Saving moisture by plowing. 264. Samples of soil from a field partially plowed were taken to a depth of 12 inches, two weeks after plow- ing was done. The sample taken from the plowed land showed 13.87 per cent of water in the soil, while the sam- SOIL. 93 pie taken from the unplowed land showed 10.58 per cent. This soil when dried weighed 80 pounds to the cubic foot. How many more tons of water per acre are there in the plowed land than in the unplowed land ? Saving moisture by cultivation. The observed dif- ference in the moisture content of a field of corn for one season was as follows : Cultivation Controls Water Content. Kind of cultivation 1st foot per cent. 2d foot per cent. 3d foot per cent. 4th foot per cent. Cultivated 3 inches deep Cultivated 1 inch deep Difference 23.14 22.70 .44 23.30 21.08 2.22 21.94 19.65 2.29 22.46 19.58 2.88 Plowing Levees for Rice. 94 FARM ARITHMETIC. 265. How many more tons of water per acre were held in these four feet of soil (dry weight, 80 pounds per cubic foot), by the deeper mulch (cultivated 3 inches), than by the more shallow mulch (cultivated 1 inch) ? 266. How many more inches of water in the deep- mulched than the shallow-mulched land? 267. On July 26, 1900, samples of soils were taken from three plats of land on which corn was growing. The observed percentages of moisture content of the soil from these plats were as follows : Per cent. 1. No cultivation — weeds allowed to grow, 12.55 2. Ordinary cultivation — some weeds, 18.80 3. Level cultivation — frequent and shallow, 22.64 How many tons of water per acre on land in corn, where no cultivation was given, and weeds were allowed to grow ? 268. How many tons where ordinary cultivation was given ? 269. How many tons where level, shallow, and fre- quent cultivation is given? 270. What is the percentage of difference, favorable to ordinary cultivation over no cultivation ? 271. The percentage of difference in favor of level cultivation over no cultivation ? Growing crops take water from the soil. Often early spring crops are harvested and the same land is planted in corn or other cultivated crops. Or again a crop of weeds may be permitted to grow on ground to be used later for a cultivated crop. This second crop may suffer SOIL. 95 on account of the removal of water by the preceding crop. This fact is illustrated in the table below. Plants Take Water From the Soil. Nature of land 12 inches 12-18 inches 18-24 inches Ground not planted per cent. 24.53 10.59 13.94 per cent. 20.16 15.66 4.50 per cent. 17.74 Ground in clover 14.73 3.01 Two Ways of Growing Corn. Plot at right received ordinary cultivation, and yielded 64 bushels to the acre. Plot at left received no cultivation and yielded 4 bushels an acre. 272. How many tons of water in the two feet of ground not planted ? 273. How many in the ground in clover? 274. On this basis how many tons of water per acre were removed by the growing clover crops ? 96 FARM ARITHMETIC. 275. How many more inches of rainfall will be needed on the clover plot than on the other ? Influence of method on producing power of soils. Soils differ in producing power. The same soil often is influenced in productive power by a change in the method of tillage, cultivation, and treatment. The following results were obtained during three years' growth of crops showing the influence of thorough tillage. Tillage Increases Crop Yields. Methods of tillage Corn, 1899 Barley, 1900 Timothy and clover. 1901 pounds per acre pounds per acre pounds per acre Ordinary — spring plowed Fall plowed Fall and spring plowed 3,300 3,800 6,900 1,500 2,050 2,750 1,120 1.480 2,240 276. How many tons of forage were produced during the three years where spring plowing was done ? 277. Where fall plowing was done? 278. Where both spring and fall plowing were done? 279. What is the per cent of increase of fall plowing over spring plowing? 280. What is the per cent of increase of fall and spring plowing over spring plowing only ? 281. Twenty acres of land, fall and spring plowed, are the equivalent of how many acres of land spring plowed only? Are there other savings? SOIL. 97 Important truth. Thorough tillage is helpful for most soils. Old, dead, wornout lands are especially bene- fited by deep, effective stirring. Water enters more easily ; air more freely ; plant food is made available ; the soil becomes open and more porous ; the roots have larger and better pasture grounds. All these influences con- tribute to soil activity and soil productivity. The Plow Comes First in All Tillage Operations. To do good work the plow must turn the furrow slice, cover the grass and vegetable matter and leave the surface pulverized and mellow. Protected farm manures influence the producing power of soils. An untold quantity of fertility is lost each year because of poor methods in caring for and preserving farm-yard manures. This fact is illustrated 98 FARM ARITHMETIC. by an experiment made at one of Our experiment stations, as follows : Unprotected Manure Versus Protected Manure. Method Pounds green corn 21,520 14,320 282. How many tons increase in yield of corn from land fertilized with stable manure which has been pro- tected from rain and wash? 283. What is the percentage increase secured by pro- tection of manure from rain and wash ? 12.15 $2.96 1480 Manure exposed in yard. Stall manure. Stall manure and acid phosphate Increasing Value of Manure. When stable manure is treated with acid phosphate and kept under cover fertilizing value is increased. CHAPTER VI. FIELD CROPS. The commanding position occupied in the world today by American agriculture, is due in a large measure to the new plants native to this country, and to the old ones which so readily adapt themselves to our soil and climate conditions. This list includes cotton, corn, potatoes, to- bacco, wheat, oats, sugar cane, and many grasses and other crops. Without our cotton, corn, wheat, and other agricultural exports the balance of trade would be against us, and the world would be denied its present abundance of cheap clothing and food. Statistics of Corn. 284. The total production of corn in 1889 was 2,122,- 000,000 bushels ; in 1899, 2.666,000,000 bushels, and in 1909, 2,552,000,000. What was the per cent of increase or decrease during each ten years ? The twenty years ? 285. The value of the 1899 corn crop was $828,000,- 000, and of the 1909 crop $1,439,000,000. What was the average price per bushel for each year? Ans. 31 cents in 1899, and 56 cents in 1909. 286. The average yield of corn per acre in 1899 was 28.1 bushels ; and in 1909, 25.9 bushels. How many acres were in corn each year? Per cent decrease in yield per acre? 287. A South Carolina farmer in 1899 produced 255 bushels of corn on one acre of land. How many times greater is this yield than the average for the United States for the same year ? Than for 1909 ? m FIELD CROPS. ' ' ' * ' " J()j' 288. What would have been the total yield in the United States in 1909, had every acre of corn produced 255 bushels? Its value? 289. What was the average value of corn per acre in 1899 ? In 1909 ? 290. The total number of farms in the United States in 1899 was 5,740,000. Corn was grown on 88.6 per cent of these farms. On how many was corn grown that year? Ans. About 5,100,000. 291. What was the average production of corn per farm that year? 292. What was the average value of corn per farm that year ? Statistics of Wheat. 293. The total production of wheat in 1899 was 658,- 500,000 bushels and in 1909, 683,400,000 bushels. What was the per cent increase? The 1899 crop was an increase of 40.6 per cent over the previous decade. What was the production in bushels in 1889 ? 294. The value of the 1899 wheat crop was $370,000,- 000 ; the 1909, $657,700,000. What was the average price per bushel in 1899 ? In 1909 ? 295. The average yield per acre was 12.5 bushels in 1899, and 15.4 bushels in 1909. How many acres of wheat were grown each year? What was the per cent of increase per acre? 296. It is now claimed by experts that the average yield per acre of corn and wheat can be doubled. What would this have added to the wealth of the country in 1909 ? In ten years at the same rate ? 102 ' " """fa'rM arithmetic. 297. What was the average value of wheat per acre ml899? In 1909? 298. The total number of farms in the United States in 1899 was 5,740,000. Wheat was grown on 35.8 per cent of these farms. On how many was wheat grown that year? Cotton Ready for the Pickers. While the average yield of cotton is about one-third of a bale to the acre, this field yielded at the rate of three bales to the acre. It shows what proper fertilizing, tillage and culture will do. 299. What was the average production of wheat per farm that year? 300. The average value of wheat per farm that year? Per acre? 301. The population of this country in 1910 was 92.000,000 ; the consumption from the 1909 crop of wheat by this population that year was 596,000,000 bushels. What was the consumption of wheat per capita ? FIELD CROPS. 103 302. It takes 4.77 bushels of wheat to make one bar- rel of flour. What was the consumption of Hour per capita that year? 303. For seed in 1910, 1.4 bushels of wheat were used per acre. What was the consumption for this purpose, assuming the same acreage as in 1909 ? 304. How many bushels of the 1909 wheat crop were used for food and seed? 305. This consumption equals how many bushels per inhabitant in 1910 ? 306. How much of the 1909 wheat was available for export ? 307. If all of it had been exported, what would have been its value ? Statistics of Cotton. 308. The production of lint cotton in 1899 was 9,435,- 000 bales of 495 pounds ; in 1909, 10.640,000 bales. How many pounds did each crop make ? 309. The total acreage in cotton in 1909 was 32,044,- 000. What was the average production in pounds per acre? 310. The average production in bales per acre ? 311. The value of the commercial cotton crop in 1899 was $323,800,000, and in 1909, $703,600,030. What was the average value per bale each year? 312. The average value per pound? Per acre? 313. The total number of farms in the United States in 1909 was 6,362,000, and the total value of all the crops 104 FARM ARITHMETIC. was $5,487,000,000. What was the value per farm ? The cotton was what per cent of this total value ? 314. What was the production of cottonseed in 1909, estimating 1,000 pounds of seed to each bale of cotton ? 315. The cottonseed in 1909 was valued at $121,000,- 000. What was this per ton? Per pound? Per acre? Total, lint and seed, per acre ? Statistics of Cereal Crops. Every ten years the census bureau reports on acreage, production, values, and other general facts incidental to farm crops. The following examples may be solved by use of the accompanying table taken from the 1910 cen- sus report and showing statistics of the 1909 crops. The corresponding table for 1899 is also given. Some Cereal Crops Grown in the United States in 1909. Crop Acreage Bushels Value of crop Com 98.382,665 44.262,592 35,159.441 7,698.706 2.195.561 878,048 610,175 2,552,189,630 683,379,259 1,007,142,980 173,344,212 29,520,457 14,849,332 21,838,580 $1,438,553,919.00 Wheat , 657,656,801.00 Oats 414,697,422.00 Barley 92,458,571.00 Rye. .. 20,421,812.00 Buckwheat 9,330,592.00 Rice 16,019,607.00 Note. — All figures beyond the first three are of little im- portance and may be omitted in calculation. 98,382,665 may be taken as 98,400,000, and 2,553,189,630 as 2,550,000,000. Some Cereal Crops Grown in the United States in 1899. Crop Acreage Bushels Value of crop Com TTlaeat Oats Barley Rye Buckwheat Rice 94,913,673 52,528,574 29,539,698 4,470.196 2.054.292 807.060 351,344 2.666,440,279 658,534,252 943,389,375 119,634.877 25,568,625 11.235,515 9.002,886 $828,258,326.00 369,945,230.00 217,098,584.00 41,631,762.00 12,290,540.00 5,747,853.00 7,891,613.00 FIELD CROPS 105 316. In 1909 what was the yield per acre of oats ? The vahie? In 1899? 317. Yield per acre of barley ? Value per acre? 318. Yield and value of rye ? 319. Yield and value of buckwheat? 320. Yield and value of rice? Crimson Clover a Fine Cover Crop. In this cotton field at last cultivation of cotton crimson clover was seeded. A splendid stand is now in evidence. When plowed under the following spring a great quantity of life-giving vegetable matter will help the soil for future pro- duction. 321. What was the average price per bushel of oats in 1909? In 1899? 322. Of barley? Of rye? Of buckwheat? 323. The average price per bushel (45 pounds) of rice? Per pound? Statistics of hay. For statistics of other kinds of hay 106 FARM ARITHMETIC. and forage crops consult Census Bureau, or United States Department of Agriculture reports. The following table is from the 1900 census rejXDrt. Certain Hay Crops. Crop Acreage Tons Value per ton Millet 1,743,887 2,094,011 4,103.968 31.301.689 2,850.959 5,220.671 5,167,188 35,624.395 ) Alfalfa ' «.7A Clover > $5.76 Timothy and other tame grasses ) 324. 1899? 325. 326. 327. 328. What was the average yield per acre of millet for Of alfalfa? Of clover? Of timothy and other tame grasses? What the total value of hay produced in 1899 ? The combined hay and forage crop acreage in 1899 was 61,691,000. The 1909 acreage shows an in- crease of 17.2 per cent. What was it? The 1909 crop averaged 1.35 tons per acre. How many tons? The 1909 crop was worth $11.40 per acre. What was this per ton ? Statistics of Potatoes. Irish and sweet potatoes enter largely into the diet of all classes of people. The former is also used extensively in the manufacture of starch. Potatoes in the Year 1909. Crop Acreage Bushels per acre Value 3.668,855 641.255 106.1 92.4 $166,423,910.00 35,429.176.00 FIELD CROPS. 107 329. How many bushels of Irish potatoes were pro- duced in 1909 ? Sweet potatoes ? 330. The Irish potato acreage in 1899 was 81 per cent of that in 1909. The number of bushels per acre in 1909 was 93.0, and the price per bushel was 36 cents. What was the value of the 1899 crop? m 2, « ««■■'■, ■^ -.2Eli % i ■i^ilS SSiS^T: . ; sags; 1 i 1 '-IS^ iHii 1^ ^^m :,i:l3SS| m m 'i^S :^JIisi 1 1 1 ^'li^^^ ^:*^^^i$ i| ^g :■ \ lisp m m 1 .'*mMs^» ^^^ft^*^ ^^^9 ;■ ' fi^ S 1 1 ^Ip ^^^ i^ ^■:^ir i 1 i B Corn Improved by Selection. The original stock is shown at the right. By carefully selecting the best ears, the type at the left was obtained. 331. What was the average price per bushel of Irish potatoes in 1909? 332. The average price of sweet potatoes ? 333. It has been proved that a more careful selection of wheat for seed purposes will greatly increase the pro- duction of each acre. Were this increase but one bushel 108 FARM ARITHMETIC. per acre, how many bushels of increase would there be with the same acreage as in 1909 ? 334. When sold at 80 cents per bushel what would be the value of the increased production ? 335. An ideal country road may be graded and made of stone for a sum not exceeding $3,000 per mile. How many miles of such road could be made annually from the sum represented by one bushel per acre increase in the wheat crop? 336. How many such roads from Boston to San Fran- cisco might thus be built each year ? 337. How many years would be required to pay in this way for such a road, whose length is equal to the circum- ference of the earth? 338. Corn is often calculated on a basis of 120 ears per bushel. What is the weight of each ear? 339. When corn is planted in rows 44 inches apart, how many rows per acre in a field 80 rods long? 340. How many stalks per acre when planted 12 inches apart in the row? 341. When one ear is produced per stalk, what is the yield per acre? 342. If corn is selected and bred to average one and one-half ears per stalk of same weight as above, what is the yield per acre ? 343. If corn is bred so as to increase the weight — 100 ears to the bushel — what will be the yield per acre, corn being planted 12 inches apart in rows 44 inches wide ? 344. If corn is planted 12 inches apart in rows 38 inches apart, what is yield per acre, one ear per stalk and 120 ears per bushel? FIELD CROPS. 109 345. If on the average one out of five grains fails to germinate, what is the yield per acre? What is the loss per acre at 50 cents per bushel? 346. If corn shrinks 10 per cent in weight between harvest time and the following summer, what is the loss when corn produces 40 bushels per acre, and is worth 50 cents per bushel ? 347. What is this loss for the whole country, provided 10 per cent of the corn crop is carried over until the next summer ? 348. If it shrinks 12 per cent, what is the annual loss ? 349. Fifty-eight samples of seed corn were tested for Seeding Corn Land to Wheat. This custom enables two crops to be grown with one plowing, a saving of time and labor. Corn land is also fairly good preparation for wheat. vitality. Of that selected from corn in shock, 78 grains out of each 100 germinated; from the crib, 87 grains; of seed selected at harvest time and carefully stored, 94 grains germinated. What was the percentage of germina- tion for each method ? 350. What was the difference in per cent of germina- tion between well-stored seed corn and that from shocks ? From crib? 110 FARM ARITHMETIC. 351. Suppose the seed corn used in the United States in 1914 to be average crib seed, what would be the gain in bushels if well-stored seed were used? 352. If seed germinating 80 per cent be used, and once replanted with the same grade of seed, what will be the stand ? 353. It has been estimated that the loss of cotton, when stored under trees and exposed to weather at compresses, farms, and railroad depots is 10 per cent of the value. If 25 per cent of the cotton crop is thus exposed, what was the annual loss to cotton farmers in 1909 in this way ? 354. It is estimated that cotton fiber of good length and uniformity is worth two cents more per pound than that of the average now produced. If 25 per cent of the cotton crop were improved so as to secure this additional value, what would have been the increased value of our cotton crop for 1909 ? 355. It costs on the average $1 per acre to *'chop" cot- ton. If improved cultural methods were secured, that this cost might be reduced one-half, what would have been the saving on the cotton crop of 1909 ? 356. It costs 60 cents per hundred to pick cotton. What was the cost for picking the 1909 cotton crop ? 357. For every pound of cotton lint produced two pounds of cottonseed are produced. How many tons of seed in the cotton croo of 1909 ? puuiiu.s Ml *^uui.uiisccu die piuui seed in the cotton crop of 1909 358. At 40 cents per bushel (30 pounds), what was the value of the 1909 cottonseed crop? 359. The average price of cotton in 1899 was 7 cents per pound. Since that time cotton has averaged 12 cents FIELD CROPS 111 per pound. What would be the value cf the 1899 crop at this price? The 1909? 360. The value of the commercial cotton crop for 1904 was $633,600,000. That year 13,342,515 bales of cotton were produced. What was the average value of cotton per pound, estimating 495 pounds to the bale ? Cotton Bolls. Here are shown a mature unopened and an opened cotton boll. 361. In 1909, 476,849 acres were planted to sugar cane. The value of the crop was $26,415,952. What was the average value per acre? 362. The same year 444,088 acres were devoted to sorghum cane. The value of the crop was $10,174,457, What was the value per acre ? 112 FARM ARITHMETIC. 363. The same year 364,093 acres were planted to sugar beets, which produced a crop worth $19,880,724. What was the value per acre? In 1899, 110,170 acres worth $3,323 240. Value per acre? Per cent of increase during the decade ? Cost of Production. 364. What is the cost in your locality of plowing an acre of land? Determine this as accurately as you can. 365. Of harrowing? 366. How many acres can be rolled in one day? 367. How many acres can be cultivated in one day ? This Plowing Is Ideal. Note how mellow and crumbled the furrow slice has been left. 368. How many acres can be cultivated in a day with a double cultivator? 369. When corn or cotton is cultivated four times during the season, and the labor of a man costs $1.50 a day, what is the average saving during a season through the use of a double cultivator ? 370. What is the cost of harvesting an acre of corn? 371. Of wheat? Of cotton? FIELD CROPS. 113 372. Have these costs increased in your locality or de- creased during the last few years? Would these costs and changes in costs have any influence in determining the kind of farming you would do ? 373. Determine the cost of producing an acre of the crop in which you are most interested. Include all opera- tions. (1) From plowing to marketing, (2) maintenance of land and tools, (3) interest on the investment. Is the growing of this crop open to any improvements which would make for economy in production? Important truth. The cost of producing any crop varies with the richness of the land, the time of planting, the effectiveness of the tillage, the cost of labor, the quality and quantity of fertilizer used, the climatic conditions, and the skill and knowledge of the producer. Every farmer should keep an accurate record of every item of expense for each crop grown. He should study these fig- ures and profit by them. He should experiment with a view to discovering what is for him, all things consid- ered, the best practice. He will thus adjust his farm- ing to the local conditions, and will learn many things no book or outside observer can tell him. CHAPTER VII. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Millions of dollars' worth of fruits and vegetables are grown and shipped to market every season; and fully as much more is canned, dried, or preserved in some other way for use during the unproductive period of the year. Many people think that the fruits are more important than the vegetables, but this is not true, at least from a money standpoint. In 1909 the value of vegetables produced in the United States was $417,000,000, including $166,000,- 000 worth of potatoes; that of all other horticultural products amounted to $273,000,000, of which $140,000,- 000 represented the tree fruits, $30,000,000 small fruits, and $22,000,000 each of grapes and citrus fruits. 374. A farmer in western New York decided to plant apple trees 40 feet apart on 10 acres of his land. How many trees did he set out ? 375. He thought that because the trees would hardly begin to bear profitable crops until they were eight or ten years old, he could grow currant bushes between the trees for several years, so he planted them 5 feet apart. How many did he plant ? 376. Before the currant bushes were old enough to bear, the four nearest ones to the apple trees began to fail and had to be removed. How many were dug up ? 377. As these bushes cost 10 cents each when bought, and as planting and cultivation cost 10 cents more, how much did he lose by buying too many? 378. When the currants began to bear they produced 114 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. 115 an average of 4 quarts to the bush. The farmer paid boys and girls two cents a quart for picking. How much money did he have to pay for picking all the fruit on this 10 acres? 379. He sold the currants at 10 cents a quart. How much money did he have left after paying for the pick- ing? Cultivating Beans. 380. In the sixth year the apple trees bore a peck of apples each, and because the farmer handled them prop- erly they doubled in production each year until they were 12 years old. How much did they produce each year? 381. The farmer sold his apples in barrels holding 100 quarts each. How many barrels did he sell in the tenth year from his orchard ? 382. He figured that it cost him 90 cents a barrel to 116 FARM ARITHMETIC. grow, pick, grade, pack, and deliver a barrel of fruit. He received $2 a barrel. How much did his orchard pay him in the 12th year ? How Spraying Helps. Spraying is a very modern farm practice. In a busi- ness way it is scarcely more than 25 years old. During these years a very large number of machines have been invented to lighten the labor of spraying, and to do the work better. Nowadays no good farmer who grows fruit or vegetables neglects to practice spraying. He knows that if he does not spray his crops will be neither so large nor so good. Poisons are used for insects that chew their food; and oil, dust, or caustics for those that suck the juices of the plants. Various materials are used to prevent diseases attacking cultivated plants. After the diseases have once gained a foothold there is little use in spraying. With both insects and diseases, therefore, pre- vention is better than a cure. 383. As an experiment a western New York farmer sprayed part of his potato field six times with bordeaux. At harvest time he found that the unsprayed part of the field yielded 150 bushels and the sprayed part 330 bushels. What was the percentage gain due to spraying ? 384. He made two grades of the salable tubers, and found that 60 per cent of the sprayed potatoes could be sold at 40 cents a bushel and the balance at 30 cents, whereas only 40 per cent of the unsprayed salable tubers could be marketed as first grade, the balance being sec- ond grade. How much did he get for each lot, and how much of the money was due to the spraying? 385. The same farmer then began potato seed selec- tion. It took him two days (20 hours), worth $4 of his time, to select and to plant according to rules. But the FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. 117 quarter of an acre so planted yielded at the rate of 40 bushels an acre more than his general field average — 150 bushels. If he had sold the 10 bushels from his quarter- acre at 40 cents a bushel, would they have paid for his extra time in selecting and planting? Spraying the Orchard. Spraying is just as important a feature of commercial orcharding as fertilizing, picking, and packing the fruit. 386. When he saw that he came out "just even" he was a little disappointed, but he decided to follow the rules once more, so he used the 400 best hills (the product of 100 best-producing tubers), as his basis of selection and used the next best ones for the "general field" the next year. Selection and planting took him only one day this time, because he had fewer potatoes to handle and plant. At digging time his quarter-acre of selected tubers yielded liy FARM ARITHMETIC. 50 per cent more than the first year. If he had sold his crop at 40 cents a bushel, how much would he have made on his expenditure of time in careful selection and plant- ing? 387. He felt encouraged by his results, and tried the plan a third year, this time using the best tubers for his selection plot and the next best for the general field. Im- agine his surprise and pleasure at digging time to find that the selected tubers in the general field yielded 30 per cent more salable tubers than unselected seed, which yielded 150 bushels an acre. He sold his crop at 40 cents. How much did he make an acre on the time spent in selecting the seed the first and the second year ? 388. A man bought a Maryland farm which had an orchard of 100 mature but neglected trees, that bore scarcely more than a barrel of salable fruit each the first year. Before spring opened the following year he had cut out all the dead wood and as many of the water- sprouts as he dared, but was prevented from doing any spraying, fertilizing, or cultivating that season. In the autumn he harvested and sold an average of three bar- rels of salable apples to the tree at $2 a barrel. He fig- ured that the pruning took him an average of two hours to the tree, and that his time was worth 25 cents an hour. What did he make out of his pruning? 389. The next year he fertilized the whole orchard with stable manure, but could get none of it sprayed and only half of it plowed. This half he kept cultivated un- til midsummer, when he sowed crimson clover as a cover crop. Plowing and cultivating cost $25. At harvest time he found that the cultivated plot yielded 50 per cent more salable fruit than the uncultivated part. He received $900 for the fruit. How much money did he get from each FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. 119 half, and how much did he make on his outlay for plow- ing and cultivating? 390. In the spring of the third year he fertilized, l)lowed, and cultivated the whole orchard and sprayed all but 20 trees, 10 in the part uncultivated the previous year and 10 in the cultivated part. These trees were left as checks. The spraying cost 40 cents a tree. At harvest time he gathered an average of three barrels of salable W^^^ ^mW^M^'^ Engine Power Used in Orchard. Gas and oil engines are gradually replacing much of the work formerly done by hand or horse labor. fruit to the tree from the 10 trees in the part uncultivated the year before, four barrels each from the 10 trees in the cultivated part, six barrels from the sprayed trees cultivated only one year, and seven barrels from the sprayed trees cultivated two years. He figured (1) the difference in yield due to cultivating the orchard two years as against one year; (2) the difference between the check 120 FARM ARITHMETIC. i trees, cultivated two seasons and only one season; (3) the difference due to spraying in the once cultivated half of the orchard (check trees with sprayed ones) ; and (4) a like difference between the twice and the once-cultivated half. What were his answers? 391. A farmer bought a Delaware peach orchard of 200 trees that averaged three pecks of fruit to the tree the year he bought it. He planned to sell the crop in half-peck baskets, and estimated that 15 per cent of the crop would be unsalable. He ordered his baskets on this basis, but when he picked the fruit the trees averaged 10 per cent less than he had estimated, and when graded 20 per cent were unsalable. How many baskets had he left on hand? 392. The second year he experimented in thinning. After the "June drop" he removed half the fruit from the trees in each alternate row through the orchard. This year he calculated upon three pecks to the tree and 20 per cent as unsalable. But only 10 per cent of the fruit was unsalable, and all of that was on the unthinned trees. As the baskets left over from the previous year were in good condition and could be used, how many baskets did he order, and how many should he have ordered? 393. The salable peaches on the unthinned trees sold for 40 cents a basket, and that from the thinned trees at 50 cents. He calculated the cost of thinning at 15 cents a tree. How much did he make on the operation because of the finer fruit? 394. A Maryland fruit grower uses annually 150 bar- rels of lime-sulphur spray in his 750-acre orchard. Sup- posing his trees to be 30 feet apart, and supposing that he can buy the spray material at $4.50 a barrel, how much does the material alone cost an acre? rRUlT AND VEGETABLES. 121 395. A fruit grower who made lime-sulphur mixture for spraying, found that making the stuff in large quanti- ties cost him 8 cents a gallon, but that his mixture would go only 80 per cent as far as commercial material which cost $4.50 a 50-gallon barrel. Supposing the results upon the crop to be equal, would it be more economical for him to make his own spray or to buy it, and how much money difference would there be? 396. A fruit grower bought 600 pounds of arsenate of lead at $7 a 100 pounds to spray for codling moth lar- vae (apple worms). He used only GO per cent of it and the balance was left over till the following year. Sup- pose interest to be 5 per cent, how much would he have saved or lost if he had bought the amount he needed each of two years at 8 cents a pound ? CHAPTER VIII. FARM ANIMALS. Farm animals have always been closely identified with prosperity in agriculture. Their high development and large production in this country are due partly to the skill and intelligence of their keepers, and partly to the splen- did grasses and other food plants that are grown so suc- cessfully. And yet the animal industry is far from what it should be ; scrubs and inferior animals must give way to improved stock that products of higher quality may result. Statistics of Farm Animals. The total value of the horses, mules, dairy and beef cattle of all kinds, swine, sheep, and goats in the United States in 1910 was $5,296,421,619, of which value neat cattle constituted 29.5 per cent, horses 47.3 per cent, mules 11.0 per cent, swine 7.7 per cent, sheep 4.4 per cent, goats 0.1 per cent. 397. What was the value of neat cattle in the United States for the census year 1910 ? 398. Of horses ? This represents what per cent of the value of the cattle ? 399. Of mules? This is what per cent of the value of the horses? 400. Of swine? Of these 2.7 per cent were not on farms; what was their value? 401. Of sheep? These were reported from 617,000 farms, what was the average value per farm ? 123 124 FARM Arithmetic. 402. Of goats? In 1900 their value was $2,982,000. What per cent of gain in value ? Value per head for each class. The average value per head in each class for the same census year was as fol- lows: Cattle (neat), $24.50; horses, $108.87; mules, $126 ; swine, $6.88 ; sheep, $4.44 ; and goats, $2.16. Out for an Airing. The pony and pony cart are childhood sports on many American farms. It is on the farm, in agriculture, and in contact with Mother Nature that are fash- ioned vigorous bodies, clear brains, steady nerves, self-reliance, character and sympathy. 403. How many cattle of all kinds in the United States in 1910? 404. How many horses? Mules? Swine? Sheep? Goats? FARM ANIMALS. 125 405. In 1900 there were in the United States 69,336,- 000 cattle, valued at $1,409,392,000. What was the value per head ? 406. In 1900 there were 23,016,000 horses, valued at $49.07 each. What was their total value ? 407. In 1900 the average value of swine was $3.69, the total value $226,400,000. What was the number? 408. In 1910 there were 6,361,500 farms. Of these 5,285,000 reported cattle, and 611,000 reported sheep. What per cent .had cattle? Sheep:? What was the aver- age number of cattle and sheep per farm? ^ 409. Make a tcible showing these statistics of farm animals as given and calculated. Horses. Form, quality, action, and purity of breeding largely influence the commercial value of horses. Good horses are always in demand at good prices, while in- ferior ones are numerous and are expensive at any price. It will pay you to study and observe this animal. When you become the owner of a horse be sure it is a good one and that you give it the best of care. Oral Exercise. 410. What is the average cost of a good work horse in your community? 411. Of a good roadster? 412. How many hands high is a horse 64 inches high (4 inches = 1 hand) ? 413. What differences do you know between the draft type and the roadster type ? Measuring horses. A good horse is well propor- 126 FARM ARITHMETIC. tioned. Length of head, width between eyes, height at croup, length of body, etc., should bear the correct rela- tions to one another. Expert judges always note these proportions. The most beautiful horse is the one in which the dif- ferent parts blend most nicely, and in which the different measurements bear to each other the most nearly correct Prize Winning Shorthorn Cattle, Note the straight backs, deep sides and blocky character of these animals, show a form typical of the beef breeds. They proportions. Incorrect proportions give the ungainly, awkward, and poorly esteemed horse ; one not pleasing to the eye, and not efficient in its work. Good form, high quality, and pleasing action may be secured only through intelligence in selection and care in breeding. Some Average Measurements. 1. Width between eyes : Slightly more than one-third length of head. FARM ANIMALS. 127 2. Length of head : Slightly less than three times width between eyes. 3. Height at croup: (1) Two and one-half times length of head, (2) height of horse at withers, (3) length of body from point of shoulder to quarter. 4. Height at withers: (1) Approximately two and one- half times length of head, (2) height at croup, (3) length of body from point of shoulder to quarter. 5. Length of body: (1) Two and one-half times length of head, (2) length at withers, (3) height at croup. Oral Exercise. 414. A certain horse measures 9 inches wide between his eyes. What should be the length of his head ? 415. The head of another horse is 28.5 inches long. What is the length of his body? 416. His height at withers ? At croup ? 417. What should be the length of a horse's head when the body is 62 inches long? 418. The height at the croup ? At the withers ? 419. A certain horse is 17.5 hands high at the croup, and has exactly the proportions given above, what is his height at his withers? 420. The length of his body? 421. The length of his head? 422. The width between his eyes ? Important truth. While the problems given here are measurements of real horses, not all good horses con- 128 FARM ARITHMETIC. form to the standard. Draft horses often are slightly higher at the withers than at the croup; and horses for speed are often higher at the croup than at the withers; also the length of the body may be greater than the height at croup or at withers. This variation is much less, however, than one would suppose. Draft is favored Hackney, Typical of the Harness Class. when the height at withers is slightly greater (one or two inches) than at croup, while speed is favored when there is a slightly greater height at the croup. Line of gravitation. The center of gravity in the horse is the point about which all the parts are exactly balanced. If the horse could be supported at this point, FARM ANIMALS. 129 the whole body would be at rest in any position, whatever. The vertical line through the center of gravity is called the line of gravitation. In draft horses the center of gravity is low, and tends to a forward position ; in horses having speed the center of gravity is high, and tends to a rear position. The point at which the line of gravitation meets the ground may be determined if we know (1) the weight of the horse, (2) weight on fore feet, and (3) length of base of support (distance between fore and hind feet when standing). 423. A horse weighs 978 pounds, of which 565 pounds are on the front feet, and 413 pounds on the hind feet. When the distance between the points of contact with the ground of the front and hind feet is 43 inches, how far in front of point of contact of hind feet does the line of gravitation fall? Process : Let F = weight on front feet. H = weight on hind feet. D = distance between points of contact (front and hind feet). X = distance of line of gravitation forward of hind feet. Y rz: distance of line of gravitation back of fore feet. F X D X = and Y = D — X F + H 565 X 413 X = = 25 565 + 413 Y m 43 — 25 = 18 Note. — This formula is an expression of the following prin- ciple in physics. The line of action of the resultant of two parallel forces divides the distance between them in the inverse ratio of that of the two forces. This formula contains four quantities. It may be used to find any one of them when the remaining three are known. 424. A horse sustains 570 pounds on his fore feet and 130 FARM ARITHMETIC. 430 pounds on his hind feet; the distance between fore and hind feet is 44 inches. What distance in front of the hind feet does the Hne of gravitation fall ? What dis- tance back of the fore feet ? 425. A horse weighing 1,200 pounds sustains 680 pounds on his front feet. When he stands, the distance between fore and hind feet is 46 inches. What distance back of the fore feet does the line of gravitation fall? 426. Another horse, weighing 910 pounds, sustains 390 pounds on his hind feet. What is the distance be- tween the fore and hind feet if the line of gravitation falls 24 inches in front of the hind feet? Ans. 42 inches. Cattle. All farm animals were once called cattle; the term now applies only to beef and dairy animals — the so-called neat cattle. Cattle raising is an important feature of American agriculture. Scrub cattle are usually grown with but little profit and frequently at an actual loss. Well-bred and well-tended cattle, whether for beef or for the dairy, bring good returns to the owner. Gain in Live Weight of Beef Animals. 427. At the Kansas agricultural college 10 steers, in two lots — five in each lot — were fed for 143 days. The grain feed for each steer in both lots was 19.4 pounds of corn and 0.4 pounds of cottonseed meal, daily. In addi- tion to this grain, Lot 1 was fed daily, 12.9 pounds of alfalfa hay, and Lot 2, 10.8 pounds of alfalfa hay, 3.5 pounds of prairie hay, 2.5 pounds of sorghum stover and 1 pound of silage daily. What was the average daily gain of each steer in the two lots, those in Lot 1 having gained 406 pounds for the period, and those in Lot 2, 333 pounds? FARM ANIMALS. 131 428. How many pounds increase of live weight for each 100 pounds of grain consumed by Lot 1 ? By Lot 2 ? 429. At the same college some steers were fed in two lots ; one a "balanced ration," the other ear corn. The lot fed the balanced ration made an average gain of 406 pounds each, for the period, having consumed 3,055 pounds of grain and 973 pounds of fodder each ; the lot receiving ear corn made an average gain of 230 pounds each, having consumed 3,223 pounds of grain and 535 pounds of fodder each. LIow many pounds of grain were required to make 100 pounds gain for the balanced ration lot? For the ear corn lot? 430. What percentage more grain was necessary to make 100 pounds gain with the ear corn ration than with the balanced ration ? 431. When fodder is worth $5.00 per ton, ear corn 40 cents per bushel and grain (composing the balanced ration) $16.00 per ton, how much greater is the profit from feeding the balanced ration as indicated by the above experiment, where 25 steers are fed? Gain in Weight at Different Ages. 432. Experiments show that a steer of good breeding will gain live weight as follows : First period, birth to 297th day 2.63 pounds daily Second period, 297th to 612th day 2.18 pounds daily Third period, 612th to 943d day 1.74 pounds daily Fourth period, 943d to 1283d day 1.51 pounds daily What is the total gain in weight of a steer when 1,283 days (3}^ years) old? How much more than at birth should its weight be, at the end of the first period? Sec- ond? Third? 433. During the first period (1-297 days) the aver- 132 FARM ARITHMETIC. age cost of increase (all items of expense included) is $4.03 per 100 pounds of gain; the second period (297- 612), $6.00 per 100 pounds of gain; third period (612- 943), $7.98 per 100 pounds of gain; the fourth period (943-1,283), $12.54 per 100 pounds of gain. What is the total cost of support up to the end of the first period? Second period? Third period? Fourth period? 434. What is the value of such a steer at the end of the first period if he is sold at 5 cents per pound live weight ? Age of Steers with Reference to Cost of 100 Pounds Gain. CALVES ONE YEAR OLD TWO YEARS OLD THREE YEARS OLD AVERAGE WEIGHTS AVERAGE COST IN DOLLARS OF 100 POUNDS GAIN 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 397 883 lOII 1226 Cheapest Gains Are Made with Young Animals. As animals advance in age the cost of food for maintenance and increase advances also. Compare the four classes of cattle as sketched above. 435. His value at the end of the second period if sold at 6y^ cents per pound? 436. His value at the end of the third period if sold at 7 cents per pound? 437. His value at the end of the fourth period (3^ years old), if sold at 8 cents per pound? 438. What is the profit at end of first period? Of second? Of third? Of fourth? 439. At what age should such a steer be sold with market price at 8 cents per pound? At 6^ cents? At 5 cents ? At 4 cents ? At 3 cents ? FARM ANIMALS. 133 The steer maintains a practically uniform rate of gain from birth until two years old. The cost of the gain in the second period is 50. per cent greater than in the first ; in the third period twice that in the first; and in the fourth period three times that in the first. These thor- oughly established facts should be taken into considera- tion by the stockman when deciding at what age to mar- ket his cattle. Beef cattle are most profitable when marketed between the ages of one year and two and a half years. ~" 3 1b. \ s s ^ s, ^ 2 1b. *>. *«» * ^ >i> m^ „^ lib. L_ 100 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 1200 days. Relation Between Daily Gain in Weight and Age in Days. Dairy type versus beef type. The Minnesota Ex- periment Station has definitely proven that the produc- tive capacity of the cow depends more upon type and conformation than upon size or breed. By testing a large number of cows it was found that those of the beef type produced butter fat at a cost of 17i/2 cents a pound, while the spare cows having deep bodies produced butter fat at a cost of 12.1 cents a pound. 134 FARM ARITHMETIC. 440. How much greater in cents and in per cent is the cost of producing one pound of butter from the beef type than from the dairy type, when the former produce butter fat at a cost of 17.5 cents per pound and the latter at a cost of 12.1 cents ? 441. Suppose two dairymen produce each 4,000 pounds of butter fat annually. One has the beef type of cattle, the other the dairy type. What is the difference ^^ ^y 4tlO ^^ - y y" / y 4tin ^y >IU. ^^ ^-^"^ 4'' ? Process : 18 inches ^ VA feet; 3j4 inches must be taken as 4 inches. 24 X 1^ X 4 = 144. Ans. 144 feet B. M. 609. 8'xl2"x4"? 16'x8"x2"? 24'x6"x4i^"? 610. 8' X 8" X 8"? 16" x 8" x 10"? 20' x 6>^" x 8>^"? 171 FARM BUILDINGS. 173 611. Find the number of feet B. M. in each of the fol- lowing items : 12 pieces, 2 x 6 in. x 18 ft. long. 8 pieces, 2 x 6 in. x 16 ft. long. 54 pieces, 2 x 6 in. x 14 ft. long. 44 pieces, 2 x 6 in. x 13 ft. long. 90 pieces, 2 x 6 in. x 10 ft. long. 4 pieces, 4 x 6 in. x 20 ft. long. 32 pieces, 2 x 4 in. x 10 ft. long. 30 pieces, 2 x 4 in, x 8 ft. long. Small Barn, 36 by 40 Feet. Width three spans, 12 feet plus 12 feet, plus 12 feet equals 36 feet. Length four spans, 10 feet plus 10 feet plus 10 feet plus 10 feet equals 40 feet. Height, 20 feet. Gables, 8 feet. Loft, 20 feet. Gable roof, one-third pitch. Vertical siding, shingle roof. 612. What is the total number of feet (B. M.) in this bill of materials? 613. At $45 per M, how much did this lumber cost ? 174 FARM ARITHMETIC. 614. How many feet (B. M.) in the following bill of rough timber? 300 lineal feet bridging, 1x2 inches 1,440 square feet loft boards and 2,000 square feet roof boards? 615. At $28 per M, how much did this lumber cost ? Building a Barn. For the barn shown in the cut on page 173 the follow- ing bill of materials is required : Heavy timbers : 27 pieces 2 in. X 10 in. X 12 ft. 3 pieces 2 in. X 10 in. X 18 ft. 6 pieces 2 in. X 10 in. X 6 ft. 6 pieces 2 in. X 8 in. X 23 ft. 46 pieces 2 in. X 8 in. X 20 ft. 8 pieces 2 in. X 8 in. X 18 ft. 6 pieces 2 in. X 8 in. X 16 ft. 22 pieces 2 in. X 8 in. X 12 ft. 170 pieces 2 in. X 8 in. X 10 ft. 30 pieces 2 in. X 8 in. X 8 ft. 16 pieces 2 in. X 6 in. X 22 ft. Siding and facing: 3,600 square feet of siding. 186 square feet facing, ^ x 5 inches. 616. How many feet (B. M.) does this part of the bill of materials include? 617. At $30 per M how much did this lumber cost ? 618. There were 16,000 shingles for the roof at $4.75 per M ; 100 pounds of 60d spikes, 100 pounds 40d spikes, 300 pounds 20d spikes, 100 pounds 8d nails, 70 pounds 4d nails, all of which are purchased at a cost of 5 cents per pound. What will these materials cost ? 619. There were also used two tracks 20 feet long at 10 cents per foot ; two pair hangers at 75 cents each ; eight pair coop hinges at 50 cents each ; eight windows, FARM BUILDINGS. 175 24" X 36", at $2 each. What is the total cost of these items ? 620. To complete the building there were used the following : 21 foundation posts at 25 cents each ; painting, $40 ; tin work, $12 ; the work of one carpenter for 30 days I6'X 20' Horse Stable M ^S' ^ a \-\ ll e Fee d Room 8' X 20' a r^ g s r s C0W6 Box Stall lO'x 12' Floor Plan of Small Barn. at $3.50 a day ; the work of a helper for 30 days at $2 a day. What is the cost of these items? 621. Allowing $25 for extras, what was the total cost of the barn? Roofing. An area containing 100 square feet and called a square is the unit of measure for roofing. 176 FARM ARITHMETIC. Shingles are 16 inches long and average usually 4 inches wide. When laid 4^ inches to the weather, each average shingle will cover 4 x 4^ or 18 square inches. Eight average shingles will, therefore, cover 1 square foot and 800 shingles will cover a square. On account of waste, it is better in making an estimate to allow 900 or 1,000 shingles per square. The pitch of the roof should never be less than one-third ; that is, in a building 60 feet wide, the comb or peak of the roof should be at least one-third of 30 feet or 10 feet higher than the plates on which the rafters rest. A pitch of one-half gives a much better pro- tection from rain and melting snow and makes a more durable roof. 622. Allowing 800 shingles per square, how many thousand would be required for the roof of a house 35 feet long, the length of the rafters on each side of the roof being 14 feet? 623. How many average shingles are required per square if laid 4 inches to the weather ? 3 inches ? 624. Allowing 900 shingles per square, how many thousand are required for a house 40 feet long, if the rafters are 16 feet long? Length of rafters. If the w^idth of a building and the pitch of the roof be known, the length of the rafters may be calculated by the following rule : Square each of the two legs of the right-angled triangle of which the rafter is the hypothenuse, add these squares and extract the square root of the sum. The result is the length of the rafter. These lengths may include the over- hang, as in the following problem. 625. How long are the rafters of a barn 30 feet wide, when the pitch is three-fifths and the overhang is 1 foot? FARM BUILDINGS. 177 Process : One-half of 30 feet = 15 feet 15 feet + 1 foot = 16 feet. Three-fifths of 16 feet = 9.6 feet 16 X 16 = 256.0 9.6 X 9.6 = 92.2 348.2 V348.2 = 18.7 (nearly), length of rafter. / /. / K^: .e> VO I J5 / _;_ — > I ,5> 51 Elevation of End of Roof with Three-fifths Pitch. 626. How many shingles will be required if the barn in the preceding problem is 40 feet long and the roof pro- jects 1 foot at each end? 627. How many shingles will be required for a build- ing 36 feet by 52 feet, if the roof has a pitch of one-half and overhangs 18 inches on the sides and 12 inches on the ends ? 628. If the length of the rafter^ exclusive of the over- hang, is 15 feet, and the width of the building 24 feet, what is the height of the ridge above the plate? What is the pitch? Laths. One hundred laths are tied in each bundle. This number will cover 5 square yards. 629. How many bundles of laths will be r-equired for one side of a room 15 feet long and 9 feet high, 178 FARM ARITHMETIC. Process : 15 feet X 9 feet = 135 square feet. 135 -^ 9 = 45 square yards. 45 -^ 5 = 9 bundles. 630. How many bundles of laths will be required for the sides and ceiling of a room 20 feet long, 15 feet wide, and 9 feet high, allowing for two windows 3' 6" x 5', one door 3' 6" x7'? 631. A certain house contains eight rooms, four of which are 20/ x 15' x 9', and four 15'xl5'x9'. How many bundles of laths will be required for all walls and ceilings, allowing 190 square yards for doors, windows, baseboards, and fireplaces? Plastering. The unit for measuring plastering is the square yard. The following materials are required for 100 square yards of plastering, two coats : 3y2 barrels of lime, iH bushels of hair or fiber, 1% cubic yards of good sand. 632. How many barrels of lime are needed for plas- tering the walls and ceiling of a room 17' 4" x 15' 8" x 10'? 633. How many bushels of hair or fiber? 634. How many cubic yards of sand? 635. A farm house just built has the following rooms, walls and ceilings of which are to be plastered : On the first floor : hall, 8' x 35' ; dining room, 15' x 20' ; kitchen, 15' X 15' and a living room, 20' x 35' ; on the second floor are the same number of rooms, including the hall and bathroom, and of the same size as on first floor. The height from the floor to the ceil- ing is 9' for the first floor, and 8" for the second floor. How many square yards of surface for the entire house? FARM BUILDINGS. 179 636. There are 24 windows, each 3' 6" x 5', in the house. How many square yards are taken up by win- dows? 637. There are three folding doors, each 6' x 7'; a front door, 5' x 7' ; ten doors, 3' x 7'. How many square yards are taken up by door space ? 638. Deducting door space and window space, how many square yards are left to be plastered ? 639. How many barrels of lime will be needed for two coats of plaster for this house? 640. How many bushels of hair or fiber? 641. How many yards of sand? CHAPTER XII. ROADS. Farmers suffer great inconvenience and great money loss on account of bad roads. Good roads, on the other hand, make country life almost ideal. Good roads econo- mize time and energy in transportation ; reduce wear and tear on horses, harnesses and vehicles ; increase the value of farm land. Good roads denote progressiveness and prosperity. Bad roads denote indifference and thriftless- ness. Losses Due to Bad Roads. 642. The estimated cost of hauling wheat over bad roads a distance of 10 miles is 6 cents a bushel ; over good roads, 3 cents. What is the loss to a farmer 10 miles from market who annually sells 1,000 bushels of wheat? If five miles from market? 643. Not more than four bales of cotton can be hauled with a pair of 1,200-pound horses over bad roads, while eight bales may be hauled with the same horses over good roads. If it now costs 75 cents a bale to market cotton over bad roads, what is the saving to a farmer who annu- ally markets 100 bales over good roads? 644. Carefully made estimates show that the annual loss to a farmer because of bad roads is 76 cents an acre. What is the loss to a farmer who owns 50 acres? 160 acres? 420 acres? 645. Carefully made estimates show that good roads increase the value of land $6.48 an acre. How much is this increase for a farm of 50 acres? 80 acres? 640 acres ? 180 ROADS. 181 646. Good roads increase the appraisement for taxa- tion by an average amount of $4 an acre and the average tax rate is l}i per cent. What is the average annual in- crease of taxes an acre. How much is this increase for a farm of 50 acres? 160 acres? A township six miles square ? 647. If the average saving in the marketing of wheat is 3 cents a bushel, how many bushels of wheat on a farm of 50 acres will pay the entire increase in taxes? Making the Old Roads Better. This roadbed was smoothed and slightly rounded with road scraper, and then oiled. After each rain, it is gone over with a road drag to keep it smooth and in good condition. 648. Carefully made estimates show that the average annual loss per 100 acres, because of bad roads, is $76.28. What is the annual loss for the whole country, the num- ber of acres of improved farming lands being 478,452,- 000? 649. The estimated average cost of converting the common public roads of the United States into improved 182 FARM ARITHMETIC. highways is $1,146 a mile. How many miles of such roads might be made at a cost of a single battleship, cost- ing $10,000,000 ? 650. The annual expenditures in our War and Navy Departments are $160,000,000. If these were reduced one-half how many miles of roads might be made into improved highways annually with the saving? Why Good Roads Pay. They save horse flesh and time. Many times larger loads may be hauled over good roads than over poor ones. 651. The little city of Haslar, in the Hartz Mountains, owns a spruce forest of 7,000 acres, which by careful management permits an annual cut of 7,300,000 square feet of wood per annum. The city macadamized the roads leading through the forest at an expense of $25,000. The average cost of hauling 1,000 feet B. M. on the old roads was $2.70. On the new roads the cost is $1.70. What is the income on the investment in new roads from the saving in hauling alone? ROADS. 183 Draft in pounds required to draw one ton over roads composed of different materials. Various Road Surfaces. Loose sand road, 448 Loose gravel (4 inches) road, 222 Common gravel road, 147 Good gravel road, 88 Ordinary dirt road, 224 Hard clay road, 112 Hard dry dirt road, 89 Common macadam road, 64 Hard and smooth macadam road, 46 Asphalt street, 17 Iron railway, 8 652. If a team of horses can draw one ton on a loose sand road, how much can it draw on a common macadam road? 653. Four bales of cotton are hauled over a common gravel road. How many bales may be hauled over a common macadam road with the same force? 654. A load of 35 bushels of wheat is hauled over an ordinary dirt road. How many bushels may be hauled over a common macadam road, using the same force? CHAPTER XIII. FARM DRAINAGE. Soil drainage consists in the removal of the surplus water from the soil. Some lands are naturally drained, while others must be drained artificially. The most economical and durable artificial drain is the earthen tile. To be productive a soil must contain enough water to dissolve the nutrient which plants require. More than this amount of moisture is not beneficial to the soil or to the growing plant. The surplus water fills the pores of the soil, thus excluding the air, and suffocating the plant. Value of Drainage. 655. A farmer in northern Ohio continually failed in raising crops because his land was wet. He was in- duced to tile-drain 13 acres, which was done at a cost of $23 an acre. What was the total cost of draining the field? 656. After the field was drained this farmer sowed it in wheat, and on 10 acres harvested 46^ bushels an acre, which was sold for $1 a bushel. What sum was realized for this wheat? 657. He claims this result was due to his investment in tile drains. What amount an acre was realized on this wheat crop after paying the total cost of draining the 13 acres ? 658. Encouraged by the results of drainage, this farmer tile-drained a part of his young orchard. On land where tile drains had been partially laid 25 trees out of a 184 FARM DRAINAGE. 185 total of 175 died. What was the percentage of trees that died? 659. On land that had not been tiled 49 trees out of 91 died. What was the percentage of trees that died? 660. This same farmer reports that the trees on the tiled land yielded 50 per cent more fruit than those on the untiled land. If 30 trees were growing on each acre, what is the difference when there is a yield of 10 bushels a tree where no tiling was done ? , , ■ . .„= ' "''" "^>'' ' ,'" .■■■^":^ ,'v-"^' " "» -S^" "-^H^^ .' .-' '"' '' '.,.„■ ~"' ■■ ^--.Z. ,1,.' - ■-- : "^v^ ^^2 Old Land Remade by Drainage, This land was formerly hardly worth the taxes. It was reclaimed by drain- age. Note the excellent crop of beans in the foreground and corn in the back- ground. 661. What is the money gain an acre by tiling when apples are worth 50 cents a bushel? 662. Suppose five acres, 30 trees per acre of apple trees, are planted on tiled land, and five acres, 30 trees per acre, planted on untiled land. On the tiled land 14 per cent of the trees die, while on the untiled land 54 per cent die. For 20 years the average annual production of apples per living tree on untiled land is eight bushels, and on the tiled land 50 per cent more. What is the produc- tion of apples in bushels for each five acres during 20 years' time? 186 FARM ARITHMETIC. 663. If the selling price of apples averaged during that time 50 cents a bushel, what was the total value of the crop on the undrained five acres ? 664. The total value on the tiled five acres ? 665. What is the percentage difference between the tiled and untiled areas for the period of 20 years ? Size of tiles. The size of the tile to be used in a rnain will depend on the fall, the area to be drained, and the water delivered by sub-mains and laterals. To determine the number of acres that a tile main of given size and grade will drain, multiply the discharge in cubic feet per second for a tile of the given size when laid on a one per cent grade, by the square root of the per cent of the grade in question, and this product by the proper con- stant. This constant is 24 when it is desired that the main shall be able to carry off in 24 hours an amount of water equal to a depth of one inch over the area drained ; 48, if one-half inch; 96, if one-fourth inch. This constant is known as the standard. For most of the open soils the one-fourth inch standard is used in practice, and is found to be satisfactory. Table I. Table II. Discharge of Grade 1-100 Tiles (Elliott) Grades and square roots Diameter of tile in inches Discharge in cubic feet per second Fall per 100 feet Square root of grade 4 6 8 10 12 IS 20 0.16 0.49 1.11 2.05 3.40 6.29 13.85 In inches 1 2 3 6 9 12 In feet 0.09 0.16 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.70 0.87 1.00 FARM DRAINAGE. 187 666. How many acres will a 10-inch main drain when laid upon a grade of 2 inches per 100 feet, using the half- inch standard? Process : D = discharge of the tile (Table I). R = square root of grade (Table II). S =: standard. A = area in acres to be drained. A = D X R X S. A = 2.05 X -40 X 48 = 39 acres. 667. How many acres will a 10-inch main drain when laid upon a grade of 3 inches per 100 feet, using the half- inch standard ? The quarter-inch standard ? 668. How many acres will a 6-inch main drain when laid on a grade of 3 inches per 100 feet, using the quarter- inch standard? The half -inch? 669. How many acres will a 6-inch main drain when laid on a grade of 6 inches pver 100 feet using the quarter- inch standard ? The half-inch ? 670. How many acres will a 6-inch main drain when laid on a grade of 9 inches per 100 feet, using the half- inch standard ? The inch ? 671. How many acres will a 6-inch main drain when laid on a grade of 12 inches per 100 feet, using the half- inch standard ? The quarter-inch ? 672. How many acres will a 4-inch main drain when laid on a grade of 6 inches per 100 feet, using the half- inch standard? The quarter-inch? The inch? 673. How large a main should be used on a grade of 6 inches per 100 feet to drain 230 acres, using the quarter- inch standard? The inch? 674. How large a main should be used laid on a grade 188 FARM ARITHMETIC. of 2 inches per 100 feet to drain six acres, using the quar- ter-inch standard ? 60 acres ? Important truth. In addition to a careful calculation of the size of drains good judgment must be used in the application of the results. A tract of land may have such surface conditions that the underdrains will be called upon to take care of a much larger area than at first apparent. It is also important to take into account the facilities for natural drainage. Too large a tile may involve an ex- pense greater than the returns would warrant, while too small a tile may entail loss that will soon greatly exceed the saving in first cost. CHAPTER XIV. SILOS. Animals do best when feeding upon green and succu- lent pastures. In the greater part of the country, how- ever, these are not available during the winter season. The silo is a very satisfactory substitute, since it is a very effective method of preserving green forage. Silos do for live stock what the canning of fruit and vegetables does for man. Forage for live stock when left in the field deteriorates and decays or matures and becomes dry and less palatable; when put into a silo it holds its succu- lence and freshness and remains soft and appetizing. It is thus available as a choice food for all classes of live stock at a time when most needed. A silo enables the farmer to preserve a larger quantity of food material than is possible by any other system ; it furnishes a feed of known and uniform quality ; it provides the most eco- nomical form of storage ; it removes much of the drudg- ery and hardship incidental to live stock feeding. Form of construction. A good silo is so constructed as to be practically air-tight, thus excluding the bacteria that cause deterioration. A silo may be round, square, or rectilineal in form. The round is the most popular. It contains less waste space, presents much greater strength, and for a given capacity requires less lumber than any other form. The advantage of the circular form over the square is not so great for smaller silos, particularly when simplicity of construction is taken into account, as for larger. The relation of the form of construction to capacity is illustrated by the three following types : 190 FARM ARITHMETIC. f.600 sq.ft. 1.600 sq.ft. 80' The Area Is Just the Same. If each were a silo, and you bought the lumber, would there be any difference in quantity required? 675. What is the distance around (the perimeter of ) a circular silo 20 feet in diameter ? Process : Multiply the diameter by 3.1416. Note. — The number 3.14 as multiplier is sufficiently accurate for most farm work. 20 X 3.14 = 62.8 feet. Ans. 676. What is the base area of a circular silo 20 feet in diameter? Process : Multiply the square of the diameter by 0.7854 or the square of the radius by 3.1416 or 3.14. 20 X 20 X 0.7854 = 314 square feet. Ans. 677. What is the area of a circular silo 12 feet in diameter? 25 feet? 32 feet? 40 feet? What is the perimeter in .each case ? 678. What is the diameter of a circular silo having a base or surface area of 1,600 square feet? Process : Divide the area by 0.7854 and take square root of the result. 1,600 -^ 0.7854 = 2,024 V2,024 = 45.1 feet, diameter. 679. What is the circumference or distance around the inside wall of a silo having a surface area of 1,600 square feet? 680. What is the distance around a square silo con- taining a surface area of 1,600 square feet? SILOS. 191 681. What is the distance around a rectangular silo, 20 feet wide and 80 feet long, that also contains an area of 1,600 square feet? 682. Since the round silo incloses the greatest space in proportion to the length of the wall inclosing it, what is the percentage of saving in lumber for a silo having a surface area of 1,600 square feet when the round form is adopted rather than the rectangular? 683. What is the percentage of saving when the round form is adopted rather than the square? 684. A farmer has built a silo 30 feet square and 30 feet high. How many feet (B. M.) of lumber were required for the walls, plank lumber 3 inches thick being used ? 685. His neighbor at the same time built a round silo having the same height and an equal capacity. He also used plank lumber 3 inches thick. How many feet (B. M.) were required for the wall? 686. Lumber was purchased at $22 per M (B. M.) ; what was the cost of that used in the wall of the square silo? Round silo? What was the difference in cost? Proper diameter of silo. Silage of all kinds readily spoils unless it be fed regularly, evenly, and at a suffi- cient rate. Experience has taught that a feeding surface of at least 2 inches depth should be removed daily. Where 5 or 6 inches are daily fed, there is but little waste of food materials. It is n-ecessary so to build the silo that its diameter may be in keeping with the number of cattle to be fed. If made too large less than 2 inches will be fed daily, hence there will be waste and loss. Experi- ments show that to secure most satisfactory results, a horizontal feeding surface of 5 square feet per cow should ]be proyidgd. 192 FARM ARITHMETIC. 687. For a herd of 30 cows, how many square feet of feed surface are required in the silo? 688. What is the diameter of the round silo, that pro- vides a horizontal feeding surface of 5 square feet daily for 25 cows? Process : 25 X 5 = 125 square feet area of feeding surface required. 125 ^ .7854 = 159.15 VT59T5 — 12.6, diameter of silo. Dairy Herd and Barns. Note the silo in the center. The silo is indispensable if dairy products are to be secured at the greatest economy. 689. What diameter of silo is required for a herd of 20 cows, each cow to have 5 square feet of feeding space? 690. What diameter of silo is required for a herd of 30 cows when a feeding surface of 5 square feet is given each cow? 691. For a herd of 35 cows ? Fifty cows ? Quantity of silage needed. In planning a silo the SILOS. 193 quantity necessary for the year's supply must be esti- mated. The quantity of silage depends upon (1) the amount fed daily to each animal, (2) number of animals to be fed, (3) the length of silage feeding period. 692. How many tons of silage will be required for a dairy herd of 25 cows when an average of 40 pounds is fed daily to each animal for 180 days ? Process : 25 X 40 X180 = 180,000 pounds. 180,000 -^ 2,000 = 90 tons. 693. How many tons of silage will be required for a dairy herd of 30 cows, the average feed of 40 pounds be- ing given ? 694. A farmer, calculating the amount of silage neces- sary for his cattle, plans to feed 20 cows, each 50 pounds daily; 15 cows, each 40 pounds daily; 10 cows, each 30 pounds daily ; and 25 calves, each an average of 15 pounds daily. How many tons of silage will be required for nine months (270 days) feeding? 695. His neighbor plans to feed 20 cows, each 50 pounds daily for 90 days, then 40 pounds daily for the next 90 days, and 30 pounds daily for the following 75 days. He also plans to feed 15 other cows each 40 pounds for 150 days, and 25 pounds each for the following 100 days; and also 30 calves an average of 15 pounds each for 180 days. How many tons of silage will be required ? Capacity of silos. Corn silage weighs from 25 pounds to 50 pounds per cubic foot according to the depth in the silo from which it is taken, and the amount of moisture it contains. Where a silo is constructed and filled prop- erly, the average weight of the contents will average about 40 pounds to the cubic foot. This means 50 cubic feet to every ton. The capacity of a silo depends on its depth and diameter. The number of cattle to be fed will con- 194 FARM ARITHMETIC. trol, in a large measure, the diameter of the silo, while the quantity demanded will influence the height of the silo. How many cubic feet in a silo having an inside base area of 352 square feet and a height of 24 feet ? Process : Multiply the area of the base by the height. 352 X 24 = 8,448 cubic feet. Filling the Silo. The cut green corn is blown into the silo at the top. Silage makes one of the best farm feeds. 697. How many pounds of silage will the above silo store ? How many tons ? 698. What must be the height of a silo to hold 20,000 cubic feet, if the area of the base is 600 square feet? To hold 350 tons? 699. What should be the size of a silo for a herd of 25 SILOS. 195 cows, that are to be fed 40 pounds each daily for 180 days ? Process : 1st part. 25 X 40 X 180 -^ 2,000 = 90, tons required. 25 X 5 sq. ft. = 125 sq. ft., horizontal feeding surface. 125 -f - .7854 = 159.15 V159.15 = 12.6, diameter of the silo in feet. 2nd part. 1 ton occupies 50 cubic feet. 90 tons occupy 4,500 cubic feet. 4,500 -^ 125 = 36 feet, height of silo. 700. What should be the diameter and height of a round silo for a herd of 25 cows that are to be fed 30 pounds each daily for 150 days ? 701. What should be the diameter and height of a round silo for a herd of 25 cows that are to be fed 40 pounds daily each for 90 days and 30 pounds each for 80 days ? 702. What should be the diameter and height of a silo for a herd of 40 cows that are to be fed 40 pounds each daily for 160 days ? 703. What should be the size of a silo for a herd of 60 cows that are to be fed 35 pounds each daily for 175 days ? 704. A round silo has a diameter of 20 feet and a height of 35 feet; how many tons of silage will it hold? Process : 20 X 20 X 0.7854 = 314.16, area of base. 314.16 X 35 = 10,995.6 cubic feet. 10,995.6 -^ 50 = 219.9 tons, capacity of silo. 705. How many tons of silage will a silo hold that has a diameter of 15 feet and a height of 28 feet ? 706. What is the capacity of a round silo 24 feet high and 16 feet in diameter? 707. What is the diflference in capacity between two 196 FARM ARITHMETIC. silos, one a round silo 15 feet in diameter and 28 feet high, and the other a square silo 15 feet square and 28 feet high? 708. A round silo 20 feet in diameter and 30 feet high holds a certain quantity of silage. What shall be the diameter of another silo of same height, that will hold twice the quantity of silage ? 709. What should be the diameter, that three times the quantity may be held ? Staves required for round stave silo. Staves used in silo construction vary in length, width, and thickness. The best length of stave is the height of the silo. If this is not possible, two lengths, one long and one short, may be used. The break should be distributed at different heights. The best widths are 6 or 8 inches ; the best thick- ness, 2 inches, although 3 inches is often used. 710. A silo 16 feet in diameter and 26 feet high is wanted. How many staves, 2x6 inches, will be needed? Process : Divide the circumference by the width of stave. Circumference of a circle = diameter X 3.1416. 16 X 3.1416 = 50.26 feet, circumference. 6 inches ■= Vi foot in width. 50.26 -^y2— 100.52 staves. 711. A silo 20 feet in diameter and 24 feet high is wanted ; how many staves, 2x6 inches, will be needed ? 712. A silo 20 feet in diameter and 26 feet high is wanted; how many staves, 3x8 inches, will be needed? 713. A silo 18 feet in diameter and 36 feet high is wanted. Because of the height it is necessary to set the staves in two lengths. How many staves, 3x8 inches and 20 feet long, will be required, provided all the pieces are used in building the silo ? CHAPTER XV. MEAT PRODUCTS. Farm animals when sold for meat are usually sold on foot at a given price per pound live weight. When they are slaughtered first, they are sold at a given price per pound dressed weight. More than one-half of our commercial meat products are now prepared in Chicago and a few other large cities. Thousands of animals are shipped each day from all parts of the United States to these great slaughtering houses. The farmer may consign his shipment of fattened animals to a live stock commission merchant, who in turn sells to buyers who are constantly purchasing for butchers and pack- ing houses ; or he may sell to a local buyer who makes the shipment and profits or loses accord- ^^^^^ ^°^ market. inp- to hie; inrlp-mpnt • or Mutton carcasses showing manner of mg to nib JUUgmeni, or dressing ready for shipment. he may slaughter his animals at home, selling the meat to local consumers. Cattle. Those that possess the highest percentage of valuable and high-priced cuts, with a correspondingly low 197 198 FARM ARITHMETIC. percentage of offal, waste, and cheap cuts, are the most profitable to both farmer and butcher. A high-grade steer is one whose meat possesses fine quality, and one which is abundant in profitable parts and small in waste and offal. When slaughtered, such an animal will dress from 65 to 69 per cent of its live weight. A low-grade or coarse steer, when slaughtered, will dress no more than 40 to 50 per cent of its live weight, and yield meat of poorer quality and of lower value when sold on the butcher's block. Retail Beef Cuts and Weight. Chicago Retail Dealers' Method of Cutting Beef. A good 1,200-pound steer dresses about 800 pounds, and of this 708 pounds is marketable meat. All of the high-priced cuts are taken from the ribs, loins, and hind quarters, and the best cuts coming principally from the ribs and loins. These valuable cuts together weigh 346 pounds. The less valuable cuts from the fore-quarters, belly, and flank weigh 362 pounds- MEAT PRODUCTS. 199 Oral Problems. Ascertain of your local butcher the prices he charges for the dififerent cuts. 714. What is the value of the neck? Chuck? Prime of rib? 715. What is the value of the porterhouse? Sirloin? Rump ? Round ? 716. What is the value of the plate? Shin? Shank? Flank? 717. What is the total quantity of dressed beef ? 718. What percentage is this of the live weight? 719. What is the total value of prime or ribs, porter- house, sirloin, rump, and round ? 720. What is the value of all other parts of the car- cass? 721. What percentage of the value of a good average steer is found in the ribs, loins, and hind quarters ? Important truth. Since the high-priced cuts are found in the region of the back, loins, and hind quarters, it fol- lows that animals should be bred and fattened with this fact in mind. A large head, long neck, long legs, big abdomen and heavy flank are worth little to the butcher, hence these parts should be small as compared with the back, loins, and hind quarters. 722. "Blackrock" the great champion fat .steer at a recent international live stock exposition, weighed, just before he was slaughtered, 1,640 pounds. When slaugh- tered his carcass yielded 69.25 per cent of his live weight. What was his dressed weight? 200 FARM ARITHMETIC. 723. A 2,200 steer was sold for 9 cents per pound live weight. When slaughtered the carcass yielded 68.9 per cent of the live weight. Had he been sold on basis of dressed weight what price per pound would have been required to make the selling price equal ? 724. Two cattle weighing 1,200 pounds each were sold. The dressed weight of one was 69 per cent of its live weight, and of the other 48 per cent of its live weight. If both had been sold at 11 cents per pound dressed weight, how many dollars more would the better animal have brought? 725. On account of quality, the steer that dressed highest sold at 11 cents per pound dressed weight, while the other brought but 6 cents per pound. What was the difference in value? Sheep. The ideal sheep is one that carries a large proportion of flesh or lean meat with but a limited quan- tity of fat. In live sheep this is indicated by a firm, even covering over the meat parts of the body. In lambs the dressed weight varies from 50 per cent to 60 per cent of the live weight. Leg. 22.2 pounds Loin, 17.5 pounds Rib, 14.5 pounds Neck, 3.0 pounds Shoulder, 4.5 pounds Breast, 7.5 pounds Shank, 4.8 pounds Location of Cuts in a Mutton Carcass. 726. What is the percentage of the leg cuts to the whole carcass ? 727. What Is the percentage of value of leg cuts to the value of the whole carcass ? MEAT PRODUCTS 201 728. What is the percentage of leg, loin, and rib cuts to the whole carcass? 729. What is the percentage of the value of these cuts — leg, rib, and loin — to the value of the whole carcass ? SHOULDER Retail Cuts of Mutton. Hogs. Some markets demand the bacon hog, so called because of its long sides ; while others prefer the fat hog because of the demand for hams, shoulders, and the broad, fat back. Scrubs and other hogs poor in form make small gains when fed and give smaller quantities of dressed meat in proportion to live weight than well- bred hogs of good form and quality. Good hogs dress from 78 to 82 per cent of their live weight. Carcass of a Fat Hog, Showing the Division Com- monly Made, 730. The average weight of a bunch of ten-month hogs when sold was 243 pounds live weight. When slaughtered the average dressed weight was 206 pounds. What was the percentage of dressed meat of live weight ? 731. The average weight of a bunch of nine-month hogs was 246 pounds live weight when sold. The slaugh- tered carcasses averaged 81.6 per cent of the live weight. What was the average dressed weight for each hog? 202 FARM ARITHMETIC. 732. This latter bunch of hogs brought 6.5 cents per pound. Had they been slaughtered before being sold, what should have been the price per pound dressed weight ? Retail Cuts of Pork. 733. Hogs that are worth $6.60 per hundred and weigh 280 pounds, are worth how much per pound, providing they dress 81 per cent of their live weight? Curing Meats on the Farm. Plain salt pork. Rub each piece of meat with fine common salt and pack closely in a barrel. I.et stand over- night. The next day weigh out ten pounds of salt, and two ounces of saltpeter to each 100 pounds of meat and dissolve in four gallons of water. Pour this brine over the meat when cold, cover and weight down to keep it under brine until used. Oral Problems. 734. How many pounds of salt and saltpeter will be required for curing 400 pounds of plain salt pork ? 735. How much water should be used for this quan- tity of salt and saltpeter? MEAT PRODUCTS. 203 736. How many pounds each of saltpeter, salt, and water will be required for 75 pounds of salt pork? 737. In what proportion are salt and saltpeter used in curing plain pork? Sugar-cured hams and bacon. When the meat is cooled, rub each piece with salt and allow it to drain over- night. Then pack it in a barrel with the hams and shoulders in the bottom, using the strips of bacon to fill in between or to put on top. Weigh out for each 100 pounds of meat eight pounds of salt, two pounds of brown sugar, and two ounces of salt- peter. Dissolve all in four gallons of ^^^ Carcass in Four Parts. water, and cover showing way of cutting head, shoulders, middle the meat with the ""'^ '^''"'• brine. Bacon strips should remain in this brine from four to six weeks; hams and shoulders from six to eight weeks. After this smoke carefully and the meat will be sweet, palatable, and of good flavor. Oral Problems. 738. What quantities each of salt, brown sugar, and saltpeter are required for 600 pounds of meat ? 739. In how much water should these materials be dissolved ? 740. In what proportions are these materials used for sugar-cured hams and bacon? 741. A farmer has 18 hams averaging 12 pounds each, 18 shoulders averaging 10 pounds each, and 16 pounds 204 FARM ARITHMETIC. of bacon, which he desires to sugar-cure. How many pounds of sak, brown sugar, and saltpeter will be re- quired ? 742. How much water will be required for curing this quantity of meat? Dry-cured pork. For each 100 pounds of meat weigh out five pounds of salt, two pounds of granulated sugar, and two ounces of saltpeter, and mix them thoroughly. Rub the meat well every three days with a third of the mixture. Pack in a barrel or tight box. For conveni- ence it is advisable to have two barrels and to transfer the meat from one to the other each time it is rubbed. After the third rubbing the meat should remain in the barrel for a week or ten days, when it will be cured and ready to smoke. Oral Problems. 743. A farmer desires to dry cure 300 pounds of pork. How much each of salt, granulated sugar, and saltpeter will be needed? How many pounds of the mixture will be required for each rubbing? 744. If this farmer should decide to dry-cure one-half of this meat and sugar-cure the other half, what materials would be required and how much of each ? Hams Trimmed and Untrimmed. MEAT PRODUCTS. 205 745. A farmer on finishing his butchering finds that he has 540 pounds of meat to cure. He decides that he wishes 140 pounds of this to be plain salt pork, and one- half of the remainder to be sugar-cured and one-half dry- cured. What materials will be required for all and what quantity of each? Sausage. To each three pounds of fresh, lean, pork add one pound of fat. Mix the fat and lean together in chopping. When thoroughly mixed, season with a mix- ture made of one ounce pure fine salt, one-half ounce of ground black pep- ilL per, and one-half ounce of pure leaf sage for each four pounds of meat. This done the sau- sage may be packed away in stone jars or stuffed into cas- ings. Oral Problems. Butchering Outfit. Some of the smaller tools of much help in cutting up the farm meat supply. 746. A farmer after mixing his sausage finds he has 75 pounds. How much each of salt, black pepper and sage leaf will be required for proper seasoning ? 747. A farmer slaughters 15 hogs. He finds that after properly trimming the dressed carcasses he has an aver- age of 10 pounds of sausage meat from each. What ma- terials and what quantity of each will be required for seasoning the sausage ? Note. — Sausage may be made by using two pounds of lean 206 FARM ARITHMETIC. pork, one pound of fat pork, and one pound of lean beef. Chop together until fine and season the same as pork sausage. Bologna sausage. To each 10 pounds of lean beef use one pound of fat pork, or bacon if preferred. Chop fine and season with one ounce of salt to each four pounds of meat, one ounce of best black pepper (ground fine) to each six pounds of meat, and a pinch of ground coriander. Smoking Meat. A simple contrivance for use when but a small amount of meat is cured. Stuff into casings. Smoke for 10 to 12 hours. Cook in boiling water until the sausage floats. Dry on clean hay or straw, and hang away in a cool place until wanted. Oral Problems. 748. How many ounces each of salt and black pepper will be required for 100 pounds of bologna sausage meat? MEAT PRODUCTS. 207 749. How many ounces of each of the seasoning ma- terials for bologna sausage when 10 pounds of fat pork has been used, the proper quantity of lean beef having been mixed with it? Smoking meats. A smoke house, 6 by 8 feet, will be large enough for ordinary farm use. Ample ventilation should be provided to carry off the warm air, to prevent overheating of meat. The best fuel is green hickory or maple wood smothered with sawdust of the same material. Hard wood of any kind is preferable to soft wood. Corn cobs are a good substitute for hard wood. Remove meat from the brine two or three days before smoking. If coated with salt wash the meat in tepid water and clean with brush. A slow fire should be started, warming up the meat gradually. When the fire is kept going steadily 24 to 36 hours will be required to finish one lot of meat. After being smoked cover the meat with muslin, paper, or burlap, keep at even temperature and away from insects. Coat the covering with a yellow wash made as follows : For 10 pounds of hams or bacon take three pounds of barytes (barium sulphate), one ounce of glue, one and one-half ounces of chrome yellow (lead chromate), and six and one-half ounces of flour. Fill a pail half full of water and mix in the flour, dissolving all lumps thor- oughly. Dissolve the chrome in a quart of water in a separate vessel, and add the solution and the glue to the flour; bring the whole to the boiling point and add the barytes slowly, stirring constantly. Make the wash the day before it is required. Apply with a brush. Oral Problems. 750. How many pounds of barytes are required for preserving 150 pounds of hams or bacon? Glue? Chrome yellow? Flour? ^m.m m a^ Grove of Young Black Walnut Trees, CHAPTER XVI. FORESTRY. The forests of the United States constitute, next to its agricuhural lands, its greatest natural source of wealth. In wood alone they yield an annual product exceeded in value only by the output of our farms and mines. In the order of their importance, our leading productive indus- tries are, farming, mining, grazing, and lumbering; but this makes no account of the vast amount of wood grown and used locally for fuel, fencing, building, and other purposes. Again, lumbering stands fourth in the list of our manufacturing industries, being surpassed only by the iron and steel, the textile, and the meat-packing indus- tries. The value of the forests in promoting our national welfare is much greater even than these facts indicate. Wood is directly or indirectly essential to all of our indus- tries. Mining requires timber for shores and props. Transportation, vital to all industries, demands that our forests be preserved; for trains run on wooden ties, and rivers and canals are made navigable by the water which forests store. Manufacturers and merchants re- quire wood for their wares and for boxes and crates. The wage earner needs it that he may be cheaply housed. The farmer is no less benefited by forests. He draws on the forest for fencing, firewood and building materials. He may add to his income by the sale of material from his woodlot, which furnishes him with work at a time of year when he can do little else that is profitable. In many regions he may protect his family, his stock, and his crops by planting forest trees as windbreaks, protecting from the blizzards of winter and the hot winds of summer. 210 FARM ARITHMETIC. The forests have a very important influence upon the rain- fall and floods. Forestry means the science and art of making the best permanent use of the forest. If a forest is cut in such a way that no new forest growth of value follows, its usefulness is permanently destroyed. If it is so cut that it afterwards produces kss timber than in its natural state, or timber of inferior quality, its usefulness is im- paired. Few farmers give sufficient thought to the cul- tivation of their forests, or even know whether the treat- ment which they are receiving will make them better or worse. This is bad farming. With proper care a forest can be made to grow more and better timber in a given time than it would if left to itself. Use should cause a forest to improve and not to deteriorate. The farmers of the United States own approximately three hundred million acres of woodland. This is a tremendously productive resource. Most of this wood- land, however, is in a run-down condition. The differ- ence between what it now produces and what it might produce with intelligent care is a great loss which the country suffers on account of careless, wasteful, and shortsighted methods. The difference between what the farmer now gets and what he should get is a loss for which he is himself responsible. 751. A long leaf pine tree produces three logs, con- taining 10, 24, and 44 cubic feet respectively. Assuming that from each cubic foot seven board feet are secured, and that long leaf pine lumber is worth $6 a thousand on the stump, how much is the tree worth? 752. A farmer wishes to build a fence around a square farm of 160 acres. The posts are to be 16^ feet apart. How many posts will it take ? FORESTRY. 211 753. If the supply of posts was obtained by cutting locust trees which would make two posts each, and were planted 8 by 12 feet apart, how much land would have to be cut over ? 754. The ordinary life of a chestnut telephone pole is 12 years. If the poles are treated with a preserving fluid, they will last 10 years longer. The average cost of an untreated pole is $5.04 and of a treated pole $5.72. If treated poles are used, what will be the saving in 25 years per mile, 40 posts being used for each mile? 755. A farmer wishes to build a fence one-half mile long, with the posts 16^ feet apart. If he used un- treated posts at a cost of 15 cents each, he would have to renew them after eight years ; if he used those which had been preserved against decay at a cost of 6 cents per post, he would not have to renew his fence for 16 years. The cost of setting the posts in either case is 5 cents each. What would he save by using the treated instead of the untreated posts? 756. A farmer owns 200 acres of loblolly pine, which, if cut now, would yield 10,000 board feet of lumber an acre worth $2 per thousand feet. If in 5 years the price of loblolly pine will be $3 per thousand feet, and if the cost of taxes and protection is 2 cents per acre per an- num, what rate of simple interest would the farmer real- ize if he held his timber instead of cutting it ? 757. A cattle raiser owns three adjoining sections of land, which he has to keep fenced with wire fence in which the posts are set two rods apart. The posts now set are expected to last 15 years, but the owner wants to provide for renewals. He knows that by planting cedar 6 by 6 feet he can get a quantity of single post trees in from 15 to 20 years, and by thinning the stand to 12 by 212 FARM ARITHMETIC. 12, can have three hundred two-post trees an acre in 30 years. If the thinnings are assumed to provide for the necessary renewals for 30 years, how many acres of for- ests must be planted and maintained to furnish the needed posts ? 758. A farmer owns 30 acres on which he wishes to plant European larch, set 4 feet apart in rows 6 feet apart. How many seedlings must he plant? Grovcing Timber as Farm Crop. These are hardy catalpas. One season's growth, second year from planting out, and cut to ground in spring after planting. 759. A farmer had a woodlot of hickory and oak in equal proportions, from which he sold half the wood, 50 cords, for firewood at $6 a cord. Afterwards a furniture maker offered him $100 per thousand board feet for the remaining oak, and a wagon maker offered him $50 per thousand board feet for the remaining hickory. He found that he could cut half as many thousand board feet as he had cut cords. How much did he receive for the rest FORESTRY. 213 of his wood lot, and how much more would he have made had he sold the cordwood to the furniture maker and the wagon maker ? 760. A farmer in New England planted 60 acres of white pine. The cost of land, of planting, and of expenses incidental to all the work per acre was as follows: Cost of land, $4 ; cost of seed and growing young trees, $2.42 ; cost of planting, $2.42. What was the cost of 60 acres? 761. If this money had been placed in a savings bank and had drawn 3 per cent compound interest for 40 years, what would be the total amount of interest? 762. But this money was invested in a forest instead. What was the total amount invested per acre, including the actual cost and compound interest accumulating dur- ing the 40 years ? 763. At the end of the 40 years the forest farm yielded 40 cords of wood per acre. The wood contained in each cord was valued at $4. What was the value of wood on each acre? 764. After deducting the initial cost of the forest and interest that might have accumulated at 3 per cent com- pound interest in a savings bank for 40 years, what is the profit for each acre ? 765. What is the average annual profit per acre? 766. What is the average annual profit for the 60 acres ? 767. What is the total profit of the 60 acres at the end of 40 years, after allowing for initial cost and accumu- lated interest? 768. A European larch grove planted in western Min- nesota 17 years ago, now contains post material worth 214 FARM ARITHMETIC. per acre. What is the total cost per acre, including the initial cost of $64.45 per acre for the land, labor, and cost of trees, and compound interest at 3 per cent during the entire period? 769. Measurements made by the Bureau of Forestry hav€ shown that the loss from cutting high stumps in a tract of 100,000 acres in the Adirondacks is a total of Heavy Logs En Route to Market. In this load are 5,540 feet. 30,000 standards. When a standard is worth 50 cents what is the loss for the tract of land ? 770. The average number of ties to each mile of rail- road track in the United States is 3,000. How many ties are in use now, the railroad trackage being 250,000 miles ? 771. The average life of railroad ties is six years. What number of ties must be replaced each year ? 772. The average cost of a railroad tie is 30 cents. FORESTRY. 215 What is the amount of the annual expenditure for rail- road ties ? 773. From an average tree three railroad ties may be cut. How many trees are annually required to furnish the needs of the railroads for replacing the old ties, the average life of a tie being six years ? 774. A certain railroad uses annually 3,840,000 rail- road ties. If three ties may be cut from a locust tree 30 years old, how many acres will be required to be planted each year, 400 trees being planted per acre, to fuj-nish the supply? 775. What is the total number of acres in trees re- quired to supply the needs of this railroad? 776. How many trees, from one to 30 years old, must be growing to keep the needs constantly supplied? 777. How much is an acre of locust trees worth, three ties to each tree, 400 trees to an acre, when sold at 30 cents a tie ? 778. A farmer wishes to renew the sills of his barn, and finds that he must have 12 pieces, 10 inches by 6 inches, white oak timber and 25 feet long. How many board feet is this equivalent to (a board foot is equivalent to a piece of 12 x 12 x 1 inch), and what will be the cost at 4 cents a board foot? 779. If 60 board feet of sawed lumber, also worth 4 cents per board foot, can be obtained from a tree in addi- tion to one sill, and a half cord of firewood, worth $4 a cord, what is the total value of the tree's product ? 780. If an acre contains ten such trees, and in addi- tion 40 other trees fit for cord wood with an average 216 FARM ARITHMETIC. product of one-fourth of a cord, what is the acre worth before deducting the expense of marketing? 781. If, in consequence of recurring ground fires and lack of care, an adjoining wood lot has deteriorated so that it bears only a partial stock of inferior trees which when cut yield ten cords per acre of firewood, salable for only $3 per cord, what is the loss due to the fire ? Strength of woods used in building. Timber is not often used in tension. It is used in compression, as in the uprights in buildings and in posts or columns support- ing loads. It is also used in beams, as the joists in build- ings. The two cases we will consider are: (1) Posts or short columns — compression and tension, and (2) beams — bending. 782. What is the safe working load that may be sup- ported by a 4-inch by 4-inch white pine post or column that is too short to bend ? Process : Multiply the area of the cross section in square inches by the safe working strength, per square inch, of the tim- ber to be used. For white pine this may be taken as 500 pounds per square inch. 4 X 4 X 500 = 8,000 pounds, total safe load. Safe Working Tensile and Compressive Strengths of Some Common Woods. Pounds per square inch, White ash. 750 Yellow birch, 850 Hickory, 800 Soft maple, 750 Yellow pine, 700 White pine, 500 Poplar, 550 White oak, 850 Red oak, 800 Hemlock, 450 783. What is the safe working load that may be sup- FORESTRY. 217 ported for an indefinite time by a 10" X 12" block of white oak ? Red oak ? Yellow pine ? Poplar ? 784. What should be the area of the cross section of a yellow pine post which is to carry indefinitely a load of 18,000 pounds? What would be the length of a side if this is a square post? What is the diameter if circular? 785. What should be the side of a square hickory post which is to carry an 18,000-pound load? (2) Beams — bending. When used as a beam the amount of the safe working load will depend upon the way in which the beam is supported and the way in which the load is applied as well as upon the dimensions of the beam and the safe working strength of the wood. 786. What is the safe working load that may be placed at the middle point of a yellow pine joist which is sup- ported at the ends and which is 20 feet long, 2 inches broad, and 10 inches deep ? Process : Multiply the square of the depth in inches by the breadth in inches and this product by the safe working strength, as given in the table above, and divide by 18 times the length in feet; i. e., d^XbXs P r= 18 XL 10 X 10 X 2 X 700 =r 390 pounds 18X20 787. What would be the load under the same condi- tions as in the preceding problem, except that the depth is 12 inches? 8 inches? How many times stronger is the 12-inch than the 8-inch ? 788. Show that th^^ beam in problem 786 would have a safe working load of less than 100 pounds if placed on the side with the 2-inch side vertical. Note. — A man could walk over this beam, however, without 218 FARM ARITHMETIC. breaking it, since the ultimate or breaking load is estimated as at least ten times and frequently twenty times the safe working load, 789. What is the safe working load that may be placed at the middle point of a white pine scantling, 4" x 4" x 8', when supported at the ends? 790. On a white oak beam, 6" X 6" X 10'? Red oak? 1^ mkm 'x^^M Sledding Time. Logs are hauled out of a large forest to the saw mill. 791. On a hemlock beam 2" x 10" x 16' ? Note. — The safe working load, when the load is uniformly distributed throughout the length of the beam, is twice as great as when concentrated at the middle point. 792. In problem 786 what would be the safe working load if uniformly distributed along the beam? Process : 390 X 2 = 780 pounds. FORESTRY. * 219 793. A joist of yellow pine, 2" x 12" x 14', will sup- port what distributed load? If 2" x 8" x 14'? 794. A beam of yellow pine, 10 feet long and 12 inches deep is to carry two tons at the middle point, what must be the breadth? How might this beam be built up if 2" X 12" X 10' planks be used? 795. What is the safe working distributed load that may be applied to a beam of hickory 2" x 2" x 10'? 796. Of soft maple 2" x 2" x 10'? 797. Of yellow pine 2" x 2" x 10'? 2" x 4" x 10'? 2" x6" xlO'? 798. Of white oak 2" x 2" x 10' ? Red oak? Yellow birch ? 799. A piece of yellow pine, 2" x 2" x 20', supports from its middle point a certain weight. What should be the length of a piece of hickory of the same breadth and thickness, that the same weight may be supported ? 800. A red oak beam, 8" x 8" x 20', supports a weight equal to its safe working load. If a yellow pine timber of same length is substituted, what breadth will be required, that the same weight may be carried? 801. In planning a barn yellow pine timbers 12 inches broad and 20 feet long are to be used as beams, .each tim- ber being called upon to sustain 15 tons at the middle point. What depth of timbers will be required? CHAPTER XVn. RULES AND MEASURES. To measure wood. Multiply together the length, width, and height in feet and divide the product by 128. The result is the number of cords. 802. How many cords in a pile of wood 30 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet high ? 803. How many cords in a pile of wood 84 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 6 feet and 4 inches high ? To ascertain the circumference of a tree required to hew a square stick. Multiply the given side of the square by 4.44, i. e., by 3.1416 VT. The quotient is the circumference required. To find the diameter multiply the given side by 1.414. Allowance, of course, must be made for the tapering, irregularities, and bark. 804. A farmer needs a timber 9 inches square. A tree of what circumference in the clear will furnish it? Process : 9 X 4.44 = 40 inches, circumference. 805. He also needs a timber 12 inches square. What is the circumference required? 806. A tree of what circumference will furnish a piece of timber 14 inches square? • To determine the height of a tree. The easiest method to determine the height of a tree is to remember that when the length of the shadow of a vertical pole is equal to the length of the pole, the length of the shadow of a tree is equal to the height of the tree, or that in gen- eral the height of a tree is in the same ratio to the length 220 RULES AND MEASURES. 221 of its shadow as the height of a pole is to the length of its shadow. A more general method is to set up two poles in line with the tree. From some point, P, in the farther pole (as the top) sight across the second pole to the base, A, of the tree and mark the point C, in which this line cuts the second pole. Do the same for the top of the tree, thus determining the point D. Then measure the dis- tances, P A, P C, and C D. Now the height of the tree .B •NSfeA -*^26^ ,-'D Ll_-^ Using Poles to Get Height of Tree. is in the same ratio to the distance P A as the distance C D is to the distance P C. Therefore, the height of the tree, CDXPA A B= PC This method may be used to determine the vertical dis- tance between any two points on the trunk of a tree by finding the difference of their distance from the base. 222 FARM ARITHMETIC. 807. What is the height of a tree when C D = 6 feet, P A = 30 feet, and P C = 4 feet? Answer, 45 feet. 808. What is the .height from the ground to the first Hmb, B, of a tree when the measurements are as follows : C D = 3' 4'', P A = 102' 6" and P C = 1' 2" ? To find the number of gallons in a tank or cistern. For a rectangular cistern: Multiply together the length, width, and depth in feet and multiply the product by 7.5, the number of gallons in a cubic foot. This will give the contents in gallons. 809. How many gallons of water in a square cistern 4 feet long^ 3 feet wide and 8^ feet deep ? Process : 4 X 3 X 8^ X 73^ = 750 gallons. For a circular cistern : Multiply the square of the diam- eter in feet by the depth in feet, and this product by 5.9. This will give the contents in gallons. 810. How many gallons of water in a round cistern, the diameter of which is 10 feet and the depth 10 feet ? Process : 10 X 10 X 10 X 5.9 = 5,900 gallons 811. How many gallons of water in a cistern 6 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 6 feet deep ? 812. How many gallons of water in a circular tank 8 feet in diameter and 8 feet deep ? 813. A farmer wishes to place a square tank 4 feet high in the attic of his house. It must hold 800 gallons. What is the length of the side ? 814. If the above tank is circular, what must be the diameter ? The number of bushels in a bin. For a rectangular bin : Multiply together the length, breadth, and depth, each RULES AND MEASURES. 223 in feet and multiply this product by 0.8, the number of bushels in a cubic foot. The result is the number of bushels. 815. What is the capacity, in bushels, of a bin 6' x 8' x3'? 816. How high must a bin be to hold 200 bushels if the length is 10 feet and the width is 5 feet? For a circular bin : Multiply the square of the diameter by the depth, all in feet, and multiply this product by ^. The result is the number of bushels. 817. How many bushels in a bin whose diameter is 42 inches and whose depth is 4 feet ? 818. What is the depth of a circular bin holding 85 bushels and having a diameter of 4 feet ? 819. What is the diameter of a circular bin holding 180 bushels and having a depth of 5 feet ? To measure corn in the crib. Multiply together the height, width and length in feet and divide this product by 5 for old dry corn, and by 4 for new fresh corn. The final product will approximate the number of bushels of corn in the crib. 820. What is the approximate number of bushels of corn in a crib 20 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 10 feet high, corn new and fresh ? 821. What is the approximate amount of corn in a crib 30 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 12 feet high, the corn being thoroughly dry? To measure hay in the mow. Multiply together the height, length and width in yards and divide by 15 if the hay be well packed. If the mow be shallow and the hay 224 FARM ARITHMETIC. SEED COTTON - - LINT COTTON recently placed therein, divide by 18, or by any number from 15 to 18, depending upon the character of the pack- ing. This gives approximately the number of tons. 822. How many tons of hay in a mow 42 feet long, 21 feet wide, and 15 feet high, the hay being well packed ? 823. How many tons in a mow 46 feet long, 35 feet wide, and 18 feet high, the hay being just put in? To measure hay in the rick. (Approximately.) Mul- tiply the length of the base in yards by the width in yards, and that by half the height in yards and divide the product by 15 to 18. 824 How many tons of old hay in a rick 15 f2'' x 3>^" removed from its top. If the height of the smaller pyramid in inches be represented by X, then we must have the relation : X inches (the altitude of the smaller pyramid) is to 3^^ inches (the side of its base) as X -{- '''8 inches (the altitude of the larger pyramid) is to 6 inches (the side of its base). X X + 78 Therefore, = 3^ 6 6X = 3^X -f 3^ X 78 6X — 3J/^X r= 3^ X 78 25^X =z 3^ X 78 " 5X =r 7 X 78 = 546 " X = 109.2 inches, altitude smaller pyramid. X -f- 78 — 187.2 inches, altitude larger pyramid. The volume of a pyramid is equal one-third the area of the base multiplied by the altitude. The volume of the larger pyramid is 1/3 X 6 X 6 X 187.2 = 2,246 A cubic inches. The volume of the smaller pyramid is 1/3 X 3.5 X 3.5 X 109.2 = 445.9 cubic inches. Volume of post = 2,246.4 — 445.9 = 1,800.5 cubic inches. . * . volume of post = 1,800.5 -^ 1,728 = 1.04 cubic feet. Volume of 50 posts = 50 X 1-04 = 52 cubic feet, or approx- imately 2 cubic yards. 857. If the above posts were the same size at the top as at the bottom, how many cubic yards would be re- quired? If 10" X 10" at bottom and 6" x 6" at top— i. e., corner-post size? 858. How much No. 6 wire is required to reinforce the 50 posts in the above problem if each post contains four strands running the entire length ? 859. How much concrete is required to build a root cellar 10 feet by 14 feet and 7j4 feet high, omitting roof CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. 233 and entrance way, if the side walls are 8 inches thick and the floor 4 inches thick? 860. About how much concrete will be required to construct a semi-cylindrical roof 3 inches thick, the two ends, and an entrance way, for the root cellar in the last problem ? 861. How much concrete was required for the two circular silos, 20 feet diameter, 32 feet high, 12-inch walls, and 8-inch floors, now in use at the U. S. Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C? '{Rod pressed •4"x 10" X T' 6'. 6" Concrete Fence Posts. At the bottom is shown the face of the post. At the top at the left the form for making, and at the top at the right is shown enlarged section of post. 862. How much concrete is required to make ten V- shaped and ten round-bottom hog troughs, length 6 feet, with cross sections as shown in the cuts on page 235 ? Concrete formula. A formula is used to indicate the relative amounts by volume of each of the three ingredi- ents. A 1-2-4 concrete is one composed of one part of cement, two parts of sand, and four parts of gravel or 234 FARM ARITHMETIC. crushed stone. It is richer in cement than is ordinarily required. For walks, cellar floors, building walls, etc. A 1-2^-5 mixture is amply sufficient. For heavier work the proportions may be 1-3-6 and for massive and unim- portant work 1-4-8. Mixing. On a level watertight platform spread out the measured quantity of dry sand and on top of this the Concrete Water Tank. cement. Turn dry with shovel until thoroughly mixed — at least three times. Add the gravel or stone (thor- oughly wet) and again turn at least three times, adding water slowly, from a sprinkler, after the first time. Add only enough water to make a thick mush, so that when lightly tamped into place the water will just flush to the surface. Mix small batches, one or two bags of cement at a time, and, to avoid deterioration, place in the forms CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. 235 without delay. The total amount of concrete obtained is only slightly greater in volume than that of the gravel or crushed stone used. The following table shows approxi- mately, for four standard formulae, the number of bar- rels of each material required to make one cubic yard (7.1 barrels) of concrete. Formula 1-2-4 l-2>4-5 1-3-6 1-4 Forms for Making Concrete Hog Troughs. How many sacks of cement will be required to make 3.5 cubic yards of 1-2^-5 concrete? How much sand ? Gravel or crushed stone ? Process : The table gives 1.3 barrels per cubic yard. 4X1-3 = 5.2 sacks per cubic yard. 3.5 X 5.2 =2 18.2 sacks cement. Ans. 864. What amount of materials would be required in the last problem if the 1-3-6 formulae were used? The 1-4-8? 865. What would be the cost, exclusive of labor, of the concrete in problem 863 with cement at $1.80 per bar- 236 FARM ARITHMETIC. rel, sand at $1.50 per cubic yard, and gravel $1.00 per cubic yard? 866. What would be the cost of the materials used in the sidewalk in problem 854, if cinders are free for the hauling, other costs are as in 865, a l-2i/^-5 concrete is used, and the surfacing is omitted? 867. The materials used in the silo in problem 861 were, "one part best Portland cement, two parts clean coarse sand, three parts clean fine gravel, and four parts clean broken stone, brick or terra cotta." Assuming that this was approximately a 1-3-6 concrete, determine the quantity of cement used. If the surface finish in problem 854 be a 1-2-0 mixture and the volume after adding the cement to the sand be the same as that of the sand, what is the amount of cement required for the finishing coat? CHAPTER XIX. FARM ACCOUNTS. No farmer can know just where he stands financially unless he keeps an accurate account of his daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly business transactions. A farm ac- count book is a matter of economy and satisfaction. It is a protection in case of dispute or death. It assists a farmer to become quick and accurate in figures and in- creases his knowledge of business methods. It gives him positive knowledge, and consequently his opinions have greater weight than the opinions of those who merely guess. Farm inventory. An inventory is a detailed account or schedule of the farm and what is on it. This includes land, stock, machinery, tools, hay and grain, household goods, notes, cash, accounts against others, and all prop- erty having money value. 869. A certain farm consisting of 75 acres of land is worth $125 an acre. The other assets are as follows: Two horses, worth $185 each; two horses, worth $130 each; six cows, average value $60; three brood sows, $20 each; 30 sheep, $8 each; 150 hens, $1 each; corn in crib, 400 bushels at 60 cents a bushel; 320 bushels of wheat, $1 a bushel ; 16 tons of hay at $10 a ton ; one two- horse wagon, $75 ; one wheat harvester, $100 ; one corn planter, $30 ; one buggy, $60 ; 2 plows, $8 each ; 4 single cultivators, $4 each ; other farm machines and tools, $550. Arrange the inventory by schedule and indicate the total assets. 237 238 FARM ARITHMETIC. How to arrange inventory : Inventory, January 1, 1914. $9,375.00 2 horses. $185.00 each 370.00 2 horses, $130.00 each 260.00 6 cows, $60.00 each 360.00 3 brood sows, $20.00 each 60.00 30 sheep, $8.00 each 240.00 150 hens, $1.00 each , 150.00 400 bushels corn, $0.60 a bushel 240.00 320 bushels wheat, $1.00 a bushel 320.00 16 tons hay, $10.00 a ton 160.00 75.00 1 wheat harvester 100.00 30.00 1 buggy . 60 00 2 plows, $8.00 each 16.00 4 cultivators, $4.00 each 16.00 Other farm machines and. tools . 550.00 Total $12,382.00 Liabilities. The liabilities or debts — that which is owed on mortgages, notes, accounts, etc. — should also be listed. The difference between one's assets and liabilities is what he is worth. A new inventory should be made out each year. By comparing these inventories year by year one can tell whether his property is increasing or decreas- ing in value — whether he is accumulating wealth or is running behind. 870. Make out an inventory as indicated in problem 869, itemizing the assets of your father's farm or some other farm in your community. Keeping a record of receipts and disbursements. Provide a ruled blank book of reasonable size. Use the first pages for the inventory. Where this leaves off turn a page, marking at the top, the word "Re- ceipts" ; and on the opposite page at the right the word, "Expenditures." As money is paid out or received in cash, enter it on the book by date and amount. Do this to the end of the month, and then balance the account. FARM ACCOUNTS. 239 Now turn to next two pages and write ''Receipts" and ''Expenditures" as before. In case there is a balance on hand after closing the account of the previous month, en- ter the same under "Receipts" as "Balance brought for- ward." In case there is a deficit, enter this under "Ex- penditures" as "Deficit brought forward." By so doing from month to month, you have a definite statement show- ing whether you are making or losing money. Interior of Cow Barn, Showing Concrete Construction. 871. Suppose on January 1, 1914, a farmer has on hand $40 in cash. He starts his account book. On Jan- uary 4, he pays out for labor to John Smith, $36 ; on Jan- uary 6, he pays $24 for a ton of wheat bran ; on January 7, he is paid $16 for a calf ; on January 9 he is paid $42 for corn; on January 16 he sells his wheat and gets $1.04 a bushel for 350 bushels. On January 17, he pays $16 for three shotes. Other receipts are as follows ; Four tons 240 FARM ARITHMETIC. hay at $14 a ton on January 21 ; 1 colt on January 26, $75 ; and on January 31, a trio of sheep, $20. Indicate the transactions for the month, and amount of balance on hand or deficit to be carried forward : Left-hand page. Receipts. 1914 Jan. 1 $ 40.00 Jan. 7 1 calf 16.00 Jan. 9 Corn 42.00 Jan. 16 350 bushels wheat at $1.04 364.00 Jan. 21 4 tons hay at $14.00 56.00 Jan. 26 1 colt 75 00 Jan. 31 3 sheep 20 00 Total $613.00 Right-hand page. Expenditures. 1914 Jan. 4 $ 36.00 Jan. 6 1 ton wheat bran 24.00 Jan. 17 3 shotes 16 00 By Balance Total 537.00 $613.00 Note. — Starting the month of February, the $537 would be entered on page devoted to "Receipts" under date of February 1, as balance brought forward. Other items of "Receipts" would be entered in order under this from day to day as received. The same would apply to "Expenditures." Both "Receipts" and "Expenditures" are to be carried right on through the year, month by month. At the end of the year, if there is any surplus on hand, it will go into the inventory of the next year as an asset. If there is a deficit due to loss or purchase the amount will be carried over as a liability. Detailed accounts. Only one book is necessary for farm accounts. Of course, one or more may be pro- vided, using one for live stock, another for poultry, another for grain crops, another for farm hands, etc., in addition to the inventory and current "Receipts and FARM ACCOUNTS. 241 Expenditures" book. Whether one or more books are used, the pages should be regularly numbered, and when an account is carried forward the number of the page from which it is brought should be written at the top of the new page, and the number of the page to which it is carried should be written at the bot- tom of the page from which it is taken. Grain crops. When but a single grain crop is raised, but one account need be opened for any one year. When more than one crop is raised, a different account should be opened for each crop. The same book may be used, with separate accounts opened on different pages. The following will indicate the account with wheat : 1912 Dr. Cr. Aug. 30 Sept. 15 Oct. 1 To man and team, 10 days plowing, 15 acres $ 30.00 15.00 30.00 6.00 15.00 16.00 15.00 5.00 20 bushels seed wheat at $1.50 Oct. 3 1913 July 20 Threshing 400 bushels July 20 Julv 24 July 26 Sept. 1 Received for 300 bushels $300.00 Sold 100 bushels for seed at $150.00 Totals Profit 150.00 $132.00 $450.00 $318.00 Note. — The account with corn, oats, fruit, dairy, hay, poultry, and every kind of stock or produce may be kept in exactly the same way. The profit, of course, ought to exceed the sum of the interest on the investment in land, teams, and machinery, the cost of the labor, fertilizers, etc., and the deterioration in values. 872. Itemize the cost of producing 20 acres of wheat, giving all details as performed in your section from plow- ing to marketing. If the yield is 22 bushels an acre, what is the profit if the wheat brings $1.04 a bushel? 242 FARM ARITHMETIC. 873. Arrange these items as illustrated above for this wheat crop. 874. Itemize the cost of producing 20 acres of corn, giving all details as performed in your section from plow- ing the land to cribbing the corn. Value the corn at cur- rent price and determine the profit on the 20 acres. To the Teacher: Require each pupil to estimate cost of producing a ten-acre crop of each of the principal farm crops raised in the community. Then require the pupils to estimate the average yield an acre that is necessary in order to meet the cost pf production. CHAPTER XX. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. Note. — The data involved in the following problems are con- tained in the statements given on other pages of this book. Pupils will find it necessary to refer back to the tables in order to get the needed facts and figures. The purpose of these problems is to acquaint each pupil with such work, because this is just what he will need to do later when he carries on agricultural operations for himself. Much interest is centered in these problems also because of the reasoning exercised in their solution. Nature of the problem. A man owns a farm contain- ing 75 acres. He keeps 4 horses, 12 cows, 6 brood sows ; raises each year 80 fat hogs, and 10 calves which he sells ; he also sells 400 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of potatoes and various other farm products. He has a two-acre orchard and an acre garden from which he gets fruit and vegetables for himself and family. His farm is equipped with a silo, necessary barns and sheds, and farm tools and implements. The milk obtained from the cows is made into butter and sold to private trade, each pound bringing 30 cents the year round. The horses are used for driving and the farm work. Most of the corn, hay, and other grain raised is fed to live stock. 1. How many pounds of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash are sent away from this farm each year if 400 bushels of wheat are annually sent to market? 2. How many pounds of these three elements are an- nually removed from the soil by the average wheat crop of the whole of your county? 3. If every pound were returned to the land in ferti- lizer, what would be the cost if nitrogen is worth 20 cents 244 FARM ARITHMETIC. a pound, phosphoric acid 5 cents a pound, and potash 5 cents a pound? 4. A certain soil contains 4,800 pounds of nitrogen, 6,700 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 16,400 pounds of potash in the first 8 inches. How many crops of wheat would the nitrogen in this soil supply, supposing that none of the nitrogen is withdrawn in any other crop or is lost, and no additional nitrogen is added to the soil? How many years would the phosphoric acid hold out? How many the potash? 5. If the wheat straw, two tons an acre, is annually restored to this land, how many years will it take to en- tirely exhaust the soil of these three elements of plant food? 6. This farmer does not permit his land to run down. He uses a wheat fertilizer on his wheat consisting of 1,200 pounds of dissolved bone, 500 pounds of sulphate of am- monia, and 300 pounds of muriate of potash. He uses 250 pounds of this mixture an acre. State the percent- ages of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in this mix- ture. 7. If 300 pounds of this mixture were used on each acre, how many pounds of potential plant food would be added to the soil ? 8. When 22 bushels of wheat and one ton of straw are removed how many pounds of plant food will be drawn out of the soil ? 9. How many pounds of the fertilizer mixture men- tioned in Problem 6 will be required to equal the draft of the wheat crop mentioned in Problem 8? 10. The farmer decides to try a new fertilizer he finds advertised. This fertilizer analysis is known as an 8-3-3, MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 245 or one analyzing 8 per cent phosphoric acid, 3 per cent nitrogen, and 3 per cent potash. The ingredients used are acid phosphate, sulphate of ammonia, and kainit. How many pounds of each of these will be needed to make a ton of the mixture that is to be an 8-3-3 fertilizer? 11. What is the value of this fertilizer mentioned in Problem 10, on basis of plant food if nitrogen costs 20 cents, phosphoric acid 5 cents, and potash 5 cents each a pound ? 12. What is the money value of a fertilizer that ana- lyzes 7-3-4? 13. What is the money value of a ton of fertilizer composed of 1,600 pounds of acid phosphate and 400 pounds of kainit? 14. Of another fertilizer that contains 1,600 pounds of acid phosphate and 400 pounds of muriate of potash? 15. Of another one that contains 1,600 pounds of acid phosphate, 200 pounds of kainit, and 200 pounds of muri- ate of potash ? 16. A fertilizer agent tries to induce this farmer to purchase a new fertihzer analyzing 2.4 per cent of am- monia, 9 per cent of phosphoric acid, and 2 per cent of potash. What is this fertilizer worth a ton? 17. A neighbor farmer has been using a fertilizer con- taining Sy2 per cent of phosphoric acid, 1 per cent of nitrogen, and 2 per cent of potash. The cost is $25 a ton. Another neighbor uses a fertilizer that costs $26 a ton but analyzes 5 per cent phosphoric acid, 3 per cent nitro- gen, and 1^ per cent potash. In which fertilizer is the more plant food secured ? 18. If the price of the fertilizer that sells for $25 a 246 FARM ARITHMETIC. ton is right, at what price a ton should the fertilizer bought by the neighbor be sold by the ton ? 19. What is the nutritive ratio of corn, clover hay, and alfalfa hay ? 20. On this farm there are available for feeding the dairy cows corn silage, clover hay, cottonseed meal, and wheat bran. The cows weigh 1,000 pounds and average 22 pounds of milk a day. Using these feeding stuffs, compound a ration containing these feeds that will ap- proximate the standard for such animals. 21. What is the daily cost per cow for feeding the above ration when corn silage is worth $2 a ton, clover hay $12, cottonseed meal $32, and wheat bran $28? 22. A neighbor has a herd of similar cows. He feeds timothy hay, corn stover, corn meal, wheat bran, and oats. How many pounds daily of each of these foods should be fed in order to approximate the standard, the cows yield- ing 22 pounds daily ? 23. What is the daily cost of the ration provided in Problem 22, when timothy is worth $18 a ton, corn stover $6, corn meal $30, wheat bran $28, and oats 50 cents a bushel ? 24. This farmer feeds his work horses a ration con- sisting of corn, oats, wheat bran, and timothy hay. How many pounds of each feed may he give each horse per day, the horses weighing approximately 1,000 pounds each and doing moderate or medium work ? 25. If each horse is fed the above ration through- out the year, what will be the cost of the food consumed when corn at the farm is worth 65 cents a bushel, oats 56 cents, wheat bran $28 a ton, and timothy hay $18 a ton. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 247 26. A neighbor feeds his horses of the same weight 10 pounds of hay and 14 pounds of oats each day. What does his horse feed cost per day per horse if hay is worth $18 a ton and oats 56 cents a bushel ? 27. Another neighbor, with similar horses, uses 10 pounds of hay, 9 pounds of corn, and 2 pounds of oil meal. If corn is worth 65 cents a bushel and oil meal $30 a ton, what is the cost per day for feeding a horse on this neighbor's farm? 28. Compare the digestible nutrients of the two rations suggested in Problems 26 and 27. Which is the cheaper ration and what is the difference in cents? 29. Suppose 10 horses are kept on a farm, what is the difference in dollars between the two rations? 30. Two neighbors are dairy farmers. Each has 40 cows in his herd. Dairyman A feeds daily 8 months the following ration to his cows: 58 pounds of silage, 6.8 pounds of mixed hay, 2 pounds of oil meal, and 2 pounds of wheat bran. Dairyman B feeds the following ration: 4.7 pounds of corn stover, 6.4 pounds of mixed hay, 2.5 pounds of oil meal, 5 pounds of corn meal, and 6 pounds of bran. The feeds are worth at each farm the follow- ing prices : Corn silage, $2 a ton ; corn stover, $6 a ton ; mixed hay, $12; linseed oil, $34; wheat bran, $34; and corn, $30. Determine the daily cost of the two rations. The difference in dollars for 40 cows covering the 8 months or 240-day feeding period. 31. The 10 cows on this farm are known as good but- ter cows. The average per cent of butter fat for the en- tire herd is 5.2 per cent. They yield 220 pounds of milk on an average each day of the year. What is the aver- age daily production of butter fat in pounds? This is equivalent to how many pounds of butter? 248 FARM ARITHMETIC, 32. A neighbor has 25 cows. Ten of them yield 40 pounds each, daily; another ten. 32 pounds; the other five, 20 pounds a day. The fat test of the first group is 3.8 per cent, of the second group 4.5 per cent, and of the third group 5.2 per cent. What quantity of fat is daily produced by this herd ? 33. Suppose the fat test of the first group to be 5.2 per cent and of the third group 3.8 per cent, the second group remaining just the same. What quantity of fat would be produced daily ? 34. In a can is a certain quantity of milk that tests 4.8 per cent; in another can is a certain quantity that tests 2.8 per cent. The amount of butter fat in both cans is 40 pounds, one-fourth of which is in the first can. How much milk in each can ? 35. In the herd on this farm there is one cow that yields 12,000 pounds of milk that tests 3.2 per cent butter fat. How does her butter fat production compare with another cow that yields 9,400 pounds of milk that tests 5.8 i>er cent butter fat ? At 40 cents per pound for butter how much in dollars does this diflference amount to ? 36. Compare the amount of plant food — nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash — removed in 400 bushels of wheat and in 400 bushels of potatoes. 37. With nitrogen worth 20 cents, phosphoric acid 5 cents, and potash 5 cents, what is the plant food worth that is removed in the wheat? In the potatoes? 38. How many tons of silage should be stored for the use of 10 cows, the intention being to feed each cow 40 pounds a day for 5 months, then 30 pounds a day for 2 months, then 20 pounds a day for 2 months? MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. 249 39. If 14 tons of silage is grown to an acre, how many acres will be necessary to grow the supply required for this 10-cow herd? 40. It is advisable to feed not less than 2 inches of silage out of the silo each day to insure that it does not spoil on top. If a minimum of 300 pounds is fed a day, what should be the diameter in feet of the silo? 41. A neighbor desires to build a silo? He has 40 cows in his herd. At times he expects to feed as little as 800 pounds of silage a day. What should be the diameter in feet of his silo? 42. He expects to feed his cows for 240 days, averag- ing for this period 35 pounds of silage a day for each of the 40 cows in his herd. With the diameter selected in Problem 41, what height of silo will be required in order to store the full amount of silage wanted ? 43. How many staves will be required for a round silo that is to be 16 feet in diameter and 34 feet high, the staves being 6 inches wide and 2 inches thick? 44. How many staves and how much lumber will be required to build the silo of the dimensions called for in Problem 42, the staves being 3 inches thick and 8 inches wide ? 45. The farm under discussion contains 75 acres in the form of a square. What is the length of each of the four sides ? The diagonal ? 46. A neighbor's farm contains 80 acres, rectangular in shape. The length is just twice the width. What is the length of the side? Of the end? 47. On this: farm is a circular cistern 7 feet in diam- eter and 7 feet deep. How many gallons will it hold when full? 2bi) FARM ARITHMETIC. 48. When disposing of his calves the farmer is paid $50 each for 4 pure breds, $25 each for 4 grade yearHngs, and $6 each for two calves. He sells 80 hogs, 60 of them in the summer. They average 226 pounds, and he is paid $7.35 per hundred. He sells 12 hogs during the v^inter at $8.15 per hundred, the twelve averaging 195 pounds each. The other 8 he slaughters at home. They *'dress out" 84 per cent, and bring 12 cents a pound. What was the total sum received for the 10 calves and the 80 hogs ? 49. If these transactions were entered in an account, show how the facts in Problem 48 could be entered so as to give all the information and show the total receipts. 50. Prepare an inventory of a 75-acre farm, placing in it the land and animals as mentioned, with valuations as typical of your community, and include all other tools, implements, and appliances that would be customarily used in your section on such a farm, and that would be ex- pected if the work were properly done. Make an estimate of the respective values of these tools and implements. ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS CHAPTER I 2. 130; 1,870. 3. 94; 152. 4. 691.5. 5. 70.5+304=374.5. 8. 144; 54; 36. 9. 46.1; 17.3; 11.5; 74.9; 922; 346; 230. 10. 33.6; 12.8; 9.6. 11. 0.75; 0.25; 0.99; 52; 20; 36; 12; 6; 18. 12. 243.4; 89.7; 51.2. 13. Wheat 20, 7.6, 5.0; Oats 19.6, 7.3, 5.5; Cotton 0.50, 0.17, 0.66; Corn 32.3, 11.5, 6.6; Timothy 28.6, 11.0, 19.8; Potatoes 10.2, 5.1, 15.3. 15. 72.3; 23.5; 62.6. 16. 10.7; 4.5; 4.6. 17. 34.0; 12.1; 34.3. 20. 452. 21. 101; 469; 1,255. 22. 152; 555; 3,263. 23. 42; 179; 260. 24. 94; 367; 2,472. 25. 285; 937; 3,547. 26. 6,106; 24,817; 24,722. 28. 400. 29. 280. 31. 18. 32. 86. 33. 280. 34. 250. 35. 1,000; 960; 250. 36. 20; 21; 80. 37. 96; 176; 26. 38.4.8. 39.8.8. 40.1.3. 43. 201; 44; 103. 44.17.4. 45. 86; 313; 103. 46. 25. 47. 7.3; 3.3; 1.8. 48. 29.2; 13.2; 7.2. 49. 7.3; 2.8; 2.5. 50. 14.6; 5.6; 5.0. 51. 38.5; 14.0; 12.4. 52.7.0; 4.3; 9.6. 53. 9.0; 6.8; 7.5. 54. 46.6. 55. 49.3. 56. 1,142; 375; 480; 83 (inert matter). 57. 872; 714; 314; 100 (inert matter). 58. 857; 0; 357; 104; 682 (inert) : or 857; 312; 0; 104; 727 (inert) : or 857; 156; 179; 104; 704 (inert) : or etc. 60. $19 per ton. 61. $13.70. 62. $21.20. 63. $17.45. 65. $17. 66. $17. 67. $20. 68. $32. 69. 2. 70. No. 1; No. 2. 71. $22.65. 72. 8%. 74. 2.5%. 75. 3%. 76. 48.5. 77. 33. 78. 49.4. 79. 8-1.6-8; $20.80. CHAPTER II 80. 1,506; 50; 80; 118; 228; 18. 81. 15.3; 306. 82. 70.4. 83. 1,577. 84. 544. 86. 1.73; 32.4; 0.68. 87. 88. 88. 55.3. 89. 2.0; 37.2. 90. 12 pounds; 223 pounds. 91. 2.4. 92. 206. 93. 248. 96. 1 to 1.3; 1 to 16.1; 1 to 5.9; 1 to 3.9. 97. Wide are timothy hay, com; Medium are wheat, oats, clover hay, alfalfa hay; Narrow are cottonseed, cottonseed 'meal. 99. 12.5. 102. 6.8. 103. 4.1. 104. 6.2. 105. 5.9. 106. For 11 pounds milk daily, feed for each cow per month in pounds, 750, 48, 300, 9; feed for 20 cows per year in tons, 91, 6, 36.5, 1. For 22 pounds milk, corre- sponding quantities are 900, 105, 390, 15 and 110, 13, 48, 2. 109. 14; 1; 1; 6; 1 to 7.5. 112. 4.3 cents. 113. 2.9. 114. 510. 115. 1.27 cents. 116. $15.42; 24.7 cents. 117. 1.46 cents. 118. 28.3 cents. 119. $3.68. 120. 2.41. 121. $26.08. 122. $21.18. 123. $18.61. 124. $21.76. 125. $14.62. 126. 0.97 cents, or 86%. 127. $1,000 per 100 tons of hay, or $1,940 per 100 tons of nutrients, or $925 too much for 100 tons of timothy hay which 251 252 ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS should cost but $10.75 per ton. 128-129. No exact answers can be obtained when limited to the feeds named. CHAPTER III 132. 0.68 pounds more in ribs. 133. 0.16; 1.74 more in ham. 134. 6.1; 37. 135. 0.8 pounds more in wheat flour, or 0.3 pounds more in corn meal if fat be reduced to carbohydrate equivalent. 136. 4.1. 137. 2.9. 138. 2.6 times that needed. 139. 1.8 times that needed. 140. As in 128 and 129 the standard can be only approximated. The standard itself is only an average. The requirement for a given individual may differ greatly from this average. 145. 2.56 pounds. 146. 39 cents. 147. 33 1 cents. 148. 25cents. 149. 6.4cents. 150. 0.58 pounds. 151. 1.51 pounds. 152. 28.1. 153. 15.4 pounds. 154. Girl H, 0.01, 0.2, 1.3 pounds; Boy U, 0.01, 0.4, 1.5 pounds. 155. Girl 11.2; Boy 15.7. 156. 78. 157. 270. 158. 202.5. 159. 10,500 pounds. 160. 63. 161. 47.3. 162. 222.8. 164. 4.3; 8.7; 6.5. 165. 4.3. 166. 6.5. 167. 3.3. 168. 5.6. 169. 4.4. CHAPTER IV 170. 6.6. 171. 6.0. 172. 1.03. 173. 19% when butter is 25 cents per pound. 174. 85.9. 175. 0.76. 176. 3.3. 177. 4.3. 178. 5.7. 179. 1,718. 180. 15.2. 181. 66. 182. 86. 183. 114. 184. 1.08 pounds. 185. 30.4 pounds. 186. 38.9 pounds. 187. 34.1. 188. $1.20. 189. 28.4. 190. 900 pounds. 191. 4. 192. 200 pounds; 1,000 pounds. 193. 156 pounds. 194. $48; $87. 195. The second; 24 pounds. 196. 41.7 pounds; 8.3 pounds. 198. $53.90. 199. $37.63. 200. 103,000 pounds. 201. 24. 202. 4,372 pounds. 203. 4 pounds. 204. 1 pound. 205. J pound. 206. 23 pounds. 207. 93 pounds. 208. 373 pounds. 209. $93.33. 210. $23.33. 211. $5.33. 212. 1.9 pounds. 213. 177 pounds. 214. 327. 220. 260. 221. 1,660. 222. 20. 223. 60. 224. 1 to 199. 225. 88.5 pounds fat or 103.3 pounds butter. 226. $25.82. 227. 740 pounds. 228. 680 pounds. 229. 480 pounds. 230. 100 pounds. 231. 1 to 3.4. 232. $517. 233. 95. 234. 26 cents. 235. 78 cents. 236.2.58. 237. $4. 238. $2.80. 239. $1.33. 240. $1.23. 242. 66.4 cents. 243. $1.25. 244. 20 cents; 25 cents; 97 cents. 245. $1.45. 247. 206 pounds. 248. 300. CHAPTER V 250. 17.6; 16.5. 251. 17.1. 252. 1,113 tons. 253. 196 tons; 190 tons. 255. If. 256. 3.4. 257. 3,606; 5,543; 8,592. 258. 2,048; 2,983; 4,986. 259. 5,654; 8,526; 13,578. 260. 117. 261. 404. 262. 454. 263. 77; 231; 220. 264. 57. 265. 136. 266. 1.2. 267. 140 in upper one foot if dry soil weighs 80 pounds. 268. 328. 269. 394. 270. 49. 271. 80. 272. 1,088. 273. 714. 274. 374. 275. 3.1. 276. 2.96. 277. 3.67. 278. 5.95. 279. 24. 280. 101. 281. 40. 282. 3.6. 283. 50. ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 253 CHAPTER VI 284. 25.6 increase; 4.3 decrease; 20.3 increase. 286. 94,900,000; 98,500,000. 287. 25,000,000,000 bushels; $14,000,000,000. 289. $8.71; $14.50. 291. 523 bushels. 292. $162. 293. 3.8; 468,000,000. 294. 57.7 cents; 96.2 cents. 295. 52,680,000; 44,380,000; 23.2. 296. $2,000,000,000; $20,000,000,000. 297. $7.21; $14.81. 298. 2,055,000. 299. 320. 300. $180. 301. 6.5. 302. 1.36 barrels. 303. 62,000,000 bushels. 304. 658,000,000. 305. 7.2. 306. 25,400,000 bushels. 307. $24,400,000. 308. 4,670,000,000. 5.267,000,000. 309. 164.4. 310. 0.33. 311. $34.32; $66.13. 312. 6.9 cents; 13.4 cents; $21.96 in 1909. 313. $860.90; 12.8%. 314. 10,640,000,000. 315. $46; 2.3 cents; $3.78; $25.74. 316. 28.4 bushels; $11.79; 31.4 bushels; $7.35. 317. 22.5 bushels; $12.01; 26.7 bushels; $9.31. 318. 13.4 bushels; $9.30; 12.5 bushels; $5.98. 319. 16.9 bushels; $16.63; 13.9 bushels; $7.16. 320. 35.8 bushels; $26.26; 25.6 bushels; $22.46. 321. 41 cents; 23 cents. 322. 53 cents; 35 cents; 69 cents; 48 cents; 63 cents; 51 cents. 323. 73 cents; 88 cents; 1.6 cents; 2.0 cents. 324. 1.6. 325. 2.5 tons; 1.3 tons. 326. 1.1 tons. 327. $281,000,000. 328. 72,200,000; 97,470,000; $8.44. 329. 389,300,000; 59,250,000. 330. $69,800,000. 331. 43 cents; 60 cents. 332. 44,260,000. 333. $35,400,000. 334. 11,800. 336. 3^ 337. 2.1. 338. 0.47 pounds. 339. 11. 340. 15,700. 341. 130 bushels. 342. 195 bushels. 343. 156 bushels if one ear to stalk; 343 bushels if one and one half ears to stalk. 344. 151 bushels. 345. 121 bushels; $15. 346. $2 per acre. 347. $127,600,000. 348. $153,100,000. 349. 78; 87; 94. 350. 20.5% better; 8% better. 351. About 200,000,000. 352. 96%. 353. 266,000 bales or $17,600,000. 354. $26,000,000. 355. $16,000,000. 356. $31,600,000. 357. 5,267,000. 358. $140,000,000. 359. $560,000,000; $632,000,000. 360. 8.2. 361. $55.39. 362. $22.91. 363. $54.60; $30.16; 230.5% in acreage, 498.6% in total value, and 81.0% in value per acre. CHAPTER VII 374. 272. 375. 17,152. 376. 1,088. 377. $217.60. 378. $1,285. 379. $5,140. 380. 2 pecks; 1 bushel; 2 bushels; 4 bushels; 8 bushels; 16 bushels. 381. 348. 382. $1,531. 383. 120. 384. $118.80; $51; $67.80. 385. Yes. 386. $11.50 on the i acre. 387. $18. 388. $350. 389. $360; $540; $180. 390. 18.5%; 33^%; 100%; 133i%. 391. 156. 392. 804; 924. 393. $69. 394. 90 cents. 395. Commercial is 50 cents cheaper per barrel. 396. Lost $5.34. CHAPTER VIII 397. $1,562,000,000. 398. $2,505,000,000; 160.3. 399. $582,600,000; 23.3. 400. $407,800,000; $11,010,000. 401. $233,000,000; $377.60. 402. $5,300,000; 77.6. 403. 63,760,000. 404. 23,100,000 4,620,000; 59,270,000; 52,480,000; 2,450,000. 254 ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 405. $20.33. 406. $1,129,000,000. 407. 61,360,000. 408. 83.1; 9.6; 12.1; 97.0. 412. 16. 414. Slightly less than 27 inches. 415. 71 inches. 416. 71 inches; 71 inches. 417. 25 inches. 418. 62 inches; 62 inches. 419. 17.5 hands or 70 inches. 420. 70 inches. 421. 28 inches. 422. 9f inches. 424. 25.1 inches; 18.9 inches. 425. 19.9 inches. 427. 2.84 pounds; 2.61 pounds. 428. 8.7; 6.9. 429. 752; 1,401. 430. 86.4. 431. A 10% increase of feed produces an 81% increase in gain in weight; $300 with steers at $8 per 100. 432. 2,557 pounds; 781 pounds; 1,468 pounds; 2,044pounds. 433. $31.47; $72.68; $118.64; $183.02. 434. $39.05. 435. $95.42. 436. $143.08. 437. $204.56. 438. $7.58; $22.37; $24.44; $21.54. 439. About 26 months (middle third period); About 18 months; About 10 months; About 5 months; At the earliest possible date. Note: — The average cost of any period is reached at about the middle of the period. 440. 5.4 cents; 44.6. 441. 216. 442. 300; 516. 443. 12.8; 10.4. 444. $227.50. 445. 6.8. 446. 8.3. 447. 9.68 cents. 448. 13.28 cents. 449. 22.23 cents. 450. 10.67 cents. 451. 19.46 cents. 452. 9.56 cents. 453. 69.98. 454. $42.28. 455. $5.14. 456. $69.85. 457. $12.63. 458. $79.12. 459. 7,200 pounds; 4,320 pounds. 460. $828. 461. $352.80. 462. $209.50. 463. $143.30. 464. 68.4. 465. 33.6. 466. $3. 467. $4. 468. $3. 469. $2. 470. $1.50. 471. 15 cents. 472. $2 profit. 473. 65 cents. 474. 4,013. 475. 280,600,000; 233,800,000. 476. 1,600,000,000 dozen. 477. 50 cents; $140,300,000. 478. $308,800,000. 479. $524,100,000. 480. 12. 481. 7.4. 482. 7. 483. 3.6. 484. 2. 485. 1.9. CHAPTER IX 486. 4.6 hours; 41 minutes. 487. 85. 488. 2.2 hours; 0.26 hours. 489. 9.3. 490. 65.5. 491. 30 minutes; 10.4 minutes. 492. 19.9; 19.2. 193. 17.6 hours; 8.1 hours. 494. 41 cents; 17 cents. 495. 19 cents; 10 cents. 496. 9.6 cents; 4.0 cents. 497. 6.0 cents; 2.7 cents. 498. 3.1 cents; 2.3 cents. 499. $4.03; $1.64. 500. Rye 2.64 hours; 1.01 hours; 18.9 cents; 15.9 cents. Sweet potatoes 3.02 hours; 1.16 hours; 22.9 cents; 9.8 cents. Tomatoes 2.16 hours; 0.9 hours; 24.1 cents; 10.5 cents. Strawberries 26 minutes; 6.5 minutes; 5.8 cents; 2.4 cents. Beets 1.47 hours; 41 minutes; 10.8 cents; 6.7 cents. CHAPTER X 502. 6,400 foot-pounds. 503. 1,200 foot-pounds. 504. 120,000 foot-pounds. 506. 400,000. 507. 50,000,000 foot-pounds; 30,000,000 foot-pounds. 508. 75 pounds. 510. 2^ miles per hour; If miles per hour. 511. 1.2 horsepower. 512. 3.7. 513. 7.4 horsepower. 515. f. 516. 0.8; 0.96; 1.76. 517. 1.7 miles per hour. 518. 10 miles per hour; 5 miles per hour; 3.3 miles per hour; 1.25 miles per hour. 519. 3.3 miles per hour; 2.5 miles per hour. ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 255 520.1.1. 521. 0.93; 0.67; 0.53. 522. 280 pounds. 523. 2/15; 2/15. 526. 30 inches. 528. 100 pounds. 529. 100 pounds. 530. 200 pounds. 531. 1| miles per hour; 2.5 miles per hour; 3f miles per hour. 532. 133 pounds; 83 pounds. 533. H miles per hour. 535 6f per day; 6 per day; 10 per day. 536. 200. 537. 89. 538 100 pounds. 539. 200 pounds. 540. 300 pounds. 541. 150 pounds. 542. 200 pounds. 543. 200 pounds. 545. 5.04 pounds. 546. 6.47 pounds. 547. 3 horsepower. 548. 4,500 pounds. 549. 3.85 pounds. 550. 2.8 miles per hour. 551. 40; 48 hours or 4.8 days. 552. 2f. 553. 2|. 554. 1.78 (i. e. two are more than sufficient). 555. 3.59 pounds. 556. 4.22 pounds. 557. 3,500 pounds. 558. 1,100 pounds. 559. 121; 22. 560. 121; 22. 561.3. 562. 18. 566. 3. 567. 266. 568. 88. 569. 2.84 (i. e. three will do it easily). 570. 2. 571. 101; 139; 173; 282; 253; 374. 572. 29%. 573. 3.8%. 574. 58%. 575. 48%. 576. 74.3%. 577. 150 pounds; 46.1. 578. 200 pounds; 279 pounds; 498 pounds; 755 pounds. 579. High 29 pounds, low 3 pounds; High 22%, low 2%. 580. H miles per hour; 1 mile per hour. 581. 23. 582. 36. 583. 937 pounds; 1,351 pounds. 584. 1^ miles per hour; I mile per hour. 585. 22.4. 586. 1.22. 588. 28 pounds; 49 pounds; 21.5; 20.9. 589. 15.7; 8.4. 590. 6.4; 4.1. 591.2,550. 592.2,140. 594. 1 to 30; 1 to 16. 595. 52.8 feet; 12 feet. 596. 3.1; 1; 8.3. 597. 24 feet; 500 feet. 599. 500 pounds; —100 pounds (i. e. the team or the brakes must hold back with a force of 100 pounds). 600. 235 pounds; — 125 pounds; 640 pounds; — 440 pounds. 601. 6; 300 pounds. ^ 602. 2| miles per hour; 1.4 miles per hour (weight of horses not included, otherwise 1.1 miles per hour). The rule gives over 6 miles per hour which, of course, is too high; As fast as safety will permit. 603. More than one-half of the time. 604. 9.4; 3 to 32 or about 1 to 11. CHAPTER XI 606. 144. 607. 5; 4; 8; 15. 609. 32; 21.3; 60. 610. 43; 9; 98. 611. 216; 128; 756; 528; 900; 160; 213; 160. 612. 3,061. 613 $137.75. 614. 3,490. 615. $97.72. 616. 5,712. 617. $171.36. 618. $109.50. 619. $25.50. 620. $222.50. 621. $553.61. 622. 7,840. 623. 900; 1,200. 624. 11,520. 626. 12.600 at 800 per square. 627. 19,000 at 800 per square. 628. 9 feet; f. 630. 20. 631. 113. 632. 3i. 633. U. 634. U. 635. 783. 636. 47. 637. 41. 638. 695. 639. 24^. 640. 10^ 641. Sf. CHAPTER XII 642. $30.00; $15.00. 643. $37.50. 644. $38.00; $121.60; $319.20. 645. $324.00; $518.00; $4,147.20. 646. 5 cents; $2.50; $8.00; $1,152.00. 647. 83i 648. $365,000,000. 649. 8,726. 650. $69,800. 651. 7,300. 652. 7 tons. 653. 28. 654. 122^ 256 ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS CHAPTER XIII 655. $299.00. 656. $465.00. 657. $23.50. 658. 14.3. 659. 53,8. 660. 150 bushels per acre. 661. $75. 662. 30,960 bushels; 11,040 bushels. 663. $5,520. 664. 15,480. 665. 180% more in the tiled. 667. 59; 118. 668. 24; 12. 669. 34; 17. 670. 21; 10. 671. 24; 48. 672. 5; 10; 2^ 673. 12-inch; 20-inch. 674. 4-inch; 9-inch. CHAPTER XIV 677. 113 square feet; 491 square feet; 804 square feet; 1,257 square feet; 37.7 feet; 78.5 feet; 100.5 feet; 125.7 feet. 679. 141.8 feet. 680. 160 feet. 681. 200 feet. 682. 29.1. 683. 11.4. 684. 10,800. 685. 9,570. 686. $237.60; $210.54; $27.06. 687. 150. 689. 11.3 feet. 690. 13.8 feet. 691. 14.9 feet; 17.8 feet. 693. 108 tons in 180 days. 694. 307. 695. 208. 697. 338,000; 169. 698 33.3 feet; 30 feet. 700. Use 4 square feet per cow. Diameter 11.3 feet; Height 28 feet. 701. Account of 30-pound feeding use 4 square feet per cow. Diameter 11,3 feet; Height 37^ feet. Better build two, each 20 or more feet high. 702. Diameter 16 feet; Height 32 feet. 703. Diameter 18 feet; Height 36 feet. Or two, diameter 16 feet; Height 25 feet. 705. 100. 706. 96. 707. 13 tons more in square. 708. 28.3 feet. 709. 34.6 feet. 711. 126. 712. 95. 713. 153. CHAPTER XV 722. 1,136 pounds. 723. 13.1 cents. 724. $27.72. 725. $56.52. 730. 84.8. 731. 201 pounds. 732. 8 cents. 733. 8 1/7 cents. CHAPTER XVI 751. $3.28. 752. 640. 753. f acre. 754. $160 or 38%. 755. $22.40 and interest every 16 years. 756. 9.9%. 757. 2 1/7 acres. 758. 54,500. 759. $1,875; $1,575. 760. $530.40. 761. $1,200. 762. $28.84. 763. $160. 764. $131.16. 765. $3.28. 766. $196.74. 767. $7,870. 768. $106.54. 769. $15,000. 770. 750,000,000. 771. 126,000,000. 772. $37,800,000. 773. 42,000,000. 774. 3,200. 775. 96,000. 776. 38,400,000. 777. $360. 778. 1,500; $60. 779. $11.40. 780. $154. 781. $124. 783. 102,000 pounds; 96,000 pounds; 84,000 pounds; 66,000 pounds. 784. 26 square inches; 5.1 inches; 5f inches. 785. 4.8 inches. 787. 933 pounds; 415 pounds; 2| times as strong. 788. 130 pounds. 789. 220 pounds. 790. 1,020 pounds; 960 pounds. 791. 310 pounds. 793. 1,600 pounds; 710 pounds. 794. 7.2 inches; 4 planks bolted together. 795. 71 pounds. It would, of course, stand many times this weight. 796. 67 pounds. 797. 62 pounds; 250 pounds; 560 pounds. 798. 76 pounds; 64 pounds; 76 pounds. 799. 23 feet. 800. 9.1 inches. 801. 12 inches, if yellow pine, to carry 1.5 tons. ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 257 CHAPTER XVII 802. 7i 803. 4U. 805. 53^ 808. 47 feet, 8 inches. 811. 1,620. 812. 3,000. 813. 5 feet 2 inches. 814. 5 feet 10 inches. 815. 115. 816. 5 feet. 817. 30^ 818. 8 feet 6 inches. 819. 7 feet 7 inches. 820. 200. 821. 288. 822. 33. 823. 60. 824. 2. 825. 3i 826. 1,100. 827. $7.80. 828. 17 cents. 829. 20.4 cents. 830. 21 cents. 831. 20.8 cents. 832. $58.40. 833. $36.50. 836. 1.96 acres. 837. 800. 838. 2.37. 839. 3.32. 840. 17.50. 841. 4.59. 842. 12.91. 843. 10.37. 844. 10.00. 845. 6.68. 846. 2.76. 847. 14.54. 848. 1.10. 849. 15.49. 850. 78.44. CHAPTER XVIII 851. 2.2. 852. 6.9. 853. 9; 4.5 when tamped. 854. 3; 0.8 cubic yards. 855. 0.5 cubic yards. 857. 3; 5.5. 858. 1,300 feet. 859. 10.2 cubic yards exchisive of foundation. 860. 2.8 cubic yards for roof and ends. 861. 154 cubic yards. 862. 3.4 tubic yards; 3.3 cubic yards. 864. 15.4 sacks; 16 cubic yards; 3.3 cubic yards; 12.6 sacks; 1.7 cubic yards; 3.4 cubic yards. 865. $13.89. 866. $11.90. 867. 680 sacks. 868. 11.5 sacks. APPENDIX APPENDIX Table I. . Feeding Standards for Farm Animals. The Wolff-Lehman Standards for feeding farm animals are shown in the table below. They indicate the amount of food re- quired daily per 1,000 pounds live weight. Digestible nutrients Animal Dry matter Crude pro- tein Carbo- hy- drates Fat Sum of nutri- ents Nutri- tive ratio 1. Oxen At rest in stall At light work At medium work .... Atlheavy work 2. Fattening cattle Lbs. 18.0 22.0 25.0 28.0 30.0 30.0 26.0 25.0 27.0 29.0 32.0 20.0 23.0 25.0 30.0 28.0 20.0 24.0 26.0 22.0 36.0 32.0 25.0 Lbs. 0.7 1.4 2.0 2.8 2.5 3.0 2.7 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.3 1.2 1.5 2.9 3.0 3.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.0 2.7 Lbs. 8.0 10.0 11.5 13.0 15.0 14.5 15.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 10.5 12.0 15.0 15.0 14.5 9.5 11.0 13.3 15.5 25.0 24.0 18.0 Lbs. 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.4 Lbs. 7.5 9.7 12.0 15.0 15.6 17.0 17.2 10.2 12.2 14.4 16.0 9.1 10.5 16.3 16.5 16.9 10.0 12.8 15.5 19.0 31.2 29.2 22.0 1: 11.8 7.7 6.5 5.3 6.5 Second period Third period 3. Milch cows When yielding daily: 11.0 pounds of milk 16.6 pounds of milk 22.0 pounds of milk 27.5 pounds of milk 4. Sheep 5.4 6.2 6.7 6.0 5.7 4.5 9.1 8.5 5. Breeding ewes With lambs 5.6 6. Fattening sheep First period 5 4 Second period 7. Horses Light work 4.5 7.0 Medium work Heavy work 6.2 60 8. Brood sows 9. Fattening swine 6.6 5 9 Second period Third period 6.3 7.0 APPENDIX. 261 Table I. Feeding Standards for Growing Animals — Continued. Animal Per day per 1 ,000 lbs. live weight Digestible nutrients Dry Crude Carbo- Sum of matter pro- hy. Fat nutri- tein drates ents Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 23.0 4.0 13.0 2.0 21.0 24.0 3.0 12.8 1.0 17.0 27.0 2.0 12.5 0.5 13.7 26.0 1.8 12.5 0.4 12.8 26.0 1.5 12.0 0.3 11.8 23.0 4.2 13.0 2.0 21.5 24.0 3.5 12.8 1.5 19.0 25.0 2.5 13.2 0.7 15.8 24.0 2.0 12.5 0.5 13.9 24.0 1.8 12.0 0.4 13.2 25.0 3.4 15.4 0.7 18.4 25.0 2.8 13.8 0.6 15.8 23.0 2.1 11.5 0.5 12.8 22.0 1.8 11.2 0.4 12.0 22.0 1.5 10.8 0.3 11.0 26.0 4.4 15.5 0.9 20.9 26.0 3.5 15.0 0.7 17.8 24.0 3.0 14.3 0.5 16.3 23.0 2.2 12.6 0.5 13.8 22.0 2.0 12.0 0.4 12.8 44.0 7.6 28.0 1.0 38.0 35.0 4.8 22.5 0.7 29.0 32.0 3.7 21.3 0.4 26.0 28.0 2.8 18.7 0.3 22.2 25.0 2.1 15.3 0.2 17.9 44.0 7.6 28.0 1.0 38.0 35.0 5.0 23.1 0.8 30.0 33.0 4.3 22.3 0.6 28.0 30.0 3.6 20.5 0.4 25.1 26.0 3.0 18.3 0.3 22.0 Nutri- tive ratio 10. Growing cattle Dairy breeds Age in Average live weight months per head, lbs. 2- 3 . 150 3-6 300 6-12 500 12-18 700 18-24 900 11. Growing cattle Beef breeds 2- 3 160 3- 6 330 6-12 550 12-18 750 18-24 950 12. Growing sheep Wool breeds 4-6 60 6-8 75 8-11 80 11-15 90 15-20 100 13. Growing sheep Mutton breeds 4-6 60 6-8 80 8-11 100 11-15 120 15-20 150 14. Growing swine Breeding stock 2-3 50 3- 5 100 5- 6 120 6- 8 200 8-12 250 15. Growing, fatten'g swine 2-3 50 3- 5 100 5- 6 150 6- 8 200 9-12 300 4.5 5.1 6.8 7.5 8.5 4.2 4.7 6.0 6.8 7.2 5.0 5.4 6.0 7.0 7.7 4.0 4.8 5.2 6.3 6.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 7.5 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.4 262 APPENDIX. Table II. Nutrients and Fertilizer Constituents of Com- mon Feeding Stuffs. The tables giving the average digestible nutrients and the fer- tilizing constituents in the following American feeding stuffs have been adapted from Henry's "Feeds and Feeding." Name of feed a Digestible nutrients Fertilizing constitu- in 100 pounds ents in 1,000 pounds II Grains, seeds and their parts Dent corn Flint corn Sweet com Com meal Com cob Com-and-cob meal Gluten meal Gluten feed Feed chop Germ oil meal Com bran Wheat High-grade flour Red dog flour Flour wheat middlings Wheat middlings , Wheat bran (all analyses) Wheat feed Wheat screenings Rye Rye flour Rye middlings Rye bran Rye feed Barley Emmer (speltz) Oats Ground oats Oat middlings Oat feed Oat hulls Buckwheat Buckwheat flour Buckwheat middlings Buckwheat bran Buckwheat feed Buckwheat hulls Rice Rice polish Rice bran , Rice hulls , Canada field pea Lbs. 89.4 88.7 91.2 85.0 89.3 84.9 90.5 90.8 90.4 91.4 90.6 89.5 87.6 90.1 90.0 88.8 88.1 89.1 88.4 91.3 86.9 88.2 88.4 87.6 89.2 92.0 89.6 88.0 91.2 93.0 92.6 86.6 85.4 87.2 91.8 88.4 86.8 87.6 89.2 90.3 91.2 85.0 Lbs. 7.8 8.0 8.8 6.1 0.5 4.4 29.7 21.3 6.8 15.8 6.0 8.8 10.6 16.2 16.9 13.0 11.9 12.7 9.6 9.5 5.6 11.0 11.2 12.6 8.4 10.0 8.8 10.1 13.1 5.2 1.3 8.1 5.9 22.7 5.9 15.6 1.2 6.4 7.9 7.6 0.3 19.7 Lbs. 66.8 66.2 63.7 64.3 44.8 60.0 42.5 52.8 60.5 38.8 52.5 67.5 65.1 57.0 53.6 45.7 42.0 47.1 48.2 69.4 72.2 52.9 46.8 56.6 65.3 70.3 49.2 52.5 57.7 30.1 38.5 48.2 63.0 37.5 34.0 38.2 28.6 79.2 58.6 38.8 19.9 49.3 Lbs. 4.3 4.3 7.0 3.5 2.9 6.1 2.9 7.4 10.8 4.8 1.5 1.0 3.4 4.1 4.5 2.5 4.0 1.9 1.2 0.5 2.6 1.8 2.8 1.6 2.0 4.3 3.7 6.5 2.6 0.6 2.4 1.2 6.1 2.0 4.4 0.5 0.4 5.3 7.3 0.7 0.4 Lbs. 16.5 16.8 18.6 14.7 3.9 13.6 54.8 40.0 16.8 34.7 17.9 19.0 19.2 29.4 30.7 27.0 24.6 26.1 20.0 18.1 10.7 22.9 23.3 25.1 19.2 18.4 18.2 19.7 25.9 12.8 5.3 17.3 11.0 42.7 20.2 29.3 7.3 11.8 19.0 19.0 5.1 37.9 Lbs. 7.1 7.1 7.1 6.3 0.6 5.7 3.3 3.7 9.8 3.9 10.1 5.5 5.7 12.2 26.3 26.9 20.4 11.7 8.6 8.2 12.3 22.8 7.7 7.9 7.6 7.8 7.6 22.5 6.1 1.6 6.9 6.8 12.3 4.2 15.8 4.3 1.8 26.7 2.9 1.7 8.4 Lbs. 5.7 5.7 5.7 4.7 6.0 4.7 0.5 0.4 4.9 2.1 6.2 8.7 5.4 9.6 15.3 15.2 5.4 8.4 5.8 6.5 9.6 14.0 4.7 4.8 5.7 4.8 5.0 15.3 7.2 4.9 3.0 3.4 11.4 12.7 10.5 14.7 0.9 7.1 2.4 1.4 10.1 APPENDIX. 263 Table II. Nutrients and Fertilizer Constituents of Com- mon Feeding Stuffs. — Continued. Name of feed E-.S Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1 ,000 pounds Oft Oj3 £M Grains, seeds & their parts — Cont Canada field pea meal Canada field pea bran Bean meal Cowpea Soy bean Horse bean '. Kafir com Sorghum seed Broom corn seed Millet seed Hungarian grass seed Flaxseed Linseed meal (old process) .... Linseed meal (new process) Cottonseed Cottonseed meal Cottonseed hulls Palm-nut cake Cocoanut cake Sunflower seed Sunflower seed cake Peanut kernels (without hulls) Peanut cake Rapeseed cake Factory by-products Dried brewers' grains Wet brewers' grains Malt sprouts Dried distillers' grains Apple pomace Cassava starch refuse Starch refuse Wet starch feed Potato pomace Wet beet pulp Dried beet pulp Sugar beet molasses Porto Rico molasses Dried molasses beet pulp Molasses grains Cow's milk Lbs. 89.5 89.0 89.1 85.4 88.3 88.7 90.1 87.2 87.2 87.9 90.5 90.8 90.2 91.0 89.7 93.0 88.9 89.6 89.7 91.4 89.2 92.5 89.3 90.0 91.3 23.0 90.5 92.4 17.0 88.0 88.0 31.2 7.3 10.2 91.6 79.2 74.1 92.0 89.6 12.8 Lbs. 16.8 7.7 20.2 16.8 29.1 23.1 5.2 4.5 4.6 7.1 6.4 20.6 30.2 31.5 12.5 37.6 0.3 16.0 15.4 14.8 29.5 25.1 42.8 25.3 20.0 4.9 20.3 22.8 0.6 0.4 2.4 3.7 0.4 0.5 4.1 4.7 1.4 6.1 10.8 3.4 Lbs. 51.7 41.6 42.3 54.9 23.3 49.8 44.3 61.1 42.2 48.5 17.1 32.0 35.7 30.0 21.4 33.2 52.6 41.2 29.7 23.3 13.7 20.4 23.7 32.2 9.4 46.0 39.7 13.1 74.0 70.6 12.4 6.8 7.7 64.9 54.1 59.2 68.7 48.0 4.8 Lbs. 0.7 0.6 1.3 1.1 14.6 0.8 1.4 2.8 1.5 2.5 3.3 29.0 6.9 2.4 17.3 9.6 1.7 9.0 10.7 18.2 8.0 35.6 7.2 7.6 1.4 11.6 0.5 0.6 1.1 2.6 0.1 Lbs. 32.3 16.0 37.1 32.8 53.6 42.6 17.9 14.6 15.8 17.4 15.8 36.2 54.2 60.0 29.4 72.5 6.7 26.9 31.5 26.1 52.5 44.6 76.2 49.9 40.0 10.7 42.1 49.9 1.6 1.2 7.6 8.0 0.9 1.4 12.9 14.5 4.3 15.4 27.4 5.8 Lbs. 8.2 3.1 12.0 10.1 10.4 12.0 8.4 7.2 6.5 4.7 13.9 16.6 17.4 10.5 30.4 4.3 11.0 16.0 12.2 21.5 12.4 20.0 20.0 16.1 4.2 17.4 6.0 0.1 0.6 2.9 0.5 0.2 0.3 2.2 0.5 1.2 1.5 8.5 264 APPENDIX. Table II. Nutrients and Fertilizer Constituents of Com- mon Feeding Stuffs. — Continued. (Name of feed •a — 'rtO Digestible nutrients Fertilizing constitu- in 100 pounds ents in 1 ,000 pounds II Oq. 6 rt p:^ Factory by-products— Continued Cow's milk (colostrom) Skim milk Buttermilk Whey Meat scrap Meat and bone meal Dried blood Tankage Dried fish Dried roughage Fodder corn (ears, if any, remaining) Com stover (ears removed) . . . English hay Hay for mixed grasses Timothy (all analyses) Timothy (cut in full bloom) .... Timothy (cut soon after bloom) Timothy (cut nearly ripe) Meadow foxtail Orchard grass Red top White top Meadow fescue Kentucky blue grass Tall oat Italian rye grass Perennial rye grass Rowen hay Bermuda grass Johnson grass Macaroni wheat Barley Oat Emmer (speltz) Barnyard millet Hungarian grass Wild oat grass Prairie gra.ss Buffalo grass Gama grass Texas blue grass Salt marsh grass Ox-eye daisy Australian salt bush Lbs, 25.4 9.4 9.9 6.2 89.3 94.0 91.5 93.0 89.2 57.8 59.5 86.0 84.7 86.8 85.0 85.8 85.9 93.4 90.1 91.1 86.0 80.0 86.0 86.0 91.5 86.0 86.0 92.9 89.8 93.0 85,0 86.0 93.4 86.0 86.0 85.7 90.8 85.0 85.7 85.7 89.6 89.7 93.0 Lbs. 17.6 2.9 3.8 0.6 66.2 36.7 70.9 50.1 45.0 2.5 1.4 4.5 4.2 2.8 3.4 2.5 2.1 5.3 4.9 4.8 6.8 4.2 4.4 3.3 4.5 6.1 7.9 6.4 2.9 4.4 5.7 4.7 7.0 5.2 5.0 2.9 3.0 3.0 4.2 5.1 3.1 3.7 3.8 Lbs. 2.7 5.3 3.9 5.0 34.6 31.2 44.0 42.0 42.4 43.3 39.2 40.1 41.0 42.4 46.9 40.6 36.9 40.2 41.4 43.4 37.8 42.2 44.9 45.6 48.7 43.6 36.7 43.9 38.6 46.9 48.7 42.9 42.0 39.9 36.3 39.7 41.0 28.8 Lbs. 3.6 0.3 1.0 0.2 13.4 10.6 2.5 11.6 11.4 1.2 0.7 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.7 1.1 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.7 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.7 1.6 1.6 0.9 1.4 0.9 1.7 0.7 Lbs. 28.2 5.0 6.4 1.0 114.0 63.2 135.0 86.2 77.4 7.2 6,1 12.6 11.9 9.4 9.6 9.1 8.0 14.9 12.9 12.6 17.9 11.2 12.5 10.3 12.0 16.2 18.2 17.1 11.5 10.9 14.1 14.2 17.1 16.9 12.1 8.0 9.9 7.1 12.3 18,6 Lbs. 6.6 2.1 1.7 1,1 81.1 146.8 13.5 139.0 140.0 3.7 3.6 4.0 4.0 7.6 7.4 4.3 4.3 4.3 2.5 4.4 5.9 Lbs. 1.1 2.0 1.6 2,0 7,7 3.0 3,0 8,9 10,9 16,1 15,5 14.2 14,1 16,9 10.2 21.0 15.7 24.6 24.1 14.9 28,8 15.4 7.2 12.5 v21,3 APPENDIX. 265 Table II. Nutrients and Fertilizer Constituents of Com- mon Feeding Stuffs. — Continued. Name of feed aJ Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds O ft Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1 ,000 pounds ^% Dried roughage — Continued Red clover Red clover in bloom Mammoth red clover Alsike clover White clover Crimson clover Japan clover Sweet clover Soy bean Cowpea Alfalfa Alfalfa leaves Bur clover Hairy (winter) vetch Peanut vine Velvet bean Beggar weed Sanf oin Wheat and vetch Oat and pea Oat and vetch Mixed grasses and clover Mixed rowen Straw and chaff Wheat Rye Oat Barley Millet Buckwheat Field bean Soy bean Wheat chaff Oat chaff Fresh green roughage Fodder com (all varieties) . . . Dent varieties Dent (kernels glazed) Flint varieties Flint (kernels glazed) Sweet varieties Sweet com (without ears) . . . , Red kafir corn White kafir com Teosinte Yellow milo maize Lbs. Lbs. 84.7 7.1 79.2 7.7 78.8 6.2 90.3 8.4 90.3 11.5 90.4 10.5 89.0 9.1 92.1 11.9 88.2 10.6 89.5 9.2 91.9 10.5 95.1 16.8 91.0 8.2 88.7 11.9 92.4 6.7 ^0.0 9.6 90.8 6.8 85.0 10.4 85.0 10.6 89.5 7.6 85.0 8.3 87.1 5.8 83.4 8.0 90.4 0.8 92,9 0.7 90.8 1.3 85.8 0.9 85.0 0.9 90.1 1.2 95.0 3.6 89.9 2.3 85.7 1.2 85,7 1.5 20.7 1.0 21.0 0.9 26.6 1.1 20.2 1.1 22,9 1.5 20.9 1.2 20.0 0.7 18.4 0.8 16.6 0.9 9.9 0.9 16.8 1.1 Lbs. 37.8 34.0 34.7 39.7 42.2 34.9 37.7 36.7 40.9 39.3 40.5 35.9 39.0 40.7 42.2 52.5 42.8 36.5 36.8 41.5 35.8 41.8 40.1 35.2 39.6 39.5 40.1 34.3 37.4 39.7 40.1 25.4 33,0 11.9 12.2 15.0 11.4 13.2 12.6 11.6 9.7 8.3 4.9 9.3 Lbs. 1.8 2.8 2.1 1.1 1.5 1.2 1.4 0.5 1.2 1.3 0.9 1.3 2.1 1.6 3.0 1.4 1.6 2.0 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.5 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 Lbs. 19.7 19.9 17.1 20.5 25.1 24.3 22.1 28.8 23.8 14.3 23.4 37.3 21.8 27.2 17.1 22.4 18.9 23.7 23.2 16.5 20.5 16.2 18.6 5.0 5.0 5.8 7.0 6.5 8.0 6.8 7.2 6.4 2.9 2.7 3.2 3.2 4.3 3.4 2.2 2.9 3.0 2.2 2.7 Lbs. 5.5 5.2 5.0 7.8 9.7 3.2 5.0 6.1 6.0 2.2 2.5 3.0 2.0 1.8 1.3 2.5 3.8 1.4 1.3 1.2 0.6 1.1 266 APPENDIX. Table II. Nutrients and Fertilizer Constituents of Com- mon Feeding Stuffs. — Continued. -t-> bS Is IS Digestible nutrients in 100 pounds Fertilizing constitu- ents in 1 ,000 pounds Name of feed 6| 1 2 1 £1 1 Fresh green roughage — Cont. Lbs. 20.6 15.8 20.0 34.9 38.4 27.0 34.7 22.7 23.4 37.8 25.0 21.0 30.1 26.8 30.5 25.0 28.3 28.9 25.0 25.0 18.5 20.0 29.2 20.0 25.2 19.1 20.0 28.2 15.0 16.4 15.0 18.0 24.9 17.8 15.3 15.0 13.0 16.0 20.0 20.0 20.3 Lbs. 0.6 0.5 2.5 2.8 1.5 1.2 1.9 1.7 2.1 2.5 1.1 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.2 0.6 1.3 2.0 1.1 1.6 0.6 0.8 2.9 2.0 2.6 2.4 2.5 3.6 1.9 1.8 2.8 3.5 3.1 2.7 1.8 2.6 2.3 1.9 2.1 2.1 1.8 Lbs. 11.6 9.5 10.1 19.7 19.9 13.4 21.3 12.0 14.1 18.2 12.4 10.4 18.6 12.6 15.7 13.7 13.4 15.9 13.6 14.4 10.0 11.0 13.6 9.1 11.4 9.1 8.4 12.1 6.6 8.7 6.4 7.7 11.0 8.4 6.9 6.8 5.3 7.0 6.5 9.1 10.2 Lbs. 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 Lbs. 2.1 1.9 5.6 6.6 5.0 4.2 4.5 3.8 4.2 5.4 2.6 4.3 3.8 5.0 3.8 1.9 3.5 5.0 3.4 3.8 1.9 2.4 7.0 4.8 6.2 5.0 6.1 7.7 4.3 3.8 5.8 6.7 6.4 5.6 4.5 5.0 4.5 3.7 4.5 4.5 3.8 Lbs. 0.7 0.9 2,6 2.6 1.6 1.6 2.5 1.3 2.9 1.2 2.0 1.1 1.5 0.7 1.5 1.1 1.2 2.4 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.0 1.5 Lbs. 3 4 4 4 Fresh green hay 7 4 Timothy 7.6 7 6 Wheat forage 6 7 1 Oat forage (in milk) 3 8 11 4 Tall oat grass Johnson grass 4 2 Japanese millet 3.4 5 8 Pearl millet 7 1 4 7 Red clover 4 8 2 4 Sweet clover 6 7 Alfalfa 5 6 Spring vetch Cowpea Hairy vetch (winter) Hairy vetch (in bloom) Soy bean 4.5 4.6 5.2 5 6 Velvet bean Canada field pea . 5 Canada field pea (in bud) Canada field pea (in bloom) Canada field pea (in pod) Barley and vetch 4.4 3.2 3.7 5 7 Barley and peas Oats and peas 5.0 APPENDIX. 267 Table II. Nutrients and Fertilizer Constituents of MON Feeding Stuffs.— Continued. Com- 1 la a -J is Digestible nutrients Fertilizing constitu- in 100 pounds ents in 1 ,0(X) pounds Name of feed Oft 2 J3 c2 Fresh green hay— Continued Oats and vetch Lbs. 20.0 20.0 25.0 20.9 11.5 9.1 13.5 9.9 11.4 11.4 11.7 20.5 28.9 20.5 34.0 22.2 14.3 10.0 12.0 9.1 19.2 20.9 26.4 26.3 23.9 26.0 19.2 28.0 49.9 25.8 20.7 29.7 15.0 16.2 25.9 23.2 30.2 24.0 21.0 Lbs. 2.3 2.6 2.3 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.3 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.8 2.0 2.3 1.9 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 1.5 3.4 2.7 1.5 4.6 0.7 0.4 0.3 2.1 2.2 1.6 1.6 Lbs. 10.0 10.3 14.6 15.7 7.9 5.5 9.8 6.4 7.7 8.1 10.1 14.7 22.9 9.1 28.9 16.5 8.2 5.9 5.0 5.8 8.3 11.4 14.2 14.9 13.5 13.1 9.0 9.2 25.5 9.6 8.6 11.5 9.6 10.1 13.7 13.1 12.9 13.2 9.2 Lbs. 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 5.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.3 0.9 1.8 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 Lbs. 4.8 5.4 4.6 3.4 2.4 2.2 2.9 2.1 1.8 1.9 2.6 4.2 2.4 2.0 1.2 3.5 4.2 4.2 2.1 2.9 2.7 4.3 3.5 1.3 2.7 3.8 6.7 9.4 6.6 4.3 10.1 1.9 2.2 2.4 4.5 6.1 4.0 4.5 Lbs. 1.4 1.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 2.0 1.4 0.8 1.0 0.1 1.2 1.1 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.5 4.2 1.5 1.5 11 Lbs. 3 Wheat and vetch Mixed grasses and clover Roots and tubers Potato 5.8 4 8 Mangel 3.8 3 7 3 4 Carrot Rutabaga Parsnip Artichoke 2.6 4.9 4.4 4 7 Sweet potato 3 7 Chufa Cassava Miscellaneous Apples Dwarf essex rape Cabbage Sugar beet leaves 4.0 1.7 3.5 4.3 6.2 Field pumpkin 0.9 Silage 3.7 Corn (recent analyses) Corn (ears removed) 3.7 1.9 Millet 6.2 Rye Red clover Canada field pea 7.5 4.6 Brewers' grains. 5 Apple pomace Com cannery refuse (husk) . . . Com cannery refuse (cobs) Pea cannery refuse Cowpea and soy bean Com and soy bean Barnyard millet and soy bean . . 4.0 3.6 4.4 268 APPENDIX. INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES (From Government Reports.) Standard Bordeaux Mixture. Copper sulphate (bluestone) 6 pounds Lime 4 pounds Water to make 50 gallons This mixture often injures the foliage of the peach and the Japanese plum, and sometimes russets the fruits of apples and pears. The 5-5-50 Bordeaux Mixture Formula. Copper sulphate — 5 pounds Lime ' 5 pounds Water to make 50 gallons When this mixture is used there is less danger of scorching or russeting the fruit than when the "Standard Mixture" is used. Peach Bordeaux Mixture. Copper sulphate 3 pounds Lime 9 pounds Water to make 50 gallons This form of bordeaux mixture is more harmless to the foliage on account of the excess of lime. Dust Bordeaux Mixture, (1) Dissolve 4 pounds of copper sulphate in 4 gallons of water. (2) Dissolve 4 pounds of lime in 4 gallons of water. (3) Prepare 60 pounds of slaked lime dust. The lime dust is best prepared by slowly sprinkling a small quantity of water over a heap of quicklime, using barely enough water to cause the lime to crumble into a dust. The first two solutions should be poured together into a tub. Allow the resulting precipitate to settle, decant off the liquid, pour the wet mass of material into a double flour sack, and squeeze out as much water as possible. Spread out the doughlike mass in the sun to dry. Then crumble the material into a powder, and screen, the powder through a sieve of brass wire having 80 meshes to the inch. Finally mix the powder with the slaked lime dust. APPENDIX. 269 COPPER SULPHATE SOLUTION. Copper sulphate 3 pounds Water 50 gallons The manner of making this solution is the same as for the bor- deaux mixture, except that lime is not added. This solution is very injurious to plants in foHage; therefore it should be applied only during the dormant period. COPPER ACETATE SOLUTION. Dibasic acetate of copper 6 ounces Water 50 gallons Add the acetate of copper to the water and stir thoroughly. Although this mixture is much inferior to the bordeaux mixture as a fungicide, it can be applied to ripening fruit without the staining effect of the latter. The copper acetate solution is in- jurious to the foliage. AMMONIACAL COPPER CARBONATE. Copper carbonate 5 ounces Strong ammonia (26° Baume) 2 to 3 pints Water to make 50 gallons (1) Dilute the ammonia with about two gallons of water in order to increase the solvent action of the ammonia upon the copper carbonate. (2) Add water to the carbonate to make a thin paste. (3) Pour on about half of the diluted ammonia, stir vigorously for several minutes, allow it to settle, pour off the liquid, leaving the undissolved copper salt behind. Repeat the operation until all the salt is dissolved. (4) Add the remainder of the water to make 50 gallons. This mixture is inferior to the bordeaux mixture as a fungi- cide. It is used as a substitute for bordeaux mixture when stains upon ornamental plants and maturing fruits are objectionable. Plants susceptible to injury from the bordeaux mixture are also likely to be injured by the ammoniacal copper carbonate solution. EAU CELESTE (MODIFIED). Copper sulphate 4 pounds Ammonia 3 pints Sal soda 5 pounds Water to make 45 gallons Dissolve the copper sulphate in 10 or 12 gallons of water, add the ammonia and dilute to 45 gallons; then add the sal soda and stir until dissolved. Eau celeste is an effective dormant spray for the peach leaf curl and other similar diseases, but it is unsafe to use on the foliage of most plants. 270 APPENDIX. LIME-SULPHUR WASH The following formula may be used : Unslaked lime 20 pounds Flowers of sulphur 15 pounds Water to make 45 to 50 gallons The lime should be slaked in a small quantity of water. The sulphur should be mixed into a stiff paste and added to the lime which has been slaked. The mixture should then be boiled for an hour, after which the full amount of cold water can be added, The mixture should be strained and used at once. This mixture, which is much used for scale insects, should be applied just be- fore the buds open. SELF-BOILED LIME-SULPHUR MIXTURE Sulphur 10 pounds Lime 10 pounds Water 50 gallons Place the lime in a barrel and add enough water to start it slaking and to keep the sulphur off the bottom of the barrel. Add the sulphur, which should first be worked through a sieve to break up the lumps, and finally add enough water to slake the lime into a paste. Considerable stirring is necessary to pre- vent caking at the bottom. After the violent boiling which ac- companies the slaking of. the lime is over, the mixture should be diluted ready for spraying, or at least enough cold water added to stop the cooking. The mixture should then be strained to remove the coarse particles of lirrie, but all of the sulphur should be worked through the sieve. This mixture is not injurious to peach foliage. SULPHUR AND RESIN SOLUTION. Sulphur (flowers or flour) 16 pounds Resin (finely powdered) Vi pound Caustic soda (powdered) 10 pounds Water to make 6 gallons (1) Place the sulphur and the resin, thoroughly mixed, in a barrel and make a thick paste by adding about 3 quarts of water. (2) Stir in the caustic soda. After several minutes the mass will boil, turning a reddish brown, and should be stirred thoroughly. (3) After boiling has ceased add about 2 gallons of water and pour off the liquid into another vessel. Then add water to make 6 gallons. This form of stock solution should be used at the rate of 1 gallon to 50 of water for spraying most plants and for soaking seeds. APPENDIX. 271 POTASSIUM SULPHID. Potassium sulphid 1 ounce Water _ 3 gallons Dissolve the potassium sulphid in the required amount of water and use immediately. This mixture is effective for surface mildews. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. Corrosive sublimate 1 part Water 1000 parts This solution is used to disinfect tools used in cutting out pear blight. PARIS GREEN. For general purposes : Paris green 1 pound Water 50 to 100 gallons For pome fruits and grapes : Paris green 1 pound Water 150 to 200 gallons Milk of lime from slaking three pounds of lime for each 50 gallons of spray should be added. Paris green may be added to bordeaux mixture. In that case no lime will need to be added, as the bordeaux mixture contains lime. ARSENATE OF LEAD. Arsenate of lead may be applied at the rate of 2, 3, or 4 pounds for every 50 gallons of water or bordeaux mixture. It is ad- visable to add lime water when the arsenate of lead is used with water. SCHEELE'S GREEN. Scheele's green is used the same as Paris green. HELLEBORE. Hellebore may be applied dry, diluted with from 5 to 10 parts of flour, or with water at the rate of one ounce to the gallon. Hellebore acts as an internal poison to insects, but is harmless to man in the quantities recommended. WHALE-OIL SOAP WASH. For aphides and pear psylla : Dissolve 1 pound of soap in 3 or 4 gallons of water. For scale insects : Dissolve 2 gallons of soap in 1 gallon of water, and apply when th^ trees are dormant. 272 APPENDIX. MISCIBLE OILS. Step 1. Preparation of the emulsifier — In preparing the emul- sifier an iron kettle provided with a board cover and a thermom- eter should be used. The formula for the emulsifier is as fol- lows: Menhaden oil 10 gallons Carbolic acid 8 gallons Caustic potash . 15 pounds This is heated to 290° or 300° F. and then the following are added : Kerosene 2 gallons Water 2 gallons The kerosene is added while the mixture is at the high tem- perature, but the water must not be added until the mixture has cooled below the boiling point. Step 2. Mixing the emulsifier and the oils — No heat is re- quired in the mixing of the emulsifier with petroleum or other oils. The emulsifier may be used with kerosene or with crude petroleum, with or without the addition of resin or other oils. The following is easily made and is efficient as a spray while trees are dormant: Emulsifier 3 2-3 gallons Paraffin oil 40 gallons Resin oil 6 gallons Sufficient water to give a ready emulsion. From 3 to 5 gallons of the miscible oil are used to make 50 gallons of spray. TOBACCO SOLUTION. Tobacco solutions must be strong in order to make an effective spray. One nound of tobacco should be steeped in each gallon of water. This solution is effective as a spray against aphides and thrips. LIME-SULPHUR SPRAY CALENDAR FOR APPLES. The first spraying for San Jose scale and other pests should be made while the buds are dormant with full strength lime- sulphur wash (1 part to 9) ; the second when the leaf buds un- folc; but with dilute wash (1 to 33). Subsequent sprayings the same as with bordeaux mixture. All sprayings of the foliage should be with dilute wash, APPENDIX. 273 Table 3. Bordeaux Spray Calendar for Apples. Number of application Material Time of application First Second Third Fourth Bordeaux mixture and arsenical Bordeaux mixture and arsenical Bordeaux mixture and arsenical Half -strength bordeaux mixture and full-strength arsenical After leaf buds unfold and before flower buds open Just after petals fall 7 or 8 days later (This may be omitted in dry seasons and in dry states.) 3 weeks later 274 APPENDIX. Table 4. Statutory Weights of the Bushel. State or territory 1 Pi i2 6 >. 1 1 03 1 c o 'C I 1 1 1 G o 1 18 0, ft < o s 4) 5 1 United States 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 56 56 56 56 54 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 50 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 36 32 32 32 32 32 32 26 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 30 32 32 32 48 47 45 48 50 48 48 48 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 46 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 42 52 40 52 48 52 42 52 50 52 50 56 48 48 48 50 48 52 52 52 50 48 50 42 50 42 42 48 48 42 50 42 48 52 42 52 50 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 SO 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 70 70 70 70 70 70 68 70 70 70 70 70 72 70 70 70 70 68 70 70 70 70 70 70 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 56 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 56 60 60 60 60 60 56 60 60 60 55 50 54 60 55 50 55 46 50 55 54 56 55 60 56 50 54 54 46 50 46 54 46 50 55 56 54 57 57 52 56 57 57 48 57 57 57 52 52 54 52 57 57 57 57 57 57 5? 55 52 50 50 52 56 57 52 57 57 60 55 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 48 48 45 48 48 44 48 48 50 48 45 50 48 50 50 45 48 50 45 46 45 50 60 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 42 45 42 45 45 45 45 45 45 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Alabama Alaska Arizona — 60 California Colorado 60 60 Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia 60 Idaho 60 Illinois 60 60 60 60 60 Maryland 60 60 60 60 60 60 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York 60 64 60 North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma 60 60 60 60 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina 60 60 60 South Dakota Tennessee Texas 60 60 60 Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 60 60 60 60 60 APPENDIX. 275 Table 5. Average Composition of Farm Manures. Pounds per hundred ; Kind of manure Water Nitrogen Phosphoric Acid Potash Lime Cow manure (fresh) . . . Horse manure (fresh) . . . Sheep manure (fresh) . . Hog manure (fresh) . . . Hen manure (fresh) . . . Mixed stable manure. . 85.3 71.3 64.6 72.4 56.0 75.0 0.38 0.58 0.83 0.45 1.63 0.50 0.16 0.28 0.23 0.19 1.54 0.26 0.40 0.53 0.67 0.60 0.85 " 0.63 0.31 0.21 0.33 0.08 0.24 0.70 Table 6. Digestible Nutrients of Cereals. Carbo- Kind of food Protein Fat hydrates Ash Oat preparations: Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Oats, whole grain — Oatmeal, raw 12.5 12.5 6.5 6.7 65.5 64.5 1.4 Rolled, steam-cooked . . 1.4 Wheat : Whole grain — — Cracked wheat 8.1 1.5 68.7 1.2 Rolled, steam-cooked . . 8.5 1.6 70.7 1.1 Shredded wheat 7.7 1.3 71.1 1.4 Crumbed and malted . . 9.1 0.9 73.7 1.4 Farina 8.9 1.3 72.9 0.3 Rye: Whole grain — — Flaked, to be eaten raw 7.8 1.3 71.1 1.3 Barley: Whole grain — Pearled barley 6.6 1.0 73.0 0.8 Buckwheat : Flour 5.0 1.1 73.1 0.7 Com: Whole grain — — Corn meal, unbolted. . . 6.2 4.2 73.2 1.0 Com meal, bolted 6.8 1.7 74.6 0.8 Hominy 6.4 0.5 78.7 0.2 Pop corn, popped 7.9 4.5 77.8 1.0 Hulled corn 1.7 0.8 21.8 0.4 Rice: Whole rice, polished . . . 5.8 0.3 78.4 0.4 Puffed rice 5.1 9.1 0.5 7.9 84.0 70.5 0.3 Crackers 1.4 Macaroni 11.6 0.8 72.2 1.0 276 APPENDIX. Table 7. Composition of Beverages. Kind of beverage Water Protein Fat Carbo- hydrates Fuel value per pound Commercial cereal coffee (0.5 ounce to 1 pint water) Parched corn coffee (1.6 ounces to 1 pint water) Oatmeal water (1 ounce to 1 pint water) Coffee (1 ounce to 1 pint water) Tea (0.5 ounce to 1 pint water) Cocoa (0.5 ounce to 1 pint milk) Cocoa (0.5 ounces to 1 pint water) Skimmed milk. Per cent. 98.2 99.5 99.7 98.9 99.5 84.5 97.1 90.5 Per cent. 0.2 0.2 0.3 Per cent. 0.2 0.2 3.8 0.6 3.4 Per cent. 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.6 6.0 0.9 0.3 Calories 30 13 11 16 15 365 65 170 APPENDIX. 277 Table 8. Average Composition of Common Human Food Products. Food materials (as purchased) fc rt ^ c 1 i 1 ANIMAL FOOD Beef, fresh: Chuck ribs Per cent 16.3 10.2 13.3 12.7 12.8 27.6 20.8 7.2 20.7 36.9 16.4 18.7 15.7 8.4 6.0 4.7 21.3 14.2 3.4 24.5 20.7 9.9 18.4 16.0 21.2 17.2 19.1 17.4 10:7 19.7 12.4 13.6 18.2 7.7 3.3 Per cent 52.6 54.0 52.5 52.4 54.0 45.9 43.8 63.9 60.7 45.0 42.9 56.8 49.1 50.4 49.2 58.9 53.7 51.8 51.8 52.0 60.1 68.3 54.2 56.2 39.0 51.2 42.0 41.6 45.4 45.5 52.9 48.0 41.8 44.9 66.5 34.8 36.8 7.9 17.4 55.2 39.8 57.2 88.6 Per cent 15.5 17.0 16.1 19.1 16.5 14.5 13.9 19.3 19.0 13.8 12.8 16.4 14.5 15.4 14.3 11.9 26.4 25.5 26.3 15.4 15.5 20.1 15.1 16.2 13.8 15.1 13.5 12.3 13.8 15.4 15.9 13.5 13.4 12.0 18.9 14.2 13.0 1.9 9.1 18.2 13.0 19.6 2.1 Per cent 15.0 19.0 17.5 17.9 16.1 11.9 21.2 16.7 12.8 20.2 7.3 9.8 17.5 18.3 23.8 19.2 6.9 22.5 18.7 11.0 7.9 7.5 6.0 6.6 36.9 14.7 28.3 24.5 23.2 19.1 13.6 25.9 24.2 29.8 13.0 33.4 26.6 86.2 62.2 19.7 44.2 18.6 2.8 Per cent 1.1 1.1 5.0 Per cent 08 Flank Loin 0.7 0.9 0.8 Sirloin steak 0.9 Neck Ribs Rib rolls 0.7 0.7 09 Round Rump Shank, fore Shoulder and clod 1.0 0.7 0.6 09 Fore quarter 7 Hind quarter 7 Beef, corned, canned, pickled, dried : Corned beef 46 Tongue, pickled Dried, salted and smoked Canned boiled beef 4.3 8.9 1 3 Canned corned beef 40 Veal: Breast Leg 0.8 0.9 1.0 7 Hind quarter Mutton: Flank. Leg, hind 0.8 0.6 08 0.7 Fore quarter Hind quarter, without tallow . . . Lamb: Breast Leg, hind Pork, fresh: Ham 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 08 Loin chops 8 Shoulder Tenderloin Pork, salted, cured, pickled: Ham, smoked Shoulder, smoked Salt pork 0.7 1.0 4.2 5.5 3 9 Bacon, smoked Sausage : Bologna Pork Frankfort Soups : Celery, cream of 4.1 3.8 2.2 3.4 1.5 278 APtEMDlX. Table 8. Average Composition of Common Human Products . — Co n tinu ed. Food Food materials (as purchased) f^ j3 4> Soups — (continued) Beef Meat stew Tomato Poultry: Chicken, broilers Fowls Goose Turkey Fish: Cod, dressed Halibut, steaks or sections Mackerel, whole Perch, yellow, dressed Shad, whole Shad, roe Fish, preserved: Cod, salt Herring, smoked Fish, canned: Salmon Sardines Shellfish: Oysters, solids Clams Crabs Lobsters Eggs: Hen's eggs Dairy products, etc.: Butter Whole milk Skim milk Buttermilk Condensed milk Cream Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, full cream VEGETABLE FOOD Flour, meal, etc. : Entire wheat flour Graham flour "Wheat flour, patent roller process High-grade and medium Low grade Macaroni, vermicelli, etc Wheat breakfast food Buckwheat flour Rye flour Com meal Oat breakfast food Rice Tapioca Starch Per Per cent cent 92.9 84.5 90.0 41.6 43.7 25.9 47.1 17.6 38.5 22.7 42.4 29.9 58.5 17.7 61.9 44.7 40.4 35.1 50.7 50.1 35.2 71.2 24.9 40.2 44.4 19.2 63.5 5.0 53.6 88.3 80.8 52.4 36.7 61.7 30.7 11.2 65.5 11.0 87.0 ■ 90.5 91.0 26.9 74.0 27.4 34.2 11.4 11.3 12.0 12.0 10.3 9.6 13.6 12.9 12.5 7.7 12.3 11.4 Per cent 4.4 4.6 1.8 12.8 13.7 13.4 16.1 11.1 15.3 10.2 12.8 9.4 20.9 16.0 20.5 21.8 23.7 6.0 10.6 7.9 5.9 13.1 1.0 3.3 3.4 3.0 8.8 2.5 27.7 25.9 13.8 13.3 11.4 14.0 13.4 12.1 6.4 6.8 9.2 16.7 8.0 0.4 Per cent 0.4 4.3 1.1 1.4 12.3 29.8 18.4 0.2 4.4 4.2 0.7 4.8 3.8 0.4 8.8 12.1 12.1 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 9.3 85.0 4.0 0.3 0.5 8.3 18.5 36.8 33.7 1.9 2.2 1.0 1.9 0.9 1.8 1.2 0.9 1.9 7.3 0.3 0.1 Per cent 1.1 5.5 5.6 3.3 5.2 0.6 0.2 5.0 5.1 4.8 54.1 4.5 4.1 2.4 71.9 71.4 75.1 71.2 74.1 75.2 77.9 78.7 75.4 66.2 79.0 88.0 90.0 Appendix. 279 Table 8. Average Composition of Common Human Food Products. — Continued. Food materials (as purchased) s 1 1 15 (a < Per Per Per Per Per Per cent cent cent cent cent cent Bread, pastry, etc: White bread 35.3 43.6 35.7 38.4 35.7 9.2 5.4 8.9 9.7 9.0 1.3 1.8 1.8 0.9 0.6 53.1 47.1 52.1 49.7 53.2 1.1 Brown bread 2.1 Graham bread 1.5 Whole wheat bread 1.3 Rye bread 1.5 Cake 19.9 6.3 9.0 63.3 1.5 Cream crackers 6.8 9.7 12.1 69.7 1.7 = 4.8 5.9 11.3 9.8 10.5 9.1 70.5 73.1 2.9 Soda crackers . . 2 1 Sugars, etc: Molasses 70.0 — Candy Honey Sugar, granulated 96.0 — 100.0 _ Maple syrup 71.4 Vegetables: Beans, dried 12.6 22.5 1.8 59.6 3.5 Beans, Lima, shelled 68.5 7.1 0.7 22.0 1.7 Beans, string 7.0 83.0 2.1 0.3 6.9 0.7 Beets 20.0 15.0 70.0 77.7 1.3 1.4 0.1 0.2 7.7 4.8 09 Cabbage 0.9 Celery 20.0 75.6 0.9 0.1 2.6 0.8 Corn, green (sweet) edible portion 75.4 3.1 1.1 19.7 0.7 Cucumbers 15.0 81.1 0.7 0.2 2.6 0.4 Lettuce 15.0 80.5 1.0 0.2 2.5 0.8 Mushrooms 88.1 3.5 0.4 6.8 1.2 Onions 10.0 78.9 1.4 0.3 8.9 0.5 Parsnips 20.0 66.4 1.3 0.4 10.8 Peas (Pisum sativum) , dried . . . 9.5 24.6 1.0 62.0 2.9 Peas (Pisum sativum), shelled. . 74.6 7.0 0.5 16.9 1.0 Cowpeas, dried 13.0 21.4 1.4 60.8 3.4 Potatoes 20.0 62.6 1.8 0.1 14.7 0.8 Vegetables: Rhubarb 40.0 56.6 0.4 0.4 2.2 0.4 Sweet potatoes 20.0 55.2 1.4 0.6 21.9 0.9 Spinach 92.3 2.1 0.3 3.2 2.1 Souash 50.0 44.2 0.7 0.2 4.5 0.4 Tomatoes 94.3 0.9 0.4 3.9 0.5 Turnips 30.0 62.7 0.9 0.1 5.7 0.6 Vegetables, canned: Baked beans 68.9 85.3 6.9 3.6 2.5 0.2 19.6 9.8 2.1 Peas (pisum sativum) , green . . . 1.1 Corn, green 76.1 2.8 1.2 19.0 0.9 Succotash 75.9 3.6 1.0 18.6 0.9 Tomatoes 94.0 1.2 0.2 4.0 0.6 Fruits, berries, etc., fresh: Apples 25.0 63.3 0.3 0.3 10.8 0.3 Bananas 35.0 48.9 0.8 0.4 14.3 0.6 Grapes 25.0 58.0 1.0 1.2 14.4 0.4 ■ Lemons 30.0 62.5 0.7 0.5 5.9 0.4 M uskmelons 50.0 44.8 0.3 4.6 3 m AtfENDlX. Table 8. Average Composition of Common Human Products. — Continued. Food Food materials (as purchased) o-S Fruits, berries, etc., fresh — Cont. Oranges Pears Persimmons, edible portion .... Raspberries Strawberries Watermelons Fruits, dried: Apples Apricots Dates Pigs Raisins Nuts: Almonds Brazil nuts Butternuts Chestnuts, fresh Chestnuts, dried Cocoanuts Cocoanut, prepared Filberts Hickory nuts Pecans, polished Peanuts Pinon (Pinus edulis) Walnuts, black Walnuts, Englifh Miscellaneous: Chocolate Cocoa, powdered Cereal coffee, infusion (1 part boiled in 20 parts water) Per cent 27.0 10.0 5.0 59.4 10.0 10.0 45.0 49.6 86.4 16.0 24.0 48.8 52.1 62.2 53.2 24.5 40.6 74.1 58.1 Per cent 63.4 76.0 66.1 85.8 85.9 37.5 28.1 29.4 13.8 18.8 13.1 2.7 2.6 0.6 37.8 4.5 7.2 3.5 1.8 1.4 1.4 6.9 2.0 0.6 1.0 5.9 4.6 Per cent 0.6 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.2 1.6 4.7 1.9 4.3 2.3 11.5 8.6 3.8 5.2 8.1 2.9 6.3 '7.5 5.8 5.2 19.5 8.7 7.2 6.9 12.9 21.6 Per cent 0.1 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.1 2.2 1.0 2.5 0.3 3.0 30.2 33.7 8.3 4.5 5.3 25.9 57.4 31.3 25.5 33.3 29.1 36.8 14.6 26.6 48.7 28.9 Per cent 8.5 12.7 31.5 12.6 7.0 2.7 66.1 62.5 70.6 74.2 68.5 9.5 3.5 0.5 35.4 56.4 14.3 31.5 6.2 4.3 6.2 18.5 10.2 3.0 6.8 30.3 37.7 1.4 Per cent 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.1 2.0 2.4 1.2 2.4 3.1 1.1 2.0 0.4 1.1 1.7 0.9 1.3 1,1 0.8 0.7 1.5 1.7 0.5 0.6 2.2 7.2 0.2 STANDARD BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ORANGE JUDD COMPANY NEW YORK * CHICAGO Ashland Building People's Gas Building 315-321 Fourth Avenue 150 Michigan Avenue An^ of these books Tvill be sent by maiU postpaid, to any part of the world, on receipt of catalog price. 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