umunr GUIDE TO THE STUDY AND USE OF REFERENCE BOOKS BY ALICE BERTHA KROEGER Librarian and Director Library School Drexel Institute, Philadelphia SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND E:t!ll^Rt they become a part of the reference collection and are usually kept in the so-called *' reference department " of a general library. A good collection of bound volumes of the well-known periodicals is almost indispt.ii- sable to a public library. A large reference library will have so far as possible compl- "e sets of all periodicals indexed in ** Poole." These important reference books contain a vast amount of valuable material on all subjects, much of which cannot be found else- where. All of this would be inaccessible without that most useful key, the Index to peri- odical literature, originally compiled by W: F: Poole in one volume, afterwards revised and enlarged, and brought down to date by supplementary volumes. The periodicals indexed in this great work do not include technical and scientific journals. In order that the collection of periodicals may be made readily useful, a list, specifying the exact volumes contained in the Library which are indexed in Poole and other indexes, must be kept in a conspicuous place near these indexes. REFERENCES. "BAXon, Frederick Winthrop. Periodicals in reference work. Pub. 1. 3 : 207-209,252-254. Spofford, Ainsworth Rand. Periodical literature. (In his Book for all readers. 1900. p. 157-170.) Bolton, Henry Carrington. Helps for cataloguers of serials; a short list of bibliographies arranged by countries, with special reference to periodicals. 4 p. O. 1897. Reprinted from the Bulletin of bibliography. Boston, v. 1, no. 3, Oct. 1897. Blakely, Bertha. Library helps indexes. Lib. j. 26:871-872. MacDonald, Katharine I. Magazines for the small library. Madison, Wis. 1908. 29 p. D. (Wisconsin library commission. Circular of information, no. 4.) A useful list of the best periodicals for the small library, with descriptive and critical notes. GENERAL INDEXES aecutive in the Index. One must therefore under- stand the Chronological conspectus which is in the ENGLISH front of each volume. _ - , . , ..,,. "^^^ supplements are published every five years. Poole's index to periodical literature, Poole's Index is continued by 1802-81. Rev. ed. Bost. Houghton, 1891 Annual library index, 1892-1907. N.Y. [c 86] 2v. Q. $16. 050 Publishers' weekly, 1893-1908. 16v. Q.* Supplements, Jan^ 1882-Jan. 1, 1907. $3.50 per vol. 050 Bost. Houghton [0 1887-1908] 5v. Q. $46. Edited by William Isaac Fletcher with the coopera- 050 tion of members of the American library association. Originally edited by William Frederick Poole, con- The volumes for 1892-1904 were published as Annual tinned by him and William Isaac Fletcher, with the literary index. cooperation of members of the American library ! these annual volumes periodicals are indexed association. under subjects, with a separate author index. About An index to such general periodicals in the English ^ English and American periodicals are Indexed language as are apt to be found in libraries, arranged ^ach year. In addition, each volume includes the under subjects. Reference is made to volume and annual index to parts of books, essays, etc., thus sup- page of the periodical where the article will be found. plementing also the A.L.A. index to general litera- A list of periodicals indexed is given in front of each t^^e; a necrology, an index to dates of the year which volume. It is important that the volumes of periodicals can serve as a guide to newspaper articles, and a list of in a library should be numbered to correspond to the special bibliographies. volume numbers in the Index, as in a periodical issued ^ monthly Library index was published, 1905-07 in more than one series the numbering is usually con- * Continued annually. 8 PERIODICALS (v. 1-3) but was discontinued. The matter was incor- porated at end of each year in the Annual library index. Poole's index to periodical literature. Abridged ed. ed. by W. I. Fletcher and Mary Poole. Post. Houghton, 1901. 843 p. Q. $12. 050 A condensation of Poole's Index, including all refer- ences to 37 popular periodicals still published, to the end of 1899. Designed especially for the small library, but of great value to all libraries, large or small, on account of its one alphabet and the fact that it gives references enough for all ordinary work. First supplement, 1900-04. Post. Houghton, 1905. 260 p. Q. $5. 050 Readers' guide to periodical literature [cumulated] a consolidation of the Cumula- tive index to a selected Hst of periodicals and the Readers' guide to periodical literature, 1900-04. Edited by Anna Lorraine Guthrie. Minn. Wilson, 1905. v. 1, Q. $16. 050 Indexes 67 periodicals under authors and subjects. Title entries are given in the case of fiction and arti- cles with unusually distinctive titles. Includes some engineering as well as general periodicals. Book re- views are indexed and mention is made of maps, portraits and illustrations. Articles are indexed under their specific heads. The indexing is most completely done. Indispensable even in small libraries which should have the first five-yearly volume, the annual volumes from 1905 and the current monthly numbers. These with the Abridged Poole will be necessary to make periodical literature accessible for reference purposes. Continued by the Readers' guide to periodical literature Jan. 1901-08. Minn. Wilson, 1901-08. v. 1-8, O. $12 per year. 050 Absorbed the Cumulative index in 1903. Index cumulates monthly, quarterly and yearly, the December number being a record for the whole year. In the first years only 15 or 20 popular periodi- cals were indexed. From 1905 about 12 periodicals are indexed. Omits book reviews which are indexed in the Book review digest, and library periodicals which are indexed in Library work. Cumulative index to a selected list of peri- odicals, 1896-Jun. 1903. Cleveland, Cumu- lative index co. 1897-1903. . 8v. Q. $5 per year. 050 Started by the Cleveland public library (v. 1-3), con- tinued by the Helman-Taylor co. (v. 4), then by the Cumulative index co. (v. 5-8) Consolidated with the Readers' guide to periodical literature, July, 1903. Indexes 50 periodicals. The Cumulative index was published monthly with quarterly and annual cumulations. No annual cumu- lations after 1898. The indexing is by authors, titles, subjects. Por- traits and book reviews are indexed. Magazine subject-index; a subject-index to seventy-nine American and EngUsh period- icals, forty-four indexed from their first issues to December 31, 1907, thirty-five indexed for the year 1907; comp. by F. W. Faxon. Bost. Boston book co. 1908. v. 1, O. $3. 050 Continued quarterly in the Bulletin of bibliography. "Short, unimportant articles are, as a rule, omitted. Fiction and poetry are not included except that con- tinued novels and stories by well-known authors are admitted under the authors' names. The author, volume, month, year, and inclusive pages of each article are given, and illustrations, portraits, maps, and plans are specifically indicated." Preface. "Indexes 79 periodicals, not indexed in Annual literary index, or Readers' guide." Bulletin of bibliography and magazine sub- ject index. Bost. Boston book co. 1907. V. 5, Q. $1 per year. 010.5 With the April 1907 number, the Bulletin of bibliography began a Magazine subject index of 60 periodicals not indexed in the Readers* guide. Includes the state historical magazines. Published quarterly. The quarterly numbers will be cimiulated annually as the Annual magazine subject-index ($3) Eclectic library catalog; an index to twenty magazines and to the recent government pub- lications most useful in a small library, July, 1908. Minn. Wilson, 1908. v. 1, O. $4 per year. 050 Published quarterly. An index for the small library, not able to afford the Readers' guide. Index to the periodicals of 1890-1902. Lond. Review of reviews, 1891-1903. 13 v. sq. Q. 15s. per vol. 050 No more published. An alphabetic subject index to more than 107 peri- odicals, including about 70 not in Poole nor the Cumu- lative, of which a large number are English magazines little known except in the largest American libraries. A large number of indexes to separate periodicals have been compiled. A list of such indexes is contained in the Handbook for readers of the Boston public library (1890), p. 263-311. A longer and more recent list is to be found in Stein's Manuel de bibhographie g^nerale (1897), p. 637-710 (tables g^nerales de p^riodiques de toutes langues) Many of these special indexes will be found most useful, particularly those to general and technical journals not contained in " Poole." The following may be mentioned as a few PERIODICALS 9 examples of special indexes to magazines of value in the average library: Forum. Index, v. 1-32. 188S-Feb. 1902. Harper's weekly. Index. 1857-87. Littell's living age. Index. 1844-96. Nation. Analytical index to the political contents. 1865-82. North American review. Index. 1878. Revue des deux mondes. Table g^ndrale. 4v. 1831-74, 1874-86. 1886-93, 1893-1900. Other general magazines, such as the At- lantic, Harper's monthly, McClure's maga- zine, etc., have published separate indexes. These are important on account of the author entries, which are fuller than in " Poole." They contain, besides, more cross-refer- ences, and they index portraits. GENERAL LISTS Among the most important lists of serials, including periodicals and society publica- tions, are: British museum Library. Catalogue of printed books; periodical publications. 2d ed. Lond. British museum, 1899-1900. 2v. F. 26s. 016.05 Arranged by places with the index by titles. Births and deaths; a record of new titles, changed titles and deaths in the periodical world. (In Bulletin of bibliography, April 1900-1908.) 010.5 Published quarterly by the Boston book co. Faxon, Frederick Winthrop. A check-list of American and English periodicals. Bost. Boston book co. [privately pr.] 1908. 95 p. sq. O. not for sale. 050 Includes periodicals indexed, in whole or in part in Poole's index and supplements, the Abridged Poole, Annual library index. Readers' guide. Cumulative index, Magazine subject-index. Index to periodicals, the Contents-subject index, A.L.A. index to general literature, A.L.A. portrait index, Jones's Index to legal periodicals, and the Engineering index. Gives dates and volume numbers of first and last issue of each set, and shows in which of the various indexes it is indexed. Severance, Henry Ormal. A guide to the current periodicals and serials of the United States and Canada, 1907. Ann Arbor, Wahr, 1907. 330 p. Q.* $1. 016.05 An alphabetic list giving frequency of publication, publisher and place of publication, and price. There is also a classified list. * Continued annually. U. S. Copyright office. Catalogue of copy- right entries; pt. 2, periodicals. 015.73 Useful in looking up current periodical publications. Described on p. 104. UNION LISTS Boston Public library. List of periodi- cals, newspapers, transactions and other serial pubhcations currently received in the principal libraries of Boston and vicinity. Bost. 1897. 143 p. Q 016.05 Alphabetic list with subject index. California university Library. Co-oper- ative Hst of periodical Hterature in libraries of central CaUfornia. 3d ed. enl. Berkeley, 1902. 130 p. O. (Bulletin, no. 1.) 016.05 Chicago library club. List of serials in pubHc libraries of Chicago and Evanston, corrected to Jan. 1901. Chic. 1901. 185 p. O. $1 pap. 016.05 Alphabetic list; contains about 6640 titles. Con- tinued by John Crerar library, Chicago. Supple- ment to the List of serials in pubhc libraries of Chicago and Evanston. 2d ed. corrected to Nov. 1905, ed. by C. W. Andrews, with a bibliography of union lists of serials, comp. by A. G. S. Josephson. Chic. 1906. 220 -h 28 p. Q. 20 cts. 016.05 Bibliography, 28 p. Contains about 8460 titles; 3150 new. Library of Congress. Union list of peri- odicals, transactions, and allied pubhcations currently received in the principal libraries of the District of Columbia; comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. 315 leaves, Q. free. 016.05 Useful as giving titles of a large collection of peri- odicals about 9500. An alphabetic list. New York library club. Union list of peri- odicals currently received by the New York and Brooklyn fibraries. N.Y. 1887. 58 p. O. 016.05 Philadelphia Free library. Bulletin, no. 8: A list of serials in the principal libraries of Philadelphia and its vicinity, prepared by J: P. Lamberton. Phil. Free library 1908. 309 p. Q. $2. 016.05 Contains about 12000 titles. For further information regarding union lists consult: 10 PERIODICALS John Crerar library, Chicago. A bibli- ography of union lists of serials, by A. G. S. Josephson. 2d ed. Chic. 1906. 28 p. O. 016.05 FRENCH Repertoire bibliographique des principales revues franjaises, 1897-99. Paris, Jordell, 1898-1900. V. 1-3, Q. $2.50 per vol. 054 Compiled by D. Jordell. Arranged by subjects with author index; about 350 periodicals are indexed. GERMAN Bibliographie der deutschen zeitschriften litteratur, 1896-1906. Lpz. Dietrich, 1897- 1906. V. 1-19, sq. Q.* latest vol. 23.75m. 053 Edited by Felix Dietrich. Indexes about 1300 periodicals by subjects with author index and an alphabetic list of the periodicals indexed, giving their editors, publishers, frequency of publication, and price. Chiefly scientific. For supplement see Bibliographie der deutschen rezensionen described below. SPECIAL INDEXES Architecture Academy architecture and architectural review. Classified index to vols. 1-21, 1889- 1902. Lond. Academy architecture, 1902. 32 p. O. 3s. 720.5 American architect and building news. Index. 1876-86. Of special use as an in- dex to the plates. American institute of architects. Quar- terly bulletin, containing an index of liter- ature from the publications of architectural societies, and periodicals on architecture and allied subjects, 1900-07. Wash. The Octagon, 1906-08. v. 1-8, O. 016.72 Arranged alphabetically under subjects in each quarterly number; no general index to the yearly volume. Indexes illustrations also. Book reviews Bibliography of books reviewed in the lead- ing American periodicals, ed. by G: F. Dan- forth, 1902-Jun. 1903. Bloomington, Ind. 1902-1903. 2v. O. $1.50 per year. 050 V. 2 published as Quarterly bibliography of books reviewed in leading periodicals. Published as a quarterly, cumulating yearly. 60 periodicals indexed. * Continued annually. Book review digest, Jan. 1906-08. Minn. Wilson, 1906-08. v. 1-3, O. $5 per year. 050 V. 1 published under title Cumulative book review digest. Published monthly, cumulating quarterly and yearly. About 45 of the leading English and American periodicals are indexed with descriptive notes. Ab- stracts of the reviews are frequently given. The use of + or indicates whether the reviews are favorable or unfavorable. Prices and publishers' names are included. Bibliographie der deutschen rezensionen, mit einschluss von referaten und selbstan- zeigen. Supplement zur Bibliographie der deutschen zeitschriften-litteratur. Lpz. Die- trich, 1901-07. V. 1-7, O.* 25 m. per vol. 053 Indexes notices and reviews in more than 1000 German periodicals for the year, chiefly scientific and technical. There is a subject index. Economics Journal of political economy (Chic. Uni- versity of Chicago press) in its monthly bibhography includes all current economic Hterature, books, English, French, German and Itahan, government publications of the United States and Great Britain, and in- dexes periodicals. Education Educational review. Analytical index to volumes 1 to 25, Jan. 1891 to May, 1903, by C: A. Nelson. Rahway, N. J. Educa- tional review pub. co. 1904. 218 p. O. $3. 370.5 Barnard's American journal of education. Analytical index, 1855-1881. Wash. Gov- ernment printing office, 1892. 128 p. O. (U. S. Bureau of education. Catalogue of educational literature, pt. 1 ) 370.5 An impKsrtant set for reference use. Jones, Leonard Augustus. Index to legal periodical literature. Bost. Boston book co. 1888-99. 2v. O. $20. 340.5 v. 1, to 1887; V. 2, 1887-99. A very complete index to articles on law and legis- lation in general as well as legal periodicals. The second volume includes also articles on political science, economics, and sociology, making it useful in a general library. * Continued annually. PERIODICALS 11 Index to legal periodicals and law library journal, Jan. 1908. Chic. American assoc. of law libraries, 1908. v. 1, O. $5 includ- ing the annual cumulative volume. 340.5 Published quarterly. An index by authors and by subjects to 17 legal periodicals. Library science Library joiimal. General index, v. 1-22, Sept.1876-Dec.1897. N.Y. Publication office, 1898. 130 p. O. 020.5 Library work; a bibliography and digest of current library literature, Apr. 1906- 1908. Minn. Wilson, 1906. v. 1-2, O. 50 cts. per year. 016.02 A cumulative index to current library literature under subjects, published quarterly, 14 American and English library periodicals as well as other publications are indexed. Of special value for the abstracts of important articles. Volume 2, no. 1, April 1908, covers the years 1905-07. Medicine The Catalogue of the United States Sur- geon-general's office indexes medical peri- odicals, and is supplemented by the Index medicus, which continues the work through the current journals (see p. 52). Portraits A'.L.A. Portrait index indexes portraits in periodicals. For description see p. 84. Religion Richardson, Ernest Gushing. An alpha- betical subject index and index encyclo- paedia of periodical articles on religion, 1890-1899. N. Y. Scribner, 1907. 1168 p. O. $10. 205 Includes references to articles in encyclopedias. A feature of the work is the brief definition which follows each subject. Science Engineering index, 1884-1905. N. Y. Engineering magazine, 1892-1906. 4v. O. V. 1, o.p. V. 2-4, $20. 620.5 v. 1, 1884-1891, published under the title Descriptive index of current engineering literature; v. 2, 1892-1895, ed. by J. B. Johnson; v. 3, 189^-1900, and v. 4, 1901-1905, ed. by H. H. Suplee and T. H. Cuntz. Indicates the character and purpose of each article also its length. Indexes more than 200 technical periodical publications, under the specific subjects of the articles. Invaluable for engineering subjects. Engineering index annual, comp. from the Engineering index pubhshed monthly in the Engineering magazine, 1906-07. N.Y. En- gineering magazine, 1907. 2v. O.* $2 per vol. 620.5 The arrangement of the "annual" differs from that of the five-yearly volumes. Instead of the specific alphabetic arrangement the articles are grouped under eight divisions which are then subdivided. The divisions are: civil engineering, electrical engineering, industrial economy, marine and naval engineering, mechanical engineering, mining and metallurgy, rail- way engineering, and street and electric railways. Continued monthly in the Engineering magazine, which for each month has an index giving a classified list of articles published in the current numbers of the important technical journals (about 190) of the United States, Great Britain, and the Continent. Repertorium der technischen journal lit- teratur, 1879-99. Beri. Heymann, 1881- 1900. Q.* 24m. per vol. 050 A subject index of technical and scientific period- icals, compiled by order of the Imperial patent office. There is also an author index, and a list of periodicals indexed. From 1823 to 1878 published as Repertorium der technischen litteratur. "Beginning with the 1892 number, the index gives the German equivalent for the English technical terms, which practically serves for the use of English readers as a key to all the previous volumes." Lib. j. 19 :C80. Royal society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-1900. Lond. 1867- 1908. 13v. sq. Q. about $60. 016.5 V. 1-6, 1800-63; v. 7-8, 1864-73; v. 9-11, 1874- 83; V. 12, Supplementary; v. 13, Subject index, v. 1, pure mathematics (21 s.) An index to the serial literature of science, com- prising transactions and journals with the reference, date, and number of pages. Technical press index. (In Engineering digest, formerly Technical literature, v. 1-3, 1906-08) Engineering digest is a monthly periodical contain- ing an index of articles of technical value in a large number of current periodicals, American, British and foreign. The length of each article is stated and there is a short descriptive note regarding the scope of the article. Stone and Webster library, Boston. Cur- rent literature references, Jan. 1907-08. Bost. 1907-08. V. 1, Q. 016.5 "The items selected are from upwards of one hundred different weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, etc., the larger portion of which come regularly to this library. The selection, is made with a view to having at hand an efficient reference list bearing upon the * Continued annually. 12 PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS work of the office, . . . the firm has to do chiefly with electric and gas lighting, electric railways and water power development." Prefatory. A classified list. A brief characterization of many of the articles is given. . The International catalogue of scientific literature (Lond, 1902-08) indexes many periodicals. . Described under Science, p. 48. Among many others may be mentioned: Galloupe's Index to engineering periodi- cals, 1883-92, in 2 vols., is an American index arranged alphabetically by subjects. The year 1883 is not covered by the Engi- neering index. The Engineering news has issued an index volume for the years 1890-99. ($2.50) The Franklin institute has an index to its Journal, v. 1-120, 1826-85. ($5) The Electrical world has published an In- dex to the articles in its numbers from 1883 to 1896. ($8) The Electrical world and engineer pub- lishes in each number a digest of current electrical literature by subjects. Renaut's Collective index of the Journal of the Society of chemical industries, 1882-95 (v. 1-14) Lond. 1899. ($5) Popular science monthly. Index. 1872-92. Scientific American supplement. Catalogue of valuable papers contained in, 1876-1905. TECHNICAL LISTS The following catalogs of technical jour- nals are important: Bolton, Henry Carrington. Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 1665- 1895; with chronological tables and a library check-hst. 2d ed. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1897. 1247 p. O. (Smithsonian misc. coll.) $3.50 pap. 016.505 Contains a list of the principal periodicals of every branch of pure and applied science, published in all countries from 1665 to 1895. Gives full titles, names of editors, sequence of series, and the names of the libraries of the United States in which complete sets can be found. Arranged alphabetically by titles, with index of subjects. The Bulletin of bibliography, April 1908 (p. 82-85) contained a list of "American journals not found in Bolton's catalogue," comp. by W: J. Fox. International catalogue of scientific liter- ature. List of journals with abbreviations used in the catalogue as references. Lond. Harrison, 1903. 312 p. D. 016.505 Supplementary list of journals. Lond. Harrison, 1904. 68 p. O. 016.505 Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries, including the transactions of learned societies, 1633- 1876. Camb. 1879. 358 p. O. $4. (Har- vard univ. hbrary. Special publications, no. 1) 016.5 Alphabetically by countries, with an index of towns, an index of titles, and an index of minor subjects. U. S. Dept. of agriculture Library. Catalogue of the periodicals and other se- rial publications (exclusive of United States government publications) Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1901. (Bulletin, no. 37) free. 016.63 Principally scientific and technical. Supplement, no. 1, 1901-05. Wash. Government printing office, 1907. 217 p. O. free. 016.63 CARD INDEXES The large libraries of the country will have on file the printed card index (authors and subjects) to current numbers of 250 technical periodicals. These cards are pre- pared under the direction of the American Library Association Publishing Board by cooperating libraries. The indexing was begun in 1898. Some large libraries have also on file spe- cial card indexes, such as that of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, which has issued a card index to its pubhcations since 1899. The list of books in the reading-room of the John Crerar Hbrary mentions nine such in- dexes on file for the use of its readers. NE^VSPAPERS Bound volumes of newspapers are kept in almost all general libraries. They consti- tute a most important record of the history of the day. In some libraries the files are limited to the newspapers of the locality. The large hbraries of the United States will, however, contain files of leading New York papers and often of representative papers of the east, west, north, and south, as well as of a London paper such as the Times. Of the newspapers, few have indexes. It is well to remember that the New York Daily Tribune (yearly, price $1, pap.), the NEWSPAPERS 13 New York Times, and the London Times (quarterly, 10s. Gd.) have indexes, and these will be found to be of the greatest value to libraries having files of these papers. These indexes may be used for other news- papers, the date being the clue to where a subject may be found. Index to current events; cumulative guide to material in newspapers, Dec. 1907. Mad- ison, Wis., Wisconsin library commission, 1907-08. v. 1, O. $3 per year. 070 Issued quarterly by the Wisconsin library com- mission. "While the news accounts as found in the Milwaukee daily newspapers form the basis for the references, the dates will serve as guides to the pub- lished news in any newspaper of the country." The first part deals with the news of the world arranged alphabetically by subjects; the second part with Wisconsin news. AMERICAN American newspaper annual, 1908. Phil. Ayer, 1908. Q.* $3. 071 A list of newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and Canada, with information regarding their circulation, issue, date of establishment, political or other distinctive features, names of editors and publishers, etc. The first arrangement is by states, giving population of towns, principal industries, etc., including Cuba, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. Under states the periodicals are arranged alphabetically by place, and under place by title. Then follow arrange- ment by counties, a class list of publications, and a list of publications in foreign languages. Ro well's American newspaper directory. N.Y. Printers' ink pub. co. 1907. v. 39, O.* $10. 071 Description of all the newspapers and periodicals in the United States and Canada, giving details regarding circulation, editors, politics, etc. Arranged by states, with a classed list of publications. The arrangement is not so convenient as that of Ayer's, being under state subdivided by place and under place by frequency of publication, while in Ayer the subarrangement is alphabetic by title. The information given includes brief description of each place, names of all newspapers and periodicals, their politics, religion,, nationality, frequency of i.ssue, editor's and publisher's names, size of paper, subscription price, date of establishment, circulation, and lists of Sunday and cla.s3 and trade papers. New Jersey historical society. Some ac- count of American newspapers, particularly of the 18th century, and libraries in which they may be found, v. 1-3, O. Paterson, Press pr. and pub. co. 1894-97. (In its New Jersey archives. 1894-97. Ser. 1, v. 11, 12, 19) 974.9 * Continued annually. Gives a brief history of every newspaper printed in North America prior to 1801, and tells in what libraries they may be found. From A. to New Hampshire. U. S. Bureau of the census. History and present condition of the newspaper and per- iodical press of the United States, with a catalogue of the pubhcations of the census year, by S. N. D. North. Wash. Government printing office, 1884. 446 p. F. free. 317.3 The list of periodicals gives frequency of publica- tion, character, when established, and price. Wisconsin state historical society Li- brary. Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the Hbrary. Madison, Democrat pr. CO. 1898. 375 p. O. 016.07 In two parts, showing the newspapers arranged (1) geographically and (2) chronologically. Gives a bibliographic and historic description of each journal. Index. The collection of papers is an unusually large and important one, numbering more than 10000 volumes. Library of Congress. Check-list of Ameri- can newspapers in the Library of Congress, comp. under the direction of A. B. Slauson. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. 292 leaves, Q. free. 016.07 A list of a large collection of newspapers, arranged by states and cities, with indexes of titles and of cities. ENGLISH Sell's dictionary of the world's press and annual of useful commercial knowledge, 1907. Lond. 1907. 2v. por. map, O.* 7s. 6d. 070 Contents: v. 1, Newspaper section ; v. 2, Commercial section. County list of all newspapers published in the United Kingdom, list of magazines and periodicals published in the United Kingdom, newspapers published in other countries, giving name in vernacular, name in English, when published, and brief description. Willing's press guide and advertisers' di- rectory and hand-book, 1908. Lond. Will- ing, 1908. V. 35, O.* Is. 072 A concise and comprehensive index to the press of the United Kingdom, containing an alphabetic list, a classified list, a list according to date of publi- cation, a local list, and a list of the chief American and continental newspapers. FRENCH Annuaire de la presse franpaise et du monde politique, 1908. Paris, Flammarion, 1908. O.* 15fr. 074 French newspapers and periodicals, including soma foreign. Published since 1878. * Continued annually. u NEWSPAPERS, ESSAYS Annuaire des joumaux, revues et publica- tions p^riodiques parus k Paris jusqu'en nov. 1907. Paris, Le Soudier, 1908. v. 28, O.* 3fr. pap. 074 The titles are arranged alphabetically with classified list. The names of editors, size of volumes, dates, prices and other bibliographic details are given. Former title Catalogue-tarif des journaux, revues et publications p^riodiques publife & Paris. GERMAN Deutscher journal-katalog fiir 1908, zu- sammenstellung von iiber 3200 titeln deut- scher zeitschriften. Lpz. Schulze, 1908. V. 44, O.* 1.50m. 073 Classified with alphabetic index. Sperlings zeitschriften-adressbuch samt- liche zeitschriften und alle hervorragenden politischen tagesblatter Deutschlands, Oster- reichs und der Schweiz. Stut. 1861-1907. V. 1-45, O.* 073 A classified list, arranged also under places, and an alphabetic index. GENERAL LITERATURE AND ESSAYS " A.L.A." index; an index to general literature. 2d ed. enl. and brought down to Jan. 1, 1900. Bost. [A.L.A. publishing board] 1901. 679 p. Q. $10. 040 Refers under the subject to essays, papers, mono- graphs, and other parts of books which are of suffi- cient value, including some reports and publications of boards dealing with sociological affairs. Books in the English language only are included. A list of the books indexed is given at the end of the volume. This list can be checked with call numbers in the library, thus saving time in looking up references by showing what the library has and where it may be found. Continued in the Annual library index, which see. California university Library. Con- tents-index. Berkeley, State pr. 1889-90. V. 1, O. 028 An index of the contents of many books and peri- odicals in the Library of the University of California, including sets not indexed by Poole, some in foreign languages (as the Revue des deux mondes), and some technical journals. Many of the books indexed have since been included in the A.L.A. index, but there still remains a sufficient number not elsewhere indexed to make this volume occasionally useful. Cotgreave, Alfred. A contents-subject in- dex to general and periodical literature. * Continued annually. Lond. Stock, 1900. 743 p. por. O. 10s. 6d. 028 "The chief aim of the work is not to give every- thing which appears in a select number of works on a few selected subjects, but rather to cover as many subjects as possible, and give a few references to each one." Preface. Contains a chapter on Subject indexes to general literature. Griswold, William Maccrillis. Index to articles relating to history, biography, litera- ture, society, and travel contained in collec- tions of essays. 2d ed. rev. Bangor, Q. P. index, 1884. 56 p. O. o.p. 04a Essays are indexed under subjects. In order to make the index concise, the compiler refers under subjects to numbers; the volumes representing the numbers are to be found by means of the key in the front of the book. Pitman's where to look; an easy guide to books of reference, Lond. Pitman, 1907. 151 p. D. Is. o6a " The aim of this work is to provide an index to the more familiar annual books of reference and a few specified standard works." Preface. The works indexed are almost entirely British, making this book of use chiefly in large libraries. There is "a list of works of reference," pref. p. 5-17, which includes British year-books, annuals and similar publications. Other valuable references to subjects in essays and parts of books will be found in the analytic work of the catalogs of the Pea- body institute Hbrary, the Brooklyn Hbrary, the Boston Athenaeum, and the Cleveland public library. The British essayists, 38 vols., a set which includes a collection of the essays of the im- portant English writers of the 18th century (such as those of the Spectator, the Rambler, etc.), has an index volume which is some- times found helpful. Wheeler's The Spectator, a digest index, published also under the title A concord- ance to " The Spectator " (Lond. Routledge) is also useful. Wheatley's What is an index? (Lond. 1878) gives, besides an interesting historical account of indexes, a preliminary list of English indexes published in separate vol- umes, p. 72-96. The index volumes to the following large sets are frequently of use: Hart's The American nation (N. Y. Har- per, 1908. 27v.) V. 27 is an analytic index. ESSAYS, DEBATES, DISSERTATIONS 15 Smith's General index to the American statesman series (Bost. Houghton, 1900) is an index of names and a topical index to the contents of that important series of biographies. Thwaites's Eariy western travels, 1748- 1846 (Cleveland, Clark, 1907. 32v.) The index in v. 31-32 is useful for facts relat- ing to the period of early American settle- ment. Williams's The historians' history of the world (N. Y. The History association, 1907. 25v.) contains an encyclopaedic index and a bibUographic index in v. 25. Wright's History of all nations (Phil. Lea, 1905. 24v.) The index is in v. 24. DEBATES Askew, John Bertram. Pros and cons; a newspaper reader's and debater's guide to the leading controversies of the day (polit- ical, social, religious, etc.) 4th ed. ed. by A. M. Hyamson, with bibhographies. Lond. Routledge, N.Y. Button, 1906. 228 p. D. 60 cts. 028 An English book giving arguments for and against subjects of general interest, with very brief bibliogra- phies. Arrangement alphabetic. Brookings, Walter Du Bois, and Ring- wait, R. C. Briefs for debate on current political, economic, and social topics. N.Y. Longmans, 1897. 213 p. D. $1.25. 028 Its aim is "to state concisely the principal argu- ments pro and con, on a large number of the impor- tant topics of the day," and to refer to books, parts of books, and periodical articles upon each subject. A most useful handbook. Craig, A. H. Pros and cons, complete debates; important questions fully dis- cussed in the affirmative and negative. N.Y. Hinds [c 1897] 564 p. D. $1.50. 028 No references. Gibson, Laurence M. Handbook for lit- erary and debating societies, including one hundred examples of questions for debate with summarized arguments on both sides. 4th ed. rev. Lond. Hodder, 1905. 283 p. D. 2s. 6d. 028 List of references for each subject. Hart, Albert Bushnell. Manual of Ameri- can history, diplomacy, and government for class use. Camb. [Mass.] Harvard univer- sity, 1908. 554 p. O. $2. 028 Of value to the reference librarian for the biblio- graphic references to all the topics. Matson, Henry. References for literary workers. Chic. McClurg, 1892. 582 p. O. $2.50. 028 The author gives topics and questions for debate, with references to books, articles in periodicals, and essays of value in working up a subject. Alphabetic index of subjects. Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis, Briefs on public questions with selected hsts of references. N.Y. Longmans, 1905. 229 p. D. $1.20. 028 "A series of argumentative briefs and lists of references on twenty-five of the most important questions of the day." Subjects included are: politics, economics, sociology. Does not duplicate all the subjects in Briefs for debate, but is more recent in its treatment of some of the topics. DISSERTATIONS In university and college libraries the following indexes to dissertations will be found most helpful: AMERICAN An annual list of scientific theses prepared for the doctorate in a selected number of American universities is printed in Science in 1898 V. 8, new series, and annually thereafter. DUTCH Theses de droit soutenues aux universit^s des Pays-Bas, 1700-1898, avec table des matieres. Leyde, Burgersdijk and Nier- mans, 1898. 151 p. O. 378.492 This is a useful booksellers catalog. Wijndelts, J. W. Catalogus van acade- mische proefschriften verdedigd aan de nederlandsche universiteiten gedurende de jaren 1815-1900; met naamen zaakregisters. Groningen, G. A. Evers, 1901-1903. v. 1, 5, o. 378.492 V. 1, Godgeleerdheid; v. 5, Letteren. No more published. The arrangement is chrono- logical under universities. FRENCH Catalogue des theses et ecrits acad^- miques; [publics en France] 1885-1900. 1885-1894, O; 1895-1904, Q; 1905-1907, Paris, Hachette, 1885-1907. O.* 378-44 * Continued annually. 16 DISSERTATIONS Published by the Minist^re de I'instruction pubUque annually since 1884-85. 1903 to 1907 pub. by E. Leroux. General author index every five years. Catalogue des dissertations et ecrits aca- d^miques provenant des echanges avec les universites etrangeres et regus par la Biblio- theque nationale, 1883-1905. Paris, Klinck- sieck, 1884-19,06. O.* 378 Published annually by the Biblioth^que nationale. Arranged alphabetically by universities. Estanave, E. Revue decennale des theses presentees a la Faculte des sciences de Paris, 1891-1900. Arcis-sur-Aube, Fremont, 1901. 114 p. O. 378.44 Maire, Albert. Catalogue des theses de sciences soutenues en France de 1810 k 1890 inclusivement. Paris, Welter, 1892. 223 p. Q- 378.44 Arranged chronologically with author index. Mourier, Athnais, and Deltour, F. Notice sur le doctorat es lettres, suivie du catalogue et de I'analyse des theses frangaises et latines admises par les facult^s des lettres depuis 1810. Paris, Delalain fr^res, 1880. O. 10 fr. 378.44 Arranged by " facultes " under each year. Author and subject indexes. Catalogue et analyse des theses f ran- 9aises et latines admises par les facultes des lettres. Paris, Delalain freres, 1882-1901. O.* 1.50 fr. per vol. 378.44 An annual continuation of the preceding, contain- ing the theses from 1880 to date. " Full table of con- tents of each thesis is given, and at the end an index of authors and subjects." TF; C. Lane in Lib. j. 12: 418. Repertoire alphab^tique des theses de doctorat es lettres des universites fran^aises, 1810-1900; avec table chronologique par university et table detaillee des matieres par Albert Maire. Paris, Picard, 1903. 226 p. O. 378.44 GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN Fock, Gustav. Bibliographischer monats- bericht iiber neuerschienenen schul- und uni- versitatsschriften, 1889-1907. Lpz. Fock, 1890-1907. V. 1-18, O.* 378.43 Classified arrangement, with annual author index, and beginning with volume 4, an annual " Sachregis- ter " published separately. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen universitaten erschienenen schriften, 1885- * Continued annually. 1906. Berl. Asher, 1887-1907. v. 1-21, O.* 5 to 12m. per vol. 378.43 Arranged alphabetically by universities, with author index to each volume. There is a subject index (Sach- register) to v. 1-5, and from volume 6 to date each volume has a subject index, v. 19-21 published by Behrend & co., Berlin. Klussmann, Rudolf. Systematisches ver- zeichnis der abhandlungen welche in den schulschriften samtlicher an dem programm- tausche teilnehmenden lehranstalten erschie- nen sind, 1876-85, 1886-90, 1891-95, 1896- 1900. Lpz. Teubner, 1889-1903. 4v. O. v. 1-2, 5m. per vol., v. 3-4, 8m. per vol. 378.43 Classified, with index of places and index of authors. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen schulanstalten erschienenen abhandlungen, 1889-1906. Berl. Asher, 1890-1907. v. 1-18, O.* 2m. -21. 50m. per vol. 379-43 Published annually, and arranged by authors, with subject indexes. 500-600 titles annually. 1907 pub- lished by Behrend & co., Berlin. Kukula, Richard. Bibliographisches jahr- buch der deutschen hochschulen. Innsbruck, 1892. 1071 p. O. 013 Ergiinzungsheft. Innsbruck, 1893. v. 1, O. 013 Milkau, Fritz. Verzeichniss der Bonner universitatsschriften, 1818-1885. Bonn, Cohen, 1897. 440 p. O. 378.43 Pretzsch, Karl. Verzeichnis der Breslauor universitatsschriften, 1811-1885. Breslau, Korn, 1905. 387 p. O. 378.43 Verzeichnis der Berliner universitats- schriften, 1810-85. Berl. Weber, 1899. 848 p. Q. 36m. 378.43 Issued by the University library, has author index, and contains about 10000 titles. Winiewski, F. Systematisches verzeich- niss der in den programmen der preussischen gymnasien und progymnasien, 1825-41, enthaltenen abhandlungen. Miinster. Regens- berg, 1844. O. 379-43 Continued by G. Hahn, 1842-50, Salzwedel, 1854, and by G. Hahn, 1851-60, Salzwedel, 1864. Bittner, Joseph. Systematisch geordnetcs verzeichnis der programmarbeiten ostcr- reichischen mittelschulen aus den jahren 1874-89. Teschen, 1890-91. 2 v. O. 379.436 * Continued annually. DISSERTATIONS 17 Gutscherj J. Systematisch geordnetes verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen inhaltes der von der osterreichischen gymnasien und realgymnasien in 1850-67 veroffentlichen programmen. Marburg, 1868-69. 2v. O. 379.436 ITALIAN Cao-Mastio, G. B. Indice dei discorsi inaugurali letti nelle R. Universita del Regno dal 1876-77 al 1888-89. Roma, 1890. O. 378.45 SCANDINAVIAN Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon. Avhandlingar ock program, iiitgivna vid svenska ock finska akademier ock skolor, under yren, 1855-1890. Uppsala, [1891- 1897] 2v. O. 378.485 catalog; v. 2, classed catalog. V. 1, alphabetic About 2000 titles. Liden, Johan Henrik. Catalogus dis- piitationum in academiis Scandinavise et Finlandise, continuatus a Gabr. Marklin. Upsalise, 1820. 3v. D. 378.485 SWISS Jahresverze ichnis universitatsschriften, Schweighauserische 1906. V. 1-9, O.* der schweizerischen 1897-1906. Basel, biichdruckerei, 1898- 378.494 Arranged by universities. Each issue has an author index. Each volume has 350 to 400 titles. Biiler, G. Verzeichnis der prograjnm- beilagen der schweizerischen mittelschulen. Frauenfeld, 1890. Q. 378-494 * Continued annually. SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS Reports and transactions of learned societies are essential to the student who would inves- tigate his subject thoroughly, and they often furnish needed information to the general inquirer as well. Every reference library will have a number of these important sets. The student and reference librarian must therefore know their scope and value. Many of the transactions and proceedings of learned societies are indexed in the indexes to technical periodical literature. INDEXES AND CATALOGS The following catalogs and lists will be of assistance in finding information about learned societies, and what has been pub- lished by these bodies: GENERAL British museum Library. Catalogue of printed books : Academies. Lond. Clowes, 1885. 1018 col. F. 1. o6o Alphabetically by cities, with index to academies. Continued in its Catalogue of printed books. Supplement. 1900-03. pt. 1, col. 67-496. Minerva, jahrbuch der gelehrten welt, 1891-1907. Strassb. Triibner, 1891-1907. V. 1-16, il. S.* 10m. per vol. 378 Described under Cyclopedias of Education. Reuss, Jeremias David. Repertorium com- mentationum a societatibus litterariis editarum. Gottingae, 1801-21. 16v. in 8, sq. O. o.p. 016.5 A classified index to societies before 1800. Royal society of London, Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-83. Lond. 1867- 1902. 12v. sq. Q. 016.5 Described under Indexes to Periodical Literature. Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries, including the transactions of learned societies, 1633-1876. Camb. 1879. 358 p. O. 016.5 Described under Indexes to Periodical Literature. Smithsonian institution. International exchange list corrected to Sept. 1903. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1904. 492 p. O. free. 060 A list of the names of societies with which the Insti- tution is in connection through the medium of the system of international exchanges. Revised period- ically. * Continued annually. 18 Sodetatum litterae; verzeichniss der in den publikationen der akademieen und ve- reine aller lander erscheinen den einzelarbeiten auf dem gebiete der naturwissenschaften. Berl. 1888-1900. v. 1-14, O. 016.57 No more published. AMERICAN Bowker, Richard Rogers. Publications of societies; a provisional list of the publications of American scientific, literary, and other societies from their organization. N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1899. 181 p. sq. O. $3. 016.06 Based upon the material contained in the Appen- dixes to the American catalogue of books, 1884-95. Carnegie institution of Washington. Hand- book of learned societies and institutions: American. Wash. Carnegie institution, 1908. 592 p. O. $4. 016.06 " Includes North and South America and the adjacent islands. Similar material for the rest of the world has been collected but is not yet edited for publi- cation. It is however kept on file available for con- sultation at the Library of Congress . . . Omits societies and institutions devoted to medicine and agriculture, patriotic societies, local bar associations and teachers' organizations, and leagues for civic improvement or charitable purposes. Astronomical and meteorological observatories have been included only when forming departments of universities, colleges, etc." Gives name, address, history, object, meetings, membership, serial and special publications, distribution of publications, research funds and prizes. Arranged: United States national societies, local societies and institutions alphabetically by cities with the excep- tion of state societies and institutions and historical societies of counties, smaller cities and towns which are entered under their respective states ; Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America, Canada. Alphabetic index. There is a list of the principal reference works on American learned societies and institutions, pref. p. 3. SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS 19 Griflan, Appleton Prentiss Clark. Biblio- graphy of American historical societies, the United States and Canada. 2d ed. rev. and enl. (In American historical association. Annual report, 1905. v. 2.) 906 An important list of 1374 p. arranged first by Btates, then alphabetically by names of societies. There is a full alphabetic subject and author index. GrowoU, Adolf. American book clubs; their beginnings and history, and a biblio- graphy of their publications. N.Y. Dodd, 1897. 423 p. D. $7.50. 010.6 INDEXES A partial list of indexes to society publica- tions will be found in the Handbook for read- ers in the Boston public library, 1891 (p. 263- 311) where they are included with the list of indexes to periodicals. The following are a few indexes of society publications which are of general use: American economic association. General contents and index of vols. 1-11, 1886-96, of its Publications. N. Y. Macmillan, 1897. 52 p. O. 330.6 Authors and subjects. American society of mechanical engi- neers. Contents and general index of its Transactions, v. 1, 1880-v. 20, 1899. N. Y. Pub. by the Society, 1899. 188 p. O. 621 Author and subject index. National education association. Index by authors, titles and subjects to its publica- tions for its first fifty years, 1857 to 1906; comp. by M. F. Nelson. Winona, Minn., published by the Association, 1907. 211 p. O. $1. 370.6 ENGLISH Year-book of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland, giv- ing an account of their origin, constitution,, and working. Lond. Griffin, 1884-1908. v. 1-24, O.* 7s. 6d. per vol. 062 The history and description of the work and pub- lications of many of the societies are given in the first volume. The following years include lists of papers read or published, with the names of their athors. Gomme, George Laurence. Index of archae- ological papers, 1665-1890. Lond. Consta- ble, 1907. 910 p. O. 25s. 9^3 An index to the transactions of societies in Great Britain and Ireland. Lowndes's Bibhographer's manual (1857- 64) contains as an appendix (app. p. 1-196) a complete Ust of all the books printed by the literary and scientific societies of Great Britain " with such particulars respecting them as are likely to be useful to the scholar and collector." Wheatley's How to form a Hbrary (1887) p. 184-216, gives a brief account of the his- tory of many of the hterary societies of Eng- land. The English catalogue of books to 1899, and the annual English catalogues for 1901- 1907 contain in an appendix to each volume a list of learned societies, printing clubs, and other literary associations, with lists of their publications. FRENCH Delaunay, H. Les societ^s savantes de France. Paris, Lahure, 1902. 407 p. O. 4 fr. 016.064 Arranged alphabetically by places with subject index. Gives name, officers, number of members, pub- lications, etc. France Ministere de I'instruction pub- lique. Bibliographic des travaux scienti- fiques, sciences math^matiques, physiques et naturelles, publics par les soci^tes savantes de la France. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1895-97. v. 1, pt. 1-2, Q. 016.064 Bibliographic g^n^rale des travaux his- toriques et archeologiques, publics par les soci^tes savantes de la France. Paris, Im- primerie nationale, 1888-1901. 3v. Q. $9. 016.064 Lefevre-Pontalis, Eugene. Bibliographie des societes savantes de la France. Paris, 1887. 142 p. sq. Q. $1. 016.064 GERMAN Miiller, Johannes. Die wissenschaftlichen vereine und gesellschaften Deutschlands im neunzehnten jahrhundert; bibhographie ihrer veroffentlichungen seit ihrer begriindung bis auf die gegenwart. Berl. Asher, 1883-87. 878 p. sq. O. $16.50. 016.063 Arranged by cities with alphabetic index of societies. ENCYCLOPEDIAS The word Encyclopcedia is derived from two Greek words, meaning circular and instruction, and is applied to " a work in which the various topics included under several or all branches of knowledge are treated separately and usually in alphabetical order" (Century dictionary) The shorter form, cyclopedia, is used with the same meaning, but it is often limited to a book treating of the various topics of one branch of knowledge. In Encyclopedias the articles are usually arranged in alphabetic order as the most con- venient for ready reference. Some, however, have topics arranged under the general class not under the specific name of the subject, as in the Britannica. In others a classified method of arrangement has been adopted; for example, the Iconographic encyclopaedia, where each volume treats of a separate class. The following outline is a condensed statement of the leading facts in the history of Encyclopedias. For fuller information consult the Century dictionary, the New interna- tional encyclopaedia (v. G, p. 711-716) Encyclopaedia Britannica, La grande encyclopedic, Chambers's Encyclopaedia, Larousse's Grand dictionnaire (pref. p. 5-76) and the chapter in Morley's Diderot a-nd the Encyclopaedists (1 : 117-247) Before the 16th century many attempts had been made to present in systematic form whatever was known in all branches of learning. Among the earliest of these may be mentioned the lost works of Terentius Varro in the first century b. c. and the Historia natu- ralis of Pliny (23-79 a. d.) The Opus majus of Roger Bacon in the 13th century was an effort of the same kind. During this century many volumes appeared bearing the title Speculum (notably those of Vincent of Beauvais) which were the encyclopedias of their time. It was, however, in 1541 that Ringelberg's Cyclopedia gave the name that has been com- monly used for works of this character, and from that time the number of similar enter- prises increased rapidly. In the 17th century, encyclopedias were printed in the vernacular, the Latin language having prevailed until that time. Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique, which appeared in 1696, was for a long time an authority, and was translated into English. It is still to be found either in the original or in translation among reference books, and has been in the past a source of information for many writers, although now it is seldom used. The choice of an encyclopedia will depend upon the character of the library. The small library that can afford to spend but little money for reference books must buy the best recent encyclopedia. The Hbrarian should be guided in the selection by the opinion of some experienced reference librarian. The number of general encyclopedias is increasing rapidly, many of them being made up from material contained in similar publications. New editions in which alterations are slight consisting usually of changes made in the electrotype plates appear frequently. The small Hbrary can afford to wait before purchas- ing until the merits of an encyclopedia have been tested. Large reference libraries should contain many encyclopedias, including all of importance. They must exclude those which have no scholarly characteristics but are made only to sell. HOW TO USE ENCYCLOPEDIAS In using general encyclopedias, the student should bear in mind the following points: (a) Whether the information wanted would be affected by the date of the article. (b) Whether the article wanted should be a brief statement or a more exhaustive trea- tise on the subject. Whether it should be technical or popular. 20 ENCYCLOPEDIAS. AMERICAN 21 (c) Whether the encyclopedia in hand enters under the general or the specific subject. In the Britannica one would find the smaller subjects treated under the class which includes them; in the New international and others they are usually to be found under their owii headings. (d) To use the indexes and cross-references if the subject is not treated under the word for which one looks. (e) To observe the bibliographic references at the end of the articles and follow up a subject by consulting the best authorities on it. (f ) To note whether or not the articles are signed. AMERICAN The earliest American encyclopedias appear to have been simply reprints of those published in England. The Encyclopaedia Americana (Phil. 1829-33, 13v.) was based on the German Konversations-lexikon. The most important American encyclope- dias in use at the present time are the following: New international encyclopaedia; editors, D. C. Gilman, H. T. Peck, F. M. Colby. N. Y. Dodd, 1907 [c '02-07] 20v. il. pi. por. maps, Q. about $5 per vol. 031 The edition of 1902-04 was bound in 17 vols. Previous editions now out of date bore the title Inter- national cyclopsEdia, Tne New international encyclopaedia is an entirely new work, thoroughly American, in which specific subjects are concisely treated under their names. It includes biographies of living as well as of dead celeb- rities. The illustrations and maps are good. The articles are not signed. This is the best encyclopedia for ready reference. New international year book; a com- pendium of the world's progress for 1907. N. Y. Dodd, 1908. v. 1, pi. por. maps, O.* 031 The 1907 volume includes brief summaries covering the four years immediately preceding 1907 which accompany the account of the year. The purpose is to supplement the New international cyclopajdia. International year book, 1898-1902. N. Y. Dodd [c 1899-1903] 5 v. pi. por. maps, O. $4 per vol. 031 The 1902 volume contains an index to all the A-olumes. No more published. Still occasionally useful for fuller articles on some topics than are to be found in the New internationa/ encyclopffidia. Encyclopedia Americana; a general dic- tionary of the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, etc. Editor- in-chief F. C. Beach. N. Y. The Americana * Continued annually. CO. [c 1903-04] 16v. il. pi. por. maps, Q $6 per vol. 031 Covers much the same ground as the New inter- national although the two often supplement each other. The Americana is probably fuller on scientific subjects. The articles are signed. The Encyclopedia is not paged. Corrections have been made in later editions. Nelson's encyclopaedia; everybody's book of reference. Editors-in-chief Frank Moore Colby, George Sandeman. N. Y. Nelson [c 1905-06] 12v. il. pi. maps, O. $42. 031 The publishers also offer a " Perpetual loose-leaf edition" ($90) They undertake to furnish to sub- scribers 500 revision sheets which may be inserted between the loose, unpaged leaves of the volumes. These sheets will bring up to date subjects of impor- tance and include such new important events as may occur during the year. More concise in its treatment of subjects than the New international and the Encyclopedia Americana. Perhaps it is not so thoroughly American as the others. The illustrations and maps are not so good. The English edition is called The Harmsworth encyclopaedia (Lond. Nelson. lOv. 56s.) Universal cyclopaedia and atlas; Charles Kendall Adams, editor-in-chief. Rev. and enl. ed. Rossiter Johnson, editor of revi- sion. N. Y. Appleton, 1905. 12v. il. pi. por. maps, O. $G per vol. 031 Published originally in 1874 under the title John- son's Universal cyclopa>dia and known also as Johnson's cyclopedia. No very considerable revision has been made since the early editions. Slight modifications have been made where they would not affect the use of the old plates. An appendix to each volume gives new articles. Maps and illustrations have been altered. Entry is made under specific subjects and articles are signed. Scientific articles are good although now in many cases out of date. Bibliographies appended to each article. American cyclopaedia; a popular diction- ary of general knowledge, ed. by George Ripley and C. A. Dana. N. Y. Appleton, 1883 [c '73-83] maps, Q. $80. 031 General and analytical index by T. J. 22 AMERICAN Conant and Blandina Conant. N. Y. Apple- ton, 1888. 854 p. Q. $5. 031 The first edition of the cyclopaedia bore the title New American cyclopaedia (1861-63, 16v.) The advance of knowledge since the publication of the last volume in 1883 makes the work now out of date for many subjects. It is supplemented by the Annual cyclopaedia, but with the supplements is too large a work for ready reference. Sometimes quoted as Appleton's cyclopaedia. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of important events in 1876-95. New ser. 20v. per. pi. maps, Q. N. Y. Appleton, 1888-96. $5 per vol. 031 Ser. 3, 1896-1902. N. Y. Appleton, 1897-1903. 7v. por. pi. maps, Q. $5 per vol. 031 No more published. Analytical index to the supplements of the American cyclopaedia. (See American cyclopsBdia. General and analytical index. 1888) $5. 031 The first series (published yearly 1861-75 with gen- eral index) was called the American annual cyclo- paedia. The second series forms a supplement to the American cyclopaedia. Each volume contains the history of the world for the year, biographic sketches of prominent men with portraits, a necrology, sketch of the literature of the year, and other valuable his- torical and statistical matter, the whole arranged alphabetically. The full alphabetic indexes to the second and third series will be found in the last volumes of each. Harper's book of facts; a classified history of the world, embracing science, literature, and art; comp. by J. H. Willsey, ed. by C. T. Lewis. N. Y. Harper, 1895. 954 p. il. Q. ^8. 031 A useful work, very concise in its treatment of events, persons, and places. Convenient chronological outlines of the history of cities and countries will be ifound under their names. A later edition (N. Y. Harper, 1906) contains some changes when the plates could be altered without too great cost, but there are not sufficent additions to make this edition necessary in libraries possessing the earlier one. Century book of facts, by H: W. Ruoff. Sprgf,,Mass., The King-Richardson co. 1905. 726 p. pi. por. O. $2.50. 031 A book of miscellaneous facts; not important. Champlin, John Denison, jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 2d ed. enl. N. Y. Holt, 1896. 850 p. il. pi. O. $2.50. J 031 An attempt " to bring cyclopaedic knowledge within the range of a child's intellect." Articles very brief and simply told. Index. Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. 2d ed. N. Y. Holt, 1895 [c '80-91] 936 p. il. O. $2.50. J 031 Supplements the preceding by giving biographic and geographic information. These cyclopedias are most useful in the children's room. Later editions contain some revisions and additional matter. For the other Champlin cyclopaedias see p. 50, 59. An encyclopedia which differs in its treat- ment of subjects and in its arrangement, not so useful for the general public, but of occasional assistance to the special student is: Iconographic encyclopaedia of the arts and sciences; tr. fr. the German of the Bil- der-atlas, iconographische encyclopaedic ; rev. and enl. by eminent American specialists. Phil. Iconographic pub. co., 1886-90. 7v. il. pi. maps, Q. $7 per vol. 031 No more published. Contents: 1. Anthropology, ethnology and ethno- graphy; 2. Archaeology, history of culture; 3. Paint- ing and sculpture; 4. Architecture; 5. Constructive arts; 6. Applied mechanics; 7. Principles of geology. This is an anglicized edition of the German Bilder- atlas (Brockhaus) an earlier edition of which was translated by J. G. Heck (1851, in 4v. text and 2v. plates) The new edition is revised and enlarged by American specialists. It includes " those branches of human knowledge whose acquisition can be facili- tated and whose principles made clear by pictorial representation." The arrangement is not alphabetic but classed, related subjects being grouped together, and indexes at the end of each volume refer under the specific subject to the page where information and plates will be found. Many encyclopedias published earlier than those here mentioned, while for every-day use now out of date, contain much informa- tion that is occasionally needed. Among these may be mentioned: Brande and Cox's Dictionary of science, literature, and art (1875, 3v.) and Zell's Popular encyclopedia (1875-76, 2v.) The People's cyclopedia of universal knowledge (N. Y. Eaton, 1895-96, 6v.) is a small cyclopedia which in its day was useful. In vol. 6 there is an appendix containing much miscellaneous information which wiP still be helpful. ENGLISH. FRENCH 23 ENGLISH In England among the earlier encyclope- dias of importance may be mentioned the Lexicon technicum, by Dr John Harris (Lond. 1704) and the Cyclopedia; or, An universal dictionary of arts and sciences, by Ephraim Chambers (Lond. 1728, 2v. foHo) The latter was much superior to other encyclopedias of that day, and is of interest as forming t'he basis of the famous French Encyclopedic. Chambers " may be regarded as the father of Enghsh encyclopaedic lexicography." The first edition of the Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica appeared in three quarto volumes (1768-71) and has since gone through ten editions. EncyclopaBdia Britannica; a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. 9th ed. Edin. Black, N. Y. Scribner, 1875-88. 24v. and index vol. il. pi. maps, Q. 36. $175. 032 This still remains a standard work of reference, although many of the articles are now out of date. The arrangement is under general rather than specific subject, the index volume referring to places in the general alphabet, where a specific subject may be found. The articles are lengthy treatises in most cases, written by authorities, and signed, with val- uable bibliographies referring to sources appended. More useful for the specialist than the general reader. Biographies of living persons are omitted. The index volume to the Philadelphia reprint (991 p.) is much fuller than the index to the English edition (499 p.) " By its aid, every name and every topic, treated anywhere in this vast repository of human knowledge, can be traced out and appropriated; while without, the E. B., with all its great merits, must re- main very muCh- in the nature of a sealed book to the reader who stands in need of immediate use and refer- ence." A. R. Spofford in hia Book for all readers. Supplement. N.Y. Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica CO., Lond. Black, 1902-03. 11 v. il. pi. por. maps, Q. $65. 032 These with the 24 volumes of the 9th edition con- stitute the 10th edition of this famous encyclopedia. Of this supplement, vol. 10 is devoted to maps, forming an atlas volume. These maps are, however, the same as those in the Century atlas, the same plates having apparently been used in both works, the chief differ- ence being that in the Britannica volume the maps devoted to Great Britain come first and are more numerous than those in the Century atlas, showing in detail the various sections of the country. The index volume (vol. 11) refers not only to the supplement but to the original work as well. The chief purpose of this supplement was to bring up to date the 9th edition of the Britannica but the publishers also planned to make an encyclopedia dealing with recent events which might be used inde- pendently. Other supplements to the Britannica have been compiled. These are now superseded by the above. They are the supplement published by Stoddart (N. Y. Stoddart, 1883-89. 4v. $32) and one edited by D. O. Kellogg (Akron, O., Werner, 1900. 5v. $12.50) These supplements contain information on American subjects which were not fully treated in the 9th edition. In libraries containing them but not the new supplement they will occasionally be found useful. Chambers's encyclopaedia; a dictionary of universal knowledge. New ed. Lond. Chambers, Phil. Lippincott, 1901 [c 1892- 1900] lOv. il. por. maps, Q. $25. 032 First edition was published in 1860-68. It is a good concise encyclopedia, probably not sufficiently Ameri- can, although the later editions have articles on Ameri- can subjects written by specialists in the United States. Bibliographic references. Hazell's annual for 1902. Lond. Hazell, 1902. V. 17, D.* $1.50. 3s. 6d. 032 A brief record of men and topics of the day alpha- betically arranged like an encyclopedia. Published since 1886. Chiefly concerned with English, colonial and foreign affairs, but including also many genferal topics. Among the old Enghsh encyclopedias occasionally used may be mentioned: English cyclopedia, ed. by Charles Knight (1854 62, 22v. and Suppl. 1869-73, 4v.) Penny cyclopedia (1833-43, 27v.) Encyclopaedia Metropolitana (1817-45, 30v.) Rees's Cyclopaedia; or, Universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature (1802-19, 45 v.) FRENCH In France, during the 18th century, the famous Encyclopedic was conspicuous above all others of the time. This was the work of Diderot and 1^'Alembert, aided by many of the most able writers of that period, and was based on a French translation of the Cyclopedia of Ephraim Chambers. The Encyclopedic was pubUshed in Paris and Neufchatel in 28 vols. 1751-72, and was followed by a supplement in 5 vols. Amster- dam, 1776-77, and an analytical index, Paris, 1780. It was of the greatest influ- ence in spreading revolutionary thought in France. Several editions were pubHshed outside of France, and it served as a model for many other encyclopedias. (For further * Continued annually. 24 FRENCH. DUTCH information about this most interesting work, see Morley's chapter on the Encyclopaedia in his Diderot and the Encyclopiedists, 1891, 1: 117-247, and D'Alembert's Digcours preHmi- naire de 1 encyclopedic, Paris, 1893) The French encyclopedias of the present time are of importance to every library as the most convenient source for information re- garding European subjects. La grande encyclopedic; inventaire rai- sonne des sciences, des lettres et des arts, par une societe de savants et de gens de lettres. Paris, Lamirault, 1885-1903. 31v. il. pi. maps, sq. Q. 700 f r. 034 Articles are prepared and signed by specialists and give a brief bibliography of the subject. Fuller than Larousse. The most important French encyclopedia. Larousse, Pierre Athanase. Grand dic- tionnaire universel du xix siecle frangais. Paris, Larousse, 1866-90. 17v. F. $105. 034 V. 16-17 are supplements. Definitions and derivations of words are given, thus combining a dictionary with an encyclopedia. Now out of date on many subjects. " A comprehensive dictionary (etymological and defining) of the French language, and at the same time includes proper names and a vast amount of encyclo- pedic information. Although marred by many imperfec- tions it is an exceedingly useful book." New interna- tional encyclopcedia, article Encyclopedias. NouVeau Larousse, illustre, dictionnaire universel encyclopedique. Paris, Larousse, 1898-1904. 7v. il. pi. maps, F. 250 fr. 034 Supplement. Paris, Larousse, 1906. 046 p. il. pi. Q. 25 fr. 034 This is not an abridgment of Larousse but a new work of a more popular nature. The supplement brings the work up to the date of publication. Larousse mensuel illustrg; directeur Claude Auge, Mar. 1907-08. Paris, Larousse, 1907- 08. V. 1, il. Q. 6 fr. 034 The articles which supplement those in the Nouveau Larousse illustrd are starred. Petit Larousse illustre; nonveau diction- naire encyclopedique public sous la direction de Claude Auge. Paris, Larousse, 1906. 1664 p. il. O. 5 fr. 034 Very concise and compact. GERMAN The German encyclopedias include some of the most voluminous undertakings of the kind. The Allgemeine encyclopiidie der wissenschaften und kiinste, edited by the scholars Ersch and Gruber, is the most extended. This great work was begun in 1818, and at present more than 170 volumes have appeared at intervals in three sections. Each subject is treated exhaustively, and many valuable contributions by specialisti* make it an important reference work. Its usefulness, however, is limited in this country to a few scholars. The " Konversations-lexikons," which have been so popular in Germany, are better known to our American libraries than any other German reference books. They have been used as models by later American encyclopedists in their compilations. The Konversations-lexikon of Brockhaus and that of Meyer hold an almost equally important place in reference departments. ^' Brockhaus' konversations-lexikon ; allge- meine deutsche real-encyklopiidie. 14. aufl. Lpz. Brockhaus, 1892-95. 17v. il. pi. maps, Q. 170m. 033 V. 17 is a supplementary volume. The 1908 edition is called the Jubilaums ausgabe but is not revised. Begun in 1796 by Lobel, it was taken up by Brock- hacus in 1808. The first edition bore the title Damens- lexicon. " No encyclopaedia has been more useful and suc- cessful, or more frequently copied, imitated, and translated." EncyclopcBdia Britannica, article En- cyclopcedias. " One of the most serviceable and scholarly encyclo- pedias in any language, especially noteworthy in method as a happy mean between excessive subdivision of material and the monograph type." New international encyclopaedia, article Encyclopaedias. Meyers grosses konversations-lexikon; ein nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen wissens. 6. neubearb. und verm. aufl. Lpz. Biblio- graphisches institut, 1904-08. 20 v. il. pi. por. maps, Q. 10 m. per vol. 033 The articles are not signed. An excellent encyclo- pedia. It is difficult to choose between " Brockhaus " and " Meyer." Some important encyclopedias in the other continental languages will be found in lange libraries, and are necessary in looking up gull information regarding foreign affairs. Among these may be mentioned: DUTCH Winkler Prins' Ge'iUustreerde encyclo- paedia derde, geheel om-en bijgewerkte dmk onc'^r noofdredactie van Henri Zondervan. DUTCH. SWEDISH 25 Amsterdam, uitgevers-Maatschappy " Ese- vjer," 1905. v. 1, il. pi. por. maps, Q. 039 ITALIAN Nuova enciclopedia italiana; ovvero, Dizi- onario generale di scienze, lettere, Industrie, ecc. 6. ed. Torino, Unione tipografico-edi- trice torinese, 1875-88. 25v. in 26, il. pi. maps, F. ' 035 Supplement raecolta di monografie sui recenti progressi delle scienze, delle arti e delle industrie, di bit)grafie, di notizie storichfe, geografiehe, statistiche, ecc. Tori- no, Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1889- 99. 5v. in 6, il. pi. maps, F. 035 NORWEGIAN Salmonsen's store illustrerede konversa- tionsleksikon ; en nordisk encykopaedi. Kjobenhavn, Salmonsen, 1893-1907. 18v. il. pi. maps, Q. about $4 per vol. 038 SPANISH Diccionario enciclopedico hispano-ameri- cano de literatura, cieneias y artes. Barce- lona, Montaner y Simon, 1887-99. 2ov. in 26, il. pi. maps, F. 036 SWEDISH Nordisk familjebok; konversationslexikon och real-encyklopedi. Stockholm, 1876-99. 20v. il. pi. maps, Q. 038 V. 19-20 are supplements. The largest encyclopedia is one published in China, a copy of which has been placed in the British museum, consisting of 5020 native volumes bound in 1000 volumes. DICTIONARIES The origin of the word is from the Latin dictionarium, which means a word-book. It was probably first employed in this sense by Joannes de Garlanda (d. 1250 a. d.) For the uses of the word consult the Century dictionary, and for its history the Introduction to Worcester's Dictionary, Tucker's Our common speech, p. 95-150, Williams's Our dictionaries and other English language topics, p. 5-44, and Baynes's Shakespeare studies and Essay on English dictionaries, p. 358-409. An interesting history of English dictionaries is to be found in James A. H. Murray's Evolution of EngHsh lexicography, 1900, 51 p. A bibhography of dictionaries still useful, though not recent, is Triibner's Catalogue of dictionaries and gram- mars of the world (Lond. Triibner, 1882) AMERICAN During the past fifty years, two dictiona- ries have been published in the United States which hold about equal rank as authorities. The unabridged editions of Worcester's and of Webster's dictionaries have gone through many revisions. Webster's dictionary was for many years considered the authority for derivation and definition of words, while Worcester's was quoted as authority for pronunciation. The International diction- ary, the latest edition of Webster, combines all the advantages of both. Century dictionary; an encyclopedic lexi- con of the English language ; prepared under the superintendence of W: D. Whitney. N.Y. Century co. [c 1889-1901] 6v. il. F. $60. 423 " The plan includes three things: the construction of a general dictionary of the English language which shall be serviceable for every literary and practical use; a more complete collection of the technical terms of various sciences, arts, trades, and profes- sions than has yet been attempted ; and the addi- tion to the definitions proper of such related encyclo- pedic matter, with pictorial illustrations, as shall constitute a convenient book of general reference." Preface. Supplemented by the Century Cyclopedia of names and Century atlas, which see. The most comprehensive American dictionary. The latest edition, 1901, includes all the revisions that have been made since the first edition in 1891, which comprise alterations in the plates so as to intro- duce new words. Standard dictionary of the English lan- guage; prepared under the supervision of I. K. Funk. N. Y. Funk, 1893. 2v. il. pi. sq. F. $18 (one vol. ed. sh. $12) 423 A new edition (1901) has 11 p. of addenda, contain- ing 1100 new words. It is encyclopedic in character, giving fuller expla- nations of things than is usual in a dictionary, and it contains some words not to be found in other dic- tionaries. Illustrations and plates are good. Appen- dix contains list of proper names of all kinds, with their pronunciations, and other miscellaneous information similar to the appendixes of Webster and Worcester. A supplementary volume of maps has been pub- lished, but is not important. Students' edition of a Standard dic- tionary of the English language. N. Y. Funk, 1898. 915 p. il. O. $2.50. 423 Abridged from the preceding, dictionary. An excellent small Webster, Noah. International dictionary of the English language. Sprgf. [Mass.] Merriam, 1891 [c '64-90] 2011 p. il. por. F. $10. 423 The first edition of Webster appeared in 1828. The edition of 1902 contains in a supplement a list of about 25000 new words (238 p.) and in the appendix a revised gazetteer and biographic dictionary. The supplement will probably be overlooked by the majority of users. " The last edition of Webster, the International, is, perhaps, the best of one volume dictionaries." Mwr- ray in his Evolution of English lexicography, 1900. Webster's collegiate dictionary, abridged from Webster's International dictionary. Sprgf. [Mass.] Merriam, 1908. 1062 p. O. $3. 923 A good desk dictionary. AMERICAN. ENGLISH 27 Worcester, Joseph Emerson. Dictionary of the English language. New ed. enl. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. 2126 p. il. por. pi. Q. $10. 423 Worcester's first dictionary was published in 1830. There is an introduction on the history of English lexicography and a catalog ,of English dictionaries. Both Worcester's and Webster's diction- aries contain useful appendixes which are similar in scope: Dictionary of noted fictitious persons, places, etc. Pronouncing dictionary of biography. Pronouncing dictionary of Christian names. Pronouncing gazetteer of the world. Pronouncing dictionary of Scripture proper names. Pronouncing dictionary of Greek and Latin proper names. Dictionary of foreign quotations, phrases, etc. Tables of abbreviations used in writing and print- ing. Tables of signs used in writing and printing. ENGLISH The earliest English dictionary of impor- tance was Nathan Bailey's An universal ety- mological English dictionary (1721) Pre- vious to the publication of this work, there had been no attempt to prepare a dictionary of all the words in the English language. Many glossaries of difficult words had been compiled during the 17th century, but they were not what we now mean when we speak of dictionaries. After Bailey's great work, the next impor- tant dictionary was that by the celebrated author and lexicographer, Dr Samuel John- son, which is now better known than any of the dictionaries that appeared in the 18th century. It was published in 1755 (2 vols, folio) and was used as a basis for other dictionaries by many compilers. The pub- lication of Johnson's Dictionary " formed a greater era than that of any other work. No other dictionary has had so much influence in fixing the external form of the language and ascertaining and settling the meaning and proper use of words," Worcester. Many dictionaries followed Johnson's, but there were none of much value until the appearance of Charles Richardson's New dictionary of the English language, which was published in 1838 (2 vols. 4) In this work more attention was paid to the history of words, showing by numerous quotations their meanings and any changes in meaning they may have undergone. This dictionary is still ranked high among scholars. We now come to the dictionaries of the present day, which for practical use have superseded the earlier ones. The most com- prehensive is : Murray, James Augustus Henry. New EngHsh dictionary on historical principles. Ox. Clarendon press, 1888-1908. v. 1-7, F. 52s. 6d. per vol. 423 Founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological society since 1857. The interesting his- tory of this undertaking is told in the preface. Vol. 5 to K, V. 6, pt. 1, V. 7, pt. 1, and many sections of other volumes have been published. Very full on the philological side, it includes Eng- lish words now in general use, or those in use at any time during the past 700 years, giving their meaning, origin, and history, with a large number of quotations from English writers to illustrate the history and use of words. It is a dictionary for the scholar rather thaa for popular use. Known also as the Oxford dictionary. Other English dictionaries of importance are: Stormonth's Dictionary of the English language (N. Y. Scribner, 1899. S9); Ogil- vie's Imperial dictionary (Lond. Blackie, 1882-83. 4v. 5) encyclopedic in character* the Encyclopaedic dictionary (Lond. Cassell, 1879-88. 7v. Q. 21s. per vol.) which has been reprinted in America (Phil. Syndicate pub. CO. 1895. 4v. $16) SYNONYMS Books of synonyms are in constant use to distinguish words of similar meaning, and to assist in obtaining a variety of expression. Of these the best are : Crabb, George. English synonymes ex- plained in alphabetical order. New ed. enl. N. Y. Harper, 1892. 856 p. O. $1.25. 424 Quotations from the best writers illustrating the use of the words are given. Fallows, Samuel. Complete dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. N. Y. Revell, 1886. 512 p. D. $1. 424 Contains, in an appendix: Briticisms and American- Isms, prepositions, discriminated foreign phrases, list of abbreviations, colloquial phrases, homonyms. Femald, James Champlin. English syn- onyms and antonyms ; with notes on the cor- 28 DICTIONARIES rect use of prepositions. N. Y. Funk, 1896. 504 p. O. $1.50. 424 March, Francis Andrew, and March, F. A. jr. A thesaurus dictionary of the Enghsh language, designed to suggest immediately any desired word needed to express exactly a given idea; a dictionary, synonyms, anto- nyms, idioms, " foreign phrases, pronuncia- tions, a copious correlation of words. Phil. Historical pub. co. 1902. 1189 p. pi. por. sq. Q. $15. 424 Contains some colored plates of seals of colleges and universities, fraternity badges of colleges and societies. Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of Enghsh words and phrases. New enl. ed. Bost. De Wolfe [pref. 1852-79] 429 + 271 p. O. $2. 424 " A collection of words of the English language and of the idiomatic combinations peculiar to it, arranged not in alphabetical order, . . . but according to the ideas which they express. . . . Object: The idea being given to find the word or words by which that idea may be most fitly and aptly expressed." Preface. Classification: abstract relations, space, matter, in- tellect, volition, affection. Alphabetic index. Smith, Charles John. Synonyms discrimi- nated; a dictionary of synonymous words in the English language. 5th ed. enl. N. Y. Holt, 1896. 781 p. D. $2. 424 Derivation of words is given. Discriminates more closely than the others as to use of words. Quotations from standard writers. Index. Soule, Richard. Dictionary of English synonymes and synonymous parallel expres- sions. New enl. ed. Phil. Lippincott, 1892 [c 71-91] 488 p. O. $2. 424 ETYMOLOGY For the etymology of the English language, the best authority, so far as it has been pub- lished, is Murray's New Enghsh dictionary. A smaller but very useful volume, and the best concise dictionary is : Skeat, Walter William. Etymological dic- tionary of the Enghsh language. 2d ed. Ox. Clarendon press, 1893. 844 p. sq. Q. 2 4s. 422 - " Each article begins with a word, the etymology of which is to be sought; then a brief definition merely as a mark to identify the word; next an exact state- ment of the actual or probable language whence the word is taken, with an account of the channel or chan- nels through which it has reached us." Preface. A few quotations are given. AMERICANISMS AND SLANG Barrere, Albert, and Leland, C: G. Dic- tionary of slang, jargon, and cant. Edin. Ballantyne press, 1889. 2v. sq. O. 2 15s. 427 Includes English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, pidgin English, tinkers' jargon, and other ir- regular phraseology. Gives meanings and many quo- tations illustrating use of the expressions. Bartlett, John Russell. Dictionary of Americanisms. 4th ed. enl. Bost. Little, 1889 [c '59-77] 813 p. O. $4. 427.9 A vocabulary of the words and phrases peculiar to the United States; with quotations illustrating their use. Clapin, Sylva. New dictionary of Ameri- canisms, being a glossary of words supposed to be peculiar to the United States and the Dominion of Canada. N. Y. Weiss, 1902. 581 p. O. $5. 427.9 It has an appendix in which all substantives^ are classed analytically. De Vere, Maximilian Scheie. American- isms; the English of the New World. N. Y. Scribner, 1872. 685 p. O. $3. 6. p. 427.9 Not alphabetically arranged; index. Farmer, John Stephen, and Henley, W. E. Slang and its analogues, past and present; a dictionary, historical and comparative of the heterodox speech of all classes of society for more than three hundred years, with syno- nyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. Lond. Printed for subscribers only, 1890-1904. 7v. sq. O. $75. 427 750 copies only printed. The most important slang dictionary. Illustrative quotations are given. The work will be found only in large'libraries as the number of copies is limited. Even in large public libraries the use should be restricted owing to the inclusion of many slang words of objection- able character. Dictionary of slang and colloquial Enghsh; abridged from Slang and its ana- logues. Lond. Routledge, N. Y. Dutton, 1905. 533 p. O. 7s. 6d. $2.50. 427 The standard work on slang in one volume. Con- tains a list of the more important dictionaries. Maitland, James. The American slang dictionary; embodying all American and English slang phrases in current use, with their derivation and philology. Chic. Kit- tredge, 1891. 308 p. Q. $5. 427.9 FOREIGN 29 Palmer, Abram Smy the. Folk-etymology ; a dictionary of verbal corruptions or words perverted in form or meaning by false deriva- tion or mistaken analogy. Lond. Bell, 1882, C64 p. O. $6.50. 427 OBSOLETE AND PROVINCIAL Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Dic- tionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient cus- toms from the 14th century. 11th ed. Lond. Reeves, 1887-89. 2 v. O. $5. 427 Explains the meaning of many words which have become obsolete during the last four centuries, and gives references and quotations illustrating the use of the words. Wright, Thomas. Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. Lond. Bell, 1886. 2v. D. 10s. 427 Gives meanings of words that have become obsolete, and of words which are now used only in tlie provin- cial dialects; with references and quotations. DIALECTS Wright, Joseph. English dialect dictionary ; being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last 200 years; founded on the publications of the English dialect society. Lond. Frowde, 1898-1905. 6v. sq. F. 15 15s. per vol. 427 Vol. 6 contains a supplement, a bibliography and a grammar of the dialects. Quotations and references to the sources from which the word has been obtained, the pronunciation, and the etymology are given. It also contains an account of all popular customs and superstitions, rural games and pastimes, which are likely to be of interest. Morris, Edward Ellis. Austral English; a dictionary of Australasian words, phrases, and usages, with those aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorpo- rated in the language, and the common scien- tific words that have had their origin in Aus- tralasia. Lond. Macmillan, 1898. 525 p. O. 16s. 427.9 Yule, Sir Henry, and Burnell, A. C. Hob- son-Jobson; a glossary of colloquial Anglo- Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, etymological, historical, geographical and discursive. New ed. ed. by William Crooke. Lond. Murray, 1903. 1021 p. O. 28s. " 427 Quotations illustrating use of words are given. RHYMES Loring, Andrew. The rhymers' lexicon. Lond. Routledge, N. Y. Dutton, 1905. 879 p. O. 7s. 6d. $2.50. 426 Words are grouped according to the accented vowel sound. The lexicon is divided into 3 parts; hrst, comprising monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable; second, consisting of words accented on the syllable before the last; third, consisting of words accented on the third syllable from the end. Walker, John. Rhyming dictionary of the English language, rev. and enl. by J. Longmuir. Lond. Routledge, 1890. 720 p. O. $1.50. 6 First published in 1775. A collection of rhymes, arranged according to the letters the words end with. Appendix contains an index to all perfect rhymes of a different orthography and allowable rhymes of a different sound. MISCELLANEOUS Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude. Stan- ford dictionary of angUcised words and phrases. Camb. [Eng.] Univ. press, 1892. 826 p. sq. Q. $8. 423 Objects: " To enable the English reader to find out the meaning and history of the foreign words and phrases which occur so frequently in English liter- ature; 2d, to register the increase of the English vocabulary directly due to the adoption and naturali- zation of foreign words since the introduction of printing; 3d, to record all English words of foreign origin which have retained or reverted to their native form." Preface. Quotations to illustrate words. Fernald, James Champlin. Connectives of English speech; the correct usage of prepositions, conjunctions, relative pronouns and adverbs explained and illustrated. N. Y. Funk, 1904. 324 p. D. $1.50. 425 Phyfe, William Henry Pinkney. Twelve thousand words often mispronounced. Rev. and enl. ed. N. Y. Putnam, 1908. 780 p. S. $1. 421.5 The work embraces: difficulties in English pro- nunciation, proper names, and phrases from foreign languages. ANGLO-SAXON Bosworth, Joseph. Anglo-Saxon diction- ary; ed. and enl. by T. N. Toller. Ox. Clarendon press, 1882. i^02 p. sq. Q. 72s. 429.3 30 DICTIONARIES Supplement, by T. N. Toller. Ox. Clarendon press, 1908. pt. 1, Q. 7s. 6d. 429.3 pt. 1, A-Eorp, Sweet, Henry. The student's dictionary of Anglo-Saxon. N. Y. Macmillan, 1897. 217 p. sq. O. $1.75. 429.3 ARABIC Steingass, F. The student's Arabic-Eng- lish dictionary. Lond. Allen, 1884. 1242 p.O. 50s. 492.73 Gives transliteration. BOHEMIAN Mourek, V. E. Pocket dictionary of the Bohemian and English languages. Lpz. Holtz, 1896. 2v. in 1, T. $2.20. 491.8632 DANISH-NORWEGIAN Larsen, Anton Laurentius. Dictionary of the Dano-Norwegian and English languages. 3d ed. Copenhagen, Hegel, 1897. 683 p. O. 12s. 6d. $3.70. 439.832 Brynildsen, John. Dictionary of the English and Dano-Norwegian languages. Copenhagen, Geydendal, 1902. v. 1-2, O. 439.832 DUTCH Calisch, Isaac Marcus. New complete dictionary of the English and Dutch lan- guages. 2d ed. rev. by N. S. CaHsch. Tiel, Campagne, 1890-92. 2v. O. $11. 439.332 FRENCH Clifton, E. C. and Grimaux, Adrien. Nouveau dictionnaire anglais-frangais et fran^ais-anglais. Nouvelle ^d. rev. et corr. avec un supplement par J. M. C. Laughlin. Paris, Gamier, 18 . 2v. Q. 18 fr. 443.2 Edgren, Hjalmar, and Burnet, P. B. French and English dictionary, with indica- tion of pronunciation, etymologies, and dates of earliest appearance of French words in the English language. N. Y. Holt, 1901. 1252 p. O. $2.50. 443.2 Other French dictionaries of merit are those by Hamilton and Legros (Paris, Fouraut, 1896, 2v. $6.50) and Spiers and Surenne (N. Y. Appleton, 1886. $5) Littre, Emile. Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. Paris, Hachette, 1873-78. 4v. and Iv. sup. F. 100 fr. 443 One of the standard dictionaries. Villatte, Cesaire, and Sachs, Karl. En- cyklopadisches franzosisches-deutsches und deutsch-franzosisches worterbuch. 11th ed. rev. and enl. Berl. Langenscheidt, 1899. 2v. Q. $4.50. 443.3 V. 1, French-German; v. 2, German-French GERMAN Fliigel, Felix. Universal English-German and German-English dictionary. 4th enL ed. Brns. Westermann, 1891. 2v. in 3, Q. $16.50. 433.2 " It is destined to remain for a long period the stand- ard dictionary of reference for translating betweeifc English and German." Nation, 64:155. Other good German dictionaries are those by Muret-Sanders (Berl. Langenscheidt, 4v. $12) and Thieme-Preusser (Hamburg, Hiin- deke. 12.59 m.) Grimm, Jacob, and Grimm, Wilhelm Deutsches worterbuch. Lpz. Hirzel, 1854- 1905. v.l-10('\ 11-12, Q. about $70. 433 Covers the alphabet from A to Sprechen and parts of G, T, and V. The standard dictionary, more historical than etymological; quotations illustrating the use of words are given. GREEK Liddell, Henry George, and Scott, Rob- ert. Greek-English lexicon. 7th enl. ed. 1776 p. sq. Q. N. Y. Harper, 1888 [c '82] $10. 483.2 Gives references to classical authors. Yonge, Charles Duke. English-Greek lexi- con; ed. by Henry Drisler. N. Y. Harper,. 1890 [c 70] 663 p. Q. $4.50. 483.2 MODERN GREEK Kontopoulos, Nikolaos. Greek-English lexi- con. 4th ed. rev. Athens, Constantinides, 1900. 514 p. O. 489.32 English - modern - Greek dictionary. Athens, Constantinides, 1892. 692 p. O. about $8 for the two vols. 489.32 HEBREW Gesenius, Wilhelm. Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament^ including the FOREIGN 31 biblical Chaldee. New enl. ed. Bost. Houghton, 1906. 1187 p. O. $8. 492.432 HUNGARIAN Bizonfy, Ferencz. English-Hung&rian and Hungarian-English dictionary. Buda-Pest, 1886. 2v. O. 16s. 491.86 IRISH Dinneen, Patrick Stephen. Irish-English dictionary; being a thesaurus of the words, phrases and idioms of the modern Irish language with explanations in English. DubHn, Gill, 1904. 803 p. D. 7s. 6d. 491.62 " By far the most useful modern Irish dictionary which has been published, and for method, fulness and accuracy deserves the highest praise. . . . The dic- tionary must be regarded as a useful work for students rather than a complete exposition of the Irish language. Athenceum, May 20, 1905. Foumier d'Albe, Edmund Edward. Eng- lish-Irish dictionary and phrase book with synonyms, idioms and the genders and declensions of nouns. Dublin, The Celtic association, 1903. 338 p. D. 6s. 491.62 Lane, Timothy O'Neill. Lane's English- Irish dictionary comp. f r. the most authentic sources. Dubhn, Sealy, Lond. Nutt, 1904. 581 p. O. 12s. 6d. 491.62 " The best English-Irish dictionary which has yet appeared." Athemosum, May 20, 1905. ITALIAN Davenport, John, and Comelati, Gugliel- mo. New dictionary of the Italian and English languages, based upon that of Baretti. Lond. Whittaker, [pref. 1854] 2v. O. 1 Is. 453.2 Edgren, August Hjahnar. Italian and English dictionary, with pronunciation and brief etymologies. N. Y. Holt, 1902. 576 4- 452 p. O. $3. 453.2 Others are by Millhouse (N. Y. Appleton, 2v. $5.50) and Melzi (Lond. Hirschfeld. $2) LATIN Lewis, Charlton Thomas, and Short, Charles. Harper's Latin dictionary. New ed. enl. N. Y. Harper. 1892. 2019 p. Q. $6.50. 473.2 Founded on Freund's Latin-German lexicon, ed. by E. A. Andrews. Smith, Su: William, and Hall, T. D. Copi- ous and critical EngUsh-Latin dictionary. N. Y. Harper, 1871. 754 p. O. $4. 473.2 MIDDLE-ENGLISH Stratmann, Francis Henry. Middle- English dictionary, containing words used by Enghsh writers from the 12th to the 15th century; rev. and enl. by Henry Bradley. N. Y. Macmillan, 1891. 708 p. Q. $8. 427 POLISH Kierst, W. and Callier, 0. Pocket diction- ary of the Enghsh and Polish languages. Lpz. Holtz, 1896. 2v. in 1, T. 2.90 m. 491.8532 PORTUGUESE Michaelis, Hermann. New dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages. 2d ed. Lpz. Brockhaus, Lond. Pitman, 1893. 2v. O. 30s. 469.3 V. 1, Portuguese-English; v. 2, English-Portuguese. RUSSIAN Aleksandrov, A. Complete Russian-Eng- Ush dictionary. 2d ed. rev. and enl. St. Pet. 1897. 717 p. Q. 491-732 Complete English-Russian dictionary. St. Pet. 1897. 895 p. Q. $14 for the 2v. 491.732 SANSKRIT Williams, Sir Monier Monier-. Sanskrit- English dictionary. Ox. Clarendon press, 1872. 1186 p. sq. Q. 4 14s. 6d. 491.2 SPANISH Veldzquez de la Cadena, Mariano. Pro- nouncing dictionary of the Spanish and Eng- lish languages. New ed. rev. and enl. by Edward Gray and J. L. Iribas. N. Y. Appleton, 1901. 2v. in 1, Q, $6. 463.2 SWEDISH Bjorkman, C. G. Svensk-engelsk ord bok. Stockholm, Norstedt, 1889. 1360 p. O about $5. 439.732 The selection of foreign dictionaries is based partly upon those in use in the Catalog division of the Library of Congress. SPECIAL SUBJECTS The general cyclopedias do not always contain answers to questions which come up in rela- tion to a particular subject. If the subject is a technical one for which a special cyclopedia has been compiled, it will save time to consult such a work, particularly if it is recent. A cyclopedia of this kind will describe and explain more minutely all the details of a subject and in many cases will be illustrated. For example, a special cyclopedia of chemistry will bring together all that relates to chemistry that is of practical use at the time of publication and within the scope of the work as laid down by the compiler. Every technical term will be explained as it could not be in a general cyclopedia. Many subjects are without special dictionaries and, therefore, longer or more recent treatises than those contained -in the encyclopedias must be sought in magazine articles, transactions of societies, or in books on the subject not belonging to the reference collection. PHILOSOPHY Baldwin, James Mark. Dictionary of phi- losophy and psychology. N. Y. Macmillan, 1901-05. 3v. in 4, il. pi. Q. $26. 103 Its object is "to understand the meanings which our terms have, and to render them by clear defini- tions . . . and to interpret the movements of thought through which the meanings thus determined have arisen, with a view to discovering what is really vital In the development of thought and term in one." The second volume has indexes of Greek, Latin, German, French and Italian terms. Volume 3 is a classified bibliography of subjects by Benjamin Rand. It includes references to books and periodical articles. There is no author index. This is the most important bibliography of philosophy and psychology. It is continued by the Psychological index. "This dictionary is not only the first adequate work of its kind in English, but may be said to be the first adequate philosophic dictionary in any language." Joseph Jastrow in Dial, 31:276. Fleming, William. Vocabulary of philo- sophy, psychological, ethical, metaphysical. 4th ed. enl. by Henry Calderwood. Lond. Griffin, 1887. 439 p. D. 10s. 6d. 103 A concise work giving variations in usage of philo- sophical terms; references to the literature of the subject: quotations from philosophical writers. TEMPERANCE Cyclopaedia of temperance and prohibi- tion. N. Y. Funk, 1891. 671 p. O. $3. 178 Gives facts and statistics in regard to the drink question, the temperance movement, and prohibition. Index. BIBLIOGRAPHY Psychological index; a biblicgraphy of the literature of psychology and cognate subjects, 1894-1907. N. Y. Macmillan, 1894- 1907. O.* 75 cts. 016.15 Includes original publications in all languages with translations and new editions in English, French, and German. Embraces books and periodical literature. See also Baldwin's Dictionary of philosophy and psychology described above. RELIGION M'Clintock, John, and Strong, James. Cyclopaedia of biblical, theological, and eccle- siastical literature. N. Y. Harper- 1869-81. 10 V. il. Q. $50. Supplement. N. Y. Harper, 1885-87. 2v. il. Q. $10. 203 A very comprehensive book of reference on the sci- ence of theology in its widest sense, though now some- what out of date. The supplement brings down to a later date many of the articles in the Cyclopsedia. References are given under subjects to the most im- portant and accessible books ancient and modern. Schaff, Philip. The new Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia of religious knowledge, em- bracing bibhcal, historical, doctrinal and practical theology and biblical, theological and ecclesiastical biography; based on the 3d ed. of the Real-encyklopiidie founded by J. J. Herzog and edited by Albert Hauck. * Continued annually. 32 RELIGION 33 S: M. Jackson, editor-in-chief. N. Y. Funk, c 1908. V. 1, Q. $5 per vol. 203 To be completed in 12 vols. This edition is entirely revised and much extended. The previous edition was in 4 vols. The articles are signed and there are bibliographic references. The preface contains a good annotated bibliography of theological reference books, p. 12-24. Smith, Sir William, and Cheetham, Samuel. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. Lond. Murray, Bost. Little, 1876-80. 2v, il. O. 3 13s. 6d. $15. 203 Includes organization of the church, the social life, worship and ceremonial, sacred places, art and sym- bolism, sacred days and seasons, graves and cata- combs of the Christians. Smith, Sir William, and Wace, Henry. Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects, and doctrines. Lond. Murray, Bost. Little, 1877-87. 4v. O. 6 16s. 6d. $24. 203 From the time of the Apostles to the age of Charle- magne. With the Dictionary of Christian antiquities forms a continuation to the Dictionary of the Bible, com- prising together a cyclopedia of ecclesiastical history for the first eight centuries of the Christian era. The articles in the three are written and signed by promi- nent theological writers. Forlong, James George Roche. Faiths of man; a cyclopaedia of religions. Lond. Quaritch, 1906. 3v. por. Q. 5 5s. 203 Deals with doctrines, rites, symbols. Of no special importance, but occasionally useful. BIBLE DICTIONARIES Cheyne, Thomas Kelly, and Black, J. S. Encyclopaedia bihlica; a critical dictionary of the literary, political, and religious history, the archaeology, geography, and natural his- tory of the Bible. N. Y. Macmillan, 1899- 1903. 4v. il. maps, O. $20. 220.3 The standE>oint is that of the higher criticism; the articles are written by leading biblical scholars. Hastings, James. Dictionary of the Bible, dealing with its language, hterature, and contents, including biblical theology. N. Y. Scribner, 1898-1902. 4v. il. maps, Q. $24. 220.3 "The book, in short, will be used with advantage by all non-professional students of the Bible. Nor can the professional student afford to disregard it." Nation, 72:38. In comparing these two important dictionaries the Nation says: "The one is an international undertak- ing which will be accepted and quoted on the conti- nent of Europe as well as in England and America: the other is adapted for the use of the English-speak- ing peoples. The one [Cheyne] appeals to scholars and specialists, the other [Hastings] more to the body of the Christian church." Nation, 70:246. Extra volume, containing articles, indexes and maps. N. Y. Scribner, 1904. 936 p. maps, Q. $6. 220.3 The articles are on subjects not directly dealing with the Bible but closely related to it. Embodies the results of recent discoveries. The arrangement is not alphabetic. The indexes refer to the complete work. Hastings, James, and others. Dictionary of Christ and the gospels. N. Y. Scribner, Edin. Clark, 1906-08. 2v. map, Q. ' $12. 232 "The Purpose of this Dictionary is to give an account of everything that relates to Christ His person, life, work and teaching." Complementary to the Dictionary of the Bible. Conservative. Articles are written by authorities. Smith, Sir William, and Fuller, J. M. Dictionary of the Bible. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Lond. Murray, Bost. Little, 1893. 3v. il. O. 4 4s. $22. 220.3 The Dictionary does not include the various systems of theology, but embraces antiquities, biographj', geography, and natural history of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha. Articles give refer- ences to the best ancient and modem authorities. " A work of a very high order . . . unquestionably antiquated." Nation, 67:485. BIBLE COMMENTARIES Lange, John Peter. Commentary on the Holy Scripture; critical, doctrinal, and homi- letical; tr. and ed. by Philip Schaff. N. Y. Scribner, 1873-87. 25v. O. $75. 220.7 The author was assisted by a number of eminent biblical scholars. The American edition has been revised to meet the needs of the American student. It contains introductions to each book and to the Bible as a whole. The International critical commentary, under trhe editorship of C: A. Briggs, S. R. Driver, and Alfred Plummer (N. Y. Scribner, 1895 + , $3 per vol.), is in course of pubHca- tion. It represents the latest bibhcal criti- cism, while Lange stands for the old. An edition of the Bible must be included in the reference collection. One of the best for general use is the Riverside parallel Bible (Houghton, $5) which gives both King James's and the revised version. S4 SPECIAL SUBJECTS BIBLE CONCORDANCES Cruden, Alexander. Complete concord- ance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. N. Y. Dodd [pref. 1737] 856 p. O. $1. 220.2 A dictionary of all the words of the Bible arranged alphabetically, with references to the various places where they are to be found. C!ompares the several meanings of the same words. Divided into 3 alphabets: 1. Common words; 2. Pro- per names; 3. Apocryphal books. Strong, James. Exhaustive concordance of the Bible. N. Y. Hunt, 1894 [c '90] 1340 + 262 + 205 p. Q. $6. 220.2 The best concordance. It gives every word of the text of the common English version and a compara- tive concordance of the authorized and revised ver- sions, with brief dictionaries of the Hebrew and <3reek words of the original, with references to the English words. To find a passage, look under any one of the words, especially the most important or striking. Young, Robert. Analytical concordance to the Bible, also index lexicons to the Old and New Testaments and a complete list of Scripture proper names. 7th ed. rev. throughout by W: B. Stevenson. Edin. Young, N. Y. Funk [1902] v. p. por. facsim. Q. 21s. $5. 220.2 Contains the words of the Bible in alphabetic order, with their Hebrew or Greek originals, and the literal meaning and pronunciation of each. Includes proper names of every person and place. Appendixes contain index-lexicons to the Old and New Testaments and Scripture proper names, a guide to their correct pronunciation. CREEDS Schaff , Philip. Creeds of Christendom ; with a history and critical notes. 4th enl. ed. N. Y. Harper, 1890 [c 77] 3v. O. $15. 238 The creeds and confessions are given in the original languages from the best editions, with translations into English and notes. Bibliographic notes. HYMNOLOGY Julian, John. Dictionary of hymnology setting forth the origin and history of Chris- tian hymns of all ages and nations. Rev. ed. with new supplement. Lond. Murray, 1907. 1768 p. O. 21s. 245 Appendixes, New supplement, p. 1599-1729. Supplemental index of first lines. Hymns new or not noted in the first edition are collected in the Supplement. Origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations, with especial reference to those in the hymn-books of English-speaking countries; biogra- phic sketches of their authors; and a cross-reference index to first lines in English, French, German, Greek, Latin, and other languages, with index of authors and translators. MIRACLES Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. Dictionary of miracles. Phil. Lippincott, 1884. 582 p. O. $2.50. 231.7 Contents: Miracles of saints in imitation of Scrip- ture miracles; Realistic mirarcles; Miracles to prove church dogmas; Index. MISSIONS Dwight, Henry Otis, Tapper, H. A. and Bliss, E. M. Encyclopedia of missions, de- scriptive, historical, biographical, statistical. 2d ed. ed. under the auspices of the Bureau of missions. N. Y. Funk, 1904. 851 p. Q. $6. 266 The first edition was edited by E. M. Bliss (N. Y. Funk, 1891) The book deals with the organized work, missionary societies at home and abroad, describes the countries in which and the races for which that work is carried on, sketches of missionaries, etc. Appendixes include a directory of foreign missionary societies, statistical tables, etc. Blue book of missions for 1905-07, ed. by H: O. Dwight. N. Y. Funk, 1905-07. v. 1-3, D.* SI. 266 Contains detailed facts and statistics regarding all missions and missionary societies both Protestant and Roman Catholic throughout the world, chiefly from the American point of view. SECTARIAN DICTIONARIES Blunt, John Henry. Dictionary of sects, heresies, ecclesiastical parties, and schools of religious thought. Lond. Longmans, 1892. 647 p. Q. $7. 280 Protestant Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton, and Neil, Charles. Protestant dictionary containing articles on the history, doctrines and prac- tices of the Christian church. Lond. Hodder, 1904. 832 p. il. pi. O. 15s. 280 Gives in convenient form brief controversial articles by specialists on religious subjects from Protestant point of view. There is a general index and a table of Roman bishops, pontiffs and emperors. "Although constructive is necessarily controversial." *. Continued annually. RELIGION 85 Roman Catholic Catholic encyclopedia; an international work of reference on the constitution, doctrine, disciphne and history of the Catholic church ; ed. by C: G. Herbermann, and others. N. Y. Robert Appleton co. [c 1907-08] V. 1-3, il. pi. por. maps, Q. $90. 282 " It differs from the general encyclopedia in omitting facts and information which have no relation to the Church. On the other hand, it is not exclusively a church encyclopedia, nor is it limited to the ecclesiastical sciences and the doings of churchmen. It records all that Catholics have done, not only in behalf of charity and morals, but also for the intellectual and artistic development of mankind." Preface, The articles are signed and there are bibliographies appended. Other sectarian dictionaries are: Baptist: Cathcart's Baptist encyclopaedia (Phil. 1883) Lutheran: Jacobs and Haas's Lutheran cyclopedia (N.Y. 1899) Methodist: Simpson's Cyclopaedia of Methodism (Phil. 1883) Pres- byterian: Nevin's Encyclopaedia of the Presby- terian church in the United States (Phil. 1884) Protestant Episcopal: Benton's The Church cyclopaedia (Phil. Hamersly, 1884) SECTARIAN YEAR-BOOKS AND DIRECTORIES Religious year-books or almanacs are frequently needed. Among them are: Baptist: American Baptist year-book (Phil. American Baptist publication soc. 25 cts. pap.*) Church of England: Official year-book of the Church of England (Lond. Society for the promotion of Christian knowledge, 4s.*) Crockford's clerical direc- tory (Lond. Cox, 20s.*) This directory contains brief biographic details, full names, lists of published works, etc. Clergy direc- tory and parish guide (Lond. Phillips, 4s. 6d.) Congregational: Congregational year book (Bost. The Fort Hill press*) Meth- odist: Methodist year book (N. Y. Eaton, 25 cts. pap.*) Presbyterian: Presbyterian handbook (Phil. Presbyterian board, 5 cts. pap.*) Protestant Episcopal Church: Ameri- can church almanac and year book (N. Y. Gorham, 35 cts. pap.*) Living church annual, a church cyclopaedia and almanac (Milwaukee, Young churchman co. 35 cts. Continued annually. pap.*) Lloyd's American church clergy and parish directory (Uniontown, Pa. Lloyd, $2) Roman Catholic: Official Catholic directory and clergy list (Milwaukee, Wiltzius, $1.25 pap.*) Unitarian. Unitarian year book (Bost. American Unitarian assoc.*) NON-CHRISTIAN Jewish Jewish encyclopedia; a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and cus- toms of the Jewish people; prepared under the direction of Cyrus Adler and others, Isadore Singer, managing editor. N.Y. Funk, 1901-06. 12v. il. pi. por. maps, Q. $84. 296 "On one side, it is a true encyclopaedia, and speaks, always from a Jewish standpoint, de omni scibili; on another, it is a cyclopaedia as the record of a single branch of knowledge the civilization of a single race. . . . The chief value of this book ... is to be found in its biographies, its descriptions of the present state of Jews throughout the world, and in its elucida- tions of Talmudic law. On all these points it gives first-hand information of a kind and to an extent not accessible elsewhere." Nation, 73 : 341-342. The American Jewish year book (Phil. Jewish publication soc. 75 cts. pap.*) is also useful in obtaining recent facts. Mohammedan Hughes, Thomas Patrick. Dictionary of Islam; being a cyclopedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms of the Muhammadan religion. Lond. Allen, 1885. 750 p. il. O. 42s. 297 Houtsma, M. T. and Seligsohn, M. En- cyclopaedia of Islam; a dictionary of the geography, ethnography and biography of the Muhammedan peoples; prepared by a number of Orientalists. Paris, Luzac, 1908. pt. 1, Q. 3s. 6d. ea. pt. 297 To be completed in 3 vols, of 15 pts. each. Hindu Dowson, John. Classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature. Lond. Triibner, 1879. 411 p. O. 16s. 294 BIBLIOGRAPHY Hurst, John Fletcher. Literature of theo- logy; a classified bibliography of theology * Continued annually. 86 SPECIAL SUBJECTS and general religious literature. N. Y. Hunt, 1896. 757 p. O. $4. 016.2 Aims to include the best and most desirable books published in Great Britain, the United States, and Canada. Prices are given. It is based upon his Bibli- otheca theologica. Among other useful bibliographies of theo- logy are: Malcolm's Theological index (1868), DarHng's Cyclopaedia bibliographica of theo- logical and general literature (1854-59, 2v:), and Princeton theological seminary library's Catalogue: part 1, religious literature (1886) There are also many important biblio- graphies on special topics, notably of the Bible. See also Richardson's Index to theological literature described on p. 11. SOCIAL SCIENCES Bliss, William Dwight Porter, and Binder, R. M. New encyclopedia of social reform including all social-reform movements and activities, and the economic, industrial and sociological facts and statistics of all coun- tries and all social subjects. New ed. N.Y. Funk, 1908. 1321 p. Q. $7.50. 303 A very useful encyclopedia designed for general workers and students in social reform. It is a compact work of reference, written by specialists and con- taining brief bibliographies of the topics discussed. The new edition is revised and brought up to date. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bowker, Richard Rogers, and lies, George. Reader's guide in economic, social, and pohtical science. N. Y. Soc. for poUt. educ. 1891. 169 p. D. $1. 016.3 A classified bibliography with clear, concise, de- scriptive notes,' and an author index. Now much out of date but occasionally useful. Where is the information; bulletin of new books, articles and reports, with the leading national societies and publications in the social field. N. Y. Social science library bureau of bibliographical information and supply, 1908. V. 1, O. S3 per year. 016.3 Issued bi-monthly. Aims to give the best and most practical references on social science. A useful feature is the reference to the proper societies and associations to be consulted on the various subjects which are arranged alphabetically. This guide is under the editorship of "W: D. P. Bliss, editor of the New encyclopedia of social reform. POLITICAL SCIENCE AND ECO- NOMICS Lalor, John Joseph. Cyclopaedia of politi- cal science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States. N.. Y. Merrill, 1888-90 [c '81-84] 3v. Q. $15. 303 "An invaluable work of reference." Bowker and lies. The articles are signed and written by Ameri- can and European specialists with bibliographic notes at end of each article. The work is not sufficiently up to date on many topics. Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis. Diction- ary of pohtical economy. Lond. Macmillan, 1894-96. 3v. O. $19.50. 330.3 Full on the side of English political economy, but includes the United States and the English colonies. Articles are concise, signed, and give bibliographic references. Handworterbuch der staatswissenschaf- ten, hrsg. von J. Conrad, L. Elster, W. Lexis, E. Loening. 2. umgcarb, aufl. Jena, Fischer, 1898-1901. 7v. Q. 142.50m. 320.3 The articles are signed; bibliographies appended to articles. Of the first edition, Bowker and Iles's Reader's guide says: "The most comprehensive dictionary of political economy ever published, with collaborators from all countries." Elster, Ludwig. Worterbuch der volks- wirtschaft, 2. voUig umgearb. aufl. Jena, Fischer, 1906. 2v. Q. v. 1, 18.50 m., v. 2, 21.50m. 320.3 Supplements the preceding. Brown, Everit, and Strauss, Albert. Dic- tionary of American politics. N. Y. Burt [c 1888-1907] 592 p. D. $1. 320.3 Very condensed accounts of matters relating to American politics, alphabetically arranged for ready reference. Montgomery, Hugh, and Cambray, P. G. Dictionary of political phrases and allusions^ with a short bibliography. N. Y. Dutton, Lond. Sonnenschein, 190G. 406 p. O. $2. 7s. 6d. 320.3 Chiefly terms and phrases in use in Great Britain although foreign and American terms are also included. "Almost every page is tinge graphies. Hall, Granville Stanley, and Mansfield, J. M. Hints towards a select and descrip- tive bibliography of education. Bost. Heathy 1886. 309 p. D. $1.50. 016.37 Classified, with descriptive notes. Monroe, Will S. Bibliography of edu- cation. N. Y. Appleton, 1897. 202 p. D. (International education series) $1.50. 016.37 Classified list with author index. Many of the title* are annotated briefly. The American educational catalog, pub. lished annually by the Publishers' weekly in * Continued annually. SOCIAL SCIENCES 47 July, is a good priced list of educational books in print. See also Indexes to educational periodicals, p. 10. CUSTOMS AND HOLIDAYS Brand, John. Observations on the popu- lar antiquities of Great Britain; rev. and enl. by Sir Henry EUis. New ed. enl. Lond. Bell, 1888-90. 3v. pi. D. 15s. 394 Gives the origin of customs, ceremonies, and super- stitions of Great Britain. A general index in vol. 3. Cheaper edition published in London by Chatto, Windus & CO., for 3s. 6d. Hazlitt, William Carew. Faiths and folk lore; a dictionary of national behefs, superstitions and popular customs, past and current, with their classical and foreign analogues described and illustrated, forming a new edition of the popular antiquities of Great Britain by Brand and Ellis, largely -extended and corrected and brought down to the present time and now first alphabeti- cally arranged. Lond. Reeves, 1905. 2v. il. O. $6. 394 The arrangement being alphabetic it is more con- venient to use than the old Brand. It is also more up to date. Chambers, Robert. Book of days; a mis- cellany of popular antiquities, in connection with the calendar. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. 2v. il Q. $7. 394 Pubfished originally 1862-64. Later editions show little revision. Under each day of the year (beginning with Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31) is given anecdote, biography, his- tory, curiosities of literature, and miscellaneous infor- mation. A general index in vol. 2 must be used. Useful in looking up information about Hallowe'en, Christmas, etc. Daniels, Cora Limi, and Stevans, C. M. Encyclopaedia of superstitions, folklore and the occult sciences of the world; a com- prehensive library of human belief and prac- tice in the mysteries of life. Chic. Yewdale, 1903. 3v. il. pi. Q. $9. 394 Divided as follows: Birth and child life, Love and marriage. Death. Each of the divisions is subdivided alphabetically. Wagner, Leopold. Manners, customs, and observances, their origin and signification. N. Y. Macmillan, 1895. 318 p. D. 6s. 394 Very brief information regarding the following cus- toms: regal and ecclesiastical; naval and military; legal and parliamentary; civic and social; courtship and marriage; death and burial; amusements of the people; patron saints and their attributes; festivals of the church; Jewish feasts and festivals; secular observ- ances. Alphabetic index. Walsh, William Shepard. Curiosities of popular customs and of rites, ceremonies, observances, and miscellaneous antiquities. Phil. Lippincott, 1898 1018 p. il. D. $3.50. 394 Tells of the origin of holidays, rites, ceremonies, and observances, particularly those pertaining to religion, with accounts of numerous miscellaneous antiquities. A compilation from various sources. Lacks an index. Hone's Every-day book (Lond. 1826. o. p.) is occasionally useful. BIBLIOGRAPHY McCurdy, Robert Morrill. Bibliography of articles relating to holidays. Rev. and brought to date by E. M. Coulter. Bost. Boston book co. 1907. 55 p. D. (Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets, no. 17) 25 cts. pap. 016.394 "This selected list of authorities aims to include the most valuable material on legal holidays and festival days of the year; a few other days about which ques- tions are frequently asked have been introduced for the sake of completeness. General arrangement is by the calendar." Introduction. References to library bulletins containing reference lists on holidays are also given. A revision of the list published in 1905. ETIQUET Green, Walter Cox. Dictionary of eti- quette; a guide to polite usage for all social functions. N. Y. Brentano, 1904. 290 p. O. $1.25. 395 A convenient alphabetic guide. WOMEN'S CLUBS Official register and directory of the women's clubs in America, 1^J07. Bost. H. M. Winslow, 1907. v. 9, por. O.* $1. 396 Arranged alphabetically by states. Gives under name of town the name of the club with the president's name and the number of members. The officers of each state federation with their addresses are also given. Helen M. Winslow, Shirley, Mass., is the editor and publisher. COSTUMES Planch^, James Robinson. Cyclopaedia of costume; or. Dictionary of dress. Lond. Chatto, 1876. 2v. il. pi. sq. Q. $20. 391 * Continued annually. 48 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Vol. 1 is a dictionary of costume, giving in alpha- betic order concise definitions of terms used in describ- ing dress, with copious illustrations; vol. 2 gives a his- tory of costume in Europe. Besides many general books on costume, such as Racinet's Le costume historique illustrated biographies and histories of vari- ous countries and periods must be consulted. SCIENCE In no department (except statistics) is it more necessary to keep up with recent editions of reference books than in science. Many of the cyclopedias in this section become obsolete almost as soon as published. The reference library must therefore contain the latest editions and authorities. Com- paratively few good scientific dictionaries exist. Many old cyclopedias are frequently found useful; among these are: Tomlinson's Cyclopaedia of useful arts, mechanical and chemical, manufactures, mining, and engi- neering (Lond. Virtue, 1868. 3v.), and Ure's Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines (N. Y. 1857-62. 2v.). ANNUALS Science year book, with astronomical, physical and chemical tables, summary of progress in science, directory, biographies and diary for 1907. Ed. by B. F. S. Baden- Powell. N. Y. Van Nostrand, Lond. King, Sell and co. 1907. v. 3, O.* $2. 5s. 505 TABLES Smithsonian institution. Smithsonian meteorological tables, based on Guyot's meteorological and physical tables. 3d rev. ed. corr. to Dec. 1906. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1907. 280 p. O. free. " (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, pt. of v. 35) 551 5 The Smithsonian institution has also published the Smithsonian physical tables (2d rev. ed. 1903), and the Smithsonian geographical tables (1894) TECHNICAL TERMS Deinhardt, Kurt, and Schlomann, Alfred. Illustrated technical dictionary in six lan- guages: Enghsh, German, French, Russian, Itahan, Spanish. N. Y. McGraw pub. co. 1906-08. V. 1-2, il. D. v. 1, $2, v. 2, $7. 603 * Continued annually. "Classified according to the various and principal industries." A sketch or diagram accompanies the definition. Each volume has an index. The subjects covered are: v. 1, Machine details and tools; v. 2, Elec- trical engineering including telegraphy and telephony. Tolhausen, Alexandre. Dictionnaire tech- nologique dans les langues frangaise, an- glaise et allemande. 5th ed. N. Y. Mac- millan, 1908. 3v. S. $2.75 per vol. 603 V. 1, French-German-English; v. 2, English-German- French; v. 3, German-English-French. Gives equivalents in English, French, and German of over 75000 terms employed in the industries, crafts, arts and sciences. Other similar dictionaries are: Hos- pitaher's Vocabulaire technique, industriel et commerciel. Nouv. ed. augm. (Paris, L'industrie electrique, n. d. 10 fr. English, French, German) Rohrig and others' Tech- nological dictionary (Wiesbaden, Bergmann, 1891. 3v. $14.50) Eger's Technological dictionary in the English and German languages (N. Y. Lemcke, 1886. 2v. $9.80) and Webber's Technisches worterbuch in vier sprachen (Berl. Springer, 1897-99. 4v. $4.40) which includes aho Itahan. Muret-Sanders's Encyclopaedic English- German and German-English dictionary contains a large number of. technical terms. BIBLIOGRAPHY International catalogue of scientific litera- ture. Published for the International coun- cil by the Royal society of London. Lond. 1902. 1st annual issue, D.* 18 per year. 016.5 Each annual issue consists 01 17 volumes embracing the following subjects: A mathematics; B mechanics; C physics; D chemistry; E astronomy; F meteorology; G mineralogy; H geology; J geography, mathematical and physical; K palaeontology; L general biolog>'; M botany; N zoology; O human anatomy; P physical anthropology; Q physiology; 11 bacteriology-. Each part includes an author catalog, a subject catalog, schedules and indexes in four languages. "The purpose is to record the titles of all original con- tributions since Jan. 1, 1901 in certain branches of science." Individual volumes may be bought at prices varying with their size from 10 to 35s. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY Davies, Charles, and Peck, W. G. Mathe- matical dictionary and cyclopedia of mathe- matical science. X. Y. Barnes [c 1855-83] 592 p. il. O. $5. 510.3 * Continuetl annually. SCIENCE 49 Definitions of terms and condensed articles on the various branches of mathematics. American ephemeris and nautical almanac for 1910. Wash. Bur. of equipment, 1906. 591 p. il. maps, Q.* $1. 528 Designed for the special use of navigators and astronomers . ELECTRICITY Houston, Edwin James. Dictionary of electrical words, terms, and phrases. 4th ed. enl. N. Y. Johnston, 1898 [^ 89-98] 990 p. il. O. $7. 537 Concise definitions, with brief statement of the principles of the science, and some illustrations of apparatus. There are two appendixes, thus making three alphabets to be examined. A smaller dictionary is Sloane's Standard electrical dictionary (Lond. Lockwood,1900). Central station list and buyers' manual; a record of central station equipment, per- sonnel, etc. N. Y. McGraw, 1907. O. $4 per year. 621.3 Published .semi-annually. Contains a directory of manufacturers, dealers, engineers and contractors, a list of electric light stations in the United States, Canada and Mexico, and a list of electric light associa- tions of America. CHEMISTRY Watts, Henry. Dictionary of chemistry; rev. and entirely rewritten by M. M. P. Muir and H. F. Morley. 2d ed. Lond. Long- mans, 1890-94. 4v. O. .S50.50. 540.3 The original edition was called Dictionary of chem- istry and the allied branches of other sciences (186.5\ This edition deals mainly with the purely scientific side of chemi.stry. Thorpe, Thomas Edward. Dictionary of applied chemistry. Lond. Longmans, 1890- 93. 3v. il. O. $50. 660.3 " E.ssentially a dictionary of chemistry in its appli- cation to the arts and manufactures, hence it deals but sparingly with the purely scientific aspects of chemistry, unless these have some direct and immedi- ate bearing upon the business of the technologist. The work may be considered as complementary to Watts's Dictionary, the general plan and arrangement are similar." Preface. Van Nostrand's chemical annual, 1907; a handbook of useful chita for analytical, manufacturing, and investigating chemists and chemical students. N. Y. Van Nostrand, 1907. V. 1, D.* $2.50. 540.5 Review of chemical literature, p. 417-491 . Continued annually. BIBLIOGR.\PHY Bolton, Henry Carrington. Select bibli- ography of chemistry, 1492-1892. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1899. 1212 p. O. free. First supplement, 1492-1897. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1899. 489 p. O. free. Second supplement, 1492-1902. Wash. Smithsonian inst. 1904. 462 p. O. free. Academic dissertations. Wash. Smith- sonian inst. 1901. 534p. O. free. 016.54 Continued in the Second, supplement. A comprehensive bibliography, containing some annotations. GEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY Darton, Nelson Horatio. Catalogue and index of contributions to North American geology, 1732-1891. Wash. Government printing office, 1896. 1045 p. O. (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, no. 127) free. 016.557 Alphabetically arranged tmder author and subject. Includes references to articles in serials. Schmeckebier, L. F. Catalogue and index of the publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler survey. Wash. Gov- ernment printing office, 1904. 208 p. O. (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, no. 222) free. 016.557 Warman, Philip Creveling. Bibliography and index of the publications of the United States geological survey. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1893. 495 p. O. (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, no. 100) free. 016.557 Catalogue and index of the publications of the United States geological survey, 1880- 1901. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. 858 p. O. (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, no. 177) free. 016. 55-7 This is an extension of the preceding, which is fuller in bibliographic details, while this edition has a full index, broadly classified and alphabetically arranged. 1901 to 1903. Wash. Government printing office, 1903. 234 p. O. (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, no. 215) free. 016.557 Weeks, Fred Boughton. Bibliography of North American geology, paleontology, petro- logy, and mineralogy, 1892-1905. Wash, 50 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Government printing office, 1902. 2v. O.* (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, nos. 188, 301) free. 016.557 No. 188, 1892-1900; No. 301, 1901-05. Arranged alphabetically by authors' names, with full titles of separate papers, referring to the publica- tion in which each paper is printed. Annotated. NATURAL HISTORY The Nature library. N. Y. Doubleday, 1905-08. V. 1-14, il-. pi. Q. $50. 508 CJontents: v. 1, Bird neighbors, by Neltje Blanchan; V. 2, Birds that hunt and are hunted, by Neltje Blanchan; v. 3, Bird homes, by A. R. Ehigmore; V. 4, American animals, by Witmer Stone and W. E. Cram; v. 5, American food and game fishes, by D. S. Jordan and B. W. Evermann; v. 6, The butterfly book, by W. J. Holland; v. 7, The moth book, by W. J. Holland; v. 8, The insect book, by L. O. Howard; v. 9, Nature's garden, by Neltje Blanchan; v. 10, The mush- room book, by N. L. Marshall; v. 11, The tree book, by J. E. Rogers; v. 12, The frog book, by M. C. Dicker- son; V. 13, The reptile book, by R. L. Ditmars; v. 14, The shell book, by J. E. Rogers. The volumes can be obtained separately. Valuable for a reference department because there is no dictionary of the subject. Good illustrations. ANIMALS Champlin, John Denison, jr. The young folks' cyclopaedia of natural history, with editorial cooperation and an introduction by F. A. Lucas. N. Y. Holt, 1905. 725 p. il. pi. O. $2.50. 590 Uniform with the other Champlin "Young folks' cyclopaedias." It is valuable in a general reference library for the convenience of arrangement. The cyclopaedia covers the entire animal kingdom (including extinct animals) in an elementary manner, the articles being put under the popular nomenclature. Newton, Alfred. Dictionary of birds. Lond. Black, 1893-96. 1088 p. il. O. $5. 598.2 "Covers the whole field of ornithology. Including, in addition to the birds named, the anatomy of birds, their classification, their geographical distribution, their geological history, and much matter that is purely biographical." Nation, 57:416. BOTANY Crozier, Arthur Alger. Dictionary of botanical terms. N. Y. Holt, 1892. 202 p. O. $2.40. 580.3 " Aims to include all technical terms applied to plants both by botanists and others." Jackson, Benjamm Daydon. Glossary of botanic terms; with their derivation and accent. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Lond. Duck- * Continued annually. worth, Phil. Lippincott, 1905. 371 p. D. 7s. 6d. $2.50. 580.3 This edition contains a supplementary list, p. 295- 363. Lyons, Albert Brown. Plant names, scien- tific and popular, including in the case of each plant the correct botanical name in accordance with the reformed nomenclature, together with botanical and popular syno- nyms. 2d ed. rev. Detroit, Nelson, 1907. 630 p. O. $2.50. 580.3 "More especially intended to meet the practical needs of the retail druggist." Preface. Smith, John. Dictionary of economic plants. N. Y. Macmillan, 1882. 457 p. O. $3.50. 580.3 "A useful compendium of the popular names of plants which supply the natural and acquired wants of man in all matters of domestic and general economy; their history, products, and uses. Adapted to the general student." Leypoldt and Ilea's List of books for girls and women. USEFUL ARTS AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Cyclopedia of American agriculture; a popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices, and ideals in the United States and Canada. N. Y. Macmillan, 1908. v. 1-3, il. pi. maps, Q. $5 per vol. 630.3 To be completed in 4 vols. v. 1, Farms; v. 2, Crops; v. 3, Animals. The work is not arranged alphabetically. Articles are written by specialists and there are bibliographic references. The first volume treats of agricultural regions, the projecting of a farm, the soil environment, the atmosphere environment. There is an index and glossary. The second volume includes the plant and its relations, the manufacture of crop products. North American field crops (arranged alphabetically by topics) There is an index. Volume 3 relates to the animal and its relations, the manufacture of animal products; North Americian farm animals (arranged alphabetically by topics) Cyclopedia of American horticulture. N. Y. Macmillan, 1901-02. 4v. il. Q. $20. 630.3 " PurpKjse of this work is to make a complete record of the status of North American horticulture as it exists at the close of the 19th century. The work dis- cusses the cultivation of fruits, flowers, and garden vegetables, describes all the species which are known to be in the horticultural trade, outlines the horti- cultural possibilities of the various states, territories, and provinces, presents biographies of those persons not living who have contributed most to the horti- USEFUL ARTS 51 cultural progress of North America, and indicates the leading monographic works relating to the various subjects." Preface. "The most complete similar recent work in the English language is Nicholson's Illustrated dictionary of gardening, four vols. 1884-87. . . . Mottet's French edition of Nicholson, five vols. 1892-99, is the largest modern cyclopedia of horticulture, and the only one which exceeds in size the present American venture." Preface to v. 4. Wilcox, Earley Vernon, and Smith, C. B. Farmer's cyclopedia of agriculture; a com- pendium of agricultural science and practice on field, orchard, and garden crops, spraying, soils, the feeding and diseases of farm animals, dairy farming, and poultry in the United States and Canada. N. Y. Orange Judd co. 1904. 619 p. il. pi. O. $3.50. 630.3 "Ckintains an account of the best methods of planting, cultivating, harvesting and utilizing the important farm crops, including field crops, fruits and garden vegetables; and a discussion of all the important data concerning the care and feeding of farm animals, including poultry." Calls attention to the valuable literature published by the various state experiment stations and the United States Department of agricul- ture. Arrangement is not alphabetic but by subjects which are subdivided alphabetically. Index. Farmer's cyclopedia of live stock. N. Y. Judd, Lond. Paul, 1908. 745 p. il. O. $4.50. 630.3 MEDICINE Billings, John Shaw, and others. National medical dictionary. Phil. Lea, 1890. 2v. Q. $12. 610.3 Clear, concise definitions of medical terms in current use in English, French, German, and Italian medical literature. Includes the Latin medical terminology. Dorland, William Alexander Newman. American illustrated medical dictionary; a new and complete dictionary of the terms used in medicine, surgery, dentistry, phar- macy, chemistry and the kindred branches, with their pronunciation, derivation and definition, including much collateral infor- mation of an encyclopedic character. 4th ed. rev. and enl. Phil. Saunders, 1906. 836 p. il. pi. O. $4.50. 610.3 Foster, Frank Pierce. Illustrated ency- clopaedic medical dictionary; being a diction- ary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences in the Latin, English, French, and German lan- guages. N. Y. Appleton, 1888-94. Q. #40. 610.3 Gould, George Milbry. New medical dic- tionary. Phil. Blakiston, 1892. 519 p. O. $3.25. 610.3 Includes words and phrases generally used in medi- cine with their proper pronunciation and definitions. Concise and of convenient size for ready reference. Illustrated dictionary of medicine and aUied sciences. 5th ed. Phil. Blakiston, 1900. 1633 p. il. sq. O. $10. 610.3 Gives pronunciation, derivation, and definition of terms used in medicine and the various sciences related to it biology, zoology, botany, chemistry, etc., with illustrations. The best medical dictionary. Dictionary of new medical terms, including upwards of 38000 words and many useful tables; being a supplement to " An illustrated dictionary of medicine, biology and allied sciences." Phil. Blakiston, 1905. 571 p. Q. $5. 610.3 Other good dictionaries of medicine are: Duane's Dictionary of medicine and the allied sciences (Phil. Lea, 1900. $4) Dun- glison's Dictionary of medical science (Phil. Lea, 1903. $8) and Barton and Wells' The- saurus of medical words and phrases (Phil. Saunders, 1903. $2.50) which are dic- tionaries of terms, and Quain's Dictionary of medicine (N. Y. Appleton, 1894. 2v. $14) which is a dictionary of diseases. National standard dispensatory; in ac- cordance with the 8th decennial revision of the United States Pharmacopceia as amended to 1907. Phil. Lea, 1907. 1860 p. pi. O. $7.25. 615.12 Edited by H. A. Hare and others. Gives the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and uses of medicines, including those recog- nized in the pharmacopcsias of the United States, Great Britain, and Germany, with references to the French codex. It has a general index. Wood, George Bacon, and Bache, Frank- lin. Dispensatory of the United States. 19th ed. rev. largely rewritten, and based upon the 8th decennial revision of the Uni- ted States Pharmacopoeia. 1947 p. O. Phil. Lippincott, 1907. $7. 615.12 The first edition appeared in 1833^ "The objects of a Dispensatory are to present an account of medical substances in the state in which they are brought into the shops and to teach the modes in which they are prepared for use." Preface. The work is arranged alphabetically under name of the drugs with index of diseases. A commentary upon the Pharmacopoeias of the United States and Great Britain. 52 SPECIAL SUBJECTS U. S. pharmacopoeial convention, 8th, Wash. 1900. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. 8th decennial revision. Phil. Blakiston, agents, 1905. 692 p. O. $2.50. 615 BIBLIOGRAPHY U. S. Surgeon-general's office, U.S. army. Index-catalogue of the library, authors, and subjects. Wash. Government printing office, 1880-95. 16v. Q. $5 per vol. 016.61 Second series. Wash. Government printing office, 1896-1907. v. 1-12, Q. $5 per vol. 016.61 Second series to Periodicals. In course of publica- tion. This is one of the finest catalogs of any library, giving in dictionary order, books, pamphlets, and titles of articles in medical journals and transactions contained in one of the largest of medical libraries. A separate volume entitled Alphabetical list of abbreviations of titles of medical periodicals employed in the Index- catalogue, vols. 1-16, numbers 282 pages, showing the large number of periodicals indexed. Index medicus; a monthly classified record of the current medical literature of the world, 1879-1908. Wash. Carnegie institution, 1879-1908. v. 1-25, Q. $8 per year. 016.61 None published May 1899-Dec. 1902. For this period consult Bibliographia medica published in Paris. Ser. 1, 1879-99 published in Boston; .ser. 2, 1903-08. Each yearly volume has an author index and a full subject index of the books and periodicals of the year which relate to medicine. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Cassell & CO., pub. Domestic dictionary; an encyclopaedia for the household. Lond. Cassell, n. d. 1276 p. il. O. 7s. 640.3 Condensed descriptions, definitions, and explana- tions of household matters. An English publication. Goodholme, Todd S. Domestic cyclopae- dia of practical information. New ed. enl. N. Y. Scribner, 1889 [c 77-89] 652 p. il. Q. $5. 640.3 A .concise American dictionary. Not sufficiently recent. BIBLIOGRAPHY Shaw, Robert Kendall. Bibliography of domestic economy in English.. Alb. Univer- sity of the state of N.Y. 1901. 170 p. O. 15 cts. (N. Y. (state) Library. Bulle- tins, no. 52) 016.64 Aims "to include all bound books on domestic eco- nomy published in the English language between 1850 and 1899." The best books are starred. MECHANIC ARTS International library of technology; a series of text-books for persons engaged in the engineering professions and trades. Scranton, International textbook co. c 1901- 07. 81v. il. O. $5 per vol. 600 This series should be in every reference collection where there is much demand for books on engineering and allied subjects. The arrangement is not that of the usual reference book, but the set covers such a wide variety of subjects that there is no other that can take its place. The treatment is somewhat popular. Goodchild, G. F. and Tweney, C. F. Tech- nological and scientific dictionary. Lond. Newnes, Phil. Lippincott, 1906. 875 p. Q. $6. 603 An English work which aims to give the modern meaning of technical terms used in the arts and sciences. The articles are brief. "Much space is devoted to chemistry, a fair amount to mechanical and electrical engineering, and relatively little to civil engineering. Music and heraldry are among the main topics. . . Thor- oughly British point of view." Engineering news. Hasluck, Paul Nooncree. Cassell 's cyclo- paedia of mechanics, containing receipts, processes, and memoranda for workshop use. Lond. Cassell, 1900-04. Ser. 1-4, il. O. 7s. 6d. per vol. 603 Not alphabetically arranged, but it has an alphabetic index, and an index to illustrations. Dixon, D. B. Mechanical arts simplified; a work of reference. New ed. Chic. Laird, 1897 [c 94-97] 497 p. il. O. $2.50. 603 Treats the subject in a popular manner. Hopkins, Albert AUis, and Bond, A. R. Scientific American reference book. N. Y. Munn, 1905 [c 04] 516 p. il. pi. O. $1.50. 600 Tables and statistics relating to: progress of dis- covery, shipping and yachts, navies of the world, armies of the world, railroads, population of the United States, education, libraries, telegraphs, telephones, patents, manufactures, departments of federal govern- ment, the post office, international institutions and bureaus, mines and mining, geometrical construction, machine elements, mechanical movements, chemistry, astronomy, weights and measures. Lueger, Otto. Lexikon der gesamten tech- nik und ihrer hilfswissenschaften. 2. aufl. Stuttg. and Lpz. Deutsche verlagsanstalt, 1904-07. V. 1-5, il. Q. 30m. per vol. 603 V. 5 to Kuppinger. First edition in 7v. 1894-99. The articles are signed. References to the litera- ture of subjects are given. One of the best reference books in the useful arts and sciences. USEFUL ARTS 53 The following are useful occasionally al- though now on many subjects out of date: Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechan- ics; a dictionary of mechanical engineering and the mechanic arts. N. Y. Appleton, 1884 [c 78] 2v. Q. $15. 603 Benjamin, Park. Modern mechanism ; sup- plementary volume to Appleton's Cyclopae- dia of applied mechanics. N. Y. Appleton, 1896 [c 92] 959 p. il. pi. Q. $7.50. 603 Describes machines, motors, and the transmission of power. Knight, Edward Henry. American mechan- ical dictionary. Bost. Houghton [c 1872-70] 3v. il. pi. Q. $24. 603 A digest of mechanical appliances in science and the arts. Description of tools, . machines, processes, and engineering. New mechanical dictionary. Bost. Houghton, 1884 [c 82-83] 9G0 p. il. pi. Q. $9. 603 A continuation of the preceding. Refers to articles in technical journal;, 1876-80. BIBLIOGRAPHY Greenwood, Edgar. Classified guide to technical and commercial books; a subject- list of the principal British and American works in print. Lond. Scott, N. Y. Van Nostrand, 1904. 216 p. O. $3. 016.6 Arranged alphabetically under sections, e. g. under agriculture its subdivisions are grouped together. No annotations. One of the best lists of English and American tech- nical books. Haferkom, Henry Ernst, and Heise, Paul. Handy lists of technical literature. Milwau- kee, Haferkorn, 1890-93. Gv. O. $12. 016.6 Contents: Useful arts in general; Military and naval science; Electricity and magnetism; Engineering and mechanics; Mines and mining; Fine arts. Gives trade information, publisher, price, etc.; sub- ject and author lists are in one alphabet. John Crerar library, Chicago. List of books on industrial arts, Oct. 1903. Chic. 1904. 249 p. Q. 30 cts. 016.6 There is an alphabetic index of subjects, titles and names of persons, institutions and places. ENGINEERING Henley's encyclopaedia of practical engi- neering and alhed trades; ed. by J. G. Horner. N. Y. Henley, 1906-08. v. 1-4, il. pi. sq. O. $25 for set. 620.3 -\n English work published in England under the title Encyclopaedia of practical engineering and allied trades, ed. by J. G. Horner. Strong in mechanical engineering. Contains numerous scaled drawings and photographs. Byrne, Oliver, and Spon, Ernest. Spon's dictionary of engineering, civil, mechanical, military, and naval; with technical terms in French, Gerrnan, Italian, and Spanish. Lond. Spon, 1874. 3v. il. Q. $40. 620.3 Articles written mainly by practical engineers. In- dex in vol. 3. Out of date on many subjects. Among the most useful reference books on this svibject are the so-called ''pocket- books " which are full of important facts such as tables, formulas, rules, etc. They are the best ready reference works and have the important advantage of being revised frequently, new editions appearing every year or two. The latest editions should be had if possible. Gillette, Halbert Powers. Handbook of cost data for contractors and engineers; a reference book giving methods of construc- tion and actual costs of materials and la- bor on numerous engineering works. N. Y. Myron C. Clark pub. co. 1900. 010 p. il. S. $4. 620 A very useful handbook. Dawson's The " Engineering " and elec- tric traction pocket-book (Lond. " Engineer- ing," N. Y. Wiley, 1900. $5) Fosters Electrical engineer's pocket-book (N. Y. Van Nostrand, 1908. $5) Has well's Mechanics' and engineers' pocket-book of tables, rules, and formulas pertaining to mechanics, mathematics, and physics (N. Y. Harper, c 1884-1903. $4) Kempe's Engi- neer's year-book of formula^, rules, tables, data, and memoranda in civil, mechanical, electrical, marine, and mining engineering (Lond. Lockwood, 1901. 8s.) Kent's Me- chanical engineer's pocket-book (N. Y.Wiley [c 1895] $0) Kidder's Architect's and builder's pocket-book (N. Y. Wiley, 1908. $5) Meade's Chemist's pocket manual (Easton, Pa. Chemical pulx co. 1900. $2) Standard handbook for electrical engineers (N. Y. McGraw, 1908. $4) Suplee's Me- chanical engineer's reference book; a hand- book of tables, formulas and methods (Phil. Lippincott [c 1903-07] $5) Trautwinc's Civil- engineer's pocket-book (N. Y. Wiley, 1906. $5) 54 SPECIAL SUBJECTS MILITARY AND NAVAL Farrow, Edward Samuel. Farrow's mili- tary encyclopedia; a dictionary of military knowledge. N. Y. Military-naval pub. co. 1895. 3v. il. maps, Q. $24. 623 Brief articles, not strictly technical, on military subjects, ancient and modern, foreign and domestic. Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. Naval ency- clopaedia. Phil. Hamersly, 1881. 1017 p. Q. $5. 359.03 A concise dictionary of nautical words and phrases, biographic notices, and records of naval officers, with special articles on naval art and science written by authorities. It contains also descriptions of naval stations and seaports. Patterson's illustrated nautical encyclope- dia. Rev. and enl. ed. Cleveland, The Marine rev. pub. co. 1902. 514 p. il. Q. $3. 359-03 Contains general sea terms, shipbuilding, naviga- tion, marine engineering, and naval terms, also pictures of naval flags. Wisser, John Philip, and Gauss, H. C. Mihtary and naval dictionary, containing authentic and plainly-worded definitions of all terms used in the military and naval ser- vices, and brief but comprehensive defini- tions of the powers appertaining to each department of the United States government and the duties of all government officials. N. Y. Hamersly, 1905. 175 p. D. 50 cts. 355 A condensed manual of modern military and naval terms. Useful to the general student, because not too technical. Great Britain Board of trade. Inter- national code of signals. American ed. Wash. Government printing office, 1907. 552 p. il. pi. Q. (U. S. Hydrographic office. Publications, no. 87) 359 RECEIPTS Brannt, William T. and Wahl, W: H. Techno-chemical receipt-book; ed. chiefly from the German. Phil. Baird, 1890 [c 86] 495 p. il. D. $2. 603 Receipts and processes of practical application in the arts and the industries. Cooley, Arnold James. Cyclopaedia of prac- tical receipts. 6th ed. rev. by R. V. Tuson. N. Y. Appleton, 1891. 2v. il. O. $9. 603 A collection of formulas and processes in the indus- trial and useful arts, manufactures, professions, and trades, including medicine, pharmacy, and domestic economy. Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. Henley's twen- tieth century book of recipes, formulas and processes, containing nearly ten thousand selected scientific, chemical, technical and household recipes, formulas and processes. N. Y. Henley, 1907. 787 p. O. $3. 603 The best and most up-to-date book of receipts. Hopkins, Albert AUis. Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes, and queries. 22d ed. N. Y. Munn, 1903 [c 1891-1900] 639 + 105 p. O. $5. 603 Replies to correspondents in the Notes and queries column of the Scientific American. This edition has an appendix of additional receipts and a list of chemical synonyms. MINERALS Rothwell, Richard Pennefather. Mineral industry; its statistics, technology, and trade in the United States and other countries to the end of 1901. N. Y. Scientific pub. co. 1902.* O. $5. 669 An annual publication alphabetically arranged. The United States Geological survey issues an annual work on the mineral resources of this country, which is distributed gratis. It does not appear so punctually as the preceding, and is limited to the United States. Chester, Albert Huntington. Dictionary of the names of minerals, including their history and etymology. N. Y. Wiley, 1896. 320 p. O. $3.50. 549.03 Brief definitions and history of names; with an index to the authors of mineral names. PATENTS U. S. ^Patent oflace. Official gazette. 1872-1908. Wash. Government printing office, 1872-1908. v. 1-135, il. Q. 608 Weekly since 1872. It contains brief advance descriptions and simple drawings, patents, trade- marks, designs, and labels, issued each week; decisions of the Commissioner of patents and of United States courts in patent cases. In libraries having complete files of the Official gazette they are a much used part of the reference collection. The annual reports of the Commissioner of patents contain indexes of patentees and of inventions to the Official gazette and to the Specifications and drawings. For fuller information concerning a patent, consult the Specifications and drawings of patents, issued twice a month. * Continued annually. USEFUL ARTS INDUSTRIES AND MANUFACTURES Lock, Charles G. Warnford. Spoil's ency- clopaedia of the industrial arts, manufactures, and raw commercial products. Lond. Spon, 1882. 2v. il. Q. 3 10s. 603 Treats fully of such subjects as acids, bleaching, cotton manufactures, dye-stuffs, floor-cloth, etc. An English work, alphabetically arranged. BoUand, Simpson. Encyclopedia of found- ing and dictionary of foundry terms used in the practice of moulding. N. Y. Wiley, 1894. 535 p. D. $3. 671 Names of minerals, metals, and chemicals have been included. Cole, George S. Encyclopedia of dry- goods; a reference book of the wholesale and retail dry goods trade of the United States. New ed. rev. and enl. N. Y. Root news- paper assoc. 1900. 640 p. O. $2.50. 677 A useful reference book, alphabetically arranged, giving a descriptive and historical account of the standard fabrics, garments, and related articles of merchandise, and explanation of the processes of manufacture of textile fabrics. There are also many dictionaries of special industrial subjects which will be of value in large technical collections. They have been omitted from this list but will be found in the List of cyclopedias and dictionaries in the John Crerar library (new edition) Willets, Gibson. Workers of the nation; an encyclopedia of the occupations of the American people and a record of business, professional and industrial achievement at the beginning of the twentieth century. N. Y. Dodd, 1903. 2v. Q. $4. 603 v. 1, Manufacturing and mechanical industries; trade and general business; v. 2, Transportation by land and water; mining, agriculture and the fisheries; the professions. Trade catalogs contain much material of assistance in looking up subjects in the various industries. TRADE DIRECTORIES American iron and steel association. Directory to the iron and steel works of the U. S. IGth ed. corrected to Aug. 1, 1904. Phil. American iron and steel assoc. 1904. $10. 672 I.ssued biennially. Hendricks' commercial register of the United States for buyers and sellers, es- pecially devoted to the architectural, me- chanical, engineering, contracting, electrical, railroad, iron, steel, mining, mill, quarrying and kindred industries. N. Y. liendricks, 1905. v. 14, O.* $6. 670 Contains names, addresses and business classifica- tions, lists of manufacturers and dealers. Additional titles of trade directories will be found in the List of cyclopedias and dic- tionaries, with a list of directories, in the John Crerar library (new edition) PRINTING AND PUBLISHING American dictionary of printing and book- making. N. Y. Lockwood, 1894. 592 p. il. por. sq. Q. 655 - Historical and technical, including biographic sketches and definitions. Timperley's Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anecdote (Lond. Bohn, 1842. o. p.) is an old work containing much miscel- laneous information about the history of printing. It is a chronological digest, with a full index. International directory of second-hand booksellers and bibhophile's manual, includ- ing lists of the pubhc libraries of the world, pubUshers, book collectors, learned societies and institutions, theological colleges, Burns clubs, etc. Rochdale [Eng.] Clegg, N. Y. Dodd, 1906. 478 p. D. Gs. $2. 655.4 Edited by James Clegg. This is the 7th issue of the directory which is published at intervals. Wilson, The H. W. company, pub. Direc- tory of booksellers, newsdealers and station- ers in the United States and Canada. 4th ed. Minn. Wilson, 1907. unp. Q. $5. 655-5 Limited to those engaged in the book business. Arranged alphabetically by states and under states by places. Under the names of dealers is given their address, lines of goods carried by them and the approx- imate amount of business done annually. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bigmore, Edward Clements, and Wyman, C. W. H. Bibliography of printing. Lond. Quaritch, 1880-86. 3v. il. sq. O. about 3 19s. 016.655 Annotated. * Continued annually. 66 SPECIAL SUBJECTS FINE ARTS DICTIONARIES Adeline, Jules. Art dictionary; tr. fr. the French and enlarged. Lond. Virtue, N. Y. Appleton, 1891. 422 p. il. O. 7s. 6d. $2.25. 703 An illustrated index of terms used in art, architec- ture, heraldry, and archeology. MoUett, John William. Illustrated dic- tionary of words used in art and archaeology. Bost. Houghton, 1883. 350 p. il. O. $5. 703 Explains terms used in works on architecture, arms, painting, sculpture, costume, etc., with their deriva- tions. SYMBOLIC ART Clement, Mrs Clara Erskine, afterwards Mrs Waters. Handbook of Christian sym- bols and stories of the saints as illustrated in art. 2d ed. Bost. Ticknor [c 1871-86] 349 p. il. O. $2. 703 Handbook of legendary and mytholo- gical art. 22d ed. Bost. Houghton, 1890 [c 71-86] 575 p. il. D. $3. 703 Contains a catalog of pictures in European gal- leries . Good popular handbooks on symbolic and legendary art. ARTISTS See Biography, p. 77-78. ANNUALS American art annual, 1898-1908, ed. by F. N. Levy. N. Y. Macmillan, 1899-1908. V. 1-6, O.* $5 i3er vol, 705 Information as to art exhibitions and sales of the year, lists of artists, art directory. In 1905-06 and later volumes the years of birth and death and the nationality of artists are given in list of paintings sold. The Year's art; a concise epitome of all matters relating to painting, sculpture, engraving and architecture, which have occurred in the United Kingdom during the year 1907, together with information re- specting the coming events of the year 1908. Lond. Hutchinson, N.Y. Scribner, 1908. il. D.* 3s. 6d. $1.40. 70s Compiled by A. C. R. Carter. Published since 1880. * Continued annually. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sturgis, Russell. Annotated bibliography of fine art; painting, sculpture, architecture, arts of decoration and illustration; ed. by George lies. Bost. [A.L.A. publishing board] 1897. 89 p. O. (A.L.A. annotated Usts.) $1. o. p. 016.7 Contains also an annotated bibliography of music, by H. E. Krehbiel. About 1000 carefully chosen titles with excellent de- scriptive and critical notes. Prices of books are given. South Kensington museum. First proofs of the LTniversal catalogue of books on art. Lond. Chapman, 1870-77. 3v. sq. O. 016.7 Author list; no annotations, v. 3 is a Supplement. Farrar, Charles Samuel. Art topics in the history of sculpture, painting, and architec- ture. 3d ed. enl. Chic. Farrar, 1890 [c 81] 206 p. sq. O. .$1.25. 016.7 Designed to furnish a course of reading in the his- tory of art, arranged as a syllabus with references to the best authorities on each topic. ARCHITECTURE Sturgis, Russell. Dictionary of architec- ture and building, biographical, historical, and descriptive. N. Y. Macmillan, 1901. 3v. il. pi. Q. $18. 720.3 " It is not hard to pick flaws in the best of technical dictionaries, and this one, in spite of its defects, which are of omission rather than commission, will prove an eminently useful and, in the main, reliable work." Nation, 72 : 220. Combines the features of a dictionary and an ency- clopedia. Longfellow, William Pitt Preble. Cyclo- pedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant. N. Y. Scribner, 1903. 546 p. il. pi. Q. $6. 720.3 Arranged alphabetically by names of places with an account of the chief architectural monuments in each. The illustrations are good. Architectural publication society. Dic- tionary of architecture. Lond. Richards, 1852-92. 6v. pi. F. $65. o. p. 720.3 An important work, including technical, aesthetical, historical, and biographic articles with bibliographic references. Gwilt, Joseph. Encyclopaedia of architec- ture. New ed. enl. by Wyatt Papworth. Lond. Longmans, 1888. Iv. in 2, il, pi. O. $17.50. 720.3 First published in 1842, it is still an authority. Not alphabetically arranged; full index. Includes not only FINE ARTS 57 the historical and practical side of the subject but an extensive bibliography and a glossary of architectural terms. VioUet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel. Dic- tioiinaire raisonne de rarchiteture frangaise du XI au XVI siecle. Paris, Morel, 1868. lOv. O. 250 fr. 720.3 A dictionary of medieval French architecture. An important authority. The index in volume 10, by Henri Sabine, is of use in finding subjects. Gamsey, George O. American glossary of architectural terms. Chic. Garnsey, 1887. unp. il. Q. $2. 720.3 Concise definitions of terms in architecture and the building arts in use in England and America. Parker, John Henry. Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. 5th enl. ed. Ox. Parker, 1850. 3v. il. pi. O. o. p. 720.3 v. 1, text; v. 2-3, plates. A dictionary of architectural terms with many illus- rations and two volumes of plates. Concise glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic archi- tecture. 7th ed. Lond. Parker, 1888. 335 p. il. pi. S. $3. 720.3 An abridgment of the preceding for popular use. Perry, J. Tavenor. Chronology of mediae- val and renaissance architecture. Lond. Murray, 1893. 290 p. il. O. 16s. 723 Architectural events from a. d. 306 to 1626 are arranged in chronological order; with an index to places and buiklings and an index to names of architects, sculptors, and other persons. BIBLIOGRAPHY Boston Public library. Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construction, and decoration. Bost. PubUc library, 1894. 150 p. Q. 25 cts. 016.72 Classified. Columbia university Library. Catalogue of the Avery architectural library: a memo- rial library of architecture, archaeology, and decorative art. N.Y. Library of Columbia college, 1895. 1139 p. il. Q. $9. 016.72 Author list. For indexes to periodical literature, see p. 10. CERAMICS Jervis, William Percival. Encyclopedia of ceramics. N.Y. the Author, 1902. 673 p. il. por. O. $6.50. 738 Includes biographic sketched, terms, marks, mono- grams, etc. PAINTING Champlin, John Denison, jr., and Perkins, C: C. Cyclopedia of painters and painting. N.Y. Scribner, 1892 [c 85-87] Q. $20. 750.3 The names of painters and their works are given in one alphabet. A sketch of the artist, with a list of hia works and bibliographic notes, is often accompanied by his portrait, and an occasional reproduction in out- line of important paintings. Under the name of a celebrated painting will be found a brief description of it. Mach, Edmund von. Outlines of the his- tory of painting from 1200-1900 A.D. Bost. Ginn, 1906. 186 p. Q. $1.80. 750.9 Useful in a reference department for the tables, list of artists with pronouncing vocabulary, art maps, and list of great painters of all countries. ENGRAVING Art sales of the year 1902, being a record of the prices obtained at auction for pictures and prints sold from October 1901 to the end of the season 1902. Lond. Hutchinson, 1903. 2d annual issue, O. 30s. 750 Edited by John Herbert Slater. Arranged acording to date of sale with alphabetic index. No more published. Slater, John Herbert. Engravings and their value; a guide for the print collector. 3d ed. rev. with an appendix. Lond. Gill, N. Y. Scribner, 1900. 625 p. D. 15s. 760 "A dictionary of engravers and their works, being an alphabetical list of the principal engravers, with the prices realised at auction for a selection of their works." In this edition the appendix contains additional matter. Library of Congress. Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings; comp. by A. J. Parsons. Wash. Government printing office, 1905. 517 p. pi. Q. $3.20. 760 Of value in a reference library for the biographic and bibliographic notes as well as for the dates and schools of the engravers. MUSIC Champlin, John Denison, jr., and Apthorp, W: F. Cyclopedia of music and musicians. N.Y. Scribner, 1893 [c 88] 3v. il. Q. $15. 780.3 Its scope is confined to the biography of musicians and a dictionary of their works arranged in one alpha- bet. The theory and practice of music is not included. 58 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Important compositions are treated fully under their own names in separate articles. In the biographic articles, titles italicized are treated separately under their names. Bibliographic notes are added, and a bibliography of music is given in the first volume. The portraits and facsimiles are an interesting feature. Elson, Louis Charles. Elson's music dic- tionary, containing the definition and pro- nunciation of such terms and signs as are used in modern music, together with a hst of foreign composers and artists, with pronun- ciation of their names, a Hst of popular works and a short English-Italian vocabu- lary of musical words and expressions. Bost. Ditson, 1905. 306 p. O. $1. 780.3 " A manual of lucid condensation." Nation, May 17 1 1906. Grove, Sir George. Grove's dictionary of music and musicians; ed. by J, A. Fuller Maitland. Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan, 1904-08. V. 1-4, il. pi. facsim. O. $5 per vol. 780.3 To be completed in 5 vols. The earlier edition (Lond. Macmillan, 1888-90, 4v. and index vol.) has been superseded by the above. Many articles have been entirely rewritten and a large number of new ones have been added. It covers the whole field of music from 1450 to 1904. English music and musicians have been given special attention. The articles are by prominent writers, and are signed. The best cyclopedia of music in English. Hughes, Rupert. The musical guide, con- taining a pronouncing and defining dictionary of terms, instruments, etc. N.Y. McClure, 1903. 2v. pi. tab. O. $6. 780.3 In the first volume may be found a pronouncing and defining dictionary of musical terms, instruments, etc., and in a separate part of the same volume stories of the operas. In the second volume there is a pronouncing dictionary of given names, titles, epithets, etc., and a biographic dictionary of musicians, and a supplemen- tary necrology. There are too many alphabets. Mendel, Hermann, and Reissmann, A. MusikaUsches conversations-lexikon, eine encyklopiidie der gesammten musikalischen wissenschaften. Berl. Schmidt, 1870-79. llv. O. 78m.' 780.3 Ergfinzungsband. Berl. 1883. 11m. 780.3 Riemann, Hugo. Dictionary of music; tr. by J. S. Shedlock. Lond. Augener [1899] 895 p. O. $6. 780.3 The best one-volume dictionary. It contains bio- graphic sketches of musicians, including contempo- raries. Stainer, Sir John, and Barrett, W. A. Dictionary of musical terms. New ed. N. Y. Scribner, 1899. 464 p. Q. $3. 780.3 Concise explanations of the common terms used in music. OPERAS Annesley, Charles. Standard operaglass, containing the detailed plots of one hundred and twenty-three celebrated operas, with critical and biographical remarks, dates, etc. New ed. rev. with additions. N. Y. Bren- tano, 1907 [c 1899-1904] 446 p. por. D. $1.50. 792 Arrangetl alphabetically by operas, with index of composers. Upton's Standard operas (Chic. McClurg, $1.50) is another helpful book arranged alphabetically by composers, with index of operas. MUSICIANS See Biography, p. 79. ]{inLIOGRAPHY Boston Public library. Catalogue of the Allen A. Brown collection of music. Bost. Pubhc library, 1908. pts. 1-2, Q. $1 ea. pt. 016.78 pt. 12, to Concertos. A valuable catalog of a collection of about lOSOO volumes arranged under authors, titles, and subjects. PHOTOGRAPHY Woodbury, Walter E. Encyclopaedic dic- tionary of photography. N. Y. Murphy, 1898. 536 p. il. Q. $5. 770.3 Definitions of terms. Soule art company. Complete art refer- ence catalogue. Bost. Soule art co. 1902. 1460 p. pi. sq. Q. $5. 770 Under the names of artists is arranged a list of their works of which photographic reproductions may be obtained. In many cases the dates, birthplace, and school of painting are given, also the gallery in which the picture is to be found, and the cost of the repro- ductions. There are many illustrations. There is also a list of photographs of architecture and sculpture. Two year-books of photography . are issued: International annual of Anthony's photographic bulletin (N. Y. Anthony. $1.25) and the American annual of photo- - graphy (N. Y. Murphy. 75 cts.) LITERATURE 69 GAMES AND SPORTS Champlin, John Denison, jr., and Bost- wick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports. N. Y. Holt, 1890. 831 p. D. $2.50. . 790.3 Includes both indoor and outdoor games and sports. The articles are brief and written from the American standpoint. Glover, Ellye Howell. Dame Curtsey's book of novel entertainments for every day in the year. 2d ed. Chic. McClurg, 1907. 269 p. il. pi. sq. S. $1. 793 Gomme, Alice Bertha. Traditional games of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with tunes, singing rhymes, and methods of play- ing according to the variants extant and recorded in different parts of the kingdom. Lond. Nutt, 1894. 2v. O. 25s. 790-3 Spalding's official athletic almanac for 1908; containing complete list of American best on records, British best on records, complete records of all important athletic contests throughout the world. N. Y. American sports pub. co. 1908. 213 p. il. por. S.* 10 cts. pap. 796 Suffolk and Berkshire, Henry Charles Howard, earl of, and others. Encyclopaedia of sport. N. Y. Putnam, 1898. 2v. il pi. Q. $20. 790.3 Written from the British standpoint, embracinj? the whole field of sports, with some related topics. A glossary of terms used in each sport accompanies the articles, with occasional bibliographies. LITERATURE GENERAL Warner, Charles Dudley, and others. Li- brary of the world's best literature, ancient and modern. N. Y. Peale, 189G-97. 30v. il. pi. por. O. $3 per vol. 803 V. 1-27: Biographical and critical sketches and selections; v. 28: Songs, hymns, and lyrics; v. 29: Biographical dictionary of authors; v. 30: Synopses of noted books; General index. The biographic and critical sketches of authors of all ages and countries are written by eminent scholars and writers and are signed. The selections from their works have been well made. Portraits and illustra- tions are a useful feature. This is the best compila- tion of the kind. An Index guide, prepared by E: C. Towne (565 p. Q. N. Y. Peale [c 1899] $3) is designed to aid in pursuing * Continued annually. courses of reading and study. It gives also national and chronological conspectuses of the various litera- tures. Other compilations of a similar nature have been published, among which may be men- tioned: The universal anthology, edited by Richard Garnett and others (20v. $60) The international library of famous literature, with introd. by D. G. Mitchell and Andrew Lang (20v. $60) Literature of all nations, by Julian Hawthorne, Library of choice literature and encyclopaedia of universal authorship, by A. R. Spofford and Charles Gibbon (lOv. $20) Brewer, David Josiah. World's best ora- tions. St. Louis, Kaiser, 1899-1901. lOv. pi. por. O. $3.50 per vol. 808.5 Selected orations with brief criticism and sketch of life of each author. In volume 10 are: noted sayings and celebrated passages; index of orators, index of subjects; chronological indexes of orators and subjects, of periods and events, etc.; general index. Other collections of orations are: Lee's The world's orators (N, Y. Putnam, lOv. $35) and Reed's Modern eloquence (Phil. Morris, 15v. $45.) Brewer, David Josiah. World's best essays. St. Louis, Kaiser, 1900. lOv. il. pi. O. $35. 808.4 Its arrangement is alphabetic by authors, being similar in general style to his "World's best orations." The general index of subjects will be found helpful. There is also an index of essayists, and a chronological index of literature. It includes noted sayings and cele- brated passages. Champlin, John Denison, jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of Hterature and art. N. Y. Holt, 1901. 604 p. il. O. $2.50. 803 Concise accounts of masterpieces of literature and art, including music, painting, architecture, and sculp- ture. Gidel, Charles Antoine, and Loli^e, Fre- deric. Dictionnaire manuel illustre des ecrivains et des litteratures. Paris, CoHn, 1898. 908 p. il. D. $1.20. 803 Brief accurate accounts of authors, works, literary forms, etc. Vapereau, Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire universel des litteratures. Paris, Hachette, 1876. 2096 p. O. 30 fr. 803 Literary biography, history, and works, literary forms, institutions, drama, journalism, etc. Biblio- graphic references. 60 SPECIAL SUBJECTS ANNUALS Literary year-book and bookman's direc- tory, 1897-1907. Lend. Allen, N. Y. Dodd, 1897-1908. V. 1-10, per. D.* 5s. $1.25 per vol. 805 Contents: Literature of the year, some writers of the year, some books of the year, events of the year, obitu- ary, royalty tables, directories of authors, publishers, booksellers, technical information, lists of clubs,. socie- ties, etc., index. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Allibone, Samuel Austin. Critical diction- ary of English literature and British and American authors living and deceased. Phil. Lippincott, 1891 [c 54-86] 3v. Q. 928.2 Supplement; by J : F. Kirk. Phil. Lippincott, 1891. 2v. Q. (Complete in 5 vols. $17.50) 928.2 In spite of many inaccuracies a most useful book of reference, containing biographic and bibliographic sketches of authors with lists of their works, and critical notes selected from well-known authors and reviews, which notes are particularly full in the original three volumes. The first and second volumes are not later than 1858, while volume three comes down to 1870. The three volumes are most elaborately indexed. The Supplement brings the work down to 1888. Moulton, Charles Wells. Library of liter- ary criticism of EngUsh and American authors. Buffalo, Moulton pub. co. 1901- 05. 8v. por. O. $5 per vol. 928.2 Contents : v. 1, 680-1638; v. 2, 1639-1729; v. 3, 1730-1784; v. 4, 1785-1824; v. 5, 1825-1854; v. 6, 1855- 1874; V. 7, 1875-1890; v. 8, 1891-1904. V. 8 contains a general index to authors and a general index to criticisms under the authors of the criticisms. "Each author is treated chronologically, in most cases beginning with contemporary criticism and ending with some living authority." The arrangement is also chronological. A brief biographic sketch is followed by criticisms. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hodgkins, Louise Manning. Guide to the study of 19th century authors. Bost. Heath, 1891. V. p. D. 60 cts. 016.82 20 prominent English and American authors are included. Books and articles of value in studying each are indicated. Welsh, Alfred Hix. English masterpiece course. N. Y. Silver [c 1887] 205 p. D. 75 cts. 820 A useful list of references under English and Amer- ican authors to authorities (books and periodical arti- cles) on them and on one or more of their chief works. The whole is arranged chronologically. * Continued annually. AMERICAN Stedman, Edmund Clarence, and Hutchin- son, E. M. Library of American literature. N. Y. Webster, 1891 [c 87-90] llv. por. Q. $3.3. 810,8 "The design is to afford the reader a general view of the course of American literature from the outset. ...It is made for popular use and enjoyment..." Preface. Select and characteristic examples from American literature are given without any critical notes, and the work is not confined to masterpieces . The arrangement is chronological, with a general index in the last volume, which is useful in finding selections on special subjects. In the index, poems are indexed by title under Poetry. Short biographies of the authors are given in volume 11, which also contains a list of noted sayings of Americans. Portraits. Duyckinck, Evart Augustus, and Duyck- inck, G: L. Cyclopaedia of American litera- ture. Ed. to date by M. L. Simons. Phil. Baxter pub. co. 1881. 2 v. il. por. Q. $12. 810.3 Arrangement is chronological from the earliest times to about 1875. The work contains biographic and critical notices of authors, with selections from their writings. Whitcomb, Selden L. Chronological out- lines of American literature. N. Y. Mac- millan, 1894. 285 p. D. $1.25. 810.2 Similar to Ryland's Outlines of English literature. ENGLISH Adams, William Davenport. Dictionary of English literature; a comprehensive guide to English authors and their works. N. Y. Cassell, 1884. 776 p. O. 7s. 6d. 820.3 Most condensed information about prominent Eng- lish authors, their dates, the titles of leading works and dates of their production, with some critical extracts illustrative of their characteristics. Also useful for finding the author of and some facts about important English essays, plays, and novels. Pseudonyms, famil- iar quotations, phrases, proverbs, characters in poetry and fiction are entered under the first striking word. Poems are frequently entered under first lines. Chambers's cyclopaedia of English litera- ture. New ed. by David Patrick. Lond. Chambers, Phil. Lippincott, 1901. 3v. il. por. Q. $15. 820.3 The first edition was published in 1842-44, a revi- sion was made in 1876, and again in 1888. This new edition is thoroughly revised by well-known writers, and brought up to date, including also English litera- ture in the British dominions beyond the sea and American literature. The arrangement of the work is LITERATURE 61 chronological, with an alphabetic index of the entire work in the last volume. There are critical and biographic accounts of authors with characteristic selections from their works. Ryland, Frederick. Chronological outlines of English literature. Lond. Macmillan, 1890. 351 p. D. $1.40. 820.2 The author designed this work to occupy "the same position which an ordinary date book does with regard to our political history." It gives in tables the dates of literary works, biographic dates, foreign literature, history, and annotations. Part 2 is a list of authors and their works. McCarthy, Justin, and others. Irish litera- ture. Phil. Morris [c 1904] lOv. pi. por. O. Subscription. 820.8 Representative selections from the works of Irish writers ancient and modern in prose and in verse, with brief biographic sketches. Alphabetically arranged. Volume 10 contains Gaelic authors, and a general index. ALLUSIONS Constant reference is made to books of this class for information regarding some word or proper name alluded to by a writer. Another class of users is that of the " prize question " seeker, whose first acquaintance with the use of books and libraries is often gained through the desire to answer correctly a set of ques- tions for the prize offered. Ackermann, Alfred Seabold Eli. Popular fallacies. Phil. Lippincott, Lond. Cassell, 1908. 312 p. pi. D. $1.50. 803 Contents: Domestic fallacies, fallacies concerning ourselves, animal kingdom, vegetable kingdom, mineral kingdom, musical in.struments, legal, historical, tech- nical and scientific, statistics and numbers, weather, general miscellaneous information, some misnomers, miscellaneous index. Bombaugh, Charles Carroll. Facts and fancies for the curious, from the harvest- fields of literature; a melange of excerpta. Phil. Lippincott [c 1905] G47 p. O. $3. 803 Similar to his "Gleanings for the curious" (issued in 1890) It contains a great deal of miscellaneous information. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. Dictionary of phrase and fable. New ed. rev. Lond. Cassell, Phil. Lippincott, 189G. 1440 p. O. $3.50. 803 Derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a special meaning. Reader's handbook of allusions, refer- ences, plots, and stories. New ed. rev. Lond. Chatto, Phil. Lippincott, 1894. 1170 p. D. $3.50. 803 A concise account of such names as are used in allusions and references by writers. Appendix, p. 1135- 1158, gives a list under titles of dramas and operas with their authors and dates. There is also an appendix giving dates of poems, novels, etc., referred to in the book. Century cyclopedia of names; ed. by B: E. Smith. N. Y. Century co. [c 1894] 1085 p. sq. F. $10. 803 Includes names in geography, biography, mythology, history, ethnology, art, fiction, forming a supplementary volume to the Century dictionary. Fullest in biography and geography. The information given is concise. Pronunciation and derivation of names are given. Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts, and phrases. Phil. Lippincott, [pref. 1881] G31 p. D. $2.50. 803 Johnson, Trench H. Phrases and names, their origins and meanings. Lond. Laurie, Phil. Lippincott, 1900. 384 p. D. $1.50. 803 Killikelly, Sarah Hutchins. Curious ques- tions in history, literature, art, and social life. Phil. McKay, 1890. 3v. O. $2 per vol. 803 Latham, Edward. Dictionary of names, nicknames, and surnames of persons, places and things. Lond. Routledge, N. Y. Dut- ton, 1904. 334 p. D. $1.50. 803 Brief particulars regarding names not usually found in the biographic dictionaries, cyclopedias, etc., names of ships, race-horses, popular resorts, and similar names. Nares, Robert. Glossary of words, phrases, names and allusions in the works of English authors particularly of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. New ed. with considerable additions both of words and examples by J. O. Halliwell and Thomas Wright. Lond. Routledge, N. Y. Dutton, 1904. 981 p. O. $5. 803 Explains and illustrates the obsolete language and the customs and manners of the sixteenth and .seven- teenth centuries. Originally published in 1822. Notes and queries; a medium of inter- communication for literary men, artists, anti- quarians, genealogists; Nov. 1849-1908. Lond. 1850-1908. 117v. sq. O. about 70. 20s. 6d. per year. 805 Published weekly. 'Index volume to each series of 12 vols. A mass of curious and interesting information, much of which is in the form of answers to corre- spondents. It is made helpful by means of the index volume which accompanies each series. Often useful 62 SPECIAL SUBJECTS when answers to questions cannot be found elsewhere, . g. for authors of quotations, the origin of proverbs or expressions, etc. In the indexes, quotations and proverbs appear under those words arranged alphabet- ically. Phyfe, William Henry Pinkney. oOOO facts and fancies; a cyclopaedia of important, curious, quaint, and unique information in history, literature, sciences, art, and nature. N. Y. Putnam, 1901. 816 p. O. $5. 803 Reddall, Henry Frederic. Fact, fancy, and fable; a new handbook for ready refer- ence on subjects commonly omitted from cyclopaedias. Chic. McClurg, 1889. 536 p. O. $2.50. 803 Gives useful and curious information, such as: memorable days, pseudonyms, Americanisms, political nomenclature, foreign words and sentences, contrac- tions and abbreviations, personal sobriquets and nick- names, familiar phrases and folk-sayings, mythological allusions. Walsh, William Shepard. Handy-book of literary curiosities. Phil. Lippincott, 1893. 1104 p. O. $3.50. 803 One of the most useful of these handbooks. Wells, David Ames. Things not generally known; a popular hand-book of facts not readily accessible in literature, history, and science. N. Y. Appleton, 1890. 432 p. O. $1.75. 803 Wheeler, William Adolphus, and Wheeler, C: G. Familiar allusions; a hand-book of miscellaneous information. 5th ed. Bost. Houghton, 1890 [c 81] 584 p. D. $2. 803 A large number of smaller books will be found to contain answers to out-of-the-way questions and allusions. Among the best- known of these may be mentioned: Timbs's Things not generally known and his Popular errors (books issued in the middle of the 19th century, but still useful) and more recently Southwick's Quizzisms and its key and his Wisps of wit and wisdom (1892) AUTHORSHIP Peet, Louis Harman. Who's the author? a guide to the authorship of novels, stories, speeches, songs, and general writings of Amer- ican nterature. N. Y. Crowell [c 1901] 317 p. T. 50 cts. 810 A convenient little volume in which are given the author and a brief characterization of American literary productions. It has also a list of authors. Wheeler, William Adolphus. Who wrote it? ed. by C: G. Wheeler. Bost. Lee, 1887 [c81] 174p. sq. D. $2. 803 A brief index to the authorship of the more noted works in ancient antl modern literature. Includes distinctive titles of poems, plays, essays, novels, romances, philosophical and literary treatises. Works of the latter half of the 19th century are not included. A few critical quotations are given. NOTED NAMES OF FICTION Wheeler, William Adolphus. Explana- tory and pronouncing dictionary of the noted names of fiction; with an appendix by C: G. Wheeler. 21st ed. 440 p. D. Bost. Hough- ton, 1891 [c 05-89] $2. 803 Explains allusions to noted fictitious persons and places occurring in modem literature. Contained also in Webster's International dictionary as an appendix. SOBRIQUETS Frey, Albert Romer. Sobriquets and nick- names. Bost. Houghton, 1889 [c 87] 482 p. O. $3. 014 Explains the meaning of many well-known nick- names and epithets. See also Pseudonyms. ANTHOLOGIES AND QUO- TATIONS Anthologies and books of quotations are very numerous. Even a small library must have several in order to answer many ques- tions as to authorship of passages. They are also of service in finding passages illustrating special subjects, in verifying a quotation as regards its accuracy and as regards its exact place in an author's work. ANTHOLOGIES POETICAL Sargent, Epes. Harper's cyclopaedia of British and American poetry. N. Y, Harper, 1882. 958 p. Q. $4.50. 808.8 Arranged chronologically, with index of first lines and an index of authors containing the names of their poems quoted in the volume. A short biographic sketch of each author is given. Bryant, William Cullen. New library of poetry and song; rev. and enl. with recent authors and containing a dictionary of poetical quotations. N. Y. Baker [c 1870- 1900] 1100 p. Q. $5. 808.8 ANTHOLOGIES AND QUOTATIONS 63 Arranged under Poems of infancy and youth; Poems of friendship; Poems of love, etc. Indexes of first lines, titles, authors, and of quota- tions. Carman, Bliss. World's best poetry. Phil. John D. Morris & co. 1904. lOv. por. pi. O. $30. 808.8 Contents: v. 1, Home, friendship; v. 2, Love; v. 3, Sorrow and consolation; v. 4, The higher life; v. 5, Nature; v, 6, Fancy, sentiment; v. 7, Descriptive, narrative; v. 8, National spirit; v. 9, Tragedy, humor; V. 10, Poetical quotations. v. 10 contains an index of topics, list of authors quoted, poetical quotations arranged by subjects, a general index of authors and titles and a general index of first lines and titles. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poets and poetry of Europe. New ed, enl. Bost. Houghton, 1888 [c 70] 921 p. il. pi. Q. $5. 808.8 A collection of translations from the poetry of ten different nations of Europe, arranged chronologically under each country, with biographic notices of the authors and an author index. Other good collections are: Coates's Fire- side encyclopaedia of poetry (Phil. Porter, $5) Dana's Household book of poetry (N. Y. Appleton. $5) Bates's Cambridge book of poetry and song (N. Y. Crowell. $1.50) Palgrave's Golden treasury, Emerson's Par- nassus. There are also collections of the poetry of special countries, such as Stedman's Ameri- can anthology and his Victorian anthology, Quiller-Couch's Oxford book of English verse, Wilson's The poets and poetry of Scotland, Ward's EngUsh poets, etc., which may be classed among reference books. In many public libraries it is necessary to keep a card index of titles of poems for use of the reference department. The Carnegie library of Pittsburg has a card index to 15000 poems contained in 70 volumes of poetical selections. HOLIDAY ANTHOLOGIES Deems, Edward Mark. Holy-days and holidays; a treasury of historical material, sermons in full and in brief, suggestive thoughts and poetry. N. Y. Funk, 1902. 768 p. Q. $5. 808.8 Ford, James Lauren, and Ford, M. K. Every day in the year; a poetical epitome of the world's history. N. Y. Dodd, 1902. 443 p. O. $1.60. 808.8 "A collection of poems commemmorative of the most striking events in history and of the men and women who have left an imprint on their day and generation. These poems are arranged in the order of the calendar." Preface. Brief historical notes accompany the poems. There are indexes of titles, first lines, and authors. Schauffler, Robert Haven. Christmas, its origin, celebration dnd significance as related in prose and verse. N. Y. Moffat, 1907. 325 p. D. $1. 808.8 Thanksgiving, its origin, celebration and significance as related in prose and verse. N. Y. Moffat, 1907. 265 p. D. $1. 808.8 The first and second volumes in a series called "Our American holidays." They are useful com- pilations for a subject most frequently in demand in reference departments. RECITATIONS Granger, Edith. Index to poetry and recitations; being a practical reference manual for the librarian, teacher, bookseller, elocutionist, etc. including over thirty thou- sand titles. Chic. McClurg, 1904. 970 p. Q. $5. 808.8 Indexes 369 volumes, comprising standard and popular collections of poetry, recitations (both prose and verse), orations, drills, dialogs, selections from dramas, etc., by titles, by authors and by first lines. Appendixes give lists of poems for special days, charades, dialogs, etc., a list of noted personages, temperance selections. Very useful in public libraries especially. QUOTATIONS Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. 9th ed. Bost. Little, 1900 [c 1875-91] 1158 p. O. $3. 808.8 A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs both poetical and prose, giving their sources in ancient and modern literature. The arrangement is chronolo- gical, with an index of authors and an index by most important words of quotations. One of the most com- plete and accurate compilations. Benham, W. Gurney. Book of quotations, proverbs and household words. Phil. Lip- pincott, Lond. Cassell, 1907. 1256 p. O. $3. 10s. 6d. 808.8 Classified as follows: British and American authors (arranged by authors alphabetically). Holy Bible, Book of common prayer, miscellaneous quotations. Greek, Latin, modern languages, proverbs. There is a full alphabetic index. List of authors quoted. Dalbiac, Philip Hugh. Dictionary of quo- tations (Enghsh) with authors and subjects 64 SPECIAL SUBJECTS indexes. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1896. 510 p. O. 7s. 6d. 808.8 The fifth edition (1908) has an appendix of 24 p. Alphabetic first-word arrangement. Hoyt, Jehiel Keeler. Cyclopedia of practi- cal quotations, English, Latin, and modern foreign languages. New ed. enl. N. Y. Funk, 1896. 1178 p. O. $6. * 808.8 Arranged under subjects, instead of chronologi- cally like Bartlett's, giving the exact authority as fully as possible. English quotations first, then Latin and foreign. A list of quoted authors with dates and nationality and pages whereon quoted. No quotations from the Bible are included. There is a full index to quotations from English authors and the English translation of foreign quotations; also an index to Latin and modern foreign quotations. The most use- ful work for quotations by subjects. Swan, Helena. Dictionary of contem- porary quotations (English) with authors' index. Lond. Sonnenschein, N. Y. Button, 1904. 608 p. D. $2.50. 808.8 Arranged by subjects with author index. Useful for the most recent quotations. The larger number are later than 1850. Treffry, Elford Eveleigh. Stokes' ency- clopedia of familiar quotations, containing five thousand selections from six hundred authors. N. Y. Stokes, 1906. 763 p. O. $2.25. 808.8 Chiefly English and American authors are quoted. The quotations are arranged alphabetically by subject with author index, and a general index. Includes both prose and poetry. Wale, William. What great men have said about great men; a dictionary of quota- tions. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1902. 482 p. D. $2.50. 808.8 Arranged under names of celebrated persons about whom something noted has been said. Walsh, William Shepard. International encyclopedia of prose and poetical quotations. Phil. Winston, 1908. 1029 p. D. $3. 808.8 Alphabetically arranged by subjects with a com- plete concordance to the quotations, indexes of authors ivnd subjects. TOASTS Chase, Edithe Lea, and French, W. E. P. Waes hael, the book of toasts; being for the most part, bubbles gathered from the wine of others' wit, with here and there, an occasional humbler globule believed to be more or less original. N. Y. The Grafton press, 1904. 303 p. D. $1.50. 808.8 Alphabetic index. Gray, Arthur. Toasts and tributes; a happy book of good cheer, good health, good speed, devoted to the blessings and comforts of life south of the stars. N. Y. Rohde & Hawkins, 1904. 301 p. S. $1.25. 808.8 Subject and title index i.i front; author index in back. Pittenger, William. Toasts and forms of pubHc address. Phil. Penn pub. co. 1895. 174 p. T. 50 cts. 808.8 Prosit, a book of toasts; comp. by Clotho. San Fran, and N. Y. Elder [c 1904] 134 p. O. $1.25. 808.8 Reynolds, Cuyler. The banquet book; a classified collection of quotations designed for general reference and also as an aid in the preparation of the toast list, the after- dinner speech and the occasional address. N. Y. Putnam, 1902. 475 p. D. $1.75. 808.8 The first part is arranged alphabetically under such topics as actor, athlete, author, clergy, etc. Toast.s, menu verses, popular terms explained. A later reissue bears the title Classified quotations compiled for general reference (N. Y. Putnam, 190.). $2.50) POETICAL AUibone, Samuel Austin. Poetical quota- tions from Chaucer to Tennyson. Phil. Lippincott, 1891 [c 73] 788 p. O. $3. 821.08 The arrangement is alphabetic by subject of quo- tation, with an author index, an index of subjects, and an index of first lines. Confined to English poetry. Durfee, Charles A. Concise poetical con- cordance to the principal poets of the world. N. Y. Alden, 1884. 639 p. D. $1. 808.8 A useful alphabetic list of first lines, characters, subjects, and quotations referring to editions of works by Alden and other publishers of the works of about 54 poets. PROSE AUibone, Samuel Austin. Prose quotations from Socrates to Maeaulay. Phil. Lippin- cott, 1889 [c 75] 764 p. O. $3. 808.8 The arrangement is alphabetic by subject of quo- tation, with an index of authors and an index of sub- jects. Quotations are brief. Great authors of all ages. Phil. Lippin- cott, 1891. 555 p. O. $3. 808.8 Selections from the prose works of eminent authors from the time of Pericles; longer than those in the preceding volume, often a page or two in length. Arranged chronologically, with an index of authors, an index of subjects, and brief biographic sketch of each author. ANTHOLOGIES AND QUOTATIONS 65 Bent, Samuel Arthur. Familiar short say- ings of great men; with historical and ex- planatory notes. 9th ed. rev. and eiil. Best. Houghton, 1896 [c 82-87] 665 p. D. $2. 808.8 The volume includes only famous oral utterances of great men and does not quote from their writings, with the exception of letters, journals, and addresses. The arrangement is alphabetic under the name of the person quoted, with an index of the sayings. Day, Edward Parsons. Day's CoUacon; an encyclopaedia of prose quotations with biographical index of authors. Lond. Low, 1883. 1216 p. por. Q. 3os. o. p. 808.8 Arranged alphabetically by subjects. Edwards, Tryon. Dictionary of thoughts; a cyclopedia of laconic quotations. N. Y. Cassell [c 1891] 644 p. O. $2.50. 808.8 The arrangement is alphabetic by subject of quo- tation, with an index of authors. Quotations are brief. Includes both ancient and modern authors. Latham, Edward. Famous sayings and their authors; a collection of historical sayings in English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Latin. Lond. Sonnenschein, N. Y. Dutton, 1904. 269 p. D. $2. 808.8 Marvin, Frederic Rowland. The hist words, real and traditional, of distinguished men and women, collected from various sources. N. Y. Revell, 1901. 3.36 p. O. SI. 50. 808.8 Arranged alphabetically under names of persons with index under striking words. Mead, Leon, and Gilbert, F. N. Manual of forensic quotations. N. Y. Taylor, 1903. 207p. por. O. $1.50. 808.8 "The gist of great thoughts uttered by leading members of the bar, in famous and important criminal and civil trials. . . . To meet this demand the compilers have culled from many speeches made in the courts of England' and the United States, using also a few extracts from addressas not delivered in a court room but having some coordinate merit that entitles them to a place." Preface. FOREIGN AND CLASSICAL Belton, John Devoe. Literary manual of foreign quotations, ancient and modern. N. Y. Putnam, 1891. 249 p. O. $1.50. 808.8 As the name implies, it includes only those quota- tions which have a distinct literary flavor. Gives extracts from modem authors, in which the quota- tions are used and explanatory notes. Arrangement is in one alphabet by first words, with Italian, German, French, and Latin indexes under catch-words. Dalbiac, Lilian. Dictionary of quotations (German) with authors' and subjects' in- dex. Lond. Sonnenschein, N. Y. Macmillan, 1906. 485 p. D. 7s. 6d. , $2.50. 808.8 The German text is followed in many cases by translation from some well-known writer. Avranged under first word. Harbottle, Thomas Benfield. Dictionary of quotations (classical) Lond. Sonnenschein, 1897. 648 p. O. $2. 808.8 The best dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations. Translations are given, and there is an English index. '*Such works as King's 'Classical and foreign quo- tations,' or Riley's old-fashioned ' Dictionary of Latin quotations,' cover a very limited field, and are hardly to be placed in the same category with his scholarly achievement." Nation, 66 : 408. Harbottle, Thomas Benfield, and Dalbiac, P. H. Dictionary of quotations (French and Itahan) Lond. Sonnenschein, 1901. 565 p. D. $2.50. 808.8 Index of authors, and index of subjects. Harbottle, Thomas Benfield, and Hume, Martin. Dictionary of quotations (Spanish) with subject and authors' index. Lond. Sonnenschein, N. Y. Macmillan, 1907. 462 p. D. 7s. 6d. $2.50. 808.8 Alphabetically arranged under first words. Jones, Hugh Percy. New dictionary of foreign phrases and classical quotations, with English translations or equivalents. I(0nd. Deacon, Phil. Lippincott, 1900. 532 p. D. $3. 808.8 Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese. List of authors quoted. King, William Francis Henry. Classical and foreign quotations; a polyglot manual of historical and hterary sayings, noted passages in poetry and prose, phrases, proverbs, and bons mots, comp., ed. and told with their references, translations, and index. 3d ed. rev. and rewritten. Lond. Whitaker, 1904. 412 p. O. Os. $2.50. ' 808.8 "A thoroughly trustworthy collection, and the best single volume of its kind." Athenaeum, Sept. 10, 1904. In the front of the volume there are the following indexes: authors, authorities and editions, English subject index, quotations index. In the back there is an index to Greek quotations. Ramage, Craufurt Tait. Familiar quota- tions. Lond. Routledge, n. d. 5v. D. $7.50. 808.8 66 SPECIAL SUBJECTS French and Italian, German and Spanish, Latin, Greek, ancient and modern authors. Translations are also given. Riley, Henry Thomas. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverbs, maxims, and mottos, classical and mediaeval. Lond. Bell, 1888. 622 p. D. (Bohn li- brary) $1.50; 808.8 Authorities and translations of quotations are given. There is an index of the Latin and an index of the Greek quotations. MISCELLANEOUS Wood, Katharine B. Quotations for occa- sions. N. Y. Century co. 1896. 220 p. D. $1.50. 808.8 For such occasions as dinners, teas, bicycle meets, etc. PROVERBS Bohn, Henry George. Hand-book of pro- verbs. Lond. Bell, 1889. 583 p. D. $1.50. 398.9 Includes Ray's Collection of English proverbs, with his additions from foreign languages, and a complete alphabetic index. Polyglot of foreign proverbs. Lond. Bell, 1889. 579 p. D. $1.50. 398.9 Comprises French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish proverbs, with English trans- lations and a general index. Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. N. Y. Putnam, 1905 [c 1887] 2v. in 1, D. $3.50. 398.9 Arranged by subjects, giving sources of proverbs, etc., when known. Subject index. Hazlitt, William Carew. English proverbs and proverbial phrases, collected from the most authentic sources, alphabetically ar- ranged and annotated, with much matter not previously published. N. Y. Scribner, Lond. Reeves, 1907. 580 p. D. $2.50. 398.9 Lean, Vincent Stuckey. Lean's collec- tanea; collections of proverbs, EngHsh and foreign, folk-lore, and superstitions, also compilations towards dictionaries of pro- verbial phrases and words old and disused. Bristol, Arrowsmith, Lond. Simpkin, 1902- 04. 4v. in 5, por. O. 5 5s. 398.9 Contents: v. 1, Local proverbs by countries, proverbs according to the calendar, proverbs relating to domestic life, etc.; v. 2, pt. 1, Folk-lore, superstitions; pt. 2, Omens and popular customs, new treasury of similes, alliterations; v. 3, A compilation towards a dictionary of words and phrases with examples of their use; v. 4, includes a list of authorities and general index. This will be found only in large libraries. The arrangement is not alphabetic. ANECDOTES Arvine, Kazlitt. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the fine arts. Bost. Estes, 1883. 698 p. il. pi. por. Q. o. p. 808.8 Arranged alphabetically under subjects, with an index of topics. CONCORDANCES TO AUTHORS Concordances are useful in locating the exact place in an author's works of a special word or quotation; also, to find how many times and in what connection an author uses a certain word. The following are some of the useful con- cordances to authors which have been made: Burns Reid, J. B. Complete word and phrase concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns. Glasgow, Kerr, 1889. 561 p. Q. 1 5s. 821 Cowper Neve, John. Concordance to the poetical works of William Cowper. Lond. Low, 1887. 504 P.O. 21s. 821 Dante Alighieri Fay, Edward Allen. Concordance of the Divina Commedia. Camb. [Mass.] Dante society, 1888. 819 p. O. $10. 851 A concordance to the Italian text. Sheldon, Edward Stevens, and White, A. C. Concordanza delle opere italiane in prosa e del Canzoniere di Dante Alighieri pubbli- cata per la Societa dantesca di Cambridge, Mass. Ox. Stamperia dell' Universita, Lond. Frowde, 1905. 740 p. O. 36s. $12. 851 "Two of the most important works ever issued to facilitate the study of the altissimo poeta Prof. Fay's Concordance published in 1888 and Prof. Sheldon's Concordanza. . . . Completeness and ac- curacy . . . the new work seems to possess in an eminent degree." Nation, July 27, 1905. Homer Dunbar, Henry. Complete concordance to the Odyssey and Hymns of Homer, to which is added a concordance to the parallel ANTHOLOGIES AND QUOTATIONS 67 passages in the Iliad, Odyssey, and Hymns. Ox. Clarendon press, 1880. 419 p. Q. 1 Is. 883.1 Milton Bradshaw, John. Concordance to the poetical works of John Milton. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1894. 412 p. O. $4. 821 Lockwood, Laura Emma. Lexicon to the English poetical works of John Milton. N. Y. Macmillan, 1907. 671 p. O. $3. 821 "The purpose of the present work is to provide a means by which the student may readily find the signification of any word in the poetry of Milton. The chief aim has been that of definition, and every word in the poetry has been subjected to a careful examina- tion." Preface. Gives the meaning of the words and their location. Pope Abbott, Edwin. Concordance to the works of Alexander Pope. N. Y. Appleton, 1875. 365 p. O. $3. 821 Scott Redfem, Owen. The wisdom of Sir Walter; criticisms and opinions collected from the Waverley novels and Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, with an introduction by John Watson. Lond. Black, 1907. 309 p. O. $2. 823 Extracts in both prose and verse are arranged alphabetically under such heads as art, authors, character, etc. Shakspere Bartlett, John. New and complete con- cordance or verbal index to words, phrases, and passages in the dramatic works of Shakespeare with a supplementary con- cordance to the Poems. Lond. Macmillan, 1894. 1910 p. sq. Q. $7.50. 822.33 The most comprehensive concordance to Shalcspere. Gives the number of the required line as well as the act and scene. Clarke, Mrs Mary Victoria (Novello) Cowden-. Complete concordance to Shake- speare. New ed. Lond. Bickers, 1889. 860 p. O. $7.50. 822.33 A verbal index to all the passages in Shakspere's dramatic works. Fumess, Mrs Helen Kate (Rogers) Con- cordance to Shakespeare's Poems. 2d ed. Phil. Lippincott [c 1874] 422 p. O. $4. 22.33 Adams, William Henry Davenport. Con- cordance to the plays of Shakespeare. Lond. Routledge, 1886. 495 p. por. O. 10s. 6d. 822.33 Shelley Ellis, Frederick S. Lexical concordanc3 to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Lond. Quaritch, 1892. 918 p. Q. 1 5s. 821 Tennyson Brightwell, D. Barron. Concordance to the entire works of Alfred Tennyson. Lond. Moxon, 1869. 477 p. O. 21s. 821 AUTHOR DICTIONARIES Browning Berdoe, Edward. Browning cyclopiedia. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1892. 572 p. D. $3.50 821 Gives an explanation of the various poems, with explanatory notes and references on all difficult pas- sages. Cooke, George Willis. Guide-book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Brown- ing. Bost. Houghton, 1896 [c 91] 451 p. D. $2. 821 Alphabetic guide to the works of Browning, giving information as to date, place, publication, allusions, bibliographic information, editions, characters, etc., of his poems and plays. Molineux, Marie Ada. Phrase book from the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. Bost. Houghton, 1896. 520 p. O. $3. 821 Dante Toynbee, Paget. Dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante. Ox, Clarendon press, 1898. 616 p. Q. 25s. 851 Dickens Pierce, Gilbert Ashville. Dickens diction- ary; with additions by W: A. Wheeler. Bost. Houghton [c 1872] 573 p. pi. por. D. $2. 823 A key to the characters and principal incidents in the novels and tales of Dickens. The stories are given in order of their publication, and under each the char- acters alphabetically arranged are described. Extracts from the text are given. There is a classed list of characters and a general index. McSpadden, Joseph Walker. Synopses of Dickens's novels. N.Y. Crowell, 1904; 208 p. S. 45 cts. 823 68 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Welsh, Charles. Character portraits from Dickens. Bost. Small, 1907. 348 p. S. $1. 823 Includes 150 of the 1500 characters in Dickens' novels, arranged alphabetically under the name of the character. Each character is described and reference made to all the chapters in the story in which the character appears, A list at the end classifies the characters under their occupations and condition of life. Williams, Mary. The Dickens concord- ance; being a compendium of names and characters and principal places mentioned in all the works of Charles Dickens. Lond. Griffiths, 1907. 162 p. D. 3s. 6d. 823 Includes a list of Dickens' works, a summary of chapters in each, and a complete alphabetic index of names with the title of book and number of chapters quoted. Hawthorne O'Connor, Evangeline M. Analytical index to the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Bost. Houghton [c 1882] 294 p. S. $1: 813 Jefferson Foley, John P. The Jeffersonian cyclope- dia; a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson. N. Y. Funk, 1900. 1009 p. il. por. O. $7.50. 818 Arranged by subjects. Scott Rogers, May. Waverley dictionary. 2d ed. Chic. Griggs, 1885 [c 78] 357 p. D. $2. 823 An alphabetic list of all the characters in the Waverley novels, with a descriptive analysis of each character and illustrative selections from the text. Grey, Henry. Key to the Waverley novels in chronological sequence with index of prin- cipal characters. New ed. Lond. Long, 1898. 134 p. D. 823 Outlines of the stories with lists of characters. Shakspere O'Connor, Evangeline M. Index to the works of Shakspere. N. Y. Appleton, 1887. 419 p. D. $2. 822.33 Refers by topics "to notable passages and signi- ficant expressions, brief histories of the plays, geo- graphical names and historical incidents, mention of all characters and sketches of important ones, expla- nations of allusions and obscure and obsolete words and phrases." Phin, John. Shakespeare cyclopaedia and new glossary, with the most important variorum readings; intended as a supplement to all the ordinary editions of Shakespeare's works; with an introd. by Edward Dowden. N. Y. The Industrial pubhcation co. 1902. 428 p. D. $2.50. 822.33 "Gives the meanings of the old and unusual words found in Shakespeare's works and of the ordinary words used in unusual senses and unusual forms of construction, explanations of idiomatic phrases and of mythological, biographical and antiquarian references notes on folk-lore, local traditions, legends, allusions, proverbs, old English customs, etc." Schmidt, Alexander. Shakespeare-lexicon; a complete dictionary of all the English words, phrases, and constructions in the works of the poet. 3d ed. rev. and enl. by Gregor Sarrazin. N.Y. Lemcke, 1902. 2v. O. $8. 822.33 Distinguishes the different meanings of words as used by Shakspere. This edition has a supplement of 30 p. which contains "a selection of new renderings and interpretations." Wordsworth Tutin, J. R. Wordsworth dictionary'. Hull [Eng.] Tutin, 1891. 216 p. O. 821 Indexes to collected works of authors must also be frequently used. FICTION The following guides to fiction are helpful in assisting the reader who wishes to pursue a course of reading in historical fiction, or who desires a novel illustrating some special subject, e. g. strikes, spiritualism, etc. The Chronological index to historical fic- tion published by the Boston public library (2d ed, 1875) included the titles of prose fiction, plays, and poems arranged chrono- logically under countries. This edition has been for some time out of print, but a third edition appeared in the Bulletin of the library from January, 1892, to January, 1896. Some explanatory notes are given. Baker, Ernest Albert. Descriptive guide to the best fiction, British and American, in- cluding translations from foreign languages. Lond. Sonnenschein, N. Y. Macmillan, 1903. 610 p. O. $2.50. o. p. 016.823 A descriptive list of about 4.500 titles with an his- torical appendix, an authors and titles index and a subject index.' The annotations are an important feature. The arrangement is first national, second chronologic, third alphabetic by authors. The best or representative works are starred. One of the best guides to the choice of fiction. FICTION 69 History in fiction; a guide to the best historical romances, sagas, novels and tales. Lond. Routledge, N.Y. Button, 1907. 2v. S, $1.50. 016.823 V. 1, English fiction; v. 2, American and foreign fiction. Arranged by the country and date of the subject, with notes at the foot of the page giving contemporary or nearly contempKjrary stories. Books for young people are indicated. Bowen, Herbert Courthope. Descriptive catalogue of historical novels and tales, for the use of school libraries and teachers of history. New ed. rev. and enl. Lond. Stanford, 1905. 46 p. O. 2s. 016.823 A convenient and concise list arranged under countries by periods. Dixson, Mrs Zella Allen. Comprehensive subject index to universal prose fiction. N. Y. Dodd, 1897. 421 p. D. $2. 016.823 Subjects are arrangetl alphabetically. Full of inac- curacies. Griswold, William Maccrillis. Descriptive lists of novels. Camb. [Mass.] Griswold, 1891. 617 p. O. 016.823 Includes in separate parts: American, Interna- tional, Romantic, and British novels, with an index to authors of works described. The compiler's object was " to direct the reader to good novels usually con- sidered out of date and not read as often as the newer." Each part is arranged alphabetically under the titles, with a criticism of each novel quoted from some well- known literary review. Nield, Jonathan. Guide to the best his- torical novels and tales. [3d ed. rev. and enl.] N. Y. Putnam, Lond. Mathews, 1904. 235 p. sq. D. SI. 75. 016.823 Arranged in columns under the following heads: title of book, author and publisher, subject. Grouped according to centuries. The best novels are starred. Index of authors, index of titles. A supplementary list of notable novels which, while not strictly historical, in some way represent by- gone periods; fifty representative historical novels; suggested courses of reading, juvenile; bibliography of noteworthy writings which deal directly with the subject of historical romance. Philadelphia Free library. Contribu- tion to the classification of works of prose fiction; being a classified and annotated dictionary catalogue of the works of prose fiction in the Wagner Institute* branch of the Free library of Philadelphia, by O. R. H. Thomson. Phil. 1904. 308 p. Q. (Bulletin, no. 5) 016.823 Annotations give a short statement of the theme or purpose, the period, etc. of many of the novels. The names of some of the principal historic characters have been added. The classification is by large subjects; not sufficiently specific. There is an index to the his- toric and legendary characters appearing in the novels. San Francisco Free public library. Classified English prose fiction, including translations and juvenile works, with notes. San Fran. Crocker, 1891. 306 p. Q. $1.50. 016.823 Arranged alphabetically by subjects, including his- torical fiction under countries arranged by periods. Refers in the notes under subjects to bibliographies and other works. Other library catalogs and finding-hsts of assistance are: The Philadelphia mercantile library in its Bulletins, Oct. 1885-89, contains lists ar- ranged by countries and states with chrono- logical sub-arrangement. In its Class list, no. 1, English prose fiction (1897) the St. Louis public library gives a list of the best fiction and a list of historical novels. In Sargent's Reading for the young and its Supplement (1890-96. 2v.) will be found a list of historical novels suitable for young folks, with brief descriptive notes. For choice of the best fiction the following are useful: Wilson, The H. W., Company. Fiction c italog, a selected list cataloged by author and title with annotations. Minn. Wilson, 1908. 147 p. D. 25 cts. 016.823 A list of the best fiction of all time, with brief descrip- tive or critical notes. Buffalo Public library. Author-title cata- logue of Enghsh prose fiction, including trans- lations. Buffalo, Library, 1898. 190 p. O. 25 cts. 016.823 Books on the open shelves, presumably the best fiction, are indicated. Cornu, Mme Sophie, and Beer, William. List of French fiction. Bost. [A.L.A. pub- Ushing board] 1898. 28 p. Tt. (A.L.A. annotated hsts) 5 cts. 016.843 "Comprises 186 titles chosen from the works of 70 representative authors of France." Selected to serve as a guide to reading for the young. Newark Free public library. A thou- sand of the. best novels. Rev. ed. Newark, N. J. 1906. 38 p. D. 5 cts. 016.823 70 SPECIAL SUBJECTS A well selected list giving brief titles, publishers' names, prices. The annotations of the section Fiction in the List of books for girls and women by Leypoldt and lies are worth examining for clear, concise statement of each author's merits and demerits, DRAMA An index to the large collections of dramas usually to be found in our libraries would be a valuable addition to the tools of a reference librarian. It is often necessary for him to look up the author of a play whose title only is known, or to ascertain in what volume of the numerous sets of dramas the play can be found. The most useful indexes at present available for the purpose are those to be found in certain library catalogs, nota- bly those of the Milwaukee public library and the Library of the Peabody institute. In the Catalogue of the Milwaukee public library a list of the plays to be found in col- lections in that Library is given under the authors and under the titles, and it indexes such sets as those of Lacy's and French's Acting edition of plays and other well- known dramas. The Peabody institute library catalogue (vol. 2) under the heading Drama gives an alphabetic list of single plays, including those in foreign languages as well as in English. This is continued in the Supple- ment. The dramatic works of separate authors and many collections are indexed, among which are Dodsley's Old plays, Inchbald's British theatre, Cumberland's British theatre, and others. The Catalogue of the dramas and dramatic poems contained in the Cincinnati public library (192 p. Q. 1879) is an extensive list, arranged under authors with title lists of English, French, German, Greek, and Latin dramas. Adams, William Davenport. Dictionary of the drama; a guide to the plays, play- wrights, players and playhouses of the United Kingdom and America, from the earliest times to the present. Lond. Chatto, 1904. V. 1, O. 10s. 6d. 808.2 V. 1, A-G. A useful book not sufficiently full on American dramatic affairs. American dramatists' club. The American dramatists' club list, a standard of reference for the protection of dramatic property, no. 5, 1899. N. Y. Amer. dramatists' club, 1899. 46 p. O. GO cts. 016.812 The list for 1902 and supplement 1905 are the most recent (25 cts.) A catalog of plays and operas by American and foreign authors produced in this country, giving names of authors and composers, and of owners, managers, or agents. Arranged alphabetically; 1st, by works of members of the American dramatists' club; 2d, by plays and operas by American and foreign authors not members of the club; 3d, by false titles. Bates, Katharine Lee, and Godfrey, L. B. English drama, a working basis. Wellesley college, 1896. iol p. O. $1. 016.822 Contains a list of collections of old plays; a gen- eral title index to collections; authors, plays, and references for English drama; books of general reference. McFaddsn, Elizabeth A. and Davis, L. E. Selected list of plays for amateurs and students of dramatic expression in schools and colleges. Cin. McFadden, 1908. 96 p. O. $2. 016.812 Contains a general list, arranged alphabetically by authors, a list of plays for children, Christmas plays, bibliographies of Christmas literature, outdoor plays, old English plays. There is an author and title index. FOREIGN LITERATURE BIBLIOGRAPHY American library association Publishing board. Foreign book lists, nos. 1-3. Bost. A. L. A. publishing board, 1907-08. nos. 1-3, D. 016.8 Contents: no. 1, Selected list of German books recommended for a small library, by Emma Gattiker (50cts.); no. 2, Selected list of Hungarian books, comp. by J. M. Campbell (locts.); no. 3, Selected list of French books, comp. by J. G. Bracq (25 cts.) Breul, Karl. Handy bibliographical guide to the study of the German language and literature. Lond. Hachette, 1895. 133 p. D. 75 cts. 016.83 Includes the most important books and periodicals. Annotated. NoUen, John Scholte. Chronology and practical bibliography of modern German hterature. Chic. Scott, 1903. 118 p. D. SI. 016.83 The list of authors extending from Luther to the present day is a selected one; the bibliographic and critical references are also selected, editions are noted. Prices and latest BIOGRAPHY 71 Thieme, Hugo P. Guide bibliographique de la litterature fran^aise de 1800 a 1906; prosateurs, poetes, auteurs dramatiques et critiques. Paris, Welter, 1907. 510 p. O. $3. 016.84 Gives dates and birth-place, the works of each author chronologically arranged with their dates of publication, references to books and periodical articles (chiefly French) CLASSICS BIBLIOGRAPHY Engelmaim, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca scrip- torum classicorum ; 8. aufl. umfassend die litteratur von 1700 bis 1878 neu bearbeitet von E. Preuss. Lpz. Engelmann, 1880-82. 2v. O. $9. 36m. 016.88 V. 1, Greek; v. 2, Latin. Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth. Guide to the choice of classical books. 2d ed. Lond. Bell, 1879. 76 p. D. $1. 016.88 New supplement, 1879-96. Lond. Nutt, 1896. 128 p. D. $2. 016.88 Under each author is given a list of the most useful editions, also short lists of illustrative works, notes, lexicons, and translations. The best editions are starred. There is also a list of helps to the study of ancient authors. Prices of books are given. BIOGRAPHY Dictionaries of biography are of three kinds: (1) general, (2) national, (3) of special classes. Consult first the national biographic dictionary in looking up a sketch of the life of a person. The articles are likely to be fuller, and more names are usually included in it. There are national biographic dic- tionaries for the more important countries of the world, of which only those in most general use are here mentioned. General encyclopedias contain some excel- lent biographies. The Encyclopajdia Britan- nica does not include names of hving per- sons. The biographic articles in the Now international encydopsedia are good and in- clude contemporaries. Larousse is especially useful for Europeans. Webster's Inter- national dictionary contains in an appendix 10000 names, giving merely full name, dates, and characterization. In addition to biographic reference books, those cyclopedias of special subjects which include lives of persons famous in certain lines must be consulted. These have been described more fully under other headings; e. g. for painters, Champlin and Perkins's Cyclopedia of painters and painting; for musicians, Champhn and Apthorp's Cyclope- dia of music and musicians, and Grove's Dictionary of music; for theologians, Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, and McClintock and Strong's Encyclopaedia of biblical, theologi- cal, and ecclesiastical hterature, etc. The article on biographic dictionaries by C. H. Hull in Johnson's universal cyclopae- dia, 1 : 629, has some interesting information about their history, with a list of the best dictionaries. GENERAL Thomas, Joseph. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. 3d ed. rev. and brought up to 1901. Phil. Lippincott, 1901 [c 1870-1901] 2v. 2550 p. por. Q. $15. 920.01 Paged continuously. Known as Lippincott's biographical dictionary. The best general biographic reference book. It gives the pronunciation of names, sketch'es of lives of persons, and bibliographic references. A list of the leading English Christian names, with their equiva- lents in the various European languages, is given in an appendix. In the introduction the general principles of pronunciation of each of the more important Euro- pean and Asiatic languages are stated. The third edition includes some slight alterations of the original plates, which bring the information to the end of the nineteenth century. These have been made only when possible to do so without too much change to the articles. New names have in the same manner been inserted only where practicable. Full-page portraits have been introduced. Century cyclopedia of names, ed. by B: E. Smith. N.Y. Century CO. [c 1894] 1085 p. sq. F. $10. 803 Full in biography, including persons still living. Articles are concise. See description under Allusions, p. 61. Phillips, Lawrence Barnett. Dictionary of biographical reference. New ed. enl. by Frank Woitenkampf. Phil. Gebbie, 1889. 1038 p. O. $5. 920.01 This work does not give biographic details of the person mentioned, merely full name, dates, and brief characterization, referring to other dictionaries, where more complete information may be found. There are about 100000 names. It contains also a bibliography of biographic reference books. 72 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Hoefer, Ferdinand. Nouvelle biographic universelle. Paris, Didot, 1852-66. 46 v. O. o. p. $30. 920.01 V. 10-46 published under title Nouvelle biographic gdnerale. An important French biographic dictionary, includ- ing persons of all countries, but especially full in French biography. The articles are of some length. Michaud, Joseph Francois, and Michaud, L. G. Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne. Paris, Desplaces, 1842-65. 45v. Q. o. p. $45. 920.01 Similar to Hoefer. "Of the larger number of the less important literary men, there is," in the Bio- graphie gdn^rale, "very little more than their names, the dates of their birth and death, and the titles of their respective works, without any of that informa- tion respecting the contents or subjects of their writ- ings which adds so much value to the articles in the Biographie universelle. . . . Nor are these lists so full, or compiled with such accuracy, as those in the Bio- graphie universelle. In one point, however, and that of no small importance, the bibliographical information of the Biographie generale is superior to that of its rival. ... In fact, the two books are complements of each other; each is necessary for the student." Quar- terly review, 15 7 : 225. Chalmers, Alexander. General biographi- cal dictionary. Lond. Whittaker, 1812-17. 32v. O. o. p. 920.01 " Remains to this day one of the best comprehensive biographical dictionaries in English." Johnson's uni- versal cyclopaedia. Oettinger, Eduard Marie. Moniteur des dates ; biographisch-genealogisch-historisches welt-register enthaltend die personal akten der menschheit von mehr als 100000 ge- schichtlichen personlichkeiten aller zeiten und nationen. Lpz. Denicke, 1869-73. 6v. in 3, Q. $11. 920.01 Brief characterizations of celebrated persons. Sanders, Lloyd Charles. Celebrities of the century; a dictionary of men and women of the 19th century. Lond. Cassell, 1887. 1077 p. O. $5. 920.01 Brief notices, including the most important names of the century, mainly English. Among concise one-volume biographic dictionaries for convenient ready reference may be mentioned : Chambers's biographical dictionary, the great of all times and nations; ed. by David Patrick and F. H. Groome. Phil. Lippin- cott, 1902. 1002 p. D. $2. 920.01 An English work based upon the biographic articles in Chambers's Cyclopedia. Includes about 10000 names. It has an index of pseudonyms. Morris, Charles. Handy dictionary of biography. Phil. Coates, 1901. 007 p. O. $2. 920.01 Comprises concise articles about well-known per- sons, including those of recent date. CONTEMPORARY Men and women of the time; a dictionary of contemporaries, 15th ed. by V: G. Plarr. Lond. Routledge, 1899. 1300 p. O. $5. 920.01 Useful for finding brief biographies of men and women living at the present time; the appendix gives a necrology of those persons contained in previous editions, referring to the edition in which the biography was published, and there is a classified index to the names. It is most full in English names. Previous editions published as Men of the time. Since 1901 absorbed in Who's who. Vapereau, Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire universal des contemporains. 0. ^d. Paris, Hachette, 1893. 1629 p. Q. $7.60. 920.01 A general biographic dictionary of contemporaries, especially full in French names. Includes the names of important persons who died before 1890, as foot- note to each page for that pa>Kof the alphabet to which the name belongs, referringNo the number of the previous edition, containing a fullWaccount. Supplement a la sixieme ^ditioh^ Paris, Hachette, 1895. 105 p. O. 920.01 Bound with the present edition for $8. Pratt, Alfred T. Camden. People of th^ period. Lond. Beeman, 1897. 2v. in 1, Q 25s. 920.01 Biographic sketches of living celebrities not con- fined to one country. NATIONAL AMERICAN Appleton's cyclopaedia of American bio- graphy; ed. by J. G. Wilson and John Fiske. N. Y. Appleton, 1888-1900. 7v. il. por. Q. $36. 920.07 "Includes names of native and adopted citizens of the U. S., including living persons, from the earliest settlement. Also eminent citizens of Canada, Mexico, and all other countries of North and South America. Also names of men of foreign birth who are closely identified with American history." Preface. The arrangement of names of families is not alpha- betic, but under the oldest member. This is an objec- tionable feature. There is a bibliography at the end of each article. Volume 7 is a supplement containing names of per- sons who have become prominent since the publication of the original six volumes. It has also a list of pseu- donyms, and a list of deaths of persons recorded as living in vols. 1-6; also an analytic index. BIOGRAPHY /4 National cyclopaedia of American bio- graphy. N. Y. White, 1892-1906. 13v. il. por. Q. $10 per vol. 920.073 Contains biographic sketches of prominent Amer- icans, and is devoted mainly to the lives of those who are of the present time. Names of individuals are to some extent grouped with reference to their work, but they do not necessarily follow in any special order. Numerous portraits and plates are an important feature. Of special use for less known Americans. Index in each volume, but it is easier to find an article by cgnsulting the Conspectus. A conspectus of American biography; being an analytical summary of American history and biography, containing also the complete indexes of the National cyclopaedia of American biography; comp. by George Derby. N. Y. White, 190G. 752 p. Q. $10. 920.073 Besides the personal and topical indexes to the 13 vols, there are a large number of tables which make it of special value to the reference librarian. It con- tains lists of men in public or private office grouped under such heads as: presidents of the U. S., cabinet officers, governors of states, presidents of American universities, presidents of learned societies, Mayflower passengers, editors of magazines, etc. Besides these may be found lists of pseudonyms, and sobriquets, last words of famous Americans, anniversary calendar of noted events, etc. etc. Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States; ed. by J : H. Brown. Bost. Federal book co. 1900-03 [c 1897-1903] 7v. il. por. Q. $7 per vol. 920.073 Volume 1 was issued in 1897, with title Cyclopedia of American biographies. The later etlition was revised but not sufficiently to make it necessary to have both. Published also as The twentieth century bio- graphical dictionary of notable Aniericans; ed. by Ros- siter Johnson (Bost. Biographical society, 1904, lOv. $40) with some corrections. Alphabetically arranged. Comparing with Apple- ton, the Nation says: " As to the matter, l.,amb makes a nearer approach to democratic equality. Presidents and the like are handled less extensively, men and women of minor fame more liberally; very brief notices are few." Nation, 73:12. Herringshaw, Thomas William. Encyclo- pedia of American biography of the nine- teenth century. Chic. Amer. publishers' assoc. 1898. 1046 p. por. Q. $20. 920.073 Frequently of use in finding information about less prominent Americans. The 1905 edition contains a preface of 31 p. of new material. CONTEMPORARY Who's who in America; a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States, 1899-1909. v. 1-5, D. Chic. Marquis [c 1899-1908] $4 per vol. 920.073 Published biennially. Condensed sketches of the lives of prominent Americans and of persons closely identified with American affairs. The addresses of persons are given. In the later volumes the publisher of an author's works is indicated. Each volume con- tains a necrology, and refers to sketches in previous editions of persons who have died. This makes the earlier volumes useful. The volume for 1908-09 contains 16395 names and sketches, also a geographic index which "groups by states, cities and post office addresses all the names in the book, making it easy to find quickly the names for any particular locality or place." Leonard, John William. Men of America; a biographical dictionary of contemporaries, N. Y. Hamersly, 1908. 2188 p. O. $10. 920.073 The articles are somewhat longer than those in "Who's who in America" but there are not so many names; about 8000 sketches. Limited to men. Not necessary in small libraries. Who's who in New York city and state; ed. by J: W: Leonard. Rev. ed. N. Y, Hamer- sly, 1905. 1074 p. O. $5. 920.0747 Who's who in Pennsylvania, a biographical dictionary of contemporaries; ed. by J: W: Leonard. 2d ed. N. Y. Hamersly, 1908. 596 p. O. $5. 920.0748 Books of the same kind have been pub- lished for other states and cities. Among them are: Marquis' Book of Minnesotans (Chic. Marquis, 1907. $5.50) Leonard's Book of Chicagoans (Chic. Marquis, 1905. $8.50) Leonard's Book of St. Louisans (St.L.Repubhc. $12.50) District of Colum- bia; concise biographies (Wash. D. C. Poto- mac press, 1908. $6) ENGLISH Dictionary of national biography; ed. by Leslie Stephen. Lond. Smith, N. Y. Macmil- lan, 1885-1900. 63v. O. $5 per vol. 920.042 Continued from vol. 22 by Sidney Lee. The most important reference book for English biography, including noted persons of Great Britain, but no living persons. Articles are signed and give bibliographic references. Supplement. Lond. Smith, N. Y. ^ac- millan, 1901. 3v. 1 por. O. $5 per vol. 920.042 The supplement contains, besides some names omit- ted from the original, biographic articles about dis- 74 SPECIAL SUBJECTS tinguished persons who died at too late a date to be included in the original work. "The principle of the Dictionary requires that the memoirs should be mainly confined to a record of fact, should preserve a strictly judicial tone, and should eschew sentiment." Preface. Errata. Lond. Smith, N. Y. Macmil- lan, 1904. 299 p. O. 50 cts. 920.042 "Its aim is to correct the inevitable misprints and misstatements . ' ' Index and epitome; ed. by Sidney Lee. Lond. Smith, N. Y. Macmillan, 1903. 1456 p. O. 25s. $6.25. 920.042 An excellent one volume summary of the 66 vols, of the great Dictionary. This can be bought separately and is worth having in those libraries which cannot afford the large work. The Index and epitome gives concise biographies of all the persons included in the Dictionary and refers to the volume and page where the full article will be found. A new cheaper edition of the Dictionary is being published in 22 vols, instead of 66 (N. Y. Macmillan, 1908. $4.25 per vol. sold in sets only) The paper is thinner, making it possible to put three vols, of the old edition into one of the new. Some corrections and revisions have been made in the new edition. Boase, Frederick. Modern English biogra- phy, containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since 1850. Truro, Netherton, 1892-1901. 3v. Q. 30s. per vol. 920.042 Mentioned in Johnson's universal cyclopaedia as one of the best of contemporary. Ward, Thomas Humphry. Men of the reign; a biographical dictionary of persons of British and colonial birth who have died dur- ing the reign of Victoria. Lond. Routledgc, 1885. 1020 p. D. 15s. 920.042 CONTEMPORARY Who's who, 1908. Lond. Macmillan, 1908. D.* $2.50. 5s. 920.042 Edited by Douglas Sladen An annual publication (of which this is the 53d year), giving brief biographies of the most prominent' persons of England and America, including some continental notables. Who's who year-book for 1904. Lond. Black, N. Y. Macmillan, 1904. 112 p. D.* Is. 35 cts. 920.042 First appearance in separate form of the tables which were formerly a feature of Who's who, but which have been crowded out by the increasing number of biogra- phies. They include among other things, tables of the royal family, ambassadors, ministers, ecclesiastical dig- nitaries, members of the House of Commons, other mem- * Continued annually. bers of the government, clubs, steamship lines, titled Americans, peculiarly pronounced names, pseudonyms and pen-names, etc. There is an index. The Catholic who's who and year-book; ed. by Sir F. C. Burnand. Lond. Burns, 1908. V. 1, D.* $1.50. 920.01 Brief sketches of Catholics, those of the British empire receiving most attention. Anglo-African who's who and biographical sketch book, 1905. Lond. Routledge, 1905. 278 p. sq. O. 6s. 920.06 Edited by W. H. Wills and R. J. Barrett. ANCIENT Smith, Sir William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. Lond. Murray, Bost. Little, 1880. 3v. O. 4 4s. $18. 920.038 The articles were written by scholars who were authorities upon their subjects. Names of persons of any importance which occur in Greek and Roman writers before 1453 are included in the work. Authors are treated with special fulness; a list of the best editions and references to the principal works about each make the work valuable for bibliographic purposes. AUSTRALIAN Johns, Fred. Johns's notable Australians, who they are and what they do; brief bio- graphies of men and women of the common- wealth. Melbourne, Robertson, 1906. 196 p. D. 7s. 6d. 920.09 Mennell, Philip. The dictionary of Aus- tralasian biography; comprising notices of eminent colonists 1855-1892. Lond. Hutch- inson, 1892. 542 p. D. IDs. 6d. 920.09 AUSTRIAN Wurzbach, Constantin von. Biographisches lexikon des kaiserthums Oesterreich. Wien, Zamarski, 1856-91. 60v. O. $37.50. 920.0436 Includes biographies of important persons in Aus- tria and her crown lands. BELGIAN L'acad^mie royale des sciences, des lettres, et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Biographic nationale. Bruxelles, Bruylant-Christophe, 1866-1907. V. 1-19, O. 6 fr. per vol. 920.0493 V. 19 to Romunde. Nos contemporains ; portraits et biogra- phies des personallites beiges ou r^sidant * Continued annually. BIOGRAPHY 75 en Belgique connues par I'oeuvre litteraire, artistique ou scientifique, ou par I'action politique par rinfluence morale ou soeiale. Ixelles-Bruxelles, Breuer, 1904. 500 p. il. por. O. 31 fr. 920.0493 Arrangement not alphabetic, but there is an alpha- betic index. CANADIAN Rose, George Maclean. Cyclopa?dia of Canadian biography; being chiefly men of the time. Toronto, Rose pub. co. 1886-88. 2v. O. $20. o. p. 920.071 Arrangement not alphabetic. Index in front of each volume. CONTEMPORARY Morgan, Henry James. Canadian men and women of the time. Toronto, Briggs, 1898. 1118 p. D. $S. 920.071 CHINESE Giles, Herbert Allen. A Chinese biographi- cal dictionary. Lond. Quaritch, 1898. 1022 p. O. 2 2s. 920.051 DANISH Bricka, Carl Frederik. Dansk biografisk lexikon, tillige omfattende Norge for tids- rummet, 1537-1814. Kj<|)benhavn, Gylden- dalske boghandels forlag, 1887-1905. 19v. O. 920.0489 DUTCH Aa, Anton Jacobus van der. Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlander. Nieuwe uit- gaaf. Haarlem, Brederode, 1876-78. 21 v. in 27, O. about $23. 920.0492 V. 21 is a supplementary volume. FRENCH There is no national dictionary of French biography. See Michaud (under General Biography); Hoefer (under General Bio- graphy); Larousse, Nouveau Larousse and La grande encyclopedie (under General Ency- clopedias), which are full in French names. CONTEMPORARY Qui etes-vous? annuaire des contemporains, 1908. Paris, Delagrave, N. Y. Lcmcke, 1908. V. 1, D.* 7.50 fr. $2. 920.044 Includes about 5000 names of French celebrities. * Continued annually. GERMAN AUgemeine deutsche biographie; heraus- gegeben durch die Historische commission bei der Konigliche akademie der wissenschaften. Lpz. Duncker, 1875-1900. 45v. O. $110. 920.043 The authoritative work on German biography, in- cluding full accounts of all prominent German men and women. Articles are signed. Nachtrage bis 1899. Lpz. Duncker, 1900-07. V. 46-53, O. 14.20m. per vol. 920.043 To Schets. CONTEMPORARY "Wer ist's? unsere zeitgenossen; zeitgenos- sen-lexikon, 1905-07. Lpz. Degener, 1905- 07. V. 1-3, O.* 9.50m. 920.043 Edited by H. A. L. Degener. The biographic sketches which increase in number with each volume include some prominent names of persons of other countries. In addition there is a list of German and Austrian pseudonyms; also an introductory section devoted to German and inter- national statistics, a list of the chief rulers of the world, and a necrology. Deutsches zeitgenossen lexikon biograph- isches handbuch deutscher manner und frauen der gegenwart. Lpz. Schulze, 1905. 1626 p. Q. 12m. 920.043 Biographisches jahrbuch und deutscher nekrolog; herausg. von Anton Bettelheim. Berl. Reimer, 1895-1905. v. 1-10, O.* 920.043 Includes only names of those who have died during the year. The articles are of some length and are signed. The arrangement is not alphabetic. Index to each volume, also a necrology. INDIAN Buckland, Charles Edward. Dictionary of Indian biography. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1906. 494 p. D. 7s. 6d. 920.054 "This is a carefully compiled summary of facts and dates relating to British administrations and soldiers who have served in India, statesmen who have had to do with Indian affairs, and natives who have achieved distinction. The notices are neutral in tone, and the volume seems in every way well calculated to serve as a book of reference." Spectator, Dec. 23, 1905. Lethbridge, Sir Roper. The golden book of India; a genealogical and biographical dic- tionary of the ruling princes, chiefs, nobles, and other personages, titled or decorated, * Continued annually. 76 SPECIAL SUBJECTS of the Indian empire, with an appendix for Ceylon. Lond. Low, 1900. 366 p. O. 10s. 6d. 920.054 ORIENTAL Beale, Thomas William. Oriental bio- graphical dictionary. New ed. rev. and enl. by H: G: Keene. Lond. Allen, 1894. 431 p. O. 28s. 920.05 Anglo-Indian and Chinese biographies have been omitted. Who's who in the Far East, 1906-7. Hongkong, China mail publishers, 1906. 352 p. D. 920.05 SWEDISH Biografiskt lexikon ofver namnkumiige svenske man. Nyreviderad upplaga. Stock- holm, Beijers, 1874. 23v. O. 920.0485 Hofberg, Herman. Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon'; alfabetisktordnade lefnadsteck- ningar af sveriges namnkunniga man och kvinnor fran reformationen till nuvarande tid, Ny upplaga. Stockholm, Bonnier, 1906. V. 1-2, il. por. O. 14 kr. 920.0485 V. 1-2, A-O. SPECIAL CLASSES ACTORS, ETC. Who's who on the stage; the dramatic reference book and biographical dictionary of the theatre, containing records of the careers of actors, actresses, managers and playwrights of the American stage. N. Y. Browne, 1906. v. 1, il. por. O.* $3. 927.92 The Green room book; or, Who's who on the stage; an annual biographical record of the dramatic, musical and variety world, 1906, ed. by Bampton Hunt. Lond. Clark, N. Y. Warne, 1906. v. 1, por. 0.* $1.50. 927.92 Brief biographic sketches chiefly English but some foreign and American names are included. Contains also other miscellaneous facts regarding the stage in England. Who's who in the lyceum; ed. by A. A: Wright. Phil. Pearson, 1906. v. 1, O.* $3. 927.92 The word lyceum includes lectureships, conce'rts, readings, dramatic monologues, dramatic recitals of entire dramas, and similar entertainments. Does not include persons connected with the theater. * Continued annually. ARMY AND NAVY Powell, William Henry, and Shippen, Ed. ward. Officers of the army and navy, regu- lar, who served in the Civil war. Phil, Hamersly, 1892. 487 p. il. sq. Q. o. p. 923.57 Portraits and biographic sketches. CuUum, George Washington. Biographi- cal register of the officers and graduates of the United States military academy at West Point from 1802 to 1890. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 3v. O. Bost. Houghton, 1891. $18. o. p. 923.57 Supplement, 1890-1900, ed. by E. E. Holden. Camb. [Mass.] Riverside press, 1901. v. 4, O. $2.50. 923.57 The military history of each graduate is given, the whole arranged by numbers with alphabetic index. Heitman, Francis Bernard. Historical register and dictionary of the United States army from its organization, Sept. 29, 1789, to Mar. 2, 1903. Wash. Government print- ing office, 1903. 2v. Q. $2. 923-57 "This is the unofficial work of a private compiler, purchased and published by direction of Congress." In the first volume there is a complete alphabetic list of commissioned officers of the arm.y. The work contains also such lists as: officers of regular army killed, wounded or taken prisoners, officers of voluntary regiments during War with Mexico, alphabetic and chronological list of wars, campaigns, skirmishes, military events, etc., forts, reservations, blockhouses, camps, etc. Powell, William Henry. List of officers of the army of the United States from 1779 to 1900, embracing a register of all appoint- ments by the President of the United States in the volunteer service during the Civil war, and of volunteer officers in the service of the United States June 1, 1900, comp. from the official records. N. Y. Hamersly, 1900. 863 p. O. $10. 923.57 A list of officers, 1779-1815, is arranged by years, then follows the army list, 1815 to 1900, which is arranged alphabetically by names, a list of officers of volunteers, general officers of the Revolution, etc., also dates of certain wars, campaigns, etc. Known also as the United States army list. The Adjutant-general issues an annual Official army register (35 cts.) Practically the same information will also be found in the Official register or Blue book. Callahan, Edward W. List of officers of the navy of the United States and of the BIOGRAPHY 77 marine corps, from 1775 to 1900; comp. from the official records. N. Y. Hamersly, 1901. 749 p. O. $10. 923.57 Comprises a complete register of all present and former commissioned, warranted, and appointed officers of the navy and of the marine corps regular and volun- teer. The names are in alphabetic order, showing the dates of their original entry, progressive ranks, etc. Known also as the United States navy list. Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. Records of living officers of the United States navy and marine corps. 7th ed. enl. N. Y, Hamersly, 1902. 511 p. O. $10. 923.57 Not an alphabetic list, but there is an index of names. The Navy department issues an annual Register of commissioned and warrant officei^ of Navy and Marine corps (25 cts.) Practically the same information will be foimd in the Official register or Blue book. ARTISTS Bryan, Michael. Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers. New ed. rev. and enl. under the supervision of G: C. William- son. Lond. Bell, N. Y. Macmillan, 1903-05. 5v. pi. por. Q. $30. 927.5 First edition published in 1816. The edition of 1886-89 was in 2 vols. This the latest edition has been enlarged by the inclusion of many new names, the old articles have in many cases been revised and brought down to date, and illustrations have been added. Omits living artists. " It has one excellent feature, a table of the works of each artist thought notable, the classification being by museums and galleries of art as far as might be The true limitations to the utility of Bryan are, however, to be found in its insularity of scope." Russell Sturgis in Dial, 44 : 239. Graves, Algernon. The Royal academy of arts; a complete dictionary of contributors and their work from its foundation in 1769 to 1904; compiled with the sanction of the president and council of the Royal academy. Lond. Graves, N. Y. Macmillan, 1905-06. 8v. por. Q. $88. 927 Alphabetically arranged; gives name of artist, ad- dress, whether painter or sculptor, and list of exhibits arranged by dates. Redgrave, Samuel. Dictionary of artists of the English school, painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and ornamentists, with notices of their lives and works. Lond, Longmans, 1874. 473 p. O. about $5. o. p. 927 Thieme, Ulricli, and Becker, Felix. AUge- meines lexikon der bildenden kiinstler. Lpz. Engelmann, N. Y. Stechert, 1907. v. 1, Q. 35m. per vol. 927 The articles are signed ; bibliographic references are given. When completed in 20 vols, this will be the most comprehensive biographic dictionary of artists. Miiller, Hermann Alexander. Allgemeines kiinstler-lexicon; leben u. werke der beriihm- testen bildenden kiinstler. 3. umgearbeitete u. bis auf die neueste zeit erganzte aufl. herausg. von H. W. Singer. Frankfurt a/M. Riitten & Loening, 1895-1901. 5v. O. 60m. 927 Short sketches, including living artists. Nachtrage und berichtigungen, 1906 (10.50m.) Nagler, G. K. Neues allgemeines kiinstler- lexikon; oder, Nachrichten von dem leben und den werken der maler, bildhauer, baumeister, kupferstecher, likographer, form- schneider, zeichner, medailleure, elfenbein- arbeiter, etc. 2. aufl. Linz a. D. Mareis, 1904-07. V. 1-10, O. 11m. per vol. pap. 927 James, Ralph N. Painters and their works; a dictionary of great artists who are not now ahve. Lond. Gill, 1896. 3v. pi. facsim. O. $15. 927-5 Besides the biographic sketches, it states the prices paid at auctions for the works of the artist.^. Clement, Mrs Clara Erskine (afterwards Mrs Waters) Painters, sculptors, archi- tects, engravers, and their works ; a handbook. 13th ed. Bost. Houghton, 1893 [c 73-81] 681 p. il. D. $3. 927 Living artists are not included. Sketches are very brief. Women in the fine arts from the seventh century B.C. to the twentieth cen- tury A. D. Bost. Houghton, 1904. 395 p. pi. D. $2.50. 927 Alphabetically arranged with a supplementary list of names. Especially full on the later 19th century. The sketches are brief. and Hutton, Laurence. Artists of the 19th century and their works. Bost. Hough- ton, 1893 [c 79-84] 2v. in 1, D. $3. 927 More than 2000 brief biographic accounts of artists followed by critical quotations from authorities. Aims "to present the later artists of prominence, rather than to include all those of the century." Adressbuch von bildenden kiinstlem der gegenwart; herausgegeben von Adolf Bothe. Stuttgart, 1904. 282 p. D. 927 T8 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Names and addresses of architects, sculptors, paint- ers, engravers, etc. An abbreviation after the name indicates the class to which the artist belongs, whether painter, sculptor, architect or engraver. The Artists year book; a handy reference book, wherein may be found interesting data pertaining to artists and their studio, home and summer addresses for 1905-1906; compiled and ed. by A. N. Hosking. Chic. Art league publishing assoc. 1908. 230 p. O. $3. 927 Brief facts regarding 2500 living American artists. No more published. AUTHORS GENERAL Gubernatis, Angelo de. Dictionnaire in- ternational des ecrivains du jour. Florence, Niccolai, 1888-91. 3 v. Q. $5. 928 Dizionario biografico degU scrittori con- temporanei. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1879. 1276 p. por. O. o. p. 928 The French edition is later than the Italian and con- tains more names; while the Italian edition includes some names omitted from the French edition. Both are useful. Dictionnaire international des ecrivains du monde latin. Rome, Chez I'auteur, 1905-06. 1506 + 254 p. O. 928 A useful book for contemporary writers of the Latin nations, especially full in Italian names. Contains supplement of 254 pages. Bommiiller, Franz. Biographisches schrift- steller-lexicon dergegenwart. Lpz. Bibliogra- phisches instituts, 1882. 800 p. D. $2. 928 The sketches are brief, including authors of all countries, not strictly limited to living writers. Warner's Library of the world's best litera- ture contains biographic and critical sketches of authors of all countries and times. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN AUibone, Samuel Austin. Critical diction- ary of English literature and British and American authors. 3v. Q. 928.2 Supplement. 2v. Q. 928.2 For full description see under Literature English. AMERICAN Adams, Oscar Fay. Dictionary of Ameri- can authors. 5th ed. rev. and enl, Bost. Houghton, 1905 [0 1884-1904] 587 p. O. $3.50. 928.1 Brief accounts of authors, including dates, biogra- phic and critical facts, and list of works. There is a supplement of 146 p. containing more than 2800 additional names. This is about 1300 more names than in the supplement to the 4th edition. Stedman and Hutchinson's Library of American literature, vol. 11, contains short biographies of American authors. ENGLISH Adams, Oscar Fay. Brief handbook of Eng- lish authors. 6th ed. enl. Bost. Houghton, 1892 [c 83] 175 p. D. 75 cts. 928.2 A concise handbook giving the briefest possible sketches of authors with lists of their writings. Sharp, Robert Farquharson. Dictionary of English authors. New ed. rev. with an appendix. Lond. Paul, 1904. 363 p. D. 7s. 6d. 928.2 Brief biographic and bibliographic information. The appendix of this edition, p. 311-363, brings many of the articles up to date. The names in the appendix are indicated in the main portion of the book by aster- isks. There are also some new names. GERMAN Deutscher-litteratur-kalender auf das jahr 1907. Lpz. Goschen, 1907. v. 23, S.* 6.50m. 928.3 Edited by Joseph Kiirschner. Very condensed information, giving names and dates, indicating by curious signs the specialty of the author; with a list of his works, pseudonyms, etc. Pataky, Frau Sophie. Lexikon deutscher frauen der feder; eine zusammenstellung der seit dem jahre 1840 erschienenen werke weibhcher autoren, nebst biographieen der lebenden und einem verzeichnis der pseu- donyme. Berl. Pataky, 1898. 2v. D. 20m. 928.3 Appendix of additional names in vol. 2. Index of pseudonyms, 72 p. Theologischer literatur-kalender, 1. jahrg. 1904. Halle a S. Nietschmann, 1904. v. 1, D.* 12m. 928.3 Limited to living German theological writers. Bio- graphic sketches, dates of birth, present position and address, list of works with date, publisher and price, including latest editions. Vol. 1 has a list of theological periodicals; vol. 2 a list of societies of ecclesiastical history and death date list for some men included in the first volume. Staatswissenschaftlicher literatur- und schriftstellerkalender, 1. jahrg. 1904. Halle * Continued annually. BIOGRAPHY 79 a S. Heynemannsch buchdruckerei, 1904. V. 1, D.* 928.3 Similar to the preceding in arrangement. INSURANCE MEN Who is who in insurance ; an international biographical dictionary and year book, N. Y. Singer co. 1908. 730 p. por. tab. O. $5. 923.68 Contains a biographic dictionary and annals of insurance for the year. Of no great importance. MUSICIANS Baker, Theodore. Biographical dictionary of musicians. N. Y. Schirmer, 1900. 653 p. il. O. $3.50. 927.8 Especially full in English and American musicians. Good for contemporaries. Supplement. N. Y. Schirmer, 1905. p. 649-695, il. O. 25 cts. 927.8 Brown, James Duff. Biographical diction- ary of musicians. Paisley [Eng.] Gardner, 1886. 637 p. O 15s. 927.8 "Prominence is given to British musical biography. . . . The notices of foreign musicians are confined to such as claim attention by their acknowledged emi- nence." Preface. and Stratton, S. S. British musical biography. Birmingham, Stratton, 1897. 462 p. O. 10s. 6d. 927.8 Eitner, Robert. Biographisch-bibliogra- phisches quellen-lexikon der musiker und musik-gelehrten der christlichen zeitrech- nung bis zur mitte des neunzehnten jahr- hunderts. Lpz. Breitkopf, 1900-1904. lOv. O. lOm. per vol. 927.8 F6tis, Frangois Joseph. Biographic uni- verselle des musiciens et bibliographic g^ne- rale de la musique. 2. ed. augm. Paris, Didot, 1865-66. 8v. O. 64 fr. 927.8 Supplement et complement publics sous la direction de Arthur Pougin. Paris, Didot, 1878-80. 2v. O. 16 fr. 927.8 See also Grove's Dictionary of music and musicians and Champlin's Cyclopedia of music and musicians, described under Music, p. 57-58. PHYSICIANS Moulton, Charles Wells. The doctor's who's who. N. Y. Saalfield pub. co. 1906. 269 p. 1 pi. O. $2. ,50. 926.1 A biographic dictionary of living practitioners in all parts of the world. "Every foreign physician of extraordinary repute * Continued annually. and every American physician who has one of the fol- lowing requirements either past or present: authors of medical works published in book form, professors in recognized colleges, editors of prominent medical jour- nals, superintendents of important state medical insti- tutions, presidents of important medical societies." RELIGIOUS Brewster, H. Pomeroy. Saints and festi- vals of the Christian church. N. Y. Stokes [c 1902-04] 558 p. il. O. $2. 922 " A Church Year Book in which is told the origin, history and present status of each of the chief festivals of the entire Christian Church as well as of a number of local feasts and festivals which obtain in certain parts of Europe." Preface. Begins with Advent as the beginning of the Christian year and is arranged chronologically. At the end of the volume are: A chronological list of the bishops and popes of the Christian church from the death of St. Peter, an alphabetic list of canonized saints and others, and a general index. Dunbar, Agnes Baillie Cuninghame. Dic- tionary of saintly women. Lond. Bell, N. Y. Macmillan, 1904-05. 2v. O. $8. 922 "The author has collected the facts and legends con- cerning thousands of Catholic saints, canonized or beati- fied maids and matrons from ancient Britain to the Japan of the seventeenth century, their austerities and charities, their martyrdoms and miracles." Outlook, 79 : 960. SCIENTISTS Cattell, James McKeen. American men of science; a biographical directory. N. Y. The Science press, 1906. 364 p. Q. $5. 925 Gives brief biographic data (in a similar manner to Who's who) regarding Americans "who have contri- buted to the advancement of pure science the term being used in the narrower sense or because they are found in the membership of certain national societies." The Naturalists' universal directory, con- taining names, addresses and special subjects of study of professional and amateur natu- ralists in all parts of the world. 19th ed. comp. in 1904. Salem, Mass. Cassino, 1905. D.* $5. 925 Contains also lists of scientific societies. Poggendorff, Johann Christian. Poggen- dorff's biographisch-literarisches handworter- buch zur geschichte der exacten wissen- schaften. Lpz. Barth, 1863-1904. 4v. O. 89m. 925 Contents: v. 1-2, 1858-63; v. 3, 1858-83; v. 4, 1883-1904. Information about the life and works of mathema- ticians, astronomers, physicists, chemists, mineralogists, geologists, etc. of all countries and all times. * Continued annually. 80 SPECIAL SUBJECTS WOMEN Willard, Frances Elizabeth, and Livermore, Mrs Mary A. (Rice) A woman of the cen- tury. Buffalo, Moulton, 1893. 812 p. por. Q. $10. 920.7 Biographic sketches, with portraits of prominent American women. Browne, William Hardcastle. Famous women of history, containing nearly 3000 brief biographies and over 1000 female pseu- donyms. Phil. Arnold [c 1895] 434 p. D. $2. 920.7 Very brief notices of their lives. A Hst of meanings of proper names of women is given in an appendix. A useful collection of biographic sketches of women is Hale's Woman's record (N. Y. Harper, 1853) with portraits and an alpha- betic index. It is now out of print. DIRECTORIES The city directory is in constant demand and should therefore be in the most con- venient place in the library. In a iarge city it is important to include the business direc- tory of the city which groups together all persons engaged in the same line of business. The Blue book is also much used. Large libraries will possess in addition directories of the large cities of this country. Volumes of past years are frequently consulted. Telephone directories are also to be con- sulted for addresses. Those of large cities especially New York are important. Various directories of special classes of per- sons and for the trades pubhshed annually in England and America are also necessary to a large reference collection. Among these are: American: American medical directory, Polk's medical register and directory of the United States and Canada, Martindale's American law directory, Textile manufac- turers' directory and year book. Banker's register, Sharp and AUeman Co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, Architects' directory, etc. English: Whitaker's naval and military directory and Indian army list, Colonial office list. Foreign office list. Hart's army list, Navy list. Official army list, Civil service directory, etc. A good hst of trade directories will be found in the John Crerar library's List of cyclopedias and dictionaries (see p. 5-6). GENEALOGY Genealogies constitute a much-used class of books in our public libraries. In large cities historical society libraries will contain the best collections of genealogical books, and readers can be referred to them. The books mentioned here are among the best guides to the innumerable sources of infor- mation for family histories. Some historical society libraries have found it necessary to compile card indexes of local family history. As an example, the Pennsylvania historical society library has a large card index to family histories especially full for the middle states. BIBLIOGRAPHY Boston Public library. Finding-list , of genealogies and town and local histories con- taining family records. Bost. 1900. 80 p. O. 25 cts. 016.929 A selection of important general works of reference with a list of serial publications, patriotic hereditary societies, town and family histories. AMERICAN Munsell, Joel, pub. American genealogist ; being a catalogue of family histories, a biblio- graphy of American genealogy or a list of the title-pages of books and pamphlets on family history published in America from 1771 to date. 5th ed. Alb. Munsell, 1900. 406 p. O. S5. 929.1 Former editions were edited by W. H. ^\'hitmore in 1862, 1868, and 1875. "Plan of the work is to give the title-page of each book published on the genealogy of an American family, and the number of pages together with other informa- tion. This edition is arranged alphabetically. . . . The foot-notes of former editions have been omitted, and in their place we have embodied in the title-page of each book in brackets such matter as seemed necessary to make the title of the book give an idea of the contents." Preface. List of titles of genealogical articles in American periodicals and kindred works, giving the name, residence, and eariiest date of the first settler of each family and adding deficiencies in brackets. Alb. Munsell, 1900. 165 p. O. $3. 929-1 BIOGRAPHY 81 Designed as a companion volume to their American genealogist. Arranged alphabetically by family sur- names. Index to American genealogies. 5th ed. enl. Alb. Munsell, 1900. 352 p. O. $5. 929.1 lst-3d editions were edited by D: S. Durrie. "Prepared with a view to facilitate the study of family history by furnishing an index to thje genealogies contained in the large number of county and town histo- ries, collections of public and privately printed genealo- gies, centennial anniversary celebrations, biographies, and other works containing the desired information." Preface. An alphabetic list containing nearly 50000 references. Savage, James. Genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England showing three generations of those who came before May 1692, on the basis of Farmer's register. Bost. Little, 1860-62. 4v. O. o. p. about $75. 929.1 Hotten, John Camden. Original lists of persons of quality, emigrants, religious exiles, political rebels and others who went from Great Britain to the American plantations. N. Y. Bouton, Lond. Chatto, 1874. 580 p. Q. 12s. 6d. o. p. 929.3 Glenn, Thomas Allen. List of some Amer- ican genealogies which have been printed in book form, arranged in alphabetical order. Phil. Coates, 1897. 71 p. sq. Q. $2. 929.1 Stiles, Henry R. Hand book of practical suggestions for the use of students in gene- alogy. Alb. Munsell, 1899. 55 p. O. $1. 929.1 Gives information on what is genealogy, how to pre- pare for genealogical work, sources and authorities of general information, etc. Vermont, E. de V. America heraldica; a compilation of coats of arms, crests, and mot- toes of prominent American famihes settled in this country before 1800; illus. by Henry Rykers. N. Y. Brentano [c 1886] 192 p. il. pi. F. $25. 929.6 Zieber, Eugene. Heraldry in America, Phil. Bailey, 1895. 427 p. il. pi. Q. $6. 929.6 Contains besides much important information on heraldry in general, seals of the United States, of the departments, and of the various states arranged alpha- betically; also ecclesiastical seals, and colonial societies and American orders. ENGLISH Bridger, Charles. Index to printed pedi- grees contained in county and local histories, the heralds' visitations, and in the more important genealogical collections. Lond. Smith, 1867. 384 p. O. 10s. 6d. 929.1 Index ^o the books containing pedigrees arranged by counties and places; index to families. Burke, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and he- raldic dictionary of the peerage and baron- etage. 64th ed. Lond. Harrison, 1902. 2057p. il. Q.* $12. 2 2s. 929.72 Contents: Iloyal family; Peerage and baronetage; Archbishops and bishops; Knightage, comi^anionage, and privy council; Precedence; Orders of knighthood; Foreign titles of nobility held by British subjects; Mottoes. Entry is under the title of the person at present holding the title, giving his ancestry and sketch of his life. Refers from the fkmily name. Only extant peer- ages, but it contains an account of every member of their families living and dead. There are illustrations with blazons. "A mine of information on the involved subject of social pedigrees, with every facility for ready refer- ence." Nation, 66: 174. Genealogical and heraldic history of the colonial gentry. Lond. Harrison, 1891-95. 2v. il. pi. Q. 1 10s. per vol. 929.72 Genealogical history of the dormant, abeyant, forfeited, and extinct peerages of the British empire. New ed. Lond. Harri- son, 1866. 636 p. il. O. 2 2s. 929.721 There is a later edition brought down to 1883. Landed gentry; a genealogical and her- aldic hjstory of the landed gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 9th ed. Lond. Harri- son, 1898. 2v. O. $25. 3 3s. 929.725 Pedigrees and arms of the untitled country gentle- men of Great Britain are described. A later edition was published in 1903. General armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, comprising a registry of armorial bearings from the earliest times to the present. Lond. Harrison, 1884. 1185 p. il. O. 52s. 6d. 929.8 Burke, Ashworth P. Family records. Lond. Harrison, 1897. 709 p. Q. 2 2s. 929.72 Includes many families not in the Peerage and Landed gentry. Cokayne, G. E. Complete peerage of Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dor- * Continued annually. SPECIAL SUBJECTS mant, alphabetically arranged. Lond Bell, 1887-98. 8v. O. $32. 929.72 " The most comprehensive of all works of this kind in the English language." Gross's Sources and literature / English history. Doyle, James E. Official baronage of Eng- land, showing the succession, dignities, and officers of every peer from 1066 to 1885. Lond. Longmans, 1886. 3v. il. por. O. 105s. 929.72 Includes dukes, marquises, earls, and viscounts. Lodge, Edmund. Peerage and baronet- age of the British empire. 59th ed. rev. and enl. Lond. Hurst, 1890. 957 p. il. O. 31s. 6d. 929.72 Kelly's handbook to the titled, landed, and official classes for 1902. Lond. Kelly, 1902. V. 28, D.* 16s. 929.72 A useful compact volume relating to the living peer- age. Other similar works are Whitaker's peer- age,* Dod's Peerage, baronetage, and knight- age of Great Britain and Ireland,* and Debrett's peerage, baronetage, knightage, and companionage.* Marshall, George William. The genealo- gist's guide. Guildford, BiUing, 1893. 884 p. O. 31s. 6d. 929-1 Privately printed. Its object is " to place the intel- ligent student in a position to find out the sources from which he may obtain a clue to the particular pedigree he is searching for." Preface. Arranged alphabetically by surnames. Phillimore, William Phillimore Watts, and Fry, E: A. Index to changes of name under authority of act of Parliament or royal license and including irregular changes from 1 George III to 64 Victoria, 1760 to 1901; with an introd. on the law of change of name. Lond. Phillimore, 1905. 357 p. O. 920.042 HERALDRY Berry, William. Encyclopoedia heraldica; or, Complete dictionary of heraldry. Lond. Sherwood, -n. d. 4v. il. pi. sq. Q. 929.6 v. 1, Dictionary of heraldry; v. 2, Dictionary of arms; V. 3, Plates; v. 4, Supplement. Fairbairn, James. Book of. crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. New ed. rev. by A. C. Fox-Davies. Edin. Jack, 1892. 2v. pi. F. 84s. 929.8 V. 1, text; V. 2, plates. * Continued annually. Index to surnames, mottoes, key to plates, diction- ary of terms. Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles. Art of her- aldry; an encyclopsedia of armory. Lond. Jack, 1904. 503 p. il. pi. por. F. $45. 929.8 Many of the plates are colored. Founded on Stroehl's Heraldischeratlas. FOREIGN Rietstap, Jean Baptiste. Armorial gen^ ral; precede d'un dicticnnaire des termes du blason. 2. ed. Gouda, van Goor, 1884-87. 2v. pi. O. 100 fr. 929.8 "A very useful heraldic book of reference of the same character as Burke's General armory ... it will afford a clue to the country where any name of appar- ent foreign origin may be found. ... It professes to deal only with families entitled to hereditary honours, so that in England, for instance, no families under the rank of a baronet are included." Phillimore. Armoiries des families ^ontenues dans I'Armorial general. Paris, Institut heral- dique universal, 1903. pt. 1, Q. 12 fr. ea. pt. 929.8 To be completed in 25 pts. Plates of all coats of arms (blasons) described in the Armorial gdndral. AUstrbm, Carl Magnus. Dictionary of royal lineage of Europe and other countries from the earliest period to the present date. Chic. Press of S. T. Almberg, 1932. 2v. O. $7. 929.1 Arranged in groups and houses together in chrono- logical order. To some extent alphabetic by countries. Geographic index in v. 2. The following annuals of genealogy* are published. With the exception of the w^ell- known Almanach de Gotha, they are usually to be found only in large libraries: Almanach de Gotha; annuaire gen^alogique, diploma- tique et statistique (Gotha, Justus Perthes) since 1763. Gothaisches genealogisches ta- schenbuch der freiherrlichen hauser (Gothaj. Justus Perthes) since 1848. Gothaisches genealogisches taschenbuch der griiflichen hauser (Gotha, Justus Perthes) since 1825. Annuaire de la noblesse de France (Paris, Au Bureau de la publication) since 1843. La noblesse beige (Bruxelles) since 1889. Annuario della nobilta italiana (Bari) since 1879. Svensk adelskalender (Stockholm, Norstedt) since 1899. Danmarks adels * Titles furnished by the Harvard college library. BIOGRAPHY 83 aarbog (Kj<|)benhavn, Vilh. Trydes) since 1884. Annual re de la noblesse de Russie (St. P^tersbourg) since 1889. NAMES Bardsley, Charles Wareing. Dictionary of English and Welsh surnames, with special American instances. Lond. Frowde, 1901. 838 p. sq. O. $6.25. 929.4 " I have gone little further than an attempt to trace back our names to their original forms, to clear them from the incrustations of time, and to place each, however misleading in appearance to-day, in its own particular class." Introduction. "Will always remain a monument of industry and good judgment. He has not only brought together a mass of material and placed it within convenient reach of the student, but his discussion of it is in the main very trustworthy. There must, in the nature of the case, be plenty of doubtful matter in such a volume." Nation, 74:19. Mackey, Mary Stuart and M. G. Pro- nunciation of 10000 proper names, giving lamous geographical and biographical names, names of books, works of art, characters in fiction, foreign titles, etc. N. Y. Dodd, 1901. 294 p. S. $1. 929.4 A convenient volume for ascertaining pronunciation of proper names which it is so often difficult to find elsewhere; for example, Houyhnhnms. Swan, Helena. Girls' Christian names; their history, meaning and associations. N. Y. Button, Lond. Sonnenschein, 1900. 516 p. S. $1.50. 929.4 Alphabetic arrangement. Poetical selections in reference to each name are given. Wagner, Leopold. Names and their mean- ing; a book for the curious. New and rev. ed. N. Y. Putnam, Lond. Unwin, 1892. 330 p. D. $1.50. 422 Contents: The countries of the world; the months and days of the week ; creeds, sects, and denominations ; tavern signs; royal surnames; national nicknames; birds; religious orders; paper and printing; political nicknames; flowers; the Bible; wines; literary sobriquets; countries of England and Wales; carriages; dances; pigments and dyes; London districts and suburbs; battles; notable days and festivals; textiles, embroid- eries and lace; literary pseudonyms; counterfeit pre- sentments; London inns and gardens; sobriquets and nicknames; the inns of court; races; London churches and buildings; class names and nicknames; malt liquors; diamonds and precious stones; naval and military sobriquets; money; spirits; London streets and squares. Alphabetic index. The significance of names. N. Y. Whit- taker, 1893. 287 p. D. $1.75. 422 Nicknames of American states and people; things theatrical; titles of honor; the senate; firearms and projectiles; matrimony; schools of philosophy; articles of attire; counties and their subdivisions; insects; education; the sea; music; cordials and beverages; printing types; fishes; lawyers and courts of law; quadrupeds; trees, plants, herbs and barks; poets and poetry; weapons of steel; the church; pet names of American cities; fruits and vegetables; the army. Yonge, Charlotte Mary. History of Chris- tian names. New ed. rev. Lond. Macmil- lan, 1884. 476 p. D. $2.50. 929.4 Contains a glossary of Christian names, pref . p. 19- 143, which gives the meaning of the names and from what language derived and refers to the oart in the body of the book where a fuller description will be found. FLAGS U. S. Bureau of equipment, Dept, of the navy. Flags of maritime nations, prepared by the Bureau of equipment. Wash. 1899. 7 p. 67 pi. Q. o. p. 929-9 Excellent colored designs of flags, the United States flags first, then other states arranged alphabetically. Also pilot flags. When the coat of arms of a nation appears in the flag, an enlarged reproduction is given. Among other important books, not strictly reference, but which should be in the reference department, are: Preble, George Henry. History of the flag of the United States of America, and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals, and arms and principal national songs of the United States, with a chronicle of the symbols, stand- ards, banners, and flags of ancient and mod- ern nations. 3d ed. Bost. Osgood, 1882 [c 80] 808 p. il. pi. O. $5. 929-9 Illustrations of state seals, arms, flags, and colors, with a few colored plates of flags. A subject index and an index of names. The most comprehensive work on the United States flag. Harrison, Peleg Dennis. The stars and stripes and other American flags. Bost. Little, 1906. 419 p. pi. O. $3. 929-9 Gives the origin and history of our flags. There are pictures of only eight flags. Griflta, James. Flags, national and mer- cantile, for the use of officers of royal navy, mercantile marine and yacht squadron. 3d ed. enl. Portsmouth, Eng. Griffin, 1903. 35 p. 48 pi. O. $3. 929.9 Colored plates of 957 house flags and funnels of the principal ships of the mercantile marine, and 120 national flags and signals. Alphabetic index. 84 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Hulme, Frederick Edward. Flags of the world, their history, blazonry, and associa- tions. Lond. Warne, n. d. 152 p. pi. O. 6s. 929.9 26 colored plates. Webster's Dictionary, the Standard, and the encyclopedias also contain colored plates of flags which are convenient for reference. PORTRAITS A.L.A. Portrait index; index to portraits contained in printed books and periodicals; ed. by W : C. Lane and N. E. Browne. Wash. Library of Congress, 1906. 1600 p. O. $3. 920 To be obtained from the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Washington, D. C. An index to portraits contained in printed books and periodicals. The work includes entries of about 120000 portraits of thirty-five to forty-five thousand persons. There are 1216 volumes indexed. Dates of birth and death and characterizations of the persons whose portraits are indexed are given. Samuel, Bunford. Index to American por- traits. (In Pennsylvania magazine of his- tory and biography, 25 : 47-70, 228-247, 384-399) "This index is a selection only from one of a general nature in manuscript covering portraits of all nations. On account of space, even the American ones are selectetl, and comprise the period from 1732 to 1852." Magazines and books are indexed. BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY Chevalier, Ulysse, I'abbe. Repertoire des sources historiques dii moyen age; bio- bibliographique. Nouv, ed. refondue, corr. et aiigm. Paris, Picard, 1905. v. 1, Q. PO fr. . 016.92 V. 1, A-I. Elliott, Agnes M. Contemporary biogra- phy; references to books and magazine arti- cles on prominent men and women of the time. Pittsburgh, Carnegie hbrary, 1903. 171 p. O. 25 cts. 016.92 Brief notes are given to explain the character of the articles. Classified list. Oettinger, Edouard Marie. Bibliographic >biographique universelle; dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs aPhistoire de la vie publique et privee des personnages c^lebres des tons les temps et de toutes les nations. Bruxelles, Stienon, 1854. 2v. O. 20 fr. 016.92 Under the names of celebrated persons is given a list of important works relating to their lives. Ungherini, Aglauro. Manuel de biblio- graphic biographique et d'iconographie des femmes celebres. Turin, Roux, Paris, Nils- son, 1892. 896 col. O. 016.92 Supplement. Turin, Roux, 1900. 634 col. O. 016.92 Second et dernier supplement. Rome, Roux, 1905. 758 col. O. 016.92 Indexes books, parts of books, periodical articles, portraits; gives dates of birth and death. Bibliographies of individuals are too nu- merous to be given here. Among examples may be mentioned the sections of the British museum catalogue relating to individuals, e. g. Shakespeare, Dante, etc. The Dante catalogue of the Cornell university library is an elaborate bibliography published in two quarto volumes. A series of bibliographies published by Houghton, Mifilin & Co. includes thus far the following useful volumes: Bibliography of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by Nina E. Browne (1905), of James Russell Lowell, by George W. Cooke (1906), of Oliver Wendell Holmes, by George B. Ives (1907), and of Ralph ^Valdo Emerson, by George W. Cooke (1908) The bibliographies appended to the vol- umes of the Great writers series are excellent for the authors included. GEOGRAPHY GENERAL GAZETTEERS Lippincott's new gazetteer; a complete pronouncing gazetteer or geographical dic- tionary of the world, containing the most recent and authentic information respecting the countries, cities, towns, resorts, islands, rivers, mountains, seas, lakes, etc. in every portion of the globe ; ed. by Angelo Heilprin and Louis Heilprin. Phil. Lippincott, 1906. 2053 p. Q. $10 sh. 910.3 First published in 1855. This edition is printed from new type, the text being thoroughly revised. The most comprehensive American work of its kind, alphabetically arranged, giving description and information of places, with pronunciation and various spellings of names. Chisholm, George Goudie. Longmans' Gazetteer of the world. New impression (1899) Lond. Longmans, 1902. 1788 p. Q. 18s. 910-3 GEOGRAPHY 85 "First published. 1895; re-issued by 'The Times,' 1899; reprinted for 'The Times,' March 1899; re-issued by Longmans & co., July, 1902." Ritters geographisch-statistisches lexikon. 9. umgearb. aufl. Lpz. Wigand, 1905-06. 2v. Q. 53m. 9iO-3 Vivien de Saint Martin, Louis, and Rousse- let, Louis. Nouveau dictionnaire de geo- graphic universelle. Paris, Hachette, 1879- 95. 7v. F. 240 fr. 910.3 Supplement. Paris, Hachette, 1895- 1900. 19 pts., F. 2.50 fr. per pt. . 910.3 ANNUALS Geographen-kalender, herausg. von Her- mann Haack, 1903-04. Gotha, Perthes, 1904. V. 1, maps, S.* 4m. 910 Contains for each year a calendar, geographic chronicle, discoveries, geographic literature and a list of names of persons prominent in this line of work with their dates and a brief sketch. GEOGRAPHIC NAMES AND TERMS Blackie, C. Geographical etymology; a dictionary of place-names. 3d ed. enl, Lond. Murray, 1887. 243 p. D. 75 cts. 910 Gives derivation and meaning of geographic names. Gannett, Henry. Origin of certain place names in the United States. 2d ed. AVash. Government printing office, 1905. 334 p. O. free. (U. S. geological survey. Bulletin, no. 258) 910 Knox, Alexander. Glossary of geographical and topographical terms and of words of fre- quent occurrence in the composition of such terms and of place-names. Lond. Stanford, 1904. 432 p. D. (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel, supplementary vol.) 15s. 910 " Glossary is arranged so that after the geographical or topographical term follows the language or dialect to which it belongs or the locality where it is used, or the name of the tribe in whose vocabulary it is found." Taylor, Isaac. Names and their histories; alphabetically arranged as a handbook of historical, geographical and topographical nomenclature. Lond. Rivington, N. Y. Macmillan, 1896. 392 p. D. 6s. 910 " Object is to give an account of certain names, especially those of philological interest or geographical importance whose origin or etymology has been ascer- tained." Preface. * Continued annually. U. S. Board on geographic names. Sec- ond report, 1890-99. 2d ed. Wash. Govern- ment printing office, 1901. 150 p. O. free. 910 This list includes all decisions in regard to geo- graphic nomenclature and orthography as rendered by the Board, from its creation down to April 14, 1900 inclusive. ATLASES The best atlases are German. American maps are not so well made as foreign maps. For maps of the United States, however, we must consult an American atlas, while for those of foreign covuitries the foreign atlases are much better. Even a small library should possess a German or English atlas, and it is possible to have one, because a good foreign atlas can be bought at a low price. AMERICAN Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world, historical, descriptive, statistical. Chic. Rand, McNally & co. 1907 [ 1902-07] 2v. F. $20. 912 V. 1, United States; v. 2, foreign countries. Index accompanies each map, giving population of every city, town, and village. Maps of large cities are frequently given. The maps are on a much larger scale than those of the Century atlas, but are not so well made. Rand, McNally & co.'s enlarged business atlas and shippers' guide. Chic. Rand, McNally & co. 1908 [c 85-1908] F.* $7.50. 912 Contains large scale maps of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, West Indies, and Cuba, showing in detail the railroad systems, with an index giving the population of places, the express company doing business over each road, and locating all islands, lakes, rivers, etc.; locates branch railroads upon which each station is situated, the nearest mailing point of all local places, etc. Cram's atlas of the world, ancient and modern. Rev. ed. N. Y. Cram, 1907 [c 1908] 856 p. il. maps, F. $12.50. 912 Cram's standard American railway system atlas of the world. N. Y. Cram, 1908. maps, F'*. 912 Cram's quick reference atlas and gazetteer of the world; ed. by Eugene Murray- Aaron. N. Y. Cram [c 1907] maps, S. $1. 912 A good small desk atlas. * Continued annually. 86 SPECIAL SUBJECTS Century atlas of the world, prepared under the superintendence of B: E. Smith. N. Y. Century co. [c 1897-98] 402 p. 118 maps, F. $12.50. 912 A companion volume to the Century dictionary and the Century cyclopedia of names. Includes recent changes in the Philippine and Hawaiian islands. Besides the usual information, the maps give steamship routes and cable lines, discoverers' and explorers' routes are traced, battlefields are marked with dates, and some historical maps are given. A very full alphabetic index makes the atlas easier to consult than the Rand, McNally atlas. Published also as v. 10 of the Century dictionary. The latest edition bears copyright date 1906. No important changes. BIBLlOGRAPHr Library of Congress. List of maps of America in the Library of Congress, preceded by a list of works relating to cartography, by P. L. PhilHps. Wash. Government printing office, 1901. 1137 p. Q. free. 016.91 "A subject-chronological monograph. . . . The maps in atlases are each separately catalogued." Introduc- tion. CANADIAN Canada Dept. of the interior. Atlas of Canada. Prepared under the direction of James White, f. r. g. s. geographer. [Toronto] 1906. 21 p. 46 col. maps, 44 tab. F. 912.71 Gives statistics of population in Canada, and dia- grams showing population, manufactures, agriculture, finance, railways, education, commerce, etc. ENGLISH Bartholomew, John George. The xx*** century citizen's atlas of the world, con- taining 156 pages of maps and plans with an index, a gazetteer, and geographical sta- tistics. [Rev. ed.] Lond. Newnes [1908] 133 p. 78 maps, F. 21s. 912 First edition published 1903. Johnston, Alexander Keith. Royal atlas of modern geography. With additions and corrections to the present date by G. H. Johnston. With a special index to each map. New ed. Edin. and Lond. Johnston, 1905. 184 p. 56 fold, maps, F^ 6 6s. 912 Stanford's London atlas of universal geo- graphy, exhibiting the physical and political divisions of the various countries of the world. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Lond. Stan- ford, 1904. F^ 12. .^ 912 First edition published 1887. " The Times " atlas. Newed. Lond. The Times, 1900. 120 p. maps, F^ 25s. 912 A translation of Andr^e's German atlas. An alpha- betic index to 150000 names. Longmans* new school atlas; ed. by G: G. Chisholm and C. H. Leete. New ed. N. Y. Longmans, 1901. Q. $1.50. 912 A good small atlas. A good annotated list of representative atlases and maps from the English stand- point is to be found in Mill's Geographical books for reference and reading, 1897, p. 44-46. FRENCH Schrader, Franz. Atlas de geographic moderne. Nouv. ^d. cor. Paris, Hachette, 1907. 43 p. 64 maps, F. 912 GERMAN German atlases are the finest specimens of artistic and accurate map-making. Among the most useful for pubhc hbraries are: Stieler, Adolf. Hand-atlas iiber alle theile der erde und iiber das welt gebaude. 9. neu bearb. aufl. Gotha, Perthes, 1907. maps, F^. 42m. 912 Alphabetic index at the end of the volume. " Probably the only atlas which continues from time to time to be constructed throughout from original materials on scientific principles. Has for long held the foremost place among all atlases." Sonnenschein'a Best books. Andr^, Karl Theodor. Andr^es allgemei- ner handatlas in 126 haupt- und 137 neben karten. 5. aufl. Bielefeld, Velhagen, 1906. 179 p. 186 maps, F^ 32m. 912 An excellent cheap atlas. HISTORICAL Poole, Reginald Lane. Historical atlas of modern Europe, from the dechne of the Roman empire, comprising also maps of parts of Asia and of the New World con- nected with European history. Ox. Claren- don press, 1896-1902. 30 pts. in 1 v. 90 maps, F. $35.25. 9" Each map is accompanied by explanatory text. Its special, feature is a series of 17 maps illustrating the historical geography of the British Isles. "The characteristics of the English Atlas, in short, are very notably clearness and fullness, the maps are fortunately of a size not to need folding, and each is preceded by an explanatory note giving authorities, with a running commentary which to the advanced student will prove often of more importance than the GEOGRAPHY 87 accompanying map." on Power's Handy book about books. Contains critical notices of some of the books mentioned. Valine, L^on, Bibliographie des biblio- graphies. Paris, Terquem, 1883. 773 p. Q. 016.01 Supplement. Paris, Terquem, 1887, 354 p. Q. together about $10. 016.01 Not very accurate. Arranged alphabetically under authors, with index of subjects. Other useful works of this kind are: the list of special bibliographies in the Handbook for 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY readers of the Boston public library (1890, catalogue of books, 1876, subject volume; p. 28-262); the lists in the Bibliographical another in Sonnenschein's Best books, contributions of Harvard university library p. 702-709, and in his Reader's guide, p. 534- (nos. 20, 24, 29, and 40) ; one in the American 542. SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHIES Subject bibliographies are of much assistance in guiding the student to the best authorities. Of special importance are those with annotations, among the best examples of which are the bibliographies published by the American Library Association, selected and annotated by specialists. In many libraries subject bibliographies are of such frequent use that indexes of them are made including those which appear as parts of books and in Hbrary bulletins. It is well to keep the most commonly used bibliographies near the catalog, to accustom readers to their use. The titles of such books as the library owns may be starred or the call numbers written in the margins. Many authors prepare careful lists of authorities or references on the subjects of their books^ which are often most important in looking up the literature of a subject. The Annual library index contains a list of the special bibliographies of each year. Bibliographies of special subjects are in this manual included under their subjects with other reference books, e. g. a bibliography of the ilne arts will be found with Cyclopedias of the fine arts, as being there most useful. Only a few of the most important and commonly used bibhographies have been mentioned, since on account of their great number it was impractica- ble to name many of them. Librarians are frequently called upon to prepare special bibliographies (called reading lists, reference lists, etc.) on topics of general interest. These are often printed in their Bulletins or issued separately. See page 117 for lists of bibhographies pubhshed in library bulletins. The Library of Congress has since 1898 published many valuable subject bibliographies on topics of current interest in connection with the government of this country. These are issued through its Bibliographical Division and may be obtained free. Many of these lists will be found useful in college and school libraries for furnishing references for debates. ANNUAL SUMMARIES For the use of college students and specialists, a list is here given of the most important annual summaries of the literature of special subjects* A large number of such summaries is issued each year, especially in Germany and France. The following list is a selection of those in most general use in a reference library. Additional titles will be found in Stein's Manuel de bibliographic g^n^rale and in Langlois's Manuel de bibliographic historique, 1901, p. 170-201. Astronomy: Astronomisches jahresbericht. Biology: L'ann^e biologique; comptes rendus annuels des travaux de biologic g^n^rale (Paris, since 1895). Botany: Just's botanischer jahresbericht (Berlin, since 1873). Chemistry: Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie (Giessen, since 1861). Classical philology: Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der classischen altertumswissenschaft, which contains an annual Bibliotheca philologica classica, also issued separately (Berlin, since 1873). Education: Educational review (N. Y. since 1899), contains an annual bibliography. Pedagogical seminary (Worcester, since 1898), contains a biblio- graphy of child study for the year. Anzeiger fiir die neueste padagogische litteratur (Lpz. since 1872). Jahresberichte iiber das hohere schulwesen (Berlin, since 1886). English language and literature: Beiblatt zur Anglia; mittheilungen iiber englische sprache und lit- teratur und iiber enghschen unterricht (v. 13, 1902). Geography: Geographisches jahrbuch (Gotha, since 1866). Petermann's Mittheilungen contains an important annual Geographis- cher litteratur-bericht (Gotha). Annales de geographic (Paris, since 1893), contains a Bibhographie g^ographique annuelle. Geology: Bibhographia geologica, repertoire des tra- vaux concernant les sciences g^ologiques. Geologisches centralblatt (since 1901). German language: Jahresbericht iiber die erscheinungen auf dem gebiete der germanischen philologie, * See also International catalogue of scientific literature described on p. 48. CHOICE OF BOOKS 111 herausg. von der Gesellschaft fiir deutsche philologie in Berlin (Berlin, since 1879). German literature: Jahresberichte fiir neuere deutsche litteraturgeschichte (Stuttg. since 1892). History: Jahresbericht der geschichtswissenschaft (Berlin, since 1878). Law: see Political science. Mathematics: Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte der mathematik (Berlin, since 1868). Medicine: Bibliographia medica (Paris, Institut de bibliographic, since 1900). Music: Hof- meister's Verzeichniss der erschienenen musikalien auch musikalischen schriften und abbil- dungen (Lpz. since 1852). Oriental studies: Orientalische bibliographic (published also under the title Oriental bibliography, Lond. Williams) (Berlin, since 1888). Physics: Fortschritte der physik (Braunschweig, since 1845). Political science: Miihlbrecht's Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissenschaftlichen litteratur (Berlin, since 1869). Psychology: Psychological review publishes an annual Psychological index (N.Y. since 1894). L'ann^e psychologique (Paris, since 1894). Romance languages: Kritischer jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der romanischen philologie (Miinchen, since 1892). Theology: Theologischer jahresbericht (Braunschweig, since 1882). American journal of theology issues as a supple- ment an annual classified list of theological and Semitic literature. Zoology: Zoological record; being records of zoological literature (Lond. since 1861). Bibliographia zoologica; beiblatt zum zoologischem anzeiger (Lpz. since 1895) is published as a volume and also on cards. For further lists of subject bibliographies consult the New York state library bulletin enti- tled Selected subject bibliographies, 1899 (5 cts.), which embraces a number of titles arranged by classes ; also the lists included in the bibliographies of bibliography, such as those of Stein, Valine, Petzholdt, etc. CHOICE OF BOOKS Man.y good manuals have been prepared which give hints on methods and courses of reading. These are often suggestive to per- sons who wish to pursue some definite line of study or reading, without knowing how to do so. Baldwin's Book-lover, Porter's Books and reading, Harrison's Choice of books, Richardson's Choice of books, Carlyle On the choice of books, and Emerson's interesting chapter on Books in his Society and solitude, may be mentioned as suggestive aids in this direction. More recent volumes are Koop- man's Mastery of books and Spofford's A book for all readers. Other helpful aids are the syllabi with bibliographies published by the University extension society, and some of those published by the University exten- sion department of the University of the State of New York. Among the more extensive guides for the choice of books are: Sonnenschein, William Swan. Best books; a reader's guide to the choice of the best available books. 2d ed. N. Y. Ptitnam, 1891. 1009 p. sq. Q. $9. on A classified list, with author and ti^ and subject indexes, of 50000 of the best books, priiroipally in Eng- lish, although some foreign books are entered. It Includes books that are in print ; a few out-of-print books are given. The price, size, publisher, and dates of first and last editions are given with a brief characterization of some of the books, and bibliographic notes. The very best books on each subject are indicated by stars. Reader's guide to contemporary litera- ture. Lond. Sonnenschein, 1895. 775 p. sq. Q. $7.50. on The first supplement to Best books. Contains a large selection of the best contemporary literature, classified and arranged in a manner similar to the pre- ceding volume. A. L. A. Catalog, 8000 volumes for a popular library with notes, 1904; prepared by the New York state hbrary and the Library of Congress, under the auspices of the American library association publishing board. Editor Melvil Dewey. Wash. Gov- ernment printing office, 1904. O. $1 pap. oig To be obtained from the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Washington, D. C. Pt. 1, classed; pt. 2, dictionary. Useful in a librai!ry for many purposes, among them (a) as a guide in selecting books on any subject because the selection was made by many experienced librarians, and because the annotations are in some cases helpful; (b) as an aid in ordering because the publisher's name and price are given and because care was exercised in the selection of editions; (c) in classifying books; (d) in the selection of subject headings; (e) in ordering printed catalog cards from the Library of Congress, because the serial numbers are given. A previous A. L. A. Catalog was published in 1893, entitled Catalog of "A. L. A. Library," 5000 volumes for a popular library (Wash. Government printing oflice) 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY A. L. A. Booklist, issued by the American library association publishing board with the cooperation of many librarians, Jan. 1905-1908. Bost. 1905-08. v. 1-4, D. $1 per year. 010.5 Monthly except July and August. "The main purpose of the A. L. A. Booklist is to aid public libraries in book buying; its secondary aim is to give assistance in cataloging and classifying to libra- rians whose training or experience is limited." The order number for the Library of Congress card is given. Prices of books are given. League of library commissions. Sugges- tive list of books for a small library; comp. by the Wisconsin free library commission. Madison Free library commission, 1905. 58 p. O. 028 pt. 1, Books for adults, 1200 titles. Its aim is to help book committees in small libraries. It is a classified list with publishers' names and prices. Leypoldt, Augusta Harriet, and lies, George. List of books for girls and women and their clubs. Bost. [A. L. A. publishing board] 1895. 161 p. Q. pap. 25 cts. oi6 A classified list of more than 2000 selected titles, with notes prepared by specialists. The annotation^ are particularly interesting. One of the best of the selected lists. The title of the book is misleading. The list is equally useful for boys and men. Sargant, E. B. and Wishaw, Bernhard. Guide book to books. Lond. Frowde, 1891. 344 p. Q. 5s. o. p. on An alphabetic list of some of the best books, ar- ranged by subjects with occasional brief explanatory and critical notes. The books are mainly confined to those in English. The price, size, and publisher are mentioned. There is an index of authors at the end of the volume. As aids in the selection of new books may be mentioned: Fifty best books for a village library, issued annually by the New York state library, and Selection from the best books of the year, with notes, by the same in its State library bulletins (10 cts.) For further aids in book selection consult Aids in book selection by Sarah W. Cattell and Alice B. Kroeger in Pennsylvania free library commission's Bulletin, no. 1, 1903. CHILDREN'S READING Several guides to children's books have been compiled, and many libraries have issued catalogs of their well-selected collec- tions. In order to make these important lists of use to the individual library, it is well to put opposite the titles in Sargent's Read- ing for the young (or others) the call num- bers of books when they are contained in the library. Burt, Mary Elizabeth. Literary land- marks. Bost. Houghton, 1893. 15G p. il. pi. D. 75 cts. 028.5 Guide to good reading for young people. Of special interest to teachers. Contains chapters on theories of children's reading, epigrammatic literature, works of the creative imagination, history, biography, etc., with a list of books. Caller, Mary Alice. Literary guide for home and school. N. Y. Merrill, 1892. 205 p. pi. D. $1.25. 028.5 For girls. Field, Mrs E. M. The child and his book; some account of the history and progress of children's literature in England. Lond. Gardner, 1891. 366 pi. D. 5s. 028.5 A most interesting account of the history and pro- gress of children's literature in England to 1825. Not a bibliography, but helpful in the understanding of children's books. Field, Walter Taylor. Fingerposts to children's reading. Chic. McClurg, 1907. 275 p. S. $1. 028.5 Chapters on the influence of books, reading in the home, a list of books for home reading, reading in the school, supplementary reading, the school library, the public library, the Sunday school library, the illustra- ting of children's books, Mother Goose. An appendix contains a list of books for school and Sunday-school libraries. The list of .50 pages is classified and graded. Griswold, William Maccrillis. Descrip- tive list of books for the young. Camb. [Mass.] Griswold, 1895. 175 p. Q. $1. pap. 028.5 Classified list, with author and subject indexes. The titles are annotated, with critical and descriptive ex- tracts from leading reviews such as the Nation, Athe- njEum, etc. Not always a safe guide. Hardy, George E. Five hundred books for the young. 2d ed. N. Y. Scribner, 1892. 94 p. D. 50 cts. 028.5 A graded list, with brief descriptions of the books. Hewins, Caroline Maria. Books for boys and girls; a selected list. 2d ed. rev. Bost. A. L. A. pubhshing board, 1904. 56 p. D. 15 cts. pap. (A. L. A. annotated lists) 028.5 A brief annotated list prepared as a help in buying books, for parents, teachers, and the smaller libraries. CHILDREN'S READING 113 Moses, Montrose Jonas. Children's books iJid reading. N. Y. Kennerley, 1907. 272 p. D. $1.50. 028.5 Chapters on the history of children's literature and oa children's reading. There is a classified list of 67 pages. Salmon, Edward. Juvenile literature as it .s. Lond. Drane, 1888. 243 p. D. 6s. 028.5 An account of children's literature of the time in Gngland. Sargent, John Frederick. Reading for the young; a classified and annotated catalog. Bost. [A. L. A. publishing board] 1890. 121 p. Q. 75 cts. in sheets. 028.5 Supplement. Bost. [A. L. A. pubhsh- ing board] 1896. p. 125-225, Q. 25 cts. in sheets. 028.5 The notes assist in the selection of books. Refer- ences under subjects are made to articles in the periodi- cals for young people. The titles are graded according to the age to which they are adapted. The subject index in the supplement includes the original edition as well. LIBRARY LISTS Boston Public library. List of books for boys and girls in the Public library of the city of Boston. Bost. 1904. 125 p. O. 028.5 Brookline (Mass.) Public library. List of books for boys and girls. Brookline, Pubhc Hbrary, 1900. 128 p. D. 028.5 A classified list. List of books in the school reference collection. BrookHne, 1901. 36 p. D. 028.5 Classified. Brooklyn Public library. Books for boys and girls, for use in its children's room. Brooklyn, Pubhc library, 1904. 44 p. O. 028.5 The best books are starred. Reference collection for the children's room, p. 42-44. Buffalo Public library. Class-room libra- ries for public schools, listed by grades; to which is added a list of books suggested for school reference libraries. Buffalo, Public library, 1902. 133 p. O. 31 cts. 028.5 " The chief purpose of this catalogue is to help the teacher to find the book she wants to use in her work or to recommend to her pupils. It has been arranged for grammar school work, with special attention to American history, literature, and geography, nature study, holidays, etc. The catalogue does not pretend to be complete or exhaustive, but gives under each subject heading some available material, including fiction and poetry." Preface. Graded list, with author-title index, and an alpha- betic subject index. Cleveland (O.) Public library. Refer- ences to books in the library, intended to aid the third grade teachers of the Cleveland public schools, comp. by M. H. Prentice. Cleveland, Public Ubrary [c 1898]. 108 p. O. 028.5 Moore, Annie Carroll. List of books rec- ommended for a children's library; comp. for the Iowa library commission. 22 p. O. 028.5 New York (city) Board of education. Catalogue of books for public school libraries in the city of New York; graded and an- notated. N. Y. 1904-OG. 2v. in 1, sq. Q. 028.5 New York (state) Library. Class list of a $500 library recommended for schools. Alb. Univ. of the state of N. Y. 1901. p. 955- 1032, O. (Bulletin; 65) 15 cts. 028.5 Newark Free public library. Books for boys and girls. Newark, 1906. 40 p. D. 028.5 Alphabetically arranged. Oregon library commission. List of books for school libraries of the state of Oregon. Salem, State printer, 1906. 2v. O. 028.5 pt. 1, Books for elementary schools; pt. 2, Books for high schools. Carnegie library, Pittsburg. Annotated catalogue of books used in the home libraries and reading clubs conducted by the children's department; a subject arrangement with author and title index. Pittsburgh, Carnegie Hbrary, 1905. 110 p. O. 25 cts. 028.5 A useful subject list of books for boys and girls, with a list of books for the yoimger children. There is an author and title index. The selection is popular in character. Catalogue of books annotated and arranged and provided by the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh for the use of the first eight grades in the Pittsburgh schools. Pittsburgh, Carnegie hbrary, 1907. 331 p. O. 35 cts. 028.5 Arranged by grades with author and title index. Under each grade the titles are grouped by subjects. LTp-Tful on account of the annotations and the careful 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY selection. Titles may appear under more than one grade. A thorough revision and an enlargement of their "Graded and annotated catalogue" published in 1900. Story telling to children from Norse mythology and the Nibelungenlied ; references to material on selected stories together with an annotated reading list. Pittsburgh, Car- negie library, 1905. 48 p. O. 20 cts. 028.5 Another list is its story hour courses from Greek myths, the Iliad and the Odyssey (20 cts.) Prentice, M. H. and Power, E. L. A children's library. Cleveland [0 1904] 77 p. D. o. p. 028.5 A good carefully selected, graded, annotated list. Wisconsin State supt. of public instruc- tion. List of books for township libraries. Madison, State printer, 1902. 344 p. O. 028.5 A list of the best books for school libraries, graded, annotated, priced, with author, title, and subject indexes. INDEXES Goss, Harriet, and Baker, G. A. A com- plete comprehensive index and dictionary catalogue to the first 27 volumes of St. Nicholas, containing 20000 references ar- ranged analytically, alphabetically, and classified. Cleveland, Cumulative index co. [c 1901]. 234 p. Q. $4. J 051 Of value in finding references for children. Salisbury, Grace E. and Beckwith, M. E. Index to short stories; an aid to the teacher of children. Chic. Row, Peterson & co. 1907. 118 p. sq. D. 75 cts. 028.5 Alphabetically arranged under subjects of the stories for the use of teachers. There is at the end a priced list of the books indexed. ANONYMS AND PSEUDONYMS AMERICAN AND ENGLISH Gushing, William. Anonyms; a diction- ary of revealed authorship. Camb. [Mass.] Cushing, 1890. 829 p. O. $10. 014 Gives names of authors of anonjTiious books, English and American, with index of names at end. Initials and pseudonyms; a dictionary of revealed disguises. N. Y. Crowell [^1885- 88] 2v. O. $8. 014 English and American, with a few well-known con- tinental names. Each series in two parts; first, initials followed by real name, second, real name followed by pseudonym or initials, with short biographic notices. Halkett, Samuel, and Laing, John. Dic- tionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain, including the works of foreigners, written in or translated into the Enghsh language. Edin. Patterson, 1882-88. 4v. Q. $17.50. 014.2 Strictly alphabetic; the author's name is printed in emaU capitals and the authority in italics. There is an Index to authors' pseudonyms and an index of authors In vol. 4. Thomas, Ralph. Handbook for fictitious names; being a guide to authors, chiefly in the lighter literature of the 19th century, who have written under assumed names. Lond. Smith, 1868. 235 p. O. 7s. 6d. 014.2 Include pseudonyms of all kinds, asterisms, a bio- graphic index of autonyms, and a general index. Marchmont's Concise handbook of ancient and modem literature issued either anony- mously, under pseudonyms, or initials (Lond. 1896) is a small volume occasionally useful. A list of authors of anonymous and pseu- donymous books will be found in the monthly numbers of the Library journal. These are also indexed in its annual index. DUTCH Doominck, J. I. van. Vermomde en naamlooze schrijvers. Leiden, Brill, 1883- 85. 2v. in 1, O. 014 FRENCH Quirard, Joseph Marie. Les supercheries litt^raires d^voil4es. 2. 6d. augm. Paris, Daffis, 1869-71. 3v. O. 014.4 Pseudonyms of French writers. Barbier, Antoine Alexandre. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. 3. 6d. augm. par Olivier Barbier, Ren6 and Paul Billard. Paris, Daffis, 1872-79. 4v. O. 014.4 Supplements the Supercheries ddvoil^s by Qu^rard. Includes French and Latin works, with historical and critical notes. Brunet, Gustave. Supplement au Diction- naire des ouvrages anonymes de Barbier et aux Supercheries litt^raires d^voilees de Qu^rard. Paris, Fechoz, 1889. v. p. Q. 014.4 GERMAN Holzmann, Michael, and Bohatta, Hans. Deutsches anonymen lexikon, 1501-1850. Weimar, Gesellschaft der bibliophilen, 1902- 05. 4v. O. 014.3 ANONYMS. PERIODICALS. LIBRARIES 115 Holzmann, Michael, and Bohatta, Hans. Deutsches pseudonymen lexikon. Wien, Aka- demischer verlag, 1906. 323 p. O, 014.3 Weller, Emil. Lexicon pseudonymorum, worterbuch der pseudonymen aller zeiten und volker. 2. verb, und verm. aufl. Regens- burg, Coppenrath, 1886. 627 p. O. 014 Preface gives a bibliography of pseudonymous ref- erence books. ITALIAN Melzi, Gaetano. Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime di scrittori italiani, Milano, Brigola, 1848-59. 3v. nar. Q. 014.5 There is a supplementary volume by G. Passano (Ancona, Morelli, 1887) SCANDINAVIAN Bygd6n, Leonard. Svenskt anonymen- och pseudonym-lexikon; bibliografisk for- teckning ofver uppdagade anonymer och pseudonymer i den svenska litteraturen. Upsala, Berling, 1898-1901. Haft. 1-5 (in 4) O.-. 014 Collin, E. Anonymer og pseudonymer. Kjb. 1869. 209 p. O. 014.398 Pettersen, Hjalmar. Anonymfer og pseu- donymer i den norske literatur, 1678-1890. Kristiania, Nisja, 1890. 128 col. 64 p. O. 014.398 CHANGED TITLES Whitney, James Lyman. A modern Pro- teus; or, A list of books published under more than one title. N. Y. Leypoldt, 1884. 106 p. S. o. p. 016 The same may also be found in Lib. j. 8 : 172-193, and in the American library association. Papers and proceedings. 1883. p. 10-31. Supplements in Lib. j. 9 : 214-218; 10 : 161-163. This is the only publication of the kind, and is still occasionally useful. PERIODICALS Bibliographer; a [monthly] journal of book-lore. Lond. Stock, 1882-84. 6v. Q. 010.5 Book-lore; a [monthly] magazine devoted to old-time literature, Dec. 1884-Nov. 1887. Lond. Stock, 1885-87. 6v. il. Q. 010.5 Book-worm [monthly]. Lond. 1866-71. 5v. il. Q. 010.5 Bookworm [monthly], an illustrated trea- sury of old-time literature. Lond. Stock, 1888-94. 7v. il..O. 010.5 Bibliographica, 1895-97. Lond. Paul 1895-97. 3v. il. pi. F. 010.5 Philobiblion ; a monthly bibliographical journal. N. Y. Philes, 1862-63. 2v. O. 010.5 Bibliographer, 1902-Jun. 1903. N. Y. Dodd, 1902-03. 2v. O. $10. 010.5 The above are useful for finding informa- tion about old and rare books, etc. LIBRARIES STATISTICS U. S. Bureau of education. Public, society, and school libraries. Wash. Gov- ernment printing office, 1904. (Reprint of chapter from the report of the Commissioner of education for 1903) p. 759-1017, O. free. 027 Under each state is given a list of libraries containing over 1000 volumes, with statistics thereof. Richter, P. E. Verzeichniss der bibliothe- ken mit gegen 50000 und mehr banden. Lpz. Hedeler, 1890-93. 2v. in 1, O. 8m. 027 Hedeler, pub. List of private libraries. Lpz. Hedeler, 1897-98. 2v. O. 027 Wilson, The H. W., company. Directory of libraries in the United States and Canada. Minn. Wilson, 1907. Q. $5. 027 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Lane, William Coolidge, and Bolton, C : K. Notes on special collections in American libra- ries. Camb. [Mass.] Library of Harvard univ. 1892. 82 p. O. (Harvard university Library. Bibliographical contributions, no. 45) 027 A list of special collections arranged alphabetically by places, with index of subjects. New York library club. Libraries of Greater New York; manual and historical sketch. N. Y. 1902. 185 p. D. $1. 027 Contains besides the description of the libraries and their special collections, an alphabetic index to these collections. 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY LIBRARY PERIODICALS The three American library periodicals are the Library journal (v. 1, 1876), published monthly, $4 per year, and Public libraries (v. 1, 1896) ten numbers each year, $1 per year. There is an index volume to the Library journal (v. 1-22). The A.LA. Bulletin, pub- lished bimonthly since 1907, is the official organ of the American library association. One number contains the Papers and proceed- ings of the annual conference, and one is the Handbook of the Association with list of members. The English journals are: the Library, the Library world, the Library association re- cord, and the Library assistant. Foreign journals are the Zentralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen in Germany, the Rivista delle biblioteche in Italy, Bulletin des bibliotheques populaires in France, For- folke-og bame-boksamlinger in Norway. LIBRARY CATALOGS Printed catalogs of libraries, especially of the large libraries, are among the useful tools of the bibliographer and reference librarian. Those of the British museum and Biblio- theque nationale are important as general bibhographies. Author catalogs British museum Library. Catalogue of printed books. Lond. Printed by Clowes, 1881-1900. 393 pts. in 95v. F. 84. 018.1 Supplement. Lond. Clowes, 1900-05. 13v. F. about $55. 018.1 "The Supplement contains the titles of all books which were added to the Library during the years, 1882- 1899 inclusive but were not incorporated in the general catalogue during the process of printing." France Bibliotheque nationale. Cata- logue general des livres imprimis. Auteurs. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1900-07. V. 1-32, O. 12.50 fr. per vol. 018.1 V. 32 to Corbiot. Library of Congress. Depository catalog. "Certain libraries in leading centers of research have been made depositories for complete sets of L. C. printed cards. By consulting a depository set one may find out whether a certain book is in the library of Congress." Astor library, New York. Catalogue. Camb. [Mass.] 1886-88. 4v. O. 018. i Faculty of advocates Library. Cata- logue of the printed books. Edin. Black- wood, 1857-79. 7v. Q. about $5. 018.1 V. 7 is a Supplementary volume. Brief biographic data in volume one. Continuation to end of 1880. Dictionary catalogs Peabody institute of the city of Baltimore. Catalogue of the Hbrary. Bait. 1883-92. 5v. Q. $37. 019.1 Second catalogue, including the addi- tions made since 1882. Bait. 1896-1905. 8v. Q. $5 per vol. 019.1 Full in the line of analytics and tables of contents. Boston Athenaeum library. Catalogue, 1807-71. Bost. 1874-82. 5v. Q. in sheets S25. 019.1 Full in analytics. Detroit Public library. General cata- logue, 1888. Detroit, Pubhc hbrary, 1889. 2v. Q. $2.50. First supplement, 1889-93. Detroit, Public Hbrary, 1894. 898 p. Q. $1.50. Second supplement, 1894-98. Detroit, Pubhc library, 1899. 860 p. Q. $1.50. Third supplement, 1899-1903. Detroit, Pubhc hbrary, 1904. 946 p. Q. $1.50. 019.1 Annual bulletins are also issued. Other dictionary catalogs of smaller libra- ries are those of the Cleveland and Grand Rapids public libraries. Classed catalogs Boston Public library. Annual list of new and important books added to the Pubhc Hbrary. Bost. Published by the trustees, 1908. O.* 017.1 Brooklyn library. Analytical and classed catalogue; authors, titles, and subjects. Brooklyn, 1881. 1110 p. F. $5. 017.1 Useful for its analytics. Milwaukee Public library. Systematic catalogue, with alphabetical author, title, and subject indexes, 1885. Milwaukee, 1885-86. 836 p. pi. Q. $3.50. 017.1 Quarterly index of additions, 1886- 1902. Milwaukee, 1888-1902. Q. $3.50. 017.1 * Continued annually. LIBRARY BULLETINS 117 Osterhout free library, Wilkesbarr, Pa. Class catalogue and author index. Wilkes- barre, 1889. 432 p. O. $2. 017.1 First supplement, 1889-95. Wilkes- barr^, 1895. 457 p. O. $2. 017.1 Carnegie library, Pittsburg. Classified catalogue, 1895-1902. Pittsburgh, Carnegie library, 1907. 3v. O. $12. 017.1 Issued also in parts 1903-07 ($3). A classified subject catalog according to the Decimal classification. The titles are in most cases annotated and these annotations make the catalog of special value. There are author and subject indexes. Classified catalogue, 1902-1906. Pitts- burgh, Carnegie library, 1907-08. 2 v. O. $5. 017.1 Issued also in parts, $3.50. Second series, including titles added from July 1902 to Dec. 1903 inclusive, supplements the first series. The two series comprise a complete catalog of all the books in the library to Jan. 1907. British museum Library. Subject index of the modern works added to the Library, 1881-1900; ed. by G. K. Fortescue.. Lond. 1902-03. 3v. Q. 019.1 Includes the subject indexes published by the Trus- tees in 1883, '91 and '97, adding the works published 1893-1900 as well as those of the Slavonic, Hungarian and Finnish books, published between 1881 and 1900 which were not included in the former indexes. Alphabetically arranged. No personal names are used as headings. Includes 155000 entries. 1901-1905; ed. by G. K. Fortescue. Lond. 1906. 1161 p. Q. $16. oig.i First of a series of five-yearly indexes in continuation of the preceding work. Good examples of finding-lists (which are brief catalogs of libraries) are those of the Jersey City public library (alphabetic); Newark public library (classed with author index); Salem public library (classed with author index); Scranton pubHc Hbrary (classed with author index); Buffalo public library (classed with author index) Some library catalogs are excellent subject bibliographies. Such are: Catalogue of the Avery architectural library, Columbia univer- sity, the Catalogue of the books relating to architecture of the Boston public library, the Catalogue of the Spanish library of the Boston public library, etc. BULLETINS The Bulletin, usually issued monthly, is the best way a library has to keep its readers informed of additions to its collection, and to supply to them reading-lists and reference lists as well as other interesting matter relating to books and the library. The expense of printing the bulletin has kept many libraries from using it for these pur- poses. By means of advertisements, how- ever, the expense can be greatly reduced, so that a comparatively large number of libra- ries now publish bulletins. The bulletin is useful to other libraries, especially if the refer- ence list is one of its features. The Monthly bulletin of the Providence public hbrary was particularly noted for its reference Hsts so admirably carried out by Mr W. E. Foster. Other bulletins are: Bulletin of the Salem pubHc Hbrary (monthly), which pubhshes excellent reading-lists on subjects of general interest; those of the Boston pubhc Hbrary, the New York public library, the Carnegie library of Pittsburg, etc. INDEXES TO REFERENCE LISTS IN BULLETINS Nachtmann, Mrs Alice (Newman) Index to subject bibliographies in Hbrary bulletins to Dec. 31, 1897. Alb. State Hbrary, O. 10 cts. (Bulletins of bibliography) 016.01 Providence Public library. Index to reference lists pubHshed in library bulletins from Oct. 1901 to Dec. 1906 inclusive. Bost. Boston book co. 1907. 31 p. O. 25 cts. (Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets, no. 16) 016.01 Continued in the A.L.A. booklist for 1907. THE CARD CATALOG Perhaps it may be worth while to empha- size the importance of using a card catalog. The young student in college or in school should be taught at an early period the general principles of classification and the arrangement and mode of entry adopted in preparing a card catalog for public use. He should understand how to look up a subject by means of the catalog. The freedom of the shelves which is granted in so many libra- ries does not enable the student to find all the material on a subject. The catalog can aid him by means of its cross-references, double entries, and analytic references. The resources of the library on any subject cannot be thoroughly exhausted until the catalog, as well as the books on the shelves, b^ss been examined. SUGGESTIVE LIST OF 100 EEFEEENCE BOOKS The selection of the most important reference books for a small library is often difficult to Diake, depending as it must upon the amount of money available, which often is too limited to buy even the essential works of reference. While the selection depends also upon the character of the library, there are still many books which are necessary to every library. No library, however small and whatever its character, can be complete without a dictionary, an encyclopedia, an atlas, and a bio- graphic dictionary. To assist in selecting for a small public library, a suggestive list of the first one hundred reference books is offered. It must be remembered, as stated before, that these books can often be bought for less than the published price, at auction or second-hand. Many important works of reference are published by the government and can be obtained free, e. g. the Statistical abstract. Census reports, Review of the world's commerce, etc. The titles are given to a certain extent in the order of usefulness of the books. It is comparatively simple to mention the first ten reference books, but after that the choice becomes more and more difficult, influenced as the librarian must be by the desire to cover as many subjects as possible. The personal estimate of a reference book based upon experience and habit will always influence in its selection. Therefore the following list is not claimed to be the best possible, but it may be helpful to some who find difficulty in selecting reference books. Other lists are mentioned in the list of Books and articles upon reference books at the begin- ning of this volume. American reference books have been preferred to foreign in some cases where the foreign books are better, but it is thought that in American libraries an American book is on the whole more use- ful where only one book on a subject can be bought. In such cases as the gazetteer and the atlas, the information in foreign works is not sufficiently full in American names. 1. Dictionary (the Standard or Webster's International) $12.00 2. New international encyclopaedia 100.00 -3. Rand, McNally & Co.' s indexed atlas 20.00 4. Lippincott's biographical dictionary (Thomas) 16.00 5. Lippincott's new gazetteer 10.00 6. World almanac . .40 7. Poole's Index (Abridged edition) 12.00 8. Readers' guide to periodical literature 1900-04 16.00 9. Readers' guide to periodical literature (monthly 1906-date) or Eclectic library . . 48.00 catalog, 1908-date for very small library 4.00 10. New international year book . . . . . . . . , . . 5.00 11. Statistical abstract (U. S. Bur. of statistics) ^ . free 12. Hoyt's Cyclopedia of practical quotations 6.00 13. Warner's Library of the world's best literature 90.00 14. Century cyclopedia of names 10.00 15. Who's who in America 4.00 16. Bliss's New encyclopedia of social reform 7.60 17. United States catalog of books and Supplement 30.00 18. Cumulative book index 3.50 118 SUGGESTIVE LIST 119 19. Peck's Harper's dictionary of classical antiquities 6.00 20. Chambers's Book of days 7.00 21. Who's who 3.00 22. Bible (Riverside parallel or any other edition) 5.00 23. Brookings and Ringwalt's Briefs for debate or Briefs on Ringwalt's public questions . 1.25 24. AUibone's Critical dictionary of English literature 17.50 25. Sargent's Harper's cyclopsedia of British and American poetry . _ .,. . 4.50 26. A.L.A. Catalog _ * ^'^^ 27. A.L.A. Booklist , . . 1.00 28. Carnegie library's Classified catalogue . 17.00 29. Carnegie library's Catalogue of books for the use of the first eight grades . . . .35 30. Harper's book of facts 8.0O 31. Edgren's French and English dictionary 2.50 32. Fliigel's English-German and German-English dictionary . . . . . . 16.50 33. Lamed' s History for ready reference 30.00 34. Statesman's year-book 3.00 35. Grove's Dictionaiy of music and musicians 25.00 36. Social progress . . . 1.00 37. Goodchild and Tweney's Technological and scientific dictionary . . . . 6.00 38. Schaff's The new Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia of religious knowledge . . . . 60.00 39. Henley's twentieth century book of recipes (Hiscox) 3.00 40. "A.L.A." index to general literatui-e 10,00 41. Little's Cyclopedia of classified dates 10.00 42. Strong's Exhaustive concordance of the Bible 6.00 43. Champlin's Young Folks' cyclopaedias (5 vols.) 12.50 44. Dow's Atlas of European history 1.50 45. Granger's Index to poetry and recitations . . 5.00 46. Hodge's Handbook of American Indians 1.25 47. Publishers' weekly 4.00 48. Publishers' trade list annual 2.00 49. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American biography 36.00 50. Champlin and Perkins's Cyclopedia of painters and painting 20.00 51. Bartlett's Familiar quotations 3.00 52. Reynold's Banquet book .1.75 63. Bailey's Cyclopedia of agriculture 20.00 54. Bailey's Cyclopedia of horticulture 20.00 55. Lewis and Short's Harper's Latin dictionary . . ..... 6.50 66. Lidd6ll and Scott's Greek-English lexicon 10.00 57. Parsous's Laws of business . . . . 3.75 58. Walsh's Curiosities of popular customs 3.50 69. Tribune almanac .26 60. Congressional directory (U. S. Congress) . . . .30 61. Deems's Holydays and holidays 5.00 62. Century dictionary 60.00 63. Baker's Descriptive guide to the best fiction 2.50 64. Brewer's Historic note book 3.50 65. Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms 4.00 66. Sturgis's Dictionary of architecture and building 18.00 67. Baldwin's Dictionary of philosophy and psychology . 26.00 68. Bartholomew's Atlas of the world's commerce 8.00 69. Dictionary of national biography ^9.00 120 SUGGESTIVE LIST 70. Velazquez's Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages . . . . . 6.00 71. Millhouse's Italian dictionary 5.50 72. Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible (or Cheyne's) . . 20.00 73. Smith's Synonyms discriminated 2.00 74. Julian's Dictionary of hymnology 10.00 75. Stedman and Hutchinson's Library of American literature 33.00 76. Harper's Encyclopaedia of United States history 30.00 77. Townsend's U. S. (or his Handbook of United States political history) . . . 1.60 78. Bartlett's Concordance to Shakespeare 7.50 79. Newton's Dictionary of birds 5.00 80. Walsh's Handy-book of literary curiosities 3.50 81. U. S. Census bureau's Abstract of the census . . free 82. U. S. Census bureau's Statistical atlas free 83. U. S. Documents office's Documents catalogue free 84. U. S. Documents office's Monthly catalogue of documents free 85. Moulton's Library of literary criticism 40.00 86. Lalor's Cyclopaedia of political science, etc 15.00 87. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography . . . . . . . 18.00 88. Rowell's American newspaper directory (or Ayer's) 10.00 89. Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English literature 15.00 90. Brewer's Reader's handbook 3.00 91. Brewer's Dictionary of phrase and fable 3.50 92. Nichol's Tables of history: Ancient and European . 3.75 93. Annual library index . . . . . ' 3.50 94. Thorpe's Dictionary of applied chemistry 50.00 95. Reference catalogue of current literature 5.00 96. Sonnenschein's Best books 9.00 97. Sonnenschein's Reader's guide 7.50 98. Detroit public library's Catalogue and Supplements 10.00 99. Lamed 's Literature of American history 6.00 100. Eucyclopsedia Britannica . 145.00 INDEX The index lias been made as full as practicable in order tliat the reference books may be more readily used by persons who have had little experience in looking up information in them. It includes, besides topics referred to in the text, many subjects of general interest to be found in the books of reference mentioned in this manual, such as state seals, state flowers, coats of arms, consuls, election returns, etc. While it is obviously impossible to make a complete analytic index to the contents of reference books, there are still a number of subjects which it is convenient to locate quickly, and which are diificult to find without a thor- ough knowledge of these books. ^ A.L.A. booklist, 112. A.L.A. catalog. 111. A.L.A. index, 14. A.L.A. portrait index, 11, 84. Aa, A. J. van der. Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden, 75 . Abbott, E. L. Bibliography in a small library, 5, 99. Abbott, Edwin. Concordance to Pope, 67. Abbreviations. Fallows, 27; Stand- ard, apx. 26; Reddall, 62; Web- ster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. See also People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22. L'academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Bel- gique. Biographie nationale, 74. Acadfemies. See Societies. Academy architecture. Classified index, 10. Accountancy. Beach and Thorne, 43. Ackermann, A. S. E. Popular fal- lacies, 61. Acrostics. Bombaugh, 61; Walsh, 62. Actors. Adams, 70; Green room book, 76; Who's who on the stage, 76. Actors, real and professional names. World almanac, 40. Adams, C: K. Manual of historical literature, 89; ed., see Universal cyclopsedia, 21. Adams, E. L. Instruction in the use of reference books, 4. Adams, O. F. Brief handbook of English authors, 78; Dictionary of American authors, 78. Adams, W: D. Dictionary of Eng- lish literature, 60; Dictionary of the drama, 70. Adams, W: H. D. Concordance to the plays of Shakespeare, 67. Address, formal modes of addressing letters to persons of title. Debrett, 82; Dod, 82. Adeline, Jules. Art dictionary, 56. Adressbuch von bildenden kiinst- lern, 77. Adverbs. Fernald, 29. Advertising. Beach and Thorne, 43; International library, 52. Advocates, Faculty of. See Faculty of advocates. Aeronautics. See Air-ships. Africa biography. Anglo- African who's who, 74. See also South Africa. After-dinner speeches. Reynolds, 64. Agriculture. Bailey, 50-51; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41 ;U. S. Statistics, Bur. of; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Ahern, M. E. Library instruction in the normal school, 4. Aids and guides, 3. Aids in book selection. Cattell and Kroeger, 112. Air-ships. Appleton's annual, 22; Iconographic encyclopsedia, 22; International year-book, v. 5, 10, 21; New international yearbook, 21. Alabama bibliography. Cole, 97 ; Owen, 97. Alaska. Baker, 88. Aldine press. Rdnouard, 101. Aleksandrov, A. Complete Russian- English and English-Russian dic- tionary, 31. Alembert, J. Le R. d'. Discours prdliminaire de I'encyclopddie, 23. See also Encyclopddie, 1', 23. Allgemeine bibliographic, 108. Allgemeine deutsche biographie, 75. Allgemeine encyclopiidie der wis- senschaften und kiinste. See Ersch and Gruber, 24. Allibone, S: A. Critical dictionary of English literature, 60, 78; Great authors of all ages, 64; Poetical quotations, 64; Prose quotations, 64. Alliterations. Lean, 66. Allstrom, C. M. Dictionary of royal lineage, 82. Allusions. Bombaugh, 61; Brewer, 61; Century, 71; Edwards, 71; Johnson, 71; Killikelly, 71; Nares, 71; Phyfe, 72; Reddall, 72; South- wick, 72; Timbs, 72; Walsh, 72; Wells, 72; Wheeler, 72. See also Notes and queries, 71; Standard, apx. 26; Webster, apx. 26; Worces- ter, apx. 27. historical. Brewer, 88; Har- bottle, 89. Almanach de Gotha, 42, 82. Almanach national, 42. Almanacs. American ephemeris, 49; Chicago Daily news, 40; Trib- une almanac, 40; Whitaker, 41; World almanac, 40. Almanacs, church, 35. Altitudes in the U. S. Gannett, 88. Ambassadors. See Diplomatic ser- vice. Ambrose, Lodilla. Uses of govern- ment documents in the university library, 93. 121 America heraldica. Vermont, E. de V. 81. American and English encyclopsedia of law, 39. American annual of photography, 58. American architect and building news. Index, 10. American art annual, 56. American Baptist year-book, 35. American bibliography, p. 102-104. American biography. Appleton, 72; Herringshaw, 73; Lamb, 73; Leonard, 73; National, 73. See also American statesmen series, Index, 15; Harper, 91; Jameson, 91; Lossing, 91; also Contemporaries American. American book-prices current, 104. American catalog of books, 96, 102. American church almanac, 35. American college and public school directory, 46. American cyclopsedia, 21. American dictionary of printing and book-making, 55. American dramatists' club. The American dramatists' club list, 70. American economic association. Economic bulletin, 19. General contents and index, 19. American educational catalog, 46. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, 49. American genealogist. Munsell, Joel, pub. 80. American institute of architects. Qtiarterly bulletin, 10. American iron and steel association. Directory to the iron and steel works of the U. S. 55. American journal of theology. Classified list of theological and Semitic literature, 111. American Jewish year-book, 35. American library association Pub- lishing board. A.L.A. booklist, 112; A.L.A. catalog. 111; A.L.A. index, 14; A.L.A. portrait index, 84; Card index to technical peri- odicals, 12; Cornu and Beer, 69; Foreign book lists, 70; Ilewins, 112; Larned, 91; Leypoldt and lies, 112; Sturgis, 56. American library association Committee on foreign documents. Partial list of French government serials, 98. American literature. Anthologies: Duyckinck, 60; Stedman and Hutchinson, 60; Criticism of: 122 INDEX AUibone, 60; Moulton, 60; Chro- nology of: Whitcomb, 60. See also Chambers, 60; Peet, 62. bibliography of. Hodgkins, 60; Welsh, 60. American medical directory, 80. American newspaper annual, 13. American newspaper directory. See Rowell, 13. American poetry. Sargent, 6; Stedman, 63. American revolution. See U. S. history. American society of mechanical engineers. Contents and general index, 19. American statesmen series. General index. See Smith, 15. American street railway invest- ments, 44. Americana. Bradford, 102; Church, 102; Evans, 102; Hildeburn, 102; Littlefield, 102; Sabin, 102. Americanisms. Bartlett, 28; Clapin, 28; De Vere, 28; Fallows, 28; Mait- land, 28; Reddall, 62; see also People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22; see also Slang. Americans. See American biogra- phy. Titled Americans. Ames, A. S. Instruction in the use of reference books, 4. Ames, J: G. Comprehensive index to the publications of the U. S. government, 94; Special report relating to public documents, 93. See also U. S. Documents office. Check-list, 95. Amusements. Glover, 59; Wagner, 47. Anagrams. Walsh, 62. Anatomy, bibliography. Interna- tional catalogue, 48. Ancient biography. Smith, 74. See also Classical antiquities. Ancient geography. Smith, 87. Ancient history. Nichol, 89 ; Ploetz, 89. See also Classical antiquities. Ancient literature. Nichol, 89. - See also Classical antiquities. Andersson, Aksel. Research libra- ries of Sweden, 3. Andrde, K. T. Andr^es allgemeiner hand-atlas, 86. Andrews, C. W. Bibliography of union lists, 10; Use of books, 3. Anecdotes. Arvine, 66. Anglia, Beiblatt zur, 110. Anglicised words. Fennell, 29. Anglo-African who's who, 74. Anglo-Indian words. Yale and Bur- nell, 29. Anglo-Saxon dictionary. Bosworth, 29-30; Sweet, 30. Animals. Bailey's Agriculture, v. 3, 50; Ghamplin, 50; Stone and Cram (Nature library, v. 4), 50; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Annales de g^ographie. Bibliogra- phic gdographique annuelle, 110. L'ann^e biologique, 110. L'annee psychologique, 111. Annesley, C: Standard opera-glass, 58. Anniversaries. World almanac, 40. Annuaire de la noblesse de France, 82. Annuaire de la noblesse de Russie, 83. Annuaire de la presse frangaise, 13. Annuaire des journaux, 13. Annual American catalog, 102. Annual cyclopaedia. See Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 22. Annual library index, 7. Annual literary index. See Annual library index. Annual magazine subject-index. Bulletin of bibliography, 8. Annual register, 89. Annuals. See Year-books. Annuario della nobilit^ italiana, 82. Anonyms. Book-prices current. Index, 106; Foley, 104. American, dishing, 114. Dutch. Doorninck, 114. English. Halkett and Laing, 114; Marchmont, 114; Thomas, 114. French. Barbier, 114; Brunet, 114. German. Holzmann and Bo- hatta, 114-115; Weller, 115. Italian. Melzi, 115. Scandinavian. Bygddn, 115; Collin, 115; Pettersen, 115. See also Notes and queries (index vols.), 61. Anthologies. Garnett, 69; Haw- thorne, 59; Mitchell and Lang, 59; Spofford and Gibbon, 59; Warner, 59. See also American literature; English literature. poetical. Bates, 63; Bryant, 62; Carman, 63; Coates, 63; Dana, 63; Deems, 63; Emerson, 63; Ford, 63; Longfellow, 63} Palgrave, 63; Sargent, 63; Sted- man, 63; Ward, 63; Wilson, 63. Anthony's photographic bulletin. See International annual. Anthropology. Iconographic ency- clopaedia, V, 1, 22, , bibliography. International catalogue, 48. Antidotes for poisons. World alma- nac, 1904: 235, 40. Antiquities. Brand, 47; Chambers, 47; Hone, 47; Walsh, 47. See also Archeology, Classical antiquities, Egyptian archeology. Antonyms. Fallows, 27; Fernald, 27; March, 28. ^ See also Standard, 26. Anzeiger fiir die neueste padago- gische litteratur, 110. Appleton's American cyclopaedia. See American cyclopaedia, 21-22.. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 22. Appleton's cyclopaedia of Ameri- can biography, 72. Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechanics, 53. Apthorp, W: F. See Champlin, J: D. 57. Arabic dictionary. Steingass, 30. Arber, E: Term catalogues, 105. Arbor day. Appleton's annual, new ser. 12 : 765, 72; Harper's book of facts, 22. Archeology. Adeline, 56; Icono- graphic encyclopaedia, v. 2, 22; Mollett, 56. bibliography. Columbia uni- versity Library, 57; Gomme, 19. See also Classical antiquities, Egyptian archeology. Architects. Adressbuch, 77; Clem- ent, 77. See also Architectural publica- tion society, 56; Sturgis, 56. Architects' directory, 80. Architectural publication society. Dictionary of architecture, 56. Architecture. Academy architec- ture, 10; International library, 52; Kidder, 52. bibliography. American insti- tute of architects, 10; Boston Public library, 57; Columbia university Library, 57; Far- rar, 56; Gwilt, 57; Sturgis, 56. See also Sturgis, v. 4, apx. 56; Year's art, 56. chronology. Perry, 57. dictionaries. Architectural pub- lication society, 56; Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 4, 22; Gwilt, 56; Longfellow, 56; Sturgis, 56; Viollet-le-Duc, 57. Architecture glossaries. Gam- sey, 57; Gwilt, 56; Parker, 57. Archives, guide to U. S. McLaugh- lin, 94; Van Tyne and Leland, 97. Areas of countries. Hickmann, 40; Lippincott, 84; World almana.c, 40. Areas of U. S. U. S. Statistics, Bur. of, 40. Arkansas, bibliography of. Cole, 97. Armies. Hazell, 23; Hopkins and Bond, 52; Statesman's year-book, 41; Whitaker, 41; World alma- nac, 40. Armorial bearings. See Coats of arms. Arms and armor. Mollett, 56. Army officers. Cullum, 44; Heit- man, 76; Herringshaw, 38; Powell, 76; Powell and Shippen, 76; U. S. Adjutant-general, 76; U. S. Census, Bur. of the. Official register, 38. Army U.S. Townsend, 37; Wis- ser and Gauss, 54. Arskatalog for svenska bokhandeln, 108. Art exhibitions. Art annual, 56; Year's art, 56. Art for the year. Annual register, 89; Art annual, 56; Year's art, 56, Art galleries. Baedeker, 87; Clem- ent, 56; Murray, 87. list of. People's cyclopedia, V. 4. apx. 22. Art map. Mach, 57. Art sales. Art annual, 56; Art sales, 57; Year's art, 57. Art sales of the year, 57. Art schools. Art annual, 56. Artists. Clement, 77; Clement and Hutton, 77; Miiller, 77; Nagler, 77; Thieme and Becker, 77, English: Graves, 77; Redgrave, 77, directory of. Adressbuch, 77; Art annual, 56; Artists' year- book, 78, jSee also Engravers, Painters, Artists' year-book, 78, Arts. See Fine arts. Useful arts. Arvine, Kazlitt. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes, 66. Askew, J: B. Pros and cons, 15. Associations, 45. Astor library. Catalogue, 116. Astronomers. Poggendorff, 79. Astronomical maps. Century atlas, 86; Stieler, 86; Times atlas, 86. Astronomical phenomena. Ameri- can ephemeris, 49. See aUo Tribune almanac, 40; Whitaker almanac, 41; World al- manac, 40. Astronomisches jahresbericht, 110. Astronomy. Science year book, 48. bibliography of . Astronomisches jahresbericht, 110; International catalogue, 48, Athletics records for the year. Spalding, 59; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40, Atlantic monthly. Index. 9. INDEX 123 Atlases American. Century, 86; Cram, 85; Rand, McNally & co. 85. - Canadian. Canada Interior, Dept. of the, 86. English. Bartholomew, 86; Johnston, 86; Stanford, 86; Times, 86. list of. Mill, 86. French, Schrader, 86. German. Andr^e, 86; Stieler, 86. See also Commercial, Geologic, Historical, Physical, Statistical. Auction prices of books. American book-prices current, 104; Book- auction records, 106; Book-pricea current, 106; Book sales, 106; Dauze, 107; Jahrbuch, 107; Liv- ingston, 104. Austen, Willard. Educational value of reference room training, 4. Australasia biography. Mennell, 74. Australasian handbook, 41. Australasian words. Morris, 29. Australia, Year-book of, 41. Australia. Western Australian year- book, 41. Australia biography. Mennell, 74. Austrian bibliography. See Ger- man bibliography. Austrian biography. Wurzbach, 74. Authors. Gidel and Loli^e, 59; Gu- bernatis, 78; Literary year-book, 60; Vapereau, 59; Warner, 59. American. Adams, 78; Alli- bone, 78; Duyckinck, 60; Sted- man and Hutchinson, v. 11, 60. bibliographies of. Hodg- kins. 60; Welsh, 60. English. Adams, 78; Adams, 60; Allibone, 60; Chambers, 60-61 ; Sharp. 78. bibliographies of. Hodg- kins, 60; Welsh, 60. German. BornmuUer, 78; Deutscher litteratui-kalender, 78; Pataky, 78; Staatswissenschaft- lichen literatur-kalender, 78; The- ologischer literatur-kalender, 78. Authorship. Peet, 62; Wheeler's Who wrote it, 62. See also Adams, 60. Also Anonyms, Bibliographies, Library catalogs. of plays. See Dramas. of poems. See Poems authorship of. Avery architectural library. See Columbia university Library, 57. Ayer & son, N. W. See American newspaper annual, 13. Bache, Franklin. See Wood, G: B. Bacon, Corinne. Reference work from the librarian's point of view, 3. Bacon, Roger. Opus majus, 20. Bacteriology, bibliography of. In- ternational catalogue, 48. Badges and decorations. See Deco- rations of honor. Baedeker, K. Guide-books, 87. Bailey, L. H. Cyclopedia of Ameri- can agriculture, 50; Cyclopedia of American horticulture, 50-51. Bailey, Nathan. Universal etymo- logical English dictionary, 27. Baird, W: R. Manual of Ameri- can college fraternities, 46. Baker, C. A. Reference books for a small library, 5. Baker, E. A. Descriptive guide to the best fiction, 68; History in Bction, 68. Baker, G. A. See Goss, Harriet, 114. Baker, Marcus. Geographic dic- tionary of Alaska, 88. Baker, Theodore. Biographical dic- tionary of musicians, 79. Baldwin, J. M. Dictionary of phi- losophy and psychology, 32. Baldwin, James, ^ook-lover. 111. Balfour, E: Cyclopaedia of India, 87. Ball, J. B. Things Chinese, 87. Ballads. Duyckinck (index), 60; Notes and queries (index vols.), 61. Bankers. Banker's register, 80; Sharp and Alleman, 80. Banker's register, 80. Banking, Beeton, 42; Commer- cial year-book, 42; Manual of statistics, 43. Banquet book. Reynolds, 64. Baptist church. American Baptist year-book, 35; Cathcart, 35. Barbier, A. A. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, 114. Bardsley, C: W. Dictionary of English and Welsh surnames, 83. Barnard's American journal of edu- cation, 46; Analytical index, 10. Baronetage. Burke's Peerage, 82; Debrett, 82; Dod, 82; Kelly, 82; Whitaker, 82. Barrfere, Albert, and Leland, C: G. Dictionary of slang, jargon, and cant, 28. Barrett, R. J. See Anglo-African who's who, 74. Barrett, W. A. See Stainer, Sir J: 58. Bartholomew, J. G: Atlas of the world's commerce, 42; XXth century citizen's atlas, 86. Bartlett, J: Familiar quotations, 63; New and complete concord- ance to the dramatic works of Shakespeare, 68. Bartlett, J: R. Dictionary of Americanisms, 28. Barton, W. M. and Wells, W. A. Thesaurus of medical words and phrases, 51. Bateman and Selby's Historical en- cyclopedia of Illinois, 91. Bates, C. F. Cambridge book of poetry and song, 63. Bates, K. L., and Godfrey, L. B. English drama, 70. Battlefields. Century atlas, 85. Battles. Brewer, 88; Harbottle, 88; Harper's book of facts, apx. 22; People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22. U.S. PowelJ, 76; Harper, 91. Bayle, Pierre. Dictionnaire histo- rique et critique, 20. Baynes, T: S. Shakespeare studies, and Essay on English diction- aries, 26. Beach, E. H: and Thorne, W. W. American business and account- ing encyclopaedia, 43. Beale, T: W: Oriental biographical dictionary, 76. Beck, Hermann. See Bibliogra- phie der sozialwissenschaften, 36. Becker, Felix. See Thieme, Ulrich, . 77. Beckwith, M. E. See Salisbury, G. E. 114. Beer, W: See Cornu, Mme Sophie, 69. Beeton, S: O. Dictionary of indus- tries and commerce, 42. Belgian bibliography. Bibliogra- phie nationale, 108; Revue biblio- graphique bel^e, 108. Belgian biography. L'acaddmie royale des sciences, etc. 74; Nos contemporains, 74. Belgium genealogy. La noblesse beige, 82. Beliefs. Hazlitt, 47. Belton, J: D. Literary manual of foreign quotations, 65. Benham, W. G. Book of quota- tions, 63. Benjamin, Park. Modern mechan- ism, 53. Bent. S: A. Familiar short say- ings of great men, 65. Benton's The church cyclopaedia, 35. Bequests. See Gifts and bequests. Berdoe, E: Browning cyclopaedia, 67. Bergen, W. von. Rare coin ency- clopaedia, 44. Berghaus' physikalischer atlas, 87. Berry, W: Encyclopoedia heraldica, 82. Best books. Sonnenschein, 111. See also Choice of books, 111- 112. Bible. Riverside parallel edition, 33. atlas. Smith, 87. ^commentaries. Briggs, 33; Lange, 33. concordances. Cruden, 34; Strong, 34; Young, 34. dictionaries, Cheyne and Black, 33; Hastings, 33; Smith and Fuller, 33. Bibliografia espaiiola, 108. Bibliographer, 115. Bibliographer's manual of English literature. Lowndes, W: T: 105. Bibliographia geologica, 110. Bibliographia medica, 52. Bibliographia zoologica. 111. Bibliographica, 115. Bibliographical society of America. Proceedings and papers, 99. Bibliographie de la France, 107. Bibliographie der deutschen rezen- sionen, 10. Bibliographie der deutschen zeit- schriften, 10. Bibliographie der sozialwissenschaf- ten, 36. Bibliographie frangaise, 107. Bibliographie nationale beige, 108. Bibliography, 99-117. Bibliography definition, 99. earlv. Campbell, 101; Hain, 101; Maittaire, 101; Panzer, 101; Pellechet, 101; Proctor, 101; Santander, 101. See also Incunabula. r general. Brunet, 100; Ebert, 100; Georgi, 100; Grasse, 100; Quaritch, 100; Watt, 100. of bibliography, defined, 100; American catalog, 1876, apx, 103; British museum, 109; Caspar, 109; Courtney, 109; Growoll, 109; Guild, 109; John Crerar li- brary, 109; Josephson, 109; Langl is, 109; Petzholdt, 108; Power, 109; Sabin, 109; Stein, 109; Valine, 109. periodicals. Bibliographer, 115; Bibliographica, 115; Eooklore, 115; Book-worm, 115; Bookworm, 115; Philobiblion, 115. See also National, Special bib- liography; also American, Eng- lish, French, German, etc., 'also Catalogs of libraries. Bibliography of books reviewed, 10. Bibliotheca Americana. Roorbach, O. A. 102; Sabin, Joseph. 102. Bibliotheca Britannica. Watt, Rob- ert, 105. 124 INDEX Bibliotheca philologica. See Jah- resbericht iiber die fortschritte der classischen altertumswissen- schaft, 110. Biblioth^que nationale. See France Biblioth^que nationale, 116. Bigmore, E: C. Bibliography of printing, 55. Billings, J: S., and others. Na- tional medical dictionary, 51. Binder, R. M. See Bliss, W: D. P. 36. Bio-bibliography. Chevalier, 84; Elliott, 84; Oettinger, 84; Phil- lipi, 71. Biografiskt lexikon ofver namnkun- nige svenske man, 76. Biographie universelle. See Mi- chaud, J. F. and L. G. 72. Biographisches jahrbuch, 75. Biography dictionaries, 71-80; Century, 71; Chalmers, 72; Cham- bers, 72; Champlin, 22; Heilprin, 50; Hoefer, 72; Michaud, 72; Morris, 72; Oettinger, 72; Phillips, 71; Sanders, 72. Biography. See also Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27; People's cyclopedia, apx. 22; also Encyclo- pedias and Dictionaries of special subjects. See also American, Ancient, Canadian, Christian, English, French, German, Italian, etc. ; also Contemporaries. Biological terms. Gould's Illus- trated dictionary, 51. Biology, bibliography of. L'annde biologique,110; International cata- logue, 48. Birds. Blanchan (Nature library, V. 1-2) 50; Dugmore (Nature library, v. 3) 50; Newton, 50. Birthdays of noted persons. Cham- bers, 47; Little, 89. Birth-flowers. See Flowers for ., birthdays. Births and death of periodicals, 9. Birth-stones. See Gems. Bisbee, M. D. Place of bibliography in the equipment of a cultivated man, 99. Biscoe, W. S. See N. Y. (state) Library, 102. Bishops, list of. Brewster, 79; Wright and Neil, 34. Bittner, Joseph. Systematisch geord- netes verzeichnis der programm- arbeiten, 16. Bizonfy, F. English-Hungarian dic- tionary, 31. Bjorkman, C. G. Svensk-Engelsk ord bok, 31. Black, J. S. See Cheyne, T. K. S3. Blackie, C. Geographical etymology, 85. Blackstone, Sir W: Commentaries on the laws of England, 39. Blades, W: Life and typography of Caxton, 101. Blakely, Bertha. Library helps indexes, 7. Blanchan, Neltje. Bird neighbors, 50; Birds that hunt, 50; Nature's garden, 50. Bliss, E. M. See Dwight, H: O. 34. Bliss, W: D. P. and Binder, R. M. New encyclopedia of social reform, 36. See also Where is the infor- mation, 36. Blue book, 80. Blue book (U. S.) 38. Blue book of American shipping, 45. Blue book of missions, 34. Blunt, J: H: Dictionary of sects, 34. Boase, Frederick. Modern English biography, 74. Borsenblatt fiir den deutschen buchhandel, 108. Bohatta, Hans. See Holzmann, Michael, 114. Bohemian dictionary. Mourek, 30. Bohn, H: G. Hand-book of pro- verbs, 66; Polyglot of foreign . proverbs, 66. Boletin de la librerla, 108. Bolland, Simpson. Encyclopedia of founding, 55. Bollettino delle pubblicazioni ita- liane, 108. Bolton, C: K. Library examinations in schools, 5. See also Lane, W: C. 115. Bolton, H: C. Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 12; Helps for cataloguers of serials, 7; Select bibliography of chemis- try, 49. Bombaugh, C: C. Facts and fancies for the curious, 61. Bond, A. R. See Hopkins, A. A. 52. Bonds. Poor, 44. Bons mots. See Noted sayings. Book clubs. GrowoU, 19. Book collectors. International di- rectory, 55. Book making. American dictionary, 55. Book of days. Chambers, 47. Book review digest, 10. Book reviews index to. Bibliogra- phie der deutschen rezensionen, 10; Bibliography of books re- viewed, 10; Book review digest, 10; Cumulative index, 8. Book sales, 106. See also Auction prices of books. Book selection. Cattell and Kroeger, 112. See also Choice of books, 111-112. Book-auction records, 106. Bookbinding. American dictionary of printing and book-making, 55. Bookkeeping. Gaskell, 43. Booklist. See AX. A, booklist, 112. Book-lore, 115. Book-prices current, 106. Books synopses of noted. Warner, v. 30, 59. Bookseller, 106. Booksellers. International directory, 55; Literary year-book, 60; Wil- son, 55. Bookseller's library. See Growoll, 109. Book-worm, 115. Bornmiiller, Franz. Biographisches schriftsteller-lexicon der gegen- wart, 78. Boston Public library. Annual list, 116; Catalogue, 96; Catalogue of the Allen A. Brown collection of music, 58; Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, 57, 117; Catalogue of the Spanish library, 117; Chronological index to his- torical fiction, 68; Finding-list of genealogies, 80; Handbook for readers, list of bibliographies in, 110; list of periodicals indexed in, 8; List of books for boys and girls, 113; List of periodicals in the libra- ries of Boston, 9. Boston Athenaeum library. Cata- logue, 14, 96, 116. Boston book company. Bulletin of bibliography, 8, 9; Magazine sub- ject-index, 8. Bostwick, A. E. Reference work in small circulating libraries, 3. See also Champlin, J: D. jr. Bosworth, Joseph. Anglo-Saxon dictionary, 29-30. Botanical terms. Crozier, 50; Jack- son, 50. Botany. Lyons, 50; Smith, 50. bibliography. International catalogue, 48; Just, 110. See aUo Horticulture. Boundaries, U. S. Gannett, 88. Bouvier, J: Bouvier's law dictionary, 39. Bowen, H. C. Descriptive cata- logue of historical novels and tales, 69. Bowker, R: R. Bibliographical en- deavors in America, 99; Publica- tions of societies, 18; State publi- cations, 97; United States govern- ment publications, 93. and lies, G: Reader's guide in economic, social, and political science, 36. See also American catalog, 102. Bracq, J. C. Selected list of French books, 70. Bradford, T: L. Bibliographer's manual of American history, 102. Bradshaw, J: Concordance to Mil- ton, 67. Brand, J: Observations on the pop- ular antiquities of Great Britain, 47; See also Hazlitt, 47. Brande and Cox. Dictionary of sci- ence, literature, and art, 22. Brannt. W: T. and Wahl, W: H. Techno-chemical receipt book, 54. Brett, W: H. Library instruction in the normal school, 5. Breul, Karl. Study of the German . language and literature, 70. Brewer, D. J. World's best essays, 59; World's best orations, 59. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of mira- cles, 34; Dictionary of phrase and fable, 61; Historic note-book, 88; Reader's handbook, 61. Brewster, H. P. Saints and festivals of the Christian church, 79. Bricka, C. F. Dansk biografisk lexikon, 75. Bridger, C: Index to printed pedi- grees, 81. Bridges, bibliography. U.S. Engi- neer dept. 96. Briefs for debate. Brookings, W: Du B. 15. Briefs on public questions. Ringwalt, 15. Briggs, C: A. International critical commentary, 33. Briggs, W. B. Reference work in public and in college libraries, 3. Brigham, Johnson. Legislative ref- erence work, 4. Brightwell, D. B. Concordance to Tennyson, 67. Brinkman's Catalogus der boeken, plaat- en kaartwerken; Alphabe- tische lijst van boeken, 108. Briticisms. Fallows, 27. British almanac, 41. British empire. See Great Britain. British empire year book, 41. British essayists. Index to, 14. British imperial calendar and service list, 41. British museum Library. Cata- logue of books printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and books printed in English to 1640, 105; Catalogue of printed books, 116;- Catalogue of printed books: acad- emies, 18; Catalogue of printed books: periodical publications, 9; List of bibliographical works, 109; List of the books of reference in INDEX 125 the reading-room, 5; Subject in- dex of the modern works, 117. See also Proctor, Robert, 101. British trade year-book, 42. Brockhaus's konversations-lexikon, 24. Brodrick, M. and Morton, A. A. Concise dictionary of Egyptian archseology, 90. Brookings, W. Du B. and Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debate, 15. Brookline (Mass.) Public library. List of books for boys and girls, 113; List of books in the school collection, 113. Brooklyn library. Analytical and classed catalogue, 14, 116; Refer- ence work in, 4. Brooklyn Public library. Books for boys and girls, 113. Brooks, R. C. Bibliography of mu- nicipal problems, 37. Brown, C: H. Public documents in technical libraries, 93. Brown, Everit, and Strauss, Albert. Dictionary of American politics, 36. Brown, J. D. Biographical diction- ary of musicians, 79; Reference libraries, 3. and Stratton, S. S. British musical biography, 79. Browne, N. E. Bibliography of Nathaniel Hawthorne, 84. See also A.L.A. portrait index, 84. Browne, W: H. Famous women of history, 80. Browne, Walter. See Who's who on the stage, 76. Browning, Robert, dictionaries of. Berdoe, 67; Cooke, 67; Molineux, 67. Bruncken, E. Legislative reference bureau, 4. Brunet, Gustave. Supplement au Dictionnaire des ouvrages ano- nymes de Barbier, 114. Brunet, J. C: Manuel du libraire, 100, 106. Bryan, Michael. Dictionary of painters and engravers, 77. Bryant, W: C. New library of poetry and song, 62. Brynildsen, J: Dictionary of the English and Dano-Norwegian languages, 30. Buckland, C. E. Dictionary of Indian biography, 75. Budington, Margaret. Bibliography of Iowa state publications, 97. Buler, G. Verzeichnis der pro- grammbeilagen, 17. Buffalo Public library. Author- title catalogue of English prose fiction, 69; Class-room libraries, 113; Finding-list, 116. Building. Kidder, 53. dictionaries. Sturgis, 56. glossaries ot terms. Garnsey, 57; Parker, 57. See also Iconographic encyclo- paedia, V. 5, 22. Buildings. Baedeker, 87; Century cyclopedia, 71; Longfellow, 56. .See also Allusions. Buisson, Ferdinand. Dictionnaire de p^dagogie et d'instruction primaire, 46. Bulletin des bibliothfeques popu- laires, 116. Bulletin mensuel des nouvelles publications franpaises, 107. Bulletin of bibliography. Births and deaths, 9; Bulletin of biblio- graphy and magazine subject- index, 8; Magazine subject-index, 8. Bulletins, 117. Burdett's hospitals and charities, 45. Bure, G. F. de. Bibliographic in- structive, 99. Burger, Konrad. Supplement zu Hain und Panzer, 101. Burke, A. P. Family records, 81, Burke, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage, 81; Gene- alogical and heraldic history of colonial gentry, 81; Genealogical history of the extinct peerages, 81; General armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, 81; Landed gentry, 81. Burnand, F. C. See Catholic who's who year-book, 74. Burnell, A. C. See Yule, Sir H: 29. Burnet, P. B. See Edgren, H. 30. Burns, Robert, concordance to. Reid, 66. Burt, M. E. Literary landmarks, 112. Business. Beach and Thorne, 43; International library, 52. Business atlas. Cram, 85; Rand, McNally & co. 85. Business directory, 80. Business forms. Gaskell, 43; Hill, 43; Parsons, 39. Business law. Beach and Thorne, 43 ; Colange, 42; International library, 62; Parsons, 39; New York jour- nal of commerce, 43. Butterflies. Holland (Nature library, V, 6) 50. Bygd^n, Leonard. Svenskt anony- men-och pseudonymen lexikon, 115. Byrne, Oliver, and Spon, Ernest. Spon's dictionary of engineering, 53. Cabinets presidential. Mosher, 38; National cyclopaedia of Ameri- can biography. Conspectus, 73; Murlin, 38; Townsend, 37. See also Appleton, 72; Commercial year-book, 42; Har- per, V. 2, 91;Lanman, 38; Statisti- cian and economist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Cable lines. Century atlas, 86. Calendar. Chambers, 47. for ascertaining the day of the week. Little, apx. (for any day of Christian era) 87; Townsend (1492-2000) 37; World almanac (for 200 years) 40. for current year. Almanach de Gotha, 42; Geographen-kalender, 85; Tribune almanac, 40; Whit- aker, 41; World almanac, 40. French republic. l,Whitaker,1902, p. 65, 41. Greek and Russian. Almanach de Gotha, pref. 42; World alma- nac, 41. Jews and Mohammedans. Al- manach de Gotha, pref. 42; Blue book of missions, 34; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Roman and Greek. Whitaker, 4i: Calendars. Standard, p. 267, 26. California university Library. Contents-index, 14; Co-operative list of periodical literature, 9. Calisch, I. M. Dictionary of the English and Dutch languages, 30. Callahan, E: W. List of officers of the navy of the U. S. 76. Caller, M. A. Literary guide for home and school, 11 2-. Callier, O. >See Kierst, W. 31. Cambray, P. G. See Montgomery, Hugh, 36. Cambridge university Library. Early English printed books, 105. Campaigns. Harbottle, 88. Campaigns (U. S. army) Heitman, 76; Powell's List, 76. Campbell, F. A. G. Annales de la typogiaphie nderlandaise, 101. Campbell, Frank. Theory of' na- tional and international biblio- graphy, 99. Campbell, J. M. Selected list of Hungarian books, 70. Canada Agriculture, Dept. of. See Statistical year-book of Cana- da, 41. Interior, Dept. of. Atlas of Canada, 86. history. Hopkins, 92. statistics. Canadian annual review, 42; Canadian year-book, 41-42; Commercial handbook, 42; Statistical year-book, 41. Canadians. Morgan, 75; Rose, 75. Cant. Barrere and Leland, 28. Cao-Mastio, G. B. Indice dei dis- corse inaugurali, 17. Card catalog its value and im- portance, 117 Card indexes, 12. Carlyle, T: Choice of books. 111. Carman, Bliss. World's best poetry, 63. Carnegie institution of Washington. Handbook of learned societies and institutions, 18. Carnegie library of Pittsburg. Annotated catalogue of books used in the home libraries, 113; Bulletin, 116; Card index to poems, 63 ; Catalogue of books for the use of the first eight grades, 113; Classi- fied catalogue, 116; Story telling to children, 114. Carpets. Cole, 30. Carter, A. C. R. See The year's art, 56. Cartography. See Maps. Caspar, C. N. Directory of the American book and stationery trade, 101, 109. Cassell & CO. Domestic dictionary, 52. Cassell's cyclopaedia of mechanics. Hasluck, P. N. 52. Catacombs. Smith and Cheetham, 33. Catalog. See Card catalog. Catalogers' reference books lists of. Cutter, 5; Hull, 5; New York (state) Library, 6. for serials. Bolton, 53. Catalogo collettivo della libreria italiana, 108. Catalogo generale della libreria ita- liana, 108. Catalogs of libraries, 116-117. Catalogue des dissertations et Merits acad^miques, 16. Catalogue des theses et Merits acadd- miques, 16. Catalogue gdndral de la librairie francaise, 107. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie frangaise, 107. Catalogue-tar if des journaux. See Annuaire des journaux, 14, Cathcart, W: Baptist encyclopae- dia, 35. Catholic church. See Roman catho- lic church. Catholic encyclopaedia, 35. 126 INDEX Catholic Who's who, 74. Cattell, J. McK. American men of science, 79. Cattell, S. W. and Kroeger, A. B. Aids in book selection, 112. Caxton press. Blades, 101. Celebrities. Wale, 64. Celebrities of the century. Sanders, L. C: 72. Census. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. bibliography. Lunt, 97. tables, 1900. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. Central electric light stations. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. Central station list and buyer's man- ual, 49. Centralblatt fur bibliothekswesen, 79. Century atlas, 85. Century book of facts, 22. Century cyclopedia of names, 71. Century dictionary, 26. Ceramics. See Pottery. Ceremonies. Brand, 47; Hazlitt, 47. Chalmers, Alexander. General bio- graphical dictionary, 72. Chamberlain, B. H. Things Japa- nese, 88. Chambers, Ephraim. Cyclopedia, 23. Chambers, Robert. Book of days, 47. Chambers's biographical dictionary, 72. Chambers's cyclopaedia of English literature, 60-61. Chambers's encyclopaedia, 23. Champlin, J: D. jr. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things, 22; Young folks' cyclopaedia of literature and art, 59; Young folks' cyclopaedia of natural his- tory, 50; Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places, 22. and Apthorp, W: F. Cyclope- dia of music and musicians, 57, 79. and Bostwick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports, 59. and Perkins, C: C. Cyclopedia of painters and painting, 57. Chandler, S. E. See Freeman, W: G. 43. Changed titles. Library journal, 115; Whitney, 115. Channing, E: and Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history, 92; indexes to public doc- uments in, 93. Characterizations, Personal. Sted- man and Hutchinson, v. 11, index, 60; Warner, v. 30, index, 59. Characters in fiction. Wheeler, 35; Standard, apx. 26; Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. See also Adams, 60; Brewer, 61; Century, 71; New international encyclopaedia, 21; Pierce, 67; Rogers, 68. Charades index to. Granger, 63. Charities. Burdett, 45. Charity organization societies, 45. Chase, E. L. and French, W. E. P. Waes hael, 64. Chauvin, Victor. What a biblio- graphy should be, 99. Check list of the publications of Iowa, 97. CSieetham, S: See Smith, Sir W: 33. Chemical elements, tables of. Stand- ard, p. 585, 26. Chemical societies. Bolton, 49. Chemical synonyms. Hopkins, apx. 54. Chemical tables. Science year book, 48. Chemicals. Bolland, 55. Chemistry. Goodchild and Tweney, 52; International library, 52; Meade, 53; Thorpe, 49; Watts, 49. annuals. Science year book, 49; Van Nostrand, 49. bibliography. Bolton, 49. (annual) International cata- logue, 48; Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie, 110. periodical indexes. .Journal of the Society of chemical industry, 12. Chemists. Poggendorff, 79. Chester, A. H. Dictionary of the names of minerals, 30. Chevalier, Ulysse, I'abbd. Reper- toire des sources historiques du moyen Sige, bio-bibliographie, 84; topo-bibliographie, 88. Cheyne, T: K. and Black, J. S. En- cyclopaedia biblica, 33. Chicago, Bibliographical society of. Year-book, 99. Chicago Daily News. Almanac, 40. Chicago library club. List of serials, 9. Chicago biography. Leonard, 73. Child study bibliography. Peda- gogical seminary, 110. Children's encyclopedias. See Champlin, J: D. jr. Children's reading, 112-114. China. Ball, 87. Chinese biography. Giles, 75. Chisholm, G: G. Handbook of com- mercial geography, 43; Long- mans' Gazetteer, 84. Choice of books, 111-112. Christ. See Jesus Christ. Christian antiquities. Smith and Cheetham, 33. Christian art and symbolism. Smith and Cheetham, 33. Christian biography. Smith and Wace, 33. See also Schafif, 32. Christian doctrine. Smith and Wace, 33. Christian names. Standard, 26; Swan, 83; Webster, apx. 26; Wor- cester, apx. 27; Yonge, 83. list of, with their equivalents in foreign languages. Thomas (Lippincott's) apx. 71. See also Notes and queries (in- dex vols.) 34. Christian symbols. Clement, 56. Christianity. See Religion. Christmas. Chambers, 47; Schauf- fler, 63; Walsh, 47. Christmas games. Champlin and Bostwick, 59. Christmas plays. McFadden and Davis, 70. Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages, 66. Chronology. See Dates, History. Church, E. D. Catalogue of books relating to North and South Amer- ica, 102. Church days. World almanac, 40; see also Almanacs, church. Church festivals. Brewster, 79; Wagner, 47. Church history. See Religion. Church of England. Clergy direc- tory, 35; Crockford, 35; Official year-book, 35; see also Whitaker's almanac, 41. Churches. See Religious denomina- tions. Cincinnati Public library. Cata- logue of the dramas and dramatic poems contained in, 70. Cities chief events in history of. Harper's book of facts, 22. Cities areas of. World almanac, 40. largest of the world. World almanac, 40. See also Industries, Maps, Nick- names, Plans, Population. City documents, 97. City government bibliography. Brooks, 37; Gross, 37. Civil engineering. Byrne and Spon, 53; Trau twine, 53. See also Engineering. Civil service directory, 80. Civil service year-book, 41. Civil war. Kremer, 91; Cooper, 91; U. S. War dept. 91. bibliography. Kelly, 102. Clairvoyance. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Clapin, Sylva. New dictionary of Americanisms, 28. Clarke, E. E. United States public documents and their catalogs, 93. Clarke, Mrs M. V. (Novello) Cow- den-. Complete concordance to Shakespeare, 68. Classical antiquities. Cornish, 90; Dictionnaire, 90; Peck, 90; Reich, 90; Seyffert, 90; Smith, 90. Classical geography. Peck, 90; Smith, 87. Classical literature. Peck, 90. See also Smith, 74. bibliography. Engelmann, 71; Mayor, 71. Classical philology bibliography. Jahresbericht iiber die fort- schritte der classischen alter- tumswissenschaf t, 1 10. Clatworthy, L. M. Reference work, 3. Clearing house for state publicatioas, 93. Clegg, James. See International directory of second-hand book- sellers, 55. Clement, Mrs C. E. Handbook of Christian symbols, 56; Handbook of legendary and mythological art, 56; Painters, sculptors, archi- tects, engravers, and their works, 77; Women in the fine arts, 77. and Hutton, L. Artists of the 19th century, 77. Clergy directory and parish guide, 35. Clerical directories. Clergy direc- tory, 35; Lloyd, 35. Cleveland Public library. Cata- logue, 14, 116; References to books in the library, 113. Clifton, E. C. and Grimaux, Adrien. Nouveau dictionnaire anglais- frangais, 30. Clubs London. Who's who year book, 74. Clubs. See also Book clubs, Printing clubs. Societies, Women's clubs. Coast and geodetic survey. See U.S. Coast and geodetic survey. Coates, H. T. Fireside encyclopae- dia of poetry, 63. Coats of arms family Ameri- can. Vermont, 81. English. Berry, 82; Burke's General armory, 81; Burke's Landed gentry, 81; Burke's Peerage, 81; Fox-Davies, 82. foreign. Rietstap, 82. national. U. S. Bureau of equipment, 83. See also Hickmann, 40; Johnson's universal, 21; Standard (colored plate) 26; Worcester (colored plate) 27. r of cities of England. Encyclo- INDEX 127 psedia Britannica (under name of City) 23. of U. S. and states. Harper, 91; Preble, 83; Webster, 26; Worcester (colored plate) 27. Coffin, Mrs E. E. Reference work in a small library, 3. Coins of various countries, pictures of. Hickmann, 40. Coins rare. Bergen, 44; Dye, 44. U.S. Townsend, 37. value of foreign, in U. S. money. See Moneys value of. Cokayne, G. E. Complete i>eerage, 81. Colange, A. L. de. American dic- tionary of commerce, 42. Cole, G: S. Encyclopedia of dry goods, 55. Cole, G: W. American bibliogra- phy, general and local, 99; Church catalogue, 102. Cole's Bibliography of the statute law of the southern states, pt. 1, Alabama, pt. 2, Arkansas, 97. College cheers. World almanac, 40. See also Townsend, p. 445, 40. College colors. World almanac, 40. College degrees list of. Standard, p. 482-483, 26. English. Who's who year book, 74. College fraternities. Baird, 46; Pat- terson, 46. See also Stevens, 45. College instruction in bibliography. Course in bibliology at Dart- mouth college, 99; Davis, 99; Dewey, 99; Koopman, 99; Little, 99; Professional mstruction in, 99. College men. Minerva, 46. College seals. March, 28, Colleges. American college and public school directory, 46; Min- erva, 46. See also World almanac, 40. Colleges tuition and expenses. World almanac, 40. Collier, J: P. Bibliographical ac- count of the rarest works in the English language, 105. Collin, E. Anonymer og pseudo- nymer, 115. Colloquialisms. See Americanisms, Phrases, Slang. Colonial gentry. Burke, 81. Colonial office list, 41. 80. Colonial societies. See Societies colonial. Colonies. Hickmann, 40. Colors national. Brewer, 61. stat. Preble, 83. symbolism of. Brewer, 61. Columbia university Library. Books on education, 46; Cata- logue of the Avery architectural library, 57, 116; Reference work in, 4. Comelati, G. See Davenport, J: 31. Commerce. Beeton, 42; British trade year-book, 42; Colange, 42; Commercial year-book, 42; Free- man and Chandler, 43; Hendricks' commercial register, 55; M'CuUoch, 42; U. S. Commerce and labor, Dept. of, 42; U. S. Statistics, Bur. of, 40; U. S. Consuls, 96. See also Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40; also Shipping. bibliography. Greenwood, 53. Commercial atlases. Bartholomew, 42-43; Hickmann, 40; Philip, 43. See (dso Statistical atlas. Commercial geography. Chisholm, 43. Commercial handbook of Canada, 42. Sta- See Gov- Commercial law. See Business law. Commercial museums library, 43. Commercial precedents. New York journal of commerce, 43, Commercial products. See Products. Commercial year-book, 42. Commodities. Bartholomew, 43; Chisholm, 43. Communism. See Socialism. Composers. See Musicians. Compounds of words. Standard, 26. Conant, T. J. and Conant, Blan- dina. See American cyclopaedia, 21-22. Concordances. Bible, 34. Burns, Cowper, Dante, Homer, Milton, Pope, Shakspere, Shelley, Tennyson, 66-67. list of; International directory, 55. poetical. Durfee, 64. Confederate constitution. See Con- stitutions U. S. Confessions. Schaff, 34. Congregational year book, 35. Congress dates of, from 1st. tistician and economist, 40. also U. S. Congress. Congress, members of. See ernment officials U. S. Congressional directory. Poore, 38; U. S. Congress, 38. Congressional documents. See U. S. public documents, 93-97. Conjunctions. Fernald, 29. Connecticut. U. S. Geological survey, 88. Conrad, J. and others, ed. See Handworterbuch der staatswis- senschaften, 36. Constellations tables of. Stand- ard, p. 403, 26. Constitutional year-book, 41. Constitutions England. Low and Pulling, 90. U. S. Mosher, 38; Townsend, 37. state. World almanac, 1902: 156, 40. See also Harper, 91; Trib- une almanac, 40; Brown and Strauss, 36; World almanac, 40. various nations. Larned, v. 1, 88; Larned, v. 6, 88. Constructive arts. Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 5, 22. Consular reports. See U. S. Con- suls, 96. Consuls. Almanach de Gotha, 42; Commercial year-book, 42; Philip's marine atlas, 43; Tribune al- manac, 40; U. S. Congress, 38; World almanac, 40. Contemporaries American. Leon- ard, 73; Who's who, 73. See also Chicago, District of Columbia, Minnesota, New York, Pennsyl- vania. Belgian. Nos contemporains, 74. Canadian. Morgan, 75. English. Who's who, 74. French. Qui 6tes-vous? 75; Vapereau, 72. general. Men and women of the time, 72; Prntt, 72; Vapereau, 72. See also New international, 21. German. Wer ist's? 75. See also Classes of persons, e.g. Artists, Authors, etc. Continental Congress. U. S. Con- gress, 38. Contracting. Gillette, 53; Hen- dricks, 55. Contractions. See Abbreviations. Contracts. Parsons, 22. Conventions. See Political parties. Cooke, G: W. Guide-book to Brownmg, 67; James Russell Lowell, 84; Ralph Waldo Emer- son, 84. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of prac- tical receipts, 54. Cooper, C: R. Engagements of the Civil war, 91. Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain, 101; see aZso Reichling, 101. Copyright books. U. S. Copy- right office, 104. Copyright law. Parsons, 22; Trib- une almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Copyright office. See U. S. Copy- right office. Cornell university library. Dante catalogue, 84. Cornish, F. W. Concise dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities, 90. Cornu, Mme Sophie, and Beer, W: List of French fiction, 69. Corporations. Manual of statistics, 43; Moody's Manual, 43-44. Correspondence. Gaskell, 43; Hill, 43. Cost data. Gillette, 53. Costume. Planchd, 47; Racinet, 47. terms. Mollett, 56. colored plates. See also Brock- haus, 24; Larousse's Le nouveau Larousse, 24; Meyer, 24. illustrations. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 23; Iconographic, v. 2, 22. Cotgreave, Alfred. Contents-sub- ject index, 14. Countries chronological outline of history of. Harper's book of facts, 22. County histories. See Genealogy. Course* in bibliology at Dartmouth college, 99. Courses of reading. See Reading courses. Courtney, W: P. Register of na- tional bibliography, 109. Cowper, William concordance. Neve, 66. Cox. See Brande and Cox, 22. Crabb, G: English synonymes, 27. Craig, A. H. Pros and cons, 15. Cram, W. E. See Stone, Witmer, 50. Cram's atlas of the world, 85. Cram's quick reference atlas, 85. Cram's standard American railway atlas, 85. Crandall, F. A. Library of public documents, 93; See also U. S. Documents office, 95. Creeds. Schaff, 34. Crests American. Vermont, 81. English. Fairbairn, 82. Crime, statistics of. Social pro- gress, 40. Criticisms. Allibone, 60; Moulton, 60; Warner, 59. Crockford's clerical directory, 35. Crooke, W: Things Indian, 87. Crops. Bailey, 50; Commercial year-book, 42; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Crozier, A. A. Dictionary of bo- tanical terms, 50. Cruden, Alexander. Complete con- cordance to the Holy Scriptures, 34. Cuba, gazetteer of. U. S. Geo- logical survey, 88. Cubberley, E. P. Syllabus of lee- 128 INDEX tures on the history of education, 46. Cullum, G: W. Biographical regis- ter, 76. Culture. Gooch, S9; Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 2, 22. Cumberland's British theatre, 70. Cumulative book index, 103. Cumulative book review digest. See Book review digest. Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals, 7; see also Readers' guide, 8. Cuntz, T. H. See Engineering in- dex, 11. Currency. See Monetary systems, Moneys. Current events, Index to, 13. See also Newspapers indexes. Gushing, W : Anonyms, 114; Initials and pseudonyms, 114. Customs. Brand, 47; Chambers, 47; Daniels, 47; Hazlitt, 47; Hone, 47; Lean, 66; Nares, 61; Wagner, 47; Walsh, 47. See also Iconographic encyclo- psedia, v. 2, 22; Brewer, 50; Wright, 29. See also Allusions. Cutter, C: A. Some works of refer- ence as aids in cataloguing, 5. Cyc. annotations, 39. Cyclopaedia of temperance and pro- hibition, 32. Cyclopedia of law and procedure, 38. Cyclopedias. See Encyclopedias. Dairy products. Bailey, v. 3, 50; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Dalbiac, Lilian. Dictionary of quo- tations (German) 65. Dalbiac, P. H. Dictionary of quo- tations (English) 63; see also Harbottle, T: B. 65. Dana, C: A. Household book of poetry, 63. ed. See American cyclopaedia, 21-22. Dana, J: C. Reference work, 3. Daniels, C. L. and Stevans, C. M. Encyclopaedia of superstitions, 47. Danish bibliography. Dansk bog- fortegnelse, 108. Danish biography. Bricka, 75. Danish dictionary. Brynildsen, 30; Larsen, 30. Danmarks adels aarbog, 82, Dansk bogfortegnelse, 108. Dante Alighieri bibliography of. Cornell university library, 84. concordance. Fay, 66; Shel- don and White, 66. dictionary. "Toynbee, 67. Darling, James. Cyclopaedia biblio- graphica, 36. Darlow, G. Municipal sections of a public library, 4. Dartmouth college, bibliography at, 99. Darton, N. H. Catalogue and index of contributions to North Ameri- can geology, 49. Dates. Haydn, 89; Little, 89. See also Heilprin, 89. ecclesiastical. Brewer, 34. of events of each year. An- nual library index, 7. '^ of first things in U. S. history. Townsend, p. 446-449, 37. Dauze, Pierre. Repertoire des ventes publiques catalogu^es, 107. Davenport, J: and Comelati, G. New dictionary of the Italian and English languages, 31. Davies, A. C: Fox-. See Fox-Davies, A. C. Davies, C: and Peck, W: G. Mathe- matical dictionary, 48. Davis, L. E. See McFadden, E. A. 70. Davis, R. C. Teaching bibliogra- phy in colleges, 99. Dawson's- Engineering and electric traction pocket-book, 53. Day, E: P. Day's Collacon, 65. . Day of week how to find. See Calendar. Days. Chambers, 47; Hone, 47; lleddall, 35. sacred. Smith and Cheetham, 33. Death customs. Wagner, 47. Death, superstitions of. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Deaths. See Mortality statistics; Obituaries. Debates. Askew, 15; Brookings and Ringwalt, 15; Craig, 15; Gibson, 15; Hart, 15; Matson, 15; Ring- wait, 15; see also Library of Con- gress, 110, Debrett'-s peerage, 82. Debts. New York journal of com- merce, 43. Debts of nations. See National debts. Declaration of independence. Har- per, v. 3, 91; M9sher, 38; Sted- man and Hutchinson, v. 3, 60; Townsend, 37; World almanac, 40. Decoration day. See Memorial day. Decorations of honor (plates) March, 28; Standard, p. 470, 26. Decorative arts biblionraphy. Columbia university Library, 57; Sturgis, 53. Deems, E: M. Holy-days and holidays, 63. Degener, H. A. L. See Wer ist's? Degrees. See College degrees. Deinhardt, Kurt and Schlomann, Alfred. Illustrated technical dic- tionary, 48. Deity names of, in various tongues. Statistician and econo- mist, 40. Delaunay, H. Les socidt^s savantes de France, 19. Delaware. U. S. Geological sur- vey, 88. Delegates to colonial and conti- nental congresses. National cyclo- paedia of American biography. Conspectus, 73. Deltour, F. See Mourier, Athdnais, 16. Denmark, See Danish. Depository catalog, 116. Depository libraries, 94. Deutscher journal -katalog, 14. Deutscher literatur katalog, 107. Deutscher litteratur kalender, 78. DeVere, M. S. Americanisms, 28. Dewey, Iilelvil. Bibliography in col- leges, 99. Dialects English. Wright's Dic- tionary of obsolete English, 29; Wright's English dialect diction- ary, 29. Dialogs. Granger, 63. Diccionario enciclopedico hispano- americano, 25. Dickens, Charles dictionary of. McSpadden, 67; Pierce, 67; Welsh, 68; Williams, 68. Dickerson, M. C. Frog book, 50. Dictionaries, p. 26-31 ; See also names of languages, e.g. English, French, etc. bibliography of. John Crerar library, 5; Triibner, 26. of subjects. See Names of subjects. Dictionary of national biography, 73-74. Dictionnaire des antiquit^s grecques et romaines, 90. Diderot, Denis. See Encyclopedic, L', 23. Dietrich, F. See Bibliographic der deutschen zeitschriften littera- tur, 10. Dill, M. E, Dont's in reference work, 3. Dinneen, P. S. Irish-English dic- tionary. 31. Dinners quotations for. Wood, 66. Diplomacy. Hart, 15. Diplomatic archives. See Archives. Diplomatic correspondence, V. S. U. S. State dept. 96. Diplomatic service. Almanach de Gotha, 42; Statistician and econ- omist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; Who's who year-book, 74. to 1876 (U. S.) Lanman, 38. Directories, 80. list of. John Crerar library, 5. Discoverers' routes. Century atlas, 86. Discoveries, geographical. Geogra- phen-kalender, 85. Diseases. See Medicine. Dispensatories. National standard, 51; Wood and Bachc, .'1. Disputed spellings. Sec Spel'inn^. Dissertations chemical. Bolton, 49. economic. Economic bulletin, 37. American, 15. Dutch, 15. French, 16. German and Austrian, 16. Italian, 17. Scandinavian, 17. ;- Swiss, 17. District of Columbia. Concise bio- graphies, 73. See also Library of Congress, Union list of periodicals, 9. Ditmars, R. L. Reptile book, 50. Dividends, railroad. Poor, 44, 45, Divines, Schaff, 32. Divorce, New York journal of commerce, 43. Dixon, D. B, Mechanical arts sim- plified, 52. Dixson, Mrs Z. A. Comprehensive subject index to universal prose fiction, 69. Doctor's who's who. Moulton, 79. Doctors. See Physicians. Dod, R. P. Peerage, baronetage, and knightage, 82. Dodsley, Robert. Old plays, 70. Domestic animals. Bailey, 50; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Domestic science. Cassell, 52; Goodholme, 52. bibliography. Shaw, 52. Doorninck, J. I. van. Vermomde en naamlooze schrijvers, 114. Dorland, W: A. N. American illus- trated medical dictionary, 51. Douglass, M. H. Aids to reference work, 3. Dow, E. W. Atlas of European his- tory, 87. Dowson, J: Classical dictionary of H'ndu rnythology, 35. Doyie, J. E. Official baronage of England, 82. Dramas authorship of. Ameri- can dramatists' club, 70; Bates and Godfrey, 70; Cincinnati Public library, 70; Milwaukee Public library, 70; Peabody in- stitute library, 70. INDEX 129 Dramas authorship of. See also Brewer, 61. Dramas dictionaries. Adams, 70. Dramas for amateurs. McFadden and Davis, 70. See also Carnegie library of Pittsburg, Bulletin, Jan. 1908. Dreams. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Dress. See Costume, Garments. Drills, index to. Granger, 63. Droysen, G. Allgemeiner histo- rischer handatlas, 87. Drugs. Lyons, 0; National conven- tion for revising the Pharma- copoeia, 51 ; National, 51 ; Wood, 51. Dry goods. Cole, 55. Duane, Alexander. Dictionary of medicine and the allied sciences, 51. Dugmore, A. R. Bird homes, 50. Dunbar, A. B. C. Dictionary of saintly women, 79. Dunbar, H: Complete concordance to Homer, 66. Dunglison, Robley. Dictionary of medical science, 51. Durfee, C: A. Concise poetical con- cordance, 64. Durrie, D. S. *SeeMunsell, Joel, pub. 81. Dutch bibliography. Brinkman,108; Nederlandsche, 108. Dutch biography. Aa, 75. Dutch dictionary. Calisch, 30. Duyckinck, E. A. and G: L. Cyclo- paedia of American literature, 60. Dwight, H: O. and others. Ency- clopedia of missions, 34; See also Blue book of missions, 34. Dye, J: S. Dye's coin encyclopse- dia, 44. Dyeing. Cole, 55; Hopkins, 54. Dying words. See Last words. Earthquakes, their causes and re- sults. World almanac, 1907: 65. Easter. Walsh, 47. dates of, for 20th century. Whitaker, 41 ; World almanac, 40. Ebert, F. A. General bibliographi- cal dictionary, 100. Ecclesiastical history. See Religion. Eclectic library catalog, 8, 95. Economic bulletin, 37. Economic statistics. See Statistics. Economics. Bliss, 36; Elster, 36; Handworterbuch, 36; Lalor, 36; Palgrave, 36. bibliography. Bibliographic, 36; Bowker and lies, 36; Ha33e, 97; Where is the information, 30. periodical indexes. Economic bulletin, 37; Jones, v. 2, 10; Journal of political economy, 37. references for debates in. Brookings and Ringwalt, 15; Matson, 15; Ringwalt, 15. society publications. Ameri- can economic association, 19. Edgren, H. and Burnett, P. B. French and English dictionary, 30; Italian and English diction- ary, 31. Editions. See First editions. Editors of newspapers and periodi- cals. American newspaper an- nual, 13; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; Rowell, 13. Education. Barnard, 46; U. S. Education, Bur. of, 46. bibliography. American edu- cational catalogue, 46; Colum- bia university Library, 46; Cubberley, 46; Fletcher, apx. 45; Hall, 46; Monroe, 46; bibliography (annual)^ Anzei- ger fiir die neueste padagogische litteratur, 110; Educational re- view, 10, 110; Jahresberichte uber das hohere schulwesen, 110; Peda- gogical seminary, 110; Publishers* weekly, July no. 46. dictionaries. Buisson, 46; Fletcher, 45; Kiddle and Schem, 45; Rein, 45. England. Public schools year book, 46; Schoolmasters year- book, 46. society publications. National educational association, 19. statistics. U. S. Bureau of education, 46. year-books. American college and public school directory, 46; Minerva, 46. See also Colleges, Schools, Uni- versities. Educational review. Analytical in- dex, 10; Bibliography of educa- tion, 110. Edwards, Eliezer. Words, facts, and phrases, 61. Edwards, Tryon. Dictionary of thoughts, 65. Eger, Gustav. Technological dic- tionary, 48. Egyptian archeology. Brodrickand Morton, 90. Eitner, Robert. Biographisch-bibli- ographisches quellen-lexikon der musiker, 79. Election returns. McKee, 37. See also Statistician and econ- omist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Electoral system. Townsend, 37. Electric fire alarms. U. S. Cen- sus, Bur. of the, 40-41. Electric light central stations. Central station list, 49; U. S. Census Bur. of the, 40-41. Electric railroads. Dawson, 53; U.S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. See also Street railroads. Electrical engineerinn:. Dawson, 53; Deinhardt and Schlomann, 48; International library, 52; Stand- ard handbook, 53. Electrical world. Index to articles, 12. Electrical world and engineer. Di- gest of current electrical litera- ture, 12. Electricity. Dawson, 53; Foster, 53. Electricity bibliography. Hafer- korn and Heise, 53. dictionaries. Houston, 49; Sloane, 49. periodical indexes. Electrical world, 12; Electrical world and engineer, 12. Elliott, A. M. Contemporary biog- raphy, 84. Ellis, Elizabeth. Instruction of school children in the use of refer- ence books, 5. Ellis, F. S. Lexical concordance to Shelley, 67. Elocutionists. Who's who in the lyceum, 76. Elson, L: C. Music dictionary, 58. Elster, Ludwig. Worterbuch der volkswirtschaft, 36. Elzevir press. Willem, 101. Embassies and legations. See Dip- lomatic service. Emerson, R. W. Books, 111; Par- nassus, 63. bibliography. Cooke, 84. Emperors, list of Roman. Wright and Neil, 34. Encyclopaedia Americana, 21. Encyclopaedia biblica. Cheyne and Black, 33. Encyclopedia Britannica and Sup- plements, 23. Encyclopaedia metropolitana, 23. Encyclopedias, 20-25. bibliography of. John Crerar library, 5. how to use, 20-21. American. American, 21-22; Appleton's annual, 22; Brands and Cox, 22; Catholic encyclo- pedia, 35; Century book of facts, 22; Champlin, 22; Encyclopedia Americana, 21; Harper's book of facts, 22; International year book, 21; New international, 21; New international year book, 21; People's, 22; Universal, 21; Zell, 22. Chinese, 23. Dutch. Winkler Prins', 24. English. Chambers, E. 23; Chambers's, 23; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 23; Encyclopaedia metropolitana, 23; English, 23; Harris, 23; Hazell, 23; Penny, 23; Rees, 23. French. Encyclopedic, L', 23; La grande encyclopddie, 24; La- rousse, 24; Nouveau Larousse, 24; Larousse mensuel, 24; Petit Larousse, 24. German. Brockhaus, 24; Ersch and Gruber, 24; Meyer, 24. Italian. Nuova enciclopedia italiana, 25. Norwegian. Salmonsen, 25. Spanish. Diccionario enciclo- pedico hispano-americano, 25. Encyclopaedic dictionary, 27. Encyclopedic, L', 23. Engelmann, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum, 71. Engineering. Hendricks, 55; In- ternational library, 52; Municipal year-book, 44. bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, 53; U. S. Engineer dept. 96. dictionaries. Appleton, 53; Byrne and Spon, 53; Goodchild and Tweney, 52; Henley, 53; Knight, 53. handbooks. Dawson, 53; Gil- lette, 53; Haswell, 53; Kempe, 53; Kent, 53; Suplee, 53; Traut- wine, 53. - periodical indexes. . Engineer- ing index and annual, 11; Engin- eering magazine, 11; Engineering news, 12; Galloupe, 12; Stone and Webster, 11; Technical press index, 11. See also Iconographic encyclo- paedia, V. 5, 22. Engineering digest. See Technical press index, 11. Engineering index, and annual, 11. Engineering magazine. Index to engineering periodicals, 11. Engineering news. Index, 12. Engineering year-book. Kempe, 53. England. See Great Britain. English bibliography, 105-106. English biography. Boase, 74; Dic- tionary of national biography, 73- 74; Ward, 74. See also Contemporaries English. English catalogue of books, 19, 105. English catalogue of books, annual, 19, 106. English cyclopedia, 23. English dialect dictionary. Wright, Joseph, 29. 130 INDEX English dictionaries. Bailey, 27; Century, 26; Johnson, 27; Mur- ray, 27; Ogilvie, 27; Richardson, 27; Standard, 26; Stormonth, 27; Webster, 26; Worcester, 27. list of. Worcester, introd. 27. English language bibliography. Beiblatt zur Anglia, 110. English literature bibliography. Hodgkins, 60; Welsh, 60. ' (annual) Beiblatt zur Anglia, 110. chronological outline. Ryland, 61. dictionaries. Adams, 60; Alli- bone, 60; Chambers, 60-61; Moul- ton, 60. English peerage. See Peerage. English poetry. Sargent, 62; Sted- man, 63; Ward, 63. Englishwoman's year book, 41. Engravers. Adressbuch, 77; Bryan, 77; Clement, 77; Library of Con- gress, 57. Engravings. Art sales, 57; Slater, 57; Library of Congress, 57; Year's art, 56. Engravings copyrighted. U. S. Copyright office, 104, Enigmas. Walsh, 62. Entertainments. Glover, 59. Ephemerides. American ephemeris, 49. Epigrams. Bombaugh, 61; Notes and queries (index vols.) 61; Walsh, 62. Epistolary addresses English. De- brett, 82; Dod, 82; Kelly, pref. 82. Epistolary art. See Letter writing. Epitaphs. Bombaugh, 61; Hill, 43; Notes and queries (index vols.) 61; Walsh, 62. Epithets. See Nicknames, Sobri- quets. Ersch and Gruber. Allgemeine en- cyklopadie der wissenschaften und kiinste, 24. Essays collections. Brewer, 69. Essays indexes to. A.L.A. index, 14; Anmial library index, 7; Brit- ish essayists, 14; California uni- versity Library, 14; Cotgreave, 14; Griswold, 14. See also Debates. Estanave, E. Revue decennale des thfeses, 16. Ethics. Baldwin, 32. Ethnography. Iconographic ency- clopaedia, V. 1, 22. Ethnology. Iconographic encyclo- paedia, V 1, 22. Etiquet. Green, 47; Hill, 43. Etymology. Murray, 27; Skeat, 28. Europe history bibliography. Siebert, 90. Evans, C: American bibliographv, 102. Evans, Charlotte. Public docu- ments in a small library, 93. Events. Brewer, 88; Harper's book of facts, 22; Haydn, 89; Little, 89. See also Brewer (index) 59; Larned, v. 5, 6, 91. of the year. Annual register, 89. - See also Annual library index; also Almanacs, Year-books. Evermann, B. W. See Jordan, D. S. 50. Exchange and distribution of state documents, 93. Exploration routes. Centurv atlas, 86. Explorations (U. S.) Hasse, 97. Exjjorters' encyclopaedia, 45. Exports. See Commerce. Expositions list of. World al- manac, 1892 : 74, 90. Express companies. Rand, McNally & CO. 49. Expressions. See Allusions, Phrases, Slang. Extinct animals. Champlin, 50. Fabrics. Cole, 55. Faculty of advocates Library. Catalogue, 116. Fairbairn, J. Book of crests, 82. Faiths. Hazlitt, 47. See also Re- ligion. Falkner, R. P. Reports of the Com- mittee on public documents, 93. Fallacies. Ackermann, 61. Fallows, S: Synonyms and anto- nyms, 27. Family histories. See Genealogies. Family names of English noblemen. Burke's Peerage, 81. Family records. Burke, A. P. 81. Far East. Who's who in the Far East, 76. Farmer, J. S. and Henley, W. E. Dictionary of slang and colloquial English, 28; Slang and its ana- logues, 28. Farmer's cyclopedia of agriculture. Wilcox and Smith, 51. Farming. Bailey, 50; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Farms statistics of, in U. S. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. Farrar, C: S: Art topics, 56. Farrow, E: S. Farrow's military encyclopedia, 54. Fasts and feasts. Brewster, 79; Whitaker's Almanack, 41. Fathers of the church. Brewer, 34. Faulty diction. Standard, apx. 26. Faxon, F: W. Check-list of Ameri- can and English periodicals, 9; Periodicals in reference work, 7; See also Magazine subject-index, 8. Fay, E: A. Concordance of the Divina Commedia, 66. Fennell, C: A: M. Stanford dic- tionary of anglicised words and phrases, 29. Ferguson, J: Some aspects of bibli- ography, 99. Fernald, J. C. Connectives of Eng- lish speech, 29; English synonyms and antonyms, 27. Ferrell, L: C. Public documents of the U. S. 93. Festivals. Brewster, 79; Cham- bers, 47; See also Holidays. Fdtis, F. J. Biographie universelle des musiciens, 79. Fichtenkam, A. G. Cataloguing of government publications, 93. Fiction. Baker, 68-69; Boston Public library, 68; Bowen, 69; Buffalo Public library, 69; Cornu and Beer, 69; Dixson, 69; Gris- wold, 69; Leypoldt and lies, 69; Newark Free public li- brary, 69; Philadelphia Free library, 69; St. Louis Public library, 69; San Francisco Free public library, 69; Sar- gent, 69; Wilson, 69. Fictitious names. See Characters in fiction. Field, Mrs. E. M. The child and his book, 112. Field, W. T. Fingerposts to chil- dren's reading, 112. Finance. Colange, 42; Financial red book, 43; Manual of statistics, 43; Moody, 43-44; Poor, 44; Rollins, 44; Smith, 44. See also Money; Year-books. ^ bibliography. Hasse, 98. Financial red book of America, 43. Financiers. Financial red book, 43. Finding-lists. Buffalo Public li- brary, 117; Jersey City Public library, 117; Newark Public li- brary, 117; Salem Public li- brary, 117; Scranton Public library, 117. Fine arts annuals. Art annual, 56; Year's art, 56. bibliography. Farrar, 56; Ha- ferkorn and Heise, v. 6, 55; South Kensington museum, 56; Sturgis, 56. chronological table of. Nichol, 89. dictionaries. Adeline, 56; Champlin, 59; Mollett, 56. See also Architecture, Ceramics, Decorative arts, Engraving, Mu- sic, Painting, Sculpture. Finney, B. A. High school instruc- tion in use of reference books, 5. Fire alarm systems. U. S. Cen- sus, Bur. of the, 40. Fire appliances. Insurance year book, 44. Fire departments. Insurance year book, 44. Fires, See Insurance. First editions .\merican. Foley, 104; Leon, 104; Stone, 104. English. Slater, 106. Fish. Jordan and Evermann (Na- ture library, v. 5) 50. Fiske, J: See Wilson, J. G. 72. Fitch, Henry. Perfect calendar, 89. Fitzpatrick's bibliography of Iowa territorial documents, 97. Flagg, C: A. Guide to Massachu- setts local history, 92. Flags. Griffin, 83; Harrison, 83; Hulme, 84; Preble, 83; U. S. Equipment, Bur. of, 83. colored plates. See also American cyclopaedia, 21-22; En- cyclopaedia Britannica, 23; Far- row, 54; Hamersly, 54; Hick mann, 40; New international en- cyclopaedia, 21; Universal oyclo- pajdia, 21; Patterson, 54; Philip's marine atlas, 43; Standard, 26; Webster, 26; Worcester, 27. U. S. Harrison, 83; Preble, 83; Townsend, 37. Fleming, W: Vocabulary of philoso- phy, 32. Fletcher, A. E. Sonnenschein's cy- clopaedia of education, 45. Fletcher, W: I. A B C of reference work, 3; Reference work, 3. See also A.L.A. index, 14; Annual library index, 7; Poole's index, 7. Flowers. Bailey, 50-51; Blanchan (Nature library, v. 1-2) 50. for birthdays. Daniels and Stevens, 47. language of. Brewer, 61; Hill, 43; People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22; Reddall, 62; Standard. 26. national. Brewer, 61, 88. state. Harper, 91; Tribune almanac, 1900, 40; World al- manac, 1902, 40. Fliigel, Felix. Universal English- German and German-English dic- tionary, 30. Fock, Gustav. Bibliographischer monatsbericht, 16. Foley, J: P. Jeffersonian cyclope- dia, 68. INDEX 131 Foley. P. K. American authors, .J04. Folk-etymology. Palmer, 29. Folk-lore. Daniels and Stevans, 47: Hazlitt, 47; Lean, 66; Notes and queries (index vols.) 61. Folk -sayings. Brewer, 61; Ed- wards. 61; Wheeler, 62. Food products. Bailey, 50; Bar- tholomew. 42-43; Freeman and Chandler. 43. Foods chemistry of. Thorpe, 49. For-folke-og barne-boksamlinger, 116. Ford, J. L. and M. K. Every day in the year, 63. Foreign documents. Michigan State library, 96. See also French documents, 98; Hasse, 98. Foreign moneys. See Monej's. Foreign office list and consular handbook, 41, 80. Foreign phrases and words pro- nunciation of. Phyfe, 29. translation of. Fallows, 27; Standard, apx. 26; Jones, 37; March. 28; lieddall, 35; Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27, Foreign relations. U. S. Staie dept. 96. Forenames. See Christian names. Forlong, J. G. R. Faiths of man, 33. Formulas. See Receipts. Forts. U. S. Heitmann, 76. bibliography. U. S. Eng^i- neer dept. 96. Fortschritte der physik. 111. Fortune telling. Daniels and Ste- vans, 47. Forty immortals of the French Academy. World almanac, 40. Forum, Index to, 9. Foster, F. P. Illustrated encyclo- paedic medical dictionary, 61. Foster, H. A. Electrical engineer's pocket-book, 53. Foster, W: E. Assistance to read- ers, 3; How to use the public li- brary, 3; The information desk, 3; The information desk at the Providence public library, 3. Founding. Bolland, 55. Fournier d'Albe, E. E. English-Irish dictionary, 31. Fox-Davies, A. C. Art of heraldry, 82. France Bibliothfeque nationale. Catalogue g^ndral, 16. Minist^re de I'instruction pub- lique. Bibliographie des travaux Bcientifiques. 19; Bibliographie gdn^rale des travaux historiques, 19. genealogy. Annuaire de la no- blesse de France, 82. statistics. Almanach national. 42. Franklin institute. Index to its Journal. 12. Fraternities. Stevens. 45. See also College fraternities. Fraternity badges. March, 28. Freeman, E: A. Historical geogra- phy of Europe, 87. Freeman, W: G: and Chandler, S. E. World's commercial products, 43. Freemasonry. Mackey, 45. French, S: Acting edition of plays, 70. French, W. E. P. See Chase, E. L. 64. French architecture. Viollet-le-Duc, 66. French bibliography, 106-107. French biography. Hoefer, 72; La- rousse, 24;Michaud, 72; Qui tes- vous? 75; Vapereau, 72. French dictionaries. French-Eng- lish: Clifton and Grimaux, 30; Edgren and Burnet, 30; Hamil- ton and Legros, 30; Spiers and Surenne, 30. French-French: Littr^, 30. French-German: Villatte and Sachs, 30. French documents. American li- brary association, 98. French fiction. Bracq, 70; Cornu and Beer, 69. French literature bibliography. American library association, 70; Thieme, 71. French periodicals indexes to. Repertoire bibliographique, 10. Frey, A. R. Sobriquets and nick- names, 62. Friday, in U. S. history. Townsend, p. 450, 37. Frogs. Dickerson (Nature library, v. 12) 50. Fruit. Bailey, 50-51 ; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Fry, E: A. See Phillimore, W: P. W. 82. Fuller, J. M. See Smith, Sir W: 33. Funk, I. K. See Standard dic- tionary, 26; Studentsi edition of a ' Standard dictionary,' 26. Fur. Cole, 55. Furness, Mrs H. K. (Rogers) Con- cordance to Shakes(>eare's Poems, Gaelic authors. McCarthy, 61. Galloupe, F. E. Index to engineer- ing periodicals, 12. Games. Champlin, 59; Glover, 59; Gomme, 59; See also Wright's Dia- lect, 29. Gannett, H: Boundaries of the United States, 88; Dictionary of altitudes, 88; Gazetteer of Texas, 88; Origin of certain place names, 85; Statistical abstract of the worid, 39. See also U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. Gardening. Bailey, 50-51; Mottet, 51; Nicholson, 51. Gardiner, S: R. and Mullinger. J. B. Introduction to the study of Eng- lish history, 90. Garland, D. S., ed. See American and English encyclopaedia of law, 39. Garlanda, Joannes de, 26. Garments. Cole, 55. Garnett, R: and others. Universal anthology, 59. Garnsey, G: O. American glossary of architectural terms, 57. Gaskell, G. A. Compendium of forms, 43. Gattiker, Emma. Selected lists of German books, 70. Gauss, H. C. See Wisser, J: P. 54. Gazetteers. See Geographic diction- aries. Gems langusige of. Standard, apx. 26; Hill, 43; People's cyclopedia, apx. 22. Genealogy American. Boston Public library, 80; Glenn, 81; Hotten, 81; Munsell, 80, 81; Savage, 81; Stiles, 81; Vermont, 81. -^English. Bridger, 81; Burke's Family records. 81; Burke's colonial gentry, 81; Marshall, 82. See also Baronetage, Landed gentry. Peerage. Genealogy, foreign annuals. Alma- nach de Gotha, 42, 82; Allstrom, 82; Annuaire de la noblesse de France, 82; Annuaire de la noblesse de Russie, 82; Annua- no della nobiltk italiana, 82; Danmarks adels aarbog, 82; Gothaisches genealogisches tasch- enbuch der freiherrlichen hauser, 82; Gothaisches genealogisches taschenbuch der graflichen hau- ser, 82; La noblesse beige, 82; Svensk adelskalender, 82. - See also Ahnanach de Gotha, 82; Notes and queries (index vols.) 61. General bibliography, defined, 100; list of, 100. See also Incunabula. General literature indexes. A.L.A. index, 14; Annual library index, 7; California university Library, 14; Cotgreave, 14; Griswold, 14; Pitman, 14. See also Boston Athe- naeum, 14; Brooklyn library, 14; Cleveland Public library, 14; Peabody institute library. 14. Gentry. iSee Landed gentry. Geodesy, bibliography. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey, 96. ^ Geographen-kalender, 85. 'tjeographic dictionaries. Century, 71; Champlin, 22; Chisholm, 84; Lippincott, 84; Ritter, 85; Vi- vien de Saint Martin, 85. See also Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. Geographic names. Blackie, 85; Century cyclopedia, 71; Gannett, 85; Knox, 85; Taylor, 85; Thomas (Lippincott) 85; U. S. official postal guide, 44. pronunciation. Mackey, 83. spelling. U. S. Board on geo- graphic names, 83. translation of place-names. Century cyclopedia, 71. -^U. S. derivation, etc. Town- send, 37. Geographic nicknames. See Nick- names geographic. tables. Smithsonian institu- tion, 48. Geographisches jahrbuch, 110. Geography annuals. Geographen- kalender, 85. bibliography. International catalogue, 48; Mill, 88. - (annual) Geographisches . jahrbuch, 110; Petermann's Mit- theilungen, 110; Annales de gdo- graphie, 110. --See also Greek, Roman; also Commercial geography. Geologic atlas. U. S. Geological survey, 87. Geological survey. See U. S, Geological survey, 87. Geologisches centralblatt, 110. Geologists. Poggendorff, 79. Geoloo'. Berghaus, 87; Icono- graphic encyclopaedia, v. 7, 22; U. S. Geological survey, 87. bibliography. Darton, 49; Inter- national catalogue, 48; Schmecke- bier, 49; Warman. 49; Weeks, 49. - (annual) Bibliographia geo- logica, 110; Geologisches central- blatt, 110. Georg, Karl. Schlagwort-katalog, 107. Georgi, Theophilus. Allgemeines europaisches biicher-lexicon, 1(X). German bibliography, 107-108. German biography. AUgemeine deutsche biographic, 75; Biogra- 132 INDEX phisches jahrbuch, 75; Deutsches zeitgenossenlexikon, 75; Wer ist's? 75. German dictionaries. German- English: Fliigel, 30; Muret-San- ders, 30; Thieme-Preusser, 30. German-French: Villatte and Sachs, 30. German-German: Grimm, 30. German language bibliography. Jahresbericht, 110. literature bibliography. American library association, 70; Breul, 70; Jahresberich t, 111; Nollen, 70. German periodicals indexes to. Bibliographie, 10. German quotations. Dalbiac, 65. Germany statistics. Wer ist's ? 75. Gesammt-verlags-katalog, 108. Gesenius, W: Hebrew and English lexicon, 30. Gibbon, C: See Spofford, A. R. 59. Gibson, L. M. Handbook for liter- ary and debating societies, 15. Gidel, C: A. and Loli^e, Fr^d^ric. Dictionnaire manuel illustr^ des i^crivains et des litt^ratures, 59. Gifts and bequests (annual) New international encyclopaedia, 21. Gilbert, F. N. See Mead, Leon, 65. Giles, H. A. Chinese biographical dictionary, 75. Gillette, H. P. Handbook of cost data, 53. Girls' school year, 46. Glenn, T: A. List of some Ameri- can genealogies, 81. Glover, E. H. Dame Curtsey's book of novel entertainments, 59. Godfrey, L. B. See Bates, K. L. 70. Gomme, A. B. Traditional games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 59. Gomme, G: L. Index of archseo- logical papers, 19. Gooch, G. P. Annals of politics and culture, 89. Goodchild, G. F. and Tweney, C. F. Technological and scientific dic- tionary, 52. Goodholme, T. S. Domestic cyclo- psedia, 52. Gospels. Hastings, 33. Goss, Harriet, and Baker, G. A. In- dex to first 27 volumes of St. Nicholas, 114, Gothaisches genealogisches taschen- buch der freiherrlichen hauser, 82.. Gothaisches genealogisches taschen- buch der graflichen hauser, 82. Gould, G: M. Dictionary of new medical terms, 51; Illustrated dictionary of medicine and allied sciendes, 51; New medical dic- tionary, 51. Government documents, 93-98. Government officials Great Brit- ain. Civil service year-book, 41; Foreign office list, 41; India list, 41; Kelly, 82. See also Hazell, 23; Whi taker, 41 ; Who's who year-book, 74. Government officials U. S. Her- ri ngshaw, 38; Lanman, 38; Mosher, 38; Murlin, 38; Nation- al cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; Poore, 38; U. S. Congress, 38; U. S. Census, Bur, of the, 38; Wisser and Gauss, 38. See also Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Governments of the world. Sears, 37; Wilson, 37. See also Statesman's year- book, 41; Whitaker, 41; Statis- tician and economist, 40. Governors of states and territories. Commercial year-book, 42; Sta- tistician and economist, 40; Har- per's book of facts, 22; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; World almanac, 40. Graesel, Arnim. Nachschlagewerke fiir bibliotheksbenutzer, 5. Grasse, J. G. T. Tr^or de livres, 100. Grammars bibliography of . Triib- ner. 26. Grand Rapids Public library. Catalogue, 116. La grande encyclopddie, 24, 75. Granger, A. C. Reference work in a small library, 3. Granger, Edith. Index to poetry and recitations, 63. Graves, Algernon. . The Royal acad- emy of arts, 77. Gray, Arthur. Toasts and tributes, 64. Great Britain Board of trade. International code of signals, 54. Great Britain antiquities. Brand, 47; Hazlitt, 47. ' army and na\'y. Hart, 80; Navy list, 80; Official army list, 80; Whitaker, 41, 80. colonies. Colonial office list, 41. See also Australia, Can- ada, India, Jamaica, etc. constitutional history bibli- ography of. Sparks, 92. - government officials. See Gov- ernment officials Great Britain. history annuals. Annual re- gister, 89. bibliography. Gardiner and Mullinger, 90; Gross, 90; Siebert, 90. dictionary. Low and Pull- ing, 90. municipal government bib- liography. Gross, 37. political economy. Palgrave, 36. politics. Constitutional year- book, 41; Politician's handbook, 41. statistics. Statesman's year- book, 41; Whitaker, 41. Great men. Wale, 64. Great writers series, 84. Greece .architecture. Longfellow, 56. Greek antiquities. Cornish, 90; Dictionnaire. 90; Peck, 90; Seyf- fert, 90; Smith, 90. Greek biography. Smith, 74. Greek dictionaries. Greek-English' Liddell and Scott, 30. English-Greek: Yonge, 30. Greek geography. Smith, 87. Greek (modern) dictionary. Kon- topoulos, 30. Greek proper names. Webster, apx, 26; Worcester, apx. 27. Greely, A. W. Public documents of the first 14 congresses, 96. Green, S: S. Aids and guides for readers, 3; Inter-library loans in reference work, 3; Libraries as bureaus of information, 3; Li- brary aids, 3; The desirableness of establishing personal inter- course between librarians and readers, 3. Green, W. C. Dictionary of etiquet, 47. Green room book, 76. Greenwood, Edgar. Classified guide to technical and commercial books, 53. Grey, H: Key to the Waverley novels, 68. Griffin, A. P. C. Bibliography of American historical societies, 19; Index of articles upon American local history, 92. Griffin, James. Flags, national and mercantile, 83. Gri maux, Adri en . See CI if ton, E.G. 30. Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm. Deutsches worterbuch, 30. Griswold, W: M. Descriptive list of books for the young, 112; De- scriptive lists of novels; 69; Index to articles contained in collec- tions of essays, 14. Gross, C: Bibliography of British municipal history, 37; Sources and literature of English history, 90. Grove, Sir G: Dictionary of' music and musicians, 58, 79. Growoll, Adolph. American book clubs, 19; Book-trade bibliog- raphy in the U. S. 102; Book- seller's library, 101, 109; Profes- sion of book-selling, 109; Three centuries of English book-trade bibliography, 105. Gruber. See Ersch, 24. Guardians, New York journal of commerce, 43. Gubernatis, Angelo de. Dizionario biografi^co degli scrittori contem- poranei, 78; Dictionnaire Inter- nationale des ^crivains du jour, 78; Dictionnaire Internationale des ^crivaina du mpnde latin. 78. Guide-books. Baedeker, 87; Mur- ray, 87. Guild, R. A. Bibliography as a science, 99; Librarian's manual, 109. Guthrie, A. L. See Readers' guide to periodical literature, 8. Gutscher, J. Systematisch geordr netes verzeichnis, 17. Gwilt, Joseph. Encyclopaedia of architecture, 56. Haas, J: A. W. See Jacobs, H: E. 35. Hadley, Chalmers. Municipal refer- ence work, 4. Haferkorn, H: E. and Ileise, P. Handy lists of technical literature, 53. Hain, L. F. T. Repertorium biblio- fraphicum and Supplement, 101; ee also Burger, 101; Copinger, 101; Reichling, 101. Hale, Mrs S. J. Woman's record, 80. Halkett, S: and Laing, J: Diction- ary of the anonymous and pseu- donymous literature of Great ' Britain, 114. Hall, G. S. and Mansfield. J. M. Hints towards a select bibliogra- phy of education, 46. Hall, T. D. See Smith, Sir W: 31. Halliwell-Phillips. J. O. Diction- ary of archaic and provincial words, 29. Hallowe'en. Brand, 47; Chambers, 47; Hazlitt, 47; Walsh, 47. Hallowe'en games. Champlin and Bostwick, 59. Hamersly, L. R. Naval encyclo- paedia, 54; Records of living offi- cers of the U. S. navy, 76. Hamilton and Legros, JFrencb die- tionary, 30. INDEX 133 Handworterbuch der staatswissen- schaften, 36. Hanna, B. S. Reference work with children, 3. Harbottle, T: B. Dictionary of battles, 88; Dictionary of his- torical allvisions, 89; Dictionary of quotations (classical) 65. and Dalbiac, P. H. Diction- ary of quotations (French and Italian) 65. and Hume, M. Dictionary of quotations (Spanish) 65. Hardy, G: E. Five hundred books for the young, 112. Harmsworth encyclopaedia. See Nel- son's encyclopiedia, 21. Harper's book of facts, 22. Harper's cyclopaedia of British and American poetry. Sargent, Epes, 62. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. Peck, H. T. 90. Harper's encyclopsedia of United States history, 91. Harper's Latin dictionary. Lewis, C. T: and Short, C: 31. Harper's monthly magazine. Index, 9. Harper's popular cyclopaedia of U. S. history. Lossing, B. J: 91. Harper's weekly. Index, 9. Harris, John. Lexicon technicum, 23. Harrison, F: Choice of books, 111. Harrison, P. D. Stars and stripes, 83. Hart, A. B. American nation, 14; Manual of American history, diplomacy and government, 15; See also Channing, E: 92. Hart's army list, 80. Harvard university Library. Bib- liographical contributions, 110. Hasluck, P. N. Cassell's cyclopse- dia of mechanics, 52. Hasse, A. R. Articles on public documents, 93;^ Check list of foreign government documents on finance, 98; Index of economic material in documents of the states, 97; Reports of explora- tions, 97; Training of library employes: reference work, 5; United States government pub- lications, 93. Hastings, James. Dictionary of the Bible, 33; Dictionary of Christ and the gospels, 33. Haswell, C: H. Mechanics' and en- gineers' pocket-book, 53. Hawaiian almanac, 40. Hawthorne, Julian. Literature of all nations, 59. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, index to- O'Connor, 68. bibliography of. Browne, 84. Hayden's annual cyclopaedia of in- surance, 44. Hp-'dn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates, 89. Playes, R. P. Publications of Ohio, 08. Hayward, C. A. Reference work in a branch library, 3 . Hazell's annual, 23. Ha-'Iitt, W: C. English proverbs, 66; Faiths and folklore, 47. Hebrew dictionary. Gesenius, 30. Hebrews. See Jews. Hedeler, pub. List of private li- braries, 115. Heilprin, Angelo, ed. See Lippin- cott's new gazetteer, 84. Heilprin, L: Historical reference book. 89. Heinsius, Wilhelm. Allgemeines biicher-lexicon, 107. Heise, Paul. See Haferkorn, H: E. 53. Heitman, F. B. Historical register and dictionary of the U. S. army, 76. Hendrick's commercial register, 55. Henkels, S. V. See Bradford, T: L. 102. Henley, W. E. See Farmer, J: S. 28. Henley's encyclopaedia of practical engineering, 53. Henley's twentieth century book of recipes, 54. Heraldry. Berry, 82; Bridger, 81; Fox-Davies, 82; Rietstap, 82. American.* Vermont, 81; Zie- ber, 81. terms. Adeline, 56; Fairbairn, V. 2, 82. See also Notes and queries (in- dex vols.) 61; also Crests. Heresies. Blunt, 34. Herringshaw, T: W: Encyclope- dia of American biography, 73; Herringshaw's American states- man year-book, 38. Hewins, C. M. Books for boys and girls, 112; How to make the most of a small library, 13. Hickcox, J: H. United States gov- ernment publications, 95, 96. Hickmann, A. L. Geographical-sta- tistic universal pocket atlas, 49. High schools instruction in refer- ence books, 4-5. Hildeburn's A century of print- ing, 102; Sketches of printing in colonial New York, 102. Hill, T: E. Hill's manual of social and business forms, 43. Hindu religion. Dowson, 35. Hinrichs, J. C. Fiinfjahrs-katalog, 107; Halbjahrs-katalog, 108; Monats-register, 108; Vierteljahrs- katalog, 1()8; Wochentliches ver- zeichnis, 108. Hiscox, G. D. Henley's twentieth century book of recipes, 54. Historians' history of the world, Index to, 15. Historical atlases. Dow, 87; Droy- sen, 87; Freeman, v. 2, 87; Lab- berton, 87; Poole, 86; Putzger, 87; Smith, 87; Spruner, 87. Historical fiction. Baker, 68-69; Boston Public library, 68; Bowen, 69; Dixson, 69; Nield, 69; Philadelphia mercantile li- brary, 69; Philadelphia Free library, 69; St. Louis Public library, 69; San Francisco Free public library, 69; Sargent, 69. Historical societies. GrifHn, 19. History. Harbottle, 89; Ploetz, 89; Century cyclopedia, 71; See also Williams, 15; Wright, 15. History, ancient. *See Classical an- tiquities. bibliography. Adams, 89; Lan- glois, 108. biblipgraphy (annual) Jahres- bericht der geschichtswissen- schaft. 111. chronological outlines of. Heil- prin, 89; Webster, apx. 26. dictionaries. Brewer, 88; Heil- prin, 89; Larned, 88; Little, 89. of the year. Annual register, 89; Appleton's annual, 22; New international year book, 22; alst Almanacs, Events of the vear tables. Gooch, 89; Morison, 89; Nichol, 89-90; Putnam, 90. See also Chronology, Dates, names of countries. Hobson-Jobson. Yale and Burnell. 29. Hodge, F: W. Handbook of Ameri- can Indians, 92. Hodgkins, L. M. Guide to the study of 19th century authors, 60. Hoefer, Ferdinand. Nouvelle bio- graphic universelle, 71, 75. Hofberg, Hermann. Svenskt bio- grafiskt handlexikon, 76. Hofmeister's Verzeichniss der er- schienenen musikalien. 111. Holden, E. S. Library manual, ref- erence books, 5. Holiday selections. Deems, 63; Ford, 63; Schauffler, 63. bibliography of. Goss and Baker, 114; Granger, 63. Holidays. Walsh, 47. See also Arbor day, Christmas, Easter, Hallowe'en, etc. See also Chambers, 47. legal. Townsend, 37; Harper, 4:398-400, 91; People's cyclo- pedia, V. 4, apx. 22; Standard, p. 856, 26; World almanac, 40. Holland, W. J. Butterfly book, 50; Moth book, 50. Holmes, O. W. bibliography of. Ives, 84. Holy days. Chambers, 47; Deems, 63; M'Clintock and Strong, 32; Smith and Cheetham, 33. Holzmann, Michael, and Bohatta, Hans. Deutsches anonymen- lexikon, 114; Deutsches pseu- donymen-lexikon, 115. Home libraries, books for. Carnegie library, 113.. Homer concordance. Dunbar, 66. Homonyms. Fallows, 27. Hone, W: Every-day book, 47. Hopkins, A. A. Scientific Ameri- can cyclopedia of receipts. 54. and Bond, A. R. Scientific American reference book, 52. Hopkins, F. M. Library work in high schools, 5. Hopkins, J. C. Canada. 92. Horner, J. G. See Henley's en- cyclopaedia of engineering, 53. Horticulture. Bailey, 50. Hospitaller's Vocabulaire technique, 48. Hospitals. Burdett, 45 Hotten, J: C. Original list of per- sons of quality, 81 . House of Commons. See Govern- ment officials Great Britain. House of Lords. See Government officials Great Britain. Houston, E. J. Dictionary of elec- trical words, terms, and phrases, 49. Houtsma, M. T. and Seligsohn, M. Encyclopedia of Islam, 35. Howard, L. O. Insect book, 50. Howe's Descriptive catalogue of offi- cial publications of Indiana, 97. Hoyt, J. K. Cyclopedia of practical quotations, 64. Hubbard, G. G. Collection of en- gravings. See Library of Con- gress, 57. Hughes, Rupert. The musical guide, 58. Hughes, T: P. Dictionary of Islam, 35. Hull, C. H. Article on biographical "dictionaries in Johnson's univer- lU INDEX sal cyclopaedia, 71; Helps for cat- aloguers in finding full names, 5. Hulme, F: E: Flags of the world, 84. Hume, Martin. See Harbottle, T. B. 65. Hungarian dictionary. Bizonfy, 31. Hungarian literature bibliogra- phy. American library associa- tion, 70. Hunter, R. See Encyclopaedic dic- tionary, 27. Hurst, J: F. Literature of theology, 35. Hutchinson, E. M. See Stedman, E. C. 60. Hutton, Laurence. See Clement, Mrs C. E. 77. Hymns. Julian, 34, Warner (v. 28 and index in v. 30) 59. See also Notes and queries (index vols.) 61. Iconographic encyclopaedia, 22. Idioms. March, 28. lies, G: See Bowker, R: R. 36; Ley- poldt, A. H. 112. Illmois. Bateman and Selby, 91. Illinois library association. Discus- sion on reference work, 4. Illinois university. Reference work at, 5. Illustration bibliography. Stur- gis, 56. Illustrators, list of. American art annual, 56. Immigration statistics of. U. S. Statistics, Bur. of, 40. Imperial gazetteer of India, 88. Important events. See Events. Imports. See Commerce. Inauguration day. Townsend, 37. Inchbald, Mrs Elizabeth (Simpson) British theatre, 70. Incunabula. British mviseum Library, 101; Burger, 101; Cam- bridge university Library, 101; Campbell, 101; Copinger, 101; Hain, 101; Maittaire, 101; Pan- zer, 101; Pellechet, 101; Proctor, 101; Reichling, 101; Santander, 101. See also Aldine, Caxton, Elzevir presses. Index medicvis, 52. Index to current eventS; 13. Index to legal periodicals, 11. Index to the periodicals of 1890- 1902, 8. Indexes. Wheatley, 14. See also Essays, General litera- ture. Periodicals, Chemistry, and other subjects indexed. to setS; 14-15. India. Balfour, 87; Crooke, 87; Imperial gazetteer, 88. " biography. Buckland, 75; Lethbridge, 75-76. India list, civil and military, 41. Indian army list. See Whitaker, 80. Indian territory. U. S. Geologi- cal survey, 88. Indiana State library. Subject catalogue of U. S. public docu- rnents, 96. Indiana bibliography. Howe, 97. Indians of North America. Hodgs, 92; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. Industrial arts. See Useful arts. Industries. Beeton, 42; Commer- cial year-book. 42; Hendrick. 55; Lock, 55; M'Culloch, 42; Willets, 55. See also Tribune almanac, 40. Industries of countries and cities. Lippincott's gazetteer, 84. Information desk. Foster, 3; Lit- tle, 4. Initials. See Pseudonyms. Insects. Howard (Nature library, V. 8) 50. Insignia of rank of army. Town- send, p. 369, 37. Institut de bibliographic, Paris. Bibliographia medica, 52. Institutes. Minerva, 46. Institutions. Carnegie institution, 18. Instruction in reference work, 4-5. Insurance. Commercial year-book, 42; Hayden, 44; Insurance year book, 44; U. S. Census office. Reports, 40-41. See also Parsons, 39. Insurance men. Who's who in in- surance, 79. Insurance year book, 44. Intemperance. See Temperance. Interest tables and laws. World al- manac, 40. Interlibrary loans, xi. International annual of Anthony's photographic bulletin, 58. International catalogue of scientific literature, 12, 48; List of journals, 12. International code of signals. Great Britain Board of trade, 54. International correspondence school, Scranton, Pa. See International library of technology. International critical commentary. Briggs, C: A. 33. International cyclopaedia. See New international encyclopajdia, 21. International dictionary. Webster, Noah, 26. International directory of book-sell- ers, 55. International library of famous lit- erature. Mitchell, D. G. and Lang, Andrew, 59. International library of technology, 52. International year book, 21. Interstate commerce commission. See U. S. Interstate commis- sion, 45. Investments. American street rail- way investments, 44; Moody, 43; Poor, 45; Rollins, 44. Iowa, bibliography. Budington, 97; Check list, 97; Fitzpatrick, 97; Steele, 97. Irish dictionaries. Dinneen, 31; Fournier d'Albe, 31; Lane, 31. Irish literature. McCarthy, 61. Iron works. American iron and steel association, 55. Islam. Houtsma and Seligsohn, 35; Hughes, 35. Italian bibliography. Catalogo col- lettivo della libreria, 108; Biblio- grafia italiana, 108; Catalogo gene- rale, 108. Italian biography. Cubernatis, 78. Italian dictionaries. Davenport and Comelati, 31; Edgren, 31; Melzi, 31; Millhouse, 31. Italv architecture. Longfellow, 55. genealogy. Annuario della nobiltk italiana, 82. Ives, G: B. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 84. Jackson, B: D. Glossary of botanic terms, 50. Jacobs, H: E. and Haas, J: A. W. Lutheran cyclopedia, 35. Jahrbuch der biicherpreise, 108. Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte der mathematik. 111. Jahresbericht der geschichtswissen- schaft. 111. Jahresbericht iiber die erscheinungen auf dem gebiete der germanischen philologie, 110-111. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie, 110. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der classischen altertumswissen- schaft, 110. Jahresberichte fiir neuere deutsche litteraturgeschichte. 111. Jahresberichte iiber das hohere schul- wesen, 110. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen schulanstalten erschi- enenen abhandlungen, 16. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen universitaten erschie- nenen schriften, 16. Jahresverzeichnis der schweizer- ischen universitatsschriften, 17. Jamaica. Roxburgh, 41. James, R. N. Painters and their works, 77. Jameson, J: F. Dictionary of U. S. history, 91. and Buel, J. W. Encyclopodic dictionary of American history, 91. Japaa Dept. of finance. Financial and economic annual of Japan, 42. Japan. Chamberlain, 88; Japan year book, 42; Japan Dept. of finance, 42. Japan year book, 42. Japanese biography. Japan year book, 42. Jargon. Barrbre and Leland, 28. Jefferson, T: Foley. 68. Jersey City Public library. Find- ing-list, 116. Jervis, W: P. Encyclopedia of ce- ramies, 57. Jesus Christ. Hastings, 33. Jewish encyclopedia, 35. Jews. American Jewish year book, 35; Jewish encyclopedia, 35. John Crerar library. Bibliography of union lists, 10; Card indexes on file in, 12; List of bibliographies of special subjects, 109; List of books in the reading room, 5 List of books on industrial arts, 53; List of cyclopedias and dictionaries, 5; Supplement to the List of seri- als, 9. Johns, Fred. Notable Australians, 74. Johnson, Rossiter. Twentieth cen- tury biographical dictionary of notable Americans, 73. Johnson, S: Dictionary, 27. Johnson, T. H. Phrases and names, 61. Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. See Universal cyclopaedia. 21. Johnston, A. K. Royal atlas of mod- ern geography, 86. Jones, H. P. New dictionary of foreign phrases and classical quo- tations, 65. Jones, L. A. Index to legal peri- odical literature, 10. Jordan, D. S. and Evermann. B. W. American food and game fishes, 50. Jordan, W: G: A plea for refer- ence books, 4. Jordell, D. See Repertoire biblio- graphique des principales revues franpaises, 10. See also Catalogue g^n^ral, 107. INDEX 135 Josephson, A. G. S. Avhandlingar ock program, 16; Bibliographies of bibliographies, 109; Biblio- graphy of union lists, 10. Journal of political economy. Month- ly bibliography, 10, 37. Journal of the Society of chemical industry. Index, 12. Judaism. See Jev/s. Julian, J: Dictionary of hymnology, 34. Jurisprudence ^bibliography. Miihl- brecht, 37. Just's botanischer jahresbericht,110. Justices of the Supreme Court. See Government officials U.S. Juvenile books. See Children's read- ing. Kansas bibliography. Kansas state historical association, 97. gazetteer. U. S. Geological survey, 88. Karslake, Frank, ed. See Book- auction records, 108. Kayser, C. G. Vollstandiges biicher- lexicon, 108. Kelly, James. American catalogue of books, 102. Kelly's handbook to the titled, land- ed, and official classes, 82. Keltic, J. S. ed. See Statesman's year-book, 41. Kempe, H. R. Engineer's year-book 53. Kent, James. Commentaries on American law, 39. Kent, W: Mechanical engineer's pocket-book, 53. Keogh, Andrew. Some general bib- liographical works of value to the student in English, 99. Kidder, F. E. Architect's and build- er's pocket-book, 50. Kiddle, H: and Schem, A. J. Cyclo- paedia of education, 45. Kierst, W. and Callier, O. Pocket dictionary of the English and Pol- ish languages, 31. Killikelly, S. H. Curious questions, 61. King, Edith. Reference books found in 55th and 56th Congresses, 93. King, W: F. H: Classical and foreign quotations. 65. Klussmann. Rudolf. Systematisches verzeichnis der abhandlungen, 16. Knight, C: See English cyclopedia, 23. Knight, E: H: American mechanical dictionary, 53: New American me- chanical dictionary, 53. Knighthood orders of. Burke's Peerase, 81. See also Whitaker, 41 . Knox, Alexander. Glossary of geo- graphical terms, 88. Kontopoulos, N. Greek-English lexi- con. 30. English-modern-Greek diction- ary, 30. Konversations-lexikong. See Brock- haus, Meyer, 24. Koopman, H. L. College instruction in bibliography, 99; Mastery of books, 5, 111. Krehbiel, H. E. Annotated biblio- graphy of music, 56. Kremer, W. P. 100 great battles of the rebellion, 91. Kritischer jahresbericht liher die fort- schritte der romanischen philo- logie, 111. Kroeger, A. B. Public documents, 94; Reference books of 1903-07, 5; See also Cattell, S. W. 112. Kukula, R: Bibliographisches jahr- buch der deutschen hochschulen, 16. Kiirschner, Joseph. See Deutscher ^ litteratur-kalender, 78. Kyshe, J. W: N. Dictionary of legal quotations, 39. Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas, 87. Labor. Statistical abstract, 40; U. S. Dept. of labor, 96. Labor bibliography. Marot, 37. Lace. Cole, 55. Lacy, T: H. Acting edition of plays, 70. Laing, J: See Halkett, S: 114. Lakes list of principal. People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22- Statisti- cian and economist, 40. Lalor, J: J. Cyclopaedia of political science, 36. Lamb's biographical dictionary, 73. Landed gentry. Burke, 81. Lane, L. P. Aids in the use of gov- ernment publications, 93. Lane, T. O'N. English-Irish diction- ary, 31. Lane, W: C. Bibliography in Amer- ica, 99; See also A.L.A. Portrait in- dex, 11, 84. and Bolton, C: K. Notes on sps- cial collections, 115. Lang, Andrew. See Mitchell, D. G. 59. Lange, H. O. Danish research libra- ries, 4. Lange, J: P. Commentary on the Holy Scripture, 33. Langlois, C: V. Manuel de bibliogra- phie historique, 108. Language of flowers and gems. See Flowers, Gems. Lanman, C: Biographical annals of the civil government of the U.S.38. Larned, J. N. History for ready ref- erence, 88; Literature of American history, 91. Larousse, P. A. Grand dictionnaire universel du xix si^cle, 24, 75; Nouveau Larousse illustr^, 24, 75; Larousse mensuel illustrd, 24; Petit Larousse illustrd, 24. Larsen, A. Dictionary of the Dano- Norwegian and English languages, 30. Last words. Latham, 65; Marvin, 65; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73. Latham, E: Dictionary of names, nicknames, and surnames, 61; Famous sayings and their authors, 65. Latin dictionaries. Latin-English: Lewis and Short, 31. English-Latin: Smith and Hall, 31. Latin proper names. Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. Law bibliography. Miihlbrecht, 37. commentaries. Blackstone, 39; Kent, 39. cyclopedias. American and Eng- lish encyclopaedia, 39; Cyclopedia of law and procedure, 38. dictionaries. Bouvier, 39. directory. Martindale, 80. periodical indexes. Index to legal periodicals, 11; Jones, 10. quotations. Kyshe, 39; Meade and Gilbert, 65. statutes. U. S. Revised stat- utes, 38. U. S. abstracts of state laws. People's cyclopedia, v. 4. aox. 22. Law. See also Legislation. Law libraries, 38. Lawyers. Martindale, 80; Sharp and AUeman co. 80. League of library commissions. Suggestive list of books for a small library, 112. Lean, V. S. Lean's collectanea, 66. Leap year. Southwick, 62; Walsh,62. Learned societies. See Societies. Lecturers. Who's who in the lyceum, 76. Lee, G: C. The world's orators, 59. Lee, Sidney. See Dictionary of na- tional biography, 73. Lef^vre-Pontalis, Eugfene. Bibliogra- phie des soci^tds savantes de la France, 19. Legal holidays. -See Holidays, Legal. Legal periodicals. See Law peri- odical indexes. Legations. See Diplomatic service. Legends. Clement, 56. See also Brewer, 61. Legislation by states for the year. N.Y. (state) Library, 39; World almanac, 40. Legislative manuals, 38. Legislative reference work, xii, 4. Legros. See Hamilton and Legros, 30. Leland, C: G. See Barrfere, Albert, 28 Leland, W. G. See Van Tyne, Ct H. 97. Leon and brother. Catalogue of first editions, 104. Leonard, J: W. Book of Chicago- ans, 73; Book of St. Louisans, 73; Men of America, 73; See also Who's who in America, 73. Le Soudier, Henri. See Bibliogra- phie frangaise, 107. Lethbridge, Sir Roper. Golden book of India, 75. Letter postage. See Postage rates. Letter writing. Gaskell, 43; Hill, 43. Levy, F. N. See American art an- nual, 56. Lewis, C. T: and Short, C: Harper's Latin dictionary, 31. Leypoldt, A. H. Practical biblio- graphy, 99. and lies, G: List of books for girls and women, 70, 112. Libraries. International directory, 55; Minerva, 46; Patterson, 46. British. Literary year-book, 60. special collections. Lane and Bolton, 115; New York library club, 115. statistics of. Private: Hedeler, 115; public: Richter, 115; U.S. Education, Bur. of, 115; Wilson, 115. See also Harper's book of facts, 22; Hopkins and Bond, 52. Library, 116. Library assistant, 116. Library association record, 116. Library catalogs. See Catalogs of libraries. Library index, 7. Library journal, 116; Index, 11; Changed titles in, 115. Library of American literature. Stedman, E. C and Hutchinson, E. M. 60. Library of choice literature. Spof- ford, A. R. and Gibbon, C: 59. Library of Congress. Bibliographi- cal division, 110; Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collec- tion of engravings, 57: Check list of American newspapers, 13: De- pository catalog, 116; List of 136 INDEX maps of America, 86; Union list of periodicals. 9. Library of tlie world's best litera- ture. Warner, C: D. and others, 59. Library periodicals. Bulletin dea bibliothtques populaires, 116; Centralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen, 116; For-folke-og barne-bok- samlinger, 116; Library, 116; Li- brary assistant, 116; Library asso- ciation record, 116; Library jour- nal, 116; Library world, 116; Public libraries, 116; Rivista delle biblioteche. 116. Library science indexes to periodi- cals. Library journal, 11 ; Library work, 11. Library work, 11. Library world, 116. Liddell, H: G. and Scott, R. Greek- English lexicon, 30. Lid^n, J. H. Catalogus disputa- tionum, 17. liife-saving stations list of. U. S. official postal guide, 44. Lippincott's biograpliical dictionary. Thomas, 71. Lippincott's new gazetteer of the world, 84. Literary clubs. Growoll, 18; Liter- ary year-book, 60. Literary criticism. Allibone, 60; Moulton, 60; Warner, 59. See also American, English. Literary societies. See Societies. Literary year-book, 60. Literature annuals. Literary year- book, 60. dictionaries. Champlin, 59; Gidel and Lolide, 59; Vapereau, 59; Warner, 59. historical outline. Harper's book of facts, 22. for the year. Annual register, 89; Appleton's annual cyclopae- dia, 22; New international year b:5ok, 21; Literary year-book, 60. tables. Nichol, 89. See also American, English, etc. Literature of all nations. Haw- thorne, Julian, 59. Littell's living age. Index, 9. Little, C: E. Cyclopedia of classi- ^fied dates, 89; Historical lights, 89. Little, G: T. Helping inquirers, 4; Instruction in the use of refer- ence books and libraries, 5; Teach- ing bibliography to college stu- dents, 99. Littlefield's Early Massachusetts press, 102. Littrd, Emile. Dictionnaire de la langue franQaise, 30. Livermore, Mrs M. A. (Rice) See Willard, F. E. 80. Living church annual, 35. Livingston, L. S. Auction prices of books, 104. Lloyd's American church clergy and parish directory, 35. Local government. See City govern- ment. Local history. Boston Public li- brary, 80; Bradiord, 102; Flag.'z;, 92; Griffin, 92. Lock, C: G. W. Spon's encyclope- dia of the industrial arts, 55. Lockwood, L. E. Lexicon to the works of Milton, 67. Locomotive engineering. Interna- tional library. 52. Lodge, Edmund. Peerage and bar- onetage, 82. Logic. Baldwin, 32. Loli^e, Frdddric. See Gidel, C: A. 59. London catalogue of books, 69. London Times. See Times, 12. Longfellow, H: W. Poets and poe- try of Europe, 63. Longfellow, W: P. P. Cyclopaedia of works of architecture in Italy, Greece, and the Levant, 56. Longmans' gazetteer, 84. Longmans' new school atlas, 86. Lorenz, O. H. See Catalogue g^n^ral de la librairie frangaise, 107. Loring, Andrew. Rhymer's lexicon, 29. Lossing, B. J: Harper's popular encyclopaedia of U. S. history, 91. Love. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Low, S. J. and Pulling, F. S. Dic- tionary of English history, 90. Lowell, J. R. bibliography. Cooke, 84. Lowndes, W: T: Bibliographer's manual of English literature, 19, 105. Lueger, Otto. Lexikon der gesam- ten technik, 52. Lunt, E: C. Key to the publica- tions of the U. S. census, 97. Lutheran church. Jacobs and Haas, 35. Lyceum. Who's who in the lyceum, 76. Lyons, A. B. Plant names, 50. Lyrics. Warner, 59. McCarthy, Justin, and others. Irish literature, 61. M'Clintock, J: and Strong, J. Cy- clopaedia of biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature, 32. McClure's magazine. Index, 9. M'Culloch, J: R. Dictionary of commerce and commercial navi- gation, 42. McCurdy, R. M. Holidays, a bibli- ography, 47. MacDonald, K. I. Magazines for the small library, 7. McFadden, E. A. and Davis, L. E. Selected list of plays for ama- teurs, 70. McGehee, L. P. ed. See American and English encyclopaedia of law, 39. Mach, Edmund von. Outlines of the history of painting, 57. Machine tools. Deinhardt and Schlo- mann, 48. Machinery. Appleton, 53; Benja- min, 53; Knight, 53. Mack, W: See Cyclopedia of law and procedure, 38. McKee, T: H. National conven- tions and platforms, 37; Note on the classes and printing of U. S. public documents, 93. Mackey, A. G. Encyclopaedia of freemasonry, 45. Mackey, M. S. and M. G. Pronun- ciation of 10,000 proper names, 83. McLaughlin, A. C. Report on the diplomatic archives, 94. McNeil, A. H. What the normal school may do to provide for li- brary work in schools, 5. McPike, E. F. A serial bibliography of bibliography, 99. McSpadden, J. W. Synopses of Dickens's novels, 67. Magazine subject-index, 8. Magazines. See Periodicals. Magic. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Magnetism bibliography. Hafer- korn and Heise, v. 3, 53. Maine bibliography. Hasse, 97; Williamson, 97. Maire, Albert. Catalogue des theses de sciences, 16. Maitland, J. A. Fuller. See Grove, Sir George. Maitland, James. American slang dictionary, 28. Maittaire, Michael. Annales typo- graphic, 101. Malcolm, H. Theological index, 36. Mann, Margaret. Course in docu- ments in the University of Illinois library school, 5. Manners and customs. See Customs. Mansfield, J. M. See Hall, G. S. 46. Manual of statistics, 43. Manufacturers. Hendrick, 55; Wil- lets, 55. Manufactures. Beeton, 42; Colange, 42; Commercial year-book, 42; Hendrick, 55; Lock, 55; Tomlin- son, 48; Ure, 48; U. S. Bureau of the census, 40-41; U. S. Bureau of statistics, 40. Maps list of. Library of Congress, 86. Maps of cities. Baedeker, 87. See also Atlases, Encyclopedias. March, F. A. Thesaurus dictionary, 28. Marchmont's Concise handbook of ancient and modern literature, 114. Marindin, G. E. See Smith, Sir W: 90. Marine corps. Callahan, 76; Ha- mersly, 77. Marine engineering. Patterson, 54. Marks and monograms. Jervis, 57. Marot, Helen. Handbook of labor literature, 37. Marquis, A. N. Book of Minneso- tans, 73. Marriage. Daniels and Stevans, 47; Wagner, 47. Marriage laws of states. Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Marshall, G: W: Genealogist's guide, 82. Marshall, N. L. Mushroom book, 50. Martindale's American law directory, 80. Marvin, Cornelia. Reference work in the Armour institute library class, 5. Marvin, F : R. The last words, real and traditional, of distinguished men and women, 65. Maryland gazetteer. U. S. Geo- logical survey, 88. Masonry degrees in. Stevens, 45; World almanac, 1902 : 324, 40. Ma3sachusetts bibliography. Flagg, 92; Hasse, 97. gazetteer. U. S. Geological survey, 88. Massachusetts State library. Cat- alogue, 96. Massachusetts library club. Discus- sion on reference work, 4. Mathematicians. Poggendorff, 79. Mathematics bibliography (an- nual) Internatix)nal catalogue, 4S; Jahrbuch iiber die fortschritte der mathematik. 111. dictionary. Davies, 48. Matson, H: References for literary workers, 15. Maxims. Christy, 66; Riley, 66. See also Proverbs, Quotations. Mayflower passengers, list of. Na- tional cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; World almanac, 40. Mayor, J. B. Guide to the choice of classical books, 71. Mead, H. R. Reference work in col- leges, 5. INDEX 137 Mead, Leon, and Gilbert, F. N. Man- ual of forensic quotations, 65. Meade, R: K. Chemist's pocket man- ual, 53. Measures. See Weights and meas- ures. Meats. Bailey, v. 3, 50. Mechanic arts. Appleton, 53; Ben- jamin, 53; Dixon, 52; Goodchild and Tweney, 52; Hasluck, 52; Hopkins and Bond, 52; Icono- graphic encyclopajdia, v. 6, 22; International library, 52; Knight, 53. Mechanical drawing. International library, 52. Mechanical engineering. American society of mechanical engineers, 19; Appleton, 53; Knight, 53; Su- plee, 53. Mechanical movements. Hopkins and Bond, 52. Mechanics bibliography. Hafer- korn and Heise, v. 4, 53; Inter- national catalogue, 48. Medicine bibliography. Biblio- graphia medica, 52; Index medi- cus, 52; U. S. Surgeon-general's office, 10, 52. dictionaries. Barton and Wells, 51; Billings, 51; Dorland, 51; Du- ' ane, 51; Dunglison,51; Foster, 51; Gould, 51. directories. American, 80; Polk, 80. periodical indexes (annual) Bibliographia medica, 51, 111; In- dex medicus, 51. Medicines. See Drugs. Melzi, B. Italian dictionary, 31, Melzi, Gaetano, conte. Dizionario di opere anonime e pseudonime, 115. Memorial day. Townsend, p. 380, 381, 37. M(?morial de la librairie fran5aise,107. Men and women of the time, 72. Men of the reign. Ward, 74. !Mendel, Hermann and Reissmann, A. Musikalisches conversations- lexikon, 58. Mcnnell, Philip. Dictionary of Aus- tralasian biography, 74. Menu verses. Reynolds, 64. Merrill, W: S. Utilizing govern- ment documents, 93. Metallurgy. International library, 52. Metals. Bolland, 55. Metaphysics. Baldwin, 32. Meteorology, bibliography. Inter- national catalogue, 48; Smithso- nian, 48; See also Weather. Methodist church. Methodist year book, 35; Simpson, 35. Methodist year book, 35. Metric system. Harper's book of facts, 22; Standard, 26; Statistician and economist, 40; Webster, apx. 26; World almanac, 40. Mever's grosses konversations-lexi- kon, 24. Michael is. Dictionary of the Portu- guese and English languages, 31. Michaud, J. F. and L. G. Bio- graphic universelle, 71, 75. ^Michigan State library. Cata- logue United States documents, 96. Middle-English dictionary. Strat- mann, 31. Military academy at West Point. See Cullum, G: W. 76. Military engineering. Byrne and Spon, 53. Military officials. See Army offi- cers. Military posts lists of. U. S. offi- cial postal guide, 44. Military science. Farrow, 54. bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, v. 2, 53. Milkau, Fritz. Verzeichniss der Bon- her universitatsschriften, 16. Mill, H. R. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geo- graphical books, 86, 88. Millhouse, J: Italian dictionary, 31. Millionaires list of. World alma- nac, 40. Milner, A. V. Instruction in use of catalogs and reference books in normal schools, 5; Reference sheets, 4. Milton, J: concordances. Brad- shaw, 67; Lockwood, 67. Milwaukee Pu'olic library. Sys- tematic catalogue, 116; List of plays in, 70. Mineralogists. Poggendorff, 79. Mineralogy. Bolland, 55; Chester, 54; Rothwell, 54; U. S. Geological survey, 54. bibliography. International cat- alogue, 48; Weeks, 49. Minerva, jahrbuch der gelehrten welt, 18, 46. Mines and mining. International li- brary, 52; Tomlinson, 48; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40; Ure, 48. bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, v. 5, 53. Ministers (of state) See Diplomatic service. Minnesotans. Marquis, 73. ^liracles. Brewer, 34. Missionaries. Dwight and Bliss, 24. Missions. Blue book, 24; Dwight and Bliss, 24. Mississippi bibliography. Owen, 97. Mississippi, history. Rowland, 91. Mitchell, D. G. and Lang, A. Inter- national library of famous litera- ture, 59. Mohammedan religion. Houtsma and Seligsohn, 35; Hughes, 35. Molineux, M. A. Phrase book from Browning, 67. Mollett, J: W: Illustrated diction- ary of words used in art and ar- chaeology, 56. Monetary systems of the world. Muhleman, 44; Smith, 44. See also Commercial year-book, 1901, 42. Money. Rollins, 44; Smith, 44. See also Finance. Moneys value of foreign, in U. S. money. Commercial year-book 42; Harper's book of facts, 22 People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22 Standard, p. 366-369, 26; Statisti- cian and economist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. value of foreign, in English money. International, 55. Monograms. See Marks and mono- grams. Monologists. Who's who in the lyceum, 76. Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education, 46. Montgomery, Hugh and Cambray, P. G. JDictionary of political phrases and allusions, 36. Months history of the. Chambers, 47. Moody's classified investments, 43. Moody's manual of corporation se- curities, 43. Moore, A. C. List of books for a children's library, 113. Moore, E. L. Reference work and special lists, 4; Reference work in a small public library, 4. Morgan, H: J. Canadian men and women of the time, 75. Morison, JNI. Time table of modern history, 89. Morley, J: Diderot and the Ency- clopaedists, 24. Morris, C: Handy biographical dic- tionaiy, 72. Morris, E: E. Austral English, 29. Mortality statistics. U. S. Census, 40-41; World almanac, 40. Mortgages. Parsons, 39. statistics of U. S. U.S. Cen- sus office, 40-41. Morton, A. A. See Brodrick, ^L 90. Moses, M. J. Children's books and reading, 112. Mosher, R. B. Executive register, 38. Moths. Holland (Nature library, V. 7) 50. Motors. Appleton, 53; Knight, 53. Mottet's French edition of Nichol- son, 51. Mottoes. Riley, 66. See also Hoyt, apx. 64. of families American. Ver- mont, 81. English. Burke's Peerage, 81; Fairbairn, 82. of states. Harper's book of facts, 22; Townsend, 37; World almanac, 40. See also People's cyclope- dia, V. 4, apx. 22. See also Proverbs, Quotations. Moulding. See Founding. Moulton, C: W. The doctor's who's who, 79; Library of literary criti- cism of English and American authors, 60. Mountains height of. Lippincott's gazetteer, 84; People's cyclopedia, V. 4, apx. 22; Rand, McNally, 85. list of principal. Century book of facts, 22; Statistician and econ- omist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Mourek, V. E. Pocket dictionary of the Bohemian and English lan- guages," 30. Mourier, Athdnais, and Deltour, F. Notice sur le doctorat cs lettres, 16. Catalogue et analyse des theses frangaises, 16. Mourning in different countries. Brewer, 61. Mowry, D. E. Reference libraries in cities, 4 Mudge, I. G. Instruction in refer- ence work, 5. Miihlbrecht, Otto. Uebersicht der gesammten staats- u. rechtswis- senschaftlichen litteratur, 37, 111; Wegweiser durch die neuere litter- atur der rechts- u. staatswissen- schaften, 37. Mtiller, H. A. Allgemeines kunstler- lexicon, 77. Mtiller, Johannes. Die wissenschaft- lichen vereine und gesellschaften Deutschlands, 19. Muhleman, M. L. Monetary systems of the world, 44. Mulhall, M. G: Dictionary of statis- tics, 39. Mullinger, J. B. See Gardiner, S. R. 90. Municipal government. Municipal reference libraries, 4; Municipal year-books, 44. 138 INDEX Municipal government, bibliography. BrooKd, 67; Gross, 37. Municipal year-book, 44. Municipal year-book of the United Kingdom, 44. Munsell, Joel, pub. American gen- ealogist, 80; Index to American genealogies, 81; List of titles of genealogical articles in American periodicals, 80-81. Muret-Sanders. German dictionary, 30, 48. Murlin, E. R. Illustrated legislative manual, 38; United States red book, 38. Murray, J: Guide-books, 87. Murray, J. A. H: Evolution of Eng- lish lexicography, 26; New Eng- lish dictionary, 27. Museums. Art annual, 56; Minerva, 46. Mushrooms. Marshall (Nature's li- brary, V. 10), 50. Music bibliography. Boston Public library, 58; Brown, 79; Fdtis, 79; Krehbiel, 56. (annual) Hofmeister, 111. dictionaries. Champlin, 57; El- son, 58; Grove, 58; Hughes, 58; Mendel and Reissmann, 58; Rie- mann, 58; Stainer, 58. Musical publications. U. S. Copy- right office, 104. Musicians. Baker, 79; Brown, 79; Champlin, 57; Eitner, 79; Fdtis, 79; Grove, 58; Hughes, 58; Rie- mann, 58. Mythology. Peck, 90; Seyffert, 90; Smith, 74; Lippincott, 71; Cen- tury, 61. See also Reddall, 62; Standard, 23; also Hindu religion, 35. Mythology in art. Clement, 56. Nachtmann, Mrs Alice Newman. In- dex to subject bibliographies, 117. Nagler, G. K. Neues allgemeines kiinstler-lexikon, 77. Names. Century, 61; Johnson, 61; Latham, 61; Taylor, 85; Wagner, 83. change of. Phillimore, 82. meaning of women's. Browne, 83; Swan, 83; Lippincott, 71; Wagner, 83. pronunciation. Century, 26; Lippincott, 71; Mackey, 83; Phyfe, 29. See also Warner, 59; Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. of English. Who's who year-book, 74. See also Characters, Christian names. Geographic names. Scrip- ture names. Surnames. Nares, Robert. Glossary of words, phrases, names and allusions, 61. Nash, H. P. See Cyclopedia of law and procedure, 38. Nation. Analytical index, 9. National bibliography, defined, 100. list of, 101-108. National cemeteries. Cooper, 91. National colors. See Colors, Na- tional. National convention for revising the Pharmacopoeia, 52. National cyclopaedia of American biography, 73. National debts. Bliss, 36; Har- per's book of facts, 22; World al- manac, 40. National education association. How to use a library, 4; Index to its Publications, 19; Journal of proceedings and addresses, 19. National flowers. See Flowers. National revenues. Statesman's year-book, 41 ; World almanac, 40. National standard dispensatory, 51. Natural history. Champlin, 50; Na- ture library, 50. Naturalists' universal directory, 79. Nature library, 50. Nautical almanac. American ephe- meris, 49. Naval engineering. Byrne and Spon, 53. Naval officers. Callahan, 76-77; Hamersly, 77; Herringshaw, 38; Powell and Shippen, 76; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 38; U. S. Navy dept. 77. Naval science. Hamersly, 54; Pat- terson, 54; Wisser and Gauss, 54. bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, v. 2, 53. Naval statistics. World almanac, 40. Navies of the world. Hopkins and Bond, 52; Statesman's year-book, 41; World almanac, 40. Navigation. American ephemeris, 49; International library, 52; " Shipping World " year-book, 45. See also Signals. Navy U. S. Townsend, 37; Wisser and Gauss, 54. Navy list, 80. Necrologies. Appleton, v. 7, 72; Men and women of the time, 72; Vapereau, 72. annual. Annual library index, 7; Annual register, 89; Appleton's annual, 22; Literary year-book, 60; New international yearbook, 21; Who's who, 74; Who's who in America, 73. by days and months. Cham- bers, 47; Little, 89. Nederlandsche bibliographie, 108. Neil, C: See Wright, C: H. H. 34. Nelson's encyclopaedia, 21. Netherlands biography. Aa, 75. Neve, J: Concordance to Cowper,66. Nevin, A. Encyclopaedia of the Pres- byterian church, 35. New American cyclopaedia. See American cyclopaedia, 21. New encyclopedia of social reform. See Bliss, W: D. P. and Binder, R. M. 38. New Hampshire bibliography. Hasse, 97; New Hampshire State librarian, 98. New international encyclopaedia, 21. New international yearbook, 21. New Jersey bibliography. New Jersey State librarian, 98. gazetteer. U. S. Geological survey, 88. New Jersey historical society. Some account of American newspapers, 13. New Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia. See Schaff, Philip, 32. New South Wales official year book, 41. New Year's day. Chambers, 47. New York (city ) Education, Board of. Catalogue of books for public school libraries, 113. Public library. Bulletin, 117. New York (city). World almanac, 40. libraries. New York library club, 115. New York (state) Library. Bul- letin, legislation, 39; Class list of a S500 library, 113^ Fifty best books for a village library, 112; Index to subject bibliographies, 111; Se- lected national bibliographies, 102; Selected reference books, 7; Se- lected subject bibliographies, 109, 111; Selection from the best books of the year, 112; Selection of cata- loguers reference books, 5. University. University exten- sion department, 111. New York (state) bibliography. Hasse, 97. biography. Who's who in New York, 73. politics. Murlin, 38. New York Daily Tribune. Index, 12 . New York journal of commerce. Commercial precedents, 43. New York library club. Libraries of Greater New York, 115; Union list of periodicals, 9. New York red book, 38. New York Times. Index, 13. New Zealand official year-book, 41. Newark Free public library. Books for boys and girls, 113; Finding-list, 116; A thousand of the best novels, 69. Newsdealers. Wilson, 55. Newspaper almanacs. Chicago Daily News, 40; Tribune, 40; World, 40. Newspapers indexes to. Index to current events, 13; London Times, 13; New York Times, 13; New York Tribune, 12. See also An- nual library index, 7. lists American. American newspaper annual, 13; Library of Congress, 13; New Jersey histori- cal society, 13; Rowell, 13; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 13; Wis- consin, 13. English. Sell, 13; Will- ing, 13. French. Annuaire de la presse fran^aise, 13; Annuaire des journaux, 14. German. Deutscher, 14;- Sperling, 14. London. Who's who year book, 74. Newton, Alfred. Dictionary of birds, ,50. Nichol, J: Tables of ancient litera- ture and history, 89; Tables of European history, 89. Nicholson, G. Illustrated diction- ary of gardening, 51. Nicknames. Frey, 62; Reddall, 62; Wagner, 62. See also Appleton, v. 7 : 291, 72; Brewer, 61; Latham, 61; Web- ster, apx. 26; Wheeler, 62. geographic. Reddall, 62. national. Brewer, p. 615, 61. political. Wagner, 62 . states, cities. See also Bartlett, p. 812-813, 28; People's cyclope- dia, apx. 22; Townsend, 37; Trib- une almanac, 40; Brown and Strauss (cities) 36; Wagner's Sig- nificance, 62. Nield, Jonathan. Guide to the best historical novels and tales, 69. Nineteenth century events of the. Appleton's Annual cyclopaedia, 1900, p. 430, 22. progress of the. International year-book, 1900, apx. 21. La noblesse beige, 82. Nollen, J: S. Modern German lit- erature, 70. Nordisk familjel^ok, 25. Normal schools. American, 46; Patterson, 46; U. S. Education, Bur. of, 46. instruction in reference books, 4-5. INDEX lo9 Norsk bog fortegnelse, 108. North America bibliography. Church, 102. North American review. Index, 9. Norwegian bibliography. Norsk bo fortegnelse, 108. Norwegian dictionary. Brynildsen, 30; Larsen, 30. Nos conteroporains, 74. Noted books, bee Books. Noted names in liction. See Char- acters in taction. Noted sayings. Bent, 65; Brewer, Lssays, 5*j; Brewer, Orations, V. 10, 59; King, 65; Latham, 65; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; Stedman and Hutchinson, 11: 446-462, also index, p. 630, 60. See also Bombaugh, 61 ; Brown and Strauss, 36; Reddall, 62; Walsh, 62. Notes and queries, 61. Novels. See Fiction. Nuova enciclopedia italiana, 25. Obituaries. See Necrologies. Observatories. Carnegie institution, 18. Obsolete words. Halliwell-Phillips, 29; Wright, 29. Occasional address. Reynolds, 64. Occult sciences. Daniels and Ste- vans, 47. Occupations. Statistical abstract, 40; Willets, 55. O'Connor, E. N. Index to the works of Hawthorne, 68; Index to the works of Shakspere, 68. Oettinger, E. M. Bibliographic bio- graphique universelle, 84; Moni- teur des dates, 72. Official army list, 80. Official army register, 76. Official Catholic directory, 35. Official Congressional directory. U. S. Congress, 38. Official gazette. U. S. Patent office, 54. Official register. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 38. Official register and directory of the women's clubs, 47. Official year-book of the Church of England, 35. Officials. See Government officials. Ogilvie, J: Imperial dictionary, 27. Ohio bibliography. Hayes, 98. Omens. Daniels and Stevans, 47; Lean, 66. Operas. American dramatists' club, 70; Annesley, 58; Upton, 58. Sec aho Champlin and Apthorp, 57; Brewer, apx. 61. Oracles. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Orations. Brewer, 59; Lee, 59; Reed, 59. index to. Granger, 63. Oratorios. Brewer, 61; Champlin and Apthorp, 57. Orators. Brewer, 59. Orders (American) Zieber, 81. Orders of chivalry. Standard, p. 1238, 26. Orders of knighthood. See Knight- hood orders of. Oregon library commission. List of books for school libraries, 113. Oriental biography. Beale, 76; Who's who in the Far East. See aho China, India, Japan. Oriental studies. Orientalische bib- liographic, 111. Orientalische bibliographic, 111. Origins of things. See Allusions. Ornithology. See Birds. Ostcrhout free library, Wilkesbarrd, Pa. Class catalogue, 116; Finger- posts to the reference library, 5. Owen, T. McA. Bibliography of Al- abama, 97; Bibliography of Mis- sissippi, 97. Oxford dictionary. Murray, J. A. H: 27. Painters. Adressbuch, 77; Bryan, 77; Champlin, 57; Clement, 77; Graves, 77; James, 77; Mach, 57. See also Artists. list of famous. Harper's book of facts, 22. tables, of various schools. Clement, 77. Painting. Champlin, 57; Icono- graphic encyclopaedia, v. 3, 22; Mach, 57. bibliography. Farrar, 56; Stur- gis, 56. Paintings catalog of, in European galleries. Clement, 56. galleries where to be found. Clement, 56; Soule art company, 58. prices of. Art sales, 57. Paleontology bibliography. In- ternational catalogue, 48. *See also Geology bibliography. Palgravc, R. H. I. Dictionary of political economy, 36. Palgrave's Golden treasury, 63. Palmer, A. S. Folk-etymology, 29. Panzer, G. W. F. Annales typo- graphici, 101. *See a^so Burger, 101. Parker, J: H: Concise glossary of terms used in architecture, 57; Glossary of terms used in archi- tecture, 57. Parlianicnt members of. See Gov- ernment officials England.- Parsons, Theophilus. Laws of busi- ness, 39. Parties political. See Political parties. Pataky, Sophie. Lexikon deutscher frauen der fedcr, 77. Patent laws. Parsons, 39. Patents. Hoj^kins and Bond, 52; U. S. Patent office, 54. Patron saints. Brewer, p. 861, 61, 88; M'Clintock and Strong, 32; Wagner, 62. Patterson's college and school direc- tory, 46. Patterson's illustrated nautical en- cyclopedia, 54. Peabody institute. Catalogue of the library, 14, 70, 90. Peck, il. T. Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities, 90. Peck, W. G. See Davies, C: 48. Pedagogical seminary. Bibliography of child study, 110. Pedigrees. See Genealogy, Peerage. Peerage. Burke's Peerage, 82; Burke's Extinct peerage, 82; Co- kayne, 82; Doyle, 82; Lodge, 82. annual. Debrett, 82; Dod, 82; Kelly, 82; Whitaker, 82. Peet, L: H. Who's the author, 62. PfeUechet, M. C. H. Catalogue ge- neral des incxinables, 101. Penmanship. Gaskell, 43. Pen-names. See Pseudonyms. Pennsylvania bibliography. Penn. State librarian, 98. biography. Who's who in Pennsylvania, 73. politics. Smull, 38. Pennsylvania historical society Library. Card index to family histories, 80. Penny cyclopedia, 23. Pensions. Statistical abstract, 40. People of the period. Pratt, A. T. C. 72. People's cyclopedia, 22. Periodicals, 7-14. births and deaths of, 9. helps in cataloging. Bolton, 7. indexes and lists, 7-14. *See also Newspapers, Societies, Union lists; also names of periodi- cals, e.g. Atlantic, Harper, etc. Perkins, C: C. See Champlin, J: D. jr. 57. Perry, J. T. Chronology of medieval and renaissance architecture, 57. Petermann's mittheilungen. Geo- graphischer litteratur-bericht, 110. Petit Larousse illustrd, 24. Petrology. See Geology bibliog- raphy, 49. Pettersen, Hjalmar. Anonymer og pseudonymer, 115. Petzholdt, Julius. Bibliotheca bib- liographica, 108. Pharmacopoeia of the United States. U. S. Pharmacopojial convention, 52. Philadelphia Free library. Con- tribution to the classification of works of prose fiction, 69; List of serials, 9; Selected list of U. S. public documents, 94. Philadelphia mercantile library. Bulletins, 69. Philip, George. Philip's mercantile marine atlas, 43. Philip, George and son. Philip's commercial atlas, 43. Philippine islands gazetteer. U. S. Insular affairs, 88. Phillimore, W: P. W. and Fry, E: A. Index to changes of name, 82. Phillips, J. O. Halliwell-. See Hal- liwell-Phillips, J. O. Phillips, L. B. Dictionary of bio- graphical reference, 71. Philobiblion, 115. Philology. See Classical, English, German, Romance, Oriental, Se- mitic, etc. Philosophers. Baldwin, 32. list of. Harper's book of facts, 22 Philosophy. Baldwin, 32; Flem- ing, 32. bibliography. Baldwin, 32. Phin, J: Shakespeare cyclopaedia, 68. Photographs. Soule art company, 58. Photography annuals. Ameri- can annual, 58; International annual, 58. dictionaries. Woodbury, 58. Phrases. Adams, 60; Brewer, 61; Christy, 61; Edwards, 61; Fal- lows, 27; Johnson, 61; Reddall, 62. See also Bartlett, 63; Notes and queries (index vols.) 61. See also Foreign phrases and words. Proverbs, Quotations. Phyfe, W: H: P. Five thousand facts and fancies, 62; Twelve thousand words often mispro- nounced, 29. Physical atlas. Berghaus, 87. Physical tables. Smithsonian insti- tution, 48. Physicians. American medical di- rectory, 80; Moulton, 79; Polk,80. Physicists. Poggendorff, 79. Physics. Fortschritte der physik, 111; Science year book, 48. bibliography. International cat- alogue, 48. 140 INDEX Physiology bibliography. In- ternational catalogue, 48. Pictures. See Paintings. Pierce, G. A. Dickens dictionary, 67. Pitman's where to look, 14, 41. Pittenger, W: Toasts, 64. Pittsburg, Carnegie library. See Carnegie library of Pittsburg. Place-names. *See Geographic names. Places facts relating to. Haydn, 89; Little, 89;^ Harper's book of facts, 22. See also. Atlases, Geographic, Geography. legends of. Clement, 56. Plagues list of. People's cyclo- pedia, V. 4, apx. 22. Planch d, J. R. Cyclopaedia of cos- tume, 47. Plans of cities ancient. Smith, 87. Plants. Bailey, 50-51; Freeman and Chandler, 42. See also Botany. Plarr, V. G. See Men and women of the time, 72. Platforms, political. See Political platforms. Plays. See Dramas. Playwrights. Adams, 70; Who's who on the stage, 76. Pliny. Historia naturalis, -20. Ploetz, Carl. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval, and modern history, 89. Plots. Brewer's Reader's hand- book, 61. See also Warner, v. 30, 59. Plummer, M. W. Reading-room and reference-room work, 5. Poems authorship of. Durfee, 64. See also Stedman and Hutchinson, v. 11 (index) 60; Warner, v. 30 (index) 59; also Gos3 and Baker's St. Nicholas in- dex, 114. See also Anthologies poetical. Recitations. dates of. Brewer, apx. 61. index to. Granger, 63. Poetical selections. See Antholo- gies, Poems. Poets. Longfellow, 63. See also Authors. Poets-laureate list of. Harper's book of facts, 22. Poggendorfi, J. C. Biographisch- literarisches handworterbuch, 79. Poisons and their antidotes. World almanac, 1904 : 235, 40. Police patrol systems. U. S. Cen- sus, Bur. of the, 40-41. Polish dictionary. Kierst and Cal- lier, 31, Political economy. See Economics. Political history. Gooch, 89. Political nicknames. See Nicknames. Political nomenclature. Reddall, C2; Townsend, 37. Political parties. Bliss, 36; Brown, 36; Lalor, 36; McKee, 37. See also Townsend, 37; Tribune almanac, 40. Political platforms. McKee, 37. See also Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Political science bibliography. Bowker and lies, 36; Miihlbrecht, 37; Stammhammer, 37. dictionaries. Bliss, 36; Brown, 36; Elster, 36; Handworterbuch, 36; Lalor, 36; Montgomery and Cambray, 36. r periodical indexes. Jones, 10. references for debates. See De- Politician's hand book, 41. Polk's medical register, 80. Poole, R. L. Historical atlas of modern Europe, 86. Poole's index, 8. Poole's index, abridged edition, 8. Poor, H: V. Manual of the rail- roads of the U. S. 45. Poor's ready reference bond list, 44. Poore, B: P. Descriptive-catalogue of the government publications of the U. S. 94; Political register and congressional directory, 38. Pope, Alexander concordance. Abbott, 67. Popes list of. Brewster, 79; Harper's book of facts, 22; Mori- son, 89; Wright and Neil, 34. Popular science monthly. Index, 12. Population. Commercial year-book, 42; Hickmann, 40; Lippincott, 84. of cities and countries. Lip- pincott, 84; Rand, McNally & co. 85. See also U. S. population. Porter, Noah. Books and reading, 111. Porto Rico gazetteer. U. S. Geological survey, 88. Portraits. A.L.A. portrait index, 84; Samuel, 84. indexed in Cumulative index, 8; Readers' guide, 8. Americans. Appleton, 72; Ap- pleton's annual, 22; National cyclopaedia, 73; New interna- tional, 21. authors. Chambers's cyclopae- dia of English literature, 60; Moul- ton, 60; Stedman and Hutchinson, 60; Warner, 59. Ports. Philip's marine atlas, 43; " Shipping world " yearbook, 45. Portuguese dictionary. Michaelis, 31. Post, W. L. Output, distribution and cataloging of government documents, 93. Post-office officials. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 38. Post-offices. U. S. official postal guide, 44. Postage rates. St. John, 44; U. S. official postal guide, 44. See also Commercial year-book, 42; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Postage stamps. Scott stamp and coin CO. 45. Postal regulations. Hopkins and Bond, 52; St. John, 44. Pottery. Jervis, 57. Poultry. Wilcox and Smith, 51. Powell, W: H. List of officers of the army of the U. S. 76. and Shippen, E: Officers of the army and navy, 76. Power, E. L. See Prentice, M. H. 114. Power, J: Handy-book about books, 109. Power stations. See Electric light. Pratt, A. T. C. People of the period, 72. Pratt institute library. Reference work in, 4. Preble, G: H: History of the flag of the U. S. 83. Precedence order of English. Burke's Peerage, pref. 81; Kelly, pref. 82. Precious stones language of. See Gems. symbolism of. Brewer, 61. Prentice, M. H. and Power, E. L. A children's library, 114. Prepositions use of. Fallows, 27; Fernald, 27, 29. See also Standard, 26. Presbyterian church. Nevin, 35; Presbyterian handbook, 35. Presidential campaigns. Inter- national year book, 21; Apple- ton's annual, 22; New interna- tional year book, 21. See also Almanacs, Statistician and economist, 40. Presidents. Mosher, 38; INIurlin, 38; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73. Presidents list of. See Govern- ment officials U. S. rhymed list of. Townsend, p. 309, 37. Presidents' cabinets. See Cabinets presidential. Presidents' portraits. Harper, 91. Presidents' sobriquets. Townsend, 37. See Newspapers, 13-14. private. Lowndes, 105. Pretzsch, Karl. Verzeichnis der Breslauer universitats schriften, 16. Preusser. See Thieme-Preusser. Price, W. E. Catalogue of paper- covered books, 104. Prices. Statistical abstract, 40. Prices of books. See Auction prices of books. Bibliographies, Choice 9f books. Rare books. Prime ministers tables of. Gooch, apx. 89. Princeton theological seminary li- brary. Catalogue, 36. Printing. American dictionary of printing, 55; Timperley, 55. See also Incunabula. bibliography. Bigmore and Wyman, 55. Printing clubs list of. English catalogue, 105. Printing-presses list of places which have contained. Stein, 108. Printing terms. Power, 109. Prints. See Engravings. Private ownership. Municipal year- book, 44. Private presses. Lowndes, 105. Processes. See Receipts. Proctor, Robert. Index to the early printed books in the British mu- seum, 101. Products. Bartholomew, 41-42; Freeman and Chandler, 42; Lock, 55. See also Commercial year-book, 42; _ Tribune almanac, 40. statistics of. U. S. Statistics, Bur. of, 40. Professional instruction in biblio- graphy, round table meeting, A.L.A. 99. Professions. Willets, 55. Prohibition. Cyclopsedia of tempers ance, 32. Promoting. Beach and Thorne, 43. Pronunciation difficulties of. Phyfe, 29. disputed. Standard, 26. foreign languages. Lippincott, introd. 70. proper names. See Names. See also Dictionaries. Proof-reading. Gaskell, 43; Hill, 43; Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. See also American dictionary of printing, 55. Proper names. See Names. Prophecies. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Pros and cons. See Debates. INDEX 141 Prosit, a book of toasts, 64. Protestant dictionary. Wright and Neil, 34. Protestant Episcopal church. Am- erican church almanac, 35; Ben- ton, 35; Living church annual, 35; Lloyd, 35. Proverbs. Adams, 60; Bartlett, 63; Benham, 63; Bohn, 66; Christy, 66; Halliwell-Phillips, 29; Lean, 66; Riley, 66. See also Notes and queries (in- dex vols.) 61. See also Quotations. Providence Public library. Month- ly bulletin, 117; Index to refer- ence lists, 117. Pseudonyms. Adams, 60; Cham- bers's, apx. 60; Foley, apx. 104; Reddall, 62; Wagner, 83. American. Cushing, 114. See also Appleton, 72; National cyclo- paedia. Conspectus, 73. Dutch. Doorninck, 114. English. Halkett and Laing, 114; Marchmont, 114; Thomas, 114; Who's who year book, 74. French. Barbier, 114; Brunet, 114; Qudrard, 114. German. Holzmann and Bo- hatta, 114-115; Pataky, 78; Well- er, 115; Wer ist's? 75. Italian. Melzi, 115. Scandinavian. Bygddn, 115; Collin, 115; Petterson, 115. Women. Browne, 80. See also Brewer, 61; Literary year-book, 60; People's cyclope- dia, apx. 22; Wheeler, 62; Who's who year-book, 74; World alma- nac, 1904: 292, 40; also Book- E rices current. Index, 106; Li- rary journal, 114. Psychological index, 32. Psychology. Baldwin, 32; Fleming, 32. bibliography. Baldwin, 32. (annual) L'annde psycho- logique, 111; Psychological index, 32, 111. Public documents. See U. S. pub- lic documents. Public libraries, 116. Public officials. See Government officials. Public schools. See Schools. Public schools year book, 46. Public works. See Municipal govern- ment. Publishers' catalogs. American: Publishers' trade list annual, 104; English: Reference catalogue of current literature, 106; French: Le bibliographie fran^aise, 107; German: Gesammt-verlags-kata- log, 107. Publishers' circular, 106. Publishers directory of (Ameri- can) Cumulative book index, 103; American catalogue, 103; United States catalog, 103. (English) English cata- logue annual, 106; Literary year- book, 60; International directory, 55. See also National bibliogra- phies. Publishers' trade list annual, 103. Publishers' weekly, 102-103. American educational "catalogue in, 46. Pulling, F. S. See Low, S. J. Putnam, G: P. Tabular views of uni- versal history, 90. Putzger, F. W. - Historischer schul- atlas, 87. Quain, R: Dictionary of medicine, 51. Qualifications for voting U. S. Statistician and economist, 40; World almanac, 40. Quaritch, Bernard. General cata- logue of books, 100. Quarries. Hendrick, 55; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. Quarterly bibliogTaphy of books re- viewed, 10. Qudrard, J. M. La France littdraire, 106; La littdrature frangaise con- temporaine, 107; Supercheries lit- tdraires devoildes, 114. Qui etes-vous? 75. Quiller-Couch, A. Oxford book of verse, 63. Quotations. Bartlett, 63; Benham, 63; Dalbiac, 63; Hoyt, 64; Swan, 64; Trefifry, 64; Wale, 64; Walsh, 64. classical. Belton, 65; Harbot- tle, 65; Jones, 65; King, 65; Ra- mage, 65; Riley, 66. foreign. Belton, 65; Harbottle, 65; Hoyt, 64; Jones, 65; King, 65; Ramage, 65; Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. legal. Kyshe, 39; Mead and Gilbert, 65. poetical. AUibone, 64; Car- man, 63; Durfee, 64. prose. Allibone, 64; Day, 65; Edwards, 65. for occasions. Wood, 66. See also Adams, 60; Notes and queries (index vols.), 61; also Toasts. Racinet, A. C. A. Le costume his- torique, 48. Railroad bonds. Poor, 44. Railroad routes. Rand, McNally & CO. 85. See also Century, 86. Railroads. Moody, 43-44; Poor, 44, 45; Travelers' official guide, 45; U.S. Interstate commerce com- mission, 45. See also Commercial year-book, 42; Manual of statistics, 43; Hop- kins and Bond, 52; U. S. Cen- sus, Bur. of the, 40; also Street railways. Raines, C. W. Bibliography of Texas, 98. Ramage, C. T. Familiar quotations, 65. Ranck, S: H. Public library as a part of the municipal government, 4. Rand, McNally & co.'s enlarged business atlas, 85. Rand, McNally & co.'s indexed atlas of the world, 85. Rare books. Brunet, 100; Ebert, 100; Georgi, 100; Grasse, 100; Qua- ritch, 100. See also Americana, Auction prices of books. Bibliography, First editions. Incunabula. Rates of postage. See Postage rates. Rathbone, J. A. Instruction in the use of reference books, 5. Ray, J: Collection of English pro- verbs, 66. Readers' guide to periodical litera- ture, 8. Reading courses. Towne (Warner), 59. See also Choice of books. Rebellion. See Civil war. Receipts. Brannt and Wahl, 54; Cooley, 54; Hasluck, 52; Haswell, 53; Hiscox, 54; Hopkins, 54; Kempe, 53; Suplee, 53. Receipts for books, etc. Power, 100. Recitations, index to. Granger, 6;^ Recreations of noted Englishmen Who's who, 74. Red-letter days. See Days. Reddall, H: F: Fact, fancy, and fable, 62. Redfern, Owen. The wisdom of Sir Walter, 67. Redgrave, S: Dictionary of art- ists, 77. Reed, T: B. Modern eloquence, 59. Rees's Cyclopsedia, 23. Reference books articles on, 3-4. lists of, 4-5. Reference books reliable and unre- liable, 5. Reference books. Quotations about their value, 2. Reference catalogue of current liter- ature, 106. Reference work articles on, 3-5. Reference work in libraries, x. Reference work in schooid and colleges, xii. Reforms. See Social reforms. Reich, Emil. Alphabetical encyclo- pedia of ancient history and geog- raphy, 90. Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri, 101. Reid, J. B. Complete concordance to Burns, 66. Rein, Wilhelm. Encyklopadisches handbuch der padagogik, 45-46. Reinick, W: R. Use of documents in the public library, 93; Classify- ing and cataloging public docu- ments, 93. See also Philadelphia Free library, 94. Reissmann, A. See Mendel, Her- mann, 58. Religion bibliography. See The- ology bibliography. dictionaries. Forlong, 33; M'CIintock and Strong, 32; Schafi% 32. index to periodicals. Richard- son, 11. Religions of the world. Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, 1901, p. 579, 22; World almanac, 40. Religious biography. Brewster, 79; Dunbar, 79; Schaff, 32-33. Religious denominations. Apple- ton's annual cyclopaedia, 22. U. S. U. S. Census Bur. of the, 12th census. Report, 40-41. Religious organizations (U. S.) Tri- bune almanac, 40. Religious rites and ceremonies. Walsh, 47. Religious statistics. World almanac, 40. Religious year-books, 35. Rdnouard, A. A. Annales de I'im- primerie des Aides, 101. Repertoire alphabdtique des th(^ses, 16. Repertoire bibliographique des prin- cipales revues frangaises, 10. Repertorium der technischen jour- nal-litteratur, 11. Reptiles. Ditmars (Nature library, V. 13) 50. Reservations (U. S.) Heitman, 76. Reuss, J. D. Repertorium commen- tationum a societatibus litterariis, 18. Revenues, national. Statesman's year book, 41. Review of reviews. See Index to periodicals, 8. Revue bibliographique beiges, 108. Revue des deux mondes. Tabic p;d- ndrale. 9. 142 INDEX Reynolds, Cuyler, Banquet book, 64. Reynolds library, Rochester, N.Y. Reference catalogue, 5. Rhode Island bibliography. Hasse, 97. gazetteer. U. S. Geological survey, 88. Rhymes. Loring, 29; Walker, 29. Richardson, Charles. New diction- ary of the English language, 27. Richardson, C: F. ' Choice of books, 111. Richardson, E. C. Alphabetical sub- ject index of periodical articles on religion, 11; Reference-books, 4. Richter, P. E. Verzeichniss der bib- liotheken, 115. Rickey, V. O. Use of reference books, 4. Riemann, Hugo. Dictionary of music, 58. Rietstap, J. B. Armorial gdn^ral, 82; Armoiries des families, 82. Riley, H: T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, 66. Ringelberg's Cyclopedia, 20. Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions, 15. See also Brook- ings, W. DuB. 15. Ripley, George. See American cy- clopajdia, 21. Rites. Forlong, 33; Walsh, 47. Ritters geographisch-statistisches lexikon, 85. River and harbor works. U. S. Engineer dept. 96. Rivers list of principal. People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22; Statisti- cian and economist, 40. length of. Lippincott's gazet- teer, 84; Rand, McNally, 85. Rivista delle biblioteche, 116. Roden, Carl. Care and distribution of public documents, 93. Rohrig and others. Technological dictionary, 48. Rogers, J. E. Tree book (Nature library, v. 11) 50. Rogers, May. Waverley dictionary, 68. Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases, 28. Rollins, Montgomery. Money and investments, 44. Roman antiquities. Cornish, 90; Dic- tionnaire, 90; Peck, 90; Seyffert, 90; Smith, 90. Roman biography. Smith, 74. Roman Catholic church. Catholic encyclopedia, 35; Catholic who's who, 74; Official Catholic direc- tory, 35. Roman geography. Smith, 87. Romance languages. Kritischer jah- resbericht. 111. Roorbach, O. A. Bibliotheca Ameri- cana, 102. Rose, G: M. Cyclopaedia of Cana- dian biography, 75. Rosenberg, I. L. Problems of a ref- erence librarian, 4. Rothwell, R: P. Mineral industry, 54. Rousselet, Louis. See Vivien de Saint Martin, 85. Rowell, G: P. & co. American news- paper directory, 13. Rowland's Encyclopedia of Missis- sippi history, 91. Roxburgh's Handbook of Jamaica, 41. Royal academy of arts. See Graves, Algernon, 77. Royal families. AUstrom, 82; Alma- nach de Gotha, 42. Royal families genealogical tables. Labberton, 87; Larned, 88; Mor- ison, apx. 89. Royal family of England. Burke, 81; Kelly, pref. 82; Whitaker, 82; Who's who year-book, 74. Royal household England. Whit- aker, 82. Royal lineage England. AU- strom, 82; Burke, pref. 81. Royal society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers, 11, 18. Rulers of nations. Almanach de Gotha, 42. list of living. Statistician and economist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; Wer ist's? 73; Whitaker, 41. World almanac, 40. from 1492. Gooch, 89. See also Royal families. Ruling dynasties. People's cyclo- pedia, V. 4, apx. 22. Ruoflf, H: W. See Century book of facts, 22. Russell, A. See Gesammt-verlags- katalog, 108. Russia genealogy. Annuaire de la noblesse de Russie, 83. Russian dictionary. Aleksandrov, 31. Ryland, F: Chronological outlines of English literature, 61. Sabin, Joseph. Bibliography of bib- liography, 109; Dictionary of books relating to America, 102. Sachs, Karl. See Villatte, Cdsaire, 30. Sacred poems. Duyckinck (see in- dex to) 60. St. John, E: A postal dictionary, 44. St. Louis biography. Leonard, 73. St. Louis Public library. Class list, no. 1, English prose fiction, 69. St. Nicholas index. See Goss, Har- riet, 114. Saints. Brewer, 34; Brewer, 61; Brewster, 79; Catholic cyclopedia, 35; Dunbar, 79. legends of. Clement, 56. See also Patron saints. Re- ligion. Saints' days Protestant, Catholic, Russian or Greek chui'ch. Al- manach de Gotha (calendar) 42; Chambers, 47. Saints of the 19th century. Brewer, 34. Salaries of government officials. See Government officials. Salem Public library. Bulletin, 116; Finding-list, 116; How to use the reference library, 4; Lists of reference books, 5. Salisbury, G. E. and Beckwith, M. E. Index to short stories, 1 14. Salmon, E: Juvenile literature as it is, 113. Salmonsen's konversations leksikon, 25. Samuel, Bunford. Index to Ameri- can portraits, 84. Sanders. See Muret-Sanders, 30. Sanders, L. C. Celebrities of the century, 72. San Francisco Free public library. Books in the reference-room, 5; Classified English prose fiction, 69. Sanitary engineering. International library, 52. Sanskrit dictionary. Williams, 31. Santander, C. A. de la S. Diction- naire bibliographique choisi, 101. Sargant, E. B. and Wishaw, B. Guide-book to boolcs, 112. Sargent, A. L. Reference work among school children, 5. Sargent, Epes. Harper's cyclopae- dia of British and American po- etry, 62. Sargent, J: F. Reading for the young, 69, 113. Savage, James. Genealogical dic- tionary, 81. Sayings. See Noted sayings. SchafI, Philip. Creeds of Christen- dom, 34; The new Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia, 32. Schautfler, R. H. Christmas, 63; Thanksgiving, 63. Schem, A. J. See Kiddle, Henry, and Schem, A. J. 45. Schlomann, Alfred. See Deinhardt, Kurt, 48. Schmeckebier, L. F. Catalogue and index, 49. Schmidt, Alexander. Shakespeare- lexicon, 68. School libraries. Buffalo Public library, 113; Carnegie library. Pittsburg, 113; Cleveland Pub- lic library, 113; New York (city) 113; New York (state) Library, 113. Schoolmasters year book, 46. Schools American. American col- lege and public school directory, 46; Patterson, 46. English. Girls' school year, 46; Public school year book, 46; Schoolmasters' year book, 46. Schrader, Franz. Atlas de geogra- phic moderne, 86. Science, 48-50. bibliography. International cat- alogue, 48. dictionaries. Goodchild and Tweney, 52; Lueger, 52; See also Useful arts. indexes to periodicals, 11-12. of the year. Annual register, 89; Science year book, 48. tables. Nichol, 89-90. Science year book, 48. Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts. Hopkins, 54. Scientific American reference book. Hopkins and Bond, 52. Scientific American supplement. Catalogue of papers, 12. Scientific periodicals. See Periodi- cals, technical, 11-12. Scientific societies. See Societies. Scientists. Cattell, 74; Naturalists' directory, 79; Poggendorff, 79. Scotch poetry. Wilson, 63. Scott, R. See Liddell, H: G: 30. Scott, Temple, ed. See Book sales, 106. Scott, Sir Walter dictionary. Grey, 68; Redfern, 67; Rogers, 68. Scott stamp and coin co. Scott's standard postage stamp catalogue, 45. Scranton, International correspond- ence school. See International li- brary, 52. Scranton Public library. Find- ing-list, 116. Scripture names pronunciation. Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx., 27. Scudder, S: H. Catalogue of scien- tific serials of all countries, 12, 18. Sculptors. Adressbuch, 77; Clement, 77; Graves, 77. list of. Harper's book of facts 22. Sculpture. Iconographic, v. 3, 21; Year's art, 56. bibliography. Farrar, 58; Stur- gis, 56. INDEX 143 Sea-levels. U. S. Geological sur- vey, 88. Seals ecclesiastical. Zieber, 81. U. S. and state. Preble, 83; Townsend, 37; Zieber, 81. See also Standard, 26; American cyclopaedia, 22-23; Har- per's book of facts, 22; Universal cyclopaedia, 22; Webster (plate) 26. Seals U. S. and state U. S. de- partments. Harper's encyclopae- dia, 2 : 11-13, 91. Sears, Hamblen. Governments of the world to-day, 37. Seasons references to articles. Goss and Baker's St. Nicholas in- dex, 114. Secret societies. Stevens, 45. See also Tribune almanac, 40; also Freemasonry, 45. Secretaries of state, treasury, war, etc. See Cabinets presidential. Sectarian dictionaries, 34-35. Sectarian year-books and directo- ries, 34-35. Sects. Bliss, 34; Smith and Wace, 33; See also names of sects. Securities. Moody, 44. Selection of books. See Choice of books. Courses of reading. Selections. See Anthologies, Reci- tations, Quotations. Seligsohn, M. See Houtsma, M. T. 35. Sell's dictionary of the world's press, 13. Semitic literature. American jour- nal of theology. 111. Senators. See Government officials. Serials. See Periodicals, Societies. Series of books. American cata- logue, 103; English catalogue, 105. Severance, H: O. Guide to the cur- rent periodicals and serials, 9. Seyflfert, Oskar. Dictionary of clas- sical antiquities, 90. Shakspere, William concordances. Adams, 67; Bartlett, 67; Clarke, 67; Furness, 67. dictionaries. O'Connor, 68; Phin, 68; Schmidt, 68. Sharp, R. F. Dictionary of Eng- lish authors, 78. Sharp & Alleman co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, 80. Shaw, R. K. Bibliography of do- mestic economy, 52. Sheldon, E: S. and White, A. C. Concordanza delle opere di Dante, 66. Shelley, P. B. concordance. Ellis, 67. Shells. Rogers (Nature library, v. 14) 50. Shipments. Exporters' encyclope- dia, 45. Shippen. E: See Powell, W: H. 76. Shippers' guide. Rand, McNally & CO. 85. Shipping. Blue book of American shipping, 45; Commercial year- book, 42. " Shipping world " year book, 45. Ships. Hopkins and Bond, 52; Pat- terson, 54; World almanac, 40. Short, C: See Lewis, C. T: 31. Short stories index to. Salisbury and Beckwith, 114. Sicily. Sladen, 88. Siebert, W. H: Report on the col- lection of material in English and European history, 90. Signal flags. See Flags. Signals. Great Britain Board of trade, 54. Signers of the Declaration. Apple- ton, 72; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; Statistician and economist, 40. See also Declaration of Indepen- dence. Signs used in writing and printing. Standard, apx. 26; Webster, apx. 26; Worcester, apx. 27. Silk. Cole, 55. Similes. Lean, 66. Simpson, Frances. Recent library aids, 5. Simpson, Matthew. Cyclopaedia of Methodism, 35. Singer, Isadore. See Jewish ency- clopedia, 35. Skeat, W. W: Etymological diction- ary, 28. Sladen, Douglas, ed. Who's who, 74; Sicily, 88. Slang. Barrfere and Leland, 28; Clapin, 28; Farmer and Henley, 28; Maitland, 28; See also Ameri- canisms. Slater, J: H. Early editions, 106; Engravings, 57; See also Art sales of the year, 57. Sloane, T: O'C. Standard electrical dictionary, 49. Smith, B: E. Century atlas of the world, 86; Century cyclopedia of names, 71. Smith, C. B. See Wilcox, E. V. 51. Smith, C: J. Synonyms discrimi- nated, 28. Smith, C: R. Public documents as a library resource, 93. Smith, H. I. Smith's financial di- rectory, 44. Smith, J. G. Small library's solu- tion for public documents, 93. Smith, John. Dictionary of eco- nomic plants, 50. Smith, Sir W: Atlas of ancient geography, 87; Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 74; Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography, 87. and Cheetham, S: Dictionary of Christian antiquities, 33. and Fuller, J. M. Dictionary of the Bible, 33. and Hall, T. D. Copious and critical English-Latin dictionary, and Wace, H: Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects, and doctrines, 33. and others. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities, 90. Smith's General index to the Ameri- can statesmen, 15. Smithsonian institution. Interna- tional exchange list, 18; Geogra- phical tables, 48; Meteorological tables, 48; Physical tables, 48. SmuU's legislative hand book of Pennsylvania, 38. Sobriquets. Frey, 62; Reddall, 62; See also Brewer, 61; Appleton, 7: 291, 42; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; Wagner, 83. of presidents. Townsend, 37. See also Nicknames, Pseudo- nyms. Social betterment. Social progress, 40. Social forms. Gaskell, 43; Hill, 43. Social progress, 40. Social reform. Bliss and Binder, 36; Social progress, 36. Social science. See Sociology. Socialism bibliography. Stamm- hammer, 37. Societatum litterae, 18. Societies American publica- tions. American catalogue, 103; Bowker, 18; Carnegie institution, 18; Kelly, 102. colonial. Zieber, 81. English lists, addresses, offi- cers, etc. International directory, 55; Literary year-book, 60; Who's who year book, 74. index to. Gomme, 19; Royal society, 11, 18. publications. Year-book of the scientific and learned so- cieties, 19; English catalogue of books, 19; English catalogue of books, annual, 19; Wheatley, 19; Lowndes, 19. French publications. Dc- launay, 19; Leffevre-Pontalis, 19; France Ministfere de I'instruc- tion publique, 19. general lists, addresses, offi- cers, etc. Minerva, 18, 40; Smith- sonian institution, 18. publications. British mu- seum, 19; Library of Congress, 9; Royal society, 19; Scudder, 19. German publications. Miil- ler, 19. See also Tribune almanac, 40. See also Book clubs, Chemistry, Sociological societies, Educa- tional society publications. Histor- ical societies. Society of chemical industry. Index to its journal, 12. Society publications, 18-19. Sociological societies. Where is the information? 36. Sociology. Bliss and Binder, 36. bibliography. Bibliographic, 36; Bowker and lies, 36; Where is the information? 36. periodical indexes. Jones, v. 2, 10. reference for debates. See De- bates. Soils. Bailey, 50-51; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Songs. Warner, 59. authorship. Notes and que- ries (index vols.) 61. Sonnenschein, W: ' S. Best books, 110, 111; Reader's guide to con- temporary literature, 110, 111. Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of edu- cation. See Fletcher, A. E. 45. Soule, R: Dictionary of English synonymes, 28. Soule art company. Complete art reference catalogue, 58. South America bibliography. Church, 102. South Kensington museum. First proofs of the Universal catalogue of books on art, 56. Southwick, A. P. Quizzisms and its key, 62; Wisps of wit and wisdom, 62. Sovereigns, tables of contemporary European. Harper's book of facts, 22. Spalding's official athletic almanac, 59. Spanish bibliography. Bibliografia espafiola, 108; Boletin de la libre- rla, 108. Spanish dictionary. Velazquez, 31. Sparks, E. E. Topical reference lists in American history, 92. Speakers of the House of Represen- tatives. Commercial year-book, 1901, 42; National cyclopaedia. Conspectus, 73; Statistician and economist, 40. 144 INDEX Special bibliographies, defined, 100. See also Subject bibliographies. of each year. Annual library index, 7. Special collections. Lane and Bol- ton, 115; New York library club, 115; Siebert, 90. Spectator, index to. See Wheeler, 14; British essayists, 14. Speeches. Harper's encyclopajdia, 91. Spellings disputed. Standard, apx. 26. Sperling's zeitschriften adressbuch, 14. Spiers, A. and Surenne, G. French and English, and English and French, pronouncing dictionary, 30. Spofford, A. R. Book for all readers, 5, 7, 99, 111; Works of reference for libraries, 5. and Gibbon, C: Library of choice literature, 59. Spon, Ernest. See Byrne, Oliver, 53. Spon's encyclopaedia of the indus- trial arts. Lock, C: G. W. 55. Sports. Champlin, 59; Suffolk, 59. records for the year. Spalding, 59; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Spruner von Mertz, Karl von. Hand- atlas der geschichte, 87. Staatswissenschaftlicher literatur- kalender, 77. Staff training of library employes. Hasse, 5; Wales, 5. Stage. See Actors, Theater. Stainer, Sir J: and Barrett, W. A. Dictionary of musical terms, 58. Stammhammer, Josef. Bibliogra- phie der social-politik, 37; Biblio- graphic des socialismus und com- munismus, 37. Stamps. See Postage stamps. Standard dictionary, 26. Standard hand book for electrical engineers, 53. Stanford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases. Fennell, C. A: M. 29. Stanford's London atlas, 86. Stanley, H. H. Reference work with children, 4; School reference room in the Brookline public library, 4. State and territorial governments. Tribune almanac, 40; World alma- nac, 40. State and territorial legislatures and elections. Statistician and econo- mist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. State documents. American cata- logue, 97; Bowker, 97; Hasse, 97; Michigan State library, 96. See also Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsyl- vania, Texas, Vermont. State flowers. See Flowers state. State histories, 91. State holidays. See Holidays legal. State legislation. See Legislation by states. State mottoes. See Mottoes of states. State nicknames. See Nicknames. State officers. See Election returns. State seals. See Seals. States chief events in history of. Harper's book of facts, 22. Statesman's year-book, 41. Stationers. Wilson, 55. Statistical abstract. See U. S. Statistics, Bur. of, 40. Statistical abstracts for the principal and other foreign countries, 41. Statistical atlas. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 41. Statistical year-book of Canada, 41. Statistician and economist, 40. Statistics. Bliss, 36; Gannett, 39; Mulhall, 39. annual. Almanach de Gotha, 41; Chicago Daily News almanac, 40; Commercial year-book, 42; Hazell, 23; Hickmann, 40; Manual of statistics, 43; Statesman's year- book, 41; Statistician and econo- mist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; Whitaker, 41; World almanac, 40. See also Bartholomew, 42-43; Canada; Wer ist's? (introd.) 75; U. S. Statistics. Statutes, 38. Steamship lines. Who's who year- book, 74;. World almanac, 40. Steamship routes. Century atlas, 86. Stedman, E. C. American antho- logy, 63; Victorian anthology, 63. and Hutchinson, E. M. Library of American literature, 60, 78. Steel works. American iron and steel association, 55. Steele, Lavinia. Check list of the publications of Iowa, 97. Stein, Henri. Manuel de bibliogra- phie gdn^rale, 8, 108. Steingass, F. Student's Arabic- English dictionary, 30. Stephen, Leslie. See Dictionary of national biography, 73-74. Stevans, C. M. See Daniels, C. L. 47. Stevens, A. C. Cyclopaedia of fra- ternities, 45. Stieler, Adolf. Hand-atlas iiber alle theile der erde, 86. Stiles, H: R. Hand book of practical suggestion for students in geneal- ogy, 81. Stock exchange. Financial red book, 44; Moody's Manual, 43-44; Man- ual of statistics, 43. Stokes' encyclopedia of familiar quo- tations. Treffry, 64. Stone, H. S. First editions of Ameri- can authors, 104. Stone and Webster library. Current literature references, 11. Stone, Witmer and Cram, W. E. American animals, 50. Stormonth, James. Dictionary of the English language, 27. Stratmann, F. H. Middle-English dictionary, 31. Stratton, S. S. See Brown, J. D. 79. Strauss, Albert. See Brown, Everit, 36. Street railways. American street railway investments, 44; Commer- cial year-book, 42; Poor, 44, 45. U. S. Census Bur. of the, 40-41. See also Railroads. Strikes list of. Harper's book of facts, 22. Strong, James. Exhaustive con- cordance of the Bible, 34. See also M'Clintock, J: 32. Sturgis, Russell. Annotated bibli- ography of fine art, 56; Dictionary of architecture and building, 56. Subject bibliographies, 110-111. Suffolk and Berkshire, H: C: How- ard, earl of. Encyclopaedia of sport, 59. Superintendents of public instruc- tion. Patterson. 46. Superstitions. Brand, 47; Cham- bers, 47; Daniels and Stevans. 47; Hazlitt, 47; Lean. 66; Wright's Dialect dictionary, 29. Suplee, H: H. Mechanical engi neer 's reference book, 53 See also Engineering index, 11. Supreme court justices. See Gov- ernment officials U. S. Surenne, G. See Spiers, A. 30. Surgeon-general's office. See U. S. Surgeon-general's office. Surnarnes. Bardsley, 83. Svensk adelskalender, 82. Svensk bok-katalog, 108. Swan, Helena. Dictionary of con- temporary quotations, 64; Girls' Christian names, 83. Sweden genealogy. Svenskt adels- kalender, 82. Swedish bibliography. Svensk bok- katalog, 108; Arskatalog for sven- ska bokhandeln, 108. Swedish biography. Biografiskt lex- ikon, 76; Hofberg, 76. Swedish dictionary. Bjorkman, 31. Sweet, Henry. Student's dictionary of Anglo-Saxon, 30. Symbolism in art. Clement, 56. Symbols ecclesiastical. Brewer, 34; Clement, 56; Forlong, 33. See also Christian symbols Synonyms. Crabb, 27; Fallows, 27 Fernald, 27; March, 28; Roget, 28 Smith, 28; Soule, 28; Worcester, p. 1877-1896, 26. See also Dictionaries. Systematic bibliography of state official literature, 93. Tables. *See Engineering, Fine arts. History, Literature; Science; Use- ful arts. Tariff latest schedule. Tribune almanac, 40; World almanac, 40. Tariffs. " Shipping world " year book, 45. Taylor, E. F. Bibliography, 99. Taylor, Isaac. Names and their his- tories, 85. Technical literature bibliography. Haferkorn and Heise, 53. Technical press index, 11. Technical schools. Americai_ college directory, 46; Minerva, 46; Patter- son, 46. Technical terms. Deinlardt and Schlomann, 48; Eger, -S; Hospi- talier, 48; Rohrig, 48; Tolhausen, 48; Webber, 48. Tedder, H: R. A few words on the study of bibliography, 99. Telegraph. Deinhardt and Schlo- mann, 48; International library, 52. Telephone. Deinhardt and Schlo- mann, 48; International library, 52. Telephone directories, 80. Temperance. Cyclopaedia of tem- perance, 32. Temperance selections index to. Granger, 63. Tennyson, Alfred concordance. Bright well, 67. Terentius Varro, 9. Term catalogues. Arber, 105. Territories. *See State. Texas. Raines, 98; U.S. Geo- logical survey, 88. Textile manufacturers' directory and year-book, 80. Textiles. Bartholomew, 42-43: Cole, 55; International library, 52. Thanksgiving day. Schauffler, 63; Walsh, 47. Theater. Green room book, 76; Who's who on the stafie, 76. Theologians. See Relieion dic- tior.aries; Religious biography. INDEX 145 Theologischer jahresbericht, 111. rheolog^scher literatur-kalender, 77. Iheology bibliography. Darling, 36; liurst, 36; Malcolm, 36; Prince- ton theological seminary, 36; Schaff, 32. (annual) American journal of theology. 111; Theologischer jahresbericht. 111. dictionaries. M'Clintock and Strong, 32; Schaff, 32. See also Bible dictionaries. Thesaurus dictionary. March, 28. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Roget, 28. Theses. See Dissertations. Theses de droit soutenues aux uni- versites des Pays-Bas, 15. Thieme, H. P. Guide bibliogra- phique de la litterature frangaise, 71. Thieme, Ulrich, and Becker, Felix. Allgemeines lexikon der bilden- den kiinstler, 77. Thiemc-Preusser. German dic- tionary, 30. Things not generally known. Timbs, 62; Wells, 62. Thomas, Joseph. Universal pro- nouncing dictionary of biography and mythology, 70. See also Lippincott's gazetteer, 84. Thomas, Ralph. Handbook for fic- titious names, 114. Thomson, J. B. Research work in public libraries, 4. Thorne, W. W. See Beach, E. H. 43. Thorpe, T: E: Dictionary of ap- plied chemistry, 49. Thv.aites, R. G. Early western travels, 15. Timbs, J: Popular errors, 62; Things not generally known, 62. Tiir.e difference in. World al- manac, 40. Time tables. Travellers' official guide, 45. Times, The. Index, 13. Times atlas, 86. Times' gazetteer. See Chisholm, G: G. 8485. Timpcrley, C: H: Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anec- dote, 55. Titled Americans. Who's who year- book, 74. Titled persons. See Baronetage, 'Peerage. Titles of books. See Bibliographies, Catalogs of libraries. Changed titles. Toasts. Chase and French, 64; Gray, 64; Pittenger, 64; Reynolds, 64; See also Glover, 59. Tolhausen, Alexandre. Diction- naire technologique, 48. Tolman, F. L. Bibliography and cataloguing, 99. Tomlinson. Cyclopa;dia of useful arts, 48. Tools. Appleton, 53; Knight, 53. Topo-bibliography. Chevalier, 88. Topographic atlas. U. S. Geolog- ical-survey, 87. Topographical terms. See Geogra- phic terms. Town histories. Bradford, 102; Griffin, 92. See aho Genealogies. Towne, E: C. Index guide to War- ner's Library, 59. Townsend, Malcolm. Hand book of U. S. political history, 37; U. S. an index to the U. S. o"f America, 37. Toynbee, Paget. Dictionary of proper names and notable mat- ters in the works of Dante, 67. Traction companies. Poor, 44, 45. Trade. See Commerce. Trade bibliography defined, 100. list of, 101-108. Trade catalogs, 55. Trade directories, 55. Trade marks. New York journal of commerce, 43. Training of the teacher in library work, 5. Transportation. Statistical abstract, 40; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41; Willets, 55. See also Railroads. Trautwine. Civil engineer's pocket- book, 53. Travelers' official railway guide for the U. S. 45. Treaties. Brewer, 88. list of. Harper's bqok of facts, 22; People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22. U. S. Harper's encyclopisdia, 91. Trees. Marshall (Nature library, v. 11) 50. Treffry, E. E. Stokes' encyclopedia of familiar quotations, 64. Tribune. See New York daily Trib- une, 12. Tribune almanac, 40. Tributes. Gray, 64. Triibner & co. Catalogue of dic- tionaries and grammars, 26. Trusts. Moody, 43-44. list of. World almanac, 40. Tucker, G. M. Our common speech, 26. Tupper, H. A. See Dwight, H: O. 34. Tutin, J. R. Wordsworth diction- ary, 68. Tweney, C. F. See Goodchild, G. F. 52. Typography. See Printing. U. S. Townsend, 37. Ungharini, Aglauro. Manuel de bibliographic biographique, 84. Union lists of periodicals, 9. Unitarian year book, 35. United States Adjutant-general. Official register, 76. Agriculture, Dept. of. Card index to its publications, 12; Cata- logue of periodicals, 12; Indexes to the annual reports, farmers' bulletins, year books, 96. - See also U. S. Docu- ments, Office of the Supt. 95. Census, Bur. of the. History of newspapers, 13; Official register, 38. 12th census. Abstract, 40; Bulletins, 41; Reports, 41; Statis- tical atlas, 41. Coast and geodetic survey. List and catalogue of its publi- cations, 96. Commerce and labor. Review of the world's commerce, 42. Congress. Biographical con- gressional directory, 38; official congressional directory, 38. Consuls. Consular reports; in- dex, 96. Copyright office of. Catalogue of title entries, 104. Documents, Office of the Supt. Catalogue of the public docu- ments (Document catalogue) 95; Monthly catalogue of U. S. public documents, 95; Check-list of public documents, 95; Index to the subjects of the documents and reports (Document index) 95; List of publications of the agri- cultural dept. 95; Reports of the Superintendent of documents, 94; Tables of and jinnotated index to the congressional series, 95. Education, Bur. of. Public, society, and school libraries, 115; Publications, 1867-1907, 96; Re- ports, 46. liinginoer dept. Analytical and topical index, 96. Equipment, Bur. of. Flags of maritime nations, 83. Geographic names. Board on. Second report, 85. Geological survey. Geologic atlas, 87; Gazetteers of states, S8; Geographic dictionaries, 88; Min- eral resources, 54. See also Baker, 49; Darton, 49; Schmeckebier, 49; Warman, 49; Weeks, 49-50. Insular affairs division. Gazet- teer of the Philippine islands, 88. Interior, Dept. of the. Official register. See U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 38. Interstate commerce commis- sion. Annual report, 45. Labor, Dept. of. Index of reports, 96. Library of Congress. See Li- brary of Congress. National museum. List of publications, 9*6. Patent office. Annual reports of the Commissioner, 54; Official gazette, 54; Specifications of pa- tents, 54. Public printer. Report, 94. Revised statutes, 38. State dept. General index to the diplomatic correspondence, 96. Statistics, Bur. of. Statistical abstract, 40. Surgeon-general's office. In- dex catalogue of the library, 51. War dept. War of the rebellion. Records, 91. United States-^archives. Van Tyne and Leland, 97. biography. See American biography. Congress. See Government offi- cials U. S. dates of first things. Town- send, p. 446-449, 37. finance. U. S. Bureau of statistics, 40. government officials. See Gov- ernment officials U. S. history. Harper's, 91; Hart, 15; Jameson, 91; Lossing, 91; Thwaites, 15; Townsend, 37. See also Webster, 1902, apx. 26. bibliography. Channing and Hart, 92; Griffin, 92; Hart, 15; Larned, 91; Sparlcs, 92; Winsor, 92; Writings on American history, 91. Revolution. Winsor, 92. Civil war. Cooper, 92; Kremer, 92; U. S. War dept. 92. politics. Brown and Strauss, 36; Lalor, 36; Townsend, 37. population. Hopkins and Bond, 52; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41; U. S. Statistics, Bur of, 40. at each census. Statis- tician and economist, 40; Tribune almanac, 40; U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41; World almanac, 40. 146 INDEX United States population. 1900 census. Commercial year-book, 1901, 42; New international en- cyclopsedia, 21; U. S Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. public documents, 93-98. resources. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. statistics. Tribune almanac, 43; U. S. Statistics, Bur. of, 40; U.S. Census, Bur, of the, 40- 41. United States army list. Powell, 76. United States blue book. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 38. United States catalog, 102. United States in the leading lan- guages of the world. Townsend, p. 45&-457, 37. United States military academy at West Point. See Cullum, 76. United States navy list. Callahan, E: W. 76r-77. United States official postal guide, 44. United States red book. Murlin, E. L. 38. Universal anthology. Garnett, R; and others, 59. Universal cyclopedia, 21. Universities. American college and public school directory, 46; Mi- nerva, 46; Patterson, 46. See also Tribune almanac, 40; World alinanac, 40. See also Col- lege, Dissertations. University extension society. Syllabi and bibliographies, 111. University of Illinois. Reference work at, 5. University officers. Minerva, 46. Upton, G: F. Standard operas, 58. Ure, Andrew. Dictionary of arts, 48. Useful arts, 50-55. Goodchild and Tweney, 52; Hopkins and Bond, 52; Interna- tional library, 52; Lueger, 53; Tomlinson, 48; Ure, 48. See also Lock, 55. bibliography. Greenwood, 53; Haferkorn and Heise, 53; John Crerar library, 53. Utah gazetteer. U. S. Geo- logical survey, 88. Valine, L^on. Bibliographie des bib- liographies, 109. Van Buren, Maude. Reference work in a small library, 4. Van Nostrand's chemical annual, 49. Van Tyne, C. H. and Leland, W. G. Guide to the archives of the U. S. 97. Vapereau, L: G. Dictionnaire uni- versel des contemporains, 72; Dic- tionnaire universel des litt^ra- tures, 59. Vegetables. Bailey, 50-51; Wilcox and Smith, 51. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariano. Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, 31. Vermont, E. de V. America he- raldica, 81. Vermont bibliography. Hasse, 97. Verzeichnis der Berliner univer- sitatsschriften, 16. Vice-presidents. See Government officials U.S. Victorian anthology. Stedman, E.C. 63. Victorian year-book, 41. Villatte and Sachs. Encyklopa- disches franzosisches-deutsches wQrterbuch, 30. Vincent of Beauvais, 20. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire raisonnd de 1 'architecture fran- Caise, 56. Virginia gazetteer. U, S. Ge- ological survey, 88. Vital statistics. U. S. Census, Bur. of the, 40-41. Vivien de Saint Martin, Louis, and Rousselet, Louis. Nouveau dic- tionnaire de g^ographie, 84. Voters, qualifications for. See Quali- fications for voting. Votes. See Election returns. Wace, H: See Smith, Sir W: 33. Wages. Statistical abstract, 40. Wagner, Leopold. Manners, cus- toms and observances, 47; Names and their meaning, 83; Signifi- cance of names, 83. Wahl, W: H. See Brannt, W: T. Wale, William. What great men have said about great men, 64. Wales, E. B. Assistants' class at Braddock (Pa.) public library, 5. Walker, J: Rhyming dictionary of the English language, 29. Walsh, W: S. Curiosities of popu- lar customs, 47; Handy-book of literary curiosities, 62; Interna- tional encyclopedia of quotations, 64. Ward, T: H. English poets, 63^ Men of the reign, 74. Warman, P. C. Bibliography and index of the publications of the U. S. geological survey, 49; Cata- logue and index of the publica- tions of the U. S. geological survey, 49. Warner, C: D. and others. Library of the world's best literature, 59, 78. Warren, Irene. . Instruction in the use of books in a normal school, 5. Wars. Harbottle, 88. list of. Harper's book of facts, 22. U. S. Heitman, 76; Powell, 76; Townsend, 37. Washington, D. C. See District of Columbia. Water supply. Insurance year-book, 44. Waters, Mrs Clara (Erskine) Clem- ent. See Clement, Mrs C. E. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britan- nica, 100, 105. Watts, H: Dictionary of chemistry, 49. Waverley novels dictionary. Red- fern, 67; Rogers, 68. Wayte, W: See Smith, Sir W: 90. Weather, fallacies of. Ackermann, 61. Webber, E. Technisches worterbuch, 48. Webster, Noah. International dic- tionary, 26. Webster s cdllegiate dictionary, 26. Weddings anniversaries. Glover, p. 208, 59. Weeks, F. B. Bibliography of North American geology, 49. Weights and measures foreign with American equivalents. Com- mercial year-book, 42; Hopkins, apx. 54; People's cyclopedia, v. 4, apx. 22; Statistician and econo- mist, 40. Greek and Roman. Peck, apx. 90. tables of. Hopkins and Bond, 52; Standard, p. 1095, 2048-2049, 26. Weller, Emil. Lexicon pseudonymen, 115. Wellman, H. C. Reference work with children, 5. Wells, D. A. Things not generally known, 62. Wells, P. P. See Larned, J. N. 91. Wells, W. A. See Barton, W. M. Welsh, A. H. English masterpiece course, 60. Welsh, C: Character portraits from Dickens, 68. Wer ist's? 75. West Virginia gazetteer. U. S. Geological survey, 88. Western Australian year-book, 41. Wheat. Bailey, v. 2, 50. Wheatley, H: B: How to form a library, 5, 19, 99; Present condi- tion of English bibliography, 99; What is an index, 14. Wheeler, W: The Spectator; a digest- index, 14. Wheeler, W: A. Explanatory and pronouncing dictionary of the noted names of fiction, 62; Who wrote it?/ 62. and C: G. Familiar allusions, 62. Where is the information? 36. Where to look. Pitman, 14. Whitaker, Joseph. Almanack, 40. Whitaker's Naval and military di- rectory and Indian army list, 80. Whitaker's peerage, 82. Whitcomb, S. L. Chronological out- lines of American literature, 60. White, A. C. See Sheldon, E: S. 66. Whitmore, W. H. See Munsell, Joel, 80. Whitney, J. L. Modern Proteus, 115. Whitney, W. D: See Century dic- tionary, 26. Who's who, 74. Who's who in America, 73. Who's who in insurance, 79. Who's who in Japan. See Japan year book, 42. Who's who in New York city and state, 73. Who's who in Pennsylvania, 73. Who's who in the Far East, 76. . Who's who in the lyceum, 76. Who's who on the stage, 76. Who's who year-book, 74. Wijndelts, J. W. Catalogus van academische proefschriften, 15. Wilcox, E. V. and Smith, C. B. Far- mer's cyclopedia of agriculture, 51. Willard, F. E. and Livermore, Mrs M. A. (Rice) A woman of the century, 80. Willem's Les Elzevier, 101. Willets, G. Workers of the nation, 55. Williams, H: S. Historians' history of the world, 15. Williams, Mary. Dickens concord- ance, 68. Williams, Sir Monier Monier-. San- skrit-English dictionary, 31. Williams, R. O. Our dictionaries, 26. Williamson, G: C. See Bryan, Mi- chael. Williamson, Joseph. Bibliography of the state of Maine, 97. Willing's press guide, 13. W^ills, W. H. and Barrett, R. J. See Anglo- African who's who, 74. Wills. Parsons, 39. Willsey, J. H. See Harper's book of facts, 22. Wilson, J. G. Poets and poetry of Scotland, 63. and Fiske, J: Appleton's cyclo- paedia of American biography, 72. Wilson, Woodrow. The state, 37. Wilson, Tho H. W., company. Di- INDEX 147 rectory of booksellers, 55; Direct- ory of libraries, 115; Fiction cata- log, 69. See also Readers' guide, United States catalog. Cumula- tive book index, Book review digest. Winiewski, F. Systematisches ver- zeichnis, 16. Winkler Prins* Geillustreerde ency- clopaedia, 24. Winsor, Justin, Narrative and crit- ical history of America, 92; Prin- cipal reference books for college libraries, 6; Reader's handbook of the American revolution, 92; Reference books in English, 6. Wisconsin free library commission. Check list of the public docu- ments of Wisconsin, 98; Index to current events, 13; Suggestive list of books for a small library, 112. Wisconsin State supt. of public instruction. List of books for township libraries, 114. Wisconsin state historical society Library. Annotated catalogue of newspaper files, 13. Wisconsin legislative reference de- partment, 4. Wisconsin bibliography. Wiscon- sin free library commission, 98. Wishaw, Bernard. See Sargant, E. B. 112. Wisser, J: P. and Gauss, H. C. Mili- tary and naval dictionary, 54. Witchcraft. Daniels and Stevans, 47. Wochentliches verzeichnis, 108. Woman of the century. Willard, F. E. and Livermore, Mrs M. A. (Rice) 80. Women. Browne, 80; Hale, 80; Willard and Livermore, 80; See also Clement, 77; Dunbar, 79; Pataky, 77. bibliography. Ungherini, 84. Women's clubs. Official jegister and directory, 47. Wood, G: B. and Bache, F. Dis- pensatory of the United States, 51. Wood, K. B. Quotations for occa- sions, 66. Woodbury, W. E. Encyclopaedic dictionary of photography, 58. Woodruff, E. B. List of fifty refer- ence books for a small library, 6; Reference work, 4. Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the English language, 27. Words obsolete. Halliwell-Phil- lips, 29; Wright, 29. Words. See also Anglicised words, Australasian words, Dialects, Pro- nunciation. Wordsworth, W: dictionary. Tu- tin, 68. Workers of the nation. Willets, 55. World almanac, 40. World's best essays. Brewer, 59. World's best literature. Warner, 59. World's best orations. Brewer, 59. World's best poetry. Carman, 63. Wright, C: H. H. and Neil, C: Protestant dictionary, 34. Wright, Joseph. English dialect dictionary, 29. Wright, T: Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English, 29. Wright's History of all nations, 15. Writings on American history , 9192. Wurzbach, Constant von. Biogra- phisches lexicon des kaiserthums Oesterreich, 74. Wyer, J. I. jr. United States gov- ernment documents, 94. Wyman, C. W. H. See Bigmore, E. C. 55. Yachts. Hopkins and Bond, 52. Year's art, 56. Year-book of Australia, 41. Year-book of the scientific and learned societies, 19. Year-books American. Apple- ton's annual, 22; New interna- tional year book, 21; Interna- tional year book, 21; Statistician and economist, 40; Tribune al- manac, 40; World almanac, 40. Canadian. Canada year-book, 41; Canadian annual review, 42; Commercial handbook, 42; Sta- tistical year-book, 42. English. Annual register, 89; Hazell, 23; Statesman's year- book, 41; Whitaker, 41; Who's who year-book, 74. index to. Pitman, 14. foreign. Almanach de Gotha, 42. French. Almanach national, 42. Japanese. Japan year book, 42. special subjects. See names of subjects. English-Greek lexi- History of Christian Yonge, C: D. con, 30. Yonge, C. M. names, 83. Youn^, Robert. Analytical con- cordance to the Bible, 34. Young folks' cyclopaedias. Champ- lin, J: D. jr. 22. Yule, Sir Henry, and Burnell, A. C. Hobson-Jobson, 29. Zell's popular encyclopaedia, 22. Zentralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen, 116. Zieber, Eugene. Heraldry in Amer- ica, 81. Zoological record. 111. Zoology. Champlin, 50. bibliography. Bibliographia zoologica. 111; International cat- alogue, 48; Zoological record, 111. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. mu 'ma A?^H - .,::v 1 NOV 141962 LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl 5)476 v->^ ___^.- ' 2 &2>S/^ y. /^3i- Km- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY