:S' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 17 & LOiS CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS FORMED BY THE LATE FRANK SHEEMAN BENSON, Esq. of Brooklyn, New York, COMPRISING (Eijoia ano ihiimsitng (Ssamptag of ilju %ntwxt Coinages of ITALY and SICILY, GREECE and THE ISLANDS, ASIA MINOR, &c. SYRIA, EGYPT, ZEUGITANA, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY. WILKINSON & HODGE. Auctioneers of ICitcritn? ^Jroptrtn & ootorhs tlluntrutibc of tlje Jfinr Arts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1909, and Two following Days, AND On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, and Three following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS I'KIOI!. CATALOCCES MAY BE HAD. Dryden Press: J. Davy & Sons, S-<), Frith-street, S..ho-s(]u.ire, \Y. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds I'x 6'/.. and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down IQs. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lot- to lie taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of whieh'Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the' sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the ex- 1 tense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public oi" private sale, without any notice being given to tin,' defaulter. \ II. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any lots is sustained in the re sidling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sob'. ' 'i> nil mi n, irfni cannot attend this Sole, may hare their "ntmissittiis j'nithfnliy executed by their humble St /-runts. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, I.",, Wellington Street, St rami, London. SRLF ? 3'? -> A PEE FACE. 4 X examination of the Collection of Greek Coins, briefly described in -l *- the following pages, will at once convince the observer that its formation has been the work of one combining, in himself, the qualities of a scholar, an enthusiastic numismatist, and an ardent admirer of classical art. Such a one indeed was the late Frank Sherman Benson, and aided by an excellent classical knowledge, and a natural and critical appreciation of the beautiful in art, he succeeded in gathering together a series of ( j reek Coins, which has seldom been excelled in quality, and which certainly forms the most important private collection ever made in the United States of America. The collection is well-known in New York, Mr. F. Sherman Benson having used it to illustrate many learned and exceptionally useful addresses to the members of the American Numismatic Society, and in the summer months, during his absence from the city, it had been placed on public exhibition at the University there. It was his desire that the collection should, in its entirety, find a permanent resting-place in some public institution in America devoted to classical and artistic training : tin's desire it has been found impossible to realise, and, in consequence, it will now be dispersed by public auction. It will be found that the collection is principally concerned with the numismatic history of ancient Italy and Sicily. It was to these series that Mr. F. Sherman Benson first turned his attention, and to the end he was probably more keenly interested in them than in the coinages of Hellas and of Asia. It was only of recent years that he commenced the study of the deeper and more virile productions of these latter countries a study unfortunately interrupted by his sudden death. To these preliminary remarks it is necessary to add a few notes con- cerning the coins themselves. It will be found that the series of coins of Apulia, Calabria and Lucania, are amply represented by admirable specimens often of exceptional beauty and preservation, and mostly coming from well-known collections. An idea of the thoroughness with ry f>. f-\ f- - <\ r- , O ---'' ~.j << w ^J cy iv PREFACE. which Mr. Sherman Benson pursued his collecting is to be gathered by an inspection of the many beautiful coins of Terina ; possibly no such series as this lias over before been seen in a single sale. Of Sicily the series is remarkably rich in line specimens : attention should be drawn to the beautiful pieces of Akragas, with two eagles and the figure of Scylla (nos. 17t)-17>'. the Kryx with figure of Aphrodite (181), the coins of Himera, Camarina and Catana (amongst the latter of which are three wonderfully tine piece-, nos. 208, '20!>, 211), and to the many fine pieces of Messana, Motya, Xaxos, Selinos and Segesta. The magnificent series of Syracuse is one which, in itself, almost completely illustrates the rise and fall of Greek art in Sicily. The early coins of the Gamori, those following of Gelon and his wife Demarete, and of Ilieron, will be found illustrated by many varied examples : the glorious period of Dionysios is admirably repre- sented by the many signed works of celebrated artists; and the later sections by such line coins as are shown on Plates XIII and XIV. Of the coins of Greece proper, attention must be directed to the altogether exceptional pieces of Acanthus, Amphipolis, Chalcidice, Dicaea, .Venn-. I >elp hi. Thebes, Kli.s and Arcadia. The highly interesting coinage of Crete is notably well represented; in the matter of beauty by the fine coins of Cliersonesus, Gortyna, Cnossus, Phaestus. Priansos and Sybritia ; in that of mythology by many specimens that record the fabulous histories of the Minotaur, Europa, Kydon and other local deities and heroes. The larger Held of Asia Minor to Syria will be found well illustrated in many casus by coins well worthy of special notice here and the catalogue finishes with the description of the coins of the Cyrenaica and that mighty city Carthage. '1 he collection is very fairly explained by the numerous plates ap- pended, but it should Ik,' borne in mind that these in no way exhaust the number of beautiful and interesting coins contained in the collection. Sizes of the Coin*. Settle n/MioHiiet. CATALOGUE OF THE IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS FORMED BY THE LATE FBANK SHERMAN BENSON, ESQ. of Brooklyn, New York. FIRST DAYS SALE. LOT I ' 1 Hispania. Emporiai : M, weight 73 grs. ; nhc. Head of Perse- phone to right, crowned with corn; around, three dolphins : !l EMPOPITHN.. Pegasus to right; of unusually g<,d style v and eery fine [PI. I] 1 ITALIA. CAMPANIA. I ][/ 2 Cales : Didrachm, tct. 112*5 grs. ; Head of Pallas to right wearing crested Corinthian helmet with serpent on upper part : behind week, fulmen ; below, H ; I,; ClALEN O. Fast l>ig;i driven l>y Nike to left : a eery fine example and an uncommon rarer// 1 S Kyme : Didrachm, wf. 112'.*? grs. : Female head to right, the hair rolled and hound with a cord : \i K . . . . ON. Mussel shell and corn-grain : of rery fine style ; the obc. slightly damaged 1 ! Hyria : D/'drarhm. wt. 1 12 grs. ; Head of Pallas Athena to right : on the upper part of helmet owl and wreath of laurel : (,( YDIN . .. Man-headed hull to left: n-ry fine [PI. I] 1 is li / Hyria : Didrachm, wt. 1 12*5 #r.*. ; .similar to last coin but with U - IQY ami 1 mil to right; an unusually fine and well centred e.rampl, if fine style [PI. I] 1 li Neapolis : Didraehm, wt. 11-4 #;>\ ; Head of Nymph to right, the hair conHiuSl l>y a broad Stephanos : behind the neck E ; l.\ NEOPOAITHX. Man-headed hull to right ; above, Nike flying to right and crowning bull; of very fine late transitional style PI. I 1 7 Neapolis : Didrachm, wt. 116 grs. ; Head of Nymph to right, bound with a triple-corded band : U N]EOPOAITH[X (in exergue), Man-headed bull to right, crowned by flying Nike : beneath. OAYMPI : very fine and rare: from the Montagu sale 1 v Neapolis : Didrachm, wt. Ill grs. ; similar to last coin : cornucopia 'and flower I) behind neck, A in front ; beneath bijjl on reverse : n ry fine and rare [PI. I] 1 '. Neapolis: fh'drachm, wt. 111'3 grs.; similar to last coins: grapes behind neck. AIOANOYX beneath : mono-ram [PA] beneath bull: very fine : /nan the Von Wotoch collection 1 1" Neapolis: Didrachm, wt. W^'h grs.; similar to last coins: behind v neck. Hekate carrying long torch and running to right : below. XAPI : beneath bull, monogram [MY] : very fine and ran [PI. I 1 Neapolis: Didrachm, wt. 114'5 grs. ; similar to last coins, but with four .-. dolphins swimming around the nymph's head ; N EOPOAITX2N in exergue of reverse : exceedingly fine and rare ; from the Bunbnry mlh-rti,,,, [P|. I) ^ 1 Nuceria Alfaterna : A\. wt. 104' y grs. ; Youthful male head (the river-god Samus ?) to left, wearing ram's horn: behind, dolphin and final letters of Oscan inscription : I; our of the Dioskouroi ( \) landing beside horse to left : in his left hand a flower-headed - ; t!' : very fine and very ran [ PI. I ] 1 Phistelia: Didrarhm, wt. 1 Il'Tj grs. ; Female head to front, wearing diadem : the hair loose and blown to the back ; !.! IZTLVIS. M m-headed bull to left : in exergue, dolphin: an in/usually fine > .r Taras : Didrachm, irt. 1 18*5 grs. ; TAPAZ, Taivs on dolphin to right, the left arm outstretched ; A beneath the dolphin : 1,1 Xude youthful horseman to right, crowning his steed : in front, upright caduceus : fine and a rare variety [PI. I] 1 2'> Taras : Didrachm, irt. 122 grs. ; Xude youthful horseman to right, crowning his steed : in front, upright caduceus ; in exergue. AA ; U TAPAZ. Taras on dolphin to right, the left arm outstretched ; fine and a rare variety [PI. I] 1 27 Taras : Didrachm, irt. 1 1 9*3 grs.; Nude youth vaulting on horse galloping to left; in his right hand a small circular shield; be- neath the horse, A: l.{ TAPAZ, Taras on dolphin to left, a -trigiH?) in his right hand: fine and uncommon 1 2> s Taras : Didrachm, irt. 1 1 8 grs. ; Xude horseman to left, helmeted and carrying a shield on his left arm: beneath the horse, A: !.' TAPAZ. Taras on dolphin to left, holding a trident on his h'ft iii - m : beneath dolphin, K: in exergue, line of waves: of very jiw style and rare 1 2'.\ Taras : liidrarhm, >rt. 121 grs.; Xude youthful horseman to right, frowning his steed : beneath, kneeling youth, picking a stone from the horse's off" tore foot; in front, 4> : i; TAPAZ, Taras on ..in to left, holding cantharus and small circular shield and nt : beneath the dolphin E and curved line ofwaves : a fine and very interesting and rare type [ PI. I j 1 Taras : Didrachm, n-t. 122 grs. : Helmeted horseman to right, thrust- ith .-pear held in his right hand, a large circular shield and '' -pears in his left: beneath horse, I A I . I; (TAPAZ), - "ii dolphin to left : a dolphin resting upon his right hand. held in his left : in field to right, i\y leaf: below dolphin, ^1 : tin er large waves : eery fine 1 5 First Day 31 Tanas : Didrachm, wt. 120'2 f/rx. ; similar to last coin; beneath \/ horse, ZA (or EA) ; 1/ TAPAZ, Taras on dolphin to left, a distaff in his left hand ; beneath, prow Taras : Didrachm, wt. 122 grs. ; similar to last coins ; AAI beneath horse; 1,1 TAPAZ, Taras on dolphin to left; a trident on his right shoulder, a small circular shield with figure of sea-horse on his left forearm ; in field, <1>I and pecten ; the last eery fine 2 \d .'32 Taras : Didrachm, wt. 118 grs. ; as last coin in preceding lot Taras : Didrachm, wt. 121'3 grs. ; Nude horseman thrusting down- wards with spear and carrying buckler and two spare spears ; in field beneath horse, API ; 1 TAPAZ, Taras on dolphin to left ; a cantharus in his right hand, a steering oar in his left; in field, KA ; both good coins i> 33 Taras : Didrachm, 116*5 grs. ; Youthful horseman to right crowning his steed ; beneath horse, ZA ; (TAPAZ), Taras on dolphin *~j n to left, a wreath (?) in his right hand, a palm branch in his left ; ,/ in field, ZYM and helmet Taras : Didrachm, wt. 120'2 grs. ; Youthful horseman to right crowning himself with wreath ; beneath the horse, ZA and capital of Ionic column ; ],{ TAPAZ, Taras on dolphin to left, a coiled serpent in his right hand ; in field beneath, KON ; the first an uncommon variety, the last very fine [PI. I] 2 3 I- Taras : Didrachm, wt. 98 grs. ; Youthful horseman to right thrust- ing downwards with spear and carrying two spare spears and round shield: to left, TY ; beneath horse, APIZTIP: H (TAPAZ), Taras on dolphin to right, holding bow and arrow : beneath, Al and elephant Taras : Didrachm, wt. 98 grs. ; Youthful horseman to left : a nude youth standing before the horse and crowning it ; in held to right, l~Y ; beneath, APIZTIP ; [i as preceding coin ; both interesting, and the first eery uncommon 2 35 Taras : Didrachm, wt. 99 grs. ; Youthful horseman to left wearing helmet : his left side covered by a circular shield with stellate ornament: in field. Ill, TYAAH : K TAPAZ. AN0, Taras on dolphin to left, holding grapes and distaff' Taras : Didrachm, wt. 101 #\; Youthful horseman to left crowning his steed : in field. *Y, AYKINOZ : I.! TAPAZ. Taras on dolphin to left, thrusting with trident, his left arm protected byachlamys: in field, owl : both fine - \ First Day 6 :>> Taras : Didrachm, ict. 100"5 grs. ; Nude youthful horseman to right, crowning his steed; in field, IAOKPA, (NIK, monogram); l; Taras on dolphin to left carrying (trident?): over his outstretched right arm, Xike Hying to right and bearing a wreath ; in held, L- ^*^APIT : eery fine and of excellent style [PI. I] 1 :>7 Taras : Didrachm (Campano-Tarentine), ict. 1 11 *5 grs. ; Female head to left, diademed and wearing necklace and earring; li AT ( =TA> : nude horseman to right, crowning his steed : in held be- ''neath. dolphin [PI. I] Taras : Litra. ict. 10 grs. ; Pecten ; l> Dolphin to right: beneath, tripod: the first unusually fine 2 ">s Taras : Didrac/tm (Campano-Tarentine), wt. 108'5 grs. : type as similar coin in last lot but with TA and dolphin beneath the horse mi U. Taras : Diohol, wt. 1 6' 3 grs. ; Head of Pallas Athena to right : Skylla mi helmet : U llerakles strangling the lion : in upper field, owl : hath n r ii fine . 2 LUCANIA. :i'.i Herakieia : Didrachm, wt. llStf/v*; Head of Pallas to right, wear- ing crested Athenian helmet with figure of hippocamp : 1* HPAKAEIHN. llerakles standing to front, strangling the Xemeaii lion : at his feet to left, how and club : of excellent style and best period ; rery fine and rery rare, /rum the Home collection PI. II 1 to Herakieia : Didrachm, wt. 117 grs. : Head of Pallas to right, wearing eiv.-ted helmet with figure of Skylla hurling a stone: in front. Ai /- /// rare rariety i PI. 1 1 j 1 Herakieia: IHdrarh,,,. wt. I -jl'-.-j grs. : PHPAKAHIUN. Head of - to iljlil. wealilij eresteil Corinthian helmet with figure of Pi.P'iitly Imrlin- a stone: It HPAKAHIX1N. Figure 1 hi aklc-. -tanding to front and crowned by tlvinu First Day n v i i Lot 42 continued. Xike ; his right hand supporting a club, his left holding a bow and arrows ; the lion's skin hung over his left forearm : in Held to left, AOA ; to right, a ribbed cup ; very fine and rare : front the Bunbury sale [PI. II] 1 VS Herakleia : Didrachm, wt. 122 grs. ; similar to preceding coin, but without the flying Nike on reverse ; the small cup and A0A both placed in field to left : eery fine / 'great rarity [PI. II] 1 4G Laos: Didrachm, wt. 122'8 grs. ; AA, Man headed bull to left; the head turned back to right : in exergue, acorn : \\ AA, Man headed bull to right ; over its back, star ; eery fine and a eery rare variety 1 47 Metapontion : Early Didrachm, wt. 125*5 grs. ; METAP. Ear of bearded corn ; K similar to obe. but incuse : a eery fine e.eample; from the Trist collection 1 18 Metapontion: Didrachm, wt. 123 grs. ; similar to preceding but of coarser execution, and reading MET only: the border around the design formed of very large beads: eery fine 1 1-9 Metapontion: A\ One-third Stater, wt. [2 grs.: META. Corn-ear : U similar to obv. but incuse Metapontion: A\ One-si.vth State/', wf. 20 grs. : as preceding coin ; U Bull's head facing incuse : /mm the Trist collection Metapontion : A\ One-si.vth Stater, wt. 16 grs. : Head of youth to right (Dionysus .-) with ram's horn and ear: 1! META. Corn-ear ; all eery fine : the last coin rare 3 k 1 126 ars. ; 50 Metapontion : Early Didrachm of thick fabric, wt. META (retro.), ear of bearded corn : U similar type, but incuse. Metapontion: Early Didrachm, wt. 120 ;/rs. : similar style to pre- \. eediiig coin, but with adjunct, ram's head, in obverse Held to left : both eery fiio - First Day 8 51 Metapontion : Didrachm, irt. 1 lo'o grs. ; (META), Ear of bearded com; U METAP between Hve corn grains arranged in a star around a central pellet ; well preserved and a very rare type ; from the lUmvsujvnilas sale 1 52 Metapontion: Didrachm, wt. l\V grs. ; Head of Deraeter to left bound with a narrow diadem of corn stalks; ij M ETA, Far of corn; f very fine late transitional style, in unusually good pre- servation, and very rare [PI. Ilj 1 53 Metapontion : Didrachm, irt. 1 19 grs. ; Youthful head to right with \ ram's horn and ear and wreath of laurel leaves ; I* META, Ear of bearded corn ; of late transitional style, eery. fine and very rare ; ?f from the Montagu collection [P\. II] 1 54 Metapontion: Didrachm, irt. 121 grs.-, Female head to right, the hair looped-up at back and bound with a narrow fillet passed twice around the head ; in field below, a long curved branch of laurel : !,{ ME, Ear of bearded corn ; of unusually good style and period, veri/ fine and very rare ; from the Montagu collection [pi. ii] iis i 55 Metapontion: Didrachm, >rt. II!) grs. ; Female head to right, the hair bound with a narrow taenia passed twice around the head, the ends pendant at back of neck: l,{ META. Ear of bearded corn : it eery rare type and in very good preservation [PI. II] 1 50 Metapontion: Didrachm, vt. 107 'o grs.; Female head to right, the hair waved and bound with a narrow fillet passed twice around the head ; [i MET., Ear of bearded corn ; of excellent style, the ohr. slightly pitted hy oxidation [PI. II] 1 57 Metapontion: Didrachm, irt. li'l grs.; similar to preceding coin, but struck from imperfect dies; of very fine style ana I rare 1 ~>- Metapontion: Didrachm, wt. llHgis.; Female head to right, the hair waved and bound with a narrow fillet; [i META, Ear of bearded corn; to right, grasshopper; fine and a rare variety [PI. II] 1 5!) Metapontion: Didrachm, irt. \-l()grs.\ Head of Xike (?) to left, wearing sphendone ; in Held behind, small leaf (.') ; l,< META, Far ot corn, to right : perched upon the leaf, a locust or grass- hopper : '/ rery rare type, toil imperfectly struck ; from the Yon Wotorh collection 1 Metapontion: Didrachm, irt. 11!) grs.\ Head of I'eisephone to ri-dit, ' Towned with corn and with pendant veil behind neck : \{ META. Far of bearded corn : in held to left (fillet '.) ; of fine style ' a hiiih relief n rij Jim and eery ran I PI. Ill 1 9 First Dm/ it^ 1 /}/' :<>' 62 63 (o ' 65 66 S ? Metapontion : Didrachm, ivt. WKgrs.; obv. similar to preceding coin; lj M ETA, Ear of corn: on the leaf, to left, a mouse; beneath it, ; very fine and rare; from the Von Wotoch sale [PI- II] 1 Metapontion: Didrachm, ivt. 121 grs. ; obv. similar to preceding coins, lmt with larger head and in less relief; {,{ Ear of corn: mouse on leaf to right ; to left, ; very fine and rare ] Metapontion : Didrachm, ivt. 122 grs. ; Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn; 1.1 M]ETA, Ear of bearded corn: to left, caduceus and AY ; very fine and rare [PI. II] ] Metapontion : Didrachm, ivt. 123 grs. ; Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn ; the hair long and flowing; \i M ETA. Ear of jorn ; to left, pincers and . . A ; an unusually fine and per/ret specimen ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. II] 1 Metapontion : Tetradrachm (or Distater), vt. 242 grs. ; Head ofr^ Leukippos to right, bearded and wearing Corinthian helmet orn mented with a relief of Nike in quadriga to right : behind neck. APH and forepart of lion ; [i ME]TAPONTINI2N, Ear of bearded corn ; to left, club and AMI : very nor and veil pre- served 1 Metapontion: Didrachm, ivt. 121 grs.; Bearded head of hero Leu- kippos to right, wearing plain Corinthian helmet : behind neck. lion's head ; to right, AP {monogram) ; U META, Ear of corn : to left, club and AMI. Metapontion : Drachm, ivt. 53 grs. ; Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet : l.{ META, Ear of corn : both uncommon and in eery fine condition 2 Metapontion : Didrachm, ivt. !>> s grs. : type- as similar coin in pr< ceding lot Metapontion : Drachm, struck by the Loukanoi, vt. 37 grs. : Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Athenian helmet with wing at side : 1.; Ear of bearded corn : over leaf to right, club; in field to left, owl (in countermark) ; both fine 2 Poseidonia: A\ Stater, vt. 115"5 grs. : MOT, Poseidon to right thrusting with trident: the whole within a raised dot-and-cable border: K MOT Incuse figure of Poseidon to left: the whole within a sunk border with herring-bone pattern : n ry Jim and van I PI. Ill 1 ( ^ 69 Poseidonia: ^1! Stater, vt. ecru fine and rare -inula!' to preceding F Poseidonia: .It 'me-third Stater, irt. 1.S ///>'. : similar to preceding coins and of the same early period ; reading POME on both < Thotinoi : hidraelnn : <>l>c. similar to preceding coin ; <|> (initial of artist I'hiym'ilo- .'; under point of crest: I! 0OYPIHN, Bull walking slowly to left : liencath it, dove with raised wings: in '\iMuue, mullet to left : PY (gillos ?) : to |;i>t eoin- ; <{> J,, hunt of helmet ; I! OYPIUN. - to ri-ht : in ti.-ld hciieath. PY: in exergue, mullel : '.'/./''//. stide.th, r, e.rs, type ,,f es/ieriull// high merit; rery ,i '//. Ilindmn, ,:,li,et;,,n I P|. ||] I k\ vnf 1 1 First Day 78 Thourioi : Tetradrachm (or Disinter), wt. 24F5 grs.; Head of <^ Athena to right, wearing crested helmet with figure of Skylla on side; behind neck, Al ; H 0OYPII2N (traces only), Furious bull butting to right ; in exergue, mullet ; from the llobart Smith collection; eery fine and eery rare [PI. II] 1 79> Thounoi : Tetradrachm, vet. 2-16 grs. ; Head of Athena to left, && wearing crested Athenian helmet with figure of Skylla on side ; .^m 0OYPII2N, Furious bull charging to left; above the dotted ?, jS / exergual line, six large pellets : in exergue, mullet ; of very fine style; in good preservation and very rare [PI. II] 1 80 Thourioi : Didrachm, wt. 119'o grs. ; Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet with figure of Skylla ; in upper field to right, E; R 0OYPIHN, Furious bull charging to right; in exergue, mullet ; of gem-like style ; eery fine and eery rare ; from the Montagu collection 1 81 ThouHOi : Didrachm, wt. Wl'ogrs.; by the artist Molossos ; ohv. similar to preceding coin ; [{ 0OYPI.QN, Furious bull to right : on the broad exergual line, MOAOSZOZ in small characters; in exergue, mullet ; border of dots ; very fine and very rare ; from the Montagu collection [PI. II] 1 82 Hyele ( Velia) : Early Drachm* (2), wt. 60 and 08 grs. ; Forepart of lion to right tearing prey; Quadripartite incuse: Imth very fine and uncommon 2 83 Hyele (Velia): .Didrachm, wt. \\~)}>grs.; Female head to right, of fine early transitional style : the hair looped up at hack of neck and a beaded diadem around the head : l.i Lion running to right : above, owd flying to left : in exergue, YEAHTEHN : a rare coii/ of very good style and in good preservation [PI. II '1 ^ si Hyele (Velia): Didrachm, wt. II* grs. ; YEAH. Female head to jdf right, the back hair looped up beneath a pointed Stephanos : [i AH (in exergue), Lion to right: border of dots [PI. III. Hyele ( Velia): Drachm, wt. 62 grs. : Female head to right, the hair looped up at back beneath a narrow taenia or cord: 1! YEAH. Owl standing on olive branch to right : i>oth of early transitional style, fine and uncommon - So Hyele ( Velia) : Didrachm. wt. I 1 6 grs. : Head of Athena, to right, wearing crested helmet with figure of griffin: behind neck, P: I.; , Lion walking to right: in exergue. YEAHTUN : of fine : below, monogram (KAE) ; fine and rare ; from the Von Wotoch sale 1 *9 Hyele (Velia): Didrachm, ivt. L 17*5 grs.; by the artist Philistionos(?); Head of Athena to right; the helmet winged and wreathed; behind the neck, monogram (AH or A0H) ; in front, <1> ; U YEAHTX2N (in exergue); Lion walking to right; above it, stalk of corn between . I ; beneath, P ; in unusually fine pre- servation and rare [PI. Ill] 1 9d Hyele (Velia): Didrachm, ict. 116 grs. ; probably by the engraver 1'hilistionos ; Head of Athena to right ; on side of helmet, griffin; over point of helmet, A, in front of neck, : U YEAHTI2N, Lion walking slowly to right : in field above, pentagram between 4> - I : very fine and an uncommon variety ; from the Von Wotoch collection 1 '.<] Hyele ' Velia) : Didraclnn, /. 1 [2 grs. ; I Lad of Athena to left ; on helmet, griffin and palmette ; over point of helmet, l : behind neck. E in small incuse square : l.{ YEA. . . ., Lion leaping upon a -'.-'. both animals to left : fine and a very unusual variety, not given in the Hrit. Mus. catalogue | PI. Ill] 1 :i' Hyele' Velia) : Didrachm. u-t. 116 grs. ; Head of Athena to left ; win- on ddeof helmet ; in front of neck 4>, behind, K ; l,< YEAHTHN, Lion walking to left: below, uncertain object (shell.'); in held above.

'~)grs. ; types as last coin, a pparenl l\ - - 1 1 1 1 dies ; //, ,-ery perfect condition and u-ell centred 1 L3 First Day 94 ) o. c \.i >' f 95 -i ,r ; 96 ; behind neck, AP (monogram) ; YEAHTHN, Lion walking slowly to right ; across the upper field, caduceus ; very fine 1 Hyele ( Velia) : Drachm, wt. GO grs. ; Head of Athena to right : on J side of helmet, above the ear opening, a serpent ; on the lower part, scroll and small E ; U YEAH, Owl to right ; in front, four- leaved sprig of olive ; of very good style and a rare variety : from the Bunbury collection [PI. Ill] 1 I f : BRUTTIUM. 97 Brettioi : A\, wt. 75*5 grs. ; Bust of winged Nike to right, wearing diadem; behind head, trophy (?) and 3; $ BPETTIflN. Xude male figure (Dionysos ?) standing to front, placing a horned (?) diadem upon his head and holding in his left hand a long crooked staff ; in field to right, thymiaterion Bnettioi : A\, wt. 71'5. ; Head of Thetis to right veiled and wearing pointed diadem : across the left shoulder, a sceptre : at back of neck, bee; BPETTIIiN, Poseidon to left, holding long sceptre; his right foot resting on the upper part of a column : in front, eagle Hying to left and carrying wreath : both very fine - 98 Brettioi : A\, wt. 36*5 grs. ; Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet on upper part of which is a _ritiin : !,{ BPETTIflN, Eagle standing to left, the wings raised : in field to right, rudder : eery fine and rare 1 99 Kaulonia: A\ Stater, wt. 130 grs. ; KAVA. Xude Apolh, landing to right ; his right! hand raised and grasping a lustra! branch, on his extended left arm a small figure running to right : befure him, ,; stag, the head turned back to left : the whole surrounded by a raised band, or border, ornamented with a eable-and-pellet guilloche : K similar to oh v., the figure reversed and incuse : a ry fine example nf this early and intensting >"inag>- I PI. Ill 1 First Day 14 100 Kaulonia: A\ Stater, of dumpy fabric, let. 12-T5 grs. : obverse types similar to last coin : VA>|. Leaf in field over stag ; K Stag standing to left [PI. Ill] Kaulonia: A\ Staters (2), vt. 120 and 121 #\ : obverse types similar to last coin, hut reading AVA>| and without ornamental border; li AVA>|. Stag standing to right; upright branch of laurel in front : all fine and t lie first coin rather rare 3 101 Kaulonia : A\ Stater of later style, vt. 108 grs. : similar ofo\ types but with branched sapling before the figure; [i KAVAON^ATAM beneath stag bounding to right : a rare type : in good preserva- tion : from the fiunbury collection [PI. Ill] 1 lirj Kaulonia: A\ State)-. >rt. 11G"5 grs.; Similar to last coin but with the small running figure wanting and an uncertain object (table or altar?) in field to right : [i Stag to right : beneath, 0E : to right, dove with raised wings standing on rim of a huge lebes with fluted support : fint and a very unusual variety [PI. Ill] 1 1<>." Kaulonia: A\ State?-, vt. 110 g?s. ; Xude Apollo standing to right holding lustral branch : a beaded fillet hanging from his extended I -ft arm : in field behind, uncertain object (monogram ?) : \{ Stag standing to right : traces of inscription : fine and an uncommon rariety 1 |ni Kroton : A\ Stater, vt. 120 grs. : ? PO. Tripod lebes with three rim: handles attached to rim : between them the upper parts of two . -erpeuts : ornamental border around : I! similar type to obverse, incuse : eery fine 1 in:, Kroton: A\ Quarter Stater, vt. 2c'! grs. : POTON, Tripod . - - : I; Similar to ohr. but incus.' : eery fine and eery rare 1 A very remarkable denomination: at Croton, as in the other Aehran cities of S. Italy, the smaller divisions of the Stater followed the -ystcin of the division of the unit by three ; the present speci- men evidences the employment at an early but not clearly defined i'i"d oi a secondary system of division. 1'"'. Kroton : A\ Stater of thick fabric, vt. 124 grs. ; OPOnnit;/ exceedingly fine style and in excellent preservation [PI. Ill] 1 115 Kroton: Al Stater, irt. 115 grs.; KPOTUN I ATAZ. Laureate head of Apollo to right ; !,{ The infant Herakles, nude, seated on ground to front and strangling two serpents : e, rii fine and eery rare; from the von Wotoch collection [P\. Ill] 1 10 SECOND DAY'S SALE. BRUTTIUM continued. LOT 1 Ii Kroton : A\ Stater, ivt. \\grs. : KP . . . NIATAZ. Laureate head of Apollo to right : # The infant Herakles, nude, seated on ground to front and strangling two serpents ; eery rare and in unusually fine relief; from the collection of R. Jfobart Smith, Esq. [PI. Ill] 1 1 17 Kroton : A\ Stater, >rf. 109 grs. ; Laureate head of Apollo to right : U KPO. Tripod lobes ; to right, branch of laurel with a taenia attached to the lower fork; very rare and fine ; from the ran \Vtch collection [PI. Ill] 1 1 1> Kroton : A\ Stater. >ct, 107 grs. ; Laureate head of Apollo t > right ; the wreath composed of a single branch of laurel with berries; U KPO. Tripod lebes, the edges of the legs beaded ; to left, branch nf laurel with pendant taenia : a eery rare type and eery fine [PI. Ill] 1 111) Kroton : A\ Stater, vt. 119 grs. : KPOTHNIATAZ. Eagle with raised wings, standing to left on branch of laurel : 1,1 Tripod lebes with domed cover and fillets attached to side handles ; to left, -talk of corn ; to right, python : very fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 li'n Kroton : A\ Stater, wt. 119 grs. : KPOTHN , Eagle with rai>cd wings, standing to left on branch of laurel : \i Tripod lebes with domed cover and fillets attached to side handles: to left, -talk nf corn : to right python : fine and eery rare 1 ; .' : Kroton: A\ Stater, >rt. Nil grs.; Eagle standing to right on fulmen, tin' head turned back to left : in upper field I : to right, nude -' " ! of Hermes, holding caduceus and patera; [{ KPO. Tripod - : to left. Nike Hying to right and about to crown one of the lie.- of the altar : a eery fine and very rare coin ;from the /'Scans 'l.etin,, PI. Ml] 1 Kroton: /H.,/,.,1. ,,-t. \ ^ ,,,-s. : KPOTI2. head of Athena to right, .re-ted Corinthian helmet: liOIKIZTAZ. Herakles .lit. ::::_ limi'.- skin, leaning upon his club and supporting n it : in field to left, ; : an unusually fine '////> i,itrr> rt. 119 grs.; Head of Xike to left, the hair hound with a sphendone ; the border formed by a fine branch of laurel: U Xike seated to left on square stool ; her right hand, ex- tended, holds a laurel wreath : her left, resting on the back of the chair, grasps a eaduceus held head downwards; a very rare type and in unusually good- condition : from the Bunbury sale [PI. IV] 1 1.;; Terina: A\ Stater, vt. 121*5 grs.; Head of Xike to right; the hair dressed to the crown of head and bound with a narrow cord passed three times around the head ; border of laurel ; 1 Xike seated to left on square stool ; a laurel wreath held in her extended right hand : eery fine and rare ; from the Bunbury sale 1 i:\~- Terina: AX Stater, vt. 120'5 grs.; Head of Xike to left ; the hair rolled across the head and turned-up at back; laurel border: R TEPINAION, Xike seated to left on square stool, her ex- tended right hand holding a laurel wreath : an exceedingly fine and rare coin: from the Bun/airy collection [PI. IV] 1 i:u; Terina: A\ Stater, v;t. 120 grs. ; Head of Xike to left, the hair lolled around the head and turned-up at back : laurel border : U TEPIN]AION, Xike seated to left on overturned hydria : a laurel wreath in her right hand, a eaduceus in her left : an unusually fine specimen and a rare variety : from the Bunbury collection PI. IV] 1 1">7 Terina: AX Stater, irt. 121"5 grs.; Head of Xike to left, the hair rolled around the head and turned-up at back: laurel border around: K TEPI N AION. Xike seated to left on overturned hydria: a laurel wreath in her right hand, a eaduceus in her left : /// exceedingly good condition and eery rare, of refined transitional st yb [PI. IV] 1 1."'" Terina: A\ Stater, u-t. 1 Hi'.") grs.: Head of Xike to right, the hair turned-up over a narrow Stephanos; behind the neck. : laurel larder: I; TEPINAION. Xike to left, seated on a square stool, i iidit hand extended ; beneath the stool, dove with raised . standing to left : a fim and eery rar< com: Jnon the /'Jeans '-ll.rt;,,,, 'PI. IV] 1 19 Second Day 139 Terina : M Stater, wt. 12CT5 grs. ; Head of Nike to right ; the hair dressed from the crown, the ends turned-up over a narrow r~ .* Stephanos; behind the neck, ; laurel border; 1/ TEPIN (in upper field) ; Nike to left, seated on a eippus and filling a hydria from a spring ; the water spurts from a lion-headed fountain at- tached to a stone wall, the jointings of which are indicated ; the vase, supported by the left hand, rests upon her right knee, her left hand grasps along caduceus ; at her feet, a reservoir in which swims a swan ; on the back of the eippus are traces of an inscrip- tion ; an unusually fine example of this very rare and exceedingly I interesting type ; from the Bunbury sale [PI. IV] 1 140 Terina : JR Stater, wt. 122 grs.; types as preceding coin : equal in condition to preceding coin but not quite so well spread ; also from the Bunbury collection [PI. IV] 1 . / 1-11 Terina: JR Stater, vt. 114 grs.; obverse similar to two preceding coins; TEPINJAION. Nike to left, seated on a square stool and playing with a ball balanced on the hack of her extended right hand; well preserved and a rare type 1 142 Terina: M Stater, vt. 115 grs.; TEPINAION, Head of Nike to right, wearing narrow ornamental Stephanos, the hair dressed Wp0 I towards back and tied at crown of head ; behind neck, : \i TEPINAION, Nike to left, seated on square stool and playing with two balls, one balanced on the back of her right hand, the second shown in field above ; behind the seat, : the obverse some- what blurred, the reverse very fine ; a rare variety [PI. IV] 1 143 Terina: M Stater, wt. 119'5 grs.; TEPINAION, Head of Nike to right, wearing a narrow Stephanos ; her hair dressed to the top of the head and tied in a bunch at the crown : behind neck.

(and P?); very well preserved and rare [PI. IV] 1 145 Terina: ill Stater, wt. 119 grs.; Head of Nike to left : the side and l ' back hair rolled and turned-up beneath a laurel wreath; behind the neck, A : \\ TEPINAIHN, Nike to left, seated on eippus : the right hand holding a wreath, the left a caduceus ; of excellent style, very fine (the rev. slightly double-struck), anil a Very rare typi [PI. IV] 1 C 2 - ),ul Do'i 20 1 16 Terina: A\ Stater, ict. 121'5 grs. ; ION, Head of Nike to ' (, i ight wearing Stephanos, the hair tied in a bunch at crown of head ; !{ TEPINAION, Nike to right, seated on overturned hydria, the wings apparently in slight or easy motion ; a caduceus in her right hand, a dove perched on the left ; in lower field to left (N and laurel branches ?) ; the obv. blurred, the rev. an excellent example >>/ this rery beautiful type ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. IV] 1 1 \1 Terina : A\ Stater, wt. 118 grs. ; similar to preceding coin but not so tine 9 Hs Terina : A\ Stater, wt. 120 grs. : TEPINAION, Head of Nike to right, wearing sphendone ; \i Nike to left, seated on square cippus; K I a dove balanced on the tips of the fingers of her extended right - hand : a very fine example of this rare coin ; from the Ashburnham collection [PI. IV] 1 1 19 Terina: A\ Stater, irt. 121 '5 grs. ; types as last coin ; also very fine but not quite so irell spread ; from the Montagu collection [PI. IV] 1 1 50 Terina: A\ Stater, wt. \\^) grs. ; similar to two preceding coins ; . . , * the ret', not so well centred ; from the Bunbury collection 1 151 Terina: Ai Stater, wt. 120 grs. ; another example; also eery fine *] /' and rare 1 152 Terina: vi; Stater, wt. 118' o grs.; TEPINAION, Head of Nike to left : wearing sphendone over which the side locks of hair are arranged : behind the neck, P ; [{ Nike to left, seated on cippus, supporting with her right hand a laurel wreath which rests upon her knee ; behind the seat, P ; eery fine and eery rare [PI. IV] 1 ISM Terina: Ai Stater, irt. 1 1 5 grs. ; similar to preceding coin but not so fine 1 151 Terina: A\ Stater, wt. 112 grs.- (TEPIN)AION ; Head of Nike to left, wearing ornamented sphendone tied ( 7 ) over the centre of the forehead : behind the neck, P: [{ Nike to left seated on cippus, -uppoi'tin- in her right hand a laurel wreath which rests upon her ki : behind the seat, P : fine and rare 1 155 Terina: A\ Stater, wt. I 15 (/ rs. ; TEP]INAION, Head of Nike to left, ueaiin- fphendone or mitra : behind the neck, P : I.; Nike to h'ft, seated on eipjiiis, the upper part of the body nude: a long J headed.') sceptre held horizontally in her right hand: in P ',,-// Jiue and a rery rare rariety ; from the liuubnry ibrf,..,, 'pi. iv I i l ! t t>. O 21 Second Day 156 Terina : A\ Stater, wt, 118T) grs. TE(PIN)AinN, Head of Nike \ j**- t0 left ' weann sphendone fastened over the forehead (as in lot 154 but without P behind neck); Nike to left, seated on cippus, holding a long caduceus ; at the point of base to left, P ; very fine and a rare variety \j[ , y \ Terina: JR Stater, wt. 121*5 grs.; TEPIN . . ON, Head of Nike to right wearing sphendone, the hair dressed to crown of head and tied in a bunch ; behind the neck P ; u. Nike to left, seated on cippus, the right hand supporting a caduceus the end of which rests on the ground before her; behind the seat P ; very fine and a rare variety ; the rev. badly centred, the head of Nike wanting [PI. IV] 1 158 Terina: M Stater, wt. 118*5 grs.: TE ON, Head of Nike to left wearing sphendone, over the side of which the short tresses of hair are arranged ; behind the neck, P ; border of dots around ; Nike to left, seated on cippus and holding by the head a cadu- ceus, the end of which rests upon the ground in front ; behind seat, P ; fine and rare ; from the Evans collection [PI. V] 1 159 Terina: M Stater, wt. 119 grs.; ION, Head of Nike to right wearing sphendone; behind the neck, P; Nike to left, seated on cippus, the right hand supporting a caduceus by the lower curves of the head, the end resting on the ground in front ; behind the seat, P ; fine and a rare variety [PI. V] 1 160 Terina: A\, Stater, wt. 104'5 grs.; Head of Nike to right wearing sphendone, the hair drawn-up and tied in a spreading bunch at crown ; traces of dotted (?) border behind the head; 1 Nike to left, seated on cippus ; the right hand grasping the stem of a caduceus the end of which rests upon the ground in front; the left hand holding a piece of drapery ('? the corner of her mantle): a very rare variety ; somewhat worn [PI. V] 1 161 Terina: A\ Stater, wt. 110 grs.; TEPINAION. Head of Nike to right wearing sphendone, the hair tied in a bunch at crown of head ; behind the neck, P ; ]Ji Nike seated to left, both wings dis- played ; a sprig of laurel with two leaves held in her right hand : a very rare variety but somewhat damaged and bent 1 162 Terina: A\ Stater, wt. 118 grs.; TEPINAION, Head of Nike to i right wearing sphendone, the hair tied at crown of head : $ Nike standing to left, the upper part of the figure nude, the right foot resting on a hypopodion ; the right arm resting on her knee, the hand holding a caduceus, the head upwards : in field to front, P : an exceedingly rare type in fair condition : from the Banbury collection [PI. VI 1 >'. uitl Day -2 163 Terina: A\ Stater, wt, UOgrs.; TEP . NAION, Head of Nike to right wearing sphendonc, the hair tied at crown of head ; p. Nike standing to left, leaning on a column on top of which the left elbow rests ; the right hand holds a cadnceus, a pendant fillet (?) appears to be attached to the staff' or is twisted around the hand: before her is a square fountain or lebes, with curved support, a dove perched on the rim ; in field to right, P ; an extremely rare variety in /air condition ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. V] 1 164 Terina: A\ Stater, wt. 12.V5 grs.; TEPINAII2N, Head of Nike \, . or nymph Terina (?) to right, wearing earring and necklet; the hair rolled ; U Nike to left, seated on cippus ; a dove alighting, or balancing itself, on the tips of the fingers of her extended right hand ; the head on the obverse of this coin bears a strong resemblance to that of Persephone ; the inscription, in small letters, is placed in front; a very fine and rare coin ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. V] 1 165 Terina : M Stahr, wt. 124 grs.: TEPINAIH ., Head of Nike to right, wearing ornamented sphendone ; dotted bolder around ; U Nike to left, seated on cippus, the right hand extended and holding an uncertain object hanging down in front: an exceedingly lieiuiti/ul coin iii very perfect condition; from the Evans collection [PI. V] 1 106 Terina: A\ Stater, wt. 118'5 #;*.; TJEPINAIHN, Head of Nike to right, as preceding coin ; 1} TEPINA, Nymph Terina to left, seated on cippus, the right hand extended, and holding a patera; in field behind, figure of flying Nike carrying a laurel wreath; a very rare type and in excellent condition but with the higher parts imperfectly struck up : /nun the Bunbury collection [PI. V] 1 167 Terina : One-sixth Stater, wt. lo grs.; Head of Nike to left: K Nike -eatedtoleft, holding fillet. One-third Staters (2); TEPINAIflN, Xike (?) head to left, triskelis behind : \{ Nike seated to left : bird on right hand, star below: another, similar to preceding but with TE ^monogram) in Held: another; obr. similar to last coins but with he-ad to right : [< Xike seated to left, holding cadnceus ; //// fine and uncommon ~) SICILIA. Abakainon : A\ Lifrai (>) : one of late archaic style. ABAKAI. Il.-ardffl head to right ; \i NINON (retrograde, in exergue), Boar ri-hi. the forelegs lient : the second coin of fine style, Female I d faeiiii: ; i: ABA. Sow and pig to righl ; both fine, and rare: tin- Bunbury collection '_' -''> Second Day 168a Abakainon : M Litrai (3) ; two with laureate bearded head to right; $ Boar to right ; one with ABAK (obv.) AINI (rev.), the other (J \\s\ ^ with ABA KAIN and acorn on rei\; the third coin obv. Beard# / head to right; [i ABA, boar and acorn; all fine and rare; one broken 3 169 . Akragas: Didrachm, wt. 130r/rs. ; AKRACANTOK^/v^v/^-), _ ; ; Eagle standing to left, the wings closed ; Crab (struck on a plain level field). Akragas : Didrackm, irt. 133 grs.; .similar to pre- ceding coin but reading AKRACANTOZ, and with the crab placed in the centre of a circular incuse ; both fine 2 170- Akragas: Tetradrachn, wt. 288 grs.; AKRAC(ANTOX retro- 9 grade), Eagle standing on ornamental base to left ; the wings closed; Crab ; very fine a 7id rare: the beak of the eagle wanting [PI. V] 1 c I (/ 171- Akragas: Tetradrachn, wt. 264'5 grs.; similar to preceding coin; well spread, fine and rare [PI. V] 1 172 Akragas : Tetradrachn, wt. 21 grs.; similar to preceding coins but with AKRAin/zvwAof eagle and ANTOZ behind : an S shaped scroll with two Mowers in field beneath the crab : a ran- variety [PI. V] 1 ,, 173- Akragas: Didrachn, wt, 131'.") grs.; AK-RA. Eagle to right, *f i standing on a mound : Crab: beneath A. [PI. V]. And a Litra, ~Y" wt. 9 "5 grs.; AK-Afl, Eagle to left: U Al, Crab; both very fine and rare varieties - 174 - Akragas: Didrachms (2), wt, 132 and l'29'ogrs.; AKRA. Eagle to left; li Crab in circular incuse: one with corn-grain in field beneath; both fine 2 175 Akragas : Didrachms (2), wt. 12!) and 131 grs. : AK RA. or AK-AR : Ea.ule to left or right : U Crab in circular incuse : "lie with CAZ in Held, the other with small male head to right : both fine - 176 Akragas: Tetradrachn, wt. 267'5 grs.; Two eagles standing side by- side to right : beneath their feet a dead hare : the nearer bird has ^ tin 1 wings closed and the neck and head stretched upwards, the farther has the wings raised and the head bent down towards the \M . prey: in field above, ZIAANOZ : K Nike driving a fast quad- riga to right : above the horses an oblong label on which is inscribed NIITN/V the com l ,letin S Otters, ON. shown in Held to left: across the exergue, a club: on exceedingly fine specimen <>j this beautiful and r, ry rare din : from the Ihinbury collection [PI. V] 1 Second Day 24 / 177 Akragas : Tetradrachm, wt. 262'5 grs.; A-K-P-A-T, Two Eagles standing to right upon a dead hare ; the nearer with closed wings and head stretched upwards, the farther with raised wings and head Lent downwards; # AKPA TA-NTIN-ON, Figure of Skylla to left ; above it, crab : an exceedingly rare and beautiful ("in in excellent condition : from the liunburu collection [PI. V] 1 178 Akragas: Tetradrachm, wt. 270 grs.; AKPAT ANTIN-O-N, Eagle with raised wings standing to left upon a dead hare lying upon a rock : on the side of the rock an escallop shell ; in the upper part, crab between escallop (to left) and murex shell (to right); beneath it a large fish with open mouth and spiked dorsal fin ; extremely rare and in excellent preservation ; from the Montagu collection [PI. V] /4o* 1 17'.' Eryx (?Segesta): Didrachm, wt. 128"5 grs.; ON, Head of Aphrodite (or Eryx), the back hair rolled-up over a narrow fillet; 1,1 Hound on the scent, to right : behind it, three stalks of corn: of 'unusually good style ; fine and rare [PI. V] 1 lMi Epyx (] Segesta): Didrachm, wt. 128'5 grs. ; EPYKAUB (or XETEZTAUB) : Head of Aphrodite to right, the back hair rolled-up beneath a narrow fillet ; J Hound on scent to right : behind, three stalks of corn ; beneath, traces of inscription placed between two lines ; fine and rare [PI. V] 1 "",_" The two preceding coins were attributed by the late owner to Eryx : they possibly belong to Segesta. 1M Eryx: Tetradrachm, wt. 265'5 grs. ; Aphrodite seated to left on four- legged stool, wealing chiton banded in at the waist and himation falling to the hips : her left arm hanging by her side, the right extended and with a dove perched on the hand : before her, a standing figure of Eros: 1/ Fast quadriga to right, driven by female charioteer: above the horses, Nike flying to left and carrying a wreath : a coin of the highest rarity, and in fine preservation : //''in the lierlin Museum Duplicates sale, and formerly in the col lecti.m >fi l>r. Imhoof /if timer, of Winterthur [PI. V) 1 \-- Gela : Tetradrachm, wt. -HVl'Tt grs. ; C E A- AH (retrograde), Forepart of man-headed hull to right: 1,{ Slow quadriga to right driven by bearded charioteer : above, Nike tlyinu to right and crowning the farther horses ; fine and of curly style ] Gela: Tetradrachm, wt. iMM'o grs. : CEAAZ above forepart of i.-aded bull to riJit: |; Slow i|iiadrii;;i to i i-ht . driven by 25 Second Day 1. 1 y i>i I4J0. ^ a 3 ,* Lot 183 continued. male charioteer ; above the horses, Nike flying to right and about to crown the farther horses; an unusually fine specimen, and of excellent early style [Pi. V) 1 18-4 Gela: Tetradrachm, wt. 262 grs. ; Forepart of man-headed bull to right; Slow quadriga to right driven by male charioteer; behind the horses an Ionic column (the meta) ; fine, and of curious early style ] 185 Gela: Didrachms (2), wt. 135 and 132*5 grs. : CEAAZ, Forepart of man-headed bull to right ; 1/ Nude horseman to right, bearded and with long hair, and wearing a curious conical helmet (?) : in his raised right hand is held a long spear : both eery fine, and of good early style [PI. V] 2 186 Gela : Tetradrachm, wt. 257 grs. ; TEAAS (retrograde), Forepart "v^ of man-headed bull to right ; over the neck, corn grain : !,{ Slow \y quadriga to right, driven by aged charioteer : above the horse-, laurel wreath: in exergue, crane flying to right (?) : a rare coin, in very fine preservation, and of excellent late transitional sti/b [PI. VI] 1 187 Gela : Tetradrachm, wt. 255 grs. : Forepart of man-headed bull to right; above, corn grain; below, CEAAZ {retrograde) ; U rEA.ftl.QN, Fast quadriga to left, driven by youthful charioteer: above the horses, eagle flying to left : in exergue, head of corn : of very fine style, and a very rare type [PI. VI] 1 Gela: Tetradrachm, wt. 26-1 grs. ; Forepart of man-headed bull to right; above, corn grain: below. TEAAZ: \i rEA.ftl.QN. Fast quadriga to left, driven by youthful charioteer : above the hor crown the charioteer: very fine, and a rare rariety \ PI. VI 1 190 Herakleia Minoa: Tetradrachm. wt. 257 grs.-. }\e;\d of Perse- phone to left, crowned with corn leaves; around, three dolphins; l.{ Fast quadriga to left ; over the horse-. Xike Hyinv, towards the charioteer and carrying a wreath : fine and rare 1 191 Herakleia Minoa (?): Tetradrachm. wt. 260'5 grs. : Head of Perse- phone to left : three dolphins around : I! Fast quadriga to lefl : above, Xike flying to right and carrying wreath : in exergue, traces of Pho-nician legend : rem fine and ran [PI. VI, 1 r 188 Second Dull 20 192 Himepa: hJarly Drachm, wt. ^^'~) grs. ; Cock standing to right; circle of large beads around ; \,{ Shallow mill-sail incuse of eight divisions, with traces of dotted border around each side : a very fine example 1 193 Himepa: Early Drachm, wt. 87'5grs.\ similar to last coin, but of ' coarser style ; very fine 1 194 Himepa : Drachm, >rt. 88 grs. ; Cock standing to left; above, traces of letters (?) K Shallow incuse square, with ornamental border and figure of hen to right ; fine 1 195 Himera, under domination of Theron of Agrigentum : Didrachm, wt. 1295 grs. : HIMEPA, Cock to left; y. Crab, in circular incuse ; eery fine and uncommon 1 19<> Himepa. under domination of Theron of Agrigentum: Didrachm, iff. 1 32 grs. ; types as last coin : a cross beneath the crab on reverse : fine and uncommon I IDT Himepa: Tetradrachm, wt. 265 grs. ; the nymph Himera, wearing ^j^Z* chiton and himation, standing to front and sacrificing at an altar placed to left ; the head is turned to the left, both arms are ex- tended, and the right hand holds a phiale : to the right is placed a fountain supported on four graduated steps, the lowest hollowed out in front to form a trough : in this stands a bearded Satyr re- reiving a jet of water which spurts from a lion's mouth: in field. over the nymph's left arm. awheel; IMEPAION (exergue), Slow quadriga driven by bearded charioteer to left : above the horses. Nike Hying to right and crowning the charioteer ; of fine early transitional style ; in excellent preservation, and eery rare: /mm the Hunbury collection [PI. VI] 1 1'.'- Himepa: Tetradruehm, wt. 266 grs. ; types similar to those of pre- ceding coin, but of somewhat later style, the Satyr standing on 1 1).' outer ed :e of 1 he t rough : a corn grain in field over the nymph's left arm: the reverse type placed to right; Nike passes the wreath over the iroad held by the charioteer : eery fine and eery rare ; the .,/,/>/>/ e.rerptinnally fine in treatment [PI. VI] 1 l'.f.i KamaPina : A\ Litra, Wreath with figures of Nike and swan to left: I! KAMAPINAION. Pallas to left. Another, of fine style and period : KAMAPINA. Head of the nymph to left : l.{ Swan to left on \v;ivcv; below, fish. Katana: Ai Litra, Head of bearded Seilen to H-lit : i: KATANE. Fulmen. Leontinoi : /R Litra. AEON. Lion's Iic;id to left : I! Apollo (?) to left, sacrificing at a M altar. Another: Laureate head of Apollo to right: l.{ A E O N. eoni main : all eery fine 5 27 Second Day 200 Kamarina : Tetradrackm, wt. 258'5 grs. ; KAMAPIN AION, Head . ^ of bearded Herakles to left, wearing lion's .skin ; # Fast quadriga /0 .ISmK t() n S' nt driven by Pallas; above the horses, Nike flying towards ^ the charioteer ; in exergue, stork flying to left ; very fine and ex- tremely rare [PI. VI] 1 c 6 i i 201 Kamarina: Tetradrackm, wt. 270 grs. ; Head of bearded Herakles to left, wearing lion's skin; the final letters oidy of the inscription showing; Ijl Pallas driving a fast quadriga to left; above the horses, Nike flying to right and carrying a fillet ; in exergue, stork flying to left ; a very fine coin, and of high rarity ; from the Bunbiiry collection [PI. VI] 1 202 Kamarina: Tetradrackm, wt. 265'5 grs.; Head of youthful Herakles to left, wearing lion's scalp knotted at the throat ; in front of the face, the upper half of a bow ; 1/ Fast quadriga to right, driven by Pallas : above, Xike flying to left and carrying wreath : in exergue, KAMAPIN AION, and two Panathenaic Amphorae : a fine and extremely rare coin, probably a work of the engraver ExaJcestides ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. VI] 1 203 Kamarina : Didrackm, wt. 125 grs. ; I P P APIZ (retrograde), Head of the river-god Hipparis to left; a fish (mullet) on either side of the neck; KAMAPINA {retrograde), The nymph Kamarina, seated on a swan and flying towards the left, her mantle blowing out to the left and forming a sail : two fishes (mullets ]) to left, another to right ; an exceedingly rare and beautiful coin, in unusually good state for the piece ; from the Evans collection I PI. VI] 1 04 Katana : Tetradrackm, wt. 265 grs. ; Mamheaded bull t-> right, the fore legs bent : above, a satyr running to right and apparently reaching out to sieze the bull's horns: in exergue, pistrix to right: \\ KATANAION, Xike walking to left and holding in each hand a fillet with fringed ends ; a very fine and exceedingly rare coin from the London Sale, May, 1000 [PI. VI] 1 I 205 Katana: Tetradrackm, wt. 267 "5 grs. : KATANAION. Laureate head of Apollo to right, the back hair turued-up beneath the wreath; \,l Slow quadriga to right:';/'.////'- early transitional style ; in excellent state, and ran- : from the Trist collection [PI. VI] ' 206 Katana: Tetradrachm, wt. 265'5 grs. : similar to last coin: the ^ leaves of the wreath more closely arranged : fine and rare 1 Second Day 28 V 209 J 10 21 1 Katana : Tetradrackm, wt. 258 grs. ; similar to preceding coins ; an extremely fine work of the late transitional period ; well pre- served and a very rare variety [PI. VI] 1 Katana: Tetradrackm, wt, 266'5 grs. ; KATANAION, Head of Apollo to right, the hack hair turned-up beneath a wreath deco- rated with laurel leaves arranged in groups of three; behind the neck, a mullet ; # Fast biga (?) driven to right by youthful charioteer ; above, Nike flying to right and crowning the horses ; in exergue, shrimp to right; an exceedingly rare if not unique- coin ; of the finest style, and in almost perfect condition ; from a Munich sale, May, 1903 [PI. VI] 1 Katana; Tetradrackm, wt. 265 grs. ; KATANAION, Laureated head of Apollo to right; the hair short and straggling ; behind the neck, leaf of wild celery; Fast triga (?) to right, driven by youth- ful charioteer ; above, Nike flying and crowning the horses ; the head of eery fine late-transitional style, and in unusually low relief; very rare, and in excellent condition ; from the Warren collection, 1rachm, wt. (j5'5 grs., by the engraver Kuainetos ; AMENANOI, Head of the young river god Amenanos to right wearing a simple diadem ; in front, mullet and shrimp : behind, mullet : l.l l'"a>t quadriga driven to right by female charioteer: .ibove, Xikc Stephanophoros flying to left ; in exergue, KATA NAIIiN : both legends have been carelessly engraved, the second $ ^ L 13 29 Second Bay Lot 2 1 2 contin tied. "N" of Amenanos was apparently at first omitted: the final letter of Katanaion is placed above the exergual line ; *7?j ex- tremely fine and eery rare little coin ; from the Bunbury collect ion [PI. VII] l 213 Katana : Tetradrachm, ivt. 264'5 grs.; KATANAIHN, Young male head (river god?) to left, diademed ; JJ Fast quadriga to left, L ^ the rein of the farther horse hanging loose in front ; above, Nike Hying to right ; in exergue, H ; a eery fine and exceedingly rare coin, the types not a- ell centred: [PI. VII] 1 214 Leontinoi : Tetradrachm, wt. 265 grs.; LEONTI-N, Laureate head of Apollo to right, the hair tightly braided around back of /\ l l head, formal tresses arranged on either side of the ear ; in field around, three laurel leaves ; below truncation of neck, a lion running to right; { Slow quadriga to right, one of the farther r ~Ji horses restive ; above, Xike flying to left and crowning the ^ charioteer ; in exergue, lion running to right ; of eery fine l6 gis. . a ,(// exvei dinglu fine specimen [PI. VII] 1 V Second Day 30 220 Leontinoi : Tetradi'achm, wt. 250 grs. ; as preceding coin but of somewhat later style, three or four tresses hanging down by the sides of the ear, none over the forehead ; fine and uncommon [PI. VII] 1 221 Leontinoi: Tetradrachm, wt. 256' 5 grs. ; types similar to preceding coin but with the heads turned to the left ; the obverse very fine, the reverse oxidized [PI. VII] 1 222 Leontinoi: Tetradrachm, irt. 266 '5 grs. ; similar to two preceding . . coins, the Apollo head to right, the lion's head to left; around the last three corn grains and a laurel wreath ; very fine and a rare variety [PI. VII] 1 223 Leontinoi : Tetradrachm, wt. 262 grs.; Laureate head of Apollo to right, the hair rolled at back of head, the tie of the wreath show- ing : U LEONTINON, Lion's head to right, on three sides a corn grain, at the back a tripod altar; a rare variety ; from the VANK only . hi.-low dolphin, no linear border; very fine and an interesting eaviety [PI. VII] 1 Zankle (Messana): A\ brachm, wt. ssJ grs. ; similar to last coin but with four quadrangular objects (supposed to represent quays) >n the inner side of the curved "harbour ' ; v< ry fine and a ran and interesting variety ; fnan the Evans sale [PI. VII j 1 1 31 Hern nil Day 229 Messana: Tetradrackm, vt. 267 grs. ; Mule-car (apene) drawn by L | L[ , tf *" two mules to right ; the charioteer sitting on a curious basket-like seat with his legs drawn-up in front ; beneath the mules a pellet : in exergue, laurel leaf: \,{ M ESSEN ION, Hare running to right, beneath the body a pellet; a very fine example [PI. VII] 1 230 Messana: Tetradrackm, wt. 267"5 grs. ; similar to last coin but of ^ later style, the farther wheel of the car indicated, and a figure of Xike, crowning the mules, in upper field ; the reverse inscription reading MESS AN ION, and a crescent above the hare ; a very rare variety and in excellent condition [PI. VII] 1 / 10 231 Messana: Tetradrackm, vt. 264 grs.; $ similar to preceding coin, a sprig of flowering laurel beneath the hare ; fine and an uncom- mon variety [PI. VII] 1 232 Messana: Tetradrackm, vt. 265*5 grs.; similar to preceding pieces, c\ ll a the charioteer shown in a less constrained position ; no adjunct on 1/ ) ' reverse ; the coin is overstruck on a Tetradrachm of Selinos : traces of this earlier striking are very distinct on the reverse : fine and very interesting 1 / rff "^ Messana: Tetradrachm, of later style, ict. 265'5 grs. ; Mule-car to right, the charioteer standing: 1/ MEZZANION {exergue). Hare bounding to left: in Held beneath, stalk of corn: above, bird flying to left ; an unusual variety 1 5 234 Messana: Tetradrachm, wt. 263 grs. ; Mule-car to right, driven by female charioteer (Messana) standing upright in the car: above. Xike flying to right, holding pendant fillet in her left hand and crowning the mules with a wreath held in her right : in exergue laurel leaf with large berry; [i MEZZANION, Hare bounding to right : in field beneath, dolphin to right ; fine and uncommon 1 235 Messana: Tetradrachm, ict. 266 grs.; similar to last coin, but reading MEZZANA on obverse, and without the Hying Xike and excrgual adjunct; an exceedingly fine coin ; from the Montana collect io [PI. VII] 236 Messana: Tetradrachm, vt. 263 grs.; similar to X>. 234. but a much, finer engraving ; in excellent preservation and ran [PI. VII] 1 237 Messana: Tetradrachm, ict. 262 grs.; Messana driving biga of mules to left; above, Xike Hying to right and carrying wreath and taenia : in exergue, two dolphins nose to nose: i; M EZZA NION, Hare to right : beneath, youthful head (I'an .') to right : very fine and a rare variety [PI. VII j '-, ond Dai/ -VI i\3S Messana : Tetradrachm, wt. 260'5 grs. ; Messana driving biga of mules to left, both wheels of the chariot shown ; above, Nike flying to right carrying a wreath in her right hand and about to attach a fillet, held in her left hand, to the head of Messana : in exergue, two dolphins, nose to nose; # MEZZANIX2N (exergue), Hare bounding to left; a stalk of corn in field below, and a bird (dove .') Hying to left above ; of early fine style and period, a very fine and ran' coin ; from the \ r <>n Wotoch sale [PI. VII] 1 L'.i'.t Messana: Drachm, wt. 58"5 grs. ; PEAI2PIAX, Head of the nymph Pelorias to left, crowned with corn leaves ; beneath neck, dolphin to left; tf EPAIMHN, The hero Pheraimon charg- ing to right, nude, wearing helmet and carrying shield and spear : in lower Held to right, X ; a well preserved and exceedingly rare ruin [PI. VI 11 1 33 THIRD DAY'S SALE SICILIA continued. , <*> 240 Motya: Didrachm, wt. 124 prs. ; Head of nymph to right, the hair bound with a narrow fillet passing several times around the head ; around, dolphins; Ij. MOT. . . ., Naked youth seated sideways on horse galloping to left ; fine and exceedingly rare ; from the 1^ Bunbury collection [PI. VIII] ] . 241 Motya: Didrachm, wt. V2%'d grs. ; MOTYAION, Head of nymph to right ; the hair dressed to crown of head, the ends tied in a looseknot ; behind the neck, shrimp; 14 Hound standing to right ; in field above, corn-grain ; of very fine style ; in excellent preserva- tion and very rare ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. VIII] 1 i\. 242 Naxos : Drachm, of earliest type, wt. S2T) grs. ; Head of Dionysos to left, bearded and crowned with ivy ; a dotted border between linear circles around ; NAXION, Bunch of grapes with tendrils and leaves ; fine and very rare. [PI. VII] 1 2 43 Naxos : Te.tradrachm, of late archaic style, wt. 2G3'5 grs. ; Head of Dionysos, bearded and wearing wreath of ivy : the hair rolled up and tied at back of head; [i NAXION. Seilenos, nude, seated on ground to front, the head turned to left: his left hand resting on the ground behind, his right holding a stpiat cantharus : an unusually well preserved and well centred specimen : <>J high rarity and from the Trist collection [PI. VIII] 1 244 Naxos: Drachm, wt. 62 grs. ; of similar types to the preceding but of slightly later style and period : the left leg is drawn up almost straight with the body and the left hand rests upon the knee: fine raid exceedingly rare [PI. VIII] 1 245 Naxos : Drachm, wt. 65'5 grs. ; of similar types ;i preceding coin but of later issue : the back hair of Diony.-o- rolled up (W tied) : ih' figure of Seilenos turned to left, the tail passing beneath the figure: the left hand resting on ground at hack: cry tin, and rare ! PI. VIM! 1 Third Dan M ( M 246 Naxos : Tetrad rachm, wt. 263*5 grs. : Head of Dionysos to right, hen riled and wearing hroad diadem ornamented with ivy scroll ; K NAEION. Nude Seilenos seated on ground to front; the body tinned slightly to right, the head looking to left ; in his left hand a thyrsus, in the right a cantharus, from which he is about t" drink: from the ground to left springs an ivy plant or vine; a magnificent example of this beautiful coin ; from the Hoffmann ,i ml Montana collections [PI. VIM] ] lift 247 , Naxos: Didrachm, wt. 127 grs., by the engraver Prokles; NAilUN. Laureate head of Apollo to right, the hair rolled up at back of head : behind neck, laurel-wreath and berry ; \{ Nude Seilenos seated to front, drinking from a cantharus held in the right hand : the body inclined towards the right, the head turned back to left ; in his left hand, a cantharus ; to right, terminal figure of Dionysos : to left, vine : a trace of the artist's name can be seen in field \ beneath the right foot: extremely fine and exceedingly rare [PI. VII] 1 PanoPmos : Tetradrachm, ict. 258'5 grs. ; Head of Persephone to eft, crowned with corn-leaves ; four dolphins around : \{ Fast uadriga to left : above, Nike, Hying towards the charioteer : in exergue. Phoenician letters ( = ZIZ) between two dolphins swim- ming to the centre : of very good style and ran' [PI. VIM] 1 !4 ( .< Panoi'inos : Tetradrachm, wt. 265'5 grs. ; Female head (Arethusa?) to right wearing diadem or sphendone ; the side and back tresses of hair blown out behind : around, three dolphins, in front of face, Phoenician letter : (,{ Fast quadriga to right ; above, Xike with wreath Hying towards the charioteer : before the horses a Huted eolnmn 'the meta) : in exergue, a shrimp to right with Phoenician letter over end of tail : very fine and an exceedingly rare variety PI. Villi 1 !*><' Panormos : Tetradrachm, wt. 26] grs.; Female head (Arethusa.') to light : the side and back locks turned up over a diadem which -hows only above the forehead : dolphins around : 1,5 Fast quad- riga to left : above, Xike living towards and about to crown the charioteer : in field over nearest horse, Phoenician symbol (crux aiisata '.! : in exergue, .-wan flying to left : of eery good style and ,< e, r,i ran rariety PI. VIM j 1 !."il Panormos : Tetradrachm, wt. 26] grs. : types similar to preceding : no symbol in field of reverse : pi-trix in exergue : eery Jim > >/-''bv. as last coins but of later style : I; Incuse square with leaf of wild celery : fine and a rare variety 1 l'0."> Selinos: Tetradravhm, ivt. 260 grs. ; XEAINOX, River god Selinos standing to left, holding phiale and branch of laurel : the figure mule and with short horn over forehead ; to left, altar of Asklepios with figure of Cook placed in front: to right, altar of 1'oseidon surmounted by figure of bull, and above it, leaf of wild 'l.-ry : I! XEAINONTION (retrograde), Apollo and Artemis in -low quadriga to right, Apollo pulling a how ; if very fine /ate anhaie style n-ell preserved and very rare [PI. IX] 1 L'OO Selinos : 7'etradrarhm, ivt. 202 grs. : Types as last coin but slightly varied and of early transitional style ; an unusually well spread find fine r.vaiujde ; from the linnbury collection [PI. IX| 1 _'m Selinos: Tetradraehm, n-l. l'OO grs. ; Similar to preceding coins but tly varied; SEAINONTION on bv. : the . ; .Similar to last coin and of about the same date, but with the figure of Selinos draped ; very fine and very rare ; from the Ithousopoulos collection [PI. IX] 1 269 Selinos: Didrachm, wt. 134 grs. ; ZEAINONTION, Hercules , running to right, brandishing his club and seizing by the horn a wild bull ; $ HY* AZ, River god Hypsas standing to left awh^/ sacrificing at an altar around which is twined a serpent ; to right, vTV^v stork and leaf of wild celery ; a very fine example ; from the Mon- tagu collection 1 Seljnos : Didrachm of later style, wt. 127 grs. ; Types as last coin ; no inscription on obv. ; ZEAINONTION on reverse : of very fine style and very rare [PI. IX] 1 SYRAKOUSAI. Time of the Gamoroi, before B.C. 485 : Tetradrachm, wt. 266'5 qrs. ; YRA, Quadriga driven by beardless charioteer to right ; the horses in slow action ; R Quadripartite incuse ; in the centre a circular sinking with female head to left ; a fine and very rare ^ 7 coin [PI. IX] 1 Time of the Gamopoi, before B.C. 485 : Tetradrachm, wt. 262'5#rx. ; YRA, Slow quadriga driven by beardless charioteer to right : R Female head, to left, in circular sinking placed in centre of quadripartite incuse ; the obverse type slightly smaller than that of the preceding coin ; an unusually fine example of this rare and interesting coin ; from the Hoffmann and Montagu collection* [PI. IX] 1 273 Time of the Gamoroi, before B.C. 485: Tetradrachm, wt. 270 grs. : v _- o^ YRA ? O - ION ; Slow quadriga driven by beardless charioteer to right : R Female head, to left, in circular sinking placed in centre of a shallow quadripartite square ; an excellent example and a rarer variety than the preceding coins (efi /lead. Coinage of , . Syracuse" pi. I, 1) [PI. IX] 1 * L'Tl Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478 : Tetradrachm. wt. 262'5 grs. ; ZV - RA ? ~ OZI - ON, Female head to right, a plain diadem around the head, the hair represented by parallel rows of dots : four dol- phins in field around ; K Slow quadriga to right, driven by beard- less charioteer holding goad in left hand : over the horses, a figure of Xike Hying (or running) to right, her left hand touching the head of the farther horse, a wreath held in her right : an extremely ^ fine example of this rare coin ; fmm the Banbury collection Ulead, pi. i, 3) [PI. IXl 1 4 Third Day 38 Sykakoisai continued. J7-") Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478: Didrachm, wt. 130 grs. ; obverse as last coin, the inscription similarly divided ; Nude bearded man on horseback to right : a second horse shown in the background : fine and ran' (cgl Head, l, 5) [PI. IX] 1 276 Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478 : Tetradrachm, wt. 258'5 grs. : ZYRAKO - ZIO - N, Female head to right wearing beaded diadem ; the hair, represented by parallel lines of dots, falling at back of neck, the ends tied together in a small bunch ; four dol- phins in Held around ; \i Slow quadriga to right ; above the horses, Nike flying to right and apparently crowning the horses ; of fine style and an uncommon variety [PI. IX] 1 _'77 Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478: Tetradrachm, wt. 253 "5 grs. : Types similar to preceding coin: ZYRAKO ZION : Plain broad diadem around head, the dotted hair falling to a point at back of neck : the figure of Xike holding a wreath ; fine and a very un- common variety 1 27* Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478: Tetradrachm, wt. 269 grs. ; Similar to last coin: ZYRAKOZI - ON ; the diadem beaded, the hair shown by parallel lines and falling to a point at back of neck : Xike crowning the horses ; a eery fine example [PI. IX] 1 27'J Time of Gelon, i;.c. 485-478 : Tetradrachm, wt. 269 grs. ; Similar to preceding coins ; ZYRAKO - ZIO - N. the dotted hair turned up at back and passed beneath a beaded diadem, the ends hanging down behind : the figure of Xike holding taenia and wreath : an exceedingly fun' example; from the II. Hobart Smith cabinet [PI. IX] 1 "-' v ! Time of Gelon. ;;.. 4S5-47S : 'Tetradrachm, wt. 265 grs. ; ZVRA KO ZION in unusually large letters ; the head hinted to left : the hair, shown by parallel lines, falling down back of neck and turned up beneath a beaded diadem, the ends hanging down behind : the tL'ure of Xike in running attitude 'as on coin in lot 274) 'arryim: wreath and reaching towards head of farther horse: Jim <.l o ,-,,-// n ,ee oirirtu [PI. IX I 1 Uo. \ i , o 39 Thir.l Vn SYRAKOUSAI continual. 282 Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478 : Didrackm, wt. 125 grs. ; ZYRAKO ZION {retrograde and irregularly disposed) ; Female head to left, wearing beaded diadem ; the hair falling at back of neck ; three dolphins in Held around ; ji Nude bearded horseman to right, leading a second horse ; eery rare hat oxidized [PI. IX] 1 283 Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478: Didrachm, wt. 134 grs. ; Similar to* last coin but head to right; IYRA KO HON ; The hair hanging down back of neck and turned up beneath the beaded diadem, the ends falling behind ; the under part of the exergual line of reverse ornamented with a row of short perpendicular lines ; a rare variety and very fine [PI. IX] 1 284 Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478 : Tetradrachm, wt. 267 grs. : Similar to coin in lot 280, but with the whole of the hair indicated by parade lines; ZYRAK OZ I ON ; Nike, in unusual angulai position, crowns the farther horses ; a very fine example : from th Evans collection [PI. IX] Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-47S : Tetradrachm, wt. 267'5 grs. : Similar to last coin but carelessly engraved: ZYRAKO ZIO~ N (some of the letters reversed) : the outline of the figure of Nike resembles that of a syren the charioteer is bearded 1 Time of Gelon, B.C. 485-478: Drachm, wt.Mgrs.; ZYRAKOZION Female head to right, the hair looped-up beneath the beaded dia- dem ; 1/ Nude horseman to right : the hair tied-up at back of head in a projecting queue (//cad, i, 7) [PI. IX] Litrai (3), wt. 11-13 grs.; same period: ZYPA (on ohv. or rev.), Female head to right : [i Sepia : all fine coins 4 Time of Gelon ; B.C. 4S5-47S : Tetradrachm, ft. 2(57*5 grs. : ZVR AK OZI ON, Female head to left, wearing plain diadem : the hair, represented by rows of dots except over the forehead where it is shown by simple lines, falls behind the neck, the ends tied-up in a small knot; four dolphins in field around : U Slow quadriga to right, the charioteer holding a goad in the right hand : above, Nike, heavily draped, Hying to left, her hands stretched nut above the horses'' heads ; a very fine and rare variety [PI. IX 1 Demarete, wife of Gelon; about i;.c 179 : Medallion, "Dema- kk.tkiox," n't. 682 grs. : ZY RA KOZ ION. Female head (Xike .') to right, laureate : the hair hanging down back of neck and turned up over the wreath : around the head a linear circle : in 2S5 ' . !86 s~ of Third Day 40 Sykakousai continued. Loi 28. c >ntinue,l. field beyond, four dolphins ; |,{ Slow quadriga to right, the charioteer bending over towards the horses : in Held above, Xike flying to right and crowning the heads of the farther horses ; in exergue, lion running to right; in excellent condition and of the highest rarity ; /mm a l } Time of Hieron I. n.c. 478-467: Tetradrachm, vt. 265'5 grs. . ZVFlAKOZION : Female head to right, the hair looped-up under headed diadem : around faint linear circle, in field beyond, four dolphins ; u Slow quadriga to left : above, Xike flying to left and crowning the charioteer: in exergue, pistrix to right ; an un- usually fine trample [PI. IX] 1 '91 Time of Hieron I, n.c. 47^-4(>7 -. Tetradrachm, vt. 262 grs. ; ZYRAKOZIO N. Similar to preceding but less severe in style : the hair waved : the figure of Xike to right and crowning horses : a cry fine example [PI. X] 1 29i' Time of Hieron I, n.c. 47^-466: Tetradrachm, vt. 268 grs. ; Similar to last coin : ZYRAKOZI O N : The beaded diadem passed very low down at back of head ; very fine 1 293 Tim.- of Hieron I. n.c. 478-466: Tetradrachm, vt. 260 grs. ; similar to preceding coins: ZYRAKOZ I ON; the hair on the fore- head ai-i-aii_.Nl in three broad waves: a simple cord fillet passed around tin- head and twice around the looped-up hair at back of m-ck : Xike th ing toward.- and crowning the charioteer: ; ZY PAK OZ I ON: the hair loose A( ovi-r foii-hfad : the baek hair rolled up over narrow fillet at back ' ' of |. ; ,d : Xike flying to right : eery fine [PI. X] 1 I iiii" of Hieron I. n.( . ,7- Kin : Tetradrachm, vt. W.Y'uirs.: similar to | ; i r-oin: ZYPAKOZI . . : the tresses over the forehead passed '-'imath tin- narrow i i 1 1 - 1 : the back hair arranged in a sort of - J 1 ;i '< < 1 low down on the neck : Xike flying to right and th.f hoj'-es ; fin>, mid ,1)1 ii lie ,,,i iii"ii ear'uty PI. Xj 1 \k <> 1 41 Third Day Syrakousai Continued. 296 Time of Hieron I, B.C. 478466 : Tetradrachm, vt. 267 grs. ; similar to preceding coins; ZYRAKO XI - O - N : the hair waved over forehead and turned up at hack over the narrow diadem : Xike flying to right and holding beaded taenia; fine 1 297 Time of Hieron I, B.C. 478-466 : Tetradrachm, vt. 266 grs. ; similar to preceding coins ; XYPAKOZI O N ; hair waved over fore- head and rolled up in separate coils at hack of head : Xike Hyin.u to right and carrying wreath held in both hands ; very fine [PI. X] 1 0- 298 Time of Hieron I, B.C. 478-466 : Tetradrachm, vt. 270 grs. ; ZYRAKOXI O N, hair over forehead rolled ; over the hack- hair, arranged in separate coils and tightly rolled up, passes a narrow cord or fillet tied over the forehead, one of the ends show- ing at top of head ; a bulla (acorn shaped) attached to front of necklace ; the flying Xike crowns the horses ; a eery pi easing variety, and very fine [PI. X] ^^35?F="1 299 Time of Hieron I, B.C. 478-466 : Tetradrachm, vt. 267 grs. ; similar to preceding coins; XYRAKOXI ON, the hair waved and rolle/1 up at back in separate coils passing beneath a finely beaded diadem ; Xike crowning the horses ; a very fine and very pleasing coin ; from the Montagu collection [PI. X] 1 300 Time of Hieron I, B.C. 478-466: Tetradrachm, vt. 26">'5 grs.; similar to preceding coins ; XYRAKOXI ON ; the hair treated more freely and rolled higher up hack of head : narrow fillet around head: an acorn-like bulla attached to front of necklace: Xike crowning the horses ; very fine 1 .'301 Time of Hieron I, B.C. 478-466 : Tetradrachm, >rt. 266'o grs. : very similar to last coin: very fine, and from the liunlairy collection [PI. X] 1 n j PI. X 1 V ti Third Dan -42 Sykakousai continued. ( r 304 Time of Hiepon I. B.C. 478-466: Tetradrachm, ivt. 266*5 grs. ; XYRAKOZI ON. the hair waved and dressed, en chignon, low down on neck : a narrow cord bound twice around the head over the forehead, once over the top of head and twice around the back hair; a bulla attached to necklace; Nike crowning- the horses; a n ry jiiir ruin : from the Montagu collection [PI. X] 1 .So.") Time of Hiepon I, n.c. 47S-466 : Tetradrachm, wt. 269 grs. : ZYPAKOXION : the hair dressed high up at back of head and tightly bound with a broad fillet passed twice around the head : Xike Hying towards the horses and attaching a fillet : a eery fine ruin [PI. X] 1 Soii Time of Hiepon I. n.c. 478-466: Tetradrachm, wt. 265.5 grs. : ZYRAKOXIO N ; the hair looped-up at back of head and tightly bound with a broad fillet ; Xike attaching a fillet to the farther horses ; of very pleasing style, fine, and a rery unusual rariety [PI. X] 1 "' n 7 Time of Hiepon I, u.C. 478-4(56 : Tetradrachm, wt. 262 grs. : y XYPAKOXION. the hair dressed to crown of head, where it is ^ tightly tied in a bunch; a close-fitting torque around the neck, the loop-and-boss fastening of which is shown on the side of neck: \< (Quadriga to left, the horses galloping : Nike flying to right and crowning the charioteer: the whole design is treated in a much freer style than the preceding coins ; the obcerse e.ttremely fine ; a ran- rariety [PI. Xl 1 ';<" Time of Hiepon I. u.c. \~^-\^\ : Tetradrachm, tct. 255 grs. : ZYP A KOX . . . (retrograde) ; similar to last coin, but hair ! tightly dressed, two loose tresses showing over the forehead : the necklace of different form: the reverse similar to last coin; ./////-. and f p/ctsi/ig styl,< [PI. X ] 1 "'"'.' First Democracy. r..< . 166-412: Tetradrachm, irt. 2647> grs.: XYPA KOXI O N. Female head to right wearing em liioid'Ti-d >]ihcndoiie, the ends of which are passed three times over the head in front and once at back : dolphins around : lion's lead bulla attached to necklace in front : I,: Slow quadriga to riniit : above. Xike living towards the charioteer, her wings widely tended on either - i < ! . of the body ; no exurgual device : fine and i on; t,,/ ; /,,,, Munich sale, Xor. 1 1)05 PI. Xj 1 43 Third Day Syrakousai continued. C \ 310 First Democracy, B.C. 466-412 : Tetradrachm, wt. 268'5 grs. : similar to last coin; very rare and very fine, but not well centred [PI. X] 1 !311 First Democracy, B.C. 466-412: Tetradrachm, wt. 264 grs. ; i ZYP AKO - . . ON, Types as two last coins, but of very diffe- rent style (vgl. /lead, pi. in, 1) ; of very pleasing and fine execu- tion, and eery rare [PI. X] 1 312 First Democracy, B.C. 466-412 : Tetradrachm, wt. 267 grs. : ZYPAK - O Z I O (N ), Female head to right wearing embroidered sakkos drawn up at top of head, the cords hanging down behind ; four dolphins around ; li Slow quadriga to right ; above, Xike flying towards the charioteer ; a very fine and very rare coin ; from the London sale of Mai/, 1900 [PI. X] 1 313 First Democracy, B.C. 466-412 : Tetradrachm, wt. 266 grs. : / similar to preceding coin ; ZYPAKOZION ; wearing necklace; Xike flying to right (vgl. Head, ill, .'5); very rare and an unusually Jhw specimen ; from the It. Hobart Smith cabinet [PI. X] 1 314 First Democracy, B.C. 466-412: Tetradrachm, wt. 265 grs. ; similar type to preceding coins, but with a fillet tied around the head, the ends falling at back of neck: ZYPA KOZION, ' ' . U Slow quadriga to right, the horses driven by bearded charioteer: / ^- Xike flying above and crowning the horses (vgl. Head, in, 2) : a beautiful and very rare coin [PI. X] 1 315 First Democracy, B.C. 466-412: Tetradrachm, wt. 264'5 grs.; ZYPAKOZION, Female head to right, the hair looped-up at back of head, the ends tucked beneath a broad fillet wound tightly around the head; 1/ Slow quadriga to right: Xike flying above and holding fillet in hands ; of excellent style : fine and rare [PI. Xj 1 316 First Democracy, B.C. 466-112: Tetradntchm, wt. 262'5 grs.: ZYPAKOZION, Female head to right wearing embroidered sakkos with pointed crown : four dolphins around : It Slow quadriga to right : above. Xike flying to right and carrying taenia : ON, Female head to right, the hair bound with a narrow diadem passed four times around the head: U Slow quadriga to right : Xike Hying towards the horses heads: a very fine and beautiful coin: from the Von Wntoch collection [PI. X] 1 V>" Third Dai/ 44 SYRAKOUSAI continued. C . :U. S First Democracy, is.C. 466-412: Tetradrachm, wt. 264 grs. ; similar to last coin; the inscription differently disposed; the flying Nike carrying a large wreath : of very fine style, and rare ; very fine, hut not well struck up [PI. X] 1 :U'.t First Democracy, n.c. 466-412 : Tetradrachm, vt. 265 grs. ; similar to last two pieces, but reading ZYPAKOZI - ON, and with the head smaller : a eery fine and eery rare variety [PI. XI] 1 .".2< ; First Democracy, n.c. 466-412: Tetradrachm, wt. 268 grs.; Z YPA -KOZ-I-ON, Female head to right, a narrow diadem showing above the forehead, the back hair gathered up in an ornamental net : [i Slow quadriga to right ; Xike flying above and crowning the horses : in exergue, grasshopper ; a very rare rariety, and finely preserved : from the Hobart-Smith cabinet PI. XI] 1 - >21 First Democracy, Period //(after the defeat of the Athenians), r..c 412-405 : X (ibol, wt. 10 grs. ; ZYPA, Head of Athena to left wearing crested helmet; Snake-bordered xEgis of Athena; a eery fine and minute engraving, rare 1 ."l.'_ First Democracy, Period II, n.c. 412-405: Tetradrachm, ivt. 262 grs. : ZYPAKOZI ON (retrograde), Female head to left, the hair waved over forehead and rolled up at back of head ; four dolphins around ; I,! Fast quadriga to left, the horses' legs very eonventionally arranged in almost parallel lines ; above, Xike tlyiuu to right to crown the charioteer with a wreath ; an unsigned ii'urh of the engraver Er.MENOS ; a eery fine and eery rare coin; /mu, the V,i Wotoch collection [PI. XI] 1 :;_''; First Democracy, Period II, n.c. 4 12-405: Tetradrachm, wt. KY.V:> grs.; ZY1PAKOZION, Female head to right, the hair Wound with a louse cord crossed above the ear, a number of loose locks floating in Meld above the head; four dolphins around: I.! Fast (juadri.ua to right, Nike Hying towards the charioteer and holding an untied wreath ; in exergue, fish and dolphin ; an un signed irnrl, a/ the engraver Ki'MKN'os : a very fine and very rare -/ the engineer EUMENOS ; a eery fine and very rare coin [PI. XI] 1 325 First Democracy, Period II, h.c. ! 12-405 : Tetradrachm, wt. 262-5 grs.; ZYPAKOZION, Female head to right, the side / and back hair dressed upwards and turned over a narrow diadem, beneath the neck EV, signature of the artist; around, four dol- phins, three placed in front of tin! face and the fourth behind the neck; Fast quadriga to left; above, Nike flying towards the charioteer and carrying an untied wreath, beneath the horses EV ; in exergue, two dolphins each swimming towards the centre; a signed work of the engraver EUMENOS ; fine and rare [PI. XI] 1 326 First Democracy, Period II, rj.c. 112-105: Tetrad rachm, wt. 262*5 grs.- ZVPA KOX-flON), similar to last coin, the dol- phins more regularly disposed ; beneath the neck, EVMENOV; $ Fast quadriga to right, the bearded charioteer apparently pulling up the horses ; above, Xike flying to left and carrying a large oblong label inscribed EYAIN ETO (indistinct); in exergue, two dolphins each swimming towards the centre : a signed work by the two artists EUMENOS and EVAINETOS : a fine and very rare ruin [PI. XI] 1 327 First Democracy, Period II. B.C. fl2-!05: Tetradraehm, wt. 207 grs. ; similar to that of No. 325 ; I,; Fast quadriga driven by female charioteer to right ; to the farther horse is attached a broken rein, the loose end curling down in Held to from ; above the horses, Xike Hying to left and about to crown the charioteer with a wreath : along the front edge of the e.vergual line are traces of EYAINETO ; in exergue, a chariot wheel !yin_ on the ground; a signed work of the artists Er^EXus and Eyaixktos ; a very fine and eery rare coin ; from the IIo1>art Smith eahinet [PI. XI] 1 First Democracy, Period II, is.c. ! 12--. 05 : Tctradraehm. wt. 267 grs.; ZY PAK Oil ON, Head of Persephone to right wearing diadem of corn stalks, the hair rolled up at back of head and tucked beneath a cord : aivund, four dolphins ; beneath neck, PYr~IAA OZ : I.; Xike driving a fast quadriga to right, above a second Xike Hying to left and crowning the one acting as chario- teer (the latter figure is sometimes described as a " winged youth, ' f Third Day 46 Syrakousai continued. Li t 32^ cnntinin d. l>ut the whole posture and treatment seems to indicate that the figure is intended for Nike* : in exergue, EY0. Skylla swimming ti> right in pursuit of a fish ; a signed work of the engravers I'HRYtULLos and Evth '.: a very fine and very rare coin ; fmm the Bunbury collection [PI. XI] 1 32'.' First Democracy, Period II, B.C. 41 2-405 ; Tetradrachn, wt. 267 grs.; ZYPAKO-ZIUN. Head of Persephone to left, the details almost identical with that of preceding coin, a bulla shaped as a lion's head attached to the front of necklace ; below the neck. EVM ; U same as that of last coin : a signed work of the artists Eumenos and Euth( ?) ; an exceedingly fine and very rare coin : from the Hobart Smith cabinet, formerly in the Imperial cabinets at Berlin [PI. XI] 1 330 First Democracy. Period II, B.C. 412-305: Tetradrachn, vt. 262 grs. : IYPA KH Zl ON, Female head to left wearing embroidered sphendone with PY on part over forehead, four dolphins around ; {,( Persephone holding torch and driving fast ipiadriga to right : above, Nike flying towards the charioteer and carrying a diadem : in exergue, ear of corn ; a signed work of the artist Phrygillos ; an exceedingly rare and eery fine coin : from the Bunbury collection [PI. XI] 1 331 First Democracy, Period //, b.c. 4 12-105: Tetradrachn, wt. 266 grs.; XYPAKOSII2N. Female head to right wearing sphendone, the necklace ornamented in front with pendant beads. four dolphins sporting in field around: [{ Fast quadriga to left : above, Nike flying towards charioteer and carrying wreath : double cxergual line, adjunct beneath uncertain : a very fine and eery ran ruin, if should probably be assigned to the Dionysian period rather than to that placet/ at head from the Hobart Smith rabi,-t, e.r Bourguignon collection. Paris, 1903 [PI. XI) 1 'V.'rl First Democracy. P> rind 1 1, u.i . I 1 2- 105 : Hemidrachm, >rf. 32'5 grs.: XYPAKOXION Female head to left, wearing sphendone. del- phin in front and In-hind : l.i Fast ijuadiign to left : above, Nike flyim: to right to crown th<- charioteer: on the cxergual line, in minute character-, traces of signature (probably EYAINETO' : : i x < i "_ ; n . stalk of corn : a eery fine little emu, in excellent run 'it',.,, i, prnl.ablyn imrl. of the engravers Kv.UNK'l < and Kl'Ki.EIDKs PI. XI 1 47 Third Day Syrakousai continued. 332a First Democracy, Period II, n.c. 412-405: Hemi drachm, wt. 32'5 grs. ; as lust coin ; Fast quadriga to right ; above, Nike crowning the charioteer; in exergue, two dolphins, each swim- ming towards the centre ; also of excellent style, probably a work of the engraver Eukleides [PI. XI] 1 333 Dionysian Period, B.C. 405-345: X 50-Litra Piece, wt. il grs. ; o , XYPAKO ZiniN, Youthful head to left, the hair short and curling ; Free horse leaping to right ; on exergual line XYPA KOSin[N ; a very fine and rare coin of excellent and pleasing style [PI. XI] 1 334 Dionysian Period, B.C. 405-345: M Medallion, wt. 6G5*5 grs. : ZYPAKOZIHN {traces only), Head of Persephone to left, / , wreathed with corn leaves, and surrounded by four dolphins ; in front of neck, A; R Fast quadriga to left; above, Nike thing to right to crown charioteer ; in exergue, prize armour (shield, hel- met, and thorax between greaves), and in field beneath, A0AA ; a fine example of the excellent work of the engraver Evainetos [PI. XI] ] 335 Dionysian Period, B.C. 405-345 : A\ Medallion, wt. 662'5 grs. : similar to last coin : no adjunct in obv. field, but traces of artist's signature, EYAINE, in extreme lower field: the rer. very fine and complete, except in lower exergue : very fine and very ran [PI. XI] 1 336 Dionysian Period, n.c. 405-345: A\ Medallion, wt. (150'.") grs. : similar to last coin, without adjunct or signature : a very fine and well-spread coin, but with obv. pitted by oxidization [PI. XII] 1 337 Dionysian Period, B.C. 407-345 : Ai Medallion, wt. 66 l grs. . similar to preceding, the head of Persephone of larger size and in higher relief, a small cockle-shell in Held before neck and a large cross behind ; of very fine style and very rare [PI. XII] I 33JS Dionysian Period, n.c. 405-3 15: A\ Tdradrachm, wt. 2(50*5 grs. ; . ..AKOXIOZ, Female head to right, the hair arranged in an embroidered sphendone, the ends of which pass several times around the head, and are tied over the forehead : on the pan over the forehead a swan swimming to left : on the lower edging at back of head, in very minute letters, EVKAEI : I; Fast quad- riga to right, the rein of the farther horse broken and han-ii:_ down in front; above, Nike Hying to left and about to crown the Th inl Day 48 Syrakousai continued. Lot 338 continued. female charioteer; on exergual line, EYAINETO (indistinct): in exergue, chariot wheel : a signed work of the engravers Kiki.eides Dionysian Period, n.c. 'h?/m7. Lot 35 1 - continued. helmet and armed with sword, spear and shield ; behind him, a low altar : in front, a sacrificial ram lying on its hack ; in exergue, traces of AZVKAZPIZ ; a very finished and excellent work of th,' vh graver Kl'KLEiDAs ; in very fine preservation and very rare: /mm a Munich sale, 190.") [P I. XII] 1 355 Dionysian Period, B.C. 405-345 : Hemi-drachm, vt. 32'5 grs. : similar to preceding coin, but with ZY only in field; K Fast quadriga to left : above, Xike flying to right and crowning the charioteer : in exergue, two dolphins, each swimming to the centre; a minute engraving of gem-like delicacy by the artist EUKLEIDAS; in excellent preservation and eery rare ; from the Hobart Smith cabinet [PI. XII] 1 3."6 Democracy, re-established by Timoleon of Corinth, B.C. 345-317 : Ki.. pi?cr of bO-Litrai, "-f. 56'5 grs. ; Head of Apollo to left, laureate and with long hair ; in field behind, lyre ; \i ZYPAK - OZI.QN. Tripod lebes ; very fine and rather rare 1 357 Democracy, n.c. 345-317: El. piece Democracy, n.c. 345-317: Al Stater of Corinthian type, vt. 13J-5 grs. : ZYPAKOZIftN. Head of Athena to right, wearing a plain Corinthian helmet with curling neck-guard of leather; a pellet at back of neck : \,i Pegasos, with pointed wing, leaping to left : an exceedingly fine example and of excellent style [PI. XIII] I ">"'.' Democracy, n.c. 345-317 : A\ Stater of Corinthian type, -ah pre- eedin- coin ; very fine I PI. XI II] 1 Democracy, n.c. 345-317: A\ Trilitron, vt. 41 grs. ; ZVPAK OZI.QN , Laureate head of Apollo to left, the long hair at back twi-tcd up and tied at the ends; around, three dolphins: \{ f'e.-asos to left : a eery fine and eery rare little coin [ PI. XIII 1 " Democracy. i;.c. 345-317 : Dilitron, vt. 24'5 grs. ; ZYPAKOZ- ir2N. .fanifoi'Tii laureate female heads ( I >emeter and Perse] >hone?>; to riidit, dolphin : I.! Free horse and star Trih-^ilitrnn. vt. L'O ,,. : ZYPAKOZII2N. Female head (Are- ' to left ; three dolphins around : r Forepart of I'egasos to : : -tar in field ah..\r : PI. XIII ] : both fiv fifth coins and tin r en ran > 53 Fowl h Day & 361 A ff, D 36: r i Syrakousai continued. Democracy, b.c. 345-317: ffemt'drackm, wt. 30 #;>.; Head of Athena facing; dolphins around; u Nude horseman to right; [PI. XIII] Trihemilitron, wt. 18 grs. ; Head of fountain nymph Kyane to left ; ZY and lion's head infield; 1/ ZYPAKOZIi-lN, Half-Pegasos to left ; both fine and the last very rare [PI. XIII] -j Agathokles, B.C. 317-289 (Period /, 317-310): A\ Tetrad ' achm, wt. 266'5 grs. ; Head of Persephone to left, crowned v.tii corn ears (similar to the head on the medallions of Evainetos) : around, three dolphins ; below neck, NIK (monogram); u Fast quadriga to left; above, triskelis ; in exergue, ZYPAKOZIHN and monogram (AN I) ; eery fine \ 363 Agathokles (Period f, B.C. 317-310) : Tetradrachm, wt. 262 grs. ;^ types as last coin but of better style and execution, and in higher >^ " relief; a very fine example [PI. XIII] 1 Agathokles (Period I, b.c. 317-310) : Tetradrachm, wt. 258'5 grs. : types as preceding coins, but not so well struck and preserved 1 Agathokles (Period I, b.c. 317-310): M Stater, wt. 131 grs. ; Athena head in crested Corinthian helmet to left; li ZYPAKO ZIHN, Pegasos flying to left; below, triskelis: eery fine and uncommon [PI. XIII] 1 36(5 Agathokles {Period /, b.c. 317-310): A\ Stater, wt. 133 grs. ; imilar to preceding coin but of somewhat later style : obv. adjunct, ""*V^ '364 ,\ 365 V trophy : triskelis above, and head of corn beneath the Pegasos on rev. 1 Agathokles (Period /, b.c. 317-310): A\ Stater, wt. 115 grs. ; similar to no. 365, no obv. adjunct : fine 1 36s Agathokles ( Period II, B.C. 310-307) : A\ Tetradrachm, wt. 26-4 grs.: KOPAZ. Head of Persephone to right, crowned with corn : the ~~ hair falling at back of neck, the central tresses rolled in a plait and tied at the end ; i; ATA0OKAEIO-Z. Xike standing to right, erecting a trophy of arms : the upper part of the figure nude, a hammer in the right and a nail in the raised left hand: in field to right, triskelis : a beautiful and rare coin, in excellent preserva- tion [PI. XIII] 1 360 Agathokles {Period II. r,<\ 310-307): Tetradraehm. wt. 262 grs.: types as preceding coin : mi ef/nalfy fine ruin : from the Hunbury roller, ion [PI. XI! ll 1 1 Fourth D\; similar to preceding pieces, but without obv. inscription ; of smaller size, the head of Kora more freely treated ; eery fine [PI. XIII] 1 This coin appears to he of earlier issue than the preceding and following pieces of the same type : had the coin been more spread it would very probably have shown the inscription ZYPAKOZIjQN on the obverse. 371 Agathokles (Period //, B.C. 310-307): Tetradrachm, wt. 251 grit.; similar to preceding coins but of very different style, and in lower relief: traces of KOPAZ on obv., and ATA]OOKAEOZ, monogram (AND and triskelis on rev. : very fine ; from the Hobart Smith cabinet [PI. XIII] 1 372 Agathokles {Period J I. v,.C. 310-307): Tetradrachm, wt. 261 grs.; similar to last coin : the head in higher relief; ATAOOKAE... in exergue ; a rarer variety, finely preserved [PI. XIII] 1 373 Agathokles {Period II. B.C. 310-307): Base A\ Tetradrachm, wt. 2f>3 /.; types as preceding coins; KOPAZ, ATAOOKAEIOZ; no adjunct or monogram on rev.; very fine but of coarse style and fabric J .".7 1 Agathokles {Period II, B.C. 310-307): Tetradrachm, of much de- based silver, wt. 263'5 grs. : as last coin but with triskelis in held of n /'.; Very fine 1 ~_~ This coin, and also lot 373, arc generally considered to have been made and issued by authority of Agathokles during his victorious campaign in Africa against the Carthaginians. 37." Agathokles (Period III. n.c. 307-2S9) : X Stater of light weight, irt. ss f//\s-. ; Head of Athena to right wearing crested Corinthian helmet: I.! A | AA0OKAEOZ ( BAZI AEOZ, 1 ulnn n : in field, T: cry fine ami ran [PI. XIII] 1 .".7c Agathokles (Period III. n.c. 307-2*9) : A\ Stater of Corinthian fin. n't. In I t/rs. : Head of Athena to riidit, wearing Corinthian i iV"' J helmet with clasp for plume : M Pegasos to left : between the legs, triskelis : cry Jim ami ran j PI. XIII] 1 .".77 Agathokles < Periml III, n.c. 307-2S9) : A\ Stater oj Corinthian type : similar to last coin but head of Athena to left : the helmet plain : cry Jim and rare j PI XIII j 1 37- Hiketas. i..< . 2*7-27*: A\ -Litrai, wt. 192 grs.; Head of Perse- ' o]n to left, crowned with corn and with long hair falling behind - on coins of Agathokles): behind neck, bee: I; Fast ve 55 Fourth Day Syrakousai continued. Lot 378 continued. quadriga to left; above, star; in exergue, ZYPAKOZIX2N ; a very fine and very rare coin ; from the Loftus-Brock collect ion [PI. XIII] 1 .37!) Pyrrhos, b.e. 278-276 : Ai Oktoboll %-Litrail wt. 88 grs.; Head of Persephone to left, with long hair and crowned with corn ; in field behind, rose; I* BAZIAEI2Z PYPPOY, Athena Alkis charging to left; in field, fulmen and E; very fine and very rare [PI. XIII] 1 *** There is some doubt as to the minting place of this coin, hut both obv. type and weight make its assignment to the Syracusan mint probable. 1 380 Hieron II, B.C. 275-216 (Cla*s I, B.C. 275-263): M Q-Litrai (?) : 84'5 grs. ; Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Corint helmet; behind, trident head ; I* I JEPHNOS, Pegasos rlyir ck right ; below, B ; very fine and rare ; from the Montagu c> > Hon [PI. XIII] -5 1 381 Hieron II (Class I, 275-263): A\ Q-Litrai (?) or Oktobol (]). 86'5 grs. ; types as last coin : spear head behind Athena head, ' e_ P below Pegasos ; very fine and rare > le 382 Hieron II, Class II, with name and portrait of Gelon: A\ $-Lit ict. 107'5 grs. : Diademed head of Gelon to left : behind head, ebf p ZYPAKOZIOI rEAHNOZ: Nike driving fast biga tend below horses' forefeet, A and E; eery fine and rare [PL XIII ga 383 Hieron II, B.C. 275-216 : Class II, with name of Gelon : A\. in. 97 grs. ; types as last coin : BA in held over horses : very fine and rare 1 384 Hiepon II, B.C. 275-216; Class II, with name of Gelon: A\. mt. 99o grs.; as last pieces: p ZYPAKOZIOI HEAI1NOZ. Nike driving sloir biga to right : in Held, A4> and KA : very Jim and eery rare [PI. XI 1 1] 1 385 Hieron II, B.C. 275-216; Class II, with nam.' of Gelon: A\. "/. 51 grs.; Diademed portrait head to left; 1,1 ZYPAKOZIOI TEAHNOZ, Eagle standing on fulmen to right : in field. BA and . Litra, irt. 8'o grs. ; Portrait (!) bust to right: behind. club;!* ZYPAKOZIOI: XII in centre and K beneath. Bronze Coins (2), with obv. portrait head of Hieron II to left, diademed ; l.{ IEPHNOZ (e.reraue), Armed horseman to right : all Jim . and \ I /' rtii Dill/ 56 Sykakousai continued. 3S6 Hieron II. h.c. 275-216; (.'lass III, with name of Philistis : A\ \6-Litrai, wt. 213 gr/x ; Veiled head of the Queen to left ; in Held behind, filleted palm branch ; BAZI AIZZAZ <|>l AIZTI AOZ, Xike driving slow quadriga to right : fine and uncommon 1 3S7 Hieron II. n.c. 275-216; Class III, with name of Philistis: 16-Litrai, wt. 209 Vmged,.fulnicii: above - ,,n coin.- of .Vuathokles) : behind neck, bee ' IX. 57 Fourth. Day Syrakousai continued. 395 Hieronymos, r..c. 216-215: Al 10-Litrai Piece, wt. 130*5 grs. ; tyjies as last coin, but showing no whisker, and with Nl over fulmen ; eery fine, and rare 1 396 Hieronymos, B.C. 216-215: ill o-Litrai Piece, wt. 65 grs. ; types as preceding and larger coins : slight whisker on cheek and A over fulmen ; eery fine and cert/ rare 1 397 Democracy, B.C. 215-212: A\ 12-Litrai, ivt. 153 grs. : Head of Athena to left, wearing crested helmet ; the hair falling at hack of neck and tied in centre: K ZYPAKOZII2N, Artemis huntress to left loosing an arrow from how ; a hound at her feet, and in Held to left, XAP ; fine and very rare [PI. XIV] 1 398 Democracy, B.C. 215-212 : A\ 8-Litrai, wt. 105 grs. ; Head of Athena to left, wearing crested helmet ; the hair at hack of neck / O i . tied in the centre ; a serpent coiled around the necklace in front ; \i ZYPAKOZIHN, Winged fulmen: in field below, YA Z ; a eery fine example, and eery rare [PI. XIV] 1 399 Democracy, B.C. 215-212 : AX 8-Litrai, wt. 105 grs. ; types as pre- ceding coin, but with HA below fulmen on reverse ; also eery fine and eery rare 1 100 Democracy, B.C. 215-212: M 8-Litrai, wt. 104'5 grs. ; Head of Persephone to left, wreathed with corn, the hair rolled up around the head ; in field behind, bee : U Xike standing in slow quadriga to left, carrying a palm branch with taenia attached to upper part; in field at top, API (monogram) : to left (A?) Y: in front of horses (AP monogram 1), and in exergue, ZYPAKOZIHN : exceedingly fine and extremely rare [PI. XIV] 1 101 Democracy. B.C. 215-212 : Trihem'mbolon (?), wt. 15'5 grs.: Head of Artemis huntress to right, aquiveratherback : U ZYPAKOZIOI: owl, facing : in field to left, E. Tau romen ion : A\ \-Litrai Pieces (2) : Laureate head of Apollo to right ; star behind neck ; !.{ TAYPOMENITAN. Tripod lebes : monogram APh in , upper Held to left. /E of Agathokles (Artemis head ; K Fulmen), Iff' . and of the Mamertinoi (Ares head: II Hero standing by side of horse), minted at Messana : the 'first enin eery rare : all fine 5 Fourth I>">i 58 f 'b MACEDONIA. THRACIA, &c. 4(fJ Orveskioi : /K Stater, of early archaic style, ?c. 140'5 <7?v?. ; .QRH^KIflN (retrograde). Centaur to right, carrying off a nymph : the human hod} of the centaur nude, the nymph wearing a chiton and a tight-fitting tunic with short sleeves ; \\ Quadri- partite incuse: an unusually fine specimen, and rare [PI. XIV] 1 403 Datos (Xeapolis): A\ Stater, of early issue, u't. \o0 grs. ; Gorgon head: the hair shown by parallel lines, a row of formal curls along the forehead: \\ Quadripartite incuse: >< very fine specimen; of excellent archaic style : from the Montagu collection 1 404 Datos (Xeapolis): A\ Stater, irt. 148 grs. : similar to preceding piece, and equally fine 1 IV \ -V * 4??i ( //^ Montagu collection [PI. XIV] 1 4 ly diagonal lines and with in centre ; each quarter ornamented by parallel rows of dotted lines; in excellent preservation, and e.rceedinalu rare I PI. XIV] 1 / I) !"7' Orthagoreia : A\ Triohol, irt. Id grs.: Head of Artemis, three- liiarter face to left; a ipiiver over her right shoulder, an arrow (!) over he left : i; OP0ATO PEHN. Macedonian helmet ; n star on the apex and long spiked pieces at sides (above the hinged check piece- 1 ; it eery fine and very rare little coin : fnon the Mnntogn cnllectim, PI XI V | 1 l (| - Akanthos : T<-fro/>l, ,//. :: ( .i ( ,rs.: Forepart of lion tearing prey ; ; iin adjunct altove : l.i < v >i 1; 1 ri p;i rt ite incu.-e NeapoliS: llemidrachm, irt. L'N'o grs. ; dorgoiieion : I; NEOP and 59 Fourth Day o,l fC \\V J Lot -408 continued. head of Aphrodite in .shallow incuse ; from the Montagu col- lection Philippoi : Hemidrachm, wt. 23T) grs. ; Herakles head to right ; [l IAIPnnN, Tripod lebes, with fillets attached to handles and palm branch in field above ; to right, flying Eros (?) ; all very fine and the last rare ."> 409 Akanthos : Tetradrackm, of early archaic style, ict. 262'o grs. ; Lion attaching' bull ; the bull placed to left, with head thrown back, the lion, to right, leaping upon and maiding it ; in exergue, bueranium ; U Quadripartite incuse ; a very fine and very rare coin [PI. XIV] 1 410 Akanthos: Tetradrachm, of excellent early transitional style, irt. 220 grs.; similar to preceding coin but varied in treatment, the y heads of the two beasts turned nearly to front ; in exergue, \ ONOMAXTO ; Quadripartite square with stippled divisions ; ^, around it, broad raised border with AKAN0ION : an exceed- ingly fine and eery rare coin ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XIV] ^'o 1 Amphipolis : Tetradrachm, of the finest period, irt. 219'") grs.: Laureate head of Apollo, three-quarter face to right : Shallow incuse square with AM IPO AIT EUN on a raised bolder enclosing racing torch, a bee in lower angle to right; a eery fine example of this beautiful and extremely rare coin [PI. XIV, 1 112 Amphipolis : Tetradrachm. irt. 220 grs. ; similar to preceding coin but very distinctly varied : the head of much smaller size, a small dog (?), leaping to left, in field to right: no adjunct in centre of reverse; of exceedingly fine style and an excess') rely rare variety; from the Montagu collection [PI. XIV] 1 U3 Amphipolis: Tetradrachm, irt. 221 grs.: Types similar to last coins but with the head placed three-quarter face to left: in Held to left, crab ; no adjunct on rev.; a magnificent example oj this exceedingly rare variety, pro/nddy the finest known : the surface covered inth a thin lustrousddachpatination : from the liunhury and Saia/^rs/.i collections I PI. XIV] 1 111 Olynthos {('halkidian League): Tetradrachm. irt. '223 grs.; Laureate head of Apollo to left: b XiA!AiKIAEX2N. Lyre, strongly formed and fitted with seven strings: a band around the lower pail of the arm to right : ';/' very refined and pleasing sty], ; in excellent condition and reru ran I PI. XIV] 1 -/- Fourth Day 60 * tlf> Olynthos (Chalhidian League): Tetradrachm, irt. 220 grs. : of similar type to preceding coin but of earlier style ; the head placed to light, the hair straggling and the wreath lying closer to the head : the reverse design placed in a shallow incuse square : the lyre has six strings only and across the lower part runs a broad moulding with a band of ornaments ('an inscription); very fine and very rare [PI. XIV] 1 H'i Olynthos (Chalhidian League): Tetradrachm, irt. 221 grs. ; Head of Apollo to right, bound with a wreath of laurel leaves and hemes : i; XAAKIAEHN. Lyre, strongly formed and fitted with six strings, the stretching rod unusually long: in field below, in small letters. EPI APIZTHNOZ: an exceptionally fine example rhat later style than nos. l\\and\\~> [PI. XIV] 1 117 Terone : Tetradrachm, irt. 2">8 grs.; Tall amphora with arched handles ; on the body a bunch of grapes : in field on either side uncertain design ( .' trellis of vine); \i Shallow incuse square, irregularly quartered : a very early and exceedingly rare com : /rum the Rhmisopouhs collection [PI. XIV] I i! x Terone : TetmUnl, irt. 37 grs. ; TE, Oenochbe, the handle to right ; (.{ Shallow quadripartite square : a very fine and rare coin : from the HhnllSnpoulns Collection 1 KINGS OF MACEDONIA. 11!) Perdikkas II: 'Tetradrachm, irt. 203 grs.: Macedonian warrior on horseback to left, the body tightly swathed in a chlamys ; on his head a kau-ia with feather projecting from top: in his right hand two long spears : the whole design within a dotted border : [I Shallow incuse square with goat's head and neck to right : a very fine and e.n-redinijly rertect lit fir eniu u/r.rrrllent Style and e.CeClltion \ PI. XV : 1 1-- Philippos II : Tetradrarhui. irt. 223 grs.: Head of Zeus to right w.-an'n- wreath of lame] leaves and berries: I! l Al P POY. N ide youthful horseman to right carrying a long forked branch : attached to the heads of both horse and horseman: beneath 'i\-i\ -ar and unoTtain bomb-shaped object: an unusually <,,,.; .,/.,-, II, i style : t'mm the Trist sale [PI. XV] 1 61 Fourth Day s\ /y423 Philippos II: Tetradrachm, vt. 216*5 grs. Laureate head of L fl* bearded Zeus to right, l Al P HOY, Macedonian horseman to left, wealing kausia and chlamys, a fillet attached to the horses )M / head; in field beneath, head of Helios facing; very fine and <>f varied style and treatment [PI. XV] 1 424 Alexandras III : N Stater, wt. 132"5 grs. ; Helmeted head of Athena / v . to right ; coiled snake on upper part of helmet : Z in field to left ; \\ 1} \i AAEZANAPOY BAZIAEHZ, Nike to left, a wreath in I* A her right hand, a chariot pole in her left : in field, p (Aradus ?) ; very fine; from a Munich sate, 1904 1 425 Alexandras III : Tetradrachm, wt. 264 grs.; Head of young Herakles to right, wearing lion's seal]) over head, the forepaws knotted beneath the chin ; 1,{ AAEZANAPOY, traces of BAZIAEHZ H in exergue ; Zeus Aetophoros seated to left on ornamental throne : a long sceptre held in the left hand, an eagle perched on the right : in field to left, a branch of vine with grapes, leaf and tendril : of remarkably fine style and in excellent preservation ; from the Trist collection [PI. XV] 1 426 Alexandras III: Tetradrachm, vt. 264 grs.; Types as last coin: BAZIAEHZ AAEZANAPOY: NO beneath throne which has small figures of Nike on upper corners of the back ; cornucopia in field to left; very fine and rare: from the von Wotoch col- lection 1 427 Alexandras III : Tetradrachm, minted at Ephesos, vt. 264'") grs. : , _, . similar to 425 but with EEand bee in left field of rev. ; no title visible : fine and a rare variety : from the Bunbury collection ] 42S Alexandl'OS III : Tetradrachm, of spread fabric and posthumou> issue, struck at Uhodos, irt. 256 grs. ; types as preceding coins : PO beneath throne, rose and monogram {Midler, 1154) in field to left: eery fine and rare 1 129 Alexandras III: Drachm, ict. C)f> grs.: Types as larger coins: AAEZAN : A and torch Philippos III: Tetradrachm. vt. 265 grs.; Types as Alexanders coins but reading BAZI AEI2Z l Al P POY in n continuous line by side of sceptre) and with monogram below throne: Imth fine and the last coin from the Montagu collection 2 130 Demetnos Polionketes : Tetradrachm. vt. 2<>1 grs. : Nike stand- ing on prow of galley to left, blowing a long trumpet and carrying banner staff; H BAZIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY. Poseidon 1 : lc lit Fourth Day 62 Lot 430continut d. charging to left, brandishing a long trident ; his chlamys wrapped around his left fore-arm : in Held to left 112 {monogram), to right, dolphin : a vert/ good specimen and rare 1 431 Demetrios Poliorketes : Tetradrachm, let. 262 grs.; Types as preceding coins : in field of rev. to left, 1X2 (monogram), to right, dolphin and star ; eery fine and rare 1 432 Demetrios Poliorketes: Tetradrachm, wt. 264*5 grs. ; Types as last coin : hipennis (la monogram) in field to left, and HP (mono- gram) between legs of Poseidon ; an unusually fine example of this very interesting coin, practically in mint state; very rare : from the London sale of May, 1900 [PI. XV] 1 433 Demetnos Poliorketes: Tetradrachm, wt. 256 grs. ; similar to preceding cuius: HP (monogram) in field of rev. to left, and hipennis (or monogram) to right ; fine and rare 1 P54 Demetrios Poliorketes: Hemidrackm, wt. 3li grs.; Types as preceding tetradrachms : A and ANO (monogram) in field of ;('/.; unusually fnw and rare [PI. XV] 1 135 Demetrios Poliorketes: Tetradrachm, wt. 265"5 grs.; Deified head of Demetrios to right wearing diadem: a short curved horn on side of head: I; BASIAEHZ AHMHTPIOY, Poseidon standing to left resting right foot on pile of rocks, a trident in his right hand : monogram in field to right and left : a brilliant speci- men of very good style : rare 1 f3ii Antigonos Gonatas : Tetradrachm, wt. 262 grs.; Macedonian shield, tin; border ornamented with stars in lunettes ; in the centre a head of Tan to left with pedum over .shoulder: K BAXI- AEI2Z ANTITONOY. Athena Alkis to left; before her. Macedonian helmet : behind, monogram (HA) ; a eery fine example 1 f.">7 Antigonos Gonatas : Tetradrachm, wt. 263*5 grs.: Types as last coin: the head of Pan of larger size: KX, to right of Athena Alkis : also in excellent conditio// 1 !">- Antigonos Doson : Tetradrachm, wt. 2(52 grs.: Mead of Poseidon to riiiht. wearing wreath of marine plant : l,{ Apollo holding bow, -'ated upon the overhanging gallery running along the forepart of a -alley; along the side in two lines BAXIAEHX ANTI- TONOY. in field below, monogram : an exceedingly fine coin : >'. ./// the loud IAinnOY and three monograms, one above and two below ; beyond tie of wreath, harpa ; an exceedingly fine specimen and extremely rare ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XV] 1 Perseus: Tetradrachm, wt. 260 grs. ; Diademed portrait head of the King to right; BAZIAEI2Z PEPZE.QZ, Eagle to right, standing on fulmen ; in field, I, Ml, ; the whole within a wreath of oak ; below the tie of the wreath, a plough ; a eery fine and rare coin [PI. XV] 1 Perseus : Tetradrachm, wt. 259 grs. ; Types as last coin : three monograms in central part of in, E.Q, EY ; very fine but bent 1 Macedonia under Roman Domination : Tetradrachm, wt. 251 grs. ; Macedonian shield ; the border ornamented with stars in lunettes divided by three pellets, the centre with bust of Artemis to right, a bow and quiver behind the neck ; $ Wreath of oak : within it, Club between MAKEAONHN PPHTHZ and three mono- grams, one above, the others below ; near tie of wreath, fulmen ; eery fine 1 Macedonia under Roman Domination ; MAKEAONI2N beneath beardless male head to right (generally considered to be intended for Alexander the Great); behind the neck, 9 ; % AESILLAS. Q, Club between circular money case and Quaestor's throne : the whole within a wreath ; dry fine 1 Patraos, K. of Paeonia : Tetradrachm. wt. 190*5 grs. ; Laureate head of Apollo to right; PATPAOY (traces only). Paeonian horse- man charging to right and riding down Macedonian hoplite : <>J unusually good style ; rare 1 Audoleon, K. of Paeonia: Tetradrachm, wt. 191 grs. : Head of Athena, nearly facing, wearing triple-plumed helmet : U AYAjQ AEONTOZ, Free horse to right, a large pellet between the fore legs; eery fine and rare 1 Thkaua. Abdera : Early OJctadrachm, wt. 460"5 grs.: Griffin seated to left, the forepaw raised : in lower field to front. A and an uncertain adjunct : JjQuadripartiteincu.se; acdiio/ th highest interest ; eery fine and exceedingly rare : jr*>m the lihousojioulos collection [PI. XV | 1 Fourth Day 04 447 Abdeca : Oktadrachm, vt. 444 grs. ; Griffin seated to left, of very similar style but possibly slightly later than preceding coin ; in lower Held to front, uncertain letters or adjunct ; Quadripartite incuse of small size ; a fine and exceedingly rare and interest/)/*/ coin : also from the Rhousopoulos collection ' (?) [PI. XV] 1 4 l> Abdera : Tetradraehm, irt. 231 grs.; KAAAIAIMAZ around figure > \\v "f a griffin seated to right upon a fish, the fore-paw raised ; # Shallow incuse with ABAHPITEI2N on a broad border around a quadripartite linear square; on e.rceedinghj fine and very rare cin : from the Trist collection [PI. XV] 1 44 ( .i Abdera : Tetrad 'rachm, irt. 230'5 grs. ; Griffin seated to left ; beneath jj_l the raised fore paw, cock to left : 1.1 Shallow incuse with EPH - PO AO ~ TO around a quadripartite square ; a rev// fine and exceedingly rare variety ;from the A llatini sale of 1 904 [PI. XV] 1 450 Abdera : Tetradraehm, vt. 22855 grs. ; Griffin seated to right, both fore paws raised ; in field over wing, cantharus ; Shallow incuse, with EPI MEAA NIP- PO, around quadripartite square; a very fine and exceedingly rare coin ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XV] 1 451 Ainos : Tetradraehm, irt. 252 grs. ; Head of Hermes to right, wearing close-fitting petasos with very narrow brim and band of beaded ornament ; the hair tightly braided up around back of head ; Shallow square incuse with AIN (or AIN[I]) over figure of goat to right ; in field to front, a large crescent, on the hind-quarter of the goat a corn grain : of very early issue and of exceptionally good archaic style; in fine preservation and of much greater rarity than the later archaic issues [PI. XV] 1 152 Ainos : Tetradraehm, vt. 257 '5 grs.; Types as last coin: AINI : before the goat, a small terminal figure of Hermes placed on a throne to right : the figure wears petasos and holds a goat, from the hack of the throne is hung a wreath ; an extremely fine speci- men and a very run' and interesting variety [PI. XV] 1 153 Ainos : Tetradraehm, of fine style and period, irt. 243 grs. ; Head of Hermes three-quarter face to left, wearing narrow brimmed petasos ornamented with a beaded band ; I,' AINION, Goat standing to right, a tall corn stalk (?) in front : very fine and err// ran- 1 151 Ainos . Tetradraehm, vt. '2\()(irs.; Similar to last piece; the head in higher relief : before the coat, an amphora resting on a curious and with a branch of ivy (?) passed through the handles and cting above the mouth : if smne/ehat earlier style than pre fd'mn ruin ; in-Jl preserved and very rari J PI. XV] 1 65 Fourth Day 455 Ainos : Drachm, wt. 55'5 grs. : Head of Hermes, three-quarter face to right, wearing broad petasos, of ordinary form, bent down over " - " the ears ; AINION, Throne with back-rest and arms, placed to left and supporting a terminal figure of Hermes; a ram-headed + t j antefix at end of arm throne ; in field to left, cantharus : of the L* j finest period and of exceptionally fine style ; covered with a fine lustrous black patination and in excellent preservation ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. XV] 1 450 Dikaia: M Stater, ivt. 114 grs. : Head of Herakles to right in lion's seal]) head-dress ; the design of very early style and curiously arranged, the face of the hero appearing to project from between the very widely extended jaws of a lion : [{ A-l-K, in three corners of a shallow incuse square with head and neck of bull to left: an extremely fine and very rare coin [PI. XIV] 1 457 Maroneia : Tetradrackm, wt. 224 grs. ; MAPflN, Free horse prancing to left ; large cantharus in field above ; 1,1 Shallow incuse square with AEONYZ on broad border round linear square with fruited vine ; an extremely fine and eery rare coin : of excellent late archa ic style [ P I . X V I ] 1 458 Maroneia: Tetradrachm, wt. 222 grs.; M]APHN. Free horse ^~ prancing to left; in Held above, cantharus; \i Shallow incuse square ; in linear square in centre fruited vine ; on border around, EPIMHTPOAOTO : of early transitional style: eery fine and very rare [PI. XVI] 1 nt (J6 FIFTH DAYS SALE. \l\- MACEDONIA, &c continued. LOT 459 Thasos : A\ Stater, of very early issue, wt. 150 grs. ; Satyr kneeling to right and carrying Nymph in his arms ; the satyr nude, the nymph draped in a long chiton ; 1,{ Shallow incuse, irregularly formed and quartered ; of very archaic style and treatment and in excellent preservation [PI. XVI] 1 460 Thasos : JR Stater, wt. 130'5 grs. ; Satyr kneeling to right and carrying Nymph in his arms ; the satyr nude, the nymph wearing a long chiton girded in at the waist and open at the neck ; in field to right, A : [{ Quadripartite mill-sail incuse ; of very fine style and the best period ; in excellent preservation [PI. XVI] 1 M')l Thasos: A\ Stater, wt. 131 '5 grs.; as last coin; equally fine [PI. XVI] ] 46ii Thasos : Tetradrachm, wt. 228 grs. ; Head of bearded Dionysos to left, wearing wreath of ivy leaves with korymboi of berries over the forehead : M 0AZIO[N, Herakles kneeling to right and shooting with bow ; he wears the Nemsean lion's skin, the scalp pulled over the head, the rest falling behind ; the paws knotted together at the throat and waist : in field to right, a circular buckler; a work of the finest state and period ; in excellent condition and very rare [PI. XVI] 1 |i;."> Thasos: bidrachm, wt. 10l7> grs. ; Types .similar to last coin ; the head of Dionysos to right; monogram (HP) in field of \* ; fine and eery rare ( PI. XVi| 1 I'm Thasos : Hemidrachm, wt. 28 grs. ; Youthful head to left wearing plain diadem: \\ Herakles wearing lion's skin, kneeling to right and shooting with bow : in field to right, circular buckler; of very fine style ; /// excellent condition and very rare : from the cabinet of /,'. Ilobart Smith. AW/. .V. )'. LPI. XVI] I I 1 '-" Thasos : (Jbol, wt. 1-2 grs. : Hoarded Scilen kneeling to left and holding cantharus ; I.; 0AiZ]IHN, Amphora 7 '. -tradrarhm, of late type. wt. 2fil'5 grs. : Head of youthful Dionysos t" rL'ht. wearing ivy wreath with korymboi of berries; 67 Fifth Day Lot 465 continued. Vo HPAKAEOYZ ZHTHPOZ AZiniM, Nude figure of Herakles standing to left, the lion's skin hanging from his left shoulder ; his right hand supports a club, the end resting on ground in front ; in field, M ; both very fine 2 3 I r , *. o Ik 466 Byzantion : Tetradrachm, wt. 235 grs. ; PY over bull standing to left ; the farther fore-leg raised above a wreath with in centre ; ] Quadripartite incuse, the divisions covered with a series of dotted lines ; very fine and rare ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XVI] 1 467 Salybria (or Selymbria) : Drachm, ivt. 65" 5 grs. ; ZA, Cock standing to left ; i Quadripartite incuse of mill-sail type ; a fine and very rare coin 1 46S Lysi machos, K. of Thracia : Tetradrachm, wt. 265 grs. ; Diademed head of Alexander to right, with horn of Zeus Amnion above the ear; \ji B]AZ! AEX2Z AYZI M AXOY, Pallas Nikephoros seated on throne to left, the left arm leaning on shield placed by side of throne ; behind the figure, a spear ; in field, racing torch, mono- gram (PYPA) and, below the type, meander ; a eery fine example 1 469 Lysimachos : Tetradrachm, ret. 263 grs. ; Similar to preceding coin : A and monogram (KE) ; fine 1 THESSALIA. L 1 470 Ainianes : Hemidrachm: v:t. 42*5 grs. ; Laureate head of Zeus to left, with sparse pointed beard : [i AIN I ANXIN, Nude youthful warrior repelling an attack from the right ; a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right : his chlamys attached to the neck and hanging over the left forearm ; very fine and of good style and period 1 471 Larissa: Drachm, ivt. 92'5 grs.; Nude youth to right, running Jb beside and catching a galloping bull by the horns ; the chlamys and kausia blown back to left; l ; { AAPI ZAIA. Bridled horse galloping to right ; of excellent style and in very fine preservation [PI. XVI] 1 472 LaNssa : Drachm, wt. 94 grs. ; similar to preceding coin hut varied _*- in treatment ; the type to left, the bull rearing and lifting up the figure of the youth ; a long loose rein trailing helow the horse on reverse; very fine and an uncommon variety -r""~" 1 f t Fifth Day 6$ 473 Larissa: Drachm, wt. 93 grs. ; Head of the nymph Larissa to left, . t fl wearing spheudone ; U AAPIZAI, Bridled horse galloping to / / right, a loose tethering rein trailing beneath ; eery fine and rare [PI. XVI] 1 174 Larissa : A\ Stater (?), wtf. 185 grs. ; Head of nymph Larissa wearing diadem and turned three-quarter face to left; \j. AAPIXAI.QN, Bridled horse trotting to right ; of excellent style (a copy from the similar work by Kimon of Syracuse) ; eery fine and very rare; from the Montagu collect 'urn [PI. XVI] 1 175 Larissa: Drachm, wt. 93 grs. ; obv. similar to last coin, but of varied >tyle and treatment; AAPI, Horse grazing to right ; very fine [PI. XVI] 1 17G Larissa: Drachm, wt. 92'5 grs. : obv. very similar to no. 474; U AAPIZAiniM. Hobbled horse grazing to right; very fine [PI. XVI] 1 477 Lamia : flemidrachm, wt. 40 grs. ; Dionysos head to left ; tf AAMIEHN, Amphora Oitaioi : flemidrachm, wt. 42 grs. ; Lion's head to left, a spear between its jaws ; \{ OITA.QN (retro.), Xude Herakles (?) to front, wearing garland and holding a long club Pharkadon : flemidrachm, wt. 44 grs. ; Youth to right seizing by the horns the forepart of a bull: APKAAO, forepart of horse to right : all fine and uncommon 3 17s Phalanna: Drachm, wt. 84'5 #/>'.: Youthful head to right, the hair short and curling : U 4>AAANNAI . .. Horse to right ; very fine and rare [PI. XVI] 1 179 Pharsalos : Drachm, wt. 93'5 grs.; Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet : the hinged cheek-guard turned up and resting on side of helmet ' U A P X, Thessalian horseman to riidit, wearing kausia and chlamys, and carrying a long rod : ri'ry rare and in unusually fine state, the. rev. slightly damaged ; from the Montagu sale \ PI. XVI] 1 ISO Pharsalos : Drachm, n-t. 9 _''"> grs. ; similar to last coin : the helmet ornamented with a serpent, and a bird's wing attached above the ear; coy fine and rare (PI. XVI] 1 1 M Pharsalos: flemidrachm, wt. 47 grs.; Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet with cheek-guard raised and resting on -ide : I! Incuse square with ^AP and horse's head to right pi. xvi| Tp'ikka: Ifcmidrachm, wt. \-2grs.: Youth running bv the side of the f /L,fi 482 l'*** A GO Fifth Day Lot 481 continued. forepart of a bull and seizing it by the horns ; 1/ TPIKKAION (retro.), Forepart of horse to right ; both fine and uncommon 2 Skotoussa: Drachm, wt. 93'5 grs. ; Forepart of horse to left: # *KO, Grain of corn, the whole in a shallow square incuse ; very fine and very rare ; from the lihousojxmlos collect ion [PI. XVI] 1 4t<3 Skotoussa: Hemidrachm, wt. 41 grs. ; similar types to larger coin in last lot, but with the forepart of horse to right ; also eery fine and rare 1 WESTERN AND CENTRAL GREECE. ILLYRIA TO ATTICA. 4*4 Illyria. Apollonia: ^R Stater, wt. 174 grs. ; Cow to right and calf ; the cow turning round to lick the calf ; in field above, bee : \i A PO A, Club and bow around the sides of a linear square with stellate designs in two long compartments; a very fine specimen and an unusual variety from the Montagu collection [PI. XVI] 1 ' its 485 Dyrrhachioi, (minted at Epidamnos?): M Stater, wt. 168 grs. ; Types as last coin but without obverse adjunct, and with A Y - ^ /p, around the linear square on reverse A\ Stater, of Corinthian type, wt. 132*5 grs. : Head of Athena to right wearing Corinthian helmet ; dolphin in front. A and club behind ; [{ A below Pegasos flying to right; both eery fine 2 48tf Fpriros. AmbPakia: AX Stater, of Corinthian type, wt. 129 grs. : I I (. Head of Athena to left, at point of neck, A ; behind, nude figure f ' I seated on ground to front (Herakles strangling the serpents?); \l A, Pegasos with curled wing standing to right : fine and a rare variety [PI. XVI] 1 ") i , 4*7 Ambrakia: AX Stater, ret. 129 grs. : types as last coin : A in Held ^ J * over helmet; in front of neck, swan (.'serpent coiled around uncertain object) ; behind neck, nude male figure, wearing pile<)>^W- and seated towards left; a eery rare variety (PI. XVI] 1 f 4SN Ambrakia: A\ Stater* (2). of Corinthian type, wts. 128'") and 129 grs. : with obr. adjunct, grapes over eantharus, and \i A below Pegasos, with pointed wing, flying to right: or with helmet crested and adjunct spear head, I,! A below Pegasos, with pointed / wing, riving to left : l>th fine and )tnc<>ri-Vf> gr. .-./ coin in preceding lot : dry Jim- and uncommon Fifth Da// 490 & 49 192 , |0- 3 193 194 195 190 Ambrakia : Al Stater, Corinthian type, ict. 131 AIT.f2AnN, Boar rushing to right ; in field, two monograms and spear-head ; fine 2 500 Lokris. Opous : Al Stater, ivt. 181 grs. ; Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn ; OPONTIHN, Nude figure of the Locrian Aiax charging to right, armed with helmet, sword and / ... \J shield ; on inner side of shield, griffin : on the ground between the hero's legs, spear and arrow : of excellent style, fine and rery rare [PI. XVII] 1 ^2- 501 Opous . A\ Stater, ft. 183 grs. : similar to preceding coin : lion on < ; i0 S inner side of shield of Ajax, and pileos and spear on ground between his legs; fine and very rare [PI. XVII] 1 1 \0. 502 Opous : AX Stater, irt. 181'5 grs. : types as before ; a serpent on the shield and two spears on the ground : very fine and very rare ; pi. xviii i 503 Opous : Hemidrachm (2), wt:. 43"5 grs. : types as larger coins lint with the head of Persephone to right : one with serpent on shield and crested helmet on ground [PI. XVII]: the second piece with lion on shield and two spears on ground : both very fine 2 504 Opous : Obol, id. 1 1 grs. : OPON, Vine-decked amphora : i; Star Loknoi Hypoknemidioi : Hemidrachm, u-t. 40"5 grs. : Head of Persephone to right ; I! AOKPHN. the Locrian Ajax charging to right ; between legs, YPOK (m<>n'>gram) : both eery fine and The last eh, [PI. XVII] very rare 2 Fifth Day 72 505 Phokis: Federal Triobol, irt. 43 grs.; Bull's head facing; \i Q, Laureate bead of Apollo to right : behind, lyre Delphoi : Triheminbnl, irt. 20 grs. ; Ram's head to right; beneath it. dolphin : [{ Ram's head, to front, between two dolphins ; both eery fine ; the last coin from the Hobart Smith cabinet 2 500 Delphoi : A\ Stater, irt. 189"5 grs. ; Head of Demeter to left, veiled and crowned with corn ; [i AMl KTIONI2[N], Laureate figure of Apollo to left, seated on the Delphian omphalos; the right hand supporting the chin, the elbow resting on the stretching bar of a lyre placed in the background ; the left arm lying along the thigh, the hand holding a long sceptre topped with a forked branch of laurel : the god wears a long chiton, banded in at the waist and fitted with sleeves : a mantle {himation) is loosely folded and placed beneath him, one of the corners hanging down the side of the omphalos, which is covered with a series of tasseled fillets loosely netted together with cords : a coin of excellent style and if tli' highest interest : it was probably issued during the great Pythian festival of l;.C. 346, on the occasion of the re-assembling of the Amphictyonic Council at the close of the Phokian war; ride /fend. JUstoria Xumorum,p. 289-90 [PI. XVII] 1 507 Boiotia. Haiiartos: Early Drachm, ict. 9G"5 grs. ; Boeotian shield : l.i H in centre of deep mill-sail incuse ; eery fine and ran- : from the I lobart-Smith cabinet [PI. XVII] 1 (>> Boiotia: Urachm, of late issue, minted at Thebai, v:t. 78 grs. ; Head of Poseidon to right; l 7 { BOIHTUN, Nike standing to left holding wreath and sceptre : in field, AN {monogram) Mykalessos : Obol, u-t. 13 grs. : Boeotian shield : 1,1 Fulmen between MY Tanagra: Ob>d. u-t. 11 , f rs. ; Boeotian shield: l< TANA. Forepart of horse to ri.ht ; all eery fun- 3 "(>'.' Pharai : Early A\ Stater, u-t. 190 grs. ; Boeotian shield; l.t ) in eentre of mill-sail incuse; fine and rare; from the lhinbury roller/;,,,, 1 ")!' Tanagra : Early A\ Stater, irt. ISG'5 grs. : Boeotian shield. T A in the lateral kidney shaped openings : I.! Wheel in circular incuse : > /// fine ,,,! rnre ; from I In- Montagu collection \ PI. XVII I Tanagna : A\ St,,t,-r, u-t. 1*9*5 grs.: Boeotian shield: i; Fncuse : TA. forepart of horse to riidit : eery fine mid very run : fl,. Mnn/ann roller/ion I PI. XVII ] o r ) -/I $f t 7-". Fifth Day 512 Thebai : Early A\ Stater, vt. \&igrs.; Boeotian shield; in centre of deep mill-sail incuse ; from the Trist collection Thebai: M Stater, wt. 184 grs. ; Boeotian buckler; 0E, Amphora with high volute handles ; both fine and the first very uncommon 2 513 Thebai : JR Stater, wt. 187'5 grs. ; Boeotian shield ; \,i E, Head of bearded Heracles to left, wearing' lion's scalp ; the whole in incuse square ; of fine early style; very rare; from the Montagu collection [PI. XVII] 1 514 Thebai : Al Stater, wt. 186 grs. ; Boeotian shield ; l Incuse square. Head of bearded Herakles, facing, wearing lion's scalp ; ery fine robust style ; of great rarity and in excellent preserva- tion ; from the Rhousopoulos collection [PI. XVII ) 1 \, H-^v 515 Thebai : Ai Stater, wt. 183 grs. ; Boeotian shield; ft 0E, Head of Dionysos to right, "bearded and wreathed with ivy ; rare 1 516 Thebai : A\ Stater, wt. 185'5 grs. ; Boeotian shield ; IjL E, the infant Herakles seated on ground to front, strangling the serpents; the head turned round to right ; a bow in upper field to left : of fine style, in excellent preservation and very rare ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XVII] 1 a ' 517 Thebai : M Stater, wt. 184 grs. ; Boeotian shield ; li EBAI05. Rude Herakles kneeling to right, bending back and re-stringing a bow ; in field, club ; an unusually fine design of late archaic style : very rare and well preserved ; from the Warren collection 1 518 Thebai: M Stater, wt. 187 grs.; Boeotian shield ; 0E, Amphora: a branch of vine with grapes in held to right : a very fine example 1 I L| 519 Thebai : AiStater,wt. 187 grs. ; Boeotian shield; A A-MO K A. ', Amphora; in field above, club; a very rare and interesting variety : from the Trist collection \ PI. XVII j 1 520 EUDOIA. Chalkis : Early Drachm, wt. 67 grs. ; Wheel with four spokes : [i Incuse square diagonally divided : and an Obof. wt. 1 1 grs., of similar type but with incuse on rev. of irregular form : both very fine : from the Montagu collection 2 521 Chalkis : Drachm, irt. 57'5 grs. ; Female head to right : the hair rolled around the head ; 1/ XAA, Eagle fixing and tearing a serpent held in its talons ; in field, trophy : of very fine style and rare : from the Montagu collection \ P\, XVII] Chalkis: Drachm, wt. 56 grs. ; similar to preceding coin but with varied adjunct on rev. (uncertain object tied with fillet around the centre) : als<> vent fine 2 - 74 ^, Fifth Day >^ y\) ^Wl'l Eretria: Early Di drachm, wt. 131 grs. ; Gorgon head facing; /. r rJ& Incuse square, roughly (quartered diagonally ; a very early and \ yP) v, ry rare coin in excellent condition ; from the Rhousopoulos collection [PI. XVII] '/ H\ 'H* 1 .">:.';> Eretria: Didrachm, wt. 1 30 grs. ; Cow standing to right, scratching its head, turned round to left, with the near hind foot ; beneath the hody, E ; 1,1 Shallow square incuse with sepia, fine and rare 1 / t - ">24 Eretria : flemidrachm, wt. 30'.j grs. ; types similar to last coin ; the cow standing to left : 3 on hind quarter and on body of sepia : rery fine Eretria: Drachm: wt. 62'5 grs. ; Female h*ad to right; ^ EYB. Bull's head to right : fine and rare fait oxidised Histiaia: Tetrobol, wt. 30'5 grs. ; Head of Maenad to right; U q IXTIAIEI2N, Nymph seated on prow to right ; eery fine 3 JL^- "(_'.") Eretria : Oktnbol, wt. 84*5 grs. ; Head of Artemis to right, a quiver and how showing behind the head : \{ EPETPI, Cow to right, recumbent : in exergue, AAMAZI : a rery rare coin and of unusually fine style and preservation \ PI. XVII] 1 ."n't; Arii ka. Athenai : Early Tetradrachm, wt. 259 grs. ; Head of Athena to right wearing plumed helmet; the crest-ridge broad and ornamented with a zig-zag line and pellets : the hair represented by dots and lines, the eye full and leaf shaped : 1,1 A0E, Owl to right, the head facing : in top left-hand corner, sprig of olive with two leaves and berry : '/ very early coin 1 . 527 Athenai : Early Tetradrachm, wt. 2G2 grs. : types similar to pre- ' LY ceding coin but possibly of somewhat earlier date ; the head in reater relief, the hair shown by parallel waved lines : a very s- fine specimen and veri/ rare : from the flobart-Smith cabinet I 1 r PI. XVII; /** _'* Athenai : Archaic Tetrad rachm, wt. 2G5 grs. : types similar to pre fed in,-: coins : the helmet ornamented with a S shaped scroll terminated by a palmette, and three upright olive-leaves: a small ci -e-ieent near the olive sprig : a very fine specimen 1 1".' Athenai : Archaic 'Tetradrachm, wt. 205'") grs.: of same type and period as preceding : tradrarhm. " - f. 2G5 grs. : similar to last coin, very fine 1 Jo Fifth Day J \ 533 Athenai : Tetradrachm, wt. 2G3 grs. ; of similar type to preceding coin, but of late style ; an unusually well struck and characteristic example of this late issue of early type. Obol and Hemibol, of similar type and early issue. Triobol, wt. 31 grs. ; R Owl, facing; a branch of laurel on either side ; all fine ~*^S^ ^ 534 Athenai : Tetradrachm, wt. 259 grs. ; Head of Athena Parthenos to right, wearing triple-plumed helmet ornamented with figures of a Pegasos and four horses; U A 0E AIO-N YZI AIO N YZI AN-TI-A ; Owl on Amphora lying on its side ; to right, Helios in quadriga; on amphora, A: beneath it, Al ; the whole within wreath ; a very fine example [PI. XVII] 1 535 Athenai : Late Tetradrachm (struck under the Koman domination), wt. 257 grs. ; as last coin ; R Owl standing on amphora : in Held, at sides, two monograms (MAP . TAM) ; A on the amphora : a eery fine coin, and an interesting variety 1 536 MEGARIS. Megara : Drachm, wt. GO grs. ; Laureate head of Apollo to right ; J{ MEI~A - PE.QN, Lyre ; eery fine, and of fine style ; a very rare coin ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XVII] 1 537 Aigina: A\ Staters (2), wt. 188 grs. ; Tortoise, the head to right or left ; a row of dots down back of shell ; R Rough incuse square, irregularly divided into eight divisions : both of very early issue; one shown on PI. XVIII 2 r *r . r /!>.: 538 Aigina: Al Staters (2), wt. 188 and 181 grs. ; similar to coins in last <^/! lot ; the lighter coin showing the natural shell markings : the ffis^r r - heavier with row of dots down shell and with more regularly arranged divisions to incuse ; both fine : one shown on PI. XVII 2 k,> / 539 Aigina : M Stater (of later style), wt. 186"5 grs. ; Tortoise, the shell showing the natural markings, the back of the head shown : I.! In- cuse square of five divisions, A I f~ 1 in the first and second, and a dolphin in the third ; very fine and rare ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XVII | 1 540 Aigina: Drachm, wt. 90 grs. ; Ob grs. : similar to coin in pre- ceding lot. but with A I by sides of dolphin : the smaller coin with A I only in divisions of reverse : both very fine 2 541 Aigina: Drachm, wt. ssT) grs. : as in last lot, with N I and dol- phin in three divisions of reverse. And Obol and llemiobol of earlier issue : all fine 3 i Y G 3 /' c^ Fifth Dan 76 PELOPONESSOS. r>42 At iiaia. Korinthos: JR Stater, irt. 136 grs. ; Pegasos, with curled wing, Hying to left; beneath, ? : U Incuse of Swastika shape; very line and rare [Pi. XVIII] 1 543 Kofinthos : A\ Stater, irt. 133 am. ; Pegasos flying to right; the wing curled, ? beneath ; 1,1 Incuse square, with helmeted head of very archaic style to right : very fine and rare [PI. XVI ll] 1 544 Korinthos : A\ Stater, irt. 132'") gm. ; of similar type and style to last coin ; the head of Athena in very low relief, the details very carefully rendered : very fine and rare [PI. XVI 1 1] 1 1 545 Komnthos : A\ Staters (2), of later issue, irt. 130 and 131*5 grs. ; T=v^- Head of Athena to left, dolphin and pabnette in field ; \i Statant Pegasos to right, the wing pointed : a long rein hanging down in trout : 9 beneath ; the second coin without obv. adjuncts, and with li Pegasos to left, hobbled, the head bent downwards, and with trailing rein attached : both fine : the latter from a Munich sale [PI. XVIII] 2 540 Konnthos : A\ Staters (2), irt. I'M'') and 132 grs. : one with head to left and dolphin and X in field : the second with head to right and N (and .') behind ; both with flying Pegasos (to left) on re- verse : both en- n fine, one shown on PI. XVIII 2 5 17 Korinthos : A\ Staters (2), irt. 132 and 132*5 gm. ; with head to left, and behind it forepart of horse to right : 1,-i Pegasos to left. hobbled : very fine and eery rare ; /rum the Unhurt-Smith cabinet: the second coin with AP(?)and Aegis in obc. field, and !,{ Pegasos -^CL Hying to lefl ; fine ; from the V sho < -en ,) PI. XVIII 51> Korinthos : A\ St, item (2), n-t. 131'5 and 133 grs. ; with I and /lauipadephoros running to right, or Calydonian boar to left, in field of obverse : both with I.! ?, Pegasos Hying to left : both Very fine : tin wond | PI. XVIII \fmni the Hobmt-Smith cabinet ~1 ~>['.t Korinthos . A\ S/,,/,,-. irt. |-J7'5 grs. : A and astragalos in field of obverse ; (lying Pegasos to left, on reverse. Drachm (One-third A\ St,/ter), n-t. in grs. ; A behind head of Aphrodite to left : \i P.-ua-os : ni' r,-ry fine sty I, PI. XVIII |. Drachm, irt. 3S"5 gm. : Ilea.] iif Aphrodite, wearing sakko-. N in field: I.! Pegasos: very pi. xviii ;; 77 Fifth Day 1. 550 Phliasia. Phlios: Drachm, wt. 92 grs. ; Bull rushing to left; in exergue, AI3A4>: # ZII2N (termination of obverse inscription) r in four corners of shallow incuse with large wheel of four spokes. Obol, wt. 12 grs.; Forepart of furious bull to left; li Large <|>, with pellets in field ; both eery fine, and the first rare [PI. XVI 1 1] 2 Sikyonia. Sikyon : Early Drachms '2), ict. 95 and 9G grs. ; Dove flying to left ; Square incuse with large Z : one with palmette springing from inner side of letter : both very fine and rare, and from the Rkousopoulos collection : one shown on PI. XVIII 2 Sikyon : JR Stater, wt. 188 grs. : Chimaera to left : above, wreath; beneath, ZE; li Laurel wreath, with dove flying to left: in front I ; an unusually fine 'and perfect specimen [PI. XVIII] 1 553 Sikyon: JR Stater, wt. 188*5 grs. ; as preceding coin, but from different dies : very fine 1 554 Sikyon : Drachm, wt. 92*5 grs. ; ZE, Dove Hying to left: U ^ reath of laurel, with dove flying to left : of same period as last coin: very fine and rare [PI. XVI 1 1] 1 Elis : JR Stater, of early issue, wt. 188 grs. : Eagle flying to right and carrying a serpent in its beak : the bird's wings extended and shown above and below the body : A "1, Fulmen : the obverse bears three small punch marks with indistinct devices : fine and very rare : from the Hohart-Smith collection, 1892 1 556 Elis: JR State>\ wt. 191 grs.; Eagle flying to left and carrying off hare : in field around, six small punch-marks with uncertain de- vices : u FA. Fulmen : very fine and very rare; from the Bunbury odlect ion [PI. XVIII] 1 557 Elis : JR Stater, wt. 180*5 grs. : Eagle living to left and carrying oh" in its beak a serpent : tin.' wings shown extended above and below the body; in held, five (!) punch marks; I! FA. Circular incuse, with draped figure of Nike running to left and carrying a wreath in her extended right hand : the lower hem of the chiton raised at back and held in her left hand : an exceedingly rare variety nf great artistic merit, anil unusually fell preserved ; fr>on the Hobart-Smith mllertinn, \m\ [PI. XVI II ] 1 S: JR Stater, wt. 1 8.3 grs. : Eagle with raised wings standing to right : before it. a dead bird : three small punch-marks in held : li AAEION. Xike seated in mourning attitude to left : the legs crossed, the left arm resting on her lap, the hand supporting her bowed head : the right arm hanging by her side, the hand resting i S' ; 558 E o Fifth Day 78 C Lot 558 continued. on the cippos on which she is seated and holding the branches of an untied wreath ; the whole within a shallow square incnse ; a '"in of very high rarity and great interest ; one of the finest known examples; from the Bunhury sale [PI. XVIII] 1 559 El is: A\ Stater, irt. 181 grs. ; Eagle with raised wings standing to left and struggling with a serpent held in its claws ; FA, Nike seated to right on the uppermost of three graduated steps ; the wings opened to right and left ; a long wand in her left hand, her right resting on the seat; a wreath placed on the side of the steps : an engraving of great beauty ; the rev. finely preserved, the obv. blurred ; a very rare variety ; from the Ifobart-Smith collection, 1897 [PI. XVIII] 1 560 Elis : Drachm, ut. 68 grs. : Eagle flying to right and carrying oft" hare ^ in its talons ; U FA, AYinged fulmen ; a very fine example, and rare [PI. XVI 1 1] Elis? M Stater, irt. 180 grs. : Eagle flying to right and holding a serpent in its beak ; the wings extended above and below the body ; a punch-mark in field; \i FA and winged fulmen in linear square, the wings extending to top corners : fine and rare [PI. XVII I] 1 Elis: Ai Stater, irt. 183'5 grs. ; Eagle with extended wings standing to right and struggling with a serpent ; in the held, A (traces) and A ; two punch marks in field ; \i FA and winged fulmen in beaded circle : a very fine and rare coin ; the signature A A is by 4? some authorities regarded as a possible signature of Daedalos of Sihyon from the Hobart Smith collection [PI. XVI 1 1] 1 Elis: f/emidrachm, wt. 48 grs.; Eagle to left, standing upon and ^ tearing hare : l A"^ and winged fulmen in circular incuse ; very fine and rare [PI. XVIII] 1 564 Elis : Ai Stater, ft. 185*5/7/7?.; Eagle to right, standing upon and tearing hare; Ij FA and winged fulmen; the whole within wreath of wild olive : // very fine and eery rare variety ; from the Banbury collection [PI. XVIII] 1 565 Ell i S : A\ Stater, irt. 1 < grs. ; Kagle's head to right: beneath it. briony leaf, on which traces of letters (AA or AA. vide II. M. ('at. Belgian.); [i FA and winged fulmen in wreath of wild olive: "// unusually goad example ig' this very beautiful ami rare coin ; from the Bunburif collection ! PI. XVIII] 1 506* Elis: f/emidrachm, irt. | T5 grs. : types as 1; lot : v> /// fine and rare 561 562 563 coin in precedm; 70 Fifth Day 567 Elis : Hemidrachms (2), wt. 43 e^rf 35 grs. ; PO beneath eagle's head to left; FA and winged fulmen in laurel wreath ; or <>l>v. I i' Eagle's head to right; below, FA and curved object; l FA, Winged fulmen ; both fine, and from the Hobart Smith collection '1 <\ 568 Elis : Hemidrachms (2), wt. 40 and 43'5 #rs. ; Eagle's head to right; I F* in field l)elow ; l FA winged fulmen ; or without letter on obv. and wreath around fulmen ; both fine, and from the Hobart Smith collection '2 569 Elis : A\ Stater, of finest transitional style and period, wt. \$bgrs.; \i\ 1 V Head of Hera to right wearing broad diadem ornamented with palmettes and lilies; J FA and flaming fulmen within wreath of wild olive ; an excellent example of this eery fine coin, eery rare ; from the Greene collection [PI. XVIII] 1 ^570 Elis: M Stater of fine period, wt. I $7 grs. ; F[A], Head of Hera to right wearing upright diadem ornamented with a trellis of honey- suckle ; 1,1 Eagle with open wings standing to left, an olive wreath around ; very fine and eery rare [PI. XIX] 1 571 Elis : A\ Stater, wt. 185 grs. ; FA, Head of Hera to right wearing upright diadem ; similar to last coin but of finer style and in higher relief ; \l Eagle with closed wings standing to right, the head turned back to left ; a wreath of wild laurel around ; very fine and eery rare ; from the Evans collection [P\. XVIII] 1 \ i 57:.' Elis : Drachm, wt. 91' 5 grs.; of similar type and style to preceding coin, but with H PA on diadem; [{ Eagle with raised wings standing to left, the head turned to right : dotted circle around ; very fine <(nd rare [PI. XIX | 1 ' 573 Elis : Tetradrachm, wt. 188'5 grs. ; FA, Head of Olympia to right. the hair rolled up and banded with sphendone ; 1> \\ reath of wild 7 /^ / olive with figure of eagle, with closed wings, standing to left and looking back to right; an extra fine and very rare coin : from the Bunbury collection [PI. XVIII] 1 57 ! Elis : Flemidrachm, n't. 47 grs. ; Head of nymph (Olympia to ri_ht. hair rolled ; I,; FA, Eagle with closed wings standing to right, the head tinned back to left ; uncertain object in field to front : very fine and very rare [PI. XIX] 1 575 Elis : A\ Stater, wt. 18i''5 grs. ; (FA) Head of Hera to right wearing upright diadem inscribed FAAEIflN : l,i W reath of olive within which figure of an eagle, with raised win-.-, standing on a rock to left, the head turned back to right ; '/ very fine and very rare coin IPI. XIX: 1 l Fifth Day 80 ">7; Elis : A\ Stater, irt. 190 grs.; Laureate head of Zeus to right ; FA Eagle with closed wings standing to right ; to left, fulmen ; to right, serpent and H ; a vert/ Jin*' coin, of good style and very rare [PI. XIX] 1 Elis : A\ Stater, irt. 187 grs.: issued by the tyrant Aristotimos ; types similar to last coin but of poorer style and in lower relief, and bearing in field of rev. to left, wreath and API ; a very fine .rant pie and very rare [PI. XIX] 1 81 SIXTH DAYS SALE \-J&- PELOPONESSOS -continued. LOT I 578 Kephallenia. Pale: Tetrobol, wt.57'5 grs.; PA, Head of Kepha- los to right; KEA[A]OZ, Youthful hunter, Kephalos, seated / / ^ on rocks to right ; a spear by his left side; very rare and fine [PI. XIX] 1 r )79 Argolis. Apgos : JR Stater, wt. 180 grs.; Head of Hera to right wearing upright diadem ornamented with palmettes ; [{ A[PTEI]- ON, Head of Negro (?) to right, with short curling hair, sparse beard and moustache ; to right, dolphin swimming upwards : to left, dolphin swimming downwards ; an exceedingly rare and eery fine coin, of unusual and someickat dry treatment ; from the Bhousopoulos collection [PI. XIX] 1 580 Epidaupos : llernidrachn, vt. 4:0 grs.; Laureate head of Asklcpios to right ; behind neck E; 1/ EP (monogram) within laurel wreath; eery fine and rare Tpoizen : Drachm, wt. 58 grs.; Head of Apollo to left, the hair rolled over forehead and straggling down back of neck; [i TPO (traces), upright trident head; of excellent style, rare and finely preserved [PI. XIX] 581 Arkadia: Federal Triobol of early issue, wt. 45 grs. ; Zeus Lykaeos 5 seated on throne to left, an eagle with raised wings on his ex- tended right arm ; a long sceptre in his left hand ; 1,1 APKAAI- KON, Head of Artemis to right, the hair tightly handed with a doubled cord ; of very fine archaic style [PI. XIX] 1 582 Apkaclia: Federal Triobol, wt. iQ'ogrs.; of similar type and period j- \( "V to coin in last lot, but with the head of Artemis turned to left [PI. XIX] 1 583 Apkadia : Federal A\ Stater, of the finest style and period, wt. is] gs. : Laureate head of Zeus Lykaeos to left ; tt APK (monogram) Xude figure of Pan to left, reclining on a pile of rocks covered with his mantle ; the body shown almost to front, the head turned hack towards the right ; in his right hand a pedum, the left arm resting I , I 7 / / &*. % iV Su-th Day 82 Lot 583 continual. on the rocks behind ; beneath him, on the lower part of the rock, syrinx and signature of the engraver OAY[M] ; an exceedingly fine coin of the best period and style, and of extreme rarity ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XIX] 1 584 Ar'kadia: Al Triobol, ivt. 43 grs. ; of later issue than preceding coin but with similar types ; the figure of Pan seated on smaller pile of rocks, the right hand raised, the left holding the pedum ; in field, APK (monogram) and I ; of much finer style and of earlier issue than these small cuius are generally met with ; eery rare and fine 1 585 KleitOP : Triobol, v:t. 40'5 grs. ; Head of Helios facing ; \i KAH, Bull rushing to right : in upper field to right, centaur brandishing a long club ; very fine and rare [PI. XIX] And a Tetrobol of Messenia, irt. 38 grs.; Zeus head to right; # MEZ : ZENOXAPHZ and tripod in wreath ; very fine 2 580 Pheneos : A\ Stater, ict. 167 grs.; Head of Persephone to right, wreathed with corn leaves and ears : II ENE.QN, Nude figure of Hermes running to left, holding caduceus in his right hand, and carrying on his left arm the infant Arkas ; the figure placed nearly to front : the head covered by a petasos, turned back to right ; from the left shoulder hangs a chlamys ; in outer field, near to the infant, the name APKAZ in small letters ; an extremely fine example of this beautiful and exceed] ugly rare coin : from the Montagu collection [PI. XIX] ] 5>7 Pheneos : Drachm, v:t. 87 grs. ; Head of Persephone to left; ENE.QN. Nude figure of Hermes seated on rocks to left, his chlamys tied around the neck and falling down behind; in his right hand beholds a caduceus ; his left rests on the rocks behind : in field to right, upright club; to left, 0HPI ; in very good con- dition, of fine style and eery rare ; from the Evans collection. lsits [PI. XIX | 1 .")>- Stymphalos. A\ Stater, ft. 205"5 grs. ; Laureate head of Artemis to right, the hair tied in korymbos at crown of head ; H ZTYM AAIHN. Herakles, nude, charging to left and brandishing his club: around his left arm tin; lion's skin : between his leg-, ZO : i if very high racily but not fine ; from the lllmusopoulos sale [ pi. xix l "-. Stymphalos: Triobol, u-t. \:>, grs.; Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion's skin : [i ZTYM4>AAIHN (incomplete), Head and neck of Styniphalian bird to right, placed upon a base of four V b 83 Sixth Day Lot 589 continued. leaves or petals (water-lily 1) with a flowered spray rising from either side (PI. XIX) Obol, ict. 14'5 grs.; Herakles head to right; & ZTYMAAIHN. Head of Stymphalian bird to right; very fine Obol, vt. 13 grs. ; similar to last coin, but not so fine ; all rare, and all from the Montagu collection .3 CRETE AND THE /EGEAN ISLANDS. 590 Aptera. M Stater, vt. \o$grs.; APTEPAin.. Head of Ar- temis (?) to right, wearing Stephanos ; behind head, traces of signature (?) ; ty, [PTOAJIOITIX, Armed warrior carrying shield standing to left ; before him, tree ; a very fine and eery rare coin ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XIX] 1 591 Arkadia: Drachm, wt. 76'5 grs.; Head of Zeus Amnion to righ4j>- APKAAX2N, Pallas helmeted, standing towards right, holding spear in right hand and supporting shield with left ; an unusually perfect example and a very rare coin ; from the Montagu collection [pi. xix] T i 592 Chepsonesos : Al Stater, ret. 172 grs. ; Laureate head of Britomartis to right, the hair hanging down back of neck and dressed in korymbos at the crown ; \jl X EPSON AX . . ., Nude Apollo seated on omphalos to right, holding lyre and plektron ; in field before him, thymiaterion ; a fine coin of good style ; in excellent condition and eery rare ; from the London sale of May, 1900 [PI. XIX] 1 593 GoPtyna : Early M Stater, ict. 17 T 5 grs. ; Europa on bull galloping to right : Ii Tncuse square with lion's seal]) to front : ornamental border around ; found at Gortyna, 1900 : a fine and very ran early coin [PI. XIX] 1 594 Gortyna : A\ Stater, wt. 175*5 grs. ; Europa, in mourning attitude. seated to right amidst the branches of an aged tree : the part of the trunk on which the nymph is seated is roughly, but obviously intentionally, designed to represent an eagle's head : I! Traces of TOPTYNinN, Bull to right, the head turned back to left: a very fine example [PI. XIX] 1 595 Gortyna: M Stater, ict. \78'bgrs.; Types similar to preceding coin : the head of Kuropa shown in profile : a large pellet in trout of the figure ; the bull on reverse placed to left ; a eery Jim example and rare [PI. XIX] 1 G 2 Sixth Day 84 596 Gortyna: Al Stater, wt. 178 grs. ; Types similar; the branches of the tree devoid of foliage ; the head of Europa turned towards front : Bull on shown to right : no inscription ; very fine and rare : from the Montagu collection [PI. XX] 1 597 Gortyna: A\ Stater, wt. 182'5 grs. ; Similar to No. 594, hut struck from different dies ; the traces of inscription shown above the hull; very fine and rare; from the Hobart Smith cabinet a.i ' fj [pi. xix] i 59s Gortyna: Drachm, wt. 90 grs. ; Bull's head and neck to right, the head slightly turned towards front ; Head of Europa to right, , f the hair rolled-up at back of head ; of good style, fine and rare [PI. XX] 1 599 Gortyna : Drachm, >rt. 7l"5 grs. ; Laureate head of Zeus to right ; \JL rOPTYNIHN, Europa holding inflated veil, seated on back of bull rushing to right; eery fine and eery rare [PI. XX] 1 600 Itanos : A\ Stater, wt. 178 grs.; Triton to right, thrusting down- \^y /.ward with trident held in his right hand ; in field, large pellet; '\. Ss, U Linear square with large stellate design of eight points or rays ; I 0\ '"> exceedingly rare and very fine early coin ; from the Banbury collection [PI. XX] ^H 1 601 Itanos : A\ Stater, wt. 173'5 grs. ; Triton to right, striking down- wards at dolphin placed in lower held : 1,1 ATI, Two Hippocamps, face to face ; of later style than preceding coin ; very rare and fine ; from the Evans collection, 1898 [PI. XX] 1 602 Knosos : Early AX Stater, wt. 184 grs. ; Minotaur, with human l>ody and bull's head, running to left : the legs and arms bent, the body and head turned to front: \\ Labyrinth a swastika-like meander, arranged on five small squares placed in cross ; on the central square, a star, in the middle of each arm, a group of five pellets : at each corner of the design, a deep square sinking with pellet in centre : a very fine e.rample of this very rare and interest- ing coo ; from the Hunlmry collection [PI. XX] 1 603 Knosos : Ai Stater, of later issue, wt. 172 grs. ; Head of Persephone to riirlit, crowned with corn leaves ; l ; i Swastika-shaped meander the Labyrinth a star in the centre ; of careless style, but very fine and rare PI. XX] 1 ''>"! Knosos: Ai St *] If r 8'ht diadem ornamented with palmettos ; I* Square labyrinth ; at the sides A - P ; below, KNI2ZI ; of excellent style and execution ; very fine and rare [PI. XX] 1 Knosos : Drachm, wt. 775 grs. ; Types as last coin and of similarly fine work ; fine and rare \ Knosos : Tetradrachm, of late issue, wt. 257 grs. ; Head of Zeus to right, diademed; KNf2 - Z - I - $N^round the sides of a square labyrinth ; a very fine and ex& r , i i i i i ' 1 J _' i squat spherical l)ody and Montagu collection PI. XX i- i i J L J vceedingly rare com, much Knosos : Tetradrachm, of late issue, wt. n [PI. XXI] I left, laureate ; across the held, POAaphic Stater to the small [l]-HN, Large circular labyrinth ; of that it belongs to the extremely rare : from the Montagu coll Kydonia: Drachm, wt. 91 grs. ; Head ofnd at least probable. crowned with vine leaves ; \i KYAfl[ () dolphins, one above figure, standing to left and stringing h[\ v0 roughly formed and fine and rare [PI. XX] 3j tne ot h er small; very Kydon : Drachm, ivt. 65 grs. ; Head of thelfrctton [PI. XXI] 1 on the helmet a serpent : $ KYA.QN, Two dolphins, the upper bitch ; above, trellis of vine ; of fine slight ; Ij. Square incuse of served ; from the. Montagu collection [tie type): very fine ami Lyttos: Early M Stater, wt. 155 grs.; [PI- XXI] wings extended above and below the be'"" struck) around : a beaded square 1 11U J second (often tentatively 61--' Phaistos: M Stater, wt, 178'5 grs. ; HeraVviU elos - lolding club in right hand, the lion's skin hanging from the~le'it houlder ; in field, to left, serpent ; to right, tree ; 1,< Bull to left. the head facing, the feet fettered with long cords passing from back to front ; the whole within a laurel (?) wreath with berries : fine and rare [PI. XX] 1 Phaistos: A\ Stater, wt. 181 grs. ; similar to preceding coin, but with the bull placed to right ; fine and rare 1 614 Phaistos: JR Stater, wt. 179 grs.: Herakles standing to front, holding club in right hand and bow in left, the lion's skin hanginu over his left arm : to right, tree (or branch of laurel), above, crescent : \i Laurel wreath with berries, within which bull gallop- ing to left ; very fine and rare 1 l\^ belong to the same n of the same standard H Ay I I >(J and he , , ,.. are completely different rf coarse style, rev T]m , first C|)in ]tVoh . My Montagu collection [PI. XX] seC ( L t) A AIZTION {retrograde), Bull with lowered head charging to right; of fine style, in unusually good preservation, and eery rare [PI.XX] 1 lU'l Phaistos : A\ Stater, wt. 180'5 grs. ; types similar to last coin; ^uf-Lyna: Drachm, v ^,,. . the lmll 011 m , s h wn walking to left; head slightly turn^ (m ^ rfr// fi ne . y nm t j )e /} un l Jt , ry co ll ec tion the hair rolled-up j L AAJ ater, wt. 172'5 grs. ; Laureate head of Zeus to 599 Gortyna: ttw/zw/pHNION, Bull's head facing with fillets ^{ | - u rOPTYNin, orns; in U ppe r field, XAPIZ[0ENHZ] ; a *, of bull rushing to, f i e and preservation, and < if high rarity ; from 600 Itanos: M Stater, n, 1898 [PI.XX] 1 y X, ward with tridein,.^^ w t. 75 grs. : POAYqHNiniM, Bull's it Linear square v,n ets attached to the horns; POAYPHNI, - . \C -G\ " n exceedingly r<\ passing over the blade near to the point ; very collection [PI. X /n t % e Montagu collection -f^Pf^XXf 1 601 Itanos: A\ Stater, }drackm,ict. 29' 5 grs. : Head of Artemis (Dik- wards at dolphin emed) anf j wit]] quiver at shoulder ; POAY- (j face to face ; of l, Q figure of Apollo to left holding bow ; an un- jmm the Earns a 2m . f rom tn( , Montagu collection 1 (102 Knosos: Early A\ /% /r f. \r.Yb grs. : Hygieia, draped and wearing body and hull's h kVards t ] ie front .,<] earessin- a serpent which body and head ound lief()r(1 her . j,, iUi]( ^ ] )y , s j ( i c f throne to meander, arrange.,, . ,, PPIANXIEHN, Poseidon standing to central . s ,'|>^i',Viin'ation falling to the waist, a long trident in his left hand, a dolphin in tield above his right; an exceedingly fine and eery rare coin ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XX) 1 'il'l Rhaukos : A\ Stater, wt. 172 grs.: Poseidon Llippios nude and standing beside horse to right; a trident in his right hand, his left holding the horse's bridle; \,i PAYKION. Trident head: fine and rare, and of early style \ PI. XX) 1 ''J-! Rhaukos : A\ Stater, of later period, /'/. 171 grs.: similar to pre- ei-diii^ coin, hut with the figure of Poseidon turned more to front : eery fine and rare ! PI. XXI j 1 ''L'-'i Sybrita : Ai Stater, n-t. |(J5'5 grs. ; hionysos riding upon a panther . > indin- to left, a thyrsos in his left hand: in tield beneath, <. ' I'u.iv ...unteni.i.rk : I! ZIBPTTX1N (sir), Hcimes to left. jo J 87 Sixth Day Lot 623 continued. .stooping and attaching his right sandal, the foot raised and rest- ing upon a pile of rocks before him ; a petasos and a chlamys are tied around the neck, the former hanging at the back, the latter falling down behind the figure ; on the rocks is placed an upright caduceus and an uncertain object (ram I) ; a very good example of this beautiful and very rare coin ; from the Montagu collection LPI. XXI] 45> 1 624 The Kyklades. Anaphe (?) : Early A\ Stater, of the Phoenician standard, tvt. 230'5 grs. ; Krater, with squat spherical body and wide mouth ; I,* Irregular incuse : an exceedingly rare coin, much oxidized ; from the It housopoulos collection [PI. XX I J 1 The attribution of this very early anepigraphic Stater to the small island of Anaphe is somewhat uncertain ; that it belongs to the group of early island coins seems unquestionable, and the appear- ance of a similar vase, as a reverse type, on the later coins of Anaphe makes its attribution to this island at least probable. 625^ Delos (?) : Early JR Stater, wt. 189 grs. ; Two dolphins, one above the other, both swimming to right ; I Two roughly formed and divided quadripartite incuses, one large, the other small ; eery rare and very fine ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XXI j 1 626 Delos (?) : Early A\ Stater, ict. 189'5 grs. ; Two dolphins, the upper ( J*V)iie swimming to left, the lower one to right ; li Square incuse of "* ' eight divisions (of the ordinary ^Eginetic type); very fine and very rare ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XXI] 1 *#* That these two coins Xos. 62o and 626 belong to the same minting place is most improbable : though of the same standard and, practically, of the same period, they are completely different in both style and method of production. The first coin probably belongs to the Asiatic mainland, the second (often tentatively r attributed to Argos) may very well belong to Delos. 627 KaPthaia : Early A\ Stater, wt. 1875 grs. ; Amphora, of early form ; [I Incuse, of JEginetic type ; very fine and very rare : from the Montagu collection | PI. XXI] 1 62s Naxos : A\ Stater, wt. 183'5 grs.; Kantharos, a bunch of -rapes hanging from each handle, a vine leaf in Held above : I! (Quadri- partite incuse : very fine and very rare: from the Montia/u mllrr- tion [PI. XXI] 1 ^9 Paros : Didrachm, wt. 1 17'o grs. : Female head to right, the hair turned-up and bound with a narrow fillet passing three times around the head : K PAPI, ANAZIK.. Coat standing to ri-ht : ' i i very fine example nfthis very rare and jdeas/ug <->>tu : jrom the Montagu e,,ll,etion [PI. XXI] 1 lb, 1 % M fU { Sixth Day 88 630 Tenos : Drachm (?), wt. 45 grs. ; Bearded head of Zeus Amnion to right : I,{ TH., Branch of vine with leaf and large bunch of grapes; to left, poppy stem and head (?) ; very fine and rare [PI. XXI] 1 (':'l Uncertain: JZginetic Drachm, ict. 92"5 grs.; Male (?) head facing : / < two long pendant curls at each side ; \{ Quadripartite incuse ; very fine and rery rare [PI. XXI] 1 ^ l>32 Uncertain: Juginetic Drachm, wt. 90' 5 grs.; Male (?) head, with protruding cars. lacing : [{ Square incuse ; very fine and rare [PI. XXI] 1 ASIA. PONTOS TO IONIA. ('>">.'; L'ontos. Amisos (or Peiraieus) : Drachm, wt. 83*5 grs. ; Female head to left wearing high Stephanos with turrets : ]> Owl with spread wings standing on shield to front ; in field, KTH, serpent and sword in sheath ; on point of shield, A; in exergue trace- of PEI . . . . : eery fine and of good style ] Co i Mithradates VI, King of Pontos : Tetradrachm, wt. 258 grs. ; Head of Mithradates to right, wearing broad diadem tied at the back ; K BAZIAEHZ. MI0PAAATOY. EYPATOPOZ, Pegasos to left, grazing ; in upper field to left, star and crescent ; the whole within a wreath of ivy leaves with conventional korymboi of berries ; an exceedingly fine example of this rery rare and 'interest- ing coin : from the London sale of May, 1900 [PI. XXI] 1 |'.:'." Mithradates VI : Tetradrachm, wt. 253*5 grs.; Diademed head of the King to right, the hair floating in loose tresses to the left : I! BAZIAEHZ MI0PAAATOY EYPATOPOZ; Stag grazing to left : in Held at sides, crescent and star, AKZ and two niono_r;iiii> : in exergue C ; the whole within an ivy wreath ; an extremely finr example of this {the rarer) type ; from the Toliin /iitsh sol, I P|. XXI| 1 ""'' I'Ai'Hi.Af.oMA, Amastris : M Statu: wt. U8'5 grs.: Head of the ' v 'ueiii Amastris to right, wearing Persian head-dress decked with laur.-l wreath and a huge star; [i AMAZTPIE . .. .Female figure 'Iyche or cilyj seated on throne to left, draped and crowned; a figure ot Nike Stephanophoros on her right hand and a -'' ; ti'f in her left : in Held to left, rose : rery fine and rery rare PI. XXI 1 89 Sixth Day 637 Si nope : Early Ai Stater, wt. 95 grs. ; Eagle's head to left; in field ^ beneath, dolphin ; #, Quadripartite incuse ; very fine and rare and \ of u n usua lly goad style [ P I . XX I ] 1 63tS Sinope: Drachm (?), with name of uncertain Satrap in Aramaie llf letters, wt. 76'5 grs. ; Head of nymph Sinope to left ; Eagle on dolphin to left ; in field below, Aramaic inscription (name of Satrap); a very fine and very rare coin, not mentioned by Babelon [PI. XXI] 1 639 Sinope : Drachm, wt. 93'5 grs.; Head of nymph Sinope to left: in ' \D .Q ^t^ front, aplustron ; li XINX1, Eagle on dolphin to left; in upper ]/ ' field to right, K A A A ; very fine 1 640 Bithynia. Herakleia Pontike: DioOol, wt. 26'5 grs.; Head of bearded Herakles to left; 1,1 HPAKAEIA on broad border around linear quadripartite square [PI. XXI]. Tetrobol, of later issue. wt. 56 grs.; Youthful head of Herakles to left ; [i HPAKAEIA. Head of Tyche to left wearing turreted crown ; both very fine and rare ; from the Bunbury collection - ANOYZ NIKO MHAOY, Zeus Stephanophoros standing to left, holding sceptre : in field, eagle on fulmen and two monograms : well centred nnd very fine 1 645 Mysia. Apollonia (epi Khyndako) : Tetradrachm, wt. 262"5 grs. ; Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; the hair rolled ; U A and crab l>elow the flukes of an anchor: in field to left, AYKOZ. the whole on a shallow square incuse; f winged horse to left; palrnette above ; I* Quadripartite incuse square: eery rare and fine [PI. XXII] 1 Lampsakos : Early Drachm ; Janiform female head, of hue archaic style : I,! Incuse square with head of Athena to left, wearing Corinthian helmet: in upper corner to left, olive leaf (?) : eery fine and eery rare [PI. XXI l] 1 Lampsakos : Tetrobol, of early type, wt. 40'5 grs. : Forepart of win L'ed horse to right : three pellets in field : [i Quadripartite ini-u-e square: rery fine and ran-: from the Bunbury collection PI. XXI I j Parion : Tetrobol* ! (2), wt. 37 grs. : IHA PI, Bull standing to left, tin' In'ad turned back to right : I,: Gorgoneion ; both rery fine 2 '')">} Eumenes I, King of IVrgainon : Tetrad radon, wt. 261 grs.; Head ot I'liilctairos to right, wearing laurel wreath entwined with diad.-iii : l.i 4>l AETA I POY. Pallas enthroned to left. supporting with rLlit hand a shield, placed on ground in trout, and holding -pt-ar i >! ii'-at h her left arm: in held, ivy leaf and bow; Sphinx oi irritlin) at hack of throne and A on side : a eery fine coin with ei,.,ra< -f.eisfir portrait PI. XXI I ) 1 65 i )')'.') :-0 91 Sixth Day 655 Attalos I, King of Pergamon: Tetradrachm, vet. 259 grs. : obv. as last a coin ; 1,1 Pallas, seated to left, crowning the name <|>l AETAI POY, placed in field to front; the shield resting against back of throne; in field, grapes, A and bow; very fine, and an unusual variety 1 Pepgamon : Kistophoros, wt. 193 grs. ; Cista Mystica within ivy v- wreath ; li PEP {monogram), Two serpents coiled around a bow case ; in field, monogram, and serpent twisted around palm branch an exceedingly fine example ; from the London sale of May. 1900 Abydos, Troad: Tetrobol, wt. 40 grs.; Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; [i ABY., AYXAX, Eagle standing to left : in front, tripod; a very fine specimen [PI. XXII] 2 657 Skepsis, Troad: M, wt. 32 grs. ; ZKAH'ION, Forepart of winged horse to right ; Fir-tree between 3 V\ ; the whole within headed square; very fine and very rare [PI. XXII] 1 ^^~ 658 Skepsis : A\, wt. \grs.; Forepart of winged horse to right, the % . c body bent upwards and shaped as a rhyton ; ZK and fir-tree in beaded square ; a very rare variety and eery fine [PI. XXII] 1 658a Tenedos : Drachm, wt. 55 grs. ; Janiform heads of Dionysos (to right) and Ariadne (to left), the former laureate, the latter wearing diadem: i; TENE Al ON, Bipennis ; in field below, grapes and thymiaterion ; of fine style and period Drachm, of late issue, wt. 54'5 grs. ; obv. similar to last coin but with positions of faces reversed; \ji TENEAI.QN. Bipennis; below, monogram (PA), grapes and small figure : the whole within wreath : both fine and very uncommon 2 5" 5., 059 Aiolis. Kyme : Tetrad rachm, wt. 251*5 grs. ; Head of the amazon Kyme to right, diademed, the hair rolled-up at hack of neck ; \i KYMAIHN, Horse walking to right: on centre of exergual line. Kymian vase: below, AMl KTY17N : the whole within laurel wreath ; a very fine and well spread coin if r.vtremely unusual style : from the Banbury collection [PI. XXII 1 660 Kyme : Tetradrachm, wt. 256 grs. ; Types similar to preceding coin hut of very different style, and with varied Magistrate's name, - KAAAIAZ , in exergue of reverse: very fine and ran 1 661 Mypina: Tetradrachm, wt. 252*5 grs.: Head of Apollo to right, laureate, three heavy curls hanging down hack of neck: ]{ MYPINAIHN, Statue of the Apollo of Gryneia standing to right, draped ; a forked branch of laurel with fillet in the left hand and a phiale in the right : on ground in front, omphalos and 662 ( Sixth Day 92 Lot 66 1 continued. amphora; in field behind, monogram (AP) ; the whole design within a wreath of laurel ; a eery fine coin of good style; from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXII] 1 Lesbos: Base A\ Stater, ict. 176*5 grs. ; Two calves' heads, face to face and almost touching : between them a long branch ; Square incuse; a very fine example 1 663 Kithos : Diobol, vt. 28 grs. ; KI0I, Two boars' heads, face to face ; ^ v jfk- [i Quadripartite incuse square : very fine and extremely rare ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXII] 1 664 Mathymna: Early M Stater, vt. 131 grs. M]AeVMN . . ., Crested boar walking to right, the head lowered ; li Square incuse J i with dotted border and head of Athena to right; a very fine and err// airly coin of high rarity [PI. XXII] 1 665 Mathymna: Tetrobol, of late type. ict. 43 grs. ; Head of Athena to right (copied from the Staters of Alexander the Great) ; J MA Y, Lyre in square dotted border; a dolphin in lower corner to left ; fine and rare 1 667 Mytilene: El. ffehte, ict. 39 grs.; Dionysiac female head to left; U Linear square within which lion to right tearing prey ; very fine and rare: from the Montagu collection [PI. XXII] 1 66i s Mytilene: El. Hekte, ft. SS'bgrs.; Head of Athena, three-quarter face to right, wearing triple plumed helmet ; [{ Linear square with youthful head (Hermes?) to right, a petasos hanging at back of neck : very fine and rare; from the Montagu collection [ PI. XXII] 1 ^66!i Mytilene: A\ Stater, ict. 168'5 grs.; Head of Apollo to right, laureate; \} MY T I, Lyre with fillet attached to arm to right ; in lower field to left, plektron : the whole within linear square; a very fine and very rare coin of excellent and pleasing style ; from the liunbury collection [PI. XXII] 1 670 Mytilene: Triobols (2), "7. 42 grs.; Head of Apollo to right, laureate; i.i MY T I, Lyre with fillet -attached to arm to right : in field, fulmen or monogram (BA or BAK) : both very fine ___ Ephesos: Trilo utiobol, irt. 15 grs. ; E<1>, Bee; 1< E, Two stags' heads, face to face ; n ry Jim 3 '''71 [iiM.v. Ephesos : Tetradrachm, irt. 232 grs. ; E- in field by -id.- oi bee ; I; .EOPAOIAHZ. Forepart of stag to right, the !u-a'l turned hack to left : behind it. palm : very fine and >/// ] 93 Sixth Day 672 Ephesos : Tetradrachm, wt. 235 grs. ; similar to last coin but with varied magistrate's name AHMOKAHZ; an exceedingly good example [PI. XXII] 1 673 Ephesos : Didrachm, wt. 101 grs.; Head of Artemis to right wearing /_ / \y pointed diadem; a quiver at back of neck; 1 E4> ; MYTAZ, r^f ^^ Forepart of stag to right the head turned back to left ; a very fine Q specimen ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXII W \ \ \\ , ID a r^ 674 Erythrai : Didrachm, wt. IQSgrs.; Xude youth on horse galloping C&^ to right ; \l Quadripartite incuse square ; a very fine and rare coin t<2 Klazomenai : Drachm, wt. 64 grs. ; Head of Apollo, three-quarter face to left : around the neck is shown part of a mantle, buttoned at the throat ; \i KAA., ANTI4>ANES, Swan standing to left pluming its breast, the wings raised ; of very fine style and in ex- cellent condition ; from the Bunbury sale [PI. XXII] 1 ;>:'. Kolophon : Drachm, wt. 84 grs.; KOA[0]I2 . . .. Head of Apollo to right, the hair rolled-up at back of neck; Lyre in incuse square ; very fine and rare; from the London sale of May, 1900 [PI. XXII] Miletos: Drachm, wt. 55 grs.; Head of Apollo to left, laureate; \{ Lion to left, the head turned back to right; in field to left, Ml (monogram) : over the lion, star ; in exergue, POZIZ ; very fine 2 v* C.S4 T G85 iifi(\ Magnesia: Tetradrachm, wt. 258 grs.; Head of Artemis to right, wearing diadem ; hair rolled and tied in a bunch at top of neck : tin 1 shoulders draped and with bow and quiver showing behind ; U MATNHTnN, PAYZANIAZ PAYZANIOY, Apollo standing to left, a filleted branch in his right hand, his left arm resting on the top of a tall tripod placed to right ; on top of the tripod a modius ; in exergue, meander pattern ; the whole within a plaited wreath of laurel leaves ; exceedingly fine and eery rare ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXII] 1 Miletos : A\ Stater, wt. 162*5 grs. ; Head of Apollo to left, laureate; [i Lion standing to left, the head turned back to right ; in field above it, star; to front, Ml (monogram) and HAY [monogram); in exer.nue, EPIKPATH[Z] ; a eery rare and very fine coin of good style : from the Montagu collection [PI. XXII] 1 Phokaia: Kl. IJekte, wt. 39 grs. ; Head of Athena to left; traces of symbol beneath ; 1 Quadripartite incuse square; eery fine and rii re; from the Montagu collection [PI. XXII] 1 Phokaia : Eh. llekte, wt. 39*5 grs. ; Female head to right, the hair rolled-up and bound with a double fillet; beneath neck, seal to l'-tt ; i; Quadripartite incuse square; a eery fine example, showing fhr complete type : from the London sole of May, 1 900 | PI. XXI I j 1 Priene : (Jhtohol, wt.7~)'~>grs., Head of Athena wearing triple-plumed lielmel of Athenian type: [{ P.PIH, KAEOM, Trident head; the whole within a circular meander; eery Jim and of high rarity PI. XXII 1 Smyrna: Tetradrachm, mt. 250*5 grs. : ' eariii-' 1 urreted crown : the hair r lead of Kybele (!) to right, ed-up at hack, with Ion- 1 1 95 Sivth Day Lot 689 continued. tresses curling down the neck ; li X MYP N AIX2N over lion to right; in exergue, NIKOZTPA TOX ; the whole within an oak wreath ; a very fine and very rare coin [PI. XXI 1 1] 1 690 Smyrna : Tetradrachm, wt. 238 grs. ; obv. similar to last coin ; [i XMYPNAIX2N, and monogram within an oak wreath; very rare but not fine 1 691 Smyrna: Drachm, wt. GO gi~$. ; Head of Apollo to right, laureate ; the hair rolled at back of head, three formally arranged curls hanging down the neck ; li ZMYPNAII2N, APOAAnNIOZ (the last apparently overstruck on an earlier magistrate's name) ; Homer seated to left, closely wrapped in an ample himation : his right hand raised to the chin, the left holding a scroll ; at the back a long staff'; a vert/ fine and very rare coin ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XXI II] 1 96 SEVENTH DAYS SALE. PONTOS TO IONIA continued. LOT 092 Teos : A\ Stater, wt.lSOgrs.; Griffin to right; the farther fore-paw raised : [i Quadripartite square, each division with coarsely granu- lated surface in a separate square linear border ; a very rare variety and very fine [PI. XXIII] 1 093 Ionia: AS. Stater, of uncertain Satrapal issue, vt. 229 grs. ; Persian King to light, kneeling (or running), wearing sleeved tunic and spiked crown ; a spear, weighted at the end, in the right hand, a bow in the extended left ; in field over left arm, P (?); J Incuse of Persian type, with irregularly shaped raised patterns, the sur- faces granulated ; eery fine and exceedingly rare [PI. XXI 1 1] 1 (394 Chios: A\ Stater, of very early issue, iff. 187 grs. ; Sphinx with curled wing seated to left ; on ground in front, amphora (and grapes .') : I,; Two square incuse sinkings, the one large and divided lengthwise, the other very small and divided into four ; exceedingly rare and very fine for this early type ; from the fth>>us"])oult/$ collection 1 U9."j Chios : A\ Stater, wt. 187 grs. ; of same type and of the same early period as last coin : the adjuncts in front of sphinx not so plainly shown : the human head of the monster better defined : also from the Ilhnusnpuulns collection [PI. XXIII] 1 .'.; Chios: A\ Didvachm, of early issue, wt. 121 grs.: Sphinx seated to left : the wings curled, a spiral plume attached to crown of head : !! Incuse of four irregular divisions : a very fine and exceedingly ran- variety [PI. XXIII ] Chios: A\ D'alraehm, of later issue, vt. I'lYbgrs. ; similar to pre- ft-diiii: l>ut on ground in front of .sphinx, amphora : over it, branch of vine with grapes; Until from the Unhurt Smith cabinet 2 097 Chios: /]{ Didvarhm, of early issue, tct. 1 22 grs. : Sphinx to left; in trout, small amphora, (not resting on ground): I! Quadripartite hrai-hm. ,,[ fin,. >tyle and period, n't. 19'."; grs. ; similar ; grapes over . whieh f-sts on uround brnrinn. "/, .>') t/rs. : ( - as la-t coin : I,; Square incuse regularly divided i*H- 97 Seventh Lay Lot 697 continued. by two broad bands in cross ; on the horizontal one, IPPIAZ ; the first coin from the Rhousopoulos sale ; all fine, and the laxt very uncommon 3 698 Chios : Tetradrachm, of fine style and period, vt. 218'5 grs. ; Sphinx seated to left ; in front, grapes above amphora standing on ground ; { Incuse square, divided into four divisions by broad bands, the horizontal one bearing the name KAAAIKAHZ; the divisions ornamented with perpendicular lines ; a very fine and exceedingly rare coin ; from the Rhousopoulos collection [PI. XXI 1 1] 1 699 Chios : Tetradrachm, wt. 208 grs. ; of same period and type as last , I coin but not so well centred ; the with the name of H PI AANOZ; very fine and very rare ; from the Montagu collection [PI. XX 1 1 1] 1 700 Chios : Drachm, of late issue, wt. 53 grs.; Sphinx seated to left, in front, bunch of grapes ; AEPKYAOZ XIOZ in two lines; between them, amphora; in field to left, cornucopia; a beaded circle around designs of both obv. and rev. ; very fine and rare 1 701 Samos : Tetradrachm, of early issue, wt. 198*5 grs. ; Lion's scalp to front; ZA, Forepart of bull to right, an ornamental band around -". the lower part of neck; behind truncation, sprig of laurel with two leaves and berry ; the whole in incuse square ; very fine and rare [PI. XXIII] 1 702 Samos : Tetradrachm, of fine style, wt. 233 grs. ; Lion's scalp to front; # ZA, Forepart of bull to right, an ornamental band around the neck; behind, palm (?) branch; above, EPIKPATH[Z] : a very fine and exceedingly rare coin [PI. XXIII] 1 703 Samos : Drachms (2), of early type and issue, wt. oti and 55 grs. : Forepart of winged boar to right or left ; l Incuse square with lion's scalp within a beaded border ; both fine and uncommon 2 KARIA TO GALATIA. 701 Knidos: Drachms (2), wt. 97*5 and 9-1 grs. ; Forepart of lion to right : the mouth open ; the paws stretched out in front : i; Head of Aphrodite to right, diademed, the hair falling at back of neck, the ends looped and tied; on one specimen, KNI : hoth in excellent preservation, and of very fine archaic style 2 70.j Knidos : Drachm (Rhodian), wt. 56*5 grs. ; Forepart of lion to right : l ; { KNIAI.QN, Head of Aphrodite to right; "f fine period and sf//le and veru rare : from the Jiunbiiru cnllectinn | PI. XXIII; 1 I . Seventh Bay 98 706 Kaunos (?): Early M, Stater, wt. 167 grs. ; Forepart of lion to right; the fore-paw stretched out in front ; Two oblong incuse sinkings side by side ; very fine and very rare [PI. XXI 1 1] 1 707 Maussollos. K. of Karia : Tetradrachm, wt. 234 grs. ; Laureate head of Apollo, three-quarter face to right ; a mantle buttoned around the neck : MAYZZOAAO, Zeus Labraundios walking to right, veiled and wearing chiton and himation ; a labris held in his right hand and resting on his shoulder, a long sceptre in his left ; a very fine and exceedingly rare coin, the head in high relief [PI. XXIII] 1 7os Pixodanos, K. of Karia : Didrackm, wt. 104 grs. ; Laureate head of U Apollo, three-quarter face to right; [{ PIZHAAPOY, Zeus Labraundios walking to right, draped and carrying labris and sceptre; of unusually good style; very fine and very rare [PI. XXIII] 1 709 Kalymnos: Didrackm, vt. 98 grs. ; Head of youthful warrior to right, wearing plumed helmet ; the cheek-guard shown in position and covering part of the face; KAAYMNION beneath lyre ; both within a beaded square ; very fine and rare 1 710 Kalymnos : Didrachm, wt. 98 grs. ; similar to preceding coin ; very fin,- and rare [PI. XXI 1 1] ] 1 1 Poseidion Karpathou : A\ Stater, wt. 214 grs. ; Two dolphins, the upper swimming to left, the lower to right ; beneath the lower one a small fish (dolphin?); the whole within a beaded square having a flower in upper angle to left and traces of POX (?) in corre- sponding angle to right ; I Incuse of two oblong divisions placed side by side ; very fine and very rare [PI. XXIII ) 1 12 Kos : Tetradrachm, of early type, wt. 258"5 grs. ; KOZ, Xude athlete to trout, running and preparing to throw a diskos ; to left stands it tall tripod (this type is considered by some authorities to repre- sent Apollo beating a tympanum and dancing before a tripod) : (.{ Roughly formed incuse square, diagonally divided, and with crab in centre : a very fine and extremely rare coin : the obv. imperfectly centred; from the liunbury collection [PI. XXIII] 1 13 Kos : Tetradraehm, wt. 227 grs. ; Bearded head of Herakles to left, wearing lion's scalp : I,; Beaded square, with crab and club; above, KniON : below, magistrate's name, AIX2N ; very fine and e.r- r,;-d'igly rare PI. XXIII) 1 t 99 Seventh Day 714 Kos : Tetradrachm, wt. 229*5 grs. ; Youthful head of Herakles to right, "V wearing lion's scalp; 1 K.QION, over crab; below, MIKQN over v n bow in case ; the whole within a beaded square ; very fine and ex- L- iff - / _ ceedingly rare [PI . XX 1 1 1 ] 1 715 Kos : Di drachm, wt. 101 grs. ; Head of youthful Herakles, three- quarter face to right ; the lion's scalp drawn up over the head ; // / ^"^^^2-^, Beaded square with crab and club ; above, KHION ; below, /C?/fl~~" ~T?e~^r MIK.QN ; very fine and very rare ; from the Montagu collect Ion f / -^l> r p| _ xxiii] ,U j 715a Kos : Light Drachm, wt. 43 grs. ; Head of youthful Herakles to \ L / . right: KX2 1 12 N, Crab and club; K- Eat sides and API ZTAIZ ' below; the whole on incuse square; fine and uncommon 1 ,716 KamiPOS: A\ Stater, wt. 182 grs. ; Fig leaf, of very primitive i / #, /- style; #, Incuse of two oblong divisions, side by side: of very early issue, in excellent condition, and rare [PI. XXIII] 1 717 Kamiros : A\ Stater, wt. 187 grs. ; similar to preceding coin, but of \ later style ; a tendril placed between each of the lobes of the leaf: ^/*/ very fine and rare [PI. XXIII] 1 718 Lindos: Early Al Stater, wt. 2 11 '5 grs. ; Lion's head to right, the jaws open : l y l Incuse of two oblong divisions, side by side ; / ( an exceedingly rare and very early coin, in good condition ; from the Rhousopoulos sale [PI. XXIII] 1 719 Rhodos : Tetradrachm, wt. 230 grs. ; Head of Helios, facing, of very fine strong style; Jj. POAION, Rose; bud on branch to right, grapes on branch to left ; E in field to left ; an exceptionally fine specimen, and very rare [PI. XXI 1 1] 1 720 Rhodos : Didrachm, wt. 109'o grs. ; similar to preceding coin ; A in ^y field of rev., the bunch of grapes not attached to rose ; if very fine style and rare [PI. XXI 1 1] 1 721 Rhodos: Didrachm, wt. 107 grs. ; as last coin but from different dies [PI. XXIII] 1 722 Rhodos: Tetradrachm, of later issue, ivt. 208'5 grs. ; Radiate head of Apollo, three-quarter face to right; li PO, Rose ; to right, bud on branch; above, OAPZYTAZ; to left, eagle with raised wings, standing on fulmen ; the whole within beaded circle : fine and uncommon 1 723 Rhodos: Didrachm, wt. 1045 grs. ; corresponding with larger coin of last number, but with MNAZIMAXOZ and small female figure carrying cornucopia in field of reverse : very fine 1 H 2 Seventh Dai, 100 P O : below, rosebud ; a very fine example [PI. XXI 1 1] Light Drachm, ivt. 44 grs. ; Radiate head of Helios in profile to right ; 724 Rhodos : Drachm, of late issue, ict. 60 grs. ; Radiate head of Apollo; three-quarter face to right ; Rose, shown from above ; at sides, " \{ Incuse square with P~0, Rose; bow case and name of AEZIKPATHX in field ; very fine 2 725 Lydia : X Stater, attributed to Kroisos, the last of the Mermnadaean kings, wt. 165*5 grs. ; Foreparts of a lion and a bull, the one lacing the other ; \i Two square incuse sinkings ; an unusually good specimen of this early and very interesting and rare coin \ PI. XXIII] 1 726 Kroisos : Drachm and JR Hekte, wt. 82*5 and 27 grs. ; of similar tyj>e to coin in preceding lot; both fine and from the Bunbury collection 2 727 Nysa: Kistophoros, wt. 192'5 grs. ; of ordinary type; NY, AN, N EUTE POX, date letters KT ( = 23) and figure of Hygieia (!) " in field of rev. Tnalles : Quarter Kistophoros, wt. 45 grs. ; TPAA, Grapes on large vine leaf : 1> Lion's scalp on top of club ; the whole within wreath Apameia (Phryg) : Kistophoros, ict. 193*5 grs. ; of ordinary type; A;PA. ATTA AOY, TIMn, and double pipes in field of rev. : all fine 3 7i' v Lykia : Early A\ Stater, wt. 140*5 grs. ; Boar to right; \i Incuse s square with bull's head to front; cross in field at each side: extremely fine and eery rare ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXIV] 1 * 1 7l.". ( Lykia: Early A\ Stater, wt. 142 grs.; Forepart of boar to left: r l i; Incuse square, of small size, with roughly formed markings ^ resembling a letter or monogram; very fine and rare-, from the It housopoulo.< collection [PI. XXIV] 1 ,.">" Lykia: A\ Stater, wt. 151 grs. ; Forepart of boar to right : tf Incuse, i if Lvcian type : fine and rare ; from the Rhousopoulos collect/on 1 7:11 1'AMi'HYi.iA. Aspendos : A\ Staters (2), wts. 167 and 162 grs. ; Two athletes wrestling; on one specimen, BA. in centre field; I! EXTFEAIIYX: Slinger, to right, stretching his sling and about to discharge a bolt : in field to right, triskelis : the whole within a headed si|uarc : both fine; one shown on PI. XXIV 2 7 .".'J Side: A\ Stater, wt. 165 grs.; Pomegranate; l.i Athena head to rL'ht. weal-ill- crested Corinthian helmet : in front, laurel branch : the whole in an incuse square; a eery fine and e.reeedingly rare eniu; thou the Warren eolleetion [PI. XXIVj 1 101 Seventh JJn y 733 '34 u./r? 35 r 36 // Side : A\ Stater, wt. 164'5 grs. ; Pallas Xikephoros standing to left; shield and spear by her side ; to left, pomegranate ; to light, three Aramaic (?) letters; I Xude figure, Apollo (?), standing towards left, long branch in left hand and phiale in right ; a chlamys across the back, the ends hanging from the arms in front ; to left, altar ; to right, Aramaic (?) inscription ; a eery fine i 1 1 1 to left ; above, vulture symbol: in lower field before bull, rrn.r ansata : l: Magic standing to left : in front, .-mall vase: at -idi -. (\priote inscription ; the whole within a shallow sijuare ineijse wit h dotted hui'der : an unusually jierject e.ram)>le and eery ear, PI XXIV I 10.' i Seventh Bay 748 Evelthon, King of Salamis : M, Stater, vt. 168'5 grs. ; Ram recum- H . a bent to left ; traces of Cypriote inscription in field ; plain ; very /. fine and very rare [PI. XXIV] 1 749 Evelthon (?), King of Salamis : Tetrobol, wt. 54 grs. ; obv. similar to , last coin ; I Crux ansata and traces of Cypriote inscription within square incuse ; very fine and rare 1 750 Evelthon : Diobol, vt. 28"5 grs. ; types similar to No. 748. And Obol, vt. 13 grs. ; Head of ram to left ; p, Crux ansata, in circular , I t incuse ; both very fine and very rare 2 751 Galatia. Amyntas, Tetrarch of Galatia : Tetradrachm ; vt. 248"5 grs. ; Head of Pallas to right; behind head, monogram ; yi BAZIAEHZ AMYNTOY, Nike flying to left, carrying sceptre tied with a broad fillet; in field, IB ; eery fine 1 752 Amyntas, Tetrarch of Galatia : Tetradrachm ; vt. 243 grs. ; types as last coin : a very fine specimen [PI. XXIV] 1 /> SYRIA, &c. 753 Kings or Syria. Seleukos I : Tetradrachm ; vt. 264 grs. : Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion's scalp ; 1,1 BAZIAEHZ- i _, ZEAEYKOY ; Zeus Aitophoros to right ; in held to left mono- gram : beneath throne Al {monogram) ; a very fine e, cample and rare [PI. XXIV] 1 754 Seleukos I: Tetradrachm: wt. 257 grs. ; Head of Seleukos to right. wearing helmet covered with bull's hide, the horn and ear attached r C to the side and a serpent projecting from the front; tf BAZIAEjQZ ZEAEYKOY, Victory crowning a trophy of arms; in held two monograms (ATI and nYP); a very fine and eery rare coin ; from the London sale of May, 1900 [PI. XXIV] 1 754a Seleukos I : Hemidrachm ; vt 32'5 grs. ; Types as last coin : Al .1 f before the figure of Nike ami monogram behind : a eery fine and L * rare little coin : from the Bunbury collection 1 755 Seleukos I: Drachm: vt. G3 grs. : Laureate head (if Zeus to right : 1/ BAZIAEHZ ZEAEYKOY, Nike, armed and brandishing spear, in quadriga of elephants to right : above, AO and Seleucid anchor badge: fine and rare: from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXV! 1 755a Seleukos I : Drachm, n-f. (53 grs. : Head and neck of horse to right, with bull's horn attached by side of ear; I! BAZIAE.QZ ZEAEYKOY, Anchor; a rem/ fine and rare coin [PI. XXV! 1 Seventh Day 104 756 Antiochos I : Tetradi'achm, wt. 264*5 grs. ; Diademed head of King to right : i,i BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY, Nude figure of Apollo to right, seated on netted omphalos ; two arrows in his right hand, the left leaning on a bow resting behind the omphalos ; in field, two mono-rams (PA, HP) ; eery fine [PI. XXV] 1 757 Antiochos I : Tetrad rachm, id. 263 grs. : Types as last coin and with the same monograms, on : the figure of Apollo larger and in rather higher relief ; eery fine ; from the Bunbury collection 1 758 Antiochos I : Tetradrachn : ivt. 264 grs. : similar to preceding coins but the figure of Apollo holds one arrow only: varied monograms in field (AP. and AX in circle or 12), very fine 1 759 Antiochos IV: Tetrad rachm, irt. 256 grs.: Diademed head to right : u BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY 0EOY EPIANOY[Z], Zeus Xikephoros seated to left ; the figure of Xike turned to- wards Zeus and holding wreath: in exergue, monogram (Al) an extremely fine specimen : from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXV] 1 760 Demetrios I (Soter) : Tetrad rachm, wt. 258 grs. : Diademed head of kin- to right, within a laurel wreath : \i BAZIAEflZ AHMHTPIOY, Tyche to left, draped, seated on throne sup- ported by winged female monster and holding short staff and cornucopia : in field to left, monogram (AP = Apamea) ; fine 1 7;i Alexandros I {Bala) : Tetradrachm, minted at Tyre in Phoenicia: irt. 220 grs.: Diademed bust of kin- to right; the shoulders draped : u BAZIAE12Z AAEZANAPOY. Eagle to left, standing on rudder: a long branch of palm beneath the farther win-: in field, Tynan monogram on club: behind, date letters, TiP ' lti.')) and monogram ( H P) ; an e.rtremely fine specimen and rare j PI. XXV j 1 7 '. -_' Alexandros I (Bala): Tetradrachm, of uncertain mintage: irt. 1'uSijrs. : Diademed head to right; U BAZIAEftZ AAEZAN- APOY OEOPATOPOZ EYEPrETOY. Zeus Xikephoros -ated to left: in exergue, date letters, EZP ( =165) and monogram ' P PY) : fine ] 7 ''..'5 Demetnos II ( Xikator) : Tetradrachm, of his first reign: irt. -..-//>'.: Diademed head to right; I.! BAZIAEHZ AHMH- TPIOY IAAAEAOY NIKATOPOZ. Tyche seated to '''. draped and holding cornucopia and sceptre: in exergue, in' niogram ' AT ?) : fine 1 1.1 1 1 (' 105 Seventh Day 764 Tryphon : Drachm, wt. 62'5 grs. : Diademed head to right; BAZIAEflZ TPY4>niMOZ AYTOKPATOPOZ, Helmet of petasos-like form with pendant cheek guards, a tall spike on top and a horn attached to the front ; in field to left, monogram (AP, Apamea) ; an exceedingly fine and rare coin ; from thv Banbury collection [PI. XXV] 1 765 Demetifios II (Nikator): Tetradrachm ; of his second reign, minted at Tyre : wt. 218 grs. ; Diademed head to right ; $ BAZI AE.QZ AHMHTPIOY, Eagle to left, standing on rudder: palm branch beneath farther wing ; in field, club-monogram of Tyre, I EPA and AZY in monogram, M, and date letters IPP( = 187); eery fine 1 766 Antiochos VIM (Grypus) : Tetradrachm, wt. 256*5 grs. ; Diademed head of king to right: i* BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EPI <|>ANOYZ, Zeus standing to left partially draped : a crescent on his head, star on right hand and sceptre in left : in field to left I E. A ; a eery fine example 1 767 Antiochus VIII (Grypus) : Tetradrachm, minted at Tarsos, wt. 253 grs. ; Diademed head of king to right; \i BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EPIANOYZ, Altar, of curious form, with figure of Sandan to right standing on lion : to left, monograms ; eery fine and rare ; from the Bunbury collection 1 768 Tigranes, King of Armenia : Tetradrachm, wt. 249*5 grs. ; Head of king to right, wearing Armenian crown or head dress, ornamented with star between figures of two eagles ; l{ BAZIAEX2Z TITPANOY, Tyeheof Antioch to right, seated on rocks, draped and veiled ; a mural crown on her head, in her right hand, a palm branch : her feet resting upon a figure of the river god Orontes, shown swimming to right : in field, monogram : on rocks, P (or monogram) : the whole within a laurel wreath : a eery fine and rare coin ; from the Bunbury collection \ PI. XXV] 1 769 Phoenicia. Arados : M Stater, wt. 160*5 grs. ; Head of "Melkarth to right, laureate ; [i Galley to left: Phoenician letter (A) above, waves below ; eery fine [ PI. XXV] 1 770 Sidon : Double Shekel, wt. 397 grs. ; King and charioteer in quadriga to left : behind, attendant in Persian dress ; in field above, two letters : l,( Galley to left; date signs, III, above : waves beneath ; eery fine and rare : from the Bunbury collection 1 771 Tyros : A\ Stater, wt. 210*5 grs. : Melkarth to right, riding on sen- horse, a bow in lu's right hand : beneath, waves and dolphin : \i I ' Ht& m c ollection [PI. XXV] 1 773 Jvd.EA. Gaza: Drachm, wt. 56' grs. ; Janiform male and female heads, both diademed ; li Owl standing to front ; two olive branches hanging down at the sides ; an extremely rare coin and very fine [PI. XXV] 1 774 Jerusalem : Shekel, struck in the third year of the First Revolt (time of Vespasian), wt. 212 grs. ; obv. "Jerusalem the Holy"; Branch with three buds (Aaron's Rod?) ; [i "Shekel of Israel" ; Cup or chalice ; above it, date letters ( Near three") ; very fine 'di'l rare 1 77o Jerusalem : Half Shekel, of the third year of the first revolt ; Similar to preceding coin but reading Half-Shekel" on reverse : very fine and rare 1 77'i Judaea: Small A'l coin issued by the Procurator Coponius (time of Augustus) Tiberius : Denarius (the "Tribute Penny " of the Xew Testament) Persia : Siglos, of ordinary type Apollodotos, K. of Baktria : Square Drachm: obr. BAXIAEHZ APOAAOAOTOY ZHTHPOZ, Elephant; li Gibbons bull and Arian legend : all fine \ 777 Bactria . Drachm, of uncertain mintage, mt. 50 grs. ; Head of Athena to right, wearing crested helmet ornamented with scroll of honeysuckle ; I; Eagle with closed wings standing to left, the head Turned liaek to right : above, branch with vine leaf and bunch of crapes ; -7 eery fine and eery rare little coin {the types considered tn he derived from the coinage of Athens, cf II. M. Cat. Attica) PI. XXV 1 77" Eukratides. King of Bactria: Tetradrachm, vt. 2o)T) grs.: Draped bu-t of the kin- to right wearing petasosdike helmet, crested and on lament I'd with a bull's h< tin and ear on the side : I; BAZIAEI2S METAAOY EYKPATIAOY. The Dioskouroi on horseback to ri-hi ; beneath the horse's forefeet, monogram 'AP.YX): very !.,: aijd cry rare [PI. XXV 1 1 07 Seventh Day AFRICA. 779 Egypt. Alexandros IV: Tetradrachm, vt. 260 grs. ; Head of Alexander the Great to right, a rani's horn attached to side of > . head and wearing head-dress formed from an elephant's scalp ; U AAEZANAPOY, Zens Aitophoros seated to left; in field, ful- men ; below throne, monogram; very fine and rare [PI. XXV] 1 780 Alexandros IV : Tetradrachm, wt. 241 '5 grs.; C- similar to last coin but in lower relief and with a diadem showing over the fore- head : \i AAEEANAPOY, Athena Alkisto right: a monogram in field to right and left, and Ptolemaic badge, eagle on fulmen, at her feet ; a brilliant specimen and rare [PI. XXV] 1 781 Alexandros IV: Tetradrachm, wt. 240'5 grs.; types as last coin ; / the rev. monograms varied 1 782 Alexandros IV : Tetradrachm, vt. 242'5 grs. ; similar to preceding coins but with HP (monogram), helmet and Ptolemaic badge all in field to right of Athena 1 783 Ptolemaios (I?): Tetradrachm, wt. 215'5 grs. ; Diademed bust to right; p PTOAEMAIOY BAZIAEHZ, Eagle to left. / standing on fulmen ; very fine and rare 1 784 Arsinoe II, Queen of Ptolemaios II : Deladrachm, irt. 547 grs. ; Head of the Queen to right, veiled and wearing diadem : behind the head, MM ; [i APZINOHZ l AAAEAOY Double cor- nucopia to right, filled with fruits : a diadem tied around the centres of the horns ; very fine and rare [PI. XXV] 1 785 Cyrexaica. Kyrene : Tetradrachm, irt. 265"5 grs. ; KYPA. He a \ of Zeus Amnion to right, bearded and with ram's horn at side of aead: I,; Silphium plant; of Archaic style, exceedingly fine and H I ft/- certf ran- ; from the London sale of May, 1900 I PI. XXV] 1 '86 Kyrene: Tetradrachm, of later issue, icf. 20^ grs. ; Head of Zeus Amnion to right; \i K Y PA N - A by sides of silphium //? . plant ; an unusually fine example : from the Montagu collection PI. XXV rt* Kyrene: Tetradrachm, of fine style, ft. 203 grs. ; Head of Zeus Amnion to left; behind head, sprig of laurel with two leaves; U AlBYXTPATOiXi. retrograde, around silphium plant: " eery Jim- and exceedingly rare coin : fr Bar*ke : Drachm, of archaic style, wt. 51 grs. ; Head of bearded Zeus Amnion to right, within beaded circle; the whole in incuse square with [BA]PK in the angles ; Silphium plant ; extremely fine and rare ; from the II anbury collection [PI. XXVI] 1 791 Evespeiu'des : Drachm, of early style, wt. 50'5 grs. ; Head of Zeus Amnion to right in headed circle; the whole in incuse square with E [Y] E Z in angles: Silphium plant ; extremely fine and very rare ; from the Bunbury collection [PI. XXVI] 1 792 Zeugitaxa. KarthagO: Tetradrachm, of Siculo-Punic issue, probably struck at Panormos, wt. 259'5 gr.<. ; Forepart of horse to right ; in front, corn-grain : above, part of a figure of Nike ; below, Kart (7/adisat" in Punic letters ; Iji Date palm ; in lower field, traces of Punic inscription ; fine and very rare [PI. XXVI] 1 79."5 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 260 grs. : Free horse galloping to right : above, Xike flying to right and crowning the horse: beneath the exergual line, Phoenician inscription in minute characters : ],{ Date palm ; a very fine coin and eery rare : from the Ihinbury collection [PI. XXVI] 1 7H1 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 266'5 grs.; Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn : behind, dolphin : li Horse - to right, standing in front of date palm ; in upper Held to left, crescent; cerij fine and rare 1 79D Kanthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic (a direct copy from the cele- hrated medallions of Syrakousai, by the engraver Evainetos), wt. 2*> s; '."> grs. : Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn leaves ; / - around, four dolphins; in front of neck, escallop shell ; l,{ Horse's head to left : behind, date palm : beneath truncation of neck A m M'lrlniiiiii in Phoenician letters ; an extremely fine coin and eery ron-. [PI. XXVI | I 79'i Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic di direct ropy from the cele- 1 medallions fif Syrakousai, by the engraver Evainetos), wt. 2'i2T) '//-. : Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn leaves ; 100 Seventh Day Lot 796 continued. around, four dolphins ; in front of neck, escallop shell ; \i Horse to right, standing in front of date palm ; an exceedingly fine coin of most pleasing style. [ P I . X X V I ] 1 797 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 267'5 grs. ; Similar to If)/ tf)/~ ^' ^^' ^ u ^ ^'ithotit the cockle shell and not of such fine style ; eery fine and rare. [PI. XXVI] 1 798 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 262 grs. : Similar to last coin, but with the head of Persephone turned to right and reading / /_ "Sham Machanat" on reverse ; an extremely rare variety of very interesting style. [PI. XXVI] 1 799 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 258 grs. ; Head of Perse- phone to right, crowned with corn stalks : two dolphins in lower field ; to left, symbol (or monogram) ; I Horse to right, standing in front of date palm : in front, upright caduceus ; very fine and rare [PI. XXVI] 1 800 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 266'5 grs. ; Head of youthful Herakles to right, wearing lion's scalp head-dress ; \i Horse's head to left; behind, palm; below truncation of neck. " A m-he-Machanat " and stalk of corn ; a very fine example [PI. XXVI] 1 801 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 253'5 grs. ; similar to / , last coin ; but not so fine 1 802 Karthago : Tetradrachm, Siculo-Punic, wt. 2o8 grs. : same types as last coins ; ' Machanat " only below the horse's neck and astragalus - " in field in front ; very fine [PI. XXVI] 1 803 Karthago : Tetradrachm, wt. 267'5 grs. ; similar to preceding coin : the head of Herakles of smaller size ; no adjunct in field of rev. ; very fine [PI. XXVI] 1 804 Karthago: Tetradrachm, wt. 268'5 grs.; similar to Xo. 800, and with the same legend and adjunct ; three off-sets shooting from the base of the palm ; very fine and a rare variety 1 805 Karthago: El. Tridrachm, wt. 163 grs.; Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn ; [,! Horse standing to right : above, radiate solar disc flanked by uraei : very fine and rare 1 806 Karthago : 'Ltbeadrachm, wt. 578 grs. : Head of Persephone to left, crowned with corn ; U Pegasos flying to right: below, ' Barzit : fine ; all eery fine 3 KM) OF SALE. -"^ PLATE I. F. Sherman Benson Collection, PLATE II. F. Sherman Benson Collection. PLATE III. 7) ,JU-/ F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE IV. F. Sherman Benson Collectioi PLATE V. F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE VI. Ifob* ..^ F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE VII. dBESfi - ' Li( -*?-. 22 F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE VIII. F. Sherman Benson Collection. PLATE IX. > "^"^ m \J.' ' >,*; j*; - *** 777 1 m Mo - .-. 286 F. Sherman Benson Collection, PLATE X. F. Sherman Benson Collection. PLATE XI. F. Sherman Benson Collection, PLATE XII. F. Sherman Benson Collection. PLATE XIII. F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE XIV. 417 F. Sherman Benson Collection, f 'ink fooo 45 5 F. Sherman Benson Collection. PLATE XVI. F. Sherman Benson Collection, PLATE XVII. F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE XVIII. F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE XIX. \\yo , ; d94 F. Sherman Benson Collection, PLATE XX. F. Sherman Benson Collection. PLATE XXI. F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE XXII. ' 7 Uv .*- Wmg) ^ 686 F. Sherman Benson Collection. : -jw^' ^kT y **** m~ v * ' \ 720 F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE XXIV. F. Sherman Benson Collection PLATE XXV. F. Sherman Benson Collection. PLATE XXVI, London Stereoscopic Company. lOv Repent Street. IV F. Sherman Benson Collection, UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 051 067 7 3 1158 00643 2602 I I