na THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TIKW -V-Q-B.K. HAHREB & BROTHERS, MEMOIR OF THE REV. JOHN SCUDDER, M.D., THIRTY -SIX YEAKS MISSIONARY IN INDIA. BY REV. J. B. WATEKBTJRY, D.D. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRAXKLIN SQUARE. 1870. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. WHEN Dr. Scudder rested from his labors, there was a wish expressed, on the part of those w r ho knew him and appreciated his high qualities as a Christian mission- ary, that a memoir should be given to the public. After years of delay owing to providential circumstances the attempt has been made, with what success the reader will of course decide for himself. The materials for such a work were abundant; but they were scattered here and there, and some parts of his private journal were entirely lost. It has been the compiler's object to select from a very large correspond- ence and a somewhat extended diary only those facts which would reveal most forcibly the character of the man, and act with salutary effect 6n the heart of the reader. One advantage which this Memoir has over other bi- ographies of missionaries consists in the fact that Dr. Scudder's labors were spread over an immense territory. Like the Apostle Paul, he was ever in motion a great missionary evangelist penetrating the interior of hea- thendom, and preaching the Gospel to princes and to the people. His skill as a surgeon, too, was the key, in many in- stances, to his success as a preacher. A man who could i v PREFACE. open the eyes of the blind inspired a reverence far great- er than one who appeared simply as a Christian teacher. His twofold profession gave him great power. It is hoped that this small tribute to his memory im- perfect in many respects as it must be will serve to keep alive the remembrance of one whose self-denial and self-consecration in the holiest of causes have never in modern times been exceeded, and but seldom equaled. An example like this can not fail to act favorably on the Christian Church, in keeping alive what missionary spirit now exists, and in deepening the sense of obligation to obey our Lord's last command, " Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." J. B. WATERBUKY. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Birth and Childhood. Ancestry. Revolutionary Anecdote. Dedicated in Infancy. Mother's Testimony. A Christian from his Birth. Char- acteristic Trait. "Devil John." Keeping Lent. Deep sense of De- pravity. In College. His Influence as a Student. Testimony of N. Patterson. Studies Medicine. His Companions. Enthusiasm in his Profession. Beginning of his domestic Life. Deep religious Interest for others. Conversion of several Members of the Family. Devotional Habits. -*-Twofold Profession. A fearful death -bed Scene. Church Relations. Rev. Christian Bork. Dr. S. becomes Co-laborer. A great Revival, and large Accession to the Church. His life-long Attachment to the Reformed Dutch Church Page 11 CHAPTER II. Great Success in his Profession. Conjugal Help. New Phase of Life. Call to preach Christ to the Heathen. How it came to pass. Looks to God for Guidance. Terrible Struggle as to the Path of Duty. De- cides the Question on his Knees. Breaks the Subject to his Wife. Her Acquiescence. His great Joy. Opinions of the World. Concur- rence of Providential Events. Letter to the Board of Missions. Prepa- rations for the Departure. The faithful Servant Amy. The Farewell. Dr. S. jubilant in view of his Work. The Embarkation.^ James Brainerd Taylor, seeing it, decides for the Ministry 26 CHAPTER III. Embarkation from Boston. Companions in the Mission Work. Brig Indus, Captain Wills. A floating Bethel. Religious Exercises on board. The Captain co-operates. Manifestations of God's Presence. Great Revival. Numerous and interesting Conversions. Officers as VI CONTENTS. well as Seamen awakened and converted. The Hardest Case brought under Conviction. Gives up his Heart, at length, to God. Remarka- ble Instances of Answer to Prayer. Arrival at Calcutta. Oriental Scenery. First Sight of Idol-worship. Housekeeping in Calcutta. Farewell to the Ship's Company a severe Trial. Mrs. Woodward taken 111. Dr. S. remains with her at Calcutta. She recovers. First Death, sudden and severe. Dr. S.'s only Child called away. Christian Resig- nation. Death of a second Child. God's Will be done the ruling Sen- timent Page 33 CHAPTER IV. Ceylon, Description of the Island. The Population. Cingalese and Ta- mulians, Buddhists and Brahminists. Scene of Labors. Jaffna Dis- trict. Panditeripo. Letter of Dr. Scudder. Description of Church and Bungalow. Houses. Natives, their Mode of Living. Tropical Fruits. Old Testament Customs illustrated. Depraved Morals. Vul- gar Forms of Idolatry. The Effect on a Christian Mind. Begins preaching at Panditeripo. Letter to Dr. Worcester. Opposition of the Brahmins. Great Temple at Nellore. The Abominations practiced therein. Degradation of the Heathen. Removes to Panditeripo. Li- censed to Preach. Native Schools. Preaching in public, and from House to House. Prescribing for the Sick. Medium of moral and re- ligious Instruction. Superstitious Fears. Dread of the Devil. Hea- then Children in Prayer. Seeking after a Sign. Appeal for the Sup- port of Heathen Children. Preaching in the Fields. The Brahmin and his Son. A large Congregation. Death of the Odigar. Preach- ing for the first Time in Tamul. Praying with two Brahmins. Sabbath Desecration. Force of Example. Death of a Malabar. Sight to the Blind. Monthly Concert. Christian David. Conversation with a Brahmin. One Year's Labors. Evangelization. Visits the Schools. Distrust of the Heathen. Need of Prayer for Missionaries. Schools for Girls. Important Surgical Operation. Folly of Heathen Rites. Labors of the Missionary's Wife 54 CHAPTER V. Second Journal from Panditeripo. Mrs. Scudder's Labors. Testimony to faithful Colored Amy. Dr. Scudder's twofold Work as Physician and Preacher. A Heathen's Idea. Worshiping Books. Thank-offer- ing of a Heathen. Roman Catholics. A Bud blighted. Visit of Sir Richard Ottley. Preaching Tour. White Ants and Robbers. Takes CONTENTS. vii Refuge in the House of the Vedar. Treated kindly. A Brahmin, his Reasoning. Tomb of Lopez. Superstition concerning it. Power of Prayer. Mr. Koch, Interpreter, labors with Dr. S. Preaching and distributing Tour. Hard Service. Wild Beasts. Power of the Ele- phant. Chavicherry. Sufferings from the Heat. Peacock for Food. Haunted House. Reaches Home. Kind Treatment by the Natives on his recent Tour. Another Tour ; starts with his Boys and Mr. Koch. Success among the Romanists. Visits one of the Catholic Churches. Description of their Image- worship. Kindness of Mrs. Mooyaart. Addresses the Fishermen. Returns Home. New Tracts required. Tracts prepared. Prayer by Christians at Home Page 81 CHAPTER VI. Sacramental Season. Mrs. Scudder's Journal. A School-girl admitted to the Church. New- Year's Thanksgiving. Encouragement. A Hea- then Boy, Gideon Waterbury, awakened to a sense of his Sins. A Child Dead. Absence and Return of Dr. S. A Backslider. A domestic Picture. What we Eat and Drink. Kindness of Mrs. Mooyaart. Clothing. Harmony. The faithful Amy. Sea-bathing. Conversion of a Boy. Prayer for a Revival. Letter from Home. News of the Conversion of a Sister. One of our great Days. More Conversions of School-children. Dr. S. leaves for Madras. Great ingathering of Souls: Admission of Forty -one Members to the Church. Great Meet- ing at Manepy. Cholera raging : a Scene. Heathen Children at Prayer .- 98 CHAPTER VII. The great Revival. Additional Remarks by Dr. Scudder. His Absence : its essential Benefit to his Health. Surveys the Continental Field. Forms a large Acquaintance with British Officials at Madras. Makes accurate Observations of the Field which he is to Occupy. Returns to Ceylon, and makes his Report. It is decided that he and Mr.Winslow shall return and occupy the Continental Field 110 CHAPTER VIII. Revival in Madras, chief City of the Carnatic. Its Military and Commer- cial Character. Nabob of Arcot and Edmund Burke. Abject Submis- sion of the Natives. Policy of England toward them. Juggernaut and the Suttee. Encouragement for the Missionaries. Important Centre for Missionary Operations. Madras a City of Cities. Its Population viii CONTENTS. open for religious Influences. Extensive Revival of Religion in the Fort. Eight Hundred Soldiers. Dr. S. becomes an Itinerant Mission- ary. His Bullock Bandy. Persecution and personal Insults. Is Stoned and Bruised. Large Distribution of Scriptures and Tracts. The Cholera: Cause and Cure. Splendid Tank. Tour of Inspection., Worship of the Idol Siva. Good Place for a School. A busy Day. Heathen Procession. The Palankeen Man. Aged Man and conse- quential Man. Prays on a Hill-top. Pilgrims. Superstitions. Idol- atry hard Service. Perseverance. Confusion. Mode of Distribution. Reflections on the Close of the Tour. Another Tour. Frequent La- bors. Roman Catholicism. Vellore. Ascends a Mountain : splendid Prospect. Labors at Vellore. Another Extract. Children and Mode of Begging. Car Baskets. Worshiping a Book. Preaches under a Tree * Page 117 CHAPTER IX. Correspondence with Mrs. Scudder. Interesting Incidents of his Jour- neys and Labors, of his Enjoyments and Sufferings. Facetious and Serious ; 147 CHAPTER X. Failure of Health. Jungle Fever. Death's Door. Perilous Journey of Mrs. Scudder. Saved by Daniel's God. Dr. Scudder's Health gives way. Decides to visit America. The Arrival 1 75 CHAPTER XI. No Rest. Preaching Tours for Children. Affecting Letters from them. Female Seminary at South Hadley. Has a delightful and profitable Visit. Miss Lyon, the Principal : her noble Christian Character. His Views of the Mount Holyoke Seminary 182 CHAPTER XII. Reminiscences. A Missionary Family. Chain of Providences 203 CHAPTER XIII. Dr. Scudder returns to India. Arrives at Madras. Resumes his Mission- ary Labors. His vast Correspondence. Is appointed to the Madura Mission. Meets with a Convert. Finds Caste a great Impediment. Policy of the Government in regard to it. Successful Treatment of Cholera and other Complaints. Heathenism vs. Medical Skill 213 CONTENTS. i x CHAPTER XIV. "He shall stand before Kings." Visits the King of the Tondiman Coun- try. Receives Royal Honors. He and his Family decorated with Wreaths of Flowers. Is faithful in his Conversation with the King. Splendid Entertainments, and unbounded Hospitality shown him. Per- forms many Surgical Operations, and preaches the Gospel to vast Num- bers. Letter at parting from the Prince, or Rajah. Witchcraft and the Demetrians. The Pulney Hills. Communion. Mount Nebo. Routine of Work, etc Page 218 CHAPTER XV. Black Town, part of Madras. Moves to this Place. Great Crowds attend for Medical Aid. Preaches the Gospel to them. A Liar. White Ants one of the Scourges of India. The Queen Ant. Numerous Writings and Publications. A Present to a Prince 235 CHAPTER XVI. Evening Shadows. A sudden and severe Stroke. Woes cluster. Death of Mrs. Scudder. Letter to Dr. Anderson, also to his Children. Its Effect on his own Spirit. His Meditations in connection with the Event. Death of his Son Samuel. His triumphant Submission. Gradual Failure of his own Health. Trip to South Africa. Labors abundant. Terminated suddenly in a Sleep of Death, and transit to Glory 241 REMINISCENCES 275 A 2 MEMOIR OF THE KEY. JOHN SCUDDER, M.D. CHAPTER I. Childhood. College .Life. Studies Medicine. Acknowledges God. Beginning of his Domestic Life. Twofold Profession. Church Rela- tions. THE subject of this memoir was a native of Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey. The date of his birth was Sept. 3, 1793. His father and mother were Joseph and Maria Scudder. The father was a lawyer of repute, a gentleman of the old school, and his mother was a lady of high culture, winning manners, and exalted piety. Mrs. Scudder was connected with the Johnstons of Rev- olutionary memory. Her father was colonel of the First New Jersey regiment in our Revolutionary War, and fell at the battle of Long Island while bravely storming a strong position of the enemy.* * " His death," says one acquainted with the circumstances, "was sin- cerely lamented by all who knew him, not only as a great private but pub- lic loss, the more so as he fell a sacrifice to obstinacy. General Sullivan commanded that day, and directed Colonel Johnston to take the position. Colonel Johnston, having served in the French War under Sir William Johnston, and understanding his profession well, suggested to Gen. S. the impracticability of the enterprise. Sullivan, in anger, replied, ' Sir, it is your place to obey, not to dictate or expostulate.' 'Sir,' retorted Colonel ] 2 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDJ)ER. This son John was dedicated in his infancy to God, and, by his mother's testimony corroborated in after life by himself was like Samuel, a child of God from his birth. The mother stated that she never knew when he was converted, " for he seemed always to be possessed with the Christian temper." Such cases are not com- mon, but who will say they are not possible ? CHILDHOOD. Probably this spiritual born, or twice-born child, dis- covered little in his early development to distinguish him from other amiable and obedient children. There was always with him a conscientious regard to truth, and an affectionate compliance with the parental wishes. Still it must be supposed that he played and sported, and in every respect acted like other children. It is probable, also, that occasionally he was surprised into delinquen- cies common to impetuous youth ; but when his fault was pointed out to him, he expressed his sorrow and made resolutions of amendment. This would not be in- consistent with the declaration of his mother " that she scarcely knew when he was converted ; he was always good." One trait, however, characteristic of the man, was de- veloped in the boy a spirit of benevolence and self-sac- rifice. " My brother John," writes his sister, " manifest- \ ed a very devotional spirit from boyhood upward ; also a benevolent gift was in him. lie would run about the i Johnston, 'I will convince you that I can and will obey ; but it will be at I the sacrifice of my own life, and that of all the brave band I have the hon- 1 or to command. ' The prophecy proved but too true ; but one man es- \caped out of all the number. That man was Captain Grey, who related the event to my mother with tears." COLLEGE LIFE. 13 streets and highways of Freehold and gather sticks to kindle the fires of the destitute. The little fellow was one day drawing a very heavy rail. A person called out, ' John, what are you going to do with that ?' ' I am tak- ing it to Miss Becky, who has no fire.' The person al- luded to was poor and infirm. "There was a man who lived near us addicted to strong drink a bad man, driving his pious wife from her home at midnight, when she sought her father's house for shelter. John, who frequently went to him, t said one day, 'Mr. C., why do they call you "Devil ' John T ' The wife was terrified, fearing he might hurt ' the child. She was a strict Episcopalian. My brother said to Mr. C., ' If you will throw away your bottle for forty days, I will keep Lent with jwur wife.' This agree- ment was verified the performance was sure. It was the beginning of better days with this man. He ab- stained totally, lived years after this, and professed Christ in the Presbyterian Church. My brother sent him a message from India as follows : ' I charge Mr. Conover to meet me in heaven,' which affected the old gentleman very much. He said John had great influence over him." It might be supposed that a youth of such f eelings and habits would scarcely have had any deep views of the heart's corruption, whereas we never knew a Christian who had a more overwhelming sense of his own deprav- ity. IX COLLEGE. While in Princeton College, young Scudder was not- only attentive to his duties as a scholar, but also as a 14 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDES. Christian. He was watching for opportunities to do good, and striving, in every possible way, to win his fel- low-students over to the cause of Christ. The following letter is a noble testimony to his faithfulness. It seems to have been addressed to his father, and comes from one whose praise is in many of the churches. "Wilmington, November 16, 1855. " In compliance with your request, my venerable friend, I give you in writing what was a day or two since com- municated to you orally, though I am sure it will appear differently ; but please take ' the will for the deed.' " I find, from the date of my diploma, I entered col- lege in the spring of 1813fsome four months before your devoted son graduated. I shall ever regard that short acquaintance with such a youth as having an important influence over my whole course of life. " It commenced in this wise. While sitting in a neigh- boring room with some classmates, a tall, pale young man came in. Being introduced to Mr. Scudder, his reply, ac- cording to custom, was, ' I'll be happy to see you at No. 47.' While he remained, which was but for a moment, there was a general stillness, and when he had gone one of our company remarked, ' That fellow is so religious one can hardly laugh in his presence.' A secret influ- ence touched the heart of one in that company, and, un- conscious of its cause as he then was, the thought instant- ly arose, ' I had far better keep company with such a per- son.' " Returning to my lonely room, for I had not yet be- some acquainted with half a dozen in the place, this thought followed me 'There, now, you have one of the 1*1 f. CORRESPONDENCE. 15 right kind of associates in this building.' But for a while I had to battle with questions of this sort : Shall I at once stand face to face with a principle of right, or give in to the doctrine of expediency ? Shall I associate with one who is viewed as singular, and consent before long to be called a hypocrite, a fanatic, or a social here- tic, or shall I consent to be drawn into the ranks of an overwhelming majority? " At last this conclusion was reached ' I will call on Scudder at once, and tell him why I came so soon.' Here was a starting-point for other things that quickly fol- lowed. I found him at his studies, and told him of my wish to form a religious acquaintanceship, though myself without religion. Quickly he rose, and grasped my hand with unlooked-for ardor, saying, ' That's right ; stand by that; you'll never regret it.' When the twelve o'clock bell rang, J. S. was at my door, and proposed a walk. Our steps were directed into Craig's "Woods, near where the railroad depot now is. His speech, I believe, was mainly on the great themes with which his heart was filled. In a retired spot we sat down on a log, and sang together ( When I can read my title clear,' and some oth- er hymns. He then proposed kneeling in social prayer, and there, for the first time, with trepidation I made an awkward attempt at extemporary prayer. That open committal on the side of religious anxiety was a seed of moral reform planted by that beloved brother some forty years ago ; but alas ! how stunted has been its growth, and meagre its fruits! " Other interviews of like kind were held in that grove, and soon after in several rooms in college, where social prayer was held in rotation. Through J. Scudder I was 16 3IEXOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. introduced to Storrs, Belden, and Price. These were all who were then known as religious out of one hundred and twenty youths. Thus does destiny hang upon mo- ments, and lay coiled in a passing event. Those words of encouragement, given at a critical time, were like the kiss of approbation given by his fond mother to little Benjamin West at the sight of his rude drawing. It in- spired hope, it fixed inclination, and stimulated to efforts. Partly through the force of J. Scudder's persuasive influ- ence, I was soon after induced to apply to the Rev. W. Schenck, your son-in-law, and to his Session, for admis- sion into his Church, and, with the Rev. T. II. Skinner, D.D., was received. Yours respectfully, " NICHOLAS PATTEKSON." His heart's desire was toward the sacred ministry, but his father w T as opposed to this ; and so, from a sense of filial "duty, he chose the profession of medicine, more akin to the ministry than the legal profession, and fur- nishing opportunities to do good to the soul while ad- ministering to the relief of the body. Among the highest in the profession of medicine at that time was the late Dr. David Hosack, of ]S r ew York. Young Scudder became his student. Here he formed a friendship with several young men in the same pursuit, among whom, as his most intimate associates, were the late Rev. Dr. Ducachet, of Philadelphia, and Rev. Dr. B. P. Aydelott, of Cincinnati, who survives him. Scudder was an enthusiast in whatever he undertook. He threw his whole soul into his profession, studied hard under his great teacher, whom he admired, and whose ACKNOWLEDGING GOD. 17 praises, professionally, he was accustomed to sound in what some would call extravagant language. He fulfilled his course of study with Dr. Hosack, and graduated at the New York Medical College, having pre- u. viously acred for a considerable period as resident physi- cian of the Almshouse. His next most pressing consid- eration was where he should start in his practice. His friend, Dr. Aydelott, suggested the eastern section of the city, and offered to introduce him to a family where he would find an agreeable circle and a comfortable home. ACKNOWLEDGING GOD IN ALL HIS WAYS. Young Scudder was accustomed to "acknowledge God in all his ways," believing in the promise that, by so do- ing, "his paths would be directed." Never was there a person who evinced a more conscientious recognition of Divine Providence in every earthly vicissitude. Of course, in so important a matter as fixing his location as a physician, and establishing his home t in a strange fam- ily, he made it a matter of earnest prayer. His resolu- tion being taken, he became domiciled in his new abode, and busied himself in looking after practice. It came rapidly, as it usually will to one who is both prepared and expectant, and who is as vigilant to observe as he is ready to avail himself of opportunities. He had a pe- culiar knack in gaining confidence ; and families who once employed him were so fascinated with his skill and his kind manners, that they seldom wished to exchange him for another. He thus anchored himself in the es- teem of one family after another, so that soon lie began to number his patrons with some degree of satisfaction. 18 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. Indeed, he even began to think he must have a family and house of his own. BEGINNING OF HIS DOMESTIC LIFE. Dr. Scudder took a deep interest in the spiritual wel- / fare of the Jamily where he resided. It consisted of a ( widow, with four daughters and two sons. Two of the daughters were married, and two lived at home with their mother and brothers. With favorable religious antecedents, they still gave no evidence of the experience of personal piety. This was a grief to one to whom re- ligion was every thing, and whose meat and drink it was to do the will of God. So he sets himself, with much prayer and a careful improvement of opportunities, to awaken their minds to the importance of that which to him was " the one thing needful." His success outran his faith. The eldest daughter at home, in whom, for various reasons, he felt a peculiar interest, was the first to show signs of contrition. She was lovely in person, gentle in spirit, and attractive in her manners. How far affection preceded faith, or how intimately they were mingled in his efforts to draw her attention to the great interests of her soul, we can not say. But we can hard- ly doubt that a deep personal attachment gave additional impulse to the prayers and efforts which, under God, led to her conversion. That being accomplished, the crown- ing grace was added to the charms of nature. The means resorted to for the accomplishment of this great end were earnest prayer and occasional conversa- tion. But, in addition to these, the doctor whether ju- \ diciously or not obtained a promise from her that she would read a book which he would lend her. That book, BEGINNING OF HIS DOMESTIC LIFE. 19 as every one acquainted .with it must admit, " is strong meat rather than milk." It was the old Puritan work f entitled " Boston's Fourfold State." And this, after all, ' was the chosen instrumentality. The arrow reached her heart, and she went to Him, who was himself pierced, in order to have it drawn. After sufficient time to test the reality of the change had elapsed, she gave her public testimony to her faith, and began her career for glory and immortality. This young Christian became after- ward the wife of Dr. Scudder, shared in his labors and trials, and was to him as a guiding-star in the long pil- grimage of his eventful life. But for her he had often fainted ; and it was by her superior judgment that, when he was in perplexity, the way and path of duty rose clear and well defined before him. Her name must necessa- rily be associated with his, and will often occur in the progress of this memorial. Other members of the family engaged his attention with a view to their conversion, and ere long the moth- er, two of the daughters, and the younger son sat down J together at the same communion board. We do not af- firm that all these conversions were owing to the zeal and efforts of Dr. Scudder. A concurrence of affecting . circumstances worked in unison with his Christian efforts to bring about the religious change in this family. The , oldest brother, of noble character and dearly beloved, 1 was drowned in mid ocean about this period. His death was as God's voice thundering in their consciences. A revival, also, of great power was going forward in the Church which they attended. These events were acces- sory, and influential, under God, in bringing tliis whole family to the foot of the Cross. Yet must we gratefully 20 MEMOIR OF DH. SCUDDER. acknowledge the earnest prayers and faithful labors of Dr. S., wno seized on these providences to deepen the re- ligious convictions which the Spirit of God seemed now to have commenced. I The younger brother, compiler of these memoirs, then | only sixteen, was deeply indebted to Dr. Scudder for his ' fraternal counsels, his affectionate interest, and his earn- est prayers. Taking me by the hand, he warned me of danger, pointed out the path of duty, and acted as my spiritual Mentor in the earlier part of my religious expe- rience. He was as an elder brother to me. We prayed and sang together. "We visited together. We stood up in the meetings side by side, and testified of the grace of God. In his visitations to the sick often was I with him. We knelt together at the bedside of the invalid. It was a practical school wherein I learned to feel for the suf- fering, and to pray for the sick and dying. It was at the evening prayer -meetings held in the I chapel of the Rutgers Street Presbyterian Church then / enjoying the outpouring of the Spirit that Dr. Scudder was in his element. Here his face shone, and his whole soul seemed to stereotype its strong emotions in his voice and features. His exhortations to the impenitent were as powerful as his encouragement to the young converts was sweet and cheering. He was the life of any meet- ing which he attended ; and his pure brotherly affection flowed like. oil on Aaron's garments, or fell gently like the dews on Mount Hermon. His heart overflowed with Christian love, and his charity was as large in regard to the faults of others as his condemnation was severe to- ward his own errors. The hours of sweet communion enjoyed together can never be forgotten. He was a man TWOFOLD PROFESSION. 21 of strong emotions, but they were sanctified emotions. \ He was on the mount or in the vale seldom midway. If a cloud obscured his spiritual horizon, he must go to prayer till the breath of heaven chased it away. He never thought of being happy without the felt presence of God. If that were for a season withdrawn, he was like a child that had lost the father's hand in a crowded street. He cried out long and loud for God. " Tell me where I may find him" was the language of his soul. And when he did find Him, you could hear the shout of song go up from his closet, out of which when he came you needed none to tell you that the light of God's coun- tenance had risen upon him. The ups and downs in his Christian pilgrimage were frequent, but the main tenor of his experience was that of spiritual joy and sunshine. Blessed man ! who lived on God as well as to God. TWOFOLD PROFESSION. Dr. Scudder was minister and physician both. He never neglected the physical wants of his patients ; but he kept his eye open, as the occasion offered, to pour in the oil and wine upon the soul. Did he not, in this, walk in the steps of his great Master ? Yes, many a soul has he met in heaven to whose conversion the sick-bed, un- der his prayers and counsels, became a spiritual Eethesda. Sometimes these visits were of a harrowing nature. Said he to the writer, at the close of one of the prayer- meetings, " I want you to go with me and see a sick girl." He led me up an alley into a poor-looking tenement, and as we entered the room a deep groan issued from the sufferer. She was beautiful even amid the paleness of death. She turned her large black eyes upon me, and 22 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. they made me shudder. There was despair in them. Then, closing them, she uttered such a groan ! It seemed to come from a consciously lost soul. The doctor took her hand, and spoke touchingly of Jesus. But oh ! such a look as she gave when that name was uttered. It told us that to her that name was agony. "Pray for me, pray for me," she exclaimed ; " I am lost I am lost." So we knelt and prayed, weeping as we did it. In the midst of our prayers she would break forth, " Pray on ! pray on !" " Don't stop." " Oh, I am lost I am lost." Every heart trembled, and every eye was in tears. But we could pray no longer, for the spasms of death came, ' and, with one awful groan, she expired. This beautiful young creature came into New York from the country to seek employment. She fell into the snares every where laid for the unwary. She went down fast, and such was her end as we have described. These visits were not only professional, but merciful ; and, in the records of eternity, it may be found that this young Christian physician accomplished no small part of his beneficent deeds ere he set sail for heathendom. CHURCH RELATIONS. While in New York Dr. Scudder was deeply concerned to find a preacher under whose ministry he could obtain spiritual food, and so be nourished up into higher de- grees of strength in the divine life. He at length found I such a one in the person of the Rev. Christian Bork, pas- \tor of the Reformed Dutch Church in Franklin Street. (He was an aged man, of German origin, having come to this country as a Hessian soldier during Revolutionary times. His conversion took place under the preaching CHURCH BELATIONS. 23 of the Rev. Dr. Livingstone. He could not get into the barn where the doctor was preaching, but contrived to get within hearing; and the Lord opened his heart to " receive the Word." Soon he entered upon preparation for the ministry, and finally settled in the Dutch Re- formed Church in New York. When we heard him, he discovered very little of the foreign accent. He was short and stout, and his silvery hair was combed back upon his head. His aspect in the pulpit was impressive, and his manner of preaching very affectionate and im- passioned. As he read the Scriptures he usually added a brief commentary on striking passages, and was re- markable in prayer, giving utterance to the most exalted sentiments of devotion. Having taken his text, he closed the Bible, laid it on the cushion behind him, and pro- ceeded with his discourse. He used no notes. His soul was' full of his subject, and his memoiy for pertinent quotations chapter and verse astonished every body who listened to him. He preached entirely to believers, holding that if he could edify them, he would leave the sinners in the hands of God. He seldom, if ever, ad- , dressed a single word of warning or exhortation to the/ impenitent. But how could Dr. S., so intensely concerned for the salvation of others, approve of such a course ? He did not. Frequent were the conversations he held with his pastor on this point. But Mr. Bork could not be con- vinced that it was his duty to call sinners to repentance. If others felt it to be their duty, he had no objection. He even encouraged the young physician in his efforts to arouse the slumbering consciences of the young, but un- godly part of his congregation. 24 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. As a preacher to Christians and on Christian experi- ence, Mr. Bork was almost unequaled. He knew the depths, and heights, and all the intermediate way. He connected his own experience with the Word of God in a manner to rivet the attention of all who had a heart- felt sympathy with Christ and with Christian doctrine. This trait, to Dr. S., was the charm in Mr. Bork's minis- trations. But such preaching, being of the ultra Calvinistic school, tended, though unconsciously to the preacher, to beget in formal professors the idea of electing grace, even where there was neither grace in the heart nor ho- liness in the life. Seeing this tendency, J)r. S. endeavor- l ed to counteract it by his exhortations and prayers in the I weekly meetings. He established, with his pastor's con- currence, a meeting for the young people, which he con- ducted himself. It was largely attended, and soon signs of awakening became apparent. He was greatly encour- aged. But some of the old men of the congregation, who had drifted calmly down on the tide of Antinomi- Ianism, took ground in opposition to him, and protested against his course, declaring that he preached the law and not the Gospel. Dr. Scudder, still consulting his pastor, asked his consent to read some of President Ed- wards's sermons to the young people. Mr. Bork gave his consent ; and so, at their next meeting, one of the I most pungent of Edwards's sermons was read. Then 1 were souls convicted, and ere long a score or more pre- sented themselves to the pastor, seeking admission to the privilege of Church communion. Thus was God, witli this young evangelist, setting his own seal upon his la- bors. All along, within a year or two, continued acces- CHURCH RELATIONS. 25 sions took place, and so from one to two hundred con- verts were added to the Church. The following extract of a letter to his mother will give his views and feelings in expectation of the revival : " The attention to religion in the Dutch Church to which I am attached is now becoming very great. God's chil- dren are crying day and night for a revival of his work, and we are on the lookout for his appearing with his al- mighty energy in the midst of us. My hopes have been raised for some time past, and I communicated them to my dear pastor, who would rejoice with joy unspeakable could he see it the case. "We had last Monday set apart as a day of prayer and supplication for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the midst of us, and it wa's a day of great power. Some of God's children found it a most delightful season ; an indication, I hope, that he was ready to hear the prayers of his people." Dr. Scudder continued his connection with the He- formed Dutch Church up to the close of life. His heart, however, was in every evangelical church ; and wherever he saw a Christian he recognized the tie of brotherhood, irrespective of form and of denomination. Bigotry could never find a home in such a heart as his. B 26 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. CHAPTER II. New Phase of Life. Providential Events. Preparations and Departure. The Farewell. NEW PHASE OF LIFE. DE. SCUDDEK prospered greatly in his profession. His practice, as a physician, was rapidly increasing. His wife, steady at her post, aided him by every means in her power, and soon it became evident that his income would enable him to enlarge his scale of living, which, from a sense of duty, had been kept within the most rigid and self-denying limits. It was just at this juncture, when worldly prosperity had begun to take the thorns out of his path and pave it with flowers, that a crisis in his life occurred, changing the whole current of his subsequent career. Yisiting professionally a Christian lady, he found in (her room a tract or little book entitled " The Conversion of the World, or the Claims of Six Hundred Millions." He borrowed it, read it and re-read it, until it entered the very depths of his soul. It was like a lightning flash from heaven. He heard the call, " Come over and help us!" Falling on his knees, he cried, "Lord, what wilt fthou have me to do ?" Silently, but emphatically, some- thing said to- him, " Go and preach the Gospel to the heathen." "What was he that he could withstand this mandate, which day and night rung in his ear, and rolled through the depths of his soul ? Oh, the prayers and NEW PHASE OF LIFE. 27 tears which went from him unto God, asking again and again for the path of duty ! Here was a profession growing rapidly upon him. Hundreds had become attached to him as a Christian physician. Here was a tender and beloved wife, who married him with no idea of leaving home and friends to live and die an exile on heathen soil. Here, also, was a first-born child of only two years. Could he plant and/ rear that little flower where no sunlight of heaven was shining ? Wide, also, was the circle of Christian influ- ence which surrounded him in two churches. Such were the pleadings against going to the heathen to labor and die as a missionary of the Cross. But against all this and more that might be mention- ed, of attachments to home and country rose the Cross, and a dying 'Saviour, saying, If I, your Lord and Master, have done and suffered all this to save these poor be- nighted ones, will you hesitate to carry them the glad tidings by which alone they can be saved ? This was heaven's logic to a man of deep religious emotions, of conscientious regard for duty, and of intense love to Je- sus and to souls. It prevailed. On his knees he said, " Lord Jesus, I go, as thou hast commanded, to preach the Gospel to every creature." Ever ready to watch the intimations of Providence in all the changes of life, he said to himself, I have one to consult whose interests are blended with my own, and w r hose happiness may be seriously affected by my decis- ion. I will lay the subject before her mind as it lies be- fore mine. If she say nay, I shall regard it as settling the question of duty. With much prayer he proceeds in the case. His beloved is informed of his decision, and 28 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEB. the grounds of it. She is told that if she can not heart- ily concur, for the present at least, his work is at home, and not among the heathen. It is hard to throw such a mountain weight of responsibility on a young and ten- der wife. But she is a Christian. She has given her all to Christ. She is adequate to the crisis. " Where thou goest I will go," was the language of her marriage vow. She discovers that his mind is made up that to say no will send a permanent pang of disappointment into his soul. Hard as the struggle is, she makes up her mind on the same principle that he made up his. Much prayer is offered, and many natural tears shed ; and then, from love to Christ and a sense of duty, she decides for the life of a missionary. That purpose never gave way. It never even faltered. She calmly went about the need- ful preparations for this new and important change of life. So soon as this decision was known, there was a gen- I eral feeling of sadness among those who had become at- tached to the doctor and his wife ; and one would think, to see their tears and hear their regrets, that a sort of funereal aspect darkened all the future of these two mis- sionaries. One man came to his door to ascertain the fact, and, when assured that they were really going, burst into tears. Others railed at him as almost insane. Worldly men could not explain it. From their stand- point, it seemed so absurd to give up a lucrative practice, and all the advantages of civilized life, to live and die among pagans ! Even Christians would say, " Why, doc- tor, let the young, unmarried men go ! Can't you make yourself more useful at home ?" To all of which he had one answer Duty. I feel under sacred obligations to CONCURRENCE OF PROVIDENTIAL EVENTS. 29 the Master to go. I go from love to Christ and to souls. The very self-denial of the work allures me. It is my happiness to go. CONCURRENCE OF PROVIDENTIAL EVENTS. Just at the time when Dr. S. had determined, if a door should open, he would go to the heathen, the American . Board of Missions at Boston needed a pious physician I for India, and advertised in some of the religious papers I for one who should combine the qualifications of mis- sionary and physician. At once the doctor offered him- . self, and opened a correspondence on the subject. In a letter to the Secretary of the Board, among other things he says : " I am comfortably and pleasantly situ- ated, and have a practice which yields me far more than is necessary to defray the expenses of life ; but I hope I am willing to forsake all for Christ ; yea, father and mother, and brother and sister, the comforts and enjoy- ments of the world, and go to 'the help of the Lord against the mighty.' Should the Board think proper to accept me, I feel disposed to act in whatever manner they may deem proper. If it would contribute most to the glory of God, I am perfectly willing to go immedi- ately, as I could complete my theological studies there, \ at the same time that I would be acquiring a knowledge / of their language, and thus much time would be saved. Mrs. Scudder feels willing to go on the mission. I trust, if I go, the Lord will make her, and the little lamb he has given her, when it arrives to years of discretion, emi- / nently useful in his service." 30 MEMOIR OF DR. SC UDDER. PREPARATIONS AND DEPARTURE. Short was the period between the acceptance by the Board and the embarkation. All is busy preparation. Friends offer their services ; and, by a combined energy, which the circumstances tended to develop, they were ready at the appointed time. A . They had a f aitlif ul colored servant named Amy, who, I from strong personal attachment, pleaded with them to take her along. They endeavored to convince her that she was wholly ignorant of the trials and perils which she would have to go through in case she accompanied them. But her answer was, " If little Maria can meet them, so can I." Such were her tears and importunities, that Dr. Scudder said to himself and to his wife, there must be some Providence in this. So he wrote to Bos- ton and laid the case before the Board, stating the valu- able services she could render on the passage, and the still more valuable help she would be to them after they reached their destination. Though out of their usual f course, the Board acceded to their request ; and " the faithful Amy," as she was called, was incorporated into *- the mission. THE FAREWELL. I Fulton Street dock was a scene of great excitement I on the day this missionary family sailed for Boston. The large acquaintance which both the doctor and his wife had made, embracing the principal members of two churches, and many others in the various walks of life, filled the dock and the deck of the steamer, and caused a wonderment in all the passers-by. It was a different JAMES BRA1NERD TAYLOR. 31 thing in that day from what it is now to embark as a missionary to distant India with a view of never return- ing, but of living and dying among the heathen. Some looked upon it as being buried alive a sort of perpetual suttee life. They could not comprehend it; and per- haps it was a mistake which the Board made in impress- ing somewhat strongly the idea of no return. Yet it worked favorably in one respect ; there was very little likelihood, with this living sacrifice before them, that any but the true disciples of a self-denying Saviour would, offer themselves to the service. Besides, men could not but feel, as they contemplated the sacrifice, that there was a moral heroism in the consecration. They who saw Dr. Scudder on that day, so jubilant, with a face ra- diant as if some sudden joy had taken possession of him, were obliged to acknowledge the triumphant power of a Christian's faith. JAMES BRAINERD TAYLOR. One young man who beheld that scene never forgot I it. It sunk deep into his soul. " What is it," said he, " that lifts this missionary into the precincts of heaven ? What makes him so joyful when leaving country, home, relations, and the refinements of social life, to live on burning plains, and amid the disgusting depravity of pa- gans? Surely he is possessed with the spirit and tem- per of his Master." This young man was James Brainerd 1 Taylor. From that moment he devoted his all to Christ, ' and thenceforth went " from strength to strength," until alas ! how soon he left us for glory. "I this morning," writes he, in his spiritual diary, " witnessed a scene highly interesting to the heart of a Christian. I saw a missionary and his wife take their 32 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. departure from this port for India, to declare among the heathen the unsearchable riches of Christ. It may be said of them that they have left all and followed their Saviour. They counted not the blessings of home and friends, or even their own lives, dear unto themselves, that they might win Christ and win others to him. " I had the pleasure of being introduced to Dr. and Mrs. Scudder. He appeared cheerful. Mrs. Scudder was bathed in tears, but yet rejoicing. They were surround- ed by many acquaintances and friends ; and we can with difficulty imagine their feelings when, just about to leave home, and country, and all the blessings of Christian so- ciety, they heard one and another say, * My friend, my sister, farewell forever !' I shall never forget Dr. Scud- der's looks or Ms words. His eye kindled, and his cheek glowed with the ardor of Christian benevolence. As the vessel moved off, waving his hand, with a benignant smile on his countenance, he said, ' Only give me your prayers, and that is all I ask.' " This sight decided James Brainerd Taylor to leave his mercantile business, and prepare to follow the noble ex- Sample set before him. " On seeing Dr. Scudder take his last leave of his friends and the people on shore with a true missionary spirit, I felt a tenderness toward the poor heathen to whom he was going which caused my eyes to overflow. I thought that I would be willing to change my situa- tion for his. On returning home I could not attend to business. I retired for prayer, and found the exercise sweet. My mind was impressed with the necessity for more ministers of the Gospel, and many reasons present- ed themselves why I should devote my life to the good ,of my fellow-men in that situation." THE DEPARTURE. 33 CHAPTER III. Sails from Boston. Revival on board the Indus. Arrival at Calcutta. First Death. Death of second Child. THE DEPAETUEE. THE missionary band designated for Ceylon consist- ed of Messrs. Winslow, Spaulding, Woodward, and Scud- der, with their wives. They embarked June 8th, 1819, in the brig Indus, Captain Wills, bound to Calcutta. Ev-, ery thing was favorable. The season was beautiful, and the voyage promised to be auspicious. It was especially a kind Providence that gave them a captain whose heart beat in strong sympathy with their own. He was a true Christian. He not only provided every thing within his power for their temporal comfort, but put the whole ship at their disposal as a floating Bethel. They held relig- ious meetings both in the cabin and in the forecastle, " Our accommodations," writes one of the missionary band, " are as good as we could expect, and our spiritual privileges great. The brethren have had a meeting to make some arrangement for religious exercises and for intellectual improvement. It is agreed that there be public worship in the cabin Sunday mornings, and after- noons on deck : morning and evening prayers, a public conference on Thursday evening, and prayer -meeting the first Monday in the month. In our rooms we are to have a missionary meeting every Friday afternoon, a prayer-meeting on Saturday evening, besides meetings B2 34 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. at other times, as circumstances may render expedient. Every afternoon we are to meet immediately after din- ner for discussion on theological subjects. " The brethren have conversed and prayed with the seamen, and find them attentive. The sisters presented to each of them a Bible. It is very common to see one reading aloud, while a number surround him with eyes and ears open, as though they would seize every word." Soon the seamen showed signs of heartfelt interest ; and some of them began to ask, " What shall we do to be saved?" The Spirit of God was manifestly hover- ing over them, and the whole ship seemed pervaded with an atmosphere of solemnity. So marked a revival on shipboard had seldom been experienced ; nor will it be uninteresting to give a detailed account of it in Dr. Scudder's own words. It is found in a communication to his mother, written on shipboard just before his arri- val at Calcutta. REVIVAL ON BOARD THE ESTDTTS. "DEAREST OF MOTHERS, As it will no doubt afford you much gratification to be made acquainted with the glorious work of grace which God began, carried on, and completed on board the brig Indus, I will proceed to give you some account of it. Soon after we left our na- tive land, we began to direct the attention of the seamen I to the great importance of religion. As they were des- titute of the Bible, each of them was presented with one. Numbers of tracts also were distributed among them. They soon began to attend to divine things, as was evi- denced by reading their Bibles, tracts, and such books as were put into their hands. Several of them, no doubt, CORRESPONDENCE. 35 were convinced very soon that they were sinners, and we have reason to believe that their convictions never wore off until they terminated in a genuine conversion. On the 20th of July one of the seamen fell overboard, and it was a providential circumstance that he was not lost. On the evening of this day, two of the brethren, with my- self, went forward to the windlass deck, and endeavored to impress upon their minds the necessity of being in a state of constant preparation for death. One of them, who has since become a most eminent trophy of victori- ous grace, began to think somewhat seriously upon di- vine things, and came to the resolution that he would ' knock off some of his sins' (to use his own expression), 'and be better.' He now began to pray and use the other means of grace, but his heart remained like the ad- amant. The conversations we had at different times with him afforded us no satisfaction whatever of that change of heart, without which no man can see God and live, until the latter part of August, when we trust his name was enrolled among the followers of the Lamb. The twenty-second day of this month of release to his soul from the captivity of sin and Satan will be a day long to be remembered by him. On the evening of the 20th I held some conversation with him on such subjects as were of most importance, and endeavored to examine him and find what his state was, but I was no better satisfied of a change in him than before. I asked him if he had yet seen any loveliness in the character of the Lord Jesus. His answer clearly evinced that he had not seen this King of Zion in his beauty. After I left him, he has since told us what his reflections were. ' I keep thinking to myself,' said he, ' who is Jesus Christ ? and 36 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. what has he done that I should care any thing about him?' The next evening he labored under very deep distress concerning the state of his soul. When he re- tired to rest he found that sleep had departed from him. lie passed a wretched night. It appears that he has been a complete infidel, thinking that the Scriptures were only a book to keep people in order. While at the helm, before the watch he was in went below, the Spirit of God came upon him, and swept away all his doubts respecting revealed truth as with the besom of destruction. The time was now at hand when he was to be born into the kingdom of Christ. On Sunday morning, in his early watch, his mind was so agitated that he wept like a child. In this state he continued un- til about six o'clock, when the Sun of Righteousness arose with healing under his wings, and scattered that thick darkness in which he was so deeply involved, and he began to entertain a hope. I did not see him until Monday evening to converse with him. Brother Spauld- ing, who had been teaching him navigation, went, as usu- al, on Monday afternoon, to hear him recite. He said 1 he had not gotten a lesson ;' adding, * I have been read- ing my Bible this forenoon, and conclude that I shall give up navigation a spell.' In the evening Brother Spaulding and myself visited the seamen in the fore- castle, and experienced sweetly that it was good to be there. Never shall we forget this pleasant evening. ' I have been wanting to see you,' said Brown to me, ' to converse with you.' He wished to tell us of the change in his views and feelings. Some remarks were made by Brother Spaulding upon the prodigal son, and his return to his father's house. He then compared his case of the CORRESPONDENCE. 3-7 returning sinner to that of the prodigal very particular- ly. After he had finished, Brown said with a smile, ' If you had not said one fifteenth part so much I should have believed it, for my heart kept saying all the time that it was all true.' He was most violently opposed to \ us when we first left Boston, and delighted to ridicule | us, regretting very much that he should so long be shut up with the ' holy brotherhood,' as he styled us. He said ' that if a man rips out a civil oath to ease his conscience, he will receive a maul at the elbow with it,' and added that we shall forever be tormented with these men. But his views were now very different. The things which be- fore he hated, now he loved. Jesus became precious to him, the chiefest among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. I will just remark that, like all other men by nature, he (though a most openly wicked sinner) was building upon that sandy foundation which has ruined so many millions of souls, hoping to be saved by his good / works. He thought that he should do well enough at last, as he was not as bad as some other men were, and that when he bought his grog he paid for it. But when the veil was removed from his eyes, and he was con- vinced of his deep depravity, of his lost and undone state except through the blood of Christ, and of his utter in- ability to do any thing to recommend him to the favor of God, he saw clearly what a refuge of lies all his boast- ed morality was. Time will not permit me to be more particular. Suffice it to say that, from all appearances, he is one of the most genuine converts I have ever seen. Truly he adorns the doctrine of God his Saviour, and has been useful among his shipmates. It would affect your heart to hear with what fervor he prayed before us for 38 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. those whose hearts remained a long time callous to every feeling. Never have I seen a person grow so fast in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Je- sus Christ ; and I sincerely believe that it is his meat and drink to do the will of him who gave himself for him. "The next person whom I shall mention as having a hope that Jesus is precious to him is a lad of about seventeen years of age. His name is Learned. When I he left one of his companions in Boston, he was told to f take care that he was not converted by the missionaries. He said that he would risk that. Little did he think that a more powerful arm than that of man was about to slay all his enmity of heart and opposition to divine things. I He at first ridiculed us, but at last began to think that religion was worth attending to. When he found how narrow the path to eternal life was, he left off reading his Bible, and had recourse to other books to see if there were ' no cheaper way of getting to heaven.' It pleased God to direct his attention to Baxter's Saints' Rest, which had been put in his hands, but he soon found that he had looked into the wrong book to obtain comfort ; he therefore had again recourse to his Bible, which is now to him more precious than rubies. We often conversed with him, and he appeared to be convinced that he was a sinner, and that there was no salvation for him except through Christ. But he never felt his utter depravity until about the middle of September. The life of John 1 Newton was blessed to him. A few days afterward I had some conversation with him, when he mentioned that before this period he had not felt himself a sinner. He knew that he was a sinner, but did not feel it ; and, he added, there is a great difference between knowing CORRESPONDENCE. 39 and feeling himself a sinner. I asked him how the Re- deemer appeared to him since he felt himself a sinner. He answered, a great deal more lovely. He felt that it would be perfectly just in God to condemn him forever ; that his own righteousness could not save him ; and that, if he ever were saved, it would be a display of divine mercy. He said that he had given himself up into the hands of God to do as he pleased with him. He now groaned under sin, longed for deliverance therefrom, and felt willing to give up all for Christ. The things he for- merly loved now he hated, and what he formerly hated now he loved. It is unnecessary that I should be more particular. I will just observe that he fell overboard on the 5th of October ; and that hope which he had previ- ously entertained enabled him to look upon death with composure, and feel willing to take his departure from time into eternity. He sustained no injury. He is now rejoicing in God his Saviour. "This glorious work appeared to be gradually going \ on until the latter part of September, when the Holy Ghost came, as it were, with a rushing mighty wind, and bowed the most stubborn sinners before him. In less.i than one week I believe there was not a thoughtless sin- 1) ner on board. Those who had heretofore turned a deaf ear to all our warnings and entreaties were now humbled in the dust. All of them are now entertaining the hope that they have passed from death unto life. As there never was an instance, as far as I can recollect, of such a wonderful work on board of any vessel, it will be nec- essary that I should enter somewhat minutely into a de- scription of it. You may rest assured that there has been no enthusiasm, no wild-fire in this work. It has 40 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEM. been carried on in great silence, with the still small voice of the Spirit. The Lord has shown that he can work without 'us. Five of the persons who were convicted this week were convicted when alone. I have been in revivals of religion at home, but never did I see such manifestations of divine power. I stood still, as it were, wondered, admired, and adored. We could say surely the Lord was in this place, and we knew it. " The first mate, Mr. Day, an amiable young man, for- merly a ridiculer of all serious things, and who long en- deavored to believe in the doctrine of universal salvation, while on the martingale, under the bowsprit end, on the Sabbath, in the act of having the harpoon raised to strike a fish, was struck under the most deep and pungent con- viction. He soon laid aside his harpoon. All his past sins were set in array before him, and horror and dark- ness overwhelmed his soul. The Lord was pleased soon to lift the light of his countenance upon him, and before the week was out he was one of the happiest men on board. He who never wept before, now wept like a child. He was so humbled in the dust before God that he felt below the dog we have on board. On Saturday his cup of happiness was full. He declared to me that he never enjoyed one hundredth part so much happiness. He observed that he felt as if he could go and preach the divine Redeemer to his former companions. It is un- necessary to be more particular. During this same mem- orable week, the second mate and clerk, who had been warned and prayed with in vain by us, were also hum- bled in the dust. It is astonishing to see with what ease the most stubborn sinner is bowed down when the Holy Ghost visits him. It appears that both of these young CORRESPONDENCE. 41 men have taken very great delight in ridiculing us. When the former came from home, his mother told him that she was glad he was going out with the missionaries, and hoped that it might be the best voyage he ever made. He laughed at her, and told her that they would serve to make him a little fun now and then, as they were psalm-singing fellows. His convictions were remarka- bly deep. When aloft among the rigging the Spirit of God came upon him. I never saw a person under deep- er distress for so great a length of time. Truly it was with him a time of lamentation and mourning. The night of the 30th of September will never be forgotten by him. He saw that God would be just in sending him to hell ; that he was lost and undone ; and that there was no salvation for him out of Christ. After continu- ing a little time in this wretched situation, the Lord was pleased to visit him with his great salvation, and before the week was ended he also was enabled to rejoice in God his Saviour. The clerk also became unusually af- fected. There were some darling sins, however, which . at first he was unwilling to give up. The Holy Spirit soon convinced him that they must be given up. The next day, after a solemn interview with him the preced- ing night, when I told him of the absolute necessity of parting with every sin before we could come acceptably to God, he was, I hope, convinced of his dreadful situa- tion, and deeply humbled for sin. He now felt willing to give all up and come to Christ. He also, before the week ended, w T as rejoicing in the hope that Jesus had be- come precious to him. The second mate longed for an opportunity to be ridiculed as he had ridiculed us, and thought lie would rather part with his neck than pursue 42 MEMOIR OF DR. SCULLER. his old course of sin. On Thursday evening, the boy, a lad of fourteen years, who had been very thoughtless, after having been conversed with, became deeply alarmed about the condition his soul was in. He was told that it was to be feared ' that God had given him up.' These words dwelt with great weight upon his mind. He went to bed, but could not sleep ; several times he got up, and went to the steward to tell him what distress he was in. About ten o'clock I observed him standing near my state- room. I conversed with him, and found him under deep distress of mind. He saw that there was no salvation for him except through the blood of Christ, and I hope he has found him precious to his soul. He enjoys a sweet peace which the world knows nothing of; and, though he was despairing of God's mercy, or, rather, was fearful that he was too great a sinner to be pardoned, he now thinks, and, I hope, knows that the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin. " The cook, a black man, one of the vilest and most hardened wretches on board, and who entirely disregard- ed all the thunderings of the law, and every thing else which was said to him, was also humbled in the dust. He entirely disregarded every thing of a serious nature, and was one of the most notorious swearers on board. He would very seldom attend at any of our religious meetings. The time was now come that his stubborn- ness should be overcome. He heard two of the seamen talking about the operations of the Holy Spirit. He, in a light way, said to them, ' May God grant that the Spir- it of God may light upon every soul on board this night.' This he did to make a little fun, as usual. He awaked in the night in agony. The Holy Spirit did light upon CORRESPONDENCE. 43 him, and lie was in very deep distress on account of his sins, wondering that God had not cut him off, and sent him to hell long before. He continued in this state for some time, when the divine Redeemer became precious to him, and caused him to rejoice in him. He declared that he felt as happy as he did the morning he left the prison in which he was for some time confined in France, adding that it was a bitter cold morning, but I was so overjoyed I did not feel the cold. All around him see plainly that he has been with Jesus. From a cross, mo- rose creature, he has become clothed with meekness and pleasantness. I have repeatedly found much sweet de- light in conversing w T ith him, and now find that he es- teems that Jesus as altogether lovely, and continues to run in the way of his commandments. " On Saturday morning it pleased God to visit another of the vilest and most hardened sinners on board. His name is Parker. "When we first came on board he be- came somewhat serious, and in a storm we had near the , Cape of Good Hope he became so much alarmed that he resolved, if God would spare his life, he would do better ; but his heart became more and more hardened. He even went so far as to say that he would take all the pleasure he could get in this world, and that if he went to hell he would bear it as well as others. He became a violent opponent of every thing of a serious nature, denied the truth of the Scriptures, and began to curse and swear at a most dreadful rate. On Friday evening, at a very sol- emn meeting, Captain "Wills addressed the seamen in a very impressive manner, and afterward addressed him particularly. But it was all in vain. He conversed with him alone afterward, but without making the least 44 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. impression. After lie had done, Parker went away curs- ing him for it, and has since declared that he blasphemed enough to damn a thousand souls. The time of his op- position and wickedness was, however, drawing to a close. The Holy Spirit was about to convince him that his stub- born neck should bow to his yoke. On Saturday morn- ing I went into the forecastle to read a part of Baxter's Call to the Unconverted to him. Brown and myself prayed repeatedly with him. While I was there the brethren were in the cabin praying for a blessing upon the means used for his being brought into the fold of Christ, and I trust their prayers were heard. He was humbled in the dust before God, convinced of his wretch- ed situation that he was lost and undone, and that there was no salvation for him except through the Lord Jesus Christ. He continued a little time in deep distress, find- ing that sin, though it had been sweet, now was like the poison of asps. After viewing what God had done for others, he had a hope that God would yet have mercy . upon him. He was willing to give up all for Christ, and be his. The Lord at length appeared for him, removed his burden, and he truly became a happy soul. Now he ! saw very plainly that Jesus, whom he had heretofore de- spised, was altogether lovely. He truly is a brand plucked from the burning. " Mr. Sparrowhawk was awakened at this time also. This man sailed to India in the same vessel with Mr. Newell, and we can not but adore Him who has directed him to embark with us. "We have often conversed with him before, but without any effect. He was particular- ly addressed one evening in the forecastle. The conse- quence was that he damned the person who addressed CORRESPONDENCE. 45 him. He continued hardened until this ever-to-be-re- membered time of God's merciful visitation. While at the helm the Holy Spirit was graciously pleased to visit him. He was convinced of his lost, undone state, and that there was no salvation for him by any thing he could do. I never saw a man more completely stripped of self -righteousness. He said he tried to become better, but he found that he only got worse. After continuing for some length of time in deep distress, the Divine Re- deemer became altogether lovely to him. He truly is a happy man. " Mr. Pitts, a very profane swearer, was also brought to bow his neck to the yoke of Christ. He had been a little serious before, but was not willing to give up all his sins. He thought that God was merciful, and that, as he had forsaken some sins, he should do well enough at last. When the Holy Spirit came to him, he was con- vinced that this would not do. Conviction was fastened . very deeply upon his mind, and he became very much distressed on account of his sad condition. He men- tioned to Brother Winslow that one night he tried, when alone, to pray, but kept choking up. For two hours he was distressed in this way. He found he could not pray until he went to his knees and gave himself away to God. He was asked by Captain Wills one night if he loved God. He answered, ' I love him in every shape I can think of.' He also asked him if, when going to church in Calcutta, how he would bear it if he were ridiculed for it. He said he did not care if fifty thousand ridi- culed him. " The steward, who had turned a deaf ear to every call of the Gospel, had also to yield to the operations of the 46 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. Holy Spirit. He became deeply affected with his lost condition that he was lost without he had an interest in Christ, and that his good works could never save him. He formerly believed the Lord Jesus to be an impostor, and imagined that he should be saved by his own works. After continuing for a season in distress, he was comfort- ed. He said that Jesus was to him altogether lovely, and the chiefest among ten thousand. He longed to return home, that he might tell what God had done for his soul. Some time ago he was longing for the time to come when we should be landed at Ceylon, as he was tired of so much praying and singing. This also was the case with others of them. They disliked being disturbed of their rest for the sake of attending to the things of religion. But never was there a greater alteration than when they be- gan to hope that Jesus w r as precious to them. I believe it will be a sorrowful day when we are called to part from each other. " The carpenter was also convicted while engaged in performing his duty in some part of the vessel. He had before been a hardened sinner. As we had reason to fear that his seriousness was not of a proper nature, and that he was yet in his sins, Brother "Winslow went for- ward into- the forecastle and conversed with him, while the rest of us remained in the cabin to pray for a bless- ing upon his labors. From the answers he gave to the questions which were put to him, fears were entertained that he was yet, notwithstanding all his seriousness, a proud, unhumbled sinner. However, the Lord's time was near when he must be humbled. While he was in his state-room at prayer upon his knees, the following texts came into his mind, and were so impressed upon CORRESPONDENCE. 47 him that he had to arise and search for them. The first was in Prov. x., 4 : ' The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold, therefore shall he beg in harvest and have nothing.' The second in Acts, xiii., 10 : 'And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the dev- il, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord ? He found them ap- plicable to his case, returned again to his state-room, when the following words came into his mind : 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.' He again had recourse to prayer, and found that he could give himself away to be the Lord's. He is now rejoicing in the hope that Jesus has become precious to him. " I might proceed to give you some account of the views and policy of the others; but enough has been said, I trust, to evince that the work which has been be- gun and carried on among these dear seamen bears the mark of divine influence. "We fear that some of the Lord's own chosen people may fear that the goodness of some of them will be as the morning cloud and early dew, which pass away. Had we declared smooth things to them, we might fear so ourselves ; but when we have held up to their constant view that they were lost and undone in themselves, and under sentence of eternal death ; that their own righteousness could not save them, and that nothing one hair's breadth this side of repent- ance and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ could in the least avail them, we have reason to hope that God has been pleased to begin that work which shall never cease until they are all safely brought to glory. We do not profess to be judges of the heart, but this much we can say, wonderful is the change. Kbne but Christ, none 48 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. but Christ for them. Who could change such monsters of iniquity from hatred to love ? from being profane swearers to humble adorers of the Lamb, but the Holy Ghost? Surely man could not. The most alarming sermons were delivered and read to them, but all in vain ; and when we, as it were, had given many of them up, the Lord came down with his almighty power, after we had labored with them for more than three months in vain, proving to us that he could easily turn them, as the rivers of water are turned. May the great Head of the Church grant that they may prove, by their future walk and conversation, that they have been with Jesus. " What an encouragement, my dear mother, is here af- forded for us to go forward and labor in the vineyard of our Lord. How long it will be before we reach Ceylon we know not. I am not at all sorry that we were obliged to pass it. We should not like to have left our young converts so soon, as they are to remain a considerable length of time in a very wicked place. Though we were a great many leagues perhaps fifty or sixty from Ceylon, when we passed it we could sensibly smell the perfume which came from it and sweetened the air. In going to Calcutta we shall have the opportunity of seeing Dr. Carey and the other missionaries there, who have been so very useful in their Master's service. I have kept no journal since I left home in consequence of hav- ing other business on hand. Harriet has kept one. I have been unwell, but am better. It is a solemn office, my dear mother, to be a missionary of the Cross. Oh, then, pray ardently for me and my dear Harriet, that we may prove faithful unto death, .and at last obtain the crown of glory. Remember the first Monday evening ARRIVAL AT CALCUTTA. 49 of each month. The people of God meet in every part of the world upon this evening to pray for the success of missions, and it will be pleasing for us to reflect that you are praying at the same moment at the throne of grace that we are. It is true, we do not meet at the same mo- ment, as there- is above ten hours' difference between your Monday evening and ours; but this is nothing in the view of God, with whom it is always an eternal now." In a later communication Dr. Scudder expresses his deep regret and sorrow to find that some of these sailor converts did not hold out, but fell back into their old habits under the power of temptation at Calcutta. But others were steadfast unto the end. The proportion of backsliders was not, perhaps, widely different from what is seen in revivals of religion on shore. Ministers have often occasion to mourn over the " stony-ground hear- ers ;" and even an apostle had to say to some, " Ye did run well, but ye have returned to the beggarly elements of your bondage." This work of the Spirit was brought about by prayer, combined with faithful and affectionate appeals to the heart and conscience. God answered prayer in making his word " quick and powerful." ARRIVAL AT CALCUTTA. Insulated for months on the lonely deep, how grateful was the sight of land, and how many pleasing and pain- ful thoughts rushed through the mind ! Regrets at leav- ing their beloved captain, whose Christian conduct had endeared him to all of them, nor less painful emotions in parting with the new converts, chastened their joy at beholding those luxuriant shores, " where every prospect C 50 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. pleases." To one who has never visited the Orient, the scenery, so soft and beautiful, possesses a charm inde- scribable. Perhaps it can not be better depicted than by Mr. Winslow, one of the mission band : "Ascending the River Hoogly toward Calcutta, the scenery presented on each side of the river, though uni- form, is pleasant, indeed almost enchanting, to those who for four months have seen little else than sky and water, especially if they have never been in a tropical climate before. ' ' Tis the land of the sun.' The brightness and ' transparency of the atmosphere ; the luxuriance and fresh- ness of the vegetation ; the entirely novel character of ev- ery tree, shrub, plant, and flower ; the bamboo huts of the natives, scattered along the river banks, or under the shade of palm - trees, and contrasted here and there with some more respectable mansion of brick, or a stone temple, lifting its white dome amid the green foliage of a cocoa- nut grove, or under the spreading banian, all attract and yet bewilder the fancy." In contrast with this flowery land, however, appears the dark shadow of paganism the din of discordant music in honor of their gods, impersonated under the most hideous aspects, and suggesting the vilest forms of sensuality. " Soon after the ship anchored," says one of the missionaries, " we saw on the shore directly opposite to us great multitudes approaching the water, with a hor- rid din of music, carrying their gods, to throw them into the stream. We could discern nothing of their appear- ance but that they were the size of a common man, and about the waist were painted black. They were held over the water some minutes, while the noise of various musical instruments continued, and then plunged in, to ARRIVAL AT CALCUTTA. 51 float down with the current. This drowning of the gods is an important ceremony among the Hindoos." Captain Wills hired a mansion in Calcutta for the ac- commodation of himself and the missionaries, with large rooms, and dining-hall opening into a wide veranda or portico. These houses are such as are occupied by mer- chants and other temporary residents in the place. By this arrangement the mission bands were kept together, and were enabled to receive calls from the English and other missionaries at Calcutta. Having received many attentions from Dr. Carey and other good men, residents of Calcutta and Serampore, they seized the first favorable opportunity to set sail for Ceylon, the field of their future labors. One of their severest trials at this juncture was to bid farewell to their ship's company, with whom for so long a time they had been associated in circumstances to cre- ate the deepest spiritual interest and attachment. " To Captain Wills," said one of them, " we shall always feel < that we owe more than we can ever repay. May God reward him! He feels much at the prospect of our leaving him so soon, and we shall find it very trying to part with him and the other officers and seamen. The officers give increasing evidence of being born again. At the recollection of what God has done, we are en- couraged to devote ourselves more entirely to our work." On account of the severe illness of Mrs. Woodward, Dr. Scudder and family remained at Calcutta, while the other members of the mission took passage for Ceylon in the ship Dick, Captain Harrison, of London. 52 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. FIRST DEATH. The arrow that seemed destined to lay Mrs. "Wood ward low took effect on another. " That little lamb," as the | doctor was accustomed to call his Maria, was suddenly \ taken to the bosom of the Good Shepherd. It was their first trial, and went deep into their parental affections. She was a lovely creature too lovely, some would say, for this rough and thorny world. They received the cup as from the hand of their heavenly Father, and drank it in the same spirit which lie evinced who said, " Not my will, but thine, be done." Writing to his mother on the subject, Dr. Scudder says, " Oh, my dear mother, how shall I take up my pen to mark upon paper the dark shadow of death ! My dear /little babe is no more. She has left us forever. She Lwas attacked with dysentery on the 22d of October, and, ( after three days of suffering, passed into eternity. This is a heart-rending trial ; but we can say, and we do say, the will of the Lord be done. "We do not wish her back here in this poor wretched world. My dear Harriet bears it remarkably well. Oh, my mother, had she, the dearest object of my affections, been called away, how dark and disconsolate would I have been ! Pray much for us ; we need divine support more than you are aware." \ She was buried in the Episcopal church-yard in Calcutta. Thus was planted, amid parental tears and sorrows, in this dark, distant land, this precious dust, to await the sig- nal of the archangel's trump to spring forth to new life and more than angelic beauty. DEATH OF A SECOND CHILD. 53 DEATH OF A SECOND CHILD. Three months after the first flower had faded and] gone, the blight of death fell upon another. To use the language of its father, " After breathing the tainted air but one week, it closed its eyes upon us forever, and took its flight to join her beloved sister. This is a severe trial, but we do not repine. "We have here no continuing city, no place of rest, and therefore we feel resigned to the will of our heavenly Father, who has housed our tender plants before the storms of sorrow, which we feel, have beaten upon them. "We, however, must have the feel- ings of nature. We must say that our trials have been heart-rending. O that God would sanctify them to us, and make us more meet for that inheritance above, which, through grace, we hope to have when our bodies are consigned to the dust of the earth. Perhaps our dear parents may be ready to say that we are sorry, and re- pent of our coming to this heathen land ; that if we had remained at home we should have teen less afflicted. You may rest assured we do not repent of our coming. \ No ; we rejoice, and thank the great Head of the Church for putting it into our hearts to leave America and come and live among this people. I would not exchange situ- ations for a world. No ; blessed be God, I hope to be the unworthy instrument of bringing souls to the dear Eedeemer." The date of this second child's doath was February 25, 1820, Jaffna. 54 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. CHAPTER IV. Ceylon. Begins preaching at Panditeripo. Great Temple at Nellore. Removes to Panditeripo. Licensed to Preach. . CEYLON. THIS island is one of the richest gems of the tropics. It is bordered in some parts with fragrant groves of cinnamon, and in others with the graceful palmyra, with its " tufted crown of fan leaves" always green. At the north, particularly in Jaffna, vast groves of the cocoa-nut are seen, while the beautiful green rice-fields carpet the soil and relieve the eye, dazzled by the intense glare of the sun. From this belt, fringed with tropical verdure, rise in the centre the lofty hills of Kandy, with magnifi- cent forests of perpetual green. This island contains 24,.664 square miles; and, accord- ing to the census of 1831, has a population of about a million. The mass of the population is composed of the Cingalese, inhabiting the interior and southern parts ; and the Tamulians, who are mostly in the northern and eastern districts ; the former being Buddhists, speaking Cingalese, the latter Brahminists or Hindoos, using the Tamul language. The scene of missionary labor assign- ed to Dr. Scudder and his associates lay in the Jaffna district, at the extreme north of the island. Here the deserted churches, once occupied by the Portuguese Ro- man Catholic missionaries, offered eligible positions for the brethren to commence their evangelical work. These COHRESPONDENCE. 55 churches, built usually of stone, were in a dilapidated condition, but by a small expense could be made conven- ient and comfortable places of worship. At one of these stations, Panditeripo, in the district of Jaffna, Dr. and Mrs, Scudder planted themselves, and , proceeded at once to repair the decayed premises and commence their work. This was in July, 1820. Dr. Scudder's account of his new residence and the surround- ing circumstances, as given to his parents, is as follows : " MY DEAR PARENTS, I am now sitting under a bun- ' O galow, which is the name of the huts in this country, and would cheerfully employ a few moments in writing to you. The brethren have sent me to a new station called Panditeripo, about four miles from Tillipally, and have committed to my care many immortal souls, I am to be admitted into the ministry at the next meeting of my brethren, and thus become a minister of the everlasting Gospel. I have been in the habit of preaching for some time in the church, but do not feel so reconciled to do it as I should do if I were admitted in the way appointed by our churches at home. I assure you, my dear father and mother, that I have much pleasure in my work of laboring among the heathen, and should be very sorry again to return to my native land. True it is I long to see you, but this can never again be the case ; oh no, we must dispense with this pleasure until we meet in the great day of account. God grant that we may then meet to part no more forever. It is a pleasing work to labor here. It is a blessed employment to build up the king- dom of our divine Immanuel. I am very busily engaged in building, and as I am in a bungalow much exposed, my dear Harriet is not with me. I have no one around 56 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. me but natives who are doing my work. I have been visited by several persons to-day of those who may be properly called respectable men. There are some among them of great genius, and if they had equal advantages with the young men in our country they no doubt would be an honor to any nation. " How do my dear parents do ? More than a year has elapsed since I left America, but not a word from you. How are my brothers and sisters? Perhaps some of them are no more. Oh how fleeting are our days ! Should I judge from what has taken place in my own family, I should expect some of you were no more. My two beloved children have been removed by death, as you have been apprized, but our mercies are great and many. We have not been afflicted as we deserve, and we must say that the Lord deals kindly with us. I have heard, by the way of England, that New York has been visited by the yellow fever. No doubt thousands have fallen a sacrifice to it, and, had I been there, in all prob- ability I should have been numbered with them. I hope .the Lord had a better work for me to do than to remain / in America. I have patients in abundance. Through I the means of medicine I hope to do much good, as many 1 hear the Gospel by this means who, in all probability, y would never hear it in any other way. " You can have some idea of my bungalow from the following sketch. It stands before a large stone house in ruins, and very near to one end of the church, which was built probably two hundred years ago by the Catho- lics. In this district there were thirty churches, built by the Portuguese ; but they have all been deserted, and \ most of them are much injured by exposure, and particu- CORRESPONDENCE. 57 larly by the banian-tree, which enters unseen the firmest \ walls, and splits them to pieces or tears them down. The bungalows are generally covered with olas, the leaves of the palmyra-tree, a description of which I some time since sent in a joint letter to our mother in New York and Xew Jersey. We have no wood either for floors or for coverings to the houses. The English in Jaffnapa- tam have their houses covered with tile, and floors made of stone or chunam (lime). The climate of this island is rather pleasant than otherwise. It is sometimes very warm, but as we are continually fanned by the wind it is not generally oppressive. The inhabitants are fre- * quently very poor. The better sort live upon rice and curry a very hot dish, made of Cayenne pepper and other spices, with plantains, etc. Many of them will not touch animal food. We are in the midst of rice-fields at this place. In the rainy season we shall frequently have vast fields of water. The rice, or paddy, as it is called, requires much water, and will not grow without it. This causes the natives to throw up banks, about a foot or two high, around their fields, which generally are not an acre in size, to keep the water standing. "We have a great variety of delicious fruit pine- apples, oranges, mangoes (a most excellent substitute for the finest pine-apples), plantains a very rich fruit the custard-apple, so called from its resemblance to a cus- tard, and others unnecessary to mention. The almond, bread-fruit, and tamarind trees all grow here. We have excellent poultry. We also have beef and pork, kid and lamb. There are many shepherds here who have large flocks. If you read the description given in the Old Testament of Eastern customs, you will have a good idea 02 58 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER, of many of the customs of this people. They are re- markably fond of jewels, and generally the richer sort^ adorn themselves with them. As to their morals, they are every thing that is Lad. They are completely de- pravity itself. This is now the time of their festivals. I went on Sabbath night near one of their temples, and began to preach to them, but found it would not answer. Such a tumult was raised that, had I not desisted, death might have been the consequence. I saw one of their religious ceremonies. A wooden horse, painted red and ornamented, was first brought out, or, rather, had been brought out before I arrived there. By his side was a large cat, painted, and a swan. Upon these the god whom they trust in and worship, with his two wives, were placed, and then paraded round among the rabble. Surely they are a degraded people beyond description ; and were it not for the hope that the day was approach- ing when the heathen shall be given ' to our Lord for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession,' my heart would sink within me." BEGINS PREACHING AT PANDITERIPO. The premises at Panditeripo. having been repaired at least so as to render them habitable the doctor com- menced his long-coveted work of preaching the Gospel to the heathen. To give the reader a just impression of the man and the missionary, we will insert a part of the journal kept by him, and transmitted to Dr. "Worcester. BEGINS PREACHING. " Monday, July lO^A. Yesterday morning preached at Panditeripo for the first time. There were thirty men, GEE A T TEMPLE AT SELL ORE. 5 9 besides a number of children, present. After service I went to Tillipally, and united with tlie brethren in the ob- servance of the Lord's Supper. In the afternoon preach- ed by the wayside to numbers who were flocking to one of their celebrated temples. This is the time of the year when the great adversary of souls endeavors to strength- en his kingdom ; but we trust the day is not far distant when this people will bow their knees to Jesus and own him Lord of all. One of the Brahmins whom I address- ed appeared exceedingly enraged, saying, ' There is but one God ; if you speak of Jesus Christ, your religion is a lie.'" GKEAT TEMPLE AT NELLOKE. "Visited the great heathen temple at Nellore, and witnessed some of the abominations of heathenism. The idol had been carried from place to place before the tem- ple during the former part of the evening, but, as it was late before we reached the place, we saw nothing of the procession. But we saw enough to sicken the heart, enough to make us retire and weep for the slain of the daughter of this people. Behind the idols were a num- ber of poor deluded creatures prostrate on the ground, who had a short time before been rolling after the cars as they moved fom place to place. But one of the most disgusting sights presented to our view was a number of dancing-girls performing some of the ceremonies of their religion. An opinion is prevalent among many that the heathen are fit subjects for the kingdom of heaven, even though they never embrace the Gospel. But the Word of God allows us to indulge no such opinion. It de- clares to us that whoremongers, idolaters, liars, thieves, 60 . MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. and the workers of every abomination, have no part in the kingdom of heaven. The degradation of the people is so great that no language we can use will convey an adequate idea of it. From our unhappy experience we are constantly learning that they have all gone out of the way, that there is not one among them that doeth good, no, not one." KEMOVES TO PANDITERIPO. /i-J^- " Saturday, July 22d. The room which is designed frttj eventually for a medicine - room being finished, Mrs. *2JP iScudder removed from Tillipally to this place this aft- ernoon. We have much reason to remember the kind- 1 1 U iub ness ^ ^ r ' an( ^ ^ rs ' -P or to us > an d we take our leave ' ^ of that station with the full assurance that the great Head , f the Church will continue to bless them in that work to 2&*which they are so devotedly engaged. We feel our situ- ation to be peculiarly solemn when we remember that a whole parish of immortal souls is committed to our charge, and that if we be unfaithful their blood will be required at our hands. This consideration, we trust, will induce the followers of the divine Redeemer to be ear- nest in their intercessions at the throne of grace for us." LICENSED TO PKEACH. " Tuesday, August 8th. This day, after having under- gone such examinations upon theology as the brethren thought proper, I was licensed to preach the Gospel. "August 9th. Went in company with Mr. Poor to Point Pedro to meet Mr. Garrett. We were much de- lighted to hear that the cause of the Redeemer continued to flourish in our native schools, but were exceedingly PEE A CHINQ IN PUBLIC, ETC. Q i distressed to 'hear that so many of the crew of the Indus had backslidden. We do hope that more than six will be found in the great day of account at the right hand of the Saviour. Be this, however, as it may, we know that the Lord doeth all things well, and, though this be a most trying event, we shall have reason throughout eter- nity to adore him, if even these prove faithful unto death. "We trust from among this number one will arise who will hereafter lift up his voice like a trumpet in pro- claiming the unsearchable riches of Christ to the Gentile world." PREACHING IN PUBLIC AND FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. " Saturday, August \%th. This morning we had be- tween sixty and seventy at morning prayers. A number of them were sick. We think it a large congregation when we can assemble so many, independent of the boys in our schools. If we should sit down at our ease at home, and preach but two or three times a week, we should see but few people. This renders it absolutely necessary for the missionary of the Cross to go out into the highways and hedges, to visit from house to house, warning and exhorting the people to flee from the wrath to come. To labor in this manner is often a trying duty, owing in part to the awful stupidity of the people, to the relaxed state of our bodies from the heat of the climate, and doubtless much more to that deadness and dullness in divine things under which we have to groan from day to day ; but we believe if we do not thus labor we are unfit for our high and holy calling. We believe we are in the places of more faithful men ; and, what is beyond con- ception dreadful, the blood of this people will be found 62 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. in the skirts of our garments in the day \vhenwe must render an account of our stewardship." PRESCRIBING FOR THE SICK. " I prescribe for the sick at an early hour every morn- ing, and have prayers and conversation with them before I administer to their wants. I find it an excellent time to compare their present situation with what it will be in eternity, if they reject the only sacrifice for sin. I hope that proper support will be given to the hospital, and medicines largely furnished, that I may not be prevented from recommending the Saviour to many who come from a distance, and who otherwise would, perhaps, never hear his precious name. Many females come for medical ad- vice, and thus are obliged, at least once, to attend the house of prayer."* SUPERSTITIOUS FEARS. " Saturday, September 2d. One of the rooms of the house being nearly finished, we removed into it this aft- ernoon. This morning some of the people in the hospi- tal were much terrific^ in consequence of having heard a noise in the night. This noise was occasioned by my endeavors to drive away a rat which was eating the olas of the roof. They supposed that the devil was really here. I mention this as one of the instances of the su- * I have lately begun to give out tracts to those who can read who come for medical advice. By this means the Gospel will reach many places where the voice of the missionary is never heard. As I have no printed tracts, I am obliged to use those which are written upon the ola ; and in general they are preferable, as many people can read the written charac- ters who are much at a loss when they attempt to read the printed charac- ters. I can prepare them written at a very cheap rate. They do not cost more than 8 or 9 cents a dozen. THEY SEEK AFTER A SIGN. 63 perstition of this people. They are much afraid of the devil, and, as they believe that he resides in the banian- trees, they erect temples under them in which they wor- ship him. There are two temples of this description near me. "Sunday, September 3d. Preached at the school bun- galow and hospital in the morning, and at the villages of Yardealadipoo and Surlepurum in the afternoon. The man at whose house I had appointed the last meeting died yesterday. I had but one opportunity to recom- mend the Saviour to his acceptance. It is' a solemn con- sideration that many who are in this parish must die be- fore I can possibly proclaim to them the only name by which they can be saved." HEATHEN CHILDREN IN PKAYEK. " This morning, after service, when I had returned to my study, I heard the voice of one of the heathen chil- dren in prayer. I went near the bungalow, and truly my soul was delighted when I learned that at this time of the day they were assembled for the solemn service of God. If those who support these children could have witnessed this scene, they would have lifted up their voices to praise God that he ever put it into their hearts to sup- port them." THEY SEEK AFTEB A SIGN. " Tuesday, September 5th. This morning I adopted a plan which I hope will be attended with the divine bless- ing. I design to call aside one person daily, and converse and pray with him. The man with whom I conversed this morning was apparently affected. He appeared to 64 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. feel the force of truth. In the afternoon proclaimed the name of Jesus in the highways. The people were atten- tive. One man, who followed me from place to place, repeatedly asked me how he could know that Jesus Christ would forgive his sins. He wished me to show some sign to prove it. I told him that if he would believe in Him, and forsake his sins, he could then know that his sins would be pardoned." APPEAL FOE THE SUPPORT OF CHILDKEN. " Wednesday, September 8th. Turned away three Cath- olic children who wished to come and live with us. "We had hoped and felt assured that, when intelligence should reach us from America, many names would ap- pear on the missionary page as the supporters of chil- dren under our care. Alas ! how are we disappointed ! Is it thus that the followers of the Redeemer repay him for his kindness to them, for his bloody sweat in the garden, and for his agony upon the cross, that, when so many heathen children might be plucked from idolatry, and, in all human probability, from eternal burnings, they are unwilling to give the small sum of twelve dollars an- nually for so great an object? It is a most mournful consideration that so little is done for the cause of mis- sions. The heathen are going down to hell by millions every year, and yet many who profess to love the Saviour, and obey the great command to do to others as they would wish others to do to them, do not contribute a farthing of the substance God has given them for their salvation. At this very moment, while I am writing, the spirits of some of them are going to the judgment bar to hear their awful doom, and then sink to hell. What excuse can APPEAL FOR THE SUPPORT OF CHILDREN. 65 Christians offer, in the great day of account, that the Word of Life has not before been sent to them ? Alas ! when they find that it will be impossible for them to clear themselves from their blood, they will stand speech- less before God. Oh ! who can for a moment think of the woes of the second death without shuddering. If death come to our own doors, and snatch one of our friends from us in an unprepared state, our souls are torn with anguish, and we refuse to be comforted when we remember that the gnawing worm has begun to prey upon his vitals, and will torment him day and night for- ever. But no concern is manifested though hundreds of millions of souls equally precious take up their dismal abode there. Can it be that the present state of things is to continue ? Are Christians who have sworn allegi- ance to the Saviour at his table to live in violation of one of his positive commands, and still be permitted to come to his table ? When a heathen is brought to the knowledge of the truth, how inust he be astonished when he learns that Christians have neglected the heathen world so long ! With wonder he asks the question, Why has not the Gospel, in compliance with the divine command, been sent to every nation and people under heaven ? But he asks in vain ; there is no one who can answer him. It is certainly the duty of every one to contribute of his sub- stance to send the Word of Life to the heathen, and yet there are thousands who, if called upon to do it, can plead their poverty as an excuse, while at the same time they can paint their houses with vermilion and deck them with every unnecessary ornament. This robbing the Saviour of his due must not, can not continue." gg MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. PREACHING IN THE FIELDS. " Sunday, September 10th. This being the busy season with the natives, I went into the fields this afternoon to preach. Met with several Catholics at work. I took oc- casion to warn them of the consequences of breaking the Sabbath. I asked one of them if he thought he treated the Lord Jesus in a proper manner after what he had done ; but, notwithstanding I told him that if he persist- ed, the loss of his soul might be the consequence, no im- pression could be made upon him. He said he knew it was wrong, but he would go to his priest, confess his sin, and be forgiven. He continued his work. We have much reason to fear that the Catholics in this district will be the last who are brought into the kingdom of God." THE BRAHMIN AND HIS SON. "Thursday, September Ikth. I have this morning been conversing with a Brahmin and his son. The son ap- peared to be a man of intelligence. I asked him how he expected to have his sins pardoned. He answered by praying to their gods. I, however, soon convinced him that sin could not be forgiven in this way. He then said that he must go to hell, and be punished according to his deserts, adding that, as washermen beat the clothes upon large stones until the dirt comes out, so it will be with the soul after suffering according to its deserts, it will then go to heaven. After our conversation was ended, I performed a painful surgical operation upon him, and endeavored to point out to him how awful would be the misery of those who rejected the Lord Je- A LARGE CONGREGATION. 67 sus, and at last perished. This people, like all others who have never been humbled at the foot of the Cross, depend upon their own doings for salvation. Generally they tell us that charity, good works, offerings to their temples, washing in some sacred waters, and praying to their gods, will insure them an entrance into heaven. We can confound the simple ones among them very easi- ly by asking them if the performance of these acts would be considered by the government as an equivalent for the crime of breaking one of its laws. They unhesita- tingly tell us ' No.' If we tell them that God is as strict as a government, and that his justice requires the punish- ment of the wicked, and again ask them how they can ob- tain salvation, they tell us, ' We do not know.' We then point out to them the necessity of an atonement for sin. " Many deny altogether that they have sinned. They imagine if a man has never committed murder, or done some other great crime, he has not sinned. This renders it necessary for us constantly to open to their view the law of God in its length and breadth, teaching them that it extends as well to the thoughts as to the actions of men. Many have the hardihood, notwithstanding, to de- clare that they have never sinned in word or deed." A LARGE CONGREGATION. "Sunday, September Vlth. Had a large congregation this morning. Between 150 and 200 persons were pres- ent. Preached in the afternoon at Yardealadipoo, and afterward at one of the native houses in a neighboring village to about seventy persons. After service we were treated with rice-cakes, oranges, and cocoa-nut water. In consequence of having so large a congregation, I ap- 68 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. pointed meeting them again on the ensuing Sabbath aft- ernoon. " Wednesday, September 20^A. The odigar (the second officer of the parish) of a neighboring village died this morning very suddenly. I went in the afternoon to the house of his son, and preached to a large number of peo- ple who were collected to attend him to the house ap- pointed for all the living. He .was a Catholic, and had attended my preaching. "Saturday, September 23d, Went to Matherkel, a large village about a mile from the church. I have just been building a bungalow at that place, and expect to com- mence a school there ,on Monday next. Preached to about 130 people. "Sunday, September 24A. Preached on the parable of the sower to about 200 persons. Forty women were present. Administered medicine to fifty persons. " October kih. I have appointed one evening in the week for the schoolmasters to meet at this place, to bring in the report of the number of boys who daily attend the schools. I design to question them regularly upon por- tions of the Scriptures which I have given them to learn." PREACHING FOE THE FIRST TIME IN TAMUL. " Sunday, October 8th. This morning preached in Ta- mul at this place for the first time. I hope I was better understood than on Sabbath last at Batticotta. After service went to Batticotta to visit Mr. Richards, who is much laiore unwell than he has been for some time past. In the afternoon preached at Matherkel to nearly one hundred persons. Preached also at another part of the village to a large number of people who had collected PREACHING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TAMUL. 59 together to attend a cock-fight. Above one hundred of them were Catholics. When I found that so many Cath- olics were present, I felt (somewhat like the apostle of old) my spirit rising within me to see their abominations. I felt much the want of a better knowledge of this lan- guage, that I might cry aloud and spare not. Our ad- dresses, through our interpreters, must necessarily lose much of the effect. Soon after I left them they began to indulge themselves in their wickedness, paying no at- tention to what I had said to them. " Tuesday, October 11th. It is an object of earnest de- sire as much as possible to gain the affections of this peo- ple, but we see so much depravity manifested by them that it is sometimes difficult to display a becoming mild- ness toward them. We have much more hope of being useful if we can make them believe that our motives for coming .among them are to do them good, and that we seek their happiness by our intercourse with them. I have this morning been conversing and praying with two Brahmins, whom I affectionately entreated to throw down the weapons of their rebellion, and submit to the Saviour. I told them that their rejection or reception of the Gospel would be of no consequence to myself, but that the consequences on their part would be dreadful if they should reject it. I told the one who came for med- ical advice that it gave me much pleasure to cure his sickness, because I wished him to be happy in this world, and because I wished him to be happy in the world to come. I recommended the Saviour to him. May the Lord apply what has been spoken." 70 MEMOIR OF DE. SCUDDEE. * SABBATH DESECRATION. FORCE OF EXAMPLE. " In the afternoon preached at Makiarpertly for the first time on the Sabbath. It being two miles distant from the church, I rode there in a palankeen. Found but few people. I was told that they had gone to their fields. This circumstance induced me to address those present on the nature of the Sabbath. After the service the question was asked, ' Why does he ride in a palankeen on the Sabbath T It was the first time I had ever gone -out in a palankeen on the Sabbath to preach, and my pres- ent feelings induce me to believe that I shall not do so again very soon. After I returned from Makiarpertly I preached at Matherkel, and, though I had to wade through the water to go there, 1 found it much more comfortable to suffer this inconvenience than to suffer from the reflection that the natives believe my conduct and conversation disagree, and that I break that Sabbath which I enjoin them to keep. This people can not, or iwill not distinguish between works of necessity and mer- cy, and we wish, as much as possible, to avoid every oc- casion of offense." DEATH OF A MALABAR. "Friday, November \.1th. Last night a young Malabar from the coast died in the hospital. I have reason to hope, from the evidence he gave of a change of heart, that he has gone to the house not made with hands, eter- nal in the heavens. He was a Protestant by descent. His attention was particularly directed to divine things a short time before he came here." SIGHT TO THE BLIND, ETC. 7! SIGHT TO THE BLIND. "November 23d. Operated for cataract this morning. This is the third case in which I have succeeded in giv- ing sight to the blind. "Sunday, November 26th. This afternoon Mrs. Scud- der accompanied me to Vardealadipoo. Besides men and boys, sixty or seventy females were present at our meeting." MONTHLY CONCERT. CHRISTIAN DAVTD. "Monday, December kth. This day we held the month- ly concert of prayer at this place for the first time. Our monthly meetings have become very interesting, and a spirit of prayer seems to prevail among us. We are united in the strongest of bonds to our brethren of oth- er denominations. Christian David preached here this morning to about two hundred and fifty persons. All the schools were assembled ; three Brahmins were pres- ent. This man possesses a remarkable faculty of gain- ing the attention of the people. While we were praying for the enlargement of our Lord's kingdom, he went to Matherkel and preached to the people." CONVERSATION WITH A BRAHMIN. "December lih. This morning had an interesting con- - versation with a Brahmin, who came for medical advice. * After treatment I gave him nine chapters of Genesis, the Sermon on the. Mount, and a small pamphlet containing the discourses of our Lord. " Last night adopted the plan I formerly pursued at Tillipally, in calling a boy aside every evening to con- 72 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. verse and pray with him. I have abundant reason to labor with these children when I remember that from among those who have been under religious instruction in this mission for three or four years past, there have been some already, we hope, born into the kingdom of God." ONE YEAR'S LABORS. "December ll^A. This day one year ago we reached the place to which our eyes had long been directed, and where, we hope, it will be our unspeakable privilege to labor (unless called by Providence to some other part of the heathen world) until we finish our course and enter our rest. We have much reason to be thankful that our health has generally been very good. We have suffered but little except from the debilitating effects of the cli- mate. Though I have seen but little fruit of my labors except in my boarding-school, where some little good has been done, yet it is a most pleasing circumstance that I have been enabled to employ a considerable portion of my time in 'tearing up the fallow ground, and in preach- ing the Gospel to thousands of perishing souls." EVANGELIZATION. "Friday, December %2d. Island of Caradive. I arrived here this morning at eleven o'clock. Began immediate- ly to deliver the message of God to the people. Sent two of the boys whom I took with me to read the plan of salvation from house to house. Yaluntalay is the name of the village where we now are. VISITS THE SCHOOLS. 73 VISITS THE SCHOOLS. "It is a melancholy consideration that upon the whole of thia island, where there are several thousands of im- mortal souls perishing for lack of knowledge, there is not perhaps one, with the exception of myself and one of the boys with me, who is looking to Jesus as the only hope of Sscape from the wrath to come. In looking at the devastations sin has made, the pathetic exclamation has been forcibly brought to my mind, ' O thou Adam, what hast thou done V The fields here appear white to the harvest, but there is no one to put in the sickle. "Saturday, December 23d. I slept last night under the veranda of a native house, and was kindly entertained by the man w r ho lived there. He supplied me with cocoa- nut water and milk, but would receive no compensation for them. After breakfast I continued my visits from house to house, until I came to the large open plain where the old Catholic church, in ruins, is standing. I was de- sirous to visit the schools on this island, hoping that I might, by offering a small compensation to the school- masters, be enabled to introduce some Scripture extracts, and induce them to make their boys commit to memory the plan of salvation, which was unfolded particularly in a tract entitled ' The "Way to be Happy,' which I had lately prepared and had caused to be written upon the ola. But I found that little could be effected. I visited two schools. One was composed of four or five, the oth- er of five scholars. I visited a third place, where I was told a school was kept; the schoolmaster and his two boys were absent. I endeavored to give away some Scripture extracts at the first school, but the schoolmas- D 74 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. ter would not receive them. In the second I left five pamphlets. This, I believe, was not with the approba- tion of the schoolmaster. He was a Brahmin. As I had no pamphlets when I first visited the second school, I returned there a short time afterward. But my ap- pearance before had created so much fear in the minds of the boys that they all ran away before I returned. It is probable that they had never before seen a white per- son. Many of the people were much afraid of me, and even the beasts, seeing so strange an animal as myself, fled from me." DISTKUST OF THE HEATHEN. " I found great difticulty in getting rid of my tracts. Many people who could probably read denied it. I, how- ever, distributed eighteen or nineteen among them, and nearly as many Scripture extracts. I regret that I did not allow my boys to distribute tracts, as the people would have received them from them with less fear. The printed seemed much more desirable to them than the written. I trust, when I next visit them, that their fears will have subsided. I met with very few insults. While at the house of one of the Brahmins whom I had previously addressed, he said, very pleasantly, but with a great deal of self-confidence, ' Why do you pain your legs so much by walking for the purpose of talking to us ? We will not come to your religion.' And truly it will be so, if the Holy Ghost do not apply the Word spoken. We daily have to learn the truth of what the apostle has told us, ' That Paul may plant and Apollos water, but God must give the increase.' " In this island there are no Catholics, which is pecul- NEED OF PEA YES FOR MISSIONARIES, ETC. 75 iarly favorable for the spread of the Gospel among them. It would be an excellent situation for a native preacher, but, alas ! we have none to send them. It is a matter of devout thankfulness to Almighty God that he has placed under our care a number of boys, many of whom, we be- lieve, will be extensively useful hereafter in building up the kingdom of Christ among this poor, perishing people. Two of them were very diligent in reading to the people and in questioning them." / NEED OF PKAYEB FOE MISSIONARIES. " In this vast and extensive valley of dry bones we re- quire much faith and grace to persevere in well-doing. If any class of ministers ever needed the prayers of God's people, the missionary pre-eminently needs them. When we see all our labor apparently lost, unbelief, to our great shame be it spoken, notwithstanding all the great and pre- cious promises, is sometimes apt to creep in, and we are almost ready to fear that we shall labor in vain, and spend our strength for naught and in vain. "We have much rea- son to be thankful that our own souls are refreshed while watering the vineyard of our divine Master. "We reached home a little after six o'clock this evening, and hope ere long that I may again be permitted to bear the Bread of Life with renewed vigor to this starving and perishing people." SCHOOLS FOR GIRLS. "Sunday, December 24:th. I have, for some time past, been making efforts to establish schools for girls, but lit- tle has yet been done. I am glad, however, to state that one girl is now attached to the school at Surlepurum. 76 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. She was present at our service there this afternoon. We have many difficulties to encounter when we attempt to make innovations ; but we do not forget the motto of the celebrated apostle to the Indians : ' Prayers and pains, through faith in Christ Jesus, will do any thing.' " Wednesday, December 'tflth. This afternoon I found three girls at the school in Surlepurum. One was ab- sent. It is certainly a matter of thankfulness to the great Head of the Church that he should thus smile upon the attempts of his unworthy servant. To his name be all the praise." IMPORTANT SURGICAL OPERATION. " Wednesday, January \th. This morning I removed a tumor from the side of a man which measured more than one foot in circumference. It was the largest I ever took out." FOLLY OF HEATHENISH RITES. "Sunday, January \^th. This morning had an uncom- monly interesting meeting with the people. Friday last being a great day with many of the natives, on which they offered rice to the sun, I took particular occasion to address them on the folly of such conduct, and endeav- ored to point out to them the dishonor done to God by rendering worship to any created object. I asked one why the people did so. The answer was, ' For want of wit. 1 I asked another, Why did you go lately to your temple to worship idols ? ' I did it through ignorance.' This was a falsehood, as he had often been told of the folly of such conduct. I asked another why he offered rice to the sun. He said, ' The sun is a witness of God, LABORS OF THE MISSIONARY'S WIFE. 77 therefore we offer liiin rice.' Another said that they worshiped the sun because they could not see God; and said, ' Suppose my child was sick, if I should come here to tell you of it, and if I could not see you, but see the young man (meaning the one studying medicine with me), I would tell him.' " The catechetical form of preaching is very necessary [ k>* among the heathen. They are, in general, so stupid that, unless we keep their attention awake by asking them ques- tions, they will know nothing of what we say. When I first began to preach to them I followed that course pur- sued in Christian churches at home, but not half the ef- fect was produced which I trust now is. When I keep calling out constantly to the people and our school-boys to answer me questions, or give me reasons why they pursue that course of folly which is characteristic of their worship, they can not avoid paying attention. By ask- ing them questions and reasons for their worship, I also become acquainted with those refuges of lies to which they trust, and hope I am enabled frequently to convince the judgment of their fallacy. This plan Christian Da- vid adopts." LABORS OF THE MISSIONARY'S WIFE. " I accompanied the doctor this afternoon from house to house to converse with the, people. We found them very willing to hear ; but their minds are darkened, and they understand not the things that belong to their peace. One observation a woman made (while talking with her) is very true of most of them. She said, ' It is all very good,' but ' as soon as you are gone I forget all about it' This woman has heard the Gospel almost every Sabbath Y8 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. since we have been here. Very many of them say, ' How shall we get any thing to eat if we spend our time com- ing to your church ?' They are^ very ready to confess that their idols have eyes, but they see not, etc. ; but they say, ' Our ancestors worshiped idols, and why should not we?' "November 3d. Have to-day been conversing with the Catholic woman. I have been very plain with her, and endeavored to convince her of the vanity of calling upon /the Virgin Mary and saints when she prays, and I en- treated her to look to none but Jesus. She asked me, If a sinner went to hell, whether, after a few years, he could go to heaven? She said their Scriptures told them they could. "November 23d. We have received a letter from you, my beloved Mother W., and have great reason to be grateful, and to bow ourselves before our heavenly Fa- ther, and return thanks to you and to our dear family. I do indeed feel grateful to our God for giving you, my mother, a quiet mind concerning us. Although our Fa- ther's hand has been heavy upon us, we must not, and we will not be unmindful of his mercies. He has preserved our lives. He has furnished us with all that has been needful for our comfort. He has placed us in the midst of kind and affectionate friends, who share in our joys and sorrows, and, I trust, has given us some fervent desire to see souls brought into his kingdom. When I receive letters it seems as if America were drawing nearer to o Ceylon, and my imagination almost brings me into the company of my dear mother, sisters, and brothers. "December \st. In consequence of heavy rains and the cholera prevailing, our congregations have been small for LABORS OF THE MISSIONARY'S WIFE. 79 some time. The number is now increasing. The doctor preaches in Tamul every Sabbath, and the people at times appear attentive. A few women attend every Sabbath, and ten girls are generally present. After the service I am in the habit of calling the females into our hall, and endeavor, in my feeble way, to give them some instruc- tion. But oh ! they are in a wretched state of ignorance and superstition. "December 5th. On Monday attended the monthly concert of prayer at Manepy. These meetings are very precious and pleasant. All the missionaries in this dis- trict, with their wives, attend. In the morning each mis- sionary relates every thing of an interesting nature that has occurred at his station during the past month. In the afternoon one missionary who has been previously appointed delivers an address, and the other missionaries make their remarks upon what has been said. The rest of the day is spent in prayer and singing." Alluding to Mrs. Scudder's work, Dr. S. says : " Mrs. Scudder is well. She has her hands full of business. She provides for the children, and takes care of almost the whole of the domestic concerns, which are neither few nor small. She has ten females under her care. These she teaches to sew in the afternoons. In the morning she begins to hear the boys recite in English, which is no small labor. She hears thr We do hope that many of them will be jewels in the ' Redeemer's crown. It becomes feeble creatures to be humble ; and humble we desire to be, and say, ' Not unto us, but unto God be all the glory.' I have stated some facts simply as they have taken place. I am aware that I am not writing for the inspection of the public. What I have written has been in great haste, and not without some fears that I might say too little or too much about the influences of the Holy Spirit here. The work com- menced in our own hearts. Our meetings at our several stations have been for a long time back very interesting, and previously to the awakening in our schools there was a day observed by all our members for fasting, humilia-/^ tion, and prayer. Amy has been much engaged in this work, and I think she has been instrumental in doing good. Her health is not very good, but better than it has been. Pray for us. Call upon all our friends to pray for us ; and may we all be enabled to bring our tithes into the store-house and prove the Lord therewith, that He will open the windows of heaven, and pour us out a blessing until there will be no more room to re- ceive it. Oh, dear friends, there are clouds and thick darkness round about us. The heathen rage, the people imagine a vain thing. Those without our gates remain stout-hearted and stubborn ; but we long, we wait, we pray for the blessed Spirit to apply the Word preached unto their hearts." ADDITIONAL, REMAKES BY DE. SCUDDEK. "I have informed you before that the first-fruits of our revival have been gathered in. Forty-one were ad- 114 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEB. mitted at one time, and a more interesting day I never beheld. The baptismal exercise was calculated to make more than ordinary impressions upon our minds. Among the lambs of the flock was a hoary-headed old man of sixty, the most interesting sight I witnessed on that ever memorable day. My heart melted to see tliis aged sin- ner, who had been worshiping idols above half a century, come forward and be baptized in the name of the Triune Jehovah. Though I have mentioned several particulars respecting that meeting, I will mention them again, as my former letter may not reach you. It was held in a temporary bungalow, which was one hundred feet long and sixty wide, and lined and ceiled (if I might use the term) with white cloth. My pulpit was carried there, and placed upon a frame, which was concealed by white cloth from the eyes of the people. The exercises were com- menced by Brother Woodward. Brother Stead, "Wesley an missionary, made the introductory prayer. As Mr. Poor did not arrive until late, I preached from the words, 1 Verily I say unto you, ye must be born again.' Brother Spaulding delivered the address to the candidates for baptism. Brother Meigs read the Articles and Covenant, etc. Brother Winslow administered the bread at the table. I administered the wine, and Brother Woodward gave the last address. Brother Poor addressed the can- didates for admission to the Church after they had been publicly received. When we came to the table we sung an English hymn (a part of the seventh of Watts's first book, which begins * Let every mortal ear attend'), and after the services of the day another English hymn was sung. These were our only English exercises. With the divine permission, we expect to hold a similar meeting at the same place in about two weeks. I should be glad to THE ORE A T REVIVAL. 115 tell you that as many more were about to be admitted, but not so. We, however, do not repine. Nearly thirty have expressed a desire to be admitted, and most of them would perhaps rejoice much if we should give them per- mission so to do. But we find it necessary to be cau- tious. About half the number we hope to admit. Some of whom we have hoped well have met with such vio- lent opposition that they conclude that they can not fol- low Christ. You can form no idea, beloved parents, of the current of blasphemy and opposition which our native converts have to meet with. Your son knows something of the opposition and blasphemy from his own experi- ence. Both your son and your daughter have been stoned. I have been hit, but my dear Harriet has es- caped. What would you think of a female speaking to a white man, who in general is somewhat respected, ' You ought to have your head broke.' 'Why do you come here barking like a dog?' This language has been ad- dressed to me, and that by Catholics, our most violent opposers in these latter days. Judge a little, then, what/' those in some cases have to meet with who forsake all for Christ, whose opposers are not afraid to persecute them. Pray much for them. Pray much for us. I would by no means give you the idea that we meet with much of the abuse I have above mentioned. Far from it. In general we are treated with the greatest decency, and in many cases even with politeness. " I wrote a very long letter to you a few months ago, of nearly eight pages, mentioning many things which will interest you. In that you will learn how great have been my enjoyments in spiritual things with our young con- verts, and what our prospects at that time were. We are now longing, I trust, for another visit from on high. 1 1 6 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. O that we might soon be favored therewith ! My dear Harriet and myself were at a prayer-meeting at Odoo- ville last evening. We reached home a little after mid- night. One of the hymns of Dobell, which begins ' Sav- iour, visit thy plantation,' I hope we were enabled to sing with some degree of feeling. I hope, too, that our Saviour was with us. We often have very precious sea- sons of prayer in our mission. Unite with us. If you feel disposed to sing as well as pray, and if you should like to sing a hymn of your son's composing at any time, you will have the opportunity, as I will now write it for you." Dr. Scudder's absence was of essential benefit to his health, and afforded him an opportunity to survey the continental field to which afterward he was assigned. He formed quite an extensive acquaintance with British officials at Madras and elsewhere, and scanned with close and interested observation the vast field of hea- thenism which he hoped, with some of his brethren, soon to occupy. Ceylon was the school where Providence had taught him the social and religious characteristics of the heathen, and where, by close study and constant prac- tice, he had acquired a facility in the use of the Tamul language spoken by millions on the continent. On his return his heart was full of this new mission, and he communicated his zeal to the rest, so that, after due de- [ liberation and communicating with the Board at home, it became clear that the time for establishing an Amer- ican Mission at Madras was fully come. In 1836 it was determined that Eev. Mr. Winslow.and I Dr. Scudder should make a beginning, with headquarters I at Madras, and thence, as Providence should open the Mvay, push their labors into the interior. MADRAS AND ITS S UJRROUNDIXGS. CHAPTER VIII. Revival in Madras. Tours, and Towns visited, etc. MADRAS AND ITS SURROUNDINGS. MADRAS is" the chief city of the Carnatic, and lies on\ the eastern shore of Peninsular India. In it, Oriental J magnificence is mingled with the activities of British military and commercial life. It has been the centre of \ stirring events. In the interminable and bloody wars f waged by the Saxon conquerors to extend their domin- ion, this city has been the point cPappui of their opera- tions. This was the scene of the Nabob of Arcot's wily f transactions with British officials, which required the ge- nius of Edmund Burke to unravel and expose. But now the horrors of war had been succeeded by an abject submission, the princes and people simply ask- ing to be allowed the enjoyment of a languid existence, and the observance of their absurd and cruel idolatries. The policy of England has been varied toward these i poor heathen, sometimes conniving at their horrible rites, ' and at others legislating against them. It has, at length, under the constraining pressure of public religious senti- ment, settled down on the principle of gradually under- mining the power of paganism, and substituting, as fast as possible, the mild and merciful sway of the Christian reli- gion. Hence Juggernaut and the suttee have gone down, and the missionaries are encouraged to prosecute -their moral warfare against the antiquated forms of paganism. 118 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. A more important centre for missionary operations than Madras can hardly be named. Radiating from it are innumerable towns and villages, swarming with pop- ulation, and readily accessible. But the city itself af- fords a vast field of usefulness. Dr. Scudder, writing under date of October 3d, 1836, says, "You will be sur- prised to hear that I have been removed from Ceylon to the continent of India. Such, it appears, has been the will of the Lord, and I have only to add that I rejoice that it is so. I am pleasantly situated in a pleasant part of the great city, on the borders of many thousands of / people. It is nearly a central situation. I say central, \ for the whole population of Madras is not in one place. [ It is a city of cities, if I may so call it. It is supposed that there are 400,000 people in it. We expect to have a large printing establishment here, for the purpose of printing the Bible and religious tracts. "We are expect- ing large funds from the American Bible and Tract So- cieties. The way is open to distribute immense num- bers of religious publications among the Tamul peo- ple." REVIVAL OF RELIGION AT MADRAS. "I like Madras very much. I have enjoyed some precious seasons, as I have been in two revivals of relig- /ion since I came here. One occurred in Mr. Smith's ^ congregation, where Winslow and I have labored, more or less, for some time past. The other occurred in the /fort. This has been more extensive. There are seven I or eight hundred soldiers there. Among them wicked- mess has prevailed to a shocking degree, and among most \)f them it still prevails. Drunkenness is one of the most REVIVAL OF RELIGION AT MADRAS. ng conspicuous crimes. Perhaps one hundred and fifty at- 1 tended our meetings. " There is a very pious, devoted military man in the ; fort, whose house has been opened years to them who would come to hear the Gospel which he proclaimed. Generally but few attended. Now many of them who are in the habit of attending have, as I hope, found the Saviour. " There is at the fort a chaplain of the Church of En- gland. I do not know him. I am glad 'to say that he has made no opposition to my private labors. Would that I could tell you of a revival of religion among the poor degraded natives. Alas ! they are sunk in sin fast asleep in the arms of the great adversary." After Dr. Scudder had become settled at Madras, he pursued the same general plan of missionary operations as at Ceylon. By the aid of a printing establishment, under the superintendence of his colleague, Dr. "Winslow, tracts were prepared adapted to interest and enlighten the heathen ; and, with these and the Scriptures in Ta- mul, Dr. S., loading his bullock bandy, went forth among the swarming population of the interior towns, preaching the Gospel in the highways and hedges, and supplying the greedy applicants with reading matter adapted to make them wise unto salvation. Sometimes he was rude- ly assailed, and often obliged to retreat before the surg- ing masses. In a letter to his father he says, " When you think, my dear father, that you have a son engaged in the blessed work of endeavoring to ameliorate both the moral and physical condition of such wretched and be- nighted beings, you should rejoice. Would that we could 120 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. see a general disposition to embrace the great salvation that we preach. But, alas ! how few are there who re- ceive it. Instead of meeting with a hearty reception, in many cases we must meet with ridicule and reproach, and sometimes even with bodily abuse. I was, not long since, stoned, and the soreness of the bruises continued for some time. We should soon be torn to pieces could the desire of many be gratified. But, notwithstanding all these trials, we often meet with encouragements." Such was the spirit in w r hich this heroic Christian, separating himself for months from his family, went out into the dark surrounding regions, carrying the lamp of salvation to the benighted. The extracts from his jour- nal which we insert will be read, we are sure, with deep interest. TOUKS, AND TOWNS VISITED. " Coonatoor is a village of considerable size. I went out into its streets this morning proclaiming the only name given under heaven whereby we can be saved. Distributed a few tracts. Sent out three native helpers on the same business. Several persons have come to the bungalow and received portions of the Scriptures. A native catechist ought to be stationed here. " Some people have objected to the distribution of the Scriptures among the heathen as a useless thing. But facts go to prove the contrary. My own experience is in favor of their distribution, on the principle that, if one in a hundred is, by the Holy Spirit, made effectual to the conversion of a heathen soul, we can afford to lose the rest. But there is other than my testimony that the dis- tributors of the Scriptures have not labored in vain. Let THE CHOLERA, ETC. 121 me adduce one instance. i Some years ago, Mr. Ward, a Christian missionary, in going through a village near Calcutta, left at a native shop a Bengalee New Testa- ment, that it might be read by any of the villagers. About a year afterward three or four of the most intelligent of the inhabitants came to inquire farther respecting the contents of the book left in their village. This ended in six or eight of them making a profession of Christianity. Among these, one deserves particular notice an old man named Juggernaut, who had long been a devotee to the idol of that name in Orissa, had made many pilgrimages thither, and had acquired such a name for sanctity that a rich man in Orissa was said to have offered him a pen- sion for life on condition of his remaining with him. On his becoming acquainted with the New Testament, he first hung his image of Krishnu, or Juggernaut, which he had hitherto worshiped, on a tree in his garden, and at length cut it up to boil his rice. He remained steadfast in his possession of Christianity till his death. Two others, being men of superior natural endowments, employed themselves in publishing the doctrines of Chris- tianity to their countrymen in the most fearless manner, while their conduct was such as to secure their universal esteem.' Here more conversions were hopefully pro- duced by a single New Testament than many mission- aries have been permitted to see, after years of labor in preaching the Gospel." THE CHOLERA CAUSE AND CUKE. " Sterembatoor has lately lost a number of its inhabit- \ ants by the cholera. The reason assigned for it is that \ the goddess Ammarl, who has a temple in this town, has ' F 122 MEMOIR OF DR. SC UDDER. been neglected for the last twenty years, and has been taking vengeance upon the people for this sin. For the last two days I am informed that she has ceased her work of destruction, in consequence of the vows they have made to give her her due. On the coming Sabbath their ( propitiatory offerings are to be made. Alas ! how are these wretched beings taken captive at the will of the devil! May the ever-blessed Spirit open the eyes of those who have this day been supplied with portions of the Scriptures and tracts, to see the vanity of their sys- tem, to clear away their refuges of lies, and lead them to the Saviour." SPLENDID TANK. "Rayya, June %th. Keached this place this morning. Rayya is quite a small village, but situated in a very charming spot. It has a large and beautiful tank, with flights of steps down to the water's edge, corresponding with the number of its sides, and is surrounded by large tamarind-trees. Native rest-houses face it in each direc- tion except at the west. As there is but little corre- spondence between the village and this tank, it is diffi- cult to conceive how one of so much expense should have been cut and built here. Its steps are of hewn granite, and must have cost very large sums of money. Went out into the village and proclaimed the Gospel. A few Gospels and tracts were distributed." DISTRIBUTION OF BOOKS AND TRACTS. " Conjeveram, June 26th. Reached this place on Satur- day evening, and took up my quarters at the government bungalow. Yesterday morning I went out into the streets TOUR OF INSPECTION. 123 preaching the Gospel and distributing the "Word of Life. In the afternoon the people thronged the bungalow for books. Was busy most of the time from three until six; o'clock in distributing them, and was quite tired when my work ceased. As every person to whom a portion of the Scriptures is to be given must be examined as to his ability to read, much time elapses before all who come can be supplied. This morning I did not go out into the city, as I had an abundance of labor within doors. Continued the distribution of books and tracts this after- noon. The throng for books was so great that no small noise and confusion took place. The confusion is height- ened from the circumstance that I have different kinds of tracts. The ' Songs of Praise,' the ' Blind Way,' and the Almanac are much in demand ; and, as many have each their favorite tract, they will not rest satisfied until they are supplied." TOUK OF INSPECTION. "June 27^. Took a walk early this morning into the city to see something of its dimensions. Found but little to recommend it as a place of residence for a mis- sionary, except its population. The city is wholly given up to idolatry. There are six different kinds of temples dedicated to Siva, Vishnu, Ka^le, and so forth. In this we see the worldly policy and craft which actuated the framers of the present debased system. All is on the plan of the theatre. The same scene of show and parade would become tiresome, and cease to arrest attention. The system is admirably adapted to fleece the people and please the Brahmins. Last evening, as I was obliged to leave the government rest-house in consequence of the 1 24 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. late enactment that travelers must not occupy them for more than two days, I took up my quarters in a native choultry. Constructed a small room in its veranda as well as I could, into which persons who wished to receive books and tracts were admitted and examined, as has been before mentioned, as to their ability to read. When the crowd is great, nothing can be effected without some- thing of this kind. This afternoon I left Conjeveram, or Great Conjeveram as it is called, for what is called Lit- tle Conjeveram. They are connected by a long row of houses on each side. I am now at the latter place. Have distributed the Word of Life to many to-day, who, I believe, will carefully preserve it. This morning, as I was passing through the streets, my attention was arrest- ed by a young man whom I heard reading. He was reading a tract. I invited him to come to the choultry and receive a Gospel. He very gladly availed himself of my offer. Had an application for a book from a fe- male. She was a little girl. As she could read nothing but Tellogoo, to my great regret I was unable to supply her. Gave her a tract. She is destined, I suppose, of course, to become a dancing-girl. So far as I know, no others are taught to read. "June 28th. Yesterday I referred to the craft of those who framed the system of faith embraced by this people. Last night I had an opportunity to witness the truth of /what I then asserted. The cholera has lately made its I appearance here, and those who have in charge the tem- / pie of Ammarl have of course given out word that she I has sent it, and that the sine qua non of her removing \ the scourge is money, or other offerings. In order ef- \ fectually to secure their object, they endeavor % to make TOUR OF INSPECTION. 125 the people believe, and do actually make them believe that the goddess comes down, enters certain of her vo- taries, and speaks through them. Such a visit, it appears, she has been making to-night. The votary she entered has been parading through the streets with a large col- lection of flowers resembling the haystack upon his head. Incense was carried before him, and two persons with swords acted as his guard. He was also accompanied with drummers and dancers. When he reached the . house opposite to the place where I now am, he stopped. { One of his attendants spoke for him. He declared that \ the goddess had not been honored as she should have ? been, and that offerings must be made at the approach- ing festival to appease her. I need hardly add that the people are so much afraid of this terrible goddess that they will hardly dare to refuse the demand made trpoBj them. A part of all that is given at such times goes toj those who have charge of the temple, the people never! for a moment thinking of the fraud which has been im- posed upon them. This morning neither my native help- ers nor myself went out among the people. "We remain- ed at the rest-house to attend to the multitudes which flocked to us for books and tracts. There is a great press for the Almanac, and my stock is nearly exhausted. This is a very popular tract, from its mere name. It contains much on the subject of Christianity, as well as science. Many Brahmins, who would be unwilling to touch any of our other publications, would be glad to obtain this an important reason why such works should be largely cir- culated. Indeed, truth in a written form can not be brought before them in any other way. To-day a Brah- min came in front of the rest-house, and showed his en- 126 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. mity to the cause in which I am engaged by tearing up three tracts, which he obtained from others than myself. Among those who obtained tracts were a dumb man and two little girls. The tracts received by the latter were in Tellogoo. The dumb man received also a portion of the Scriptures. I ascertained that he could read by his writ- ing the Tamul letters on the floor. "June BQth. The cholera is raging in this place, and / the votaries of Ammarl are more vigilant, if possible, / than even those in Conjeveram. Money, and nothing but I money, or its equivalent, will appease her. And if she does not get a good supply, she is not backward in re- minding those who give it that she is dissatisfied. I had an opportunity of witnessing this a few nights ago. One of her donors gave her but a quarter of a rupee. She received it with murmuring. Last night there was a pa- rading of the idol of Siva through the streets, accompa- nied as usual with music, firing, and so forth. The ex- penses of the ceremonies, I understand, were borne by il men, for the purpose of inducing Siva to espouse their cause, and constrain the people to give them a good price for their oil. Wallajabad is a good place for a mis- sionary. " Chingleput, July 1st. There are native choultries in most towns, and in some of them it would be pleasant enough to be, provided they had front walls, windows, and doors. Some are in such a state that I prefer rather to sleep without than to enter them for the night. In the work of distributing tracts and the Scriptures I find it especially of importance to have a place to which I can have recourse for a little rest occasionally a place of freedom from the noise and bustle, which so much oc- A GOOD PLACE FOR A SCHOOL. 127 cur in open rest-houses after the news of the object of my visit have gone abroad." A GOOD PLACE FOK A SCHOOL. " This is a good place for an English school. Two missionaries should at least be in Great Conjeveram, and one in Little Conjeveram. The streets of importance are very wide, and cocoa-nut-trees in abundance grow in them. Some of them are streaked with white and red for about six feet above the roots. There are three most splendid if the word splendid may be used in such a sense temples. Two of them are dedicated to Siva, and are in Great Conjeveram. The other is dedicated to Vishnu, and is in Little Conjeveram. I have never before seen so spacious a wall around any temple. It is probably as high as the wall you may recollect to have seen in Trichonopoly around the old rajah's palace. It is difficult to conceive what could have induced the people to erect it so high. For twenty or twenty-five feet it is of cut granite (blue), that is, the two sides I saw, and on this there is some brick-work. The wall from north to south is probably a quarter of a mile long. In the three temples now mentioned and their walls, there are prob- ably enough materials to build as many native churches (so far as the stone-work is concerned) as the place will require ; and they will come in place in good time. The large granite stones will greatly lessen the expenses to be incurred to build them when the idols shall all flee away. I do not know how many of our Gospels of Luke we have left in Conjeveram ; perhaps eight hundred or a thousand." 128 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. A BUST DAY. " Yesterday I had a busy day, at least in part. In the afternoon I walked out to see something of the extent of the place after giving out books and tracts.* When I re- turned many were waiting to see me. I attempted again to give out the Gospel of Luke and tracts ; but the con- fusion from the crowd was so great, and so forth, that I desisted. I gave no more out until it was nearly dark, and quite dark. Several came to get them by night, so that I had to have them examined as to their ability to read by lamp-light. After reaching Little Conjeveram I had an opportunity of witnessing something farther of the abominations of heathenism. I allude to a proces- sion which passed the rest-house where I put up about eight o'clock at night. It was that of Ammarl. She, it appears, entered into a man, and he, of course, became, in fact, the goddess herself. Whether to call the man him or her I do not know ; I will call it him. On his head was a great stack of flowers. Preceding him were drumr mers and dancers. The dancers carried little hollow cir- culars in their hands, with something within to make a noise ; I will call them rattles. On each side of him was a person carrying a sword. Behind him was a man hold- ing an umbrella over his head. Directly opposite the rest-house, in front of the house of. some native whom the fellow expected to fleece, he stopped. One of his votaries then began to speak for him. He declared that the goddess was angry because she had been neglected, and that the people of the house must make their offer- ings at an approaching festival to appease her. Last night the goddess made her appearance again, and stop- THE PALANKEEN MAN. 129 ped again at the same house, when she received four an- nas. Loud was the cry that it was not enough. Whether she obtained any more I do not know. Yesterday my stock of Almanacs became exhausted. This is very pop- ular. Through it, access for communicating religious truth has probably been gained to not a few Brahmins who might otherwise have never come near me. Am- makus songs are also very popular. I could almost have wished that I had procured ten thousand copies of this instead of the Heavenly Way." THE PALANKEEN MAN. " The palankeen bearer, whom I prefer to stand with me, is a strong man, and he has, I dare say, never been in such hot water of this kind before. He has come very near having a battle two or three times. But I keep all pretty quiet at such times. I have come to the point to put all the pushing part on his shoulders, and of this, I assure you, there is not a little. Indeed, if there was not some of it I should have 's enough. Great numbers try to get up into our rooms, which are only about four or five feet wide, and notwithstand- ing two stand , the little boys slip between us, or at our other sides, and get in, and my man Friday will not always allow them to remain. The fact is, you must witness one of these scenes, or you can not form a proper view of our case. I have to keep another of the palan- keen bearers - in the other part of the rest-house to keep the people out, and as we give no tracts or books to any body over the sides of the walls of our rooms, we have less here than we should otherwise expe- rience." F2 130 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDES. AGED MAN AND CONSEQUENTIAL MAN. " I kept the doors of the bungalow closed until about six, when I allowed the few visitors present to come in. Among these was an interesting man, seventy-five years of age. He said that he wished to know the truth and he heard it from my lips. I also supplied him with truth in its inspired form. He expressed an uncommon degree of pleasure in having met with me. Among those who came to see me in the afternoon was quite a consequen- tial man. He had read one of the tracts which had been distributed, and this led him, as I suppose, to the bunga- low. The subject of our conversation, of course, was re- ligion. He associated me with Roman Catholics. I told him that I was not of that faith, and endeavored to show him that in several respects they differed but little from the heathen. After he could say no more on this point, he endeavored to make me believe that, with the excep- tion of worshiping idols, his system of religion and mine were the same. From this position I made the attempt to drive him. I pointed out, to his great annoyance, three of the particulars in which Krishnu the god whose mark he had on his forehead differed from Christ, viz., that he had stolen butter and so forth, and was therefore a thief ; that he had taken upon himself the form of a woman, and committed adultery with Siva ; and that for lying he was changed into a snake. He said that all these were lies. Whether from shame or from what cause, I shall not advance an opinion, but he denied what is considered by the heathen in general as of unquestion- able authority. He left me. I presume, with less conse- quential feelings than he had when first entering the room. PSAYS ON A HILL- TOP. 131 " Carungooly, July 4:th. In this village I came to a well's mouth, where some women were drawing water. I opened my mouth and proclaimed the name of a Sav- iour to them. It recalled to my recollection the time when the Lord Jesus addressed the woman of Samaria while sitting on Jacob's well." PKAYS ON A HILL-TOP. "July 5th. Came to Atcharepankum this morning. I remained at the rest-house to attend to such as might call to see me until about five o'clock, when I went to the top of the mountain mentioned yesterday. On the high- est part of it there is a conical heap of stones about four feet high, on which a light is placed on a certain night once a year. I found a carved image in stone, about three feet in length, lying with other stones at the base of this cone. In days that have long gone by, it proba- bly had an erect position 5 and received the homage of the mountain visitors. Time, however, has laid it low, and its history probably is unknown. I mounted the cone just alluded to, sat down, and took a view of the sur- rounding country. The sight was indeed beautiful, es- pecially the rice-fields at a little distance, in which some of the grain presented a golden appearance, while other parts of it were perfectly green. While on this cone I endeavored to plead with heaven in behalf of the im- mense multitudes embraced within the compass of my vision, that they might enjoy my happy privilege the privilege of knowing the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent. I endeavored also to intercede for the influence from on high to descend upon the colleges in England, and Germany, and America, that laborers 132 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. may go forth from them into the immense harvest. Alas ! alas ! what are these and other dying millions to do unless by such an influence multitudes of their young men are constrained to leave all to tell them of a Saviour? I would that those Christians in India who view the deso- lations with which they are surrounded would frequently bring this subject with them to the throne of grace. Why should not the colleges of Oxford, and Cambridge, and so forth, become pre-eminently schools of the prophets ?" PILGKIMS. " My native helpers gave away several of the Gospels to Brahmins who were returning from a journey they had taken to Bonarias, or Casey, as it is called by the natives. Each of these Brahmins was bearing upon his shoulders two pots of the water of the Ganges. They are on the way to Rammisseram. May the ever-blessed Spirit open their eyes, while reading of Jesus, to see that he is the object which they in vain sought for at the end of their long pilgrimage. In addition to the Gospels, each received a tract entitled the Heavenly Way. This tract gives an account of a Brahmin in Bengal, one of those ascetics who would never speak, but whose atten- tion to Christianity was arrested by a book which a min- ister of Christ had sent him." SUPEKSTITIONS. " Wallakoor, July 6th. Reached this place this morn- ing. The country from Atcharepankum to Wallakoor is /principally covered with jungle. Yesterday I was in \ danger of losing one of my bandy-men, and might have IDOLATRY HARD SERVICE PERSEVERANCE. 133 been reduced to great straits had he left me, in conse-' quence of a cat's happening to cross the path in which he was walking. He looked upon it as a sad ornen, and wished to return home. This people are an exceedingly superstitious people." IDOLATRY HARD SERVICE. " It is now past two o'clock, and a man has just been to me to beg something to bury, or, rather, burn the corpse of a poor Brahmin, who died, he tells me, this morning in the cook-room of this rest-house. It appears that he was on his way to Casey. He has gone, as there is every reason to believe, to await the doom of idolaters. Idolatry is a hard service. Yast numbers die on such pilgrimages." PERSEVERANCE. " Pondicherry, July Wtk. Rose yesterday morning with a violent sick headache. It unfitted me to tell even the few who came for books of the precious Saviour. About twelve o'clock I began to experience relief, and in the afternoon was enabled once more to proclaim the name of this adorable being." CONFUSION. "July ll^A. Yesterday we commenced our operations in Pondicherry. Distributed a large number of books and tracts, as has been the case also to-day. This after- noon the rush for them, and the excitement produced by so dense a multitude coming together, were so great that I had either to run the risk of distributing them injudi- ciously, or of suspending my operations. I chose the lat- 134 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEE. ter. Indeed, the scene of confusion was so great that I hastened to leave the rest-house. No personal violence was offered, but I was apprehensive of an attack upon the bandy which carried my books and tracts. I was followed by what I may almost denominate a mob for some considerable distance. Among these was a drunk- en Eoman Catholic, who conducted himself in the most shameful manner. He pulled out some of the straw from the back of the bandy ; broke the rope which pass- . ed over the baskets of books, and so forth ; and also broke one or two of my cooking utensils. I am now at a rest- house about a mile and a quarter to the northeast of Pondicherry, called Nullacherttee's Rest-house, and am glad to feel myself once more on English ground." MODE OF DISTRIBUTION. " As to its eligibility, Pondicherry, as a missionary station, when compared with other large cities in the Tamul district, I will not pretend to decide. Any per- son who attempts to reside there will have great trials to encounter from the drunkenness of Roman Catholics. Alas ! that this corrupt faith should have made the peo- ple even worse in this respect than they would have been had they remained in their heathenism. After my re- turn from my walk we commenced giving books and tracts to the people. That order might be preserved, I stood upon the veranda of the rest-house, and gave tick- ets to such as I thought might worthily receive them. I gave twelve or fifteen at a time. These were presented at the door of the rest-house, and the persons who pre- sented them were permitted to go within. Such as could read were supplied with Gospels and tracts. By this REFLECTIONS ON THE CLOSE OF THE TOUR. 135 means order was preserved to a very great extent, and I would add that in no other way could it have been effected. He who has never attempted to distribute tracts and books (under ordinary circumstances) among large collections of people, can have but little idea of the difficulties to be encountered. We are frequently obliged to stop our operations entirely. I think it prob- able that if an agent of the Bible Society should attempt to sell them a number of copies of the whole Bible, his attempt would not be made in vain. At all events, the trial should be made ; of course, he would be obliged to offer them at reduced prices. Should such an agent be sent, I would advise him by no means to go into Pondi- cherry. He might be deprived of all his books by force, as I was deprived of some of mine. No less than three attempts of this kind were made, and each attempt was successful. Two copies of Luke were seized and taken from the hands of one of my assistants standing by me. The other two attempts were made upon my baskets. Instead of going into Pondicherry, let him take up his position at Nullacherttee's Rest-house. It is, as I before said, in the Company's dominions a circumstance on which I lay great stress. The people from Pondicherry will flock to him there." REFLECTIONS ON THE CLOSE OF THE TOTJK. " The words of inspiration are now in the hands of five thousand or more of the persons among whom I have for a month past been preaching the Gospel. Most who have received them have received them with great desire, though probably this desire proceeded, in a great majority of cases, from curiosity. But, even though this 136 MEMOIR OF DR. -SCUDDER. may be the case, may we not hope that, as Zaccheus's cu- riosity was instrumental in leading him to embrace the Saviour, theirs may be equally blessed to them ? God is honored by the distribution of his own word. I feel more and more impressed with the importance of giving the Scriptures to every individual who can read through- out the districts which come within the sphere of the operations of the Madras Bible Society. Indeed, what are the immortal beings within these districts to do un- less we can put into their hands the directory to the kingdom of heaven the directory to the kingdom of life the only directory, I may say, with regard to most of them ? No voice are they destined to hear proclaim- ing ' Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.' They grope the dark road to death with all the lights of heaven extinguished upon their path, and the shades of eternal night now hang over their undying spirits. The Bible, and, I would add, the Tract Societies of Madras, have the destinies of many of the heathen, for heaven or for hell, suspended upon them at least we ought to judge so^ when we remember how the ever-blessed Spirit has honored his written word in the times that are past. And will not the societies go forward ? Will they see the millions under their care, as it were, go. down to the- chambers of eternal torment without giving them that light which may illuminate their path and lead them to heaven?" PILGRIMS. FREQUENT LABORS. 13*7 CONTINUANCE OF DE. SCUDDEE'S JOURNAL. "Ponnamallee, September Vbth. Left Madras yester- day afternoon about five o'clock, and reached this place after a ride of four and a half hours. I slept in the bul- lock bandy in which I came, in front of the native rest- house where I now am. "Went out this morning into the streets and told the people of a Saviour. My fatigue and exposure to the sun laid me up with a sick head- ache. I am but comparatively little able to bear expos- ure to the sun as I once was. Indeed, I never was very able to do it at any time. It was such an exposure, to- gether with the fatigue accompanying it, which shatter- ed my constitution in 1821. I shall never look back to that long tour I took on foot without regret. Had I had a house at the time, or had I gone in a palankeen, much labor might have been secured in the missionary field." PILGRIMS. " Saw a number of persons who are on a pilgrimage to Ternpathy, four or five days' journey from this place. The object for which they are going is to make a dedi- cation of the hair of their heads to the temple. This is shaved, and offered to the god for the purpose of obtain- ing the pardon of their sins. Yishnu is the god to whom it is dedicated. Alas ! how are these poor crea- tures taken captive at the will of the devil !" FREQUENT LABORS. "Parurribaucum, ~LQth. Yesterday morning one of the pious pensioned soldiers called upon me and requested m,e to preach in English. I complied with his request. 138 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. Iii the evening I addressed a large number of persons, consisting principally, as I suppose, of pensioned soldiers and their families. Immediately after preaching I got into my cart and set off for this place. Reached it about midnight. In Trippasson and its vicinity we distributed about seventy portions of the Scriptures. This morning I went out into the town adjoining the government bun- galow. Finished my work in it about half past nine o'clock, and returned ; glad, on the one hand, that I had been doing good, and, after it was done, glad on the oth- er to obtain a shelter from the scorching rays of the sun. My native helpers went to several villages in the vicinity of Parumbaucum." EOMAN CATHOLICISM. " This morning I was visited by a young person rub- bed with ashes, and whom I, of course, considered a hea- then. This afternoon he made his appearance without his ashes, and declared himself to be a Roman Catholic. He came for the Old Testament. As might be sup- posed, I immediately questioned his being of the Catho- lic faith, when one of my native helpers told me that he liad the mark of the cross on his arm. I found this to be the case. It appears that he is a Roman Catholic be- longing to Trichonopoly, and rubbed himself with ashes that he may be allowed to tarry in the town, or rather to be entitled to the privileges of common heathen trav- lers. "Were it known that he is not of their faith, they would not give him so much as a drink of water." VELLOEE. 139 SEVERITY OF LABOES. "JTaaverybaucum, 19^4. Reached this place this morn- ing, after a ride of several hours.' Am in a comfortable bungalow provided by government for travelers, and prize the privilege the more after my confinement yes- terday in the noonday heat in a veranda four or five feet wide. To-day I have had many visitors, and preached the Gospel probably to a larger number of people than on any other day since I left home." VELLOKE. " This morning I went out to view the size of Yellore. As it is situated at the base of a mountain, I thought I would ascend it. After half an hour's hard labor, I had nearly reached the top of it, when I came to a fortifica- tion which surrounds the peak of the mountain. I went up to the gate of the fortification and found it locked. The noise I made brought a Sepoy to the edge of the rampart above me. I asked admission. He told me that he could not let me in without a passport. I open- ed my mouth, and entreated him to unlock the door of his heart and admit the Saviour. I had little idea, when I began to ascend the mountain, that I should find any one to whom I could make known his adorable name. May it be found, in the last day, that my messages were not delivered in vain. The view of the plain from this mountain is most charming. I had a most commanding sight of the whole city. It is very large ; not, however, to be compared to Black Town as to size. I also had an excellent view of the villages in the vicinity of Yellore. The tops of trees, which appeared at a distance ; the pad- 140 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEB. dy fields, in perfect green or yellow ; the white bed of the river, which is nearly dry ; the shades cast over a part of the plain by the passing cloud, while the full sun- shine was on other parts of them ; the fort, with its sur- rounding water and so forth, presented a scene which beggars all description. Add to all these the distant mountains, with which every part of this delightful pros- pect is surrounded ; the azure color of the atmosphere before those which were most distant, as well as the dif- ferent shades of these mountains, the darkest of which are caused by the passing cloud, and you may well sup- pose it is a pleasant spot for all the admirers of nature to visit. Yellore is not entirely surrounded by moun- tains, but you would be led to make such a supposition had you been where I was. I came down from the mountain by a route different from that by which I as- cended. When descending I came to an excellent spring of water, near to which washermen were busily engaged in washing clothes." LABORS AT VELLOKE. "25th. On Saturday afternoon we began our opera- tions in Yellore. My native helpers went out into the city with a few Gospels and tracts, and this is the only time they went out, as the news soon spread that we had books to distribute. Yesterday I had an uncommonly busy day. I took my position at the gateway of the na- tive choultry, where I now am, at a quarter before seven o'clock in the morning, and did not leave it a moment until after six o'clock in the evening. The work of dis- tributing the Scriptures is a very arduous one, from the fact that every one, "before he receives them, must he ex- LABOBS AT VELLORE. !4j a/mined, as to his ability to read. I gave out more than a thousand tickets to persons for such an examination. To those who could read a different kind of a ticket was given by my helpers. This, when presented to me, was redeemed by a Gospel. Of course two thousand tickets and more passed through my hands, and a thousand Gos- pels, with the same number of tracts. You will not, then, wonder at what I say, that to distribute the Scrip- tures is an arduous work. This morning I again com- menced the distribution of books and tracts, and con- tinued the distribution for about five hours. I then sus- pended my labors (as I saw but few new faces) until the afternoon, when I disposed of most of the stock of Gos- pels remaining. I thought proper to reserve a few for distribution on my way home. I have had, on the whole, a quiet time. I have spoken about the use of tickets. I have found that the only way to prevent confusion when the multitude is great is to have the different kinds I have mentioned above. Under such circumstances, should we attempt to examine whether the people can read, nothing could be effected. The pressure of the throng would oblige us to desist. In the giving of tickets, too, \ I find that I must be in an elevated position. But on this point I will not dwell. I will only observe that those who engage in the business of distributing the Scriptures when the numbers of the people are great will have difficulties to encounter which will put their in- ventions, to work to know how to remedy them. " As I consider my work in Yellore at an end, I shall, with divine pel-mission, leave it this afternoon, with my face homeward. We have distributed probably not far from fifteen hundred Gospels and a large number of 142 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. tracts. Vellore is an excellent place for missionary la- bor. It needs a dozen laborers, as there can not be less than eighty or ninety thousand inhabitants in it and its vicinity." ANOTHER EXTRACT. " This morning I again commenced giving out books and tracts, and continued to give them for about five hours. As I saw but few new faces when I wished to give them, I suspended my operations until this after- noon, when I disposed of nearly all the remainder of my Gospels. I reserved a few, which I wisli to give out on my way home. A few, also, of the portions of a part of the Old Testament remain. I have had, on the whole, a quiet time. The gateway, I am glad to say, had four posts of granite in an erect position, which so filled up the passage into the yard that I was easily enabled to se- cure the inner yard from the crowd by ropes and sticks, and so forth. I sat some time on the top of one of the granite pillars, or stood on the tongue of the cart, the cross-piece of which forms a part of the yoke, if I may so call it, of the oxen, and which was forced out of its place, and stood in a perpendicular direction to fill up one of the little openings between the granite posts. Of course I was elevated above the people, which gave me a good deal of facility in giving out tickets. Indeed, nothing could be done without such an elevation without great pressure from the crowd. I have found that the I only way to prevent confusion when there are such mul- Ititudes of people is to have two kinds of tickets, one as la passport for examination as to the capability of read- ing, the other to receive books- The pressure from the CONTINUA TION OF JO URNAL. 143 throng would entirely prevent us from ascertaining who could and who could not read. Yesterday morning, while the people were before me, and I at my post, the question passed through my mind, With what kind of as- pect must the angels view the scene ? " %lih. Distributed several of my remaining Gospels. One of them I gave to a woman, the first I have found in my present tour who can read. Endeavored to plead that she might be a Mary Magdalene in her renewed condition. She probably has been, if not now, one of the devotee prostitutes of the temple. "30M-. Reached Madras this morning. The whole number of Gospels, with other portions of the Scriptures distributed, were about three thousand two hundred and fifty." CONTINUATION OF DR. SC UDDER'S JOURNAL WHILE DISTRIBUTING PORTIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES. CHILDREN AND MODE OF BEGGING. " March 3d. Left Madras yesterday morning, and came on to Tempporeoor (the meaning of which is the holy fighting-place), where I now am. Tempporeoor is much celebrated from the alleged circumstance that Condu- asisammie, one of the sons of Siva, came to it in a fit of anger after one of his battles with a giant, whom he con quered, and upon whom he rode in the form of a pea- cock.* Passed a great multitude of people, both male * It appears that he afterward went to a place which is called Temtar- neki, from the circumstance that there his anger was appeased. Both Tempporeoor and Temtarneki are places of much celebrity. 144 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. and female, this morning, on their way to Madras, who had, I suppose, been attending the ceremonies at the temple on the preceding night. It would be rather a novel sight to foreigners could they observe the different ways in which females carry their children on such jour- ne} r s. Some are swung upon their backs, entirely wrap- ped up in a cloth. Some sit upon the shoulder, their legs hanging down by the breast and back, while they take hold of the mother's head. Not unfrequently they recline their heads upon theirs and go to sleep. Some are on the back, clinging to the body by their feet and legs, which pass over the hips, and by their arms, which encircle the neck. Some sit on the hips, and not unfre- quently are nursing at the same time. Some are carried in the arms. This afternoon I began to give out the por- tions of the Scriptures which I brought with me. Gave away about two hundred, with a number of tracts.'' BEGGARS. " This place abounds with beggars, many of whom are most unworthy of receiving charity. Most choose to go alone. I, however, saw a procession of them this morn- ing. The company consisted of five adults. The one in the middle had an umbrella over his head, to command, as I suppose, the greater veneration and respect. Their music was both vocal and instrumental. Before them were three boys, who acted the part of Merry Andrews. Their gestures were of a most ludicrous nature. All were clothed in yellow garments, and proceeded at a very slow pace, in order to afford time for the people to come out of their houses and bestow their charity. Great is the supposed merit of giving to these vagrants." CAR BASKETS. WORSHIPING A BOOK. 145 CAR BASKETS. " While the car was standing in front of the choultry, I observed a Brahmin who was mounted upon it very busily engaged in letting down and taking up a basket. This, I perceived, was for the purpose of receiving the offerings of cocoa-nuts made on the occasion. Seven poor infatuated creatures rolled after the car, a most dis- tressing sight to all lovers of humanity." WORSHIPING A BOOK. " This morning, while distributing books, a young man came to the choultry who said that a man belonging to Chempankum, who had received a book, had taken the covers from it, had covered it with boards, and kept and worshiped it. Whether he has absolutely made an idol of it, or whether the idea of his worshiping it has arisen from his attention to its perusal, I did not learn. I sup- pose he took the covers off because they were leather very defiling in the estimation of many of the heathen." PREACHES UNDER A TREE. "Coverlong, 1th. I left Tempporeoor last night and came to this place this morning. As I could find no choultry, I took up my abode under a large tamarind- tree. Here I received my visits from the people, and supplied those who could read with a portion of the Word of Life. " Wth. Left the mount aboi\t six o'clock, and reached Madras about nine. During the eight days of my ab- sence I distributed about one thousand eight hundred portions of the Scriptures and three thousand tracts. G 146 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. Was very sweetly impressed while on my tour with the 10th and llth verses of the 55th chapter of Isaiah : ' My word shall not return unto me void, but it shall accom- plish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.' " CORRESPONDENCE. j 4 -7 CHAPTER IX. CORRESPONDENCE. WHILE absent on these tours, a correspondence was kept up between Dr. Scudder and his wife, which served to mitigate at least the trial of separation. By it may be seen how a Christian may live in the atmosphere I of heaven while yet he retains the sweetest charities off earth ; how piety in its purest aspects and loftiest flights] forgets not the claims of social and domestic love. Dr. Scudder was not only a self-denying missionary, but the tenderest and most devoted husband and father. "We supply the proof of this in extracts from the correspond- ence alluded to, without burdening our pages with the whole. "June 29th, 1837. " MY DEAREST, That little kettle and lamp which you put up for me is one of the finest little affairs. It affords me a nice cup of tea. By-and-by I shall be very com- fortable on my tours, that is, if I have a tent and bullock bandy long enough to stretch myself out when I lie down, and which I can close up, to be alone when I wish. "My bread and butter are getting low; and as my man Friday has made the tea part of the way, I find my canister rather lower than it would have been had I taken the management myself; my sugar-bowl also is well lowered. Indeed, I would be called intemperate in tea- drinking by many. Something hot is a great comfort to 148 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. me, and bread and butter is my staple in the eating de- partment. I find the salt fish you put up a great relish. I quite forgot to bring my old scissors-knife the "one which Sister Winslow gave me, and which traveled with me to the Neilgherries. I have felt the need of it to snuff my lamp. "June kih. Hope you and the children are all well. I am far from it. However, I have much to be thank- ful for thankful that I can do something for Christ. But one thing : I must travel in the best way I can. My health is too important to be sacrificed for a few rupees. Shall expect to take my tour to Tan j ore with bearers throughout. Must have a set by the month, as I did last year. Then I can go comfortably. I could go in a common cart, but it is too much for my head. " June 5th. I wrote you yesterday, and filled much of my letter with groans, lamentations, and woe. I am, through mercy, better to-day, and think I shall be able to eat my dinner, having had no appetite yesterday for my rice and curry, but made my meal on fruit mangoes. I have not been able to get a lime in so great a place as this. The boy had but one, and this I used in water as lemonade. I have felt quite a craving after acids, and I have needed something to hide the bad taste of the water. " I commenced giving out books myself this morning. For two days I had my own concerns to attend to ; be- sides, it has been raining, and but few people have come for books. " The rest-house is pleasantly situated on the borders of a large tank. It was, in the days of yore, probably quite a splendid tank. It is a great place of resort for persons to bathe, wash their clothes, and draw, or rather dip up CORRESPONDENCE. 149 water. This is the water I have to drink. It does pret- ty well, as the water I drink is a little way removed from that portion of it where the people wash their dirty clothes. " Hope, my love, that you can stay your mind on Je- hovah Jesus while I am away from you. I have been thinking since I left you that you and I do not talk to- gether so much of our precious Saviour as would be ben- eficial to us. "We talk too much about the world, and too little of Him. I think we do not prove as much 1 helpmeets' to each other as we might. We are apt to keep too much of our Saviour to ourselves. Do you not think so? We have Him .alone in our closets, but not together enough with us. Good-by. The Lord bless you and the dear children. May our separation prepare us for a union in the better world, where sorrow and tears shall all be done away. " The people are preparing for the ceremonies of the great idol festival of to-day and to-night. Pray that the Word scattered may not be in vain. J. S." "June 7th. " MY DEAKEST, Yesterday was quite a busy day. We had large numbers of people to see us, and distributed probably not far from seven hundred books. My Alma- nacs were all spent last night. The demand for this is amazing ; the news of it seems to fly. I regret that I have not a thousand of them. To-day many books have been given out, but less than yesterday. The only great day remaining is Sunday, when the car is to be drawn. I am not in the most favorable part of the city for dis- tributing books, as the feast is at Little Conjeveram, as I 150 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. told you before. If I had a good rest-house there I should soon be in it ; but there is nothing but open na- tive rest-houses, and it seems not right hardly to take them from the people at such a time, and it is not pleas- ant to be in them ; so most of what I do must be done here. I suppose we have distributed at least a thousand of our books. " We have had a very quiet time, on the whole. Have met with several turbulent Brahmins. One got a book from some other person and tore it up. Several young Brahmins came for books yesterday afternoon. As I re- fused to give them books, they went off in a rage, if I may judge one for all. He stormed, and whether he got any thing to tear up from any others I do not know. The "Word, however, is received by many with pleasure, and doubtless it will be carried in every direction. This morning two young men brought back books which had been received before. I took them, and gave each a whole New Testament. "It is about a week since I left you. How rapidly time flies and let it fly ! It can not fly too fast if we are only doing our duty. I rejoice in my work as I am now doing it. I hope good may come out of it. Many hear of Jesus as well as receive his "Word. Good-by for to- day. To-morrow, with divine leave, I will add a word before I send off this letter. Now, my dearest, may Je- hovah Jesus be your stay and support. Bear up under all your trials with more than ordinary fortitude, and re- joice that you are called to suffer any thing 'for Christ. Did he suffer for us, and shall we not suffer for him ? Good-by. " 8th. To-night will be a week since I left you. A CORRESPONDENCE. 151 few days more, and I hope to meet you. You speak of these tours wearing you and me out. We must not think of wearing out this thirty years while so much land re- mains to be possessed. These tours, if I do as I should, may do me good on the whole. I must not, however, travel to my injury. As to your wearing out, you must not think of it. You should, if more cares come upon you by my absence, rejoice in being considered worthy to suffer for Christ. " My dearest, do you recollect that this is the 8th of June ? Hope you and Winslow will together celebrate this tw&^tieth anniversary of our leaving America. Great mercies demand great gratitude and praise. " Now, my dearest, farewell till we meet. Let your prayers ascend that the Word given may have free course and obtain the rain from heaven. I feel much pleased with much of what I have been doing. ]S r ot merely do many receive, but hear a preached Word. Hundreds have heard at this time who never heard it, I suppose, before. Much love to the children and Brother Winslow. Edward does he love Christ ? Ask him. " Ever yours most affectionately, J. SCUDDEE." " Sethemparum, June 27th, 1838. "My DEAREST, I reached this place this morning about nine o'clock. After I left you I intended to travel without cessation until I reached Alampuray, sixty-five miles from Madras. I was quite tired, and had a head- ache during the remainder of the day and all night, and just as I reached Sethemparum I was almost well of it. What a mercy it did not go on until I was made distract- ed by it. This I migbt have expected from the inces- 152 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. sant shaking of the palankeen, for I was shaken, I as- sure you, at no small rate. The bearers sometimes al- most flew, as we say. After reaching this place I had some good coffee, with milk, and I am next to being spry as a lark this afternoon ; so you see I have to sing of mercies which I could not expect to have received. All my carts but one reached me Monday afternoon. There are but few people in Sethemparum as yet, while to-mor- row is the day for the drawing of the car. The river to the south is very much swollen by the rains, and a vast number of people are detained on the opposite shore. They w r ill not be able to get over at all. A lady came to the bungalow this morning who says she was detained two days there for w r ant of a boat. So Swammie will not have so many to bow down to him, nor the doctor so many applications for books. There have not been very many applications for books nothing of the press when I was here before. To-morrow may, however, be, and probably will be, different. I shall, with the divine bless- ing, move on toward Mayaveram. I shall move on from this place in a cart, as I must move very slowly in dis- tributing books. "I hope you and the dear children are well. You must, my dearest, endeavor to cheer up under our sepa- ration. I tell you, as I told you some time ago, eternity will be long enough for you and me to be together. We ought to rejoice to suffer all we possibly can for God's glory. I believe we shall rejoice in it much; yea, just as much as we do it for his glory. I rejoice to think that I have more of your prayers for the divine blessing upon my labors than when I am at home. Absence makes you pray more ; so you see one good fruit of my CORRESPONDENCE. !5 3 being away from you. I enjoyed myself much after leaving you in the afternoon. Yesterday I had but lit- tle, as I was just poorly enough to be good for about noth- ing. I gave away all the books I had which I got from Brother "Winslow I mean the Acts of the Apostles and the little books which came from Jaffna. Now, my dear- est, do try and pray, especially at eight o* clock each night, as we spoke about ; and when you have company, as you will of Brother Winslow and Miss S on Wednes- day night, all of you must think of me. I should like to have a season with you at twelve o'clock at night as near as we can wake up on Saturday night. You must take up with this short letter at this time. I shall, D. V., write you next week some time, but when I can not tell, as I probably may not come across a post-office before next Thursday or Friday, so do not be in trouble if you do not hear from me for many days. Now, my dear- est, stay your mind upon Jehovah Jesus, where mine is. Grow in grace while I am away, and then you will here- after rejoice much in my having been called to be absent. Much love to all the children, and most of all to yourself. I will keep open my letter until to-morrow morning, and may add a word then ; so good-by for to-day, with much love. The people are now coming in numbers. "28A. Early. To-day we shall probably be very busy. After the car is drawn, crowds will, I suppose, press upon us for books. I am in rather a good place to distribute them, so far as place is concerned. I have a high veranda, and have it inclosed by the palankeen. My helpers are busy in putting tracts within the leaves, or rather covers, of the portions of the Scriptures. I rather think I shall go to Tranquebar, but can not definitely say G 2 !54 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. must go as the Lord leads. And now, my dearest, farewell. May you have much of the divine blessing. Tell the children to be good and obedient to mamma. " Ever yours most affectionately, J. SCUDDEK." " Shearly, July 2d, 1838. "MY DEAREST, I reached this place this morning about half past seven. Had a headache, as is very com- mon, but feel better after having had a good breakfast on oppers and milk. So you see I am living on the fat of the land. The fact is, I get very tired of my hard bread. When I get to be seventy, should I have no teeth, I must have something besides hard bread. I told the boy to buy me some oppers. He went out and brought in three great oppers, about nine inches in diam- eter, as large about as the plate on which he brought them. I gave him a scolding for bringing such a load. But I found them quite tolerable as to eating. As they were cold, I got my little tin kettle belonging to my lamp, and put in it piece by piece, with a little milk, to warm it, until I had devoured more than one of my op- pers. The boy must have, for aught I know, been aston- ished to see me make such havoc in the oppers he had bought after I had scolded him as I did. I had a good cup of coffee also, and some salt beef. Indeed, I did re- markably well spent about an hour in getting through. Had it not been for my breakfast, I should not have been able to write you. But to go back. On Friday, the day after I wrote to you, was the great day for bathing, and the people numerous, of course. The crowd for books in the evening, or rather afternoon, became so great, and the confusion became such that I suspended giving books CORRESPONDENCE. 155 until Saturday. On Saturday I had a very quiet day, and on that day and on Sunday gave out thirty or forty, or perhaps fifty of my Kew Testaments. Most of these were given to choice men from the country / and I re- joice much in the thought that the whole New Testament has thus gone abroad into different villages. I do not know exactly how many books we gave out probably two thousand three hundred. We left Sethemparum yesterday morning, but made but little advance on our journey in consequence of two rivers we had to pass. The bandy upon which I have embarked is higher than the others, and this could pass without my trunks being taken out ; all the books were taken from the others, and went over in a small boat. Near this river is another still wider. It is passable now with bandies unloaded. I passed over in my bandy most of the "way, unloaded. I took off my stockings, and stood in the water a part of the time where the water was deepest. It was so deep that the poor oxen did not like their plight any more than John Gilpin did his steed. So they were in won- derful straits. At last one got loose from the bandy, and away it went, Gilpin-like. The poor bandy-man was in a sad plight, as you may suppose ; so he undertook to be one of the oxen. He got hold of the yoke, but all would not do ; over went the bandy into the river by the force of the current. The doctor, you may be sure, made haste to get into the river without a moment's loss of time, as he would by no means go under with the bandy. Thus I was in a sad state, for I had my watch to take care of, and in my fob were bank-notes. I soon got my watch into my jacket pocket, and in order to save my bank- notes, which were pinned within my fob, I tried to get 156 MEMOIR OF DR. SCVDDER. out the pin (this I did, you must know, upon one of the wheels which was out of water, upon which I got up). But alas ! the head of the pin was inside the fob, and I could not get at it. I therefore got off my pantaloons as soon as possible. I was in the water for so short a mo- ment that my bank-notes did not get wet at all. So I went to the shore, and reached the rest-house in good or- der. My bandy-men, with the boats, did not reach me till evening. I had tied up about twenty of the Gospels in a handkerchief : these were not wet as much as might have been expected ; they were not wet inside at all, ex- cept a leaf or two near the covers. But how, you may ask, did we succeed with our old bandy ? There were men in the river to help with bandies loaded with cotton; so some of them came to our help ; not, however, was any thing done until an agreement had been made as to the price for help. One fanam was the bargain between the bandy-men and the others. So we soon had our old bandy on its legs again. At the rest-house I took off my pantaloons a second time and dried them in the sun. My shirt also dried, and I was in quite a dry condition in a short time. I put my books to dry, but got rid of them before I could finish drying them, the comers were so anxious for them. " I am engaged in a blessed work. The Lord, by the distribution of his own Word, will make way for his com- ing to take possession of this land as his own. Jesus shall reign, and it will be found at last that his reign was hastened by his servant, whom he has privileged to sow so largely of his "Word. " I have had some of my shirts washed, and washed my dark pantaloons myself. I am quite a washerman." CORRESPONDENCE. 157 " Shearly, July 6th. " MY DEAKEST, I am now at Mayaveram. On Mon- day afternoon I left Shearly, and reached Yittesuremko- vil in time to do something for my Master, though I was unfit both in body and mind. I seemed to long for the coming of the night, and when it came was soon in my bandy, and after looking upward went to sleep. If va- \ rious trials have reason to make us praise God, and look I upon them as our choicest mercies (my doctrine, you / know), I think I have much to praise him for so far as regards the work in which I am engaged. It is certain- ly ' through much tribulation' of one kind and another that I engage in the work in which I am now busy. I have a most distressed headache most of the time, at ] least so great as to make me unfit In .some measure for ' my work. I have a ticklish stomach. I have opposition to meet with from Satan and from the natives. Now and then a tract or book is torn up. I have the opposi- tion of some of the committee of the Bible Society, and I lastly have something of the unwillingness of my dear- est wife to contend with. * Who is weak, and I am not weak ?' Instead of writing to me as you did about my separation from you, if you had told me to go forward, that you rejoiced in the separation, and hoped that it could not be otherwise than the will of God, I should then have been delighted ; but I am quite willing that all should be as it is. You say, ' If this is your duty, and the labor which the Lord would have you .perform, I do trust it may be made more plain to me. I would not oppose (as is known to my heavenly Father) if I could see your duty plain,' etc. But I will not continue the subject. Now, my dearest, do not think I am complain- 158 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. ing too much. No, I feel strong. I had a good day yes- terday one upon which I shall look back hereafter, I hope, with great pleasure. I will leave my complaints. " 10A. Yesterday morning I removed to that part of the city called Mayaveram, where I continued to preach the Gospel and give out books. I give out most all of the books with my own hands. Yesterday the boys tried their fun in throwing little bits of brick or chunam at me. I went out to the boy, my cook, and told him to go up privately into the veranda opposite to the one where I was, and lay hold of the person in case he should throw again. He soon caught a young Brahmin boy, whom he hurried off to the police. I left Mayaveram yesterday afternoon, and came here (that is, at Teduk- trayyoor) this morning. I shall be so busy, perhaps, to- morrow that I shall not be able to write much, and I must do the most of it to-day. I shall probably be at Tranquebar at least three days, one at Paneor, one at Cancal, one at Nagoor, perhaps two at Negapatam. From thence I will endeavor to go as the Lord shows the pillar of cloud. I shall, with divine permission, write you from Negapatam on Wednesday or Thursday week. I shall probably visit Temvallor, a town about twelve miles from Negapatam, before I set my face homeward. I hope you will continue to pray much, that my labors may not be in vain. Good-by for to-day, with much love. "Tranquebar, \.\th. As you will see, my dearest, I am now at Tranquebar, and I seize a moment to write to you. I have the prospect of a busy day after we begin fairly to give out books. I am near Mrs. Cameron, as I am told. I shall probably, D.Y., call there to-night and see CORRESPONDENCE. 159 her. I am in the part of the city where the population J is large, near one of the Christian churches. I do not I certainly know when I shall leave Tranquebar I sup- pose not before Saturday, at least. I must remove into the fort after my work in this part is done. Probably may finish it by to-morrow night. Hope to hear from you at Negapatam, if I do not find a letter from you here. I have had excellent health for the last week ; the more busy the better, if I do not strain the point. I was a lit- tle poorly on Sunday morning, but soon got better by rest and coffee. I find my coffee a great comfort. I like it much without milk. I shall have to buy some sugar, as I sweep off so much. I shall buy some coffee too, probably. Now, my dearest, I must bid you good-by un- til next week. Again I say, trouble not yourself about \ me, as to my being in the path of duty. Let this sub- ) ject be at rest, and pray without ceasing that the rain of / the Spirit may come down upon the seed sown." "Negapatam, July 21st, 1838. "Mr DEAREST, As you perceive by the above, I am now at Negapatam, safely moored in the house of the Rev. Mr. Hardy. I did not leave Tranquebar (as I wished) on Saturday. I had so many applications for books on Saturday morning that I could not make up my mind to set off, so I remained until Monday morning. On Sunday morning, with the leave of the governor (for Mr. Knewtson, the German, or rather Dan- / ish missionary, at the earnest entreaty of one or more of the native Christians, wrote to him and gained his \ permission), I preached to the native congregation in | the Jerusalem Church, built more than a hundred years j 16 Q MEMOIR OF DR. SCULLER. ago by Tiegenbuly. I had a very considerable num- ber of country-born people. These I addressed in En- glish after I got through the Tamul. I came on has- tily through Cancal and the next city, which are under \French influence, and was rejoiced when I got on En- glish ground again. See what I wrote in the inclosed to Winslow. I will not take up your letter with it, but you all must think it is written as much for you as for him. To go back, you seem to think that I keep you in the dark as to the places where I go, and on this account you have not been able to tell your inquirers where I had gone or was going. I am not aware that you have been more in the dark, my dearest, than myself. I do not know that, when I left home, I had any more idea of visiting Negapatam than I have of going to the moon to- night. The thought first probably entered my mind at Sethemparum. Now I wish you just to answer those who make inquiries as to where I am going, that I am going just where the pillar of cloud by day and the pil- lar of fire by night lead me ; that I have no place but that which my divine Lord and Master points out. I thought when I reached Negapatam that I should not go farther; but I see that I must visit a town five or six miles below. I expect, God willing, next week to go to Temvallor. So far my way appears plain, but beyond that I can not tell what I shall do. Perhaps I shall go right straight to Sethemparum on my way home, or I may go to Coembacoonum, and from thence to Sethem- parum, Cuddalore, and so on home. I shall probably not leave Negapatam until Wednesday next for good and all. I have about two bandy-loads of books remaining, and it depends upon the number given here and at Tern- CORRESPONDENCE. 1(51 vallor whether I go to Coembacoonum. I shall write you, with divine permission, again before leaving Nega- patam, and may, perhaps, be better able to tell you wheth- er I go to Coembacoonum or not. But enough of all this. Now as to myself and helpers. I have had hard work for a week. Raaman has, until yesterday, been laid aside could do nothing. I have had to preach, and preach, and preach, and this, too, with a bad cold, so that my lungs are most worn out, and I feel that I ought to give them some rest. Raaman helped me some yesterday. We preach all the time, we may say, as well as give out portions of the Scriptures and tracts. Cornelius and Timothy, too, have had colds, but nothing like Raaman's sickness. My cough is so bad that I have sent out the boy to buy me some liquorice-stick. It would be well for us if we could all be quiet to-day, but this will be im- possible. We shall have crowds of people before night. I do not know, my dearest, when I shall see you. It will, I think, take up my full six weeks before I can in any way reach home, though I thought possibly I might be back sooner. But all is well. I shall be back just when the Lord sees best. I am doing a most blessed work. I have (aside from Sabbaths) preached the Gospel more within the last month than for the whole previous year in the streets of Madras. The precious name Je- sus is sounded far and near. "JVegapatam, July 23d. The distribution of God's own Word is calculated, with the divine blessing, to break down heathenism to a great extent. It may be an excellent John the Baptist to go before and prepare the way for the coming of the Son of Man. " J. SCUDDER." 162 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. "Kayya Eest-house, near Conjeveram, Dec. 17th. " MY DEAKEST, This is a memorable day. Twenty years ago to-day we reached Tillipally. I have been looking out the passage, ' Hitherto hath the Lord helped us :' 1 Sam., vii., 12. Truly we may say, hitherto hath the Lord helped us helped us in sickness and in health, in trials numerous and sometimes not a little severe. He has been with us ; and what above all demands our grat- itude is that he has not allowed us 'to fall away' and perish. Twenty years have we had the supports of di- vine grace. The hope of heaven which we had twenty years ago remains until this day. Until this day the desire remains to look to Jesus. And shall we not this day inscribe the name Ebenezer upon our dwelling-place, and look up and say, l Hitherto hast thou, O Lord, helped us?' And as this grace has hitherto been vouchsafed, shall we doubt whether it will be continued unto the end ? Instead of yielding to such doubts, rather let us lay hold of the skirts of our precious Redeemer's gar- ment and say, In thy strength, we resolve never to leave nor forsake thee. When you receive this letter, just turn to the passage I have been alluding to, and the passages in its connection, and then turn to Joshua xxiii., 14. " It is now past twelve o'clock, and I have been, ac- cording to our agreement, at the throne of grace, pray- ing for you and for the children. May Jehovah Jesus be your stay and support, and comfort you. I know you feel most keenly on account of our separation ; your time of rejoicing on this account, perhaps, will be reserved for the day of the winding up of the affairs of the universe. Then, if not before, you will rejoice oh yes, for you will see then that, in consequence of our separation, great glo- CORRESPONDENCE. 163 ry was brought to the name of Jesus. And when all your and my trials are over, and when nothing but the glory which has been brought to this, our adorable Mas- ter, will strike us fully in the face, then shall we lift up our voices and praise him for these separations as among the choicest blessings he ever conferred upon us. Let the remembrance of this, my dearest, assuage your grief, and dry up those tears which you so plentifully shed when the thoughts of our separation come^xver your mind. How many tears did you shed just berate I left you ? "Well, Jesus allows you to shed them, for he wept himself. Would that you, would that I, in all our trials, could look more into the eternal world, and view things when under them as we shall view them by-and-by. Would that we had more of the feelings of our adorable Master, of whom it is said, " Who, for the joy set before him, endured the cross and despised the shame." But alas ! human nature is human nature, and it seems that an abundance of joy must be reserved for the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Perhaps the joys then to be experienced would not be duly appre- ciated unless by the discipline under which we have to be trained for heaven. Indeed, we may say they could not. How should we know how to value health of body unless we had been deprived of it ? May we, my dear- est, but safely reach the shore, and oh, what a time for rejoicing will it be with us ! It will indeed be a time of rejoicing of fullness of joy, for there will be nothing to mar it ; there will be no alloy mixed with the gold. "Now, my dearest, good-by for to-day. Kiss the dear children for papa. Call Louisa, and tell her that papa sends her a kiss for both cheeks. If you previously ask 164 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. her how papa kisses, she will probably point you to both sides of her face. Tell all the children to strive who can comfort mamma most. " Malianoor, December 20th, 1839. A little before sun- set I left for Tayyill, where we arrived probably about seven. Though it was night, the people soon found out that I had come, and I had as busy a season for night distribution of portions of the Scriptures, tracts, and Al- manacs as I ever before had. It was a beautiful night, with nearly a full moon shining upon us, and by the light of the moon I discovered who could read. There were [two persons who could not see the letters, so I examined [their thumbs. I found the notch in the nails of each, so /I had no hesitation in giving them what they wanted. I To one man I gave also what he wanted, though he could not make out the letters, and though he had not a notch at all in his thumb nail, or so small that I could not tell whether there was one or not. I gave what he asked for, taking him at his word. He told me he could read. I closed my labors with the people in this village a little after nine o'clock, and felt much the need of rest. This morning I came on to this place, where I have been at work in preaching and distributing portions of the Scrip- tures and tracts. It is a large village ; but few of the people can read. As I did not get a cup of tea until late (probably not far from half past ten), and as I was very busy before getting it, I am now writing with a lit- tle of my old companion a sick headache. Most of the people who can read, or who wish for books, have been supplied, and I shall, D. V., leave in about two hours for Tyyanoor, where I shall spend the night. It is now one o'clock, and I hope to labor there a while before the night CORRESPONDENCE. 1 65 sets in. Good-by, my love, to-day. Have been a little home-sick. "Timvannamaly, December 23d, 1839. Half past six o'clock in the evening. I have had a very busy time of it for most of the time since I reached this place. Have had many visitors, and distributed above three hundred books and tracts together. Of these, twenty-five at least were Tellogoo Gospels, and one hundred and twenty-five Tamul Gospels. As I have but one native helper, I have found the work rather hard that is, the work to exam- ine people whether they can read, to give out the books, and to preach the Gospel. About three o'clock he began to help me so far as the examination of persons as to their capacity to read is concerned. We continued our work till nearly six o'clock, when it began to grow dark. I have seen no disposition to tear up any of the books. This part of the country needs a missionary very much, as there is no person near to whom an inquirer can go. This would be an excellent place for his abiding-place, and he might visit various places of note within a few miles of it. But I must hasten to bid you good-night. I wish it may be a good and a happy one to you. It is just one week since I saw your face for the last time be- fore leaving you. Time flies, and eternity presses on. I am not disposed to catch hold of the wheels of the for- mer and stop them. If we are to be housed in safety at last, it seems that time can not speed its flight too fast to get us into the haven. Good-night, my dearest, with much, very much love. Christmas day. How should our . hearts flow out in love to our Jesus, dying for us, choos- \ ing us while others are left to perish, being with us, whip- I ping us into heaven all love from first to last ! I am 166 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. now encamped for the night at a very small village, call- ed, as you have read, Sankyyum, under a tamarind-tree, as there is no choultry. " Trivettoor, December 28th, 1839. To-morrow morn- ing, with divine permission, I reach Chetpul. I find that my palankeen, like myself, is getting rather old. One of the screws of the middle iron, which holds the palankeen up, has fallen out. Downer, I think, must have picked it up, as, just before I left, he brought jne a screw which looked old enough to belong to it. That you may think I have not brought up a bad report of my establishment, I would observe that it leaks ; it does not keep out the rain at the sides ; the middle piece the piece of wood which goes under the rattan to keep the sides of the pal- ankeen from pressing inward by the weight of the per- son within has given away ; another screw at the other end of the palankeen is shaking, and may soon fall out. But enough. If I get home safely, I must make better provision for next time. If I break down, I must get some small bamboos, or something of the kind, and tie up my concern. I am so lengthy that I need a longer palankeen than the one I now have. I want one, too, a little wider. You see I am always talking about what I want, and yet never get any thing ; but you will see that it will not all end in talk. " Chetpul, December %Sth, 1839. Hope you and the dear children are well. For your comfort and joy, think of the number of precious souls who will probably hear of Jesus from my mouth while absent from you. Put your- self, my love, in their places. Suppose you had never heard this name, would you not wish some husband to leave his wife to come and tell you of him, and to put CORRESPONDENCE. 167 in your hands his Word f May Jehovah Jesus support and bless you abundantly. We shall meet in due time with the pel-mission of our heavenly Father, who has the directing of all our concerns. Are the children obedi- ent to mamma ? Please to call them all to you and ask each of them the question, and ask them also what an- swer you must give when you write. Love to the Hous- ingtons, Meigses, and Winslows, and the largest share for yourself. Remember me to Amy. " Ever most affectionately yours, J. SCUDDEB." " Meyyoor, December 28th. "Mr DEAKEST, I sent off a letter to you yesterday from Temkoviloor through the Tapildar of that place. As I told you, I reached Temhovil on the afternoon of the 26th, and soon began my work. This I continued yesterday. I began before sunrise, and continued till after sunset to preach and distribute books and tracts. I gave away, in the two days, above two hundred Gos- pels, and more tracts. Of course, as I began my work so early, and continued it so late, I was abundantly tired at night. I had two intermissions one for breakfast, of twenty minutes, and one at about noon, of an hour and a quarter. After dinner I caught a little nap. I was in a good government bungalow, where there was a room into which I retired. I mentioned that I could not get a book into the village where I staid on "Wednesday night, at Sankyyum. Two men who came from that village to Temkoviloor (one of whom I saw there and would not take a book) came and received books ; so the written Gospel will have a place there, contrary to my expecta- tions. I did not mention that I found a very interesting 168 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. woman in that village. I could not but think of Lydia of old, and prayed that she might be a Lydia. " Monday, December 30th. I am now at Temvamanal- loor. I left Mey.yoor on the afternoon of Saturday, and called at the villages of Puthuparlium and Panipankum on my way to Mamakoopum and Erluntary, two villages adjoining each other, and merely separated by a street. I do not know exactly how many books I gave at Mey- yoor ; perhaps sixty of the Gospels, and as many, or near- ly as many copies of the Blind Way, with other tracts. Left ten books and two copies of the Blind "Way in the village of Puthuparlium, and one or two in Panipankum. After I left Puthuparlium, a young man came running after me for a book, which I gave him. On Saturday evening, rather late, I had to run about the place where I expected to spend the Sabbath to find a place in which to tarry during the Sabbath. I went in quest of a large tree, and at last found one, but did not put up under it, as I was told that the veranda of the building in front of Karle's Temple was at my service provided I did not go within. I took up my abiding-place there, or rather in front of the veranda, where I placed my palankeen. On Sunday I sat in the veranda in the morning, and preached and gave out books. As my applications for books had ceased pretty much by noon, I resolved to go to a large village, as I was told it was, in the afternoon. Accordingly Kesay, and the boy, and I set out on foot. We were told it was one distant; but it was a long narlekay. I was an hour in walking the road to it, and, when I reached it, found it to be a small place. Preached Christ to the people, and gave away seven Gospels and as many copies of the Blind Way. Re- CORRESPONDENCE. jgg turned with aching legs. Gave away yesterday, alto- gether, between forty and fifty books and tracts. This morning I went to Erdyyaar, a village on the main road to the north of Marnakoopum. It is a- large village ; but my wares were little esteemed by most. Gave away only three books and as many copies of the Blind Way to the villagers. Two or three other persons received a book and a tract also this morning. The place where I now am is said tcr be large. In going through the coun- try, I feel that~lyam doing no justice to what may be called a general distribution. There are hundreds of im- portant villages which ought to have copies of the "Word of Life in them. But what can be done ? Yery little for them until you and I sojourn in tents. "What do you say to it ? A double tent a great biff house with out- tents outhouses. How would you like to take a ten- months' trial, to see how the thing would work ? It is an easy thing to visit places on a main road, but what are these (cities excepted) to the vast number of villages with which the whole plain (by-the-by, I believe I spelled this word plane the other day) is skirted? " MEMORANDUMS. 1. /Short of Bread. Eat an im- mense quantity. Not two weeks gone. Think my dearest did not calculate on my having such an enormous stom- ach ; but she must remember that I have to eat from this store three times a day. Cook rice but once. Next time must have two weeks' supply of bread laid in. " 2. Find my old black inkstand an unspeakable com- fort, instead of that little red, long pocket-inkstand. No danger of the present inkstand tipping over and daubing all things around it with ink. "3. My old, uncouth -looking, long-legged, bagged, H I >JQ MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. Hack pantaloons, excellent for the ticks to creep up un- discovered and feast on my flesh. These old grand- father, nine -different -ways -cut, two-legged bags come down so low as to cover my stockings, and give me no chance to see the ticks when they make a sally upon my legs. Never want any more such articles on my legs. The ticks have bitten me as I have never been bitten be- fore. Great blotches put me in mind of the blotch oc- casioned on the arm by the cow-pox. Must take the pre- caution, when I encamp under a tree again, to draw my stockings (as I have done) over my pantaloons, thus making the best I can of my predicament, not having more than two pairs of clean white pantaloons, and the old stand-bys having given out, having a great long slit in one of the knees. Good-by, my dearest love, for to- day. " I forgot to tell you that yesterday morning a woman came up in great rage to Karle's Temple, and prayed most fervently that she would destroy some persons who had been beating her. I had an opportunity of witness- / ing the devotion of one of her worshipers both yesterday and this morning before daybreak. He came up with a small drum, and said over, in quite a solemn tone of voice, his prayers in the Tellogoo language. He would beat the drum, and then stop and pray, etc. I think he might have made some nominal Christians, to say the least, ashamed. After hearing what I did, I could not but be struck witli those lines of Dr. Watts, ' "Why was I made to hear thy voice, and enter while there's room,' but did not feel that I could apply the last two lines until after I had made known a Saviour to him. Anotoar. Came to this place this morning. CORRESPONDENCE. 171 Distributed at Temvamanalloor about seventy-five Tamul Gospels, and about as many copies of the Blind "Way. Gave away also several Tellogoo Gospels. Found, when the night closed upon me, that it was high time that my lungs should have rest. Kothing occurred yesterday of particular interest out of the common way, except that a little girl came and received a Tellogoo Gospel and tract. Her father came with her. He told me that he had de- 1 voted her to the Temple. This information made me el- ' oquent. I enjoined it upon him not to fulfill his vow, but to marry her to have her married. He probably felt the force of what I said to some extent, for he said he would not adopt the course he had adopted with this daughter with another and a younger which he had. All I said to make him break his foolish vow will probably be disregarded, and this modest, well-behaved, and pleas- ant, if not beautiful child, will probably be doomed, after four or five years, to become a prostitute of the Temple. I endeavored to operate upon his feelings of honor, and told him that it would be disgraceful for him to do so, and, moreover, that the curse of God would rest upon him if he did. One of the by-standers seemed to think that it would not at all answer to withdraw his vow when it had been made to God. I told him it had been made to one who was no God. But, as I before said, probably all I said will be disregarded ; though, probably from the earnestness of my manner with the father, it will not be soon forgotten. May Jehovah bless the Word in her hands to the salvation of her soul ! She has a directory which few females have in their hands. I gave her fa- ther also a Tamul Gospel and a copy of the Blind Way, and I believe also of the Spiritual Milk. I am drawing 172 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. near now to Tividy, and shall leave this place this after- noon, having nearly done my work here. So I shall take leave of my dearest with saying what a horrid state of things is it when it is considered as honorable to dedicate children to a temple to become prostitutes. What must we think of such a vile system of religion which will countenance and encourage it but that it is eminently fit- ted to prepare subjects for hell ! "Tividy, January 1st, 1840. I bid my sweetest a hap- py new-year an important season in two respects. The first is because we are brought one year nearer to eterni- ty ; the second is because another tenth of a century has passed. Instead of 1839, we have to substitute a four before the nine, and make it 1840. I had some expecta- tion of spending this day in a very different manner two months ago ; but we know not what a day brings forth. I expected, as we talked it over, to have a prayer-meeting at our house to-day to pray for the best interests of our fel- low-men. Yesterday afternoon I left Anotoor, and came on to Puthapertly, where I encamped under a tree at the side of a tank for the night. As I had distributed books here before, I refused to give any except to a few who were from villages near. This morning I stopped at Lingared- deparlium, and distributed about sixty books and tracts. Most of the tracts were of the Blind Way. Yesterday I gave away probably about thirty books and as many tracts at Anotoor. Have met with nothing on all my journey thus far until this morning which indicated that a book would be misused. This morning I met with a very vile person. He came to the place where I was, and was free in his abuse of our JSeloved. He called him a thief and a player, meaning that he had done as Sciva is CORRESPONDENCE. 173 said to have done. I took no notice of him so far as speaking to him was concerned. He spent all his spite and then went away, but came back again with a copy of the Blind Way, which he had got from some other person, for I had given him none. As 1 would not speak to him, he spent his spite so far as words were concerned, and then tore out the first leaf of the Blind Way. I flew to him, and took away the book from him in a moment. Thus ended our interview. I inquired his name, but no- body knew. He was & foreigner. I begged for his name again and again, but in vain. " I am now, as I said, at Tividy, and the natives are quite in a flock around me. I have been supplying a number with books, and stopped to finish my letter to you, which must go off to-day. "Memorandum. My old cloak needs my dear wife's needle and thread very much. This old stand-by must yet be my companion, and must be rigged up." To his Brother-in-law in America. "Madras, January 15th, 18401 " I lately returned from a tour of three weeks a tour to distribute portions of the Scriptures and tracts. I was absent three months from your sister on this business last year. These separations your sister feels so sensibly, as well as myself, tliat it is not improbable we shall quite turn Rechabites. We now drink no wine. We have no vineyards ; neither do we have field nor seed. Should we go out and live in tents, we shall be Rechabites to some extent at least. We could be very comfortable in tents for nine months of the year. The remaining three we could spend in a city, where there are good houses. 174 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. I find no one who is willing to engage in this great work O O CD O of the general distribution of the Scriptures and tracts. The consequence is that much falls upon me. Winslow prepares; I distribute. I do not feel that I am doing justice to the w r ork on my present plan. Harriet seems quite pleased with the idea of accompanying me in the manner just mentioned. " Well, my dear brother, farewell. Think for Christ, speak for Christ, act for Christ, and may Jehovah Jesus be with and bless you and yours. Harriet sends much love to you and sister. " Very affectionately, J. SCUDDEK. "To Rev. J. B. Waterbury." FAIL USE OF HEALTH. i -75 CHAPTER X. Jungle Fever. Perilous Journey of Mrs. Scudder. Decides to visit America, etc. FAILURE OF HEALTH 1841. DK. SCUDDEK'S abundant labors at length broke down a constitution almost Herculean. He seemed not to have considered the draft made upon his physical energies by the constant action of a debilitating climate. " In sea- son and out of season," amid drenching rains and torrid suns, he still kept on his incessant preaching and book- distribution. Jolting along in his bandj^-cart, or footing it amid sand ankle-deep, surrounded by insulting Brah- mins or the wild and furious populace, he keeps on with his heavenly works, trusting in God, and weeping over the miseries of the heathen. At length his appetite fails ; his headaches become terribly chronic. The strong but- tresses seem to be giving way. He is obliged to admit that the arm so often stretched out with the Bread of Life is partially paralyzed, and that he must have a sea- son of relaxation or die ; yet how he hates to think of receding or relaxing when surrounded by millions need- ing his help ! " My doctor has ordered me off to sea, and advised me to visit America ; but still I am somewhat strong to la- bor. Had I nothing but the swelling of the tendons, I should not regard it much. It is the inflammation which occasionally comes on which threatens to break me down. J76 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. I stopped preaching several weeks, but have commenced again. I have been very desirous of going out on a tour, taking H. and the children with me. We have as many tents or l cloth houses' at our command as we wish. One of our pious friends, a civilian, who has been obliged to dwell more or less in tents, has offered us his. Unless we can so go out, there are vast numbers of persons who will never hear of the name of Jesus. Few are at liber- ty, or are disposed to engage in the w r ork of taking exten- sive tours. The tour which I took a year ago enabled me to give away eight thousand of the bound volumes of the tracts, many Almanacs, etc., with five or six thousand Gospels. I wish very much to go through that region of country lying north of the Coloroon. The people there have probably never seen a missionary." But this proj- ect Dr. S. was never able fully to carry out. JUNGLE FEVEK. This malady has features in common with our well- known intermittent fever, or fever and ague ; but when it takes hold, it holds on ; seldom is it ever entirely erad- icated. This terrible jungle fever struck the first heavy blow on the naturally fine constitution of Dr. Scudder. Having an important object in view the establish- ment of a Christian educational institution he made a long journey on one occasion, crossing the entire penin- sula from eastern coast to western. He passed over the Neilgherries and through the Mysore district, encounter- ing perils innumerable, and exposing himself to the ma- laria which spreads itself like a death-pall over the coun- try. Unfortunately, the journal which he kept has been lost ; but the writer will never forget the intense interest JUNGLE FEVER. j 7 >j which that journal awakened in his mind. The scenery, with the grand and beautiful intermingled ; the air laden with the perfume of flowers such as we cultivate in hot- houses, but there growing wild ; the impenetrable jungle, the abode of tigers and elephants ; and, above all, the heathen in his blindness "bowing down to wood and stone," made the journey one of intense excitement. Dr. Scudder displayed tact and courage throughout this excursion. Though alone, and with treacherous bearers, he managed to keep every thing under his con- trol. He saw the men he wished to see ; and, by letters of introduction from the officials at Madras, he gained access to wealthy and influential military and civil offi- cers on the eastern shores of India. Naturally and edu- cationally a perfect gentleman, Dr. Scudder found no difficulty in freely communicating with gentlemen of the highest standing. He received from them polite atten- tions and donations in money. But his great aim seem- ed to be to draw the attention of these military and civic officers of the government to a consideration of their per- sonal responsibility to God, and of their need, equally with the surrounding heathen, of a personal interest in the blood of Christ. No man was better qualified to do this than Dr. Scud- der. His very look was that of a sincere Christian, and his manners indicative of high culture. He was known and recognized as a self-denying missionary of the Cross. What he said had weight ; and, by studying the charac- ter of the individual, he seldom gave offense when press- ing, in a Christian spirit, the claims of his divine Master. On his return through the forests and jungles of the i midland road he was seized with the jungle fever. His ; ' H2 178 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. life was despaired of. The sad news was transmitted to his wife, in the hope that she might be able, by traveling day and night, to reach him and receive his dying bene- diction. As a last resort, the surgeon placed him in a chemical bath, which operated favorably, and proved a means, under God, of saving his valuable life. But the shock to his constitution, as we have said, was felt to his dying day. The seeds of that disease were never eradi- cated. When at the writer's house during his visit to America in 1846, he suffered severely by its recurrence. PERILOUS JOURNEY OF MRS. SCUDDER. Mrs. Scudder prepared at once for the overland jour- ney. A kind friend provided her with a tent, bearers were engaged, and provisions laid in. Then this lonely but heroic woman, accompanied by her little son, and just on the eve of giving birth to another child, started on her mournful way. The agony she endured can not be conceived. Nothing stayed her up but her faith in God. She still had a bare hope that she might find her husband alive, and possibly recovering. This faint hope lighted up her dark pathway across the Neilgherries. She had to travel in the night as well as by day, which involved personal peril such as few would dare to en- counter. In the worst part of the jungle road, as night drew on, the bearers became intimidated at the sound of wild beasts roaring after their prey, and suddenly fled, leaving Mrs. Scudder and her little one exposed to the most hor- rid death, and with none to protect them but Daniel's God. What could she do ? There was but one thing. She held her little one by the hand, and spent that night DECIDES TO VISIT AMERICA. 179 on her knees in prayer. She heard the heavy tread of wild elephants, which could have trampled her and her little one to death. Then came the growl of tigers and other ravenous beasts, the sound approaching and then receding. They seemed to be circling round the little spot where she knelt, ready to spring upon their prey. But God held them back. Yes, He who shut the mouths of lions, and allowed Daniel to pillow his head on their manes, sent his angel in answer to prayer to guard these, his dear ones, from the death they dreaded. So they passed the night. Morning came, and the cowardly] bearers returned and resumed their burden. Mrs. Scudder found her husband convalescent. The immediate danger of death had passed, but long months were required to restore him to his wonted health. DECIDES TO VISIT AMERICA. After long-continued labors and wearisome journeys, Dr. Scudder was at length obliged to confess that his physical energies were no longer adequate to fulfill his duties as a missionary. That old jungle fever crept \ through his frame ; exposure to the burning sun brought I on headache and f aintness ; his arm hung paralyzed by his side, and no medical treatment seemed to afford re- lief. So, at length, by the urgent entreaties of his breth- ren, backed by the opinion of skillful surgeons, he de- cided to set sail with his family for home, or rather what ; was once his home. It was supposed that a change of climate and of hab- ! its might renovate his shattered constitution, and give him still a number of years to labor for the salvation of / the heathen. This, in a measure, reconciled him to the 180 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. proposed plan. It cost him many a pang, however, to leave India even for a few years. Here he had come in 1820 to live, to labor, and to die. It seemed to him like a retreat before an enemy. For a while he could not bear the thought. I Writing to his mother, he says : " I have, as you per- haps know, been long experiencing the enervating influ- ence of this warm climate. For the last year I have \ been afflicted with swellings of my arm, which have oc- casionally been attended with severe inflammation. Dr. Lane, an eminent surgeon of this city, considers my whole constitution to be materially shattered. He advises me to go to sea, and even to America ; but of this I can not now even bear the thought. I require bracing up imme- diately, but think I may linger along, and do much work yet for some time to come. I do not want to fail in my material outwork of going forth to distribute far and wide the Word of Life. If I rally soon, He will go out svith me." But the hope thus expressed was not realized. After much prayer for direction, he decided to embark with his family those still with him for his native shores. He had some strong ties drawing him in this direction. Many of his relatives still survived. He had several sons whom he had sent to America for their education, whose hearts leaped for joy at the idea of seeing and embracing their venerated father and their beloved mother. But these inducements, howevever strong, were overborne by , the grand consideration of duty. He might, by this ( change, add some years to his working life in India. THE ARRIVAL. 181 THE AKEIVAL. After the usual incidents of a long sea-voyage, during which his health continued to improve, he was welcomed by a host of friends, some of whom, twenty-three years before, had witnessed his departure, and bidden him, as they supposed, a last farewell. To them it seemed some- thing like a resurrection. They could scarcely, however, identify that young athletic form, and that look of sacred hilarity, which, as he waved them farewell, spoke of a heaven-inspired consecration. Disease and toil had made serious inroads on the physical man. He was bowed down under his infirmities, and called himself an old man when but little past fifty. But the same hallowed fervor spoke through his features, and the nearer vision of heaven likened him more closely to its perfected in- habitants. Trials had softened and sanctified his spirit, but had not abstracted one particle of his heroic self-de- nial. The writer can never forget the first interview', after his return, when, having embraced each other with tears, he said, " Come, dear brother, let us retire together and give God thanks that, for more than twenty years, ; you and I have been kept from doing any thing thatjj would bring reproach on the cause of our blessed Master." \) I g2 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. CHAPTER XI. Preaching Tours for Children. Reminiscences, etc. HIS WORK IN AMERICA. IT might be supposed that, coming home with broken health, Dr. Scudder would have retired to some quiet country place, and there endeavored to recuperate. But no ! He must " work while the day lasted." Still life was no life for him. His soul w r as full and overflowing with love to the souls of the heathen, and it must have vent in some way. He found that Christians generally, in this country, could not be made to feel the pressure of obligation to give the Gospel to the whole world, and .that his only hope was to educate the next generation up to these important responsibilities. He resolved, there- fore, that he would employ his remaining energies in preaching to the children of America, and so, if possible, and by God's blessing, raise up a generation to serve the Lord in this higher and nobler department of Christian consecration. With this view he at once laid his plans, nor did he swerve for an instant until he had, in almost every important city and town, called around him the children, and instructed them as to the heart-affecting miseries of heathendom and their own contrasted privi- leges, laying upon them the obligation to pity the hea- then, to pray for them, and, so far as they could, to send them the Message of Salvation. For three or more years t this was his constant work, traveling from place to place, PREACHING TOURS FOR CHILDREN. . 183 and every where received with open arms. From Geor-|\v gia to Maine, from East to West, he prosecuted this mis- sion, until he had addressed over a hundred thousand children and youth. By his conciliatory manners he fascinated them ; by his loving spirit he drew them ; b} his touching appeals he melted them. He brought the living pictures before them told them what he had seen the representation making them shudder, as the reality "^ had made him,. He dwelt on the love of Christ, alike poured out on the heathen as upon us. Jesus loves you; Jesus loves them. "He tasted death for every man." This was the great argument which he used, alike cogent upon youthful minds as upon those of adult years. // PREACHING TOURS FOR CHILDREN. The testimonials in this field are numerous. We shall select but a few. The following is from the Rev. B. R. Allen, of South Berwick, Maine : " REV. AND VERY DEAR SIR, Your visit to us last win- ter is remembered with great interest, both by the young and the old. I write for the purpose of communicating some items of intelligence connected with that visit which I know will cheer your benevolent heart. And, first, the Juvenile Society, organized for purposes of be- nevolence just before you came, received from you a specific object and an impulse of a very important char- acter. They were laboring industriously to do good, but had selected no one channel through which to operate. They have adopted the course you so nobly advocate, and to which your life is devoted, and are now laboring with increased efficiency for its promotion. 184 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. " Another result of your visit has induced a gentleman and his wife Mr. and Mrs. H. members of my Church, to undertake the education of a heathen girl under your supervision. They lost a daughter two years since, about sixteen years old, named Cynthia Ann, whose name they wish you to give to the girl, whom, for them, you will re- ceive into the school. She died in the triumphs of faith. They will wish to hear from the child through you, and when she shall be able to write, a letter from her direct will do great good, not only in that family, but in others, leading them to adopt a similar course. The first annu- al donation for this object has been sent to the treasurer of the Board. But I have another item of news still more interesting. ' You recollect my little group of chil- dren and youth in the course of religious instruction in the Old Catechism, that you saw and addressed ? Well, God has, I trust, blessed that means of grace in the con- version of many of them to Christ. About the first of February I found several of them specially interested. The interest has continued to the present, and twenty- four or twenty-five have found salvation." "Putnam, December 1. " Dr. Scudder will please accept my mite by the hand of my brother. I have been keeping it for the purpose of buying a Geography ; but, when I heard you preach yesterday, I thought I had better send it to you for the poor heathen. SARAH F. B." " DEAR SIR, I have often thought on the subject of heathenism ; but this afternoon, since I heard you preach, I desire to become a missionary. If ever T grow up, I CORRESPONDENCE. 185 will be a missionary, if the Lord pleases. I feel deeply for the heathen. Oh that thousands may be brought to the Lord ! I have always been fond of reading mission- ary books. Oh that we may be missionaries ! " From your sincere friend, MAKY PAINE." " DEAR SIB, Your lecture this afternoon has made a deep impression upon my mind, more so than I have ever felt before. My companion and myself, that have writ- ten together this evening, have resolved to be mission- aries if we live, and the Lord is willing. "We have never experienced a change of heart yet, but we (hope) soon to join with the people of God. ELIZABETH SMITII." "New Albany, February 16, 1846. " DEAR SIB, I would like very much to become a mis- sionary, as I am named after one. I hope I shall be one. I have been saving a dollar for to buy myself some books, but concluded to give it to buy some books for the heathen children. My age is ten years. " HENEY MAETYN WOODBUFF." " Lexington, Feb. 9th, 1846. " DEAE SIE, Inclosed you will please find five dollars, which I wish to give for the benefit of the poor degraded children of India. Yours very respectfully, " HENEY T. DUNCAN, aged nine years." " St. Louis, Feb. 23d, 1846. " DEAE SIE, I am a Sunday-school scholar, and went to hear your address to the Sunday-school children yes- terday, and was sorry to hear of so many children who 186 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. suffer so much for want of the Bible and missionaries to tell them of a Saviour. With this I give you eight dol- lars, just as many as I am years old, which I have been saving a long time, by request of my grandma and ma, for some good object, and this I think the best I can ever give it for, and hope that it will help to make the heathen better, and save the poor little children. After I have saved some more, I will give that too. " ROBERT C. BARNUM." " MY DEAR SIR, You told me last Sabbath about the little heathen girls, and I wish to send them my little savings. Although it is but little, I hope it may be use- ful to purchase them a few tracts. When I grow up, I hope to be a missionary and do some good in the heathen land. Please accept this trifle -from LILLIE LYTLE." "Owego,Oct. 8, 1845. "DEAR DR. SCUDDER, After your visit to our place last summer, we small girls concluded to establish a so- ciety (as you recommended) for the benefit of the hea- then. We met eight or ten times, and about four weeks ago had our fair. It was a very rainy night, but we managed to clear about twenty-six dollars. We had many of our things left, which we have sold since the fair, and have thirty-one dollars to send you; and as small favors are sometimes thankfully received, we hope you will accept of this from us. We hope we shall be able to send you more soon. " HARRIET L. HUNTINGTON, Treas. " ELIZABETH C. PLATT, Setfy" CORRESPONDENCE. 187 "Biddeford,Feb. 6, 1846. " DEAK SIR, When you were in Biddeford and ad- dressed us on the condition of the children of India, we felt that we ought to do something to raise them from their ignorance, superstition, and misery, and confer upon them the blessings of the Gospel. Accordingly, we or- ganized ourselves into a Juvenile Missionary Society in January, 1845. Our society is under the care of Mrs. Lord, the wife of our minister. It meets the first Satur- day in each month; has collected thirteen dollars the first year, which we have forwarded to the Mission House in Boston, to be devoted to the mission of Mad- ras. "We hope to do as much or more the present year. We remember you with much interest, and would go a long way to hear another lecture from you. We should be much gratified to receive a letter from you, and if you write, please to direct to Mrs. Mary E. Lord, in be- half of the Female Juvenile Missionary Society in Sec- ond Parish, Biddeford. M. C. BRADBURY, -j S. L. MORRELL, P.W.HAYES, E. PlNKHAM, "Fair Haven, July 15th, 1845. " DR. SCUDDER : SIR, I inclose to you forty dollars for the use of the mission station under your immediate care. The donors are a few young misses connected with the Congregational Sabbath-school, and under my care as a Bible-class. I would add (with gratitude) that it is the result of your labor here in the fall of 1843. And now, dear brother in Christ, may God bless you, and return you in safety to your adopted country ; and may you, by 188 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. his blessing, be instrumental in winning many, very many precious souls to Christ. Yours with respect, " MAKY GILLUM." "Rome, N. Y., Sept. 1st, 1845. "DEAR BKOTHEK, On behalf of the scholars of the Sunday - school connected with the Second Presbyterian Church in this place, I forward you three dollars for the mission schools under your charge at Madras. It gives me great pleasure to assure you that an interest has been awakened in behalf of your mission that w r ill lead to a continued contribution. " With my most ardent wishes for your prosperity and that of the mission with which you are connected, I am very respectfully yours, BENJ. P. JOHNSON." / "Cincinnati, March Vbtli. Yesterday went to Coving- ton, Kentucky, opposite this city, and preached to two hundred and seventy-five children in the afternoon, , though quite unwell. Left fifteen copies of ' The Har- * vest perishing for want of Laborers' for the students in connection with a Baptist seminary there. To-day / gave to Mr. Rodgers seventy-five copies of my ' Letters to Sabbath-school Children,' for Sabbath-schools. Wrote in one or two of them only, for want of time, for the Sab- bath-school Library. Have been quite unwell since I came to this city with a severe cold and cough. Until yesterday had not preached for more than a week. " Steufienville, March %8th. On the morning of the 15th preached to the children of color in the African church in Cincinnati. About one hundred were present. In the afternoon preached to about six hundred children JOURNAL. igD in Mr. McDonald's church. Left Cincinnati the next ! day, and reached Marietta on Wednesday morning. No arrangements had been made for a Convention, as Mr. Bartlett was away, and did not receive the letter which had been sent to him, notifying him of my coming. Ar- rangements, however, were made for meetings in the place on Friday. On Thursday crossed over the river to Harmar, and preached to about one hundred children. I On Friday morning went to the college, and spent two hours with the students. The most of the time was spent in asking questions and receiving answers. A short ad- dress closed my exercises with them. I then distributed a copy of ' The Harvest perishing for want of Labor- ( ers' to each of the pious students. Connected with the college are about forty students who are professors of re-; ligion. Most of them, I trust, have this tract now in their hands. I wrote their names in English and in Tamul in \ them. In the afternoon preached to one hundred and seventy-five children and youth, or more. In the even- ing lectured on the map. On Saturday went to "Warren, and preached on Sunday to forty children there, and to more than this number at Belpre in the afternoon. Left Marietta on Monday night for Wheeling. Preached to three hundred children and youth at that place on Wednesday afternoon, and lectured on the map in the evening. On Thursday and Friday, until evening, was detained at Wheeling. Reached this place last night at about half past ten o'clock. Have sent answers to letters from Mrs. Allen, Miss Gillum, Mrs. Lord's Juvenile Soci- ety, to Miss Huntington, and to Mr. Johnson. 4 "April 2d. I should have mentioned that I left one \ hundred copies of the 'Letters to Sabbath-school Chil- 190 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. dren' with Mr. Bartlett for Sabbath -school libraries; also one hundred copies of ' A Letter on the Formation of Juvenile Missionary Societies in Sabbath - schools.' From Wheeling went to Steubenville, Ohio. Spent the last Sabbath there very pleasantly. Preached to Chris- tian mothers in the morning, to three hundred and fifty children and young persons in the afternoon, and lectured on the map in the evening. Next day visited Dr. Beat- tie's school, and had an interview with the young ladies. Many of them received books, and had their names in- Tamul and English written in them. Left with Mr. Commingo fifteen copies of the Sabbath-school book for distribution at the meeting of his Presbytery, for Sabbath- chool libraries ; also fifteen of the ' Letters on the Forma- tion of Juvenile Missionary Societies in Sabbath-schools.' Yesterday and to-day have been making arrangements at this place (Pittsburg) for meetings hereafter with the children. When visiting the Lutheran clergyman, he told me of an instance where a man was driven from the an- vil to preach the Gospel through the means of one of my tracts. " Have been preparing a letter for little girls about Juvenile Sewing Societies, as follows. It is entitled Dr. Scudder's Letter to the Little Girls : " ' You have often heard, my dear little girls, that the heathen of India inflict great tortures upon themselves. I will mention one kind of torture of which you, per- haps, have not heard. Some of these deluded people make a vow. With one hand they cover their under lips with mud. On this, with the other hand, they put some small grains, usually of mustard-seed. They then stretch themselves flat on their backs, exposed to the LETTER TO THE LITTLE GIRLS. \Q\ dews of night, and the blazing and scorching sun by day. Their vow is, that from this position they will not stir; that they will not move, nor turn, nor eat, nor drink, till the seeds planted on the lips begin to sprout. This usually takes place on the third or fourth day. After this they arise, and think that they are very holy. Now many of the little girls in America, after having heard of these miseries of the heathen of India and oth- er places, have formed sewing societies to earn money to send the Gospel to them. Since my return to this coun- tiy I have received letters from some of these little girls. I will give you a quotation from one or two of them. One, who is the secretary of one of these societies, writes as follows : " Immediately after you left us we organized a sewing society for the purpose of aiding the foreign missionaries in enlightening the poor degraded heathen. We met at the session-room of the Presbyterian Church, with Mrs. Hipley at our head. We succeeded very well, and held our fair on the 13th of December. We real- ized ninety-three dollars, which we send you. I am a little girl, and I hope I shall live to see the heathen con- verted, and all the world rejoicing in the light of the Gospel." Another little secretary writes : " When you were here last fall, and told us how much good little girls had done in having sewing societies, we thought we would see if we could not do some good in the world as well as they ; and, since October, we have met weekly, and by holding a fair we have succeeded in raising sixty- two -dollars. We hope it may be the means of saving some poor heathen children." These quotations must suffice. " ' Since my return to America I have traveled several !92 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. thousand miles, and preached to more than ninety thou- sand children, half of whom 1 suppose are girls. Besides the little girls from whose letters I have made quota- tions, others, as I before said, have written -to me about the societies they have formed, and I have written back to them. And I hope that many more have formed so- cieties from whom I have never heard. If you .are of this number, will you not write to me about them before my return to India, which, with God's permission, will be in the coming fall ? Or, if you prefer, you can write to me after my return to that country. I shall be glad to send an answer to all such letters. " ' I wish to say a word to all of you, my dear young friends, who have formed sewing societies. This is, that you will not allow them to fall through. After I preach- ed in one of the churches in New York, the little girls formed a sewing circle, and met together for several months to sew. They then had a fair, and raised sev- enty dollars. After this their society died. Now this is not well. These little girls began well, but they did not end well. They should have continued as they be- gan. I have heard of a little girls' society in Andover, Massachusetts, which has continued, I believe, ever since the year 1831. This is noble. " ' But perhaps some of the little girls to whom I have preached have not formed sewing societies, though I very much begged them to do so. If YOU have not complied with my request, will you not do it ? " ' One word more. If any of you who have written to me about your little sewing circles will write again, I shall be very happy to hear from you. I long to hear how you are prospering.' JOURNAL. 193^ "Pittsburg, April ]Ath. Preached on the 5th in Dr. Riddle's church to seven or eight hundred children, and on the same afternoon to about the same number in Dr. Swift's church in Alleghany City. Attended the month- ly concert of prayer in Mr. Bryant's church, and ad- dressed the meeting. On Wednesday morning a letter came to Dr. Armstrong, in which Mr. Bartlett says, in speaking of my visit to him, ' Although he was but a very short time in my family, less than one week, all my children, except the very youngest though of very dif- ferent dispositions in other things all are alike bent on going to India, if the Lord will permit. And one of them, a daughter of eleven years of age, seems to have given her heart to the Saviour since he left us, in conse- quence of his conversation with her on the great theme which so fills his soul. And this is by no means a soli- tary case.' On Wednesday evening preached to sixty children in Minersville. On Friday and Saturday, 10th and llth, held a Missionary Convention in Dr. Riddle's church. Addressed the people on the map on Saturday evening. On Sunday preached in Mr. Fulton's church to six hundred and fifty children a't two o'clock. At four, preached in Dr. Herron's church to nine hundred or one thousand children. Yesterday, at night, held a meet- ing in Dr. Riddle's church. Nearly the whole exercises consisted in asking and answering questions. Gave ( Ap- > peals to Mothers,' 'Letters to Sabbath-school Children,' } to Mr. Bryant for the members of his Presbytery, to the / Lutheran clergyman for his Classis, and thirty of each to , (( Mr. Speir for the members of his Presbytery. The ' Let- j) ter on the Formation of Missionary Associations in Sab- bath-schools,' in all instances, perhaps, accompanied those !94 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEB. books. Left at Dr. Kiddle's last evening fifty copies of the ' Harvest perishing for want of Laborers' for the stu- dents of Cannonsburg College ; also fifty for the college at Washington, under Dr. McConnoughy's care. Shall never forget the interest which some of the dear chil- dren of this place have manifested. Their little hands have been held out for the heathen. "Milan, Ohio, April 23d. Left Pittsburg on Tuesday week, and reached Hudson, Ohio, the next day. On Thursday preached to the children in Mr. Hart's church in the afternoon. Seventy-five or more young persons were present. In the evening lectured in the college hall to the students of the Western Reserve College, on the map. On Friday morning met the theological stu- dents and other students, and was questioned by them on India. Wrote the names of more than forty students in the ' Harvest perishing for want of Laborers.' Delivered most of them on the evening of the lecture. I hope there is some missionary spirit in Hudson among some of the pious young men. On Saturday went to Oberlin, where I spent a delightful Sabbath. Preached in the morning to a congregation perhaps of fifteen hundred persons. Among these there were about four hundred students of the college." Dr. S cudder's account of his visit to Mount Holyoke : FEMALE SEMINAEY. " I have lately been on a visit to the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, and a most delightful visit have I had a visit which will be remembered by me long after I shall have been buried from the sight of its inmates in a heathen land. At the head of this seminary stands FEMALE SEMINARY. 195 Miss Mary Lyon, eminently fitted, both by nature and by grace, for the station which she occupies. She was the projector of the Seminary. She laid the first stone of its foundation, and that foundation, as she told me, was PKATEE. Upon this foundation a beautiful edifice of brick and mortar has been erected. But the external building, beautiful as it is, is of little notice or of conse- quence when compared with the noble structures where- with it is internally adorned, even with a hundred and twenty temples of the Holy Ghost. Yes, to the praise of Divine Grace be it spoken, there are a hundred and twen- ty beloved youth who were once subjects of the kingdom of darkness, but who have been wrested from it, and whose names have been inserted in the catalogue of heaven.* " I reached the Seminary on the morning of the 27th of June, and met with a hearty reception from Miss Lyon. She insisted that I should be a partaker of her hospitalities so long as I should remain in South Hadley. I availed myself of her kind invitation. It was not long after my arrival before the bell rang for dinner, when the inmates of the Seminary trod with quickened pace toward the great dining-room. This spacious room is fitted up with many tables, around each of which a lit- tle family of these inmates clusters (for they are all di- vided into little families), and at which, at the sound of a bell, they immediately take their seats. The blessing is then asked, and they proceed in the utmost order to partake of their repast. I had my seat at the table * There are 180 young ladies belonging to the Seminary, 60 of whom are not pious an uncommonly large number, I am told, to be found in the ranks of the impenitent. 1 96 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. where Miss Lyon presided, and before the young ladies rose from theirs she struck her bell as a signal that she wished to make some remarks. These remarks were, that if any of them would like to be introduced to their missionary (the missionary for whom they had so often wept and prayed), they could avail themselves of the op- portunity of so doing at two o'clock in the afternoon and at eight o'clock in the evening. The young ladies then returned to their rooms. At two o'clock quite a number conferred upon me the honor of a visit; among these were the precious children of the beloved Goodell, and Thurston, and others of my missionary brethren. At eight o'clock in the evening a much larger number came. The hearty shake of the hand which we ten- dered to each other showed that we were not strangers, but children of a common Father children all traveling to the same home, the house not made with hands, eter- nal in the heavens. After a short interview, in which I told them something of India, we separated for the night. On Sunday morning I preached to Christian mothers on the importance of training up their children for the great work of the world's salvation. This exercise took place in the beautiful church which has been lately erected in South Hadley, and which Miss Lyon and her pupils at- tend. In the afternoon, at two o'clock, I had a meeting with the children of the village. In the evening, at six o'clock, I addressed the young ladies of the Seminary. They were, at my particular request, seated in front of me ; I said a word to no one else. That address, though I was the speaker, deeply affected my own mind, and the fountains of my eyes, as John Bunyan calls them, could .not be kept from overflowing. And how could I keep FEMALE SEMINARY. 197 from weeping, with such a mass of cultivated mind be- fore me mind which was soon to be brought to bear in a hundred and eighty different directions upon the desti- nies of souls, either for heaven or for hell mind which was to add to the hallelujahs of heaven, or which was to swell the wailings of the lost forever ! When I came to that part of my address where I showed them the tears of that poor man who went ninety miles to one of our missionary stations to beg that a teacher might go and reside in his village, to tell his dying countrymen of a Saviour, but who was told that he must go back alone, for they had no one to send with him, because the pious young men of America had turned then- backs upon all their calls for help, I could not but exclaim, Alas ! that these young men should treat their Saviour so; and I could not but add, that if the Saviour had committed the f preaching of the Gospel to females to such as were be- fore me they would treat him differently they would flee in larger numbers to the heathen. Before my inter- view with them on Sunday was terminated, I remarked that perhaps God might direct the feet of some of them to heathen lands, and that, if they should come to my destined station, I would bid them a hearty welcome to share in my toils and labors ; but if they did not come, I hoped they would ' keep hold of the rope while I went down into the well' that they would uphold my hands as Aaron and Hur upheld the hands of Moses. I then bade them farewell, hoping that, if we should meet no more on earth, we might meet on those shores where " 'Adieus and farewells are a Bound unknown,' and where " ' The parting sound shall pass our lips no more.' " 198 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. Mount HolyoJce Female Seminary. "The great object for which this seminary was found- ed, as Miss Lyon informed me, was to be the means of saving souls. And God has made it to be just such a seminary as its founder desired. Scarcely a year has passed without some tokens of the divine approbation. Most of the years have been characterized by very marked tokens. And what has been the secret of this success? The question is easily answered. Prayers and pains, with faith in Christ Jesus labors with individ- uals to bring them to Christ, accompanied with exertions to bring the efforts of these individuals to bear upon the salvation of a lost world. After a description of the di- vine favors experienced in the fifth year of the existence of the Seminary, one of the teachers, in speaking of the revival of religion which took place in the sixth year, remarks : ' The following year, the sixth, was one rich in blessing. A more careful division of responsibility and labor was made among the teachers, and from the com- mencement of the year there was an increased personal effort in relation to every member of the family. God crowned these efforts with abundant success. From the first there was an attentive listening to instruction, and truth seemed to be taking hold of the understanding and conscience. But it was not till March that the Spirit of the Lord came upon us with great power, and at once a large number stood upon the Lord's side, having received the breath of life. The work was sudden, rapid, and powerful. "We could only stand still and see the salva- tion of God in our midst. Some cases of conversion were of a very marked character and great interest. FEMALE SEMINARY. 199 Of the sixty-six who entered the school without hope, only six remained destitute of it.' "I remarked that one of the causes of their revivals of religion is to be found in* their efforts to save a lost . world. I found the Seminary to be eminently a mis-]) sionary seminary. The respected teacher, from whom I have already quoted, at my request penned a few remarks / on the subject of their missionary operations. They are as follows : ' In order to promote the missionary interest in our school, we have several arrangements. One of these is our Missionary Society. The object of this so- ciety is to increase our knowledge in relation to mission- ary operations, giving the most prominence to the Amer- ican Board, but occasionally directing our attention to the operations of other societies. This society is organ- ized annually, and embraces all who wish to be regular attendants at its meetings, usually nearly all our school. The meetings are held once in two weeks, and are con- ducted by the teachers, who prepare themselves to give a connected history of some mission, aided by the use of missionary maps. Letters received from our missionary friends are read at these meetings, also any articles which may come to hand of unusual interest. " ' We have also an arrangement by which half an hour' is devoted weekly to giving instruction on the same sub- ject to sections of about twenty by the section teacher. Each teacher continues through the year with her sec- tion, thus having an opportunity to carry her pupils for- ward through a regular course of instruction. Ten num- bers of the Missionary Herald, sixty of the Dayspring, and thirty of the American Messenger are taken for the/ use of the young ladies, and lent to them individually.* 200 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. The reading-room is supplied with the Home Mission- ary, the Sailors'* Magazine, as well as the various relig- ious papers from all our large cities. Two missionary /contributions are taken up during the year, when the duty of giving of our substance to send the Gospel to the heathen is inculcated, and the principles upon whicli this duty rests explained, thus endeavoring to let the in- structions given be impressed by the act of giving of their substance to the Lord's treasury. The amount raised each year has gradually increased. For the last three years it has somewhat exceeded $1000 each year, including the contributions of both teachers and pupils. About one third of this sum has been contributed to home missions, and the remaining two thirds to the American Board. About two thirds of the sum raised each year has been contributed by the young ladies, and >ne third by the teachers.' " So far as religious operations are concerned, the sem- inary to which I have now directed your attention af- / fords, as it appears to me, a beautiful model for other seminaries and for our colleges. Here, no matter wliat- ver may be the subordinate plans pursued, the great ob- ject is to save souls ; and while the latter object is in such numerous instances accomplished, the former are thoroughly carried out. Of this seminary it is emphat- ically true that holiness is written on every study, and that, too, on every study well studied ; and, until similar plans are pursued in the various literary institutions of our country, thousands of souls which, humanly speak- ing, might be saved, must be lost. Alas ! how little in- terest, comparatively speaking, is taken in the spiritual welfare of the students in many of our colleges and sem- FEMALE SEMINARY. 201 inaries. How many of them are suffered to pass through the whole course of instruction with scarcely any of that effort to save their souls which is manifested in the sem- inary of which I have just been spealyng. The outer man seems the first object to be attended to ; the inner man the last ; and thus both body and soul are involved, in one common ruin. " Shall this state of things be continued ? Has not the time come when, in all our colleges and seminaries^he religious influence of the Mount Holyoke Seminary^shall^ be exerted ? when) it shall be the prescribed duty of their presidents and tutors to labor individually with the students in spiritual things ? and when, too, they shall use every exertion to bring the energies of these students to bear upon the salvation of others ? By these latter exertions how many streams of benevolence might be set in motion, and which would continue to run down through life ; how much money which is now squandered by our young men and women might be transferred from a corrupt into a holy channel, and transferred, too, for their everlasting good. I say for their everlasting- good, for I lay it down as an axiom that one of the best means to be made use of for the salvation of the souls of the impenitent is to set them to work for the salvation of/ the heathen. I did not ask the revered principal of the Mount Holyoke Seminary what bearings her labors in this department had upon the conversion of those under her care. Perhaps she would have related many instances similar to the one of which I lately heard, where a man was hopefully converted in consequence of his having be- come an annual subscriber to the Bible Society. I would \ that the presidents and professors of our colleges would 1 12 202 MEMOIR OF DH. SCUDDER. take this subject into their prayerful consideration. God has committed to their trust the care of a large body of the flower of our land, who are soon to go forth into the world to bless it, or to curse it. Whether they will bless it or curse it depends much upon them. If they adopt that course of faithful individual laboryyhich obtains in the Mount Holyoke Seminars; if they make it a point as diligently to use means to save their souls as they use to cultivate their minds ; and if .they are successful in bringing their energies to bear upon the salvation of the souls of others, then may we hope that God will bless their labors then may we hope that many who would otherwise prove curses will prove blessings to the world. There is a day of final reckoning coming, when these professors of our colleges and seminaries are to stand be- fore the bar of God. Sad indeed will it be for them if it shall be found that they have neglected the religious instruction of the students under their care. It would have been well, perhaps, if they had never occupied their important trusts." Dr. Aydelott writes from Cincinnati : " It will encour- age your heart, and, I doubt not, rather humble you, to learn how deep and favorable an impression your labors among us have left upon the minds of Christians of all denominations. Your visit has done pastors good, and" professors good, and above all has it left impressions on the minds of multitudes of precious youth, which, I feel assured, will lead very many of them to missionary fields, and still more to heaven. Be strengthened, dear brother, with the thought that many prayers go up here from all ages that God would largely bless you, and make you still more instrumental of usefulness." REMINISCENCES. CHAPTEE XII. REMINISCENCES. THE two communications which follow may be very properly here introduced, as they bear on the labors of our missionary among children and youth of this coun- try. Their perusal will awaken similar reminiscences in the bosoms of many others. " 347 West Twenty-first Street, New York, Feb. 25, 1869. " REV. AND DEAR DR. WATERBURY, In response to your request for reminiscences of Rev. Dr. John Scud- der, I copy from my own private diary the following, penned in 1858 : "JUbnday, N~ov. 29. My hearing Rev. Henry M. Scud-)) der preach last evening, and my going to hear Rev. Wm. Scudder deliver an address this evening, reminds me of the following reminiscences : " I recollect that in 1844, when I was scarcely seven years of age, I came in contact with Dr. John Scudder for the first and only time. " "We were then living in Yarick Street, near Spring, and I was a scholar in the Spring Street Presbyterian Sabbath-school, Rev. Dr. "Wm. Patton being our pastor at that time. " On a dull, dark-looking Sunday afternoon in May, 1844, our Sabbath-schools were seated in the spacious galleries of the church, while a large audience of parents 204 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. and friends filled the pews below. The object of this gathering was to hear the venerable Dr. Scudder address us children. " As for myself, I was in a front pew of the left-hand gallery, near the choir, and, as the doctor was speaking, I stood up, leaned over, and looked directly at him. Thus, unintentionally, I made myself quite a conspicu- ous object, and was made still more so w r hen Dr. Scud- der, who was urging the children to consecrate them- selves to the missionary work, raised his voice and said, * Perhaps a number of these children and youth now be- fore me are yet to become missionaries perhaps that boy yonder,' pointing to me, thus singling me out among hundreds of scholars, and causing many to look at me. I was somewhat abashed at being thus particularly no- ticed ; yet, as I can well remember, though more than fourteen years have gone by since then, I said to myself in a moment, ' No ! no ! never ! you are mistaken this time.' " He invited all who wished to purchase the little book in paper cover called ( Scudder's Letters' to come to the lecture-room the next morning. ' I'll be there,' said he, 1 and will sell them to the children for six cents apiece.' I was very anxious to have the book, and so, having ob- tained the money from one of my parents, I started off before breakfast, and went around the corner to the church. I found the doctor alone in the lecture-room, seated beside a little table near the door. He began to converse with me in a kindly manner, again urging me to become a missionary. My only reply was that I never would. Perhaps I was a little obstinate in my manner. So I made my purchase and went out. That was the REMINISCENCES. 205 last time I ever remember having seen Dr. Scudder. I am told he was at our next monthly concert, and made an address. Of this I have no recollection whatever. " He was a tall, slender man, with a long yet not nar- row head. His hair, which was gray and white mixed together, was cut short, and brushed up in front, giving him rather an unusual appearance. He must have been upward of fifty years of age at that time. He spoke dis- tinctly, and with a loud, clear, shrill voice. His manner was open and familiar ; his disposition seemed to be very fatherly and affectionate. " Whenever he spoke the children were extremely at- tentive. He enlisted their interest and attention by plain off-hand remarks such as these: 'Now I want you to look right at me, and when you go home I want you to be able to tell your parents all that Dr. Scudder has told you about India.' " Trusting these boyish memories may be of some serv- ice to yon, your young brother in the Gospel ministry, " JAMES A. LITTLE." " 30 Bible House, Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1869. " MY DEAR SIR, Your notice in the ' Observer,' call- ing for reminiscences of the late Dr. John Scudder, awakened many pleasing recollections of that good man and his family. On his visit to his native land twenty- five years ago, he stopped a while in Burton (now Leroy) Street, in the vicinity of the West Presbyterian Church, then in Carmine Street, now located in West Forty-sec- ond Street, the Church with which the writer was identi- fied from its foundation. I well remember Dr. Scud- der's appearance among us in Carmine Street, and the 206 MEMOIR OF DS. SCUDDER. interest which his presence awakened. The remarks which he made in prayer-meeting and in the more pub- lic services were most impressive. Perhaps a peculiar interest was felt at that time in seeing and hearing this veteran soldier of the Cross, from the fact that in that church his son Henry had made his home for a while, from the fatherly care evinced for him by the pastor, the Rev. David R. Downer. In 1840, during a precious re- vival of religion in the Mercer Street Church, under the preaching of the Rev. Edward N. Kirk, Henry, with Thomas H. Skinner, Jr., Henry B. Elliot, and others of the senior class in the New York University, were brought to yield to the claims of the Gospel, and immediately com- menced a course of preparation for the sacred ministry. Dr. Scudder came to America in time to see Henry, his eldest son, who had given him much solicitude, ordained and set apart for the work of the Master, and devote him- self to the same cause which had engaged the father's heart and life. " How often, in conversation with Dr. Scudder and his family in Burton Street, and West Nineteenth Street, where he afterward removed, would he most feelingly advert to the power of prayer, and bear testimony to the I devotion of his beloved wife, who regularly observed spe- \ cial seasons of prayer on her children's birthdays. " When Samuel, the third son, was suddenly stricken down while pursuing his studies at New Brunswick, the good doctor wrote home to us, ' If Samuel has a place in heaven now, it is owing to his praying mother.' " The pervading atmosphere of Dr. Scudder's home was that of prayer, and for that reason I would say it was a home of cheerful, hopeful, warm hearted piety. REMINISCENCES. 207 "Never were husband and wife more thoroughly united. They were one in heart, purpose, and action, en- tirely consecrated to their life-work. They had trials with their children as others have. Their prayers in some instances seemed for a long time to go unanswered. But they believed that delays were no denials, and their faith persevered through all obstacles and discourage- ments. " Dr. Scudder's whole soul went out after children, and during his stay in this country he visited and addressed hundreds of Sabbath-schools and children's missionary meetings. " He gave away thousands of books containing his au- tograph and some word of good advice, and embraced every opportunity of directing young people to the Sav- iour, asking them to give their hearts to Jesus, and give themselves to the missionary cause. " I doubt not that there are numbers of persons now grown up who can remember writing down in some book, twenty-five years ago, ' Dr. Scudder, the missionary from India, asked me this day if I would not give my heart to Jesus, and, if I grew up, if I would not be a missionary and come out to India.' It would be interesting to know how far the beloved missionary's wishes were realized. Perhaps some correspondents may give you light on this point. " It has been refreshing to run over these recollections of one of the earlier and most devoted missionaries, whose name is so precious to the Church of Christ. I might greatly extend these notes, but my sheet is full. " Yours very respectfully, LEWIS E. JACKSON. " Eev. Dr. Waterbury." 208 MEMOIR OF DR. SCULLER. EFFECT OF DR. SCUDDER's LABORS AMONG CHILDREN IN AWAKENING A MISSIONARY SPIRIT. Naturally the children were interested in his represen- tations. Their young and tender hearts were moved, and tears in many cases fell like rain. Some of them resolved to deny themselves the childish luxuries which they had been wont to enjoy, and giye their spending-money to aid in sending the Gospel to the pagans. The mission-box was duly installed, and many a stray coin found its way into it. Doubtless this first enthusiasm cooled off, and the frivolities of youth drove the subject out of their thoughts. But the good seed in some cases fell into good ground. Impressions were made which never wore away. One of the secretaries of the Board of Missions said to me, referring to Dr. Scudder's labors among the juve- niles, " Sufficient time has now elapsed to test the effect of these appeals in awakening and strengthening the mis- sionary spirit among the young, and our experience is that not in vain did this venerable missionary call upon his young audience to consecrate themselves to this noble work. In putting the question to the applicant for mis- sionary appointment as to what first led him to entertain thoughts of going on a mission, the reply, in some in- stances, has been, ' Dr. Scudder's addresses and appeals to me when a child.'' " Thus was the seed sown, and thus in after years did the fruit appear. A MISSIONARY FAMILY. Dr. Scudder and his wife regarded themselves and all theirs as consecrated to Christ and to the upbuilding of his kingdom. God had given them fourteen children. REMINISCENCES. 209 Four of them he had taken to himself in their infancy, and ten remained eight sons and two daughters. All these at length became active Christians, and some of them missionaries to India. The fourth son, Samuel, died while prosecuting his theological studies at New Bruns- wick, November 15th, 1849, just three days before the death of his mother at Madras. He was a young man of deep piety, superior talents, and of a very amiable dis- position. His death was sincerely lamented by all who knew him, and especially by his classmates, who erected a beautiful marble monument to his memory in Green- wood. He, too, intended to have followed his brothers to India. The two daughters, Harriet and Louisa, have inofficially also been missionaries, both having resided in India the most part of their lives. Having married En- glish gentlemen, they live together on the Neilgherries. The eldest son, Henry Martyn, was sent to this country at the age of eleven, with "William, the second son, to be educated here, in the hope that they might return and preach Christ to the Hindoos. Great was the trial when Mrs. Scudder kissed a mother's farewell, with gushing tears and a breaking heart, as she placed them under the care of the ship's master, who promised to paternize them on the voyage. " By previous arrangement, Henry was to reside with his uncle in Hudson, N. Y., and William with his grand- mother at "Westfield, N. J. Happily for the aged and in- firm grandmother, William proved a modest, docile, and obedient child, ever ready to acquiesce in her wishes and commands. But in striking contrast were the mental and moral traits of his elder brother. He was impetu- ous, headstrong, self-reliant, and disposed to throw off all 210 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. moral restraint. In one word, he was reckless. Highly gifted intellectually, his talents were prostrated under the impulse of passion. A hard task was thus imposed on ; his guardian, and many a heavy hour of anxiety weighed upon his spirit. But God had him in charge. Daily and constantly prayer arose in India and in America for this child of the Covenant. At length the hour came when " the strong man armed" was to be "cast out. He struggled under conviction for several days, when light broke in upon his soul, and he laid his all at the foot of the Cross. Grace had seldom made a more signal tri- umph, or brought into the ranks of the redeemed a more decided and valiant soldier. It should be remarked in this connection, as illustrat- ! ing the power of prayer, that just about this time the I mother and father had devoted a week to fasting and prayer for the conversion of this son. William, while in college at Princeton, also became a decided Christian ; so that now the two brothers were ready, when duly qualified by theological training, to join their father in India. It seems appropriate to notice more particularly in this connection a chain of providences illustrative, on the one hand, of the covenant faithfulness of Gocl, and showing, on the other, how instrumentalities are interwoven in his plans and purposes. ' * 77. -Dr. Scudder's Christian influence is blessed to the con- tr^^version of the only son of the widow in whose house he #**&.'goes to reside. That youth, during his senior year in ft 'M>, college, under the influence of a powerful work of grace among his fellow-students, has his heart so warmed that he resolves to spend his vacation in laboring for the con- REMINISCENCES. 211 version of young men in New York. The Spirit of God goes with him. Frequent meetings are held, and many are awakened to a sense of their sins. One evening there came a youth, about eighteen, and fixed his eye on speaker with a sort of fascination in his look. The lat- ter grew intensely interested, and directed his remarks especially to this yoting stranger. At the close he came forward, and, with a countenance almost of despair, seized his hand and said, " Do you think there can be mercy for me f" " Yes," was the prompt reply " there is mercy for the chief of sinners." Night after night he came. At length, after much personal conversation as well as public appeal, he took his seat as usual. Looking closely, his countenance seemed to wear a calm expres- sion, significant ot a change within. The meeting end- ed, he came forward, took the speaker by the hand, and, with his whole soul in the sentence, said, " Yes, you were right ; there is mercy for me, and I have found it." Years passed. This converted youth became an evan- gelist. His power in the pulpit was acknowledged by the crowds which sought to hear him. Meanwhile Dr. Scudder's eldest son the wild youth before spoken of was finishing his collegiate course in the New York Uni- versity. A great revival was in progress in the Rev. Dr. Skinner's Church (Mercer Street), during which the son of Dr. Skinner was converted. He was the intimate friend of young Scudder, and his classmate. At this time Dr. Kirk, the evangelist before mentioned, was aid- ing Dr. Skinner, and preaching powerful and pungent sermons to the careless and impenitent. After much en- treaty, Skinner induced Hemy to accompany him to cnurch. The sermon interested him penetrated his 212 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. conscience ; and when the invitation to enter the inquiry meeting was given, Henry Scudder, overwhelmed with a sense of his sin, was found among the inquirers. Here is a remarkable chain of providences, embracing three families, including four ministers, and extending over many years. Who can calculate the good which this chain incloses, or the good which prospectively it may in- close ? "What a powerful motive to labor for the conver- sion of young men ! Successively the other sons followed in the train, so that nearly at the same time seven of them were labor- ing in different parts of India for the conversion of the heathen. In their visit to America, Dr. and Mrs. Scud- der found great satisfaction in the reunion of their scat- tered family, gathering them all around the family altar, and consecrating them anew to their covenant God. EETURNS TO INDIA. 2 13 CHAPTEK XIII. Madura Mission. Caste. Successful Treatment of Cholera. RETURNS TO INDIA. DR. SCUDDEE'S health having to some extent been re- stored, yet still far from being reliable for future labor, he prepares to bid adieu to his friends in America, and wend his way back to the land of his adoption. Often when here, enjoying many comforts and even lux- uries, he would sigh for a return to his field. " There is \\ no place," he would exclaim, " like India. It is nearer / / heaven than America." Glad was he, then, when it was announced that he must be ready to embark in the first vessel that should leave Boston for the East in the coming fall 1846. And now the adieus and farewells had the emphasis of finality. We sorrowed most of all that we should see their faces in the flesh no more. They felt it as well as we; and still the glow of sacred joy lighted up their countenances, the sure presage that on other shores and amid brighter scenes we should again meet, " where adieus and farewells are a sound unknown." On their arrival at Madras they resumed their mission, work with renewed interest and unflagging zeal. Know- ins how short the time would be, this veteran laborer O 7 pressed into the work all the remaining energies of soul ! and body. He preached, and prayed, and wrote, leaving | 214 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. himself but little time for relaxation, while the younger members of the mission gathered about him for advice and encouragement. He undertook, also, to send contributions to the relig- ious papers of America, and keep up a vast correspond- ence with the numerous Christian friends he had left behind. THE MADTJKA MISSION. Soon after Dr. Scudder's return to India, it was thought expedient that he should, for a short time at / t\ I least, take up his residence at Madura, and give the I brethren there the benefit of his long experience as a missionary, and his eminent skill as a physician. This removal met his wishes, and he proceeded to this new field with high expectations of increased usefulness. Here he labored with his usual assiduity and success. His heart was cheered by finding a woman who, fifteen years previously, had been converted by reading a tract which he had given her. The following is copied from his diary : "January Vlth. Since my. arrival at Madura I have met with a woman who is, I trust, devoted to her Saviour ; who told me that she was, as she hopes, born into the kingdom of grace by a tract which was given to her by myself at least fifteen years ago. The tract is entitled 'The Loss of the Soul.'" .CASTE A GREAT IMPEDIMENT TO MISSIONARY LABORS. Hindoo caste is perhaps the most formidable barrier to Christianization in India. It is a deep-laid plot of Satan, by which human pride and prejudice array them- CASTE AN IMPEDIMENT TO HISSIONAR Y LABOR. 215 selves against the humility and common brotherhood re- quired by the Gospel. A high-caste man would no soon- er touch a low-caste than he would touch a viper. The low-caste trembles lest his shadow should cross the path of a high-caste man. Every thing possible is done to maintain these social and religious barriers. Even when converted, the high-caste can with difficulty be persuaded to sit or associate in any way with the low-caste. Our missionaries in the schools and churches have taken strong ground against this caste system, as they have found it more potent in its power to thwart their efforts than any single element in the Hindoo system. Some! good men have proposed to tolerate it, or at least to con- 1 nive at it, until gradual enlightenment may enable them/ the more easily to put it down. The policy of the successive magistrates in India, from the governor general, down, had been sometimes tolerant of it, and at others sternly opposed. Dr. Scudder's whole, heart and soul was enlisted against it. He saw no hope of success for India but in its abolition. He would give it no tolerance in school or church, inasmuch as, according to his views, it warred against the very foundations of the Christian faith. He was conscien- tious in his belief ; and if, at times, he spoke so strongly as to seem uncharitable toward others who may have dif- fered from him, it was but the strongly expressed convic- tions of an honest heart. But as this caste controversy will not interest our readers, we will enter no farther into it, hoping that one day this Hindoo pharisaism will yield to the combined action of civilization and a pure Christianity. 216 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEB. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF CHOLERA AND OTHER COM- PLAINTS. One of the reasons for Dr. Scudder's transfer for a while to the Madura Mission was owing to a prevalent idea that it was an unhealthy station, and that the mis- sion families were peculiarly exposed to cholera and oth- er dangerous epidemics ; but, after making himself ac- quainted with the region, Jie considers it one of the most salubrious in India. " I consider it," he writes, " to be a healthy station, even more so than I thought it before my arrival here. "Within a short space of time, it is true, sev- eral persons have been swept off by cholera; but the cholera rages every where in India. " Madura has an advantage over both Madras and Cey- lon. In its district are the Pulney Hills, which are very high and cold, and are very healthy. Jt is even cold enough to produce ice. To these hills we can have ac- cess from Madura City in twenty-four hours. They have proved to be very beneficial to children who have been sent there on account of ill health. Some of our invalid brethren have been greatly recruited by a visit of a few weeks to these hills." Dr. Scudder was eminently successful in his treatment of cholera. He relied on strong doses of opium and cal- omel, accompanied by the usual frictions with hot sand, etc. His surgical skill also 'was constantly called into exercise. The blind came to receive sight, and he was almost invariably successful in couching. Enormous tu- mors also were removed, and the patients sent on their way rejoicing. HE A THENISX vs. MEDICAL SKILL. 217 HEATHENISM VS. MEDICAL SKILL. There was a case of a man of high caste affected with a ponderous tumor. It must be removed or he must die. This was the alternative. But the difficulty lay in the fact that he must submit to the skill and touch of the polluting surgeon. This stood religiously in the way of its removal. The Brahmins were consulted. Much de- bate was had over the important question. At length the following device was decided upon. The gods must be consulted ; but as wood and stone, " though they have ears, hear not, and mouths, speak not," there must be some other way contrived to find out their will in this juncture. It was decided to ascertain it as follows : Two bouquets of flowers, one red and the other white, were to be laid before the god ; then a little child was to be sent in, and told to pick up one of the bouquets and bring it out. If she selected the red, it was a token that the god said nay to the amputation ; if white, yea. The white flowers were brought out, and so, the will of the god hav- ing been ascertained, Dr. Scudder proceeded with the am- putation, and it was successful. No doubt he improved the opportunity to recommend them to put their trust in something better than wood and stone. He never let an opportunity like this slip to preach Christ and salvation to the applicants for his aid. K 218 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. CHAPTEK XIY. Witchcraft and the Demetrians. Pulney Hills. Routine, etc. "HE SHALL STAND BEFORE KINGS." IN a tour through the Madura district, with a view to preaching the Gospel, distributing books and tracts, and affording medical aid to the poor suffering natives, Dr. Scudder and his family reached a famous bungalow erected by the King of the Tondiman country for the ac- commodation of such of the English who may wish to visit the chief city of his dominions. It is situated near the borders of Poothacortly. Food, as well as a f urnish- { ed house, is provided for the guests. The following de- scription of a regal entertainment will interest the reader : " Some time after my arrival, his majesty's manager, ; as he is called, intimated that I might have the privilege, I if I wished, of visiting the king at his palace. Accom- panied by my youngest daughter, about eleven years of age, I went at twelve o'clock to the palace. As I entered the inner court, where his majesty was seated in the mid- dle of his throne, he arose and came toward us. After shaking hands with us, he took my daughter by the arm and conducted her up the steps, and seated her next to him at his right hand. The king's brother waited upon me, and conducted me to a seat nearly opposite to that which my daughter occupied. The steps to the throne were guarded on each side by four officers with staves in " HE SHALL STAND BEFORE KINGS." 219 their hands, gilded, as I suppose, with gold and silver. ' After chatting with his majesty for about fifteen min- utes, I proposed to leave. He requested me to stop a lit- tle while. Wreaths of flowers were then brought, and put over the necks of my daughter and myself; brace- lets of flowers were also put upon our wrists, and so forth, and so forth. After he had sprinkled our pocket-hand- kerchiefs with sweet-scented water from a silver vase, we sat down a few moments, and then retired. In the aft- ernoon his majesty called to see us at the bungalow, and, after spending an hour, he took a long ride in his car- riage with Mrs. Scudder and my daughters. I rode in a / buggy with the king's brother. On Saturday I exam- ined the English schools in Poothacortly. The two na- tive free-schools were together in the same place. Aft- erward, by a particular invitation of his majesty, Mrs. \ Scudder, my daughters, and myself visited his palace. The same ceremonies with flowers, and so forth, were gone through as were observed with my daughter and myself the day before. His majesty took us through several of the apartments of his immense palace. In one of them he has quite a large English library. He speaks the English language with a great deal of fluen- cy. In the afternoon he again visited us, when I had an excellent opportunity of opening to him the plan of sal- vation through Christ. I entreated him to read the New Testament, a copy of which, in English, is in his library, and which he says that he keeps merely for the inspec- tion of the English who may visit him. He told me that he was not at liberty to read it, meaning by this that he was under the control of his priests. I told him that he was second to no one but God. In temporal things he 220 MEMOIR OF VS. SCUDDER. I acknowledged that this was the case; in spiritual things [ he said that there was a difference. His lord bishop, as he calls him, who resides in Coembacoonum, visits him once a year ; he is, probably, entirely under his control. During his majesty's visit I performed a surgical opera- tion on one of the eyes of one of his principal men. On Sunday I preached to the native Christians in Poothacort- ly, and afterward distributed tracts and portions of the Scriptures, and preached to such as visited me during the day. The diseased found me out, and came to me for relief. On Monday afternoon his majesty addressed a letter to me, requesting me to do what I could for the re- lief of the commander-in- chief of his army. His eye- sight is quite dim. This gentleman called upon me at the bungalow. He is quite advanced in years, and will not, I fear, live long. I thought it not proper to do any thing to his eyes. I merely recommended him to take a little nitric acid drink for his general health. While his excellency w r as with me, a young man, who lives in a vil- lage ten miles off, hearing that I was in Poothacortly, came vto me for relief. A splinter had entered the transparent mart of his eye, and would, probably, soon have destroyed this vision ; I took it out, to his great relief. Left Pootha- cortly on Tuesday morning for Parungkaloor, where I now am. It is about thirteen miles from Poothacortly. His majesty kindly lent me a tent, which I sent on to this place on Monday afternoon. This was pitched, and in readiness for our reception. Immediately on our ar- rival the villagers flocked to see us. To them I preached the Gospel, and gave books to such as I thought worthy to receive them. These labors I continued until the time had come for me to take my breakfast. After breakfast 1 ' HE SHALL STAND BEFORE KINGS. " 221 we received many visitors, among whom there were not a few women, who, perhaps for the first time in their lives, heard of the Saviour. Mrs. Scudder thinks that, 1 in the course of the day, more than one hundred of these ' women visited her, besides a large number of girls. Had \ she not been with me, perhaps not half a dozen of them j would have heard the Gospel preached. I can give no estimate of the number of men who visited us. At four o'clock in the afternoon we went to Mertlypertlee, about a mile from Parungkaloor, where there is a small village congregation of professed Christians. There were ten adults and several children, amounting in all to fifteen or sixteen persons. I preached to them from the words ' Verily, I say unto you, ye must be born again.' We have a school in this village. Gave a few Gospels to the children who could read. When we returned to the tent we had a large congregation of men and women in front of it, to whom the Gospel was preached. This morning early we went to Lurchamepurum, a village about three miles distant. We have a school also in this village. Examined the children in the Catechism, and so forth. Returned afterward to the tent. Since I came to this place quite a number of diseased persons have been to me for relief. To-day I cut but an immense tumor from the upper part of the arm of a man, an*d operated upon the thigh of another on a tumor of smaller size. " 24^/i. Karampakurdy. On Wednesday afternoon we went to Maantaankoordy. From curiosity, a crowd gath- ered around us. Among these there were probably sev- enty-five females. After preaching Christ to them, I went into the school-house and addressed the people. Left Parungkaloor yesterday morning for Kulnppun- 222 ' MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. pertly. We have a school there also. Examined the school, and preached the Gospel to many visitors. Yes- terday came to this place. Had my tent pitched this morning near the market. Preached the Gospel to many persons. I counted nearly one hundred in the tent at one time. Distributed tracts and portions of the Scriptures to such as could read. Continued this work till after twelve o'clock, when I returned to the bunga- low at which we had put up. We have a school in this village, which I examined this morning before going to the tent. " 27th. Aalungkurde. On Friday afternoon, while at Karampakurdy, I went again to the tent and spent a short time there. Afterward went to the school-house and addressed the native congregation of Christians. On Saturday morning left for Kaasamungalum, where the mission has a school. Had a good congregation to preach to immediately after our arrival. The women probably had never seen a white face before. Tliis vil- lage has about sixty houses in it. Early on Saturday afternoon came to this place. As the people immedi- ately began to crowd around me, I began my labors among them. Distributed all the remainder of the tracts and portions of the Scriptures which I brought from Poothacorfly with me. This is a large town, con- taining probably more than one thousand inhabitants. Yesterday had a very busy day, and large numbers of visitors. Preached the Gospel at twenty different times to the people. The diseased flocked to me for help. Performed six surgical operations. Declined operating upon the eyes of two different persons for this morning. "Poothacortly,28th. Yesterday afternoon left Aalung- JOURNAL. 223 kurde about half past two o'clock, and reached this place at eight. From eight o'clock in the morning until the time I left, with the exception of a short intermission for dinner, I was surrounded by a crowd of people. Prob- \ ably as many as eighty persons applied to me for med- ) ical aid. Performed fifteen surgical operations. One/ was on the eye, with the cataract needle, three were tu- mors, and so forth. Was very much worn out. To-mor- 1 row morning I expect to leave for Vayalokum, and re- turn in the evening. " 30th. Yesterday morning I went to Yayalokum. It is a large village. I examined the mission school, and addressed the native Christians and some Roman Catho- lics who were also present. Preached the Gospel to oth- ers also. Performed two surgical operations upon the eye with my couching needle. In the evening returned to the king's bungalow, where I now am. To-day many persons have applied to me for medical aid. Performed ten surgical operations. Two of these were operations on the eye. The king's brother-in-law visited me this morning for medical aid. I am to take some blood from his arm this afternoon. " The king has appeared to be very friendly to us. On our arrival here on Monday night we found a letter from his majesty, addressed to Mrs. Scudder, in which he en- treats us to remain several days longer. I think it prob- able that he would be willing to receive missionaries in his dominions, but I do not think it proper to speak to him directly on this point. Should I do so, he would take no steps in this business without consulting the col- lector of Madura, who is the political agent of the Brit- ish government to his majesty. Poothacortly is a good 224 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. place for a missionary station. The king understands several different languages. He speaks and writes En- glish well for one who has had no better advantages of learning it. The following is a copy of liis letter to Mrs. Scudder : " MY DEAR FRIEND, I have seen Mr. Scudder's letter to my manager, informing him that you intend to come to bungalow this evening for dinner, and I hope you will find every thing ready for you. I drove this evening from palace to this bungalow, and I hope to see you to- morrow noon, if convenient for you and Mr. Scudder and children, at my palace at twelve o'clock. If you want, I will send my carriage to you and lead you to my palace. I pray you and Mr. Scudder to remain here for four or five days more. You may go to Madura after you pass a four or five days here with us. I shall be very much obliged if you will comply with my request. With my compliments to Mr. Scudder, etc., I remain, my dear friend, most affectionately and sincerely yours, "B.AJAH RAMEHUNDIA TONDIMAN BAHADOOR. " Bungalow, Monday." " 31st. Yesterday afternoon I performed several more surgical operations. Have performed two or three this morning. "We expected to leave Poothacortly this morn- ing, but have been disappointed in consequence of a failure to procure bullocks. Last evening his majesty / took leave of us. He put wreaths of flowers on our I necks, wrists, and so forth, and went through the same I marks of respect which characterized our visits to the \ palace. Before he left I once more told him that there WITCHCRAFT AND THE DEXETRIAXS. 225 is but one God and one Saviour, through whom we must be saved. " You will excuse me on this point," he ob- served. Sunk in heathenism, he does not want to hear of the only deliverer from" the wrath to come. This \ morning he rode up here, and said he was on his way to I his temple. This he visits at least once on Friday. He has paid us much attention. For several nights he has had his band of music here to contribute to our gratifi- cation. This band is a fac-simile of an English band. His carriages are constructed after the manner of the English. He even wears gloves, so much does he appear to be desirous of conforming to English customs. On no account whatever, I presume, would he ever ride out in his carriage with a native female, but has no hesita- tion in riding out with English ladies. I have not ven- tured to give him any of our publications except an Al- manac. I understand that the former collector of Ma- dura offered him a Prayer-book, which he would not re- ceive. If he will read the contents of the Almanac he will find some of the best of religious truth in it. I before said that he has an English Bible. He is very young not yet eighteen years old. I fear that he is en- tirely under priestly influence; but his heart is in the hands of Jehovah. Would that we could indulge the hope that his intercourse with Europeans may lead him to examine the truths which they profess to believe." WITCHCRAFT AND THE DEMETRIANS. "August 2d. In consequence of the flocking of the people to me for medical and surgical help, the physi- cians of the city, it appears, are in great straits. Their gains are, to a considerable extent, gone. To put a stop K2 226 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. to our operations, I understand they have been resorting to witchcraft to destroy my life and the life of my med- ical helper. The latter has lately been quite ill, and probably they thought they were about to succeed with him. However, he is now again well. I understand, also, that they have been bewitching a tree in Mr. Chan- dler's yard. The tree is dead, and it is said that it died in consequence of such a bewitching. They have not succeeded in doing me any injury. Some think, I be- lieve, that a white skin is impervious to witchcraft. To succeed to good advantage with their black art, I under- stand that they have called two powers well skilled in the art from a far village. They have received ten ru- pees each ; and, if they succeed, they are to have each twenty rupees more. The manner of their proceeding is as follows : they killed a calf, took its blood, cooked it with rice, brought it into the street near our compound, spread it out, and then made an image to represent my medical helper, and another to represent me, and placed them near it. After this, one of the conjurors took a nail and drove it into each of the images. They ex- pected that as soon as they did this we should be de- stroyed. " The tree of which I before spoke has probably been destroyed by some enemy, as a wooden nail of a poison- ous tree was found to have been driven into it. How Vong these deceivers, these conjurors will continue to try their efforts to destroy us, we can not say. They have tried for one month, and, though they have not succeed- ed, probably not a whit of the confidence of the people in them is destroyed." COMMUNION. 227 THE PULNEY HILLS. "September 15th. I am now on the Pulney Hills, where our Madura brethren have two houses for invalids. The place is very delightful, and the climate is peculiarly ad- vantageous to such as have suffered from the effects of a hot climate. They are about fifty miles from Madura City, and about sixty from the Neilgherry Hills. Ice is to be found on them in the winter season. I came here three weeks ago in consequence of the illness of my lit- tle granddaughter. With the hope of saving her life her mother lately brought her here, and a most surpris- ing change has been effected within three weeks. We have every reason to believe that she will recover. With divine permission, I shall go down into the plain on Mon- day next." COMMUNION. "Yesterday, being the day on which the American Board meet to celebrate the Lord's Supper, I, with my daughter-in-law and daughter as a part of the Madura Church, had the privilege of celebrating it also. The wine which we used was prepared by letting water stand on raisins until it extracts from them the vinous qualities. This we did rather than use the vile compounds sold here under the name of wines. The Jews are well satisfied with the delicious wine prepared from raisins for their Passover, and those who try it when celebrating the Lord's Supper will, I am persuaded, be not less satis- fied with it in this ordinance. "After the celebration of the ordinance we went to a place called Mount Nebo, from which there is a most 228 MEMOIR OF Dli. SCUDDER. charming view of the low country. The grandeur of the sloping mountains until they are lost in the plains the immense ravines between these mountains affording a receptacle for the waters from a hundred different fountains exceed all description. There we were, more than a mile above these plains, in the region of cold, while below us the people were scorching, as it were, with the heat. Looking over these vast and beautiful plains, and knowing they were promised to the Redeemer, we sang together " ' Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. " 'People and realms of ever}' tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song, And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. " ' Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our King : Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud. amen.' When are the soldiers of Immannel to go up and con- quer this land in his name ?" ROUTINE OF WORK. " An old missionary finds it somewhat difficult, from his familiarity with heathenism, to make out a journal. I will mention the labors of the coming month day by day, to let you see something of my routine of work. S,"2^. Yesterday attended to the sick; preached in the morning from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, and, as Mr. Chandler is absent from Madura, in the aft- ernoon from Hos. xiii., 9. Had he been present I should ROUTINE OF WORK. 229 have gone into the highway to preach. "Was present a few moments at the Sabbath-school in the morning. At- tended to the sick this morning. "Went out this after- noon into one of the highways, and preached and dis- tributed two copies of the ' Blind Way,' and several Al- manacs. This evening attended the monthly concert of prayer with the natives. " 3d. This morning prescribed for the sick after two tracts had been read to them, and after I had preached to them as usual. While attending to them I was called away to visit Mrs. Tracy at Pasaimalee, who is ill. Re- turned this afternoon. " 4th. Preached and attended to the sick this morning. The dressings were removed for the first time from the leg which was taken off by me on the 3d of this month. This afternoon went out into the highways and preached the Gospel. The difference between my congregations in the streets and those who assemble to receive medical aid are often very marked. It is most trying to behold the utter indifference or opposition which is manifested very often in our street-preaching. Generally the peo- ple hsar the Gospel with great civility when they come to have their maladies relieved. It is only now and then that we have much opposition manifested. Many assent to truths under these circumstances who under other circumstances would oppose it. " 5th. Preached and attended to my sick people this morning. Afterward examined a number of witnesses respecting a quarrel between two Church members. Am so unwell this afternoon that I shall not venture out to preach, nor shall I attempt to attend our weekly prayer- meeting. Have been taking a dose of medicine. 230 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. " Qth. Preaclied as usual to my sick people in the morn- ing. This afternoon went to the river side and preached to the people who came round me. Gave but two copies of the ' Blind Way.' Perhaps I might have given the remainder which I had with me, but, as I had some of the baser sort round me, would not give them out. "1th. Attended to my sick people in the morning. Went out this afternoon and preached by the wayside. ,5 ," th. Yesterday morning went to the Sabbath-school ; afterward preached from the history of Paul's conver- sion. In the afternoon preached by the wayside. Gave but one copy of the Bible away, for the reasons mention- ed in my journal of the 6th. This morning preached I and attended to the sick ; performed two surgical opera- tions. This afternoon went out and preached to the peo- ple by the wayside. i " Wtk. Attended to my sick people at the usual hour. At eleven o'clock met the Bible-class from the schools. This class comes weekly to Brother Chandler's. This afternoon preached by the wayside. Addressed quite a number of persons. Met with as little opposition as could be .expected. Gave away three copies of the 1 Blind Way.' Some attention was apparently paid by two or three persons or more to what was said. "ll^A. Preached and attended to my sick people. Went out this afternoon in the streets and preached to numbers of people. Gave away seven copies of the 'Blind Way.' " 12^. This morning preached to my large company of sick people. There were about twenty women among them, several of them with their diseased children. Aft- er preaching and attending to the sick, went out into the ROUTINE OF WORK. 231 highway, on the borders of the great market which is held in this city once a week. At this time the people come in from the country to dispose of their produce. One of the native helpers accompanied me. Had, to- ward the last, a very tempestuous time. We were obliged, for a season, to hold our peace on account of the noise. The people raised a great outcry w r hen I left. My na- tive helper was stoned. Little does a Christian commu- nity at home know what we have to endure in our preach- ing in the highways and streets. I refused to give books to any except from the country. Gave but two. " 13th. Attended to my sick people this morning. This afternoon have been attending the weekly Friday meet- ing which Brother Chandler holds with the girls of the boarding-school and others. Have been sent for by Brother Cherry to visit his child on the Pulney Hills. She has been very sick. Leave (D. V.) to-night, hoping to reach Padra Koorlum by to-morrow morning eight o'clock, and immediately ascend the Hills. "18#A. Left home on Friday afternoon last week to visit Brother Cherry's child, ill with jungle fever, now on the Pulney Hills. Reached the hills about nine o'clock on Saturday night. Left them yesterday morn- ing, and reached home about ten o'clock to-day. Have been quite poorly part of the time with sick headache. On Sunday my son and self had quite a congregation of adults on the Hills at least forty persons. Had a long interview with them. "19^A. This "morning attended to the sick. Afterward went to Pasamale to visit Mrs. Tracy, who continues poorly. This afternoon went out into the highways and preached the Gospel. This evening attended our week- ly prayer-meeting. 232 * MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. " 20th. It is my practice to prescribe for the sick but once a day. All are to come at eight o'clock in the morning, when two tracts are read to the people. They afterward receive a ticket, which entitles them to receive medicine #f ter I have prescribed for them. Those who come too late, except new-comers, have to go away un- supplied until eight o'clock the next morning. It is en- tirely out of the question for me to attend to the sick in any other way. My whole time would be broken up if I were to allow the sick to come at any time they pleased. Some come while I am prescribing for the company present, who have been here before. To them I also re- fuse to give medicine for the day. They have not been in time to hear the Gospel preached, the main object I have in view in prescribing for the sick. New-corners are attended to. To-day I preached, as usual, to my first company. Afterward to another company. Among them were several Mohammedan women. This after- noon, when about to go out to preach, a man came for me to visit a native woman with an immense tumor in her neck. She was in great distress. I merely opened the upper part of it, and let out a quantity of coagulated blood, etc. I had seen the tumor before. Possibly I may venture to remove the whole of it, though I fear the operation. It would be a very sad thing should she die under it. Proclaimed the Gospel to those who were present. "21s. Preached to my sick people this morning. This afternoon went out into the highway and preached the Gospel. > " 23d. Prescribed for the sick. Said a word, and only a word, to the Sabbath-school children. Preached from ROUTINE OF WORK. 233 Numb, x., 2. In the afternoon went out and preached by the wayside, and in the evening attended a meeting at Brother Chandler's, with such of the girls as professed to be serious. This morning preached to the sick. This afternoon preached to one company in the street, to one in a native house, and afterward went to visit Mrs. Tracy at Pasaimalee. " 2-iM. Preached to my sick people this morning. This afternoon went out as usual, and preached to the people by the wayside. Distributed several of our little publications. At eleven o'clock attended to the Bible- class of Brother Chandler's schools. " 25^A. Attended to the sick this morning. At half past three o'clock went to meet Dr. Colebrook in con- sultation at the house of Judge Baynes. His little daughter is ill. Immediately on my return went to visit a native woman, who is probably not far from the eter- nal world. She heard the Saviour's name. Addressed a few people who were present on spiritual things. Aft- er this went to visit Mrs. Tracy. She is getting better. "26^A. Preached to my sick people in the morning. Afterward went to the market, or rather just beyond it, and preached by the wayside to the people. This after- noon went out by the wayside to preach. Made but one attempt to speak, on account of the mob with which I was accompanied. After remaining still for half an hour or less, I turned my face homeward, glad to escape without personal violence. I much feared it. Yester- day the oldest elephant belonging to the temple of Mee- naache in this city died. It was drawn through the streets to-day to its burial-place, accompanied with mu- sic. Probably there were several hundred engaged in drawing it, so immensely heavy was its carcase. 234 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. "27th. Attended to my sick people tins morning. Was detained at home this afternoon by the rain. "28th. Preached, as usual, to my sick people this morning. This afternoon went out and preached the Gospel by the wayside. " 30th. Yesterday morning preached to my sick peo- ple. Then went to the Sabbath-school and catechised the children. Afterward preached from Numb, x., 29. In the afternoon went out and preached by the wayside. This morning preached to my sick people. Gave relig- ious instruction to the children of two schools, which have this day been examined on the lessons of the month. This afternoon went down to the river side and preached the Gospel. " 31st. Preached to my sick people. Addressed the children of Brother Chandler's third school on the con- cerns of their souls. This afternoon went out to a vil- lage about three miles from Madura, and preached the Gospel to two different companies. Stopped at another village on my way home, and preached the Gospel also." HE WAS A LIAS FROM THE BEGINNING. 235 CHAPTER XY. Black Town. A Liar, etc. White Ants. Queen Ant. Publications. Present to ar Prince. BLACK TOWN. UNDEK date of May 10th, 1849, Dr. Scudder makes in his journal the following entry : " My son and self, with our families, moved into this part of the city last week. It is an excellent missionary station. We have had large congregations in front of our door in the evenings. "We stand on an elevation of chunam-work, while the people stand a little below us. Crowds of people have already heard the Gospel. I have commenced my medical establishment also. Performed \ my first surgical operation this morning on a Brahmin. / Shall probably have great crowds for medical and surg- ical assistance. Had two patients early this morning." HE WAS A LIAR FEOM THE BEGINNING. " A gentleman called here and mentioned a lying re port which has been put in circulation. It is that, with my two sons, I was near the car of one of the idol tem- ples in this vicinity preaching, and that I had become so animated as to spit on the idol ; that I was then seized by the Brahmins, and rescued from them by the peons, or public officers of government. " This is a specimen of the falsehoods which are prop- ] agated. Neither myself nor my sons saw their idols orJ 236 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. I were near them. Thus it is that the great adversary sup- ports his kingdom by falsehood and deception." WHITE ANTS ONE OF THE SCOURGES OF INDIA. " One of the most destructive little creatures in India is the white ant, which is about half the size of the com- mon black ant. It is impossible to preserve wood floors if they can get at them. They will go through walls even up to the timbers, and destroy them. It is said that the queen ant is always to be found in the neighborhood of a house infested by white ants, though not under it, and that her destruction causes that of her subjects. " Many years since Dr. Carey invariably dug up the ground in the neighborhood of any building so infested, and killed the queen, and the plan proved in every in- stance successful. A general order has lately been is- sued. It is as follows : / " ' It is hereby notified that, whenever public buildings are infested with the destructive white ants, their nests, containing the queen ant, will always be found in the immediate neighborhood ; and as the destruction of the queen destroys the colony and this having been found an effectual remedy wherever properly tried there is, therefore, no reason why any building should hereafter suffer from this destructive insect. All officers, civil or military, occupying or in charge of public buildings, be- ing held responsible for the same, it is their duty either to take immediate measures for discovering and digging up white ants' nests within one hundred yards of the building, and destroying the queen ant, or to report to the proper authority the existence of the white ants' nests within that space from the building.' " WRITINGS AND PUBLIC A TIONS. 237 THE QUEEN ANT. V " She is a very curious creature. She is found in a very secluded spot of the nest. If we dig into the ant- hill we shall find many rooms, sometimes hundreds of them, where the ants make their home. If we dig near the centre we shall find a room shaped like two saucers put together; within this lies the queen. She is like a white worm, somewhat transparent, and grows to the enormous size of a man's little finger. To this body is attached the natural-sized head of the small ant. All around her room are very small entrances, about the size of a pin's head, and at each of their doors is stationed a sentinel to guard her from any insect intruders. These sentinels are very watchful, and, if disturbed, they show their attachment to their sovereign by striking out of the hole their little nippers ; and, if in their power, they will cut their enemy into two parts as with a pair of scissors. " The queen lies quiet, not being able to move her great body ; and, if she .were able, she could not get out of her palace. It is said that the ants bring her food and supply all her wants, while she, month after month, continues to fill up her little world with her mischievous brood." NUMEROUS WRITINGS AND PUBLICATIONS. The pen and the press were put under contribution by this good man to forward the great interests of piety and evangelization. His correspondence was very extensive, and related to the one important subject that filled his thoughts. A very large volume would not suffice to con- tain the letters which he wrote on missionary topics. 238 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. But we do not think it would be expedient to give more than here and there one, or an occasional extract from some of the most interesting. He was also a constant contributor to some of the Christian journals published in India. The articles fur- nished by him have a pith and power, which made them 1 not only readable, but effective in pulling down the ! strong-holds of heathenism. He found time also to ad- \ dress successive appeals to the young men of America, iwith a view to influence them to consider and decide as jto their duty to become missionaries to the heathen. His appeals also to his own Church (the Reformed Dutch) are calculated to rouse both clergymen and laymen to a con- ^sideration of the claims of the millions perishing in dark- kness. These, we hope, will be given to the public in a separate volume, following this brief sketch of his life and labors. His little books and tracts, issued by the American Tract Society, have been scattered broadcast over the country, and thousands have been stimulated to Chris- tian duty by reading them, and some have decided to fol- low him into the field of foreign missionary labor. " The Redeemer's last Command," the " Address to Christian Mothers," and " Tales about the Heathen" are doing their work in the Church and in the Sunday-school, while the hand that penned them has long since been paralyzed in death. That beautiful and touching little volume, " Pro- vision for passing over Jordan," has inspired many a timid saint to enter 'the dark valley and to cross the swelling tide, singing " I will fear no evil," or " Thanks be to God that giveth me the victory." A PRESENT TO A. PRINCE. 239 A PRESENT TO A PRINCE. One of the volumes relating to the practices and prin- N ciples of the millions under the rule of her majesty, Queen Victoria, was sent by Dr. Scudder as a present to the Prince of "Wales. He hoped to arrest the attention of the young prince, and make an impression on his mind favorable to the needful reforms in Southern India. Quite a correspondence ensued on the subject. Our minister at the Court of St. James, the Hon. Abbot Law- rence, after stating that he had forwarded the parcel to the queen, adds : " I have no doubt that I shall soon re- ceive an acknowledgment of its reception, when I shall have much pleasure in transmitting it to you. I have a lively and happy recollection of Mrs. "Winslow, and knew Mrs. Scudder by public report. Both were persons of extraordinary personal attractions and high Christian at- tainments. I have long known through the press of your public labors in India, and of the success that has attend- ed them. I need not, perhaps, say that no one entertains a higher respect for your character and services in the cause of our common religion than, reverend and dear sir, your faithful servant, ABBOT LAWEENCE." The following epistle was subsequently received by Mr. Lawrence from her majesty's secretary, and trans- mitted to Dr. Scudder, dated Osborne, May, 1852 : " I have had the honor to submit to her majesty the queen the letters of Dr. Scudder, together with his work which accompanied them, and which has been given by her majesty to the Prince of Wales. " I am commanded to request that you will have the/ 240 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. kindness to convey to Dr. Scudder the assurance of her high appreciation of the kind motives which have in- duced him, from so great a distance, to direct this atten- tion to the Prince of Wales, and to request him to be- lieve that the queen is very sensible of the terms in which he has addressed her majesty. , "I am commanded to request that you will have the /goodness to take the trouble to communicate this to Dr. Scudder, instead of writing to him directly, as the address upon his letters, ' Madras,' might, perhaps, be hardly suf- ficiently defined to assure a letter reaching him. Believe \ me, my dear sir, sincerely yours, C. B. PHIPPS." . A. SUDDEN AND SEVERE STROKE. 2 41 CHAPTEE XYI. A sudden and severe Stroke. Woes cluster. Effect of these Bereave- ments. One Labor more. Sketches, etc. EVENING SHADOWS. BY his sojourn in America, Dr. Scudder's health, al- though much improved, was not re-established. On re- suming his labors he found that he was soon fatigued, and that his power of -endurance was much impaired. His eyesight also began to fail, and it is affecting to read from his journal the reflections which this new calamity suggested. " My eyesight has begun to fail ; but, though I should ) become blind, if spared, I trust that I shall be able to preach. My voice is good, and though, under equal cir- cumstances, I should much prefer losing my voice to my eyesight, still, under my circumstances, I would sooner lose my eyesight than my voice. I could do nothing without the latter." A SUDDEN AND SEVERE STROKE. Next to God, his strongest prop was his beloved wife. When his children died, he exclaimed, with a sort of pro- phetic agony, " What if it had been their mother !" The idea of losing her was insupportable. If such a cold shadow crossed his mind, it made him shudder far more than if his own death-knell had sounded in his ear. Ev- ery tiling seemed to indicate that he should first pass over I 242 MEMOIR OF DE. SCUDDER. Jordan. How terrible, then, to see her suddenly seized and prostrated, and in a few short hours brought face to face with death ! Medical skill is vain. Man can do nothing but bow before the fiat of God. " I was dumb, because Thou didst it." However agitated other bosoms were, his was perfect peace. Life's labors were ended. It was simply entering into rest. But the following trib- ute will better describe the event and its immediate con- sequences than any thing which the writer can say. DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. ".November 29tk, 1849. On Monday night, last wee the dear companion of my youth and of m^flKter years fell asleep in Jesus. This event called forth the follow- ing communications to Dr. Anderson and others : '"Madras, Nov. 22d, 1849. " ' REV. DE. ANDERSON : MY DEAK BROTIIEK, My pre- cious wife has entered iifto her rest. On Thursday last she was taken seriously ill, and on Friday was attacked with severe cramps, which were followed by extreme exhaus- tion of her whole system. All the means that were used to cause her to rally failed, and on Monday evening last she left the world for that " house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." It was not until after midday on Monday that I became much alarmed about her. I called in Dr. Shaw, one of our most able surgeons, who very kindly rendered all the assistance in his power ; but death was at hand. After we found that her disease was about to terminate fatally, we assembled around her dying couch and heard her last words. The righteous- ness of Jehovah Jesus, which had been her joy and sup- DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 243 port in life, was her only trust in death. She retained her senses nearly or quite to the last, and, although very weak, she conversed with us till within a few minutes of her departure. The same ardent love for Christ and for dying souls which she exemplified in her life, shone forth brightly during her last hours. When asked what message she had to send to her son Silas, she replied, " Tell him that I have written to him all that I would wish to say in my last letter. I spent half of his last birthday in prayer for him." This birthday had occur- red about two weeks before. " ' When I asked her whether she wished all her sons to become missionaries, she said, " Yes ; it has been my constant prayer that they might all come to this land to preach the Gospel. I do not desire that they should come unless they are prepared; but I wish them to be fitted for this work. " ' On being asked what message she had for her son f William (who is a missionary in Ceylon), she answered, " Tell him I shall soon meet his beloved Kate. Tell him to be faithful, and to live to win souls. Tell him not to seek for comfort from any thing in this world, but to look to Jesus." " { In addition to the messages of love which she sent to her own relations and to her connections on her hus- band's side, she added a message to such of them as are still out of Christ, exhorting them to seek him. " ' She said, " My only burden in dying is the thought that three* of my children are yet in an impenitent state ;" and she besought her daughter Louisa, in the most affectionate and impressive manner, to yield her * These three have since professed their faith in Christ. 244 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. heart to the Saviour ; adding, " This is my dying request. I have done all that I can for you." She also told her to read the twenty-seventh Psalm. Seven out of her ten children have made a profession of their faith in .Christ. " ' Again she said, " I hope my being taken away will stir you all up to greater activity in the Lord's service." " ' In respect to herself, she remarked, " I am a poor, miserable sinner, full of imperfections. Heaven will be glorious, because there will be neither sin nor imperfec- tion there." " ' Twice with great emphasis she said, " What a wretched place is a death-bed to prepare for eternity ! What a miserable being should I now be if I had not Jesus to rest upon !" and then added," Precious Saviour!" " ' Again she said, " I have had seasons when I felt that I knew I loved the Saviour that he was very pre- cious to me." " l Again and again she exclaimed, " Precious Sav- iour !" and on one occasion, " Thou knowest all things thou knowest that I have desired to love thee." " ' By a repetition of the four following lines, she show- ed where the place of her refuge was : " ' Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly ; , While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is nigh.' "'She repeated also the following verses of Scripture: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil : for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." " Surely goodness and mercy (have) followed me all the days of my life." Psa. xxiii., 4, G. DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 245 "'Just before she died she opened her eyes and ex-J! claimed, with peculiar energy, " Glorious heaven ! Glo-1 rious salvation !" " ' Soon after this she voluntarily closed her eyes and sweetly fell asleep in Jesus. " ' When gazing upon her, as she lay a corpse before me, I exclaimed, " How many prayers have come out of those lips !" She literally prayed her children into the kingdom. " ' And now what shall I say about my loss ? I must sum it all up in one sentence it is irreparable! In the prayer which was made at her funeral by Brotjier Spaulding, after Bro. "Winslow's address, he used the ex- pression that she had been to me " emphatically a help- meet." Thirty years have we been permitted to travel together and to labor for the salvation of souls. Now I \ am left to travel and labor alone, so far as this beloved I help-meet is concerned. But all is well. Christ lives. / I told her, when dying, that we should not be long sepa- rated. " ' May it be my lot, my precious companion, to meet thee on those happy shores, where " ' "Adieus and farewells are a sound unknown," and where '" " These parting sounds shall pass our lips no more !" " ' Your affectionate brother, J. SCUDDER.' " 'Madras, Nov. 23d, 1840. " ' MY PRECIOUS CHILDREN, SILAS AND JOHN, Oh, how will your hearts be torn in pieces to learn that your dear, dear mother is no more ! She has gone ; yes, gone and left me alone ; and left you too left off her tears and 246 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. her prayers for you. Only last week she sent letters to you in her own hand-writing. That hand is now stiff- ened in death. We buried this precious one day before yesterday. We kept her corpse with us longer, perhaps, than any corpse has been kept for a long time in this city nearly forty -eight hours. I rejoice in this, that we were enabled to keep her so long. Oh my children, my dear children, what a loss have we sustained ! But our loss is her gain. Can it be that you are never again to see your dear mother on earth ? Oh, then, will you not meet her in heaven ? Will you not give up this vain woj Id its pleasures, and live for Christ ? Oh, become His, and by-and-by come out, as your mother expressed the desire, to this laud to tell the heathen of a Saviour. Write me, my dear children, and tell me that you have given yourselves to Christ. Then my joy will be full.' " ' Madras, Nov. 24th, 1849. " ' MY DEAE BROTHER, AND SISTERS SARAII AND SOPHIA, We all have a new song to sing, and this is, that my )recious companion and your dear sister has triumphed over death, and has entered through the gates into the ity of the New Jerusalem above. This event took place n Monday evening a little before eight o'clock. Clothed vith the all-glorious righteousness of that Redeemer in vhom she trusted, she is now at rest. And what shall ve say ? Shall we not say " The Lord is righteous still?" hall we wish the beloved one back in this vale of tears ? ' Glorious heaven ! glorious salvation !" were among her ast words. Shall we wish to call her from that " glori- ous heaven ?" from that " glorious salvation" of which she is now in the possession ? Would we have her any DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 247 more wet her earthly couch with her tears ? any more struggle with a heart of unbelief? any more encounter the storms of this tempestuous world ? any more contend with the world, the flesh, and the devil ? JSTo, no, my precious companion, no. I wish you joy in your new habitation. Then, if such be my feelings the feelings of one to whom she was more dear by far than she was to yon, should you not acquiesce with me in saying " All is well ?" How desirous should we be to have the sancti- fied effect of this sorrowful but joyful bereavement ! Yes- terday in a note from Colonel Brown is the following ex- pression : " We sympathize with you sincerely, but we feel that your sorrow must be full of joy. Your beloved wife is now with Him whom, having not seen, she loved and served, and her works shall follow her." I would that all our dear nephews and nieces might take warn- ing from the death of their aunt. Say to our nephews and nieces in Boston that their father's request to make them the special subjects of prayer for a week was at- tended to by their aunt and myself. Oh that they would listen to the voice which now calls upon them from the grave ! Dear Harriet Scudder, how would her aunt, whose name she bears, sing the song of joy in heaven over her repentance, and with what joy would she sing it over the conversion of all those dear to her yet, belong- ing to the "VVaterbury, the Cheeseman, and the Downer families !' "'My DEAR JOSEPH AND SAMUEL, What more shall I say? Is our beloved gone? Yes, gone; but gone to rest. Oh that we might be stirred up to live more em- phatically for Christ! What is this vain world to us 248 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. any more? You will never see your dear mother on earth again, but you can come and see her where she lies in our burying-ground. Last evening we went to pay this dear departed one a visit in her new habitation. There we placed her on Wednesday evening. We kept her corpse for forty-eight hours, a thing not often done in this climate ; but I would not bury her soon. Harriet, Louisa, and myself will go and pay another visit to her this evening, if God permit. Louisa wishes to take some flowers and put them on her grave. The spot where she lies will ever be dear to us. It will be dear to you ; and, if you come out to this land, as she expressed a wish for you to come to preach the Gospel, you will delight to r visit her also. My dear sons, let the death of your moth- er stir you up to live for Christ. What is there for us, in this vain world, but Christ? and let us labor for Christ. Oh ! is it not worth laboring for to introduce one such saint, as is now your dear mother, into the king- 1 dom of heaven ? Write me, my precious children, and tell me all about yourselves and your prospects. Are your thoughts strengthening as to your coming to India?' "November 23d, 1849. Oh that I may never forget the softened feelings which I have had since my pre- cious wife died ! Father, my heavenly Father, gracious- ly be pleased to make me more humble. Oh ! shall I ever have any more pride ? ever stand up with pride to resent an injury ? Shall I ever again speak pettishly or harshly to one who has injured me, or show any cool feelings toward him ? Yesterday I wrote in the blank leaf of my Bible " ' See that none render evil for evil unto any man. DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 2 49 " ' Be kindly affectioned one to another, with brotherly love. " ' Overcome evil with good.' < " My heavenly Father, give me, I beseech thee, mild- ness and gentleness in all my carriage, with my friends, my children, my servants, and with the heathen. Let me never be vain in my conduct, or speak against any one, unless duty requires it ; and help me often to ex- amine myself whether or not I thus act. Thus shall I adorn the doctrine of my precious Saviour. I wish I had given my precious wife something on her birthday. She presented me with a smelling-bottle on mine, per- haps with reference only to its relieving my headaches. Precious companion! Perhaps if she were with me I should show her more kindness. "November 2th. If my precious wife were to come here this evening, how careful would I be not to do any thing to grieve her. Shall I not forever be careful not to grieve my Saviour ? "November 25th. Have had no music (in our morning prayers) on the melodeon since my precious wife died. We will have it this morning, and sing with it " ' Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne, For thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. "' Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry, To be exalted thus ; Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, For he wa& slain for us. " 'Jesus is worthy to receive Honor and power divine ; And blessings more than we can give, Be, Lord, forever thine. L2 250 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER I " ' Let all who dwell above the sky, And air, and earth, and seas, Conspire to lift Thy glories high, And speak Thine endless praise. " ' The whole creation join in one To bless the sacred name Of Him who sits upon the throne, And to adore the Lamb.' " My precious wife has her lyre in her hand, whatever this lyre may be, and is singing unto him that loved me and washed me from my sins in his own blood. To him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Why should we not use our lyres also ? "This is the first Sabbath my dear companion is spending in heaven. "November 26th. It will be one week to-night since my dear companion entered into her rest. Yonder she is, with that great company, who are singing the victory over sin and death, through the blood of the Lamb. Now she is clothed with the righteousness of her Re- deemer, and will shine in all its brightness forever and ever. No more sin, no more sorrow, no more pain, no more doubts and fears of her interest in her Beloved. God has wiped away all her tears. Jesus, having gone to prepare a place for her, and having prepared it, has received her to himself. His prayer to his Father in her behalf has been answered. ' Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me, where I am, x that they may behold my glory.' Oh that I may often take a tour, in my imagination, to the place where she is ! My precious companion, shall I meet yon there ? Yes, yes; through sovereign grace I shall meet you there, and unite with you forever in singing the praises of our DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 251 Redeemer together. Thou hast gone before me. Soon, at longest, I shall follow. "To-day (one week ago) my precious wife passed through her death-struggle. She died on her couch while I was sitting at her head. Oh, can I ever be light again in my conduct ! How can I ever smile again ! Oh that I may hereafter have more grace to act fon Christ, and to speak for Christ, and to think for Christ, that I may the more sweetly die in Christ, and go to en- joy Christ, the more on this account, forever ! Precious Saviour, my prayer to Thee this day is, that I may be fill- , ed full of Thee full of Thy love. "November 26th. It is now between seven and eight o'clock at night. It was between these hours, last week, that my dear wife died. Nearly one week has she been in heaven, with that precious Saviour whose character is ' so fully drawn out in Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portion, ' Because of the savor of thy good ointments, thy name is as ointment poured forth.' "Why, my precious Redeemer, is Thy name so truly blessed but because Thou hast so endeared it to thy re- '; deemed by every tie which can gain the affections ? Didst Thou, even before I had being, enter into suretyship en- gagements for me that Thou wouldst redeem me when fallen ? that Thou wouldst take my nature, live for me, die for me, become a sacrifice for me, shed Thy blood for me, wash me in Thy blood, clothe me with Thy righteous- ; ness, justify me before God and Thy Father, become my advocate, high-priest, intercessor betroth me to Thyself here in grace, and everlastingly unite me to thyself in glory hereafter ? Didst Thou do all this, and art Thou still doing it, making my cause thine own, and f ollowing / 252 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. me with love, and grace, and mercy every day, and wilt Thou never leave me nor forsake me ? And must not Thy name be as ointment poured forth ? Can there be a savor so sweet, so fragrant, so full of odor as the name of Jesus ? Precious ointments, it is true, have a smell in them very grateful; but what savor can be like that which, to the spiritual senses, manifests Jesus in his per- son, love, grace, and mercy ? in whom there is every thing desirable, and nothing but what is lovely all beauty, power, wisdom, strength an assemblage of graces more full of odor than all the spices of the East ! Precious Lord Jesus, let thy name be written in my heart, and let every thing but Jesus be forever obliterated there, that nothing may arise from hence but what speaks of Thee ! that through life and in death, the first and last, and all that drops from my lips even in the separation of soul and body, Jesus may form, in the close of grace here and in the first opening of glory to follow, the one only bless- ed, precious name, as ointment poured forth ! 1 " I will now go and spend the season at the side of the couch on which my dear wife breathed her last breath near this time last week, arid may my meditation be profitable. "November 'Xlth. It is of the utmost importance that in my conduct and conversation I should so treat my fel- low-men that I shall not be ashamed to converse with them immediately af terward on their souls' concerns, or to pray with them. I could not do this without being ashamed if I had spoken or conducted myself unbecom- ingly. "November 28th. It will be one week to-night since we carried away the remains of my dear wife to the DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 253 house appointed for all the living. Her spirit, however dwells in no such a gloomy habitation, but has entered into the New Jerusalem, of which the Lord God Al- mighty and the Lamb are the temple, and which the glory of God and the Lamb doth lighten. That, through the infinite grace of my Eedeemer, is my home. This grace, which brought my dear wife there will by-and-by. bring me thither also. " 'In yonder realms, where Jesus dwells, Is my eternal home ; Why should I any longer, then, Through this wide desert roam ? *' ' My int'rests once were here below, When Jesus was unsought ; His love, which pitied me when lost, Was then without a thought. ' ' ' But now, how changed is all the scene ! My int'rests are above ; There my affections too are placed, There all my joy and love.' " ' Bless'd Jesus, what is all this world What are its joys to me ? Fain would I bid them all farewell To go and be with Thee.' "November 29^A. Yesterday evening Harriet, Louisa, and myself went again to visit the dear departed one. She has been an inhabitant of the grave for a little more than a week. Her sorrows, her last struggles, are all over. The latter she felt to be so severe that she prayed to her heavenly Father to make her dying bed easy. She said that the grasshopper was a burden. "December 2d. This is the second Sabbath my dear companion is spending in heaven. Now, oh my precious Redeemer, as Thou hast taken this beloved one to Thy- self, grant that my affections may more and more be 254 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. placed upon Thee oil yes, more and more placed upon Thee, whom my soul loveth !" SEEKING FOR JESUS. " This, my soul, should be thy constant employment. Wherever thoti art, however engaged in going in or out, at rising up or lying down, whether in public or private, in the church or market-place, the closet, the family, the garden, the field, the house, the question ever arising in the heart should be, ' Where is Jesus ?' Blessed Spirit, Thou glorifier of my Lord, wilt Thou constantly excite this seeking for Jesus in my heart ! Wilt Thou, Lord, give me every moment a sense of need ; then a view of His fullness, suitableness, readiness to impart ; then bring Him whom my soul loveth and me together; and then open a communication in leading me forth in desire, and giving me faith to receive from the infinite fullness of my Lord, and grace for grace ! Lord Jesus, 1 would de- sire grace to seek Thee as for hidden treasure. I would seek Thee, and Thee only, O my God ! I would sepa- rate myself from all other things. It is Jesus my soul chooseth, my soul needs. I would trust in nothing be- side. No duties, no works neither prayers nor repent- ance no, nor faith itself, considered as an act of my soul, shall be my comfort ; but Jesus alone I would make my centre, and every thought, and every affection, and every desire, like so many streams meeting in one, should all pour themselves as rivers into the ocean of Thy bo- som. And the nearer as a stream that draws near the sea is propelled to fall into it, so the more forcible and i vehement let my soul be in desires after Thee as my soul near the hour of seein Thee. O Lamb of vxr DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 255 God, give me to be seeking after Thee through life, press-^ ing after Thee from one ordinance to another ; and when ordinances cease, and all outward comforts fail, then, Lord, may I gather up (as the dying patriarch did his , feet in the bed) all my strength, and pour my whole soul into Thine arms, crying out, 'I have waited for Thy sc vation, O Lord? "December 5th. Yesterday Harriet, Louisa, and myself went again to visit the spot where our dear departed one sleeps. There her remains will rest until the last trum- pet shall sound and until the dead shall be raised. Now her body lies in the dark grave, but her spirit is in the enjoyment of all the light of heaven. When on earth she saw through a glass darkly, but now face to face. In her last hours she referred to that hymn in Dobell's Collection entitled ' Unknown World.' " ' Oh, by what glimm'ring light we view That unknown world we're hast'ning to ! God hath lock'd up the mystic page, And curtain'd darkness round the stage. " ' We talk of heaven, we talk of hell, But what they mean no tongue can tell. Heaven is the realm where angels are, And hell the chaos of despair. " ' But what these awful words imply, None of us know before we die ; Whether we will or not, we must Take the succeeding world on trust. " ' Swift flies the soul perhaps 'tis gone Ten thousand leagues beyond the sun, Or twice ten thousand more thrice told, Ere the forsaken clay is cold. ' ' ' But ah ! no notices they give, Nor tell us where or how they live, Though conscious, while with us below, How much themselves desired to know, 256 MEMOIR OF DR. SGUDDEE. " ' As if bound up by solemn fate To keep this secret of their state, To tell their joys or pains to none, That man may live by faith alone. " 'Well, let our Sovereign, if He please, Lock up His marvelous decrees ; Why should we wish Him to reveal What He thinks proper to conceal ? " 'It is enough that we believe Heaven's brighter far than we conceive ; And oh, may God our souls prepare, To meet, and bless, and praise Him there!' " My dear companion has no more to complain of the glimmering light by which to view that happy world to which she but a few days ago was hastening. Having reached it, she has had all its realities opened to her view. And oh, what must have been her transport what must have been her ecstasy when, after having gone to sleep on a bed of suffering and of death, she awaked and found herself in the possession of all its joys found herself in the presence of that Saviour who had redeemed her to God by His blood, and who welcomed her a once lost, but now found child to His bosom. Oh, if that blessed song, ' Hallelujah to the Lamb,' ever burst from her lips, with what an elevated voice must she have proclaimed it then ! l And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and their works do follow them.' "December lih. On Sabbath evening last the funeral sermon of my dear companion was preached in the kirk by Brother "VVinslow. He took his text from the seventh chapter of Revelations, 14th and 15th verses ' These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 257 washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, therefore are they before the throne of God.' " ' The Saviour ! Oh, what endless charms Dwell in the blissful sound ; Its influence every fear disarms, And spreads sweet peace around. " 'Here pardon, life, and joys divine In rich effusion flow, For guilty rebels lost in sin, And doom'd to endless woe. " ' Oh the rich depths of love divine ! Of bliss a boundless store ; Dear Saviour, let me call Thee mine, I can not wish for more. " ' On Thee alone my hope relies, Beneath Thy cross I fall, My lord, my life, my sacrifice, My Saviour and my all.' " In the blood of this precious Saviour have the robes of my dear wife been washed and made white, there- fore is she before the throne of God. Now is she sing- ing in much more exalted strains than when upon earth, ' Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.' No alloy is now mixed with this song. "December 8th. Oh, what a stroke was it to my pride when my dear wife lay a corpse in her coffin! How anxious is corrupt nature to guard every avenue that its pride be not wounded. When I am willing to be abased in the sight of others, and to yield points which come in contact with this pride with a quiet spirit, and without any anxiety to give reasons (whereby self may be exalt- ed) for such submission ; and when I am willing to hear remarks which also wound this pride without any desire 258 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. to retaliate, then will it appear that I have something of a humble spirit. " In my ' Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portion' I find the following insertion : 'December 8, 1848. Heard of the death of my dear brother Judson, of Milan, Ohio. He has overcome through the blood of the Lamb. Pre- cious blood ! He died August 20th, 1848.' "December 9-th. This is the third Sabbath my dear wife has spent in heaven. "December Wth. This time three weeks ago my dear companion was dying. My tears for thee this day, my beloved wife, have shown that I have not forgotten thee. Received a note from Brother Little, of which the fol- lowing is an extract : ' My beloved wife was early taken from me, blasting fondly-cherished hopes. Yours was called away after a long and happy union. I know not which situation is most full of sorrow. But you, in ad- dition to the consolations from the assurance that our friends have died in Christ, may reasonably cherish the hope that Very soon you may join your beloved in her glorious service and joys. It is, indeed, pleasant to live, but how much more pleasant to be permitted to leave this body of sin and death, and go to the place of perfect holiness. It must afford you much satisfaction to feel that very soon, at the longest, you will follow the de- parted.' "December 14th. Whenever I am tempted to be an- gry, then let me be careful to speak slowly, and with a | low voice. Blessed Spirit, graciously be pleased to grant me thy assistance in this thing. "December \.th. This is the fourth Sabbath my dear wife is spending in heaven. I would go and be where DEA TH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 259 she is go and be free from sin and imperfection go and praise my Jesus, without any of that alloy which now mixes with all my attempts to glorify him. "December tfth. This night four weeks ago my dear wife died. It is a night long to be remembered. "December ~L9th. It will be one month to-night since my dear wife died. We visited her grave again last night, as we did also on Saturday evening. Nearly one month ago she heard the voice of her Saviour saying unto her, ' Come up, thou blessed of my Father come up and take possession of the mansions which I have pre- pared for you !' and she has gone and taken possession of them. Yonder she is, feasting on the everlasting smiles of this all-glorious Saviour, while I am spending my days in sighs, and tears, and groans ; in meeting rebuffs from the world and Satan ; in contending often with a hard heart, a dull and stupid frame, and with feelings of la- mentation and woe that I love my Jesus so little. Oh, how would I rejoice could I hear the voice of my Sav- iour saying unto me also, f Come up higher !' How would I rejoice to have my fettered soul released ! How would I rejoice to have the prison doors opened, that the cap- tive might go free ! Again would I say " ' Bless'd Jesus, what is all this world What are its joys to me? Fain would I bid them all farewell To go and be with Thee.' "December 20th. Went to the examination of the fe- male schools of the Free Scotch Church by invitation. Eeturned between two and three o'clock, and was dis- tressed when thinking of my precious wife. It will, per- haps, be most profitable for me, instead of thinking too 260 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. much of past scenes and events, and dwelling upon my loss, to think more of my beloved one as a happy spirit above, free from all pain and suffering, and in no need of my friendship, or any thing that I can do to make her joys complete. It will also be for my comfort to think that my separation from her will only be for a short season ; to think that to-morrow, as it were, I shall meet her again, and have all my loss made up. "December 21s. It is one month to-day since we com- mitted the remains of our dear departed one to the earth. In her dying hour she referred to a letter which she had been writing to her son Silas. I have found a copy of a part of this letter in one of her drawers. It is as follows : " ' MY VERY DEAR SON SILAS, This is your birthday, if the Lord has spared your life. You are now sixteen years old. Your image has been before me most of the time since I arose this morning. A part of this day I have shut myself up in a little room to seek for God's blessing upon my absent child. Silas, my beloved son, my heart has yearned over you. I have thought of you as one afflicted in body, and I have grieved over your sufferings, and asked the Lord, if consistent with his will, to remove the disease which has been so long upon you ; but I have been more concerned this day for your soul's welfare. My prayers and tears have been poured out before the mercy-seat that the Lord will change your heart. So deeply have I felt for you that I could almost believe the Lord would hear and answer my supplica- tions. I am assured that God is a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God, and this encourages me to plead that he will have mercy upon those of my dear children DEATH OF MY DEAR WIFE. 261 who are yet out of Christ. It has been my privilege this day to bring you, Silas, with dear John and Louisa, and lay you down at the foot of the Cross, and by faith to look up to that dear Saviour who was nailed there, and there bled and died for poor sinners. I have again and again asked my heavenly Father, for the sake of a bleed ing, dying Saviour, to have mercy upon each of you. Will a mother's prayers and tears prevail? Will the Lord bring my children into his kingdom? Silas, are you still rebelling against a gracious God ? Are you yet witliholding that heart from Jesus, who says to you, " My son, give me thine heart ?" Jesus also says, " Come unto me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Oh, dear son, Jesus will be a better friend than any earthly one far better than father, mother, brother, or sister. Go, then, and give your heart to him. He can and will comfort you and bless you when in pain and sorrow. He is a refuge in every time of need. Choose him for your portion, and it will send gladness into the hearts of your parents. The angels in heaven, too, will rejoice if you become a follower of the Lamb. I feel that I must stop here, and go away to my closet, and on my knees entreat God's mercy for you. Will the Spirit help me in my supplications ' Here the let- ter stops. "December 23d. The great business of a renewed soul in this world is but dressing itself for the divine presence a preparation for that state wherein we are forever to be with the Lord. Would I not be most careful not to go into the presence of an earthly monarch with a spot upon my garments, and ought I not so to live that the garment* 262 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. of the Redeemer's righteousness wherewith 1 am clothed shall not appear spotted in that day when I shall be sum- moned to appear before Him, as well as throughout that eternity which, through His grace, I shall spend with Him? Dear Saviour, grant oh, do grant that I may hereafter live in such a manner that I shall not defile this all-glorious garment. "December 2th. Are we more sensible of the exter- nal calamities which befall us than of inward spiritual distempers ? Do I so cry and bemoan myself because of the body of sin and death, as I do when I have lost my friend, my husband, my wife, my child, my house, my es- tate, my pleasant delectable things in this world ? In such cases we cry out as undone persons. We mourn and refuse to be' comforted. But I have an earthly, vain heart a heart that will not be brought to live in love and communion with God ; unapt to prayer, to medita- tion, to spiritual commerce with heaven. Do we so sensibly complain upon these accounts, I say, as men are apt to do under the sharp and acute sense of external evils ? "January ls, 1850. I congratulate you, my dear wife, on account of your happy new-year in heaven. O that I could go and be there also ! "January 19^A, 1850. It is two months to-night since my dear wife died. Blessed Saviour, may I not hope that, through Thy precious merits, I am two months near- er Thy kingdom ? To-morrow I expect to sit down at Thy table at this place. How much sweeter would it be to sit down at Thy table above ! There my companion is enjoying her communion seasons without any of that alloy which is mixed with all my communion seasons WOES CLUSTER. 263 here below. To-morrow, dear Saviour, oh, do grant that my soul may be made like the chariots of Amminadab. " ZQth. Have this day been at the table of my divine Lord and Master. In times that have gone by I made the following minute : ' I am tired with earthly Sab- baths and ordinances, for I find but half a Jesus in the best of them. Oh, for the Sabbaths and ordinances above !" WOES CLUSTER. How little thought this aged mourner that a beloved son had anticipated the mother, and entered " the pearly gates" three days in advance of her! And if spirits recognize, how joyous the surprise to find her loved one new robed and ready to welcome her ! Samuel D. Scudder was a young man of great prom- \ ise. Highly gifted in mind having no superior among his fellow T -students and with a disposition of such mag- netic power that none could know him but to love him, he shone still more brightly as a consistent and growing Christian. But " Death loves a shining mark," and the fatal arrow struck down, in this case, as brilliant a one for his years as ordinarily can be found. There was great lamentation at his death. But I will leave the fa- ther to paint, in colors both dark and bright, the affect- ing dispensation. " 31st. Another of my beloved ones is in heaven. 'Re- ceived letters from America to-day informing me that my dear Samuel had entered into his rest that he had safely passed over Jordan. And can I do otherwise than say, ' Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name ?' Joseph, another of my sons, 264 MEMOIR OF DR. SC UDDER. writes as follows: 'I send you glad tidings of great joy. The glad tidings is a message from your beloved son Samuel, in his own words : " Tell my dear parents* that their dear boy is in heaven." That he is there ; that he is now a member of the great family of the redeemed, joining in the choir that are ceaselessly singing, " Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever ;" that he is now free from pains and doubts, those who have known him through life, in sickness and at the near approach of death, feel confident. I scarce- ly left him from the time that he was confined to his bed. Three nights I attended to him, and then was obliged to call on friends ; and oh ! what friends we have had ! 'No mother, no father could have done more. He was flighty toward the last, but knew me as long as he could speak as long as lie had his eyes open. A few nights before his death he asked me to read the twenty- third Psalm. I did so, and prayed with him. The next day I left a student at his side while I went down to dinner. He was a pious student. When I came up, he called me to his bedside and said, "Joe, I have just been expressing my views to Mr. Elmendorf , and I will now express them to you. I may die in agony, and then you will know nothing. I have had many doubts and fears in my life, but they are all gone. I suffer more than mortal man can describe ; but my Saviour is precious. He has made me happy, very happy !" I was overcome, and told him he must not have the idea that he was go- ing to die. I hoped that he had long to live yet. His youth and strength would enable him to stand this shock. WOES CLUSTER. 265 " It is of no use ;" and this he said from the beginning, " I must die." I asked him if he did not wish to live. He said, " In some respects it was hard to die young, but that he was perfectly resigned to the will of the Lord." I then said, " If you should express a wish to live, with what views would you make the wish ?" He answered, " You know that I have dedicated myself to the work of the ministry, and if I should wish to live, it would be to bend my energies to the work of the ministry to my Master's service." He then said, " Tell my dear parents that their dear boy is in heaven. Tell them how much .1 love them." When the doctor first told me that the symptoms were alarming, I went to his bed. He was perfectly calm at the time. He raised himself, threw his arms around my neck, and said, " You have been a dear, good brother to me. You must forgive me for all that I have done wrong." I told him that I had nothing to forgive ; that he must forgive me. He said repeatedly I had not done wrong. The same evening I got on the bed by his side. He then had a lucid interval. I asked him his views in regard to sin. " It was horrible in the sight of God ; but Christ had removed all his sins, and that He was all and in all precious to him." I told him then to pray, and he prayed most fervently that his Sav- iour would take him home to himself.' " His aunt Sophia writes : ' Mr. Voorhees told him I had come, and asked him if he wished to see me. He said, " Oh yes." I went up to his room with as much composure as I could. He put his arms around my neck and wept. I said, " Samuel, dear, you are better." " Oh no, aunt, I shall not recover. The doctor does not know my feelings as well as I do myself." I then asked him M 266 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. how he felt in prospect of death. " Happy, very happy. I am not afraid to die. When I look at myself, I am all sin ; but when I look to Jesus, he is all glorious ; and he can forgive and pardon all. He is all my hope and trust." I then asked him if he had enjoyment in looking to Christ. " Yes," said he ; " such happiness I have had on this bed .as I can not describe." Such is, as nearly as I can re- member, my conversation with him. I then found he was much exhausted, and would suffer him to speak no more. Mr. Mandeville, Mr. Floyd, Mr. Voorhees, and my- self sat by him through the night.' " My sister Jane writes : ' To one who asked if he did not wish to live, he replied, " It is rather hard for one so young to die ;" and, referring to his having devoted him- self to the missionary work, continued, " If the Lord pleases to give me a crown without permitting me to la- bor in his vineyard, it is all the better." And this crown has been awarded, and a harp, upon which he has hymned celestial music, has been put in his possession. Hark ! it is the song of salvation.' " My dear son died while a member of the Theological Seminary in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Perhaps he would have joined me in my missionary work year after next ; but God has no need of his services here. All is well. It is enough for me that he is at rest with his Sav- iour. " The following account of his funeral is taken from two of the publications which have reached me : " ' Perhaps it has never been the lot of New Brunswick to witness such a season of solemnity as that of Friday, the 16th instant, on the occasion of the funeral rites of our much-lamented young friend, Samuel D. Scudder. WOES CLUSTER. 267 Scarcely could it be possible to give a more unanimous utterance to the sad conviction that an estimable young man, in whom the Church had centred large expecta- tions, had been taken away by the wise yet inscrutable providence of God. The students of the College and those of the Theological Seminary on the day previous held separate meetings to give suitable expression to their sorrowing sympathy, with which their hearts were over- flowing full ; and, in the impatience of grief, unable to wait the usual time, accompanied by their respective pro- fessors, they paid a visit to gaze upon the amiable feat- ures, sweet even in death, of their deceased companion. At half past eleven o'clock A.M. on Friday, the students of both the Literary and Theological Colleges, preceded by the faculties of both institutions, left the college grounds to unite with the friends of the deceased in the funeral train. As they slowly proceeded down the Cam- pus, where the deceased had once walked with the glad accompaniment of festive music on the occasion of his \ graduating with the highest honor of his class, the col- / lege bell tolled a mournful requiem. The body, followed by a long train of sorrowing friends, was taken to the Sec- ond Dutch Church, and exposed to view immediately be- fore the pulpit. " ' The funeral discourse was delivered by the Rev- erend Professor Alexander McClelland, D.D., from the sentiment in Ecclesiastes vii., 1 " The day of death is better than the day of one's birth." And such a sermon ! The tears streaming from " eyes unused to weep" afford- ed its best eulogy. The preacher spoke of the superior knowledge which the soul enjoyed in the spirit land, and then, pointing to the placid face of the deceased, and 268 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. with a voice subdued by intensity of emotion, exclaimed, " Yes, my dear young pupil, could thy now enlightened spirit be permitted to inhabit its house, I would gladly sit at thy feet and learn of thee wisdom." The effect was electric ; all wept the professors and their students. None were ashamed to let the pearl-drops flow from the fount of feeling. " Once, by a coincidence sometimes permitted by an inscrutable Providence," said the preach- er, " a young man of large promise and buoyant hopes stood before me. On his arm leaned a beautiful young maiden in all the confidence of her sex. I united them in marriage. This union was wonderfully blessed. Since then, over thirty years have rolled away ; and now, at this moment, by the incomprehensible will of God, I am deliv- ering a funeral discourse over the remains of their son." It would be impossible rightly to depict the effect of this simple but well-timed announcement. "'After permitting the audience once more, one by one, to gaze upon the deceased, the procession again formed, and took up its line of inarch for the grave-yard. As an indication of the pervading grief, it was observ- able that a very large portion of the ladies of the congre- gation joined the rear of the procession. For numbers and depth of sorrow, this place has not seen its like be- fore. " ( Samuel Scudder was taken away without being suf- fered to enter the great vineyard of missionary labor, but his last testimony was a sermon of great power. His resignation and Christian serenity proved how much better was the day of his death than that of his birth. And who but God knows the effect of his departure ? An awakening has evidently begun in the college, and EFFECT OF THESE BEREAVEMENTS. 269 who will not pray that God may make his people willing in the day of his power ?' "April 2Gth. ' Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth ; but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may administer grace unto the hear- ers.' "29A. We have received a letter from one of our connections, Miss Mary M. Pohlman, in which she gives a quotation from one of my sons (Samuel's) letters to them. He says, ' Within the last few days circumstances have occurred which make me feel it to be my duty to return to New Brunswick and resume my studies. I hear the voice of my father and brothers calling me from my na- 1 tive land, " Come over and help us," and I must hasten to obey.' "November 19th, 1851. It will be two years to-night since my dear wife entered into her rest. " 2,1st. This day, two years ago, my dear wife lay a corpse in the room where I now am. " Cape of Good Hope, November 21st, 1854. This day, five years ago, I buried my beloved wife." THE EFFECT OF THESE BEREAVEMENTS. On so sensitive a mind as Dr. Scudder's, these terrible strokes fell with crushing power. His own health fail- ing his day-star having set, no more to pour her mild radiance on his path his promising son having gone on the higher mission the mission angelic no wonder that his spirit bowed in sadness, and his submission was min- gled with the plaint of bruised affections. From this date onward the old warrior thought of the day so near when he should exchange the spiritual pan- 270 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. oply for the crown immortal. The trumpet-note of Providence warned him that the last enemy was advanc- ing, and that he must enter upon one more struggle, and then, with the shout of victory, pass to his reward. But his zeal, uuquenched, strove to stay up his mortal .frame - w r ork, and every day saw him on the field, bat- | tling against heathenish errors, and striving to lead the ^poor pagan " out of darkness into God's marvelous light." His friends saw, however, that he was hastening an event which they prayed might be postponed for many years. They advised, and he at length consented to try the effect of a sea voyage, and cessation from missionary | labors. He always said, " I wish to die in India." " There ^ I would be buried, side by side with my beloved wife." I He was not willing to make a second voyage to America, I so it was determined that he should go to the Cape of v Good Hope, accompanied by his son Joseph, and try the effect of that salubrious region. ONE LABOE MOEE INDULGE. Dr. Scudder and his son reached the Cape of Good Hope November, 1854. He was much benefited by the voyage, and commenced at once, with his usual earnest- ness, to preach Christ to the residents, and especially to the children. Crowds flocked to hear him. He held two, and sometimes even three services on the Sabbath. It seemed as if Providence was about to give him a new lease of life, and his spirits rose with his renewed ability to labor. But it was a flame leaping from the socket. " The golden bowl was about to be broken." The wa- ters of the Jordan were heard lashing its shores. The preparation for crossing had been made, and it only re- CONCLUDING REMARKS. 271 mained for the celestial voyager to say to the angels in- viting him from the opposite bank, " Lo, I come." Tired with official labor, he laid himself down, as usual, to recruit a little before he entered upon a service which had been announced for him. He sank into a sweet sleep, which gradually became deeper and deeper, until, when the servant announced something unusual, and the affectionate son hastened to his bedside, the spirit was just taking its flight from earth to heaven. As we stand, in thought, over that sublime scene, we can not but ex-/ claim, " Servant of God, well done ! Thy glorious warfare's past ; The battle's fought, the race is run, And thou art crowned at last." This sketch of the life and labors of a distinguished missionary, however imperfect, is of some importance as to its influence on those who read it, whether professed Christians or professed worldlings. It may stimulate the one class in their aims at a higher degree of spiritu- ality, and convince the other that religion is not a mere theory, but a system of practical holiness and self-denial. Here is a man of high culture and refined taste the result of an education in our best colleges, both academ- ical and medical offering liimself, with all his attain- ments, to a work which requires expatriation, and the endurance of great labors and sufferings, with no reward but the consciousness of discharged duty. He leaves a lucrative profession for a bare subsistence. He goes from a home adorned with all the attractions of social 272 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. and religious comfort to a dwelling among brutal and disgusting heathenism. How is this to be accounted for ? None of the ordinary principles which sway our common humanity are sufficient to explain it. It must be that his heart was touched by a higher principle one in ac- cordance with that which led Him, " who was rich, for our sakes to become poor, that we, through his poverty, might be rich." The existence of true piety alone can account for it. The spirit of benevolence and self-sacrifice was the more marked in this case, inasmuch as it was exercised in the view of a life-long exile. When missionaries left their native land then, it was expected by them and by the Churches who sent them that they were to live and die among the heathen. It was a farewell to home final and forever. Dr. Scudder's face was never turned toward his native land but once, and then with great re- luctance; and so soon as the possibility of return w r as evident, he cheerfully and with ardent longing set sail again for the field of his labors. He had his desire a desire often expressed that he might make his grave in India. The record of such a life and of such labors, if lost to the Church and to the world, would, it seems to us, be a great loss. We need the stimulating effect of such ex- amples. They rouse us from the self indulgence to which we are so naturally inclined. They show us the possi- bility of high endeavor, and make us feel that if one Christian can exercise so much of the spirit of the Mas- ter, and tread so closely in his footsteps, why can not an- other why can not we all ? If Luke had not traveled with St. Paul, sharing his CONCLUDING REMARKS. 273 toils and trials if he had not been inspired to make and transmit the record of that heroic servant of Christ, what a loss would it have been to all succeeding ages of the Church! Those writings have animated and sustained Christians in all their conflicts with their enemies, both human and Satanic. And, though we do not pretend to compare the life and labors of our humble missionary with the great apostle of the Gentiles, yet would the loss in the one case be as real, though by no means as great as in the other. As one generation passes away to be succeeded by the influx of successive ones, obliterating, like incoming waves, the landmarks which had stood as signals of hope or of danger, so the coming ranks of later Christians will have forgotten the heavenly examples which had preceded them, unless we are at some pains to give them perpetuity. Patriots and warriors have their statues of bronze or marble. Science, by the same means, secures for her votaries the homage of posterity. Why should not they who have fought so manfully the fight of faith, and set so illustrious an example of victories achieved by grace over the allurements of the world, have also their memorial, more enduring than brass or marble? They, indeed, " rest from their labors, but their works do follow them." Their name is stamped not only on the records of Christian civilization, but still deeper on souls " brought out of darkness into God's marvelous light." Few are now living who saw Dr. Scudder at the time when he made the sublime consecration of his all to the work of missions, and those who have come on to the stage since have but a vague and shadowy idea of this devoted man, so that if, by this sketch of his life and la- M2 274 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. bors, we may fix his image on the minds of present and coming generations, we shall have done a service for which some, at least, will give us thanks. "We shall save from oblivion an example not often seen even among those who profess the same faith and acknowledge the same obligations. What he was he was by the grace of God. By the same grace others may attain to a like spiritual elevation. Kay, they may reach beyond, and in their luminous flight get so near to the perfection of angels as shall lead us to cry out, with Dr. Young, " Which is the seraph which the child of clay ?" REMINISCENCES OF THE EEV. JOHN SCUDDER, M.D., MISSIONARY TO INDIA. BY B, P, AYDELOTT. D,D,, AND HENRY M, SCUDDER, D,D, REMINISCENCES, " I FIRST met with that eminent missionary of Christ, the late Dr. John Scudder, in the year 1813, when we came together, in company with many others, to attend medical lectures in the city of New York. " He had finished his preparatory education in Prince- ton College, New Jersey, his native state, and we both found ourselves the private pupils of Dr. David Hosack, then the distinguished Professor of the Theory and Prac- tice of Medicine in the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of the University of the State of New York. We were therefore thrown together nearly all the time of our pupilage, instead of occasionally meeting in a crowd- ed lecture-room during the winter months of each year. " I know not why it was that Dr. Scudder at this period cultivated a closer intimacy with me than with our fellow-students generally under Professor Hosack's charge. Though morally correct, I made no profession of religion, and was not at all pious. But I have reason to thank Him who has all hearts in his hands that he inclined his servant to be specially friendly to me. I can trace many of my blessings to our intercourse all along from this early period to the last year of his devoted life. " To any young man, attendance upon lectures in a large city, away from home influences, is a very danger- 278 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. ous trial. Multitudes of promising youth have thus been ruined. Even to a pious student it is full of peril, and always must be a painful ordeal. " I can very distinctly call up Dr. Scudder's career as a medical student, and often reflect upon it as one of sin- gular wisdom and firmness, and yet so softened and sweet- ened by Christian courtesy as to win for him the kindly regards even of the most thoughtless and worldly-mind- ed of his fellow-students. Amid the tempting scenes and trials of patience in which he was placed at this time, I never witnessed in him the slightest departure from the purity, the rectitude, the amiability, or the calm dignity of the Christian character. This was so remark- able as to be universally felt, and to secure for him the respect of all. His presence among us had at least a powerful moral influence; and I can not but hope that, in the case of not a few, a still richer blessing flowed from it. I have continued reason to thank God for our early friendship. " In May, 1815, Dr. Scudder was admitted to the de- gree of Doctor of Medicine. He decided to embark in the practice of his profession in the city of New York. 1 I introduced him to the amiable family of the late ex- I cellent Mrs. Ruth Waterbury, into which he was at once \ admitted as an inmate. About a year afterward he was married to Harriet, the third daughter of Mrs. "Water- bury. She was a young lady of rare personal beauty and winning manners, united with strong common sense, a soundness of judgment, a uniform cheerfulness of dis- position, and a depth- of piety which admirably qualified her for the wife of the future missionary. They knew not then, however, their high destiny, with its great trials REMINISCENCES. 279 and still greater usefulness. But He who kuoweth the end from the beginning had doubtless fitted them for each other, and for the honorable and arduous work to which he subsequently called them. " Here it may be well to remark that Dr. Scudder's mind and personal habits were eminently adapted to the medical profession. He was a close, accurate observer at the bedside, overlooking nothing, however small, that might throw light upon the case, and weighing every thing so calmly and judiciously as rarely to fail of a right decision ; and when decided, none more energetic in car- rying out his decision. It soon, therefore, became quite a general sentiment that, if professional knowledge, un- wearied industry, soundness of judgment, and a most zealous, conscientious interest in whatever case he under- took were in the physician a sure ground of trust to the patient, Dr. Scudder's success was certain, and could not be long delayed. Accordingly, he very quickly found himself in the possession of a large and growing prac- tice. Considering that he had no old-established prac- titioner to take him by the hand, or to make way for him, but had, single-handed, to build up his own fortunes, Dr. Scudder's success was without a parallel. The fifty- four years that have since elapsed have not supplied me with one other such example of rapid and sound profes- sional advancement. His course was not that of the meteor, suddenly flashing upon us and soon extinguished, but like the steady growing light of the sun, in which all confide and rejoice. " The particular incident which called Dr. Scudder's attention to the subject of foreign missions as a personal matter, and led him to give himself to the work, he re- 280 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. lated to me just after its occurrence. It was as follows. Upon visiting a patient, lie took up a tract entitled ' THE CLAIMS OF Six HUNDRED MILLIONS,' and carefully read it at the bedside. The Spirit of God thus brought the subject to his mind and heart in all its grandeur and the solemn weight of its responsibilities. 'What am I doing ?' he thought ; ' thousands may be found to seek wealth and reputation in the practice of medicine, but how few are willing to go and preach the Gospel ! God helping me, I will, if my dear wife sympathizes with me. I will give up all, and go at once to the very ends of the earth, if need be, and preach Clirist to perishing hea- then.' After much communing upon the subject, and fasting, and much prayer, they both resolved, calmly, sol- emnly, immovably, to live and die for Christ it.pon mis- sionary ground. "It was in the year 1819 that Dr. Scudder made known the intention of himself and wife to go as mis- sionaries to the island of Ceylon, under the auspices of the American Board. His announcement made a strong impression. The worldly stood amazed, not knowing what could induce a man who had realized so much, and whose prospects were so brilliant, to throw all these away, and embrace a life of toil, privation, and danger, among an ignorant, degraded people on the other side of the globe, there to wear out and die far off from home, and friends, and country. Some solved the difficulty at once ; they pronounced him 'mad? Even Christians were startled, it had been so uncommon at that day for an eminent professional man to give up every thing and go out as a poor missionary. " But a large circle of Christian friends soon rallied REMINISCENCES. 281 about him with increased affection, endeavoring to hold up his hands and those of his faithful partner, and to de- rive to their own souls also those rich blessings of grace which so rare an opportunity, and one that might never be enjoyed again, was calculated to impart. ' They glo- rified God in him.' A series of meetings for prayer and conference was held at his house and in those of Chris- tian friends. Well does the writer remember ' the feast of fat things' which it was his privilege to enjoy on these occasions at that period with this dear servant of Christ and his beloved companion. " A considerable company attended the departing mis- sionaries to the steam-boat, and there we took our leave, supposing that we should meet no more on earth. He went to the heathen to proclaim the ' unsearchable riches of Christ,' and I not worthy of that high honor staid at home to preach the Gospel as a pastor, or to labor here in some way to extend the Redeemer's kingdom. " From the day that Dr. Scudder declared his inten- tion to go to India till the time of his leaving New Tork was a season of deep excitement. But he and his com- panion were calm throughout. ' What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart ? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.' This was their spirit not a stoical insen- sibility, but a holy composure, springing from a confi- dence in the Lord solemn, joyful, and immovable. They entered into the spirit of the meetings held with them, manifested the liveliest sympathy with weeping friends, but were wonderfully supported themselves. "The labors, trials, sufferings, and successes of Dr. Scudder and his devoted companion in Ceylon and other 282 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. parts of India to which the Lord called them I pass over. The Missionary Herald, and his letters to the Board and Christian friends, will furnish his biographer with abundant materials for his public life abroad. "After an absence of about twenty-six years, his health became so impaired by his toils and exposure in the cli- mate of India as to make it necessary for him to try the effect of a temporary sojourn in his native land. Ac- cordingly, he and Mrs. S. embarked for the United States, and here spent two or three years, during which his health seemed to be firmly re-established. In the mean- while he was ' in labors more abundant,' visiting all the most important points in the land, addressing ecclesiastic- al bodies, lecturing to congregations, and especially en- deavoring to excite an interest in the minds of children in behalf of missions. " For the latter work few men ever exhibited so hap- py a talent. Every church in which he addressed chil- dren was crowded with them up to the very platform of the pulpit. lie could hold them in breathless attention between one and two hours, and when he closed all seemed reluctant to depart. They crowded around him, each one striving to get his notice. Yery many visited him at his lodgings, and none such were suffered to go away without much impressive counsel, and a present of some little book on missions. After his return to India he used to write most interesting letters to many of our Sunday-schools, and to some families in behalf of whose children a special interest had been awakened in his bo- som. In these letters each little one was sure to be af- fectionately remembered. I feel very confident that multitudes of children in all the places where Dr. Scud- REMINISCENCES. 283 der visited will be found to ascribe their first serious im- pressions to his influence. Yery many such have doubt- less already come to the Saviour ; and many, won by his counsels and example, have solemnly devoted themselves to the missionary work. The Church at home and mis- sionary stations abroad have yet to gather an abun- dant harvest from those labors of our beloved, departed brother. " During a large part of their stay in Cincinnati, Dr. and Mrs. Scudder were pleased to make my house their home. This I felt an indescribably precious privilege, and I can see, every day since, that it is likely to be a rich blessing even to the youngest of my children. It has been greatly the means of drawing their attention to the subject of Christian missions. All their pennies they save up for this cause ; and nothing is so interesting to them as the publications of the Board, and especially those private letters which Dr. Scudder was in the habit of writing to me till the time of his decease. I trust that this influence will never cease to operate till it brings some of them also into the missionary field. "Although we had been separated for upward of a quarter of a century, yet I knew Dr. Scudder as soon as he approached my house, though I had not been aware of his arrival at the city. "When he first went to India he was tall, very slen- der, of a fair complexion, and light hair ; but upon his 1 1 return to the United States he was quite muscular and | j portly, though his complexion and hair were unchanged. /' Mrs. Scudder informed me, on that occasion, that when the doctor left India he was feeble and reduced in flesh, having passed through several attacks of jungle fever, 284 MEMOIR OF DR. SVUDDER. that it was hardly thought he would live to reach the United States. In a few weeks, however, the sea air re- stored him to health, and rendered him, what he had never been before a stout, large man. " Having been favored with the friendship of Dr. Scudder, and knowing him so intimately from the pe- riod of our youthful studies, through ' all his walk with God,' till he was not, for ' God took him,' I may be ex- pected here to say something about the peculiar traits of his character as a man, a Christian, and a missionary, and of the influence he exerted. It would seem, however, that little is needed here, for the larger part of his life having been public, all who feel an interest in the Ee- deemer's kingdom must already know much of him. But, in truth, they who know most of him are the very persons who will desire to know more. Every scrap of information that could be communicated concerning so lovely a Christian, and so faithful a missionary of the Cross, will be eagerly seized upon as suggestive of pre- cious thoughts and profitable lessons. " Let me here premise with a very brief notice of the particulars of his death, as these were given in the peri- odicals of the day. About six or seven years after his return to India, and two or three years after the death of Mrs. Scudder, he again became so enfeebled by his indefatigable labors and attacks of disease that it was thought advisable for him to take a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope. Accordingly, he embarked for this pur- pose, accompanied by one of his sons. At the Cape he was received very courteously, and especially by his brethren of the Reformed Dutch Church. He imme- diately became much engaged in endeavoring to promote REMINISCENCES. 285 the cause of missions. Just before the time appointed for a public meeting for this purpose, in which Dr. Scud- der had been announced to take a part, he retired to get a few moments' rest. He was found lying apparently in a placid sleep, but really in an apoplectic state, out of which he speedily passed from his labors on earth to the ' rest which remaineth to the people of God.' l Devout men carried him to his burial, and made great lamenta- tion over him.' " 1st. Dr. Scudder was pre-eminently a wise and holy man. To this he owed his remarkable intellectual pow- er and moral influence, which shone out not only in his general course of conduct, but in whatever he said or did. " The late Rev. Dr. J. L. Wilson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, observed to me, after hearing one of Dr. Scudder's missionary lectures, that it was one of the ablest and most interesting to which he had ever listened. But it was just such, in point of abil- ity and instructiveness, as were the many others delivered in the different churches of our city. There was, indeed, a striking uniformity in his efforts I mean, uniformity i of power and interest. He seemed never to fall below/ himself. This I know, for I presided at all these meet- ings. " The same traits characterized his social and more private intercourse. His conversation was always rich in instruction and interest. You felt yourself in the } company of a Christian gentleman remarkably such, because pre-eminently a wise and holy man. " In this respect Dr. Scudder was a striking example of the power of the Gospel to invigorate, elevate, and re- J fine whatever is excellent in human nature. I had known 286 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. him from his youth ; and frequently, in listening to his public performances in Cincinnati, and while conversing with nim alone in the family or in my study, the thought of him as a fellow-student in years gone by, and what he now was, would often present itself to my mind. It was manifest to me that the ordinary conventional Christian- ity of Christian lands never could have made Dr. Scud- der what he was. In spirit, and wisdom, and tone of pi- ety he was far above us all. Gladly have I sat at his feet for hours, and felt myself richly profited. Those lofty views of Christian charity and obligation which we pride ourselves for having at last barely arrived at, he seemed to discern at once by a spiritual intuition, and not only so, but spontaneously to act upon them. To treat all his brethren, of whatever name, who showed that they loved the Lord Jesus Christ, was in him no special effort of charity. He appeared incapable of doing otherwise ; and what we usually feel as privations, sacrifices, and con- descension to the infirmities of others, never seemed such to him. He manifestly stood on an eminence far above us, and breathed a purer atmosphere, and could look over and beyond those mists of pride, passions, and prejudice that involve us. In looking up to him, I often asked myself, Could any college course ever have given such pre-eminent power and clearness to a mind not naturally of great strength or brilliancy? I was confident it could not. Would such wisdom and holiness be likely to grow up under our systems of Christian training? I feared not. The churches at home the common schools of Christianity do not seem to have advanced so far in the work of spiritual education. Only God's great Univer- sity, the field of foreign missions, could form such a char- REJIIXISCENCES. 287 acter as Dr. Scudder's. There, cut off from our chill- ing expediencies, dwarfing precedents, and compromis- ing conventionalities, and finding himself surrounded by all the -darkness, and abominations, and miseries of hea- thenism, in the midst of which Satan's throne towered up and ruled supreme, he had no hope and help but in the "Word and Spirit of God. Free and untrammeled, he came under the pure influences of the BIBLE its glori- ous truths, its holy precepts, its precious promises, and its only spotless Exemplar. By these was his mind trained, and his whole character formed. Thus ' shut up to the faith,' he came forth ' a perfect man.' No human sys- v tern of education, not even our ordinary Christianity, / could have given him such strength, and wisdom, and elo-/ quence. I have frequently remarked to friends that Dr. Scudder was a living volume of the Evidences of Chris- tianity far more convincing especially to those who knew him from the first than even Butler's or Paley's great argument. Nothing but the Bible could have lift- ed him to such an eminence of intellectual power and moral influence. " 2d. Dr. Scudder united extraordinary zeal with a rare discretion and kindness. " True Christian zeal is an important grace ; without it little can be accomplished, but with it every other talent becomes efficient for good. But our zeal may be so im- prudently manifested as to make wise men afraid to co- operate with us, or so unkindly put forth as to provoke others into opposition, and thus may we not only fail of accomplishing all the good we wish, but call out a large amount of evil. " And just in proportion to the intensity of zeal in the 288 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. bosom of any one is the danger of falling into the one or the other, or both of these evils. In such a character great grace is the only safeguard; it alone can clothe zeal with that discretion, and breathe into it thai* kindli- ness of spirit which will be sure to command the confi- dence of the prudent, and make friends of all. " Dr. Scudder was a striking example of the truth of the foregoing remarks. Though his zeal for Christ's cause led him to say many things that could not but be felt as strong rebuke by most Christians, and to propose plans and methods of doing good which involved much sacrifice, yet the pious every where gathered around him, and readily fell into his plans and methods, and even the worldly manifested no other than the kindliest feelings ^ toward him. Hence, of all the returned missionaries that ever left our shores, none, I am persuaded, went away more beloved and respected among us ; and yet his hon- est, glowing zeal impelled him to improve every occa- sion, private and public, to call sinners to repentance, to rebuke the heartlessness and inconsistencies of professors, and to point them to the loftiest standard of duty and self-sacrifice. But all this zeal was exhibited with a dis- cretion and a kindness so rare that the most cautious could find no reason for distrust, nor the most sensitive any ground of offense. And this trait of character leads me to notice another. " 3d. His peculiar talent for exciting others to effort. " His whole example, as a signally devoted servant of Christ, had undoubtedly much influence here, and espe- cially his ardent zeal, guided by prudence ancl tempered by love ; but it seemed also a specific power in him. He had the talent in a remarkable degree of inducing others REMINISCENCES. 289 to co-operate with him, and of exciting others to do whatl he himself could not, or what it might not be proper for I him to attempt. The working of this power within seemed to give him no rest. He was continually sug- gesting something to be done, some plan of usefulness, some new field of Christian enterprise. David says, 'He that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.' Dr. Scud- der would have no idlers about him. "4th. Simplicity and disinterestedness were promi- nent traits in Dr. Scudder's character. He had no con- cealment, and was incapable of art. His object, what- ever it was, shone out, and he went openly and directly to it. Perfectly honest himself, it was difficult for him to suspect others of ill intention. " He manifestly lived for the cause of Christ, and how any particular measure to promote this cause would affect his own interests never appeared to enter his thoughts. He wa^ always ready to be any thing or nothing, as would most advance the divine glory. Believing himself called of God to the work of foreign missions, he cast himself unreservedly on his providence. He made no provision for infirmity, early death, or old age. If at the end of the year any thing was left of his salary, it was returned to the Board. And as he cast his care upon the Lord, so the Lord remarkably cared for him in providing for him a helpmate not only of devoted piety, but of unin- / terrupted health and active habits. Prudence, economy, and a thorough knowledge of domestic affairs in her left him free and unembarrassed to give up his whole time and strength to the duties of his ministry. And both he and she were spared till their numerous children could do without a parent's care. N 290 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. n" I have mentioned devoted piety as a characteristic of Mrs. Scudder. None but such a wife could have been suitable for him, however great her other excellencies. Dr. Scudder seemed deeply sensible of this ; for while he valued those other excellencies and saw their importance, her piety was that which most endeared her to him, and called out his most grateful ascriptions to the Giver of every good and perfect gift. In a letter to me announc- ing the death of his wife, he dwells mainly on her charac- ter and labors as a Christian mother. ' She literally 1 prayed her children into the kingdom* was a part of his testimony on that occasion. " 5th. Dr. Scudder was a happy Christian. "That his sanguine temperament contributed much to his natural cheerfulness of disposition there can be no doubt; but such cheerfulness is a poor support in the trials of a missionary's life, and he who embarks in these with nothing but that to depend upon will assuredly fail. He must either sink under the burden or retire from the field. " But Dr. Scudder was a happy Christian, not because his temperament was sanguine and his natural disposi- tion cheerful, but because he habitually walked in the light of the Lord's countenance. Hence his spirit never yielded under the burden and heat of the day ; and when bodily disease and infirmities drove him from the field, his heart was set upon a speedy return. " He had long settled the great question that he was a child of God, and was engaged in his Father's work. Hence he gave liimself no anxious thought for the mor- row; all was bright and hopeful before him. He re- marked to me, in a very interesting and instructive con- REMINISCENCES. 291 versation during his stay at my house, that ' the thoughts of death seldom came across his mind ; that they never troubled him ; that he believed he had yet much work to do for the Lord, and that time would be given him for it. " It would be easy and very pleasant to add to these reminiscences, but I must close just now at least; and my age, with its increasing infirmities, renders much fu- ture effort of the kind quite doubtful. Indeed, one who knows my beloved, departed brother so well as you do can have little need of my communications perhaps none at all and yet I could not refuse your request." To the JKev. Dr. Campbell. "Vellore, October 26, 1855. " MY DEAE BROTHER, A few days since I wrote you a note from a bungalow while on a tour. I now sit down to redeem the promise then made that I would write you about my dear father. I knew him not only as a father, but also as a missionary, having labored for years by his side in the same mission. I shall try to sketch simply and briefly the main outlines of his char- acter. I shall write freely, but be assured the portrait shall be a truthful one. " 1. His physical frame was strong, tall, and well pro- portioned. In his youth he was thin and sinewy, but in later life grew stout and portly. He had a sound, firm constitution, latterly much shaken and shattered by se- vere labors and exposures. His prominent and striking features, his erect bearing and commanding appearance, certified you, at a single glance, that he was a man. " 2. He had a strong mind. It chiefly resembled the 292 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. rugged, outstanding mountain, and yet it had character- istics which reminded you likewise of the gentle stream flowing sweetly through the valley below. There were great natural forces in his intellect. He investigated those subjects which lay within the sphere of his work. On them he concentrated his power, caring little for such as lay beyond. He was a vigorous, able thinker. He thought out his conclusions in straight lines of his own, knowing nothing of circuitous approaches. Minor posi- tions he left for others, himself content to seize upon each important citadel until he became master of the country. Whenever he took part in a discussion or treat- ed a subject, all, no matter who might be present, were constrained to feel the native strength and acknowledge the majestic stride of his mind. Many excelled him in length and breadth of information, and in acquaintance with the writings of others, but few could gainsay or withstand his plain, straightforward logic. If he moved in a narrower circle than some others, it was- like the tread of a giant athlete within his own chosen arena, compared with the gazing children who had come from their sports over a wide plain. " 3. He had decision of character. This was manifest to any one at first sight. His outward countenance was the truthful index of the inward mental structure. There was nothing facile in him. Every part of his composi- tion was remote from such weakness. He could be de- pended upon in any emergency. Convicted of an error, none would be more ready than he to confess and aban- don it; but where he had conscientiously taken up his ground, earth and hell could not move him. He climbed up to the hills and sought for light, and from that eleva- REMINISCENCES. 293 tion he gazed and gazed till he saw the path of duty opening out before him, and then, girding his loins, de- scended to enter it without hesitation, whatever it might be. Hinderances were not heeded, nor consequences con- templated. Having once heard the Word saying ' This is the way, walk you in it,' his soul summoned all its powers into one glowing response ' I WILL.' His thought and expression were of a peculiarly decisive cast where evil was concerned. A man who had been imposed upon by a counterfeit bank-note remarked to him that he could not pass it again, as that would be wrong. He replied, ' Wrong yes, indeed ! I would not do it to save my soul.' " 4. He was endowed with perseverance. Whatever he undertook he steadily pursued. He never relaxed his hold upon an object, nor retreated from a course which he believed to be right. Days, and months, and years might pass over him, but they found him still cleaving to his purpose. Harassing trials might encompass him, but they could not drive him from his design. So marked was this trait of his character, that, in thinking of it, I am reminded of the man who, when two hostile frigates were about to board each other, sprang toward the an- tagonist vessel, and seized the bulwarks with his hands. A cutlass blow divided both arms, but he hung on with his teeth. My father's perseverance was forcibly exhib-*| ited in nis unremitted labors as a street-preacher. Apa- j thy, ridicule, scorn, abuse, blasphemy, blows, stonings, { physical languor, the natural shrinking of the spirit, and 1 many other causes combined, could not force him to sue- /' cumb in a single instance. That was his Lord's work, and must be accomplished statedly and perseveringly. 294 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDEB. I well recollect that on one occasion lie and I returned from a tour late at night. I went weary to bed before he retired. When I awoke in the morning, I found that he had gone out to preach in the streets. He would not rest even for that one day. " 5. He was capable of endurance, and willing to suf- fer. He seldom spoke of pain, however severe. He had power to bear it. Fixedness of feature alone re- vealed it. Pain came in the course of a kind Father's providence, and was therefore to be borne with quietness. Many years ago a cancer appeared in his foot. Without telling Mrs. Scudder what he was about to do, he shut himself up in a room with a servant, and dissected out the malignant growth. It was a very painful operation, and he said that he just made out to get through it. Nevertheless, he did it without flinching. I feel sure that if a bed of fire had lain between him and his duty, he would have walked over it with the same composure as if it had been a bed of roses. Christ's sufferings were much in his mind. He was pleased to suffer for Christ's sake. Before God called him to the heathen, he was a physician just stepping into a profitable practice in New York City. Those who then began life with him in the same profession afterward became wealthy. So he might have become. After twenty years spent in India, he re- turned to his native land with a constitution racked by jungle fever. One night I was with him. He lay very ill upon a bed. There were but few of the comforts of this life around him. Languidly he opened his eyes, and, fixing his gaze upon me, alluded to the fact that he might have been rich, and that he had given up all worldly prospects for Jesus' sake, and expressed his satisfaction in having done so. REMINISCENCES. 295 " 6. lie was loth stern and tender. Wherever princi- ples were at stake, he was rigid and unyielding. Men whose views were unsound, and whose practice was cen- surable, no doubt thought him severe. Did not the Phar- isees think the same of Jesus ? " If there were less of compromising with evil, and more of open, manly, thorough resistance to it, would not the line of demarkation between the Church and the world be more plain, and the lives of professors be more pertinent and effective? Though he was thus stern in matters of right and wrong, he had a warm, kind heart, possessing deep fountains of tenderness and overflowing affection. He loved with the full energy of *his spirit. Though a strict disciplinarian in his family, yet his chil- dren, if they wished a favor, would often seek it of him even sooner than of a fond mother. His eyes, from which personal suffering could extort no moisture, often ran with tears when Jesus' dying love was the theme of thought and conversation. At sacramental seasons his whole soul seemed to melt away at the foot of the Cross. Severity and tenderness are not incompatible. God is severe, and God is tender. "Why may not regen- erated humanity exhibit a miniature image of the divine heart, even as a drop of pellucid water may reflect, in perfect, though minute proportions, the sun which shines down upon it ? " 7. He was courageous. Hell had once been his fear. That dread was now gone, and he feared nothing. It is dangerous for a missionary to enter the great temples in Southern India during their festival days. They can claim no protection from government there. Neverthe- less, he went into one, and became involved in the throng 296 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. which fills, on such occasions, those vast edifices. He could not find the way out again, and was obliged to wait till midnight, when he followed the procession which at that time left the temple. Any one there might have killed him with a single stroke, and the murderer never have been known. On one of his tours, an immense crowd being collected, a band of fierce Mussulmen de- manded books of the bandy-man who was employed by my father to transport tracts, and when refused, one of them advanced brandishing a club, with which he, sup- ported by his angry coadjutors, would no doubt have killed the bandy-man and my f atlier also. With admira- ble self-possession, my father ran up to him, and, strok- ing his beard, exclaimed ' My brother ! my brother !' This token of Oriental obeisance appeased his wrath, and quiet was restored. My father said that the danger was so im- minent that the saliva in his mouth dried up instantly, leaving it parched as though by long thirst. " 8. The simple way in which his mind was deter- mined to the missionary field is worthy of notice. As I mentioned before, he entered life a physician ; but there came a time when the wants and the woes of the hea- then were brought clearly before him. It was thus. In professional attendance upon a lady, while in the ante- room, he took up a tract on which was inscribed the title 'The Conversion of the World, or the Claims of Six Hun- dred Millions, and the Ability and Duty of the Churches respecting them.' That tract brought him to India. The very copy through which God thus spake to him that night in that lady's parlor now lies on the table before me. Precious tract, written thirty-seven years ago, how wide and wonderful are the influences which have issued REMINISCENCES. 29 y from between thy humble covers ! Under God, it is by thee that I sit here writing these lines in this far-off land. It is by thee that four of my brothers are missionaries with me. Do I not recognize upon thy worn leaves the impress of a divine hand ? " 9. Before he was thus called he had been severely dis- ciplined. The Lord had caused him to pass through spiritual conflicts of no ordinary kind. I will here re- cord, in few words, the vivid impressions I retain of the hints dropped by him concerning that awful period. After he had found salvation in Jesus, and had united with the Church, he was led out into a howling wilder- ness to be tempted. Satan was let loose upon his naked, shivering soul. Faith and its foundations seemed gone forever. He was in an agony to believe, but could not. He doubted of all things yea, even-of his own existence. Hope died within him, and Despair spread her pall over him. . Every star went out in his sky. Satan and his le- gions assailed him on every side. He felt the flap of their demon wings, and was poisoned by their blasphe- mous breath. Horrid thoughts, which could never be uttered to mortal man, crowded thick and fast upon him. His heart was like a sepulchre full of spectres. The ter- rors of hell rolled like quickly succeeding billows over him, and he scarce got breath between. For many months he ventured not to the communion table. Yet, in the war and darkness of that fearful tempest, above that wild ocean of anguish, there stood an unseen form, the Holy One, the Crucified, who caused that gasping soul, in all its blind struggles, to come nearer and nearer to himself. He had once seen the Cross ; he had once been near it, and experienced its pardoning and sancti- N2 298 MEMOIE OF DR. SCUDDER. fying power, and it was still the magnet of his soul. He kept his eyes on that point of the spiritual horizon where he had seen it fade from view, and he never turned them elsewhere. When God had sufficiently shown him Sa- tan's power and his own weakness ; when he had bruised, and broken, and humbled him, then again he flooded Ins sky with the light of the Sun of Righteousness. Satan slunk away. Peace spread out her wings over his weary heart, and the foretaste of hell's agonies was changed into an antepast of heaven. While the storm raged, God fastened him to the Rock of Ages as he never had been fastened to it before. As the surge was sweeping him away, grace guided it near the Cross of which he had lost sight, and he got a death-grip of it, which nothing ever after could loosen. He came out of these conflicts like gold out of the fire. He began with calm joy to climb the Delectable Mountains, and he from that time dwelt mostly on their happy summits. These trials em- inently fitted him to encounter the difficulties of the mis- sionary work. He was to meet none so great as those he had already overcome, and he was thrust forth a well- equipped and experienced warrior, to carry the battle with an intrepid spirit into the heart of Satan's territo- ries even to the grim, frowning walls of one of his old- est and strongest fortresses, Hindoostan. God had thus prepared him, and then he called him to the mission field. " 10. My father was a Calvinist in his theological views. The doctrines of grace which he had experi- enced he found to be none other than those which Cal- vin had experienced and stated. Though attached to these doctrines, and to the Dutch Church as a sound ex- REMINISCENCES. 299 positor of them, he was a man of most liberal spirit. All who owned and truly loved the Lord Jesus as the di- vine Eedeemer from sin, he hailed as brethren beloved, and with them he was ready to work in the Lord's vine- yard. He had not an iota of bigotry in him. His love was too real and comprehensive to allow it any foot- room in his heart. While he, with Christian frankness and firmness, would maintain his own views if occasion required, he desired that others should enjoy the same liberty of thought which he claimed for himself. All things which affected not the essentialities of the faith once delivered to the saints were accounted by him as of minor importance, and not to be exalted into a posi- tion subversive of charity and fellowship. " 11. He was entirely devoted to Christ. I verily be- lieve his only aim on earth was the glory of Jesus. Ev- ery thing was subordinated to this was literally swallow- ed up in it. His eye was single. All the strong feel- ings of his strong nature were concentred in the holy passion of love to Christ. He loved the Saviour pro- foundly, tenderly, wholly. His was no half consecration. Jesus was the beginning, the middle, and the end of his life. It gives me true joy to look back and think how beautifully evident was the union of his soul with Jesus. The parable of the vine and the branch was in him sen- sibly demonstrated to us. I shall never forget the reply he made when I asked him to admire some flowers : 'Yes, my son, they are pleasant to me when I think that the BaJ)e of Bethlehem made them.' " 12. He took pains to maintain communion with Jesus. It was one of the axioms of his spiritual life that if one would have fellowship with Christ, he must 300 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. use the means for it. An hour and a half at early morn, and an hour at night, were always sacred to reading the Bible, meditation, prayer, and praise. In these seasons of morning and evening devotions, he chose some por- tion of Scripture, which he read and carefully pondered in connection with the marginal references. At noon he read the Bible regularly in course. Every Friday until midday was set apart as a special season for fasting and prayer. In latter years physical debility made it neces- sary for him to eat a little. His worship of God was not, however, confined to these appointed hours. These were never omitted, while others were often added. His heart was a shrine on the front of which ' JEHOVAH JE- SUS' was written, and from it a cloud of incense was al- ways going up. He walked constantly with Jesus, and spake unto the Lord his Master by night and by day as he had opportunity. Prayer was no task, but the irre- pressible instinct of his new-born nature. He told me that he wished to be one of the inner circle around Je- sus in heaven. That was his ambition, and he lived near here, that he might also be near there. Living thus, he reaped fruits for his soul. His religion had no spasms. For years he had no doubt of his salvation. His soul was like one of our rich Oriental gardens, in which the numerous intersecting channels pervade every foot of the soil with full tides of water. Perfect assurance, like a river of God, rolled its calm, fertilizing volume along the course of every thought and passion. lie was very fond of sacred music, both vocal and instrumental. To praise God was his delight. He said that was the employment of heaven, and he wished to enjoy as much of it on earth as he could. He spent much time in singing to the Re- REMINISCENCES. 301 deemer, sometimes in hymns which he had learned, and sometimes in extempore composition. How often in the morning have I heard his voice soaring before the lark up to the gates of the New Jerusalem ! " 13. He was a Bible Christian. Other books were comparatively nothing to him. He scarcely read any other. He never read a novel except the Vicar of Wake- field. God had become an author, and that was the book for him. Here, in the company of patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, with Jesus at the head as Lord of all, he strengthened his intellect and refreshed his heart amidst the toils and trials of a missionary's life. Next to Christ, Paul was the character he most admired. He sympa- thized more with Paul than with any other mere human being. While Jesus is the Sun of the Scriptures, is not the planetary world of Old Testament sages and New Testament saints prominently introduced because we have some grounds of sympathy with such beings as Paul, which we can not have even with our Lord ? My father laid great stress on meditation. This he felt to be the food of the soul, and much of his devotions con- sisted in prayerful musing upon the divine Word. The Bible was his counselor. Man was in no sense his teach- er. His mind was not constituted to bow to uninspired men, but before the Bible he bowed like a little child. I am persuaded that few men read the Bible so much, and meditated on it so deeply and persistently as did my fa- ther. This attachment to the Bible was one of the most observable facts of his life. When about to set forth to preach or perform some other duty, frequently the last act before leaving the house was to open the Bible, and catch some precious promise or stirring exhortation. 302 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. Thus be girded his loins. I need not add that he was a happy man. How could it be otherwise ? He loved the innocent pleasantries of social life, and would mingle cheerfully in them when he had time. " 14. He was a zealous Christian. His zeal was no flickering flame no smoking wick. It was a lustrous beam from the throne of God, shining through him upon the earth. It never grew dim and doubtful. He need- ed no preparation for a time of revival. God's work seemed always revived within him. He felt himself to be a soldier of Christ, so he did not unbuckle his armor nor sleep at his post. Jesus was his watchword. He wrote it on the banner which he carried high before him with a strong arm. When he went from India to Amer- ica in quest of health, he felt himself called to labor dili- gently among children, that he might make impressions in favor of a world's evangelization upon their tender hearts. A gentleman, remonstrating with him, told him he ought to consult his conscience lest he should over- work himself ; to which he replied that he had ' quashed conscience of that sort long ago.' " 15. He was faithful to impenitent sinners. It was his resolve and constant practice to converse about their souls with all who came into contact with him." Be he cooly, hawker, servant, stranger, or friend be he black or white, child or adult, poor or rich, he spake to all of Jesus and the great salvation. Even those who were on their guard against him could seldom outwit him, or foil him in his design. An English lady, high in rank and influence, called on him, and her daughter, having heard of Dr. Scudder's habits, determined not to see him, and remained in the carriage ; but he managed, witli polite- REMINISCENCES. 303 ness and kindness, to have a brief interview with her, and tell her the way of life. It was also his custom to have one or more unconverted persons as objects of special, continued prayer. To such persons he would sometimes write earnestly and solemnly, beseeching them to turn to the Lord, and declaring his intention to pray daily for them until a certain date, after which he should cease from such particular effort. God made him the means of many conversions. Among his tracts, the one en- titled ' Knocking at the Door' has been much blessed. There are those both in heaven and upon earth who as- cribe their union with the Saviour to his instrumentality. "16. He had the true spirit of a reformer. What he saw to be wrong he struck at with no uncertain blow. ISTothing could abash or intimidate him. Deri- sion, threats, and the et csetera of opposition, whether in- dividual or organized, fell like snowflakes upon his iron armor. When he came to India, missionaries drank wine. He drank it himself. All then believed it to be right. But as soon as the trumpet-clang of teetotalisni smote, across the ocean, upon his ears, he stopped, exam- ined the subject, decided that total abstinence was the only rational and righteous course, and he dashed the wine-cup from his table forever. He was obliged to en- counter a determined hostility, but he wavered not, and rested not, till he established teetotalisni in his mission. When he was sent to form, with another missionary, the Madras Mission, he assailed the whole community with his teetotal enginery. He was immediately made the object of virulent attacks from every quarter. Profess- ing Christians and worldlings joined in the hue and cry. A caricature, purporting to be a description of his death 304 MEMOIR OF DR. SCUDDER. and funeral obsequies, appeared in one o the English newspapers. Some persons even threatened to tar and feather, and ride him on a rail. Here also he steadily persevered. In a journal which he had established, he gave his adversaries harder knocks than they bestowed upon him, turned the tables upon them, routed them from their refuges of lies, and founded a flourishing teetotal society. Again, when the question of caste in the Chris- tian Church was mooted, he studied it thoroughly, and put his hand vigorously to the extirpation of caste, root and branch. He \vas then a member of the Madura Mission. Led by him, they threw off this enemy which was feeding upon their very vitals, and from that day the course of that mission has been upward and prosper- ous. Thus lie always acted. He never inquired wheth- er there were many or few to attend him in any meas- ure. Having satisfied himself as to the rectitude of his course, he marched on in it as though the whole world flowed with him. " 17. lie was never disheartened. He was asked in America, 'What are the discouragements in the mis- sionary work ?' He answered, ' I do not know the word ; I long ago erased it from my vocabulary.' Nothing could -cast him down. His obedience and hopes, being based upon the command and promise of the Lord, did not fluctuate with the changes of exterior events. Here was the command, ' Preach the Gospel to every creature.' Here likewise was the promise, ' My Word shall not re- turn unto me void.' These furnished him with immov- able foundations. Upon them he stood, and no opposi- tion, however malignant and protracted ; no exhibition of the human heart, however appalling ; no obstacles, REMINISCENCES. 305 however formidable ; no reverses, however heart-rend- ing, could dismay him. His work was simply to glorify Christ by going forth bearing precious seed, with weep- ing and prayer, and then all the rest was the Master's work, which he would accomplish in his own time. " 18. He laid aside a tenth of his annual income for tfie Lord's use. He used to say that he wished Chris- tians would cease talking about self-denial, and each one give a tithe of his substance from year to year, and the Lord's treasury would never want. He strove to induce other Christians to conform to this standard. In his will he directed that from the sale of his effects the first pay- ment should be two hundred dollars to the American Board, and if any thing more should be realized, each son was to have twenty-five, and each of the two daugh- ters fifty dollars. " 19. lie sought not the praise of men. I feel quite sure that it never entered into his mind, in any shape or degree, as a motive of action. Obloquy could not de- press, nor applause elate him. The esteem and love of men were not desirable to him, if conditioned upon even the slightest concession of principle or practice on his part. Such concessions he never made. The Saviour's approval was his aim. Beyond that he seemed not to have a thought. " 20. lie was a pioneer in Indian missions a John the Baptist appearing in this wilderness to herald the coming kingdom of the Son of God among these wretch- ed Hindoos. Almost every large town in this part of India has heard his voice proclaiming salvation by Je- sus. He made many extensive tours, distributing por- tions of Scriptures and tracts. While on one of these 306 MEMOIR OF DM. SCUDDEB. journeys, lie once stood laboring eleven consecutive hours without moving from his post. He did not even stop to eat, but had coffee brought to him. It was his habit, when thus standing, to lean upon his left arm, and it was supposed by his medical advisers that this was the cause of its becoming paralyzed. When he left India to visit America, it hung motionless by his side. He recovered its use on the voyage. For some years before he died, being physically unable to make long excursions into the interior, he was accustomed to preach twice daily in the city of Madras, except on Friday mornings, which, as I before mentioned, were sacred hours. Thus he used to preach thirteen times each week. When he heard that his son Samuel, whom he expected would soon join him as a missionary, was dead, he resolved that he would, since so few came as missionaries to India, endeavor to make up Samuel's loss by extra work on his own part. So he commenced preaching thrice daily. Though I ex- postulated with him, he thought he could endure it. He soon broke down, and his first serious illness after I was associated with him had its origin in this excessive labor. I thought he would die, but, by God's mercy, he slowly recovered. He subsequently preached twice daily, but this was too much ; and he gradually failed in health until he was removed, in a very critical state, to the Cape. There he seemed to rally, but it was the sudden upshoot- ing of a flame just before it expires. He is gone, but will never be forgotten. On the records of our Indian Zion his name stands registered as a faithful evangelist, an energetic pioneer. In the sky of India's night I sec his name shining forth like a lustrous star, not lone and solitary, but associated with kindred luminaries, such as REMINISCENCES. 307 Zeigenbalg, Schwartz, Rhenius, and Poor. He has left behind him a memory more valuable than thousands of gold and silver. He was a great man and a good man. May our gracious Lord raise up many like him in faith, and zeal, and labors, until every strong-hold of Satan in this land shall be laid low in the dust, and the temple of Immanuel shall be erected in such spacious proportions and attractive glory that the tribes of India shall be gathered as devout and happy worshipers within its sol- emn aisles ! " I hope, my dear brother, that this brief account may be of use to you in the work which you have so kindly undertaken. I have written very hastily, in the midst of many labors and cares. Please excuse all imperfections. " I am very sincerely yours, M. SCUDDER." The interest awakened among the children in Dr. Scndder, by his labors" for their spiritual benefit, induced them, after his death, to erect a cenotaph to his memory. This beautiful marble monument, a representation of which is given on the following page, was placed by the General Synod in their Sem-i inary grounds at New Brunswick, N. J. THE END. VALUABLE STANDARD WORKS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES, PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK. For a full List of Books suitable for Libraries, see HARPER & BROTHERS' TRADE-LIST and CATALOGUE, which may be had gratuitously on appli- cation to the Publishers personally, or by Utter enclosing Five Cents. 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