BD 511 R67 1920z MAIN :-NRLF SB flbfl GIFT OF JA ft- The UNIVERSAL BODY LAW By CARL ROSLEY A revelation of an entirely new truth. How the whole universe, including our own human body is built up and governed, wholly natural, by a smallest and think- ing individual life therein. The UNIVERSAL BODY LAW By Carl Rosley What is the universe and all life within, and what is the purpose of the life of the human race on the earth's surface? Will ever a human being be able to answer these questions? Astronomy teaches us that our earth revolves around her so-called axis, that our moon goes around the earth, and that the earth, with the attendant moon, goes around the sun. If we accept this teaching as the un- questioned truth, then is it herewith proved that those three bodies, including all other planets in our so-called solar system, serve as a unit, a life-function, as a living part in the whole universe. How then is it possible for us to doubt any longer that the whole universe, including all the stars or bodies which astronomy has discovered and will discover in the future, can be anything else but an al- mighty real living body of whose immensity we can have no conception, in which each individual unit, from the mightiest sun down to the tiny electrons, is put in its right place, and has to perform its life-function just as every part or single cell in our own human body or like each part in those, by us humans created, living bodies: the machines. Would it not be so if each individual unit or solar system could go around in the universe wherever they fancied, that there would be chaos anarchy? With the impossibility of a united action, could the universe ever live as a whole, unlike our own human body, without a government or brains? As long as we only try to discover more stars, their movements and distance from the earth, and picture to ourselves all those uncountable bodies, as individual mass- formations only, without real life and without a government or brain, we never will be able to understand their purpose of existence, their movements and action; but if we identify the whole universe as a real live body, with a supreme gov- ernment or brain, then will we be able to understand everything. The dark mys- tery of life will begin to dawn in our brains. After this identification of the whole universe as a real live body with a supreme government and a Supreme Being, we will also now understand all the teachings about God when it is said: God is al- mighty; God is all-wise; God is everywhere; God is with us and in us; we are embodied in God, and are a part of God's body, like each single cell is a part of our own human body, and we serve therein only the same purpose. Is our earth a mass formation only, or is it a real live body? As long as we conceive of the earth as a so-called globe or ball, with an outside crust like a hollow rubber ball; as long as we try to discover what forces and what miracles keep this ball in its place in the universe; as long as we write books about gravitation, attraction and repulsion, we never will learn and never can understand why our earth exists, what forces keep it in its place, and what is the purpose of the existence of all outside life. But if we identify our earth as a real living organism in our solar system, and therefore a part in the whole universe or God's body, with her real life and action not on the outside, but inside, like in all other living bodies, then will we begin to understand that miracle that holds this living organ in its place, and the life-purpose of our so-called globe in the universe. We will also then un- derstand the cause of our so-called earthquakes as a natural movement of a part of that body; the so-called tide, as a life-function, like the breathing of any other living body, or the beating of our own heart, and the so-called eruption of volcanos as the release of newly created life in our earth, and therefore as the necessary life-function of that body. What is the meaning and purpose of all plant and animal life on this earth? We know and can see that each individual living body on this earth has an outside life or clothing in many forms, for protection of that inner life of that same body, and we know, too, that on every plant and animal there exists a real moving life, the so-called insects. If we awake from our dreamy mystery of life, and open our eyes so that we will be able to see and identify our earth as a real live body, with a government or brain like any other living thing, and not a mass formation only, without organized inner life, then will we begin to understand the purpose and the meaning of all plant life, as the necessary clothing of the earth body, and all animal and human life, as the necessary insects, to keep the body in a healthy condition. 463265 When every ^rpjLSCpiv^an^beaKS^an: see" and feel that all life consists of in- dividual and united bodies of all forms and size, and no life can exist without such a unit, how then is it possible for us not to recognize the whole universe as a real live body, but as a purposeless imaginary mass formation only? What life-purpose has the human race on this earth? Before we attempt to answer this question, it is necessary for us to banish all our foolish imagination out of our brains, that God made the earth, and all plant and animal life thereon for the purpose only to provide for his human children a place to live happy and in luxury. We must come to realize that our earth is not made for the benefit of the human race, but that we are made for the benefit of the earth-body. We know and can see, that a certain number of insect life on all plants is absolutely neces- sary for their growth and for the transfer of life from one plant to another, and we are enabled to see with our own eyes, that those insects which grow and live on one plant only, after the performance of a certain kind of work thereon, die and their dead bodies remain on the same plant. Therefore, all life which did grow on the outside is absorbed inside the plant and consequently helps to build and helps to grow them. If we now understand that the purpose of all outside life on a healthy growing plant is to build and to benefit that same body, and in com- parison identify our earth as a real living and growing body, then will we be able to understand the purpose and the meaning of all plant and animal life, including human life on our so-called globe. We have no record of how many races and na- tions existed before our time on this earth, but by digging deep in the earth's crust we find everywhere skeletons of a former life which grew and was built on and above the earth's surface. When all this decayed life was covered with sand the earth undoubtedly grew bigger, because this former life on the earth requires and fills out now a certain space in the earth's crust, and so by building and destroy- ing, we help to grow the earth body. We also now will understand the reason why all the great races, all the great nations, and all the great cities before our time on this earth had to go down and were destroyed, and why everything that is growing or is built on this earth at the present time, including races and nations, has to die, so that all material life which is growing or built on the earth, can be absorbed inside, for the growing iand benefit of the earth body. All our discoveries of new stars and suns are absolutely worthless and bring us no nearer to the knowl- edge of life in the universe than the human race was a thousand years ago, as long as we have no foundation on which to build up -an entirely new theory of the pur- pose for their existence. With our present belief in the existence of a mysterious spirit life, we will never understand the purpose and the meaning of all body-life in the universe, but if we recognize our so-called five senses as the foundation of all our truths, then it will be impossible for us to deny the existence of all life only in the form of individual and united bodies on the surface of our earth, and therefore, in the whole universe. What is the human body? We still believe and are convinced that the origin and development of all life on our earth must and will remain the secret of God. and we never will and never can solve this miracle, therefore, we still speak from growing of all plant and animal life. Science only speaks no more of growing but from building of all so-called cell-life. If science recognizes the fact that all life on this earth, including our 'own human body, does not unnaturally and mysteri- ously grow, but is built up naturally by degrees from the individual cellular life therein, just as we human beings build up our machines, our ships, or a high build- ing, then science acknowledges therewith, unconsciously, the fact that in every plant and animal body, there must undoubtedly exist a leading life, a government or brain, to supervise and direct the building of like bodies in a certain race or art, otherwise there would not be a body alike in race or art, but all kinds of im- perfect, formless and useless life. Science teaches us that the building of the human body commenced with the uniting of the so-called germ-cells from the male and the female, but ignores, or does not want to think of the fact that there must undoubtedly exist a life in the germ-cells that must be capable of thinking, to create thoughts for a plan on which to commence to build a whole new and perfect body. Without the existence of a thinking life in the cells it would be impossible to build such a new body, just as all the machinery in a factory never can build a ship, without the leading and thinking of human life. Therefore, the creation of all life and the human body would still remain God's mystery and to us a miracle. We are informed that the bones in our human body are real factories, wherein the red cells in our blood are manufactured, and that the white cells in our blood, by the opening of the body through a wound, increase many times in number, and fight and die, to defend the body against that invading enemy-life, the incoming germs. If inside our bones the red cells are manufactured, then there must undoubtedly exist a leading and thinking life inside of them, to supervise and direct that work, otherwise the red cells could not be built naturally, so we still have to believe in miracles, and we might just as well stop all attempts trying to discover the origin and develop- ment of all cellular life. If the white cells fight and die for the protection of our human body, then the life inside of them must undoubtedly have a particular vital interest in the healthy maintenance of the whole body, distinctly different from all other life therein, and if they are found and go everywhere, then they must be the masters, and a part of a leading and supreme life in our human body. We are also informed that the single cells do not grow by degrees, like the whole body, but that a thick cell splits at once into two parts of the same size, just as we humans launch a complete ship into the water at once, or if we build a new house close to another and move it away after it is built, and so grows at once, but the whole fleet or the whole city grows by degrees, like the whole human body. Science tells us that each of our so-called five senses has his own department in our brain, and that all those parts are directly connected through nerves with their certain organ which they serve, and certainly have all other important parts in our body, a connection with our brain, or in other words, are represented in the government of the whole body. To make us better understand the construction and working ability of our brain, it is compared with a big city or a central station, where the uncountable nerves in our brain and those leading to our whole body are compared with our own telephone and telegraph system, in which messages are sent and received, and wherewith our brain governs and controls the whole body. We are also informed that our brain consists of two main parts, and between them, in the center, a white mass can be observed that moves always from one part to another, but seems not to be a very important matter in our brain, and therefore this white mass is denied much consideration. If there are uncountable veins and nerves in our body and in our brain for transportation and communica- tion, and each part in our body is regularly supplied with that necessary food for that individual life, and with the means of production therein, and if our brain sends out messages or orders, over the whole body and receives answers, then there must undoubtedly exist a thinking individual life in the cells, on each end of the nerves, to send, to receive, and to answer these messages, and a leading and thinking life everywhere, to regulate and direct the distribution and transportation of all material out of our stomach over the whole body, btherwise our body could not exist as a material unit, and we might as well all adopt Christian Science that relieves us of all thinking, because then we do not exist and therefore can have no brains with which to think. Science attempts to discover the cause of our thinking, our power to create thoughts in our brain, by investigating the location and the working of the nerves and the cells, or in other words, in the solid con- struction of our brain, but gives not much attention and consideration to that movable real life in the center of our brain, the so-called white mass, just as the man from Mars might try to discover that real and thinking life in a big city, not in the moving human mass, but in the buildings, streets, and wire netting therein, or the driving power in our machines, not in the steam and electricity, but in that solid material. All our efforts to discover the origin and development of all cellu- lar life are useless as long as we humans imagine ourselves to be the only living thing besides God that is capable of thinking, and that all the other individual living bodies in the whole universe (of their numbers, bigness and smallness, we have no conception) have no brains to create thoughts, but if we come to the con- clusion that every single unit, from the greatest sun down to the electrons must undoubtedly have some kind of government or brain in itself, to obtain food, to produce and lead that body, then only will we begin to understand the origin and development of all cellular life, and all other life in the whole universe. If we want to understand the building of our human body, the cause of life therein, and the creation of our thoughts in our brain, it is necessary for us to compare our body with the human-created life: machines, ships, railroads and airplanes, or towns, cities, states, or nations. Only with this comparison is it possible for us to understand our existence and actions, because all life is built up on the same principle through the same cause and for the same purpose, that is, to meet the demands of the individual life therein, to build tools, with them machines, houses, cities, transportation and communication necessary for their increasing numbers to live and to form a government for the leadership of that same body as a whole, to defend himself and to obtain food. We therefore undoubtedly must identify the so-called nucleus or protoplasm in the germ and in all other cells, the so-called white cells, and t^e'vyljilp Mass iii tke^ enter" of our brain, as a similar thinking and leading life, that builds our body, makes the human machine work to get nec- essary material and food, and creates a government in our brain to control and to lead the whole body, just like we human beings build and lead our ships or a nation. If we recognize this fact, then will we begin to understand why every human being is built different, and thinks and acts different, because each of our bodies is built by that cellular life as a whole, to perform a certain kind of work for the maintenance of that leading individual life in the human bodies in a com- munity or a nation, just like we humans build our machines, our ships or trains, to perform a different kind of work, and according to that, install in them a dif- ferent driving power and a different human leadership. We also then will identify our brain, not as an imaginary, miraculous mechanism which is set in motion by a nonexisting spirit-life, but as the real capital city, the seat of the government of the whole human body, and the moving unimportant white mass therein, as that real and highest life in our brain that creates our thoughts, our dreams, our mem- ory and our so-called conscience, just as some of the human moving mass in a capitol city create the thought of the nation. We then, too, will understand the creation of our thoughts by that lawmaking body in our brain, through the debat- ing and decision of that individual life therein, the rejection of the carrying out of a certain thought, through the action of the body by a supreme individual life or president. The creation of our dreams by the remembrance or story telling about the past and future action of that body, Vhen our human ship lies quiet in the har- bor, and that individual life is not occupied with the leading of our human body. If we humans are capable to keep books, in which to record the history and the deeds of a ship, a community, or a nation, then why should that life that governs our body not have similar means wherewith to record the deeds of our human body and so create our memory and our so-called conscience? We then will realize that that miraculous so-called spirit life in our body is in reality nothing else than a real individual body-life, so small and so loosely united, that even scientists with their present microscope cannot discover any single bodies in it, and therefore call it a white mass. Because we never can make for ourselves a conception of such a life, and we never can and never will see the form of a single body with our naked eyes, we therefore call it a spirit life, but all the same it must have a form in which to exist, for an immaterial and formless life is a nothingness, and can exist only in our imagination. After this enlighten- ment we will begin to wonder how it was possible for us, trying to discover the cause of life and the creation of our thoughts in the solid buildings of our body, and not in that individual free moving life therein. What is, and how can we understand the so-called natural law? In spite of all our latest discoveries, we still explain the origin and development of all life in the universe, and that on our earth with the simple words only: it is natural law. Every human being is convinced that such a universal law must exist. But if we acknowledge the existence of such a natural law then we admit unconsciously the fact that there must undoubtedly exist, too, a ruling and supreme life, which is capable of enforcing this universal law. We know that in every ship, in every state or nation, there exists a government to rule the individual life therein, and we know, too, that all the laws that are made by that highest governing body in a state or in a great nation, can not be enforced direct by that central government, but only indirectly, from above downward, through the governments of the indi- vidual states and communities, or their agents, because it is impossible to reach and control all individual life in a great body, through one single government only, and therefore all the many individual bodies therein must in turn have a govern- ment by themselves. If we acknowledge the existence of a supreme natural body-law, then we do admit herewith that all individual body-life in the whole universe is governed by the same law and principle, and therefor must have a similar government from above downward, like we humans govern all our created bodies and great nations. Science teaches us that all matter or elements consist of atoms, and that the nucleus inside of them is a like life to that so-called nucleus or protoplasm in all cellular life, and we learn further that the single electrons move around an orbit like our earth goes around the sun. We therefore must identify that so-called nucleus in an atom as the real thinking and leading life therein, and which un- doubtedly builds, governs and leads that body. It is useless trying to discover the origin and development of life by dividing the individual bodies into their con- stituent elements, because life only can exist in the unit, and so we only destroy life when we so divide them. We therefore must try to discover a real material small life which is capable to build and lead all the individual bodies in the uni- versal body, and if that life that builds an atom, and that builds a cell, is a simi- lar life, then we must identify it as that real supreme life which builds and gov- erns the whole universe. To make ourselves understand the possibility of such a small, by us unseen, life building the whole universe, including our own human body, it is necessary to point to the ability of that small human life to build a great nation by commencing first to make some tools, with them to build a hut, or a cell, increasing in number, building more and bigger houses, making better tools, with which to build machine bodies, with those machines to build big ships, railroads, big cities, and a great nation as a united body. We have the best example of the growing and building of a great nation as a body by the leadership of that small human life, here in the United States. Before the discovery of America by the white race life existed and flourished everywhere in this country, but it was a free and divided so-called wild life, with uncountable single and independent bodies, which had no leadership or organization that could unite in a strong body, and therefore that the then existing divided human life was powerless to resist successfully the invading white men, who fought and conquered all divided free and independent life, used it as a material to build first an organ- ized township. With their increasing number and intelligence they spread farther by degrees throughout that wild life; commenced to build big cities, ships, rail- roads, and a great nation. We know and can see with our own eyes that all life on this earth can exist only by continued everlasting changes from one body to another, or by destroying young and old life, to build with this material new bodies. All life in the universe, from the smallest to the biggest individual body, is governed by the same universal body-law, therefore there must have been in existence a time in which all life was disorganized and diffused without big united material bodies and without a central government, just as the white men found life in North America. But as life can dissolve into single elements only to a certain point without ceasing to be, and no life can exist without continued changes, therefore that smallest free and divided life in space could not continue to live, and that then that most intelligent, our present plasm-life, by the neces- sity to live commenced to build again bigger bodies. We know and can see, as long as our so-called cellular life exists on our earth, it only can dissolve or break up to a certain point in single cells, or in the so-called microbes, and from the necessity to live, they again must unite, and begin to build new plant bodies, otherwise no single cellular life could continue to live on our earth. With this comparison before us of the ability of those first few white human beings to build under their leadership this great body of the United States, by a continual fight and by conquering to a certain extent all other unorganized free life, and by the constantly spreading out over a greater area, with their always increasing number, we will learn to understand better the possibility of a think- ing and ruling smallest life being able to build and govern the whole universal body. The human brain in this country is most of the time occupied with the one thought, how to make the mighty dollar, and that individual life therein has no time to create other thoughts, therefore the belief in spirits or bodyless life is alarmingly spreading over the nation, because to accept such teaching requires no self-thinking of the individual, and they only want to laugh and enjoy themselves, but do not want to think serious thoughts. We must begin to realize the fact that that so-called spirit-life must undoubtedly consist of some substance and must have a form in which to exist, no matter in what shape or size, therefore that so-called spirit life can in reality be nothing else than that individual plasm life that is present everywhere in the universe in limited numbers in the atoms, and unlim- ited in bigger bodies. Before we can form a conception of the possibility of the creation of the whole universe, through a real thinking individual life, it is neces- sary for us to understand the difference between that life in the solid construction of a body that we can see and feel, and that all-surrounding life in the air, that we cannot see and feel, or the difference between that so-called material and spiritual life. We know that in building, or by the natural growing of a big city out of a first single house, or cell, that leading human life must destroy uncountable real growing, living bodies, by taking out of the earth's crust all natural grown mate- rial, by cutting of the living trees, and by destroying that necessary individual living plant and animal life for human food. Cutting off the tree or digging the ore, does not mean that all individual life within it is destroyed too, but it means that the necessary food supply is cut off from that body, and the foundation, or that government on which this growing body was built up, is destroyed, so that leading life therein can no more build and increase, and in time must decay, there- 5 fore that same body lying on the earth's surface never can be again a real life and growing body, but becomes a material with which to build up other bodies in the growing city. More and more individual free and growing life out in the country is conquered by human life and brought into the city as material to build more houses, transportation, communication and other necessities for their increasing number, and therefore the growing city is forming into a solid mass of material life, altogether distinct from the free and independently growing small bodies out in the country, and the man from the moon could identify the compact, solid mate- rial mass of a big city as a body, but not the single houses, and all plant and ani- mal life out in the country, because there is everywhere space between them to see the bare earth's surface. We have a similar comparison between a free growing nation and a conquered, declining nation. A nation just as well as any other liv- ing body, must in time either grow or decline, because nations are subjected to the same universal law as all other living things, and cannot for a long time re- main unchanged. When a growing, powerful nation conquers a weak nation and destroys their independent government, the individual life therein is not de- stroyed, too, but the former nation has ceased to be an independent life body, and is absorbed as a material with which to build up another nation. We know that in the surroundings of a big city there is always more life and action than out in the country, caused by that incoming and outgoing life which creates friction, and consequently warmth and light, and as our sun and all other stars are nothing else than big cities of concentrated life in the universe, so will we understand the cause of their heat and light, and why we can see through that exceedingly small free life out in space and recognize only the partly conquered, big, concentrated mass of life as bodies. We cannot know in which state of decay and disorganization all life in the universe has been, when that present creating and ruling plasm-life gained the leadership, but it must have had more intelli- gence than all other plasm-life to organize and to build the best machine-bodies with which to subdue that free and unorganized life into a material necessary to build more powerful united bodies, just as a certain organized and powerful class of human life, after a revolution in a disorganized state, gains the leadership, fights and subdues all other human life and with these materials rebuilds the state body on a new foundation, and with a new government. We must understand that that plasm life is present in the atoms of all ele- ments, as the human life is present in each house or hut, but that the atoms in the different elements differ in construction, in material, in size, in organization, and fighting power, as all human life differs in many races, nations, and communi- ties, and lives in houses of all designs and sizes, built of different material in a state or a city, and uses all kinds of machine bodies for construction, and even destroys other life, or a whole different nation. Therefore that plasm-life in the atoms, as in the human life with her created bodies, lives in a continued fight among themselves for possession and for the ruling power. Then every individual life wants to rule, but not to be ruled; each single body wants to build and grow, but no one wants to be used as a material with which to build. Consequently the most powerful and growing bodies send out into space a big fighting army to con- quer more small, free life, absorb it as a material on which to build up and grow, as our own human body uses our hands to obtain food, or as a powerful nation con- quers weak nations, and grows bigger with this absorbed material. With all these comparisons before us of the ability of a few leading human beings to build and govern a great nation by increasing their own kind, and of using the first organized body to build with it better and bigger bodies, and with them by degrees build and govern a whole nation out of an unorganized wild life, we will now understand the mystery of the origin and development of all body-life in the universe, and the cause of their existence, with the difference only that we are able to see and count the human life, but cannot see and count that plasm life. We also now will understand the difference between a growing, real, living body with a leading, creating, increasing and ruling individual life therein, and a con- quered dead body, or material, without an increasing and ruling life, and an inde- pendent government. All body-life in the universal body is built by that leading plasm-life, through the necessity to live for their increasing number just like the human life is building all her bodies through the same necessity and for the same purpose, and therefore, has similar means of transportation, communication, and exchange of life from one body to another, like the human race as a whole or in a nation, and like all individual bodies in our own human body. We know that each live body on our earth cannot continue to live and grow without destroying other life, and absorbing it as a food supply, and therefore we must ask ourselves if the whole universe is a united body and no other body-life exists outside in his sur- roundings, with which to obtain the necessary food supply on which to live then how is it possible for this universal body to sustain its inner life without taking m new life or food from abroad? We are enabled to answer this important ques- tion only when we compare the beginning and development of that present body- life in the universe, with the beginning and development of the partly free, sepa- rated, floating life in the egg of a bird into a solid material body. We know and can see that an egg is a completely enclosed body, surrounded by the shell, and that separated white and yellow life lives in a state of suspensed peace, as long as there is no change of life within, but as soon as that leading plasm-life com- mences to build a solid material body, the struggle begins between all life in the egg. Most of that former free and independent life is conquered and made into a solid material with which to build the new young bird body. This egg contains all that necessary material to build a young bird body, and besides warmth and air, has no need of a continued direct supply of more material or food, until a complete new life body is created and all former life within has changed and is used up in building the body. That increasing leading and creating plasm-life therein can obtain no more food for itself and no more material life within the egg to build more cells, or houses, therefore that young living bird must either break the shell to obtain food for the whole body, or that ruling plasm-life which did build it, for their own benefit, must give up their government. All individual life within must again destroy each other, necessary to live, and the whole new structure again de- cays in a small, entirely new, changed life. With this comparison of the change and development of life in an egg, into a real, living body, we must picture our- selves the universe as a similar enclosed body, that is, developing out from a kind of fruit of a former life or universe into a united body-life, and therefore can build and sustain life within on her own substance, and has no present need of an out- side supply, but whatever exists outside of the enclosure, our lives are only sub- jected to our own universal body law. After all this enlightenment we will now entirely understand the so-called evolution of all plant and animal life on our earth body. We must bring our thoughts back to a time in which our earth was a young, small and naked body, like our moon is today, and in growing bigger (also not contract but expand) like any other young, natural, growing body, it became necessary for the protection of her inner life to build herself some clothing. We cannot know whether that first cellular life on our earth developed out of her own moisture, or was fertilized by a life from another planet, but undoubtedly the first plants on the bare earth's surface were the lowest types, a kind of moss, just as we can observe growing on the naked body of a young bird. We must understand first what is the so-called fertilization. We know that in building our machine and all other bodies, each factory, each department, and each single machine can produce only a certain part, or a certain kind of a body, therefore in building a big ship, countless single material, manufactured parts and machines must unite again and again, and must be transferred from one factory and from one department to another, also must be fertilized many times to build the whole ship's body. We know, too, that all the material with all the machines in a shipyard can never build and put together a whole new ship without that leading human life therein, and that the design thereto is not made from the workers inside the shipyard, but comes in from out- side with the designer. With this comparison of the necessary transfer and ex- change of life from one body or from one building plant to another, to build all the froin-us-humans-created bodies, we will understand the so-called fertilization between all cellular life as the necessary transfer of a certain plasm life with their machine bodies, from the body of the male into the female, which cannot be pro- duced therein, whether this transfer is direct between that animal life, or through the insects among that plant life. That transferred plasm-life from the male to the female, we will now recognize as the engineers and designers of that to-be- created new body, and so explain the so-called heredity and the creation of similar bodies in an art, race or family. As that first cellular life developed out of mois- ture or water with the unity of the atoms in the dry soil, or in other words was built by that plasm life, it became necessary for that entirely new and increasing life on our earth to unite and build the first small plant bodies above the soil for protection and to be enabled to draw new life or food from the air as well as from the soil. Through the necessity to live, their increasing number spread out farther and did build more, better and bigger plants, to conquer with these improved bodies more independent small life in their surroundings, and to absorb it as food for their individual life within, and to build more cells for the growing of these plants. 7 With the increasing of more and more towns, cities and nations of that cellular life, it became necessary for that plasm life within to build again an entirely new machine body that was capable to move about under its own power, with the abil- ity to creep, and transfer life from one place to another on one plant and by im- proving it, from one plant to another, and so that first real living and moving life was created on the earth outside of its water, in which all life developed of a similar necessity. We know that the human race did improve her means of trans- portation from a slow, creeping body to a fast running machine, and at last to a flying machine, and in a similar manner did that plasm life improve her machines and did build the first flying insects for speedy transportation among that plant To picture to ourselves the possibility of the further development or improve- ment of the bodies of all cellular life, we again must compare the development of the from-us-humans-created bodies with those of all plant and animal life on land, and the fish in water, then with this comparison only is it possible for us to un- derstand the cause and purpose for the existence of all body-life in the whole uni- verse and on our earth, because we human beings are only the best invented and improved machine body with which that ruling plasm-life is creating entirely new and powerful real living bodies on our earth, from an entirely new material than that cellular life. W^e know that the human race as a whole commenced to make the simplest tools and implements out of wood and stone to build the first hut to protect themselves. But with all our ability to build by degrees from generation to generation, more and better tools, and with them machines, and in spite of our latest invention, a ship that sails and is directed by wireless without the presence of a human being thereon, and with all our flying machines, we still retain as the whole human race all the simple and improved tools and implements and most of our machinery that we have ever made and manufactured. By saying we retain them I do not mean that we have put everything into the museum for keepsakes, but I mean that the most backward human beings today still make and use similar tools and implements to those of our best educated ancestors that they made and used ages ago, and so are still made and used all the other improved tools and im- plements by the different races and nations according to their degree of civiliza- tion, which were used by the then best educated people hundreds or thousands of years ago. We as the human race have to retain and use them, because they are absolutely necessary for us to live and for the evolution or advancement of the leading people in our race, to build the best real live bodies, and in a similar way are all the plants and animals from the lowest to the best, a necessity for that creating plasm life to retain and use them in an improved form, to live and to create the best, most advanced bodies of the human race. We know that in build- ing an entirely newly invented tool or machine, we first have to use a model to try out the usefulness and the working ability of that to-be-manufactured body, but after we have accomplished a new perfect machine, and have manufactured a great number of them, we destroy the few imperfect models which we had to use in changing from the old class of machinery to the new invention. The plasm in our cellular life undoubtedly uses similar models to invent and build an entirely new perfect body, and after their accomplishment why should not they, as well, destroy that imperfect so-called missing link necessary for transition from one art or race to the next? To understand the development and advancement of a certain class or individuals in their own art or race, we must compare the progress of a certain race or nation in the whole human race with all single bodies in plant and animal life, because each individual body therein is a nation or race of plasm- life by themselves. We must go back again to the fundamental universal body- law, that life can be sustained only by continued and everlasting changes from one body to another, and that each independent growing body can grow and live only for a certain time, and must then decline, because each body can perform only a certain kind of work, and therefore new improved bodies must be created, other- wise life could not continue and our so-called civilization could not advance. We know that after the destruction of the government of a body or so-called death, all our plants and animals disintegrate thereafter into different parts, and all kinds of different life, some die naturally and decay direct into that smallest and lowest cellular life, the microbes in the earth. Most of our plants get ripe before they die, or are cut off, and leave a fruit as a certain unit of the old body; many are eaten by humans and animals before that time, and are used as a united material to build up other bodies, and at last animals eat one another, and we humans, too, cut them to pieces with which to build up our own body. In a similar way the single races or nations decay or disintegrate, as far as we know the history of the 8 human race. Our history tells us that some races or nations grow and live for a long or short time, decline and break up in small single units, or tribes, and others die put altogether. We also know that some nations did live a long, successful life, got old and were conquered by young nations, but they did not break up in single tribes, nor did they die out, but were absorbed in provincial units, as a material, by the conquering and other nations. When a nation breaks up in single tribes, and after a long time, because of the necessity to live or die, the descend- ants again begin to unite, they can only build in the beginning a small and back- ward state, just as the divided individual microbes of necessity must begin to build the smallest and lowest plants, because they have no means or experience to build a better body. But when the descendants of a former great nation, out of a small province or by the fruit left by the ripe old nation, begin again to build a new and bigger body, or in other words, when the fruit begins to sprout, that leading human life therein is enabled to use all the experience and knowledge of the most pro- gressive nation, because they did not divide but kept a unit; therefore, the new growing nation sprouting out of the fruit from the old body, must and will progress much farther than their ancestors, and if so designed becomes the leader of the human race. All the former provinces with their individual life therein of the old nations that were annexed by the young and progressive nations hundreds of years ago, could not progress farther as a part in the worn out old body, and they had to decay, but being united or eaten up in a young growing body they progressed in everything as a part of the young nation and if their descendants are transferred again to a young body, before that now declining nation decays, they must and will progress still further, and with them the new reborn nation. We therefore know and can observe that the evolution and progress of the human race can be accomplished only by a continued transfer of an advanced progressing people from an old, declining nation to a young, growing, or reborn nation. If an old nation could not be cut in pieces before it decays, no new nation could arise and grow; there would be no changes of one body to another; not one nation could continue to grow and progress, but in time they all had to decline and the whole human race would decay in single tribes and at last would die out. If we now compare the fruit or descendants of an old decayed nation with the fruit or descendants of all old and decayed plant and animal bodies, wherein that leading plasm-life has more knowledge and ability to improve their germ cells and to build and lead a better body than their ancestors, and further, if we compare the continued transfer of an already developed cellular life as a food supply from one body to another with the transfer of human life from one nation to another, as a continued progress of that plasm-life, we will now begin to understand clearly the natural development and evolution of all cellular life on our earth body. We also now will understand why we human beings, and especially the most progressive, could not change to live on and build up our bodies with the lowest and fruitless plants without de- clining in strength and intelligence, because they consist of a low plasm and cellu- lar life, and that in our bodies highest plasm in that whole cellular life, could not use and unite with them without degenerating the whole body. But we can live on the fruits of the plants without eating the flesh of animals, because in the fruit of a plant is preserved the best and highest life, and therefore can be used and united for the development of our body. After we have learned how the evolution of life is accomplished, we must ask ourselves in what manner or by what means are all the minds of the individuals in a community or nation controlled to make the body perform a certain necessary kind of work, some of which is different altogether from all other work, and without compensation in money, or without the necessity to earn money. We have learned that all cellular life is built by that plasm-life for the same necessity that we humans build all our material bodies, therefore each human being is controlled, and is made to perform a certain necessary kind of work to sustain that plasm in that whole cellular life just as we humans control all our machines and transportations and make them work. We will understand best, when we take in comparison the whole fleet of a ship's com- pany, or the whole battle fleet of a nation. We know that that leading human life in a ship's body consists of a great variation in leadership and responsibility from the captain down to the cabin boy, and that the captain is the highest author- ity or the leader on a single ship as long as it is out on the high seas. If a ship is a so-called tramp, then only the highest leader, the captain, knows the destina- tion of his ship into the next harbor, and does not know what kind of work there- after that body he is leading has to perform, because as soon as he brings his ship into the harbor he loses his first leadership of that body, and a higher authority the agent of the company, decides the next destination and the further work of his 9 ship. The agent in turn gets his instructions from the home office, and by this system the whole fleet of x the company is controlled and led, and the work that each ship has to perform is not decided by the leader of that ship, but through many circumstances by necessity, and for the benefit of the whole company. The officers or the brain of a ship, in their leisure time, work out many thoughts what the whole ship's body is going to do next. Some of their created thoughts may be carried out by that ship, but others will remain a dream, because they only have a partial control and decision over the future of that ship's body. When the first commander of a battle fleet gets the order from his government to go against the enemy, he in turn, gives his orders to the leading admirals, who give their orders to the single ships in their fleets, and so the real commander of a single ship has only a partial decision over his ship's body, which is controlled from above downward by many other bodies. The brain, or the captain with his highest officers, may work out many thoughts and decisions for that ship to carry out, but at once they get an order from the admiral to perform a certain action with their ships that nobody considered and never thought of before, but without consideration for the life of the whole ship they have to carry out this order, whether their ship goes down or not. When we compare our individual bodies with a single ship, wherein that whole plasm-life or the whole crew, has to per- form a certain kind of work to keep the whole body going, and that that individual life therein differs in intelligence and authority in the same manner as between that human life or the crew of a ship, we will begin to understand the leadership of our bodies. When we further compare the creation of our thoughts, and our determination to do a certain kind of work tomorrow, but when the time arrives we have to perform a wholly different work that we never thought to do, with the creation of these thoughts of a single battleship, and the suddenly received order to act otherwise, we will understand why we cannot always do what we thought and wanted to do, and why we changed our minds, and were prevented by other circumstances. We know that an admiral or a commander from a certain unit sometimes changes his flag and himself with his staff from one ship to another, and so it is not a certain ship's body that always retains the highest authority and the leader- ship in a fleet, but it is that highest individual human life that lives in, and leads that body, and therefore we undoubtedly must presume that that highest plasm-life in the human bodies of a community or nation, has the same ability to go from one body to another, and by a personal change of government take possession of the newly selected human body which they lead, and from which they send out orders to other bodies. But they only have a partial control over that body, like the leaders of all other human bodies, because they, too, are subjected to a still higher authority in plasm-life, and have to take orders. This is the partial influ- ence and leadership of our human bodies from above or from a higher authority, but at the same time we know that all governments and leaders are partly sub- ject, too, to an influence and submission from below, i.e., from the governed, and therefore our minds and the action of our bodies is partly controlled, too, by that whole plasm-life in our bodies. In a similar manner from above and below that whole body-life in the universe is led and controlled. Now we are coming to the all-important question: Is there an everlasting life for that highest life in our body, or for our so-called soul, and where is that heaven our soul or our spirit dreams to go to? As long as we cannot identify any single bodies in the mass of that plasm-life, it is impossible for us to know whether that individual life lives for one moment only, or for a long time, but undoubtedly it must continually change its form, like all other bigger material bodies, and there- fore that highest plasm of the human body in our brain cannot continue to live forever without changing its form. We must presume, however, that some of that plasm-life, especially by a sudden death of a body, is capable, and attempts to leave it in a cell or in a germ, as we human beings use a life-boat to save our- selves from a sinking ship. It cannot live in the air without a body, like we humans could not live in water without a boat. We do not want to consider whether or not that possibly-escaped single plasm-life of that human ship that went down, can shortly thereafter enter another human brain, and so help to create a thought of a message from that dead body, but undoubtedly it cannot live forever, it must change and again unite with another body. If there is no heaven where our so-called spiritual unit can go and live happy forever, then why does our brain create such thoughts? We know how every human being and especially in his young days, is dreaming of riches, leisure, success, and adventure, and everyone speaks and hopes of a better day to come for his own body. Every one 10 of us has a desire to go to a better place, where we need not work so hard, and live more in luxury, and therefore we seek and hope to find this happiness in the big cities, and cannot suppress our desire to go to this hoped-for heaven. The young man is dreaming of success and power to rule and to govern others, and therefore has a desire to go to the capital city of the nation, and to enter the seat of government, or to be presented to royalty, and so he hopes to get into heaven. Undoubtedly that individual plasm-life in our brain has the same hope and desire to go to a better and bigger city of life, where there is more leisure, joy and hap- piness, and they, too, cannot suppress the desire and hope to enter the capital city of the whole universe, and be presented to that highest government on God's throne, or into the kingdom of heaven. If we now compare the desire and hope of every human being with that of that plasm-life in our brain, then will we under- stand the creation of the thoughts and belief of a happy everlasting life, by that individual plasm. After we have learned by what system all individual life on our earth is built up and controlled, we now must ask ourselves what material, real big, live bodies have a partial control over our earth body, and therefore over the destiny of all cellular life thereon, including the whole human race? We must now recognize the fact that each individual body and each single unit therein must have a law, a government or brain by themselves, otherwise it would be impossible, for in- stance, to rebuild a fingernail again and again into the former shape, no matter how often, and in what crooked shape we cut the nail, therefore our earth body, our moon, sun, and all other bodies in the whole universe, must have a law by themselves, a government and brain, to live and to rule that individual life therein. We know that each living body has some means, perhaps a limb, to control partly his outside life or clothing, therefore we must recognize the storm, flood, and earth- quake as the weapons with which the earth body is capable of destroying and con- trolling partly her outside life necessary for her to live. We know, too, that each mother leads and protects her children, and as our earth undoubtedly is an off- spring of our sun, and our moon again an offspring of the earth, therefore those three bodies form a family unit, and are dependent on each other for their own welfare, and so are bound to protect one another from a destructive outside life. When the insects on our domestic plants and animals increase in such proportion that they suffer in health, we human beings destroy the insects thereon, but not out of pity for the plants and animals, but for our own benefit, because we need their healthy bodies as food. Every human being knows and can see and feel that our sun controls and governs to a certain limit our earth, with all life thereon, and undoubtedly our moon, too, has some influence on all plant and animal life. Therefore our sun is undeniably the next highest government over all life on our earth, and no thinking person can deny this fact. We humans like to pray to, and fear some mysterious all-powerful God that seems to be everywhere and nowhere, but we shut our eyes and do not want to see and feel that that life in the sun is our real ruling power, that decides to a certain extent our existence and destiny because that would solve a great deal of the mystery of God. If your preachers had to explain facts instead of saying always the same old empty phrases about God, they and we would have to think but we do not want to. We know that the great human mass in a big city produces no food for themselves, and therefore the surrounding towns out in the country must supply them with the means to live, but we know, too, that the big city cannot continue to draw food from the country towns without giving to them manufactured goods in return, and therefore we can see going out of the big city in all directions to the country, trains, ships, autos, and other means of transportation and communication. This outgoing and incom- ing moving life between the big city and a big town out in the country produces friction, and therefore warmth and light. Science teaches us that the rain in the clouds is formed out of the moisture or so-called vapor of the earth, that is with- drawn from one place and deposited on another, but if they have to admit that the sun, or that life in the race of the sun, withdraws moisture out of all life on the earth's surface, then they have to admit, too, that this life must have a reason, a purpose, and a necessity for doing so. If life is withdrawn from our earth on one place and deposited on another, then there must undoubtedly exist a real life in the so-called atmosphere surrounding our earth that causes and supervises this work and action, otherwise our whole cellular life could not exist as a unit without the presence, not of an imaginary nothingness, but of a real material life, to carry out and to enforce our so-called natural law. With all our present knowledge of the cause and a purpose for everything, and with our use of that powerful life by us unseen electricity to give real life and action to a body without the presence 11 of a human being, we now should realize that in or behind the action of our so- called atmosphere there must exist, too, a real material body-life that has a so- called brain with which to think, and therefore we must identify our powerful sun, not as an imaginary gaseous mass formation, but as a mighty, real, live body, with a mind great and powerful enough to lead and rule our so-called solar system. If we now compare the big, mighty capital city of life in our solar system (the sun), with the big capital city of a nation, where the great mass of plasm-life has to draw its subsistence out of that, her surrounding life in space and from the plan- ets, or towns, and bring back to them in exchange another life, we will begin to understand the atmospheric condition surrounding our earth. Science explains the change in our weather conditions with a thin and a thick atmosphere that moves above the earth's surface from one place to another, and some of them try to forecast rainy weather by the so-called sun-spots but they fail to explain the cause of this great variation of the atmosphere, in an hour or in a day on the same place, and the great difference of life that undoubtedly must exist in these changed conditions of the air. When the army of a nation suddenly invades an- other country, they do not meet a strong resistance on the highway, or in the open towns, but when they come near a strong fortification a terrific fight begins be- tween the invading and defensive army, and this fight causes friction, light and heat. When the attacking army concentrates her main force in one day on a single fortress only, then a great fight takes place and consequently heat, while in the other places there is not a great fight, and therefore only warmth. After the in- vading army has taken the outside forts of the fortified city, if they can penetrate no further they take away all their prisoners and other booty, or all conquered life, and bring them back to their own country. In a similar manner as the invad- ing army, that life in the race from the sun fights that defensive life above and on the earth, conquers the defender in the air and a part of that cellular life on the earth, takes it way and absorbs it for their sustenance; therefore by a great heat we have a so-called thick atmosphere that means that the air is full of life a terrific fight between that attacking and defending life occurs, which causes fric- tion and heat. In a forest or in a place where there are many growing plants, the great army of cellular life defends and protects the soil of the earth, and repulses that attacking solar life, therefore underneath or in the shade of a tree it is cool while on the desert there is no protecting plant life and that solar life attacks the bare solid sand and causes this great heat. Every child can see and feel that our sun withdraws life from the earth, because all cellular life is weak in a great heat, but we explain this with the simple words only, everything is dried out. W T e know and can see and feel that when we get a thunder storm on a hot day, and consequently rain, that the whole cellular life on our earth feel refreshed with new life, but where did that new life come from? It certainly has not been in the so-called vapor that went up from the earth, but it was formed or created in the clouds away from the earth's surface. A new life cannot be created out of the same old material without adding or being united with other substance. We therefore, undoubtedly must conclude that that new life in the rain comes from the sun, is created therein, and brought down with the rain to that cellular life as manufactured tools and implements wherewith to build more cellular life, in exchange for the withdrawing by the sun of that necessary for her life from the earth, like the big city is withdrawing food from the country and giving manufac- tured goods in return. We say that the sunshine makes our plants grow, which is true, but we must presume that the direct rays of the sun bring no new life to the plants, but cause them to build quicker a bigger body of cellular life for defense from the sun's rays. After the acknowledgment that during or before a continued rain the sun has to release life to bring down to the earth with the rain, it is reasonable to believe that the so-called sun-spots show the place where this life was taken away, just as if a great mass of manufactured goods, with the necessary means for trans- portation, and human life, were assembled on the outskirts of a big city, and after they leave there is an empty place which does not show much life: friction and light. We know that all human life in a nation has some influence, more or less, with that central government, and is represented therein accordingly, and after the recognition of our sun as our next ruling power besides and above our own mother earth, we must consider and believe that that plasm-life in our whole cellular life is represented, too, on that higher government in the sun, and there- fore has an influence on the decisions over future and destiny. As the sun, with our whole solar system, is in turn governed by a still higher power, so are their 12 decisions not final. On which suitor J^igiht^ body} JHfatvJniv&rsal government or brain is located, we cannot know, 'out that* ft 'must 'exfst,' with a presiding being or God, there can be no doubt, but it is useless to appeal directly to that highest being for our own personal welfare, when there are uncountable other govern- ments between us, and necessity demands otherwise. We know that all individual life in a race or art has to change continually but we know, too, that in time a race or art has to change as a whofe after they have served their purpose. We are created by that plasm-life to build with us, as a machine body, from an entirely different material than that cellular life, more powerful real living bodies, and as we have advanced already so far in building of new life, that out from the creeping and fast running bodies we made them already flying away from the earth's surface, and give them life, action, and direc- tion without the presence thereon of human life, it is possible that in the near future we will have to invent a real brain to install in those bodies so that they will be capable of thinking, acting, and leading themselves without the direction of any human life. Should this time soon arrive and our earth's body begins to decline, instead of growing, and therefore begins to cease in her attraction of life, it is possible that this newly created big flying life on the earth will be capa- ble to go behind her attraction and transfer life to another planet, perhaps to the young moon, like the flying insects and birds transfer life from one body to an- other. We, the human race, will then have fulfilled our life purpose, and will de- cline and at last die out, and with us, perhaps, all cellular life on our earth, but in any case we cannot expect to live hundreds of thousands of years longer with- out changing our form entirely. After this enlightenment it is useless to say anything more about the so-called gravitation, attraction, and repulsion, because everything is explained already, and now everybody can understand it. What is truth? Every human being feels insulted when another person calls him a liar, but at the same time he knows and is convinced of the fact that he speaks many words which he knows are not the truth or real facts, and therefore everyone of us, without exception, is a so-called liar, and trying to feel insulted we only lie again. Besides this realization of the untruth, every human being is convinced of his created thoughts as the undeniable truth, and therefore he is trying with all means to convert other people to what he believes is true. In the same manner as the individual, each family, each community, nation, or race, creates special thoughts, and therefore have a particular acknowledged truth of their own. Each single unit of them will defend their created thoughts as the un- deniable truth, and denounce everything that does not agree with their thoughts as a falsehood and a lie, notwithstanding that there are other peoples which are convinced of their own truth, and denounce these very thoughts as a lie and a falsehood. Therefore, each person, each family, each community, nation or race has her own truth about right, justice or injustice, and recognize everything that is in their favor as just, and everything that is against their interests as unjust. We know that each person, family or nation has a secret thought or truth pecu- liar to themselves, which they dare not speak out, because it would endanger this very body. Therefore in a family the parents keep, or try to keep this secret to themselves, because if all the children know about it there would be danger that they might speak it out before other persons, and so the parents have to lie or suppress the truth to their own children. So it is with a nation. Each nation has a secret by itself, but it only must be known by a few members of the highest government, because if many people in the country know about this secret, they will speak it out or publish it, and so endanger the whole nation. Therefore the government has to suppress the truth and lie to their own people. We know that every human being has many secrets to himself about the deeds of his own body, and what he knows about other people, therefore that highest plasm-life or the government of the whole body in our brain, only knows about these secrets, and has to suppress this truth, because if that plasm-life in the organs of our voice would know them, we would speak them out and so endanger the whole body. With this illustration we can see that it is absolutely necessary for the government of each body to suppress or withhold to a certain extent the truth of their indi- vidual life therein, for the protection of the whole body, and therefore the so- called truth turns into a necessity. Though we know that there is no limit in the creation of truths or untruths, yet we must have a certain standard of truth, to make laws, to enforce them and to govern ourselves. In the past and up to our present time, we recognized our so-called five senses as the foundation of all our truths, but when already a great number of human beings deny the existence of 13 the body and therefore dini/ five senses', in defiance of the fact that they teach this truth with their mateflarbo'dies and could not exist otherwise, then the time has arrived and it becomes absolutely necessary to build an entirely new founda- tion for a standard of our truths. We must recognize the fact that all teachings, no matter how senseless they may appear to an individual, are absolutely neces- sary for the development of the human race, because they make their believers happy and contented and help them to carry the burdens of life, but with each stage of development it is necessary for the human race to adopt new teachings. Is there a lasting so-called scientific truth? We know that as long as the human race has existed, there have been different conceptions of God, and there- fore their religions have changed from time to time through necessity, and we know, too, that with each change, our so-called scientific truth has changed by degrees from one acknowledged truth to another, necessary at certain stages of development of the human race. All teachers of a new thought or of a new truth have had to fight for the recognition of their teaching. They were denounced as impostors, were put in jail and tortured, and many of them had to die because the teachers of the then established truth did not want to be considered as unwise and ignorant, and therefore they fought with all their might to suppress and kill the new thought. The feeling of our wounded pride in wisdom has not changed since, and therefore we must expect the greatest resistance against the spreading of this entirely new created thought. Notwithstanding all suppression it will and must be recognized in the future by a certain number of human beings as the es- tablished necessary truth, though it never can be adopted, like all other teachings as the only truth by the whole human race, because it would create a certain equality of thoughts and action, and so would lessen the strife and struggle among them, which never can be. It is a general belief that a so-called uneducated person without at least a college education, never can be capable of thinking and making entirely new scien- tific laws by himself, when all our recognized best learned and educated men are unable to do so with the aid of all their scientific instruments, and therefore no- body will listen or pay any attention to his arguments no matter how sensible and convincing they may appear, because he is not known and recognized as some- body or as an authority to speak on such subjects, and therefore can not know anything about it. We know that each human being can perform only one kind of work at the same time, and if we perform hard and dangerous physical work of the body, all our thoughts must be concentrated on this work, and our brain cannot at the same time create other thoughts without endangering the whole body and therefore by a light and dangerless work only can our brain afford to work out other or new thoughts. When our learned professors and scientific men are reading and studying books that were written by other men, and when they force their brains to absorb, to keep, and to repeat these already worked out thoughts again and again, so has that plasm-life therein, not the time and the ability to work out a new thought entirely by themselves, and therefore all that they are able to do is to improve this mass of accumulated thoughts on the old, but without a new foundation. By putting a small piece of glass about the size of a pinhead on a black back- ground or a shining metal, like the 'bend in the frame of a spectacle, and holding it near our eyes in the right position so that the light of the sun or of a lamp will strike it from the side, and by looking closely we can observe in the reflection of the pupil in our eyes small round white particles with a blue surrounding that move about or float therein. Now it does not matter by what name the scientists call these white particles, and out of what substance they are made, the only fact that matters is that they contain plasm-life inside of them, which is that real lead- ing life in our eyes, the look-outs and the operators. When the seamen on the look-outs at the front and on the mast of a ship, continually cry out reports to the captain or officer on the bridge of what they see in front of the ship, the officer is occupied with the observation and verification of these reports and has no time to look for and think on anything else by himself. The brain of the scientist that uses a telescope or a microscope for his observations is in a similar position to that of the leading officer on the bridge of a ship, because that leading plasm-life in his brain is occupied with the reports of that plasm in the white particles of his eyes, or the look-outs of his human ship, and therefore his brain can know and verify only the reports of his eyes but cannot see and think of anything else by itself. These recognized scientists have perhaps a family and have a certain obli- gation to so-called society, and therefore as soon as their brains receive no more reports from their eyes, they have to work out other thoughts which have no con- 14 nection with the received reports and 30 .they; arc? .utilftile: ^investigate them to find out a new truth. With these uhdeui-able. fads'- before; rfs ;that each human body is selected for, and can perform only one kind of work at the same time, we are compelled to admit that any human being with an occupation in which he has to use his brains as well as his body, cannot and never will be capable to work out in his brain on a new foundation an entirely new thought by himself, whether he is recognized as the most learned man, as a successful business man, or a success in any other occupation. It is only possible for a man to do so when that highest plasm-life in his 'brain is entirely free from any obligation to work out other thoughts for the body, and is not disturbed by the presence of other persons to answer questions; when he only lives with and by himself, renounces everything that could disturb his thoughts; is unknown; has no obligation to other persons, and therefore is not recognized as somebody by other people. This little book is written by a so-called uneducated man that never did write more than a plain letter and did not learn to speak and write the English language in a school; who lived for eight years for and by himself on a ranch with his chickens, and so commenced to think about the universe and all life within. For the last two years he had no occupation whatever, and therefore his brain was free and had the time to work out by degrees, day and night, this new truth. It is only an announcement of a few thoughts in the plainest picked-up English words of what I am thinking, and how I can explain the only possible solution of the origin and development of all body-life in the universe. When I observed in the spring time how the young plants came up and commenced growing close to one another of the same size, and how in a short time the strongest plants grew bigger, all in different sizes and shapes, while the weaker ones declined, were killed off as independent growing bodies and their individual life absorbed by the bigger growing plants, because there was no room for all to grow, I commenced to think about the inequality and the struggle of life. Then up to this time I, too, believed in a certain equality, in peace, and in the brotherhood of man. I could observe best the struggle among the young willows, how the big and strong trees overgrew and entirely covered the weak and small ones. Year after year more of them had to die and disappeared without being cut off, and after years, only a few big trees remained standing in the same place where there were in the be- ginning of this struggle a great number of small young trees. I observed the fish swimming in the water, how their solid material bodies move about through that free and floating life therein without losing their balance or gravitation and falling to the bottom on the earth. Row these fish can see through that water and iden- tify only the solid, conquered big mass of life as a body, but cannot see and recognize that water wherein they live and move about as a compact united body- life. So I began to reason and to think, when that solid round body of a fish can move freely through that floating life in that water without much obstruction, and when that small life that lives outside on this only one fish-body cannot identify that round globe which they live on, as a real living body, then why should our so-called empty space not consist of a similar small, free, floating life like that from which the body of our water is formed and through which we can see and why should our earth not be a similar living body (like that fish) which moves through that floating life in space, and so keeps her so-called gravitation? When that small life which lives only on one fish and cannot fall off or get away from that body imagines or believes that all other big solid moving bodies which they see floating in that water are nothing else than a big mass formation without real life, then they are not more ignorant about life than we human beings when we imagine and believe that the so-called suns and stars floating in space are nothing else than a big mass of a certain substance only, without real life and without a government or brain therein. Why should the creeping insects which only live on one plant or on one ani- mal body, not imagine themselves to be that highest and that only life in the whole universe that is capable of thinking, because they, too, like we humans on the earth, are that most advanced and ruling life on that body they live on, and cannot identify it as a real living body, nor all the other plants or animal bodies in their surroundings. When I looked at night at the so-called stars, how those big bodies remain in a certain position and I observed how the small units of an already con- quered life (the so-called meteors), continually fall on the earth, I came to the con- clusion that all this attracted substance can have no other meaning and must be a part of the food supply for our earth's body, and that only that free and small life can move through the whole universe, while the bigger bodies have to remain in a limited space or orbit, like all the big bodies in a nation, or those in our own human body. 15 We humans ar? -pi-Hying to God for cmr own welfare, for everlasting peace, and prosperity, and so boast with our goodness and so-called humanity, but in reality it is nothing else than ignorance and selfishness, because at the same time we must be convinced of the fact that to live well and in luxury, we must destroy daily uncountable single, independent live bodies for our food, clothing, houses, machines, and other necessities. Are all those killed off bodies not entitled, too, to cry for peace, for justice, and an everlasting life, like we human beings? How is it possible for us to believe we can continually destroy and draw life out of the earth's body for our own selfish welfare without putting back again our own bodies to help with them creating again this very life? Can we not see with our own eyes that too many insects on the plant and animal bodies at last kill and destroy that very body which they live on, and so destroy themselves entirely? When the two oldest, full-grown, and strongest boys of a gang would try to stop the smaller, young ones from growing bigger in telling them: "Now, look here, boys, we are so good and human that we decided to stop all fighting among our- selves in the whole gang when you agree with us that we all should remain at our present size and strength and not to grow bigger." Would this so-called humanity not be a senseless and unreasonable selfishness of those big boys trying to stop the natural law, to keep themselves in power forever? And if nations try to do the same is that anything else? An old, declining man has sense enough to real- ize that he can no more grow bigger and stronger, and does not denounce his sons with vile names because they outgrow him in strength; then why should an old nation that has declined already from her first all-powerful strength so far that she has to call on the whole human race to help defend herself against a single, young nation, not have sense enough to realize that she is a worn out old body, and cannot get young again, and grow bigger and stronger by the support of others, and declining in her own individual life? It is the sacred duty of the gov- ernment of a nation and all individual life therein, to fight for the existence and prolonging of life of that body wherein they live, but with our advanced knowledge of life and human history, we should begin to realize without selfishness that all our present big and powerful nations commenced growing out of a small unit and to grow bigger they all had to conquer and to subdue other free life and nations, and when our present young, growing nations have to do exactly the same, then why do we denounce them with vile names and try to change the universal body- law for our own selfish ambition? When we know and can see that life can exist and develop only by everlasting changes from one form or body to another, and to do so it requires force and so produces power and life, then how is it possible for us humans to believe that we are an exception, and can be born and continue to live without the dissolution of our bodies to help create again by degrees that very plant and animal life which we live on? If we want peace then we have to decay and die out, because struggle is life and peace is death this is the universal body-law. I herewith challenge everyone to disprove with sensible and understandable arguments this thought-out new truth, and if anyone can give another sensible and reasonable explanation of the meaning and the purpose for the existence of all body-life in the universe, I will renounce this teaching as the greatest lie ever in- vented, but this new thought-out truth cannot and never will be disproved with meaningless and mysteriously empty phrases about God, and with the discovery of new stars, new substances and elements, without any explanation of the cause and purpose for their existence. 16 ^S-Ti ,. ""<*: v ' ,'332, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY