la [HE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL [FORNIA LOS ANGELES re) CL A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF WELSH BOOK-PLATES THE WELSH BOOK-PLATES IN THE COLLECTION OF SIR EVAN DA VIES JONES, BART., M.P. OF PENTOWER, FISHGUARD A CATALOGUE, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES BY HERBERT M. VAUGHAN, F.S.A. London A. L. HUMPHREYS, 187 Piccadilly 1920 FOREWORD I WAS fortunate to receive a volunteer offer from my friend, Mr Herbert M. Vaughan, to arrange, catalogue, and describe my col- lection of Welsh Book-Plates. His know- ledge of the subject, especially in regard to its Welsh application, is, I think, unrivalled. The collection, which contains about fourteen hundred examples, is the result of a very de- sultory desire, recurring at intervals during the last fifteen years, to bring together as many book - plates as possible having some Welsh connection. The desire never developed into a hobby, and was only pursued as chance occasion offered, and as a side issue of a more serious attempt at book collecting, a pastime more dangerous and insidious both to the pocket and the temper. I did not realise that I had unconsciously succeeded in forming a not unimportant collection until Mr Vaughan one day descended on my library and spied the land. I gratefully accepted his aid ; he has attached a value to the collection which it would not otherwise possess, and has further increased that value by adding many rare plates from his own collection. vi Foreword One hundred and fifty copies only of this Catalogue have been printed for private circulation and the type has been dispersed ; 50 copies on hand-made paper numbered I to 50, and 100 copies on ordinary paper numbered 51 to 150. I have sent a presentation copy to each of the following institutions, with the hope that the valuable information compiled by Mr Vaughan may be of interest and service in the realms of Genealogy and Topography to future as well as present generations, especially amongst the many families in our self-governing Dominions and the United States who are of Welsh origin : Copy No. 3. National Library of Wales. 4. The Honourable Society of Cym- mrodorion. 5. Royal Institution of South Wales, Swansea. 6. Cardiff Central Free Library, Welsh Department. 7. University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. 8. University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff. 9. University College of North Wales, Bangor. 10. Swansea University College. 11. British Museum. 12. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Foreword vii Copy No. 13. University Library, Cambridge. 14. John Rylands Library, Manchester. 15. Library of the Faculty of Advo- cates, Edinburgh. 1 6. National Library of Ireland. 17. McGill University, Montreal. 1 8. The Public Library, Toronto. 19. The Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney. 20. The Public Library, Melbourne. 21. The South African Public Library, Capetown. 22. Library of Congress, Washington. 23. Harvard University, Harvard. 24. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. The number of this copy is PENTOWER, FISHGUARD November 1920. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS i. THE HONBLE THOMAS CORNWALLIS. Large Jacobean Armorial. (Impaling Owen of Orielton) . . ^ . Frontispiece FACING PAGE 2. SR JOHN AUBREY OF LANTRITHYD. Early Jacobean Dated Armorial . . 2 3. HOWELL GWYNNE ESQ.. / GARTH. Chippen- dale Armorial. (By Skinner, of Bath; signed and dated 1742) . . .34 4. E. LIBRIS THOMAS PENNANT. Chippendale Armorial . . . .96 5. WM. SCOURFIELD ESQR. Chippendale Armorial 116 6. THE RT HONBLE LORD CHARLES SOMERSET. Early Jacobean Dated Armorial . .120 7. R. H. VAUGHAN ESQR. Pictorial and Armorial 132 8. WILL. WORTHINGTON, M.A. Book-Pile Armorial . . . . . 1 46 INTRODUCTION IN November, 1918, I received the whole of the collection of the Welsh book-plates that had been formed during several years by Sir Evan Davies Jones, Bart., M.P. To this I have myself added about fifty plates from my own collection. A word of explanation is here required as to the term " Welsh," for it covers not only the book- plates of persons residing in Wales or the Marches, but also people having connection with Welsh life, as well as families of Welsh descent living in England and Ireland and even oversea. I have had to use my personal judgment in the matter of inclusion and exclusion of " Welsh " book-plates, and my attitude has been that of including rather than excluding those with doubtful claims. Con- sequently, this collection must contain some speci- mens that have small right to be accounted Welsh ; yet I think on the whole my method is a sound one. In most cases I have been largely guided by the heraldic bearings the vast majority of book- plates are armorial in character rather than by the surname or domicile. For those who have never studied any work dealing with the history and evolution of the XI xii Introduction book-plate, I may state that the book-plate or book-label or ex-libris call it which you please came into vogue very shortly after the invention of printing in the middle of the fifteenth century, the early Igler and Pirkheimer plates being well known to collectors. Gradually it became popular on the Continent, and was common there long before its use extended to England. Only three English plates, all Elizabethan (those of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Sir Thomas Tresham and Joseph Holland} are known to have been produced in the sixteenth century. Slowly the book-plate increased in popularity during the seventeenth century, which saw the fine plates of Sir Edward Littleton, Sir Thomas Gore, Samuel Pepys and a few others ; but it was not till the year 1698 that the book-plate became fashionable. From that year, however, till the present day the custom of having a label of ownership pasted into the books both in public and private libraries has continued unbroken. From an artistic point of view, the book-plate since 1698 has gone through a succession of phases. First, there is the early "Jacobean " (so- called) design, with a square shield surrounded by mantling of acanthus foliage. These early Jacobean plates are usually dated, and in most cases seem to have belonged only to persons of high degree. In this collection the fine armorial plates of Sir John Aubrey and Gwyn of Llansannor are admirable specimens of this early type, while of slightly Introduction xiii later date are the plates of Sir Thomas Hanmer, Baron Robert Price and Sir Thomas Trevor. From the simple design of plain shield and mantling the book-plate during the reigns of Anne and George I. began to grow more elaborate. Of this later Jacobean style we have good examples in the John Wogan of Wiston, the Lady Lloyd \ and the gorgeous plate of Henrietta-Louisa Fermor, Countess of Pomfret (nee Jeffreys of Acton), which is one of the largest and finest plates ever engraved. About 1730 the "Jacobean" gradually began to merge into the Rococo, or Louis XV., or " Chippendale," a leading characteristic of which is the shape of the shield, that now becomes curved and often lop-sided. The more formal later Jacobean embellishments now give place to a riot of flourishes and foliage, often without symmetry. The large Thomas Pryse (of Gogerddan) is one of the finest specimens of this phase ; but G. Davies, Harwich^ John Myddleton^ John Hughes of Brecon and dozens of others all offer good examples of this class. It may be added here that both in the later Jacobean and the Chippendale plates a large amount of extraneous ornament is often used. Cherubs, " sisters allegoric," globes, books, urns, musical instruments, curtains, mantles are intro- duced with good effect, and in such cases the plate is usually styled " Pictorial." In fact, the " Book- Pile" design becomes in course of time a regular Introduction feature, and is often so designated. The plate of Will. Worthington is a good example of this style of decoration. The " Mantle " too is frequently used as a background to the shield, as in the plates of David Lloyd and Richard Mostyn of Penbedw. Naval and military trophies are also found (cp. the plate of Adam Rogers). After the " Chippendale" comes the " Festoon " or Louis XVI. period, beginning, roughly, about 1775. Here the shield regains its symmetry but becomes spade-shaped, and the swags of roses or fruit, the chains of corn-husks,. the elegant pins, all own a regular value in the scheme of ornament. Sometimes the shield is enclosed in an ornamental oval and forms a medallion, as in Sir William Jones. About 1790 the heavy wreaths and loops and light chains are discarded, only scroll- or ribbon- work and a few sprigs of foliage or a pair of palm branches being left. Even these ornaments, called the " Wreath and Ribbon," soon disappear, and we have the plain spade shield, which marks the opening years of the nineteenth century. About 1810 the shield loses its spade form, and becomes first square and plain, and then a little later appears with pointed ears. From 1830 or thereabouts the average book-plate degenerates into a mere " die-sinker," generally consisting of a slightly curved shield with a mass of shaded mantling above. Introduction *v About 1870, however, taste began to improve, and the Eclectic School arose. The elaborate armorial designs of C. W. Sherborn, the portrait plates of Stacey Marks, the choice designs of Batchelor, Kite, Eve, Kate Greenaway and numerous other artists of the late Victorian era are frequently found. There are several excellent examples of this modern school included in this collection, of special notice among them being the plates of Lord Kenyan, Dr J. L. Proper t, Harry Arthur James, Sir John Rhys, Muriel Rogers, etc. Mention should also be made of the " Land- scape " Plates, which curiously enough reached their highest point of excellence in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Some of these were designed by Bewick, Sherwin, or their pupils, and are of great beauty. In this connection the pretty little plate of Thomas Evans, M.D., should be noted for its view of Henllan on the Teifi. The bulk of these book-plates are, of course, " Armorial," but there are also a fair number of plain labels. These are often of special interest, seeing that they usually belonged to schoolmasters, clergymen, poets, authors and other literary persons. To my mind the most interesting specimen of this class to be found in this collection is the T. S. Evans, Mathematical Master at Christ's Hospital, which is formed out of the 47th Theorem of the first book of Euclid. Leather-gilt labels, too, are not uncommon in the early nineteenth century. xvi Introduction A fair number of plates bear the name or initials of the engraver, and a smaller number show a date. I have noted these signatures and dates in my catalogue, and in a few cases have drawn the reader's attention to specimens that are not included in the compiled lists of H. W. Fincham's Artists and Engravers of Book Plates, or of W. Hamilton's Dated Book Plates, the two recognised authorities on these classes of book-plate. It is rare to find a book-plate both signed and dated, but Welsh examples exist in Howe// Gwyn of Garth, 1742, and John Hughes of Brecon, 1745, both being engraved by Skinner of Bath. This leads me to the question : How far were book-plates actually engraved in Wales itself? The earliest book-label printed in the Principality is, in all probability, that of " Lewis Edward, His Book, Anno Domini 1721 " (not included in this collection but reproduced in Old West Wales Book Plates, " West Wales Historical Records," vol. iv.). This was most likely the work of Nicholas Thomas, printer of Carmarthen, and its date shows it to have been produced only three years after the issue of the first recorded printed book in Wales from Isaac Carter's press at Trefhedyn (Adpar). No doubt all the simple printed labels and a certain proportion of the Armorial Plates of Welsh residents were printed locally in Wales, or at least at Shrewsbury or at Chester ; but the name of place or printer is very rarely given. One out Introduction of a few exceptions to this statement is the label of William Lloyd of Maes-Annod^ which is de- scribed as " Printed by J. Ross, Carmarthen, 1764." This must have been in the second year of the existence of his press, but I know of no other signed book-plate by this publisher, although I recognise his characteristic work in certain unsigned specimens. With regard to the Notes I have added to the technical descriptions of the plates, I must make some excuse for their paucity. The fact is, that Welsh heraldic bearings are more often a puzzle than a help in the process of identification. My catalogue is necessarily an alphabetical one, based on the various surnames, whereas (as every student of Welsh heraldry knows) the true Welsh coats-of- arms bear no relation to mere surnames, but are borne by the descendants or pseudo-descendants of this or that mediaeval chieftain or tribal lord, who has been posthumously supplied with armorial bearings. This difficulty does not arise in identify- ing the families or persons of English origin in Wales, and that is the reason why the English names are better and more fully treated than those of purely Cymric descent. Again, the mere name in conjunction with a coat-of-arms is quite insufficient for identification. No one could ever really pretend to discover the true owner of such plates as " Thomas Lloyd " with the coat of Cadifor ap Dyfnwal; or "John Williams" with that of Introduction Ednyfed Vychan ; or " William Edwards " with that of Tewdwr Trevor. There must have been a dozen or more contemporary armigeri of those very names and entitled to those coats, and it would require some very strong evidence or intimate local knowledge indeed to name the true owner of any particular plate with such slender information to build upon. For the Welsh place-name is rarely given on a book-plate, although in ordinary speech it is seldom omitted. That I have failed to identify through faulty research in many instances is probable enough ; at the same time I have not jumped to any conclusion by guess-work. A good many of my notes are safeguarded by a preliminary query, and in some cases by two queries. I have found the following books of special use and importance : H. W. Fincham, Artists and Engravers of Book Plates, 1897. W. Hamilton, Dated Book Plates (three parts), 1894. Burke's and Lodge's Peerage (v.d.). Burke' s Extinct Peerage, 1866. Burke's Baronetage (v.d.). Burke's Extinct Baronetage, 1838. Burke's History of the Commoners, 1836-1838. Burke's Landed Gentry (v.d., but especially the edition of 1849, with Supplement and Index). Introduction Walford's County Families of the United Kingdom (v.d.). Kelly's Directory of the Titled, Landed and Official Classes (v.d.). Foster's Alumni Oxonienses (an invaluable work ; would that the University of Cambridge possessed a like record !). Dictionary of National Biography. Rev. R. Williams' Eminent Welshmen^ 1852. T. Nicholas, Annals of the Counties and County Families of Wales^ 1872. These are a few only of the requisite books for such a task as this. All the County Histories of Wales ; G. T. Clark's Genealogies of Glamorgan ; the whole series of the Ex Libris Society's publica- tions (of which defunct society I was a member) ; the various pedigrees given in the Archaologia Cambrensis and the Cymmrodor\ the Transactions of the Carmarthenshire Antiq. Society ; the recently published work on North Wales Pedigrees ; the volumes of the Powysland Club ; the various works dealing with the High Sheriffs of Wales and the Border Counties ; Foster's Men at the Ear ; the publications of The West Wales Historical Society (which in vol. iv. includes my own article, "Old West Wales Book-Plates, 1698- 1830," with a list of about seventy of the chief book-plates in the counties of Cardigan, Car- marthen and Pembroke) ; W. G. Shaw's Official xx Introduction List of the Knights of England, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum. In the matter of Heraldry, which naturally plays a very important part in this work, I have found that Pap worth's Armorial worked in conjunction with Burke's Armoury sufficed for my purpose. The engravings of old Cymric armorial bearings in Enderbie's Cambria Triumphans I have also found useful, likewise some of the book-plates them- selves, which in certain cases enumerate and name the various coats depicted therein (cp. "Edward Abadam^ Joshua Edwards ', etc.). It may be objected by the critic that a large fraction of these 1400 book-plates that I have catalogued belonged to unimportant persons, or else have no artistic value and own no personal interest. This is quite true, and I grant at once that the whole of the " Crested " book-plates are (with a few exceptions) uninteresting. Still, they are book-plates, and have belonged to Welshmen owning libraries, and therefore form an integral part of the whole mass of Welsh book-plates that we are anxious to ascertain and collect. Thus all these plates go to make up a not unimportant page of our literary history during the past two centuries and more. And besides this, they present us with a number of heraldic, genealogical and local points of interest that will prove of some service to the historical and topographical student of the future. That the book-plate owns a Introduction *xi definite place in literary culture is proved by the considerable number of works that have been published thereon. For over two centuries it has reflected the passing phases of taste and art in Western Europe, and it affords, to myself at least, some satisfaction to show that Wales is well repre- sented in this attractive by-path of literature. HERBERT M. VAUGHAN. March 1919. KEY TO THE SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT THE book-plates are arranged under the initial letter of owner's surname : A, B, C, D, etc. Within these sections I have also arranged the plates in alphabetical order so far as has been practicable. But a strict index order has not been attempted, and the plates often follow a scheme of heraldic or family sequence. This will easily be understood by observing the long heraldic " runs," especially under such surnames as Lloyd, or Morris, or Williams. Peers and Bishops appear under their family surnames e.g. Lisburne, Pomfret under Vaughan, Fermor ; Bishop of Bangor under Evans, etc. Place- names, when given alone, are treated similarly : thus Pengwern, Rhual, appear under Mostyn, Edwards, etc. A few plates whose owners' surnames I have been unable to trace to my satisfaction have been placed in an " Unidentified " section at the end. A good many abbreviations are made use of throughout the Catalogue e.g. : Jac. for Jacobean Chip. ,, Chippendale Arm. Armorial XXIV , Key to Scheme of Arrangement Qtly. for Quarterly Qting Quartering Esc. of pre. Escutcheon of Pretence Imp. Impaling Cent. Century Pict. Pictorial d. Daughter h. Heir or Heiress gd. Grand (gdson, gdfather) S'P' Sine prole (without issue) v.p. Vita patris (in father's lifetime) Mod. Modern, etc. WELSH BOOK-PLATES ABADAM. Edward Abadam Senr. /of /Middleton Hall, /Car- marthenshire. 1865. XlXth Cent. Arm. Dated. Eldest s. of Edward Hamlyn Adams, of Middleton Hall, M. P. for co. Carmarthen, 1833-1834; m. (1836) Louisa Taylor, of York ; H. Sheriff, 1855. " Assumed the ancient orthography of the family name." (See Hamilton's Dated Book-Plates, pp. 151, 154.) Edward Abadam/of Middleton Hall, Carmarthenshire. . 1865. Crest. Dated. The same owner. Edward Hamlin Middleton Abadam. 1865. XIX th Cent. Arm. Dated. Eldest son of Edward Abadam ; ob. unm., v.p. Conrade M. M. Middleton Abadam. 1865. XlXth Cent. Arm. Dated. 2nd s. of Edward Abadam; b. 1845; m. Susan Saunders, of Court Henry, co. Carmarthen (1868) ; ob. 187 . Francis W. Middleton Abadam. 1865. XlXth Cent. Arm. Dated. (Reproduced in Hamilton's Dated Book-Plates, p. 125.) 3rd s. of Edward Abadam, of Middleton Hall. ABLETT. [Ablett.] Pict. and Arm., signed "Austin" (who was probably Richard T. Austin, a pupil of John Bewick). Joseph Ablett, of Llanbedr Hall, Ruthin, son of Joseph Ablett, and gds. of William Ablett, of Little Glemham, Suffolk; TO. Anne Bury; H. Sheriff co. Denbigh, 1809. Eminent book collector. [Ablett.] Pict. and Arm. Another plate designed on similar lines, but unsigned. No name, but " Llanbedr Hall, Ruthin " is written beneath. Same owner. (Not in Franks Coll. in British Museum.) A I 2 Welsh Book-Plates ABLETT continued. Joseph Ablett / Llanbedr Hall / Ruthin. The same plate with the name and place printed in gothic characters. The same owner. Joseph Ablett / Llanbedr Hall /Ruthin. The same plate with the inscription in Roman letters. The same owner. Joseph Ablett / Llanbedr Hall / Denbighshire. Seal. Arm. The same owner. ANDREWS. J. G. Andrews / Glanbrydan. Crest. ? Of Glanbrydan, near Llandeilo-fawr, co. Carmarthen. (Not in Franks Coll.) AUBREY. Sir John Aubrey of Lantrithyd in the / County of Glamorgan Baronet and of / Boarestall in the County of Bucks. 1698. Early dated Jac. Arm., qting. Mans el. Basset and South ; with Lewis on an esc. of pre. Eldest s. of ist Bart, of Lantrithyd (Ext.); m. (i) Margaret Lowther, d. of ist Lord Lonsdale; and (2) Mary, d. and co-h. of William Lewis of the Van, Glam. ; H. Sheriff co. Glamorgan, 1685; ob. 1700. Sir John Aubrey of Lantrithyd in the /County of Glamorgan Baronet and of /Boarestall in the County of Bucks. 1698. Early Jac. Arm. Dated. Imp. Lewis. The same owner. ABERDARE, see Bruce. ANGLESEY, see Paget. Welsh Book-Plates 3 BAILEY. Joseph Bailey Esq. / Glanusk Park, co. Brecon. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Hopper. S. of John Bailey (by Susannah Crawshay, his wife) ; H. Sheriff co. Monmouth, 1823; M.P. for Worcester and co. Monmouth ; cr. a Baronet, 1852; m. (i) Maria Latham, and (2) Mary-Anne Hopper, of Witton, co. Durham; ob. 1858. BALDWYN. Blaney Baldwyn, A.M. Pict. and Arm. Imp. Baldwyn. Blaney Baldwin (sic), s. of Francis Baldwin of St Julian's, Shrewsbury; matric. at Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1723 ; B.A., 1727. An interesting plate. B. Baldwyn, Ludlow. Chip., Pict. and Arm. Imp. Baldwyn. The same owner. Chas. B. Baldwin / Inner Temple. XlXth Cent. Arm. BALGUY. John Balguy Esqr. / Middle Temple. Festoon. Arm. Of Darwent Hall, co. Derby; b. 1747; Second Justice of Carmarthen Circuit, 1808-1828; ob. 1833. (Reproduced in JEx Librls Society's Journal, xii., p. 148.) BALLINGER. John Ballinger. Modern. Pict. Signed and dated. " W. Goscombe John, D.D. 1907." First Librarian of the National Library of Wales. John Ballinger. A similar but smaller plate. The same owner. BANGOR. E Libris Biblioth. Ecclesiae Cathed. De Bangor. XIX th Cent. Seal. Arm. The plate of the Cathedral Library of Bangor. BANEES. Henry Bankes / of Lincolns Inn, Esqr. Chip. Arm. Of Kingston Hall, Dorset ; Deputy to Ch. Justice Trevor on Carmarthen Circuit ; m. ( i ) Eleanor Symonds, (2) Margaret, d. of Bp. Wynne, of St Asaph ; ob. 1776. 4 ff^elsh Book- Plates BARKER. W. Higgs Barker, A.B. Label with Greek motto. Probably engraved by J. Ross of Carmarthen. (Not in Franks.) Rev. William Higgs Barker, b. 1743; s. of George Barker (by his wife, Sarah Higgs) ; M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge ; Master of Carmarthen Grammar School, 1 767- 1797 ; Vicar of Carmarthen, 1796, till his death, 1816. BARNWELL. Barnwell. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Chapman. De- scribed as " of Ruthin, co. Denbigh." The coat is that of Barnwell of Stamford, Lines. BASSETT. Miles Bassett, Swansea. Early Jac. Arm. with Welsh motto. Eldest s. of Thomas Bassett, of Bonvilstone, Glam. ; b. 1670; m. Elizabeth Watkin ; ob. 1742. (Not in Franks Coll.) The Revd. Miles Bassett / Swansea, Chip. Arm. with Welsh motto. 2nd s. of the above Miles Bassett ; matric. at Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1752; B.A. 1756; Vicar of St John's, Swansea, 1764-1768 ; m. Eliza Thomas. A scarce plate. Basset of Beaupre. XlXth Cent. Arm. with eight coats. Welsh motto. Col. Thomas Basset, Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor; m. Elizabeth Cruikshanks ; ob. 1842. BATH. Charles Bath. XlXth Cent. Arm. 3rd s. of Henry Bath, of Swansea ; Knight of the Italian Order of SS. Maurice and Lazarus; J.P. for co. Glamorgan ; of Ffynone, Swansea. BEAVAN. John Beavan / 1844. Leather-gilt label. Dated. BEAVER. Hugh Beaver Esq. / Glyn-Garth, co. Anglesey. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Campbell. H. Sheriff co. Anglesey, 1837; m. (1839) Isabella-Janet, d. of Sir Duncan Campbell, Bart. Welsh Book-Plates 5 BEYNON. Thomas Beynon/ of /Green-Meadow. Label, prob- ably by J. Ross, of Carmarthen. ? ? S. of Thomas Beynon, Gent., of Laugharne; matric, Jesus College, Oxford, 1747. BLACKWELL. Henry Blackwell. Modern Pict., with Welsh motto, Druids, etc., and date 1 893. Signed " H. T. Sears." The New York publisher. (Reproduced in Ex Libris Society's Journal, iv., p. 117, with interesting note.) Henry Blackwell, New York. Modern Pict., a sea- scape with inscriptions. The plate of the eminent American publisher for his Welsh library. BOWEN. Jams. Bowen. Wreath and Ribband Arm. Imp. Bow en of Llwyngwair. ? S. of Rev. James Bowen, of Rhoscrowther, co. Pembroke ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1780; f. of Captain Thomas Bowen, of Pantyderi, co. Pembroke. Thomas Bowen. Late Jac. Arm. Imp. de la Chambre. M. Sarah de la Chambre. Thomas Bowen. Chip. Arm., qting de la Chambre. Presumably s. of the above Thomas Bowen. William Bowen. Chip. Arm. George William Howard Bowen. Modern Chip. Arm. Only s. of Rt. Hon. Sir George Bowen, G.C.M.G. ; b. 1864; m. Gertrude Chamberlain ; Sheriff of London, 1902. BRADNEY. Joseph Alfred Bradney of / Llanfihangel-Ystern- Llewern Esq. / 1883. Modern Jac. Arm. with date. Colonel Bradney, of Talycoed Court, co. Monmouth, C.B., M.A., F.S.A. ; b. 1859; m. Rosa Jenkins; H. Sheriff co. Monmouth, 1889. Welsh Book- Plates BBADNET continued. Joseph Alfred Bradney /of/Tal-y-coed in the county of Monmouth Esq. / 1899. Large Modern Jac. Arm. with date, with yenkins of The Grove, co. Radnor, on an esc. of pre. Signed " Harry Soane, London W." The same owner. Josephus Alfredus Bradney / de Talycoed / in Comitatu Monumethensi Arm. / Honoratissimi Ordinis de Balneo / Socius. 1911. The same owner. BRANSBY. James Hews Bransby. Landscape, c. 1820. Signed " John Scott sculpt." S. of John Bransby, of Ipswich, Suffolk ; b. 1783 ; Unitarian minister and journalist ; wrote on Welsh scenery ; ob. at Bron'r Hendref, near Carnarvon, 1847. (See D.N.B.; also Auto- biography of Sir John Boivring. ) BRIDGEMAN. George T. 0. Bridgeman. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. The Rev. the Hon. George Thomas Orlando Bridgeman, 2nd s. of 2nd Earl of Bradford ; m. Emily Mary Bagot ; M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge; ob. 1895. BRIG8TOGEE. Owen Brigstocke. Jac. Arm. Greek motto. A very scarce plate. (Not in Franks Coll.) S. of William Brigstocke, of Llechdwnny, co. Carmarthen; b. 1679 ; barrister of the Middle Temple ; F.R.S. ; M.P. for Cardigan Borough, 1710-1713 ; elder brother of William Brigstocke, of Blaenpant, co. Cardigan ; ob. 1 746. George Robert Brigstocke / Ryde, I. W. Modern Arm. Greek motto. Qting Bowen of Llechdwnny and Player. 2nd s. of Capt. G. C. H. P. Brigstocke ; b. 1874 ; barrister- at-law; m. (1909) Anna-Cecilia Lewes, of Llysnewydd, co. Carmarthen. Welsh Book-Plates j BRIGSTOCKE continued. [Brigstocke.] Modern gothic Arm. The same owner. [Brickstocke.] Crest with date 1904, and in writing "G. R. Brigstocke, Robert's Rest, co. Carmarthen." Same owner. BROWN. James Roberts Brown. Portrait. Signed " H. S. M." (Henry Stacey Marks, R.A.). Dated June 25th, 1892. There are three sizes of this plate. Re- produced in Castle's English Book-Plates, p. 240 ; also in Hamilton, Pt. III. D. 1905. (See Ex Libris Journal, xv., p. 35.) James Roberts Brown, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.N.A., Copen- hagen. Modern. Same owner. BROWNE. [Browne.] Early XlXth Cent. Arm. with Order. Imp. Brandling. Lieut. -Gen. Sir Thomas Henry Browne, K.C.H., of Bronwylfa, Flint ; Knight Commander of Guelphic Order ; m. Elizabeth Brandling; H. Sheriff co. Flint, 1830; brother of Mrs Felicia Hemans, the poetess. BRUCE. John Wyndham Bruce. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. B. 1 847 ; of Roehampton Priory, Surrey ; s. of Rev. Horace Lewis Bruce, and gds. and h. of the Rt. Hon. Sir J. L. Knight - Bruce ; younger brother of John Bruce-Pryce of Dyffryn, Glamorgan. [Bruce] Lord Aberdare/of Duffryn. Mod. Arm. Signed "Will. Foster, 1899." Welsh motto. Henry Campbell Bruce, 2nd Baron Aberdare ; b. 1851; succ. 1895 ; m. Hon. Constance M. Beckett, d. of Lord Lyndhurst. 8 Welsh Book- Plates BR7DGES. | Brydges. | James Marquiss of Carnarvon. Chip. Arm. with Nicol on an esc. of pre. S. and h. of Henry Brydges, 2nd Duke of Chandos ; b. 1731; Lord Steward of Household of George III.; m. Margaret, d. and co-h. of John Nicol, of Southgate, Middlesex; succ. as 3rd and last Duke of Chandos ; ob. 1789. BULKELEY. The Right Honble. Thomas James /Lord Viscount Bulkeley. 1785. Dated Arm., apparently copied from an early Jac. plate. Imp. Warren. Posthumous s. of James, 6th Viscount Bulkeley; b. 1752; cr. a Peer of Great Britain as Baron Bulkeley of Beaumaris, 1784; TO. Elizabeth-Harriet Warren; 7th and last Viscount; ob. s.p. 1822. Viscount Bulkeley. / Baron Hill Library. Crest and Coronet. The same owner. Viscountess Bulkeley. Pict. with view of Roman Forum. (Engraved by Seraphin of Rome, but signature lacking in this specimen. See Fincham, p. 82.) Emma-Bridget Rowlands, d. and h. of Thomas Rowlands, of Nant, co. Carnarvon ; m. ( 1749) James, 6th Viscount Bulkeley ; mother of 7th and last Viscount ; m. (2) Sir Hugh Williams of Penrhyn, co. Carnarvon, and mother of 9th Bart, of Penrhyn. Sir John Bulkeley. Early XIX th Cent. Arm., qting Faults and Griffith. Signed " Brook sc. Strand." Knighted 9th December 1795. (Mentioned in W. Carew Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 31.) BURRELL [Burrell] Lord Gwydyr. Wreath and Ribband Arm. with Drummond on an esc. of pre. Rt. Hon. Sir Peter Robert Burrell, 2nd Baron Gwydyr and 1 9th Baron Willoughby d'Eresby; b. 1782; succ. 1820; m. Clementina Drummond; ob. 1865. [Burrell] Lord Gwydyr. XlXth Cent. Arm. Peter Robert Burrell, succ. (1870) as 4th Baron Gwydyr. Welsh Book- Plates 9 BYHAM. Grace Byham. Modern Pict., dated 1896, with Welsh motto. H. K. B. Modern gothic Arm. Welsh motto. BANGOR, Bishop of, see Evans. BANGOR, Viscount, see Ward. BEAUFORT, see Somerset. BODEGROES, see Griffith. BRYNOG, see Vaughan. BUTE, see Stewart. This hook belongs to /the Parochial Library /of Eglwys Rhos in the / county of Carnarvon. Early Pict. Label with figure of St Augustine and a number of books. Signed "S. G." (Simon Gribelin). The place names are inserted in writing. C. 1710. CALEY. [Caley.] Crest. Written below "R. Llewellyn Caley, B.A. St John's College, Cambridge." A.B. 1833; A.M. 1840. CAMBRIA. Cambrian Archaeological Association. Modern Seal Arm. Coat of Llywelyn ap Grufrydd. The book-plate of the famous Welsh Antiquarian Society. CAMPBELL. Campbell of Calder. Jac. Arm. coloured by hand, with Supporters. The fourth qting. is Lort of Stackpole. John Campbell of Cawdor Castle, Scotland, and of Stackpole Court, co. Pembroke; m. (1726) Mary Pryse, of Gogerddan, co. Cardigan; ob. 1777 ; gdf. of ist Baron Cawdor. io Welsh Book- Plates CAMPBELL continued. [Campbell.] Chip. Arm. Imp. Bacon. Pryse Campbell, eldest s. of John Campbell of Stackpole Court, co. Pembroke ; M.P. for Nairne ; m. Sarah, d. and co-h. of Sir E. Bacon, Bart.; ob. v.p. 1768; f. of ist Baron Cawdor. Henry Frederick Campbell. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Williams. General Sir H. F. Campbell, K.C.B. and G.C.H.; s. of Alexander Campbell (younger brother of Pryse Campbell); m. Emma Williams ; ob. 1856. Henry Frederick Campbell. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Williams on the second of the two shields addorsed. A later plate of the same owner. CARADOC. Caradoc. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. with Supporters and Orders. General Sir John Francis Cradock, G.C.B., or Caradoc (s. of Archbishop Cradock of Dublin) ; m. Lady Theodosia Meade, d. of ist Earl of Clanwilliam ; cr. Baron Howden, in the Peerage of Ireland, 1819; ob. 1839. Caradoc. The same plate with the crest replaced by a Baron's coronet. The same owner. Caradoc. Coronet and crest, with Welsh motto and English translation. John Hobart Caradoc, s. and h. of ist Baron Howden; b. 1799; Envoy to Brazil; m. (1830) Countess Katharine Skavronsky of Russia ; resided at Chateau Caradoc, Bayonne, France. (Title extinct.) The kneeling figure is intended to represent "an ancient Briton habited proper." Debrett (edition of 1849) 8tates "his lordship's family is of ancient Welsh origin, claiming descent from Caradoc and the ancient Princes of Wales." CARDIFF. Bishop's Library / St Davids Church / Cardiff. XlXth Cent. Label. Welsh Book-Plates n CAREY. William Carey, D.D. /Bishop of St Asaph/1830/1846. Dated Label. Theologian (see D.N.B.). B. 1769; Bp. of Exeter, 1820; translated to St Asaph, 1830 ; ob. 1846. No parentage recorded in Alumni IVcstmonasteriensei. CARMARTHEN. The Library / St Mary's Retreat / Carmarthen. Label. Book-plate of the Passionist community at Carmarthen, catalogued 1895. CHAMBERS. William Chambers / Hafod. XlXth Cent. Arm. Only s. of William Chambers of Llanelly House, co. Carmarthen ; b. 1 809 ; m. Joanna Trent Payne ; purchased Hafod, co. Cardigan, 1855. CLARK. W. D. Clark / Talygarn. Modern Chip. Arm. on buff-tinted paper. Wyndham Dames Clark, b. 1884; s. of Godfrey Lewis Clark, and gds. of George Thomas Clark, F.S.A., of Talygarn, co. Glamorgan, the antiquary. CLARKE. J. H. P. Clarke, Esqr. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. qting. Price, and with Clarke repeated on an esc. of pre. with fifteen coats. Signed " Yates sculp." Miss Price Clarke. Plain Label attached. A large, handsome and finely engraved plate. Job Hart Price, m. Anne Clarke, sister and h. of Godfrey Bagnall Clarke, of Sutton Hall, co. Derby ; ob. 1786; assumed name of Clarke. His d. and h., Anne Price Clarke, m. (1805) Walter Butler, i8th Earl and ist Marquis of Ormonde, and ob. s.p. 1817. CLIVE. Edward Clive Esqr. / of Lincolns Inn. Jac. Arm. Sir E. Clive of Wormbridge, co. Hereford ; b. 1 704 ; m. (i) Elizabeth Symonds, (2) Judith Clive; Deputy to Ch. Justice Trevor on the Carmarthen Circuit, 1741-1744; ob. 1771. One of the judges who tried the Jacobite prisoners in 1 746. 12 Welsh Book-Plates CLIVE continued. Robert George [Olive] Earl of Plymouth. Mod. Seal Arm. Imp. Paget (? by Sherborne). I4th Baron Windsor; cr. Earl of Plymouth, 1905; of St Pagan's Castle, co. Glamorgan ; Lord-Lieutenant co. Glamorgan; Mayor of Cardiff, 1895. G. Windsor Olive. Mod. Arm., signed "Invt. W.P.B., 1905." George Windsor Clive, s. of Col. the Hon. George Herbert Windsor Clive; b. 1878. OOBBE. Frances Power Cobbe. Hengwrt. Modern. Arm., a lozenge. Only d. of Charles Cobbe, of Newbridge, co. Dublin (by Frances Conway, his wife); b. 1822; eminent writer and philanthropist; ob. 1904. COLBY. John Vaughan Colby. XIX th Cent. Arm. Of Ffynone, co. Pembroke ; only s. of Rev. Robert Colby Jane Vaughan, his wife); b. 1855; m. Anne Baker; . Sheriff co. Pembroke, 1891 ; ob. 1919. Colby of Ffynone. Modern Festoon Arm. The same owner. OONWAY. Frederick Wm. Conway. Book-pile Arm., c. 1730. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 46.) Charles Conway. Pict. c. 1800. An exquisite little plate. (" Adapted from Flaxman's Acts of Mercy " ; note by Sir A. W. Franks.) CORNWALLIS. The Honble. Thomas Cornwallis impaled with the / arms of his lady Ann daughter of Sir Hugh Owen / of Orielton in ye county of Pembroke Baronet. Jac. Arm. A fine, large and rare plate, not in the Franks Coll. 4th s. of 2nd Baron Cornwallis ; Commissioner of Public Lotteries; m. Anne, d. of Sir Hugh Owen, 2nd Bart, of Orielton, and widow of John Barlow, of Lawrenny ; ob. 1731. (See D.N.B.) Welsh Book-Plates 13 CROMPTON ROBERTS. Insignia Armornm Caroli Henrici Crompton-Roberts Armigeri. Modern Seal Arm., with Crompton on an esc. of pre. An early work of C. W. Sherborne, but unsigned. Of Drybridge House, Monmouth ; m. Mary, d. and h. of R. Crompton, of Breightmet, Lanes.; ob. 1891. CUNLIFFE. Sr. Ellis Cunliffe. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. S. of Foster Cunliffe, M.P. of Liverpool ; cr. a Baronet, 1759; m. Mary Bennett, of Moston, co. Chester; ob. 1767. Sr. Foster Cunliffe, Bart. Pict. and Arm. Signed "F. Bartolozzi fee.," a characteristic specimen of this engraver's art. C. 1790. 3rd Baronet, b. 1755 ; succ. under a special remainder granted to the I st Baronet, Sir Ellis Cunliffe ; m. Harriet Kinloch ; ob. 1834. Robert Ellis Cunliffe. XlXth Cent. Arm. Eldest s. of Gen. Sir Robert Henry Cunliffe, 4th Baronet ; b. 1808 ; m. Charlotte Howell ; ob. v.p. 1855 ; f- of Sir Robert A. Cunliffe, 5th Baronet, of Acton Park, Wrexham. Arma Cunliffe Cunliffe. Seal Arm. qting. Foster. ? 4th s. of Sir Foster Cunliffe, 3rd Baronet, b. 1790 ; of the East India Co.'s service; m. (i) Mary Perrie, (2) Elizabeth Rayson, (3) Frances L yon ; ob. 1857. CYMMRODORION. [Honble Society of Cymmrodorion.] Chip. Arm. The arms of Llewelyn of North Wales supported by a Druid and St David ; the coronet, feathers and motto of the Prince of Wales ; a Welsh motto below. The plate of this Society in the eighteenth century. R. C. Crest with Welsh motto. CARLETON HOUSE LIBRARY, see Wales. CARNARVON, see Brydges. 14 Welsh Book- Plates DANIEL. W. B. Daniel. Spade and Ribbon Arm. William Barber Daniel, grad. B.A. at Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1787 ; of Newforest, co. Westmeath. John Daniel. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. ? Hughes or Meredith. Thomas Daniel. Modern Label, dated "1876" in writing. ;. DAVID. Modern Arm., with Welsh motto and arms of Cynric Efell. DAVIES. DAVIS. Robert Davies/of Llanerch, Denbighshire. Early Jac. Arm. Robert Davies, of Llanerch Park and Gwysaney, the Welsh antiquary ; s. and h. of Mutton Davies, of Gwysaney, who inherited the Llanerch estate through his mother, Anne Mutton (see Yorke's Royal Tribes of ffa/es, p. 98) ; b. 1684; H. Sheriff co. Flint, 1704; m. Letitia Vaughan, sister of 1st Viscount Lisburne ; ob. 1728. (See also D.N.B.) A rare plate. John Davies Esq. XlXth Cent. Arm. Possibly John Davies of Marrington Hall, Salop ; b. 1770; m. Charlotte Butt, 1805; Colonel of the Montgomeryshire Militia. [Davies.] XIX th Cent. Arm. with twenty-one coats displayed. Welsh motto. Hugh Morriston Davies. Modern Arm. Book-Pile. G. Davies. Late Jac. Arm. Imp. ? J. D.[avies.] Landscape and Arm. with initials and Welsh motto. An elegant little plate with the arms of Collvuyn ap Tagno on an obelisk. Probably brother of David (see below). Welsh Book-Plates 15 DAVIES. DAVIS continued. David Davies. The same plate with the name added and a few slight alterations. Dr David Davies, s. of Morris Davies, timber merchant at Machynlleth ; Headmaster of Macclesfield Grammar School ; ob. 1827. (See Montgomeryshire Worthies, 2nd ed., p. 29.) Davies. Chip. Arm. The same arms (Collwyn ap Tagno} and crest. Rowland Davies, LL.B., etc. A reproduction or modern impression from an early Jac. Arm. plate of Rowland Davies, Dean of Cork (1649-1721), whose deeds and dates are recorded in red gothic lettering. (Reproduced in Ex Libris Society's journal, ii., p. 16.) Davies. Chip. Arm. Robert Davies. Wreath and Ribbon. Signed " Delegal sculp." James Davies Esqr. Festoon Arm. Willm. Davies, LL.B. Festoon Arm. Richard Davies. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Acton. Signed " E. Woolley sculpt." C. 1800. Richard Davies. XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Blackett. Francis Pritchard Davies. XIX th Cent. Arm. G. Davies / Harwich. Chip. Arm. with Welsh motto. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 57.) Francis John Davies. XlXth Cent. Arm. Gen. F. J. Davies, of Danehurst, co. Sussex; b. 1791 ; 3rd s. of Thomas Davies (by Anna Baillie, his wife) ; m. (i) Anne Dunlop, and (2) Elizabeth Martin; ob. 1874. T. H. H. Davies / Elmley Castle. XlXth Cent. Arm. with de Crespigny on an esc. of pre. Thomas Henry Hastings Davies, 2nd s. of Thomas Davies, and elder brother of Gen. F. J. Davies; of Elmley Castle, co. Worcester; M.P. for Worcester; ob. s.p. 1846. The family with its curious coat-of-arms descends from Montgomeryshire stock. 1 6 Welsh Book-Plates DAVIES. DAVIS continued. H. F. Davies / Elmley Castle. XlXth Cent. Arm. Henry Fanshawe Davies, 2nd s. and h. of Francis John Davies; b. 1837; m. Ellen Christine Hankey, of Balcombe Place, Sussex. Francis Robert Davies. XlXth Cent. Arm. with two Welsh mottoes. Warburton Davies. XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Surges. 2nd s. of Thomas Davies of New House, co. Hereford ; b. 1790; m. Sophia Anne, d. of Sir J. Burges-Lamb, Bart., of Beauport, Sussex. Sir John Francis Davis Baronet. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Order. S. of Samuel David Davies (by Henrietta Boileau, his wife), and gds. of John Davies, Commissary-General in the West Indies, 1 7 59, " who m. Miss Phillips of an ancient family in South Wales." B. 1795, Sir J. F. Davis was Governor of Hong-Kong; cr. a Baronet 1845, an ^ K.C.B. 1854; m. (i) Emily Humfrays, and (2) Lucy Ellen Rocke. Sir John Francis Davis, Bart., K.C.B. XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Humfrays. The same. A fine plate correctly marshalled with the coat and Order of the Baronet on one shield and with his coat imp. Humfrays on another shield. Richard Davies, A.M. / Archdeacon of Brecknock. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Williams of Penpont. S. of Rev. Richard Davies, of Brecon ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1794, aged 17 ; Vicar and Archdeacon of Brecon and Canon of St David's ; m, Anne Williams of Penpont, co. Brecknock; ob. 1859. James Davies, M. A. /Moor Court. XlXth Cent. Arm., qting Powell. The Rev. James Banks, of Lincoln College, Oxford, assumed in 1858 the name of Davies under the will of his uncle, James Davies of Moor Court, co. Hereford; b. 1820; m. Frances Helen Young of Cowbridge House, Wilts. Welsh Book- Plates 17 DAVIES. DAVIS continued. William Davies Esqr. / Cabalva. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Garbett. Cabalva is in the parish of Clyro (Claerwy), co. Radnor. S. Lewis in his Topographical Dictionary of Wales (vol. i.) speaks of " a neat villa called Cabalva within the parish as the property of William Davies." William Davies m. Sophia Garbett of Huntington Park, co. Hereford (see note by Sir A. W. Franks, Franks Catalogue, vol. i., p. 284). W. D.[avies.j Crest, Welsh motto. R. Davies. Label, c. 1820. Robert Davies, of Aberystwyth ; b. 1790; ob. 1841; gdf. of J. H. Davies, M.A., of Cwrtmawr, Principal of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1919. R. Davis. Coloured leather label, gilt border. John Davies. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Stanley. (Both coat and crest in the Visitation of London (Harleian Society), i. p. 220.) J. Lloyd Davies, Esq. XlXth. Cent. Arm. with Lloyd on an esc. of pre. John Lloyd Davies of Blaendyffryn and Alltyrodyn, co. Cardigan ; H. Sheriff, 1845 5 M.P. for Cardigan, 1855-1857 ; m. (1825) Anne Lloyd, h. of Alltyrodyn ; ob. 1860. John Evan Davies. XIX th Cent. Arm. J. Dickerson Davis, M.A. XlXth Cent. Arm. Lieut. W. R. Davies, R.N. / Trawsmawr. Label with fringed border. ? S. of David Davies (by Frances Powell, his wife), and nephew of John Davies of Trawsmawr, co. Carmarthen, who was H. Sheriff in 1783. Owen Davies Esq. / of the House of Gwysaney. XlXth Cent. Arm. with sixteen coats. Welsh motto. Of Eton House, Kent ; 2nd s. of Thomas Davies, of Trefynant, co. Denbigh (by Margaret Peploe, his wife) ; b. \ 796 ; m. Wilhelmina Hooley (1826). 1 8 Welsh Book- Plates DAVIES. DAVIS continued. Annie Mary Davies. Modern Arm., a lozenge. William Davies. Modern Pict. and Arm. Francis Davies / Pershore. Crest. Edwd. Davies. Crest. A. P. Davies. Crest. Winefred Wilton Davies. Modern. Pict, signed "Era. Hill." Josephine Davies. Modern. Pict., signed "Ada Dressier." Edith Davies - Berrington / Pantygoitre Monmouth- shire / Nadolig / 1899. Label, modern. D. of the late Arthur Vendigard Davies-Berrington of Pantygoitre and of Cefngole, Glam. H. S. P. Davies. Modern Arm. with Welsh motto. Henry Samuel Pierce Davies, eldest s. of late Sir Henry Davies, K.C.S.I. ; b. 1856; m. Mabel Patterson, of U.S.A. ; of Rhosybedw, Pumpsaint, co. Carmarthen. DAVEY. Horace Davey. XlXth Cent. Arm. 2nd s. of Peter Davey; b. 1834 ; Q.C., M.P.; Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, 1878 ; m. Louisa Hawes Donkin. DAVY. Eleazar Davy. Chip. Arm. ( Hazlitt' s Roll of Honour, p. 57.) David E. Davy. Spade Arm. David Elisha Davy, B.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1790. DAVYS. John Davys. Wreath and Palm Arm. Of Tisbury, Wilts. George Davys. XlXth Cent. Arm. Same coat and crest. B.A. Christ's College, Cambridge, 1803; S.T.P., 1831. Welsh Book-Plates 19 DAY. George Edward Day. Crest. S. of George Day of Manorabon House, Swansea, and nephew of Sir John Day, Sol. -Gen. of Bengal ; b. at Tenby, 1815 ; m. Ellen Anne Buckton, of Wrexham ; eminent London physician; ob. 1872. (D.N.B.} DEVEREUX. [Devereux.] Late Jac. Arm. [Devereux.] Jac. Arm. No name, but arms and coronet of Viscount Hereford, Premier Viscount of England. Probably Price Devereux, 9th Viscount Hereford ; m. Mary Sandys ; ob. 1 740. [Devereux.] Hereford. Arm. with coronet and Supporters. No name, qting Bourchier, Plantagenet and Bohun. Probably Rev. Robert Devereux, i Jth Viscount Hereford ; Canon of Durham ; b. 1809 ; m. Emma Ravenscroft ; ob. 1870 ; f. of 1 6th Viscount Hereford. DILLWYN. L. W. Dillwyn, F.R.S. Pict. and Arm., c. 1800. Imp. Llewelyn. Lewes Weston Dillwyn, of Burroughs Lodge and Sketty Hall, Glam. ; s. of William Dillwyn, of Walthamstow ; b. 1778 ; H. Sheriff co. Glamorgan, 1818; M.P. 1832; m. (1807) Mary Llewelyn, of Penllergaer, Glam. George Dillwyn. Crest (as borne by Dillwyn of Sketty). DODD. D. Dodd / Button Green / Denbighshire / 1793. Dated Label. Dod, or Dodd, seems to be a not uncommon name around Llanerch, which belonged to this family by descent from the Davies's. Name said to derive from Cadwgan Dod, temp. Henry II. DUNCAN. John Duncan / Cardiff. Mod. Pict. signed "R.A.N. Bell, L.V. '93." (Omitted by Fincham.) John Duncan / Cardiff. Smaller size. 20 Welsh Book-Plates DYER. John Dyer. Chip., with crest and a medallion with a small landscape. Apparently the plate of the poet, John Dyer, of Aberglasney, co. Carmarthen, author of Grongar Hill and other works. 2nd. s. of Robert Dyer, solicitor, of Carmarthen ; b. 1 700 ; Vicar of Calthorpe, Lines.; 0^.1758. (D.N.JB.) Thomas Dyer. Pict. and Arm. (c. 1770), signed " Delegal sculpt." Printed in blue, an elaborate allegorical plate. Hope with an anchor bears a scroll with verses on a storm, below which appears the owner's name in minute script. Thomas Dyer, b. 1705 ; 4th s. of Robert Dyer, Gent., of St Peter's, Carmarthen ; educated at Westminster School ; matric. at Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1723; M.A. 1730; Rector of Bodhampton, co. Hants. (Not in Franks.) (See Sheriffs of Carmarthenshire, vol. ii., p. 20.) Henry Dyer. Festoon Arm. DINORBEN, see Hughes. DYFFRYN, see Pryce. EDGEWORTH. Edgeworth, Brynygrog. XlXth Cent. Arm. coloured by hand. Coat-of-arms of Edgeworth of Ireland. EDISBURY. James Fisher Edisbury / Wrexham. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. No coat of the ancient family of Edisbury of Erddig, co. Denbigh, is given by Papworth or Burke. (Nicholas' County Families of Wales, i., p. 397). ? Father of James T. Edisbury of Bersham Hall, co. Denbigh, who m. (1867) Minnie Jones. EDWARDES. EDWARDS. Francis Edwards. Early Jac. Arm. Coat of Tudor Trevor. Welsh Book-Plates 21 EDWARDES. EDWARDS continued. George Edwards, Librarian / to the College of Physicians, London. Jac. Arm. Welsh motto. B. 1 694 ; eminent naturalist and author of History of Birds ( I 743- I 75 I )5 ob.unm. 1773. (D.N.B.) Bryan Edwards Esqr. / Greenwich Park, Jamaica. Chip. Arm. Signed "Ashby sculp. Russel Court, London," c. 1760. (See Griggs' Armorial Book-Plates^ ii., p. 51.) B. 1743; M.P. for Southampton; author of a History of Jamaica; m. Maria Phipps of Leighton House, Wilts ; ob. 1800. (D.N.B.) Edwards. Chip. Arm. Thos. Edwards Esqr. Llandaff. Wreath and Ribbon. Arm. S. of William Edwards of Monmouth Castle ; m. ( t ) Elizabeth Richards, of Cardiff, and (2) Mary Powell, of Llanharran, Glam. George Edwards. Spade Arm. c. 1800. Coat of Tudor Trevor within a bordure engrailed or. ? George Edwards, M.D., 1752-1823 ; physician and writer on social economics. (D.N.B.) T. W. Edwards / Landaff House. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Qting Richards. Borne by Thomas William Edwards. (Burke's Armoury.) ? Eldest s. of William Richards, of Cardiff, who m. (1731) Jane, d. and h. of Thomas Edwards, of Llandaff. (R. T. Clark, Genealogies of Glamorgan, p. 382.) William Edwards. XIX th Cent. Arm. qting ? Hassall. B. Edwards Junr. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. printed on crimson paper. Joshua Edwards Esq. / Toxteth Park, co. Lancaster. XlXth Cent. Arm. with twenty-five coats, all Welsh, named on two banners. Welsh mottoes. The family coat Or on a pile az. 3 nags 9 heads erased arg. ; a chevron counter changed was confirmed, 1825, to Joshua Edwards, of Manchester. (See Papworth, p. 1024.) 22 Welsh Book- Plates EDWARDES. EDWAEDS continued. Joshua Edwards. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Banks. Welsh motto. The same owner. Samuel Edwards. Modern gothic Arm. Designed and engraved by Harry Soane, of London. (Un- signed.) Bryan Edwards. Crest. ? Sir Bryan Edwards ; b. 1 799 ; Chief Justice of Jamaica ; knighted 1859. [Edwards.] Jac. Arm. A remarkable coat (see Burke's Armoury}. The names of " Geo. Edwards " and "T. Edwards" and date " 1773" have been added in writing. Of Pentre, co. Montgomery and Cilcen, co. Flint. Thomas Edwards was H. Sheriff co. Montgomery, 1746. [Edwards.] Jac. Arm. Welsh motto. Of Rhual, co. Flint. The heiress of Rhual m. (c. 1720) Griffith, afterwards of Rhual. [Edwards] Rhual. Jac. Arm. with Welsh motto. The same plate with the place name added. John Edwards. Chip Arm. (Reproduced in Ex Libris Journal, xvi,, p. 78.) Of Rhual, near Mold, co. Flint. H. Holland Edwards. / Pennant Ereithlyn / North Wales. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Palmer. Rev. Howell Holland Edwards, of Caerhwn, co. Carnarvon ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1782 ; rector of Pennant Eglwysfach and Llanrwst, Denb., 1799; cursal canon of St Asaph and prebendary of Westminster, etc. ; m. Caroline Palmer ; ob. 1 846. E. Edwards. Festoon Arm. Imp. ? Welsh motto. John Edwards. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Imp. Chamberlaine. Welsh Book-Plates 23 EDWAEDES. EDWARDS continued. The Rev. John Edwardes / Gileston Manor, co. Glamorgan. XlXth Cent. Arm. Youngest s. of David Edwards, of Rhydygors, co. Car- marthen ; b. 1765; m. (1799) Margaret, d. and h. of Rev. William Willis, of Gileston Manor; ob. 1847. His d., Elizabeth Edwards, m. (1822) John Johnes, of Dolaucothi, co. Carmarthen. Wm. Edwards. XlXth Cent. Arm. Henry Hope Edwards. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. Welsh motto. loth Baronet ; b. 1829 ; succ. to title, 1841 ; claims descent from Tudor Trevor. Sir Henry Hope Edwards. Seal Arm. Another plate of the same owner. The Eevd. St Leger Frederick Hope Edwardes /of Netley in the county of Salop / 1889. Modern Jac. Arm. Imp. Eradney. Welsh motto. Eldest s. of T. H. Hope Edwardes, of Netley; b. 1839; m. Alice, d. of Rev. J. C. Bradney, of Bradney, Somerset. Edwards. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Edwards. XIX th Cent. Arm. A very similar plate printed on blue paper. Willm. Embury Edwards. Wreath with crest. Crest of Edwards of Prestbury, Glos. Tenison Edwards / Inner Temple. Two crests with Welsh motto. 6th s. of James Edwards, of Friars' Hill, co. Wicklow ; b. 1815; matric. Trinity College, Dublin; m. Mary Osborne Flower; author of Shall ive Register Title? (Foster's Men-at- the-Bar.) J. Edwards. Crest. Celtic motto. Charles Edwards. Modern Arm. Signed " Jarrett, London," with Tate on an esc. of pre. Of Dolserau, Dolgelly ; b. 1825 ; M.P. for Windsor, 1866- 1 868 ; m. Mary Elizabeth, d. and h. of William Tate. Charles D. Edwards. Modern Pict. Signed " Jessie M. Kitson." 24 Welsh Book-Plates ELLIS. Ellis. Jac. Arm. A good example of "canting" heraldry. Brabazon Ellis Esqr. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Of Wyddial Hall, Herts. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 69.) John Ellis Esqr. Medallion Arm. c. 1800. Signed " Neale sculpt." Of Hurlingham, Middlesex ; m. (1795) Antoinette Parker. Elder brother of Charles Rose Ellis, 1st Baron Seaford (see Peerage : Howard de Waldcn}* This family, long resident in Jamaica, claims descent from ancient Welsh stock. The Honble George Welbore Ellis. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. qting Agar. S. of 2nd Viscount Clifden ; cr. Baron Dover, 1831 ; m. Georgina Howard ; ob. v.p. 1833. Samuel Helbert Israel Ellis. XIX th Cent. Arm. EVANGE. Evance. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. qting Evans of Shrewsbury. Described as " of London." Evance. XlXth Cent. Arm. The same coat and crest. Note the punning Latin motto. EVANS. John Evans Lord Bishop / of Bangor. Early Jac. Arm. The arms of the see imp. Evans qting? Bordon and with Haddon on an esc. of pre. (sic) (Reproduced on the front cover of the Ex Libris Journal). C. 1702. Rector of Llanelhaiarn, co. Carnarvon ; consecrated to Bangor 1701 ; translated to Meath 1715 ; ob. unm. 1724. (D.N.B. Williams' Eminent Welshmen, p. 152, etc.) [Evans.] Chip. Arm. Below is written "The Gift of the Rt. Honble. Lord Carbery." Two coats : Evans qting Stafford, and Evans imp. Fitzivilliam. The plate has evidently been cut down. George Evans, 2nd Lord Carbery; m. (1732), Frances, d. of 5th Viscount Fitzwilliam (ext.) ; ob. 1759. Welsh Book- Plates 25 EVANS continued. [Evans.] Chip. Arm. Imp. Noel. C. 1760. George Evans, 3rd Lord Carbery ; m. (1760) (i) Juliana, d. of Baptist Noel, 4th Earl of Gainsborough, and (2) (1762) Elizabeth Horton, of Catton Hall, co. Derby; ob. 1783. Thomas Evans / Knightsbridge. Festoon Arm. Revd. Henry Evans. Arm. c. 1820. ? Henry Evans, s. of John Evans, of Huntington, co. Here- ford, arm. ; matric. Worcester College, Oxford, 1 806 ; of The Byletts, co. Hereford. G. W. Evans. XlXth Cent. "Aerial" Arm. Alfred Evans. XlXth Cent. Arm. J. Oarbery Evans. XlXth Cent. Arm. Of Hatley Park, Cambs. ; eldest s. of Robert Evans of Fatherwell Hall, Kent; b. 1835; m. (i) Alice H. Smith; (2) Alice Mary Pitman. Thomas Evans Esq. / Hereford and Sufton Park co. Hereford. XIX th Cent. Arm. with Rogers on an esc. of pre. Eldest s. of Thomas Evans of Hereford (by his wife, Mary F.Watkins); b. 1804; m. (i) Mary, only child and h. of John Rogers, of Hereford ; ( 2 ) Harriet Webb. E. Vincent Evans. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. Sir Evan Vincent Evans, s. of Lewis Evans, of Tynllyn, co. Merioneth ; knighted 1909 ; Hon. Sec. of the Hon. Society of Cymmodorion of London, etc. ; H. Sheriff co. Merioneth, 1919. Sir Samuel Thomas Evans. Modern Arm. Only s. of John Evans, of Skewen, co. Glamorgan ; b. 1859; M. P. for Mid-Glamorgan, 1890-1910; President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Court 1910; knighted 1908; m. (i) Rachel Thomas; (2) Blanche Rule; ob. 1918. John Bagnall Evans. Crest with Welsh motto. S. of Rev. William Evans, Vicar of Rhayader ; b. 1837 ; M.A. Jesus College, Oxford ; m. Eliza Maria Sterling ; member of the South Wales Circuit ; of Nantyreglwys, Whitland, co. Carmarthen. 26 Wdsh Book-Plates EVANS continued. John Evans. Crest with Welsh motto. Charles Evans. Festoon Arm. Evans. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. F. A. Foley Evans. Mod. Pict. Dante reading at a desk. Signed "R. J. W." (at back) "By R. J. Williams of 192 Newport Road, Cardiff." Joseph Evans, Esq. / Hurst House, Prescott. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. On the plate it is stated that the owner is J.P. and D.L. for co. Denbigh. E. Libris Johannis Evans, D.C.L., LL.D., S.R.S. Modern Arm. with Order. Sir John Evans, K.C.B., s. of the Rev. Arthur B. Evans, D.D. ; b. 1823; eminent man of science and learning. (Kelly's Directory, 1905.) (Reproduced in Castle's English Book- Plates, p. 183.) Arthur Ernest Evans, Bronwylfa, Denbighshire. Modern Landscape and Arm., signed "Hamel Lister, 1890." 5th s. of Edward Evans, of Bronwylfa ; b. 1866 ; m. Agnes Stanley; H. Sheriff, 1914. Thomas William Evans. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Gisborne. Of Allstree Hall, co. Derby, M.P. ; m. (1820) Mary Gisborne, of Yoxall Lodge, co. Durham. Revd. J. H. Evans. Pict. c. 1830, with books, lyre, roses, etc. A charming little plate, but unsigned. ?John Harrison Evans, B.A., of St John's College, Cambridge, 1828; M.A., 1831. Thomas Evans, M.D. Landscape c. 1830, with a view of Henllan on the River Teifi. (Not in Franks.) Hugh Evans / Landilo. Label with wreath, c. 1780. Welsh Book-Plates 27 EVANS continued. T. S. Evans / Mathematical Master, Christ's Hospital. The " Pythagoras " proposition of the First Book of Euclid. Unique as a book-plate. C. 1812. Thomas Simpson Evans, b. 1777 ; eldest s. of Rev. Lewis Evans (1755-1827), of Bassaleg, South Wales (D.N.B.) ; eminent as a mathematician; m. (1797) Deborah Mascall ; father of Rev. Th. Simpson Evans, vicar of St Leonard's, Shoreditch; ob. 1816. (D.N.B.} David Evans / Vicar of Ruyton. Label. The parish of Ruyton, otherwise * Ruyton-xi-Towns," is near Baschurch, Salop. Rev. George Eyre Evans. Modern book-pile, with pedigree and date 1893. Of Ty Tringad, Aberystwyth ; author of Cardiganshire : Its Antiquities, and many other works. Owen Evans. Crest. Edward Charles Evans. Crest with Welsh motto. [Evans.] Crest. In writing "Thomas Evans." Signed " Dolby Engraver, 56 Regent St." EVANSON. Charles Evanson, M.A. XlXth Cent. Arm. Signed "W. Lander sc. Bristol." Eldest s. of Rev. William Allen Evanson, of Cork ; matric. St Edmund's Hall, Oxford, 1830; vicar of St Andrew's, Montpellier, near Bristol; ob. 1874. Frederick Macdonnell Evanson. XIX th Cent. Arm. Signed " W. Lander sc. Bristol." Same plate with altered name. A brother of the above. Another brother, the Rev. Richard Macdonnell Evanson, was rector of Llansoy, co. Monmouth. FENTON. James Fenton. Chip. Arm. Of the family of Fenton, of Underbank, Yorks. 28 Welsh Book-Plates FENTON continued. Richard Fenton. Chip. Arm. S. of William Fenton, of Underbank, Yorks ; b. 1698 ; m. Anne Brooke ; Clerk of the Peace to the West Riding ; ob. 1778. Fenton. Spade Arm. c. 1800. Welsh motto. A very frequent plate. Richard Fenton, barrister and antiquary, author of An Historical Tour through Pembrokeshire, etc.; b. 1746; s. of Richard Fenton; m. Eloise Fillet; ob. 1821. (See Intro- duction by John Fisher, B.D., to Fenton's Tour in Wales, published by the Arch. Cam. Assoc., 1917.) Fenton. Spade Arm. Welsh motto. Of later date and on tinted paper. Probably used by one of Richard Fenton's sons. FERMOR. [Fermor.] The Right Honble. Thomas Earl of Pomfret. Jac. Arm. Two shields, Fermor with Jeffreys on an esc. of pre. ; and Jeffreys qting Herbert, Parr and de Vere. Welsh motto. Thomas Fermor, 1st Earl Pomfret; m. (1720) Henrietta Louisa, sole h. of John 2nd Lord Jeffreys of Wem, and gdau. of Judge Jeffreys, 1st Lord Jeffreys of Wem ; ob. 1753. [Fermor.] Henrietta Louisa Countess of Pomfret / one of the Ladies of ye Bed Chamber / to Her Majesty. / 1733. Jac. Arm. with Jeffreys on an esc. of pre. and also impaled. " Her Majesty " was Caroline of Anspach, Queen Consort of George II., who died 1737. [Fermor.] The Right Honble. Henrietta Countess of / Pomfret, Lady of the Bed Chamber to the Queen. Jac. Arm. Two shields, Fermor with Jeffreys on an esc. of pre. ; and Jeffreys qting Herbert, Parr and de Vere. Welsh motto. (Reproduced in Labouchere, p. 57.) Welsh Book-Plates 29 FERMOR continued. [Fermor.] The Rt. Honble. Henrietta Louisa Jeffreys, Countess of Pomfret / Lady of the Bed-chamber to Queen Caroline. Chip. Arm. An oblong plate of the most elaborate type. (Reproduced as Frontis- piece to N. Labouchere's Ladles' Book-Plates^ Fermor imp. Jeffreys, and also with Jeffreys on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. Signed "S. W. Invt." By Samuel Wale, R.A. (See also Labouchere, pp. 57, 58.) FFOLEES. Sr. Martin Browne Ffolkes, Bart. Festoon Arm. with Turner on an esc. of pre. Martin Browne Ffolkes, F.R.S., cr. a Baronet, 1774; m, Fanny, co-h. of Sir John Turner, Bart, (ext.) ; ob. 1821. Sir William Browne Ffolkes. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. with thirty coats, several being Welsh. B. 1786; eldest s. and h. of Sir M. B. Ffolkes; succ. as 2nd Bart., 1821 ; m. (1818) Charlotte Philippa Browne, sister of ist Lord Oranmore. FITZWILLIAMS. Charles Home Lloyd Fitz Williams of Cilgwyn. Modern gothic Arm. Only s. of E. C. L. Fitzwilliams, of Adpar, co. Cardigan ; b. 1843 ; m. Margaret Crawford; H. Sheriff, 1884. FORESTIER- WALKER. [Forestier- Walker.] Modern Portrait, with coat-of- arms below. Clarence Francis, 3rd s. of Sir George Forestier-Walker, Bart., of Castleton, Newport, Mon. ; b. 1857; m. Blanche, d. of G. T. Clarke, of Talygarn, Glam. ; ob. s.p. 190 . FOX-DAVIES. Arthur Charles / Fox-Davies. Modern Arm. with Welsh motto. 30 Welsh Book-Plates FRANCIS. J. D. F.[rancis.] Arm. with cipher and garter. Written at back : " Swansea Public Library, Refer- ence Department, J. Deffett Francis Bequest, about 6000 vols. and pamphlets." FREME. John Rowden Freme. XlXth Cent. Arm. Eldest s. of William Purser Freme, of Wepre Hall, co. Flint; b. 1821 ; M.A. Trinity College, Cambridge. " The Freme family was settled at Lypiate, Glos., temp. Edward III." 6ABB. Rev. James Ashe Gabb / Shire Newton, co. Monmouth. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Secretan S. of James Gabb, of Abergavenny ; matr'ic. Jesus College, Oxford, 1799 ; rector of Shire Newton, 1816 ; m. Mary Anne Secretan, of Arcadia House, co. Monmouth ; ob. 1 844. GARNONS. [Garnons.] Spade Arm. c. 1790. Signed " J. Stuart." Richard Garnons, of Colommendy, co. Denbigh ; H. Sheriff co. Flint, 1804, and co. Carnarvon, 1805. (See note in Burke's drmoury.) GEORGE. Fredk. D. George. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Order and Medal for "Meeanee and Hydrabad, 1843." Henry George. Modern Seal Arm. GILBERT. Davies Gilbert / of Tredrea, Cornwall and East Bourn, Sussex. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Gilbert on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. Davies Giddy, M.P., F.S.A., only s. of Rev. Edward Giddy; b. 1767; m. (1808) Anne, d. and h. of Thomas Gilbert ; assumed name of Gilbert ; ob. 1 840. Welsh Book- Plates 31 GLYN. Colonel Thomas Glyn. Wreath Arm. Imp. Holling- berry. (Reproduced in Ex Libris Soc. Journal, xv., p. 86.) B. 1756; brother of Sir Richard Carr Glyn, ist Bart., of Ewell, Surrey ; m. Henrietta Hollingberry, d. of Archdeacon Hollingberry, of Chichester. T. Clayton Glyn. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Rev. Thomas Clayton Glyn, eldest s. of Colonel Thomas Glyn; b. 1790; matr'ic. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1818; m. Jemima J. Hammond, .of St Alban's Court, Kent; of Durrington House, Essex; ob. 1860. GOULBURN. Edward Goulburn Esqr. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. De Visme. 2nd s. of Munbee Goulburn, of London and Jamaica ; b. 1787; m. (i) Harriet de Visme; (2) Honble. Esther Chetwynd ; (3) Hon. Catherine Montagu ; held the last Assizes of the Great Sessions of Wales at Carmarthen, 4th Sept. 1830 ; ob. 1868. Father of Dean Goulburn, of Norwich. GOWER. Abel Anthony Gower. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. qting Stedman and Lewes. 2nd s. of Abel Gower, of Castle Malgwyn, Glandovan, Pontfaen and Clynderwen, co. Pembroke ; younger brother of Admiral Sir Erasmus Gower ; ob. unm. 1837. GRANT. H. Grant /The Gnoll. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Warde. Henry John Grant, b. 1780; s. of Henry Grant, of The Gnoll (by Alicia Camac, his wife) ; m. (1822) Mary, d. of Gen. George Warde, of Squerries, Kent : H. Sheriff co. Glamorgan, 1834. GRIFFITH. M. Griffith, M.D. Chip. Pict. and Arm. ? Moses Griffith, M.D., s. of Edward Griffith; b. 1724; at St John's College, Cambridge ; of Lapidon, Salop ; ob. unm. 1785. (D.N.B. Reproduced in Ex Libris Journal, xi., p. 87.) 32 W^elsh Book-Plates GRIFFITH continued. Hugh Griffith/ of /Brynodol Esqr. Chip. Arm. qting (?) Wynne. H. Sheriff co. Carnarvon, 1777. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, P- 93-) Mid. Griffith. Chip. Arm. Coat of Griffith of Penrhyn, co. Carnarvon. Murhall Griffith. Festoon Arm. with (?) Harris on an esc. of pre. Signed " Stuart, Chester," c. 1780. A large, handsome plate, but none of the qtings identified. Murhall Griffith. Festoon Arm. The same design but on a smaller scale. Signed " Stuart, Chester." Griffith. Spade Arm. c. 1790. Apparently a member of the same family. Thomas Murrall Griffiths (V), of Wrexham, wasH. Sheriff co. Denbigh, 1813. [Griffith] Bodegroes. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. White. Welsh motto. William Glynne Griffith, s. of William Griffith, of Rhosfawr and Bodegroes ; m. Catherine L. White, of Jamaica; H. Sheriff co. Carnarvon, 1827. (Nicholas, i., p. 43.) Nehemiah Griffith. Jac. Arm. A reprint. The coat is that of Edwards of Rhual (vide supra). (See note in Nicholas, i., p. 453, on this Nehemiah Griffith.) Reverend 0. H. Griffith. XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Wegg. With Welsh rebus for a motto. J. H. Griffiths. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Coat of Griffith of Burton Agnes, Yorks, Baronet (ext. 1656), descended from ancient Welsh stock. (See Burke's Landed Gentry, edition of 1849, vol. i., p. 738.) Book-Plates 33 GRIFFITH continued. John Griffith. XlXth Cent. Arm., qting Sandham. S. of Thomas Griffith, of Llwynduris, co. Cardigan (by Elizabeth Sandham, his wife) ; b. 1795 ; m. Elizabeth Brown ; ob. s.p. 1873. Charles Marshall Griffith, M.A. XIX th Cent. Arm., qting Sandham. S. of Rev. Charles Griffith, of Llwynduris, co. Cardigan ; b. 1830; m. (1858) Sarah-Anna Ingram, of Steyning, Sussex; Q.C. and Bencher of the Inner Temple ; chairman of Cardigan- shire Quarter Sessions, etc. Henry Thomas Griffith, B. A. / Smallburgh Rectory, Norwich. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Jackman. Welsh motto. Only s. of Rev. Thomas Griffith, of Bispham, Berks ; matric. at Pembroke College, Oxford, 1 846 ; rector of Smallborough, 1881. Lewis Griffiths / Marie Hill. Crest. Of Marie Hill, Cheltenham ; m. Catherine Ferryman ; ob. 1869 ; father of George Summers Griffiths, of Marie Hill, barr.-at-law. 0. Egburth Griffiths. Crest with Welsh motto. Thomas Taylor Griffith. Crest. Captn. W. S. Griffiths. Crest with punning Welsh motto. GROVENOR. Sr. Robert Grovenor of /Eaton Hall in the county palatine of Chester / of Snell Court in the county of Somerset / of Halkin Hall in the county of Flint / and of Hillbank Westminster in the county of Middlesex / Bart. Early Chip. Arm. Imp. War re. 6th Bart. ; M.P. for Chester ; m. Jane, d. and h. of Thomas Warre ; ob. 1755. Father of ist Earl Grosvenor, and ancestor of i st Duke of Westminster. 34 Welsh Book-Plates GUEST. Augustus Guest, LL.D., P.S.A. XlXth Cent. Arm. Elected Fellow of Society of Antiquaries, 1850 ; ob. 1866. Merthyr Guest. XlXth Cent. Chip. Arm. Imp. Grosvenor. Printed in red. Thomas Merthyr Guest, 2nd s. of Sir John Josiah Guest, of Dowlais (by Lady Charlotte Bertie, his wife, translator of the Mabinogion, etc.) ; b. 1838 ; m. Theodora, d. of 2nd Marquis of Westminster ; younger brother of ist Lord Wimborne. GULSTON. [Gulston.] Jac. Arm. with "Joseph Gulston, 1766," in writing. Three states of this plate. Joseph Gulston, M.P. for Poole ; ob. 1766. Used by his s. Joseph Gulston, of Derwydd Court, co. Carmarthen. (See West Wales Trans., vol. iv., p. 185.) Elize Gulston. Chip. Arm., a lozenge. (Reproduced in Castle's English Book- Plates, p. 99.) D. of Joseph Gulston, of Derwydd (by his wife, Elizabeth Bridgetta Stepney, of Llanelly) ; b. 1769; ob. mm. 1857. GWYER. John Gwyer. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. (?) Keate. Signed "Burnell sc." (See Alum. Oxon, p. 579.) GWYN. Francis Gwyn of Lansanor in the county of/ Glam- organ and of Ford Abby in the county / of Devon Esqr. 1698. Early Jac. Arm. Dated, with eleven coats and with Prideaux-Fraunceis on an esc. of pre. S. of Edward Gwyn, of Llansannor (by Eleanor Popham, his wife); m. (1690) Margaret, d. and co-h. of Edmund Prideaux, of Ford Abbey, Devon (by Amy Fraunceis, his wife) ; M.P. for Cardiff, 1685-1688 ; Clerk of the Council, 1684. CJRTH grj Welsh Book-Plates 35 GWYN continued. Francis Gwyn of Lansanor in the county / of Glam- organ, and of Ford- Abby in the / county of Devon Esqr. 1698. Early Jac. Arm. Dated. Small size, with the coat of Gwyn only and Prideaux- Fraunceis on an esc. of pre. (Reproduced in Castle's English Book- Plates, p. 58.) GWYNN. Nevill and Maud/Gwynn. Modern gothic Arm. Imp. Savi/e. Welsh motto. Dated 1906. Signed "E. A. G." E. M. G. Crest with cipher, c. 1790. T. B. G. Crest and cipher with a bordure. GWYNNE. Howell Gwynne Esq. / Garth. Chip. Arm. Signed " 1742, Skinr sculpt." Unknown to Fincham and Hamilton and extremely rare. (Not in Franks Coll.) Howell Gwynne, of Brynioiau ; m. Mary, d. and h. of Judge Marmaduke Gwynne, of Garth (ob. 1712), "by which event two estates were united." (T. Jones, History of Brecknockshire, pp. 297-298.) H. L. E. G.[wynne.] Crest. Captain Henry Lewis Edwardes Gwynne, 62nd Regt., of Glanlery, co. Cardigan ; 2nd s. of David John Edwardes, of Rhydygors, co. Carmarthen ; assumed name of Gwynne ; H. Sheriff co. Cardigan, 1832; ob. 1866. GWYDYR, see Burrell. HANMER. Sr. Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer/in Oom. Flint, Baronet, 1707. Early Jac. Arm. Dated. Large size, with fifteen coats and with Bennet, Countess of Arlington, on an esc. of pre. B. 1676; 4th Bart, of Hanmer; m. (i) Lady Isabella Bennet, Countess of Arlington and widow of Duke of Grafton ; and (2) Elizabeth Ffolkes ; M.P. for Flint; ob. 1746. 36 Welsh Book-Plates HANMEE continued. Sr. Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer in Com. Flint Baronet, 1707. Early Jac. Arm. Dated. Small size. Four coats, with Bennet on an esc. of pre. The same owner. Col. William Hanmer. / 1739. Jac. Arm. Dated. William Hanmer, of Fenns ; cousin and heir-male of Sir Thomas Hanmer, of Hanmer, co. Flint, 4th and last Bart., who died 1746; cousin of Sir Walden Hanmer, 1st Bart, of second creation. " The smaller plate of Sir Thomas Hanmer reworked." [Hanmer.] XlXth Cent. Arm. with eight coats. In writing "C. J. Hanmer, Shrewsbury." Signed " F. Lewis, Salop." " The only known plate by this engraver." L. W. Hanmer. XlXth Cent. Arm. Calvert Hanmer. Modern Arm. ? Rev. Edward Calvert Hanmer, 4th s. of Llewelyn Hanmer, Gent., of Manchester ; matric. Queen's College, Oxford, 1869 ; M.A., 1876. Latham Hanmer / Liverpool. Label with modern Chip, border. HARRIES. Edward Harries. Chip. Arm., qting Dovey, of Farmcot, Salop. The Rev. Edward Harries, of Cruckton, Salop ; m. (1771) Lucia Blithe, of Broseley Hall, Salop ; ob. 1812. Edward Harries, A.M. The same plate with the additional letters. Lucia Harries. Festoon Arm. Imp. Blithe. D. of Francis Turner Blithe, and widow of the Rev. E. Harries. Francis Blithe Harries. Early XIX th Cent., qting Blithe and imp. Jenkins. 2nd s. of Rev. Edward Harries of Cruckton (and of Lucia Blithe, his wife); b. 1776; m. Emma Jenkins, of Charlton Hall, Salop; ob. 1848. Welsh Book-Plates 37 HARRIS. Or. Harris Esqr. / Haine. Chip. Arm. with Cornish motto. Christopher Harris, of Haine, Devon. His gds., Christopher Harris, of Haine, m. (1825) Louise Eleanore Watkins, of Penoyre, co. Brecknock, gdau. to Richard Vaughan, of Golden Grove, co. Carmarthen. HAWKINS. Henry Montonnier Hawkins./ Tredunnock, Monmouth- shire. XlXth Cent, gothic Arm. with twenty-four coats and five crests. Signed "W. West, sculpt. Margaret St." S. of Anthony Montonnier Hawkins, of The Gaer, Newport (by his first wife, Jane Nicholl, of Tredunnock) ; t. 1805 ; m. (i) Jane Fenwick, and (2) Lucy Lambe; ob. 1871. HAZELWOOD. William Scott / Hazelwood / Cardiff. Modern Pict., with design of books, thistles and leeks. Welsh motto. Signed " J. S." HEATON. Isaac Heaton. Chip. Arm., qting (?) More. [Heaton.] Pla"s Heaton. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. John Heaton, of Plas Heaton, co. Denbigh ; H. Sheriff, 1837; m. (i) Elizabeth Jones, of Cefn Coch, and (2) Anne Eliza Henniker; ob. 1855. William H. Heaton, / Bryn Issa. Crest. 4-th 8. of the above John Heaton, of Plas Heaton (by his 2nd wife, Anne Eliza, d. of 3rd Lord Henniker) ; b. 1835 ; m. (1860) Henrietta Anderson. HENFREY. G. E. H.[enfrey.] Modern Pict. Eminent engineer ; died at Tregeyb, Llandilo, 1916. (See Welsh Outlook, September, 1916.) 38 Welsh Book-Plates HERBERT. Herbert Earl of Pembroke / and Montgomery, Baron Herbert. Jac. Arm. Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl, K.G., Lord President of the Council ; Lord High Admiral of England and Ireland ; ob. '733- Donum Honoratissimi Dni. / Thomae Com. de Pem- broke et / Montgomery &c. &c. Classis / Britan. et Hibern : Summi Praefecti &c. &c. Jac. Arm. Signed "S. Gribelin." (Simon Gribelin of Blois, 1661-1733.) Not mentioned by Fincham. (Re- produced with note in Ex Libris Journal^ xv., P . 6 S .) A gift plate of the above. The Rt. Honble. Mary / Countess of Pembroke. Jac. Arm. Imp. Howe. Mary Howe, sister of Scrope, Viscount Howe, 3rd wife and widow of Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke. Herbert Marquess of Powis / Viscount Montgomery &c. Jac. Arm. S. and h. of William Herbert, ist Marquis of Powis, who died in exile at St Germains, 1696. The 2nd Marquis was restored to his father's forfeited dignities in 1722 ; ob. 1745 ; his son William succeeded as 3rd and last Marquis of Powis. Edward / Earl of Powis. Arm. c. 1 800, with Herbert on an esc. of pre. Edward Clive, 2nd Lord Clive and ist Earl Powis; b. 1754; m. Lady Henrietta Antonia Herbert, sister and h. of last Earl of Powis; ob. 1839. Edward Herbert / Earl of Powis. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Graham. 2nd Earl of Powis, of the new creation ; s. of the above ; b. 1785 ; m. (1818) Lady Lucy Graham, 3rd d. of 3rd Duke of Montrose ; ob. 1 848. Edward Herbert / Earl of Powis. XlXth Cent. Arm. Two shields, that of Herbert surrounded by the Garter, and the other Herbert imp. Graham. The same, now K.G. Welsh Book-Plates 39 HERBERT continued. H. A. Powis. Label with Earl's coronet. Henrietta Antonia Herbert, widow of Edward Clive, ist Earl of Powis, and sister of last Earl of Powis (Herbert). Wm. Herbert. Chip. Arm. Possibly the Hon. William Herbert, Major- General in the army, 5th s. of Thomas, 8th Earl of Pembroke ; m. Catherine Elizabeth Tewes ; father of ist Earl of Carnarvon ; ob. 1756. Wm. Herbert. Chip. Arm. The same plate. "Comte de Pembroke" added in writing. The coat, crest and motto are those of Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. [Herbert.] Chip. Arm. and Pict. (Reproduced in Ex Libris Journal.} James Herbert Esqr. / of Tythorpe / in the county of Oxford. Chip. Arm. Eldest s. of James Herbert, of Tythorpe, Oxon, and Kingsey, Bucks ; gt,-gds. of Hon. James Herbert, 6th s. of Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke; ob. 1749. (G. T. Clark, Genealogies of Glamorgan, p. 285.) Joseph Herbert. Spade Arm. c. 1800. Samuel Herbert. Spade Arm. c. 1800. Arms of Herbert within a bordure comparing erm. and ermines ; on a canton or a saltire gu. Herbert. Spade Arm. c. 1800, with two crests and Welsh motto. Probably a Herbert of Muckross or Cahirnane. Captn. Thos. Herbert / Royal Navy. Crest with Welsh motto. Admiral Sir Thomas Herbert, K.C.B., 2nd s. of Richard Townsend Herbert, of Cahirnane, co. Kerry (by Jane Stoughton, his 2nd wife) ; b. 1793 ; Lord of the Admiralty, 1852 ; M.P. for Dartmouth ; H. Sheriff co. Kerry, 1829. Captain Herbert / Royal Navy. XIX th Cent. Arm. with Welsh motto. A later plate of the same owner. 40 Welsh Book-Plates HERBERT continued. Sir Thomas Herbert. XlXth Cent. Arm. with two crests, Welsh motto and Order of the Bath. A later plate of the same owner. Sidney Herbert. XlXth Cent. Arm. The celebrated Secretary of State for War during the Crimean War. Half-brother to Robert Henry, 1 2th Earl of Pembroke, and father of I3th Earl. B. 1810; cr. Baron Herbert of Lea ; ob. 1861. Henry Arthur Herbert. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Welsh motto. Of Muckross Abbey, co. Kerry; eldest s. of Rt. Hon. Henry Herbert of Muckross, M.P. ; b. 1810 ; m. Emily, d. of 2nd Baron Keane ; M.P. for co. Kerry, 1866-1868. William G. Herbert. Crest. Constance Herbert. Cipher. Mod. Floral. Signed C. W. Sherborne, R. E." Beatrix [Herbert] Pembroke. Mod. Pict. in umber tints. Signed "W. Charning"? D. of Earl of Durham; m. i4th Earl of Pembroke, 1877. Beatrix [Herbert] Pembroke. Cherub with earl's coronet, etc. Signed "W." Robert George Wyndham Herbert, Ickleton. Modern gothic Arm. Sir R. G. W. Herbert, of Ickleton ; only s. of Hon. Algernon Herbert, and gds. of ist Earl of Carnarvon; G.C.B. ; Under-Sec, of State for Colonies, etc. ; b. 1831. Joannes Herbert /De Llanarth. Modern Arm. Jac. design on scarlet ground. Welsh motto. John Arthur Edward Herbert, eldest s. of John Jones, of Llanarth, co. Monmouth ; m. (1846) Augusta C. E., d. and h. of ist Baron Llanover (ext.) ; H. Sheriff, 1858; assumed by royal sign-manual the name of Herbert, 1848 ; ob. 1895. John Herbert of Llanarth. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. on scarlet ground. The same owner. Welsh Book-Plates 41 HERBERT continued. [Herbert] Llanarth. Modern Seal Arm., with Welsh motto. The same owner. Victoria Alexandrina Mary Cecil Herbert. Modern Pict., signed "K. G." By Kate Greenaway, a characteristic example of her art. 3rd d. of 4th Earl of Carnarvon. HESKETH. Robert Hesketh / Gwrych. Spade Arm. c. 1800, with Lloyd on an esc. of pre. Robert Bamford Hesketh, of Upton, Cheshire; m. (1785) Frances Lloyd, h. of Gwrych Castle, co. Denbigh ; H. Sheriff, 1797; ob. 1816. Lloyd Hesketh / Bamford Hesketh / Gwrych Castle. XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Lygon. Son of the above, b. 1788 ; m. Lady Emily Lygon, d. of Earl Beauchamp ; H. Sheriff co. Denbigh, 1828. HILL. J. H.pll.] Festoon Crest. John Hill, eldest s. of 3rd Bart, of Hawkstone, who died vivo patrc, 1814; m. (1795) Eliz. R.Cornish. J. H.[ill.] Festoon Arm., a lozenge. Apparently the plate of Mrs John Hill, born Elizabeth Rhodes, d. of Philip Cornish. She married (1795) John Hill, eldest s. of Sir John Hill, and was mother of Sir Rowland Hill, 4th Bart, and 2nd Viscount Hill. [Hill.] Arm., a lozenge, Hill imp. Cornish. Another plate of Mrs John Hill. [Hill.] Early XlXth Cent. Arm. with C/egg on an esc. of pre. Sir Rowland Hill, of Hawkstone, Salop, b. 1 800 ; succ. his gdfather as 4th Bart., 1824, and his uncle as 2nd Viscount Hill, 1842 ; m. (1831) Anne, d. and h. of Joseph Clegg, of Peplow Hall, Salop. 42 Welsh Book-Plates HILL continued. Sir Rowland Hill, Bart. / Hawkstone. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Ctegg on an esc. of pre. Signed "C. Vaughan, 32 Strand." The same owner. HOLCOMBE. John Holcombe / New Cross, 1799. Festoon Arm. Dated. Unidentified. HOMFRAY. John Homfray / 1768. Arm. Dated. Imp. Parr, with thirty-two coats. Note the punning French motto. John Homfray, of All Saints', Derby ; 2nd son of Francis Homfray; b. 1723 ; m. Sarah, d. of John Parr and widow of Thomas Dally; ob. 1804. (See also Franks Coll. Catalogue, vol. ii., p. 71.) HOWELL. Edward Howell. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Langford. James Howell. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Jellicoe. Walter Howell. Crest. Walter J. Howell. XlXth Cent. Arm. HOWORTH. Edwd. M. D. Ho worth Esqr. / Landovery, Carmarthen- shire. Chip. Arm. A scarce plate. Not in Franks. Edward Mainwaring Davies Howorth. E. M. D. Howorth Esqr. / of Maeslough, Radnorshire. Chip. Arm. A different plate of the same person. A scarce plate. Not in Franks. The same Edward Mainwaring Davies Howorth ; b. 1744 ; s. of Rev. Chamberlain Davies (by his wife Anne, d. of Sir Humphrey Howorth, M.P., of Maesllwch Castle, co. Radnor) ; assumed the maternal surname. (See "The Story of the Ancient Churches of Llandovery, ' Trans, of Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion, 1911-1912.) Welsh Book-Plates 43 HOWORTH continued. E. M. D. Howorth Esqr. / of Maeslough, Radnorshire. A modern reprint of the above. HUGHES. John Hughes /of Queinton, Gloucestershire. Jac. Arm. Son of John Hughes, of Queinton. 1st and 4th quarters Collivyn ap Tagno ; 2nd Ratter, and 3rd Freeman. (See note in Franks Coll. Catalogue, vol. ii., p. 85.) Ob. Hughes /of London. Jac. Arm. The coat az. a lion ramp, or is that of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, prince of Powys. It is borne by Hughes (baronet) of East Bergholt, Suffolk, formerly of London. Rev. Obadiah Hughes, s. of George Hughes (of Canter- bury) ; b. 1695 ; Presbyterian minister of Maid Lane Chapel, Southwark ; secretary to the Presbyterian Board ; m. Fryer, sister of Sir John Fryer, Lord Mayor of London; ob. 1751. (D.N.B.) Robt Hughes. Chip. Arm. signed " L. Bourn sculpt." Coat of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, with mark of cadency of a second son. William Hughes, / Watchmaker / London. Chip. Arm. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 117.) Hu. Hughes, Esqr. Festoon Arm. James Hughes / 1776. Festoon Arm. Dated. (Re- produced in Hamilton, p. 102.) S. of Daniel Hughes, of Carmarthen ; m. Elizabeth Williams, h. of Corngafr ; father of John William Hughes of Tregeyb, who was H. Sheriff co. Carmarthen, 1796. John Hughes of Brecon. Chip. Arm. signed and dated "Skinr. sculpt. 1745." J. Skinner, engraver of Bath, almost invariably signs and dates his book-plate designs. 3rd s. of Richard Hughes, of Brecon (by Mary Philpott, his wife), who died 1739, and is buried with a monument in Brecon Priory Church. (See T. Jones's History of Brecknockshire, 1890 edition, p. 200.) 44 Welsh Book-Plates HUGHES continued. W. L. Hughes. Spade Arm. c. 1 800. [Hughes] Lord Dinorben. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Grey. Welsh motto. William Lewis Hughes, cr. Baron Dinorben, 1831 ; b. 1767 ; s. of the Rev. Edward Hughes of Kinmel Park ; ro. (i) Charlotte Margaret Grey, and (2) Gertrude Smyth. Hugh Robert Hughes. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. 2nd s. of Rev. Edward Hughes of Kinmel Park, co. Denbigh, and younger brother of ist Lord Dinorben (ext.) ; b. 1774; m. (i) Barbara Sparrow, of Red Hill, Anglesey ; and (2) Anne Lance, of Wavertree, Lanes. Hugh Robert Hughes. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Sparrow. The same owner. Hugh Robert Hughes of Einmel and Dinorben, co. Denbigh, Esq. Large XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Liddell. Two Welsh mottoes. S. and h. of the above H. R. Hughes; b. 1827 ; H. Sheriff, Anglesey, 1854; succ. (1852) to the estates of his cousin, W. L. Hughes, 2nd and last Lord Dinorben; m. (1853) Florentia, d. of Earl of Ravensworth. Hughes Einmel Park. XlXth Cent. Arm., Hughes imp. Liddell, with two Welsh mottoes. The library plate of the above H. R. Hughes of Kinmel. Michael Hughes. Early XlXth Cent, with Campbell on an esc. of pre. Of Sherdley Hall, Lanes ; youngest s. of Hugh Hughes, of Lliniog, Anglesey; b. 1810; m. Elinor Mary, d. and h. of Admiral Campbell, of Ardpatrick, Argyle. William Hughes. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Worthington. Welsh motto. S. and h. of William Hughes, of Penyclawdd ; b. 1801 ; m. Eliza Anne Worthington, of Sandiway Bank, Cheshire. "Twenty-eighth in descent from his great progenitor Rhodri Mawr, King of Wales." (See Burke' s Landed Gentry, 1849 edition, p. 611.) Welsh Book-Plates 45 HUGHES continued. Sig. Johannis Hughes Gwerclas et Kymmer. XIX th Cent. Seal Arm. Imp. coats of Ednyfed Vychan and de Syward. Welsh motto. 3rd s. of William Hughes, of Penyclawdd ; b. 1805; m. Dorothea Lloyd, of Plymog, co. Denbigh, and Gwerclas, co. Merioneth. Hughes. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Of Ystrad, co. Denbigh. Thomas Hughes, only s. of John Hughes, of Llainwen ; b. 1 799 ; m. (1827) Margaret Williams, of Pentremawr, co. Denbigh ; H. Sheriff co. Flint, 1851. Thomas Hughes. XIX th Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Signed "J. Warwick, 145 Strand." The same owner. William Hughes Hughes Junr. /Inner Temple. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Oldham. S. of William Hughes Hughes, M.P., F.S.A. ; b. 1817; m. Ellen Oldham of Stamford Hall, Middlesex. William Bulkeley Hughes Esq. / Plas Coch, Anglesey. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Nettleship on an esc. of pre. Eldest s. of Sir William Bulkeley Hughes, Kt., of Plas Coch and Brynddu ; b. 1797; m. (1825) Elizabeth, widow of Harry Wormald, and d. and h. of Jonathan Nettleship, of Mattersey Abbey, Notts; H. Sheriff, Anglesey, 1861 ; M.P. for Carnarvon, 1837-1874. Samuel Hughes Esq. / Corranbrook, co. Carmarthen. Col. E.I.C.S. & C.B. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Gordon on an esc. of pre. Col. S. Hughes, C.B., was of an Irish family claiming Welsh descent; m. (1831) Eliza Luther, d. of John T. Gordon, M.D. (See Burke's drmoury.) John Hughes. XlXth Cent. Arm. James Claudius Hughes. XlXth Cent. Arm. on tinted paper. William Hughes. Modern Arm. An elaborate plate, but unsigned. 46 Welsh Book-Plates HUMPHREYS. Humphreys. Spade Arm. c. 1800. The coat bears the Ulster Hand of a Baronet, but no baronetcy was extant about this period. (See Burke's Extinct and Dormant Baronetage, etc. ) Ozias Humphry Esqr. XIX th Cent. Arm. (Impossible heraldry.) ? The portrait painter, friend of Blake, etc. (See D.N.B.) Charles Octavius Humphreys. XlXth Cent. Arm. Salusbury Morin Humphreys. XlXth Cent. Arm. Probably a son of Admiral Sir Salusbury Pryce Humphreys, C.B. and K.C.H., of Weedon, Bucks; gds. of the Rev. Salusbury Pryce, vicar of Meifod. (See T. R. Roberts' Dictionary of Eminent Welshmen,^. 198.) F. H. Pict., with cipher on shield, c. 1770. ? Signed " I. Jones." The bust is apparently that of Inigo Jones, the architect. An interesting little plate. Not mentioned by Fincham. HEREFORD, VISCOUNT, see Devereux. HOWDEN, BARON, see Caradoc. JACKSON. Sir Henry Mather Jackson Baronet /of Llantilio Crosseny in the / county of Monmouth / 1892. Modern Jac. Arm., dated, with Somerset on an esc. of pre. jrd Bart., b. 1855 Barrister of Lincoln's Inn; m. (1886) Ada, d. and co-h. of General E. A. Somerset, C.B. JAMES. Joseph James. Festoon Arm. ? S. of John James, arm., of London ; matric. University College, Oxford, 1788; B.A. 1791. Harry Arthur James / Ei Llyfr. Modern Pict., signed "U. T. W.," 1894. Large size, printed in red. Welsh motto. Welsh Book-Plates 47 JAMES continued. Harry Arthur James / Ei Llyfr. The same, smaller size, printed in black. JEFPERY. [Jeffery.] Late Jac. Seal Arm. in writing " George Jeffery." " Of London." (See Burke's Armoury.} JEFFERYS. Geo. Jefferys. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Gould. John Jefferys. XlXth Cent. Arm. Coat of Jefferys of Acton, co. Denbigh. JEFFREYS. Walter Powell Jeffreys. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Welsh motto. Walter Powell Jeffreys married Anne Price ; father of Walter Powell Jeffreys (b. 1843), H. Sheriff co. Carmarthen, 1889; of Cynghordy, Llandovery. John Gwyn Jeffreys. Crest. Eldest s. of John Jeffreys, of Fynone, co. Glamorgan ; b. 1 809 ; m. Anne Nevill, of Llanelly ; Recorder of Swansea ; eminent conchologist ; ob. 1885. N. N. Jeffreys. Crest. (Crest of Jefferys of Acton.) " Bennett sc." JENKINS. Richd. Jenkins Esqr. Jac. Arm. signed . 1891. Love Jones-Parry /of /Madryn. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. The same owner. Welsh Book-Plates 95 FAERY continued. Caleb Hillier Parry, M.D. Spade Arm. c. 1800. Curious motto, " Sitric Try." B. 1756; eldest s. of Joshua Parry, dissenting minister, of Llangan, co. Pembroke ; physician of note at Bath ; monu- ment in Bath Abbey; m. Rigby ; ob. 1822. (His father, Joshua Parry, of Llangan, was a scholar and author of some eminence, and friend of Dr Johnson. See Memoir of Parry, by Sir J. E. Eardley-Wilmot, London, 1872.) William Edward Parry /R.N. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Rear-Admiral Sir William Edward Parry, D.C.L.; younger s. of Dr Caleb H. Parry, of Bath; b. 1790; Arctic explorer ; m. Isabella, d. of Lord Stanley of Alderley ; ob. 1855. Charles Henry Parry. Crest. Eldest s. of Dr Caleb H. Parry ; b. 1779 5 M - D - of Edin - burgh ; F.R.S. ; friend of S. T. Coleridge, the poet; author of a Memoir of Rev. Joshua Parry, and other works ; ob. 1860. 0. Parry. Chip. Arm. Welsh motto. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 177.) Richardus Parry. S.T.P. Chip. Arm. Probably Rev. Richard Parry, s. of Hugh Parry, gent., of Westminster; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1740; D.D. 1757; rector of Wickhampton, Dorset ; ob. 1780. Thomas Parry. XlXth Cent. Arm. Signed " Suffield sculp." Thomas Parry. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. A vesica. Parry / Denbighshire. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. [Webley-Parry]. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Parry qting Webley. Welsh motto. Rear- Admiral William Henry Webley; b. 1764; assumed the name of Parry on succeeding to the estate of Neuadd- Trefawr, Cardiganshire, from his kinswoman, Mrs Frances Gwynne (ob. 1815) ; C.B. and Grand Cross of the Sword of Sweden; m. Maria Washington White; ob. 1837. (See Memoir of W. H. Webley-Parry, Esq., Carmarthen, 1847.) 96 Welsh Book-Plates PARRY continued. Ex Libris / Arthur J. Parry. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. G. Fred Parry / Lincoln's Inn. Crest. George Frederick Parry, s. of George Parry, arm. ; matric. Wadham College, Oxford, 1813 ; Barr.-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, 1821. PARYS. Willm. Parys. Festoon Arm. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 176.) PAYNE. Tho. Payne / Bookseller in Wrexham / Sells Books, etc. Tradesman's book-plate, c. 1800. PE6GE. E. L. Pegge. Label, middle of XlXth Cent., with Welsh verse which may be roughly rendered into English : " Take my book, and welcome, Friend ! All joy I wish to thee ; But after reading please return Both soon and sound to me." An interesting and unique plate. PEMBROKE. Pembroke Society. Chip. Pict. Signed " Fougeron sculp." C. 1760. Only one other book-plate known by this engraver viz. "William Holcombe," of Pembroke. The rare and interesting plate of the Pembroke Book Society. (See Note in "Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, June, 1913, vol. i., p. 152.) (Reproduced in Old West Wales Book- Plates.) Chas. Pembroke. Chip. Arm. on mantle. A scarce plate. LL.B. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1816. Welsh Book-Plates 97 PENARTH. Penarth Free Library. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. PENNANT. E Libris Thomae Pennant. Chip Arm. Welsh motto. B. 1726; s. of David Pennant, of Downing, co. Flint; traveller and zoologist ; author of The British Zoology m. Elizabeth Falconer, of Chester; H. Sheriff co. Flint, 1761 ; ol>. 1798. [Pennant.] Crest, helmet and Welsh motto. Very fine specimen of engraving. Apparently another book-plate of Thomas Pennant, the zoologist. G. H. D. Pennant. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. George Hay Dawkins Pennant, of Penrhyn Castle, co. Carnarvon ; h. to Richard Pennant, Lord Penrhyn, and father of Juliana I. M. Pennant, who married (1833) Hon. E. Douglas Pennant, ist Lord Penrhyn of the second creation ; ob. 1840. Philip Pennant Pennant of Nantlys, 1893. Modern Arm. Dated. Imp. Bankes. 4th s. of Rev. G. Pearson; b. 1834; assumed name of Pennant, 1860; of Nantlys and Brynbella, St Asaph, Flint- shire ; m. Mary Bankes, of Soughton Hall, co. Flint. PENRHYN. Edward Penrhyn. Crest. PHILLIPS. PHILIPPS. PHILLIPPS. Cosby Phillips. Jac. Arm. S. of General Richard Phillips, or Philipps, of Nova Scotia (by his wife, Elizabeth Cosby) ; m. Teresa ; ob. 1736 at Port Mahon. Ancestor of ist Lord St Davids. A doubtful book-plate. Sir Jno. Phillips, Bart. Chip. Arm. 6th Bart., of Picton Castle, co. Pembroke; ob. 1764. John Philipps Laugharne / Inner Temple. Chip. Arm. S. of Rowland Philipps, of Orlandon, co. Pembroke ; m. (1783) Elizabeth Allen; H. Sheriff, 1788; father of Sir Rowland Henry Philipps, 8th Bart., of Picton Castle. G Book-Plates PHILLIPS. PHILIPPS. PHILLIPPS continued. William Philipps. Chip. Arm. A very frequent plate, in three states. Probably William Philipps, of Sandyhaven and Haythog ; H. Sheriff of co. Pembroke, 1736 ; eldest s. of Charles Philipps, of Sandyhaven (H. Sheriff, 1687) ; m. Albinia Laugharne. (See Allen's Sheriffs of Pembrokeshire, pp. 38, 39, 48.) William Philipps. Chip. Arm. Same plate with crest altered. William Philipps. Chip. Arm. Another state of same plate. Charles Philipps / Monmouth. Festoon Arm. qting Seymour. Edward Philipps / Melksham. Festoon Arm. Signed "Ezekiel Exon. soil." By Ezekiel, of Fore Street, Exeter (1757-1806). Thomas Phillips. Medallion Arm. [Philipps.] Early XIX th Cent. Arm. signed " Burnell sc." Revd. Sir James E. Philipps, Bart. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Signed " Burnell sc." The Rev. Sir James Evans Philipps, 2nd 8. of William Hollingworth Philipps ; b. 1793; m. Mary Anne Bickley, of Bristol; succ. his kinsman as nth Bart., 1857 ; ob. 1873. Edward Phillips. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Edward Phillips, Junr. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. William Thomas Philipps. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Signed " Burnell sc." In writing, " B.D., Fellow of Magdalen Coll. Oxon." Eldest s. of William Hollingworth Philipps ; b. 1787 ; rector of Fittleton, Wilts ; elder brother of Rev. Sir J. E. Philipps, nth Bart.; ob. 1854. Welsh Book-Plates 99 PHILLIPS. PHILIPPS. PHILLIPPS continued. [Philipps.] Betty St. Davids. Library Interior, with shields of Philipps and Hastings. Signed "A. Batchelor f." 2nd d. of Major P. F. C. Rawdon-Hastings (brother of Earl of Loudoun) ; m. (1917), as 2nd wife, Sir Wynford Philipps, ist Baron St Davids, of Roch Castle. John Phillips / Culham, Oxon. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Shawe. Of Culham House, Oxon; m. Philippa Shawe; father of John Shawe Phillips, of Culham House, H. Sheriff of co. Oxford, 1842. Thos. Phillipps. / Newport House. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Treby. Thomas Phillipps, of Landue, Cornwall ; m. Caroline, 2nd d. of Paul Treby, of Plympton, Devon (she died 1831). (Coat of Philipps of Picton.) Thos. John Phillipps / Landue. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Same plate with altered inscription. George Phillips. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. John Pavin Phillips. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. S. of George Phillips, of Haverfordwest ; b. 1817 ; physician and astronomer ; ob. unm. 1870. Thos. Phillipps. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. ? Thomas Philipps, of Aberglasney,H. Sheriff co. Carmarthen, 1813 ; ob. s.p. J. S. Phillipps. XlXth Cent. Arm. Mary Dorothea Phillips. XIX th Cent. Arm., a lozenge. Imp. de Rutzen. Sister and h. of Nathaniel Phillips, of Slebech (H. Sheriff co. Pembroke, 1820) ; m. Charles Frederick, Baron de Rutzen ; mother of Baron Frederick Leopold de Rutzen, of Slebech (H. Sheriff, 1871) ; ob. 1860. ioo W^elsh Book- Plates PHILLIPS. PHILIPPS. PHILLIPPS continued. [Philipps.] Milford. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. Imp. Gordon. " Drawn and engraved by G. Barclay." Sir Richard Bulkeley Philipps Grant Philipps; b. 1801 ; cr. a Baronet, 1828; and Lord Milford, 1847; succ. to the estates of his kinsman ist Lord Milford; m. Eliza Gordon, of Hanwell ; ob. s.p. 1857. John Ledyard Phillips. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Signed "Huntly sc." J. P. A. Lloyd Philipps, Esq. / Dale Castle, co. Pem- broke. XlXth Cent. Arm. qting Lloyd and Allen. Welsh motto. John Philipps Allen Philipps, eldest s. of Col. John Allen Lloyd, of Dale Castle; b. 1802; m. (i) Charlotte Bartlett ; (2) Elizabeth A. B. Stevenson; assumed the additional name of Philipps under the will of James Philipps, of Penty Park ; H. Sheriff co. Cardigan, 1844; ob. 1879. Robert Phillipps of / Long-worth co. Herefd. / Esquire. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Biddulph. 3rd s. of Thomas Phillipps, of Eaton Bishop ; b. 1 749 ; purchased the estate of Long worth from his nephew, Major Walwyn (q.v.) ; M.P. for Hereford, 1784; Recorder of Hereford, 1800; m. Mary Anne Biddulph; ob. 1822. M. John Phillips. XlXth Cent. Arm. J. H. A. Philipps. Crest. Rev. James Henry Alexander Philipps, of Picton Castle, co. Pembroke ; s. of Rev. Henry Gwyther (by his wife, Maria Philippa Artemisia Child, mother of Lord Milford) ; b. 1815 ; assumed name of Philipps by royal licence, 1857. Edward Berkeley Philipps. Crest. N. Philips. Crest. Nathaniel Philips, 2nd s. of John Philips, of The Heath House, co. Stafford; b. 1786; m. Margaret Hibbert. Caroline Philips. Arm., a lozenge. ? Caroline Mary, d. of Rev. Kenrick Prescott, m. (1856) Francis Philips, s. of F. A. Philips, of Bank Hall, Lanes, and Abbey Cwm Hir, co. Radnor. Welsh Book-Plates 101 PHILIPPS. PHILLIPS. PHILLIPPS ^/tff/. Thomas Phillipps. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., bibliophile, of Middle Hill ; b. 1792; only s. of Thomas Phillipps, of Middle Hill; m. (i) Harriet Molyneux ; (2) Elizabeth H. A. Mansell ; H. Sheriff co. Worcester, 1825. (Possibly the plate of Thomas Phillipps, senior, of Middle Hill; ob. 1818.) Thomas Phillipps / Middle Hill, Worcestershire. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. The same owner. M. A. University College, Oxford, 1 820 ; great collector of rare books and MSS., including Welsh manu- scripts ; his library at one time contained the Book of Aneur'tn^ purchased for Cardiff Library in 1896 ; ob. 1872. George Philips. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. S. of Thomas Philips, of Sedgeley, Lanes; b. 1766; m. Sarah Anne Phillips; cr. a Baronet, 1828; ob. 1847; father of Sir George R. Philips, 2nd Bart. Collegio / Sancti Davidis / Apud Llanbedr in Gomitatu Ceretico / D.D.D. Thomas Phillips, / de Brunswick Square Apud Londinenses, Armiger / 1837. Dated Presentation plate. The donor was Thomas Phillips, surgeon, of London, b. 1760 ; Inspector of Hospitals in New South Wales ; a great purchaser of books and a generous benefactor to St David's College Library, etc. ; ob. 1851. A similar plate, dated 1846. Athrofa Gymreig / Llanymddyfri / a Sefydlwyd Gan / Thomas Phillips Yswain / Anrheg y Sefydlydd / Ar Ei Hagoriad / Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant / 1848. Dated Presentation Label for Llandovery School Library. Welsh motto. The same donor. John Philips / His Book. Label, c. 1820. Thomas Jones Phillips / Solicitor / Newport / Mon- mouthshire. Label with crest. 102 Welsh Book-Plates PHILLIPS. PHILIPPS. PHILLIPPS continued. Ex Libris Domini Ambrosii Phillipps de Lisle Domini de Garendon & Gracia Dei. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Clifford on an esc. of pre. Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps de Lisle, of Garendon and Grace Dieu, co. Leicester ; b. 1 809 ; m. Laura M. Clifford ; H. Sheriff co. Leicester, 1868. Guy Phillips. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. ? Turbeville. Henry Cranmer M. Phillipps. XlXth Cent. Arm. William Page Thomas Phillips. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Browning. Welsh motto. Of Hasketon and Burgh, Suffolk ; only s. of Benjamin Phillips, F.R.S. ; b. 1833; m. Clara M. Browning; M.A. Exeter College, Oxford, 1858. Edmund Philips. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Benjamin Phillips, F.R.S. Crest. Welsh motto. Of Hasketon, Suffolk; m. Elizabeth, d. and co-h. of William Woods Page, of Woodbridge, Suffolk, father of W. P. T. Phillips (vide supra). PLATT. Johannis Platt / Clifton Lodge / Llandudno. Arm. and Pict. Signed J. D. B.[atten] Xmas 1892." ? 5th s. of John Platt, of Bryn-y-Neuadd, co. Carnarvon. PLEYDELL BOUVERIE. [Pleydell-Bouverie] Earl of Radnor. Chip. Arm. Signed " Franker sculpt." Unknown to Fincham. William Pleydell-Bouverie (1725-1776), 2nd Viscount Folkestone; cr. Earl of Radnor, 1765. Helen Matilda [Pleydell-Bouverie], Countess of Radnor. Modern Arm. Imp. Chap/in. D. of Rev. Henry Chaplin and sister of Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin; m. (1866) William, 5th Earl of Radnor. Welsh Book-Plates 103 POTTER. J. Potter's Circulating Library / Haverfordwest. Lending Library Label with rules, fees, etc. C. 1800. An interesting label. POTTS. Henry Potts Esquire / High Sheriff of Denbighshire. Modern Arm. Imp. Martin. Eldest s. of Henry Potts, of Chester ; b. 1810; m. Cecilia Anne Martin (1844); High Sheriff co. Flint, 1852; M.A. Magdalen College, Cambridge. (There seems some error in the word " Denbighshire." See Nicholas, County Families of Wales, vol. ii., p. 454.) POWELL. William Powell Esq. / of the Middle Temple. Chip. Arm. 2nd s. of Rees Powell, of Llanharran, co. Glamorgan, and younger brother of Rev. Gervas Powell, L.L.B., rector of Llanharran (ob. 1795), whose book-plate is the same as the above, in another state. (See Catalogue of Julian Marshall Ex Libris Sale, p. 167.) Thos. Harcourt Powell. Chip. Arm. S. of John Powell, of Titenham, Glos, arm. ; matric. Oriel College, Oxford, 1771; Bencher of the Inner Temple; of Peter stone Court, co. Brecknock; ob. 1822. William Gabriel Powell. Modern Arm. A reprint. ? Brother of the above T. H. Powell. John Powell Esqr. Chip. Arm. James Powell. Festoon Arm. John Eynaston Powell Esq. / Hardwick. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. on diapered field. Imp. Corbett. Signed " Bowley feet." Sir John Kynaston, Bart., s. of Roger Kynaston, of Shrewsbury; matric. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1770; assumed additional name of Powell, 1797 ; cr, a Bart., 1818 : M.P. for Salop from 1784 till his death, 1822. 104 Welsh Book- Plates POWELL continued. Edwd. Powell. Chip. Arm. on mantle. Geo. Powell, Esq. Festoon Arm. Imp. . Edwd. Powell. Festoon Arm. J. Powell Powell Esq. Early XlXth Cent. Arm., a medallion, c. 1820. Samuel Powell Esq. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Richmond. Of Brandlesome Hall, Bury, Lanes; b. 1760; m. Frances Richmond, of Bath; ob. 1834; s. of Richard Powell (by Elizabeth Cottrell, his wife). John Allan Powell. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Thomas Folliott Powell. Modern Arm. Signed "T. P." Caleb Powell. Chip. Arm. Caleb Powell, of Clonshavoy, co. Limerick; b. 1730; m. (i) Frances Bowen ; (2) Sarah Westropp ; H. Sheriff co. Limerick, 1773; ob. 1797. " The Powells of Limerick traditionally derive from the Powells of Park, near Oswestry . . . descended from levan Fechan, of Abertanat." Henry Powell. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Frederick Glyn Montagu Powell / M. A., R.N. / Rector of Stroxton, Lines. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. Walter Powell. XIX th Cent. Arm. ? ? Walter Powell, youngest s. of Thomas Powell, of The Gaer, co. Monmouth ; of Dantesey House, Wilts ; b. 1 842 ; M.P. for Malmesbury, 1868; drowned at sea from a balloon, 1888. (His sister Mary, widow of Alexander Jenkins, married M. L. Vaughan Davies, M.P., of Tanybwlch, co. Cardigan.) W. T. R. Powell. XIX th Cent. Arm. with Cherry on an esc. of pre. Col. William Thomas Rowland Powell, of Nanteos, Car- diganshire ; b. 1815; M.P. for co. Cardigan, 1859-1865; m. Rosa Edwyna Cherry, of Buckland, co. Hereford ; father of George Ernest J. Powell, benefactor to the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth. ff^elsk Book- Plates 105 POWELL continued. Thomas Powell. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Signed "Stern a Paris." (Coat of Powell of Castle Madoc, co. Brecknock.) John Har court Powell. Crest. Son of Harcourt Powell, of St James's, London ; matric. University College, Oxford, 1777 ; vicar of Eccleshall, co. Stafford; ob. 1822. John Harcourt Powell. Crest. Of Drinkstone Park, Suffolk, and of Hook, co. Pembroke ; H. Sheriff, 1851 ; m. Mary Waddington ; ob. 1855. J. Cottrell Powell. Crest. B. 1798; B.A. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1820, and of Lincoln's Inn ; eldest s. of Samuel Powell, of Hammerton Hall, Yorks ; ob. unm. 1834. Gulielmus Powell. Crest. 3rd s. of John Folliott Powell, of Sandy Brook, co. Derby ; b. 1805; m, Eliza Miller, of Leicester; of Tickford Manor, Bucks. Edward Arnett Powell. Crest. B.A. Christ's College, Cambridge, 1830; 4th s. of John Folliott Powell, of Sandy Brook, co. Derby (by Frances Arnett, his wife). J. Rogers Powell. Crest. William Powell. Modern Seal. POWIS. POWYS. Ex Libris Bibliothecae Domini J. B. Powis. Arm. c. 1790. Imp. . A Continental book-plate. Possibly some member of the Powis or Poivys family living abroad, but the coat is not that of Poivys of Salop. Benjn. Powis. XlXth Cent. Arm. John Powys Esqr. Chip. Arm. S. of John Powys, of Shrewsbury and Berwick, Salop (by Bridget Baldwyn, his wife) ; m. Jane Lister, of Rowton. 106 Welsh Book- Plates POWIS. POWYS continued. Thos. Jelf Powys. Festoon Arm. Of Berwick, Salop; H. Sheriff, 1776; succ. his kinsman, Thomas Powys, of Berwick, 1774. Reginald C. L. Powys-Lybbe. Modern Seal Arm. Only s. of William Reginald Lybbe Powys, of Hardwick House, co. Oxford ; b. 1 88 1 . PRICE. PRYCE. PRYSE. The Honble. Robert Price Esqr. one / of the Barons of her Maties / Court of Exchequer, 1703. Early Jac. Arm. Dated. With nine coats. Of Cerrig-y-Druidion, co. Denbigh; b. 1655; M.P. for Weobley, 1688-1702 ; m. Lucy Rodd, of Foxley, co. Hereford ; known as " the patriot of his native country " ; a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas ; ob. 1733. John Price Esqr. / of Sunbury Middlesex. Jac. Arm. Thomas Pryse Esqr. Chip Arm. with Pugh on an esc. of pre. A very rare and fine plate, measuring nearly five inches tall within the watermark. (Re- produced in Old West Wales Book-Plates.') Succ. to the estates of his kinsman, Lewis Pryse, of Gogerddan, 1 720 ; M.P. for Cardigan borough, 1 741-1 745 ; m. Maria Pugh, h. of Mathafarn, co. Montgomery; ob. 1745. [Pryce.] Jac. Arm. Sir John Pryce, 5th Bart., of Newtown, co. Montgomery ; m. ( I ) Elizabeth Powell ; (2) Mary Morris ; (3) Mrs Eleanor Jones, of Buckland, co. Brecknock; ob. 1748. Richard Pryce / Surgeon. Early Chip. Arm. Signed Of Shrewsbury; ob. 1794. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour, p. 189.) Liscombe Price. Festoon Arm. Pryce. Festoon Arm. Josiah Pryce. Wreath and Ribbon; two shields accoles, Pryce and Pearson. Welsh Book-Plates 107 PRICE. PRYCE. PRYSE continued. Revd. D. F. Pryce. Spade Arm. c. 1800. David Fitzpatrick Pryce, A.B., St John's College, Cam- bridge, 1798; A.M. 1801 ; S.T.P. 1813. Price. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. ? Dundas. Of Foxley Court, co. Hereford. George Price. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Gruflydd Price. Chip. Arm. with on an esc. of pre. ? S. of Thomas Price, of Llangyfeleach, arm., co. Gla- morgan; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1735. [Pryce.] Dyffryn. Arm. c. 1820, with Austin on an esc. of pre. Sixteen coats. S. of John Knight, of Llanblethian, co. Glamorgan ; b. 1 784 ; assumed names of Bruce and Pryce; m. (1807) Sarah Austin, of Barbados ; father of ist Lord Aberdare. John Bruce Pryce / Dyffryn. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. The same owner. John Wyndham Bruce Pryce. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Eldest s. of the above John Knight Bruce Pryce; elder brother of ist Lord Aberdare; m. (1834) Mary Anne Cameron. Bulkeley Price. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. On tinted paper. 3rd s. of John Price, of Plas Cadnant, Anglesey; b. 1784; ob. 1843. [Price.] Early XlXth Cent. Arm. ? Gtffarde on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. The same owner. Name cut off. J. T. Price. Crest. Welsh motto. (The same crest and motto.) Probably a son of the above Bulkeley Price. io8 Welsh Book-Plates PRICE. PRYCE. PBYSE continued. Mansfield Price, L.L.D. Chip. Arm. Signed "W.S." [tephens]. Of St John's College, Cambridge; A.B. 1731; A.M. 1735; LL.D. 1751; bibliophile. (See Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, vol. iii., p. 630.) Richard Price. Chip. Arm. Same coat. David Tannatt Pryce. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Edmund Price. XlXth Cent. Arm. Eldest s. of Ralph Charles Price, of Carshalton, Surrey ; b. 1836; m. his cousin, Eliza A., d. of Sir Charles Price, Bart.; ob. 1868. Charles Rugge Price. XlXth Cent. Arm. Printed in gold. 6th Bart., of Spring Grove, Surrey. Descended from North Wales stock. Leonard Charles Price. / 1901. / Ewell, Surrey. Modern Arm. Dated. 5th son of Ralph Charles Price, of Carshalton, and younger brother of Edmund Price (vide supra}', b. 1855. Frederick George Hilton Price. Modern Arm., signed "C. W. S., 1 894," by Sherborn. Thomas Phillips Price / Marks Hall. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. Only s. of Canon W. Price, of LlandafF; b. 1844 ; m. (i) Frances Rowlatt ; (2) Florence Konstam ; H. Sheriff co. Monmouth, 1882; M.P. for N. Monmouth, 1885-1895. John Lloyd Price Esq. / Glangwilly, co. Carmarthen. XlXth Cent. Arm. S. of Jeremiah Price (by his wife, Jane Lloyd, of Laques, Llanstephan) ; b. 1803 ; m. Sarah Anne Phelps, of Withybush, co. Pembroke; H. Sheriff, 1840; ob. 1862. Rees Price. Modern Pict. with crest. Signed E. H. N." W^elsh Book-Plates 109 PRICE. PRYOE. E.P. Crest, with Welsh motto, c. 1770. Probably Price, or Pryce. PRITCHARD. W. H. Mackreth Pritchard. Crest. Will. T. Pritchard. XlXth Cent. Arm. PRITCHETT. [Richard Pritchett, A.M.] Chip. Arm. Name cut off. A scarce plate. S. of Richard Pritchett, pleb. of Narberth, co. Pembroke ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1727 ; rector of Richard's Castle, Salop; ob. 1772. ( ? An elder brother of the Rev. Delabere Pritchett, vicar of Carew. ) PROPERT. A. P. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. ? Propert. John Lumsden Propert. Modern Pict. By Aubrey Beardsley, with the artist's device and date 1893. The only book-plate designed by this artist. Dr J. L. Propert, of London, and Blaenpistyll, co. Cardigan ; physician and author of History of Miniature Painting ; s. of John Propert, of Blaenpistyll, H. Sheriff co. Cardigan, 1857 ; b. 1834; m. Mary Jessica Hughes. PROSSER. [G. W. Prosser.] XlXth Cent. Arm. The owner's name in writing. PUGH. Maurice Pugh / E Coll. Bal. Jac. Arm., printed in sepia. S. of Maurice Pugh, gent., of Bishop's Castle, Salop ; matric. Balliol College, Oxford, 1724; M.A. 1731. Benjamin Pugh / M.D. Chip. Arm. The same coat and crest. Imp. Wollaston. (Hazlitt's Roll of Honour , p. 189.) no Welsh Book- Plates PUGH continued. Edwd. Pughe/of Tu Gwyn Esqr. Chip. Arm. Welsh motto. ? H. Sheriff co. Merioneth, 1 766. John Pugh. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Same coat. John Pugh. Festoon, with crest and cipher on shield. Signed " W. et W. sculp." Lewis Pugh Pugh. Crests. Welsh Motto. 2nd s. of John Evans, of Lovesgrove, co. Cardigan ; b. 1837 ; M.P. co. Cardigan, 1880-1885; assumed name of Pugh', m. Veronica Hills ; of Abermaed, Aberystwyth. John Robertson Pughe / Major General. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh Motto. B. 1822; m, (i) Francis; (2) Madeline Alcock ; served in Indian Mutiny and other Eastern campaigns ; of St Margaret's Mansions, Victoria Street, London (1893). PULESTONE. [Pulestone.] Jac. Arm. with angelic figures and ornaments. Philip Puleston Esqr. / of Esclusham / Denbighshire. Chip. Pict. Arm. Signed "E. Evans sculpt." Unknown to Fincham. Probably engraved locally. ? S. of Richard Puleston, arm., of Chester ; matric. Brase- nose College, Oxford, 1759. (The coat varies from that of Puleston of Emral sa t 3 mullets arg. and the crest is wholly different.) PEMBROKE, Earl of, see Herbert. PENGWERN, see Mostyn. POMFRET, Countess of, see Fermor. POWIS, Earl and Marquess of, see Herbert. Welsh Book-Plates \ 1 1 RAVENSCROFT. Edward Ravenscroft. Spade Arm. c. 1800. Imp. Boycott. Of Upper Harley Street, London; m. (1793) Emma Boycott, of Rudge Hall, Salop ; a descendant of the ancient family of Ravenscroft of Bretton, co Flint. (See Dwnn's Visitations, ii., pp. 315-316.) RAWLINSON. S[arah] R[awlinson.] Leather gilt Label. D. and co.-h. of Thomas Rawlinson, of Grantham; m. (1798) Revd. (afterwards Archdeacon) Benjamin Millingchamp, of Plas Llangoedmore, co. Cardigan; ob. 1869, aged 95. REECE. W. H. Reece. Crest, an antique galley. REES. William Edward Rees. Spade Arm. c. 1800. Imp. ? Moyser or Morser. John. Rees. Landscape c. 1800. In the style of Bewick. [Rees.] Killy-Maen-Llwyd Library. Label. John Hughes Rees, s. of John Rees, R.N. ; b. 1806; m. Isabella Rutson; of Cilymaenllwyd, co. Carmarthen ; ob. 1871. REVELEY. Henry Reveley. Chip. Arm. Signed " F. Kirk sc." C. 1760. ? S. of George Reveley, of a Yorkshire family; b. 1737; m. (1771) Jane de Crespigny; settled in Wales; father of Hugh Reveley, of Bryn-y-gwin, co. Merioneth. Henry Reveley was author of Notices illustrative of Drawings, etc., of Masters, and himself an artist. (See Nicholas, ii., p. 707.) Ob. 1798. REYNOLDS. Francis Reynolds Esqr. Chip. Arm. ? Of co. Wilts ; m. Mary Provis, of Shepton Mallet. I 12 Welsh Book-Plates REYNOLDS continued. James J. Reynolds. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. "Mathews sc. Oxford." Rev. James Jones Reynolds, s. of James Jones Reynolds, arm., of Kentish Town, Middlesex ; matr'tc. St John's College, Oxford, 1837 ; rector of South Hykeham, Lines, 1867. Reynolds. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. John Reynolds. Crest. RHYS. Llyfrgell Syr John Rhys. Celtic design in colours for the Welsh library of Sir John Rhys, Principal of Jesus College, Oxford. Designed by J. Kelt Edwards, 1917. RICHARDS. Westley Richards. XlXth Cent. Arm. Very small plate. B, 1814; s. of Westley Richards, of Birmingham (ob. 1865) ; TO. Emma Fane ; H. Sheriff co. Rutland, 1880. Harry Lord Richards. Crest, embossed. Rev. T. Richards / Llangynyw / 1843. Dated Label. 3rd s. of Rev. David Richards, vicar of Llansilin ; curate at Berriew, also schoolmaster ; incumbent of Llangynyw, 1826 ; ob. 1856. "Chiefly identified with the Welsh Press, as a warm advocate of the claims of 'Y Gwyliedydd.' " (See T. R. Roberts, Dictionary of Eminent Welshmen, p. 459.) John Richards Junr. F.S.A. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. May. Elected F.S.A., 1843. RICHARDSON. Thos. Richardson. XlXth Cent. Arm. Rev. Thomas Richardson, s. of Rev. Peter Richardson, of St Dogwells, co. Pembroke ; vicar of Rhyl, and canon of St Asaph; ob. 1897. Father of C. E. D. Morgan- Richardson, of Cardigan, and of Morgenau, co. Pembroke. Welsh Book-Plates 113 RICHARDSON continued. John Crow Richardson / Swansea / Glamorganshire. XlXth Cent. Arm. Of Pantygwydir, co. Glamorgan ; father of John Crow Richardson, jun., of Glanbrydan Park, co. Carmarthen ; ob, 1884. Ernald Richardson. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Surges. Eldest s. of John Crow Richardson, of Glanbrydan Park, co. Carmarthen; b. 1869; m. Irene C. Burges ; ob. 19 . F. H. Richardson / 1818. Dated leather Label. RICKARDS. Robert Rickards / of the Priory of Usk in the / county of Monmouth, Esq. / 1904. Modern Jac. Arm. with Richards on an esc. of pre. 3rd s. of H. R. Rickards, of Llantrissant, Glam. ; b. 1839 ; m. (1865) Isabella, d. of Rev. E. Windham Richards, rector of St Andrews, Glam. ROBERTS. The Revd. Thomas Roberts, M. A. / Llanruth, Den- bighshire. Chip. Arm. Of St John's College, Cambridge ; MA. 1759. Roberts / Kinmell. Festoon Arm. Revd. Edwd. Roberts. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Welsh motto. Coat of Roberts of Llwyndderw, co. Brecknock. Revd. Thos. Roberts, A.M. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. ? S. of Thomas Roberts, gent., of Denbigh ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1782 ; exhibitioner of Exeter College, 1783 ; MA. 1789. Roberts. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. John Roberts. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Signed "Johnson set." Jocular Latin motto. William Lewis Roberts. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. H H4 Welsh Book-Plates ROBERTS continued. G. J. Roberts, M.D. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Signed " Riddell delt." Jane Roberts. Early XlXth Cent. Arm., a lozenge. James Roberts. Label. Thomas Roberts. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Signed "Warwick sc. 145 Strand." Roberts. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Revd. John Roberts. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. ? Of Yspytty, co Denbigh. Herbert Roberts. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Same coat and crest. ? 2nd s. of Rev. John Roberts, of Yspytty, co. Denbigh ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1858; vicar of East Lulworth, 1888. John D. Roberts. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. R. Lawton Roberts, M.D. / Ruabon / N. Wales. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. Richard Lawton, only s. of R. C. Roberts, F.R.C.S., of Ruabon ; b. 1 846 ; m. Christiana Hughes. Ellis William Roberts. Mod. Arm. and Pict. Signed "R. A. B." ROGERS John Rogers M.A. / Vicar of Carmarthen. Festoon Arm. Imp. A very rare plate, much mutilated. (Not in Franks Collection.) S. of John Rogers, pleb. of Cilymaenllwyd, co. Carmarthen ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1746 ; vicar of Carmarthen and Abergwili, 1752 ; ob. 1796. John Rogers. Chip. Arm. Rogers. Chip. Arm. Adam Rogers. Chip. Arm. with military accessories. Welsh Book-Plates 115 ROGERS continued. Revd. Robert Ker Rogers. XlXth Cent. Arm. qting ? Rome. Revd. John Rogers, M.A. Festoon Arm. S. of Rev. Edward Rogers, of Wentnor, Salop ; matric. Balliol College, Oxford, 1760; M.A. 1768. ? Brother of Rev. Edward Rogers and uncle of Charles Rogers, of Stanage (vide infra]. Rogers / Stanage, Radnorshire. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Charles Rogers, 5th s. of Rev. Edward Rogers, of The Home, Salop ; purchased Stanage ; m. Harriet Heptinstall ; H. Sheriff co. Radnor, 1806; ob. 1830. 0. C. Rogers / Stanage, Radnorshire. XlXth Cent. Chip. Arm. Charles Coltman Rogers, s. of Rev. John Rogers, ot The Home and Stanage Park; b. 1854; m. Muriel A. Chapman, of Stonehouse Court, Glos. ; H. Sheriff co. Radnor, 1882; M.P. Radnor Borough, 1884-1885. The annulet is omitted in a later state of this plate. Muriel A. G. Rogers / Stanage Park, Radnorshire. Modern Landscape. Signed " Will Foster, 1899." Wife of the above C. C. Rogers ; m. 1888. The same, printed in red. Muriel A. G. Rogers. / Stanage Park. Circular plate with a group of daffodils. William Rogers / Lincoln's Inn. Crest. ROLLS. [Rolls.] Llangattock. Modern Arm. John Allan Rolls, cr. Baron Llangattock, 1892; eldest s. of J. E. W. Rolls, of The Hendre, co. Monmouth; b. 1837 ; m. Georgiana M. Maclean; M.P. for Monmouthshire, 1880- 1885; ob. 1912. (Title extinct.) 1 1 6 Welsh Book-Plates ROWLAND. ROWLANDS. Danl. Rowland. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. 2nd s. of Rev. John Rowland, rector of Llangeitho, co. Cardigan (by Mary Gorsuch, his wife); b. 1778; F.S.A. ; barr.-at-law ; H. Sheriff of Sussex, 1824; m. Katherine Maitland ; biographer of the Nevill family; ob. 1859. George Tempest Rowland. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. ? A brother of the above. A. W. Rowland. XlXth Cent. Arm. Same coat-of-arms. David Rowlands, M.D., F. A. 8. /Surgeon H.M. Dock Yard, Chatham. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Son of Rowlands, of Cardigan; b. 1778 ; of Wimpole Street, London ; m. ( i ) Hassall, of Tygwyn, co. Pembroke ; (2) Mary Griffith, of Llwynduris, co. Cardigan; (3) Dorothy Bowen, of Burry Hill, Newport, Pern. ; ob. 1846. Tablet in St Mary's, Cardigan. David Rowlands, M.D., F.A.S. / F.G.S. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. ? Bowen. Signed " W. West sculpt." Same owner. RUDD. Barthw. Rudd Esqr. LL.B / Barrister at Law. Spade Arm. Imp. Robinson. RUMSEY. Rumsey. Chip, or Festoon Arm. qting ? Astley or Ashley. ? John Rumsey, of Trellech, co. Monmouth ; m. Frances, d. of Thomas Evans, of Llangattock, co. Brecknock. RADNOR, see under Pleydell. RHUAL, see under Edwards and Griffith. ST DAVID'S. St. David's College Library. Modern Arm. Vesica. Welsh motto. St. David's College / Welsh Library. Modern Arm. Vesica. Welsh motto. Lampeter College plates. J^-C?^ ]Vf ofit, in die C ountyuf Rm ^f/l //tS Welsh Book-Plates nj SALISBURY. Salisbury, Rug. Spade Arm., printed in green. Col. Edward Williams Vaughan, 2nd s. of Sir Robert Howel Vaughan, Bart., of Nannau ; assumed name of Salisbury under the will of Mrs Charlotte Pryce, of Rug, co. Merioneth ; Col. E. W. V. Salisbury, who commanded the 1st Regt. of Foot, ob. unm, 1807. Salisbury, Rug. A similar plate, printed in black, with a crescent for cadency. SALWEY. Thomas Salwey, LL.D. / of Richards Castle / Salop. Late Jac. Arm. S. of Rev. John Salwey, of Salop ; matric. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1729; rector of Richards Castle, 1742; m. Constance, d. of Francis Biddulph, of Amroth Castle, co. Pembroke; ob. 1759. Thomas Salwey, LL.D. / of Richards Castle / Salop. Chip. Arm., with Biddulph on an esc. of pre. The same owner. SCOTT. 6. F. Scott, Penmaenucha / Dolgelley, Merioneth. Modern Arm. with Taylor on an esc. of pre. Col. George Frederick Scott, s. of J. G. Scott, of Prest- wick, Lanes. ; b. 1854; m. Beatrice M. Taylor, of Penmaenucha and Arthog Hall, co. Merioneth. SCOURFIELD. Wm. Scourfield Esqr. / of New Moat in the county of Pembroke / and of Brecon in the county of Brecknock. Chip. Arm. and Pict. signed " Darling ft." with Phillips (being the coat of Brychari) on an esc. of pre. A scarce plate. S. and h. of William Scourfield, of New Moat, who was H. Sheriff of co. Pembroke, 1699; m. Anne, d. and h. of William Phillips, Recorder of Brecon. (See Jones's History of Brecknockshire, Appendix, p. 29. ) n8 Welsh Book- Plates SEVERN. John Cheesment Severn, Esq. / Penybont Hall, Go. Radnor. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Price on an esc. of pre. S. of John Cheesment, of Marylebone, arm. ; matnc. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1800; assumed name of Severn; barr.-at-law, Lincoln's Inn; M.P. for Wootton Bassett, 1807; m. Mary- Anne Price, only child of John Price, of Devanner Park, co. Radnor; H. Sheriff co. Radnor, 1811 ; ob. 1875. SHIPLEY. J. Shipley. Mitre within an oval. Jonathan Shipley (s. of Jonathan Shipley and Martha Davies, his wife); b. 1714; m. Anna-Maria Mordaunt ; bishop of Llandaff, 176-; translated to St Asaph, 1769; ob. 1786. W. D. Shipley. Chip. Arm. qting Mordaunt. William Davies Shipley, Dean of St Asaph, and only s. of Bishop Jonathan Shipley, of St Asaph ; m. Penelope Yonge, of Acton Hall, co. Denbigh. SOMERSET. The Rt. Honble Lord Charles Somerset / second son to ye late Marquess of Worcester / 1703. Early Jac. Arm. Dated. A very scarce plate. Younger brother of Henry 2nd Duke of Beaufort; b. 1689; "died on his travels in Italy, 1710." This member of the House of Somerset is omitted in the modern Peerages, but is mentioned in the early Peerage of England, 1714 (vol. i., P- 78). [Somerset.] The most noble Henry / Duke of Beaufort, 1705. Dated Jac. Arm. 2nd Duke of Beaufort; b. 1684; succ. his grandfather, 1699 ; ob. 1714. The Rt. Honble. the Lord / Charles Noel Somerset. / 1725. Late Jac. Arm. Dated. Signed " Hulett sculpt." 2nd s. of 2nd Duke of Beaufort (by his second marriage) ; succ. his elder brother as 4th Duke of Beaufort, 1745 ; m. Elizabeth Berkeley ; ob. 1756. Book-Plates 119 SOMERSET continued. Beaufort. Late Jac. Arm. Henry Somerset, 3rd Duke of Beaufort ; who succ. 1714; m. Frances Scudamore, of Holme Lacy, co. Hereford ; ob. s.p. 1745- Beaufort. Late Jac. Arm. Another plate of the same owner. [Somerset.] Arm. surrounded by the Garter, with a duke's coronet. Henry Somerset, 5th Duke of Beaufort, K.G. ; b. 1744; succ. 1756; m. Elizabeth Boscawen ; obtained confirmation of the barony of Bottetourt ; ob. 1803. [Somerset.] Chip. Arm. (mutilated). Imp. Berkeley. 4th Duke of Beaufort (vide supra'), who m. (1740) Elizabeth Berkeley, of Stoke GifFord, co. Gloucester. Beaufort. Coronet and Badge (portcullis) borne on a mantle. Probably a plate of Charles Noel Somerset, 4th Duke. [Beaufort.] Arm. with coronet and Garter. Henry Charles Somerset, 6th Duke of Beaufort, K.G. ; If. 1766 ; m. Lady Charlotte Leveson-Gower ; ob. 1835. Elizabeth Duchess of Beaufort. Arm. Imp. Boscawen. Elizabeth, d. of Admiral Hon. Edward Boscawen, 2nd s. of ist Viscount Falmouth ; m. (1766) Henry Somerset, K.G., 5th Duke of Beaufort; ob. 1828. (Reproduced in Ex Libris Society's Journal, vi., p. 131.) [Somerset.] Arm. with label of three points. Eldest s. of Duke of Beaufort ; perhaps the plate of 6th Duke before succeeding. Henry Somerset / 9th Duke of Beaufort / 1900. Modern Arm. Dated. S. and h. of 8th Duke ; b. 1847 ; succ. 1899 ; m. Louise E. Harford, widow of Baron de Tuyll. Henry Somerset. Second state. (Note alteration in visor of helmet.) 120 Welsh Book-Plates SOMERSET continued. Lord Granville Somerset. XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Smith. Rt. Hon. Lord Granville Charles Henry Somerset, M.P. ; 2nd s. of 6th Duke of Beaufort; b. 1792 ; m. Hon. Emily Smith, d. of ist Lord Carrington ; ob. 1848. Alfred Plantagenet Somerset. XlXth Cent. Arm. Eldest son of Lord John H. T. Somerset and gds. of 5th Duke of Beaufort; b. 1829; m. Adelaide H. Pechell ; of Enfield Court, Middlesex. Raglan Somerset De Raglan / in Comitatu Monume- thensi / et de Hospitio Graii, Arm. / Jurisconsultus. / 1912. Modern Jac. Arm. Dated. Signed " Harry Soane, London W." Only s. of Raglan T. H. Somerset, s. of Rev. William Somerset ; b. 1885. Isabel Somerset / Reigate Priory. Label with wreath. Elder d. and co.-h. of Charles 3rd Earl Somers ; b. 1851 ; m. (1872) Rt. Hon. Lord Henry R. C. Somerset, 2nd s. of 8th Duke of Beaufort ; of Eastnor Castle and Reigate Priory. SPARROW. William Wynne Sparrow. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. S. of John Sparrow, arm., of Chester ; matric. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1812 ; of Red Hill and Bodychan, Anglesey ; H. Sheriff, 1822 ; m. Emma F. Bodychan Sparrow ; ob. 1858. SPURRELL. Joseph Spurrell. Chip. Arm. Of Barking, Essex; b. 1723; s. of Capt. George Spurrell, of Stepney and Barking; m. (1753) Elizabeth Brooks, of Plaistow; ob. 1779. George Spurrell. Spade Arm. c. \ 800, qting ? de Hache. Of Barking, Essex. Sir George Spurrell, s. of the above Joseph Spurrell ; b. c. 1755; served in the East India Company's army. i b 61jaleJSamut e Welsh Book-Plates 121 STEPNEY. Georgius Stepney. Early Jac. Arm. Poet, diplomatist and a member of the Council of Trade ; b. 1663 ; ob. 1707. Commemorated by a fine monument in the south aisle of Westminster Abbey. (See D.N.B.) George Stepney Esq. / of the Gouncill of Trade. Early Jac. Arm. A rare plate. The same owner. [Stepney.] Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Sir John, eldest s. of Sir Thomas Stepney, of Llanelly House ; succ. as 7th Bart., 1773 ; M.P. for Monmouth Borough ; envoy at the courts of Berlin and Vienna ; ob. s.p. at Vienna, 1811; brother of Sir Thomas Stepney, 8th and last Bart. (ob. 1825). STEWART. John [Stewart] Earl of Bute. Chip. Arm., a doubtful book-plate. 3rd Earl (1713-1792) ; K.G. ; the favourite minister of the Princess of Wales, 1760-1763. (See "John Stuart y Earl of Bute" by J. A. Lovat Eraser, 1912.) James Stewart / Alltyrodyn. Modern Arm, printed in sepia. S. of A. Stewart, Cambridge Square, London; b. 1830; m. Louisa Butler ; Captain R. A. (Madras) ; purchased Alltyrodyn, co. Cardigan; H. Sheriff, 1888; ob. 19 . STODART. H. Stodart, Deganwy. Wreath Arm. ? Hugh Stodart, s. of Hugh, of Eglwys Rhos, co. Carnarvon, arm. ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1765. STOKES. Nicholas Stokes / of the Inner Temple Esq. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. 122 W^elsh Book- Plates STRADLING. Thos. Stradling of St. Donats Castle / Esqr. Jac. Arm. Welsh motto. 6th and last Baronet of St Donat's, Glamorganshire ; succ. to title 1735 ; ob. unm. at Montpellier, France, 1738. W. Stradling. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Arms of Stradling of St Donat's. Wm. Stradling. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Printed in blue. Probably same owner. SWYMMER. Anthony Langley Swymmer Esqr. / of Mold in the county of Flint. Late Jac. Arm. M.P. for Southampton; ob. 1760. (See Henry Taylor, F.S.A., The Lords of Mold.) SYMMONS. Johannes Symmons, Arm. Pict. and Arm. Signed "F. Sanson del. et sculp." A fine plate (reproduced in Hamilton, bk. Hi., p. 17) with Barlow on an esc. of pre. Of Paddington House, London, s. of John Symmons, of Llanstinan, co. Pembroke (by Maria Phiiipps, his wife) ; m. Anne, d. and h. of George Barlow, ot Slebech, and widow of Trevanion. John Symmons Esqr. Festoon Arm., with Barlow on an esc. of pre. The same owner. SHREWSBURY, Earl of, see Talbot. TAIT. H. S. Tait / Hartford, Cheshire. Modern Arm. TALBOT. [Talbot] Shrewsbury. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Dated 1788. John Chetwynd Talbot, 3rd Baron Shrewsbury ; cr. Earl Talbot, 1784; ob. 1793. Welsh Book-Plates 123 TARDY. Tardy. Modern Arm. on lilac- tinted paper. Mrs Tardy, of Llandefeilog, Kidwelly, co. Carmarthen ; widow of Captain Chamberlayne, of Llanelly. TENI80N. Edward Tenison, LL.B. / Arch-Deacon of Carmarthen. Jac. Arm. (Reproduced in Old West Wales Book- plates.} Of Clare College, Cambridge ; Archdeacon of Carmarthen, 1708-1727; m. Anne Searle ; bishop of Ossory, 1731; ob. 1735- THIRL WALL. (See D.N.B.} [Thirlwall.] Approved and recommended / by / the Lord Bishop of St David's / 1846. Dated label. Connop Thirlwall, D.D., the eminent scholar and Greek historian; bishop of St David's, 1840-1873. THOMAS. Geo. Thomas Esqr. Chip. Arm. John Deere Thomas, D.D. Chip Arm. Imp. ? Romondly or Dod. S. of Evan Thomas, of Clerkenwell, gent. ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1754; D.D. 1786; rector of Kirby Misperton, Yorks ; ob. 1819. Wm. Thomas, Atty. at Law. Festoon Arm. Signed " Ross sculpt." Coat of William Thomas, Bishop of St David's (1678- 1683). ? A gds. of Bishop Wm. Thomas. M. Thomas, A.M. / Christ. Coll. Cant. Chip. Arm. Matthew Thomas, A.B. 1766; A.M. 1769. Thos. Thomas Junr. Chip. Arm. The same plate altered. Wm. Thomas / Chester. Festoon Arm. 124 Welsh Book- Plates THOMAS continued. Morgan Thomas. Festoon Arm. Signed "Palmer sculpt." Of Lletty Mawr, co. Glamorgan; b. 1729; m. (1760) Frances Goring; ob. 1800. (Reproduced in Ex Libris Journal, xviii., p. 92.) John Davies Thomas Esqr. / Lletty Mawr. Festoon Arm. Imp. Davies. John Thomas, of Llwydycoed and Lletty Mawr ; m. Anne Davies; ob. 1812. His d. and h., Anna Davies Thomas, m. Thomas Lloyd, of Bronwydd, co. Cardigan, father of ist Bart. She died 1888. Rees Goring Thomas. Spade Arm. qting Goring. S. and h. of Morgan Thomas ; m. Sarah Hovell, of Norfolk ; ob. 1821. Rees Goring Thomas. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. qting Goring and Gilbert. Eldest s. and h. of Rees Goring Thomas; b. 1801 ; m. (1824) Caroline Esdaile ; H. Sheriff co. Carmarthen, 1830. Morgan Thomas. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. 2nd s. of Rees Goring Thomas, of Llannon, co. Carmarthen ; b. 1803 ; m. (1835) Louisa Frances Dalrymple, of Mayfield, Sussex. Morgan Thomas. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Dalrymple. The same owner. Morgan Thomas. XlXth Cent. Arm. Apparently a later plate of the same owner. Edmond Thomas Esq. Chip. Arm. Signed "F. Feninger sc." B. 1712; 3rd Bart, of Wenvoe, co. Glamorgan ; m. Abigail Webster, of Battle Abbey ; sold Wenvoe Castle to Peter Birt (1765); ob. 1767. (Father of Sir Edmund Thomas, 4th Bart., who ob. unm. 1789.) Sir Edmd. Thomas Bart. Chip. Arm. Signed " M. Skinner Exon sculp." The same owner, or possibly his successor, the 4th Baronet. Welsh Book- Plates 125 THOMAS continued. John Thomas Esqr. Festoon Arm. 3rd s. of Sir Ed. Thomas, of Wenvoe, co. Glamorgan; b. 1749 ; succ. his brother as 5th Bart., 1789 ; m. Mary Parker, of Hasfield Court, Glos. ; father of 6th Bart. ; ob. 1828. Revd. J. G. Thomas. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. The Rev. Sir John Godfrey Thomas, of Wenvoe, co. Glamorgan, Bart.; b. 1784; succ. as 6th Bart., 1828; m. (i) Frances Ram; (2) Elizabeth A. Vignoles ; Vicar of Bodiam and Watling, Sussex ; ob. 1841. John W. Thomas. Modern Arm. Coat of Thomas of Wenvoe. William Lloyd Thomas. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. William Thomas. Landscape, unsigned, but in the style of Bewick. Le Marchant Thomas. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Imp. Vaughan. Eldest s. of John Thomas (by Anne le Marchant, of Guernsey, his wife) ; b. 1809; m. Margaret, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir John Vaughan (by Augusta St John, his wife) ; assumed name of Le Marchant by royal licence, 1865. Le Marchant Thomas. Proof, without name or motto. Le Marchant Thomas. Without name, but with motto. L. M. Thomas Le Marchant. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Vaughan (qting St John). The same owner. D. R. Thomas M.A., F.S. A. /Archdeacon of Mont- gomery. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. Yen. David Richard Thomas, M.A., F.S.A. ; b. 1833; s. of Owen Thomas, of Bodynfoel, co. Montgomery ; m. Louisa Goodenough Bayly; Rector of Llandrinio, 1892; author of History of St Asafh^ Dailies and Salisbury, etc. ; ob. 191-. David Thomas. Crest ; c. 1 790. i26 Welsh Book-Plates THOMAS continued. Rev. J. S. Thomas. House Library. Arm. Label. Richard Jas. Frans. Thomas. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. with Langford on an esc. of pre. Only s. of Richard M. Thomas, of Marylebone, arm. ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1830; headmaster and chaplain of Bancroft's Hospital, Stepney, 1840 ; vicar of Yeovil, 1850 ; ob. 1873. Edward David Thomas Esq. / Wellfield House, co. Radnor. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Gowland on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. Eldest s. of David Thomas, arm., of Wellfield ; matric. Wadham College, Oxford, 1825; H. Sheriff co. Radnor, 1843 > "* Arabella E. Gowland, co-h. of Cagebrooke House, co. Hereford; ob> 1893. William Jones Thomas, Clk., M.A. Modern Arm. with Jones on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. 3rd s. of David Thomas, of Wellfield, co. Radnor ; M.A. St Peter's College, Cambridge; b. 1811; m. Anne Elizabeth Jones, of Hereford ; rector of Llanelwedd, co. Radnor. Charles Evan Thomas. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Pearson of Balmadies. 2nd s. of Evan Thomas, of Llwyn Madoc, co. Brecknock ; b. 1817; H. Sheriff co. Brecknock, 1885; m. Caroline Pearson; assumed additional name of Evan, 1880; of Gnoll House, Neath; ob. 1902. James Thomas. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Coat of Thomas of Clifford's Inn, London, granted 1609. David Morgan Thomas. / The Temple, London. XlXth Cent. Arm. 2nd s. of Rev. David Thomas, D.D., of Brixton ; b. 1841 ; m. Alice Ruck ; * one of the first projectors of the University for Wales, and founded the first Welsh daily paper." (Foster, Men-at-thc-Bar y p. 462.) Welsh Book-Plates 127 THOMAS continued. Revd. R. H. J. Thomas, B.D. / Corp. Xti. Coll. Cam. / Rector of Hodgeston, Pembroke. XIX th Cent. Arm. with ten coats. Rev. Richard James Harries Thomas, presented to Hodge- ston, 1858 ; ob. 1874. Also the owner of the book-plate " Rev. R. J. H. Thomas, Lecturer of St Peters and Curate of St Ishmaels, co. Carmarthen." (See Franks Coll. Catalogue, vol. iii., p. 121.) Revd. Jenkin Thomas. XlXth Cent. Arm. W. Tnelwall Thomas / his book. Modern Pict. with books and skeleton. Signed "K. M. Skeaping, Thomas / Llanwarne. Crest. TREBECK. Chas. Trebeck / Coed-y-Weeg / Montgomery. Label c. 1800. TREVOR. The Right Honble Sr. Thomas Trevor Knight Lord / Chief Justice of her / Majesties Court of Common Pleas / & one of her Majesties most Honble Privy Council., 1702. Early dated Jac. Arm. 2nd s. of Sir John Trevor, of Trevallyn ; cr. Baron Trevor ofBromham, 1711 ; Lord Privy Seal, 1726; m, (i) Elizabeth Searle; (2) Anne, d. of Robert Weldon, and widow of Sir Robert Bernard; ob. 1730. The Right Honble. / Thomas Trevor / Lord Trevor. Jac. Arm. Imp. Weldon. Engraver's proof. The same owner. The Right Honourable / Thomas Lord Trevor / 1738. Jac. Arm. Dated. 2nd Baron Trevor, eldest s. and h. of ist Lord ; m. Elizabeth Burr ell; ob. 1753. (His only child, Elizabeth Trevor, m. Charles, 2nd Duke of Marlborough. ) Trevor Baron Trevor of Bromham. Jac. Arm. The same owner. 128 Welsh Book-Plates TREVOR continued. The Honble / John Trevor. Label. ? 2nd s. of ist Baron Trevor ; Chief Justice of the Carmarthen Circuit, 1724-1753; succ. as 3rd Baron Trevor, 1753; m. (1732) Elizabeth, d. of Sir Richard Steele, of Carmarthen, the essayist. [Trevor.] Brynkinallt Library. Label with coronet and crest, on pink-tinted paper. Arthur Hill-Trevor, 2nd Viscount Dungannon, of Bryn- kinallt, co. Denbigh; m. (1795) Charlotte Fitzroy; ob. 1837. [Trevor.] Brynkinallt Library. Label with coronet and crest, printed on green-tinted paper. Thomas Trevor Trevor. Crest. S. of Rev. Evan Humphrey Trevor, of Eastham, Cheshire ; LL.B. of St John's College, Cambridge, 1795 > rector of West Kirby, Cheshire ; ob. 1827. George Trevor. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. ? Rev. George Trevor, 6th s. of Charles Trevor, of Bridg- water, Somerset; matric. Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1832; rector of Beeford, Yorks, 1871 ; ob. 1888. [Trevor.] Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. In writing, " C. Cecil Trevor, Lincoln's Inn." Sir Charles Cecil Trevor, C.B. ; M.A. Cantab ; b. 1830 ; eldest s. of Charles Trevor ; barrister-at-law ; one of H.M.'s plenipotentiaries at Conference at Hague on fishing regulations in North Sea, 1882 ; m. Mary Weston ; knighted 1896. Trevor J. Trevor. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. George Alexander Trevor. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. B.A. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1846 ; rector of Rokeby, Yorks, 1858-1861. Agatha Royds Trevor. Arm. and Landscape. Signed C. W. S., R. E. 1903." Agatha Royds Trevor. Arm. and Landscape. Signed C. W. S., R. E. 1903." Imp. Welsh Book-Plates 129 TWYNING. William Henry Twyning Esq. / Bryn, co. Pembroke. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. Signed "H. Beck with sc." The only plate by this engraver. J.P. for co. Pembroke c. 1850 ; of "a family of consider- able antiquity." (Burke's Armoury.} There are three states of this book-plate. ? Father of Major Wm. Edward Twyning, " only son of Rev. W. H. Twyning, of Bryn, Pembrokeshire, J.P.," of Llandrindod. (Kelly's Handbook, 1893.) VAUGHAN. [Vaughan.] Early Jac. Arm., mutilated. Welsh motto. The ancient arms of Vaughan of Court- field. (The coat used by the late Cardinal Herbert Vaughan, of Courtfield, was Per pale gu. and az. three lions ramp, arg.) [Vaughan.] H. W. Mod. Ecclesiastical Arm. Signed "Everard Green, F.S.A. inst. F. A. Walters, F.S.A. delt. 1892." Roman Catholic see of Westminster imp. coat of H. E. Herbert Vaughan, of Courtfield, Cardinal and Archbishop. Benjamin Vaughan Junr. Chip. Pict. Arm. Imp. Kerr. Of London, father of Rev. Benjamin Kerr Vaughan. Samuel Vaughan Esqr. Chip. Arm. Imp. Bond. Father of Benjamin and William Vaughan (vide infra] ; m. Sarah Hollowell of Boston, U.S.A. The coat impaled is undoubtedly Bond, not Holloivell. ( Reproduced as an American plate in Allen, p. 53.) Erasmus Vaughan. Chip. Arm. ? S. of John Vaughan, arm., of Llanfair, co. Pembroke ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1731. Wm. Vaughan Esqr. / Courtfield, Monmouthshire. Chip. Arm. Imp. Turner. Welsh motto. A scarce plate. S. of Richard Vaughan of Courtfield ; b. 1740 ; m. (1768) Frances Turner, of Hampstead ; ob. 1796. 130 Welsh Book- Plates VAUG-HAN continued. William Vaughan Esqr. / Courtfield. Crest ; c. 1 790. Probably the same owner. Benjn Kerr Vaughan. Festoon Arm. S. of Benjamin Vaughan, of London, arm. ; matric. Trinity College, Oxford, 1785 ; rector of Aveton GifFard, Devon, 1788 ; ob. 1847. Benjamin Vaughan. Spade Arm. Imp. Manning. Eldest s. of Samuel Vaughan (vide supra) ; b. 1751 ; m. Sarah Manning ; Radical politician and political economist ; friend of Home Tooke, Price, Priestly, Paine, etc. ; ob. 1835. (See Allen, No. 889.) William Vaughan. Spade Arm. 2nd s. of Samuel Vaughan (vide supra] ; b. 1762 ; merchant and author of scientific works dealing with commerce, docks, etc. ; ob. 1850. (See Allen, American Book-Plates, No. 893.) [John Vaughan Esqr.] Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Name cut off. Signed " Clubb sculpt." C. 1820. [Vaughan.] Early XlXth Cent. Arm. qting Barnes and imp. Higgs. James Vaughan. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. with a black border (unusual). Imp. ? Croker. Signed "Burnell sc." C. 1820. Not mentioned by Fincham. Revd. Walter Arnold Vaughan, A.M. / Vicar of Chart Sutton, Kent. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Only s. of Walter Vaughan, gent., of St Margaret's, Rochester ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1827 ; servitor 1827- 1831 ; M.A. 1835 ; rector of Crundale, 1868. The same, with the first address cancelled and " Rector of Crundale, Kent," added. Reginald Clifton Vaughan. Mod. Jac. Arm. Welsh Book-Plates 131 VAUGHAN continued. J. Vaughan, M.D. Festoon Arm., roughly cut, with on an esc. of pre. Crest of Vaughan of Courtfield. An interesting plate. (Not in Franks Coll.) ? ? James Vaughan, M.D., of Leicester ; m. Hesther Smalley, gd.-d. of Sir Richard Halford, last Bart. ; father of Henry Vaughan, afterwards Sir Henry Halford, cr. (1809) Bart., physician to George III. The Right Honourable / Wilmot [Vaughan] Viscount Lisburne / in the Kingdom of Ireland. Chip. Arm. (Reproduced in Old West Wales Book-Plates.) Qting Wilmot. S. and h. of Wilmot Vaughan, 3rd Viscount Lisburne ; m. (i) Elizabeth Nightingale, of Mamhead, Devon ; (2) Dorothy Shafto ; succ. (1766) as 4th Viscount; cr. Earl of Lisburne, 1776; ob. 1800. (See Nichols, Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, vol. iii., pp. 190, 756.) The Right Honourable / Wilmot Earl of Lisburne / in the Kingdom of Ireland. Chip. Arm. The same owner. The Right Honourable / Wilmot Earl of Lisburne / in the Kingdom of Ireland. Chip. Arm. Another state of the same plate. Wilmot Charles Vaughan, F.S. A. Signed E. E. D." Modern gothic Arm. Only s. of Capt. George Augustus Vaughan, and g.-gds. of 3rd Earl of Lisburne; b. 1863 ; captain 2Oth Hussars. Designed by Rev. E. E. Darling, F.S. A. [Vaughan.] Brynog. Modern Arm. with Davies on an esc. of pre. Herbert Vaughan; b. 1831 ; 2nd s. of Colonel Edward Vaughan, of Brynog and Green Grove, co. Cardigan ; m. Julia R. P., only child of Rev. Lewis C. Davies, of Ynyshir, co. Cardigan; H. Sheriff, 1862; ob. 1914. 132 W^elsh Book-Plates VAUGHAN continued. Herbert Milling-champ Vaughan. Modern Arm. (Engraved by Mussett, of London.) Eldest s. of John Vaughan, of Llangoedmore, co. Cardigan ; b. 1870; F.S.A.; M.A. Keble College, Oxford; H. Sheriff co. Cardigan, 1916. Herbert Vaughan / of Llangoedmore. Modern Festoon Arm. The same owner. Vaughan. Chip. Arm. with Vaughan of Nannau on an inescutcheon. (Coat of Vaughan of Hengwrt.) ? Hugh Vaughan, 2nd s. of Robert Vaughan, of Hengwrt (H. Sheriff co. Merioneth, 1735), and elder brother of Sir Robert Howell Vaughan, cr. a Baronet, 1791 ; H. Sheriff, 1752 ; ob. num. R. H. Vaughan Esqr. Pict. and Arm., signed "Hunter sc.," with Williams on an esc. of pre. Unknown to Fincham. A scarce plate. Sir Robert Howell Vaughan, of Nannau and Hengwrt, co. Merioneth ; cr. a Baronet, 1791; younger s. of Robert Vaughan, of Hengwrt ; m. Anne, d. and h. of Edward Williams, Ystymcellwyn, co. Montgomery; ob. 1796. R. H. Vaughan Esqr. Pict., a Druid beside an oak, an oval. The same owner. Sir Robt. W. Vaughan, Bart. / Nannau. Label. Sir Robert Williams Vaughan, of Nannau and Hengwrt, co. Merioneth ; succ. as 3rd Bart. ; gds. of Sir R. H. Vaughan (vide supra) ; ob. s.p. 1859. Richd. Vaughan Esqr. Chip. Arm. Of Shenfield, Essex, and of Golden Grove, co. Carmarthen ; 8. of John Vaughan, who inherited the Golden Grove estate under the will of Anne Duchess of Bolton ; b. 1726; m. (l) Elizabeth P. Phillips, of Llanelly ; (2) Susanna Warner, of Swansea; ob. 1781. (His s. and h., John Vaughan, of Golden Grove, ob. s.p. 1804, and devised his estates to ist Baron Cawdor.) Welsh Book-Plates 133 VAUGHAN continued. [Richard Vaughan.] Another state of the same plate. Penelope Vaughan. Festoon Arm., a lozenge. (See Franks Coll. Catalogue^ vol. iii., p. 158.) R. Chambre Vaughan Esq. / Burlton Hall, co. Salop. With Welsh motto, Order and nine coats. S. of Thomas Vaughan, of Burlton and Plas Thomas ; b. 1796; matr'ic. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1815 ;' m. Anne Massy. Robt. Vaughan. Crest (of Vaughan of Hengwrt). Nathaniel Jenner Vaughan. Crest. John Vaughan. Crest. VIVIAN. [Vivian Lord Swansea.] Modern Arm. Sir Henry Hussey Vivian ; ist Bart, and ist Baron Swansea (1893); of Singleton, co. Glamorgan; M.P. for Swansea, 1882-1893; b' 1894. WADDINGHAM. T. J. Waddingham / Hafod. Modern Arm. Imp. Davies. Thomas James Waddingham, 2nd s. of J. Waddingham, of Guiting Grange, co. Glos. ; b. 1840; m. Sarah Davies, of Ffosrhydygaled, co. Cardigan; H. Sheriff co. Cardigan, 1892. WALES. His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales. Late Chip. Arm., showing the coats of England, Scotland, France, Ireland and Hanover, with the label mark of the son and heir. George, Prince of Wales, Regent and afterwards George IV. Carleton House Library. Prince of Wales' plumes and motto, with the insignia of the Garter. The same owner, then residing at Carlton House, London. 134 Welsh Book-Plates WALES continued. University College of North Wales. Modern Seal Arm. Welsh motto. South Wales Borderers, 2nd Batt. Regimental crest and badge. WALWYN. S. Richard! Walwyn de Com. Hereford Arm. Chip. Arm. and Pict. A fine plate. Welsh motto. Supporters. Signed " W. H. Toms sc." (Reproduced in Fincham, p. 98.) S. of James Walwyn, of Longworth, M.P. co. Hereford ; m. Mary Floyer ; ob. v.p. 1750. James Longworth Walwyn Esqr / Longworth, Herefordshire. Spade Arm. Welsh motto. S. of Richard Walwyn (vide supra), of Dorchester, arm. ; matric. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1762 ; H. Sheriff co. Hereford, 1784; M.P. for Hereford city, 1785-1800; m. Sarah Phillipps, of Eaton, co. Hereford ; ob. 1 800. WARD. [Ward] Bangor. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Edward Ward, 4th Viscount Bangor and representative Peer of Ireland; b> 1827 ; ob. unm. 1881. WATERS. Thomas Waters Esq. / Sarnau, co. Carmarthen. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. on green-tinted paper. 2nd s. of Thomas Waters, of Carmarthen, gent. ; matric. Queen's College, Oxford, 1830; J.P. for co. Carmarthen. The same on white paper. WATKIN. Edward W. Watkin. XIX th Cent. Arm. Sir Edward William Watkin, Bart. ; s. of Absalom Watkin, Northenden ; b. 1819; M.P. and eminent public man; origi- nator of the English Channel Tunnel Scheme ; m. ( I ) Mary B. Mellor ; (2) Anne Little; ob. 1901. Sir Edward W. Watkin. XlXth Cent. Arm. The same, with title added ; cr. a Bart. 1880. Welsh Book-Plates 135 WATKIN continued. Watkin Library. Modern Seal Arm. Welsh motto. Coat-of-arms of North Wales imp. Watkin. Gift plate to the University College Library of North Wales at Bangor. Edward Watkin, M.A. Spade Arm. B. 1788 ; s. of Rev. Geo. Watkin, of Northampton ; matric. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1807; M.A. 1814; rector of Cogenhoe, Northants, 1812 ; m. Anna-Maria Cliffe ; J.P. for Northants (living 1870). WATKINS. Richard Watkins / of Shotton, Prescott, and / Shrews- bury Esqr. Large Chip. Arm. with portraits of Blackstone and Samuel Butler introduced. Signed " Rd. Watkins del. Hy. Hollingworth sculp." S. of John Watkins, of Shotton, Salop (by Elizabeth Bolton, his wife) ; b. 1734; m. Anne Williams, of Prescott ; ob. s.p. 1792. ( Burke's Landed Gentry, 8th edition, p. 2151.) Anne Watkins. Chip. Arm. printed in green. Wife of Richard Watkins, of Shotton, Salop ; d. and h. of Williams, of Prescott, Salop; ob. s.p. 1792. [Watkin Watkins.] Chip. Arm. The same plate with the name in writing. S. of William Watkins, and nephew and h. of Richard Watkins, of Shotton ; b. 1767 ; m. Anna Eddowes ; succ. his uncle, 1792 ; ob. 1849. J. B. W[atkins.] Chip. Arm. Richard Watkins. Chip. Arm. Imp. ? Stirling or Leslie. Coat of Watkins of Penoyre, co. Brecknock. ? Rev. Richard Watkins, s. of Charles Watkins, of Aynhoe, Northants; matric. Wadham College, 1720; rector of Clifton Campville, co. Stafford, 1738-1776. John Watkins. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. qting Whitney. Of Llanigon, co. Brecknock, and of Herefordshire. 136 Welsh Book-Plates WATKINS continued. Bernard Edward Watkins. XlXth Cent. Arm. 3rd s. of Robert Watkins, of Arundel, Sussex ; matric. Wadham College, Oxford, 1 840 ; rector of Treeton, Yorks, 1846-1877. John G. Watkins Esq. / Woodfield, Ombersley. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Bayly. John Gregory Watkins, s. of John Gregory Watkins, arm., of Northampton ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1856; barr.-at-law Lincoln's Inn; ob. 1869. Henry George Watkins. Crest. ? Rev. Henry George Watkins, eldest s. of Rev. Henry George Watkins, vicar of Potter's Bar, Middlesex ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1867 ; M.A. 1874. WATSON. Thomas Edward Watson / St. Mary's Lodge, Newport, Mon. Modern Arm. Imp. Harrison. Eldest s. of Edward Watson; b. 1851; H. Sheriff co. Monmouth, 1911 ; m. Mary Harrison, of Scarborough. T. E. Watson / Newport, Mon. Modern Arm. Imp. Harrison. Diminutive plate. Same owner. WEBB. Thos. Webb / Saddler / & Harness Maker / Brecon. Early XlXth Cent. Label. A doubtful book-plate. WILKINS. Walter Wilkins Esqr. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Welsh motto. S. of Walter Wilkins, of Maesllwch, co. Radnor ; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1797; m. Hon. Catherine Eliza Devereux, 4th d. of 1 3th Viscount Hereford; ob. 1830. Father of Walter Wilkins, M.P. for co. Radnor, who (1839) assumed the name of De Winton. WILKINSON. Miss E. Wilkinson / Plas Grono. Label, buff-tinted. This Book belongs to / Fras. B. Wilkinson Esq ; / Mill Bank Lodge / Carmarthen, South Wales. Label. Welsh Book-Plates 137 WILLIAMS. Sir John Williams, Bodlewyddan. Seal Arm. c. i 800, with Williams of Tyfry on an esc. of pre. Signed " Hunter sculpt." ist Baronet, cr. 1798; m. (1791) Margaret, d. and h. of Hugh Williams, of Tyfry, Anglesey; ob. 1830. Watkin Williams Esqr. of Penbedw / in the county of Denbigh. Ribbon Arm. S. of Richard Williams of Penbedw (by his 3rd wife, Anna- bella Lloyd), and gds. of Sir William Williams, 2nd Bart, of Wynnstay ; M.P. for cos. Denbigh and Merioneth ; Lord- Lieut, of cos. Denbigh and Merioneth; ob. 1808 s.p. Major Molyneux Williams / Penbedw Hall, Denbigh- shire. / Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Williams on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. Major Thomas Molyneux (afterwards Lt.-General) ; m. Annabella Pulestone- Williams, d. of Rev. Philip Pulestone, of Pickhill, co. Denbigh, and niece and senior co-h. of Watkin Williams, of Penbedw. She m. ( I ) E. L. Lloyd, of Penylan ; and (2) Major T. Molyneux, who assumed the name of Williams; H. Sheriff co. Denbigh, 1842. Lt. Colonel Molyneux Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Order and Medal. Welsh motto. Williams on an esc. of pre. The same owner. Major General Molyneux Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. with Order and Medal. Welsh motto. Imp. Brads haw (coat of 2nd wife). The same owner. Lieut. General Molyneux Williams. The same plate with alteration of military rank. 138 Welsh Book- Plates WILLIAMS continued. Arthur Williams of Meillionydd Esqr. / Carnarvon- shire. Early Jac. Arm. (? a reprint), with sixteen coats, the i st being that of Ednyfed Vychan. S. of Edward Williams; m. (1723) Muriel Williams, of Ystym Colwyn, co. Carnarvon. (Tat Croesion MS. Pedigrees. See also Burke's Baronetage under Bulkeley -Williams.} Arthur Williams of / Meillionydd Esqr. Early Jac. Arm. ? A reprint. Smaller size with four coats. Sir Hugh Williams, Bart. Chip. Arm. with Bulkeley on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. 8th Bart., of Caerau, Anglesey and Nant, co. Carnarvon ; b. 1718; m. Emma Viscountess Bulkeley, of Baron Hill, Anglesey. John Williams / Treffos. Jac. Arm. and Pict. C. 1730. Signed (very faintly) "George Bickham sc." The design is identical with that of the Rev. Lloyd (vide supra). Welsh motto. Not mentioned by Fincham. ? Rev. John Williams, of Treffos ; b. 1738; chaplain to H.R.H. Princess Augusta of Wales ; m. Eleanor Vincent, of Bangor ; ob. 1826. John Robert Williams / of Treffos / in the county of Anglesey. Modern Pict. and Arm. Imp. Marston. Two Welsh mottoes. Eldest s. of Rev. Thomas Norris Williams, of TrefFos, rector of Llanddeiniolen and of Aber ; b. 1841 ; m. Emily Marston ; ob. 1889. John Williams / Treffos. XlXth Cent. Arm. on a mantle. Welsh motto. S. of Rev. John Williams, of TrefFos (by Eleanor Vincent, his wife); b. 1784; m. (1808) Elizabeth Goddard ; barr.- at-law, etc. Welsh Book-Plates 139 WILLIAMS continued. Thomas Peers Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Bacon. Welsh motto. Signed "Huntly sc., 74 Bond Strt." Colonel T. P. Williams, s. of Thomas Peers Williams, arm., of Westminster; matric. Ch. Ch., Oxford, 1813; m. Emily Bacon; of Temple House, Berks ; ob. 1875. General Owen Williams. Moderm Arm. Imp. (1) Caulfield, (2) Sinclair. Welsh motto. By C. W. Sherborn, but unsigned. General Owen Lewis Cope Williams ; only s. of Col. Thomas Peers Williams, M.P., of Temple House, Berks, and Craig-y-don, Anglesey; M.P. Great Marlow, 1880-1885; Colonel Royal Horse Guards ; m. ( i ) Fanny Caulfield ; (2) Nina Sinclair. Ifah Williams. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. By C. W. Sherborn, unsigned. Robert Williams / Jes. Coll. Cant. Chip. Arm. Coat of Ednyfed Vychan. Name does not appear in Cantab. Graduat'i (1787). J. H. B. Williams. Spade Arm. Imp. ? Co/Us. Welsh motto. Coat of Ednyfed Vychan. Williams. Spade Arm. qting ? Hartshorn. Welsh motto. Rd. Palmer Williams. Spade Arm. Welsh motto. Same plate with name added. Richard Williams Esqr. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. ? Trevor. [Williams.] XIX th Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Thomas Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Sydney Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. within a garter. ? S. of Philip Williams, of Aberbaiden, co. Monmouth ; b. 1843. 140 Welsh Book-Plates WILLIAMS continued. Edmd. Sydney Williams. XIX th Cent. Jac. Arm. Welsh motto. Harry Percy Williams. Modern gothic Arm. Welsh motto. Chas. Williams. "The Standard." Crest. [Williams.] Chip. Arm. Imp. \Bray or Grindall. Signed "J. Kirk sculpt." Not mentioned by Fincham. Richard Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. with ? Trevor on an esc. of pre. Welsh motto. Hutchins Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. W. M. Williams. Spade Arm. A rare plate. (Not in Franks Coll.) William Morgan Williams, of Trefach, co. Pembroke ; H. Sheriff co. Cardigan, 1784 ; his d. and h. m. Captain Thomas Bowen, of Pantyderi, co. Pembroke, father of James William Bowen, Q.C., of Plas-y-Bridell (ob. 1888). First Nonconformist H. Sheriff of co. Cardigan. James Williams. / Woodlands. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Coat of Williams of Llangibby and of Malvern Hall. Charles Wye Williams Esqr. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Richard Williams Esq. / Drumcondra Castle. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. James Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. Gulielmus Williams, S.T.B. Chip Arm. ? ? William Williams, s. of William Williams, pleb. of Westminster; matric. University College, Oxford, 1736; M.A. from St Mary Hall; B.D. 1761. Edward Williams Esqr. Chip. Arm. Coat of Williams of Glanywan and DyfFryn, co. Denbigh. (Papworth, p. 982.) John Williams. Chip. Arm. Pict. Weisk Book-Plates 141 WILLIAMS continued. Charles Williams. Chip. Arm. William Williams. Festoon Arm. R. E. L. C. Williams Esqr. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Marshall Williams. Festoon Arm. (?XIXth Cent.) ? Of Pule Hill Hall, Yorks. John Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Owen ap Madoc. Welsh motto. Lawrance Williams / Major, 1874. XIX th Cent. Arm. with date. Imp. Carrier. Signed "D. C. E. fecit." ? Major Lawrance William Edward Williams, J.P., s. of Marshall Williams, of Pule Hill Hall, Yorks ; of Barton End House, near Stroud, Glos. James Williams. Chip. Arm. Coat of Brochtvel Tsgrithog, of Powys. John Williams / Esqr. Chip. Arm. Geoe. Williams Esqr. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. [Rev. J. Williams M.A. /Bryntirion.] Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Name and place added in writing. Signed "Gawthorp, 16 Long Acre." S. of Rev. John Williams (by Abigail Evans, his wife) ; b. 1797; M.A. Ch. Ch., Oxford; vicar of Spelsbury, Oxon ; m. Jane, widow of John Patterson; ob. 1873. (Father of S. C. Evans-Williams, of Bryntirion, M.P. for co. Radnor, 1880-1884.) Revd. Jno. M. Williams. Festoon, allegorical. Wm. Williams Esqr. / Ivy Tower / Pembrokeshire. Label. Eldest s. of William Williams of Ivy Tower ; b. 1736 ; m. Maria Jermyn ; H. Sheriff co. Pembroke, 1766; four times mayor of Tenby ; author of Primitive History and other works ; his d. and h. m. Orlando Harris- Williams, of Ivy Tower (H. Sheriff, 1824), who assumed his wife's surname. 142 Welsh Book-Plates WILLIAMS continued. Revd. John Williams / Vicar of Caer-Rhun / Carnar- vonshire. Label. Revd. J. H. Williams / Rector of / Llangadwaladr. Label. The Library of Rowland Williams, D.D. Seal, with crest and Welsh motto. Eminent theologian and Vice-Principal of St David's College, Lampeter ; s. of Canon Rowland Williams, of St Asaph, rector of Meifod ; b. 1817 ; B.A. King's College, Cambridge ; contributor to Essays and Reviews ; opposed the fusion of the sees of Bangor and St Asaph ; ob. 1870. The Library of Rowland Williams, D.D. The Swansea Library. [Williams.] Arm., two shields addorsed, with Order of the Bath, and imp. Hill. Welsh motto. General Sir William Williams, K.C.B., Col. of i3th Regt ; m. (1820) Jenny, d., of Marcus Hill, and gd.-d. of Sir Hugh Hill, Bart., of Brooke Hall, co. Londonderry. Admiral Sir Thomas Williams. Crest, with wreath and Order of the Bath. S. of Capt. William Williams, R.N. ; b. 1762 ; knighted 1796; K.C.B. 1815; G.C.B. 1831; m. (1800) Whapshare, of Salisbury ; ob. 1841. John Charles Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm., signed " B. Wyon sc.," with Grenville on an esc. of pre. Joannes Williams, A.M. / E. Coll. Jes. Oxon. Soc. / 1783. Dated Label. ? S. of David Williams, of Llanraglan, co. Carnarvon; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1776 ; M.A. 1783. (See Gentleman's Magazine, 1830, i., p. 648.) Wm. Williams. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Charles Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Book- Plates 143 WILLIAMS continued. James Rice Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. with Dunn qtg Chitty on an esc. of pre. J.P. and D.L. ; of Lee, Kent ; eldest s. of Thomas Williams (by Joana, his wife, d. of Rev. James Powel, of Churton House, Glam.), merchant, of Carmarthen; claimed to descend from Williams of Edwinsford. (Burke's Armoury.) Watkin Williams / Surgeon / Pant Cravog / 1757. Dated Label. Watkin Williams / Surgeon / Pant Cravog. 1758. Dated Label, probably by J. Ross of Carmarthen. Arthur LL. Griffith Williams. Crest, with Welsh motto. James Williams. Crest. Stephen Williams. Crest. Robt. Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. David Williams. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Williams/ of /Blaina. Gwent. XIX th Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. [Williams.] Early XlXth Cent. "Aerial" Arm. Imp. ? Cheney. Coat of Williams ; Bart., of Gwernyfed, co. Brecknock (ext. 1798). Williams/ of /Aberpergwm. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. William Williams, celebrated for " his zealous culture of the Cymric tongue " ; s. of Rees Williams ; m. (1837) Matilda, d. and h. of Col. Thomas Smith, of Castellan, Pontypridd ; ob. 1855. Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Coat of Williams, Bart., of Eltham (ext. 1804). Alfred Speed Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. H. Williams. Crest. Sir W. Williams. Crest. 144 Pf^elsh Book- Plates WILLIAMS continued. B. C. Williams. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. (Coat of Bishop Williams, of Chichester, 1697.) B. 0. Williams. Crest. Welsh motto. John Williams. Ribbon Arm. c. 1790. Edward Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. William Henry Williams, M.D., F.L.S. / of Gonville & Gains College Cambridge & / Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians / London. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. ? Deering. Medical author and specialist in military hygiene ; s. of Richard Williams ; b. 1771 ; ob. 1841. ' Inventor of the field torniquet." Sir John Bickerton Williams, Knt., LL.D., F.S.A. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Robins. S. of Walter Williams, of Broseley, Salop; b. 1792; first Nonconformist mayor of Shrewsbury, 1836, and knighted by Queen Victoria, 1837, at the special request of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex ; author ; m. Elizabeth Robins, of Birmingham ; ob. 1855. Syr John Williams, Barwnig / Rhoddwyd lonawr laf, 1909. Modern Arm. Welsh motto. Gift plate of Sir John Williams, G.C.V.O., to the National Library of Wales. John Williams Ab Ithel. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Williams. ? Celtic motto. S. of Roger Williams of Tynant, co. Denbigh; b. 1811 ; M.A. Jesus College, Oxford ; vicar of Llanymawddwy, co. Merioneth ; joint founder (with Rev. H. Longueville Jones) of the " Cambrian Archaeological Association " ; scholar and antiquary; wrote as " Ab Ithel "; m. Elizabeth Williams, of Dolgelly; ob. 1862. John Williams (Ab Ithel). XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Williams. Welsh motto. The same owner. Owen Williams Esq. Modern Arm. within a garter. Welsh Book-Plates 145 WILLIAMS continued. Revd. H. H. Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. ? Henry Herbert Williams, eldest s. of Henry Owen Williams, arm., of London; matric. Wadham College, 1874; of Tre' Arddur and Tre' Castell, Anglesey. Reginald Freke Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. 2nd s. of R. W. Williams, Isle of Wight; b. 1835 ; m. Charlotte Rawson ; D.L. and J.P. for co. Brecknock. The / Revd. Wm. Williams. Spade Arm. Edwd. Williams, D.D. Wreath and Ribbon Arm. Imp. . ? Emblematic mock-heraldry. Sir Geoe. Griffies Williams Bart. Early XIX th Cent. Arm. Punning Welsh motto. S. of the Rev. George Griffies (by Anne Thackeray, his wife) ; assumed the additional name of Williams under the will of his uncle, David Williams, of Carmarthen ; cr. a Baronet, 1815 ; m. Anna-Margaretta Evans, of Highmead, co. Cardigan ; of Llwyny wormwood Park, co. Carmarthen ; H. Sheriff, 1791 ; ob. 1843. Penry Williams. Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Of Penpont, co. Brecknock; m. (1804) Maria Yeates ; Lord-Lieut, co. Brecknock ; ob. 1847. Father of Penry Williams of Penpont, b. 1807. J. Penry Williams. XlXth Cent. Festoon Arm. ? ? Rev. John Williams, canon of St David's ; eldest s. of Archdeacon Williams, of Cardigan (by Anne, d. of Penry Williams, of Penpont). Revd. G. Williams. XIX th Cent. Arm. Sir M. Monier-Williams, K.C.I.E. Mod. Arm. and Pict. A large plate. Signed "E. B. R. '97." Coat of Ednyfed Vychan. B. 1819; s. of Col. Monier-Williams, of Bombay; m. Julia Faithfull ; Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford University ; knighted 1886 ; ob. 1899. 146 Welsh Book- Plates WILLIAMS continued. Leonard James Williams. XlXth Cent. Arm. Welsh motto. Sir Rhys Williams, Bart. Mod. Arm. Welsh motto. B. 1 865 ; s. of Judge Gwilym Williams, of Miskin Manor, co. Glamorgan ; cr. a Baronet, 1918. William Williams. Crest. Thomas Williams, Dean of Llandaff. Crest, within a garter. Eldest s. of Thomas Williams, of Aberbran, co. Brecknock ; b. 1801 ; m. Elizabeth, d. of Archdeacon Davies, of Brecon; B.A. Oriel College, Oxford, 1822 ; Archdeacon of Llandaff, 1843 ; Dean 1857. [William Williams.] Crests. Welsh motto. Name in writing. Rev. George Williams. Crest. John Williams, M.D. Crest. Welsh motto. Edward Maunsell Williams. Crest. Geoffrey S. Williams. / His Book. Modern Pict. with small coat-of-arms introduced. Printed in umber. R. James Williams. Modern Pict. Signed "R. J. W." Alexandra K. E. Williams / her Book. Modern Pict. with crest. Printed in brown. WILLIS. George Willis, M.D. of Monmouth. XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. Imp. ? Owen. Eldest s. of G. Willis, Florence Court, co. Fermanagh ; b. 1828 ; J.P. co. Monmouth; of Newton Hall, Monmouth. &, >^#to Welsh Book- Plates 147 WOGAN. John Wogan / of Wiston, Pembrokeshire. Jac. Pict. and Arm. Of Wiston and Hean Castle, co. Pembroke ; H. Sheriff, 1745 ; s. of Lewis Wogan, M.P., of Wiston (by Martha, d. of David Williams, of Hean Castle) ; m. Susanna Parsons ; ob. , leaving a son, John Wogan, the last male of the Wogans of Wiston. A scarce plate. (Not in Franks Coll.) WOODROFFE. [J. E. Woodroffe / Lincolns Inn.] XIX th Cent. Arm. within a garter. Name in writing. Welsh motto. 3rd s. of John Woodroffe, M.P., of Dublin; b. 1822 ; m. Maria Witts. WORTHINGTON. Will. Worthington, M.A. /Vicar of Blodwel in Shrop- shire. Jac. Arm. Book-pile. Greek motto. A scarce plate in this state. Will. Worthington, D.D. Jac. Arm. Book-pile. The same plate with altered inscription. S. of Thomas Worthington, of Aberhafesp, co. Montgomery ; b> 1703; graduate of St John's College, Cambridge; M.A. from Jesus College, Oxford ; vicar of Llanyblodwel and prebendary of St Asaph, 1773; author of various theological works ; ob. 1778. WYNNE. Ri. Wynne. Early Jac. Arm.. In writing "Trin. Coll. Cantab. A.B." Richard Wynne, Trinity College, Cambridge, A.B. 1729; A.M. 1733. The Reverend Ri. Wynne, M.A. The same plate with altered inscription. John Wynne, A.M. / Rector of Caerydruidion. Jac. Arm. and Pict. S. of Edward Wynne, of Llanyfudd, co. Denbigh, gent. ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1718; M.A. 1725. 55 148 Welsh Book- Plates WYNNE continued. W. Wynne. Late Jac. Arm. Welsh motto. Coat of Cynric Efell. [Wynne.] Chip. Arm. Coat of Peniarth, co. Merioneth, No name ; probably William Wynne, of Wern, b. 1 708 ; H. Sheriff co. Merioneth, 1 7 50 ; m. Eleanor Williams, of Llandegwning ; ob. 1766. [Wynne.] Pict. Arm. c. 1790. Printed in green Name added in writing. Signed "Painter sc. (The only known specimen by this engraver.) Coat of Wynne of Llangedwyn. 0. W. Williams Wynn/Aedis Christi Alumnus. Landscape Pict. Rt. Hon. Charles Watkin Williams Wynne, 2nd s. of Sir W. Williams Wynne, 4th Bart., M.P. ; b. 1775; M.P. for co. Montgomery; D.C.L., etc.; m. (1806) Mary Cunliffe ; ob. 1850. R. W. W. [ynne] / Garthewin Library. Wreath and Ribbon with crest. Signed " Hicks set." Robert William Wynne, of Garthewin, co. Denbigh ; m. Laetitia Stanley; ob. 1844. Sigillum William Henrici Watkin Williams Wynn. Early XlXth Cent. Seal Arm. borne on an eagle, with sixteen coats. Rt. Hon. Sir W. H. Watkin Williams Wynn, G.C.H. ; K.C.B. ; 3rd s. of 4th Bart, of Wynnstay; b. 1783 ; envoy at Court of Denmark ; ob. 1856. [Williams Wynne.] Early XlXth Cent. Arm. Two shields accoles, three crests and four Welsh mottoes. Sir W. Williams Wynne, 6th Bart, of Wynnstay ; b. 1820; m. (1852) his cousin, Mary Emily, d. of Rt. Hon. Sir Henry W. Wynn (vide supra] ; ob. 1885. Welsh Book- Plates 149 WYNNE continued. W. W. E. Wynne / Peniarth Library. XlXth Cent. Arm. Imp. Slaney. William Watkin Edward Wynne, s. of William Wynne, of Bangor Iscoed, co. Denbigh ; b. 1801 ; matric. Jesus College, Oxford, 1820; of Peniarth, co. Merioneth; m. (1839) Mary Slaney, d. of R. A. Slaney, M.P., of Walford Manor, Salop. [Wynne.] Wreath Arm. qting Salesbury. Coat of Wynne of Garthewin. William Wynne. Crest. Arthur Meredyth Wynne. XlXth Cent. Arm. Of Hazlewood, co. Sligo. Rev. W. H. Wynne / of / Hazlewood. Modern Arm. Wynne /of Hazlewood. Modern Arm. Another state of same plate. Probably Owen Wynne, of Hazlewood, co. Sligo ; b. 1843 ; s. of Rt. Hon. J. A. Wynne, M.P. ; m. Stella Gore-Booth ; H. Sheriff co. Sligo, 1875. Of Welsh descent, claiming from Rind Flaidd, Lord of Penllyn. YARDLEY. Edvardus Yardley, A.M. Collegii di Johannis. Cantab. Socius. 1721. Jac. Arm. Dated. Edwd. Yardley B.D. / Archdeacon of Cardigan / 1739. Jac. Arm. Dated. Same plate altered. B. 1698; Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, 1721 ; rector of St Florence, co. Pembroke, 1732 ; Archdeacon of Cardigan, 1739-1770; scholar and compiler of the MS. treatise (in the library of St David's Cathedral) known as Menevia Sacra. YORKE. Pierce Wynne Yorke. Crests. Of Dyffryn Aled, co. Denbigh; b. 1784; m. Elizabeth Hughes, of Plas Coch, Anglesey ; H. Sheriff co. Denbigh, 1817 ; father of Pierce Wynne Yorke, b. 1826, who m. Lucy P., d. of Sir Trevor Wheler, Bart. 150 Welsh Book-Plates SURNAME UNKNOWN Chip. Arm. Welsh motto. Ermine a lion ramp. gu. [1 Griffith.] Wreath Arm. c. 1790. Qtly. i and 4, Ednowyn Bendew ; 2 and 3, Madoc ap Tnen. An interesting and frequent plate, evidently that of a North Wales library. Festoon Arm. i and 4 Collwyn ap Tagno; 2 and 3, Montagu qtly. with Month erme. XlXth Cent. Arm. Ermines a goat passant between 3 annulets arg. Welsh motto. XlXth Cent. Arm. Coat of Collwyn ap Tagno. Name erased. XlXth Cent. Arm. i and 4, Sa. a lion ramp. arg. ; 2 and 3, Sa on a chevron arg. 3 roses gules. Welsh motto. Modern gothic Arm. Welsh motto. Arg. a chevron between 3 bugle horns sa. p BassetJ] Date uncertain. A strange-looking plate, with the motto "Lock Sicker." No tinctures given. A heart, in chief 3 mullets ; imp. a bulFs head and in chief 3 pheons. The crest a boar chained to a holly bush is that of Owen of Henllys. Below is the word " Gyrn." Paly of six, arg. and sa. Two plates, very doubtful book-plates. Name of " Fran. Jones " on one. Coat of Madoc Ddu. (See Papworth, p. 1018.) ? Early Jac. Arm. Arm. Qtly. i st and 4th, Gu. 3 lions ramp. arg. : 2nd and 3rd, or a chev. . . . between 3 boys' heads couped at neck and twined with snakes. Welsh motto. Label, with rising sun and book. Welsh motto. Welsh Book- Plates 151 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA Page i. Ablett. With Bury qting Ormerod on an esc. of pre. 6. Brigstocke, Owen. Collector of the fine library at Blaenpant, which was dispersed in 1920. He m. Anne, d. and h. of Edward Browne, M.D., and gd.-d. and heiress-general of Sir Thomas Browne, of Norwich, author of Religio Medici, Urn-Burial, etc. (See Charles Williams, M.D., Pedigree of Browne Family, 1902.) 8. Bulkeley, Sir John. He was of Presaddfed, Anglesey. H. Sheriff, 1795. 1 2. Conway, Charles. Of Pontnewydd House, co. Monmouth; b. 1820; ob. 1884; buried in the Baptist chapel ground at Pontrhydyhun. This plate must date from the middle of the nineteenth century. 20. Edisbury, James Fisher. Of Wrexham; b. 1837; senior J.P. of Wrexham; prominent Freemason; ob. 1920. (See Western Mail, 22nd October 1920.) 24. Evans, John, Lord Bishop of Bangor. The arms of the see of Bangor are impaled with those attributed to Cilmin Droed-ddu ("Cilmin of the Black Foot "), of Glynllifon, founder of the Fourth Noble Tribe of Wales, from whom Bishop Brans claimed descent. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. THE LIBRARY KSIYERSIT1T OF fcOS ANGELAS A 000 897 065 9