LIBRAfr uNiveksiTY OF CAllFOtNIA fV <^ ^ I ^)jt parislj E^giat^rs OF S. GILES, KINGSTON. [mm - - \66S-\sn. iltarnages - - 1^58-l$5r. lurials - - 1558481^. PREFACED BY A List of the Rectors of the Parish, SUPPLEMENTED BY lj ^onumtntal Insmptions in tlj^ Cljurtlr antr Cljurcljjarit. BY THE REV. CHRISTOPHER HALES WILKIE, M.A., EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD, Fi/(y Copies only Printed^ of which this is No._J^J__\ S I GN ED . . i^I^ (TV^a^:!^^, BRIGHTON : Printed by J. G. Bishop, "Herald" OfricE. f mW LOAN STACK CONTENTS. Prefatory Notes - v. vi. List of Rectors - - - - - - vii. xvi. Registers of Baptisms ----- i 85 " Marriages ... - 86 108 " Banns ----- 108 11 1 " Burials - - - - - 112 155 Notes of Church Repair (2nd Register Book) - - . - 156158 Appendix Monumental Inscriptions - - 159 170 Index of Baptisms 171 178 " Marriages . . - . - 179 183 " Banns - - - . - . . 183184 " Burials 185 189 068 ^^d m PREFATORY NOTES. This Volume somewhat exceeds the size originally intended. After transcribing the Registers of the Parish, it seemed to me that the Registers of Burial might with advantage be supplemented by the Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard. Meanwhile, having drawn out a list of the Rectors of Kingston, I thought that this also would find an appropriate place in a collection of such Parish records. The Registers of the two earliest books here printed have been copied verbatim. The first book, 1558-1745, consists of 50 leaves of parchment, about r5in. by 6in. The second book, 1745-1812 (Marriages, 1745-53), similar in size, though but half filled, is bound in leather and stamped on the cover with the lettering "The Register Book of Kingstone, 1744. Peter Innes, Rector; Ralph Dilnot, Churchwarden." By the kind courtesy of the Deputy Diocesan Registrar, Mr. Allen Fielding, I have been able to compare the Registers with the Transcripts in the Diocesan Registry. (See foot-note on page 4). The List of Rectors has been compiled chiefly from the Institutions in the Registers of the Archbishops at Lambeth, by means of Ducarel's Index. Such biographical notices have been added as I have been able to collect from various sources. In this portion of the work I must express my thanks to Mr. Kershaw, the Librarian of Lambeth Library, for kind assistance, also to Dr. Sheppard, of Canterbury, in my reference to the MSS. in the Chapter Library. In the Appendix my special thanks are due to Mr. R. Hovenden, who at my request has most kindly been entirely responsible for the Notes at the foot of the Inscriptions, giving VI. the heraldic description of the Arms, &c., where such occur on the Monuments. It only remains for me just to refer to the etymology of " Kingston." From the form in which it appears in the majority of the earlier Institutions, I have been led to the conclusion that its derivation is King's /^//, not King's stotie^ and that the final e with which it is now commonly spelt is a corruption of later times. In a manuscript in the Bodleian Library (Steel Collection, Gough MS. 26, f. 5), among some similar notes professing to give the etymologies of Kentish names, is the following, " Kyngham- ford W now called Kingston, near Berhamdown, that belonged to the King, and all about it to the Archbishop and Church," referring probably to the adjoining parish of Bishopsbourne. The Manor of Kingston was held in chief of the King from the time of William the Conqueror downwards. (2) C. H. W. Kingston Rectory, Canterbury, September, 1893. (1) The name of the Hundred in which Kingston is situated, which was originally called the " Hundred of Berham." From this it seems that the Hundred of Kynghamford takes its name from this parish. (2) See Hasted (III. 748) in his account of this Parish. He gives the name without the final e. RECTORS OF KINGSTON. 1279. Maurice de D<3:lbanergh/i) 5 Non. Julil. A.D. 1279 apud Lyminge, dns. Mauricius de Dalbanergh, Presb. insti tutus fait in Eccl. de Kyiigeston juxtaCant. adprsesent. dni. Alexaudri de Balioll, 7 March Joannis Bolt hlius qui de Joannis Boult^;/." (a) Not in the Register. June 1568. 1568. 29 daye was baptized Peter Hollowaye sonne of John Hollowaye Anno supra. August. 22 daye was baptized Nicholas Browninge sonne of John Browninge Anno Supra. September. 12 daye was baptized William Sayer sonne of Jeames Sayer Anno Supra. 26 daye was baptized Thomas Blackewood sonne of William Blackewood Anno Supra. ffebruary. 2 daye was baptized Henry Bradshawe sonne of Grigory Bradshawe Anno Supra. August 1569. 1569. 7 daye was baptized Thomas Sherman sonne of Robert Sherman anno Supra, Septembr. 13 daye was baptized Ehnor Harffeild daughter of Thomas Haffeild anno supra. Novembr. 13 daye was baptized John Bownes y sonne of John Bownes anno supra. 20 daye was baptized Annis Rugly daughter of John Rugley anno Supra. Decembr. 9 daye was baptized Marye Gookin daughter of John Gookine anno Supra. 18 daye was baptized John Robins sonne of John Robins anno Supra. 23 daye was baptized Thomas Perye sonne of John Perrye anno Supra. August 1570. 1570. 28 daye was baptized Christyan Browninge daughter of John Browninge 2inno supra. Novembr. 26 daye was baptized William Bradshawe sonne of Grigorie Bradshawe anno supra. Decembr. 24 daye was baptized Christofer Sayer sonne of James Sayer anno supra. ROBBE. BaSSOCKE ) John Hopkyns j Marche 1570. 1570. 7 daye was baptized John Vittell sonne of William Vittell Anno Supra. November 1571. 157 1. 4 daye was baptized Affra Robins daughter of John Robins anno Supra. December. 21 daye was baptized Isacke Rugley sonne of John Rugley anno Supra. Marche. 5 daye was baptized James Sherman sonne of Roberte Sherman anno Supra. July 1572. 1572. 13 daye was baptized Isabell Haddinge daughter of Jefferye Haddinge anno Supra December. 10 daye was baptized Thomas Hopkin sonne of John Hopkin anno Supra. January. I daye was baptized Martha Bradshaw daughter of Grigory Bradshaw anno Supra. 26 daye was baptized Joane Boykines daughter of Elyas Boykines Anno Supra. Churchwardens. ffebruary. 4 daye was baptized Alice Haule daughter of Thomas Haule Anno Supra. Marche. 17 daye was baptized Silvester Vittell sonne of Richard Vittell anno Supra. Maye 1573. 573. I daye was baptized Richard Sayer sonne of James Sayer Anno Supra. August. 16 daye was baptized Jane Browninge daughter Qf(i)(- . . ) Browninge Anno Supra. September. 6 daye was baptized Jane Denne daughter of Vincent Denne anno Supra. October. 4 daye was baptized Thomas Robins sonne of John Robins Anno Supra. 1 1 daye was baptized Margarett Dome daughter of John Dome Anno Supra. November. 8 daye was baptized Jone Bunce daughter of John Bunce Anno Supra. December. 20 daye*^^-* was baptized Jone Pery daughter of John Pery Anno Supra. ffebruary. 14 daye was baptized Jane Bradshaw daughter of Grigory Bradshawe anno supra. ROBT. Bassocke John Hopkyn Churchwardens. ti^ "John." (a). (2) ii 20 Sept." (a). 8 September 1574. 1574. 26 daye was baptized Thomas Denne sonne of Vincent Denne. Anno Supra. Aprell 1575. 1575. 24 daye was baptized Elizabethe Austen daughter of Edmond Austen Anno Supra. Maye. 8 daye was baptized Jone Boughton daughter of John Boughton Anno Supra. 24 daye was baptized Thomas Gould sonne^^^ of WiUiam Gould Anno Supra. October. 16 daye was baptized william Uorne sonne , of John Dome Anno Supra. ffebruary. 15 daye was baptized Alice Cosbye daughter of Roger Cosbye Anno Supra. 19 daye was baptized Vincent Bunce sonne of John Bunce anno Supra. Marche. 1 1 daye was baptized John Vittell sonne of William Vittell Anno Supra. 18 daye was baptized John Matson sonne of James Matson Anno Supra. The same daye was baptized Charles Bradshaw sonne of Grygorye Bradshaw anno Supra. 1576. 25 daye was baptized Marye Sayer daughter of James Sayer anno Supra. Julye 1576. 22 daye was baptized Jone Nethersole daughter of John Nethersole anno Supra. (1^ " Thomas, the daughter of," &c, (a). ffebruary. 8 daye was baptized Elizabethe Pantry daughter of William Pantrye ^^nno supra. 17 daye was baptized Jeramye Rugleye sonne of John Rugley anno supra. Maye 1577. 1577. 16 daye was baptized John Craye sonne of John Craye anno supra. July. 14 daye was baptized Thomas Haddin sonne of Jefferaye Haddin anno Supra. September. I daye was baptized Thomas Denne sonne of Robert Denne - anno supra. 22 daye was baptized Mary Denne daughter of Vincent Denne anno supra. The same day also was baptized Elizabethe Lawrence daughter of John Lawrence*^^^ dLtino supra. Also Robert Gould sonne of William Gould 2inno supra. November. 24 daye was baptized John Browninge sonne of John Browninge diuno supra. December. PORBE. BaSSOCKE ) >-, u j JOHN HOPKYN ! Churchwardens. December 1577. 1577. I daye was baptized Anna Austen daughter of Edmond Austen anno supra. 29 daye was baptized Thomasine Collens daughter of Thomas Collens diuno supra. Januarye. 5 daye was baptized Martha Cosbye daughter of Roger Cosbye Anno Supra. "^^^ " John Larrence, gent." (a). lO ffebruary. 2 daye was baptized Marye Nethersole daughter of John Nethersole anno Supra. 23 daye was baptized Mary Bunce daughter of John Bunce anno Supra. Marche. 2 daye was baptized Robert Matson sonne of James Matson anno supra. Aprell 1578. 1578. 6 daye of Aprell was baptized John Cooly Sonne of Michaell Cooly 2inno supra. 25 daye was baptized Edward Sayer sonne of James Sayer anno Supra. September. 29 daye was baptized Richard Smithe sonne of James Smithe anno Supra. ffebruary. 8 daye was baptized Simon Rugley sonne of John Rugley anno Supra. 24 daye was baptized Mary Rugley daughter of Robert Rugleye anno Supra. Maye 1579. 1579- 3 daye was baptized Henry Denne sonne of Vincent Denne anno Supra. 3 1 daye was baptized Nicholas T'rome"^ 2inno sup/-^. July. 19 daye was baptized Elyzabethe Boykett daughter of Elyas Boykett diuno supra. 26 daye was baptized Jone Peerson daughter of Vincent Boykett^^^ anno supra. * Crome (?) (^)"John Peerson ye daughter of Vincent." f^j. "Boykett' evidently copied in error from preceding entry. II November. 1 5 daye was baptized Susan Haddin daughter of Jefferay Haddin anno supra. 30 daye was baptized Vincent Denne sonne of Robert Denne anno supra. January. 24*^^^ daye was baptized Jone Hopkine daughter of John Hopkins anno supra. 27 daye was baptized Dennis Hopkine daughter of Thomas Hopkine anno supra. ffebruary. 7 daye was baptized Anne Nethersole daughter of John Nethersole anno supra. March 1580. 1580 25 daye was baptized Henry Pearse sonne of Richard Pearce anno Supra. ROBBE BaSSOCKE ) ^u u j JOHN HOPKIN j Churchwardens. Maye 1580. 1580. I daye was baptized Philhp Gould sonne of William Gould Anno Supra. July. 1 7 daye was baptized Alice Matson daughter of James Matson anno Supra. August. 14 daye was baptized Jone Pearsy daughter of Vincent Pearse Anno Supra. 19 daye was baptized Elizabethe Craye daughter of John Craye Anno Supra. Septembr. 25 daye was baptized Paule Browninge sonne of John Browninge Anno Supra. (1) " 27 Jan." (a). "24 Jan." (a). 12 October. 2 daye was baptized Margarett Bunce daughter of John Bunce Anno Supra. December. 2 2 daye was baptized John Rugley sonne of Robert Rugley anno supra. 24 daye was baptized Josias Nethersole Sonne of John Nethersole Anno Supra. ffebruary. 5 daye was baptized Ehzabethe Sayer daughter of James Sayer anno Supra. 1 2 daye was baptized Abraham Rugley Sonne of John Rugley Anno Supra. 19 daye was baptized Gylion Culline daughter of Henry Culline d^nno supra. 26 daye was baptized Arthur Boykett sonne of Elyas Boykett anno supra. Marche 1581. 19 daye was baptized Mercye Chandler daughter of Richard Chandler anno supra. 1 58 1. 28 daye was baptized Edward Browninge sonne of Thomas Browninge d^nno supra. Aprell. 23 daye was baptized Vincent Denne sonne of Vincent Denne anno supra. Maye. 7 daye was baptized Thomas Simons sonne of John Simons anno supra. June. 4 daye was baptized Marye Stokes daughter of Christofer Stokes anno supra. December. 17 daye was baptized Danyell Rugley sonne of Robert Rugley anno supra. 13 January. 9 daye was baptized Nicholas Denne sonne of Thomas Denne of Adsham anno supra. 28 daye was baptized Jone Vittell daughter of William Vittell anno supra. ROBBE BaSSOCKE nu u a JOHN HOPKIN Churchwardens. Maye 1582. 1 582. 6 daye was baptized Silvester Denne daughter of Robert Denne Anno Supra. August. 5 daye was baptized Jone Mason daughter of Anthonye Mason anno supra. September. 21 daye was baptized Vincent & Mathew Pearson sonnes of Vincent Pearson anno supra. 23 daye was baptized Susan Bunce daughter of John Bunce anno supra. 30 daye was baptized Thomas Richard Sonne of John Richard anno supra. October. 7 daye was baptized Marye Coulson daughter of Esdras Coulson Anno Supra. November. 1 1 daye was baptized Dennis Haddyne daughter of Jefferye Haddine a.nno supra. Decembr. 9 daye was baptized Elizabethe Balducke daughter of William Balducke anno supra. 16'^^^ daye was baptized James Rugley Sonne of John Rugleye anno Supra. 23 daye was baptized Mildred Hopkin daughter of John Hopkine anno supra. (i>"6th Dec:' (a). ^4 28 daye was baptized Susan Hopkine daughter of Thomas Hopkine anno supra. January. 13 daye was baptized Elnor Gould daughter of William Gould, anno supra. 27 daye was baptized Jane Sayer daughter of James Sayer anno supra. Marche. 6 daye was baptized John Boykett & Margarett children of Elyas Boykett anno supra. Aprell 1583. 1583. 21 daye was baptized John Palmer Sonne of John Palmer anno supra. July. 21 daye was baptized John Browninge Sonne of Thomas Browninge d^nno sup^^. September. 15 daye was baptized Margaret Rickewood daughter of Rickewood^^^ anno supra. January. 19 daye was baptized John Nether sole Sonne of John Nethersole^^^ anno supra. The same daye also was baptized Jane Craye daughter of John Craye^^^ anno supra. May 1584. 1584. 17 daye was baptized Jane Bunce daughter of John Bunce anno supra. June. 29 daye was baptized Anne Denne daughter of Mr. Vincent Denne^''^ 2,nno supra. (1) " Margaret Rycarde, daughtr of John Rycarde." {a). (2) Mr. John Nethersole." (a). (3) "John Craye, y* sonne of John Craye." (a). (4) ' Mr. Vincent Denn, Doctor." {a). 15 September. 13 daye was baptized Jane Rugley daughter of Robert Rugley anno supra. ROBBE BaSSOCKE } u u j John Hopkin ] churchwardens. October 1584. 1584. 4 daye was baptized Mary Peerson daughter of Vincent Peerson anno supra. Decembr. 6 daye was baptized John Denne Sonne of Robert Denne anno supra. ffebruarye. 28 daye was baptized Mathewe Baldocke Sonne of WiUiam Baldocke anno supra. Aprell 1585. 1585. 18 daye was baptized John Gould Sonne of William Gould anno supra. June. 6 daye of June was baptized Thomasine Laborne daughter of Richard Laborne anno Supra. August. 29 daye was baptized Robert Boykett sonne of Elyas Boykett anno Supra. September. 19 daye was baptized John Sayer sonne of James Sayer anno supra. October. 28 daye was baptized Jeffery Haddine sonne of Jefferye Haddyne. a " Mr. John Nethersole." (a). (2) " Alice Rayner, daughter of Wydow Rayner, her father Matthew." (a). 17 Decembr 1587. 1587. 10 daye was baptized Thomas Culline"^^^ daughter of WilHam Culline "d^nno supra. ifebbruarye. 4 daye was baptized Catherine Denne daughter of Mr. Vincent Denne^-^ d.nno supra. Aprell 1588. 1588. 8 daye was baptized Nicholas Boyket Sonne of Elyas Boykett anno supra. June. 23 daye was baptized John Laban Sonne of Richard Laban anno supra. October. 6 daye was baptized Annis Rugly daughter of Richard Rugleye anno supra. Novembr. 1 7 daye was baptized Marye Hastlyn daughter of John Hastlyne d^nno supra. Januarye. 1 daye was baptized Mary Browninge daughter of Thomas Browninge 2,nno supr^. Aprell 1589. 1589 20 daye was baptized Katherine Mershe daughter of William Mershe & William Odley Sonne of Jobe Odleye anno supra. Maye. 18 daye was baptized Elizabethe Wayte daughter of George Wayte anno supra. June. 21 daye was baptized John Gould Sonne of William Gould d^nno supra. (1) " Tamsen Cully n." {a) "^^J " Mr Vincent Denne, Doctor." {a) July. 6 daye was baptized John Coorte Sonne of John Coorte anno supra. 20 daye was baptized Mary Churchman daughter of John Churcheman anno supra. September. 14 daye was baptized Annis Younge daughter of Vincent Younge 2.nno supra. 28 daye was baptized James Rugley Sonne of Robert Rugley anno supra. The same daye also was baptized William Nethersole sonne of Mr. John Nethersole. Decembr. 7 daye was baptized Edward Denne sonne of Robert Denne & John Haddine , Sonne of Jefferye Haddine anno supra. ffebruarye. I daye was baptized Vincent Craye Sonne of John Craye anno supra. 8 daye was baptized Mary Chambers daughter of Edward Chambers anno supra. Julye 1590. 1590 26 daye was baptized John Boykett sonne of Elyas Boykett anno supra. August. 9 daye was baptized Marye Allen daughter of John Allene^^^ anno supra. Novembr. I daye was baptized Margarett Rugley daughter of Richard Rugley anno supra. " Mr. John Allyn." (a) 19 January. 6 daye was baptized John Hastlyne Sonne of John Hastlyne anno supra. Maye 1591. 1 59 1 6 daye was baptized Henry Maple Sonne of Henry Maple anno supra. September. 26 daye was baptized Thomas Butler Sonne of Mr. Robert Butler anno supra. November. 21 daye was baptized John Odleye sonne of Jobe Odleye anno Supra. December. 19 daye was baptized Margarett Gould daughter of William Gould anno supra. ffebruarye. 6 daye was baptized William Younge Sonne of William Younge anno supra. Marche. 19 daye was baptized Anne Nethersole daughter of Mr. John Nethersole & Robert Denne sonne of Robert Denne anno supra. September 1592. 1592 3 daye was baptized George Richard sonne of John Rickard anno supra. ffebruarye. 1 1 daye was baptized Grace Scriben daughter of Thomas Scriben anno supra. Aprell 1593. 1593. 8 daye was baptized Sara Vsmor daughter of Ralfe Vsmor anno supra. & Jane Boykett daughter of Elyas Boykett 29 daye was baptized William Rugley sonne of Richard Rugley anno supra. 20 June. 10 daye was baptized Margaret Browninge daughter of Thomas Browninge 2,nno sup^^. August. 19 daye was baptized Joane Hastlyne daughter of John Hastlyne anno supra. Aprell 1594. 1594. 16 daye was baptized Vincent Younge Sonne of Vincent Younge^^^ anno supra. June. 23 daye was baptized William Brigg Sonne of Richard Brigge anno supra. Septembr. 30 daye was baptized Jone Browninge daughter of Mathew Browninge 2inno supr. Novembr. 3 daye was baptized Jone Courte daughter of John Courte anno supra. Decembr. 26 daye was baptized Margarett Goodwine daughter of Danyell Goodwine 2<.nno supra. Maye 1595. 1595. 4 daye was baptized Thomas Chambers Sonne of Edwarde Chambers anno supra. June. 1 1 daye was baptized Jone Rugleye daughter of Richard Rugley anno supra. 22 daye was baptized Willyam Rickard Sonne of John Ryckard anno supra. 30 daye was baptized Katherine Browninge daughter of Thomas Browninge 2,nno supra. ^^^ " Sonne of Vincent desseased." {a) July. I daye was baptized Jone Maple daughter of Henry Maple anno supra. Marche. 7 daye was baptized James Morley Sonne of James Morley anno supra. Aprell 1596. 1596. 25 daye was baptized Sara Nethersole daughter of Mr. John Nethersole anno supra. June. 6 daye was baptized John Brown inge Sonne of Mathew Browninge anno supra. 13 daye was baptized George Bassocke Sonne of Robert Bassocke anno supra. August. 29 daye was baptized John Mughole Sonne of Samuell Mughole anno supra. ffebruarye. 20 daye was baptized Stephen ffoorde Sonne of Edward ffoorde anno supra. Marche. 4 daye was baptized Sibell Dale daughter of Edward Dale anno supra. Julye 1597. 1597- 31 d^y^ ^^y^ was baptized John Denne Sonne of William Denne anno supra. ROBBE Bassock ) ^v , ,,, , John Hopkin 1 ^^^^^^ Wardens. August 1597. 1597- 7 daye was baptized Jane Baker daughter of Edward Baker anno supra. 28 daye was baptized Elizabeth Chambers daughter of Edward Chambers anno supra September. 1 1 daye was baptized Afifra Hastlyne daughter of John Hastlyne anno supra. January. 10 daye was baptized Elizabeth Goodwine daughter of Danyell Goodwine anno supra, 1 1 daye was baptized Elizabethe Davis daughter of Richard Davis anno supra. Marche. 5 daye was baptized Marye Zbppin* daughter of John Tbppin anno supra. 1 2 daye was baptized Marye Bassocke daughter of Robert Bassocke anno supra. September 1598. 1598. 10 daye was baptized Rebecka Nethersole daughter of Mr. John Nethersole anno supra. t By me John hastlyn person. Robert Bassock Churchwarden. John Hopkins | his marke. 1598. The. 25. of Decebr was Baptised Daniell Rycard y sonn of John. 1599. The. 26. August was Baptised Jayne Ruglye the daughter of Rycharde. The. 3. of ffebruary was baptised Ann Robinson the daughter of Edward. The. 10. Was baptized Dennis Mughole the Daughter of Samuell. 1600. The II of Maye was baptised Rycharde Chambers the Sonne of Edwarde. Aprill 7. Anna the daughter of William Denn was baptised. Novebr. 16. Jane the daughter of John Dale was baptised. Novemb. 21. Jane y daughter of Robert Bassocke baptised. * Coppin (?) t Thus far in the Register the entries have been transcribed from an earlier book. (See foot note on page 2 ) The Rector here signs with the Chuichwardens, at the end of the copy, to attest the whole. 23 Novebr. 30. Margaret the daughter of Henrie Rigden baptised. An. dom. 1601. An. 1 60 1. Aprill 19. Was baptised Robert Browninge the sonne of Matthewe Browninge. Novebr. 15. Was baptised Marget the daughter of George Baldocke. An. 1602. April 5. Was baptised Lucy the daughter of WilHam Denn. January 2. Was baptised Edwarde Dale the sonne of John Dale anno supra. Marche 13. Was baptised Richarde Gloover the sonne of Richarde Gloover. An. 1603. Marche 25. Was baptised Mary the daughter of Edwarde Robinso;?. Marche 27. Was bap. Richarde the sonne of Richard Rugley. May I. Was baptised James Browninge the sonne of Matthewe Browninge. May 29. Was baptised Vincent Denn the sonne of Mr. John Denn. An. 1604. July 15. Was baptised Robert Smithson the sonne of Gregorie Smithson. Octob. 7. Was baptised John the sonne of Richarde Rugley. Octob. II. Was baptised Roberte the sonne of Samuel Mughall. March 1 7. Was baptised John Nicols y sonne of Daniel Nicolls parson. Decemb. 16. Was baptised Martha the daughter of Edwarde Chambers. 1605. June 16. Was bap. Ann the daughter of John Loude. August 4. Was baptised Amie the daughter of John Huse. Marche 16. Was bap. Mathie y base sonne of Elsabethe Boyket. 1606. Sep. 14 Was bap : Jone the daughter of Gregory Smithson. Decemb. 7. was bap. Daniel the sonn of John Lowde. Decebr. 14. was bap. Thomasihe the daughter of Edwarde Robinson 1607 Marche 29. was bap. George the base borne sonne of Elsabeth Johnson. May 5 was bap : Daniel the sonne of John Heringe. May 10 was bap. Ann the daughter of Thomas Euckas. 24 May 31 was bap. John the sone of Auerey Sabin. Novebr. 8. was bap. Richarde Nicols y sonne of Daniel Nicols. parson. 1608. April 3. w^as baptised John the sonne of John Loude. April 24. was bap. Jane the daughter of Thomas Pierse. Octob : 25. was baptised James Wilforde the sonne of Sr. Thomas Wilforde Knight. Novemb : i. was bap : Thomas Ingester the sonne of Timothy Iniester. The same day was bap : Elsabethe the base born daughter of Ann Johnson. Deceb : 4. was bap : Clemente the sonne of Thomas Hogbin. February 26 : was bap: Anthony Woodd the sonne of John Woodd. The same day was bap : Mary Woodd the daughter of John Woodd. March : 1 2 was bap : Elene the daughter of Thomas Gregorie. 1609. April 9 was bap : Gregory Smithson the sonne of Gregory Smithso?/. Octob: I. was babtised Katerine Wilforde the daughter of Sr. Thomas Wilforde Knight. The same day was bap : Martha George the daughter of Thomas George. Visitat. Octobr. 10. Decebr : 24 was bap : Jane the daughter of Daniel Nicols parson. February 18 was bap : Roberte the son of John Cullen. 1610. Aprill 15. was bap : Richarde y^ sonne of Richard Preble. Visitat. April 24. July 15 was bap : Joane the daughter of John Wood. August 19. was bap : James y^ sonne of James Sayer. Visitat : Sep. 25. Octob : 7. was bap. Marget the daughter of Robert Eaton. 161 1. April 7. was bap. Jane y^ daughter of John Simons. April 28 was bap : Joane y daughter of Edwarde Browninge. July 22 was bap : Roberte the sonne of Daniel Rugley. Sep : I was bap : Judithe y daughter of Gregory Smithson. Octob : 27. was bap : dionys the daughter of Richarde Hopkin. The same day were bap : John and Roberte the sonns of John Rickwoode. 25 Noveb : 2 1 was bap : Daniel the sonne of Daniel Nicols -parson. Anno 16 1 2. March 29. was bap. william y^ sonn of Roberte Eato. Visitat. 28 of April. Septemb. 13 was bap. Marget the daughter of Thomas Norington. Octob. 25 was bap : Vincent y sonne of Willia;^^ Denn. Visitat. 21 of April Anno 161 3. May 30 was bap. Sara the daughter of Edwarde Browninge. July 1 1 was bap : Elsabeth y daughter of John Wood. August 8 was bap. John y^ sonne of John Simons. Visitat. 28 of September. Octob : 1 7 was bap : Edwarde the sonne of Sr. Thomas Wilforde Knight. January 23 was bap. Catharine y^ daugh : of Willia;;? Denn. The same day was bap : willia/^z y sonne of Robert golde. February 27. was bap. Edwarde y^ sonne of John Hatcher. March 13 was bap. Elsabethe y^ daughter of Robert Eaton. An : 1614. March 25 was bap. Elisabethe y^ daugh : of Daniel Nicols parson. Visitat. Aprill 30. May I was bap : Elias y^ sonne of John Boykett. May 29 was bap : Ann the daughter of Ingram Hogbone. Septemb : 4 was bap : Mary y^ daughter of John Rickwood. Visitat. Sep : 28. Octob. 9 was bap John y^ sonne of Mr.* Thomas Marshe. Octob. 23 was bap: Richard y sonne of Paule Browninge. Noveb. ii. was bap: Jane Smithson y daughter of Gregory Smithi'^?^. Deceb. 26 was bap. Stephen the sonne of Thomas Norington. An: 1615. March 26 was bap: Elizabethe the daughter of Sr. Thomas Wilforde Knight. April 30 was bap : Ann the daughter of Edwarde Browninge. May 21. was bap: Mary y daughter of Roberte Golde. * "Mr" inserted by a later hand. 26 May 28 was bap: Ann the daughter of Nicolas Rayner. June II. was bap: Joane the daughter of Henry Grigg. July 9 was bap: William y sonne of William Bridge. Febru: 11. was bap: Willmw y^ sonne of Edmunde. Vden. Visitat. April 10, 161 6. May 12 was bap: Ann the daughter of Mr. John Nethersole the younger. June 2. was bap: Ann the daughter of Robert Younge. August 25. was bap: Matthewe y sonne of Daniel Nicols parson. Visitat. Octob. i An: 1616. Octob: 13 was bap: Mary y^ daughter of Thomas Hopkin. Decemb. 8. was bap : Edwarde the sonne of Mr. William Denn. January: 12. was bap: Marget the daughter of Edwarde Browninge. March 16 was bap: Mary y^ daughter of Paule Browninge. Visitat. April 30. Anno 161 7. May II. was bap: Mary y^ daughter of John Giles. May 25 was bap: John the sonne of Roberte Golde. Visitat, Octob: 3. Octob: 5. was bap: John the sonn of William Bridges. Octob: 19 was bap: Luke y^ sonn of Thomas Smithet. Deceb: 7. was bap: Roberte y sonn of Robert Eaton. Decemb. 28. was bap: Catherine Rickwood the daughter of John Rickwood. Febr: 15. was baptised Marget the daughter of John Boyket. March i was bap : William y^ sonn of Thomas Hopkin. Apriil 12 was bap: William y sonn of Daniel Nicols person. Visitat. April 14. An. 16 18. (28. Ap: Septemb. 6. was bap : Elsabethe ye daughter of Roberte Younge. Visitation ye. i. of Octobr. an. sup. Novemb: 8 were bap: Jane & Thomasine y daughters of John Loude. January 17. was bap: Paul y sonne of Paul Browninge. January 31. was bap : Margery y^ daughter of Henry Taylor, ffebruary 14. was bap : Mary y^ daugh : of John Waginer. An : 1619. May 2. was bap : Sara y*' daughter of Thomas Hopkin. 27 May 30 was bap : Ann : y daugh : of John Ventiman. July II. was bap : Edwarde the sonne of Edwarde Browning. Septeb : 1 9 was bap : Marget y daughter of William Allen. Visitat. y^ 27. of Septembr. Octob : 24 was bap : John y sonne of John Giles. An : 1620. April 23 was bap : Marget y daughter of William Bridges. April 30 was bap : Edwarde y sonne of Thomas Hastefer.^^^ August, 20 was bap : Matthewe y base borne sonne of Amie Smithe. Septembr. 10 was bap : Roger y sonne of Roberte Golde. Oct. 29 was bap : Mary y^ daughter of John Boyket. The same day was bap : Marget y^ base borne daughter of Marget Mughole. Noveb : 26 was bap : Roberte the sonne of John Everden. Decemb : 10 was bap : Edmonde y sonne of Thomas Hopkin. The same day was bap : Margery y^ daughter of John Giles. Deceb : 24 was bap : Thomas y sonne of Daniel Nicols -parson, March 4 were bap : Vincent & Thomas the sonns of John Rickwood. April 8 was bap : Ann y daughter of Paule Browning. Visitat. y 10 of April. Visitat. Sept. 28. Ann : 1621. Octob. 14 was bap : John y sonne William Sally. Noveb : 25 was bap : Mary y daugh : of Thomas Kingsmel. March 3. was bap : Thomas y sonne of Vincent Cray. An : 1622. April 7 was baptised Joane y^ daughter of William Allen. April 14 was bap : Mary y daughter of John Everden. July 5 was bap : Ann the daughter of Sr. Thomas Wilford Knight. Octob : 13 was bap : Mary y daughter of William Bridges. Noveb : 1 7 was bap : Martha y daughter of James Wrathe. January i. were bap : Stephan & George y sonnes of Robert Golde. (1) Hasley" (a). 28 ffebruary 2. was bap : Mary y^ daughter of Edward Browninge. An : 1623. Marche 30 was bap : Martha y^ daughter of Thomas Hopkin. August 10. Was bap : George y sonne of Thomas Tallies. Septeb : 14 was bap : Marget the daughter of John Rickwood. Septemb. 21. was bap : Marget y daughter of Robert Younge. Visitat ye 23 of Septemb. Novemb. 30 was christened Elisabethe Marshe y daughter of Mr.* Thomas Marshe. Deceb. 26 was bap : John y^ sonne of Matthew Shoveler. ffebruary i. was bap : William y sonne of William Sally. An : 1624. May y 2 was bap : Thomas y sonne of Thomas Hastifer. July 4 were bap : Catherine & Jane y^ daughters of Thomas JHopkin. Sep. 26. was bap : Elsabeth y daughter of Paule Browninge. Visitat. Sep. 30. Octob. 3. was bap : Jane y daughter of Mr. Edwine Auger. March 13 was bap : Thomas y sonne of Thomas Branslet. March 20 was bap : Thomas y sonne of Matthew Shoveler. 1625. April 1 7. was bap : Jhon y sonne of William Allen. Visitat. April 26. May I. was bap : Thomas y sonne of Thomas Kingsmeele. Sep. 18 was bap : John y^ sonne of John Giles. The same day was bap : Mary y daughter of Vincent Cray. Octob: 9 was bap : Joane y^ daughter of Austen Godfray. Decemb. 11. was bap : John y sonne of John Boyket. Decemb. 18. was bap : Thomas y^ sonne of Robert Younge. An : 1626. May 1 1 "was bap : Mary y daughte. of Thomas Mershe. July 16 was bap : Robert y sonne of Robert Gold. July 23 was bap : Water y sonne of Sr. Thomas Wilforde Knight. * " Mr " inserted by a later hand. 29 August 27. was bap : Edwin y sonne of Thomas Dewell. Octob. I. was baptised William y sonne of Thomas Tallies. The same day was bap : Elsabethe y^ daughter of William Sally. Octob. 22/^^ was bap : Mergery y^ daughtr of Thom : Kingsmeel. 1627. April 15 was bap : Vincent y sonne of Thomas Branslet. May 27. was bap. Joane y base borne daughter of Joane Ladd. June 24th was bap : Homfray y sonne of Paule Browninge. July 8 was bap : Alise y daughter of William Silke. October 18 was baptised Lucke Richard y sonne of John Richard. Decemb. 9 was bap : ffrances y daughter of Willia;^ Sabin. January 29."^^^ was bap : Jeremy y sonne of Willia/;/ Sally. 1628. April 27 was bap : Daniel y sonne of Robert Younge. August 1 7 was bap : Mildred y^ daughte of Williaw Allen. Octob. 12 were bap: Nicholas & Richard y sonns of James Wrathe. Noveb. 2. was bap : John y sonne of Richard Winter. Deceb. 4, was bap : Ann y daught. of John Boyket. 1629. May 3. was bap, Susan y daughter of William Sauin. May 17 was bap : Jane y daught. of John Rickwood. Septemb : 17 was bapt. Benet y^ daught. of Thomas Branslit Noueb. I was bap. Thomas y sonne of Richard Tallies. Deceb. 6. was bap. ssusan y*' daught. of Richard Wood. Deceb. 20 was bap. Augustine y sonne of Samuel Branslet. January 10 was bap: James y sonne of Nicholas Smithe. ifebruary 7. was bap: Nicholas y^ sonne of John Barber. 1630. June 22 was baptised ffrancis the daught. of S*" Thomas Baker Knight. July 25 was bap: Joane y daughter of John Rickwood th'elder. ^1^ "Oct. 27 "(a). i Jan 27" {a). 30 August 29 was bap: Mary the daughter of William Allen. October 1 7 was bap : Alexander y sonne of William Silke. January 2 was bap: John y sonn of Thomas ffriend. 1631. July 10 was bap: Mary y daughter of Thomas Claringbold. November 4 were bap : Paule & Jonas y^ sonns of William Sally. January 22 was bap: William y sone of Willia;;/ Cullen. The same day was bap : Sara y daughter of Thomas Bransley. Marche 18 was bap: Samuel y^ sonne of Samuel Bransley. 1632. April 30 was bap: Hezechias the sonne of Whittingam ffogg gentl. June the 24th was baptized Thomas the sonne of John Mughall. ffebruary the 17th was baptized Thomas the sonne of Thomas Claringbolle. March y^ 3rd was Baptized Elizabeth the daughter of William Alleine. 1633. 1633. Thomas the sonne of S*" Thomas Baker Knight was baptized the 9th of May. Elizabeth the daughter of Whittingam Fogg gent, was baptized the same day. Vincent & Richard the sonnes of Nicholas Bonham were baptized y^ 13th day of August. Isaac Winter the sonne of Richard was baptized the 13th of October. Barbara the daughter of Thomas beQXQ bapti the 20 of Novemb. Thomas the Sonn of Thomas Freind was baptized the 8th of December. Richard Solly the Sonne of William was baptized the last of January. Stephen Hogben the Sonne of Jonas was baptized the 2nd of February. 1634. 1634. Annah Tallice the daughter of Richard & Mary was baptized the 13th of Aprill. 31 Thomas the Sonne of Whittingam Fogge gent. & Katherine was baptized y 24th of Aprill. Margaret the daughter of S"" Thomas Baker Knight & Frances Lady baptized the 5th of September. John White the Sonne of I'homas & Margaret was baptized the 5th of October. Joane Branslet the daughter of Thomas & Katherine baptized the 1 8th of January. James Pittocke the Sonne of John & Sarah baptized the 8th of February. 1635. EHzabeth the daughter of James Shipton Gierke & Joane baptized the 29th of May. Anne Kingsmel the daughter of John & Joane baptized the 9th of June. 1635. Thomas Hopkin y^ son of John y^ yonger & Anne was bapt: y^ 19. of July. William Fogg y^ Sonn of Whittingham. Gent : & Katharyne was bapt : y same day. Elizabeth Jones y daughter of David & Elizabeth was bap: y^ 26 of July. James y sonn of S^ Thomas Baker Knight & ffrancis his lady was bapt: y 26 Septemb. Mary Winter y daughter of Richard & Elizabeth bapt: y ist of November. Anne Browne y daughter of John & Elizabeth bapt: the same day. Mary Beake y^ daughter of Henry & Joane bapt. y 15th of Novemb. Robert Turner y Son of Richard & Susan bapt: y 14th of February. Ann Myhell y^ daughter of Richard and Mildred bap: y^ 28 February. 1636 John Branchly y sonne of Samuell & Parnell baptiz: y 27 th of March. James Pittock y^ sonn of John & Sarah bapt : the 3rd of Apryll. William Beer y Sonne of Thomas & Anne bapt : y 15 of May. Anne Rickwood y daughter of John and Mary bapt : y 26 of June. Elizabeth Hobdy y daughter of ifrancis, & ffrancis his wife bapt : y*^ ist of January. 32 John Sterling y Sonn of John & Mary bapt : the 15th day of January. Richard y Sonn of Ambrose Snapes and AUyce his wife was bapt. y 19th of February. 1637. EHzabeth y^ daughter of Richard & Ann Thraps was baptiz : y 25 of June. WilHam y son of Richard and Mildred Myhel was baptiz : y 9th of July. Mary y daughter of John & Margery Godwyn was bapt : y^ i6th of July. Myhill y^ Sonn of David & Elizabeth Jones was baptiz : y^ 30th of July. Thomas the Sonn of Henry & Joan Beak bapt : y^ 3rd of Septemb. Ann y6 daughter of William & Judeth Gould, bapt : y 4th of March. 1638. Dorathy y daughter of John & Joane Kyngsmell was baptiz : Apryll y*^ loth. Danyell the Son of Nathanyell & Mary Nash was baptiz : Apryll y^ 29th. Sarah y daughter of John & Sarah Pittockwas baptiz : June y 1 7th. Danyell Rickwood y^ Son of John and Mary Rickwood bapt : July y 22. Ruthe y daughter of John and Ann Barber Baptiz : Septembe^ y 2nd. Richard the Sonn of S'" Thomas Baker Knight bapt : y 7th Septemb. Leah y^ daughter of Thomas and Ann Beer was baptized Septemb. ye 23d. Elizabeth y daughter of John & EHzabeth Browne^^-* was baptised Octob. ye 28th. John y Sonn of Richard and Myldred Myhell bapt : y^ 23d Decemb. 1639. Richard the Son of Richard TalHs^^^ was baptiz : March y 31. Abraham y^ son of Abraham Wood was baptiz : Apryll y^ 7th. Steven the Sonne of Michaell Huffam Cleark and Leah his wife was baptiz : July the 28th. Mary y daughter of Samuelle & Parnell Branchley was bapt. Octob : y 6th. (^) " John & Ann Brown." (a) w " Richard & Mary Tallis." (a) 33 Mary y daughter of Richard & Ann Marsh was baptiz ; Decemb. y 29th. John y Son of John & Margret Hedgcock bapt : January y 19th. Richard Hobdy y son of ffrancis was baptized y 23d of February. Susan ye daughter of Richard & Susan Turner baptized March y^ I St. 1640. Thomas the son of Richard and Sarah Wood was bapt. August y^ 27th. Ehzabeth y daughter of Richard & Ann Traps was bapt : August y^ 30th. ffrancis the daughter of Mr. James Wilsford gent, was baptized Decemb : the 20th: WilHam the sonne of Henry Beake was baptized Januarye ye 24th. John the Son of John Hedgcock bapt : ffebruary y^ 2nd. Michaell y^ Sonne of Michael Huffam Gierke and Leah his wife was baptized March the 2nd. 1 64 1. Henry y^ Sone of S*" Thomas Baker Knt. bapt: March ye 28th. The same day was bapt : Elizabeth y^ daughter of S"" Thomas Baker. Gregory the sonn of Antony Gullen and Jane his wife was baptis : March the i6th. Griffin the son of William Allen was baptis : Septemb. y^ loth. Thomas y sone of John Browne and Elizabeth his wife was baptized the 3rd of October. Margaret Woodle daughter of William & Elizabeth Woodle Baptized June y 27th 1641. 1642. Apryll the 12th was baptised Elizabeth the daughter of Richard and Myldred Myhell. Apryll the 24th was baptised William the sone of John and Mary Rickwood. Steven the sonn of Thomas and Mary Phylpott was baptised. Richard the sonn of Richard and Martha Burton baptised August the 7th. William the sonn of Samuell and Parnell Branchly baptis : Septemb : y^ nth. 34 Thomas the sonn of Michael Huffam Clerk and Leah his wife was bapt : Septemb y^ 25th. Richard the sonn of Abra!ham Wood was bapt : the 2d of October. Thomas the sonne of Richard Dixon & Marie his wife was baptised October the twentie third. December the 8th was babtised Charles, the sonn of S'" Thomas Baker Knight. Januarie the 3rd was baptized Margaret the daughter of Henry Beeke and Joane his wife. Thomas Hopkin the sonn of William and Margaret Hopkin baptized feb : 5th. Margaret Godwin the daughter of Griffith Godwin baptised feb : 5th. Richard Wood the sonne of Richard & Sarah Wood was baptised March the 19th. 1643. Thomas Sawyer the sonne of James & Joane Sawyer baptised Aprill the 4th. Henrie Hidgecocke the sonne of John & Margarett Hidgecocke was baptised June the 28th. Marie Gould the daughter of William & Judith Gould was baptised Julie the i6th. Thomas y^ sonn of William Oldfeild and Ann his wife baptized Aprill y^ 10. Francis Mihil daughter of Richard & Mildred Mihil baptized October 15th 1643. Elizabeth Kingsmell daughter of John & Joane Kingsmell baptized October 22 1643. Thomas Question y son of Charles & Anne Question baptized November 19 1643. James Wood y son of James & Mary Wood baptized November 19th 1643. John Hobday y^ son of Francis & Francis Hobday baptized December 17th 1643. Tomasin Court y^ daughter of Robert & Ellen Court baptized March 17 th 1643. 1644. Griffin y^ son of Griffin and Elizabeth Godden bapt. March 1 2th. 35 1 645- baptized John Godden y^ sonn of Griffin Godden. Christian Bushell daughter of Thomas Bushell and Anne his wife was baptized the 28th of October 1644. WilHam Oldfeild sonne of William Oldfeild and Ann his wife babtised June y^ 24 1645. 1647. Septembr. 28. was babtized Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Sarah wood. 1648. June the 18 was baptized Sarah the daughter of Griffin Godden. June the 25 was baptized Sarah the daughter of Goodman Budds. Decemb. y 10 in the same yeare, was babtized Paull the sonn of Nicolas Dingley, (minister of Kingston) and Christian his wife. the same year June y 15th was baptized John y^ sonn of Vincent & Mary Rickwood. Feb. 18 in the same yeare was babtized the * ' of James Sayer. Jan. 13 was baptized Nicolas the sonn of Nicolas Dingley (parson of Kingston) and christian his wife. 1649. Jan. 27. was baptized John y^ sonn of Robert White and Alice his wife. 1649. febru y^ 27 was baptized Henry y^ son of Steven Mapple & Elizabeth his wife. John the sonn of Thom^ Grey and Margaret his wife was baptized the 26 day of November. was baptised Rich My hill y sonn of Richard My hill & Myldred his wife y^ 24 of June 1650. William the sonne of Richard Gibbon gent and Mary his wife was babtized the 2d of ffebru. 1649. Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Gibbon gent and Mary his wife was baptized the 12th of Aprill 1650. Dameris Gibbon borne y^ 4th of Octob, 1655. Anne the Daughter of Thomas Kingsmell Junior and his Marye his wife was baptized the 2 : of. August 1652. Octob. 20 1650 was baptized EHzabeth fowell daughter of Thomas and Ann Fowell. 1653. March y^ 15th was baptized Ann: y daughter of Steven Mapple & Elizabeth his wife. 36 1 653- March y^ 2 * We the parishioners of Kingston doe nominate you Nicolas Dingley our minister to be keeper of y Register booke of y^ said parish of Kingston and doe desire the justices of y^ peace to approve yereof according y^ late Act of Parliament in wittnes wherof we subscribe our names Robert Young Church warden of y^ said parish Tho. Kingsmell Rich. Wood Will. Addams Rich : Pettit Bichd. Trapps. 1653. March y 12 were baptized Samuell and Willw;z Brenchley sonn and daughter of Austen Brenchley and Joane his wife. March y^ 19 was baptized Thomas fowell sonn of Thom : fowell. 1654. Aprill y6 2. was baptized Nicolas Cox Sonn of Andrew Cox. Aprill y6 9 was baptized Mary daughter of Goodm. Frierson & his wife. Aprill y 24 was baptized William Sonn of Stephen & Fillis Fittell. Novemb. y^ 30 was baptized Elizabeth Maple y^ daughter of Stephen Maple. Decemb. y^ 31 was baptized Hellen Salley daughter of William Salley. 1655. November y^ 10 was baptized Elizabeth y^ daughter of Steven Mapple & Elizabeth his wife. 1655. Octob. y 2 was baptized Mary y^ daughter of Austen and Joane Brenchly. 1652. Sara the daughter of Thomas Grey and Margar^/ his wife, was baptized the 2 of Decemb. 1652. 1656. Thomas the Sonne of Thomas Grey and Margaret his wife was baptized the Eleventh of May 1656. * By an Act of Parliament passed 24 Aug. 1653, it was ordered that every parish should forthwith proceed to the election of a ' Parish Register ' (sic) who was to be the keeper of the Register Books, and to enter all marriages, births, and burials. This Act only continued in force till the Restoration. 37 i66 2.* ffebrey the first was baptised susane the dafter of Wilham Brise and Jone his wife. 1656. Janry. y 17 was babtized Thomas sonn of Robert Boys & Mary his wife. 1 66 1, was baptised Robert the sun of Robert Jull and an his wife. 1656. december y 27 of the same yeare was borne Bennet Browne the daughter of John Browne & Mary his wife, & January y^ 10 of y same yeare was y^ said Bennet Browne baptized. March y^ 1 2 of y*^ same yeare was baptized Augustine the sonn of August : & Joane Brenchly. 1658. Aprill y^ sixth was baptised Mary Read daughter of John Read of Kingston which Mary Read was borne march y*^ last the same day on which her father John Read was buried. 1669. March the 6 was baptised John the sun of WilHam Brice and Jonne his wife. febr : the 10 at 3 of the clock in the morning was borne Christian second daughter of Nicolas Dingley and Christian his wife which Christian was baptized in the parish church of King- ston feb. y^ 13 1658. 1659. May the twelfth of the same yeare was baptized Richard sonn of Richard and Jane Strowd of y parish of Barhaw. Novmb y^ 14 1658 was baptized Anna the daughter of Edward Ewell gent. & Katherine his wife. 1658. August y 22 was baptised Robart y^ sonne of Robart Boyes & Mary his wife. March y^ 8 was borne Thomas Wilsford sonn of James Wilsford Esq. & Elizabeth his wife, y said Thom. Wilsford was baptized March y^ 20 of y same yeare. 1659. Nuember the 12 was baptized eles the dafter of Robert Jule and ane his wife. 1659. march y^ 11 was baptized Ann the daughter of Andrew wanstall & Elizabeth his wife. Septemb. y 10 of y^ yeare was baptized Elizabeth Attwood. daughter of Thomas Attwood & Ann his wife. * The Baptisms in this part of the Register are not in order of date. It appears that some were not registered at the time, but were subsequendy entered, being inserted where space could be found on the page. > 38 i66o. Aprill y^ 5 was baptized George the sonn of John cockHnn & Martha his wife. 1660. Aprill y^ 15 was baptizised Damoris y^ daughter of Steven Mapple & Damoris his wife. 1660. June y 24 was baptized John the Sonn of John Hedgcock and Mary his wife. March y 1 1 was baptised Mary y daughter of Robart Boyse & Mary his wife. 1659. Feb. 24 was baptised Thomas Sonn of Augustin & Joan Brenchley. July the 7 of the same yeare was baptized Clement the sonn of Thomas and Elizabeth Court. 1660. Octob. y 29 was baptized Sam: y^ sonn of Augustin Brenchley & Joane his wife. 1 66 1. Jan: y 18 was baptised Elizibeth y daughter of Robart Boyse & Mary his wife. 1 66 1. March y"" 27 was baptized Ann the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Court. ( ) 0) 1662. June y^ 24 was baptised Anne y*' daughter of Arthur Hayward & Elizibeth his wife. 1662. febru y 6 was baptised Steven y^ sonn of Steven Mapple &: Damoris his wife. 1662. November y" 23 was baptized Martha Cocklinn daughter of John ) (Not in the Register.) (2) " Betts " (:<^;. 52 July 4th 1703. Elizabeth Wraith daughter of Will"^ Wraith & his wife. Feb 7 1703. Sarah the Daughter of John Horton & his wife. March 5 1703. Mary the Daughter of Tho. ifowl & his wife. June 24 1704. Holyday the son of . . . .<^^^ feb. 18 1704. Ann the daughter of Abr. Baker, feb 28 1704. John the son of Abr. Atwod. March 1 8. Susanna the daughter of Thomas Rigden. Dec. 9^^ 1705. Jno. the son of James Burch. March 3^4o_ Baptized William y Son of William & Elizabeth Fuller. ' ^ 6o Septemb'* i^* 1740, Baptized Ann y^ Daughter of M^ Chibbourn Sabine & Ann his wife. Oct'" 26*^ 1740- Baptized Thomas y** Son of John & Mary Laurence. Nov^'" g^^ 1740. Baptized John y Son of Stephen & Ann Knight. Nov^*"- 23. 1740. Baptized W y Son of Rich. & Eliz : White. Jan'T^ 4 1 741. Baptized Stephen y Son of Tho^- & Wilmot Bewly. Aprill 5 1 741. Baptized EHz^^^^ y^ Daughter of John & Margaret Rafe. Apr. 22 1 741. Baptized Ann the Daughter of Henry and Sarah Baker. ArchBishop's 2^ Visitation. Held June 16 1741. Peter Innes Rector. Septbr 27 1741. Baptized Sarah y^ Daughter of James & EHzabeth Pingle. Oct^"^ 18 1 741. Baptized Thomas Bryan y^ Son of John & Joanna Claringbould.^^^ Jan^y 19 174^. Baptized EHzabeth ye Daughter of Richard & Sarah Maine. Augst yfi 8*^ 1742. Baptized Hannah y Daughter of John & Mary Birch. October y^ ^i^^ 1742. Baptized Mary y Daughter of Stephen & Ann Knight. Jan'T' 30 174^. Baptized Ann y^ Daughter of John & Mary Laurence. May 29 1743. Baptized Sarah the Daughter of Edward & Sarah Baker. Sep*- 30 1743. Baptized Mary y Daughter of Richard & Eliza- beth White. Dec^"" 29 1743. Baptized Joanna y Daughter of John & Joanna Claringbould. Ap^ 23 1744. Baptized Ann y^ Daughter of Thomas and Eliza- beth Law. (1) a Nicholson.'* (^) In the Register " Nicholson " has been crossed out and " Claringbould " substituted. 6i May 13 1744. Baptized Mary y Daughter of Ambrose & Eliza- beth Coller. June 3 1744. Baptized Robert y^ Son of Robert & EHzabeth Butler. June 24 1 744. Baptized Susanna y Daughter of Stephen & Ann Knight. Jan'T' 20*^ 1745. Baptized James y^ Son of John & Mary Birch. July the 7*^ 1745. Baptized Richard y Son of Richard & Eliza- beth White. July the 28* 1745. Baptized Richard y son of John & Mary Laurence. ffebruary y^ 2*^ 1746. Baptized John y Son of John & Mary Cullen. ffcbry 161 746. Baptized Parnell y daughter of John & Elizabeth Hogben. Peter Innes Rector. [End of the Baptisms in the first Register Book.] 62 ISECOND REGISTER BOOK.'] BAPTISMS. Februaryf^> 17th 1745 Baptized Elizabeth y Daughter of Tho^ Law lately deceas'd & Elizabeth his wife. March 3d 1745. Baptized Richard y son of I'homas & Margaret Wood. March 6^^ 1 74^. Baptized Jane the daughter of John & Joanna Claringbould. May 4th. 1746. Baptized John y^ son of Thomas & Elizabeth Friend. May 18. 1746. Baptized James y^ son of Richard & Mary Birch. Augst ye 1 7 . J ^^^ Baptized Sarah y^ daughter of Ambrose & Elizabeth Coller. Augst ye 31 1746. Baptized William y^ son of Henry & Sarah Johnson. Nov'^'" ye 2" "Ann."C'^> *'Mary."(; 68 May Io*^ 1761. Mary daughter of Thom^- & Ann Kingsmill was baptized. May J/*^*^ 1761. Sarah daughter of Daniel & Mary Smith was baptized. (. ..)''' Nov"- 8*^ 1 761. William Son of John & Sarah Horton was baptized. Nov. 22"- 10**^ 1762. John son of Ric'^ & Mary Belsey was baptized. March 7*'*'- 1762. Will'"- son of Edw^- Margaret Beer was baptized. April II*''- 1762. Will- son of James & Ann Williams was baptized. Aug^- 29*^ 1762. Marcey y daughter of Ric*^ & Eliz^^'- Castleden baptd- March 27*^ 1763. Elizabeth y base born daughter of Stephen Finn jun'"- & Elizabeth Whitehead was baptized. Aug* 7*^- 1763. Gibbon son of Gibbon & Margaret Lad was baptized. Sept 4*^ 1763. Sarah daughter of John & Mary Williams was baptized. Oct y^ 1763. William son of Henry & Eliza*^ Spaine was baptized. Wm. Barrett, Curate. 1763. Nov*" 27. Mary the daug'' of James & Ann William. Dec 25*^'- Elizabeth Daughter of James Brooks and Elizabeth his wife. 1764. Jany- 29*^- Sarah daughter of Thomas & Sarah Finnes was baptized. W. Taswell, Curate. Feby 26. William son of Richard and Mary Ratley was baptiz'd. (1) ''May I4^^'"(a)&(d) " Sept C^^ 1 761. William son of Thomas and Elizabeth Brisley was baptised.' (a) (Not in the Register.) 69 March ii*^^- Edward son of Thomas and Ann Brisely was baptiz^- April 15*^- Edward and EHzabethbase born Children of Edward Ruttly and Elizabeth Browning were baptiz'd. May 27'^- James son of Thomas Godwin and Judith his wife was baptiz*^- June 24^^- John son of John and Elizabeth Mutton was baptized. August 19'^- Jane daughter of Thomas Castle and Elizabeth his wife was baptized. Octo^^ 25. Elizabeth daughter of William Knight and Mary his wife was baptiz'd. H. Fox, Curate. 1765- Jany 20. Thomas son of Gibbon and Margaret Lad was baptized. Jany 27. Richard son of Richard and Elizabeth Castleden. March lo*^- Henry son of John & Elizabeth Mutton. May 5*^' Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Sarah Finnis. H. Fox, Curate. 1765. May 19. John the son of Ingram and Elizabeth Swain. June 9*'^- John son of John and Sarah Horton. July 2 2<^- Thomas son of James & Elizabeth Brooks. September 22 1765. Sarah daughter of Henry Harnett and Jane his wife was baptized, Nov 3 1765. James son of James & Ann Williams was baptized. 1766. Decem^'' y^ 22^^- John Baseborn son of John Wood and Eliza- beth Webb was baptized. May 11*^^- Elizabeth daughter of Rich^ Keeler and Martha his wife was baptized. June y^ i^^- Richard son of W"^ White and Martha his wife was baptiz'd. June y i^"^- Robert son of John Mutton and Elizabeth his wife was baptized. August 24. Elizabeth daugh^^'"- of John Finnis and Mary his wife was baptiz'd. 70 Oct^ 5th. Thomas son of John & Ehzabeth Mutton was baptiz'd. Nov^^' 2<*- Ehzabeth baseborn daughter of John Butler & Sarah Beer was baptiz'd. 1767. Feby 8*^- Susannah daughter of Gibbon & Margaret Ladd was baptized. Feb^y 18^^^ John son of Peter & Mary Jacob was baptiz'd. March 29 : John son of W*" & Mary Knight was baptiz'd. W. Taswell, Curate. Nov^^ gth. Tho- son of James WiUiams and Ann his wife was baptiz'd. 1768. May 14th. Tho^: son of John Horton & Sarah his wife was baptiz'd. 28*^^ Aug*- Thos- son of John & Ehz*'^ Mutton was baptized. 23 Ocf- Ann daug**" of Ja^- & Ehz**^ Brookes was baptised. 30**^- Jane daug*^'" of John Price and Sarah Church was baptized. 1769. I Jany. Sam^ son of Peter & Mary Jacob was baptized. John Nairn was inducted into this Rectory Feb. 13. March 23. Sarah d*"- of Tho. White and Mary his wife was baptiz'd. 9 Api- Ehz**' Daugr. of Edw'd & Sarah Beer. May 14*^^- John son of John Wood & Sarah his wife was baptiz'd. July 30. Harrison son of Thomas & Mary Page was baptized. September 24*^- Alexander son of James & Ann Williams was baptiz'd. 1770. June 3. Mary daughter of Thomas White and Mary his wife. June lo*^- Mary daughter of John Mutton and Elizabeth his wife. July 8**^- Mary daughter of Sawyard & Hester Simpson. October 7*^- John son of James & Elizabeth Brooks. 1771. 177 1. February 17. Smith son of William & Elizabeth Mutton. 0) "Feb, i5th"Ca; ~" 71 Feburary 17. Elizabeth base born daughter of Ann Sutton. April 28. WiUiam son of Peter & Mary Jacob. August 18. Ann daughter of WilHam & Mary Dawkins. October 13. Susanna daughter of John and Susanna Finch. October 27. Halke son of WiUiam & Abigail Ellen was privately baptized & received into the Church 28^^ of June, 1772. John Nairn, Rector. 1771. 1 77 1. November 17*^- John son of James & Ann Williams. November 24. Thomas son of John & Mary Finnis. 1772. 1772. January i. Thomas son of Thomas Watkinson Payler* Esq^^ & Charlotte his wife was privately baptized, and was received into the Church 13*^ of January. January 1 2. William son of Thomas & Mary Laurence. February 2. Christopher son of John & Sarah Wood. April 12. George, son of James & Mary Pritchard. July 3. Ralph, son of John & Elizabeth Mutton. August 9. Mary daughter of Richard & Martha Keeler. September 27. Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Mary White. Novemb^-* 29. Ann daughter of Thomas & Mary White. December 13. Michael base born son of Mary Hopkins. 1773. 1773. March 14. Mary daughter of Thomas & Mary Mutton. April II. Richard son of James & Elizabeth Brooks. April 18. Mary daughter of Richard & Mary Pierce. June 27. Edward son of John & Mary Castle. August 2 2") bom July 14**^ bapt " Grome." (a) (2) u Johannes Wylcoke, clericus." (a) 87 July. 1 7 daye were maryed Thomas Milborne & Alice Gould anno Supra : 30 daye were maryed William Sampson & Annis Wood anno supra : November. a6 daye were maryed John Browninge & Jone Rugleye Anno Supra : Maye 1567. 1567. 28 daye were maryed Robert Sturdye & Gylian Lucke anno supra : November. 24 daye were maryed James Sayer & Jone Ruglye anno supra : October 1568. 1568. 21 daye were maryed John Pette & Jane Coolinge. anno supra : Maye 1571. 15 daye were maryed Thomas Hopkine & Elizabethe Harffeild anno supra ROBBE. BaSSOCKE * 1 John Hopkin J September 1571. 157 1. 6 daye were maryed Thomas Hall & Anne Gould anno Supra : September 1574. 1574. 20 daye were maryed william Gould & Jone Barton anno supra : ( )'" * See footnote, page 2. (1) 28th October Wyllm. Wyer & Annis Rugleye." (a) (Not in the Register.) Churchwardens. ss Julye 1575. 1575. 4 daye were maryed Thomas Peerce & Margaret Rayner anno supra : November. 24 daye were maryed John Nethersole & Alice Chapman anno supra : October 1576. 1576. 22 daye weare maryed Robert Rugley & Margarett Ditton anno supra : Maye 1577. 1577. II daye were maryed Nicholas Beageant & Marye Boykett anno Supra : September. 30 daye were maryed Andrew Johnson &: Isabell Younge anno supra : Januarye. 20 daye were maryed Nicholas Bunce & Samuell Chourthop anno Supra : November 1578. 1578. 27 day weare maryed Elyas Boykett & Bettris Scarlett anno supra : November 1579. 1579. 16 daye were maryed Thomas Mughole & Jone Nicholas widowe anno supra ffebruarie. 15 daye were maryed John Christian & Alice Sweetinge anno supra : June 1580. 1580. 27 daye were maryed John Gyles & Agnis Hopkine anno supra : 89 July 1581. 1 581. 31 daye were maryed Anthony Mason & Margaret Prestod^^) anno supra : October, 30 daye were maryed John Rickard & Isabell Johnson anno supra : November 1583. 1583. 12 daye were maryed Gilberd Morris & Alice Hatche anno supra : ffebruary. 13 daye were maryed John Stokes & Patience Nethersole anno supra ROBBE. BaSSOCKE ) ^, , . , John Hopkyn \ ^^"^^^ Wardens. October 1586. 1586. 17 daye were maryed Thomas Newstreate & Marye Hilles anno supra : October 1587. 1587. 9 daye were maryed Richard Rugley & Dorytie Danyell anno supra : 10 daye weare maryed John Quilter & Anne Austen anno supra : Maye 1588. 1588. 16 daye were maryed John Churchman & Alice Swinford widow anno supra June. 3 daye weare maryed Vincent Nethersole & Elizabethe Denne anno Supra : October 15. 6 daye were maryed Thomas Epps & Jayne Serieante ^^^ anno Supra : (1) " Widow." (a) C2) Widow." (a) f^) Sergen." (a) 90 The same daye also were maryed Edward Chambers & EUzabeth Dale anno supra November. 29 daye were maryed John Blasht & Marye Rugley anno Supra : January. 20 daye were maryed George Wayte & Margery Johnson anno Supra : June 1589. 1589. 30 daye weare maryed George Milles & Marye Wilsford ^^^ anno Supra : September 1591. 1591. II daye weare maryed Edmond Tristram & Pleasante Bunce widow ditino %vc^ra Maye 1592. 1592. 16 daye weare maryed Henry Carpenter & Jone Hogbeane anno supra : October. 5 daye were maryed William Swifte ^^^ & Marye Philpott anno Supra : 30 daye were maryed Thomas Seryven & Jone Labanne anno supra : Aprell 1593. 30 daye were maryed John Coorte & Ursula . . . ^^^ anno Supra: September. 13 daye weare maryed Mathew Whitinge & Mary Thompson anno supra : ROBBE BaSSOCKE John Hopkyn > Churchwardens. (1) " George Willes & Maisteris Mary Wilfoorde." (a) (2) " Mr. William Swift." (a) ^^^ " Ursula . . . widow." (a) 91 October 1593. 1593. 20 daye were Maryed Richard Brigge & Ellyne Audley anno Supra : November. 19 daye were maryed Mathew Browninge & Wenefrethe Kember a supra : 26 daye were maryed John Stace and EHzabethe Hogben anno Supra June 1595. 1595. 30 daye were maryed Robert Bassocke & AHce Younge^^^ anno Supra : Aprell 1597. 1597. 21 daye were maryed John Sergeant & AHce Winter*^^^ anno supra : August. 8 daye were maryed wiUiam Mershe & Agnis Odleye anno supra : September. 21 daye were maryed John Curhnge & Margarett Cooke anno Supra : 26 daye were maryed Thomas Sturges & Mary Hogben anno supra October. 10 daye were maryed Thomas Browninge and AHce Knott anno supra. * By me Jhn Hastlyn, p'son. Robert Bassocke Churche Warden. John Hopkyn church warden. 1599. Julye. 16 daye was married Rycharde Lawrence and Annie Woode. CD "Widow." (a) "Widow." (a) * See footnote on Page 22. 92 i6oo. Septeb : 25 Nicholas Weevel & Anne Rugley were married. Septeb : 30 day were married William Nookes and Anna Duninge. Novb : 6 : Were married Thomas Tanton of Elam, & Annis Wood of this p^nshe. 1602. July 5 day was maried Margaret Douninge to Richarde Rugley. The 15 of y same moneth were maried John Sterlinge & ursilla Courte. 1603. Octob 13 Were maried Richard Sayer and Euerell Maye. Octob 17 were maried Gregory Smithsonne And Mary Rugley. An: 1605. November: 18. were maried Thomas George & Mildred Hopkin. An: 1606. June 16. were maried Avery Sabin & Ann Denn. July 7. were maried Timothy Iniester & Marget Rugley. Octob. 27. were maried Edwarde Dadd & Nicholan Drilande. Novemb''- 23 were maried Richarde White, & Ann Murton. An. 1607. T J i Robert Pierse. June 22 were maned { j^^^ jy^3^^^ , J I John Simons. January 17. were maned | '^^^^^^ Rickwoode. An. 1608. Septemb^- 12. were maried {j^^^ Me: ^ ^ , J ( Thomas Partriche. Octob. 2. were maned | gj^^^^^^j^ p.^^^^ ^ ^ , . J I Richarde Wrathe, Octobr 31 were maried | ^^^^^ ^.^^^^ rf., J J J John Cullen. The same day were maried j j^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ , ^ - . , ( James Sayer. Octob^- 8 were maned ^ Elsabethe Cooman. Visitat. Octob : 10. 93 -r. , . , (George Crickman. Febru : 3. were maned | j^^_^^ ^^^^^^ An. 1610. Visitat. April 24. . J f Edward Browinge. July 2. were maned ^ j^^^^^j Young. Visitat. Sep. 25. XT 1 -J r Daniel Rugley. Novebr. 5. were maned {g^^bara Paramoure. . J (John Rickwoode. January. 31. were maned | j^^^^ -^ewes. , , , . J f Richarde Hopkin. An. 161 1 March 31. were maned |^^^ Rigden. . ., J f Edwine Auger, gent. April 4. were maned jj^^^^ Gibbon. _ , . , rjohn Clarke. Febniary 9. were maned j;)^^^ Johnson. Visitat, 28 April. _ , ^ . J ( Vincent Lawrence. Octob : 8 were mariedj j^^^ ^^^^^ An : 1613. . ., . J (Thomas Birde. April. 15 were manedj^^^^g^^ j^^l^^ Visitat. 21 of April. An: 1613. Visitat. Septemb. 28. Novemb : 8 were maried (^^^^J^^^^'^^^^^^^ ^^ , .J rVincent Cray. Noveb : 15 were maned [^^^^^.^ g^^^^ . , fSamuel Morton. January 14 were maned jj^^^ ^^j^^ An : 1614. Visitat. April 30. Visitat. Sep : 28. ^, , . , (Thomas Golde. Noveb : 21 were maned JEig^bethe Harries. ^ , . , r Edward Sanchy. February 20 were maned l^arget Watson. Visitat. April 10. An : 1616. Visitat. Octob i. An : 16 16 94 An: 1617. Visitat. April 30. September 14. were mariedj J''" Trappam. ^ ^ (Joane Peirse. Visitat. Octob : 3. Visitat. April 14. An: 16 18 c ^ 1 o -J (James Buckhurst. Septemb 28 were maried} J^^^^^^ ^.^^^^ Visitat. y i of October, an. supra. June 8 were married Thomas Kingsmeel. Ann Younge. Visitat. y 27. of Sep: an. 16 19. November 22 were maried ^^ ^'"^^'-aa Ann Danton widdow. Noveb: 25 were maried j John Everden. ^ (Jane Rugley. re u o -J (Nicholas Barbar. ffebru:28weremar.ed|^^^Y^^gg An : 1620. XT V .J (Matthewe Shoveler. Novemb : 2, were maried. '' Widow." (d) 95 An 1624. c, ^ , J f Nicholas Paramore. Septemb : 24. were maned { ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Visitat. Sep : 30. T^T u ^ '^A (Thomas Herset, ahas Hastifer. Novemb. . were maned JMary CuUen widdowe. December 30 were maried { SeA^Benchkm. ffebruary i. were maried{^^^ ^^^^l; Visitat. April 28. An. 1626. October 16 were maried H?^'' .^^i^P^^' (ifrancis Elgar. ^ , 1 ' ,( John Rickwood. October 22 were maried -^ <^ ^ t, (Marget Brownmge. An : 1627. October rs were maried {SS^r- The same day were >naried j^^'^'^p'];;"*- An : 1628. ffebruary 8 were maried. { Mary'^Suclet "'^^''' An: 1629. March 31. were varied {^;'^^^^^^fSg_ -.^ ,,r . , (Thomas Apricharde. Mayi.Weremaned|j^^^yS^^^^ , A -1 r J ( Robert Medmer. 1630. Ap.1 26. were maned] gi^^bethe Hunte. ^ XT u ic J ( Searles Proud ?ent. 1632. Novemb. 26 were married-^ . t-^ *. ^ { Anne Denne gent. Novemb 29 were married Edward Baldrie & Dorothy Question. ffebruary : y seventh were married John Hogben & Ann Harnett. 1633. November the 14*^ were married John Maurice &. Jane Alleyne. 1634. May the 1 2 *^ were married John Hopkin & Anne Butcher. Novemb. the 3"^ were married Richard Mihell & Mildred Danton. Novemb^ y 10*^ were married John Browne & Elizabeth Mihell. 96 1 635- October the 15*^ were married John Starling & Mary AUeyn. December the i were married Robert Browning & Martha Crick- man/-^ ^ 1636. May the 5*'^ were married WiUiam Browning & Sara Murrey. August the 7*^ were married Peter Free & EHzabeth Yeomans, October y^ 4*^ were marryed John Spayne & Susan Spayne. November the 6*^ were marryed Thomas Budds & Mary Mihell. 1637. Apryll y6 17*^^^^ were marryed WilHam Gould & Judeth Read. 1638. October y 25*^^ were marryed Thomas Bakar & Sarah PittOck. Novemb : y i^*^ were marryed John Browne and Elizabeth Early. 1639. 1640. Septemb : y^ 28*^ were marryed William Waddall & Eliza- beth Yongue. Octob. y^ 20^^ were marryed Thomas Rye & Amye Dixon. ffebruary y ii*"^ were marryed William Hopkin & Margrett Rofe. 1 64 1. September y*^ were marryed Thomas Homesby & Susan Cheyton. 1642. Septemb : y^ 26'^ were marryed Danyell Ovell and Mary Neame. 1648. Octob y^ 9 were married Vincent Rickwood and Mary Dadd. Novemb. y 2 were married Stephen Maple and Elizabeth Cran- brooke. 1653. March y 12 were married John Dixon of Barham and Margarett Wood of Kingston by the magistrate M^ Thorn : Scott of Canterbury Justice of peace according to ye late Act of parliament Morris Browne and Rich : Wood of Barham being present to wittness ye same. 1655. 21 of Novmber was baptized Elisabeth haiward the dafter of Arter hayward and Elisabeth his wife. 1657. february y^ 16 were married Hercules Hills of ye parish of St Lawrence in ye He of Thanett & Sarah Wood of y*^ parish of Kingston . ye bands having beene published 3 severall lords days and nothing obiected against yem. pr me Nic. DiNGLEY. Register. (1^ " Critman." (b) ^'> " April is^l*- " (a) 97 Nouember the i was baptised Authar haywood y sonne of Authur Hayward & Elizibeth his wife. 165^. Aprill y 22 were married Robert Turner of y^ parish of Kingston & Ann Cooper of y^ parish of Eastry yeir bands having beene pubUshed 3 markett days in ye city of Cantur- bury according to ye late act for pubhshing. pr me Nic : Uingley Reg=t- parochioe de Kingstone. June ye 27 1659 were married Andrew Wanstall & EHzabeth Trapps both of y^ parish of Kingston yeir bands having pub- hshed three lords days in y** parish church of Kingstone. 1660. May 31 were married in y parish church of Kingston Willia;^ Newman of Canturb. and Grace Partridge his wife. ( ) 1662. Feb 21. were married Thomas Readwood & Elizabeth Verrier by licence ixom ye court. Nic. Dingley Rector ibid. Rich, wood Churchwarden. Jan 23 1664 were married Winia;/^ Marsh of Barham and Mary Masterson of Kingston. May 25 were married Abraham Attwood & Ann Tallis. May 28 of the same yeare were married Vincent Draper and Ann Gold. June y 25*-^ of the same yeare were maried Richard White and Ann Mihill. June y 27 of the same yeare were married Henry Marsh Gent. & My^ Leah Ady, ^^^ by License from the Court. 1666. October 9. of ye same yeare w^ere married Gualter Laker of Chilian! & Mary Brenchley of Kingston. February 14. were married Gabriell Honnifold Esq^^^-"'^ & Marga- rett Swann of Canturbury by licence from ye court. August y*^ 20 1667 were married Thomas Marsh, gent : of y*^ city of Canturbury & M^ Francis Buck of Waltham by licens from ye court. <:^) " 1661 Oct 6. was married William Mihill & Elizabeth his wife." (a) (Not in the Register.) "^2^ " Henry Marsh gent, of Kingstone & Leah Ady gent, of Denton." (a) ^3^ " Gabriell Honnifold of Eastvvell, Esqr. (d) 98 1 668. Septemb. 24 were married John Foreman & Mariory Ruck of ye parish of Elham by lycense from ye court. NIC DiNGLEY Rector .... Churchwarden. 1668 were married Tho : Feux of Barham and Christian Rick wood. *^^^ 1669. Octob. 21 of ye yeare were married John Soale & Susanna Turner. 1670. Octob'" ye 4 of ye same yeare were married Thomas Sayer and Joane Question.^^j Octob''- ye 20 were married John Kingsmell & Margarett Power of Patrixbourne. Thomas Maxtead and Mildred Mihill both of Kingstone were married May 11 1674. Thomas Browne and Mary Cheeseman both of Kingstone were married October 9 : 1676. John Baker of Barham and May fford of Kingstone were married Aprill 9 1678. Richard Mihill & Mary Brensley both of Kingstone were married July 25 1678. TT h T r [^^ Kingston were married ffebr : 6^^ 1683. 16S4. Tho. White of Bridge 1 ^ a v th ao Sarah Ford of Kingltonr^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^P^' ^^*'- ^^^4- Jan 20 1688. Richard Moore & Mary Reed both of this Parish were married. April 26 1 69 1. James ford of Kingston Elisabeth Taylior were married. Nov 5 1693. Wiliam Thanet & Mary Sharp of Kingstone was married. Octr 7 1694. Stephen Hobdy & Everherd Sayer. ^^^ Visitat. Octr. 7 1695 Oct'' 15 1695. James Burch & An : Mihil was married. Nov 10 1695. John Mihill & Elizabeth Tayhor were married at Canterbury. May^'*^ 1698 Tho : and Mary Mihil were married. Lady day 700. Gilb : Burroughs Rector. ^i> " Of Kingstone." (a) (2) joane Questhead." (l>) (8) " Everard Sayer." (d) (4) May 16." (a) " May 14." (d) 99 June 24 1700. Ric. Keeler Eliz. Cuelern/^^ Nov. 12 1700. Thomas Chapman & Elizabeth Gold were maried. Married. May 15 1 701. John Andrews & Abigail Jull were married. Q /John Vyle & Eliz : Green, c 5' i/cn. I^athew Browning & Susan fox. Oct II 1702. Rich. Richfoot Ann Draper. Oct 3 1703. AUman Turner & Mary Brice. Oct 12 1707. Will. Weeks & ye widow ffowell. Dec'' 2 1707. Will. Pay & Eiiz. Hopkin. Jan : 13 1709. Ed : ffrank & Mary Stuple. June 27 1710. Will : Kiddam and Mary Low. feb : 4*"^ 17JJ James and Eliz : sharp. ^^^ Aprile 8^^^- Henry Baker and Mary Clement. 1714. Aug 2^ Jno Welbank & Eliz: Goulder. 1 7 14. Dec. 20 Will : Homes and Ann Weeks. Peter Innes succeeded ye Revd M*" Burroughs in ye Liveing of Kingston Ocf ye 15^^ 1718. 1720. March ^1^^^ Walter Hoge & Ann Gundy both of King- ston were married by Licence. 1722. March 25*^ Thomas Colder & Elizabeth Fox both of Kingston were married by Banns. 1722. January ye 7*^ Married Edward Brensley and Everell Hobday both of Kingston by Banns. 1724. December ye 24^^ married John Robinson of Bridge & Hanna Talpot^^^ of St. Margarets Cant : by License. 1728. Sep*"" ye 22 Married Stephen Maple & Ann Whitnel. 1728-9. ffeb^'y 17'h Married Daniel Coller & Ann Hogben. 1729. Novemb'^ 9*^^ Married Joseph Webb & Mary White. CD " Richard Kiddar & Elizabeth Curlane." (a) " Richard Keeler & Elizabeth Curloin." (d) James Sharpe & Eliza Sharpe. (a) " Henry Pilcher & Elizabeth Sharpe." (d) (3)" Widow." f'^; 100 I730 1732 1732 1732 1732 1733 ^733 Octob'* 7^^ Married John Shelley & Jane Davis. May 17"* Married John Wraith & Eliz**^: Hogben. Octob 5*^^ Married George Pettit & Susanna Adams. Octob'" 29 Married Thomas Bewley & Wilmot Hobday. Nov^*"" lo'h Married Vincent Safary & Ann Neams. July S^^ Married Thomas Baker & Jane Lot. October y^ 8*^ Married M'' Thomas Stringer of Maidstone (B) & M^s Susanna Innes of Kingston (Sp) By Licence. 1753- Octobr. 19'h Married M^ George Walker of Faversham (B) & Lydia Smith'^ of Zinxsted* (S.) By Licence. 1733/4. Jan'-y the 4*^ Married George Oldfield (B) & Sarah Hopkins (S) both of Elham by Licence. 1734. July the 3 " 20 March Simon ruglie maritus." (a) (2) ^ Nov." {a) (3) " whoes dwellinge was in the parishe of Sithingborne." {a) * See footnote on Pag-e 2. "5 July. 13 daye was buryed Robert Sturdye'^''^ difino supr^^, ffebniarye. 13 daye was buryed Thomas Milborne'^^^ ditino supra. Aprell 1572. 1572. 19 daye was buryed Grygorye Younge Sonne of Thomas Younge anno sup/-^. August. 3 T daye was buryed John Baker d^nno sup/-^. September. 9 daye was buryed Mildred Cullen daughter of John CuUine d^nno supra. October. 13 daye was buryed Alice gould wife of Thomas Gould anno: supra. 21 daye was buried William Denne Sonne of Thomas Denne dLtino supra. Januarye. 27 daye was buryed Martha Bradshawe daughter of Grigory Bradshawe 2inno supra. RoBB. Bassocke John Hopkyn iChurchw^dens, ffebruary 1572. 1572. 20 daye was buryed Alice Haule danghter of Thomas Hale anno supra. Maye 1573. ^^IZ' 7 d^y^ was buryed Thomas Gould anno supra, November. 20 daye ^^ was buryed widow Groome "^nno supra. " 29th Dec." (a) c^) ^' Servant to Wm. Blackwoode." (a) (S) Servant to Grigory Bradshawe, gent." (a) (*) " Ellis Standarde widowe." (a) (^) " Gent." (a) < " Gent." (a) 117 Marche 1578. 25 daye was buryed Thomas Denne Sonne of James Denne anno supra, Maye. 13 daye was buryed Henry Bradshaw Sonne of Grygorie Bradshawe a.nno supra 16 daye was buryed ffrancis Boughton Sonne of John Boughton anno supra. 25 daye was buryed Richard Cooly Sonne of Michaell Coolye anno sup;^^. ROBB BaSSOCKE I r^, , , John Hopkyn 1 Churchwardens. October 1578. 19 daye was buryed Richard Rugley 3.nno sup^-^. 27 daye was buryed John Vier^^^ anno sup^^z. Aprell 1579. 1579. 24 daye was buryed Annis Denne widowe of James Denne anno supr^. Julye. 9 daye was buryed Isabell Mughole wife of James^^^ Mughole anno supra: August. 9 daye was buryed Jone Peerson daughter of Vincent Peerson anno supra. 26 daye was buryed Robert Standard a.nno supra, ffebruarye. 3 daye was buryed Dennis Hopkine daughter of Thomas Hopkine a.nno supra. 28 daye was buryed Jone Hopkine daughter of John Hopkine anno supr^. ^^^ "A souldier an Esixe man." (a) (2J " Thomas.' Y^; ii8 December 1580, 1580. 22 daye was buryed John Rugley Sonne of Robert Rugleye anno supra, 31 daye was buryed James Rugleye Sonne of Robert Rugley. anno suipra, January. 1 daye was buryed Christofer Sayer Sonne of James Sayer Anno supra: 20 daye was buryed Jone Kennet^'^ Sinno supr^. Marche. 5 daye was buryed Elizabethe Sayer daughter of James Sayer anno supra. November 15 81. 1 58 1. 29 daye was buryed William Bradshaw Sonne of Grigorye Bradshaw a.nno supra, November 1582. 1582. 2 daye was buryed Thomas Rickard Sonne of John Rickard anno supra : ffebruarye. 22 daye was buryed Jane Sayer daughter of James Sayer anno supra, Marche. 6 daye was buryed Margarett Boykett daughter of Elyas Boykett anno supra. Maye 1583. 1583. 4 daye was buryed Annis Baldocke daughter of William Baldocke anno supra, June. 3 daye was buryed Annis Younge wife of Thomas Younge anno supra. ROBBE. BaSSOCKE ) r-u u a T TT } Churchwarden. John Hopkyn J (1) " Wydowe, servante to Symon Casey." (a) 119 October, 1583. 1583. 20 daye was buryed Susan Rushe daughter of Robert Rushe ^^^ anno supra : ffebruary 1584. 1584. 2 daye was buryed Susan Haddine daughter of Jeffery Haddine anno supra. Aprell 1585. 1585. II daye was buryed Julyan Sturdye d^nno supra. June. 15 daye was buryed Thomas Younge a.nno supra. July. 6 daye was buryed Dennis Edgar wife of Thomas Edgare ^^^ anno supra. September. 6 daye was buryed Mathew Rayner a.nno supra. December. I daye was buryed Thomasine Gouldfinche servante to Robert Denne anno supra : January. 20 daye was buryed John Sayer Sonne of James Sayer anno supra. Aprell 1587 (8) 1587. 21 daye was buryed Alice Hastlyne* wife of John Hastlyn anno supra. (1^ " Susanna Rugleye daughter of Robert Rugley." (a) ^2) " Dennis Ergar ye wyfe of George." {a) (3) The following note occurs in the Transcript (a) for 1586. " We have none buried, thankes we geve to God for it. John Hastlyn pr'son. Vincent Young Chwden." * See " John Hastlyn " in the List of Rectors. I20 June. 23 daye was buryed Silvester Gouldfinche servante to Robert Denne anno supra. September. 5 daye was buryed Alice Milbome ^^^ anno supra. December. 13 daye was buryed John Bunce anno sup;^^. ffebruary. 1 daye was buryed Anne Denne widow ^'^ anno supr^f. 2 daye was buryed Agnis Burton anno supr^. December, 1588. 1588. 15 daye was buryed John Epps*^*^ anno supra. 28 daye was buryed Richard Laban anno supra. July, 1589. 1589. 20 daye. was buryed Silvester Rycard anno supra. October. 29 daye was buryed Mary Bunce daughter of John Bunce anno supra : November. 26 daye was buryed Mary Rugley*^^^ anno supra. ROBBE BaSSOCKE ) ^^i r -, John Hopkyn | Churchwardens. December, 1589. 1589. 2 daye was buryed Thomas Mughole ^^^ anno supra. (^> " Alice Mylborne widow." (a) ^2) " Maisteris Annis Denn widow." (a) ^^^ " Annis Barton widow." (a) <*> *' Servante to S^- Thomas Wilfoorde." (a) (5) 29 Nov. Marie Rugley widow. She was kept by her sonn Robart." {a) (6) " He lyved by ye Almes of ye p^znshe and the help of his sonne." (a) 121 fifebruary. 9 daye was buryed James Rugley Sonne of Robert Rugleye anno supra : 10 daye was buryed Alice Catton^^^ / wife of Robert Catton anno supra : Maye 1590. 26 daye was buryed William Laban servante to John Hastlyne dinno supr^. June. I daye was buryed John Gould sonne of William Gould Anno supra: August. 9 daye was buryed Thomas Hopkin 2inno supra. July 1591- 1 59 1. 16 daye was buryed Job Odleye innno supr^a;. September. 23 daye was buryed M^ Vincent Denne*^^^ Doctor anno supra : December. 20 daye was buryed John Coorte sonne of John Coorte anno supra. 25 daye was buryed Jeffery Haddin 2inno supra. ffebruary. 7 daye was buryed William Younge sonne of William Younge anno supra. 13 daye was buryed Elizabethe Coorte wife of John Coorte anno supra : August 1592. 1592. 25 daye was buryed Edward Ricard sonne of John Ricard anno supra : <^^^ " She and her husband lyved by ye pahshe." (a) (-) " Doctor of ye civil law." (<^) 122 Marche. 23 daye was buryed Robert Catton of th age of one hundred & two anno supra. Aprell 1593. 1593. 4 daye*^^^ was buryed John Haddine Sonne of Jefferye Haddin anno supr. 6 daye^^^ was buryed Jane Boykett daughter of Elyas Boykett 2inno supr^. November. 1 7 daye was buryed Vincent Younge anno supra. Marche. 7 daye was buryed Edmond Tristram a.nno supra. ROBBE. BaSSOCKE John Hopkyns ! Church Wardens. Marche 1594. 10 daye was buryed Alexander Browne a.nno suipra. 1594. 28 daye was buryed Robert Denne^^^ anno supra. Aprell. 22 daye was buryed John Simons^^-* anno supra. ( F' July 1595- 1595. 2 daye was buryed Jone Maple daughter of Henry Maple anno supra: 4 daye was buryed Elizabeth Maple anno supr^. ^^^ "Also 2 children buried Jane boyket 14*11 April & John Haddyn 4th May." (a) ^2) " Servante to John Hastlyn." {a) (3) " Of Denhill." (a) Appendix XVI. (4) " Servant to Sir Thomas Wilfoord." (a) (5) " 5 May was buried Jeffery Haddyn the sonn of Jeffery." (a) (Not in the Register.) 123 August. 3 daye was buryed Margaret Rugley wife of Robert Rugleye anno supra. September. 2 2 daye was buryed Jone Rugley daughter of Richard Rugley anno supra : December, lo daye was buryed Katherine Denne 2inno supra. September 1596. 1596. I daye was buryed Thomas Chamber Sonne of Edward Chamber anno sz^pra. ffebruarye. 13 daye was buryed Christofer Winter^^^ ditino supra. Aprell 1597. 1597. 10 daye was buryed William Wood Sonne of Abraham Wood anno supra : Marche. 25 daye was buryed Jone Sayer wife of James Sayer anno supra : August. 22 daye was buryed Anne Maple daughter of Henry Maple, anno supra : * By me John Hastlyn p'son. Robert Bassock Churchwarden. John Hopkyn Churchwarden. 1598. 15 of Octob^/' Vinsent Younge y^ sonne of Vinsent Younge disseased. 24 was buried George Bassocke the ssonne of Robart Bassocke. ^^^ " ffarmar to ye parsonage of Kyngstone." {a) * See footnote on Page 22. 124 1599- The 25. of Marche was buried Rychard Brigge a blynde The 24 of Aprill was buried Thomas Denn y soonn of WyWiam. The 17. of June was buried John Denn y^ soone of Wyllyaw also. The 19. was buryed John Coorte y^ sonne of John. 1599. June 17. June 1 7 was buried Jhn. Denn the Soone of Wyllyam. 1600. July 27 was buried Elenore Boulton : August 27 was buried ye sonne of Wrathe of Elam who came to his death by fallinge from his horse. August 28 was buried John HastHnge* late parson of Kingston. 1601. August 3. Jane y^ daughter of Richard Oilman buried. Noveb. 28. was buried Dorythie the wife of Richard Rugley. Janua : 30. was buried the daughter of Roberte Robinson which died wi//^out baptisme. 1602. Marche 26 Was buried John Courte. July 29 Was buried Lucy the daughter of William Denn. ( r 1603. May 15 : Was buried Jeremie Rugley. An : 1604. Was buried the daughter of William Golde. An : 1605. Marche 29 Was buried Richarde Rugley. Septemb : 26 Was buried Abraham Woodd. (i> " That lyved by ye Almes of the Parish." (a) (2) Henry." (a) C3)"An. 1602. The Lady Wilforde, wife to Sr Thomas Wilforde Knight buried Aug 9." (a) (Not in the Register ) * Appendix xv. 125 An : 1606. Marche 27 was buried the wife of Robert Sherman. Novembr. 14 Was buried Roberte y^ Sonne of Gregorie Smithson. An : 1607 May 7 Was buried Daniel the sonne of John Heringe. January 4. was buried John Cray y^ sonne of John Cray. An : 1608. Januarie 24 was buried John Upton. March : i was buried Mary Woodd the daughter of John Woodd. March : 7 was buried Anthony Woodd the sonne of John Woodd. 1609. April 5. was buried Silvester Goore. April 6. was buried Roberte Davis. June 14. was buried Elsabethe Broomans. Octob^- 5. was buried Martha y^ daughter of Thomas George. Visitat. Octob. 10. Noueb : i. was buried Thomas Ingester the sonne of Timothie Ingester. An: 1610. Visitat. April 24. Visitat: Sep: 25. Novemb^ 12 was buried S*" Thomas Wilforde Knight. <^^^ December 12. was buried Thomas Page. An : 161 1. May 4 was buried M^^ Joane Denn Widdowe. Noveb : 28. was buried Robert Rickwood y^ sonne of John Rickwoode. January. 7. was buried the sonne of Edmunde Uden unchristened. January 12. was buried Silvester Tayler. March 3. was buried John Browninge. Visitat 28. April. An : 1612. May 13. was buried Elsabethe Mason y^ daughter of Antony Mason. June 9. was buried M^" Matthewe Nicols clarke.* July 24. was buried Jane y^ daughter of John Simons. Septemb. 28. was buried y^ sonne (not christened) of Richard Prebble. (1)" the elder." (a) * See " Daniel Nichols" in the List of Rectors. 126 Octob : 10 was buried y^ wife of Richard Preble. Noveb : 1 7 was buried Vincent y^ sonne of Williaw Denn. Visi tat. April 21. An: 161 3. July 21 was buried Elsabethe y wife of M'' John Nethersole. <^^^ August 30. was buried John Laurence. Visitat. 28. of September Octob : 13 was buried Thomasine y wife of Edwarde Robinson. An 1 61 4. Visitat. April 30. Visitat. Sep. 28. March. 9. was buried James Sayer. An. 161 5. January 25. was buried Richarde Hopkin y^ sonne of John Hopkin. Visitat. April 10. An : 1616. April 22. was buried Thomas Brabson. June y i was buried William Golde. July 22 was buried John Heeringe. Visitat. Octob. i. An : 16 16. An : 161 7. April 6 was buried Isabel wife of John Rickwoode. Visitat April ^o^^- May 19 was buried Elias Boyket. Visitat Octob : 3. Octob : 31 was buried Thomas Trice. Deceb. 5. was buried Ann y^ daughter of M^- John Nethersole. January 22 was buried James y sonn of James Question. March 10 was buried Henry Brabson. Aprill 18 was buried George Rickwood y^ sonn of John Rickwood. Visitat. Ap: 14. An: 1618. Septemb. 20 was buried Joane Browninge widdow. Visitat. I. of Sep. an : supra. Novemb. 23 was buried Edward Robinson. March 18 was buried Mary y^ daughter of John Waginer. Visitat y*' 27 of Sep : An. 16 19. Octob. 1 9. was buried Ann the wife of William Nookes. Novem*^- 3 was buried John the sonn of John Giles. ^^^ " the younger " (a) 127 An. 1620. May 25. was buried Alis Rickwood. January, i. was buried Betterice Boyket widdowe. March 8 was buried William George. Visitat. 10 April. An 162 1. June 16 was buried Robert Sherman. June. 24. was buried James y^ sonne of James Wrath. July 14 was buried Marget y*^ daugh : of Willia;;^ Bridgs. Sep : 16 was buried Ann y^ wife of Nicholas Eaton. Visitat. 28 of Sep: Deceb 11 was buried. Abraham Castrell. The 14 of y^ same monethe was buried Roger Golde. Also ye 15 of y^ same monethe was buried Philip Cray. An: 1622. Noveb : 26 was buried Mother Brabson. Decemb : 16 was buried John Cray.^^^ Decemb : 26 was buried Ann y^ daughter of S''- Thomas Wilforde, knight. The same day was buried Jaine y^ wife of John Boyket. ifebruary 27. was buried Mother Joane Golde.*^^^ An : 1623. May 19. was buried Joane y daughter of William Allen. June 20 was buried Repent Biram.'^^^ Visitat. y^ 23 of Septemb. January i was buried John y^ sonne of Matthew Shoveler. An : 1624. April y6 8 was buried Thomas Browninge. May y 5 was buried the wife of Thomas Hastifere. May y^ 8 was buried Stephen y^ sonne of Robert Golde. May 1 5 was buried Thomas y^ sonne of Thomas Hastifere. July 13 was buried John Hopkin thelder. " March 24." {d) (4) " May 23 was buried Samuel son of Austm Brenchley & Joane his ^ wife." {a) (Not in the Register.) 132 ( )"' Septemb. 13 1663 was buried Thomas Brenchley sonn of Augustine Brenchley &l Joan his wife. Nic DiNGLEY Rector ibid. John Cocklinn Churchwarden. November 20 1663 was buried Katherine Gammon daughter of EHas & Katherine Gammon. January 15th. 1663 was buried Margarett Grey, daughter of Thomas and Margarett Gray. January y^ 24 of the same yeare was buried Susanna Eps of the parish of Barham. Feb^- y 21. of the same yeare was buried William Hopkin, sonn of Willia;;/ Hopkin. 1664. May 4 of same yeare was buried y^ widdow Bridges. August y^ 18 of the same yeare was buried Charles Questhead. Septemb"^ 9 of y^ same yeare was buried Elizabeth Ford. November the 2 was buried .... Turner. ^^^ Novemb^ the 4 was buried Margarett Grey. 1665. April y 12 was buried Mary Sturges. August y^ 6 was buried Richard Gibbon. Gent.^^^ August y^ 2 1 was buried Tho;//as Young who died at Ash. 1666. March the 25 was buried the widdow Boykinn. Aprill 26 was Buried Thomas Simmans.^*^ Nic : DiNGLY, Rector. Tho : Attwood, Churchwarden. Octob. : 15 of y<^ same yeare was buried Richard Tallis ye elder.^^^ Octob. 31 of y same yeare was buried John Gold.^^^ (^> " Oct 4 was buried Mary daughter of Edward Wood." (a) (Not in the Register.) ^2) " Richard Turner of Kingston." (a) (3; " Mr Richard Gibbon of Kingstone." (a) (^^ " Thomas Symonds, Housekeeper." {a) ('*> " Housekeeper." (a) w " Bachelor." (a) 133 1667. July ye 23 was buried Mary Marsh of ye parish of Barhaw. Septemb. 3 was buried the widdow Godden/^^ 1668. August y 27 of ye same yeare was buried Stephen Maple who died at Adisham. 1668. John Sonn of John Saxton & Elizabeth his wife was baptised November ye first of ye same yeare. Henry Sonn of Henry & Dorothea Ford was baptized Novem^^'' ye 8 of y same yeare 1668. 1669. Octobr. 6 ye same yeare was buried Robert Question of ye parish of Barham/^^ 1669. December y 11 of y^ same yeare was buried Joan Bransley. 1670. May y^ 13 of y same yeare was Buried John Brown/^^ August y*' 12 of y^ same yeare was buried John Hedgcock/*^ 1669. August 14 of y^ same yeare was buried William Gibbons who died in Canterbury. Septemb. 5 of y^ same yeare was buried Susanna Denn wid.^^^ who died in ye city of Canterbury. 1670. Octob^- ye 16 of ye same year was buried Judith Wood. Octob*"- ye 17 of ye same yeare was buried Elias Gammon house- holder. Novemb'^- ye 8 ^^^ of ye same yeare was buried Mary Browning daughter of Robert & Mary Browning. 167 1. March y^ 28 of y^ same yeare was buried the widdow Hedgcock. May y 8 of ye same yeare was buried Ann Attwood widdow. Novemb. y^ i of the same yeare was buried Thomas Attwood Houshidi- febuary y^ i of the same yeare was Buried Nicholas Dingley.*^^^ 1672. December 19^^ Jane ye daughter of George and Jane Beech was buried. (1) '' Housekeeper." (a) (2) " Householder." (a) (3) " Householder." (a) ^^> " Householder." (a) ^^^ " Mistress Susanna Denne.'" (a) (<) "Nov. 19." (d) (7^ " Rector of Kingstone." (d) 134 March 3*^ Abigail the wife of ffrances Baker was buried. 1673. Aprill 6 Margarett Read widdow was buried. 1674. March 25. James Sayer ^'^^ was buried, July 8. Jane the wife of George Beech was buried. November 28. Susan the wife of Richard Turner was buried. January 26. Sarah the daughter of Richard and Anne White was buried. 1675. Aprill 18. Anne Barber widdow was buried. May 4^^ Richard Turner was buried. October 5. John Muggole was buried. October 6 Mary Tallis widdow was buried. 1676. May 9. Jane the daughter of Vincent and Anne Draper was buried. Octobe^ 16. Elizabeth the daughter of James and Anne Wood was buried. January 13. Ehzabeth Winter widdow was buried. March 17. Elizabeth the daughter of Mary Gibbon was buried. 1677. Aprill 18. Susan the Daughter of Mary Browne ^^^ was buried. May 28 Mary the wife of Thomas Browne was buried. July 8. Thomas the sonne of Gregory and Elizabeth Smithsun was buried. 1678. October 24. Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Shrubsole was buried. ffebruary 10. Susan Browne widdow was buried. 1679. August 29. Mildred y wife of Richard Mihill was buryed. September 11. Anne y^ wife of James Wood was buried. September 13. Joane Brensley was buried. September 14. Robert Jacob was buried. October 23, Parnell Brenchley widdow was buried. Nouember 16. Anne y daughter of Richard & Mary Mihill was buried. December i. Elizabeth y^ daughter of John & Anne Morris was buried. vi) " husbandman." (a) ^2) u ^j jo^. (^) 135 March 5. George Beech was buried. 1680. March 25. Anne Atvvood widow was buried. September 10, Thomas Browne was buried. October 5. Robert Gold was buried. Robert Garrett Curate. 1680. January 22 Joane Sawyer widow was buried, february 5. Eve y^ wife of Richard Sawyer was buried. 1681. May II Ehzabeth ffox was buried. May 23 Edward ffox was buried. September 4. Edward y^ sonne of John Holyday was buried. September 9. WilHam y^ son of Will. Knott was buried. September 18. Edward ffox ^^^ was buried. October, i.^^' John y^ son of John Sole was buried. December 13. Daniell the son of John Holyday was buried, ffebruary 28. Elizabeth the wife of William Hopkin was buried. March 19. Elizabeth the wife of Richard Shrubsole was buried. 1682. Aprill lo Vincent Draper was buried. July 17. Edmund Bodkin was buried. August 17. Alexander Silke was buried. 1683. Septemb. 21^^ Franciss Cason daughter to Esq. Cason^^^ was buried. i68|. March 13^^^ Edward Hopkins was buried. 1684 Apr. 21^^^ Jones Kingsmill widow was Buried. May 26 Hewly Bayns was Buried. Jun 10. Annah wife to Abraham Attwood was Buried. Jun. 22. John Son to Gregory Smithson was Buried. 1685 Decemb. 18 : Richard son to Thorn : Maxted was Buried. March 30 1685 Martha Hopkins was buried according to y*^ Act for burying in woollen. June 28 1 686 Mildred Maxted was buried in woollen. March 26 1687 Anne Hopkins^*^ was buried in woollen. June 6 1687. Peter Graunt was buried in woollen. (i> "jun. " (d) (=^) " Sept 27." (a) (s) " jo^^^ Cason, Esq^- " {/?) ^^^ " Ye wife of Edward Hopkins." {d) 136 Septemb 27 1688. Anne Quested was buried in woollen. Octob 4 1688 Richard White was buried in woUen. ( )"' Octob. 12 1688 Edward Grant was Vjuried in wollen. Feb. 9 1689 Mary y Daughter of Richard Mihil was buried in woollen. May 17^^ 1689 Robert Holyday of this Parish was buried in woollen. Apr 27 1689 Solomon Bries y^ son of Edward & Jane his wife, was baptised buried.* Aug : 28, 1689 Tho : Betts was buried. 1690. feb. 20 Richard Moor was buried. feb 28 Mary Wales was buried. Septemb : 19^^ 80. Stephen Brice son of Edw : and Jone his wife was Buried. Octob : 3*^ 80 Will : Pope Sonne of William and Mary his wife was Buried. ( r ( Y" Sptem. 26. 1 69 1. Rich. Myle was Buried. feb : 24. 1691. Anne the wife of Tho. fouell was buried. March 8, 1691. Ralph Adams was Buried. ( r' ( )' Dec : I The wife of Tho. Wood was Buried in wulen. (^^ " Octob 6^^ Anna Don ye wife of James Don was buried." (d) (Not in the Register.) (2) Oct 27. 1690. Mary Rye was buried, (a) & (d) (Not in the Register). " Dec 24. John Betts was buried." (a) & (d) (Not in the Register). (^^ " April 2. Ann White was buried." (a) & {b) (Not in the Register). (6) "July 24 James Wood was buried." {a) & {b) "of Harbledown." ((5) (Not in the Register). * The pen has been run through this entry, but the burial occurs in both {a) and {b). 1.37 ( . . )"' ( r' Oct : 31. 1693. ^^^- Vincent Dean * was buried. Easter 94. Deer. 13. 1694. Augustin Brenchly. Aprile 21. 1695. Mary Holiday. July I 1695. Daniel Young was Burried. Aug. 18^^695. Rich. Edds was buried, visitat : Octo. 7^^^- 1695. feb : 22, 1695. John Betts, feb. 27^^ 95. John Holyday. Vis. ap. 21. Aprile i. 1696. Abr : Swift. ( )> May 12. 96. Rich : Hobdy. July 28^*^ 96. Mary Sanders, Octob'' the 16. 96. Dorothy ffoard was burried. . . . ^^^ Elizabeth Mihil : was Buried. June 2^- 1697. Abr. Atwood was burried. Oct 12 1697. Ann the daught. of James Burch was buried. Jan : 25 1697. Tho : Bean, ( r Aug. g^^ 1698. Mad ^^^ Turner of Ileden. Nov- 7 1698. Goodwife ^^^ Mihil. March i^^ Sara the daughter of John Betts. March 3^- i69. Mary the daughter of Tho. Mihil & his wife. May 28 1699. Mary ffowell. Ocf- 4 1699. A poor Child from Barham parish. W " 1692. June 19 Rich. Adams." (a) (Not in the Register). (2) " 1693. Oct 8 Jo. Brenchley" (a) & (d) (Not in the Register). (3) "April 20 Joan Swift," {d) (Not in the Register.) (4) " July 8th (^). (J " Nov 10 " {a) (6) " Jan 27 Mary Andrews " ( " Feb. 20." {a) (?) " June 15." {a) " 12." (^) ^^^ " June 22nd." {a) " May 2S." (J?) 139 Aprile 4*^^ 1705. Goodman Moor/^^ Dec^ 18. Margaret the daughter of Jno. Betts. Sept. 12 1706. Jno. Mihil. feb : 5^^ 1706. Abraham Atwood. 1707 August 17. Susan Holyday.^^^ Sepf* 2^- Tho : ffowell.<^> Aprile 21 1708. Tho : ffowell. June 5^^- Rich, ye son of Ed. fford. 1 7 1 1 July 5^^- Jno the son of Isaac Whitnell was Buried. Aug 27. Richard White. Sept^ 23. Stephen Hobday. 1 712. August 25. Richard White. March 8^^^ 1713 Eliz. the daughter of Ed. Bean. 17 13. June 4^^- Eliz. Hobdy. Sept^ 3'^- Mr Jno. Clerk from London. 1 7 14. July i^* 1714- Tho. the son of Dan : Quested. Septr 26 1 7 14. Wm. Hopkin.* Septr 26 1 7 14. Mary Saunders. 1714. Nov'^ 2 1 1 7 14. Sarah Goodwin. 1 7 14. Nov^ 24. Goodw. Eids. ^''^ i7i5 J"^- Betts Jan 30. 1715. Aprile lo^^^^ Tho : Turner! of Ileden Esq^'^- 1715. Sep^- 15. Mrs Jane Turner. "^^^ 1 7 15. Deer 4th. ffrancis Baker. Dec^ 4th. David Holyday. 1 715. Jan : 4^^- Bennet Holyday. Jan: 14. Mary Bean. 17 16. Sept 26. Tho. Bean. i7}iJ/ich.<"Saukins If^b.^ ye same day Jno. Sawkins I ' (i> " Richard Moor.' {a) (2) *' a child." {a) ^^' " A housekeeper." (a) (^> " Eliz. Eeds." (a J " Mary Eids." (3) <'^) "The wife of Mr. Jno. Turner." (d) Appendix xvii. ^^^ "Nicholas." {d) * Appendix xxxv. t Appendix XI. 140 May 17 1718. Sara the wife of Dan : CoIIer. June 8th iyi8. Hen : Marsh Esqi'e- July 14 1 718. Martha ffoord/^^ September 3^^ 17 18. Jane Mooring. October i^*- 17 18. The Reverend Mr. Gilbert Burroughs* Rector of Kingstone. October ii^^ 17 18. Wilham Kennet. Dec'*- 14^^1718. Frances Joy ner was buried, February 2 3<* 17 18. ffeb''- 23. Dinah Shipwell was buried. Affidavit made y 28th before y Revd. Mr. Rigden of Patrixbourne. March i"*^*^- Ann ye Daughter of I'hom : Colder was buried. Affidavit made ye 6^^ before ye Rev*i- Mr. Jones Rector of Upper Hardr^fj. March 14* Margaret Kingsmell was Buried. Affidavit made ye 15th before y Rev*^ Mr. Bean, Cur : at Barham. May 20^^ 1719- Elizabeth Brensley was buried. June 14th 1719- Thomas Maxsted was buried. July 20^^ 1719- Mildred Sayer was buried. 171Q. Oct 22'^ Peter Crant was Buried, f 1719. Oct 26. Ann y Wife of Thos : Colder was buried. 1719. Oct*' 30 Edward y^ son of William Bridgman was buried 17 19. Dec*"- I ^^t Elizabeth Tofts a Traveller was buried. ffeb^- 1 6^^ 1 7 1 9. Richard y^ son of Will*" Lokar was buried. Sep* 4*h 1720. Henry y^ son of James Birch was buried. ffeb'' i''^* 1720. Mathew Browning was buried. ffeb'' 3^^ 1720. Ann y wife of James Birch was buried. March 19*^ 1720. Mary y^ Daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth Quested was Buried. Visitation May y 5*^ 1721. Pet: Innes Rector. May 26*^ 1 7 21. Robert the son of John Beer was buried. July 12 1 72 1. Ann the wife of Richard Andrews was buried. July 16 1721. Mary Moor was buried. Nov*" 7*'^ 1 72 1, Buried John y^ Son of Thomas Colder. 'i>"Ye Wifeof Richard Ford." {a) * Appendix xiv. t Appendix xxxill. 141 Nov"" 19 1 72 1. Buried Mary Sabine an Infant. Jan^'y 8^^ 172 1. Buried Mr John Turner* of Chilham. ifeb^y nth 17 2 1. Buried Elizabeth Rye. ^^^ March 26. 1722. Buried Michael Coller an Infant. April! 30^^ 1722. Buried Mr Thomas Turnerf Son of John Turner of Ileden Esq^"- December 12^^ 1723. Buried Robert Baker an Infant. March 21^^ 1723. Buried Sarah Betts. October 7^^ 1724. Buried John Mihils. Jany 29*^^ 1724. Buried Ann Pilcher an Infant. Febru^'y 12^^ 1724. Buried Elizabeth Moon. Feb^y 14^^ 1724. Buried Elizabeth Rye, daughter of John Rye of Bridge. May 5*^ 1725. Buried M^^ Sabine y wife of Chibborn Sabine Gent. July 31"*^ 1726. Buried y^ wife of Thomas Atwood. Aug^^ nth 1^26. Buried Abraham y^ son of Tho : Atwood an Infant. Sep^^ 18 1726. Buried William Kingsford. Octo^'' 30^^ 1726. Buried Thomas Brensley. December 10^^^ 1726. Buried Ehzabeth Lishman, away Faring woman. Decemb''- 14^^ 1726. Buried William Rye. January 26^^ 1726. Buried Edward Sawkins. January 29*^ 1726. Buried Jane Godwin an Infant. February 2^^ 1726. Buried Mildred ye wife of Benjamine Pilcher. February the 17^^^ 1726. Buried Elizabeth Winter. Aprill ye 9*^ 1727. Buried Mary Rye. June y^ 18^^ 1727. Buried Ann Pearson an Infant. June 25 1727. Buried Elizabeth Pearson an Infant. August 27 1727. Buried William Homes. September y^ S^^ 1727. Buried John Eltonton Sen'*- October y^ 19^^ 1727. Buried Margaret Beer. Aprill ye 9*^ 1728. Buried Elizabeth Wraith. (1) " Of Bridge." (a) -^ Appendix XVII. + Appendix Vll. 142 Aprill ye 26*^ 1728. Buried Richard Sawkins. July ye 3irst 1728. Buried Ann y^ wife of Daniel Collar. Sept^- ye i6<^^ 1728. Buried Sarah Dennett. Octob^ ye 12*^ 1728. Buried Ann Bean. Octob^ ye 16 1728. Buried Stephen Rye. December 16^^ 1728. Buried William Lot. December 22 1728. Buried Elizabeth Mihils Jun''- ffeb^y ye 23d 1728-9. Buried Mary Mooring. May ye 24^^ 1729. Buried Thomas Castle an Infant. ifeb^y ye 4th 17 30/1. Buried Edward Brensley. August ye 30*^ 1 73 1. Buried Thomas Attwood. Aprill ye 4<^h 1732. Buried Stephen Pilcher. May 18^^ 1732. Buried Daniel Coller. ]a.n^y 2'j^^^ 1732/3. Buried Elizabeth Mihils Widow. ffeb^y 17^^ 1732/3. Buried Mary Kennet. Widow. ffeb^ 25^^ 1732/3. Buried David Godwin. An Infant. March 11^^ 1732/3. Buried Henry Godwin an Infant. Decemb 6^ 1733- Buried John Hopkins. Februay 14^^^ 1733/4- Buried Edward ye son of John Beer. Decemb'^ ii^^'^ i734- A. Traveller was buried. March ye 12^^ 1734/5- Buried John Andrews. Aprill y 7^^ 1735. Buried Ann Vitnell ^^^ May 25^^ 1735- Buried Mary Davis. August 14 1736. Buried Mary Lockar. September ye 12^^^ 1736. Buried Elizabeth Hopkins. Jan'"y i2*h 1736/7. Buried Peter Grant."* March 24^ 1736/7. Buried James Browning. April ye 17^^ 1737. Buried Richard Andrews. May ye 6^^ i737- Buried Samuel Brensley. May the 24*^ i737- Buried Susanna Streeting. November i^^^ 1737- Buried a Travelling Woman. Jan^y ye 3^ 1737/8. Buried James Tassell. May the 27 1738. Buried Edward Browning. 0) Whitnell." {a) * Appendix xxxiv. 143 Augst the 7^^ 1738. Buried Jane Beer. Jan^y the 15th 1738/9. Buried S^ Thomas Lombe * Knight & Alderman of y^ City of London. Jan^y 2irst 1738/9. Buried Francis Baker. August 3*^ 1739. Buried John Beer. August 15th 1739- Buried WilHam Beer. Jan^y 9^^ 1739 : 40. Buried Thomas Mullett. March 21^^ 1739 40- Buried Widow Shrubshall. Nov^'" 4th J y 40. Buried Edward Bean. April 14!^ 1 741. Buried Thos.*^^^ Browning. Aprill 15 1 741. Buried John y^ son of John Kingsmell. Augs<^ II 1 741. Buried Jane Whitnail. Jan 13 1741/2. Buried y^ Widow Homes. ffcb^y25. 1 741/2. Buried James Birch Sen'^- April 17^ 1742. Buried Henry Lamb. June 13 1742. Buried y Widow Coller. Sep*^ 22^ 1742. Buried John Rye | from Bridge. Jan'^y 18 1742/3. Buried Ann Birch. Ap. 29 1744. Buried Ann Law an Infant.f May 23 1744. Buried Eliz^^ Browning Widow. Sept^'' 23^^ 1745- Buried Benjamine Beer. Jan'^y 8th 1745/6. Buried Ellen Hammond. Jan 25^ 1745/6. Buried Thomas Law.f March y 19 1745/6. Buried y Widow Brensley. ^^^ "James" (a) &'{d) so also originally in Register but "James" erased and "Thos." written over. W Dec. (a) &. {b), * Appendix vii. t Appendix XXXII. + Appendix xxii. [End of the Burials in the First Register Book.^^ 144 BURIALS. {SECOND REGISTER BOOK?^ Ap''- 26 1746. Buried Mary y^ wife of Abraham Baker* Sen'*- Nov^- 30 1746. Buried Stephen ye son of John Laurence. Jany- 29 1746-7. Buried John Cullen an Infant. Feby- 12 : 1746-7. Buried Jane y wife of Rob*- Spratt. July 21 1747. Buried John Turner Esq^- f late of Ileden. Jan''y- 28 1747-8. Buried ye Widow Andrews. Feb'^y- 7<^^ 1747-8. Buried Anthony Cullen. Apr. loth 1748. Buried Richard Birch. June i* 1748. Buried William Johnson an Infant. Jan''y 19. 1748.9. Buried Mary y wife of Peter Innes* Rector. March y^ 25. 1749. Buried Abraham Baker. + 1749. March y 29. Buried Elizerbeth Locker. June y 20, Buried Katharine the wife of Benjamine Rye. Aug*- y II. Buried Sarah Johnson. Frances Giles of Preston was Bur^ December 27 1749. Margaret Bean was bur'd Jan : y 12*^ 1749. Thomas Castleden was bur'd March y 31 1750. Sarah Colar Late of Bishops Bourn was bur'd. June y^ 15 1750. Robert Kelk a Stranger buried August 21 1750. Robert Spratt was buried Nov*"- y 23. 1750. B. Faussett, Curate. March y 31"*! 751. Thomas Goulder was buried. May y 23^ i75i John Mutton, infant, was buried. January 26 1752. John Grinstead, infant, was buried. June II. 1752. Mary Lott, widow, was buried. April y6 8*^, 1753. Edward Grant was buried. November y 2^ i753- John Kingsmill was buried. Novmb'' y 28*^ i753- Dame Elizabeth Lombe,t relict of Sir Thomas Lombe Kn*- was buried. Appendix XXIV. t Appendix Vll. * Appendix XVIII. 145 November y 28*'^^ i753- Thomas y son'"'^ of Thomas and Anne Browning was buried. January y^ 2^ 17 54- Martha y^ daughter of Richard and Ehza- beth Casselden. February y 14 1754. Jane Kingsmill widow was buried. Br. Faussett, Curate. July y^ 15th 1754. Buried Mildred y^ daughter of Thomas & Wilmot Bewly. August y^ 10^^ 1754- Buried Elisabeth ye wife of Thomas Kingsmill. September y 9*^ 1754. Buried Ann y^ wife of Thomas Browning. May y 4^^ 1 755. Buried Elizabeth y^ w^ife of Bartholomew Neame. November y^ 5^^ i755- Buried Matthew Browning an infant. December y^ 9^^ i755- Buried Elizabeth Sawkins. Widow. Br. Faussett, Curate. WiLL^- Barrett, Curate. April 1^^ 1756. Michael y^ son of Richard and Elizabeth Castleden was buried. May 24^^^ 1756. Thomas y^ son of Thomas & Elizabeth Browning was buried. September 2^^ 1756. Margaret Baker widow was buried. Jan''y 9th 1757. Elizabeth Browning daughter of Tho^- & Elizabeth Brow^ning was buried. March 7*^ 1757. Martha y^ wife of Daniel Quested was buried. August 14*^ 1757- Thomas son of Edw^- & Sarah Baker was buried. Dec^- 29*'^^ 1757. John Birch was buried. April 24^ 1758. Elizabeth Mutton was buried. July 28^^^ 1 75S. Sarah daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Castleden was buried. Nov^- 19^^ 1758- Elizabeth Lade was buried. (1^ "Y infant son." (^^> 146 Dec^- 20^^^ 1758. James Birch was buried. Dec^- 25^^! 1758. Mary Mihills was buried. Jan^'y 4^'^ 1759- Mary Rye was buried. Mary y^ daughter of Ric"^ & Ehz^^ Castleden 1759. April 11^^^ was buried. April i8<^^ 1759. May 20^^ 1759- Dec^'- 25*^^^ 1759- March 9^^^ 1760. August 26^^^ 1760. 9^^ 1760. Nov'- Dec^- 14^^^ 1760. Jan^y 26*^^1 1 761. was buried. John Turk was buried. Tho^- Browning was buried. Thom^- Kingsmill was buried. Elizabeth Mutton infant was buried. John Brookshaw, Infant was buried. . . Goulder widow was buried. . . . Beer widow was buried. Martha daughter of John & Susannah Marsh Wm Barrett, Curate. Feb^y 2 5^ 1 761. May ii*^h 1 761. May 15*^ 1761. June 28^''^ 1 761. July 19^^ 1 76 1. Sep^ 22^^ 1 76 1, buried. Dec"* i8tii 1761. Feb^" 26 1762. June 6^'^ 1762. June 14^^ 1762 buried. Ocf^ 9*^ 1762. buried. Qctr 23^11 1762. Jan^y 26^^ 1763. April 10^^^ 1763. June 24 1763. Jane Kingsmill widow was buried. Ann Gobbs a Stroller was buried. Mary y^ wife of Daniel Smith was buried. Joseph Webb buried. Sarah Smith*^^^ buried. Ann Sabine y wife of Chibborn Sabine was John Ladd* was buried. Widow Birch was buried. Widow Ladd was buried. , William son of Edw^ & Margaret Beer was Mercy daughter of Ric^ & Eliz^^ Castleden was A Stroller was buried. Mary wife of Ric*^ Belsy was buried. Chibborne Sabine widower was buried. Elizabeth wife of John Beer was buried. ^'> " An infant." (a) * Appendix xxvii. 147 H. Fox Curate. OcF 26^^^ 1754. Mary Grant was buried. Dec'' 30^^' 1764. Stephen Knight buried. July 22^^ 1765. M^'s Hannah Turner,* grandmother to the Earl of Lauderdale, & Sir Jervis Clifton. Aug 3** 1765. Ann Knight buried. W^ Taswell, Curate. 1766. John bascborn son of John Wood and Elizabeth Webb was buried Jan^y 19. Elizabeth wife of Stephen Sutton was buried Jan'"y 29^^- Ann Baker was buried June 26^^ 1766. Abraham Baker was buried Nov. 10^^^ 1766. Richard Miles was buried December 27^^^ 1766. Elizabeth (D^* of Johnf) Beer was buried March 28^^- 1767. Tho^ Miles was buried July 12^^^^^ 1767. Elizabeth Questead was buried Oct^ 25*^ 1767. Sarah White was buried Sep^^ 23*^ 1767. Susan Knight was buried September 29"^^^ 1767. Wm. Revell was buried March 27^^^ 1768. Sarah Pilcher the wife of John Pilcher was buried March 22^^ 1 768. Daniel Quested was buried June y^ 8^^ 1768. Thos. DenwardI was buried June 30^^ 1768. The Rev^- Peter Innes Rector of this Parish was buried January 22^^ 1769. Elizabeth Birch was buried March 29*^^ 1769. Abraham Burton a Traveller was buried April 17^^ 1769. Benjamin Rye Clerk of this Parish, was buried July 21^*^ 1769, antient. 1770. William White was buried March 9*^ 1770. 1770. July 5*^ Mary Webb widow an antient Woman. September 21. Thomas Fox, an Infant. (i)''Aug2o."(^; "July 12." (d) ^2^ " Sept. 29." (a) "Aug. 17th. (3) * Appendix vii. t Inserted subsequently. | Appendix xix. 148 1771. 1771- January 6^'^- John Fowel from Bishopsbourn. January 13. Edward Bean drowned. January 23, Ann Miles Widow an antient Woman. March 31. John Church a youth. November 12^^- Ehzabeth Fox an Infant. 1772. 1772. March 29. James Jordan an Infant, May 13. Edward Castle an Infant. December 31. Sarah Finnes wife of Thos. Finnes. 1773. 1773- May 18. Elizabeth Waters an Infant, drown'd. June I. Mary White, Spinster. Sept'" 5. Joseph Mantle, a Stranger. July 25. Elizabeth Bartlet, widow. Dec^- 13. William Jacob Infant. Dec 20. Elizabeth Mutton Infant. John Nairn Rector, also Minister of Wingham & Rector of Stourmouth, 1774- 1774. March 2. Mrs Elizabeth Hall,* widow of Doc^^ Hall, late Physician of Greenwich Hospital. July 22. Stephen Laurence an Infant. 1775- January 22. Edward Beer. September 1 8. Thomas Ford from Barham, late of this Parish. October 21. Thomas Newport an Infant. December 17. Ann Newport an Infant. December 28. Ann Ford from Barham. * Appendix Xll. 149 1776. 1776. January 28. Henry Chandler. July 14. John Pilcher an antient Man. August I. William Ellen of the small Pox. August 9^^ Sarah Munns an Infant. November 3. Thomas Williams Infant accident. 1777. 1777. March 12^^- Ann Paine*. July 15^^^- Mary Morgan from Feversham. September 17^^- Elizabeth Impett. December 13. John Jacob Small Pox. 1778. 1778. May 18. Mary Woodt an Infant. September 18. John Woodf Church Warden. September 20. James William Pritchard^^^ an Infant. December 2^^- Elizabeth Baker a widow. December 6. John Wood.f 1779- 1779. March 25. Richard Pain* from great Hardres. Nov. 6. Mary Baker hang'd her Self. Nov. 14. John Mutton an Infant. Nov. 22. Thos. Baker 1780. 1780. January 13. John Bean an ancient man. June 16^^- Hannah Pritchard from Newington Butts, Surrey. June 22. WiUiam Beer. September 7^^^- Mary wife of Richard Baker. ^1) *' base born. 'Y^; * Appendix xxiii. t Appendix xxviii. ISO December 28. James Chapman from Canterbury. John Nairn, Rector. 1 78 1. Jan 26. Thomas Miles, from Barham. Feb. 5. Jane, wife of Edward Ford. March 5. Stephen Sutton. July 31. William Jacob Infant. Dec^- 27. James Beer Infant. 1782. 1782. Jan 17. Thomas Bewly ancient Man. April 6. John Bridges from Barham. June 27. John Castle. Nov'' 26. Wilmot Bewly from Adisham. 1783. 1783. April 16. John Laurence ancient. 84. July 13. Sarah Finnis. August 17. Mary wife of Peter Jacob. September 14. CaroHne Robins Infant. November 9. Robert Ford Infant. December 4. John Ford Infant from Harbledown. 1784. May 20. Jemima Margaret Payler. June 20. Thomas Baker from Dover. August 25. Sarah Baker Widow. October 24. Benjamin Mutton. 1785. 1785. Jan 26. Sarah Brooks Infant. March I'j^^^- Judith Fox from Barham. July 10. Thomas Browning. 1786. March i. Peter Jacob. 151 May 5. Edward Sutton Infant. June 4^^^- Elizabeth, wife of James Mutton. Aug. 5. John Newport Infant. Sep*- 28. Margaret Beer Widow from Canterbury. 1787. 1787. Jan. 4th. Amy Mace. April 3. Richard Mace.^^^ April 19. Elizabeth Knight.*^^^ July 9. Stephen Laurence. Oct^- 12. Sarah wife of John Terry. 1788. 1788. July 24. William Horsepool. John Nairn, Rector. 1790. January 14*^- Ann Spain. January 14. Stephen Spain Infant. February 14. Edward Ford, Clerk of this Parish. May 2 1 St- Elisabeth Nairn* wife of the Reverend John Nairn, Rector. June 2. William Pilcher. Nov. 26. Mary wife of James Pritchard. 1791. 1 791. March 14. Hannah Pilcher, widow of W"^ Pilcher, August 23. Elizabeth Bean, Widow. October. 16. Edward Browning. Dec^- 22. Richard Baker. 1792. January 15. Margaret Churchman. March t6^^- The Reverend William Dejovas Byrchef A.M. from Canterbury. October 7. John Richford An Infant. (1) " From Bridge." (b) ^23 u p^.^^^ Bridge." (b) ^ "Appendix XII." t " Appendix IX." 795- 1796. 1797- 152 1793- January 27. Hannah King Widow. March 6. Susanna Newman a Vagrant. March. 17. Elizabeth Browning. April 21. Elizabeth Castleden widow. May 13. John base born son of Ann Smithson. November. 15. Mary, wife of Richard White jtin^'- 1794. Feb'"- 16. Anna Mutton, d''- of Robert Mutton. Sep*^- 23. Elizabeth, wife of Richard White Sen'"- Sep*- 30. Elizabeth Whitehead. Ocf- 30. Elizabeth Jacob. Febr. 24. Elizabeth Laurence Widow. April 22. Mary, wife of Thos. Horton from Heme. June 16. John Martin a Soldier. June 25 a Soldier's wife. August 27. John Lumpton a Soldier. September 5. John Williams. September 20. Thomas Jourdan. January 31. Henry Atwood an Infant. February 4th Richard White. John Nairn Rector. 1796. April 22. Sarah Green an Infant. August 26. Sarah, wife of Thomas Colder. August 30. William Curgenwen a Soldier's Child. Sepf- 12. Ann Mutton daughter of Rob*- Mutton. Sepf^- 29. Elizabeth Mutton daughter of Rob*- Mutton. Ocf^- 23. James Mutton son of James Mutton. Feb'"- 19. Jane Mutton daughter of Rob*- Mutton. June II. Thomas Colder, aged 86. Aug 28. Mary Mutton daughter of Rob*- Mutton. 153 1798. Feb. 1 8. Charlotte, base born daughter of Mary Kings- mill. June 9. M.^^ Charlotte Payler,* wife of Thomas Watkin- son Payler Esq^- of Ileden. July 10. M^s Elizabeth Byrche,t widow of the Reverend William Dejovas Byrche late of the black Friars in Canterbury. August 30. Thomas Ford Clerk of this Parish. October 29. John Philpot Infant. November 12. Christopher Wood.| Dec^ 23. Ann Smitten Widow 1799. Feb'" 19 Spillett, a Traveller. Feb 28. Vincent Pilcher. March 7. Elizabeth Brisnall. July 15. George Philpot, Infant. August 5. Major Barston private in 3^ Foot Guards. August 5. private in 2^ Reg. Foot Guards, no affid^ brought. Decembr 29. Martha Keeler from Bishopsbourn. 1800. April 2. James Pritchard. April 27. James Atwood Infant. May 3. Richard White. Oct^" 30. Charles Pritchard, from Canterbury. 1801. 1 80 1. Aug. 19. William Goldfinch. 1802. 1802. Feb. 2. Thomas Lawrence. June 20. Thomas Mutton. , June 28. Thomas Castle. Nov. 14. Thomas Browning. * Appendix v. t Appendix IX. j Appendix xxix. 154 1804. i8o4. April 6th. George Rousall Infant. John Nairn, Rector. 1804. 1804. July 2. Mary wife of Edward Ford, from Canterbury. October 30. George Wood an Infant. November 2. Austin Spain. 1806. 1806. Feby 27th John Nairn,* Rector of Kingston aged about 8oyrs. May . . Stephen Reynolds. July 2^^ Gibbon Ladd Terry set. 15. May 2 2d William Williams. Charles Hughes. Curate. 1806. John Norris aged 25. Aug*- 24^^- Catharine Lawrance, widow, brought from Dover, was buried Sept 14^^ Aged 82. Thomas Terry aged 31 buried Oct^- 5*^^ 1806. Alice Pritchard Spinster, aged 55. buried 10^^ Oct^- 1806. 1807. Edward Infant son of George & Eliz^^^ Newport, Dec^- 15 1807. 1808. Edward Bean Batchelor, aged 54 years. Jan^- 20th 1808. Thomas Kingsmill. Aged 87 years. Jan^'y 27. 1808. Parnel Browning, widow of ... . Browning, aged 86y'" Feb. 4: 1808. Richard Keeler aged 73 years. Feb. 7 ; 1808. * Appendix xii. 155 Ann Williams aged 77 years. Aug 5^^. 1808. John Richardson aged i year buried Aug 21. 1808. William* son of Thomas & Sarah Ellen (late Sarah Mutton Sp^- ) aged 7 years buried Dec^- 14. 1808. 1809. 1809. Edward base born son of Susannah Codham, aged 2 months, buried Jan^- i. 1809. William German aged 2 years, buried Feb. 20. 1809. John Ford aged 4 months, buried March 13. 1809. James Williams, aged 74 years, buried March 31. 1809. Thomas Gosling aged 39 years, buried April 10*^ 1809. Sophia Philpot aged 9 months. x\ug^*- 16. 1809. Thomas Beek aged 7 days. August 30^^ 1809. John Fagg. aged 77 years. Sep^- 29 : 1809. Cooper Willyams, Rector. Elizabetht wife of Thomas Watkinson Payler of Ileden Esq^- aged 50 years, buried March 18. 18 10. Matthew Fagg aged 19. Dec^ 20*^ 1810. brought from Hardres. Kill'd by kicks from a horse. 1812. Henry Pilcher son of W"^ & Charlotte, aged 5 months. Feb. 20. 1812. Mary, daughter of John & Eliz^^ Dines, aged 9 months. March 2. 1812. Mary Ann daug^ of W & Charlotte Pilcher aged 2 years. April 12, 1812. Sarah Fetherstone aged 36 years. July 5^^ 181 2. Cooper Willyams, Rector. [nd of Burials in the Second Register Book.] Appendix xxv." t " Appendix vin." 156 \The following notes relating to the Churchy 6^r., are entered in this Second Register Book.'] (I.) Kingston June 2^ 1798. Be it remembered that the Reverend John Nairn Rector of this Parish of Kingston hath, at the Request of T. W. Payler Esq^e of Ileden in this Parish, given his Consent to his making a burying Vault in the Parish Church of Kingston aforesaid, at the North Entrance thereof, of the Dimensions of 18 feet 4 inches, by 10 feet 4 inches, for the use of his Family"*^; upon Condition, that the sum of two Guineas shall be paid to himself, and his Successors, the future Rectors of Kingston, for the time being, for every Corpse that shall hereafter, from Time to Time be deposited in the same Vault Witness our Hands the Day & Year above mentioned John Nairn, Rector of Kingston. Thos. W. Payler. (2.) In the year 1809 the Rector, by consent of the Churchwarden & principal parishioners, took down the Vane, & in lieu thereof put up a new one with letters N.W.E.S. the parish having put up a new pole. The alteration with the gilding cost the Rector 2 guineas, besides the letters. (3.) In the year 1 8 1 3, The said Rector the Rev^l Cooper Willyams having at a parish meeting undertaken to rebuild the Church Porch which was dilapidated for the sum of ;^2o He completed it as it now stands at about the expence of -^0. The overplus of course he himself supplied. * In course of repaying the Chui'ch in 1886, the workmen came upon the entrance to this vault about 3 feet from the North Door of the Church. From an inspection of the coffin-plates the following members of the Payler family were found to lie interred there : Jemima Margaret Payler 1784, set. 2; Charlotte Payler 1798, a3t. 50 ; Elizabeth Payler 1810, ffit. 50 ; Rev. W. Payler 1814, set. 39 ; Thos. Watkinson Payler 1816, set. 68 ; Maria Payler 1817, set. 34 ; Colonel James Payler 1854, set. 67. 157 (4.) In the Autumn of 1846 Kingstone Church was restored. I. The Tower & Belfry were repaired, a brick drain laid on the South side, & the Church repewed by the Parishioners, assisted by a contribution of ^25 from the Landowners, under the superintendence of Mr. Robert Gardner, Churchwarden. 2. A new Floor was laid, the Gallery removed & the Church Walls & Ceiling &c. coloured at the expense of the Landowners & others, under the direction of Captain Douglas of Ileden. 3. The new Oak Doors with their fastenings & the Vestry Door were presented to the Parish by Captain Douglas, who also defrayed the expense of staining the Pews & cleaning the Arches & Stone work. 4. The Beams were stained & the glass of the East Window enriched by the Hon^l^ Daniel Finch. 5. - The East Window was put in & the Chancel was restored by the Reverend Thomas Bartlett, who presented the Font to the Parish, & the carved oak Desk, & opened & renewed the Window near it. The Desk was made in imitation of the Pulpit, from the Old oak- screen which was removed to make way for the new East Window. March 28. 1847. THOMAS Bartlett, Rector. (5-) In the Spring of the year 1873 the following repairs were carried out. The North Porch thoro'ly restored by Voluntary contributions at a cost of ^43 los. od. The Church roof retiled, the cieling removed. Timbers thrown open & thoro'ly cleaned at a cost ^125 Voluntary contributions. The Chancel Roof re-tiled the cieling removed Timbers shewn, thoro'ly cleaned - Two carved angels placed at the East end of the roof at a cost of 2^95. By the Rector, Percy J. Croft. The sum also of Fifty six Pounds eleven shillings paid on account in behalf of Parish for Architect's Charge (W. White) for Plans, Specifications, Journey, &c. By the Rector, Percy J. Croft. (6.) - In the Spring of the year 1881 the old Vestry was removed by Faculty, and new one built by Voluntary contributions at a cost of Seventy Pounds. In the year 1882 Oak Door and restoration of Door Way and Window above it leading from Vestry to Chancel, at a cost Sixteen pounds by Voluntary contributions. 158 (7.) i882. On Wednesday, July 19th, 1882, the Bishop Suffragan of Dover consecrated twenty one perches of land the Gift of George Henry Marquis Conyngham, as an additional plot for burial the land adjoining the present Churchyard to the South West. (8.) 1886. The Church was re-opened on Oct 20th, 1886, having been closed for two months during Restoration. The following were the chief portions of the work : The Chancel repaved and furnished with Oak Prayer-desk and Choir Stalls. The Nave reseated in oak, the floor laid with wooden blocks, passages paved with tiles, windows reglazed and stone (inside) Cills renewed. Heating Stove placed in sunk chamber. The Tower Roof releaded and new Vane supplied. The Churchyard New Oak Gates. Drain laid to carry off the water from the roof The works were carried out by Mr. H. B. Wilson, Builder, of Canterbury, under the direction of Mr. R. Norman Shaw, R.A., Architect. Total cost of Restoration, $^3 ^9^- 1^., towards which the Canterbury Diocesan Church Building Society granted ;^ioo. C. H. WiLKiE, Rector. 159 APPENDIX MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. [IN THE NAVE.] I. This Tablet is erected in Memory of James Payler, A Colonel in the Army, and sometime Governor of Zante and Corfu : Appointed Lieutenant 52nd Foot, 24th March, 1804 ; Captain in the same Regiment, 18th August, 1808 ; Had a silver Medal and four Clasps for his services at Fubntes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, NiVELLE, and Nive ; Major 10th Foot, 17th January, 1822, And Lieutenant Colonel 2nd June, 1825, Colonel in the Army 28th June, 1838, Died unmarried 15th April, 1854. Blessed is he whose end is peace. This Tablet was erected At the joint expence of various Charitable Institutions, To which Colonel James Payler was a munificent contributor. Sacred to the Memory of Mary Lucy, The beloved wife of Robert Deane Parker, Esqre. Of the Honble. the East India Company's Civil Service, And Daughter of the Revd. T. Bart- lett, M.A., Rector of this Parish. Who died at Mercara in the Coorg Country in the East Indies, On the 10th day of March, A.D. 1846, Aged 23 years. This tablet is erected by her bereaved husband, in Affectionate testimony of her great worth as a wife And a mother, and with an humble trust, that, "Justified By faith, in the righteousness of the Saviour, she has Found peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Arms. On a Lozenge, gules a chevron between three leopards' faces or, impaling sable, three dexter gloves pendent argent tasselled or. III. Sacred to the memory of a sincere Christian, Endeared to his family by the most affectionate kindness. As a son, a brother, a husband, and a father, And to a large circle of friends. By social and engaging manners, goodness of heart. And a variety of talents. This tablet is erected by his widow, Elizabeth, Daughter of Peter Snell of Whitley Court, in the County of Gloucester, Esqr. Deeply afilicted. Yet not mourning like those without hope, To The Revd. Cooper Willyams, M.A. Rector of this Parish and of IStourmouth, Whose remains are deposited With those of his beloved sister, Beata, i6o At Fulkam in Middlesex. He was born June 22d, 1762, and died July 17th, 1816. Arms *^* Quarterly 1 and 4 Argent a fesse chequy gules and argent, between three otters' heads erased gules ; each gorged with a ducal coronet or ; a crescent for difference. 2 gules a fesse between two chevrons vaire ; (Goodere) 3 argent a fesse sable, in chief a mullet of the last between two pellets; (Dineley) Impaling, quarterly gules and azure over all a cross moline or. IV. Sacred To the Memory of The Rev. William Payler, M.A. Late Vicar of Patrixhourne and Bridge, And Second son of T. W. Payler, Esqre. of Ileden ; Who died the 19th day of June, 1814, JEtat 38. In the discharge of his Ministerial duties, He was most zealous and exemplary. As a husband most amiable And affectionate. As a just tribute to his merits This Tablet is erected By his afflicted widow, Who died the 19th day of November, 1817, ^tat 34. Deeply and deservedly lamented. Sarah Maria, their youngest daughter. Died at Kenstnoton The 15th day of December, 1827, jEtat 15. To the memory of Charlotte Payler, wife of Thomas Watkinson Payler, of Ileden, Esquire. She was Daughter of William Hammond, Esqre, of Si. Alban's, and Charlotte his wife Daughter of William Egerton, LL.D., ** According to Burke the correct Arms of Willyams are. Argent a fesse chequy gules and vert, between three griftlns' heads erased of the third ; each gorged with a ducal coronet or. Grandson of John Earl of Bridg- water. She excelled where it was real honor to excell In the character of Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend. Her eminent virtues were confirmed and improved By a regular attendance on her religious duties. Tho' endued with exquisite sensibility And awaked to all the charities of life She possesd her soul in that calmness and fortitude Which true religion only can inspire. Having lived a blessing to her family And an animating example to all who knew her She was parted from them for a little while On the second day of June, 1798, In the fiftieth year of her age. Heaven gives us friends To bless the present scene, Resumes them To prepare us for the next. Crest. Over a blank shield a dove, wings extended, holding an olive branch between the beak. VI. In a Vault near this Church Lie the mortal remains of Elizabeth Sarah Martha, The beloved wife of Edward Knocker, Esqr., of Dover, And the eldest daughter of the Reverend Thomas Bartlett, A.M., Rector of this Parish, and of Catharine Sarah his wife ; She departed this life on the 6th day of March, 1835, Aged 21 years; leaving one infant daughter, Emily Elizabeth. A bright example of filial duty and sisterly affection from her Earliest years, her brief career proved that the piety which adorned her Youthful course, and peculiarly en- deared her to her parents, could shed A lustre equally edifying and lovely over her character as a wife and mother. Alive to the duty of redeeming the time, she was "fervent inspirit Serving the Lord : " and submissive to the divine will, she was "patient In tribulation, continuing instant in praper." i6i They who witnessed her " Lift " traced the grace of God working in her The fruit of ''Love without dissimula- tion" and leading her to "abhor that which Is evil andtoc/eave to that which is good." They who witnessed her " Death " Traced the same divine grace spiritualizing her affections, elevating her hope, Confirming her faith, and enabling her to rely in calmness and peace upon the Merits and mercy of her Saviour ! " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Also in the same vault lie the remains of Edward Tottenham Knocker, the son of the aforementioned Edward and Elizabeth Sarah Martha Knocker, who died on the lOtli day of February, 1835, aged three days. Arms. On a lozenge, sable a fesse or frettyof the field between three fleurs- de-lis of the second impaling sable three dexter gloves pendent argent tasselled or. To the Precious Memory of Thomas Turner Son of John Turner of Ileden Esqre. & HANNAH his Wife Daughter of Tho : LOWFEILD of Surrey Esq. Whose Duty to God, his Parents, Relations & Friends, ExpressVl in a course of early Piety & strict Probity, Made him sooner than ordinary ripe for Heaven. Immodicis brevis est uEtas, et vara Sevectus. He was expert in Business, And of such sweet & affable Deport- ment, As made him much beloved in his life And more lamented at his Death, being but 23 years old. He died at Draper's Hall, London, 21st April 1722. And lies buried here in a New Vault. hie si Casta Fides, Juvenumq Exempla Piorum Quid poterant, nondum debuit ille mori : Sed voluit Deus hcec : et Dignum vivere Terris Proeripuit, Gcelo quod magk Dignus erat. The said John Turner had 3 other children Elizabeth since married to SR Tho : LOMBE of Londo : Mercht And John, & Susanna, who died Infants. Here also lieth the said John Turner who Departed this life the 13th day of July 1747 In the 73rd year of his age. The above Sk Thomas Lombe* departed this life The 3d of January 1738 Aged 53, & left Issue Two Daughters, Hannah the Eldest married To Sr Robert Clifton Baronet de Knight of the Bath, the youngest Mary Turner married to the Right Honble James Earl iA Lauderdale. Dame Elizabeth Lombe Relict of Sr Thomas Lombe & Daughter of the above John & Hannah Turner departed this life the 18th of Novem- ber 1753 Aged 52 & both are Interred in this Vault. Here also lieth the said Hannah Turner Who departed this Life the 11th day of July 1765 in the 91st year of her age. Arms. Quarterly 1 and 4. Per fesse sable and ermine a pale, counterchanged and three fers-de-moline or, two and one (Turner). 2 and 3. Gules six crosses crosslet fltch^e or, three two and one. (Theobald) Impaling ; per fesse vert and or, a pale, counterchanged, in chief a bull s head couped sable ; in base two garbs gules. (Lowfield) Crest a lion sejant ermine, holding in the dexter paw a fer-de-moline or. (The fer-de- Moline has disappeared.) Beneath the above are two angels each supporting a shield, one bearing the arms of Turner & Theobald quarterly as above the other shield the arms of Turner. On the north wall a short distance from the Tablet is suspended a Surcoat bearing the Arms of Lombe Azure two Combs in fesse between a broken lance barwise, one piece in chief with the head respecting the dexter point of the shield, the broken part of the other half towards the dexter base point or. Beneath the Surcoat is a shield bear- ing the same arms. Above is a funeral helmet supporting the crest Two lances in saltire or, each with a small pendant gules. Of the crest only the lower portions of the lances remain. On either side of the Surcoat hang the gauntlets and beneath, the Spurs and funeral sword. * One of three brothers, merchants (sons of Henry Lombe of Norwich), through whom the manufacture of silk was introduced into England. The youngest brother, l62 VIII. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Payler, second wife of Thomas Watkinson Payler Esqre of , Ileden : fehe was daughter of Edmund Winn, Mqre, of Ackton Hall in the County of York. She departed this life March the 10th 1810. Aged 50 years. Her husband hath erected this tablet, As a monument of her vii-tues. And of his affection. [/JV THE CHANCEL.] IX. Viro reverendo, probo, erudito, bono, Gulielmo Dejovas Byrche, A.M. * juxta banc parietem condito, hujusmodi marmor erigi voletat Uxor ejus Elizabetha Thomce Barrett de Lee armigeri filia: Quse cum interim post diuturnos dolores tam corporis quam animi, pie et patienter toleratos vita f uncta est : et hie prope maritum sepulta : Hoc qualecunque virtutum utriusque MNHM02UN0N desiderii sui TEKMHRION fieri curavit Frater ejus ex patre Thomas Barrett. Obiit Hie, liberis duobus susceptus Thoma Peters et Elizabetha die 7 Martii 1792 get. 63. Ilia vero die Imo Julii 1798 set. 70. Hasted states that the Rev. W. D. Byrche obtained (1758) a grant of the Arms as blazoned in the second and third quarterings of the Byrche Hatchment, now in the Tower of the Church. These are Quarterly 1 and 4 Azure, a lion rampant argent armed gules (Byrche) 2 and 3. Azure, on a chev- ron argent, between three fleurs-de- lis or, a cross clicliee gules, on a chief of the last a portcullis chained of the second (Byrche) Impaling quarterly 1 and 4 Or, on a chevron between three mullets sable, as many lions passant guardant or. (Barrett) 2 and 3 Or, three roses gules (Peters), X. Johannes Nethersole de Nethersole, Vincenti filius,- Thoma?, Johannis, Wilsfordi, Francisci, Gulielmi, Annae, Sara;, Rebeccae, ex Peregrina Francis- ci Wilsfordi filia Pater optumus, Natus A.D. 1546, Denatus 1627. Hie in Illo quiescensexpectat diem ultimum. Tantum est. Csetera in vtrivs- qve parentis honorera adscribenda, si isti tacerent, lapides hi loqve- rentur. Abi, lector, bene itidem merere de tuis, epitaphio ad en- conium, vel non habeas, non carebis. (A Mural Alabaster Monument between two black marble columns, consisting of two kneeling figures, representing man and wife, face to face on either side of a desk. The inscription on a black marble slab beneath. There has been a shield of arms now lost under the inscription). John,^ at the great risk of his life brought over the secret from Savoy, having under disguise obtained employment in one of the mills of that country, and thus gained a knowledge of the machinery {Old England, Bk. Vll. Cap II) The Lombes set up the famous silk mill at Derby, and obtained a Royal Patent in 1718, which was renewed in 1732 for another 14 years on the Petition of Sir T. Lombe, Parlia- ment at the same time giving him a grant of 14,000. Thomas Lombe was an Alder- man of the Ward of Bassishaw. and was knighted when Sheriff of London in 1727. He died at his house in the parish of St. Olave, Old Jewry, leaving a fortune of 120,000 (Gent's Mag. 1739). * Son of the Rev. W. Byrche (by Jane d. of Mr. W. Dejovas) curate of St. Mary's Dover & Rector of Gt. Monegham, deceased 1756. Through his wife Elizabeth d. of Thomas Barrett he became entitled to the Manor and Advowson of Kingstone. ITieir only son Thomas Peters, Lt. in the Marines, dying unmarried (1784) the manor, &c. passed to Sir S. E. Brydges, Bart., of Denton, on his marriage with Elizabeth the sur- viving daughter. i63 XI. M. S. The remaines of Margaret ye wife of Thomas Turner of Ileden Esqre. By whom he had yssue : John, Thomas, William, Charles & Henry, Mary, Martha, And Susanna, All liveing at the tyme of her decease. Also 2 sons & 3 daughters more that dyed young. She was humble vertuous and Religious A benefactor and Physitian to the poor An excellent wife, a true friend, & indulgent Parent. She dyed at Lincoln's Inn, Augt the 4th, 1698, In ye 47th year of her age and 26th of her Marryage Her body vndemeath doth rest Her soul (no doubt) in heaven is blest, GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO. Also ye said Thomas Turner Died Apl : 1th, 1715, in ye 68th Year of his Age, & lyes In ye same Vault. Arms. Per fesse, Sable and ermine a pale counterchanged, and three feis-de- moline or, two and one (Turner). On an escutcheon of pretence, Gules, six ci'OBses crosslet fitchee or, three, two, and one. Impaling, Gules, six crosses crosslet fltch^e or, three two and one. Crests : 1. a Lion sejant ermine. 2. a Phceuix rising out of flames proper. XII. To the Memory of The Revd John Nairn 37 years Rector of this Parish. He died on the 19th February 1806. Much regretted by all Who had the happiness of knowing him. His constant and uniform attention to every duty, gained him the gi-atitude and respect of his parishioners, And his benevolent and friendly disposition secured to him universal esteem. In the same vault Lieth the remains of MRS Nairn 1st wife of the Revd. John Nairn. She was daughter of Dk- Hall, M.D. Also Mus Hall Mother to the above-mentioned Mrs Nairn. Ann Second Wife of the above-named John Nairn Died the 12th January 1818. Near this Place lyes interr'd the Bodyes of Vincent Denne Bsqr : Serjeant at law, and Mary his Wife Daughter of Thomas Denne Esqr. Deceased : By which said Mary He had Issue four Daughters viz. Dorothy, Mary, Bridgett, & honywood ; Which three last are all dead : And the said Dorothy, the Surviving Sister, who is the Widow & Relict of THOMAS GiNDER gent, deceased Caused this Monument to be set up in Memory of Her said Father and Mother. He departed this Life the 28th of October 1693 Aged 65, She departed this Life the 19th of November 1701 Aged 78. Arms. Azure, three leopards faces or. Hie sitoe sunt reliquiae GiLBERTi Burroughs Scoto- Britanni. Hujus Ecclesise per annos viginti sex rectoris, Necnon regise Scholae Cantuariensis, Hypodidascali perdiligentis ; Qua de Provincia, quinque post Lustra, Sexcentos vero labores ibidem haustos Demigravit, ut sibi viveret, Accedente senecta ; Cujus ipso in limine, Quinto quinquagesimo Anno, In febrim delapsus. Quod mortale fuit, morti concessit, Summo cum dolore, ac desiderio Omnium, quibus perspecta fuerat Mirifica illius adversus superiores libertas 164 Erga sequales comitas, in alumnos lenitas, Qui illi secundum liberos suos ita fuerunt Ut poene pares essent. Uxorem habuit, Margaretam filiam unicam Thomse Seyliard Rectoris de Deal. Morum suavitatis, prudentise, atg OiKovofiias egregium exemplar dein Jaaam filiam Tristrami Stevens Dubrensis, ex hac nuUam prolem, ex ilia tres filios, Totidem filias suscepit, quorum tres superstites Gilbertus, Gulielmus. atg Anna, hoc saxum pietatis ergo statuerunt, Diem Obiit v Kalen. Octob : A.D. MDCCXVIII. XV. {Brass) Here lyeth John Hastlyn that was P'son of Kingston 28 yeares, He had to wife Margaret Hogbenn and had children by her Mary, John, Joane and Aifry. Hee Dyed Anno Dni. 1600, Die August 24. XVI. (Brass) Robertus Denn Charus pauperibus Cceteris dilectus, exiguo Vitae Curriculo recte et laudato con- fecto, ardente febri imaturam mortem Obiit, Ex vnica uxore Tho- masinte filios quinque duasque filias superstites relinqvens Vicesimo septimo die mensis Martii Anno Domini Millesimo quinqen- tesimo nonagesimo quarto, annum setatis suae agens quadragesimum quintum * [/jv THE churchyard:] XVII. {A Hat stone East of Chancel) Here Lyeth buried ... of Jane wife of John Turner departed this life Sept Here Lyeth ye body of John Turner Husband of Jane Turner ly 11 1721 Aged 84 years. XVIII. {An altar tomb) Here lieth Interred the Body of Mary Wife of the Revd Mr Peter Innes Rector of this Parish. She was the only surviving Daughtr of Stepn & Catharine Nethersole late of Wimingswold. She died Jan. 11th 1748. Aged 60 years. Arms. A fess engrailed between three stars impaling per pale three Griffins segreant. No tinctures recorded. XIX. {A fiat stone) Here lieth interred The body of THOMAS DEN WARD, Who departed this Life June 25th 1768, Age. Sarah, 1648. Susanna, 1717. Thomas, 1722. Mary, 1726. Jane, 1726. Margaret, 1729. Henry, 1731. David, 1731. Sarah, 1756. William, 1760. James, 1764. Gookine, Mary, 1569. Grant, Edmund, 1673. Peter, 1675. Grant {cont.) Henry, 1677. Elizabeth, 1680. John, 1682. Jane, i685. Mary, 1689. Gray, (See Grey;. Green, Ann, 1710. Thomas, 1791. Mary, 1793. Sarah, 1795. Greenstreet, John, 1786. Gregorie, Elene, 1608. Grew, Abigail, 1732. ( Grey, ( Gray, John, 1649. Sara, 16i2. Thomas, 1656. Margaret, 1663. Margaret, 1666. Tho., 1667. Judith, 1670. Jane, 1746. Grigg, Joane, 1615. ( Grime, \ Gryme, Agiiis, 1558. Mercie, 1558. Simon, 1562. Groome, John, 1565. William, 1566. I Haddine. J Hadden, J Haddinge, \ Haddyne, Isabell, 1572. Thomas, 1577. Susan, 1579. Dennis, 1582. Jeffery, 1585 John, 1589. Haffield, (See Affleld;. Hallaiday, (See HoUiday;. Hambrook, James, 1682. Richard, 1685. Elizabeth, 1688. Mary, 1691. Harffleld, (See Affield;. Harnett, Sarah, 1765. ^ Hastifer, ( Hasley, Edward, 1620. Thomas, 1624. Hastlyn, Mary, 1588. John, 1590. Joane, 1593. Affra, 1597. Hatcher, Edward, 1613. Haule, Alice, 1572. Hay ward, '^Elizabeth, 1655. * Arthur, 1657. Ann, 1662. Hedgecock, John, 1639. John, 1640. Henrie, 1643. John, 1660, Richard, 1664. Heringe, Daniel, 1607. Hersefleld, John, 1804. Hobday, Elizabeth, 1636. Richard, 1639. John, 1643. Mildred, 1695. Willmot, 1697. Thomas, 170 i. Hogben, Clemente, 1608. Stephen 1633. Elizabeth, 1677. Parnell, 1746. William, 1747. Richard, 1749. Hogbone, Anne, 1614. Hoge, Walter, 1720. ( Holliday, \ Holyday, I. Halliday, Thomas, 1663. William, 1665. Daniel, 1669. Thomas, 1672. Edward, 1674. David, 1676. John, 1696. Tho., 1698. An, 1700. John, 1704. Susanna, 1706, Thomas, 1708. HoUams, Elizabeth, 1782. HoUoway, Peter, 1568. Entered among Marriage Registers, pp. 96-97. 175 INDEX OF BAPTISMS, (pp. 185.) Holman, Thomasine,l794, Holmes, John Hanley, 1795, Thomas, 1796. j Hopkin, \ Hopkins, Thomas, 1572. Jone, 1579. Dennis, 1579. Mildred, 1582. Susan, 1582. Thomasine,1585. Dionys, 1611. Mary, 1616. William, 16i7. Sarah, 1619. Edmonde, 1620. Martha, 1623. Jane, 1624. Catherine, 1624. Thomas, 1635. Thomas, 1642. Mary, 1662. John, 1664. Elizabeth, 1677. Thomas, 1680. Will, 1681. Sarah, 1717. Susanna, 1720. Michael, 1772. Horton,. Peter, 1559. John, 1563. Sarah, 1703. William, 1761. John, 1765. Thos., 1768. Sarah, 1775. Hudson, John, 1760. Huff am, Steven, 1639. Michael, 1640. Thos., 1642. Euse, Annie, 1605. Ingester, Thos., 1608. Inkepitt, John, 1679. Thos., 1680. Jacob, John, 1767. Sam., 1769. William, 1771. Eliz. A., 1774. William, 1776. Jemmett, Sarah A., 1790, Johnson, Thomas, 1565. George, 1607. Eliz , 1608. William, 1746. Jones, Eliz., 1635. Myhill, 1637. Jordan, Thos. T., 1795, Juce, Thos., 1680. Jull, Robert, 1661. Eles, 1659. Eliz., 1662. Jure, {See Juce). Elizabeth, 1766. Mary, 1772. Thomas, 1776. John, 1804. Kelsey, Mary, 1712. Kennett, Mary, 1697. Wm., 1700. Catharine, 1735 Charlotte, 1794. Kidham, Wm., 1711. Kingsmell, Mary, 1621. Thomas, 1625. Margery, 1626. Anne, 1635. Dorothy, 1638. Elizabeth, 1643. Anne, 1652. Thomas, 1671. John, 1674. Elizabeth, 1681. Thomas, 1721. Jane, 1728. Mary, 1761. Charlotte, 1794. Knight, Wm., 1739. John, 1740 Mary, 1742. Susanna, 1744. Elizabeth, 1764. John, 1767. Knott, William, 1681. j Laban, ( Laborne, Thomasine,1585. John, 1588. Ladd, Joanne, 1627. Gibbon, 1763. Thomas, 1765. Susanna, 1767. Law, Ann, 1744. Elizabeth, 1746. Lawrence, Elizabeth, 1577. Mary, 1725. Elizabeth, 1727. Lawrence (cont.) John, 1729 William, 1737. Stephen, 1739. Thomas, 1740. Ann, 1743. Richard, 1745. William, 1772. George, 1789. f Lockar, i Lokar, Tho., 1717. Richard, 1719. Elizabeth, 1721. Margaret, 1749. Loud 8, Ann, 1605. Daniel, 1606. John, 1608. Jane, 1618. Thomasine,1618. / Lucas, \ Luckas, Ann, 1607. Elizabeth, 1758. Maine, Elizabeth, 1741. Makey, Mary, 1754. Sarah, 1757. Maple, Henry, 1591. Jone, 1595. Henry, 1649. Ann, 1653. Elizabeth, 16.^4. Elizabeth, 1655. Damaris, 1660. Steven, 1662. Mary, 1664. Thomas, 1666. ( Marshe, \ Mershe, Katherine, 1589. John, 1614. Elizabeth, 1623. Mary, 1626. Mary, 1639. Henry, 1680. Susanna, 1751. Henry, 1754. John, 1756. Jane, 1758. Martha, 1760. Mason, Jone, 1582. Elizabeth, 1586. Matson, John, 1575. Robert, 1577. Alice, 1580. Benjamin, 1730. Ann, 1732. Maxted, Elizabeth, 1674. Richard, 1679. James, 1800. Maxted (cont.) Henry, 1801. May, Hannah, 1794, George, 1796. James, 1797. Edward, 1799. Charlotte, 1800. Maytam, George, 1799. Mershe, {See Marshe). [ Mihil, Mihils, { Mihles, Myhil, Uiyie, Ann, 1635. William, 1637. John, 1638. Elizabeth, 1642. Francis, 1643. Richard, 1650. Ann, 1667. Elizabeth, 1669. John, 1672. Thomas, 1675. Ann, 1678. Ann, 1679. Ann, 1681. Rich., 1684. Mary, 1687. Augustine, 1689. Mary, 1691, Afferay, 1696, Elizabeth, 1696, Tho., 1697. Mary, 1699. Eliz, 1699. John, 1701. Mary, 1702. Mary, 1702. Jno., 1706. Jno., 1708. Wm., 1710. , 1716, John, 1727. Thomas, 1729. Elizabeth, 1732. Ann, 1735, Henry, 1750, Richard, 1752, William, 1753, Sarah, 1754, Thomas, 1756, John, 1759, Minter, Sarah, 1809, Mitchison, Catherine, 1776. ( Moore, ( Mooring, Ruth, 1688, Richard, 1689, William, 1691, Morley, James, 1595. 176 INDEX OF BAPTISMS, {pp. 185.) J Morris, ( Morrice, Elizabeth, 1675. Mary, 1678. Catherine, 1805. Moyse, John, 1561. Mughole, John, 1596. Dennis, 1599. Robert, 1604. Marget, 1620. Thomas, 1632. John, 1670. Munns, John, 1749. Sarah, 1776. Murrell, John, 1760. Mutton, John, 1751. John, 1752. Sophia, 1754. Sarah, 1755. Eleanor, 1758. Elizabeth, 1760. William, 1761. John, 1764. Henry, 1765. Robert, 1766. Thomas, 1766. Thos., 1768. Mary, 1770. Smith, 1771. Ralph, 1772. Mary. 1773. Elizabeth, 1773. Ann, 1774. John, 1774. Pleasant, 1775. James, 1777. John, 1779. John, 1780. Mary, 1785. Elizabeth, 1792. John, 1799. Thomas, 1800. Henry, 1801. John, 1803. Edward, 1805. James, 1807. Sarah, 1811. i Myhil, IMyle, (S'ee Mihil). Nash, Danyell, 1638. Nethersole, William, 1565. Jone, 1576. Marye, 1577. Anne, 1579. Josias, 1580. John, 1583. Wilsford, 1585. John, 1586. Nethersole (cont.) Francis, 1 586. William, 1589. Anne, 1591. Sarah, l.'>96. Rebekah, 1598. Ann, 1616. Newport, Edward, 1774, Thomas, 1775. Eliz. S. 1777. John, 1780. George, 1782. William, 1794. William, 1805. John, 1807. Edward, 1807. John, 1808. Newstreet, John, 1586. Nicholson,* Thos. B., 1741. Nicols, John, 1604. Richard, 1607. Jane, 1609. Daniel, 1611. Elizabeth, 1614. Matthew, 1616. William, 1617. Thomas, 1620. Norington, Marget, 1612. Stephen, 1614. Norman, James, 1804. Norton, John, 1790. Not, William, 1706, Odley, William, 1859. John, 1591. Oldfield, Thomas, 1643. William, 1645. Oyns, William, 1781. Robert, 1786. / Packer, \ Peckar, Katherine, 1558. Anthony, 1563. Marye, 1565. Christofer, 1567. Page, Thomas, 1756. William, 1760. Harrison, 1769. Palmer, Jolin, 1583. Pantry, Elizabeth, 1576. Pay, Rich., 1708. Payler, t Thomas, 1772. CharlotteC.1773. William 1776 Henry W., 1777. Francis R., 1779. Jemima M., 1781. John A. : 1785. ( Pearce, < Pearse, ( Pierce, Henry, 1580. Jone, 1580. Jane, 1608. Jane, 1723. Mary, 1773. Ann, 1773. Sarah, 1774. William, 1777. James, 1781. Pearson, Jone, 1579. Vincent, 1582. Matthew, 1582. Mary, 15s4. Edward, 1725. Elizabeth, 1726. Ann, 1726. Matthew 1728. ( Perry, ( Perye, Thomas, 1569. Jone, 1573. Pettit, Elizabeth, 1748. Philpott, Steven, 1642. Mary, 1794. Elizabeth, 1794. Charlotte, 1794. George, 1795. Edward, 1796. John, 1798. Mary, 1799. Harriet, 1800. Michael, 1802. Stephen, 1804. Thomas, 1807. Hester, 1807. William, 1808. Sophia, 1809. Elizabeth, 1810. Caroline, 1811. Phinees, Susanna, 1758. Pierce, (See Pearce^ Pilcher, Nicholas, 1687. Ann, 1723. Stephen, 1725. Jesse, 1774. John, 1778. William, 1792. John, 1793. Sarah, 1804, Pilcher (cant.) John, Charlotte, Mary Ann, Henry, Pingle, Sarah, Pittock, James, James, Sarah, Pope, William, William, Preble, Richard, Prickett, Alice, Sarah, Pritchard, George, James W,, Henry, Question, Thomas, Quested, Jno., Tho., Mary, Elizabeth, Daniel, Rafe, William, Elizth., Ratley, James, William, Rayner, Alice, Ann, Ann, Mary, Mary, Read, Mary, Reading, Edw., Reynolds, Belinda, f Richard, J Rycarde, j Richwood, l,.Rickwood, Thomas, Margaret, John, George, William, Daniel, John, Robert, Mary, Catherine, Thomas, Vincent, Marget, 1806. 1808. 1810. 1811. 1741. 1634. 1636. 1638. 1691. 1610. 1686. 1 86. 1772. 1778. 1806. 1643. 1713. 1714. 1715. 1720. 1733. 1718. 1741. 1752. 1764. 1585. 1615. 1725. 1727. 1729. 1658. 1692. 1809. 1582. 1583. 1585. 1592. 1595. 1598. 1611. 1611. 1614. 1617. 1620. 1620. 1623. * Claringbold (?) t See footnote on page 71. J See page 85. 177 INDEX OF BAPTISMS, (pp. 1-83.) Richard (cont.) Lucke, 1627. Jane, 1629. Joaiie, 1630. Anne, 1636. Danyell, 1638. William. 1642. John, 1648. Henry, 1755. Richford, Ann, 1788. John, 1792. Rigden, Margaret, 1600. Jane, 1687. Davii, 1696. Sarah, 1700. Susanna, 1704. Benjamin, 1758. Robars, Mary, 1677. Robins, John, 1569. Affra, 1571. Thomas, 1573. Caroline. 1782. Carolina, 1784. William, 1787. James, 1789. Sarah, 1791. Thomas, 1795. John, 1807. Robinson, Ann, 1599. Mary, 1603. Thomasiue,1606. Rogers, Margaret, 1799. Rose, Richard, 1773. Mary, 1802. Rowland, Michael, 1798. Rugley, Mary, 1562. Richard, 1564. Robert, 1566. Annis, 1569. Isacke, 1571. Jeramey, 1576. Simon, 1578. Mary, 1 578. John, 1580. Abraham, 1580. Danyell, 1581. James, 1582. Jane, 1584. Jone, 1586. Annis, 1588. James, 1589. Margaret, 1590. William, 1593. Jone, 1595. Jane, 1599. Richard, 1603. John, 1604. Rngley (cont.) Robert, 1611. Rutherford Elizabeth, 1811. J Rye, I Wry, Thomas, 1677. Elizabeth, 1680. Ann, 1682. John, 1682. Aime, 1684. Stephen, 1686. William, 1688. Maiy, 1689. Benjamin, 1690. Sarah, 1693. Ben., 1695. Mary, 1699. Sam., 1700. William, 1701. Mary, 1709. Eliz., 1716. Tho., 1717. Mary, 1720. Sarah, 1720. Ann, 1722. Elizabeth, 1725. Catherine, 1728. Charlotte, 1797. William, 1809. John, 1811. rSabin, -| Sabine, I, Savin, John, 1607. ffrances, 1627. Susan, 1629. John, 1723. Ann, 1727. Alfred, 1730. Catherine, 1730. Phillis, 1736. Joseph, 1736. Mary, 1738. Anne, 1740. Chibbonie, 1754. Ann, 1758. Saddleton, Thomas, 1677. Nicholas, 1681. Annah, 1684. Mary, 1689 Jos., 1692. Mary, 1719. J Sally, 1 Solly, John, 1621. William, 1623. Elisabethe,1626. Jeremy, 1627. Paul, 1631. Jonas, 1631. Eichard, 1633. Hellen, 1654. Sanchey, Robert, 1662. Sanchey (cont.) Edward. 1663. ( Sanders. ( Saunders, Mary, 1696. Rich., 1698. Thomas, 1701. Susanna, 1715. Susanna, 1753. Savin, {See Sabin). Sandys, Sarah, 1797. John, 1799. Savage, John, 1798. Sawkins, Ed., 1708. Ja., 1709. Mary, 1712. Eliz., 1713. Sarah, 1715. Jno., 17 17. Ann, 1804 j Sawyer, ( Sayer, William 1568. Christofer, 1570. Richard, 1573. Mary, 1576. Edward, 1578. Elizabeth, 1580. Jane, 1582, John, 1585. James, 1610. Thomas, 1643. 1648. Elizabeth, 1675. John, 1677. Thomas, 16S0. Saxton, John, * 1668. Elizabeth, 1672. Scriben, t Grace, 1592. Sharpe, Thomas, 1684. William, 1687. Elizabeth, 1689. Sarah, % 1692. Martha, 1693. An, 1696. Mary, lfi99. Geo., 1702. Sherman, Thomas, 1569. James, 1571. Shipton, Elizabeth, 1635. Shirley, Mary, 1806. Shoveler, John, 1623. Thomas, 1624. Shrubsole, Elizabeth, 1676. Shrubsole (cont.) Elizabeth, 1679. Mary, 1681. Susanna, 1684. Rich., 1696. Mary, 1808. Cliarlotte, 1810. Thomas, 1812. Silke, Vincent, 1564. Alice, 1627. Alexander, 1630 Elizabeth, 1731. Mary, 1734. Sarah, 1736. Simons, Thomas, 1581. Jane, 1611. John, 1613. Simpson, Mary, 1770. Sladden, William, 1783. George. 1785. Smith, Richard, 1578. Matthew, 1620. James, 1629. Elizabeth, 1751. John, 1752. Richard, 1754. Mary, 1758. Sarah, 1761. Elizabeth, 1784. Smithet, Luke, 1617. Smithson, Robert, 1604. Jone, 1606. Gregory, 1609. Judith, 1611. Jane, 1614. Thomas, 1675. Sarah, 1678. John, 1684. John, 1793. Snapes, Richard, 1636. Soale, Ann, 1670. Dorothy, 1672. Sarah, 1672. John, 1675. Nicholas, 1676. Edward, 1678. Ann, 1679. Edward, 1680. Solly, (See Sally.) Spaine, William, 1763. Augustin, 1778. Hannah, 1781. Charlotte, 1783. Stephen, 17&0. * Inserted in Burial Register, see p. 133. t or Scriven. t Susan (?) 178 INDEX OF BAPTISMS, (pp. 185.) Sprat, Edward, 1701. Ann, 1706. Steed, Isaacke, 1678. Sterling, John, 1636. Stokes, Mary, 1581. Stone, Ann, 1785. Stonedaers, Katherine, 1558. Stringer, John 1678. Elizabeth, 1679. Strowd, Richard 1659. Stupple, Michael, 1794. Sturdye, William, 1562. Sutton, John, 1747. Dan., 1749. Anne, 1751. Elizabeth, 1771. Mary, 1781 Richard, 1783. Edward, 1786. Elizabeth, 1788. Sarah, 1791. Swain, John, 1765. Swift, John, 1692. Swiney, John, 1799. Tallis, George, 1623. William, 1626. Thomas, 1629. Annah, 1634. Richard, 1639. Anne, 1669. Richard, 1672. Mary, 1675. Taylor, Margery, 1618. Terry, Gibbon Ladd 1792. MaryLadd, 1793. Thanet, Isac, 1693. / Thraps, 1 Traps, Elizabeth, 1637. Elizabeth, 1640. Toppin, * Mary, 1597. Trewe, Thomas, 1558. Trome, t Nicholas, 1579. lumber. William, 1810. Turner, Katherine, 1558. Elizabeth, 1561. Robert, 1635. Susan, 1639. Benry, 1688. Thos. Wat - kinson \ 1748. Sara Eliza, 1804. Tvvig, Sarah, 1804. Uden, William, 1615. Usmor, Sarah, 1593. Ventimau, Ann, 1619. J Vittell, iFittell, John, 1570. Silvester, 1572. John, 1575. Jone, 1581. William, 1654. Vowell, (See Fowell.; Waginer, Mary, 1618. J Wallys, t Wealls, Egidius, 1558. 1560. Wanstall, Ann, 1659. Warburton, George, 1801. Thomas, 1803. Sarah, 1805. Wayte, Elizabeth , 1589. Webb, John, 1766. West, Susan, Ifi91. Parnell, 1722. William. 1724. Richard, 1727. Richard, 1730. Susanna, 1733. Whitaker, Catherine, 1709. William, 1791. White, John, 1634. John, 1649. Mildred, 1666. Richard, 1674. 1 Thomas, 1676. t Crome (?) JTo White (cont.) Wm., 1740. Mary, 1743. Richard, 1745. Ann, 1748. Richard, 1766. Sarah, 1769. Mary, 1770. Elizabeth, 1772. Ann, 1772. Harriet, 1774. Richard, 1774. Jane, 1776. Edward, 1777. John, 1780. John, 1794. Whitehead, Daniel, 1754. Elizabeth, 1763. Whitnell, Ann, 1705. Jno., 1710. Jno, 1713. James, 1715. Mary, 1754. Wild, Mary Ann, 1809. J Wilford, \Wilsford, James, 1608. Katherine, 1609. Edwarde, 1613. Elizabeth, 1615. Anne, 1622. Water, 1626. ffraiicis, 1640. Thomas, 1658. Wilkes, Abraham, 1779. Willis, John, 1809. Williams, Willm., 1762. Sarah, 1763. Mary, 1763. James, 1765. Thus., 1767. Alexander, 1769. John, 1771. Henry, 1773. Caiheiine, 1799. Ann, 1800. John, 1803. Willyams, 'Ihos. Eger- ton, 1806. JohnVyner, 1809. Wilsford, {See Wilford.) Winter, John, 1628, Isaac, 1633 Winter (cont.) Mary, 1635. Wonstan, William, 1719. Stephen, 1722. Wood, Anthony, 1608. Mary, 1608. Joane, 1610. Elisabeth, 1613. Susan, 1629. Abraham, 1639. Thomas, 1640. Richard, 1642. Richard, 1642. James, 1643. Elizabeth, 1647. Richard, 1746. .John, 1769. Cliristopher, 1772. Mary, 1778. Johi., 1791. Elizabeth, 1791. Thomas, 1793. Thomas, 1794. John Marsh 1795. George, 1804. Sarah, 1806. James, 1807. Woodland, Steven, 1663. Woodle, Margaret, 1641. Woollett, Esther, 1739. Wrathe, Martha, 1622. Nicholas, 1628. Richard, i28. Ann, 1699. Tho,, 1700. Elizabeth, 1703. Wright, John, 1760. Wry, (See Rye.; Young, Vincent, 1560. Annes, 1564. William, 1567. Annis, 1589. William, 1591. Vincent, 1594. Ann, 1616. Elisabethe, 1618. Marget, 1623. Thomas, 1625. Daniel, 1628. Coppin (?) t Took the name of Payler. See p. 71, footnote. 179 INDEX OF MARRIAGES (pp. 86~io8). Adams and Pettit, Adams and Finn, Ady and Marsh, AUeyn and Maurice, Alleyn and Starling, Amies and Morton, Andrews and Jull, 1732. 1800. 1665. 1633. 1635. 1613. 1701. Apiichardeand Soome, 1629. Argar and Fordred, 1781. Arnold and Marsh, 1749. Arnold and Saffery, 1769. Atwood and Tallies, 1665. Atwood and Simpson, 1763. Atwood and Pilcher, 1768. Atwood and E/ictiards, 18i9. Audley and Brigge, 1593. Auger and Gibbon, 161 1 . Austen and Quilter, 1587. Baker and Keyse, 1561. Bakar and Pittock, 1638. Baker and Foord, 1678. Baker and Clement, 1711. Baker and Lot, 1733. Baker and Streeting, 1739. Baker and Fox, 1741. Baker and Quested, 1745. Baker and Rose, 1773. Baker and Dine, 1779. Baker and Laker, 1813. Baker and Dodd, 1814. Baldrie and Question, 1632. Balderstone and Nairn, 1779. Barbar and Young, 1619. Barrett and Browning, 1770. Bartlett and Knoeker, 1832. Barton and Rugley, 15e;3. Barton and Gould, 1574. Barton and Ford, 1808. Bassock and Young, 1595. Bassock and Boyce, 1621. Beagent and Boykett, 1577. Beal and Holness, 1786. Bean and Chaekffleld, 1621, Bean and dogben, 1744. Beer and Homes, 1745. Beer and Swain, 1769. Beer and Bottler, 1779. Beer and Collison, 1779. Beer and Creed, 1833. Belsey and Ford, 1779. Benchkin and Osborne, 1624. Benefteld and Suters, 1819. Benefteld and Sprat. 1825, Benefield and Foster, 1826. Bernand and Scott, 1795. Bevan and Truman, 1824. Bewley and Hobday, 1732. Binge and Danton, 1619. Birch and Mihill, 1695. Birch and Dadson, 1741. Birch and Williams, Birde and Dale, Blasht and Rugley, Borton and Higgins, Bottler and Beer, 1762. 1613. 1588. 1834. 1779. Boughton and Furnley, 1623. Boulton and Boyce and Bassocke, Bnys and Sankey, Boykett and Beagent, Boykett and Scarlett, Boykett and Smithe, 1561. 1621. 1818. 1577. 1578. 1624. BranflirandH.mmond, 1818. BranflU and Harrison, 1822. Brenchley and Laker, 1666. Brensley and Mihill, 1678. Brensley and Hobday, 1722. Brett and Craye, 1613. Brice and Turner, 1703. Brice and Hyder, 1813. Brigge and Audley, 1593. Brockman and Collar, 1746. Brooker and Kite, 1824. Brooks and Lawes, 1763. Brooks and Dawkius, 1818. Brown and Mihill, 1634. Brown and Early, 1638. Brown and Clieeseman, l*i76. Brown and Jourdan, 1811. Browning and Rugleye, 1565. Browning and Keniber, lt.93. Browning and Knott. 1597. Browning and Young, 1610. Browning & Chackson, 1613. Browning & Rickwood, 1626. Browning & Crickman, 163C. Browning and Murrey, 1636. Browning and Fox, 1701. Browning and Pilcher, 1745. Browning and West, 1746. Browning and Palmer, 1750. Browning and Hogbin, 1752. Browning and Mihill, 1756. Browning and Rutley, 1764. Browning and Barrett, 1770. Browning & Newport, 1774. Browning& Fetherston, 1813. Brumhead and Kelson, 1786. Buck and Marsh, 1667. Buckhurst and Gibbon, 1618. Buddell and White, 1739. Budds and Mihell, 1636 Bunce and Chourthop, 1577. Bunce and Tristram, 1591. Burche (se*? Birche). Bush and Russell, 1737, Butcher and Hopkin, 1634. Butler {see Bottler). Cannaby and Green, 1808. Carey aud Ford, 1833. Carpenter and HHgbean,1592, Casile and Sprat, 1761. Castle & Worringham, 1785. Castle and Dine, 1786. Castle and Sutton, 1789. Castleilen and Law, 1747. Chackffield and Beane, 1621. Chackson & Browning, 1613. Chambers and Dale, 1588. Champkin and Wrakes, 1740, Chamller and Thomas, 1772. Chapman & Nethersole, 1.575. Chapman and Gold, 1700. Chapman and Stewart, 1766. Cheeseman and Brown, 1676. Cheyton and Homesby, 1641, Chourthope and Bunce, 1577. Christian and Sweeting, 1579. Church and Hopkins, 1741. Church and Lawrence, 1765. Churchman & Swinford, 1588. Claringbull and Nichol- son, 1736. Clarke and Johnson, Clarke and Watson, Clement and Baker, Cobb and Sutton, Collard and Terry, Collard and Maxted, Coller and Hogben, Collar and Brockman, Ciillison and Beer, Colthup and Marsh, Cooke and Curlinge, Cooling and Pette, Cooman and Sayer, Cooper and Elgar, Cooper and Turner, Coorte and 1611. 1746. 1711. 1773. 1791. 1800. 1729. 1746. 1779. 1837. 1597. 1568 1609. 1626. 1658. 1593. 1602. 1622. 1759. 182.i. Courte and Sterling, Courte and Sayer, Court and Sabine, Coulter and Elvers, Coulthard and Wilson, 1832, Cranbrooke and Maple, 1648. Craye and Wrathe, 1608, Craye and Lawi ence, 1612, Craye and Brett, 1613. Creed and Beer, 1833, Crickman and Marsh, 1609, Crickman tfe Browning, 1635, CuUen and Rugley, 1608. CuUen and Herset or Hastifer, Culmer and Elvery, Curd and Ford, Curlinge and Cook, Cuelern and Keeler, or (Curloine and Kidder), 1624. 1807. 1831. 1597. 1700. i8o INDEX OF MARRIAGES, (pp. 86108.) Dadd and Driland, Dadd and Rickwood, Dadson and Sprat, Dadson and Birch, Dale and Chambers, Dale and Fells, Dale and Birde, Danell and Rugley, Daniels and Middleton, Danton and Binge, Danton and Mihell, Davis and Shelley, Dawkins and Brooks, Dawkins and Rye, Dawkins and Deal Day and Ford, Deal and Friend, Deal and Dawkins, Delahay and Whaley, Denne and Nethersole, Denne and Sabin, Deune and Kingsmeel, Denne and Prou76. 1640. 1653. 1814. 1600. 1602. 1665. 1702. 160e. 1783. Early and Brown, 1638. Elgar and Cooper, 1626. Elgar and Mun)mery, 1783. Ellen and Finnis, 1803. Ellenden & Kingsford, 1750. EUet and Terry, 1770. Elvery and Culnier, 1807. Epps and Serjante, 1588. Everden and Rugley, 1619. Fagg and Osborne, 1629. Fagg and Stokes, 1757. Fagg and May, 1817. Fagg and Pilcher, 1826. Fagg and Shrubsole, 1827. Featherstone and Gold- finch, 1799. Featherstone & Brown- ing, 1813. Fells and Dale, 1608. Feux and Rickwood, 1668. Files and Pilcher, 1811. File and Rose, 1835. Finn and Pilcher, 1797. Finn and Adams, 1800. Finnis and West, 1734. Finnis and flogben, Finnis and Hulks, Finnis and Ellen, Ford and Baker, Ford and White, Ford and Taylior, Ford and Pingle, Ford and Sprat, Ford and Shaw, Ford and Belsey, Ford and Green, Ford and Barton, Ford and Day, Ford and Curd, Ford and Carey, Ford red and Argar, Foreman and Ruck, Foster and Benefield, Fowell and Weeks, Fox and Browning, Fox and G older. Fox and Baktr, Fox and Sutton, Frank and Stuple, Free and Yeomans, Friend and Deal, Furnley and Boughton 1744. 1793. 1803. 1678. 1*184. 1691. 1741. 1745. 1775. 1779. 178-2. 1808. 1828. 1831. 1833. 1781. 16fi8. 182ti. 1707. 1701. 1722. 1741. 1768. 1709. 1636. 1734. 1623. Garner and Steddy, 1804. George and Hopkin, 1605. Gibbon and Auger, 1611. Gibbon and Buckliurst, 1618. Giles and Hopkin, 1580. Giles and Shoveler, 1620. Godden and Ladd, 1762. Gould and Milborne, 1565. Gould and Hall, 1571. Gould and Barton, 1574. Golde and Harries, 1614. Gould and Read, 1637. Gold and Draper, 1665. Gold and Chapman, 1700. Goulder and Wellbank,1714. Goulder and Fox, 1722. Golder and Wellard, 1737. Goldfinch and Horton, 1791. Goldfinch and Feather- stone, 1799. Green and Vyle, l701. Green and Ford, 1782. Green and Cannaby, 1808. * Grmne and Rugley, 1565. Gundy and Hoge, 1720. Gyles {see Giles) Hall and Gould, 1571. Hall and Smith, 1753. Hall and Philpott, 1833. Halladay and Nash, 1776. Hammond & Branfill, lbl8. Harftield and Hopkine, 1571. Harnett and Hogben, 1632. Harries and Golde, 1614. Harris and Wood, 1797. Harrison and Branfill, 1822. Hart and Sawkins, 1804. Hastifer and Cullen, 1624. Hatcher and Morris, 1583. Hawkins and Powell, 1813. Herset (see Hastifer) Higgins and Toms, 1775. Higgins and Borton, 1834. Hilles and Newstreate, 1586. Hills and Wood, 1657. Hills and Tyrrill 1734. Hills and Kingsford, 1749. Hobday and Slowman, 1560. Hobday and Snyer, 1694. Hobday and Brensley, 1722. Hobday and Bewley, 1732. Hobday and Stonliam, 1776. Hogbean & Carpenter, 1592. Hogben and Stace, 1593. Hogben and Sturges, 1597.* Hogben and Harnett, 1632. Hogben and Coller, 1729. Hoghen and Wraith, 1732. Hogben and Bean, 1744. Hoaben and Finns, 1744. Hogbin and Browning, 1752. Hogbin and Robins, 1806. Hogbin and Laker, 1808. Hoge and Gundy. 1720. Hollaiday and Smith, 1831. Holness and Beal, 1786. Homesbyaiid Clieyton, 1641. Homes and Weeks, 1714. Homes and Beer, 1745. Hoiinifold and Swann, 1666. Hopkin and Marche, 1564. Hopkin and Harffield, 1571. Hopkine and Gylfs, 1580. Hopkin and George, 1605. Hopkin and Rigdeii, 1611. Hopkin and Butcher, 1634. Hopkin and Rofe, 1640. Hopkin and Pay, 1707. Hopkins and Oldfield, 1734. Hopkins and Church, 1741. Horton and Morris, 1738. Horton and Goldfinch, 1791. Howard and Walters, 1831. Hulks and Finnis, 1793. Hunt and Medmer, 1630. Hyder and Brice, 1813. Iniester and Rugley, 1606. Inues and Stringer, 1733. Jarman and Mutton, 1805. Johnson and Younge, 1577. Johnson and Rickard, 1581. Johnson and Wayte, 1588. Johnson and Clarke, 1611. Jourdan and Brown, 1811. Jul! and Andrew*, 1701. Keeler and Cuelern.t 1700. Keeler and Kemp, 1769. Kelson and Brumhead, 1786. * Or Moone. t Or Curloin. Il INDEX OF MARRIAGES, (pp, 86108.) Kember and Browning, 1593. Kemp and Keeler, 1769. Kemp and Tyrrell, 1788. Kennett and Measby, 1834. Keyse and Baker, 1561. Kiddam and Low, 1710. Kiddar {see Keeler), Kingsford and Hills, 1749. Kingsford&Ellenden, 1750. Kingsraell and Young, 1619. Kingsniell and Denn, 1627. Kingsmell and Power, 1670. Kingsmill and Neam, 1760. Kingsmill and Mutton, 1800, Kite and Brooker, 1824. Knock and Wraigbt, 1825. Knocker and Bartlett, 1832. Knott and Browning, 1597. Knott and Rye, 1833. Labanne and Seryven, 1592. Ladd and Godden, 1762. Laker and Brenchley, 1666. Laker an Yongue and Waddall, 1640. INDEX OF BANNS (pp. 108111.) Aflams and Rutland, 1799. Alderstone and Boi ton, 1772. Amis and Tite, 1799. Atwood& Broadbridge,18i6. Attwood and Chapman, 1822. Austin and Knott, 1826. Bailey and Hogbin 1833. Baker and Laurence, 1759. Baker and Castle. 1765. Baker and Leake, 1800. Baker and Rye, 1817 Bartlett and Jacob, 1762. Bean and Mutton, 1791. Bece and Laurence, 1769. Beer and Nasli, 1831. Belsey and Spratt, 1760. Belsey and Spratt, 176. Belsey and Cotton, 1822. Borton and Alderstone, 1772. Brice and Hannden, 1801. Broadbridge & Atwood,1816. Browning and CoUard, 1775. Burvill and Dawkins, 1808. Bushell and Suttm, 1780. Bushell and Philpott, 180 i. Castle and Baker, 1765. Chapman and Attwood, 1822. Clayson and Fillman, 1824. Cobb and May, 1806. Cobling and Dugleys, 1795. CoUaid and Browning, 1775. CoUard and Laurence, 1778. Cooper and Pink, 1783. Cotton and Belsey, 1822. Crow and Pritchard, 1805. Finn and Whitehead, 1764. Fox and Pilcher, 1813. Friend and Newport, 1771. Daniels and Holmes, Daniels and Bobbins, Daniels and Mount, Davis and Yates, Dawkins and Burvill, Dugleys and Cobling, Eamesand Smison, 1794. 1829. 1835. 1799. 1808. 1795. 1760. Gibbs and Goldfinch, Goldfinch and Gibbs, Hannden and Brice, Harvey and Higgins, Higgius and Marsh, Higgins and VVaters, Higgins and Seath, Higgins and Harvey, Hogbin and Bailey, Holaday and Knott, Holman and Oliver, Holmes and Daniels, Holneys and Horrell, Honess and Ladams Hopkins and Pepper, Horrell and Holneys, Horton and Miles, Hulke and White, 1756. 1756. 1801. 1835. 1802. 1831. 1832. 1835. 18i3. 1795. 1827. 1794. 1797. 1812. 1788. 1797. 1790. 1771. Jackson and Sutton, 1763. Jacob and Bartlett, 1762. Jones and Jones, 1799. Field and Sutton, 1818. Fillman and Clayson, 182 1. Finis and Spiser, 1766. Keeler and Sutton, Keeler and Rye, Kingsmill and Tucker, Knight and Taylor, Knott and Holaday, Knott and Austin, Ladams and Honess, Lawrence and Baker, Lawrence and Bece, Lawrence and Collard, Lawton and Winter, Leake and Baker, Lilly and Terry, Luke and Parker, Maple and Stuple, Marsh and Higgins, Marsh and Smith, May and Cobb, Miles and Horton, Morgan and Peirce 1764. 1792. I7.H 1761. 1795. 1826. 1812. 1759. 1769. 1778. 1799. 1800. 1799. 1817. 1783. 1802. 1827. 1806. 1790. 1790. Morgan and Morris, Morris and Morgan, Mount and Daniels, Mutton and Bean, Mutton and Todd, Nash and Beer, Newport and Friend, Oliver and Holman, Osborn and Palmer, Pa^e and Robins, Pain and Robins, Palmer and Osborn, Parker and Luke, Peel and White, Peirce and Morgan, Penny and Stupple, Pepper and Hopkins, Philp:)t and Bushell, Pdcher and White, Pilcher and Fox, Pilcher and Wilson, Pibher and Shoveler, Pink and Cooper, Pritchard and Crow, Robins and Page, Robins and Spain, Robins and Pain, Robins and Dan'els, Rutland and Adams, Rye and Keeler, Rye and Baker, Seath and Higgens, Sennock and Spain, Shoveller and Pilcher, Smison and Eames, Smith and Marsh, Spain and Robins, Spain and Sennock, Spiser and Finis, Sprat and Belsey, Sprat and Belsey, Standley and Weade, Stuple and Maple, Stupple and Penny, Sutton and Jackson, 1823. 1823. 1835. 1791. 1799. 1831. 1771. 1827. 1807. 1804. 1822. 1807. 1817. 1765. 1790. 1801. 1788. 1802. 1768. 1813. 1818. 1824. 1783. 1805. 1804. 1812. 1822. 1829. 1799. 1792. 1817. 1832. 1816. 1824. 17rtO. 1827. 1812. 1816. 1766. 1760. 1766. 1799. 1783. 1801. 1763. 1 84 INDEX OF BANNS (pp. 108111). Sutton and Keeler, Sutton and Bushel, Sutton and Field, Taylor and Knight, Terry and Lilly, Thiselton and Wood, Tite aid Amis, 'I odd and Mutton, Tucker and Kingsmill, 1764. 1780. 1818. 1761. 1799. 1800. 1799. 1799. 1754, Waters and Higgins, Weade and Standley, Webb and Wood, White aid Peel, White and Pilcher, White and Hulke, Whitehead and Finn, Wiles ai)d Williams, Williams and Wood, Williams and Wiles, 1831. 1799. 1765. 1765. 1768. 1771. 1764. 1802. 1796. 1802. Wilson and Pilcher, Winter atid Lawton, Wood and Webb, Wood and Williams, Wood and Thiselton, Wooton and Wraight , Wraight and Wooton, Yates and Davis, 1818. 1799. 1765. 1796. 1800. 1785. 1785. 1799. >8S INDEX OF BURIALS (pp. 112 155.) f Adams, \ Addams, Elizabeth, 1662. Susanna, 1662. Ralph, 1691. Rich. 1692. Allen, Joane, 1623. Mary, 1638. Andrews, Mary, 1697. Jean, 1700. An, 1702. Abigail, 1703. Ann, 1721. John, 1735. Kichard, 1737. Widow, 1748. i Attwood, t Atwood, Ann, 1671. Thomas, 1671. Anne, 1680. Annah, 1684. Abr. 1697. Mary, 1700. Elizabeth, 1704. Abraham, 1706. (wife of Thos.) 1726. Abraham, 1726. Thomas, 1731. Henry, 1796, James, 1800. Baker, John, 1572. James, 1637. Henry, 1642. Abigail, 1672. ffrancis. 1715. Robert, 1723. Francis, 1739. Mary, 1746. Abraham, 1749. Margaret, 1756. Thomas, 1757. Ann, 1766. Abraham, 1766. Elizabeth 1778. Mary, 1779. Thomas, 1779. Mary, 1780. Thomas, 1784. Sarah, 1784. Richard, 1791. Baldock, Annis, 1583. Barber, Stephen, 1632. John, 1637. Ann, 1675. Barston, Major, 1799. Bartlet, Elizabeth, 1773. Barton, William, 1558. {See also Burton.) Bassocke, George, 1598. Widdowe, 1626. Baylie, Thom8sine,1569. Bayns, Hewly, 1684. Bean, Tho., 1697. Eliz., 1713. Mary, 1715. Tho., 1716. Ann, 1728. Edward, 1740. Margaret, 1749. Edward, 1771. John, 1780. Elizabeth, 1791. Edward, 1808. Beech, Jane, 1672. Jane, 1674. George, 1679. Beek, Thomas, 1809. Beer, Robert, 1721. Margaret, 1727. Edward, 1734. Jane, 1738. John, 1739. William, 1739. Benjamin, 1745. Widow, 1760. William, 1762. Elizabeth, 1763. Elizabeth, 1767. Edward, 1775. William, 1780. James, 1781. Margaret, 1786. Belsy, Mary, 1763. Bently, John, 1573. Betts, Tho., 1689. John, 1690. John, 1695. Sara, 1698. Margaret, 1705. Jno., 1715. Sarah, 1723. Bewly, Brensley (cont.) Mildred, 175 1. Jo, 1693. Thomas, 1782. Augustin, 1694. Wilmot, 1782. Elizabeth, 1719. Biram, Thomas, 1726. Repent, 1623. Edward, 1731. ( Birch, \ Burch, Samuel, 1737. Widow, 1746. Ann, 1697. /Brice, \Bries, Eliza, 1702. James, 1703. Solomon, 1689. Henry, 1720. Stephen, 1690. Ann, 1720. Edward, 1700. James, 1742. Katherine, 1700. Ann, 1743. Bridgman, Richard, 1748. Edward, 1719. John, 1767. Bridges, James, 1758. Marget, 1621. Widow, 1762. Widow, 1664. Elizabeth, 1769. John, 1782. Blasden, Brigge, Stephen, 1565. Richard, 1599. Bodkin, Brisnall, Edmund, 1682. Elizabeth, 1799. Bonham, Brooks, Richard, 1633. Sarah, 1785. Thamsin, 1634. Brookshaw, Boughton, John, 1760. ftraucis. 1578. Broomans, Boulton, Elizabeth, 1609. Elenore, 1600. Brown, Boykett, Alexander, 1593. Margaretl ., 1582. John, 1670. Jane, 1593. Susan, 1677. Elias, 1617. Mary, 1677. Betterice, 1620. Susan, 1678. Jaine, 1622. Thomas, 1680. Boykinn, Browning, Widow, 1666. John, 1611. Brabson, Joane, 1618. Thomas, 1616. Thomas, 1624. Henry, 1617. Widow, 1625. Mother, 1622. Paul, 1633. Bradshaw, Joane, 1634. Jone, 1563. Mary, 1670. Martha, 1572. Eliz., 17(2. Henry, 1578. Matthew, 1720. William, 1581. James, 1737. / Branchley, Edward, 1738. J Brenchley, Thos. (or j Bransley, Jas.), 1741. (^Brensley, Eliz., 1744. Thomas, 1637. Thomas, 1753. Sarah, 1640. Ann, 1754. Sam, 1653. Matthew, 1755. Wilman, 1661. Thomas, 1756. Samuel, 1662. Elizabeth 1757. Thomas, 1663. Thos., 1759. Joan, 1669. Thomas, 1785. Joane, 1679. Edward, 1791. Parnell, 1679. Elizabeth , 1793. 386 INDEX OF BURIALS, (pp. 112 153.) Browning (eont,) Thomas, 1802. Parnell, 1808. Budds, Thomas, 1630. Bunce John, 1587. Mary, 1589. Pleasant, 1638. Burch, (See Birch.) Burden, Isaac, 1570. Burroughs, Gilbert, 1718. Burton, Agnis, * 1587. Abraham, 1769. Byrche, William De- jovas, 1792. Elizabeth, 1798. Cason, Franciss, Castle, Thomas, Edward, John, Thomas, ( Casselden, ( Castleden, Thomas, Martha, Michael, Sarah, . Mary, Mercy, Elizabeth, Castrell, Abraham, Catton, Alice, Robert, Chamber, Thomas, Chandler, Henry, Chapman, James, Church, John, Churchman, Margaret, Clerk, Jno., Codham, Edward, Cole, Katherine, J Collar, \ Coller, Sarah, Michael, Ann, 1729. 1772. 1782. 1802. 1750. 1754. 1756. 1758. 1759. 1762. 1793. 1621. 1589. 1592. 1596. 1776. 1780. 1771. 1792. 1713. 1809 1561. 1718. 1722. 1728. Coller {cont.) Daniel, 1732. Widow, 1742. Sarah, 1750. Cooke, Annis, 1563. Cooly, Richard, 1578. I Coorte, << Courte, ( Curte, John, 1591. Elizabethe,1591. John, 1599. John, 1602. Ann, 1661. Cray, John, 1607. Philip, 1621. John, 1622. Widow, 1628. Cullen. Mildred, 1572. John, 1747. Anthony, 1748. Curgenwen, William, 1796. Davie. Jervice, 1561. Davis, Robert, 1609. Mary, 1735. Denne, Thomas, 1563. Thomas, 1564. William, 1572. James, 1573. Marye, 1577. Jone, 1577. Thomas, 1578. Annis, 1579. Anne, 1587. Vincent, 1591. Robert, 1594. Katherine, 1595. Thomas, 1599. John, 1599. Jhn , 1599. Lucy, 1602. Joane, 1611. Vincent, 1612. Thamsin, 1633. Dorothy, 1637. Tho : 1656. Susanna, 1669. Vincent, 1693. Mrs., 1701. Dennett, Sarah, 1728. Dennewood, John, 1558. Den ward, Thomas, 1768. Dines, Mary, 1812. Dingley, Nicholas, 1671. Bon, Anna, 1687. Draper, Jane, 1676. Vincent, 1682. Dunn, J as., 1701. Eaton, Ann, 1621. /Edgar, \ Eraar, Dennis, 1585. ( Edds, lEids, Richard, 1695. Goodw., 1714. Ellen, William, 1776. William, 1808. Eltonton, John, 1727. Epps, John, 1588. Susanna, 1663. Ergar, (see Edgar.) Fagg, John, 1S09. Matthew, 1810. Feild. Mildred, 1561. Fetherston, Sarah, 1812. ( Finnes, i Finnis, Sarah, 1772. Sarah, 1783. Fisher, Christian, 1633. f Foord, t Ford, John, 1559. Elizabeth, 1664- Dorothy, 1696. Hary, 1700. Henry, 1700. Rich., 1708. Martha, 1718. Thomas, 1775. Ann, 1775. Jane, 1781. Robert, 1783. John, 1783. Edward, 1790. Thomas, 1798. Mary, 1804. John, 1809. Fowell, Anne, 1691. Fowell (cont.) Mary, 1699. Thos., 1707. Thos., 1703. John, 1771. Fox, Elizabeth, 1681. Edward, 1681. Edward, 1681. Thomas, 1770. Elizabeth, 1771. Judith, 1785. Gammon, Katherine, Elias, George, M artha, William, German, William, /Gibbon, \ Gibbons, Richard, William, Elizabeth, Giles, John, Francis, Gilman, Richard, Gobbs, Ann, TGodden, < Godwin, ^Goodwin, Widow, Sarah, Jane, David, Henry, ( Golde, ( Gould, William, Alice, Thomas, John, William, Joanne, Stephen, Mary, John, Robert, / Golder, \ Goulder, Ann, Ann, John, Thomas, Widow, Sarah, Thomas, 1670. 1609. 1620. 1665. 1669 1676. 1619. 1749. 1601. 1761. 1667. 1714. 1726. 1733. 1733. 1564. 1572. 1573. 1590. 1604. 1616. 1622. 1624. 1680. 1718. 1719. 1721. 1751. 1760. 1796. 1797. or Barton, 187 INDEX OF BURIALS, (pp. 112 -133.) f Goldfinch, \ Gouldflnch, Thoniasine,lo85. Silvester, 1587. William, 1801. Goodwyn, (See Godden ) Goore, Silvester, 1609. Gosling, Thomas, 1809. Grant, William, 1632. Peter, 1687. Edward, 1688. Peter, 1719. Peter, 1737. Edward, 1753. Mary, 1764. Green, Sarah, 1796. Grey, , 1642. Margarett, 1663. Margarett, 1664. Grinstead, John, 1752. Groonie, Widow, 1573. Gryme, John, 1565. Thomas, 1573. Haddin, Susan, 1584. Jeffery, 1591. John, 1593. Jeffery, 1594. ( Hale, t Haile, Alice, 1572. Hall, Elizabeth, 1774. Hamertou, Henry, 1569. Hammond, Ellen, 1746. Hastifer, , 1624. Thomas, 1624. Hastlyn, Alice, 1587. John, 1600. Hering, Daniel, 1607. John, 1616. Heduecock, John, 1640. John, 1670. Widow, 1671. Hobday, Rich., 1696. Stephen, 1711. Eliz., 1713. Holyday, Edward, 1681. Daniel, 1681. Holyday (eont.) Robert, 1689. Mary, 1695. John, 1695. Susan, 1707. David, 1715. Bennet, 1715. Homes. William, 1727. Widow, 1742. ( Hopkin, ( Hopkins, Annis, 1562. (wife of Thos.) 1569. Dennis, 1579. Jone, 1579. Thomas, 1590. Richard, 1615. John, 1624. Katherine, 1624. Jone, 1625. Widow, 1627. Thomas, 1634* John, 1642. William, 1663. Elizabeth, 1681. Edward, 1684. Martha, 1685. Ann, 1687. Tho., 1702. Wm., 1714. John, 1733. Elizabeth, 1736. Horsepool, William, 1788. Horton, Mary, 1795. Hunt, Danyell, 1570. Impett, Elizabeth, 1777. Ingester, Thomas, 1609. Innes, Mary, 1749. Peter, 1769. Jacob, Robert, William, John, William, Mary, Peter, Elizabeth, Johnson, Elizabeth, Alice, William, Sarah, Jordan, James, Jourdan, Thomas, Joyner, Francis, 1679. 1773. 1777. 1781. 1783. 1786. 1794. 1565. 1565. 1748. 1749. 1772. 1795. 1718. Julyan, John, Keeler, Martha, Richard. Kelk, Robert, Kennet, Jone, Will., Will., Mary, King, Hannah, Kingsford, William, f Kingsmeel, ( Kingsmill, Edmond, Marget, Widow, Jone, John, Margaret, John, John, Jane, Elizabeth, Thomas, Jane, Charlotte, Thomas, Knight, Stephen, Ann, Susan, Elizabeth, Knott, William, Laban, Richard. William, i Ladd, ( Lade, Joane, Dennis, Elizabeth, John, Widow, Lamb, Henry, / Laurence, ( Lawrence, John, Stephen, Stephen, John, Stephen, Elizabeth, Thomas, Catharine, Law, Ann, Thomas, 1567. 1799 1750. 1580. 1700. Lishman, Elizabeth, / Locker, \ Lokar, Richard, Mary, Elizabeth, Lorn he, Thos., Elizabeth, Lott. 1726. 1719. 1736. 1749. 1739. 1753. 1718. William, 1728. 1733. Mary, Lumpton, 1752. 1793. John, 1795. 1726. Mace, Amy, 1787. Richard, 1787. 1630. Mantle, 1630. Joseph, 1773. 1637. Maple, 1684. Jone, 1595. 1703. Elizabeth 1595. 1718. Ann, 1597. 1741. Stephen, 1668. 1753. / Marsh, \ Mersh, 1754. 1754. Mary, 1626. 1759. Elizabeth 1629. 1761. Mary, 1667. 1798. Hen., 1718. 1808. Martha, Martin, 1761. 1764. John, 1559, 1765. John, 1795. 1767. Mason, 1787. Elizabeth, 1612. Anthony, 1628. 1681. Maxted, Rich., 1685. Mildred, 1686. 1588. Thomas, 1719. 1590. /Mihill, Mihils, ' Miles, 1628. (Myle, 1640. Mildred, 1679. 1758. Anne, 1679. 1761. Mary, 1689. 1762. Rich., 1691. Elizabeth, 1696. 1742. Goodwife, 1698. Mary, 1699. Mary, 1700. Richard, 1700. 1613. Mary, 1702. 1746. Elizabeth, 1703. 1774. Jno., 1706. 1783. John, 1724- 1787. Elizabeth, 172a 1795. Elizabeth, 1733. 1802. Maiy, 1758. 1806. Richard, 1766. Thos., 1767. 1744. Anne, 1771. 1746. Thomas, 1781. I88 INDEX OF BURIALS (pp. 112 135). Milbourne, Nicols, Prebble (cont.) Rugley (cont.) Thomas, 1571. Matthew, 1612. (Wife of John, 1580. Alice, 1587. Martha, 1627. Richard), 1612. James, 1580. Minies, Daniel, 1632. Pritchard, Susan, t 1583. Mary, 1702. Nooks, James Will., 1778. Mary, 1589. Moon, Ann, 1619. Hannah, 1780. James, 1589. Elizabeth, 1724. Norris, Mary, 1790. Margaret, 1595. Moor, John, 1806. James, 1800. Jone, 1595. Richard, 1690. Charles, 1800. Dorythie, 1601. Richard, 1705. Oakes, Alice, 1806. Jeremie, 1603. Mary, 1721. William, 1636. Richard, 1605. Mooring, Odleye, Quested, Robert, 1624. Jane, 1718. Job, 1591. Charles, 1664. Rushe, t Mary, 1729. Anne, 1688. Susan, 1583. Morgan, f Packer, \ Pecker, Thos., 1714. Rycard, Mary, 1777. Mary, 1720. (See Ricard.) Morris, John, 1562. Martha, 1757. Rye, Prudence, 1638. Elizabeth, 1679. Christofer , 1567. Elizabeth, 1767. Mughole, Page, Daniel, 1768. Mary, 1690. IsabeU, 1579. Thomas, 1610. Question, Tho., 1704. Thomas, 1589. Paine, James, 1617. Amy, 1704. Samuel, 1624. Anne, 1777. James, 1630. Elizabeth, 1721. Mary, 1624. Richard. 1779. Jane, 1635. Elizabeth. 1724. John, 1675 Pashlei, Robert, 1669. William, 1726. MuUett, Gulielmus, 1566. Rayner, Mary, 1727. Thomas, 1740. t Payler, Matthew, 1585. Stephen, 1728. Munns, Jem. Marg , 1784. Read, John, 1742. Sarah, 1776. Charlotte 1798. John, 1658. Katharine, 1749. Mutton, Elizabeth 1810. Margaret, 1673. Mary, 1759. John, 1751. ( Pearson, I Peerson, Revell, Benjamin, 1769. Elizabeth, 1758. William, 1768. Sabine, Elizabeth, 1760. Jone, 1579. Reynolds, Mary, 1721. Elizabeth, 1773. Ann, 1727. Stephen, 1806. Mrs., 1725. John, 1779. Elizabeth, 1727. ( Richard, Ann, 1761. Benjamin, 1784. Peirce, J Ricard, Chibborne, 1763. Elizabeth, 1786. Elizabeth, 1633. ) Rickard, f Sally, 1 Solly, Anna, 1794. Perry, Thomas (Rycard, Ann, 1796. 1569. Thomas, 1582. William, 1624. Elizabeth, 1796. Elinor 1573. Silvester, 1589. Jeremie, 1627. James, 1796. Pett, ' Edward, 1592. Jonas, 1631. Jane, 1797. Sara 1577. Joana, 1632. Richard, 1634. Mary, 1797. Philpott,' Mary, * John, George, Sophia, Richardson, J Sanders, \ Saunders, Thomas, 1802. 1794. 1798. 1799. 1809. John, 1808. Nairn, Richford, John, 1792. Mary, 1696. Mary, 1714. Elizabeth, 1790. Rickwood, Sawkins, John, 1806. Robert, 1611. Mich., 1718. Neame, Pilcher, . Isabel, 1617. Jno., 1718. Elizabeth, 1755. Ann, Mildred, 1724. George, 1618. Edward, 1726. Nethersole, 1726. Alls, 1620. Richard, 1728. John, 1562. Stephen, 1732. Joane, 1630. Elizabeth, 1755. William, 1576. Sarah, 1768. Jane, 1630. Sawyer, Vincent, 1576. John, 1776. John, 1634. Joane, 1680. J one, 1576. William, 1790. Margaret, 1635. Eve, 1680. Elsabethe, 1613. Hannah, 1791. Robins, Sayer, Ann, 1617. Vincent, 1799. Caroline, 1783. Christofer, 1580. John, 1627. S"^^', 1812 Robinson, Elizabeth, 1580. Francis, 1641. Mary Ann 1812. , 1601. Jane, 1582. Newman, Pittock, Thomasine,1613. John, 1585. Susanna, 1793. James, 1634. Edward, 1618. Jone, 1597. Newport, John, 1637. Rousall, James, 1614. Thomas, 1775. Pope, George, 1804. James, 1674. Ann, 1775. Will, 1690. Rugley, Mildred, 1719. John, 1786. Prebble, Simon, 1567. Sharpe, Edward, 1807. 1612. Richard, 1578. Ann, 1702. t See a] so foot-note, p. 156. * See Baptisms, 1794, p. 77. t Rushe (?) } Rugley (?) 1 89 INDEX OF BURIALS, (pp. 112135.) Sharpe (cont.) Martha, 1702. Shepherd, Hobert, 1563. Sheppey, John, 1638. John, 1641. Sherman, Davie, 1571. (Wife of Robert), 1606. Robert, 1621. Shipwell, Dinah, 1718. Shoveler, John, 1623. Shrubsole, Elizabeth, 1678. Elizabeth, 1681. Rich., 1704. Wid., 1740. ( Silke, 1 Sylke. Thomas, 1573. Alexandra, 1682. / Simmons, \ Simons, John, 1594. Jane, 1612. Thomas, 1666. Smith. Mary, 1761. Sarah, 1761. Smithson, Robert, 1606. Thomas, 1677. John, 1684. John, 1793. Smitten, Ann, 1798. Sole, John, 1681. Solly, {See Sally.) Spain, Ann, 1790. Stephen, 1790. Austin, 1804. Spillett, , 1799. Sprat. Ed., 1704. Jane, 1747. Robert, 1750. Standard, Ellis, 1673. Robert, 1579. Stark, Mary, 1641. Sterling, Ursilla, 1630. John, 1636. Streeting, Susanna, 1737. Sturdy, Annis, 1558. Alice, 1566. Robert, 1571. Jiilyan, 1685. Sturges, Mary, 1665. Sutton, Elizabeth 1766. Stephen, 1781. Edward, 1786. Swift, Abr., 1696. Joane, 1696. Tallis, Richard, 1666. Mary, 1675. Tassell, James, 1738. Taverner, Thomas, 1639 Taylor, Silvester, 1611. Terry, Sarah, 1787. Gibbon Ladd, 1806. Thomas, 1806. Tofts, Elizabeth 1719. Trapps, Mary. 1634. Elizabeth , 1638. Trice, Thomas, 1617 Tristram. Edmund, 1593. Turk, John, 1759. Turner, Richard, 1P64 Susan, 1674 Richard, 1675. Madam, 1698. Tho., 1715. Jane, 1715. John, 1721. Thomas, 1722. John, 1747. Hannah, 1765. Uden, iflii Underdonne, Christian, 1569. Upton, John 1608. 1578. Vier, John, Vitnell, (See Whitnell.) Waginer, Mary, 1618. Wales, Mary, 1690. Wardropp, George, 1566. Waters, Elizabeth, 1773. Webb, Joseph, 1761. John, 1766. Mary, 1770. Wells, Egedius, 1558. \ White, t Whyte, John, 1634. Sarah, 1674. Richard, 1688. Ann, 1691. Richard, 1711. Richard, 1712. Sarah, 1767. William, 1770. Mary, 1773. Mary, 1793. Elizabeth, 1794. Richard, 1796. Richard, 1800. Whitehead Elizabeth, 1794. ( Whitnell, or \ Vitnell, (Whitnail, Jno., 1711. Ann, 1735. Jane, 1741. Wilcock, Mary an, 1563. / Wilford, \ Wilsford, Ladv, 1602 SirThomas,1610. Ann, 1622. Uizabeth, 1634. Mannering,1638. Williams, Thomas, 1776. John, 1795. Williamg (cont.) William, 1806. Ann, 1808. James, 1809. ( Winter, ( Wynter, Christofer, 1596. Richard, 1639. Elizabeth, 1676. Elizabeth, 1726. j Wood, \ Wode, William, 1597. Abraham, 1605. Mary, 1608. Anthony, 1608. Katherine, 1633. Richard, 1633. Mary, 1662. Judith, 1670. Elizabeth, 1676. Ainie, 1679. James, 1691. (Wife of Thos.), 1692. Maiy, 1778. John, 1778. John, 1778. Christo- pher, 1798. George, 1804. J Wraight, ( Wraite, Richard, 1636. Ann, 1636. Nicolas, 1641. J Wraithe, ( W rathe, 1600, James, 1621. Nicholas, 1629. Elizabeth, 1728* Young, Grygorye, 1572. Annis, l.'^83. Thomas, l.')85. William, 1591. Vincent, 1.^93* Vincent, 1598. Robert, 1656. Thomas 1665- Daniel, 1695. FINIS. lM- RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Literary or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1 -year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENTONfLL NOV 1 2 1999 U. C. BERKELEY 12,000(11/95) r k