LIBRARY OK THE University of California. BOUGHT WITH FUND GIVEN BY SCOTTISH SOCIETIES OF CALIFORNIA. Class ^ ' THE BURNS CALENDAR. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation \ P R A /» p" or THt UNIVERSITY iiOBERT BT7RNS ?3r! Similf EiiC'.-Hved byMaaliu't! &MSedouald.GU3^iiw. THE feURNS CALENDAR: A MANUAL OF BURNSIANA; RELATING EVENTS IN THE POET'S HISTORY, NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH HIS LIFE AND WRITINGS, A CONCISE BIBLIOGRAPHY, ^ AND ' A RECORD OF BURNS RELICS. \P R A f» ' or THE VN1VER8ITY " All hail ! my oivn inspired Bard ! In me thy native muse regard ! Nor longer mourn thy fate is hard, Thus poorly low ! I come to give thee such reward. As ■♦•♦-*■♦->-►■>■■>-♦■♦•■>■♦-■>■•>■>■■>•♦- >•♦ ►-►•*•♦■■>■ ►-►■>■+■+>■■> ^■g^** Iwri^SkJJSfc^^n™- "The simple Bard, rough at the rustic plough." — The Brigs of Ayr. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES.— KILMARNOCK EDITIONS. Original Copy of the Prospectus for the First Edition. "■Jpr'tl l^h, 1786. " Proposals for Publishing by Subscription, SCOTTISH POEMS. By Robert Burns. " The work to be elegantly printed in one volume, octavo. Price, stitched, Three Shillings. As the author has not the most distant mercenary view in publishing, as soon as so many subscribers appear as will defray the necessary expense the work will be sent to the press. " ' Set out the brunt side of your shin, For pride in poets is nae sin ; Glory's the prize for which they rin, And FaTHe's their Joe ; Andwho best blaws the horn shall win — And wherefor no ? ' " Allan Ramsav." This is the First Edition of the Poems, published 31st July, 1786 — Six Hundred and Twelve Copies printed. Three Hundred and Fifty Copies subscribed for previous to publication — a thin octavo, 24O pages. On the 28th August, less than a month, 599 copies had been disposed of, and there then remained on hand only 1 3 copies. The whole expense of printing and publishing the edition amounted to ^3 5 17s., and so rare have copies now become that in May, 1871, at an auction sale in Glasgow, a copy sold for Seventeen Pounds, another was advertised in a London book catalogue, in the original boards, from the Library of Sir John Simeon, for Eighteen Guineas, and in July, 1874, one was bought from an Edinburgh bookseller's catalogue for Nineteen Pounds. The memory of John Wilson, the printer of the Poems, has long borne the unjust and un- merited reproach of being considered the "Wee Johnie" of the epitaph printed in the First Edition of the Poems, and probably written long before Burns and Wilson became acquainted. It is scarcely credible to suppose the Poet would insult his publisher in the volume passing through his own hands, yet, for eighty-five years, the constant repetition of a head or foot note to the epitaph strengthened the suspicion of its being circumstantial. Mrs. Begg, the Poet's sister, said the real object was an ill-conditioned cowfeeder at Mauchline, who used to annoy Bums on his way to and from the farm at Mossgiel. M'KIE'S EDITIONS. No other edition appeared in Kilmarnock till 1867, when James M'Kie, printer and publisher, issued a reprint and fac-simile of the Original Kilmarnock Edition. Price, los. 6d. Impression limited to 600 copies — fifty copies on large paper, price. One Guinea. In 1 868, a special Edition of the fac-simile reprint was ordered for America, consisting of 600 copies, all of them bearing the imprint "American Edition." In 1869, three additional volumes, uniform with the facsimile reprint, were published to form a complete collection of the Poetical Works of Bums. The first volume containing Poems as they appeared in the early Edinburgh editions; the second volume. Posthumous Poems; and the third volume, Songs. Impression limited to 600 copies. Price, One Guinea. Twenty-five copies printed on large paper — price. Two Guineas. KILMARNOCK POPULAR EDITION. The complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns, arranged in the order of their earliest publication. Volume First embracing all the pieces published during his lifetime, with a Memoir of the Poet, on a plan now first adopted, and new Annotations, Introductory Notices, &c., written expressly for the present Work, by William Scott Douglas. Volume Second containing all his Posthumous Poems, &c. " O deem not, 'midst this worldly strife An idle art the Poet brings ; Let high philosophy control, And sages calm the stream of life ; 'Tis he refines its fountain springs — The nobler passions of the soul. " — Campbell. Kilmarnock: James M'Kie, 1871. " Auld Coila now may fidge fu' fain, she's gotten Bardies o' her ain." " It's no in books ; it's no in Lear, to make us truly blest." — Epistle to Davie. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES,— EDINBURGH EDITION. POEM'S, CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DlALECT. By RoBERT BuRNS. Edinburgh : Printed for the Author, and sold by William Creech. [Octavo.] 1787. Portrait painted by A. Nasmyth, engraved by John Beugo. Dedicated, by permission, to the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Caledonian Hunt, who subscribed for One Hundred Copies. Published, 21st April. Price, Five Shillings to Subscribers; Six Shillings to Non-Subscribers. The list of subscribers is printed after the Dedication, and is a remarkable list of 1500 names, extending over 38 pages, and engaging for 2800 Copies. "Full justice has never been done to the Scottish public of that day for its liberality to Burns ; there was a burst of generous enthusiasm in his favor, and he met with an amount of patronage perhaps unprecedented in Britain since the days of Pope's Iliad." — Robert Chambers. A Second Edinburgh Edition was shortly afterwards published, and a Third Edition specially printed for London; all appeared in the same year, 1787. Other six editions, considerably enlarged, were issued from the Edinburgh Press; the 1794 Edition being the last corrected by the Author. Copy of the Original Document for the Disposal of the Copyright. " Memorandum of agreement betwixt Mr. Creech and Mr. Burns, respecting the property of Mr. Burns's Poems. " By advice of friends, Mr. Burns having resolved to dispose of the property of his Poems, and having consulted with Mr. Henry M'Kenzie upon the subject, Mr. Creech met with Mr. Burns at Mr. M'Kenzie's house upon Tuesday, the 17th April, 1787, in the evening, and they three having retired and conversed upon the subject, Mr. Burns and Mr. Creech referred the sum to be named by Mr. M'Kenzie, as being well acquainted with matters of this kind, when Mr. M'Kenzie said he thought Mr. Burns should have a Hundred Guineas for the property of his Poems. Mr. Creech said that he agreed to the proposal, but as Scotland was amply supplied with the very numerous Edition now printed, he would write to Mr. Cadell, of London, to know if he would take a share of the Book ; but, at any rate, Mr. Burns should have the money named by Mr. M'Kenzie, which Mr. Burns most cordially agreed to, and to make over the property upon these terms whenever Mr. Creech required him. Upon Monday, the 23rd April, 1787, Mr. Creech informed Mr. Bums that he had remained in town, expecting Mr. Cadell's answer for three days as to his taking a share of the property of the Poems, but that he received no answer, yet he would do as formerly proposed, and agreed to take the whole upon himself, that Mr. Bums might be at no uncertainty in the matter. " Upon this both parties considered the transaction as finished." "Edinburgh, October 2$rd, 1787. " On demand, I promise to pay to Mr. Robert Bums, or order, One Hundred Guineas. Value received. (Signed) "WILLIAM CREECH." " Received the contents. (Signed) "ROBERT BURNS." The first collected Edition of the Poetical Works and Letters of Bums, edited by James Currie, M.D., with an Account of his Life, &c., &c., 4 vols., 8vo., price, Thirty-one Shillings and Sixpence, was published on the 12th April, 1 800, for the benefit of the Poet's widow and family, and realized ^^1400. It has always been a favourite Edition — within four years it had reached the Fourth Edition of 2000 copies each, and when the copyright expired in 1 81 5 had passed through an Eighth Edition. " Perhaps it may turn out a sang ; perhaps, turn out a sermon." — Epistle. CHRONOLOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TABLE OF ALL KNOWN EDITIONS OF BURNS. Editions •without dates are placed about the supposed year of publication. Date. Place of Publication. Publishers. Editors. Remarks. Vols. Size. 1786 Kilmarnock, John Wilson, Author, First Edition, 8vo. 1787 Edinburgh, William Creech, Author, Second Edition, 8vo. 1787 London, A. Strahan, T. Cadell Third Edition, 8vo. 1788 Philadelphia, Stewart & Hyde, 1st American Ed., i2mo. 1788 New York, J. & A. M'Lean, l2mo. 1789 Dublin, William Gilbert, Pirated, I2mo. 1790 Edinburgh, William Creech, 2nd Ed., enlarged, 8vo. 1790 Belfast, William Magee, Pirated, l2mo. 1790 Dublin, William Gilbert, Portrait, i2mo. 1793 Edinburgh, William Creech, Author, 2nd Ed., enlarged, 8vo. 1793 Belfast, William Magee, Pirated, 2 l2mo. 1794 Edinburgh, William Creech, Author, New Ed., enlarged. 2 8vo. 1797 London, Cadell & Davies, New Ed., enlarged. 2 8vo. 1798 Edinburgh, William Creech, New Ed., enlarged, 2 8vo. 1799 New York, John Tiebout, Portrait, I i2mo. 1800 Edinburgh, William Creech, Portrait, 2 8vo. 1800 London, Cadell & Davies, Jas. Currie, M.D., First Edition, 4 8vo. 1800 London, Cadell & Davies, New Ed., enlarged, 2 8vo. 1800 Belfast, William Magee, Portrait, 2 l2mo. 1801 Edinburgh, Oliver & Co., Engravings, 2 i8mo. 1801 Edinburgh, J. Hamilton, Cuts, 2 i8mo. 1801 Glasgow, Chapman & Lang, Portrait, I l2mo. 1801 Glasgow, Thomas Stewart, I 8vo. 1801 Edinburgh, J. & J. Scrymgeour, Engravings, 2 i6mo. 1801 London, Cadell & Davies, JaS. CURRIE, M.D., Second Edition, 4 8vo. 1801 Glasgow, William M'Lellan, I I2mo. 1801 Berwick-on-Tweed, J. Taylor, Vignette Portrait, 2 I2mo. 1801 Edinburgh, David Forbes, Illustrated Titles, 2 l2mo. 1801 Glasgow, David Duncan, I I2mo. 1801 Philadelphia, Thomas Dobson, 4 1 2 mo. 1802 Edinburgh, Oliver & Co., Portrait, I 24mo. 1802 London, Cadell & Davies, Jas. Currie, M.D., Third Edition, 4 8vo. 1802 Glasgow, Thomas Stewart, I i8mo. 1802 Glasgow, Thomas Stewart, Clarinda Letters, I i8mo. 1802 Edinburgh, James Robertson, Vignettes, 2 48mo. 1802 Newcastle-on-Tyne, M. Angus & Son, Vignette, I i2mo. 1802 Dundee, F. Ray, I l6mo. 1802 Paisley, R. Smith, Portrait & Vignette, 2 24mo. 1802 Kirkcaldy, J. Crerar, Engravings, 2 i8mo. 1803 London, Cadell & Davies, Jas. Currie, M.D., Fourth Edition, 4 8vo. 1803 Arbroath, J. Findlay, I l2mo. 1803 London, A. Cleugh, I 1 2 mo. 1803 Dublin, N. Kelly, Wood Cuts, 2 24mo. 1803 Dublin, Gilbert & Hodges, Heron's Life, 2 i2mo. 1804 London, Cadell & Davies, Alex. Chalmers, Portrait, 3 1 2 mo. 1 804 Edinburgh, John Turnbull, Portrait, I iSmo. 1804 Cork, A. Edwards, Heron's Life, 2 1 2 mo. 1804 Philadelphia, W. Fairbairn, 3 lamo. 1804 Wilmington, BoNSAL & Co., Portrait, I l2mo. 1804 Cupar-Fife, I 1 2 mo. CHRONOLOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL TABLE OF ALL KNOWN EDITIONS OF BURNS. Editions •without dates are placed about the supposed year of publication. Date. Place of Publication. Publishers. Editors. Remarks. Vols, Size. 804 804 805 805 805 805 806 806 807 807 807 807 807 807 807 808 808 808 809 809 809 810 811 811 811 811 812 812 812 812 812 813 813 «i3 813 813 813 814 814 814 814 814 814 814 815 815 815 815 8.5 815 Philadelphia, Glasgow, Belfast, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, London, Belfast, Belfast, London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Philadelphia, Stirling, Edinburgh, Alnwick, Alnwick, London, London, Edinburgh, London, London, Edinburgh, London, Philadelphia, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Baltimore, London, London, Edinburgh, Alnwick, London, London, London, Edinburgh, London, Perth, London, London, London, Edinburgh, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Edinburgh, Belfast, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, B. J. & R. Johnson, Cameron & Co., Archer & Ward, Denham & Dick, J. Johnstone, Thomas Turnbull, Cadell & Davies, Archer & Ward, SiMMs & M'Intyre, W. Suttaby, John Johnstone, Robert Hutchison, W. Anderson, Oliver & Boyd, Catnach & Davison, W. Davison, Cadell