I tTbe ^ubor jfacsimile ^eyts 1607 Date of earliest known edition . 1607 {From the Dyct copy at South Kensington.) Reproduced in Facsimile 1913 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/claudiustiberiusOOIondrich Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER 1607 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIII Clatrirma EiJbmtts 0.txB 1607 This facsimile of " D^ro " is from the T)yce copy at South Kensington. The play "ppas licensed at Stationers' Hall on tApril loth. 1607. The Title in some copies reads " The Statelie Tragedie . . . " (s'c. instead of as herein. 3^ satisfactory attribution of authorship is forthcoming. The reproduction from the original is pronounced to be ^^ first-ratCy virtually faultless.^* JOHN S. FARMER. 2Giv092 THE OV Tragcdic of Clau- dius Tiberius Nero,*?^ww - > greateft Tyrant. Truly rcprcfcnted oucofthepureft Record*^ ofthojettmes, £t Smdio^et Labore. ^ • L O N DO N Printed for Fr^wcif BMrtaWjdwelling in Paules church-yard dt the/igne of the Flower-de- luzc and Crownc. 1^07 7^0 the Kight Wor/hip/u/lSirAnhuvyid.n^ wering Kriighr, (Sonne and Hcyrc vnto Sir George Mann€mgojEithfieldmtheCountie0fSalop)Car- ucr MitoPiirccHtiiiyhis Grace. , TCuPomc( Right W9r [hip full] had [ogrexte a Prera. % ^^^'^^ ^^ ^^^^ nothing cr of sing it , nercAt nil alow* m£ ^^^^' '^^'^ w?/f /?/ J lujil) efeare reprehenfion for this &?^ W>' i^yI^fdicationJiauwg(to mykno%vledge)hutafingU' Tr^-^ ler Prefdetit heerem > and the reajon n herefcrefo many Plaifs haue joimerly btenepublifljedyeithout Injcripicns vnto farticuUr Patrons ^contrary to Cufcmem dtuulging other Bookes) Although perhaps Jcouldnertlyguejje yet hccaufe Iwouldwifhngly of- fend none Jwtllnovp conceale. Thuyoung Scholler^as hi^ proportion is tomelye fo are his garments graue, his language faire.andby hirufHs T#« birifUfdnd LiutaiThen /innpina alfinei next, her three fonneSjDrufHS^Nero^und Ca/i£ft/a :next two Confu/s, jifnim (oJt/lus, and Tttiw SabinHS , with ether Sena* torstThfjpaJfe oyer the Ji^^z Mtdf^oein : then found to the Coronation '.and enter jlrfi tW9 QonfnU jthen Tr« b^rifts Nero, Nerua with the crowne EmpCriall : then ty^JimHSfSMbinusyandSfianHSjS^natorsi then^Drtt- fHsTtheriuSyDrHfus^NerOiandCalt^Mla : Ttbertus Neroafcindetk* TtbJi Tl^orious ConfuU.and j^rauc Senators, .V My noble kinfnicn ancidccrc Coiintrimcj Dcarc friends to dcarc Aiiguftus happincd'c : HappictohaucfuchfricnckjandCountrinicn: Could I but fliadow out in m^'kc of words. The forrowingianguagcofmy groaning foulc, Or with a ftrcame of tcares alay the flame, . "Wherewith my heart doth likcan^tna burne. Yea Gods 1 call to witncffc ofmy thoughts, (words: Aly tongue iljouIdfpcake,andfpeake inwccpirg Mine eyes iliould well out words,& fpeak in tcares, %A/ordesininy vvecping,weepinginmy words, Tofympathizcmy dearcaffcclion, Butnncc v ■ Bejetgnethtofrronnd^ Seta. What aylcs iry Lord? how fares your noble A'rr/ifScehow the inundation of his^nef (2,racc? ^Poth The T'ragtcaUrifie and death i Dotli (lop the fountaine of his vtterancc. /'//w. So tiu e a gri cf e cxprcfl with fuch true louc, \V\uMniakeaniantobcinloiicwithyiefe. 'Dru.Til?eMy Lord andfather,what dccpcpafnoa Your tlecp-cn2;raucn forrovves hath furprizMj 7fC\ Ah DriifuSjDrufuSjthclatememoric, Of ;j;rcat Auguftus honorable deedes. Compared with this new priuation, c Doth riuc my heart twixt contraritics. Now would my tongue remember his faire deedes^ Burthen my heart fwcls with remembrance. Sweet Druius,thotj whcfeyoung experience, Hath not fuch deepe impreflion ofthcfe woes. Our honorable buryall rights vnfould, Asmoftcbcfitsthefc folomnc Exequies. 'Dru.Ttif, My Lord my duetie bindes mcto obcyji Againftniy reafon,and my budding yeares, Yet for to checke my y eares,my rcafon faies. My duet?e muft be reafon tomy ycares. Therefore j^reat States of this fad Parliament, Fathers of iXume partakers of our woes, Vouchfate to wafh your filuer haires more white* With flowing teares of true compalTion» The true fucceflbr of great Iuliu«, Whowhilome glittering in his Sunnc-bright raicf Surpaft the glorie ofyong Phaeton: Now in the darke cdipfing of hisdaies, Lies lower then Apolioesbrcathlefre Sonne. Often hath Rome fcene mans friigillicic. But nere before the Gods mortallitic. lie pleadc his luftice.loe his mercic fliincs: llecallhimmercifull,yetiuft wiilialli Inmercyiufl: inrurticemcrdfull : *• ilepleade his honour.then his meekenes calls, Ilcpraifehisnicckcncs.yetin honours robes; o^CIaudius^Tibenus Nero, In honour mcclce, in meelcencs honourable, lie pIcaJ his wifdomc.but his wit mc checks, IIcpraifchiswit»yetlincktinwifdoincschninc» Inwitticwirdomc^amlinwifilonicwit* lie plead his beautie^but his ilrcngtii bids ftay, llcpraifchisftrength but in a beautiousnuinlion. Beauteous in valour.and in bcautic llronij.- Soifycrcakcnotinans fr.ij;i!itie, Yet wecpc to fee the CJoils mortal itic. ^rAr/i^ntJtoplcafiiic;tc4imj, Aftorietodifplcjlinj; thourclat'(K Con. I. Cn>od7^r«/K/,adilcnot water to the fca, Toniakcour icaoffoirowcsoncrllow. NetH.i. Invainc^in vainc, thclcpulinj^figncs of rH'tnunatewaywardncSjinconftant minded, ValVadcs tofortunc,naMes to natures courfe; ^Attf^t4j}usi\cjn\ and fo nuiitalhncndic. So vvorkc the hllcrs o{ ncccllitie. Nopcrroiiluinianccin eternal I be, But in fuccelliou Jij th etcrnitie. Since then the'fcinall prouidenccofheauen. Hath ratified .luf^nlh'* Deitie, VVc nuill piouidc for his pooi c Widdow left, Lclt to our pntrona«i;c (the CAMunion- wealth) And you my Lord rtlnrifn tiic true hcirc OF<;rcat .lu'iuflu^ by adoption , Wimloyall homai^eand true Icaltie, We doc create our j;rarioui lunpcrour, Ttber* And mull my UlenccbreaUe or hcarr In the acceptmi!;ofadonblcyoake? (difoluc Not fo ^"tfay{«/tis inipofsiblc Poorc foulc for mc or tor my modclbe. To fvvay th* imperiall Scepter ot the world. That ol this world am not my hjnpcrour, Oi;e on ely 7" hocmx in ArAhi^t^ U Prcfentv 'J. be "I ragicaUitfe and death Prcfents a faci ificc to Heaucos eye, One oHtly 4t/A6 b) his prouiclcncc' Tlie glittering ftarrsofHeauen can fupport. Oneoiicly.one Aft^Hliui,ovx\yhc Our RcriKine VAwr.v fitfor i^fnpcric, Wlio li no,no, i know Qot w hat y oa mcanc, A nliir.p er out rnufl: w ake,l uc my hate hce deadly' fjiall obtainc, That bidj me but to take a part againe. -2 z ^fiH* Not ^he Tragkallli^ and death Afft. Not foe my Lord,y oii did raifconftcr mc, Ididnotnicanetomakcdcuifion In the vnited Vnion of theRealmer I did not meane to feparate thcSunnc, To runne by pccce-mealc in the Zodiacke: Nor drcaine of muUiplicitie of foulcs, Which one continuedeiTcncc animates. The heat ens cannot inooue without a Sunnc : Nor can the heauens haue more Sunnej then ooc. Tiber, Ajfmtui 1 perceiue I did you wrong. So to inrcrprct your oration, J am forry^trotn I am)and if I Hue Uerecompenceyourmightieiniuries* Neru* Will not Ti^^-rtw then acceptthe CrowneJ Tiber. Why fliould7'/^*r/« T/^.Take heed my Lords^be wane in your choifc. Leaf! after ftormes controle your ra(h attempt. You are to choofc,biit once confider well After,all Subicftes to your Emperour* It you conftraine me to this doubtfull taske. And l(as God forbid) {houldchangcmyminde> Turning my pittie to a Lyons rage, Alyfrow white confciencc to a Scarlet dye, Would not the Nations of the lefler world That arc not fubie£l to our Emptrie, Deride your lunaticke eleftion, And if y e fliould but thinke amifle ofmc, Would they not laugh at your inconftancie ? Takeheede,takeheedc,invaine ye will repent, Being for e- waittd^and yet would not prcuent. ^/l^aiicliusTiberius Nero . Sdhtt* My Lord, how long fliall we wright in ihc Or plough the ayre with vainedelufions? (fands, Our tongues are tyred, and our throates are hoatfe, And all in vaine'we bend our fuplyant knees^ ValTaile our idle thoughts of r euerence, Subdue our mounting fancies to your loucj And wiUnotall thi$mooue7i^«r/Mf? (queO. Ne, Gtr. Good Grandfire graunt the Senatours re* 2?r».^'r*Giaod&re, theyfpeakein earncf^, take theCrowne. Ca/i«*Cfer* Grandiireaccept this golde^looke how itfhinesi My thinkes it would become you pafling fine, Tiher*^ Deare Children,(old Tibenta eldcR care) My heart doth daunce to heare the melody. That hcaucnly Cenfbrt turr^ed to mine cares, Thanks my kinde kinf men^noble Romains thaks Euen from my heart.although my cares increafe, Conftrain*d,yct grateful! for your kinde couflraint, Bound to receiue that which my foule abhors, Enforc'd to honour which roy yeares deny, Inchain'd to rule,bane to my modeftic* Yet weremy cares innumbcr infinite, (For who cannumbcr all his cares hath none) Should they fliowre downf in droppes of ftreaming Muflerin troups of languifhing difpaire, (blood Swarmelike to Becs,fting like to Scorpions 5 Or like a flocke of Vultures gnaw my heart. Yet thefc and more,and twice ten thoufand more. Old Nero will for Countries caufeindurc. For you my Fathcrs,and for you my Sonnes. Sou ndTrnmpetf, Ntrnd crmneth him* Ner* Moft mightie Cafary great Ttbtrim, Euer nyJuotifttii Tribune of the State, PerpctuallDiftaior, Lord of Rome, ^ , *^ . ' B "» Sole TheTragicall Ije and death Sole Con Ail! for our ccnq tiered Prouirtcc3, Prince oFthe Senate in our policies, "U'ce hecrc inuefl your facrcd Majcftic, InalUhc Ornaments jmperiall, lloomes and the worlds rnoft glorious Empcroun 6>?w»f/»Loiig liuc Tibcrim Roomcs great Emperor. Tiber. Like as anhartlcsfawnc, cnuironcd Within the circuitof the hunters crie, So (land I Rornaincs wondring at your fhowtes, Thefc new alarum's c[ucl my ilunibring thoughts; Cln^l to the Bay^ brcathelefTc panting mufc. To view thcvnquoth glorieof thehunt. Neuer could Sparta gloric of fuch pray^ Asfor tohnuean'Empcrouratbay. But nohlc Romaines^ there's another Dcarc, A gallant Rocbucke, braue qermnnicus'. Roomes fhining Beacon in rude Germany, Our dcare adopted Sonne,our blcITed care. To him my Lords(as zeale of my affcftion) And Ggne of duetic to the common (late, "W^ doc prorogue ei^ht yeares proconfullhip. On you Af.rmu we doe impofc, To be our Legate to Gcrmanicus. Tel ! h im '.ve louc him, (and be furc you doc) Tell him we honour him(doe not rorgcl) v. e lone and honour dcare Gcrmanicus , And would be ioy full to bcholde our Sann€, Honccircd m triumph a the Capitall. J:J.:ttliat'.vc knowe the honour ofhis mindc, }5irdaincs tocropthcblofTomes ofhisfamc, Till it be fiowred in {lis Summcrspridc, And ail the baibarous Gcrmaincsbc fubdu*d# This doc yy^flntu and returne with louc, ill ourn.wglorie.wcthv honour prone. Afitt-* My Lord,whatcrc AftniHt honour prouctli His expedition (hail declare he loucth» Ttb* Now ■i^rwR! '^TCTalidiul^i^enus Nero • Tiber, Now Fathers, wcwiH to the Sacrifice, Saluting ail the Gods in Yifiution : Let Le^tflernia three daics be proclaimed. The Siblets counfels and Fiamtniest lanuf (hut vp.and VeJiAes fire blaze. Into the middle region of the ay re, Wee all my Lords will to the Cappitall, . Infiluer^ icale^out records to enrole. Exeunt omnet^ Enter 'PlebeidntyfoHrcfpeAks^s, I Did you not fee oiir new Emperourhow brauely be came from his Corronation. « YeSjtwa's a gallat fight fure,but did youmarlc his countenance ? my thoughttis mightily altred within this fiuc or fix quarters of a yere unce I faw him iaft: % Ijandlfawhim goeto theSenate, andasyou fay.my thinks hec is much altcred^andlookes more terrible a great deal c, 2 I that fame lookes I promife is an ilfigoe^pray Godallbewell. 4 Well, weemuilhopethebcft, andthinketisa ereat change fi-om a fubiec^ tobecomc a fulTicient, for fimple as I ftand heerc,if 1 rtioiild chauncc to bee chofcnEmperour,Ifhouldaflaultmy fcifc highly I can tell you,or any of vs all. 3 AttiuftHs was a goodly raan,and I hopchce has left fuch a eracious fample,that ri^^r;*/ wil noi for- get himfelfe. I Neucr talke ofAn^Hflus more,we dial neuer fee his like in Rome, vnleffe Gcrmanuus might bee our £mperour. Ow.O worthy GernuMteus \ hee's a How cr indeed. 1 My maifiers.lct talk nomore of thefc State- niat- tersjforlamafraidwehaue faidtoomuch alicady,if the Emperor fhould know of it. 2 You hauefaid wifely neigbour,for Emperors fee &heareall that they dcfire/Ihauc heard my ftthcr t^lmv mother {b,they hauc millions a Spirits that tcls them all. 3 Icaix ■Mk The TragtcaU 1^ and death. 3 I care not,I faide nothing, but praide God hee nii2;ht be t»o worfc the AHgufiMftYi^l was no harme : 4 VVelljlct vs part vpon this that hath httn faid, and lets kcepconcanotherscounreU,andt^kc heed heereafcer. Sxewtt* Entt - , ._» j^daudiusvTiberius Nero* €nter h Pa^e» Pd^e, My Lord,heerc is a Legate fcnt from Rome^ Which craucs acccfTc vntoyour Majeftic* Ger. Let him draw ncarc : Cofen Afmusl Enter Afinius, Welcome jnynol)lcfriendtoC7«-iRMwV, tAJin* AllhappincflcvntoC7tf>»«M«iff/»/, Ihauea fecrctmeirage to impart^ If pleafc your Grace of priuate patience . (jtr. Tribunes lookc to the 4. gates of the Campc See that the trenches bccinchancld deep^ Send outojr {couts,if they can fpie the FoCf Number their Cohorts and their Legions; Comfort themaimcd.burieall the dead, Rcfrefli your bodies, for to morrow mornc We meane la fcourc this van<|uiiht region: away txtunu Now»ood Affimmt^ttWGirmMHicHt The Uibltance that yournieffage doth import. Afifi* Were I not now to fpeake vnto your Grace My ton^iuc fliouldplay the Rethoritian, And m grauc precepts ftriue to moralize. Or make alongdifcourfeofpaiiciice, Adding a crooked (ign'd ParentheHs, Of puling forro .v twixt each (iprcd line* But for t!V/rw«/',knowes your fetled mindc So nurft in flowing flreames of conftancic > Afimti doth reporte AH'^uftm death, I wili ni>t common place of mortall men, Norofhisvertuc,nor his NoblencfTe, Nor So'ot,s graucaduife Jl^aJl bcmy Theame: I k no w I Ipeakc vnto GtrmanicHS^ Bcfide?, / 'bit Hi isour Empcrour. He faith he loucs you,and to lew his lone, Hath } our ^r oconi^iiQiip »4 A world of cares at once afTaultniy foul^ 1 4m diftra^ed.harke ,the mutinies, Thej crie mthift^and exeunt omnes. £ titer Tiherhts^Hlia^aMd Seiofiut. Tik Impute it not vnto vngratefulnefTe, (Imperious /?«j^»/?rf of great Rome, Ana which doth touchme nearer ciearcftmothcirj TbatiVrr» hathdeferd indebted thankcs^ Eqiualcnt vnto your high deferts. I can not (mother) fetyour praifetafale, OrOratojritwithaglofingtonguc, Graced with pickedphrafes, glorious fpeech^ Choice Synonimies, pleafing Epithites, Paged bX apilb acftioii, toying eefture, ^'lotbcr Ihatc this tip-ton guedflattciic. Better is rac,be as you fee me now, Thankfull in outward deeds^than outward/hew^ But forwardmother with your former tale^ lulia* No fconer the vncontroUed fates, ixildebis life,and with his life our care, But that Setanns from whofe faithfull tongue^ i^Asftom Af§llos tru-fent Oracles, "We chicfedci^ue the drift of our affaires) Foamed like to ths Palphraies of the Sunnc^ .. - - • - Xo ^/XJIaudiiis Tiberius Nero. To Roadcs wh«rc thou in exil^ didfl rcniaincj Tlier€ to cnformc thee oiAugtif^aes death, TIicliinpircsvacancie,and thy repeal e. T»^. M)' ton^^uc-denies to blazon in harfli word$ Dearcfriends the thaukfulncflemy heart affords. Ittlia* Mcanc while had I not with great policic^ Buried in filcnce great ty^ttq^uftHS death, "And in the clofet of my carc-fwornc brcft, Embofomcd the notice of the fame. She vvne vnto thee,fmoothcred to vulgar fame, Bar'd from the bafe Plebeians itching cares, A CaftrcH had pofleft thy Eagles ncfi. And thou the Ea^le hadft becne difpolTeft. SfM. Butnow that Caftrel in his courfeis Ilop^ ■" Cliptare his pinions of ambitious flieht.- Nor /hall he hope to fit where Nero ^ares. li$b. WcrehetheilTueofetcrnalllo/irr, Or farrc more fortunate in his fuccciTc, Then was Aicider^ or faire Thetit fonn c, More happie inthe ofspring of his loync ' Then Trtam in hischildrcns multitude. Yet woiild I bridle his afpiring thoughts. And curbe the rcynes of his ambition. Seta, Wei can he braue it in his barbarous armes, Againil th* oppugning force of Gcrmanie, And ftranger nations ofthefarthcft North, V/hofe hearts like to their Climate hard congeald, Axcfrozai cold to Romcs felicitie. A.CTclfed Bur ganetto more fits him, Then to ingir t his Temples with a Crownc. Tii, Therefore in policie by thine aduifc^ Vnder pretext of honourable minde. We ddi gated to Germanicut, Afifiifis Gal/ttt into Germanic, \V,th twice fourcycarespiorogued Confulihip; Inha. Which of ncccm tie he muft accept, C I Sitb TfoeTragicdUiiJeanddeatb -. Si th hope of higher honoif is forcftald. l^.b'-r. Tistrucjtor whathcaim'darjcniov: This u a' th' attradi'ciVla^ncs of his hopes' Silt. To Ahich how hard! y did you fcemc allur'd With (uch dcnyall you rcfufcd it : Jvlakjng aCommcntaricon ihcCrownc, Withoi. !thcd»'etieof anEmperovir, Jiowwant,watchfull,wifc he ought robe. How drovvfic,and improuidcnt you were. With heaping vp a ftonc of what cares They viidcrgoc.ihat vndertake toruJc, So grac'd withfundric fquemil}i fubtiltici, As .Jiiercftrie himfelfe(tneGod ofwitte) Alighihaueadniir'd,butnochaueniatchcdiC. Tiher^ Yetdidthat '^rgust^tii. AJfmiHty Both marke and bluntly mate me in my drifts iVith/ heofe your f Art my L ord in 'Britanyf Or hey day, where you will/o not in Rome, butby my Genius ile remember Jnlia, I , had n ot wife Afin.m vttercd it. Tiber. Hadmcnohad.nots,nor>^«/»/ Can foore cannopie his dole conceite. But I will know the Panther byhisskinnc. N«>r am I Ignorant of his ercat louc Hebearesvnto the proud G*»7«»;c«/, How euerclowedni hippoerelfe. Sc»fiK.\}\\^\ (^crwimins hi Ids al their hearts, (hopt l«/».Nomcruaile,for they cali him Roomes chiefc S.'M. And fi me did fay hefbouldbcfmperour In fpite of lulia and hir exild Sonne, libr. But neither I«/i^ nor hci cjcilde Sonne, Would haue endured fuch competitors. liiro will brookt no riuall in his rule, VnK fTe it be th' eniperious \ulMy Towhomcthelaw of nature bindes T/^m«r ^ Hime oblci^cd in obedience, Al ^^OaxiomniFenuriStero. A$ all the attributes of Majcftie, Rome;or the world, or A"; ro can affoord, 1 decmc toomeane a tribute for her loue. Whofe loue firft lent the eflcncc ofmy life, Whofe life doth otidy make inc loue to liuc. luiM, Enough my fonne. SufF.cicmprciiaents of dutioustninde. We oft haue proucd and approued oft^ Andfbrourpartneuerdid Hecmha Beare (o great loue to all the fooncs Hie bare, Ai luff a doth to one Ttierittu 1th. Mother,! do confefle and know it true, Butintheinfancieofour eflate, More priuate confultation better fits, We and Seianus^wyW intoourftudie. Inha* And wc into our walking Galleric.£*^/ir«/. Enter GermmiicHsfo/HS, Germ. Ihaue^^ffr«/toRonic^ With thankes to iVertf and the Senators. O Roomc ! yiHiufifts dcad,T«^*Wiir/Empcrour, The Romaine Senate glozuig flatterers, The Legions dikonteot antimutinous: The Prctors tyrants in their Prouinces : TheNatiiefpoildjVnrigd di(hic«iibrcd? TheCutiemadea brothcldhoufc ofiinnc* Italians valour turn d to Itixurie* T he field of Mats. lufnd to a Tennis-court, AdmerHaaOVwiK to the Mirtle crcc, >f;)^c'/f*//Laurell,vnto'jSf^cd, C3 '^^■' ■^TheTr^gtcall life and deat^ The Galiojirttiani pioud for to rebcll, ^ffi'i«r/-, he of I«/i^ : I heire by nature he but by adoption: Rome faw thee honour cd,^/?^<4v him banniihcd, He W^ ^UlaudiusTiKerivis Nero. Hi tam*d the Foxes of Illiria, Butlthe Lyons of proudGermanic^ And this were caufc enough, were there no other: I by /Ingufths made, he by his mother* But thou art heire impcrall to the ftate? But he that lookes for death may hope to latc*^ Yet hope Qerm/wtcus, ^ooA hopes a treafurc, But he that hopes for meatCjmay ftaruc at plcafurCj lihutTiheriui Nero svcn^ oX^tf Butyoung enough to Hue to fcc thee fold; J,but he loucs thee for Aus^ufiut fake, Angufius gone^thc match ts new t®make# But fince his death, tlry power he hath au'^mented, I,thatatRoniemy power might be prcuen ted: He fent thee wordhcloues thec/o 1 thinke : Who would not loue the wine he meanes to drinks 2 Ht honours thee (hcfaid)and fo I decme* Who would not ofthe fatteft Goate efteemef Impatient furieflye Germanicus^ How is thy reafon dimn'd with clo wdic pafTion \ Proud fwellingdropfic,euer gnawing wornic, Infatiate vulture, vile ambition, DeludingSirene,wherc's Gcrmanicus ? The Legion s loue thecno t for to afpirc; Thy vertue fhines not inopprefTicn ', \ No honourin ambitious aray : \^o meekencsin a tray tors happines^ Thy Father got thee not for to rcbell, Nor C«ep» did abet thy treacheries. By nature heire,then be thou naturall, Rome faw thy honour,chanfi;enot liucrie^ But make thy har ueft vp mGermanic. Taffe. My Lord the Tribunes fentme to your grace ToUnowyourroyallpleafurcinthecafc. \ T%e TragicaUUfe and death ger: What,1iauc they chas'd the foc,ancI I delay? Rtinnc f4w/,flieforhaft,away,away, f»ter CatignU at tne end 9fthefiage, and Seianns At the §ther end below. luUAtuoneend.al9ft^anA Ttberiut N ert at the fit her* ^Ca\ I am a foolcyl am CdUguhi^ Suppos'dand idiot,anniall I the (hadow be? I but the fmoakeyand (hall ^nt be the fire? I but a bareiniagination^ Andftiethe image that is honoured? I butthe^ 'f/jo./hflll ihc be the found ? A plague vpon her,I will her contound* Sein* Thus will I do- nay thus.nay villainethut PoifDH T beYm'.Wiy^lGftmaiiticMS^ The Em pcrou rand his mother feemc to iarre* Fight Dog^fiis^ht Cat,forboth yourfportsilcmarre ButN^r£>loi:csnic; foc^idmy njothcrto, And yet I brake licr necKcin hoiieftic. Mother forgiuerae,ilcdocfonomorc, Yctifathoufandinothors ncclcs would fcruc To get nic to be Empcrour oi'R )inc. By hciuens I would not leaue one neckealiuc. And to be fjrcthat.rhey InouiclaU be broke, Idc hire fome h nefl- ioynter tlicm to (^t-, And breaks them oucr tweatie thoufaad times, ^Claudius' 1 iberms Nero. ■ '""^ And for to rccompencc his worthy painc, Idcmakc him fct his ownc nine times againc. (^a/t^u* 1 laugh to fee how I can counterfeiter Andi fhould blufli,ifthatGermanicus, My father, mydiflemblingfliouldbeholdc He knowcs I ama Soldier, not a foole : My mother w as deli u ered in th c Camp c, Andinmy fwadling cloarhes,! chac'd the Foe, My Cradle was a Corilet, and for milkc I battened was With blood:and fed fo fafl: That in ten ycarcs I was a CoUoncll. My mother knew this, but (he detraes me chang'i Poore woman in the loath fomc Romiih tUwes, Mother, iam chang'd.* but wherefore locS Cdltgula ofCa/i^u/*, mud not knowe. Jm/* Shall I call him a Bailard ? true it is. But ht/ia, then thou dooi\ thy feifc the wrongs Say that he vis yittjrujffts muriherer. Yet (herein htlta cnou wert counfeller, How then ? a vengeance on his curfed head. So he veremuithcr'd would that I were dead* VileMonfter that lam, to perrifh loath, Yet heauen'srame brimitone and confume vs both,' 1 am impatient,y et I mud dilTeniblc* £x$t ImUo* Tiher, She is my Mother,! muft honour her; She is my Ladie,! muit (hew her duetie ; Shcismod wife,worthiepfrcuerencc : Ibut the hag is mode ambitious, Shee mud hawe Priedes forfooth,and FUminies$ To facrifice vnto her Ma)edie> She mud checke Nno,! and fchoolc him too s As he wercprentifetbhir tutoriliipy She mud incorporat free Denizens ; Or elfc /heele fcoldand raile,& fnarlc and bite. And t^ke vp Nero for hisjudincffe* WclUct her fcoldc.and ray le,and Inarle and bytc,^ ' TfieTragtcaJI life and AV>» will mannagc well the ha^irc at honours white'. Multbeavvhecl!n;4turniatgHLM,y doth thy flnmbrine fo^IeV Thus dreamevvithm thy common fences manfion=^ Kiigm thy Fatliers ea,es a peaJeofforrow, That hath cnuelcpedC^;W^. ^ Biitfeemy mother, Agriiinacomt^ \Vith yahant Drufus.^nA :verc my wifebrothcr; 5^ Claudius'Tiberius Nero. . Ettter nyfgrifina with her trv SonneSfT)rttfits and Nero* '^^K.Why then my Sons^Tf^er. wcarcs the crown : Drit.l mother, and hce fvvcarcs heclc kecpc it too. ' Ner.Ger. And rcafon brother hath he (o to doc. 7)r//« What rcafon brother hath he but his will* Ne/o* "Will may be reafon,if hcele kecpc it RilU Druf. Andihall he raigne?abafc Plebeian. Ner» Hcwas adopted a Patritian. liruflSo mav I choofemy horfcto be my Pa »c.' Nero. Good brother calme your furious fwelling We gaue our voices in his clertion, (r^gCj nay Brother ftormcnot,here mc what I fay, Pid not we fwearc loyall fidelitic y %vithin the Capitoll vnto his grace? Did we not both at Veftaes facred (hrinc. Pray for the fafctie of his JVlajcftic ? And wilt thou Drufuj now recall thy oath, Recall thy vowcs .recall thy prayers infcnce? Remember Drw/w/.what fo ere he be. Now he is crown dar$paftrecoucrie. (yoaknow Dr*. Croivn'd.Ijaud may be difcro wn d for ought How fay you mothcrjmay it not be fo ? Ca/*This ti*s to bcrcfolu'dmy gallatBroihcr* af4r How hardly can I my affcftions fmother? ofi, -^^r/;>.YoungImpesofhonour,inyouhothlfindc A noble way^to vercuous refolution: In thee my Nrrtf,wifdomes treafuric: In thec^y Dr«/«/,ma|;nanimitie, In both, your fathers honorable mindc* Spcakefairemy Sons (awhile) \D.toT thriuf, Vntill thctryumphofGermanicus: Then be refolu'd— — — The caufeis honorable,fearcno ill. But Oh my Sonnes ! yondcr's CaltgttU Capring: he takes nohccdeof higher things, Di lie Hoe Tragicall lifi and death lie call himhcthcr>3iid fee whathcfaics • C.j/.«;«A.>comc hcthcr c;entlc Sonnc> JIovv floorttliou like tlic great Ttberiuf} C il. fai'li l)ec*sabraucmanMother,andhi$par* vclii$fit,aiicl!K hasafincCiowncofgoldc,and all this nukes him but a l)i aue ma, for what would you liauc in a hrauc man but he may hauc it? j^vr p. Well, well my Sonne, youlc ncuer Icauc yourtoies. CaHg. Why Mother,nc can turnc aboue ground, turne on the toc,turne cucric way, what fiiould I fay more ? By heauen abraueman. N. rr. And what can you doc Brother ,Iet vs fee ? Cal. Faith Brother lam not in the humour , and braue men can doc nothing without it bee in an hu- mour* Drnf. Come lee vs Icauc this humorousGentlcm^ jtgrip* Farwell C4/1W4. Sxf/tut, /iirrTb ruf, ^- Ntr§ CAligH. 1,1 warrant you, for ile fup at Court t« flight. Farewell Mother,brethcrenbolh farcwet, Whome I admire infuchdeuotion : But dare not truft. DruCft} I know thee well» And louc thee dearely^for thy high rcfulucs^ But dare not truft thee . Nert I applaud Thy wifdomcjbutitwantiarciolution. JWrcand^Orjy/A/.bewarcihebrainc-fickefoolc CalignUyhx you not both to Schoole. £xa» Epiter YHliaTiberiufyani Seunnt* 1m/m, Heard ye notwith what general applaofcj 'jlJiniMs W4i$ wclcomnied to Rome? At his returne from barbarous Germany, How many grccdic cares did glut thcmiclucs^ With ^Claudius Tiberius Nero. With hearing newts of their Gcrmanicus ? How many greedy tongues in labour were, Toblazen foorth the trophees of his prnifc ? Tiber. Not ''PrUms Httior from tl:c fiying Greek?, Whome he had chafed from the Tcrrhcnc laore, Rcturn'd with greater expeftation , Then iaden with the fpoiles ofGermamefocsj The people long to fee Gernianicus. Seut NotonelythePlcbeians.buttheF.qijftes, Porcucrence him within their in ward thoughtsj as ifihc Vaflaile were adcmieGod. Tiber* And rightly marry, for '\iXtro line, iVfpring ftopt the fmaller founts will failc^ and thus our home bred fcarc Germanic',. Grounding their hopf s vpon their fathers haps. Take from his life their lights continuance, His life therefore cxtm^, their light is done, /«/. This is the thing that weconfultcdoiF^ But to no purpofc yet*. Tii>e. Yes Mothcryes, B) this occafionoftiie Armenian wars, an opporiunitic is ofiFercd vs, Both to reuenge and rid vs of our foes* Thjs Vfiirer of fame Germanicus, (Who gapes as greedily for fairerenownc, As doth a niggard for a fliowre of goldc,) No fuoncr Ihall returne to Rome, Grac'dwith thetryumphes of his viftories. But by my v)olliCiC»ancl fairc pretext, We will conclude it in the Senate houfc, Tliat For the fafctic of Romes totttring ftcttc> Germanicus muft to Armenia, Where hcclhallfallhy fierce Vcnon.sfword, Or if he fcapc-wccU fo determine If, As T7;^ Tragicalllifi and death As louc to Saturne,OiaU refigne hii Tliroanc, and baniilit from the Spcarcj'vherenowheraigncs^ Hcnil-le liin.fclfejbclovv rhe hctncdMoonc, Before helaall leturnc to vifue Rome. Snter "Drufuiy LmxayHnA Spad»^ Thuf. Thr : The Gods preferue your royall Ma- Tihe . Good day vnto you Sonne and Liuia J^ha* Haiic you attended long our commin* forth? I uit.tx Not veiic \o'.\% my ^racious Grandmother, Butlicarinjyou were in clofe conference. It had becnc rudcnclTc to haue interrupted yce » Tihr. We vvcreindcedeinconfultation, QboutafFjircsoffptCJillfccrecie, 13 lit wlicrc forc-loolvcs our Sonne fo fad this morne* Dru^r^ bei\ Hath nottliechingofharfti Armemam The radin'^ found of Clarion J 5c Drums, (troupes Thundrcd into your carcsadeepe reuengci The Orient doth Hiine m warlilccfteelc, and bloody dreamers waucd in theayre. By their reflexions die the plaincs in red, asoainiinousvntodiflruftiuewars, as are the blazing Commets in the Eafl. 'Xsh'-ri : We haiic both heard>and eke confultedof Thc'A liole cffei'^ : ofwhicJi our conference, We Oiall at f ttcr tmie refate to th^c Mcanc wliilc lets make our preparation , a;::a'nn:*h',.rriua'lofGcrmanicus, V Vho m : an.-s to morrow for to Royalize, ThctriumphesorhisGcrnuinir vidories. Exeunt T l;iftHtflhha^nd'I>rHjHt M.ifi't ScLwus ^ //«' my Lord.But well 1 fee By thcfc your Ion"; circomlocutions, yourbuhnefTcisoVfmali import with me. Which had thev glaunced oa enamuuicd loste, ' h While 77;^ ^ragtcalllife and death Wliilclolin'cllcw*, would h^uebeg'dhctloue, andfpitcofi«»'o,H<^' and CiAnimeai-, Sliconcly lliouldhauegrac'd riieatatesbcd, LiM. PcarclclTebelikcvindfittobea Covvc, Farevvcll S lanasl mull Icaue yc nowe* Seic* Deare Madain,onc word iiiorc,and then far. LiH* Be bride Scianusthen. (wcl Seia. Bcaiiticsfairecell, ThchcauenlyPanoinphcaofour dales. Lw* Nay,then 1 am gone^t you begin to praife. Seia. By thcfc bright lluning Tapers thy faire cie$ Tiic fTuiding Planets of SiTM'f/M life, Vv hicli beautificihc heauen of thy face, Vithfarrcraorc glorious admiration, ThenclialVZ>ii?i««,Gould I but get it,thou fliauld'ft quickly fcclc. Sfw. Fy« o/ClaridiiiiTiberius NerdI Set, Fyc Lady, fycjwhat turn'd a Soldier? If you be Co rcfolu d,let this be war, Hekijffth heri Lm . Vnciuilie,by violence! Spatia I am wrong'd, S/>.By Ioue,ora$keforgiue»es for thy fault, Or I wilfticath my Rapier in thy heart SpUrawtth* ' Sri.Puc vp}put vpjPigmy hold,I fay put vp^ SeuMUfgskfth Spado ht-i purjfe. What wilt thou kill thy Ladies parramour-? LfM.Leaden refolued coward/ietme feet, I will phlebotomize his luftfuU blood. • ^ ^ She ttiketh the Rapier* SeU* That haueyedoncalreadie byyour fpighty And now accept this facrifice. HtfvwHndeth. S^4*Ocruellpligbtl Liiv. Yet wiill breath another life into him. Or butie him within this Scpulcher: Sf 4frf/&/# Noble .^ 0/s^laudim Tiberms Nero. r Ner* jirchfia, t^ohlc Gcrinanicus.whofc wirged Swift glyding through the frozen Germany, (fame, Hath'DroiightvsncwesofthyfaireviOorics, Thou that aoeft equalize in honors Titles, The eld^r Scipio^nohle Aifrican, And younger Scipio Afiaticus, Paulus Emilius or proud Macedon, : Flaminiacs conquc(}}and Metellus glorie: 1 Old Fabius wif dome and Marcellus furie, ] Renowned Gracchus, eallant refolutiony Braue man at arraes vnfold thy Viftories, Which heauens themfelues do feeme to folemniac. j ger* Firft to the Godi the Authors of my gcod, | I facrifice the infence of my thankes. 1 Next vntoyoumy Lord imperiall, • I wiHi eternitieof faappineffc* All you that wcare tne fnowie liueric, OflongexperiencewoithieSenators : I And you theflowring bloflomes of faireRome, t My verieeflcncejvanant Soldiers all i Louine Quirites/loyall countriemcn, . i Jairc Ladies,mirrors of the amazed world, t Embelifhcdwithroyallchaftiliei • | In all the circuite of my humble v owes, j I offer vp to loHei protcftion. j Since firh my Lords I entredGeraianic, j Thefertilcfoileofbafe Rebellion, Our Eagles twice nine times haue been difplai^i ^ Andtwiceninetimes with Tropheis honored. < The barbarous Marfhcs on the fouthcrne fids, i Haildedowne three furious ftormesofpoyfoned Not Cicas torture bloody Scithians (dartt NorCraflosfcourgcdifemblingPartheans, Dideuerrageinfuchtempcftious/howrcs, ' But by thcprowefliofour valiant Knights, >, Whoall alightcdffomthcirfurious ftcedes, £ 3 WC€ TloeTragicalirrfe and death Wc flil'd tlicliilTinc^oftlicfcpoyfonous Snalccs, Whicli all tlie neighbour coiintrieftinges to deaths r?w«f/.Lonj;iiiicthc valiancGcrmanicus# O^?-. Hut on the northcrne fide of Germany, Whereas th' Vfipitcs Icept theplainc, Impallcdin awildcfncueofwood, VVal dwitharockicmountaincinthcEaft', Bac k't with the fea vppon the northcrnc Coaft, Eiichanncl'd with a decpe intrenched mcerc Betwixtour Legions on thcSoiuherne fide, Thefemew'd-vp Foxes in this Stratagem, Derided all our Legions braueries, Foure times with all our power wcgauc aflaultj To vvinnc the palfagc of that daungerous meerc^ Foure times repulfcd by the quaking ground. That trembling durft not bcarc our Soldiers. A t Icngtli when Cinthia's borrowed waining light Repai d the cflcnce of her brothers lainpc> Behindc the low defending of the hill, I (aw the Ocean farre rebattercd, As when the elder African in Spaine, b y ebbing Thetis fcarred Carthage walles. So b y the flying backward of the mainc. The Foxes on thebackc I faw engirt. That thankes to Neptune forhis clemcncic, They all adorneour royall viftoric. Omnei* Long liuc the valiant Gcrmanicus* G€r. Next to th* Vfipetes were incarap*t, The Tubaiits houering on the Mountaines fide, Thatif our Legions approach't the hill, Tiiey roule downc rocks offtone tomurther them* Vpon the hanging of the fteepie Clift, There was by natureplac'd a little grouc, But furely guarded for the Druides, To folemnizc their humane facrific^ As ia the fecond crucll punick warrc. ^Claudiiis Tibefms Ktero. Thfetents ofSiph/ix^Tin d of Hafdruball^ Were all cnflam'd by noble &://>;>, So by the burning of this little ^rouc, Themountainc quite confu mowhcrc Tubantslay* And they bccameour triumphs goodly pray: Butin the wood that borders on the mount, . The cruell Tigers hid their damned heads.* %ht fauagc Agriuayi] kept their den, Who ranging now & the would fnatch their pray, Renting each ioynt.difleuerin^ each part, And neuerleaue till they had mund the hart. Not Adaffagetes wcre fo cruell calld, Nor Babilon was crcfo ftrongly walld: Forfince 'LyJ/>rr« laft confufion. They made the fca a moate vnto the wood. That great Aicides ytovXA haue wondered, To fee this Hand fo enuironcd. Hard by the Southerne frontire of the wood, Danubiaes (Ireames fwelling in proud difdainCi "Vnto the checker of the Ocean, Muttering repaid his tributarie due There dial make my skilfuH Pioners To cut a trench from great Danubius, That this new fca which walled in the wood, Was now the graucof their perdition. For when Danubiaes ftreames did meet the mainc. The (^Vidi^t Agriuarij all were drown'd, Butfuchasfwamtovswcwouldnotfleay, That they might grace the honour of our day. 0?w«f/.Long line Viftorious Gcnnanicus, (jer* Twicedid we meet the Buckftars in the field. And fortie thoufand quite were vanquifhcd Of fHif-neckt CW//,neuer yet controu 1 d. An hundred thoufand periiht in one field, Not Cannas nor the fields of Pbarfa/ki So diedin bloodas vva^Danubiiis. And ^eWragicaKtife and death And which mypriuatcioy doth more obtainc. Of all ihc Romanes were but ninetie Haine* This is the Theater of Germanic, And thefc the countries which I conquercdj No w worthie Emperour I made a vo w, To dedicate my fword to l0«r/prote£)ion» IPtplcafc yourMaicftiefortoafccnd, Vn to t h c Sen itc w her c Get manic us ^ Will allthefecrets morc'atlargcdifclofc t Mcanc-vvhile my followers I you difmiflc, hxeftnt thefonidUrSp A«d al my eracious friends with thanks Ileauc, Vntil our Goimtry Tights wc doc perforroe. Which donCtG ermmi f MS WiW fooncretume» OmHTt% Long liue the valiant Gtrmsnicus X Lon g liue V^»rt9u$ ^*rm4nicut* Ev^wKf 4// iiTtrder t§ the Senate dt one deere* IjtlU t^^ripiMaiLiuidfdnti (dUgttidtdt the other* A£am met Nerttand "Drnfnt Germanich Ntro* T>rHfMs if you had bccnc fo valeroui As o«cr-boafting in thy bumbad tcarmes. We might hauc leald our league of amitie, Now with TthertHs colde congealed blood. 7)r$ifm* And if thy boolcifh wifdome ciarkly Art, had a'-medbecne withRomanerefolution, I tell thee A^fro Cowartfa«i thou art, Tii>frtMsi\\o\\\^Tiox. thushaucfcapt our hands. By !«»> my father was his coat of ftealc, Piac'd betwixt my fword andhim,orels— • iV#r«» Or els thou would'rt hauc f^ornc. Volumes of(ixfooteothes,butnercablow» i)riy« Nomore,my father comes. Nerp. CowardjI doc retort it in thy teeth# ^ . ^ru* Why N^y^, brother, at eye made htter (?/x>iauaiuS' 1 iDcrms ixcro. EnterHiyerius antigtrmoMicus y Nerua, Sal^inur^ Afinius^swiHsfPiJo^ith other Senatours :fy^m the Senate^ Tih* I hope this fodaine biiGncflc of the Eaft, Doth not agrate our fonne Germanicus* Ger* JVly Lord the honour of my Countries caufc, Farewell Germanicus fdr now I dare not ftay* And yet I wilhah deare Germanicus! How doth old Nerua wifli thy companie? And but my honour doth controulemy will, I would Germanicus- — farewel|ferewel» C7fr» Nay good C» Yet haue I fome time torcmainc therein, Which being fmall, that fiiull fpace let me fpcndj To falisfie mine eyes with gazing on't. Who for thtfc many winters haucdefir'd, (Although m vainc)to refalute this place, and now no fooner refalutethe fame. But am conftrained to bid it adicw. It may be neuer to rcturneagainc. ly. It may b e ? nay thats mr e Speakinff afde. The Senate harh decrce'd,and it muft be. There's no rcfifting of ncccfTitie* Ger, Yet gentle Pifo,fufFcr mc to grieuc,, 3fat nought elfe,yet at nccelTitic, TooftricktforouertoyldeGcrmanfcuy, Whofe vvearie limmes,requirc a longer reft Then is one daies lliort intermifllon* Yet were it Pifo but an houres fpace. Were all my bodie brufd with bearing armes, Yet would Gevmanicus beare it as he may, and rather finkc rnder his armours weight, Tlien leaue to wearc it m defence of Rome, To whomc though Rome for harbo ur be deny'd. Yet hath he roome in all the world befide: Onely this refpile.and | crauc no more, To giue my wife and Sonnes their laft farwelU i»/,ifoumay,ScIwilcalthcprefently. ^Kter Ntro andDru/fu, G^^Do Pifo ^ be honoured for this faucur. " : " But (/Claudius Tiberius Nero » Butfccthy fonnes Gcrmamciis,tliy fonncs, Dcclarins; by their angric clowdcd frowacs. Some ciuill difcord.or fomcdifcontciuf, For niameiiiy boycs,if fo a Fathers power. May hauc predominance in fonnes dilTcnt, Clcarc vp thofe clovvdic vapors of your brov/cS;, That threaten iflormcs of drcadfnll difcontenc. Leaue ofFyour oucr-daring menacies, and tell thccaufe of your dilTention, Tell me,for I ought, mull, and will know. Ner* Onely this (father) caus'd our controucrfie. Going to the Capitoll to the Try umph, V Vcfaw a Kite vfurpethcEa^les place, 'Wherat]cnrag'd, we caftour Falcons off, and for minc,was not of fuch fpecdy flight as was my Brothers,hc began to chafe, i)rj//.Patience hcrfelfe I thinkc would be enrao-'if. To fee aman fo faintly Faulconerit. For Fathcr.had my Brother done his befT, ,V Ve mieht hauc taken downe the Haggard Kite, Ger. V Vhatjfor fo finall a matter fall at oddcsj Fie, ncuer violate true Brothers louc By furious rages and diflentio us larrcsj It not befits your title.nor thefe times, Sadtime.whcrein(perhaps)mylaftfarvven, Is to be taken ofmy deareft Sonnes, Whom, if I leaue diftrad infadioushatc. How can I hope to bid you once farw«llj Since faxing as I fee, you fare but ill? My time of refi dence is fliort in Rome, and yet too long,if long you difagree, Be reconciled therfore to your felues , ihakehands,embrace,befricndcs5forget,forgiue: why fo my Sonncsjthusfliouldkind Brothers liuc» Now is ay heartjdisburthened of ^reat care. To fecyoujnydcarc Sonnes accord fo vvsHj Fa And AvA tbougb I niaio^litmuft part, take this fire cU left with you as myteOinioniall wi!!., Hi'lpe,honov'.r,chcrni]i,l.:'.'.e each other fljil, And thinkc how oFc you brcakc your amuic, Soofcyou aft your fathers Fra^^edie* fitter CaUiuU with a Racket and Temis-hall in his hand* C'.tfif' Nov a Gods name ^iue me a hand Ball, For t'ut a HKUi may tofll* atrainfl the vvall , NovYVp,novv dovvne row fIie,novv fall> Yet hath no danger thcicwith all* Come brother, will you play a fet? Germ. Croite to my comfort,8c thy fathers grief \Vhy dooft thou ftill Gontinew in thefefits? What frantique humor hath bereft thy wits? Cad downe C<«//>«/^jCafl downe thy ball. (away (^al:* NaybyJLadieFather,nayfirfttakemy life Take vp my ball,l ay downe my Ball,tufh,tulh, To tennis with an Emperor is not worth a ru/li. Where's neucr a ftroake but all in hazard plaide. No Fathcr,ile doe with it as poore men doc With great mens iniuries,put it vp till time fcrue, Ger* Yet now at length, ceafe to torment my foulc More fcourg'd with forro w to behold thee thus. Then Priam was to fee his Tllion burnc. Oh fpcake like to thy felfe, fpeake to my ioy, Aloreioy Viito ioy-rob'd Germanicus, Then was the Lidian Cr^ffus dombe borne Sonne, Stopping his Fathers execution* ^<8/it^.Not for the world father,pardon me:no,no* What? play the blab before fuch company? Gtr* What company's heere, oncl y but wc three* Call* Mary too many fir,by he,and he. Cer* Sonnesftandahde,whilewe confer together C4//«Nay far enoughjwcncedcno counfdlors* " " Cer *^ot ^ of Ulaudius I ibefms iNTero. Cer. "^^ot on niy blciTing till our talkc be done. QiU Tlienfathcr loe, your Mctamorphiz'dfonne, Changed in vvit,andin condition chang'd. Whole hciliih fit hath left atlenethto rage. And plague rnyfenfes with alunacic, Which liath made mc to be cfleem'd a foole. And fo 1 am,and deenic it beft be fo? For ht ihat would liuc fafe in bruiifli Rome, Father, a foolilli ''Brhtw muft become* Ne blame me father^nor vpbraidmc for't. His was by poiicic,mincby exiacic. Which takes me euermorc in companie* l For all the ill« that ifl'ue outof warrc, 1 hauc them paft.or pafl'c not what they arc« "Witneffe this liuel) Ima« of thy fclfc. Of whom I \yas deliucred in the cimpc, 'JSelloriA was my Midwifc^and my pauies Were eafedby thcaycr-renting founds. Of warlike Sackbuts>Clarions, and Drums. Ger. Thy louc doth make a wanton of thy IcaueJ and through extremitie of paflmn, You make me halfc to fcarc you Icaue to louc: Pnrdonme .V^rf;>mrf,ifmylouc through fcai e to loofe my loue,doth louc to fcarc,. For lite takes life from loue, loue growcs trom fear, Fcarc to difl ikc, fcarc to be faithl cite proou'd; Fcare for to loofe himftlfcfrom his btft bclcu d. This fearing loue,andlouingfearcfulnclle, Doth bind my heart,andprifon vpmy ton2;uc: Why wouldft thou this? I Know thou wouldftit not > From ftatcly Rome vnto the Suns an fc, Somany milcsjfomanyraifchicfs lies: Where iLouldrt thouliapUilcmc accom panic, The 'i ragicalllije ahcTdeaiF^ ] The mifchicfe were rcdoiiblccl,2n G r. Deare wife,dearefons,hcaufns your pvotcc- The Gods our guidcifiarcwcli,thii way for me. Enter i^♦ YMterTihtriMtirndSeiMtti* T«* Thus \%GermmUcMt oiir greatcft£eare4irpatcht With fubtill !P#/i to the Orient. Pidft thou not fee with what alacrities All the Plebeians at his triumph fhowted Ateuery period of his plcafins fong? How that difcordant quire redoubled ' With their vntuned voyces relilhing. Lone liue Vi^orious Germanicusi ButheesdifpatchtintoArnienia, > And foone mall be difpatcht by Pifo true* Seian, My Lord vpoii mine honour He auerr<« ^peedie performance of this aftion, I fo inueagled Pifo, fo in wrapt him^ So coniuredhis traiterous refoilutiony Storing the villaine with fuch poyfonous dnlggt,' As neuer Ciree nor Aetes knew, I fo incenH; his damn d ambition^ Soothmg his humour,praifing his great worth,' Adding the fauoursor TV^mw/, That were Gtmumicus imperious Im^« f 1/0 would poyfon him to eaine my loue. Tib. SomuchSeianus forijermanicus, But now another cloud obfcures our Sunnc, Ofleflerfauour.but of greater ihowj | That fame infamous Tigres Imlitu AipwM neuer faw a Lioneflc Was hal£e fo furious as is Ittlut, Pidft thou not fee her yawning fepulchre Eauemng to fwallow vp my Emperie? Did /he not (hew Auguftus teftament To hauedifcarded me from regiment? , How can I brooke it ? Do not make rcplJe* XfNcr«liueJU/Mihallfurelydic G 5rM«Thcf& — '*^- \ r "■•'"''• y he ^i ragtcauhje ana death SeUn, Then luliamakethyquickcconfef- flon. T/<5/rr. Butyct there doth remaine a corafiuc, A canker that doth gnaw my feftered foule, Nero and Drufusyon^Germanici, Whofe youth is guided by tv/o elder flarrcs, TiriusSabinus,and Afinius, "U'cre thefemade CcunfellerstoProferpinc, (For neither Minos nor fterneEacus, Nor Rodamanthus were fo iuft as thefe?) Nero and Drufus mi2;htbefooneentrapt». " If that Scianus loues Tiberius, If euer Nero didrepay his.louc, Then fee thefe Phofphon be made away. That djrome the gloric of our happie day. Heere take my Signet , vfc what meancs thoti wilt, BeEmperourjfo Imayhaucmy will, pof euen as furc as Nero drawes his breath, AfiniusandSabinus dies the death* Setamf* If they did both VlilTcs equalize,, Matchles Penolepes vnmatchcdmaie, And if Minerua fhould inclow'd their thoughtcf; As Cipria wrapt her Achefiades: l5were Apollo their eternall friend, They lliould not liue if Nero fought their end.. Ttberiuf*. Mcaue. while,,as dcare from all fufjpition, Tiberius will Icaue this wicked Roomc, ^ Julia, Sabinus,and Afinius Shall rue tlie abfence ofTiberius# Exeunu Enter NerMAi'SabinuSy4nd (ckHides,. ^l^trna*. Who fees thcSunncincombi'cd in darkc - - And i^/'Claudius Tiberius Nero. And cxhal'd vapours dimme the welkins fitcc, Followed in purfuite with th'aflaultingwiiidc, Which play their furious prizes in the ayre, And not expels a fliarpetempeftuousftormc? Sabinust Who viewcs the troubled bofonic of themaine, Endiapred with CoIc^blackcPorpefiej, Prodigious Monfters,andprefagingSigncs, Alarktin th'appearanceof vnwontcdfhapes. Strange figure5,and amazing Speilaclcs, and lookes riot for a ciuill warr^ of wayles? (true,' -iXfiniHS. Who fees the rules to bee vnfaigned And not prouides preuenting remedies. Well might hec prooue the perrill to his painc. The Walles once battered by the boyfterous Ro» inaine, And open paflagc forced to their foes. Too late it is,for the eneir't to plead In matters, where forehght might frame aLuailc' Folly it is to truft to had-iwift* Late prouidence procures long repentance. And thus I quite you fur fimilitudes. Nerua* Gancell that quittance Gallus, Ncrui knowes, How deepe enfearching is Afinius skill. But yet I wonder you will fentence it. Rather then to acquire the hidden fence. tyifiniu* Sence then is hiddc in thofe fimilitudes.' Nerua* I,fuch deepe fence as makes myicnces droope, . . «w Sabtms* No, fences droop c where fence of ill « non«. Neru- Sharpe fencemay fenfure ill ,all thoiiyits vnfliowne, ui[imtis, Blinde jsthecenfurcofvncertainties4 ' Ncrua, I, to the eye which fees whatopclu lyes* 7fe TragtcaUlife and death Srf^/.You fpcakc iEnisraacs.doubtfuI andobfcure,' Neru* Yet not fo darkc and hard, as true and furc. Saffi. Thcnbc mincOedipus,mtcrprct it N^r*. NotOedipus,itnecdes afcarchingwk> A quickc conceitc,an aUobferuiag minde, Tis that that muft cxplaine this hidden fcncej Such one was wont.agcd Afinius hauc, Such grounded wifdome reaching at conccitc. Like as the fire in chimicke dt(liUation» Abletofeperatetheellcments. But wherefore wecpcs Afinius? thy piefedifclofc^ Nerua will heare,and hclpe,who hath like wotu j^Jfpti.Not. for my fclfc I (hed thcfc brini/h tcarcf • N^r/y. Teares ihed foi Eomcs cftate doc dro wne mine eies. Sab* Hard ftatc where vices Iiii«,andvertuc dies. N^r.Witneflethefecrct counfels which arckcpt^ Whereto no jftatc ofSenate is rcquefted. But olde cdabliHit orders quite deteded. Salf, Like toa butchered Dody,Romc is rent. And fccrct faftions,compleate treacheries. Arc common fet abroacLby each degree* JNTct-. Nero hath tane adiew of (lately Komc;^ Andpoafiieddowneinto theGountric, Kothmg regarding his imperiall ftatc, AndheereSeianusreuilsallaloney Tree from the checke of Magiftratcs controule, Commaunding all,as he were Emperour. Saif.And with him kcepcs the high Augufta heerc. But towhat endjthe Gods alone doe knows Whograuntthatallmayifluctothebeft. yifiu* Amen,Amen,mymindeprcragethiIIi An4fay we wbatwe can,theile haue their wilU Exeunt ^/4finiiiSt N«r$M and SabittHi, Enter IttlU and Scianuf* &//V And dare Tiberius Workc oldIuliae» deaths ^M* Excel* ^Claudius TiBcrius Nero. S*/4. Excellent Lady,worthyIulia, Vpon mine honour Nero fcckcs your life. Ift/. And can the heauens (tc and not rcucnge 1 Not mzdOrefitf Qitem»eftrae$ Sonne Was fo vnnaturall as this beare-whelpe is* I did concciuc the viilainc in my wombc. Which now 1 hare bccaufe it foftercd him, CouidI not get fomc Taxus to hauc madc» My wombc abortiuc.when 1 him coneiu'd 5 Nero,ah Nero ! did I not procure, , Thy firft adoption by Auguftus bounty? Caius and Lucius,thy elder Brethcrcn, Onein Armcnia.th'other lort in Spainc, And all that thou the Empire migh'ft obtainc Proud Phaeton, a(tcnd thy Fathers throanc. And roufe the frozen Scrpcntfrom his Dennc* Father of darkcneire,Patroncof confufion. Reduce the^^wof etcrnall night. ^^ Let heauen & carth,& air<,bee brought to nougi^ For Ncroliues, and luliacs life is fought. S«4. In vainc the furie of fuch idle thoughtf , Doc but augment the habit of y our paflion, The Virgin avredoth ondy heareyourmoancs. Which fleeting takes no'imprelTion of your gricte. In vainc you &t implore,the fencelcflc crcaturqi For to vnbinde the chaincofconftant nature. luK Seianus IwifeScianusllouclyman, . What (hall I call thee to obtainc thy Jouc I Aiidyetlknowjthouloucftlulia. Set** Madam.vponmyhonourlprotclt— ■— * W. ProtcH no more, Seianus fw care no more, Idoebclceuethou loucfllulia: i^ndmayltruftSeianus with my louc? S«>. And may you ttuft Seianus with your louef Ifl had not engag'd my honours paw^e, Iflbadnotadmir^dluliai ^ , - O 3 toucd TheTragicMlife and ^ea^h LoneJ Augufta more then mine owne life, l\o^M durft I kau« difclofed Cxfars drifts, Bfokcitiy allegiance to my Ibucrai^ne Clearing the miftie cloirdes ofhis rcuen ' JJid Philips high rcfoIu'dOJympias, Crouch to Selcucus for her wearic daycs, /ind /hall Augufta rovall lulia, Crouch,bea,cntr«ate her boy Tiberius? SetAn, Lady not fo,Scianus will entreatc* luiia. Nor thou,nor any,fliall entreat forme,' Did not I beare him? who (hall beg my lifte I fhamc to heare thy foolifli pittyino-. Did not we make Tiberius Fmperourl And can we not depofe Tiberius? "Where are thofe volumes ofiniientions, Which once had refidence in thy conceit? ' Thofe maflacres and golden pollides. That ore thy fortunes cucr houered? Kccord Scianus all thy Chronicles Oinctothcbcttonicofthymcmoric, Andplotfoniclaborinthofvillanie* Do not Scianus all in vaine contend^ Ncr.o,orlulia,or bpth muftend* S.7,w, Koyall Augufta, Iihliacommaund, The ^'Claudius Tiberius Nero* ThevtmofttliatSeianuscaninuent. Madamyou know that Cxfar three dayes fincc, Rcmoii'd his Court vnto Campania, Where by his Orchard T«/m. What by his Orchard?fpeakc Seianusjfpcalc, What doth the fmokc of Lerna lurkc thereby? Or Thcbane Sphinx.or Memphis Crocadile, What Dip(as,or whatMonftcrcan vvcfmd,. But halte fo cruel in his proper kmd? Sftc* There is a Caue Spelunca calTd, Vaulted by arte.made by Geometric, Whofe top h woucn witli a wauing vi/ie. The leaucs of temprcd plaifter flagging down p. Arc fannd with motion of each little wind: The ruddie clufters of the grapes appearing; Liuely cngiauen in dependant flones, NcucrMaufolus,nor Amphions towers. Nor Afiaes imraortall workmanship, Dianaes Temple halft fo curious, as this entrenched earthly Paradifc, But which cncrcafeth mod a mazing wonder, With turning ot one ftone all fall's afiinder. luita* W hat of this? what of the Caue Sei anus? SeUn» Here oftentimes the wearie Emperour, Doth banqtietandrefrclli his trou)led mind, I«/irf. Enough Scianus, prormfe to turne the flonc, lulia is fickcjAugufta nind be gone, 6tt* Madam,vpon mine honour ile make him furc* JttUa, Earewcll Scianus.l muft needcs be gone* ixir lu/ia* A'fan t SttJinU' foitts . S mu Madam farewclU Go ftcpdame lulia> Plot with Scianus for Tiberius death. But firfl go fell t!ic Queen c of fearcfuil DifltTj and read alefture there of policic, Neucr to trull a friend in fccrecie* Sothvn Seianus here Epitomize all thy dcuift^foi;o get the crowne* Betwixt ^eTragkairUfe and death Betwixt thy hopes and thcc arc feauen lights, Seauen wandring t>lanetS| feauea ob(tacleS| 1^ therms Cdfar^zna Germatiicus* The triple offpring oi^ermoHicmsi Ail thefc SeisHMs twixt thy hopes and thee^ But for GcrmanicHs hec is eclipft. His Orient of honour is obfcur'd, J hope ere this by Pifoes diligence* lulia is in her ftriiggling agonie. Betwixt the poyfon andconcoction ? Drufus, Tiberius ronne,Imeane to (pecde^ And make his father for to murthcr him* Buenthus the Caue I told to lulia. Is vcric truCjI doc not vfe to lie. Not to complot the dcepeft viilanic* Nor did I lie>ther*s fuch a CaueindeedCy And with one (lone lean confume the workCf Some (lender Oiallow polititian now, "Would deeme it here a point of wondrous rcach^ To murther fonneand father in this Caue* Not fo^Seianus hath a farther fcope. Deeper conceit, and farre more millicalh The Caue /}iall fall and yetTi^^rf^/liue* But I will fecme to vnderprop the Caue, With thefe my pillars,anabeare all (he loaded So fhall I get more fauour with the Prince, That whom foeuer I Hiall countenance, SiuU feeme as ere repeated Oracles • Then will I workc this credulous conceit. To whatimprelTion my brainemuents, De to Campania.Now firft Iiaue at his fonne, Thcxifor mmfelfewhenallmy plot is done. 6xtt Sffi4ffM» Eater 0/ Claudius Tiberius Ncf o. ^^ Kjff Vofttfff though this proud rebellion Difturbcthe vniuerfall vnitic, although this vtmoO member of the worldf Haih made a feparation from the head : Though thou and thy proud {onnein daring armci Hauc made our Haglcs fweat m thy purfuitc; Yet know a Roman is thine encmic, -* Whofe Legions farrc furpalTe in Chiualrie* 'The triple Phalaux of /fri»f»M» %Vereeucricmanafijrious Flcphant, Eut'd by aCafUeof Numidianst Thefe Germane Legions w oul d encounter chcm^ and therenewfquaaronsout of Italy, Would ftriue with them in glorious emulation. Till with the (poile of vancfuilht Elephants, They might encarape a pale with luorie. Ifet know my mcrtie farrecxceedesmv ftrength» an Otiuesbranch wrcath*d with huraahtic* \ Shall win more fauour with Gcrmanicus, J Thenallthc Enfigncsin i^r»»fii«j»ca«i» Speake then Vonone$,wiU thou fight or ye«ldj rofs. Gcrmanicus, astomy hoOileft-iend, Vonones knowes thy honourablctmndc, a4inires,bntflothing fcarcs thy vi£Vori«. Exceptthy perron,Thusmuchfor yourftatc j Gernianicusjtisno rebellion, Foi toroaintaineour anceftorsrenownc, Itis your pride cofieekc Dominions, Findingoccafions ftill to coiujaerall s FirftKomulusencreafthis Colonies, By ruine of likneighboar borderers. Within the circuit affaire Italy, SubieftcdJcojouelofdijEfrpirM* Jl Tncii i The Tragicall life dfid death Then mufl Scicilia be your grauarie> Carthai;e be fackt for emulation, Spaine mull find hoj fcSjF ranee an cnemic, Becaufc thatBrennus fcal'd tlie Capitoll, Yong Philip in the fecondpuniekewarrc, Aluft be reclaimed by old ifimilius, JVlithridates for helping Perfeus, Muft pay a ranfomc of all Afia To Taurus Mountaine^yet not fo content, Except he yecldvpLifiraachium, -j ForhimTigraneSjPtolomieforAnthonic, My Grandhrc for great Pompeysdignitic> Muft yeeld the title of his royaltie: Romanes, you wrong the world by falfe prctcnccj,' TomakethcmalyourvafTailcProuinccs: How did the Eritaines wrong your Empiric? The Gallo^retiansjor the Scithians? "What did N umidia.or what did GermanicJ The late Carafter of thy viftoric» Let fearefull Cowards to the Romanes yccldz Vonones will fight out this blodic field. Exeunt hoth xpnyes, and enter Againe to^^htVoMnet Mnd his fonne file. Enter Gtrmttnieut andPifg* ger. Now are thcfe Orientall brauerfes quail'd " theferauening wolues hem'din their lurking dens: Tigraracnta,wcre itproud Babylon, Glew'dwith Alphaltesflimeimpenetrablc, "WereitPireuSjOT Seleucia, Germanicus wouldneuer leauc aflaul^ Till it were fubieft to Germanicus, Sound them a parley^ SnterZJotJoneSMSVpOfJthcwalUu Gtym.inicHsJp^eaketh* and difmiflc thy force, , H: Vononcs The Tragicalllife anddeMh Vononcs 1 admbe thy valoumus minde. This is the way tafindTiberius kindc. Von^ GermanicuSjhow much I honour thcc! Vononesfawnes notforhislibertic, por know,bcfore that tyrant lliali infult Oucr the tyirmenian Orientall Prince, £iien by the Sun,andall bis counfellorsj The autour of our royall progenies , Scale,burne,afrauh,battcr, vndermin^ Renue as oft your wearied Legions, as Poliiiice$,or the Thebane wail. Nothing but death Vonones fiiall enthralls Germ* Then to the fight, andheaucn I trud will aydevsin outright* Cermanicw and PifofcaU the WMllet^ Gtrmameui H rtpulfi thcfirfiaflMilt, 'Pifowitmeththe w^lfirfi, hut is i» danger by Vonones andhisfonne: GerPt4Him ens refaue^h Ttfo^Vonones ami hisftnne^^ Che/4r4,far4ymM^rc all their force, Tigranocertay i s fubdn ed to VS. Romanes aflaultthe Kcepe,letthcm notbreath/ Till with the cinders of tnc fired Tower, your dreadfullfurie cleane didblued be. S9und a parley withtn, Pifo. Butharke,th* Armenians doc aparlycraue. 1 think* thei'l yeeld,and fo our labour fauc. ^f-r. Then found terror to theirmelting hearts* Thej re found a parley yand Vonones on the Keepe, Von. Germanicus^andRomancconquerours^ 4 feipcrious Lords of Fortunes Empcric, Vononcs here vpon his fiippJiant knc^ Which eucr yet was like the Elephants, That hadnofinewjhadnobendingioynt, jHcre he that neucr bcgg'd,doth ao yv entreat Aboon^ "^^fTJlMdiusTiBcriusl^ero* 'Al>oonc,a glorious booncrGermanicujj v Tisxiotmy iifc: Vononcs heart v;ouicibreakc Before his tongue fliouW be his Oratour. ' Tis not Captiuitie,norTownc,nor Fricndes^ Nor Rcalmc,nor wifc,nor my poderitie, Gcrmanicusjit is a boonc offamc Vonones bcgeSjthat ncrc will bee aeainc* Ger* And a$ I liuc, Vononcs (hall obtaihc,' How honour croft by chancc,reuiues againe ! ^ Vonones, Then thus,in{inglc combat I dcfic. Seme worthy man at armes,that dare pcrfonncj This honorable challeng;e in the field. If that Vononcs liue,this is the boonc, lorfourc and twcntic houres to haucmy fcop^ Por to ordainc a new fupply of warre. If I be vanqui{h*t,vfe the law of armes* Germ. Difccnd Vononcs, on my honours pasviie For to performcthis refolution. Germ4nicM comes il^net* the Staj[e« Romaincs,on your alleagiance be gone, Pcrfwalion is the fight oFprefcnt death ; I fee the Garlands fi£htAndlire^hr , VoHonesbeins'-pfomded* ,, P,? Von. Curfs'dbee thchoure, andcurffedbccthc •Which giues the influence to mv hapleffe being; 1 had not dccm'd that twentie thouland loules. Could haueorc*quelled in a fmgk fight. My armour,purpled with vermiUion blood, (More then the Scarlet blulKthcmakcr gauci) youhel^^brcdfurics.IplagucyoualhnhcH, Thatthusdo torture ow ; come oathou iargor Rome ... ^ir. Ahm>bliSpirit, andarttbouiiMte exunm H'3 Gallant Vononcs much I pitdc thcc. Too muchdcre earth oppreflc him not with wcighr Whofc miudc was cicuatcd whilft hcliucd. Let liliies dcckehis eucr^owring toombe, AndRofetsbordcronhiswaylcdgrauc, Sweet Nightingales participatchis breath, Helpe to inimortallize his glorious death. ^j/o and a// the 'KjmMines e^me downefrom the wall to Gsrmamcniy 4»d ^ermnmcutfpeaki to them* Now brauc Ccnturions,worthy Legicfns> After the night of labour.honours day Bring foorth themurall Crowne and Ornaments. Pi/. Gennanicus»whofe head ihaU this adorne I gcr* Hi> thatdeferu d it^and I dceme' twas L 'i'lf. Know my Gemianicus>but it was I That Hril repuift th' Armenians from th etr watleS| FirOpitchtmy Eagle in the conquer^ Towoe, Not honour^ncr impcrioui ambition. Can make a Romaine yeeld his honours title. I fcald the fconce^therefore the Crowne is miney I pitchtmine Eagle^ineare theOrnamentss And by my foule,and by Bellonaci; night , . Pifo will ha»!c his owne,hi$ Crowne,hi» ri^ht. Thcrcfixt mine Eagle.thenvnbard their GateSj \ And ftr eight remounted to aflault the Kcepe, \ Perchance thatPifo by fomepofterne ^ate, Crept through ameufc, & by the winding ftayrcs, Ptntmgand brcathleflTejftalc vp to the walies. Butl" I vif. Nay ftay Germanicus.my heart doth throb, \ Mine caves doc glowc, to heare thy brauing tauntss | IamaSoldicr,andasgoodasihou, 1 Bat for the childi(h rumor of thy name : i And flial 1 1 loofe by thefe infulting tearmes 1 The Cro wrte of honour that Ihaue defcru'd ? Not one fault drop of Swcat,that I hauc fpcntj But honours fouiuaine jTiall repay againe. GermanicuSjPifo will hauc his due. Of thouorhe,thJsfaftofthinerh.illrue. ^entur. My Lords,what difmal furic doth enchat Your noble Spiritstothis mortall ftrife J The Romainemillitarielawcs enforce, That in thefe grauedemurrcs the Soldiers ^jpcft. Should giucthehonour by a whole confent: Arc you my LordGermanicus content, And you Lord Pifo with ourRomainelawcs ? Cer. Worthy Centurion with ail my heart. pif, I rauft'perforce,or elfe not haue my parf, ^ Om.SpeakSoldiers,PiroorG(rman.(Gern2aMCU5 Sol, Gcrmaaicus, Germanicws> the Crowne is (o (^ent* Truuu The Tra^calllife and death ^entu, Trumpets^relate t&heauea thiVVnitic; ijrrmAmeusftttethiiovme, T^tfodttheoihtyendtfthe Sta^e fp r$n. t^i fh Tvmder en the CrovpH^ami then hej$u teth it CH G'^fHtmicit hir head^Trumpets feuni. Vif, I loft the Crow ne.but I hauc won the day, Loiigliiic ViftorioufGcrmanicut. Ger. Pifrtgrwuenocatlufticcccjuitie, Mine honour's dearer Pifo then my life. Except this gruiffc,Pifo,I honour thee, Dcp utc thee Lord Armenian goucrnour. To grace thy vertuc and reward thy paint. Far well good Pi(o,ilc to AntioclM:.<^A'//,C?r*-.e^5#A Ptf. l.goe Gcnnanicus but nerereturne, That Cro vvnc iKjll be the lad chouere Jlulc wcarc» That ?arl.ind decks thy fpecdy funerall ; IftliatGermatiicus patfc Antioche, I^ifo's a fbole,Seianu> hadno wk : That powder which I fprmckled on thefeaue$9 Mc of my dcaihjhim of hit Ufe bercaucs . tx$t Piji, Enter Tiberitts So1m» Tib* lamdifpos'dtofncditatealoni?, Hereinmy Orchardjetnonedarctroublemet Thefc Poppies toon^uch afpire^they arc too high^ i muil needes n^ake them headlclTe tor their pride, And Aire their feede.vvould breede a deadly fleepcf Should I not crop them,in their flowring prime* Thcfe marigoldsjwould follow with the Suxm<^ If I Hiould fuffer them to fprout on highy Butiie confine their flaturc to my meafure : So will I doe with all competitors* Here's an olde roote doth hide the riling pianti^ Andthatdothmalcemethinkeonlulia* Where is Seianus^that incarnate diuell. Hath he not ended yctmy greatefteuill? liioc miidoubc the ViJlaine.okUieila»c ! He o/Clmdim Tiberius Nero. Hemsy hewnv mi t§ the S^ndt^ri i He may difcouer me to Germanicu s: He may doc what he will, to fcekc my end ♦ £xitTihyit4f* U/iter the Gholt ofGermamctts, Ghoafi, IngratefuIlNero,andingratcfullRomc, Vnto the merrits of Gcrmanicus> Reucngcmy caufclcffe wron2s,greatProfcrpincj Who murthcrcd was by hatcruli trcachcric. Me thsnkes lama maTV,and now could rau^ That ncre before did know what anger ment« This murall crownc wrought my vntim.ely death^ By Pifoes cnuie,and Tiberius pride. Gcrmanicus^poore (bule doenot cornplainc. For prayers cannot thy 1 ife reftore againci J will goe fee my Children and my wife. That I may thinkc on them in this new life. Exit Chciyf. ^ftter jigrifina 4t one dowt^ Drnfut Mnd Nere 4t the o* thercryitt£ outtntfrom their^Bedt, N Butmother,whatdidyouraffrightin^raeane? Agr$. Oh Sonne ! Idream'tthatintncazureskyc, For one Epiciclc two Sonnes did ftriue, One darted ray cs,th' other rainebowes made: One Tuckered plants,thcothcrmoou'dthcfirc: One fliining.tother dimmer one true^totherfalfc, Andin thisdifcord all in hcauenly motion. The hoafl of iUrrie cloudes did hide the ayre. Thefc hideous monfters met in furious rage. As ifthe worldhad beene diflcvcrcd. Like when a Whale runs in theboyfterousmatne. Seeming to fhoulder all they eeldingwaucsi So by contrition ofthis dawning night. The Axeltree of heauen did fceme to mooue : From whence,asfTom an anuile feem'd to flreami^' A day of lightning,and a thunder bolt, "Which rend ring paflage to the Orient, Scctn'd for Ci^ght vppon Gcrmaxutuf^ Ta0 .MS':^ ^Glandms Tiberius Nero** This frighted A^ripina in her Drcamc, But Nero what did thy vpftatting mcanc? Nero. My thought I fawc a fnowycmilke white ^ncountring with araucning bloody Stork. (Swaa "Whcninthc furious hcatcof all their broylc. The Storkc was fuccoured by aneighbour Crancj The Swan rclicued by a dunghill Cockc> All ioyne in battaile,all to furious. But wncther by fairc Vcnws prayers to louc*. Or other fatc^thc Swan and gallant cockc, Ceaz'd on the Cranc^and carkafTe of the Storkc,' All which fcern'd pleafin^ to my flumbring fenccy But all too rufull tnat which after fell) Fell difcord twixt the Swan,and G}cke arofe, Thepcereleflc Swanne was worthy Conqueroufy But yet alas the gallant Cockc. ' Enter CM^ximntMmeJfengerfrem GermMmcus^e knocketh at the doore* But who difturbes vs at thistime of night ? Whcrcis the Porter with the Citties watch? Max* Open,ah open vnto Maximus. Z)r.Thef aithftil Maximus,God fend good ncwes* ^CMter Maximus t Jgu Too much I fee,! dare not hearc the reft> KnA yetl wilhnay farwell Maximusy I will not feare, yet feare comes gainft my wilU Mine cares arc ftopt,hovv doth Gcrmanicus ? Max* O I were 1 mute,or had my careful! nurflc, ' Keie taught tliis doleful! Enginefor tofpeak*> Then Ihouldmy foulc in mourning filcnce groane* e^jjr* Ah dccre Maximus by all that ere was dearc IVithin thy truftie heart,make no delaic$> Tel Agripina : rid her of her feare, J4y heart is hardned cucn the worft to hcare.(Roine M4X^ ThcflMadamfilhencc wclcft this (lately \ % protti ragigaUUfe and death Proud in the Triumphs of Gcrmaniciis. My Lordfirftfaylcd toBrandufium, So to Achaia and from thence to Rhodes* From thence to Ephcfus.fiomKphcfui ToLifimachium we bent our couffc, Thcncctothcmountaine Taurus marchtlylanJ, Shcluing on Nvliich wc coalt Arnjcni J, andjnhcrfirtill bowels pitcht our Tcnti. Yononcs three leagues ofFdifplaiilc his flag, ThcfcarlctEniiijneofhis bloody niindc, There like two hcards ofLyons,\v cinratigd Our fqutdrontotheirPhallaXjto their darts, Our flings ragainft their Cammelsjallauthorfc. Bctwixt'our armies Tigrisfwiftly ran, and there within a league on our right hand, A dccpc-dclu'd Caue, (fit ambuih to intrap) All vaulted with a young difpraycd groue. Here with fiuchundrcth foot-men light of armes, . My Lord did place me till he ga\ie the fignc : So in the hcatc our Lc^iom fccni'd to Hye, Till all Vononcs amiie paft the floud, Andinpurfuite ©four fuppofcd flight, There all cnuironcd with hidden troopcs, That faw Vonones and hisli eric Sonne. Andfomefcwmore.whichthcmaccompained, We made an endeof this rebellion* Tigranocerta ihen w e all inclos'd« And wonne it,and my LordGermanicus, In fingle combat,flcw their gouernor* ji£. Ah my dearc Lord ! how fares Gcrmanicus 5 Ji4ax, I^thatsthedifmalkieweslhauetotellj Leauing the Orient thus in fctled peace. And Pifo Pretor of Armenia, We marched to the Cittie Antioche, "Whereas my Lord had heard were ChriJ(Hans> ludciafiPiKdcs^thc Yvhich didindgiuiic, . ^ ^Claudius Tiberius Nero* An vnknownc God,in clayly pictie. Before the Cittic grew a Cipreffc Grouc, Strcw'd vndcrneath with fading Violets, Where GaftlyScrcach-owles hold their refidcncc^ TrucProdigics,offatall miferics. about the midday of Antipodes, When our Horrizon was bcnum'd withflccpc, a furie and a paffion both at once, Began Turprize my Lord Germanicus. (/;?r Sont^ j^^r'Oli ncauens 1 Shefaititethattd isvpheU by Bth* Mother you promis'dfor to hear e the worft and can you not indure the firft aflanlt? Agrip. Yes Maximusjtell out the dyrcll: wo. My hart conceiues more grief then thou canft fliew Max. What time the liuing diall of the night. His firft alarum,rang to Cipria, Gall ofmy foulc,I faw that wocfull fight, Wherein my Lord (tormented) meckely lay. Like to a Lyon in his generous kindc, Doth gnaw the earth,in felncfle of his mindc. Grudging forrow but difdaines to moanc, Or rorc in torment of his agonic, So lay Germanicus in grieuous painc: Yet o^ricfcfrom outward fiiew did much reftrainc, But feeling that his fpirits gan to faile, andvitallpulfcsleauethcirmotibn. He cald for Plato,and there two houres red. Of theimraortall eflcnce of thcSoulc, So conftantin his foules Diuine releeuing, (uing That griefc euen crieu'd herfelfc,forhim not grie- Then to his fricncles,hc gaue this laft farwell, Dearefri€ndes,and worthy countrymen adicw. Had I in thisfairc May of all my doric. By fates Etetnall hand beene catcht from earth, ImightaccufcthcIufticcofthcGods : But Slice by Pifojtndhis poyfonous drugs, J 3 Gcrma* TJoe Tragicalllife and death Gcrmanicus is lofl',reucngc my death. j^grt. Enough,toonujch: Olcanbcarcnomorf, Good Nero goe,run to Sabinus houfc. (^xi.t Ntro iSjid treate Kim come,ajid comfort thy fad mothery Dru {us goc thou vnto Afinius lodge, {'Drufus And wooe him hether to thy forowing Moihtx.exit B'lt was my Husband poy foned by that flauc 5 OMonftrous hell -hound of ambition ! «-^ "With this faire coueroffadmiferics. lu/uftncedeslookevpon thislaftreliefe. Which f\vels,as being angry for my griefc' Ah my Germanicus ! thus to hold thy heart, Yceldes mciio comfort.but augments my fmaft« ^rr.Mothct I ^T!Iaudfus Tiberius Nero^ Ner* Mother, SaLinusfometwohourcsfincc, Is gone to vifitefaireEliziiim. tyign. vVhat to thy Father my Gcrmanicus? t)rt*fHsreturtJeth, *I>rttf. Mothcr^AfiniusGallusvcry wcakc. Expels the fatail hoiirc of his death, Phifitiani teil him he is poy foncd» e^^-'/j.Toomuchmy Sonne, grcatforrow flill is dumbc. Y^xeunt omnes* fftter Pleheiansmth oneefMaxitmu hitSo/Mers, I .And is it truc,did Pifo poy fon Gcrmanicus ? SoU. True,Iastrueas thisisan Armenian Loufc, that bit me by the backc,&: I am fure I carried none out of Rome with me : for his head fwcld , his hayrc wouldnotburne.andhccdyedinafuricjandwc al know thatPifohad mortall hatred againft him bccaufc he wold not let him haiie his mural crown. z.O Gcrmanicus Gcrmanicus ! oh good Gcrma- nicus ! the very hunifuckleof humanity,& the Ma- ry-gold ofmagnanimitic:Piro is not tobc copared to him » Pifo noche if to him(eucn in the creame of his naturc)thc vericlccs oflicentioufncs,thc Vcriu- ic«ofvill any, the very excrement of euil, & which is mi)rc,he had no reafon to poy fon him. 3 Good Gcrmanicus , oh when fhall I make thee an other pay re of boot s that would cuea fmilc wh6 they (houldccmc vppon his lcgge«?0 1 rhallncucr make fuch mcrric bootcs againc,for all the dric lea- ther in my fhop I warrant wiU weep iniirely whea they heare this newes. So/* Confenr to me,Pifo will bchcareprcfentlf (he thought to hauc beenehecrc before v5)confenc tome,letsplaguchini for Gcrmanicus. I A orcc'd,and lets roft him in his ikinncjas you roftaCat. ,. i.^'^T ft Nay, Ictsdrownchimaliue, orelfebuij him The Tragicall life and death S#/^.Nay,willyduiil kcepe teuch, anawefli teardiimieyntbyioynt when vveehauegaUum, therefore ftand clofc,for I hearehis horfenejgh,thc Afle will be hecre prefently. P/TiHaile Mother Rome. r. j i ^ S^/. I,ftormcs of vengeance on thy curilcdhcrf, 1 "Where is GermanicusJfpcake! a. Speak! what haft thou done with Gcrmamcw^? /»;/. I cannot tell. ^//. But wee will make thee tell. Jhej drair^ him in t and cntey Againe mth hiS limt in their handsytheyJhoHt and cry . (Lord Omnes, Thushaucwcfcntreucngetoour dcarc Thus haue wc fent Gcrjnanicus rcuengc. SxtHHt.OmHCh Ibnttr liiherius M SeimiiS cut afthe Cmc^ Tihe. Sejanus. Sei^Myhoxi, T»^r, Ho Sejanus. S«<» Here my gracious Lord. Tibe* A plagu c vpo him,that fird made thu Caufi It was not fumptuousjnotfaire enough To be the Tombc of a liue Emperour. Thankes to my Genius, and thy prouidcncc. That bath defended mt from farther ill. And yet mv ihoujdcrs feck the hc*iuje loade, Sirraabrwmj Vanilb the wonuracntf of antiauc worldeii Mew'din cxtcrnall filcnce be oDfcurcdj Not Theiius looe vnto Pcrnthous Not Alexanders to H^pheftion, Kr *thc twoBmheren of Paris fworne, H'ljat in ctemall courfes feaJe the hcaucns, Pid€u€i:manlfdlfucbd«noailratiooi, of Chudim Tiberius Nero. Of faith vnfaign*d,anc! more then Turtlc-dottc/ Saued my life, now by my Gcneus ~ If all the world wercten#rimesmultiplicd. And one of them v, ere fnade of maflit goldf tnameled with Pearlcs and Diamonds, mboll with Infpcr and Alitcs vertuc: Yea wercalltheieimaj^inaric worlds, Voder Tiberius hi.» dominion. This world>chis rough-caft world with precious Shouldbc the guerdon of my failed life* (IcmsJ Ah my Seianus? whit can N cro find. To counter-ballancc fuch a fiithfull minde. Sffum* Mod gracious Cacfar mightic Emperouf,^ Ha4 Pellion andColTa becnc conioynd, HadmountingTcnarus with the fnowieAIpcs, And high Olympus ouerwhclm'd the Cauc, Yet would Seianus (hkeBriarius) Haue beene embowell'd in this earthieheUi Tofauethe life ofgreat Tiberius. Ti^» Now haue I tried the truncffc of thy ftampc^ Bith* touchftone of this lateopprclTion, Nero repay es thy louc with vfurie, But by my Geneus how this f^uddainc fcare Hath madevs cleane forget our mothers care. Tell meSeianus,how fares lulia? Sfi,u My Lord /he doth comendhcrto your grace But very wealcc vpon a furfettaken. Ti^* As how Seianus? old folkes vfe good diet. SfM» And fo did ihemy Lord, at fupper time She tooke a kernell ofrcftoratiue, In a Pomgranci.which did fo preuaile. As that left her ficker with her Phifickc* Afinius and Sabinus her deare friends. From that Apothecaric did receiue, The like reftoratiue with like efFeft: And thcalpoafted to your Maieftic. K ^/^. lulia Tih. lulia^SabifiUs and Afinius, For Mch a tearcjo to Eliziiim. But what Seianus note I in tin face? The fealcoffcaie though well diflcmbleci, Are they not all difpafcht why doft thou feare? Sctan. Vpon mine honour all arc perifiied.(foule? Tib» What doth thy confciencc thendilturbc thy "What meancs the carclcffe fowling of thine eyes? Thy louingforowjfoulding of thine amies? Thy fuddaine fighs.thy waiiering countenance? Kow all thy blood doth cbbeinto thy heart. Now all thy blulbing vifagcouer-flowes, Spcake my Seianus,faucr of ray life, And byniy Gcneusthouflialtobtaine. Seia, Feare and allcgiancc.dutic and aflfcflionj Honour and pittic-loyaltie and lone, Raifemutualltumultsinnjycloucn heart. Tih» Speake goodScianus, Nero lonjs to hearc> The mutinous diffcntion of thy feare. SeUa* May bemy Lord Seianus fcarcs in vaine. T#^. Let Cifar know, lead CapJai fearein vainc* Stf'/?». What if'niy Lord it do concernemy hur« Ti^. Yet tell to Cacfar who can cure thy hurt. Seta. 1 am perf A-aded that it is but forg'd, Tth* Wcll.howfoeuer Icommaundthcerhew. - Seia» Faultcr my tongue thou doUfuU inftrument> InfortunatetotellfoGad aftorie. Pardon my Lord* Tth Seianus I commannd. And bv my Geneus 1 will be obeyed. i'm* Then heauen? beare witnes what 1 do record Comes of no malice nor ambition, For of mine honour 1 do thinkc it forg*d» Aly Lord,fince you lay in Campania, It is a rumour blowne by vulgar windc. That y ou will iicucr backc rcturne to Kome » 1 1 CO old I ^ClatidltisTiBermS Nero. I could not ^t(Cton wliat prerutnptibn: But when I tirfl aflTAulted lulia, Andlhehati Tw allowed vp thepovronoust>aight. Faith then in Jouc vnto her LadifTiip, Itold her that your grace did fcek« her death* Not Menus with the frantikc dames of Tluacc, (That in their Dionifian facrificc. Mangled the bodie of poore Pcntheus) Raued like lulia in her pafTion. Ttt>* O how it doth me good to hcarc her mad! SeU, MayitpIeafcyourMaieftictogiuc meUaue Here to fet downe a dolefull period. Tu No by my Geneus Nero will hcarc all. SeiMi After the furie,angertooke her throne^ Like a fierce Lion chaft to feeke reucnge. When wooing me with many honie words* Of good, and wifeyandfriena,anddcboQairc« Idleiinononimici ofwomcnswit* ihe all to prayed ray conflant fccrccle And I to neare the fummall exigent, Swore neuer to reuealc her policie Whiled lulia and Seianus both /hould liuc. And I haue kept my promife with her to. Then did (he feemeto wooe me with hcrlookes^ But good my Lord let here Seianus Icaue, For on mine honour all may be but forg'd. Ttif. IfthouconcealcflbutoncnUable. Nero will hate thee in eternitie. S'w. MyLord,^rcatIuIiafaid/hc wouldpreuent Tiberius in his Ty«rscrueltie: She fwore my aydc,m« fworc my/ecrccic, Adding a gift to cuericwordc fhcfpake: ThisRing,thisSignctofAuguftusArmes» This leweil, pifturedf your noble farher, Yet lulia you know my Lord was wifc^ And allmay bcbut forged pollicie; - K X She ^e Tr/igkallltfe and death She Taia how (He ^euifcd had the plot. In this Cariipanian ccceffion. (Oh Gods forf end)to end T*heriu? dates? T"'^. Tis welt Scjanus /lice's— — b»jtp< accede* Sfta*Thc day before the blufterinj?. Ides ofMarcb "Which as I take it,this day isexpired (That made me poftc 'o haftily from Rome) On this fame fatall day olde lulia fwore. Hit Sonne Tiberius (hould be poyfoncd* But by w hofe means,my Lord I muft conceale,^ Por ofmine honour I doethmkeitforg'd, Tilfer. Conceale a Tray ror.and my guard (hal lop Thy ioynted carkafl'e: goe too tel me alK Set4* Why then my Lord,imaginealli$fal(c, And what I fay ^is all but countci faite* Poc not cofKciue that Drufus your dearc foitn^ Afpires to be a prefent Emperour : Belecuenot that this day he makes a fea-Hv Where mightie Cxfar.fliould be povfoncd* Thinke not that Spado chat Twigioonebcnf toi^ Is now corrupted to perfcrme the aft,. Who tafting firft vnto your Maieftic, Wirh a Vine-branch cnfoulded on his arme Will fqueafe in poy fonous drugs to flay my Lord^ Imagine this to be a lying drcame* Though Julia Avar-.- and vow d it fliould be foy And made great ioyance,thatitf}iould be (oy Beleeue it not furely fhc laid not true, For on mine honour I doe thinke jtforg'd. Tiber, No,no,Sejanui,I haue well oblcru'c^ Thehaughtie ftomackeof th'af, iring Boy, But lie pull dovvne his Ictcy crcll-cd plumes^ And teach him homage to his fon«raigne. How dare the ftraglin? elfc,oncplookeiinine^ And not be turn'd into an A I'pen leafc, To tremble at each brsa^hed filUUci ■ 'vi ^Claudius Tiberius NcroJ Seia* Be patient gooHmyLor who would once conceiuc. Such headlong furie in ambitious thoughts? Pid not MithridatcsPontns King, Foreiuc Phraates his rebellious Sonne? Did not Tueurihus father, often checke His high alpiring thoughts?yet himforgaue! Tti>ef* TalkcoHorgiuencfleinfoinepeUkKin5!» NotinthcHateolniightir Emperors, This day he docth prouide T hy cftas feaft. And bids hisfathei to the bloudy cates* ' pcr(wad> tne not,Sf ianus I will goe, 2 hauc already promis'd him to come, And if the villainc offer me thefc drugs, He make him Twill the cup^ I ihculd caxrouftft Enter Spad* ttwsrd thtm* But h«er€ coipes Spado his fine mftrHracist, See where his Garland i$,ile ftab the Maue. Seta. NogoodmyLord how can ycu then inquire The hateful! Treafons of your wicked Sonne? Ttb. TistrucScianusl will hold'my hands. S«rf. Oh how I fear d 1 Ihould haue bccnc bctraid Spa^* Euer A uguflui! Drulcs toyaii baui.pict. Requires the prefer.cc of TibciUis. Tihni* Si adovseccnic. They drHJv 'f}de the Arrat^andb^Mi^iiet on the fi age,. Sp4d§ tffieth tt7ihtrtus/.nd^Jier wju/eih ihep^jfon. Spr'* My Lor T/^. Pardon Scjanus oncly faith full friend. The headlong furie of a troubled foulc, I dare not truit my fel fe to fee my Sonne. O who would wcarc a^Crowne tobc tormented? Scjanus I muft ride in poftc to Rome, To rcignc tiic furie of the common heard, Seethcfe foulc carkaflcs be buryed. Coc to Sc;anu$,whcn I haue my will. He fpedketh Jic make thcc Pattcrnc ©f thy Vil laincs. thts afide. Mcanc I V. Meanc while I will to Romf to findc the book«, Augiiftus w rote and Ictt with lulia. Ext TtiftnM^ S^'w* Why this is well, Germanicus is gone With lulia and with Drufiis into hell. Jollow Scjanus,Noc : thy wits I mcanc, Alas poorc Drufus,troth 1 pittic thcc. And Spado too,nic thinkes now I could vvecpen But that it ii too womanly : this chopping boy Whome 1 corrupted for this Stratagcmc, I did him a great fauour, had he liued Tiberius would hauc had him tortured^ Hang'd by the Naueli for confcflion. DriJlus.for thee, I could haue willit thy lifcy But reafondidin force thy deHinie* Firfl that thou wcrt hcirc to Tiberius : Next an obferuer of my fccrecies, Thirdly thy Liuia,(hat Qpeene of bcautie. The eldcfl Daughter to Germanicus, Sejanus fecret fricnd,rivy fccret foe. Next to Gcrmanicus.,heyre to th e Crownc, Thy {bmetimc,nowmy wife, if heaucns agree. To make me heirc vmo a Princes Throne, Nay more,an Erapy re thus fhall be mine owncs Fourthly the blow which Ireceiu'dinpcace> VntiUreuengcmightfatisfieiny will: Allthefc,or.iny wercfufficient : I am forry.I hauc vs*d thee too too well* Now to ih« fumme,ofall my foes arc Icfti Tibcrixis Cxfar,witb him Agiipma, Neraand Drufus the Gcrmanici* Then ihus the fierce enrag d Gcimanict, 1 will infenccagainft Tiberius. As the fole agent in their fathers death, Shew them the fauoursof the Senators^ The Plebeians harts inchaincd to their beckes, Fairc baites tor to allure Uicir young conccjtcs. Rebellion -^^jntr^-TWW 7T)e Tragtcalllife and death Rctcliionlleintitlchonourablc, Ami ifthat wc obtaine the vidloric As I liauc bound them Legions to mine hoafl. Then will I hauc my fpies.my fawning Curs, h\) hireling hell-houndsin the battailcshcaC<^ To minthcr botli the yong Gcrmanici* Tiberius vancjuilbt,and thefcmadcaway, Cxfar ScianuSjEaiprcfleLiuia. 6xttSeumHC tmer (^atifrHla/olus, " Calia. No w plcafured by fit occa(Ton, Poure forth the treafurcsof thy inward thoughts^' Which too too long haue bcene imprifoncd, Novvmufc on Roiucs cnfuingniiferies, Tiberius tr cafon$,and thy fathers death. Thy brothers danger,and thine ownc contempt,' And mufiug, meditate vpon reucngc, Banilh harts quiet from thy ficcping thoughts;, Vntill thy thoughts be fatisficdwidi bJood. Ncrolcoincjinfpireniciuftcftrage: And Ronielhall tremble at Caligula. Exit C^ligl Stiter SeUttHT^ rvith Nero, and Drufus Germanki. Seiatt. Ncro,Drufus,DruruSiNero,botharcontV Or one or both,for both I know arc one: Andwhatlfpcakctoonclfpcakc toboth. Nay,hcare me out for what I fpcake is true, Pifo did poy Ton great Gcrmanicus Your fathcr.Ncrocs fonnc and my good Lord, I,by Tiberius pollicie, Lo here the pardon made for Pifo drawne Which Iul:a dying did tome commend, WhatChall I. fpcake to mou< you to rcucn«»'e ThcScnatisdcuotcdtoyoi!. ("ockc, Thecommon people 15] foftmurmurino'. Like Bees doc fcclvc the honie of vonr Hiues^" Wiiat it fo«ie Waf^cs doe mouc Tibcriuj? iJiaue ofChudins Tiberius Nero . I haue a fwarmc maugrc thcfe lazie dioancs t I hauc tlic LcjKUis at Scianus becke. And for my fakc.and Ipeciallylor yours, I know they will euibratc all their force, Befidesthe honour of your Countries good. Exile the tyrant,fo did Caflius, Brutus the elder and the yongcr Brute, Honour an dfauour,youth and legions. The Senators, and the Plcbians: Ifall may moue you.courage noble hearts $ Let Hares and Harts be fearfull in their kinds, Romanes haue valiant and vndaunted minds* Nero* Brother a word with you: Takes bim AjtJle i'ft^.I,go,confuIt,whilftIcenturiatc Athoufand nets to catch fuch tender foolcs. l^ero. Drufus how dofl: thou like Seianusgefture? 'Dru* Faithlikchis words,for both are countcrfet* ^ero* Vpon my life Tiberius fent the flaue. Drtt. Tis fo by Ioue,tis fo, lookc brother, fee How the damn d villam flearcs,& laughs,& lowrcs "Wcle firft begin with him,& the for Nero: Thej hc'^ iV^fro. Brother contcnt,and now bercfolutc, ginto But here comes lulius Celfus>hold thy hand, draw*, ^nter \hUms Celfut. Celfus, FliCjfiie Scianus,Iulius bids thee flic: Nero hath found thy death in luliacs houfe, Imeanc,thecaufcofdcath, thytrcchcries. The letter that thou fcnt'ft to Liu ia: Away,rhift for thy felfe,and fo will I. Eaciu Sfia. Hath he found that?1ScianMS curlTethy felfc. The lower worid,and the higheft heaucn. Th at he hath found themjdie,confume,andburnc. I heare the noift ofhorfes, they are here, A plague vpon them all,then here away» Exit iV(r.Brotheraway,t'is time.wemay fu(pe£l.EA^^/r»f SaanuJi hok^s tn at the doore^dffcak^tk* L S.w. Hell TJe Tragieall life and death Set* HeM )'awne and fwallow themithat way I am Tbii way the dogs wil bark.& fo betray mc:(ftopt. The gccfc will gaggle, iflflie this way. There arc his murderous guard,ahel confound the: Oh for the fcauen-way houfc of Hannibal 1 Sejanus kill thy felfe,oh no I dare not. Would I were an AlFe to bearc : fo I am . I am not: I Bie>I dare not: 1 cannot^I mud. Exit* Sitter Ttberitit with his ^ttardpMrfitin^ Stianuf* T/^.Haft foryour liucs, fceke,fcarch>cnquirc,ftop Mirdoiibt,cxaniine^fpie,watch>haue a carc^ fia/j And it he pafle,not oncof you (hall fcapc Th' cxtrcamcll; torments that I caninflidk. Poaft poaft^away (ometoihc Capitoil, Some to port £fquilinc,mount PallatinC) "Watch, watch the ftrcctcs,the Drufian (Ireetes^ Hietothe Altars,theiE^erian wood; The bridge of Til)er,anaPromcthcus Lake, Some where>any wherc,cucry whcre^away^away. ' Stttcr Seianut!the guard hefett all the doorts^he dratvm €th andfrojfereth to come dmert wajes: at laft rnjhetb 9n thevHardi fiihtethyAfid tt taken. Stia, Hcaucn,carth,hcll:hclpethidc,eapc: here fwallow vpaliuingfacnficc, Grac'd with an Hcccatombecf flaughtcredj flaucfi^ Hold fword Sejanus barters death for death, Ti. So,bind the traitor faft in Iron chaines, Now fiauc of honor, ground of Infamie, Obloquie8fubje .Beflirew thy hatcfull head for doing it. Sf w« Bale to thy hatefull heart for caufin^it. Tib ♦ Thy plotting head for fo inuenting it. S«4.Thy bloodie mind for fo concluding it^ Tti>, AnrfonSejanusforcffedingit. SriVf. And on Scjanus for effefting it. Yet vitlaine doe I curfe my curfed felfc? Downe poy fed by the execrations^ Of thofc that thou by me haft murthercd? Tih. Beleeue him firs,may be he fpcaketh truth. Seia* ll may be tyrant.nay it is too trne» Caius.and LuciuSjWercmurthcred, And Agripina,by Tiberius. So poy loned Gcrmanicus was flaine. Sabinus, and Afinius wercdifpatch'cl. And lulia for her foraie Tiberius. And fo thou loucdft Drufus thine ownc Conner Toiuckchis bloud in whofe death ftiUIioy, To thinkc that therein I orc-reach'd a tyrant. Poore Prince vniuftly doom'd to fuddaine deaths "Which in his Jife he onely this deferu'd By giuingme a whirrct on the eare : But as for treafons ignominious fpot againft thy ftlfc,thy life or Diademe, Hisinnocentthpughtsncuer were tainted with. T/. Hold hart,break not betwixt my rage & griefc Si>» Onely for this. {/iflde, Tib. Onely for this ! O furic teach my tougue^ To breath eternall curfes on his foule. SftA.O how I triumph in foule-plcaflngioy^ TJiat herein yet I die not vnrcuengU Imade l lltfl., 'W HH. ' . ' .","t. ' ^ (^i^ o/t>lauaius 1 ibcrius Nero. iRiadehim die formloe owne proper fault. For know Tiberius as in all the reft, Sointhy Sonne Drufus fad Tragedic, I grounded the fi^undation of my hopes. Meaning vpon the Ocean of their blouds, i To fwim vnto the Throne of Maieftic, And from thy hand rend the imperiall crownc. T<^« Here is the Catalogue of his deferts, Tis pittie but he w ere an Hnperour. Spurius He r^htspert in his t^rt^ffr Sxit Spmim \ Make haftej charge thee on thy life. ' Herein I mufldctraft from pollicie, ^ And Fortune attrib ute the caufi; ta thee. That thus I may rcuenge this treacheries Stia, Rcuenge ! alas ihou maid perhaps onme, Inflift th* extrcamitic of punifliment, And rid thee fo ofoncpecceofthyfcarc, Btit yet thou canft not (cape defcrued death. For from the Phoenix aihcs of their Sire, The heart reuiued young Germanici. "Wife NerOjandfierccDrufusarm'd with rage. Come like a lightning to confume thy ftatc. liber. Soldiers purfue them ere they paflc the To ioy ne thcmfelues vnto the Ledons. (w alles ' S^M. WhylunatickcVfurperofihcCrowne, They arethclawfull heires vnto th«ftate. Thou but adopted by falfc trcacherie, My right as good as thine is to the Crownc, For both but falfcand both but vilhnie. T/^?. Thou dooftnic wrong Scjanus to Vpbraid With IgnominiousTitlc of ingrate. (mc thus. Or wrong detaining what is not mine owne. enttr SffuriMS with a bur mag Crotvne* "Who,! Vfurpe your Crownc and your eftate J I were not fit to liue and if I (hould. ThcrcforcmyMajAcrSjhccrebcforeyouall, L 3 TIjc ^ragtcaUIiJfanS^deaik I doc rcfigncmy crownc iniperuU Vnto Se)anus,and doc inucu him Cxfar, * Hr fits the i>Hrmn^ Crovfne vpon his head, AH haiicScjanus.Romes great Empcrour. Seta* AlhaiIc:Hell,Dcath, Dcftru£lion plague LetallthctorturcSjtormcntSjpuniflimcnts. (youal III £arth,in hcauen,in hell, rcucngcmy death, Whofc burning painc torments mc not (o much as tliat there conies not from my fcalded braines, S<»iflFicient fmoakc tofmothcr all of you. Hedjeu Ithe* So dye thy Curffcs with thy curfed fclfe. Now one goc caft,hitbodyc into Tiber, The reft goc with me,ti$ high time to haft. Sxeunu )iMter Aqripmafoh* {emnet Agr* Oh hcaucnsi andif that any power be highcrl O earth I and if that any lower lye? Aleit heaucns into a Oiowrc of fupplcbalme. Flower carth,all purpled with Ncpcnthaes IcaueSj Too fooliih Agripina to complaine, £arth,Heauens,Nepenthaes balnie, and aX in vaine. This earthly hart^itis my pleaiing earth. Sbeopeneth the hoxwith the heart efgermoHittti This is Ncpcnthaes that doth cure annoy : This balmc,thisCaflia,thisisfwceteftMyrrhc When I forget to ioy in this rcfpc£^, Heaue,Earth,Ncpcnthaes all dome neglcft what a dungeon is this taberaacle! To whomc,and vvhcn,and where fliall I complaiBCl' 1 know not)audagaineIknowe, For Agripina isamaz'dwithwoe. Enter Afarco, M^fr.MadanTjTiberius C^cfarsmaieftie^ Sentmctotell you of hisncarc approach. me defart make thy Elegies, Tunc tl;emvnto the puling harmony, Ofthclaircntingconfortbrcd in Thrace: R(Mnc iliali not hcarc thy yelling execrations, Tefoi c Enos fliall fourc times be waGit, In Nerctis fountaine with Hipcrion, Vpon thy life fee that thou fee not Rome, But baniflitjbacke to pandatui ia. A Who fells the ftyreft ware at meaneft price. 7'#^*.I,and becaufe pceuifli wilfuil griefc, Hath made you fomcwhat lcane,not fit for falc. You fliall tografletoPandaturia: Prouidc her nay and waterftore enough. j4^riD, No,no,whatfl)all I call this hate of earth? He call him Ncro,thats the worfl: of all. Nero,!t fhall not neede,! am prouided Of fairer Gates without thy noneft care, The cornc that makes my bread are yellow care^ Ripened by hcate of anger.in my brcaO, The barren field ofnought but carcfull fcedes. My mcate the foddca forrowcs ofsay heart , Whicli II ©/"Claudius Tiberius Nero. "^ Which boilc with foft remembrance of my woes, And if I play the Epicure in gricfc, My tearcsfhallbc thefcnccofmyrcpafts* Ifeucrotherfoodcmy tongue dcetaftc: Icucrothcrfoodcmy ftomackc doe concockt: Let all be turn'd from fuftcntation, To fill impoftumcs with contagious filth. I tell thee Nero, Aeripinc will die, And flarueherfelfr,and fcornc thy bannifhmcnt. Tis two daics (ince I lafl did tafle of meate> Curd be my foule,if eucr I doe eate. Tihe, Will you not? fec,firra,go fetch fomefoode lie make thee curfTe thy felfe : hold^take, fall too. t/4grt. Deteftcd tyrant^I do fcorne thy foodc. T/Z^.Then helpc Sirra, ope her mouth & feede her^ Cut her meatelmall^ndfeede her daintily. >^^r,Out villainc. Hefeedeth her^andAepMrtetbii Ti^^Sirradifpatchlfay. {oMtagxin§ Nay^aamhcr then,& fecdeherfat withall. Be ehoaketh htr aridfo {he diet, "What hafl thou ftran^lcdher? here take thy hyre* Canft thou not feed aD aw no bctterycl? Stt^bihimi Nern. Ah>Nero,Nero« Ttb, What Nerua be content. She chofe of this rather then banidiment: And better choake then flarue our wilful daughter, Shec's gone,and if I liuc thou fbalt goe after. Aftdt*, J 2.xeMnt all but Macro and CAiteula* J ^/»fro. Barbarou$,inhumane,woricthcncr«clti<', ] Which Gods and men^minccycs-andCoulajdohatcj I What Hyporborian Climate in the Ni-rth? j What Lid ian dc fart, Indian vaftacieJ ^ What wildernefl'e in vvildc Arabia, ] Sbhatefull monikr cucr nouriihed, To hinder willing death by villanic? Caligula, Changeling Caligula, . l^ % Wner« .^eTragtcaUJife and death where is the Spirit of Gcrmanicus ? Did he beget thceinanidledreame? Or did thy Mother thinke it vanitic As /Ethiops Qnccncvpon Andromeda? Ifbut one fparkc by chance reinaineahuc, Itbut one drop,one Mathcmaticke point, Make vp a Sea,a bodic by addition, Blow vp (Caligula) this fit t pic fparkc, Caligula remember what thou art. Catii. MacrOjCaiigulacan beare thy taunts. Can be vpbraideda t a Cap taincs hand> My Father told me, and 1 remember it. The highcflvertuc is true patience. 1 know not whatyoumcanebyalltherewordeSj That mount my Fathcriprayfcs to the skic, ; • To liue fccurely,! dcemc that the bcft, And a great vertuc to be patient. lS\a(ro. Patient Caligula, I am a iliam'd, I am impatient ta heare that word, That noble Title wreftcd from his fsncC) Ah IdidrfotMacro ferueGermanicus "When as thy Mother bare thee in the field? Didnot a pealc of Trtmipets found thy birth ? And Drums make muijcKt to allay birpaincs? Waft thou not train d fore thou couldft fpecke, Did(t thou not were a Common Soldiers lute ? And therefore hadft thy name Cxiiguia; \ Whereistky Captiucfoul'simprifoRcdj J Thy Lyons kfartPincag'dlnOjthou art wife, \ Thou deem*tl- thist Nero hath fuborn d my toagii^ Tomakea zlozing Theameof Eatterie, To fift thy fecrets>and to fell thy life, Firft let the earth open her curucd wombc? andfwallow vp this helliHi mantion* htt €ucrie ftcp treade on a Scorpion: Let cucrie obiet^ bea Badaliskci ice. ^GlaudimTlbennsT\[ero* Lctheauen -whatcanlwiCh Caligula ? Hci-eismy poviiard:hcrc,befurc(]^fikehome, If thou canft banc buticall fufpition That Macro fv-ckcs to vndermine my Lord. "What? iLalllnow become a Sycophant? C^li. Macro^Caligula doth not mifliuft, Nor hath Jjc rcafon to niifdoiibt thy faith, But Macro, ihi's much for Caligula : Meetc nic at Fides Tcmplc,thc'rc thou flult know Alcrc, then vntomymothcr Idurfl:lliew% M^frfl. Were it to Thale,I would thcthcrpoafl. To hcare tlic fen tenccof Caligula, Till tlicn my Lord adiew. Crt//?.Ftirwcl Macro. gxuM4cr», My Father flaine or poyfoncd in the Eaft, Liuia become a foulc aduiterefle. Nero and Drufus faftfliutvpin ward, and thou deere mother hcere ly eft butchered. Grow to the earth you feeble inftrumcnts.f/r ^«// Tillldiftiilaliquidfacrificc dcwne From my harts fornance,&thefe Chriftal ftrcamef. Ye dry^d vp wels.ftraine out a little more, Tis Agripina that you muft deplore* Proud Spiritjbound thy fwelling Timpanic, Till I vnfraughtthis Galley of laments. Then clcare thy paflage, and burfl: out in fire, andmakc an Earthquake in this little world. ■yVh^it (hall I vow J to whome /hall I lament ? Vnto the MarblesJtncy doc wecpe for forrow. Vnto the Wallcs?thy riue thcmfclucs with gricfe. Vnto theBea{ls?vvhy they wouldftaruethemfelues To feedc thcmfelues vpon this fading hew. Marbles and WaUesand beaftes more ruth then he. That was the Author of this Tragcdic. ' H JWy ftarucd brothers?tis fo Caligula, iV. Brother fa re well my glalTe of life is run. 2)r«.Andlle go with thee to 'iMzixxm.Thejbothdi^ C4/. Is there a prouident intelhgencc? That rules the world by his eternall being? Is tlicre aiouc-iand YviUiicjipt be j.uft? ^/'Claudius Tiberius Nero. Or is he iuft ? and will he not rcucnge? Whatis he? whom,orwhcrc,or whocantcll? Caufl: thou not moue thchcaueii$?then raife vp hell« Exit ^Aligula. Enter Tiber ms with hi* ^uard. Tik Cocccius Nerua HaruM himfclfc to death, I wonder much what made the old man die, In truth I lou'd him for his naked truth. In truth he was an honeft fimplcman. "Weil vertue go with him, vice ftay witlime, Ti! 1 1 hauc mafTacrcd my prifoncrs. And rooted out all this confbiracie: Then will I feemr r* new reformed manj Aiid rife betimes each movfiing tc the Tempie^ So afterwards 1 may contriue forac drifcSe I hauca Catalogue whkh Iir.uftfiiid*;, And Tear^h the prifons whether i haue all. lu/iut C^lftu erieih oui efprifoK, Cei AhjNcrOjNero-Ccifus begs thine aydc, T'ih^ Julius Celfus whatis thy petitions €eL An humbicfujor Mr your cleraencic. T«^, My clcmcncis CtIfus,Maric and you {hall, % ^nd o;r€at reafon for Seianus fake. ^A'Notih hisname I bee compa^Tion, But by thy vcrtues I doe tnee intreat, ah gracious Nero let my Guiues be loos'd. Tih* ^'/nd Celfus led to execution. Ceu -/4h,no Tiberius,! defirc not death, But better eafe in my imprifonment) For this I beg.. T«^. for whofe fake lulius ? Celf. For mercies fake,and thy deare Geneus. T»^c For that word laiicrloofc his Iron bandS) Or by my Geneus thou ihalt loofe thy head, Ctlf* O voice of comfort, thanks Tiberius . T/^. Tisbutfora while^know thatlulius* ■ Ctlf^ Now The^ragicall life and death CeHw^Qw monftcr,Tyger,carihcs infcAfon, Plague ot the worIcl,fcouige pfour happie Rome, Trcafons liift borne.liels out-fpewed voniiiiit. Prodigious homicide, and miiith ers law e. That raakes a fporting lavve to murther men. T*^ Such Agripina.fuchhndluliar 3\ Such Ncto.Drufus,and their dearcdMothcrj Poorc A2ripiiia>wife Afinius: Sabinus,>Tcrua,aiid thy orfeer fcifc, Young DrufuSjVvbore dcarc blood was once thine Yet of thine owne hadil no coaipafsion. (oyvnc And laftly,(thGtFch not vndcferuing it) Yctheercin wcildcfcAiingatthy hands, Jn that he was thy mifchicfes indrumciit ? HaplelTcScjanus tooimpronidcnt, Ofhis intended fall,thy falfe intent. And fuch a recompence remaines for me. The ^leane^^^ab)eft of thy Tyrannic. Tihe. Maiieamcn,rwearc it,an Oracle: ^tf/yO*/. But tyrant,Celfus doth c ntcmncthy furic JMymindcwasncuerfcuer-fiiooicewxthfcarc ' Of Meagre death, lifes ducpriuation> I haue alreadie arm'd my age to die, Whofc age decmcs death tlit end of niiftric. Sec therefore Tygei-,Iieeres thyjncrcies frijitc, Theeafelfou^hf^ihcendofearncrtfuite. Forthislbeg'd,forth?slfeem^dvnvvi]linir, For to be d^adjthat I might gainc my killing. He fHts she Chu ne about hti rMl^ end //r*»£/« hifJ*felf, Tiber. Wondrous well gain'd.hercis good vfury, Where tisthcgainersintcrefttodie: Bo tOh for Cbariric ! layler. Soldiers luii, Rcfcuc hi% iif<;^ before his life be gone . Yet ^Claudius Tiberius Nero. Yet let him goc. jj/er What is your highncfifc will? Ttb* Nay nothing now but that as yon man dies. For Chariticclofevp his dying eyes* Why this it is to haue a pollicie. Here's a poore plot to preuent crueltic. And ten to one the villainc vndcrftands, How this will vexc me that he I'capes my hands. But let tlut palTc leau e him to Acheron, His part is p ad^parc of my part's to come* ^ Exeunt omtKt* Enter CtiliguU and Macro from ^ides Temfte* ^4/. Thus haue we interchanc'dour mutuall othes In prefence of the GoddelTe orall troth : Macro remember how thou artinioyn d^ By words.by fignes,by letters and by thoughts^ for CO adore etcrnail iecrecie. Macto^ Andifmy LordmifdoubtmyfecreciCi,' Cut out my tonguc^cuc offmy traitors handsy Vnioynt my bodie,andpull out my heart. That I may neither tcll.nor make a fignc, Morthinke onethouehtag^ainA your royalties CaL Pardon rac iVlacro,if I feme what feare^ That hauing all this while fecurcly flcpl, Vnder the Canopic of vanitic, And ncuer did impart my fecrecie. To father, mothcrjor niy brethren? Kcrua,Sabmu$,or Aiiniusr Ncro,Scianus,all I hauedeceiucdj Vnder prcte3rt of youthfull braucrie. But Macro, to thy youth I recommend. The fupreame reljquc of Gcrmanicus. by Agripinacs loathed execution^ By my chrart brothers fiarued carkafTcs, By theejby mc,by all thcgods^by all: Andifthataiiy au»5Uorbe,raorc th«nalL N loync r" Toy ne to exile this proud Tarq uinluj, IiifultingNcroJ no notfo,not fo : Yes fo it muft bc.or cifc murtliercd, For nought but death caiY fatisfic my wrongs* /^Xikc as a Guybound in his not purfuice, Striues to out ibrip thcfcarfull iTying Doc, , Oras DianaesgifttoCcpliahis, j yearn'd toout-run thcbcaft of Archadie, both ftiiuing,7etl>oih fwifter then the bUftf^ Difdaine Boreas in his fwclling pride. Shot for the (iftcr of faire Dianirc: So doth the honour of your houcrin^ thoughts. Grudge lo be equafl'd by my fluttering flight. Yet ^ood my Lordgiuc Macro leaue to mounty Andceaze vponthe accofting Hiooping pray. ^4/.Not foyi (Macro)tis tltae baue the wrong, t^4€r9» But I my Lord, ■ Cat, Donotintrear, Doe not prolong with idle breathing word^ The date of ovld rcuenge :'for cuen this nightji Nero /hall be inrolt'd in Plutoes Court* In Germanie ^rreon the Noithren iide. Within the circuit ofadefart wood, , A wildernefTc of deadly Bail) iskS) "Within this circuit is an hclIi(K poole. Cold in the tenth drgree.NotStix fo cold, Wherein the fearefuU Tiictts drencht heribunt. In a Mules hoofe this water hauelkept. As fatall drinkc to Philips worthie fonne, And euen this night this water (lull reuengc. The Tyrants wrones vnto Caligula, •^acroflie vnto the J-egions,wiB their hearts, Perfwade with all thy warlike eloquence, Aduaunce our Eaglcs,and to morrow morne . Approach with them vntothc Capitol, \. failcnotgoodMacro^butmakchal^awayj TllK ^Claudius Tiberius T^ero*. This nigkt for Nero or Caligula. Enttr LiuU SoU. Littla* Can Liuia dill participate this ayrc? Still temporize with fawning inifcric? Still fcea on cares.yct ftill vainc hopes rcpaii cf V/ill nothing end my crucU deftinic; Whatlumpifli Saturnedidinfpirc my breath, Pid makemc die in lifeyyet hue in death! Breath out thy plaints,with all breath out thy hart Euaporatcthcfpiritsofthy foule, "Wecpc out thy braine the fubftancc of thy fmart, Xhaekncw thy ihamc,yet would not fm controulCj Aooiamizc this Sepulchre of /bame, Soulr,hart,and braine,andall,and ail to blame* Is DruCus dead? and yet can Liuia Hue? Sejanus at Elizium,and I ftay? My fathermurthercdjwhomelifccan giue? My brothers ftaru'd? Liuia not made away? Old Heccubaby death could eafe her griefc, And cannot Liuia find out like reliefcj Can I tf\at flourifbed like faireft Rofc, Droope like the Lillie beaten downc with raine? Can I to whom each courtiers tongue would glofc , Endure their fcornes.their taunts and vile difdain** Could Liuia liuc,when Liuia was contented* And caiuwK Liuia die now fliees tormented? She kn3nd vow^and weepe, ;| Offer his breaft.ihat I might make a window To fee the cankers cf his feftred foule. And thou wouldeft not take him at his word! inter tJ^acre^ Macro. My Lor d, the le2;ions arcall vp in annc*,. Tor to ialutc yi)ur grace the £jiipcrour^ ) C^/.Ttaak's '< \ ....i oj Claudius Tiberius Ncr©. CaU, Thankes Macro, royall friend commaufKl tncrnftay. Till 1 rcturac from Nero back againc. \xu Macrt^ (^aligMla^oeth to thtfUce rvhne J^tf TthriHsijtfk I altgfiU. AW KappinciTe vntoyour Majcftic. Tihe, Curftbealihappinc(rc,fo*lhaucc©nc, 1 haue a fi;c,a fire within my bow ells, Tha t biirncs.and rcalds,and mads mc with ihc painj If Imuft dic.yct would 1 had icy wifli. Oh that cuen all the ptople in the world, Had but one necke that attfnc deadly biowc, I Kiight vnpeoplc all the world and die. Giu emc my hanos that I may rent my Heih, And teare this raging frum out my burning intraUs Where is iEkulapius? who goes ior him ? He hale the leach from hell to cure my pain«y iVnd if that Nero doe not quick ly mend, He burne cuen all xLc Temples of the Cods, That cannot hcl^p the RoiriaineEmperour. Calig. Yes, I will hclpc the K< niame BmpcrouFj and bereueng'don ihee Tiberius. Thou monftdrTyrantitbusilc help ihefc thus: Heejteps hts hrcAthiwuh thf/hgrte, anctfiahs him* This for Germanic»i3,this for A gripine. This for NcrOjihis for Drwfus this ior Caligula^ SOf'-^%jentertvpo»rheSta^r, There Nero,thi hate of Komc lies butchered,^ He raign d noc day, I vx (cmv wtie mui ihcrcd. Asking hisMaifWr Zeiif a Gteeke word. What Dialed? he anfwercd Df rice, And therefore kiidhim>foi bcc3i?i'ehethoueh{ He mockt him for his Rhodian hannili.ner.t. He loaf hd wine no\\:vbecaL!( ht fwlUd ^;^oure: Moreg ecdily t^en he did v\\»rfi clort. Heilucaroctfonhjs little caufe^ K 3 BccauffS Tl)eT)\igtcall life and death BccaufctliatmadolcfullTragecIie, HccrairdonAgamemnonscrueltic. Itis a holy Uv. ,and Romaine rite. No vcftall Virgin Ihould be P.r^nglcd, He for to inuent a crucltic, iViadc fi'-n: the hang-man to dcflowrc thcMaidct. And then commaiindcd for to Aran ];!c them. When one liad almoll: kild himfelfefor fcavc, HcinadchisSurpons for to cure his woundcs. The tyrant would deny no WitnclTcJ, lfanydidacci:fctwas prcfcnt death. When firft the Tyrant did poflcfTc the Crowne» He fcnt to Rhodes, for a deare friend of hu, WhocherrilhtNeroinhisbaninimcnr. He ccmming vnto Rome.found outthcPrinccj liUt in an angric,{iillcn, difcontcnt: Who in a rage made him be tortured: And who the villain faw he had wrong'd his fricndl Hcmurthcrcdhim«tKatitnii2,htbeconccaId. He crucified one Peter cald a Saint, Ofholylcwes.thatdidadoreoncChrill, Which they entitle Sauiourofthe world. He kil'd on epryam(thcrein happy moft. In that he lined andall his Cuildrcn loft.) Thefe and fomany more as ll^ould I telJ, lihouldimploy a world conumber ihcm^ And ftill be further with Simonide$> To fignific the certainc multitude. By thefe hix afts He iuftifi'C his death, Tluitlmay getRumes royall Empiry, And to eternall glorieofrcnownc, I w&s a fooie,buc all to get the Crownc. Ff^S. J 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recaU. 25reb'63[rL FE3UHoi MAR ^ 1 9 91 RECD LD AIITODISCFEB20'91 8EPlO'64-9AM 2 5Nov>64AA IN STACKS NOV 1(1864 RgCD LP m 2b'64'4P>* LD 21A-50m-ll,'62 (D32798l0)476B General Library Uaiversitf of California Berkeley Jffm Zl09Z UinVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY