K F X 2108 .7 A2 1921 ENVI C S 5S7 755 b'M* ORDINANCE NO. 2016 N.S. • — • / Ax. AN ORDINANCE CREATINO A CITT PLANNING COMMISSION, PROVIDED FOR ' . THE APPOINTMENT OF MBIBEBI THERETO AND PRESCRIBINa ITS POWERS ENVI AND DUTIES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Oakland, as follows i SECTION 1. There Is hereby created a City Planning Commission in the City of Oakland to be known as *City Planning Commission of the City of Oakland", pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved Hay 21, 1915, and entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment, governnsnt and maintenance of City Planning Com- missions within municipalities, and prescribing their powers and duties ." (Stats. 1915 p. 708) SECTION 2. That pursuant to the provisions of said Act the Mayor appoint by and with the consent of the Council five members, one of which shall be a member of the City Council} and in addition thereto the City Attorney and the City Engineer shall be ex-off icio full members of said en— lesion | and provided further that the Mayor shall also In addition thereto be an ex-officio member of said commission but without any right of vote in the deliberations thereof, except in the case of a tie* The five members of the first commission so appointed hereunder shall so classify themselves by lot that one of their number shall go out of office at the end of the current calendar year, two at the end of one year there- after, and the other two at the end of two years thereafter* Vaoancies for any unexpired term shall be filled by appointment as in the first instance. Men-residents shall be eligible to appointment on the City Planning Commission* Excepting the Secretary hereinafter mentioned, the members of the commission shall not receive any compensation for their service, but the Council shall fix the amount of compensation, if any, to be paid to the secretary. SECTION 3* That said City Planning Commission shall have all the powers and duties prescribed in and be subject to all the requirements and limitations of the said Act of 1915. SECTION U* This ordinance shall take effect immediately. I certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Oakland, Calif., on April 15, 1921. CHAS M. DON, City Clerk By (sgd) D. S. DOTLE Deputy ec'd UCB ENVI ',389' DISI CM LIBRARY ... uTC. .08 gHUJL.:' P.". t ao ,bi»jjl t*JQ ■* -tf 10 arft 1© a J la ©ia#aial3©£ «tt "U? id* m V on •fclwwq o* #©A aA» .«•■ w^- ©n.t JoA hi*© Yo ace jrp.lvotq 9ft licutrtw I© aao < wa di ag T*10 « bisa le> ra*«fae» nolilbba tfrfjin t« * nc±«aloaa> •iff • *£* s ,*©*> tie ©8 Xlatia lafcUMrssri bei m at t3 9X ©o© Yo AMI sdfr & ot. i t i« «*r ■ -2*»» t an i •fswten** «-Yt oj Msq «* tnax-ft »rtf XX© **»* tlatfa nDAvaloBM) i tail ,6ns •*«©«?• . teibonjci *S9M» *f*# u |in|Mli ©t SHOP. .£ .'•;' m$m ■sf&ll