J S THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO A Municipal Corporation of the State of California under a Freeholders Charter IRLF REVISED AND CODIFIED With an Appendix containing the Charter of said City and Amendments thereto GIFT OF Jm ~B. Cress THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO A Municipal Corporation of the State of California under a Freeholders Charter REVISED AND CODIFIED With an Appendix containing the Charter of said City and Amendments thereto NOVEMBER 1911 STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ORDINANCE NO. 61 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT CODIFIED ORDINANCE No. i OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO, AS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN BOOK FORM. The Council of the City of Palo Alto do ordain as folloi^s: That certain ordinance known as Codified Ordinance No. i of the City of Palo Alto (being a codification of ordinances that had been previously duly and regularly passed), was adopted and duly passed at a regular ad- journed meeting of the Council on the 26th day of June, 1911, and said Codified Ordinance No. i, together with all corrections, alterations and amendments thereto sub- sequently passed, is hereby adopted as printed and pub- lished and introduced in book form, this I3th day of November, 1911. The City Clerk is hereby directed to post this ordi- nance on the bulletin-board at the City Hall, and the same shall go into effect immediately. Duly passed as above set forth by the following vote : Ayes: Ackley, Congdon, Downing, Henry, Hettin- ger, Hyde, Jordan, La Peire, Millis, Mosher, Thoits. Umphreys, Vail, Vandervoort. Noes : None. Absent: Wing. Approved by me this I3th day of November, 1911, C. E. JORDAN, Mayor. ISEAL] Attest: FRANK KASSON, City Clerk. I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly passed and posted as above directed. FRANK KASSON, City Clerk. [SEAL] 452300 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX PAGE Incorporation 21 History of Ordinances Originally Enacted 22 Ordinance No. 54, Providing for Incorporation .... 33 Codified Ordinance No. i, City 35 Title 35 Enacting Clause 35, PART I CITY GOVERNMENT Art. i. CITY COUNCIL Sec. i. Regular meetings 36 2. Special meetings 36 3. Meetings to be public 36 4. Quorum 36 5. Duties of Mayor 36 6. $300 limit 37 7. Order of business 37 8. Standing committees 37 9. Duties, Committee No. i 38 " 10. " " "2 38 "ii. "3 38 " 12. " " " 4 38 "13- "5 38 14. Additional duties 38 15. Filing claims on contract 39 1 6. Filing claims not on contract 39 17. Claims verification 39 " 18. Creating debts '..... 39 " 19. Votes by roll call 39 Art. II. ORDINANCES AND PUBLICATIONS Sec. i . Passage 39 2. Publication 39 3- Rates 40 4. Acceptance of work 40 Art. III. ELECTIONS Sec. i. General and special municipal elections .... 40 " 2. Precincts 40 3. Polling places 40 " 4. Election boards 40 4 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. 5. Subdiv. I. Nomination and election of officers 41 2. Requirements of candidacy 41 3. Form of nomination petition 41 4. Forms supplied by City Clerk. ... 42 5. Requirements of certificates 42 6. Verification deputies 42 7. Date of presenting petition 42 8. Examination of petitions by City Clerk ". 43 9. Withdrawal of signature 43 10. Withdrawal of candidate 43 11. Filing of petitions 43 12. Preservation of petitions 43 13. Election proclamation 43 14. Form of ballot 44 15. Requirements of ballot 44 " 1 6. Every nominee to be on ballot. ... 44 " 17. Space for voting cross 44 " 1 8. Blank spaces for additional candi- dates 44 " 19. Sample ballot 44 " 20. Votes necessary for election 45 " 21. Second election 45 " 22. Date of second election 45 " 23. Rules covering second election ... 45 " 24. Failure to qualify 45 " 25. Informalities in election 45 Sec. 6. Subdiv. i. General election regulations 45 2. Voting machines 46 Art. IV. OFFICIALS, BOARDS OR DEPARTMENTS Sec. i. Enumeration of officials, boards or depart- ments 46 " 2. Purchases to be made by requisition 46 " 3. City Clerk and Assessor 46 4. Auditor and Tax Collector 47 " 5. Treasurer 47 6. Deputy Auditor and Tax Collector 47 41 7. Books and records 47 "" 8. Meetings of boards 47 " 9. Special meetings 47 " 10. Presiding officer and quorum 47 " ii. Order of business 48 12. Reports of boards 48 4t 13. Financial statement . . 48 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX 5, Sec. 14. City Engineer and ex-officio Superinten- dent of Streets 48 " 15. Police department 48 1 6. Sanitary condition of City Health Officer 49 " 17. Salary of Health Officer 50 " 1 8. Violation of sanitary rules 50 " 19. Penalty 50 " 20. Powers of appointment and removal 50 PART II REVENUE Art. I. ASSESSMENT, LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES Scj. i. Assessment 51 2. Notice of equalization 52 3. Penalty 52 4. Personal property tax 52 5. Sale of personal property for taxes 52 6. Board of Equalization 53 7. Clerk to enter changes on assessment books 53 8. Tax levy 53 9. Clerk to enter in assessment book taxes to be paid on property 54 10. Tax Collector to give notice of time when taxes must be paid 54 11. Receipt for taxes paid 54 12. Tax Collector duties 55 13. Delinquent taxes penalty 55 14. Delinquent list 55 " 15. Publication of delinquent list 55 " 1 6. Copy of publication to be filed with County Recorder 56 " 17. Additional costs 56 18. Tax sale 56 19. Certificate of sale 56 : 20. Filing certificate and redemption of prop- erty 57 21. Property to be assessed in name of the City 57 " 22. Tax deed 57 ; 23. Inspection of delinquent list, personal property settlement and affidavit of assessor 57~58 ' 24. Errors in collection of taxes 58 " 25. Double assessment 58 " 26. Land assessed irregularly not to be sold for taxes 58 " 27. Misnomer of owner not to invalidate sale. . 58 Art. II. LICENSE TAXES Sec. i. License taxes payable in advance 58 O THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. 2. Amount a debt 59 3. Recovery by suit 59 4. Penalty 59 " 5. Tax Collector to collect 60 " 6. Term 60 " 7. Form of license blanks, license stub tran- sients 60-61 8. License to be exhibited not transferable. . 61 9. Words include what 61 "" 10. Rates of licenses on fixed business 61 Sub. A. Peddler 62 B. Definition of peddler 62 " C. i. Amount of peddler's license 62 " C. 2. Food products 62 " D. Solicitors and agents 62 " E. Delivery of goods 62 " F. Auction stores 63 " G. Laundry routes 63 H. Junk dealers 63 I. Miscellaneous occupations 63 J. Billiard and pool tables 64 " K. Nine-pin and bowling alleys 64 L. Menagerie, circus, etc 64 M. Trick rope performer 64 N. Shooting gallery 64 O. Merry-go-round 64 " P. Fortune teller 64 Q. Exhibition or performance 64 " R. Skating rink 65 S. Theatre or moving picture show .... 65 Sec. 1 1 . Penalty 65 PART III POLICE REGULATIONS Art. I. VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES AND IMPRISON- MENT Sec. i. Imprisonment in county jail 66 Art. II. PUBLIC PEACE AND ORDER Sec. i. Disturbing assemblages 66 2. Prohibition of (a) Vulgar language 66 (b) Noise 66 (c) Offensive conduct 66 (d) Fighting 66 (e) Indecent exposure 66 (I) Using weapons 66 (g) Concealed weapons 67 (h) Knuckles 67 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX J Sec. 3. Prohibition of (a) Begging from house to house .... 67 (b) Camping in vacant lots 67 (c) Loitering on streets 67 Sec. 4. Drunkenness 67 " 5. Penalty 67 Art. III. GUNS AND EXPLOSIVES Sec. i. Discharging guns unlawful . . . 67 2. Shooting gallery 68 " 3. Penalty 68 Art. IV. ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS Sec. i . Unlawful places 68 " 2. Unlawful to sell, deliver or solicit 68 3. Club rooms 68 " 4. Medicinal, etc 68 " 5. Penalty 69 Art. V. GAMBLING Sec. i. Gambling unlawful 69 " 2. Games of amusement how conducted . . 69 3. Minors forbidden to play, etc 70 4. Or loiter around 70 5. Or be employed 70 6. Duties of owners, agents or managers .... 70 7. License revoked 70 8. Enforcement . 70 " 9. Witnesses *. . 70 " 10. Penalty 71 Art. VI. NICKEL-IN-SLOT Sec. i. L T se of slot machines unlawful 71 " 2. In connection with any business 71 3. License revoked 71 4. Possession of slot machines, dice, etc., for chance, unlawful 72 " 5. Penalty 72 Art. VII. ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE Sec. i. Public pound 72 2. Animals to be impounded 73 " 3. Animals trespassing on lots 73 " 4. Board of Public Safety to keep record ... 73 " 5. Animals to be advertised proviso 73 " 6. Sale 74 " 7. Redemption 74 8. Unlicensed dogs not to run at large on streets 74 8 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. 9. License 74 10. Unlicensed dogs to be impounded 75 " ii. Female dogs 75 12. Number of female dogs to be kept at any one place 75 13. Dog fanciers' business 75 14. Dog collars 76 " 15- Tags 76 16. Duplicate tags 76 17. Board of Public Safety to make report. . . 76 " 1 8. Care of impounded dogs 76 " 19. Bull or jack 76 " 20. Badge of officers 76 " 21. Interference with officials 76 " 22. Unlawful to allow animals to run at large . . 77 ; 23. Herding 77 24. Tying horses to trees 77 " 25. Cows and horses to be kept in enclosure at night 77 ; 26. Notice to owners of animals impounded. . . 77 " 27. Fees for impounding and publishing notice 77 " 23. Sale of animals impounded 78 " 29. Reclaiming animals 78 30. Removal of dead animals 78 31. Escaping animals 78 " 32. Penalty 78 Art. VIII. OBSTRUCTIONS ON STREETS AND SIDE- WALKS Sec. i. Hacks, carryalls and job wagons standing on streets 79 " 2. Displaying goods on sidewalk 79 " 3. Awnings 80 " 4. Horses standing unhitched 80 " 5. Restrictions : 1 i ) Fast driving 80 (2) Games 80 (3) Obstructing sidewalks 80 (4) Crowding 80 (5) Lounging in public squares 80 (6) Driving animals 80 (7) Spitting on sidewalk 81 6. Injuring street lights 81 7. Removing or defacing street signs 81 8. Barriers and lights where work is being done 8r " 9. Removal of street monuments 81 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX 9 Sec. 10. Posting handbills ; throwing dodgers .... 81 " II. Patent medicine, drugs, etc., left in yards, etc 81 " 12. Declared to be a nuisance 82 " 13. Business stands on sidewalks 82* 14. Carrying baskets on sidewalks 82 " 15. Garbage and street sweepings 82 " 1 6. Street and sidewalk obstructions 82 17. Breaking up streets 82 " 1 8. Removal of dirt from roadways 8^ " 19. Condition of lots 83 " 20. Horses and wagons on sidewalks 8^ " 21. Bicycles on sidewalks 83 " 22. Dismounting 81 " 23. Riding after dark 8^ " 24. Exceptions 8} " 25. Roller skates and coasters 8^ 26. Seizure of bicycles, etc 84 " 27. Penalty 84 Art. IX. REMOVAL OF GRASS, WEEDS AND POISON OAK AND TRIMMING OF TREES AND HEDGES Sec. i. Grass, weeds or poison oak 84 2. Trees and hedges 84 3. Requirements 84 4. Failure to comply duty of Superintendent of Streets 84-85 5. Lien against property 85 " 6. Penalty 85 Art. X. GARBAGE Sec. i. Dumping of refuse 85 " 2. Accumulation of refuse 86 " 3. Refuse in business district 86 " 4. Not to be burned on premises 86 " 5. Duty of Chief of Police 86 " 6. Removal of manure, etc., from stables. ... 86 " 7. Boxes for manure " 86 " 8. Regulating removal of manure number of times per week 87 " 9. Definition of garbage, waste matter, ashes 87 " 10. Burning of refuse prohibited 87 " n. Garbage receptacle 87 " 12. Garbage to be placed in receptacle 88 " 13. Garbage at private dwellings 88 " 14. Garbage at hotels 88 IO THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. 15. Sanitary condition of receptacle 88 16. Garbage wagon 88 17. Permit for garbage business 88 18. Regular collections 89 19. Disputes or complaints 89 '' 20. Rates ; collection 89 21. Distance of outbuildings from premises of another 89 : 22. Permit of Health Officer 89 : 23. Misdemeanor 90 " 24. Penalty 90 Art. XL GOVERNING SALE OF TOBACCO, CIGARETTES OR CIGARETTE PAPERS OR ANY PREPARA- TION OF TOBACCO IN THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. i. Sale of Tobacco, etc., to minors and penalty 90 " 2. Ordinance to be posted 91 3. Sale of tobacco, etc., near school houses. . 91 " 4. Penalty 91 Art. XII. GOVERNING HYPNOTIC EXHIBITIONS Sec. i. Forbidding hypnotism 91 " 2. Exhibiting hypnotic subjects 91 " 3. Penalty , 91 Art. XIII. GOVERNING MOVING PICTURE SHOWS Sec. i. Restrictions 91 2. Misdemeanor 92 3. Powers of Board of Public Safety 92 4. Penalty 92 Art. XIV. GOVERNING PUBLIC LAUNDRIES AND WASH HOUSES, ENGINES, BOILERS, OIL STORAGE TANKS, HOSPITALS, UNDER- TAKING ESTABLISHMENTS, PLANING MILLS, STABLES, HALLS FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS, MACHINE SHOPS, JUNK YARDS, STORAGE YARDS AND SPUR TRACKS Sec. i. Permit 92 " 2. Purposes of permit to be set forth in appli- cation ; posting of application 9 2 ~93 " 3. Permit for steam engine or boiler 93 " 4. Permits to be revoked 93 " 5. Noncompliance 93 " 6. Restrictions upon location 93 " 7. Penalty 94 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX II Art. XV. EXITS, AISLES, PASSAGEWAYS, CORRIDORS, AND STAIRWAYS IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS Sec. i. Number of exits ()4 2. Compliance 94 3. Locking exit doors during assemblage. ... 94 4. Obstructing aisles, etc 94 5- Penalty 95 Art. XVI. GOVERNING VEHICLES OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION Sec. i. Speed of vehicles 95 2. Signals 95 3. The law of the road 95 4. Driving from streets, lanes, alleys, etc 96 5. Lamps on autos, etc 96 " 6. Railway cars, speed 96 " 7. Sounding gongs on cars at all crossings. . 96 8. Passing another car 97 " 9. Reckless driving 97 " 10. Penalty 97 Art. XVII. BILL POSTING, PLACING OF SIGNS, PAINTING AND POSTING Sec. i. Billboard advertising , . . . 97 " 2. Regulation of same 97 " 3. Erection of billboards, etc 97 4. Construction of article 98 " 5. Penalty 98 Art. XVIII. PROTECTION OF TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS Sec. i. Destruction of trees, shrubs, etc 98 " 2. Penalty 98 Art. XIX. PROVIDING FOR A BOND IN CASE OF VIO- LATION OF AN ORDINANCE Sec. i. Bond in case of arrest for violating any ordi- nance of the City of Palo Alto 98 PART IV PUBLIC HEALTH x Art. I. GENERAL HEALTH REGULATIONS Sec. i. General provisions TOO 2. Nuisance, defined as such by Board of Public Safety, misdemeanor 100 Notice to non-residents and others 100 Duty of City Attorney 101 12 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. 3. Dangerous buildings 101 4. Physicians to report (a) patients who have contagious diseases 101-102 (b) Diseased lodgers to be reported... 102 " 5. Confinement of persons afflicted with dan- gerous diseases 102 " 6. Rules and regulations concerning quaran- tine 102 " 7. Vaccination 102 " 8. Certificate of death 102 " 9. Supervision of death records by Board of Public Safety 102 " 10. Resisting Board of Public Saftey. . 102-103 " II. Unwholesome foodstuffs 103 " 12. Goods offered for sale 103 " 13. Chief of Police to seize unwholesome foodstuffs 103 " 14. Penalty 103 Art. II. MILK AND CREAM Sec. i. Permit 104 " 2. Application 104 " 3. Regulation of permits 104 " ^4. Milk from diseased cows 104 " 5. Unwholesome milk 105 " 6. Quality of milk 105 " 7. Quality of cream 105 8. Samples 105 9. Purchase and sale of diseased cows.... 105 " 10. Diseased persons 106 " ii. Board to be notified 106 12. Delivery wagons 106 13. Sanitation 106 " 14. Powers of Board of Public Safety. . . 106-107 " 15. Counterfeit permits , 107 " 16. Prima facie evidence 107 " 17. List of names of customers. 107 " 18. Penalty 107 PART V REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. Art. I. SIDEWALKS Sec. i . Sidewalk space 108 " 2. Specifications 108 " 3. Name stamped or imbedded in cement. . . 108 " 4. Non-compliance 108 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX 13 Art. II. CREATING FIRE LIMITS Sec. i. Defining fire district 109 2. Building restrictions 109 " 3. Penalty no Art. III. SUPERVISION OF PRIVATE BUILDING CON- STRUCTION; FEES AND PERMITS Sec. i. Building permit no " 2. Cost of building permit no " 3. Building permits outside fire limits no " 4. Twenty-five dollar deposit in " 5. Moving permit 1 1 1 " 6. Inspection in " 7. Misdemeanor in Art. IV. RELATING TO STREET WORK Sec. i. Incidental expenses for improvement of streets 1 1 1 " 2. Deposit for estimated expense in " 3. Permit revoked in " 4. Soliciting private contracts for street improvement 112 " 5. Application for permit 112 " 6. Granting of permits 112 " 7. Filing of bond 113 " 8. Portion to be torn up at any one time. . 113 " 9. Compliance 113 " 10. Penalty 113 Art. V. CITY SEWER CONNECTIONS AND COST OF SAME. Sec. i. Sewer and water pipes to be laid in all streets before acceptance 113 " 2. Notice of intention to make conection.. 113 3. Cost of making connection 114 " 4. Owners to lay all sewer, water and gas pipes, mains, connections, etc 114 " 5. Every separate lot to be so connected.. 114 " 6. Superintendent of Streets to give notice .. 114 " 7. Records kept by Superintendent of Streets 114 " 8. Liens > 114 " 9. Release of lien 115 Art. VI. HOUSE NUMBERING Sec. i. System of numbering 115 Streets parallel with Alma street 115 Streets parallel with University avenue. . 115 14 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. I. Number each 12^ feet 115 Odd and even numbers 115 " 2. Size and material 116 " 3. Penalty 1 16 Art. VII. PLUMBING REGULATIONS Sec. i. Registration 1 16 " 2. Publication 1 16 " 3. Licenses 1 16 " 4. Examination 1 16 " 5. Bonds 117 " 6. Expiration of licenses 117 " 7. Correction after notice 117 " 8. Filing of plans and issuance of permits 117 " 9. Work in old buildings 117 " 10. Buildings moved, raised or altered 118 " ii. Installation or alteration in old or new buildings 1 18 " 12. Notice of completion 118 " 13. Tests 118 " 14. Sectional and final tests 118 " 15. Smoke tests 118 " 1 6. Testing plugs 1 18 " 17. Test certificates 118 18. Inspector, notice 1 18 " 19. Material and workmanship 119 " 20. Standard pipe 119 " 21. Extra heavy cast pipe 119 " 22. In lieu of cast iron pipe ; table of various kinds of pipe 1 19-120 ; 23. Sewers separate 120 " 24. Sewers 120 " 25. Old sewers 120 " 26. Intermediate sections 120 " 27. Sewers for chemical works 121 " 28. Sumps and surface drains 121 " 29. Caulked joints 121 " 30. Fall of pipes 121 r 31. Hanging pipes 121 " 32. Trenching 121 " 33. Rain water drainage 121 " 34. Clean-outs 121 " 35. Clean-outs to be accessible 122 " 36. Pipes 122 " 37. Lead pipe and joints 122 1 38. Fastening pipes 122 " 39. Fastening outside 122 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX 15 Sec. 40. Size of soil pipe 122 " 41. Galvanized pipe and angle fittings .... 122 " 42. Steam exhaust 122 " 43. Outside and inside pipes 123 ' 44. Reveals and recesses . ! 123 ' 45. Passing through walls 123 '' 46. Refrigerators ; filters 123 1 47. Flue restrictions 123 ' 48. Extra heavy 123 ' 49. Soil pipe 123 " 50. Standard stacks 123 51. Waste pipes, restrictions 123 52. Alignment of pipes 124 " 53. Angle of fittings 124 54. Offsets 124 " 55. Heel outlets 124 56. Prohibitions 124 " 57. Leaders, restrictions 124 58. Leaders ^ 124 " 59. Leaders, inside 124 ( 60. Leader connections 124 " 61. Leaders on street lines; roof water 124 ( 62. Deck and light-well drains 124 " 63. Safe wastes 124 ' 64. Urinal and closet safes 125 ' 65. Closets, flushometers . . . .' 125 ' 66. Closets, prohibited, kind of 125 " 67. Closets, flush pipes and connections 125 68. Closet lead bend 125 " 69. Closet lead connections 125 " 70. Closets, flanges, etc 125 " 71. Materials for closets 125 " 72. Ratio of closets 126 " 73. Male and female 126 " 74. Closets named 126 " 75. Closets, ratio to tenants 126 " 76. Closets in hotels and lodging houses .... 126 " 77. Closets, family , 126 " 78. Urinals, supply 126 " 79. Group of urinals 126 " 80. Urinal supply floors 127 " 81. Hoppers ; grease traps 127 " 82. Hoppers ; traps 127 " 83. Hoppers on porches 127 " 84. Hopper stack 127 " 85. Basin waste traps 127 " 86. Dentists' cuspidors 127 1 6 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. 87. Extension on inlet side of trap 127 ; 88. Wooden fixtures 127 : 89. Bath tubs 127 ' go. Fixtures not enclosed 127 ' 91. Carriage wash rooms 128 ' 92. Traps 128 ' 93. Traps, restrictions . 128 : 94. Traps relative to vent 128 ' 95. Abutting- sink and tray 128 : 96. Trap, foot stacks 128 " 97. Size of traps 128 " 98. Range traps 128 " 99. Bell traps 128 " loo. Vents 128 " 101. Vents to roof 128 " 102. Vents, angles and sizes, table of sizes 128-129 " 103. Branch vents 129 " 104. Sediment 129 " 105. Three feet, six inches intersections 129 " 106. Vents for pipes 129 " 107. Soil stacks and vents 129 " 108. Yard fixtures, ten-foot limit 129 " 109. Double hubs on vents 129 " no. Combination waste and vent fittings. . . . 130 " in. Kitchen extensions and roofs 130 " 112. Vent terminations 130 " 113. Caps and cowls 130 " 114. Air shaft requirements 130 " 115. Air shaft restrictions 130 " 116. Air shaft enlargements 130 " 117. Air exhaust 130 " 1 1 8. Ventilation requirements 130 " 119. Water pipe ; inspection 130 " 120. Use of defective pipes, etc., prohibited. . . 131 " 121. Size of pipe: (a) Openings 131 (b) One story building 131 (c) Two story building 131 (d) Large buildings 131 (e) Wash trays 131 (f) Galvanized iron or steel 131 (g) Faucets 131 (h) Piping, supporting, cutting, inspec- tion 132 Valves 132 Water pressure . 132 122. Boilers 132 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX 17 Sec. 123. Leaks, etc., exempt 132 " 124. Condemnation 132 " 125. Penalty 132 PART VI PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS Art. I. GOVERNING ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANTS Sec. i. Definition of "company" 133 2. Definition of "meter" 133 3. City Electrician to test meters 133 4. Company to furnish all meters. . . 133 5. Rates classified 134 6. Establishing rates 134 7. Rates for power, heating and other pur- poses 135 8. Governing rebates, drawbacks, etc. False meters or meter readings 135 Meter measure at rates fixed 135 Separate offenses 135 9. Penalty 135 10. Changing rates 136 11. Electric energy furnished to the city. ... 136 Art. II. GOVERNING TELEPHONE SERVICE AND RATES Sec. i. Fixing rates 136 Business: 136 Single party 136 Two party 136 Residence: 136 Single party 136 Two party 136 Four party* 137 Extensions 137 Sec. 2. Apparatus 137 Five-minute rule 137 Service, seven-day rule 137 Present free exchange 137 Amendments 138 3. Penalty ! 3 8 Art. III. GOVERNING GAS SERVICE AND RATES Sec. i. Fixing rates for meters at fifty cents per month 138 2. Meters to be installed within five days after receipt of written notice 138 3. Unlawful to collect deposit from tax- payers 138 1 8 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. 4. Fixing rate for installing meters after first installation at 50 cents 139 " 5. Dials to be turned back or changed in presence of consumer 139 6. Charge for laying pipe and providing for even pressure . . . 139 " 7. Providing that owners may lay pipe and that the company shall furnish gas. . . 139 8. Removal of meters from premises 139 9. Unlawful to charge in violation of rate. . 139 " 10. Penalty 140 Art. IV. PLACING, INSTALLING, OPERATING AND REMOVING ELECTRICAL WIRES AND APPARATUS Sec. i. Certificate of registration 140 2. Certificate necessary 140 3. Installation of wires, etc 140 4. Bond 140 5. Suspension of certificate 141 6. Permit and certificate 141 " 7. Temporary permit 141 " 8. Rules 141 " 9. Inspection ; notice to repair 141 " 10. Fees 142 ii. Building permit to be issued before elec- trical permit 142 " 12. Piping to be in place before inspection. . 142 " 13. Unlawful to remove buildings with elec- trical wires without notice 142 " 14. Persons removing building to bear cost of removal of wires 143 " 15. Penalty ! 143 " 1 6. Construction of article 143 Art. V. REGULATING THE ERECTION OF TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES AND THE STRINGING OF WIRES. THROUGH AND ALONG THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sec. I. Erection of poles 144 2. Distance above ground 144 " 3. Distance from curb 144 " 4. Uniform painting 144 " 5. Mutilation of trees 144 " 6. Poles to conform to this article 144 " 7. Prohibition 144 CONTENTS AND GENERAL INDEX 19 Sec. 8. Consent of owner or agent 144 " 9. Penalty 145 Art. VI. ESTABLISHING RATES FOR WATER AND POWER AND RULES FOR THE MANAGE- MENT OF THE WATER AND < POWER DEPARTMENT Sec. i. Rules for consumers 145 2. Discontinuance of service 145 3. Connections 145 4. Plumber or electrician to give notice 146 5. Repairs to service connections 146 6. Disconnected service mains 146 " 7. Inspection 146 8. Fixed charges; estimated costs 146 9. Meters 146 10. Meters ; how set 146 1 1 . Meters ; price 147 " 12. Reports 147 13. Authority to shut off water 147 " 14. Prohibiting use of sprinklers 147 " 15. Use of hydrants 147 " 16. Repairs 147 17. Limiting water 147 18. Supplying water to others 147 19. Meter rates for water 147 '' 20. Meter rates ; power 148 ; 21. Payment 148 ; 22. Prepay meters 148 23. Requiring permits 148 " 24. Deposit 148 : 25. Discontinue use 149 " 26. Accounts 149 " 27. Reports 149 ; 28. Notification of bills due 149 ; 29. Amended rules 149 " 30. Penalty 149 PART VII MISCELLANEOUS Art. I. RATES FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS AND ADVERTISEMENTS Sec. I. Fixing rates 150 2. Acceptance of rates 151 3. Official newspaper 151 2O THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Art. II. CHANGING NAMES OF STREETS Sec. i. Changes in names of streets 151 (a) Tasso street 151 (b) Kipling street 151 (c) Lytton avenue extension 151 (d) Pope street 151 (e) Little Kingsley 152 (f) Alleys closed 152 Art. III. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES REPEALED Sec. I. Repealing clause 152 Art. IV. ENACTMENT Sec. i. Enactment 152 " 2. Passage 152 PART VIII ORDINANCE NO. 1, INITIATIVE Sec. i. Theatres, etc., on Sunday 153 " 2. Penalty 153 3. Conflicting ordinances repealed 153 Certificate of City Clerk 154 Charter of the City of Palo Alto 155 Amendments to Charter 183 ORIGINAL INCORPORATION By unanimous vote of the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County, at a regular meeting held on the 1 6th day of April, 1894, Palo Alto was duly declared to be a Municipality of the Sixth Class under the provi- sions of the General Municipality Act. The boundaries fixed by the Board of Supervisors were the same as those designated as the boundaries of the Town of Palo Alto, formerly University Park, upon a map of said Town filed by Timothy Hopkins in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara on the 27th day of February, 1889, and recorded in Liber D of Maps at page 69. (Records of the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County). FREEHOLDERS CHARTER PREPARED BY A BOARD OF FIFTEEN FREEHOLDERS Voted for and ratified by the qualified voters of the Town of Palo Alto at a special election held on the 2ist day of January, 1909, adopted by the legislature Febru- ary 2Oth, 1909. In force and effect July ist, 1909. Amendments thereto voted for and ratified at a special election held in the City of Palo Alto on the ist day of February, 1911. Adopted by the legislature March 24th, 1911. HISTORY OF TOWN ORDINANCES AS ORIGI- NALLY ENACTED No. i. Fixing bonds of Clerk, Treasurer and Marshal. (Repealed.) No. i A. Fixing Bond of Clerk. (Repealed.) No. 2. Prohibiting the sale of liquor, etc. (Codified, see Art IV, Part III.) No. 3. Prohibiting discharge of firearms, etc. (Codified, see Art. Ill, Part III.) No. 4. Removal of grass and weeds. (Codified, see Art. IX, Part III.) No. 5. Fixing time and place of Board meetings. (Re- pealed.) No. 6. Prohibiting disorderly houses and gambling. (Codified, see Art. V, Part III.) No. 7. Assessment, levy and collection of taxes. (Codi- fied, see Art. I, Part II.) No. 8. Removal of macadam and laying of pipes. (Co- dified, see Art. IV and Art. V, Part V.) No. 9. Pound; duties of poundmaster. (Codified, see Art. VII, Part III.) No. 10. Powers of Health Officer. (Codified, see Art. I, Part IV) No. ii. Carriages at station. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III.) No. 12. To establish sewer system. (Not codified.) No. 13. Fixing salaries of Clerk and Marshal. (Re- pealed.) No. 14. Appointing an Engineer. (Repealed.) No. 15. Acquisition of sewer system. (Not codified.) No. 1 6. Acceptance of dedication of street. (Not codi- fied.) No. 17. Bond election for sewers. (Not codified.) No. 1 8. Prohibiting certain dogs running at large. (Co- dified, see Art. VII, Part III.) No. 19. Fixing time and place of Board Meetings. (Repealed.) No. 20. Relating to streets and sidewalks, regulating awnings, street and sidewalk obstruction, driving, etc. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part in.) No. 21. Relating to preservation of the public health. (Codified, see Art. I, Part IV.) HISTORY OF ORDINANCES 2J No. 22. Notice of election. (Not codified.) No. 23. Amending No. 20 in regard to vehicles. (Codi- fied, see Art. VIII, Part III.) No. 24. Establishing water rates. (Repealed.) Xo. 25. To establish water works. (Not codified.) No. 26. Town Clerk to give notice of election. (Not codified.) No. 27. To establish water works. (Not codified.) No. 28. Permit to Redwood City Electric Company to furnish light and power currents. (Not codi- fied, no action taken.) No. 29. Bond election for water works. (Not codified.) No. 30. Declaring result of bond election. (Not codified.) No. 31. Providing for the issue of bonds. (Not codi- fied.) No. 32. Fixing compensation of Town Clerk. (Re- pealed.) No. 33. Amending No. 31, relating to bonds. (Not codified.) No. 34. Fixing fees of Health Officer for inspecting plumbing. (Repealed.) No. 35. Establishing water rates. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI.) No. 36. Amending No. 9 as to fees of poundmaster. (Repealed.) No. 37. Relating to laundries and gas plants. (Codi- fied, see Art. XIV, Part III.) No. 38. Fixing rate of taxes. (Not codified.) No. 39. Regulations of water department. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI.) No. 40. To establish sewer system. (Not codified.) No. 41. To establish sewer system. (Not codified.) No. 42. Town Clerk to give notice of election. (Not codified.) No. 43. Amending No. 9, relating to public pound. (Codified, see Art. VII, Part III.) No. 44. Calling special sewer election. (Not codified,. Bonds defeated.) No. 45. To establish sewer system. (Not codified.) No. 46. Bond election for sewers. (Not codified.) No. 47. Fixing tax levy. (Not codified.) No. 48. Result of bond election for sewers. (Not codi- fied.) No. 49. Providing for bond issue for sewers. (Not codified.) No. 50. Providing for sale of bonds for sewers. (Not. codified.) 24 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO No. 51. Relating to bicycles on sidewalks. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III.) No. 52. Relating to bonds for sewers. (Not codified.) No. 53. Requiring permits for sewer connections. (Co- dified, see Art. V, Part V.) No. 54. Prohibiting laundries in town. (Codified, see Art. XIV, Part III.) No. 55. Amending No. 7, relating to taxes. (Codified, see Art. I, Part II.) No. 56. Fixing tax rate for '99-00. (Not codified.) No. 57. Providing system of house numbering. (Codi- fied, see Art. VI, Part V.) No. 58. Appointing engineer. (Repealed.) No. 59. Fixing electric lighting rates. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI.) No. 60. Clerk to give notice of election. (Not codified.) No. 61. Establishing rules for wiring houses. (Codi- fied, see Art. IV, Part VI.) No. 62. Fixing tax rate, '01-02. (Not codified.) No. 63. Prohibiting interference with sewer, water and light systems. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI.) No. 64. Prohibiting slot machines. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part III.) No. 65. Relating to bicycles. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III.) No. 66. Establishing Board of Health and fixing powers. (Codified, see Art. I, Part IV.) No. 67. Providing for municipal licenses. (Codified, see Art. II, Part II.) No. 68. Prohibiting cesspools. (Repealed by Art. VII, Part V.) No. 69. Regulating plumbing and drainage ; specifica- tions. (Codified, see Art. VII, Part V.) No. 70. Fixing fees for inspection of plumbing. (Co- dified, see Art. VII, Part V.) No. 71. Fixing tax rate for '01-02. (Not codified.) No. 72. Declaring it unlawful for children to be on streets at certain hours. (Repealed.) No. 73. Adopting sidewalk specifications. (Repealed.) No. 74. Town Clerk to give notice of election. (Not codified.) No. 75. Requiring removal of rubbish. (Codified, see Art. X, Part III.) No. 76. Relating to bicycles. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III.) No. 77. Amending No. 66, relating to Board of Health. (See Art. I, Part IV.) HISTORY OF ORDINANCES 25 No. 78. Bond election for extension of electric light plant and system of water works. (Not codi- fied.) No. 79. Providing for bond issue. (Not codified.) No. 80. Prohibiting interference with streets, etc. (Co- dified, see Art. VIII, Part III.) No. 81. Establishing Public Library. (Not codified.) No. 82. Fixing tax rate for '02-03. (Not codified.) No. 83. Fixing time and place of Board meetings. (Repealed.) No. 84. Acceptance of roadways. (Not codified.) No. 85. Acceptance of roadways. (Not codified.) No. 86. Providing for imprisonment in County Jail. (Codified, see Art. I, Part III.) No. 87. Forbidding the tying of horses to trees ; re- quiring animals to be placed in enclosures at night. (Codified, see Art. VII, Part III.) No. 88. Accepting certain lots for library site. (Not codified.) No. 89. Providing for municipal licenses. (Codified, see Art. II, Part II.) No. 90. Amending No. 77, relating to Board of Health. (Codified, see Art. I, Part IV.) No. 91. Regulating sale of milk. (Codified, see Art. II, Part IV.) No. 92. Amending No. 89, relating to licenses. (Codi- fied, see Art. II, Part II.) No. 93. Number not used. No. 94. Granting street railway franchise. (Not codi- fied.) No. 95. Fixing rate of taxes, '03-04. (Not codified.) No. 96. Requiring destruction of poison oak. (Codi- fied, see Art. IX, Part III.) No. 97. Town Clerk to give notice of election. (Not codified.) No. 98. Providing for use of ballot machines. (Not codified.) No. 99. Providing for execution of deed to certain property. (Not codified.) No. TOO. To preserve peace and good order in the Town. (Codified, see Art. II, Part III.) No. 101. Prohibiting starting fires in the rear of cer- tain buildings. (Codified, see Art. X, Part m.) No. 1 02. Number not used. No. 103. Concerning street work and the removal of macadam. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III.) 26 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO No. 104. Fixing time and place of Board meetings. (Repealed.) No. 105. Granting franchise for gas plant. (Not codi- fied.) No. 106. Fixing the fate of taxes for 'o4-'o5. (Not codified.) No. 107. Regulating use of bicycles, automobiles, etc. (Codified, see Art. XVI, Part III.) No. 108. Creating police department. (Repealed.) No. 109. Fixing time and place of Board meetings. (Repealed.) No. no. Establishing office of City Electrician, and providing regulations for the installation and removal of electric wires. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part VI.) No. in. Regulating license taxes. (Codified, see Art. II, Part II.) No. 112. First codification. No. 113. First codification. No. 114. Fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V.) No. 115. License taxes. (Codified, see Art. II, Part II.) No. 116. Aisles, passage ways in public buildings, etc, (Codified, see Art. XV, Part III). No. 117. Building permits and issuance of same. (Co- dified, see Art. Ill, Part V). No. 118. Children on the streets at night. (Repealed). No. 119. License taxes. (Codified, see Art. II, Part II). No. 1 20. Requiring property owners to make sewer and water connections before streets are paved. (Codified, see Art. V, Part V). No. 121. Regulating the laying of sewer, water and gas pipes. (Codified, see Art. V, Part V). No. 122. Regulating the collection of water and light bills. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 123. Removal of grass, weeds, poison oak, trimming trees, and hedges. (Codified, see Art. IX r Part III). No. 124. Redemption of property sold for taxes. (Repealed). No. 125. Right to purchase land for Town of Palo Alto for Water Works. (Not codified). No. 126. Management of Water Department. (Codi- fied, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 127. Erection of telephone and telegraph and elec- tric light poles. (Codified, see Art. V, Part VI). HISTORY OF ORDINANCES' 2/ No. 128. Placing contractor's name on sidewalk con- structed by said contractor. (Codified, see Art. I, Part V). No. 129. Town Plumber; creating said office. (Re- pealed). No. 130. I Hock 98, accepting street through this block. (Not codified). No. 131. Regarding location of eating houses. (Re- pealed). No. 132. Amending Art. 3, Part VII, Ordinance 113. (Repealed). No. 133. Relating to sanitary inspection. (Repealed). No. 134. Disposal of manure, straw, etc. (Codified, see Art. X, Part III). No. 135. Extension of fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V). No. 136. Changing title of ''Sanitary Inspector" to "Health Officer." (Repealed). No. 137. Amending Ordinance 133. (Repealed). No. 138. Calling special bond election. (Not codified). No. 139. Riding on sidewalks of accepted streets. (Co- dified, see Art. VIII, Part III). No. 140. Providing for bonded indebtedness of $75,000. (Not codified). No. 141. Placing electric light meters. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 142. Sale of excess water outside of town limits. (Repealed). No. 143. Election of Town Trustees and fixing com- pensation of election officers. (Not codified). No. 144. Salaries of Town Clerk and Marshal. (Re- pealed). No. 145. Alleyway through Block 13, accepting deed of conveyance. (Not codified). No. 146. Relating to fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V). No. 147. Meeting place of Town Trustees. (Repealed). No. 148. Remitting penalty for delinquent taxes. (Not codified). No. 149. Building Inspector and cost of inspection. (Repealed). No. 150. Chimney inspection and cost of same. (Re- pealed). No. 151. Rate for publishing delinquent taxes and pro- viding for sale to Town. (Codified, see Art. I, Part II). 28 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO No. 152. Ratification of all acts between April 18, 1906, and June i, 1906. (Not codified). No. 153. Amending Ordinance 113. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 154. Providing for water meters. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 155. Granting street railway franchise. (Franchise lapsed. ( Repealed ) . No. 156. Providing for water meters. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 157. Bonds required in case of continued violations of ordinances. (Codified, see Art. XIX, Part III). No. 158. Collection and removal of garbage. Codified, see Art. X, Part III). No. 159. Electric light rates. (Codified, see Art. I, Part VI, and Art. VI, Part VI). No. 160. Patent medicine distribution. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III). No. 161. Number not used. No. 162. Deposit required from water and light con- sumers. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 163. Changing fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V). No. 164. Acquisition of park grounds. (Not codified). No. 165. Calling election for bonds for parks. (Not codified). No. 1 66. Governing billiard halls, bowling alleys, etc. (Codified, see Art. V, Part III). No. 167. Hopkins deed to Town of Palo Alto of land along creek. (Not codified). No. 1 68. Meeting places for Town Trustees. (Re- pealed). No. 169. Laying sewer and water pipes and making connections. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 170. Number not used. No. 171. Spitting on sidewalks and in public places. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III). No. 172. Committee of public buildings, parks and squares. (Repealed). No. 173. Automobile ordinance. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III). No. 174. Number not used. No. 175. Roller skating on sidewalks. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III). No. 176. Number not used. HISTORY OF ORDINANCES 29 No. 177. Fixing tax rate for '07-08. (Not codified). No. 178. Providing for acceptance of streets, avenues, and alleys. (Not codified). No. 179. Dogs, bulls, jacks or other animals in Town limits. (Codified, see Art. VII, Part III). No. 180. Number not used. No. 181. Creating Park Fund. (Repealed). No. 182. Relating to taxes. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 196). No. 183. Licensing skating rinks. (Codified, see Art. II, Part II). No. 184. Protecting trees and shrubs in parks. ( Codi- fied, see Art. XVIII, Part III). No. 185. Sale to minors of cigarettes, etc., and smoking same. (Codified, see Art. XI, Part III). No. i85A. Municipal elections. (Not codified). No. 1 86. Salary of Clerk, Marshal and Treasurer. (Re- pealed). No. 187. Municipal elections. (Not codified). No. 1 88. Prohibiting shows and entertainments on Sun- day. (Repealed, see Initiative ordinance No. I, Part VIII). No. 189. Extension of fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V). No. 190. Declaring results of election. (Not codified). No. 191. Standing committees of Board of Trustees. (Repealed). No. 192. Calling special election. (Not codified). No. 193. Relating to meetings of Board of Trustees. (Repealed). No. 194. Fixing rate of Town taxes. (Not codified). No. 195. Relating to rain water drains. (Codified, see Art. VII, PartV). No. 196. Repealing Ordinance No. 182. (Not codi- fied). No. 197. Designation of alley in Block 77. (Codified, see Art. II, Part VII). No. 198. Election on Freeholders Charter. (Not codi- fied). No. 199. Repealing curfew whistle. (Repealed). *No. 200. Rates for day current, electric light. (Codi- fied, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 201. Election of 15 councilmen. (Not codified). No. 202. Special election for $57,000 bonds. (Not co- dified). 30 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO No. 203. Establishing gas rate. (Codified, see Art. III r Part VI). No. 204. Relating to fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V). No. 205. Election on tie vote for councilmen. (Not codified). No. 206. Incurring bonded indebtedness of $14,000. (Not codified). Xo. 207. Regulating bill posting, etc. (Codified, see Art. XVII, Part III). HISTORY OF CITY ORDINANCES AS ORIGI- NALLY ENACTED No. i. Providing rules governing the City Council of Palo Alto. (Codified, see Art. I, Part I). No. 2. Providing for City officers and salaries of each. (Codified, see Art. iy, Part I). No. 3. Providing rules for Board of Safety, Police Department, salaries and appointing of Health Officer. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part I) . No. 4. Relating to duties of officials and departments and fixing the amount of officers' bonds. (Co- dified, see Art. IV, Part I). No. 5. Regulating games of amusement. (Codified, see Art. V, Part III). No. 6. Relating to animals running at large. (Codified, see Art. VII, Part III). No. 7. Governing nickel-in-slot machines. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part III). No. 8. Establishing rates for official publications. (Co- dified, see Art. I, Part VII). No. 9. Establishing rates for water and power. ( Codi- fied, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 10. Re-enactment of all ordinances of the Town of Palo Alto that were in force and effect at noon, July i, 1909. (See enacting clause, co- dified ordinances). No. II. Providing for connection with City sewer system. (Codified, see Art. V, Part V). No. 12. Relating to noxious weeds, brush, etc., and rub- bish on City lots. (Codified, see Art. IX, Part III). No. 13. Ratifying and confirming bonded indebtedness of $ 1 4,000. (Not codified ) . No. 14. Imposing municipal license taxes. (Codified, see Art. II, Part II). No. 15. Amending Section 5 of ordinance No. I. (Co- dified, see Art. I, Part I). No. 16. Reimbursing the City for building supervision by City Engineer. (Codified, see Art. Ill, Part V). No. 17. Regulating the establishment of laundries, etc., engines, storage tanks, spur tracks, etc. (Co- dified, see Art. XIV, Part III). 32 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO No. 1 8'. Reimbursing the City for street work inspec- tion. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part V). No. 19. Rules for City electric wiring. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part VI). No. 20. Regulating private contracts for street work. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part V). No. 21. Relating to fires and fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V). No. 21 A. Fixing rate for sale of gas. (Codified, see Art. Ill, Part VI). No. 22. Regulating speed of vehicles. (Codified, see Art. XVI, Part III). No. 23. Prohibiting sale of cigars and tobacco within looo feet of public school buildings. (Codified, see Art. XI, Part III). No. 24. Calling special election. (Not codified). No. 24A. Declaring results of initiative election on May 26, 1910. (Not codified). No. 25. Prohibiting hypnotic exhibitions. (Codified, see Art. XII, Part III). No. 25A. Closing alley ways in Blocks 66, 67 and 71. (Codified, see Art. II, Part VII). No. 26. Allowing police officers to be on duty in citizens clothes, but must wear star. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part I). No. 27. Prohibiting exhibition of prize fight pictures. (Codified, see Art. XIII, Part III). No. 28. Fixing rates for power and heating. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 29. Telephone rules and rates. (Codified, see Art. " II, Part VI). No. 30. Rules and regulations, Board of Public Safety. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part I). No. 31. Riding bicycles on sidewalks by officers, etc. (Codified, see Art. VIII, Part III). No. 32. Municipal Elections. (Codified, see Art. Ill, Part I). No. 33. Rate of taxes, 1910-11. (Not codified). No. 34. Fixing rates for water and power. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part VI). No. 35. Relating to presentation of claims. (Codified, see Art. I, Part I). No. 36. Election on amendments to Charter. (Not co- dified). No. 37. Private contracts for street work. (Codified, see Art. IV, Part V). No. 38. Regulating sale of gas. (Codified, see Art. Ill, Part VI). HISTORY OF ORDINANCES 33 No. 39. Exits, aisles, etc. (Codified, see Art. XV, Part III). No. 40. Municipal elections. (Codified, see Art. Ill, Part I). No. 41. Stringing wires on premises of another. (Codi- fied, see Art. V, Part VI). No. 42. Calling election on bonds. (Not codified). No. 43. Change of fire limits. (Codified, see Art. II, Part V). No. 44. Gas rates, 1911. (Not codified). No. 45. Municipal elections. (Codified, see Art. Ill, Part I). No. 46. Issuance of bonds. (Not codified). No. 47. Calling election for five councilmen. (Not codi- fied)/ No. 48. Regulating sale of electricity. (Codified, see Art. I, Part VI). No. 49. Calling election for three councilmen. (Not codified). No. 5OA. Fixing rates for official publications. (Codi- fied, see Art. I, Part VII). No. 508. Prohibiting slot machines and dice. (Codified, see Art. VI, Part III). No. 51. Prohibiting sale of tobacco, etc., to minors. (Codified, see Art. XI, Part III). No. 52. Providing for sale of bonds. (Not codified). No. 53. Prohibiting removal of gravel from San Fran- cisquito Creek. (Not codified). No. 54. An ordinance providing for the codification of the ordinances of the City of Palo Alto. No. 55. Providing for bonded indebtedness. (Not co- dified). No. 56. Fixing tax rate for 1911-1912. (Not codified). No. 57. Prohibiting nickel-in-slot, dice, etc. (Codified, Art. VI, Part III). No. 58. Providing that violation of ordinances shall be a misdemeanor; fines and imprisonment. (Co- dified, Art. I, Part III). No. 59. Providing for municipal license. (Codified, s?e Art. II, Part II). No. 60. Providing for salary of Police Judge. (Corli- fied, see Art. IV, Part I). HISTORY OF INITIATIVE ORDINANCES No. i. Prohibiting the running of any theater, etc., on Sunday. (See Part VIII). ORDINANCE NO. 54 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO, CONTINU- ING IN FORCE CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, AND FOR THE REVISION, AMENDMENT AND CODIFICA- TION OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. The Council of the City of Palo Alto do ordain as follows: SEC. i. The following ordinances of the City of Palo Alto, heretofore passed by the Board of Trustees of said Town and by the Council of said City, are hereby amended, revised and codified, to wit: All ordinances passed by the former Board of Trustees of -the Town of Palo Alto from No. I to No. 207, inclusive, save and except Ordinances Nos. 12, 15, 1 6, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 56, 60, 62, 71, 74, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 88, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 105, 106, 125, 130, 138, 140, 143, 145, 148, 152, 164, 165, 167, 177, 178, i85-A, 187, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198, 201, 202, 205, 206; and All ordinances passed by the Council of the City of Palo Alto from No. I to No. 60 inclusive, save and except Ordinances Nos. 13, 24, 24- A, 33, 36, 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56. The ordinances above numbered relate to elections, taxes, franchises, municipal bonds, grants, dedications of land, etc., and are continued in force without codification. SEC. 2. This codification of general ordinances of the City of Palo Alto shall not have the effect of repeal- ing, altering, or amending any of the special ordinances of said City relating to elections, taxes, franchises, municipal bonds, grants, dedications of lands, or ordi- nances creating vested rights. SEC. 3. This Ordinance shall be printed and posted according to law by the City Clerk and shall go into effect immediately. The foregoing ordinance was duly passed by the unanimous consent of the Council of the City of Palo Alto present at a regular adjourned meeting on the 26th day of June, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Hettinger, Henry, Jordan, La Peire, Millis, Mosher, Thoits, Umphreys, Vail. Noes: None. Absent: Congdon, Downing, Hyde, Spencer, Wil- son, Wing. Approved, July i, 1911, CHAS. B. WING, Mayor. Attest: FRANK KASSON, City Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed as above set forth. FRANK KASSON, City Clerk. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO CODIFIED ORDINANCE No. i Ax ( )RDINANCE TO CODIFY AND AMEND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO RE-ENACT THE SAME AS AMENDED, AND TO REDUCE THE SAME TO ONE ORDINANCE. The Council of the City of Palo Alto do ordain as follows : SEC. i. All of Articles I, II. Ill and IV of Part I, Relating to City Government; All of Articles I and II of Part II, Relating to Revenue ; All of Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI. XII. XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, and XIX of Part III, Relating to Police Regulations; All of \rticles I and II of Part IV, Relating to Public Health; All of Articles I. II, III, IV, V, VI and VII of Part V, Relating to Construction ; All of Articles I, II, III, IV, V and VI of Part VI, Relating to Public Service Corporations ; All of Articles I, II, III and IV of Part VII, Miscellaneous, are hereby enacted and declared to be the law of the City of Palo Alto in form, force and effect, as follows: PART I CITY GOVERNMENT ARTICLE I CITY COUNCIL Regular SEC. i. The regular meetings of the Council of the meetings City of Palo Alto shall be held on the second Monday of every month at the hour of eight o'clock p. m. at the City Hall. Provided that during the months of Decem- ber, January and February meetings shall be held at the hour of 7 130 p.m. Special SEC. 2. Special meetings may be called at any time meetings by the Mayor or at the request of eight councilmen, by a written or actual personal notice given to each member at least four hours before the time specified for the proposed meeting. Meetings to SEC. 3. All meetings of the City Council shall be be public held at the City Hall and shall be public. Quorum SEC. 4- At any meeting of the Council eight council- men shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time and may compel the attendance of absent members by subpoena ; disobedience of said subpoena may be punished at the discretion of the Council by a fine not to exceed five dollars. Duties of SEC. 5. The Mayor shall take the chair precisely The Mayor at the hour appointed for the meeting and shall at once call the Council to order. In the absence of the Mayor the City Clerk or other deputy shall call the meeting to order, whereupon a chairman shall be elected from among the councilmen to preside. I fe shall preserve order and decorum, may speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose ; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council by any member, on which appeal no member shall speak more than once, unless by leave of the Council. CITY GOVKRN.MKNT 37 lie shall have general direction of the hall during meetings. In case of any disturbance or disorderly conduct in the hall, the Mayor or chairman pro tern shall have power to order the same to be cleared. lie shall have the right to name any member to perform the duties of the chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment. All ordinances and resolutions shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk under seal of the City. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered by the Council, and to refer all litigation and other matters not herein specifically provided for to the proper committee. SKC. 6. All contracts in excess of three hundred $300.00 dollars entered into by the Council or any of the Depart- limit ments shall be signed by the Mayor if entered into by authority of the Council, and shall be signed by the Chairman of the Department, if entered into by authority of the Department, and in all cases all contracts shall be attested by the Clerk under seal of the City. SEC. 7. The order of business, which shall not be Order of departed from except by consent of eight members, shall Business be as follows : 1. Calling the roll. 2. Reading the minutes of the last meeting. 3. Presentation of petitions. 4. Communications. 5. Special orders of the day. 6. Reports of committees ; motions ; resolutions ; orders and ordinances. /. Disposition of street work. 8. Unfinished business. <;. Presentation of bills and accounts. 10. Miscellaneous business. 11. Adjournment. SEC. 8. On or before the first regular meeting after standing the first of July of each year, the Mayor shall appoint committees the following standing committees, consisting of five each, from the members of the Council: 1. Committee No. SS City of Palo Alto j Precinct No I, the undersigned, certify that I do hereby join in a petition for the nomination of whose residence is at No St. for the office of councilman to be voted for at the municipal election to he held in the City of Palo Alto on the day of 19 and I f uither certify that I am a qualified elector of said City, that I have not signed more petitions than there are places to be filled in the above named office ; that my residence is at No Street, Palo Alto, and my occupation is (signed) State of California I County of Santa Clara / SS City of Palo Alto being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who signed the foregoing certificate and that the statements therein are true and correct. ( signed ) Subscribed and sworn to 1 eforc me this day of 19 Notary Public or Verification Deputy. Nomination and election of officers Requirements of candidacy Form of nomination petition 42 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO The petition of nomination of which this certificate forms a part shall, if found insufficient, be returned to at No Street, Palo Alto, Cal. Forms supplied by City Clerk Requirements of certificates Verification deputies Date of presenting petition (4) It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to furnish upon application a reasonable number of forms of individual certificates of the above character. (5) Each certificate must be a separate paper. All certificates must be of a uniform size as determined by the City Clerk. Each certificate must contain the name of one signer thereto and no more. Each certifi- cate shall contain the name of one candidate and no more. Each signer must be a qualified elector, and must not at the time of signing a certificate have his name signed to more certificates for candidates for that office than there are places to be filled in such office. In case an elector does so sign, such additional certificates shall be invalid. Each signer must verify his certificate and make oath that the same is true before a notary public or a verification deputy, as provided for in this section. Each certificate shall further contain the name and address of the person to whom the petition is to be returned in case said petition is found insufficient. (6) Verification deputies, under this section, must be qualified electors of the City and shall be appointed by the City Clerk upon application in writing, signed by not less than five qualified electors of the City. The application shall set forth that the signers thereto desire to procure the necessary signatures of electors for the nomination of candidates for municipal office at an election therein specified, and that the applicants desire to have the person or persons whose names and addresses are given appointed as verification deputies, who shall upon appointment be authorized and empowered to take the oath of verification of the signers of petitions of nomination. Such verification deputies need not use a seal, and shall not have power to take oaths for any other purpose whatsoever, and their appointments shall continue only until all petitions of nomination, under this section, shall have been filed by the City Clerk. (7) A petition of nomination, consisting of not less than twenty-five individual certificates for any one candidate, nay be presented to the City Clerk not earlier than thirty days nor later than ten days before the election. The Clerk shall endorse thereon the date upon which the petition was presented to him. CITY GOVERNMENT 43 (8) When a petition of nomination is presented for filing to the City Clerk, he shall forthwith examine the same, and ascertain whether it conforms to the provisions of this sect ; on. If found not to conform thereto, he shall then and there in writing designate on said petition the defect or omission or reason why such petition cannot be filed, and shall return the petition to the person named as the person to whom the same may be returned in acordance with this section. The petition may then be amended and again presented to the Clerk as in the first instance. The Clerk shall forthwith proceed to examine the petition as hereinbefore provided. If necessary, the Council shall provide extra help to enable the Clerk to perform satisfactorily and promptly the duties imposed by this section. (9) Any signer of a petition of nomination and certificate may withdraw his name from the same by filing with the City Clerk a verified revocation of his signature not later than fifteen days before the day of election. He shall then be at liberty to sign a petition for another candidate for the same office. ( 10) Any person whose name has been presented under this section as a candidate may, not later than fifteen days before the day of election, cause his name to he withdrawn from nomination by filing with the City Clerk a request therefor in writing, and no name so withdrawn shall be printed upon the ballot. (u) If either the original or the amended petition of nomination be found sufficiently signed as herein- before provided, the Clerk shall file the same ten days before the date of election. No petition of nomination shall be withdrawn nor added to and no signature shall be revoked later than fifteen days before the day of election. (12) The City Clerk shall preserve in his office for a period of two years all petitions of nomination and all certificates belonging thereto filed under this section. (13) Immediately after such petitions are filed, the Clerk shall enter the names of the candidates in a list, with the offices to be filled, and shall, not later than eight days before the election, certify such list as being the list of candidates nominated as required by this article, and the Council shall cause said certified list of names and the offices to be filled, designating whether for a full term or unexpired term, to be published in the proclamation ordinance calling the election, at least six successive days before the election, in a daily news- Examination of petitions by City Clerk Withdrawal of signature Withdrawal of candidate Filing of petitions Preservation of petitions Election proclamation 44 ORDINANCES OF THE CITV OF PALO ALTO Form of ballot Requirements of ballot Every nom- inee to be on ballot Space for voting cross Blank spaces for addition- al candidates Sample ballot paper of general circulation published in the Citv of Palo Alto, ( 14) The City Clerk shall cause the ballots to be printed and* bound and numbered. The ballots shall contain the list of names and the respective offices, as published in the proclamation ordinance, and shall be in substantially the following form : GENERAL (OR SPECIAL) MUNICIPAL ELEC- TION, CITY OF PALO ALTO ( inserting date thereof) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS. To vote, stamp a cross (X) opposite the name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. All marks otherwise made are forbidden. All distinguishing marks are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. (15) All ballots shall be precisely the same size, quality, tint of paper, kind of type and color of ink, so that without the number it would be impossible to dis- tinguish one ballot from another; and the names of all candidates printed upon the ballot shall be in type of the same size and style. A column may be provided on the right hand side for charter amendments or other questions to be voted upon at the municipal elections, as provided for under the charter. The names of the can- didates for each office shall be arranged in alphabetical order, and nothing on the ballot shall be indicative of the source of the candidacy or of the support of any candidate. (16) The name of no candidate who has been duly and regularly nominated, and who has not withdrawn his name as herein provided, shall be omitted from the ballot. (17) Half-inch squares shall be provided at the right of the name of each candidate wherein to stamp the cross. (18) Half-inch spaces shall be left below the printed names of candidates for each office equal in number to the number to be voted for, wherein the voter may write the name of any person or persons for whom he may wish to vote. (19) The clerk shall cause to be printed sample ballots identical with the ballot to be used at the election and shall mail a copy of the same to each registered voter at least five days before the date fixed for such election. CITY GOVERNMENT 45 (20) Those candidates for councilmcn equal in num- ber to the number to be elected, who receive the highest number of votes for such office shall be declared elected; provided, however, that no person shall be declared elected to any office at such first election unless the number of votes received by him shall be greater than one-half the number of ballots cast at such election. (21) If at any election held as above provided, there shall be any office to which the required number of persons was not elected, then as to such office the said first election shall be considered to have been a primary election for the nomination of candidates, and a second election shall be held to fill said office. The candidates not elected at such first election, equal in number to twice the number to be elected for any given office, or less if so there be, who receive the highest nu rber of votes for the respective offices at such first election, shall be the only candidates at such second election ; provided, that if there be any person who, under the provisions of this subdivision, would have been entitled to beco re a candidate for any office except for the fact that some other candidate received an equal number of votes therefor, then all such persons receiving such equal number of votes shall likewise become candidates for such office. The candidates equal in number to the persons to be elected who shall receive the highest number of votes at such second election shall be declared elected to such office; provided, however, that in case of a tie in said second election, the Council shall decide which of the persons tied shall hold the office. ( 22) The said second election, if necessary to be held, shall be held one week after the first election. (23) All the provisions and conditions above set forth as to the conduct of an election, so far as they may be applicable, shall govern the second election, except that notice of election need be published twice only. (24) If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as if there were a vacancy in such office, as provided by the charter. (25) No informalities in conducting municipal elections shall invalidate the same, if they have been conducted fairly and in substantial conformity with the requirements of this article. SEC. 6. (i) The provisions of the State law relating to the qualifications of electors, the manner of voting, the duties of election officers, the canvassing Votes neces- sary for election Second election Date of second election Rules cover- ing second election Failure to qualify Informalities in election General elec- tion regula- tions 4 6 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Voting machines of returns, and all other particulars in respect to the management of elections, so far as they may be appli- cable and not inconsistent with the provisions of this article, shall govern all municipal elections ; provided that the Council shall meet as a canvassing board and duly canvass the election returns within four days after any municipal election. (2) In case voting machines shall be used at municipal elections, the Council shall have power, by ordinance, to modify the provisions of section 5 as far as may be necessary to adapt them to the use of voting machines. ARTICLE IV Officials boards or departments Enumeration Purchases to be made by requisition City Clerk and Assessor OFFICIALS, BOARDS OR DEPARTMENTS SEC. i. There shall be in the City of Palo Alto the following officials, boards or departments: A Clerk and Assessor; an Auditor and Tax Collector; a Deputy Auditor and Tax Collector; a City Treasurer; a City Attorney; a Judge of the Police Court; whose ap- pointment shall be made by and the tenure of office and 'salaries fixed by the Council ; a Board of Pub- lic Works, consisting of three members, to be appointed by the Council ; a Board of Public Safety, consisting of three members, to be appointed by the Council; a Board of Public Library, consisting of three members, to be appointed by the Council. SEC. 2. All purchases of supplies for the City of Palo Alto by the Council or by any of the Departments thereof shall be made upon requisition. All department requisitions shall he signed by the chairman of the department. All other requisitions shall be signed as the Council may direct. All requisitions shall be filed with the Auditor and all purchases made only on order first obtained from said officer. SEC. 3. The City Clerk and Assessor shall perform the duties prescribed by Section i and Section 5 of Article IV of the Charter of 'the City of Palo Alto. The City Clerk shall also furnish to the Auditor as needed, any and all statements or accounts in connection with his office or with the several departments. The clerk shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council. He shall be under a bond to the City of Palo Alto to be approved by the Council and the City CITY GOVERNMENT 47 Attorney, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, for the faithful performance of his duties. SEC. 4. The Auditor and Tax Collector shall per- form the duties prescribed by Section 2 and Section 3 of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto, and such additional duties as may be prescribed by the City Council. He shall be under a bond to the City of Palo Alto, to be approved by the Council and the City Attorney, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for the faithful performance of his duties. SEC. 5. The City Treasurer shall perform the duties prescribed by Section 4 of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto, and such additional duties as may be prescribed by the City Council. He shall be under a bond to the City of Palo Alto, to be approved by the Council and the City Attorney, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars for the faithful performance of his duties. SEC. 6. The Deputy Auditor and Tax Collector shall perform the duties prescribed by Section 4 hereof as directed by the Auditor and Tax Collector, and such* additional duties as may be prescribed by the Council. He shall be under a bond to the City of Palo Alto, to be approved by the Council and the City Attorney, in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars for the faithful perform- ance of his duties. SEC. 7. The books and records of all city offices shall be open at all times during office hours and any taxpayer of the City may inspect the same provided such taxpayer shall specify the book or record he desires to see, and such book or record shall not be taken from the office. SEC. 8. The regular meetings of the several boards of the City of Palo Alto shall be as follows : The Board of Public Works at the hour of 5 p. m. on the first Monday of every month at the City Hall ; The Board of Public Safety at 7 130 p. m. on the first Monday of every month at the City Hall ; The Board of Public Library at the hour of 7 130 p. m. on the first legal day of every month at the Library building. SEC. 9. Special meetings of a board may be called at any time by any member thereof by giving actual notice to each n ember at least three hours before the time specified for said meeting. SEC. 10. Said boards shall elect one of their mem- bers to preside over said meetings; in his absence one of the other members may preside. Two members of a Auditor and Tax Collector Treasurer Deputy Auditor aud Tax Collector Books and records Meetings of boards Special meetings Presiding officer and quorum 4 8 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Order of business Reports of boards Financial statement City Engineer and ex-officio superinten- dent of streets Police department board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. SEC. ii. The order of business shall be as follows : 1 Calling the roll. 2 Reading the minutes of the last meeting. 3 Presentation of petitions. 4 Communications and reports. 5 Special orders of the day. 6 Motions, resolutions, orders and ordinances. 7 Reports of officers. 8 Unfinished business. 9 Auditing of accounts. 10 New business. 11 Adjournment. Provided, however, that the above order of business may be changed by a board on motion when it shall be deemed necessary by said board. SEC. 12. Each of the several boards or departments of the City of Palo Alto shall file with the City Clerk a , monthly report showing the receipts and expenditures of said board or department, and an annual report showing in detail the receipts and expenditures of said board or department for the past year, and the number of officers and other employees employed by said board and the salary or compensation paid such officers or employees. SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of each of the said boards, in co-operation with the proper committee of the Council, during the month of July of each and every year to prepare and present to the Council of said City a statement showing approximately the amount of money that will be required by it in the discharge of its duties for the ensuing fiscal year, in order that the said Council may pass upon said statement in determining the amount of taxes to be raised for said year. SEC. 14. The Board of Public Works shall appoint an executive officer, as provided by the Charter, who shall be known and designated as the City Engineer and ex-officio Superintendent of Streets. They shall appoint on his recommendation such additional officers or em- ployees as are necessary for carrying on the work of their department, as provided by the Charter of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 15. The Police Department shall consist of a Chief of Police and such number of policemen as the Board of Public Safety may from time to time appoint. In addition to such regular policemen, the Board shall have power to appoint special policemen to hold office CITY GOVERNMENT 49 for such length of time as shall be designated in the appointment, whenever said Board shall deem such officers necessary. The policemen shall be appointed by the Board of Policemen Public Safety and shall hold office at the will of said Board and until their successors in office are appointed, and may be dismissed without notice. Each regular policeman shall wear a metal badge conspicuously dis- played with "Palo Alto Police" engraved upon the same. Each regular policeman shall file a bond to the City of Palo Alto with two good and sufficient sureties or a bonding company, to be approved by the Board of Public Safety, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars for the faithful performance of his duties. Each policeman shall have the powers that are now Powers of conferred by law upon police officers of this State in policemen all matters pertaining to the enforcement of the police regulations of the City, and shall be entitled to the same protection in all respects as is now afforded by law to police officers of this State. It shall be his duty to enforce the police regulations of said City, to prevent the commission of any breach of the peace, to suppress riots and disorderly assemblages, and to arrest every person found violating any law or ordinance or committing acts injurious to the quiet and good order of the City, or to the person or property of any citizen of the City. He shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the City Council or the Board of Public Safety by ordinance or order. SKC. 1 6. The Board of Public Safety shall super- Sanitary vise all matters pertaining to the sanitary condition of condi tion the City, and shall make such rules and regulations c relative thereto as are necessary and proper. They shall report to the Secretary of the State Board of Health at Sacramento at such times as the State Board of Health may require, all matters and things required by the laws of the State of California. Said Board shall have all the powers and exercise all the duties required of it by the laws of the State of California applying to Boards of Health. In the exercise of these powers and duties the said Health Board shall appoint an executive officer, whose title ( shall be Health Officer. Said Health Officer of the City of Palo Alto is hereby vested with full power to enforce all the health and sanitary regulations provided by ordi- nances of the City of Palo Alto, or by rules and regula- tions of this Board, or by the laws of the State of California. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Salary of Health Officer Violation of sanitary rules Penalty Powers of appointment and removal SEC. 17. The Health Officer shall receive as com- pensation for the discharge of said duties an annual salary to be fixed by the Board of Public Safety, payable in twelve equal installments. SEC. 1 8. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to interfere in any manner or form, or disobey or refuse to comply with any of the ordinances of the City of Palo Alto pertaining to health and sanitary regulations, or of any orders or rules or regulations prescribed or made by this Board, or by the said Health Officer in the lawful discharge of his duties herein set forth. SEC. 19. Any person or persons violating the provisions of the last section herein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or by both fine and imprisonment. SEC. 20. All the above boards shall have the power of appointment and removal of all officers in their respective departments, and shall fix their compensation and tenure of office. PART II REVENUE ARTICLE I ASSESSMENT, LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES SEC. i. Between the first Monday of March and the first day of July of each year, the City Assessor shall Assessment ascertain the names of all taxable inhabitants and all property within the City of Palo Alto subject to taxation by the City, and must assess such property to the persons by whom it was owned or claimed, or in whose posses- sion or control it was at twelve o'clock m. of such first Monday of March; but no mistake in the name of the owner, or supposed owner, of property shall render the assessment thereof invalid. In assessing solvent credits not secured by mortgage or trust deed, a reduction therefrom shall be made of debts due to bona fide resi- dents of this State. He shall proceed, so far as applic- able in the same manner as provided for the action of county assessors by Chapter III of Title IX of Part III of the Political Code; and must prepare "an assessment roll of persons and property subject to taxation, listed by block number, in which must be specified, in separate columns, under the appropriate heads, the several matters and things respecting the City assessment substantially as required by Section 3650 of the Political Code of the State of California respecting assessments for State and County purposes ; and must sign and certify said assessment roll and take and sub- scribe an affidavit therein substantially in the form required of county assessors by Section 3652 of the Political Code. The clerk shall*, after making out the assessment roll, write in the tax receipt blanks the description of property, block number, valuation and names of owners. SEC. 2. As soon as completed and on or before the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Notice of equalization Penalty Personal property tax Sale of personal property for taxes first day of July of each year, the City Assessor shall deliver his assessment roll, together with his map book (if any) and statements to the City Council to be equal- ized ; and the City Council must immediately give notice thereof, and of the time when the Council will meet to equalize assessments, by publication in some newspaper published in said City, and, in the meantime, the assess- ment roll must remain open for the inspection of all persons interested. SEC. 3. If the City Assessor shall fail to complete and deliver his assessment roll within the time herein- before specified, he shall forfeit to the City the sum of five hundred dollars, and any other damages the City may sustain by reason of such failure, and he is also liable to the City for all taxes on property within the City, which, through his willful failure or neglect, may, at any time be unassessed ; and recovery for such penalty, damages and loss of taxes, or either or any of such matters, may be had by the City upon his official bond. SEC. 4. The City Assessor must collect the taxes on all personal property, when, in his opinion, said taxes are not a lien upon real property sufficient to secure the payment of the taxes. He shall pay to the Auditor every three days all personal property taxes collected by him and in his hands, taking the Auditor's receipt for the moneys so paid. The Assessor shall be governed, as to the amount of taxes to be by him collected on unsecured personal property, by the rate of the previous year. SEC. 5. The City Assessor may, after making an assessment, collect the taxes due on personal property, (except when real estate is liable therefor), by seizure and sale of any personal property owned by the delin- quent. The sale must be at public auction, and of a suffi- cient amount of the property to pay the taxes and costs. The sale shall be made after one week's, notice of the time and place thereof given by publication in a newspaper in the city, or by posting in three public places. For seizing or selling personal property the Assessor shall charge in each case, for the use of the City, the sum of three dollars, and the same mileage as is allowed by law to the sheriff of the county. , On payment of the price bid for any property sold, the delivery thereof, with a bill of sale, vests the title thereto in the purchaser. All excess of the proceeds over the taxes and costs of any such sale must be returned to the owner of the property sold, and, until claimed, must be deposited in the treasury of the City, REVENUE 53 subject to the order of the owner, his heirs or assigns. The unsold portions of any property may be left at the place of sale at the risk of the owner. S F.r. 6. The City Council shall meet at their usual place of holding meetings on the first Monday in August Board of of each year, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, Equalization and sit as a Board of Equalization ; and shall continue in session, from day to day, until all the returns of the assessor have been rectified. They shall have power to hear complaints, and to correct, modify or strike out any assessment made by the Assessor ; and may, of their own motion, raise any assessment, upon notice to the party whose assessment is to be raised. They shall be governed, so far as applicable, by the provisions of Chapter IV of Title IX of Part III of the Political Code relating to equalization of taxes. SEC. 7. The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Board of Equalization, and, as such, must record in a Clerk- to en- book to be kept for that purpose, all changes, corrections ter changes and orders made by the Board; and during the sessions of the Board, or as soon as possible after its adjournment, must enter on the assessment roll all changes and correc- tions made by the Board, and having completed the corrections in the assessment roll, must take and subscribe an affidavit on said assessment roll substantially as follows : "I, Clerk of the City "of Palo Alto do swear that, as Clerk of the Board of " Equalization of said City, I have kept correct minutes "of all acts of the Board touching alterations of the "assessment roll; that all alterations agreed to or "directed to be made have been made and entered on the "assessment roll, and that no changes or alterations have "been made thereon except those authorized." The assessment roll so corrected shall be certified by the City Clerk as being the assessment roll for each tax for the year, and shall be the assessment roll upon which such tax is to be levied in said year. SKC. 8. The City Council must, on the first day of Tax lery September of each year, fix the rate of City taxes, designating the number of cents on each one hundred dollars of property levied for each fund ; and must then levy such City taxes as may be necessary to raise revenue for the maintenance of the City and the several depart- ment^ during the ensuing fiscal year, but such tax levy, for all municipal purposes, except the payment of interest and principal on the bonded indebtedness, shall not 54 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Clerk to enter in assessment book taxes to be paid on property Tax Collec- tor to give notice of time when taxes must be paid Receipt for taxes paid exceed the sum of eighty-five cents upon each one hun- dred dollars of assessed- valuation as the same appears upon the assessment roll. SEC. 9. When the assessments have been equalized and the corrections made and the tax levied as aforesaid, the Clerk must enter on said assessment roll in a separate money column the respective sums, in dollars and cents, so levied on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property (rejecting the fractions of a cent), to be paid as a tax levied on the property enumerated, and foot up the column, showing the total value of property in the City as corrected under the direction of the Board of Equaliza- tion, and the total amount of taxes ; the whole to be done and completed on or before the third Monday in Septem- ber of each year. SEC. 10. On or before the third Monday in Septem- ber of each year, the assessment roll shall be delivered to the Tax Collector of the City, who must publish immediately a notice in some newspaper published in said City, specifying: 1. That the taxes on all personal property secured by ical property and one-half of the taxes on all real property will be due and payable on the first Monday in October, and will be delinquent on the last Monday in November next thereafter, at five o'clock p. m., and that unless paid prior thereto, fifteen per cent will be added to the amount thereof; and that, if said one-half be not paid before the last Monday in April next, at five o'clock p.m., an additional five per cent will be added thereto ; that the remaining one-half of the taxes on all real property will be payable on and after the first Monday in January next, and will be delinquent on the last Monday in April next thereafter, at five o'clock p. m., and that, unlesss paid prior thereto, five per cent will be added to the amount thereof; 2. That all taxes may be paid at the time the first installment, as herein provided, is due and payable; 3. The times and places at which payment of taxes may be made. On receiving the assessment roll, the Tax Collector shall Le charged by the Assessor with the full amount of taxes levied, chargeable to him. SEC. ii. The Tax Collector must mark the date of payment of any tax on the assessment roll opposite the name of the person paying the same, and he must give a receipt to the person paying any tax, specifying the amount of the assessment and the tax paid, and the amount remaining unpaid, if any, with a description of REVENUE 55 the property assessed; provided, that the receipt for the last installment of taxes may refer, by number or in any other intelligible manner, to the receipt given for the first installment of taxes in lieu of a description of the property assessed. SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector Tax Collector to receive and collect all sums due the City for taxes (duties) and licenses and from other sources, and he shall pay all moneys received into the treasury of the City within three days after the receipt thereof, taking a receipt from the Treasurer for all moneys paid to him. SEC. 13. On the last Monday of November of each Delinquent year, at 5 o'clock p. m., all taxes then unpaid, except taxes the last installment of the real property taxes, shall (P enalt y) become delinquent, and thereafter the Tax Collector must collect, for the use of the City, an addition of fifteen per cent thereon; provided, that if they be not paid before the last Monday in April next succeeding, at five o'clock p. m., he shall collect an additional five per cent thereon for the use of the City. On the last Monday in April of each year, at 5 o'clock p. m., all the unpaid portion of the remaining one-half of the taxes on all the real property shall. become delinquent, and thereafter the Tax Collector must collect, for the use of the City, an addition of five per cent thereon ; provided that the entire tax on any real property, as above provided, may be paid at the time the first install- ment is due and payable ; and provided, further, that the taxes on all personal property, unsecured by real property, shall be due and payable immediately after the assessment on said personal property is made. The said personal property tax shall become delinquent on the thirtieth day of June of each year, at 5 o'clock p. m. SEC. 14. On the 3rd Monday in December and May Delinquent of each year, the Tax Collector must make, for the use Hst of the City, a complete delinquent list of all persons and the property upon which taxes have not, been paid, in which list must be set out in numerical or alphabetical order all matters and things contained in the assessment roll and relating to delinquent persons or property. SEC. 15. On or within five days before or after the Publication first Monday in June of each year, the Tax Collector . f delinquent must publish the delinquent list,, which must contain the ! names of the persons and a description of the property deli iquent, and the amount of taxes and costs due opposite each name and description, with the taxes dre on personal property added to taxes on real estate, where the real estate is liable therefor, or the ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Copy of publication to be filed with County Recorder Additional costs Tax sale Certificate of sale several taxes due from the same persons. The Tax Collector must append to and publish with said delin- quent list a notice that unless the taxes delinquent, together with the costs and percentage, are paid, the real property upon which such taxes are a lien, shall be sold by operation of law to the City of Palo Alto, as provided by Section 3771 of the Political Code, of the State of California, (the words "sold to the State" in said section of the Political Code being changed to read, "sold to the City.") This publication must be made once in a newspapei of general circulation of said City, and such notice must designate the time and place of said sale to the City. SEC. 1 6. The Tax Collector, as soon as he has made the aforesaid publication, must file with the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, a copy of the publica- tion, with an affidavit attached thereto, that it is a true copy of the same, and that the publication was made in a newspaper, stating its name and place of publication, and the date of such appearance, which affidavit is prima facie evidence of all the facts stated therein. SEC. 17. The Tax Collector must collect, in addition to the taxes due on the delinquent list and the penalties and costs added thereto, an additional sum of two dollars on each lot, piece or tract of land separately assessed, for the use of the City. SEC. 1 8. On the day fixed for the sale, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., the Tax Collector shall sell to the City of Palo Alto, by operation of law, all property on which taxes, penalties and costs remain unpaid. SEC. 19. The Tax Collector must make out, in dupli- cate, a certificate dated the day of sale stating (when known) the name of the person assessed and a descrip- tion of the land sold, the amount due thereon, including all penalties and costs, that it was sold to the City for taxes, giving the amount and the year of the assessment, and specifying the time when the City will be entitled to a deed. The certificate must be signed by the Tax Collector, and one copy placed on file with the City Clerk- to be kept in the archives of the City, and the other filed in the office of the County Recorder. The Tax Collector must, at this time, enter in a book a description of the property sold to the City corres- ponding with the description in the certificate, the date of sale and amount paid, and regularly number the descriptions on the margin of the book and put the corresponding number on each certificate. Said book must be open to public inspection without fee during office hours when not in actual use. REVENUE 57 SEC. 20. On filing the certificate with the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, the lien of the City becomes vested in the City, and can only be divested by the payment to the City, for its use, all sums due the City against said property, as shown by the certificate ami fifty per centum thereon. A redemption of the property sold may be made by the owner or any party interested within five years from the date of purchase. Redemption must be marte in lawful money of the United States. SEC. 21. Thereafter, said property so sold to the City for delinquent taxes shall be assessed upon the assessment roll in the name of the City of Palo Alto, with the name of the party to whom it was assessed at the time of said sale to the City written thereunder ; and before said property is redeemed, as provided by section 20 above, the redemptioner shall pay, in addition to all sums hereinbefore provided, all sums due for yearly assessments of taxes against said property, and the lien of the City shall not be divested until these accumulated taxes against said property shall have been paid. SEC. 22. If the property is not redeemed, as provided by sections 20 and 21, within the time prescribed by law for such redemption, the Tax Collector must make to the City or its assignee, a deed to the property, reciting in the deed substantially the matters contained in the certificate, and that no person has redeemed the property during the time allowed for its redemption. Before said deed is made and executed, the Tax Collector shall publish a notice once in the official newspaper of said City, describing the property and stating therein the time when the right of redemption will expire, and that the City will be entitled to a deed to said property at said time unless the same is sooner redeemed. An affidavit of said publication shall be made and filed with the Clerk and shall be received in all courts as prima facie evidence that all things herein provided have been complied with and that the title to said property has become finally vested in the City. SKC. 23. The City Assessor must, on the first day of July in each year, attend at the office of the Tax Collector with the personal property list, and the Tax f-^ ,, , ,- 11 11- i Collector must then carefully compare the list with, the assessments of persons and property not marked "paid" on the assessment roll, and, when the taxes have been paid, must note the fact in the appropriate column in the assessment roll.' The City Assessor must then make Filing certificate J|j redemp- property Property to j^ ^m the cit Tax deed Inspection oi delinquent list, per- sonal proi-- erty ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Settlement Assessor Affidavit Assessor Errors in collection of taxes Double assessment Land assessed irregularly not to be sold for Misnomer of owner not to invalidate sale an affidavit to be written and subscribed in the personal property assessment list, that every person and all property assessed in the delinquent list, on which taxes have been paid, has been credited in the list with such payment. The Tax Collector must then foot up the amount of taxes remaining unpaid and credit the City Assessor with the amount, and have a final settlement with him, and the delinquent list must remain on file in the Tax Collector's office. At the time mentioned in this section, the City Assessor must make an affidavit, endorsed on the list, that the taxes not marked "paid" have not been paid, and that he has not been able to discover any property belonging to or in the possession of the persons liable to pay the same whereof to collect them. SEC. 24. Any taxes, percentage and costs, errone- ously collected, may, by order of the City Council, be refunded by the City. SEC. 25. When the Tax Collector discovers that any property has been assessed more than once for the same year, he must collect only the tax justly due, and make return of the facts under affidavit to the City Council. SEC. 26. If the Tax Collector discovers before the sale that on account of irregular assessment or any other error any land ought not to be sold, he must not offer the same for sale ; and the City Council must cause the City Assessor to enter the uncollected taxes upon the assessment roll of the next succeeding year, to be collected together with the other taxes thereon. SEC. 27. When land is sold for taxes correctly imposed as the property of a particular person, no misnomer of the owner, or other mistake relating to the ownership thereof, shall affect the sale or render it void or voidable. License taxes payable in advance ARTICLE II LICENSE TAXES SEC. i. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in his or its name, as agent, clerk or solicitor, or in any other capacity, to commence, engage in or carry on, or aid or assist in carrying on, any business, occupation or calling liable to a license tax by this article, without first paying for and taking out a proper license therefor in the manner hereinafter pro- REVENUE 59 vided, which license when procured, authorizes the party named therein, at and in the particular place stated in such license, and at no other, to transact and carry on the business, calling or occupation described in such license. A separate license must be procured and paid for each branch establishment or separate house of business located in the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 2. The amount of any license tax, viz. : from Amount the date of the commencement of any business, occupation or calling, imposed under or by virtue of any section or provision of this article, shall be deemed a debt owing to the said City of Palo Alto at the time of the commence- ment of any such business, occupation or calling requiring such license tax and payment thereof, for the collection of which an action may be maintained as in this article provided ; and on the first day of each quarter thereafter, should such business, occupation or calling be continued, the further sum and amount of and for one quarter year, or three months in advance, shall also become and be a debt due and owing said City of Palo Alto, the collection of which may be enforced as herein mentioned ana provided. SEC. 3. The Council of the City of Palo Alto shall Recovery direct suit in behalf and in the name of the City of Palo by suit Alto, as plaintiff, to be brought for the recovery of such license tax against any person, firm or corporation, required by this article to take out a license, who fails, neglects or refuses to take out such license, or who carries on or attempts to carry on, any business, occupa- tion or calling in any form or manner whatever, without such license, and in such case the Clerk of said city may make the necessary affidavit for and a writ of attachment may issue without any bond being given in behalf of the plaintiff. SEC. 4. Every person who shall commence, engage Penalty in or carry on any business, trade, profession or calling, whether as principal, agent, clerk, solicitor or otherwise, for the transaction or carrying on of which a license is required under or by virtue of any section or provision of this article, without first taking out and procuring the license prescribed by such section or provision, or who shall otherwise violate any provision of this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 5. The City Clerk shall make out and deliver 6o ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO to collect Term Tax Collector to the Tax Collector an assessment roll of all licenses for collection and enforcement. Said roll shall contain the names of all persons, firms or corporations subject to licenses herein provided, together with amounts thereof. The Tax Collector or his deputy shall collect, for the use of the City all sums due for licenses. Any errors or omissions in the assessment roll shall not invali- date sums due for licenses. SEC. 6. Licenses may be issued for the term of three, six or twelve months, and for such other terms as may be required by this article. All licenses issued for three, six or twelve months must commence at the beginning of a quarter, to wit: On the first day of July, October, January and April ; provided that when any business, occupation or calling requiring a license shall have been commenced after the commencement of the year, half year, or quarter year, then, in that case, the Tax Collector shall issue a license for only one quarter, and upon payment to the Tax Collector of the license for the second quarter thereafter, the person paying such license for said business shall receive a credit thereon for the pro rata sum required for such license for said unexpired term for which the first quarter payment was made; provided, further, that no license shall be issued to extend beyond the fiscal year for which said license is issued. SEd 7. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to have printed license blanks for the City in substan- tially the following form : Form of license blanks State of California County of Santa Clara City of Palo Alto No ; ) Palo Alto, Cal ............................ 19 ..... ...................................................... is hereby entitled to transact the business of ....................................... on ....................................... street for the term of .......................... months, from ........................ 19 ...... to ........................ 19 ...... having paid the sum of .............................. ($ ) Dollars License expires ................................................ 19 ......... IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Corporate Seal of said City. Tax Collector Deputy Tax Collector REVENUE 6 1 The license blanks shall he hound in hooks of suit- License ahle size and shall have a stub corresponding thereto, stub which shall remain in the book after issuance. On this stub shall he noted the number of the license, the date thereof, to whom issued, for what, the time when it expires and the amount paid. The Tax Collector shall, at the time of delivering Transient the license, see that the stub is properly filled out. The Tax Collector shall have the power to issue licenses to persons, firms or corporations not having an estab- lished or fixed place of business within the City of Palo Alto. Such licenses shall be stamped "Transient." The Tax Collector shall keep just and true accounts of all licenses issued, to whom, and the sums of money received therefor. SEC. 8. Every person, firm or corporation having Exhibition obtained a license under the provisions of this article of license shall keep the same exhibited in some conspicuous part of the place of business for which the same was procured ; provided, that a peddler or other person who has no fixed place of business in said City shall carry his license and must exhibit the same when so requested. And all vehicles and wagons used for peddling shall have a number displayed thereon, which number must also be written at the time of issuance by the Tax Collector on the face of the license given. No license granted or issued under any of the Not provisions of this article shall be in any manner assign- transferable able or transferable, nor shall it authorize any person, firm or corporation other than the one therein mentioned to do business. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 9. Words used in this article in the present Words in- tense include the future tense as well as the present ; elude what words used in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter; the singular includes the plural and the plural, the singular ; the word "person" includes a part- nership and a corporation as well as a natural person. SEC. 10. License must be procured as aforesaid for Rates of the business, occupation or calling hereinafter mentioned licenses on for which license payment must be made to the Tax fixed Collector of the City of Palo Alto or to his duly author- b siness ized deputy, in the following amounts, and the Tax Collector must require payment therefor as follows, to wit: 62 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Definition of peddler Amount of peddler's license Peddler Sue. A. Every person who conducts the business of peddling, or who from place to place offers to or does sell, barter or exchange anything then in his possession in said City of Palo Alto (excepting newspapers, periodi- cals and publications and excepting those who sell only to merchants and traders for resale), shall pay a license tax per quarter year of $30.00. SUB. B. Every person who, not having within said City a fixed place of business, regularly kept open, with some one in charge thereof for the transaction of the particular business engaged in during the hours custom- ary for the transaction of such business, travels from place to place and offers to or does sell, barter or ex- change anything then in his possession in said City of Palo Alto (excepting the persons and articles in this sub- division excepted) shall be deemed a peddler within the meaning of this article. P>ut this section shall not apply to persons offering for sale only fruit, vegetables or other produce raised by themselves. SUB. C. ( i ) Every person who conducts a business of peddling as defined in subdivision B (and not being within any of the exceptions of said subdivision) and maintain- ing a wagon or wagons, vehicle or vehicles for this purpose, shall pay a license tax of $30.00 per quarter year for the first wagon or vehicle so maintained for peddling and $15.00 per quarter year for each additional wagon or vehicle so maintained for peddling within said City of Palo Alto. SUB. C. (2) Any person maintaining a regular ped- dling route and engaged solely in the business of peddling food products (and not being within any of the except- ions of subdivision B above) shall pay a license tax of $10.00 per quarter. No peddler's license shall be issued for less than a quarter year. SUB. D. Every solicitor or order agent who shall solicit or take orders for sale, barter, exchange or de- livery of any goods, wares or merchandise not then in his actual possession as a peddler, (excepting newspapers, periodicals and publications and excepting those who sell only to merchants and traders for re-sale, and excepting those who have a fixed place of business in said City), shall pay a license tax of $30.00 per quarter year. No license shall issue for less than a quarter year. Delivery SUB. E. Every person, firm or corporation (outside of goods of those conducting regular places of business in said City) selling or delivering different articles of apparel, c'ry ^o- ds, fancy goods, notions, groceries, hardware, Food oroclucts Solicitors and agents REVENUE 63 tin \\are or merchandise of any class or character, to persons not regularly engaged in or carrying on such lines of business, whether by sample or otherwise, shall pay a license tax of $30.00 per quarter. No license shall issue for less than a quarter year. SUB. F. Every person, firm or corporation engaged Auction in keeping or conducting any auction store, bankrupt stores store or place of business advertised to dispose of goods, wares, or merchandise for less than original cost, or selling bankrupt stock, shall pay a license tax of $200 per quarter. No license shall be issued for less than one quarter year. SUB. G. Every person, firm or corporation, agent or Laundry solicitor who maintains a laundry route, either for r utes himself or for others, or who shall solicit or take orders for the washing, cleaning, dyeing or cleansing of articles for hire, or who shall accept or receive articles to be washed or dyed or cleaned for hire, or who conducts or carries on a laundry business as an agent, solicitor, representative or employee, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 per quarter, unless the master or principal has paid said license tax ; and it shall be unlawful to carry on or solicit for such laundry business until such tax has been paid. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall apply to any person, firm or corporation having a regular established laundry business, maintained and operated in said City, which has been inspected from time to time by the health officer under the rules and regu- lations of the Board of Public Safety, and which has received a permit from the Board of Public Safety to carry on and conduct such business. No license shall be issued for less than a quarter year. SUB. H. Every person who collects, purchases or Junk barters for old junk and second-hand articles shall pay a dealers license tax of $2.00 per quarter year. SUB. I. Each person engaged in any of the following Miscell- businesses, occupations or callings shall pay a license tax aneous as follows: occupations Each sewing machine agent, $5.00 per quarter year. Each agent for pianos or organs, $10.00 per quarter year. Each book agent, $5.00 per quarter year. Each person selling goods, wares or merchandise on the street, $5.00 per quarter year. Each bill poster, $2.50 per quarter year. Each person organizing or endeavoring to organize a watch club, suit club, jeweler's club or similar scheme, $10.00 per quarter year. 6 4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I'AU) A I /IT) Billiard and pool tables Nine-pin and bowling alleys Menagerie, circus, etc. Trick rope performer Shooting gallery Merry-go- round Fortune teller Exhibition or performance Each street musician, $1.00 per quarter year. Each patent medicine vendor, $50.00 per day. Each auctioneer making a sale in said City, $5.00 per day. Sale of tobacco in any form, $1.00 per quarter year. SUB. J. Every proprietor or keeper of a billiard, bagatelle or pool table contained in a public or billiard hall shall pay a license tax of $2.00 per quarter year for each table. SUB. K. The proprietor, manager or lessee of each nine- or ten-pin alley, bowling or box alley shall pay a license tax of $2.50 per quarter year for each alley. SUB. L. The proprietor or manager of each men- agerie, circus or collection of animals shall pay a license tax of $50.00 per day and $3.00 additional for each side show or exhibition for which an entrance fee is charged, except that a license tax of $5.00 for each performance shall be collected for each show of trick horses, cats, monkeys or other domestic animals only. SUB. M. The proprietor or manager of any tight rope or wire rope performance, panorama, show of figures or sleight of hand, exhibited for gain or reward, shall pay a license tax of $3.00 for each performance. SUB. N. The proprietor or manager of each shooting gallery shall pay a license tax of $3.00 per quarter year. SUB. O. The proprietor, manager or lessee of flying horses, so-called, or merry-go-round shall pay a license tax for each ring or set of $5.00 for each day or portion of a clay in which they are run ; or if a license is granted for a month, a license tax of $25.00 shall be paid in advance by such owner, manager or lessee. SUB. P. Every astrologer, fortune teller, medium, clairvoyant, or mind reader, doing business in the City of Palo Alto, whether in connection with other exhibitions or performances for which a license has been paid or separately, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 per quarter year. SUB. Q. For each exhibition or performance for which an admission fee is charged, for any theatrical performance, or any performance given by minstrel, or opera or concert singers, for any acrobatic performance or show or exhibition of animal or animals, figures, jugg- lers, necromancers, magicians, wire or rope dancing, sleight of hand exhibitions, or any other performance or entertainment for which an admission fee is charged, a license tax of $2.00 shall be paid by the owner, manager or lessee thereof ; provided, that this subdivision shall not be construed to require any license to be paid for any REVENUE 65 church or school socials or entertainments given for benevolent purposes. Si'B. R. The proprietor, manager or lessee of a skat- Skatin- ing rink so-called, including all exhibitions or perform- rinl < ances in connection therewith, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 per quarter year. SUB. S. The proprietor, manager or lessee of a Theatre theatre or moving picture show having a fixed place of c business and giving exhibitions or performances for which plc an admission fee is charged, shall pay a license tax of $10.00 per quarter year. SKC. ii. When any person, firm or corporation fails Penalty to pay a license tax herein provided for during the quarter for which the same is due, it shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to publish a notice that said license tax is delinquent, by one insertion in the official news- paper, and that a penalty of 25 per cent shall be added to the amount thereof unless the said license tax is paid to the City within ten days after such publication, together with the cost of the publication. PART III POLICE REGULATIONS Imprison- ment in County Jail ARTICLE I VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES AND IMPRISON- MENT SEC. i. Any person violating any ordinance, or part of any ordinance, of the City of Palo Alto, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or by both fine and imprisonment. SEC. 2. Any person sentenced to imprisonment for the violation of an ordinance of the City of Palo Alto may be imprisoned in the county jail of Santa Clara County and the expense of such imprisonment shall be a charge in favor of said County of Santa Clara, and against the City of Palo Alto. Disturbing assemblages Prohibition of Vulgar language Noise Offensive conduct Fighting Indecent exposure Using weapons ARTICLE II PUBLIC PEACE AND ORDER SEC. i. No person shall wilfully disturb any lawful assemblage or procession of persons by noise, profanity, or by rude, obnoxious or indecent conduct, or in any other manner whatsoever. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful upon any street or in any public place : (a) To use vulgar, profane or indecent language; (b) To make any loud or unusual noise ; (c) To be guilty of tumultuous or offensive conduct; (d) To fight, quarrel or challenge to fight; (e) To make any indecent exposure of the person; (f) To draw or exhibit any deadly or other weapon in a rude, angry or threatening manner, and not in POLICE REGULATIONS 67 necessary self defense, or in any manner to use the same unlawfully in any fight or quarrel ; (g) For any person not a public officer to wear or Concealed carry concealed any pistol, dirk, or other dangerous weapons weapon ; (h) To make use of, or have in his possession any Knuckles slung shot, or metal knuckles, or any other instrument of a similar character. SKC. 3. It shall be unlawful : Begging (a) To beg or solicit alms from house to house or (a) from upon any street or sidewalk, or in any other public place ; house to (b) To camp, lodge or tarry over night in any vacant house lot or in any place where hay or straw is stored, or in Camping in any building unless the permission of the owner or vacant lots occupant of the premises first be obtained ; (c) For any person not having visible means of Loitering support to wander about the streets or loiter around ( street corners or public parks or public streets or other places in said City. SEC. 4. No person shall be upon any public high- Drunkenness way, or in any public place, in a state of drunkenness or be on any private premises or in any private house in a state of drunkenness to the annoyance of any other person. SEC. 5. Every person who shall violate any of the Penalty provisions of this article srjall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE III GUNS AND EXPLOSIVES SKC. i. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful' Discharging for any person or persons, \vithri the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto, to discharge any cannon, anvil or firearm of any kind or description, fire-cracker, bomb nr fireworks of any Hnd, character or description, with- out a permit, in writing, granted by the Board of Public Safety upon written application ; to discharge any pistol, firearm, air gun, musket gun, or any instrument of any kind, character or description, which throws or projects bullets or missiles of any kind, to any distance, by means of the elastic force of air, or any explosive substance : to 68 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Shooting jrallery Penalty make, use, or have in his possession, any slingshot, or other instrument or device by which missiles of any kind or description are hurled or projected, or in any manner use the same to the danger or annoyance of any person or injury to property. Si-:c. 2. Nothing in this article shall be construed so as to prohibit any person from shooting in any licensed shooting-gallery. SEC. 3. Any person violating any provision of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ; and, if default be made in the payment of such fine imposed, or any part thereof, then he may be imprisoned one day f r each two dollars of such fine remaining unpaid. Unlawful places Unlawful to sell, deliver or solicit Clttb rooms Medicinal, etc. ARTICLE IV ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS SEC. i. It shall be unlawful for an^ person or persons, firm, corporation, club or association or member of such club or association to establish, carry on, keep or maintain a place where spirituous, vinous, malt, or intoxicating liquors or any admixture thereof or any alcoholic drinks whatsoever are sold, kept for sale, offered for sale, furnished, distributed, divided, delivered or given away. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, employer, agent, servant, clerk or employee, to sell or deliver any of the liquors herein mentioned, or to solicit the sale of or take orders for the same within the limits of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to keep or maintain, by himself or b^ associating or combining with others, or in any manner to aid, assist or abet in keeping or maintaining any club room or other place within the City of Palo Alto, in which any intoxicating liquors are kept for the purpose of gift, barter or sale, or for distribution among members of any club or association. SEC. 4. Nothing in this article shall be held or construed to prohibit the sale or use of alcoholic liquor for medicinal purposes by a regularly licensed druggist upon the prescription of a physician entitled to practice iredicine under the laws of the State of California ; provided, however, said prescription shall not be refilled. POLICE KKi.ULATIOXS 69 Xor shall anything in this article be held or construed t<> prohibit the sale or use of alcoholic liquor for indus- trial, sacrament'd or scientific purposes. SEC. 5. Any violation of the foregoing provisions Penalty in this article shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City jail for a period of not more than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE V GAMBLING SEC. i. It shall be unlawful for any person or Gambling persons to deal, play, carry on, open, conduct, or cause unlawful to be opened or conducted, as owner or employe, whether for hire or not, or to play at or bet at or against any game of billiards or pool, or any other game played with billiard balls, or any game played with dice, cards, or other device, for money, chips, checks, credits, drinks, or other representative of value. It shall be unlawful for any person to act as lookout, door-keeper, or game- keeper for any such game played for money, checks, chips, credits, drinks, or any representative of value. Any building, room, lot, or other place, used or occupied for the purpose of gambling or playing or carrying on any of the games herein prohibited for money, checks, credits, drinks, or other representative of value, shall be deemed a disorderly house; and it shall be unlawful for any person to resort to, visit, enter, or be in any room or place where any such game is being played. SKC. 2. All places to which the public resort for Games of the lawful playing of the games in this article mentioned Amusement; in, 11- 1 11 r* 1 now conauct- sliall be conducted in a quiet and orderly manner. Said ed gaires shall be carried on in a single room in plain view of all persons and shall have an entrance or exit opening upon the public street, and if any beverages permissible by law are sold or consumed in such place, they must be sold and consumed in plain view of all persons, unob- structed by screens, blinds, stained windows, or other device. The owner or person in charge of said place shall not allow or permit any obscene or indecent language, or obscene or impure decorations, inscriptions, placards, pictures, or any such thing in such place. Such place shall not be open, nor shall games be played therein ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Minors forbidden to play or loiter around or be employed Duties of owners, agents or managers License revoked Enforcement Witnesses earlier than five a.m. nor later than eleven p.m. of any day. SEC. 3. No minor person under the age of 18 years shall patronize or play any game of billiards or pool or bowl in any public hall in the City of Palo Alto without the written consent of parent or guardian of said minor so to do. SEC. 4. No minor person under the age of 18 years shall loiter around or in, or frequent or remain in, any billiard hall or bowling alley in said City where the public play games for amusement, without the written consent of parent or guardian of said minor so to do. SEC. 5. No minor person under the age of 18 years shall be employed by the owners, or manager or agent of any billiard hall or bowling alley in said City, to work in said billiard hall or bowling alley, without the written consent of parent or guardian of said minor so to do. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any owner, manager or agent or person having possession or charge or control of any billiard hall or bowling alley in said City, to permit any minor under the age of 18 years to play any garre of billiards or pool or bowl therein, or permit any such minor to remain or loiter around or in, or to employ any minor to work in said billiard hall or bowling alley without the written consent of the parent or guardian of said minor so to do. SEC. 7. In addition to the penalties hereinafter provided, the license of any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance may be revoked 1 y order of the Council, and thereafter said person, firm or corporation shall not be entitled to a license without the consent of the Council. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the police officers to enforce this article, and to seize and safely keep all chips, checks, cards, boxes, tables, boards, dice, balls, cues, and all other articles and devices used in or pertaining to the gaires herein prohibited, and to produce the same in court as evidence, and the same shall be retained until the final disposition of any case prosecuted under this article in which said articles may be used in evidence, and the same shall not be released except on order of the Court, after trial or disposition of any case in which the same may be used in evidence ; the same may then be returned to the owner thereof on order of the Court. SEC. 9. No person being duly subpoenaed as a witness by and giving testimony for or on behalf of the prosecution in any proceeding under this article, shall POLICE REGULATIONS Jl 1 e afterwards prosecuted for any offense concerning which he testified, or any other offense under this aiticle committed by him prior to the giving of such testimony. SEC. 10. Any person violating any provision of Penalty this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two days nor more* than ninety days, or by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE VI NICKEL IN SLOT SEC. i. The maintenance or use, within the corpor- Use of slot ate limits of the City of Palo Alto, of all machines or machines apparatus of any kind or description is hereby prohibited, l in which, on deposit of a five-cent piece, or any other piece of money or article representing money, within, or in connection with said machine or apparatus, certain cards or combinations of cards are exposed, or certain tickets, checks, numbers, names, or marks or combina- tions thereof, are exposed or ejected from said machine or apparatus, whereby the player or person operating the machine or apparatus, or any other person, is entitled to receive money or any other service or con- sideration, upon the chance of the said machine or apparatus exposing or ejecting certain cards, figures, tickets, checks, numbers, names, marks or combinations thereof. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or i n connection corporation within the corporate limits of the City of with any Palo Alto to maintain or use in a place of business or in business connection therewith any nickel-in-the-slot machine, or similar machine as described in section I hereof, or dice, or allow or permit any person to play or operate any such machine or throw dice in any manner or form, in any place of business conducted by or under the charge or control of said person, firm or corporation, when said dice is used in connection with said business. SEC. 3. The license granted to any person, firm License or corporation to conduct business may be revoked by the revoked Council if any nickel-in-the-slot machine or similar machine or device or dice is used in connection with said business in any manner. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Possession of slot machine, dice, etc., for chance unlawful Penalty SEC. 4. Every person who has in his possession or under his control, either as owner, lessee, agent, em- ployee, mortgagee, or otherwise, or who permits to be placed, maintained or kept, in any room, space, enclosure or building owned, leased or occupied by him, or under his management or control, any slot or card machine, contrivance, appliance or mechanical device, upon the result of action of which money or other valuable thing is staked or hazarded, and which is operated, or played, by placing or depositing therein any coins, checks, slugs, balls, or other articles or device, or in any other manner and by means whereof, or as a result of the operation of which any merchandise, money, representative of articles of value, checks, or tokens redeemable in or exchangeable for money or any other thing of value, is won or lost, or taken from or obtained from such machine, when the result of action or operation of such machine, contrivance, appliance or mechanical device is dependent upon hazard or chance is guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 5. Every person who has in his possession or under his control, either as owner, lessee, agent, employee, mortgagee, or otherwise or who permits to be placed, maintained or kept, in any room, space, enclosure, or building, owned, leased or occupied by him, or under his management or control, any card dice, or any dice, upon the result of action of which any money or other valuable thing is staked or hazarded, or as a result of the operation of which any merchandise, money, representative of article of value, check or token, redeem- able in or exchangeable for money or any other thing of value, is won or lost or taken, when the result of action or operation of such dice is dependent upon hazard or chance, is guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 6. Any person violating any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two days nor more than ninety days, or by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Public pound ARTICLE YTT ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE SKC. I. A public pound is hereby authorize;! and established, which pound shall be located at a place to POLICE REGUr.ATrn.NS 73 1 e designated from time to time by the Hoard of Public Safety. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Safety to take up, seize and impound all horses, mules, asses, goats, cows, bulls, calves, sheep, swine, untagged dogs, other domestic animals or fowls, or any of such animals or fowls, found running at large or estrayed, or herded in charge of any person, or staked, or in any iranner grazing or being grazed or fed, upon any public street, way, sidewalk, square, park or place in said City, or any of said animals which is upon or being led or driven upon any sidewalk in said .City. SEC. 3. Any animal or fowl found trespassing upon any private property in said City may be taken up by any person and committed to the custody of the Board of Public Safety, who shall hold the same subject to reasonable demands for actual damage done by said animal or fowl in addition to the fees prescribed herein ; and it shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper, after receiving written notice that an animal or fowl is tres- passing upon any private property, to allow or permit said animal or fowl to continue to trespass. SEC. 4. The Board of Public Safety shall keep a true and faithful record of the number and description of all animals taken into its custody, with the date of their receipt and the date and manner of their disposal, with the fees and charges collected on account of said animals and the disposition thereof. Said record shall be kept by the Board of Public Safety in a book or books pro- vided for that purpose, which shall be the record book or books of said Board for this purpose and shall not be removed therefrom. Said Board shall also keep conspicuously posted at the entrance of the pound a list of all animals therein detained. Said Board shall also provide necessary subsistence for all animals while in its custody. SEC. 5. All animals, except dogs, taken into the custody of the Board of Public Safety, if not reclaimed within two (2) days thereafter, shall be advertised in the official paper of the City as follows : Horses, cows, bulls, oxen, mules or asses for seven (7) days; all other animals five (5) days; Provided, that swine, sheep, lambs and goats, dogs and other small animals or fowls, may be advertised by written notice conspicuously posted on the pound gate, and on the bulletin board at the City Hall for five (5) days. Said notice shall describe the animals impounded and give time and place of sale. Animals to be impounded Animals trespassing on lots Board of Public Safety to keep record Animals to be advertised Proviso 74 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Balance of proceeds Redemption Unlicensed dogs not to run at large on streets Li cense SEC. 6. At the time specified in and after said advertisement, as provided in Section 4 of this article, or at any postponement thereof, the Board of Public Safety shall sell for cash all animals so advertised, and out of the proceeds of the sale thereof shall pay their proper fees and charges and all reasonable and proper demands made under the provisions of Section 3 of this article. Any balance from the proceeds of a sale of any animal remaining after the payment of such fees, charges and demands, shall be paid into the City Treasury for the use of the owner of such animal, if claimed within six (6) months thereafter; if not, the same shall be turned into the general fund of such Treasury. SEC. 7. The owner or person entitled to the control of any animal impounded, may, at any time before the sale or other disposition thereof, redeem the same by paying to the City all proper fees and charges thereon made by virtue of any of the provisions of this article. SEC. 8. No person owning or having possession of any dog shall suffer or permit the same to be upon any public street of the City without being held or led by a cord, chain or other thing, or confined in a vehicle, unless such dog has around its neck such a collar as is in this article provided, having attached thereto such a metallic plate or tag with such inscriptions thereon as are in this article p'ovi 'ed, nor unless a license tax for the then current year has been paid as herein stated ; provided that any dog taken up by the Board of Public Safety shall be released without charge upon its being shown that such dog does not belong in the City and is not kept or harbored here and that it has not been within the City limits for more than twenty-four hours continuously next preceding the time when it was taken up. SEC. 9. An animal license of two dollars shall be raid on every male dog, and of four dollars on every female dog, over six (6) months old, owned or harbored* in said City. Every person owning or harboring any dog in said City shall pay such license tax therefor, which shall be paid in advance, on or before the first day of July of each year. Licenses herein provided for shall be s'gned by the City Clerk and the Auditor, and issued in the same manner as licenses are or may hereafter be issued for doing business for which a license tax is or may be required, and the money collected for such license shall be paid into the General Fund of the City. The license shall be numbered by the Clerk. SEC. 10. Every dog over six months old, not having POLICE REGULATIONS 75 on such collar and tag, found or being in any public street of said City, and not being held or led by a cord, chain or other thing, nor confined in any vehicle, shall be taken by the Board of Public Safety to and impounded in the public pound, where it may be redeemed by the owner or person theretofore entitled to the possession of it within five days thereafter, on payment t to the City of two dollars ; but if not so redeemed such dog shall be killed and buried by the Board of Public Safety ; provided, that the said Board is authorized to keep valuable dogs and sell them, and its receipt for the sale thereof, en- dorsed by the City Clerk, shall be a valid title to the purchaser. If a license tax has not been paid for the then current year, for any impounded dog, the party redeeming must, before redemption, pay such license tax ; provided, that in case of loss of tag, a duplicate of the same may be obtained from the Board of Public Safety as provided in Section 13 and on presenting said duplicate tag, the owner of said impounded dog shall be entitled to the possession of the same on payment to the City of the sum of fifty cents and costs. Whenever a dog is redeemed, the party redeeming must give to the Board of Public Safety duplicate receipts for the same., o^e of which shall be delivered by said Board with its monthly report to the City Clerk. The Board of Public Safety must give to any person redeeming a dog, a receipt for the redemption money. In case it is satisfactorily proven to the Board of Public Safety that a license tax for the then current year has been paid upon any dog so impounded, said dog shall be released upon the payment of a fee of fifty cents and costs. SEC. ii. A female dog in heat running at large upon the public streets is hereby declared a public nuisance, and the Board of Public Safety is hereby directed to abate all such nuisances as soon as reported by impounding such dog if she can be caught, and shoot- ing the same if she evade capture. This shall apply to all female dogs whether licensed or not. SEC. 12. It shall be, and is hereby made, unlawful for any person to keep or maintain more than one (i) female dog at any place within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 13. It shall he, and is hereby made unlawful for any person to carry on and conduct a dog fancier's bus : ness within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 14. The Board of Public Safety is hereby Unlicensed does to be impounded Female dogs Number of female dogs to be kept at any one place Dog fancier's business 7 6 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Dog collars Tags Duplicate tags Board of Public Safety to make report Care of impounded dogs Bull or jack Badge of officers Interference with officials require:! to procure, at the expense of the City, metallic plates or tags having thereon the number of the license and figures indicating the year for which the tax has been paid, and shall register, in a book to be kept for that purpose, the name of the owner or possessor and a description of the dog for which the license is issued, and the number of the license, and shall deliver such tag, having thereon the number of the license, to the person paying for such license. The cost of such plates or tags shall not exceed twenty-five cents each, unless the Council shall authorize a larger expenditure. SEC. 15. Every registered dog shall be provided by the owner or possessor of such dog with a collar at least three-fourths of an inch in width, and have attached to such collar such a metallic plate or tag having such inscription thereon as is specified in Section 14. SEC. 1 6. Whenever a tag, issued for the then current year by the Board of Public Safety, has been stolen or lost, the owner or possessor of the dog for \vhich the same was issued, may, on the payment of twenty cents to the said Board, and on making and subscribing to an affidavit of such loss, and filing the same with the said Board, receive from the said Board a duplicate tag for the remaining portion of the then current year. SEC. 17. The Board of Public Safety shall make a true and correct report to the Council on the first Mon- day of each month, of the number of dogs impounded during the preceding month, and of the disposition made of them, and of the number redeemed and by whom redeemed, and of the amount of money received for redemption of dogs. SEC. 1 8. The Board of Public Safety shall feed one ( i ) pound of meat each day to each dog impounded, at a cost net exceeding five cents per day. It shall also pro- vide sufficient water for all dogs impounded, and food and water for all other animals impounded. SEC. 19. It shall be and it is hereby made unlawful for any person to keep or maintain a bull or jack at any place within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 20. Officers appointed by the Board of Public Safety shall each wear, while engaged in the discharge of their duties, a plain badge designating their office, except that so long as the policemen act as poundmaster their badge as policemen shall be sufficient. SEC. 21. No person shall resist or interfere with any official of the Board of Public Safety in the discharge of his official duties. POLICE REGULATIONS 77 SEC. 22. It shall be unlawful for the owner or owners, or person or persons having the control of any animal mentioned in Section 2 of this article, except the owner or owners or person or persons having the control of such horses or mules, or asses, or oxen, harnessed or saddled, and at the same time in actual custody of some person or persons, and of licensed dogs, to permit or allow the animals or any of them not men- tioned in said exception to run at large or to be found grazing, or being grazed or herded, or in charge of any person or persons upon any public street or square, or public ground, or place, or court, or alley, or sidewalk in the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 23. No sheep, cattle, horses or other stock shall be herded or corralled within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto within five hundred (500) feet of any residence. SEC. 24. No person or persons shall tie any animal or animals to any shrub or tree growing upon or along any of the sidewalks or streets of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 25. All cows and horses within the City of Palo Alto, when not in use, must be kept inside of enclosures at night and no person shall stake or tie or leave staked or tied during the night time any cow or horse in an open lot in the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 26. . The Board of Public Safety shall, within twenty-four hours after the impounding of any animal or animals, cause to be delivered to the owner or keeper of the same, if a resident of said City and if known to said Board, or cause to be left at the place of business or residence of any such person if in said City, a written notice that such animal has been impounded and with a description of the animal or animals impounded and date of impounding. If the owner or keeper of said animal or animals is not known to the Board of Public Safety, or is not a resident of said City, the Board of Public Safety shall, within said period of twenty-four hours, post up a like notice on the bulletin board at the City Hall. If said owner or keeper is not a resident of said City and his place of residence or of business is known to the Board of Public Safety, it shall, within said period of twenty-four hours, send him a like notice by mail. SEC. 27. The Board of Public Safety shall be en- titled to charge and receive for services in impounding animals the following rates : ( i ) For every horse, mule, ass, bull, ox, cow or calf, the sum of two dollars and also fifty cents per day or a fraction of a day for keeping Unlawful to allow animals to run at large Herding Tying horses to trees Cows and horses to be kept in enclo- sure at night Notice to owners of animals impounded Fees for im- pounding and publishing notice ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Sale of animals impounded Reclaiming animals Removal of dead animals Escaping animals Penalty each of said animals, to be paid by the owner thereof; (2) For every sheep, goat, or hog impounded, the sum of fifty cents and twenty-five cents per day or fraction of a day for keeping each of said animals, to be paid by the owner thereof; (3) For posting notice of animals impounded other than the notice posted at the pound, the sum of one dollar for each notice; (4) For publishing notices, the sum of fifty cents for each notice, in addition to the actual cost of publication ; ( 5 ) For conducting sales, the sum of one dollar for each animal sold; (6) For impounding any unlicensed dog the sum of two dollars; (7) For impounding any licensed but untagged dog, the sum of fifty cents; (8) For feeding dogs, at the rate of five cents per day each, to be paid by the owner. All of said sums shall be deposited with the City Auditor, to be placed in the Police Incidental Fund of the Board of Public Safety. SEC. 28. If sale is not made by the Board of Public Safety at the time stated in its published or posted notice, the sale may be postponed from day to day until the animals offered are sold. Notice of such postpone- ment shall be given in the same manner as provided for the original notice of sale. SEC. 29. Any animal may be reclaimed by the owner or person entitled to its control before the sale thereof, by paying all fees and charges that have been incurred or accrued up to the time of reclamation, and any such animal may be reclaimed after having been taken up by the Board of Public Safety and before it has been placed in the pound by paying the same fee that the said Board would be entitled to if the animal were actually im- pounded. SEC. 30. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Safety to remove from any public street, square, public ground, place, court, alley or sidewalk, any animal or fowl found c'ead thereon, the cost of the removal to be paid by the owner thereof. SEC. 31. The Board of Public Safety may retake any animal directly or indirectly conveyed or delivered out of the pound without lawful authority, and again im- pound and retain the same, and proceed as heretofore, proceeding in the saire manner as if said animal had never been released from the pound. SEC. 32. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding three hundred doHars. or by POLICE REGULATIONS 79 imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE VIII OBSTRUCTIONS ON STREETS AND SIDE- WALKS SEC. i. No owner or driver of a hack, automobile, Hacks omnibus, coach, hackney coach, carriage, carry-all, truck carry -alls and or job- wagon shall allow such vehicle to stand in front s t an di^ a g g "n of any house or place of business longer than is neces- streets sary to take in or discharge passengers or freight, with- out first obtaining the written consent of the owner or occupant of such house or place of business ; and no such vehicle shall be left standing upon any street crossing or within ten feet thereof, or in such a manner that any part of said vehicle shall be at a greater distance than nine feet from the curb line of the sidewalk nearest there- to. Wood and hay wagons shall not be allowed to stand on any street for the purpose of selling wood or hay therefrom, or for any other purpose, except when load- ing or unloading. No vehicle shall be allowed to stand upon any part of the Circle formed by the intersection of Alma street and University avenue and the extension- thereof, and drivers of such vehicles on the Cirlce shall 1 e subject to the orders of the Chief of Police and his deputies. SEC. 2. No person owning or occupying any Displaying premises fronting on a public street shall place any goods, goods on wares or merchandise, for the purpose of exhibition, dis- play or advertisement, on any portion of the sidewalk in front of said premises, nor suffer any such goods, wares or merchandise to remain thereon, nor suspend any goods, wares or merchandise, or any advertising banner or device over any portion thereof. No person shall place any crates, cases, barrels or boxes on the sidewalk, nor suffer anything to remain thereon in front of premises occupied by him which will in any manner restrict the public use thereof. No business sign, both ends of which are attached to any building, shall project more than eighteen inches over the inner line of any sidewalk, nor shall any such sign be placed at a less distance than ten feet above the sidewalk. No flag, canvas, banner, nor any advertising device of any description whatever shall 8o ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Awnings Horses standing unhitched Restrictions Fast driving Games Obstructing sidewalk Crowding Lounging public squares Driving animals be stretched across any street or sidewalk without the permission of the Street Superintendent given in writing. SEC. 3. All awnings extending over the sidewalk in front of any building must be suspended or placed upon iron or wooden stays, fastened to said building, and shall not extend beyond the outer or curb-line of the sidewalk, and the said awning must be so constructed as to pre- vent either accident or injury to pedestrians; and no person shall, in front of his premises, permit, for any length of time whatever, the lower edge of any drop awning to remain suspended at an altitude less than seven feet from the sidewalk. SEC. 4. No person shall leave standing in any of the streets, alleys or highways of this City any horse or work animal attached or hitched to any wagon, cart, carriage, buggy or other vehicle, unless attended by some person of suitable age and discretion (who shall occupy a ?eat in the vehicle and hold the reins, or shall stand at the head of the animal or animals) or hitched in a good and substantial manner. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons carrying on the business or occupation of selling and furnishing regularly to the citizens of said City, meats, vegetables, bread, ice, milk, groceries or other goods, while actually engaged in the delivery thereof. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person : 1. To ride or drive any animal within the limits of the City at a rate of speed sufficient to endanger the public safety. 2. To play any game of football, town-ball or base- ball upon any street or public square of the City, or to engage in any sport or exercise tending to frighten horses or to annoy persons passing upon the street or being upon adjacent premises. 3. To stand in front of any theatre, public hall, church or other place then being used as a place of public resort, after being requested to move on by the police or the person in control of such place of public resort. 4. To stand in a crowd of two or more persons so as to obstruct the free passage of any part of a street or sidewalk, after being requested to move on by the police. 5. To lie upon any of the benches, or upon the grass plots, or pluck flowers from any grass plot or flower bed in any of the public squares or parks in the City. 6. To lead, drive, ride or hitch any horse or mule upon a sidewalk or in any public square within the City or to lead or cause to be led or driven along any street of the City any band of sheep, goats, cattle, hogs or POLICE REGULATIONS 81 horses exceeding five (5) in number, without a written permit from the Chief of Police designating the route to be traveled. 7. To discharge mucus from the nose or mouth or spit upon any sidewalk of any public street or highway or upon any part of any public building, stage, street car or other vehicle used for the transportation of the public. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful to remove, break, ex- tinguish or injure any light maintained for street lighting or as a warning signal of any dangerous place in the roadway or sidewalk of the street. SEC. 7. No person shall deface, destroy or remove any street sign placed to indicate the name of any street. SEC. 8. Any person by whom, or under whose immediate direction, or by whose immediate authority as principal, or as contractor, or employer, any portion of a public street may be made dangerous, shall: (1) Erect, and, so long as the danger continues, n aintain around the portion of the street or highway so made dangerous, a good and substantial barrier. (2) Cause to be maintained during every night, from sunset until sunrise, a lighted lantern on that portion of the street or crossing so made dangerous. SEC. 9. No person shall destroy, injure or remove any monument erected or placed by the City Engineer; provided, if it shall become necessary for any person, in pursuit of any lawful purpose, to have any such monu- ment removed, notice of such necessity must be given to such City Engineer, who shall proceed forthwith, at the cost of the person requiring such removal, to remove such monument, and replace the same in its original position as soon as the object shall be attained for which the removal shall have been made. SEC. ID. It shall be unlawful to post, stick, stamp, paint or otherwise affix, or cause to be done by another, any notice, placard, bill, poster or advertisement, to or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, curbing, hydrant, shade tree or tree box, fence, enclosure or building, or upon any telegraph, telephone, electric lighting or electric railway pole, without first obtaining the permission of the owner, agent or occupant thereof; or to distribute or cause to be distributed or thrown upon any street, square or sidewalk, or upon any private premises any handbill, dodger, circular or other advertisement. SEC. ii. No person or persons shall throw, deposit or leave upon any yard, doorstep or porch, within the cor- porate limits of the City of Palo Alto, any patent medicine or medicines, drugs or medicine of any des- cription. Spitting on sidewalk Injuring street lights Removing or defacing street signs Barriers and lights where work is being done Removal of street monuments Posting handbills Throwing dodgers Patent medi- cine, drugs, etc., left in yards, etc. 82 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Declared to be a nuisance Business stands on sidewalks Carrying baskets on sidewalk Garbage and street sweepings Street and sidewalk obstructions Breaking up streets SEC. 12. The commission of any act prohibited by Section n is hereby declared to be dangerous to public health and shall be deemed a nuisance. SEC. 13. No person shall place, erect, or maintain any business stand or other obstruction on any portion of any street or sidewalk of the City. Provided, however, that the Street Superintendent may issue permits grant- ing such privileges for special occasions. SEC. 14. No person upon any sidewalk shall carry a basket or baskets, bag or bags, suspended from or attached to a pole upon or across the shoulder, and no person upon any sidewalk shall carry, so as to be offensive to pedestrians, any rubbish, garbage or -filth. SEC. 15. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any sw r eepings from shops or stores, or any paper, feathers, straw, broken glass, crockery or rubbish, garb- age, manure, or debris of any description from dwelling houses or places of business upon any public street, lane, alley or public place, or in the creeks of said City, or to sweep any of the rubbish above mentioned into the gutterways of said City. SEC. 1 6. No person shall place or cause to be placed anywhere, upon any public way, street or sidewalk, and no person owning, occupying or having control of any premises shall suffer to remain in front thereof, upon the sidewalk of the street or way next to such premises, anything which shall obstruct the free passage of any portion of such street or sidewalk for more than one hour at a time. This Section shall not apply to : Goods or merchandise in actual course of receipt, delivery or removal; Lamp posts or hydrants erected by permission of the Board of Public Works ; Ornamental trees planted along the outer line of the sidewalk and within the curb, and barriers for the pro- tection of the same; Water troughs placed by permission of the Board of Public Works upon sidewalks for the accommodation of the public; Materials used in the construction or repair of any building during the existence of a written permit issued by the Superintendent of Streets. SEC. 17. No person shall dig up, remove, displace, break, or otherwise injure or destroy any public street, highway or sidewalk of the City of Palo Alto without permission of the Board of Public Works of said City. SEC. 1 8. No person, firm or corporation obtaining POLICE REGULATIONS 83 a ],enrit in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 Removal of to remove any dirt or material composing the roadway dirt from of any street of said City, shall dig up and remove such ' dirt or material out of the City or upon private property without further permission from the Board of Public Works. Sic. 19. It shall be unlawful for any person to fill Condition of any lot with dirt or material and allow or permit the lots surface of the same to remain unlevel. SKC. 20. No person shall lead, drive or hitch or Horses and ride any horse or mule upon any sidewalk within the ^ewTlks 11 City of Palo Alto, or drive or propel any wagon, buggy, cart or automobile upon or over any sidewalk of said City, except where proper crossings are provided for such vehicles. SKC. 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to Bicycles on ride any bicycle or tricycle upon the sidewalks of the City sidewalks of Palo Alto during the months of May, June, July, August, September and October, except as hereinafter provided. SKC. 22. It shall be unlawful for any person to Dismounting ride any bicyjle or tricycle upon any sidewalks of the City of Palo Alto during the months of November, December, January, February, March and April unless the rider in every case dismount completely before meet- ing or overtaking any pedestrian and remain dismounted until he or she shall have passed such pedestrian. SEC. 23. It shall be unlawful for any person at any Riding time to ride upon any sidewalk along any improved and after dark accepted street of the City of Palo Alto, or to ride upon any sidewalk of said City after dark. SEC. 24. It shall be lawful, however, for the police Exceptions officers of the City of Palo Alto and the United States mail carriers, when on duty, and newspaper carriers when on regular routes to ride bicycles upon any of the sidewalks of the City of Palo Alto on streets which are unimproved; provided, that said officer, mail carrier or newspaper carrier slow up and pass to the right when meeting or passing a pedestrian. SEC. 25. It is hereby declared unlawful for any Roller person to skate with roller skates or propel any coaster- skates and brake wagons or vehicles upon and along any sidewalk in coasters the following limits: Commencing at a point which would be on the center line of the intersection of University avenue and Alma street, and running thence northerly along the center line of University avenue to a point of intersection of said University avenue with Waverly street, and ex- 8 4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO tending back a depth of two hundred feet on either side of University avenue, from the property line, including two hundred feet on either side of Alma, High, Emerson, Ramona and Bryant streets from University avenue. Seizure of SEC. 26. Police officers may seize and hold the bicycles, etc. bicycle, tricycle, roller skates, coaster-brake wagon or vehicle belonging to any person violating the provisions of this article, for a period of time not exceeding thirty days. Penalty SEC. 27. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE IX REMOVAL OF GRASS, WEEDS AND POISON" OAK AND TRIMMING OF TREES AND HEDGES Grass, weeds, or poison oak Trees and hedges Require- ments Failure to comoly SEC. i. No person owning or occupying any build- ing, lot or premises fronting upon any street or sidewalk shall suffer, allow or permit to remain upon said side- walk or upon said street between said building, lot or premises and the center line of said street any grass, weeds or poison oak. ' SEC. 2. Any owner or occupant of a building, lot or premises shall keep all sidewalk trees and hedges properly trimmed in such a manner that the same shall not interfere with the free use of sidewalks. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for the owner, agent, lessee or other person having charge or control of any lot within the City of Palo Alto to suffer thistles, weeds, mustard or any indigenous grasses, noxious trees or brush, to grow, or remain thereon. SEC. 4. Whenever the owner or occupant of any property in the City of Palo Alto fails to remove grass, weeds, or poison oak or to trim trees or hedges as here- inbefore provided, it shall be the duty of the Superinten- dent of Streets of said City to give written notice of such failure to comply with the provisions of this article to the owner, if known, or to the occupant if there be any, or, if the owner is not known and there is no occupant, to post such notice conspicuously on said property. Said POLICE REGULATIONS 85 notice shall briefly describe the work to be done and shall refer to this article and shall contain a notification that unless said work shall be done within ten days after the service or posting of said notice the Superitendent of Streets \\ ill do the same, and that the costs and expenses thereof will !;e charged up and made a lien against said property. Tf said work be not done within ten days after the Duty of service or posting of said notice, it shall be the duty of Supermtend- the Superintendent of Streets forthwith to proceed to do the same and put said property in the condition required by this article. He shall keep a record of said notices, and shall also keep a separate record of the work done on each piece, lot < r parcel of land, and the cost of the same. SEC. 5. As soon as said work is completed, the Lien agai; st Superintendent of Streets shall render a statement show- property ing the cost thereof and deliver the same to the City Assessor, who shall note the amount thereof on the assessment roll against the property charged, and there- after said amount shall be a lien against said property, and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other City taxes. SEC. 6. Any person willfully failing to comply with Penalty or enforce the requirements of Sections i, 2 and 3 of this article, or allowing any property owned or occupied by him to be in a condition contrary to the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and" upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine ar.d imprisonment. ARTICLE X GARBAGE Si 7 -C. i. No person or persons shall dump or place Dumping of on any lot, land or street, or in any water or waterway, refuse within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto, except such place or places as may be designated by ordinance, and under and in accordance with and subject to the rules and regulations of the Board of Public Safety of said City, any house refuse, butchers' offal, garbage, refuse, filth, sludge, bones, or other like matter, nor putrid vegetable matter, manure, or any matter or sub- 86 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Accumula- tion of refuse Refuse in business district Not to be burned on premises Duty of Chief of Police Removal of manure, etc. from stables Boxes for manure stance condemned by the Board of Health, or any other deleterious or offensive substances. SEC. 2. No person owning or occupying any build- ing, lot, or premises in the City of Palo Alto shall suffer, allow or permit to collect and remain upon said lot or premises any paper, feathers, straw, broken glass, or crockery, or rubbish, garbage or debris of any des- cription, and no person shall dump upon any lot or premises in said City, piles of paper, feathers, straw, broken glass, crockery, old barrels, boards, brick, stone, cement, plaster or rubbish of any description in such a manner as to make a rubbish heap on said lot or premises and allow or permit the same to remain there, (provided that this provision shall not be construed as interfering with building under a building permit, or wood neatly piled for kitchen or household use). SEC. 3. No person owning, occupying, or in charge of any store or building situated upon University avenue, Hamilton avenue or Lytton avenue, and between Alma street and Waverly street, in the City of Palo Alto, shall deposit or throw loose or waste paper, or loose or waste straw or hay or excelsior, or rubbish of any kind in the rear or about such store or building and sutler the same to remain there for more than forty- eight hours. SEC. 4. No person owning, occupying, or in charge of any store or building within the limits above described shall set fire to, or cause to be burned, any paper, straw, hay, boxes or rubbish of any kind in the rear of such store or building. SEC. 5. The Chief of Police of the City of Palo Alto is hereby directed and required, in person or by deputy, to notify all persons failing to comply with the provisions of Sections I, 2 and 3 of this article, to remove immediately from their lot or premises all such rubbish or debris as is described in said Sections. SEC. 6. Every owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any stable, stall, pen or apartment in which any horse, cow, barnyard fowls, or other animal shall be kept, or of any place in which manure or liquid discharge of any such animal shall collect or accumulate shall cause such manure or liquid to be removed to some other place, and shall at all times keep, or cause to be kept such stables, stalls, pens and appurtenances thereof in a cleanly and wholesome condition. No swine shall be kept within three hundred feet of any dwelling house. SEC. 7. For this purpose, boxes for holding manure shall be provided by each owner, lessee, tenant, or POLICE REGULATIONS occupant of a stable, and such boxes shall be provided with lids, and said boxes shall be kept closed, except when manure is being placed therein or taken therefrom, and in no instance shall manure be placed in or upon any such box so as to prevent the closing of the lid. SEC. 8. If said box is placed outside of the stable and on an open lot, the same shall be made of galvanized iron. The contents of the box are to be removed as often as filled. All manure not utilized for the fertilizing of gardens or lawns within the City, shall be disposed of by the owner or occupant of the premises wherein such material has accumulated either by conveying or causing the same to be conveyed beyond the City limits or other place, as directed by the Board of Public Safety or the police officers of said City. Such manure in being hauled shall be hauled in such manner as to prevent any part of it being dropped upon the streets. Any person keeping two or less horses, cows, or other animals on the premises shall have the manure removed at least once a week; any person keeping more than two of such animals and not more than ten shall have the manure removed twice a week ; any person keeping more than ten of such animals shall have the manure removed th*ree times a week. SEC. 9. For the purpose of this article the word "garbage" shall be held to include and mean kitchen and table refuse and offal, swill, and also every accumu- lation of animal and vegetable and other matter that attends the preparation, consumption, decay or dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruits or vege- tables. The term ''waste matter" shall include and be held to mean crockery, bottles, broken brick, tin vessels, trim- ings from lawns and flower gardens, pasteboard boxes, berry boxes, paper,, straw, sawdust, packing material, shavings, boxes, natural soil, street sweepings, earth and stone, and all non-combustible waste matter. The term "ashes" shall be held to include and mean the residue of material burned. SEC. 10. No garbage or manure, or manure and straw shall be burned upon any street, alley, park, water- way, highway, or pubilc place, or upon any premises, in the open air within the corporate limits of said City. SEC. n. It shall be the duty of every tenant, lessee, or occupant of any private dwelling house in said City to provide within such dwelling house or building, or on the lot or premises, upon which such building or dwelling house is situated, in a suitable place, a tin or Regulating removal of manure Number of times per week Definition of "garbage" "waste matter" "ashes" Burning of refuse prohibited Garbage receptacle 88 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Garbage to be placed in receptacle Garbage at private dwellings Garbage at hotels, etc. Sanitary condition of receptacle Garbage wagon Permit for garbage business iron garbage receptacle with cover, for receiving and holding all the garbage produced, created, or accumula- ted upon such premises between the times for the col- lection of garbage, as hereinafter provided ; and all such receptacles shall be at all times located in such places as to be readily accessible for removing or emptying the same; but shall not be placed within the limits of any street, in said City, or anywhere so as to constitute a nuisance. SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of each such tenant, occupant or lessee to place in such receptacle, all garbage created, produced, or accumulated upon the premises occupied by him between the times established in this article for the removal of the same. Nothing but gar- bage as defined in this ordinance shall be placed in such receptacle. SEC. 13. All garbage accumulating at private dwell- ing houses or residences shall be removed by the gar- bage collector twice a week, or oftener if necessary. SEC. 14. All garbage accumulating at hotels, board- ing houses, restaurants or business houses, shall be re- moved by the garbage collector as often as every other day. SEC. 15. All garbage cans or receptacles shall be kept clean and sanitary by the owner or person using the same, and covered at all times except when garbage is deposited or removed therefrom. SEC. 16. It shall be unlawful for any person to use any cart or vehicle for the conveyance of "garbage" or "waste material," filth, offal of any kind, or any offensive or ill-smelling matter unless the cart or vehicle is staunch, tight and closely covered with a wooden or metal cover s-> as to wholly prevent leakage or smell; or to use any cart or vehicle for the conveyance or removal of manure, rubbish, or street sweepings unless the said cart or vehicle 1 e provided with a canvas cover securely fastened over the top thereof, and be so constructed as to prevent the deposit of such manure, rubbish or street sweepings, or any portion thereof, in or upon the streets through which such cart or vehicle may be driven. SEC. 17. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on the business of hauling or re- moving garbage or waste material in said City without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Public Safety of said City to engage in or carry on said garbage business, and it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on such business without first having obtained from the Eoard of Safety of said City a certifi- POLICE REGULATIONS 89 cate to the effect that the provisions of this article in regard to vehicles for said business have been complied with. The permit and certificate herein provided for shall be revoked unless the cart or wagon shall be kept clean, \\ell painted on the outside and marked "Garbage Wagon." SEC. 1 8. The garbage collectors shall call regularly Regular as provided in this article at all dwellings, residences, collections boarding houses, restaurants, hotels and business houses and other places where garbage is produced or created in said City, and remove therefrom as promptly as possible all garbage placed in the can or receptacle provided for the same on the premises. All garbage shall be removed in such manner as not to be needlessly offensive or filthy in relation to any person, place, building, premises or highway. SEC. 19. In all cases of disputes or complaints Disputes or arising as to or concerning the place where the recep- complaints tacle containing garbage shall be put awaiting removal by the garbage collectors, the Health Officer shall forthwith designate the place, and his decision shall be final. SEC. 20. Maximum rates for services to be charged Rates for by garbage collectors are hereby fixed as follows: collection For private dwelling-houses: Garbage removal 75 cents per month Ashes, one barrel 25 cents per month Waste material, one barrel ... 25 cents per month For hotels, business houses, restaurants, boarding, houses, etc: Garbage, ashes and waste material at the rate of $1.25 per cubic yard, provided all garbage is placed in one receptacle. SEC. 21. No person or persons shall erect, maintain Distance of or use any barn, stable, chicken or pigeon house or pen in outbuildings which animals or fowl are kept within forty feet of the mises of dwelling house of another. Provided, however, that any another* person who finds that it is impossible from the size of his lot or premises to so erect or maintain such outbuildings for said purposes at a distance of forty feet from the dwelling house of another may apply to the Board of Public Safety of said City for a permit to erect or main- tain such outbuilding at a less distance than above pro- vided from the dwelling of another. SEC. 22. Upon receiving such application, the Permit of Health Officer shall go upon the premises and investigate Health the proposed location of such outbuilding, and may grant officer Misde- meanor Penalty 9O ORDINANCES OF THE c ITY OF PALO ALTO a permit for the erection or maintenance of such out- building under such rules and regulations for the pre- vention of the escape of obnoxious odors and gases and the maintenance of a sanitary condition as he may prescribe in writing, to which the person applying must consent in writing. Thereafter, any person who, in the use of said out- buildings, fails to comply with said rules and regulations shall be deemed to maintain a nuisance and shall be sub- ject to the fines and penalties hereinafter provided. SEC. 23. Any person who refuses or neglects to comply with the requirements of Sections I, 2 and 3 of this article within five days after the notice provided in Section 5 is given, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. SEC. 24. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article, either by act or omission, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment ivot exceeding one hundred days or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XI GOVERNING THE SALE OF TOBACCO,, CIG- ARETTES, OR CIGARETTE PAPERS OR ANY PREPARATION OF TOBACCO IN THE CITY OF PALO ALTO. Sale of SEC. I. Every person, firm or corporation which tobacco, etc. sells' or gives or in any way furnishes to another person to minors wno is in fact under the age of eighteen years, any and penalty to b accOi cigarettes or cigarette papers, or any other prep- aration of tobacco, is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished for the first offense by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than sixty days ; and for the second offense by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than ninety days ; and for each subsequent offense by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than ninety days, nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. POLICE REGULATIONS QI Sue. 2. Every person, firm or corporation which Ordinance sells or deals in tobacco or any preparation thereof shall to be post conspicuously and keep so posted in his or their P ste< place of business a copy of Section I of this article, and any such person failing to do so shall, upon conviction, he punished by a fine of five dollars for the first offense, and twenty-five dollars for each succeeding violation of this provision, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days. SEC. 3. No tobacco, cigars, cigarettes or cigarette Sale ot - paper shall be sold within one thousand feet of any public tobacco, etc. school house or high school building in the City of Palo near school Alto. houses SEC. 4. Any corporation, company or person violat- penalty ing the provisions of Section 3 of this article shall be deeired guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars or 1 y imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XII GOVERNING HYPNOTIC EXHIBITIONS SEC. i. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any Forbidding person, other than a regularly licensed physician, to hypnotism place another person under the influence of hypnotism within the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to expose Exhibiting another person either publicly or privately under the hypnotic influence of hypnotism, or while represented to be under sub J ects the influence of hypnotism, in any place in the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this Penalty article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XIII GOVERNING MOVING PICTURE SHOWS SEC. i. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- Restrict;. > pany or corporation to exhibit at any entertainment, ORDINANCES OF THE 1'ITY OF PALO ALTO Misde- meanor Powers of Board of Public Safety Penalty performance or show any moving pictures representing prize fights, glove contests, assaults, lewd or obscene conduct or acts, criives of violence, the enacting of any crime or any act forbidden by the laws of the State of California. SEC. 2. The exhibition of any moving picture show hereby declared to be unlawful shall constitute a mis- demeanor. SEC. 3. The Board of Public Safety or any member or officer thereof shall have full authority to enter any place of amusement in the City where moving picture shows are exhibited and prevent the exhibition of any moving picture hereby declared unlawful. SEC. 4. Any person, company or corporation vio- lating the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XIV GOVERNING PUBLIC LAUNDRIES AND WASH HOUSES, ENGINES, BOILERS, OIL STOR- AGE TANKS, HOSPITALS, UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENTS, PLANING MILLS, STABLES, HALLS FOR PUBLIC ENTER- TAINMENTS, MACHINE SHOPS, JUNK YARDS, STORAGE YARDS AND SPUR TRACKS. Permit SEC. i. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to establish and maintain on any premises within the City limits of Palo Alto, any public laundry or wash house, engine, boiler, oil storage tank, hospital, undertaking establishment, planing mill, public stable, hall for public entertainment for which an admission fee is charged, junk yard, storage yard, machine shop or spur track without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Board of Public Works, specifying the name of the permittee and the location of the premises to be used for such purpose. Purposes of SEC. 2. Whenever application is made to the set rm forth hi Board of Public Works of the City of Palo Alto by any application *" person, firm or corporation for any of the above purposes, POLICE REGULATIONS 93 the same shall be in writing setting forth in detail the purposes for which the permit is to be granted. Said written application must be signed by the owners of the property to be used for said purposes. The applicant shall also cause to be posted con- spicuously in front of his premises a notice to the effect that application has been made to the Board of Public Works for the granting of such permit, and setting forth the purposes for which said premises are to be used, said notice to be posted immediately after the filing of the application and kept posted for at least two weeks. This provision shall not apply to the temporary erection, maintenance or use of any steam engine and boiler or steam boiler for building or construction purposes. SEC. 3. If the application is for the erection or use of any steam engine or boiler or steam boiler, said application shall be accompanied by a Board of Under- writers Inspector's Certificate of the soundness of such steam engine and boiler or steam boiler. SEC. 4. Permits for the erection, maintenance and use of steam engines and boilers or steam boilers are not transferable and may be revoked by the Board of Public Works, when defective, unsound, or a menace to public safety. SEC. 5. Any person, company, or corporation making application as aforesaid and failing to comply with the provisions hereinbefore specified, shall be denied the permit sought in said application. SEC. 6. No gas works, electric lighting plant, laundry, factory, foundry, or manufactory requiring steam, lumber mill or yard, planing mill, or engine or boiler in connection with the foregoing establishments, oil storage tank in excess of fifteen hundred gallons, junk yard, veterinary hospital, storage yard where lumber, building material, poles, wires, ties, rails and similar materials are kept, or spur track, shall be built or main- tained at any place within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto, except in blocks 102, 105, 106 and 109, and those blocks or portions of blocks of Palo Alto bounded by Hamilton avenue, Ramona street, Addison avenue, and Alma street, and being the southwesterly half of blocks n, 10, 9 and "E" and all of blocks "A," 8, 7 and 6. The above shall constitute a district within which said places or businesses may be erected and maintained, and rio rermit shall be granted for the erection or main- tenance of ^aid places outside of said district and within the corporate limits of the City. Posting of application Permit for steam engine or boiler Permits to be revoked Non- compliance Restrictions upon location 94 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Penalty SEC. 7. Any person, firm or corporation that shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Number of exits Compliance Locking exit doors during assemblage Obstructing aisles, etc. ARTICLE XV EXITS, AISLES, PASSAGEWAYS, CORRIDORS AND STAIRWAYS IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS SEC. i. All theatres and public halls now con- structed, or hereafter to be constructed in the City of Palo Alto, shall be provided with at least two means of exit from the assembly hall to the sidewalk, one of which may be a fire escape. SEC. 2. All doors to exits leading from such build- ings shall swing freely outward; provided, however, that where such doors are so constructed as to swing freely outward and inward to their full extent during all the time of the assemblage of persons in such bulding, so that a free passageway shall be open at all times to the street, then the provisions of this article shall be deemed complied with. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for the lessee, manager, owner or person in charge of any church, assembly hall, or other public building within said City to permit any exit door to be locked or fastened immediately preceding, during or immediately after any service, performance, lecture, exhibition, concert, ball or other public gather- ing. SEC. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any aisle, passage-way, corridor or stairway of any church, assembly hall or other public building in said City, and used for the purpose of worship, instruc- tion, entertainment or public assemblage, by standing in or occupying said aisles, passage-ways, corridors or stairways during or preparatory to any service, per- formance, exhibition, lecture, concert, ball or other public gathering, or by placing therein any chair, settee, camp stool or other obstruction. And it shall be unlawful for the lessee, manager, owner or person in charge of such building to suffer, allow or permit any such obstruction. Aisles shall be defined as the space between seats, or between the seats and wall, which shall not be less than 32 inches. POLICE REGULATIONS 95 SEC. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions Penalty of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XVI (lOYERNrNG VEHICLES OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION SEC. i. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, Speed O f operate or propel any wagon, carriage, vehicle, motor vehicles vehicle, automobile, bicycle, motor cycle or motor bi- cycle, or other riding machine within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto at a greater rate of speed than one mile in six minutes, and any person operating, pro- pelling or driving any such vehicle at any higher rate of speed than one mile in six minutes shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, signals operate or propel any motor vehicle, automobile, motor cycle or motor bicycle, within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto without having attached to the same a bell, gong or horn in good working order and sufficient to give warning of the approach of such vehicle to pedes- trians, and to riders and drivers of other vehicles and to horses and other animals, and to persons entering or leaving the street cars. Such bell, gong or horn shall be sounded when approaching pedestrians who may be on or passing over the roadway of any street, such sounding or ringing to begin a reasonable time before reaching such person or persons, and such bell, gong or horn shall be sounded clearly from any street crossing at any street intersection before passing over the same. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful for any rider or riders j i . - .... J ,., The law of or driver or drivers of any vehicle or motor vehicle men- t h e road tioned in Section I, to ride upon any street, lane or alley of the City to the left side of the center line of said highways, except to cross over said highways for the pur- pose of stopping upon the left-hand side of said highways, it being ordered that the custom or usage known as "The Law of the Road" and obtaining among the American people relative to riding, to the overtaking and passing of vehicles and ridden animals, shall obtain for all vehicles ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Driving from streets, lanes, alleys, etc. Lamps on autos. etc. Railway cars speed Sounding gongs on cars at all crossings referred to and described in this article, and for the rider or riders, and driver or drivers thereof, and be the law in the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 4. It shall be unlawful for any rider or riders, or driver or drivers of any vehicle or motor vehicle mentioned in Section i, to ride or drive any of said vehicles from any street, lane or alley into any intersect- ing street, lane or alley, by turning nearer to the curb- corner than four feet. It shall be unlawful to ride or propel any vehicle or motor vehicle mentioned in Section I, so that in turning from any street, lane or alley into any intersecting street, lane or alley, the vehicle will be ridden or driven upon the left hand of the said last named highway, except for the purpose of stopping and dis- mounting within fifty feet from the curb-corner referred to. In all such changing of direction, where the change requires a street or way to be crossed to reach the right hand side of the new direction, the rider or riders, driver or drivers, must make the change of direction at or beyond the junction of the center line of such intersecting highways and not before, as prevailing conditions will permit, except as hereinbefore provided. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or propel any automobile or motor vehicle within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto without having attached to the front of said automobile or motor vehicle one or more lamps, which shall show a light during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, and also at least one lamp on the rear of said automobile or motor vehicle, which shall show a light during the same period. A motor cycle or motor bicycle shall have at least one lamp on said machine, which shall show a light during the same period, while being propelled upon any street or highway. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person as motorman or conductor or otherwise, to run or operate any street railway car across or around street intersec- tions in the City of Palo Alto at a greater rate of speed than ten miles per hour. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person as motorman, conductor or otherwise, having charge of any street railway car to allow it to be propelled across any street within the City of Palo Alto without having sounded said car's alarm gong or bell while within a distance of not more than one hundred feet nor less than fifty feet from the street about to be crossed. SEC. 8. It is hereby declared unlawful for any POLICE REGULATIONS 97 motorman, gripman, conductor, or other person oper- p as sing ating, controlling or having charge of any street railway another car car or cars, operating in the streets of the City of Palo Alto, to cause, permit or allow the same to pass another car or cars within the intersection of any cross street or within twenty-five feet of either side of the intersection of any cross street. SEC. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive Reckless or propel any wigon, carriage, car, vehicle, motor vehicle, driving automol ile, bicycle, motor cycle or motor bicycle in the City of Palo Alto in a manner reckless and dangerous to cither person or property. SEC. 10. The violation of the provisions of this Penalty article by any person, motorman, conductor, owner, chauffeur, or operator or driver of any wagon, carriage vehicle, street car, motor vehicle, automobile, bicycle, motor cycle or motor bicycle shall be deemed a misde- meanor, punishable upon conviction thereof by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety 'days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XVII BILL POSTING, PLACING OF SIGNS, PAINT- ING AND POSTING OF ADVERTISING MATTER SEC., i. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for Bill-board any person, firm or corporation to paint, post, put up or advertising display any sign, bill poster, picture, lithograph, map, plat, sample or other device for advertising purposes of any kind, upon any bill board, fence, post, pole or tree within the corporate limits of the City of Palo Alto, ex- cept as hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any Regulation person, firm or corporation, to paint, post, put up or of same display any sign, bill poster, picture, lithograph, plat, map, sample or other device for any advertising purposes of any kind upon any wall or building without the express permission of the occupant, owner, lessee or person having possession thereof, except as hereinafter provided. SEC. 3. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any Erection of person, firm or corporation to construct, erect or permit bill - boar ds, to exist, use or permit to be used, any bill board or bulletin etc ' board for advertising purposes, upon any lot, piece or 9 8 ORDINANCES OF THK CITY OF PALO ALTO Construction of article Penalty parcel of land within the City of Palo Alto, except where said bill board or bulletin board is fixed or located on a place of business conducted in said City of Palo Alto, and is used solely for advertising said business. SEC. 4. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to prohibit or include any notice or advertise- irent prescribed or required by law in any case, or any notice posted by any lawful officer. SEC. 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XVIII Destruction of trees, shrubs, etc. Penalty PROTECTION OF TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS SEC. I. No person, unless duly authorized so to do by the Board of Public Works, shall in any manner destroy, tear up, break or injure in any manner, any tree, ornamental shrub or plant growing upon any of the public lands, streets, avenues, alleys or sidewalks of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. ARTICLE XIX PROVIDING FOR A BOND IN CASE OF VIO- LATION OF AN ORDINANCE SEC. i. When any person is arrested for violating ofTrrestlor any ordinance of the City of Palo Alto, the Police Judge violating or magistrate before whom the person charged with the any violation of the ordinance is brought, may require of the of defendant a bond in a penal sum of not less than twenty- Palo Alto five dollars or more than three hundred dollars, payable Bond in case POLICE REGULATIONS 99 to the City of Palo Alto, and conditioned to the effect that the defendant will not violate or continue to violate the ordinance under which he is charged by committing the same act or similar acts during the pendency of the trial. The fact that the defendant is required to give said bond shall not in any way affect the rights of the defend- ant at the trial of the case. PART IV PUBLIC HEALTH General provisions Nuisance denned by Board of Public Safety Misde- meanor Notice to non-resi- dents and others ARTICLE I GENERAL HEALTH REGULATIONS SEC. i. The Board of Public Safety shall have charge of the public health of the City, and for this purpose shall establish all needful rules and regulations necessary to preserve the health of the City, and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of boards of health of cities as prescribed by the laws of the State of California, which laws are made a part hereof insofar as they do not conflict with the ordinances of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 2. The Board of Public Safety is hereby vested with power to act upon, define, determine and adjudge what shall constitute a nuisance in said City, and to re- quire the same to be abated in a summary manner. Any person who maintains, permits or allows a nuisance to exist upon his or her property or premises, after the same has been determined by the said Board to be a nuisance, and after notice to remove the same has been served upon such person, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished accordingly; and each day of the existence of s-uch nuisance after notice shall he deemed a separate and distinct offense, and it is the duty of the Health Officer to prosecute all persons guilty of violating the provisions of this section by con- tinuous prosecutions until such unlawful nuisance is abated or removed. Whenever a nuisance shall exist on the property of any non-resident, or on any property, the owner or owners of which cannot be found by the Health Officer, after diligent search, or on the property of any owner or owners upon whom due notice may have been served, and PUBLIC HEALTH IOI- who shall, for three days, refuse or neglect to abate the same, or on any City property, it shall be the duty of the Board (if Public Safety to cause the said nuisance to be at once removed or abated, and to draw upon the Health Incidental Fund for such sums as may be required for its removal or abatement, not to exceed one hundred dollars ; provided, that whenever a larger expenditure is found necessary to be made for the removal or sup- pression of any nuisance, the Council of said City shall, upon written application of the Board of Public Safety, transfer from the General Fund to the Health Incidental Fund, such sum or sums as may be necessary for that purpose. Said sum or sums so paid shall become a lien upon the property from which said nuisance has been removed or abated, in pursuance of this section, and may be recovered by an action against such property. And it shall be the duty of the City Attorney to fore- Duty of close all such liens in the proper court, in the name of and the City for the benefit of the City of Palo Alto, and, when the Attorney property is sold, enough of the proceeds shall be paid into the City Treasury to satisfy the lien and costs (such sums to be accredited to the fund from which the expenditure was made) and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid to the owner of the property, if he be known, and if not, then into the court for his use when his identity is estab- lished. SEC. 3. Whenever it shall be certified to the Board of Public Safety by the Health Officer that any building, or part thereof, is unfit for human habitation by reason of its ^eing so infected with disease as to be likely to cause Mckiiess among the occupants, or has become dangerous to life by reason of its want of repair, said Board may issue an order and cause the same to be affixed conspicu- ously on the building, or the part thereof which is unfit for human habitation, and to be personally served upon the owner, agent or lessee, if the same can be found in this State, requiring all persons therein to vacate such building, for reasons to be stated in said notice as afore- said. Such building, or part thereof, shall be vacated within ten days thereafter, or within such shorter time, not less than twenty-fours hours, as in said notice may be specified; but said Board if it shall become satisfied that the danger from said house or part thereof, has ceased to exist, may revoke said order, and it shall thence- forward become inoperative. SEC. 4. (a) Every physician in said City shall report immediately to the Health Officer, every patient he shall 102 ORIu NA tf.CFS OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Physicians to report patients who have contag- ious diseases Diseased lodgers to be reported Confinement of persons afflicted with dangerous diseases Rules and regulations concerning quarantine Vaccination Certificate of death Supervision of death record by Board of Public Safety have suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, and report to said officer every case of death from such disease immediately after it shall have occurred. (b) The head of every household in said City, shall forthwith report to the Health Officer the name of every boarder or inmate whom he shall have reason to believe sick of any infectious or contagious disease, and any deaths occurring therein from such disease. SEC. 5. Whenever a case of infectious or conta- gious disease shall exist in any house or tenement, and it shall be deemed inexpedient to remove the person or persons so affected to the proper hospital, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to require all such persons to be kept closely confined in their respective dwellings, or places of abode, and he shall immediately cause to be erected in a conspicuous place in front of such dwelling or place of abode, a suitable notice, setting forth the fact, and it shall be unlawful for the occupants thereof, or any other person to remove such notice so long as, in the opinion of the Health Officer, the same ought to remain on the said premises. SEC. 6. Section 13 of "an act to amend sections 2, 3, 13 and 21 of an act entitled 'an act for the preserva- tion of the public health of the people of the State of California, and empowering the State Board of Health to enforce its provisions, and providing penalties for the violation thereof" approved April i, 1911, shall be and the same is hereby adopted and made the rules and requirements to be observed in all cases of quarantine in the City of Palo Alto, and said section 13 is hereby made a part of this article. SEC. 7. The Board of Public Safety shall enforce compulsory vaccination whenever in their judgment it may become necessary. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to bury within the City of Palo Alto, or to remove beyond the City limits for burial, the body of any deceased per- son without first having filed with the Health Officer a certificate of death signed by the attending physician. SEC. 9. The Board of Public Safety must exercise a general supervision over the death records of said City and may adopt such forms and regulations for the use and government of physicians, undertakers, and superintendents of cemeteries as in their judgment may be best calculated to secure reliable statistics of the mor- tality in the said City and prevent the spread of disease. SEC. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person to PUBLIC HEALTH 103 resist or attempt to resist the entrance of any member of the Board of Public Safety or the Health Officer into any railroad car, stage, vehicle, room, lot or other place in said City in the performance of his duty, or for any person to lease any house or premises where any person is or has been sick with quarantinable, contagious or infectious disease, as mentioned in section above, without having first obtained permission so to do from the Board of Public Safety, or for any person to refuse to obey any lawful order of the Board of Public Safety when made in the performance of duties or powers conferred by law or by Charter, or by this article. SEC. ii. No person shall expose or offer for sale, or sell for human food, any blown, meager, diseased or bad meat, poultry or game, unsound, diseased or un- wholesome fish, meat, vegetables or other market pro- duct, or bring within the City for sale, or sell, any sick or diseased animal that died a natural or accidental death. SEC. 12. Any article or animal that shall be offered for sale or exhibited in any market or elsewhere as though it were intended for sale, shall be deemed offered and exposed for sale within the intent and meaning of this article. SEC. 13. Any person who, in violation of the pre- ceding sections of this article, shall bring within the City, slaughter or sell or expose for sale any article or animal which is unfit or unsafe for human food shall forfeit the same to the City, and the Chief of Police or his deputy shall seize and forthwith remove the same, at the expense of the owner, in such manner and under such directions of the Board of Public Safety as will insure the safety and protection of the public health. SEC. 14. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article or any of the rules and regu- lations made and established by the Board of Public Safety under and by virtue of this article, or shall fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of the Board of Public Safety or Health Officer without delay, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a perio'd not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. Resisting Board of Public Safety Unwhole- some foodstuffs Goods offered sale for Chief of Police to seize un- wholesome foodstuffs Penalty IO4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO ARTICLE II MILK AND CREAM Permit Application Regulation of permits Milk from diseased cows SEC. i. No person shall sell, expose or offer for sale, in the City of Palo Alto, any milk or cream with- out a permit so to do from the Board of Public Safety of said City, except as provided in Section 3 hereof. SEC. 2. Application for such permit shall be made on a blank furnished by said Board and shall be accom- panied by such information as said Board may require, of the premises which are used or intended to be used in connection with the production, storage and shipment of such milk or cream, and of the cows which are used, or intended to be used for the- production of such milk or cream. The Board shall, upon receipt of such application in clue form, make or cause to be made, an examination of the premises and milk cows, and if after such examin- ation the said Board shall approve of such premises and cows, the Board of Public Safety shall issue, without charge, such permit as is hereinbefore specified. SEC. 3. It is hereby provided that no applicant shall be restrained from conducting business until his applica- tion has been acted upon by the Board of Public Safety, but that no applicant whose application has been rejected shall be permitted to file a new application within ten days after the date of such rejection, and any such new application shall not be considered by the Board of Public Safety unless accompanied by the payment of five dollars to the City of Palo Alto ; and it is provided further that any permit may be suspended or revoked at any time without previous notice by said Board, whenever in the judgment of the Board of Public Safety the applicant neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of this article. SEC. 4. No person shall sell, exchange or deliver, in said City, or have in his possession, with intent to sell, exchange or deliver, any milk or cream taken from any cow less than fifteen days before or ten days after calving, or from any cow which is suffering from any general or local disease, condition or injury which is liable to render the milk or cream from said cow unwholesome, or from any cow insufficiently fed, or fed PUBLIC HEALTH IO5 on any substance liable to injuriously >affect the milk or cream from such cow ; and the presence, on any premises on which milk or cream is produced for sale in said City, of any cow which is suffering from any general or local disease, condition or injury which is liable to render the milk or cream from said cow unwholesome, or of any cow which is insufficiently fed or has been fed on any substance liable to injuriously affect the quality of the milk or cream, shall be prima facie evidence of intent to sell such milk or cream and of producing, holding and offering such milk or cream for sale. SEC. 5. No person shall in said City sell any milk Unwhole or creim, or hold or offer any milk or cream for sale, some m iik which is not clean and wholesome and free from foreign substances, nor unless the same has been cooled im- mediately after coming into his possession sufficiently to remove the animal heat by a process satisfactory to the Board of Public Safety, nor under any misrepresenta- tion in respect thereof as to name or quality, or as being what the same is not as respects wholesomeness, sound- ness or safety. SEC. 6. No person shall, in the City of Palo Alto, f sell or exchange or expose or offer for sale or exchange, ^i^ 1 3 any milk or cream unless the same be pure, and free from preservatives ; nor any milk from which a part of the cream has been removed, or milk containing less than three-and-one-half per centum of butter fat, unless the same be plainly marked and sold as skimmed milk. SEC. 7. No person shall, in said City; sell, exchange Q lit of or deliver, or have in his custody or possession, with cr eam y intent to sell, exchange or deliver, cream containing less than eighteen per centum of butter fat. SEC. 8. Every person in said City selling, ex- changing or delivering milk or cream, or having the same 5 in his custody or possession to sell, exchange or deliver, shall furnish to said Board of Public Safety, or its duly authorized representative, who shall apply to him for the purpose, a sample sufficient for the purpose of testing. SEC. 9. No person shall sell, exchange, deliver or buy any cow to be used for the production of milk or a nd sate of creim for sale in said City, knowing that such cow is diseased unfit for that purpose by reason of disease or injury; cows and whenever any veterinary surgeon duly authorized by said Board of Public Safety to act as its inspector, shall in the course of inspections made under authority of this act, find any cow on any premises on which milk or cream is produced for sale in the City of Palo Alto in io6 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Board to notified such condition as to be permanently unfit for the pro- duction of such milk or cream, he shall mark such cow so as to enable it to be permanently identified as inspected and condemned by said Board, and no person shall remove or deface such mark or cause any such mark to be removed or defaced without written authority from the said Board. Diseased SEC. io. No person suffering from any communi- persons cable disease, or who is liable to communicate any such disease to other persons, shall assist in or about the pro- duction of milk or cream for sale in said City, or in or about the sale thereof. No person having power and authority to prevent shall knowingly permit any person aforesaid to work in or about the production or sale of milk. be SEC. ii. Every person holding a permit to sell milk or cream, or to hold, offer or produce milk or cream for sale in said City, shall notify the Board of Public Safety of the occurrence of any communicable disease what- soever among the persons employed by him in connection with the business authorized by such permit, or among 'persons dwelling on premises where such business is conducted, and of the occurrence of any communicable disease among cattle on the premises on which the milk or cream sold by him is produced, such notice to be for- warded to said Board immediately after the person holding such permit shall become aware of the existence of any such disease aforesaid. SEC. 12. No person shall, in said City, use any wagon or other vehicle for the delivery of milk or cream unless such wagon or vehicle has painted on or affixed to the outside thereof, plainly and legibly, and so that the same may be easily read by passersby, the name of the dairy. No person shall use any wagon or other vehicle for the delivery of milk or cream, which is not clean and free from garbage or other material or thing liable to contaminate such milk or cream. Sanitation .SEC. 13. The Board of Public Safety is hereby authorized to make rules and regulations to secure the proper sanitation of all premises on which milk or cream is sold, held, offered or produced for sale, and to secure the proper care of such milk or cream, and to secure the isolation on such premises of cattle suffering from contagious disease. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Safety and of its duly authorized representatives to enforce the provisions of this article and of all regula- 1 Delivery wagons PUBLIC HEALTH IO/ tions made by authority thereof. And said Board and Powers representatives are hereby authorized, in the performance of the of such duty, to enter and inspect all places in said City || c where milk or cream is sold, or held, offered or pro- Safety duced for sale, and to board and examine all wagons and other vehicles and to stop all wagons and other vehicles for that purpose. No person shall interfere with any such representative in the performance of his official duty, nor hinder, prevent or refuse to permit any in- spection or examination aforesaid. SEC. 15. No person shall, in said City, counter- ,. ., i *.* 11-1 1 1 Counterfeit feit, or make any imitation of, or publish, or have in his permits possession any counterfeit or imitation of any permit authorized by this article. SEC. 1 6. The presence in or about the place of business of any person dealing in milk or cream, or in or about any vehicle used by any such person for the delivery of the same, of any milk or cream which is forbidden by law to be sold shall be prima facie evidence of an intent on the part of such person to sell the same and of the fact that he is holding or offering the same for sale. SEC. 17. Every person selling milk or cream in the City of Palo Alto shall, upon request of the Board of List Public Safety, furnish said Board, on a blank to be supplied by it, with a list of the names of his customers and their places of residence by street and house number, and with a list of dairymen who supply him with milk or cream and their addresses. SEC. 1 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article, whether acting for himself or as the agent Pen aity or servant of another person, or of a firm, company or corporation, or as an officer, agent, employee or repre- sentative of any municipal corporation or of the State, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a term of not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation of any of the provisions of this article shall continue, and each day that any thing forbidden by the terms hereof to be erected, constructed, maintained, operated or permitted, shall continue to exist or be maintained, operated or per- mitted, shall constitute a separate offense. PART V REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC Sidewalk space Specifica- tions Name stamped or imbedded in cement Non-com- pliance ARTICLE I SIDEWALKS SEC. i. The width of the space for sidewalks in the streets of the City of Palo Alto is hereby established as follows : (a) In all streets seventy-five feet wide, at fifteen feet, except that the sidewalk space on University avenue from Alma street to Waverly street shall be twelve feet wide. (b) In all streets sixty feet wide, at twelve feet. (c) In all streets fifty feet wide or less, at ten feet. SEC. 2. All sidewalks, curbs and culverts shall be constructed according to the specifications adopted by the Board of Public Works. SEC. 3. Every person, firm or corporation doing cement work in the City of Palo Alto shall have the name of said person, firm or corporation plainly imbed- ded or stamped on the cement of each separate sidewalk laid by him. SEC. 4. The permit granted to any person, firm or corporation to lay cement sidewalks in the City of Palo Alto shall be revoked in case such person, firm or cor- poration shall fail to comply with the requirements of of this article. REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 1 09 ARTICLE IT CREATING FIRE LIMITS SEC. i. T*hat portion of the City of Palo Alto in- Defining eluded in the following limits shall be known as, and is fire dlstnct hereby established and created as the fire district : Commencing at a point of intersection of the center line of Alma street and the center line of Lytton avenue, running thence southeasterly along said center line of Alma street 1290 feet to the center line of Forest avenue, thence northeasterly along the center line of Forest avenue to a point midway between the northeasterly line of Alma street and the southwesterly line of High street, thence at right angles northwesterly and parallel with Alma street 230 feet to a point midway between the northwesterly line of Forest avenue and the southeasterly line of Hamilton avenue, thence at right angles and parallel with Hamilton avenue northeasterly 697^ feet to the center line of Ramona street, thence northwesterly along the center line of Ramona street 460 feet to a point midway between the northwesterly line of Hamilton avenue and the southeasterly line of University avenue, thence at right angles and parallel with University avenue northeasterly 840 feet to the center line of Waverly street, thence at right angles northwesterly along the center line of Waverly street 475 feet to a point midway between the northwesterly line of University avenue and the southeasterly line of Lytton avenue, thence at right angles ancl parallel with L^niversity avenue southwesterly 840 feet to the center line of Ramona street, thence northwesterly along the center line of Ramona street 230 feet to the center line of Lytton avenue, thence southwesterly along the center line of Lytton avenue to the point of commence- ment. SEC. 2. No buildings or structures, or additions Building thereto, whose exterior walls are of any other material than brick, stone, concrete or artificial stone, shall be erected, built, constructed or placed within the fire limits. All buildings hereafter erected within the fire limits of the City of Palo Alto shall be constructed under the plans and specifications which shall be in accordance and com- ply with the latest adopted building code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. no ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Penalty SEC. 3. Every person, firm, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. ARTICLE III Building permit Cost of building permit Building permits outside fire limits SUPERVISION OF PRIVATE BUILDING CON- STRUCTION; FEES AND PERMITS SEC. i. No person, company or corporation shall erect a building or structure of any kind, remodel or enlarge, add to or extend any building or structure al- ready erected within the City of Palo Alto without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Public Works. The applicant for such permit shall state the exact site to be occupied, the material, dimensions and esti- mated cost of the proposed building or structure, and the probable time to be occupied in building. All applications shall be filed in duplicate. The person, company or corporation applying for such permit shall file with the Board of Public Works the complete plans and specifications of the proposed building or structure, or in lieu of said plans and speci- fications a statement in writing setting forth what repairs, alterations or improvements are contemplated, and describing the general character, nature and extent of the same and particularly describing the material and size of chimneys and flues. SEC. 2. The applicant or applicants for each build- ing permit for buildings erected within the fire limits of the City shall pay to the Auditor the sum of five dollars when the estimated cost of the building does not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars. When the estimated cost is over ten thousand dollars, one dollar additional shall be paid for each one thousand dollars or fraction thereof over ten thousand dollars. SEC. 3. The applicant or applicants for each build- ing permit for buildings outside the fire limits of said City shall pay to the Auditor, one dollar when the esti- mated cost of the building does not exceed one thousand dollars, and fifty cents additional shall be paid for the REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. I I I permit for each additional one thousand dollars or frac- tion thereof of cost of said building. SEC. 4. Before a permit is issued for the construe- Twenty-five tion of any building or structure facing upon any im- dollar proved street in said City, a deposit of twenty-five dollars de P sit shall he made with the Auditor, which deposit shall be returned upon certificate of the Superintendent of Streets that all rubbish has been removed and the street left in the same good condition as it was in before the construc- tion of said building or structure was commenced. SEC. 5. No building shall be moved upon or along M ov j ng the public streets of said City unless a permit be first permit obtained therefor from the Board of Public Works, which permit will be issued upon the payment of the sum of five dollars to the Auditor. The moving of buildings shall be subject to the provisions of Section 13 and Section 14 of Article IV of Part VI hereof. SEC. 6. All buildings shall be subject to the inspec- i nspect i on tion of the Board of Public Works to ascertain if the con- struction of said buildings complies with the ordinances of the City of Palo Alto relating thereto. SEC. 7. Every person, firm, company or corporation Misde _ violating any of the provisions of this article shall be mean or deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. ARTICLE IV RELATING TO STREET WORK SEC. i. Whenever a street or sidewalk is improved incidental by private contract, an estimate shall be made by the expenses for City Engineer of the necessary incidental expenses of the Jmprovement Board of Public Works, and covering all expenses of the City, including the laying of sewer and water pipes, en- gineer, street inspection and supervision of street work. SEC. 2. The contractor or person desiring to make Deposit for said improvement shall deposit with the City Auditor a estimated sum equal in amount to the estimate made by the City expense Engineer for the necessary incidental expenses. If said sum of money so deposited with the City Auditor is not sufficient to cover cost of the incidental expenses on said 112 ORDINANCES OF THE CfTY OF PALO ALTO Permit revoked Soliciting private contracts for street im- provements Application for permit Granting of permit street, the contractor shall pay to the City Auditor for the City, an additional sum to cover said cost. If the sum so deposited should be more .than the actual cost for incidental expenses on said stret, then the difference in cost shall be returned to the contractor or person making such deposit. SEC. 3 If the contractor or person desiring to make said street improvement does not deposit such sum with the Auditor as estimated by the City Engineer, then, any permit granted to him by the Board of Public Works shall be revoked. SEC. 4. Whenever a contractor or person desires to solicit for private contracts with property owners to im- prove any roadway of the streets or avenues of the City of Palo Alto, said contractor or person shall file with the Board of Pubilc Works before signing up any contract for improvement of said street or avenue with property owners, a statement in writing naming the street or avenue on which and between what points the proposed improvement is to be made, the contract for the work, and under what plans and specifications, and the pro- posed cost of each item of the street improvement. SEC. 5. Thereafterwards, and upon application for a permit to improve said street or avenue, the Board of Public Works shall require of the contractor or person a statement in writing showing the names of the property owners and the number of front feet contracted for, and the items of the proposed improvement and the prices of each item as stated in the contract, and the contractor or contractors shall be required, before a permit is grant- ed, to agree with the Board of Public Works on a time in which such work shall commence and a time when the same shall be completed. SEC. 6. Before any permit is granted to any con- tractor to improve the roadway of any of the streets or avenues of the City of Palo Alto, a contractor must file with the Board of Public Works a statement in writing verified under oath before an officer authorized to admin- ister oaths, showing that property owners owning at least eighty (80) per cent of the front footage of any portion of the street or avenue proposed to be improved, have signed contracts or have requested in writing that said improvement 1 e made, and no permit shall be granted in any event to do any roadwork unless the consent of the property owners owning at least eighty per cent of said front footage of the street or avenue between the points to be improved has been obtained. REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. Filing bond of SEC. 7. Any contractor proposing to do roadwork upon any of the streets or avenues of the City of Palo Alto before obtaining a permit shall file a bond for. a sum not less than twenty-five per cent of the cost of the work pro- posed to be done with the Board of Public Works. Said bond shall be conditioned that the said contractor will commence the work within a certain time, and that he will complete the same within a certain time after the permit is granted, said time for commencing and completing the work to be fixed by the Board of Public Works. Said bond shall also provide that the work will be completed according to the plans and specifications and to the satis- faction of the Street Superintendent. SEC. 8. Not more than four blocks on any street or Portion avenue shall be torn up at any time during the progress a ^ anyone of street work, or remain torn up for a longer period of time time than four weeks. SEC. 9. Unless the above requirements are complied Com P hance with by the contractor or person seeking to improve any street or avenue of the City, the Board of Public Works shall refuse to grant any permit for the proposed work. SEC. 10. Any person violating the terms of this Penalty article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. to ARTICLE V CITY SEWER CONNECTIONS AND COST OF SAME SEC. i. No new street, avenue or alley other than those already officially accepted by the City shall hereafter be accepted by the City of Palo Alto until sewer and water pipes have first been laid in and upon said proposed street, avenue or alley, to the satisfaction of the Board of Public Works of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 2. The Board of Public Works shall make all connections to the public sewer. Notice must be given in writing to the Board of Public Works at the office of the City Clerk by the person intending to connect to the City sewer, fixing the day on which he wishes to make the con- nection. Such notice must be given at least forty-eight Sewer and water pipes to be laid in all streets before acceptance Notice of intention to make connection ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Cost of making connection Owners to lay all sewer, water and gas pipes, mains, connections, etc. Every separate lot to be so connected Superintend- ent of Streets to give notice Records kept by Superintend- ent of Streets Liens hours previous to the time when the connection is to be made. SEC. 3. A sewer connection shall be made for the applicant on an unimproved street for the sum of nine dollars. A connection on an improved street shall be made at the actual cost of making said connection, and the sum estimated for the purpose shall be deposited with the City Tax Collector before such connection is made. If the estimated cost for making a connection on an improved street should not prove to be a sufficient sum to pay for said work, then the additional cost shall be charged against the applicant. If said estimated sum de- posited shall be in excess of the cost, then the difference shall be returned to the applicant. SEC. 4. All property owners owning or controlling property facing upon any of the streets or avenues of the City of Palo Alto shall lay or cause to be laid all neces- sary sewer and water pipe connections with the mains and all gas mains and connections before said streets or ave- nues are bitumenized, macadamized or otherwise perma- nently improved. Gas companies shall comply with the above provisions in laying gas mains and making con- nections. SEC. 5. Every separate lot of twenty-five or fifty feet shall be connected with the sewer and water mains as provided by Section 4. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Palo Alto to give written notice to the property owner or his agent, if known, or to the occupant of the property, if there be any, or if the owner or his agent is not known and there is no occupant, to post said notice conspicuously on said property, that sewer or water pipe connections shall be made. Said notice shall briefly describe the work required, referring to this article, and shall contain a notification to the effect that unless said work shall be done within ten days, the Superintend- ent of Streets will do the same, and the costs and expenses of said work will be charged up and made a lien against the property. If said work be not done within ten days, after the service or posting of said notice, it shall be the duty of the said Superintendent of Streets forthwith to proceed to do the same. SEC. 7. The Superintendent of Streets shall keep a record of such notices. He shall also keep a separate record of the work done upon each piece, parcel or lot of land and the costs and expenses of the same. SEC. 8. As soon as said work is completed, the Superintendent of Streets shall render a statement of REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 115 the costs thereof and deliver the same to the City Assessor who shall note the amount thereof upon the margin of the assessment roll against the property charged, and there- after the said amount shall be a lien against the said property and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as City taxes. SEC. 9. Any owner or person who desires to build O f jj en upon any property affected by such a lien shall first pay the lien before he will be allowed to make any house con- nection with any of the sewer or water pipes so laid. Every property owner who fails to make any such street connection when so notified by the Superintendent of Streets shall pay, in addition to the lien for the costs and expenses of making such street connection, the sum of ten dollars before he will be permitted to make any house con- nection with the sewer or water pipes so laid. ARTICLE VI HOUSE NUMBERING SEC. i. All houses within the City of Palo Alto al- ready constructed, and all houses in said City hereafter constructed, as soon as completed, must be numbered in accordance with the following system : Beginning at the Palo Alto tree near the railroad bridge crossing the San Francisquito creek, the first full block on Alma street, shall be the 100 block, the second, the 200 block, and so on ; and the corresponding blocks on all streets parallel with Alma street shall have cor- responding numbers. Beginning at the point of intersection of Alma street with University avenue, the first full block on Univer- sity avenue shall be the 100 block, the second, the 200 block and so on ; and the corresponding blocks on all streets running parallel with University avenue shall have corresponding numbers. Every twelve and one-half feet shall have a separate number. The odd numbers shall be on the northwest and the even on the southeast side of all streets parallel with University avenue ; the odd numbers on the northeast side and the even on the southwest side of all streets parallel with Alma street. System of numbering Streets parallel with Alma street Streets parallel with University avenue Number each 12 feet Odd and even numbers ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Size and material Penalty SEC. 2. The numbers must be of the style, size and material adopted by the Board of Public Works. SEC. 3. Any violation of this article shall be pun- ished by a fine of five dollars. Publication Licenses ARTICLE VII PLUMBING REGULATIONS Registration SEC. i. Every master or journeyman plumber carry- ing on his trade or business, or laboring as a master or journeyman plumber, in the City of Palo Alto, shall register his name, age, nativity and place of residence at the office of the City Clerk of said City. It shall not be lawful for any person to carry on the trade of plumb- ing in the City of Palo Alto unless he fulfills the require- ments of registration as above provided. SEC. 2. A list of the registered plumbers shall be published in the yearly report of the Board of Public Safety. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to carry on the business of, or to labor as a master or journeyman plumber, in the City of Palo Alto, unless said person, firm or corporation shall first have obtained from the Board of Public Safety of said City a license authorizing such person, firm or corporation to carry on said business, or to labor as such plumb- er. A license so to do shall be issued only after a satis- factory examination of each applicant by the Board of Public Safety as to his or its qualifications to conduct such business or to so labor; provided, however, that when a firm or corporation is an applicant for such license, such examination shall be taken by some member of the firm or corporation or by some duly appointed and authorized agent of said firm or corporation who shall act as its master plumber, and every such firm or corpora- tion must, at all times, have at least one (i) master plumber in actual charge of its plumbing business. When any agent is authorized to take the examination as above provided, the authorization must be in writing and filed with the application. Examination SEC. 4. Examination of plumbers shall be held by the Board of Public Safety at the City Hall and at such time or times as the Board may determine. It shall not be necessary for any plumber having successfully passed one REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 117 examination in the City of Palo Alto to be again examined. SEC. 5. Every master plumber, before he shall regis- Bonds ter, must give a bond to the City of Palo Alto in the sum of five hundred dollars, with good and sufficient surety, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties as master plumber, which said bond shall be approved by the Board of Public Safety and filed with the City Clerk. SEC. 6. All licenses shall expire on the first day of Expiration July of each year, unless sooner revoked. Upon the ex- piration of the yearly license, every master plumber carry- ing on the business of plumbing in the City of Palo Alto, shall be required to again register and file a new bond as above provided. SEC. 7. All licensed plumbers shall be held strictly Correction responsible for any and all acts of agents or employees after notice done under this ordinance by virtue of his or their licenses, and upon being notified by the Plumbing Inspec- tor of any defect in the plumbing system of a building or violation of this ordinance, the person or persons having charge of the work shall immediately correct the same. SEC. 8. When any plumbing or drainage work shall Filing of have been commenced in any building now erected or p lans and hereafter to be erected in the City of Palo Alto, or in any *" addition to any building now erected in said City, and before the rough work is ready for inspection, the per- son, firm, association or corporation doing the same shall submit to the Plumbing Inspector of said City, plans and specifications accurately and correctly describing in detail the plumbing work to be done, and, at the same time, shall pay to the City Auditor a fee of fifty cents for each and every fixture up to six in number, and ten cents for each and every fixture over and above six in number. Upon the payment of said fees, the City Auditor shall give receipt for same, and the Plumbing Inspector shall issue a permit for the proposed work, and shall file the plans and specifications with the Board of Public Works. The word "fixture" means any plumbing device having a waste pipe to carry the waste water to the sewer. SEC. 9. When any changes are made in waste, soil Work in old or drain pipes in old houses, the said waste, soil or drain buildings pipes shall, in all cases, be run and vented in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Plans and specifi- cations for such work shall be submitted to the Plumb- ing Inspector, the fees provided in section 8 of this article shall be paid to said City Auditor, proper receipts and n8 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Buildings moved, raised or altered Installation or alteration in old or new buildings Notice of completion Tests Sectional and final tests Smoke tests Testing plugs Test certificates Inspector, notice permit shall be given, anl the plans and specifications shall be filed with the Board of Public Works. SEC. 10. When a building is removed from one part of the City to another, or when an addition is made to a building or to any drainage in connection therewith (ex- cept in case of repairs, which are herein defined to con- sist of leaks in drain, soil, waste or vent pipes and repairs on faucets, valves or water supply pipes), the rules and regulations herein set forth must be followed. SEC. ii. The installation or alteration or change in the plumbing work or fixtures in any old or new build- ing or buildings, shall not be made until the provisions of this article are complied with. SEC. 12. When the rough plumbing in any building is completed, it shall be completely filled with water and the Plumbing Inspector notified that the same is ready for inspection. Any person, firm or corporation doing work under the provisions of this article shall, at the request of the Plumbing Inspector, remove one or more pieces of pipe, or one or more fittings, in order to facilitate the thorough inspection of said work. Immediately upon the completion of the plumbing system of a building, notice must be given the Plumbing Inspector to that effect by the plumber in charge of the work, and the work must he ready for the final inspection. SEC. 13. All sewer, drains, soil, waste, vent and leader pipes (except sheet metal leaders), which are not of ironstone, must have all openings stopped and be filled with water. The Plumbing Inspector shall have the right to demand such water or other test applied to ironstone pipes as he may deem necessary. SEC. 14. When a system of plumbing has been test- ed in sections, then final tests shall be made with a water pressure equal to a column ten feet above the highest point of the sewer or drain located within the premises. SEC. 15. The smoke or peppermint test shall be made wherever demanded by the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 16. Wooden plugs shall not be allowed in the testing of a plumbing system. SEC. 17. The testing of a plumbing system must be made in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector, and, if the test prove satisfactory to him, he shall issue a proper certificate for the same. SEC. 1 8. In all cases twenty-four hours' notice must be given the Plumbing Inspector when the work is suffi- ciently advanced for inspection. REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS SEC. 19. All material must be of good quality and Material free from defects. The work must be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The interior of all fittings and cast-iron pipe and ironstone pipe shall be free from obstructions, and all wrought metal pipe shall have ends reamed out and be free from burrs. SEC. 20. Where under these rules it is not requisite Standard to use extra heavy cast-iron pipe and fittings, then either P'P e standard cast-iron pipe or galvanized wrought iron pipe may be used ; provided, however, that in waste lines, gal- vanized wrought iron or steel pipe may be used of a bore not smaller than one and one-half inches in diameter, and of the average weight and thickness provided for in section twenty-two hereof. SEC. 21. Where under these rules it is requisite to Extra heavy use heavy cast-iron pipe, then the pipe, inclusive of the cast P'P e hub, shall average the following weight to each five-foot length : Diameter Weight per Lin. Ft. Ibs. 2 Inches 5.50 3 Inches 945 4 Inches 13 5 Inches 17 6 Inches 20 7 Inches 27 8 Inches 34 W T here heavy pipe is required, all fittings used in making connections with such pipe must correspond in weight and quality and all such pipes and fittings must have the extra heavy stamp exposed to view for the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 22. As laid down in these rules, galvanized In u eu of wrought iron or steel pipe may be used in lieu of cast-iron cast iron pipe. The pipe shall not be less than the following pipe average thickness and weight per lineal foot: 120 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Table of various kinds of pipe Sewers separate Sewers Old sewers Diameter Inches i^'. . Thickness 14.. . Wt. per Lin. Ft. Ibs. 2 68 2 i 1 ^. . ^ 61 2 1 /. - . 20 o >vy 57/1 ^- 22 /4 7 ^4 3^ .2^. . . Q OO A 24. 10 66 4. l /2- 2C . 12 ^4. 5 ^o 26 """OT- 14. =10 6 28 .18.76 7- ^O .2^.27 8.. o w .^2. . ..28.18 Intermediate sections SEC. 23. Every house and building must be separ- ately and independently connected with the sewer; pro- vided, however, that where there are two or more build- ings on the same lot, the total street frontage of which does not exceed fifty feet, separate sewer connections need not be made with the main sewer. SEC. 24. Every house or building hereafter erected must have the house drain, except as provided for in these rules for the use of galvanized wrought iron or steel pipe, constructed of cast-iron pipe when the drain lies unc'er the building and for three feet beyond the front wall or of any area wall or any wall of adjoining premises, where it shall connect with not less than four inch ironstone pipe, classed as No. I Grade. The cast- iron drain pipe shall leave the building at a point nearest to the street sewer connection. Where any section of the cast-iron sewer is below the surface of the ground, or where the joists of the first floor are two feet or less, from the ground, or in places that have been excavated, such as basements or sumps, the said sewer shall be constructed of extra heavy cast-iron. Ironstone pipe must be laid in accordance with specifi- cations for such work adopted by the Board of Public Works. SEC. 25. When either an old or new building is placed upon a lot, or when an alteration is made in a building which has an old sewer or drain in a defective or unsanitary condition lying within the lines of any part of the foundation, then the said sewer or drain must be replaced with cast-iron pipe and be run in accordance with these rules and regulations. SEC. 26. The use of intermediate sections of pipe of different quality or kind, such as the introduction of REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 121 sections of ironstone pipe between cast iron pipe, or of standard cast iron pipe between extra heavy sections, or of cast-iron pipe between ironstone pipe, or of wrought iron or steel pipe between ironstone and similar pipe, will not be allowed. SEC. 27. In plating works, chemical works, acid works and manufactories where chemicals are used, the waste of same shall discharge into the main sewer in the street through a separate vitrified ironstone pipe, which shall be laid in a manner conforming to all the require- ments of this article. SEC. 28. All surface drains, soil and waste pipes dis- charging below the sewer line of any building, and all sumps receiving drainage or wastage, must be connected in a sanitary manner satisfactory to the Board of Public Works and receive the approval of the Plumbing In- spector prior to use. SEC. 29. All joints on cast-iron pipe and the fittings for same must be made with suitable packing of oakum, properly caulked and run full with molten lead, properly caulked; and all cast-iron pipes must be coated both inside and outside with coal tar pitch applied hot. SEC. 30. When possible, all sewer, drain, soil, waste and leader pipes shall have a continuous fall of not less than one-quarter of an inch to the foot, and, if practical, more. When not possible to secure one quarter inch fall to the foot, provision shall be made for regular and effi- cient flushing. SEC. 31. Where practical, iron sewers, drains, soil and waste pipes running in a cellar or lowest story of a building shall run along the wall of the building, or, if this is not practical, be hung on iron hangers securely fastened to the floor joists. Straps or hangers shall be placed at intervals not exceeding five feet. SEC. 32. When it is not practical to run and fasten the iron sewer, drain, soil or waste pipes as above di- rected, then they may be run in a trench cut to a uniform grade and shall be subject to the provisions of section 24 as to weight of pipe. SEC. 33. No openings shall be provided in the sewer pipes of any building for the purpose of rain-water drain- age, except by special permission by the Board of Public Works, in writing. A copy of such permit, together with the area drained, shall be filed by the Plumbing Inspector with the Board of Public Works. SEC. 34. Heavy brass-made threaded "clean-outs" of at least one-eighth of an ich in thickness in the ferrule Sewers for chemical works Sumps and surface drains Caulked joints Fall of pipes Hanging pipes Trenching Rain water drainage Clean-outs 122 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Clean-outs to be accessible Pipes Lead pipe and joints Fastening pipes Fastening outside Size of soil pipe Galvanized pipe and angle fittings Steam exhaust part and with three-sixteenths of an inch thickness in the cover, the cover to have a solid cast square head of one inch square and one inch in height, shall be placed at the end of each horizontal line of sewer or waste pipe and its contributory laterals of five feet or longer. SEC. 35. All clean-outs shall be the same size as the pipe they serve and must be so placed as to be accessible. SEC. 36. Except as provided for in these rules, every sewer, drain soil, waste and leader pipe must be of either cast-iron or of galvanized wrought iron or steel, and the fittings to same must be of the same material. SEC. 37. Waste pipes may be of lead, but only for branches not exceeding five feet in length and where used to connect with cast or wrought-iron or steel ; provided, however, that no lead pipe shall be allowed outside of a building or in the ground. Whenever practical, and where under these rules and regulations lead waste pipe is used, it must intersect at the same angle as given by Y's 1-16, 1-6 or 1-8 bends. All connections of lead pipe with either cast-iron or wrought iron pipe must be made with brass ferrules of the same size as the receiving opening, and be connected to same by a wiped joint, and be properly caulked with oakum and molten lead. SEC. 38. All iron sewers or drains not trenched, and ajl soil, waste and leader pipes, shall be properly fastened and secured with either heavy bands, wrought iron straps or hooks, forged out of one piece of iron, and not welded. SEC. 39. All horizontal and vertical lines of soil, waste and leader pipes shall be secured with heavy bands, wrought iron straps with four screws to each strap and the straps placed at intervals not exceeding five feet. SEC. 40. No soil pipe of an inside diameter less than four inches shall be permitted. SEC. 41. When galvanized wrought iron or steel pipe is used for sewer, drain, soil, waste or leader pipes, it shall be of the quality known as 'Standard' thickness, and all changes of direction shall be made with Y's, 1-16, 1-6 or 1-8 fittings, threaded on the inside, and so con- structed as to form a bore uniform with the pipe without any burrs or recesses. All fittings shall be either cast- iron, hot tar dipped or galvanized, or galvanized mal- leable iron. SEC. 42. No steam exhaust shall connect with any sewer, drain, soil, leader or waste pipe. A steam con- denser, however, may be permitted to receive the steam exhaust and the condensation pipe be connected to the sewer system. REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 123 SEC. 43. All of the provisions of the various sec- Outside and tions of this article relating to pipes, including sections inside P 1 ? 68 15, 1 6, 17 and 39, shall apply to both outside and inside pipes of the plumbing system of building. SEC. 44. Except as provided for in the next section, Reveals and no sewer, drain, soil, waste, leader or vent pipe of any recesses kind shall be built in brick, stone or concrete walls. When necessary to conceal pipes of this class, they must be run in suitable reveals or recesses. SEC. 45. When and wherever any sewer, drain, soil, p as sing waste, leader, vent or supply pipe passes through any through foundation, wall or partition and there is a surrounding walls space, then this space shall be satisfactorily filled or guarded with the same material as that of which the foundation, wall or partition is made, or it may be cov- ered with suitable metal flashing or collars, so as to effectually prevent leaving an avenue for the entrance of vermin into the premises. SEC. 46. Water filters, ice boxes or refrigerators R e f r iger- shall in no case be directly connected to or with the ators; sewerage or drainage system, but they may be indirectly filters connected, provided the manner of connecting be ap- proved by the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 47. No brick or sheet metal or earthen flue Flue shall be used as a sewer or drain ventilator, nor shall any restrictions chimney flue be used for this purpose. SEC. 48. In every building where the drop exceeds Extra heavy fifty feet, reckoning from the top of the floor on which the highest fixture is located to top of the first floor, the entire soil and waste pipe shall be of extra heavy cast- iron pipe, and the fittings to same shall be extra heavy; or standard galvanized wrought iron or steel pipe and cast iron tar dipped threaded fittings may be used. SEC. 49. The term "soil pipe" is that applied to Soil pipe any pipe receiving the discharge from one or more water closets, with or without other fixtures. SEC. 50. All vent pipes, including soil pipe stacks Standard continuing above the highest fixture and serving as a stacks vent pipe, may be of standard cast-iron pipe or of gal- vanized wrought iron or steel pipe, but there shall not be intermediate sections of different materials or qualities. SEC. 51. " Waste pipe" is the term applied to any pipe receiving the discharge of any fixture except water closets. The waste pipe, either vertical or horizontal, receiving the discharge of sixteen or more fixtures shall not be less than two and one-half inches internal diameter. I2 4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Alignment of pipes Angle of fitings Offsets Prohibitions Heel outlets Leader restrictions Leaders Leaders, inside Leader connections Leaders on street lines Roof water Deck and light-well drains Safe wastes SEC. 52. The arrangement of sewer, drain, soil, waste, vent, and leader pipes must be as direct as possible. SEC. 53. Except as provided for in these rules, all changes in the direction of sewer, drain, soil, waste and leader pipes shall be made with Y branches, 1-16, 1-6, or 1-8 bends. SEC. 54. Offsets may be used, provided the angle they present is not more acute than that presented by a 1-16 bend. SEC. 55. Straight crosses, bands and saddles are prohibited. SEC. 56. No heel outlet will be allowed to act as a waste or vent pipe on either vertical or horizontal lines. SEC. 57. Except as provided for in these rules, rain water leaders must never be used as a soil, waste or vent pipe, nor shall a soil, waste or vent pipe be used as a rain water leader. SEC. 58. Excepting outside leads or leader pipes exceeding fifty-five feet perpendicularly reckoning from the roof's outlet to the point where the leader emerges from a building shall be of either extra heavy cast-iron or of standard galvanized wrought iron or steel pipe from top to bottom. Outside leaders, however, may be of standard cast-iron pipe or of sheet metal. SEC. 59. When rain water leaders are placed inside of a building, they must be of cast-iron or steel, and be properly caulked with oakum and molten lead, just as if they were to be used as soil or waste pipes. SEC. 60. The connection between sheet metal and cast-iron leader pipes must be made by caulking the sheet metal with oakum and molten lead into the cast-iron. Brass sleeves are prohibited. If the leader connects to galvanized wrought iron or steel, then a satisfactory soldered connection must be made. SEC. 61. When a building is erected on a street line, or when it is desired to run the roof water to the gutters, the same shall be run in a cast-iron pipe from a point five feet above the curb level to and under the sidewalk to the gutter. The running of roof or surface water on sidewalks is hereby prohibited. SEC. 62. All decks and light-wells must be provided with adequate drainage. SEC. 63. Every safe waste under a bath, basin, tank or other fixture must be drained by a special pipe of lead or galvanized wrought iron or steel pipe of a diameter not less than one inch bore, and in no case shall it be connected directly to any soil, waste, drain, sewer, or vent p'pe, but made to discharge outside the building. REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 125 SEC. 64. Urinals and water closet floor drains may be connected to and with main waste soil or sewer pipe, provided said floor drain be properly trapped and vented and supplied with water, but no urinal waste shall act as the feed to any floor drain. All shall be done to the satis- faction of the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 65. Excepting flushometer closets, all water closets within a building must be supplied from separate tanks or cisterns, the water of which should not be used for any other purpose. Excepting flushometer, a group of water closets may be supplied from one tank, but water closets located on different floors must not be supplied from one tank. SEC. 66. Plug, pan valve closets and common hop- per closets are strictly prohibited in any part of a build- ing or premises. Flush rim hopper closets, offset and washout closets are not allowed, excepting they are located outside the building proper. SEC. 67. When water closets are supplied from tanks, the down or flush pipe shall in no case be less than one and one-quarter inches inside diameter. No rubber connection shall be allowed between water closets and vent pipes, nor shall any closet be set in plaster or similar substance. SEC. 68. When a water closet is connected to the soil pipe, by and through a lead bend, then the outlet side of the bend must be properly wiped to a brass ferrule and the ferrule be properly caulked into receiving hub. SEC. 69. When a water closet is not connected to the soil pipe by a lead bend, then it may be connected by and through a lead pipe lengthening piece, which shall be properly wiped to a heavy brass ferrule, and the ferrule be properly caulked into receiving hub. SEC. 70. When under the two preceding sections, closets are connected by and through lead pipes, then suit- able brass floor flanges shall be used, or when the closet is connected to either cast-iron or galvanized wrought iron or steel and regular brass ferrules, lead pipe and wiped joints are not used, then the connection between the closets and the soil pipe must be made with an ap- proved adjustable and threaded, or threaded and caulked floor flange connection. Sec. 71. When water closets are so constructed that the trap is a part of the closet, then they must be of all earthenware, or enameled iron, or of a combination of these materials. Urinal and closet safes Closets, flushometers Closets prohibited Closets, flush pipes and connections Closet lead bend Closet lead connections Closets, flanges, etc. Materials for closets 126 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Ratio of closets Male and female Closets named Closets, ratio to tenants Closets in hotels and lodging houses Closets, family Urinals, supply Group of urinals All water closet receivers must be made of earthen- ware or of enameled iron ; no stone, cement, brick, wooden or other porous substance will be permitted. This shall apply to both single water closets built in series or ranges. SEC. 72. Each tenement, flat or store shall be por- vided with not less than one water closet. SEC. 73. In all places of employment where men and women are employed, separate and sufficient water closets shall be provided for males and females as re- quired by these rules and regulations. SEC. 74. The water closets provided for males shall be plainly marked "Men's Toilet" and water closets pro- vided for women shall be plainly marked "Women's Toilet." SEC. 75. In all places of employment mentioned in this article, not less than one water closet shall be pro- vided for every twenty-five males, or less number, and not less than one water closet shall be provided for every twenty-five females, or a less number, and these water closet facilities shall be provided upon at least every second story. Where there are employees in a basement, such basement shall be considered as being one story. SEC. 76. In lodging houses or hotels, hereafter erected or altered, there shall be provided not less than one water closet for every twenty-five females, or less number, and not less than one water closet for every twenty-five males, or less number. The number of water closets required shall be determined from the number of lodging quarters provided in said lodging houses or hotels. SEC. 77. In all buildings used jointly for residence and business purposes, separate and sufficient water closets shall be provided for the use of families, em- ployees and patrons of the place. SEC. 78. Except in private residences, urinals must be supplied from an automatic tank flush. A group of urinals may be supplied from one tank, the capacity of which is to be proportionate to the number of urinals supplied, but in no case shall the capacity be less than one gallon for each urinal served. The flush pipes must be sufficiently large. SEC. 79. More than two urinals shall be construed as being a group of urinals, and the flush pipe or pipes thereto must be so arranged as to provide an equalized pressure and volume of water to all and each urinal on the range. REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 127 SEC. 80. Except flushometer urinals, urinals situated on different floors or stories of the same building must be supplied by tanks located on the same floor or story as that on which the urinals are respectively located. SEC. 81. Slop hoppers and scullery sinks, when set upon a floor, must be connected to the waste pipe with lead pipe wiped on to a brass ferrule, the same to be caulked with molten lead, or they may be connected with an approved iron or brass connection. Sinks of hotels, restaurants and boarding houses must be supplied with grease traps where required by the Plumbing Inspector. Such traps must be of approved design and water- jacket- ed and cooled by running cold water through the jacket. SEC. 82. All slop hoppers and slop sinks shall be provided with suitable traps of not less than two inches internal diameter. They must be provided with a water faucet. SEC. 83. When located upon a porch, four enameled slop hoppers or slop sinks may be wasted into a three inch pipe, and provided the crown of the trap is within two feet of the stack waste pipe, it shall not be necessary to back vent these fixtures, but the waste stack shall be carried full bore to above roof line. SEC. 84. When and where, under these rules and regulations, it is required that the size of the waste be increased, as, for instance, in the maximum number of hoppers and of slop sinks, then the increased size shall be run up to above the roof line of undiminshed bore. SEC. 85. Basins may be wasted by one and one-half inch trap. SEC. 86. Dentists' cuspidors shall waste through a one and one-quarter inch trap, and the trap shall have a one and one-quarter inch vent pipe. The trap shall be within two feet of the vent pipe. SEC. 87. On the inlet side of the trap an extension of one inch waste pipe may be run to a length not exceed- ing six feet, reckoning from the trap's seal to the end of the one inch extension. Five or more cuspidors must be wasted and vented by not less than a two inch main waste pipe and vent. SEC. 88. No wooden sink or wash tray shall be allowed on any premises. SEC. 89. Bath tubs, the frame of which is wooden, and which said frame is lined with sheet metal, are not allowed. SEC. 90. All fixtures must be open to the free circu- lation of air and not enclosed. Urinal supply, floors Hoppers ; grease traps Hoppers ; traps Hoppers on porches Hopper stack Basin waste traps Dentist's - cuspidors Extension on inlet side of trap Wooden fixtures Bath tubs Fixtures not enclosed 128 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Carriage wash rooms Traps Traps, restrictions Traps relative to vent Abutting sink and tray Trap, foot stacks Size of traps Range traps Bell traps Vents Vents to roof Vents, angles and sizes SEC. 91. All carriage wash rooms connected with the sewer system must be provided with means of inter- cepting mud and constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 92. As provided for in these rules, all fixtures must be effectively trapped and vented, and the traps and vents must be placed as near to the outlet of the fixtures served as practical, all in conformity with this article. SEC. 93. Excepting as provided for ranges of closets and urinals, and for sectional basins, every fixture must be separately trapped. Excepting as specified in these rules, in no case shall the trap of one fixture connect with the trap of another fixture. SEC. 94. Excepting as provided in these rules, in no case shall the trap serving a fixture be placed at a distance greater than one foot from the outlet of the fixture it serves, nor shall the vent pipe serving a trap be placed at a distance greater than two feet from the trap it serves. SEC. 95. When a sink and a wash tray or a range of laundry tubs abut on one another and they are practically one fixture and are in the same room, then they or it may be served by one trap. SEC. 96. No traps shall be placed at the foot of any vertical soil or waste pipe. SEC. 97. No fixtures shall have a trap of less than one and one half inches internal diameter,, provided, however, that dental cuspidors may have one and one- quarter inch traps. SEC. 98. A range of closets, or a range of urinals, or a range of basins, may be served by one trap, provided the arrangement thereof receives the approval of the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 99. Bell traps are strictly prohibited in every and all cases. SEC. 100. Vent pipes and all fittings shall be of gal- vanized wrought iron, steel or cast-iron and, excepting as provided in this section and section 97, they shall be of a bore not less than that of the trap served, and if to serve a water closet or slop sink or hopper, not less than two inch bore. SEC. 101. All vent pipes shall be run separately or combined through the roof, and for one foot above, and are to be left open. SEC. 102. Vent pipes must be run with as few bends as possible, and, excepting as provided for, must connect to and with the main vertical vent at an angle of 45 or 60 degrees. When combined, the vent pipes must be in- REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 129 creased in size according to the following table. Branch vents serving water closets shall not be of a size less than described in the following table : 2 basins or dental cuspidors, into a i l / 2 inch vent; i to 3 water closets or 7 small fixtures, into a 2 inch vent ; 4 to 5 water closets or 10 small fixtures, into a 2.y 2 inch vent ; 6 to 8 water closets or 16 small fixtures, into a 3 inch vent; 9 or more water closets or 16 or more small fixtures, into a 4-inch vent ; SEC. 103. The term "branch vent" as here applied shall be construed to mean all that vent pipe located 1 etween the fixtures served and the point where the vent joins and intersects the main vertical vent. SEC. 104. All vent pipes and the fittings to same must be so arranged that no sediment shall discharge into the waste pipes so as to be carried ofT by the waste discharge, and, where architectural conditions require, the bottom of the vent shall be carried to and below the lowest fix- ture on the line. SEC. 105. In no case shall a vent pipe serving any fixture intersect with a main or a branch vent at a point of intersection less than three feet six inches above the floor upon which the fixture to be vented shall be located. SEC. 106. Water closets, located either within the building or upon any portion of the premises (excepting as provided for yard fixtures in eection 108) if the soil drop does not extend ten feet, may be vented by a two inch vent pipe for a distance of thirty-five feet, then the entire vent shall be two and one-half inches. Single water closets may be vented by a two inch vent pipe. SEC. 107. In each and every building to be used as a residence, or otherwise, and where a water closet, or closets, is or are, situated, either within the building or upon any portion of the lot outside of said building, it shall be required, in any and all cases, that at least one four inch .vent pipe shall be continued to a point one foot above the roof line, and this irrespective of the location of the closet or closets or drop. SEC. 108. When a fixture is located in a yard, and it is ten or more feet from any building and the room in which the fixture is located is not connected with any buildirg, then the fixtures, trap or traps, need not be vented. SEC. 109. Where, under these rules, cast-iron vent pipe is allowed, then double hubs are allowed, but on the vent pipe only. Table of sizes of vents ; branch ; sizes of vents and fixtures allowed Branch vents Sediment Three feet six inches intersections Vents for pipes Soil stacks and vents Yard fixtures, ten-foot limit Double hubs on vents 130 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Combination waste and vent fittings Kitchen extensions and roofs Vent terminations Caps and cowls Air shaft requirements Air shaft restrictions Air shaft enlargements Air exhaust Ventilation requirements Water pipe ; inspection SEC. no. Combination waste and vent fittings which are tapped at all openings, or tapped and belled for caulking, are allowable. SEC. in. When fixtures are located within kitchen and similar extensions or when a roof is used for yard purposes, or when an opening in the main building is to be guarded, vents must be carired over to the main building to a point not less than one foot above the line of the main roof, and where any vent extends more than four feet through the roof, the vent stack must be of galvanized wrought iron or steel. SEC. 112. No soil or vent pipe shall terminate at a point within ten feet of the bottom of any door or win- dow or house tank of main structure. SEC. 113. No cap or cowl shall be affixed to the top of any ventilating pipe. SEC. 114. Each and every compartment wherein a hath, water closet, urinal or slop or scullery sink is situ- ated, shall be ventilated by means of a window opening directly to -the external atmosphere, or by means of an air shaft having an area of at least two square feet. This air shaft shall continue of undiminished size to the roof, and at this point its opening shall equal in area not less than that of the shaft. Every gas water heater shall be properly vented through a conductor leading to outside air, said vent pipe to have an inside end area of at least six and three- quarters square inches. SEC. 115. No air shaft or window ventilating either a bath, water closet, urinal, slop or scullery sink com- partment shall discharge into or ventilate any other compartment whatsoever. SEC. 116. The provisions of section 114 shall not prevent the enlargement of air shafts to a size suitable and adequate to ventilate a series of closets, urinals, slops or scullery compartments. SEC. 117. The requirements of these rules shall not apply to a ventilating system of sufficient capacity to exhaust to a point above the roof all the air in the com- partment, or compartments, referred to in this section, every ten minutes. SEC. 1 1 8. In all cases covered by this article, the manner and system of ventilating must meet with the approval of and be installed to the satisfaction of the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 119. All water pipe work done in any building in the City of Palo Alto shall be subjected to the inspec- REGULATING CONSTRUCTION, ETC. tion of the Plumbing Inspector and tested as hereinafter described. Notice must be given the Plumbing Inspec- tor in writing, when the water piping is ready for inspec- tion, and the work must be uncovered and convenient for examination. All necessary tools, labor and assist- ance for the requisite tests and inspections shall be furnished by the person, firm or corporation having control of the work. SEC. 1 20. When upon examination by the Plumbing Inspector, it appears that any water pipe work is de- fective, either in construction or material, the same shall be altered or repaired to conform to the regula- tions set forth in this article. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any water through or by means of any piping or fittings in any building until the same shall have been inspected and approved by the Plumbing Inspector and a certificate shall have been issued by him approving the work. SEC. 121. The size of the water pipe used must vary with the length of the pipe, the height of building and the number of openings : (a) Not more than two openings shall be made on a half-inch branch pipe, nor shall any one- half-inch branch be more than ten feet long. (b) The service pipe to a one story building having not more than fourteen openings within the building and about the grounds shall be at least three-quarter inch pipe. No faucet or opening larger than three-quarter inch shall be permitted. (c) For a two-story building having plumbing fix- tures on the second floor, a one inch service pipe must be laid from the street main to the first second-story riser within the building. A total of not more than twenty-four openings shall be made on a one inch service, and no opening shall be larger than three-quarter inches. (d) For large buildings and for cases where the openings in the piping system are more than one hundred feet from the house meter, the size of pipes shall be deter- mined by the Plumbing Inspector. (e) All wash trays shall be supplied through three- quarter inch pipe and have three-quarter inch openings and faucets. (f) All piping and fittings shall be of standard gal- vanized iron or steel. Short lengths of lead piping known to the trade as (A. A.) or brass piping may be used to attach plumbing fixtures. (g) All faucets on the inside of a building shall be Use of defective pipes, etc., prohibited Size of pipe Openings One story building Two story building Large buildings Wash trays Galvanized iron or steel Faucets 132 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Piping, supporting, cutting, inspection Valves Water pressure Boilers Leaks, etc. exempt Condemna- tion Penalty provided with air chambers consisting of a section of pipe equal in size to the riser supplying the opening, and not less than eighteen inches long. (h) All piping shall be firmly supported by strap- ping same to building with approved straps placed not more than five feet apart. After cutting, or where the pipe is found contracted, it shall be reamed out to full bore, and it must be thoroughly cleared of cuttings and dirt on the inside before being used in the work. The Plumbing Inspector shall have the right to order one or more fittings, or any part of the piping system, to be opened up for inspection at any time during the progress of the work. (i) There shall be one gate valve provided on the main service at the house line, also an approved valve at each water closet and on the inlet pipe to each boiler. (j) All water piping shall be made perfectly tight and suitable for a water pressure of 100 pounds to the square inch. The person, firm or corporation installing the piping shall subject the system to a water test of 125 pounds per square inch when requested so to do by the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 122. All range boilers installed shall be of the style known as "extra heavy." SEC. 123. The requirements of these rules and regu- lations shall not be construed to include leaks, the repair of faucets, breaks in pipes or stoppages of pipes. SEC. 124. When a building has been inspected and the plumbing work condemned by the Plumbing Inspector as being in an unsanitary condition, then the Board of Public Safety shall give a written notice to that effect, infonring the agent or owner to repair the defective plumbing therein, so as to place the building in a sanitary condition, and it shall be unlawful for the owner or agent to suffer, allow or permit an occupied building to remain in an unsanitary condition. SEC. 125. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. PART VI PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORA- TIONS ARTICLE I GOVERNING ELECTRIC LIGHTING PLANTS SEC. i. By the term "company" as used in this article is meant any corporation, co-partnership, asso- ciation or person engaged in the business of furnishing or selling electricity for lighting, power and heating purposes in the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 2, For the purposes of this article, a "meter" is defined to be an instrument or appliance for measuring quantity of electric energy, so adjusted and maintained as to correctly register, in kilowatt hours, within two per cent, plus or minus, the amount of electric energy measured by it, when compared with and tested by a standard wattmeter. Whenever a meter is required by this article it shall conform to the definition and require- ments of this section. SEC. 3. The City Electrician may at any time ex- amine and test any electric meter installed or about to be installed in the City of Palo Alto for measuring electric energy, and for such purpose may disconnect and remove any ir.eter from any place where installed or placed to the testing place selected by him. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to hinder, impede or inter- fere with the City Electrician in making examination or test of any meter. SEC. 4. Every company shall install and maintain at or upon the premises of each of its customers a meter for the purpose of measuring and determining the amount of electric energy furnished to such customer. It shall be unlawful for any company, or any officer, agent, ser- Definition of "company" Of "meter" City Electri- cian to test ineters Company to furnish all meters 134 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Rates classified Establishing rates vant or employee of any company, to sell or furnish electric energy to any consumer or person in the City of Palo Alto unless such energy be measured by a meter so installed and maintained. It shall be unlawful for any company or any officer, agent, servant or employee of any company, directly 'or indirectly, in any form or man- ner, to charge, demand, collect or receive payment or compensation for electric energy furnished which is not based upon and proportioned to the amount of energy actually furnished and determined and measured by a meter installed and maintained as herein provided. SEC. 5. For the purpose of fixing and establishing rates, electric energy sold or furnished in the City of Palo Alto by any company, for lighting, power and heating shall be classified as follows, beginning July i. 1911 : For lighting: From a maximum of 7^ cents per Kw. hour to a minimum of 4 cents per Kw. hour, depend- ing upon the monthly consumption as indicated by the rate curve diagram on file in the office of the City Clerk. For motor and poiver loads : Any quantity at 4 cents per Kw. hour. For heating, cooking and household electrical appli- ances: Any quantity at 3 cents per Kw. hour. Provided, however, that a minimum monthly charge may be collected for electric service, which charge shall be one dollar ($1.00) per meter. SEC. 6. Any company desiring to establish rates for electric energy by it furnished in the City of Palo Alto less than the rates fixed by Section 5 of this article may do so by filing with the City Clerk of the City of Palo Alto, and publishing for a period of thirty (30' days, commencing with the day of said filing, in a news- paper of general circulation published at least six (6) days a week in said City, a schedule of rates it desires and elects to establish. The rates thus established must he based upon and proportioned to the amount of electric energy actually furnished as measured and registered by a meter. They must follow and conform to the classifica- tion established by Section 5 of this article. No rate shall he higher than the rate fixed by Section 5 of this article for the corresponding class of energy, and the minimum monthly charge in said section provided shall not be increased. SEC. 7. All electric energy sold or furnished for power, heating or purposes other than lighting, when not measured by a separate meter installed and maintained ITBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 135 for the purpose of measuring such energy, shall he Rates for deemed ard considered as electric energy furnished for power, heat- lightirg purposes, and the furnishing and sale thereof and the rates therefor, shall be in all respects subject to the conditions and provisions of this article. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any company which Governing has not, as provided by Section 6 hereof, established rebates, rates different from those fixed by Section 5 hereof, or ^ for any officer, agent, collector or employee of such company, directly or indirectly, by the use of false or inaccurate meters, or by false or inaccurrate reading of meters, or by any special rebate, drawback or other de- vice, or in any manner or form, to charge, demand, col- lect or receive any rate or rates, or payment or compensa- tion or consideration for electric energy furnished for lighting purposes in the City of Palo Alto, greater or less than or different from the rates herein fixed. It shall be unlawful for any company which has, as False meters provided by Section 6 hereof, established rates different or meter from those fixed by Section 5 hereof, or for any officer, agent, collector or employee of such company, directly or indirectly, by the use of false or inaccurate meters, or by false or inaccurate reading of meters, or by any special rebate, drawback or other device, or in any manner or form, to charge, demand, collect or receive any rate or rates, or payment or compensation or con- sideration for electric energy by it furnished for lighting purposes in the City of Palo Alto, greater or less than or different from its said rates so established. The furnishing to each customer or person of electric Meter meas- energy other than by meter measurement as herein pro- ure at rates vided, or at rates other than as herein fixed or established as herein permitted, shall be deemed unlawful, and a separate and distinct offense, and each such offense shall be punished as herein provided. For each customer or person to, or upon whom, any Separate charge or demand is made, or from whom any money or offenses thing of value is collected or received, as, or for, rate, payment, compensation or consideration for electric energy at rates other than, or different from, those herein fixed or established as herein permitted, a separate and distinct offense shall be deemed committed and each such offense shall be punished as herein provided. SEC. 9. Any person, firm, corporation, whether as Penalty owner or lessee, principal, agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or itself, or for any other person, firm or corporation, which, or who, shall violate any of the provisions of this article, shall be guilty of a mis- I 3 6 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Changing rates Electric energy furn- ished to City demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 10. Nothing herein contained, nor any action or circumstance taken or arising hereunder, shall be deemed a waiver of, or abridge, the powers of the City to, at any time, fix or change rates or regulate the furn- ishing or sale of electricity for any purpose. SEC. ii. Nothing in this article contained shall apply to the furnishing of electric energy to the City of Palo Alto for lighting its streets, alleys, or parks, or for operating its Public Ltilities. ARTICLE II GOVERNING TELEPHONE SERVICE AND RATES Fixing rates SEC. i. The maximum rates or compensation to te collected by any person, company or corporation for telephonic service supplied to the City of Palo Alto or to the inhabitants thereof, subject to change by the Council, shall be as follows: Business Business and Professional Rates: The following maximum charges shall be made for business and professional service : Single party For a single-party line telephone, business or profes- sional, including all exchange switches as per present schedule of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany, $3.25 per month; Two party For a two-party line telephone, business or profes- sional, including all exchange switches as per present scheiule of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany, $2.25 per month. Residence Residence Rates: The following maximum charges shall be made for residence flat rate service : Single party For a single-party line residence telephone, including all exchange switches as per present schedule of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, $2.00 per month ; Two party For a two-party line residence telephone, including all exchange switches as per present schedule of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, $1.75 per month ; PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 137 For a four-party line residence telephone, including Four party all exchange switches as per present schedule of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, $1.50 per month. For each extension of a residence telephone the Extensions maximum charge shall be a sum not to exceed 50 cents per month. For each extension of a business telephone the maxi- mum charge shall be a sum not to exceed $1.00 per month. SEC. 2. The term "telephone" as used in this article Apparatus is hereby defined to mean both a transmitter and a receiver. It shall be optional with the person demand- ing telephonic service to elect to take or use either portable or stationary telephonic apparatus and it shall be the duty of the person, company or corporation supply- ing telephonic service in the City to furnish such appa- ratus without additional cost, except as in this article provided. Single conversation on party lines shall not exceed Five-minute five minutes. rule Upon the application in writing of the owner or occu- pant of any building or premises distant not more than Service three hundred feet from any underground conduit or se ^ en da ^ pole line of the person, company or corporation furn- ishing telephonic service, and payment by the applicant of all money due from him, the person, company or cor- poration must within seven days supply telephonic ser- vice as required for such building or premises, and can- not refuse on the ground of any indebtedness of any former owner or occupant thereof, unless the applicant has undertaken to pay the same. No deposit shall be required for service requested by any taxpayer of the City of Palo Alto. It shall be unlawful for any person, company or , corporation furnishing telephonic service in the City of Palo Alto to refuse to give said service to any applicant or subscriber upon any party line herein designated, or to charge a greater monthly rental than provided by this article for any service given ; and It shall be unlawful for any person, company or cor- poration to discontinue any service on party line or lines herein designated so long as any demand for said service is made by any inhabitant or inhabitants of said City. Provided, that the rates herein established and fixed Present free for service on any of the party lines herein designated exchange are expressly fixed at said maximum charge on the con- sideration that said rates shall include the present free 138 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Amendments Penalty exchange telephone service with Stanford University, Mayfield, Menlo Park, Fair Oaks, Redwood City, and all other points to which free exchange is now given to the inhabitants of the City of Palo Alto. This article may be amended by the Council at any time a change is made by any person, firm or cor- poration doing a telephone business in the City which affects the value of the service rendered, or the present free exchange telephone service above stated. SEC. 3. Any person, company or corporation, or any officer or agent of any person, company or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and such person, company or corpor- ation, or officer or agent of any such person, company or corporation, shall be guilty of a separate offense for every day that such violation shall continue, and shall be subject to the penalty imposed by this section for each and every separate offense. Fixing rates for meters at fifty cents per month Meters to be installed within five days after receipt of written notice Unlawful to collect de- posit from taxpayers ARTICLE III GOVERNING GAS SERVICE AND RATES SEC. i. The minimum charge for gas consumed by consumers, independent of reading, is hereby fixed at the sum of fifty cents per month, and it shall be unlaw- ful for any person, company or corporation selling gas to consumers in the City of Palo Alto to make or collect any sum in excess of said minimum charge unless the meters of said company show that the company is entitled to a larger sum for the actual amount of gas consumed at the rates fixed by ordinance. SEC. 2. Any person, company or corporation furn- ishing gas to consumers in the City of Palo Alto shall install meters at the request of the consumer within five days after receiving written notice requesting said instal- lation ; provided that this rule shall not apply where new pipes have to be laid on streets or avenues and until existing bills for gas against the applicant have been paid. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- pany or corporation furnishing gas to consumers in the City of Palo Alto to require any deposit from consumers who are tax payers in the City of Palo Alto. ITBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 139 SEC. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- Fixing rate pany or corporation to make a greater charge than fifty for installing cents for the installment of any meter in any house after j the first installation in said house has been made. at i n at SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- 50 cents pany or corporation to turn back or change the dial or dials of any meter unless same is done in the presence of Dials to be the consumer or his agent. turned back SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, JJ52S company or corporation supplying gas for light or fuel O f consumer purposes to the City of Palo Alto, or any of the inhabi- tants thereof, or any consumer therein, to charge for charge for making any connection between his, their or its pipes, laying pipe and to those of any person applying for gas, more than ?" d the actual cost of doing the same. Gas shall be delivered pressure into the consumer's pipes at an even pressure, which shall not be less than two inches water pressure, and such gas shall be supplied promptly and in sufficient quantity to all paying consumers thereof and to all per- sons applying therefor on or adjacent to any street, avenue or alley along which the mains of said person, firm, company or corporation shall have been extended. SEC. 7. The owner of any premises in the City of Providing Palo Alto shall have the right upon obtaining a permit that owners from the Board of Public Works so to do, to lay gas ^ tha/the pipes from his premises to the curb in any street, avenue company or alley in this City. After said pipes have been so laid shall furnish by said owner, and he has had the same properly inspect- sas ed by the City Engineer and received a certificate from the City Engineer to the effect that said pipes have been properly and safely laid, it shall then be unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation supplying gas in said City, to refuse to connect said pipes with his, their or its main and deliver gas to said owner or con- sumer requesting the same. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm. Removal of company or corporation to remove any meter from the meters from house, store, factory or premises of any consumer of gas, F in this City, against the will and consent of any such con- sumer of gas, who is willing to pay for gas furnished him, and tenders the amount due at the price estimated and fixed by ordinance of this City and in accordance with this article. SEC. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- Unlawful to pany or corporation to take, collect or accept any charge charge in for gas or meters which does not comply herewith or ^ e atlon c with the ordinances of this City, fixing the charge per thousand feet for the use of gas for the fiscal year. 140 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Penalty SEC. io. Any person, company or corporation vio- lating the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall te punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE IV Certificate of registra- tion Certificate necessary Installation of wires, etc. Bond PLACING, INSTALLING, OPERATING AND RE- MOVING ELECTRICAL WIRES AND AP- PARATUS SEC. i. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in conducting the business of placing, installing or oper- ating* electrical wires, appliances, apparatus or construc- tion in or on any buildings in the City of Palo Alto shall appear in person, or by a duly authorized representative, at the office of the City Electrician, and shall there register his name and place of business in said City, which act, upon his being sworn, shall entitle him to a certificate of registration ; provided, however, that no certificate of registration shall be granted for a period of time of more than one fiscal year or the unex- pired portion thereof. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in conducting the business of placing, installing or operating electrical wires, appli- ances, apparatus or construction in or on buildings in the City of Palo Alto without first obtaining a certificate of registration from the City Electrician, and said certifi- cate shall be renewed, as provided for in Section i of this article, within thirty days after the first day of July of each year. SEC. 3. The placing, installing or operating of elec- trical wires, appliances, apparatus or construction in or on buildings in the City of Palo Alto shall be exe- cuted in accordance with the provisions of this article and under the supervision of the City Electrician. SEC. 4. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in conducting the business of placing, installing or oper- ating electrical wires, appliances, apparatus or construc- tion in or on buildings in the City of Palo Alto, shall hefcre registration, give a bond to the City of Palo Alto in the sum of three hundred dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, for the faithful compliance with the PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 141 provisions of this article, and said bond shall be approved by, and filed with, the City Electrician. SEC. 5. The failure, neglect or refusal on the part of any person, firm or corporation, after due notification by the City Electrician, to correct, obviate or remove any fault, error or deficiency in placing, installing or operating electrical wires, appliances, apparatus or construction in or on buildings, in the City of Palo Alto, shall be deemed sufficient cause for the City Electrician, and he is hereby authorized, to suspend said certificate of registration for a period not exceeding thirty days. SEC. 6. No person, firm or corporation shall supply electric current to, equip with wiring, fixtures or appara- tus, or make any alterations of, or changes in, or addition to, any electrical wiring or apparatus in any building without first notifying the City Electrician in writing, and receiving from him a written permit to do the work. Such permit shall state the kind of work to be done, and shall cover only the kind of work so designated. Such permit shall also state the location by street and number of the building where such work is to be done, and shall he valid only for the location so stated. And when an equipment is found to conform to the rules and regu- lations adopted herein, the City Electrician shall issue a certificate that such rules and regulations have been complied with ; but no certificate shall be granted until the equipment is made to conform to the rules prescribed herein, and it shall be unlawful to use any current for such building until a certificate has been furnished according to the terms of this article. SEC. 7. The City Electrician may, before such certi- ficate is issued, grant a temporary permit to furnish and use electric current through any wires, apparatus and appliances, for a period not exceeding ten days if, in his judgment, such wires, apparatus or apppliances are in such condition that current may be safely used therein, and there exists an urgent necessity for such use. SEC. 8. The rules and regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters as embodied in their Nation- al Electrical Code, as amended and published from time to time, are hereby adopted as the rules and regulations of the Department of Electricity, and this Section shall be construed as a continual adoption of the latest rules and regulations of said Board of Fire Underwriters. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the City Electrician to inspect all electrical equipment from time to time, and if any part of any electrical equipment in or about Suspension of certifi- cate Permit and certificate Temporary permit Rules Inspection notice to repair 142 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Fees Building permit issued before elec- Piping to be in place before inspection Unlawful to remove buildings with electri- notice any building in the City of Palo Alto shall be found to he dangerous to life or property the City Electrician shall have the right and power, and it shall be his duty, to notify the owner of the building or equipment to cease using electric current in such dangerous equip- ment, and to have the defects in such equipment repaired within a reasonable time, not exceeding ten days from the date of notice. The City Electrician is also authorized to give written notice to the company furnish- ing the electric current to any such dangerous equipment to cease to supply the same until the defects are repaired. In a prosecution for a violation of the provisions of this Section each day's neglect to comply herewith shall be considered and taken as a separate violation. SEC. io. When an application for a permit for wir- ing in or about any building is made, the person, firm or corporation desiring to install such equipment shall, before the permit is given, pay to the City Auditor the following fees : For each outlet at which current is to be controlled or issued, five cents. Provided, however, as a minimum, the total amount of any bill of fees to be charged shall not be less than seventy-five cents. For inspection of electrical apparatus for which no fee is herein prescribed, or for any inspection service rendered, a fee of seventy-five cents per hour shall be charged for the time actually consumed in making the inspection. SEC. ii. In cases where a building permit is neces- sary, the electrical permit shall not be issued until after fa^ building permit has been issued. SEC. 12. All plumbing and other piping or tube work must be in place on work to be concealed before the elec- , . . . L . . j j . . . ... i tncal wiring is inspected, and no such wiring will be con- sidered as completed until such piping is in place. Upon making an inspection of any electrical equipment, the in- spector shall leave a notice at a conspicuous place on the building stating that the electrical work has been in- spected by the Department of Electricity. It shall be unlawful to lath, seal or in any manner conceal any electrical wiring or other work until the same has been inspected as herein required. SEC. T 3- ^ sna ^ ^ e unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove any building, where such remov- al will require the removal or displacement of any over- head electrical wires, until after forty-eight hours after notice in writing has been given by the person, firm, or corporation proposing to remove such building to the PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 143 person, firm or corporation owning or operating such electrical wires or appurtenances. SEC. 14. Upon receipt of such notice the person, Persons firm or corporation owning or operating such electrical removing wires or appurtenances shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter, furnish the person, firm or corporation pro- rem0 val of posing such removal an estimate showing the maximum wires cost of removal and displacement of such wires; and such wires shall be removed and replaced in such manner as the person, firm or corporation owning or operating them shall determine to be necessary for the safety of the public; and the entire expense of such removal and replacement shall be borne by the person, firm or corpor- ation proposing such removal. SEC. 15. Any person, firm or corporation who shall Penalty do, or attempt to do, electrical installation, fixture or service connection work, whether original work or altera- tions, without giving notice in writing to the City Elec- trician, and without first obtaining a permit to do such work, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in the sum of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceed- ing fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offense ; and any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article for which a penalty is not otherwise provided herein, and any occupant or owner of premises where electrical wiring or apparatus is used, who shall prevent or inter- fere with any inspector in the discharge of his duties under this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 1 6. This article shall not be construed to re- construction lieve any party owning, operating, controlling or install- of article ing any electrical equipment from responsibility for dam- ages to any person injured by any defect therein, or to lessen the liability of such party for such damages, nor shall the City be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or certificate issued hereunder. 144 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO ARTICLE V REGULATING THE ERECTION OF TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES AND THE STRINGING OF WIRES THROUGH AND ALONG THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO. Erection poles of Distance above ground Distance from curb Uniform painting Mutilation of trees Poles to conform to this article Prohibition Consent of owner or agent SEC. * ^ person, firm or corporation having a permit for such work, shall erect telephone, telegraph or electric light poles and string wires through and along the streets of the City of Palo Alto on said poles, unless said poles conform in size and shape to the poles in use by the City of Palo Alto for electric light wires, and unless said poles are so placed as to be perpendicular to the line of the sidewalk. SEC. 2. No telephone, telegraph or electric light wires shall be strung upon any poles at a distance of less than twenty-five feet above the surface of the ground. SEC. 3. All telephone, telegraph and electric light poles shall be placed within the curb line of the street at a distance of twelve inches from the outside line of the curb. SEC. 4. Ml telephone, telegraph and electric light poles shall be painted a uniform color of green. SEC. 5. No telephone, telegraph or electric light wires shall be so strung in the City of Palo Alto as to cause injury or mutilation to any tree in said City, with- out the consent or upon a permit from the P>oard of Public Works so to do. SEC. 6. All telephone, telegraph and electric light poles erected upon improved streets which do not con- form to the provisions of this article are hereby declared to be a nuisance, and shall be removed at the expense of the person, firm or corporation owning said poles and replaced by poles conforming to this article. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person, com- pany, or corporation, its agent or employees, to attach or string wires (electric or telephone wires) upon or over the building or premises of another without the consent of the owner or agent of said building or premises. SEC. 8 - Jt sna11 be unlawful for any person, corn- pany or corporation, its agents or employees, to go on the roof of any building for the purpose of doing any PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 145 work in connection with the electric or telephone business without the consent of the owner or agent of said building. SEC. 9. Any person, firm or corporation who, after Penalty having been duly notified, refuses to comply with the terms of this article, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE VI ESTABLISHING RATES FOR WATER AND POWER, AND RULES FOR THE MANAGE- MENT OF THE WATER AND POWER DE- PARTMENT SEC. i. Every person taking the City water and Rules for power, or either, shall be considered as having expressed consumers his consent to be bound hereby, and whenever any one of the rules and regulations is violated, the right is reserved to shut off the water and power, or either, without notice, and the person whose water and power, or either, is thus shut off, shall forfeit all payments and deposits made to the extent of his indebtedness, and the water and power, or either, shall not be turned on again until all unpaid rents and charges are paid, together with the additional charge of one dollar for turning it on again. SEC. 2. In case the owner of premises on which Discontinu- water or power is used, desires to discontinue the use of ance . of same, he must make an application for that purpose to s the Board of Public Works, and after the date of said application, the rents accruing for said service shall cease for the period during which said service shall be shut off, provided the period of such discontinuance be not less than one month. SEC. 3. No persons except the duly appointed repre- Connections sentatives of the Board of Public Works will be per- mitted to tap any of the water mains or power lines of the distributing systems. Service connections to the inside of the curb line of the street for water or to the building for power, will be made by the Board of Public Works in such manner as they shall determine. 146 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Plumber or electrician to give notice Repairs to service connections Disconnected service mains Inspection Fixed charges Estimated costs Meters Meters, how set Power meters shall be placed in or at all dwellings so that the meters can be read from the outside without entering the main building. SEC. 4. Notice must be given in writing to the Board of Public Works by the plumber or electrician intending to connect to a service main, fixing the day on which he wishes to make the connection. Such notice must be given at least forty-eight hours previous to the time when the connection to the service main is to be made. SEC. 5. The City of Palo Alto will maintain and keep in repair each service connection as above; pro- vided the failure of said service or the injury thereto rendering repairs necessary does not result from some improper act or omission on the part of the owner or tenant of the premises supplied with water or power. SEC. 6. Where services are found disconnected they may be reconnected only by application to the Board of Public Works. SEC. 7. Duly authorized representatives of the Board of Public Works shall have the right of access at all reasonable hours to any premises where water or power is used, for the purpose of inspection and exam- ination. SEC. 8. On unimproved streets taps will be made, corporation and curb cocks and boxes for the curb cocks will be furnished, and three-quarter inch pipe laid one foot inside the curb line for the sum of six dollars. All water connections of larger size or on improved streets shall be made at the actual cost of making said . connections, and the sum estimated for this purpose shall be deposited with the City Tax Collector before such connections are made. If the estimated cost for making connections for improved streets should not prove to be a sufficient sum to pay for said work, then the additional cost shall be charged against the applicant. If said estimated sum deposited should be in excess of the cost then the dif- ference shall be returned to the applicant. SEC. 9. The Board of Public Works shall have full authority to set water meters and to charge for the use of water at meter rates. All meters thus set shall be and shall remain the property of the City of Palo Alto, and may be removed at any time by the Board of Public Works. SEC. 10. One meter shall be allowed and set for each fifty foot lot and all premises shall be metered. Consumers demanding more than one meter shall pay for the same at the cost price of the meter. PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 147 SEC. ii. All persons, firms or corporations requir- ing a meter larger than a three-quarter inch meter shall pay the difference in cost of the larger meter. SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to keep track of all houses vacated and promptly report such vacated houses to the Tax Collector of said City, and to shut off water and power on premises which have been vacated, and make prompt reports of all matters coming to their knowledge in connection with the water and power departments which will enable the Tax Collector to promptly enforce the collection of fees or water and power bills due the City. SEC. 13. In case of fire or an alarm of fire, or in making repairs, or construction work, the Board of Public Works through its duly authorized agents, shall have the right to shut off water from any consumer, or any number of consumers, without notice and to keep it shut off as long as it may be necessary. SEC. 14. In case of fire or an alarm of fire, the use of fountains or yard or street sprinklers or house faucets is prohibited. SEC. 15. No person shall, except in case of fire, use water from or tamper with any City hydrant without a permit from the Board of Public Works. SEC. 16. The owners of premises taking water must keep their service pipe, stop-cocks, and all apparatus con- nected therewith on said premises in good repair at their own expense ; and no claims shall be made against the City of Palo Alto, by reason of bursting or any other disarrangement of any service pipe or any apparatus or any appliance connected therewith. SEC. 17. The Board of Public Works shall have the right to limit the amount of water furnished to any consumer should circumstances seem to warrant such action, although no limit may be stated in the application or permit for such use. SEC. 1 8. No hydrant, gooseneck, hosebit or hose attachment shall be placed in any yard or area of any premises situated so as to be accessible to persons living in or occupying neighboring premises; nor shall water takers be allowed to supply water to others, or to other premises owned by themselves, except by special permit from the Board of Public Works. SEC. 19. All water shall be sold to consumers by meter rates at the following schedule : For any quantity not exceeding twenty thousand gal- gallons, twenty cents per one thousand gallons. For all amounts used in excess of twenty thousand Meters, price Reports Authority to shut off water Prohibiting use of sprinklers Use of hydrants Repairs Limiting water Supplying water to others Meter rates, water 148 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Meter rates, power Payment Prepay meters Requiring permits Deposit gallons, fifteen cents per one thousand gallons ; provid- ed that the minimum rate in all cases shall be one dollar per month. The reduction for quantity used shall not apply to consumers outside the City limits. SEC. 20. All electric current sold and delivered to consumers in the City of Palo Alto by any person, firm or corporation, shall be in accordance with the following schedule of rates-meter measurements : For Lighting Purposes. From a maximum of 7^ cents per kilowatt hour to a minimum of 4 cents per kilowatt hour, depending upon the monthly consumption as indicated by the rate curve diagram on file in the office of the City Clerk. For Motor and Power Loads. Any quantity at 4 cents per kilowatt hour. For Heating, Cooking, and Household Electrical Appliances. Any quantity at 3 cents per kilowatt hour. Provided, however, that a minimum monthly charge may be collected for electric service, which charge shall be one dollar per meter. SEC. 21. Water and power bills commence to accrue when water or power is turned on, and all water and power bills shall be paid at the office of the Tax Collector on or between the first and fifteenth day of each month, and if not paid by the twentieth day of that month, power and water, or power or water shall be shut off. SEC. 22. Whenever the Board of Public Works so directs, a prepay meter for water and light shall be installed upon the premises of any consumer. SEC. 23. No person, except a duly authorized offi- ical of the City, shall in any manner interfere with the water system or power system of the City of Palo Alto or make or sever connections with such systems, except as provided by this article. SEC. 24. All tenants of buildings and lots within the City of Palo Alto, or transient consumers of water and power, or water or power of said City, upon filing their application for the City to supply them with water and power, or water or power, shall make a deposit of five dollars with the Tax Collector; provided that in lieu of said deposit, the owner of the premises may give a written guarantee to pay for water and light used on the premises in the event of delinquency or the tenant may give a bond in the sum of twenty-five dollars, with two good and sufficient sureties who are tax-payers of the City. Said bond shall be conditioned to pay all sums due the City for water and light. IT III. 1C SERVICE CORPORATIONS 149 SEC. 25. Such tenant or transient consumer shall Discontinue give notice when he desires to discontinue the use of use water and power, or water or power, and thereupon, if all sums of money due to the City of Palo Alto for the use of water and power or water or power have been paid, the Tax Collector shall return to the said tenant or transient consumer the amount of his deposit. Said deposit shall he placed to the credit of said tenant or transient consumer by the Tax Collector. SEC. 26. The Board of Public Works of the City of Accounts Palo Alto shall keep a set of accounts showing the names of persons to whom water and power are furnished by said City, the amounts due and the disposition of said accounts. One working day before the first of each month, the Board of Public Works of the City of Palo Alto shall deliver to the Tax Collector, receipts numbered conse- cutively for amounts due from consumers, and charge him therewith. Three working days before the end of each month, the Tax Collector shall return to the Board of Public Works all stubs of receipts, and all receipts which have not been issued, including those which have for any reason been cancelled. The Board of Public Works shall credit the Tax Collector with all moneys collected for receipts issued, and for all unissued or can- celled receipts returned, and charge the consumer on the following month with any arrearage due on water or power. SEC. 27. At the end of each month the Board of Reports Public Works shall make complete reports of the water and power business for the month to the City Council. SEC. 28. No other or further notice need be given the water and power consumers as to the manner of pay- ment or the amount due for water and power bills than that contained in this article. SEC. 29. These rules and regulations are subject Amended to amendment and alteration at any time without special rules notice to consumers, in such matters as may be deemed expedient by the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 30. Any violation of this article shall con- Penalty stitute a misdemeanor and each offense shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by im- prisonment not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Notification of bills due PART VII MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE I RATES FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS AND ADVERTISEMENTS Fixing rates SEC. i. All publications and advertisements of the City of Palo Alto required to be published in a news- paper of general circulation, published and circulated in said City, shall be printed and published at the following rates, to wit : For Publication in a Daily Newspaper 1 Insertion per line $0.05 2 Insertions per line .07^2 3 Insertions per line .10 4 Insertions per line 5 Insertions per line .15 6 Insertions per line 10 Insertions per line .25 12 Insertions per line .26 20 Insertions per line .28 30 Insertions per line .30 For Publication in a Weekly Newspaper 1 Insertion per line $0.09 2 Insertions per line .12 3 Insertions. per line .15 4 Insertions per line .18 6 Insertions per line .21 9 Insertions per line .25 Publication to be printed in 8 point type, single leaded and single column. PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS 151 SEC. 2. Any newspaper of the City of Palo Alto Acceptance accepting any work ordered to be done shall be deemed of rates to have accepted said work at the rates specified in Sec- tion i hereof, and no charge in excess of said rates shall be allowed or audited for said work, unless expressly authorized by ordinance so to do. SEC. 3. Any newspaper designated and authorized 9fficial to make said publication shall be deemed the official news P a P er newspaper for the work so ordered. ARTICLE II CHANGING NAMES OF STREETS SEC. i. Those certain streets and that certain alley changes in as shown on a map of the City of Palo Alto, prepared names of August 5th, 1907, by J. F. Byxbee, Jr., City Engineer, streets and adopted by an ordinance of the City of Palo Alto, and thereafter recorded in the office of the County Recorder, shall hereafter be known and designated and are hereby established as public streets by the names set forth in this article. (a) Midway street intersecting Block 34 of the City Tasso of Palo Alto, shall be known and designated hereafter street as Tasso street, and the uniform name of Tasso street shall be given to all of said street as now extended through Blocks 34, 37, 92 and 99, of the City of Palo Alto. (b) All that certain street sometimes known as Kipling Margarita street in Block 32, shall hereafter be known street and designated as Kipling street, making the street of the uniform name of Kipling street as at present extend- ed through Blocks 32, 31, 30 and 26 of the City of Pak> Alto. (c) That certain street extending through Block 51 Lytton between Guinda street and Seneca street of the City of avenue Palo Alto, and now known as Chauburn place, shall be e hereafter known and designated as Lytton avenue, of which said avenue it is properly an extension. (d) That certain street of the City of Palo Alto now Pope street known as Chaucer street shall hereafter be known and designated as Pope street, the said Chaucer street being properly an extension of Pope street, as said Pope street is now laid out between Pope street bridge and Hamilton avenue. (e) That certain alley running between Bryant and 152 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Little Kingsle} Alleys closed Waverly streets in Block 77 of the City of Palo Alto shall be known and designated as Little Kingsley. (f) On recommendation of the Board of Public Works, it is hereby declared and ordained that those cer- tain alleys in Blocks 66, 67 and 71 are private alleys, and that the same shall be and are hereby closed at the request of the property owners of said blocks. Repealing clause ARTICLE III CONFLICTING ORDINANCES REPEALED SEC. i. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in so far as they conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Enactment Passage ARTICLE IV ENACTMENT SEC. i. A copy of this ordinance shall be posted by the City Clerk on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, and shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage. SEC. 2. The foregoing Codified Ordinance No. i. of the City of Palo Alto, and being a codification of ordinances that had been previously duly and regularly passed, was introduced and read by parts from time to time at regular or regular adjourned meetings, and was finally passed at a regular adjourned meeting of the Council on the 26th day of June, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Hettinger, Henry, Jordan, Millis, Mosher, Thoits, Umphreys, Vail. Noes: La Peire. Absent: Congdon, Downing, Hyde, Spencer, Wil- son, Wing. Approved by me this 1st day of July, 1911, CHAS. B. WING, Mayor. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly passed at a regular adjourned meeting of the Council held on the 26th day of June, 1911, and there- after duly posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall. FRANK KASSON, City Clerk. PART VIII ORDINANCE NO. 1. INITIATIVE AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE RUNNING OF ANY THEATRE (WHEREIN is ENACTED ANY OPERA, DRA- MA, MELODRAMA OR VAUDEVILLE PERFORMANCE), MERRY-GO-ROUND, CIRCUS, CIRCUS PARADE, WILD WEST SHOW, SKATING RINK, PATENT MEDICINE SHOW OR DANCE HALL ON SUNDAY IN THE CITY OF PALO ALTO, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLA- TION THEREOF. The People. of the City of Palo Alto do ordain as follows: SEC., i. No theatre (wherein is enacted any opera, drama, melodrama or vaudeville performance), merry- go-round, circus, circus parade, wild west show, skating rink, patent medicine show or dance hall, to which an admission fee is charged, shall be run or given at any time on Sunday in the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 3. Ordinance Number 188 of the City of Palo Alto entitled: "An ordinance prohibiting certain enter- tainments, shows and exhibitions on Sunday" is hereby expressly repealed and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordi- nance are hereby expressly repealed." Duly passed at an election held on Thursday, the 26th day of May, 1910. Theatres, etc, on Sunday Penalty Conflicting ordinances repealed 154 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK AS TO RE- ENACTMENT OF "CODIFIED ORDINANCE No. I" OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO. State of California } County of Santa Clara > SS City of Palo Alto ) This is to certify that "Codified Ordinance No. i" was re-enacted and duly adopted by the Council of the City of Palo Alto as printed in book form as the existing laws and ordinances of the City of Palo Alto, at a meeting of the said Council held on the day of '. 1911. Attest Clerk of the City of Palo Alto. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO 1909 Senate concurrent resolution No. 6, approving the charter of the City of Palo Alto, State of California, and the additional proposition submitted therewith, voted for and ratified by the qualified voters of said town of Palo Alto at a special municipal election held therein for that purpose on the 2ist day of January, 1909. [Adopted February 20, 1909.] Whereas, The town of Palo Alto, a municipal corpor- ation of the county of Santa Clara, State of California, now is and was at all times herein referred to a city containing a population of more than three thousand five hundred inhabitants; and Whereas, At a special municipal election duly held in said town on the 24th day of August, A. D. 1908, under and in accordance with the laws and with the pro- visions of section eight of article eleven of the Con- stitution of the said State of California, a board of fifteen freeholders, duly qualified, was elected in and by said town, by the qualified electors thereof, to prepare and propose a charter for the government of said city; and Whereas, Said board of freeholders did, in accord- ance with law, and within ninety days after said election, prepare and propose a charter for the government of the said City of Palo Alto, and Whereas, Said board of freeholders did, at the same time and place prepare and propose with said proposed charter the following additional proposition I, article X alcoholic liquors ; and Whereas, The said proposed charter and the said .additional proposition were, on the 2Oth day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1908, signed in duplicate by the members of 156 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO said board of freeholders, and one copy thereof was, on the 2 ist day of November, A. D. 1908, duly returned and filed with the president of the board of town trustees of the town of Palo Alto, and the other copy thereof was duly returned and filed with and in the office of the county recorder of said county of Santa Clara ; and Wheras, Such proposed charter and said additional proposition were thereafter published in the Palo Alto Daily Times, a daily newspaper of general circulation in said town of Palo Alto, for a period of twenty days and more, the first publication thereof having been made within twenty days after the completion of said proposed charter and said additional proposition ; and Whereas, Said proposed charter and said additional proposition were, within thirty days after the completion of said publication, submitted by the board of town trus- tees of the town of Palo Alto, to the qualified voters of said town at a special municipal election previously duly called and therein held on the 2ist day of January, 1909; and Whereas, At said last mentioned special municipal election a majority of said qualified electors of said town voting at such special municipal election, voted for and in favor of the ratification of such proposed charter as pro- posed as a whole, and also voted in favor of the ratifi- cation of the said additional proposition; and Whereas, Said board of town trustees of the town of Palo Alto, after canvassing said returns, duly found and ('eclated that the majority of said qualified electors voting at such special municipal election had voted for ratifying said proposed charter and had voted in favoi of and for ratifying said additional proposition ; and Whereas, The same is now submitted to the legisla- ture of the State of California for its approval and ratifi- cation as a whole without power of alteration or amend- ment, in accordance with section eight of article eleven of the constitution of the State of California; and Whereas, . Said proposed charter and said additional proposition are in the words and figures following, to wit : CHARTER PREPARED AND PROPOSED FOR THE CITY OF PALO ALTO BY THE BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS, ELECTED ON THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1908. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO ARTICLE I BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY The boundaries of the City of Palo Alto shall be as follows : All that certain land situated in the county of Santa Clara, State of California, included in the townsite map of the town of Palo Alto (formerly University Park) as laid down and designated upon a map of said town filed by Timothy Hopkins on the 27th day of February, A. D. 1889, in the office of the county recorder of said Santa Clara county, in book "D" of maps, page 69, and the pro- posed boundaries of the said municipal corporation are the boundaries of the said University Park (now Palo Alto) as set forth and particularly described upon said map, to wit: Commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of the San Francisquito creek with the northeasterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad ; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line of said right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad to the northwesterly line of the Embarcadero road; thence- northeasterly along said line of the Embarcadero road to the easterly line of block number one .hundred eight (108) as designated upon said map; thence northerly along said easterly line of said block number 108 and the easterly line of block number 109 as laid down upon said map to the northerly line of block number 109: thence westerly along the northerly line of blocks numbers 109, 106, 105, 102 and 101 as laid down on said map to a point on the said northerly boundary line of block 101, being upon an extension southerly of the easterly lines of blocks numbers 96 and 97 as laid clown upon said map ; thence northerly along the easterly lines of blocks numbers 97 158 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO and 96 aforesaid to the northerly line of a road (now known as ^Channing lane); thence westerly along the northerly line of said road as laid down on said map and parallel to the northerly lines of blocks numbers 95 and 87jto the northeasterly line of Guinda street as laid down on said map; thence along said line of Guinda street northwesterly to the easterly line of block number 83 as laid down on said map ; thence northerly along the east- erly lines of blocks numbers 83, 84, 85 and letters "H" and "G" as laid down on said map to the center line of the San Francisquito creek; thence southwesterly mean- dering the center line of said creek to the point of com- mencement.- SEC. 2. The boundaries above described may be al- tered, and the territory embraced therein may be added to or diminished in accordance with the laws of the State of California governing the annexation and exclusion ot territory by municipalities. ARTICLE II POWERS The City of Palo Alto shall have and exercise the following powers : 1. To have perpetual succession. 2. To have and use a corporate seal and alter it at pleasure. 3. To sue and to be sued in all courts and places, and in all actions and proceedings whatsoever. 4. To purchase, receive, have, take, hold, lease, use and enjoy property of every kind and description, both within and without the limits of said City, and to control and dispose of the same for the public benefit. 5. To receive bequests, devises, and donations of property of every kind, either absolutely or in trust for any purpose, and to do all acts necessary to carry out the purposes of such bequests, devises and donations, and to manage, control, sell or otherwise dispose of such property in accordance with the terms of such bequests, devises or donations. 6. To exercise police powers and make all necessary police and sanitary regulations, and to adopt ordinances and prescribe penalties for the violation thereof. 7. To levy and collect taxes and assessments, impose license fees for revenue or regulation, and provide all means for raising the revenue necessary for the City. CHARTER 159 8. To borrow money, incur municipal indebtedness and provide for the issuance of bonds or other evidences of such indebtedness. 9. To acquire, construct, maintain and operate all necessary works for the supplying of the city and its in- habitants with water, light, heat, power, telegraphic and telephonic communication, and for the conveyance of passengers and freight over, under and upon public streets and rights of way secured therefor; to fix rates for all commodities furnished or services rendered, and to dispose of commodities produced or render service in connection with such works outside of the boundaries of said City. 10. To improve the rivers, streams, bays, inlets and channels flowing through the City or adjoining the same ; to widen, straighten and deepen the channels thereof, and remove obstructions therefrom ; to control and im- prove the water front of the city ; to construct and main- tain embankments and other works to protect the City from overflow ; and to acquire, own, construct, maintain, and operate on any lands bordering on any navigable bay, inlet, river, creek, slough or arm of the sea, within the limits of the City or contiguous thereto, wharves, chutes, piers, breakwaters, bath houses and life saving stations. 11. To establish and change the grade and lay out open, extend, widen, change, vacate, pave, re-pave, or otherwise improve all public streets and highways and public places, construct sewers, drains and culverts, to plant trees, construct parking, and to remove shrubs and weeds ; to levy special assessments to defray the whole or any part of the cost of such works or improvements. Also to provide for the repair, cleaning and sprinkling of such streets and public places. 12. To acquire, construct and maintain all works necessary for the disposition of sewage, garbage and waste; and to define and abate nuisances. 13. To establish and maintain hospitals, indigent homes, and all other charitable institutions. 14. To acquire and maintain parks, play-grounds, theaters, and places for recreation, and to establish boule- vards and regulate traffic thereon. 15. To acquire and maintain markets, baths, and public halls. 1 6. To establish and maintain schools, libraries, museums, gymnasiums, and to do all things to promote the education of the people. I6O THE CITY OF PALO ALTO 17. To equip and maintain a fire department and to make all necessary regulations for the prevention of fires. 1 8. To acquire, construct and maintain all buildings necessary for the transaction of public business. 19. To exercise the right of eminent domain for the purpose of acquiring real and personal property of every kind for any public use. 20. To grant permits to use the streets or public property, revokable at any time without notice. 21. To regulate and establish rates and charges to be imposed and collected by any person or corporation for commodities or services rendered under or in connection with any franchise, permit or license heretofore or here- after granted by the tpwn or city or other authority. 22. To exercise such other powers as are now or may be hereafter granted by the legislature to the munici- palities within the state unless the exercise of such powers' is contrary to the provisions of this charter. 23. To exercise all other needful powers for the effi- cient adminstration of the municipal government, whether such powers are herein expressly enumerated or not. 24. Lastly, this grant of power is to be liberally con- strued for the purpose of securing the well being of the municipality and its inhabitants. ARTICLE III COUNCIL SEC. i. All powers herein granted to and vested in the City of Palo Alto shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be exercised by a council to be designated the Council of the City of Palo Alto ; and said council shall, except as herein otherwise provided, have the power to fix and establish the method and manner in which such powers shall be exercised. SEC. 2. Said council shall be composed of 15 mem- bers, each of whom shall have been an elector of the City of Palo Alto for at least three years next preceding his election. The members of said council shall be known as coun- cilmen, and their terms of office shall be six years, com- mencing on the first day of July next succeeding their election, except that the terms of those first elected and designated to serve as councilmen shall be as herein pro- vided. CHARTER l6l SEC. 3. On the second Monday of May, 1909, an election shall be held within said City for the purpose of electing 15 members of said council. The 15 members elected at such election shall, at the first regular meeting in July, 1909, so classify themselves by lot that five of said members shall hold office for the term of two years ; five for the term of four years, and five for the term of six years. Thereafter on the second Monday in May of each odd numbered year, an election shall be held at which coun- cilmen shall be elected to succeed the members whose terms expire on the first day of July next following. SEC. 4. All elections called and held in said City, shall be held and conducted in manner and form as re- quired by the general laws of the state governing elections within municipalities, provided, that after the first election the council may provide that said elections may be held in such manner as said council may by ordinance deter- mine, or as may be provided by an ordinance adopted by the electors of said City as hereinafter provided. SEC. 5. Said council shall fix a time and place for its regular meetings and adopt rules to govern its pro- ceedings. SEC. 6. Eight members of the council shall be neces- sary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi- ness; but a less number may adjourn from time to time and compel the attendance of absent members, and impose such fines as it may deem proper upon members refusing or neglecting to attend such meetings. SEC. 7. No ordinance shall be passed, no appoint- ment made, nor officer removed, no contract shall be awarded and no obligation incurred in excess of three hundred dollars ($300.00) without the affirmative vote of at least eight members of the council. SEC. 8. Said council shall elect one of its number as its presiding officer, who shall be known as mayor, and who shall serve for one year after his election. The said mayor shall preside at all meetings of the council, shall be the chief executive of the said City, and perform such other duties as may from time to time b assigned to him by the council. In all other respects he shall exercise the same duties as any other member of the council. SEC. 9. The council shall appoint or provide for the appointment of a clerk, treasurer, auditor, tax collector, assessor, attorney, and except as otherwise provided, such other officers as may be necessary for the trans- action of the affairs of the municipality. 1 62 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO SEC. 10. A vacancy in the council shall be filled by the remaining members of the council, and the appointee shall hold office until the first day of July succeeding the next election at which councilmen are to be elected. At the next election succeeding any vacancy a councilman shall be elected to serve for the unexpired term. SEC. ii. The council shall by ordinance provide for the assessment, levy and collection of taxes, and shall act as a board of equalization in equalizing the value of pro-> perty listed upon the assessment roll. During the month of September in each year, it shall levy such tax as may be necessary to raise revenue for the maintenance of the City and the several departments during the fiscal year, but such tax levy, for all municipal purposes, except the payrr.ent of interest and principal on the bonded debt, shall not exceed the sum of 85 cents upon each $100.00 of assessed valuation as the same appears upon the assess- ment roll. If in the judgment of the council it should be necessary to provide a revenue in excess of the sum realized from the levy herein provided, the question of the levy of an additional tax shall be submitted to the electors, and a special election may be held for that purpose. The additional sum or rate required to be raised by such ad- ditional tax levy shall be expressed upon the ballot. If a majority of the votes cast upon such proposition shall be in favor of authorizing the council to levy such ad- ditional rate, then the council may levy the additional tax so authorized. SEC. 12. The council shall annually appropriate for the use of the several offices and departments, such sums as may be necessary to support the same during each year. Additional appropriations may be made from time to time in case of urgent necessity, by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the council. ARTICLE IV DUTIES OF OFFICERS SEC. i. Clerk. It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep a true record of the proceedings of the council and of th2 several boards established by this charter and record the same in proper books kept for that purpose. He shall have power to administer oaths in connection with all matters relating to the municipality. CHARTER 163 SEC. 2. Auditor. It shall be the duty of the auditor to act as bookkeeper and accountant of the municipality and to record all financial transactions in books kept for that purpose. He shall draw warrants upon the treasurer for all claims against the City which have been allowed by the council and the several department boards. He shall render each month a statement to the council show- ing the financial condition of the City, and annually a like statement covering all of the financial transactions of the City during the year previous. SEC. 3. Tax Collector. It shall be the duty of the tax collector to receive and collect all sums due the City for taxes and licenses and from other sources, and he shall pay all moneys received into the treasury of the City, within three days after the receipt thereof. SEC. 4. Treasurer. The treasurer shall receive and safely keep all moneys belonging to the City and shall pay the same only upon warrants drawn by the auditor for claims which have been previously allowed either by the council or the several department boards, provided that the approval of the council or department boards shall not be necessary to pay the monthly salaries of officers and employees. The treasurer may deposit all or such por- tion of the public moneys as may be determined by the council, in any bank within the City authorized by law to receive deposits of public money, in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and act of the legislature entitled : "An act to provide for and regulate the deposit of county and municipal moneys in banks and banking corporations, limiting the amount of public moneys that may be deposited therein and providing a penalty for the illegal deposit and use thereof." (Approved March 23, 1907). And the provisions of such act, except as herein otherwise provided, are hereby made applicable to the government of the City of Palo Alto. SEC. 5. Assessor. It shall be the duty of the assessor to make annually, between the first Monday of March and the first day of July next succeeding, a complete assess- ment of all property within the City, and shall upon said last named date turn over to the City council the assess- ment roll so prepared by him. He shall act as tax collector for the purpose of collecting taxes upon personal property when the same are unsecured by a lien upon real estate. Si?c. 6. Attorney. The attorney shall act as the legal advisor of the council, the several boards, and any officer 1 of the City who requests his advice. He shall prepare all orJina ces and contracts whenever required so to do by 164 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO the council or the several department boards. He shall prosecute all violators of the City ordinances and shall represent the City in all actions at law. SEC. 7. The council may require any of the above officers to give official bonds in such sums as it may deem proper, and the council shall pay all premiums upon surety bonds when such bonds are given. It may provide for the appointment of such deputies and assistants as may be required, and shall fix the compensation of such officers and such deputies and assistants. All of the above officers shall perform such other services as the council may require and shall serve during its pleasure. SEC. 8. Whenever the public interest may require, the council may consolidate the following officers : (a) Clerk and auditor; (b) Clerk and tax collector; (c) Clerk and assessor; (d) Clerk, auditor and assessor; (e) Auditor and assessor; (/) Auditor and tax collector; (g) Assessor and tax collector; (h) Treasurer and tax collector. Until the council shall by ordinance otherwise provide, the following offices are hereby consolidated: (a) Clerk, auditor and assessor; (b) Tax collector and treasurer. ARTICLE V THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS SEC. i. The administration of the affairs of the City shall be divided among three departments, viz : (1) The department of public works; (2) The department of public safety; (3) The department of public library. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS SEC. 2. The department of public works shall be under the management and control of a board of public works, which shall consist of three members, to be ap- pointed by the council. They shall serve for the term of six years from and after their appointment unless sooner removed by a majority of said council ; provided, CHARTER 165 that the members first appointed shall classify themselves by lot so that the terms of the members shall expire, respectively, two, four and six years after their appoint- ment. Vacancies are to be filled by the council for the unexpired terms. The members of the board of public works shall receive no compensation. The board of public works shall have and exercise the powers and perform the duties herein enumerated, to wit : 1. To construct, maintain and operate all necessary works for the supplying of the City and its inhabitants with water, light, heat, power, telegraphic and telephonic communication, and for the conveyance of passengers and freight over, under and upon the public streets and rights of way secured therefor; to fix rates for all com- modities furnished or services rendered and to dispose of commodities produced or render service in connection with such works outside of the boundaries of said City. 2. To improve the rivers, streams, bays, inlets and channels flowing through the city or adjoining the same; to widen, straighten and deepen the channels thereof, and remove obstructions therefrom ; to control and improve the water front of the City; to construct and maintain embankments and other works to protect the City from overflow; construct, maintain and operate on any lands bordering on any navigable bay, inlet, river, creek, slough or arm of the sea, within the limits of the City or contigu- ous thereto, wharves, chutes, piers, breakwaters, bath houses and life-saving stations. 3. To establish and change the grade and to lay out open, extend, widen, change, vacate, pave, re-pave, or otherwise improve all public streets and highways and public places, to construct sewers, drains, culverts thereon, to plant trees, construct parking and remove shrubs and weeds. Also to provide for the repair, cleaning and sprinkling of such streets and public places. 4. To construct and maintain all works necessary for the disposition of sewage, garbage and waste. 5. To establish and maintain hospitals, indigent homes and all other charitable institutions. 6. To maintain parks, playgrounds, theaters and places tor recreation, and to establish boulevards and regulate traffic thereon. 7. To construct and maintain markets, baths and public buildings other than school and library buildings. SEC. 3. Whenever any street work or other improve- ment is to be done or performed and the cost of the whole or any portion thereof is to be paid by any special as- l6j THE CITY OF PALO ALTO sessment levied upon property, all such proceedings shall be had and carried on by the council upon the recom- mendation of the board of public works. SEC. 4. The board of public works shall appoint as its executive officer a competent engineer, and upon the latter's recommendations such other employees as are necessary to supervise, manage and construct, operate and maintain the properties and things under the control of said bQard, and shall fix the compensation for all em- ployees. The engineer so appointed shall be the City engineer and street superintendent, and shall, in addition to his other duties, 1. Advise the council and the several department boards upon all matters of an engineering nature. 2. Supervise the construction and have charge of ad- ditions and repairs of all public buildings irrespective of departments. SEC. 5. Board of public safety. The department of public safety shall be under the management and control of a board of public safety, which shall consist of three members, to be appointed by the council. They shall serve for the term of six years from and after their appointment unless sooner removed by a majority of said council; provided, that the members first appointed shall classify themselves by lot so that the terms of the members shall expire respectively two, four and six years after their appointment. Vacancies are to be filled by the council for unexpired terms. Members of the board of public safety shall receive no compensation. SE:. 6. The board of public safety shall have and exercise the powers and perform the duties herein en- umerated, to wit : 1. To enforce all police and sanitary ordinances and regulations adopted by the council. 2. To have charge of the police department. 3. To maintain and have charge of the fire depart- ment and provide rules for its government; to establish all needful regulations necessary to preserve the health of the City, and to exercise the powers and perform the duties of boards of health as prescribed by the laws of the State of California. 4. To establish and maintain a public pound. 5. It shall appoint such officers and employees as may he necessary, determine their duties and fix their compensation. SEC. 7. Library board. The department of public CHARTER 167 library shall be under the management and control of a library board, which shall consist of three members, to be appointed by the council. They shall serve for the term of six years from and after their appointment, unless sooner removed by a majority of said council ; provided, that the members first appointed shall classify themselves by lot so that the terms of the members shall expire respectively two, four and six years after their appoint- ment. Vacancies are to he filled by the council for unex- pired terms. Members of the library board shall receive no compensation. The library board shall have and exer- cise the powers and shall perform the duties herein en- umerated, to wit: 1. To manage and control public libraries, reading rooms, museums and art galleries that are now or may hereafter be established, to maintain buildings necessary for the purposes above set forth. 2. To employ librarians, assistants, and such other employees as may be deemed necessary. SEC. 8. All of the above boards shall have authority to make all contracts necessary for the full exercise of the powers respectively conferred, but shall have no authority to incur a debt or obligation in excess of any fund or appropriation made by the council. SEC. 9. Said boards shall perform all other duties assigned to them by the council, whether such duties are herein expressly enumerated or not. SEC. 10. In case the council shall for a period of twenty days fail to appoint the boards provided for in this article, or any member thereof, then it shall be the duty of the mayor to make such appointment. ARTICLE VI BOARD OF EDUCATION SEC. i. The school department of the City of Palo Alto shall comprise all the schools within the town of Palo Alto, the Palo Alto school district, and all the terri- tory that is now or may hereafter be annexed for school purposes and shall consist of primary, grammar, and high schools as now established and such other schools as may hereafter be established, under the provisions of this charter; and shall be known as "Palo Alto City School District," which shall succeed to all the obligations, prop- erty rights, and privileges of the Palo Alto school district. l68 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO SEC. 2 All territory included within the limits of the Palo Alto City school district, but not within the City limits, shall be deemed a part of said City for the purpose of holding the general municipal elections and shall con- stitute one or more separate election precincts, and the qualified electors therein shall vote only for the board of education and on questions submitted to a vote of the people pertaining to school matters ; and said outside territory shall be deemed a part of said City for all matters connected with the school department and with the levy- ing and collecting of all taxes for school purposes. SEC. 3. The board of education shall consist of five irembers, who shall have been residents of the school district for at least three years immediately preceding their election, and who shall serve without compensation ; provided, the board of trustees of the Palo Alto school district shall be and constitute the board of education herein provided for and shall exercise the powers hereby conferred thereon until the election of their successors at the election provided for in section 4 of this article. SEC. 4. The board of trustees of Palo Alto school district shall order and provide for an election to be held in said district on the third Saturday of April in the year 1909, for the election of a board of education. The mem- bers so elected shall classify themselves by lot so that the terms of the members shall expire respectively one, two, three, four and five years after the first day of May, 1909. SEC. 5. The term of office* of the members of the board of education, excepting as provided in section 4 of this article, shall be five years from and after the first day of May succeeding their election. SEC. 6. An election shall be held on the third Satur- day of April, 1910, and on the third Saturday of April of each year thereafter for the election of a member of said board for the full term and for any unexpired term that may exist. SEC. 7. Said board of education shall have and exer- cise all the powers conferred upon boards of trustees and boards of education by the laws of the State of California, and in addition thereto shall have power: 1. To annually appoint a superintendent of schools, define his duties and fix his compensation. 2. To provide a system of tenure of employment and compensation of teachers, but teachers shall be liable to removal at any time when the welfare of the schools demands such removal. CHARTER 169 3. To provide for the establishment of kindergartens, manual training schools, night schools, technical schools, and to prescribe the studies to be taught therein. 4. To construct school buildings when necessary, and no special election need be held to authorize such con- struction. 5. To provide free text-books when authorized so to do by the electors voting on such proposition. 6. To prescribe the requirements for graduation from the public schools and issue certificates of graduation. 7. To provide the manner in which all elections shall be held and conducted for the election of members of said board and such special elections as may be authorized by law. 8. To receive bequests, devises and donations of prop- erty of every kind, either absolutely or in trust for any purpose, and to manage, hold or dispose of such property in accordance with the terms of , any bequest, devise or donation. 9. To fill any vacancy in the membership of the board by appointment, the person appointed to hold office until the first day of May following the next election held for the election of members of such board. At the next election succeeding any vacancy a member shall be elected to serve for the unexpired term. SEC. 8. The board of education shall determine an- nually the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for the maintenance of the public schools, in ad- dition to the amount of money to be received from the state and county; and the board shall, on or before the first day of September of each year, submit in writing to the board of supervisors of Santa Clara County, a careful estimate of all money required to be raised by taxation in addition thereto, and said estimate shall state separately the amount required to be raised by taxation upon prop- erty within the school district for the support of high schools, and the amount required to be raised by taxation upon the property of the school district for the support of the schools other than high schools; and the board of supervisors of Santa Clara County shall, and they are hereby authorized and directed, in each year when fixing the annual tax rate to levy and assess as a school tax for the maintenance of high schools, such amount as the board of education shall report necessary for that pur- pose, and shall levy and assess as a school tax for the support and maintenance of the schools other than high schools, such amount as the board of education shall I7O THE CITY OF PALO ALTO report to be necessary for that purpose. In addition to the taxes levied for the support and maintenance of the schools, the board of supervisors shall annually levy a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on all out- standing bonds of the Palo Alto school district. ARTICLE VII POLICE COURT SEC. i. There is hereby created, in and for the City of Palo Alto, a court which shall be known as the police court of the City of Palo Alto. Said court shall consist of one judge, who shall be appointed by the council, and who shall serve during its pleasure and who shall receive such compensation as the council shall determine. SEC. 2. Said court shall have exclusive jurisdiction: 1 I ) In all prosecutions for violations of the City ordi- nances. (2) In all actions for the recovery of any fine, penalty or forfeiture, and the enforcement of any obligation or liability prescribed or created by the City ordinances and in which the sum sued for does not amount to three hundred dollars. SEC. 3. Within the City limits said court shall have concurrent and co-ordinate jurisdiction with township justices' courts in all matters and things in which said justices' courts now or may hereafter have jurisdiction; and the judge of said police court shall have as aforesaid like authority, power and jurisdiction as the justices of said justices' court. SEC. 4. Appeals may be taken to the superior court of the State of California, in and for the county of Santa Clara, from the judgments and orders of said police court, in all cases in which appeals now are or may hereafter be provided by law to be taken to said superior court from said justices' courts and police courts. SEC. 5. In all proceedings in and appeals from said police court, the pleadings, practice, procedure and laws, now applicable or that may hereafter be made applicable to said justices' or police courts, are hereby adopted and made applicable to said police court. SEC. 6. All fines and other moneys received or col- lected by the judge of said police court, for or on account of the City of Palo Alto, shall be paid into the City treasury on the first Monday in each month. CHARTER 171 SEC. 7. All actions and proceedings pending and undetermined in the existing recorder's court of the town of Palo Alto shall be proceeded with, heard, tried, and determined in said police court hereby provided for, before said judge, the same as if said actions or pro- ceedings had been originally commenced in said police court. ARTICLE VIII THE RECALL, INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM SEC. i. Any elective officer may be removed by the electors qualified to vote for the successor of the officer sought to be removed. The procedure to effect the re- moval of an incumbent of an elective office shall be as follows: A petition signed by electors entitled to vote for a successor to the incumbent sought to be removed, equal in number to at least twenty per centum of the en- tire vote cast at the last preceding general municipal elec- tion, demanding an election of a successor of the incum- bent sought to be removed shall be filed with the clerk, and said petition shall contain a general statement of the grounds for which the removal is sought. The signatures to the petition need not all be appended to one paper, but said petition may be presented in sec- tions. The number of signatures to each section shall be at the pleasure of the person soliciting signatures to the same. Any qualified voter or taxpayer of the muni- cipality shall be competent to solicit said signatures. Each section shall have attached thereto the affidavit of the person soliciting signatures to the same, stating that all the signatures to the attached section were made in his presence, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief each signature to the section is the genuine sig- nature of the person whose name purports to be thereunto subscribed, and no other affidavit thereto shall be re- quired. Each signature, the genuineness of which is not called in question by the sworn affidavit of the alleged owner thereof, shall be presumed to be genuine. Unless and until it be proven otherwise by official investigation, it shall be presumed that the petition presented contains the signatures of the requisite number of qualified voters. Each signer of said petition shall add to his signature his place of residence, giving the street and number. Within ten days from the date of filing such petition. 172 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO the clerk shall examine and ascertain from the records of registration whether or not said petition is signed by the requisite number of electors entitled to vote, and if necessary the council shall allow the clerk extra help for that purpose, and the clerk shall attach to said petition his certificate showing the result of said examination. If, by the said certificate, the petition is shown to be in- sufficient, it may be amended by additional signatures within ten days from the date of said certificate. The clerk shall, within ten days after such amendment, make like examination of the amended petition, and if his cer- tificate shall show the same to be insufficient, it shall be returned to the person filing the same without prejudice, however, to the filing of a new petition to the same effect. If the petition shall be found to be sufficient, the clerk shall submit the same to the council without delay, and the council shall thereupon order and fix a date for hold- ing the said election, not less than thirty days nor more than forty days from the date of the clerk's certificate to the council that a sufficient petition is filed. All arrangements for said election shall be made and the same shall be conducted, returned, and the results thereof declared, in all respects as are all other municipal elections ; provided, that if there be any conflict of pro- visions, this charter shall control. Any person sought to be removed may be a candidate to succeed himself, and, unless he requests otherwise, in writing, the clerk shall place his name on the official ballot without nomination. In any such removal elec- tion, the candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. At such elec- tion, if some person other than the incumbent receives the highest number of votes, the incumbent shall there- upon be deemed removed from his office upon qualifi- cation of his successor. The successor of any officer so removed shall hold office during the unexpired term of his predecessor. In case the party who receives the highest number of votes should fail to qualify within ten days after receiving notification of election, the office shall be deemed vacant. If the incumbent receives the highest number of votes he shall continue in office. In case more than one councilman is sought to be removed, whose terms shall not expire at the same time, there shall appear on the ballot the date of the expiration of the respective terms and the offices to be filled for such different terms shall be deemed separate and distinct offices to be filled at such election. CHARTER 173 SEC. 2. Any proposed ordinance may be submitted to the council by a petition signed by qualified and regis- tered electors of the city equal in number to the percent- age hereinafter required. The petition shall set forth a copy of the proposed ordinance, and the form of such petition, signatures, verifications, and duties of the clerk in respect thereto, provided in section i of this article for petitions for recall shall apply to petitions of initiative. If the petition accompanying the proposed ordinance be signed by qualified and registered electors equal in number to ten per centum of the entire vote cast at the last preceding general election, the council must either pass such ordinance without alteration or submit the same to the electorate at the next general municipal elec- tion that shall occur at any time after thirty days from the date of the clerk's certificate of sufficiency. But if such petition is signed by qualified and registered elect- ors equal in number to twenty per centum of said vote and contains a request that such ordinance be submitted to a vote of the people at a special election, then the council must either pass the ordinance without alteration or submit the same to the electorate at a special election to be called within sixty days from the riling of such petition. The ballots used when voting upon such proposed ordinance shall contain the words "For the Ordinance," and "Against the Ordinance" (stating the nature of the proposed ordinance). If a majority of the qualified electors voting on said proposed ordinance shall vote in favor thereof, such ordinance shall thereupon become a valid and binding ordinance of the City. The council may at such election submit any amendment thereto that it may deem proper, and the ballots used at such elec- tion shall contain the words "For the Amendment," or "Against the Amendment," or ordinance (naming the ordinance) and also stating the nature of the proposed amendment. If a majority of the qualified electors voting on said proposed amendment shall vote in favor thereof, such ordinance shall thereupon be deemed amended in accordance therewith. The council may also propose and submit any ordinance to the electors, and such ordinance, upon receiving a majority of the votes of the electors, voting thereon, shall be deemed to have been adopted and shall be the valid and binding ordinance of the City. Any ordinance adopted by the electors un- der the provisions of this article can not be repealed or amended, except by a vote of the people obtained in the 1/4 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO manner hereinbefore stated, unless such ordinance shall otherwise provide. Any number of proposed ordinances may be voted upon at the same election in accordance with the pro- visions of this section ; provided, that there shall not be held under this section of the charter more than one special election in any period of twelve months. SEC. 3. Any ordinance or resolution, other than such as may be required to be passed at a particular time or for the purpose of complying with a charter or statu- tory law and excepting such ordinances or resolutions as may be declared by the council to be necessary as emerg- ency measures for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, shall be subject to a refer- endum as herein provided ; provided further that the pe- tition for such referendum be filed within sixty (60) days from the final passage of such ordinance or reso- lution. Whenever a petition shall be presented to the coun- cil, asking that a particular ordinance or resolution named therein be submitted to a vote of the electors, and signed as required for an initiative petition in section 2 of this article, it shall be the duty of the council to submit the question of the approval or rejection of such ordi- nance or resolution to the electors at a regular or special election, and until such election is held and the ordinance approved by the electors the provisions of such ordi- nance or resolution shall be suspencfed and be inoper- ative. All the proceedings relative to the submission of or- dinances by initiative shall apply to ordinances submitted by a referendum petition, and the vote thereon shall be of the same force and effect as provided in section 2. ARTICLE IX MISCELLANEOUS SEC. i. The ordaining clause ,of ; all ordinances adopted by the council shall be, "The council of the City of Palo Alto do ordain as follows," and the ordaining clause of all ordinances adopted in accordance with the provisions of article VIII shall be, "The people of the City of Palo Alto do ordain as follows." SEC. 2. No franchise shall be granted by the council, but may be granted by the electors by ordinance proposed CHARTER 175 and adopted as provided in section 2 of article VIII of this charter; provided, that the petition therefor shall be signed by qualified and registered voters equal in number to at least twenty per centum of the votes cast at the last preceding general municipal election ; and provided fur- ther, that no franchise shall be granted for a longer term than twenty-five years. SEC. 3. No officer of the City shall be interested in any contract entered into by the City, and the general laws of the state forbidding city officials to be so inter- ested is hereby made a part of this charter. SEC. 4. The council shall publish annually a finan- cial report of the City and furnish a copy thereof to each taxpayer residing therein. SEC. 5. The revenue of each public utility shall be kept in a separate fund from all other receipts and shall be used for the purposes and in the order as follows : 1. For the payment of the operating and maintenance expenses of such utility. 2. For the payment of interest on the bonded debt in- curred for the construction or acquisition of such utility. 3. For the payment of the principal of said debt, as it may become due. 4. The remainder shall be paid into the general fund. SEC. 6. No ballot used at any municipal election shall contain any reference to a political party, and no designation or symbol shall be placed in connection with the name of any candidate. Any person otherwise quali- fied may be a candidate for an elective office at any elec- tion, regular or special, by filing with the clerk, not less than ten days prior to the day of election, a petition signed by qualified and registered voters equal in number to three per centum of the votes cast at the last general municipal election. SEC. 7. No member of the council shall hold any other municipal office, or hold any office or employment, the compensation of which is paid out of the municipal moneys ; or be elected or appointed to any office created or the compensation of which is increased by the council while he was a member thereof, until one year after the expiration of the term for which he was elected. SEC. 8. No person, firm or corporation shall ever exercise any franchise, license, permit, easement, privil- ege or other use,, except in so far as he or it may be en- titled to do so by direct authority of the constitution of the State of California, or of the constitution or laws of the United States, in, upon, over, under or along any street, highway or other public place in the City unless 176 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO he or it shall have first obtained a grant therefor in ac- cordance with the provisions of this charter. SEC. 9. Liens for taxes levied shall attach to the property charged therewith on the first Monday in March at 12 o'clock M. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS SEC. i. This charter may be amended at intervals of not less than two years by proposals therefor, submitted by the council to the qualified electors of the City at a general or special election, held at least forty days after the publication of such proposals . for twenty days in a daily newspaper of general circulation in said City and ratified by a majority of the electors voting thereon, and approved by the legislature as provided in the constitution of the State of California. Whenever fifteen per centum of the qualified voters of the City shall petition the coun- cil to submit any proposed amendment or amendments to this charter to the qualified voters thereof for approval the council must submit the same. In submitting any such amendment or amendments to the charter any alter- native article or proposition may be presented for the choice of the voters and may be voted on separately with- out prejudice to the others. SEC. 2. The petition herein provided for must be made, presented, examined, and certified to in the man- ner and form required for petitions in section I of article VIII of this charter. SEC. 3. The council must make all necessary pro- visions for submitting proposed amendments to the elect- ors, and shall canvas the votes in the same manner as in other elections. SEC. 4. The ballots used at such elections shall con- tain the words "For the Amendment" and "Against the Amendment" ( stating the nature of the proposed amend- ment). ARTICLE XII This charter shall take effect at noon on July i, 1909; provided that all provisions relative to public schools, to elections, the qualifications of candidates, the nomination CHARTER 177 of candidates for public office shall be operative upon the approval of this charter by the legislature, and the board of trustees of the town of Palo Alto are hereby directed to provide for all elections provided herein to be held prior to the first day of July, 1909, and to issue certificates of election to the persons elected to the office of coun- cilmen. All the present officials of the town of Palo Alto shall continue to perform the duties now required of them until their successors are appointed and qualified as in this charter provided. CERTIFICATE WHEREAS, The town of Palo Alto, a city of more than three thousand five hundred inhabitants, did on the twenty-fourth day of August, A. D. 1908, have a special election, and under and in accordance with the provisions of section 8, article XI of the constitution of the State of California, elect the undersigned, a board of fifteen freeholders, to prepare and propose a charter for said City; BE IT KNOWN, That in pursuance of said provisions of the constitution of the State of California, and with- in a period of ninety days after such election, we, the members of the said board of freeholders, have prepared and do hereby propose the foregoing articles signed in duplicate, as and for the charter of the said City of Palo Alto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands, at the town of Palo Alto, county of Santa Clara, in the State of California, this twentieth day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1908. MARSHALL BLACK, President C. E. JORDAN, Secretary WALTER E. VAIL E. C. THOITS S. W. CHARLES BENJAMIN P. OAKFORD A. N. UMPHREYS H. W. SIMKINS STANLEY FORBES CHAS. B. WING JOHN T. COULTHARD C. S. DOWNING C. B. STINSON 178 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO ADDITIONAL PROPOSITION SUBMITTED TO A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE AND PROPOSED TO BE INCORPORATED IN THE CHARTER FOR THE CITY OF PALO ALTO. PROPOSITION I ARTICLE X ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS SEC. i. It shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons, firm, corporation, club or association or member of such club or association to establish, carry on, keep or maintain a place where spirituous, vinous, malt or in- toxicating liquors or any admixture thereof or any al- coholic drinks whatsoever are sold, kept for sale, offered for sale, furnished, distributed, divided, delivered or given away. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, employer, agent, servant, clerk or employe, to sell or deliver any of the liquors herein mentioned, or to solicit the sale of or take orders for the same within the limits of the city of Palo Alto. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person directly or indirectly, to keep or maintain, by himself or by as- sociating or combining with others, or in any manner to aid, assist or abet in keeping or maintaining any club room or other place within the City of Palo Alto, in which any intoxicating liquors are kept for the purpose of gift, barter or sale, or for distribution among the members of any club or association. SEC. 4. Any violation of the foregoing provisions in this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment in the City jail for a period of not more than three months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. SEC. 5. The council may by proper ordinance pro- vide additional penalties, not inconsistent with the law, for the violation of the provisions of this section and may adopt such further restrictions as will make the said provisions effective. SEC. 6. Nothing in this article shall be held or CHARTER 179 construed as prohibiting the sale or use of alcoholic liquor for medicinal, industrial, sacramental or scientific purposes, but the council shall impose such regulations governing such sale and use of such liquors as will pre- vent the violation or evasion of the provisions of this article. CERTIFICATE WHEREAS, The town of Palo Alto, a city of more than thirty-five hundred inhabitants, did on the twenty- fourth day of August, A. D. 1908, have a special election, and in accordance with the provisions of section 8, article XI of the constitution of the State of California, elect the undersigned, a board of fifteen freeholders, to pre- pare a proposed charter for said City ; BE IT KNOWN, That in pursuance of said provisions of the constitution of the State of California and within a period of ninety days after such election, we, the mem- bers of said board of freeholders, have prepared and do hereby propose the foregoing additional article signed in duplicate as and for a part of the charter of the said City of Palo Alto, to be presented for the choice of the voters of the City of Palo Alto and to be voted on separately without prejudice to said proposed charter or to any or either of the articles or propositions herewith presented. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands, at the town of Palo Alto, county of Santa Clara, in the State of California, this twentieth day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1908. MARSHALL BLACK, President C. E. JORDAN, Secretary WALTER E. VAIL E. C. THOITS S. W. CHARLES BENJAMIN P. OAKFORD A. N. UMPHREYS H. W. SIMKINS STANLEY FORBES CHAS. B. WING JOHN T. COULTHARD C. S. DOWNING C. B. STINSON Filed November 21, 1908, at 8:30 a.m., with Charles D. Marx, president of the board of trustees of the town of Palo Alto. l8o THE CITY OF PALO ALTO MEMORANDUM The first official publication of the foregoing charter was made in the Daily Palo Alto Times, a daily news- paper of general circulation, on Tuesday, December 8, 1908, in accordance with a resolution adopted by the board of trustees of the town of Palo Alto on Tuesday, December i, 1908, and by direction of the president of said board and the town clerk as provided for in said resolution. State of California, ( ss County of Santa Clara j I, Charles D. Marx, president of the board of town trustees of the town of Palo Alto, California, do hereby certify that I now am and at all of the times herein men- tioned was the duly elected, qualified and acting president of said board of town trustees of the, town of Palo Alto ; that the board of freeholders whose names appear signed to the foregoing proposed charter and the alternative proposition were, and each of them was, on the 24th day of August, A. D. 1908, at a special municipal elec- tion held in said town of Palo Alto, on said last named day, duly elected by the qualified voters of said town as such freeholders, to prepare and propose a charter for said town ; that each of the persons so elected was a free- holder and was at the time of said election, and had been continuously for more than five years immediately prior thereto a qualified elector of the said town of Palo Alto ; that said board of freeholders, in accordance with law, prepared and proposed a charter and prepared and pro- posed the foregoing alternative proposition for said town, in duplicate ; that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of said proposed charter of the said town of Palo Alto, including the said alternative proposition I, which were prepared and proposed by said board of freehold- ers, one copy of which said proposed charter and of said proposed alternative proposition was duly returned to me as president of the said board of town trustees of the town of Palo Alto, and the other copy thereof was duly re- turned to and filed with the recorder of the county of Santa Clara, all within ninety days after said election, as required by section eight of article eleven of the consti- tution of this state ; that such proposed charter and the CHARTER l8l said alternative proposition I, were then published in the Daily Palo Alto Times (the same being a daily newspaper of general circulation in said town) for more than twenty days, and the first publication thereof was made within twenty days after the completion of said proposed charter and said alternative proposition ; that within thirty days after the publication of said proposed char- ter and said alternative proposition I as aforesaid, and as required by said section eight of the constitution, to wit: On the 2ist day of January, A. D. 1909, said pro- posed charter and said alternative proposition I, were submitted to a special municipal election duly held in the said town of Palo Alto, for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting said proposed charter and the said alter- native proposition. That said proposed charter as a whole and the said alternative proposition were duly ratified at said last mentioned election by the majority of the votes of the qualified electors of said town voting thereon, and that the returns of said last mentioned election were duly canvassed by the board of town trustees of said town of Palo Alto on the 2nd day of February, A. D. 1909, and the result thereof declared as above set forth. And I further certify that all the times herein men- tioned said town of Palo Alto contained a population of more than three thousand five hundred, and that in all matters and things pertaining to said proposed charter and the said alternative proposition, the provisions of section eight of article eleven of the constitution and of the laws of the State of California pertaining to the adoption of said proposed charter and the said alternat- ive proposition have, in every particular, been fully com- plied with. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said town this 2nd day of February, A. D. 1909. CHAS. D. MARX, President of the Board of Town Trustees [SEAL] of the Town of Palo Alto. Attest : C. H. JORDAN, Town Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Town Trustees of the Town of Palo Alto. 1 82 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROV- ING THE FOREGOING CHARTER OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring (a majority of all the mem- bers elected to each house voting for the adoption of this resolution and concurring therein), That said char- ter of the City of Palo Alto including said additional proposition No. I, as presented to and adopted and rati- fied by the electors of said town of Palo Alto as herein above set forth, be and the same is hereby approved as a whole, as and for the charter of said City of Palo Alto as aforesaid. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO APPROVING TEN CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CHAR- TER OF THE CITY OF PALO ALTO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VOTED FOR AND RATI- FIED BY THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE SAID CITY OF PALO ALTO, AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD THEREIN FOR THAT PURPOSE ON THE FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1911. (ADOPTED MARCH 24, 1911) WHEREAS, The City of Palo Alto, in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, contains a population of more than thirty-five hundred inhabitants, and has been ever since the year 1909, and is now, organized and acting under a freeholders' charter, adopted under and by virtue of section eight of article eleven of the consti- tution of the State of California, which charter was duly ratified by a majority of the qualified electors of said City, at a special election held for that purpose on the 2 ist day of January, A. D. 1909, and approved by the legislature of the State of California on the 2Oth day of February, 1909 (Statutes of 1909, page 1175) ; and WHEREAS, The City council of the said City of Palo Alto did by ordinance duly adopted by said City council and approved by the mayor of said City on the 22nd day of November, 1910, and pursuant to section 8 of article ii of the constitution of the State of California, duly propose to the qualified electors of said City of Palo Alto, certain amendments to the Charter of said City of Palo Alto, to be submitted to the said qualified electors at a special municipal election to be held in said City on the first day of February, 1911 ; said amendments being six- teen in number ; and WHEREAS, Said proposed amendments were, and each of them was, published for twenty days in a daily news- paper printed and published in said City of Palo Alto, and having a general circulation therein, to wit: The Daily Palo Alto Times ; said publication beginning on the 23rd day of November, 1910, and ending the i6th day of December, 1910 ; and 184 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO WHEREAS, The City council of said City did by said ordinance, duly adopted by said City council and approv- ed by the mayor of said City, order the holding of a spe- cial municipal election in said City of Palo Alto on the first day of February, 1911, said day being at least forty days after the publication of said proposed amendments for twenty days in said daily newspaper of general cir- culation in said City of Palo Alto, to wit: The Daily- Palo Alto Times ; and did provide in said ordinance for the submission of the proposed Charter Amendments numbers I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 1 6, and alternative amendments numbers 3, 4 and 5, to the qualified electors of said City for their ratification at said election ; and WHEREAS, Said election was duly called and held on said ist day of February, 1911, and at said election a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon voted in favor of the ratification of and did ratify ten of the pro- posed amendments to said charter ; and WHEREAS, The City council of the said City of Palo Alto in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, did meet on Wednesday, the 8th day of Feb- ruary, 1911, at their usual time and place of meeting, and duly canvas the returns of said election as certified by the election boards, and duly found, determined and de- clared that a majority of the qualified electors of said City voting thereon had voted for and ratified ten of said proposed Amendments to the Charter of said City of Palo Alto; and WHEREAS, The council of the City of Palo Alto are in doubt as to the legality of the ratification and adoption of Amendment number seven, owing to an error in the instructions to voters on said specific Amendment num- ber seven ; therefore said Amendment number seven is herein set forth as a distinct and separate amendment for the consideration of the legislature without prejudice to the nine other amendments herein set forth ; That said Amendment number seven is in words and figures as follows, to wit: CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER SEVEN Section 7 of article 9 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended to read as follows : No member of the council shall hold any office or employment the compensation for which is paid out of municipal moneys ; or be elected or appointed to any AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER 185 office created, or the compensation of which is increased by the council while he was a member thereof, until one year after the expiration of the term for which he was elected. WHEREAS, The said nine subsequent amendments to the charter so ratified by a majority of the qualified elect- ors of said City voting at said election are in words and figures as follows, to wit: CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER EIGHT Article 9 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section, to be known as section 10, and to read as follows : SEC. 10. In the erection, improvement and repair of all public buildings and works, in all street and sewer work, done under and by authority of the laws of the State of California creating a bonded indebtedness of the municipality, or done under and by authority of any of the street laws of the State of California, which laws are hereby made a part of this Charter, the work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder; provided, how- ever, the council may reject any and all bids if deemed excessive, and readvertise for bids or provide for the work to be done by the Department of Public Works. In case no bid is received, the council may likewise provide for the work to be done by the Department of Public Works. When the estimate of the cost of said work by the City engineer shows that said work can be done for an equal or less cost than that of the lowest bid, then any of the work herein mentioned may be done by the Depart- ment of Public Works, and the said department shall be deemed the contractor, with the right to enforce all liens, and with the same powers, rights, duties and obligations as are made and provided by the laws of the state for contractors who have entered into contracts to do such work as the lowest responsible bidder. The council shall have power to adopt ordinances for the purpose of carrying out these provisions, and such ordinances shall be supplemental to the existing laws of the State, and shall have the same force and effect. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER NINE Article 9 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as section n, and to read as follows: 1 86 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO SEC. ii. Upon a petition of the owners of the ma- jority of the frontage abutting upon any street or part thereof, the council shall have the power by ordinance to require, or provide, or adopt general law or laws for the planting, maintenance, or care of grass plots between the sidewalk and roadway in such street or part thereof, and to make the cost thereof a lien and charge upon the abut- ting property, and to make provisions for the enforce- ment of such liens by the sale of property or otherwise. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER TEN Article 9 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section, to be known as section 12, and to read as follows : SEC. 12. The council shall have power, by ordi- nance, to require or provide for the removal of grass, weeds or other obstructions from the sidewalks, park- ings or streets and to make the cost of same a lien or charge against the abutting property, and to make pro- vision for the enforcement of such liens by the sale of property or otherwise. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER ELEVEN Article 9 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 13, and to read as follows: SEC. 13. The council shall have power, by ordinance, to require or provide for the removal from property, lands, or lots, all weeds, rubbish or other material which may endanger or injure neighboring property, or the health or welfare of the residents of the vicinity, and to make the cost thereof a lien or charge upon such proper- ty, lands, or lots, or otherwise. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER TWELVE Article 9 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 14, and to read as follows : SEC. 14. The council shall have the power, by ordi- nance, to enforce the laying of sewer, water or gas pipes or other mains or conduits on streets to be improved be- fore the same are improved ; and to require the owners of real property fronting upon any street, lane, alley, or other public place, in which there are or in which it is AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER 187 proposed to be constructed, sewer, water or gas pipes, or other mains or conduits, to connect their several prem- ises therewith, or to cause such connection to be made, and to make the cost of same a lien upon the property so connected, and to make provision for the enforcement of such lien by the sale of property or otherwise. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER THIRTEEN Article 9 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 130, and to read as follows: SEC. 130. The City of Palo Alto shall have the power to repair or improve all streets or avenues in said city upon which street railway tracks are laid between the rails of said tracks and for two feet on either side thereof ; said City shall also have the power to repair all excavations made in streets by any public service cor- poration, company or person. All said work done by the City on account of street railways or excavations to be a lien upon any property of the corporation, company or person on whose account the work is done. The person, company or corporation owning or oper- ating any street railway in said City shall pay to the City one-third of the annual cost of watering, oiling, or other- wise treating such streets for laying dust thereon. The council shall have power to adopt ordinances for the purpose of carrying out and enforcing this provision. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER FOURTEEN Article 8 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding a new section thereto to be known as section 4, and to read as follows : SEC. 4. The majority vote of the electors required to pass an initiative ordinance, as provided by section 2 of this article, shall be not only a majority of the votes cast on the ordinance, but shall be an affirmative vote on such ordinance equal to a majority of the total number of those cast at the last preceding general municipal election. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER FIFTEEN Article 7 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 8, and to read as follows: l88 THE CITY OF PALO ALTO SEC. 8. The judge of said police court shall have power to administer oaths, take and certify affidavits in the same manner and like effect as justices of peace. He shall have and use a seal, on which shall be engraved the arms of the State and the words "Judge of the Po- lice Court of the City of Palo Alto." He shall have power to issue warrants, writs and summons in all respects as if issued by the justice of peace. Any warrant, writ or summons issued out of said court may be served in any county -of the state provided that there is attached to it a certificate under seal by the county clerk of Santa Clara County to the effect that the person issuing same was the acting judge of said court at the time of the issuance of said process. Any justice of peace of Palo Alto township shall pos- sess the same powers herein conferred upon the police court of said City, and in case of the disability or ab- sence, or upon the request of the judge of said court, shall act as judge of said court; but the authority herein conferred upon said justice of the peace shall not be construed as impairing, reducing or taking from the police judge any right, power or jurisdiction vested in him. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER SIXTEEN Article 7 of the Charter of the City of Palo Alto shall be amended by adding thereto a new section, to be known as section 9, and to read as follows : SEC. 9. The chief of police shall be appointed by the Board of Public Safety. He shall have the same powers that are now, or may be hereafter, conferred up- on sheriffs by the laws of the State, and shall in all re- spects be entitled to the same protection. He shall serve, and is hereby authorized to execute and return all pro- cesses, both civil and criminal, issued and directed to him by any legal authority; and WHEREAS, The said proposed Amendments to the Charter of the City of Palo Alto so ratified are now sub- mitted to the legislature of the State of California, for approval or rejection without power of alteration or amendment in accordance with section eight of article eleven of the State of California. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER 189 State of California ") County of Santa Clara > ss - City of Palo Alto } This is to certify that we, Charles B. Wing, mayor of the City of Palo Alto, and Frank Kasson, clerk of the City of Palo Alto, have compared the foregoing proposed and ratified Amendments to the Charter of the City of Palo Alto with the original ordinance proposing such Amendments and submitting the same to the qualified electors of said City at a special municipal election, call- ed for that purpose on Wednesday the ist day of Febru- ary, 1911, and find that the foregoing is a full, true, cor- rect and exact copy thereof and of each of them ; and we further certify that the facts set forth in the preamble preceding such Amendments to said Charter are and each of them is true, save^nd excepting that as to Amendment number seven, hereinbefore separately set forth, Charles B. Wing, as mayor of said City, refuses to certify said Amendment number seven as having been duly and legal- ly adopted at said election by the voters of said City of Palo Alto, on the ground that said electors were misled in casting their vote on said Amendment number seven by reason of the fact that in the "Instructions to Voters" an error was made as to said Amendment number seven only, at said election ; that this reservation or refusal to certify as to Amendment number seven is made without prejudice to Amendments numbers eight, nine, ten, elev- en, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen herein- before set forth ; That as to all of said amendments, except Amendment number seven, this certificate shall be taken as a full and complete certification as to the regularity of all proceed- ings had and done in connection therewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and caused the corporate seal of the City of Palo Alto to be attached, this 9th day of February, 1911. [SEAL] CHAS. B. WING, Mayor ; FRANK KASSON, City Clerk of the City of Palo Alto. THE CITY OF PALO ALTO AND WHEREAS, The said ten amendments so ratified as hereinbefore set forth have been duly presented and submitted to the legislature of the State of California, for approval or rejection without power of alteration or amendment, in accordance with said section 8 of article XI of the constitution of the State of California; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly concurring (a majority of all members elected at each house voting for the adoption of this resolution and concurring therein), that the said ten amendments to the said Charter of the City of Palo Alto hereinbefore set forth as presented and submitted to, and adopted and ratified by the qualified electors of said City, be and the same are hereby approved as a whole for, and as amendments to the said Charter of said City of Palo Alto. 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