UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES University of California Berkeley [UNIVERSITY STWKNTS HOTEL \ * BROADWAY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAI, PETTIT & RUSS PRINT, S. F. gj^Sj^MiiMMiMMaM THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS HOTEL No. 319 BROADWAY SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. PKTTIT & Rrss, KNORAVKRIS AND PRINTERS, 320-26 SANSOME STREET. 1880. !Iilfi}UiniGi5fMS[2lQ^^ Q]jQ]Jji]JeIJigJQ][G]J2J^^ liP^lEME^^ UNIVERSITY STUDENTS HOTEL ,Vf>. S,W BROADWAY. This new five-story brick building, situated on high ground, with an unobstructed view of the bay and all steamers and ships that come in or go out of the harbor, also all the south, east and west parts of the city, forms a complete observatory. Being in a healthy and respectable neighborhood, free from the confusion and bustle of business, and free also from the wearisome noise of the rattling carriage-wheel, it offers to the stu- dent a quiet and secluded home which is very desira- ble, if not absolutely necessary, to the growth and development of the mental faculties. It may be stated here for the advantage of those young- men who desire to be near the heart of the city, that five minutes' walk IlEf2MMMMS^ will bring them to California and Montgomery streets, the present business centre. The building is located in the neighborhood of the Cogswell Dental and Hastings Law Colleges, 608-14 Front street, and about 350 t'eet east of the Post-office, U. S. Courts and Custom House. It is also convenient to the Tolarid Medical College, Street Railroads, Ferries, etc. All the rooms are lighted from the outside, and get the sunlight more or less during the day. Hot and cold water, also closets on each floor. Flues in all rooms, for use, if needed. The furniture new, and made to order in this city. The bedding, feather pillows, hair- and steel spring mattresses in all of the rooms are of the same quality as those of the Palace Hotel, and furnished .by the same upholsterer. These luxuries will be appreciated by that class of gentlemen who know the u.w of conit'o . ts without the abuse. We would make this hotel not only a home for the students and teachers, but for the friends of education MjOJjBfiijjcySMj^ [^fiujGMMciU!^ visiting this city from abroad. Here let them find quiet comfortable rooms at a moderate expense, to interchange ideas. In the lower part of the building are two large rooms, well lighted and ventilated, capable of seating each from seventy-five to one hundred and fifty persons. These rooms, free of rent, are for the use of the students should they require them for occasional lectures or bus- iness gatherings. This hotel will be managed for the in- terest of the students and their friends, as it is expected they will be its chief patrons. It makes no pretentious claim to elegance or fashion, but hopes to fill a use in furn- ishing a quiet retreat to teachers and students on an econ- omical plan. After the rooms are filled a table can be supplied on the Club-House plan, or otherwise, in the large dining- hall, just finished, by employing a suitable person to do the catering. In this manner the students can limit their living expenses to suit themselves, paying only first cost, as our city furnishes one of the cheapest and best inar- [jilJiflfinjiflfiiljGlJi^^ illGUoMSfDl^ 6 kets in the Union; for the present there are good restaur- ants near by. In the parlor is a fine-toned organ, whore the gentlemen may gratify their musical tastes. All baggage not required in the rooms stored in the building free. The prices for choice of rooms (which can now be se- cured for the lecture terms of the Colleges or longer, either by personal application or mail), if occupied by two persons, range from $12 to $16 per month; the same rooms, if occupied by one person, $9 to $12 per month, payable in advance. If taken for the Lec- ture term, a discount of 10 per cent, from the above prices will be allowed. Transients, by the day, 75 cents. If two in a room, $1.25, with a liberal discount when taken for a week or more. Baths, 25 cents. There are accommodations in the building for eighteen stu- dents at a cost of twenty cents per day each, and forty at twenty-seven cents per day. The difference in prices being for size and location of rooms. Also more expen- UGyiiUQyoMlGMfiiU^^ !lc^fQ]jc]jii]]]i]jQ]ji^^ sive rooms, at relatively moderate prices. It is the object of this house to give the students and patrons good accommodations at as low a price as will make it self-supporting, and thus perpetuate it as an auxiliary to the State University. MGyMtlMMJiMi:^ jjafiDfiajjajGyQlEMSJ^ P. S. Should there be any students wishing to live in the primitive California style, by keeping " bachelor's hall" on a still more economical plan, they can be accom- modated in a building near the College, it having a private stairway leading to the third _story, in which are twelve unfurnished rooms, roughly finished, well ventilated and lighted from the outside, and having flues for cooking- stoves. '. Each room will accommodate two persons, and will be rented at the nominal price of three dollars per month, in advance, and if taken for the lecture term, 10 per cent, discount allowed ; thus costing for room- rent five cents per day each student, or less as above described. Also shop-room furnished free to students having leisure time and the ability to employ themselves at any in-door mechanical work while pursuing their studies. H REFERENCES REQUIRED ^ FROM THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS : STATE UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT, JOHN LsCONTE, L. L. D. ^ REGENTS : REV. H. STEBBINS, D. D. HON. J. W. WINANS ^ VI A. S. HALLIDIE, ESQ. ""^ PROF. GEORGE DAVIDSON ^ HON. J. WEST MARTIN ^ HASTINGS LAW COLLEGE tH[ PROF. JOHN NORTON POMEROY, L. L. D. VI PROF. WM. H. PLATT, D. D., L. L. D. pg HON. S. CLINTON HASTINGS, DEAN il "T* CHAS. P. HASTINGS, B. S., REGISTRAR r i - . '^1 TOLAND MEDICAL COLLEGE PROF. ROBT. A. McLANE, M. I)., SECRETARY ^ fH PROF. JAMES SIMPSON, M. D. '^ PROF. C. M. BATES, M. 1). PROF. G. A. SHURTLEFF, M. D. EH COGSWELL DENTAL COLLEGE li^J PROF. S. W. DENIS, M. D., D. I). S. ^ I - PROF. A. F. McLANE, M. D., I). I). S. ^ **s^ ^^^ COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 'J' Cw ^ PROF. EMLEN PAINTER, DEAN ^ 2 PROF. W. M. SEARBY -I PROF. WM. T. WENZELL PROF. HERMANN BEHR, M. I). ^ RESIDENTS ON THE PREMISES PROF. ALONZO PHELPS AND WIFE DR. H. D. COGSWELL AND WIFE