LOAN STAO; A SECOND INTRODUCTION, With fulleL Light Propofals and Reprefcmiatiolis, am' thatj if pofTible, fo to move fome t6 artift me in my Tranfcriptions and Print Puolications, that I am forc'd on to V ^°° ^^^ Great Jehovah^ in purfuance of my late firft Iim-vduUion^ and that the better fo to introduce all that are truly Good and Righteous intoGoo'S- Prefence, and fo make them. all Prophets throughout the Globe. "^"13© F > 0I5 A Light fctiing forth to all Men both God's Tree of Life's Growth, Stand, or his Ways tti ^^ 15^ Man's TranQation, and withal, as well Chrift's Ntv) Jerufaltm Stand, or the World's Holicft Political State, and that as through which he can only draw down the ot God and Chrift, and that in fulled Blcfllng to all Men. Jobsxxiii. 14- Fir GOD fptaktib *nct, yea twite, yet Man petttivtti it net. Ver. 15. //» « Dream, in a P'iyjit of the Night, when Jeep Sleep falleib uftn Men in Jlumbtring upon the Be4. Ver. 16. Then he epenetb the Ears of Men, and fttUtb tbtir UftruBieni. Ver. 17. Re i/efttb bis Stuffrtm the Pit, tni bu Life from perijhing by the Sui.rd. CHAP. t. time if tit (boict reveal' d Sentences frim GOD to me in /ulltfi Suppirt if my prefent Prneiurts. Mirch7.9. 8-9. HAT iky foil I and Hazards in my Dream Studies mere tebat firft procured me GO D's perfonal Prefence, and bis grandeft Blfftngs together with it. June 4. 99- That lur Dream Neg/e^s at ,.i..^„^_ they Devil fenlentd Men with GOD : So that my Care Ah ! as for Chri- Aianity, her very Appearance in't, as of Courfe annihi- lates it, and that, as againft Chrift's exprefs Orders, (he is ever turning all the Commandments of God into ihe Commandments of Men. Ftb.xb. 9. 7-8. That Gob's Spirit of Monition, as 'twould force me to be aftive to its Top Familiarity, fo that it would eminent me beyond a Sarum Steeple Church Performance by it. Thefe, and many other Monitions, I (hake not under: and that as they come from God by Name, and not by Per- fon ; and yet, fjr all that, I (hall foon fcew Meh that he owns both. Aug. 16 01. That a Church Organ Reception will fucceed my feeming Immurement for a while. Feb. 2.0. 7-8. That our Minifters would gladly fee my Light here, when fearing to give it Efteem i but if they flighted my Monition Light, the Tree of Chrift's planting, that God would be a(hamed to own them as his Sons alfo. Ah! our Clergy clearly fee it here then, that God, for for their Hierarchy Work's fake, is flinging them under hii Demy-god Mercy Scheme ; and fo has by it withdrawn his fatherly Regard from them, and fo has levell'd them with the very Mahometans and Heathens. fuly 27. 22. 'That feveral Divines would be found to heed ine, for all the Di{renting Envy at me. Nov. 30. 1 5. That God himfelf won't fuffer a fecond De- generacy of the Churches to a Popi(h Bondage, but that he'll raifc and fupport a hew Mojei rather. Ah ! Hierarchy, thou feeft it here, that 'tis not T, but God himfelf, that has thus proclaimed his War againft thee. Oft. 15. 29. Gob in Perjon, and as he fat on his Throne, Jbetaed vie, that he bad the Devil ever ready by him, to carry »ff all tkife that durft faviur any Man's Reafoning, contrary to the Laws of his Truth and Obedience. Ah ! Hierarchy, what an Hell Scene prefents, for all thy learned Council Works here "i Ah ! thus we read it, that for all Mifes and Aaron wctc by, he even rotted all that were above 20 in Ifrael, that had darft leave their ConfcicDce Regardj on his CQm.njnd- ncnts given thetn. 0/7. 12. 16. That when our Churches once perceived if, how that their Prayers were anfwered by this my Light, the a would they be ready to flng, inftead of preaching alter it. yan. 21. 1.8 9. "That the apparitional Power was vanifhing. and Church Arrogancy on the Stop, while Goo thro lO^ Monitions thus would be in all Power. Ah! all Mens Demi-god Works here together, wuh their Lying Miracles attending, ftand fentenc'd by Goo him* felf; Men fee it to ceafe. Ah ! as all Men after here will even wonder to fee it, that I write with fo much Biiternefs againft Hierarchy as An- tichrift, fo fure this can't but apology with them for me, and when they fee that Goo has fo forced me on in it. Atr. 23. »7. That Damnation menacing will foon Icare our Mafters of Arts, fo as to make them heed Monitions. Ninevey, we read, could hear Jonas, and that I believe, wkh far lelTer Light than mine: O then, that I ir.iy but fo move our Learned here to repent alfo. Jan. g. iS. That GoD, by Degrees, would force Nien to his View, thro' my Light, by my Weather Schemes, and his Vengeance menacing. All ! furely the Hour is coming, when Chrift's Sentenre of, ffoe unti thee Cbirazin, and ffoe unto thee B.i'- faida, \i afreH) about to be renew'd, and that »ii it^e ^ M(iarW6»i8r» Ap^^. 25. That Gop was rating •Povrtntkii***^ Abf Ah ! are you furf, that you c»n out wreftle him in Power alio. Ah ; you Ice who "tij that thrciis you here; fure 'lit not 1, but Gou. CHAP. ir. Turtbtr brief T)ivlnt Hints, in wbith my late printed Divine Ir.JlrudiiHSjlev) the Three jirjl ftUoviing at large. GOD appearing ti me ai the GOD #/ Abraham, Ifaac, anJ Jacob. AH! Men, fee how careful God is here by this, to co- here hi: prcfcnt Light with what he gave to the Patri- archs in (o nuny Apes paft. Gon, as Jehovah in Glory, beaded a blank Sheet of Paper Ihtftre mc, as to write on. St appearing, and ai the common Father of the World t3 me, he let me kifs bis Hand, in order to introduce all Men into bh Pre/ence. Ah! who dares think here then, that I write with too much Confidence ? Ah! thefc things I printed near 20 Years ago; but ah? Hell Antichrill Hierjrchy is continually on the miking the World too wile to heir their God. God, as before him, as the Great Elijah, he promifed me bii Health Aid. Ah ! Hierarchy, then, is not this a flrong Call to thee to beware ? God, as inPerfon, be {aid, that he'd hiefs me to the Gradus Mofaicus. So the fame he has confirm'd to me at various other times. Ah! how little Realon then have Men to doubt of my In- ihuflions here } God thrice at lea/} has call'd me his Son. Three Stands of State has Goo for Man ; his Filial, to which he cre.nted ; his Demigod Mercy State, to which God fuhjeaed Adam on his Fall ; and his Venge- ance, and which I fear is too quick near, if the World repent not. Ah ! how (liines our blefTed Lord's Redemption State then here thro' me! And that as I the firll Man after him that GoD has fo called his Son. Ah! Chriit, as on Earth, he appear'd but as a Speaker only, nor as to, was he ;«rion, and Holy Ghojl alfo have all Three appeared. [ * ] tnd that as Three Men together to me, and as ft, (ompliimoz Ah! furely my Subfcription and Wriiin j^ ibt'ir til Trealment bj Men, cvils, ar.d the dead Sainn and o'her% hive I ieet. in all Variety. Thefe, ofrcn ;s feen. their Appear- ances, as of Courfe, explicate their Stands with Gjd. Ah! the Light of God thus fully purfued, I ic: it the mod of our Vi.-tuofo's won't want even the cndlefTcl! and richert O'ojcits, and that for even their endiefied Purfuits. Ah ! I fee ir, f have even Hundred^: of Heid , all full enough to employ even whole Colleges of Prophets, and that as Students too in all their Purfuit.^ The Grand Signor, I fee ir, as well as Ohrillian King.*, will be full glad of all my Inflii'ffions here, and (ull griev'd with all too wherein they di.'.'l (lijiht them. Ah! with God I (ee it there is no Chance • but even .ill our contingent Misfort'jnes prel'ent on!/ as for ourTrJai f.ike. Come rt.ue tjie Cafe then here, Re.ic! :r, when God .appear- ed to th': World by S'jah, could he cvir prefcnt clearer Evi- dence to the World than this? And fo when he ipprarcd by Mjj'e: to Ifrael iUo, he had Miracles in aid i.-iJeed, as on the Demi god Sacrifice Stand in Ifl'ue ; bur (urcly a more cle.irly convincing Lij;I;C I verily believe God never gave by M'je;, than he now has by me. CHAP. iir. The Glebe's Prophe.-i:i Stand. BY thefe things Men may fully view that nice Coherence of God's indruding Ways, and thole ever as qutck rea- dy as a Man can reach to Merit. Ah ! the Righteous will quickiy fee it liere, that I cm ren- der the full righteous full as familiar in the Spiriti:al V/oriJ as this. Ah! furely a Million of Ex.implcs can do ir. Ah! Thoufands of Prophets could even thi.t li:(Ie Dif- courfe raife of it felf, could Men but think their Gud lull worthy of their Approach. And fo, of Courfe, would rife, both Gon's Kingdom, Chrill's new Jerufalem, and Man's Paradilc State rell.rcJ; and were not Men deferted by God all as fearful and Unbe- lievers. Ah ! M'fes was thus ordered by God, to offer his free Pre- fencc to all I/rael: But ah! they were all too wife then to receive him in it, and fo to let themfeives out of hii Dcmi- i;od Fate-pod int.) his the mod felicitsted filial Stand. So now Gun offers his Prelcnce afrefli by mc to the whole Globe alfo ; «nd O! that our Hierarchies and Sedlary Prieda prove not too wile to hear and receive him in it. Ah ! what is Man afraid cf God's Prefcnce, beciufe of too many BIclTings attending with it? .•'nJ fo ffic Devil and Hc'l, and their Endlel. of Curfes, as on the v.iiiifh from him by it. g Aid Demands o!c Globe, that* my r i ] mv'elf. Ah! what is their End, but the Glory of God, and the grindell Beneficence even towards .ill Men ? Ah ! what am I doing, but as building a frelh Ark from G >u ior all Men, and that as by God's own Command ; fure every Religion, Seft, and Pcrfon , even upon the whole Globe, (hould be glad, and rejoice to aid me about it. Ah! fcorn they to aid God fo in his Fatherly Love? and how can they ever expefl him to blels thcni after > and I'o alfo how djre they pretend to praife him, and that when they fo dare to fcorn him in his grandeft Beneficence .> Ah! 'tis reveal'd to me, that even Kings hereafter will like the mesneft of my Books : fure ftrange it is then, that ail the various Ages of the World fhould all be fo varietated in their Talles? Ah! here and hence 'tis I fee ir, that Goo has been fo en- rac'd at Hierarchies pretending to ferve him, and that when really they imly have ever been bufy in planting intereOed, Atheiftick Views, and that barely to their own Views thro'- out the Globe. Ah! Chriftians here I fee it, have horridert and heavitft Reflexions rifmgagainll them, and all their ail'umed Holincf- fes. Ah ! I fee it nor, but that God, for fuch their Sins, has as Icvell'd them with Men of all Sorts thro'out the Globe. Ah! there is fcarce a Nation under the Sun, but what 1 nm as pirticularly addreffed unto, as to them ; and thus unto the Rail and Wert Indies, China and Japnn, Jeu/i, Turks, and Mibometfiin, and that, as to call them all to God's iullell Obedience thro' Chrift. Bii; then ah ! in what is it that ftands ChriiVs Redemption f o ? Ah! it lyes not in Word-Faithing it, no, nor in nice B'piiiining it, nor in Lord'sSuppering it 'io neither. Ah ! what is in all thelc things, but Min'.' Call of Lord, Lord, only ? and that, as 'tis only our Obedience to God thro' Chrift that makef us Chriftians indeed. And yet, for all this too, to England, Scotland, Frame, S'.r.n and IhlUnJ, ice. too, I am addreA'cd, at well as the other, ah ! Places too numerous to be lilled here. I fee all called of Goo here alfo. And yet this I lee too, for all this, that all Hierarchy Chri- ftians will be foon hated by all others, and that as bad as ever were the Jetvs after the Death of Chrift. And thus alio dares a Neighbour Nation ftand wicked in Futurity •. I fee it, that Gon will move his Neighbour King- dom to Bittel, and fall upon him for it. Thus the Spirit of God l^as (hewn me, that there is » near, when an Englijh Army will ftand In Trtnmpb^^^, even behind Alf,iers. ' Ah! in the Temple Days of the "Jevis of old we read \ not Thunder, nor Lightning, could ever prefent more dread lul, than did the Mouths of the Prophets of God againftthe Wicked. And th' 1 fee it too, that my Light now is as quick rail- ing up the fame Power from God alio, a Power that will nuke even .ill the Wicked thro'out the whole Globe ftand in «hr utinoft Horror and Confufion. Lei me ftate a Cafe here then fit to be crown'd with Dia- monds. Fift?, Prays, and Woriliips a Man God, tho' an Hciihcn, with Ctrne/iui's Sincrrity, yet God lurely heed* hi:ii, and in time wil! fo anfwcr his Call. But then ag-iin, fills ht in a Stand with the leaft wiifal C irruption, God as ftr^it leaves him ; and h.ippy he, if hio Tilercv abides towards him, and a Demigod Fate lien't llrait ad:n.::t.i to hi> Preicnce, and that to his utter Ruine and Djinn.iiMn. C H A P. IV. T/y Fe.:rf:ii en.! Vitltlicvtrs Stand. 'TIS even wondered at in the Spiritual World, that «IP JL Men ftiould be fuch fcjiiul anil Unbelievers, as not to heed their G'jd's Li^iit litre tin / me. I lee it. G lUi Mircy and Goodnefj are both as immuWi- Me i- !ii; Jul'ttce; an.! tlun hii Goodnefs has continued on^is Cie.uion, Inr all Mtns Siii^, and fo have his Mercies c\er overlook'd all their Milhkes alio. And thus all Mens Nc^lefts, thro' Surprize and Ignorance, were no: wilful, God has ovcrloo':'d them ; but then ah! oa all his wilful and corrupt Ofi^'enders in the Icart Degree, with- out Repentance, I mull ever cry it out, Woe, woe, and woe. Say Men then, that I am impudent here r But ah ! fay I, hin't (»0D in Pcrfon nam'd me his I'ccond M:j',-s ? Ah I what mv Rcilonings here then indeed? I'd own it they were but as little, were not the Gre»: Jehovili i)Lhind me in tiein. Ah ' combat thy Gou here then. Man, and f.iy, that he has not given thee Evidences to plcalc thee. Ah ! rather re- inemher what Trials God fet upon, r.nd how Jjmcl'i Inobl'ervancr in them hurt him. Ah! he that don't fo love Gon in Summit, and that ai djubiy JO leek his Glory now hii Kingdom is thu: come, ah ! I fee it, God will quick turn !;im ofF. atjd that as a poor, mean, b.ulardly, fearlul, and Unbeliever. Ah J Cod's Truth and his Dream. Li^hf, are God's two grand Talenii that Chrill pointed at, a? put into our H.indi by Goo, and that at our top Perils in Improvement of too ; and that we ftiould never be deficient about, and as in having fuch Virgin Oil in our Limpj. Ah \ there's none that God hitcs more than fuch fcorning Negleiflers and Perverrers ol his U'jys ot his Truth ; Men that as fo, are the top Refiftcrs of the Holy Ghoft, and fuch he deftroyed by the F'lood. Ah! Mjn then, dar'ft thou ftand on here in an unbelieving Doubt of G d's Light, and when delivered by his 2000 own'd Sentences on a 40 Years Inllruflion, and that a» if fo once a Week diiring the whole Time. Ah! 'tis h.ird, that .i Light fo purchas'd by Chrift's Re- demption, and that, as lb, of Courfe brinps down both the Kingdom of God, and the new Jcruftlens of Chrift. by fo readily mjkin- even ail Men Prophet?, /liould fo ftand fecunti in Negleft. Ah! ij the World fure of having a ferond 40 Year' hard Student in Gjd, fo after 30 Years old, after me i and if they h Ve fuch an one, are they fure to get one as high in the Ac- ceptance of G )D as I reach'd ? Ah ! what, will Mjd thule to ftjnd out for ever, as a poor, mean, l.lfe, and dciiener.ite, fearful and Unbeliever lowardi h^s GcD ; and that lo as to fcorn fo his Mine richer than of Gold or Diamonds as here in his Ofler ? Ah ! I lee it, the Light of God to me here is fo clear, it won't leave M^n even the leaft Colour of his Excule on it. Ah ! Man will quickly fee it here, that God's Evidences aic too clear, to bear the leaft Colour of Difpuie. Ah! won't this Call then move Men to aid me here ? Ah ! let them look to it, I fiiall but little call on them more. Ah f fuch an infidel Scorn of the World cannot but move God to as great a Scorn of the World alfo. O that all Men then here. Kings and Priefts, Learned and Ignorants, yea, and all others too, would but fjll into God'* Schemes of Reafoning here ! Ah! fo would they begin God's Sabbatical Year indeed. So will they ftand in the beft, fulleft, and cleareft Hope Views that ever God defign'd for Man, and that either here or hereafter. Ah ! God bat titither light »»/ Bltjfsitgs fur any^Man, but asjfe'tl earn it by bik fifigtt habi^^s. * nd jQ^^athomi jirf Mk»^u« Jeep In GoUY I fee it, hit ^ top pleifed to fee him thus, after Cbrift';, com- mit, t» hi> Brethren. -. -' Hut«fh. ah ! I fee it too ; his Sea of Wifdom is fuch aa Infinity that it ftrait drowns even an whole Council of At'iA- ttfbtlii if but in a tittle pervcrfc in it. /^" p H A P. V. Hierarchy's Final and Fatal Stand here. tH E whole Globe then Men fee here is become God's ^^ IJratl now, and its various nice Hierarchies, they her Spfntual Egyft. Hierarchies here then, by their Fafts and Sorceries, like the Egyptian M igicians of old. may call on their Demigods in Aid ; but ah ! to what Good, now the Great Jehovah has quite lelt them? Ah ! how ftands Hienrchy here in her faireft Shew then, but W the full out J5.ji^/Hcathenifm : As for ChriUianity, her ^'"jfApprar nee tn't .innihilates it of Courfe, and that as agilflk Chrhl'. ex'-rrlTeft Orders, turning all the Command- ments of God int . the Commandments of Men. Hierarch> here then, in thcfe things, may fall direflly upon G.Ttj in Perlon, ii ftie Ices fit; and indeed if fhe dare conti- nue her Exillence I lee not how ftie can dootherwifc. Juft thus, Rme has d.r'd to fall on God's God's Command- ments, and that to' kept in his Ark, as wrote by his own Hand, for near 1000 Years after. Comf, come on then, Mr. Pope, with all thy moft cele- brate Cardin.i!?, Arrhbiniops, Biftiops, and PrcLites. and fee if thou, «i) thy General Councils call'd, canft not eft'cflually at- tack fnjon again the Great Jehovah, and that for all he dares thus re appear. \yhat ! the Grand Ejje of immutable .Purity and Wifdom ? whit! can he ever ftonp to hear, heed, vifir and aid fuch Traitors, that have, as (or ever, been (or wholly rooting out all his Laws of Truth, and fo as for ruining his Crction by it ? And'as f'> too continually plaguing in chief all his only true Sfrvunti, luch .15 ever have durft appear to the Relcuc of his Glory as fo abus'd. Ah! Hierarchies have ever, and all along thus ftione too grand <» hear their God ; and I have it therefore to tell them from theU CfoD, ah! won't they repent, I don't fee that God has any oAcr View for them thin their uttercft Deflrudlion. Ab! [ ♦ 5 Ab ? O »1I yt nice TempJe Prielli. and SimmeBt Coofe- in Hell, tliio' iheif moDDtiag np mto Heireo all tbcir glorf- Cr then, and fo ye rich. Praying, PreacLioj. and Or- cos bereticil and fckUmjtical Martyr*. g»n ChoriSer'd Men and Worlhippera : Ah? trcmbic yoa all Ah! all their rich excoromunicaiing and boniiDg Work*, at Goo'! Light here. *"d (o their grand aCum'd Ctrdb Abfolntion Powcn, all at if Ah ! he only tm!y prays to God, that feeis ■niTer'iJJy th< purpofely credcd to leep GoB cot of his Kingdooi. Good of all Men. and mure elpecia'.ly of the imreiTed ; and Ah! how rich icnft be all their Reward* hereafter, aad fo he only irol/ praife* GoD too, thai i» foU ofcedjent lo hi* when all built fo full in Shine in the Dominions tMjtaftrt fpi! parental Goodnef-. Sure our moll BicITed Lord the moft doaring') blundered m So he that happily detifts. and profecutes Schemes to that the Orders he had from God, when he laid, jmdit «»/, Itfi End, he only truly praiiei Gop with ChonHers and Organ* y ktjaJied. Ah ! of what Senfe fncb a Sentence before a* indeed. Ah \ a; for ibe other, what but as all meer B*Umi- infaljible Orthodoxy ? Work, and as fuch, crown'd with a ronmpinz. earning Trick. Ah ? I qaeftion whether erer even Lniiftr himfeif has bcca And fo, in fnort. whji is ail Hierarchy* trifiing Votary a greater Rebel Enemy to Goi> than Hierarchy; and yet not Work, by Fafticgs and Virginities, {^/. in Approach to Goo » «*"« I dare judge the leaft Member in her neither. Ah r I fee it. Gob has Bung off all fach TitSing into Demi- for how know I, by what Reafoninp "d* that any Maa Cod Works. moTcs ? Ah! I dare not judge turd therefore, and left mj • Ah I I fee it is the Man that walk* with Goiv and that as felf be fo judged alfo. to, is ever full in obedience to his Wil!. in ererr Article of Nor fee 1, that the Hierarchift can well judge me heiC liis Lift, that is only truly holy in his Sijht. and that, as fo, neither. Ah! can be cenfure me as attacking with niceft of (O walk both wi:h En:iO and E.:i^i'o. and'Chrift after them- AiLulis Goi>'s grandcft of Enemies, in refcoe of bis Glory ? Ah ! Hierarchy, thinks not Goo iropartuliy and penetrat- Ah • can he jaftly rage at me fur polling a Beam out of kit ingly. prying enouzh here to difcem her harndcS of Deceits, Eye; and that fo long keeping him blind ha* a* milled hia erou/lv concealed under her poor mcer Shew from ibe Kingdom of Gop? then of Work^ Woi Ah Aaors. , , and fin;:uhr, when what but czaaiy following the Words of Sure 'lis impofiible that yon can fuppofe it of Con, that all the holiefl Prophets, and out bleCtd Lord after them. he can move in the leaft tolerable way of JuHice. but that So even Gop himfeif thry can t but fee thrV me (when he mud condemn all fuch Tricks as C»rth Sorceries, he has fo ordered me to bring all Men to his Prcfencc) he ne- How cin you think then, but that God muft fcntence all *er flared it fo v- to be by a fine Temp'.e-Work, but by a fall fuch to be as Hell Captains ? and that have durfl fo bjr Ty- Market Rate in our fi:IIell Iron WorL in 0':>edicnce to hira. raunies lo force on all his Children to Daroiution ? Ah ? were it not benei:h our ioralllblc Hierarchies here to And fo, all ye Fool Follower* of fuch Hell Cipuin* alfd^ CoDp to be taught by their God, and fo torn'd they but rr- can yoo wonder (hat God hereafter lets yoo be all fwaSowtJ pentinjly their Grand Cithcdr^l Cnurcb Stands into true npabngwith fuch your nice leading C#r«*'i ? lirong Siand5, to fopport God's Truth and Gkkrj, fo would he Hence alfo all Hierarchy'* nice Heretick and Schirmatick profper them. Works : What but all her corioai SUth/eib Trickt, the bet- Bu! then again here, ah! won't ' ane of foch our rich Hi- «" hoth It flive, and rob, and murder by ? Ah f aD full m erarchies repent fo ? Ah ! I fee it, God will bo more hear £oe Devices as her Jurt Jivimt't fet np to dethrone Kings by. any of their Cii'.i upon bin. longer, and a'ier than he Ah ! Hundreds of Time* have Father, Son, and Hoy did the "yrxjb Priefls £nc Sacrifice Work* a/ier the Rcfiuic- Ghofl appt^cd n ito me j bot then never fo floopiog a* ta Aioo ol CbriO. reveal it lo BC, by the Nicenefs of their Stands and hfatorei. So Hitr-rc>iv, with *!1 her rich (brcerocOy confiKnted What arrogant Hierarchifts here then ta dare Definition, Eflate tk'^L>\!«-ivDcrt^ creAed all to an Hell Vsio-glory. and fo Statute down the nice f^V of their Beings, aadwhca «Bd to a Sifl-ilrgs »u.«ii p^' 'k»«'i jl) 10 the rit>. 53'pp:!tt ol ■'»«'e greater Ignorasts in all their Laws of Troth I a^ enj;ehi»wopin£, cfprejuag Oiucen, « *'--Je IvtC^K^cV'tii' { ^^—•Gi^^^^f-'p*'^ biStajrf, trbotktoiSttt ' - -* :• ^ : ;Pt?'>'>^ -^ *'^~c*» ttf>tr« al fan balliar with aQ ■«a>pi ■cf D^ ;. _ Ah! all ye fuch prood, Impa^T >»d bo'' iov., at;d foye poor culiied Difinheritorj ot V.n\ if*;.: *^ ■>'-• "liw he'll' i^'jick by his Prophet* fl>ew aft thefe Obo was it that made him, and fixed tbeai a^i to then iittC, *■ „, 3 TaEe-men, ihal he will only fianii Sunds too, was it not God * ^ What the Hopes then of all fuch as Gop'i Ht'irtf^L '.^ .^ * hereafter; and when they hive fo robb'd theli C _.' t» ii. i of God fo villainoiiflv in ibb Life' ■ ■ ' :^ _ An', in what the an'.y Holiner* of all fnch wVdr i 'n^ » a^.*?/ «•/«/, «•]>;/• CHAP. VL. Tl* Pniigtl Sn lalPi t§ rttmra t» hit Tttht^, ^OD'i K/Efitut ^ihtmt fti it ftlUfl D'/flty /» dO Un. i/f, Ji St//-Xiai. ^-pRE this dice* thro' the Apcfile'* Sentence the moS *.^; clear uolo all hUa, that every trae Chrilliia ttads AS I am the moft particularly ordered by Cop to « t'j- -H ^r :, Prieft and PropSet in himfidf. Priefls the moft lendevlr, as well a* lo ca9 ibeo.' ■J''i- k' ! when Gob fratenced all above Twenty to rot in the rentance ; fo, and then, that they prove not more Off.- 1^ *^ V^i'^-.^.tS;, for (he Slight of his own Commandment*, for here than other Men, ah! fo nuy Gop make ctcd tbe''>'^ mH rbe Royal Stand of Ui/fJ, and the Prieftly Stand of Asrn. ~ ' /.al how ^ be b)r it, beta* condemn to a!l Eternity all a^'^.-rchy Pretences, and that in King* or Priefls either. f',,™Ci fland on then a* yon dare, all ye infallible nice Or- «' . -IX H'lCTarchiei of all fort*, to keep yoar Goo out of hi* 1 fi .^e. Ah ! be fure to fet np all yoor nice Siilidetbs in Prophets after me Ah '. I 0)>'.\ foon fiiew it them, t' at aH p -^'f^ T' it'f\ Mildnefs, and Genilene'*, are my Ord.:ri trcia GCif-uA tZt them. Ah? I am not ordered to diUsrb them, • as 5Cv "'ioo'Prettnces, to herd-ftall and derour all by. add {rand Degrees o:' Mifetics in HrM, as he has of Fe.'v iea th-:s* pore and meer Oxen, and his Sheep of the Field ? and Glcry in Heaven. And O then! that toy Light ' C^-ne, Sate the Ca''e here then, what, will anyone dare God h-re might move ihero all fo to repent, «s lo :ii\*!:tl» fee' ':i«.« my Words here before onr Government, either at the bed. Hi it.ttii or improdent here? And when I refolve never But then a;;ain. won't the Wicked here repeo*. aV! I fee er-ut-i deliver one "Voti or.Thought of my owo here, bat it. my Tnojbnds of Lights fiom Goo willqn ear aicc Ilicrirchilti. i* itieir ricb Appcotchci to his Prc4'rac«. Ah* Hirrarcbjr here Ihro, have a Care bow ibat ihoa doC •M fo call oul loo quiek oo thy God, bjr thy fioc robbiag Services for hit VenpeaovC apoa ihcc. Ahl ihou anJ ihy Kings too inajr try by ihv Laavt lo kill ea Goo'i tiuc CHrittiant and Servanti i bal ibea ah ? iorgct ■ot how il fit'd «vilh jitti atxl bit Hietarchf the while after. Of Kingt itc rea4 ii. that God ha ever deroaadcd aa Akra- ^«i«Iike Pattiircbaie Scheme indeed, and that lo they oogkl n Inok to it, that alt their Subjeds duly woiOlip bin. From hence it was, that Goo Co ofteo waro'd the Ktajra of li'rstl and "Juitb, lo be To rarerul of his Lawt. bjr Msjti, a Stand that God even the moll ezadljr appropriated lo (heir Care and lolpeAioa. And Co furcly even now alfo, \>y the (amc Law, the Care of ChriRiao Gorpe) it fallen opoo all our CfariAiaa Kia^a and Stales alfo. But then here again, will a Chriflian King, Ptsrtsb^Viit, flop GoD't true Worfhip. or with jih^i encooragc iu Pcr- veirion, or with KttnnbstKtz.ZMr fct up a faUc Goo. ibea the Hue ChriAian ia ever even full fbrc'd o ftaod aa the true Kiog bimfcir. How then prefcnt Mattera here. Hienrchjr ? Her Oy i« flrail t jMre Jir-iiit. in herfelf and Kinga. And what that for. hut the belter to fnol ChriAuoi oul of thta Li^hi from the H..I) Ghofl by the Apoa'.e> ? Ah ' never fo to prevent Rebe!t and Traitors by it. but (hat to (he may iKe better fool both Kingi and all Men of their re.; J;irt Jivinf;, and that fo the might ibe better creA bcr o-vn full Hell ooet in their ilead. Ah ! all ye Kin(;>, Nobles, and nice State Cooocila (ben, wen'; jrou all follow Goo's Fatherly Scheme here, aad fo co-jperaie with him in cheriOiin; every Soul under ibe Sun, aa thus in his Trial Stand under God? Ah ! as fo, you ruine his intended Paradilical State. And can you wonder then, that he ever afier withdraw all hit Pa- tidifical BlclTiogt from yon alio \ Ah ! lay by then all your King Abih Kaltih Works, and your )ith)htm Tax Threats, and holily treat all your Sabiefis, a> your juilell Brethien in God. Ah ! or eUe Goo wi!l oo more treat you ai a Father, than «ri°i| the jutt Judge treat the common Robber ai an equal good Suijcd in his Jurifdifiion AnA fo alfo, when Goo hat once flung Tome of oar Ctarch Hierarchy fivooring Kings and Emperors out of their Throaes, by his Prophets, as of old, then will all their SucceiTors be- gin quick to iiemble, ever to think of aiding fuch Hell Hie- rarchies more. And ah' as fo too, dare Kings and States continue oa, or ereft their nice Torture Deaths for the truly holy fo nsore' Ah! they'll quickly tee if, that God in all Reality is fo at Hand, mat hcl! furely the moft fully retort oo them all (Lib their Cruellies, and (bat both here and hereafter. CHAP. vni. a*» Stif- fhtfi. \f. Til Clurtb Prujl btri fit ia falltjt D'JfUj. Ever Oione then a grander Deceit than Man*i potting his top Halioefs in a publick, fplendid. Temple Wor- N ihip A Trick that never fool'd Chrift not Miff i, nor their Apo- flies nor Prophc:s after them ; and that for ail God had the mofl <^et Tabcriucle and Temple of hit own EreAioa ia all their Days. Ah ! they all law it, that a publick Worfhip was not to be lieplc£led> but then, that for all that, that only in our full Truth and Obedience to God, that in that only lay oui only true, full, and fulid Hoiinefs before God. The Holy Ghoft therefore, by the ApofUes. has pointed at private Perfons, as the only true aad piue Temples of the moll Holy God. Publick Temples and Prieilhoods then, what they but as Shops and Houfes ere^ed : and that as fo the better to culti- vate all fuch the privates Jewels, and that to their ricbeft Perfeaion ? Ah! at for publick Prieftt, we fee it, that God aerer fet them up higher than to a Mimitory Suad, and that as fo, furjeSed to Kings too. Hence we fee it too, that God, to confirm thit Suad, ac- cepted even a po~r old Woman, Airnt, before a whole Jem- ijh Prieilhood, aiH' that at leen more pure and obedient to bis \\'ill and Lawt than they. By the fame Law alfo God, cren in AdTn'% Dtiys, ciirJ<»l all above zo that dorft leave his Obcdicacc, by any Prcicacc of bearing others (caching. And fo I pray, wbea the whole Jtwifk Pr;eflhood fet ap Jmisi to betray Chrift, ah! what waa ail (be Comlort ibac ibcy could alter give bim upoa ii f Yea, and thus even in the Apoflolick Stand, we read k alfo, how lUat Gi>d could inllrua cvea St./Ua/by youagF^ male PropbeiefTca. And even fo we read it too, (however iof.llibic Hierarcbiet may alTume lo be; that the ApuAles could oiieo vary, and tk'i even among one another. How ftanda it then, be that it confecrated cms the Kin^ty, Pjiriarchal Foot, and at fo, no< ofi'mbve at above, he is t ejlly an holy Admonilhcr, and a true Caller of all Men to the pab. lick Worfhip of the Mofl High Coo. And fo be that appears as |>urely confccrared on the Apo- floSck Foot, be alfo ever flindt as an holy Admoniflicr in any thing he can convince Mens Cunfciencc in by S:Tip:ure Lif>b(. Bu: then agiin, fail either of there to the Truth of GoO, oa a full noble Jtrrxn Examination Stand of the Scripinrnf and at fo too, dare they fhioc by Confecralioa anwarrantcd by Goo'a Word * Ah! bow (bine they, but aa Ctrab Sorceries, and that (■ at lo be abominated by every true Chriflian, and that, at fiv cvea forcing every Hue Chiillian lo refl upon bimfclf at GoD^ troe Priell only .> Ah • all fuch oar nice Temple Worlhippert, what but Ba- Utm Men at bell ? 1 don't doubi but ih.d Wotk is his Heart, tbro' wilful Sin or Error, yei for all fuch his rrand Shew Piery fo with Sc/tmin, God would furely leave hiro. And ah! bence in Truth, sthat are all lorh our mecr nice Worfhippert m Gbii't Eye, but only as fice Pidore-DraMreraf lb! 'lii only the nice Truth Puifuen. and hit fn!l Will Obey. en, (hat ate the full puiely holy in Goo't Prefcace. Ah! hence 'lis, that 'tit the full obedient, and not ihcSa- ree-Shew hxly Men, the nice Prayers, Preachers, and bolf Sacramenters. that only pleafe God. hien ihat fo from a filfe trifling Pride Holioefs, dare (cotm a Brother in God, that it pofiibly even ten limes dearer in bi> Prefcnce than tbcmfelvca. ___ Well then may we rcflcA on all the HcII briy, elegant D^ cifions and Devil ProcefTes of bicxxiy Hierarchies, in fapport cf all their Murders of their Enemy Kingt, ard their Kl.fla- cret of all their numerout Schit'maticts and Hetcxickt, tiuc bave any way durft oppofe ibctn. O ! that fuch her nice robbing and mntderiai; Arts dcat at lafl turn ont from God, with her Univerial MafDcre Se*- (ence, and that thro'oot the Glbbe, and fo to remove all fuch meer confpiringly felfftrengtbcomg vafl Bodies of Wolvca from bfi' the Earth. Men fhioing in all Elegance, wiih their abundance of Sor- cery Servires. and thofe crown d too wiih whole Almanacks full of Hr'I Demi-god Saints, in fupport of ihem, but ihea void of the icafl juA and fiocerc Truth Regard towards G«k whatever. Men full of Philofophy Schemes and Lanitnage Ctiticiro^ but fore all full Dotaids, at fo fcoming (he Holy Ghofl't Ho- lice by the Apoflle, that fo wam'd AI Men. never lo move la the Aimihilaijon of all Goo't iromouble Laws of Tmth. CHAP. IX. At Stiff rufi. A Till ttt mtftfixidh tKtbliJbti ty COD m mil Mm. TH E private perfonal PricAhood Stand of Man, fare is a Stand filed the mofl unalterably by God on all Men, aad i that even from the King and Prieft to the very Beggar. Ah ! Men and Women, Kings, Prieflt, and Bc^ars, Go» ezpefls it of them all alike lo ftaod in their ezafieft of Prieft- hoods towards him. Private Prieflhoodi, ab I in their Suitdi^ even ten (imes holier than the publick ones. A**a, an old Woman as his Prieft. fo Got*,' we read, made her his Prophetefs, and that wiien Thoufaods of formal bol^ Prieftt God' left in abfolnicA Neglea. Ah * thro* thit PricAhood arofe MtUUfiitth to be holy, and Chrifl after him ; and fo became inub tranflated. whUe as for all meer Form Prieftt, ah ! how ueats them God, bat all aa meer BsUami at beft ? Ab ! 'lit thro' thit private PricAhood full coltivated, ibaC only eziftt Man full walking with Goo. with Eamb, Elijth, and ChriA too, a State tho' not fiJl cultivated by the Prophets and ApoAlet after tbcm. Ah! Chrift'a Kingdom of God, what bat a Prize tbasoatf to be reach'd by the niceA perfonal aad indefatigablcft Idboar ia Obedience ia Gov i C Ak %.ipp^ti i^jj ,jHi i Bip. IIJ I J1H.JII r I * 1 Ah! forrlf fontfon'd Cbrill, when he dii, t)-it iJie Youth But « erer tiyinfj to be fcp finhfJ to Gap, I fee it, ht that bid iltv^ys kept God's Cominandmen:s, he was not far has nerer lelt me, but by hit Iu4!gcllcii Reai'onid^i aiul Reire- from the Kiogdum of God; and that when he never pro- ladont he has made me to appear, and ibai juil as now 1 here iiDunred it fo of any of the nice Temple Sacti&cert. teprefent. What Man's publick Worfhip Place then, but as the pub- AS' I fee it, 'in impi ITirie that Fjther can c»er be more licl DiefTin^ roum to all iuch huly private Prieilhood:.' Ah! tenderly altesdinp. than G'-d i> upon aJl Men. and chat did indeed, what any Worihip private or publick, to lompare they not drop rhclr TruiU and Regards onto him. n:th a Life full of Obedience ? But then ah! wnn't Men io heed him in his Reafoning and Syre, not Gold and. Lead fiand more varinos io Man's Re- Revelation Ways r Ah! how is it, ih-: he can wonder that hit Goo fo d^lbreds him alfo f Vea, and even in ihjs Cafe too I fee it, his Mercy is ever IS infinite as his Goodncfs, yei. or his Juliice cither. Ah ! who welcr.mer to our BVjTed Lnrd as on Earth, than gjfd, than Wor(hip and Obedience in God's Eye. Ah! even the p-.litcil of Wotlhip in God's Eye can't bu: Hand as his top .A.'>on>inition, when not attended with Obedience. In Ihor: then, what is the belt of Worlhip. but as the merr Apparel of the truly holy Man and Chtillian ^ and that our poor cafoal Offerders. as Whores. Publicans and Sinners? while in his Obedience, and thro' his doing a'.l that is good Ah! fuch he the great Judge herc.if;er had fuUeft Mercy upon and iuit in his Power ; in that lyes the troe EJi of his Life as io this Life in Hclinefs. But then, as for the perverfe dl.larting of Goo's Truths^ Ah! who fo fplendidlyafliiming in theKmwledpe, Wifdom, and the rebellious Setters up ot the Commardments ot Men, and Holinei's of Gdd, ajall our meer painted Cloth Saints in Pre.xrentrc to God. and the mcer Shew Wcrfkippen with- io. and that tvhen none mote grand Ignorants and Hell guilt- out the leafi Regard to God's Truth and Obedience. ifls againll all the Laws of God's boliell Truth than they ? Ah ! what their Lot, but Woe. woe, and woe with Chrift. Chris, as on Earth, we fee his Teachings lay all on oar and that as Men, even to whom 'twere as impoffiblc ever to Laws of Obedience, and not with a tittle Regard to all our enter the K-cgdom of God f fine rich and nice Hierarchy Pageantry Work. Come, take Courage then, all ye the grand Sinners, Hie- Fine ho!y Men fure fuch all our impertinent Formaiifls, ex- rarchilU and others ; ycu fee. as faid, your God's Mercy is aft Fo'loMetsof Chiid indeed! by Io turning all his Laws of as inhniie as his Good nefs and juliice. Ah! you fee it. 'tis Cf d as quite out of Channel. *- Providence, and the fure Veiity of his Goodnefs and Juliice, That i«, meer Worfhippers God fentences henceforth to and fo for fear of SufiVriogs and Martyrdum, dare drop your I'llolurell Dere!iflion, he fo ever leaving it only to the Iron Regard to hi* Obedience and Glory ? Worker in Cbcdience, at a Market Rate, to come to his IVefence. CHAP. X. The keeping then to God's Scripture Light, and that with ^^ Se'f-Pre'itt a fu!;ell and purcll Confcience Regard in Reafoninz, ah ! 'tis J t ■ in that then that only lyes the full holy private Priefthood, T A(l!y prefents here the ttuc Prophet Stand of Man witfc and that of every .Man upon Earth. ■'-' ^'O^' *" ' »''"'» ''* •*"' '*i"^' " ""« King and Prie* to Geo, be of courfe becomes his lure and true Prophet alio. Sef>. a. The frirttt PritflbfJ tbui in ill Pdlrlarthat Ex- Sure a moft bleflVd Sund that, acd that can never any wa/ Itnt Stand. other way po3i:>ly be inheiired. A Priefthood this, that of Courfe fets np too the Milihi/e- TTius ah ! he that never diops his Recording the bell that erth Patriarchal Prieilhood, together with it a fecond Priefi- in his Power to God's Obedience, nor ever fails in the leaft bood. that dares any Man drop his following holy Airtttm Obedience in his Power to the Glrry of Goo, and the Good and CiTKiliji. in and fo drops God his Regard of him alfo. oi Hnman Nature, that Man is holv indeed, and as fo, wiU Hence, w hen the Sons of "Jttt^b circnmcifed even an whole become a Prophet, and that when furely none other can. City on that Patriarchal Foot, ah ! we read of no other Priell- Ah ' record we not every Good Thought, and every divine hood or Confecraiion Work uj'd upon it. Moniiion from Goo too ? and fj llrive we not to obey him in No, as the thing was lully allowed by holy Jatih, no doubt every Duty io our PoAer ? Ah ! I fee it. Goo ftrait calls us but that God was willing, as after declar'd, to accept of all oS, and that as undutilul Bifl.r js. and Io as (or ever and ever, fuch K.iTy CoiiTer.ters. as his\5rrjr/ aHio. Ah! thus only are we per;cfl as our Father in Heaven i* By the fame Law alfo. befure every true Chriftian has Power perfect, and that as cur biclTcd Lord has ordered us for ever to baptize, and to give and receive the Lord's Supper alfo. to be. and that as well as have all Kingly and congregationaliy ap- Ah! the half Truth and cold Zeal Men. what they but the pointed Minifters alfo. feariu! and Unbeliever', never to be adn.itted into the King- But then, ah! as for all our forcery'd Operations fo, and dcm of God. and the new JtrifaUm of Chrill ? that tho' eft.blifhcd by the numeroul'ell Ccuncih, roy Sen- Ah! v.hy Blood fet op the Sacrifice of old. but to Ciew tcoce i«. Lord has-e Mercy upon them. Men. th»t he that is not true lo God, to the Hazard of his And on this Account, 'tis clear of Courfe, it was that B'ood. and that as flood Mcfn by his killing the oppreCing Chrill pronounced the truly righteous and wife, and the Pro- jCgfflisn, ah! he cannot be fuily accepted of Goo ever phets, as the holicll of Priells io his Eyes. after. And on which account him felf alfo reforted to Jihn the Ah! had Men but the leall tolerable Peretrition of Wif- JT.-/>r;? in Holinefs, and never fcarce to the Priells, but as in dom. here they could not but fee ir, that ail iuch half holy Diipate and Cenfure. Men 'tis as imp.- iTible that thev fliould ever reach to the leall Ah! fure our Hierarchills then here won't fuppofe, that Sopp-.rt of the Kingdom of God, as r'Gng amongfl them. Goo's InHruftlons were miflook by Chrill, by his preferring O! 'hat rur Chiillian Clergy there'll re wnuid but truly tiing bis Acceis to Jctn the B^ftiJI, before the moll elegantly'vcs under the holy temparjl Patriarthate Stand of confecrating Dolors. King', ard fo l-y by their falfe Cf*r Works, *o might Kings Ah ! that Cheat Allegation Pretence won't fiand here : no, fpaie them, and their rich Stands greatly abide as long as the *twa.< on this AA of Chrifl's that God firll rrown'd him with World cDdures. his own, and the Holy Gholl's publick Reception, and fure An! fo the moll grandly mercii'ul, and eonlrqnently the Men won't fuppofe it, that Goo millook. moll fatherly Scheme of Goo, will ilrait full Ihine our, and Ah! would not the Hierarchills Hand as for ever deaf here? that no way dillref!ing any Men in their Powers or Riches I believe I have Reafooings that would /nrely wake them out either, cr fnppofiiog any to hurt others, thro* their Confci- cf their Slumbers here? ence Offences. Ah ! what is Man, but as a blank Sheet of Paper, that Goo Oh ! then, that God's Light here may have Power to more is ever ready by his Confcience ID in Perfon has charged me not to leave dred to his Will, nor can it ever be otherwife fo long as the my own City ; he explain'd it not indeed what meant by the World endures. Word', but my Confcience tells r^e, that fo neither in Church Ah ! as for me, I never faw tender Friend or Relation yet. aor State o«gh( I (o raifc Trifle Oivifioni to give Offence to Ah! I bardlj^ever remember a Father's Hoafc, aad M Ids aof. tJua twice hare I fuficr'd DilhcriieBt. Our [7 ] Ojr RiiilC. Lordt. lai Common, fartlr ibrr tWa caa\ Ah r the bme oommaad, l/r« of ChritI, we rnd af (Toid C .n will no longer Fail 1 then herein a little ia what ii alledgM from Gob. bear ««uh, and Oie tho' wilcr than fooliOi Kings, King* b»- ihea far I. '" *" <^' Myftcry HierarchKa upoa Earth think dcr.tge, and Kingi and Suiea in difirefr. bed how to ponifli me about it. Yet ah ! I fee it too, her grand Politiclt hare led her The MoA High then, as he i* now for erer full refoVd lo now into the grandeH of DirtrelTrs thro' the moS Higl^ toellaMiO) his Kmgdom thro' his Son Jefos, fo how Sands it and that aa feeing himfelf fo the mofl impiouflf abafcd. now then, but thai he has cflabliOicd ac aa bia grand Herald Ah ' liic greit JrtK-sb, and the King of King*, what ra« to proclaim it ? Hierarchy ever hope to find him in WeaknefTcs and DittreOcH And :b! I fee it too, ihe Hierarchy Power that dares ofTcr or alleep either, at svas fapp^^fcd of the Gob Bttl of Old i to ftop me in't. he hai a quick Power of Vengeance, aa for in fflinrt, trull to confcicncc is onljr G9i>'s religioaa Laar ever to annihilate it, and fo to fupport me jaf{ at Haikd. <»■ all Men, and oor Cbrifhanr and other Priefta loo, w3l Cime then, all ye the mol holily nice polite Infiiela here, 'oon feel it I j fur all their aiTunied brightncfTe'. you'll qjicllv fee if, and that from God him.'c!f too, that be _ Ah! Gjd will dill a>;cept, even a p-^r heathen CfrulUr ha* errn Mijliont ready to receive me. And that both as hii fecond Soo, and as •»i-h>l tajght by him to his CrjJsi M:/tietis, and that as having fo long Jintit in his Prefence. Sir then, that I am a Man of great In.perTeflion*. and what in a'.l that ? Thro' that Ihines the Glory of God's G jod- Be:a. Mercy and Fatherhood, the more alone, and fhst even before an wh lie CnritiiaB Miniflry, ibjt where bjt abiding in one willful Sin or Error. And ah! here tij, I fee it, he :hat but dares try to ereft a fall'e religi JUS Scheme, contrary to the Laws of Goo bf M'/fi zai Chrifl, 'tia he only is the Mao, that is the trae Hcretidu ^ ..,..., Ah! fuch as the falfe GoD-fetteri op, I fee it, froai the And that fo none need (Ijnd in Defpiir, if but repecting L'ght above. Kings are ordered by their AflizeTiuls, to root even of the happieft Accepuncc, and that tho' never fo weak, *>»• alias Vermin, and that as from off the faceof toe Earth. after rac. ^'V* "^ '" '"c'' cafe., won't Kings and Emperors, like Ah! ye poor HierarchiBs of a!! forts then, ":is repen:. arJ 'he Km.-; of J-jdsb of 0!d, obey God, by rooting ontal repent, that I f'V unio yoo. the Husbandman is not at a Lois fach heretical lali'e GoD-fetters up? to mow in his Harvefts, and think you that God can f.i] t>y Yea, and that io whole Cities, Bsdies as well as private his Elijtb'i, Jtba'i, and Danitli, to clear you all, as and Perions, aa commanded by Goo, thro' hUJit of 0:d : Ah t wlien he fees fit. "J"' " «^« ^'"cr «>' Bleffing of Goo. that ibey caa ever Ah • when he impowered Jrjbua and Altxaiir t'rt Cretf "peft after, and on fuch their NeglcAs? too, to proceed io Conquefts, I pray what Power wa> able to Ah! as for our Chridian Mioiflnes, I fee not, that ihey am withftand them ? Say you then, bat well cry for Merer. en-.itled lu the lead turn of Power iiere, and as ar ii ia the Power of tW Coagreg.tioo lu excommunicate a wicked fellow-woribipper* but lore never gavea Bifhop pawer fo to dare affjme, aadfe the time Poster here feeras clearly Ijdged in Kings alfo. LET Bi date all things here in their brightea Truth. To Surely Kings and Congregations here then have as tried K'ni«. Uc. GiD a'.iows a Power to call all thetr Sab- to fool Goia, to let Prieds fet up their Hierarchy SchciBM icQs to Religious AfTcmMies ; but then not io as sviih Pha- ia pure inicrcft, and that not only fo, to the robbery of ihcv rash, Atai, and KtiatbaSnczzjr, and where they move own Power out of their hands by it, bat to the otter roia of ,„ong. the Creau&a of God. AnJ indeed from hence therefore 'tis, that aT trtie ChriRi- Oar Sivioor Chrifl, he as in the Flefh we read, could cd aD< are pronounced by the Holy Ghofl to be a« Kings. Pr:eft', a corrupt Ruler of the Synagogue Hypocrite, and that aa and Prophets in thei:irclrer, and that as Prieds and M:clAt:cs what be but a meer and pure State-agent to promote the hare no Powers allowed them, hut barely thro' Advices. Hoikcnr of God. And whence my AdirelTcs? What but to all ScAs sttd Per- As .is a!ike ; and that as fo, the better to fet bo:fa all Men, as trnil their flock of Lambs io tbia World, to a Dea of ""' ' as to. fuch aa iniereded train of Hicrarchy'd Prieftj. And fure here 'twas, that 'twas fo nnhappiTy forefbemt by bt. P*i/. that Chrill'a Miniflry would fo fooa degeaeraH^ well as their Teachers to Right?. A Religiose r"-'''^'' Meeting then, thus in Obedie?>re to ty.T Kings and StalCf, norliing i« holier : an.i fo our yJiA Re-^rd to an ho'i!y indruAing Miniftry alfo. But what in all this ? join we in a tittle fo ag-.inft the Truth as to be no other and better than Wolves, of GsD and our Confciences, we are all as :re mod lure!y But then Ibait comes St. Jihn behind him too, aad m accur.'d by Goo for it. qnick acqoiinu Men, with tae terrible vengeance that Go* And yet for all this too. oor feeing or hearing Error?, fuch ha J ia Store, for fuch Hell Hierarchy whore of Batjim, klTembiies, that can no way remove our Duiie; to tbeai. or and Anti.'a Woribip, Peace aM Ah! Goo, as from the heginginc and to prevent all fach Tra;h. Evils, ordered it by M>/ts, ihat Kinps fhould read his Law. Bet then only ever provided, they fo repent aad coane iat* what errand Slopes then have Kings become herein, to flng Chridian ways, that they fo lay by all their Hierarcby-tricfcaB ail fuch their grand Tnifis firom Co» opoa Hell Hicrar- cvcriaratag them all, aa into fall- out Aati chrift. f v»Mmmmmmmimm9m SiUmn'i Temple we rcaJ ofia Comkcnuom.^A^ m the moft hjppi!)r iccepied bf God, *md that » t>«OTC «Mf- firmed. in iis holy defign. by DmtU his Father, and tkat Cgr all done, wiiboot PrielU, by hu own performaiice toldy. C « 3 Juft lo no« .lloour Clergy", fole Praying, IVeaching, aaJ A P'j** ODdoubtedly ba, .ijh? in doing Di- Sjcran,cntConlecraling,mayftaodtolerabJvrigbtbe:oreGoB. -* * when he doe* u XlLvlkiuIly. by the Ord .CHAP. XIIL Xiirii Djriei *i /» Hitraritj CbrijIitMi. Divine Service^ cr of bit Kiag 1 fo eUablilhrd by and States in decency and order. «» Congregation, and wnej^m he and they are fully right. lit fure.v »» rfTumed Dy the Clergy frjm their own Power. ">« "hen he uke$ ftu* a Power on bimfelf, and that iiairr'ir^i) Wiva warranted by Goo. what ail that but a Sauoick ccurfc. but '(i< air Cvr^ir Wore. CHAP. XII. Kercrchji HsrriJ Sutd iu Ctrrwfl't* trrt. H ! whjt a bright Shine muil the keea Witi of oor Ago Hell decency, an Order way, and that e»en the better to bring in tbe Devil by. Tit a Truth even indirpuuble, that God ezpeQs it at ibe Hands of Kio^s, to fct up Miniflrio to bis Service ; but thea AH ! whjt a bright Shine muil the keea Witi o» oor Agej this holds only in full Power, where bis Orders are pure and fuft make in the World to come? God ha» crer ftrore perfea. to top difpliy hii Glory among Men, and Men hare e»er And fo alfo coniccratcs the Pricfl in the leaft Trifle ihro* been too penetratingly Wife to ftoop lo receive it. hu own Device, what is he doing by it, but as fetiing npa Ah! of what Regard God's Ways to PrieJls, whennocin CsrjA Sorcery, and tbat for hit better eflabliihiDg a frefii Hell Concurrence with their inierefted Hell Tricks and Criticifms > Hierarchy ? Ah ! 1 fee it, fuch dotiogly wife would £»in corred their Gjd. And yet even here too, « KeiutbaJiitzzar a not to flop and that tho' in his very Formation of the Grals aad the an holy Duhitl, either in bis Perfonal, or Family Patriarchal Flowers of the Field. *'y- ^o* the OrJer of a pu'rlick WorOiip is the only thing How 0ands it then, the truly holy even tremble to harfacur that is put into the Hands of Kings by Goi>. % Word or Thought, but as in fulleft Sobjcdion ucto, ai>d ia In ihort, by holy CcrBeUki we fully fee it, that God could niceft Coherence with Goo's Schemes. even angelically accept liim. when once he faw him full pare. Come the leirncd Hcil Hierarchy Men here then, with tho' an Heathen in hi: Family Patriarchick Scheme, all their £ne WorVs : and what for, but juft to conioood all But iher, how mov'd that too at the fame time, bat to God's Ways of his Truths, and that as by Wuedrawmg them thew Men. that arCy the univcrlal Holinefs of our bicficd all into their own corrupt and intcrcficd Engineery Paths. Lord's Scheme was ever able to crown Man with the Holr And thus indeed ereds (he all her Saunick Ciuea, fo tbe Ghofl > belter to miflead Men from Chrift's narrow Ways to Geo, Ah • what fo prodigiocfly tender as God here then, {o hf and that as fo, the better to loie all Men io her WUicmcircs an Angel and the Holy Ghcft, to teach a poor Heaihea fuch of Errors. grand informing LeiTon:, where he could reach to merit After this, how the moll magiaerially fubtle flie to force oa them ? ber own the moil tracfplcndcnt Impertinencies of Wicked- Ah! what HcH-guides Hierarchifls here toe then, to ova- ■effes, and fo that Ibe may the better damn all Men io Com- turn and trample on fuch God's inftruAirg Ways ; and that hf lanv with her ? fetting up the grand Power of her own petty Kefir Kim-'VfotkM Ah \ thus been revealed to me. that a Man lboa!d evra in Superiority to them f tremble to dire write or fpcak a Sentence that is not ful. and And fo hew glorious Hierarchy in ail her Pediary, Votarjr top lighieout in Gov's Eye. Ware too! Ah! flie's loo wife to difccra it, that 'tis a!l io full Ah ! in Ihort, the fpecioat Orator, what is he, bat the Rnine and Deface of Guo's univcrlal Hulincft Stand, as do- empty Player with Counters ? And tbe Sin and Error Writer, manded by CbriA. what is he, but as the Devil Coin-former in Counterteit agaicA Come, lay by thcr all your holy Robes, yoor faying Grarei^ Con'f Truth } and your confecrating Templet, i^(. ye mighty Hierarchififc So all our rick CooDcil Decreet, wirk their nice Articling Ah! as for all your local Holineflics, I can fliewyou from Gb» 'Work;, what all but as fine Hcil Tricks lo mioe ail Uea< that he difowns them. Conf^iences by, and that as fo, by driving all Goo's Regards Can Man think then too, that God wi!1 ever bleft a foret* away. Hierarchy herfclf may the better take his Throne ; root Grace layer, in utter abolition of his Patriarchal PrieA> Ah! why Gjd So angry with Ccrab and his Followers of hood Sund, deminJed even of a!l Men in their own Hoofof olJ, but that his All forefeeing Wifdom the mcil deeply dii- And fo. in fliort, the vrry Alfuniption of Prieflt to c«»- cern'd the abomiiuble Confequcnces fo in tbe mofi lure liut- Iterate Kings, what but al! mcer drab Pocket- Work f ance thro' fuch their horrid Praflices ? That K!Dg< may be accepted as confecrating Pricfts from Ah! fuch Men ulk of their grand Abilities in g»ing tbe their Patriarchal Sund, that 1 think nothing can be clearer { Holy Ghoft by fuch their Praflicet : and fo of ibesr grand and th^: laut provided they are ever fi:ll fai:b:'ul to Goo in his Poweri with him, and that while none arc more dctc£cd as my. Monflers by him, than they. Men that have perverted all God and Cbt Ill's ApoScIick In- finiAion Laws all into meet Cinb Devotiouing. and ro'sbicg Sacrifice Works, Powers never left them by the Apo^es. Ah! thus we read, how StUmn was met by Goo ia Per- Ibn. as ccnfecraliDg his Temple. Popes and Councils thea may condemn Goo, as accepting aaO^ering when not nude by a Priell ; and proud Kings may Ah ! futely fuch Goo's worft of Traitors can't but make think them'elves too grand, ever to think of lorning Afrj^^'. the happiefi of Advocates with him : Ah ! the arraatcS of Jtitiki ; but ah ! we read it too, how that Coo hates to be Hell guides, who better leading Teachers to Salvation than tiers 'd by meaner Pricfts. tbey \ By the fame Law alfo, I pronoonce it, that he that ro». It's the way of God, never to teach Men, in what he has veru tbe Chriilian, be only is tbe proper Baptizer of him i taught them before, as by M'jti, Ckriji, and St. yctm by his aor becomes it even Kings, fo to hurt the private Abra- Revelations. but what then can this fupport it. that the hamick and Patriarchal Prieftboodof GoD, fo prerentiog ia Holy Ghoft dotted, when be fo cnrfed Hierarchy's Sorcerers, happiefi fucccfs, to tbe Glory of Goo, to order oiiier- as to (hut them out of the new Jtnftltm of Chrift i wnie. Confult the Mathematician, tbe etemal'y biafs'd. crooked By the laine Law alfow I declare it, that he only that does Line drawer, 'tis impcilible that he fliooid judge Right of the the moft Pubiick Good, is the mofi proper, to ask God's Ways and laws of God, all a firut Line drawn, as he has made K<£ng, on the Lords Supper prefenting. car very Eye-Cght. Ah ! what is the true Body of Chrifi, bot his fall Believers In Ihort. what it Hierarchy then, thus bat an cvergtowiag and Obeyers. Ah! he then that fo profpen fuch, he only Evil, ever ftriving to root oat, even all manner of Coiucieoce is fit to cociecraic it, and not our Cerdb tyrannizing, robbing regard to God, and that even with all Men. and muJeting Hierarchy Xlen, that ate ever fet to roia Ah! 'tis even a topprudcncc fo in her Eye, qtute as to it. hamftrirg all Men from their obedience regard to God, aikd Ah! ye poor ifta'i Kings, tlicn here too dare yoo trofi to thai fo {he might tbe better even flare all Men to her owa Hierarchifts. to tracflate yoor Bible, and why don't yoa lobbing Tyrannies. tmft to Robbers and Hoofc breakcTi, alfo to keep your Ah ! the Man that can fiiew me. that Hierarchy ercr re- Riches, and Jewels ? pentedof any fuch of her Hell-ev'ils and OScnces. and that That is, you can moft happily love your feives. and that be. and prefeni they what they would, I do at qoick eWB thro* your fuIlcft and niceft care, when the Trull of the Troth it to him, that be hat ibcwa mc a black Swan. aad Glory of Gcd given you. that lies wholly in your Scorn. The grand Signor, 'tis flicwn me, will (juick the moft forcly bn into this my light from GoD here, and I irnft our Kings ia EwiUtd won't nc^^cd, defpife, or defcrt it. i Dare I \!^' I 9 ^ Do* iW 3a (o ? I <«< Gc» lu> bu Nc^lcAt u luJ^ tor drnrt frcm bim. ind ihjt tin be ibe moll CoV^j rrpcoti Ibrgi ^loi lod >« b« bu. I ukc k lo be mv lop loyaDcA af k. Da!r. ihui to AUBlbcm «|t«ia' f»cb CoafrqucBca. Bat ihra agiia. abidn be M for cTcr full obedient to bio^ Ah' I Ice il. ChriiVs Hoar of ibc Rm^Joa o:' Goi> U tbra G.>d ai llriit ii he did Chtid jod M.Jtj, u uVci hjoi come i anJ arc tbcre two ia an Houlc, ibc nc mi'I be ukra, ap iato the Moual lo him. and tbc tflhcr Icfii fC*. c*ea nianjr an Hioircby Man. 1 tec Come ibrn any Man lo Cor, Ibni Goo'i Wjjr ia crer la il. will rrceive God's Lii^bl thro' nc. ICKh bim on npoo il, aod chat ciiher by hu RrirclaiH/iu, or 'Vca. aitd lb.: wiib all Eadeirrteai loo, sad that wbiTe aia- bi< Rcaloning Wayi. at he fees proper. BV at cr will rage, ihal y^Jmi-Ukt ibcy bave dnrfl hjr rheir Won't (ui:h a Mjn (hen To <• even record dowa aU Goo'* OppouIh to try to ruiae tbc Kjcgdomaof Goo aad Cbrit. cafoal Rearoning inlpir'd loarufliont t How ii'i, that Goo caa (o teach him on. and when be fo flights bit very Foua* CHAP. XIV. datioaWork.? M. . . „r. J w ^r\n- ..r «. Aa GoD in his Ways of Witdom ibea il nncbanreable. (• nur^.h/'llSl^»J" r^i'«" " COD . t^ £-/•, tirt. ,^^ i, „ ,^ ,^,;i, ,„a,„ e,tn by Jlf>%a. ^ AH ! take care to ivpeni yno here tbca. ye nice Hierar- die ; and be can't but grrfsly milUke, that fuppofei I flull cK.ift', *le«rc to the MoA Hiah. be as buildi an hundred 5^'/*- fufTcrii^g ihem alio as degeneraled, lo be attended with lyia( n.e's I'cmp'rs and as (actibces a thonCaod tunes more boli^y Miracles and Wonders, Ui. alfo. ilijn e*er jSj-JSTt did : and. in fliort, be only is the true Goos third Step bow prefenis thai, bat in OcftraAioaf Follower o! our bleCed Lord Jel'us in FaQ. And fo how has that (hone but by the Flood, SfJi,m and C*- Ah' ' fee it, I am eren apcrfe£l HyJrs in my Nitarc, and mirrst. and the MifTicrc of Thiec Hierarchies of old, and c< j.d Hierarchy re ch to ficrince me, and which I fee is out by lb* DeAruAion of JtTujtUmT ol her Power, vei I Ice it. ibai then too Goo wouM flriit O Mao, Man coeliJer ifaefe Words, I am (ure I have UtynA lure TIiob' •ids o' H.ods, lod tbat be'd quick rai^e ia Vca. thera true. Goo's mercy is even full as infinite, ashis JuBice, geuice to lo.iow mc. Ah \ be can overlook, even endlcfs of our Oults and imper. A-id ah * «\hen once fo Goo, by his frcfbrais'd Jtha'i, feftioos, and that will we but Hand full found in Heart to bim. ha* ' • I'd fome of our Couatiics of their nice, fe'.f ihooghc. But then. Ah! even one tittle of Hierarchy, 'tis impoCble li>i!' ^ jnxcrators, Xleo, iaTni;b. tbc lop Atbeift:, Ic£deU that Goo can ever accept any Man with, and onlefs be is ia ana Re'«l> lo Goo in the n hole World : i: by way of Ignorance, or Miftake, andcreaasfb. Goo Ah! ibco will thcf no longer p!ay on Kings, and the trae leaves him on his £r(l Sentence at leaft, and that as one fiiU Cbrillian5, with tbeir fairy Council Excoramnnicatioisi. and uDidutifuI'y Negligent. tbeif Hc'.l guide. Ti*x Siint Tricks, thro* which what but And yet. even here loo, there is fome. which forprizinc H:er, whit btst the prirdcB Rebel Traitors both lo Goo to all common human reafoning, preleniing in Goo, abt ao.1 Kings, thit ever appeared upon Earth ? even in all ibefe evil Men and Coutfes, God >eccpu M due Before it mull enrage bcr. ttut Oou even a> Jehovah ■!»«• ia gocJ. fur all iluc. fo * i>ck her in her Infa'libiliiics. (he the infallibleS Villaia And thus we read it, that even the Demigoddefs Jttni an- Traitor, and the granded wilful Banterer both of Goo's God could permit to put out /fWsin'/j/'s Eye, lorhjsfacri- and K'n:;s Laws, tbat ever brcath'd upon Eartb. lege Works at her Temple. Ojr Hiflorie' tell us of a Pope in Hetr^ the Eighth's Daff, But Ah ? then now as Goo's Kingdom is full come, lod fe t>.<: tad his Eyes fo open'd in his grand Pontifical Poll, u lo a!l tbe:c Demigod flrokes are as full on the vanilh, fo God'* dye in Defpiir ; :nd that as if it were the mod inCillihly ct>a- Preience with his Blcdjngf, or his Vengeance feem all the <} j^tin: bim i-> DantnaUsn. Sore a moll lucky Icfallibiaty (ceoes prefeniing. Sur.J that then ! Ah ! Hierarchy here then, as for ever on the bully, aa4 AUf -.jreiy h:ppilv died that Pope then. Ah! fir more the banterllrokeof Goo.lbe'U quick by yii^«/ and St. P///r'* Jup^'iy tn^n any txiore or after bim. He died like the Thief foreknowledge fates, read it ibat their Philofophical Teacher* 1< ' :.nriil <.n the Crnfs. his Defpair, I trufi, proclaiming bis have uof hi them but Fools LelTons. Kcpentrce. Whmab* what but Woe and Woe can aliead Ah > their deep penetrations are on the fuppofe, that the bis w i!fuily b'iod Followers \ World's heed is too nice and laborious, for God's InfpeSioi^ At ' Ihe Time is coming, when Men wi:] as foon feek tbc but O that our wife Hierarcbifts don't feel it otbcrwilc. Devil their AJvocaie with Goo, as truft to tbc Help of fach Cirth C .rfecratioa, and tbat tbo' foppoitcd by even whole CHAP. XV. " ott'e'lTcd'^' d's promisd Sentence, was to attend where *?» t-rtU.lar AJdreJn fr^ GOD „ «r Ns,U, W Two or Three were gj-.bcred together in his Name ; that i*. *T~H E Reafoningof Man lo me prefents as the lop Jewel as flinJing in a full Obedience Purpofe to bis Truth and ^ in ihe Creation of God ; the Earth no doubt is GIa> DoflriiK. rious. and fo the Sun and Stars, far more Glorious. Sure then 'twas ftrange, that Chrift there for;ot to roeati- And no doubt, but thai Goo in hii eodlefs infinity, could on a Pcj-e and a PrieR, fupportcd by numerous Councils to- have made both even a Thoufand Times more Large aad gether with all their holy V'aters and .^bfolu'.ioo Afliimptions. Glorioui than they are, had his Wifdom fo feen fie Sj-. Xlcn then now, bow appear I as the great £/.^-.:f.' I Carries on then thus Goo his eodlefs Ab)(rea of Space; miwer, the Great Jehovah has quite left Hierarchy, and as with an unutterable Beauty and Wifdom, fure then be won't fo, now I warn her of protc^ing Demigod?, as all aflcep. fail of as agi-:e«ble difpofes too, of bis reafoiuble Beings, And as fo loo, only he that lacrificcs to Goo after me, oo Jewels ali fure of bis ricbeft Elleem, and when they come the whole Globe, as the frelh Mount Cernt!, will find that to bis proper Order in defign. be is accepted by God in his Offerings after me. How fiands it then, the Will of Man thus be has left ea- Ah \ re-d this Sentence from me. Xlsn. for I can prove tircly to bis own Difpofe, and that while his Power of AAi- it. there nrve^ was Co. nee among us. fince iheDiys of Aidii, on upon it he has taken Care of to limit by ibe mod irrefijli- aod :h't theXVorld began. Ah! Jl things have ilTued amooglk b!e L-.wscf his oncootrouUble FaieSuad i as. iT.i that bu: juS as G-:D himfelf has ordcr'd. <^ Ab! what Soul then would not throughly weigh il berc, Ai :or the blind Infidels, Goo has never bad but on'y hb bow varioos is lite to be the Contingency of bis Stand ia hi* Liws cf Fate ru'ia;, and that nice as an Hair to his Scniciicc. fotoir State 1 Ah! then have his Ears been ever open to the Righteous the Ab! has Goo both promifed and thrcatned Man aboal ni while, but then lure but with little Rczard to any but the full Sure it (hould in Caution been Sufficiency in Warning to hia true in Heirt Men to him. of his proper Watch to God's Obcdicocc. Come, let us Hand the Cafe here then between God and O then! that our Nation would think il worthy Ibc rtrj Hierarchy. Goo, aa he fees Man wicked, be ftrah with- hearing of their Coo here thro' me. aad with Wintvtj ct old D M [ I to rrprol. en the Mcffige nkich I im hen fcrc"d to ce'iivtr to them from their God. Ah f faie our poor Clergy here h»ve f jil Reafon to trem- ble to lee if, that God in Pcrfon hj» appeared to manifed it unto me, that they have as fuil turn'd him out of the Church, and which belure muft be by their Hierarchical renewing Corruptions. Ah' where God appears thuf in Pcrfon in Mefljges I'd have them confider, that he never has the Patience that he has where he has left Men barely under his L^wj of Fate, and lo in his uttereil DarLnefs and blindnefs only. Ah '. the Light of God to me, as to our King. State, Church, Nation, and UniverCiies too, nothing can be more lender, and beneficently paternal i and fure 1 were the moft horridly ungrateful, bath to Goo and Man, not lo reprcfeDt it as fo. In fhort, God's permitting thus his Glory firll to fliine amongfl tnem thro' me, what greater Love to them could he well expreft, or they deCre ? And then as for me, as he has revealed himfelf near on every Subjefi to me. fo what Wonder is it, that his Good- nefs has not been Clcnt here, but Ihining fo even towards them alio? My AJ-'refles here indeed from God, are to the whole G!obe. K nzs Perlons, Churches, and Nations, all equally ana aiiLc ; but then our on n Church and State fo too be won't let, or permit me to forget. No. nor to dcfcrt them neither, fo, if poflible, I fuppofe, to prevent nic from all manner of OtTcncc towards them, or any other Men whatever. Ah? oar Univerfuics here too, I niall let them into Schemes far more glirious than AnJlitWx Triijdn Horle Jugglery Woik, and follow they fo tr cir Goo, be has fhewn me, that he i< iu!l ready to hicfs them on, and that fo as to make them even Colleges of Prophet?- In fhort, from this Foot I fee it is it iffues, that I can gieatly c'ear Goo's Prophecy and Foreknowledge, and that near even unto all Men, and on all OccaCons whatever, a Truth that I can manifcft, and that near even by a Million of Examples. In Ihort, I can prea'.Iy unriddle all God's holy Language Ways from the other World, and that both as he is fpeaking from himfelf, and withal, as fuffering Men, like Phertob't Bater and Butler, \ii. to lye fubjcfl to his Laws of Fate only. Ah f enthrone you not then, ye Grandees here, in your Thrones of Scorn, I iinacrR...J /...<;», Frrnih, Crtil, and Hiirtx : yea and withal, all your Sciences alfo, and could reach to Jrsiui, .Vc. too, and that without a Tutor, if I faw it fit. Yea. fiiice but the Sun and the Stars duly and daily too, I cou'd dcroonllrate it to you to a Tittle too, your Longitudes ■I well as your Latitudes. Ah! come, layby then all your Tti/Ie Turn Method ways, that of coutfe pervert and miflead you from the I jws of your God. Ah '. God huici nothing more than your Philofophick PenetcatioB Fidling. A'll at Icail full idling even all Men from their ineicufable Purfuits of the holirll Laws of Goo's Will and Truths, a Stand neither to be ncglcdcd or changed by any Pretence o[ Efiort by Man. CHAP. XVI. jln InlrcJhS.vt Ii7umiiitl:i!g DifiMrfe if the K:iijJ:m of COD, " new tbmi A S it prcftats a Duty on me to introduce all Perfons npoo -TV the whole GloSe, Chriflians and others, into the Pre- fence of Gjd; and that as his Hour is now come to poor out his Spirit upon all FIclh, as promil:d, and that but provided full riphtcoas in his Eyes. So my Ta-'i herein proves vaflly laborious, and that as fo, to fet my whole Forty Years Tutorage by God in its btight- C.1 Ratii aodDifplay. Goo indeed herein has promifed me a powerful Afliftant, but who that is to be, and when hell appear, I know not. Some Bools to this End I printed upwards of 30 Yean ago, and more Gnce, and when I was but a young Pupil on- cer the Tutorage ol the Moft High. But row I have it from him, and that as fully inftrufled by him loo, that fo I alfo teach even all others on alfo after uie. A new cnd'efs Mine of Gold and Diamonds then the World won't fee in time half lo valuable as God's Light here thru' me. and that as attended with the incrediblcft of Blcf- £nz<, 't>oib pabiicii and i>rivat:, for all Men. ' God, ah! even a thoufand times a better Father to all Perlons upon Earth, than ever was Man yet. Ah! 00 Father vn Earth was ever half fo tenderly iiift(u<\ive, as belli cier was and ia Gob. » 3 . Ah ! 'i:; this tlut «tn Shin: l.ere, and that in all Trnih in «!eed, whence hiTC mor'd even the be4 of earthly Father;, tut only thro* t!ie fu(>gefl>oDa ot God i Ah! as IheuB in health, wealth, and every deCrable tmn O" Li*>, when Men but once throirghly perufe and confider the ThouUnd and TlccCinds of InfiruAions that I have had from Goo. ah ! theytl all be even as rariihed at the View ol their li^fct. And ahf fo theyT! foon fee it toow that God has never been ftiort in his Light, fo till Man has' firft Baftardly and Uograie- fully left him. And ah! hence too I fee it, all will quick even rejoice to hug me as a Bro:her in GoD. and that as, who has fo blcflicd me. to call me his Sao. By the fame Law al(o, will forely be the aflurance of Goo'* Befiings to King?, States, and Churches alfo, when they fall full into the Truth and Obedience of God, and hence indeed what Bleffings loil the Jem, by their Crucifying Chritt ? The Light of the Apollies indeed we fee was moft Illoflri- ous, as con limed by God after Chri.1, but what of that ? fure 'twas bft little, when to be compared with what the yrwT might have had, had tbey but duly received our BlelTed Lord. Come, lay by then all your iolidcl Wifdoms and Prudenct* here, all ye the nice Pcliics of the World, fo all ye mightjr Kings. States, and Churches, with all your fubtle Minillbries. ana Councils, now you fee your God is a-ftefh coining lo appear thus fo full Perl'onally'sirong you. Ah ! have Patience with his Glory, and his Will too, ah! remember his Motions are all Fatherly, and as at firll it was only hii Goodnefs that gave us all Beingi, fo what Monflen we to fuppofe, that he wants to hurt ua now, we have Being? O let the Sun ofSuns. the Kirg of Glory, then appear to be received with Hallelujahs aman^ us, and that as he is thiu Shining out in his abfolute and eternal Kingdom amongft ui^ ah ! be the great All in All, aud that henceforth for ever- more. O that my Pen could cultivate Words here worthy of the Reprefentation of fo bou:.JIefs a Majefty, and fo by proper Motives to prove as agreeable Incentives to move even every Soul opon Earth to his Receptioa 1 Ah! thro' mis appearance of God, lifes both the r.eir JiTujalen of Chrift, and God's Faibcily Rcflore of his Pa- raiife State to Man, be by it revoking from him, his baftard- ing Curf^, that ha« fo Jong lt*pt Kf«u lukdcr his Lawa o£ Demigods and Fate. Ah! the whole Globe, t fee it from God, both will and moS by degrees receive this his Li^ht thro' me, and as fo too cur own Nation in particular, and that as has been revealed to me by many fleps and ways. _To what end then Mens trifiing immurements of God's Light, then hereon by their Slights and Scorns (a Phrafe that I have had from a'rove 1, ah ! the Hour is come, that Men will quickly lee God's Gloiy is now S.^ining out, too great to bear (uih trifle Oppofala. Ah ! many a Prietl I believe in every Hierarchy onder the Sun, in out own Church, I am more' particularly afiured of God, many will rejoice to fee his Light here thro' me. But then ah ! I lee it too. and I am forry to write it, that God's Eye of Mercy. laok'd far greater on the Se:Ub tbaa the EKgliJb. Ah ! I fee it, my fatal hoar is at lad finally come, and wee be to him or them, that dare ftand or move to cppofe Goo here, and moll BlefTcd will it be to them, that lo the mott fuiely promote the Glcry of God. by their full aiding me herein. Ah ! ye nice Philofophick and Royal-Society Men, behold I fhall here let you into an whole Sea of frelhW'ifdom. Ah! for fiiame them now, off with your little empty Speculative. Puddles, that havefo Icrg fool'dyoii, in your grand Talent of Time abufed. Ah ! my Book of God Printed near twenty Years ago, had full Evidences in it enough. bcCJcs its being confirmed byGoD tijtbjvab to have led Men here, had they cot all been too wife to hear their Gois. The Point lies thus then here, God teaches Man but ieifurely on, and as fo 'tis too his top Peril how to get to hia fuil LefToDs of lollruaions from him. Ah! tins then "li? that Goo at firfl top inltroai Men, leaving it after to them, to execute their Obediences at their Peril, and fo thus here 'tis I fee it. I am intruilcd to deliver Gno's top Divine InHruQioa ways, and that as what hehaa dcfi jBcd for all Men. And thus I doubt not bat that hell foon command Millions, and that by the lite way of Teaching, and that even to the end of the World alio alter ae. Bo: IP^WI • A r t, ] Bat ihfti «*•■ hi f«cli Ctlf, wo**! Me« Wctd Goo'f wijri Ai U frt ikra iru frt op, of oifl, Co be the Dclirerct of fo km. ah ! bo^/>/. (o noi* I prrrcire it, that ol God 1 am la (o prophet Teach ihcia oa afier f let op, aa to brrooir a lecvr.d Mt(tM to the whole Globe. laOuirtl Ice ihcfc that cvca the very Son do**! fiiiac clearer, Aod that Toat to dc!i*;r ii from ihcSlaTecieiof ilimichiei. ihao I caa dilplay the ProphetKk Waya of Goo lotrarda all the new SpiriiatI Etjfi niBttjItf, that haa (o k>ag ()raii- KlcB, aad that tw fuller, clearer, and readier laSraaioB% aix'd oa the l-are ol the Earth ihaa ercr earthly Father p«« to Soa yet. In fliort. aa Chrit < vr ra ftrlcn tui GItrj tritrii mt f In fliart I fee it, that Goo haa fo put it ia my Power, to r/tst/i^ in Ntm Jermltlfm. fo God ia Perfoa alfo &x'd the render the whole Globe, like the Aagelidi-World abore i ah! ia God ior ercr familiar with tbeot, aad fo he it aow for crer like to be wiih h(an alio. In fad ihii hii been revealed to me. that God i> erer ts iarifible to Aogeli, aa they are oow lu u>, aad ihat bat joft himfeif iaolberwilediipolcH. Si) k of the Crtdmi Mtjaini open roe, aa laid. Aod aa fn. (hey did lb behold here a brief Sketch Speci- mca in InflruAion, that I hare accordingly had aa from them both lowardi it. Men fee then here, that I write at from the Foantaiat of Troth, and aa fo tor, keic ran they wonder, (hat be kai fo Judge Men then here a> ihry fee fit. but I verily believe, it iralird me here, and where he fo Irufled one before > hai beec only my full forty Veart adherence to Goo't Teach- AS! (ure (key can't bat open thrir Eye> and fee it. that logs thua, that hai ilil'd me the great £/f;'a^. Goo haa feen me full faithful to hit Truth andObedieace, aoJ And fo withal moved Goo to call roe hit fecoitd Mtfrt, thti for at le/, am forc'd by God to indeed kaa picfeatcd, aa Goo'i Mercy Stir d to all proc!iim hit War apaiofl all Spiritual HiTirchiei, and that M Men. Irefh Pbtrmtht of tjy/r thro'out the wltoie Globe » Rape not here then, yemighty Kings, and ye fetf thought Ah! a< for Kin^s in thrir Pjtriirchal Standt, I (cc oa^ holy Hierarchy Men, no rather ftrive to obey Gun, that 1 Sccargo prepiring for their fy^tafool'd Neglcdt, thro' their am thus forced to Icrre and obey here. dari frnm above, ibit G' o will at firft ctowa Mem Siy then, thoa the moft politely wife and nice, why I fo «i(h BleCings on the Reception 01 t^is his Light, knid •nd confident here ' I anfwer thee, when did the great But afier that, I fee it too. that VeP8»""«* a"d Vengeance JehovJi ever appear In JcH : Ab ! lUc yumt lie haa thmc }« tj^ick lu lolluw, and that, I prcfome. fully to eradicate iO ■ed me for Delays already, and what hurt, or juIUy offend I thofe that (hiU dare appear aod Hand to itsOppofal. thee, to roove thee to avoid hit Anger.' In (hsrt therefore, here I femence it, he aa full oat fights SoyGoai C"^ DO'S GrtJst Miftitm perfonal Gift to mc fardy lu* t fthti thus, and that becaofe be haa ever fcen me i% Ciirid's narrow way. Ah ! Men will quick difccm it, that Goo hat sear ever been fa!! as free with me, as ever he was with Mt/ti of old. only that it has evet ifTued all in a different way. 'i'o me be hat come only by Diearot. and that as to J6/», he came apparitioiully ; and that as my Light ia (or ibc wiheic Wor!J, and be wat only for a private People. CHAP. XVIIL nslMsu"! Wilt tnJ Oitiiimit, run n/y tj GOD" tile Lms tf •Truth, ii til tmJy I rut Htlimft Stsui. A H ! how terrible prefeatt Goo't appearance here to oar Ckorch and Nation, at one Tune he (hewed him- feif as in a rage before me, and that as if ia ftrifiefi Watck of ne, if I do own hiiB, as I fiw iuaa ftat out of oar Cborck tiEnUui. Ate l iimima i vK^^ jj"t ! BMti i^ a ! w*'M^.y*M» » !jtr ■ ' \* * 9. ^-CZT'. r » 3 After that. »nd . Second Time, when he appewed to Commif- .ii o» by lu» RerdidoM, »a wten lie fee. ■» fc aboSag of fion me to imroduce all Men into hii Prcience : »h ! where reloning TileaB > .-. , ti/i — _ri_ «.. th?, but .nto a Chambe, orer a Smith'. Shop in a M«let- Hence Jfo rta.on we even m . t.ttk UO, or peryerfeV. w j5 mil, uui uiu . r ^j^^ j,^^ ^^ ^^ wonder that OoD leaving ui, comniu u to Ah. uhat the rtea.5 of all thefe P,efe«tarion5. bat tkat .he Condua of f.lfe Demi-god Light.. »d tfait u the Ho- hell never .cceptfpecoushum.n framed Worfhip more. thc» of Oidevo .ft«r _j W .v„. .w v— No hope, for M« then to be accepted by hun. but thro' . Can «e bel.eve the Sd.pnire^ "« "•^•t «»>"<. »>'« ^ Market r^e in hi. Obedience to him; and that,. UborKHiay from Goo that /?,*,*,*«. dropp-d an EiprefiioB. thtf ic cul vaVed too, as if all Pure and meer Iron Work. ?"««» h.m of the greateft Part o: hu K»gdo«. Our Savour Cbrift. ah- where fee we him to Can we believe S./«.«. he tell, x^ that theHetft. rf Prion, for the in.erefted Inft.tution,. Performance, and W; >^ .-the Hand, of the Lord he toming the« Abfoluiion Power,, and that iho' in a real Priefthood, fet op w^hither he hie.? how cleir. thi^ Out Goo, rule, our by Gophimfelf, a Stand that ChHlUaW never enjoy-d yet? thooghtsby Day f ,. r ^ r^ r ■ ^ ^Ah ' inftcad of fuch rich Temple Work., and Hypocn- O" ^"^'^ Lord Jfo. on the tme turn of Reifonmg he tical not Hcart.r.fort-way, to GoD. Chr.ft our grand faed told hi. Difciple,. th.t they fhould not want fw proper An- exami Ic fo' Holinef,, we find for ever Walking about doing f»"». "^ 'hat in their proper Hour.. .o.^ or retiring alone to the Mounuin. in Prayer. How clear. .h>, then unto Jl Men, that Gol. u erea c^ Ah • indeed, what i. all our fine meer Sacrifice and Wcrfh.p ««fting withall Men in their Reafoning.. and that wiU thcf Work, but our meer call on Goo at mod, a pure demigod butdoly he«Jh.. proper drop: Suggea««. ? .neelick Licht Stand, or at bcft a publick Light that the The way of the 0:vine Meffenger then both noww, and i«Sr 7/ngm hi. holy Way., it h« been revealed I fh h If Reoeniinz ? "* '"*• ' he ha. TranUation ready even for the Women, as ^'Chrift's Promi^of Wage, to them, that come to work well a. the Men. and if they 11 but once torn thu full obe- with God at the latter end of the Day. .hat indeed (hewed «Jieia to hu Scripture. u»d Reafon Lairk the moll prodigiou. Shine of Goo'. .Mercy, but the*. - CHAP. MX. BUrtrthj ViJfLrfi in btr fulUfi Ligtt htftrt COD. WELL then, as no one can well reverence a Chriftiaa Miniftry too much, a. full Watchful in their W^., acd in ever)- thing purely ApoRolick. So forely dare they reverence them in their Cirah Hienr- ah ! what', ill that to fuch half repenting Sinaen ? In Ihort, God i. an EJft of infinite Power, and farely that Shine, as well thro' his creating u. with Soul, all the Biceft invifible Realoners, and fo of infinite Goodnefs too. a. continuing u. on fo for a!l our Sins, thro' fo many Gene- ration.. Of infinite Juftice aifo, a. never fparing the Icall wilful ^ ^ irreflitude in Man, and yet of ai infinite Mercy too. and that ^hy afTumptions, what do they do by it, but a. turopim a-« how Ihine. it thio' hi. Sentence to the Thief on the Heathens by it, and fo reverence the Devil ? Crof. by Chrifi. Write 1 fo fcvcrely of Hierarchy, then I traft I flull atiicklf O Man then fcorn no longer on his dearell Charafler, a. {atm it, that I write fo from Goa only, and not my felt aoA girin by hU Son lifut. Our Father but gratefully cuUivaW ih,, „ f„||, „tefted bv S' y-*-*- •« mr ••" R.»«Ue;onj. it fooD, that he raij call inee bis ^onindeco. I tmH then that oor zeaioufrft Hierarchifl. will have M Ah ! (hould I not prefent thefe thing, thn. then, and that 1;,,)^ Patience with me here, in thi. my pore Sketch Schem^ in their brightell Light, fure I were even ai the luUell Hell framed a. w holly in order to introduce my fuller Evidence.. MeOcnger between Goo and Man ? _a '" ^'"^ ^' o*'' Hierarchies, with their endlef. Morrice* O then tha: for God and Chrill'i Sakes, none would look hard dance Vanities, what have they ever been doing, but M upon me here, and that as a poor uneafy fingulai Meffenger of bnfiiy turning ChriAianily into Heathenifm. ? God's here, and that as too hardagainli them lor their Siiu. Hierarchies, that all of yon have dnrft all along to/org^ Ah! I fee it not, that God want. Mercy for any of our jij,, ihe Scriptures, and to leave out and confound, even a poor iriftaken Hierarchills, nor for their EJtu'd follower. Commandment, wrote by theRnper of God himlelf in yoa« cither. Hierarchies ever bafy in perverfly turning all the Purpofc. But then all this is but provided they Repent on his call „f t^c Scripture's fenfes. Ah ! he that ever dare, think or thus made; but then ah! fcorn ihey fo to repent, lure they fpcak better of them, than pure and plain Heathenifm, O can't but fee here, what they have to follow. ki them think and look to it, how .^h^ will anfwcr for^ ac Ah ! come the Pipt here to me. and that as a fecond B«- the bB Day ? /».*, what wooldhedohy it, butasdoublethcCnrlesofGaB Ah Tie that believeth in Goo thro' the Scriptnres, thftf on himfelf. by trying to make me a fecond B'i^Jm, and that tisjn and the Prophets, and Chrift and hisApoftles, he iaa tho" offering me all the Riches in the /aJi/j ? Chriflian indeed : but he that Pin. hi. Faith on Hierarchy Ah! asfaid, what i. all our Praying, Falling, and Worfhip Councils, Sb:ia/,tb'j Guidinces, what i. he but a. a pore Work, tho' never fo nice and pompous, but as barely and Heathen, and fo will Goo Judge him at the laft Day ? plain calling upon God ? Thus Hierarchy is file on the inftrufling Part? ah ! how And fo what is all cur celibate and other votary Work, is it but that the Devil appears fo like an Angel of Light to but our as making Got a trifle Offering, ah? lure 'tis thro* teach Men, and thus all her Cafechifmy and Devotions took our fuUcft Obedience that we can only take to our furell walk how framed, but all as in beft and fuUcft Support of her own tohis Prel'ence. Tyrannies and Inlerefts ? O Man, Man then be thou Young or Old, Wife or Foolifli, So her mnmping Charity Conferration, ah? how variant Rich or Poor, Learned or Ignorant, yet ah ! lay by all thefe they from the Chari:y Laws prefcribed by Chrift. to the thy doating atlieiftick lidling Works, and no longer dare tue 1>»U'« Succour to dethrone Goa and ChriA ? Ah ! never hid God ia grand an Enemy, as Anti.chri2 B*h\!i* Hierarchy hertelf, ever foundationally top Aihe:ll and Infidel, and ever breeding up all under her, asfhe can, the li'ie. Ah! what the Holy Ghoft but as a Dotard in her iniailible Eyes, and that fo to dare pronounce it, that ever/ tme Chri- fiian is King. Pricll. and Fiuphet, in himfclf ? So, Hierarchy, ah ! what all her nice Council Works, bat as fo many HcU Tyrannies and Ilerefies ? Ah ! now God him- felf is now going to take the Field, fure fiic'II quick feel and find it fo. Ah ! nor flie, nor her Favoorcr«. will any more want his Vengeance, than did the grand Lucifer ia (he Angelick World before her. Ah! meerly human and Heathen Laws, what but all the Umt, and whence Hierarchy with all meer Council Works, nhat other or better than pure and meer Heathenifm I And fo all her Council and Epifcopal Excommunications too. as (aid, what other or better than her Heathen Sorceries, ali ending in her own Curfcs in chief ' So her nice Confecrations too, as laid, what bet all Sorce- ries, as breaking in in Raine on the King, Prieft, aad Pro- phet's Sund cf (he Holy GhoS i Confecrations indeed on the Patriarchal Foot, (hey are all ).oW, if righieooj, and fo all Chriftian Miniflerial ones, where purely Apoftolick, aad fo free of all Hierarchy Sins and Errors. Moll excellent and holy General Work Words here, as re- ported by St. EvreniuJ, when Men have oacc (aken out of Clirillianiiy. what they have foifted into it, then there will be bat one Religion, as plain in iu Do&riae, as pare ia i(a Morala. Ah! I have it had it from God bimfelf. ibsl be bsj fetn rtiTi nJ wtrft Herefiti »» Cbmrtbes, tb»u ever be beheU in frivMie Ptr/fzs. Indeed, what is Hierarchy itfclf, bat as the worit of Here- fies, and that as toming evea both Gcd aad ChriA (hea- (clves as oat of (heir Churches ? In fhort. Hierarchy, by its very Eft, crcAs Vfea np into the Sand of a private intereAed Scheme ia purfuit ; aad ah! that of courfe makes them skx mind God's Ot>edieBcc aor Glory neitho : And fgr tbat thcrcfgrc 'ox that ihc is fentcac'd Aati-t.tirii. r ti ] Aad iadecd hence 'twii. that at Hierarchy graduallrrater'^ the Church of ChriA. (hat fo Goa as gradually left' 11, »wi that juA a* he quick left the Tea Tribes, when 10 Jmisb he coadnucd hia Prophets on. In Ojort, fhe may generally (n- icacc me. as (ull of pcrfunsl Spite at her here, aad that as cavioos or' her Powers and Clones : Bat ah* HierarchiA lov'd not I. aad top fought the Felici- ty ol every SjuI upon Earth ; thinkeA thou that God couM evev have lov'd roe ib a* now he has done * Ah • furtly then thou canA not wifely be angry at me here, that i am to bitter agaioft ihy Sins, and when 'lis all ia Love, aad but ihe better (o reconcile thee to thy God * By (he lame Laws alio, I can't but warn even Kings here alfo. to t^e care of (hcu obeying Goo ia hia Will aboot Hie- rarchies alio. Ah! what want King', by their Scora of God's WiD aa^ Law<. {010 try (o drive 08" his Good aefs and Mercy fro« (heir Praccaiun, and (hat juA as it fell out fo afiea in I/rstlT Alas! alas! hence and thus then arifes thy Fall, O thoa mighty Hierarchy, fo glorioufly fet forth br St. Jehn n the MrveUtiiti. Ah ! (hou want 'A not Senfc cnouEh to piar aad preach it: ' "^ ' And (bat too to :op cultivate thine IntcreSs and Tyranniea by it. But ah ! then, who has ever been more infipid as 10 his Obcd-ence to GuD than thou? Ah! what has Goo ever been, but »* a profiuole Chimera ia thy Sigk( > But then ah <. ihou'lt quiclly fee it. th.t all )hy fine Teia- ple Worki, all thy elegant Service, and all thy rich Heaihea Confecra:toti Devices. Guo has never louk'd upon them better than men Certb Works. Ah! thoa haA ever been too inicreAedly wife to difcera it, thai whaii. How is it BOW then. God and ChriA's Hour is come, anaor, evea of oar Kingdom, by Holiday;, and what then would i( IKX hare been, had not Popery beea hence resuov'd ? Ia Ihort. ia this lies the deep Sketch both of the Wifdom iad Goodacb of God. that Man caa neither have happy Ea- iorment, aor even Bread neither, but by Labour, and that (• the Poor might never be as totally devoured by the Rich. Ah ! what a black Scheme then Alines hence from Hierar- chy ' Ah! fl>e can't be content barely to rob her Brethren of their Lands, but tries to fool the Poor foof their Labours alfo. And that all by Holineffcs eteAed in the golden Image crcAed ia Ktiaibadnez.z^r'i Way. all full oa the Demi god Suokc. Ah ! what precious (hiagt (bca iHir Holidays, !• tike (be Je,^lt here i Oxe*. a laie Preso> terian, charges oar Chorch of Emgldad here with ereAing 1 50 Holidays ia a Year, by her thoioagh- dcepcoafcdcr'd Canoaa Ah ! befure each is aa sooooo Loffes a Day, to the Poor of (be Kiagdon, aad together wiUi (he kitj two Sabbath^ ^Hmmmmmmmm SfOwmwmi II' un> L reafoning Ways, or his Revelations "■~"~ _-- -. . — cither, and when fo by their wild Wanderings they are a« quue got out of his Wayi. Ah ! mj Performances here therefore can't but lliame Men. of 6oab\y brighter Parts than my felf. Ah ! ran Man wonder to fee that Goo hates to approach, and aid him then, when he is fo full bufy in fo many falfe idling reafoning Works, all moving fo full in contrariety to his Will and Laws ? Sure as foon would the top Wife-Btan feek to difplay hii out all Riches Dangers, ofiTcring from Lai>ours and Cares. CHAP. XX J Br'ufSxrz-ij if Hiirariht. in etl ttr d'.atiitl Phihf:fl:itl SfamSi. SAYS the nice Ilierarc'ny'd Do£lor Scholar. Ah! there's no S>:hcmci fa fine and nice to Entertain me. as ilie nice atom'd Pbi'.ofjphcr'. and io all other the like fine rich Schemes, rais'd as {.urpolcly in deface of the Throne of the Depths and Reaches to the new bom Child, and the natural moft High. Foul, as Goo 10 reveal and open himfelf 10 fuch Rebel Tlius ;!lour^rand Fire and Earth Globe Inllitutcrs a1fo{ bafbrdly ongratefuls. ah! a!i fucbas fuliy etiabiifhing all our glorioufell atheiAick Ah! ^lan has ever been too doatingfy felf-wife ever to Schemes in biightell difplay; ah! who the M^n that dates look into o; fully to cc-operate with the Will and Schemes of Sentence ail fuch as Hrll-Xlonkey Philofophy Scheme; his God, and that 'lis that has moved Geo fo long to fcorn So ah ! iW oar vaS Variety of Miniilcrial Powcr^-givers to Man, and that full as much. Nature, ;'r.! fore ali fuch have ever been too Rebcl-uiie in it, God that has his whole .^^r filled, and that even with ao Ice how »hc> u.»- .. ^nnihilu^t all tVr Twocrs nf rinr,. Mi!:i»— -' M;m -^ "— a»--«>-^,,, whole fcy fuch their RcbcVdoings. Armies of them, and that as was flicwB (7 the Prophet at M j',1 bcp:B his Bsck fACtrj'tt, with his fii'd Hiftory df «he Siege tiSnurU. CoD'i Creation Stand; bet whu meant he by that, but as fo Ah! fure'y, glorious Banditti Hierarchy, you can't thinlc (o decipher Goo's I'r.e moll fixed, and formal Sjn in its i£i. it right that God fo in his Summit of Jofiice, ihould ever fo And (hat no: oii!y in his Trees, Plini;, BcjIIs, Birds, and overlook all their Hell Villainies, and that fb in the Prefenre piQies order ; tut alio as to his fupcrior ordered. Mailer of fo glorious andnomerons an AlTembly about hit Majefly ? Min in it iiliewife. Ah! Man won't fee it, that won't he think his God wor- But then he never ellabliOied it, that God fo after quite thy of Learning from, nor will God think that Man worthy left it in all its fo prodi^ioufly nice ilTuant Clock- work Scind ; of being Taught by him, and that 'tis that has fo long kept CO, but th^n then and 10 he had cKablilhed it as an immuta- the World all in D^knels. blc Courie. that af:cr by his Power he would continue on. So the Man that loves not Goo with al! his Heart and all and that a long as he faw fit. his Soul, and that is not willing to facrificc his Life, yea, and Wh.t an Hell perfomunce Shines here then, fo to fling every thing that he poiTeflcs too, for his Glory, God little 9*1 Gods r:cK:d of Performances and Ccndufts into meer heeds him. infenfible Ma::er and Nature Schemes, and fo as in utter Ah! thro' this alone (hines the total Redemption of Chrift, Purpofe to deface him in his Glory. that as thro' his Holy GhoS, or nniverCil Hclinefs Scheme, Ah ! were net Men even as Devil i:iCpid Fools and Sots, he has only ordered and foil fecur'd to Man his Approach War they'd quick cifce.-n it here in the Birds as making their Ncfts, to Goo. aud the Bees in gathering their Honey, a Superior leading And therefore too 'twas that Chrift fo confin'd his Baptifm WifJom in Concufi. tiian what m^ny a Man ever enjoy 'd yet. to be in all their three Name;, but, as. if poflible, fo to me> Ah! now here then, as my Pjil appears to be, to manifcft moir-keep all his Followers in their right Way loGoD. Goo full as c!car in his Spealing and Reafoning Schemes. Btlasm, Solemn, and Hundreds of little trifling Vota- as ever he was before in his afling Schemes, fo now I truil ries and Sacrificers, Goo's Mercy has mov'd him, to fheir that even all Men wi'J fo Stoop, as better to receive their them, that he has heard their Call fo: bat then ah ! he has great Creator and Father. ftrait flung them all off to the Demigod Strain, as when not Ah ! Our BlcHcd I^ord, he by his niceft Scheme of Goo's moving after full holy 10 his WiU. Glory, and that the better to Support it too, fet forth his And thos ah ! what meant our BlefTcd Lord, by hit Ijft Formation of the L-Ilies in their top Beauty, and fo that not Words near, Wateb, walib, bat at fo eftabliOi it to Man, that even a Sfjrrow fell, hot by his Permillion. he could never be too indollrioas, thro' his Confcience and Ani indeed the ume Scheme flands full fitpported by God's Scripture Regard*, in his Obedience to God i M::nna Feec:ng. and io his keeping Ijrtal'i Cloths fo long Ah ! tboo in;>enious Phyfician and Lawyer then, as well as from Wearing out in the Wndemcfi. thou Hierarchill. dcCre you to get an Intereft with your So JjfSs rreciing up freck:ed Cattle in Blefiing to him- God ? Ah ! lay by all your griping Ways, and fo he may ac- fclf. and lo indeed even Chrifl's Miracles alfo as iiTuing cept you. ihro* God's the moB prodigioufly qoick healing Changes : And fo, O all ye grand, rich, and powerful Men, expend ah! what can more confirm fuch Chrill's Holiefl of Schemes: y-)n not half of your grand Revenues towards the publick Thus then the moft Glorioufly we fee God's Power thro' Good? Ah? you all Band as the impodenteft Liars before his B:rds in the Air. and the Fifli in the Sea, and how then God, in faying you love yoar Neighbours as yojir felves. can we thiak it toobut that God's aethereal Stands are all And ah! here all ye mighty Kings and Stales, I have it to full as appofitely inha'aited as fo his Elemental. tell yon from God. thai he won't bear it. that the wicked Sure as well might we foppofe it, that an Hnrfe or an Afs Will of a dead Man be borne with ; no, his declar'd Will ii, ichoB'd oat the tichcft RtO"^ fiiux upon the Globe, a* Uut that all fatJi Wills be aliercd to his own WiU and laws only. CoMC W" >' i mi ' '- ' i^ C«"V iIm«. let IM tst clc. but aercr BooJ PUver more sire in View before Spc. AH ' to all Men thit na ihiak and realon, 'lii clear, that iWfC is aa Infinil* of Spice and Miner, tbe fir.cli wherrof watj be tbe .fLltrr, and that poQibly &ac a* the very Perlont of the Aagcls. The Ciroc Compofurc ftitul alfo, I fappofe, Prefcau d(- ign'i for Man'> Body at (he Day of the Re(atrcfiioo. Tiut the .■Ettfr iilelt ■> rci'ljr a Body. Dothini; caa be cxairr. taaa by the Comprctlioa we feci by the Sua and IklooB ibro' it ia our Aimolpbere. How prefent things here tbea i God firft ia hit pare xthe- l«a) Siaad created lo hit Angeli, and ihcn To ai invifibie to (bent, be erca tried them in lucb bit pure zthereit Staad £rlt. After ihii, by a ComprcCi ^a of fuch bis jE.'cer Matter, he formiag bii coirfcr worldly Element) of Ine Eirth, Wa- ter, and Air. be fo, by fucb hit Operation, brought ia bit (ccoad Creation alfo- Thus tbea he firft placed A.'sm ia hit Pjridifiral Triil Stand, and that as before be tried the Angc!.' in tbctr pare jEtt,^ Sued. And tbnt loo indeed, who but the top fcrenrlr doiting coald ever think, if thit World could fo cuntinui'.ly abound with fucb rich Reifonrrt, and were there not tbe moll woa- ^erful rich, fovcicign Fouotaia-reafoner, the Crca:or of them all? Ah! how ftandt it thea ? The jElbtr comprefi'd form? all o^T groiTer Bodie*, and that whiie the Fire proves their Dil- ptrfer ar.d Annihilator lo their firft Stand, and thi* as prelcnts fo the Will and (he Potter of the MoD High in thetr Difpole* And thus the Fire burnt indeed, but ihcn only as impower'd by G:>D, and thus n-e fee it too, thil God both bat nude the Sua dind flill for J:Jbu», as withal he has ez:incui3)ed it on the Duth of Chntt' How is it then, what is God himfcif, but as Fiie, slid thro' which he ever (bines in G.ory as fuch. nor can Fire ai- U£i him ever. :s we read ihro' the Prophet Daniel T Ab! bow Itand things then ? I believe to the very Angels God bow on'y appears as by Vifion, and that tho* pofliMy his Lore to (hem never lets them want (he Prefcnce of his Glory- To M.», n-,. .pwirino .- C^—r Ter&i controuliog MajcAy Stand, his Shape at a Min, indicat- apd S.ver^gn - ' iahisWiWJT'^Ah? Ah* Man, Ytrt aad thai thea prefcati tbe Stand of ibf Paradile RcHoi'd ; and furc thus ihou miy'ft receive it from him that Guu has lu blcfi'd, at to pronuuacc him bit Second li-.Jtu Ah ! there it a Filliag WorOiip, and Sacti&.c Works i ai, ChaTi(ies,,t^f. Ways by which, CirmtliMi like, we readily come to tbe Prefence of Goo ; Wiyi thii my Revcbtiont (rsm Con can far more iliuftrioully manif'ft to Mca, UuB what my Pen caa do. And thus I fee it, cill wc oa God, m aafMcrt, aad that iho' we are bat (empdng BtUtmi : but cijl we not. I fee it. be leirrs at lo our Rraloa Conduct, ^nd in which, by hi* Su^cAions, he helps ut at timet, ard at alio be oibeiwilc aid* us la his ProviGont by hit Providence Helps. Ab '. heboid then, Man, here, the immcnfe and bonadleff Goodnefi of our infinite Goo and Father are ever pure ; be it ever thus ready to be free with Uf, aad that as be was wKb Ai*m of old i but then leave we him, 'twere to featence bii Joflicc toAnnihila(ion, not to fiy he ought to leave as alfo. Aad yet (or all are we Offenderi. I lee it, he ever aids at wi(h aecelTiry Provifions, and Reafoaing Aids (lill like th« Mea before the Flood, we fccro bit Spirit's Aid) fo, if poiE- ble, to move as as in Mercy lo rrpeot, and that fo be might accept ut ifrcOu O then! iha: all Men would fo come in, like frclh Laboor- ers, at tbe latter End of the Djy, to be fo fall accepted bf GoD. Ah! Xfea will Toon fee it by me, what a vjft Light a fuU 43 Ycirs OH on God wi'l reach. But then ih ! ai for inc. 1 never durft by Cill to ask for any thing ia pirticubr, tad which how it has prefented. Men fee that God hat inlliuAed me oo up-jn'i, Jul) as he baa thought fit. Our Sivi'>ur. and Mrffi, and the ApoQIes and Prophed, beiurc they all kept on ttie lame Way : and lure he that ever dires to tempt his Goo, or teich him whit it is that is fit to beask'd ol him, 'lis no wonder (hat GoD leaves him, aad ihit as the wickedell Self-wi.'e that well can prefeat. And thus dares a Man call upon God in ai. HicrarcSick Ditpute. bow can he wonder, (hit Geo never bears or heeds bim ? la Ihort, the Prophet of l/aiab te'ls us, that dare w« (aS to God in Strife and Contrcvcrfy, hell acvcr heed us. O! ye mighty Kings and States then, as nellaspriviie Per> fons, lure you won't be angry wlih roe here, for appeifiii| a r-^. « "> ■cllrMA<,nie ivitb before h:m, but his own Will in Coairool, and ^^.^ while his own Name alone prefenting ftinds but as his rsoft fi«*d Confirmation of fome fingle Purpofe prefenting. Ah! moft wonderfully preleni thus God's Appearance to Man by Dreams and Vifions : and in which he Ipeakt in and thro' the very Prifon and Bo-like Degenarators after it. Ah! come even force thyfelf then to comply with tbe Mea- fures of God's immuuble Parity and Holineft, aad as fo, by obeying Cbrift thro' tbe Holy Ghoft's Aid, iboa wilt be fare for evar of enjoying the Prefence of thy Goo. Indeed, thro' fuch Sund only ifliics >ian's full Rcdcmpiion fayCbiUL Ab! how abominable rood it be, Oionld I ever dare defcff hjm, and that either in Fear or Intereft. as Matters Dull prefent * Men therefore, thro' Pretence of Doubts, may try to raife and fupport Slights on here, aad that as they think fit ; bat then. I pray let them confider on whom they can fall. Sorely on God only, and not me ; and as it is fo loo. I fee it, that the full Shine out of God's Vengeance is is full oat. aod quick ready to attend them upon it. Ha! (ays glorious Hierar-rhy, thoa haft taken the Liberty to call me Heathenifm i and has not the Holy Ghoii, in the ReviUf.iici of St. J»bn, done the fame, by Ayling thee the Gcn;ile Strain trampling under Fool to ita Aboroiiutions tbe Court of God. Oar Emglijb, and other Bilbopt and Clergy, I fee it nor, a* laid, bat that they may cootinue on in their pofleft d Ricbca and UoDoara. And [ «< And thit. u faiJ too. will they bgt repent, and lb become bai as PitruTchate ChanccUori and Jufiiccs, lo keep HI Goo'a * Lawt in fulleft Parity. * Ah * here and ihu> 'rii, as faid, that prefents the Stand of God to Man, prores a Man but full obcdientlr dutiful * in bis Sight, God furely proieds bim, and bleflcs him : but * pro*e i>e otherwife, he as furelj leaves him to his Curfes, thro' Demi-gods and Fate. * Ah ! this Light of mine, I Dial) quick lull manifefi it to * all Vlco, that 'lis all full out of God. God has own'd it lo ' oie. that all our Allegorick Turns are Words of his Language, 3 • Ak ! 6y tlmi, Iiow is this my Lig'ol from Go» to urtrcr to maor grand, powerful, and sloiioofefi Porpofci and F^o- phecicsS . . • I anfwer it, mjr Ijght here can': b«t even from its nt Eiemplariiy raife cren endlefs Colleges of Prophett afrefll, and that even thro'out the whole Globe. ' Bodies, «hat^i!l ncrer »ani(h while the World endora: Bodies, that will remove all our Hell Hierarchy Villainies, and quite as blow op all our Councili, with their Hell SH- btlttb Praaicea. • Bodies, that win confound and annihilate all onr De»a and with a Beauty as unfathomable, as with a Depth nnlearcb- ' Inquificion murdering Tyrannies, and by purging the •ble. • ySf* *^ t'^'t by both fuch his Lights. r;c fri.(vux ye 10 aitaek ^our Cln,,. jj vo» 'ee B.. t^ o^ Poj ^"l — ^"hrift .-J -«•- ^~}^ G*"^ ' ^-^ -*•» *"» ii you ivttt fjbftrurt aTid c!c.'r«t bim in all hij Puiy^fs. ~^ ' »'»«* bere in Concurrence with Geo md -hit. Lig);) . »^4: Ah! what even endleiJTrTftolieaturen has GoD'V.'i5refe^j^f**'*-''*^«'T-e''">ot but conviiice all Mcl>, I fun ootlubir^ in tii.s World r Thus he has his Loiife aa well asbis tkphaat/ - .'>'^'"» fc«e but in folieft Confu/re»csAittiCbr«i/ai^, and his Fly »s well as his Eagle. * ^"^ '^ St.taJ u to &ew karat Gon's owit Revdation^t When his Refurrcflion comes, then can't he in bring aS 5" "'"= Stand, and that as fet ia hit 'Jani't Ladder fixVl Men as to a Stand and CbataQer ani^werable to iteir Merits ^"^^ »"^ '" ''"t Goo aad Chrift often sppe« w «»T«ng about and above in't : and vet all there were tcp^fraiSoi; Goo "♦P^enutivei unto Met, aid that as wherein Men dare tvcr lor aH that. " *° -'^"^ '" •'J'"' Error* qiJer their Names. * ^ Ah! what prefenied then and there tl.en, but tha; Goo - Secondly, 1 fljall fliew it a!fo, and that elea'lytinto al Man, hid a Middle Slate of .Mercy letween Heaven and Hell* but '^' Angels, Devilf, and the Dc^ often »ppear, and that as then, ah! mho would wifti to inherit it > Under-rung Ladder Gods unto me. The Holy Gbbft {nde:4 Ah! I fee it, as publiOiing thefe things in AnDoyanee to I nf^^er law (o appeirr,- bafevcr-st'inVid sititii ih dftlvfi^ the Churches there fland quick morul Enemica the nofi Pti^'ty and Holinei ooly. , . >.'? ^ • j i •.«''*• ' ready to atiacl me behind roe. . Thirdly, Marriages^ Deaths, Fs4endftip%> ud'WjtatW' * BotO! that they could be fo wife, » looking behind *f<* together with all othcc the. li^ iCantf ogenciea, I flu]] * themlelves al.'b, fo to repent, as fo to efcape from far great- '"^^'y Qiew, both how conduQed and manifefted on toofir • er Dangers from behind themfelves alfo. God's irre£ftible L»Jv» <.f Fafc. f. ". "•■ * Toconclade. there's fomcihingfurprieing that has cficr'd ^ ''*'■'■' t*» .TJhr^ will i«' hit Allegorick Diftioaary in4 • to me here; for fome few Years of late 1 have been dtiyd 'Grammar, and that fo as to become even of the caCcft sod • in my Publications thua. and that by God himfeif. /eidieft Refott onto all Men ; yea, and that far beyond what ' And I th»ught, 'twas became that till this Yeir was J pub.'iffi'd fomewhat above 10 Years ago. ' come, my full 40 Years Tutorage from Goo ras not eapir'd. ^ f^almmt tht Fearth, by it I Quit ddivrr t8 Men sD aiw Xfiv . • But Ccce ftranger Scenes have prelcMcd to me bere, sod "''^ Reafoning Light, riling from my Confideradou' of • not cr.iv a (.Juaker. as walking the Streets in EJiiiirrgb. has Gcd's Revelations, as prefeating to me ■ Doty denuAdctl of ^procIiiin'dxnuYeartoprefentthetotaldowDfalof AmichriS: "e by Gon, and that for my better htftrnAiog even of all . 'But whIu!, there is Mt. Whijini, and a Knight, and **ea alter me. ' * varinos oi'ucti, that have mani/efted this Year as Aniichrifl's To conclade, fcy this Sketch Men fee the grand Scheme of ' fatal fall Year, and that hiU oat from the RtvtUtitKs of (^'* Light ia Perfeflion here thro' me. My Reafoning ' St. y;^ Vay's Men fee I cannot drop, as Goo expcds roe to appear a* ' Aia to tbefe then Wnberi't fatal Prophecy al6> priated * Second Mafit aato all Men; * above an 100 Years ago, and that, as re- printed, was dcdi- Bat then this I fee too, I IhtU vary in my Methods bere ' cated to King H'lUiam and his Firft Parliament. f-t, and I fluU firft poblifti my Revelations from GolT.paieiy . * That full tatally proclaims it, that from about this Time «lonc. aad that fo Men feeing no Thought of my own uaottg ' the Kingdom of Goo was breaking out in full Gluiy, -ami. them, may be left without pofibility of taking Offence. * * that fo, as even quite to anaihUate Antichrifl. That done, my Mofaick Rcafoningsl (hall deliver all ntar • Ah! thou poor doatisg and Rebel Creature, Jllao, then' « Comments on my Words from Goo; and indeed this I IHaJlf • behold and coofider it too here, how thy Creator fcoras ta do, as I fiuU Aew Mea, it ftands vaj order'd Method •['mth * appear to thee rafliiy, and without previous agreeable NoQces. cccdinfr iaim above; -. ■ »- * - _* '; • Aad that fo. if poflible, the belter to move the* to attcad' 1 _^ ' ■- - •-• »•-' •■■ • him. and Oat as at fueh lua £iul and final Approacbca^Mav-.^vVvA ; ijj Wai. Fain, Xjip ttf^J^ Mi-Mfdti^ -' fthce. 1 Approacbca«aW',^;,VV; v ; v?s-F.V SOMMAIRB RELIGION CHRETIENNE, T R A D U I T D'U N E C R I T oi N G L IS DE LA MAIN DtJ CHEVALIER MATHIEU HALE, LORD CHEF DE JUSTICE nAKGLETERRE. .*>^ 4 Raindrc Ic Seigneur du CicI & dc la Tcrre; Ic rc- vcrer en toutc humilitci cmbrafler avcc dcs Scn- timcns de Foi & dc rcconnoiflance la Redemption faite par Jesus-Christ; obcir a (a Parole avec fincentc & avec joic ; rcnoncer a fbi-mcmc & a routes Con voitife ; fiiir & dcteftcr le Pcchcj avoir unc Devotion finccrc ; ne chcrcher d'Independant , d' Anabatifte ; qu'il portc un fiirplis , ou un autre habit ; qu'il croie devoir communicr a gcnoux , aflis , ou debout ; il n'cn eft pas moins un veritable Mcmbrc dc la Religion dc Jesus- Christ, puis qu'il en confcrve lous les Caratflcrcs ctTcnticls. Mais, un Homme qui n*a pas la Craintc dc Dieu, qui boit I'lni- quite commc I'eau , un Mentcur , un Fourbc , un Blafpl^emarcur, un Yvrognc, un Dcbauchc: en quelqu(^Communion qu'iI vivc, quclqu'ardcur qu'il ait pour dcs Pratiques cxtericurcs dc Devotion, quelqu'opofc qu'il fbit a tout cc qui lui paroit fiipcrftitieux; avcc tout fon zcle, il eft pourtant dcnuc dc cc qm fait TEflcncc dc la Re- ligion. Ce Chretien dc nom pcut bien avoir Ic bruit dc vivrc, mais ii efl more ^"^ ^^=r^**i»r' mmm 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY — TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or / on the date to which renewed. ' Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. lii'ni.^ ff^ ^15W68 0« ^^ W ^ LD 21A-38m-5,'68 (J401slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley >t) 2fo'?Ub