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V LONDON: 15 PICCADILLY, 1887. LONDON : NORMAN AND SON, PRINTERS, HART STREET, COVENT GARDEN. ^^. 0.5- CONTENTS OF VOL. V. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS, WITH AMERICAN LANGUAGES. I. Geogeapht, Atlases, Maps .... 2749 — 81 1. Ancient and Classical Geography (e.g. 500 to A.D. GOO) ..... 2749—51 2. Medieval Geography (a.d. 600—1500) . . 2751—55 3. Modern Geography (a.d. 1492—1850) . . 2755— SI II. History of Navigation a>jd Geoge.aphical Discoveet, LrvT:s of Seamen ajjd Travellees . . 2781 — 2819 1. General History of Discovery, collective bio- graphies ..... 2781—89 2. Pre-Columbian Discoveries of America . 2789 — 91 3. Overland Discovery in Asia (Sec. XIII— XV) . 2791 4. Atlantic and African Voyages (Sec. XIV— XV) 2791—93 5. Discoveries in Atlantic and Indian Oceans (a.d. 1492—1550) ..... 2793—2805 Columbus . . . 2794—97 Portuguese Discoveries . 2798 — 2805 6. Spanish Discoveries between the Tropics (1512 —1538) 2805—10 Florida .... 2805—6 New Spain, Yucatan . . 2806—8 Peru, etc. . . . 2808—10 7. Magellan's Voyage and its results . . 2810 — 12 Phililjpines, China. Japan . 2811 — 12 Australia .... 2812 8. French Voyages to America and Australasia (1503—67) ..... 2813—14 9. English Discoveries in America (1560—1630) . 2814—17 10. Explorations of the Amazon Valley (Sec. XVII) 2817 11. History of the Buccaneers and South Sea Voyages (1550—1720) .... 2817—18 12. Modern Discoveries in the North . . 2818 — 19 III. Naeeatives of Voyages and Teavels . . 2819 — 90 1. Collections of Voyages, in chronological order of publication (1507—1877) . . . 2819—50 2. Narratives of Voyagers, in chronological order of performance (1247—1870) . . . 2850—90 IV. Spanish Aiieeica ..... 2891—2947 1. General Works on the Spanish Indies . . 2891 — 96 2. Mexico or New Spaui .... 2896—2930 a. Aztec Painted Eecords . 2896—2902 h. Works in European languages 2903—21 c. Books printed in Mexico . 2921—30 3. Central America .... 2930—32 17732G5 CONTENTS OF VOL. V. IV. Spanish America — continued — 4. West Indian Islands 5. Tierra Firme, Peru, Chile 6. La Plata States V. Portuguese America : Brazil VI. Akglo-French America 1. General Works . 2. New England, Virginia, Eastern States 3. New France, Canada and Louisiana, Hudson's Bay . . . . . 4. California, Western and North-Western States 5. Guiana and Trinidad .... VII. Books Specially Kelating to American Aborigines VIII. American Languages ..... 1. General Works ..... 2. Language of Labrador and Greenland . 3. Language of Anglo-French America (Algonkin, Choctaw, Cree, Ochipwa, Hidatsa, Huron, Micmac, Mohawk, Mohican, Natic, Quiripi) 4. AthajDascan and Western Languages (Apache, Californian, Chinook, D^ne) 5. North Mexican Languages (Heve, Opata, Otomi, Teguima, Tarahumara, Tarasca) 6. Nahuatl or Aztec .... 7. Maya and Central American (Chiai^aneca, Huasteca, Maya, Quiche, Totonaca, Zapoteca) 8. Carib, Galibi, Arawak .... 9. Guarani, Tupi, Brazilian 10. Peruvian : AjTuara, Moxa, Quichua 11. Creole ...... IX. Bibliography of Voyages and Travels, and of American subjects ..... X. Supplement of Books omitted or recently acquired XI. Further Supplement .... XII. General Oriental History and Topography Buddhism ...... Mohammed ..... XIII. Western Asia ..... 1. Turkey (and the frontier Lands), Asia Minor, Mesopotamia ..... 2. Syria and Palestine .... 3. Arabia ...... Egypt — see section Africa. XIV. Iran and Turan : Persia, the Caucasus, Armenia, Central Asia, Afghanistan Modern Baluchistan and Afghanistan included in Section XV. XV. India, including Ceylon, Burmese India, Nepal, ■ and the modern history of Afghanistan ,and Baluchistan ..... Ceylon ...... Portuguese in India .... XVI. High, Middle, and North-East Asu: Thibet, Mongolia, Manchuria, Siberia XVII. Indo-China (Burma, Siam, Cochin China) Malacca AND the Straits .... XVIII. China and Cohea ..... XIX. Japan ...... 2932—35 2935—45 2945—47 2950—52 2952—94 2994—3000 3000—5 3005—6 3021—22 3022—23 3023—25 3026 3027—30 3030—37 3037—39 3039 3039—40 3040—42 3042 3054—55 3060—61 3066—71 3071—74 3074—75 2947—50 2950—3006 3007—21 3021—42 3085—86 3104—5 3042—44 3045—46 3047—48 3049—66 3006-75 3075—80 3080—3113 3113—15 3115—16 3117—23 3123—29 CONTENTS OP VOL. V. XXI. XX. Oceania and Australasia 1. The Philippines and Formosa . 2. Malayan Archipelago : Sumatra, Java, the Celebes, and New Guinea . 3. Australia and Tasmania 4. New Zealand 5. Polynesia: Fiji, Sandwich Islands, Islands, etc. Africa .... 1. Mauritania, Tunis, Tripoli 2. Egypt _ . 3. Abyssinia 4. The Sahara and the great Sudan 5. West Coast : Senegambia, Sierra Guinea ...... 6. Central or Equatorial Africa, from Somali-land to the Congo Mouth, including the Nile Lakes 7. Southern Africa, from Angola on the West and Mozambique on the East to the Cape of Good Hope ...... 8. Madagascar ..... FxjBTHEK Supplement to Catalogues of Geography Borneo Society Leone, pages. 3129—30 3130—33 3133—37 3137—38 3138 3139—43 3143—50 3151—52 3152—53 3153—54 3154—56 3156—57 3158 pages. 3129—38 3139—58 XXII ORIENTAL, POLYNESIAN, AND AFRICAN LANGUAGES. I. General Oriental Philology . Catalogues of Oriental Collections . II. Ancient Sacred Languages I. Egyptian Hieroglyi:)hic and Coptic n. Languages of the Cuneiform Inscriptions Assyrian, Babylonian, Old Persian 3184 — 86 Old Bactrian, Zend, Pahlawi . 3186—90 III. Languages of the Bible 1. General Semitic Philology . . 3190 2. Hebrew, Samaritan, Chaldee, Kabbinic . . 3190—3207 3. Phoenician, Punic, Moabitic 3207—8 4. Syriac, Mendasan . . _ 3208—11 5. Abyssinian : Ethiopic, Amharic 3211 — 14 HI. Languages of Islam .... I. Arabic Literature Maltese ..... II. Persian Literature III. Turkish and Ottoman Literature IV. Minor Languages of Western and Iranic Asia I. Armenian .... II. Caucasian .... (Georgian, Ossetic, Circassian) III. Irani Border-tongues (Kurdish, Baluchi, Pushtu, Afghan) V. Indun Languages .... I. General Works .... II. Sanskrit ..... HI. Pali, Magadhi .... IV. Modern Pracrits .... Bengali. . . . 3372—73 Gujarati . . . 3373 — 75 Hindustani, Hindi, Urdu, Dakhni 3375—86 Konkani . . . 3386 Marathi . . . 3386—87 Oriya, Udiya . . . 3387 Panjabi .... 3388—89 3164—66 3171—83 3184—90 3190—3214 3159—62 3163—70 3171—3214 3215—72 3273 3273—3323 3323—35 3335—7 3337—8 3338 3339 3340—69 3369—71 3372—89 3215—3335 3335—38 3339—98 CONTENTS OF VOL. V. PAGES pages. pages. V. Indian Languages — continued — IV. Modern Pracrits — continued — Sindhi . 3389 Singalese . 3390 V. Non-Sanskritic Languages 3391—97 General Works . . 3391 Bhutiya . 3391 Bojingijida . 3391 Canarese 3391— 2 Koorg • . 3392 Gond . . 3392 Lepcha . . 3392 Lushai . . 3393 Malayalim . 3393 Mainpuri . 3393 Sonthal . . 3394 Tamil . 3394—97 Telugu . . 3397 Tuda . . 3397 Tulu . 3397 VI. Languages of Eastern and Noetheki ^ Asia . 3399—3426 I. Indo-Chinese Languages . 3399—3402 1. Comparative Philology ". 3399 2. Annamite, Cochin- Chinese . 3399 3. Assamese . . 3400 . 4. Burmese 3400— 1 5. Cambojan, Khmer . . 3401 6. Karen . 3401 7. Siamese . 3401 II. Turanian or Tartaric Language s (exclusive of Turki) . 3402- 13 1. Comparative Philology '. 3402 2. Tibetan, Bodiya 3403—4 3. Manchu . 3404 4. Mongolian . . 3405 5. Japanese 3405—13 6. Corean, Luchuan . . 3413 in. Chinese . . . . 3413—26 VII. Polynesian Languages 3426—34 1. General Works . 3426 2. Formosan 3427 3. Philippine 3427-8 4. Malagas! 3428 5. Malay . . . . 3429—31 6. Kawi, Old Javanese 3431 7. Modern Javanese 3431 8. Sunda . . . . 3431 9. Batta . . . . 3432 10. Australian 3432 11. Maori . . . . 3432 12. Aneiteum 3433 13. Fijian . . . . 3433 14. Tongan 3433 15. Samoan . . . . 3433 16. Tahitian 3434 17. Hawaian . . , 3434 VIII. African Languages . 3434—38 1. General Philology 3434 2. Berber . . . . 3435 3. Bishari . . . . 3435 4, Bunda . . . . 3435 CONTENTS OF VOL. V. PAGES. PAGES VIII. African Languages — continued — 5. Chinyanja ..... 3435 6. Dualla . 3435 7. Efik 3435 8, Hausa 3436 9. Herero . 3436 10. Ibo 3436 11. Kafir, Zulu 3436 12. Kanuri . 3437 13. Kunama . 3437 13. Maqua . 3437 15. Mandingo 3437 16. Mende . 3437 17. Namaqua 3437 18. Nubian . 8437 19. Oji 3438 20. Sechuana 3438 21. Shambala 3438 22. Sherbro . 3438 23. Susu 3438 24. Swahili . 3438 25. Towarek . 3438 26. Tigre 3438 27. Wolof . 3438 28. Yoruba . 3438 HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND PHILOLOGY, OP AMERICA, AUSTRALASIA, ASIA, AND AFRICA. I. HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, TRAVELS. I. GEOGRAPHY, ATLASES, MAPS, in chronological arrangement. 28041 D'AvEZAC, Coup d'ceil historique sur la projection des Cartes de Geographie, 8vo. sd. 5s 1863 28042 ■ le meme 1863 ; Etudes de Geogi*apliie critique sur une partie de I'Afrique septent., Itineraires de Ebn-el-Djn, map, 183G — 2 vols, in 1, hf. morocco, 18s 28043 Klaproth, Js'otice d'une Mappemonde et d'une Cosmograpliie Chinoises, 'Syo. folding plate of a Chinese viap, sd. 10s 1833 28044 Lettre a M. le Baron A. de Humboldt, sui^ I'invention de la Boussole, 8vo. plates, sd. 6s Paris, 1834 28045 KcEPPEN (A. L.) World in the Middle Ages, an historical Geo- graphy, with accounts of the nations of Europe, Asia and Africa, from the fourth to the fifteenth century, folio, 6 coloured maps, hf. morocco, IQs New York, 1854 Ancient and Classical Geography (B.C. 500 to A.D. 600). 28046 PoMPONius Mela ; Julius Solinus ; Itinerarium Antonini Aug. ; Vibius Sequester; P. Victor de regionibus urbis Romse ; Dionysius Afer de Situ Orbis, Prisciano interprete, 12mo. old red morocco, with gilt tooled ornaments and gilt edges, from the Sunderland library, £5. 5s Venet. in cedibus Aldi, 1518 On the title is the autograph of" Floriani docampo et Amicorum.' 28047 Proclus de Sphsera ; Cleomedes de Mundo ; Arati Phcenomena ; Dionysii Afri Descriptio Orbis habitabilis, etc. ; omnia Gr. et lat. una cum J. Honteri Cosmographife Rudimentis, 12mo. 24 woodcut maps, one having America on it, and '2 folding tables, vellum, clean copy, £1. 8» Basil. 1561 188 2748 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28048 [Geographi Antiqui :] Dioxysii Alexandrini [Periegetis] et Pomp. Melae Situs Orbis descriptio ; ^thici Cosmographia ; C. J. Solini Polyliistor, gr. et lat. cum annotationibus variorum, 4to. old calf, gilt edges, autograph of C. Spencer {Earl of Stinderland) on title, 30s Paris. H. Stephainis, 1577 28049 GEOGRAPHIC VETERIS Scriptores GrKci Minores, cum interpretatione latina, dissertationibus, ac annotationibus (H. Dodwelli, J. Hudson et E. Wells). 4 vols. sm. 8vo. hf hd. £2. \0s Oxon. 1698-1712 28050 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. fine copy, old Hue morocco, gilt edges, £7. 7s ' 1698-1712 28051 the same, 4 vols, large paper, old calf, Oxon. 1698- 1712 — DiONTsii Geographia, additione scil. Geographic Hodiernc grseco carmine pariter donatae (curante E. Wells), large paper, 16 maps (including America), old English red morocco extra, gt. ed. ih. 1704; together 5 vols. 8vo. £16. 16s 1698-1712 28052 Geographi Gr^ci Minores, recognovit C. Mullerus, 2 vols. royal 8vo. Tvith roj. 8vo. Atlas of 2.'^ plates, 36s Paris, F. Bidot, 1855-61 The atlas is sold separately for 10s. 28053 B.C. 420 Herodotus. Rennell (J.) GeograpMcal System of Herodotus explained, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, cloth, 9s 1833 28054 B.C. 400 Ctesias. Ctesi^ Reliquiae, ed. J. C. F. Baehr, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Francof 1824 28055 tte same, 1824 — Megasttenis Indica, fragmenta collegit E. A. Sch"wanbeck, Bonnce, 1846 ; — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s 1824-46 28056 Ancient India, a translation of the abridgement of Ijis " Indika" by Photios, etc. by J. W. McCrindle, 8vo. cloth, hs Calcutta, 1882 28057 B.C. 325 Nearchus. Vincent's (W.) Periplus of tbe Erythrean Sea, an Account of the Navigation of the Ancients, 2 vols. plates and maps, including Portrait of V. da Gama, 1800-5 — Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates from the original journal preserved by Arrian, front, and maps, 1797 ; — 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 20s 1800-1797 28058 Periplus, etc. 2 vols. 4to. the port, has been coloured, calf gilt, 10s 1800-5 28059 Voyage of Nearchus, 4to. front, and maps, calf, 7s 1797 28060 B.C. 300 Pytheas. Fuhr (M) de Pythea Massiliensi, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Barmstadii, 1835 28061 Lelewel (J.) Pytheas de Marseille et la Geographic de son temps, 8vo. maps, sd. 7s 6d Bruxelles, 1836 28062 Ekdslob (G. M.) Thnle : die phonizische Handelswege nach dem Norden, soTrie die Reise dee Pytheas von Massilien, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Leiptig, 1855 GEOGRAPHY: ANCIEN^T AND CLASSICAL. 2749 28063 Elton's Origins of English History, 8vo. 10 facsimiles of maps, cloth, 1882 The Toyages of Pytheas of Massilia are largely treated in this important volume. B.C. 280 Megasthenes — see ante Ctesias. 28063*B.C. 80 Pseudo-Scymnus. Fragments des Poemes Geograpli- iques de Scjmnus de Ohio, et du faux Dicearque, arec des observations par Letronno, 8vo. hf. morocco, Is &d 1840 28064 B.C. 50 Diodorus Siculus, Gr. et Lat. ex ed. Wesselingii, 2 vols. roj. folio, Large Payer, old russia gilt, £2. 2s Amst. 1746 28065 A.D. 1 Strabo. STRABOXIS Geographia exVersione Gaarini Veronensis et Gregorii Tj-phernatis, folio, first edition with a DATE, very large copy, hut slightly stained and loormed, red morocco, gilt edges, by Derome, from the library of the Dae de Brancas, with his bookplate, froin the Syston Park library, £o. 5s Venetiis, Vindelinus de Spira, 1472 28066 Geographlcorum lib. xvii . . . de Graeco sermone in Latinum . . . folio, in old smooth brown morocco gilt^ gilt edges^ with the Canevari medallion, impressed on the sides^ of Apollo in a golden chariot^ driving his horses over the green- and-gold waters that heat against a roch on which stands Pegasus ; red morocco case, £\00. Basilece, 1539 28067 Geographie traduite en Fran^ais (par MM. de la Porte du Theil, Coray, et Letronne, avec des notes et une introduction par Gosselin), 5 vols. 4to. maps, bds. 32s Paris, 1805-19 28067* the same, 5 vols. 4to. maps, hf. vellum neat, £2. 10s Paris, 1805-19 28068 the same, 5 vols. 4to. maps, calf gilt, £2. 16s 28069 A.D. 40 Pomponius Mela. Poiiponii Melle Cosmographi de situ orbis, sm. 4to. two small wormholes, calf neat, 21s Venetiis, Franciscus Renner de Hailhrun, 1478 28069* the same, sm. 4to. large copy in old English red moj'onco extra, from the Syston Park library, 36s 1478 Yenet. Batdolt, 1482 — see post in Medi3;val Geogeapht. 28070 de Situ Orbis, cum notis criticis et exegeticis variorum, additis suis a Car. Henr. Tzschuckio, 7 vols. 8vo. Fine Paper, maroon extra, gilt edges, by Lev:is, £3. 16s Lipsice, 1807 A.D. 120 Erythraean Periplus — see ante Nearchus. A.D. 150 Antoninus— see pos^ A.D. 393 Itineraria. 28071 A.D. 150 Ptolemy. PTOLEM^E, GEOGRAPHIE: repro- duction photolithographiqiie du manuscrit grec de la Geographie, decouvert au mont Athos, folio, bds. an admirable facsimile of the text and the coloured maps, bds. £2. 10s Paris, 1867 Facsimile of a M^. written abont the year laoo, and preserved in the Bionagterv at Mount A;ho«. 188 • 2750 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. PiOLEMiEi Geographia — for other editions, see post in sections 0/ Mediaeval and Modern Geography. 28072 AvEZAC (cV) Restitution de deux passages du texte grec de la Geographie, aux chap. 5 et (3, du 7e livre, 8vo. sd. 2s (1862) 28073 Gamba (Bart.) Osservazioni su la edizione della Geografia di Tolomeo, fatta in Bologna, 1462, Svo. large paper, uncut, 20s Bassajio, 1796 28074 RAIDELII (G. M.) Commentatio de Claudii Ptolemrei Geographia, sm. 4to. plates, hf. red morocco, gilt top, 18s Norimb. 1796 28075 the same, sm. 4to. beautiful copy in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Petit, 36s 1737 Literary History of Ptolemy, an account of existing MSS. of his Geography, and bibliography of the editions both Greek and Latin. 28076 WmsOR (Justin) Bibliography of Ptolemy's Geography, roy. 8vo. 4:2 pp. hf. calf neat, 20s Cambridge, Mass. 1884 A.D. 200 Cleomedes— see No. 28047. A.D. 240 Solinus — see ante under Geographi Antiqui, 28048. for later editions — see post in section 0/ Modern Geography. 28077 A.D. 300 Dionysius. Diontsius Periegetes, Greece et Latine, ex recens. G. Bernhardy, 2 parts in 1 vol. stout 8vo. bds. 5s Lips. 1828 Forming Vol. I (all pub.) of the Geographi Graeci Minores, published by G. Bernhardy. 28078 De Situ Orbis, latine, cum commentariis Eustathii, interprete A. Matthjeo, sm. 4to. limp velluvi, 20s Parisiis (1556) 28079 A.D. 350 Ethicus. ^thici Istrici Cosmographiam, ab Hiero- nymo ex Gr^co in Latinum Breviarium redactam, primum ed. H. VVuttke, 8vo. map and facsimile, hf. calf, 7s 6d Lips. 1853 28080 Ethicus et les ouvrages Cosmographiques intitules de ce nom ; memoire contenant la version latine abregee de S. Jerome, etc. par D'Avezac, 4to. sd. 15s Paris, 1852 28081 the same, 4to. hf. green morocco, 18s 1852 A.D. 390-400 Itineraria. Antonini Itinerarium — see ante No. 28046. 28082 Pedtinger, Tabula Itineraria Militaris Romana antiqua Theodo- siana et Peutingeriana nuncupata, quam primus in Italia edidit J. D. Podocatharus Christianopulus, oblong folio, facsimiles of the map on 12 large folding sheets, no text, bds. 10s Msi in Piceno, 1809 28083 Tabula Itineraria Peutingeriana, primum seri incisa et edita a F. C. de Scheyb, 1753, nova Conr. Mannerti introduc- tione instructa, folio, 12 maps, folded, margins slightly wormed, hf. calf, 21s Lips. 1824 The original is preserved in the public library of Vienna and esteemed its greatest crnament. It is a wide map, about 24 feet long and 14 inches broad : the cities, rivers, etc., are pointed out by their names, and the roads find military routes are traced out by lines : it is supposed to have been made at Constantinople about A. P. .19.'^. GEOGRAPHY: ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL. 2751 28084 A.D. 400 Notitia. NOTITIA ntraque cum Orientis turn Occidentis ultra Arcadii Honoriique Cgesarum tempora, etc. FIRST EDITION, Small folio, mimerous woodcuts, coloured hy a contemporary artist, calf, £3. Basilice, Frohenius, 1552 28085 ed. Bocking, cum indice, 2 vols. 8vo. woodcuts, hf. calf, 20s Bonn, 1839-53 A.D. 450 Vibius Sequester— see ante No. 28046. A.D. 485 Proclus— 566 No. 28047. 28086 A.D. 500 Stephanus [Byzantius] de Urbibus, gr. et lat. ed. J. de Pinedo ; ace. Stephani Fragmentum Collationes J. Gro- novii. small folio, old calf, bs Amstel. 1678 28087 A.D. 600 Ravenna Cosmographer. Kayexnatis Auonymi Cosmographia et Guidonis Geographica, ed. M. Pinder et G. Parthej, sm.. 8to. map, sd. 6s Berol. 1860 28088 D'AvEZAC, Gi*ands et Petits Geographes Grecs et Latins, esquisse bibliographique, 8vo. sd. 'is Qd 1856 28089 BoRT DE St. Yincext, Essais sur les Isles Portunees et I'antique Atlantide, 4to. maps and plates, bds. 7s 6d 1803 28090 Bredow (G. G.) iiber einzelne Gegenstande der alten Gescbichte, Geographie und Chronologic, 8vo. 14 maps, hf. calf, 7s 6d ' Altona, 1800 28091 Brehmer (N. H.) Entdeckungen im Altertbum, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, bds. 7s 6d Weimar, 1822 28092 GossELiN (P. E. J.) Recherches sur la Geographie des Anciens, 4 vols. 4to. maps, calf neat, 22s 1798-1818 28093 Lelewel (J.) die Entdeckungen der Carthager und Griechen auf dem atlantischen Ocean, ubersetzt von Ritter, 8vo. 2 maps, sd. 2s Berlin, 1831 Mediaeval Geography (a.d. 700-1500). 28094 DiCDiL. Recherches geographiques et critiques sur le livre de Mensura Orbis Terrce, compose en Irlande au commencement du IXme siecle, par Dicuil, suivies da texte restitue, par A. Letronne, 8vo. hf. morocco, 10s 1814 28095 LELEWEL (J.) Geographic du Moyen Age, 4 vols, in 3, 8vo. 10 facsimile maps, sd. lbs Bruxelles, 1852-7 28096 the same, 4 vols, in 3, 8vo. 10 maps, in hf. green morocco, gilt tops, 20s 28097 JOMARD, les Monuments de la Geographie : Recueil d'anciennes Cartes Europeennes et Orientales, accompagnees de Spheres teiTCstres et celestes, de Mappemondes et Tables Cosmo- graphiques, etc depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a I'epoque d'Ortelius et de Mercator, imperial folio, 50 immense maps, facsimiles of the same size as the origirials, several COLOURED, hf. red morocco, ivith 8vo. text, entitled " Introduction a V Atlas (1879)," sd. £15. Paris (1862) An invaluable series, better digested and less uncertain in its plan than the enoimous work of Santarem. 2752 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28098 SANTAREM'S GRAND ATLAS : Atlas com- post de MAPPEMONDES, et PORTULANS, et Cartes hydrographiques et historiques depuis le Vie jusqu'au XYIIe si^cle, pour la plupart in^dites, devant servir de preuves k I'Histoire de la Cosmo- graphie et de la Cartographie pendant le Moyen-age et h celle des progr^s de la Geographic, atlas folio, containijig the 78 maps which constitute a perfect set of SantareivJ s collection^ several upon double sheets^ and some coloured and illuminated^ with title and Index^ which have been additionally printed^ hf, red morocco^ uncut, £60. Paris^ 1842-53 28099 another copy, containing ^^ maps^ some coloured and gilt, £^0. 1842-53 List of missing maps in the second copy ; Mappemonde du Vllle siecle, Bibl. d'Alby ; Mappemondes et Systemes renfermes dans les MSS. de Paris et da la Haye de Floridus (Lambertus) ; Mappemonde dans tin MS. qui contient nn commentaire de I'Apocalypse ; Mappemonde de Marinus Sanuto du XlVe siecle ; Mappemonde dans le " Rudimentutn Nuvitiorum Mappemonde du Musee Borgia ; Mappemonde de la bibl. Medici 2 of the 6 which form the Portnlan de Petrus Vesconte Carte Catalane de 1375 ; Globe de J. Schoener de 1520 Mappemonde de Roselli. 28100 a third copy, containing 63 maps, some coloured, £20. 28101 a fourth copy, containing 57 maps, some coloured, £15. 1842-53 28101* Text to the above : Essai surl'histoire de la Cosmographie et de la Cartographie pendant le Moyen-Age, et sur les pro- gres de la Geographic apres les grandes Decouvertes da XVe Siecle, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. £2. 10s Paris, 1849-42 The Atlas of Viscount Santarem is extraordinarily rare : few copies contain more than forty to sixty maps, in consequence of the desultory and unequal manner in which the plates were produced — nearly all separately and •with a varying number of impressions. 28102 Santarem, Recherches sur la priorite de la de'couverte des pays situes sur la cote occidentale d'Afrique, au dela du cap Bojador, et sur les progres de la Science Geographique au XVe siecle, 8vo. hf. hd. 10s 1842 Inserted here out of its proper place, as having formed a sort of first tpxt to thp .A t IftS 1000-1100 Beatus Map of the World, A.D. 1000-1100— contained in a MS. of Beati Commentarius in Apocalypsin, written in Spain, about 1150, — sold 1280-90 Geography of the East — see Marco Polo post, in section of Narratives of Voyagers. • see also Borcharp, jiosf, in Narratives of Voyagers. GEOGRAPHY : MEDIEVAL MAPS. 2763 28103 1300 Hereford Mappa Mundi. Bannister (S.) Description of the Map of the ancient World, preserved in the Cathedral Chui'ch of Hereford, 4to. facsimile of portion of map, sd. 3s 6d Hereford, 1849 28104 Bevan (W. L.) and H. W. Phillott, Mediaeval Geography ; an essay in illustration of the Hereford Mappa Mundi, 8vo. 3 photographic facsimiles, hf. bd. 10s 1873 This celebrated Mappa Mundi was drawn bj Richard of Haldingham about A.D. 1300. 28106 Terrarum Orbis Tabulam delineavit Ricardus de Haldingham, A. S. circa 1800 — facsimile of the ancient map preserved in Hereford Cathedral, 6 feet 10 inches by 6 feet 3 inches, mounted on canvas with rollers Bruges, 1872 28106 1325 Sanuto's Maps. GESTA Dei per Francos, sive Orien- talium Expeditionum et Regni Francorum Hierosolimitani Historia (per Bongarsium) — Marini Sanuti Liber Secretorum Fidelium Crucis de Terree Sanctge recuperatione, Terrse Sanctee historia et geographia, 1 vol.— together 2 vols, folio, fine paper, plan and plates, old calf, £3. 16s Eanovice, 1611 The above comprise all the contemporary chronicles relative to the Crusades and the History of the Christian Empire of Jerusalem. The curious plans by Sanuto, which he presented to Pope John XXII and the Cardinals in 1324-25, after havin}; travelled through various countries, one of them being a Map of the then known world, in a circular form, with Jerusalem as its centre — give this work a pecular interest in relation to the history of early geography. 1340-80 Geography of the East — see post Lddolphds arid Joannes de Hesb w section 0/ Narratives of Voyagers. 28107 1380 Zeno Map of the Arctic and Western Seas. Autotype facsimile of the rare tnap which bears date 1.380, which was first printed in 1558, usually wanting in copies of the tvorJc with which it was issued " Viaggi in Persia," 10s 1658-1883' see post in section of Narratives of Voyagers. 28108 NoRDENSKioLD (A. E.) Facsimiles de Trois Cartes precolombiennes- representant une partie de I'Amerique (Greenland), 8vo. sd.. 7s 6d 188a The maps are : that of the Zeni, 1380 (1558) ; map of Claudius Clavus, 1427, with facsimile of several leaves of MS. ; and a map of North Europe by Nic. Donis, taken from the Ptolemy of Uim, 1482. 28109 NoRDENSKioLD, Facsimile de la Carte de Nic. Donis, 1482, 8vo. the third map of the preceding, 2s 6d 1883» 1400 Atlantic Islands— see Bethencourt in section History of Discovery. 1420 India — see Conti in section of Voyagers, ' 1430-80 Africa and the Atlantic — see Major, Azurara, Behaim, w section History of Discovery, and Cadamosto in that of Voyagers. 28110 1457 Fra Mauro. Fac-simile del Mappamondo di, dell' anno 1457, illustrato da Teo. Fischer, roy. folio, title, and four sheets mounted on cardboard, in portfolio, 20s Venez. F Ongania, 1879 28111 ZuRLA, il Mappamundo di Fra Mauro, Camoldolese, impl. 4to. engraved facsimile of a Globe of the middle of the \hth century, hf. Id. 15s Venez. 1806 With an account of Early Italian Travels to the Far East and Africa. 2754 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1470-80 Geography of the East — see Contarini, TucnfiR, BitASCHA, Breydenbach in section o/ Voyagers. 28112 1478 Berlinghieri (Francesco) In questo volume si contengono SEPTE GiORNATE DELLA Geograpiiia di Francesco Berlingeri, large folio, 31 maps engraved on copper, very fine large copy, quite perfect, in red morocco super-extra, gilt edges, by Traiotz-Bauzon- net, £42. Firenze, Nicolo Todescho (circa 1478-80) 28113 the same, large folio, wanting the map of Palestine, and the last leaf with the Register, hound in oaken boards, partly covered with hog skin, £12. 12s The maps aiFord curious indications, so far as they vary from the old Ptolemeean series, of the knowledge of Eastern geography possessed by Europeans in the fifteenth century. Francesco Berlinghieri, a Florentine, contrihuted greatly to the study of (jeo;;raphy by this popular work in Italian verse. It bears no date, but must have been published about the same time as the Roman Ptolemy of 1478, as the Duke of Urbino, to whom it is dedicated, died in 1482. Indeed it is more than probable that the work of Berlinghieri is entitled to claim prece- dence before the Ptolemy (as the first collection of Maps printed from copper- plates), since the two sets of engravings are very much alike, but the Roman book exhibits a very superior technical finish which evinces the improvement of a later hand. In some respects the Berlinghieri approximates nearer to geographical correctness. The added leaf of Register is mounted to the size of the book in the first of these two copies. 28114 1478 Ptolemy. PTOLEM^I Cosmographia (Latine reddita, a Jacobo Angelo), folio, 27 large copperplate maps, a very good copy, velhim, £20. Impressum fuit Rome, arte ac impensis Petri de Turre, 1490 28114* the same, folio, wanting 11 of the maps of Asia, hf. hd. some leaves mended, and- half last leaf wanting, £3. 10.s 1490 The maps are from the identical plates used in the edition of 1478, — the first illustrated edition of Ptolemy's Geography, and also the first dated instance of maps engraved on copper. The work contains a double series of maps, firstly the reproduction of the old Greek ones which belong properly to the text, and next a set of modern maps which represent the geographical knowledge of the time, and which constitute the importance of the volume as the first dated General Atlas. 28115 1482 Ptolemy. PTOLEM^^I Cosmogi-aphia Latine reddita (a Jacopo Angelo, curam Mapparum gerente Nicolao Donis Geniiauo), folio, the 32 large woodcut maps only, upon vellum, coloured, old red morocco extra, rich gold tooling, gilt edges, from the Beck ford library, £35. JJlmce, L. Holl, 1482 The first of these maps is one of the World marked " Inscuiptum est per Joannem Schnitzer de Armszheim." At the top of the eighth map, winch represents North-West Europe, Ijreenland (Engronelant) is drawn as a large peninsula. This is the first map published on which Greenland is depicted. 28116 Geographia Latine reddita (a Jacobo Angelo, curam Mapparum gerente Nicolao Donis Germano), large folio, 32 large woodcut maps, some leaves stained, old calf, from the Sunderland library, £8. 8s Ulm, Johann Reger, 1486 The maps are the same as those in the edition of 1482. 28117 1482 Pomponii Mellae Cosmographi Geographia; Prisciani Interpretatio ex Dionysio de Orbis situ, sm. 4to. with a modified Ptolemcean ivoodcut world-mop, calf neat, rare, £4. 4s Venet. Ratdolt, 1482 GEOGRAPHY : MEDIEVAL WORKS. 2755 28118 1490 Portolano Editio Princeps. Questa e vna opera neces- saria a tutti li navigiiti clii vano in diuerse parte del mondo per la qual tutti se amaistrano a cognoscere starie fundi colfi vale porti corsi dacque e maree comiciando da la cita de cadex in spagna dretamente Una nel porto de la schiuse pas- sando p. i canali fra la ixola de ingelterra e la terra ferma scorendo le bache de fiadra fino a la ixola de irlanda, sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, OF extre:^ie RARITY, fine copij, red morocco extra gilt edges, said to le by Roger Payne, from the Bechford library, £36. Venexia, 1490 The authorship of this excessively rare volume is attributed to i-uigi Cadamosto. the great voyager and geographer who sailed to the Canaries and oth-^r Atlantic Islands and down the West Coast of Africa for the Infante of Portugal (Prince Henry the Navigator — see Mr. Major's valu- able work, a masterpiece of geographical history and criticism); and whose name is associated with that of Vespucci in the early editions of the Paesi novamente ritrovati. see Behaim m section History of Discovery. 28119 1490-1500 Africa. Leonis (Joannis, Africani) de totius AfricES de:^criptione libb. ix. in Latinam linguam conversum Joan. Floriano interp. r2nio. vellum, £2. Antv. 1556 On the reverse of tlie cover is pasted a curious early bookplate -'Wiguleus Hundt de Lavterpach Juris Co. M.D.LVI." 28120 LEO, Geographical History of Africa, written in Arabicke and Italian by John Leo, a More, translated by John Pory, 4to. loith Map, old calf, £2. 16s 1600 Although the Arabic original was written about the year 151.5 (translated by the author himself into Italian some ten years later) the information in this volume represents for the must part a somewhat earlier period. It gives us the historical geography of Africa as known to educated Granadan and Moorish Mohammedans about the year 1490. Modern Geography (1492-1876). 1492-1507 Geography of America— see sections History Discovery, aitd Narratives of Voyagers. 28121 1500-1592 Kcnstmakn, die Entdeckung Amerikas . . mit Atlas . . 4to. text and folio Atlas of 13 raaj^s coloured in facsimile of original MSS. charts of the sixteenth century, £'6. 10s Munchen, 1859 1503-1508 Geography of Asia — see Varthema, in section of Voj'agers. 1506 iiydrographie Portugaise, or Admiral's Map— see OTi next page under date 1513. 28122 1506-7 Unknown printed Map of the New World. TKITEMII (loannis) Abbatis Spanhemensis, Epistolarum Familiarium libri duo ad diversos Germaniae Principes, Episcopos, ac eruditione praestantes viros, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, gilt top, £4. 4s Hagenoae, 1536 The passage on p. 296 of this volume, which Mr. Harrisse quotes with unfortunate simplicity, is one that deserves consideration. The letter in which it occurs is dated 12 August. 1507 ; consequently, there existed at that date a printed map showing the discoveries of Vespucci in the New World, as far as 10 degrees south latitude. As it is quite certain that Ruysch's map was not printed till late in 1507 or the beginning of 1508, at Rome; as the 2766 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. S. Die map, although designed in 1507, was not finished till 1513; and as, moreover, neither of them corresponds to the mention of the 10 degi'ees south latitude, we must conclude that a map at present unknown was printed before 1507, exhibiting the new discoveries in the west. 1507 Cosmographise Introductio — see under Vespucci in section Narratives of Voyagers. 28123 1508 PTOLEMyEI Geographia, latine reddita, correcta a Marco Beneventano et Joanne Costa, folio, the Maps only, that of Livonia wanting, water-stained, old calf, £15. Bumoi, Evangel. Tosinus, 1508 The maps are the same as those in the edition of 1490, with seven new ones added. Among the additional ones is the celebrated map of Johan Euysch. entitled " Universalior Cogniti Orbis Tabula ex recentibus confecta observationibus." This is the first engraved map i>n which an v part of THE TKCE America was shown. Greenland (hereattached to the North-East of A.«ia) is in this map drawn for the first time separated from Europe. A little below Greenland there is a peninsula marked "Terra Nova," which repre- sents perhaps the results of Cabot's voyages. Below this appear Cuba (only half of which is drawn), Spagnola and the other islands. Beneath these again is drawn the nonh-east corner of South America, entitled "Terra sancte crucis sive Mundus novus." The present is the issue with the '-Plisacus Sinus " marked upon the east coast of Asia. 28124 1511 CLAUDIl PTHOLEMAEI Alexandrini Liber Geo- grapliise cum tabulis et universal! figura et cum additions locorum quae a recentioribus reperta sunt, diligenti cura [Bernardi SrLVAKi Eboliensis] emendatus et impressus, roy. folio, title printed in red, 92 leaves, of which the last 30 contain 28 large ivoodcut -maps, with the names printed in red and black upon them, hf. hd. £8. 8s Venetiis, J. P. de Leucho, 1511 28125 the same, folio, clean copy, vellum, £10. 10s 28126 the same, folio, fine copy, ruled, with initial letters painted, old calf, £12. 12s Rare. It is three years later than the Roman edition with Ruysch's map which contained the first published delineation of America (South America, Cuba and the islands). The map of the world, which is in the above volume, represents the New World in an extremely curious way. Brazil, a large tract, is called Terra Santse Crucis, and the cartographer evinces acquaintance with the results of Columbus' third voyage, and Vespucci's second and third voyages. The contmuiiy is broken by the margin in conse- quence of the peculiar plan of the map, so that Cuba and Hispaniola appear next above near their proper places ; and far beyond them, at the same deyree of latitude as Ireland, an unfinished shore bearing the words "Regalis Domus," indicates the northern continent, while Labrador (Terra Laboratorus) is represented as an island off the coast. This is the first graphic kecord of the discoveries (in 16U0) of Corte Real. Greenland (Engronelat) is drawn as a peninsula of north-west Europe. Coming nearer home, it is remarkable that in this book, Scotland is properly drawn for the first time as forming a northern extension of England. It is also remarkable for the manner in which the names are printed on the maps, this having been done by types after the woodcut had been worked off. This is the first instance in which such a method of operation was ever adopted. 28127 1513 PTOLEMEI (Claudii) . . . Geographie opus nouissima traductione e Grecorum archetypis castigatis.sime pressum (edentibus Jacobo Eszler et Georgio Ubelin), large folio, stained, some leaves mended, otherwise a fair copy, 47 woodcut maps, hf. hd. hogshin, £25. Argentine, Joannes Schott, 1513 The most remarkable of the early Ptolemies in its geographical importance. It contains two maps which were here j)rinted for the first time, and which GEOGRAPHY: MODERN MAPS. 2757 may undoubtedly be held to represent the cartographical labours of Amerigo Vespucci. One of them is the Bydrographia (or " Hyiirographie Portugaise" as it is often called), which forms the first of the supplementary maps ; the other is ihe Tabula Terre nove, which is the second of that series, and which might be thought to contain the New-World portion of the Hydrographia engraved on a larger scale and more detailed, but it is really quite a different map. Only one map is alluded to in ihe address Ad Lectorein which precedes those supplementary maps, and it is said to have been presented to the editors more than six years earlier, by Rene Dnke of Lorraine, when they had commenced to work on the publication of Ptolemy. The histoiy of the edition is prnbaMy to be explained thus. On the publication of Vespucci's four voyages early in 1.505. a copy with the dedication altered so as to suit the recipient, was sent to King Rene, along with two manuscript maps prepared apparently by Vespucci's hand. He delivered the book and the maps to the St. Di4 College, and thev produced the Cosmographia of 1507 as a translaiion of the Italian text. The maps were reserved to be used for an edition of Ptolemy then projected, and the work of engraving was probably begun at once, but difficulties arose with regard to the text when they began to edit the Latin translation of Htolemy. Finding it necessary to collate it with a Greek text, Philesius was sent to Italy. Pico di Mirandola furnished him with a Greek MS. for the use of the editors, and sent a highly complimentary letter, which is printed at the beginning of the volume, bearing date 1508. The labour must have proved enormous and discouraged the editors, for they say in the Ad Lectorem that it had gone to sleep six years before in the rocks of the Vosges, and was now at last roused inio public ition in Strassburg. The words concerning the procurement and the authorship of the map are as follows : — " Charta aufem marina quam Hydrographiam vocant per Adniiralcm quondam serenissi. Portugalie regis Kerdinandi ceteros denique lustratores verissimis peragrationibus lustrata, ministerio Renati, diim vixit, nunc ])ie mortui, Ducis illustriss. Lotharingie liberalius prelographati )ni tradita est." The blunder either in the name of the king or that of the country has led to various interpretations, and the Admiral referred to is generally supposed to mean Columbus, but it is more probable that the phrase refers to Vesiaicci, wl.o, in 1504, was a sea-captain m the Portuguese service. It is a trifling matter, but one of some .'ignificance for the deterniinaiion of this disputed point, that in the delineation of Spain, there is no town or port marked except Lisbon. The first map or Hydrographia is a general view of the world from Cathay on tlie right hand to the New World on the left. The American portiim con^ists of the coa^t of South America from the Gulf of Venezuela to the port of Cananea (12 degrees North to 25 degrees South latitude — it is marked 15 N.L. to 35 S.L). with the islands of Cuba and S. Domingo. There are only a few inscriptions, seven in all ; and there is nothing further, except the outlines of a small portion of derached coast lying opposite Ireland, in the mid-sea, between 50 and 62 degrees N.L. This is evidently intended to represent the discoveries of Corte Real. — The second map is the Tabula Terre Nove above mentioned. It omits entirely the Corte-real coast which appears in the Hydrographia, but extends in S. America to the same degree of S.L. as that map. It is lull of names along the sea coast from Cabo del Mar Usiano on the north, to about 25 (marked 35) degrees of south latitude, where it ends with Rio Cananor (Cananea Bay), and seems to corre- spond exactly with the extent claimed by Vespucci as having been explored in his four voyages (including also an evidence that Cabral's discovery was included). There can be little doubt, notwithstanding the absence ot the peninsula of Yucatan (which proves that during the coasting voyaue described by Vespucci as his first, the usual hydrographic observations were frequently preteriiiiited) that we have in the northern portion a delineation of the Gulf of Mexico, the coast and point of FloriHa, and the coast of the Eastern United States as far as Cape Hatteras. As for the degrees of latitude they are of course monstrously exaggerated. The equator is placed about 5 degrees north of its true level both in America and in Africa ; and as the design extends northward, the error diminishes on the eastern side of the Atlantic bnt increases on the western. Cuba is placed 10 degrees north of it« true 2758 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. . liititude, and the Cabo del Mar Usiano (Cape Hattex-as) is some 19 degrees above its proper place. This map— prepared for the engraver by Martinus Waldseemiiller (Hyla- comylusi — bears the inscription " Hue terra cum adiacentibus insnlis inventa est per Columbum .Jaiuiensem ex mandato Regis Castelle," which appeared here for the first time, and was frequently repeated on later maps. Not only may the Ptolemy of 1.513 be said to cfmtain the Editio Princeps of the Admiral's map, but it would even be correct to describe it as (excluding its I'eissue in Schott's second edition of 1.520) the only edition of that map, since all the later reproduction.s, except of course modern facsimiles, follow the Ptolemy of 1522. Humboldt has put forward an opinion that Waldseemiiller executed these maps, and also those which appeared in the Ptolemy of 1522 and 1525. A faithful comparison will preclude all supposi- tion that the same hand could have been employed in both ; for : Ithough the maps of 1522 and 1525, published by Laurentius Frisius, are ostensibly close reproductions of those of 1513, yet the difference between them is scientifi- cally and critically very great. It can at once be seen that the original maps are valuable and authentic documents, while the latter ones are careless and inexact imitations, not only without any attempt to improve upon the earlier labour, but even omitting some of the names because they were too numerous or not sufficiently clear ; blurring, rouu ling, and distorting the coast-outlines. On the fly-leaf is pasted an inscription in Latin (dated Sept. 1, 1540), to the effect that this book was given by John Faber, Bishop of Vienna, to the students of the College of St. Nicholas. 28128 1513 Major (R. H.) On a Mappemonde by Leonardo da Vinci,' being tlie earliest map hitherto known containing the name of America, impl. 4to. facsimile of MS. Mappemonde, cloth, 15s 1865 28129 1515 SCHCENER (Joannis) Luculentissima quseda terrae totius descriptio : cu multis vtilissimis Cosmographiae iniciis, tvith the rare slip of Errata, and the separate leaf tvhich contains a large woodcut of his terrestrial globe, small 4to. £25. Noriberg.. 1515 The Luculentissima Descriptio is the second geographical work in which the name of America was used to designate the N'5w World. (The first was the Cosmographia, which see post in the section " Narratives of Voyagers " Vespdcci.) In some respects the early ideas of Schoner were superior to the later. In 1515 he held that "America sive Amerigen novus niundus" was the " quarta orbis pars" and an " insula niiriB magniiudinis." He goes on to say that " Parias insula " is not a portion of the preceding island, but a special great portion of the ^1e^y fourth part of the world. This implies the recognition of a new and distinct continent, which he rejects in the late Opusculum. We know that by Parias is not meant the gulf and coast of Paria, in South America, which Columbus visited in 1499, but the Lariab of Vespucci (mis- written or misprinted Pariasin the Cosniographioe Introductio oi 1507), which was probably in Guatemala ; and therefore, having regard to the article "Brasilife regio," a little further on, we may conclude that Schoner's idea was that of a new continent, consisting of three great islands, lying fx'om north- west to south-east, Lariab or Parias being the noribernmost, and correspond- ing to North America; America sive Amerigen lying in the middle and corresponding to Yucatan, Central America, Nicaragua; Brasilia lying south-east, and corresponding to South America. In his description of the minor islands of the New World, we find Spagnolla. Isabella, etc., and the Madeiras. He sums up his chapter by saying. Thus the world is known as being of four parts ; the first three parts are continents, that is, terra firma, and the fourth an iiland, since on every side it is observed to be surrounded by the sea. The word insula, an island, may be taken to mean insular in a general sense, but the statement that the insularity was proven, in conjunction with the assertion that " modica est distantia ah hac BrasiliaB regione ad Mallaquam ubi S. Thomas apostolus martyrio coronatus," is a singular circumstance in a book which preceded Magellan's voyage by some years. GEOGRAPHY: MODERN MAPS. 27o9 28130 1520 SOLIXUS. Joannis Camertis in C. Julii Solini UoXvuTwpa Enarrationes, Facsimile of Apianus' celebrated map (the earliest ■issued in any printed book ivith the name of America inscribed) belonging to this edition, folio, 21 5 Viennie Austrice, 1520 28131 1522 APIANI (Petri) De^laiatio: et Vsus Typi Cosmographici, sm. 4to. 8 leaves, with little tvoodcut Mappa Mundi on the title showing an island lying in the ocean east of Asia and marked with the letters am, red morocco, by Bedford, £21. [Lajidisutce] 1522 The particular value of this tract lies in its excessive rarit}', and the fact that it contains the small map with the word " Am." two years before the first edition of the Cosmographicus Liber. There is also a section of the text with the heading " America '' following similar paragraphs headed " Europe," " Asia." " Aphrica," and one with the general heading "Mundi in quattuor pai-tes divisio." 28132 Ptolemy. Map of America (Terra Nova) and the W. Indies, entitled Tabula Ter. Novcb, extracted from Ptolemy of 1522, on a folio sheet folded, -with letterpress on the back describing the discoveiy of America by Christopher Columbus, 36s 1522 This map was also inserted in the Pompouius Mela of 1.522. It is a copy of the corresponding map in the 1513 Ptolemy, with a few added inscriptions, including the word America on the Southern continent, and the name Parias on the land which coasts the Gulf of Mexico. This peculiarity is significant as showing where the " Lariab " of Vespucci's first voyage was supposed to lie. See note to Schoner, No. 28129. 28133 1523 Schoner (J.) Lettre a propos de son Globe, ecrite en 1523 (en Latin), reimpression fidele, Svo. sd. Ss 6d St. Petersburg, 1872 Only 40 copies reprinted by Vamhagen. 28134 1524 APIANI (Petri) Cosmographicus Liber, sm. 4to. first EDITION, numerous ivoodcuts, maps, and Geometrical and Astro- nomical Diagrams, u'ith Volvelles and other movable pieces, staviped pigskin, £12. Excusmn Landshutce typis Jo. Weysseniurgers, 1524 " Edition tres-rare. et la premiere qui ait paru de cet ouvrage.'' — Bnmet. Contains : Title ; Dedication, 1 leaf ; Index, 2 leaves ; Text, 104 numbered pages; Appendix, 3 leaves. Harrisse gives the collation as: Title, 5 prel. 11. (which sometimes appear at the end of the book) and 104 11. of text. Apianus was the designer of the map which appeared in the celebrated work of Gamers upon Solinus in 1520, and was consequently the first promoter of the name America in the long series of maps issued with geographical treatises. The Cosmographicus Liber has two small maps, on pages 2 and 63, bearing the delineation and title of America, and the fourth chapter of the second part is an article devoted entirely to America and Vespucci, ignoiiug the name of Columbus. In the seventeenth chapter, " America " is mentioned as an island along with Sicilv, Java, and Rhodes. 28135 1525 CLAUDII PTOLEMAEI Geographicse Enarrationis libri octo Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete, (ace.) annotationes J. de Regio Monte in errores commissos a Jacobo Angelo in translatione sua, folio, curious initials ivith borders, 50 large woodcut maps, original calf, slightly stained and wormed, £6. 10s Argentoragi (sic) J. Grieninger, 1525 2813'j the same, folio, large copy in half calf , £9. 9s 1525 The Bodleian Liliiary possesses only an imperfect copy of this edition, and there is none at all in the Grenville Library. l{:\\r\s%%(Bihl. Americana' 2760 BERNARD QUAUITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. had not seen one, describing it only from the catalogue of a private collec- tion. The maps are the same as those in the edition of 15:!2. The last sheet is the famous map s^i^ned by L. F. (Laurentius Frisius) dated 1.5'22, and entitled '' Orbis ttpus universalis," which bears the name *' America." This map is not a new one, but simply a reproduction of one in the Ptolemy of lol3, with the name America added. The discovery of Columbus is described on the sheet numbered 28, and the two inner pages of that sheet contain a Map of America, or rather of the Western Ocean and Terra Nova, with the Islands. Again, the last map but one. which represents Gronlandia et Russia, is really a map of the Eastern Hemisphere, but also contains por- tions of the American coasts. As the collation is always incorrectly given, an exact description is appended. Folios 1-82, numbered, including title ; annotations of Kegiomontanus, 14 leaves, unnumbered ; index Ptolemaei, 34 leaves, unnumbered ; followed by the Maps. They consist of sheets numbered 1-26 ; general Piolem£ean map ; sheets 28-50 (with two Nos. 36 by mistake for 35 and 36 ; 46 and 47 on one sheet ; and 50 unnumbered). 28137 1529 Apianus. Cosmographicus liber, studiose correctus ac erroribus vindicatus per Gemmam Phrysium, sm. 4to. mappeynondes (including the two small maps hearing the name "America"), with movable diagrams, etc. as in the first edition, hf. bd. 305 Antuerpice, R. Bollaert, 1529 In addition to the matter of the first edition, this edition has some further astronomical disquisitions by Gemma Frisius, and, at the end of the table of American islands, a description of Peru, which had been recently discovered by the Spaniards (the date being fixed as 1530). Moreover, the figure of the American continent, in the first of the two small maps, is altered and improved. 28138 [Apiani] Cosmograpliiae Introductio . . . 12 mo. ivoodcuts, vellum, 20s Ingolstadii, 1529 (-33 28139 another edition, 12mo. ivoodcuts, bds. 5s Venet. 1537 28140 another edition, 12mo. woodcuts, vellum, 5s ih. 1541 A compendium of the Cosmographicus Liher, containing the name of America twice, and a short account of the New World, now discovered to be an island though the explorations of Vesputius " sagacis ingenii vir." 28141 1530 PORTOLANO. Three large Manuscript Maps, 22 inches by 15, coloured and illuininated, momited on thick paper and folded in folio form, bds. £10. circa 1530 This valuable MS. delineates Maritime Europe, with the seas, islands, and coasts, thus including the shores of Asia, and to as far south as Cape B'anco on the West African coast. It also exhibits the '' Ocean Occidental " with the Azores, the Madeiras, and the Canary Islands. The date of the MS. is fixed by the cross which appears on both the if- lands of Rhodes and Malta, by which it must be c< ncluded that the Knights had but lately removed to the latter island ; and by the cross also marked on the isle of Scio, which shows that its surrender by the Venetians to the Turks, in 1540, had not yet taken place. The double-headed eagle which surmounts the crown over the Spanish arms shows that Charles V. was still on the Imperial throne. Special prominence is given to the French royal escutcheon, and this with the one French inscription, ''L'Ocean Occidental," makes it appear that the author was a subject of Francis I., although the written part of the maps is almost entirely Italian, 28142 APIANI (Petri) Universalior cogniti Orbis Tabula, a large Map, 21| inches by 15^, mounted on linen, unique, £40. (Ingolstadii) 1530 This large chart was produced by Apianus at his private-press in Ingolstadt. It exhibits the peculiariiy of a heart-shaped map of the world before the appearance ot the well-known map of Oronce Fine, hitherto supposed to have been the first of the kind. The French caitographer, though only one year later than Apiani, was able to fill his map with a number of GEOGRAPHY: MODERN MAPS. 2761 useful names from the reports of recent discoverr, but his theory of the identity between China and the lands lying north-west of Florida vitiated all his work ; while Apianns had evidently learned from Vespucci to abandon the old hallucinaticjn of Columbus. This lar^e and elaborate world-map was prepared by Apianus as an improvement on that which appeared in the Solinus of 1520. It is largely based on the discovery of Vespucci, and in the upper margin, there are two smaller world-maps exhibiting comparatively the extent of the globe according to the " t (bservatio Ptolem." and the " Observatio Vespu." In the large map itself, the coasts of Greenland coalesce with those of Labrador, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence is plainly indicated. South of the gulf, the northern limit ot the contmental shore reaches to about 38 degrees N.L. (marked 40), indicating the north-westwardly recession of the coast from the point of C. Hatteras towards Chesapeake Bay. The line of land is continued below along the shores of Carolina, Georgia, Florida, round Cape Sable, with the entire coast of the Mexican Gulf, Mexico, Yucatan, Homiuras, Central America, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, till it fades into an indistinct and unfinished outlme at about 45 dejirees S L. The island of Cuba is marked Isabella, while the land of Central America bears the name of " Terra de Cuba." From the Gulf of Maracaibo to that of Paria, the coast is marked with the words, " lUi 8ut sub Carolo Rom. Jmperatore." From the mouth of the Amazon, that is from about 5 degrees S.L., the coast line proceeds southwardly with but nncertam resemblance to the reality. We find the words " Terra Nova " and ''Hie reperiuntur P*ittaci rubri," and "Bri>ilici sive Paragalli," this last inscription appearing opposite tUe embouchure of a river which is plainly meant for Kio Janeiro, and falls into the ocean at 2.3 degrees S.L. At 30 degrees S.L. the line is broken by a very broad strait, gulf, or river-month, which evidently represents the mouth of La Plata. Below it the omline runs a considerable distance further to the south, but without any distinctness, broken off aitosrether at 46 S.L. The map is rledica'ed to Leonardus ab Fck and bears his arms. 28143 1533 SCHONERI ( loannis ) Carolostadii Opvscvlvm Geo- graphicrra ex diversorvm libris ac cartis . . . collectnm, small 4to. woodcuts of globes, velhim, £7. lOs {Norih. 1533) An opuscule of no slight interest to the American collector. It is the first expression in print of an idea that has led to long and bitter contro- versy- nan^ely, that Vespucci himself bestowed the name of America upon the New World. Otherwise it is more curious than valuable, as for instance, when he discusses the idea of the revolution of the earth round the sun, and dismisses it as erroneous. His ideas concerning the New World had under- gone some change from the time when he wrote ihs Lucule-ntissima Descriptio. He describes the land found by Vespucci as the continent of Upper India, citing the voyage of Magellan as a proof ; and then proceeds to mention the Bachalaos, Florida, Mexico, Darien, Uraba, and Canibalia as portion of it. The islands of_ the Moluccas lay on the further side of it, the islands of Yucatan, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Cuba on the hither side ; while he chides Columbus and Vespucci for having considered the mainland they discovered to be an island. His last chapter is on Brasilia. The article is accompanied by two astronomical tracts of Schoner : Abrusahk Azarcheles Saphea recentiores doctrinse, a Schonero emendatae 1534; loannis de Monteregio Problemata Sapheup, cum praef. Schoneri, 1534; and a treatise "De situ ac moribus regnornm omnium." 28144 1534 VADIANUS. Epitome trivm terr^ paetivm, Asi^, Africse, et _ Evropae, per loachimvm Yadianvm medicum, folio, first edition, with the large folding map (in which South America was for the first time draivn in its complete outline with approximate correctness), limp wrapper, £3. 3s Tiguri, Christ. Frosch. 1.334 tte same, map, Tiguri, 1534— Postelli (Gul.) de Oibis Terree Concordia Jibri TV, sine nota ; 2 vols, in 1, gm. folio, old stamped pigskin, £5. 1634 18144*- 2762 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28145 VADIANI (loachimi) Epitome trivm Terrse partivm, 12mo. ivith the large folding map, fine copy in bds. rare, £3. 3s Tiguri, Chi-isfojyh. Fi-oschoner. 1534 The above is the only copy of this octavo edition I have ever seen containing the map. 28146 Epitome topograpWca totivs orbis, original calf, £2. 2s Antverpice, J. Grapheus, 1535 This edition has no maps ; it omits the prefatory ejnstle to Bullinger, and adds at the end (after the chapter on the Isles of the Ocean which contains the reference to America) a treatise by Erasmus on the Peregri- nations of SS. Peter and Paul. It is bound up with two tracts by J. Cochleeus and one by Georgius Wicelius. 28147 1535 PTOLEM^I (Claudii) Geogi-aphic^ Enarrationis libri octo, ex Pirckeymheri tralatione a Michaele Villanovano (Serveto) recogniti, folio, 50 very large woodcut maps, fine tall cojjy, bd. £5. Liigduni, Melchior et Gaspar Trecltsel, 1585 28148 the same, folio, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Fetit, £8. 8s 1535 Rare, all the coj)ies that could be obtained having been ordered to be burned by Calvin It is the most famous edition in the entire series of Pto emies, in consequtnce of the paragraph that caused the martyrdom of Servetus. This paragraph is alluded to by Ebert, Hrunet, Harrisse, and others, but all of them make the same mistake with regard to its position in the book. It appears on the map of Palestine in the second series, and the fault lay in accusing the " Biblici libri"' of " injuria aut jactantia pura ;" but, of course, Servetus was not the author of the passage, having merely repiinted it from the editions of 152^; and 1.52.'). Indeed the labours of Servetus were not very heavy ; he did but reprint those editions, with a few additions, a few omi-isions, and a total substitution of text only in the desciiptions of France, Spain, (iermany, and Italy. Here, Servetus expresses freely his (»wn opinions and prejudices, which differ extremely from those of his prededessor. With regard to Germany, he quotes " producit Hungaria boves, Bavaria sues, Franconia cepas rapas et glycerhisiam, Suevia mereirices, Boemia hereticos, Bavaria iterum fures, Helvetia carnifices bubsequas, Westialia fallaces, tota denique Germania ac totus septemirio gulones et potatores." To the identical account of Columbus which appeared in the editions of 1522 and 152.5, Servetus has appended a few remarkable words concerning the absurdity of putting the claims of Americus in precedence to those of the real discoverer. The maps are the same as those in the edition of 1525. 28149 1536 Glareani (H.) de Geographia liber unus, ab ipso authore jam tertio recognitus, sm. 4to. diagrams, vellum, 7s 6d apud Frihnrgum Brisgoiae 1536 Thirty-five numbered leaves, including title. See for reference to America the chapter, entitled "de regiouibus extra Ptolemaeum." 28150 Glareani Geographia Liber unus ab ipso authore jam tertio recognitus, 12mo. title torn, diagrams, bds. 7s 6d Venetiis, 1538 28151 1537 [SACROBOSCO (J. de)]Spheravolgarenovamente tradotta con molte notande additioni, sm. 4to. numerous tooodcuts, in- cluding tioo small globes with the delineation and name of America, hf. bd. £5. Venetia, Zanetti, 1537 28152 1538 Solinus. Polyhistor, huic Pomponii Melae de Situ Orbis libros III. adjunximus, folio, old stamped pigskin, with clasps, £3. 5s Basil, 1538 This edition is not in H:;rri8-e. There are several woodcuts and two nifips, ni one of whicli America is designated " Terra Incognita." GEOGRAPHY : MODERN MAPS. 2768 28153 SOLINI Poljhistor, Rerum toto Orbe Meraorabilium Thesaurus locupletissimus, huic Pomponii Melae de Situ Orbis libros fcres adjunximus, with tooodcut inaps in the text, and 2 separate, on one of which America (" Terra Incognita ") appears, Basil. 1543 — Gerbelii (Nic.) pro declaratione picturse suae sive descriptionis Graeciae Sopbiani, libri VII, ih. (1550) ; 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, calf, £4. 4s 1543-50 An interesting- volume, as containing the autograph of the celebrated author of the Anatomy of Melancholy — " Rob. Burton ex sede (!ri. Oxon." — The maps of the Solinus belong properly to the period between the issue of the first Novus Orbis (1532) and the Miinster Ptolemy of 1540. 28154 1540 POMPONII MELAE de orbis situ libri tres, accuratissime emendati, una cum commentariis Joachimi Vadiani, adjecta epistola Vadiani ad Rudolphum Agricolam scripta Anti- podius, etc.), folio, tvith the famous and rare heart-shaped World-map of Oronce Finee, exceedingly fine tall clean copy, red morocco super extra, gilt marbled edges, hy Petit, £8. 8s Parisiis, Jo. Poigny, 1540 28155 PTOLEMAEI Geograpbia Universalis Vetus et Nova, complectens Ptolemaei enarrationis libros VIII (cum Appendice Seb. Munsteri), etc. sm. folio, 48 large woodcut maps, vellum, £5. Basil., Henricus Petrus, 1540 The parent edition of a new series of Ptolemies. Miinster, the famous cosmographer, edited it, re-designing the maps, according to the lights of fresh discovery, and thenceforward each new edition has followed or improved upon his work. In the first Map — Typus Universalis — the continent of America is divided into three parts: Francisca (Canada); Terra Florida, with Temistitan (Mexico) which is broken off from Florida by the circimi- ference line of the circle, and consequently appears on the extreme right in the Asiatic half of the globe ; and America seu insula Brasilii {South America.) Maps 2-28 contain the series of Ptolemy's ancient maps, as designed by Miinster. Then follow the twenty maps of the modern world, of which the seventeenth contains the Novus Orbis, that is, North and South America, extending from Labrador to Tierra del Fuego. Naturally great portion of the outline is conjectural, and there are no details. The general representation of the New World is one of the earliest printfd maps in which the entire continent appears, with the western outlines of the Pacific coast of S. America in fairly accurate design. 28156 PiOLEMiEi Geograpbia, maps, Basil. 1540 — SOLINI Polybistor, Rerum toto Orbe Memorabilium Thesaurus locupletissimus, huic Pomponii Melee de Situ Orbis libros tres adjunximus, maps, Basil. 1538 ; together 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, old calf, £10. 1538-40 The Solinus contains besides a small woodcut map of Italy in the text, two large maps, viz : Typus Greece; and another, representing Asia, with the North-East of Africa. In the top right-hand corner of this map is a small part of North America (" Terra Incognita ") separated from Asia by the Pacific. 28157 1543 Diontsids Lybicus Poeta de situ babitabilis Orbis, a Simone Lemnio Poeta Laureate nuper Latinus factus, 12mo. calf, 28s Venetiis, per Bartholomeum cognomento Pnperatorem, 1543 A scarce edition with a spherical map on title, having " America. " on it. 189 2/64 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28158 1544 Appian's smaller Map of the World (as distinguislied from liis larger maps of 1520 and 1530) — first pnhlished in 1544, and issued with all later editions of the Cosmo cjrapliia 1544 see below under 1548 and 1584. 28158*1545 MEDINA (Pietro da) l'arte del navegar, in la qnal si contengono le regole, decMarationi, secreti, & aiiisi, alia bona nauegation necessarii . . . tradotta de lingua Spagnola in volgar Italiano . . . [da Vicenzo Paletino da Corzula], sm. 4to. woodcuts and diagrams, and full-page map of the Neio World, fine copy in smooth olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s Vinetia, Gioanhatt. Pedrezann, 1555 The Spanish original having been printed in 1545, the map may be taken to represent the results of Spanish discovery in 1540, Pedro de Medina having been the otficial examiner of Pilots. It is interesting as showing the mouth of the Spirito Santo (the Mi^sissippi) and the lands aronnd the River and Gulf of St. Laurence. In the latter case Newfoundland has not yet become an island, the straits of Belle-isle being still unknown, and only a deep inlet divides it from Labrador. The River Saguenay is shown at its entry into the Sr. Laui'ence, which is a remarkable feature in so early a map. 28159 1545 ATLAS, or PORTOLANO, of the whole world as known about the year 1545-48 (perhaps by BATTISTA AGNESE), sm. folio, Manuscript on Vellum, consistijig of 2^ leaves of Maps executed in colours, heightened loith gold, every page surrounded hy an arabesque harder in gold, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Petit, £50. (? Venice ahout 1550) This is a Hydrographic Atlas of the World, of extreme importance to American students, as it is perhaps the only set of maps (besides the celebrated Eibero MS. chart of 1527), showing, by what is absolute proof, that the explorations of Estevam Gomez are depicted from original designs. On the second last map we find two inscriptions which are decisive on the point. On one of the Mauritius islands there are the words " i. discubrio Esteua Comes," and on the American continent, in the region which afterwards became Pennsylvania, there is a similar record, " tera che discobrio Stevan Comes." (This second inscription is repeated in the same locality on the last map.) Now, there is very little known about Estevtin Gomes beyond the facts that he stai'ted with Magellan as pilot, joined the Spanish mutineers against his leader, and returned to Spain in the ship San Antonio which deserted the Victoria, just as it was about to enter the famous strait ; and that afterwards in 1525 he was sent to explore the coasts north of Florida. In the two inscriptions above quoted, one referring to a place ofE the east of Africa, and the year 1505 or 1506, the other relating to the region of the United States and the year 1525 or 1526, we find the discoveries of Gomes recorded on a single map, which is pi'obably unique in this respect. We may therefore draw^ the safe conclusion that Gomes's own charts were in the hands of GEOGRAPHY: MODERN MAPS. 2765 the chartographer. The date of the lattei''s work is evident from the nature of the maps ; Japan is still the old island of Marco Polo, Yucatan is still an island, and the -svestern coast line of South America is a blank from about the region of Lima to the vicinity of Magellan's Straits. We can have no doubt therefore that the Atlas was compiled about 1545, or between 1545 and 1550. California is delineated as a peninsula with the " Mare Vermiglio " between it and the mainland. BotTi the American coasts are thickly studded with names, and the eastern outline of North America is given with tolei'able accuracy, all the way from Mexico to Labrador, marking the Rio del Spirito Santo (Mississippi) and the Gulf of St. Laurence (v. hich is without a name). "Terra di Bacalaos " is marked, not on Newfoundland, but on Labrador. One of the islands in that gulf is marked " I. de la Fortuna." The names on the coast between the point of Florida and " Tera de Bertoni " are " Aguarda ; Tera di Licenciados ; Aillon ; Bio di S. Zuan ; C. di S.Maria; vila di Christoval ; vila di S.Antoni; n. verde ; rio di hona mad^e ; S. Ziiane Batista ; Montanas ; C di mucesilas (?); tera che discohrio Stevan Comes ; C. diloverta (?)." Folio 1 : an Escutcheon, probably argent with bend gides in the midst of a mass of beautiful arabesque decoration in gold ; 2, 3 : a celestial Globe with the Signs of the Zodiac and a set of tables ; 4 : a picture of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Elements ; 5, 6 : map of the two Hemispheres, in distinct circles ■,7,8: map of the World on a plane projection ; 9, 10 : map of the World in five sections ; 11, 12 : map of Europe; 13. 14 : Western half of the ]\Iediterranean with the adjacent countries ; 15, 16 : Italy and the Mediterranean, with pictures of Venice and Genoa ; 17, 18 : Spain and the Coast of Barbary ; 19, 20: Eastern half of the Mediterranean, and the adjacent countries ; 21,22: the Blank Sea and the surrounding countries ; 23, 24 : Southern Africa and Southern Asia ; 25, 26 : Africa and South America ; 27, 28 : New Spain, Central America, Tierra Firme, and tlie extreme south of South America. The plans of Venice and Genoa, which are both given in small pictures, surmounted by the flags of the two republics, in their places on the map of Italy, lead us to infer that a man connected with both cities was ■ the chartographer. Agnese was such. 28160 1546 VADIANI Epitome trivm terrae partivm . . . ab ipso avthore diligenter recognita & multis in locis aucta . . . acces- serunt & Tabulse regionum ac insularii omnium . . . 12mo. 13 woodcut maps, twelve being double-page size, and one a single page, original fine copy on vellum, £2. 85 Tiguri, apud FroscJi, 1543 28160* another copy, 12mo. original liogsTcin, the date erased from the title-page, £2. 1548 The first large map is a mappemonde rednced fnin the large map of 1534. and signed " Tiguri HVE MDXLVI." It is heart-sh.ape and differs slightly from that by aiding the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola. and changing 189 * 2766 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. the words " Terra de Cuba," which in the former appeared on the North American continental shore to " Parias." It also adds the islands of the Indian Ocean, including a large one which may represent " Java Major " or the rhilippines, and inserts another island south of Madagascar. 28161 1547 PTOLEMEO. La Geografia. . . con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fatteui da Sabastiano mniistero Alamanno, con le tauole non solemente antiche & moderne . . ma altre nnoue aggiunteui di Meser lacopo Gastaldo . . ridotta in volgare Italiano da M. Pietro Andrea Mattiolo . . sm. 8vo. 60 engraved maps of double-f age-size, of tvhicJi seven relate to America, hf. hd. £5. Venetia, G. B. Pedrezano, 1548 ( — at end, 1547) The American majis in this edition have an original value ; having been constructed according to the latest results of exploration so far as Gastaldo was able to utilize them. Even his errors have significance, and deserve investigation. The map of South America is the first which contains anything like a correct drawing of the whole coast of that continent, and which gives the names of the cities of Cuzco and Quito, with the full length of the Amazon from its mouth to its sources south of Quito. It is true that the relative positions of the towns are incorrect, and that Quito and the Amazon sources lie one at 26 and the other at 35 degrees S. L., but the fact that they are included with many names of places that had not been given before, give this work a marked position in the Ptolemy series. 28162 Gemma Phrysius de Principiis Astronomiae at Cosmographise : deque nsu Globi, de Orbis divisione, et insnlis, rebusque rniper inventis, etc. Paris. 1549 — Robertus, Episcopus Abrincatensis, Antidotum ad postulata de [interim:], Lugd. 1548 — Erasmi Roterdami (Des.) Apologia adversns articnlos aliquot per monachos quosdam in Hispaniis exhibitos, Basil. 1529 ; in 1 vol. 12mo. velhim, 20s 1529-48 28163 1548 APIANO, Libro delaCosMOGEAPHiA,augmentadopor Gemma Frisio, con otros libros del diclio Gemma, agora traduzidos en Romance Castellano, small 4to. folding map ivith the name America, and tvoodctits, and revolving diagrams, tall copy, hf. hd. £3. Enveres, 1548 28164 the same, sm. 4to. green m,orocco, with the arms of J. Gomez de la Cortina on sides, £3. 10s 1548 28165 APIANI Cosmographia, per Gemmam Frisium ancta et illustrata, 4to. large mappemonde, with a couple of smaller maps, also com- prising America, numerous diagrams, loith movable pieces, fine copy in the original stamped hogshin, £6. 5s Parisiis, Vivant Gualtherot, 1551 28166 Cosmographie de Pierre Appian, nouvellement traduicte en Francois par Gemma Frisius, de nouveau angmentee, sm. 4to. with the same ivoodcuts as in the Latin edition, vellum, £4. 4s ih. 1551 28167 Cosmographia, per Gemmam Frisium aucta et illustrata, sm. 4to. same woodcuts, vellum, £2. 2s ih. 1553 28168 1550 MUNSTERE (Sebast.) La Cosmographie Universelle, contenant la situation de toutes les parties du monde, avec leurs proprietez & appartenances, stout sm. folio, 14 woodcut maps, with many fine icoodcut vie^vs, figures, etc. old calf, £2. 10s Bale, Henry Pierre, 1552 An imperfect copy, wanting pp. 153-160, 193-196, 691-698, 759-762, and GEOGRAPHY: MODERN WORKS. 2767 1255-1258. The maps include one of the World, and one of North and South America. 28169 MuNSTERi (Seb.) Cosmogi'aphise Universalis Lib. VI, sm. stout folio, 14 fine woodcut maps, views, initial letters, figures, etc. wants 1 leaf of Preface, and sigs. LL 2 and 3, in original oak hoards, covered tcith stamped pigshin, £2. 8s Basil., H. Petrus, 1554 The last leaf but one contains a notice in Hebrew on Prester John. The woodcuts, for which Miinster's Cosmography is so much priced, are the same in the French and Latin editions above, as in the German edition of 1550, where they first appeared. On page 488 of the Latin edition, and 5-13 of the French. Gutenberg is declared to have invented printing at Mentz. 28170 1552 MiZALDi (Ant.) de Mundi Splisera, seu Cosmograpliia, libii ires, 12mo. diagrams, hound, 7s Lutetice, 1552 Thi-; poem is dedicated to the learned Lady Margaret of Valois, Duchess of Berr}', who afterwards married Emanuel Philibert of Savoy. She is not to be confounded with the other two Margarets of Valois, who were equally accomplished and are better known. 28171 1554 Agnese (Battista) Fac-simile delle Carte Nautiche dell 'anno 1554, illustrate da T. Fischer, sm. oblong folio, 34 photographic facsimiles, in a portfolio, 15s Venezia, F. Ongania, 1881 L'originale si conserva nella R. Bibl. Marciana di Venezia. 28172 1556 Thevet (A.) Cosmographie du Levant, 4to. elegant ivood- cuts, fine copy in old red morocco, gilt marhled edges, from the Hamilton Palace library, £5. 5s Lion, 1556 28173 GIRAVA (Hieroximo) La Cosmographia y Geographia . . . En la qual se contiene la Descripcion de todo el mundo, j de sus partes, j particularmente de las yndias, y tieiTa nuena . . . sm. 4to. folding map in facsimile, fine clean large copy in polished brown calf extra by Pratt (rare), £3. 10s Venetia, por lordan Zileti, 1570 28174 the same, sm. 4to. ivith the original 'map, fine copy in vellum, £21. 1570 The mappemonde of Caspar Vopelius is rarely found with this book, in which it was first published at Milan in 1556. The preliminary leaves were reprinted in 1570 at Venice ; otherwise there is no difference between the two editions. The map is similar in projection to that used by Vadianus, but there are differences in detail. It is not exactly as it was drawn by Vopelius ; at least, in a printed notice at ilie bottom of the map Girava states that he had used Vopelius's work as the basis of his own. 28175 1561 Yarrerii (Gasp.) Commentarius de Ophyra Regione, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. calf, 36s ConimhriccB, Jo. Alvarus, 1561 A very acutely reasoned dissertation to disprove the notion that Solomon's Ophir was in America, and to show that it was rather some part of India. Consequently Columbus and the American voyages are frequently referred to. The title of the second part is " Garsias Menesius Eborensis prsesnl, apud Xistu. iiii. Ponti. Max. hujuscemodi orationem habuit." 28176 1584 ORTELII Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, opus nunc tertio recognitum et auctum — Parergon in quo veteris Geographise aliquot Tabulae — Nomenclator Ptolemaicus — in 1 vol. roy. folio, the frontispiece and one map, slightly defective, maps, and other engravings elegantly coloured by a contemporary hand, calf, £4. Antv. 1584 This edition comprises 111 sheets of maps, being more than double the num- 27C8 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. ber of t^oscin the first issue of the work in 1570, and twenty-three more than the number of the edition in 1580. The map of China is dated 1584, and the text on the back of it contains two Chinese words in the Chinese character; 80 that this Atlas is really the first European book in which Chinese Chakacters APPEAREn, being one year earlier than the work on China pub- lished by Gonzalez de Mendoza, at Rome, in 1585, to which the priority has hitherto been attributed. In the text to the map of Valentia, there is a singular statement made, which is wholly altered in the later editions. It is ihis : " Ager hnjus urbis (Valentice) ubique a Mauris colitur . . . Avorumqne prosa- piam lingua Arabica et religione Mahumetana palam et vulgo profitentur in hunc usque diem ; conniventibus Rege et Inquisitione." This startling charge appears only in this edition, for in the later ones it is changed as follows : "Ager hujus urbis a genre e Mauris oriunda et paternum sive avitum sermonem ac fere vitte morem adhuc retinente colitur." 28177 Additamentum. Theatri Orbis Terrarum, roy. folio, 24 maj^s, vellum, 20s Antv. 1584 As the 1584 edition contained more maps than the previous editions, the additional maps were printed separately, for insertion in those editions, The Index of this volume only mentions twenty -three maps (Egypt occupying two), but the present copy contains one extra, viz. Valentia. 28178 1584 APIANI et Gemmae Frisii Cosmographia, 4to. 7nap of the World, mimeroiis diagrams, tvith movable pieces, £2. 125 Ant. 1584 28179 the same, 4to. calf, gilt edges, £2. 12s 1584 28180 REISCH (F. G.) Margarita Philosopliica, ab Orontio Finseo locTij^letata, stout sm.. 4to. u-oodcuts, with Apian s map of the World, slightly defective, inserted, hf. hd. £5. 5s Basilece, Seb. Henricpetri, 1583 28181 1587 Map op the World, dedicated to Richard Hakluyt by F. G. S., occapijing a small 4ito. leaf , facsimile, 10s (Paris, 1587) London, 1883 The finest cartographical work produced before the large map done for Hakluyt in 1598. 28182 1590 ACOSTA (loseph de) Historia Natvral y Moral de las Indus, en qvesetratan las cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas, y animales dellas : y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyes, y gouiemo, y gTierras de los Jndios, sm. 4to. First Edition ix Spanish, and also First Edition of the complete icorh, a very fine, large and perfect copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £12. 12s Sevilla, Jnan de Leon, 1590 The preceding edition in Latin consists only of two books : the work was increased to eight in the Spanish translation. Historia natural y moral de las Indias, en que se tratan las cosas notables delcielo, elementos, metales, plantas y animales deellas; y los ritos, ceremonias, leyes, gobiemo y guerras de los Indios, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. calf, 20s Madrid, 1792 Naturall and Morall Historic of the East and West 28183 28184 28185 28186 Indies, translated into English by E. G., sm. 4to. title mounted russia, gilt edges, £4. 1G04 the same, sm. 4to. with the rare original leaf preceding title ivhich hears the signature A hut is othericise blank, very fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £8. 1604 1 Hiatoire Natvrelle et moralle des Indes, tant Orientalles qu' Occidentalles . . traduite en FrarK^-ois par Robert Rcgnault GEOGRAPHY: MODERN WORKS. 2763 Cauxois, sm. 8vo. (12iiio.), fine copy in crvmson morocco extra^ gilt edges, hy Petit, £o Paris, Marc Orry, 1606 Acosta composed part of his work in Peru, and the remainder on his return to Europe. He is one of the most valuable and interesting of the early Spanish wi'iters upon America. Edward Grimeston is said to be the translator. " Joseph DE Acosta, ne a Medina del Campo. vers I'an 1539, passa, apres avoir professe la theologie a Ocaua, en 1571 aux Indes Occident., et fut le second Pi-oviocial de I'ordre des Jesuites au Perou ou il sejourna pendant ITans. II mourut rectcur a Salamanque, le II fevrier, 1600. Sun ouvrage, estime a jaste titre. a ete re-imprime assez sourent et traduit dans presque t utes les l.ingues." — F, de Backer, I. 1. 28187 1590 MYRITII Opusculum Geograpliicum rarum, totius ejus rtegotii rationem complectens, 2 parts in 1 vol. small folio, lai-ge portrait and arms of the author, maps, and several diagrams, with movable jjieces, vellum, 18s Ingoldst. W. Eder, 1590 28188 idem, folio, large papek, 44 Manh leaves of old paper at the end, vellum, 30s 1590 ThLS work is apparently unknown to most of the writers on American bibh'ography. The large folding map of the world contains a map of America, in which the extreme north-w est comer bears the words " India oiientalis." The author seems to have been one of the latest geographers who endeavoui'ed to reconcile the new discoveries with the original theories. There are some chapters specially devoted to a description of the New A\ orkl. The author was a ilaltese by birth, but resided at Katisbou as a c uinianiler of the order of St. John. A piece of verse at the end is addressed to him by Edmund Hollyng, m.d., an Englishman, in Ingolstadt. 1592 Hood (Thomas) American Chart — see Kunstmann, and Dudley, Arcano del Mare. 28189 1595 Magini (J. A.) Geographic; Universae Opus, in qua habeutur Ptolemsei Geographica Enarratio, commentariis illus- trata, et Tabulae, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. three maps of the world, and 61 separate maps, old calf, lbs Colonice, 1597 Of the entire number of maps, nearly 40 represent modern Geography. The various plates in Mhich the iNew World is represented, are drawn from the earlier labours of Mercator. 28190 Geografia cioe descrittione universale delle terra, corretta da G. A. Magini, del Latino nell' Italiano tradotta da L. Cernoti, sm. folio, 64 maps by G. Porro, uncut, £3. 16s Padova, 1620-21 28191 1597 WYTFLIET (Comelii) Descriptionis Ptolemaic^ Aug- mtntum sive OcciDENTis Xotitia, sm. folio, Editio Princeps, very fine impressions of the map of the World, and 18 maps of American Countries, each occupying two pages, vellum, £10. Lovanii, J. Bogardus, 1597 First edition of the first special Atlas of the New World. The text is a compilement of all then existing information. Contents : Engraved title; Privilege, 1 leaf; Lectori, 1 leat (A); Text, pp. 1-104 (A:^-AA3j. At the bottom of the last page are eleven lines of Errata, which are corrected in the later edition of the same year. 28192 Wttfliet, Descriptionis PtolemaicEe Augmentum, sm. folio, 19 maps, that of the Woj-ld being in this copy different from that in the previous edition, lif. green morocco, gilt top, £8. ib. 1597 Engraved title ; Dedication, 1 leaf; Lectori, 1 leaf; Epigram and Privilege, 1 leaf; Text, 191 pp. ; List of Plates, 1 page. 28193 Descriptionis Ptolemaicee Augmentum, sm. folio, 19 maps, ruled, old morocco, gilt edges, £7. 10s Lovanii, Ger. Bivivs, 159S The collation is the same as that of the second of the above eduious of 1697. The map of the World is the same as in the first edition. 2770 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1594-97 Kendal (Abraham) Maps — see post 1646 Dudlet. 28194 1598 Ptolemy. (La Geografia di C. Tolomeo, tradotto da G. Iluscelli, nuovamente amplificata da G. Rosaccio), sm. 4to. wants title, 42 maps, vellum, gilt edges, 32s Venetia, gli heredi di Melchior Sessa, 1598 Contains : Espositioni has Title and 26 11. ; Tavola, 6 11. ; Text, 144 11. 28195 EMERIC MOLLINEUX, Map of the World on the new plane projection, 25 inches in breadth hy 17| in height, printed by the Autotype Company upon y ell oiv-faced paper, £3. 10s (1598-1874) Of the twenty-five copies printed, only one remains for sale. Of the original Map I can only trace the existence of four copies, one of which is to be seen in the Grenville copy of Hakluyt, 3 vols. It is by far the finest Chartographical labour which appeared from the epoch of the discovery of America down to the time of D'Anville — that is for more than two hundred years. Hakluyt intended to insert this map (which must have been already undertaken by Mollineux) in the work published in 1589, but it was not of course ready, and some copies were sent out with a substituted engraving, which is called in the preface " one of the best generall mappes of the world." The latter map was simply a re-engraving from the latest mappemonde of Ortelius (1588); and identical with the one which was regu- larly published in the English edition of Linschoten's Travels; having therefore no original value or interest. The engraver of the great Map, or — as Hakluyt calls it — Terrestrial Globe, was "Mr. Emmeric Mollineux of Lambeth, a rare gentleman in his profession, heing therein for divers years greatly supported by the purse and liberality of the worshipful merchant, Mr. William Sanderson." Every geographical discovery down to the year 1598 appears recorded in his map, which, after ten years' labour, was perhaps not quite ready even for insertion in most of the copies of the 1598 edition. 28196 1603 [JOHNSON (Robert)] Historicall Description of the most famous kingdomes and Commonweales in the Worlde, translated into English, with an Addition of the Relation of Saxony, Geneua, Hungary and Spaine, small 4to. title mended, brown morocco extra, £2. 2s ; or, fine copy in old hf. russia, £S. 3s John Jaggard, 1603 28197 1605 Ptolem^i Geographise Libri VIII Grseco-Latini, Latine primum recogniti et emendati, cum tabulis geographicis ad mentem auctoris restitutis per Gerardum Mercatorem : jam vero ad Grseca et Latina exemplaria a Peti-o Montano recogniti, folio, 28 maps, coloured, small hole in title, fine clean copy, calf neat, £4, Amsterodami, J. Hondius, 1605 The maps relate to the old World only. 28198 1608 QUADI Fasciculus Geographicus complectens praecipua- i-um totius Orbis Regionum tabulas circiter centum, una cum earundem Enai^rationibus, sm. folio, 86 maps, tvith portraits in the margins, including one of Queen Elizabeth on that of Scotland, fine copy in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £3. 10s GiJln, 1008 The map of the world contains only an inferior representation of the New World, but the special maps at the end, of North and South America, Mexico, etc. are very well drawn. The English discoveries in Virginia are already laid down in detail. 28199 1612 MosEMANi (H. F.) Newe Summarische Welt Historia, unnd BcRclireiburig aller Keyserthnmb, Konigreiche, Fiirstenthumb, uiiiul Volcker heutiges Tages aufi" Erdon, 2 parts in 1, sm. 4to. GEOGRAPHY : MODERN WORKS. 2771 slightly wormed, numerous tvoodcuts of costume, hf. red morocco, 15.S Schmalkalden, W. Ketzeln, 1612 Contains : Title ; 13 prel 11. including a spherical map of the World, on two leaves ; 406 pp.; new Title, " Das Ander Theil" (Von der Newen Welt) ; 78 pp., including title. 28200 1616 JOHNSON (Robert) Relations of the most famous Kingdoms and Commonweales thorough, the worlde, enlaz'ged according to moderne Observation, sm. 4to. limp vellum, with the autograph of Tho. Carleton (about 1640) who has written MS. notes on many of the margins, £3. 10s John Jaggard, 1616 There are very considerable alterations and additions in the 1616 edition; including an article of 14 pp. on America, which is not in the edition of 1603. 28201 1618 BERTH (P.) Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarnm libri septem, oblong 8vo. containing over 200 fine engraved maps in the text, black morocco, gilt edges, with bookplate of Th. Becliioith, artist, £2. 16s Amsterodamd, Jud. Hondius, 1618 28202 "WEST-nnnd OsT Indischer Lustgart : Erzehlung wann und von wenn die Newe Welterf unden worden, neben Beschreibung aller deren Landschafften, Inseln, Volcker, Thieren, etc. sm. 4to. vellum, rare, 18s Collen, 1618 28203 PTOLEM^l Theatrum Geographi^e Yeteris: I, Geographia, Greece et Latine, ad codices Palatinos, opera Berth ; II, Itine- raria Antonini, Provincite Romange, Civitates Grallicge, Itinera- rium a Bnrdigala ad Hierosolymam ; Tabula Peutingeriana, cum notis Velseri ; Ortelii Tabulae aliquot — in 1 vol. large folio, original issue, engraved title, and 50 carefully engraved maps, calf £4. 4s Amst. Elzevir, 1618-19 28204 West Indische Spieghel, waer inne men sien kan alia de Eylanden, Provintien, Lantschappen, Mexico, en Peru, 'tsampt de coursen, havenen, klippen, etc., als mede hoe die van de Spanien eerst geinvadeert syn, door Athanasium Inga, Peruaen, sm. 4to. engraved and printed titles, other engravings in the text, vellum, 20s Amst. J. en J. Pietersz Wachter, 1624 A curious book composed under a pseudonym, and apparently very little known. The engravings are in the De Bry style, and very pretty. 28205 1630 LAET (Joannes de) Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, tweede Druck, verbetert, vermeerdert, met eenige nieuwe Caerten verciert, small folio, best and first complete edition, fine frontispiece and 14 large and beautifully engraved Maps of America, also some woodcuts of American Natural History, fine copy in old calf gilt, £5. Ley den, Eheviers, 1630 28206 Novus Orbis seu Descriptionis Indise Occidentalis libri XVIII, small folio, 14 maps and tvoodcuts, as in the preceding edition, old calf gilt, £3. Ludg. Bat., apud Elzevirios, 1633 28207 STAFFORDE (Rob.) Geographicall and Anthologicall Description of all the Empires and Kingdomes, both of Continent and Hands in this terrestriall Globe, sm. 4to. 20s Nich. Okes, 1634 Chapter 9 is " de America, sive India Occidentali ;" chap. 10 " de America Insulis." 28208 1635 Carpenter (Nathanael) Geographie delineated forth in two bookes, containing the spherical and topicall parts thereof, 2772 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. second edition corrected, 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. diagrams, hf. calf, 20s Oxford, 1635 A very learned work, although fanciful and singular in some respects. The author was a Devonshire man, and towards the end of the volume intro- duces with eulogy the names of several West of Enfrland worthies, amongst whom William Browne of the Pastoralls receives especial praise. Carpenter does not spare his own rhyming throughout the book. He notices, on p. 276 of Vol. 11., the variation brought about by climate in both animal and vegetable growth, instancing the ex[>erience of '■ uur Virginian colony." 28209 MERCATOR'S Minor Atlas. Historia Mundi : or Mercator's Atlas, containing his Cosmograpliicall Description of the Fabricke and Figure of the W^orld, lately rectified by the studious industry of Judocus Hondy, Englished by W. S. [Wye Saltonstall], stout sm. folio, 181 viaps heautifully engraved, including those which relate to America and the West Indies M. Sparhe and S. Cartwright, 1635 28210 the same, Second Issue, sm. folio, with the additional Map of New England, of lohich very few copies exist, old calf, £6. 105 1637 This has the rare map of Virginia and New England, engraved by Ralph Hall in 1636, which is very seldom seen in the book. If the engraving could have been done in time, the sheet would have taken its place with the rest, impressed opposite the text to Virginia, and a rarity would have been lost to the American collector. However, the publishers filled up the blank with a duplicate of the New iSpain Map, this being mentioned in the Errata with a statement that a correct map of New England was then being prepared in America, which would be published on its arrival in England. A change of owners took place two years afterwards, and the frontispiece was re-engraved, having Sparke's name alone, with 'Second Edytion' added, and the date changed. In some of these copies the new Map was inserted. The stock thus treated was however very small, as the existence of this valuable piece of Map-making is not mentioned in any of the books of reference where one might expect to find it. 28211 1638 ROBERTS (L.) Merchants Mappe of Commerce, wherein the Universal Manner of Trade is handled, the Standerd Coines observed, the real and imaginary Coines of Accounts and Exchanges expressed, the Commodities of all Countries declared, the Weights and Measures reduced to the Meridian of Com- merce of London, sm. folio, portrait by Glover, frontispiece, and finely engraved Map of the World, with maps of America, Europie, Asia, etc. on the text, good copy in the original calf, 365 1638 28212 1639 DUDLEY (Sir Robert, Duke of Northumberland and Earl op Warwick) Arcano del Mare di Don Roberto Dudleo Duca di Nortumbria e Conte di Warvich, impressione seconda CORRETTA & ACCRESCIUTA secondo I'originale del medesimo Duca, che si conserva nella libreria del Convento di Firenze della Pace, 2 vols, atlas folio, 291 maps, charts, volvelles, designs for ships and nautical instruments, etc. very fine copy in old russia extra, £25. Fiorenza, 1661 Tlie Arcano comprises Portolani and Charts by English and other pilots, which were never published elsewhere ; and to American collectors it should ])rove of the highest interest. The maps which depict Virginia, New Netherlands, anil New England, are amongst tlic most important of these : they are fuller and upon a larger scale than, while at the same time they are totally dislinci from, those of Laet, Janssou, Mercator, Visscher, the lieschry- GEOGKAPHY : MODERN WORKS. 2778 ving of 1651, Van Looii, tmd Douckers. It is very strange, upon this account, that the Arcano is omitted by Asher in his Bibliogra'phical Essay, and that the attention of so painstaking a student should not have been drawn to Dudley's work. The above second edition was prepared from the author's corrected copy of the ttrst (1646) ; and as he died in 1639, his maps of those parts of America must be considered to take precedence of all those mentioned by Asher, except the 1630 edition of Laet. In fact, it is uncertain whether they might not claim priority even over Laet ; for the enyraver Lncini mentions that he himself had been kept secluded in an obscure village of Tuscany for twelve years, working incessantly at the plates. Asher's Essay, so elaborate in its description of the various early maps and charts, their variations, and their mutual dependence or independence, becomes very defective through its omission of the Arcano. Again the large scale of the maps of California and Mew Albion, and the number of names which crowd the coast-line below and above Cape Mendocino, with the marginal observations upon the errors of latitude made by previous writers, show conclusively the scientific character and importance of Dudley's work. A similar remark will apply to the delineations of the newly-discovered lands of Australia, and the northern coasts of New Holland (which he mistakenly calls Mew Guinea, while leaving to that island its other name Papua). One of the i'ortolans is by Abraham Kendal, the master of Dudley's flag-ship, when the latter (just before Kaleigh made his similar attempt) fitted out an expedition in 1594-95 to explore the land of Eldorado ; during which he visited Trinidad and some other islands, Guyana, the issues of the Orinoco, etc. He took some useful notes, made lists of native words, thrashed some Spanish ships, and escaped some great dangers in this expedition, a daring one for a young man of 21 — but returned without booty. The numerous Vocabularies of savage languages which the Arcano contains are of consider- able interest. Abraham Kendal, whose name is unknown to the book-makers, died at Portobello, in Central America, in 1597, in Drake's service, leaving behind him the plans and papers of which Dudley made good use. 28213 1642 MARIS CARNEIRO ( Antonio de ) Regimento de PiLOTOS e Roteiro das Navegacoens da India Oriental agora novamente emendado y acresentado c6 o roteiro da costa de Sofala ate Moba^a & com os Portos, & Barras do Cabo de Pinisterra ate o estreito de Gibaltar (sic) com suas derrotas, sondas, & demoiistra9oens, sm. 4to. fourth edition, 11 folding charts, a few leaves cropped, vellum, vert RARE,/rom the SundeV' la7id library, £5. Lisboa, Loren<;o de Anvers, 1642 Collation : title, dedication, etc. 4 leaves. Arte de Navegar, 36 leaves (no regularity in pagination or signatures); Fartindo de Lisboa, etc. (^Roteiro da India), A-N in fours, and O two leaves, followed by eleven folding woodcut charts, and an accompanying folding leaf of text ; JRoteiro de Portugal pera o Brasil, etc. A-0 in eights, with an extra leaf for the last sheet. Salva, who never saw the above edition, says of the fifth, "libro mui raro, sobre todo con los once mapas, qui faltan a los pocos ejemplares conocidos." The present copy has these eleven charts. 28214 1643 Morisoti (CI. Earth.) Orbis Maritimi, sive rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis Historia, folio, vellum, £2. Divione, P. Falliot, 1643 Engr. title; printed do. ; 11 prel. 11. ; text pp. 7:25 ; index 9 11. Maps and plates in the text. Pp. 578-612 are occupied with a description of Ameiica. Epistolarum Centuria Prima (et Secunda), 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf, 10s JDivione, F. Chavance, 1656 28215 Epistle 64 of the second hundred is addressed to Joannes de Laet, and contains a long notice of Grotius' treatise " de Origine Gentium America- narum ;" and there are also references to America in Epistles 65, 72, 78, and 81 of the second series. 2774 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28216 1659 BLAEU. Atlas Major, sive Cosmographia Blaviana, qua Solum, Salum, Coelum, accuratissime describuntur, 11 vols, impl. folio, full of COLOURED rtiaps and views, in the original vellum gilt, gilt edges, £8. 10s Amst, 1662 28217 Atlas Mayor, o Geographia Blaviana, 10 vols. impl. folio, text in Spanish, coloured maps and views, bds. £10. Amst. 1672 This work contains the earliest extensive map of Scotland published. The maps of England are particularly interesting, being surrounded by the arms of the chief county families, properly blazoned. Copies of the Spanish edition are very rare, as the greater part of it was destroyed by fire in 1672. 28218 1660 PORTULANUS. Maritime Charts of the East Indies from the Cape of Good Hope to Japan, with plans and views of the chief islands, 8vo. containing 49 folded maps and views, painted on vellum, and illuminated with gold, hound in parch- ment, from Dr. Bur7ielVs library, £16. About 1660 An extremely valuable collection of Charts by a Dutch Hydrographer or Seaman, which must be important even at the present time. It comprises 4 maps of islands, 2 of Cape of Good Hope, view of Table Bay, 11 maps of Arabia, Persian Gulf, etc., 8 of Siam, Tonkin, China, etc., 25 of Malacca and the islands of the Indian Ocean, with Formosa and Japan. 28219 1661 VAN LOON. Klaer lichtende Noort Ster, ofte ZEE- ATLAS, waer inne vertoont werde de Gelegentheyht van alle de Zee-kusten des Aerdgebodens, royal folio, elegant coloured frontispiece and 45 double maps, all carefully coloured, etc. vellum, calf bach, £7. Amst. 1661 A very valuable work, unmentioned by Asher in his excellent Biblio- graphy of the Atlases and Maps relating to the New Netherlands, although its North American charts are different from the Atlases and Charts examined by him. It is unquestionably the best Atlas representing the coasts of the now United States, published up to that time, and proves that the Brothers Van Loon were accurate and painstaking geographers. Some of the maps are of course reproductions from the great Atlases of Blaeu, Laet, and Jansson, and the name of the latter appears occasionally, but the differences which make the book important are to be found in the delineations of regions which were daily becoming better known, such as the European colonies in North America. This Atlas seems to be the original, or earliest existing form of a series of Dutch maps mentioned by Asher, to which belongs even the Chartbook of Pieter Goos. His statement that Goos's maps were different from and superior to all anterior works of the kind, sufiices to fix the value of the Atlas of Van Loon. 28220 1663 LINSCHOOTEN (Jan Huygen van) Beschryvinge van verscheyde Landen, gelegen onder Africa en America .... Brasilien, Nova Francia, Florida, Cuba, Peru, etc. sm. 4to. tnap and ivoodcuts, sd. 10s Amsterdaiin, G. J. Saeghman, n. d. (1663) 28221 1665-80 Theatrum praecipuarum totius Europse Urbium, large folio, fine frontispiece and 133 views and plans of Etiropean Cities, ivith Ooa and Batavia, giving their coats of arms, brilliant impres- sions before the numbers, fine copy in vellum, £6. &s Amst. F. de Wit, s. a. (circ. 1660-1681) 28222 ASIE et AFRIQUE. A collection of over 200 valuable old Maps, most of them, engraved from various rare works, with a number of original Roteiro Maps painted on Vellum by Fortugucse Pilofs (Joao Teixeira Alberuas and Manoel Alvez GEOGRAPHY : MODERN WORKS. 2775 Batalhos, about 1660-80) and some Original Maps of the Indian Ocean, etc. drawn by Boitout pilote Fran^ais, 1675 ; bound in 2 great volumes, impl. folio, old calf, £45. About 1670-1740 Some full maps of Cyprus are found in the Tolume relating to Asia. 28223 Yries (Simon de) d'lJytgelesenste Wondereu, en by sonderste Seldsaemlieden eeniger Landen en Volckeren in America, Asia, en Africa, sm. 4to. curiotisrude engravings, uncut, 12.t Utrechf,lQ70 28224 1680-1700 Moedex (R.) Geography Rectified; or a Description of the World, in all its countries, towns, etc. as also their com- modities, sm. 4to. above 60 curious Maps, 14 devoted to America and Neiv England, calf, 30s 1680 28225 the same, third edition, enlarged, sm. 4to. 78 copper- plate maps engraved on the text, hf. bd. 20s 1693 28226 Sanson (N.) I'Europe en plusieurs cartes, et en divers traittes de Geographic et d'Histoire, 11 maps, 1683; I'AsiE, 18 maps; I'Afrique, 18 maps; TAmerique, 15 mapjs ; in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. vellum, 2>0s 1683 28227 RINGROSE THE BUCCANEER. The South Sea Waggoner, showing the making and bearing of all the Coasts from California to the Streights of Le Maire, done from the Spanish Originall by Basil Ringrose, oblong small 4to. unpcblished Manuscript, containing 106 Draughts and Maps in coloured inls of the Bays, Gkilfs, Islands, Ports, Coasts, etc. in the South Sea, with their Latitudes, Productions, Physical Features, etc. old calf, £10. 10s {turitten between 1680-85) Basil Ringrose, the author of this valuable MS., was one of the Buccaneers, and joint author with Esquemeling of the History of their Exploits. He was also the companion of Captain Sharp, in his voyage for the discoveiy of a New Passage into the South Sea (1679-81), and the draughts in the above volume are partly the results of his personal observation. Tlie ingenious Kingrose was killed February, 1686, by the Spaniards whilst the Buccaneers, commanded by Captain Swan, were carelessly removing their booty from Santa Fecaque, a Spanish-American town on the Pacific Coast which they had taken. 28228 Happelii groste Denkwiirdigkeiten der Welt oder so genannte Relationes Curiosfe, 5 vols, stout sm. 4to. with some hundreds of curious plates, hf. morocco, 25s Hamburg, 1683-91 A very curious and entertaining set of books, containing a rich collection of information concerning all partsofthe world.illustrated with plates and portraits. 28229 MALLET (A. M.) Description de TUnivers, contenant les dif- ferents Systemes du Monde, les Cartes generales et pavticulieres de la Geographic ancienne et moderne, les plans et les profils des principales Villes, avec les Portraits des Souverains, leurs Blasons, etc. 5 vols. sm. 4to. 674ifi7ie copperplate maps, plates of views, costume, etc. calf, from the Sunderland library, £5, Paris, 1683 28230 Cluverii (Ph.) Introductio in Universam Geographiam, emendata et aucta studio J. Bunonis, sm. 4to. engraved title and numerous maps, calf, 7s 6d Amstel. 1683 28231 Charts. A collection of 17 large coloured MS. Charts of ports on the coast of Mexico, Central America, New Granada, and Chili, drawn by M. C, a Spanish Pilot, with descriptions and directions in Spanish, folded and bound in 1 vol. folio, 7^/. bd. £5. {circa 1700) 2776 BRRNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28232 SEIXAS Y LOVERA (Francisco) Descripcion Geographica, j Derrotero de la Region Austral Magallanica, sm. 4to. /7«e copy, vellum, rare, £3. 15s Madrid, 1690 The author accompanied Ta vernier oti his Emhassy to the Mogul, and returned to Si)ain by w;iy of Ctdna, and the Straits of Magellan. He gives a good account of fonner writers and discoverers 28233 Theatro naval hydrograpliico de los fluxos, y refluxos, y de las corrieutes de los mares, etc. sm. 4to. hound, £2. 10s 1688 The American s.-ctioii has valuable information on the North latitudes. 28234 BUCCANEERS' ATLAS, enh'tled the South Sea Waggoner. A description of the Sea Coasts in the South Sea of America, viz. from the Port of Acapulco to the Straights of Lemaire ; it being here following described at large in 130 particular Draughts showing all the Ports, Harbours, Anchor- ings, Islands, Soundings, Rocks and Daingers in the Distance aforesaid by Wm. Hack, roy. folio, the Original Drawings, charts and views coloured^ old red morocco^ gilt edges, loith letters S.8.G. {South Sea Company) in gold on front cover^ £72. aboict 1690 This extremely valuable and important collection of coloured charts appears to have been purchased by Sir James Bateman, for the South Sea Company, from Wm. Hill, whose autograph letter dated 3rd Dec. 1711, respecting the work, is prefixed. In that letter the book is thus described : " There is a large laborious ornamentall guilt booke of mine with, a redd cover in your OflBce att Broadstreete, called the South Sea Waggoner, full of curious Mapps and Platts of ye South Seas, being ye long expei'ience of ye FAMOUS BucKANERE Capt. Barth. Sharpe and of an antient French Captain that hee tooke with his Booke, Mapps and Papers, who used those seas 70 yeares, being all in the said Booke composed and depicted by one Captain William Hack deceased, of whom I about 18 years ago purchased the said booke and paid him £70 for ye same &c." Captain Hack seems to have been outwitb Captain Sharpe; and interesting facts concerning the cruises of Sharpe and others are written here and there on the margins of the charts, by which the work known as the History of the Buccaneers may be valuably illustrated and supplemented. Hack published in 1699 a collection of Voyages, which was incorporated in the later editions of the History of the Buccaneers, but the maps in the above volume were never published. 28235 Gordon (Pat.) Geography anatomized, 12mo. 18 vtaps hy B. Morden, coloured, old blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, 20s 1693 28236 PIMENTEL (Manoel) Arte de Navegar, e Roteyro das Viagens, e Costas maritimas de Guine, Angola, Brasil, Indias, e Ilhas Occidentaes, e Orientaes, sm. folio, ma^^s and charts, calf, £4. Lisbon, 1746 GEOGRAPHY: MODERN" WORKS. 2777 28237 1704 Portolano or South Sea Atlas, folio, MS. Charts divided into 44 separate sections with text opposite to each, on 47 leaves of paper, forming altogether a continuous Portolano of the American coasts from Acapulco to Cape Horn on the western side, and from Cape Horn to the coast of Uruguay on the east side of South America, coloured; old calf, lettered " Coasts of South Sea," £5. ' 1704 A carefully executed and valuable work, comprising all previously existing information and the results of the latest discoveries down lo 1701. It seems to be the map of some scientific Buccaneer's voyage, and was probably prepared for the information of the South Sea Company. The last map is a general one, being a reducti'in of the entire set of charts on a single sheet. 28238 1713 LASOR a VAREA (Alph.) Universus Terrarum Orbis Scriptorum calamo delineatus, hoc est auctorum fere omnium, qui de Europge, Asite, Africse, et AMERiCiE Regnis, Populis, Civitatibus, etc. quovis tempore et qualibet lingua scripserunt, cum anno loco et forma Editionis eorum, uberrimus Elenchus, 2 vols. sm. foho, numerous Vieivs, vellum, £2. 16.? Patavii, 1713 This curious and useful book contains nearly 1000 copper-plate engravings of Towns, and woodcuts of Costumes after Titian and others. It is an historical, geographical, and antiquarian Cyclopaedia. Two indexes are prefixed, the first containing the names of between twelve and thirteen thousand writers, the second a table of matters. 28239 1722-28 Labat (J. B.) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de I'Amerique, contenant I'Histoire naturelle de ces pays, I'Origine, les Mceurs, etc. des Habitants anciens et modernes, etc. 6 vols. 12mo. maps, plans and plates, calf, 35s 1722 28240 Singularites des isles de I'Amerique tires des Voyages du R. P. J. B. Labat, sm. 8vo. neatly written MS. with 35 heaii- tiful draioings in India ink, full-page-size, morocco, gilt edges, 30s Besanc^on, 1768 28241 Nouvelle Relation de I'Afrique Occidentale, I'Histoii^e S^aturelie des differentes nations qui y sont repandues, leur religion, leurs mceurs, 5 vols. 12mo. maps and inany plates, calf, 18.S Paris, 1728 28242 1726 La Martini^be (B.) Grand Dictionnaire Geographique et critique, 9 vols, in 10, ioMo, frontispieces, old calf, £2. La Haye, 1726-39 28343 1733 Popple's Map of the British Empire in America, with the adjacent Fi'ench and Spanish Settlements, roy. folio, 21 large m^aps, and views of Netv York, Quebec, Mexico, Niagara, etc. the maps coloured, hf. calf, 25s 1733 " The above maps seem to have been laid down with great accuracy, and to show the position of the provinces more truly than any yet extant." 28243*1736 Garcia (Joseph) Nuevo Regimen de la Navegacion, sm. 4to. diagrams, old calf 20s Madrid, 1736 The author was an Atlantic pilot, and quite competent to write a curious book on this subject. 28244 DE L'ISLE (Guillaume) Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties da monde, roy. folio, titles and 44 coloured maps, full- sheet-size. Butch calf gilt, £2. IGs Amstd. (1740) 2778 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28245 1744-75 D'Anville, CEuvres GeograpLiques, 5 vols. 4to. maps, old French calf, 25s Paris, 1744-75 28246 Analyse Geographique de I'ltalie, maps, 5s 1744 28247 — ■ Egypte Anc'enne et Moderne, et description de la Mer Rouge, 4to. maps, calf, 10s 1766 28248 Etats formes en Europe apres la chute de I'Empire rOccident, 5s 1771 28249 Antiquite geographique de I'lnde, et de la haute Asie, map, 10s 1775 28250 Traite des Mesures Itineraires anciennes et modernes, 8vo. calf, 7s 6d 1769 28251 the same, 1769; Memoire sur la Chine, 1776; Con- siderations sur I'etude de Geographie, 1777 — 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. unbound, 8s 6d 28252 1775 Jefferts (Th.) West-India Atlas, impl. folio, 4<0fine large folding charts, hf. hd. 16s 1775 28253 North- American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence, impl. folio, 22 large folding plates, containing numerous charts, plans, etc. hds. 21s 1777 28254 A collection of 12 large folding charts of the coasts of Newfoundland, Labrador, etc. by Th. Jefferys and W. Faden, in atlas folio vol. hf. hd. 15s (1770-90) 28255 1780 DES BARRES. The Atlantic Neptune, published for the use of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, by Joseph F. W. Des Barres, 2 vols, in 4, narrow atlas folio, containing 138 charts, plans, and coloured views, hf. hd. £12. 1780 " The most splendid collection of charts, plans and views, ever published. It was executed at the expense of the British Government for the use of the British Navy, and no expense appears to have been spared in the execution, in order to render it a monument worthy of the nation." The work is divided as follows : Vol. I, Sea coast of Nova Scotia ; Vol. II, pt. 1, Charts of the coast and haibours in the gulf and river of St. Lawrence ; pt. 2, Charts of the c">ast and harbours of New England ; pt. 3, Charts of several harbours and divers parts of the coast of North America, from New York south-westwards to the Gulf of Mexico. Vol. I is, according to the list of contents, perfect : Vol. II. contains no list of contents, and so cannot be warranted complete. It has been compared, however, with another copy, to which we have had access, and contains seven maps more than that copy. The present copy also contains six more leaves than that described by 0. Rich (Bibl. Americana Nova, 1846, pp. 248-51), and is thus most probably perfect. 28256 1799 Charts. An interesting collection of rare Spanish, French, and Danish charts of the West Indies, with Plans of the Ports of Carthagenar, Puerto, Barcelona, Vera Cruz, etc. and with charts of rocks and islands off Surinam, and views of the Fortifications of Puerto Rico, drawn in water-colours by C. Crole ; together 20 charts and drawings, in an impl. folio volume, hf.hd.£2.\0s 1799-1828 28257 1806 Launay (Cordier de) Tableau de la Sibere, de la Chine, de la Zone moyenne d'Asie et du Nord de I'Amerique, 4to. hd. 2s 6cZ Berlin, 1806 GEOGRAPHY: MODERN WORKS. 2779 ii8258 1816 Maps and Charts, 15 large miscellaneous, of Persia, India, Japan, Central Asia, etc. including 2 water-colour maps of Pondicherry and Busliire, a plan of Kars, and H. Berghaus and F. von Stiilpnagel's Chart of the World, in large folio portfolio, 7s 6d (181G-67) 28259 1822 RITTER (Carl) die Erdkunde im Verlialtniss zur Natur und zur Geschiclite des Menschen, oder allgemeine, vergleich- ende Geographie, Vols. I-XIX, with 2 vols, of Index ; together 21 vols, in 23, 8vo. 18 in uniform hf. morocco, the rest in hds. £10. Berlin, 1822-49 All ever published of this celebrated work, except Vol. 20 (Asien). The Index is of Vols. 2-11, only, but no more was published. 28260 1839 Darwin (Ch.) Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the various Countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle, 1832-6, 8vo. maps, cloth, 10s 183y 28261 1841 McCulloch (J. R.) Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, etc. in the World, 2 vols. 8vo. 1020 awfZ 948 pj^. double cols, maps, hf. morocco, 12s 1841 28262 1844 Mickleburgh (J.) Index to the Principal Places in the World (Modern), with reference to the maps of the Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1844 28263 1847 Areowsmith (John) London Atlas of Universal Geography, impl. folio, 67 large coloured maps, hf. russia, 28s 1847 28264 1848 MADOZ (Pascual) Diccionario geografico - estadistico- historioo de Espafia y sus posesiones de Ultramar, 16 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £3. 10s Madrid, 1848-1850 28265 1848 Collina (Abondio) Considerazioni istoriche sopra I'origine della Bussola Nautica, risponsive alia dissertazione di G. G. Trombelli, small 4to. hf. Id. ^s Faenza, 1848 He maintains that the Mariner's Compass was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. 28266 1850 Buzeta (M.) y P. Bravo, Diccionario geogi-afico, estadistico, historico de las Islas Filipinas, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. hd. 10s Madrid, 1850 28267 1852 Tehuantepec. Maps illustrating the Isthmus of Tehuan- tepec, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d New York, 1852 Eight folding maps, being Surveys made by the Officials of the Tehuantepec Railroad Company of New Orleans. 28268 1852 Johnston (A. K.) Dictionary of Geography, forming a complete General Gazetteer of the World, thick 8vo. hf. russia, 7s 6d 1852 28269 — the same, new edition thoroughly revised, stout roy. 8vo. 1513 pp. douUe cols. (pub. £2. 2s), cloth, 12s 1877 28270 1855 Sprdner (Karl von) Historisch - geographischer Hand- Atlas, 3 vols, in 1, oblong folio, zweite Anflage, 118 coloured historical maps, hf. calf, 36s Gotha, 1855 Atlas Antiquus, 27 ma/ps ; Geschichte der Staaten Europa's, 73 maps ; Ausser-Europa, 18 maps, sold separately, 10s Petermann's Geographische Mittheilungen — see p. 105. 28271 1861 -74 JOHNSTON (A. K.) Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, with Index to each map, large folio, 48 coloured double maps, hf. russia, gilt edges, 24s 1861 190 2780 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28272 JOHNSTON (A. K.) Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, roy. folio, 48 double maps, coloured, with sjjccial Index to each, hf. russia, gilt edges, 30s 1863 28273 the same, folio, 46 coloured double maps, hf. green morocco, gilt edges, £6. 1877 28274 1872 Dornseiffen (J.) Atlas van Nederland en zijne overzeesche Bezittingen (Dutch East-Indies, CiTi*a9oa, Surinam, Little Antilles), sm. folio, 30 coloured majps, cloth, 10s Amsterdam, 1872 28275 1876 Coolet (W. D.) Physical Geography, or the Terraqueous Globe, and its Phenomena, 8vo. with 125 wood engravings, frontispiece, and 12 maps (sells 21s), cloth, 8s 6d 1876 Arctic Geography: 28276 Akctic Geography and Ethnology, Selection of Papers on, presented to the Artie Expedition of 1875, by the Roy. Geogr. Soc. 8vo. maps, cloth, 5s 1875 28277 Description of the Coast, Tides, and Currents, in But- ton's Bay, and in the Welcome, being the N.W. Coast of Hudson's Bay, from Scrog's, Crow's, Napier's, and Smith's Jour- nals (1744) — Agreement for the Discovei-y of a N.W. Passage, 1745 — Geographical Description of Tobago, majj, (1745) — Account of Corsica, and Memoirs of Baron de Neuhoif, styled Theodore I, map, 1739 — 1 vol. 8vo. calf, 24s 28278 DoBBS (A.) Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay in the N.W. part of America, intended to show the great pro- bability of a N.W. Passage, 4to. 7nap, sd. 24s 1744 Containing the methods of Commerce, showing the benefits of settling Colonies, whereby the French will be deprived of their Traffick in Furs ; with Middleton's Journal, the discoveries in the Great Western Ocean, the Profits of the Hudson's Bay Company, Indian Vocabularies, etc. 28279 Martin (R.M.) Hudson'sBay Territories and Vancouver's Island, with the rights, policy, etc. of the Hudson's Bay Corporation, 8vo. map, cloth, 3s 6d 1849 28280 LTmfeeville (Ed.) Present State of Hudson's Bay, 8vo. folding plate containi)ig specimens of Jive Indian languages, hf. calf, 24s 1790 Pages 176-203 are "on the Indians, their customs, etc." 28281 Zorcdraoers alte und neue Gronlandische Fischerei und Wall- fischfang, mit Beschreibung von Gronland, Island, Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla, Jan Mayen Eiland, der Strasse Davis, u.a. mit Nachricht von dem Bakkeljau- und Stockfischfangbei Terreneuf, llbersetzt (von Er. Reusch), sm. 4to. many maps and plates, calf, 9s Leipzig, 1723 Atlantic Islands : 28282 BoiD. Description of the Azores (agriculture, zoology, trade, commerce, etc.), 8vo. map and vieivs, bds. 2s 6d 1834 28283 GoDMAN, Natural History of the Azores, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1870 28284 BARKER-WEBB (P.) et Sabin Berthelot, Histoire Naturelle des lies Canaries — Ichthyologie, par A. Valenciennes, 26 ^/aies ; ri'^thnographie et los Amuilcs de la Conqucte, portrait; la Geographic descriptive, la Stalistic(ue et la Geologic ; 3 a'oIp. imp]. 4to. hds. 36s Paris, 1839-42 HISTORY OF NAVIGATION AND DISCOVERY. 2781 Atlantic Islands — continued. 28286 BUCH, Physikalische Beschreibung der Canarisclien Inseln, hf. calf, 10s ; or, calf neat, 12s Berlin, 1825 28287 Bullae (J. and H.) Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas, 2 vols. 8vo. cuts, cloth, 3s Qd 184-1 28288 EspiNOSA (Alonso de) Del Origen y Milagros de N. Senora de Candelaria, que aparecio en Tenerife, con la descripcion de esta Isla (la gente y sus costumbres), 12mo. vellum, 25s Sevilla, 1594 II. THE HISTORY OF NAVIGATION, AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISCOVERY; WITH THE LIVES OF TRAVELLERS, SEAMEN, AND CONQUISTADORES. 1. General History of Voyages and Discovery, collective biographical Works. 28289 Barros Arana (D.) Compendio de Historia de America, 2 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. 947 pp. hf. hd. 28s Santiago, 1865 28290 [BOSCH (L. van den)] Leeven en Daden der doorluchtighste Zee-Helden en Ontdeckers van Landen, deser eeuwen, door V, D. B. 4to. frontispiece, fine portraits and folding plates, calf 25s Amst., J. Claesz en J. Bouman, 1676 28291 Leben und tapjBfere Thaten der aller-beriihmtesten See- Helden, etc. unserer Zeiten, iibersetzt von Matthia, mit Anhange durch Er. Francisci, sm. 4to. frontispiece, portraits and plates, vellum, 30s Niirnberg, 1681 Containing the lives of Columbus, Vespucci, Magellan, etc. 28292 [BROSSES (Le President de)] Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes, 2 vols. 4to. maps, £2. 16s Paris, 1756 This work, although intended to illustrate specially the early discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, also includes voyages to N. and S. America, and round the world. 28293 Terra Australis Cognita, or Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere during the 16th-18th Centuries (by J. Callander), 3 vols. 8vo. maps, calf, 36s Edinburgh, 1766-68 28294 CALVO (Carlos) Coleccion Completa de los Tratados, otros actos diplomaticos de todas los estados de la America Latina, comprendidos entre el golfo de Mejico y el cabo de Hornos, desde 1493, complete in 2 series — Fii-st Series, 9 vols. 1862-6 ; Second Series, 4 vols. 1864-6 — together 13 vols. 8vo. hf. red morocco gilt, £12. Paris, 1862 190 * 2782 BERNARD QUARTTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28295 CAS AS (Bartolome de las) Coleccion de las Obras de, dada a luz por Juan Ant. Llorente, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf, 12s Faris, 1822 Although not written for the purpose of illustrating the subject to which this section belongs, the works of Las Casas are important for the history of Spanish conquest in America and the lives of the Conquistadores. 28296 TRATADOS VARIOS, 9 pai-ts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Original Editions in ffiot!)ic letter, Spanish morocco binding, £32. Sevilla, 1552 Excessively rake. It is some years since a complete set of these treatises was last in my possession. I. Brevissima Relacion de la destruycion de las Indias, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1 552 ; at the end ; 2. Pedaqo de una carta y relacion que escrivio cierto hombre refiriendo las obras que hazia el capitan por la tierra que andava. 3. Entre los remedios que Bartolome de las Casas refirio para reformacion de las Indias, el octavo . . . donde se asignan veynte razones por las quales prueva no deverse dar los Indios a los Espaiioles en encomi- enda, Sevilla, J. Cromlerger, 1552. 4. Tratado sobre la materia de los Yndios que se han hecho esclavos, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1652. 5. Tratado comprobatorio del imperio que los Reyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias, Seb. Trugillo, 1553. 6. Treynta proposiciones muy juridicas en las quales se tocan muchas cosas pertenecientes al derecho sobre los infieles, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 7. Disputa o controversia entre el Obispo Don Bartholome de las Casas y el doctor Gines de Sepulveda sobre las conquistas de las Indias, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 8. Unos Avisos y reglas para los con- fesores, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 9. Principia qusedam ex quibus procedendum est in disputatione ad manifestandam justiciam Yndorum, Hispali, Seb. Trugillo, s. a. 28297 Casas (Earth, de las) Tratados varios ; 1 Brevissima Relacion, 2 Peda^o, 3 Disputa, 5 Treynta Proposiciones, 6 Materia de los Yndios, last leaf wanting, 7 Entre los Remedios, 9 Tratado comprobatorio, portion of title torn away — together 7 parts in 5, sm. 4to. £10. 1552 28298 Sold separately : 1 Brevissima Relacion, imper/ecf, 20^ 1552 3 Entre los Remedios, 20s 1552 7 Disputa o Controversia, 30s 1552 28299 Destruccion de las Indias o sea su conquista publicada en Sevilla 1552, ahoraloda a luz un ciudadano (F.M.F.), 16 nos. forming one vol. sm. 4to. sd. 25s Puehla, 1821 This contains the Brevisima Relacion without the Pedazo, aud is very rare. 28300 Istoria o brevissima Relatione della Distruttione dell' Indie Occidental! in Italiano e Spagriuolo, trad, da Giacomo Castellani, 1643 — Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali Spag. et Ital. trad, per Ginammi, 1645 — II Supplice Schiavo Indiano, Spag. et Ital. per Ginammi, 1657 — 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. old gilt calf 36s Venetia, 1643-57 Translations of the original pieces numbered above 1, 2, 4, 7. 28301 il Supplice Schiavo Indiano, 1636 ; Liberta pretesa dal Bupplice Schiavo, 1640 ; Spagnuolo e Italiano per Ginammi, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 30s Venetia, 1636-40 These pieces arc Nos, 7 and 3 of the original series. HISTORY OF NAVIGATION AND DISCOVERY. 2783 28302 Casas (Barth. de las) Narratio Regionum Indicarumper Hispanos QUOSDAM DEVASTATARDM VERissiMA, sm. 4to. first impressions of the 17 fine engravings t^/ De Brt, old French red morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloiip, scarce, £10. 10s Francofurti, Th. de Bry, 8f Joan. Saur. 1598 28203 alia editio, sm. 4to. second impressions of the engravings, hf. morocco, gilt top, £3. 10s 1614 28304 Regiontira Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima descriptio, sm. 4to. ivith impressions of the same plates as in the 1598 edition, sd. 21s ; or, calf, 28s Heidelbergce, 1664 This text is equivalent to a translation of Nos, 1 , 2, 3 of the original Tratados. 28305 den vermeerderden Spieghel der Spaensche tievannije geschict in Westindien, sm. 4to. 18 plates, sd. 30s Amsterdam, G. I. Saeghman, 1664 To this Dutch translation of the Latin Narratio a life of Columbus is added. Of the 18 plates, sixteen are copies of the De Bry engravings in the 1598 volume, and two which illustrate Columbus are additional. 28306 MiROiR de la cruelle et horrible Tyrannie Espagnole perpetree au Pays Bas, par le Tyran Due de Albe, et aultres Comandeurs de par le Roy Philippe le deuxiesme. On a adjoinct la deuxiesme Partie de les Tyrannies commises aux Indes Occidentales par les Espagnols (par B. de las Casas), 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. numerous engravings of massacres com- mitted by the Spaniards, in the old binding, £5. Amsterdam, I. F. Cloppenburg, 1620 Brunet's collation is erroneous in giving 87 leaves as the contents of the first part, instead of 88 (the last two leaves being each numbered 87). The second part is Jacques de Migrode's translation of the Destruccion de las Indias, filled up with extracts from some others of the Tratados, and contains the same seventeen engravings as appeared in the Frankfort Narratio of 1598. The engravings in the first part are of European cruelties. 28307 la Decouverte des Indes Occidentales, 12i:no. frontispiece, in the original bds. wholly uncut, 27s Paris, 1697 This is apparently a milder and tamer re- writing of the " Tyrannies et Cruautez," with the complete Controversy with Sepulveda added at the end. 28308 Cladera (Christ.) Investigaciones Historicas sobre los principales Descubrimientos de los Espafioles en el Mar Oceano en el siglo XV y principios del XVI, sm. 4to. portraits, and a facsimile of Behaim's " Bars Globi Terrestris " (1492), hf morocco, £2. 2s Madrid, 1794 28309 Ens (Gaspar) Indise Occidentalis Historia ; in qua prima regionum istarum, detectio, situs, incolarum mores, aliaque eo pertinentia, breviter explicantur, 12mo. brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy, £2. 2s Colonice, Qui. Lutzenkirchen, 1612 28310 EsTANCELiN (L.) Recherches sur les Voyages et Decouvertes des Navigateurs Normands en Afrique, dans les Indes Orientales, et en Amerique, 8vo. sd. &s Paris, 1832 28311 ■ the same, 1832 ; Etudes sur I'Etat actuel de la Marine et des Colonies Fran9aises, 1849 — together 2 vols. 8vo. greeyi morocco extra, gilt edges, 20s 2784 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28312 GALVAO (Ant.) Tratado dos Descobrimentos antigos, e modernos, feitosateaerade 1550,sm.folio, oMcaZ/, rare,£2. 10s Lisboa, 1731 28313 Discoveries of the World, written in the Portugall tongue by Antonie Galvano, corrected, and now published in English by R. Hakluyt, ilarft kttet, sm. 4to. wants sign. Oi, rare, £5. G. Bishop, 1601 28314 GOMEZ SOLIS (Duarte) sobre los Comercios de las dos Yndias, small 4to. MS. title, the author's own copy, with his autograph additions for a new edition, £6. Lisboa, 1622 A veiy rare book dedicated to Philip IV by a learned Portuguese whose work is little known, and never found in catalogues of Americana. 28315 HELP'S Spanish Conquest in America, its relation to the History of Slavery and the Government of Colonies, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, with the aiithor's presentation inscription to Mr. Donne, £2. IGs 1855-61 28316 HERRERA (Antonio de) Historia General de los Hechos de lo3 Castellanos en las Islas i Tierra firme del Mar Oceano, en Decadas — Descripcion de las Indias — together 9 parts in 4 vols, sm. folio, original edition, frontispieces with portraits, and 14 maps, velhmi, £3. Madrid, 1601 28317 the same, 9 parts in 4 vols. sm. folio, a fine copy, old calf gilt, £4. 1601 28318 la misma Historia, 8 parts in 2 vols. sm. folio, engraved titles, ivants the Table to the first part, citron morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, by Boyet, with the arms of Count Hoym, in gold on sides, £31. 10s 1601 From the Beckford Libraiy, where it fetched £42. 28319 la misma Historia y Descripcion, publicadas con notas por Barcia, 4 vols. sm. folio, frontispieces and maps, very tall copy in vellum, £5. 1725-30 This is the genuine best edition of the work, edited by the learned Baecia, which, although in preparation since 1725, did not appear till 1729. Another similar edition, in 4 vols, folio, with portraits, was brought out at Antwerp, in 1728, one year previously, in haste to forestall the work which Barcia had in hand, but of course it is an inferior production, disfigured ■with faults, and omitting the fourteen maps which are unavoidably necessaiy for the understanding of the descripcion. It contains also so-called portraits of the Incas of Peru, which are merely copies of De Bry's fictitious engrav- ings, while Barcia's edition gives the genuine designs which Herrera himself had used after the native pictures. 28320 Novus Orbis, metaphraste C. Barlaeo, accesserunt et aliorum Indise Occidentalis Descriptiones et Navigationis nuper89 Australis Jacobi Le Maire Historia, 17 maps, and several tvoodcuts in the text, vellum, £3. 3s Amst. Colin. 1622 23321 the same, sm. folio, with a fine portrait of Le Maire, fine tall clean copy, in vellum covered with leather, from the Sunderland library, £6. 6s 1622 It is erroneously stated in the " American Nuggets" that Barcia, in the preface to his edition of Herrera, repudiates the edition by Coljin as full of errors. The fact is, that Barcia makes nowhere any remark prejudicial to the above publication of 1622, which certainly contains a faithful translation of the descripcion of Herrera, and an equally faithful reproduction of the fourteen authentic maps. Barcia's remark had reference only to the Amsterdam edition of 1721. The volume is highly valuable as containing the first edition of the genuine Voyage of Le Maire (also issued in Latin and Dutch in the HISTORY OF NAVIGATION AND DISCOVERY. 2785 same year) as distinguished from that which had been, through the Dutch India Company's jealousy of Le Maii-e, published by Blaeu under the name of Cornelius Schouten, who had commanded one of Le Maire's vessels. It concludes with the Spanish and English voyages to Magellan's Straits and the descriptions of America given by Ordonez de Cevallos and Bertius. The portrait of Le Maire is not mentioned by Brunet, Graesse, Leclerc, or in the " Nuggets," and I find no record of any copy containing it. The last four pages of the first Part contain a Vocabulary of the language of the Solomon Isles. 28323 Herrera. Histoire Generale des Voyages et Conquestes des Castillans, dans les Isles et Terre-fenne des Indes Orientales, traduite de I'Espagnol, par N. de la Coste, 3 vols. 4to. old calf, with the Arms of Leclerc de Lesseville, Gomte de Brioude, on sides, £3. 3s Paris, N. et J. de la Coste, 1660-71 This translation includes only the first three decades. KuNSTMANN, die Entdeckung Americas — see ante p. 2755. 28324 LOEW (Conrad) Meer oder Seehanen Buch, darinn verzeiclinet seind die Wnnderbare Gedenckwiirdige Reyse und Schiifalirten so . . inwendig den letst vergangnen hundert Jahren gethan, . . durch. welche Schiffarten ein Newe Welt gegen Nidergang, und grosse Konigreiclien . . gegen Auffgang . . gelegen, erf unden tind entdeckt seind, . . small folio, 3 folding maps, one of the Dutch discoveries near Nova Zemhla in 1595-96, the second a tvorld-map on a flat-plan, and the third a map of the Northern Woi-ld with the Arctic pole for centre, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £9. Colin, 1598 28325 LOPEZ DE GOMARA (Francisco) Primera y segunda parte de la liistoria general de las Indias con todo el descubrimiento y cosas notables que ban acaecido dende que se ganaron asta el ano de 1551. Con la conquista de Mexico y de la nueva Espana, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, Editio Princeps, with two full-page woodcut Maps, one of which contai7is America, large copy in old gilt tree-marhled calf with the hooh-plate " Soi de Francisco Carter,^' extremely RARE, £75. Caragoga, Agustin Millan, 1552-53 28326 Historia General de las Indias, loith the Two Maps, Caragoca 1552-53 CIECA DE LEON (Pedro de) Parte Primera de la chronica del Peru, que tracta la demarcacion de sus provincias : la descripcion dellas. Las fundaciones de las nuevas ciudades. Los ritos y costumbres c<. los indios. Y otras cosas estranas dignas de se^. sabidas, numerous woodcuts, Sevilla, Martin de Montesdoca, 1553 ; together 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, fne clean copies, old calf gilt, extremely rare, £110. 1552-53 2780 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. It is a great histoi'ical work, indispensable to tlie student of Spanish affairs in America after the conquest, notwith- standing the charges made by Bernal Diaz against Gomara of occasional inaccuracy. The dedication to Charles V begins with these remarkable words : " The greatest event which has happened since the creation of the world (leaving aside the incarnation and death of Him who created it) is the discovery of the Indies." Gomara prefixes a curious address to intending translators, warning them to be accurate and to measure the full significance of the pregnant Spanish phrases, also to pay special attention to proper names. He further declares that he is writing the book in Latin, so that the translators may take no trouble in that language. His Latin version has never appeared. The two woodcut leaves preceding the text, containing maps, one of the western and the other op the eastern Hemisphere, seem to have survived only in these two COPIES, yet the book is imperfect without them ; and the author in his address "a los Impresores," by whom he meant future reprinters of his work, begged them to omit nothing which he had taken care to insert in this original edition, maiormente las tahlas de la tierra. It was this warning which induced Bellero in Antwerp to issue a small Traga dela Tierra with his edition of 1554, but that is also a rare map now. The difference between Bellero's map and Gomara's proves that the Spanish Govern- ment had effectually suppressed the latter, and that the Antwerp publisher was obliged to have a new design prepared, which is in some respects decidedly inferior to the original in geographical accuracy. The Chronica del Peru {First Edition) of Cie^a de Leon is also extremely rare. During the last thirty years I have only met with one other copy, and that an imperfect one. The translator of this work for the Hakluyt Society says in his preface, that of this edition Lord Stewart de Rothsay's copy was the only one known to him. See also under Discovery of Peru post. 28327 Lopez de Gomara. La segunda parte dela Historia general delas Indias, que contiene La conquista de Mexico, y dela nueua Espafia, stout 12mo. old calf, rare, £5. en Ambers por Martin Nucio, 1554 It is very seldom that the two parts, which form the complete ■work, are found together. The second part is the rarer. 2P328 Historia de las Conquistas de Hernan Cortes, traducida al Mexicano por Chimalpain, publicala con varias notas y adiciones Bustamante, 2 vols. 8vo. /;/. hd. 36s Mexico, 1826 The statement on the title of "translated by Chimalpain" is merely parenthetical. Bustamante when he had in his hands the MS. from which he printed the book, supposed it to be an original work by Chimalpain, but afterwards discovered that this Mexican, who flourished at the beginning of tlie seventeenth century, had only based his history (in Mexican) on Gomara, whicii accounted for the resemblance between it and the transcript of the Spanish original which had fallen into Bustamante's hands. The editor's notes are, however, copious and valuable. HISTORY OF N"AVIGATIO^ AND DISCOVERT. 2787 28329 Lopez de Gomara. Conquista de Mexico, 2 vols. Bvo. hf. calf, 36s Mexico, 1870 28330 The Pleasant Historie of the Conquest of the Weast India, now called new Spayne, atchieued by the worthy Prince Hernando Cortes, Marqnes of the valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to Reade : Translated out of the Spanishe tongue by T(homas) N(icholas), Anno. 1578. small 4to. fine copy in old calf, £12. ; or, tall copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £20. Henry Bynneman (1578) The name of Lopez de Gomara is nowhere mentioned by the worthy Mr. Nicholas, whose own name is signed in full at the end of the Epistle Dedicatory. This first edition is very rare, most American collectors having to be satisfied with the second edition of 1596, which is the one described by Collier in his " Bibliographical Account." The latter writer en-s in stating that the two leaves containing the " Address to the Header '' and Stephen Gosson's verses were first added in the 1596 volume : they are here in the original edition. Collier is also mistaken in asserting that the " auncient gentleman" of the Epistle Dedicatory, with whom Nicholas had an interesting conversation, was identical with Agustin de Zarate, the historian of Peru. Histoire generalle des Indes occidentales & Terres 28331 28332 28333 28331. neuues, qui iusques a present ont este descouvertes, traduite en franyois par M. Fumee, Sieur de Marly le Chastel, 12mo. half green morocco, 30s Paris, Sonnius, 1569 Histoire generalle des Indes Occidentales, et Terres neuues, qui iusques a present ont este descouuertes, Augmentee en ceste cinquiesme edition de la description de la nouuelle Espagne, & de la grande ville de Mexique, traduite en Frangois par le S. de Genille Mart. Fumee, stout 12mo. fine copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, £7. 7s ih. 1587 Historia Generale delle Indie, tradotta nella Italiana da Cravaliz, 12m.o. fi/ne copy in vellum, 24s Venetia, per Fr. Lorenzini da Turino, 1560 The second part of the collection ^' Historia delle nuove Indie Occidentali." Historia di Mexico, et qvando si discoperse la Nvova 28335 28336 Hispagna, conqvistata per I'illvstriss. et ualoroso Piincipe Don Ferdinando Coi'tes Marchese del Valle . . . tradotta . . . per Avgvstino Cravaliz, sm. 4to. old calf, £20. Roma, Dorici, 1555 — at end, 1556 First edition, vert rare. From the library of Sir Francis Drake, originally founded by the great sailor of that name. LAFITAU (J. F.) Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, 2 vols. 4to. map and plates, old calf, not uniform, 30s Paris, 1733 the same, 2 vols. 4to. map and plates, fine copy in old gilt calf, from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace, £3. 10s Paris, 1733 This is a general work on the history of Portuguese navigations in both hemispheres. 28337 MAFFEII (Joannis Petri) Histoeiarum Indicarum libri xvi ; selectarum item ex India epistolarum eodem interprete libri iv ; ace. Ign. Loiolfe vita, folio, large paper, old crimson morocco, loith ornamental gilt borders, gilt and gauffred edges, from the Sunderland library, £6. Qs Florent. P. Juncta, 1588 Copies on Large Paper are very raie, and give the book an aspect of dignity to suit its intrinsic importance. 2788 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28338 Maffei, Histoire des Indes Orientales et Occidentales, traduite de Latin en Fran9ois par M. M. D. P. (Mich, de Pure), 4to. old calf, 32s Paris, 1665 Major (R. H.)— see p. 2703. 28339 MoRELLi, Dissertazione intorno ad alcuni Viaggiatori eruditi Vene- ziani poco noti, 4to. very feiv copies printed for presents only, hd, 3s 6d Venezia, 1803 28340 the same, hound up with delle Guerre de' Veneziani, neir Asia, 1470-74, di Cippico, in 1 vol. 4to. hf. cf. 5s 1803-1797 28341 MORFI ( Juan Agustin ) Dialogo enti-e un comerciante j un politico en que se establece : 1, Que el comercio de Espana a Filipinas debe ser directo ; 2, Que se debe de hacer por el Gave de Hoi'nos ; 3, T que se ha de hacer por companias ; 4, Planta de una Compania para el comercio de America, formada por Don Luis Cerdeno — in one volume folio, clearly written M8S. 81 leaves, vellum ivrapper, £3. 3s The Planta is embodied as a fourth part in the work of Fray J. A. Morfi, who wrote this MS. about the year 1770. His views were wise and politic, but they came too late for Spain. 28342 Murray (H.) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, including the shores of the Polar Sea, and the voyages in search of a North- West passage, 2 vols. 8vo. map, calf gilt, 20s 1829 28343 Navarrete (M. F. de) Coleccion de Opdsculos de, la dan a luz E. y F. F. de Navarrete, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, £1. Madrid, 1848 The first 291 pages of Vol. I contain "Biografias de Marineros y Dea- cubridores." 28344 OVIEDO Y VALDES (Gongalo Hernandez de) De la natural hysteria de las Indias, sm. folio, wanting title and leaves 8, 9 and 16, vellum, from the Sunderland library, vert rare, £60. Toledo, 1526 " Ce premier ouvrage du fecond ecrivain n'a rien de commun avec la Uistoria general y natural de las Indias de 1535 ; c'est un resume destin^ a donner au roi d'Espagne un apercu des choses du Nouveau-Monde, decrivant les rites, moeurs, coutumes et ceremonies des naturels." — Brunei, Suppl. 28345 Historia general de las Indias (primera parte en diez y nueve libros, con un libro ultimo de la obra), Sevilla, J. Crom- lerger, 1535 — Siguese una carta missiva con que el cronista . . . embio este volumen — Libro XX de la segunda parte de la general historia de las Indias, esci'ipta por el Capitan Gon9alo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1557 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, woodcuts of escutcheons, etc. on titles, hourid in red morocco extra, gilt edges, l>y Bedford, £72. 1535-57 Very rare first edition of all that was originally published (the edition printed by the Spanish Academy a few years ago being the only complete impression of Oviedo's work). The Carta missiva which occupies two leaves at the end of the first part, and was printed at the same time, bears the autograph signature of the author, in this form — " Kmo. & illmo. Senor las manos de V. S. Rma. besa Go. Fernandez de Oujedo." The twentieth book (which is the first of part II), published separately at Valladolid in 1557 mas not finished in consequence of the author's death. It is excessively rare. HIST. OF DISCOVERY: AMERICA BEFORE COLUMBUS. 2789 28346 OviEDO Y Valdes, Libro XX de la segunda parte de la general historia de las Indias, sm. folio, vellum, from the Sunderland library, £80. Valladolid, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova, 1557 28347 Histoire natnrelle et generalle des Indes, Isles, et Terre Ferme de la grand Mer Oceane, traduicte de Castillan en Francois (par Jean Poleur), folio, limp vellum, UNCUT, hut some of the front margins stained and injured, £7. Paris, Michel de Vascosan, 1556 The rarity of this volume is shown by its omission from the lists of Rich and Ternaux, especially the latter. Even among the Nuggets it does not appear, nor in any but one of the recent catalogues of Americana. The translator's name is absent from French literary history. His work comprises the first ten books of Oviedo's History, of which only twenty had as yet been published in the original Spanish. l'histoire de la terre nevte dv Peru — see post under 1520 Discovery of Peru. 28348 PIZARRO Y ORELLANA, Varones ilnstres del Nuevo Mundo, descubridores, conquistadores, y pacificadores del Imperio de las Indias occidentales, sm. folio, hd. £2. 5s Madrid, Diaz de la Carrera, 1639 28349 Robertson (W.) History of America, 2 vols. 4to. first edition, m,aps and plates, fifie copy in old russia extra, 18s 1777 28350 SAN ROMAN (Antonio) Historia general de la India Oriental, los Descubrimientos y Conquistas que ban becbo las armas de Portugal en el Brasil y en partes de Africa y Asia ; y de la Dilatacion del Santo Evangelip por aquellas grandes Provincias, desde sus principias hasta 1567, stout sm. folio,, hd. £4. Valladolid, 1603 The author was a native of Valencia, and a priest of the order of St. Benedict. " Get ouvrage est un des plus importants qui aient ete publics sur les conqnetes faitcs par les Portugais. II est rare d'en rencontrer un exemplaire complet." — Salva. 28351 Scherer (J. B.) Recberebes Historiques et Geograpbiques sur le Nouveau-Monde, 8vo. map, hds. 10s; or, old calf gilt, 12s 1777 28352 Septenville (Ed. de) Decouvertes et Conquetes du Portugal dans les deux Mondes, 12mo. sd. 2s 1863 28353 ZuRCHER et Margolle, Histoire de la Navigation, sm. 8vo. sd. Is 6d (1867) 2. Supposed Early Discoveries of America; Asiatic; Polynesian; Sec. Y (Chinese); Sec. X (Norse); Sec. XII (Welsh); and History of Arctic Naviga- tions in the X-XV Centuries. 28354 Garcia (Gregorio) Origen de los Indies de el Nvevo Mvndo, e Indias Occidentales . . . 12mo. hf. hd. from the Ramirez lihrary, £4. Valencia, 1607 2790 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 28355 Garcia (Gregorio) Origen de los Indies, 12mo. very fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Court library, £6. %s Valencia, 1607 Very kare. Although two copies are here described, no other has appeared in the public sales for the last twenty years, the reprint of 1729 being apjiarently the only form of the work which was attainable by most of the collectors of Americana. Garcia's opinion, as opposed to the special theories of other writers, was that the American Indians drew their origin from various races of the old world, including Chinese and Tatars. But all his learning on this subject is of less value than the positive facts concerning the native tribes, which he drew partly from his own experiences in the New World, and partly from a MS. work by Juan de Vetanzos (one of the com- panions of I'izarro, and a man specially skilled in the native languages), which was in the possession of Garcia, and which has never been published. — The libro ultimo of Garcia's work contains the native Indian accounts of their origin, and is divided into sections which treat separately the various distinct tribes of Mexico and Peru. 28356 Lang (J. D.) Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian Nation ; demonstrating their ancient discovery and progressive settle- ment of America, sm. 8vo. hds. hs 1834 28357 Leland (C. G.) Fusang, or the Discovery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests of the fifth century, sm. 8vo. (pub. 7s Qd), cloth, hs 1875 28358 ANTIQUITATES AMERICANJE,sive Scriptores Septentrionales Reram ante-Columbianarum, ed. Soc. Reg. Antiquar. Septentr. Island. Dan. et Latine, 4to. ivith preface hy Rafn, maps and plates, including facsi'tniles of old Norse MSS. £2. 16s Hafnice, 1837 28359 TORF^I (Thormodi) Historia Vinlandire antiquse, seu partis AmericEe Septentrionalis ... ex antiqvitatibus Islandicis in lucem producta . . . sm. 8vo. hf. bd. £5. SavnicB, 1705 28360 the same, sm. 8vo. fine and large copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £8. 8s 1705 28361 another copy, sm. 8vo. the title-page reprinted, otherwise identical ivith the preceding, fine copy in red morocco, silk linings, gilt edges, £7. 7s 1715 The first printed authentic exposition of the history of the early Norse Settlements in America, and therefore a book of remarkable interest to the American collector. The Antiquitates Americance in which Rafn has since re-asserted and confirmed the statements of Torfseus, established the fact that Norsemen, about the end of the tenth century, discovered and for about three centuries colonized a portion of the New England States. The colony perished at length for want of unmigration, and the occurrences fell into oblivion ; for although they are referred to in the Chronicle of Adam of Bremen (1072), which was first published in 1579, neither the old Chronicler nor his sixteenth- century readers knew to what part of the world the events had reference. 28362 T0RF.SI (Thormodi) Gronlandia antiqva, seu veteris Gronlandise descriptio . . . 12mo. 5 folding engraved maps, morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £4. 4s Havnice, 1715 This work is the source of everything in modem literature concerning the annals of Greenland during the Middle Ages, — thus involving, likewise, the history of Norse navigation and that of the Norse colonies in America. The first map was designed by Bishop Gudbrand Thorlakssen, in 1606, and shows Labrador; the second by Sigurd Stephansen, in 1570, exhibiting all the Norse-lands in America ; the third by Jonas Gudmund. about 1640, is similarly extensive ; the fourth is by Theodor Thorlakssen, in 1668; and the fifth is by Torfseus himself. HISTORY OF DISCOVERY : ATLANTIC, SEC. XIV-XV. 2791 28363 ANDERSON" (R. B.) America not discovered by Columbus ; an historical sketch, of the Discovery of America by the Norsemen in the 10th century, with a Bibliography of pre-Columbian discoveries, by P. B.Watson, sm. 8vo. cloth, 4s 'od Chicago, 1883 28363*HERBERT (Th.) Description of Persia. Relation of some yeares Travells begun in 1626, folio, engravings, old calf, £3. 3s 1634 Near the end of this book we find the " account and proof " of Prince Madoc's Welsh discovery of Florida in 1170. see also Hakluyt's Voyages, post. 1589 28364 Erizzo (F. M.) le Scoperte Artiche, stout 8vo. i^-p. xvi and 644, with four large maps in a separate impl. 8vo. case, 7s 6d Venezia, 1855 The maps include facsimiles of Andrea Blanco's map of 1436, and of that of the Zeni dated 1380. 28365 Gravter (Gabriel) Decouverte del'Amerique par les Normands au Xe siecle, sm. 4to. maps and plate of Inscriptions, sd. 17s 1874 28366 Gronlands historiske Mindesmterker, udgivne af det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab, 3 vols, in 4, stout 8vo. thick paper, maps and plates, hds. 24s Kjobenhavn, 1838-45 28367 Westman (G. A.) Itinera priscorum Scandianorum in Amerieam, sm. 4to. sd. 16s Aboce, 1757 3. Discovery in Asia (Sec. XIII-XY). Voyages to Cathay, by Del Plan Carpix, Borchard, Marco Polo, ]\Iandeyille, Zexo, Conti, Contarixi, and others see in section, Narratives of Voyagers. 4. Atlantic and African Voyages in the Four- teenth and Fifteenth Century (1300-1490). Sec. XIV-XVI. Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands: 28368 Avezac (M. d') Notice des Decouvertes faites au moyen-age dans rOcean Atlantique, anteriearement aux grands explorations portugaises du XVe siecle, 8vo. morocco gilt, leather joints, gilt edges, 20s 1845 28369 the same, 1845 — Sur la premiere Expedition de Bethencourt aux Canaries, 1846— Sur la situation du Mouillage au sud du Cap de Bugeder, 1846 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. sd. 10s 1845-6 28370 BETHENCOURT, Histoii-e de la premiere descouverte, et Con- queste des Canaries faite des I'an 1402, par Jean de BETHEN- COURT, Chambellan du Roy Charles VI, escrite par P. Bontier, et J. Le Verrier, mise en lumiere par Galion de Bethencourt, plus un Traicte de la Navigation et des Descouvertes modernes 2792 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. (par Bekgeron), sm. 8vo. first edition, with copperplate portrait by Moncornet, a feio ivormholes in the margins, old calf, £3. \Qs Paris, 1629-30 28371 ■ ■ — the same, sm. 8vo. fine impression of the portrait, red m^orocco extra, silk linings and gilt edges, from the BecJcford library, £6. 15s 1629-30 Bergeron's valuable treatise was the first scientific review of the history and results of geographical discovery. 28372 the Canarian, or Book of the Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians in 1402, by Bethenconrt, composed by Bontier and Le Verrier, translated and edited by Major with notes and introduction, royal 8vo. large paper, portrait and 2 plates from the MS. hf. bd. Boxbiirghe, uncut, 25s 1872 The French text is given under the English, printed from the original illuminated MS. of the 15th century, and preceded by an Introduction of 55 pp. 28373 [Abreu db Galineo (Juan de)] History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands, translated from a Spanish MS. with the modern History of the Inhabitants, by Glas, 4to. map, uncut, 10s 1764 The original work was written by the Spanish friar, whose name is given above, in the Isle of Palma, in 1632. It has never been printed. "Este fidedigno autor escribia aquellas memorias historicas que siempre citar^mos con aplauso." — Viera. 28374 Azores. History of the Azores, demonstrating their importance to the British Empire, M^o. plates and maps, bds. 7s 6d 1813 28375 the same, 4to. plates and maps, calf, 9s 1813 28376 CORDEYRO (A.) Insulano de Terceyra. Historia Insulana das Ilhas a Portugal sugeytas no Oceano Occidental, sm. folio, fine copy, old calf, 32s Lisbon, 1717 Lord Stuart de Rothesay's copy fetched, 1855, £3. 15s. 28377 MoSQUBRA de Figueroa (Christoval) Comentario en breve com- pendio de Disciplina Militar, en que se escrive la Jornada de las ISLAS de los A<^ORES, sm. 4to. ^vithout the plate, bd. £2. Madrid, Luiz Sanches, 1596 At the end is the Elogio del Marques de Santa Cruz, the leader of the Spanish expedition, with a separate title-page. This valuable work is not mentioned by Brunet, nor contained in the Grenville library. 28378 NUNEZ DE LA PENA (J.) Conquista y Antiguedades de las Islas de la Gran Canaria, y su Descripcion, con muchas Adver- tencias de sus Privilegios, Conquistadores, Pobladores, y otras particularidades en la muy poderosa Isla de Thenerife, sm. 4to. bound, 25s Madrid, 1676 An indispensable supplement to the History by Abreu, and the French account of Bethencourt. Viera says it is a " rico tesoro de noticias para la historia de Canarias," and describes it as " el libro en que [el autor] dejo asegurada su memoria." He also says, " The islands are indebted to the immense labours of Nunez de la Pefia for different notices which, but for him, would perhaps have been already forgotten." 28379 VIERA y Clavijo (Joseph de) Noticias de la Historia General de las Islas de Canaria, el origen y costumbres de sus antiguos habitantes, etc. 4 vols. sm. 4to. map and portrait of Juan de Bethencourt, calf, not uniform, £2. Madrid, 1772-83 28380 ■ the same, 4 vols. sm. 4to. vclluvi, £3. 1772-83 HISTORY OF DISCOVERY : AMERICA AND INDIA. 2793 28381 ViERA Y Clavijo, Noticias de Canaria, 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £3. I0.s 1772-83 " Ce livre est recommandable tant par son merite historique, que parce qu'il fut ecrit par un des hommes qui surent le mieux manier la langue castillane a la fin du siecle dernier. L'Histoire des Canaries fut imprimde, a un petit nombre d'exemplaires, tons destines a des presents ; ce qui explique la grande difficult^ a en rencontrer des exemplaires." — Salva. — But everything comes to London. 1415-86 West African Exploration, to the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope : 28382 MAJOR'S Prince Henry of Portugal snrnamed tlie Navigator: his Life and its Results, comprising the discovery, within one Century, of half the World, with new facts in the discoveiy of the Atlantic Islands, and the History and naming of America, by H. R. Major, Svo. portrait, maps, and plates, cloth, 18s 1868 28383 second edition, sm. 8vo. portrait, maps, and plates (pub. 15s), clotJi, 7s 6d 1877 28384 Vida do Infante D. Henrique de Portugal, appelli- dado O Navegador, e sens resultados, vertida do Inglez por J. A. Ferreira Brandao, Qyo. portrait, woodcuts and maps, sd. 10s Lishoa, 1876 28385 AZURARA (Gnomes Eanes d') Chronica dos feitos do Conde Dom Pedro de Meneses primro. Capitao que foi na cidade de Cepta, folio, neatly ivritten MS. on paper, bound in limp vellum, with the arms of a Portuguese noble on the sides, £6. 6s About 1620 An important historical work by the royal chronicler of Joam I of Portu- gal. It was written in 1463, and records the conquest of Ceuta by the Portuguese in 1415 — the first step in that series of expeditions which led to the Voyage round the Cape and the discovery of America. The capture and annexation of Ceuta are events that belong to the biography of " Prince Henry the Navigator." The Chronicle was printed for the first time in 1792, by Correa da Serra. The present MS. was transcribed about 1620 from a copy made in 1470, in the house of the Archpriest of Lisbon, by Joam Gonzalez, scribe and hiscuit-Vaker. 28386 Chronica do Descobrimento e Conquista de GUINE, escrita sob a direc9ao do Infante D. Henrique, com Introduc^ao e notas de Santarem, e com un Glossario, royal 4to. large paper, printed ivithin borders, illuminated Portrait in imitation of the MS. and 4 pp. of facsimiles, hf. morocco, gilt tops, 36s Pariz, 1841 First edition. Very few copies were printed in the sumptuous Large Paper form. 5. Voyages in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, 1492-1518. 1492 Martin Behaim : 28387 Ghillany, Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaut, nach den altesten vorhandenen Urkunden bearbeitet ; mit Humboldt's Abhandlung iiber die altesten Karten des Neuen Continents und den Namen Amerika, atlas 4to. portrait of Behaim, three large folding facsimiles of Behaiins and Schoner's globes, facsimiles also of the maps of De la Cosa and Ruysch, and plates of Regiomontamis^ Astrolahe, bds. 18s Niirnberg, 1853 1492 is the date of Behaini's globe, and is used for placing him in this section rather than the preceding. He was oflT the coast of Guniea with the Portuguese in 14S4. 2794 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1492-1516 Christopher Columbus : Letters of Columbus— see i)ost in Narratives of Voj'agers. 28388 BuLLAS : Libro en que estan eopiladas algunas Bullas de nro muy Sancto Padre concedidas en fauor de la Juridicion real de sus Altezas y todos los Pragmaticas que estan feebas para la buena Governacion del Reyno, folio, gotljic letter, fine co^nj in Ihie morocco, excessively rare, see Harrisse's Supplemetit to his Bihlio- theca Americana, uiihwwn to Salva and Brunei, £15. (Alcald) s. I. 1503 On folio cxix we find, in an ordinance of Ferdinand and Isabel, a long passage which begins: " Sepades que nos avemos mandado a don Cristoval Colon nro Almirante de las Yndias del mar oceano que buelva a la ysla E^pafiola y a las otias yslas y tierra firme," etc. It was the decree dated 1496, by which criminals under sentence were to be sent out to Hispaniola to work as labourers, in commutation of punishment. 28389 STAMLER, Dyalogus Jobannis Stamler de diversarum Gencium Sectis et Mundi Religionibus, sm. folio, with woodcut title, impressed on hath sides, vellum, £12. 12s Auguste, E. Oglin et Jeo. Nadler, 1508 On the reverse of the first leaf, in a letter to Jacobus Philomusus [Locher] dated 20 May, 1506, we find the words of which the following is a translation — "I make however no mention of the discovered islands, but you may examine the two little tracts (which I send you herewith) of Cristofer Colom, the discoverer of the same, and of Albericus Vespucius concerning the new discovered world (to both of whom our age is most largely indebted)." This means that the Epistola of Columbus (1493) and the Epistola of Vespucci (1503), accompanied Stamler's letter ; and its chief significance lies in the apparent assignment of equal eminence to the two Italians whose names are imperishably associated with the New World. 28390 FULGOSI (Bapt.) deDictisfactisquememorabilibus (illisexceptis quse Max. Valerius edidit) collectanea, a Camillo Gilino latina facta, folio, Editio Princeps of one of the early hooJcs recording the Discovery of America, with the bookplate of Bilihaldus Pirchheimer, bds. £5. Mediolani, Jac. Ferrarius, 1509 On thereverse of sig. llii. in lib. vii, the discovery by Christopher Columbus of a way to the Indies, shorter than any known before, is recorded (although with the mistake that the voyage had been accomplished in thirty-one days). Fulgosus states that this new way was much easier, shorter, and better than the long and dangerous voyage roimd the Cape and through the Indian Ocean, by which Vasco da Gama had sought the same regions. In spite of its errors, this constitutes an interesting and very early notice of the two most important voyages in the long annals of Geographical Discovery. The Invention of Typography by " Contembergns Argentinensis " is also related, with an insinuation that the inventor had been directly inspired by God. By this wonderful art, he says that the great writers of ancient days may be said to have begun their existence in 1440. 28391 ANGHIERA(PietroMartired'). P.MARTYRIS . . . Oceani DECAs, folio, Hispali, 1511 First edition of the first decade. 28392 De Orbe Nouo Decades, sm. iolio, very fine copy in red m,orocco super extra, gilt viarlled edges, by Lortic, £28. Gura et diligentia Antonii Nebrissenns fuerunt hce tresprotonotarii HISTORY OF DISCOVERY: AMERICA. 2795 1492-1506 Columbus — continued. Petri martyris decades Imj^ressce in contuhernio Arnaldi Guillelmi in Illustri ofpido carpetance pmcice copluto quod uulym'iter dicitur Alcala jifectu est nonis Nouehris An. 1516 First edition of the first three Decades. Contains : title and text, sixty- four leaves ; Vocahula Barbara, three leaves. The ti'eatise Legatio Bahilonica mentioned by Harrisse (Biblioth. vetustissima, no 88). is uot in this copy. 28393 Anghiera. [Degas Quarta] de nvper sub D. Cai'olo repertis Insulis, simulq ; incolarum moribus, R. Petri Martyris, Enchiridion, sra. 4to. old binding, £7. 10s Basilece, 1521 28391 the same, sm. 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bed- ford, £10. 1521 This is not an extract as has been supposed, but is the entire fourth Decade, printed now for the first time, and containing the history of the New World from 1516 to 1520, in which the discovery and conquest of Mexico are recorded. Thus it falsifies the statement made in the heading of the fourth Decade (in the edition of 15.30, Ahala") " nunc primum Data et cxcusa," a phrase which signifies now first published and printed, not (as Eden rendered it) " now first set forth and examined." We must assume that it was jirinted without the knowledge and consent of Peter Martyr, — a conjecture strengthened by the fact that the text is addressed to the F<>pe, while the dedication (hy the printer) is made to Joannes CateujEus, the physician of' Margaret of Austria, and the title-page absurdly states that it was to tlie princess herself. 28395 DE ORBO NOUO DECADES . . . sm. folio, some leaves dis- coloured, border of title slightly cut into, vellmn, from the Ramirez library, £62. Gomplvti, in cedihus Michaelis de Eguia, 1530 Very rare. First complete edition of the eight Decades. 28396 de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe Novo Decades (I-III)— De Insalis nuper inventis et de moribus incolarum — Leg-atio Babylonica (ad Soldanum JEgypti) — in 1 vol. sm. folio, sd. £3. Basilece, 1533 28397 the same, Basil. 1533 — Anselmi Cantuarensis Arch. in omnes Pauli Apostoli epistolas enarrationes, industria ac labore D. Renati, nunc mendis abstersis, woodcut title, Coloniae, Jasp. Genuepaeus, 1545 ; in 1 vol. sm. folio, old stamped binding, £4. 4s 28398 de Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe decades tres ; item de Babylonica Legatione ; item de rebus ^thiopicis opuscula Damiani a Goes, stout sm. 8vo. hogshin, with clasps, 20s Cohnice, 1574 28399 the Slime, fine copy in the original hogshin, bearing the date 1576 on the sides, 28s 1574 28400 De Orbe Novo Petri Martyris Anglerii . . . Decades octo . . . utilissimis annotationibus illustratee, . . . labore & industria Richardi Haklvtti Oxoniensis Angli, sm. 8vo. Best Edition of the text, with the celebrated map of the World, executed and dedicated to Hakluyt by F. G., showing the latest English discoveries, and far superior to any map which had yet come into existence, vellum, fine copies, £20. Farisiis, 1587 28401 the same, map in facsimile, old red morocco, Guzman arms on sides, £10. ib. 1587 Rare when perfect. The map is a remarkable example of advance in 191 2796 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1492-1506 Columbus — continued. cartography and geographical knowledge. It may be said to have formed an epoch in the history of that science. It is a pity that the name of " F. G." has not been recovered from the mystery of initials, as he was evidently a worthy antecessor of Arrowsmith and Petermann. Mr. Coote's assumption that he was identical with Trancisco Gualle, the Spanish navigator, is untenable. Decades of the newe worlde or west India, 1555 — see Eden. History of Trauaile in the "West and East Indies, 1577— see Eden, jpost, in section Collections of Voyages. 28402 Anghiera, DeNouo Orbe, orthe Historic of the west Indies . . . comprised in eight Decades . . . whereof three, haue beene formerly translated into English, by R. J^den, whereunto the other fine, are newly added by the Industrie, and painefull Trauaile of M. Lok . . . sm. 4to. a wormhole in the margins, hf. bd. £7. 10s Thomas Adams, 1612 28403 the same, sm. 4to. a fine copy in old russia, £12. 12s 1612 28404 Opus Epistolarum, cui accesserunt Epistolae P. de Pulgar cum tractatu de Viris Castellse Illustribus, sm. folio, calf, rare, £3. 3s Amst. Elzevir, 1670 28405 the same, large paper, folio, calf, £7. 7s ih. 1670 The best edition. Not a single laege papeb copy is cited by Willems, Brunei, Leclerc, or other bibliographers. 28406 MEXIA (Pedro) Historia imperial y Cesarea : en la qual en silma se contiene las vidas y hechos de todos los Cesares Empe- radores de Roma : desde Julio Cesar hasta el Empador Maxi- miliano, sm. folio, vellum,, £3. Sevilla, 1547 Engraved title ; 5 prel. 11. ; text, fols. ccccxxiii. This is the second Spanish Edition. A short reference to America on verso of fol. ccccxiii. 28407 COLOMBO (Fernando) Historic nelle quali s'ha particolare & vera relatione della vita & de fatti dell' Ammii-aglio D. Christo- foro Colombo suo padre . . . di lingua Spagnuola tradotte dal S. Alfonso Vlloa, 12mo. First Edition, vellum-, £4. Venet. 1571 28407* altra edizione, 16mo. blue calf extra, 28s 1685 The Spanish original is no longer in existence. This Italian version holds consequently a place of primary importance in the literature of American history, being the only source of information upon many points in the life of Columbus. 28408 CASTELLANOS (Juan de). Primera parte de las elegias DE Varones illvstres de Indias, sm. 4to. woodcut portrait, beau- tiful copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £10. Madrid, Alonso Gomez, 1589 Vert rare. It was republished in 1847 by Ribadeneyra, who then added the second and third parts, which had never before been printed. It is a versified history of the discovery of America and of the deeds of heroism performed by Spanish leaders during the sixty years that followed the event. The metrical form employed is that of Tasso's Gerusalemmc, but the spirit of poetry has token refuge elsewhere. Castellanos had been himself one of the conquistador es, and spent, as he says, the best part of his life in the New World. Conse:htened and truthful. Bustamante, whose anti-Spanish prejudices and peculiarities are well known, acknowledges in Muiioz the most faithful, careful, and accurate historian of the New World. 28411 Iturri (Ft.) Carta critica sobre la Historia de America de Munoz, 12mo. sd. 15s Madrid, 1798 28412 Cancellieri (F.) Dissertazioni epistolari bibliog-rafiche sopra Cristoforo Colombo, e Giovanni Gersen di Cavaglia, autore del libro de Imitatione Cbristi, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 2 vignette portraits, sewed, 12s Soma, 1809 28413 Vega (Manuel de la) Historia del descubrimiento de la America Septentrional por Cristobal Colon, dala a luz Bustamante, 8vo. ?if. bd. 36s Mexico, 1826 28414 CoDiCE DiPLOMATico Colombo-Americano, ossia Raccolta di Documenti originali e inediti, spettanti a Cristoforo Colombo alia scoperta ed al Governo dell' America (editoi-e G. B. Spor- tano), ^to. portrait, half moroccn, gilt top, £1. 10s Genova, 1833 28415 Tavola (la) di Bronzo, il Pallio di Seta, ed il Codice Colombo- Americano, illustrati per Giu. Banchero, impl. 8vo. maps and facsimiles, green morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s Genova, 1857 28416 Bonne Foux (Baron de) Vie de Christopbe Colomb, 8vo. frontis- piece, sd. '6s 6d Paris, (? 1850) 28417 GuANAHANi (La Verdadera) de Colon, roj. 8vo. map of the Bahamas, Is 6d Santiago, 1864 The author shows that the island of Mayaguana or Mariguana was the first point in the New World touched by Columbus, and not Turcos, aa Navarette affirms, nor Watling I., as Mufioz, Peschel and Becher maintaia. 28418 Goodrich (Aaron) History of the Chai-acter and Achievements of the so-called Christopher Columbus, 8vo. numerous xvoodcuts, cloth, 12s Nevj Yorl; 1874 " Histories have hitherto been written solely to praise him [Columbus] ; the writer appears, therefore, as the self-constituted counsel for the opposite side." — iSee Preface. 28419 Restos de Colon (Los) Informe sobre el supuesto hallazgo de los verdaderos restos de Colon en la Iglesia Catedral de Santo Domingo, 12m.o. plates, hf brown morocco gilt, 10s Madrid, 1879 28420 Harrisse (Henry) Christophe Columb, son origine, sa vie, ses voyages, sa famille, ses descendants, 2 vols, large 8vo. plates, some coloured, £2. 18s I'aris, 1884-85 28421 le meme, pap'er de ITollande, 2 vols. 8vo. £4. 1884-85 191 ♦ 2798 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1497 Cabot : English Voyages to North America : 28422 CABOT (Jean et Sebastien), lem* Origine et lenrs Voyages, etude d'histoire critique suivie d'une Bibliographie et d'une Clironologie des Voyages au Nord-Ouest, 1497-1550, par Henry Harrisse, roy. 8vo. facsimile of the large map designed by Cabot and etigraved in 1544, of ivhich only one co^y is Icnoivn, sd. 20s Paris, 1882 see also Hakluyt, Purchas, Ramusio, in section of Collections of Voyages. 1497 Amerigo Vespucci : Discovery of the Mexican Gulf, Florida, and tlie South-east coast of the United States, 1497-98 Discovert of North Brazil and Voyage along the coast of Tierra Firme, 1499-1500 Discoveries on the East coast of Brazil, 1501-2 Voyage to Bahia, etc. 1503-4 see his Lettera delle Isole nuouamente trouate ;,'//. section of Narratives of Voyagers. 28423 Amerigo Vespucci, son caractere, ses ecrits, sa Vie et ses Navi- gations, jDar Varnhagen, sm. folio, map and 2 facsimiles, Lima, 1865 — Le Premier Voyage de Vespucci definitivement explique dans ses details, Vie7ine, 1869' — Nouvelles Recherches sur les derniers Voyages du Navigateur Florentin, et le reste des documents et eclaircissements sur lui, avec les textes (et una postface), map from the 1513 Ptolemy, and facsimile of Vespucci s writing, Vienne, 1870 — together 3 parts, the complete Series, bound in 1 vol, sm. folio, cloth, 16s 1865-69-70 Also sold separately : Le Premier Voyage de Vespucci, Vienne, 1869 — Nouvelles Recherches, Vienne, 1870 — as described above, ivith the maps necessary to complete the volume printed at Lima, 1865, stitched, 5s Vienne, 1869-70 • see also Paesi novamente ritrovati, 1507, in section of Collec- tions of Voyages. The discovery of Brazil (on the 27 June, 1499, before Pinzon and before Cabral) in Vespucci's second voyage, seems to receive some confirmation in the form of the sentence- in which King J^manuel (letter to the King of Castile in 1505) mentions the reputed discovery by Cabral of the land of Santa Cruz. ■ — See quotation given below, No. 28430. 1497-1550 Portuguese Discoveries beyond the Cape of Good Hope : 28424 Colleccao de Monumentos Ineditos pai-a a Historia das CoN- QUISTAS dos PoRTUGUEZES em Africa, Asia, e America, publicados da Academia de Sciencias de Lisboa, sob a direcfao de R. J. de Lima Felner ; 1a Serie, Historia da Asia, 9 vols. 4to./owr vols. hf. bd. the rest sd. £8. 10s Lisboa, 1858-81 Contents : Vols. I-iV. Lendas da India, per Caspar descobrimieuto da India ate o anno Correa, contendo as Accoens de 1550 -, , „ ... -, This is a work of an old PorLu;fuefee Vhsco da Gama, Albo-iuerque, Nuno chronicler, wriltt-n in 1560, and printed da Cunha, e outrus dcbdc o primcro i here lor the fir.sl liuic. HIST. OF DISCOVERY: PORTUGUESE IN ASIA. 2799 1497-1550 Portuguese Discoveries — contimiecl. Vol. V. SuBSiDios para la Historia da I Historia da India, publicada por India Ponugueza publicados por R. J. de Lima Felner, in 2 vols 1876 R. J. de Lima Felner 1868 Vols. VII- IX. Documentos remetidos CuNTENTS : U Livro dos Pesos Medi- ^j^^ j^^^i^ ^^ li^.^.^^ j^^ Moncoes, .3 vols. das e Jloedas por Ant. Munes ; O iombo 1880 f81 ?"> do Estado da India por Simao Botelho ; The continuation after Vol. IX can also Lembran9as das cousas da India em 152o. ^^ supplied by me. Vol. VI. BocARRO (Ant.) Decada 13 da I 28425 VASCO DA GAMA: Roteiro da Viagem que em descobri- mento da India fez Vasco da G^ma em 1497, 8vo. map, portrait and facsimile, Jif. morocco, uncut, 6s Porto, 1888 28426 Calcoen ; a Dutch, narrative of the second voyage of Yasco da Gama to Calicut, printed at Antwerp circa 1504 {in facshnile), with introduction and translation by Berjeau, sm. 4to. Ids. 7s 6d 1874 28427 Second Voyage (le) de Vasco da Gama a Calicut, relation flaraande etc. avec traduction (fran9aise), 8vo. facsimile map, sd. 5s • Paris, 1881 28428 ■ Vlamisches Tagebuch iiber Vasco da Gama's zweite Reise^ herausg. iibersetzt, etc. von Stier, 12mo. sd. Is Braunsch. 1880 28429 Latino Coelho, Galleria de Varoes il lustres de Portugal : Vasco da Gama, 8vo. port. sd. 2s 6d Lisboa, 1882 28430 EMANUEL, King of Portugal, Italian version of a Letter from, to Ferdinand, King of Castiile, written in 1505, giving an account of the Voyages^ etc. in the East-Indies, 1500-1505, reprinted from the copy of 1505, with notes by Dr. Bumell, roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is 1881 Only twenty. five copies printed, not for sale. Of the original only three copies are in existence. The words in which the King notices the discovery of Brazil by Cabral seem to imply that, notwithstanding the use of the word " scoperseno," he knew that there had been an anterior discovery by another. The sentence may be translated thas — Navigating past Cape Verde they discovered a land newly come to the knowledge of this our Europe : to which land he applied the name oj Santa Cruz . . . others call it Tei-ra Xova or Alundo Novo. 28431 Epistola potentissimi ac invictissimi Emanuelis regis Portugalie et Algarbiorum &c. de Victoriis habitis in India et Malacha ad S. Christo pati-em et dnm. nostrum Leonem X, MDXIII, smallest 4to. fotir leaves, red morocco, by Bedford, £5. s. n. (1513) From the type, this very rare and hitherto undescribed edition seems to have been issued from a Basel or Leipzig press — perhaps however from that of Augsburg. It ends on the eighteenth line of the fourth leaf, obverse. 28432 Epistola . . . Emanuelis, etc. small 4to. another edition, ending on the seventeenth line of the fourth leaf, obverse, with these words " Bat' in TJrhe nra Vlyxbon. Octavo Id. Junias. Anno dni. M. D. xiii," the arms of the King on the title, sd. £4. (1513) 28433 Abtrnck ains lateinischen Sandtbrieues an babstliche hciligkeit, von kiinigklichcr Wui-de zu ['orteyfiil, dis iai-s 2800 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1497-1550 Portuguese Discoveries — continued. ausgangen, von d.eroberte stadt Malaclia, an deren Kiinigrei- chen unnd Herrscliaftn in India, anch gegen Aufgangk der Sunnen, sm. 4to. Arras of Portugal on title, red morocco, by Bedford, rare, £4. 10s Augspurg, Erhart Oeglin [151 3J 28434 Emanuel. Ordinacoes da India do Rei D. Manoel; Informa^ao da Aurea Chersoneso por Manoel Godinho de Heredea, etc. 12mo. hf. hd. 2s Lisloa, 1807 28435 ALBOQUERQUE. Commentarios de Afonso Dalboqnerque capitao geral & goiiernador da India, collegidos per sen filho Afonso Dalboquerque das proprias cartas que elle escreuia ao . Rey do Manuel . . . folio, first edition, ruled througliout with red ink, fine copy, bound in calf by an English binder, with gilt ornaments of Lyonese styles on the sides and on the back, gilt edges, £80. Lixboa, loam de Barreyra, 1557 The binding was executed in London towards the end of the sixteenth centnry. Excessively rare — so rare indeed that there is no copy in the British Museum, and the Hakluyt Society editor of Alboquerque's com- mentaries was obliged to make his translation from the reprint of 1574 (in the Grenville library). The Royal Library at Dresden contains a copy of the first edition of 1557, and there was one in the bookseller Thorpe's possession about fifty years ago, which has now disappeared. No others seem to be known. The Salva library, like our great national collection, can only exhibit the 1574 reprint — also a very scarce book, but of a totally different degree of rarity and intrinsic value. After having completed his well-known Navigations, Hakluyt turned to the Portuguese sources which he had not previously had access to, and printed in 1601 a translation from Galvao's Descobrimentos — an exceedingly rare book printed at Lisbon in 1563. From the age and origin of the binding of this volume, we may conjecture that it belonged to him. It is highly probable that when he obtained the original Galvao, he also procured the Alboquerque — a book which he had evidently known by report only, to judge from the manner in which, in his Navigations, he mentions the name of the great Portuguese captain. 28436 Alboquerque. Commentarios do Grande Afonso Dalboquerque, Capitam Geral que foy das Indias Orientaes . . . Novamente emendados, etc. 4to. second edition, the last few leaves ivormed and a feio other leaves a little stained, old calf gilt, vert rare, £7. 10s Lisboa, 1574 28437 Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, second Viceroy of India, from the Portuguese edition of 1574, •with notes and introduction by W. De Gray Birch, 4 vols. 8vo. comjDlete, portraits and maps, cloth, £2. 10s EaUuyt Soc. 1875-84 Alvarez (Francisco) Account of the Embassy to Abyssinia, 1520-27 — see in Narratives of Voyagers. 28438 Castro (Joao de) Primeiro Roteiro da Costa da India desde Goa ate Dio, 1538-39, viagem do Vice-rei Garcia de Noronha, segundo MS. autographo, publicado por Kopke, text 1 vol. roy. 8vo. u-ith portrait and facsimiles of the MS. and 4to. atlas of facsimiles of the charts and maps, hf. morocco, uncut — 2 vols. £2. 2s Porto, 1843 28439 the Atlas only, bound in oblong form, hf. morocco, 20» 1843 HIST. OF DISCOVERr.- PORTUGUESE IN ASIA. 2801 1497-1550 Portuguese Discoveries— continued. 28440 Castro ( Joao de) Roteiro de Lisboa a Goa, annotado por Joao de Andrade Corvo, 8vo. 15 facsimiles of Charts, sd. 5s Lisboa, 1882 28441 Roteiro : Viagem que fizeram os Portuguezes no anno de 1541 de Goa atee Soez ; Itinerarium Mar-is Rnbri, etc. 8vo. map and portraits, hf. morocco, with royal folio atlas of 16 plans, hf. hd. 30s Paris, 1833 28442 the same, without the Atlas, 8vo. hf. hd. 10s 1833 28443 GOES (Damiani a) Opuscula ; Fides, Religio Moresque ^thiopnm ; Epistolae aliquot Preciosi Joannis ; Deploratio Lappianae Gentis ; Lappise Descriptio ; Bellum Cambaicum ; De Rebus et Imperio Lusitanoruni ; etc. etc. in 1 vol. sm. 4to. fine copy in red morocco extra, by Kalthoeber, from the BecJcford library, Hamilton Palace, £5. 5s Lovanii, 1544 28444 Chronica do serenissimo Senhor Rey Dom Emanuel [1469-1521], 4 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, vellum, from the Sunder- land library, £5. Lisbon, 1619 28445 the same, sm. folio, the title and first leaf of text are reprinted, and the preliminary leaf is tvanting, several portraits and plates inserted, old calf, £2. lbs 1619 28446 the same, first ten leaves in MS. last leaf imperfect, and leaf of table wanting, old citron morocco, arms of Lord Stuart de Rothsay in gold on sides, 10s 1619 28447 Chronica de D. Manoel, folio, calf, 25s Lisboa, 1749 The Chronicle of the celebrated Kin;^ Emanuel is of especial value for the History of the Portuguese discoveries in India and Africa. 28448 Damiani a Goes, H. Pauli, etc. de Rebus Hispanicis, Lusitanicis, Aragonicis, Indicia et Aethiopicis, 12m.o. port7-ait, vellum, 21s Col. Agripp. 1602 28449 BARROS (Joao de) Decadas da Asia. Decada Primeira da Asia, dos Feitos que os Portugueses fezerao no descobrimento & conquista dos mares e terras do Oriente, Lisboa, 1628 — Decada Segunda, two lines of text partly erased, Lisboa, 1628 — Terceira decada, original edition, vert rare, Lisboa, 1563 — Quarta Decada, 3 maps, original edition, very rare, Madrid, 1615 ; — tegether 4 vols. sm. folio, old Portuguese black morocco, profusely gilt, £25. Lisboa e Madrid, 1653-1628 28450 BARROS (Joao) e COUTO (Diogo do) Decadas da Asia, dos Feitos que os Portugueses fezerao no descobi'imento & con- quista dos mares & terras do Oriente, Decades I- IV (Barros) and IV-VIT (Couto), forming 8 vols, small folio, 3 copper-plate maps, in Barros' fourth Decade, and woodcut portraits of Couto in Decs. V and VII, Spanish calf, very rare, £24. Lisboa e Madrid, 1628-15 ; 1602-16 28451 ■ the same, Decadas I-IV (Barros) and IV- VII (Couto), forming 9 vols, small folio, maps and portraits, fine copiies uniform in vellum, from the Sunderland library, £42. 1628-1615; 1602-1673 Decades I-VIir, and small fragments of IX and X, are all that were ever printed in Portugal in folio size. To make up the continuation (Dec 2802 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1497'='1550 Portuguese Discoveries — conthmed. IX-XIII) one must get the small octavo edition printed in 1778-88. In the preceding last two sets the first three volumes are of the second edition, but all the others are of the original issue. It is not known whether a title and pre- liminary leaves were ever printed for Vol. VI, or whether they perished in the fire which destroyed all but some seven or eight copies of that volume. The copies in these sets, as in all others, begin wiib the first leaf of text. 28452 Barros, Decadas I-IV, 4 vols. 1628-15— Couto, DecadasIV-IX, in 3 vols. Lisboa, Domingo Gonsalves, 1736 — together 7 vols, sm. folio, Spanish calf gilt, £16. 1615-1730 This edition of Couto is veiy rare. It cont;uns fragments of the Ninth Decade, which were never printed till 1736. 28453 Barros t Couto, da Asia, novo edi9ao, con Indice geral, 24 vols. 12mo. maps and portrait, sd. £4. Lisboa, 1778-88 28454 the same, 24 vols. 12mo. hf. calf, £4. 10s 1778-88 28455 the same, 24 vols. 12mo. calf, £5. 1778-88 The best account of the Early Discoveries of the Portuguese in Asia. In this edition all that appeared of the original work has been reprinted, and the missing portions supplied from other sources. 28456 Barros (Giovanni di) L'Asia, tradotta da A. Ulloa, 2 vols, in 1, thick sm. 4to. vellum, gilt edges, with arms in gold on sides and monogram on bach of J. A. TJiuanus, 36s Venet. 1562 A translation of the first two decades, — no more was made. 28457 LOPEZ DE CASTANHEDA (Fernao) Historia do Desco- BRIMENTO & CONQUISTA PA InDIA PELOS PORTUGUESES, 8 books in 3 vols. sm. folio, Bh. 6 icants 2 II. in sig. M, old calf gilt, bound for Lord Sunderland ivith his arms on the sides, £180. Coimbra, Joa. de Barreyra, 1552-61 With Autograph of the Author, "Fernao Lopez de Castax- heda" at the end of the first and fifth books. The second, third, and eighth books are printed in Roman letter, the others in Gothic, and there are woodcuts in the second book. It is an event of extremely rare occurrence when the whole eight books of the original Castanheda are thus found together. Even odd volumes fetch long prices. Only one copy of the eight parts is described as having passed through the market — which belonged to Colbert, Fleurieu, and Heber, in succession, and that was deficient of several leaves in various parts. The present copy is perfect with the small exception of the two leaves specified above. 28458 Historia do Descobrimento e Conquista da India pelos Portugueses, reimpressa por F. J. dos Santos Man^acos, part I, in 2 vols. 12mo. sd. 7s 6d Lisboa, 1797 28459 Historia do Descobrimento e Conquista da India pelos Portugueses, 8 vols, in 4, sm. 4to. neatly bound, £3. 10s Lisboa, 1833 28460 ■ Historia del descubrimiento y Conquista de la India por los Portuguezes, traduzida en Romance Castellano, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, £3. 16s Anveres, Martin Nucio, 1554 28461 Le Premier Livre de I'Histoire de I'lnde, contenant comment I'lnde a este decouverte par le commandement du Roy Emmanuel . . . par Fernad Lopes de Castagneda, etc. traduit de Portugues en Francois par Nicolas de Grouchy, sm. 4to. vellum, 'rare, from the Sunderland library, £4. 4s Paris, 1553 HIST. OF IJISUOVERY: PORTUGUESE IN ASIA. 2808 1497-1550 Portugese Discoveries — continued. 28462 Lopez de Castanheda. Historie of the Discouerie and Conque.st of the East Indus . . . set forth in the Portingale language, by Hernan Lopes de Castaneda, translated into English by N[icholas] L[ichefield], sm. 4to. black letter, crimson morocco extra, gilt over marhled edges, £12. Lond. T. East, 1582 A large and fine copy of this very scarce and valuable History. The dedication is to Sir Francis Drake. 28463 Historia dell' Indie Orientali, scoperte e conquistate da' Portoghesi, dal Sig. Fernando Lopes di Castagneda, tradotta da Alf, Ulloa, 7 books in 2 vols, stout sm. 4to. vellum gilt, with Arms and Monogram in gold of I. A. Thuanus, £4. 4s Veiietia, 1577 28464 OSORII (H.) de rebus Emmanuelis Regis Lusitanise gestis, libri XII, folio, first edition, calf, rare, £4. Olysip. 1571 28465 History of the Portuguese during the reign of Emmanuel, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, hs 1752 Consists chiefly of accounts of the Portuguese Embassies, Expeditions, and Discoveries in India and Africa under this reign. Maffei— see ante. No. 28337. 28466 MARIZ (Pedro de) Dialogos de Varia historia, em que sumariamente se referem mnytas cousas antiguas de Hespanha 6 todas as mais notavees que em Portugal acontecerao em suas gloriosas conquistas, antes et depois de ser levantado a dignidade real, sm. 4to. 19 portraits of the Kings of Portugal {title mounted), old calf , from the Sunderland library, £4. 4s Coimhra, 1598 — at end 1599 28467 Dialogos de varia Historia, sm. 4to. j^ortraits of the Kings of Portugal, old red morocco, ornamented ivith old tooling, from the Bechford library, £5, 5s Coimbra, 1597 — at end 1699 Both the above are copies of the second and best edition, which is considerably improved and enlarged. The work contains numerous references to the discoveries and conquests of the Portuguese in America. 28468 Dialogos de varia Historia ; acrecentados por Ant. Craesbeeck, sm. 4to. 21 portraits, old stamped leather binding, £2. Lisboa, 1672 28469 Memorias da Litteratura Portugueza, 8 vols. sm. 4to. original edition, hf. calf, 30s _ _ 1792-1814 Numerous articles on Portuguese Bibliography, Antiquities, History, Literature, Laws, etc. including the Portuguese Discoveries in Ameuica, and the History of Navigation in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. San Roman — see ante, No. 28350. 28470 ANDRADA (Francisco d') Cronica del Rey destes Reynos de Portugal Dom Joao III, first edition, 4 parts in 1 vol. thick 4to. old calf, rare, £5. Lisboa, 1613 28471 the same, 'without the preliminary leaves, thick 4to. vellum, £2. 10s 1613 The history of Portugal during the reign of John IV (1521-57) principally concerns India, the power of the Portuguese in that country being then at its heiglil. 2804 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1497-1550 Portuguese Discoveries — continued. 284^72 TELLEZ, Historia geral de Etiopia a alta, Coimbra, 1660— sea Jesuits, in section of Collections of Voyages. 28473 Martinez de la Puente, Compendio de los Descubrimientos, Conquistas y Guerras de la India Oriental y sus Islas, iutro- duccion del comercio Portugues en las Malucas, descripcion de la India, de sus islas, de la costa de Africa, etc. sm. 4to. foxed, vellum, 15s Madrid, 1681 A histoiy of Portuguese and Spanish discoveries in the East from the time of Vasco de Gama to that of Pliilip III. 28474 FARIA Y SOUSA, Asia Portuguesa, 3 vols. sm. folio, numerous plates and woodcuts of towns, vieios, etc. original Spanish calf, £4. 10s Lisboa, 1666-75 28475 the same, 3 vols. sm. folio, plates, hf. calf, £3. 10s 1674-5 28476 ■ the same, another edition, 3 vols. sm. folio, plates, old calf £2. 10s 1703-74-75 28477 Asia Portuguesa, 3 vols, plates, 1674 — Africa Portu- guesa, 1681 — Imperio de la China, con Retrato de el Autor, 2 vols, in 1, 1731-3 — together, 5 vols. sm. folio, a fine uniform set in old calf gilt, £5. Lisboa, 1674-1733 It is ditiicult to unite these valuable and important works, more especially such fine copies as are in the above collection. 28478 the Portugues Asia, or the History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portugues .... translated into English by Captain John Stevens, 3 vols. 8vo. /;/. calf, rare, £5. 1695 28479 Instituto Vasco da Gama, 3 series or vols, in 1, thick 8vo. lif. bd. 36s Nova Goa, 1872-74 A monthly periodical of articles chiefly illustrative of the history of the Portuguese in India, and of the early explorers, Da Gama, Alboquerque, Nuno da Cunha, etc. Many of the articles are by J. H. da Cuuha Kivera, who, Mr. Burnell says, "was the greatest promoter of historical research that ever was at Goa." 28480 Navert (Raoul de) les Voyages de Camoens, 12mo. sd. 2s Paris, 1880 1500-50 Portuguese Discovery and Settlement of Brazil : Vaz de Caminha, Narrative of Cabral's discovery of Vera Cruz (Brazil) — see in Collections of Voyages, 1507; Paesi, 1558; Ramusio. see the preceding sub-heading Poi'tuguese Discoveries beyond the Cape, passim. 28481 MAGALHAES de Gandavo (Pero de) Historia DA Prouincia Sacta Cruz, a que vulgarmete chamamos Brasil . . sm. 4to. erigraved title., vellum., from the Sunderland library., £100. Lisboa, Ant. Gonsalvez, 1576 Original and exceedingly rare edition. Contains 48 numb. 11. ; including engraved title. It has a copperplate engraving of a monster on reverse of leaf 32, and woodcut on HIST. OF DISCOVERY : PORTUGUESE IN BRAZIL. 2805 1500-1550 Portuguese Discoveries — continued. reverse of leaf 40 ; lower margins of last three 11. mended. The prel. 11. have some " Tercetos " of Lns de Camoexs, which are not included in the poet's works published under his own name. The work of Magalhaes, which is the first history of the Portuguese discovery and settlements in Brazil, is so excessively rare that it is questionable whether three copies now exist. Forty years ago, two copies were known : that in the national library of Rio de Janeiro, and the one which had belonged to Ternaux. At present, it is said that the Rio copy has dis- appeared ; and. we do not know what has become of Ternaux's. There is no copy in Portugal, for when a new edition was printed at Lisbon in 1858, the impression was made from an old MS. copy of the printed book of 1576. The work is absolutely necessary to the American student as being the earliest printed account of the first fifty years of Portuguese rule in Brazil. The natural history and the customs of the Indians are treated in succession to the political narrative; so that this may be called, with regard to South America, a Portuguese counterpart of Oviedo's work on the Spanish Indies. 28482 CoRDEiRO (L.) de la Part prise par les Portugais dans la Decouverte de I'Amerique, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Lisbonne, 1876 Lafitau — see ante, No. 28335. Maffeo — see ante, No. 28337. San Roman — see ante. No. 28350. 6. Spanish Discoveries bet^ween the Missis- sippi and Lima (1512-45). 1512-38 Discovery of Florida : Cabeza de Vaca — see in Narratives of Voyagers. 28483 Smith (Buckingham) Colleccion de varies Documentos para la Historia de la Florida y tierras adyacentes, Tomo 1 (all pub.), roy. 4to. sd. 10s Madrid, 1857 A collection of valuable early documents, never before published ; the first piece is the instruction relative to Alarcon's expedition to California in 1541. Kew Mexico, Texas, and Canada, are the tierras adyacentes. 28484 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. La Florida del Tnca; Historia del adelantado Hernando de Soto, y de otros heroicos cavalleros Espanoles e Indies, sm. 4to. original edition, old calf, from the Sunderland library, very rare, £12. 12s Lisboa, P. OraesheecJc, 1G05 28485 HAKLVTT (Richard) Virginia richly valued, by the de- scription of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour : Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and discouerie, for aboue one thousand miles East and West, of Don Ferdinando de Soto . . • Written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, emploied in all the action, and translated out of Portugese by Richard 280G BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1512-1545 Spanish Discoveries — continued. Haklvtt, sm. 4to. crimson viorocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £48. 1609 One of the rarest of Hakluyt's books. The Portuguese original, printed at Evora in 1557, is now so rare that there is certain knovvledge of only a single perfect copy. The author's name is not known, but it was perhaps Alvaro Fernandes, that being the last of the eight names of Elvas men who joined the expedition. If this notion be correct, he may have been the same person with Alvaro Fernandes, boatswain or lieutenant of the S. Joao galley that was Inst near Natal in 1552, nine years after the return of Soto's com- panions to Mexico. — Soto's expediiion started in 1538, furnished with as much information as had been obtainable from the manuscript llelacion brought by Cabeza de Vaca, one of the four survivors of the disastrous voyage of Pamphilo de Narvaez to Florida. 28486 SOTO (Hemando de) Letter of, and Memoir of Hernando de Escalante Pontaneda, translated from tlie Spanish by Bucking- ham Smith, roy. 4to. majj of Florida, cloth, 8s Washington, 1864 67 pp. including title. Only 100 copies privately printed for G. W. Riggs. The translation was made from original MSS. in the collection of Mr. James Lenox. 28487 Narratives of the career of Hernando de Soto in the Conquest of Florida as told by a Knight of Elvas, and in a relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedma, Factor of the Expedition, translated by Buckingham Smith, roy. 8vo. portrait on India Paper, cloth, uncut, £2. 2s Neio York, 1866 This work forms Vol. 5 of the Bradford Club Series. Only 125 copies were printed for the Club, of which this is No. 104, and a presentation copy from the translator to Don Jose F. Ramirez. 28488 Adventures and Route during his march through Georgia, by C. C. Jones, 8vo. portrait, sd. 2s Savannah, 1880 1517 Discovery of Yucatan : 28489 COGOLLUDO (Fray Diego Lopez) Historia de Yucathan . . . sacala a luz el P. Fr. Francisco de Ayeta, predicador, excustodio del Nueuo Mexico, etc. sm. folio, engraved title, red morocco super extra, gilt marbled edges, hy Petit, £20. Madrid, Juan Garcia Infanzon, 1688 Vert rare. Cogolludo died about sixty years before the impression of the work, and as he left it unfinished the Chronicle only comes down to the middle of the sixteenth century. 28490 COGOLLUDO (Diego Lopez) los tres Siglos de la dominacion Espanola en Yucatan, 6 sea Historia de esta provincia desde la conquista hasta la independencia, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. £5. Campeche, 1842, Merida, 1845 Excessively rare ; " as nearly the whole edition was destroyed." The second volume continues the original work of Cogolludo down to 1650 ; and as the title shows it was the editor's intention to print in a third volume a further continuation to his own time, but this was never carried out. 1518 Discovery of New Spain : 28492 CORTES (Hernan) Cartas al Emperador Carlos V, 1870; Escritos Sueltos, 1871— together 2 vols. 8vo. hf. Id. £2. 10s Mexico, 1870-71 Forming Vols. I and XII of the Bibl. Hist, de la Iberia. 28493 Historia de Nueva-Espana, con documentos, y notas por Lorenzana, sm. folio, Second, Third, and Fourth Letters, HISTORY OF DISCOVERY: MEXICO. 2807 1512-1545 Spanish Discoveries — continued. frontispiece, 2 7naps, 2 plates, and 31 facsimiles of Mexican Paintings, bowid, 28s Mexico, 1770 The plates consist of a view of the temple of Mexico, etc. and engravings after a book of Hieroglyphic Paintings, " Cordillera de los Pueblos que pagaban tributo a Muctezuma." 28494 CORTES (Hernan) Praeclara Ferdinadi. Cortesii de Noua maris Oceani Hyspania narratio . . . Carolo . . . Hyspaniaru &c Regi Anno Domini. M.D.XX. transmissa : In qua ContinenturPlnrima Circa Vrbes, Incolaru mores . . . Potissimuqiie de Celebri Ciuitate Temixtitan . . . per Doctore Petru saaorgnanu in latinii versa, sm. folio, large plan of Mexico, hf. red morocco, gilt edges, £10. JSforimbergce, Frid. Peypus, 1524 The very rare translation of Cortes' second letter. Title, on verso of which is a large woodcut of arms ; .3 prel. 11. the last having a portrait of Clement VII on its verso ; xlix numb. 11. Then Peter Martyr's fourth decade, " De rebus et Insulis noviter repertis," xii numb. 11., with the very rare plan of Mexico in facsimile. 28i95 von dem N"ewen Hispanien, so im Meer gegem iVidergang, zwo gantz lustige vnd fniclitreiclie Historien . . in Hochteutsche Sprach von Xysto Betuleio unil Andrea Diethero, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, fine copy in oak boards, rebacked, £3. 1 6s Angspiug, 1550 These two parts contain a German translation of the second Letter of Cortes, and of the third letter preceded by Peter Martyr's fourth Decade. Eight chapters added at the end are the most valuable part of the book, and consist of a Relation of the affairs of Venezuela by a German, who had gone out in the expedition sent by Welser of Augsburg, dated at Caro in Venezuela, 1540. This is in six chapters ; the seventh and eighth are letters from Oviedo, the historian, dated San Domingo, 1.54.3, chiefly concerning Orellana's expedition up the river Maraiion, and the warlike Amazons who had opposed him. 28496 Cortes, Eroberung von Mexico (Zweiter, Dritter, nnd Vierter Brief, mit Vorrede und Anhang), nebst Leben von J. J. Stapfer, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. half morocco, Qs Bern, 1793 28497 Despatches written during the Conquest (of Mexico), translated from the Spanish (of Lorenzana's edition), with introduction and notes, by G. Folsom, 8vo. Second, Third, and Fourth Letters, hf. calf 10s New York, 1843 28498 Correspondence de F. Cortes avec I'Empereur Charles- Quint, sur la Conquete du Mexique, traduite par M. de Flavigny, 12mo. calf, 5s Paris, [1778] This is translated froui Lorenzana's collection of Cortes' Second, Third, and Fourth. letters. 28499 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (Bernal) Historia verdadera de la Conqvista de la I'^ueva Espaiia . . sacada a Ivz per el P. M. Fr. Alonso Renion, sm. ^o\io, printed title, velhim, £3. Madrid, 1632 28500 Historia de la Conquista de la Nueva Espana, 4 vols. 12mo. calf, 18s Madrid, 1795 28501 Memoirs of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain, translated by J. I. Lockhart, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 20s 1844 28-302 RAMIREZ. Historia de la A'ida y hechos de Nuno de Guzman, por Jose F. Ramirez. 57 leaves. II. Xolas y esclarccimicntos 2808 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1512-1545 Spanish Discoveries — continued. a la Historia de la Conqiiista de Mexico del Sr. "VV. H. Prescott, por Jose F. Ramirez. 71 leaves. III. Notas que no se publi- caron, por Jose F. Ramirez. 22 leaves, 3 parts in 1 vol. JRamirez's original MS., altogether 300 pp. of close writing, hf. Id. £3. 3s Sec. XIX The first two of the preceriing works have already been printed in Mexico, but the additional notes to Prescott's Mexico, which form the third portion of this volume, are no less important and valuable than those which were printed. They remained unpublished only because the editor feared that his subscribers would not pay for anything beyond the specified number of parts. The MS. is all in the handwriting of the late Sr. Ramirez, and it is a proof of the conscientiousness and laboriousness of its author, that there are but few lines which have not undergone repeated corrections. 1524 Conquest of Peru : 28503 [XERES (Francesco de)] Libro primo de la Conqnista del Peru & provincia del Cuzco de le Indie OccidentsiM,Vincgia, Stephana da Sabio, 1635 — Libro secondo delle Indie Occidentali, full- page icoodcut of an Indian hammock, Vinegia, 1534 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. a few leaves ivormed, old calf gilt, with the arms of the Archb. of Reims on the sides in gold, from the DraJce library, £21. 1534-35 From the advertisement at the end of the secondo lihro (which is a translation of the Sumario of Oviedo) we learn that a map of the Indies which had belonged to Peter Martyr (and which was perhaps the same as he had caused to be engraved for the first edition of the Decades) had been drawn by Nuno Garcia de Toreno at Seville. From that map and from another, also drawn by a Seville pilot, the editor of the Lihro Secondo caused three new ones to be compiled and engraved (one general and two special), which were issued, or intended to be issued, with this Libro Secondo, but only one copy is known which contains them. 28504 Libro primo de la Conqnista del Peru, sm. 4to. want- ing title and prelimifiary leaves (^together 11 II.), old blue morocco gilt, £2. 10s Stephana da Sabio, 1535 Vert fare. Collation: Title, with large woodcut of imperial arms ; second leaf, containing a more ample title, with the translator's name and arms on the back, dedication, 2 leaves ; text, 58 leaves, bearing signature ct to / in eight, and g ten leaves. The statement clearly made on the second title concerning the translator and the original work disposes of the confusion of Bruuet with regard to the authorship, and of Harrisse on the subject of the translator, concerning whose birthplace he quotes hesitatingly the conflicting statements of Ternaux and Alcedo. It proves the book to be a version of the Spanish one printed at Seville by Perez (in 1534), and that the translator was a native of Tudela in Navarre. 28505 CIEQA de LEON, parte primera de la Chronica del Peru, que tracta la demarcacion de sus provincias, la descripciones dellas, las fundaciones de las nuevas ciudades, los ritos y costumbres de los Indios, y otras cosas dignas de ser sabidas, folio Sevilla, 1553 Original edition. — see ante No. 28326, for a copy bound up with the first edition of hoPEZ de Gomara. 28506 parte primera de la Chronica del Peru que tracta la demarcacion de sus provincias .... ritos y costumbres de los Indios, etc. 12mo. ivith Bellero's map of the New World and other icoodcuts, bds. RARE, £9. Anvers, Juan Bellero, 1554 " Livre rare et recherche." — Bnmet. HISTORY OF DISCOVERY: PERU. 28oy 1512-1545 Spanish Discoveries — continued. No other copy has yet been recorded as containing Bellero's rare map, although it is mentioned on the title. " The first part only was printed ; the second and third parts were seen in MS. at Madrid some time ago, but it is not known what became of them " — Rich. Kich afterwards obtained and disposed of the MS. of the third part, which has recently been printed at Madrid. The second part has not yet been found. 28507 CiEgA di Lione, Prima Parte de la Cronica del grandissimo Regno del Peru, tradotta per Aug. de Cravaliz, I2mo. vellum, 20s Boma, 1555 28508 Seventeen Years' Travels througli the mighty King- dom of Peru, and the large provinces of Cartagena and Popayan in South America from Panama to the frontiers of Chile, now first translated from the Spanish (by Capt. John Stevens), small 4to. map of Peru, folding plan of Cuzco, a7id other engravings, calf, gilt edgea, £2. 10s 176y 28509 CARATE [Zarate] (Augustin de) Historia del Descubrimiento y Conqvista del Perv, con las cosas natvrales que seiialadamente alii se hallan, y los sucessos que ha avido, 12mo. Editio Prin- ceps, u-Qodcuts, a few slight xoormholes, calf, excessively rare, £y. Anvers, Martin Nncio, 1555 Zarate, after having spent many years in Peru, returned to Spain, and in 1554 accompanied Philip to England. His book is dedicated to the King of England [PhUip]. '' Augustin de Zarate fat envoye au Perou en 1543, avec Blasco Nuiies Vela, en qualite de tresorier de la couronne. II joua un role assez important dans ies guerres civiles de ce pays, ou il resta plusieurs annees. Son ouvrajre qui n'a eie public en franyais qu'en abrege, merite cependant d'etre ^tudie avec soin." — Ternaux. " Zarate was a man of rank and education. His history, whether we attend to its matter or composition, is a book of considerable merit." — Eobertson. 28510 ^ARATE (Augustin de) Historia del descvbrimiento y con- qvista de las provincias del Pei'u, y de los successos que en ella ha auido, desde que se conquisto, hasta que el Licenciado de la Gasca Obispo de Siguen^a boluio a estos rcynos : y de las cosas naturales, etc. sm. folio, a good copy, vellum, from the Bathurst librartj, £10. 10s Sevilla, Alonso Escriuano, 1577 28511 the same, sm. io\io, fine cop)y (Colbert's) in veau fauve, by Boyer, £16. 16s 1577 28512 The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Province of Peru, translated out of the Spanish by T. Nicholas, smallest 4to. black letter, with tvoodcuts, luithotit the title, pre- liminary leaves (together 8 II.), and the four leaves of sig. V, £1. 8s London, 1581 28513 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA (El Ynca) Primera parte de los Comentarios Reales que tratan del Origen de los Yncas, de su Idolatria, Leyes, y Gouierno, etc. sm. folio, first edition, hf. vellum, 30s Lisboa, 1609 28514 the same, sm. folio, a beautiful copy in old red morocco, with Peirescs monogram on sides, £2. 16s 1609 28515 Historia del Peru, sm. folio, first kditiox, David GarricVs copy, with book-plate, vpllum, 20s Cordova, 1617 2810 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1512-1545 Spanish Discoveries — continued. 28516 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Primera parte de los Comentarios Reales, title mounted — Historia del Peru ; 2 vols, sm. folio, FIRST EDITION, old olive morocco, from the Sunderland library, £8. 10*- 1609-17 28517 Primera Parte de los Commentarios reales de el Origen de los Iiicas, su idolati-ia, leies, y govierno, vidas y conquistas, 1723— (Segunda Parte) Historia general del Peru, guerras entre Pizarros y Almagros, 1722 — La Florida del Inca, con Ensayo Chronologico para la historia general de la Florida, por Gabriel de Cardenas (Ant. Gonzales de Barcia), 2 vols. 1723 — together 4 vols. sm. folio, vellum, £3. 10s Madrid, 1722-23 28518 Historia general del Peru, 13 vols. 16mo. calf, los Madrid, 1800 28519 ■ EoYAL Commentaries of Peru, wi-itten originally in Spanish by Garcilasso de la Vega, and rendered into English by Sir Paul Ryeaut, 2 parts in 1 vol. ioYio, numerous plates, calf, 35s 1688 28520 Histoire des Guei"res Civiles des Espagnols, dans les Indes, traduit par J. Baudouin, 4 parts in 2 vols, stout 12mo. engraved titles, 2 maps, and 2 p>lates, old calf gilt, 5s Amst. 1706 LA Florida del Inca, original edition, 1605 — see No. 28484. 28521 APOLLONII (Levini) de Peruvise, Regionis, inter Novi Orbis provincias celeberrimEe, iuventione : et rebus in eadem gestis, libri V, Belleros map of America, Antverpice, 1567 — Bullingeri (Henr.) ad septem Accusationis Capita, qute quidam in capita coacervant Ministrorum Tigurinte Ecclesise, Responsio, Tigicri Chr. Froschoverics, 1575 — Wolfii (Joa.) de Christiana Perseve- rantia Liber, ib. 1578 — 3 vols, in 1, stout 12mo. vellum, £3. 3s 7. Magellan's Voyage and its Results (1519-1606). 1519 Discovery of the Straits of Magellan : 28522 MAXIMILIANI TRANSYLUANI Csesaris a secretis Epistola, de admirabili & nouissima Hispanoru in Orientem nauigatione, qua uarise, & nulli prius access^ Regiones inuetse sunt, cum ipsis etia Moluccis insulis beatissimis . . sm. 4to. title within woodcut border, brown morocco extra, blind tooled, gilt edges, £16. 16s Bomce, in cedibus Minitii Calvi, 1524 mense Feb. The original publishei-'s second edition of the first published narrative con- cerning the first circumnavigation of the globe. Mr. Harrisse has erroneously given the first place to the Cologne reprint of Januar)' 1523(-24) and the second to Calvus' original edition of November, 152-3, taking the ambiguous date as his criterion. We learn from the printer's dedication on the Rome edition, that Maximilian (who wrote his narrative in Valladol;d on the 24th of October, 1522, taking it down from Pigafetta's relation to the Emperor then holding bis court there) addressed and sent his letter to Mattha;iis Lang, Cardinal Archbishop of Salzburg (and also Bishop ol Cariagena), whom it reached in November, while the Cardinal was in Niirnherg attending the Reichstag, to which the Pope had sent, as his orator, Francesco Chericati, the Bishop of Abnizzo. The latter prelate having been the former protector of I'igafctia (whom he had taken with him to Spain in 1510) naturally took more interest HISTORY OF DISCOVERT: MAGELLAN'S VOYAGE. 2811 1519 Discovert of the Straits of Magellax — contitmed. in the account of the voyage than did the Cardinal, and begged the latter for a copy, which he sent to Kome to Miuitius Calvus for publication. Calvus does not say when he received it, but we may presume that the busiiness of the Keichstag would occupy the attention of both the ecclesiastics for some time. It is certain that he did not print the Epistola till November, 1523, one year ("abhinc annum ") after the Cardinal had handed the transcript to the Bishop, and he then had the license granted which threatened penalties against any one else who, uspiam gentium, should within ten years attempt to produce it. Notwithstanding this prohibition, the work proved so interesting that Hirzhorn reprinted it at Cologne in the following January, 1524, and Calvus brought out his above second edition in February of that year. Hirzhorn, or Cervicornus, dated his coloiihon with 1523, as was the more customary practice, the month being January, and the new year (1524) not supposed lo begin till March ; but few persons will believe that his edition preceded by ten months the quasi-official publication at Rome which was printed twice during three months. Maximilian married into the family of Christoval de Haro who had promoted Magellan's expedition. 28523 PIGAPETTA (Antonio) prime Viaggio intorno al Globe Terracqueo, os.sia ragguaglio della navigazione fatta sulla sqaadra del Capit. Magaglianes, 1519-22 publ. per la prima volta da Carlo Amoretti, 4to. tnaps and plates, including coloured facsimiles from the MS. hf. hd. £2. Milano, 1800 This relation was written either in Italian or in French, by Pigafetta, probably in the year 1525, from the notes which had alre;idy been utilized for producing the French compendium printed in 1525, and the Latin letter of Maximilian in 1523. 28524 Magalhaes (Fernao de) Vida e Viagens de, por D. Bai-ros Arana, traducQao do Hespanhol de F, de Magalhaes Villas-Boas, 8vo. map, sd. 2s 6d Lisboa, 1881 28525 Argensola (B. L. de) Conquista de las Islas Malucas, sm. folio, engraved title, SOs Madrid, 1609 This important work for the history of Spanish and Portuguese exploration in the Indies includes some interesting details relative to the voyages of Drake and Magellan. 1522 1600 Philippines, China, Japan: Discovery of Japan in 1542 — see post, N"o. 28597. see also Narratives of Voyagers: 1540 Pinto. China — see Narratives of Voyagers : Gonzalez de Mendoza. 28626 ExTRACTO Historial del Expediente que pende en el Consejo Real de las Indias a instancia de la ciudad de IVIanila y demas de las Islas Philipinas, sobre la forma en que se ha de continuar el comercio de los Texidos de China en Nueva Espana, sm. folio, vellum, 32s Madrid, 1736 28527 Juan Francisco de San- Antonio, Chronicas de la apostolica Provincia de S. Gregon'o en las Islas Philipinas, China, Japon, etc. 3 vols, sm ioMo, printed on silk paper, curious frontispiece to the third volume, limp vellun, £S. 8s Sampa.loc, extra muros de Manila, 1 738-44 The third volume, Mission de la Japon, especially is of extreme rarity ; Very tew copies of the work have ever reached l^urope. The wnk pusso.-ses an Am? ican as well as an Asiatic interest, because 192 2812 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1522-1600 Phillipinbs, China, Japan — contimied. of the constant shifting of the Missionaries from one to another seat of labour. The names of Mexico, Guatemala, Paraguay, etc. are thickly studded through its pages. 28528 JUAN de la CONCEPCION, Historia General de Philipinas, conquistas de estos Espanoles Dominios, establecimientos, y pro- gresos, que comprehende los imperios, reinos j provincias, de Islas y Continentes con quienes ha havido communicacion j comercio, con noticias geograficas, de costumbres, de religiones, etc. 14 thick vols, smallest 4to. ivith 8 maps, in excellent preser- vation, vellum, £4. 10s Manila, 1788-92 28529 MOZO (A.) Noticia historico-natural de laa missiones de S. Augustin en las Philipinas y en el Imperio de la China, de aquellas Naciones, de sus usos, supersticiones, modo de vivir, y medicinas, con otras noticias curiosas, sm. 4to. vellum, \Qs Madrid, 1763 1530 7-1606 Australia: 28530 Jave la Grande, Australia, discovered by Portuguese or French before 1540 — see Hakluyt Society, Early Voyage to Terra Australis ; and Major's Prince Henry. 28531 HouTMAN (Comelis) Erste Schip-vaert gedaen van de Hollanders naer Oost-Indien, met vier Scheepen, onder't Beleydt van Cornelis Houtman, uyt Texel t'Zeyl gegaen, Anno 1596, small 4to. woodcuts and copperplates in the text, rare, 28s Amsterdam, Saeghman [1660?] This Voyage was No. 4 of Saeghraan's first general collection printed in 1663. 28532 GODINHO DE EREDIA (Manvel) Declaracam de Malaca, e India meridional, com o Cathay. Malacca, I'lnde Meridional et le Cathay, MS. original (Portugais) autographe de Godinho de Eredia appartenant a la bibliotheque royale de Bruxelles reproduit en facsimile et traduit par Leon Janssen, avec una preface de Ch. Ruelens, royal 4to. with facsimiles of the title, of the portraits, and of the inaps, which are designed in the original MS. sd. £b bs Bruxelles, 1882 Only 30 copies printed for sale. The original is dated Goa, 1613, and is of very great value in connexion with the history of the discovery of Australia. It would appear that the Portuguese obtained knowledge of that continent in 1 601 . about fifteen or sixteen years before the supposed discovery by the Dutch. Yet it is nearly certain that the French or the Portuguese were acquainted with the existence of Australia as far back as 1530. 28533 Major (R. H.) Discovery of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601, impl. 4to. cloth, 7s 6d 1861 28534 Historia del Descubrimiento de las Regiones Australes, hecha por el General Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, publicada por D. Justo Zaragoza, 3 vols. 12mo. maps, 25s Madrid, 1878-82 HISTORY OF DISCOVERY : FRENCH VOYAGES. 2813 8. French Voyages to America and Australasia (1503-67). 28535 EsTANCELiN, Recherclies sur les voyages des navigateurs Normands, 8vo. sd. 6s 1832 28535*MARGRY (P.) les Navigations Fran^aises et la Revolution Maritime dn XlVe an XVIe siecle, d'apres le Documents inedit/S tires de France, d'Angleterre, d'Espagne et d'ltalie, sraAto. printed on thick paper, with 2 curioits plates, one with fac- simile of a sJcetch-design made hy Columbus, sd. IBs 1867 28536 EgsEBii Cffisariesis Episcopi Chronico : quod Hieronjmus pi'esbyter . . Latinum facere curavit. . . Ad que & Prosper & Mattbaeus Palmerius & Matthias Palmerius coplura addidere, etc. sm. 4to. old calf gilt, from the Sunderland library, £2. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1518 Continued to the year 1511. Under the year 1500 occurs a notice of Cadamosto's Voyage to India; and under 1509, a curious account of Feven Indians from the New World, who that year were brought to Rouen, describing their appearance, arms and manner of living. Under the year 1457 is an account of the invention of printing in 1440 by John Gutenberg, at Mainz. 28537 SuLTE (Benj.) Histoire des Canadiens-Fran9ais, 1608-1880, Tomes V et VI, impl. 4to. 2>0 portraits, cloth, gilt edges, 18s Montreal, 1882 Chap. I, D^couvertes et D^couvrenrs, 1500-1680; Chap. IV, Recense- ment de 1681 ; etc. 28538 LESCARBOT (Marc) Histoire de la NOVVELLE FRANCE contenant les navigations, decouvertes, & habitations faites par les Francois es Indes Occidentales & Nouvelle France souz I'avoeu & authorite de noz Rois Tres-Chretiens, & les diverses fortunes d'iceux en I'execution de ces choses, depuis cent ans jusques a hui, with the three original folding maps, including the large " Figvre de la Terre Newe," all in fine condition — Les MvsEs DE LA NovvELLE FRANCE— 2 vols. in 1, sm. 870. First Edition of the two parts, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £52. 10s Paris, Jean Milot [on the title to the Muses, Millofl, 1603 " La premiere edition ... est fort rare, et on la recherche beaucoup en Amerique." — Brunei. " Premiere Edition fort rare, et tout aussi recherchee en Europe qu'en Amerique." — Deschamps. 28539 Histoii'e de la Novvelle-France, troisiesme edition, three folding maps, the large one being in facsimile, six leaves of text supplied in MS. — LesMvses de la Nowelle France — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. large copy, in vellum, from the Hamilton library, £7. 10s Paris, Adrian Perier, 1618 28540 [LESCARBOT (Marc)] Le Franc Gaulois avRoy. Svr le repos de la France, sm. 8vo. (I'imo.), 8 leaves, sd. £12. 12s Paris, 1 618 An UNKNOWN and pbobablt unique tract, which is in the form of a letter addressed to Louis XIII, congratulating him on the death of Marechal d'Ancre, and praying him to use his power for the annexation of Newfound- land. Sagard — see post under History of Canada. 192 * 2814 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1504 Paulmier de Gonneyille — see Narratives of Voyagers. 1529 Parmentier — see Ramusio in Collection of Voyages. 1535 Cartier — see Narratives of Voyagers. 154:2 Alfonce — see Narratives of Voyagers. 1555 ViLLEGAGNON — see TiiEVET ill Narratives. 1562-67 Voyages to Florida- see Basanier in Collection of Voyages. French Inland Discoveries in New France in the 17th centuiy — see post under History of Canada. 9. English Discoveries in America (1560-1630). 1565-68 Hawkins (Sir John) — see Haklutt m Collection of Voyages. 1567-96 Drake's Voyages : 28541 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE REVIVED: being a Summary and true Relation of foure severall Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies, viz. His dangerous adven- turing for Gold and Silver. His Encompassing the World. His Voyage made with Christopher Carleill, Martin Frobusher, Francis Knollis, and others . . . His last Voyage (in which he dyed) . . . with Sir John Hawkins, Sir Thomas Baskerfield, Sir Nicholas Clifford, with others — four parts in one volume, small 4to. portrait mended, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £12. \0s for Nicholas Bourne, 1652-3 First collected edition. The Sunderland copy, inferior to this, fetched £18. 10s. 28542 Sir Francis Drake revived : Calling vpon this Dull or Eflfeminate Age, to folowe his Noble Steps for Golde and Siluer. By this Memorable Relation, of the Rare Occurrances (neuer yet declared to the World) in a Third Voyage, made by him into the West-Indies, in the Yeares 72 & 73 .... by Philip Nichols, Preacher. Reviewed also by Sr. Francis Drake him- selfe befoi'e his death . . . set forth by Sr. Francis Drake, Baronet (his nephew), now lining, small 4to. original edition, portrait on title, cropped, and no leaf of errata, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. (NicJiolus Bourne, 1626) " Noble steps for gold and s'.lver,"' is a fine phrase for a clergyman to put forward as an incitement for Christian emulation. 28543 Voyages into the West Indies, viz. His great Adventures for Gold and Silver ... a large Account of that Voyage wherein he Encompassed the World, etc. 12mo. old calf, '66s 1683 28544 le Voyage de I'illustre Seigneur et Chevalier Francois Drach, Admiral d'AngleteiTe, a I'entour du monde. Augmentee de la seconde partie, sna. 8vo. with large folding engraved map, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £8. 8s Paris, 1627 The translator's, or perhaps merely editor's, name was F. de Louvcncourt, as we fiud it subscribed to the dedualiou to St. Simon Baron de Courtomer. He had n ceived the narraiive fn-m the Baron, one of whose tenants had been amongst Drake's crew in this voyage, and bis own hi.bour may not have been a translation, but merely an iniprovcnunt of t! e French sailor's text. The narrative is crrtaiuly not identical with the English '' World Encontpnssed," HISTORY OF DISCOVERY : ENGLISH VOYAGES. 2815 1567-96 Drake's Voyages — continued. although it goes over the same details, yet the navigatoi- is always styled nostre General, just as he is "our General" in the English account. This French Drake was first ])rinte'l in 1613 ; in 1627 it first appeared " augmented with the second part," this second part being an account of Asia and Eastern Europe, and in nowise connected with Drake. The Alap, however, is the most curious feature of the book, and is excessively rare. It was by a Dutchman, " Nich. Sj'pe," and exhibits Hova Albion, that is the coast of California and nearly all the interior of North America. 28545 SAVILE (Hemy) A Libell of Spanish Lies: fovnd at tlie Sacke of Gales, discoursing tiie figlit of the West Indies, twixt the English Kauie being fonrteene Ships and Pinasses, and a fleete of twentie saile of the King of Spaine, and of the death of Sir Francis Drake. With an answere . . . written by Henrie Sanile . . . sm. 4to. woodcut of an English ship, one leaf in facsimile, red morocco, by Bedford, £20. lohn Windet, 1596 An excessively rare tract ; of which only eight or perhaps nine copies appear to be extant, — some of them imperfect. 28546 A Libell of Spanish Lies, with an answere briefely confuting the Spanish lies, by Henrie Sauile, and also an Approbation of this discourse by Sir Thomas Baskerville, sm. Alio, facsimile reprint hy J. P. Collier, sd. 7s 6d 1596 28547 the same, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, \Qs 1596 1567 Philips (Miles) — see in ISTarratives of Voyagers. 1576-78 Frobisher's Voyages : 28548 FoRBissERi (Martini) Historia Navigationis, 1577 ... in Septemtrionis & Occidentis tractum suscept^ ... ex gallico in latinum sermonem a Joh. Thoma Freigio translata, sm. 4to. frontispiece, hf. hd. 20s ; or in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s Haonburgi, 1675 see Haklutt and Purchas in Collections of Voyages ; and also La Petrere, No. 28555. 1580 Whitbourne (Richard) — see below 1605. 1583 Gilbert (Sir Humphrey) — see Haklutt in Collections of Voyages. 1584 First Planting of Virginia — see Haklutt and De Brt in Collections of Voyages. 1585-87 Davis (John) — see Haklutt in Collections of Voyages. 1586 Candish or Cavendish (Thomas) — see in Collections of Voj-ages : 1643 Dutch. 1593 Hawkins (Sir Richard) in the South Sea — see Narratives of Voyagers. 1594 Dudley (Sir Robert) in Guiana— see in Geography : Arcano DEL Mare. 1595 Raleigh (Sir Walter) : VoTAGE TO Guiana — see under Narratives of Voyagers. 28549 Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, and of the true motiues which occasioned His Maiestie to Proceed in doing lustice upon him, as hath bene done, sm. 4to. portrait inserted, head-lines cut into, hf. russia, 24s 1618 2816 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1595 Raleigh (Sir Walter) — continued. 28550 Drake (S. G.) Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Ralegh, sm. 4to, portrait, sd. 7s 6d Boston, 1862 1602-5 Discovery of New England— see Rosier w sedion Anglo- America. 1606 Second Settlement in Virginia — see Capt. John Smith in section Anglo-America. 1605-1620 Exploration of Newfoundland : 28651 WHITBOURNE (Richard) A Disco\Tse and Discovery of New- fovnd-land, with many^reasons to prooue how worthy and beneficiall a Plantation may there be made . . . sm. 4to. hf. russia, £6. 1622 Dedicated to King James I, and pressing upon him the desirableness of making a settlement in Newfoundland. Lescarbot had urged Louis XIII to the same end four years previously, but in vain. Whitbourne was a Devon- shire man, and served against the Armada in 1588, in a ship of his own. He had already made a voyage to Newfoundland about 1580. He met Sir Humphrey Gilbert at St. John's a few years later, and frequently returned to the same shores afterwards. Pages 73 to the end consist of " A Loving Invitation to all his Majesty's subjects," and letters from some of the few planters already settled in the country. 28552 VAUGHAN (Sir William) The Golden Fleece Diuided into three Parts, Vnder which are discouered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayea to get wealth, and to restore Trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Southermost Part of the Hand, commonly called the Newfoyndland, by Orpheus junior [Sir William Vaughan], sm. 4to. the rare map of Newfoundland by Capt. John Mason in admirable facsimile, four leaves tnended, calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s London, Francis Williams, 1626 28553 another copy, sm. 4ito. facsimile map, m-orocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, £4. 4s 1626 He planted Newfoundland with Welshmen, spent many years there, and endeavoured in this whimsical book to encourage fresh immigration. More than half the work is a fantastic discussion on manners and customs, in which a number of Shakespearean illustrations may be sought for. In the third book we find mention of many famous English navigators, with reasons for praising or blaming their proceedings. Sir Thomas Button is censured for his lack of knowledge how to prevent scurvy amongst his sailors. 1606-30 Arctic Exploration : 28554 Hudson (Henry) Historical Inquiry concerning, his friends, relatives and early life, his connection with the Muscovy Company and discovery of Delaware Bay, by J. M. Read, Svo. hf. green morocco, gilt tops, 12s Albany, 1826 see in Collections of Voyages : Hakluyt Society, Purchas. James (Captain Thomas) — see in Narratives of Voyagers. 28555 [LA PEYRERE (Isaac)] Relation dv Greenland, sm. Svo. (12mo.), map and folding plate, fine large copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £8. 10s Paris, 1647 With the autograph of Guyon de Sardiere, and the mark of the La Valli^re library. The work includes an account of Forbisher's Greeolaud Voyage, and HISTORY OF DISCOVERY : AMAZON, SOUTH SEA. 2817 1577-1630 Arctic Exploration — continued. Munch's "Voyage through Davis' Straits. The map shows not only Green- land, but also the shores of Baffin's Bay and Hudson's Bay, with the islands and rivers of those regions. It is useful to compare with the English maps of the same period. Two parallel channels are carried right across Greenland towards its southern end, so that the lower portion looks like two islands of diminishing breadth. Torfaeus praises the accuracy of La Peyrere. " Gallus quidam anonymus." 28556 ■ Bericht von Grohnland . . jetzo aber Deutsch gegaben . . von Henrich. Sivers, sm. 4to. map and two plates, fine copy in polished veaic fauve, gilt edges, 36s Hamburg, 1674 The map and plate are exactly reproduced from La Peyrere, but the latter is divided into two separate leaves. 10. Exploration in the Valley of the Amazon (Sec. XVII). AcUNA (Christ, de) — see in Narratives of Voyagers. 28557 Pagan (le Comte de) Relation Historique et Geographique de la Grande Riviere des Amazones dans I'Amerique, 12mo. map, calf, with arms of C. G. Lamoignon de Malesherbes in gold on sides, scarce, from the BecJcford library, £3. 3s Paris, 1655 28558 the same, 12mo. map, corner slightly defective, calf, 36s 1656 28559 Historical and Geographical Description of the Great Country and River of the Amazones in America, translated by W. Hamilton, 12mo. map, old calf, £2. 16s 1661 28560 Rodriguez (Padre Manuel) El Maranon, y Amazonas. Historia de los descubrimientos, entradas, y reduccion de Naciones. Trabajos malogrados de algunos conquistadores, y dichosos de otros, assi temporales, como espirituales, en las dilatadas Mon- tanas y mayores rios de la America, sm. folio, vellum,, £5. Madrid, 1684 False title; title ; 10 prel. 11. ; text pp. 444 ; then follows "Compendio Historial e Indice Chronologico Peruano, y del Xuevo RejTio de Granada" (ivftich Pinelo gives as a distinct work), 12 11. ; index, etc. 4 11. Nearly the whole of Father Acuna's " Descubrimiento del gran Rio de las Amazones " is reprinted in this work, see pp. 9o-149. Father Rodriguez was a Jesuit and Procurador General of the Indies at Madrid. 11. History of the Buccaneers and South Sea Voyages (1550-1720). 28561 Buccaneers. Burney (J.) History of the Buccaneers of America, roy. 4to. maps, bds. 30s 1816 28562 EsQUEMELiNG and Ringrose, Bucaniers of America, or a true Account of the most remarkable Assaults upon the Coasts of the West-Ixdies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, with the Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, and the Dangerous Voyage and bold attempts of Captain Sharp performed upon 2818 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1550-1720 Buccaneers — continued. the Coasts of tlie South Sea, 4 parts making 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. SECOND EDITION, with additional relations of Capt. Cooke and Capt. Sharpe, maps and plates, old calf, £7. 10s 1684-5 This is chronologically the second edition, but it is really the first com- plete one. The book was issued again in 1695 without the least alteration, except in the title-page. 28563 Buccaneers. James II's Proclamation for the more effectual reducing and suppressing of Pirates and Privateers in America, black Uttct, on two open sheets of paper or broadsides, rare and curious, 12s Whitehall, 20 January, 1687-8 Buccaneers' Atlas — see Atlases. 28564 Johnson (Ch.) General History of the Pyrates, from their first rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence, with the adventures of the two Female Pyrates, Mary Read and Anne Bonny, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 1432 pp. double cols, calf gilt, £2. 16s 1726 28565 IIiSTOiRE de I'Expedition de trois Vaisseaux envoyes par la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales des Provinces-Unies aux Terres Australes en 1721, par M. de B***, 2 vols. 12mo. fine copy, in gilt tree-marbled calf, by Kalthoeber, £8. 8s La Haye, 1739 African Company Tracts : a curious Collection of very rare early pieces : — 28566 Answer of the Company of Royal Adventurers trading into Africa to the Petition of Sir P. Painter, concerning H. M. Plantations in America, 1667 — Wilkinson's Treatise on the Intrigues and Arbitrary Proceedings of the Guiney Company, also how prejudicial they are to the American Planters, 1690 — View of the State of the Trade to Africa, 1708 — Case of Royal African Company, with Supplement, 1730 — Observations on the Trade to Africa, 1748 — African Trade the Pillar and Support of the British Trade in America, 1745 — Importance of the African Company's Forts and Settlements, 2 maps, showing the lohole extent of the W. Coast, with the Trading Settlements, 1745 — Reasons for Settling the Trade to Africa, n. d. — the whole in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf calf, £2. 16s 1667-1748 None of these tracts is mentioned by Watt in the Bibliotheca. The first relates to the short-lived Royal Adventurei's, the fore-runner of the African Company, and their squabbles with the American Planters in the early part of the reign of Charles II. 28567 National and Private Advantages of the African Trade con- sidered, an enquiry how to support the Forts and Settlements of the Royal African Company, Map, 1746 — African Company's Case, with Supplement, 1730 — Importance of supporting the Royal African Company, map, 1745 — African Trade the Pillar and Support of the British Plantation Trade in America, 1745 —in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf 25s 1730-46 12. Modern Discoveries in the North. 28568 Cranz (D.) Historic von Gronland, enthaltend die Beschreibung des Landes und der Einwohner, etc. insbesondere die Geschichte COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 2819 der dortigen Missionen der Evangelischen Briider, 2 vols. 8vo. second edition, map and plates, calf, lOs Barhy, 1770 28569 Cranz (D.) History of Greenland ; containing a Relation of the Mission of the IJnitas Fratram, 2 vols. 8vo. First English Edition, map and plates, calf, 7s 1767 28570 the same, with continuation, containing the Mission to Labrador, 2 vols. 8vo. second English edition, map and plates, Id. 7s; or, calf gilt, 9s 1820 Egede — see in section Narratives of Voyagers. 28571 MuLLER (G. P.) Voyages et Decouvertes faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la Mer Glaciale et sur I'Ocean Oriental, tanfc vers le Japon que vers I'Amerique, on y a joint I'Histoire du fleuve Amur, ouvrages tradnits par C. G. F. Dumas, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. map, russia extra,, leather joints, gilt edges, from the Hamilton Palace library, £2. 10s Amst. 1766 28572 CoxE (W.) Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, with the Conquest of Siberia, and history of Commerce between Russia and China, 4to. maps, calf, 16s 1780 28573 CART WRIGHT (G.) Journal of Transactions and Events during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador, 3 vols, royal 4iio. portrait and maps, calf, £2. 5s Newark, 1792 28574 Hind (H. Y.) North- West Territory, Report on the Assiniboine and Saskatcliewan Exploring Expedition, impl. 4to. maps, large coloiired maps and geological plates, cloth, 12s Toronto, 1859 28575 the same, in French, impl. 4to. maps, etc. cloth, 7s ih. 1859 28576 — Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Penin- sula, the country of the Montagnais and Nasquapee Indians, 2 vols. 8vo. map and many coloured plates (pub. 22s), cloth, 18s 1863 see also section Narratives of Voyagers. III. NARRATIVES OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 1. Collections of Voyages in the chrono- logical order of their publication. 1507 Yicenza, Fracanzano: 28577 PAESI NOUAMENTE RETROUATI ET ■:^^0U0 HONDO DA ALBERICO VESPUTIO FLORENTINO INTITULATO, sm. 4to. woodcut initials., the title printed in red on woodcut scrolls and globe, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Baumgarten, from the Bechford library, £320. Vicentia, cu la impensa de Mgro Henrico Vicentino : & diligente cura & industria de Zamaria suo fiol nel Mcccccvii (1507) First issue of the first edition, and excessively rare. 2820 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1507 ViCENZA, Fracanzano — continued. This work was truly the first Collection of Voyages ever compiled. [The Portuguese book, dated 1502, and containing the travels of Marco Polo, Hieronymo di S. Stephano, and Nicolo Conti together, translated by Valentino Fernandez Aleman, is hardly entitled to such a distinction, and it certainly does not belong to the Italian abridgment of Peter Martyr's first Decade (Libretto de tutta la Navigation) printed at Venice in 1504, and here reprinted in the Paesi.] That it is absolutely of the first issue, appears from the number of chapters, and from the full colophon which ends with " Cum gratia & priuilegio p. ani. x. como nella sua Bolla appare : che p. soa del Dominio Veneto no ardisca iprimerlo." In some copies, this colophon ends with the word "priuilegio," from which we may conclude that they belong to a reissue made when the ten years' privilege was nearly run out (after the date of the Itinerarium Portugall. 1508). The compiler of the work was Fracanzio di Montalboddo or " Montalboddo Fracan " as it appears at the heading of the dedicatory epistle ; and the contents of the work are as follows : — Voyages of Cadamosto and Pedro de Cintra, in Portuguese service, 1454, 1463, their first publication (Capp. i-l). Vasco da Gama's Voyage round the Cape, 1497-1500, its first publication (li-lxii). Cabral's Voyage, 1500, first publication of the narrative concerning the discovery of Brazil (lxiii-lxxxiii). Abridgment of Peter Martyr's yet unpublished first Decade, containing voyages of Columbus, Alonso Nino, Pinzon, 1492- 1500, already printed at Venice in 1504 (lxxxiv-CXIIi). Vespucci's Letter to Lorenzo di Pier Fr. de Medici, retranslated from the printed Latin of 1503 (cxiv-cxxiv). Letters of Venetian ambassadors and merchants, dated 1501-1502, concerning the Portuguese voyages to India, and Corte Real's voyage to America — first publication (cxxv-cxxviii). Account of India, by loseph of Cranganor (the Indian Christian whom Cabral brought from India in 1501), given in 1502, first publication (cxxix-cxLii). As will appear from the preceding detail, the chapters are l-CXLii in this first issue of the Paesi. In the second issue, which presents the truncated colophon referred to above, another chapter (cxLiii) was added giving a translation of King Manoel's letter to Pope Julius II concerning his conquest in India (Emanuelis Obedientia, etc. printed at Rome in 1505). — Mr. Harrisse says that the Cabral Voyage (capp. 63-83 above) was translated from King Emanuel's Letter to the King of Castile, printed in Italian at Rome and Milan in 1505 ; but this is simply a blunder. The American portion was printed for the first time in the Paesi, and was evidently derived from the Portuguese report sent home from Brazil by Cabral before he proceeded on his eastern course — the original report itself being entirely lost. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES : PAESL 2821 1507 ViCENZA, Fracanzano — continued. 28578 ITINERARIU PORTUGALLESIU e lusitania IN India & inde in occidentem & demum ad AQUiLONEM, sm. folio, cicri'ous woodcut map on title- page^ with the two leaves of Index, which are usually wanting, fine copy Mediolani, 1508 Excessively rare. The Beckford copy fetched £78. This work is a translation into Latin by Archangelus Madrignanus, a Cistercian monk, of the famous first edition ( Vicenza, 1507) of the " Paesi novamente retrovati, et Novo Mondo da Alberico Yespntio Florentino intitulato," and ends like the first issue of its original with chap. 142. The value of the leaves of Index in the Itinerarium Portugallensium, and the necessity of possessing them, must be estimated from the fact that they give an analysis of the contents together with the names of the discoverers, while the text of the book runs on from chapter to chapter without distinction. The eighth and last preliminary leaf (not including the two leaves of Index) ends with a metrical eulogium upon Madrignano by Quintianus Stoa. These verses close with a semicolon at the bottom of the reverse page, so that many persons have been led to think there ought to be some further preliminary matter in continuation of the iambics. But the semicolon is simply intended for a mark of interrogation, set at the end of a question in which the verses are brought to a conclusion and a climax thus: An credis ergo dignior mortalibus Sit qui labores superet et vivens deum ? Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes (Gonqalo) Libro XX DE LA SEGUNDA PaRTE DE LA GENERAL HiSTORIA DE LAS InDIAS QUE TRATA DEL ESTRECHO DE MaGAL- LANS, coat of arms on title Valladolid, 1557 the above two volumes in one, folio, veau fauve, with arms and mo7iogram of J. A. Thuanus and Gas- parde de La Chastre, in gold on sides and hack, £48. Excessively rare. This twentieth book is all that was originally published of the second part of Oviedo, on account of the author's death. It was of especial interest as containing an account of the great voyage of Magellan, and of later expeditions to the Moluccas. There is a woodcut in Oviedo of a coin used in the Moluccas, bearing a Chinese inscription — which was the first appearance of that language in European works. 28579 LE NOUUEAU MONDE et nauigations faictes p. Emeric de vespuce floretin, Des pays et isles nouiiellemet trouuez, auparauat a nous incongneuz 2822 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1507 ViCENZA, Fraca.'SZA'SO— continued. . . . Translate de italien en Lague francoyse par Mathuein du redouer . . . sm. 4to. woodcut diagrams and initials, the title 'printed in red and black., and hearing the puhlisher's ivoodcut mark., fine copy in imssia extra, gilt edges, £100. Paris, Galliot Du Pre (1516) FIRST EDITION of the French translation of the Paesi. Brunet and Harrisse have invented a strange theory concerning the chronological succession of the editions. The facts are plain. This was the original edition, produced by the legitimate publisher, and bearing the privilege, dated 1516, -which gave him the monopoly. While his privilege ran, no printed edition could be issued with a date. Hence the others which exist, five or six in number, bear no honestly recorded year of impres- sion and have no privilege. Another significant token is the fact that in the chapters of Vespucci's third voyage, there are three diagrams of stars, bold woodcuts, in Galliot Dupre's edition, which were omitted through carelessness by the reprinters, notwithstanding the catchwords in the text. 28580 Sensuyt le Nouueau mode & naiiigations : faictes p. Emeric de vespuce Florentin, Des pays & isles nouuellemet troniiez, aupauat a no' incogneuz . . . sm. 4to. title printed in red and hlach and hearing a woodcut, vellum, £63. On fol. iv : On les vent a paris en la rue neufue nostre dame a leinseigne de lescu de Prance. On title: xix (? 1519) First edition, according to Brunet and Harrisse. — This second edition has not the woodcut of stars as mentioned in the note to Galliot Dupre's edition. The conclusion it seems just to draw from a comparison of the undated editions is this, that at least four Paris publishers, Jean Trepperel, Philippe Le Noir, Denis Jeannot, Jacques Jannot, reprinted the book at a time when it was uncertain whether Dupre's privilege had expired, or when the latter was seeking to renew it; and that ihej omitted the dates intentionally, — unless, indeed, the Gothic figures XIX which appear in the title-page above were intended to stand as a date intangible by the law. Brunet, in all such cases, of which many are found between 1510 and 1530, held that the two Gothic numerals merely indicated the number of sheets in the book, but that theory is frequently at fault, while there is inherent probability in nearly every instance in which a chronological value is given them. CosMOGEAPHi^ Introductio — 566 pos/ ttrtier Narratives of Voyagers: Vespdcci. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES: SIXTEENTH CENT. 2b25 1532 The Colines Recueil : 28581 ExTEAiCT ov Recveil des Isles noiiuelleraet trouuees en la grand raer Oceane ou temps du roy Despaigne Fernad & Elizabeth sa femme . . . Item trois Narrations . . . sra. 4to. russia^ gilt edges, £80. Paris, Simon de Colines, 1532 28582 the same, a wormliole in some of the margins, otherwise a fine copy in old blue morocco extra, hy Derome, from the Beckford library, £120 1532 This book, which, may be called the first French Collection of Voyages, has been very badly described by Mr. Harrisse. The anonymous editor dedicates the Extraict, which is a French abridgment of Peter Martyr's first three Decades made before the publication of the entire eight in 1530, to Charles, Due d' Angouleme. The Narrations are dedicated, not to Margaret of Austria, but to Margaret of France. The first is an abridg- ment of the fourth Decade printed at Basil in 1521. The second and third are draTi-n from the second and third Cortes letters, printed in Latin at Niirnberg in 1524. Consequently the " Extraict " must be held to take precedence of Grynseus, as the Novus Orbis did not begin to embody Cortes' letters till 1555. The compiler was probably one of the distinguished scholars who surrounded the two pi'omising children of Francis I, men- tioned as receiving the dedications. The Due d'Angouleme was then only ten years of age, the Princess Marguerite (after- wards Duchess de Berri, and wife of Emanuel Philibert of Savoy) only nine, but they were already regarded as future patrons of literatui-e, and their education was carefully cultivated. — This rare work fetched at the Beekford-Hamilton sale £126. 1532-34 Franciscan Letters from Mexico: 28583 Martin of Valencia, Juan de Zumarraga, Peter of Ghent. ' Chronica compendiosissiraa . . per . . Amandum Zierixeensera . . . adiectae svnt epistolae . . ex noua maris Oceani Hispania ad nos transmissEe . . 12mo. vellum, £7. 10s Antuerp. Simon Cocus, 1584 At the end of this Clironicle we find the letters lelerred to on the title. The first and second are the two (written in Mexico in 1531, by Martin of Valencia and Bi>hop Zumarraga) which had been printed by order of the Franciscan Chapter at Toulouse in \5-V2. But a third is added which is of still more im^jortance to the American student, and which had not previously been printed, although wiitten earlier than the other two. It is the Latin version of an Epistola from Friar Peter de Gante himself, dated 2Ist June, 1529, and addressed generally to all the Franciscans in Flande s, but originally written in b^panish because, he says, he had quite forgotten his native tongue. He gives an interesting account, in six pages, of the Mt-xic.-in country and people, aiid describes biniseif as i^etrus de Mura (? Moere), born in the city of Yguen in the province of Budarda, who \uth two others had left Ghent in Apiil, 1522, Uh- .-pain, and eadjaricnig un ist May, 1523, reached Villenque (in America) 2824 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. on the 30th August, whence they made their way to the city of Mexico. From Mexico he went to Tezcuco, where he remained three years and a half (his fellows had accompanied Cortes elsewhere and were dead). Thence returning to Mexico, he was settled permanently, and was labouring as an instructor of youth. His method of dealing with fifty boys of special excel- lence shows him to have been a useful labourer. He asks that some one will translate his letter into Flemish, that it may be read to his parents, and begs that a Bible shall be sent him. Then he finishes with a sentence in Mexican — a remarkable specimen, as being the first appearance of an American language in print. 1532 Grynseus : 28584 NOVUS ORBIS Regionum ac Insularum Veteribus incognita- rum, nna cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot aliis consimilis argumenti libellis, sm. folio, First Edition, with large Map of the World, in the original boards, covered with stamped leather, with clasps, £7. 10s Basil., Jo. Hervagius, 1532 The map is entitled " Typus Cosmographicus Universalis ;" the word "Asia" printed in large capitals. South America is represented as an island separated by a narrow sfrait from Cuba ; of North America the only part shown is a small island called " Terra Cortesia." 28585 Novus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum Veteribus incognitarum, sra. folio, with the first issue of the large woodcut Mappemonde of Oronce Fine {dated 1531), in the form of two sections of a human heart, vellum, £12. Parisiis, apud Galeotum a Prato — (at end) apud Antonium AugereUum, impensis Joannis Parui Sf Galeoti a Prato, 1532 28586 the same, sm. folio, map, fine copy in old calf, £12. 12s Paris, apud Joannem Paruum, 1532 The rarest edition of the famous " Novus Orbis," which goes under the name of Grynteus, although he merely wrote the preliminary dedication, the collection having been really made by Johann Huttich. The only difference between the two issues of Paris, 1532, lies in the title-pages. The map by Oronce Fin^, one of the most curious and ingenious productions of early cartography, is alone worth more than any copy of the other editions of Grynseus, and is usually wanting. 28587 Novus Orbis, adjecta est huic postremae editioni Navigatio, etc. sm. folio, inap, vellum, £4. 4s Basil., J. Hervagius, 1537 The map, entitled " Typus Cosmographicus Universalis," is the same as in the first edition (Basil. 1532), with the word "Asia" printed in the smaller type. The editions of 1532 comprise the following contents : — Munsteri (Seb.) Typi cosmographici declaratio Cadamusti, Petri, Vasci de Ghima, Aliares [Cabral] Navigationea, capp. i-Lxxxiii Columbi, Alfonsi Nigri, Pinzoni Navigationes, capp. lxiiiv-cxiii Vesputii [tertia] Navigatio, Litera) cuinsdam Cretici aliornmque, CXIV-CXXVIII .Tosephus Indus, cxxix-cxm Vesputii Quatuor Navigationes Emanuelis Epistolse ad Leonem X, 1513 Vartomanni (Lud.) Navigatio Broccardi Terrae Sanctae Descriptio Marcus Paulus de regionibus Orientalibns Haithon de Tartar is Michov de Sarmatia Paulus Jovias de Legatione Moschovitarum COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES: SIXTEENTH CENT. 2825 1532 Grtnj:us — continued. Peter Martyr de Insulis nnper repertis [decas quarta] Stella de Borassi£e antiquitatibas In the edition of 1537, one more piece is added : Maximilian's Letter describing the Voyage of Magellan. 28588 Novus Oebis, sm. folio, with the same large map as in the edition of 1537, fine copy in old calf gilt, gilt edges, £6. 5s Basil. 155 This edition contains some supplementary pieces, including the second and third letters of Cortes, and the Franciscan letters from Mexico. " On en (de cette collection') recherche les SKemplaires, et surtout ceux de r^dition de 1555 qni est la plus complete." — Brunei. 28589 Die New Welt der Landschaften unnd Insulen, so bis hieher alien Altweltbeschrybern unbekant (Uebersetzung des Micbael Herr), folio, ^ine copy in stamped pigskin, tvith the large map as in the Basil edition, £2. 10s Strassburg, 1534 28590 Novis Orbis . . . quibus adjunximns Varrerii discursum super Ophyra, 12mo. vellum, 20s Roterod. 1616 A reprint of so much of the Novus Orbis of 1555 as had reference to America. 1533-67 Franck and Feyerabend: 28591 WELTBUCH. Erst Theil dieses Weltbucbs von Newen erfundnen LandtscbafFten : WarbaflFtige Bescbreibunge aller Tbeil der Welt, durch Sebastian Franck zum ersten an tag geben — Ander Theil dieses Weltbuchs : Warbafftige Bescbrei- bunge aller . . . Schiffarten, auch viler unbekanten erfundnen ijandtscbafften, etc. durch Ulrich Schmidt von Straubingen, und andern mehr, 2 parts — together 8 vols, in 1, sm. folio, original pigskin binding, £3. Franckfurt, 1567 The first volume, which was Franck's work, is a general Geography. The second volume is a collection of Voyages made by Feyerabend, and contains : 1. Vasco da Gama's Expedition to India; 2. Cabral's first Voyage ; 3. Joam de Nova ; 4. Cabral's second Voyage, history of Alboquerque, etc. ; 5. Expedition of Soarez de Meneses ; Ulrich Schmidt or Schmidel's Voyage to South America ; Hans Stade's Voyages and Captivity in Brazil. 1543 Manucci collection : 28592 ViAGGi fatti da Vinetia, alia Tana, in Persia, in India, et in Constantinopoli, e della ultima Impresa contra Portoghesi, 12mo. vellum. 36s Vinegia, Aldus, 1545 With the bookplate " Ex libris Amadei Svajer." " Recueil peu commnn ; il contient deux ouvrages de Josaphat Barbaro, un d'Ambrogio Contarini, deux d'Aluigi et deux sans nom d'auteur." — Brunei. 1550-56 Ramusio : 28593 NAVIGATIONI et VIAGGI raccolti da Gio. Battista Ramusio, 3 vols. sm. folio, xvith engravings on wood, and looodcut maps, including Canada and other parts of America, Spanish calf, £3. 10s Venezia, Giunti, 1563-74-56 28594 the same, 3 vols. sm. folio, calf gilt, gilt edges, by Clarke, £4. 10s ' 1613-1583-1606 28505 the same, bound in 4 vols, folio, vjith the piece " Viaggio di Cesare de' Frederici " (II. 386-430 of the edition of 1606) 2826 BERNARD QUAHITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1550-56 Ramcsio — continued. inserted in Vol. Ill, calf gilt, ivith autograph of T. Oale, £6. 10s 1568-88-65 Graessc quotes as the best editions of this most important collection : Vol. I 1563 and 15G?, Vol. II 1583, and Vol. Ill 1565 (with the piece Viaggio di Cesare de' Fred.erici inserted from the 1606 edition). Vol. I. Between the editions of 1563 and 1613 there is no difference, except in the title, and the arrangement of the first thn-e preliminary leaves. In the edition of 1613 (and 1606), however, there are three copperplate maps, which are not in any other edition. Vol. II. The edition of 1574 is the best of the incomplete editions f 1559, 1564 and 1574). The edition of 1583 contains the piece Navigatione di Sehaat. Cahot (11. 212-19), and 90 11. at the end of the volume, in addition to what had already appeared in 1574. Vol. III. The 1606 edition contains the piece Viaggio di Cesare de' Frederici (II. 386-430) which is not in that of 1565, though it is generally inserted there. Between the editions of 1566 and 1565 there is no difference, except in the title. 28596 Navigationi et Viaggio di Giovan Leone e le Navigazioni di Alvise da Ca Da Mosto, di Pictro di Cintra . , . e di Vasco di Garna, impl. 8vo. portrait, lif. hd. Qs Venezia, 1887 First volume (all published) of a new and improved edition of Ramusio. 1552-1726 Jesuit Missionaries' Relations : 28597 AVISI PARTICOLARI delle Indie di Portugallo riceuuti in questi doi anni del. 1551 . & 1552 . . 2 vols, in 1, 317 pp. with second title " Copia de alcvne Littere," which forms p. 278 Moma, Dorico, 1552 Contents : Two Letters of Mastro Caspar from Ormuz, dated 1549 and 1651 ; Seven Letters from Bsazil, from Kobrega and others, dated 1549-51 ; Nine Letters from India, by Manuel di Morales, Padre Enrique, Bait. Nugnez, etc. dated 1548-51 ; Five Letters from Congo, dated 1548, etc. ; Three short Letters from India, 1550-51 ; Copia de alcune Littere del Padre Maestro FRacEsco Xaxjier . . del Iapon, consisting of a long letter of Francis Xavier dated Cangoxima [Zajrosima] \ 549, and two short Letters on Xavier and his missions; preceded by a brief account of the newly discovered Terra del Giapan. NOVI AVISI di piv lochi de I'India et massime de Brasil riceuuti quest' anno del. M.D.LIII. Eoma, Antonio Blado, 1553 Contents : Two Letters from India, of Nic. Lanciloto and Eredia (Ant.), 1551-52 ; Eleven Letters from and on Brazil, of Nobrega, Franc. Perez, Vincenzo Rodriguez, Tomato de Sousa, Leonardo Nunnez, Pietro Chorea, Massimiano, Diego Jacobo, 1551-52 ; Francesco Xavier to Ignatius Loyola, on Japan, Cochin, 29 Jan. 1552. Nvovi Avisi delle Indie di Portugallo riceuuti questo Anno del 1553 . . con vna discrittione delli costumi de i Giaponesi Roma, Dorico [1558J Contents : Two Letters from India, of Bald. Gagoand Padre Gasparo, 1653 ; Francesco Xavier to all the Society in Europe, on Giai'ON, a long letter dated Cochin, 29 Jan, 1552, different from the short letter sent on the same day to Loyola. SUMMARIO DE LE COSE DE LE INDIE OCCIDENTALI. LiBRO VLTIMO DE LE Indie OCCIDENTALE intitulato Noua Castiglia : & del conquista del Peru & prouintia del Cusco conquistata noua- mete dal valoroso cauagliero Fracesco Pizarro. . . Boma, 1585 in 1 vol. 12nio. vellum, from the Sioiderland library, £60. 1534-58 The fjettors of Francis Xavier comprised in the preceding Jesuit Keportw COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2827 1552-1726 Jesuit Missionaries' Relations — continued. are the first printed European accounts of Japan, which had been discovered by the Portuguese in 1542. The two letters dated Cochin, January, 1552, which he despatched on his return from Japan, one to Loyola, the other to the whole body of the order, were not comprised in the collection compiled by Emanuel Acosta (Hist, rerum a Soc. Jesu gestarum ; access, de Japonicis rebus Epistolarum libri iiii) and printed in 1571. 28598 ALVAREZ. Historia de las Cosas de Ethiopia, en la qual se cuenta muy copiosamente el estado y potecia del emperador della con otras infinitas particularidades, assi dela x^eligion de aquella gete, como de sus cerimonias, segun que de todo elle fue testigo de vista Fracisco Alvarez. — Copia de diversas cartas de algunos padres y hermanos de la compania de Jesus, recebidas el ano de mil y quinientos cinquenta y cinco, de las grandes maravillas, q que dios nuestro senor obra en augmeto de la santa fe catolica en las Indias del Rey de Portugal, y en el reyno de Japon, y en la tierra de Brasil ; . . . . leyes y costumiDres de la gente del gran Reyno de la China y otras tierras nuevamente descubiertas, sm. folio, @0itl)ic letter, fine ivoodcut title- containing the Arms of D. Artal de Alagon, Conde de Sastago, to tvliom the ivork is dedicated, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy Mennil, excessively rare, £36. Caragoga, Agostin Millan, 1661 A fine volume, remarkable in many respects. It is the First collective Edition of the Cartas from the Jesuit Fatliers relating to the East, which begin with the Letter of Melchior Nuiiez addressed to Loyola relating the death of St. Francis Xavier. The last two Cartas are from Jesuit missionaries in Brazil. 28599 Avisi (Diversi) particolari dall' Indie di Portogallo, ricevuti 1551-1558 dalli Reverendi padri della compagnia di Giesu, 16mo. old calf, 10s Venetia, 1565 28600 EPISTOL^ INDICT de stupendis et prjeclaris Rebus, quas divina bonitas in India, et variis Insulis per Societatem nominis Jesu, operari dignata est, in tarn copiosa Gentium ad fidem Conversione — De Societatis Jesu origine libellus autliore D. Jacobo Payua Lusitano ;— iu 1 vol. l8mo. old calf, 35s Lovanii, K. Velpius, 1566 28601 E PISTOL j; Indicse, etc. Secunda editio auctior (cum Indice), 12mo. a little loormed, hut large copy in old stamped calf, 24.S Lovanii, B. Velpius, 1566 28602 Efistol^ Indict et Japanicae de multai*um gentium ad Christi fidem per Soc. Jesu conversione ; item de Tartarorum potentia, moribus, et totius pene Asiee religione ; tertia editio cum indice castigatior et auctior, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. vellum, from the Sunderland library, £3. 10s Lov. Butgerus Velpius, 1570 28603 Avisi (Nuovi) delle Indie di Portugallo, quinta parte, 18mo. calf extra, gilt edges, 12s Brescia, 1579 28604 GUERREIRO (Fernam) Rela^am annal das cousas que fezeram OS Padres da Comp. de Jesus nas partes da India Oriental & no Brasil, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guine, nos annos de 602 & 603, t% do processo da conuersam, & christandade daquellas partes, 193 2828 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1552-1726 Jespit Missionaries' Relations — continued. tirada das cartas dos mesmos padres que de la vieram, sm. 4to. vellum, from the Sunderland library, £l2. 12s Lisboa, 1605 A verj' rare edition of Guerreiro's Relations of 1602-3. Brunet did not know it, and though Antonio and I^inelo have mentioned an editi'm of thia date, Salva regarded its existence as doubtful. Contains: 4 preliminary leaves ; Japan, 54 numbcied 11.; China, India, Brazil, etc. 142 numb. 11. 2^605 Guerrero (F.) Relacion de las cosas que han liecho los Padres de la Compaiiia de Jesus en la India Oriental y Japon, (1)600- (1)601, trad, en Castellan por A. Cola90, sm. 8vo. stained but sound copy, vellum,, £3. 10s 1604 28606 DU JARRIC (P. Pierre) Histoire des choses plus memorable3 advenues tant ez Indes Orientales, que autres pais de la descouverte des Portugais, en I'establissement et progrez de la foy chrestienne et catholique, et principalement de ce que les Religieux de la Compagnie de Jesus j ont faict et endure depuis qu'ils j sont entrez jusques a I'an 1610, 3 vols. sm. 4to. old calf, with the Arms of Leclerc de Lessevillb, Comte de Brioude, on sides, from the Sunderland library, £30. Bordeaux, par S. Millanges, 1608-14 A rare work, the 3 vols, of which are not often found together. 28607 Thesaurus Rerum Indicarum, in quo Chi-istianee ac Catholicse Religionis tarn in India Orientali qnam aliis Regionibus Lusitanorum opera nuper detectis, Ortus, Progressus, Incrementa, etc. recesetur . . . opus nunc primum a M. Mattbia Martinez e gallico in latinum sermonem translatum, 3 vols, stout 12nio. vellum, £5. 10s Colonice Agrippivce, sumptibus Petri Henningii, 1615 28608 the same, 3 vols, stout 12mo. red ■)norocco extra, gilt edges, by J. Mackenzie, £6. 10s 1615 The first of the two copies above contains engraved titles to Vols. 1 and 2. but Vol. 3 has merely a printed half-title, ^^ Petri larrici Soc. lesu Indicarum Rerum Tomus Tertius.'^ The second copy has engraved titles to all three vols., but no half-title to Vol. 3 ; Vol. 2, however, contains in addition a half- title "Nova Eistnria Indica." Pages 296-419 of Vol. 2, and 622-53 of Vol. 3, are devoted to Brazil. 28609 Drey newe Relationes : Erste, auss Japon was sicb darinn in 1606 zugetragen ; Andere, von Missionibus so etlicbe Priester der Soc. Jesu in 1607 in das Konigreicb Mexico angestelt ; Dritte, von ableilien dess macbtigen Konigs Mogor ; auss under- schidlicben der Soc. Jesu Scbreiben verteutscht, sm. 4to. hf. red viorocro, ailt tops, 30s Augspurg, Chr. Babertzhofer, 1611 28610 PIMENTO (N.) Nova Relatio de Rebus in India Orientali a Patribus Societatis Jesu Anno 1598 et 99 gestis, Moguntice, 1601 — (Longobardi) Recentissima de Regno Chinre, item de Statu Rei Ghristianoe apud magnum regem Mogor, et de Morte Taicosamse Japoniorum Monarchae, ib. 1601 — Orani (P. J.) Japonica, Sinensia, Mogorana, hoc est de Rebus apud eas Gentes a Patribus Societatis Jesu Ann. 1598 et 99 gestis, Beodii, 1601 ; wormhole, in 1 vol. 12 mo. calf, loith arms and monogram of Thuanus and Marie BarbanQon in gold on sides and back, £3. 10* 1601 COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2829 1552-1728 Jesuit Missionaries' Relations — continued. 28611 SuAEEZ DE FiGUEROA (C.) Historia y anal Relacion de las Cosas que hizieron los Padres de la Compaiiia de Jesiis por las Partes de Oriente y otras, sm. 4to. veau fauve, loltli arms and monogram of Thiianus and Gasparde de La Chastre in gold on sides, rare, £3. 3s Madrid, 1614 28612 BORRI (C.) Relation de la Mission des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus au Royaume de la Cocliincliine, traduite par A. de La Croix, sm. 8vo. fine coi?y in old gilt tree-marhled calf, by Kalthoeher, 24s Be7mes,' 16S\ 28613 — Cocliin- China : containing many admirable Rarities and Singularities of that Countrey, extracted out of an Italian Relation ... by Christopher Borri . . . And published by Robert Ashley, smallest 4to. riissia extra, rare, from the Bechford lihrarij, Hamilton Palace, £3. 3s London, 1633 28614 BoURGES ( Jac. de) Relation du Voyage de Monseigneur I'Eveque de Beryte, Vicaire Apostolique du Royaume de la Cochinchine, par la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes, etc. jusqu'au Royaume de Siam, et autres lieux, 12mo. calf, from, the Sunderland library, 30s Paris, 1668 Including chapters on the manners, customs and religion of the Siamese. 28615 SOUSA (Francisco) Oriente conquistado a Jesu Christo pelos Padres da Companhia de Jesus, 2 vols. sm. folio, old cnlf, £2. 10s Lisboa, 1710 28616 LETTRES EDIFI ANTES et Curieuses ecrites des Missions Etrangeres, 26 vols. 12mo. besl edition, majJs, good copy in calf, £3. Paris, 1780-83 28617 the same, 26 vols. 12mo. fine copy in old L^-ench calf extra, gilt edges, £4. 4s 1780-83 28618 another copy, 26 vols. 1780-83 — PJxtrait des nouvelles des Missions des Indes Orientales, 1784, 1787-88, 2 vols. 1785- 89 ;— together 28 vols. 12mo. calf £2. 10s 1780-89 28619 another edition, 14 vols. 8vo. maps and j)lates, calf, contents lettered, £4. Lyon, 1819 These vols, comprise the Rel.itions of the various Missionaries in the Levant, America, the Indies, and China. 28620 STOCKLEIN, Brief- Schrif ten und Reis- Beschreibungen welche von denen Missionariis aus beyden Indien und andren liber Meer gelegenen Liindern seit 1642 bis 1757, angelangt seynd, 36 parts in 6 vols, folio, many maps and curious plates, fine copy in pigskin, £9. Augspurg, 1726 — Wien, 1756 The above series of Missionary Reports relates to America, China, India, Africa, and many little known islands, etc. Sprengel, in his History of Geographical Discovery, mentions Stocklein's work most honourably. It is often stated to be a translation of the Lettres Edifiantes, but this is only true to a certain extent. A large and important portion of the collec- tion was entirely new, taken from unpublished MSS. Its value to the student of American History and Geography cannot be over-estimated. As the merest specimen, a map in Vol. I may be adduced, which gives a complete and correct delineation of California and Mexico, from actual survey made in the year 1702 by the Jesuit Kuhn (called Kmo) and his assistants. 193 * 2830 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1552-1726 Jesuit Missionaries' Relations — continued. 28^21 Xaterii (S. Francisci) Epistolarum libb. iv ab H. Tursellino in Latiniim conversi ; Liber v Epistolarum a P. Possino Latini- tate donatarum ; — in 1 vol. 18mo. calf, 2s 6(1 Lugduni, 1682 28622 Apotre des Indes et du Japon, Lettres, traduites par Leon Pages, accompagnees de notes, de la vie dn saint, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. maps, no portrait, hf. bd. 7s 6d Paris, 1855 28623 Xavier (Felippe Neri) Resumo historico de la maravillosa Vida de S. Francisco Xavier, square 12mo. woodcuts, hf. bd. 7s 6d Nova Goa, 1861 1555 Eden : 28624 THE DECADES of the newe worlde or west India, conteynyng the naiiigations and conqnestes of the Spanyardes . . . wrytten in the Latine tounge by Peter Martyr of Angleria, and translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden [with other works], sm. 4to. four leaves in the preface to the reader loanting, folios 49 and 350 slightly defective, the margins of a few leaves at end, cut off, old calf, £10. Londini, in cedihus Guilhehni Powell, 1555 The first English Collection of Voyages. The contents ai'e as follows : — Peter Martyr's Decades, 1-3; [Decade 4] of the Islands; Alexander VI's Bull of partition ; an abridgment of Oviedo's Indies ; Magellan's Voyage of Circumnavigation, from Maximilian and Pigafetta; Prices of precious stones, etc. ; Debate and struggle between Spaniards and Portyngales ; Americo Vespucci's Letter to Medici ; Extracts from Cor.-ali and Cadamosto ; Voyages to the north and north-east, Muscovy, and Cathay, and Edward VI's Letter to northern potentates; Notable things extracted from Gomara; Birin- guccio's Book of Metals ; First and Second English Voyages to Guinea ; and some minor extracts. 1577 Eden and Willes : 28625 THE HISTORY OF TRAUAYLE in the West and East Indies, and other conntreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitf till and ryche Moluccaes . . gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richard Eden. Newly set in order, augmented, and finished by Richarde Willes, sm. 4to. old calf, £20. Bichard lugge, 1577 28626 the same, sm. 4to. russia gilt, from JJttersons library, £24. 1577 28627 another copy, ivanting the prelimiiiary leaves but having the text perfect, £5. 1577 28628 another copy, sm. 4to. five of the preliminary leaves wanting and the sixth defective, cloth, £8. 10s 1577 The editor omitted some few pieces that were in the 1555 original, namely, some of the " Notable Thinges," the Vespucci letter, the Corsali and Cadamosto extracts, and the Book of Metals. He also changed the order of most of the contents, and added for the first time the following : — Willes' Instructions for the guidance of Erobisher who was then about to start on his voyage for the discovery of the North- West Passage ; Reports of China and Japan ; Jenkinsou's and other Voyages to Persia ; Vai-thema's Travels, translated by Eden ; and an abridgment by himself of Peter Martyr's Decades 5-8. 1556 Temporal : 28629 Description de l'Afrique, titrce partic du Monde, ecritc de notro temps par Jean Leon, African, prcmiorement en langue COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2831 1556 Temporal — continued. Arabesque, puis en Toscane, et a present mise en Franfois (par J. Temporal et autres), 2 vols. sm. folio, woodcut maps and plates, Vol. II ivants 2 leaves, old calf , fine copy, 30s Lyon, Jean Temporal, 1556 This maybe looked upon as a translation of the first volume of Kamusio. It was intended probably to make additions, and to form a French collection of Voyages. 1582 Hakluyt's small collection : Divers Voyages touching the discovery of America — see Haklujt Societj, No. 28,096. 1585 Reineccius : 28630 Hatthoxi Armenii Historia Orientalis ; et huic subjectum Marci Pauli Veneti Itinerarium ; item fragmentum e Speculo Historiali Vincent. Belvacensis eiusdem argumenti, sm. Ito. old stamped pigskin binding with clasps, having the portrait, name and Arms of Liidwig Herzog von Wirtumherg und Tech, stamped on sides, from the Sunderland library, 30* Helmaestadii, 1585 28631 1586 Basanier-Hakluyt : L'histoire notable de la Floride sitvee es Indes Occidentales, contenant les trois voyages faits en icelle par certains Capitaines & Pilotes Fran9ois, descrits par le Capitaine Laudoxxiere, qui y a commande I'espace d'vn an trois moys : a laquelle a este adiouste vn quatriesme voyage fait par le Capitaine Gourgues. Mise en lumiere par M. Basanier, sm. 8vo. fine copy in p^crple morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lortic, from, the Court library, £63. Paris, 1586 Excessively bake. I cannot trace half-a-dozen copies. The contents of this volume are chiefly known through De Bry {Grands Voyages, part 2), a modern reprint produced at Paris, and a translation in French's Historical Collections of Louisiana. It was Kichard Hakluyt who furnished the MS. from which Basanier published the narrative, and the book is dedicated by the editor to Sir Walter Kaleigh, to whom also are addressed the preliminary pieces of verse, one of them by Hakluyt himself. The rarity of the book and the reason why it had not sooner been printed, are to be accounted for by the fact that all the persons connected with the transactions recorded in it, were Huguenots. The four parts of which the volume consists are — Ribaut's Voyage, 1562; Laudonniere'sin 1564; Ribaut's in 1565 ; and that of Goitrgues in 1567. The account here given of the Indian tribes of Florida is very extensive, and was almost the first upon the subject, having only been preceded by the notices contained in the Naufragit)s of Cabeza de Vaca. The word Florida, it must be remembered, had a more extensive signification formerly than at present, being applied to the whole continent lying between JSew Spain and Canada. see also De Bry, Grands Voyages, Part 2. 1589, 1598 Hakluyt's great collection : 28632 THE PRINCIPALL NAVIGATIONS, Voiages and Disco- teries of the English Nation, made by Sea or ouer land . . . •whereunto is added the last most renowmed English Nauigation round about the whole Globe of the earth. By Richard Hak- Luyi . . . sm. folio, First Edition, ivith the autotype facsimile of 2832 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1589, 1599 B.AKLVYT— continued. the Map of the World hy Emeric MolUneux, mounted on linen, inserted, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £18. 18s George Bishop and Ralph Neivherie, 1589 This copy has the six leaves of Drake's Voyage round the World, which were suppressed, and contains the second issue of Sir Jerome Bowes' Embassy to Russia. 28G33 The principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiqnes, and Disco- veries of the English Nation, made by sea or overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeres, by Richard Hakluyt, Preacher, 3 vols. sm. folio, with the original sup- pressed Cadiz Voyage, and autotype facsimile of Mollinetcx^s Map of the World, russia, gilt edges, £24. 1599-1600 28634- another copy, 3 vols, in 2, sm. folio, with original SUPPRESSED Cadiz Voyage, with the facsimile of MolUneux' s Map OF THE World, old calf £25. 1598-1600 28635 the same, 3 vols. sm. folio, including the genuine Expedition to Cadiz by Lord Essex, with the autotype facsimile of the Map of the World hy Enteric MolUneux, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £42. 1598-1600 With two rare plates of the period inserted : Admiral Howard's Attack on the Spanish Armada off the coast of England ; and Lord Essex's attack on Cadiz. 1590 De Bry: 28636 COLLECTIOKES PEREGRINATIONUM in Indiam Occidentalem et in Indiani Orientalem, XXV partibus comprehensae, a Theodoro, Joan.- Theodoro de Bry, et a Math. Merian publicatae, a complete set of the First Edition of the Grands et Petit s Voyages in Latin (with the exception of the text to Part V, in addition some Parts of the Second and Third Editions), together 33 parts in 11 vols, folio and sm. folio,^?ze impressions of the numerous maps and plates^ many being in duplicate^ very fine copy in blue morocco extra., gilt edges., by Derome, from the Hamilton Palace library., £670. Francofurti et Oppenlieimii.^ De Bry et Merian^ 1590-1634 Contents : Grands Voyages in Latin, the complete set of 13 Parts, mostly in two states, with the Elenchus : — Elenchus. Historia America sive Novi Orbis, continens in XIII distinctis Partibus . . . descriptionera . . . Indiae Occidentalis, etc. 1634 Original edition of the Elenchus. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2833 1590 De Bry — continued. Part L Hariot (T.) de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae, 1 rtiap and 28 plates 1590 The second issue of the First Edition. Pages 29-30 of the text are the same as in the first issue. The plaie of Adam and Eve is signed Theodore do Bry je. The head-lines to the plates are printed in the smaller type, but the text below them is sometimes as in the first issue, and sometimes as in the second. Part 2. Le Motne de Morgues, narratio eorum qu^ in Florida Americse provlncia Gallis acciderunt, first edition, map and 42 plates 1591 An account of the unfortunate expeditious of the French Huguenots into Florida under II. de Laudonniere, J. de Ribaud, et D. de Gourgues. There is no leaf with colophon to the plates. Part 3. Stadb (Jolianiiis) provincise Brasilise historia, addita est narratio profectionis J. Lerii, inap and 45 plates prhUed m the text 1592-1630 Two editions : genuine first edition, 1592, with the plate of the seven- escutcheons before the blanks at the sides had been filled in with figures of the virtues : and third edition, 1630. At the end are two letters of N. Barre on the expedition of the Chevalier da Villegagnon. Part 4. Benzoni (H.) Historia de reperta primum occidentali India a CHristoplioro Columbo, map and 24 plates 1594 Two issues : genuine first edition, with the exception of the first title, which is of the second issue : and the second issue. Part 5. secunda sectio Historic, map and 22 plates 1595 Two copies of the second edition. In the first copy the page of Preface with the portrait of Columbus is in duplicate, being of the first and second editions. In the second copy the plates are of the first edition. Part 6. Historiae, sectio tertia, genuine first edition, map, plan and I'S plates 1596 Part 7. ( ScHMiDEL ) descriptio praecipuarum quarundam Indiae regionum, ab IJ. Fabro 1599-1625 First and Second Editions. Part 8. [Raleigh] Descriptio Itineram Francisci Draken, Tliomaa Candiscb, Gualtberi Kalegli, map and 18 plates 1599-1625 The celebrated account of Guiana by Ealeigh is the first piece in the volume. First Edition, 1.599, with two' small maps not always found. Second Edition, Zemp/er, 1625, with the rare plate of Adam and Eve on page 58, marked " Jo. Theodore de Bry fe." This copy contains pages 129-160, which according to most bibliographers belongs to part IX. Part 9. AcosTA (J. de) de Novi Orbis natura, Relatio navigationis Sebalti de Weert ; Additamentdm, h. e. descriptio Navigationis QTiam Olivier a Noort confecit, 39 plates, and 2 copies of themap 1602-33 Sebalt de Weert's voyage to Magellan's Straits appears here in print for the first time. Two editions : the first, 1602, the three parts complete, including Additamentmn ; — the second edition, Historia: Antii'todum pars nona, Merian, 1633, with pages 129-160 at the end. 2834 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1590 De Brt — continued. Part 10. Americi Vesputii duae Navigationes, narratio de modemo provincise VirginiEe statu auth. R. Hamor, descriptio Novee ABgliae a Capitaneo Johanne Schmidt, i/iop and 12 plates Oppenheimii, 1619 Part 11. ScHOUTEN (G.) Iter, Appendix seu Navigatio^G. a Spilbergen, 3 maps and 29 p>lafes Oppenh. 1619 The map of the l^hilippines, Borneo and Java, which is in Part X, is not in this copy. Part 12. Herrera (A. de ) descriptio Indise occidentalis quibus cohaBrent Paralipomena Americae, 15 maps, ivith plates printed in the text Franco/. 1624 Part 13. Descriptio Novae Anglias, Virginiae, Brasiliae, etc. 9 maps, with plates printed in the text Franco/. Merian, 1634 The text of this part, of considerable intrinsic value, is divided into thirteen sections, containing accounts of New England, Virginia, the Summer Islands, Brazil, Guiana (by R. Harcourt), Australasia (by Quiros), the taking of San Salvador (by J. G. Aldenbourg), Cibola, or New Granada, New Mexico, the Voyage of Jacques L'Hermite (by A. Decker), Cinaloa, the Travels of F. de Ulloa on the coasts of N. America, Mexico, the expeditions of the Dutch under Admiral Lonck on the coasts of Brazil, etc. The last four parts were only published once, and printed in much smaller number than the others. They are very rarely found, and are valuable acquisitions. Petlts Voyages in Latin, the complete set of 12 Parts, First Editions : — Part 1. PiGAFETTA, Regnum Congo, olim ex Edwardi Lopez lingua excerptnm (et Appendix : Navigationes V. Samuelis Brunonis), with Appendix, 2 mops on 3 leaves, and 14 plates, with plates in text also 1598-1624 Two editions : the first (1598), with the Appendix, and a duplicate set of plates ; and the second, 1624. Part 2. LiNTSCOTANi Navigatio in Orientem, 4 maps, and 38 plates 1599-1628 First and Second Editions. The plates to the First are in duplicate. In one of these sets the plates on the leaves marked viii and xi are transposed, the texts being in their proper places. " La traduction latine de la Relation de Linschot, inser^e dans ce volame, est d' A. Lonicerus. Ce n'est pas la meme que celle imprim^e a La Haye en 1599."— Brunet. Part 3. secunda pars Navigationum, Navigatio Hollandorum in Insulas orientales, tres navigationes Hollandorum in Insulas orientales, tres navigationes Hollandorum in modo dictam Indiam (auct. G. de Veer), 5 maps, and b8 plates 1601 First Edition, with the plates in duplicate. The map of Nova Zembla is engraved on the back of plate 58, after which occurs a map. " Delineatio cartoe trium navigationum per Batai^os ad Septentrionalem plagam." Part 4. (LiNSCOTANi) pars, qua varii generis animalia describuntur — Hollandorum in Indiam orientalem navigatio anno 1598 suscepta, 21 plates 1601 Part 5. Descriptio navigationis illius quam Hollandi cum octonis navibus in terras orientales susceperunt anno 1598, 20 plates 1601 With a duplicate set of plates. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2835 1590 De Bry — continued. Part 6. Descriptio anriferi regni Guineae ad Africam pertinentis, quod alias littus Mina vocatur, 26 plates 1604 Plate II is marked iii, and has the text belonging to pi. iii, -whilst pi. m has the text of ii. Part 7. Navigationes duee, prima a G. Spilbergio 1601 in Indiam orientalem suscepta, altera a G. Balby 1579 ex Alepo ad regnum Pegu usque continuata, 22 plates 1606 With the Swichard coat of arms on leaf of dedication. The plates are in duplicate. In one of the sets pis. 20 and 21 had been transposed ; the right plates, however, have been pasted over them. Part 8. Navigationes quinque a J. Neccio, J. H. de Bree, C. Nicolai, C. de Vena, et sub S. de Hagen in Indiam orientalem susceptae, 18 2^lates 1607 With the plates in duplicate. Part 9. Nayigatio ab Hollandis et Selandis in Indiam Orientalem sub imperio P. G. VerhufEi peracta, Supplementum h.e. continuatio Itineris, 2 maps and 17 plates 1612 First Edition of the expeditions of the Dutch into the Indies under Verhouven (see Camus). Part 10. [Hudson (H.)] Descriptio novi ad aquilonem transitus, supra terras americanas in Cliinam atque Japonem ducturi, itera discursus super detecta nuper quinta orbis parte a P. F. de QuiR, addita descriptione regionum Siberise, First Edition, ^ maps and ^ plates 1613 With a duplicate set of plates. Part 11. Americi Vesputii duse navigationes ann. 1501, Angli cujusdam (Robert Coverte) relatio, qui in extremam Indiae orientalis oram Cambajam vectus, multa observavit, Descriptio SpitzbergEe, addita simul relatione injuriajium quas ann. 1613 alii piscatores al5%&.nglis perpessi sunt, 10 plates Oppenhemii, 1610 Part 12. HistoriaRum Orientalis Indiee Tomus XII, in tres Libros sive Tractatus distributus, 2 maps, with plates in the text Franco/., Wilh. Fizzer, 1628 Only one edition was issued of Parts 1-9, 11 and 12 of the Petits Voyages. The above set is one of tbe most complete ever offered for sale. The 25 parts are almost perfect, and of many there are two editions. In only three points is this collection at all defective : 1, the leaf with the colophon to the plates of Part 2 (Grands Voyages) is wanting ; 2, the map of the Philippines is only in Part 10 (Graftds Voyages), it should also appear in Part 11 ; 3, the map of Nova Zembla in Part 3 (Petits Voyages) should be on a separate leaf, but is here engraved on the back of pi. 58. 1590 De Bry: 28637 COLLECTIONES PEREGRINATIONUM in Indiam Occidentalem et in Indiam Orientalem a Theodore et Joan.-Theodoro de Bry, et a Math. 2836 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1590 De Brt — continued. Merian publicatce, Pa7'ts I-X of Grands Voyages, a7id Parts I-XI of Petits Voyages, all First Editions^ except Part III of the former., together 21 parts, in 7 vols, folio and sm. folio, 6 vols, in vellum^ and 1 in hoards., the Marquis of Hastings' copy, £100. 1590-1619 Grands Voyages. Part 1 (1590) Second issue of the First Edition. The Title is of the second edition ; the plate of Adam and Eve is signed Theodore de Bry fe ; the headlines of the plates are printed in smaller type, but the text below them is sometimes as in the first issue, and sometimes as in the second. Part 2 (1591) First Edition, with the Historia Luctiwsce Expe- ditionis, 4 leaves, belonging to the second edition, inserted. Part 3 (1605) Second edition, with the recto of the second leaf after the title, which usually contains the plate of seven shields and six Virtues, here blank. Part 4 (1594) Second issue of the first edition. Part 5 (1595) First Edition; the two frontispeces are of the second edition. Part 6 (1596) First Edition. Part 7 (1599) First Edition. Part 8 (1599) First Edition. Part 9 (1602) First Edition. Part 10 (1619) Without the map of the Philippines. Petits Voyages. Part 1 (1598) First Edition. Part 2 (1599) First Edition. The four maps are placed at the end of Part III. Part 3 (1601) First Edition. With the map Delineatio cartes trium navigationum per Batavos ad Septentrionalem plagam. The back of Plate 58 nearly always contains a map of Nova Zembla, in this copy it is blank. Part 4 (1601). Parts (1601). Part 6 (1604) Plate II is numbered III. Part 7 (1606) With the Swichard coat of arms on leaf of Dedi- cation. Part 8 (1607). Part 9 (1612) The two maps, which are the same as those in Part III, are not in this copy. Part 10 (1613) First Edition. Part 11 (1610) Only 7 of the 10 plates. Plate 7 is here that of the Indian widow jumping into the fire, in which her dead husband is being burnt. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2837 1590 De Bry: 28638 COLLECTIOXES PER E GRIN" ATIOXmi in Indiam Occi- dentalem et in Indiam Orientalem a Theodore et Joan. -Theo- dore de Bry, et a Math. Merian publicatge, Farts I- IX of the Grands Voyages, and Parts I-X of the Petits Voyages, all First Editions, together 19 parts, in 4 vols, folio and sm. folio, vellum, £76. 1590-1613 Grands Voyages. Part 1 (1590) Second issue of the First Edition, with the Title of the second edition. In all respects the same as the previous copy. Part 2 (1591) First Edition. Part 3 (1592) Second issue of the First Edition. Part 4 (159-4) Second issue of the First Edition. Part 5 (1595) First Edition ; the two frontispieces are of the second edition. Part 6 (1596) First Edition. Part 7 (1599) First Edition. Part 8 (1599) First Edition. Part 9 (1602) First Edition. Petits Voyages. Part 1 (1598) Fii-st Edition. Part 2 (1599) First Edition. Part 3 (1601) First Edition. With the plate Delineatio cartce trium naviga- tionum. Part 4 (1601). Part 5 (1601) Without the two preliminary leaves. Part 6 (1604). Part 7 (1606) Plate II is marked III, and has the text belonging to pi. Ill, whilst pi. Ill has the text of 11. Parts (1607). Part 9 (1612) The two maps, which are the same as those in Part III, are not in this copy. ^^ Part 10 (1613) First Emtion, wanting pp. 3-6. 28639 another set, consisting of Grands Voyages, in Latin, 13 parts, almost all first or second issues of the first eclitio7is^ some feio fjlates missing ; and of the Petits Voyages, Parts 1-9 ; together 22 parts in 5 vols, folio, old calf from the Osterley Park library, £200. 1590-1634 28640 GOTTFRIEDT (J. L.) Historia Antipodum, oder Newe Welt, nnd Americanische Historien, in ein richtige Ordnnng gebracht, iolio, frontispiece, plates of the Spanish Treasure- Fleet, of Olinda, and maps of the American coyitinent, and northern Brazil, ivith numerous engravings in the text, vellum, £4. FranTcfurt, Merian, 1613 " Abrege des doaze premieres parties du texte allemand des Grands Voyages publies par les De Bry." — Brumt. 2838 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1596 Linschoten : 28641 ZIGLER, America, das ist Erfindung der Newen Welt, dero- selbigen Volcker Gestalt, Sitten, etc. in dreyssig SchiiSfahrten kiirtzlich gefasset mit Register, mit vielen newen Landtaffeln gezieret von J. T. de Bry, folio, 4 maps, vellum, £5. Franchfurt, 1617 Ziegler's Compendium is often imperfect in wanting the four maps. Between pages 333 and 337 is an engraved title with a slip " Notwendiger Discurss Ameriese " pasted in the middle over the Latin title to part IV. 286il*STADE ( Johannis ) Provinciae Brasiliae Historiae, addita est narratio profectionis J. Lerii, folio, map, and plates in the text, £3. 10s 1592 Part 3 of the Grands Voyages, the second issue of the First Edition. 28642 LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huyghen van). Itinerarium, ofte Schip- vaert naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien — Reys-Gheschrift vande Navigatien der Portugaloysers in Orientem — Beschrijvinge vande gantsche Custe van Guinea, enz., en tegenover de Cabo de S. Augnstijnin Brasilien . . . nocli volgt de beschrijvinge van West-Indien ; 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, complete, con- taining the 6 maps and 36 plates, ivith engraved titles, and portrait, velhim, £4. Amstel., Everh. Gloppenhurch, 1644 At page 135 of the second part is Extract ende Sommier van alle de Renten, Domeynen, Tollen, enz., des Konighs van Spaengien. 28643 Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales, avec annotations de B. Paludanus — Le Grand Rentier de Mer — Description de I'Amerique et des parties d'icelle ; 13 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, COMPLETE, containing the same 6 maps and 36 plates as in the Dutch edition, with engraved titles, and portrait, hd. £5. Amstel., Gloppenhurch, 1638 28644 the same, 3 vols, in 1, sm. folio, wanting only the Map of the World, vellum, £3. 10s 1638 28645 Navigatio ac Itinerarium in Orientalem sive Lnsitan- orum Indiam — Descriptio totius Guineas ti-actus, Congi, Angolas, etc., accedit noviter Historia Navigationum (sir) Batavorum in Septentrionales oras, Polique Arctic! tractus, cum Freti Vaygats detectione summa fide relata ; 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, COMPLETE, with the same maps {except that of South America, which does not belong to this edition), with the addition of Barentz's very rare map of the Polar Regions, and 36 plates, xoith engraved titles, portrait, and a plate of Arms, vellum, the Earl of Sunder- land's copy, £6. 10s Hagce-Comitis, Alb. Henrici, inifensis authoris et Corn. Nicolai {G. Glaez), 1599 In a collation of this edition, I find, included in the list of maps, that of S. America. The Latin translation, however, omits that part in the Dutch and French editions describing America, so the map, though perhaps included in some copies, cannot really belong to it. The map of the Polar Kegions is not mentioned elsewhere as belonging to this edition, though it clear!}' does 80 ; it is entitled " Delineatio cartie trium navigationum per Batavos, ad Septentrionalem plagam . . . auttore Wilh. Bernardo (Bai-eutz), Com. Nicolai excudebat, 1598." The maps and plates of all the Dutch, French, and Latin editions are the same. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2839 1596 LiNSCHOTEX — continued. 28646 LINSCHOTEN, his Discours of Voyages into ye Easte & West Indies. Deuided into foure Bookes, 4 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, gOtflic letter, engraved titles, 8 viaps, and 4 plates of views, that of Ascenscion Is. in tivo states (with and vjithout the numbers 174 and 175), old calf. Sir Kenelm Digby's copy, £16. 16s London, John Wolfe (1598) 28647 the same, sm. folio, without the view of the Island of St. Helena, with the words " Insula D. Helence sacra cceli dementia, etc." inscribed, old calf, £12. (1598) The inscriptions on the maps and plates, which in the Dutch, French and Latin editions are iu Latin and Dutch, in the English are in Latin and English. This work takes its place among " Collections," because to the narratives of his own Voyages, Linschoten annexed the Reysgeschrift or Routier compiled from the accounts of Portuguese and Spanish navigators, and his translation of Acosta's work on America. 1598 Hulsius : 28648 SCHIFFAHRTEX in verschieden fremde Lander, durch Leyincm Hulsium : Zehende Schiffart, oder Re^se in Ost Indien, nnter Corn. Matelief, 1605-8, 2 maps and 3 plates, 1 map defective Franckfurt a. M. 1613 Dreyzehende SchifPahrt : ein Bericht von dem itzigren Zustaudt der LandtschafFt Virginien, sampt einer Relation wie Pocahuntas Christlichen getaufft und mit einem Englischen verheurahtet worden, durch Raphe Hamor, in Teutsch uhersetzt, 4! plates Hanaiv,16\7 Achtzehender Theil der K'ewen Welt : Entdecknng aller der West Indianischen Landschafften, Insuln und Konigreichen, alles von newem beschrieben durch Ant. de Herrera. J 4 maps Franckfurt, 1623 Die Ein und zwantzigste Schifffahrt, oder Beschreibung der Landtschaift Brasilien, Americae, und deroselten Innwohner und Sitten, etc. portrait and ^plates, icants map ib. 1629 Die XXVI Schiff-Fahrt : Beschreiburg einer Reyse durch Johann Miincken, 1619-20, nach dem Frets Hudsons, umb eine Durchfahrtnach Ost-Indien zu fiuden, sampt Erliiuterung des alten und newen Groenlands, 9 plates, map and pinto wanting Franckfurt, Christ. Le Blon, 1650 together 5 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. rare, bds. £20. 1613-50 In the same volu're is : " West-Indianische Reisze und Beschreibung der Beliig- und Eroberung der Statt S. Salvador, inn Brasilia, durch J<>h. G. Aldenburgk {Cohurgk, Frid. Gruner, 1627 >, of which the last leaf of Index is defective. 1598 Claesen : 28649 [Houtmann, Van Nec, et Warwic] Premier (et second) livre de I'Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orientales,par les Hollaudois [avec Appendice, Vocabulaire des Mots Javans et Malays], par G. M. A. W. L. 2 parts, plates of medals, etc. 1609 — Vi;k (Girard le) Vraye Description de trois Voyages de mer, faits en trois ans . . par les navire-s d'Hollande et Zelandc au Norcl, First French Edition, 1600 — Nora- (Olivier du) Description 2840 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1598 Claesen — continued. du penible Voyage fait entour de I'univers du globe, translatee du Flamand, 1598-161)1, 1610 — Description et Recit historial du riche Royaume d'Or de Gunea, par P. de Marees, 1605 ; in 1 vol. sru. folio, numerous fine maps and plates, hd. £6. 6s Amsf., Corn. Nicolas {on, Glaessen), 1600-10 Claesen's Complete French Collection. It is seldom that all these pieces are found together. 28650 Histoire de la Navigation, 2 pai'ts, 1609 — Yer, Trois Voyages, 1604 — Nort, Penible Voyage, 1610 ; in 1 vol. sm. folio, maps and plates, old calf gilt, £5. 5s ib. 1604-10 28651 Prima pars Descriptionis Itineris navalis in Indiam Orientalera, plates of medals, etc. First Latin Edition, 1598 — Vera (Ger. de) Diarium Nanticnm, sen vera Descriptio trium Navigationura, First Latin Edition, 1598 ; in 1 vol. sm. folio, maps and plates, vellum, £4. ih. 1598 1599 Bruneau : 28652 Histoire veritable de certains Voiages perillevx & bazardeux sur la mer, ausquels reluit la justice de Dieu sur les uns & la misericorde sur les autres [per le Capitaine Bruneau, Sieur de Rivedouxj, 12mo. very large copy, with rough leaves, hut signature A iv slightly damaged, blue morocco, silk linings, gilt edges, from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace, £10. 10s Niort, 1599 First and excessively rare edition, unknown to the bibliographers. In fact, the work itself was only known through its second edition ( — see below), which is described carefully both by Brunet and by Ternatix, but naturally without any indication of the real authorship. In the first edition, there is a dedication to Philippe de Mornay, signed by the Huguenot Minister, Louis de le Blachiere, in "which he reveals the author's name as above, stating that Bruneau had been Sergeant-major under Mornay's command at l^anmur. We know from his own text of the second " Voyage fait au Perou " in this volume, that he had commanded a company of foreign foot inside Rochelle during the siejre in 1572. In the second edition the dedication is suppressed, and a false authorship suggested by initials on the title. 28653 Histoire veritable deplvsievrs voyages Aduentdredx, & perilleux, faits sur la mer, en diuerses contrees . . . par I. P. T. Capitaine de Mer, 16mo. i7i the original limp vellum, RARE, £5. Roven, 1600 Of the shipwrecks and disasters recounted in this little volume (1.'556- 1589), all derived orally from survivors, one occurred on the coast of Brazil, another in the West Indies, a third in the Bermudas. They contain many particulars concerning the Indians of the New World. 1625 Purchas: 28653*PURCHAS, his PILGRIMES, containing Voyages and Peregri- nations, tborow the remoter parts of the knowne world, enquiring also of Languages and Religions ; description of the Circum- Navigations of the Globe ; Navigations and Voyages of English- men, etc. 4 vols. 1625 — Pdrchas, his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places, fourth edition enlarged, 1626 — together 5 vols, folio, replica of the engraved frontispiece, numeroiis pilates and maps by EUtrake, and tcoodcuts, fine tall copy in old calf, £65. 1625-6 COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2841 1625 Pdrchas — continued. 28654 PURCHAS, HIS PILGRIMES, 5 vols, folio, xoith all the maps, and a fine impression of the original frontispiece, old calf, £75. i62o-26 28655 the same, 5 vols, folio, ivith the excessively rare ORIGIXAL FRONTISPIECE, ivhich Contains a small Map of the World and numerous portraits, fine tall copy, red morocco extra, by Clarke and Bedford, from Lord Gosford's library, £96. 1625-6 28656 • the same, 5 vols, folio, with the original frontispiece, moimted, old calf, £80. 1625-6 OxLT TWO COPIES (Mr. Grenyille's and the present) are known which contain the right map of the world (Hotnlius' Map of the World) on page 65 in the first paginary series of Vol. I, all the other copies exhibiting instead a duplicate of the inferior world-map (Map of the Christiaii World') on page 115 of the same volume. 1634 Bergeron : 28657 Bergeron (Pierre) Relation des Voyages en Tartarie de Fr. Guill. de Rubruquis, Fr. J. du Plan Carpin, Fr. Ascelin et Autres Religieux ; plus un traicte des Tartares ; avec nn abrege de I'Histoire des Sarasins et Mahometans, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. old calf, fine copy, from the Sunderland library, £4. Paris, chez M. Soly, 1634 This original edition of Bergeron's collection has become scarce. 1643 Wachter : 28658 CAXDISH, DRAKE, and L'Heremite. Iournalen van drie Votagien, te vreten : 1, Van Mr. Thomas Candish met drie Schepen rondom de Werelt, 1586-88 ; 2, van Heer Fransoys Draeck ende Heer Jan Haukeins naer West Indian, 1593; 3, Nassausche Vloot, Voyagie onder Admirael Jaques L'Heremite, 1623-26, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4:to. fine copy, ivith all the maps and plates complete, vellum, 24s lacob Pietersz Wachter, Amsterdam, 1643 1644 Commelin : 28659 BEGi:^ ENDE VOORTGAXG vande Veereenigde Neerder- landtsche Geoctroyeerde Oost Indische Compagnie (Origine et progres de la Compagnie Neerlandaise privilegiee des Indes Orientales), 2 vols, oblong 4to. with 220 maps and plates finely engraved in the style of De Bry, fine copy in old calf gilt, £5. ' {Amst) 1646 28660 the same, 2 vols, oblong 4to. icithout plate 6 of Spilbergen's Voyage, old calf gilt, £4. 1646 1647-77 Factitious Collections: 28660* VoTAGES OF THE Ddtch (various). Pelsert (F.) Voyagie van 't schip Batavia nae de Oost-Indien, 16bS-4b, plates, 1647 — Claesz (C.) Journal ofte een Oost-Indische-Reys-beschrijvinghe, plates, 1651 — Bontekoe (W. Y.) Journael ofte Gedenckvraerdige Beschryvinge van de Oost-Indische Reyse, engravings, a little cropped, Utrecht (1653) — Barthema (L. de) Zee-en Landt Reyse in de Morgenlanden, etc. plates, slightly stained, Utrecht, 1654 — 2842 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1647-77 Factitious Ct^iiLECTiONS — continued. Leven der Turcken, Moscoviters en Chinesen, engravings, '« Gravenhage, 1663 — Beaulieu (A. van) Scheepvaart der Franschen naar Oost-Indien, plates, Amst. 1669 — Beschryving der Reizen van G. Andi'iesz deur Oostindien, etc. 1644-50, •plates, Amst. 1670 — Glazemaker (J. H.) Van de lefte Oorlog in't Koninkrijk Kandia, Amst. 1671 — Heiden (F. J. van der) Vervarelyke Scliip-Breuk, van 't Oost-Indfsche Jacht Schelling, plates, Amst. 1675 — Vermeulen (G.) Voyagie naar Oost-Indien 1668-74, engravings, Amst. 1677 — together 11 vols. Jif. veJhmi, scarce, from Mr. BurnelVs library, £5. 5s 1647-77 28661 LE BLANC (Vine.) de vermaarde Reizen in Europa, Asia, Afrika, en Amerika, door J. H. Glazemaker vertaalt, 2 parts, engraved title, and plates, Amst. 1654 — Derde voornaemste Zee- getogt na de Oost-Indien : gedaan met de Achinsche en Moluksche Vloten, onder de Ammiralen Jacob Heemskerk, en Wolf. Harmansz, 1601-3, getrocken van W. van West-Zanen, en H. Soete-Boom, plates, Wormerveer, 1648 — Persiaensche Reyse, uyt Holsteyn, in Persien, door Ph. Crusius, en 0. Brughman, beschreven door Adam Olearius, 2 parts, engraved title, and plates in text, Amst., J. Hartgers, 1651 — Reizen van Fern. M. Pinto in Europa, Asia en Afrika, door J. H. Glazemaker vertaalt, engraved title and plates, Amst. 1653 — Zee-en-Landt- Reyse van Lud. di Bartbema, vertaelt door Hier. Megiserum, 3 parts, engraved title and plates, Utrecht, 1654 — in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. vellum, £10. 10s 1648 Hartgers : 28661*OosT Indiscbe [etc.] Votagien, First Issue, 12 parts, with the " Inleydinge," second issue, added, sm. 4to. hf. vellum., £25. Amst.^ Joost Hartgerts, 1648 Contents : — Oost-Indische Voyagien door dien Begin en Voorstgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie (_General Title, with Introduction, Index, etc.), w^^'w'Wt engraved title. Voyages: (1) [De Veer (Gerrit)] Schip^Vaert door't Way-gat, na Cathay ende China, in 1594, jilate; (2) Houtman (Corn.) Schip-Vaert naer Oost-Indien, in 1595, plate; (3) Van Neck (Jacob) en W. Tan Warwijck, Schip-vaert op Oost-Indien in 1598, met de Voyagie van P. de Weert, naer de Strate Magalanea, plate ; (4) Van Noort (01.) Voyagie door de Strate Magalanes, in 1598, met de tweede Voyagie van J. van Neck, naer Oost-Indien, plate ; (6) Spilbergen (J. van) Voyage naer d' Oost-Indien, in 1601-4, als meede Voyagie na d' ( )ost- Indien onder St. vander Hagen, plate ; (6) Broecke (P. vanden) Reysen soo van Cabo Verde, Angola, Gunea, Oost-Indien, etc. plate; (7) Spilbergen (Joris) Voyagie door de Strate Magallanes, naer de Moluques, als mede de Reyse ghedaen door W. C. Schouteu, en J. le Maire, in 1615-7, plate; (8) L'Heremite (Jaqnes) en Gheen H. Schapenbam, Journael vande Nassausche Vlnot, 1623-6, met Beschrijvinge van Peru, door Pedro de Madriga, plate; (9) Bontekoe (W. T.) Oost-Indische Reyse, 1618-25, met Journael van I). A. Raven (van de Reyse na Spitsberghen, 1639), jilate ; (10) I'elsaert (Fr.) Voyagie nee Oost-Indien, ^^late; (11) Twist (Job. van) Beschrijvinge van Iiidicn ; (12) Caron (Fr.) Beschrijvinghe van Japan, Anist. 1652. 'I'he al)ovc form the First Volume of Hartgers' Collection, the second volnmc was never published. The second issue contain>i tiie same Voyages, and in addition a thirtcenlh (Voyagie van Cora. Matclief). COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2848 1663 Saeghman: 28662 Verschetde Votagien (Divers Voyages), Parts 1, 3-13 and 15-18 of Vol. I, and Parts 1-8 of Vol. II, together 24 parts, sm. 4to. nuineroiis engravmgs in text, 10 parts sd., the rest in. hf. red morocco gilt, gilt edges, £25. Amst., Gillis Joosten Saeghman (1668-70) The complete collection should consist of 28 parts. Parts 4-16 of Vol. I, and Parts 1 and 5 of Vol. II, are reprints from Hartgers' collection. Contents : — Vol. I. (I) Linschoten (J. H. van) Reyse na Oost-Indien ; (3) Linschoten, Twee Voyajien na Vay-Gats, 1594-.5 ; (4) Houtman ; (5 and 6) Neck (Jac. van); (7) Noort (01. van); (8) Weert (Sebald de) ; (9 and 10) Spilbergen ; (11) Schouten (W. Corn.) ; (12) L'Heremite (Jacques) ; (13) Broeck (V. van den) ; (15) Bontekoe ; (16) Pelsaert ; (17) Kejse van't Jacht de Sperwer (door Reynier Egbertsz) ; (18) Benzonius (Jerom.) Beschryvinglie van West-Indien. Vol. II, (l)De Veer (Gerrit), JLwsi. 1663; (2) Drie Voyagien gedaen na Groenlandt, door Joan Monnick, Marten Forbisser, ende Gotske Lindenau ; (3) Segersz (Jacob) Journael by Seven Matroosen op Spitsbergen in Maurits- Bay, 1633-4 ; (4) Twee Journalen, het eerste by de Seven Matroosen op het Eylandt Mauritius in Groenlandt, 1633-4, en het tweede by de Seven Matroosen op Spitsbergen, 1634; (5) Raven (D. A.) Voyagie naer Groen- landt, 1639; (6) Beschryvinghe van Moscovien ofte Ruslandt; (7) Beschi-y- vinghe van de Noordtsche Landen, di gelegen zijn onder den Koudea Noordt-Pool ; (8) Beschryvinghe van Turckyen, en het ellendigh Leven der Tui-cken. 1663 Thevenot's Great Collection : 28663 RELATION DE DIVERS VOYAGES CURIEUX, qui n'ont point este publiees, ou qui ont este traduites d'Hackluyt, de Ptirchas, et d'autres voyageurs Anglois, Hollandois, Portugais, Allemands, Espagnols, et de quelques Persans, Arabes et autres, auteurs Orientaux, par M, THEVENOT, 4 parts in 2 vols. roy. folio, numerous maps and plates^ large paper, fine copy in calf gilt, gilt edges, £60. 1696-64 Contents :— Part I. Title of pts. 1 and 2 {Th. Moette, 1606) ; Epistrc, 2 11. ; Avis, 3 11.; Pyramides d'Egypte, 25 pp., with 2 plates of mummies, and plate of Pyramids ; Relation des Cosaques, etc. 30 pp. ; Rel. de la Mengrellie, pp. 31-52, with map of Colchis ; Delia Valle, 26 pp. including portrait; Jenkinson, etc. 17-40; Relation du Mogol, 12 pp. with map of N. India; Th. Rhoe, 80 pp.; Terri, 30 pp. ; Cosmas Ind., etc. pp. 1-9 ; Plantes des Indes, pp. 10 and 19-24; Abulfeda, pp. 17-24; Plan of Bassora ; and plate of writing, on 2 11. ; Golconda, Floris, etc. 36 pp. ; Bontekoe, la Terre- Australe, etc, 56 pp. with map of Australia. Part II. Title (J. Langlois, 1664) ; Avis, 1 1. ; Privilege, 1 1. ; Relation des Indes, etc. 3 11. ; Remonstrance de Pel^art, 20 pp. ; map of Arabia and E. Africa ; Routier, 60 pp. ; Beaulieu, 128 pp, ; 4 outline views of coasts • plate of " Coste de Serlione, etc.;'' Les Isles Philippines, 40 pp. with map ; Les Isles Philipines (another), 16 pp.; Rel, de Japon, 48 pp. including a plate, with a map of Pegu and Japan ; Eso, 4 pp. ; Rel. de la Chine, 30 pp. with 6 plates. Part III. Title to pts. 3 and 4 {Th. Moette, 1696) ; Avis, 4 11. ; Voyage des Ambassadeurs, pp. 31-68, with title (S. M. Cramoisy, 1666 i, and 12 plates ; Route a Pekin, 28 pp. with map of the route ; Description de la Chine, 216 pp. with map ; Rapport, 12 pp. Part IV. Title {A. Cramoisy, 1672) ; Avis, 1 1. ; LTndien, 14 pp. ; V. de la Plate, 24 pp. ; Viaggio di Grueber, 24 pp. ; Voyage de Grueber, 23 pp. ; Sinarum Scientia, 24 pp. including title ; la Haute Ethiopie, 16 pp. ; Remarques sur TEthitpie, 4 pp. ; Rel. de Ix)bo, 16 pp. with map of Ethiopia, 194 2844 BERNARD QUARTTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. . 1663 Thevenot's Great Colleci'io-s —continued. and plate " Entree de ports, etc. ;" Decouverte de quelques pays, 8 pp. ; Sayd, 4 pp. ; Hist, du Mexique, title and 58 pp. ; Gages, 40 pp. Additional Pieces. Tasman, 4 pp. ; Instruction des Vents, 12 pp. ; Ambassade de S'chahrok, etc. 16 pp. ; I'Asie de Barros, 16 pp. ; Relation des Sahaites, 2 11. ; Synopsis Chronologia, 20 pp. (p. 20 blank) ; Historic Sinic£e Decas iSecunda, pp. 21-76; V. de la Tercere, 18 pp.; Elementa Linguse Tartaricas, 34 pp.; Islas de Salomon, pp. 5-8 and 13-16; De Atabekiis, Ismaelis, etc. pp. 49-64 ; de Familia Albarum Ovium, pp. 77-80. 28664 THEVENOT, Voyages, 2 vols. roy. folio, large paper, fine copy in calf, from the Beckford library, £55. 1696 The same as the above except that instead of the Epistre ( 2 11.) of Part I it contains the A ertissement (1 1.), and Catalogue (1 1.) — it has no separate Title to Part II, nor to the Amhassade a Pekin in Part III, and no Privilege to Part II, and wants the 2 maps of Ethiopia and Pegu. 286G5 Voyages, 2 vols, folio, calf, £25. 1696 Containing all on the list above except : the separate titles to parts 2 and 4, and to the Amhassade a Pekin (in part 3) ; the two maps of Ethiopia and Pegu ; and the additional pieces de Atabekiis, etc. (pp. 49-64), ans and plates in fine and perfect condition, but wanting three leaves of text, besides the Cabinet de Swammerdam 16 pp. old calf , from the Sunderland library, £5. 5s ' 1682 First edition of the first Voyage (from ihe North) down the Missis- sipjii (by Pere Marquette and Louis Julliet in 1673), with a map of the great river and its tributaries. The "Mesipi" had been hiard of but not seen (except of course at its issues in the Gulf of Mexico) by Europeans until this expedition. The two Frenchmen started from Lake Michigan, and reached the Mis>issippi near the mouth of the Wisconsin. Thence they sailed as far as Arkansas, proving that the great unknown river ran south, not west, and that it was identical with the Rio del Pispiritn J^nnto of (Jaray and the Rio COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2845 Grande of Hernando de Soto. Here also was published, for the first time in its integrity, Abel Tasman's map of his discoveries in Australasia (New Zealand, Van Dienien's Land, etc.), the text of his voyage having: been printed as one of the very rare additional pieces in Thevenot's large collection of Voyages, to which this small " Recueil " forms a necessary supplement, 1674 Brahe : 28670 Matson Kioeping (Nils.) Beskriffning uppa trenne Reesor och Peregrinationer, sampt Konungarijket JAPAN, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, top edge gilt, £4. 4s Wijsindzborg, 1674 This is a collection of four works, the first of which contains the Travels through Asia and Africa of the Swedish ship-captain Nils Matson Kioping, in 1647-57 ; the second. Captain Erichsson Willman's Voyage to East India and Japan in 1644-54 ; the third, Capt. OlofF Willman's Description of Japan ; the fourth, an account of Northern Asia and the countries between Russia and China. It was printed at the private press of Count Peer or Peter Brahe, a worthy member of a distinguished family. 1674 Justel : 28671 Recueil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en TAmerique, qui n'ont point este encore publiez [redige par H. J. (Henri Justel)], 4to. maps and. plates, I8s Paris, 1674 Contents : Hist, des Barbades, par Ligon ; Relation des Caraibes par de Laborde ; Descript. de I'empire de Pre tre- Jean ; etc. 28672 Recueil de divers Voyages, 4to. maps and plates, old calf, 28s Paris, 1684 Contains Relation du voyage fait sur les costes d' Afrique, 1670-1 (23 pp.), in addition to what had already appeared in the first edition. 1678 Zurich Travellers : 28673 ViKR LOBLICHER Statt Zurich verbiirgerter Reisz-beschreibungen geschelien in 1. das Gelobte Land, 2. die Insul Jamaica, 3. die Caribes Inslen und Neuw Engel Land in America, 4. die Landtscliafi't Fetii in Africa, 12mo. engraved title and plate, fine copy in English veau fauve extra, £2. Ziirich, 1678 Felix Christian Spori, the author of the American travels in this volume, went out in 1660, as surgeon in a Dutch ship, under an English captain ; and again in 1662. He gives some curious particulars, as, for instance, that the new sugar-spirit (Rum) was called Killdi/vel, 1684 Sharp : 28674 Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Earth. Sharp in the South Sea : also Capt. Van Horn with his Buccanieres surprizing of la Vera Cruz ; Sir Henry Morgan his Expedition against the Spaniards in the West-Indies, etc. 12nio. title slightly defective, hf calf, 12s 1684 ' Edited by P. A. in the interests of the Buccaneers. See a7ite No. 28562. 1694 Nar borough : 28675 Account of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North, by Sir J. Narborough, Capt. Jasmen Tasman, Capt. J. Wood, and Fred. Marten, 8vo. 7nap)s and plates, plate s wanting, calf, 24s 1694 The Sunderland copy fetched £5. 28676 Account of several late Voyages and Discoveries : Narbrough's Voyage to the South Sea ; Tasman's Discoveries on the coast of Terra Incognita ; Wood's Attempt to discover a N.E. Passage ; Marten's Observations on Greenland, in 1 vol. 8vo. maps and plates, calf, 30s 1711 101 * 2846 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1703 Dampier : 28677 DAMPIER'S (W.) Collection of Voyages, 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, calf, £3. 15s 1703-5-9 28678 Collection of Yotages, 4 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, BEST edition, Containing Supplements not included in the earlier issues, calf, £5. 1729 28679 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. m,aps and plates, fine copy in r^issia extra, gilt edges, leather joints, from the Samilton Palace librarij, £6. 6s 1729 1705 Harris: 28680 Collection of Voyages and Travels, in Asia, Africa, America, Europe, oi' the Islands thereof, by John Harris, 2 vols, large iolio, frontispiece, mays, plates, and portraits, calf, 20s 1705 1738 Bellegarde: 28681 HiSTOiRE universelle cles Voyages, faits par Mer et par Terre, dans I'Ancien et dans le Nouveau Monde, par I'Abbe de Bellegarde, 12nio. engraved title, m,ap, and 5 plates, calf, 10s Avist. 1708 Devoted entirely to the early Spanish voyages to America. 1715 Bernard: 28682 Kecueil de Voiages au Nord, par J. F. Bernard, Vols. I- VIII, 12mo. engraved titles, inaps and plates, old calf gilt, from, the Hamilton Palace, £2. Amst., Bernard, 1715-27 Contains accounts of voyages to California, Virginia, the Mississippi, and to Central Asia, China, and Japan, as well as of those to Greenland, Iceland, etc. 1735 Gomes de Brito : 28683 HiSTORiA, em que se escrevem os Naufragios, que tiverao as Naos de Portugal, depois que se poz em exercicio a Navegacao da India, 2 vols. sm. 4to. fine copy in cf. 36s lAsbon, 1735-6 A curious compilation of original narrations of early Portuguese Voyages to and from America and India, 1552-1601, containing descriptions of the journeys of the shipwrecked sailors on the E. Coast of Africa, Sumatra, etc. 'I'he rirst piece is the account of the disaster wliich befell Captain Sousa Sepulveda, ihrown on the coast of .Natal in 1552, where he perished with his wife Leanor de Sa, "whose misfortunes are as touching as those ol Ignez de Castro." 1746 Prevost: 28684 HisTOiRE G:^nerale des Voyages, ou nouvelle collection de totites les Belations de Voyages qui out ete publiees jusqu'a present, par I'Abbe Ant. F. Prevost, Vols. I-XIX, 4to. portraits, maps, and numerous plates, French calf gilt, mar-bled edges, 36s Paris, Didot, 1746-70 The complete work is in twenty volumes. '' Le 20e volume, qui manque souvent, se trouve difficilement." — Brunei. 1749 Barcia : 2b685 HISTORIADORES Primitivos de las Indias Occidentales, que junto, traduxo en parte, y saco a luz, ilustrados con eruditas Notas, y copiosos Indices, D. Andreas Gonzalez de Barcia, 3 vols. sm. folio, old calf, £12. 10s Madrid, 1749 This valuable collection is very rare, because of the accidental destruction by fire of a great number of copies. Moreover, very few copies have the entire sixteen parts that were pul)li^hed. The present one has all. Amongst the rarest of them are those containing the Cartas of Cortes and the rxnmrn of the Narration of Cabkza bk Baca, in the first volume. COLLECTIONS OP VOYAGES. 2847 1789 Richardson : 28686 Collection (General) of Voyages and Discoveries, made by the Portuguese and the Spaniards during the 15th and 16th cen- turies, 4to. iriaps and plates, calf, 10s W. Richardson, 1789 1812 Lisbon Academy : 28687 CoLLBCCao de Noticias para a Historia e Geografia das N'AgOES ULTRAMARINAS, que vivem nos dominios Por- tuguezes ou Ihes sao visinhas, publicada pela Academia Real das Sciencias, 7 vols. sm. 4to. sd. £3. 10s Lishoa, 1812-41 28688 the same, 7 vols, in 4, sm. 4to. half morocco, £4 1812-41 1824 Societe de Geographic : 28689 RECUEIL de Voyages et de Memoires, publie par la Societe de Geographie, 6 vols, in 5, 4to. w.aps and plates, hf. calf neat, £5. Paris, 1824-40 Vols. V and VI consist of the " Geograpliie d'Edeisi, traduite par P. Amedee Jaubert." The other vols, contain the voyages of Marco Polo and others, with valuable articles on the Ethnology, Languages, etc, of the various countries visited in America, Asia, and Africa. Contents : I. Voyages de Marco Polo — II. Ruines de Palenque, Recherches sur Tancienne po|)uIation de I'Amerique, Memoire sur la Perse, etc— III. Orographic de I'Europe, etc. — IV. Jourdain Cataiani, Andia y Varela, Gul. de Rubruk, Du Plan de Carpin, Bernard le Sage, Seewulf — V, VI. Geographie d'Edrisi. 28691 Relation des Voyages de Guil. de Rubruk, Bernard le Sage et Sfewulf, publics en entier (avec des notes) par Fr. Michel et Th. Wright, 4to. sd. 5s Paris, 1838 Rubruk went to Tartary, Bernardus Sapiens to Egypt and Palestine, S^wulf to Palestine. 1825 Navarrete: 28692 CoLECCiON de los Viages y Descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Espaiioles desde fines del siglo xv con varios Documentos Ineditos concernientes a la Historia de la Marina Castellana, y de los Establecimientos Espafioles en Indias, co-ordinada e ilustradapor Don Martin Fernandez de Navarrete, 4to. £3. 3s Madrid, en la Imprenta Beal, 1825-37 1840 Ternaux : 28693 Ternaux-Compans (H.) Archives des Voyages, ou Collection d'anciennes Relations de lettres et autres documents relatifs a la Geographie et aux Voyages, 4 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco gilt, £2. 2s Paris (1840) 28694 Ternaux-Compans, Bibliotheque Asiatique et Africaine; cata- logue des ouvrages sur I'Asie et I'Afrique qui ont paru jusqu'en 1700, 8vo. sd. 5s 1841 1844 Lisbon Academy : 28695 CoLLEcgAO de Opuscules reirapressos relatives a historia das navega^oes dos Portuguezes, publ. pela Acad, das Sciencias, Tomo I, 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, 12s Lishoa, 1844-58 1. Rela9anQ dos trabalhos de Fernando de Souto no descobrimento da Frolida ; 2. Cousas que Chr. da Garaa fez nos reynos do Preste Joao ; 3. Mnghalhaes de Gandavo, Historia do Brasil. 2848 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1. Hatvkins (Sir Richd.) Observations on his Voiage into the South Sea in 1593, 1622; edited by Capt. C R. Bethune, 7s 6d 1847 2. Columbus, Select Letters, with other original documents relating to his Four Voyages, translated, and edited by R. H. Major, 10s 1847 3. Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana in 1595; 1596; edited by Sir R. M. Schomburgk, wiap, 20s 1848 4. Sir FKANCisDRAKE,his Voyage, 1595, bv Thos. Maynarde, edited from the original MSS. by W. D Cooley, 12s 1849 5. RuNDALL(Thos.) Narrative of Voyages towards the North-West in search of a Passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631, 3 ma^js, 12s 1849 6. Stkachey (Wm.) Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, edited from the MS. by R. H. Major, map, fac- similes, and -fine plates, 15s 1849 7. Hakluyt (Ed.) Divers Voyages touch- ing the discovery of America and the Ishinds adjacent, 1582 ; edited by J. Winter Jones, facsionile and 2 maps, 20s 1853 8. Rundall's Collection of early Docu- ments on Japan, 12s 1850 9. Coats' Geography of Hudson's Bay, edited by Jno. Barrow, 7s 6d 1851 10. Hakluyt (Rd.) Discovery and Con- quest of Terra Florida by Don Fer- dinando de Soto, 1611 ; edited by W. B. Rye, map, 20s 1851 11-12. Hekberstein, Rerum Moscovita- rum Commentarii : Notes upon Russia, translated and edited by R. H. Major, 2 vols. 2 facsimile maps and 4 plates, 15s 1851-52 13. De Veer (Gerrit) Three Voyages by the North-East to China, 1524-6, edited by C. Beke, 36s 1852 14-15. Mendoza (Juan Gonzalez de) Historie of China, trans, by Parke, 1588; edited by R. G. Staunton, 2 vols. 30s D'ORLfcANS (Pierre Joseph) History of the Tartar Conquerors of China, Paris, 1 688 ; translated and edited by the Earl of ElleLniere, 12.'; 1854 1847 Hakluyt Society : 28696 Publications of the Hakluyt Society, from the commencement in 1847 to 1877, 56 vols. 8vo. many maps and plates, new in cloth, printed for suhscribers only, £32. 1847-77 The following is a list of the works hitherto printed, with the prices at which they are sold separately. 17. Fletcher (Francis) The World en- compassed by Sir Francis Drake ; edited by W. S. W. Vaux, map, 30s 1854 18. White (Adam) Collection of eai-ly Documents on Spitzbergen and Green- land, 36s 1855 19. MiDDLETON (Sir Hen.) Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands, 1606; edited by B. Comey, viap and 5 plates, £2. 1855 20. Bond (Edwd. A.) Russia at the close of the 16th Century 36s 1856 21. Benzoni (Girolamo) History of the New World ; Travels, 1541-56, Venice, 1572, translated and edited by Adml. W. H. Smyth, /acstmiZes of old ivood- cuts, 15s 1857 22. Major (R. H.) India in the 15th Century, £2. 1857 23. Champlain, Voyage to the West Indies, 1599-1602; trans, by A. Wilmere, edited by N. Shaw, 4 coloured and 4 plain facsimiles, 30s 1859 24. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639 ; trans, and ed. by C. R. Markham, 20s 1859 25. Gonsalez de Clavijo, Embassy to the Court of Timour at Samarcand, 1403-6, by R. Markham, map, £2. 10s 1859 26. Hudson (Hen. the Navigator) by G. M. Asher, 2 maps, £2. 1859 27. Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia, ed. by R. H. Major, maps, 2.5s 1859 28. Expedition of Ursua and Aguirre, in search of El Dorado, translated by Bollaert, £2. 1862 29. Life of Don Alonso Enriquez de Guzman, trans, by Markham, 20s 1862 30. Discoveries of the World, by Gal- VANo, edited by Adml. Bethune, £2. 1862 31. Marvels described by Friar Jor- DANUS, transl. and edited by Yule, £2. 1863 32. Travels of Ludovico di Varthema, transl. by Winter Jones, 2.5s 1864 33. Cieza de Leon (Pedro de) Travels, A.D. 1532-50, contained in the first part of bis Chronicle of Peru ; trans- lated and edited by Markham, 8vo. viap, cloth, 15s 1864 16 COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES. 2849 1847 Haklutt Society — continued. 38. 39 34. NARRATivEof Pasccal de Akdagota, containing the earliest notice of Peru, transl. by Markliam, 15s 1865 35. Barbosa, Coasts of East Africa and Malabar, ti'ansl. by Stanley, 30s 1865 36-37. Cathay and the Way thither, transl. by Yule. 2 vols. £5. 1866 Frobishkr's Three Voyages, edited by Admiral Colinson, 15s 1867 Mokga's (Ant. del Philip|)ine Islands, ^Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China at the close of the {6th century; translated from the Spanish by the Hon. Henry Stanley, 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s 1868 nie original edition: " Sucescs de las Islas Philippinas " was printed at Mexico in 1609, and is extremely i-are. 40. Gatangos f Don P. de) The Fifth Letter of Cortes to the Emperor Charles V,l Os 41 and 45. Royal Comrrentaries of the Yncas, by the Ynca G. de la Vega, transl, by Markham, 2 vols. 25s 1869 42. Vasco de Gama's Three Voyages and Viceroyalty translated from the Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa, by the Hon. H. (now Lord) Stanley (of Ald«rley), port, map, and facsimiles, 540 pp. £2. 16s 1869 This forms only portion of the original Portu- guese Lendas da India. 43. Columbus' Select Letters, edited by Major, second edition, revised and im- improved, facsimile, lis 1870 44. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman, by Salil-ibxRazik, transl. from the Arabic by Badger, map, 36s 1871 ■45. See 41. 46. Bethencourt, the Canariau, or Con- guest and Conversion of the Canaries, 1402, by Jean de Bethencourt, com- posed by P. Bontier and J. Le Verrier, translated and edited by R. H. Major, 8vo. map, etc. 25s 1S72 portrait, inap, and2plates, hj. morocco, uncut, 253 1872 The original French text is given at the foot of the English version, and the editor has added a long- introduction and index. The plates are fac- similes of iMiniatures fiom the MS. 47. Repokts on the Discovery of Peru, translated by Markham, 10s 1872 48. Narrative of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas, translated from the Spanish M.->S. by Markham, 30s 1873 49. Barbaro and Contarini, Travels to Tana and Persia, with introduction by Lord Stanley of Alderley, 25s 1873 50. VoYAGi-s of the Zeni to the Northern Seas, ed. and transl. by Major, 25s 1874 51. Stade (Hans, of Hesse) Captivity, in A.D. 1547-55, among the wild tribes of Eastern Brazil, translated by Tootal, and annotated by (Captain) R. F. Burton, 10s 1874 52. Magellan's First Voyage round the World, from Pigafetta and others, by Lord Stanley of Alderley, £2. 1874 53 and 55. Alboquerqoe. Commentaries of the Great Alfonso Dalboquerque, second Viceroy of India, from the Portuguese edition of 1774, with notes and introduction by W^. de Gray Birch, Vols. I and II, portrait, and maps of Arahij and Ormuz. facsimiled from the Stowe MS. cloth, 30s 1875 77 54 The Three Voyages of WiLLi.tM Barents to the Arctic Regions (1594-6). by Gerritt de Veer, second edition, with an Introduction by Lieut. Koolemans Beynen, map and many large woodcuts, and also the subsequently issued map, £2. 1876 55 See 53. 56. Voyages of Sir James Lancaster, Kt. to the Ea.st Indies, and the Voyage of Captain John Knight (1606) to seek the North-W^est Passage, by C. R. Markham 1877 the same, roy. 8vo. large paper, "The Hakluyt Society never has sold nor ever intends to sell its productions. Members alone can obtain them. When such ceases to be the case, the Hakluyt Society will cease to exist." — R. H. Major, Eon. Sec. to the Hakluyt Society, pro tern, 1858 Monumentos Ineditos Portuguezes — see No. 28424. 1864 Documentos Ineditos Espaiioles : 28697 CoLECCiON de Documentos Ineditos relatives al Descubrimiento Conquista y Colonizacion de las posesiones Espaiioles en Ame- rica J Occeania, sacados, en su mayor parte, del real ArcliiTo de Indias, bajo la direccion de J. F. Paclieco y Fr. de Cardenas, j Luis Torres de Mendoza, 15 vols. sm. 4to. Spanish calf, £7. 7s Madrid, 1864-71 A most valuable collection of important unpublished docaments illustra- tive of the discovery, conquest, and colonization of the Western Hemisphere. 2850 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1877 Cartas: 28698 CARTAS DE INDIAS,pnbHcalasporpriineraTez el Ministerio de Fomento, stout folio, nearly 1100 pp. with facsimile plates and maps, etc. bds. £12. Madrid, 1877 Including valuable letters hitherto unpublished, now printed from the archives, of Columbus, Vespucci, Las Casas, Bernal Diaz, and others. One of the most important publications of our time. 2. Narratives of Voyagers and Travellers in chronological order of performance. 1246: 28699 [GIOVANNI DEL PLAN CARPIN] Opera dilettevole da intendere, nella qual si contieae doi Itinerarij in Tartaria, per alcimi Frati . . . non piu uulgarizata, 12mo. xooodcut of a Mongolian tvarrior on the title-page, boards, £8. 8s Vinegia, Gionan' Antonio de Nicolini da Sahio, 1537 28700 the same, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Beckford library, £18. I85 1537 Vert rare. First Edition of the account of Giovanni del Plan Carpin concerning his embassy from the Pope to the successor of Chingiz Khan (a.d. 1246-47) ; full of curious and authentic information about the Mongolian Empire in its full extent, and the subjugated or tributary nations. Of the Chinese he says that " better artificers could not be found in the world, in whatever labour their skill be exercised. Their land is most rich in corn, wine, gold, silk, and other things." The work had already been extracted in the Speculum of Vincent de Beauvais, but this rare little volume (afterwards reprinted by Ramusio) was virtually the first complete publication of the narrative, and the best until the Sodeie de Geographie printed the original Latin text in 1839. In the series of mediasval historical travels fi'om Europe into and through Asia, in which Marco Polo and Mandeville are included, the expedition of Giovanni del Plan Carpin takes the first place. 28701 Du Plan de Carpin, Relation des Mongols ou Tartares, premiere edition complete, precedee d'une notice sur les anciens Voyages en Tartaric par D'Avezac, 4to. map, sd. 20s Paris, 1838 28702 the same, 4to. green morocco extra, gilt edges, 30s 1838 1253: RuBRUQUis (Guillanme de) Travels in the East — see Soci^T^ de Geographie, No. 28689. 1260-95 : 28703 MARCO POLO, Voyages de, publics (d'apres un MS. inedit du texte fran^ais original, par Roux), 4to. — see Societe de Geographie, No. 28G89. Paris, Societe de Geographie, 1824 Admittedly the original form of the text, as taken down in French by Kusticien de I'ise from Marco Polo's word of mouth in 1298. 28704 Le litre de Marco Polo, redige en fran^ais sous sa dictee en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise, public d'apres trois Manuscrits inedits, avec des Commentaires tires des ecrivains orientaux, par Pauthier, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. ma]), sd. 18s Paris, 1865 The text, as it was better Gallicised from Kusticien's original, between 1298 and 1307, and exhibiting several variations, — being a note of presentation, dated 1307, from Marco Polo himself to Thibault de Cepoy. 28706 the same, 2 vols, in 1, imp. 8vo. hf. bd. 20s 1865 NARRATIVES OF TRAVELLERS. 2851 1260-95 Maeco Polo — corJinued. 28706 Le Livre de Marco Polo, facsimile d'un MS. du XlVe Siecle conserve a la Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm [avec preface par A. E. Nordenskiold], small 4to. 8 prelimmary pp. and 200 ptp. of photo-lithographic facsimile, £3. 'Ss Stochholm ,18S2 Only 198 copies printed. The original MS. formed part of the library of Charles V of France, and was written in the first half of the fourteenth century. The text belongs to the same class as the Cepoy-Pauthier recension, but has many variants, and requires to be collated by Colonel Yule. 28707 Viaggi, tradotti per la prima volta dall' originale Francese di Rusticiano di Pisa et corredati di documenti da V. Lazari pubblicati da L. Pasini, 8vo. large paper, map, gilt vellum, 25s Venezia, 1847 " Rare, privately printed, and only a few copies issued." 28708 il Milione (Viaggi nelV Asia, ecc) Teste di Lingua del Sec. 13, era per la prima volta pnbblicato per Baldelli Boni, con la vita di Marco Polo, 2 vols. — Baldelli Boxi, Storia delle Relazioni vicendevoli dell' Europa e dell' Asia dalla decadenza di Roma fino alia distruzione del Califfato, 2 vols, forming the introduction to Marco Polo ; — together 4 vols. 4to. sd. 21« Firenze, 1827 The Crnscan and Ramusian texts are both given, and for the first time in their perfect form, representing the earliest Italian text of the traveller's narrative, — which is now known to be posterior to the old French text. 28708*ZuRLA (P.) di Marco Polo e degli altri Viaggiatori Veneziani pill illustri Dissertazioni con appendice sopra le antiche Mappe lavorate in Venezia, 2 vols. 4to. maps, calf extra, by G. Lewis, 28s Venezia, 1818 28709 Travels in the Xlllth Century, being a description by that early Traveller of remarkable places and things in the Eastern parts of the World, translated from Italian, with notes by Wm. Marsden, 4to. pp. Ixxx and 781, map, hds. 18s 1818 28709* another copy, 4to. russia extra, 24s 1818 28710 The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East ; a new English version, illustrated by the light of Oriental writers and modern travels, by Col. Henry Yule, 2 vols, 8vo. maps and illustrations, cloth, 36s 1871 28711 second edition, revised and enlarged, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 8s , 1875 The translation was made from the text which was published by the Societe de GcDgraphie, with some additions from that of the Cepoy text. 28712 Historia de las grandezas y cosas maravillosas de las Provincias Orientales, sacada de Marco Paulo Veneto, j traducida de Latin en Romance por Bolba t Castro, 12mo. calf neat, 14s Zaragoza, 1601 1283: 28713 BORCHARDI Descriptio Terrse Sanctee et Regionum finiti- 2852 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. marum ; item Itinei'arium Hierosolymitanum Barth. de Saligniaco, sm. 4to. vellum, 18s Magdehurgi, 1587 Barthelemi de Salignac's pilgriniage took place in 1522. Borchard tbe monk was in the Holy Land in 1283. see also Gxynseus, No. 28584. 1307: 28? 14) HAYTON. Hystore merueilleuse plaisante et recreatiue DU Grad Empereuk de Tartarie, seigneur des Tartres noma le Grad Can, sm. folio, woodcuts, coloured hy a contemporary hand, fine copy in old citron morocco, gilt marhled edges, with the La Vieuville arms in gold on sides, hy Boyer, £70. Paris, J. Saiiict Denys, 1529 This naiTative was omitted in its proper place on p. 2753, and has there- fore been inserted here. see also Grynaeus, No. 28584. 1327-60 : 28715 MANDEVILLE (Sir John) (On p. 1:) portrait, surmounted hy the name Johannes de Montevilla. (On p. 2 :) Ce liure est appelle mandeuille et fust fait & compose par messiere Jehan de mandeuille cheualier natif dao;leterre de la \i\le de sainct Alein . . . ( At end : ) Cy finist ce tres plaisant liure nomme Mandeuille parlant moult autentiquemet du pays & terre doultre mer & du sainct voiage de iherusale, sm. folio, 1^0 coloured woodcuts (including full-length portrait), maroon morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, with the crests and devices of the Hamilton and Beckford families at the angles on the sides, unique, £125. ■ s. I & d. {circa 1485) An excessively rare edition, unknown to Brunet, consisting of 71 leaves, with signatures a to 1, having 37 lines to a full page. A, b, have 8 leaves each, c — k, 6 leaves each, and 1, 7 leaves. This extremely precious volume seems to have been printed at Lyons about 1485, by N. Philippi and M. Reinhart, who had already (a year or two previously) produced a similar edition, consisting of 88 leaves with 33 and 34 lines per page, and also in signatures a-l. Whoever was the real author of this curious book of travels, the original text was undoubtedly in French. 28716 The Voyages & Travels of Sir John Mandeville, Knight, wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem ; as also to the lands of the Great Caan, and of Prester John; to Inde and divers other countries ; together with many and strange marvels therein, sm. 4to. bladk Utter, numerous curious and rude ivoodctits, hf. bd. RARE, £4. 1684 28716* Travels and Voyages . . . containing an exact NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2853 1327-60 Mandeville — continued. description of the way to Hierusalem, Great Caan, India, the country of Prester-John . . . 12mo. rude woodcuts, calf, 10s Southwark and London Bridge [cir. 1700] 28717 Teactato de le piu maeauegliose cose e piu notabile che si trouino i le parte del nionde redncte e colte sotto breuita in lo psente compedio dal strenuissimo cavalier a speron doro lohane de Mandauilla anglico nato nela cita de sc'to Albano, sm. 4to. brown morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Mackenzie, £16. Inif'ssuz hoii. (BoxONii) p. Ugoue Bugerin, 1488 Fine copy of a very rare edition. It consists of 82 leaves in signatures from a to fe (fe comprising ten leaves, the others in eights). 28718 Liber pns cui' anctor fert' iohanes de madeuille ; at end : Explicit itinerarius a terra anglie i ptes ierosolimitanas, sm. 4to. sd. with Sixteenth Century inscriptions of ownership, hy John Burrett and John Skelhorne, £10. (s. I. et a. circ. 1490) 28719 another copy, sm. 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, £9. 9s Collation : Table, 3 leaves, the first title above given appearing on the reverse of the third leaf; and 58 leaves of text. The signatures are a to h in eights, except a which has seven leaves and g which has six. 'Jhe subscription shows clearly this ediiion was printed at Venice, not at Alost (as some bibliographers have suggested). It declares "... opus . . . ubi completum sit ipsa elementa seu . . . caracteres litterarum . . . Venetica monsirant." 28720 qual tracta de le piu maravegliose cose, 12mo. title icitMn woodcut border ; 7 leaves of Tables ; and folios 1-120, maroon morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £7. 7s Venetia, Marchio Sessa e Pietro de Bavani, 1521 28721 qual tratta de le piu maravegliose cose e piu notabile che se trouino, e come presentialmente ha cercato tutte le parte habitabile del mondo, et ha notato alcune degne cose che ha vedute in esse parte, sq. 12mo. ivith the device of a Peacock on the title, vellum, 36s Venetia, 1553 This edition is not mentioned by Brunei, nor is it in the Grenville library. 1330 : JoEDANUS (Friar) Travels of the East — see Hakluyt Society. 1336-41 : 28722 LUDOLPHUS DE SUCHEN, de TeiTa Sancta et Itinere Iherosolimitano et de Statu ejus et aliis mirabilibus que in mari conspiciuntur videlicet Mediterraneo, sm. folio, Editio Princeps, fine large copy in boards, veet eaee, £21. (typis H. Eggesteyn), s. a. {circ. 1470) 28723 — ; the same, sm. folio, old red morocco, from Croft's and Beckford's libraries, £15. 15s {about 1470) There is no date, place, or printer's name to the above rare volume, but the types are those of Eggesteyn, who printed two editions almost at the same time, each on thirty-four leaves, but the fii'st as above in long lines, and the second in double columns. Ludolf, Rector or Vicar of Suchen, sometimes called Petrus de Suchen, wrote in 1350 this account of his Oriental travels during five years, 1336-41; saving that, as many others who had made one short pilgrimage found plenty 2854 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. to write about, so he with his long experience of Eastern residence might relate a little. It is a narrative of considerable interest, as the reverend author seems to have been a very observant traveller. 1380-90: 28724 ZENO. Dei commentarii del Yiaggio in Persia di M. Caterino Zeno il K . . . et dello Scopriinento dell' Isole Frislanda, Esland, Engrouelanda, Estotilanda, & Icaria, fatto sotto il Polo Artico, da due fratelli zeni, M. Nicolo il K. e M. Antonio . . . 12mo. toith facsimile of the large folding map, vellum, £2. 10s Venetia, 1558 28725 the same, 12mo. with the original map, fine copy in French red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy, £25. 1558 The Beckford copy fetched £.50 ; the Duke of Hamilton's, £38. _ The chief value of this little volume lies in its map, which professedly originates with the record of the voyage of the brothers Zeno in 1380-90. The con tro- ver sy which has long raged with regard to the genuineness of the map (in which Greenland is better designed than in any map printed before 1558) is still unended, and Baron Nordenskjold has added his celebrated name to the number of the disputants. Mr. Major has pretty nearly settled the matter of the text, and assigned their proper local relation to the chief circumstances of tlie narrative, but the history of the enigmatical map has still to be traced. The Zeno who gave it to the world in 1558 states that he produced it from the old MS. chart left by his ancestor, and it is evident from the configuration of Greenland that he possessed better sources of knowledge than any of his contemporaries. The lands which appear on the left margin of the map (broken by the border of the engraving), lie south-west of Green- land, and are marked Estotiland (Labrador) and Drogeo (which is either the south-east corner of Labrador, or else Newfoundland). see also Haklutt Society. 1389: 28726 JOANNES DE HBSE. Itinerarius joannis De hese presbyteri a Hierusalem describens dispositiones ten^arnra insularum motium et aquarum . . . Johannis presbyteri . . . Epistola ad Emaniielem . . . de ritu et moribus indoru . . . Tractatns pulcberrimus de situ et dispositione regionum et insularum totius indie, etc. very sm. 4to. 20 leaves, on the reverse of the last is the woodcut device of the printer, representing two men shooting with crossbows at a bird in a tree, corner of last leaf mended in tnargiji, morocco extra, £6. 6s Parisius (sic) per Eobertu gourmont pro Oliuerio senant (s. d. cir. 1505) 28727 the same, sm. 4to. fine copy in old calf, Sunderland arms on sides, £S. 8s (1506) 1403 : 28728 GONZALEZ DE CLAVIJO (Ruy) Historia del Gran Tamorlan, e Itinerario y enarracion del viage, y relacion de la Embaxada que Ruy Goncalez de Clavijo le hizo per mandado del Rey Henrique III de Castilla, y un breve discurso por Argote de Molina, sm. folio, vellum, from the Sunderland library, £b. 5s Seviila, 1582 Vert rare, and highly important as an historical document. The absence and embassy of Gonyalez de Clavijo extended over nearly three years, from Mav, 1403, to March, 1406. The narrative is from his own pen. The Beckford" copy fetched £29. 10s in 1882. — — for translation, see Hakluyt Society. Js^ARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2855 1420? 28729 [CONTI] India Recognita [IS"icolaiis Venetus dictavit, Poggius scripsit], sm. 4to. 14 leaves, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £36. »S. n. [Thaurini, 1492] PR' (BABLY UNIQUE, no other copy being known. This important account of India in the earlier part of the fifteenth century was taken down by Pour^io troin the verbal relation of Niccolo Conti, about ad. 1440, when the latter visited Rome to obtain abs dution from Euj^enius IV for having lived in the east as a Mahommedan daring twenty-five vears. — The narrative ■was known to Dom Manuel of Portugal, who, in 1500, had ii translated into Portuguese along with the earlier work of Marco Polo, and the later short statement of Plieronymo de S. Stefano — the subject having acquired a powerful interest for the Portuguese crown since the achievement of Vasco da Gania's voyage. But Ramusio Fought for it in vair), and was i>bliged to give it in his Viaggi in the form of an Italian translation from the Poriuguese. (Jnly in the la>t century, in 1723, was the Latin text published (from a MS.), for the first time, as it was supposed, and as it has been since considered till now. In "India in the fifteenth century" (HaTcluyt Society) the translation is made from the edition of 1723, alleged, in Mr. Major's preface, to be the first and only one. see Hakluyt Society : Voyages to India. 1436: Barbaro (Joseph) Voyage in Persia — see Alcline collection, No. 28502, and Ramusio. 1454 : CADAMOSTO'S Voyages— see Nos. 28577 and 28584, 28730 Viaggi e Scoperte Africane, dissertazione di Zurla, 8vo. boards, 2s 6d ; or, bound, 3s Qd Venezia, 1815 1462: Pedro de Sintra's African Voyage — see 'No. 28577 and 28584. 1472: 28731 CONTARINI. Itinerario del Magnifico e Clarissimo Ambrosio Contarini . . . nel anno 1472 ad Usancassan Re di Persia, chiamado modernamente Sophi, nel qual brevemente se contien tutte le citta, castelli, ville et lochi posti nelle infrascripte puintie, et mari : Alemagna, Pollonia, Lituania, Armenia, Persia, etc. sm. 4to. olive morocco super extra, covered xoith Grolier gold tooling, tooled leather joints, gilt edges, by J. Mac- kenzie, with crest of P. A. Hanrott on sides, excessively rare, from the Hamilton Palace library, £12. Vineggia, F. Bindoni 8f M. Pasini, 1524 see also Hakluyt Society ; and Manucci Collection, No. 28592. 1479: 28732 TUCHER (Hans) Reysz [gen Jherusalem zu dem heyligen Grab, etc.], sm. 4to. calf neat, £8. Nuremberg, 1483 1 his pilgrim is indispensable, says Tobler, in his list of authorities on the Holy Land. His companions were Otto Spiegel and Siebald Ritter of ICiimberg. — On leaf fiii in the blank space left for a capital Z, an early possessor painted the capital in blue, with his name Hans Feuer Monac' in white upon it. There is also inserted at the beginning an early engraving of the Crucifixion. 1480 : 28733 BRASCHA (Santo) Itinerario al S. Citta de Jerusalem nell' 2856 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Anno 1480, sm. 4to. fine copy in russia extra, gilt edges, from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace, very bare, £21. (Milano) Leonardus Pachel et Zfldericus Sinczenceller, 1481 1483: 28734 BREYDENBACH (Bernard! de) Sanctarum Peregrinationum IN MoNTEM Syon ad venerandum Christi Sepulchrum in Jeru- salem atque in Montem Synai ad divam virginem et martirem Katherinam opusculum, sm. folio, with icoodcuts including large folding views (^several feet in length), fine copy in green tnorocco, gilt edges, £12. Spiroe, Petr. Drach, 1502 see also p. 1692. 1487 : 28735 LE GRANT VOYAGE DE HIERUSALEM ... en la seconde partie est traicte des Croisees, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, woodcuts, autograph of Philippes Desportes, veau marhre, ivithout the 2 maps inentioned by Brunei, from the Bechford library, Hamilton Palace, very scarce, £15. Paris, F. Begnault, 1522 The text is substantially a translation or adaptation of that of Breyden- bach, used by Pkere Nicole Le Huen to illustrate his own pilgrimage in 1487. At the end of the Pilgrimage we find printed a translation of Pasqua- liquo's account of the first Corte Real voyage to Newfoundland. see also p. 1693. 1492: 28736 COLUMBUS. Primera Epistola del Almieante Don Cris- tobal Colon, dando cuenta de su gran descubrimiento a D. Gabriel Sanchez, Tesorero de Aragoii ; acompaiia al texto original castellano el de la traduccion latina de Leandro de Cosco, segun la primera edicion de 1492, j precede la noticia de una nueva copia del original MS., y de las antiguas ediciones en Latin por G. H. de Volafan (i.e. Varnhagen), sm. 4to. 12s Valencia, 1858 28737 Carta . . enviada de Lisboa a Barcelona en Marzo de 1493, nueva edicion critica conteniendo las variantes . . por el seudonomo de Valencia [Varnbagen], 12mo. hds. 24s Paris, 1870 Reprint in Gothic letter of the unique Spanish original now in the Ambrosian library. Only 60 copies published; 120 being all that were printed. 28738 Epistola Cristoferi colom (cui etas nostra | multu debet : de Insulis in mari Indico nup. | inuetis . . . sm. 4to. tvoodcnts, hf. hd. 25s [1493 — facsimile, Paris, 1858] Only eight leaves, the facsimile having been taken from an imperfect copy before the discovery of the only perfect copy extant, which is now in the Lenox library. This is the edition held to be the first by Mr. Lenox and Brunet, the second by Harrisse, the fourth by Major. 28739 Eyn schon hubsch lesen von etlicben inszlen die do in kurtzen zyten f anden synd durcli de kunig von hispania. vnd sagt v6 groszen wunderlichen dingen die in de selbe inszlen synd, sm. 4to, woodcuts, vellum, uncut, 36s Straszburg, 1497 [facsimile reprint, about 1860] see also Nos. 28391 and following. NARRATIVES OP VOYAGERS. 2857 1493: 28740 [COLUMBUS, Second Voyage.] Syllacius (Nicolaus) da Insulis Meridiani atque Indici Maris nuper inventis, with a translation into English by the Rev. John Mulligan (with Introduction and bibliographical Notice of the early accounts of Columbus' Voyages, by James Lenox), imp. 4to. portrait of Mr. Lenox, and facsimiles of woodcuts and of portions of the text from some of the editions described, hf. bd. presentation copy New York 1859 Privately printed : only 100 copies produced. The greater part of the volume consists of the notices written by Mr. Lenox, which are of very different calibre from the translation, being marked by scientific accuracy and a wide range of bibliographical and historical knowledge. As the founder of a magnificent library, and as a patron of literature, his name is well known and held in reverence : his attainments as a scholar and bibhographer were familiar only to a chosen few. Only two copies of the original work of Syllacias (or Scillace) have survived. It was printed in 1491-95, and had been written down directly from communications furnished by an Italian resident in Spain concerning Columbus' second voyage. It was consequently the first book upon the subject. see also pp. 2796-97. Letters of Columbus, etc. —see Hakluyt Society, p. 2848. 1497: 28741 VESPUCCI (Amerigo) Lettera delle Isole nuouamente trouate in quattro suoi Viaggi, sm. 4to. woodaots, sold S. n. \Firenze, 1505] Bought at the sale of the late Dr. Court's library in Paris. Only four other copies are known. 28742 Lettera delle Isole . . . sm. 4to. Facsimile Repro- duction, hf. Roxburghe, zmcut, £5. 5s Quaritch's Reprints of rare books, I \_Firenze, 1505], London, 1885 28743 the First Four Voyages . . translated from the rare original edition {Florence, 1505-6), with some preliminary notices, sm. 4to. hf. Roxburghe, uncut, £2. 12s 6d Bernard Qaaritch, 1885 The first translation in any modem language of the extraordinarily rare and highly important work of Vespucci, in which he described his first four voyages (1^97-98, 1-199-1500, 1501-2, 1503-4). The substance of the narrative has only hitherto been known through the medium of the Latin paraphrase annexed to W aid seem tiller's Cosmographia in 1507, and the numerous reprints an# abridgments of that work ; and as they were disfigured by a great number of errors which have tended to discredit the Florentine navigator, it has been considered necessary and useful to reproduce the Italian original in a perfect facsimile and to bring out a literal version in English. The publisher's intention has been to facilitate the study of the work by American students, who are naturally extremely interested in the history of Vespucci's voyages — especially the first (1497 98), in which it is almost certain that he saw and landed on portions of the now United States at a date earlier than any othir European voyager since the reputed Norse discovery The claim of anteriority made on behalf of the Cabots is not considered valid, the expedition from Bristol in 1497 being now proved to have been confined to the coast of Labntdor. 2858 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1497 Vespucci — c(nitinu'?cl. 28744 COSMOGRAPHIAE INTRODVCTIO, | cym qvibvsdam | geometriae | ac | astrono | niiae principiis | ad earn rem necessariis j Iiisuper quatiior Americi Ye- | spucii nauigationes . . . sm. 4to. diagrams^ mclading the folding leaf with the large Glohe^ red morocco, hy Bedford, £150. [St. JJie] Vrbs Deodate tuo clarescens nomiiie . . . pj'essit . . . Finitu viz. kl. Maij Anno supra sesquimrllesinium. vij [25 April^ 1507] FIRST EDITION of the work by Martin Walzemiiller or Waldseemiiller (calling timself Hjlaromylus), in -which the name of America was suggested as the one by which the New World should in future be known. This is on folio a5, and consists of the following statement: " alia quarta pars \_inundQ per Americum Vesputium (ut in sequentibus audietur) inventa est quam non video cur quis jure vetet ab Americo inventore sagacis ingenii viro Amerigen quasi Americi terrain sive Americam dicendam." The world has adopted the suggestion of Waldseemiiller, although many consider that the fame of Columbus was injured by the appellation, and nothing can now avail to change it. This has also been supposed to contain the first publication of the account of Vespucci's Four Voyages, but it is now certain that the Italian text (so rare that only five copies have survived) was printed in 1505 or 1506. 28745 COSMOGRAPHIE INTRODUCTIO : cum quibusdam Geometrie ac Astronomic principiis ad . eam rem necessariis. Insuper quattuor Americi Vespucii navigationes. Universalis Cosmographie descriptio . . . sm. 4to. diagrams, including the folding woodcut of a globe^ calf f^om the Sunderland library, £50. Joannes Griim'ger, apiid Argentoracos, 1509 With verses addressed to the Emperor by " Philesius Vogesigena," on the back of the title, and the substitution in the dedication of the name of " Martinus Ilacomilus " for that of " Gymnasium Vosagense," as it appeared in the first edition. Humboldt hastily misread a statement inserted by Hylacomylus in the Margarita Philosophica of 1513, and drew fi"om it an absurd conclusion which Mr. Harrisse bas followed liberally. In April, 1607, Hylacomylus published his work under the name of the Gymnasium Vosagense, that is the Academy of four or five scholars in which he took a leading place ; and in the dedication to Maximilian he naturally used that name in the heading, and the words nos and nubis in the text, as in the following reference to his labours: "nobis (qui librariara officinam apud Lotharingie Vosagum in oppido cui vocabulu est NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2869 1497 Vespucci — continued. Sancto Deodato, nuper ereximus) Ptholomei libros . . . recognos- cetibus . . ." Thus his Cosmographia "was anonymous, and in the passage quoted by Humboldt (written some years later in in another book, and mentioning his autumn excursion from. Lorraine into Germany) he refers parenthetically to the fact that other persons passim had taken the credit of the authorship. This was of course not in any way an allusion to any member or members of the Gymnasium of St. Die, but to persons elsewhere in the learned world ; and such was the reason which induced Waltzemiiller to make the small changes above noted, in his third and fourth issues of the Cosmographia. The first issue was that of April (Kal, Maii), 1507 ; the second, August (Kal. Sept.), 1507 ; the third and fourth were produced between 1507 and 1509, by reprinting, at one and the same time probably, and mutatis mutandis, two leaves to be substituted in the unsold copies of the former two editions, 28746 MUNDUS NOUUS. [On p. 2:] Albericus vespucius Ladrentio Petri de medicis salutem plurimam digit, sm. 4to. 4 leaves, got^ic letter, with 3 diagrams, red morocco extra, gitl edges, hy Bedford, from the Court collection, £48. Vindelice Aziguste, Johdnes Otmar, 1504 28747 the same, sm. 4to. a very large and fine copy in red morocco extra, with borders of gold and gilt edges, by Mackenzie, from the Buke of Hamilton^ s library, £55. 1504 The first dated edition of the first published narrative of Vespucci. It relates to his third expedition, in which Bahia was discovered, and the greater part of the shores of Brazil coasted in a southerly voyage. The diagrams refer to constellations of the southern hemisphere, which were figured for the first time by VespuccL 28748 Amerigo Vespucci, son caractere, ses ecrits, sa Vie et ses Navigations, par Varnhagen, sm. folio, map and 2 facsimiles, Lima, 1865 — Le Premier Voyage de Vespucci definitivement explique dans ses details, Vienne, 1869 — Nouvelles Recherches sur les derniers Voyage du Navigateur Florentin, et le reste des documents et eclaircissements sur lui, avec les textes (et una postface), m.ap from the 1513 Ptolemy, and facsimile of Vespucci s letter, Vienne, 1870 — together 3 parts, the complete Series, in 1 vol. sm. folio, cloth, 16s 1865-69-70 28749 also sold separately : Le Premier Voyage de Vespucci, Vienne, 1869 — Nouvelles Recherches, Vienne, 1870 — as described above, with the m,aps necessary to complete the volume printed at Lima, 1865, stitched, 5s Vienne, 1869-70 28750 Viaggi, con la vita, I'elogio e la dissertazione giustificativa di questo navigatore del P. St. Canovai, 8vo. front. hf bd. 10s Firenze, 1817 28761 Vita e Lettere, raccolte e illustrate da A. M. Bandini, sm. 4:to. plate, hf. bd. 20s Firenze, 1745 28752 Santarem, Recherches sur Americ Vespuce et ses Voyages, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d; or, half calf , 9s 1842 An ardent defence of the rights of Columbus, and e severe attack upon Vespucci, which may be read along with Varnhagen's books. 195 ^1 2860 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1497-1520 : Portuguese Voyages, Accounts of — see ante, p. 2798. 1498: 28753 ViAGGio da Yenetia al santo Sepulcro & al monte Sinai . . . con additione di geti & animali che si trovano da Venetia sino al santo Sepulcliro, & per tutta la Soria, sm. 8vo. (12mo.), mivierous woodcuts by Z. A. old calf, from the Sunderland library, £6. Venetia, -per Nic. di Aristotele detto Zoppino, 1533 The artist was probably the well-known Gioan Andrea Valvassore. The date of pilgrimage is not indicated, the book being written for the most part in the form of a Guide-book. It is only towards the end that the author adopts the historical form and says " We went onward," etc. 1499: San Stefano (Hieronymo di) Journey to India — see Ramusio. 1500: Vaz de Caminha, Account of Cabral's Voyage — see Ramusio. 1500-02 : CoRTE Real (the Brothers) Voyage to North America — see Paesi, No. 28577, and Bretdenbach, No. 28735. 1502: Joseph of Crangranor, Indian Voyage — see Paesi ; Grynseus : Ramusio. 1503 : 28753*GoNNEViLLB (Capt. de) Relation du Voyage es nouvelles Torres des Indes (1503-6), publiee pour la premiere fois par d'Avezac, 8vo. sd. 9s 1869 see also Margry, No. 28535*. 1503: 28754 VARTEMA. LUDOVICI Patritii Romani Novum Itinerarium Aethiopiae : Aegipti : utriusque Arabiae : Persidis : Siriae : ac Indiae : intra et extra Gangem, folio, First Latin Edition, fine copy %n vellum, gilt edges, £25. Mediolani, 1511 28755 Itinerario de Ludovico de Verthema Bolognese ne lo Egypto, ne la Suria, ne la Arabia Deserta & Felice, ne la Persia, ne la India : & ne la Ethiopia, sm. 4to. ivoodcut title-page, bds. VERT BARE, £14. 15s Milano, J. A. Scinzenzeler, 1523 28756 Itinerario del venerable varon micer Luis patricio Romano, en el qual cueta mucha parte de la Ethiopia Egipto : y entrabas Arabias : Siria y la India. Buelto de Latin en Romance por Christoval de Arcos Clerigo. Nunca hasta aqui impresso en lengua Castellana, sm. folio, ptl)tc letter, a leaf or two very slightly imperfect and mended, dark green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Leighton, £42. Sevilla, J. Crbberger, 1520 First and very rare Edition of this translation. The work in Italian was originally published at Rome in 1510, and the Latin version at Milan in 1511. It is from the Latin that the above translation has been made. This copy cost Dr. Burnell £48. see also Eden and Wills, p. 2830; Ramusio, p. 2825 ; and Hakluyt Society, p. 2848. 1507: ^^ 28767 BAUM GARTEN (Martini a) Peregrinatio in ^gyptum, Arabiam, Palsestinam et Syriam, studio et opera Ch. Donaveri, small 4to. velhim, £2. Ss Noribergce, 1594 Bound up with a volume "Memoriae Christiani Saxoniffi ducis et NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2861 Johannis Casimiri com. pal at. Rheni sacrum." consisting of a number of elegies and other pieces in Latin verse. The vellum wrapper was portion of a Latin classic transcribed in Italy about 1440, and has an illuminated initial. 1510? 28758 Peregrixatioxes totius terre sancte . . . Indulgentie concesse . . . Venetiis {cir. 1520) — ArEEA Historia de Vita et Miraculis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, woodcut title and initial letters, printed in large Missal type, extremely rare, Venetiis per Joannem Antonium et Fratres de Sabio, s. a. — 2 vols, in 1, 12ino. calf extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, from the Beckford library, £12. 12s (cir. 1510-20) 1512: 28759 BE:N^Z0N'I (Girolamo) La Historia del Mondo Nuovo, laqual tratta dell' Isole, & Mari miovamente ritrovati, & delle nuove Citta da lui proprio vedute, per acqua & per terra in quattordeci anni, 12mo. First Edition, niiraerous curious ivoodcuts, which ivere afterwards copied by Be Bry, calf, from the Hamilton Palace library, £3. 3s Venetia, 1565 28760 the same, 12mo. ^ne clean copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. 4s 1565 28761 nuovamente ristampata . . . con la giunta d'alcune cose notabile dell' Isole di Canaria, 12mo. with the same woodcuts as in the first edition, veau fauve, gilt edges, £3. Venetia, 1572 A work of great intrinsic value, as being the fruit of fourteen years' wanderings in tbe New World, and as containing illustrations of the life of the natives, engraved from the author's own drawings. The first edition is dedicated to Pope Pius IV, the second to tbe Senator Scipione Simoneta. The additional matter iu the latter is a Breve Discorso on the Canary Islands, of eight pages. 28762 Bexzoxis (Hier.) I^ovse Novi Orbis Historiee ; res ab Hispanis in India Occidentali gestae, Latine opera Calvetonis, 12mo. old calf, 20s (Genevce), Vignon, 1586 To Benzoni's work the translator (Urbin Chauveton) added at the end an account of tbe disastrous French expedition to Florida. The first edition of this translation appeared in 1578 ; the second in 1581. The present is one of those copies of the second edition, which were issued in 1586, with a new title, on which a translation of the Voyage du Bresil of Jean de Lery was announced. This copy, however, contains only Benzoui's work. English translation — see Hakluyt Society. 1515-22 : 28763 GERALDINI AMERINI (Alexandri) Itinerarirm ad regiones svb seqvinoctiali plaga constitvtas . . . nunc primo edidit Onvphrius Geraldinus de Catenacciis, auctoris abnepos, 12mo. vellum, £4. 4s liomoe, 1631 28764 another copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bozerian, £5. 5s 1631 28765 the same, 12mo. thick paper, fine copy in vellum gilt, gilt edges, ivith Cardinal Gessi's arms in gold on sides, very scarce ; from the Beckford library, £10. 10s 1631 The existence of Thick Paper copies has not hitherto been recorded. They were perhaps only struck off for some of the Cardinals, friends of Cardinal Barberini, to whom the book is dedicated. Amerini, who was friendly to Columbus and aided in the realization of 195 * 2862 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. his plans, became the first Bishop in the New World. His Itinerary, or diary, was finished at S.Domingo in 1522, where he died three years later. His account of the great Genoese navigator, and of the people of the West Indies, renders this work indispensable in an American historical library. Amongst the preliminary pieces of verse in various languages, there is one in English by John Walker, who records the fact that Amerinus had been the tutor of four Queens, one of them being Katherine of Aragon, Henry VIII's wife. 1519: Magellan's Voyage — see Pigafetta'a Narrative, No. 28522. see Hakluyt Society, No. 1519 : CORTES (Fernan) Reports sent from Mexico— see Nos. 28492, etc. see also Ramusio and De Bry. 1520 : 28766 ALVAREZ (Francisco) Ho Preste Joam das Indias. Verdadera Informa^am das terras do Preste Joam, segundo vio y escreveo ho Padre Francisco Alvarez, First Edition, sm. folio, lit. gotfj. large woodcut, partly coloured, on title, and the rare separate leaf at end, with printer's device, margin mended, old calf gilt, £52. Agora novamente impressa (Lisboa) em casa de Imis Rodriguez (Al fin) Acahouse no ano mil y quinhentos y quarenta anos (1540) 28767 the same, sm. folio, with the printer s device, a large and remarJcahly clean copy, in vellum, from the Sunderland library, £63. 1540 First Edition, though the words agora novamente impresso might seem to imply an earlier. Alvarez went with a Portuguese embassy to Prester John in 1520-27. The value of this very rare volume has at least trebled during the course of the last few years. see also under Jesuit Collections, No. 28768 Historia de las Cosas de Etiopia, en la qval se cventa muy copiosamente, el estado y potencia del Emperador della (que es el que mnchos an pensado ser el Preste Ivan) con otras infinitas particnlaridades, etc. 12mo. very fine copy, vellum, scarce, £3. 10s Anvers, luan Steelsio, 1557 English translation — see No. 1521 : 28769 Newe Zeitung von dem Lande das die Sponier funden haben ym 1521 jare, genant Jucatan, sm. 4to. 8 pp. with woodcuts, hf. bd. 10s sine nota (circa 1522) [Berlin, 1873] The unique original reproduced in facsimile. 1522: 28770 SALIGNAC. Itinerarii Terre sancte : inibiq. sacromm locoru : ac renim clarissima descriptio . . . per Bartholomeu a Saligniaco, etc. 12mo. old French red morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £5. 5s Lugduni, Gilbertics de Villiers, 1525 28771 the same, 12mo. large copy, but damaged very slightly at folios Y and Ixvi, olive morocco extra, by Mackenzie, £3. 16s 1525 'see also 'No. 28713. 1524: Verrazang (Giovanni da) Voyage to North America — see Ramusio. NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2863 1527 and 1541 : 2S77-1 NU:f?EZ CABEQA DE VACA. La relacion j comentarios del gouernador Aluar nunez cabe9a de vaca, de lo acaescido en las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. neatly bound, ^4:2. VaUadolid, Franc. Fernandez de Cordoua, 1555 28773 the same, sm. 4ito.fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £50. 1555 A doubly remarkable volume, each of its parts taking a primary rank in the annals of the Xew World, The Relacion (now printed for the second time, but of the first edition of which in 1542 only one copy is now extant) describes the wanderings of Cabe^a de Vaca with the luckless survivors of the expedition that had set out in 1527 for the conquest of Florida (by which was meant all the region afterwards known as Florida and Louisiana). It is the record of the first journey made by Europeans through the United States. Cabeza de Vaca and a few others who survived the shipwreck of the expedition, were seized by the Indians on the Mississippi coast and held in slavery for four years, but escaped and made their way inland across Texas to Sonora, or near to the inmost shore of the Gulf of California. Thence he and his three companions traversed the country southwards, and succeeded in reaching Mexico once more. On his return to Spain in 1537, having failed to get the governorship of Florida, which had been given to Soto, he obtained that of the River Plate in 1540. He arrived in Uruguay in 1541, and proceeded to Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, where Spanish authority was now seated, the site of Buenos Ajres having been abandoned. His work thenceforward was the exploration of the regions around the Paraguay and Parana, the conciliation of the Indian tribes, and the discovery of the route towards Peru. He was however made prisoner by mutineers, and sent back to Spain in 1545. His secretary Pedro Hernandez wrote this narrative (which is the first printed account of the Plata region), to which is appended a Relacion made in 1545 by Hernando de Ribera, whom Cabeza de Vaca had sent on a journey of exploration northwards up the River Paraguay. see also Ram.usio. 1529; Parmextiee (Jean) Voyage in the Indian Ocean — see Ramusio, No. 28593. see also Estancelin, No. 28535. Peter of Ghent, Relation sent from Mexico — see Franciscan Letters, No, 285S3 ; and Grynseus, No. 28584. 1530 : NuNO DE Guzman — see Ramusio. 1531: Martin of Valencia, Relation from Mexico, see Nos. 28583 and 28588, Relations of Peru — see Oviedo and Xerez ante^ No. 28503. 1535 : 28774 CARTIER (Jacques) Bref Recit et succinate narration de la Navigation faite en 1535 et 1536 par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux lies de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres ; reimpression figuree de I'edition originale de 1545, avec les variantes des MSS. de la Bib. Imp., avec une introduction par D'Avezac, 8vo. hf. morocco, 28s Paris, 1863 see also Ramusio. Schmidt or Schmidel (Ulrich) — see Franck's Weltbuch, No, 28591 ; De Bry, No. 28636. 2864 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1537: 28775 MENDEZ PINTO (Fernao) Peregrina9ain em que da conta de muytas e miayto estranhas cousas que vio & ouuio no reyno de China, no da Tartaria, no do Sornau, que vnlgarmente se chama Siao, no do Calaminhan, no de Pegu, etc. small folio. First Edition, vellum, rare, £6. Lisboa, 1614 28776 Peregrina^ao . . . novamente correcta, sm. folio, calf, 32s Lisboa, 1762 28777 Voyages and Adventures during his travels in Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan and a great part of the East Indies (etc.), done into English by H. C (ogan), sm. iolio, fine copy, calf, 30s 1663 28778 Voyages advantureux traduicts par Bernard Figuier, thick sm. 4to. old gilt binding, rare, 15s Paris, 1628 28779 Historia Oriental de las Perbgrinaciones en los Reynos de la China, Tartaria, Sornao (Siam), Peguu, Martavan, y otros, traduzida en Gastellano por Herrera Maldonado, sm. folio, bound, 20s Valencia, 1645 28780 the same, small folio, in old calf gilt, 25s 1645 1539-40 : Vasqdez (Francesco) and Fernando Alarcon — see Ramusio. 1540? 28781 BELON (P.) Observations de plusieurs Singularitez et Choses memorables trouvees en Grece, Asie, Judee, Egypte, Arabic et autres Pays estranges, sm. 4to. 7iumerous elegant woodcuts of Costume and Natural History, and woodcut portrait, with the separate woodcut of the Isle of Leninos, Mount Athos, etc., with the autograph of " Du Bouchet, 1632," on title, fine copy in vea.u fauve, extra gilt, from the Hamilton Palace library, £4. 4s 1588 The Beckford copy fetched £5. 5s. 1542: 28782 ALFONCE. Les Voyages auantureux dv Capitaine Ian Alfonce, Sainctongeois, sm. 4to. fiyie copy in olive morocco extra, gilt edges, with the arms of the Prince d'Essling on sides, £42. Poictiers, Ian de Marnef, 1559 Vkrt rare first edition of a work which is doubly interesiing as an early work of i-ailing directions for all parts of the world, and in particular for the coasts of North America, as well as by reason of its importance in the Bibliotheca Canadensis. It is No. 2 of Harrisse's list, Alfonce having been associated with Koberval in the expedition to New France in 1542, in which the latter was to have been accompanied by Cartier. No copy of this edition has turned up for sale in the English market tor the last fifty years, and apparently only three (including this) in France. The descriptions of the coasts of Labrador, Newfoumlhuul, and the Gulf of St. Laurence, offer a curious conjunction of the knowledge personally acquired, and the information derived on one hand from Cartier, on the other from Portuguese and Spanish sources. The Appendix at the end, " Les Tables de la Declinaison que fait le ^oleil de la ligne Equinoctiale," by Olivier Bisselin, has a separate series of signatures and pages. Orellana's Amazon-Voyage, by Oviedo — see Ramusio. see also Hakluyt Society, p. 2848, Nos. 24 and 28. NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2865 1547-52 : ' Stade's (Hans) Narrative of his captivity — see Franck, No. 28591 ; Bry, No. 28636 ; Hulsius, No. 28648 ; a^id Hakluyt Society, p. 2848. 1548-9 : 28783 REGNAULT (Antlioine) Discours du Voyage d'Outre Mer au sainct Sepulcre de lerusalera et autres lieux de la Terra Saincte, 4to. mimerous woodcuts {by Jea7i Moni), and two woodcut maps {out of four), last leaf of table at end missing, hf. bd. £5. Lyon, aux despens de rautheur, 1573 This copy has the 26 rare leaves of Oedonnances des princes qui ont este souverains du sainct Sepulchre, which were neither in the Didot nor the Beckford copy (which fetched £12. 5s). 1550: 28784 NICOLAI Navigationi et Viaggi nella Turchia, sm. 4to. 60 fine woodcuts of Costume, after Danet, calf, 24s Anversa, 1576 28785 tlie same, sm. 4to. fine paper, vellum, 30s 1576 28786 the same, sm, 4to, fine paper, veati, fauve, gilt edges, 35s 1576 28787 The Navigations, peregrinations and voyages made into Turkie by Nicholas Nicholay . . . Translated out of the French by T. Washington the younger, sm. 4to. 60 woodcuts, morocco extra, gilt edges, very rare, £12. 12s London, Thomas Dawson, 1585 1555 : 28788 THEVET (Andre) les Singvlaritez de la France Antarctiqve, avtrement nommee Amerique : & de plusieurs Terres & Isles decouuertes de nostre temps, sm. 4to. woodcuts, large copy in the original calf, rare, the Sii^nderland copy, £50. Paris, 1558 28789 the same, sm. 4to. beautifully bound in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy, £52. 10s 1558 Thevet went out with Villegagnon in 1555, when the latter attempted to establish a French colony near the mouth of the Rio Janeiro, and returned apparently the year following with Bois-le-Comte, the nephew of the former leader. The French designs were in a few years' time completely frustrated, but they lasted long enough to produce a considerable number of expeditions, and a belief that France would justify the title conferred on the settlement by Thevet. His account of the natives, their country, and their language, is very ample, and the woodcuts which illustrate the volume are of remarkable merit. They furnished De Bry with some of his most striking pictures. — In the return voyage, Bois-le-Comte seems to have sailed northwards, and Thevet speaks of Canada and Newfoundland as if he had been there himself. He mentions Cartier as having told hita some facts concerning his two voyages. It is strange tliat Harrisse did not include Thevet in his Notes pour servir a Vhistoire de la Nouvelle France. There are 32 pages given to Canada, with some woodcuts, and this alone ought to give a Thevet's Singularitez the very second place in that bibliography. The publication preceded by one year the Alfonce which is Harrisse's No. 2. — Seep. 2864. 28790 les Singvlaritez de la France Antarctiqve, 12mo. woodcuts, in the original calf binding, Ballesden's copy, with his autograph, rare, £18. Anvers, Christ. Plantin, 1558 1557: 28791 LERII (loannis) Historia navigationis in Brasiliam quae et America dicitur, 12mo. several engravings, without the folding plate, original calf, 20s (Genevce) E. Vignon, 1594 2866 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1559 — continued. 28792 LERY (Jean de) Histoire d'un Voyage fait en la terra du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique, contenant la navigation et clioses remarquables, veues sur mer par I'aucteur . . . les moeurs des Sanvages, etc. 12nio. original edition, woodcuts, fine copy, ruled, veau fauve, gilt edges, from the Beckford library, very rare, £10. iOs ^ La Rochelle, 1578 " Edition tr^s-rare de cette interessante relation." — Brunei. Lerv went out in 1557 to Brazil, under Villegagnon, with the Huguenot expedition organized by Coligny. He corrects what he calls the falsehoods and errors of Thevet. 1563: 2S793 FEDRICI (Cesare di) Viaggio nell' India Orientale et oltra I'India, ecc. 12mo. first edition, vellum, £6. 6s Venetia, 1587 With the book plates of Sir James Stewart Denholm, Baronet, of Coltness, Westshiel (motto, Juvant aspera prohum'), and of Dr. Burnell. 28794 the same, 12nio. morocco, gilt edges, from the Bechford library, Hamilton Palace, £S. 8s 1587 Rake, and of high intrinsic value. Cesare dei Federici, or as he is called in the old English translation, Caesar Frederick, spent eighteen years in the east, the greater part of the time in India and Burmah, and accom- modated himself so well to the habits of the various nations he met with that he attained to a knowledge of their condition, customs and languages, which few travellers have ever equalled. He left Venice in 15B3 and returned in 1581 . 28796 DAVEIRO (Pantaliam) Itinerario da Terra Sancta, small 4to. FIRST EDITION, ^we copy in tree-marbled calf extra, by Kalthoeber, from the Beclcford library, Samilton Palace, £8. 8* Lisboa, 1593 1567: 28795*Philips (Miles) the Voyages and Adventures of Miles Philips, a West-country Sailor, containing a relation of his various Fortune both by sea and land ; the inhuman usage he met with from the Spaniards at Mexico, and the Salvage Indians of Canada and other barbarous nations . . . 12rao. old calf, 32s 1724 This is an abridged and re-written text, omitting all the names that would identify the source whence it was taken. Philips sailed in the expedi- tion to the West Indies in 1567, in which Drake and Hawkins met with disaster. for the original text, see Hakluyt's Voyages, No. 28632. 1567-95 : Drake (Sir Francis) Voyages — see ante No. 28541. see also Hakluyt Society. 1573-76 : 28796 RAUWOLF (L.) Beschreibung der Rais inn die Morgenlander fiirnemlich Syriam, Judgeam, Arabiam, Mesopotamiam, Baby- loniam, Assyriam, Armeniam, etc. 4 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. 42 woodcuts of exotic plants, hf. bd. rare, £2. IO5 Laugivgen, 1583 28797 the same, 4 parts in 1 vol. fijie copy in russia, gilt edges, by Lewis, from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace, £5. 5s ' 1582-83 1576-78: Frobisher (Sir Martin) Voyages — see Hakl ay t's Collection of Voyages. see also Hakluyt Society. 1575-78-81 : 26798 Gon(;alez de Mendoqa (Joan) Historia de lasCosas mas notables, Rites y Costumbres, del gran Reyno de la China. Con un NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2867 1575-81 — continued. Itinerario del NoEVO Mundo (por Martin Ignacio), 12ino. first EDITION, fine copy in brown morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, by Petit, £o. Borne, 1585 28799 GoNgALEZ de Mendoqa, Historia . . . de la China, 12mo. vellum, £2. 10s Anvers, 1596 28799* Historia del gran Regno della China, 12mo. red morocco, from the Bechford library, 36s Vinegia, 1587 see also Hakluyt Society. This was the product of three missions. The notes of Martin de Rada, or de Herrada, in the first expedition (along with Ptdro de Sarmiento) in 1575, and those of Gonzalez de Mendoza on his mission of 1578, enabled the latter to write the Historia. A third journey in 1581, by Martin Ygnacio de Loyola, furnished the Itinerario. 1576: 28800 Schweigger (Salom.) Reyssbeschreibung anss Teutschland nach Constantinopel und Jerusalem, darinnen die gelegenheit derselben Laender, Staedte, der Voelcker Art, Sitten, Gebreuch, Trachten, Religion, etc. sm. 4to. portrait, large folding plates representing processions, numerous plates of costumes and vieivs, 1613 — Wild (J.) Reysbeschreibung eines gefangenen Christen (1604-11) darinnen zu finden die Statt (Jerusalem, Damascus, Constantinopel, Mecha, etc.) Lander, sampt deroselben Volcker, Sitten und Gebrauch, so vil er in werender Reys gesehen, por- trait, map, 1613 — in one vol. sm. 4to. the original stamped hog- shin binding, 28s Niirjiberg, 1613 Schweigger, a Protestant divine, was chaplain to T. von Zinzendorf during his embassy to Marad III (1576-81). The description of his travel and of his residence at Constantinople contains interesting particulars relating to the Turkish Government. 1578: 28801 PIGAEETTA (F.) Relatione del Reame di Congo et delle cir- convicine contrade, tratta dalli scritti e ragionamenti di Odoardo Lopez Portoghese, con dissegni vari di geographia di piante, d'habiti, d'animali ed altro, sm. 4to. 2 large folding maps, engraved title, and 8 elegant plates, fine copy in old calf , from the Sunderland library, £7. 10s Roma, B. Grassi, 1591 38802 another copy, sm. 4to. icith the 8 plates, without the map of Congo and the western part of the general map, vellum, £2. 10s 1591 28803 Report of the Kingdome of Congo, a Region of Africa, and of the Countries that border rounde about the same, drawen out of the writinges and discourses of Odoardo Lopez, a Portingall, translated by Abraham Hartwell, small 4to. eight large woodcuts, page size, complete except the maps, hf. bd. VERT RARE, £5. 1597 The 1 1 umber of copies which contain the maps is extremely limited. It is surprising to notice how much these delineations are in agreement with the supposed new discoveries of the latest investigators. The secrets of the Nile, the Congo, and the inland lakes were revealed to Pigafetta by Lopez neary three hundred years ago ; and we should therefore look to Speke, Livingstone, Cameron, and Stanley, not for news concerning totally unexplored and unknown regions, but for confirmation and correctinn of already existing knowledge. Lopez started from the mouth of the Tagus in 1578, and, after some years spent in Africa, returned to Europe charged 2868 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. with a mission from the King of Coiijjo to the Spanish monarch. Philip wa8 then engai;ed in ti ring nut the Armada, and Lopi'z Hiiding himself dis- appointed went to Rome and was reeeived by the Pope. He dictated his narrative to Pigafetta, who wrote it in Italian and printed it at Koine in 1591. 1579: 28804 SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA (Capt. Pedro) Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes, 1579-80, j Boticia de la Expedicion que despnes hizo para poblarle, sm. 4to. 'i folding plates, calf, 30s Madrid, 1 768 28804* the same, sm. ^to. fine clean copy in vellum, 365 1768 28805 the same, large paper, hf. bd. uncut, £2. 1768 The Journal of the Voyage ot Sarmiento was printed from the original MS. in the Royal Library at Madrid, and edited by Don Bernardo Yriarte, 1582 : Hariot's Narrative of Virginia — see De Brj's Voyages. 1585-1659 : 28806 Le Blanc (V.) The World Surveyed: or the Voyages and Travailes of Le Blanc to the East and West Indies, Persia, Pegu, and thi'ough all Africa, etc., rendered into English by Fr. Bi'ooke, sm. iolio, portrait, calf, £1, 8s 1660 1588: 28807 Ferrer Maldonado (Lorenzo) Viaggio dal Mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nord-Ouest, 1588, tradotto da un MS. Spagnuolo inedito da Amoretti, 4to. maps, hds. 21s Milano, 1811 1593: 28808 HAWKINS. The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins KNIGHT, in his Voyage into the South Sea, Anno Domini 1593, small folio, title mended, fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, £4. 4s London, printed by I. D for lohn laggard, 1622 28809 the sttme, fine copy in calf, £5. 1622 Rare. It has been reprinted by the Hakluyt Society. 1594-96: 28810 VEER (Gerrit de) Diarium Nauticum, sen vera Descriptio trium Navigationum, auctore Gerardo de Vera, sm. folio, First Latin Edition, jj^a^e.«, sd. £3. 3s Amst. 1598 28811 Vraye Description de trois Voyages de mer, sm. folio, plates, sd. £2. 16s ib. 1604 28812 la meme description, sm. folio, jsZa/es, sd. 35s ib. 1609 28813 Tre Navigation! nella Norvegia, Moscovia a Tartai'ia verso il Catai, e Regno de' Sini da scopersero la Nuova Zembla et la Groenlandia, tradotte da Giov. Giunio, sq. 8vo. 31 maps and engravings, a fine clean copy in vellum, 30s Venetia, 1599 The versions published by De Bry and Hulsius are not faithful repre- sentations of the text, which is only accurately given in the original Amsterdam editions. The entrravings in those collections are also much varied and reduced from the original designs ; and even in the Italian version by Giunio, there are departures from accuracy in this respect, two of the engravings being duplicates. translation — see Hakluyt Society. Dudley (Robert) Voyage to the West Indies— see Arcano del Mare, No. 28212. 1595: 28814 RALEGH (Sir W.) the Discoverie of the large, rich and bew^tiful Empire of Guiana, with a relation of the Great and Golden Citie of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado) And the provinces of Emeria, AiTomaia, Ampaia, and other NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2869 Countries, with tbeir rivers, adjoyning. Performed in the yeare 1595, sm. 4to. red morocco extra, by Bedford, vert rare, £40. Robert Robinson, 1596 28115 RALEGH (Sir W.) the same, a different issue, last leaf mended, I5i^ 6 — KE YMIS (Laurence) Relation of the second Voyage to Guiana, 1596, Thomas Dawson, 1596 — Harcourt (Robert) Re- lation of a Voyage to Guiana (1608), John Beale, 1613 — 3 voh. in 1, sm. 4to. hf. bd. £55. 1596-1613 It is to be feared that the central object of Ealeigh's picture, although generally believed in by the navigators ofall countries in the sixteenth century, ■was embellished with consciously imaginative touches by the author, and that he knew better than most others how utterly untrue was the story of The Gilded King (El Dorado) and his magnificent Golden City (Manoa). But his accounts ot what he actually saw have a high geographical interest, and Schomburgk has proved that his descriptions of Indian tribes are accurate ; ■while his own tragical and romantic history, combined with the fact that he ■was the founder of England's colonial empire, and the first figure in the Annals of the United States, gives to his Guiana a commercial value and importance beyond its mere literary rank. Harcourt's Relation is a rare book, but Keymis' is of the highest degree of rarity, not more than three or four copies having occtured in the market during the last seventy years. 1598: 28816 SHERLEY (Sir Antony) Relation of his Travels into Persia, sm. 4to. toith the rare portrait by Sadeler, calf extra, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, from the BecJcford library, £10. lOs 1613 28816* the same, sm. 4to. without the portrait, green viorocco extra, g. e. by Zoehnsdorf, side notes of a few leaves slightly cut ■ into, £4. 4s J 613 1599-1631 : CHAMPLAIX (Samuel de) Voyage to the West Indies, 1599- 16u2, translated from the original MS. — see Hakluyt Society. 28817 Les Voyages de Sievi' de Champlain Xaintongeois divisez en devx livres, ou, lovrnal tres-fidele des observations faites es descouuertures de la ISTouuelle France . . . small 4to. 8 separate maps, and 2 plates, with some others which are printed on the text, bds. £25. Paris, 1613 This is the second printed volume of Champlain's Voyages, and narrates the experiences of his second voyage to Canada (1604-8), his third (1608-9), and his fourth (1610-11), his fifth (1611), and his sixth (1613). These last four voyages are treated as independent of the precedmg two expeditions, and are called I-IV. The large map appears to be a facsimile, judging from the paper on which it is impressed, but it looks very like an original, and seems to have been produced from a metal plate. 28818 les Voyages de la Nouvelle France Occidentale, dicte Canada, faits par le Sr. de Champlain Xainctongeois. . . . & toutes les Descouuertes qu' il a faites en ce pais depuis I'an 1603 iusques en I'an 1629, 2 parts in 1 vol. small 4to. engravings in the text, fine fresh and perfect copy of the large folding map ; bound by Bedford, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £65. Paris, Claude Collet, 1632 28819 the same, sm. 4to. with a new title-page, but in other respects identical tvith the issue of 1632, with the original large map, fine copy in old French veau fauve extra, £55. 1640 Vkky rare. Complete with the scarce piece of 20 pp. contaning th« 2870 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1599-1631 — continued. Doctrine Chrestienne, Oraison Doininicale, etc. en langage Canadois et Francois. This is perhaps the most important of the old editions as it contains a collective nan-ative embodying a review of all preceding French expeditions to the New World, followed by and interwoven with Champlain's own Voyages to Canada; a short account of the First (1603) which had been published in 1604 ; an abridgment of the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth (1608-13), as they had been published in the volume dated 1613. This matter ends on p. 210. Pp. 239-308 contain the Seventh Voyage (1615-16). The Eighth Voyage (1617) is only mentioned between pp. 211 and 214 as nnimportant. Seconde Partie : Ninth Voyage and History of Canada (1620-31), pp. 1-310); Traite de la Navigation, pp. 1-54; Doctrine Chrestienne, Canadois et Francois, pp. 1-20. 28820 Champlain (Sieur de) Voyages, ou Journal es Decouvertes de la Nouvelle France, 2 vols. 8vo, lif. Id. 20s Paris, 1830 Reprinted from the rare volume of 1632. 1600: 28821 Mantegazza (S.) Relatione tripartita del Yiaggio di Gierusa- lemme, sm. 4to. bds. £2. Milano, 1616 An interesting volume full of curiously minute information. The author started on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, from Milan, in 1600. 28822 LAVENDER (Theophilus) Travels of foure English Men and a Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, and to the Blacke Sea, and into Syria, Cicilia, etc. sm. 4to. tlarfe Icltrr, fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford^ scarce, £8. 15s 1612 The five travellers were William Biddulph (the preacher) and Jeffrey Kirby, Edward Abbot, John Elkin, and Jasper Tyon. Lavender compiled the book from the letters sent home by Biddulph, and his brother Peter. 1601: 28823 MOCQUET (Jean) Voyages en Afrique, Asie, Indes Orien- tales et Occidentales, 12mo. 9 plates, calf, 36s Bouen, 1665 The second book contains the " Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, en la riviere des Amazones, pays desCaripous et Caribes, etc." The plates all show the costume and appearance of the different nations visited by Mocquet. 28824 Mocquet, Travels and Voyages, translated by Nath. Pnllen, 12mo. 8 woodcuts, old calf, 36s 1696 28825 Spilbergen. Historical Journael van tghene ghepasseert is van weghen drie Schepen ghevaren nyt Zeelandt vander Stadt Camp-Vere naer d'Ost-Indien, oder t'beleyt van loris van Spielberghen, anno 1601, den 5. Mey, tot in t' Eylant Celon, etc. oblong 8vo. 2 maps, one a little defective, and 10 curious engrav- ings, bds. 21s Amsterdam, 1617 Brereton's Voyage to North Virginia — see Purchas' Pilgrims. 28826 Pyrard de Laval (Francois) Voyage anx Indes Orientales, Maldives, Moluques et au Bresil, etc. nouvelle edition, augmentee de divers traitez et relations curieuses par Du Val, 4to. map, old calf, £2. Paris, L. Billaine, 1679 1605 : 28827 SAO BERNARDINO (Gaspar de) Itinerario da India por terra ate este reino de Portugal, com a Descripcam de Hieru- salem, sm. 4to. large copy, a little stained, last leaf slightly imperfect and mended, vellum, very rare, £2. 8s Lishua, 1611 28828 the same, sm. 4to. sound perfect copy in red mororco extra, £4. 4j 1611 NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2771 28829 SAO BERNARDINO (Gaspar de) Itinerario da India, etc. 2da edi^ao, 8vo. sd. bs Lisboa, 1842 28830 CARTWRIGHT (J.) The Preachers Ti-avel to the confines of the East Indies, through the great conntrejes of Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Media, Hircania, and Parthia, with the author's returne bj the way of Persia, Susiana, Assiria, Chaldaea, and Arabia, sm. 4to. tvith some MS. matter at end in a contem- porary hand, and a MS. list of contents in the same hand, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £o. 6s 1611 One of the most interesting and valuable accounts of old English travels in the East which we possess. The occasional Christian comments on Moham- medan darkness are not accompanied by any prejudices in the narrative, which is especially circumstantial concerning the Persian empire, then very powerful. It is not clear why the title bears " the Preacher's Travels," as Cartwright who went to Ispahan, and his companion John Mildenab, who travelled on to Lahore, seem to have been merchants. Roster's account of Waymoath's Voyage for the discovery of Virginia [New England] — see post in section, History of English America. 1606: MIDDLETON'S (Sir Henry) Voyage to Bantam — see Haklnyt Society. Lancaster (Sir James) and Captain Knight's North-West Voyage — see Hakluyt Society. ? 1606-12: 28333 Ordonez de Zevallos (Pedro) Historia y Viage del Mundo, a las cinco partes de la Europa, Africa, Asia, Amei-ica, y Magala- nica, con el Itinerario de todo el, sm. 4to. a preliminary leaf slightly defective, vellum, 30s Madrid, 1691 1607-10 : Hudson (Henry) Voyages — see Purchas' Pilgrims. see also, post, 1631 Foxe (Luke). 1608: 28831 MONFART (Henry de) an exact and curious Survey of all the East Indies, even to Canton, all duly performed by land, the like whereof was never hitherto brought to an end, Wherein also are described the huge Dominions of the great Mogor, to whom that honorable knight, Sir Thomas Roe, was lately sent ambassador, smallest 4to. 40 pp. a little cropped and stained, hf. calf, rare, Mr. BurnelVs copy, with a MS. note on fly-leaf respecting the author, £2. 2s. London, Thomas Dawson, 1615 28832 the same, sm. 4to. hf hd. £3. 3s 1615 28833 the same, 4to. fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, from the Bechford library, Ham,ilton Palace, £4. 4s 1615 1608-17: 28834 CORY AT' S (T.) Crudities, hastily gobbled up in five Moneths' Travels in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia, Germany, and the Netherlands, etc. reprinted from the edition of 1611, 3 vols. 8vo. engraved frontispiece containing portrait, plates, fine large cojyy, calf gilt, £4. 4s 1776 To this excellent edition arc added his Letters from India, Oration, Character, Death, an account of his travels in different parts of the globe, etc. 2872 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1609: 28835 LITHGOW (W.) a most delectable and true Discourse of an admired and painefuU Peregrination from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica, sm. 4to. fine copy, calf, £6. 6s N. Okes, 1623 A Scotchman, native of Lanark, who acquired celebrity from walking twenty-six thousand miles in different parts of the world. His book is considered very entertaining and contains lung descriptions of Iialy, Constantinople, Cyprus, the Levant, Palestine, Egypt, Greece, the Lake of Sodome and Goniorha, and also the Rivers Nile and Euphrates, etc. 28836 LiTHGOUWS (Willem) 19. Jaarige Lant-Eeyse naer de vermaerde Koninckrijcken Europa, Asia ende Africa . . . nyt 't Engels overgeset, sm. 4:to. front, and curious plates, vellum, 32s 1652 1610: 28837 Sandys, Relation of a Journey begun 1610, containing a description of the Turkish Empire, Egypt, the Holy Land, etc. sm. folio, plates, calf, 9s 1621 28838 the same, third edition, sm. folio, maps and many plates, calf, 15s 1632 28839 the same, sixth edition, sm. folio, map and plates, calf, 10s 1670 1611: ^ 28840 CLAUDE D'ABBEUILLE, Histoire de la Mission des Peres Capvcins en I'lsle de Maragnan et terres circonuoisines ov est traicte des singularitez admirables & des Meurs merueilleuses des Indiens . . . sm. 8vo. engraved title, and seven other full-page engravings, including six portraits of Indians, old calf, £12. Paris, 1614 Vert rare. The French settlement in the island of Maraiion was not held for very long, and soon fell into the hands of the Portuguese. The French called it la France Equinoctiale, a name which was afterwards transferred to their colony in Guiana. 1614: 28841 Spilbbegen (G. a) Speculum Orientalis Occidentalisqiie Indi» Navigationum, quarum nna G. a Spilbergen, altera Jac le Maire auspiciis directa, annis 1614-1618, oblong 4to. engraved title and 25 curious plates and maps, vellwm, £2. 10s Lugd. Bat., N. a GeelJcerchen, 1619 28842 the same, oblong 4to. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Leighton, £3. 3s 1619 1615: 28843 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelissen) and Jacques LE MAIRE. Novi Freti, a parte meridionali Freti Magellanici, in Magnum Mare Australe Detectio ; facta laboriosissimo & periculosissimo itinere a Guilielmo Cornelii Schoutenio Hornano, Annis 1615, 1616 & 1617, totum Orbem terrarum circumnavigante, sm. 4to. engraving on title and 9 separate maps and plates, vellum, £6. Amsterdami, Gull. lanson. 1619 First Latin edition of a work which had been published for the first time in Dutch, the year before. — This was one of the most remarkable voyages ever undertaken, and contributed largely to the science of cartography, by the number of new discoveiics which marked the course of Le Maire and NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2873 Schouten in their circumnavigation of the globe. Magellan in the Victoria, Drake in the Pelican, and Schouten in the Endracht form three of the most striking figures in geographical history. The portraits of six circumnavigators are engraved in the borders of the map of the world : Magellan, Schouten, Drake, Cavendish, Van Nort, and Spilbergen. Le Maiee's Narrative of the same Voyage — see No. 28320. 1615-27 : 28844 DELLA VALLE, Viaggi divisi in tre parti; la Turcliia, la Persia, e I'ladia, 3 parts in 4 vols, small 4:to. fine copy in vellum, 36s Roma, 1650-63 28845 seconda impressione, con la vita dell' autore, 4 vols. sm. 4to. jport. vellum, 10s Roma, 1662-68 1618: 28846 NODAL (Bartolome Garcia y GoNgALo) Relacion del.Viaje qve hizieron al descubrimiento del Estrecho nuebo de S. Vicente y reconosimjo. del de Magallanes, small 4to. with the rare map, fine cojnj in calf extra, gilt edges, £18. Madrid, 1621 Vert rare. — Twelve prel. leaves (engraved title with Portraits of the two brothers Nodal, the reverse blank ; 'Fee de aprouacion,' 3 pp. ; ' Suma del priuilegio,' 1 p. ;' Tassa,' 1 p. ; ' Erratas,' 1 p. ; ' a Don Fernando Carillo,' 3 pp. ; ' Al Lector,' 5 pp. ; ' Advertencias,' 3 pp. ; ' Variacion de la aguja,' 3 pp. ; 'Eeglas,' 2 pp.) ; Text, 65 numbered leaves ; Tabla para saber las Horas,' etc. 1 leaf ; ' Relacion sumaria de los Servicios de los Capitanes Bartolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gonqalo de Nodal, hermanos,' leaves numbered 2-15. At the beginning of the text there is the very rare copper-plate Map entitled ' Reconociniiento de los Estrechos de Magellanes,' etc. I. de Courbes sculpsit. 13^ by 15j inches. An inferior copy fetched £16. 10s at the Drake Sale, Sotheby's, 1883. "More than one copy has been sold for 30 guineas." — Rich. The map is almost always wanting, and from the well-known jealousy, or policy rather, of the Spanish Government, was probably inserted in very few copies. Crofts believed his own copy to be the only perfect one in England — that in the British Museum being deficient of the chart. 28847 Nodal, Relacion del Viage al descubrimiento del Estrecbo rnievo de S. Vincente, etc. con las Derrotas de la America Occidental por Man. de Echavelar, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. with a small Map datedl769, vellum, 30s Cadiz (1769) The strait of San Vincente had been traversed by Le Mnire shortly before the brothers Nodal, and his name has remained to designate it. But the Spanish map has a special value, and is more detailed than Le Maire's. 1620: 28848 JOB SON (Richard) The Golden Trade : a discovery of the River Gambra, and the Golden Trade of the -Ethiopians ; also the commerce with a great Blacke Merchant called Buckor Sano, and his Report of the houses covered with Gold, sm. 4to. fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, Rare, from the Beclcford library, Hamilton Palace, £12. 1623 Jobson sailed up the River Gambia with an expedition in the year 1620. His narrative is full of the most interesting details, and seemed so geographi- cally valuable to Purchas that its publication in the fullest form was desired by him. VOTAGB OF THE PiLGRiM FATHERS — see post tinder History of EngUsh America. 2874 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1623: 28850 L'HEREMITE (laques) lovrnael vande Nassausche Vloot, Ofte Beschryvingh vande Voyagie om den gantschen Aard-kloot, ghedaen met elf Schepen : Onder't beleyd van den Admirael laques I'Heremite, ende Vice-Admirael Geen Huygen Schapenham: 1623, 1624, 1625, en 1626, sm. 4to. First Edition, 8 separate plates and maps, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s Amstelredani, 1626 In this circumnavigation, as well as in that of Le Mail e, many geographical facts were ascertained, and some geographical names given, for the first time. Johannes van Walbeeck, the mathematicus of the fleet, is supposed to have been the author. 28851 Journael vande Nassausche Vloot, onder Jaquea I'Heremite, en Gheen H. Schapenham, 1623-6 ; gevoegt een Beschrijvinge van Peru, door Pedro de Madriga, sm. 4to. plate, sd. 16s Amst., J. Hartgertsz, 1648 28851* Waerachtig Verhael van het succes van de Vlote onder den Admiral Jaques L'Hermite, in de Zuyt-Zee, op de Custen van Peru, en de Stadt Lima in Indien, sm. 4to. engraving of the totvn of Callao on title, sd., rare, 16s Amst. 1625 Ternaux mentions the English translation of this piece, but not the rare Dutch original. 1625: 28852 GAGE'S (Thomas) New Survey of the West India's : or, the English American his Travail by Sea and Land, with a Poconchi, or Pocoman Grammar, second edition, sm. folio, 4 riiaps, bound, £2. 2s 1655 Gage, as a Dominican friar, went out with a party of Spanish missionaries in 1625. He was thus enabled to compile a book which is remarkable as the first and only extensive work by an English author upon the Spanish Indies as seen from within. It is very entertaining and instructive, notwithstanding the singularly superstitious tales that it narrates. After twenty-four years, absence from England, Gage returned home in 1639, and a year later joined the English Church. It is curious that we find in this volume the word " party " used in its modern slang sense of " individual." 28853 T A VERNIER, Six Voyages en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, avec le Recueil du plusieurs relations et traitez singuliers et curieux, 3 vols. 4to. port, maps and plates, calf, £S. 3s Paris, 1676 28853* Six Voyages, avec le Recueil de plusieurs relations, et avec la relation de I'lnterieur du Serrail, 3 vols, 12mo. ports, maps and plates, calf, £2. Paris, 1679 28854 Six Voyages through Turkey and Persia to the Indies, published (translated) by E. Everard, 2 parts, a title and 2 plates wanting, leaf of preface mended; Relation of the Seraglio ; Relations and Treatises not among the first six voyages, map and plates ; — etc. in 1 vol. folio, calf, £2. 1680-84 The Six Voyages form the first volume of a " Collection of Voyages . . . of Tavemier, Bernier, and others," but the general title is wanting ; the rest with some other matter forms the second volume, and this is bound irregularly. 1626 : 28855 Herbert (Thos.) A Relation of some yeares Travaile begun 1626, into Africa and the greater Asia; and some parts of the Oriental! Indies, etc. sm. folio, front, by Wm. Marshall, maps and plates engraved on the text, old calf, from the (Sunderland NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2875 1 626 — continued. Ubrary, £3. 8s 1634 28856 the same, sm. folio, old calf neat, formerly Bindlexjs copy, noiv from the Beckford lihrary. Palace^ £3. \0s 163^! 1629: 28857 RICHSZHOFPERS (Ambrosii) Braszilianlsch- und West Indianisclie Reisze Beschreibung, 12mo. portrait of the author, engraved title, 2 maps and 2 plates^ fine copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. Straszburg, 1677 A spirit ot adventure 1-d this young Strassburger to go from home at seventeen years of age (in 1629) and to take service with the Dutch. He was immediately sent to America, and helped to tight the Portuguese and Spaniards in Brazil and the West Indians. After more than three years' experience of warfare, he returned and got married. In his old age he published his narrative for the first time. 28858 Philippe (Fere) Voyage d'Orient ou il a descrit plusieurs regions d'Orient, leurs habitans, etc. sm. 8vo. calf, 20s Lyon, 1669 1630 : 28859 Stochove, Voyage es annees 1630-33, small 4to. engraved frontispiece containing 17 views amongst ivhich two depict Fama- gosta and Nicosia in Cyprus, green vellum, 16.9 Bruxelles, 1643 This rare work is a description of Turkey, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. 1631: 28860 FOXE (Luke) North-West Fox, or Fox from the North-west passage . . . with briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymonth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge . . . Mr. lames Hall's three Voyages to Groynland . . . with the Author his owne Voyage, small 4to. woodcuts, and a large folding engraved map of the Arctic regions, a little wormed in the irmer margins, old calf, £30. • 1635 28861 the same, sm.4to. red morocco, by Bedford, £36. 1635 Like Hud.-on, Battin, Davis, Franklin, the north-country sailor who wrote this curious book, has left unimperishable traces on the map of his boldness and skill in exploring the Arctic regions. He failed to discover the North- west passage, but the names he gave to many of the places he discovered have reinaint-d as witnesses of his labours. Ilis map was a valuable contributiou of Iresh information to the cartographer, and is still one of the more important documents in the history of Geography and of Arctic exploration. 1630: 28862 PELLHAM (Edward) Gods Power and Providence : shewed, in the miracvlous Preservation and Deliverance of eight Englishmen; left by mischance in Green-land Anno 1630, nine moneths and twelve dayes . . . sm. 4to. title mended, and having the words of imprint supplied in facsimile, fine impression of the large engraved map of Greejiland, the processes of whale- fishing illustrated in ten minor designs on the inargins, £6. 1631 Very kare ; the book itself is of very infrequent occurrence, and the map is wanting in most copies. Pelham, in the preface, compares his own case with that of Barentz in the Dutch voyage of 1596. He and seven companions went on shore to kill venison, lost their way, and missed their ship, so that they were cast away on the shores of Greenland from August, IG30 till the London whale- fleet returned to Greenland, at the end of May, 16.31. The map is the same as apjtears in the third volume of Purchas. 196 2876 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1633: 28862*Olearius (A.) Voyages tres curieux en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse, traduits par Wicqnefort, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, maps, Views of Toivns and Costume, etc. some leaves foxed, old calf gilt, 7s 6d Leide, 1719 1636: 28863 Caron. Reclite Besclirjvinge van liet maclitigli Koninghrijck van Jappan . . . des Regiering, Coopliandel, maniere van Leven, strenge Justitie, etc. sm. 4to. map of Japan and plates at pp. 36 and 48, ayid one on the title repeated at p. 32, hf. russia, gilt edges, £3. 10s In's Gravenhage, lohannes Tongerloo, s. a. (? 1660) Including "Beschryvinge van Siam," door J. Schouten, 16 pages. 1637-39 : 28864 Jannequin (C.) Voyage de Lybie an Royaume de Senega le long du Niger, description des habitants qui sont le Ion de ce fleuve, leurs coutumes, etc. fine copy in r^lssra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, from the Beckford library, 36s Paris, 1643 1639: 28865 ACUNA (el Padre Chrstoval de) Nvevo Descvbrimiento del gran Rio de las Amazonas . . al qval fve, y se liizo por orden de sn Magestad, el auo de 1639, por la provincia de Qvito en los Reynos del Peru, sm. 4to. fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £25. * Madrid, 1641 28866 the same, sm. 4to. ruled throughout with red ink, a very fine and very large copy in old red morocco extra, broad borders of gold on the sides, gilt edges, by Padeloup, from the library of Girardot de Prefond, with both the lengthwise and the oval-labels which he %sed at different periods, £42. 1641 28867 another copy, sm. 4to. six leaves (folios 2, 3, 37-40), supplied in facsimile, hf. bd. £7. 10s 1641 Althongh here are three copies of the one book, it is nevertheless so rare that there are probably not more than a dozen in existence. It was formerly supposed that only four copies had survived to our time. The explora- tion of the whole course of the Amazon, and the discovery that it was navigable all the way from Quito to the Atlantic, were farts of such importance, that although the King ordered the account to be printed, it was afterwards thought advisable to suppress and destroy it, in order that the Portuguese, who between 1639 and 1641 had regained their independence of Spain, should not have the benefit of Spanish enterprise. 1639: 28868 Hemmersam, West-Indianische Reiss-beschreibnng, 1639-45, nach St. Jorius de Mina, ein Castel in Africa, 12mo. plates, vellum, 18s Nilmberg, 1663 Some copies have the word " Guineische " before '' West-Indianische " on the title. 28869 Hemmersam, West-Indianisk Reese-Be'skrifning, 1639-45 till St. Joris de Mina, itt Castell i Africa, sm. 4to. a very rare specimen of printing, sd. 16s Wijsingborg, 1674 One of the rare productions of the insular press founded and supported for a short time by Count Peter Brahe. in North Sweden. NARRATIVES OP VOYAGERS. 2877 1643: 28870 BROUWER (Hendrick) Journael ende Historis verhael van de Reyse gedaen by Oosten de Straet le Maire, naer de Custen. van Chili, 1643 ; vervatende der Chilesen manieren, handel ende ghewoonten, als mede een beschryvinghe van het Eylandt Eso, etc. sm. 4to. first editiox, 2 maps and plate, hf. vellum, £3. 10s Amst., Broer Jansz, 1646 28871 the same, sm. 4to. maps and plaJe, veau fauve, gilt edges, from the Hamilton Palace library, £4. 4s 1646 1645: 28872 PACIFIQVE DE PROVINS, Brieve Relation dv Voyage des Isles de l'Ameriqve, sm. 8vo. fine copy, calf extra, gilt edges, from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace. £5. Paris, 1646 ExTKEMELY RARE ; Unknown to the bibliographers and writers on America. This Capuchin friar was sent out as the head of a mission to the French West Indies, and wrote the Brieve Relation in the island of Guade- loupe in 1645, dedicating it to the Comte de Brioii " Viceroy de I'Amerique." He describes the root Palates as the wanna of the poor. 28873 BOOTHBY (R.) Breife Discovery or Description of the most famous Island of Madagascar or St. Laurence in Asia neare nnto East India, sm. 4to. sd. vert rare, £3. 10s 1646 The heading of Chap. XV, on p. 62, commences with " the valour of the English nation against the Salvages in Virginia and New England," 1647: 28873*Struys, Voyages en Moscovie, en Tartarie, en Perse, aux Indes, etc. avec deux lettres des malheurs d'AsTRACAN, et la Relation d'nn Naufrage, 4to. map and many curious Views and plates, vellum or calf, 25s Amst. 1681 1648: 28874 BOYER (Paul) Veritable Relation de tovt ce qvi s'est fait et passe au voyage que Monsieur de Bretigny fit a I'Amerique Occidentale. Auec une Description des Moeurs, & des Pro- ninces de tous les Sauuages de cette grande partie du Cap de N"ord ; un Dictionnaire de la Langue . . . Le tout fait sur les lieux . . sm. 8vo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £14. 14s Paris, 1654 There are 14 preliminary leaves, the first being the title and the fourteenth blank. 28875 tlie same, sm. 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy, £12. 12s 1654 Fetched £14. 14s at the Beckford sale. This has a variation in the preliminary leaves, which are 15 including the title, and all printed on. The dedicatory letter to Colbert in the former copy is in small type and occupies four leaves. In the latter it is in larj^er type, occupying five leaves, and is followed by a sixth, " Au Lecteur," which is not the former. The Carib or Galibi Dictionary which follows the account of Bretigny's expedition occupies pp. 393-43.3, and is succeeded on pp. 434-463 by a " Brieve Relation de tout ce qui se passa au voyage que Monsieur le Baron de Dormelles fit faire a I'Amerique (1648)."' Bretigny started in 1643 with commisson as Governor-general of Cap Nord, that is, of French Guiana, and was massacred by the natives in 1645, with a great number of the French colonists in Cavenne. 196 * 2878 BERNARD QUARTTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. ? 1650-89 : 28879 Reining (J. E.) Zeer Aanmerkelijke Rejsen, meeste in de West-Indien en ook in veel andere deelen des Werelds, etc. samengesteld door D. vander Stei're, sm. 4to. engraved title and 6 plates, half velhim, 16s Amst., Jan ten Hoorn, 1691 1652: 28880 BIET (Antoine) Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en lisle de Cayenne entrepris par les Francois, 1652, 4to. old calf, with the hook-flate of the Duchess de Berry, £3. Paris, 1664 28881 the same, 4to. tall copy with the arms of Le Fevre de Caumartin Saint-Ange in gold on sides, calf, £4. 4s 1664 This scarce volume contains a " Petit Dictionnaire de la I.angue des Sauvages Galibis," or the Caribi Language. 1653 : 28882 La MARTiNit;EE (le Sienr de) Voyage des Pais Septentrionaux, dans lequel se void les moeurs, maniere de vivre, & superstitions des Norweguiens, Lappons, Kiloppes, Borandiens, Syberiens, Samojedes, Zembliens, & Islandois, 12mo. First Edition, engraved title, and numerous curious engravings in the text, calf, 25s Paris, 1671 1652-77 : 28883 THEVENOT (Jean de) Relation d'un Voyage fait au Levant, 1665 — Suite du Voyage de Levant, 1674 — Voyages contenant la Relation de I'lndostan, 1684 ; — in 2 vols. 4to. old calf, from the Sunderland library, £2. Paris, 1665-84 28884 Travels into the Levant, Turkey, Persia, the East- Indies, sm. folio, tvith the scarce portrait, plates, calf, 18s 1687 1655: 28885 BARATTI (Giacorao) The late Travels of S. Giacomo Barratti, an Italian Gentleman, into the remote Countries of the Abissins, or of Ethiopia interior . . . Translated by G. D. 18mo. morocco stoper extra, gilt edges, hy Petit, £2. 10s London, Benj. Billingsley, 1670 1663 : 28886 GoDiNHO (Manuel) Rela^ao do novo Caminho que fez por terra e mar vindo da India, 1663, 8vo. hf. bd. 4s 6d Lisboa, 1842 1664-77 : 28887 C HARDIN (Jean) Voyages en Perse, et autres lieux de rOrient, 3 vols. 4to. maps and plates, panelled calf gilt, from the Sunderland library, 14s Amsterdam, 1701 28888 Voyages en Perse et autres lieux del'Orient, nouvelle edition augmentee avec des notes par L. Langles, 10 vols. 8vo. and imperial iolio Atlas, containing portrait, m,ap and 81 plates on 62 leaves, cloth, £5. Paris, 1811 28889 the same, 10 vols. 8vo. and impl. folio Atlas, hf red. morocco neat, gilt tops, from the Beckford library, £7. 10s 1811 28890 CHARDIN (Jean) Voyages en Perse, Atlas, impl. folio, ma^ aw^Z 81 plates on 62 leaves, fine plates of costume, sctdpture, views, etc. hf. bd. no text, 30s Paris, 1811 " Among the many travellers v/ho have thrown light on the Persian empire, Chardin has always been considered as the one to whom Etlrope is NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2879 most indebted. He devoted his lite, as it were, to a knowledge of Persia. He made long and repeated visits thither ; he traversed it in length and breadth, from the Caspian to the ocean." — Murray's Asia. 28891 Travels into Persia and ye East Indies, folio, portrait hy Loggan, map and plates, calf, 20s 1686 1666 : Warren's Sorinam — see post under South America. 1671: 28892 Martens (F.) Spitzbergische oder Groenlandische Reise- Beschreibung, 1671, sm. 4to. 16 plates of Animals, etc. hd. £2. 10s Hamburg, 1675 28893 the same, sm. 4to. flates, fine clean copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Hamilton Palace library, £10. 105 1675 Like Gerrit Veer, ^lartens seems to misuse the name of Greenland. 1672 : 28891! Fryer (J.) New Account of East India and Persia, being nine years Travels, 1672-81, with Observation on the Government, Customs, Trades, Religion, Coins, etc. of those countries, sm. folio, portrait, m,aps, and plates, old calf, 16s- 1698 1673-81 : Narratives of ^Marquette, Allouez, La Salle, Hennepin, of explora- tion in the Mississippi Valley — see p)ost under English and French America : French, Tonti, Joutel ; and ante Thevbnot, No. 28668. 1676: 28895 CUBERO SEBASTIAN (Pedro) Peregrinacion del Mundo, sm. 4to. engraved a^ul printed titles, and frontispiece loith portrait, fine copy in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £6. 10s Naples, 1682 Rare first editiox. Salva possessed only a later edition, printed at Madrid, but in a note he mentions the existence of this, and also of a previous edition of Madrid, 1680. He was, however, mistaken. Cubero was in Naples in 1682, and his dedication bears that date and place, and the privileges and approbations are all of that year. In or about 1676 he started eastwards, proceeding by land till he reached India ; thence sailing to the Moluccas, and afterwards across the Pacific Ocean to Acapulco and to Mexico. He reached Spain again in 1680. He was a diligent observer, and had plenty of good sense and shrewdness. 1679 : 28896 Wafer (L.) Nienwe Reystogt en Beschryving van de Land-engte van Amerika, midsgaders de Indiaansche Inwoonders, sm. 4to. map and h fine plates, sd. Qs Gravenhage, 1700 1682 : 28897 Le Maire (Le Sieur) Voyages aux lies Canaries, Cap-Verd, Senegal et Gamble sous M. Dancourt, 18mo. map and plate, calf, lis Suivant la Copie ci Paris, 1695 28898 the same, 18mo. fine copy in calf gilt, 18s 1695 1683 : 28899 Lahontan (Baron de) Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentriouale [d la fin : Conversations de Tanteur avec Adario sauvage distingue et Dictionnaire de la langue des Sauvages], seconde edition augmentee, 2 vols. 12mo. maps and plates, calf, 20s La Haye {et Amsterdam), 1705 2880 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1683 — continued. 28900 Lahontan (Baron de) Voyage dans rAmerique, 2 vols. 12mo. maps and plates, calf, 15s 1706-5 28901 seconde edition, 2 vols. 12mo. 32 maps and plates, old calf gilt, 20s Amst. 1728 A reprint of the edition of 1706, differing slightly in arrangement, and with a fevp additions. 1685: 28902 [Choist (Abbe de)] Jouraal du Voyage de Siam fait en 1685-6 par M. L. D. C. 4to. calf, 7s 6d Paris, 1687 28902* the same, 4to. fine large copy, calf, 10s 1687 1686 : 28903 Gabt, Relation de la Nigritie, avec la decouverte de la riviere du Senega, 12mo. calf, 10s Paris, 1689 1689: 28904 OVINGTON'S Voyage to Suratt, 1689, account of the City and English Factory, St. Helena, Johanna, Bombay, Muscatt, etc. History of the revolution in Golconda, description of Ari-acan and Pegu, the Coins, Silkwonns, etc. small 8vo. view of Bombay (mended), calf gilt, Dr. BurnelVs copy, with MS. note on fly-leaf, 20s ' 1696 28905 the same, sm. 8vo. fine copy in calf extra, from the Peckford library, Hamilton Palace, 30s 1696 1692: 28906 IDES. Relation du Voyage de Evert Isbrand (Ides) a I'Empe- reur de la Chine en 1692-94, par le Sieur Adam Brand, 12mo. frontispiece and map, old calf, Svnderland copy, 15s Amst. 1699 28907 IDES (Ysbrantes) Three Years' Travels from Moscow over- land to Pekin, thro' Great Ustiga, Siriana, Permia, Sibiria, Daour, Great Tartary, etc. with the customs, religion, govern- ment, marriages, etc. of the inhabitants, with Kao's description of China, and Commentary, 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. frontispiece, map and 20 2)lates of Costtime, Views, etc. calf, 10s 1 706 28908 Beekel (A. van) Amerikaansche Voyagien, behelzende een Reis na Rio de Berbice, gelegen op het vaste land van Guiana, aande wildekast van America, mitsgaders een andere na de Colonic van Suriname, sm. 4to. engraved title and 2 'plates, half fauve, vellum, rare, 18s Amst., Johan van Hoorn, 1695 1695: 28909 FROGER, Relation d'un Voyage, fait en 1695-7, aux Cotes d'Afrique, Detroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne & Isles Antilles, par M. de Gennes, 12mo. original edition, large paper, engraved title, and 29 maps and plates, the Soubise copy, in old gilt veau rare, £4. 4s Paris, 1698 28910 FROGER, Relation du Voyage de Mr. de Gennes, 12mo. engraved title, maps and plates, calf, 7s 6d Amst. 1699 1696 : 28911 LA MOTRAYE (Aubry de) Travels through Europe, Asia, and part of Africa, 2 vols, folio, large paper, maps and fine NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2881 proof plates by W. Hogarth, fine old English red morocco, with rich gilt tooling, fixe copy, £3. 3s 1723 '• Veracity and exactness, particularly so far as regards the copying of Inscriptions, characterize these travels. They are also valuable for information respecting the mines of the north of Europe.'' — Lowndes. 1697: 28912 ALLISON (Tho.) Account of a Voyage from Arcliarigel in Russia, 1697, of the Ship and Company wintering near the North Cape, Observations of the Country and Inhabitants, 12mo. 2 charts, calf extra, gilt edges, hy Kalthoeber, £3. 3s 1699 1700: 28913 Tourxefoet's Voyage into the Levant (Turkey, Coasts of the Black Sea, Georgia, Armenia, Persia, etc.), 2 vols. 4to. best edition, map and plates, old calf, 6s ' 1718 1701 : 28914 Drury (Rob.) Adventures during fifteen years' captivity on the Island of Madagascar, containing the nature of the People, Customs, etc, with Vocabulary, 8vo. map and plates, tall copy in calf, 30.>- 1743 1703: 28915 FUNNELL (W.) Voyage round the World, containing an account of Captain Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas, 1 703-4, with the Author's Voyage from Amapalla on the West- Coast of Mexico to East-India, 8vo. maps and charts, gilt calf, by Kalthoeber, from the Hamilton Palace library, £4. 4s 1707 1705-10? 28916 Jovix, Observaciones en forma de Suplica al Rey de Espaiia sobre la necesidad de poblar el Estrecho de Magallan, con la relacion de algunas expediciones hechas por el escritor accom- panando a los Franceses, sm. 4to. MS- 29 pages, 16s ? 1715 This MS. contains some curious information which has never seen the light of publication. It contains the history of the French designs upon Magallanica, the views of other nations, the character of the Indiaas, etc. Jovin appears to have been a spiteful and disappointed man. 28917 [FoiGNY (G. de)] Avantures de Jacques Sadeur dans la Decou- verte et le Voiage de la Terre Australe, 12mo. calf gilt, £4. 45 Paris, 1705 An entirely fictitious but extremely curious narrative. 1707 : 28918 D(urret), Voyage de Marseille a Lima, et dans les autres lieux des Indes Occidentales, 12mo. plates, calf extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, 36s 1720 1712: 28919 Frezier, Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Cliili, du Perou et du Bresil, 1712-14, 2 vols 12mo. maps and plates, old calf, 10s Amst. 1717 1713: 28920 Beekman (D.) Voyage to and from Borneo, with description of the Cape of Good Hope, the Hottentots, etc. sm. 8vo. miaps and plates, calf, gilt edges, by G. Hering, 35s 1718 28921 the same, sm. 8vo. calf 30s 1718 2882 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1715: 28922 Bell (J.) Travels from St. Petersburg to diverse parts of Asia, (Ispahan, Pekin, Siberia, Derbent, etc.), 2 vols. 4to. map, calf, 9s Glasgoiv, B Sf A. Fmdis, 1763 1719: 28923 EGEDE (Hans) Relation angaaende den Gronlandske Missions Begyndelse og Fortsoettelse, samt bvad ellers mere der ved Landets Recognoscering, dets Beskaffenhed, og Indbyggernes Voesen . . . er befunden, sm. 4to. hf. calf, rare, £8. Kioheii. 1738 28924 Nacbricht vom Anfange und Fortgange der Gron- LANDISCHEN Mission, sm. 4to. sd. 32s Hamhurg, 1740 28925 Det gamle Gronlands nye Perlustration, eller Natnrel- Historie, og Beskrivelse over det Situation, og Beskaffenhed, de gamle Norske Coloniers Begyndelse og Undergang, de itzige Indbyggernes Oprindelse, Voesen, etc. sm. 4to. original edition, map of Gronlandia Antiqua, with 11 curious plates of Natural History, Weapons, Games, etc. hf. calf, £3. 3s Kjobenhavn, 1741 28926 Description of Greenland, its Natural History, Rise of the old Norwegian Colonies, Inhabitants, etc. translated from the Danish, sm. 8vo. with the viap and plates, hf. hd. 12s 1745 28927 Description of Greenland, with Life, 8vo. map and woodcuts, hf. calf, 16s 1818 28928 Description et Histoire naturelle du Greenland, sm. 8vo. with the map and plates, calf 30s Copenhague, 1763 Translated by Des Roches de Parthenay. 1727 : 28929 Gravier (Gabr.) Relation du Voyage des Dames Religieuses Ursulines de Rouen a la Nouvelle-Orleans avec une introduction et des notes par Gravier, sm. 4to. sd. 15s Paris, 1872 Only 100 copies printed, of which only 50 came into the market. An intei-esting set of letters fx-om Louisiana by a young nun, Marguerite Hachard, ■who went out to America in 1727. The first edition, of which only three copies are known, was printed at Kouen in 1728. 1731: 28930 CocKBDRN (J.) Journey over Land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South- Sea, with the Travells of Nic. Withington, a Factor in the East-Indiase, 8vo. map, calf, 12s 1735 1733: 28931 RoBSON (Jos.) Account of six years' residence in Hudson's Bay, 1733-6 and 1744-7, with a history of its discovery, and of the proceedings of the English there, 8vo. maps, calf, 30s 1752 1735 : 28932 JUAN t ULLOA, Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional, hecho pai'a medir algunos grades de Meridiano Terrestre, y venir en conocimiento de la verdadera figura y magnitud de la Tierra, con el Oiigen de los Incas, 5 parts, or 4 vols. 4to. maps and plates — Observaciones Astronomicas y Physicas en los Reynos del Peru ; together 5 vols, in 3, royal 4to. LARGE PAPER, many maps and plates, fine copy in old calf gilt, £3. Madrid, 1748-73 NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2883 1740: 28933 "Wager (H.M.S.) Narrative of the Unfortunate Voyage and Catastrophe of his Majesty's ship Wager, one of Commodore Anson's Squadron, 8vo. calf, 10s 1751 28934 ANSON'S Voyage round the World, 1740-44, by R. Walter, 4to. 412 plates and maps, a fine copy, russia, 10s 1767 28935 Voyage Round the World, 1740-44, by Walter, 8vo. maps, calf, 45 1780 1743: 28936 La Condamine, Relation d'un Voyage dans I'lnterieur de I'Amerique Meridional, en descendant la riviere des Amazones, 1743-44, map, 1745 — Lettre a Madame * * * sur I'Emeute populaire excitee en la ville de Cuenca, le 29 d'Aout, 1739, plate, 1746 — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. beautiful copy in old French olive morocco extra, gilt edges, with the arms of Louis Phelipeaux, quartering Be Mailly, on the sides, £b. hs Paris, 1745-46 1746: 28937 Account of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West Passage, 1746-7, in the California, Capt. Fr. Smith, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, calf, 12s 1748-9 Contauiing information on the Indians of Hudson's Bay, and Straits. 28938 ELLIS (H.) Voyage to Hudson's-Bay, 1746-7, for discovering a North- West Passage, 8vo. map and plates of birds, weapons, etc. calf gilt, the Bedford copy, £3. 16s 1748 1748: 28939 Kalm (P.) Travels into N. America, containing its Natural History, etc. translated by J. R. Forster, 2 vols. 8vo. map, plates of animals, calf, 10s 1772 1750: 28940 OsBECK (P.) Voyage to China and the East Indies ; from the German by J. R. Forster, with a Faundla and Flora Sinensis, 2 vols. 8vo. plates of plants, calf, 7s 6d 1771 1767-68 : 28941 Kergu^len Tremarec, Relation d'un Voyage dans la mer du Nord, 4to. maps and plates, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. Paris, 1771 1768: 28941*COOK'S (Capt.) Three Voyages, the complete set, as follows : Hawkesworth's Collection of Voyages in the Southern Hemi- sphere, 3 vols. — Second Voyage to the S. Pole and Round the World in 1772-75, 2 vols.— Third Voyage to the Pacific, 1776-80, 3 vols. — together 8 vols. 4to. in old red m^orocco gilt, gilt edges, with maps and plates in 3 vols, folio (the maps and charts of Vol. I in duplicate), hf. red morocco, fine copy, £16. 16s 1773-85 28942 COOK'S (Capt.) Third Voyage to the Pacific, 1776-80, 3 vols. 4to. calf, with roy. folio Atlas of maps and plates, hf. calf, £2. 10s 1784 2884 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1769: 28643 Hearne (S.) Journey from Prince of Wale's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, for the discovery of a North- West Passage, etc. 1769-72, impl. 4to. large paper, map and plates, calf, 'Ms 1795 Hi arne was a bold explorer : he was the first who reached the great Arctic Ocean by American travel. The success was accomplished by follow- ing the course of the Coppermine River which he discovered in 1771. 1771: 28944 Kerguelen (M. de) Relation de deux Voyages dans les Mers Australes et des Indes, map, calf, from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace, rare, £2. Paris, 1782 1773-99 : 28944*Phipp's (C. J.) Voyage towards the North Pole, 1773, 4to. maps and plates, calf, 10s 1774 28945 Forrest (Capt. Th.) Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, from Balambangan, 1774-6, with Vocabulary of the Magindano Tongue, 4:to. portrait, maps and plates, half calf , 12s 1780 28946 Prenties (S. W.) Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Island of Cape Breton, in a voyage from Quebec, 1780, 12mo. tree- marhled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, 35s 1783 28947 Wilson's (H.) Account of the Pelew Islands, in the W. Pacific, by Keate, roy. 4to. with small Vocabulary, map and many plates, calf, 7sM 1789 28948 the same, with Supplement by J. P. Hockin, royal 4to. Vocabxdary, map and plates, calf, 10s 1803 28949 PORTLOCK (Nath.) Voyage round the World; but more particularly to the N.W. coast of America, 1785-8, 4to. map and plates, those of Birds coloured, bd. 14s ; or, russia gilt, gilt edges, by Bering, 2()s ^ 1789 28950 Dixon (G.) Voyage round the World, but more particularly to the N.W. coast of America, 1785-8, by Capts. Portlock and Dixon, 4to. maps, views, plates of birds, etc. hf. calf, 10s 1789 28951 • the same, 4to. calf, 12s 1789 28952 La P:^rouse, Voyage, redige par M. de Lesseps, 8vo. portrait and map, sd. 2s &d 1831 28953 Mackenzie (R.) Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Lawrence through North Amei-ica to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 1789-93, 4to. portrait and maps, hf. russia, 20s 1801 28954 VANCOUVER'S Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the World, in which the Coast of North West America has been accurately sui"veyed, principally with a view to ascertaining the existence of a North- West Passage, 1790-95, 3 vols, royal 4to. plates, with roy, folio Atlas of Maps, bds. £2. 10s 1798 28965 Wilson (Capt. J.) Missionary Voyage to the South Pacific Ocean, in the ship " Duff," 1796-8, 4to. maps and plates, bound, 10s 1799 NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2885 1773-99 — continued. 28956 Wilson (Capt. J.) Missionary Voyage to the South Pacific Ocean, in the ship " Duff," 1796-8, 4to. wJwle calf gilt, 12s 1799 " Captain Wilson gives the most minute account we have of Otaheite ; he also visited the Friendly and Sandwich Isles, Marquesas, etc." — Pinkerton. 1799-1878: 28957 HUMBOLDT (Baron A. von) et Aime BONPLAND, Voyages Aux Regions Equinoxiales du NOVEAU CONTINENT, fait dans les annees 1799 a 1804 : Premiere Partie : Iere Section : Relation Historiqce, Vols. I to III, Vol. Ill wants title, which is supplied by that of Vol. I altered (Vol. IV never published), 3 vols, atlas 4to. Paris, 1814-19 2de Section ; VUES DES CORDILLERES, et Monu- mens des Peuples Indigenes de I'Ame- rique, impl. folio, 69 large plates of Mexican Picure-writings, Hieroglyphics, Bas-reliefs, Costumes, Views, etc. many of them finely coloored ib. 1810 The greater part of the copies now in the market want from page 272 to page 350, and plates 50-69. " Humboldt traces with the hand of a master the outline of a va.st picture, future travellers can only assist in filling up.'" — Ward's Mexico. In this work, the Picture-writing of the Mexicans first received the attention and the ample treatment which are due to a literature as strange and important in the records of the New World, as that of Egypt in the Old. 3me et 4me Sections : ExAMEN Critique de l'Histoire de la Geographie de NOUVEAU CONTI- MENT et des Progres de I'Astronomie Nautique aux XVe at XVIe Siecles, 562 pp. Atlas Geographie et Phistque du Continent, frontispiece, 37 maps and geological sections, the facsimiles of early Portulani coloured and gilt — together two vols, complete, colombier folio ib. 1814-19-34 Troisieme Partie : essai politique sur le rotaume de LA NUUVELLE ESPAGNE, 2 vols, atlas 4to. — Atlas physique et geo- GRAPHiQUE, 20 large maps, altas folio —together 3 vols. ib. 1811 At a great public meeting, held June 21, 1824, it was declared by the exe- cutive pow.er of the Mexican Govern- ment, that " Mr. Humboldt's Politic6,l Essays on New Spain contained the most complete and most accurate picture of the natural riches of the country, and that the reading of this great work has not a little contributed to reanimate the active industry of the nation, and to inspire it with confidence in its own powers." QuATRiEME Partie : Recueil d'Observations Astrono- MiQUES, Operations Trigonometriques, etc. redigees par Oitmanns, 2 vols, atlas 4to. ib. 1808-10 CiNQuiEME Partie : EssAi suR LA Geographie des Plantes, accompagne d'un Tableau Physique des Regions Equinoxiales, atlas 4to. with the large map " Tableau Physique des Andes." SixiEME Partie, Botanique : pre- miere section : Plantes Equinoxiales recueillies an Mexique, dans I'lle de Cuba, etc. ouvrage redige par A. Bonpland, 2 vols, colombier folio, 144 plates 1808-9 — the set as described above, together 8 vols, atlas 4to. and 6 vols, colombier folio (pub. 2190 francs), uniform in half green morocco, uncut, £30. Paris, 1805-34 "No name stands higher than that of Humboldt among the lovers of geographical and physical science. Zealous, active, vigorous ; imbued with liberal knowledge, skilful in general physics, and particularly attached to chemistry and its kindred branches, possessing ample means of indulging his taste, he has directed his inquiries into every department of nature and society. The mass of curious information which he has procured in those distant travels, and the superb collection which he was enabled to make relative to different objects of science, far exceed an^ thing that has heretofore been achieved by the exertions of an individual." — Edinburgh Review, Vol. 16. 2886 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1 799- 1 878— contimied. 28958 Humboldt, Vues des CORDILLERES, et Monumens des Peuples Indigenes de I'Amerique, impl. folio, 69 large plates of Mexican, Peruvian, and other Picture-writing , Hiei'oglyphics, Bas-reliefs, Costumes, Views, etc. many of them finely coloured (pub. 567 fr.), hf. hd. uncut, £6. 10s Paris, 1810 28959 Histoire de la Geograpliie du Nouveau Continent, et progres de I'Astronomie Nautiqne aux XVe et XVIe siecles, 5 vols. 8vo. facsimiles of Juan de la Cosa's map, hf. cf. 25s 1836-9 28960 Researches, concerning the Institutions and Monu- ments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America, with Scenes in the Cordilleras, translated by H. M. Williams, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. calf, 10s 1814 28961 Broughton (W. R.) Yoyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, in which the Coast of Asia, Island of Insu, Japan, Lieuchieux, and adjacent isles, and Corea have been examined, 4to. large maps and plates, calf extra, 30s 1804 28962 FLINDERS (M.) Voyage to Terra Australia prosecuted 1801-3, in the Investigator, the Porpoise, and the Cumberland, 2 vols, roy. 4to. with the Atlas of 18 maps, charts, etc. with 10 botanical plates, atlas folio, £10. 1814 The Atlas is very rare, and the maps are of extreme importance, as they give the first really accurate surveys of Australia. 28963 Patterson ( Samuel ) Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of S. Patterson, experienced in the Pacific Ocean, and many other parts of the World, with an account of the Feegee, and Sandwich Islands, 12mo. boards, scarce, £1. 12s Palmer [Rhode Island], 1817 A Yankee sailor's autobiography. Chapters x, xii, and xiii are accounts of three successive voyages in 1802 and later, to the North- West Coast of America, California, Vancouver, and what is now British Columbia. Other chapters contain accounts of the Sandwich Islands, Feegee, etc. An interesting and scarce book. 28964 Dawtdow. Reise der Flott-Officiere Chwostow und Dawidow von St. Petersburg durch Sibirien nach Amerika, faus dem Russischen iibersetzt von C. J. Schultz, 12mo. russia, 7s 1816 28965 W ATE ETON (C.) Wanderings in South America and Noi-th- West of the United States, and the Antilles, 1812-24, 4to. frontispiece, uncut, 12s 1825 28966 the same, 4to. calf, 15s 1825 28967 FRETCTNBT (L. de) Atlas du Voyage de De'couvertes aux terres Australes, impl. folio, 32 maps of Australia, New Zealand, Van Diemen's Land, etc. calf, 30s Paris, 1812 28968 Voyage autoue du Monde, sur les Corvettes I'Uranie et la Physicienne, complete, 8 vols. impl. 4to. and 4 impl. folio. Figure du Globe et Observations da Pendule, avec Magnetisrae Terrestre, 2 vols, in 1 1826-42 Met^orologie 1844 Navigation et Hjdrographie, with Atlas of 22 charts 1826 NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2887 1799-1878 — continued. atlases of plates, those of Natural History coloured, Jmlf calf gilt, uncut, £25. Paris, 1825-42 Contents : Histoire du Voyage, redigee par M. de Freycinet, 2 vols, in 3, with Atlas of l^-l' plates 1825-39 Zoologie par Quoy et Gaimard, with Atlas of 96 plates, 80 of which are coloured 1825-39 Botanique par Gauchicaud, with Atlas of 120 plates 1826 28969 M'Leod (John) Voyage of the Alceste along Corea to Lewchew, 8vo. portrait, coloured plates and a Leivchewan Vocabulary, hds. 7s 6d 1817 28970 KOTZEBUE (O. von) Entdeckungs-Reise in die Siid-See und nach der Barings- Strasze zur Erforschung einer nordostlichen Durchfahrt, 1815-18, 3 vols, in 1, 4to. maps and coloured plates, principally of Lepidoptera, half red morocco, tmcut, top edge gilt, from the Beckford library, £3. 15s Weimar, 1821 28971 Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a N.E. Passage, 1815-18, 3 vols. 8vo. maps and coloured plates, hds. 10s 1821 Pp. 411-33 of Vol. H contain a Vocabulary of the Chamori, Eap, Ulea and Radack Languages. 28972 Chappell (E.) Voyage to Hudson's Bay in H.M.S. Rosamond (with a Vocabulary of the Cree Language), 8vo. maps and plates, hds. 5s 1817 28973 O'Reilly (B.) Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the N.W. Passage, illustrated in a voyage to Davis's Sti'ait, 1817, 4to. majjs and plates, hds. 7s 6d 1818 28974 Ross (J.) Voyage of Discovery to explore Baffin's Bay, ^\-ith Appendixes, 4to. map and numerous plates, hds. 12s 1819 28975 Voyage to Baffin's Bay, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. map, hds. 3s 6d 1819 28976 PARRY'S First, Second and Third Voyages to discover a IS'ortli-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, with Appendices, 3 vols, in 5, numerous maps and plates, 1821-26 — North Georgia Gazette, 1821 ; together 6 vols. 4to. hds. 36s 28977 Parry's Voyages. North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chro- nicle, 21 Nos. in 1 vol. 4to. hds. 5s 1821 A weekly newspaper established by Parry's crew in 1819-20, " to enliven the tedious and inactive months of winter " in the Arctic region. 28978 Fisher (A.) Journal of Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions, in the Hecla and Griper, 1819-20, 8vo. bds. 7s 6d 1821 28979 FRANKLIN ([Sir] John) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Seas, 1819-22, Lond. 1823 — Narrative of a Second Expedition, 1825-7, ih. 1828 ; together 2 vols. 4to. plates (some coloured) and maps, russia, 36s 182.3-28 28980 ■ second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, hds. bs 1824 2888 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1799-1 878 —continued. 28981 Lton (G. F.) Narrative of an -unsuccessfiil attempt to reach Eepulse Bay, tlirougli Sir Th. Rowe's " Welcome " in H.M.S. Griper, 1824, 8vo. map and plates of Eskimos, etc. bds. 2s 1825 28982 Astrolabe (L') Voyage de Decouvertes de, 1826-29, sous le commandement de J. Dumont-D'Urville ; Zoologie par Quoy et Gaimard, text, 4 vols. 8vo. and Atlas, 2 vols, in 1, rov. folio, £8. 1830-34 28983 BoiSDUVAL, FaTine Entomologique de I'Ocean Pacifique (Lepidopteres et Coleopteres), 2 vols. roy. 8vo. no atlas, bds. 10s 1832-35 28984 Adventure and Beagle : KING, Fitzrot and Darwin, Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, 1826-3(3, Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, 3 vols. 8vo. maps and jylates, cloth, £3. I65 1839 28985 the same, with Appendix, 4 vols. 8vo. maps mounted on linen, hf. calf, £5. 6s 1839 28986 Webster (W. JS. B.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, 1828-30, in H.M.S. Chanticleer, Capt. H. Foster, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, hf. calf, 6s 6d 1834 28987 McCormick's (R.) Voyages of Discovery in the Arctic and Antartic Seas, and round the World, with expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, in the " Forlorn Hope," and an Autobiography, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. £2. 12^ 6d), portraits, m.aps, and numerous illustrations, cloth, 36s 1884 28988 Graah's (W. A.) Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland, in search of the lost Colonies (1828-30), timnslated from the Danish by G. G. Macdougall, 8vo. map, cloth, 5s 1837 28989 Meten (F. J. F.) Reise um die Erde, ausgefiihrt auf dem Schitie Prinzess Louise, 1830-32, 2 vols. 4to. map, bds. 10s 1834-5 28990 STOKES (J. L.) Discoveries explored during the voyage of H.]\r.S. Beagle in 1837-43, in Australia, and Narrative of Stanley's Visit to the Arafura Sea, 2 vols. 8yo. 07iaps and plates, cloth, £2. 5s 1846 With Zoological Appendix by Richardson, Gray, and others. 28991 MAXIMILIAN, Prince of Wied, Travels in the Interior of North America, translated by H. E. Lloyd, roy. 4to. map, with impl. folio Atlas of 81 highly coloured plates, finished like draxoings, hf. green morocco extra, £8. 15s 1843-44 28992 Fly. Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. Fly, in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the Eastern Archipelago, 1842-6, by J. Beete Jukes, 2 vols. 8vo. map and mijyierous p)l(^tes, cloth, 36s 1847 28993 Walpole (Hon. F.) Four Years in the Pacific, in H.M.S. Collingwood, 1844-8, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrations, cloth, 9s 1849 28994 Hue, Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine, 1844-46, 2 vols. 8vo. map, hf. calf hs 1850 28995 Richardson (Sir J.) Arctic Searching Expedition : Journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert's Land and the Aictic Sea, in NARRATIVES OF VOYAGERS. 2889 1799-1878— conH7iued. search of Sir J. Franklin, 2 vols. 8vo. coloured plates of fossils, Indians, etc. hds. 15s 1851 Full of interesting details of the life of the Indian tribes of N. America. Pages 363-402 of Vol. II contain Vocabularies of their languages. 28996 Hooper (W. H.) Ten Months among the Tents of the Tuski, ■with incidents of an Arctic boat expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin, 8vo. inap and illustrations, cloth, 5s 1853 28997 Berxdon (W. L.) Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, 8vo. large map and 16 plates, cloth, 7s 6d Washington, 1854 28998 McCormick's Expedition np the Wellington Channel, 1852, in the Forlorn Hope, in search of Sir J. Franklin, sm. folio, map and cuts, sd. 5s 1854 28999 Scoresbt's Voyage to Australia and round the world, &vo. raap and portrait, cloth, 7s 1859 29000 DuFFERiN (Lord) Letters from High Latitudes; being some account of a Voyage in the "Foam" to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, in 1856, 8vo. maps and cuts, hf. calf, 7s 6d 1857 29001 Novara, Voyage of the, round the World : Reise der Oester- reichischen Fregatte "Novara" um die Erde in den Jahren 1857-59, unter das Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiillerstorf- Urbair; Beschreibexder Theil, von Scherzer, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. AnthropologischerTheil, Cranien, Ethnographic und Kdrpermes- sungen, von Scherzer Miiller und Weisbach, 3 vols, map and 43 plates and photographs Anthropologischer Lixguistischer Theil von Fr. Miiller, 1 vol. This section sold separately, 4 vols. £2. BoTAxiscHER Theil, Ophioglosseen und Equistaceex von Milde, Flechtex von Krempelhuber, Pilze, Leber und Laubmoose von Reichardt, Algen von Grunow, 4 parts, plates Geologischer Theil, von Hochstetter, Homes und von Hauer, Band I. Abth. I. Geologie von Neu Seeland, 11 plates — Abth. 2, Palaeontologie von Neu Seelaxd, 27 plates — Band II. Abth. 1, 2, Geologische Beobachtungex und Palaeontologischb MiTTHEiLUNGEX, maps and 7 plates, two vols. hf. bd. and one sd. Medicixischer Theil, von Schwarz, 2 plates Nautisch-phtsikalischer Theil, heraus. von der hydrographischen Anstalt der k. k. Marine, 7 majJs Statistisch-Commercieller Theil von Scherzer, 2 vols. Zoologischer Theil. Band I. Saugethiere, von Zelebor, 3 plates — -VoGEL, von Pelzeln, 6 plates — Amphibiex und Reptilien, von Steindachner, 8 plates — Fische von Kner, 3 pts. 16 plates Band II. Neuropteren, von Brauer, 2 plates — Hemipterex, von Mayr, 5 plates — DiPTERA, von Schiner, 4 pZrtfes— Coleopterex, von Redtenbacher, 5 plates — Htmenoptera von Saussure, 4i plates — FoRMiciD^ von Mayr, 4 plates Hymenopteea and Formicid^j;, with Gerstaecker, Hymenopteia der Mozambique, 8 coloured plates, hound in one vol. half calf , 35s 2890 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1857 NovARA Voyage — continued. Band II. Abth. 2. Lepidoptera und Rhopalocera, von C. tiiid R. Felder, with 74 'magnificent coloured plates (bound in 2 vols, in morocco), sold separately, hound in 4 vols. hf. russla, £10. Heterocera, 2 parts, ivith plates 75-140, coloured Band II. Abth. 3. MoLLUSKEN von Frauenfeld, 2 plates — Crustaceen, von Heller, 25 plates — Anneliden von Grube, 4< plates — a complete set as desci'ibed above, 3 vols, royal 8vo. and 18 vols, royal 4to. about 150 plates, the greater part of ivhich are coloured zvith the greatest care, two vols, broivn morocco, two vols, hf. hound, and the rest volumes seived (pub. £37. 12s), £30. Vienna, Imperial Printing Office, 1861-70 A magnificent work, and one of hij^h scientific value ; produced by the Austrian Government, at a cost of upwards of twelve thousand pounds. 29002 NOVARA. Reise der Oesterreicbischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde, 1857-9, unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wiillerstorf-Urbair, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. numerous maps and illustrations, cloth, 35s Wien, 1861-2 29003 NORDENSKIOLD'S (A. E.) Arctic Voyages, 1858-79 (by Alex. Leslie), 8vo. (pub. 16s),7?^aps and cuts, cloth, 12s 6d 1879 29004 Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, with a historical review of previous Journeys along the N. coast of the Old "World, translated by Alex. Leslie, 2 vols, portraits and illustrations, loith Atlas of 8 maps; together 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. £2. 5*), neatly hf. hd. 18s _ 1881 The Atlas includes facsimiles of maps of 15th and 16th centuries. 29005 Milton (Viscount) and W. B. Cheadle, North- West Passage by Land ; Narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 8vo. maps and plates, hf. calf, 12s 6d (1865) 29006 Capellini (C. G.) Ricordi di un Viaggio scientifico nelF America Septentrionale, nel 1863, 8vo. map arid woodcuts, sd. 3s &d Bologna, 1867 29007 Hall (Capt. C. F.) Narrative of the North Polar Expedition in U.S.S. Polaris, edited by C. H. Davis, stout roy. 8vo. portrait, maps and plates, cloth, £2. 2s Washington, 1876 29008 Payer (Jul) New Lands within the Arctic Circle: Narrative of the discoveries of the Austrian Ship " Tegethoff," 1872-4, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 32s), maps and illustrations, cloth, 10s 1876 29009 Challenger (The) Log-Letters from, by Lord G. Campbell, 8vo. map, cloth, 4s 1877 29010 Kennedy, To the Arctic Regions and back in Six Weeks ; a summer tour to Lapland and Norway, 8vo. (pub. 15s}, map and cuts, cloth, 7s 1878 29011 Alert (The) Cruise of, Four Years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene waters, 1878-82, by R. W. Coppinger, 8vo (pub. 21s), ivooJcuis, cloth, 10s 1S83 II. HISTORY OF AMERICA, I. SPANISH AMERICA. 1. General Works. 29012 AMPZING (Samvel) West-Indische Trivmph Basvyne ... van wegen de veroveringe der Spaensche Silver-vlote van Nova Hispania, inde Baij van Matanca, door de Schepen , . onder het beleyd van . . Pieter Pieterszen Heyn, Generael, ende Heynrick Corneliszen Lonk, Admirael . . 1628, Dutch poems, with music, title-page hearing an engraving with jjortraits, Haerlem, 1629 — Zevecotius, Ter eeren van de noyt gelioorde Victorie, a folded broadside poem, Harderwycli, 1629— LoF-DiCHT over de lieerlijcke Victorie . . an anonymous poem, Midde.lhurgh, 1629 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. /;/. red morocco, gilt top, £6. 6s 1629 The first and third pieces are Kos. 116 and 118 of Asher's List (Books relating to New Netherland, etc.) ; the broadside is not mentioned by him. 29013 Catalogo de colecciones historicas, sm. 4to. neatly written MS. 579 leaves, hf. calf, £10. Mexico circ. 1860 CoN'i ENTS : — I, Catalogo de los MSS. que recogio J. B. Munoz. II, Apuntes sacados de los Catalogos de la Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia. III, Indice de la Seccion de Historia del Archivo general de Mexico. IV, Archivo reservado: Inveiitario de los papeles que contiene, y que no aparecen asentados en el inventario formado por los Seilores Valasquez de ■ Leony Uribc en 28 de Abril de 1801. V, Plan Division y Frospecto general de las Meniorias de Kueva Espaiia que han de servir a la Historia Universal de la Septentrional America. VI, Catalogo de los Documentos que se encuentran en los 42 Volumes del Diario de Mexico escrito por Don Carlos Maria Bustamante. This valuable Index of the sources of American history was compiled by or for the celebrated Mexican scholar Ramirez. COLUMBUS — see post under West Indian Islands. 29014 DIEZ DE LA CALLE (luan) Memoi-ial y Noticias sacras y reales del Imperio de las Indias Occidentales, sm. 4to. green morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Petit, £12. 10s Madrid, 1646 Very rare ; having only been privately printed for the use of the Council of the Indies, but not published. It is the best statistical account that exists concerning the Spanish Empire in New Spain, California, and Central America, embracing also short historical summaries, and was considered by the King and Council to be a document of singular value for their own information. It is to be presumed that only so many copies were printed as were needed for ofiScial reference. Diez de la Calle, who was Assistant- Secretary of the Council, had already in 1645 prepared and printed an abstract of the same particulars which were here given in their full and enlarged form. The preface mentions that he was preparing a similar document with regard to Pei'u, which was given to the press in 1654, and issued to the Council along with a re-impression of the above Memorial. 29015 [FERNANDEZ DE ENCISO (Martin)] Suma de GEOGRAPHIA Q. TRATA DE TODAS LAS PARTIDAS & PROUINCIAS DEL MUNDO: EN ESPECIAL DE LAS INDIAS. & trata largamete del arte del marear : juntamete con la espera en romace : con el regimieto del sol & del 197 2892 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. norte : nueuamente liecha, sni. folio, first edition, OF EXTREME BARiTY,Jine copy^ 271 vcllum^ £100. Sevilla, por Jacoho Croherger^ 1519 The first book printed in Spain and in Spanish relating TO America. The author describes himself as " Alguazil mayor de la Tierra firme de las Indias Occidentales," and gives in the first place a summary of general Geography, followed by a closely detailed account of the West Indies, the mainland of South America, and of the northern coast to Labrador as far as then known. His own experience during twenty years enabled him to satisfy the curiosity of the young King Charles I of Spain, soon afterwards Charles V of the Empire, completely so far as regarded the Islands and the coasts of the southern mainland. He mentions in his dedication a map of the world that he had constructed to accompany the text and elucidate it for the king. This valuable document was never published, but it perhaps exists still in the archives of Spain. The first hint which the invaders seem to have had of the civilization existing in Mexico and Peru is to be found on the second-last page where Enciso states : " Tambien ay tierra a donde los indios dizen que ay gente que tienen libros y que escriven y leen como nosotros." Enciso is stated in the Bibl. Amer. Vetust. to have gone out with Bastidas (who left Spain in 1501), but the authority quoted is Herrera, Dec. I, lib. 7, which is not correct. Herrera at that place refers only toEnciso as assisting in Ojeda's expedition to the mainland in 1509. He commences to speak of him thus, and it is the first mention of his name in the Decades : " Hallabase entonces en Santo Domingo un letrado llamado Martin Fernan- dez de Enciso que havia ganado a abogar dos mil castellanos que eran mas en aquel tiempo que aora diezmil." The profitable nature of a lawyer's business amongst the early invaders may from this be readily imagined. It is not improbable that Enciso may have been the only one of them who really deserved the name of letrado. He took the command of the forces on Ojeda's death in 1510, and founded the town of Darien, but soon came to loggerheads with Vasco Nunez de Valboa who had surrepti- tiously joined the expedition and speedily obtained the ascend- ancy due to his genius. Roughly treated by Nuiiez, he returned to Spain in 1512 to seek for redress, which was granted him in a royal decree against his enemy, who was then engaged in his great expedition of traversing the Isthmus. Enciso went out again in 1514 as Alguazil Mayor with Pedrarias Davila the Governor of Darien. He was again in Spain in 1529, as we find that he had Pizai*ro arrested in Seville in that year for debt. (Herrera, dec. IV, p. 104.) When sent by Davila on an expedition to the mouth of the river Zenu, about half-way between Cartagena and the Gulf of Darien, in the year 1515, the Bachiller Enciso had a very curious conversation with two of the Indian chiefs whom he required to make submission to the Spanish King, and he records it with SPANISH AMERICA. 2893 such remarkable faithfulness and literal ity, in spite of the scandal and the Inquisition, that it must be supposed he was struck by the good sense and forcible character of the observa- tions he heard. The remark about the Pope is omitted by Herrera, who perhaps was prudent in doing so. En lo que dezia que no avia sine un Dios qae este governava el cielo y la tierra y que era seiior de todo que les parecia bien y que assi devia ser; pero que en lo que dezia que el Papa era senor de todo el universo, en lugar de Dios, y que el avia fecho mei-ced de aquella tierra al rey de Castilla, dixeron que el Papa deviera estar borracho quando lo hizo pues dava lo que no era suyo, y que el rey que pedia y tomava tal merced devia ser algun loco pues pedia lo que era de otros y que fuesse alia a tomarla. In what I said that there was only one God, that he governed heaven and earth, and that he was Lord of all, it appeared well to them and that it ought to be so ; but as to my statement that the Pope was lord of all the universe in lieu of God, and that he had con- ferred that land upon the King of Castillo, they said that the Pope must have been drunk when he did so, for he gave what was not his own, and that the king who asked for and accepted such a gift must be some idiot, since he asked fox" the property of others and came there to take it. 2901C FERNANDEZ (Fr. Alonso) Historia Ecclesiastica de nuestros Tiempos, que es compendio de los excelentes frutos que en ellos el Estado Eclesiastico y Sagradas Religiones han hecho y hazen en la conversion de idolatras y reducion de hereges, etc. sm. folio, Spanisli calf, £4. 4s Toledo, 161 i Collation : Title and three other preliminary leaves, followed by text, pp. 1-496. The principal part of this work relates to the manners and con- version of the Indians and the progress of religion in America. It contains also valuable biographical sketches of the friars who studied the native languages, and accounts of the works they composed in this branch .of philology On p. 1 22 it is stated that the Escala of San Juan Climaco was the first book printed in Mexico, in 1534. The date is 1532 according to Gonzalez Davila. 29017 Feasso (Petrus) De Regio Patronatu ac aliis nonnullis regaliis Regibus Catholicis in Indiarum Occidentalium Imperio pertinen- tibus, sm. folio, engraved title, calf, 36s Matriti, 1677 29018 GARCIA (Gregorio) Origen de los Indies de el Nuevo Mundo e Indias Occidentales, averiguado con disourso de opiniones, segunda impresion anadida, sm. folio, hd. 30s Madrid, 1729 primera edicion, 1607 — see ante No. 28354. The first edition was published in 1607 — the second, edited by Barcia, contains numerous additions. The fifth book contains the various native accounts of the origin of the Indians. 29019 GONZALEZ DAVILA (Gil) Teatro Eclesiastico de la Peimitiva Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales, Vidas de sus Arzobispos y cosas memorables de sus Sedes, 2 vols, folio, woodcuts of Arms, ivith the Map of Mechoacan, fine copy, limp vellum, £6. 10s Madrid, 1649-55 197 * 2894 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29020 GONZALEZ DAVILA (Gil) Obispado de Meeliouacan, the scarce map reproduced in perfect facsimile, one leaf, 20s 1649 (1878) Extremely rare. It is a very curious work, containing an account of the first Church Establishments in Spanish America, and other important matters relating to its early history, as the introduction of arts and letters, printing, etc. The accounts of the various races of Indians, their creeds and manners, etc., are also highly valuable. At p. 23 of the first volume, Davila notices the introduction of printing into Mexico in 1532, mentions the first printer, Juan Pablos, and states that the first book printed in the New World was the well-known Scala Paradisi of Joannes Climacus. 29021 LOPEZ DE GOMARA (Francisco) Historia general de las Indias . . . con la Conquista de Mexico y de la Naeva Espana, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, with the rare tvoodcut map of the icorld ; one leaf {sign, cii) in facsimile, red morocco extra, by Bedford, £48. Caragoga, 1552-53 . see ante No. 28325. 29022 MONARDES (Nicoloso de) Dos Libros, el vno qve trata de todas las cosas que traen de nnestras Indias Occidentales, que siruen al vso de la Medicina, y el otro que trata de la Piedra Bezaar, y de la Yerua Escuer^onera, 12mo. %voodciit p)ortTait, fine copy in russia, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, from the Beck ford library, Hamilton Palace, £9. Sevilla, 1569 Very rare. The first edition was presumably printed in 1565, but there is apparently no copy citable by the bibliographers. This second edition is also of remarkably infrequent occurrence. It is found in few American libraries. 29023 MoNARDES, Primera y segvnda y tercera partes de la Historia Medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales . . . Tratado de la Piedra Bezaar, y de la yerua Escuer^onera . . . grandezas del Hierro . . . de la Nieve y del beuer frio, sm. 4to. woodcuts, a few leaves stained at beginning and end, original binding {rebached), with the arms of Pope Gregory XIII {about 1575), £5. Sevilla, 1574 The segunda parte and the treatises on Iron and Snow were added in this edition. 29024 Joyfull Newes of the newfound world, wherein are declared the rare and singular vertues of divei-s Herbs, Trees, Oyles, Plants and Stones, with their applications [by Doctor Monardus], Englished by J. Frampton, whereunto are added three other bookes treating of the Bezaar stone, the herbe Escuer9onera, etc. sm. 4to. black letter, woodcuts, calf extra, gilt edges, by J. Wright, £3. 16s W. Norton, 1580 " Of the Tabaco, and of his great vertues," occupies 12 11. with a woodcut of the plant. A MS. note says, " Monardes must have been one of the earliest writers on Tobacco." It is a scarce and curious book ; leaf 177 is supplied from an edition of a few years later. 29025 Joyful- Newes out of the New-found World, Englished by John Feampton, Merchant, 1596— Lupton (Thomas) A Thousand Notable Things of sundrie sorts, whei'eof Some are wonderful, some strange, some pleasant, divers necessary, a great sort profitable and many verie precious (1595) — Vicary's (Thomas) English Man's Treasure, with the True anatomic of Man's Bodic ; also the rare Treasure of the English Bathes, by W. Turner, 1596 — Treasure of Hidden Secrets, commonlie SPANISH AMERICA. 2895 called the Good Huswives Closet, 1596 — Paracelsus, A Hundred and Fourteen Experiments, translated, also certaine secrets of Isacke Hollandus, etc. collected by John Hester, 1596 — A Treatise wherein is declared the sufficiencie of English Medicines for cure of all Diseases, 1580 — in 1 vol. thick sm. 4to. a very C2ir{oi(s and rare collection in ivhole russia binding, £10. \0s 1580-96 29026 Ordrnanzas del Consejo Real de las Indias, nuevamente recopi- ladas, 1637, sm. folio", /;/. hd. 6s Madrid, 1647 29027 PAPELES INEDITOS (coleccion de) tocantes al gobierno, y a la expulsion de los Pp. Jesuitas, de Buenos Aires, Paraguai, Lima, Chile, etc. 43 vali4able original documents, chiefly MSS. in a folio parcel, £6. 10s " ' 1746-68 Original signed Relaciones, most of them private and official, which reveal a vast number of details absolutely necessary to supplement and correct the existing histories of the period. Amongst the signatures will be found some of the most distinguished notabilities of Spain and the Indies. 29028 PAPELES VARIOS que tocan al Libre Comercio. An extra- ordinary collection of Documents, containing the royal orders, and the representations in Cortes and in Council, for and against Seville and Cadiz, in connection with trading privileges between those cities and the American dependencies: Louisiana, Florida, Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, Peru, Chile, and La Plata, in all 25 jjoper.?, printed and manuscript, with signatures, in 1 vol. very stout sm. folio, limp vellum, from, the library of ■ Lord Orford, £5. Sec. XVIl'l The MS. portion includes a copy of the prohibition against the intro- duction of Robertson's " America " into the Spanish dominions, followed by a translation of his preface. 29029 RECOPILACION DE LEYES de los Reynos de las Indias mandadas imprimir, y publicar por el Rey D. Carlos II, 4 vols. sm. folio, vellum, rare, £2. 10s Madrid, 1681 29030 otra edicion, 4 vols. sm. folio, calf, £2. Madrid, 1841 29031 SoLORZANO Pereira (D. Juan de) Politica Indiana sacada en Lengua Castellana de los dos tomos del derecho, i govierno municipal de las Indias Occidentales, dividida en seis libros, en los quales se trata todo lo tocante al Descubrimiento, Descripcion, Adquisicion i Retencion de las mesraas Indias, stout sm. folio, vellum, £2. Madrid, 1648 This is the first Spanish translation of the " Disquisitiones de Indiarum Jure," published in Madrid, 1629-.39. 29032 Solorzano y Pereyra (Don Juan de) Politica Indiana, dividida en seis libros, cori'egida por Fr. Ramirode Valenzuela, 2 vols, folio, vellum, fine clean copy, 36s Madrid, en la Imprenta Real, 1776 29033 ToRRENTE (Mar.) Historia de la Revolucion Hispano- Americana, 3 vols. sm. 4to. map and plans, hf. bd. 28s Madrid, 1829-30 A history of all the Spanish- American States from 1809-29. 29034 VEITIA LINAGE (J. de) Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales (en la qual se trata de la Creacion y origen de la Real Audiencia, de los Tribunales del Consulado, de la plata, y oro, y de los assientos, de los licencias de commerciar en las 2896 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Indias, de las Armadas y Flotas, los Pilotos, y un Epitome de los Puertos de las Indias, etc.), sm. folio, engraved frontisjpiece,hd. £2. 5s Sevilla, 1672 29035 Veitia Linage, Norte de Contratacion, sm. folio, fine copy in old calf, with MarJhoroiigh Arms on sides, £3. 1672 29036 ^ Sparish Rule of Trade to the West Indies, made English by Capt. John Stevens, 8vo. calf, rare, \2s 1702 29037 Yeitia Linage (J. F.) Declamacion Oratoria, y alegato juridico al Rey en su Consejo de Indias, en defensa de las injurias inferidas por Pedro Domingo de Contreras, folio, limp vellum, 18s 1729 An embezzlement from the royal treasure had taken place between Acapulco and Vera Cruz, in the year 1709, in its transmission homewards from the Philippine Islands through those towns Accusation was made against Vcytia, the author of the Norte de la Coniratacwn, and the above orator, his nephew and heir, who, twenty years later, makes a defence which is a curious compound of pedantry and passionate fervour. 29038 Walton (W.) Present State of the Spanish Colonies, including a particular report of Hispanola, with a general survey of the settlements in South America, 2 vols. 8vo. map ayid 2 plates, hf. calf, 28s l_8iO 29039 Zappullo (Mich.) Historic di Gerusalemme, Roma, Napoli, e Venetia, aggiuntovi un compendio dell' Istorie dell' Indie (America), sm. 4to. vellum, 20s Vicenza, 1603 Mexico, or New Spain. 2im AztGC PsintGci R.GCor(is. 29040 MEXICAN CHEONICLES. Pictorial Record of the History of the province of Zempuhalan (Cemboallan), portion of the Tezcuco Monarchy of Acolhuacan, sm. foHo, native Manuscript painted on 1^ leaves of maguey paper^ a coarse cloth-like fabric appai'ently made from fibres of the American aloe, £500. fTezciico, about 1530 According to the oi'der in which the leaves are numbered by a comparatively modern hand, they run as follows : Folio 1 (pp. 1-2) On the obverse, a picture of Ixtlilxochitl I, King of Tezcuco (sec. xiv). Above his head are two mountain- peaks with an inscription which appears to read Tzinguliocan- tepetl, which may mean Mountains of Culhoacan, and beneath the hills the words Ne nemi coaxochtli meaning the Boundary- line. These inscriptions are in a large gothic letter of schoolboy style, and indicate a Mexican or Tezcucan hand soon after the conquest. The reverse of the first leaf is blank. 2 (pp. 3-4) On the obverse, a large seated figure of Tenancacaltzin (who was either the Usurper of Tenoyacan, about A.D. 1290, or the brother of the above mentioned Ixtlilxochitl), with his emblem at foot, which is formed by a group of eight amputated heads of princes. On the reverse are the figures of Tecpanacacaltzin-Topiltzin, King of the Toltecs in the twelfth MEXICO : AZTEC PAINTINGS. 2897 Aztec Painted Records — continued. century, and his son Xilotzin. This leaf is intended to exhibit the ancestry of IxtlilxochitL 3 (pp. 5-6) On the obverse, two figures which seem to be intended for the father and mother of the last Ixtlilsochitl (Prince of Tezcuco, who allied himself to Cortes, became Christian, and was King of Tezcuco under Spanish supremacy). On the reverse is a picture of the Temple or Church of Zenpualan. 4 (pp. 7-8) On the obverse are 12 houses, on the reverse more houses and the royal residence. 5 (pp. 9-10) Obverse : two figures of a man and woman seated, with a ti^e or plant below. Reverse : King Ixtlilxochitl and his bride. 6 (pp. 11-12) Obverse : Maxtla, King r f Acaputzalco, and his palaces. Reverse : towns and trees, with names. 7 (pp. 13-14) Obverse: towns and trees with names. Reverse: '^ Totlacata," a cacique and a town with houses. 8 (pp. 15-16) Obverse : Mountain- villages of Tepotzotlan, houses and trees. Reverse : trees, a house, and the figure of a cacique " ye Tzontlimecatl o o o o." 9 (pp. 17-18) Obver.se: two figures, with houses below, showing Ixtlilxochitl's conquest of Coatitlan, and his captives. Reverse. . . . 10 (pp. 19-20) Obverse: King Tlaltecatzin (grandfather of Ixtlilxochitl 1) and his wife (?) and some towns. Reverse: Ixtlilxchitl and another personage. 11 (pp. 21-22) Obverse: Tepaneca towns; a figure and other towns on the reverse. 12 (pp. 23-24) Obvei-se : a seated figure and a town, with the inscription boundary route ; on the reverse, two seated figures and another to^^^l. 13 (25-26) Obverse : Town of Coaxicaltepec, with trees, and a seated figure ; other towns on reverse. 14-16 (pp. 27-32) Six pages of figures of men and women, towns and trees, with inscriptions. This historical record was probably prepared for and used by the last Ixtlilxochitl, whose aid was so important to Cortes, and who was afterwards recognized as King of Tezcuco under Spanish rule. If so, it must have been one of the plnturas to which that prince's descendant Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl refers in his Belaciones, as being in his possession some seventy years later than the Conquest. 29041 MEXICAN CALENDAR, a coloured drawing in circular form on a single leaf of agave-paper, con- taining the symbols of the months (the year was divided into eighteen months of twenty days each) in the outer ring of the circle, and several figures within the ring, including pictures of 2898 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Aztec Painted Records — covtinued. Netzcualcoyotl, the great monarch ot Aculhuacan, who restored the cliief seat of the empire from Mexico to Tezcuco about 1430 ; and Ytzcohuatl his ally, the contemporary King of Mexico, each enthroned with his symbol in front of him, and a temple or royal residence depicted behind him. And of Hernando decor (? Cortes), seated, with a black Spanish hat on his head ; and a round figure painted blue beneath his throne, which probably is intended to represent the Lake of Mexico ; and Don Antonio Pimentel (son of Ixtlilxochitl, the ally of Cortes, and last native King of Tezcuco) seated, with a blue-painted figure of a mountain (the Sierras of Acolhuacan) beneath his throne. Behind them, the royal residences are depicted. The leaf is partly in rotten condition, so that the head of Ixtlilxochitl, and some of the symbols of the months, are lost. However, enough remains to stamp this with extraordinary value, enhanced further by the fact that the various figured symbols of deities' heads, birds, etc. by which the months are distin- guished, are different from those which appear in the published Mexican Calendars. The names of the months are given in Castilian characters, but in the Nahuatl tongue, and there is a Nahuatl inscription under the two great sovereigns Netzcualcoyotl and Itzcohuatl, £40. Tezcuco^ about 1530 This leaf, like the historical pictures of Cemboalla or Zen- puhalan, must have been part of the Ixtlilxochitl inheritance, and have belonged to the Don Fernando de Alva of that name whose Relaciones were printed by Lord Kingsborough. 20042 Conquest of Cuetlaxtlan by Montezuma the First, in 1457, Mexican painting on leather, 30 inches by 11, containing four large figures^ the con- queror in his full panoply striding in front, followed MEXTCO : AZTEC PAINTINGS. 2899 Aztec Painted Records — continued. hi) a file of three captices tied together .^ the fa'st of them aprinee and the third a looman.^ £15. Sec. XV The chronological symbol in the upper right-hand corner consists of a house and the sign of the numeral 4, -which correspond to the year of Christ 1457. The painting is perhaps nearly contemporary with the event. 29043 Scenes of Mexican History, Mexican painting on leather, 31 inches hy 27, hearing the marhs of three epochs equivalent to a.d. 1445, 1456, 1458, loith a group of figures to each : the first heing apparently the union of a King and Queen and the hirth of a child; the second the Surrender of Atonaltzin, the tyrant of Coaixtlahuacan, to Montezuma I (1456) ; the conquest of the Chalcas by him (in 1458) ; with a large central emhlem lohich represents a man lying doicn in a boat in the middle of the sea., loohing like a picture of the Deluge., £15. Sec. XVI 29044 Theogonic or Genealogical Tree, representing apparently the succession or relationship of the deities of Mexican JM^^tholog}^, including nine human or anthropoid fijures., and seven symholical ones., attached to the hranches of a tree; drawn on soft leather., 24 inches hy 15, £10. Sec. XVII 29045 History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, represented in contemporary native paint- ings: copies made in the seventeenth century from the originals lohich existed in the ancient convent of San Francisco in Mexico., and which have heen destroyed long ago; on two long rolled sheets (size 11 ft. 10 in. by 2 ft. lOin. ; and 11 ft. 8 in. by 23 in.), containing a double row of groups and figures, loith explana- tions in the Mexican language., £70. (1550-1660) There are many hundreds of figures in this pictorial record, which is divided into about forty separate pictures of episodes of Mexican history immediately before, during, and immediately after the conquest of Cortes. 29046 KINGSBOKOUGH'S (Lord) Antiquities of Mexico; comprising facsimiles of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden ; in the Imperial Li l)rary of Vienna; in the Vatican Librarj^; 2000 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Aztec Painted 'R.ecords —continued. in tlie Borgian Museum at Rome ; in the Library of the Institute of Bologna ; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford ; together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix ; illustrated by many valuable inedited MSS. 9 vols. impl. folio, containmg upwards of 1000 large plates emhracing the remains of Mexican Ardiitecture^ Art^ Belhjion, etc. coloured (pub. £175.), If. morocco, gilt tops, £60. 1830-48 Most of the copies of tbis magiiificent work are bow disposed of, and safely placed away in libraries, from which they are not likely to emerge again in any quantity. As a necessary consequence, there will be a considerable augmentation in the value of such odd copies as may occasionally come forward, when collections of books are thrown into the auction market. " Get ouvrage de la plus grande magnificence, a ete execute aux frais de Lord Kingsborough, qui en a fait homage a plusieurs bibliotheques publiques du continent, particulierement a la Bibliotheque royale a Paris, et a celle de I'lnstitut de France. Le prix de chaque exemplaire etait de 175 livres (2000 fr. Klaproth). Les quatre premiers volumes renferment les planches lithographiees, au nombre de plus de 1000 ; les trois autres contiennent I'explicntion des planches et plusieurs memoires inedits, ecrits en diiferentes langues, ainsi que des appendices en anglais. Le septieme volume est entierement rempli par un ouvrage important quia poiir titre : — Hist, de las cosas de Nueva Uspana, por el M. L. R. P. Fr. Bernardino de Sahagun." — Brunei. After an interval of seventeen j-ears two more volumes of this extraordinary work were published, in every respect uniform with the preceding, consisting : 1. of Supplementary Notes in English and Spanish ; 2. of extracts from the works of Toi'que- mada, Acosta, and Garcia, illustrating the last portions of the Mexican paintings, contained in the collection of Mendoza, and showing the correspondence which exists between many of the Mexican and Hebrew laws ; 3. Adair's History of the North Amei-ican Indians, their customs and descent from the Jews ; 4. Cartas ineditas de Hernando Cortez ; 5. Cronica Mexicana de Tezozomoc ; 6. Historia Chichimeca y Relaciones per Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl. '* When, some four centuries ago, the enterprise of Spanish navigators opened the vast continent of America to the admira- tion of Euro))e, the civilization of the New World was found to be concentrated in two spots, and two only, of that enoi-mous territory. One of these favoured regions was Peru ; the other was Mexico. It was in Mexico especially that art, politics AND SCIENCE HAD RECRIVED THKIR GREATEST DEVKLOP.MENT. All MEXICO : AZTEC PICTURES. 2901 Aztec Painted Records — continued, the. rest of North. America, from the shores of Hudson's Bay to the mouths of the Mississippi, was desolate and barbarous, diversified only by swamp, forest, or prairie, and populated by savages without knowledge or laws. Mexico alone redeemed the character of the new continent, and presented to the eyes of the invader a spectacle so marvellous as to satisfy even the expectations which the great discovery had raised. There the Spaniards found an organized State, an ancient polity, an opulent capital, an exalted dynasty, a formidable priesthood, and a people well skilled in mechanical and decorative arts. So great, in fact, was the proficiency of the Mexican workmen, so elaborate the system of government, and so impressive the whole evidence of wealth and grandeur, that for some time the civilization of Mexico was regarded as superior to that of Eui'ope. Although indeed the researches of modern inquirers have enabled us to supply some corrective to these ideas, it is really probable that in certain respects the Spaniards found Mexico more advanced than Spain, and we have been recently assured on the authority of a comprehensive history that this civilization was the necessary incident of geographical and natural advantages. Such was the situation and configuration of Mexico that it could hardly fail to make progress, and all that was discovered there in the shape of national wealth or political order represented extraordinary opportunities which nature had provided." — Times, Dec. 8, 1S58. 29050 Ramirez MSS. Coleccion db geroglificos Mexicanos, 4 vols. sm. folio, 07ie of them oblong, containing altogether 12-i leaves of transcripts of Mexican symbols and picture-writing, made from various original designs existing in Mexico and elsewhei*e, by Jose Ferxando Ramirez of Durango, formerly head of the National Museum of Mexico, afterwards one of the ministers of the Emperor Maximilian, and finally i-esident at Bonn till his death in 1871 ; neatly hf. Id. not iiniform, £27. This collection of facsimiles of Mexican hieroglyphics and picture writings is exceedingly interesting. Some of the copies relate to times anterior to the conquest, while others relate the facts of the conquest, and of the times immediately following. 29051 HiSTORiA DE Mexico. An oblong 4to. Album, hf. Id. so lettered, containing 21 leaves of an Historical Picture-Manuscript, reproduced in facsimile, in vivid colouring, besides different photograqyhic views of the ruins of Yucatan (37 in number), and several others uncoloured, from the Ramirez library, £S. 10s circ. 1860 29052 Mexican Antiquities. Lithographic Facsimile of a continuous set of Mexican Hieroglyphics, illustrating the history of the Empire, 20 leaves folded, into oblong sm. 4:to. shape, 20s About 1830 Apparently executed in England. 29053 OSUNA CODEX. Pintura del Gobernador, Alcaldes, y Regi- dores de Mexico. Cddice en geroglificos Mexicanos y en lengua 2902 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Aztec Painted Records — continaed. castellana y azteca existente en la Biblioteca del Duque de Osuna, folio, hf. morocco, £5. 5s M. G. Hernandez, 1878 Only 100 copies printed. There are ten preliminary psiges, ami thirty- nine leaves of facsimile, coloured like the original, which was executed in 15fi5. 29054 HISTORY OF MEXICO. Nican yc uiliuhtic .... Facsimile in Colours of an Ancient Mexican MS. relating the history of the country from the early Toltcc times down to the end of the first half century of the Spanish rule, 8vo. lithographic and coloured facsimile of the original, 158 pjJ. partli/ consisting of pict2ires, partly of Nahuatl text in Spanish letters, £8. lO.s Written in Mexico 1576, lithographed at Paris by J. Desporfes 29055 ANALES del Museo Nacional de Mexico, Vol. I in 7 parts, and Vol. II parts 1-6, impl. 4to. tvith fine plates of objects of Ancient Art, Scul'ptures, Idols, and Picture-Writing {these coloured), sd. £3. 10s Mexico, 1877-82 Extract from the Contents : Un Idolo Azteca de tipo chino y de tipo japones — Estudio comparativo entre el Sanscrito y el Naguatl — PaloBontologia Mexicana — Aves de Mexico — Codice Mendozino ; descifracion geroglitica — Piramides de Teotihuacan— Cosmogonia Azteca — Simboli)S Cronograficos de los Mexicanos — Dos antiguos monumentos de arquitectura mexicana — Historia de los IMexicanos por sus Pinturas, etc. etc. 29056 BOTURINI BENADUCI (Lorenzo) Idea de una nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional, fundada sobre Figuras, Symbolos, Geroglificos y Manuscritos de Autores Indies, ulti- manente descubiertos — Catalogo del Museo historico Indiano de Benaduci — 2 parts in 1, sm. 4!io. frontispiece, portrait, vellum, rare, £2. 10s _ Madrid, 174^^ the same, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. fine copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1746 29057 Written during an eight years' residence in Mexico, and as the result of a considerable acquaintance with the manners and customs of the Indians ; ancient manuscripts and pictures preserved in the Monasteries, etc. It contains much important information not before published. There has been no worthier workman in the field of Mexican Antiquities than IJoturini : even Lord Kingsborough's name can scarcely be placed so high. Without the indefatigable and wisely-directed researches of the Hispano-Italian, a great portion of the native contributions to Mexican history would certainly have perished. 29058 LEON t GAMA (A. de) Descripcion historica y cronologica de las dos Piedras que se hallaron en la Plaza principal de Mexico, 1790, sm. 4to. 3 large plates, a valuable treatise on old Mexican, Mythology, Astronomy, and Chronology, bd. 32s Mexico, 1792 29059 ■ la misma descripcion, dala a luz con notas, biogratia de su autor, y aumentada con la segunda parte que estaba inedita, Don C. M. de Bustamente, sm. 4to. Opiates, Spanish calf, £2. 8s Mexico, 1832 29060 RAMIREZ (Don Jose F.) Descripcion de algunos objetos del Museo Nacional de Antiguedades de Mexico, large folio, con- taining 1 plate of anticpcities, with four leaves of description (includ- ing title), and in addition ^photographs, and 24 original drawings of antiquities, with 3 plans of Mexico (2 in MS.), hf. morocco, £2. 16s Mexico, 1867 MEXICO: HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 2903 b. Works in European Languages, 29061 Album Pintoresco de la Republica Mexicana, ioUo, ib plates of coshime {coloured), vitu-s, architecture, etc. folded, cloth, 16s Mexico, s.a. (? 1848) 29062 ALEGRE (el P. Francisco Javier) Historia de la Compania de JesTis en Nneva-Espana^ publicala Bustamante, 3 vols. 8vo. ///. hd. £5. Mexico, 1841-2 L'histoire presente est un des meilleurs ouvrages qui nous soient restes surcette matiere, ecrits par les jesiuites mexicains." — Brasseur de Bourbourg. Alcgre lived from 17:i9 to 1788. 29063 Alvarado. Procesos de Resideneia contra Pedro de Alvarado y Kuiio de Guzman con notas por J. F. Ramirez, publica Ign, L. Rayon, 8vo. jjortrait and 3 coloured facsimiles, hf. calf, 20s Mexico, 1847 29064 ALVAREZ (J. D.) Libro de la Yida del Proximo Evangelico, el Vener. Padre Bernardino Alvarez, Patriarcba y Fundador de la Sagi-ada Religion de la Cbaridad, y S. Hypolito Mai-tyr en esta Nneva-Espaiia, por Juan Dias de Arce, sm. 4to. frontispiece, portrait, and plate, vellum, 28s Mexico, 17 &i Bern. Alvarez, born at SSeville, in 1514, joined the army in Mexico at twenty years of age, but was soon banished to the Philippines. He escaped thence to Peru, entered the Church, and died in 1584. 29065 Archiyo Mexicano, Documentos para la Historia de Mexico, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. 35s Mexico, 1853 The second title, which is really descriptive of the contents of these 2 vols., ■ is, " Sumario de la Resideneia tomada a D, Fernando Cortes, Gobernador y Capitan-General de la N.E., y a otios gobernadores y officiales de la misma, paleografiado del Original por Ign. L. Rayon." 29066 ARLEGUI (Jos.) Chronica de la Provincia de S. Francisco DE Zacatecas, sm. 4to. /;/. Id. £6. 10s Mexico, J. B. de Hogal, 1737 A valuable work, the great rarity of which is sufficiently demonstrated by its absence from the lists of Rich, Brunet, Salva, and the author of the Kuggets. iSabin, in his Dictionary of works relating to America, quotes this as a doubtful title from a London Catalogue. 29067 ARRONIZ (Joaquin) Ensayo de una Historia de Orizaba, 8vo. plate of arms, geological map, and 4 plates of Antiquities, hf. hd. £3. 16s (Orizaha) 1867 29068 AYUNTAMIENTO de MEXICO. Libros de las Actas del Cabildo de Mexico, 6 vols, folio, neat modern traiiscripts with a printed title to the first volume in which the work is intitled '^ Copia Paleo- grafica de los antiguos Libros de Cabildo . . dispuesta . . por Ygnacio L. Rayon," three volumes hf. blue and three in hf. red morocco^ £180. Mexico^ about 1850-60 Vol. I. Acts of the Municipality of the city of Mexico from March, 1524, to June, 1529, copied hj Don J. F. Iiamirez^ pp. 64.4. Eamirez has addsd 169 notes to 20O4 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. this volume illustrating some historical poinds, and has made an ample Index in his own handwriting in two leaves. Vol. II. Copied under the care of the Lie. Don Manuel OROZCO Y BERRA, containing the Acts from June, 1529, to September 1532, in 649 pp., and two leaves of Index by Ramirez. YoL III. Copy also made by Orozco, containing the Acts from January, 1533, to December, 1535, and extracts for the years 1536-1543, in 637 pp., and two leaves for the Index by Ramirez. Vol. IV. Containing the Acts from Dec. 1550, to June, 1559, in 489 unnumbered leaves. Vol. V. Containing the Acts from June, 1559, to Dec. 1561, in 431 unnumbered leaves. Vol. VI. Containing the Acts from Jan. 1562 to April, 1564, in 317 unnumbered leaves. This was one of the most important articles of the Ramirez collection, and ought to be secured by a Public Library in America. At the end of the first volume we learn that in the original books exists a note in the handwriting of the eminent scholar Dn. Carlos Siguenza y Gongora, in which he states that during the tumult which took place in Mexico on the 8th of June, 1692, when the mob burnt both the national and the municipal palace, he saved the original Actas. The value of these six volumes as historical documents cannot be exaggerated, and any one who has dedicated himself to the study of the years immediately following the conquest, and who knows the important pai-t which the Municipal Councils of those times took in all public aifairs of consequence, will at once recognize their utility, because they form, not only the founda- tion of Colonial history, but to a certain extent the foundation also of the history of a society and a civilization that were dis- appearing. These volumes contain also copies of a great number of " Cedulas Reales," letters from important personages, such as Cortes, Alvarado, and others. A small part of these Acts have been printed in the Boletin Municipal de Mexico, but they consist merely of extracts, and have been edited in such a careless manner, and issued in such a small number of copies, that these volumes lose in consequence nothing either in value or importance. The printed title which was used for the first and second volumes must have been taken from an edition in facsimile of MEXICO : HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 2905 part of the text prepared by Ygnacio Rayon. On that of Vol. II, Ramirez altered in writing the name of Rayon to that of Orozco ; he did not make a similar change on the title of Vol. I, although that volume is, without doubt, entirely in his own handwriting. 29069 Barcexa (J. ]\I. R.) Ensayo de una Historia Anecdotica de Mexico, en los tiempos anteriores a la conquista EspaSola ; Catecismo ele- mental de la Historia de Mexico — 2 vols. 12mo. bd. os AIexico,1862, 29070 Bullock (W.), Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico, 8vo. map and plates, hds. 10s 1824 29071 BUSTAMAXTE'S WORKS. Coleccion de Obras escritas y publicadas por Don Carlos Maria de Bustamante, 47 vols, in 38, 8vo. hf. bd. £45. Mexico, 1812-50 COXTENTS : I-II. Lopez de Gomara, Historia de | las Conquistas de Heruaudo Cortes, con notas y adiciones 1826 j III. Vega (Manual de la) Historia del | Descubriniiento de la America Septentrional i J or Colon 1826 I IV. BoxrEiNi, y VETTiA,Tezcocoen los I ullimos tiempos desus aiitiguos K.eyes 1826 ' V. EusTAJiANTE, Canipanas del Gl. F. M. Callfja 1828 V 1- V II. Mananas de la Alameda, para t'acilitar el estudio de la historia de su pais, 2 vols. 1835-36 VIII, IX, X, XI. Cavo, los tres biglos de Mexico durante el gobierno Esjianol, 4 vols. 1836-38 XII, XIII, XIV. Alkgre, Hi-storia de la Conipania de Jesus en Kueva Espana, 3 vols. 1842 XV-XX. Cuadro Historico de la Eevo- lucion de la America Mexicana comenzada en 1810, edicion original, 6 vols, {the sixth volume was tu^'pressed and never rej rinted) 1823-32 XXI-XXV. Cuadro historico, segunda C'licion augnientada, 5 vols. 1843-46 XXVI. Continuacion del Cuaiiro : Historia de Iturbide, bound at the end of Vol. V of the Cuadro 1846 !mpi'LE.'me>to al Cuadro Historico de la segunda epoca, a seived coyy, added, not included in the numeration oj the TOlU77ieS XXVII. BcsTAMANTE, el Gabiuetc Mexicano, durante la segunda adniinis- tracion de Bustamante, hasta la entrega del mando a banta-Anna, y continuacion del Cuadro de la Kevolucion, 2 vols, in 1 1842 XXVIII. Abispa de Chilpan- XXIX. BcsTAMANTE, apuutcs para la historia del gobierno de Santa Anna, 1841-44 1845 XXX-XXX. Sahagux, Historia general de las cosas de la Xueva Espana, 3 vols. 1829-30 ; Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, publicada por sejiarado de sus demas obras, 1829 ; Ixtlilxuchitl, Horribles Crueldades de los Con- quistadores de Mexico, 1829 ; ISahagdn, la Aparicion de N. Sefiora de Gua- dalupe o sea Historia general que altera la publicada en 1829, con nota sobre la Conquista de Mexico, 1840; together 6 vols, in 2 1829-4U XXXVI-XXXIX. Voz de la Patria (con el Supplemento del cnarto tomo intitulado Mexico por dentro y fuera), Vols. II-IV, in 3 vols, (a first volume was a[p. of Vol. II wtre prirded) 1813-26 ' A fcingularly complete collection of the scatiered pieces of this voluminous 2906 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. writer. Many of them are excessively rare, as, in consequence of the dis- turbed state of the political atmosphere in which he lived, they were found obnoxious to many successive holders of power. Bustamante was the son of a Spaniard, but, more Mexican than the Mexicans themselves, he talked of " our three hundred years' captivity and sufferings," cursing the nation from which he derived his blood and the language that he used with such fiery energy. 29072 BUSTAMANTE, Obras : anotlier set, consisting of the volumes above numbered I-XVII, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII (a few numbers wanting in this volume), XXIX-XXXIX (including the Mexico poi' dentro y fuera separately), and XLIV ; together 32 vols. 8vo. of tvhich 20 vols, are hound in 19, /;/. morocco, uniform ; and 12 are in various states, £20. Mexico, 1821-45 29073 Mananas de la Alameda de Mexico, para facilitar el estudio de la historia de su pais, 2 vols. Bvo. sd. 12s; or, hf. red morocco, 15s Mexico, 1835-6 29074 Historia del Emperador D. Augustin de Iturbide, 8vo. hf. red morocco, 4s 1846 29075 [Calderon de la Baeca (Madame)] Life in Mexico, during a residence of two years in that country, by Madame C. de la B., with preface by W. H. Prescott, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1843 29076 CALLE JA (el General) Ynforme general de la Colonia del Nuevo Santander y Nuevo Reyno de Leon, small folio, valuable unpublished MS. 74 leaves, vellum, £4. 4s Mexico, 1795 A report on the outlying possessions of Northern Mexico, the Indian fi-ontier, the hostility and character of the Comanches, the geography of Texas, etc., intended only for communication to the Spanish Government. 29077 CAVO (Andres) los Tres Siglos de Mexico durante el gobierno Espaiiol, publicala Bustamente, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. £2. 16s Mexico, 1836 29078 CEPEDA, CARRILLO, Y SERRANO. Relacion Universal, legitima y verdadera del sitio en que esta fundada la muy noble, insigne, y muy leal ciudad de Mexico, cabe9a de las Provincias de toda la Nueva Espana .... forma con que se a auctuado desde el aiio de 155:-5 hasta el presente de 1637, dispuesta y ordenada por el Licenciado Don Fern, de Cepeda, y D. F. Alf. Cariillo, corregida, ajustada, y concertada con el Lie. D. Juan de Albares Serrano, sm. folio, vellum, £10. Mexico, Fr. Salbago, 1637 There are two sorts of copies of this rare book, one unfinished and the other complete. This is a copy of the incompleted edition, and bears the note at the end of the volume signed by de Cepeda, Cakrillo and Alvarez Serrano. It contains 2 prel. 11. ; numb. 11. 31, 42 (39 omitted), and 28 (17 and 18 repeated). The completed copies have 11. 29-41 in the 3rd numeration, and another numeration of 12 11. 29079 CISNEROS (Diego) Sitio, Naturaleza y Propriedades, dela Ciudad de Mexico. Aguas y Vientos a que esta suleta; y Tiempos del Afio. Necessidad de su conocimieto para el exercicio do la Medicina su Inccrtidumbre y difficultad siu el de la Astrologia assi para la curaciou como para los MEXICO: HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 2907 prognosticos, sm. 4to. engraved title, portrait, wants map, vellum, from the Sunderla^id library, £3. IO5 Mexico, en casa del Bacliiller Joan Blanco de Alcaqar, 1G18 Exceedingly rare : not in Salva, Leclerc, or Brunet (mentioned, however, in the Supplement), neither was there a copy in the Fischer and Ramirez libraries. This curious work is the production of a physician, with astrological tendencies. The engraved title bears the signature " Hamuel Estradan, Anuerpiensis Sculp. Moxici."' 29080 Clavigero, History of Mexico, translated by C. Cnllen, 2 vols, in 1, stout 4to. map, plan and pilates, lif. tnorocco, 10s 1787 29081 CORTES (Heman) Proceso de Residencia de Hernan Cortes, 2 vols, folio, plainly written MS. of about 1230 pp. hf. bd. £3. 10s Mexico, about 1840 These two volumes have been printed in the " Archive Mexico, Tipografia de Vicente Garcia Torres, Mexico, 1852 and 1853. This copy was evidently made before there was any probability of its being published. However, it contains an unpublished " Descripcion de Colima" of 15.32 in nine leaves, and a copy of the " Nomina Alfabetica de los capitanes, soldados y otras personas notables que vinieron a la Conquista de Mexico," which has been incorporated in the Diccionario de Historia y Geografia, published in Mexico between the years 1853-1857. ■ Cartas — see ante pp. 2806-7. 29082 DAVILA PADILLA (Fr. Augustin) Historia de la Fundacion y Discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico, por las vidas de sus varones insignes y casos notables de Nueva-Espana, folio, ORIGINAL EDITION, _/iiie clean copy, but ivanting the title, vellum, EXCESSIVELY RARE, £6. lOs Madrid, P. Madrigal, 1596 29083 Historia de la fundacion y discurso de la provincia de Santiago de Mexico, folio, calf, £4. 15s Brusselas, 1625 All editions of this important work are of extreme rarity. It contains some of the most valuable materials in existence for the history of the Spanish Omquest and settlements in America; as well as of the manners, language, and religions of the aborigines. Davila Padilla was born in Mexico in 1662, and had the fullest opportunities of obtaining authentic information. He is the earliest writer who mentions the establishment of Printing in the IS'ew World, and the fact that the Scala Cceli of St. Joaunes Climacus translated by his namesake Juan de Estrada from the Latin version, was entiiled to the distinction of being the first book printed in America (about 1535-6). 29084 DiARiO de los Debates,) tercer Congresso constitucional de la Union, Sesiones de 1862 y 1863, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hf. morocco, 5s Mexico, 1873 29085 Edwards (Milne) Rechercbes Zoologiques, 3nie partie. Etudes sur les Reptiles et les Batraciens par A. Dumeril et Bocourt, atlas 4to. '^'6 plates, many coloured, cloth, 36s 1870-5 Forming part of the Mission ticientifique au Mexique et dans VAmerique Cent rale. 29086 Elhutar (Fausto de) Indagaciones sobre la Amonedacion en Nueva Espaiia, presentadas en 10 de Agosto 1814 al Real Tribunal General de Mineria de Mejico, sm. 4to. red roan, 12s Madrid, 1818 198 2908 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29087 FABIAN Y FUERO. Coleccion de Providencias Diocesanas del Obispado de la Puebla de los Angeles, ordenadas por D. Fran- CISCO Fabian j Fuero, Obispo de dicha Ciudad, etc. 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hf. bound, £3. (Ptiehla) Imprenta del Eeal Seminario Palafoxiano, 1770 A rare and important compilation of rules and orders for the conduct of civil and religious life, based upon the third provincial Council of Mexico, 1585. It possesses consequently much interest in the discussion of questions conceiTiing the treatment of the Indians, the use of their language, etc. 29088 FIGUEROA (Francisco Antonio de la Rosa) Bezerro general, menologico y chronologico de todos los Religiosos que . . . ha avido en esta Sta. Provincia del Sto. Evangelio desde su f nndacion basta el preste. ailo de 1 764 y de todos los Prelados assi iiros. M. Rdos. PP. Comissars. como Rdos. PP. Provinciales que la ban governado (prim era parte), folio, MS. of about 400 pp. calf, £25. Mexico, 1755-64 A list of all the members of the Franciscan order in any way connected with New Spain, from the conquest to the end of the seventeenth century ; the second part brings the work down to 1764, and a note of that date appears at the beginning of this volume, in which the author refers to his labours on the second part. He may have completed it, but it was probably never transcribed for use like this one. The date of the entrance of each member with the year of his demise is added, and all the more distinguished members have a short biography added. 29089 FONSECA (F. de) y Urrutia (C. de) Historia General de Real Hacienda, escrita por orden del Virey Conde de Revillagigedo, 6 vols. 8vo. tables, hf. bd. £5. Mexico, 1845-53 An important Collection of Documents relating to Mexican Finance from the Conquest to the end of the 18th Century ; very rare in England. 29090 FRUTOS. Peregrinaciones viages y varias aventuras, pasadas, padecidas y aguantadas por el bermano Phelipe Frntos, de la Compania de Jesus, small 4to. MS. pp. ^12, with three prel. leaves and other three for Ivdex; in a small but very clear handwriting, limp vellmn wrapper, £18. 10s Madrid, 1711 — Mexico, 1720 The author was born in Cantaleja, near Segovia, in 1674 ; when seventeen years of age he entered the Spanish army as a soldier, went to Argel, and after his return made the campaign against the French in Cataluna from 1693 to 1700, in whic'i he was gradually promoted to the post of lieutenant and adjutant. In 1701 he entered the order of Jesuits, and in 1706 was sent by his Superior to Mexico, where he remained during four years, and then returned to Europe. Having concluded his business in Rome he returned to Madrid, with the intention of sailing for the Philippines by way of Mexico. Here, at Madrid, the original work ends with December, 1711. 1 he continuous narrative breaks off, and we hear no more of his voyages. But there is annexed, a " Relacion sucinta de las propriedades de los Indies Mexicanos, que en el discurso de catorze afios, a observado en ellos el Ho, Phelipe Frutos." This was written in or after the year 1720, which makes it probhtile that he reached Mexico in 1712, and went no farther. 29091 Galvan Rivera (M.) Supplemento a la Historia Universal por el C. de Segnr, Tomo I (Historia dc ^Mexico), 8vo. numerous portraits, tie. Ids. £2. 4s Me.vico, 1852 MEXICO: HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY. 2909 29092 GALVEZ (Jose de) INFORME GENERAL que de real orden instruyd y entrego Don Jose de Galvez, siendo Visitador general de este Reyno, al Yirrey D. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua, 31 Deciembre de 1771, sm. 4to. dearly loritten MS., a transcript from the original secret document, vellum, £4. 4* Mexico, ahout 1780 29093 the same, sm. folio, MS. an official copy made in 1783 from the original in the Archives, with the official stamp) on every l^af, hf. hd. £10. 10*^ Mexico, 1783 This valuable State paper was prepared for the secret instruction of the Viceroy and his successors in the due administration of the Government, to enable them to secure just imposition of taxes, the verification of revenue receipts, and to control the entire financial system of the Mexican dominion. The Marquis de Sonjra. better known as Don Jose de Galvez, is said by Aleman to have created the " Board of Trade " Ministry in Mi-xico, and the historian goes even so far as to attribute all the material and commercial prosperity of the country to tliut statesoran. The Emperor Maximilian cau.-^ed twenty copies of this Informe to be printed in 1866. In the folio copy of 1783, the following additional documents follow the Informe General: — Ynforme y plan de Yntendencias que conviene establecer en las provincias de este reyno de Nneva Espana. Addressed hy tlie Marques de Croix to Bon Jose de Galvez, and dated 1768, — Oecreto 16 Enero, 1768 — Oficio del Virrey a los Prelados, I 768— Dictamen del Obispo de Puebla— ( )ficio del ObiE Salvatierra (Andres) el Camino Verdadero, coloquio entre Jesus y la Alma, repartido en tres jornadas (obra en versos), 12mo. vellum, SOs Mexico, 1718 A very curious production by an unknown Mexican poet. The subject and the author's intentions were good, but the grotesqueness and the profanity of the book are, in many instances, strangely remarkable. 29240 ZUMARRAGrA. Doctrina Cristiana: mas cierta y vdadera pa gete sin erudicio y letras : en q se cotiene el catecismo o infor- macio pa indios co todo lo principal y necessario q el xpiano dene saber y obrar, 8vo. the Title and last leaf in facsimile, hf. morocco, £40. A Gloria de Jesu Ghristo y desu hendita inadre : a que se acaba lo aiiedido al cathecizm,o par doctrina mas facil para los indios menos entendidos y mas rudos y necjros. El qual fue impresso en la muy leal y gran ciudad de Mexico por m^andado d'l reuerendissimo seiior do fray Juan Qumarraga : primer Obispo d^ Mexico. . . . Acabose d' iynprvmir e fin d'l aiio d' mil y quinietos y quarenta y seys ailos (1546) Very rare : one of the earliest specimens of Mexican typography. Title contains a woodcut of a bishop preaching, over the text, and surrounded by a border. The signatures are a=i in eights, including title, and fe which has only 4 11. (making 76 11.). The " Doctrina" finishes on verso of It 4, on the lower portion of which we have the following colophon : Lav^ Deo. A Gloria y alahaqa de dios nro seiior y de su mendita madre fue impressa esta doctrina catholica en mexico por mndado del reiieredissimo seiior don fray Jud Cumar- raga : priniero ohispo de la misma ciudad : pa utilidad comun. Especial delos indios : porque por ella sean cathetizados los q se ouiere de baptizar : y ensenados los haptizados. Then follows I, which commences as follows : — " Prologo Proemio alos amados hermanos lectores xpianos enel suplemeto o adiciones del catliecismo que quiere dezir enseiiamiento del christiano." The signatures of the " Prologo " run from I to n in eights, thus forming 24 11. ; n 8 is occupied with the colophon to the whole book which we reprint above. This edition is evidently the one (with the "Prologo'' and final colophon wanting) described by Harrisse in his Additions to the Bib. Vet. Amer. pp. 131-2, from the copy in the BiMioteca Provincial of Toledo, which he places under the year 1.540. As will be seen, on comparing his description with the present, the first colophon on verso of fe 4 agrees word for word with that given by him ; the number of leaves is the same, and so also is the number of chapters into which the work is divided, but the title is totally different. There can be no doubt that the title in the present copy is the right one, as the text commences on its verso, the last word being divided and continued correctly on the next page. It seems therefore to follow that if Harrisse has copied the title of the copy in the Provincial Library of Toledo correctly, either that two different titles were issued with the same book, or that an earlier edition without the " Prologo " and second colophon was issued with title as given by him. The title and second colophon of the present edition are correctly given by Harrisse, Bib. Amer. Vetust. p. 419, though his collation (60 unnumbered leaves) is incorrect, but it is evident that the copy he there describes had not the " Prologo." I sold the Ramirez copy in 1880 for £65 ; the Maximilian (Fischer) copy fetched £41 ; the Andrade copy 485 thai. " Volume infiniment precieux, et Tun des plus anciens produits authen- tiques des presses mexicaines." — Brunei, Sxippl. 2930 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29241 Varias Cueiosidades, sm. 4to, plainly xvritten MS. about 330 p-p. ; vellum wrapper, £5. 5s Mexico, Sec. xviii The contents are as follows : — I. Carta del Arzobispo de Santiago de Galicia Dn. Fray Anto. Monroy, hijo de Mexico . . . al Marques de la Mejorada, .... en respuesta de los manifiestos publicados contra el Papa en nombre de S. M. 1709, 63 pp. II. Noticia del proyecto que en 24 de Sepbre. de 1747 se reniitio a Madrid, sobre el servicio personal etc. por Dn. Melchor Macanaz. (Of interest to American history. 38 pp.) III. Manifiesto y cotejo que tuvo S. Magd. Phelipe V, contra el Rey Britanico . . . Por Dn. Melchor de Macanaz, Secretario de Estado . . . 1747. 78 pp. IV. Versos en la Missa nueva del Br. Don Manuel Marcos de Ibarra. V. Thebaida Indiana . . . su fundacion, origen y observancia ... en las montaiias de Santa Fe de la Nueva Espaiia. Descripcion metrica . . . de Dn. Francisco Ruiz de Leon, hijo de la Nueva Espana. 74 pp. An un- published work by the author of the Hernandia. VI. Cedula real a los Padres Arzobispos de las Indias e Islas Philipinaa, 1769. 7 11. VII. El Norte del Nuevo Adan. 8 leaves of verses. 1760. VIII. Parejas Soiaadas. 30 pp. 1765. 3. Central America. 29242 AYETA (Francisco, Custodio de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio de Mexico) Ultimo Recurso de da Provincia de San Joseph de Yucatan : destierro de Tinieblas, en que ha estado sepultada su Inocencia, y confundidos sus Meritos, sm. folio, half calf, rare, £7. 7s {^^lexicol no Printer^ s name, date, or place (cir. 1690) This author's works are extremely rake, as in consequence of the bitter feelings excited in the breasts of the Archbishop Palafox and the Viceroy, because of what the former terms their falsehoods and scandal, they were destroyed by the authorities. The book contains a vast amount of information respecting the early Missions in America in general, and amongst the Indians in Spanish America in particular. 29243 Bastian (A.) Steinsculpturen aus Guatemala, sm. folio, 3 plates, sd. 5s 1882 29244 Cabrera (P. F.) Description of an ancient city, discovered near Palenque, in Guatemala, translated from the report of Ant. del Rio ; followed by a History of the Americans, 4to. plates, hf. calf, OS 1822 29245 CATHERWOOD, Views of Ancient Monuments, Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, impl. folio, 25 large lithographs, hf. bd. Tnorocco, scarce, £6. 6s 1844 This splendid work, depicting the stupendous Monuments of Archi- tecture left by an unknown race in (Central America, is an indispensable companion to Stephens' works on the same subject ; Stephens and Catherwood having travelled in company. 29246 CH ARNAY, Cites et Ruines Americaines, Mitla, Palenque, Izamal, Chichen-Itza, Uxmal, recueillies et photo^raphiees par Desire Chai'nay, avec un texte par Viollet-le-Duc, suivi du Voyage et des Documents de I'Auteur, Svo. vol. of text in hf. morocco, and Atlas of 49 plates in atlas folio, portfolio, rare, £14. 10s 1863 CENTRAL AMERICA. 2931 Darien Scots' Colony : 29247 Darien Papers : being a selection of original letters and documents relating to the establishment of a Colony at Darien by the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies, 1695-1700, 4:to. pla7i and facsimile, cloth, £3. 12s Edinburgh, 1849 29248 The Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien answered, paragraph by paragraph, by Philo-Britan., London, 1609 — A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien ; including an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there, authore Britanno sed Dunensi, the dedication signed Phil. Scot, pruited in the year 1700 — A Short Vindication of Phil. Scot's Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien, London, 1700 — An Enquiry into the causes of the Miscarriage of the Scots Colony at Darien, or an answer to a libeU entituled a Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien, Glasgow, 1700 — 4 vols in 1, sm. 8vo. calf, £9. 9s 1699-1700 29249 A Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien . . . sm. 8vo. title mended, calf extra, S6s 1700 29250 Collection (a full and exact) of all the considerable Addresses, Memorials . . . and other publick papers, relating to the Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies . . . 1695-1700, sm. 8vo. w the original red morocco, gilt edges, £4. Printed in the year 1700 29251 Darien (Isthmus of) Ship Canal ; with a history of the Scotch Colony, by E. Cullen, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1853 At the end are two tracts : Prospectus of the Atlantic and Pacific Junction Company, 1853 ; Darien !Ship Navigation, Engineer's Keport, 3 maps, 1852 ; with a survey of the proposed Canal by the Lake of Nicaragua and R. San Juan (5 pp. in MS.). 29252 Fancourt (C. St. J.) History of Yucatan, to the close of the 17th century, 8vo. map, cloth, 18s 1854 29253 Carat (Jose de) Reconocimiento del Istmo de Tehuantepec, 1842-3, con el objeto de una comunicacion oceanica, 8vo. with maps in separate Svo. case, 10s Londres, 1844 29254 Margil, El Peregrino Septentrional Atlante : delineado en la Vida del P. F. Antonio Margil, escribela Is. F. de Espinosa, sm. 4!to. portrait, vellum, 30s Mexico, 1737 Of considerable Central American interest. Padre Margil's travels and piety, both of which are depicted in this volume, obtained for him the name of nuevo Apostol de Guatemala. He was founder of the Colleges of S.S. Cruz de Queretaro, Guatemala and Zacatecas. 29255 Norman (B. M.) Rambles in Yucatan ; including a visit to the remarkable Ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal, 8vo. map, and mimerous curious plates, antiquities, etc. cloth, 12s New York, 1843 Including a Vocabulary of the Maya tongue, with a sketch of the Grammar. This work will serve as a companion or complementary volume to those of Stephens. 29266 Peralta (Manuel M. de) El Rio de San Juan de Nicaragua, derechos de sus riberenos las Republicas de Costa-Rica y Nicaragua, 8vo. sd. 2s Madrid, 1882 2932 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29268 Peralta (Manuel M. de) Costa-Rica, Nicaragua y Panama en el sio-lo XVI (1552-1610)) su historia y sus limites, stout 8vo. 0)1 ap, sd. £2. Madrid, 1883 29250 REGISTRO YUCATECO, Periodico Literario, redactado per una Sociedad de Amigos, 4 vols. 8vo. portraits, views and plates of Architecture, hf. bd. £12. Merida de Yucatan, 18-45-46 These four vols, comprise all that was published of this periodical. This is a presentation copy to Don Jose F. Ramirez from Sr. Justo Sierra, one of the principal contributors. The periodical consists of articles on the history of the country, its monuments and traditions, biographies of the bishops and celebrated men, etc. 29260 Squier (E.G.) Nicaragua: its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed Interoceanic Canal, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and illustra- tions of Indian Architecture, Idols, etc. cloth, 36s 1852 Pages 305-62 of Vol. II are on the Aborigines, including a chapter on their languaj^es. 29261 STEPHENS (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Cliiapas, and Yucatan, 2 vols. 8vo. map arid many plates of Indian Architecture, Idols, carving, etc. half calf , 20s 1842 29262 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 24s 1842 29263 the same, revised by F. Catherwood, 8vo. map and plates, cloth, Us 1854 29264 Incidents of Travels in Yucatan, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates of Indian architecture and remains, hf. calf, 24s 1843 29265 VILLAGUTIERRE SOTO-MAYOR (Juan de) Historia de la Conquista de la Provincia de el Itza, reduccion, y progressos de la de el Lacandon, y otras naciones de Indios Barbaros, de la mediacion de el Reyno de Guatimala, a las Provincias de Yucatan, en la America Septentrional, Primera Parte, stout sm. folio, with the rare engraved fro7itispiece by M. Orozco, hf. bd. from the library of M. Brasseur de Bourbourg, £5. Madrid, 1701 Of rare occurrence: no more than this volume was printed. Fischer's copy, in 1869, sold for £6. 10s. Wafer (Lionel) New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, 1699 — see post under Aborigines. 29266 WALDECK (Fred, de) Voyage Pittoresqde et Archeologique dans la province d' Yucatan (Amerique Centrale), 1834-36, map and 21 lithographs of costume, architecture, etc. coloured, impl. folio, green morocco extra, leather joiiits, with broad gilt inside and outside borders, the Gosford arms on sides, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford, £7. 7s Paris, 1838 4. West-Indian Islands, including those of all Jurisdictions. [Trinidad — see post under Guiana.] 29267 COLUMBUS. In laudem Serenissimi Ferdinand! Hispaniar. regis, Bethicae & regni Granatae, obsidio . . . et DE INSULIS IN MARI INDICO NUPER WEST INDIAN ISLANDS. 2933 INUENTIS . . . EPISTOLA CHRISTOPHERI COLOM, small 4to. woodcuts^ very fine copy in red morocco extra^ gilt edges^ £150. Basilece^ J. Bergman de Olpe, 1494 Very rare, especially "when in such fine condition as the present copy. This book having been accidentally omitted in its proper place on p. 2856, is inserted here by virtue of its character as the first work on the West Indian Islands. 29268 Archer (J. H. Lawrence-) Monumental Inscriptions of the British West- Indies, from the earliest date, with genealogical and Listorical annotations, 4to. numerous ivoodcut coats-of-arvis, with useful MS. notes by Mr. Hartley, cloth, 15s 1875 29269 DU TERTRE, Histoire Generale des Antilles habitees par les Francois, 4 vols. 4to. maps, plates and views, old calf, from the Sunderland library, £2. I6s Paris, 1667-71 Rare. This work, treating of an interesting portion of the history of the P^nglish and French in America, is in considerable request. 29270 DAVIES (John, of Kidwelly) History of the Caribby Islands, with a Caribbian Vocabulary, sm. folio, plates, calf, 32s 1666 Published in the " year of the Great Fire ; therefore this is a rare work." — AUibone. 29271 GOSSE (Philip Henry) Illustrations of the Birds of Jamaica, imp. 8vo. 52 beautifully coloured plates, hf. calf neat, gilt top, scarce, £8. 8s * 1849 29272 Jamaica. The Laws of Jamaica, passed by the Assemby, and con- firmed by his Majesty in Council, to which is added, the State of Jamaica under Sir Thomas Lynch, sm. folio, large folding map, old calf, £2. 16s 1684 29272* Jamaica, Revised Statutes, as to Crimes and Misdemeanors, down to 1843, 8vo. hf. calf, 3s U 1844 29273 LONG (Edward) History of Jamaica, or general Survey of the ancient and modern state of that Island, 3 vols. 4to. maps and plates, calf, or old russia neat, £2. 10s 1774 " A work of sterling merit." — Stevenson. Priced, 1836, J. Bohn, £A. 10s ; 1837 and 1840, Payne and Foss, £6. 6s. Sold at Dr. Heath's sale for £14. 15s ; the Fonthill, £11. 29274 Knowles (Ch.) Accountof the Sessions of Assembly, for the Island of Jamaica, 1755, containing a Vindication of Gov. Knowles against several groundless Accusations, 8vo. sd. 5s 1757 29275 [Leslie (C)] Account of Jamaica, with a particular account of the SacriBces, Libations, etc. at this day in use among the Negroes, 12mo. large paper, calf, 25s Bdin. 1739 The Author's name appears at the end of the dedication. 29276 Leeward Islands. Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leewards Is., 1690-1730, sm. folio, calf, 10s 1734 29277 LIGON (Rich.) History of the Island of Barbadoes, sm. folio, map, 3 flans, and five botanical plates, with an extra leaf con- taining an Index to one of the plans, old calf, 25s 1673 29278 the same, sm. folio, panelled calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £4. 4.s 1673 2934 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29279 LuFFMAX (J.) Account of the Island of Antigua, with the customs of its Inhabitants, as well white as black, sm. 8vo. map, sd. 7s 6d 1789 29280 Monte y Tejada (A. del) Historia de Santo Domingo, desde su descubrimiento hastanuestros dias, portraits, maps, and plates, sm. 4to. calf, 2ls Eahana, 1853 29281 PoYER (J.) History of Barbados, 1605-1801, 4to. hd. 7s 1808 29282 POYNTZ (John) Present Prospect of the famous andfertile Island of Tobago, sm. 4to. brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £2. 16s 1695 29283 [ROCHEFORT] Histoire naturelle et morale des Iles Antilles de I'Amerique, avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe, small 4:to. frontis- piece and numerous engravings, with the rare portrait of, and dedication to Ambroux, fne copy in vellum, 24s Roterdam, 1658 29284 the same, second edition, sm. 4to. frontispiece and plates, old calf, 28s ib. 1665 29285 RocHEFORT (M. de) Tableau de I'lsle de Tabago, ou de la Nou- velle Oiialchre, 12mo. vellum, 24s Leyde, 1665 29286 the same, 12mo. ^jwe copy in red morocco gilt, gilt edges, 30s 1665 29287 S. (J.) Brief and Perfect Journal of the late Proceedings and Successe of the English Army in the West-Indies, by an eye- witnesse, sm. 4to. uncut, fine copy, 32s 1655 Persons who imagine that during the Commonwealth English arms were everywhere triumphant, may learn the contrary from this rare tract. An important naval and military expedition was fitted out against the Spaniards in the West Indies, and met with nothing but disaster, between Nov. 1654 and August, 1655. An English army of 10,000 men was landed in St. Domingo, badly defeated by an interior force of Spaniards, and retreated with the loss of 1 700 men and seven regimental flags. 29287*SAGRA (Ramon de la) Historia Economico-Politica y Estadistica de la Isla de Cuba, o sea de su poblacion, agricultura, comercio, etc. sm. 4to. sd. 10s Habana, 1831 29288 the same, sm. 4to. calf, 18s 1831 29289 Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de I'lLE de CUBA, 11 vols, royal 8vo.Text and 9 Atlases, folio, containing 274; plates, 'inostly coloured (pub. £32.), sewed, £18. Paris, 1843-57 29290 the same, bound in 9 vols, large 8vo. and 2 folio Atlases, hf. bd. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £25. 1843-57 Complete sets are now scarce. This fine work is divided as follows : 29291 I. Histoire Physique et Politique (Geographie, Climat, Agri- culture, Commerce, etc.) de I'lle de Cuba, Text, 2 vols. 8vo. and Atlas of 11 maps (pub. at 30 fr.), 10s 1842 This Work contains additions by Berthelot on the Historical Geography of the island, and will be eagerly read by all who are interested in the discoveries of Columbus. It contains the following maps : — Cuba, after the original map by Juan de la Cosa, Pilot to Columbus in 1493 Fragment from the Manuscript Atlas of Guill. Ic Testu, 1555. Early Spanish Maps. WEST IXDIAX ISLANDS. 2935 Map of Cuba and surrounding Countries, showing the divisions of the Aborit;ines, and the Routes of Columbus. Map of Cuba in 18-11, and Plan of the City of Havana. II. Zoologie : 29292 Mammiferes et Oiseaox, par Sagra et A. d'Orbigny, Text, 1 vol. 8vo. Atlas of 41 coloured plates, 28 of them Birds ('puh. at 150 fr.), £1. 8s 1840 29293 Reptiles par Cocteau et Bibron, Text, 1 vol. 8vo. Atlas of 31 plates, plain, £2. ; coloured, rare, £3. 1840 29294 Mollusques, par A. d'Orbigny. Text, 2 vols. 8vo. and Atlas of 29 coloured'plates (pub. at 130 fr.), 18s 1853 29295 Foraminiferes, par A. d'Orbigny. Text, 1 vol. 8vo. Atlas of 12 coloured plates ( pub. at 65 fr.), 20s 1839 29296 PoissoNS, par Guicbenot. Text, 1 vol. 8vo. 10s. Atlas of 5 coloured plates is out of print 1837 29297 Insectes, par Guerin Meneville. Text, 1 vol. Svo. 10s. The Atlas of 20 coloured plates is out of print 1844 III. Botanique : 29298 Plantes vasculaires (Pbanerogamia), par Richard, 10s. Text, 8vo. The Atlas of 102 plates is out of print 1849 29299 Plantes cellulaires (Cryptogamia), par Montague. Text, 1 vol. Svo. and Atlas of 20 coloured plates, £1. 16s 1838-42 The divisions to which prices are affixed may be had separately ; owners of imperfect sets should apply at once, as several parts are nearly out of print. 29300 St. Vincent (Island of) Authentic Papers relative to the expedition against the Charibbs, and the sale of lands in St. Vincent, 4to. sd. hs 1773 29301 ScHOMBURGK (Sir R . H.) History of Barbados, comprising a geographical and statistical description, Tvith its Geology and Natural Productions, roy. 8vo. plates, cloth, 20s 1848 29302 SIGUENZA Y GONGORA (D. Carlos) Trofeo de la Justicia Espafiola en el castigo de la alevosia Francesa que al abrigo de la Armada de Barlovento executaron los Lanzeros de la Isla de Santo Domingo, en los que de aquella nacion ocupan sus costas, sm. 4to. vellum, £10. 10s Mexico, 1691 This is one of the rarest of the works of Siguenza, and contains an extract and graphic account of the struggles of the Spaniards of S. Domingo against the attempts of the French to obtain possession of that Island. On the title is the Autograph of Dk. Eguiara. 29303 ToMAS DE Cordoba (P.) Memoria sobre la administracion de Puerto-Rico, sm. 4to. calf neat, 9s Madrid, 1838 29304 Young (Sir W.) West India Common-place Book, showing the interest of Great Britain in its sugar colonies, 4to. hf. calf, 7s 1807 5. Tierra-firme, Peru, Chile, 29305 ALCEDO Y HERRERA (D. de) Aviso Historico, Politico, Geographico, con las Noticias del Peru, Tierra-Firme, Chile y Nuevo Reyno de Granada en la Relacion de los Sucessos, de 205 aiios, por la Chronologia de los Adelantados, Presidentes, 2936 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Governadores j Virreyes, 1535-1740, y Razon de todo lo obrado por los Ingleses, 1567-1739 — small 4to. the Dedication copy to the King with the Author's autograph signature, green velvet, gilt edges, with clasps, from the Beckford library, £6. Madrid, 1740 29306 Alsedo y Herrera (Dion.de) Compendio liistorico de la Provincia, Partidos, Ciudades, Astilleros, Rios, y Puerto de Goayaqdil en las Costas de la Mer del Sur, sm. 4to. calf, 24s Madrid, 1741 Written by the father of Alcedo, the author of Diccionario de las Indias Occidentales, etc. 29307 Bolivian Republic : Mensajes del Presidente de Bolivia a las Camaras Constitucionales 2^(''^'<^ ^^5 ailos 1832-1838 (no 1836) — Memoria sobre el Estado de la Hacienda de la Republica Boli- viana en 1833, por Doctor Jose de Lara— El Iris de la Paz (periodico) 5 numeros, Agosto y Setiembre, 1838 — in all 12 pieces, a 4to. parcel, 9s Paz de Ayaciicho, 1832-8 29308 Bollaert (W) Antiquarian, Ethnological and other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chile, 8vo. plates, cloth, 7s 6d 1860 29309 CALANCHA (Antonia de la) Chronica moralizada del Orden de S. AuGUSTiN EN EL Peru, con sucesos exemplares vistos en esta monarchia, folio, engraved frontispiece, vellum, rare, £6. Barcelona, 1639 A second volume was printed at Lima fifteen years later, hut is almost introuvable. The above copy of the first vol. has only twelve out of the fourteen leaves of the Tabla. As this however is entirely concerned with the portions-ef the Sacred Scripture quoted in the text, its absence is not perhaps to be regretted. 29310 Caracas, Real Compania Guipuzcoana de, noticias historiales de esta Corapaiiia, 1728-64, sm. 4to. hf. calf, 7s6d Madrid, 1765 29311 Carthagena. Constitucion del Estado de Cartagena de Indias, 12mo. hf. hd. 15s Cartagena, 1812 Very rare. Prefaced by the official declaration of the President, Manuel Rodriguez Torices. dated 14 June. 1812, in the second year of the independence. This republic did not deserve to last long, since it forbade the use of any other religion tban the Roman Catholic. The mother of the seems to be the only one of a series of projected monographs on the various less-krioAU governments in America. The Indians called Quixos formed a separately administered department of the Audiencia of Quito, in the present republic of Ecuador, about 250 miles south of Quito. 29335 LIMA. Maxifiesto y Esclamacion que haze le Universidad de Cargadores del Comercio de Espana, que reside en esta (Capital) Ciudad de Lima, en su nombre, y del Consulado de Cadiz, en punto del litigio de Jurisdiccion seguido por el Consulado del Peru, contra la diclia Universidad (por Don Alonso Rubio de Ribas), (1736) — Verdad aclarada y deftnsa politica con que la parte del Tribunal del Consulado de Lima desvanece las imposturas de un papel impresso con el titulo de Manifiesto y Exclamacion, 1737 — 2 parts in 1, sm. folio, red morocco, gilt edges, by Bedford, excessively rare, £16. Lima, 1736-37 The squabble between the Spanish "West India Directors (if I may so name them) and the Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, although not of very wide interest, nevertheless involves the history ot the foundation and adminis- tration of the Board of Trade for the Indies, and the bases of the fiscal settle- ment of the new territories. It also foreshadows the cion which led to the separation of the two countries. 29336 Lima. Constituciones y Ordenanzas antiguas y anadidas y modemas de la Real Universidad y Estudio General de San Marcos de la Ciudad de Los Reyes del Peru, sm. folio, fine copy in vellum, 20s Los Eeyes, 1735 Added is " Alegato que en la oposicion a la Catedra de prima de Lej'es de la Universidad de Lima, dixo Baquijano y Carillo, 1788." 29337 Lima. True and particular Relation of tlie Earthquake at Lima aud Callao, 1746, with a description of the Kingdom of Peru in general, with its Inhabitants, 8vo. maps and plates, calf, 18s 1748 " The account of the earthquake is translated from Carta del P. P. Lozano, de la Provivcia del Paraguay, 1747 : the remainder of the work is a compilation from various authors. The translator's name was Henry John- son." 29338 LoBO Guerrero, Constituciones Synodales del Ar9obispado de los Reyes (Lima) en el Peru, folio limp vellum, 32s Lima, J. Morel, 1574 Some pages are in the Quichua language. 29339 MELENDEZ, Tesoros Verdaderos de las Yndias en la Historia dela Gran Provincia de San Juan Bavtista del Peru, 3 vols. sm. folio, with portrait, view and plan, a few leaves wurmed, velhun, rare, £9. 9s Roma, 1681-82 The first volume is important for the general history of Peru in the sixteenth century ; the third contains many valuable particulars concerning tlie Indian tribes and their customs. The second volume is full of saints and dev'is. 29340 MEMORIAS DE LOS VIREYES que han gobernado el PERU, durante el tiempo del Colouiaje Espanol, 6 vols, large 4to. map and plates, cloth, £4. Lima, 1869 Very few copies ol this great national work have reached Europe. It is a collection of the Uelaiiuus made by the Viceroys (in obedience to a wise 200 2940 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. mandate of the crown) in which each outgoing: governor informed his successor of the nature and duties of his post, of the distribution of offices and presi- dencies, of the privileges of the natives, their hereditary customs and character — in short, statistics of everything that could be needed. The work forms a glorious monument of statesmanship ; and it may be conjectured that if the Spaniards had always formed their conduct according to these Memorias, they would never have lost their colonies in the New World. The Memorias extend from 1614 to 1796. 29341 MERCURIC PERUANO de Historia, Literattira, y Noticias publicas que da a luz la Sociedad Academica de A mantes de Lima, A perfect set, 12 vols, small 4to. Lima, 1791-5 29342 another copy, without the greater part of Vol. V, 11 vols. sm. 4to. vellutn, £7. \0s 1791-5 29343 the same, Vols. II, VII, VIII, X, XI, XII, also parts of II, III, IV, and VI, 6 vols, small 4to. vellum, and some parts, as described, £2. 1791-5 The above interesting collection of Periodical Writings is of the greatest rarity. Thorpe, in one of his Catiilogues, states that a gentleman had assured him he could meet with but one copy in his travels through Spain, for which he was asked upwai'ds of £30. It is generally found defective, and copies yary to a considerable degree. The second copy described above is no exception to this rule ; it wants, besides Vol. V, Nos. 33.3,4, in Vol. IX, which are frequently absent. Some Nos. have been omitted, while the pagination remains correct : and sometimes there are two with the same No., although the text runs on correctly. The last pjirt of Vol. XI is number 382, yet the first of Vol. XII receives the number 573, from which the numeration proceeds to the end (No. 611), although nothing is deficient. The periodical seems to have been produced under great difficulties and discouragements ; it was suppressed by the Spanish govern- ment, as the enlightened opinions which the French Revolution had first set afloat were winning popularity amongst the educated youths of Spanish Peru. There is a sort of indignant bitterness in the title of the last volume, which is stated to be " dado a luz por uno de los individuos de la Sociedad." 29344 MICHELENA t ROJAS (F.) Exploracion oficial por la primera vez desde el norte de la America del Sur, siempre por rios, entrando por las bocas del Orinoco, de los valles de este mismo y del Meta, Casiquiare, Rio Negro d Guaynia, y Amazonas, hasta Nauta en el alto Maranon 6 Amazonas, arriba de las bocas del Ucayali ; Bajada del Amazonas hasta el Atlantico ; Viaje a Rio de Janeiro desde Belen en el Gran Para ; en los afios de 1855-59, large 8vo. 9 maps, sd. 3s 6d; or, hf. morocco, hs Bruselas, 1867 29345 the same, Fine Paper, royal 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 1867 Stated on the title-page to be "pul)licada bajo los auspicios del Gobieruo de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela," but the work seems to be almost utterly unknown. The entire stock has lain perdxi, since the book was printed, and from whatever cause (probably the fault of the Venezuelan Government), no copies appear to have gcme into circulation. The author presented a copy to the English Geographica.1 Society in 1867, and Dr. Petermann was at the same time made aware of its existence, but no notice was taken of the book either in the Reviews or Yearly Addresses. Consequently it may be said to be now for the first time actually published. This " Exploracion Oficial " is a work of original and valuable research, adding largely to our knowledge of the vast regions which lie about the Equator in South America. The author was sent out by his Government to discover the resources and capabilities of those largely watered but little known countries, and to trace the means of utilizing for commerce the network of rivers which no cartographer had laid down with exactitude. He triumphed TIERRA FIRME, PERU, CHILE. 2941 over obstacles of every kind, and has succeeded not only in correcting aud angmenting to a very high degree the description previously given by Buniboldt and others, but in proving that (in spite of its situation) the climate is temperate and the rich soil fit for cultivation, while the river-system aifords unexampled facilities for the promotion of commercial enterprise. The Orinoco and the Amazon will yet play a great part in the development of population and wealth in the lands that lie between and about them, and every addition to our statistical and geographical knowledge of those rivers, their affluents, and their borders, is of importance. INDICE DE LAS CARTAS. 1. Mapa para ilustrar los Viajes de Sir Walter Ralegh, per Schomburgk. 2. Parte del curso del Orinoco, de Ids rios que le entran, las aguas que da el, al de les Amazonas, por Don Jose Solano, 1 763. 3. Mapa de una parte del alto Orinoco, por Diaz de la Fuente, 1760. 4. Viaje de Sancliez. 6. Mapa anonimo, formado despues de 1802, desde el rio Araurai haste el Rio Bran CO. 6. Haut Rio Branco, reduction pnr Lapie des relevements de Pontes. 7. Piano antiguo del sitio de la Angostura. 8. Ciudad Bolivar fundada con el nombre de Angostura. 9. Mapa general de todos los estados de la America del Sur, a large folding coloured Map. 29346 MoGROVEJO (D. Toribio Alf.) ArcoMspo de la Ciudad de los Beyes Lima (Cabeza de las Provincias del Pira), Vida del ilnstr. i reverend. Don Tor. Alf. Mogrovejo, por Ant. de Leon Pinelo, sm. 4to. portrait, old calf rebacJced, ivith Royal arms on sides, 30s {Madrid) 1G53 29347 MOLLIEN (G.) Travels in the Republic of Columbia, 1822-3, from the French, 8vo. map and plate, bds. 5s 1824 29348 MuLHALL (M. G.) Between the Amazon and Andes, ten years of a lady's travels, 8vo. maps and plates (pub. 12s 6d), doth, 5s 1881 29349 MosEO Erudito, o los Tiempos y las Costumbres, periodico, Marzo 15 — Setiembre 1, 1837, parts 1 and 3 to 12, 11 numbers, folio, sd. 12s Cuzco, Santa Cruz, 1837 An antiquarian, scientific, and literary periodical, of which some of the articles have a wide interest. Contents: — Idea jeneral de los Monumentos del antiguo Peru — Diserta- cion sobre el aspecto, cultivo y virtudes de la Planta de Peru nombrada Coca — De las influencias del clima en el hombre — Tradicion de la rebelion de Ollantay y acto heroico de iidelidad de Rumiuahui, Jeneral del tiempo de los Incas, etc. etc. 29350 Ordenanzas del Peru, dirigidas al Rey por Melchor de Navarra, Virrey de estos Reynos, recogidas por Ballesteros; y nueva- mente anididas las Ordenanzas, que ha dispuesto J. A. Manso de Velasco, Conde de Super-Uncla, Virrey, Tomo Primero {all published), sm. folio, vellum, £4. Lima, 1752 Collation : 23 preliminaiy leaves, and folios 339 ; followed by Indies, 23 leaves. This very rare book is not mentioned either by Brunet or Salva. 29351 Ordenes,Ynfor]V[es, Instrucciones, etc. : a Collection of Documents printed and Manuscript, relating to the Intendencias of Peru in the last century, in 1 vol. folio, vellum, £3. Liina, 1783-84 Most ot these documents are pajiers prepared for the information of Don Jos6 de Galvez, who went to Peru as the royal Visitador in 1783, in the same way as ho had gone to Mexico a dozen years or so before. 200 * 21)42 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29352 OVALLE (Alonso de) Historica Relacion del Reyno de CHILE, small folio, tvitli large folding Map, 14 plates, another series of 21 plates contairiing Portraits ; and 18 woodcuts, fine copy in the original vellum wrapper, £16. Boma, 1646 29353 tlie same, sm. folio, wanting the plate of the Crucifixion- tree, vellum, £12. 1646 29354 the same, sm. iolio, perfect, containing in addition a copper- plate title "Invicti Duces . . ." prefixed to the series of 25 portraits {on 9 leaves), and another ^^ Guhernatores Perillustres . . ." to the remaining series of 12 portraits, olive morocco, gilt edges, hij Zaehnsdorf, £18. 1046 29355 the same, sm. folio, similar to the preceding, old red morocco, gilt edges, with the Arms of Cosmo III, Grand JDuke of Tuscany, in gold on sides, ;£22. lOs 1646 29356 the same, sm. folio, containing, besides everything that appears in the preceding, also a rare printed additional first title " Varias y curiosas Noticias del Reino de Chile . . . . " red. morocco extra, by Bedfori', £24. 1640 The plates are curiou'*. One at p. 58 represents a miraculous tree like the Saviour crucified, growing in the Valley of Lim.iche, in Chili ; another the sudden appearance of the Virgin, at a battle between the natives and tlie Spaniards ; others, the various games, costumes, etc. of the Indians. The portraits were only issued in the Spanish edition. 29357 OvAGLiE, Historica Relatione del Regno di CILE, sm. folio, folding map, with [4; plates and 18 woodcuts, bds. £5. Roma, 1040 The diiference between the two e iitions consists in the omission of the portraits from the Italian one. 29358 OVIEDO Y BAi^OS (Joseph de). Historia de la Conquista y Poblacion de la provineia de Venezuela, primera parte, sm. folio, fine clean copy, olive morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £8. 8s Madrid, Gregorio Hermosilla, 1723 The first part only was published. 29359 Palma (R.) Peru: Tradiciones, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Lima, 1878 29360 PAPELES VARIOS. A curious collection of pieces relating to Chile, Peru, and Tierra Firme, 1600-1680, in 1 vol. sm. folin, vellum, £3. 10s Lima, etc. 1013-83 Independently of the historic value of these Documents, they conttiin early specimens ot Printing in S. America. Contents : — En favor de los Espanoles que nacen en las Indias, para que sean preferidos en todas las Provisiones Eclesiastic»s y Seculares ; Reso- luciones de el Papa en los Negocios de Cardenas, Obispo de Paraguay, 1660 ; Por parte del Dean de La Plata, Prov. de los Charcas en Piru ; Poi' Zam- brana, Oydor de Las Charcas, 1621 ; Sobre el tratamiento de los Oj'dons do Panama, 1613; Tassa y Ordenanzas piira Chile, Lima. 1620; Division de los Obispados de Guamanga y Arequipa separados del del Cuzco, y del Obispado de Truxillo separado del Arzob. de Los Keyes, y del Ob. de Quito ; Juris AUegatio pro Episcopo del Cuzco super solutione decimarum ; Memo- rial sobre quitar las Doctiiuis y Curatos que administran Frayles en Piru ; Quadragiiita et octo Conclnvionum Manus in Peruvini liegni CoUegio, Lima, 161.3; Oonsulta sobre la Fuga de veinte Soldados, 1683; Propusiciones que haze el Senorio de Viacaxa a los, t'aviilleros X'izcaynus en las Indias, Valla- doUd (1620) ; etc. TIERRA FIRME, PERU, CHILE. 2948 29361 Paz Soldan (Mateo) Geographia del Peru, Tomo I (all pxiblislied), stout 4to. 128 and 748 pp. cloth, 5s 1862 29362 A.tlas geografico del Peru, irupl. folio, 72 large fine maps and views, bds. £S. 10s Paris, 1865 This volume — the best of its kind — is a triumph of typography and artistic work, an ample testimony to the scientific attainments of its author, and a noble monument of the literature of Peru. 29363 Peruvian Historical Documents, Newspapers, Mani- festoes, Proclamations, etc. published at Callao, Lima, etc. during the struggle for Independence, and the first years of the Republic, raost rare and curious Papers CoNCiLiADOR (el), 1831 complete, 1832 Jan. to July, 58 nos. (without No. 26), Sept. 1833-Dec. 1833, 32 nos.— together 216 numbers, sm. folio, clean copies in a vellum case 1831-33 Mercuric Peruano (el) from Jan. 1832 to Sept. 1833, 503 nos. a fine consecutive Set, together with 53 nos. of the same paper, from May, 1829 to July, 1830, sm. folio, all clean and uncut Peruano (el), Periodico destinado a registrar todos los decretos, ordenes, y comunicacioues oficiales del Gobierno, October 1839 to April '40, Sept. '40— Dec. '40, June 1841 (4 nos.)— together 85 consecutive nos. royal folio, uncut 1839-41 Redactor fel), 1834 to 1836, 161 numbers, mostly consecutive, six injured by a nail, otherioise good copies, clean and uncut, in a vellum wrapper Callao y Lima, 1834-6 Registro Oficial de la Republica Peruana, from commencement in June '26 to January 1827, sm. 4to. hf. calf Telegrafo (el) de Lima, Jan. 1829 — August 1829, 187 consecutive nos. June 1832 to June 1833, 304 consecutive nos. and 14 nos. of 1836 — together 505 numbers, sm. folio, all clean and uncut, iii three vellum wrappers 1829-36 Avisos, Proyectos, Proclamas y otros Documentos de la Indepen- dencia Peruana, 244 pieces, sm. folio, including Supplements to the above Papers, both rare and importayit, and in very fine con- dition, clean and uncut, in a vellum wrapper, 1818-33 — Various scarce Tracts and Papers, sm. 4to. 1790-1840 — The whole unique in point of contents and condition, having been brought together at the time of publication, and arranged by some far-seeing collector, as described. A collection of the greatest rarity, £ 1 2. _ 1790-1841 The Pajiers are of great historical importance. They include all the Records and Documents of the Rebellion against Spain and the establishment of an Inriependent Republic ; besides a number of manifestoes printed by the revolutionary leaders at out of the way places, with imprints which must be of the highest degree of rarity. 29364 PIEDRAHITA, Historia general de las Conquistas del Nuevo Reyno de Granada, folio, 2 engraved titles, with vignettes of Caciques, Spanish chiefs, and pictures of battles, and printed title, a fine copy in vellum, £3. 10s Amberes (1688) 29365 the same, folio, fine copy in calf gilt, £4. 10s (1688) Only the Parte Primera was e^er published of this important work, the gtandard history of the eaily Limes of New Granada. It brings the narrative 29U BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. down to 1562, and begins with an account of the natives and their customs, laws, and kingdoms for many years previous to the conquest. " L'auteur de cet ouvrage, natif de la Nouvelle-Grenade, etait un homme parfaitement verse dans I'histoire de son pays." — Brasseur de Bourbourg. 29366 PiZARRO y Orellana (F.) Discurso de la obligacion que sumagestad tiene cumplii' la inerced que la Magestad Imperial liizo a Fran- cisco Pizarro del Titulo de Marques, como a Descubridor, Con- quistador, J Pacificador de los Reynos del Peru, sm. folio, half hound, 12s {Madrid, 1630) A memorial te Philip IV on the services of the Pizarros, and the remuneration to be accorded to their descendants. It appears at the end of the toliowidg work. see Varones Ilustres, No. 28348. 29367 RiVERO y Ustariz (M. E. de) Coleccion de Memorias Cientificas, Agricolas e Industriales, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, plates of Views, Natives, Antiquities, etc. hf. calf, 30s Bruselas, 1857 One of the most learned and valuable books ever produced by a South American wiiter. 29368 Rosa (Nicolas de la) Floresta de la Santa Inglesia, Cathedral de la Ciudad de Santa Martha, sm. iolio, fine copy in vellum, £2. Sevilla, 1756 A rare work, not mentioned by Brunet, Rich, or in the Nuggets. It contains valuable matter on the Natural Productions of New Granada, and the various tribes of Native Indians. 29369 Raimonm (Ant.) El Peru, Vols. I and II, 4to. maps, sd. 36s Lima, 1874-6 Vol. I, Parte preliminar ; Vol. II, Hist, de la Geografia del Peru, libro I (1511-1799). 29370 Ruiz (H.) Memorias : sobre la Planta llamada en el Peru, Bejuco de la Estrella ; sobre la legitima Calaguala y otras dos raices de la America ; y sobre la Raiz de Purhampuy o China Peruana, 3 vols. 8vo. 2 plates, calf, 20s 1805-21 Three valuable tracts by a well-known South American Botanist. 29371 SIMON (P. Fray Pedro) Primera Parte de las Noticias histo- riales de las Conquistas de Tierra Firme, en las Indias Occiden- tales, sm. folio, /7«.e eji^ravecZ title, vellum, tall clean copy, from the Sunderland library, £15. Cuenca, Domingo de la Yglesia, 1627 29372 ■ the same, sm. folio, engraved title, brown morocco super extra, gilt marbled edges, by Petit, £12. 1627 An important -work, containing the history of the Provinces of Cumana and Venezuela. Part I is all that was published ; contains 8 prel. 11. (besides title); pp. 671 ; tables of matters and words, 20 11. 29373 Skinner (J.) Present State of Fern, 4ito. coloured plates of costicme, etc. calf, 7s 6d ' 1805 29374 Squier (E. G.) Peru ; Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the land of the Incas, stout 8vo. (pub. 21s), illustrated, cloth, 12s 6d 1878 29375 Observations on the Geography and Archaeology of Peru, 8vo. sd. 2s 1870 29376 Stevenson (W. B.) Narrative of twenty years' Residence in S. America, containing travels in A.rauco, Chile, Peru, and Colum- bia, with an account of the Revolution, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, cloth, 12s 1829 Including notices of the Indians. PERU, CHILE; LA PLATA STATES. 2945 Torres Rubio — see post tmder Aborigines : Torres Rubio ; and under Languages : Quichua. 29377 TSCHUDI (J. J. von) Untersuehungen iiber die Fauna Peruana, atlas 4to. 72 coloured plates, hf. red morocco, gilt top, £3. 10s St. Gallen, 1844-46 Plates : Mammalia, 18; Birds, 36 ; Reptiles, 12 ; Fishes, 6 (plain). 29378 Venezuela and Colombia, Recollections of a service of three years during tbe War-of-Extermination in, 2 vols. 8vo. l>ds. 3s Qd 1828 29379 Vicuna Mackenna (B.) El Ostracismo del Jeneral D. Bern. O'Higgins, roy. 8vo. sd. 16s Valparaiso, 1860 29380 El Ostracismo de los Carreras, los Jenerales J. Miguel i J. Jose, i el Coronel L. Carrera, 8vo. lif. calf, 12s Santiago, 1857 29381 La Edad del Oro en Chile, roy. 8vo. sd. 5s Santiago, 1881 29382 Views. A Collection of 27 Water Colour Drawings of Views at Callao, San Lorenzo Point, Battery of Santa Rosa, Island of San Gallan, Coquimbo, Wreck of Countess of Winton Barque, Valparaiso (including Bombardment), Curamilla Point, H.M.S. Leander passing Icebergs, etc. oblong folio, neatly motmted, morocco, gilt edges, with clasp, £6. 29383 VIGIL (F. de P. G.) Defensa de la Autoridad de los Gobiernos y de los Obispos contra las pretensiones de la Curia Romana, 10 vols. 8vo. cloth, rare, £4. Lima, 1849-56 Guiana. see post under Anglo-French America. 6. La Plata States and Patagonia. 29384 ANGELIS. Coleccion de Obras y Documentos relativos a la Historia antigua y moderna de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata, ilustrados con notas y disertaciones por Pedro de Angelis, 6 vols, folio, morocco, rare, £10. 10s Buenos Aires, 1836-7 This valuable collection embodies all the Early Travels and Discoveries in Buenos Ayres, Patagonia, and other parts of South America, and a number of heretofore unprinted works, all brought together and classified by a careful editor. It is the most valuable and important collection of documents that has yet appeared relative to South America. They wei-e printed at the expense of the Argentine Kepublic and not for sale. 29385 Rrunel (A.) Observations faites dans le Rio de la Plata, pendant le blocus de Buenos Ayres, 1841, 8vo. hf. Id. 3s Qd 1842 BUENOS AIRES MUSEUM: 29386 Anales del Museo Publico de Buenos Aires para dar a conocer los objetos de Historia natural nuevos 6 poco conocidos conser- vados en este establecimiento, por German Burmeister, 12 parts, forming 2 vols. impl. 4to. plates, 1 vol. in Ids. and 1 in pts. £3. 10s Bjienos Aires, 1860-74 29387 the same, parts VII-XII, forming Vol. II, 6 parts 2946 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. impl. 4to. containing a Monograph of the Glyptodontes, 42 plates, sd. 25s 1870-74 An important series of paheontological papers, illustrated by repre- f^entations of fossil bone-remains, and written or edi;ed by a savant of Kuroptan eminence. 29388 BuLKELEY and Cummins, Voyage to the South Seas, 1740-41, 8vo. calf, 1 6s 1743 A narrative by two of the seamen, as opposed to the captain, of the loss of the " Wager " in Anson's expedition, and of the return voya).fe in a long- beat thronyh Magellan's Straits and up the t-ast coas-t of S. Amerii'a. 29389 Chaklevoix ( Pierre Francois Xavier ) Histoire du Paraguay, 3 vols. 4to. maps, calf gilt, ^Os Paris, 1756 Contains many original Spanit-h Documents, with a French translation. 29390 History of Paraguay, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 9s Dublin, 1769 29391 CoLECCiON General de Documentos (Tomos primero y segundo), tocantes a la Persecucion, que los Regulares de la Compania suscitaron, 1644-60, contra B. de Cardenas, Obispo del Paka- GDAY, por evitar que este Prelado entrase ni visitase sus Missiones del Parana, Uruguay e Itati, 2 vols. sm. 4to. vellum, Zhs Madrid, 1768 29392 (ToMO Tercero) que contiene los sucesos tocantes a la segunda epoca de las conmociones de los Eegulares seiialada- mente la Persecucion a J. de Antequera y Castro, con (sus Cartas y) el Informe del General M. Angles y Gortari, sm. 4to. calf 24s ih. 1769 29393 CoLECCiON General de Documentos (tocantes a la primera, segunda y tercera epoca de las conmociones de los Regulares de la Compaiiia en el PARAGUAY), 4 vols. 4to. the complete set, uniform in vellum, £5. Madrid., 1768-70 A valuable and curious series of Papers. It includes, besides the Documents relating to the persecution of Cardenas, and those relating to Antequera, a fourth volume containing a work by Ibanez de Echavarri, el Reyno Jesuitico del Paraguay, por siglo y medio negado y acuUo, hoy demnstrado y descubierto, and el Diario de la Guerra de los Guaranies, by el P. T. Henis. 29394 FUNES (Greg.) Ensayo de la Historia civil del Paraguay, Buenos-Ayres y Tucuman, 3 vols. sm. 4to. portrait, green morocco, gilt edges, £2. 12s Buenos-Ayres, 1816-17 This celebrated and rare work includes a history of the Eevolution of Peru in 1780, under Jose Gabriel Tupac-Amaru, a descendant of the Incas. 29395 Haigh (S.) Sketches of Buenos Ayres and Chile, 8vo. map, hds. bs 1829 29396 Histoire de la Persecution par les Jesuites de Dom Cardenas Eveqtie de Paraguay, et de Dom Pardo Archeveque de VEglise de Manile, des Isles Philippines, 12mo. vellum; rare, 36s (? Amsterdam), 1691 29397 King (J. A.) Twenty-four Years in the Argentine Republic ; embracing the author's personal adventures, with the civil and military history of the country, 8vo. ///. calf, 6s 1846 29398 Lagomaggiore (F.) America Literaria: producciones selectas en prosa y verso, impl. 8vo. sd. 10s Buenos Aires, 1883 £9;>r 9 Montevideo, Piano de la Ciudad de, large plan, measuring 39 in. I'j 27 in. mounted on caxvay, and folded in stu. 4:^0. case, bs 1867 PORTUGUESE AMERICA. 2947 29i00 Nachrichten (Neue) von den Missionen der Jesuiten in Paraguay (Uruguay, etc.), aus dem Spanischen, 12mo. Map of the central portion of S. America, hf. bd. 20s Hamburg, 17(58 A curious and rare Tolume. The last piece is the Criminal Process wider die Jesuiten. 29401 Paraguato Independiente, 71 .consecutive numbers, sm. folio, uncut, 36s Asuncion, 1845-6 Very rare. In consequence of the isolation of the republic, its few periodicals are the scarcest of American Newspapers. This one is parti- cularly valuable. It gives a history of the revolution and the dictatorship of Francia. 29402 QuESADA (V. B.) Vireinato del Rio de la Plata, 1776-1810 apuntamientos para servir en la cuestion de limites entre la Republica Argentina y Chile, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Bue7ios Aires, 1881 29403 Re LAC ION de los Viages de la Fragata Argentina contra los Espanoles en la India y otros puntos (por V. A. de Echevarria), Buenos Ayres, Imprenta de la Independencia, 1819 — Buenos Ayres Reconquistada, poema por J. B. de Portegueda, quien lo dedica a los valientes defensores del Rio de la Plata, Mexico, 18G8 — 2 tracts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf. mor. uncut, 14s 1808-19 Two extremely rare and curious pieces. 29404 Relation of Mr. R. M.'s Voyage to Buenos-Ayres, and from thence by land to Potosi, dedicated to the . . . Dii'ectors of the South Sea Company, 16mo. folding map by Herman Moll, calf exti-a, gilt edges, 24s 1716 29405 Revista de Buenos Aires, Historia Americana, Literatura y Derecho, periodico destinado a la Republica Argentina, la Oriental del Uruguay y la del Paraguay, publicado bajo la direccion de M. NavaiTO Viola y Vic. G. Quesada, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, £'S. Biienos Aires, 1863-5 Many curious and important MSS. from the time of the Conquest up to and including the modern period are here printed for the first time. 29406 Techo (P. Nic. del) Historia Provincise Paraquarias Societatis Jesu, sm. folio, calf, 24s Leod. 1673 A valuable account made use of by Churchill and Charlevoix. II. PORTUGUESE AMERICA: BRAZIL. 29407 Agassiz, Journey in Brazil, 8vo. plates, cloth, Qs Boston, 1868 29408 Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Vols. I-V, impl. 4to. plates, sd. £2. 10s Bio de Janeiro, 1876-81 Papers on Zoology, Botany, Geology and Ethnology. The fifth vol. consists entirely of one work " Flora Fluminensis " {i.e. of Rio de Janeiro) sea descriptionum plantarum prsefectura Fluminensi sponte nascentium lib. I, pp. 467. 29409 BARL-^I (C.) Rerum per octenninm in Brasilia et alibi gestarum sub preefectura J. Mauritii Nassaviae, etc. Comitis, Historia, folio, with Vocabulary of the Ghilene Language, fine portrait by Matham, maps and plates, fine copy, bd. £2. Amst. Blaeu, 1647 29410 Rerum per octennium in Brasilia et alibi gestarum 29i8 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. narratio, thick X^vao. frontispiece, portrait, map, and plates, with Vocahulary, bd. 18s Clivis, 1660 It is almost the only, and is the best, authority upon the events of the period it comprises. 29411 Bdrmeister (Herm.) Landscliaftliclie Bilder Brasiliens und Portraits einiger Urvolker ; als Atlas zu seiner Reise durch. Rio de Janeiro und Minas Geraes, oblong royal folio, 11 plates, hd. 7s 6d 1853 29412 CoRREio Braziliense oti Armazera Literario, Nos. 1-151, forming 25 vols. 8vo. half calf , very rare, £6. 10s Londres, 1808-20 Containing many important official documents relative to the aifairs of Brazil and Portugal. 29413 Gama (B. J. da) sobre a Capitania do Maranhao, see Varnhagen 29414 Gio. Gioseppe di S. Teresa, Istoria delle Guerre del Brasile tra Portogallo ed Olanda, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, engraved title, 2 portraits and 23 large folding mai^s, calf, 20s Soma, 1698 A well-written book, by an author thoroughly acquainted with the subject, 29415 INSTITUTO HISTORICO, Geographico e Ethnographico do Brazil : Revista de Historia e Geographia, ou Jornal do Institute fundado no Riode Janeiro debaixo da immediato protec^ao de S. M. I. o Senhor D. Pedro II, complete from the beginning in 1839 down to 1873, inclusive, 36 vols. 8vo. twenty-seven in half calf 7ieat, and nine in parts, A fine set, very rare, £32. Mia de Janeiro, 1839-73 29416 another set, down to and including Vol. XXXIII, 1870 (without Vols. XII, XIII, and XXXI), 30 vols. 8vo. in half volumes, and parts uncut, £16. Rio de Janeiro, 1839-70 Comprises numerous valuable and previously unpublished documents on the explorations and conquests in S. America, also on the Ethnology and Languages. 29417 Kidder (D. P.) Sketches of Residence and Travels in Brazil, with historical notices of the Empire, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrations, cloth, 7s 6d 1845 29418 Mawe (J.) Travels in the Interior of Brazil, with a particular account of the Gold and Diamond disti'icts, 8vo. viap and coloured plates, hds. 6s 1823 29419 Mello (A. d'A.) A Liberdade no Brasil, seu nascimento, vida, morte e sepultura, 8vo. hf. bd. 3s 6d Recife, 1864 29420 Mello Moraes, Coi-ographia historica, chronographica, Genea- logica e Politica do Imperio do Brasil, escripta com documentos ineditos, 5 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. bd. 36s Rio de Jan. 1858-63 A valuable encyclopajdia of information on the social and commercial history of Brazil, its mines, and the develupment and extent of its resources and their first discovery. The rise of the most important towns .and the chief families and the Political History of the country from the Conquest down- wards is also copiously treated. 29421 Mello Moraes (J. A. de) Brasil Historico, 2 vols. sm. folio, woodcut portraits of celebrated men, vieivs, etc. If. red morocco, 10s Rio de Janeiro, 1866-7 Original documents, and much information on the discovery and settle- ment of Brasil arc contained in the work. PORTUGUESE AMERICA : BRAZIL. 2949 29422 MoNiz Barretto, Classicos e Romanticos, exercicios poeticos, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. Qs Bahia, 1855 29423 MOREAU (Pierre) Bescliryving van de Beroerten der Portu- GUEZEN in Brasil, met zijn Reisbeschrijving, door Glazemaker vertaalt, sm. 4to. plan on title, and some very fine engravings in the text, fine copy, hf. vellum, £2. Amst. 1652 Collation : Title with plan of Mauritsstadt and Eecife, the reverse blank ; Voorreeden, 4 pp. ; Beschrijving van t' Recif, 2 pp. ; Waarachtig Verhael, pp. 1-94, being signature % to ^ in fours: the last leaf being blank. At pages 31, 42, 65 and 75 there are spirited engravings, evidently of the earliest impression, representing scenes of massacre, torture, etc. This work is one of importance for the history of the Dutch in Brazil, and yet it seems to be unknown to the most enterprising and intelligent of the Low Country booksellers, and also to Netscher the historian. 29424 Manifesto do procedimento do Brasil, a respeito das Provincias Unidas do Rio da Prata ; e dos motivos a declarar a gnerra, Bvo. calf, arms on sides, 12s Rio dejan. 1825 29425 Paes de Andrada, Flores Singelas, 8vo. Portuguese Poetry, sd. 4s Pernamhuco, 1861 29426 Saint-Hilaire (A. de) Voyage dans les Provinces de Rio de Janeiro et de Minas Geraes — Voyage dans le district des Diamans et sur le littoral du Bresil, 4 vols. 8vo. plate, hf. morocco, 16s 1830-3 29427 SOUTHEY'S (Robt.) History of Brazil, 3 vols. 4to. (pub. at £7. 15s), hds. £2. 16s ; or, calf neat, £3. 1810-17-19 29428 the same, 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, by Clarice and Bedford, a fine copy, £4. _ ' _ 1819-22 "An admirable work, full of information nowhere else to be obtained." 29429 SouzA e Oliveiea, Bosquejo historico e docnmentado das opera^oes militares na provincia do Rio Grande do Sul, durante sua presidencia, 8vo. sd. 4s Bio de Janeiro, 1841 29430 SwAiNSON (William) Selection of the Birds of Brazil and Mexico, 8vo. 78 beautifully coloured plates, hf. green morocco, gilt edges, £7. 7s 1841 29431 Spix and Martius, Travels in Brazil, 1817-20, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, calf gilt, Qs 1824 Contains " minute and accurate descriptions of the Indians." 29432 Tamaio de Vargas (Thomas) Restauracion de la ciudad del Salvador y Baia de Todos-Sanctos en la Provincia del Brazil por las armas de Don Philippe IV, Rei de las Espanas, sm. 4to. vellum, scarce, from the Sunderland library, £1. 10s Madrid, viuda de Alonso Martin, 1628 29433 VARN'HAGEISr (F. A. de) Vespuce et son premier Voyage, 1497-8, avec le texte de trois Notes importantes de la main de Colomb, 8vo. sd. 2s U 1858 Amerigo Vespucci, 1856-70 —see ^. 2859. 29434 ExAMEN de quelques points de I'Histoire geographique du Bresil, 8vo. sd. 5s 1858 29435 iNDicAgAO de alguns MSS. importantes, respectivos ao Brazil e a Portugal, 8vo. sd. 2s Habana, 1863 29436 Tabaco (o) da Bahia, de que modo se ha de melhorar, assim o cultivo da planta, 8vo. sd. 2s Caracas, 1863 2950 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29437 VARNHAGEN (F. A. de) Indios Bravos (os), 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Lima, 1867 A necessary appendix to the author's History of Brazil. It is a reply to certain criticisms upon his narrative concerning the relations between the colonists and the tribes of untamed Indians, and upon his suggestions of internal policy with regard to those tribes. 29438 Historia da Guerra do Brasil contra Urnguay e Paraguay, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. £1. 45 Bio de Janeiro, 1870 29439 Informa9ao sobre a Capitania do Maranhao, dada en 1813, por B. J. da Gama, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Vienna, 1872 29440 Historia das Lutas com os Hollandezes no Brazil, 1624-51, 8vo. sd. 10s ; or, hf. bd. 12s Lisboa, 1874 A work of great value and importance for the history of the Portuguese in America. III. ENGLISH AND FRENCH AMERICA. 1. General Works. 29441 AUDUBON (J. J.) BIRDS of AMERICA, the genuine original edition, 4 vols, double elephant folio, 435 superbly coloured plates, the Birds the full size of life, half bd. morocco, early subscribers' copy, remarkably fine, clean and large, £270. 1827-38 The above is a copy of the first issue, which may be distinguished from the second by the numbering of the plates of the Ji/rst volume being in Arabic numerals. Many of the large plates having become worn, the coppers engraved by Lizars were retouched by Havell for a second issue ; the work of the latter being inferior to that of the former engraver. Collation : Titles to each volume, 4 leaves ; Plates 1 to 435. Plate 254 is erroneously numbered 256, and plate 260 is numbered 240, nos. 256 and 240 being thus repeated. With the exception of plates I-X and XV, all the plates in the first volume are numbered in Arabic numerals ; the numbering of the plates in the other three volumes is in Koman numerals. 29442 AUDUBON'S BIRDS of AMERICA, 7 vols. impl. octavo, 500 COLOURED plates, with Text, half calf, rare, £40. Neio York, J. J. Audubon, 1840-44 Original edition, with first impressions of the plates, which are coloured in a style superior to that of the later issues. 29443 AUDUBON'S BIRDS of AMERICA, re-issued by J. W. Audubon, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. 500 coloured plates, half morocco, £35. New Yorh, 1861 The plates in this issue are printed with a tinted background. In these seven volumes are contained faithful reductions of all the plates of the larger edition, each plate being bound in juxtaposition to its explanatory letterpress, thus rendering the labours of this eminent ornithologist easily accessible to students. Andnbon was the son of a Frenchman, but was by birth an American. His indefatigable pursuit of knowledge, bis enthusiastic devotion to the science of ornithology, his keenness of insight, have rendered his name for ever famous as that of one of the greatest naturalists the world has seen. With Bnffon, Cuvier, and Owen, he occupies a front rank from which no later investigator can dethrone him ; and at the same time he holds a position of no <^mall importance as one of the literary celebrities of the New World. ANGLO-FRENCH AMERICA. 2951 29444 BiNNET (W. G.) Bland (T.) and Try on (G. W.) Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America, 4 parts or vols. 8vo. numerous woodcuts, the first vol. Inf. id., the rest sd. 24s Washington, 1865-73 29445 Blome (R.) Description of the Island of Jamaica ; with the other Isles and Territories in America, to which the English are related, taken from the Notes of Sr. Th. Linch, Governonr of Jamaica ; and other Experienced Persons, 12mo. origixal EDITION, 2 maps {of Carolina and, Virgiiua), those of Jamaica and Barbados ivanting, calf, rare, £'S. 3s 1672 29446 The Present State of His ^lajesties Isles and Territories in America, viz. Jamaica. Barbados, . . . New Jersey, Pensilvania . . . Carolina, Virginia, New England . New York, sraall Bvo. fine portrait of James II engraved hy Van Hove, seven maps by Morden, and a plate of Dials, fine copy in old calf £2. 10s ' 1687 The earlier editions do not contain all the Maps, notably that of New England, in which the positions and names of many towns will be found registered which might vainly be sought for in anterior publications. 29447 [BURKE (Edmund)] Account of the European Settlements in America : a short history of the discovery, manners and customs of the original inhabitants, the Spanish settlements, the Portuguese, the French, Dutch and Danish, the English, 6 parts in 2 vols. Bvo. maps, old calf gilt, 25s 1770 29448 CASTELL (William) A Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Continent of America, from the Equinoctiall Northward, and of the adjacent Isles, . . . whereunto is prefixed the Author's Petition to this present Parliament for the propagation of the Gospell in America . . . and a late Ordinance for . . the better government of the English Plantations there, sm. 4to. fine copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, the autograph of Daines Barrington on the flyleaf, £30. 1644 The Sunderland copyfetchfd £46. One of the rarer books which are indispensable, although seldom met with, in every good American library. The author was Parson of Courtenhall in Northampton, but a Parliament- man, and the preliminary pages to his work contain allusions to the Royal party which must have had an effect upon the fortunes of copies twent}' years later. 29449 DOUGLASS (W.) Summary of the first Planting .... and present State of the British Settlements in North America, 2 vols. 8vo. large maps, calf, 30s London, 1755 29450 Duncan (J. M.) Travels through part of the United States and Canada, 1818-9, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 24s Glasgow, 1823 29451 Fashionable Tour (The): A Guide to Travellers visiting the Middle and Northern States, and the Provinces of Canada, 12mo. views, hf. bd. bs Saratoga Springs, 1830 29452 KIalm (Peter) Travels into North America, translated by J. R. Forster, 2 vols. Bvo. plates, calf, 10s 1772 29453 Ker (John) of Kersland. Memoirs and Secret Negotiations 21)52 BERNARD QU.ARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. (in America, etc.), 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. loith fine clean impression of the map of Louisiana in pt. 2, calf, 20s Land. 1726 From the crest on the back, this copy seems to have belonged to the unfortunate Loi'd Balmerino, who was executed in 1746 for having joined the Pretender. 29454 Knox's (Capt. John) Historical Jonrnal of the Campaigns in Nortli-Amei'ica, 1757-60, 2 vols. 4to. portraits and map, calf, 25s 1769 29455 Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the last War between the English and P^'rench in N. America, from 1744 to the Treaty at Aix la Chapelle, 8vo. sd. 5s 1757 29466 NoTMAN (W.) Portraits of British Americans, with biographical sketches, by F. Taylor, Vols. I and II, 12 parts, without pt. 10, 8vo. numerous photographs, sd. I2s Montreal, 1865 29457 Present State of N. America, pt. I, 4to. 88 pp. sd. 8s 6d 1755 On the disputes between the English and French in N. America. 29458 RoLPH (Th.) Brief Account, together with Observations, made during a visit in the West Indies and United States, with an account of Upper Canada, 8vo. bds. 20s Dundas, U. C. 1836 29459 Review of the Military Operations in North- America, 1758-6, in a letter to a nobleman [Lord Temple], 4to. sd. £2. 1757 29460 WILSON (A.) American Ornithology, with a sketch of the author's life, by G. Ord, 3 vols. 4to. and folio atlas of 76 coloured plates, half red morocco, £6. 10s New York, 1828-9 The plates are impressions from the original coppers, which have since been lost*. 2. New England, Pennsylvania, Virginia, comprising all the North American States (except Canada) under English rule in 1770, including also loorks of all descriptions hy North American authors. 29461 Adams (John) and Thomas Jefferson, Selection of Eulogies pro- nounced in the several States in honor of, 8vo. hds. lOs Hartford, Conn. 1826 29162 Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America, 8vo. sd. 8s &d 1775 Shewing that " ihe projects of your Congress for war or suspension of trade would recoil on yourselves, and that all the subjects of diiference between you and us are easily reconcileable." 29463 Allen (Ira) Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1798 29464 Allen (W.) American Biographical and Historical Dictionary, stout 8vo. cloth, lOs Boston, 1882 29465 (ALMON'S) REMEMBRANCER, or Impartial Repository of Public Events, Vols. 1-XV, 8vo. hf. calf, very scarce, £16. 16s London, J. Almon, 1775-83 "The late interesting advices from America suggested the utility of a Periodical Collection of ilie best accounts of every important public transac- tion .... the plan of this Work is, to select from all the Public Prints the best account of every material public event." — Extract from Advertisement. NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2953 29466 AJVIERICAN ACADEMY. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, First Series, Vol. I and part 1 of Vol. IV (series completed in 4 vols.), Boston, 1785 — New Series, Vols. I to III, IV parts 1 and 2 (of 3), V, and VI parts I and 2, Cam- hridge, 1833-59 — roy. 4to. many plates of Natural History, tliree vols, cloth, one in calf, the rest setved, £7. Boston and Cambridge, U.S. 1785-1859 Sold separately : New Series, Vol. II: Pickering on the lan- guage and inhabitants of Lord North'.s Island, Indian Archipelago, ivith a Vocabulary, pp. 43 ; Masury's Voca- bulary of the Soahili language, in Africa ; Storer's Fishes of North America, pp. 198; etc cloth, 15s 1846 Vol. Ill: Gray's North American Plants, 10 plates, pp. 56; Sullivant's Bryology and Hepaticology of North America, 5 plates ; Hitchcock on the Animals that made the Fossil Foot-marks of the U.b. 24: 'plates, pp. 127 ; Le Conte on a Fossil Pachyderm ; and articles on Astronomy; sewed, 20« 1848 Vol. V : Storer's Fishes of Massachu- setts, 8 plates, pp. 47 ; Burnett on Spermatic particles in vertebrated ani- mals, pp. 20 ; Harbour of Boston ; Ancient Fortifications at Marietta, (Jhi^); Atomic weights; Storer's Fishes, continued, ipp. 43,7 plates; Plants novae ThurberianiB ; Gra)''s genus Vavaa and Rhytidandra; Zinc and Antimony; Hall and Meek's Fossils of Nebraska, 8 plates ; etc. seived, 35s 1855 29467 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceed- ings of the 2nd Meeting, held at Cambridge, 1849 ; 13th, Springfield, Mass. 1859 ; 25th, Bufi"alo, 1876 ; 26th, Nashville, 1877 ; — 4 vols, large 8vo. papers by the chief American naturalists, seived, 25s Boston and. Cambridge, 1850-77 29468 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY, edited by Basil L. GiLDERSLEEVE, Vols. I-V part 2, Svo. four volumes hf. calf, and two parts, £3. 15s Baltimore, 1880-84 29469 American Journal of Mathematics, edited by J. J. Sylvester, Vol. V parts 3 and 4, roy. 4to. sd. hs Baltimore, 1883 29470 AMERICAN Journal of Science and Arts, conducted by Pro- fessor Benjamin Silliman, afterwards by Asa Gray, Louis Agassiz, and others, from the commencement in 1818 to April, 1878 : First Series, 100 numbers, forming 49 vols. 1818-45 — Second Series, 150 numbers, forming 50 vols. 1846-70 — Third Series, numbers 1-88 or Vols. I-XVpart 4, 1870-78;— 112 vols. and 4 parts, 8vo. plates and ivoodcuts, £90. Neiv York and New Haven, 1818-78 29471 another set. First Series, number 49 to 100 (without number 54) — Second Series, numbers 1, 3 to 21, 27, 31, 55, 57 to 60, 67 to 228, and 133 to 145 ; — 8vo. chiefly in parts, £10 1845-69 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: 29472 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, complete from the commencement in 1768 to 1856, being First Series, 6 vols. — Second Series, Vols. I — X; — together 16 vols, large 4to. many fine plates of Mathematic» and Natural History, maps, etc. bds. uncut, very rare, £15. Philadelphia, 1771 (1789)-1853 The American I'hilosopiiical Society was the first Learned Institution of America. The early vols, contain original contributions from Franklin, Priestly, etc. In the later vols, will be found Lea's celebrated works on Conchology, the }!lates to which are most exquisitely coloured. 2954 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29473 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. III. ; V, numbers 47 to 49 ; VI, numbers 51, 52, 59, 60 ; VII, numbers 61, 63, 64 ; VIII, IX, numbers 67 to 70 ; X, numbers 73, 74, 77, 78, 80 ; XI-XXI ; — 8vo. plates, sd. sold separately Philadelphia, 1843-84 2?474 American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany, Vol. I in 12 nos. and Vol. II nos. 1-4, 16 nos. 8vo. sd. bs 1838-40 29475 Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress, 8vo. sd. 5s 1776 Dividing the Declaration of Independence into 27 articles, and answering each severally. 29476 Andre (Major John) Authentic Narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre, Adjutant- General of the British Army in America, by J. H. Smith, 8vo. portrait and map, hf. Id. 2s 6d 1808 29477 SARGENT (W.) Life and Career of Major J.Andre, 8vo. calf extra, gilt top, by Pratt, £4. Privately printed, Boston, 1861 The impression was limited to 75 copies. 29478 Apthorp (East) Considerations on the institution and conduct of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel, 1763 — Mayhew (Jonathan) Observations on the charter and conduct of the Society, 1763 — Candid Examination of Dr. Mayhew's Observa- tions, 1763 — Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations, 1764 — Mayhew's Remarks on an anonymous tract entitled An Answer, 1 764— together 5 pieces in 1 vol. 8vo. calf, 25s Boston, 1763-64 29479 Arnold (Samuel Greene) History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1636-1790, 2 vols. 8vo. map and. plate, hf. calf neat, Mr. Buckle's copy, 21s New YorJc, 1859-60 29480 ASH (Simeon) and Rathband (William) A Letter of many ministers in old England, requesting the judgment of their reverend Brethren in New England concerning nine positions, ■written a.d. 1637 . . . 1643 — Brief Narrative of some Church courses ... by W. R(athband), defective, 1644 — 2 pieces, sm. 4to. £4. 4s 1643-44 29481 Ashley (John) Memoirs and Considerations concerning the trade and revenues of the British Colonies in America, 2 vols. 8vo. calf 25s 1740-43 29482 Autograph Letters of Great Americans. Letters of John Quincy Adams, Thomas B. Adams, Rufus King, General C. C. Pinckney, W. V. Murray, and others — all addressed to Joseph Pit- cairn the U.S. Consul at Hamburg, and dated from 1796 to 1821 — a collection of extreme interest and irrfportance^ hound in a thick 4to volume, hf. riissia, £100. 1796-1821 ConBdental letters, chiefly on the interests of America at home and abroad, the wars of the French Republic and of Napoleon, the diplomatic and military stiniggles of that eventful time. They are all of the highest interest ; not flimsy and ill- NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2955 written notes such as constitute epistolary correspondence in our day, but well-written and copious communications, marked by all the qualities of literary style, and treating on matters of great consequence and importance. The Letters in this collection may be recapitulated thus : — Adams (John Quincy) American Minister at various Courts of Europe, and afterivards President, 57 Letters, written from the Hague, Berlin, Toplitz, St. Petersburg, Ghent, ranging from August, 1796 to November, 1814. Adams (Thomas B.) brother of John Quincy, 25 Letters — the first nine being from the Hague or Berlin, 1796-1798, the rest from Quincy or Philadelphia, 1729-1801. King (Rufus) American Minister in London, 52 Letters, admirably expressive of the character of a man of the highest order, ranging from October, 1796 to April, 1803. Murray (William Vans) American Minister at the Hague, 16 Letters, from December, 1799 to August, 1801. PiNCENET (General Charles C.) Minister to France, 4 Let- ters ; March to July, 1797. Bourne (Sylvanus) 7 Letters from Amsterdam, 1814. Welsh (Thomas) 12 Letters from Berlin, 1799. Pickering (Timothy) a Letter, and a signed circular ; Madison (James) a signature ; Letters of R. R. Livingston, J. L. Cathcart, Henry M. Rutledge, John Russell, B. Dandridge, Amos Wray, William Porter, jr. ; besides 7 letters of the Com- mandant Bresson, and 2 of Alex. Lameth, in French. The calm philosophical observations of the two Adamses, concerning home and foreign politics, the sedate elegance of their language ; the vigorous and incisive style of Rufus King, well suited to the boldness and sagacity of his intellect ; the business-like lucidity and straightforwardness of Murray's letters ; combined with the nature of the subjects on which they treat and the mighty changes which were revolutionizing the face of the world in their time, promise a banquet of the finest intellectual enjoyment to any one who shall study the correspondence which Mr. Pitcairn so carefully preserved. 29483 Bartlett (J. R.) Dictionary of Americanisms ; a Glossary of Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States, stout 8vo. 46 and QVS pp. cloth, 18s Boston, 1877 29484 Memoirs of Rhode Island Officei's engaged in the service of their country during the great Rebellion of the South, 4to. 35 portraits and plate, hds. 20s Providence, 1867 29485 BELKNAP (Jer.) History of New-Hampshire, 3 vols. 8vo. hf calf, £2. 16s Boston, Mass. 1791-2 29486 the same, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, £3. 16s 1791-2 29487 [BEVERLEY (R.)] History of Virginia, in Four Parts: History of Virginia to 1706 ; the Natural Productions, etc. ; the Native Indians, their Religions, Laws and Customs ; the Present State 201 2956 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. of the Country; in 1 vol. sm. 4to. 15 plates including frontispiece, calf, £2. 16s 1722 " Robert Beverley, d. 1716, a native of Virginia, was clerk of the Council about 1697, when Andros was governor." — Allihone. "A work of considerable merit, particularly ^ relative to the numerous Indian tribes." — Pinkerton. 29488 Bible Society (American) Jubilee Memorial, being a review of its first fifty years' work, by I. Ferris, 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d New York, 1867 29489 BLAKE (William) America : a Prophecy, folio, text and ilhistra- tions entirely engraved by Blake's oivn hand, and printed in a bluish tint, original impression, hf. morocco, gilt edges, very rare, £42. 1793 This sti'ange and sorcerous poem reads like the recollections of a night- mare in which the poet gazed through a stormy atmosphere upon the struggles of Great Britain and her colonies, and the establishment of the American republic. 29490 Boston. Index of tbe Catalogue of Books of the Public Library of the City of Boston, stout roy. 8vo. 902 pp. cloth, 5s Boston, 1861 29491 Boston Broadside Ballads. An Exhortation to Young and Old , . . wherein is recommended to serious Consideration the melancholy case of William Welch, alias Kelly, Executed on Boston Neck, April 11th, 1754, for the murder of Darby O'Brian, woodcut representing the execution, and 20 verses, a broadside folded in Svo. shape, £1. Is Boston (U.S.), 1754 29492 BOYLE (Capt. R.) Voyages and Adventures, with the Voyage of R. Castelman, with description of Philadelphia and Pennsyl- vania, 8vo. frontispiece, calf, £3. 3s 1726 29493 the same, 8yo. frontispiece, calf, £3. 10s 1728 "A fictitious narrative, written by W. R. Chetwood." 29494 BozMAN (J. L.) History of Maryland during the first three years after its settlement, 8vo. original edition, portrait of Geo. Calvert, first Earl of Baltimore, calf, 25s Baltimore, 1811 29495 Brackenridge (H. M.) Histoiy of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, sm. 8vo. curious woodcuts, hds. 10s Baltimore, 1817 29496 BRADFORD (William) History of Plymouth Plantation, edited with notes by Charles Deane, 8yo. facsimile, cloth, £2. 16s Boston, privately printed, 1856 Only fifty copies thus produced for private circulation. 29497 [BRECK (Edward] A Declaration of the Sad and Great Perse- cution and Martyrdom of the People of God, called Quakers, in New England for the Worshipping of God . . . also some con- siderations, presented to the King which is in answer to a petition and address, which was presented unto him by the General Court at Boston, subscribed by J. Endicot the chief persecutor there ; thinking thereby to cover themselves from the blood of the innocent, sm. 4to. title in red and black (16 II.), red morocco, by Bedford, £18. 18s Lond.for K. Wilsoji, 1660 ExctssiVELY RARE. This rccord of gentle suffering forms a better testimony to the Christian piety of the Puritan rulers of New-England than has been furnished even by the Mathers and their followers. N"E',V ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2957 29498 BRIGHT S (The) of Suffolk, England ; represented in America by the descendants of Henry Bright, jun., by J. B. Bright, 8vo. por- traits, plates, with the aiithor's autographletter, hf. morocco, £3. 3s Boston Mass., 'privately printed, 1858 29499 Beisted (J.) Resources of the United States, a view of the agricul- tural, commercial, financial, etc. capacity and character of the American people, 8vo. hds. 7s 6d New Yorh, 1818 29500 BULLOCK (William) Virginia, impartially examined, and left to public view, to be considered by all ludicious and honest men. Under which Title, is comprehended the Degrees from 34 to 39, wherein lyes the rich and healthfull Countries of Roanock, the new Plantations of Virginia and Mary-land . . . sm. 4to. red morocco, hy Bedford, £14. 1649 29501 BcTRNABT (Andrew) Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, 1759-60, third edition enlarged, 4to. map and plates, hf. Id. 15s 1798 29502 Byron (Lord) Correspondence with a friend, including his letters to his mother, 1809-11 [edited by R. C. Dallas], 12mo. hds. 7s Philadelphia, 1825 29503 Callender (J.) Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of Rhode Island (1638-1738), with memoir and annota- tions by R. Elton, 8vo. facsimile, cloth, 7s 6d Boston, Mass. 1843 29504 Carlier (A.) Histoire du Peuple Americain, Etats-Unis, et de ses rapports avec les Indiens, depuis la fondation des Colonies Anglaises jusqu' a la Revolution de 1776, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. viorocco, 5s Paris, 1864 29505 Carolina. A Brief Description of the Province of Carolina on the coasts of Floreda, and more perticularly of a New- Plantation begun by the English at Cape-Feare, on that River now by them called Charles- River, the 29th of May, 1664 . . sm. 4to. map, old calf, £12. 12s 1666 The first printed work relating to Carolina, and now very rare. The map is also the fir.->t printed map of that province. For a MS. map, which was designed a few years earlier, see in this alphabet, Comberford (Nicholas). Bound up with other tracts, nearly contemporaneous, including " liilling no Murder," and the " Secret Histoiy of the Calves' Head Club." 29506 Carroll (B. R.) Historical Collections of South Carolina, embracing many rare Pamphlets and Documents relating to the history of that State, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, cloth, 21s N. Y. 1836 29507 [Wilson (Samuel)] Account of the Province of Carolina in America, together with an abstract of the Patent, sm. 4to. %oanting title and next leaf, 15s 1682 see also post Comberford, Ramsay, Williams. 29508 CASSIN (John) Mammalogy and Ornithology of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-42, under the comraand of Charles Wilkes, roy. 4to. text, cloth, with roy. 4to. Atlas consist- ing of h^ finely coloured plates, hf. hd. £9. Philadelphia, 1858 29509 CATESBY'S (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, 2 vols. impl. folio, original edition, 200 finely coloured plates of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles, and Plants, toith English and French descriptive text, old calf, £8. 1731 201 * 2958 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29510 GATE SET (Mark) Hortus Europse Americanus : or, a Collection of 85 curious Trees and Shrubs of N. America, adapted to the climates of Europe, atlas 4to. 63 coloured plates on\7 leaves, hf. hd. 2os 1767 29511 CHARTERS of the following Provinces of North America: Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay, and Georgia, with a narrative of the pro- ceedings in consequence of the Stamp Act, 4to. map dated 1763, hf. hd. 24s 1766 29512 Child (Major John) New England's Jonas cast up at London, 1647, with Introduction and notes by W. T. R. Marvin, sm. 4to. sd. 170 copies printed, 10s Boston, 1869 29513 Christian History, containing accounts of the revival and propa- gation of Religion in Great Britain and America for the Year 1743 [and 1744], 2 vols. 8vo. calf, rare, 32s Boston {N. E.), Kneeland and Green, 1744-1745 These two important historical volumes appeared weekly in 104 numbers, under the editorship of the Rev. Thomas Prince, the annalist of New England. Complete sets, in good order like the present copy, are uncommon. Church's Indian Wars — see post ujider Aborigines. 29514 CoBBETT (W.) A Tear's Residence in the United States of Ame- rica, 8vo. map, hf. calf, 5s 1819 29515 Collections of the New York Historical Society, Vols. I-III, 8vo. half calf neat, 25s New Tori; 1811-21 29515* the same, 3 vols, binding hroTcen, 20s 1811-21 At the end of the second volume are 139 pp. consisting of a catalogue of the Society's library — an interesting collection relating to America. 29516 COMBERFORD (Nicholas) Manuscript Map of the South Part OF Virginia, now the North Part op Carolina, the original coloured drawing (18| inches hy 14), ivith artist's signature, "Nicholas Comberford, Fecit Anno 1657," mounted on oak hoards hinged^ to close as a folio booh, £25. 1657 The first special map of North Carolina, the separation of which was looked upon with great disfavour by the planters of " Ould Virginia." The coast- line extends from Cape Henry to Cape Fear, and the interior is delineated to as far as from about Murfreesboro in the north to about Elizabeth Town in the South. — This is an article which ought to be secured by a public library. It is remarkable that it was prepared in 1657, six years before the patent was given to Lord Clarendon and others for the establishment of a colony. 29517 Connecticut forty years since, Sketch of, 12mo. bds. 7s 6d Eartford, 1824 29518 Constitutions des treize Etat-Unis, avec la declaration de I'lnde- pendence, les articles de confederation, et les traites, 8vo. thick PAPER, hf. hd. 15s Philadelphia, 1783 29518*C0NSTiTUTi0NS of the United States, according to the latest amend- ments, with the Declaration of Independence and the Federal Constitution, 8vo. hd. 3s 6d Philadelphia, ] 806 29519 Cooper (Thomas) Some Information respecting America, 8vo. hds. 6s 1794 29520 COTTON (J.) The Way of the Churches of Christ in New-Eng- land . . measured and examined by the golden reed of the Sanctuary, sm. 4to. sciced, £2. 10s 1645 NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2959 29521 ViNDiCLE Clavium . . . being some animadversions npon a ti^ct of Mr. I. C[otton] called The Kejes of the Kingdom of Heaven ; as als upon another tract of his called The Way of the Churches OF New Englaxd . . sm. 4to. unlound, £\. 15s 1645 29522 Norton (John) Abel being dead yet speaketh ; or the Life & Death of that deservedly famous man of God, Mr. John Cotton, sm. 4to. sd. RARE, £4. 1658 29523 CoxE (Tench) View of the United States of America, 1787-94, 8vo. First Edition, bd. 7s Fhiladel;pliia, 1794 29523* the same, 8vo. calf, 8s 1795 29524 COPLAND (Patrick) Virginia's God be thanked, or a sermon of thanksgiving for the happie snccesse of the affayres in Virginia this last yeare, preached . . . the 18 of Aprill, 1622 . . . smallest 4to. calf, vert rare, £7. 7s I. D. for William Sheffard and lohn Bellamie, 1622 A most business-like preacher, whose pious discourse is richly studded with items of useful information concerning the products of Virginia and the condition of the colony, and its relations with the Indians. Copland had been there with Sir Thomas Gates, and refers to many interesting incidents, including his shipwreck with Sir George Summers on the *' supposed enchanted islands," and the marriage of John Eolfe to Pocahontas. 29525 Darby (W.) Tour from New York to Detroit, 1818, 8vo. maps, uncut, 10s N. Y. 1819 29526 Debates, Resolutions, and other proceedings of the Convention of Massachusetts, convened at Boston, 1788, for the purpose of ratifying the Constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention, to which the Federal Constitution is prefixed, sm. 8vo. RARE, 20s Boston, 1788 29526*Debates in the Senate of the United States on the Judiciary, 8vo. hds. 5s Philadelphia, 1802 29527 De Witt Clinton, Memoir of, with Appendix of Documents illustrative of the principal Events of his Life, by D. Hosack, 4to. Portrait and Map of the New York Canals, hf calf, 24s New Yorlc, privately printed, 1829 29528 Dow (Lorenzo) The Chain of Lorenzo . . sm. 4to. sd. 25s Augusta (Georgia) [1803] The place of impression, and the references to the man's wanderings in America, constitute the sole value of this sanctimonious biographical tract. 29529 DUDLEY'S Arcano del Mare, folio, the text only of the first edition, loith several folding maps and plates, including one which gives a detailed representation of Neio England, Virginia, New France, and Nova Scotia, and another which shoios the coast of California from Mexico to Cape Mendocino; old red morocco, £3. 10s Firenze, 1846 The text contains the details of fourteen Portolani or sea-routes, including the author's own voyage in 1594 to Guiana, with Kendal's account of it, two voyages to or from California by the author, and another. One of the Portolani is that of John Davis to India in 1601 (killed 1602) whom Dudley describes as being, along with Abraham Kendal, the best and most expert mariners that England ever had. Being too lately acquired for appearance in its proper place, the volume is inserted here. 29C0 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29530 DU SUMITIERE, Portraits of the Generals, Ministers, Magis- strates, Members of Congress, and others, who have rendered themselves illustrious in the Revolution of the United States of "^ORTE. A'M'E'RlCA, 4to. 26 plates, half onorocco, £16. 1783 This copy consists of two distinct sets of portraits of the same indiriduals, the American Artist, Du Sumitiere, having- brought duplicates of his drawings, and sold them to two rival publishers, Richardson and Wilkinson. See long note by Mr. Drummond in the volume. After the portraits is a very rare and interesting series of early American paper money, including two notes printed by B, Franklin and D. Hall, 1756-7; the next Pensylvania, 1757, with others of the States of Maryland, 1774, Philadelphia, 1776, and ending with notes of the Federal and Confede- rate States in 1863-64. Also a reprint in facsimile of the Declaration of American Independence. 29531 DwiGHT (Tim.) Travels in New-England and New-York, 4 vols. 8vo. portrait and maps, hf. calf, 36s 1823 " This work is the most important of his writings, and will derive addi- tional interest from time." — Quart. Rev. E. (W.) — see Nbw England's Present Sufferings. 29532 Edwards (Jonathan) Some Thoughts concerning the present Revival of Religion in New England, 12mo. cf. 32s Boston (Netv England), 1742 Rare. Rich's catalogue contained only the Edinburgh reprint of 1744. 29533 ELIOT. Genealogical Account of a few of the families of the Early Settlers in Eliot (a township in Maine), and of a branch of the Moody family, 1638-1850, sm. 8vo. sd. 12s Saco, 1851 Dr. P'ogg is the author of this pamphlet of 22 pp. which is probably veiy rare. The families are three : the Foggs, the Hills, and the Moodies. The work begins thus : " The name of Fogg appears to be of great antiquity in England and Wales." Eliot's Indian Tracts — see post under Aborigines. 29534 Fearon (H. B.) Sketches of America ; a Narrative of a journey through the Eastern and Western States of America, 8vo. bds. 12s 1818 29535 Feltman (Lieut. W.) Journal, 1781-2, including the March into Virginia and the Siege of Yorktown, 8vo. bds. Qs Phil. 1853 29536 [FRANKLIN (Benjamin)] Historical View of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, so far as regards the points of controversy which have from time to time arisen between the Governors and the Assemblies, 8vo. calf, 14s 1759 29537 Letters from his family and friends, 4to. large paper, portraits, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s New York, 1859 Only ten copies printed. 29538 Life and Writings : a Biographical Essay on the Stevens' collection of Books and MSS. relating to Dr. Franklin, by H. Stevens, impl. 8to. 5 portraits, and facsimile, cloth, 12s 1881 29539 CICERO'S Cato Major, or his Discourse of Old Age, with explanatory Notes (translated by Mr. Logan of Philadelphia), Svo. Franklin's original edition, hf. hd. £5. Philadelphia, pri7ited and sold by B. Franklin, 1744 In the Printer's Address to the Reader, Benjamin Franklin expresses s hope that this translation might be " a happy omen that Philadelphia shall Income the seat of the American Muses." NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2961 He always took pride iu this volume, and looked upon it as the finest production of his press. 29540 [French (B. F.)] Biographica Americana; Lives of the most distinguished persons of North America, 8vo. hds. 7s Qd New Yorh, 1825 29541 FRENEAU (Philip) Poems written between the years 1768 and 1794, new edition, with many pieces never before published, Svo. calf, £2. 10s Monmouth (New Jersey), 1795 There is some humour and vigour in the verses of this patriotic rhymer ; but he is no Tyrtseus. He may however be called the first poet of the new Republic. 29542 G. (F.) Nomenclatura Brevis Anglo-Latino (sic) in usum Scholarum, together with examples of the Five Declensions, etc. 18mo. kf. morocco, rare, £3. Boston, in New England, 1735 Contains iv (including title) and 88 pp. This little school-book (perhaps by Francis Gouldman or Francis Gregory who wrote school-books in England in the second half of the seventeenth century) is extremely rare, perhaps unique, as I find it nowhere recorded ; although I have met with the title of au English reprint, some thirty years later. 29543 Gallatin (Albert) Sketch of the Finances of the United States, Svo. calf, 12s New YorJc, 1796 An interesting volume, which is not mentioned by Allibone. 29544 Georgia. Account of the Designs of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, original prospectus, ivith map, 2 leaves folio, n. d. — Reasons for establishing the Colony of Georgia, frontispiece and map, 4to. sd. £1. Is 1733 29545 A Report of the Attorney- General [Charles Lee] to Congress ; containing a Collection of Charters, Treaties, and other Documents, relative to the title to the land situate in the South-Western parts of the United States, Svo. sd. 18s Philadelphia, 1796 Important for the history of Georgia and South Carolina. 29546 Georgia Historical Society, Collections of the, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 32s Savannah, 1840-2 Contents : Fr. Moore's Voyage to Georgia in 1735 ; Reasons for Estab- lishing the Colony, 1733; Fat. Tailfer's Narrative of Georgia; etc. 29547 Good Humour, or a Way with the Colonies, 12mo. sd. 30s 1766 A fiery attack upon the colonies and their defenders. The so-called Liberty preached by such scoundrels as " Mr. P " (Lord Chatham), with •whom are associated Wilkes and Churchill, is real Slavery ! The colonists are worse than thieves, to resist the Stamp- Act, or any taxes imposed by their gracious monarch. 29548 Gordon (T. F.) History of New Jersey (with Gazetteer), 2 vols. in 1, Svo. cloth, 12s Trenton, 1834 29549 Green (A.) Discourses, delivered in the College of New Jersey, chiefly to Candidates for the 1st Degree in the Arts, including a historical sketch of the College, 8vo. bds. 7s 6d Trenton, N. J. 1822 29550 Harper (R. G.) Observations on the dispute between the U.S. and France, Svo. sd. Ss ed Fhil. 1798 2962 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Harvard College Museum: Memoirs or Illustrated Catalogue of, royal 4to. 29552 AGASSIZ (Alex.) Revision of the ECHINI, pp. 762, 93 jjZa^es (0/ 94) and Qd woodcuts (pub. complete £8. 10s), in parts, £5. 1872-74 29553 North American Acalephae, 234 pp. 360 ivoodcuts (pub. 20s), IO5 1865 29554 _ North American Starfishes, 136 pp. 20 plates and 20 vjoodcuts (pub. 25s), 12s Gd 1877 29555 Hagen (H. A.) On Insect Deforan'ties, 1 plate, 2s 1876 29556 Ltman (Th.) Ophiuridse and Astrophytidae (Hassler Expedition), 5 plates, 5s 1874 29557 Harvard Memorial Biographies, 2 vols. 8vo. 477 and 512 pp. cloth, 10s Cambridge, 1866 Memoirs of those members of Harvard College who fell in battle during the American Civil War, with a collection of private letters of importance for the History of the War. 29558 HELLIER. The vain prodigal life, and tragical penitent death of Thomas Hellier, born at Whitchurch, near Lyme in Dorset- shire ; who for murdering his Master, Mistress and a Maid was executed according to Law at Westover, in Charles City in the Country of Virginia, neer the plantation called Hard Labour, where he perpetrated the said murders. He suffred on Mon- day the 5th of August, 1678, and was after hanged up in chains at Windmill-point, on James River, sm. 4to. tinboimd, very rare AND CURIOUS, from the Sunderland library, £5. 15s 1680 29559 Henry (Patrick) Sketches of the Life and Chai'acter of, by W. Wirt, 8vo. portrait, bds. 7s 6d Phil. 1817 29560 Hough (F. B.) History of Lewis County, in the State of New York, 8vo. numerous portraits, the Emperor Napoleon' s copy, bd. 7s 6d Albany, 1860 29561 HowisoN (R. R.) History of Virginia, from its discovery to the present time, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 20s Phil. 1846 Hubbard — see post binder Aborigines. 29562 HUTCHINSON (Thomas) History of the Colony (and Province) of Massachusets-Bay from 1628 to 1750, 2 vols. 8vo. bd. rare, 30s London and Boston, Neiv England, 1760-67 The second volume bears the author's autograph inscriptions. It is bound up with " a short view of the history of the colony, 1769," an anonymous tract fi'om the English point of view. 29563 Jay (John) Life, with selections from his Correspondence, by W. Jay, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, cloth, 10s Ne^o York, 1833 29564 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia, 8vo. large folding map and tables, bds. 16s; calf, 18s 1787 29565 Notes on the State of Virginia, with the Appendixes, complete, 8vo. boards, scarce, 10s Baltimore, 1800 29566 Jones (Col. C. C.) General Sherman's March from Atlanta to the coast (through Georgia), 8vo. sd. Is Qd Augusta, 1884 29567 JOSSELYN (John) An Account of two Voyages to New England ... 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, £9. ailes Widdoios, 1674 Collation : Leaf of printer's mark and imprimatur ; title, 1 leaf ; To the Reader, and Errata, 1 leaf ; text, first voyage, pp. 1-32 ; second voyage, pp. .33-215 ; title : Chronological Observations of America, 1 leaf ; preface and text, pp. 223-279 ; Catalogue of books printed for Giles Widdows, 3 pp. NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2968 29568 Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Vol. I nos. 1, 2 and 4, 8vo. plates, sd. 7s 6d 1879 29569 Journals of the Congresses held at Philadelphia, May 10, and Sept. 5, 1774, with, the Petition to the King, 2 vols. 8vo. on vol. ivitlioid title, sd. 5s 1775 29570 Lechfoed (T.) Plain Dealing or Newes from New-England, a short view of New-England's present Government, both Ecclesiasticall and Civil, sm. 4to. a blank leaf inserted in place of F4, hf. viorocco, 36s 1642 29570*Lewis (A.) History of Lynn (Mass.) including Nahant, Svo. 2 plates, cloth, hs Boston, 1844 29571 THE LONDON GAZETTE, from the beginning in November 1665 [the first txventy-tliree numbers bore the title of Oxford Gazette] to June 26, 1699, Nos. 1-3509, hound in 19 vols, folio, old calf, from the Bramston library, excessively rare, £150. Oxford, 1665 — London, 1699 An invaluable collection of records, forming what may be called the official history of England and her Colonies during the reigns of Charles II, James II, and William and Mary. Such a set of the early volumes, from the beginning of the publication, is extraordinarily rare. 29672 LouBAT (J. F.) Medallic History of the United States of America, 1776-1876, 2 vols, atlas 4to. large paper, 170 etchings by J. Jacqicemart, cloth, gilt top, uncut, £o. Neio York, 1878 29573 M. S. TO A. S. with a Plea for Libertie of Conscience in a Church way . . with some modest and innocent touches on the Letter fi'om Zealand, and Mr. Parker's from New-England, sm. 4to. sd. rare, £3. 1644 29574 Magazine of American History, with Notes and Queries, edited by J. A. Stevens, for January, 1878, 4to. sd. 35 6d 1878 Contents : Fall of Alamo, by R. M. Potter ; Portraiture of Washington, by I. J. Greenwood ; the Waltons of New York, by J. A. Stevens, ivith j;ortrait; etc. 29575 Magazine of American History, with notes and queries, the nos. for March to July, September, October, and November, 1883 ; — 8 nos. 4to. portraits and cuts, sd. 10s Neto York, 1883 29576 Mandrillon (Jh.) Spectateur Americain, ou Remarques sur I'Amerique Septentrionale et les Etats-Unis, suivi de recherches sur la decouverte du Nouveau-Monde, 8vo. thick paper, bds. unciit, 16s Amst. 1784 Only the thick paper issue, made for private distribution, contains the author's name on the title, this being simply indicated by an initial in the published copies. 29577 Map of the Frontiers of Canada and the United States, to illus- trate the operations of the British and American Armies, foldivg map of 21 in. by 31 in., in 8fO. case, 2s Qd 1813 29578 Marsh (G. P.) Goths in New-England, 8vo. 5s Middleburg, 1843 29579 MARSH (O. Ch.) Odontomithes : a Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America, atlas 4to. 40 cuts and 34 plates of skeletons and bones, cloth, gilt top, £2. 8s Washing. 1880 29580 MASSACHUSETS. The General Laws and Liberties of the Massachusets Colony in New-England, sm. folio, panelled calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £7. 10s Cambr., N.E. 1675 Title ; Text, 170 pp. ; Table, 14 11. ; Several Laws and Orders, 6 pp. 2964 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29581 MASSACHUSETS. Acts and Laws passed by the great and general Court of Assembly, of the province of tbe Massachusetts -Bay in New England, 1692-1719, with the Charter granted by William and Mary, 1691, folio, first edition, large paper, original calf, rare, £4. London (1721-)1724 29582 the same, American Edition, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, £2. l&s Boston, N.E. 1726 29583 another copy, with continuation of the Acts and Laws up to 1732, in 1 vol. sm. folio, fine paper, a presentatioJi copy to " Sir Philip York, from G. BelcJier, Boston, 1732," old calf, rare, £4. 10s Boston, 1726-32 The Index to the Laws, in the original edition, is replaced by an alpha- betical Table, and an explanatory Charter on one leaf, dated the 12th year of George I (1726), added to the Boston edition. 29584 Massachusetts Bat. Acts and Laws, with continuation up to 1768, stout sm. folio, old calf, £15. Bosto7i, 1759 (-68) 29585 Act for forming and regulating the Militia within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : and for repealing all the Laws heretofore made for that purpose, 8vo. sd. 9s Boston, 1781 29586 Address of the Convention, for framing a new Con- stitution of Government for the State of Massachusetts-Bay, to their Constituents, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Boston, 1780 29587 National Arithmetick, or. Observations on the Finances of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : with some hints respecting financiering and future Taxation in this State. By a late Member of the General Court [Bated fro'in Dorchester, 2nd Oct. 1786], 8vo. sd. 20s Boston [1786] 29588 Reports of the Commissioners on the Zoological Survey of the State, 8vo. sd. hs Boston, 1838 29589 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S Collections : First Series, 10 vols. 1792-1809 — Second Series, 10 vols. 1814-23— Third Series, 10 vols. 1825-49— Fourth Series, 7 vols. 1852-65 — together, 37 vols. roy. 8vo. facsimiles of autographs and seals, calf extra, yellow edges, by Bedford, a very fine and large set, rare, £36. Boston, U.S. 1806-65 An extremely valuable and scarce set of books, in splendid condition. Massachusetts Zoological and Botanical Survey : 29590 Reports of the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State of Massachusetts, 1838 — Reports on the Fishes and Reptiles by Dr. D. H. Storer, and Birds by W. B. O. Peabody, 4 plates, 1839 — Reports on the Herbaceous Plants by the Rev. Chester Dewey, and on the Quadrupeds by Eben. Emmons, 1840 — Report on the Invertebrate Animals, Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata, by Aug. A. Gould, 15 plates, 1841 — Report on the Insects injurious to vegetation, by T. W. Harris, 1841 — Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing natu- rally in the forests of Mass., by G. B. Emerson, 17 plates, 1846 ; —6 vols. 8vo. sd. £2. 10s Boston and Camb. 1838-46 29591 Storer and Peabodt's Reports on the Fishes, Reptiles and Birds of Massachusetts, 8vo. sd. or hf. bd. 6s Boston, 1839 NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 29G5 !Massachusktts Zoological and Botanical Survey — continued. 29595 Godld (Aug. A.) Report on the Inyertebrata of Massachcsetts, comprising' the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida and Radiata — Harris (T. W.) Report on the Insects of Massachusetts ; — 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo. plates, calf, 24s Cambridge (Mass.) 1841 29596 [(MATHER Richard)] CHURCH-GovERXiiENTandCHURCH-CovEXANT discussed, iu an answer of the Elders of the severall Churches in New-England to . . Questions sent ... by divers Ministers in England, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. bds. £2. 10s 1643 An Epistle by H. Peter (probably Hngh Peters) follows the above title, and precedes a second one, " Apologia of the Churches in New England for Church Covenant . . sent in 1639." 29597 !Mather (Richard) A Reply to Mr. Rutherfurd, or a defence of the answer to Rev. Mr. Herles Book against the Independency of Churches, 1647 — A Modest and Brotherly answer to Mr. Charles Herle his book ... by Richard Mather, and Will. Tompson, Pastor of the Church at Braintree in New England, 1644 — 2 vols. 4to. sd. from the Sunderland library, £4. 1644-47 29598 MATHER (Increase) The Mystery of Israel's Salvation explained and applved, 12mo. quite perfect, ivith both titles, and all the preliviinary leaves, title slightly mended, otherwise a good sound copy, half morocco, £5. 1669 Vert rare. It is the 6rst book published by Increase Mather, and is wanting in most American libraries. Its great importance appears from the fact that the future salvation of the twelve tribes is demonstrated. The Epistle to the Reader, signed by John Davenport, New Haven, 1667, dwells on the delightfulncss of Christian life, when (as in New England) all the Christians love one another. The Quakers and the poor old women called witches had ample experience of this brotherly love from the Mathers and their tribe. 29599 An Essay for Recording of Illustrious Providences, an account of many remarkable and very memorable events which have happened, especially in New England, 12mo. title and a few leaves mended, green morocco extra, gilt edges, and broad dentelle gold borders on the sides, very rare, £12. Printed at Boston in New England, 1684 Full of the most extraordinary and entertaining stories, and highly interesting to American collectors, notwithstanding the loathsome credulity and fanaticism which mark all the works of the Mathers. 29600 De Successu Evangelii apud Indos Occidentales in Nova-Anglia, \2nio. sd. 12s Londini, 1688 29601 A Further Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches. With the observations of a person who was upon the place ... to which is added, Cases of Conscience, sm.4to. good copy in hf. russia, £7. J. Bunton, 1693 At the end there is a catalogue of John Dunton's publications, occupying 4 pp. Of the text, the first 9 pp. are '• passages . . collected by Deodat Lawson." At the bottom of p. 9 and on p. 10 there is a " Further Account," printed in small type aud anonymous, but written by some rational man. There follows, with new title and pagination, the " Cases of Conscience concerning Evil Spirits personating men . . by Increase Mather." 29602 Dissertation concerning the future Conversion of the Jewish Nation, sm. 4to. hf. cf. 80s 1709 A history of Gog and Magog in the future tense. 2966 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29603 Mather (Increase) The Order of the Gospel professed and practised by the Churches of Christ in New England, sm. 8vo. (some headlines cut into), calf, 36s Boston, N.E. reprinted Lond. 1700 29604 MATHER (Cotton) Life and Death of the Renowned Mr. John Eliot, who was the first Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America. With an account of the . . many strange Customes of the Pagan Indians in New England, ]2mo. without last leaf, Id. 15s 1691 29605 The Wonders of the Invisible World : being an account of the Tryals of several Witches lately executed in New-Eng- land, sm. 4to. headlines of a few leaves slightly cut into, hds. RARE, £4. 10s John Dunton, 1693 This rare book is Cotton Mather's perennial monument, one that befits his character and his memory. 29606 Pietas in Patriam : the Life of His Excellency Sir William Phips, Governor of Massachusets-Bay, New England, written by one intimately acquainted with him (with preface by Nathanael Mather), 12mo. cf. 36s 1697 29607 Magnalia Christi Americana : orthe Ecclesiastical History of New-England, 1620-98, sm. folio 1702 29608 the same, folio, large paper, fine clean copy, four leaves and the map supplied from a small paper copy, with the rare MAP, old calf £10. 1702 Contents : I. Antiquities ; II. The Lives of the Governors of Nevr England; III. The Lives of 60 Divines of New England ; IV. An Account of the University of Cambridge, New England ; V. Acts and Monuments of the Church of New England ; VII. Wonderful Providences on divers persons in New England ; VII. The Wars of the Lord, or disturbances of the Churches in New England. 29609 PSALTERIUM AMERICANUM. The Book of Psalms in a Translation exactly conformed unto the Original ; but all in. Blank Vei'se, Fitted unto the Tunes commonly used in our Churches [by Dr. Cotton Mather], 12mo. old calf, rare, £10. Boston, in N'.E. 1718 29610 the same, 12mo. old calf, with an inscription dated Boston, 1720, recording the presentation of the book from Cotton Mather to G. Gale, £12. 1718 The Introduction, which is one of Cotton Mather's best pieces of English composition, contains a fine theory of the use of blank verse ; but the trans- lation is a mean and poor one, — something like Tate and Brady without rhymes. Tiie text is printed as prose, but the metrical pauses are marked by upright lines, thus — O what the blessings of the man || who is not walking in || the counsel of the men that are || set for impiety |1. The translator took great pride in this bald and graceless perversion of the Hebrew text. 29611 India Christiana, a Discourse delivered unto the Commissioners for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians, 12mo. green mor. extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, £5. Boston, in Neiv England, 1721 In the body of the book there are eight pages containing the Sum of Christianity in Natic and English ; and the first Appendix is an account by Experience Mayhew of the Indians in Martha's Vineyard. NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2967 29612 LIather (Cotton) Parentator. Memoirs of remarkables in the Life and Death of the ever-memorable Dr. Increase Mather . . . 12mo. calf, lettered " Tracts," £3. 16s Boston, 1724 Bound up with Sermons by Gilbert Tenuent, three parts, Boston, 1743-42 29613 Various Works : Thoughts for the day of Rain . . . Boston, N.E. 1712 — Adversus Libertinos . . . Boston, 1713 — The Saviour -with his Rainbow . . London, 1714 — Concio ad Populum . . . Boston, 1719 — The Minister . . . Boston, 1722 — The Nightingale. An Essay on Songs among Thorns . . . Boston, 1724 — together 6 vols. sm. 8vo. and 12mo. beautifully bound in polished calf extra, gilt tops, by Bedford, £12. 12s 1712-24 29614 Mather (Samuel) Life of the very Reverend and learned Cotton Mather, sm, 8vo. in the original binding, £2. 15s Boston, N.E. 1729 29615 the same, large paper, 8vo. the first leaf or tivo a little stained, in the original calf, £4. 10s 1729 The copy I have called " Large Paper" is about half an inch taller than the other, and is printed on paper somewhat thicker. 29616 Goddard, the Mathers weighed in the balances and found not wanting, 16mo. cloth, Qs Boston, 1870 29617 Mauduit (Isr.) View of the History of the New England Colonies, with respect to their Charters and Constitution, sm. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 1776 At the end with a separate pagination is Massachusetts Colony Charter (31 pp.). 29618 Mein (John) State of the Importation from Great Britain into the Port of Boston from Jan. to August, 1769, sm. 4to. lower part of title torn aioay, uncut, excessively scarce and very important, £2. 16s Boston, 1769 " This fearless exposing of the non-importation agreement and schemes of certain 'Well disposed' Merchants of Boston is now valuable for many more points than when published in 1769. John Mein, an enterprising Scotchman, who had established a good miscellaneous business in Boston as printer, stationer, and bookseller, declined to sign the non-importation agreement, and was consequently ' posted ' by name in the Papers by the ' Well Disposed.' To show the trickery of the well-disposed merchants, Mein printed here the names of the ' Well Disposed,' with the full manifests of many ships arriving. These lists give the names of the hypocritiLal consignees, and are now valuable sources of information as to the state of the Colony and its trade and traders." 29619 Memorandums respecting the unprecedented treatment which the Array have met with respecting Plunder taken after a siege, and of which plunder the Navy serving with the Army divided their more than ample share, now fourteen years since, 8vo. sd. 3s 6fZ 1794 29620 Mills (Robert) Statistics of South Carolina, including the Natural, Civil, and Military History, 8vo. map, Ids. 7s Charleston, 1826 29621 Moore (G. H.) Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachu- setts, 8vo. cluth, 6s N.Y. 1866 2968 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 26922 MORTON (Nathaniel) New-Englands Memoriall: oi-, A brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New- England in America ; with special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called New-Plimouth . . . sm. 4to. fine copy in red morocco, hy Bedford, £45. Camhridge \_New England] 1669 Very rare. The author says that the greater part of his material consisted ot the manuscript journals of his uncle, Mr. William Bradford (the second Governor of the Colony), written between 1620 and 1646. He had also had the use of Edward Winslow's papers. It is this which gives its chief value to the work, which remains a store-house of important facts, and of minute details, in the history of New England. 26923 MORTON (Thomas) New English Canaan, or New Canaan, con- taining an abstract of New England . . . the originall of the Natives, their manners and customs . . . sm. 4to. title mended, hut altogether a very fine and unusually large copy, red morocco, by Bedford, VERT rare, £32. Amsterdam, 1637 26924 another copy, sm. 4to. icanting signature h, eight leaves, Id. £4. 1637 Thomas Morton had already spent nine years in New England, and gives an interesting account, not the less valuable that he had no love for, and was hated by, the gloomy bigots of the colony. The first two parts of the volume are all about the country, its productions, an.! the natives. The third part relates his squabbles with the Puritans of New Plymouth, who accused him of all sorts of profanity and vice, and sent him back a prisoner to Old England. Little notice was taken of the matter at home, and he returned again, after the date of this book, " several times," as N^al says, " and at last ended his miserable life at Pascatauqua." In the account of these transactions, Morton speaks of himself as " Mine Host of Ma-re-mount." Ben Jonson wrote a satirical poem upon his adversaries, which is printed here on pp. 146-149. The power of his enemies was no doubt sufficient to account for the printing of the book at Amsterdam, and its singular rarity. 26925 Neal (D.) History of New England, with an Appendix containing their present Charter, Municipal Laws, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. map, calf, £1. 8s 1720 29626 New England Company : H. W. Busk's Sketch of the origin and recent history of the New England Company, Svo. 92 pp. Privately printed, 1884 The New England Company for promoting Christianity amongst the American Indians was first established by the Long Parliament in 1649. The first pilgrim fathers led the way to America in the " Mayflower," in 1620. The celebrated John Eliot followed in 1631. Through the works of Eliot, and the publication of his Eleven tracts (here fully described), the wants of the North American Indians became known in England. The activity of the N. E. C. still continues, although since 1778 traasferred from the New England States to the Canadian Union. Eliot's Indian Tracts — see post under Aborigines. 29627 NEW ENGLAND Historical and GENEALOGICAL Register, complete, from its commencement in Jan. 1847 to the end of 1873, being nos. 1-108, or Vols. I-XXVII, 8vo. with above 130 fine portraits of the first settleis, tvith facsimile signatures and numerous pedigrees Boston, 1847-73 29628 ■ the same, Vols. I-XI, 11 vols. 8vo. with about 60 por- traits, cloth gilt, £5. 1847-57 NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2909 29629 New England's Minor Writers : — Considerations on the establishment of a second College in Connecticut Eartford, 1824 Haven (S. F.) Historical Address before the Citizens of Dedham, 1836 Dedham, 1837 Morgan (Joseph) Nature and Original of Sin hew London. 1727 Morse (Jed.) Sermon . . exhibiting proofs of the existence of French intrigue in the U.S. Bostnv, 1799 Packard (Hezekiah) Plea of Patriotism Boston, 1795 Parker (Nathan) Discourse on the death of Joseph Buckminster Portsmouth, 1812 Perry (Joseph) Election Sermon Hartford, 1775 Kobbins (Xath.) Sermon at Wadsworth's ordination Boston, 1773 Rowland (David S.) Catholicism or Chris- tian Charity Providence, 1772 Smith (W.) Sermon on the present situation of American aSairsPhiladelphia, 1775 Trumbull (Benj.) Election Sermon Hartford, 1801 Mischiefs of Legislative Caucuses ib. 1819 Sermon on the day of Thanks- giving on account of the Peace Neiv Haven, 1784 Ware (Henry) Sermon before Gov. Brooks Boston, 1821 Washburn (Em.) Address on the town of Leicester in the Revolution Boston, 1 849 Wheelwright (W.) Isthmusof Panama 1844 Whitney (Peter) Transgression of a Land punished Boston, 1774 Withington (L.) Election Sermon ib. 1831 Wolcott (Oliver) Address to the People of the U.S. Boston, 1802 Woart (J.) Discourse before the Artillery Company Boston, 1860 Twenty pamphlets, roy. 8vo. and 12mo. all very rare, £3. 6s 1727-1849 29630 NEW-ENGLAND'S PRESENT SUFFERINGS under the cruel neighbouring Indians, represented in two Letters, lately written from Boston to London, sm. 4to. £7. 10s 1675 These two letters, which are signed with the initials " W. E.," were written by a Quaker in Boston to his friends at home, to let them know that the Puritan tyrants were receiving at the hands of the Indians God's retribution for their cruelty towards the " Friends."— Several other scarce tracts relating to the same sect are bound op with the preceding ; — including " The New and strange Imprisonment of the people called Quakers in the city of Bristol, 1682," and " Whitehead (G.) the Real Quaker a real Protestant 1679." 29631 Newspapers. A collection of 15 old papers, twelve of which are American, in a4-to. jmrcel, £2. 10s 1745-87 The names and dates will sufficiently explain the interest and value of these journals. They are as follows : — Boston (N.E.) Gazette, Dec. 31, 1745; 11 Jan. 1762; Feb. 25, 1771 ; 24 June, 1771. Boston (N.E.) Evening Post, 26 Jan. and 2 Feb. 1761. Massachusetts Gazette, 23 Feb. 1764 ; 23 Dec. 1771 ; 17 Aug. 1775 ; 15 May, 1787, Connecticut Gazette, 1 Aug. 1761. Connecticut Courant, 7 Sept. 1767, New York Gazette, 4 Oct. 1777. The London Chronicle, 30 Oct. 1759, Gazette, 27 Oct. 1772. Gazette Extraordinary, 19 Dec. 1778, The three London papers were added to the rest because of their connexion with American interests. New York : 29632 BEEEDEN-EAEDT aende Vereeniclide Neder- landsche Provintien. Gelreland, Holland, Zeeland, Wtreclit, Vriesland, Over-Yssel, Groeningen. Ge- maeckt ende gestelt uyt diverse ware en waerachtige memorien Door l.A.G.W.C. small 4to. fne large copy,, splendidly hound in gros grained red morocco^ excessively scarce^ £28. Anhceipen, 1649 One of the rnrest volumes connected with the old provinfe of New Netherland, as the State of New York was called while 2970 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Nkw York — continued. the Dutch held it. To a New York collector, the Breedenraet, the Beschryvinge of 1651, and the two editions of Vander Donck, are indispensable : they must form the primary elements of any library which pretends to illustrate the history of the State. " This excessively rare pamphlet is, no doubt, the most important document existing on New Netherland. ... It was entirely translated by Mr. H. C. Murphy, and printed at the expense of Mr. J. Lenox, but not put into commerce." — Fred. ^TiiLteT 29633 BESCHRIJVINGE VAN VIEGINIA, NIEUW NEDERLANDT, NIEUW ENGELANDT, en d' Eylanden Bermudes, Berbados, en S. ChristofFel . . . sm. 4to. folding engraved map of the territories described in the title., and jive other engravings in the text., including a View of New Amsterdam (which is the first existing picture of the City of New York in its infancy), blue morocco^ by Bedford, £35. Amsterdam., Joost Hartgers., 1651 29634 another copy, sm. 4to. without the map., and icithoid the last six leaves lohich refer to the Bermudas^ hut having the View of New Yorh., sd. £7. 1651 Excessively rare, when pei-fect, the map having only been added in some copies after the publication of the book. It is a work of the highest interest to the citizens of New York, as it contains the first issue of the first engraving in which the infant city of New Amsterdam appeared in a pictorial representation. ■ — The map is copied in its outlines from Laet's Novus Orbus, but contains the addition of several new names of places in New England and the State of New York. 29G35 DONCK (ADRIEN VANDER) Beschryvinge van Nieuw- NEDERLANT (ghclijck het tegenwoordigh in Staet is) . . . de maniere en onghemeyne eygenschappen vande Wilden . . . sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, ivith the engraved view of " i' Fort nieuw Amsterdam op de Manhatens" on p. 9, not in the second edition the next year, fine large clean and perfect copy, vellum, £18. Amtseldam, 1655 " What the first folio is to an English Collector, a Vander Donck is to the American. When a New York Collector has once sci'ewed hLS courage to the price of a good Vander Donck. the first edition with the View or the 2nd edition with the Map, he seldom flinches at the price of any other rare Book on America that may turn up. Copies for the last 40 years have usually sold from £12 to £21." 29636 Beschryvinge van Nieuw-Nederlant ( gelijck heb tegenwoordigh in Staet is) . . . en hier achter by gevoeght het voordeeligh Reglement vande Ed. Hoog. Achtbare Heeren de Heeren Burgermeesteren deser Stade . . . den tweeden Druck . . . sra. 4fo. mop of New Nederland with a view of New NEW ENGLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA. 2971 New York — continued. Amsterdam engraved at the bottom, vellum, fine large clean copy, £12. Amsteldam, 1656 This second edition has the map and the conditien not in the first edition. For the engraved view of the Fort and river of New Amsterdam, which appeared in the text of the first edition, a folding map of Nieuw Nederlandt was substituted in this edition, bearing a view of the town. At the end of this edition, with a separate title-page, there is added an opuscule containing the Conditien offered by the Corporation of Amsterdam in Holland to all who would go out as colonists to New Netherland. This portion of the volume Is very rare, and consists apparently in some copies of 15 pp. Hei'B there are only 8 unnumbei'ed pp., biat the matter appears to end correctly. In Mr. Huth's copy, the work ends with the Beschryving (100 pp. and 2 leaves of register), and has no portion of the Conditien. 29637 Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, complete from the beginning in September, 1823, to Feb. 1862, being Vols. I- VII, 8vo. nitmerous fine plates, those of Birds and Shells exquisitely coloured, four vols. hf. calf, not uniform, the rest in parts, £5. New YorJc, 1824-62 29638 DE KAY (J. E.) Birds of New York, stout 4to. 141 heautiful plates, containing 308 figures, coloured by hand, calf extra, gilt edges, £5. Albany, 1844 Part 2 of the Zoology of New York, or New York Fauna. 29639 Homes (H. A.) Correct Arms of the State of New York, as established 1778, 8vo. plate, 49 pp. sd. 2s 6d Albany, 1880 29640 Report of the Commissioners on the correct Arms of N. Y., 8vo. 4 jyla^es, 31 pp. sd. Is 6d ib. 1881 29641 JoGDES (Isaac) Novum Belgium, Description de Nieuw Nether- land, et Notice sur Rene Goupil, roy. 8vo. map after Laet, cloth, only 100 copies printed, 30s New York, dans VAncien New Netherland, 1862 Edited for the first time from the Jesuit's MS. narrative dated 1646. 29642 Miller (Rev. J.) Description of the Province and City of New York ; with plans of the city and several forts as they existed in 1695 ; now first printed, 8vo. plans, bds. 7s 6d 1843 29643 Minutes of a Conspiracy against the Liberties of America (1776), reprinted, with Introduction, and Appendix of Documents, from the rare original of London, 1786, 4to. large paper, hf. morocco, 12s Philadelphia, 1865 29643*NATURAL HISTORY of NEW YORK, published by the authority of the State of New York, 21 vols, royal 4to. over 700 PLATES, of luhich about 640 are beautifully coloured after nature (pub. at £43.), cloth, £30. Albany and New York, 1842-61 Contents ; — The works priced are sold separately : 29647 MoLLUSCA and Crustacea, by the same, 1 vol. 53 colowed plates, 28s 1843 29644 Mammalia, by James E. DeKay, 35 plates, 25s 1842 29645 Reptiles and Fishes, by the same, 2 vols. 96 lAates, £5. 1842 20646 Birds, by the same, 141 coloured plates, £6. 6s 29648 Botany, by John Torrey, 2 vols. 161 plates, coloured 1843 29649 Mineralogy, by L. C. Beck, 8 plates, 12s 1842 202 2972 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. New York — continued. 29652 Agriculture, by E. Emmons, 5 vols. 193 lolates (of which Fruits, 9 1 plates, and Lepidoptera, 43, with others, are coloured) — Vols. I, III and V, for £4. 4s 1849-52 29650 Geology, by W. Mather, E. Em- mons. L.Vanuxem, and J. Hall, 4 Tols. 81 plates, chiefl^y coloured —Vols. II, III, and IV, sold for £2. 1842-43 29651 Paleontology, by J.Hall, 4 vols. plates 1849-52 29653 O'Callaghan (E. B.) History of New Netherland, or New York under the Dutch, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and maps, including a facsimile of the famous one discovered by Mr. Brodhead, which contains the earliest existing representation of New Netherland, cloth, 15.9 New York, 1855 29654 Smith (W.) History of the Province of New-York, from its first discovery to 1732, 2nd edition, 8vo. calf, £2. 10s Phil. 1792 29655 History of the late Province of New York, till 1762, third edition, 2 vols. 8vo. hds. 32s New York, 1829 The first complete edition of a highly esteemed and standard work. Smith abandoned his old patrimony in New England to settle in Canada, after a residence in the mother country, on the secession of the United States . 29656 Spafford (H. G.) Gazetteer of the State of New York, 8vo. map and plates calf, 3.? Albany, 18l3 29657 Norton (John) Teacher at the Church at Ipsivich in Neio England. The Orthodox Evangelist, sm. 4to. old calf, 12s 1657 With a preface by John Cotton. 29658 Ndttall Ornithological Club : Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornitho- logists' Club, edited by J. A. Allen, S. F. Baird, and Elliott Coues, Vols. I-VIII, roy. 8vo. coloured plates, cloth, uncut, £2. 16s Cambridge (Mass.), 1876-83 29659 Palfrey (J. G.) History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty, 3 vols. 8vo. maps, some in facsimile, and woodcuts, cloth, 35s Boston, 1858-64 Pages 19 to 50 of Vol. I are on the Aboriginal Inhabitants. 29660 Paper-Money (American). Unique Collec- tion of 124 different kinds of American Paper-Money, issued by A^arious Colonies and States immediately before and during the War of Independence, includ- ing 4 bills printed by Benj. Franklin in 1756 and 1764; in 12mo. bundle, exceedingly rare and CURIOUS, £100. ( 1 746-1786) Contents : (1746) 126- {New Jersey) ; — 20s {Delaware) . (1755) £3. (New York) [sold sepa- rately for 20s] ; — £3., 15s, and 12s (New Jersey, Woodbridge, J, Barker). (1756) £5. (New York) ;— £3., 15.s [separately for 20s] and 12s [for 20s] (New Jersey, Parker) ; — 10s. and 20s [/or £5.] (Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, B. Franklin ajid D. Hall). (1757) £6. [for 20s], £3. [for 15s], 30s [for i5s], 15s [/or '20s], iis and Is 6d {Neto Jersey, Parker). NEW ENGLAND, ETC., PAPER-MONEY. 2973 (1758) £10. (New YorJc) [ for 20s]; —£3.[for20s], SOs[for lOs], and 6s [for 20s] (Neiv Jersey, ParJcer}. (1759) £6. [ for 20s], £3., 30s [for 20s], and 15s [for 20s] (New Jersey, ParJcer) ; — £5., and £2. [/or 20s] (New York). (1760) £2. (New York) [for 20s] ; — £6. [for 20s], £3. [for 20s], 30s [for 20s], 15s [for 20s], 12s [for 78], 6s [for 20s] (New Jer- sey, Parker). (1761) £6., £3., 30s, and 12s [for 10s] (iVez^ Jersey, Parker). (1762) £3. [ /'or 15s] , 30s [ for 10s] , 15s [for 20s], 12s [for 20s'] (New Jersey, Parker). (1763) £3. [for 15s], 30s, 15s, 12s [fur 10s], 6s [/or 20s], Is 6d [ for 20s] (Netv Jersey, Parker). (1764) £6., £3., 30s [for 20s], 15s [for 20s], 12s [/or 20s] (New Jersey, Parker) ; — 20s [for £5.], 10s [/or £5.] (Pennsylvania, B. Fraxklin aM(Z D. Hall) ; — 5s (Connecticut). (1770) 4 dollai-s, and i dollar (Maryland, Annapolis, A. G. and W. Green). (1771) £10. [for 15s], £5. [/"or 12s], £3. [for 20s], £2. [for 7s], £1. [/or 15s], 10s [for lUs], and 5s (New York). (1772) Is 6d (Pennsylvania, D. Hall and W. Sellers). (1773) 5s [for 20s], and 40s (Con- necticut, New London, Timothy Green) ;— 50s [for 15s], 20s [for 20s], 10s [for 20s], 15s, 5s, and Is 6d (Pennsylvania, Hall and Sellers). (1774) 8s [for 20s] (New York, H. Gaine) . (177 b) 40s, 2s 6d (Jan. 2), 2s 6d (June 1), and 2s (Connecticut, T. Green) ;— 4s (H. Gaine), 8s (H. Gaine), £2., 20s (April 20), 20s (Jtine 22) [for 20s], and 10s [for 20s] (A"e?<; York) ; — ^0 dollars, 8 dollars, 4 dollars, 2 dollars, and 1 dollar (Pldladel- phia, Hall and Sellers). (1776) £1., 2s, and Is 3tZ (Connecti- cut, T. Green); — 4s New York, H. Gaine) ; — 10 dollars, 1 dollar, i dollar [for 20s], and ^ dollar [for 20s] (New York, Sam, Lou- don) ;—6s [for 20s], 3s, and Is 6d [for 20s] (New Jersey, Burling- ton, Isaac Collins) ; — \ dollar, 1 dollar [for 20s], 2 dollars [for 20s], 3 dollars [ for 15s], 4 dollars [for 15s], 5 dollars [for 20s], 6 dollars [for 15s], 7 dollars [for 10s], 8 dollars [for 20s], and 30 dollars [for 20s] (Philadel- phia, Hall and Sellers). (1778) 60 dollars [for 3s], 40 dollars [for 20s], 30 dollars [for 20s], 20 dollars [for 20s], and 7 dollars (Philadelphia, Hall and Sellers). (1780) 5 dollars, of the United States (Hall and Sellers). (1786) 6s [for 5s], 3s [for 10s], and Is (Neiv Jersey, Trenton, Is. Collins). The collection also inclndes : a bill of 6s printed at Wood- bridge, New Jersey, by J. Parker, apparently in 1759, though the date cannot be given with certainty as it is almost erased ; and a bill of 3s, also printed by Parker, with the date defaced ; and a half of a bill of one dollar, printed in Maryland, date nnknown. N.B. — The brackets ( ) contain the name of the State by which the bill was issued, with the place of printing, and the printer's name. Those numbei-s followed immediatel}" by the brackets [ ] are sold separately at the price included within those brackets. A few bills are slightly defective, but most are in good condition. 202 * 2974 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Pennsylvania, New Sweden : 29661 ACRELIUS (Israel) Beskrifning om de Swenska rorsamlingars foma och narwarande Tilstand, nti det sa kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nja Nederland, men nu for tiden Pennsylvanien, etc. sm. 4to. large copy in hf. calf, rare, £5. 55 Stockholm, 1759 This book is not only \ery rare, but is also very little known to American collectors, though it is really one of the important items in a good library of tlie works that relate to the United States. To the historical student, Acrelius is indispensable, much of the matter contained in this volume being nowhere else found. Campanius (Joannes) — see post in section of Languages, under Mohawk. 29662 CAMPANH Holm. (Thoma;) Kort Beskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige uti America, som uu fortjden af tlie Engelske kallas Pensjlvania . . . sm. 4to. complete, with 7 separate copper plates, and several ivoodcut maps in the text, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £16. Stockholm, 1702 29663 another copy, sm. 4to. 5 copper plates (the View of Niagara, and theplate of William Penn and the Indians, wanting), old calf neat, very rare, £6. 1702 This excessively rare •work is of the highest interest to American collectors. It begins with a general description of America, and in the account of Virginia divides it into three regions: New Sweden, New England, and New Netherland. One plate depicts the Falls of Niagara. The work includes 32 pp. of Vocabularies. Campanius does not omit to mention the old Norse discovery of America. He was grandson of John Campanius, who translated Luther's Catechism into Virginian. The separate plates consist of three pictures : 1 , View of Niagara ; 2, Meeting of Penn and the Indians ; 3, group of three savages, designed hy P. Lindstrom, 1655; and of four maps : 1, a general map of America ; 2, one of Nova Suecia, after Nic. Visscher ; 3, one of English America ; and 4, one of Nova Suecia designed in 16.54-55 by Lindstrom. All the plates were engraved by C-ampanius in 1702, at Stockholm. 29664 SWEDBERG (Biskop Jesper) America lUnminata, sm. 8vo. red morocco, hy Bedford, very rare, £10. Skara, 1732 A curious book, by the father of the celebrated Emanuel Swedenborg, on Pennsylvania, and the Swedes in America. It contains many interesting notes on the labours of the Swedish pastors and their connection and co-ope- ration with English fellow-workers, the struggles of the colony and the Indians. The book is mentioned by Rich, but otherwise seems to be almost unknown, and is very scarce. 29665 PENN'S (William) Last Farewel to England: an Epistle containing a salutation to all faithful Friends, etc. 1682 — New- England's Present Sufferings under their cruel neighbouring Indians, represented in two letters (from W. E. of Boston), 1675 — with others, principally hy, or relating to the Quakers, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. old calf, £7. 10s In the same volume are : Tryon (Th.) Treatise of cleanness in meats and drinks, and the benefits of clean sweet beds, also of the generation of bugs, etc. 1682 — Tryon, Health's Grand Preservative, or the Women's beet Doctor, 1682 — Samble (R.) Testimony to the plainness and simplicity of the truth as it is in Jesus, 1679 — Cry of Oppression in Nottinghamshire, Sutfcrings of the Quakers, 1G76 — Imprisonment of the Qnnkers in Bristol, by nailing them upin their Meeting-House, 1682— Wollrich {il ) Epistle to all Friends, 1674 — Lindley (B.) Shiboleth of Priesthood, 1078-Crisp (St.) Plain Path-Way opened to the Simple-IIearted for the answering all Doubts, etc. s. a.— Bancks (J.) Exhortation to Friends, 16S7 — A Few Words to all such (whether Papists or Protestants) as observe Dayes contrary to Christ and his Apostles, also the Quaker's Challenge to the Papists, by G. F., 1669— Whitehead (G.) ANGLO-AMERICA: PENNSYLVANIA. 2975 Pennsylvania, New Sweden — continued. The Real Quaker a Real Protestant, in answer to " the Papist's Younger Brother," by Misoplanes and Philalethes, 1679 — Devouring Informers of Bristol, Proceedings against Dissenting-Protestants, 1682. see also New England's Sufferings. 29666 ACTS of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and an Appendix of the Laws passed between the 30th September, 1775, and the Revolution, sm. folio, Thick Paper, xvith the autograph of WilUa'm Franklin, the 'portrait of Benjamin Franldin inserted, calf, 30s Philadelphia, 1782 29667 Debates of the Convention of Pennsylvania, on the Constitution, Vol. I, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d Phil. 1788 29668 Journal of the First Session of the Ninth House of Represen- tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1798, sm. folio, calf, 20s Philadelphia, 1799 29669 Proceedings relative to calling the Conventions of 1776 and 1790 ; Minutes of the Convention that formed, the Constitution ; with the Charter to William Penn; etc. 8vo. bds. 25s Harrishurg, 1825 29670 Mease (J.) Picture of Philadelphia, 12mo. 376 pp. and View of the City, calf, 6s Philadelphia, 1811 29671 PROUD (R.) History of Pennsylvania, from the original settlement in 1681 till after 1742, with an Introduction, respecting the Life of William Penn, and the Quakers, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and map, calf, £3. 10s Philadelphia, 1797-8 PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY : 29672 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia, complete set, from the beginning in 1842 to 1876: First Series, 8 vols. 1842-57— Second Series, 1857 to 1870, 14 vols.— Third Series, 1871 to 1876, 6 vols.— together 28 vols. 8vo. numerous plates of Natural History, the Birds and Insects coloured, twelve vols. hf. calf, uncut, the rest in parts, £20. Philadelphia, 1842-76 29673 another set, as far as 1873 (wanting 1857 pts. 1-4 and 1869), nineteen vols. hf. calf neat, the rest in parts, £12. 1842-73 29674 Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Second Series, Vols. I and II, atlas 4to. 77 fine plates, some of them coloured, hf. calf, £6. 15&- 1847-54 29675 the same, Vol. I, and Vol. II parts 1-3,-7 parts, impl. 4to. 67 fine pilates, including 17 heautifully COLOURED, of Birds, illustrating the articles hy Gassin, and 4, also coloured, of Shells, sd. very rare, £4. Philadelphia, 1847-53 29676 ■ the same, Vol. I, parts 1 and 2, impl. 4to. 21 pilates, including 3 coloured plates of Birds, sd. 20s 1847-8 Contents of parts 1 and 2 : — Cassin (John) Description of a new rapacious bird, of a new Buceros, and of three new species of the genus Icterus — Haldeman (S. S.) On North American Coleoptcra— Leidy (Joseph) History and Anatomy of the Hemipterous genus Belostama, etc. in all 13 memoirs. 29677 [Smith (Rev. William)] Etat present de la Pensilvanie, oii Ton trouve le detail de ce qui s' y est passe depuis la defaite du. General Braddock jusqu' a la prise d' Oswego . . 12mo. folding map, morocco, £2. 10s 1756 There was no map in the English original, which had been printed anonymously in 1755. 2976 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CA.TALOGUE. Pennsylvania, New Sweden — continued. 2i)678 THOMAS (Gabriel) Historical and Geographical Account of tlie Pro^-ince and Country of Pensilvania and of West-New- Jersey in America, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. viap, cloth, \0s London, 1698 [Neiv York, 1848) A facsimile reprint in lithograph of a very rare original, dedicated to William Penn. Pages 2-14 of the second part are on the Indians of New Jersev. including a short Vocabular}'. 29679 [PETEIRS (S. A.)] General History of Conuecticxxt, with an Appendix on the Rebellion in America, 8vo. calf, £5. 1781 The author says that " treachery is the staple commodity of the four New England Provinces." The work contains a wonderful account of the Falls of Upper Cohos, " where water is consolidated without frost by pressure, by swiftness, between the pinching, sturdy rocks, to such a degree of induration, that no iron crow can be forced into it." 29680 Peterson (E.)Historyof Rhode Island, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d N.Y. 1853 29G81 Peyton (J. L.) History of Augusta County, Virginia, 8vo. cloth, 5s Staunton, Virg. 1882 29682 First Relation of the Pilgrim Fathers (1620-21) : ]\IOURT (G.) [GEOKGE MORTON; A Relation, or Journall of the beginning anc proceedings of the English Plantatian settled at Plimoth in New England, sm. 4to. sliglitly cropped^ calf extra, gilt edges, very eare, £48. J. Bellamie, 1622 The excessive i-arity and intinnsic value of this account of the Pilgrim Fathers are well known, and the narrative of " theu* difficult passage [in ' The Mayflower '], their safe arivall, their joyful building of, and comfortable planting themselves in the now well defended Towne of New Plimouth " is the first record of the history of New England. There was no copy in - the magnificent library of Mr. Brinley, nor has the book appeared in any of the sales for a great number of years. The book is indeed so rare that the reprint made for the Massa- chusetts Historical Society was done from the transcript of a transcript, not quite perfect ; although it was completed in a later volume on the discovery of the only one known to be existent in America. Mourt's Relation ought to be the foundation or key-stone of every Boston library. The name of Mourt (or Morton, as has been suggested) is simply that of an editor. The Relation " writ by the severall actors themselves, after their plain and rude manner," is in seven separate narratives, only the last two of which are signed, one by E. W., the other by R. C. (Winslow and Cushman). They are preceded by " Certaine useful Advertisements " sent to the pilgrims at their setting out, signed by 1. R. ; and the two preliminary leaves which follow the title are " To his much respected Friend Mr. I. P." signed by R. G., and " To the Reader," signed by G. Mourt — the only place where this name apjiears. The doughty deeds of Captain Miles Standish were fiist made known bv fliis Relation. NEW ENGLAND AND VIRGINIA. 2977 29682*MouRT (G.) [George Morton] Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, in 1620 ; reprinted with historical illustrations by G. B. Cheever, 8vo. cloth gilt, 5s; or, hf. vellum gilt, 6.S New York, 1848 29683 PooRE (Alf.) Memoir and Genealogy of John Poore, ten Genera- tions, 1615-1880, including the posterity of numerous daughters, 4to. portrait, cloth, 20s Salem, Mass. 1881 29684 PoussiN (G. T.) The United States: its Power and Progress, translated by E. L. Du Barry, 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d 1851 29685 PRICE (R.) on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America, with Appendix on National Debt, 8vo. uncut, 20s ■London printed, 1776; Boston reprinted 29686 the same, 7th edition, 1776; Additional Observations on Civil Liberty and the War, 1777 ; Appeal to the Public, on the subject of the National Debt, 1772 — 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. old red morocco gilt, T. Hollis' copy, with stamp on sides, £2. 12s 'od 29687 PuRRT (Jean P.) of Neufchdtel, Stvitzerland. Memorial upon the present condition of Carolina, and the means of its ameliora- tion, 8vo. sd. 2s Augusta, Georgia, privately printed, 1880 Translated by Ch. C. Jones, from the exceedingly rare French tract, printed in London, 1724. 29688 Rae (W. F.) Columbia and Canada : Notes on the Great Re- public and the New Dominion, 8vo. (pub. 14s), cloth, 7$ 1877 29689 RAMSAY (D.) History of South Carolina, from the first Settle- ment to 1808, 2 vols. 8vo. map, hds. uncut, 25s Charleston, 1809 29690 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. map, old calf, 18s 1809 29691 History of the Revolution of S. Carolina, from a British Province to an independent State, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. 25s Trenton, 1785 29692 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 30s 1785 29693 [RATHBAND(W.)]Briefe Narration of some Church Courses held in Opinion and Practise in the Churches lately erected in New England ... by W. R. sm. 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy F. Bedford, rare, £5. 1644 29694 Rawson Family (The). A Memoir of Edward Rawson, Secretary of Massachusetts Bay, 1650-86 ; with Genealogical Notices of his Descendants, including nine generations, by E. B. Crane, 8vo. portraits, cloth, 28s Worcester, privately printed, 1875 29695 RHODE ISLAND. Collections of the Historical Society of Rhode Island, Vols. II and IV, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s Providence, R. I., 1835-38 29696 Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, 1636-1792, edited by J. R. Bartlett, 13 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 12s Qd Providence, B. I., 1856-65 The earlier records have special interest. They include the treaties and communications with the Indians, and contain facsimiles of their signatures. 29697 RICH (R.) News from Vieginia (1610), a Tract in verse, by R. Rich, soldier, 4to. hf. hd. 10s 1610 — Privately re-printed, 1874 Only twenty-five copies printed, all numbered. Of the original tract hut one copy is known. It contains some interesting scraps of information 2978 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. concerning the young English colony in Virginia, from which the author had just then returned, and a description of the " still vext Bermoothes," which may be interesting to the Shakespeare-allusionists. 29G98 RiKDESEL. Ausziige aus den Briefen und Papieren des Generals Freyherren von Riedesel und seiner Gemalinn, ihre Reise nach America betreffend, Svo. calf, 36s Privately printed, s. n. Baron von Riedesel was commander of the Brunswick contingent in the British Army during the War of Independence. 29699 Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America ; being an answer to the Declaration of the General Congress (by Sir John Dalrymple), Svo. sd. 6s 177Q 29700 ROSIER (lames) A Trve Relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere 1 605, by Captaine George Waymouth, in the Discouery of the land of Virginia: where hediscouered 60 miles vp a most excellent Riuer ; together with a most fertile land, sm. 4to. red morocco, hy Bedford^ £325. Londini, Geor. Bishop, 1605 Excessively rare. The oldest book in this catalogue, and, with the exception of Gosnold's Voyage (1602), the earliest voyage by Englishmen to the lands of New England. Conse- quently it is a work that deserves venei-ation in the two or three American libraries in which it is found, and one that must arouse envy in all the others. The discovery of the eastern shores of New England by Gosnold and Waymouth ( — for the exploration of Cabot was of uncertain character and had no result — ) like the earlier discovery on the western shore of New Albion (Upper California) by Sir Francis Drake, was a momentous event in the history of the United States. After those pioneers. Captain John Smith followed, then came the Pilgrim fathers, and finally arose the great Republic which has realized the magnificent idea that prompted the two names of New Albion and New England, and has united the eastern and western territories in one magnificent whole. The Massachusetts Historical Society printed Rosier's Relation in 1843, but only from a transcript procured in England, no copy being then known to exist in America. 29701 Sanford (E.) History of the United States before the Revolution, with some Account of the Aborigines, Svo. hd. hs Qd ; or, uncut, 7s ed ^ Philad. 1819 " A very excellent resume of what is known of the aborigines of America, occupies the first two hundred pages." — Field. 29702 Semmes (Admiral Raphael) Memoirs of Service Afloat, during the War between the States, royal Svo. portraits and tinted plates, cloth, 9s Baltimore, 1S69 29703 SERMONS by New England Divines : Barnes (David) Thoughts on the love of Life . . . Boston, 1796 Bell (Benj.) Character of a virtuous Woman . . . Windsor, N.U. 1794 NEW ENGLAND AND ITS WRITERS. 2970 Chaunct (Chas.) Discourse on the Good News . . . — Discourse on the death of Jonathan May hew — 2 vols, in 1 Boston, 1766 Davies (Samuel) Religion and Public Spirit . . . Boston, 1761 FoEBES (Eli) God the strength and salvation of his People Boston, 1761 Gee (Joshua) Sermon after the death of Cotton Mather Boston, 1728 Haven (Samuel) Sermon on the knowledge of Christ Boston, 1768 Hobby (Wm.) Sermon at the ordination of Daniel Emerson Boston, 1743 Mayhew (Jonathan) The Snare broken . . . occasioned by the repeal of the Stamp- Act Boston, 1766 Phillips (Samuel) The Sin of Suicide contrary to Nature . . . Bosfo7i, 1767 Witherspoon (John) The Dominion of Providence ... on the general Fast appointed by Congress Glasgow, 1777 — together 12 vols, in 11, 8vo. and sm. 8vo. polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford, £20. 1728-95 29704 [Sheffield (John, Lord)] Observations on the Commerce of the American States with Europe and the West Indies, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d 1783 29705 Observations on the Commerce of the American States, sixth edition, with tables and appendix, 1700-83, 8vo. uncut, lOs 1784 29706 Shepard (Thomas) late Pastor at Cambridge in New England. Parable of the Ten Virgins opened and applied, being the substance of divers Sermons, now published from the authour's own notes, at the desires of many, for the common benefit of the Lord's People, sm. folio, calf neat, 30s 1660 Collation : Title and 3 prel. leaves, pp. 1-240, 1-203, Table, 5 pp. 29707 Shepard. Autobiography of Th. Shepard, the celebrated Minister of Cambridge, N.B. [born 1605, died 1649] (edited from the original MS.) by N. Adams, 12mo. cloth, 5s Boston, 1832 29708 [Shipley (Jonathan)] Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Dispute between the People of America, and the Administration, by the Bishop of [St. Asaph], sm. 8vo. sd. 28s London (1777) By the author of " A Speech on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Massachusetts Colony (1774)." Highly favourable to the Americans. 29709 SIMMS (W. G.) War Poetry of the South, 12mo. cloth, Qs N.Y. 1867 " A Book for every Southern home." "Every home in the South, every affection, feeling, and sympathy, here finds record in melodious verse." 29710 SIMCOE, Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers, from the end of 1777, to the conclusion of the American War, 4to. original edition, 10 plans, hf. calf, very rare, £10. Exeter, printed for the author (1783) List of Plans : Affair at Quintin's Bridge ; Surjorizeat Hancock's House ; Ambuscade at Kingsbridge ; March of Rangers ; Oyster Bay ; Skirmish at Richmond ; Landing at Burrell's ; Skirmish at Petersburg ; Action at Osburns ; Action at Spencer's Ordinary. 2980 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29711 SiMCOE, Journal of the operations of the Queen's Rangers, from the end of 1777, to the conclusion of the American War, 4to. WITH THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, With MS. iiotes in margins, by Gen. Clinton, hds. uncut, £55. (1783) Containing: the original drawings of the following, in addition to those of the plates which appear ahove : Skjrmish at Croswick's ; Ketreat from Gens. Clinton and Morgan ; Plan of Post at Great Bridge ; Position of Rangers at Korth Castle ; Point of Fork ; Plan of R. Delaware below Philadelphia. The drawings are by Lt. G. Spencer, or copies by him of sketches by Lt.-Col. Simcoe, and Lts. Allans and J. Stratton. The Queen's Rangers was a partisan corps composed almost entirely of American Loyalists, and was continually in action during the years 1777-83. 29712 Slave Songs of the United States, 8vo. doth, 10s New York, 1867 Containing 136 Songs with the music, with an introduction on the dialect cf the slaves. 29713 SMITH (Capt. J.) True Relation of Virginia, with an introduction and notes by Charles Deane, sm. 4to. facsimile map from the 1608 edition^ cloth^ 32s Boston^ 1866 29714 A Map of Virginia. With a description of the Countre}^ the Commodities, People, Government and Religion. Written by Captaine Smith, some- times Governour of the Countrey . . . Oxford., 1612 ; Symonds (William) The Proceedings of the English Colonie in Vii'ginia since their first begin- ning from England in the yeare of our Lord 1606 till this present 1612 . . . by W\ S. Oxford, 1612 — 2 vols. sm. 4to. fine impression of the genuine folding map, red morocco, hy Bedford, £130. 1612 With Smith's True Relation of 1608, and these two works (which were printed together, as the title of the " Map " indicates), the real history of the English colonies in America may be said to begin, as the settlements made between 1584 and 1607 had proved abortive. The Rev. Wilham Symonds edited Smith's " Map," and added the second part by combining the manuscript relations of Dr. Russell, Thomas Studley, Anas Todkill, Jeffra Abbot, Richard Wiefin, Will Prettiplace, I^athaniel Powell, Richard Pots, and others of the colonists. It is a circumstance of extraordinary rarity to find the genuine map in this book. It is the original impression of the same plate that was afterwards used for Smith's General History of Virginia and Purchas' Pilgrims, but in the former instance, the reference " Smith, 41 " was added in the right- hand bottom corner, and in the latter, the reference " 1690 " super-added in the upper left-hand corner. 29715 Smith's Map of Virginia, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. pp. 35-39 of the first part missing, the map in facsimile, calf £30. 1612 NEW ENGLAND AND VIRGINIA. 2981 29716 SMITH (J.) Gexerall Histokie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, with the names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours from their first beginning Ano. 1584 to this present 1624, sm. folio, engraved title with portraits of Queen Elizabeth^ James I and Prince Charles^ 'portrait of Duchess of Biclimond hy Delaram^ and 4 maps, hut without portrait of Alatoaha ; James Fs copy loith his Arms in gold on the sides, very fine large copy in old calf gilt, from the Hamilton Palace library, £75. 1624 the same, sm. folio, frontispiece and 4 maps, 29717 29718 29719 29720 29721 icith the portrait of the Duchess of Richmond in fac- simile, old calf, £,2b. 1624 The map of " Oald Virginia " being defective, a facsimile has been added. The map of New England bears the alteration " Prince Charles now King." A copy of the True Travells, wanting the title and the plate, is added at the end. Generall Historic of Virginia, sm. folio, frontispiece and 4 maps, 3 of the maps and the portrait of the Duchess of Richmond being in facsimile, hf. bd. £12. 1627 the same, sm. folio, frontispiece, loith the 4 maps and the portrait of the Duchess of Richmond in facsimile, old calf , £10. 1627 General History of Vu-ginia. Facsimiles of the 4 maps and the portrait of the Duchess of Richmond, each £1. 15 (1624) It is very seldom that a copy of Smith's Virginia contains all the maps and portraits. The two portraits indeed are so rare that bibliographers disagree whether they were issued with the book, or not. The compiler of the catalogue of the Hath Libraiy says of his copy, that " it certainly never possessed the portraits of the Duchess of Richmond and Matoaka, which are inserted in some copies, but were not originally issued with the book." True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, AfFrica, and America, 1593-1629, together with a continuation of his generall History of Virginia, Summer-lies, New England, 1624-29, etc. sm. folio, loants plate, £5. 1630 2982 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29722 SMITH (Capt. J.) True Travels, sm. folio, with the PLATE in 9 compartments^ slightly damaged and mounted^ corner of a leaf mended, half morocco, very RARE, £8. 8s ^ _ 1630 29723 tlie same, ijerfect, with the title and plate in fine condition, old calf, from the Osterley Park library^ £30. 1630 BoTiBd up with, a copy of the History of Virginia, dated 1632, wliicli has only two out of the four maps, namely Virginia {as marked for Purchas) and New England (an original impression, before the ivorcls " Prince Charles Prince of Great Britain " were altered, and before the large coat of arms was added. The two missing maps are inserted in facsimile. 29723* True Travels, Adventures, and Observations . . 1593- 1629, and Generall Historic of Virginia . . fi-om the London edition of 1629, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, map, and plates in nine compartments, hcls. uncut, £2. 10s Richmond, 1819 29724 SMITH (Captaine lohn) Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or any where. Or, The Pathway to experience to erect a Plantation. With the yearely proceedings of this Country in Fishing and Planting, since the yeare 1614, to the yeare 1630 . . . with a brilliant IMPRESSION of the rare map having the portrait of Smith in the corner, hy Simon Pass lohn Haviland 1631 HIGGESON (Mr.) New-Englands Plantation. Or, a short and trve description of the commodities and discommodities of that Countrey . . Whereunto is added a letter, sent by Mr. Graues an Enginere, out of New-England. The second Edition enlarged, 14 leaves, very rare T. and R. Cotes ^ 1630 ALEXANDER (Sr. Wm.) The Mapp and De- scription OF New-England; Together with a Dis- course of Plantation, and Collonies, also a Relation of the Nature of the Climate and how it agrees with our owne country England, etc. title cropped^ ivith a fine and perfect copy of the excessively rare map, comprising Neio England, Neio Scotland, New Found Land, and New France N. Butler^ 1630 AN ABSTRACT OF THE LAWES OF NEW ENGLAND, as they are now established, 10 leaves NEW ENGLAND AND VIRGINIA. 2983 including title^ uncut, very rare F. Coules and W. Ley, 1641 Smith's map of New England is identical with its original issue in 161G, except that the woi-ds " now King" appear on it aftei- the name of Prince Charles. — Alexander's Map is of the original impression as produced in 1624, before it was modified for Purchas' Pilgrims in 1625. the 4 works in 1 vol. sm. 4to. old calf^ hound aboutlQSO, from the Simderlandh'hrar/j; £150 1630-41 29725 Smith (W. R.) History of Wisconsin, Vols. I and III, 8vo. doth, 20s Madison, 1854 Containing the Histoi-ical and Documentary portions. Vol. II, which is not here, contains the Descriptive part. Smithsonian Institution : 29726 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, a complete set to 1873, Vols. I-XVIII, royal 4to. containing a large number of plates ami woodcuts (published at about £35.), cloth, £20. Washington, 1848-73 The following vols, can he supplied sepa/>-ately at the prices affixed. of the Nervous System of Rana Pipiens, by J. Wtman, 2 plates ; Nereis Boreali-Americana, Marine Algffi of N. America, by W. H. Harvey, with 24 plates; Plantffi WrightianffiTexano-Neo-Mexicanae, by As.i Gr.^y, part II, 4 plates, 20s 1853 Vol. I. 29727 Sqdier (E. G.) and E. H, Davis, Ancient Monuments of the Missis- sippi Valley, 48 fine plates and over 200 ivoodcuts, rare, £i. 4s 1848 Vol. II. 29728 Squier's Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York, 18 engraved plans and vieivs, besides ivoodcuts — Contril)utions to the Physical Geo- graphy of the United States, part I, by Charles Ellet, ivith a plate — Researches relative to the Planet Neptune, by Sears C. Walker, and other articles, rare, £3. 10s 1851 Vol. III. 29729 Fresh-water Fishes of North America : Cottoids, by Charles Girard, plates — Nereis Boreali- Americana, by W. H. Harvey, pt. I, with coloured plates — Planta; Wrightianse Texano Neo-Mexicanse, by Asa Gray, part I, plates; etc. 10s 1852 Vol. IV. 29730 RiGGS (S. R.) Grammar and Dic- tionary of the Dakota Language, 64 arid 838 p^P- '2os 1852 Vol. V. 29731 Flora and Fauna (A) within Living Animals, by J. Leiuy, with 10 plates; On the J--xtinct Fossil Ox, by the same, 5 plates ; Anatomy Vol. IX. 29732 Relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun upon different latitudes, by L. W. Meech, 6 plates; Illustrations of Surface Geology, by Edward Hitchcock, 12 plates; Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases, by W. Gibbs and F. A. Genth, 30s 1857 Vol. XL 29733 North American Oology, by Brewer, pt. I, Raptores and Fissi- rostres, pp. 140 and 5 plates; Eclipse of the Sun near Olmos, Peru, by Gilliss, 1858, 1 plate; Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico, by Kast, 3 plates ; and three other papers, sd. 10s 1860 Vol. XIL 29734 Venom of tlie Rattlesnake, by Mit- chell, pp. 156 and 12 ciits ; Astro- nomical Observations in the Arctic Seas, by Kane ; Fluctuation of levels in the N. A. Lakes, by Whit- tlesey, 2 plates, and two other papers by N. D. Smith and Caswell on Meteorology ; sd. 20s 1860 2984 BERNARD QUARTTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Vol. XIV. Vol. XVII. 29735 Paleontology of the .Upper 29736 Morgan (Lewis) Systems of Con- Missouri, part I, by Meek and sariguinity aud Affinity of the Hayden ; Cretaceous K('])tiles of the Human Family, genealogical tahlea United States, by Leidy ; Bache's and diagrams, rare, £2. Magnetic and Meteorological Obser- Washington, 1871 vations, 12s 1865 29737 STEVENS (Henry) the Revolution in New England in the time of Governor Andross, 1688-1690 ; a collection of important historical Manviscripts collected and transcribed with a view of compiling and printing a documentary History of that revolu- tion, comprising all the papers that could be found relating to the subject in the Public Record Office, Bodleian Library, British Museum, etc. folio, neatly written MS. copies of original documents, cloth, £7. 10s 1688—? 1870 29738 Stiles (Ezra) President of Yale College, etc. Life, by Ab. Holmes, Q^o. portrait, calf, 10s Boston, 1798 29739 STITH (W.) Hisbory of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia (with Appendix of Charters, etc.), 8vo. original edi- tion, old calf, very rare, £6. Williamsburg, 1747 " Stiih's accurate and faithful histoiy of Virginia " — a well-known and rare book. "'Ihe documents from which the work was compiled were recently destroyed by fire." Included in Field's Indian Bibliography. 29740 Stuart (M. C.) The Pilgrim Fathers' first meeting for public worship in N. America, 8vo. sd. Is 6d Utrecht, 18G0 29741 Swan (James) a Dissuasion to Great-Britain and the Colonies from the Slave Trade to Africa, 12mo. sd. 10s Boston, N.E. s. d (cir. 1770) 29742 Tatham (W.) Agriculture and Commerce of (Spanish) America, and of the United States, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. hd. 4s 1800 29743 Testimony (The) of the Pastors of the Churches in Massachusetts Bay, against sevex-al Errors in Doctrine, and Disorders in Practice, 8vo. sd. 10s Boston, 1743 29744 Thompson (D. P.) History of the Town of Montpelier (Vermont), 1781 to 1860, with Biographical Sketches of its Citizens, 8vo. portrait of Judge Prentiss, cloth, %s Montpelier, 1860 29745 Thompson (Zadock) History of Vermont, Natural, Civil and Statistical, with Appendix, 4 vols, in 1, thick 8vo. map and 200 ivoodcuts, calf, 7s 6d Burlington (Vermo7it), 1842-53 29746 Thornton (W.) Elements of Written Language, and mode of teaching the Deaf and Dumb, 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Phil. 1796 A curious phonetic treatise which was intended to serve as the starting- point of the new American Language. 29747 TiLTON V. Beecher, Action for Crim. Con. tried in the city court of Brooklyn, Verbatim Report of the Official Stenographer, 3 vols. 8vo. numerous portraits, calf, £3. 16s New York, 1875 22748 TocQUEViLLE (A. de) Democracy in America, translated by H. Reeve, 2 vols. 8vo. map. Ids. 10s 1836 29749 Tracts on Trade, Manufactures, Finance, etc. of New England, NEW ENGLAND AND VIRGINIA. 2985 36 pieces in 2 vols, large 8vo. /;/. morocco, lettered ^^ Melanges," 18s 1831-44 Contents: Colman's Address at the Cattle Show, 1839 — State of Trade, 1840 — The Cotton Maiiulacture, 1841 — Vindication of Lowell Mills, 1841 — Commercial Reciprofity, 1844 — The Anti-Tariff Convention, 1831 — Relations with France, 1836 — Maryland Mining Coy. 1836 ; etc. 29749*Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty and the United States, Nov. 19, 1/94, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1795 29750 TRUMBULL (Dr. Benj.) History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its first Planters fi'om England in 1630 to 1713, 8vo. all that was published of this edition, hf. bd. I8s Hartford, 1797 Original edition of " one of the best works of the kind published in this country." — North Amer. Review. 29751 History of Connecticut . . . from 1630 to the year 1764 and the close of the Indian Wars, 2 vols. Svo. portrait, calf, scarce, £2. 10s New Haven, 1818 29752 Trumbull (Henry) History of the Discovery of America : of the landing of our forefathers at Plymouth, and of their engage- ments with the Indians in New England, 1620-79, with the defeat of Braddock, Hammer, and St. Clair, the Creeke and Seminole War, etc. Svo. 3 very curious engravings, bds. 12s Boston, 1832 29753 the same 8vo. without the engravings, bds. 4s 'od ib. 1830 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of the Ter- ritories, the volumes as detailed below, sold separately, royal 4to. sd. and cloth Washington, 1873-79 Vol. I. Vol. IX. 29754 Leidt (Joseph) Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories, 358 j)p. 37 filates, 36s 1873 Vol. II. 29755 Cope (E. D.) Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formations of the West, 302 xip- 57 r>laies, 20s 1875 Vol. V. 29756 Thomas (Cyrus) Synopsis of the AcrididjE of North America, 6s 1 873 '• Acrididse is the name of a family of Insects belonging to the order Orthoptera." Vol. VI. 29757 Lesquereux (Leo) Fossil Flora of the Western Territories, part I, 1 36 jpf. 2>Q 'plates, 20s 1874 29758 Meer (F. B.) Invertebrate, Creta- ceous and Tertiary Fossils of the Upper Missouri Country, 629 pp. 45 plates, 20s 1876 Vol. X. 29759 Packard (A. S.) Monograph of the Geometrid Moths or Phalanidaa of the U. S., Vi plates, 24s 1876 Vol. XI. 29760 CouES (E.) and J. A. Allen, Mono- graphs of the N. American Rodentia, 1091 pp. and 6 plates, cloth, 20s 1877 Contents : — Muridae ; Leporidae; Hys- tricidge; I^agomyidce ; Castoroididse ; Cas- toridce, Zapodidse ; Saccomyidse ; Haplo- dontidae ; Geomyidaj ; Sciurida ; Biblio- graphy of North Amer. Mammals; Index to the whole. 29761 Virginia. A TRVE DECLARATION of the ESTATE OF THE CoLONiE IN VIRGINIA, With a Con- futation of such scandalous reports as have tended to tlie disgrace of so worthy an enterprise: Published 2986 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE, by aduise and direction of the Councell of Virginia, sm. 4to. red morocco, hy Bedford^ £120. William Barret^ 1610 Excessively rare. Tin's narrative v^as issued at a time when the fortunes of the little colony seemed to be sinking just as Raleigh's fii'st settlement had done. It gives us the first account of the disastrous expedition of Sir George Summers, Sir Thomas Gates and Captain Nev^^port in 1609, and their nar- row escape by falling in with the Bermudas or Summer Islands. "These islands of the Bermudas have ever been accounted as an inchaunted pile of rocks, and a desert inhabitation for Divels." , 29762 Virginia. THE NEW LIFE OF VIRGINEA: declaring the former svccesse and present estate of that plantation, being the second part of Noua Britannia. Published by the authoritie of his Maies- ties Counsell of Virginea, sm. 4to. rec? morocco^ hy Bedford, rare, £31. IO5 1612 The " Epistle Dedicatorie " to Sir Thomas Smith is signed by R. I. 29763 Virginia. (A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affairs in Virginia), sm. 4to. /;/. hcl. £4. 1620 There are five parts in the one volume, and two sets of signatures, the first of which ends with r4. This copy is not perfect : it begins with page 3 of the text, which is the first signature A4, and ends with the second signature, E3. The order of pages is as follows : 3-12, 1-8, 1-30, 1-4, 1-38, so that the book contains 90 pp., which are all consecutive and perfect so far as they go. Thus, the title and one leaf are deficient at the beginning, and page 39 at the end. 29764 Virginia. An Exact Abridgement of the Public Acts of Assembly of Virginia, in force and use, together with sundry Precedents and Tables, by J. Mercer, 8vo. ca If, 36s WilUamshtirg, W. Paries, 1737 War of Independence : 29765 Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America, 1775 — Appeal to the Justice and Interests of Great Britain in the Present Disputes, 1775 — Massachusetensis ; Letters on the foundation of the Present Troubles in Massachusetts Bay, 1776 — Obedience the best Charter, 1776 — Observations on Dr. Price's Principles of Civil Liberty, and Letter on the pretensions of the American Colonies, 1776 — Price's Notions of Civil Liberty contradictory to Reason and Scripture, 1777 — Stevenson's (J.) Letters in answer to Dr. Price's pamphets, 1778 — in one vol. 8vo. lettered "Pamphlets," collected by John Arden, jun., and all relating to the Declara- tion of American Independence, 20s 1775-78 29766 Army Lists : Lists of the General and Field-Officers as they rank in the Army, of the Officers of the Hoi'se, Dragoons and Foot, on the British and Irish establishments ; Governors, etc. NEW ENGLAND: WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. 2987 War of Independence — continued. of Garrisons at home and. abroad (1761), 1775 and 1778; — 3 vols. 8vo. calf, 20.9 1761-78 The volume for 1775 has valuable MS. additions. The above three volumes refer to important years in American History. 29767 A BRIEF Review of the Rise and ProgTsss, Services and Sufferings of New England, especially the province of Massachu- set's-Bay, 1774 — Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Congress held at Philadelphia, 1774 — Summary View of the Rights of British America [by B. Franklin], 1774 — Letters from a Farmer in Pensylvania, 1774 — Smith (W.) Sermon on American Affairs, 1775 — Zubly (J. J.) Sermon on American Affairs, 1775 — in 1 vol. 8vo. Ids. 16s 1775-74 29768 Burke (Edmund) Speech on American Taxation (1774), 1775 ; Speech on a plan for the better security of the Independence of Parliament, 1780 ; Letter to J. Farr and J. Harris, Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Affairs of America, 1777 ; Thoughts on the Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol, by the Earl of Abingdon, Oxford, s. a. — Tucker (Jos.) Four Letters on important National Subjects, to the Earl of Shelbume, Glocester, 1783— Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America, by Gov Bernard, at Boston (1763-8), 1774 — Letter to the Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill, 1774 — Taxation no Tyranny (by Dr. Johnson), 1775 — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, £2. 1775-83 29769 CLINTON (Sir Henry). Copy of a Letter from John Robinson, late Secretary to the Treasury, to Sir H. Clinton, late Commander in Chief of H.M's Ai-my in North America, 8vo. 4 fp. Is 6tZ 1780 On the appointment by Sir H. Clinton of Commissaries of Captures, during the expedition to South Carolina, for the purpose of preserving the property of the loyal subjects, and of converting to the use of the army everything captured from the enemy. 29770 Clinton (Sir H.) Letter to the Commissioners of Public Accounts, relative to some observations which may be judged to imply censure on the late Commanders in Chief of the Army in N. America, 8vo. sd. hs 1784 29771 Collection of Pamphlets on the events immediately preceding the War of Independence, in 4 vols. 8vo. collected by Mr. W. Brummell, hf. calf, £5. 1765-9 Contents : Dummer (Jer.) Defence of the New-England Charters (1765) ; Considerations on the propriety of imposing Taxes in the Colonies (by Mr. Dulaney, of Maryland), 1766 ; Late Regulations respecting the Colonies of America considered (by Mr. Dickinson, of Philadelphia), 1766 ; Authentic account of the proceedings of the Congress at New- York, 1765, on the Stamp Act, 1767 ; The late occurrences in North America, and policy of Great Britain considered, 1766 ; Account of a late conference on the occur- rences in America (by Joshua Steele), 1766 ; Examination of Dr. Franklin, relative to the Stamp Act (1766), 1767 ; True Sentiments of America, letters from Massachusetts (by Th. Hollis), 1768 ; Letters from a Farmer in Penn- sylvania, (by Mr. Dickinson), 1768 ; Application of some general political Kules to the present state of Great-Britain, Ireland and America, 1766 ; Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies demonstrated, 1766 ; Short History of the conduct of the present Ministry, with regard to the Stamp Act, 1766 ; Conduct of the late Administration examined, relative 203 298S BERNARD QUARTTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. War of Ikdependexce — continued. to the Stamp Act (by Mr. Grenville), 1767 ; Two Protests against the Bill to repeal the Stamp Act, Paris, 1766 ; Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed (by Wm. Knox), 1769. 29772 Collection of Pamphlets relating to the circumstances which led to the War of Independence, in 1 vol. 8vo. collected by Mr. W. Brummell, calf, £2. \Qs 1760-6 CoNTKNTS : Interests of Great Britain considered, with regard to her Colonies (by Ben]'. Franklin). 1760; Objections to the Taxation of our American Colonies briefly considered (by Mr. J s), \1&^ ; Considerations on behalf of the Colonists (by F. A.), 1765 ; Grievances of the American Colonists candidly examined, 1766; Considerations on the American Stamp Act, 1766 ; True Interest of Great Britain, with respect to her American Colonies, 1766; Necessity of repealing the American Stamp Act, 1766; The late occurrences in North America, and policy of Great Britain considered, 1766 ; Strictures on the late occurrences in North America, 1766 ; Examina- tion of the Rights of the Colonies, upon principles of Law, 1766 ; Reflexions on Representation in Pai'liament, admitting the Americans to a share in the Legislature, 1766; Two Protests against the Bill to repeal the American Stamp Act, Paris, 1766. 20773 Galloway (Joseph) Plain Truth : A Letter to the Author of Dispassionate Thoughts on the American War, in which the necessity of carrying on that war is clearly demonstrated, 1780 — Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies, vicq^, 1780 — Reply to the Observations of Sir William Howe on " Letters to a Nobleman," 1780 — Historical Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebel- lion, 1780 — Paine (Thomas) Letter to Abbe Raynal on the Aflfairs of North America, 1782— in 1 vol. 8vo. 14s 1780-82 Mr. Galloway, an American, who deserted from the national side to that of the British, was the anonymous author of these rare tracts, wliich advocate a rigorous continuance of the war and a relentless destruction of the rebels. 29774 [Galloway (Jos.)] Reply to the Observations of Sir W. Howe, on "Letters to a Nobleman," 8vo. xvitlwut title, scl. 2s 6d (1780) 29775 Macadlay (Catharine) Address to the People of P]ngland, Scot- land, and Ireland, on the present important crisis of affairs, 1775 — Wesley (John) Calm Address to our American Colonies, Dublin, 1775 — Short Address to the Government, etc., and the Colonists in America on the present state of affairs, 1775 — • Letter to Lord Camden, on the Bill for restraining the trade and fishery of the four Provinces of New England, 1775 — Letter from an Officer retii-ed to his son in Parliament (against the Americans), 1776 — Letter to the Noblemen, Gentlemen, etc. who have addressed His Majesty on the American Rebellion, 1776 — Strictures upon the Declaration of the Congress at Phila- delphia, 1776— Common Sense: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America (by Thomas Paine), London, 1776— Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress, 1776— Rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America (by Sir J. Dalrymple), 1776 — Anticipation : containing the substance of H.M.'s Speech to both H— s of P— 1— t (by Rich. Tickell), 1778 — Plain Truth: addressed to the inhabitants of America, containing remarks on " Common Sense," by Candidns, London, 1776 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, rare, £3. IH.-? 1775-8 NEW ENGLATs^D: WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. 2989 War of Independence — contimied. 29776 Opposition Mornings: with Betty's Remarks, 8vo. sd. rare, '6s 6d 1779 Interesting to Americans. A Tory pamphlet, written under the pseodonym of " Elizabeth O'Neill," but unknown to Eich. 29777 [Ponce (N.)] Recueil cVEstampes representant les differents evenements de la guerre qui a procure I'lndependance aux Etats unis de rAiuerique, 4to. 16 beautiful plates, old French calf, £4. " Paris, Ponce (1785-90) 29778 View of the evidence relative to the conduct of the War under the Howes and Burgoyne, as given before a Committee of the House of Commons, 8vo. bds. 4s 1779 29779 Wesley (John) Constitutional Answer to Mr. J. Wesley's Calm Address to the American Colonies, 1775 — Letter to Mr. J. Wesley, occasioned by his Calm Address, by Caleb Evans (Americanus), 1775 — Principles of a Real Whig (by Moles- worth), 1775 — Shipley (Bishop) Sermon preached before the Soc. for Prop, of Gospel (1773), 1774 — in 1 vol. 12mo. hf.calf, 7s 6d 29780 Second Answer to (" the Calm Address" of) Mr. J. Wesley, being a supplement to the letter of Americanus, by W. D., sm. 8vo. sd. 2s lod 1775 29781 [WARD] The Simple Cobbler of Aggavvam in America, willing to help 'mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper Leather and sole, by Theodore de la Guard, sm. 4to. vellum, £4. London, for S. Bow tell, 1647 Very rare : a copy fetched £11, in 1843. The Kev. Nathaniel Ward, who publislied this rare and curious work, under the assuaieiJ name of Theodore de la Gu;trd. was one of the gentle Puritan souls. On the last leaf he cries out, "'Cursed be he that maketh not his sword starke drunk with Irish blood . . . and let him be accursed that curseth not them bitterly ! ' 29782 [Ward] The Simple Cobbler (edited by D. Pulsifer), sm. 4to. sd. 'Is 6d 1647 (Boston, 1843) 29783 WASHINGTON'S (George) Life, to which are added, his Diaries and Speeches ; and various miscellaneous papers relating to his habits and opinions, by Jared Sparks, 2 vols. 8vo. portraits, hf. calf, 10s 1839 29784 GuizoT, Vie, Correspondance et Ecrits de Washington, 6 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, with roy. A^to. Atlas of 22 portraits, maps, etc. including a facsimile of the Declaration of Independance, in hf. calf gilt, Hbs _ 1840 29785 Hitchcock (Enos) Discourse on the Dignity of the Human Character, illustrated in the Life of General Washington, in com- memoration of his death, 8vo. hf. morocco, 10s Providence, 1800 29786 Wharton (Rev. C. H.) Poetical Epistle to Washington, from the original MS. belonging to D. Pulsifer, with Appendix, sm. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Boston, 1881 29787 WELD (Thomas) A short Story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruin of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines, that infected the Churches of New-England . . . sm. 4to. the margins slightly cut into, crimson morocco, gilt edges, £6. 'os R. Smith, 1644 A very rare and curious volume. The sweetness of Christian love is mani'cbt in the sentences in which Mr. Weld gloats over Anne llutcliiuson's 203 * 2990 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. bauishment from Boston, and the massacre of herself and her family by the Indians. He considered that the Almighty had himself interposed to bring this pmiishment on her, for the gratification of the Saints of Boston. 29788 Welsteed (W.) Sermon preached in the audience of Spencer Phips, Lieut.-Gov. and Commander in Chief, the Council, and House of Representatives of Massachusetts-Bay, on the anniversary for the Election of the Council, sm. 4to. sd. 21s Boston, 1751 29789 WHITAKER (Alexander) Good Newes from Virginia. Sent to the Covnsell and Company of Virginia resident in England . . . wherein also is a narration of the present State of that Countrey and our Colonies there. Perused and published by direction from that Counsell. And a Preface pre- fixed touching some matters touching that Plantation, sm. 4to. red morocco, hy Bedford, £105. 1612 Excessively kare. Whitaker went to Virginia in 1611, and became preacher to the colony at Henrico, so called after Prince Henry, eldest son of James I. It was Whitaker who had the honour of celebrating the first legal union between England and America, by solemnizing the marriage of the famous Princess Pocahontas with John Rolfe. — The preface is an Epistle dedicatorie to Lord Ure, signed by W. Crashaw (the father of the poet) ; but the tract itself is dedicated by Whitaker to Sir Thomas Smith. 29790 White (Father Andrew) Narrative of a Voyage to Maryland, an Account of the Colony of Lord Baron of Baltimore, extracts from Letters of Missionaries, 1635-77, edited by E. A. Dalrymple (in Latin and English), 8vo. sd. 18s Baltimore, 1874 29791 White (Wm.) Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, 8vo. uncut, 7s 6d Philadelphia, 1820 29792 Whitmore (W. H.) Register of Families settled at the Town of Medford, Mass., Svo. portraits, vietvs and facsimiles of signatures, hf morocco, Lord Farnham's copij, 16s Privately printed, Boston, 1 855 29793 Genealogical and Historical Tracts : Memoranda relating to the Lane, Reyner, and Whipple Families, Yorkshire and Massachusetts, Boston, 1857 — The Cavalier Dismounted : Oi'igin of the Founders of the thii'teen Colonies, Salem, 1854 — Notes concerning Peter Pelham, Cambridge, 1867 — Genealogy of the Usher Family of New-England, Boston, 1869 — Essay on the names of Towns in Massachusetts settled before 1775, Boston, 1873—5 8vo. pieces, sd. 1857-73 29794 Handbook of Ameincan Genealogy, being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications containing genealogical NEW ENGLAND AND VIRGINIA. 2991 information, chronologically arranged, sm. 4to. lif. calf, uncut, £2. Allamj, 1862 Genealogy in the United States has become a regular Science, thanks to the honest and painstaking labours of Mr. Drake, Mr. Whitmore, and others. But not very long ago it was to be classed among the Fine Arts. 29795 WILLARD (Samuel) The Truly Blessed Man ; or the way to be happy here and for ever . . . 12mo. hlue morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. Boston, N.E. 1700 29796 Compleat Body of Divinity, folio, fine copy in green morocco extra, edges gilt and goffered, £10. \Qs Boston, 1726 Rare. The first folio volume printed in New England. An interesting list of subscribers will be found at the beginning of the book, as well as a notice of the author's life and character. 29797 WILLIAMS (Edward) [and JOHN FARRER] Virgo Triumphans: or Virginia Richly and Truly Valued; more especially the South part thereof: viz. the fertile Carolana, and no lesse excel- lent Isle of RoANOAK, of Latitude from 31 to 37 Degr. relating the meanes of raising infinite profits to the Adventurers and Planters, sm. 4to. green morocco exti^a^ gilt edges ^ £25. TJiomas Harper^ for John Stephenson^ 1650 Collation: Title, 1 leaf; "To the Supreme Authoi-ity of this Nation," 8 pp.; "To the Conservers and Enlargers of the liberty of the Nation," 2 pp.; "To the Reader," 2 pp. ; text, pp. 1-47 ; Table and Supplement, 4 leaves unnumbered. — There is inserted at the beginning a copy, in Williams' own hand- writing, of an autograph letter privately sent by him to the Lord President of the Council. 29798 the same, sm. 4to. earliest issue icith only the Title and " To the Reader " as 'preliminary leaves ; Farrer s own copy of the first edition^ filled with his MS. notes on the margins, and containing his drawing of a map dated 1650, to show the accessibility of California hy inland-route, sd. £28. 1650 Williams was the author of the book ; but Mr. John Farrer, to whom he alludes in the preface, supplied all the material. N"o map was issued with this first edition, nor yet with the second, hut Farrer s MS. design was engraved with slight alterations in 1651, for issue with the third edition in that year. The distor- tion of geographical truth in the map, taken in connection with the MS. notes (in which the writer complains bitterly that Williams had omitted a good deal of the original matter, so as to serve the interests of the new Carolanians rather than those of the old Virginians), shows that one powerful idea in Mr. Farrer's mind was to unite New Albion (California) with Vir- ginia. In fact, he says that a small expedition would be able to 2992 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. mai'ch in eight, ten, or fourteen days from the Virginian settle- monts to New Albion, by which he meant the New Albion (Upper California) of Sir Francis Drake (1578) on the Pacific coast. The MS. notes and the printed text itself prove that something had been heard of the great Mississippi river, which it was supjjosed fell into the South Sea. 29799 WILLIAMS (Edward) [and JOHN FARREE] Virginia, more especially the South part thereof, richly and truly valued : viz. The fertile Caro- lana . . . second edition, with addition of the discovery of Silkworms, with their benefit, and implanting of mulberry-trees; also the dressing of Vines, for the rich trade of making Wines in Virginia, sm. 4:to. folding map of Virginia (1651), which also exhibits a rude delineation of New Albion and the North-west shore of Amei'ica^ red mo7'occo, by Bedford, £.U. 1650-51 Farrer's complaint that Williams had omitted many things about the culture of silkworms and vines in Virginia had evidently reached the latter, and caused the addition of the second part. The map was probably published by Farrer himself for insertion in the third edition (1651). Collation : Title, 1 leaf ; To the supreme authority of this nation, 8 pp. ; To the . . . Planters in Virginia, 1 leaf ; text, pp. 1-47 ; table and supplement, 4 leaves ; blank leaf ; title of second part, and " To all the Virginia merchants," together 3 leaves ; text, 78 pp. 29800 [WILLIAMS (Roger)] The Blovdt Tenent of Persecution, for Cause of Conscience, discussed, in a Conference between Truth and Peace. Who in all tender Affection, present to the High Court of Parliament (as the Result of their Discourse) these (amongst other Passages) of highest consideration, sm. 4to. comer of title defective, otherwise a very good copy, old calf, £15. Printed in the year 1644 Extremely rare first edition. The second edition was also printed in lfi44 M'ith the errata corrected, which are noted on the last page here. ( )nly twelve copies altogether (taking those two editions as one) are now known to be in existence. — It seems a dishonour to this good man and noble apostle of tolerance to rank his work in the same classification with those of the Mathers, the Cottons, the Lawsons, the Welds, and other narrow-minded and hyp(jcritical " Saints." — Bound up with tracts by Edward Bagshaw, and others, including some printed at Oxford, and several rare Kon-Conformist pieces, ranging from 1659 to 1682. 20801 WINTHROP (John) A Journal of the Transactions and Occur- rences in the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New- England Colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644 .... now first published from a correct copy of the original Manuscript [by 1\»iih^Yehsier'], Hartford [Gounccticid], 1790— WOOD (Vfilliam) NEW ENGLAND AND VIRGINIA. 2993 New-England's Prospect .... the third edition, Boston, New- England, 1764—2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, £3. \0s 1764-90 Both the works contained in this volume are now very rare. 29802 Wisconsin. Report and Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin for 1873 to 1876 inclu. forming Vol. VII, 8vo. plates, doth, 10s Madison {Wis.), 1876 Including : Pre-historic Wisconsin, by J. D. Butler, 4 plates — Memoir of Charles de Langlade, by J. Tasse — Early Western Days, by ,J. T. Kingston, 58 pp. — Pioneer Life in Wisconsin by H. Merrell, and biographical notices of distinguished settlers, etc. 29803 Wisconsin Academy. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, 1873-6, Vols. II and III, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Madison, 1874-6 Including papers on the Geology and Fisheries of Wisconsin. 29804 WISE (John) Vindication of the government of New England Churches ; the Churches Quarrel Espoused ; PlatfoiTa of Church Discipline agreed upon in the Synod of Cambridge, N.E. ; Con- fession of Faith of the Churches assembled at Boston, N.E. 1680 ; 4 vols, in 1, 12mo. List of Subscribers at the end, calf, 30s Boston, Neio England, 1772 29805 WOOD (William) New England's Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England; discovering the state of that countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters; and to the old Native Inhabitants ... sm. 4to. folding woodcut map of " The South part of New England, as it is planted this yeare, 1(334," excellent copy in purple morocco, gilt edges, £40. Tho. Cotes, for loJin Bellamie, 1634 This first edition is very rare, only the present copy and one other having apparently come into the English market during the last thirty years. Even Mr. Brinley had none, although there were two copies of the second edition (1635) in his collec- tion. — This work is particularly interesting for its map— to which, by reason of its correctness and fullness of detail, no previous map is in any way comparable ;— and for its short Dic- tionary or " Nomenclator," occupying five pages at the end, which takes precedence of all the linguistic labours of Eliot, Roger Williams, and others. 29806 WOOD (William) New England's Prospect . . . sm. 4to. folding woodcut map, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £20. 1639 Third edition ; exactly corresponding to the first edition of 1634, except that it is reprinted in a lesser number of pages, and that the year 1634 is altered to 1639 on the map. 2994 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 3. New France, the Mississippi States, and old Louisiana. (Including the Hudson's Bay regions, Canada, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland.) 29807 [BOUCHER (Pierre)] Histoire Veritable et Natvrelle des moevrs et prodvctions dv Pays de la Noyvelle France, vulgairement dite le Canada, 12mo. (12 ^reZ. II. and pp. 168), calf, £16. 16s Paris, F. Lambert, 1664 Excessively rare: a copy is priced 500fr. in a recent French catalogue. The dedication to Colbert is dated from the " Ville des Trois Rivieres," where the author was governor for the King of France. He was one of the oldest inhabitants of New France, and must have gone out with Champlain very early in the century. No one has given a fuller and more exact description, from actual life, of the manners and customs of various tribes of Red Indians. But the work is so rare that even Mr. Field, in his special bibliography, does not mention it. Boucher makes the following interesting statement concerning the colonists of New England. " The Knglish, our neighbours, expended at the beginning a heavy outlay on their settlements : tlaey threw into them a considerable number of immigrants, and at present we may reckon that they have fifty thousand men who carry arms : it is a marvel to behold their territories now : everything may be found there which can be had in Europe, and cheaper by half. They build a quantity of ships of all sorts ; they make good use of the iron mines ; they have handsome towns, with postal and transport services between them ; gentlemen's carriages as in France : those who speculated originally now find their profits coming in. That country is no way different from ours ; what has been done there may be done here also." 29808 Brackenridge (H. M.) Views of Louisiana, together with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri, 1811, 8vo. ///. calf, 12s Pittsburgh, 1814 A work of interest, including many important details concerning the various nations and languages around the Mississippi. 29809 Bradbury (John) Travels in the interior of America, 1809-11, 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 1817 29810 Brougham's (Lord) Speech, Feb, 2nd, 1838, on the Maltreatment of the N. American Colonies, ^to. presentation copy, sd. 5s 1838 Only 20 copies printed. 29811 Canada, Government Map of, from Red River to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, compiled by Th. Devine, measuring 66 ins. by 30 ins., mounted on canvas, 2 copies in folio portfolio, hf. moi'occo, 10s 1859 29812 Canadian Journal (The), a Repertory of Industry, Science and Art, edited by H. Youle Hind, 1852-3 to 1854-5, 3 vols, in 2, 4to. maps and illustrations, calf, 28s Toronto, 1853-55 29813 CHARLEVOIX, Histoire et Description generale de la Nouvelle- France, et Journal d'un Voyage dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale, 3 vols. 4to. maps, plates, and vignettes, calf, £2. 10s Paris, 1744 29814 History of New France, translated by J. G. Shea, Vols. I and II, impl. 8vo. i)ia2^s and Portraitis, cloth, 20s New York, 1866 NEW FRANCE, MISSISSIPPI STATES. 2995 29815 Chicago Academy of Sciences, Bulletin, nos. 1 to 4, 8vo. sd. 5.s Chicago, 1883-84 29816 Chisholm (Stewart) Statement of Facts regarding the Trial by Court Martial of, on two charges preferred by Major C C. Coffin and Lieut. -Col. Loring, 8vo. sd. bs 1834 29817 Considerations (Some) on the Consequences of the French settling Colonies on the Mississippi, with respect to the Trade and Safety of the English Plantations, 8vo. map, calf extra, by HoUoway, £2. 2s 1720 29818 CoRNUTi (Jac.) Canadensivm Plantardm, aliarumque nondum editarum Historia, 4to. with many plates of Canadian trees and plants, beautifully engraved, fine large copy in polished calf extra, hy Pratt, £2. 16s Parisiis, Simon Le Moyne, 1635 29819 Cramer (Charles) Etwas iiber die Natur Wunder in Nord America, 2 thin vols. 8vo. map and 8 plates of natural Grottos, Tunnels, Waterfalls, Sources of Rivers, etc. sd. rare, 16s St. Petersburgh, 1837-40 The work also contains short accounts of similar objects in South America. The first part is the proof copy, with the author's corrections. 29820 CRESPEL (Em.) Voyages dans le Canada, et son Naufrage en revenant en France, 12mo. marbled calf extra, gilt edges, £4. 4s Francfort sur le Meyn, 1752 29821 Voyage au Nouveau-Monde, et Histoire interessante du Naufrage, avec des Notes, 12mo. tree-marbled calf gilt, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, £4. Amst. Vlhl 29822 CREUXII Historise Canadensis, seu Novse-Francise libri X, ad annum usque Christi 1656, 4to. large map and 13 plates, including the large folding plate, fine large copy in tree-marbled calf extra, by Kalthoeber, very rare, from the Beckford library, £25. Paris, 1664 29823 the same, 4to. map and plates, red morocco, the sides and back covered with fieurs-de-lis, with the arms of Louis XIV in gold on sides, gilt edges, £22, 1664 29824 DiEREViLLE. Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de I'Acadie ou de la Nouvelle France, dans laquelle on voit . . . les manieres des differentes Nations Sauvages, leurs Superstitions, etc. par Mr. Diere'ville, 12m.o. frontispiece, calf neat, 18s Amst. 1710 29825 French (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana, embracing transactions of rare Documents relating to that State, with historical and biographical Notes and Introductions, parts 2, 3, 4, 5 (from the discovery to 1776), 4 vols. 8vo. maps, portrait, and facsimiles of Autographs, cloth, £2. 10s New York, 1850-58 Rare : only one hundred copies were printed. The volume which appears to be No. 4 in the above set, has no special title so to indicate it, although it is lettered and bound like the rest as they were issued. It contains the following pieces : — Discovery and Explorations of the Missi.ssippi Valley ; with the Original Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin and Anastase Douay, edited by J. Gilmary Shea, with letter, and facsimile of the newly discovered Map of Marquette. 29826 Flint (Tim.) Recollections of the last Ten Years, passed in occasional residences and journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi, 8vo. bds. 18s Boston, 1826 2996 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29827 Gatarre (C.) History of Louisiana (under French and Spanish Domination), 3 vols, thick 8vo. cloth, 14s Neiv York, 1854 29828 Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. "Worthen, Director, 8 vols. thick impl. 8vo. 51 plates and nmnerous ivoodcuts, doth, £2. 16s Springfield and Chicago, 1866-68 Vol. I, Geology, Assistants J. ]). Whitney, Leo Lesquereux, ami Henry Engelmann— Vol. II, Paleontology, Descriptions of Vertebrates by J. S. Newberry and A. H. Worthen ; of Invertebrates by F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen ; of Plants by Leo Lesquereux— Vol. Ill, Geology and PalaBontology by Worthen, Engelmann, Meek, etc. A valuable work, showing the vast mineral resources of the State of Illinois ; the jjlates are executed in lithosrraphy with gi-eat care and accuracy by the Western Engraving Company of Chicago. 29829 Geological Survey of Ohio, Report, Part II, Palaeontology, Vol. I, thick roy. 8vo. 48 plates, cloth, 15s Columbus, 1873 29830 Hall (Francis) Travels in Canada, and the United States, 1816-7, 8vo, map, bds. 5s 1818 29831 HENNEPIN, Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres grand Pays situe dans I'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la Mer Glaciale, IGmo. engraved frontispiece, 1 of the 2 large maps, and 2 plates, old calf gilt, from the Hamilton Palace library, £4. 4s Amst. 1697 29832 Voyage ou Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres-grand Pays, dans I'Anaerique, avec un Voyage qui contient une Relation exacte des Caraibes, faite par le Sieur De la Borde, stout l2mo. frontispiece, 2 maps, and 6 plates, without the last few leaves of Table, tree-marbled calf gilt, by Baumgarten, 36s Amst. 1704 29833 Nouveau Voyage d'un Pais plus grand que I'Europe, 12mo. map and 4 plates, calf extra, from the Hamilton Palace library, £4. 4s Utrecht, 1698 The JVouuelle Decouverte contains Hennepin's Travels and his Exploration of the Course of the Mississippi ; the Nouveau Voyage, which is a continuation of the former, is his account of La Salle's unfortunate Journey, and a description in extenso of the customs, manners, character, and superstitions of the Red Men. Hennepin was persecuted, and has been severely criticized, chiefly on account of his opposition to the Jesuits, and because he counselled William III (in whose dominions he had sought for the freedom and safety which he could not find in France) to send out missionaries to the New World. His enemies considered such advice from a monk as heretical and detestable ; while we are led by it to admire Hennepin, who had no bigoted horror for other sects than his own. 29834 A New Discovery of a vast country in America, extending above four thousand miles between New France and New Mexico . . . the manners, customs, and languages of the several native Indians . . with a Continuation giving an account of the attempts of the Sieur de la Salle . . to which is added. Several New Discoveries . . 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. maps and plates, calf, £3. 16s 1698 The text of Heimepin's two works is followed by a translation of the narratives of Joliet and Marquette (from Thevenot's small collection). 29835 Nieuwe Ontdekkingc van een groot Land gelegen in America tusschen Nieuw Mexico en de Ys-Zee, benevens een NEW FRANCE, MISSISSIPPI STATES. 2997 Aanhangsel, belielzende een Reize door de Spaansche West- Indien, door L. de C. sm. 4to. 8 maps and 3 plates, hf. hd. 9s Amst. 1702 This is a translation of the Kouvelle Decouverte of Hennepin, and has the two maps and two plates which are found in the original ; hut also contains an Appendix of Capiue's Voyage through the Spanish West Indies, and an account of the French expedition to Cartagena. 29836 HoOTON (C.) St. Louis' Isle, or Texiana; with observations made in the U.S. and Canada, 8vo. -portrait and plates, cloth, 5s 1847 29837 Hudson's Bay Company, Report from the Select Committee on the, with the proceedings of the Committee, sm. folio, maps, sd. 5s 1857 Laiiontan, Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale — see p. 2879. 29838 LA SALLE (Cavalier de). Tonti (Chevalier) Account of Monsieur de la Salle's last Expedition and discoveries in North America . . . made English from the Paris original, sm. 8vo. calf, 36s 1698 Followed hy the Adveniures of Mont-^ban, a French buccaneer, 1695. — Tonti gives a descri{)tion of his voyage with Cavelier down the Mississippi, and the discovery of the river-mouth in 1681. 29839 JOUTEL, Journal Historique du dernier Voyage que feu M. de LA Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver d'em- bouchure & le cours de la Riviere de Missicipi, nomraee a present la Riviere de Saint Louis, qui traverse la Louisiane . . . redige & mis en ordre par Monsieur de Michel, sm. 8vo. ( 12mo.) with the large folding map, fine copy in tree-marbled calf extra, from the Bedford library, £6. 6s Par-is, 1713 The map which is usually wanting was designed by Joutel for this work. He had accompanied Cavelier de la Salle in his last voyage, 1684-87 (to discover by sea the Mississippi mouth to which he had previously descended by river-passage in his journey of 1681), and made his way by land, after the assassination of his chief, to Canada. The map was the first publication of the fruits of Cavelier's last two voyages, and also the first fairly correct representation of the course of the Mississippi as far as the sea. 29840 Joutel, Journal of the last Voyage perform'd by Monsr. de la Sale . . . translated from the edition just publish'd at Paris, sm. 8vo. large folding map copied from the French one, calf, 'RXB.'e, £5. 1714 29841 Latour (Major) Historical Memoir of the War in W. Florida and Louisiana, 1814-15, translated by H. P. Nugent, with an Atlas of 8 maps and plans of the Seat of War, 2 vols. 8vo, bds. 24s Fhil. 1816 29842 Margry (P.) Decouvertes et etablissements des Fran^ais dans rOuest et dans le Sud de I'Amerique septentrionale (1614- 1698), 3 vols. 8yo. portrait and maps, sd. £2. Paris, 1879 29843 the same, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. papier de Hollande, £3. 10s 1879 Tome I. — Voyages des Frangais sur les grands lacs. Decouverte de rohio et du Missii-'sippi (1614-1684). Tome II. — Lettres de Cavelier de la Salle et correspondance relative a ses enterprises (1678-1685). Tome III. — Kecherches des Bonches du Mississipi et Voyage de I'abbe Jean Cavelier a travers le Continent, depuis les cotes du Texas jusqu'a Quebec. 2998 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29844 MiCHAUX (F. A.) Travels to the West of the Alleghany Mts., in Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessea, 1802, 8vo. calf, 9s 1805 29845 MISSISSIPPI EXPEDITION: Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the Route for the Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made in 1853-54, 12 vols, in 13 {tlie last volume being in two), thick 4to. onaps and about a thousand plates, some COLOURED, illustrating the Botany, Geology, Ornithology, Ichthyology, Costume and implements of the natives, etc. of the countries surveyed, hf. calf, M. Washington, 1855-60 Contents : — Ethnography, 10 plates ; Philology, containing Vocabu- laries of North American Languages ; Botany, plates ; Geology, many plates, some coloured ; Birds, finely coloured plates of the different species ; Fish, plates ; Reptiles, plates ; Mammalia, plates ; and a large number of coloured views. This fine work reflects the highest credit on the United States Govern- ment. The latter volumes are scarce in Europe. 29846 MoxoN (Joseph) Brief Discourse of a Passage by the North-Pole to Japan, China, etc. sm. 4to. map of the North-east passage, russia, £4. 4s 1674 The excuse for inserting this article here is the appearance in the map of Nova Francia, Terra Nova, and Nova Anglia, along with Greenland and the Arctic Kegions. 29847 New Brunswick, Atkinson's (W. C.) Account of, 12mo. map and cuts, bd. 3s 6d Edinb. 1844 29848 Newfoundland. Hatton (J.) and Rev. M. Harvey, Newfound- land, the oldest British Colony, its history, its present condition, and its prospects in the future, 8vo. (pub. 18s), numerous illus- trations, cloth, 12s 1883 see also Whitbourne, and Vaughan, p. 2816. 29849 New Orleans. Actes du Conseil Legislatif du Territoire d'Orleans, 1804 et 1805, 12ra. fine copy in pigshin, tmcut, gilt edges, very rare, 36s d la Nouvelle-Orleans de VImprimerie du Moniteur, chez J. B. L. S. Fontaine, 1805 An early specimen of printing at New Orleans. The Duke of Sussex's copv, with his autograph " Augustus Frederick." " This book found by me in the house of Mr. Bienvenu, on the left bank of the Mississippi, 9 miles from New Orleans, the 5th day of January, 1815." Nova Scotia : 29850 Conduct of the French, -with regard to Nova Scotia ; from its first settlement to the present time, 8vo. boards, 7s 6d 1754 29850*ExTRACT from the Votes of the House of Assembly of Nova- Scotia, containing an address to the king, 8vo. hf. calf, U7icut, 10s Boston, 1775 29851 Memoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majeste Britannique sur les possessions et les droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Amerique, Vols. I-III, 4to. map, old French calf gilt, 12s Paris, 1755 The map represents Nova Scotia and the neighbouring States as far southwards as Virginia. It is an interesting collection, the English docu- ments, with translations, being given as well as the French ones, and the reports and commentaries. There is a continual examination and discussion of early maps and geographers, and of books of travels in North America. NEW FRANCE: NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA. 2999 Nova Scotia — continued. 29852 Memorials of the English and French Commissaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia and St. Lucia, 2 vols. 4to. large map of Nova Scotia, calf, 7s London, 1755 The London edition of the above (Memoires des Commissaires). 29853 MooRSoN (W.) Letters from Nova Scotia, sm. 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, 3s 6d 1830 29854 Nova Scotian Institute : Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Vols. I pt. 4, II pt. 3, III comp>lete, IV pt. 4, V pts. 1 and 2 ; — 9 parts 8vo. plates, bds. £2. 16s Halifax, 1865-80 29855 Present State of Nova Scotia, with a brief Account of Canada, 8vo. large folding map, calf gilt, 5s Edinburgh, 1787 29856 ROYAL LETTERS, Charters, and Tracts relating to the Colo- nization of New Scotland and the Institution of the Order of Knights Baronets of Nova Scotia, 1621-38, ^to. portrait of Sir W. Alexander, and facsimiles of Maps and an autograph letter, cloth, £4. 10s Bannatyne Club, Edinhurgh, 1867 Privately printed and rare, only the small number required for the members of the (]lub being issued. The enrious maps reproduced were issued in 1620 and 1624 respectively. 29857 [ALEXANDER (William)] The Earl of Stirling's Register of Royal Letters relative to the affairs of Scotland and Nova Scotia, from 1615 to 1635, 2 vols. 4to. printed for the first time from the archives of the hingdom, ivith an introduction on the history of the subject and the life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, cloth, £5. 5s Privately printed, Edinhurgh, 1885 Limited to 150 copies, all for private circulation. see ante No. 29724. 29858 Haliburton [Sam Slick] Historical and Statistical Account of Nova-Scotia, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and views, hf calf neat, 20s Halifax, N.S. 1829 This was Sam Slick's first published work. 29859 PALLISER (Capt. J.) Journals, Reports, etc. relative to the Exploration of British North America, 1857-60, presented to both Houses of Parliament, sm. folio, coloured mapis and geolo- gical charts, bd. £2. 2s 1863 29860 Pittman (P.) Present state of the European Settlements on the Mississippi, 4to. m,aps and plans, calf, 24s 1770 Quebec : 29861 Justice and Policy of the late Act of Parliament for the Govern- ment of Quebec, 8vo. sd. 5s 1774 29862 Observations on a pamphlet entitled " State of the present form of Government of Quebec," 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1790 29863 Observations by the Judges of the Common Pleas at Quebec, on the Investigation held into the past administration of Justice, etc. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1790 29864 Ordinances made for the Pro\'ince of Quebec, by the Governor and Council of the said Province, since the Establishment of the Civil Government, iii French and English, sm. folio, old calf, scarce, 36s Quebec, 1767 3000 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Quebec — continued. 29865 State of the present form of Government of Quebec, with Appendix on the past administi'ation, 1789 — Petition from the British Inhabitants of Quebeck to the Commons House (1783), 1784 — Questions, sur lesquelles on souhaite de s^avoir les reponses de M. Adhemar et de M. de Lisle, et d'auti'es habitants de Quebec, 1784— Expediency of admitting Representatives from the American Colonies into the House of Commons, 1770 — View of the English Constitution, by De Montesquieu, 1781 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. calf, 20s 29866 Quebec Literakt and Historical Society, Transactions of; 1824-29, being Vol. I, 8vo. numerous large plates of Natural Mistory, Ms. rare, 12s Quebec, 1829 Papers on Geology, Conchology, Botany, etc. of Canada. One of the plates con.sists of diagrams representing the position and number of the Solar Spots ■which were observed from Cape Diamond, in 1816, 17, and 18, by Mr. Watts. Relations des Jesuites — see post, under "Works concerning Aborigines. 29867 Sandham (A.) Coins, Tokens and Medals of the Dominion of Canada, 8vo. IbO facsimiles of Coins, etc. cloth, 20s Montreal, 1869 29868 Smith (W. H.) Canadian Gazetteer, 8vo. map and view, cl. 6s Toronto, 1846 4. Western States: California, North West, Rocky Mountain Region. BANCROFT— see post under Books on the Aborigines. 29869 Bartlett (J. R.) Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahta, 2 vols. 8vo. plates and cuts, cloth, 36s Neio York, 1854 29870 Bell (W. A.) New Tracks in North America : a Journal of travel and adventure whilst engaged in the survey for a Southern railroad to the Pacific, 1867-8, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 30s), map and illustrations, cloth, 10s 1869 29871 the same, stout 8vo. (pub. 18s), m.ap and illustrations, cloth, 12s _ _ 1870 29872 Chappe d'Auteroche, Voyage en Californie pour I'Observation du Passage de Venus, le 3 Juin, 1769, redige par De Cassini fils, 4-io. plan of Mexico, and plates, hf.cf. 10s 1772 29873 [GORDON (Guillermo) Historia de las Misiones Jesuitas en la California baja desde su estableci- miento hasta 1737], sm. 4to. about 360 pp. original MS. account or diary .^ begun at La Paz in 1734 and ended at Santiago in 1737, 5J. £70. California., 1737 This is the original autograph diary kept by William Gordon, one of the Jesuit Missionaries employed in the conver- sion of the Indians. Although his name does not appear CALIFORNIA; NORTH-WEST, NORTHWEST. 3001 anywhere, and there is a leaf wanting at each end of the book, we know from comparing the text with certain statements of Clavigero that the writer was the Hispano- Scottish Jesuit William Gordon. The diary serves admirably as a continuation of Venegas, whose account of the Mission at La Paz breaks off with the retreat of Gordon, after the mai'tyrdom of Tamaral and Carranco. The work is divided into 32-i paragraphs, of which the first two and part of the third are wanting. The author gives at the beginning an outline of the establishment of the first Missions in Lower California in 16'J7, a description of the several nations which inhabited the Peninsula, with a sketch of their habits, customs, and religion. The author does not tell us what year he came to California, but in 1734 we find him already charged with the Misiones de Nuestra Senora del Pilar. The stirring events between 1734 and 1737 are described with a singleness of purpose and a simplicity of manner beyond all description, reminding the reader of Defoe's magical nar- rative. The character of the Indians, the privations of the Mis- sionaries, the hardships of their daily life, their conflicts with the civil and military authorities, are all brought before the reader in the most vivid and at the same time most unpreten- tious manner. The volume is certainly a very charming one, and not only merits publication, but even an English translation would probably be popular in California. 29874 Greenhow (R.) Memoir on the N.W. coast of North America and the adjacent territories, 8vo. majy, cloth, 7s 6d N.Y. 1840 29875 History of Oregon and California, and the other terri- tories on the N.W. coast of North America, second edition enlarged, stout 8vo. map, sd. 18s Boston, 1845 29876 Hamilton (J. P.) Travels through the Interior Provinces of Columbia, 2 vols. 8vo. onap and plates, cloth, 7s 6d 1827 29877 Hatden (F. V.) Tenth (and Eleventh) Annual Report of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of Colorado and parts of adjacent territories (with Idaho and Wyoming), 1876-7, 2 vols, stout 8vo. many maps, geological plates, etc. cloth, 20.s Wash. 1878-9 29878 KINO (Eusebio) Documentos importantes para la Historia de Sonora, folio, MS. of the 18th century ; 646 2^2^- plainly written, vellum, from the Eamirez collection, £10. 1690 Contents. I. Viages a la nacion Pima en Califninia en 1694 por los P. P. Jesuitas Kino y Ivappus, 163 leaves. II. Fiagmento historito del Nayarit, Tarahumara, Pimeria e Indies Seris, por uu IlL-ligioso de San Francisco, 1791, 19 leaves. III. Notices de Sonora. The first and third of these have been printed in the third and fourth Series of the " Documentos para la historia de Mexico." A very vai.uabi.e COLLECTION, which ought to be acquired by some Californian library. Lettres Edifiantes — see ante No. 28619. 3002 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29879 MEARES (J.) Voyages in 1788-89 from China to the North- West Coast of America, with observations on the probable existence of a North-West Passage, 4to. portrait, maps of the Californian coast, and plates, old calf, 16s 1790 29880 the same, roy. 4to. fine large copy in russia neat, gilt edges, 20s 1790 29881 MEMORIALES anuales sobre las nuebas Misiones y Conquista de las Californias, de los anos 1700, 1702, 1704, 1705, 1708-10, 1712, 1714-18, 1720, 1722-24, folio, stamped official MSS. 128 pp. in 1 vol. vellum, £15. Mexico, 1700-24 Accounts of the missions in California by Juan de Ugarte, Alejandro Ron ano, Juan Mai'ia de Salvatierra, Joseph de Echeverria, Jaime Bravo, and others. These are official copies made at the time the originals were entered in the archives of Mexico, and are of considerable importance for the early history of California. Milton and Cheadle — see ante No. 29005. 29882 MISIONES Y VIAGES [una coleccion de docu- mentos historicos originales sobre la California, Sonora, Nuevo Mejico y Tejas, e Yucatan] 3ISS. of the 17 th and IStk centuries^ mostly originals and some of them autographs^ bound uniformly in 3 vols, folio, half calf , from the Ramirez collection^ £170. Sec. xvii-xviii This splendid and all important collection relating to the principal missions from New Spain was formed by the late Don J. F. Ramirez at the cost of much labour and money and contains all he was able to gather on this subject during forty years. It contains over 300 pp. relating to California, about as many on the subject of Sonora, and nearly 1000 on New Mexico and Texas. The contents will speak for themselves. Vol. I: 1. Diario autografo del Padre Morfi a las Misiores de Texas y Nuevo Mexico en 1777, 290 leaves {fublislied in the 3rd series of the " Document os para la historia de Mexico") — 2. Noticias sobre el Parral, in the handwriting of Father Morfi — 8. Informe del Padre Morfi sobre el viage de los P. P. Dominguez y Escalante a California, 7 leaves. Vol. II : 1. Relacion del P. Garces de su Mision a Sonora, 1762, 7 leaves (copy) — 2. Varias Cartas del Pe. Garces sobre lo mismo, 5 leaves — 3. Diario de la Ruta y Operaciones que el Capitan Juan Ba. de Ansia practico en solicitud de abrir communicacion desde Sonora hasta la California, Sept. 17 de 1774, 25 leaves — 4. Carta del Pe. Velez sobre el camino del Nuevo Mexico a Monterey, 2 leaves — 5. Informe del mismo sobre las Misiones al Padre Morfi, 7 leaves (ptcblished in " los Documentos " ) — 6. Diario del mismo, 35 leaves — 7. Carta y Memorial al Rey de Espaiia sobre las Misiones ; Chihuahua, Oct. 2G de 1777 por Bernardo de Miera y Pacheco, 5 leaves — 8. Diario de Jose Anto. de Vildosola del Nuevo Mexico a Sonora, 1780, 17 leaves — 9. Relacion del Padre Zarate Salmeron de todas las cosns que en el Nuevo Mexico se ban visto 1538-162(5, CALIFORNIA ; WEST, AND NORTHWEST. 3003 130 leaves {puhlished in " los Docuvie^itos " ) — 10. Relacion del Pe. Zarate Niel, 2 leaves (published in the same work). Vol. Ill : 1. Relacion de las dos entradas para la conversion de los Gentiles Ytzaex y Cebacliesj de Yucatan, 1696, 66 leaves — 2. Expedicion a California en 1769, 19 leaves — 3. Diario historico de los viajes de mar y tierra hechos al Norte de la California de orden del Exmo. Sr. Marques de Croix, j per direccion de D. Joseph de Galvez, executados por la tropa de Don Caspar de Portola, y los paquebots S. Carlos y S. Antonio [escrito por Miguel de Costanso], printed in Mexico, 1770, pp. 56 and 3 unnumbered leaves — 4. Costanso, sobre las nuevas Misiones de Monterey en California, 4 leaves — 5. Noticias de la expedition Militar a Sonora y Sinaloa, ^jmifecZ in Mexico, 1771, 12 pp. fol. — 6. Misiones de Sonora, 1772, 9 11. — 7. Informe del Padre Pinella sobre las Misiones del Norte, 3 leaves — 8. Carta del Pe. Escalante sobre las Misiones de Sonora, 1775, 5 11. — • 9. Informe del Fr. Belena sobre Sonora y Cinaloa y los tributos que se pagan, 21 leaves — 10. Noticias sobre las Misiones de California, 1771, 2 leaves — 11. Informe sobre Sonora y sus Misiones, 78 11. — 12 Licencias del Virey al Jesuita Goebler para que vuelva a Europa, 2 leaves. Costanso's account of the S. Carlos and S. Antonio expedition along the coasts of Northern California is excessively rare. Junipero Serra was with the expedition. This printed piece and the annexed MS. sobre las nuevas Misiones, form the first account of the Spanish settlements in Upper California. MoTA Padilla, Nueva Galicia — see tmder Mexico. 29883 MuKPHY (J. M.) Rambles in North- Western America, from the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, 8vo. (pub. I6.9), map, cloth, 7s 6d 1879 29884 NOTICIAS DE LA NUEVA CALIFORMIA, 3 vols, folio, manuscript consisting of over 2000 pp. of historical matter relating chiefly to Upper or New California, vellum.^ from the Ramirez collection.^ £84. Mexico, about 1780-85 A most important body of MSS. Documents, which ought to be secured by an American library. This transcript, or rather these transcripts, of the original writings, were made by and for the historian Manuel de la Vega for incorporation in the archives of the Franciscan convent of ^Mexico. The first and the fourth parts only appear to have been printed (in 1857) in the Documentos historicos Mejicanos, but not the remainder ; and these volumes may be looked upon as holding the rank of original codices of great importance to the Californian student. Contents : Palou (Francisco) Noticias de la California, an account of the establishment of missions by Junipero Serra at Monterey and Santiago, and the voyages of the missionaries between 1767 and 1774 ; Nuevas Providencias del Virrey ; Palou, Diario de la Expedicion de Crespi y Pages, del Puerto de 204, 3001 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. San Francisco, 1772 ; Crespi, Diario de la primera expedicion de tierra al descnbi'imiento del pnerto de San Diego de Junipero Serra, etc. 1779 (see p. 1769) ; Correspondencia de Serra, Mora, J otros sobre las misiones, 1774 ; Expedicion de Bodega y Quadra hasta el grado 58 ; Viage por tierra al pnerto de S. Francisco, 1775 ; Ansd, Registro del puerto de S. Francisco ; and other pieces concerning San Francisco down to 1783; with which Vol. II ends. Vol. Ill : Establecimiento j Progresos de las Misiones de la antigua California ; Memorias para la historia natural de la California, 1790 ; Diaz de la Vega, Memorias piadosas de la nacion Yndiana, 1782. 29885 [ORTEGA (Padre Jose)] Apostolicos Afanes de la Compaiiia de Jesus escritos por un padre de la misma sagrada religion de su provincia de Mexico, sm. 4to. fine copy in vellum, £10. 10s Barcelona, 1754 Excessively rake, and of considerable importance to the Californians. Some passages on p. 220 make it appear that the writer was identical with the Jesuit Jose Ortcjja who published a Cora Dictionary at Mexico in 1732 ; but the prologue shows that he incorporated in a continuous narrative the reports of others besides himself. He laboured for thirty years in Lower California, and in the regions between the Colorado and the Gila rivers ; and on page 242 we learn that he had the use of the MS. papers of Eusebio Kino, in which '' estan coordenados sus viajes, empressas, y dcscubrimieutos." The account which he gives of Kino's life and labours contains references to monumental remains of earlier inhabitants in those regions ; and is the chief source of biographical information concerning that distinguished geographer. It comprises about 100 pages, and forms one of the three libros into which the book is divided. The author enlarges upon purely historical events and anthropological facts to a greater degree than most theological writers. 29886 PALOU (Francisco) Relacion historica de la Vida y apostolicas tareas del Padre Fray Junipero Serra, y de las Misiones que fundd en la California Septentrional, y nuevos establecimientos de Monterey, sm. 4to. no map or poi'trait, vellum., £2. 10s Mexico, F. de Zunifja, 1787 29887 the same, sm. 4to. complete with tlierare map of California and portrait, hound, £6. 10s 1787 This is not merely a religious biography, but a most interesting account of the Travels of this zealous Missionary and his companions in Mexico and California. Serra was born in the Isle of Mallorca, in 1713. After visiting Mexico he went to California in 1771 and founded several Missions there, dying in 1784. Palou succeeded Serra in the Presidency of the Californian Missions. 29888 Jesuits in New Spain, California, the Philippines, and the Atlantic Islands. A collection of about 50 unpublished MS. and printed documents of considerable historical import- ance containing detailed narratives of the risings amongst the Indians, promoted by the Jesuits, and the terrible reprisals inflicted by the Spaniards, and including accounts of settle- ments in California and discoveries on the North West Coast of America, in a folio parcel, £9. Mexico, etc. 1750-75 Amongst the papers of Californian interest are the following — all but one in MS. : Relacion del Dcscubrimiento del pais de Quivira, written in 17G9 by Bernardo Yriarte (the editor of Saimicntn's Voyage), to correct and supple- ment the work of Burriel and Veni gas : a letter from the Marcjucs de Croix CALIFORNIA; WEST, AND NORTHWEST. 3005 in 1769, enclosing one received from California; R'-lacion emhiada de California, 1770; Noticias de la Expedicion de 1769, printed in 1770 ; Two Accounts by Don Mathias de Arm -na, of his Expedition in California, dated 1771. Perez de Ribas, Triumphos de la Fee — see under Books on fhe Aborigines. 29889 Pixart's (Alphonse L.) Voyage a la Cote Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique, 1870-72, Vol. I, partie 1 (HistoireNaturelle), impl. 4to. 5 plates, chiefly of Fossil Remains (pub. 8 francs), scl. 5s Pans 1875 29890 Stansburt (H.) Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah : '^vith an authentic account of the Mormon Settle- ment, and a reconnaissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains, 8vo. numerous plates of Views, Natural History, etc. with 2 large maps in a case, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s Philad. 1852 Include' i in Field's Indian Bibliography. Stockletn — see ante No. 28(320. 29891 UGARTE. Vida y virtudes de Juande Ugarte, missionero de las Islas Californias, y uno de s^^s primeros Conquistadores, escrita por Juan Joseph de Villavicencio, sra. 4to. vellum, £4. Mexico, 1752 Vert rare. Juan de Ugarte was a Jesuit missionary, who resiiled ia California from 1700 to 1730, and obtained the reputation of an apostle, or " the Father of the Indians." One of his great labours was the exploration of the Gulf of California to its northernmost extremity, in which beseems to have entered the Colorado, and sailed for some distacce up its waters. 29892 VENEGAS (Miguel) Noticia de la California, y de su Conquista, sacada de la Historia manuscrita formada en Mexico, ailo de 1739, 3 vols. sm. 4to. maps, £3. 10s Madrid, 1757 The first map is one of California only ; but as that name was utcd in a more limited sense than at present, the second map, which is general, supplies the deticiencies. This second map is a very curious one, showing the entire Pacific shores of Asia and America, with records of the latest explorations by the Spaniards, Russians, and English, especially on the upper Californiaa shores, and Columbia. The work compiled in 1739, by the Jesuit Venegas, -was after hi- death recast, completed, augmented, and corrected by Marcos Antonio Burriel. The name of the latter does not appear in the book. 29893 Venegas (Mich.) Natural and Civil History of California: con- taining an accurate description of that country, the Customs of the Inhabitants, etc. translated from the Spanish, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, hf. calf, £2. os 17-59 " The work of Father Venegas is undoubtedly the most faithful narration we possess regarding the original condition of the Indians of any part of N. America." — Field. 5. Guiana and Trinidad. 29894 Archer's Monumental Inscriptions — see ante, tinder West Indian Islands. 29895 BENOIT (P. J.) Voyage a Surinam, description des Possessions Neerlandaises dans la Guyane, roy. folio, 100 lithoyraphic views, etc. half morocco gilt, gilt edges, £4. BmxeUes, 1839 204 * 300G BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29897 Fermin (P.) Description de Surinam, avec les moeurs et les usages des Habitants Naturels du Pais, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. map and plates, fine copy in gilt tree-marbled calf, by Baumgarten, the Bechford copy, 28s Amst. 1769 29898 Joseph (E. L.) History of Trinidad, 12mo. red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, rare, £2. 2s Trinidad, H. J. Mills (1838) 29899 McCallum (P. F.) Travels in Trinidad, 1803, 8vo. map, red morocco stiper extra, gilt edges, by Petit, rare, 30s Liverpool, 1805 29900 [McCallum] Political Account of the Island of Trinidad, from its conquest by Sir R. Abercrombie, 1797, 8vo. red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Petit, rare, 32s 1807 29901 McCallum, Trial of Thomas Picton, Governor of Trinidad (for torturing Louisa Calderon), 1806, 8vo. curious frontispiece, red onorocco super extra, gilt edges, by Petit, rare, 28s (1806) McCallum (P. F.)— see also Picton (Th.). 29902 MERIAN (M. S.) Dissertation sur la Generation et les Transfor- mations des Insectes de Surinam, impl. folio, frontispiece and 72 finely coloured plates, with French and Latin text, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges, £2. 5s Haye, 1726 On the fly-leaf is written "Bought at Dr. Askew's Sale, April, 177.5, £21. Is 6d." 29902*PiCTON (Th.) Letters of Decius, in answer to the criticism upon the Political Account of Trinidad ; and upon the defence of the crimes of Gov. Picton in the Anti-Jacobin Review, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d 1808 29903 ScHOMBURGK, Description of British Guiana, Geographical and Statistical, 8vo. map, cloth, 3s 6d 1840 29904 STEDMAN (Capt. J. G.) Narrative of a five years' Expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, 1772-77, elucidating the history of that country, etc. 2 vols. 4to. map and 80 fine plates, by Bartolozzi and others, including numerous illustrations of Natural History, bds. 15s ; calf, 20s 1796 29905 WARREN (George) An Impartial Description of Surinam, upon the Continent of Guiana, in America, with a History of several strange Beasts, Birds, Fishes . . . and Customs ... of that Colony, sm. 4:to. fine copy, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £2. 10s 1667 An interesting little treatise which is perhaps the earliest news from the English colony in Guiana. It had been preceded only by the accounts of navigators : Raleigh, Keymis, Harcourt. Warren was a shrewd observer of nature, and possessed two fine English qualities : a dislike of negro-slavery, and a fondness for young Indian women. 29906 [PHILIP (John Baptista)] Address to Earl Bathurst, Secretary of State for the Colonies, relative to the Claims which the Coloured Population of Trinidad have to the same civil and political privileges with their White Fellow-Subjects, by a free Mulatto of the Island, Svo. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £2. 1824 i^tthe end: "Oration pronounced on the 29th of June, 1829, after the funeral dirge of Doctor John Baptista Philip." THE ABORIGINES OF AMERICA. 30U7 IV. BOOKS SPECIALLY RELATING TO THE ABORIGINES OF AMERICA. 29907 ABBOTT'S (CHARLES C.) PRIMITIVE INDUSTRY: or the Illustrations of the Handiwork in Stone, Bone and Clay, of the Native Races of the Northern Atlantic Seaboard of America, roy. 8vo. about 400 pp. and 400 illustrations, cloth, 15* 1881 29908 Accounts of two attempts towards the Civilization of some Indian Nations, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 50 and 43 pp. sd. 7s 6d London reprint, 1806 29909 the same, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 48 and 47 pp. hf. calf, lOs 1806 Accouuts of two meetings of Friends, of Pennsylvania and Baltimore. 29910 ADAIR'S History of the American Indians, particularly those nations adjoining to the Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Carolina, and Virginia, 4to. map, pencil notes, bds. £2. 10s 1775 29911 the same, 4to. map, hd. £2. 1775 29912 American ETHNOLOGICAL Society's Transactions, Vols. I and II, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, plates and, woodcuts, uncut, 30* New York, 1845-8 Contents : Notes on the semi-civilized Nations of Mexico and Yucatan, their Languages, History, Calendars, etc. by Gallatin — Troost on Ancient Kemains in Tennessee — Schoolcraft on the Grave Creek Mound in W. Vir- ginia — Hale's Indians of N.W. America, with Vocabularies (over 300 pp.) — Squier's Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley — Rafn, Ancient Geography of the Arctic Regions — Dwight's Sketch of the Polynesian lan- guage, and of the Mpongwes and their language, etc. 29913 Archjiologia Americana : Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vols. I-IV, large 8vo. maps, plates and cuts, bds. £3. 10s Worcester and Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1820-57 29914 the same. Vols. I and II, calf, S2s 1820-36 Illustrative of the aboriginal Religions, Antiquities, Ethnology, and Languages, with Vocabularies. 29915 Assall (F. W.) Nachrichten liber die friiheren Einwohner von Nordamerika und ihre Denkmaler, sm. 8vo. text, and oblong folio atlas of 10 plates, hf. morocco, 28* Heidelb. 1827 29916 Bacqueville de la Potherie (Mr. de) Histoire de I'Amerique Septentrionale, 4 vols. 12mo. frontispiece, maps and plates, tree- marbled calf gilt, by Kalthoeber, 30s 1722 The pagination ot Vol. I runs from page 10 to 1 5, but nothing is wanting. " A History of the Indian nations of Canada, being entirely devoted to that subject and the relations of the French with the natives. Much of his work is written from his own observation, and the remainder seems to have been derived from authentic sources." — Field. S008 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29917 BANCROFT (H. H.) Native Races of the Pacific States of North Anierica, 5 vols. (pub. £6. 5s), stout 8vo. numerous tnaps and woodcuts of Antiquities, cloth, £b. 1875-6 Contents: Vol. 1, Wild Tribes; Vol. 2, Civilized Nations; Vol. 3, Afvtlis and Lansociated with the Senecas, that he was adopted as a member of the tribe." — Field. 29988 MtJLLER (J. G.) Geschichte der Amerikanischen TJrreligionen, 8vo. bds. 7s 6d Basel, 1855 29989 NuTTALL (T.) Travels into the Arkansa Territory, 1819, with observations on the manners of the Aborigines, 8vo. 7nap and plates, calf neat, 10s Philadelphia, 1821 " The author was so capable, by his long scientific culture, of affording the most valuable contributions to ethnology and philology," etc. — Field. 29990 Oceola Nikkanochee, Prince of Econchatti, a young Seminole Indian. Early Days and Remembrances, with a History of his Nation, and his Uncle, Oceola, 8vo. plates, cloth, 7s 6d 1841 29991 Orbigxy (Ale. d') I'Homme Americain (del'Amerique Meridionale), considere sous ses rapports physiologiques et moraux, 2 vols. 8vo. no Atlas, sd. 15s 1839 29992 P(auw), Recherches philosophiques sur les Americains, avec une Dissertation par Don Pernetty, 3 vols. 12mo. calf, with the hoolplate of Lord Lisle, 7s 6d Berlin, 1770 29993 PEREZ DE'RIBAS (Andres) Historia de los Triumphos de nuestra Santa Fee entre gentes las|mas barbaras del NuEVO Orbk ; Costumbres, Ritos, y Supersticiones de estas gentes, etc. sm. folio, /)/. calf, RARE, £10. Madrid, 1645 The chief interest of the volume lies in its accounts of the Indian tribes of California, New Mexico, and Florida. 301G BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29995 i9996 " Son ovrage est un des plus im])ortauts que nous a^ons pour Thistoire eocl^sias-tique et civile de l;i Nouvelle-Espaiiue et surtoiit pour la province de Cinaloa, sur Inquelle il u'existe que des documents insnffisants." Collation : Title, and Dedication, 4 leaves ; Approbations and Protesta, 4 leaves ; Frologo and Carta, 4 leaves ; Tabla, Licencia, and Errata, 8 leaves ; pp. 1-756 ; Indice, pp. 757-64. This copy theiefore contains 20 prelinunary leaves, while that in the American Nuggets had but 16 ; and has an Index of 4 leaves at the end, which were not in that copy. 29994 PERAMAS (Jos. Em.) de Vita et Moribiis Sex Sacerdotum Paraguay cor urn, Faventice, 1791; de Vita et Moribus tredecim Virorum Paraguajcorum, plan, corners of two leaves defective, ib. 1793 — 2 vols. 8vo. Ids. rare, £5. Containing much important information on the Indians of Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil. Pap,es 1-162 of the second work contains a treatise '• da Administratione Guaranica comparata ad llempuhlicam Platonis." At the end of the same volume is a leaf containing a Census of the Chiquita Indian Villages, in 1766. The nineteen lives are mostly those of the Jesuits of Paraguay. This copy was formerly in the possession of Martin Dobritzhoffer, the author of " Hii-toria de Abiponibus." Perrin Du Lac, Voyage dans les Deux Louisianes, et chez les Nations Sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis, rOhio, et les Provinces qui le bordent, 1801-3, 8yo. 7naps, half red morocco, gilt edges, from the Beckford library, 28s Paris, 18U5 PiDGEON (William) Traditions of De-coo-dah, and Antiquarian Researches concerning the remains of the Mound-Builders ; Traditions of the Elk nation, and evidences of an ancient population more numerous than the present aborigines, 8vo. 70 engravings, cloth gilt, 14s Neiv York, 1853 29997 Pike (Z. M.) Exploratory Travels through the Western Terri- tories of North America, 1805-7, 4to. 2 inaps, bds. 15s 1811 Comprising Voyages to the source of the Mississippi, and through Louisiana and New Spain. 29998 PlOMiNGO. The Savage, by Piomingo, a headsman and warrior of the Muscogulgee nation, 12mo. bds. 6s Fhiladelj)hia, 1810 There is a little informal ion on Indian subjects, but the work is a series of gossippy essays by aPhiladelphian Englishman. 29999 The Present State of New England with respect to the Indian War ; A continuation of the State of New-England, being a farther account of the Indian Warr, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. calf, 5s London, 1675 {Boston,' m^2>) 30000 PiNART (Alphonse) la Caverne d'Aknanh, ile d'Ounga (Archipel Shumagin, Alaska), impl. 4to. (pub. 30 iv.),ivitli 7 coloured plates^ representing funeral masks and various implements discovered in a sepulchral cave, sd. 16s Paris, 187 30001 Rafinesque (C. S.) The American Nations ; or. Outlines of their general history, ancient and modern, Vol. I, sm. 8vo. hf, bd. 6s Phil. 1836 Chapter vii (pp. 215-.59) is on the Ilaytian or Taino Language, including a Grumn;ar and coiii[)arHtive Vocabularies. 30002 REISS (W.) and STUBEL (A.) Peruvian Antiquities; the Necropolis of Ancon in PERU. A series of illustrations of the civilization and industry of the Empire of the Incas, being the result of excavations made on the spot, imperial folio, THE AMERICAN ABORIGINES. 3017 Parts I-XIII, each containing 10 beautiful chromolithographs with descriptive text; i7i portfolios, £19. 10s Lond. 1881 This splendid worlt gives the first accurate account of one of the large Peruvian burial-grounds. The illustrations of the Necropolis of Ancon are reproduced in chromos directly from the Water-colour drawings taken from the Origiuals which are at present in the possession of the Ethnographic department of the Royal Museum at Berlin The whole work consists of about 100 chroraolitho- grafihic plates, each of them accompanied by explanatory notes and followed by a descriptive text. 30003 Reiss (A.) mid N. Stubel, Peruvian Antiquities: the Necropolis of Ancon in Peru, parti, roy. folio, 10 coloured plates of r)iummies, p)ottery, etc. (pub. 30s), in portfolio, 10s 1881 Relations de la Nouvelle France : 30004 RELATIONS des JESUITES, contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans las Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France, 1611-72, ouvrage publie sous les auspices du Gouvernment Canadien, 3 vols, stout royal Svo. containing the Journals and letters of the Missionaries in Canada dioring a most interesting period, hf. calf, £5. Quebec, 1858 Nothing can be more valuable as a record of the manners and customs of the North American Indians, than the detailed and exact information contained iti the collected narratives of men like the Jesuits, admittedly earnest, learned and intelligent, full of practical wisdom, and possessing opportunities and talents which no single traveller could ever combine. 30005 VIMONT (Barthelemy) Relation de ce qvi s'est passe en la Novvelle France en I'annee M.DC.XL., 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. Svo. (12rao.), calf extra, gilt edges, by Lewis, from the Beclcford library, £15. Paris, Sebastian Gramoisy, 1641 Notwithstanding the year mentioned on the title, the running head-line of both parts is " de I'annee 1639 iusques en 1640." The first part contains four preliminary leaves including title, and pp. 1-197 ; the second part consists of pp. 1-196, preceded by a half-title, "Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans le pays des Hurons pays de la Nouvelle France." 30006 RELATION de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la NOUVELLE FRANCE es annees 1661 & 1662, enuoyee au R. P. Andre Castillon, Provincial de la province de France, small 8vo. (12mo.), fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru, £8. 10s Paris, Gramoisy, 1668 Very kare. The prefatory epistle is dated Kebec, 18 Septembre, 1662, and signed by Hierosme Lalemant. This Relation is one of the rarest and at the same time most interesiing accounts furnished by the Jesuits concerning the manners of the Red Men of North America. After describing an expedition for scalps, the writer makes a satirical reflexion (which has in our days become a hackneyed text of philosophizers), in the words — " ces pauvres barbares, aussi glorieux dans la victoire de quatre hommes que les grands Princes dans la mort de dix mille." 30007 [ST. VALLIER] Relation des Missions de la Nouvelle France, par M. I'EvSque de Quebec, sm. 8vo. fine large copy in polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £8. 8s Paris, 1688 This was the first of a three years' (1685-87) peregrination through the territories of Canada, undertaken for the purpose of investigating the condition of the diocese and the colony. It contains a great number of facts concerning the Red-Indian tribes. 3018 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30008 Retue orient ale et AMERICAINE, ptiblle par Leon de Rosny, Vols. I-IX and X pts. 1-3, 8vo. plates and facsimiles, cloth and sd. £3. Paris, 1859-65 Vols. VI and VIII each want 2 parts. Vols. I -IV have no titles. 30009 RIYERO (M. E. de) y J. D. de Tschudi, Antigiiedades Pernanas, 4to. text, with ohlong impl. folio atlas of 58 plates of mummies, pottery, etc. some coloured (pub. £7. 10s), hds. £3. 10s Viena, 1851 30010 RowLANDSON (Mary). A true History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, a Minister's Wife in New-England, wherein is set forth, the Cruel and Inhumane Usage she underwent amongst the Heathens, for eleven weeks time, sm. 4to. hf. red morocco, frotn the Hamilton Palace library, £3. 1 6s Printed first in New England, reptrinted at London, 1682 The present copy, as usual, wants the Sermon by Mr. Jos. Rowlandson (pp. 37-46). " The relation of the manners and peculiarities of the Indians of New England, in 167-5, by one so observant and scrupulous in her statements, has more than ordinary interest and value." — Field. Ruiz de Alarcon — see Huehuetlatolli, ante, p. 2910. 30011 RUIZ DE MONTOYA fel Padre Ant.) Conquista espiritual hecha por los religiosos de la Compaiiia de Jesus, en las Provincias del Paraguay, Parana, Uruguay, y Tape, 8vo. old calf, £5. Madrid, 1639 Very rare : the Maxitnilian collection did not include any copy. A history of the Jesuits of Paraguay, and the surrounding countries, containing much valuable information on the Indians, their Religious Rites, etc. * 30012 SAGAED (Gabriel) le grand Voyage dv pays des HuRONS . . . auec un Dictionntire de la Langue huronne, sm. 8vo. engraved and printed titles^ fine copy in crimson morocco extra^ gilt edges, £36. Paris, 1632 Vert rare ; besides being one of the most important works ever written on the history and customs of the Red Skins of North America. 30013 HiSTOiRE DV Canada et Voyages qveles Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conuersion des Infidelles . . . par le F. Gabriel Sagard, Theodat . . . stout small 8vo. red morocco extra., hy Clarke and Bedford., £63. Paris, chez Claude Sonnius, 1636 Of the excessive rarity of this book, an idea may be formed from the fact that the late Mr. Edwin Tross sought many years for a copy before he could succeed, so as to add a reprint of the Histoire to his reprint of the Voyage. In the preface he states that "on a offert, durant des annees, 1200 fr. d'un exemplaire de I'Histoire, sans pouvoir s'en procurer un seul." This statement has reference to twenty years ago, and as THE AMERICAN ABORIGINES. 3019 valuable old books have since then increased remarkably in price as well as in rarity, the cost of this copy is relatively low. Only two copies are known, besides this, containing the four pages at the end, which give the native words and the music of a Huron song and a Souriquois hymn. 30014 SAGARD, Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Freres mineurs Recollects y ont faicts (oil est araplement traicte des choses principales arrivees dans le pays depuis 1615 jvsqu'a la prise qui en a este faicte par les Anglois), avec un Dictionnaire de la langue Huronne, nouvelle edition, avec une notice sur Sagard, par H. E. Chevalier, 4 vols. 8vo. Gh-and Papier de Hollande, hf. green morocco, gilt tops, tmcut, £4. 1865 30015 SCHOOLCRAFT ( H. R. ) Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley, with observations on its Abori- ginal Population, etc. 8vo. plates and map, bd. 25s Neto York, 1825 Pages .337 to 459 contain an account of the signing of the treaty with the Ottawas, Pottawatomies and Chippewas. Chap. 18 Ls full of Anecdotes illustrative of Indian character. Chap. 19 contains an analysis of the several Indian languages, a vocabulary, and songs, with translations. 30016 Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Missis- sippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river, 1832, 8vo. maps, cloth, 25s Neio York, 1834 Full of details of Indian life and character. Pages 169-210 contain an analysis and vocabulary of the Chippewa language. 30017 Historical and Statistical Information, respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, 6 vols. roy. 4to. numerous plates, many in colours, cloth, uncut, £10. 10s Philadelphia, 1851-57 Including Indian Vocabularies, Grammatical Analyses, legends, biogra- phies, etc. " Contains a vast mass of really valuable material. It has indeed performed a very important service for Indian history, in collecting and preserving an immense amount of historic data." — Field. 30018 • Scenes and Adventures in the Semi- Alpine Region of the Ozark Mts. of Missouri and Arkansas, 8vo. 3 plates, cloth, 5s Philad. 1853 30019 Smith (W.) Discourse concerning the Conversion of the Heathen Americans, sra. 8vo. sd. 10s Phil. 1760 30019* Smith (E. R.) the Araucanians : or Notes of a Tour among the Indian tribes of S. Chili, 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d 1855 30020 SQDIER (E. G.) and DAVIS (E. H.) Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, royal 4to. 48 fine plates and upwards of 200 v:oodcuts, cloth, rare, £4. 4s New York, 1848 30021 [THOMSON (Charles)] Enquiry into the causes of the alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest . . . together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post . . . written in Pensylvania, 8vo. map, cover torn off 1759 hound up with the Treaty of Philadelphia, 1742, described helow, in one volume, calf, £5. 205 8020 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30022 THOROWGOOD (Tho.) Jews in America, or Probabilities, that those Indians are Judaical, made more probable by some Additionals to the former Conjectures. An Accurate Discourse is premised of Mr, John Elliot, sm. 4to. wants 2 leaves of Dedication, margins cropped, vellum, rare, £4. 1660 30023 the ssbine, perfect, red morocco, hy Bedford, £10. 1660 Written in answer to llamon Lestrange's attack on his first work, " Jews in America, or Probabilities that the Americans are of that race." 30024 TiMBEKLAKE ( H. ) Memoirs of Lieut. H. Timberlake (who accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in 1762), containing whatever he observed during his Travels to and from that Nation, wherein the Country and Inhabitants are described, 8vo. map and plate, tree-marbled calf extra, hy C. Kalthoeber, from the Bedford library, Hamilton Palace, £3. 10s 1765 30025 [TORRES RUBIO (Diego de)] Brevis Relatio Historica rerum in Provincia Peruana apud Indos a PP. Soc. Jesu gestarum per Jacobum Torrensem : accessere annuse literae rerum ab iisdem gestarum in insulis Philippinis ; primum Romae Italico idiomate excusa, 12mo. dark hroivn morocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £2. I2s Moguntice, typis Balthasari Lippij, 1604 30026 Transactions ( Some ) between the Indians and Friends of Pennsylvania, 1791-2, 8vo. hf. red morocco, 10s 1792 Bound up with an Account of a meeting of Friends of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, etc. for the Civilization of the Natives, 1795 (1806). 30027 Traits of the Aborigines of America, a Poem, 8vo. bds. 7s 6d Cam., Mass. 1822 30028 TREATY held with the Indians of the Six Nations at Philadelphia, in July, 1742, to which is prefix'd an account of the first Confederacy of the Six Nations, their present tributaries, dependents, and allies, 8vo. very rare [PJiiladelpMa, 1743] London (? 1744) bound up with Charles Thomson's Enquiry, 1759, described above, in one volume, calf, £5. 30029 TREATY (A) held at the Town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, by the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, and the . . . Commissioners for the Provinces of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the Six Nations, in June, 1744, sm. folio, title in beautiful facsimile, fine uncut copy, half bound, extremely rare, £6. 10s Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franhlin, 1744 Not only of intrinsic historical importance, but also highly interesting as a production of Benjamin Franklin's press, wholly American in its character. 30030 Treaty between the United States and the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, 1855, 4to. in the native language with English transla- tion, sd. 7s 1856 30031 Vail (A.) Notice sur les Indiens de I'Amerique du Nord, 8vo. map and 4 coloured portraits, sd. 6s 1840 30032 VA LADES (D.) Rhetorica Christiana, quae quidem ex Tndorum maxima deprompta sunt historiis, sm. 4to. 26 curioiis plates of AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND LANGUAGES. 3021 Mexican Sacrifices, etc. including a phrenological head with folding table, vellum, £2. 10s Perusice, 1579 " Valades fut I'un des premiers religieux qui visiterent I'Amerique. II donne des renseignements precieux sur la maniere employee pour catechiser les Indiens." " La Ehetorica Christiana est un ouvrage fort bien ecrit et rempli de notions interessantes sur les Indigenes dn Mexique. Les pages qu'il (Valades) consacre a I'examen de leurs arts et sciences, ce qu'il dit de la variete de leur systeme graphique, prouve qu'il les connaissait et qu'il avait su les apprecier." — Brasseur de Bouriourg. 30033 Varnhagex, os Indies Bravos — see in alphabet of Portuguese America. 30034 Wafer (Lionel) New Voyage and description of the Istlimus of America, giving an account of the . . . Indian Inhabitants, their . . . manners, . . . customs, . . . language, etc. sm. 8vo. 3 large plates, no map, calf, 10s 1699 30035 Yarrow (H. C.) Study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians, 4to. sd. 6s Washington, Smiths. Inst. 1880 V. AMERICAN LANGUAGES. 1. General Works. 30035*Brinton (Daniel G.) the Philosophic Grammar of American Lan- guages, as set forth by William von Humboldt, with translation of an unpublished memoir by him on the American verb, 8vo. bds. 25s Privately printed, Philadelp)hia, 1885 With two other tracts by the same accomplished author : " Americun Languages and how we should study them"; and "the Taensa Grammar and Dictionary" (of Haumonte) proved to be a deception. 30036 Buschmann (J. C. E.) der Athapaskische Sprachstamm, 4to. bds. 7s 6d Berlin, 1856 30037 ■ Spuren der Aztekischen Speache im nordlichen Mexico und hoheren Amerikanischen Norden ; zugleich eine Musterung der Yolker und Sprachen des nordlichen Mexico's und der Westseite Nordamerika's von Guadalaxara an bis zura Eismeer, stout 4to. sd. £2. 1859 The most valuable and comprehensive work that has yet been published upon the Ethnology and Philology of California, New ^lexico, Texas, and Korth-\Yest America generally. It is a thoroughly scientific book, the linguistic importance of which will be chiefly considered in the regions of New California. 30038 Das Apache als eine Athapaskische Sprache erwiesen ; die Verwandtschaf ts-Verhaltnisse der Athapaskischen Sprachen ; Systematische Worttafel des Athapaskischen Sprachstamms — together 3 parts, 4to. bds. 10s 1860-63 30039 HERVAS (L.) Catalogo delle lingue conosciute, Origine degl' Idiomi, Ai'itmetica delle Nazioni, 3 vols. sm. 4to. half morocco, 24s Cesena, 1784-5 30040 Icazbalceta (Joaquin Garcia) Apuntes para un catalogo de Escri- tores en lenguas indigenas de America, 12mo. hf. morocco, £2. 12s 6d Mexico, 1866 Only sixty copies were printed of this valuable contribution to the bibliography of American linguistics. The errors of preceding works make it indispensable. 205 * 2022 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30041 Kkusensteen (A. J. v.) Worter-Saiamlungen aus den Sprachen einiger Volker des Oestlichen Asiens und der Nordwest-Kiiste von America (Ainos, Tscliuktschen, Koljusclien und Kinai), 4to. 68 p^. sd. bs St. Petersb. 1813 30042 Lord's Prater (The) in 59 Indian Dialects of Mexico, on 52 printed leaves, with 7 additional 11. in MS. with a short Intro- duction in Spanish on the Othonai Language, folio, £3. 3^ n. d. 30043 Pickering (J.) on a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Lan- guages of N. America, 4to. sd. 10s Cambridge, 1820 30044 Powell (J. W.) Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, with words and phrases to be collected, 4to. charts, cloth, 10s Washington, Smiths. Inst. 1880 30045 Pimentel (Franc.) Cuadro descriptivo y comparativo de las Len- guas Indigenas de Mexico, 2da edicion, Tomo III, 8vo. uncut, 12s Mexico, 1875 On the Mixe, Zoque, Matlatzinca or Pirinda, Maya, Quiche, Huastec, Othmi, Apache, and othei* Mexican languages. 2. Language of Labrador and Greenland. 30046 Bible. Gospels of SS. Matthew, Mark, and Luke, in Eskimo, by the Missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum, 8vo. calf, 3s 6d London, 1813 30047 Testamentetak (New Testament, in Eslcimo), 12mo. bound, bs 1840 30048 Egede (Paul) Dictionarium Gronlandico-Danico-Latinum, 12mo. with Danish and Latin Indexes, bds. lbs Hafn. 17 bO 30049 EsKiMAUx and English (and English-Eskimaux) Vocabulary, oblong 12mo. 16 and 160 pages, cloth, 3s 6d 1850 30050 FABRICIUS (0th.) Gronlandsk Grammatica, 12mo. half red morocco, 25s Kjobenh. 1791 30051 Gronlandsk Grammatica, andet oplag, 12mo. hf. calf, 12s ; or, calf neat, 14s 1801 30052 Gronlandske Ordbog, forbedret og foroget, thick 12mo. 800 pjp. with Banish index, hf. bd. 20s Kjobenh. 1804 30053 Kleinschmidt (S.) Grammatik der gronlandischen Sprache, 8vo. sd. bs Berlin, 1851 30054 the same, 8vo. hf. calf, uncut, 6s 1851 30055 Kragh (Peter) Okallontit, Sabbatinne akkudleesiksset, Evange- liumit suku'iautejt okiokun attuffigeksset (Sermons, in Eskimo), 12mo. calf, bs Kjoben. 1833 30056 New Testament, in Eskimo, by Fabricius and Wolf, sm. 8vo. calf, 7s 6d Kj'ubenhavnime, 1827 30057 Proverbs of Solomon and Books of the minor Prophets, in Eskimo, by N. G. Wolf and Kragh, 12mo. calf 2s 1828 AMERICAN LANGUAGES. 3023 30058 Rink (H.) Eskimoiske Eventyr og Sagn, med Supplement, over- satte, 2 parts in 1 vol. royal 8vo. portrait of Eskimos, and plates, hf. hd. 20s Kjohen. 1866-71 30059 Vocabulaire Fran9ais-Esquimaux, Dialecte des Tchiglit des bouches du Mackenzie et de I'Anderson, 4to. (pub. 50 fr.), sd. 32s 1876 The last two works are Vols. 2 and 3 of the Bibliotheque de lirguistique d 'ethnographic americane, publiee par Alph. L. Pinart. 3. Languages of Anglo-French America. 30060 Du Ponceau, Memoire sur le Systerae Grammatical des Langues de quelques Nations Indiennes de I'Ameriqae du Nord, 8vo. pp. xvi and 464, sd. 5s ; or, hds. Qs Paris, 1838 30061 the same, royal 8vo. large paper, sd. 9s 1838 30062 Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de I'Ame- rique, par N. 0., ancien missionaire, 8vo. sd. 9s Montreal, 1866 30063 Hubbard (L. L.) Some Indian Place-Names in N. Maine, with explanations and a cross-index, 8vo. map, sd. 5s Boston, 1884 Part of the Appendix to " Woods and Lakes of Maine," by the same author. 30064 TRUMBULL (J. Hammond) Origin and Early Progress of Indian Missions in New England, with a List of Books in the Indian language printed at Cambridge and Boston, 1653-1721 ; royal 8vo. uncut, 30s Privatehj printed, Worcester, Mass. 1874 The first bibliography of its kind, and for that reason comparatively imperfect ; but nevertheless one of high value, far surpassing in extent and correctness the entire aggregate of similar notices that might be gathered from all previous printed sources of information. The author is probably the only person in the world who knows the language concerning which he writes. Algonkin : 30065 Catechismo dei Missionari Cattolici in lingua Algonchina, pubbl. per E. Teza, 8vo. sd. 9s Pisa, 1872 With Latin and French translation, and Vocabulary. 30066 Trumbull (J. H.) Notes on Forty Algonkin Versions of the Lord's Prayer, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Hartford, 1873 Choctaw : 30067 Chahta Holisso (Choctaw Spelling-Book), third edition, sm. 8vo. woodcuts, bds. 18s Boston, 1835 30068 New Testament, in Choctaw, 12mo. bound, 5s New York, 1858 Cree, Ochipwa, Chippeway: 30069 BARAGA (Rev. F.) Grammar of the Otchipwe Language, the language spoken by the Chippewa Indians, which is also spoken by the Algonquin, Otawa and Potawatami Indians, 576 pp. Detroit, 1850; Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language (Otchipwe- English and English-Otchipwe), 662 pp. double cols. Cincinnati, 1853—2 vols, stout 12mo. cloth, £6. 10s 1850-53 The best works on the Otchipwe language. Very rare, since they were privately printed, and distributed only among the missionaries. 3024 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Cree, Ochipwa, Chippeway — contimted. 30070 Bible, in the Cree language and special Cree characters, 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, 20s 1861 30071 Common Prayer, in Cree of Rupert's Land, 12mo. bd. 2s ]855 30072 HoRDEN (J.) Grammar of the Cree language, 12mo. sd. 5s 1881 30073 Howse's Grammar of the Cree language, and Analysis of the Chippeway dialect, 8vo. portrait, cloth, 5s 1844 30073* the same, 8vo. cloth 1865 30074 KiBKBT (Rev. W. W.) Manual of Devotion and Instruction for the Slave Indians of McKenzie River, in Cree, 12mo. bds. 2s (c. 1860) 30075 St. Johk, Gospel of, in Cree of Rupert's Land, 12mo. calf, 2s 1855 30076 Part of the Discipline of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, translated (into Chippewa) by Peter Jones, 12mo. bds. 5s Toronto, 1835 30077 Sketch of a Grammar, Vocabulary and Phrase book, Chipwaw and English, 4to. original MS. 75 pp. bds. 18s About 1780 Hidatsa : 30078 Matthews (W.) Gi-ammar and Dictionary of the Language of the Hidatsa (Minnetarces, Grosventres of the Missouri), large 8vo. sd. 12s N.Y. 1873 No. 1 of Part II of Shea's Libr. of Linguistics. 30079 Ethnography and Philology (Grammar and Diet.) of the Hidatsa Indians, 8vo. cloth, 15s Wash. 1877 Huron : 30080 Sagard (G.) Dictionnaire de la langue Huronne, 8vo. beautifully printed iji facsimile of the original, bds. 15s Paris, 1632 (Arras, 1865) Micmac : 30081 Vetromil (Eugene) Account of the Micmac Indians, 4to. 16 closely written pages of MS. compiled for the use of an American missionary psd. 21s 1862 An extremely curious treatise, giving tlie origin and meaning of a great number of Indian names, and thereby illustrating the history and anthropology of Nova Scotia. Vetromil had been for many years a missionary. Mohawk : 30082 THE MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER, the Litany, Church Catechism, Family Prayers, and several chapters of the Old and New-Testament, translated into the Mahaque Indian Language, by Lawrence Claesse, Interpreter to William Andrews .... Ne Orhoengene neoni Yogaraskhagh Yonder- eanayendaghkwa . . sm. 4to. titles mended and a few tvords restored in facsimile, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £48. New York, William Bradford, 1715 Excessively rare. There was no copy in the Brinley collection, notwithstanding its special richness in books of this kind. As a rare work of American interest, and as a liturgical curiosity, this volume is one which must awaken considerable interest. AMERICAN LANGUAGES. 3025 Mohawk — continued. 30083 Brutas (Jas.) Radical Words of the Mohawk Language, with their Derivatives (explained in French), roy. 8vo. 123 pp. sd. 18s ; or, hf. morocco, 20s New York, 1862 No. X of Shea's Libr. of Linguistics. Bruyas was a Jesuit Missionary, who went to Canada in 1666, and was Superior of Missions in Canada from 1893 to 1700. 30084 LITTHBRI Catechismns ofwersatt pa American- Virginiske Spraket [cum. Vocabulario Barbaro Virgineorum] , 12ino. map of Nova Suecia (Pennsylvania), fine copy, calf, with the cijp>her of Charles XI of Sweden on sides, rare, £8. 8s Stockholm, 1696 Translated between 1642 and 1649 by John Campanius, whose grandson Thomas, the author of the accomit of Nova Suecia, has put his name to the bottom of the Map. 30085 Saint John, Gospel, in Mohawk [by John Norton], 12nio. calf, 3s U (1804) Mohican : 30086 Eliot (John) the Indian Primer . . . 1669, to which is prefixed the Indian Covenanting Confession, reprinted from the originals in the library of the University of Edinburgh, by John Small, 12mo. cloth, 6s Edinhurgh, 1880 Natik or Massachusi : Eliot's Bible and Testament — see ante p. 1606. 30087 MATHER (Cotton) Kekuttoohkaonk papaume Kuhquttum- MOONK ... A Discourse concerning the Institution and obser- vation of the Lord's-Day. Delivered in a Lecture, at Boston, 4 d. I m. 1703, the English text and the Indian version by Experience Mayhew, printed on collateral pages, fine copy, witJi uncut leaves, in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £50. Boston, B. Green, 1707 Excessively rare : there was no copy in the magnificent Brinley collection. There are two titles, the Natik on the left, the English on the right ; or the reverse of the latter the first page of the Indian translation is printed, facsd by the first page of the English. These are paged 1,1, and the two texts proceed then side by side, 2, 2, 3, 3, and so on till they finish on pages 36, 36. Four pages succeed, containing the first 28 verses of John in Indian and English. Quiripi : 30088 Pierson_ (Rev. j^braham) Some Helps for the Indians: a Catechism in the language of the Quiripi Indians of New Haven Colony, reprinted from the original edition, Cambridge, 1658, with an introduction, by J. H. Trumbull, 8vo. sd. £2. 2s Hartford, 1873 Of the original edition only two copies are known. One of these is in the library of Mr. James Lenox, of New York ; the other is in the British Museum. Only 100 copies of this reprint were printed. 3026 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 4. Athapaskan and Western Languages. Apache : 30090 GARCIA (P. Fr. Bartholome) Manual para administrar los Santos Sacramentos de Penitencia, Eucharistia, Extrema-Uncion, y Matrimonio : Dar Gracias despues de Comulgar, y Ayudar a Bien Morir A los Indios de las Naciones : Pajalates, Orejones, Pacaos, Pacoas Tilijayas, Alasapas, Pausanes y otras muchas diferentes, que se hallan en las Missiones del Rio de San Antonio, y Rio Grande, pertenecientes a el Colegio de la Santissima Cruz de la Ciudad de Queretaro, como son : Los Pacuaches, Mescales, Pampopas, Tacames, Chayopines, Vena- dos, Pamaques, y toda la Juventud de Pihuiques, Borrados, Sanipaos, y Manos de Perro, sm. 4to. vellum, the Ramirez copy, £8. 8s {Mexico) en la Imprenta de los Herederos de Bona Maria de Rivera, 1760 ExTKEMELT RARE. Not known to Brunet, Salva, or Brasseur de Bour- bonrg, nor is the author mentioned by Beristain, and there was no copy in the Andrade collection. Leclerc in his Bibl. Amer. believed that M. Maison- neuve's copy — priced 600 frs. — was the only one in Europe. Collation : Title ; 7 prel. 11. ; and 88 pp. (a corner of a leaf slightly defective). The author was a missionaiy among the Apache Indians of the Rio Grande del Norte. The book is printed in double columns, on the one side the Spanish version, and on the other the Apache. see Buschmann, ante No. 30036. Calif ornian : 30091 SiTjAR (el P. Fr. B.) Vocabulario de la lengua de los naturales de la Mision de San Antonio, Alta California, roy. 8vo. 23 and 53 p^. hf. morocco, 18s N.Y. 1861 No. VII of Shea's Library of Linguistics. 30092 Arroyo de la Cuesta (el P. Felipe) Extracto de la Grammatica Mutsun, o de la lengua de los naturales de la Mision de San Juan Bautista, roy. 8vo. 48 pp. hf. morocco, 16s N. Y. 1861 No. IV of Shea's Library of Linguistics. 30093 Vocabulary or Phrase Book of the Mutsun Language of Alta California, Mutsun- Sjmnish, rov.8YO. 96 pp. hf. morocco, 16s N.Y. 1862 No. VII of Shea's Library. Chinook, Oregon : 30094 GiBBS (G.) Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or Trade Language of Oregon, roy. 8vo. 14< and 4^4! pp. sd. 6s Washington, 1863 30095 the same, roy. 8vo. hf. red morocco, 8s 6d N.Y. 1863 No. XII of Shea's Libr. of Amer. Linguistics. A Chinook-English and English-Chinook Vocabulary. Dene : 30096 PETITOT (R. P. E.) Dictionnaire de la Langue D^n^-Dindj^ dialectes montagnais ou chippewayan, peaux de lievres et loucheux. Avec une grammaire et des tableaux synoptiques des conjugaisons, impl. 4to. (pub. 125 fr.), 450 pp. sd. £3. 10s 1876 AMERICAN LANGUAGES. 3027 5. North Mexican Languages. S0097 Oeacion Dominical en las lenguas Caliita, Teguima, Opata, y Mazahna, sm. 4to. MS. of 7 leaves, £2. 2s Atlacomidco, 1857 Including an interesting letter of the Curate of Atlacomulco on the Mazahua language. The Cahita and Opata are languages of Northern Mexico, the Teguima being a dialect of the latter ; the Mazahua is a dialect of the Otomi language of Central Mexico. Heve : 30098 Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Langnage, translated from an unpublished Spanish MS. by Buckingham Smith, roy. 8vo. hf. red morocco, 12s N. Y. 1861 No. Ill of Shea's Libr. of Linguistics, The Heve language was spoken principally in the province of Sonora. Opata, or Teguima : 30099 Aguirre (Manuel) Doctrina Christiana, y Platicas Doctrinales, traducidas en Lengua Opata, sm. 4to. vellum, £12. Mexico, 1765 Exceedingly rare. The Opata dialect is spoken in Sonora, Mexico. No copy is mentioned by Brunei, Brasseur de Bourbourg, Graesse, Leclerc, A'^ater, or Salva. The Maximilian copy fetched £6. 10s, in 1869. Collation : Title and 2 prel. 11. ; 162 pp. ; Index (1 leaf.) 30100 LOMBARDO (el Padre Natal) Arte de la Lengua Teguima vulgarmente llamada Opata, 8vo. wants last leaf of Index, fine clean copy, vellum, £45. Mexico, Miguel de Bibera, 1702 Excessively rare. Title ; 7 prel. 11. ; text, with index (251 numbered 11.). The author was an Italian Jesuit and Missionary in the province of Sonora lin which state the dialect is spoken) for twenty -six years. His work is not mentioned by Brunet, Graesse, Brasseur de Bourbourg, Salva, Leclerc, or Vater, and there was no copy of it in the Fischer, Maximilian, or Andrade collection. In fact, I do not find any mention of it by any bibliographer, except Beristain de Souza, and the compiler of the Ramirez catalogue. 30101 LOMBARDO (Natal) Arte de la lengua Teguima, llamada vul- garmente Opata, sm. 4to. Autograph MS. neatly written, £10. 10s About 1690 The value of this MS. may be estimated from the fact that perhaps no more than two copies are known to be at present extant of the edition which was printed in 1702. It is the only Opata Grammar. Otomi : 30102 CARCERES (Fray Pedro de) Artezilla de la lengua Otomi cogida de las migajas de los padres benemeritos della, y del comadillo ofrecido por el menor de los menores . . . Recopilada pol el pe. F. Po. de Carceres, g. de queretaro, sm. 4to. 114 j)p. MS. in Gothic handwriting of the latter part of the 16th century, beautifully executed, and imitating the printed Gothic letters so well that, at first sight, it might rather be taken for a printed booh than for a MS. sd. £15. .'' Queretaro, about 1580 This is undoubtedly a volume of considerable interest and importance. The author was unknown to Beristain and other special bibliographers, and his name is not recorded by Siguenza and Boturini. Yet he must have been a scholar of high mark, when we consider that this is the first Grammar ever composed of the difficult Otomi language, in spite of which fact it is an elaborate and extensive treatise. Pedro de Carceres or Caceres may perhaps be sought for in some history of the Franciscan missions ; he describes his work very modestly as compiled from the scraps of the v.rll-deserving Fathers and his own mite. 3028 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Otomi — continued. 30103 ExAMEN critico de la Gramatica Otomi de Neve y Molina ; Discurso critico de la Doctrina Otomi, sm. 4to. original MS. 14:0 pp. scl. £6. 10s Mexico, about 1770 Both works by a single anonymous writer, who tells us, however, that he is a native of Otomi, who by forty years of continental study had made himself a perfect master of this, the most difficult of all American languages. The first of the two treatises is one of the bitterest and severest critiques that have ever been written, and exposes the weakness and defectiveness of Neve's Grammar. Both the treatises contain not only valuable information on the language of the inhabitants of the Mexican Valley before the immigration of the Toltecs and the rise of the Mexicans — still largely in use among the natives— but also interesting historical notices. 30104 GAONA (Juan) I. Coloquios de la paz j tranqnilidad Christiana. Interlocutores : Un religioso y un colegial [traduzidos en lengua Othomi] — [Doctrina Christiana y Catechismo en lengua Othomi] — 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. finely written MS. 458 p>P- ^^^ ^^*^ original stamped binding, £21. Vera Cruz, about 1600 Both these works are in the Othomi language, written about the end of the sixteenth century, in a small, clear, and beautiful handwriting, with titles and initials in red. The first work is translated from Gaona's NahuatI text printed at Mexico in 1582 ; the second is anonymous, but may be a translation from some well-known work. The value and interest of this little volume, from a linguistic point of view, are very great. 30105 GUADALUPE RAMIREZ, Breve Compendio de todo lo que debe saber el Christiano . . . dispuesto en lengua Othomi (y Castellana), sm. 4to. printed ivith characters invented for the language, fine copy in vellum, £3. Mexico, 1785 30106 the same, sm. 4to. with the very rare broadsheet ^^ Epitome de lo qtie debe saber," hf. calf, £4. 1785 Title and Preface, 3 leaves ; Censure, I leaf ; Approbations and can- celled Errata, 4 leaves ; New Errata, 1 leaf ; pp. 1-80. The first 17 pages are in explanation of the letters, etc. The Epitome of this Compendio, printed on a broadsheet for school use, is sometimes found folded at the end of the volume, but does not belong to it. 30107 Naxera (Em.) de Lingua Othomitorum Dissertatio, 4to. sd. 16s Philad. 1835 30108 Disertacion sobre la Lengua Othomi, traducida al Castellano, Mexico, 1845 — Guadalupe Ramirez, Compendio de todo lo que debe saber el Christiano, en lengua Othomi, title sttpplied in MS., wanting pp. 3-6 and 0-18, mounted (1785) — 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hf. bd. £2. 2s 1785-1845 30109 NEVE Y MOLINA (Luis de) Reglas de Orthographia, Dic- cionario, y Arte del Idioma Othomi, 12mo. fine copy, ivith the excessively rare frontispiece and engraved leaf of errata, vellum, £3. Mexico, 1767 This volume is very rare and much sought for, as Neve is the best of all writers upon Otomi Grammar. He was the first to establish a proper system of characters, which has been since retained. 30110 Neve, Reglas, Diccionario y Arte del Idioma Othomi, 16mo. cloth, 9s _ 1863 30111 Yepes (J. L.) Catechismo y Declaracion de la Doctrina Cris- tiana en Lengua Otomi, con un Vocabulario, sm. 4to. bd. 30s Megico, 1826 AMERICAN LANGUAGES. 3029 Otomi — continued. 30112 VOCABULARIO OTOMI, folio, MS. over 700 pp. containing a copious Spanish- Otomi Dictionary, hf. hd. lettered " Vocabulario Mazaliua," £16. Pimentel, who examined this MS., declared that the language was Matzahua (there being no specification in the book itself of the speech it refers to), and the book was accordingly so lettered. Bat the Mexican scholar Icazbalceta inclined to the belief that it is Otomi, and a comparison of the text of the Lord's Prayer, which is given by Bancroft in both those tongues, makes it almost indisputable that the vocabulary here is Otomi, not JIazahua. Its interest and value are in any case yery great. The state and condition of the MS. leave nothing to desire. We have been unable to discoTer anything respecting the author, Tarahumara : 30113 TELLECHEA (el P. Fr. Miguel) Compendio Gramatical para la Inteligencia del Idioma Taralnimaro ; Oraciones, Doctrina Christiana, Platicas, etc. sm. 4:to. portrait, calf, £2. 10s Mexico, 1826 Collation : Title, portrait and prel. 11. (together 7 11. and 1 blank) ; 162 pp. ; Index (6 pp.) ; Errata (2 11.) ; " Al concluir " (1 1.), The Tara- humara dialect is spoken in Chihuahua, Mexico. Tarasca : 30114 Najera, Gramatica del Tarasco, copiada del autografo, por A. F. Villa, sm. 8vo. sd. 21s Morelia, 18/0 The Tarasca dialect wad spoken in Michoacan and Queretaro. 30115 [GILBERTI (Matnrino) Arte de la lengua de Mechuacan], VZmo. iva7iting the first 8 leaves {including the Title), 14 leaves and the last part of the Index, hf. red morocco, the Bamirez copy, EXCEEDINGLY RAKE, £7. lOs (Mexico) 1558 Colophon : A Honra y Gloria De nuestro Senor lesu Christo, y de su hendita madre : a qui se acaha el arte enla lengua Castellana, y enla lengua. de Mechuacan : Jischa por el muy. B. padre Fray Matv/rino Gylberti dela orde del Seraphico padre sant Fracisco : con la qual se podran aprouechar della todos los que pretendieren aprender la lengua de Mechuacan : y tamhien podra seniir para los Indios de Mechuacan para aprender la lengua Castellana, acabo se de imprimir a ocho de Octuhre de 1558. Aiios. Exceedingly rare. Not known to Bmnet, Graesse, Brasseur de Bourbourg, Beristain de Souza, Salva or Andrade. It is very doubtful whether a perfect copy of this work exists. The only other copy of which I can find any record is the Maximilian (Fischer) copy, which was also imperfect (wanting the Title and last leaves) and was sold with all faults. Collation : The present copy contains sigs. b (sig. a wanting) to y, in eights (of y this copy has only the first three leaves). The pagination is irregular, and many of the leaves are unnumbered. This copy has sig. x (i) in duplicate. The missing fourteen leaves are folios 34, 39, 52, 53, 74, 79, 101, 115, 119. 120, 148. 167, 168, and 172. 30116 GILBERTI (Fray Maturino) Dialogo de Doctrina Christiana, en la Lengua d'Mechuaca. Hecho y copilado de muclios libros de sana doctrina. . . . Trata delo que ha de saber, creer, hazer, dessear, y aborrecer, el Christiano. Va preguntando el discipulo al Maestro, sm. folio, lit* 50tf)» wormed, hf. morocco^ from the Bamirez library., £105. Mexico^ Juan Pahlos., 1559 Excessively rare. Folios ccxcv (including title, which ^'=; within a woodcut border) irregularly numbered ; then begins 3030 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Tarasca — continued. " De la Vida d'l bueno S. Eustachio," folios i-xxv. There was no copy in the Maximilian (Fischer), Brassenr de Bourbourg, or Andrade Libraries. So far as we know, no other copy of this valuable work has appeared for sale in England. 30117 SERRA (P. Fr. Angel) Manual de Administrar los Santos Sacramentos a los Espaiioles, y Naturales de esta Provincia de los GloriososApostoles S. Pedro, y S. Pablo de Michuacan, con- forme a la reforma de Paulo V. y Urbano VIII, sm. 4to. vellum, fine copy, from the Ramirez library, £10. 10s Mexico, se reimprimio por su original impresso el ano de 1697, este presente de 1731 Vert rare : not known to Brunet, Graesse, Leclerc, Salva, or Vater, nor was there any copy in the Andrade Collection. Title ; 5 prel. 11. ; text, 138 numb. 11. (there are no nos. 135 and 136, but it is doubtful whether they were printed) ; table, 4 11. A fine clean copy of this rare Manual, which is written in Latin, Castilian, and Tarasca. The original edition was printed in Mexico by Eibera in 1697 under the title of " Manual Trilingue, Latino, Castellano y Tarasca," etc. 30118 BOCABULARIO BREBE y manual de la lengua de Michoacan, sm. 4to. plainly written MS. about 140 pp. ; containing a Dictionary Spanish-Tarasca, red morocco, £15. (Mechoacan) 1647 6. Nahuatl, or Aztec language of Mexico. 30119 Aldama y Guevara, Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, 12va.o. fi7ie copy in vellum, £5. Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1754 Contains 82 unnumbered leaves, including the title. 30120 ARENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario de las Lenguas Castellana y Mexicana, 12mo. vellum, 30s Mexico, Fr. de Rivera Galderon, 1728 Some copies of this edition have no date. Contains : title, 6 prel. 11. and 1 40 pp. 30121 Vocabulario, 16mo. vellum, 20s Puebla, 1793 30122 BuscHMANN (Hon.) iiber die aztekischen Ortsnamen erste Abhandl. 4to. 206 p^. sd. 7s (1853) 30123 CAMINO DEL CIELO, en Mexicano, sm. 4to. clearly written MS. bd. £18. Mexico, circ. 1670 " Although this MS. has the title of ' Camino del Cielo,' after a most diligent comparison with the printed book of Father Leon which has that title, we have been unable to discover any relation between the one and the other. The contents of this volume can easily be recognized and may be divided into two parts. I. An extensive Confessario occupies the first part, consisting of thirty leaves, including six blank leaves. IL A collection of iSermons and religious instructions on different subjects, occupying one hundred and ninety leaves, of which sixteen are blank leaves. On one of the blank leaves we read 'al Pe. Oracio Carochi,' which seems to intimate that the MS. belonged to him. The greater portion of it is written in an almost microscopic hand- writing, although very clear and legible." 30124 Chimalpopocatl. Apuntes para una Gramatica Mexicana 6 Nahuatl, por el Lie. Faustino Chimalpopoca Galicia, sm. 4to. AUTOGRAPH MS. 38 leaves, in a very clear handwriting, sd. £1. 5s Mexico, 1852 The author, a descendant of one of the ancient lords of Mexico, was an excellent scholar in all matters relating to Mexican history and languages. AMERICAN LANGUAGES. 3031 30124!*Galicia (F. Cliimalpopocatl) Silabario de Idioma Mexicano, 12mo. with MS. additions by Icazbalceta, sd. 3s Mexico, 1849 30125 CARRANZA (Joseph de) Arte donde se contienen todos aquellos rudimentos y principios preceptivos que conducen a la lengua Mexicana, sm. 4to. MS. in a neat handwriting, vellum, £3. 16s ? Queretaro, ahout 1790 30126 CAROCHI, Compendio del Arte de lengua Mexicana, dispuesto por el P. Ign. de Paredes, sm. 4to. with frontispiece, hf. morocco, £2. 10s Mexico, 1759 Collation : Frontispiece, Title, preliminaries, and Index, 13 leayes ; text, pp. 1-202. 30127 Catecismo Breve, con el Acto de Contricion y el Credo, Mexicano y Espanol, por el R. P. Bart. Castano, 2 leaves, folio, bds. 10s (Mexico) Calle del Espiritu Santo, 1817 30128 Catecismo en Idioma Mixteco (de los dialectos Bajo y Montanez), 2 parts — Manual en Lengua Mixteca de ambos dialectos Bajo y Montaiiez ; 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. sd. £2. 16s Puebla, 1837 30129 CORTES Y ZEDENO (Geronymo Thomas de Aquino) Arte, Vocabulario, y Confessionario, en el idioma Mexicano, sm. 4to. the third prelimiyiary leaf wanting, £3. 10s Puebla de los Angeles, 1765 Very Rare. Not mentioned by Brunet, Graesse, Leclerc, Salva, Brasseur de Bourbourg, or Vater, nor was there a copy in the Andrade Library. The Maximilian copy sold for £7. 30130 ExPOSiciON del pequeno Catecismo, impreso en el Idioma Mexicano, para la mejor instruccion de los Indios, Mexicano y Espanol, 12mo. bound, 10s Puebla, 1819 30131 [GAONA (Juan)] Coloquios de la Paz y tranquilidad Christiana (en lengua mexicana, interlocutores un religioso y nn colegial) 12mo. plain MS. with a rude drawing of St. Francis on title, 266 .. pp. velvet, 36s ■ , At the end : Yninamatlomix, Itla pan ytech colloquios ini pani xi huisl y huani pani metztl I de nobienbre Ailos B. 1683 Nehuatl Lorenqo A copy made by an Indian, Lorengo J. . . . , at Tlacoba (Tacuba) in 1683, from the excessively rare original printed by Ugarte at Mexico in 1582. 30132 JOAN BAPTISTA (Fray) Advertencias para los Confessores de los Naturales, primera (y segunda) parte, 2 vols, in 1, stout 12mo. limp vellum, £9. Mexico, 1600(-1601) Excessively rare in this perfect condition. Contents : 18 prel. 11. (including Title and Errata, together 3 11.) ; 11. 1-112 ; Tabla, 56 unnumbered 11. ; blank leaf and Title to part 2 (2 11.) ; 11. 113-443 ; Index, 104 numbered 11. 30133 Advertencias, primera parte, 12mo. ivanting 4 prel. II., and 10 leaves of the Table, hf. bd. £2. 10s 1600 The title of the " Segunda Parte," is substituted for the genuine " Primera." 30134 Advertencias, 12mo. ending with leaf 63 of the first part, vellum, 20s 1600 30135 Confessionario en lengua Mexicana y Castellana;, con muchas aduertencias muy necessarias para los Confessores, r2nio. 3032 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. wanting the last leaf of sign. A of the prelim, leaves, but otherwise perfect, in vellum ivrapper, £12. (Mexico), E)i Sanctiago Tlatilulco, per Melchior Ocharte, 1599 ExTKEMELY RARE. CollatioTi : 16 prcl. leaves, including Title (one 1. wanting) ; 112 nnnibered leaves ; Errata, 2 II. The heading of the Errata is printed in italics. The Ramirez copy contained in addition another list of Errata, with the lieading printed in Roman letters, but it is doubtful whether both lists belong to this edition. Juan Baptista, or Bautista, was a native Mexican. He became a Franciscan of the province of Santo Evangelio de Mejico. He taught philosophy and theology, and had for his pupil F. Torque- mada, the author of " Monarquia Indiana." He was esteemed the most learned of his time in the Mexican language, which he spoke and wrote with purity and elegance. 30137 LEON (Martin de) Sermonario del tieropo de todo el auo dupli- cado, en Mexicano, sm. 4to. a little wormed, and tvanting the title, hf. Id. RARE, £12. 10s Mexico, 1610 30138 LEON (Martin de) [el Camino del Cielo, libro que contiene un Catliecismo, Oraciones, el Simbolo, el Calendario Mexicano, dos Confessionarios, etc. b en Nahuatl, b en Mexicano y Castellano'], sni. 4to. wormed, wanting title and a couple of preliminary leaves, and the last leaf defective, vellum, £4. {Mexico, 1611) 30139 LoRRA Baquio (Francisco de) Manual Mexicano de la Adminis- tracion de los Sacramentos, conforme al Manual Toledano, 12mo. wants title and last leaf after p. 104, first 3 leaves of dedication damaged, 30^ Mexico, 1634 30140 Lucas (S.) Evangelio de, del Latin al Mexicano, 6 mejor Nahuatl, 12mo. calf, 21s Londres, 1833 30141 Manuscritos en Mexicano. A volume in fol. containing fourteen original pieces in MS. and three printed ones ; the MSS. occupying two hundred and six leaves, hf. bd. £28. 1580-1847 An INTERESTING and valuable collection chiefly of official papers in cases of legal process, etc., but including also a .Miracle Play on the subject of Abraham, in Mexican and Spanish. It compi-ises further the two following printed documents which we have not seen mentioned by any bibliographer. The first is — Mota. Alabado en Mexicano, que contiene los principales Mistcrios de nuestra Santa Fe, compuesto por el Br. Dn. Jose de la Mota, Cura . . . de Tepecoacuilco . . . reimpresso en Mexico jpor Zuniga, 1809. 2 leaves in 8vo. The other is a Proclamation in Mexican and Spanish, signed F. S. Tepca, dated Toluca, S: pt. 25, 1847, in which he calls upon the Indians to rise against the North-American invader : a single sheet broadside. 30142 MANUSCRIT dit MEXICAIN, No. 2 de la Bibl. Imp., photo- graphie (sans reduction) par ordre de S. E. M. Duruy, large folio, 22 photographs, half morocco, £14. Paris, Commission Scientifique de Mexique, 1864 30143 Maximo Paquil ... A Religious Tract by an anonymous author, sm. 4to. Manuscript in Mexican, the text surrounded with Curious Painted Borders, evidently the work of a native Mexican, 19 leaves, £16. 16s 30144 Mendoza (Eufemio) Apuntes para iin Catalogo razonado de las palabras Mexicanas introducidas al Castellano, sm. folio, 86 pages, sd. 7s Mexico, 1872 AMERICAN LANGUAGES : AZTEC. 3033 30145 MIJANGOS (Juan de) Espejo Divino en lengua Mexicana, en que pueden verse los padres, y tomar doeumento para acerta a doctrinar bien a sus hijos, y aficionallos a las virtudes, sm. 4to. with the 2 leaves of Index, red morocco, by Bedford, £16. \6s Mexico, Bavalos, 1607 80146 -■ — the same, sm. 4to. ivithout the 'preliviinary leaves, and 2 leaves of Index, vellum, the Ramirez copy, £5. 1607 Very rare. The Fischer copy is apparently the only other copy — and that a bad one, wanting the two leaves of Index — which has hitherto turned up in the London market. None of the bibliographers has mentioned the book, except Brunet's continuator,and he, having only seen the Fischer copy, omits to mention the two last leaves of Index, which must be extraordinarily rare. Collation: 8 prel. 11., including title ; 562 numbered pp.; leaf with imprint ; 2 11. of Index. Primera parte del Sermonario Dominical y Sanctoral, en 30147 30148 30149 30150 30151 lengua Mexicana, sm. 4to. vellum, vert kare, £14. Mexico, 1624 the same, sm. 4to. wanting one preliminary leaf, and page 211-14, £5. 1624 Collation : Title ; 8 prel. II. ; text pp. 564 ; Tabla 37 11. " Phrases y modos de hablar elegantes y metaphoricos de los Indios Mexicanos, "14 pp. ; Errata, 3 pp. MOLINA (Alonso de) Arte de la lengua Mexicana y Castellana, 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. First Edition, perfect, fine large copy, red morocco extra, by Bedford, £52, 10s Mexico, 1571 the same, both parts, 12mo. title, folio 5 of part I, and folio 28 and 35 of part II, and small portions of leaves made up in facsimile, green morocco f£2fy. 1571 Excessively rare, perfect or imperfect. The value of this book as a monument of philology is universally recognized ; its interest as the first printed Grammar of the Aztec tongue may also be pointed ont. I have recently sold a copy, with the title in facsimile, for £40. Arte de la lengna Mexicana y Castellana, 1571 — Tapia 30152 30153 Zenteno, Noticia de la lengua Huasteca, 1761 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. Br. BurnelVs MS. transcript of the rare originals, hf. morocco gilt, £2. 16s 1859, etc. Dr. Burnell also began to transcribe the Gram. Yucateca of J. Euz, but did not proceed far. Aqui comienfa vn vocabulario e\ la lengua Castellana T Mexicana . . sm. 4to. First Edition, — thirteen leaves in fac- simile (ff. 1-8, 245, 257-260), red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £50. Mexico, Bid Bablos, 1555 the same, sm. 4to. six leaves in facsimile (ff. 146, 147, 30154 197-200), title mended and the loiver portion supplied in fac- simile ; a few leaves shorter than the rest; altogether an exceed- ingly large and -fine copy, in calf gilt, from the Bamirez library, £80. ' 1555 No perfect copy known ; in fact, the book is of such extraordinaiy rarity, that only some five copies altogether are believed to be extant ; and so little was known about the existence of the volume, that even the last edition of Brunet records it only under the false name of Olmos. Vocabulario en Lengua Castellana y Mexicana (y Vocabulario en Lengua Mexicana y Castellana), both parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, a little stained, hf. bd. £25. Mexico, en Casa de Antonio de Spinosa, 1571 8034 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30155 MOLINA (Alonso de) Vocabulario, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, riissia extra, leather joints, gilt edges, hy G. Lewis, Hehers copij, £30. 1571 Cost Heber £31. 10s in 1832. 30156 — the same, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, very fine dean large copy, ahnr)st uncut, vellum, the Ramirez copy, £42. 1571 Uiiqiies-tionably the best copy that hiis occurred for sale in England. At the end are four leaves of MS. in a modern hand, entitled " Nombres Mexi- canos recogidos y agregados al Diccionario de Molina por Fausto, Chimalpopoca Galicia." " Cette seconde Edition, fort angmentee, a passe longtemps pour le premier livre imprime en Amerique ; c'est entore un ouvrage tres-precieux etdegrande valeur ; et c'est aujourd'hui le seul livre a I'aide duquel on puisse etudier avec fruit la langue nahuatl ou mexicaine." — Brunei, Suppl. An ordinary copy, which had cost Lord Kingsborough £52. 10s, was priced by Thorpe in 1832, £28; another priced by Stargardt, in Berlin, 1858, loOThalers; fetched in 1816, at Puttick's, £16 ; Mr. Heber paid £31. 10s for a copy in the original parchment cover. 30157 Doctrina Christiana, en Lengna Mexicana muy neces- saria: en la qual se contienen todos los principales mysterios de nuestra Sancta Fee catholica, 8vo. first edition, perfect, numerous woodcuts, hf. red morocco, the Eamirez copy, £60. Mexico, Pedro Ocharte, 1578 Excessively rare : the only other copy known to me is the Fischer copy, which although wanting the title and several leaves, produced the sum of £23. Collation : 91 numbered leaves (including Title), and 4 leaves of Table. A few inner margins are wormed, but the text is uninjured. 30158 Olmos (And. de) Grammaire de la langue Nahnatl ou Mexicaine, composee, en 1547, et publiee avec notes, etc. par R. Simeon, roy. 8vo. sd. 12s 1875 30169 PAREDES (Padre Ignacio de) Catecismo Mexicano, que contiene toda la Doctrina Christiana : dispusolo primeramente en Castel- lano el P. G. de Ripalda, \2xxi.o. portrait, wormed, calf, 30s Mexico, 1758 30160 the same, 12mo. portrait, Id. £2. 2s 1768 30161 Doctrina breve sacada del Catecismo de Paredes, en Mexicano, 12mo. a fragment of 7 leaves, 5s (? 1760) 30162 Promptuario Manual Mexicano . . . utilissimo a los Parrochos para la enseSanza . . . y a los que aprenden la lengua para la expedicion, small 4to. fine copy in limp vellum., rare, £9. Mexico, 1759 In Mexican, with Spanish and Latin passages intercalated throughout for the purpose of explaining the more difficult phrases, 30163 PEREZ (Manuel) Arte de el Idioma Mexicano, sm. 4to. sd. or bd. £4. Mexico, Fr. de Bibera Galderon, 1713 30164 Farol Indiano, y Guia de Curas de Indies, con todos los casos morales que suceden entre Indios, amoldados a los costumbres de los Naturales, sm. 4to. velhtm, £3. Mexico, 1713 Parts of this rare work are in Mexican and Spanish. A copy fetched in 1809, at Puttick's, £8. .O.s. AMERICAN LANGUAGES: AZTEC. 303^ 30165 PEREZ (Fr. Manuel) Farol Indiano, j Guia de Curas. Arte de el Idioma Mexicano por el P. M. Perez ; in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, £7. 7s Mexico, Fr. de Hihera Calderon, 1713 Both these works are very rare : together they produced over £10. 10s in the Fischer sale. There are sereral autograph signatures of " Buenaven- tura Jose de Cuellar " througliout the volume. 30166 Cathecismo Romaxo, traducido en Castellano y Mexi- cano, sm. 4to. some leaves wormed, vellum, £5. Mexico, 1723 30167 tlie same, sm. 4to. vellum, £9. 1723 Vert kabe. At the Abb6 Fischer's sale in 1869 a copy fetched £15. 10s. 30168 SAHAGUN (Bernardino de) Sermones in Mexicano, folio, neatly tcritten Original Manuscript on paper made hy the Indians from the Agave, such as they used before the discovery of their country hy the Spaniards^ 95 leaves, hd. from the Ramirez collection, in red morocco case, £300. Mexico, 1540 On the first page it has the following title in the hand- Tvriting of Father Sahagun, the lower half of which is wanting : — Siguense unos sermones de dominicas y de sanctos en lengua Mexicana : no traduzidos de sermonario alguno sine compuestos nuevamente a la medida de la capacidad de los Indios : breves en materia y en lenguage congruo venusto y llano facil de entender para todos los que le oyeren altos y baxos prineipales y macegolas, hombres y mugeres. Compusieronse el ano de 1540 ; anse comenzado a corregir y anadir este ano de 1563, en este mes de Julio infra octava Visitationis. El autor , los somete a la correccion de la madre sancta Yglesia romana con todas las otras obras que en esta lengua Mexicana a compuesto. fray bnardio. de Sahagun. Some leaves are wanting at the beginning, and there are two loose leaves. Then comes the following note in the handwriting of Father Sahagun : — Siguense unos sermones breves en la lengua Mexicana, el autor de ellos los somete a la correccion de la madre sancta Yglesia, c5 todas las demas obras suyas, son para todo el ano de dominicas y Sanctos ; no estan coi'regidos : fray bnardio. Sahagun. On folio 88, the dominical sermons conclude with another note in Mexican in Father Sahagun's handwriting, and signed by him ; then follows a blank leaf, and on the following com- mences a " Sanctoral" on six leaves, the end wanting. The differences in the writing between the body of the book and the corrections made in 1563, are easily explained by the 23 years' interval. When he wrote the work first he was only about 45 years of age ; he was not far from seventy when he began to make his additions and corrections. This MS. is undoubtedly one of the most curious and interesting volumes in the Mexican language ever offered for sale. In his know ledge of the Aztec language and literature, Sahagun has prolably never had an 206 3036 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. equal. The historical work which he wrote concerning the Mexican empire, and which has been published by Bustamante, brought down upon him the abuse of his fellows, both lay and clerical, for aiding, as they said, to perpetuate the idolatry of the nation. 30169 SAHAGUN. Exercicios quotidianos en lengua Mexicana, sm. 4to. MS. plainly written^ 86 pp. sd. £18. Mexico^ 1574 — transcribed Sec. XVII The MS. begins thus : — " Comienza un exercicio en lengua Mexicana, sacado del sancto Evangelic y distribuido por todos los dias de la semana contiene meditaciones devotas muy prove- chosas para cualquier xpiano que se quiere llegar a Dios." At the end, there is the inscription : " Este exercicio halle entre los yndios, no se quien le hizo ni quien se le dio tenia muchas faltas e incongruidades mas con verdad se puede dezir que se hizo de nuevo que no que se emendo. Este afio de 1674, fray Bernardino de Sahagun." The MS. is in perfect preservation, and the handwriting is clear and legible — in fact, too boldly written to be the autograph of Sahagun. This is probably identical with the single MS. of the work which is mentioned by Beristain as being in his time in the College of St. Gregory at Mexico, and which he seems to have considered the original, just as Ramirez believed this to be. 30170 SAHAGUN. Nican vnpeoa ynnemachtiliztlatolli . . . Oquichuih fray Bernardo de Sahagum, 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, Original MS. 27 II. wanting end ; •probably one leaf only .^ as the author speaks of twenty- six additimis, and the MS. breaks off treating on the 2Ath, calf £30. Mexico, 15 79 On the verso of the 16th leaf is the signature of Father Sahagun. On the verso of the 31st leaf the original treatise concludes, and on the following commences the twenty-six additions on thirteen leaves. On the verso of the title-page to the additions is a " Prologo " in Spanish, from which it appears that Father Sahagun made the last corrections and additions to this work in 1579. 30171 (? SAHAGUN) Dictionarium ex Hisniensi in Lati- num sermonem, interprete Aello Antonio Neprissensi [additis interpretationibus Mexicanis], sm. 4to. manu- script of 155 leaves, in a very small but clear hand- writing of the X^th century in double columns, the Mexican part being ivritten in red ink; Spanish morocco, £50. ^Mexico, about 1590 This is supposed to be either the original or at least a copy AMERICAN LANGUAGES : MEXICAN, MAYA. 3037 of the Vocabulary composed by Father Sahagun, whicli 18 desci'ibed by Beristain as " Diccionario trilingue latino, espaiiol, y megicano." 30172 Sandoval (R.) Arte de lalengua Mexicana, 12mo. vellum, 5* Mexico, 1810 30173 (Tapia Zenteno) Arte novissima de la lengua Mexicana, sm. 4to. no title, vellum, rare, 18s (Mexico, 1753) 30174 VAZQUEZ GASTELU (Ant.) Arte de lengua Mexicana, com- puesto por el Bachiller Don Antonio Vazquez Gastelu, el Rey de Figueroa (con Confessionario y Catbecismo en Mexicano y Espanol), sm. 4to. vellum, the Ramirez copy, £12. 12s Puehla de las Angeles Diego Fern, de Leon, 1689 First edition. Exceedingly bare, undescribed by bibliographers. The only other copy of which I can find any record is the Andrada copy, which was imperfect. Collation : 6 prel. leaves (including title) ; and 42 numbered leaves. 30175 Arte de Lengua Mexicana, corregido segun su original por Olmedo y Torre (con Confessionario y Cathecismo), sm, 4to, £3, Puehla, 1726 Collation: 2 prel. leaves (including title); and 54 leaves. The author has a strange addition to his name, " el Key de Figueroa," the origin of which deserves investigatiou. 30176 Velasquez de Cardenas, Breve Practica, y Regimen del Con- fessionario de Indios, en Mexicano y Castellano, 12mo. vellum, 10s Mexico, 1761 30177 VETANCURT (Augustin) Arte de Lengua Mexicana, sm. 4to, corners of a few leaves torn off, vellum, £4. Mexico, 1673 30178 tbe same, sm. 4iio. fine copy in vellum, £10. 1673 Vert rare. The book ends with the fourth leaf of signature N ; and is followed by " Instruccion breve para administrar los Santos Sacramentos, en Mexicano y Castellano," on eight leaves, marked with signatures O, P, 7. Maya, South Mexican, and Central American Languages, Chiapaneca : 30179 Pinart, Bibliotbeque de Linguistique et d'Ethnograpbie Ame- ricaines, Vol. I ; Albornoz, Arte de la lengua Cbiapaneca (escrito en Espanol en el siglo XVII) ; Barrientos, Doctrina Cbristiana en lengua Chiapaneca (escrita en 1690), 4to. (pub, 15 fr.), sd. 12s Paris, 1875 30180 TAPIA ZENTENO (Carlos de) Noticia de la Lengua Huasteca, con Catecbismo, y Doctrina Cbristiana, y copioso Diccionario, sm. 4to. velhim, fine clean copy, £4. Mexico, 1767 30181 Paradigma Apologetico . , . Noticia de la Huasteca. . . . Descripcion de su pais y demostracion evidente de la vanidad de el borror que se le tiene, sm. 4to. clean MS. 16 preliminary leaves of description, followed by the Grammar which consists of 145 pp. hf. Id. £7. 15s Mexico, aboiit 1746 The Huasteca or Cuexteca language belongs to the Maya class, and is spoken in Tamaulipas and Vera Cruz. The above preliminaiy discourse and geographical description were 3038 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. HuASTECA — continued. omitted when the book was printed in 1767, to avoid, as the author said, an unnecessary expansion of the volume. 30182 CoNVERSACiON en Lingua Hnasteca, sm. 4to. MS. 56 x>p. of phrases and colloquial sentences, in Spanish and Huasteca, with a modern transcript of the same on 43 leaves, £7. 7s About 1730 UxPrBLisHED. There is no little available information concerning the Huastcc language that a contribution of this kind is valuable. Maya : 30183 [Beltran, Arte del Idioma Maya, y semilexicon Yucateco], sni. 4to. without preliminary leaves, pages 1-16, and about 12 leaves at end, sd. 30s (Mejico, 1746) 30184 BoLLAERT (W.) on the Maya Hieroglyphic Alphabet of Yucatan, 8vo. ivith numerous MS. corrections by the author, sd. 2s 6d (1865) 30185 Ruz (el P. Fr. J.) Gramatica Yucateca, 12mo. sd. 16s Merida, 1844 Poconchi : See Gage's Travels, ante, No. 28862. Quiche : 30186 Brasseur de Bocrbourg, Grammaire de la langue Quiches Espagnole-franpaise mise en parallele avec ses deux dialectes, arec un Vocabulaire, Essai sur la Poesie, etc. avant la Conquete, et le Rabinal-Achi, drame indigene, Quiche-Frangais, avec sa mtisique originale, royal 8vo. 15s Paris, 1862 30187 POPOL VUH: le Livre Sacre et les Mythes de 1' Antiquity Americaine, avec les livres heroiques et historiques des Quiches, Quiche et Frangais, par Brasseur de Bourbourg, 8vo. maps and plate, sd. 30s Paris, 1861 This work, composed soon after the Spanish CJonqnest, by a native Prince, contains all the old mythology and sacred lore of the Guatemalan and Mexican people. The strange cosmogony and theogony of the Central American races will always excite interest and speculation. The Abbe treats curiously upou the origin and affinities of those peoples in a learned introduction. 30188 Sermones t platicas en lengua Qaiche, r2mo. original MS. in Gothic letters, on stout parchment, 88 leaves not quite perfect, in a limp vellum wrapper, £15. Guatemala, about 1590 Probably the work of Francisco Ximenez, or of Damian Delgado. There is very little material accessible for philological study on the subject of the Quiche language, yet its importance as the tongue of the civilized architectural people of Central America is very great. The Maya and Quiche languages are the oldest dialects of an important linguistic family unconnected with the Mexican Nahuatl. Totonaca : 30189 ZA:MBRAN0 BONILLA (Jos.) Arte de Lengua Totonaca, Conforme a el Arte de Antonio Nebrija, lleva anadido Una Doctrina de la Lengua de Navlingo, con algunas vozes de la AMERICAN LANGUAGES : MAYAN, CARIB. 3039 ToTONACA — continued. LengTia de aquella Sierra, j de esta de aca, su author Franc. Dominguez, sm. 4to. vellum, £15. En la Puebla en la Imprenta de la Yiuda de Miguel de Ortega, 1752 Extremely rare. Title; 21 prel. 11.; text pp. 134; inilex, 3 11; "Distintos" pp. 79; " Indice de los Distintos " 3 pp. The Totoxaca Dialect was spoken in the Northern parts of the Provinces of Puebla, and in part of the Province of Vera Cruz. The Maximilian copy, wanting title and four other leaves, sold for £5. 10s in 1869 ; the Andrade copy in the same year fetched 51 thalers. Zapoteca : 30190 Arte Zaapoteco, Confessonario (sic) Administracion de los Santos Sacramentos, y otras Curiosidades, que en el se contienen ; perteneciente al mui R. P. Juan Francisco Torralva ; sacado de su original en esta Caveza de Ocotlan aiio 1800, sm. 4to. MS. onpai^er, 296 pp. hf. calf, £10. Ocotlan, 1800 Anonymous MS. thus divided: — Grammar, pp. 1-96; Numbers and other words, 97-120 ; Administration of the Sacraments, 120-132; Confessionario, 132-170; Conversational phrases in the dialect " delValle," 1 70-198; Vocabulary and verbs, 199-292; Confessionario in the dialect of Santa Maria Petapa, 293-296. There is no indication of the name of the author, nor of the time in which it was written ; although from the fact that he sometimes refers to Aguero, its date must be posterior to 1666. 30191 BucABULARio de la lengua Castellena (sic) j Zapoteca Nexitza, Se acabo a 16 de nobienbre 1696, sm. 4to. clearly written MS. 96 pp. vellum ivrapper, £7 . 10s 1696 Rather than a vocabulary it is a collection of conversational expressions and phrases. On the back of the title we find the words " Manual de la lengua Castellana y Zapoteca. Reboltizo de lengua Zapoteca i Castellana de Juo. Martin Seiior de Latopan." Juan Martin may therefore be the author's name. 8. Caraib, Carib, Galibi. 30192 BRETON (Raymond) Petit Catechisme ou Sommaire des trois premieres parties de la Doctrine Chrestienne, traduit du Francois, en la langue des Caraibes Insulaires, par le R. P. Raymond Breton, 12mo. calf neat, rare, 86s Auxerre, Grilles Bouqiiet, 1664 BiET, Petit Dictionnaire — see No. 28880. Dayies (John) Caribbian Vocabulary — see No. 29270. RocHEFORT, Yocabulaire — see No. 29283. Arowak : 30193 Matthew and John, in Arau-ak, 12mo. calf, 7s 6d 1850 9. Guarani, Tupi. 30195 RUIZ (el P. Antonio). Arte y Bocabulario de la lengua Guarani, corapuesto por el Padre Antonio Ruiz, 1640 — Tesoro de la lengua Guarani, compuesto por el Padre Antonio Ruiz (1639) — 3040 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 2 vols, stout sm. 4to. vellum and Spanish calf, exceedingly rare, £35_ Madrid, Juan Sanchez, 1639-40 Collation. Arte y Bocabulario : Title ; 5 prel. leaves ; Arte, pp. 1-100; Vocabulario, pp. 101-376 and 1-234. Tesoro : Title (defective in this copy) ; 7 prel. leaves ; 407 leaves (the last 9 wanting to this copy), in which the numbering skips from 271 to 278, The first part contains a Grammar and a Spanish-Guarani Dictionary, the second a Guarani-Spanish Dictionary ; though the titles differ, the two volumes are respectively the first and second parts of the same work. Both parts are exceedingly rare, but more especially the first. The second part alone fetched £8 at Sotheby's in 1862, and again in 1864, £11. I can only find one other instance of the first part occurring for sale, when a copy was priced by a Paris bookseller, in 1867, 240 fr. 30196 Cavalcaxti (A.) The Brazilian Language and its Agglutination, 8vo. cloth, 10s Bio Janeiro, 1883 30197 DiccioNARio PoRTUGUEZ E Brasiliano, sm. 4to. 4 and 79 pp. hf. hd. 16s Lisboa, 1795 A useful dictionary of the Brazilian language, — a language which is praised as being " melodious, elegant, and copious." 30198 [FIGUEIRA (Luis)] Arte da Grammatica da Lingua Brasilica, 12mo. no title, old calf, rare, £3. 10s (Lisboa, 1687) 30199 Arte da Grammatica da Lingua do Brasil, sm. 4to. 103 pp. hf. bd. 16s Lisboa, 1795 30199*Platzmann (J.) Grammatik der Brasilianisclien Sprache, mit Zugrundelegung des Anchieta, 8vo. green morocco gilt, gilt edges, witli the Imperial arms on side, 15s Leipzig, 1874 30200 VOCABOLARIO na Lingua Brasilica (Portuguez-Brasiliano), sm. 4to. original MS. 368 pp. clearly written in double columns, old calf gilt, from, the Sunderland library, £10. 10s 1621-22-13 An important tjnpdblishbd manuscript Dictionary. The last few leaves which contain lists of the names of parts of the body, etc., in Brazilian-Portuguese, and is dated 1613, were written by " Padre Pero de Castilho da Companhia de lesu," who was probably also the author of he large Vocabolario. 10. Peruvian. Aymara: 30201 BERTONIO (el P. Ludovico) Vocabulario dela Lengua Aymara, 2 parts in 1 vol. stout 8vo. clean copy, £60. Inipresso enla casa de la Compama de lesus de lull Pueblo enla Promncia de Chucuito^ For Francisco del Canto. 1612 Exceedingly rare, and of the greatest importance for the study of the Peruvian dialects. The author was a missionary in Peru for 44 years. A Spanish- Aymara and Aymara- Spanish Dictionary. Priced lately by a Paris bookseller, 2000 frs. Collation : 14 prel. leaves (including title) ; 474 pages ; and 399 pages. Moxa : 30202 MARBAN (el P. Pedro) Arte de la lengua Moxa, con su Vocabulario, y Cathecismo, stout 12mo. vellum, £5. (Lima) En la Lnprenta Real de Joseph de Contreras (1701) Collation . 8 prel. leayes (including title) ; Arte, 1-117 pp. ; Vocabulario A^IERICAN LANGUAGES : PERUVIAN. 3041 MoxA — continued. (both alphabets) 118-664 pp. ; Cathecismo, pp. 1-142 ; Algunas Advertencias, 11 unnumbered leaves ; Declaracion, pp. 163-202 ; and Indice, 1 leaf. The language of the nation of the proFince of "lo3 Moxos," in Bolivia, South America. It is related to the Maipure. 30203 Lucas (San) Evangelio de, en Ayraara j Espanol, traducido por Pazos-Kanki, y San Miguel, 12mo. bd. bs Loiidres, 1829 Quichua : 30204 Ellis (R.) Pernria Scjthica : the Quicliua Language of Peru, its derivation from. Central Asia -with the American languages in general, and -with the Turanian and Iberian languages of the Old World, etc. 8vo. cloth, 6s 1875 30205 HOLGUIN (el P. Diego Goufalez) Yocabulario de la lengna general de todo el Peru llamada lengua Qquichua, o del Inca, wanting 12 leaves, Impresso enia Ciudad de los Eeyes, por Franc, del Canto, 1608 — Grammatica j Arte nueva dela lengua general de todo el Peru, llamada lengua Qquichua, o lengua del Inca, compuesta por el Padre Diego Gon9alez Holguin, u-anting 6 leaves, ih. 1607 — in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. hf. bd. £25. 1607-8 Exceedingly rare. The Vocabulario contains both Quichua-Spanish and Spanish-Quichua alphabets. These two •works together were recently priced by a Paris bookseller 2000 frs. Collation. Vocabulario : 4 prel. leaves (including title) ; 375 pp. (pp. 17-35 wanting to this copy); 332 pp. (pp. 45-48 and 5 7-60 wantinjj) ; and Sumario, 2 leaves. Grammatica: 4 prel. leaves (including title;; 143 leaves 01. 29, 36, 109, 110, 115 and 116 wanting) ; and Table, 1 leaf. 30206 HOLGUIN, Gramatica y Arte nueva de la lengua general de todo el Peru, llamada lengua Qquichua o lengua del Inca, nueva edicion revista y corregida, 8vo. sd. £2. {Lima) 1842 30207 Nodal (J. F.) Elementos de Grammatica Quichua, 8vo. over 460 pp. bds. 21s Ctizco (c. 1875) 30208 Ollanta, an ancient Inca drama, QuicJiua-English, by C. R. Markham, sm. 8vo. cloth, 4s Qd 1871 30209 SERMONES de la Caridad y Limosna, Quichua y Espanol, sm. 4to. pp. 317-515, luith Manuscript corrections by Joseph AcosTA, original limp vellum, £8. IO5 Lima, 1585 This is the press-copy of an excessively rare work. 30210 [TORRES RUBIO] Grammatica y Vocabolario en la lengua general del Peru, llamada Quichua, y en la lengua Espanola, el mas copioso y elegante que hasta agora se ha impresso, 12mo. Original Edition, wanting 5 leaves, cut down, calf, £20. Sevilla, Clemente Hidalgo, 1603 Collation: Title (mended); 3 prel. leaves (1st missing;; Arte, 40 numbered leaves (comer of 1st torn off) ; Vocabolario, sigs. Aa-Ll, in eights, except LI, which is in fours ; Segunda parte del Vocabulario, sigs A-M in eights, except M which is in fours. The missing leaves are, the first prel. leaf, and sigs. Dd3, Dd6, L7 and M3. The Vocabulary contains both Quichua-Spanish and Spanish-Quichua alphabets. Exceedingly rare ; not known to Brunet or his continuator. Antonio and De Backer quote the edition of Rome, printed in the same year, bat make no mention of this of Seville. Graesse thought that the 1619 3042 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. QuiCHUA — continued. edition was the first. Lndewig seems to he the only bibliographer to whom this edition was really known ; the few others who mention it, doing so merely on his authority, and with evident doubt of its existence. I can find no record of the sale of any other copy of this exceedingly rare work, than the present. 30211 TORRES RUBIO, Arte, y Vocabulario de la lengua Qaicliua general de los Indies de el Peru ; afiadio el P. Juan de Figueredo : ahora nuevamente con-egido j aumentado en muchos vocables y varias notas, etc. 12mo. calf extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, rare, £9. Lima, 1 754 The most complete edition. 11. Creole. 30212 CoLLECgio de Vocabulos e Prases usados na provincia de S. Pedro do Rio Grande do Snl no Brazil, sm. 4to. 32 pp. in Creole- Vorttigiiese, sd. hs Londres, 1856 30213 Thomas (J. J.) Theory and Practice of Creole Grammar, 8ro. hf. calf, 18s Fort-of-Spain, 1869 The first scientific work on the Negro-French patois of Trinidad. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VOYAGES & TRAVELS, AND OF AMERICAN SUBJECTS, 30214 Apponti (F. H.) The Libraries of California ; containing descrip- tions of the principal private and public Libraries, 8vo. hf. mo7Vcco, gilt tops, 12s San Francisco, 1878 30215 AsHER (A.) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels, edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and hia successors at Nuremberg and Francfort, 1598-1660, sm. 4to. hds. 6s 18;:i9 30216 Barros Arana (Diego) Notas para una Bibliografia de obras anonimas i seudonimas sobre la America, 4to. sd. 2bs Santiago de Chile, 1882 30217 BERISTAIN DE SOUZA (Jose Mariano) Biblioteca Hispano- Americana Septentrional, 6 catalogo y noticia de los Literates que d nacidos 6 educados, 6 fiorecientes en la America Septen- trional Espaiiola, han dado a luz algun escrito 6 lo han dexado preparado para la prensa, 3 vols. sm. folio, mmierous highly important MS. notes, tvith 14 portraits inserted, hf. bd. from the library of Brasseur de Bourbourg, £75. Mexico, 1816-21 Excessively rare. It contains a biography of nearly 4000 writers, ■with a bibliography of the works of each. Part of the second and third volumes are edited by Rafael Enriquez Trespalacios Beristain, a relative of the author, who died before the work was finished. " Le catalogue des ouvrages de Beristain est fort nombreux. II passa toujours pour uii ami des lettres, mats d'un servilisme extravagant, line note manuscrite a son article, dans Texemplaire de ma collection, dit de lui ces mots : Beristain fuS el homhre was servil que fario madre ! Lastima que frtera mi paisano ! L'auleur de cettc note, Juan Evangelista Guadalajara, ainsi qu'il se fait connaitre dans cetexempl aire qui lui appartint avant moi, en a Kurchart^e les marges, aussi bien que les jiages blanches, en tele oL en queue BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AMERICANA. 3043 des trois volumes, d'un grand nombre d'annotations, de rectifications et d'articles supplementaires qui seraient des plus utiles pour une seconde edition du Beristain. Ces annotations, faites par un homme parfaitement au couraut des hommes et des choses de son pays, en font un exemplaii-e non seulement precieux, mais unique. II s'y trouve en outre quatorze portraits graves ou lithographies tires de differentes publications." — Brasseur de Bov/rhourg. 30218 BiBLiOTHECA AMERICANA, a chronological Catalogue of the most curious books, pamphlets, papers, etc. upon America, from the earliest period, in print and MS. 4to. bds. 15s 1789 This work, although a mean performance by the side of Bishop Kennett's, must be found on theshelves of bibliography in any good American library. 30219 Brasseur de Bourbourg, Bibliotheque Mexico- Guatemalienne, precedee d'un coup d'oeil sur les Etudes Americaines, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 1871 30220 CAMUS, Memoire sur les Grands et Petits Voyages (de De Brt) et les Voyages de Thevenot, 4to. calf, 12s Paris, 1802 An admirable bibliography of the collection of De Bry and Thevenot, containing a great variety of curious information upon the progress of geographical discovery in the sixteenth century, and upon the books and editions which record it. 30221 Clarke (Robert) Bibliotheca Americana: catalogue of a valuable collection of books, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d. Cincinnati, 1883 30222 EGUIARAtEguren (J. J. de) Bibliotheca Mexicana, sive Erudi- torum Histoi'ia Virorum, qui in America Boreali nati, vel alibi geniti, in ipsam Domicilio aut Studiis asciti, quavis lingua scripto aliquid tradiderunt, Tomus I, exhibens litteras A, B, C (all pub.), sm. folio, slightly ioormed,velhcm, rare, £10. Mexici, 17>''5 30223 the same, sm. folio, Spanish calf, £12. 10s 1755 30224 Field (T. W.) Essay towards an Indian Bibliography, being a Catalogue of Books relating to the History, Antiquities, Languages, Customs, Religion, Wars, Literature, and Origin of the American Indians, in the library of Thomas W. Field, with Bibliographical and Historical Notes, 8vo. pp. iv and 430, cloth, uncut, out of 'print, 30s Neio YorJc, 1873 This bibliographical handbook, embracing a collection of about 1800 works, may be considered the chief, if not the only one of its kind. The author's notes are judicious and valuable, and have an interest beyond even the actual subject of the Essay. Collectors of Americana of every kind will derive pleasure and profit from a labour that evinces a wide range of study and experience. The frequent inaccuracies that appear in the transcription of titles in foreign languages may be merely typographical. 30225 HARRISSE (H.) Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima, or Description of Works relating to America, published between 1492 and 1551, impl. 8vo. £3. 10s New Yorlc, 1866 30226 ADDITIONS to the Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima (1492-1551), royal 8vo. a magnifice^itly printed volume, ivoodcuts and facsimile, sewed, £2. Paris, 1872 It is easy to find errors in this elaborate work, but it still remains an indispensable book of reference. The arrangement is chronological, but an alphabetical index is added. " Le supplement donne la description de prdg de 260 ouvrages ay ant rapport a I'Amerique et qui avaient echappes aux recherches des bibliographes speciaux. C'est un des plus beaux livres publics de nos jours." 207 3044 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30227 Harkisse (H.) Notes pour servir a I'Histoire, a la Bibliograpliie et a la Cai'tographie de la Nouvelle France et des pays adjacents (Io4o-ir00), 8vo. papier verge, sewed, 8s Paris, 1872 SQOOQ the same, lai'ge 8vo. grand papier yelin, sewed, 12* Qd 1872 La meilleure BibliograpMe canadienne qui ait et^ imprimee. Les notes historiques contiennent des pieces inedites et une serie de documents sur les premiers colonisateurs de ce pays. Amongst tlie inedited documents are a series upon Francois de la Roque, Sieur de Roberval. 30229 les Cabot ; etude d'histoire, suivie d'uue Bibliograpliie, roy. 8vo. sd. 20s Paris, 1882 30230 LECLERC (Cli.) Bibliotheca Americana : Histoire, Geographie, Voyages, Arcbeologie, et Linguistique des deux Ameriques et des lies Philippines, Grand Papier, impl. 8vo. sd. 12s Paris, 1878 A very extensive catalogue, edited ■with admirable skill and knowledge. There are 2638 articles topographically classified, with an alphabetical Index. The titles and collations are given with perfect bibliographical accuracy, and the notes appended contain useful information, although there is an occasional lapsus here and there. 30231 LEON PINELO (Antonio de) Epitome de la Bibliotheca Oriental y Occidental, nautica y geografica . . en que se contienen los Escritores de las Indias . . [aumentada y publicada por Barcia], 3 vols, folio, LARGE AND THICK PAPER, vellum, £10. Madrid, 1737-38 30232 Murphy (Hon. H. C.) Catalogue o£ Library; consisting almost wholly of Americana, large 8vo. 434 j/jj. sd. 2s 6d N. Y. 1884 30233 O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.) List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 18G0, 4to. ivith Index, 54 and 415 j^P- hf- t^'t'Orocco, gilt top, £2. I65 Albany, 1861 30234 Platzmann's Yerzeichniss einer Auswahl amerikanischer Gram- matiken, Worterbiicher, etc. 8vo. sd. 6s Leipzig, 1878 30235 RICH (0.) Bibliotheca Americana Nova: Catalogue of Books in various languages relating to America, printed since the year 1700 (to 1844), with Supplement, 3 vols. in2, 8vo. calf gilt, rare, £7. 10s 1835-(41)-46 30236 San Filippo (P. A. di) Bibliogi-afia dei Viaggiatori Italiani, roy. 8vo. 22 and 145 pp. sd. *!s ^d Eoma, 1874 30237 TIELE, Memoire bibliographiquesur les Journaux des Navigateurs Neerlandais reimprimes dans les collections de De Bry et de Hulsius, et da 17e Siecle, et sur les anciennes editions Hollan- daises des Journaux de Navigateurs Etrangers, 8vo. facsimile, hf. morocco, 20s Amsterdam, 1867 30238 Trubner's (Nic.) Bibliographical Guide to American Literature; a Classed List of Books published in U.S.A. (1817-57), 8vo. hf. bd. 10s 1859 30239 Vicuna Mackenna (B.) Bibliografia Americana : Estudios i Catalogo completo i razonado dc la Biblioteca Americana de Greg. Beeche, stout 8vo. portrait, 802 2>P- V- ^^^ morocco, gilt tops, 10s Valparaiso, 1879 SUPPLEMENT OF BOOKS. 3045 SUPPLEMENT of Books omitted in their places or recently acquired. 30240 [JOHXSOX (Edward)] A History of New-Exgland, from the Englisli planting in the yeere 1628 untill the yeei'e 1652, de- claring the form of their government . . their Wars with the Indians, their troubles with the Gortonists and other Heretiques . . . small 4to. old calf, White Kennetf s copy, ivifh his autograph, £25. 1654 Very rare. The author's plain prose is interspersed here and there ■with eulogies in verse upon the greater and minor lights of the New England Church. This work, also known from its head-line title as Wonder-working Providence of !?iox's Saviour, is anonymous, but the preface is signed T. H., which might stand as the initials of Thomas Horiker. The American authorities are, however, agreed that it was written by Edward Johnson. It has sometimes passed under the name of Gorges, from the fact that it was embodied four years later in " American painted to the Life . . by Ferdinando Gorges." 30241 CHROXICOX XUREMBERGEXSE, anctore Hartmanno Schedel cum Supplemento " De Sarmatia," royal folio, first EDITION, 2 world-maps and about 2000 spirited looodcuts, by Michel Wolgemnth, Master of Albert Durer, and by Wilhelm Fleydenwiirf, bds. £14. 10s Nurembergce, A. Koberger, 1493 Editio Princeps. The book has a kind of claim to be reckoned amongst Americana, namely because it records a discovery of certain savages which has been taken to indicate some transatlantic exploit of Martin Behaim. It is a volume of extraordinary interest, embellished with upwards nf 2250 woodcut engravings of the principal events, characters, and cities, described in the work, executed in a spirited style by the ingenious artists Michael Wolgemuth and "William PleydenwurfF, as the last colophon in the work informs us. This Colophon is given at length in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, where will be found the fullest and liveliest description of the volume, with faint facsimiles of a few of the Cuts. A colophon denotes Hart- mann Schedel as the author or editor. The present copies are perfect with the unnumbered leaves which ai"e frequently wanting. One of tlie most striking pictures in the volume is on folio 264 (Latin edition), a grotesque Dance of Death, containing five very large figures. 30242 VYATERTOX (Charles) Wanderings in South America, the north west of the United States, and the Antilles, 1812-24, Aito. frontis- piece, hf. calf, 12s 1825 30243 HERIOT (George) Travels through the Canadas . . with an account of the productions, commerce, and inhabitants of those provinces, and a comparative view of the manners and customs of several of the Indian nations of Xorth and South America, stout 4:to.map and numerous pretty plates, hf. bd. £2. 16s 1807 30244 Parry's (W. E.) Journal of a Voyage for the discovery of a Xortli- west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1819-20, in H.M.S. Hecla and Griper, rov. 4to. maps and plates, bds. 10s 1821 3046 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30245 ORTELII (AbraLami) Theatedm Oebis Terarrum ; Parergon . . . ; Nomenclator, 3 parts in 1 vol. roy. folio, 168 sheets of coloured maps, title, portrait and coat of arms beautifully coloured and illuminated, vellum gilt, £7. Antverpice, 1609 30246 MERCATORIS CGerardi) Atlas, sive Cosmographies Meditationes, roy. folio, an immense number of coloured maps, vellum gilt, £4. Amsterodami, H. Hondius, 1623 30247 HARRIS SE, Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima, and Additions, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. sd. £4. Mew York, 1866— Paris, 1872 30248 Trubner's American and Oriental Literary Record, a monthly register of the most important works published in America, India, China, and the British Colonies, etc. 12 vols, and vols. I-IV of New Series, together 16 vols. (194 nos.) in 5, roy. 8vo. cloth, rare, £4. 1865-83 30249 JAMES (Thomas) Strange and Dangerous Voy- age in his intended Discovery of the NORTHWEST PASSAGE into the South Sea, sra. 4to. original EDITION, tvifh the excessively rare map^ containing in the corner the genuine portrait of Captain James, fine copy^ red morocco extra^ gilt edges^ hy Mackenzie^ £35. 1633 This book is in any state a rare one, but when with the map it is a desideratum rarely acquirable by the American collector. James was sent by the King to explore the North- west Passage, and underwent excessive hardship and difficulties in that attempt during the years 1631-32. He fell in with Fox (author of the " North "West Fox ") during his voyage. Most copies of the map have the portrait of Captain James in facsimile. In the above it is the genuine original. Critics frequently censure the gallant explorer for the littleness of geographical information contained in his book, but the map is assuredly free from any such blame-worthiness, for it contains a singularly correct delineation of the high latitudes in which Hudson, BaiBn, James, and Fox pursued their search for the Noi'th West passage. 30250 THOMAS (Isaiah) History of Printing in America, with a biography of Printers, and an account of Newspapers, to which is prefixed a concise view of the discovery and progress of the art in other parts of tlie world, 2 vols. 8vo. plates^ bds. uncut, £6. Qs Worcester (Massachusetts) 1810 SUPPLEMENT OF BOOKS ON AMERICA. 30251 AUDUBON (John James) Birds of America, 4 vols, double elephant folio, 435 (of which 13 in two states) superbly coloured plates of Birds {natural size), very large copy, the plates of the wild Turkey being un- injured^ hf. russia, in a mahogany cabinet, covered in damash, and forming an elegant ottoman,£350. 1827-49 The plates of this grand copy were specially selected by the artist kimself for his father, who was the intimate friend of Audubon. Plates XI I, XXIII, CVII, CX, CXXXV, CXL, CCIX, CCXXX, CCCLIV, CCCLXIX, CCCLXXIII, CCCLXXXVIII, and CCCXCVIII are in two states, each plate containing in the second state one figure more than in the first. Plate VI is misnumbered XI, and CCLIV misnumbered CCLVI. The plates are numbered in Roman figures, except Nos. II and 96, and arranged in scientific, not numerical, order. 30252 Allixgham (William) Account of the nature and use of Maps, Catalogue of Factories in the East and West Indies, 12mo. folding plate, calf, 10s 1703 30253 CLUVERII (Ph.) Introductionis in Universam Geographiam libri VI. Accessit P. Bertii Breviarium Orbis Terrarum, 12mo. engraved title and maps (including America), fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, by Roger Payne, £6. Amst. Elzevir, 1672 30254 COTTOX (John) Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-ordinance . . . sm. 4to. polislied calf neat, uncut, £5. 5.s 1647 A rare treatise by the man whose name stands next to Eliot as the chief evangelist of New England. 30255 ELLIS (Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 1746-47, 8vo. map and plates, calf extra, 2os 1748 30256 Froger (T.) Relation of a Voyage, 1695-97 . . . Streights of Magellan, Brasil . . . under the command of M. de Gennes, sm. 8vo. maps and plates, calf extra, 12s 1698 30257 Grace (Henry) History of his life and sufferings . . . during several years' captivity among the Savages in North America . . . an account of the several customs and manners of the different nations of Indians, 8vo. cloth, 20s Beading, 1764 30258 Hacke (W.) Collection of original Voyages, Cowley's, Sharp's, Wood's, and Roberts's, sm. 8vo. maps, calf, 6s 1699 30259 HAXSOX (Elizabeth) God's mercy surmounting man's cruelty exemplified in the captivity and redemption of Elizabeth Hanson . . . who was taken captive with her childi'en and maid-servant by the Indians in Xew England in 1724, 12mo. clotii, £3. 10s Philadelphia, James Ghattin, 1754 Bound np with " An Essay on Conduct, recommended to the people called Quakers, a poem by J. F., Philadelphia, James Chattin, 1754," etc. 30260 HERRERA, General History of the vast continent and islands of America, translated into English by Capt. John Stevens, 6 vols, sm. 8vo. map)s and plates, calf extra, £,&. 6s 172.'3-26 208 3048 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30261 LAWS. An Abstract of the Lawes of New England, as tiiey are now established, small 4tu. a cropped copij, £10. 1641 Vekt kare, aud no less curious, as displaying in candid nakedness the ideas of law and justice -which were held by the Puritans of New England. The Dracones of that blest land included filial disobedience among capital ci-imcs, and punished an ill-tempered child with death. 30262 LAWS. The general Laws and Liberties of fhe Massachusetts Colony in New England, revised and reprinted by order of the General Court holden at Boston, May 15, 1672, sm. folio, ,/?«e copy in calf extra, by Bedford, very rare, £15. Cambridge, 1675 30203 LE BEAU (Sieur C.) Avantures, ou Voyage curieux et nouveau parmi les Sauvages de rAmerique Septentrionale, dans lequel on trouvera une description du Canada, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. map and plates, bormd, £1. 15s Amst. 1738 Evidently the result of large personal experience amongst the Indians. 30264 PSALMS, Hymns acd Spiritual Songs of the Old and New- Testament, faithfully translated into English, meeter, for the use, edification, and comfort of the Saints in publick and private, especially in New-England, 12mo. with 7 pages of Music, and several interesting MS. notes, by Mr. Gardyne, etc., in the original binding, VERT rare, £7. 7s Boston, 1730 This is the twenty-third edition of the famous Bay Psalmbook. 30265 PSALMS, Hymns, Confession of Faith, etc. etc. translated from the Dutch for the Use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of New Tork, sm. 8vo. wilh Musical Notes, old gilt crimson morocco, xvith the name of Ann Bogart on side, £6. 10s Neio Yorl, 1767 Vert rake. The Bogarts were a distinguished New York family. 80266 [SMITH (William)] Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians, 1764, under the command of Henry Bouquet, Colonel . . including bis transactions with the Indians . . and battle of Bushy-Run, 4to. map, plan, and plates after Benjamin West, London, 1766 — boimd up with a large number of interesting pamphlets and opuscules, including early editions of xcorhs by Gray, Goldsmith, and others, in 10 vols. 4to. calf, lettered Miscel- lanies, £8. 8s About 1720-70 30267 STEPHENS (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 2 vols. 1841 — Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, 1843 — together 4 vols. 8vo. map and mimerous p>lates, a fine tmifonn set in calf extra, £4. 4s 1841-43 30267* Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, revised by Fred. Catherwood, 8vo. map and plates, calf extra, \7s %d 1854 30268 Williamson (Peter) Frencb and Indian Cruelty exemplified in the life . . of Peter Williamson, who was carried off from Aberdeen in his infancy and sold as a slave in Pensylvania . . his captivity among the Indians . . 12mo. calf, 32s Edinburgh, 1762 30269 POPPLE'S Map of the British Empire in America, with the adjacent French and Spanish Settlements, roy. folio, 21 large maps, and views of New York, Qtiebec, Mexico, Niagara, etc. the maps coloured, old English red morocco gilt, £3. 16s 1733 III. HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, AND ETHNOLOGY OF ASIA, AUSTRALASIA POLYNESIA, AND AFRICA. I. GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY, AND TOPOGRAPHY. 30270 Abulgasi-Bataduk-Chan, Histoire Genealogique des Tatars, tra- duite du Tartare, 12ino. onaps, calf, 'Ss 6d Leyde, 1726 30271 tlie same, made English, -with, an account of the present state of Northern Asia, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, calf, 10s 1729-30 30272 AcosT^ (E.) Historia B.erum a Societate Jesuin Oriente gestarum, de Japonicis Rebus Epistolas, 12mo. vellum, 30s Paris, 1572 30273 Alkibla ; disquisition on Worshipping towards the East, 8vo. bd. 10s 1740 30274 ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS. Histoiue et M^moires de l'Institut Royal de France, Classe d'Histoire et de Litterature Ancienne, Academie des Ixscriptioxs et Belles-Lettres, 22 vols, in 21, 4to. numerous plates, half calf, £10. Paris, 1815-75 Vols. XI and XXII being General Indexes are bound together. 30274* ARTUS (Gotardi) Historia Indiae Orientalis, juxta seriem topo- graphicam regnorum per Africas Asieeque littora ad extremes laponios deducta, 12mo. hf. calf, 7s 6d Colonice, 1608 ASIATIC SOCIETY of Bengal: 30275 ASIATIC RESEARCHES, or Transactions of the Society institated in Bengal for inquiring into the History, Antiquities, Arts, Sciences and Literature of Asia, from the beginning in 1784 to 1839 (after which the work teas continued in 8vo. under the title of Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal), 20 vols, and Index, 4to. and royal 4to. numerous plates, thirteen vols. hds. and sd. the rest hound, not uniform, £25. Calcutta and Serampore, 1788-1839 All the volumes are of the original edition printed in India. Complete sets of this issue have become very scarce. The present set is in good condi- tion, except that two or three vols, are a little wonned, and cut down. It would be difficult, almost impossible, to find a copy of this periodical in sound condition throughout. 30276 Asiatic Researches, 20 vols, and Index, Vol. V imperfect, and without the first 50 pp. of Vol. XVII, a few other volumes not heing in good condition, not uniform, a bargain, £10. \0s Calcutta and Serampore, 1788-1839 30277 another set, 20 vols, and Index, the -first five vols, being of the London reprint, eighteen vols, uniformly half-bound, the last tico not uniform, the Index-vol. stained, £12. 1788-1839 208* 3050 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Asiatic Society of Bengal — continued. 30278 Asiatic Researches, another set, 20 vols, and Index, seven of the volumes heing of the London reprint, half calf gilt, the binding of the last eight volumes diferent from that of the rest, £15. 1788-1830 30279 tlie same, the 8vo. reprint, 12 vols, engravings, calf, 2hs _ 1801-i8 30280 the same, 12 vols. 8vo. russia gilt, the last vol. not uniform, 20s 1801-18 '1 hia is a verbatim reprint of tlie original edition in quarto, and only twelve vols, of it appeared. The completion, Vols. 13 to 20, in quarto, can be supplied. The following list of volumes of the first edition sold separately, with the prices affixed, will give an idea of varied and important essays contained in the series : — 30281 VoL I, 466_?;.j9. 24 plates, 36s _ 1788 Orthography of Asiatic Words in Roman Letters, by Sir W. Jones ; Sculptures and Ruins at Mavalipuram ; the Gods of Greece, Italy and India, by Sir W. Jones ; Description of a Cave near Gya ; Translation of a Sanscrit Inscription at Booddha-Gaya ; the Seeks and their College ; on the Been, a Hindoo musical instrument ; on Distilling as practised by the natives at Chatra in Kamgur ; the Gold of Sumatra ; the Literature of the Hindoos ; on the City of I'agara ; the City of Gwender and the Source of the Nile, by Sir W. Jones ; Trial by Ordeal among the Hindoos ; etc. 30282 Vol. II, 503 pp. 11 plates, 36s 1790 On the Arabs, Tartars, Persians, Chinese and Afghans, on the Island of Hinzuan, on the Chronology of the Hindoos, and on the Indian Game of Chess, by Sir VV. Jones ; Description of Asam, by Mohammed Cazim ; Hindu Astronomical Computations, by S. Davies ; the Indian Zodiack, by Sir W. Jones ; Account of Nepal by Father Giuseppe ; Translation of a Maga Inscription ; Inscriptions from the Vindhya Mountains ; on the Book of Chinese Odes ; Description of Carnicobar, by G. Hamilton ; etc. 30283 Vol. Ill, 496pp. ^plates, 20s _ 1709 On the Borderers, Mountaineers and Islanders of Asia, and on the Origin and Families of Nations, by the President ; the Inhabitants of the Garrow Hills ; Musical Modes of the Himlus ; the Battle of Paniput ; the Mystical Poetry of the East ; ihe Indian Cycle of Sixty Years ; the Lunar year of the Hindus ; on Egypt and the Nile fi-om the ancient books of the Hindus ; etc. 30284 Vol. IV, UOpp>. \4 plates, 3Gs 1795 On Asiatic History, and the Philosophy of the Asiatics, by Sir W. Jones ; the Camphor, Coral, and Copper of Sumatra ; the Inhabitants of the Rajama hall Hills ; the Islands Nancowry, and Comarty ; Hindu Astronomy; the Duties of a Hindu Widow, by H. Colebrooke; Hindu Language and l^iterature among the Malays, by Wm. Marsden ; on Semiramis, the origin of Mecca, etc. ; the Andaman and Barren Islands by (Colebrooke ; etc. 30285 Vol. VI, 604 pp. 15 plates, 36s 1799 On Poison of Serpents ; Inhabitants of Poggy or Nassau Islands ; Journey from Agra to Oujein ; Petroleum Wells ; Religion and Literature of the Burmas, by F. Buchanan ; Antiquities of Ceylon ; Mount Caucasus Antiquities of the Surya Siddhanta ; etc. 30286 Vol. VII, 522 pp. 18 plates, 36s 1801 On the Courses of the Ganges through Bengal, Ceylon, and the Doctrines of Bhooddha ; the Sanscrit and Pracrit Languages, by Colebrooke ; Inscrip- tions at Dehlee, Religious Ceremonies of the Hindus, Tenets of Muhammadan sects, all by Colebrooke ; Religion and Manners of the People of Ceylon ; Account of the Bazeegurs, called the Nuts, Burmha Game of Chess ; etc. GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 8051 Asiatic Society of Bengal — continued. 30287 Vol. VIII, 519 pp. 13 plates and tables, 36s 1805 Origin of the Hindu Religion ; Extracts from the Tehzeebul Mantik, Arabic and English, by Balfour ; Hindu Systems of Astronomy, by J. Bentley ; on the Sacred Isles in the West ; on the Vedas, by Colebrooke ; etc. 30288 Vol. XII, 576 pp. map and 5 plates, Z6s 1816 On the Malayu Nation, by T. Raffles ; Early History of Algebra, by Strachey ; Funeral Ceremonies of a Burman Priest, by Carey 5 Hindu notions of the precession of the Equinoxes, by Sir W. Jones ; Translation of a Sanskrit Inscription ; Journey to Lake Mansarovara in Little Tibet, by W. Moorcroft ; Statistics of Burdwan, by Bayley ; etc. 30289 Vol. XIII, 495 pp. map and 12 plates, 36s 1820 Hindu Religion in the Island of Bali, by J. Crawford ; the Murderers called Phansigars ; on Badheks and T'hegs ; Survey of Kemaon ; Ruins of Prambanan in Java, by Crawford. 30290 Vol. XV, 663 _pp. and 17 plates, 36.s 1825 On the Hindu History of Cashmir, by H. H. Wilson ; Account of Bhutan; Account of Cuttack, by A. Stirling; on the Building Stones and Mosaic of Akberabad or Agra ; Sanscrit Inscriptions by Capt. E. Fell ; Ancient Hindu Remains in Chattisgher, with translations by Wilson, etc. 30291 Vol. XVI, 502 pp. 5 j^lates, good copy, sd. uncut, 7s 6d 1828 Religious Sects of the Hindus, by H. H. Wilson ; Statistical Sketch of Kamaon ; the Khyen Tribe, by Lieut. Trant ; Translation of an Inscription on the Great Bell of Rangoon, by G. H. Hough ; Sanscrit Inscriptions at Abu, by H. H. Wilson ; Geography and Population of Asam ; Sketcli of Aracan ; on the Zehr Mohereh, or Snake-Stone ; on Coal and Lignite in the Himal.aya, by Lieut. Cautley ; on the Languages, Literature and Religion of the Bhauddas of Nepal and Bhot,by B. H. Hodgson ; etc. 30292 JOURNAL of the Asiatic Society of BENGAL .... quite complete from the beginning in 1832 to the end of 1877, being Vols. I-XLVI, 8vo. with a large number of plates, in, boards arid parts, uncut, £72. Calcutta, 1832-77 Down to 1864 inclusive, the "Proceedings" were issued with the "Journal." From 1865 they were issued separately. The above set includes the " Proceedings," 1865 to 1877 (1875 wanting August). 30293 the same, complete, 1832 to 1877, or Vols. I-XLVI, thirty-eight vols, in forty-two in hf. calf, the rest in numbers, £60. 1832-77 With the " Proceedings," 1865 to 1877 (six nos. missing). 30294 — the same, complete, 1832 to 1874, Vols. I-XLIII, thirty-four vols, neatly and uniformly If. bd. calf, cloth sides, the rest chiefly in parts, imcut, £50. 1832-74 With the " Proceedings," 1865, July to Dec. 1866, 1867 to 1872, seven vols, bound, and six numbers. 30295 the same, 1832 to 1872, Vols. I-XLI, hf. bd. in green calf neat, cloth sides, the last vol. in parts, £40. 1832-72 With the "Proceedings," 1865 to 1870, in three volumes. 30296 complete to 1871, Vols. I-XL, eight vols. hf. bd. the rest in cloth and parts, chiefly uncut, £36. 1832-71 30297 the same, 1832 to 1871 ; 40 vols, (two nos. wanting), the first twenty-five vols, arid the Index-vol. uniformly half bound in calf, the rest in parts, £30. 1832-71 The two missing numbers are 1867, part II, number 2 ; 1868, part I, number 3. With the "Proceedings," 1865 to April, 1871 (some numbers missing). 3052 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Asiatic Society of Bengal — continued. 30298 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1832 to 1870, inclusive, being Vols. I-XXXIX, tliirty vols, bound in forty- seven hf. green calf neat, the rest hd. not uniform and in parts, £25. 1832-71 Wants 1866, part II, number 4 ; 1867, part I, number 4, part II, numbers 2 and 4 ; 1868, part I, numbers 3 and 4. 30299 the same, 1832 to 1859, 1861-66, 1868-70;— 36 vols. the first fourteen vols, in twenty-two, uniformly hf. hd. calf gilt, two vols, bound not ^miform, the rest m parts, from the library of Sir H. M. Elliott, £20. 1882-70 Wants 1862, parts 1, 2 and 4 ; 1863, part 1 ; 1866, part I, number 1, part 11, number 4 ; 1868, part I. Here are for sale eight sets of the " Bengal Journal," which is now intro^ivahle in India ; they are offered at very moderate prices. N.B. — Imperfect sets completed ; odd parts sold separately. The Bengal Journal was published in the following order : — Series I, 1832 to Dec. 1838, 84 Nos. ; Series II, Jan. 1839 to Dec. 1846, 89 Nos. or Nos. 85 to 173, Old Series ; Series III (publishing at the present time), 1847 to — , in which the old numeration stopped short at No. 297, being the end of Vol. 33, 1864. In 1865 the Society commenced to issue the Journal in two divisions : I, Histoiy, Literature, etc.; II, Physical Science ; and in this order it has continued to be published. Vol. XXV contains a General Index to the preceding. In 1865 the Proceedings commenced to be published separately, a number every month. 30300 Gleanings in Science (edited by James Prinsep), 36 nos. complete, forming 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £3. 10s Calc. 1829-31 30301 tbe same, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. russia, uncut, £4. 1829-31 30302 the same, 3 vols. 8vo. the second vol. without title and Index and in bad condition, hf. calf, £2. 10s 1829-31 The forerunner of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 30303 Prinsep (James) Useful Tables, 3 parts complete, 8vo. not uniform, 10s Calc. 1833-46 Containing tables of Indian Coins, with plates, Weights and Measures, Chronological and Genealogical tables, and the Generic Characters of Rox- burghe's Flora Indica. 30304 Ceylon Branch. Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Asiatic Society, from the beginning in 1845 to 1866, nos. 1-12 (without number 4), in 3 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. calf neat, very scarce, £2. 10s Colombo, 1845-66 30305 the same, numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8,— in 3 vols. cloth and sd. 25s 1845-55 Collation : No. 1, 1845-46 (reprinted 1859) ; No. 2, May '46— Feb, '47 ; 3, May '47 — April '48 (4, June '48 — Aug. '49) ; 5, June '49 — Aug. '50. The pagination of each of these five parts is independent of the others. Number 6 is called Vol. II part 1, 1853 ; 7, Vol. II, No. 2, 1853 ; 8, Vol. II, No. 3, 1855 ; 9, 1856-58, No. 1 ; 10, 1856-58, No. 2 ; 11, 1858-59, dated 1860 ; 12, 1865-66. Nothing seems to have been issued during 1861-64. 30306 Straits Branch. Journal of the Straits Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, numbers 5, 6, 7 and 9, 8vo. maps, sd. 12s Singapore, 1880-82 ASIATIC SOCIETY op Great Britain: 30307 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, complete set from the beginning in 1834 to 1883, 35 GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 3053 vols. 8vo. plates, thirty vols, in whole calf, the rest as issued, £16. 10s 1834-83 (FiKST Series) 20 vols, (of Vols. XI and XIV only the first part waa published) 1834-63— New Series, Vols. I-XV, 1864-83. 30308 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, First Series, 20 vols. 8vo. twelve vols. hf. calf, the rest in parts, £9. 9s 1834-63 30309 the same, New Series, Vols. I-XIV, Svo. eight vols, in hf. calf gilt, the rest in parts, £7. 10s 1864-82 30310 AVRIL (Ph.) Voyage en divers Etats d'Europe et d'Asie, pour decouvrir un nouveau Chemin a la Chine, 12ino. plates, calf gilt, frovi the Beclcforcl library, Hamilton Palace, 21s 1693 The author travelled through Armenia, Tartary, China, Russia, Moldavia, etc. 30311 Voyage en divers Etats, etc. 1693 — Meyerberg (A. Baron de) Voyage en Moscovie, Leide, 1688 ; — in 1 vol. 12mo. vellum, 12s 1688-93 80312 Bayer (T. S.) de Horis Sinicis, Historia Regni Grsecorum Bac- triani, Doctrina Temporum Indica, 1 vol. 4to. plates, old calf, 6s Petropoli, 1735 30313 BEALE (Th. Wm.) Oriental Biographical Dictionary, edited for the Asiatic Society of Bengal by H. G. Keene, 4to. hds. 30s Calcutta, 1881 30314 Bell's (J.) Travels from St. Petersburg to diverse parts of Asia, 2 vols. 4to. map. Id. 9s Glasgow, 1763 30315 BlOT, Astronomic Indienne et Chinoise, Svo. sd. 4s 1862 30316 Black (Charles Ingham) the Proselytes of Ishmael ; a survey of the Turanian Tribes in their western migrations, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1880 30317 BOMBAY GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the BOMBAY GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY: from the beginning in 1836 to 1871, Vols. I-XVIII and XIX parts 1 and 2 {without Vol. XI) and with General Index to the first seventeen volumes, Svo. numerous plates and maps, some coloured, the Index hound, the rest uncut, £15. Bombay, etc. 1836-71 Added to the set is the Catalogue of the Library of the Society, compiled by D. J. Kennelly, 1862. 30318 Transactions of the Bombay Geographical Society, Vols. I-XIV (toithottt Vol. XI) and Vol. XVIII, 14 vols. Svo. sd. and in parts, %mcut, £6. 10s 1836-68 30319 another set, Vols. I to X, XIII and XVIII, Svo. one vol. hf. bound, the rest in bds. and sd. uncut, £4. 1836-68 The proper titles and lists of contents to the first eight volumes were issued altogether after the publication of the eighth volume. The last of the three sets above described has only the temporary titles, etc. of these volumes. A scarce and valuable periodical, including much historical and ethno- logical matter, Vocabularies and grammatical sketches of several languages and dialects, etc. A complete set has not been in the market for many years. 30320 Bombay Quarterly Review, 7 vols, complete, Svo. maps, hf. calf gilt, 36s 1855-58 30321 Brandes, Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des Orients im Alterthura, Svo. sd. 2s 6d Balle, 1874 3054 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Buddhism : 30322 Arnold (E.) tlie Light of Asia, being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, founder of Buddhism (a poem), 12mo. velhtm, 2s 6d 1883 30323 Beale (Samuel) the Buddhist Tripitaka as it is known in China and Japan ; a catalogue and compendious report, sm. folio, sd. 7s 6d 1876 30324 BiGANDET (P.) Life or Legend of Gaudama, the Budha of the Burmese, with notices on the Phongies, Svo. half calf, bs Rangoon, 1858 30325 Bdrnotjf (E.) Introduction a I'histoire du Buddhisme Indien, Tome premier {all published), large 4to. sd. 36s ; hf. morocco, £2. Paris, 1844 30326 deuxieme edition, roy. 8yo. sd. 18s Paris, 1876 30327 HARDY (R. Spence) Eastern Monachism : an account of the origin, laws, discipline, sacred writings, rites, etc. etc. of the order of Mendicants founded by Gotama Budha, compiled from Singalese MSS. 8vo. cloth, 9s 1860 30328 Legends and Theories of the Buddhists, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1866 30329 Hodgson (B. H.) Illustrations of the Literature and Religion of the Buddhists, 8vo. plates of alphabets, cloth, 7s Serampore, 1841 30330 LiLLiE (Arthur) the Popular Life of Buddha, sm. 8vo. wood- cuts, cloth, 4s 1883 30331 Obey (J. B. F.) du Nirvana Indien, ou de I'affi-anchissement de I'ame selon les Brahmanes et les Bouddhistes, Amiens, 1856 — Du Nirvana Bouddhique, Paris, 1863; — in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf , 5s 30332 Oldenberg (Dr. H.) Buddha : his life, his doctrine, his order, translated by Hoey, 8vo. (published at 18s), cloth, 9s 1882 30333 OzERAT, Recherches sur Buddou, 8vo. sd. 2s Paris, 1817 30334 Phillips (R.) Story of Gautama Buddha and his Creed, an epic, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1871 30335 RiTTER (C.) die Stupa's (Topes) oder die architectonischen Denkmale der Indo-Baktrischen Koenigsstrasse und die Colosse von Bamiyan, map and plates, 1838 — Einleitung zur vergleichen- den Geographic, etc. 1852 — in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf, 6s Berlin, 1838-52 30336 Saint-Hilaire (J. B.) Le Bouddha et sa Religion, 12mo. hf. calf, 5s 1866 30337 ScHiEFNER (A.) Mahakatjajana und Konig Tshanda-Pradjota ; ein Cyklus Buddhistischer Erzahlungen, folio, sd. 2s 6d St. Petersb. 1875 30338 SCHLAGINTWEIT (E.) Buddhism in Tibet illusti-ated by literary documents and objects of religious worship, with an account of the Buddhist systems preceding in India, roy. 8vo. without the Atlas, cloth, lbs 1863 " Ce travail consiste en deux parties distinctes : I'une est un expose du dogme et de I'histoire du Bouddisme, d'apres les travaux rtkents ; I'autre est un tableau du Bouddhisme vivant, tel que M. Robert Schlaginiweit, un des GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 3055 Buddhism — continued. freres de I'auteur, I'a trouve au Tibet. Nous y trouvons bien des details curieux et nouveaux sur le culte, les monasteres, les representations des dieux, les ceremonies, les superstitions, etc." — Mohl, Rapp. Ann. du Journ. Asiat. 30339 ScH(EBEL, le Bonddha et le Bouddliisme, 8vo. sd. Ss 6d Paris, 1857 30340 Senaet, E.ssai sur la Legende de Buddha, son caractere et ses origines, 8vo. sd. 10s Paris, 1875 30841 Shaman Catechism— t?i. Neumann's Translations from the Chinese and Armenian, 8vo. sd. 10s 1831 for other works on Buddhism, see ante, p. 1816-1819, a^id also under tlie sections of Languages, post : Chinese, Japanese, Sanscrit, Pali, Singalese, Burmese, Tibetan. BURCKHARDT'S (J. L.) Travels in the East, 4to. :— 30342 Travels in Nubia, portrait and maps, Ids. 15s 1819 30343 Travels in Stria and the Holy Land, portrait, maps, and plates, bds. 30s 1822 30344 Travels in ARABIA, comprehending an account of those terri- tories in the Hedjaz, which the Mohammedans regaxxl as sacred, maps and 'plates, £3. 3s 1829 30345 Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabts, collected during his travels in the East, map, bds. £2. 10s 1830 30346 ARABIC PROVERBS, or the Manners and Customs of the modern Egyptians, illustrated from the proverbial sayings current at Cairo, translated and explained, bds. £2. 10s 1830 " Few travellers have dorte more for geography than this author : anti- quities, manners, customs, etc. wore examined and investigated by him with a success which could only have been insured by such zeal, perseverance, and judgment, as he evidently possessed." — Stevenson. 30347 Carre (Leon) I'Ancien Orient, etudes sur I'Egypte, la Chine, rinde, la Perse, la Chaldee, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 6s 6d Paris, 1875 Vol. Ill, Palestine, and Vol. IV, Appendice, have been published. 30348 Catalogue of the Oriental Coins in the British Museum, Vols. I-VIII, 8vo. plates, cloth 1875-83 Sold separately : Vol. IV, 12s ; Vol. V, 9s ; Vol. VI, 15s; Vol. VII, 9s ; Vol. VIII, 20s. The first three volumes are out of print. 30348*Chahan de Cirbeid (J. M.) Armenien, et E. Martin, Recherches curieuses sur I'Histoire ancienne de V A&ie, frontispiece, gilt bind- ing, from the Bedford Library, 21s Paris, 1806 30349 CENTENO (Amaro) Historia de Cosas del Oriente ; descripcion de Assia, historia de los Tartaros, de Egipto y de Hierusalem, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. stained, limp velhcm, 20s Cordova, Diego Galvan, 1595 30349*- the same, sm. 4to. good copy in old calf, 36s 1595 This work is divided into two parts, the first of which contains a transla- tion of the Oriental chronicle of Hayton the Armenian, and the second is a history of the Crusades. Hayton's history never appeared in any other Spanish form. It is a valuable record of the MongoUan dynasty established by Chingiz Khan. 30350 CoNGRES DES Oriextalistes. Compte Rendu de la lere session, Paris, 1873, 3 vols. — Transactions of the 2nd session, London, 1874— Atti del IV Congresso, ecc. Firenze, 1878, 2 vols. — 3056 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. together 6 vols. 8vo. plates of Inscriptions, Coins, and objects of Ai-t and Antiquity, cloth and sd. £2. 16s 1874-81 30351 Defense des nouveaux Chrestiens et des Missionnaires de la Chine, du Japon et des Indes, 12ibo. calf, 7s 6d Paris, 1687 30352 DE GUIGNES, Histoire Generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, 4 vols, in 5, 4to. hf calf, £2. Paris, 1756-58 This grand work is of so extensive a scope that it not only includes the histories mentioned on the title, but also those of China, the Mamelukes of Egypt, the Frank Kings of Palestine, the Persians, etc. 30353 Senkowski, Supplement a I'Histoire des Huns, etc. (de De Guignes) contenant I'histoire de la domination des Uzbeks dans la Grande Bukharie jusqu'a 1709, et continuation de I'histoire de Kharezm, 4to. ids. very rare, £2. 10s . St. Petersh. 1824 30354 another copy, 1824 — Schmidt (I.J.) die YolksstJimme der Mongolen, ib. 1834 — Schott (W.) Aelteste Nachrichten von Mongolen und Tartaren, Berlin, 1846 — Die letzten Jahre der Mongolen-herrschaf t in China, von demselben, 1850 ; — in 1 vol. 4to. hf calf, £2. 10s 30355 Delattre, le Peuple et I'Empiredes Medes jusqu'a la fin du regne de Cyaxare, 4to. sd. 2s 6d Bruxelles, 1883 30356 D'HERBELOT, Bibliotheque Orientale [avec les corrections et additions de Schultens (et Reiske), continuee par Visdelou et Galand], 4 vols. 4to. best edition, portrait, slightly wormed, hf. hd. £2. 1777(-82) 30357 the same, 4 vols. 4to. calf neat, £3. 16s 1777 (-82) 30358 the same, large paper, 4 vols. roy. 4to. calf neat, £6. 10s 1777(-82) The best edition of this valuable encyclopaedia. The work includes Oriental Biography, Bibliography, History, Arts and Sciences, Religion, etc. 30359 Bibliotheque Orientale, par Visdelou et Galand, avec les ADDITIONS de Schultens, folio (being the Largest Paper issue, with borders, of Vol. IV of the whole work, printed for posses- sors of the original folio D'Herbelot), portrait, hf. bd. rare, 25s La Haye, 1779-82 The additions made by Schultens and Reiske in 1782, which occupy about 60 pp. at the end of the fourth volume of the 4to. edition, were never printed except for the editions of the Hague. 30360 D'OHSSON (C.) Histoire des Mongols depuis Tchinguiz-Khan, jusqu'a Tamerlan, 4 vols. 8vo. map, sd. 30s La Haye, 1834 30361 DOROW, die Indische Mythologie erlautert durch drei Origiual- Gemahlde aus Indien ; die Assyrische Keilschrift erlautert durch zwei Japis Cylinder aus Nineveh, etc. in 1 vol. 4to. many plates, cloth, 3s 6d Wiesbaden, 1820-21 30362 Du Bec (J., Abbot of Mortimer), Historie of the Great Emperour Tamerlan . . . drawen fi-om the auncient Monuments of the Arabians, translated out of French by H. M., smallest 4to. /;/. calf 18s W. Ponsonby, 1597 see post TiMUR. 30363 DuNCKER (Max) Geschichte des Altcrthums, 2 vols, thick 8vo. hf. calf, 12s Leipzig, 1867-74 I, die .SIgypter — die Semiten — die Griindung der Assyrischen Macht und die Syrischen Staaten und Stiidte— II, Geschichte der Arier. GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 3057 30364 Dureau-de-la-Mallb, Geographie Physique de la Mer Noire, de rinterieur de TAMque et de la Mediterranee, 8vo. maps, calf gilt, 7s 6d Paris, 1807 30365 Feaehn (0. M.) de Origine Vocabuli Russici " Dengi ;" de Chasaris, ex script. Arabicis ; Drei Miinzen der Wolga-Bul- gharen, plate ; iiber die Mongol. Stadt Ukek, im Sxiden von Saratow ; etc. — 6 pieces in 1 vol. 4to. cloth, 9s 1815-35 30366 Indications bibliographiques relatives a la litterature hist.-geographique des Arabes, des Persans, et des Turcs, destinees a nos employes en Asie, in Russian and French, St. Petershourg, 1845 — Miscellen aus dem Gebiete der Oriental- iscben Literatur, ib. 1840 — Abbandlungen die Mnhammedan- ische Niiraismatik betreffend, Leipzig, 1844, etc. — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. hd. 7s 6d 30367 Genghiz Khan. Histoire de Gentcbiscan et de toute la Dinastie des Mongous, par le R. P. Gaubil, 4to. old calf, 6s Paris, 1739 30368 Erdmann (Franz von) Temndscbin der Unerscbiitterlicbe, nebst einer geographisch-ethnograpbischen Einleitung, 8vo. hf. cf. 5s Leipzig, 1862 see post Petis de la Croix. 30369 GouvoFF (P. de) de la Civilisation des Tatars-Nogais dans le midi de la Russie Europeenne, 8vo. hf. hd. 5s Xarkof, 1816 30370 GuMPACH, die Zeitrecbnung der Babylonier und Assyrer, 8vo. hds. Is 6d Heidelberg, 1852 30371 Abriss der Babylonisch-Assyriscben Gescbicbte, 8vo. hds. 2s Mannheim, 1854 30372 Hagemeister, les Ressonrces territoriales et commerciales de I'Asie Occidentale, les babitans, leur industrie, etc. 8vo. bd. rare, 10s St. Peters. 1839 30373 Hammer (J. de) Histoire de I'Ordre des Assassins, traduite et augmentee par Hellert et De la Nourrais, 8vo. hds. 5s 1833 30374 sur les Origines Russes ; extraits des MSS. Orientaux, 4to. sd. 5s St. Petersb. 1827 30374* Gescbicbte der goldenen Horde in Kiptscbak, das ist : der Mongolen in Rnssland, tbick 8vo. hf. bd. 7s 6d Pesth, 1840 30375 HERODOTUS, History of, a new version by George Rawlinson, assisted by Sir Henry Rawlinson and Sir Gardner Wilkinson, 4 vols. 8vo. mups and woodcuts, cloth, £2. 1862 30376 Housman (C.) A Writing or Declaration from the Law Book to obliterate tbe Solar System, 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, of Bible subjects, Images, Gods, etc., and of the Solar System, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s 1821 Only 25 copies printed. The work is an attack on tbe Copemican and Newtonian system. 30377 HUMBOLDT (A. de) Asie Centrale ; recbercbes snr les Cbaines de Montagnes et la Climatologie comparee, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. neat, £2. 2s Paris, 1843 30378 Humboldt (W. von) Verscbiedenbeit des menscblicben Spracb- baues, %o.pp. 511, sd. 10s Berlin, 1836 3058 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30^79 HYDE (T.) Syntagma Dissertationum et Opuscula inedita, cum Appendice de Lingua Sinensi, aliisque Linguis Orientalibus, etc. ed. Sharpe, 2 vols. 4to. portrait and 22 plates of Oriental Alphabets, calf, 25s Oxo7i. 1767 Contents : Sharpe de "Vita Scriptisque T. Hyde ; Tabulas Long, ac Lat. Stellarum fixarum ex obs. U. Beighi ; M. Tizini TabuliB Declinationum et rectarum Ascensionum ; A. Peritsol. Itinei-a Mundi, heb. et lat.; A. Bobovius de Turcarum Liturgia, Peregrin atione Meccana, Circumcisione, etc.; Shahiludium ; Historia Nerdiludii ; De Mensuris et Ponderibus Sinensium ; Sharpe de Sinarum et Tatarorum Linguis, etc., etc. 30379* de Ludis Orientalibus, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. plates, calf, OcMeys copy ivith his autograph, 12s Oxon. 1694 30380 INDIAN ANTIQUARY (The) a Journal of Oriental Research in Archaeology, History, Literature, Languages, Philosophy, Religion and Folklore, etc. edited by J. Burgess, complete from the beginning in January 1872 to December, 1883, 151 numbers forming 12 vols. 4to. plates and woodcuts, very scarce, Bombay, 1872-83 30381 ■ another set, from the beginning in January 1872 to April 1876, being numbers 1-53, or Vol. I-IV and the first four numbers of Vol. V, 4to. withmany plates and woodcuts, four vols, hf. calf, and four parts, £10. Bombay, 1872-76 30382 the same, numbers 1-39 or Vol. I-III and the first two numbers of Vol. IV, the first vol. hf. bd. the rest in parts, £7. -^ 1872-75 30383 Irby and Mangles, Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Syria, and Asia- Minor, 8vo. map and plates, hf. calf, 12s 1823 30383*Jervis (T. B.) Primitive universal Standard of Weights and Measures, 8vo. bds. 3s Qd Gale. 1835 30384 JONES (Sir William) Works, with Life by Lord Teignmouth, 13 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, £2. 2s 1809 30385 Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence of Sir W. Jones, by Lord Teignmouth, 4to. portrait, russia gilt, binding broken, 7s 6d 1804 30386 JoSENHANS, Atlas der evangelischen Missions- Gesellschaft in Basel nach den Angaben der Missionare, oblong folio, 11 coloured maps of parts of India, China, Africa, etc. bds. 5s Basel, 1859 30387 JOURNAL ASIATIQUE, ou Recueil de Memoires relatifs a I'Histoire, a la Philosophic, aux Langues, et a la Litterature des Peuples Orientaux, A complete set from the beginning in 1822 to September, 1882 — 120 vols, and 2 parts, 8vo. numerous plates, one hundred and six volumes uniformly half bound, the rest in parts, £36. 1822-82 Contents : Premiere Skrie, 11 vol. 1822-27— Secondb Serie, 16 vol. 1828-35 — TROisifeME Serie, 14 vol. 1836-42— QuatriiSimb Serie, 20 vol. 1843-52— CiNQUiEME Serie, 20 vol. 1853-62— Sixi^me Serie, 20 vol. 1863-72 — SEPTifeME Serie, Vol. I-XIX and XX parts 1 and 2, 1873-82. 30388 complete to March 1882 inclusive, 119 vols, and 3 parts, 8vo. forty-six in hf. calf, the rest partly botcnd and partly in mim,- bers, £24. 1822-82 GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 3050 30389 JOURNAL (the) of EASTERN ASIA, edited by James Collins, Vol. T, No. 1, 8vo. 120 pp. with pliotocjrapTdc front, representing Heads of the Orang-TJtan race of Johore, sd. 25 Qd Singapore, Juh/, 1875 A valuable adjunct to all Oriental Periodicals and Transactions. Contents : — Museums, their commercial and scientitic uses, by J. Collins — A Visit to Perak, by W. Knaggs — Carnivorous Plants, by Dr. Hooker — A Mission to Burmah, translated by Lieut. Jones — Magnetic Dip in Eastern Asia, by Vice- Admiral Shad well— Ethnological Excursion in Johore, by Dr. Maclay (see frontispiece} — Brachycephality amongst f'apuans, by the same — Abdullah's Voyage to Klantan, trans, by the Rev. B. P. Keasberry — Reviews, Notes, etc. 30390 K^MPFERi(E.)AmoenitatesExoticae Politico-Physico-Medicse, thick 4:to.flne folding views, plates of plants, etc. good binding, 5s LemgovicB, 1712 30391 Kheriedine (General) Reformes necessaires anx Etats Musulmans, trad, de I'Arabe, 8vo. sd. Is ; or, hf. morocco, 2s 6d 1868 30392 KLAPROTH (J.) Tableaux Historiques de I'Asie, depuis la monarchie de Cyi'us jusqu'a nos jours, avec des recherches his- toriques et ethnographiques, 4to. with folio atlas of 27 large colotired historical maps and plates, 2 vols. hf. calf, not uniform, 25s Paris, 1826 30393 the same, 2 vols, uniform in hf. morocco gilt, uncut, 27s 1826 30394 the folio Atlas separately, hf. morocco, 20s 1826 30395 • Memoires relatifs a I'Asie ; recherches historiques, geo- gi'aphiques et philologiques, 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, hf. calf, 15s Paris, 1826-28 30396 ■ Memoires relatifs a I'Asie, 3 vols. — Magasin Asiatique revue geographique et historique de I'Asie, 2 vols. — 5 vols, in 4, 8vo. maps and plates, hf. calf, rare, 24s Paris, 1825-i^8 30397 Kruger, Geschichte der Assyrier und Iranier vom 13ten, bis zum 5ten. Jahrh. vor Christus, 8vo. plates, bds. 5s Franlfiort, 1856 30398 Le Brun (C.) Voyages par Moscovie en Perse et aux Indes Orien- tales, 2 vols, folio, containing nearhj 300 fine plates of Views, Antiguities, and Costumes, russia, £2. 10s Amst. 1718 30399 Lenormant (Fr.) les Premieres Civilisations, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 8s Qd Paris, 1874 I. Archeologie prehistorique, Egypte ; II. Chaldee et Assyria, Phenicie. 30400 LuALDi, I'lndia Oiientale soggettata al Vangelo, sm. 4to. stained, vellum, 20s Roma, 1653 Describes the missionary travels of St. Francis Xavier. 30401 Lucas (Paul) Voyage dans la Turquie, I'Asie, Sourie, Palestine, Haute et Basse Egypte, etc. 3 vols. 12mo. maps and plates, calf, from the Beclcford library, 30s Potten, 1719 30401* another edition, 2 vols. 12rao. map) and plates, old calf gilt, 10s Amst. 1720 30402 Maffei (G. P.) Istorie delle Indie Orientali tradotte di Latino in Lingua Toscana da F. Scrdonati, stout 8vo. old calf gilt, 10s Fiorenza, F. Giunti, 1589 8060 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE, 30403 MADRAS JOURNAL of Literature and Science, edited by J. C. Morris, Robert Cole and C. P. Bi'own, a complete set fi-om the beginning in 1833 to 1866, being the first two series and Third Series, nos. 1 and 2 ;— 23 vols, and 2 parts, 8vo. ivith numerous plates of Natural History, Hindoo Mythology, A7itiqu{' ties, and Geograjjliy, some coloured, twenty-two vols, bound in, eighteen, hf. russia and hf. calf, one in cloth, £15. Madras, 1833-66 30401 another set complete, /o^rfeeji vols, boiind in seven hf. calf gilt, PNCUT, one vol. in hds. the rest in parts, £25. 1833-66 Collation : First Series, numbers 1-39, 1832-50 — New Series, numbers 1-12 (or Original Series, numbers 40-51), 1856-61 — Third Series, numbers 1 and 2 (the last) 1864-66. Nothing appeared between 1850 and 1856, and between 1861 and 1864. 30405 Madras Journal, nos. 1-51 or Vols. I-XXIII, loanting no. 46, thirteen vols, hound in eight, not all uniform, the rest in parts, £14. 1833-61 30406 — — the same, Vols. LXXIII, tvithout nos. 6, 30, 31 aiid 46; — afeiv nos. bound in one vol. the rest in parts, £12. 1833-61 A very rare and important periodical. The articles on Mythology, Anti- quities, Ethnology and Natural History are written by the most distinguished men. 30407 Maesden (Wm.) Numismata Orientalia illustrata ; the Plates of the Oriental Coins of his collection, 4to. 57 plates issued without teo-t, cloth, 25s 1869 30408 Maspero (G.) Geschichte der Morgenlandischen Volker iibersetzt von R. Pietschmann, 8vo. map, sd. 8s Leipzig, 1877 Mohammed, Mohammedanism : 30409 BoDLAiNViLLiERS. Vie de Mahomed, avec des reflexions sur la Religion Mahometane, et les Coutumes des Musulmans, 12mo. vellum, 2s 6d Amst. 1731 30410 Garcin dk Tassy, Exposition de la foi musulmane, Pend-Nameh, le Borda, en Frangais, 8vo. bds. 2s 1822 30411 Geiger (Ab.) Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthume aufgenommen,J?o?i?i, 1833— GEROCK,Darstellnng der Christologie des Koran, Hamh. 1829 ; — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. bd. 2s Qd 30412 Imberdis, Mahomet et I'lslam, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Fhilippeville, 1867 30413 Keehl, das Leben des Muhammed, Vol. I, 12mo. sd. 2s 6d Leipzig, 1884 30414 Mills (Charles) History of Muhammedanism, 8vo. bds. 2s 1817 30415 MuiR (Sir Wm.) Mahomet and Islam, sketch of his life from original sources, and outline of his religion, sm. 8vo. map and cuts, cloth, 3s 6(i 1883 30416 Pitts (Joseph) Account of the Religion and Manners of the Mohammetans, description of Medina, Algier, Alexandria ; account of the author's being taken captive, etc. 8vo. calf, 5s Exon, 1704 30417 Qanoon-e-Islam, or the customs of the Moosulmans of India, by Jaffur-Shurreef, translated by G. A. Herklots, 8vo. curious plates, hf. calf neat, 20s 1832 GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 3061 Mohammed, Mohammedanism — continued. 30418 Rabadax (Mahomet) Mahometism fnlly explained, ^vritten in Spanish and Ai-abic in 1603, translated from the MS. by Morafan, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, \2s 1723 30419 Rousseau, Meraoire sur les trois pins fameuses Sectes da MusTilmanisme, les Wahabis, les Nosaires et les Ismaelis, 8vo. hf. Id. 2s 6d 1818 30420 Sprenger (A.) das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammed nach bisher grosstentheils nubenutzten Quellen, 3 vols, in 6, 8vo. sd. 15s ; or, Jif. calf, 20s Berlin, 1861-65 30421 the Life of Mohammed, from original sources, 8vo. 210 _pp. sd. 7s ed Allahabad, 1851 ^'o more Tvas ever printed in English than these 210 pp. which leave the Prophet at Medina in a.d. 622. But what there is, is carefully and critically derivedfrom the best sources; and the first book (74 pp.) is devoted to a prelimi- nary study of the subject, which exhibits Dr. Sprenger's learning at its best. There is so much difference between Muir and Sprenger that no reader of the former can dispense with the latter. Only 100 copies were printed. 30422 "Wallich, Religio Turcica, Mahometis Yita, etc. sm. 4to. frontis- jnece and plates of Mohammedan Ceremonies, the text in German, vellum, 7s Stad. Suec. 1659 see also passim, under Arabic; and Haiyat ul Kuloob tinder Persian. 30423 MoxcoNTS (M. de) Voyages (d'Egypte, de Syrie, de Constantinople, et de divers pays de I'Europe), 5 vols, in 7, 12mo. many plates, fine copy in old gilt tree-marbled calf extra, by Baumgarten, a pretty copy, from the Bechford library, Hamilton Palace, £2. 10s Paris, 1695 The last vol. contains the author's " Poesies, Lettres, Secrets et Eeceptes." 30424 Mouat (F. J.) Rough Notes of a Trip to Reunion, the Mauritius and Ceylon, roy. 8vo. illustrations, cloth, 3s Qd Calc. 1852 30425 Nesselmanx, die Orientalischen Miinzen in Konigsberg, 8vo. sd. 2s Leipzig, 1858 30426 NI:vE (F.) Eloge de Ballanche, 1850— L'Antiquite Chretien ne en Orient, 1852 — Hymnes Funebres de I'Eglise Armenienne, 1855 — Calidasa, ou la poesie sanscrite, 1864 — Les Peuples de I'Orient avant la civilisation grecque, 1868 ; and other pieces, in 1 vol. 8vo. half morocco, 15s 30427 NiEBUHR (Marcus) Geschichte Assur's und Babel's seit Phul, 8vo. map, cloth, 7s 6d Berlin, 1857 NUMISMATA ORIENTALIA (the International), impl. 4io. sd. 30428 Coinage of Lydia and Persia, by B. V. Head, 3 plates, 7s 1877 30429 Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon, by T. W, Rhys Davids, 1 plate, 10s 1877 30430 Coins of the Jews, by F. W. Madden, pp. xii and 330, plate of alphabets and 279 icoodcuts (published at £2.), 20s 1881 30431 Coins of Arakan, of Pegu, and of Burma, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. P. Phayre, 5 plates, 8s 6d 1882 3062 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30432 Numismatic Chroxicle, 6 parts, 8vo. plates, sd. 10s 1843-57 Inclnrling : Ancient Coinage of Kashmir, by Lt. A. Cunningham ; Oriental Legends on certain Arsacidan and Partho-Persian Coins, by E. Thomas ; Gold Coins of Syracuse, by G. Sparkes ; Parthian Coins, by W. H. Scott ; Byzantine Coins, by G. Finlay ; Regal Coins of Mesopotamia, by W. H. Scott ; Catalogue of Bactrian Coins, by E. Thomas, etc. 30433 Ockley's History of the Saracens, third edition, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 7s 6d Cambridge, 1767 30434 [OusELEY (Sir William)] Oriental Collections : essays, disserta- tions and translations illustrating the History, Antiquities, Arts, Sciences and Literature of Asia, 3 vols. 4to. plates of Ivscri-ptions^ Antiquities, Natural History, etc. two in calf, one hf. hd. 21s 1797-1800 30435 the same. Vols. I and IT, 4to. calf, 15s 1797-98 Including contributions by Sir W. Ouseley, Lt.-Gen. Vallancey, Jonathan Scott, etc. 30436 Patell (Cowasjee Sorabjee) Chronology; corresponding dates of the different Eras used by Christians, Jews, Greeks, Hindus, Mohamedans, Parsees, Chinese, Japanese, etc. roy. 4to. cloth, stained, V2s 1866 30437 Pastoret, Zoroastre, Confucius et Mahomet compares, 8vo. calf, 2s Qd Paris, 1788 30438 Patterson (J. L.) Tour in Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Greece, 8vo. plates, cloth, 2s Qd 1852 30439 Persia and Afghanistan ; Narrative of the events relating to the Correspondence on Persia and Afghanistan, 8vo. hds. 2s 1839 30440 Petis de La Croix (M.) Histoire du Grand Genghizcan, premier Empereur des Anciens Mogols et Tartares, 12mo. map, presen- tation copy to the Marquis de Torcy, tvith Author's autograph inscription, calf extra, gilt edges, 15s Par-is, 1710 30441 History of Genghizcan the Great, translated, 8vo. hf. hd. hs Calc. 1819 30442 Phoenicians. MOVERS (C. J.) das phonizische Alterthum: Politische Geschichte und Staatsverfassung, Geschichte der Colonien ; Handel und Schiff-fahrt ; 3 vols. 8vo. sd. £3. 5s Berlin, 1849-56 The second volume is out of print. 30443 Barges (Abbe J. J. L.) Recherches Archeologiques sur les Colonies Pheniciennes etablies sur le littoral de la Celtoligurie, 8vo. woodcuts, sd. 3s Qd Paris, 1878 30444 Pietraszewski (I.) Numi Mohammedani, fasc. I ; Numi Mamlu- korum Dynastise, etc. 4to. 15 plates, containing figures of nearly 250 coins, sd. 12s Berol. 1843 30445 Plaisted (B.) Journal from Calcutta, by sea, to Busscrah : from thence across the Great Desart to Aleppo, etc. 12mo. calf, 3s 6tZ 1757 30446 POCOCKE (R.) Description of the East and some other Countries (Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus and Candia), 3 vols, in 2, folio, 179 plates, inclndivg maps, one volume tvormed, calf neat, 20s 1743-45 GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 3063 30447 POCOCKE (R.) Description of the East and some other Countries, 3 vols, in 2, folio, \7 9 plates, frontispiece, calf gilt, 28s 1743-4.5 " The high value of Pococke's Travels, with respect to Antiquities and Science, is universally acknowledged. Pococke was probably equal to any Oriental scholar whom Europe has hitherto produced." 30448 Poole's (S. L.) Catalogue of the Collection of Oriental Coins belonging to Col. Guthrie ; Coins of the Amawi Khalifehs, 8vo. b plates, representing nearly 50 Coins, seiced, 2s Privately printed, Hertford, 1874 30449 the same, large paper, sm. 4to. clotlt, hs 1874 30450 Price (Major David) Principal Events of Mahornmedan History to the accession of the Emperor Akbar, 3 vols, in 4to. large coloured map, cloth, 20s 1821 30451 the same, 4 vols. ivitliotU the map, a piece cut from each title to destroy a stamp), hf. rvssia, 12s 1821 30452 Prokesch-Osten, Monnaies de Rois Parthes, 4to. engravings of 59 Coins, sd. 5s Paris, 1874-75 30453 Rampoldi (G. B.) Annali Musulmani, 12 vols. 8vo. with Index, hf. calf gilt, 20s Milajio, 1822-3 30454 Rapports sur les progres des lettres etc. en France, progres de3 etudes relatives a I'Egypte et a I'Orient, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d ; hf. calf, 3s 6d Paris, 1867 30455 Reinaud, Monumens Arabes, Persans, et Turcs, du Cabinet de M. le Due de Blacas ; consideres d'apres leurs rapports avec lea croyances, les mceurs, et I'histoire des nations musulmanes, 2 vols. 8vo. j^lates, cloth, 12s 1828 30456 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. red morocco, 15s 1828 30457 ■ Relation des Voyages faits par les Arabes et les Persans — see under Arabic. 30458 [Renaudot (E.)] Anciennes Relations des Indes et de la Chine de deux voyageurs Mahometans, qui y allerent dans le IXe Siecle, traduites d'Arabe avec des remarques, 8vo. autograph notes of M. Langles, russia neat, 20s Paris, 1718 A translation of a fragment of Mas'udi's Moruj uz Zahab. 30459 Rexnell (J.) Geographical System of Herodotus examined and. explained by comparison TV'ith other ancient authors and with modern geography, 4to. port, and 11 maps, russia extra, gilt edges, 20s 1800 30460 Roth (E ) Geschichte un.serer abendlandischen Philosophic : die ^gyptische und die Zoroastrische Glaubenslehre, Geschichte der Griechischen Philosophic, die altesten lonischen Denker und Pythagoras, 2 stout vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 12s 1858 30461 SACRED BOOKS OF THE EAST, translated by various Oriental Scholars, and edited by F. Max Miillei% Vols. I-XIX, XXI and XXIII (all pub., sell £12. 10s), 21 vols. 8vo. cloth, £9. Oxford, 1879-80 Contents : — Vol. I. The Upanishads, by Max Miiller, part 1, 7s 6cZ Vol. II. Sacred Laws of the Arya?, by G. Biihler, part 1, Apastambaand Gautama, Vol. III. Sacred Books of China, by J. Legge, part 1, with XVI, 15s Vol. IV. Zend-Avesta, by J. Darmestetter, part I 209 3064 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Vol. V. Pahlavi Texts, by E. W. West, part 1, The Biindahis, Bahman Yast, and Shavast La-Shayast Vol. VI. tlie QurWn, by E. H. Palmer, part 1, chapters 1-16 Vol. VII. Institutes of Vishnn, by J. Jollv, 7s 6d Vol. VIII, Bhagavadgita, with the San- atsugatiya, and Anugita, by K. T. Telang Vol. IX. The Qur'an, part 2, chaps. 17-114 Vol. X. TheDhammapada, byMax Mijller; and the Sutta-Nipata, by V. Fausboll, 7s 6d Vol. XI. Buddhist Suttas, by T. W. Rhys Davids Vol. XII. The Satapatha- Brahmana, by J. Eggeling, pt. 1, Books 1 and 2, 8s 6d Vol. XIII. Vinaya Texts, by Rhys Davids and H. Oldenberg, pt. 1, Patimokkha and Mahavagga, 1-4, 7s 6ct Vol. XIV. Sacred Laws of the Aryas, pt. 2 Vol. XV. The Upanishads, pt. 2 Vol. XVI. Sacred Books of China, pt. 2, with III, 15s Vol. XVII. Vinava Texts, pt. 2 Vol. XVIII. Pahlavi Texts, pt. 2 Vol. XIX. The Fo-Sho-hing-tsan-king, Life of Buddha, by S. Beal Vol. XXI. The Saddharma-Pundarika, or Lotus of True Law, by H. Kern Vol. XXIII. Zend-Avesta, pt. 2 Each volume is published at 10s 6d or 12s 6cJ. Those with prices affixed are sold sejiarately. 30462 Saint Martin (M. J.) Epoque de la mort d'Alexandre, et la Chronologie des Ptolemees, 1820 — L'Histoire et la Geographie fie la Mesene et de la Characene, 1838 — Histoire d'ArmeDie par le Patriarclie Jean VI traduite en Fran^ais, 1841 — Fragments d'une histoire des Arsacides, 2 vols. 1850 ; — together 5 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, uniform, £2. Paris, 1820-50 30463 Saint-Martin (Viv. de) Memoire sur la Carte de I'Asie centrale, etc. construite d'apres les relations chinoises pour les Voyages de Hiouen-Tlisang, 8vo. map, sd. 6s 6d Paris, 1858 30464 ScOTTO ( Benedetto ) Globe Maritime avec la cognoissance et pratique des longitudes proposee en une navigation qui est de passer par la Mer Septentrionale, de I'Occident a I'Orient, et aller au Jappon, Chine, etc. folio, 4 large woodcut maps, and 11 plates of Instruments, Fortifications, etc. vellum, £6. 10^ Paris, 1622 A very rare work on the North-East Passage, which takes its place here by reason of the delineation, in one of the maps, of all the north of Asia, from Nova Zemlya to Behring's Straits. 30465 Sedillot (L. A.) and Chasles, Tracts by, 7 pieces in 1 vol. 4to. hf. calf, 7s 6d Contents : Notice de plusienrs Opuscules Mathematiques Arabes, 1837; sur les Systemes Geographiques des Grecs et Arabes, 1842 ; Histoire de I'Algebre par Chasles, 1841 ; etc. 30466 Sketches of Oriental People and their Costumes, 36 plates loosely inserted between blank leaves in a 4to. vol. Ids. 32s Calcutta; circa 1840-50 In the vol. are also some wrappers with the title " Rough Sketches of Oriental Heads," in which apparently the above were issued. The plates, however, are not merely of heads, but, in many cases, of the whole figure. 30467 Thonissen (J. J.) Histoire du Droit Criminel des peuples anciens (Inde Brahmanique, Egypte, Judee), 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 15s 1869 30468 TiMUR. Sainctton, Histoire du grand Tamerlan, tiree d'un excellent MS. 12m.o,fine copy in vellum, 25s Leyde, Ahr. Wolfgang [Elzevir'] 1678 ■ see ante DuBEC, p. 3056. 304:68* History of Timur-Bec, Emperor of the Moguls and Tartars, being an historical journal of his conquests in Asia GENERAL ORIENTAL HISTORY. 3065 and Europe, written in Persian by Cherefeddin Ali . . . rendered into Englisli, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, calf, 7s 6d 1723 On the reverse of the title of each volume is passed the bookplate of " Sir John Anstruther of that ilk Baronet." 30469 TwESTEN, die religiosen, politisclien nnd socialen Ideen der asiatischen Culturvolker nnd der Aegypter, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s Berlin, 1872 30470 Vaillant, Arsacidarum et Achsemenidarum Imperium, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. engravings of Parthian, Bithynian, and other Coins, calf 7s 6d Paris, 1728 30471 Vadx (W. S. W.) Coins struck by the Atabeks o£ Irak, 4to. 7 plates of coins, cloth, 5s (1850) 30472 VIAGGI fatti da Venetia alia Tana, in Persia [da Josapbati Barbaro], ad Ussuncassan Re di Persia (da Ambrogio Con- tareno), in India [Viaggio di Colocut da Aluigi di Giovanni] ^ et in Constantinopoli [Cose de Turchi], (et Viaggio di Ales- sandria nelle Indie), Vinegia, Aide, 1545 —Fontana (J.) della Guerra di Rhodi, Vinegia, 1545 — in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. purple morocco, gilt edges, the Syston Parh copy, £4. 4s Mr. Beckford's copy of the Viaggi sold for £.5. 5s. 30473 Voyages dans les Indes Orientales par les Missionaires Danois, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d Lausanne, 1772 30474 WATREMAN (William). The Fardlb of facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and Lawes of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Aifrike and Asie, 12mo. ilacfe IzittX, title mounted, and the margins of a few of the preliminary leaves neatly mended, hut on the tchole a fine copy; from the libraries of the Duke of Roxhurghe, Marquis of Blandford, Mr. G. Watson Taylor, Mr. Heier a')id Dr. Burnell, calf gilt, the Poxburghe Arms stamped in gold on the sides, scarce, £3. 3s London, Jhon Kingsfone and Henry Sutton, 1555 The same copy fetched £4. 4s at the Roxburghe sale, and £4. 17s at the "White Knights'. The author's name appears at the end of the dedication, William Watreman. 30475 Weil, Geschichte der islamitischen Volker von Mohammed bis Sultan Selim, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 6s Stuttgart, 1866 30476 Zeitschrtft fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes, von H. Ewald, Kosegarten, Lassen, Neumann, etc. 7 vols. 8vo. complete, hf. calf, £2. 10s Gottingen and Bonn, 1837-50 This is the fore-runner of the " Zeitschrif t der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft." 30477 Zeitscheift der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellchaft, com- plete from the beginning in 1847 to 1882, being Vols. I-XXXVI — Register zu Band I-XXX, 3 parts — 8vo. maps and plates, ttventy-nine vols, neivly hf. bound in calf neat, the rest in parts, £15. Leipzig, 1847-82 304,78 another set. Vols. I-XXXV and XXXVI pts. 1 and 2, with Indexes ; — thirty-two vols, in hf. calf neat, the rest in parts, £12. 1847-82 209 * 3006 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30479 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Vols. I-XXXV, with Index I-XXX, thirty -three vols, in hf. morocco, cloth sides, very neat, three in parts, £10. 1847-81 30480 another set, Vols. I-XXV, with Index I-X, thirty vols. hf. calf, the rest in parts, £9. 1847-81 30481 Abhandldngen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes herausg. von der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 6 vols. 8vo. half morocco, £5. Leipzig, 1859-78 Containing articles by Martin Haug, A. Weber, A. d'Abbadie, \\. Brockhaus, A. Sprenger, A. F. Stenzler, etc. 30482 Tracts ; 6.in 1 vol. 4to. hf. calf 15s Annales Islamismi sive tabulae synchronistico-chronologicas Chalifarum et Regum orientis et occidentis, ex codd. arabicis vertit Janus I^assen Rasmussen, Bav. 1825 — Middeldorpf de Institutis Litei'ariis in Hispania qujE Arabes auctores habuerunt, Oott. 1811 — Wuestenfeld, Vergleichuugs-Tabellen der Muhammedanischen und Cliristlicben Zeitreclinung, Lei'p. 1854 — Rommel Abulfed* Arabiii! descriptio comment, illust. Gott. n. d. — Unsere Kenntnisa der Arabischen Philosophic, von H. Ritter, Qott. 1844 ; etc. 30483 Tracts, 17, 4to. and 8vo. Is 6cl Antiquities of the Kalukas of Parner, Saiagamner, etc. by W. F. Sinclair, Bombay, 1877 — The Danish Protestant Mission, Tranquebar, by the Rev. C. E. Kennet, Madras, 1875 — Guide Plan of Simla and Jutog, Calc. 1875 — Statistics of Randa, by M. P. Edgeworth— Lt.-Col. Pelly on the Tribes around the shores of the Persian Gulf, Calc. 1874 — Rajendralala Mitra on the Pala and the Sena Rajas of Bengal — E, Thomas on the Identity of Xandrames and Krananda ; etc. II. WESTERN ASIA. 1. Turkey (and the frontier lands) ; Asia Minor, Mesopotamia. 30484 AiNSWORTH ( W. F.) Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, Meso- potamia, Chaldea and Armenia, 2 vols, post 8vo. woodcuts, cloth, hs 1842 30485 Allom (Th.) Constantinople and the scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor illustrated, with description of plates by Rob. Walsh, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. 95 plates, and 2 maps, hf. calf, 10s n. d. {circa 1840) 30486 (Antoine) Essai sur le Commerce et la Navigation de la Mer- Noire, 8vo. map, hf. Id. 2s 6d Paris, 1805 30487 Aristarchi Bey, Legislation Ottomane, publiee par Demetrius Nicolaides, Vols. I and II, 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Constantinople, 1873 I, Droit Prive ; Droit civil commun ; II, Di'oit Public interieur ; (III, Droit Administratif ; IV, Droit International). 30488 Baudier (M.) Histoire Geueraledu Serrail et de la Cour du Grand Seigneur, Empereur des Turcs — Histoire de la Cour du Roi de la Chine — 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. MS. Notes by Mr. Bedford on fly- leaf, russia extra, gilt edges, from the Bedford library, Hamilton Falace, £2. IGs B,ouen, D.MC.xxxvm (1638) TURKEY, ASIA MINOR, MESOPOTAMIA. 3067 30489 Barker (W. B.) Lares and Penates ; or Cilicia and its governors, with description of some Household Gods of the ancient Cili- cians, edited, by W. F. Ainsworth, 8vo. map and woodcuts, cloth, 2s 6d 1853 30490 Beauplan, Description d'Ukranie depuis les confins de la Mos- covie jusques aux limites de la Ti-ansylvanie, sq. 8vo. woodcuts, ca^f, 24s Boicen, 1660 30491 BiANCONi, Ethnographic de la Turquie d'Europe : Races Musul- manes et Raias des Balkans, 8vo. large coloured map, sd. 2s Paris, 1877 30492 BOTTA'S NINEVEH: Monument de Ninive d^couvert ex DECEIT PAR BOTTA, MESDRE ET DESSINB PAR FlANDIN, 5 vols. atlaS folio, with nearly 400 magnificent plates of Architecture, Sculpture, and Inscriptions (pub. at £110.), hf. hd. green morocco extra, gilt edges, £25. Paris, 1849-50 This magnificent work was published by order of the French Government, ^ and under the direction of a Committee of the Institute. "To Botta is due the honour of having found the first Assyrian Monument, "^Laycwd. 30493 BouE, la Turquie d'Europe, sa geographic, geologic, histoire naturelle, statistique, moeurs, archeologie, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. the map in facsimile, sd. scarce, £4. 1840 30494 Beiefe Accompt of Turks late Expedition against the Kingdome of Hungary, Transylvania, etc. with a narrative of the Siege of Newhausel (with continuation), 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 166S 30495 BUSBEQDII (A. Gislenii) Opera, 24mo. engraved title, fine copij in red morocco, gilt edges, hy Roger Payne, £2. 10s Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1633 " Premiere edition collective des lettres et opuscules du celebre diplomate et voyageur Bousbecques." — Willems. 30496 CAMBINE (Andrewe) Two very notable Commentaries, the one of the originall of the Turcks and Empire of the house of Otto- manno . . . and thother of the Warres of the Turcke against George Scanderberg . . . translated by John Shute, small 4to. ilack ktter, calf, 36s B. Hall, 1662 30497 Cervarius (Ludov.) de Turcarum Origine, moribus, et rebua gestis, sm. 4to. vellum, from the Smiderland library, 20s Florent. 1590 30498 Chassepol (Sieur de) Histoire des Grands Vizirs Mahomet Coprogli Pacha, etAchmetCoprogli Pacha, avec les plus secrettes intrigues du Serrail, 12mo. plan of the Battle of Cotzchim, tree- marbled calf extra, gilt edges, by G. Kalthoeber, 12s Paris, 1676 30499 CHESNEY (Lieut.-Col.) Survey of the Rivers Eiiphrates and Tigris, 1835-37, with geographical and historical notices, 2 vols. plates and woodcuts — Atlas of 13 maps and charts, 1 vol. — i vols, royal 4to. cloth, £3. 10s 1850 30499 Creasy (E. S.) History of the Ottoman Turks, from the beginning of their empire, to the present time, chiefly founded on Von Hammer, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plate, cloth, 2Us 1854-56 30600 the same, 2 vole, in 1, 8vo. cloth, 14s 1868 3068 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30501 Danubian Principalities, tlie frontier lands of the Christian and the Turk, 2 vols. 8vo. viap, doth, 5s 1854 30502 D'Anville, rEuphrate et le Tigre, wap, 1769 — Analyse de la Carte intitulee les Cotes de la Grace et I'Archipel, 1757 — in 1 vol. 4to. calf, 7s 6d Paris, 1757-69 30503 DiLUCiDATiON of the late Commotions of Turkey, account of the deposing of Mahomet and of the advancing of Soliman to the throne of Constantinople, Svo. B8 pp. sd. 10s 1689 30504 D'OHSSON (Mouradja) Tableau general de l'Empire Othoman, divise en deux parties, dont I'uue comprend la Legislation Mahometane ; I'autre I'Histoire de cet Empire, 3 vols. roy. folio, over 200 fine plates by Hilaire, Cochin, Moreau, etc. £8. 1787-1820 This magnificent work comprises the Code Politique, the Code Mili- TAiRE, the Code Civil, the Code Jddiciaire, and the Code Penal. Indispeiisable to Jurists. 30505 Du Loir (Sieur) Voyages du Levant, avec la relation du Siege de Baby lone fait en 1639 par Sultan Mourat, sm. 4to. calf, 15s Paris, 1654 30506 Eichhoff (F. G.) Etudes sur Ninive et Persepolis, roy. Svo. hf calf, 4s 6d ^ Lyon, 1852 30507 Eneholm, Villes au dela du Balkan, occupees par les troupes russes en 1829, 8vo. map, hf. Id. 3s M St. Petersh. 1830 30508 Eton's (W.) Turkish Empire, its Government, Finances, History, Manners, etc. 8vo. calf, 7s 6d 1798 30509 FELLOWS (Ch.) Journal written during an Excursion in Asia Minor, roy. Svo. majJ and plates, cloth, 10s ; or, calf 12s 1839 30510 • Account of Discoveries in Lycia, being a Journal kept during a second excursion in Asia Minor, roy. Svo. maps and plates, cloth, 20s 1841 30611 Fergdsson (James) Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored ; an essay on ancient Assyrian and Persian Architecture, Svo. plates, plans and looodctds, cloth, &s 1851 30512 FossATi (Gaspard) Aya Sofia, Constantinople : as recently restored by order of H.M. the Sultan Abdul Medjid ; from drawings by Fossati, lithographed by L. Haghe, title and 25 fine views, coloured and mounted like drawings, with descriptive text, spotted, impl. folio, in portfolio, hf. morocco, £4. 1852 30513 Fraser's Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, etc. with Sketches of the Koordish and Arab Tribes, 2 vols. Svo. frontispieces, hf. calf, 10s ^ 1840 30514 GuiLLERAGDES (Comte de) et Girardin, Ambassades aupres du Grand Seigneur, Ambassades a Constantinople, ISmo. calf extra, gilt edges, by G.Lewis, from the Beckford library, £1. WsQd Paris, 1687 30515 HAMMER (J. de) Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman, depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours, traduite par J. J. Hellert, 18 vols. 8vo. and folio Atlas of mapis and plans, sd. £2. 2s Paris, 18-^5-43 30516 the same, IS vols. Svo. with folio Atlas, ///. French morocoo, £3. 16s 1835-43 'llie t>tandard History of the Ottoman Empire from its foundation in 1300 to 1830. TURKEY, ASIA MINOR, MESOPOTAMIA. 3069 30517 HiSTOiRE de Soliman III, 12mo. old calf, 2s Qd Paris, 1688 30518 JouviN, le Voyageur d'Europe, ou est le Voj^age de Turquie, la Terra Sainte, et Egypte, 18mo. calf, 5s Paris, 1686 30519 Knolles' Generall Historie of the Turkes from tlie firsfce beginning of that nation to the rising of the Othoman familie with a new continuation unto the yeare 1638, folio, portraits of the Sultans, hf cf 7s 6d 1638 30520 the same, with Continuation to 1699, by Sir P. Rycaut, 3 vols, folio, numerous portraits, calf, 30s 1687-1700 30521 KoHNE (Dr. B. v.) zur Geschichte und Archaologie von Cher- ronesos in Taurien, 8vo. 9 p)lO'tes, chiefly of Coins, sd. 6s 6d St. Petersb. 1848 30522 LABORDE (L. de) et LINANT, Voyage de I'Arabie Petree, impl. folio, numerous maps, woodcuts aiid 69 large engravings, half green morocco, £2. 10s Paris, 1880 A very handsome book of picturesque views, full of fine plates, printed on India Paper, depicting Monuments and Antiquities, ToinOs, Fortresses, Temples, and other Architectural Kemains, containing also portraits of Natives, Plans, Maps, and Woodcuts. In 1855, Berry's copy fetched £12. 5s. " More light has been thrown by the publication of this work on the Holy Writ than any other for a number of years." 30523 Laborde, Journey through Arabia Petrsea to Mount Sinai, 8vo. map, plates and woodcuts, cloth, 2s 1836 30524 Lamartine (A. de) Histoire de la Turquie, 8 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 16s 1855 30525 LAYARD (A. H.) the Monuments of Nineveh, from Drawings made on the spot, both series, impl. folio, 171pZa^es in outline, some coloured and tinted, with descriptive letterpress, in 2 port- folios (pub. at £21.), £10. 10s _ 1853 30526 the same, both series, in 1 vol. impl. folio, 171 plates, hf. red morocco gilt, gilt edges, £12. 12s 1853 30527 the same. Series II separately, 70 plates, complete, in portfolio, £5. 1853 30528 BOTH series, large paper, \7\ plates (pub. £31. 10s), Vol. I, atlas folio, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, prize specimen of binding from the 1851 Exhibition, Vol. II, atlas folio, oblong, half morocco, from the library of Mr. Barnard Davis, £15. 15s 1849-53 The greater portion of the sculpture, monuments, bronzes, etc. preserved in the British Museum are depicted in this magnificent work. 30529 Nineveh and its Remains ; the Chaldasan Christians, the Yezidis, and account of the Ancient Assyrians, 2 vols. 1849 — Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert, the result of a second expedition, 1853 ; — together 3 vols, thick 8vo. maps, plans, views, plates of Architecture and inscriptions, and woodcuts, cloth, £2. 1849-53 30530 Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, etc. 8vo. map, plates, and woodcuts, cloth, 10s 1853 30531 Levy (M. A.) Geschichte der jiidischen Miinzen, 8vo. woodcuts, sd. 2s 6d Breslau, 1862 3070 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30532 LoFTUS (W. Kennett) Travels and Researches in Chald^a and Susiana, with an account of Excavations at VVarka and Shush, 8vo. maps, plans and numerous woodcuts, cloth, 7s 6d 1857 30533 LoxiCERl (Phil.) Chronicon Turcicorum, 2 vols. 1584— Bdsbequii Leo-ationis Tni-cicee Epistolge IV . . . ejusdem de Re Militari contra Turcara instituenda consilium, 1595 ; — in 1 vol. 12mo. old calf gilt, 5s Franco/. 1584-95 30534 Magdeleine, Miroir Ottoman, avec un recit de la guerre dea Turqs en Pologne jusqu'eu 1676, 12mo. portrait, hf. hd. 3s 6d Basle, 1677 30535 Maxstein. Memoirs of Russia, 1727-1744, the Wars of Russia with Turkey and Sweden, an account of the Empire, etc. translated from the (unpulDlished) MS. 4to. maps and plans, calf gilt, 10s 1770 3053.5* another edition, 4to. calf, 7s 1773 30536 MiGNAN (Capt. Robert) Travels in Chaldsea, including a journey from Bussorah to Bagdad, Hillah, and Babylon, 8vo. 25 plates and tooodctUs, calf gilt, 5s 1829 30537 MINADOI (G. T.) Historia della Guerra fra Turchi et Persiani ; descrittione di tutte le cose pertenenti alia religione, alle forze, al governo et al paese de Persiani, sm. 4to. map, old calf qilt, 15s Venet. 1588 30538 Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Constantinople, the Bos- phorus, Dardanelles, Brousa and Plain of Troy, with Vocabularies, 12mo. maps, roan, 5s 1871 30539 Palaiologde (Gregoire) Esquisses des Moeurs Turques au xixe siecle, scenes populaii'es, vie interieure, etc. 8vo. hf. calf, 3s 6d Paris, 1827 30540 Reimers' (H. von) Reise der russisch-Kaiserlichen Gesandschaft an die Othomanische Pforte im 1793, 3 vols. 4to. portrait of Selim III and map, hf. calf, 7s 6d . St. Petersburg, 1803 30541 ROE (Sir Thomas) Negotiations in his Embassy to- the Ottoman Porte, 1621-8, io\io,Jine portrait by Vertue, calf, 36s 1740 30542 SALZENBERG (W.) Alt-Christliche Baudenkmale von Con- stantinopel, vom V bis XII Jahrhundert, historisch erlautert, atlas folio, 40 fine plates, 14 of them in gold and colours, giving representations and measurements of the Bijzantine Churches and Monuments remaining at Constantinople, bds. rare, £7. 10s Berlin, 1854 30543 SiESTRZENCEWicz DE BoHUSZ, Histoire du Royaume de la Cher- sonese Taurique, 4to. maps, hf. bd. 20s St Petersb. 1824 30544 Smith (T.) Epistol^ de Moribus ac Institutis Turcarum, et de septem Asise Ecclesiis, 12mo. old calf, 3s Oxon. 1672 30545 TcniHATCHEFP (P. de) Asie Mineure, description physique, statistique et archeologique de cette contree, Ire partie : Geographic physique comparee, the Atlas containing portrait, 27 vieios and large map, folio, hf. green morocco, 20s 1853 TliiH untbrtunatc traveller was transformed into a " Chik hacher " in tlie Kensinf'toii An cutalogue. SYRIA A'ND PALESTINE. 3071 30546 TOTT (Baron de) Memoirs on the Turkish Empire and the Crimea, the Manners and Customs of the Turks and Tartars, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 7s 6d 1786 30547 Vivien de St. Martin, Description historique et geographique de I'Asie Mineure, comprenant les temps anciens, le moyen age, et les temps modernes, 2 vols. Svo. 2 large maps, sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1852 These form volumes II and III of a projected " Histoire universelle dea decouvertes g^ographiques," and are all that appeared, 2. Syria and Palestine. 30548 BURTON (Rich. F.) and Drake (C. F. Tyrwhitt) Unexplored , Syria ; Visits to the Libanus, the Tulul el Safa, the Anti- Libanus, etc. 2 vols. Svo. large map and woodctUs, cloth, 10s 1872 30549 CoNDER (C. R ) Heth and Moab ; explorations in Syria in 1881-82, thick Svo. woodcuts, cloth gilt, 9s 1883 30550 Derenbourg (J.) Histoire de la Palestine depuis Cyrus jusqu'a Adrien, Svo. hf. calf, 7s U _ Paris, 1867 30551 Flaminii (Leonis) Itinerarium per Palaestinam : SchifE-Fart und Meeres-Gefahr in das gelobte heilige Land, frontispiece, maps and plates, Botenherg, 1681 — Scheidt, Reise-Beschreibung der Reisz von Erffurt nach dem gelobten Lande und der heil. Stadt Jerusalem, portrait and plate, Helmstadt, 1679 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf vellum, £2. 10s ^ 1679-81 30552 Heidmanni (Chr.) Palsestina, sive Terra Sancta explicata, et Hen. Ernestii annott. illustrata, etc. W^olferhyti, 1665 — Herbinius (Joh.) de admirandis Mundi Cataractis . . . nee non terrestri ac primigeno Paradiso, locus situsque verus in Paleestina, etc. frontispiece representing Neptune pouring water into the body of a Sea-Monster ivhich is belching forth a Cataract from its mouth ; and several other plates and maps, Amst. 1678 — Burnetii (T.) Telluris Theoria Sacra : libb. II priores, de Diluvio et Paradiso, London, 1681 ; — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. velhim, 20s 30553 Itineraires de la Terre Sainte des 13-17 siecles, traduits de I'Hebreu par Carmoly (avec I'histoire, I'origine, et les progres des Khozars, etc.), Svo. maps and cuts, hf. calf neat, 10s 1847 30554 Lynch (W. F.) Official Report of the U.S. Expedition to the Dead Sea and River Jordan, 4to. maps and 16 plates of Shells, hf. calf, 7s 6d Baltimore, 1852 30555 Narrative of the U.S. Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, Svo. loiaps and numerous plates, cloth, 6s 1849 30556 new and condensed edition, post Svo. map, cloth, 2s 6d 1852 30557 Maundrell (Hen.) Journal from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697, with account of the Euphrates and Mesopotamia, Svo. large paper, Views, original old calf, 10s Oxford, 1732 30558 the same, &th edition, Svo. calf, 7s 1740 " Un des meilleurs morceaux, sans contredit, qu'on ait en ce genre." — D'Anville. 3072 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30559 MuNK (S.) Palestine : description geographique, historique, et archeologique, 8vo. maps and cuts, cloth, 6s 1845 30560 Neubauer (Ad.) la Geographie du Talmud, 8vo. sd. 7s ; or, /;/, calf, Ss Paris, 1868 30561 PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND, Quarterly Statements, complete from the beginning in July 1869 to April 1882, inclusive, 53 parts, 8vo. maps and plates, sd. £6. 10s 1869-82 30562 • the same (without number 1 and the part for January 1872), 51 parts 8vo. sd. £4. 15s 1869-82 30563 Survey of Western Palestine, edited by W. Besant and E. H. Palmer, 7 vols. 4to. cloth, and portfolio of 50 plans, royal folio, £21. The following vol. sold separately : 30564 Warren (Col. Sir Charles) and Conder (Capt. C. R.) Survey of Western Palestine : JERUSALEM, pjp. viii and 542, and a large portfolio containing ^0 plans, £5. 5s 1884 These excavations have enlarged our knowledge of the city to such a degree that the whole ground of argument on its Topography has been entirely shifted, and the area left for controversy very greatly narrowed. We know now that the ancient level of the city is covered up hy debris to a depth, in some cases, of over a hundred feet ; and that the det^cl•iptions given by Josephus are not exaggerateil, because the walls of the Temple Mount are now proved to have been the largest and grandest of any buildings in the ancient ■world. The rock levels recovered in the course of these excavations have enabled us to construct with absolute certainty, save in a few places, the slopes of the hills on which the city was first built ; the site of Ophel and part of the old wall have been recovered and traced ; the great Bridges from the Temple to Mount Zion have been found ; the Tyropoen Valley has been entirely recovered, a cardinal fact in the Topography of the city : the foundation stones of the great wall have been examined : voussirs and remains of old arches have been found ; and many other facts of the greatest importance ascertained in the reconstruction of the ancient city, 30565 Tristram (H. B.) Fauna and Flora of Palestine, pp. xxii and 455, with 20 fine plates of the Fauna, chiefly coloured, £3. 3s 1884 30566 Conder (Capt. C. R.) and Kitchener (Capt. H. H.), Memoirs of the Topography, Archaeology, etc. Vol. Ill, plates of Views and Huins, £8. 3.9 1883 30567 Palmer (E. H.) the Desert of the Exodus, journeys on foot in the Wilderness of the 40 years' wanderings, 2 vols. 8vo. coloured front, and maps, and numerous plates and woodcuts (sells 28s), cloth, 15s 1871 30568 PARIS (le Contre-Amiral) Souvenirs de Jerusalem, atlas folio, 14 coloured plates, green morocco super extra, gilt edges, hy J. Wright, with Hamilton monogram in gold on sides, £3. 10s Paris, Bertrand, s. d. 30569 QUARESMII (Francisci) Elucidatio Terr^ Sanctj;, historica, theologica, moralis, 2 vols, stout folio, 7naps and plates, nearly '2,200 pp. calf, RARE, £6. Q)s. Antverpiw, ex ofiicina Plantiniana, 1639 Of great value. ... a book which is quite indispensable to the scholar. — Tohler. It is singular that this important work should be one of the very rarest of those that treat on the Holy Land. It may be found in great libraries, but hardly ever turns up at sales. SYRIA AND PALESTINE. 3073 30570 Relandi (H.) Palaestiiia ex Monnmeiitis veteribus illustrata, 2 vols, small 4to. numerous maps and plates, old calf, 7s Traj. Bat. 1714 30571 the same, 2 vols. 4to. large paper, hf. calf, uncut, rare, 20s 1714 30572 Rey (G.) Voyage dans le Haouran, et aux borcls de la Mer Morte, text in 8vo., and an impl. folio Atlas of 28 views, maps, and plates of Architectural Monuments, Phoenician Remains, Inscrip- tions, etc. (pub. £3. 10s), bds. £2. Paris, 1861 30573 Etude historique et topographique de la Tribu de Jnda, impl. 4to. 2 maps, woodcuts and plates (pub. 16 frs.), seived bs Paris, A. Bertrand 30574 ROBERTS (D.) Holt Land, Stria, Idumea, Arabia, Egtpt, and Nubia, with descriptions bj Rev. G. Croly and W. Brockedon, 6 vols, in 4, atlas folio, portraits and 250 beautiful Vieios, executed in tints, and several heightened with colours, an original copy, hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, a fine subscriber's copy, £20. Day and Haghe, 1842-46 ■ see also ante, p. 1124. This beautiful work is by far the grandest and most interesting of its high class. There is no set of pictorial illustrations which can be said to rival those of Koberts in the power and brilliancy with which they set forth the sacred scenes of the Holy Land to which so many hearts are yearning in the pious West. 30575 Robinson (Geo.) Travels in Palestine and Syria, 2 vols. Syo. plates of Views and Architecture, hf. calf gilt, 6s Paris, 1837 30576 ROGER (E.) la Terre Saincte, avec un traite de quatorze nations de differente Religion qui I'habitent, leurs moeurs, croyance, etc. 4to. large paper, map and plates, the three leaves of " Tables des Chapitres " supplied from a small paper copy, ruled, in olive morocco, gilt edges, by Boyet, £7. 10s 1646 Extremely rare. 30577 RUSSELL (A.) Natural History of Aleppo, second edition, enlarged by Patrick Russell, 2 vols. 4to. plates, hf. bd. 15s 1794 30578 the same, 2 vols. 4:to. plates, calf neat, 18s 1794 This excellent work is not confined to the natural history, but contains long accounts of manners and customs, and many essays on the political history of Syria. 30579 Saulct (F. de) Voyage autour de la mer Morte et dans les Terres Bibliques ; Relation du Voyage, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 7s 6d 1853 30580 Journey round the Dead Sea, and in the Bible Lands, 1850-51, 2 vols. 8vo. map a7id frontispiece, cloth, 7s 6d 1854 30581 ScHWARZ (Rabbi J.) das heilige Land nach seiner geographischen Beschaffenheit, 8vo. portrait, map, and views, calf, 3s 6d 1852 30582 Trumbull (H. Clay) Kadesh-Bamea, its importance and probable site, including studies of the route of the Exodus, and the southern boundary of the Holy Land, 8vo. 2 coloured m,aps, and plates (sells 21s), cloth, 12s 6d 1884 30583 Van de Velde (C. W. M.) Narrative of a Journey through Syria and Palestine, translated, 2 vols. 8vo. map), coloured Vieivs, etc. (pub. at 30s), cloth, 16s Edin. 1854 3074 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 3058i Van de Velde (C. W. M.) Memoir to accompany the (his) Map of the Holy Laud, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d Gotha, 1858 30585 Le Pays d'Israel, atlas folio, 100 tinted Views of Syria and Palestine, half red morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, £5. 6s Paris, 1857 30586 Walpole (Lieut. Hon. F.) the Ansayrii (or Assassins) with travels in the further East, and to Nineveh, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s 1851 3. Arabia. 30587 BURCKHARDT'S Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. map, hf. calf, 7s 6d 1831 see also ante. No. 30344. 30588 BURTON'S (Captain R. F.) Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El- Medinah and Mecca, 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, inany coloured, cloth, £2. _ 1855-6 Still the best book on the subject. 30589 Forster (Rev. Ch.) Historical Geography of Arabia ; with trans- lations, with alphabet and glosssary, of the Hamyaritic Inscriptions at Hadramaut, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, cloth, IQs 1844 30590 Fresnel (F.) Lettres sur I'Histoire des Arabes avant I'lslamisme, 8vo. sd. 3.S Qd 1836 30591 Gabriel Sionita ac Joannes Hesronita. Arabia, sen, Arabum vicinarum que gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, mores, historia, etc. 18mo. engraved title, old red morocco gilt, 5s Amst. J . Janson, 1653 30592 Hunter (Capt. F. M.) British Settlement of Aden in Arabia, 8vo. maps, hf. green morocco, 7s 6d 1877 30593 Krehl (L.) iiber die Religion der vor-islamischen Araber, roy. 8vo. sd 2s 6d Leipzig, 1863 30594 Langlois (Y.) Numismatique des Arabes avant I'lslamisme, 4to. 5 plates, sd. 7s 6d 1859 30595 NIEBUHR'S (Carsten) Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Landern, 3 vols, uncut, 1774-1837 — Beschreibung von Arabien, 1772 — together 4 vols. hf. bd. 20s 1772-1837 30596 Description de l'Arabie, Amst. 1774 — Questions pro- posees aux Savants qui font le Voyage de l'Arabie par Michaelis, 1774 — Voyage en Arabic et en d'autres Pays circonvoisins, par Niebuhr, 2 vols. 1776-80 — together 4 vols. 4to. 150 inaps and plates of Antiquities, Coins, etc. old calf, 32s Amst. 1774-80 30597 the same, together 4 vols. 4to. fine copy, calf extra, by Kalthoebcr, £2. 2s Amst. 1774-80 30598 the same, in 5 vols. 4to. 4 in calf, and 1 in hf. calf, uncut, 36s ■ 1774-80 In this copy the Description de V Arable is the Paris edition of 1779, published in two volumes. 30599 Michaelis, Recueil de Questions proposees a une Societe de Savans qui font le voyage de l'Arabie, 12mo. russia neat, gilt edges, 3s ijd Franc fort, 1763 PERSIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. 3075 30600 Palgrave (W. G.) Narrative of a Year's Journey tlirough Central and Eastern Arabia, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 28s), ma]) and portrait, doth, 12s 1865-6 30601 Sprenger (A.) die alte Geograpbie Arabiens, 8vo. 7nap, sd. 6s Bern, 1875 30602 Voyage to Arabia Fcelix, and Journey from Mocha to Muab, 1708-13, 8vo. plates, calf, 6s 1742 III. IRAN AND TURAN. (Persia, the Caucasus, Armenia, Turcomania, Afghanistan.) [Modem Afghanistan and Baluchistan are included in the Section of India.] 30602*Abbott (J.) Journey from Herant to Khiva, Moscovr, and St. Petersburgh, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and large map, cloth, or hf. calf, 7s 6d 1843 30603 Bater (T. S.) Historia Regni Graecornm Bactriani, 4to. calf, 5s Petrop. 1738 30604 Babbier de Metnard. Dictionnaire geographique, historique et litteraire de la Perse ; extrait du Modjem-el-Bouldan de Yaqout et complete a Taide de documents arabes etpersans, roy. 8vo. sd. 8s 6d 1861 30605 BouLGER (D. C.) Life of YakoobBeg, Athalik Ghazi and Badanlet, Ameer of Kashgar, 8vo. map, cloth, 7s 6d 1878 30606 Brissonii (B.) de regie Persarnm principatu libri III, cnra Lederlini, thick 12mo. vellum, 5s Argentorati, 1710 30607 BRYDGES (Sir H. J.) Account of the Transactions of His Majesty's Mission to the Court of Persia, 1807-11; with a History of the "Wahauby, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, cloth, 10s 1834 Vol. 2 is i-old separately for 5s. 30608 ■ Dynasty of the Kajars, translated from the original Persian MS. 8vo. maps, cloth, 5s 1833 30609 the same, 8vo. frontispiece and maps, hf. russia, 9s 1833 30610 BuRNABY (F.) Ride to Khiva, 8vo. maps, cloth, hs 1876 30611 BURNES'S (A.) Travels into Bokhara, Cabool, Tartary and Persia, and Voyage on the Indus from the Sea to Lahore, 3 vols, the map mounted 07i silk and bound separately ; — 4 vols. 8vo. morocco gilt, double, gilt edges, presentation copy to Lady W. Bentinck, £2. 8s 1834 30612 Cabool : a narrative of a journey to and residence in that city, 1836-38, 8vo. portraits and plates, cloth, 6s 1843 30613 Caspian Provinces. Kephalides de Historia Maris Caspii, sm. 8vo. bds. 2s Gott. 1814 30614 Chodzko (Alex.) le Ghilan ou les Marais Caspiens, 8vo. sd. 2s 1850 3076 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30615 Chamich, History of Armenia, translated from the Armenian by J. Avdall, 2 vols. 8vo. viap and views, hds. Ss 6d Calcutta, 1827 30616 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 7s 6d 1827 Chardin— se? atUe, p. 2878. 30617 D'Ohsson, des Peuples du Caucase dans le lOeme siecle, ou Voyage d'Abou-el-Cassim (trad, de I'Arabe), 8vo. sd. 3.s 6d Paris, 1828 30618 DORN (B.) Beitrage ztir Geschicbte der kankasiscben Lander und Volker, aus morgenlandischen Quellen, 4 parts iu 2 vols. 4to. hds. 12s St. Petersburg, 1841-4 30619 DuLADRiER (Ed.) Recberches sur la Chronologie Armenienne tecbniqtie et bistorique. Vol. I (all published), 4to. sd. bs Paris, 1859 30620 Engelhardt (M. von) und F. Parrot, Reise in die Krym und den Kaukasus, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. majjs and plates, gilt tops, iincut, 18s Berlin, 1815 30621 FORSYTH (Sir T. D.) Report of a Mission to Yarkund, 1873, witb historical and geographical information regarding the possessions of the Ameer of Yarkund, 4to. folding map and 102 pliotographs of views, etc. cloth, £2. 10s Calcutta, 1875 30622 ERASER (J. B.) Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan and the Countries North-East of Persia, 1821-22, 4to. map (pub. at £.3. 3s), bds. 9s 1825 30623 the same, 4to. 7nap, hf. calf, 10s 1825 30624 EASTERN PERSIA, Journeys of the Persian Boundary Com- mission, 1870-72. 1. Geographt, vrith narratives by Majors St. John, Lovett and E. Smith, and Intx'oduction by Sir F. J. Goldsmid; — II. ZooLOGT and Geology, by W. T. Blanford, 2 vols. 8vo. map)s and plates, those of the Birds and Mammals COLOURED (pub. £2. 2s), cloth, 24s 1876 30625 EiCHWALD (Ed.) Alte Geographie des Kaspischen Meeres, des Kaukasus und des siidlichen Russlands, 8vo. m,aps and inscrip- tions, calf, 7s 6d Berlin, 1838 30626 Reise auf dem Caspischen Meere und in den Kaukasus, Vol. I in 2 thick vols, (all published), 8vo. coloured front, maps and plates of Antiquities, hf. calf, 7s 6d Augsburg, 1834-37 30627 Frcelich (Eras.) de Minnisari aliorumque Armenia Regum Numis, sm. 4to. plate, sd. 2s Vieymce, 1754 30628 Grotefend (C. L.) Miinzen der griechischen, parthischen und indoskythischen Konige von Baktrien und den Landern am Indus, 8vo. 2 plates, sd. 5s 1839 30629 Hammer-Pdrgstall, Geschichte der Ilchane, das ist der Mongolen in Persien, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 5s 6d 184-2 30630 Hanwat (J.) Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea ; with the Revolutions of Persia, 4 vols, in 3, 4to. maps, plates and vignettes, best edition, calf, 7s 6d 1753 30631 Haxthadsen (Baron von) Transcaucasia; the nations and races betAveen the Black Sea and the Caspian, 8vo. onap and coloured plates, cloth, 10s 1854 30632 the Tribes of the Caucasus, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1855 PERSIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. 3077 30633 Herbert (Sir Th.) Relation of some yeares travails, especially into the territories of the Persian Monarchie — see ante, p. 2791. 30634 HoECK, Veteris Mediae et Persiee Monumenta, 4to. plates, sd. 3s 6d 1818 30635 HOMMAIRE de HELL (H.) les Steppes de la Mer Caspienne, la Caucase, la Crimee et la Russie Meridionale ; Voyage pitto- resqne, historique et scientifique, 3 vols. 8vo. and folio Atlas of maps and plates of Geology, Palceontology, of Geographical and Geological Vieics, Costiimes, etc. hf. bd. calf, £3. 10s Paris, 1843-59 30636 Humboldt (A. v.) Centi'al-Asien : Untersuchungen iiber die Gebirgsketten und die vergleichende Klimatologie, iibersetzt von Mahlmann, 2 vols. Svo. map, hf. bd. 6s 1844 see p. 3057. 30637 HYDE (T.) Yeterum Persarnm, et Parthornm et Medorum Religionis Historia, 4to. best edition, ^Za^es, bds.25s Oxon. 1760 S0638 the same, 4to. calf, 27s 1760 30639 the same, calf extra, 36s 1760 30640 Issaverdenz, Armenia and the Armenians, 18mo. bds. 2s Venice, 1874 30641 Jervis (Lt.-Col. T. B.) Map of Circassia, large coloured map, on linen, in 8uo. case, 2s 6d 1855 30642 Khanikoff (Nic. de) Memoire sur la partie meridionale de I'Asie Centrale, 4to. cloth, 10s 1861 30643 Memoire sur I'Ethnographie de la Perse, 4to. pp. 142 and 3 plates, sd. 7s 6d Paris, Societe de Geographie, 1876 30644 KiNNEiR (J. M.) Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire, royal 4to. map, calf gilt, 20s 1813 30645 the same, royal 4to. map, MS. notes by Mr. Bedford, hf. red morocco, gilt edges, 28s 30646 Klaproth's Reise in den Kaukasus nnd nach Georgien, 1807-8, enthaltend eine vollstandige Beschreibung der Kaukasischen Lander nnd ihrer Bewohner, 2 vols. — Kankasische Sprachen ; Anhang znr Reise — 3 vols. Svo. maps and plates of Alphabets, bd. Us Halle, 1812-14 The most learned work on the Races and Languages of the Caucasus, pnblislied by command of the Russian Government. Klaproth's " Beschreibung des ostlichen Kaukasus," Weimar, 1814, and " Beleuchtung der Gcschichte der mittel-asiatischen Volker des Herm J. J. Si'hmidt," Paris, 1824, are bound up. 30647 KuROPATKiN (A. N.) Kashgaria ; its Military Strength, Industries and Trade, translated by W. E. Gowan, roy. Svo. cloth, 7s 6d Calcutta, 1882 30648 Laet (J. de) Persia, sen Regni Persici Status, variaque itinera in atque per Persiam, etc. ISmo. first Elzevir editiox, engraved title, old red viorocco gilt, 7s 6d Liigd. Bat. Elzevir, 1633 30648*Lajard sur deux Basreliefs Mithriaques decouverts en Transyl- vanie, 4to. plate, bd. bs 1840 30649 Lettres sur le Caucase et la Georgia, et relation d'un Voyage en Perse, Svo. maps, sd. 2s 6d Hambourg, 1816 3078 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30660 Levchine (Alexis de) Description des Hordes et des Steppes des Kirghiz- Kazaks ou Kbirghiz-Kaissaks, traduite par Ferry de Pigny, large 8vo. map and plates of Costume, Music and Genealo- gical tables, sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1840 30651 Lewis (Th.) History of the Parthian Empire, compiled from Greek and Latin historians, 8vo. calf, 3s 6d 1728 30652 Longperier (A. de) Essai sur les Medailles des Rois Perses de la Dynastle Sassanide, royal 4to. 13 plates, sd. 7s 6d 1840 30653 Malcolm's (Sir John) History of Persia, 2 vols. 8vo. map, hds. 36s 1829 30654 Histoire de la Perse, traduite de I'Anglais, 4 vols. 8vo. map and plates, Tif. calf, 12s 1821 30655 [Malcolm's] Sketches of Persia, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf or hds. 5s 1827 30656 the same, new edition, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 7s 1828 30657 Memoir of a Map of the Countries between the Black Sea and the Caspian, with an account of the Caucasian Nations, with Voca- bularies, 4to. map, bds. 5s 1788 30658 the same, 4to. map, calf, 6s 1788 30659 Menant (F.) les Achemenides et les Inscriptions de la Perse, 8vo. numerous woodcuts, sd. 4s 1872 30660 Michell (J. and R.) Russians in Central Asia, from the Russian of Capt. Valikhanof, M. Veninkof, and others, 8vo. folding map and plates, hf. calf, 10s 1865 30661 MORIER (J.) First and Second Journeys through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, 1808-1816, 2 vols. roy. 4to. map and India Proof plates, some in colours, gilt russia, by Walther, £3. 16s 1812-18 30662 ■ the same, 2 vols. roy. 4to. 7nap and plates, some in colours, a few plates slightly stained, gilt calf, 30s 1812-18 30663 Nadir Shah. Jones (Sir William) Histoire de Nader Chah (Thahmas Kuli Khan) traduite avec notes, et un Traite sur la Poesie Orientale, 4to. calf gilt, 3s 6d 1770 30664 Eraser (J.) History of Nadir Shah, with a history of the Moghol Emperors, by J. Eraser, 8vo. portrait and map, old calf, 4s 6d 1742 30665 Oppert (G.) Presbyter Joannes in Sage und Geschichte, 8vo. hf hd. 5s 1870 30666 OUSELEY (Sir W.) Travels in various countries in the East, more particularly Persia, in 1810-12, illustrating many subjects of antiquarian research ; with extracts from Oriental Manu- scripts, 3 vols. 4to. 7vith 80 plates and maps, bds. 25s ] 819-23 30667 the same, 3 vols. 4to. plates and maps, calf gilt, 35s 1819-23 30668 Outram's (Sir James) Persian Campaign in 1857; General Orders, despatches and selections from his correspondence as Com- mander-in-Chief, 8vo. 5 plans, hf. morocco, g. e. 7s 6d Frivately printed, 18G0 PERSIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. 3079 30669 PORTER (Sir Robert Ker) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylonia, etc. 1817-20, 2 vols. 4to. map a7id nu7iierous engravings of portraits, costumes, antiquities, etc. fine copy in morocco extra, £4. 4s 1821 30669*PoTOCEi, Voyage dans les Steps d'Astrakhan et du Caucase ; histoire primitive des penples qui ont habite anciennement ces contrees, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. 7nap and plates, those of Costume coloured, Tif. calf, 10s Paris, 1829 30670 Prinsep (H. T.) Historical Results deducible from discoveries in Afghanistan, 8vo. V? plates of Bactrian Coi^is, etc. cloth, 7s 6d 1844 80671 SACY (Silvestre de) Memoires sur diverses Antiquites de la Perse, et sur les Medailles des Sassanides ; Histoire des Sassanides, par Mirkhond, en Fra^igais, 4to. plates, sd. 7s 6d 1793 A valuable collection of memoirs upon the pre-lslamic history of the Persic regions. 30672 SAINT-MARTIN (J.) Memoires historiques et geographiques sur l'Armenie, avec I'liistoire des princes Orpelians, et les Geographies de Moyse de Khoren et de Vartan, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf 28s Paris, 1818-19 Orpelian's History occupies 174 pp. ; the Geography by Moses of Khorene, 78 pp. ; that of Vartan, 56 pp. — all in Armenian and French. 30G73 Sanson's Present State of Persia : -with a faithful Account of the Manners, Religion, and Government of that People, 12mo. p)lates, old calf, the Bulce of Bedford's Arms on sides, 10s 1695 306 73*San son's Present State of Persia, with a faithful account of the manners, religion, and government, 12mo. plates, calf extra, 7s &d 1695 30674 SCHARF (G.) Characteristic Portraits of the various Tribes of Cossacks, attached to the Allied Armies, 1815, with Descriptions, folio, 12 plates, hf. hd. 24s 1820 30675 SCHNEiDERWiRTH (J. H.) die Parther oder das neupersische Reich unter den Arsaciden nach griechisch-romischen Quellen, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d _ 1874 30676 Schuyler's Turkistan, notes of a journey in Russian Turkistan Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja, 2 vols. 8vo. inaps and cuts, (pub. 42s) cloth, 24s 1876 30677 Shaw (R.) Visits to High Tartaiy, Yarkand, and Kashgar, 8vo. maps and illustrations (pub. 16s), cloth, 7s Qd 1871 Sherley (Sir Anthony) Travels — see ante, p. 2869. 30678 SiLVA Y FiGDEROA (Don Garcia). L'Ambassade en Perse, traduite de I'Espagnol par de Wicqf ort, 4to. calf, 5s Paris, 1667 30679 MORAGA (Fra Hernando) Relatione breve dell' Ambasciata & Presente che la Maesta del Re Don Filippo III . . . fece a Xaabay Re di Persia chiarissimo ; la qual' Ambasciata diede Don Garcia di Silua & Figueroa . . . I'anno passato 1618, sm. 4to. h-otvn morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Mackenzie, fine copy, from theBeckford library, £12. Milano, 1618 No other copy known. Moraga, one of the ecclesiastical officials of the Philippine islands, was travelling towards Europe ovei'land, and reached 210 3080 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Ispahan about the same time as the Spanish envoy to the court of Shah Abbas. He was an eye-witness to all that took place, and when he reached Milan, received a royal order to publish this narrative. The French narrative, which precedes, was chiefly from the Ambassador's own notes. Silva went from Goa to Ormuz in 1617, and thence to Ispahan. He returned in 1G19, and was prevented by storms from voyaging to Europe in 1620, and on making a second attem^^t in 1624, died at sea. 30680 SPIEGEL (F.) Eranische Alterthumskunde, 3 vols. Svo. hf. calf, 32s Leipzig, 1871-78 30681 Teixeira (Pedro) Relaciones d' el origen, descendencia y succession de los Reyes de Persia, y de Harmuz, 12mo. calf gilt, gilt edges, 28s Amberes, 1610 Obra curiosa e interessante por mais de um titulo, e os exemplares sao pouco vulgares. — iiilva. 30682 Yartabed CElisee) Soulevement national de TArnienie Chretienne, au Ve siecle contre la loi de Zoroastre, sous Vartan, en fran^ais par I'abbe G. Kabaragy Garabed, Svo. map, hf. calf, &s Paris, 1844 Wakhoucht — see Georgian. 30683 Williams (Charles) tlie Armenian Campaign of 1877, Svo. large 'map and plan, cloth, 2s 6d 1878 30684 WILSON'S (H. H.) Ariaua Antiqua : a descriptive account of the Antiquities and Coins of Afghanistan ; with a memoir on the Buildings called Topes, by Masson, 4to. 37 plates by Basire, hf. calf, rare, £3. 3s 1841 List of plates : Antiquities, 4 — Topes, 9— Map, 1 — Table of Characters, 1 — Coins, 22. 30685 Wood (Herbert) the Shores of Lake Aral, Svo. map, '^s Qd 1876 30686 Wood (Lieut. J.) Narrative of a Journey to the source of the River Oxus by the route of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakhshan, 1836-38, Svo. maf, cloth, 3s &d 1841 30687 Zaleski (B.) Vie des Steppes Kirghizes, large folio, 24 etchings, sd. £1. 4s Paris, 1865 IV. INDIA AND THE FRONTIER STATES (including British Burma ayid Afghanistan). •' Be the road what it may, the defenders of India are of a diffei'ent type from any encountered by Greek or Persian or Tartar, and Eussia will make a ruinous mistake if she concludes from the feebleness of a passing Administra- tion or the transient ascendancy of a doctrinaire fashion that Englishmen have lost the qualities which have made this little island the mother of nations and the mistress of an empire." — Times, January 5, 1885. 30688 Abd ul Kerkeem, Memoirs, travels with Nadir Shah to Persia, and Baghdad, Aleppo, Medina and Mecca, with the History of Hindustan, 1739-49, translated by Gladwin, sm. Svo. sd. 5s Calcutta, 1788 30689 AcosTA (C.) Tractado de las Drogas, y medicinas de las India 3 Orientales, con sus plantas debuxadas al bivo, sm. Svo. portrait and woodcuts, slightly stained, vellum, £2. 16s Burgos, 1578 INDIA AND THE FRONTIER STATES. 3081 30690 Ainslie's Materia Indica ; or articles employed by tlie Hindoos in Medicine, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. the names in -Tamul, Cingalese, Arabic, Persian, Malay, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, ids. 13s 1826 30691 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, Us 1826 30692 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. r^cssia gilt, 16s 1826 30693 AiTCHisoN, Catalogue of the Plants of the Punjab and Sindh, 8vo. bds. Ss 6d 1869 30694 Akbar's Repudiation of Esllam and profession of his own religion, passages from the Muntakhab al-Tawarikh of Badaoni, trans- lated by E. Rehatsek, 12mo. hf. morocco, S.s Bombay, 1866 30695 Allen (N.) the Opium Trade in India and China, 8vo. sd. 2s Loxoell (Mass.), 1853 30696 AMEER KHAN : Memoii-s of the Nuwab Ameerood Doulah Mohummiid Ameer Khan, translated from the Persian of BosAWUN Lal by Prinsep, 8vo. plan and large map, bds. 5s Calcutta, 1832 30697 the same, 8vo. hf. calf 7s 6d 1832 A Pat'han or Afghan adventurer who in the first quarter of this century made himself independent ruler of certain districts in Rajputana. 30698 Anglo-Indian Domestic Sketch, a letter from an artist in India, roy. 8vo, illustrations, cloth, 3s 6d Calc. 1849 30699 Arch^ological Survey of WESTERN INDIA, Reports, by James Burgess, 5 vols. impl. 4to. (published at £13. 13s), hf. morocco, £10, 10s 1875-83 Contents, with the prices at which the vols, are sold separately : I. Report of the first season's operations in the Belgam and Kaladgi districts, 56 plates and jpJwtographs of Temples, Inscriptions and Sculptures (sells £2. 2s) 1874 II. Report on the Antiquities of Kathiawad and Kachh, coloured map and 74 p)lates and pliotographs (sells £3. 3.') 1876 III. Report on the Antiquities in tbe Bidar and Aurangabad districts in the territories, of the Nizam of Haidarabad, 66 plates and photographs oj Caves, Idols, Roch-Temples and Inscriptions (sells £2. 2s) 1878 *^* The above three volumes are offered for £5. IV and V. The Buddhist Cave Temples, and their Inscriptions ; and the Elura Cave Temples and the Brahmanical and Jaina Caves in Western India; 2 vols, containing I If) plates and numerous ivoodcuts of Buddhist and Hindu Cave Architecture in Western India, views, plans, sections, and elevation of facades of cave temples; drawings of architectural and mythological sculp- tures; facsimiles of inscriptions, etc.; with translations of inscriptions, £6. 6s 1883 30700 Archjeological Survey of Western India : Report on the Archi- tectural and Archseological Remains in the Province of Kachh, by Dalpatram Pranjivan Khakar, with five papers by Sir A. Burnes, sm. 4to. numerous plates, bds. 7s 6d 1879 30701 Burgess (J.) Inscriptions from the Cave Temples of Western India, with notes, 4^to. full of plates and facsimiles, sd. 20s 1881 30702 Sewell (R.) Lists of the Antiquarian Remains in the Presidency of Madms, Vol. I, 4to. 400 pp. cloth, 24s Madras, 1882 30703 Architectural and Archaeological Remains in Khandesh in 1877, 4to.^7a^es, sd. 2s Bombay, 1877 30704 Authorities on Adoption by a Hindu Widow, roy. 4to. sd. 6s Madras, 1864 210 * 3082 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 30705 Authorities against Adoption by Widows of the twice bom classes, sm. folio, sd. rare, 7s TricMnopoly, 1876 30706 AYEEN AKBERY, or the Institutes of the Emperor Akber, translated from the original Persian by Francis Gladwin, 3 vols. 4to. calf, 36s Calcutta, 1783-86 30707 the same, 3 vols. roy. 4to. large paper, a fine copy in calf gilt, by KaltJweher, £4. 4s 1783-86 30708 another edition, 2 vols. 4to. calf, 12s 1800 30709 BARER. Memoirs of Zehir-ed-Din Muhammed Baber, written by himself in Jaghatai Turki, translated from the Persian version, by Leyden and Erskine, with notes, 4to. map, bds. £2. 8s 1826 30710 Bald^us, Beschrijving der Kusten Malabar, etc. (DescHption de Malabar et de Choromandel, anssi du grand lie de Ceylon, avec la decoiiverte des Superstitions des Payens des Indes Orientales, et Grammaire de la langue Malabare), sm. folio, text in Dutch, mimerous curious plates, original stamped vellum, fine copy, 15s Amsterdam, 1672 30711 BALFOUR (Surgeon General Edward) Cyclopedia of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia, third edition, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. 3628 pp. containing 35,000 articles, tvith 16,000 Index headings, cloth, new, £5. 5s 1885 This work brings together, up to date, and makes available for ready reference, the widely dispersed and invaluable information, whether Commer- cial, Industrial, or Scientific, which exists relating to India, Further India, and the East Indies generally. Tlie Oeographical Review, in noticing the Second Edition, said : — " There has, indeed, hitherto been no way of learning anything of India, except by accumulating a large library. ... It is not too much to say that Dr. Balfour has DOW supplied this want.'' 30712 Baness (J. Fred.) Index Geographicus Indicus; a list of the principal places in the Indian Empire, with notes, statistical, political and descriptive, 8vo. numerous coloured maps, hf. bd. Us Calcutta,' 18SI 30713 Barth (A.) les Religions de I'lnde, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Paris, 1879 30714 Behr (J. von der) Diarium, oder Tage-Buch iiber neun-jahrigen Raise im Diensfc der Vereinigten geoctroyrten Niederlandischen Ost-Indianischen Compagnie : Ost-Indianische Reyse-Beschrei- bung, small 4to. portrait and plates, calf extra, gilt edges, by C. Lexvis, scarce, £3. 3.? Jena, 1668 33715 Bell (Major Evans) the Annexation of the Punjaub, and the Maharajah Duleep Singh, 8vo. cloth, 2s 1882 30716 BELNOS (S. C.) The Sundhya, or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins, atlas folio, 24 fine colo^cred lithographs, with the prayers in Sanscrit-English, half morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s Privately 'printed, 1851 Portraits of Brahmins and their attitudes and signs performed during their morning devotions, and likewise their Toojas. 30717 BENARES Magazine (The) Vols. I-VII and Part 1 of Vol. VIII in 34 numbers, 8vo. sd. £2. Mirzapore and Calcatta, 1848-52 Including articles on the languages of India, the Aborigines, and llieir systems of Philosophy. INDIA AND THE FRONTIER STATES. 3083 30718 Bengal. Remarks on tlie present State of the Husbandry and Commerce of Bengal, roy. 4to. calf, 7s 6d Calcutta, 1795 30719 Bernier (F.) Voyages, contenant la Description des Etats du Grand Mogol, de I'Hindoustan, de Kaohemire, etc. 2 vols. 12rao. mops and plates, calf, 10s Amst. 1699 First complete and homogeneous edition of this invaluable work, still indispensable for acquiring a knowledge of the history of the Mogul Empire. 30720 Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol, with particular Events for 5 years following, Englished, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. map, russia, 14s 1671 see also, post, under Tavernier. 30721 BiDDULPH (Major J.) Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh (with appendices of 169 pp. on the languages), roy. 8vo. large map. Views and other illustrations, cloth, 10s 6d Calcutta, 1880 30722 BiERViLLAS (Innigo de) Voyage a la cote de Malabar, Goa, Batavia, etc. description des moeurs, coutumes et religion des Indiens, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. calf 5s Paris, 1736 30723 Bjornstjerna, die Theogonie, Philosophic und Kosmogonie der Hindus, aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt, 8vo. sd. 2s StocJcholm, 1843 30724 Boileau (Lieut.) Personal Narrative of a tour through the western states of Rajwara in 1885, comprising Beekaner, Jesulmer and Jodhpoor, etc. roy. 4to. plates, bds. 20s Calc. 1837 30725 Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway ; sketch map of the Ijine,[very neatly draivn in indian ink and colours, scale 3 miles to an inch, o» glazed linen, ahout 3 yards by 16 inches, 2s 6d cir. 1866 30726 Botanical Tracts, chiefly relating to India; 14 tracts, 8vo. 7s 6d Florula Adenensis by Th. Anderson, 1860— Tea Cultivation in Kumaon, Gurwahl and Darjeeling, 1847— Thwaites, Plantc-e Zeylaniae, part 1, 1858— Cantor, Flora and Fauna of Chusan, 184'2— Flora of Lucknow, Th. Anderson —Meyer (E. H. F.) de Houttuynia atque Saurureis, 1827— Decaisne, Flore da Japon, d'Egypte et de la Palestine ; etc. 30727 Brandis (D.) and Stewart (J. Lindsay) the Forest Flora of North- West and Central India, 8vo. 608 pp. with royal 4to. Atlas of 70 plates — 2 vols. hf. morocco, 25s 1874 30728 BREEKS (J. W.) Account of the Primitive Tribes and Monu- ments of the Nilagiris, impl. 4