CATALOGUE OF FRUITS CATALOGUE OF THE FRUITS CULTIVATED IN THE GARDEN OF >T" THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. THIRD EDITION. LONDON : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY W. NICOL, 60, PALL MALL ; SOLD BY LONGMAN AND CO., PATERNOSTER-ROW; J. HATCHARD, PICCADILLY J RIDGWAY, PICCADILLY ; RIVINGTONS, WATERLOO- PLACE ; AND BY THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS IN ALL PARTS OF THE EMPIRE. 1842. L},, PREFACE. IT is now more than ten years since the last edition of the present work was issued to the public. Since that time great progress has been made in the Society's Garden in the examination of fruits, and much additional experience, as to their real qualities, has been obtained. One result has been, that the Garden Committee resolved to discontinue the cultivation of a large number of infe- rior varieties ; being of opinion that it is useless to grow fruits of an inferior kind when varieties exist superior to them in quality and equal in all other respects. Nevertheless it has not been thought desirable to expunge such varieties altoge- ther from the catalogue ; they are accordingly preserved in their places, but are distinguished by the prefix of an 0, instead of a number, In most other respects this catalogue is printed upon the same plan as the last, viz : 1. The arrangement of the varieties of each species, and also of the species themselves, is alphabetical, according to the names in common use. 2, The names arranged under each species consist both of those which are retained and of their synonyms ; but these are distinguished by the former being printed in larger type than the latter. In order to increase the utility of this part of the Catalogue, the synonyms are introduced twice ; both in their al- phabetical position, where they appear in Italics, and also immedi- 6GT907 iv PREFACE. ately following the names that are adopted. The Catalogue will thus shew at a glance not only of what name any other is a synonym, but also what all the synonyms are of every name that is adopted as the one which it is proper to employ. 3. When a sort has been once possessed by the Society, and is now lost, the name appears without any number being prefixed : so that an indication is thus afforded of the kinds, which the Society requires for the completion of the collection. 4. By columns and abbreviations, the meaning of which is explained under every different kind of fruit, a large number of the most important characters, by which the varieties are distin- guished, has been compressed into a very small compass. Thus in Apples the following line, 511 Oslin . . | p. y. | roundish | 2 | T | 1 | Aug. Sept. signifies that the Oslin is a pale yellow apple of a roundish figure, of a middling size, used for the dessert, of the first quality, and ripening in August and September. To these abbreviations a few useful remarks have often been added in a separate column. By such means it is hoped that a considerable body of prac- tically important information will have been introduced. It will be remarked that the abbreviations, &c. have not been made use of in regard to every sort that is enumerated. In such instances no certain information has been yet collected at the Garden with respect to those varieties the columns of which are blank ; owing either to the trees not having fruited, or to the variety having been lost, or to inaccuracies having been dis- covered in the names of the plants received at the Garden. These inaccuracies have taken place to an extent of which no one, who has not personally inspected the progress of investigation, can form an idea, and have caused more embarrassment than all other causes taken together. It would in many cases have been easy to have filled up the blanks from books, or such MSS. of PREFACE. v the Society as have been collected independently of the Garden ; but it has been thought better, in order to avoid misconception, that the characters now given should have been exclusively col- lected from observation on the very trees from which cuttings are taken for distribution. In conclusion, it is due to Mr. Robert Thompson, the Superin- tendent of the Fruit department in the Garden of the Society, to state that the value of this Catalogue, whatever it may be, is principally due to his assiduity and pomological knowledge. Regent-street, Nov. 1842. The following resolution was passed by the Garden Committee June 6, 1842, and confirmed by the Council on the 4th July, 1842. u Resolved That those Fellows of the Society who may be de- sirous of determining the names and qualities of Fruits, be sup- plied with specimens of such varieties as the Garden of the Society produces, on application to the Secretary. Not more than two specimens of any sort to be sent, and the expense of the package and carriage to be charged to the Fellows making appli- cation for them. If a second supply of the same fruits should be required, it is not to be furnished gratuitously." ** In the present edition the following general marks have been employed in addition to such as are explained under each separate head. When is prefixed to a name in Roman letters, instead of a number, it signifies that the variety, having been ascertained to be of an inferior quality, is no longer cultivated in the Society's Garden. When a blank precedes a name in Roman letters, instead of a number; it signifies that the variety has either proved false, or has been lost, or for some other rea- son is no longer in the Garden ; Correspondents of the Society are therefore in- vited to send the Society cuttings of such varieties, provided they can vouch for their authenticity. The names printed in small Roman letters are the same as that of the sort which they immediately succeed. Those in Italics are synonyms in the Alphabetical ar- rangement, and are repeated under the name to which they refer ; thus in the list of Almonds " Sultan CL ccque tendre, see Doux a coque tendre" signifies that Sultan a c. t. is the same sort as Doux a c. t., under which variety the former name is repeated in small letters as a synonym. CATALOGUE OF FRUIT TREES, I. ALMONDS. Name. Shell. Kernel. Remarks. Am ere a coque tendre. Of] 11 Vf* 1 Bitter. hard bitter Common Bitter. 2 Common. hard sweet Common Sweet. Amande Commune. Doux a coque tendre. Sultan k coque tendre. lender sweet Produces the best almonds for eating in a fresh state. Doux a coque demi-dure. a coque dure. thick sweet Preferable for stocks. Grand Sultan. Pecher. Peach Almond. Sultan. Sultan h coque tendre, see Doux h coque tendre. Sweefj see Common. II. APPLES. The columns explain, 1. The prevailing colour; 2. The usual form ; 3. The average size ; 4. The use, whether for Table, Kitchen, or Cider ; 5. The quality ; 6. The usual season of perfection; The abbreviations employed are as follow ; 1. PxevaiMny CQlqur. p. pale; d. dark; y. yellow; r. red ; g. green ; rus. russet ; ;br. .brownish. 2. Form. Pearm. Pearraain shaped; i. e. of the form of a truncated cone ; Calv. Calville shaped, when the ribs of the fruit are particularly prominent. 3. Size. 1. Very large; 2. Middle-sized ; 3. Small. 4. Use. T. Table ; K. Kitchen ; C. Cider. 5. Quality. 1. First rate; 2. Second rate ; 3. Indifferent or bad. Name. Colour, I S i } 02 Remarks. 1 Aagtje routje nova . 2 Achmore . . r. g- r - conical conical 1 2 K T 2 Nov. Jan. Dec. Jan. D'Adam r. calv. 2 C Nov. Jan. Seigneur rouge. Admiral Duncan, Newbold's, see Rymer. 3 Adam's Apple d. r. oblong 2 3 Dec. Jan. Worthless, unless 4 D'Avent. for eider. Agat rouge str. ovate 3 3 Dec. Of no value. Agathe grise 5 Alban p. y. K> r - ov. obi. round 2 2 C 3 Dec. Dec. Feb. 6 Alcester Seedling. Alderston Pippin p. y. ovate 3 T 2 Aug. 7 Alexander str. conical 1 K 1 Sep. Dec. Moderate bearer, Emperor Alexander. arge and hand- Russian Emperor. some. Aporta. 8 Alfriston Newtown Pippin of many. i-y- roundish 1 K 1 Nov. Apr. A valuable kitchen apple. Lord Gwydyr's Newtown Pippin Baltimore (of some) Oldaker's New. Altliorp Pippin, see Marma- lade. American Mammoth,$ee Gloria Mundi. American Peach r. y. roundish 2 2 Sept. American Peach, see Pigeon- net. 9 American Pippin . American Plate, see Golden g-r- round 2 K Jan. July. One of many hav- ing this vague name. Pippin. D'Amdrique, see Noir. D'Ange fif- roundish 3 C Oct. D' Angleterre Grosse, see Reinette wahre. Anglaise, see Reinette jaune sucre'e. D'Anis, see Fenouillet gris. Anis-seed K- y- oblate. 3 T 2 Oct. Jan. Rival Golden Pippin. APPLES. Name. Colour. a 8 02 1 1 d o i CO Remarks. Annette Black d. r. ovate 2 KT 2 Nov. Jan. Api Gros oblate 2 K 2 Dec. Jan. Api Noir . ... d. r. oblate 3 KT 3 Oct. Apr. ,0 Api panache* y-g- roundish 3 3 Oct. Dec. VEore curious Panachee. ban useful. 1 1 Api, Petit y. r. oblate 3 T 2 Oct. Apr. ruit very beau- Pomme Rose. ful: but the Lady Apple (of tlie Americans). ree is exceedingly Etoilee. ubject to canker. Aporta, see Alexander. Arabian Apple, see Pigeon. Arley, see ff^yken Pippin. 12 Argentde d'An^leterre. L3 Aromatic Pippin. Aromatic Pippin, Edmon- ston's, see Kerry Pippin. Ashby seedling 14 Ashmead's Kernel . y. r. y- roundish oblate 2 2 T T 2 1 Dec. Jan. Nov. May 15 Ashtead Park. 16 D'Astems . ,\ g. str. roundish 2 K 2 Nov. Mar. Streifling d'Hiver. 1 7 Astrachan Red . . . r. conical 2 T 2 Aug. Sept. 18 Astrachan White . ? :r p. y. conical 2 T 1 Aug. Sept. Good bearer. Pyrus Astracanica, De Cand. Pomme d'Astrachan. Transparent de Moscovie. Glace de Zelande. D'Assy, Grosse. [9 Augusseble. Aunt's Apple str. roundish 1 K 2 Nov. Mar. Aurore, see Golden Reinette. Autumn Bough, see Large Yellow Bough. Avant Tout, see Summer Stibbert. 20 Bains's str. oblate 2 KT 2 Nov. Mar. libston Pippin 21 Baird's Favourite. flavour, but not Balderstone seedling . str. conical 2 K 2 Oct. Nov. so rich. 22 Baldwin g. r. roundish obi. 1 K 1 Nov. Apr. Red Baldwin. Butter's. Woodpecker. 23 De Bale. Baleborodova . p. y. ovate 3 G tJ Aug. Df no merit in Balgone Pippin, see Golden IT J this climate. Balgowan. [Pippin. 24 Balmanno Pippin . g. b. roundish ov. 3 T 2 Oct. Dec. Baltimore. Baltimore (of some}, see Al- friston, and GloriaMundi 25 Bamporta. 26 De Barbarin. Cankers. Bardin, st-e Fenouillet Rouge Baro&sa, see Bourassa. Barrow Court Pippin. 27 Barton's Favourite. 28 Bascombe Mystery. 29 Basselaney Pippin. 30 Bath .... y. roundish 1 K r Nov. Dec. Bay, see Drap d>0r. Bayfordbury Pippin, see Gol- den Pippin. 13 Beachamwell . , y- ovate 3 T 1 Dec. Mar. An excellent Beachamwell seedling. table fruit. Motteux's seedling. APPLES. Name. iJ 3 i 8 1 1 n y? s 1 P a V VI Remarks. 32 Bean. 33 Beat's Pippin str. roundish 1 T Nov. Jan. Beaiiftn Mil/mount, see Nor- folk Paradise. 34 Beaufin, Norfolk Cat's head (of some). d. r. oblate 2 K 1 Jan. June Excellent for dry- Cat's head Beaufin. ing. Read's Baker. 35 Beaufin, Suffolk. Beaufin, White. 36 Beaufinette . . r. oblate 3 K Nov. Feb. 37 Beauty of Kent str. roundish 1 K I Oct. Feb. Kentish Pippin (of some). 38 Beauty of Newark, Smith's y- r - ovate 2 T Sept. Oct. Le Beau Rouge, see Holland- bury. 3.9 Beauty of the West. 40 Beauty of Wilts . P- oblate 2 Nov. Dec. Beauty of Wilts, Dredge's, see Harveifs Pippin. 41 Beauty of the World. Bee de Lievre . y. ovate. 2 3 Oct. Nov. 42 Bedfordshire foundling y. oumlish obi. T K 1 Nov. Mar. "Very handsome, Cambridge Pippin. arge and excel- Belin, Pomme de, see Court lent. pendu musque. 43 Belle Bonne str. conical 2 K 1 Nov. Apr. 14 Bel Ecossais. Belle Fille, see Re'mette Grise. Belle Fleur y. r. roundish 3 3 Nov. Dec. 45 Belle Fleur, Brabant . y- r - roundish 1 K 1 Nov. Apr. An excellent sort. Belle Fleur, Double. p- y- ovate 2 2 Dec. Belle Fleur d'Ecben . rus. ovate 3 2 Nov. Mar. Belle Fleur, Hollandische ?. v. r. oval 2 3 Dec. Belle Fleur, Westlandische str. ovate 3 2 Dec. Belle Fleur de Stoffels . str. ovate 3 2 Nov. Dec. Belle Fleur Rouge . r. ovate 3 3 Dec. 46 Belle Fleur, Yellow V. oblong. i K 2 Nov. Mar. Belle Fleur. Bell Flower. Belle Fleur, Zoete r - y- oblong 2 2 Dec. Jan. 4/ Belle Hervy S- roundish 1 K 2 Nov. Mar. De Jardy. 48 Belle de Senard. Bell's Scarlet, see Scarlet Pear main. 49 Belledge Pippin y. ovate 2 T 2 Nov. Mar. 50 Benholm Pippin 51 Ben Lomond y- oblong 1 K Oct. Dec. 52 Bennet g. r. ovate 2 C Nov. Dec. i bitter-sweet. 53 Benoni. Bentleber Rose r. calville 2 K 3 Oct. Dec. Benwell's Large g. roundish 1 3 Dec. )4 Benzler str. ovate 2 C Dec. May >5 Bere Court Pippin g. r. ovate 2 K Sept. Oct. 56 Bess Pool g. r. cblate 2 K 2 Dec. Apr. Best Pool. 57 Betsey r. rus. oblate con. 2 T 1 Nov. Feb. Tender juicy 58 Beverly Red. flesh. Beurre a Cidre y. ovate 3 C Dec. De Binet J C 59 Birmingham Pippin * r. rus. round T i Jan. June Brummage Pippin. G rummage Pippin. APPLRS. Name. k p 1 I P "5 3 a I Remarks. Birnformiger y. r. pearm. 2 T 9 Nov. Feb. Bishopstone Norman g. y. r. round ov. 2 C Bitter Sweet c 60 Bitter Sweet, Siberian y- ovate 3 C 1 Sept. Great bearer, and Bitter Sweet, White. excellent for 61 Bluck. cider. 62 Black American . . d. r. roundish 2 T 2 Nov. Dec. 63 Black Bess. 64 Black Crab ... d. r. roundish 3 3 Nov. Jan. Curious on ac- Black Borsdorffer count of its co- Black Grove 65 Black Pippin, g. r. pearm. 2 3 our, in other respects worth- ess. 66 De Blanc. 67 Blanc Feuille. 68 Blandarine, red. Bland Rose y- r - roundish 2 T 2 De Blangv y. ovate 3 C Oct. 69 Blenheim 'Crab. 70 Blenheim Pippin . f y. roundish 1 K T 1 Nov. Feb. Grows very Blenheim. strong when Blenheim, Orange. young, and in Woodstock Pippin. ;hat htate bears North wick Pippin. rather thinly. A 71 Blinkbonny Seedling. very handsome Blood Royal Blurnensaur d. r. roundish 1 K 2 Sept. Nov. fruit. Boatswain's Pippin, see Queen Charlotte. De Boeuf oblate 2 K 3 Dec. Jan. 72 Bogmiln Favourite str. round 3 T 2 Nov. Jan. a Bois Panache" ; . Bollaston Hill. y- g- oblong 2 K 3 Oct. Nov. Bonne de Mai, see Drop d'Or. Bonne Rouge, see Holland- bury. Bonvier str. conical 2 T 2 Dec. 73 Borsdorffer y. r. oval 3 T 1 Nov. Mar. Edler Winter Borsdsrffer. Le Grand Bohemian Borsd6rffer. Borstorffer. Reinette Batarde. Reinette Borsdorffer. Bursdoff. Winter Borsdo'rffer Reinette de Misnie. King. King George. Queen's. Garret Pippin . Borsdorffer, Black, see Black Crab. Borsdorffer, Double. Borsdorffer Ognoniforrne . 8- r - oblate 3 T 3 Oct. Jan. Borsdorffer, Rother. 74 Borovitsky g. str. roundish T 1 Aug. 74 Bosbury. 75 Bossom . ; y conical 1 K 2 Dec. Jan. 76 Bostock Orange. 77 Bough, Large Yellow y- roundish 1 K 1 Aug. Autumn Bough. 78 Bough, Red. 79 Boxfurd. 80 Brainge str. ovate 3 C Nov. 81 Brainton, Symonds's y- roundish 2 C 8 APPLES. Name. Colour. 1 8 33 B P ! or 1 Remarks. Bransby Pippin. 82 Brazier's Bourassa rus. r. conical 2 K T 2 Oct. Dec. Barossa. Bower. Brandy, see Golden Harvey. 83 Braune Mai br. oblate I K Dec. Mar. 84 Braunschweiger Milch ). y. r. roundish 2 T 2 Aug. Brebis y. roundish 3 T C 2 Aug. 85 Breedon Pippin J y- oblate 3 T 1 Oct. Nov. Brentford Crab, see Isle- worth Crab. De Bretagne, see Reinette du Canada. 86 Brickley Seedling g. r. roundish 3 T 1 Jan. Apr. 87 Bridgewater Pippin 88 Bringewood Pippin 89 Broad-End y. rus. y- g. calv. oblate oblate 1 3 2 K T K 2 2 1 Oct. Dec. Jan. Mar. Nov. Jan. Broading. 90 Broad-Eyed Pippin y- oblate 1 K 1 Sept. Dec. 91 Brookes's y. rus. ovate 3 T 1 Sept. Jan. 92 Broughton y- r. roundish ov. 3 T 1 Oct. Dec. Brownite str. oblate 2 3 Dec. Jan. Brown Apple of Burnt Is- land, see Spice Apple. 93 Brown Ken ting. Brown Spice, see Spice Apple. Brummage Pippin, see Bir- mingham Pippin. 94 Bucks County y. r. conical 1 C Nov. Mar. Great bearer. Solebury Cider. J 95 Brundaeble. 96 Buchanan P- y. oblong 2 K 2 Sept. Nov. Buchanan's Long Keeper 97 Buckland, Devonshire y-s- p. y. round oblate 2 2 K 2 1 Jan. Apr. Dec. Mar. Good Bearer. Lily Buckland. White Lily. Dredge's White Lily. Buckland, Yellow y. oblate 2 K 3 Dec. Mar. 98 Buffcoat . y. rus. roundish C 99 Buissier. . C Bullock's Pippin, see Sheep's Nose. 100 Burchan Minna. 101 Burgin. 102 Burns's Seedling y- r - roundish ] K 1 Oct. Jan. Burnt Island Pippin, see Spice Apple. 103 Burr Knot y. roundish 1 K ] Oct. Jan. Strikes easily Burr Apple. from cuttings. Busham y- 8- roundish 2 K 2 Dec. Mar. Byre End . p. y. roundish 1 K 2 Dec. 104 Byson Wood rus. roundish 3 T 1 Dec. Feb. Byson Wood Russet. Caldwell t see Rymer. 105 Cadbury y. conical 3 C 106 Calabria Pippin 107 Calander. 108 Calville, Autumn. 109 Calville Blanche d'Ete" p. y. calville 2 K 2 Aug. Sept. White Calville. 110 Calville Blanche d'Hiver P- y- calville 1 K T 1 Jan. Apr. Rambour a C6tesGros, [(ofsorae APPLES. Name. "o u i 6 N 3 I >, B Of 1 Remarks. Calville d'dngleterre, see Winter Queening. \ 1 1 Calville Bosc. 112 Calville Imperiale. Calville Kops. 113 Calville, Large White. 1 14 Calville Malingre 15 Calville Normande r. r. calville calville 1 l K K 1 2 Jan. Apr. Jan. Mar. Great bearer and eeps well. Malingre d'Angleterre. Calville Pepin. Calmlle Red, (of some) see Pomme Violette. 116 Calville Rouge d'Anjou d'Hiver. Calville Rouge d'Automne r. calville 1 K 3 Oct. Nov. 117 Calville Rouge d'Eie*. r. calville 2 K 2 fuly, Aug. Calville d'Ete. Madeleine. 118 Calville Rouge d'Hiver . r. calville 2 K 3 Nov. Dec. Calville Rouge Couronnee Red Calville. 19 Calville Rouge de Micoud r. oblate 3 K T 2 July, Nov. 3ears occasional- Calville Rouge de Pentecote r. calville 1 K 2 Jan. Apr. y two crops a Calville Rouge Pre"coce . r. calville 3 K 3 Aug. r ear. Calville Royale. Calmlle, White, see Calville Blanche d'Etd. Cambridge Pippin, see Bed- fordshire Foundling. 20 Cambusnethan Pippin y. r. oblate 2 T 1 Oct. Jan. Winter Red Streak. Watch Apple. 121 Cambridge Hive. 122 Cam House. - Campagne Doux rus. roundish 3 T 2 Oct. Jan. 123 Campfield . .1 y- r - oblate 2 C Dec. Jan. [24 Canadian Pippin. Cann. Corel's Seedling, see P'mnei Seedling. Carle, Pomme, see Male Carle. Capucine de Tournay y. r. calville 2 K 2 Dec. 125 Carberry Pippin. Cardinal Rouge c . ' r. roundish 2 T 2 Nov. Jan. 126 Carnation. 127 Carolina Pippin. 128 Caroline str. roundish 1 K 1 Nov. Feb. Carthouse, see Gilpin. Carrie p. y. oblong 3 K 3 Nov. Jan. Carre"e Blanche p. y. roundish 1 K o Nov. Carse of Gowrie, Early. Carse of Gowrie, Late, see Tower of Glammis. 129 Catline v. r. oblate 3 T 2 Oct. Dec. Gregson. * Catline of Maryland. 130 Catshead . P- g- oblong 1 K 1 Oct. Jan. Costard. Coustard. Catshead, see Norjolk Beau/in. 131 Catshead, Round . y- roundish 1 K 1 Dec. Mar. Tete du Chat, (of Jersey.) 10 APPLES. Name. I o CJ 1 g 02 g p ~5 3 a 1 Remarks. 132 Cellini g. r. oblate 2 K Oct. Nov. ftesembles the 133 Chalcomh. Nonesuch. Chalmers's Large, see Dutch Codlin. 134 Chamaeleon. Chance, see Re'mette Jaime Sucre'e. 135 Chappie. Charlarno\vskischer Nullivia y. oblate 2 T 2 Oct. A Persian apple Charlemagne r. roundish 3 3 Oct. imliffeieiit iu this De Charles, Pomme, see c uua e. Male Carle. De Charlotte If- oblate 2 C 136 Chataignier sir. ovate 2 K 2 years. Contains a very Chataignier du Leman. strong acid. 137 Chaudiere . ^ . " roundish 3 C 138 Chautfard str. ovate 1 Aug. Sept. 139 Chelston Pippin. 140 Cheese, Summer. 141 Cheese, Winter. Chemise de Sole Blanche p. y, roundish 2 K 2 Jan. Apr. Christie's Pippin f y- oblate 3 T 1 Dec. Feb. Subject to canker. Chuchet Egg y. ovate 3 T 2 Sept. 142 Churchill's Seedling. 143 Cierge d'Hiver g' conical 3 C Nov. Dec. Citron, see Re'mette Jaune Sucre'e. Citron des Carmen, see Rei- nette Jaune Hdtive. 144 Citron de Saint Gall. Clammy. Claremont Pippin, see Easter Pippin. 145 Cley Pippin y. roundish 3 T 1 Oct. Mar. 146 Claret r. conical 2 K Dec. Jan. Coafes's, see Yorkshire Greening. 147 Clove Pippin r. rus. oblate 2 T 2 Aug. Cluster Pippin, see Cluster Golden Pippin. Cluster, Streaky. Clydesdale. 148 Cobbam g. r. roundish K T 2 Nov. Jan. Good bearer ; al- 149 Cob Thorn Greening. 150 Coccagee y. ovate 2 C 1 Oct. lied to Rib&ton Pippin. One of the most Coccagee, New. esteemed old 151 Cockle Pippin Nutmeg Cockle Pippin. br. y. ovate 2 T I Jan. Apr. cider apples. Good bearer. Nutmeg Pippin. White Cockle Pippin. 152 Cockpit y. roundish 2 K 2 Dec. Mar. Codlemav , " p- v. r. conical 2 ^ 153 Codlin, Betley y. b. r. conical 2 K Oct. Jan. 154 Codliu, Carlisle y. conical 3 K T Aui>-. Dec. Codlin, Clarke's | .' y. conical 2 K 3 Nov. 155 Codlin, Dutch , . 1 , y. roundish 1 K 1 Aug. Sept. Very large. Chalmers's Large. 156 Codlin, French y- conical 1 K 2 Aug. Sept. 157 Codlin, Kentish R- y- conical 1 K I Aug. Sept. 58 Codlin, Keswick 59 Codlin, Kilkenny : . g- y. y- conical round 1 1 K K 1 1 Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Fit for use almost before any other, and good bearer. 60 Codlin, Kinnoul. , . , . I - APPLES. 1! Name. 1 a 9 $ 1 at Remarks. Codlin , Knighfs, see Wormsleif Pippin. 161 Codlin, Manks p. y. conical I K 1 Aug. Oct. Irish Pitcher. Irish Codlin. 162 Codlin, Nelson K- y- conical 1 K Sept. Oct. Nelson. Backhouse's Lord Nelson. 163 Codlin, Old English p. y. conical 2 K I Aug. Oct. English Codlin. 164 Codlin, Round. 165 Codlin, Royal. 166 Codlin, Spring Grove p. y. conical 9 K 2 July Sept. 167 Codlin, Tarvey y- g- conical 1 K Sept. Nov. 168 Codlin, Tottenham Park. 169 Codlin, Transparent p- y- conical I K Sept. 170 Codlin, Winter conical 2 K 1 Sept. Feb. Great bearer. 171 Coeurd'Ane C Cceur de Boeuf d. r. calv. I K 2 Nov. Dec. Crenr de Pigeon, see Pigeon- net. Coing. 172 Cole r. roundish 1 K T 2 \ug. Sept. Scarlet Perfume. 173 Collin's Keeper . # y- roundish 1 K Jan. De Coloma str. oblate 3 T 2 Sept. 174 Colonel Harbord's Pippin V- JT conical 1 K I Nov. Jan. Colonel Vaughan's Compote, see Padley's Pippin. Concombre Ancien. Concombre des Chartreux. 1 75 Conquest De Wigers . 176 Constanzer. p. y. roundish 2 T 2 Jan. Mar. 177 Constant Bearer. 178 Con way. Copmanthorpe Crab, see Dutch Mignonne. Coquerel Plat C Corianda Rose, see Court- pendu Pint. Corlie's Sweet. 179 Corn. 180 Core, Common. 181 Cornish Aromatic -. rus. r. roundish 1 T 1 Oct. Jan. Cornish Crab. 182 Corse's Favourite. Corstorphine p- y- conical 2 2 Sept. Oct. 183 Cos. Costard, see Catshead. - 184 Coul Blush y. r. conical 2 T 2 Oct. A good bearer. 135 Court-pendu Plat . d. r. oblate 2 T 1 Dec. Apr. An excellent Court pendu. >earer; blossoms Extra. ate, and thereby Rond Gros. priug frosts. f,^ n ^, if,*!f, 1^* Rose. Musque. ^ Corianda Rose. Pomme de Berlin. Garnon's Apple. Wollaton Pippin. Russian. Noble Zoete. APPLES. Name. 1 1 a n s | d in Remarks. Court-pendu, Ayrshire. Court-pendu Dore', see Gol- den Reinette. Court-pendu Gris, see Fe- nouillet Rouge. [86 Court-pendu Noir d. r. round 2 K Dec. Mar. Court-pendu Rouge. Court-pendu Rouge et Gris. 187 Court of Wick y. oblate 3 T 1 Oct. Mar. A handsome re- Fry's Pippin. ularly formed esert fruit of ex- Golden Drop. Knightwick Pippin. xcellent quality. Wood's Huntingdon. Phillips's Reinette. Wood's New Transparent. Weeks's Pippin. Yellow. 188 Court of Wick, Scarlet. Cousham. Coussinette, see Pigeonnet. Coustard, see Catshead. 189 Cow's Snout . 1 s- y- oblong 1 K 2 Aug. Sept. 190 Craigie g. b. r. oblate I K Jan. Apr. Cram Apple. Cray Pippin. Creighton. 191 Crimson Pippin. Crofton, Early, see Irish Peach. 192 Crofton, Scarlet. br. r. oblate 2 T 1 Oct. Dec. Red Crofton. 193 Crofton, White p. b. r. oblate 2 T 2 Oct. White Summer Crofton. Early White Crofton. 194 Groom Pippin v. roundish 3 Dec. Jan. 195 Cumberen. Cumberland Pippin p. P-. calv. -2 K Dec. 196 Cumberland Spice. f & 197 Curtis. 198 Custard, White. Cyder Sop y. b. r roundish ov. 2 c Dainty, see Hoary Morning Damelot y. roundish 3 c Oct. Damelot Vert J or roundish g c Jan. Dantziger Kantapfel t5 d. r. roundish 2 K 1} Nov. Dec. Darleston Pippin 199 Darlington Pippin g. oblate 2 2 Davis's Pippin. Delaware, see Trwnpmg- ton. 200 Deptford Inn &' Derbyshire -*i ; Descibus . . ' br. r. p. y. r V. roundish ovate oblate 2 2 T K 1 n Nov. Jan. Nov. Mar. Nov. Very small Desjean Muscat J Tree cankers. 201 Deiix Ans, Hunt's >. g. conical 2 T 2 2 years 202 Deux Ans, Hambledon 203 Deux Ans, Somersetshire g'. r. r. y. roundish conical 1 3 K T c 1 Jan." May. A valuable sort, forsound keeping. Deux Ans, Wickham's . Devonshire, Docker's g- y- str roundish ovate 2 2 T T 2 2 Jan. May. Dec. Jan 204 Devonshire White Sour . y- oblate Q O Aug. White Sour. Dredges Early Summer. Dewit, see Doctor. APPLES. 13 Name. Colour. 1 1 1 | a 3 1 Remarks. Dlepe Kopjis, see Little Hollow- Crown. 205 Devonshire Wilding y roundish a C Dec. Jan. Very acid. 200 Dickson's Greening g. roundish 2 K Dec. Feb. Dimmock's Red. Docker's Seedling str. ovate 2 T 2 Nov. Jan. 207 Doctor y. str. roundish 2 T 2 Oct. Jan. Dewit. White Doctor. Yellow Doctor. 208 Doctor Harvey. Doctor Harvey, (of some) see Waltham Abbey Seedling. 209 Doctor, Red. Dog's Snout. 210 Dolgoi Squoznoi P-g- pearm. 2 T 2 Aug. 211 Domine. 212 Dominiska. 213 Donallan's Seedling. 214 Donville. Doonside. 215 Dore\ Double Blossomed. Double Paradys str. roundish 9 3 Oct. Jan. Double Pepin. Double Rouge de Paradys r. ovate 3 3 Nov. Jan. Double Sucre de Marseilles. rus. roundish 3 T 2 Nov. Jan. Double Bearing. 216 Douce de Bolwiller br. r. pearm. 2 K C 2 Nov. Dec. Douce Morelle. Peau de Vache. Douxveret Gris Gros g- y roundish 3 C Dec. Douxveret Dore*. Doux-Amer p. y. roundish 3 C Dec. Doux-chair C Doux Eveque C Doux a Laquet . C Doux, Le Gros C Doux a Trochet, Gros . C Doux Saint Martin C Doux Vernet C 217 Downton . y. roundish 3 T 2 Nov. Jan. Knight's Golden Pippin. Elton Pippin. Elton Golden Pippin. Knight's Pippin. Saint Mary's Pippin. Dowell Pippin. Downy, see Hoary Morning. Doxey C 218 Doyenne" . . y. roundish 1 C? Oct. Jan. Acid 219 Drap d'Or y. roundish 1 K 2 Oct. Dec. Handsome, but Bay Apple. proves of an in- Bonne de Mai. ferior quality. Drap d'Or, see Reinette Jaune Hdtive. Dredge's Beauty of Wilts, 1 see Harvey's Pippin. Dredge's Early Summer, see Devonshire White Sour. Dredge's Emperor. 220 Dredge's Fair Maid of VV T ishford. 14 APPLES. Name. Colour. 1 3 iK 8 etf H Remarks. Dredge's Fame. Dredge's Lord Nelson. Dredge's White Lily t see Devonshire Buddand. Duke D> Arscl, see Old Non- pareil. Duchess of Hamilton. 221 Duchess of Oldenburgh . Duchess of York's Favourite sfr. y. r. roundish oblate 2 3 T T 1 9 Sept. Nov. Dec. Of Russian origin. Dutch Pippin. Duke of Beaufort's Pippin str. conical 2 K o Oct. Dec. 222 Duke of Gloucester, Hunt's. rus. roundish ov. 3 T I Nov. Mar. Duke of York, NewbolcTs, see Rymer. 223 Dumbarton Pippin. 224 Dumelow's Seedling y. r. roundish 1 K 1 Nov. Mar. An excellent Wellington. kitchen apple ; Duke of Wellington. not apt to shrivel, Normanton Wonder. nor lose its brisk Duncan . v y. r. roundish o K 2 Oct. Jan. ness. Lord Duncan. Dundee, see Golden Re'i- nette. Duquesnay. 225 Dutch Mignonne Reinette Doree, (of the Ger- y. r. roundish 2 K T 1 Dec. Apr. Great bearer, and of first rate mans.) quality. Pcmme de Laak. Grosser Casseler Reinette. Paternoster Apfel. Stettin Pippin. Copmanthorpe Crab, 226 Dwarf Apple of Armenia. Earlv Almond. White Codlin. 227 Early Bowhill. Lucombe's Early Bowhill. Early Cleandrinking. 228 Early Harvest Prince's Harvest. p. y. roundish 2 T 1 Aug. Flesh white.crisp, ;ender, with brisk Yellow Harvest. rich flavour. Large Early. July Early Pippin. Early French Reinette, (of the Americans.) 229 Early Gowrie. 230 Early Julien . . ' Early Marrow. y- conical 3 T 2 Aug. 231 Early Red r. oblate 1 K 2 Sept. Oct. Early Red Streak. Early Sweet Red Streak. Early Wax 232 Easter, White y- p. y. oblong- conical 3 2 T K T 2 2 Au. Jan. Apr. Paasch Apfel. r J 233 Easter Pippin roundish 2 K T 2 2 years. French Crab. O Young's Long Keeping. Claremont Pippin. Ironstone Pippin. Ecarlatine. 23 1 D'Eclat. 234 Edel Konig . i r. calville 2 K Oct. Nov. Roi tres Noble. 2,' ; 5 Edinburgh Cluster V. ovate 2 K 2 Nov. Jan. Sir Walter Blacket's Favourite. J Egg, see White Paradise. > Eikenhagar, Willers. Elizahet, see Golden Rei- nette. APPLES. 15 Name. Colour. i [ uC 1' 1 3 I Remarks. 236 Eldon Pippin . . b. r. roundish 2 T i Jan. Apr. 287 D'Ete". 238 Embroidered Pippin y. b roundish 3 T 2 Nov. Jan. Reinette Brodee. Emperor Alexander, see Alexander. Englise Pippin, see Golden Reinette. Enkhing . g. r. ovate 3 3 Dec. Mar. A. poor fruit. Enkhuizer Aagtie, Soete . y. r. ovate 2 2 Oct. Jan. Epine d'e'te'. D'Espagne see Reinette Blanche d 1 Espagne. 239 Essex Pippin y. round 3 T I Oct. Feb. Allied to the Evans's Valuable. Golden Pippin. Eve Apple, (of Ireland), see Early Red Margaret. Eve Apple, see Trump- ington. D'Eve, Pomme. Everlasting str. roundish 3 3 Jan. May, Everlasting Bearer. Eyelet, Yellow p. y- oval 2 C Oct. Feb. Faaremules. 240 Fail me Never. 241 Fair Circassian. Fair Maid of France str. roundish 2 3 Fair Maid of Taunton y. r. ovate obi. 3 T 2 Nov. Jan. Fall Pippin, see Reinetle Blanche d' Espagne. Fall Pippin, CobbetCs, see do. Fall Pippin, Large, see do. Fall Pippin, Sudlow's, see Franklin's Golden Pippin. 242 Fallavvater g. b. r conical I T K 2 Jan. Possesses, in Famagusta. Fameuse, see De Neige. some degree, a Sewtown Pippin flavour. Fame. Fanarike . ovate 2 3 243 Farleigh Pippin . y-g- oblong ov. 2 T 1 Jan Apr. Farthing's Pippin . s- oblate 3 3 Nov. Faros, Grand y r - oblong 1 3 Nov. Jan. 244 Faros, Gros r. oblate 2 T o Dec. Mar. Faros. Faros, Petit. Faux Varin C 245 Fearn's Pippin r. oblate i. T K 1 Nov. Feb. A good bearer. Ferris Pippin. Clitton Nonesuch. 246 Fenouiliet Gris Fenouillet d'Or, Gros. rus. roundish 3 T a Jan. Apr. Has a perfumed anise flavour. Pomme d'Anis. Fenouillet Jaune. Yellow Fenouillet. 247 Fenouillet Rouge rus. r. roundish 3 T 1 Nov. Mar. Bar din. Court-pendu Gris. Fenouillet Gris, (of some). De Per, see Iron Apple. Feuille d'Aucuba. 249 Figue Like Reinette Figue sans pe"pins. Jaune Sucree. Finale, Pomme, see Male Carle. / r- 16 APPLKS. Name. IH 3 _0 | J5 1 fc 3 3 0? 1 Remarks Five Crown Pippin, see London Pippin. 250 Five Pound. Flanders Pippin. Flat Anderson. 251 Flax. 252 Fletcher's Kernel y. roundish 2 T 1 Nov. Jan. 253 Fletcher's Abingdon Pippin. 254 Flower of Kent. g. r. oblate 1 K Nov. Jan. 255 Fleur de Praireal y- g- oblate fc C Nov. Jan. Formosa Pippin, see Rib- ston Pippin. Ford's Seedling. Flower of the Town Flowery Town. Red Streak, (of Backhouse) str. roundish 2 K 2 Sept. Nov. Indifferent in quality, tho' a good bearer. Forest Pippin y. r. ovate obi. 2 K 256 Forman's Crew y. rus. conical 3 T 1 Nov. Apr. Very subject to 257 De Fouillet p. g. r. conical 1 K Jan. Apr. canker. 258 Foxley y. oval 3 C 259 Foxley Pippin orange roundish 3 C T Nov. Feb. Orange firm flesh. Foxley Queening. Fox Whelp d. r. ovate 2 C 1 Framboise . str. calv. 2 K 2 Nov. Mar. 260 Francatu. Franche P6pin y. roundish 2 T 1 Nov. Mar. French Crab, see Easter Pippin. French Crab, American . str. roundish 2 K 2 Dec. Apr. Metoisee. French Pippin, see French Russet. French Sussex. Fr&juin Blanc Fry's Pippin, see Court of Wick. 261 Fulwood. Fulwood Green. Fulwood Dutch oblong. 1 K 1 Dec. May. Late Fulwood. Fulwood, Early. 262 Ganges. Garnon's Apple, see Court- pendu Plat. Garret Pippin, see Bors- dorffer. Geache's Favourite. Geant. Gele"e d'Ete" p. y. conical 2 T 2 Aug. 263 General Wolf br.y g flat. con. 1 K T 2 Nov. Jan. Resembles Rei- GeorgetheFourth, Burgess's. J r5 nette du Canada. 264 George the Fourth, Myatt's Gestreifter Sommer Cou- sinos. 265 Gestreiffer Sommer Zimpt- apfel y- r. ovate 3 T I Aug. Sept. Giant. 266 Gilliflower str. roundish 2 K 2 Oct. Feb. 267 Gilliflower, Cornish Cornish July-flower. d.g. y ovate 2 T 1 Dec. May. The best of Apples, but a bad Pomme Regelans. 268 Gilliflower, Summer str. roundish 1 T 2 Sept. bearer. A great bearer. Summer July-flower. Russian. APPLES. 17 Name. Colour. 1 & Cs 1 Qaulity. 02 Remarks. Gilpin. Carthouse. Girdler's Large Girliin Pippin, see Wyken Pippin. 269 De Glace. Transparente. Glace Blanche p. g. conical w~ C Dec. Glace Rouge, see Barcelona Pear main. Glace de Zelande, see Wli'it Astrachan. Glammis Castle, see Tower of Glammis. 270 Glasbury, Norman p. y. ovate '- C 2/1 Gloria Mundi s- y- roundish 1 K 1 Nov. Jan. Very large. American Gloria Mundi. New York Gloria Mundi. Glazenwood Gloria Mundi. Monstrous Pippin. American Mammoth. Baltimore, (of some.) 272 Glory of Boughton y. round 1 K Oct. Glory of England. Glory of the" West. Glory of York, see Ribs ton Pippin. Gloucester, White, of Vir- ginia. 273 Gogar Pippin P- 8- oblate 2 T 2 Nov. Mar. Stone Pippin, (of some.) Golde Gulderling. Golden Ball Golden Burr. y. r. roundish 1 K 2 \ug. Sept. Golden Drop, see Court of Wick. 274 Golden Drop, Coe's 275 Golden Harvey Bj W y. us. y. ovate roundish 3 S T T C I 1 Jan. May. Dec. May. An excellent dessert apple. Exceedingly rich. randy. 276 Golden Harvey, Pitmas- ton. 277 Golden Harvey, Siberian. 278 Golden Janet.' 279 Golden Knob " rus. conical 3 T 2 Dec. Feb. Golden Mundi. Golden Mundi, see Golden Russet. 280 Golden Noble. y- round 1 K 2 Sept. Oct. Handsome. 281 Golden Pippin Old Golden Pippin. y- roundish 3 T 1 Nov. Apr. Requires a wall i most situa- English Golden Pippin. Balgone Pippin. ons, and its su- erior richness Bal^one Golden Pippin. eserves such Milton Golden Pippin. rotection. Bayfordbury Pippin. Russet Golden Pippin. Herefordshire Golden Pippin. London Golden Pippin. Warter's Golden Pippin. American Plate. Pepin d'Or. Pomme d'Or. Koening's Pippelin. Reinette d'Angleterre. Golden Pippin, Bowyer's, see Bowyer^s Russet. Golden Pippin, Camber- well. 1) 18 APPLES. Name. jj 1 I i i g t/2 Remarks. 282 Golden Pippin, Cluster . y. oval 3 T ~> Nov. Mar. Fruits often join- Cluster Pippin. d in pairs . Twin Cluster Pippin. Thickset. Golden Pippin, Elford. Golden Pippin, Elton, see Doumton. 283 Golden Pippin, Franklin's. y- oval 3 T 2 Oct. Dec. Good bearer. Sudlow's Fall Pippin. 284 Golden Pippin, Hughes's. y- roundish 3 T 1 Dec. Feb. Deserves high Hughes's New Golden Pippin. ecommendation. Golden Pippin, Kir he's, see New Golden Pippin. Golden Pippin, Knight's, see Downton Pippin. 286 Golden Pippin, New y. roundish 3 T 2 Dec. Mar. A great bearer, Kirke's Golden Pippin. jut inferior in New Cluster Golden Pippin. quality to the Dredge's Golden Pippin. Golden Pippin. Golden Pippin, Rival, see Aniseed. Golden Pippin, New Taun- ton. 287 Golden Pippin, Scarlet. 288 Golden Pippin, Screveton y. r. roundish 3 T 1 Nov. Apr. 289 Golden Pippin, Seedling- . y. roundish 3 T Oct. Feb. 290 Golden Pippin, Summer Summer Pippin, (of some.) y- ovate $ T 1 Aug. Sept. An excellent ummer dessert Golden Pippin, Tunbridge. apple. Golden Pippin, Wynyard. 291 Golden Worcester orange roundish 2 C Dec. Jan. Like the Golden Pippin, but not so rich . Golding. 292 Good-year Pippin. 293 Gooseberry y- roundish obi 1 K 1 Nov. Aug. Graafen. Grandessen , p- r ovate c 2 Sept. A sort of Pi- 294 Grand Sachem. geonnet. 295 Grange y. roundish ' C 2 Oct. Feb. Grange's Pippin, see Grange's Pear main. Grauch, Aigre C 296 Grauch Douce str. roundish I Oct. Nov 297 Gravenstein str. roundish 1 K 1 Oct. Dec. Grave Slije. Sabine, (of the Flemings.) 298 Great Milton Pippin. Greasley's Seedling. 299 Green g. round ,) fi K 1 Jan. June. Keeps very 300 Green Balsam y- R* roundish c K Dec. Jan. sound ; le>s acid *han the Easter Green Cosings, see Rymer. Pippin or French Green Everlasting ? roundish * \. 3 Mar. Apr. Crab, but not so ;301 Green Eyelet s- roundish *. C juicy . 302 Green Longlast. 303 Green Pippin. 304 Green Virgin. Gre*goire . . C Gregson, see Catline. Grey House, see House. Gribble. Grimshaw's Crab. Grimsteen y- conical t 2 J305 Grise g. rus. roundish t T ] Nov. Mar. 306 Gros Binet. Gros Bondy, see De Rateau APPLES. 19 Name. Colour. g & 1 K 2 Oct. Dec. landsome. Lancaster Crab, see Mln- shul Crab. 95 De Lande str. oblong 1 K Sept. Oct. Fleur de Prairial. Lunger Rother Himbeer dp- fel, see Winter Queening. 396 Larden. Large Early, see Early Harvest. Large Yellow, see Early Harvest. 397 Large Red, New. 398 Late Bloomer C Lavendel Pepping. 399 Lawman's ovate 2 T 2 Mar. June. Lawrence's New White Pippin P- %- conical 2 Dec. Feb. 00 Leadington, Green conical 2 K 2 Sept. Oct. 01 Leadington, Grey y. 1). oval 2 K 2 Oct. 02 Leadington, Large ff oblong T K 03 Leadington, Monstrous . & oblong i K 1 Oct. Jan. Very large. Green Codlin. Leadington, Red. 404 Leadington, Scarlet . r. oblong 2 K T 2 Nov. Feb. Leadington, Stoup y- s- oblong 1 K Sept. Nov Leadington, Summer. Leather-coat, see Royal Russet. Leicester Early. 405 Leishain's Pippin. Leixlip Pippin. Lemon V. roundish - T 2 Dec. Jan. 406 Lemon Pippin y-'g- oval 2 KT 1 Oct. Apr Kirke's, Lemon Pippin. 407 Lemon Pippin, Knight's . y. roundish K r l Nov. Apr. Does not shrivel. Five Crown Pippin. New London Pippin. Royal Somerset. De Long-bois . y- conical C Oct. A bitter-sweet. Toilet. Long Early. 24 APPLES. Name. Colour. c2 1 3 i >. 1 Remarks. Long Hanger, Parson's. c Long Keeper, Mogg's Long Keeping* Seedling. Long Keeping Yellow, Kew. str. oblate 2 c Jan. Mar. Long Keeping, Young's, see Easter Pippin. Long May, see JVhite Pa- radise. Long Tom, see Sheep's Nose. Longue. 411 Longville's Kernel ;).br.r. oblate '2 c 3 Dec. Sam's Crab. 412 Lord Baternan's Dumpling str. oval 2 T C 2 Aug. Sept. Great bearer. Lord Duncan, see Dun- y- conical 1 K Xov. Jan. can Lord Nelson, Backhouse's sec Nelson Codlin. 413 Lord Nelson, Dredge's 414 Lord Nelson, Kirke's r. roundish 1 T 2 Nov. Feb. Very handsome. Lord Northwick's Dutch. but deficient in 415 Lourmont Pippin. bri-kness. Loveden's Pippin, see Old Nonpareil, 416 Lucoinbe's Seedling str. roundish 1 K 1 Oct. Feb. A good kitchen Lud's Summer. apple. Lud's Winter. Luffness Pippin. 417 Luiken. Lushington Pippin. Lusbingtori's Seedling. Lustre"e, Pornme r. roundish 3 K 3 Nov. Jan. 418 Madame, Nouvelle. 419 Maclean's Favourite y. roundish 2 T I Oct. Jan. Of the highest Madame, Pomme, see Rei- excellence. nette Gross e d' Angle - terre. Madeleine, see Calmlle Rouge d'Ete". Mcetapfel h Fleurs tar dives, see Spatbluhende. Maid of the Mill. Maiden g. r. roundish 1 2 Nov. Dec. 420 Maiden's Blush 421 Make-him-rich. y. r. oblate 1 K T 2 Sept. Oct. Partially over- spread with fine 422 Malapias. reci. 423 Malcolm's Seedling. 424 Male Carle g. r. roundish 2 T I Nov. Mar. Requires a south Mela di Carlo. \vall ; and on this Pomme de Charles. t comes short Pomme Carle. >f perfection. Pomme Finale. Malingre d'Angleterre, see Calville Normande. 425 Margaret, Early Red . Margaret. str. ovate 2 T 1 Aug. One of the best early Apples. Margaret, Early. Marguerite. Red Juneating. Early Red Juneating. Striped Juneating. Early striped Juneating. Striped Quarrenden. Eve Apple, (of Ireland.) Summer Traveller. APPLES. 25 Name. Colour. 1 c i | 1 i 02 Remarks. 426 Margaret, (of Miller.) y- roundish T 2 Aug. Summer Pippin. 427 Margaret, Yellow. White Margaret. Yorkshire Margaret. 428 Margil y. r. ovate 3 T 1 Nov. Feb. Good bearer ; Never-fail. approaches the Munche's Pippin. libston Pippin Mal'mgre, see CalviUe Ma- flavour. lingre. Marin Onfroi C 429 Marmalade Pippin . y. oblong L K r Oct. Jan. Althorp Pippin. 430 Marrnorister Sommer Pep- ping r. str. ovate 2 K c Sept. Marygold. Marvgold Pippin y- ovate 2 r Oct. Nov. 431 Mary Greed's. Master's Seedling . p. y. conical '-3 T .) Jan. Mar. 432 Mason's White . p- y- conical 2 T 2 Aug. Mason's Early. 433 Massavis g. br. ovate ^ C A good bearer. Pomme d'ltalie. Matchless, see Newton Spit- zemberg. Maucher Rotber. May, see White Paradise. [34 Maude's Seedling Pippin. 435 May Bloom. Megginch Favourite, see Golden Reinette. Melrose, White. Melville Pippin. 436 Mere de Manage . r. roundish I K 1 Oct. Jan. Very large. Menagere. Haus Mutterchen. Merveille de Portland . y. conical 2 K 3 Jan. Apr. 437 Meuris. Meuris Pepin. Michael Henry Pippin y. ovate < T 2 Nov. Feb. De Miche y. ovate \ C Dec. Middleton Pippin, see Jack- son's Pippin. 438 Miller's Glury str. ovate 9 K ) Dec. Jan. 439 Millfield ike Golden Rei- Minkler's. ette. 440 Minchall Crab y. oblate 2 K 2 Dec. Feb. ood bearer. Lancashire Crab. Lancaster Crab. Moncrieffe. 441 Monerieffe, White. 442 Monkland Pippin y. oval i ; Nov. ery hardy, and 443 Monteith, White. peculiar form. 444 Mollet's Guernsey Pippin. Monstrous Pippin, see Gloria y- oblate T 2 Dec. Feb. esembles a Gol- en Pippin. MiindL Moore's Large Red Winter Sweeting, see Red Sweet Pippin. Morchiu's Crab f~\ \j Morden Bloom y. r. oblate. K ug. Sept. 445 Morden Round . r. I'US. round T )ec. Mar. andsome, but 446 Morden Striped str. roundish K 2 Vov. Jan. ot juicy. 447 Moreton. C 26 APPLES, Name. ! I g i | j a o i c Remarks. JVJ organ. Molasses, see New England Sweeting. Mortimer. Mouse. Me'tois^e, see American French Crab. 448 Mother Apple y. ovate 3 c Dec. i bitter-sweet. Motteux's Seedling, see Beachamwell. Mount Stewart g. r. oblate 1 K \ T ov. Jan. 449 Moulin a Vent . y. ovate 2 C Dec. Moxhay Pippin p. y. conical 3 3 Oct. Munche's Pippin, see MargiL Munster Pippin P- g- conical 1 K Oct. Jan. 450 Murphy. Museau de Lievre, see Pigeonnet. 51 Mussellier. Naked Apple. 52 Nanny. 453 Negre Dore*. 454 De Neige p. g. r. roundish T 2 Nov. Jan. Very White flesh. Pomme Faraeuse. Sanguineus. Nelson, see Nelson's Codlin. Nelguin, see Reinette d'Aizerna, Never-fail, see MargiL 455 Newark King g. r. pearm. 2 T 2 Nov. Feb. 456 Newark Yellow Pippin. New England Seek-no-fur- ther. 457 New England Sweeting . C Molasses. Newman's Kernel . C 458 Newtown Pippin g- y- roundish 2 T ] Jan. May. Excellent, hut re- American Newtown Pippin. quires a wall or Large Newtown Pippin. good situation. Petersburgh Pippin. Green Newtown Pippin. Newtown Pippin, see Al- friston. Newtown Pippin, Lord Gwy- dir's, see Alfriston. Newtown Pippin, Hunt's Green. 459 Newtown Pippin, Yellow. y- roundish 1 T 1 Dec. Mar. Ripens better Large Yellow Newtown than the Green Pippin, in this climate. 4GO New Rock Pippin g- round 2 T 1 Jan. May. 461 New York. 462 New York, Early. New York Gloria Mundi, see Gloria Mundi. New York Pippin. 463 Noblesse de Gaud . p. y. ovate c 2 2 Dec. Jan. 464 No Core Apple. Noire. Pomme d'Ame"riqne. Nonpareil, see Old Nonpa- reil. APPLES. 27 Name. u 1 S/2 3 f a 1 Remarks. Nonpareil, American g. br. roundish 2 T 2 Dec. Feb. Nonpareil d' Angleterre, see Old Nonpareil. Nonpareil, Antrim str. roundish 3 T 2 Dec. Mar. 465 Nonpareil, Braddick's o-. roundish 3 T 1 Jan. Apr. Very good and Ditton Nonpareil. keeps sound ; 466 Nonpareil, Cockfield. abundant bearer Nonpareil Codlin. 467 Nonpareil, Early # y- oblate 3 T 1 Oct. Dec. Brisk flavoured. Stagg's Nonpareil. Hick's Fancy. New Nonpareil. Nonpareil, English, see Old Nonpareil. 468 Nonpareil, Downton g. rus. roundish 2 T 1 Dec. Apr. Sharp rich fla- 469 Nonpareil, Fair's . y- oval 3 T 1 Nov. Feb. vour. 4/0 Nonpareil, Flat rus. oblate 3 T 1 Jan. Apr. 4/1 Nonpareil, Formosa. 4/2 Nonpareil, Frognal. 473 Nonpareil, Golden . y. rus. round 3 T 1 Dec. Feb. Handsome. Nonpareil, Golden Russet. 474 Nonpareil, Green . g. round 3 T 2 Jan. Apr. New Green Nonpareil. Nonpareil, Hare's. 475 Nonpareil, Martin r. rus. ovate 3 T 2 Dec. Mar. Nonpareil, New, see Early Nonpareil. 476 Nonpareil, Old s- y- roundish 3 T 1 Jan. May. Peculiar and ex- Nonpareil. cellent flavour ; English Nonpareil. bears well as a Nonpareil d'Angleterre. standard in a fa- Due d'Arsel. vourable situa- Hunt's Nonpareil. tion ; otherwise Loveden's Pippin. deserves a wall. Griine Reinette. Pomme-poire, (of some.) Reinette Nonpareil. 477 Nonpareil, Petworth. 478 Nonpareil, Pitmaston p.g.rus roundish 2 T 1 Dec. Feb. Excellent. 479 Nonpareil, Redding's . rus. g. roundish 3 T 1 Dec. Mar. [brisk, fl. Small. Abund. 480 Nonpareil, Ross ' . rus. r. roundish 3 T 1 Nov. Feb. Fenouillet fla- Nonpareil, Royal . g. r. roundish 2 T 2 Nov. Jan. vour. Nonpareil, Russet Coated, see Pitmaston Nonpareil Russet. 481 Nonpareil, St. John's . y.g br. ovate. 2 T 2 Nov. Jan. 482 Nonpareil, Scarlet . r. roundish 2 T 1 Jan. Mar. Very handsome. New Scarlet Nonpareil. Nonpareil, Stagg's, see Early Nonpareil. 483 Nonpareil, Stubton . g. v. roundish 3 T I Jan Mar. Rich and Sugary. 484 Nonpareil, Sweeny . br.'r. roundish 2 K T 2 Jan. Apr. Rather acid : but 485 Nonpareil, Symonds' . g. rus. obl.ite 2 T I Dec. a good bearer. 486 Nonpareil, Taunton. 487 Nonpareil, Vale Mascal. Nonpareil, Waterford. 488 Nonpareil, White p.g.rus. roundish 2 T I Dec. Feb. Nonnette. Rumsche Kruger. 489 Nonesuch g. str. oblate 2 K I Sept. Excellent for 490 Nonesuch, Bowes's g. str. roundish 2 K Oct. apple jelly. Nonesuch, Biggs's. Nonesuch, Clifton, see Fearn's Pippin. Nonesuch, Greengrass's. 491 Nonesuch, Round Winter. str. round 1 K 1 Nov. Mar. Good bearer. 28 APPLES. Name. JH is ^o 1 3 : Ji i % 3 a o 1 Remarks. 492 Nonesuch, Hubbardston. 493 Nonesuch, Royal Winter. Nonesuch, Watson's New, see Summer Thorle. 494 Nonsuch Park Apple y. roundish 3 T i Nov. Feb. Resembles the Norfolk Beaufin, see Golden Pippin. Beaufin. Norfolk Colman, see Win- ter Colman, 495 Norfolk Paradise . r. oblate 2 K Nov. Apr. Milmourit Beaufin. Norfolk Pippin, see Adams's Pearmain. Norfolk Storing, see Winter Colman. Norman Knotted . ' . ' f< str. roundish 2 C Dec. Feb. 496 Norman, Red y. br. r. ovate i C i Nov. A bitter-sweet. Norman Styre . y- r - round 3 C Oct. Dec. Norman, Yellow . y. 3 C De Normaiidie . y. roundish 3 C Nov. Normandy Pippin Normanton Wonder, see r. roundish $ C Dumelow's Seedling. North's Crab ^ . C 497 Northern Greening" g- oval 2 K C i Nov. Apr. Keeps sound John Apple, (of some). without shri- Cowarn Queening, (do.) veling. Walmer Court. Nortliwick Pippin, see Blen- heim Pippin. 498 Norton Seedling. 499 Norwich Jubilee y. roundish 2 K Nov. Dec. Very acid. Nostrate Blanche P- g- ovate 1 C Dec. 500 Nottidge's Seedling. Nottidge's Favourite. Nottingham y- ovate 2 K 2 Nov. Jan. De Notre Dame, see Ram- bour Franc d'Efe*. 501 Nutmeg. Nutmeg Pippin, see Cockle Pippin. Oaks sir. conical 2 3 Nov. Feb. 502 CEillet . C 503 Ognon g. r. oblate 2 2 Jni. Oldaker's New, see Al- friston. Old King. Old Maids, see Knobby Russet. Old Park Pippin r. g. ovate 3 3 Nov. Jan. Olive Pippin. 504 Oliver's y. rus. oblate 2 T 2 Dec. Feb. Orange y. oblate 2 K 2 Oct. Orange, American. Orange, Blenheim, see Blen- heim Pippin. Orange, hie of Wight, see Isle of Wight Pippin. Orange Pippin, see Isle of Wight Pippin. 505 Orack Elma . r. oblate 1 T 2 Oct. A Persian apple. 506 Orange Long Laster. Orange Long Yester. APPLES, 29 Name. D jD "o 1 1 5 1 I Remarks. 507 Ord's Apple b. g. r. ovate 3 T 2 Jan. May, Brisk j uice. Orleans. 508 Orme . P- oblate 2 T 2 Feb. Apr. 509 Ornament de la Table. Orpolin. Or'/^jSee Woolmarfs Long. If Or, Pomme, see Golden Pippin. D'Or, Pepin, see Golden Pippin. 510 Orwell Pippin. 511 Oslin p- y- roundish 2 T 1 Aug. Sept. Peculiarly rich White Oslin. aroma. Arbroath Pippin. 512 Ostend Pippin. 513 Ostogotha. Outre-passe, see Passe- Pomme d 1 Automne. Owen's Golden Beauty, see White Jitneat'mg. 514 D'Ozanne. C Pasch Apfel, see Easter Apple. 515 Pack-horse y. r. roundish 2 T 1 Nov. Mar. 516 Padley's Pippin . b'. r. y. roundish 3 T I Dec. Jan. Apt to shrivel. Comp6te. Painted Lady str. roundish 2 T 2 Oct. Nov. 517 Pam pad ura. Panachee, see Api Panache*. 518 Paper. 519 Paradise. Paradise, (of some), see Summer Thorle. 520 Paradise, White y. oblong. 3 T 2 Nov. Dec. Paradise Pippin. Egg. Lady's Finger. Long May. May. Paradis Franc C Paradis Rouge d'Hiver . str. ovate 2 K 2 Nov. Jan. 521 Paradise, Summer Sweet. 522 Paradise, Winter Sweet. 523 Parmentier rus. conical 2 T K 1 Nov. Apr. Parsonage Pippin . str. oblate ] T 2 Nov. 524 Passe-pomme. Passe-pomme d'Automne . r. calville 2 K Sept. Oct. Pomme Generate, Outre-passe. Passe-pomme blanche . . p. r. calville 2 K 2 Sept. Oct. Passe-pomme du Canada, see Royal Russet. Those having the Passe-pomme du Canada Grise, see Royal Russet. name of Passe- pomme are chiefly of the Passe pomme Rouge. Passe-pomme Rouge d'Au- Calville nature, with soft white flesh. tomne 525 Passe-rose Plate. Paternoster. Paternoster, see Dutch Mignonne. Paternoster sans Pepins. 526 Patersonian. Patriot. 30 APPLES. Name. u tS 3 1 I c? VI Remarks. Paws on C Peach Apple. 527 Peach Apple, Irish g. b. r. roundish T 1 Aug. Sept. An excellent Early Crofton. early fruit. Peach Apple, Oxford, see Scarlet Pearmain. 528 Pear Apple . ' .. 8- ob ovate 3 C 3 Nov. 529 Pearmain, Adams's . y r - pear in. -2 T 1 Nov. Feb. Very handsome Norfolk Pippin. and good. Pearmain, American, see Royal Pearmain. Parmain, see Herefordshire Pearmain. Pearmain, American Sum- mer. 530 Pearmain, American Win- ter Sweet. Pearmain, Arundel, see Hor- mead Pearmain, Pearmain, Augustus g. str. pearm. 2 T 2 Nov. Jan. 531 Pearmain, Autumn y. r. pearm. 2 K T 2 Sept. Oct. Rich yellow flesh. Royal Pearmain, (of some). Summer Pearmain, (do.) American Pearmain. 532 Pearmain, Barcelona . y. r. pearm. 2 T ^ Nov. Jan. Good bearer. Speckled Golden Reinette. Kleiner Casseler Reinette. Reinette Rouge. Reinette Rousse. Reinette des Carmes. Glace Rouge. 533 Pearmain, Baxter's >34 Pearmain, Benwell's. y.r. pearm. 2 K T 2 Dec. Mar. A good bearer : scarcely so rich as the Hereford- >35 Pearmain, Bernard's. shire Pearmain, 536 Pearmain, Blue. which it resem- bles. Pearmain, B right's Wick Pearmain. 537 Pesrmain, Capper's str. pearm. i T Dec. Mar. Handsome. Pearmain, Chester str. oblate 2 2 >38 Pearmain, Claygate . 539 Pearmain, English Winter y. r. pearm. 2 T T Nov. Mar. An excellent des- sert apple having somewhat of Rib- Gold. ston Pippin fla- 540 Pearmain, Federal g. r. pearm. 3 T i Dec. Mar. vour. 541 Pearmain, Foulden . y. r. pearm. 2 K 1 1 Nov. Mar. Pearmain, Grange's Y- a- r - pearm . 1 T 1 Nov. Feb. Good bearer. Grange's Pippin. 542 Pearmain, Golden rus. r. obi. pearm 2 K C 2 Nov. Mar. Ruckman's Pearmain. 543 Pearmain, Hammond's. 544 Pearmain, Herefordshire . Old Pearmain. y- g- r pearm. i K T 1 Nov. Mar. An old and very excellent sort. Parmain . Royal Pearmain, (of some). Royale d'Angleterre. 545 Pearmain, Hormead y. pearm. 2 K T 1 Oct. Mar. A good bearer. Arundel Fearmain. Hormead Pippin. 546 Pearmain, Hubhard's p. rus. pearm. 3 T 1 Nov. Apr. Very rich. Pearmain, Gilliflower . y. r. pearm. 2 T 2 Nov. Mar. 547 Pearmain, Kilkenny. 548 Pearmain, Knight's Seed- ling. 549 Pearmain, Lamb Abbey . Pearmain, Large Red Swee g. y. r pearm. 2 T 1 Jan. Apr. Keeps well with- out shrivelling. Winter. 550 Pearmain, Loan's g. y. r roundish 2 T 1 Nov. Jan. APPLES. 31 Name. i I i p i OJ Remarks. Pearmain, London. 551 Pearmain, Lord Powlet's. 552 Pearmain, Micklehatn. 553 Pearmain, Panson's . g. b. pear in. 7 r c ) )ec. Mar. 554 Pearmain, Parry's . . g. r. ovate } T ~) )ec. Mar. 555 Pearmain, Pike. 556 Pearmain, Royal. Pearmain, Ruyal* see Au- tumn Pearmain. Pearmain, Ruckmari > s y see Golden Pearmain. 557 Pearmain, Russet Table. 558 Pearmain, Scarlet y- pearm. 2 T 1 Sept. Jan. Good bearer. Bell's Scarlet. Oxford Peach. Pearmain, Spanish. Pearmain, Striped. Pearmain, Summer Golden 559 Pearmain, Summer. 560 Pearmain, Sussex Scarlet . r. pearm. 2 T Dec. Mar. Pearmain, Sweet. Pearmain, Teraughtie. 561 Pearmain, Vale Mascal . r. ovate 2 T 1 Dec. Feb. 562 Pearmain, Vermont Autumn. Pearmain, Wick. f Resembles the 563 Pearmain, Winter -. y. r. pearm. '2 K T 2 Dec. Mar. 1 Herefordshire 1 Pearmain, but >64 Pearmain, Young's. Lnot so rich. 565 Pearson's Plate y. g. r. oblate 3 T 1 Dec. Mar. Handsome and Peau de f- r ache y see Douce excellent dessert apple. Morelle. 566 Pear Sweeting. >67 Peckman. 568 Pelican. 569 Pencaitland Pippin. 570 Pennock's Red Winter . % r - oblate 1 K Nov. Mar. Not apt to shrivel. Pennock's Large Red Winter. Pennock, Red. >7l Pennington's Seedling . y. rus. oblate ~2 K T 1 Nov. Mar. An excellent 572 Pepin Gels variety. 573 Pepin Flag-elle" 574 Pepin Kiiick. 575 Pepin Kork. Pepin Noble r. y. roundish 2 T f Dec. Jan. 5/6 Pepin a Porte. 577 Pepin Ringler. 578 Pepin Steuchal str ovate \ T i Nov. Jan 579 Peruvian. 580 Petworth Seedling br. g. roundish L T f) Nov. Jan. Petersburgh Pippin, see Newtown Pippin. 581 Petit Jean r. roundish i ' Nov. Mar Very abundant Petit Thouars. bearer ; would Phlamboot r. roundish K ( perhaps do for cider. 582 Pigeon P- S- r conical ; T \ Dec. Jan Arabian Apple. Pomme de Jerusalem. Pigeonnet Rouge. Konigliche Taubling. 583 Pigeonnet P- S- r ovate T i Aug. Sept Pigeonnet Blanc. Pigeonnet Blanc d'Ete. Pigeonnet Gros de Rouen. Coeur de Pigeon. Museau de Lievre. American Peach, (of some) . 32 APPLES. Name. Colour. I S 7i u p x 1 a 9 1 03 Remarks. Pigeonnet Blanc d'Hiver, Mayer's p- y- conical 2 3 Dec. Apr. Pigeonnet Hatif. 584 Pigeon's Fgg. 585 Pine Apple, Lucombe's . y. roundish 3 T 1 Sept. Oct. Pine Apple. Pine Apple Pippin. 586 Pine Apple Pippin, Summer. 587 Pinner Seedling g.y.rus. roundish 2 T 1 Dec. Apr. Carel's Seedling. Pitminster Crab str. ovate 3 : } , Nov. Dec. 588 Plack. Polnischer Moronki g. roundish 2 ;; Nov. Feb. Requires a Pomme Generate, see Passe warmer climate. Pomme d'Automne. 589 Pomme-poire Pomme-poire, see Old Non- rus. roundish 3 T i Jan. May. Not so good as the Old Nonpa- reil, which it re- pareil. sembles. 590 Pomme-poire Blanche. Pomme-Rose, see Api Petit. Pomme Poire Grosse. Pomeroy, Early str. conical 2 T 2 Oct. 591 Pomeroy, New rus. ovate 2 T 2 Nov. Dec. 592 Pomeroy, Old . br. y. conical 2 T ! Nov. Feb. Pomeroy. Taunton. 593 Pompion. 594 Porito Pippin br. r. conical 3 T 2 Vov . Feb. Poor Man's Profit. 595 Porte Tulipe'e br. y. oblate 2 T 2 Nov. 596 Porter. Portugal, see Reinette du, Canada. Post Apfel v. r. oval 2 K 2 Nov. Jan. Post Captain. Postophe d'Ete* r calv. 3 3 Aug. Postophe d'Hiver . y- r - pearm. 2 K 2 Dec. Jan. Potter's Large, see Kentish Fill Basket. Prager, see Reinette Grlse. 597 Pound y. br. r. oblong 1 K Nov. Jan. 598 Pound Sweeting. Poveshon. 599 Prague. 600 Priestley . y. r. roundish obi. 1 K T 2 Dec. Apr. Spicy flavour ; Priestley's American. J apt to canker. Prince's Harvest, see Early Harvest. Prince. Prince Royal str. oblate 2 3 Dec. Jan. Prince de Waterloo. Prince's Pippin. Princesse Anne. Princesse Noble Zoete . P- conical 2 K 3 Dec. The Princesse Princesse. t & Noble Apples are Princesse Noble Zoete, see all very indiffer- ent in this cli- Cotirt-pendu Plat. mate. Princesse Noble Zuure . p- y oblong. 2 3 Oct. Princesse Noble. 601 Princesse Victoria, Kirke's. Prinzen p. y. r. oblong 2 3 Oct. 602 Prior's Red. Profit Apple str. conical 2 K 2 Oct. Dec. APPLES 33 Name. | | 1 t> i V 5 < 6' 1 1 Remarks. Purse month. Purton's Pippin. Pupicher. 603 Quarrenden, Devonshire . r. oblate 2 T 1 Aug. Good bearer. Red Quarrenden. Sack Apple. Quarrenden, Striped* see Early Red Margaret. 604 Quarrenden, White. Queen's, see Eorsdorffer. Queen Anne. 605 Queen Charlotte . ff- r - conical 2 - A large sort of Queen. Crab. Boatswain's Pippin. 606 Queening, Co\varn g- r - ovate 3 r\ n \j J Oct. Mar. Good bearer. Queening, Cowarn, see Northern Greening. Queening Crab. 607 Queening- Crab, Knight's. c 608 Queening, Crimson r. calville ! 2 K 2 Sept. Nov. Scarlet Queening. Summer Queening. Red Queening. Herefordshire Queening. 509 Queening, Grey g. rus. oval. 2 T i * Dec. Feb. Queening, Summer, (of some), see Summer Stibbcrt. 610 Queening, Winter r. conical 2 T K i 2 Dec. Mar. Vot so rich as the Calville d'Angleterre. Langer Rother Himbeer Apt el. Cornish Gilli- ower, but re- embles it both irv 611 Quince Apple. avour and ap- earance. Quoit. 612 Rabine. 613 Rabine d'Ete" Raboulink r. conical 4 K 5 * Nov. Mar. Raboulink Blanc ). g. r. roundish 2 K Dec. Jan. Ram bo Romanite. y- oblate 5 K 5 * Dec. Jan. American Seek-no further. 514 Ram hour . . g. r. oblate 1 K Oct. Jan. Rambour Franc d'Hiver. Rambour a Cotes Gros, see Calville Blanche d'ffiver. )15 Rambour Franc . y. r. roundish ! 1 K Sept. Oct. Many varieties Rambour Gros. t re confused un- Rambour Franc d'Ete". er the name of Rambour Raye. 1'omme de Notre Dame. ' lambour; fruit arge, unequal 616 Range* r. oblate 2 K Nov. Feb. ded, and oblate. 617 Range", Faux. 618 Range*, Vrai. Raspberry. De Rateau. Gros Bondy. 620 Rather Ripe y. oblate 3 T 2 Aug. 21 Ravvle's Janet. el 622 Ravelston Pippin y. r. roundish j 2 T 2 Aug. Rawli rig's Pippin. 623 Rawson. Red Bough. Red Everlasting. Red Must c 624 Red Streak, Devonshire . Red Streak, Dorsetshire . str. str. roundish conical 2 ( 3 : T C Sept. ossoms late, good bearer. APPLES. Name. Colour. i 1 D \ 5 1 Remarks. Red Streak, Eaton C 625 Red Streak, Herefordshire str. roundish 2 c 1 Excellent for Scudamore's Crab. ider. 626 Red Streak, Irish. 627 Red Streak, Keeping . str. roundish 2 K Dec. Apr. A handsome firm Red Streak, Moccas str. round 3 C pple. 628 Red Streak, Parson's . C 629 Red Streak, Scotch Winter. Red Streak, Winter, see Cambusnethan Pippin. Redondelle c Redondelle Miche y- oblate 3 c Oct. A sweet cider Red Sweet Pippin . r. oblate 2 2 Nov. Feb. ruit. Sweet Pippin, (of the Ameri- cans. Moore's Large Red Winter Sweeting. Large Red Winter Sweeting. Reads Baker, see Norfolk Beauftn. Reg clans, Pom me, see Cor- nish Gillyflower. Reinette d'Alx, see Golden Reinette. 630 Reinette d'Aizerna . br. y. roundish 2 T i Jan. Mar. Reinette de Breda. Reinette Nelguin. Nelguin. 631 Reinette d'Astrachan. Reinette Batarde, see Bors- dorfer. Reinette Baumann r. oblate 2 T 2 Dec. Mar. Vot apt to shrivel. 632 Reinette de Bentem. 633 Reinette Bernard. 634 Reinette, Bischoffs. 635 Reinette Blanche. 636 Reinette Blanche d'Espagne ). g r. roundish ob. 1 K T 1 Nov. Mar. One of the largest Reinette d'Espagne, ized Apples. D'Espagne. Trees subject to Fall Pippin. canker. Large Fall Pippin. Cobbet's Fall Pippin. Reinette Borsdorffer, see Bor&dorffer. 637 Reinette Bosc. 633 Reinette, Braune. Reinette de Bretagne. Re'mette Brodee, see Em- broidered Pippin. f>39 Reinette, Calville. 640 Reinette du Canada . Peinette du Canada Blanche. Reinette Grosse du Canada. br.y.g. flat conical 1 K T 1 Nov. Apr. Good bearer, and, though large, of excellent quality even as a dessert Reinette du Caen. Reinette du Canada a C6tes. Portugal. Wahre Reineite. Reinette Grosse d'Angle- terre. fruit. Is proba- bly the best apple of its size, and surpassed by few of those that are smaller. It there- De Bretagne. Jan urea. fore deserves ex- pensive cultiva- St. Helena Russet. tion. Reinette du Canada Grise, see Royal Russet. Reinette du Canada Piaffe, see Rnyal Russet. Reinette des Carmes, see Barcelona Pearmain. APPLES, 35 Name. j I S 02 a P Qauhty. I i Remarks. 641 Reinette Caractere y. rus oval .3 T ( Oct. Feb. Reinette Carpentin . Red Streak, (of Backhouse) see Flower of the Town. rus. r. roundish 3 T Dec. Apr. Peculiar sub-acid, and slight Fe- oouiilet flavour. 642 Reinette, Carse. Reinette cle Caux Tree cankers. Reinette, Chassens Glanz. 643 Reinette, Cilronen. Re'mette d> Angleterre, see Golden Pippin. 644 Reinette Von Claveral. 645 Reinette, Contin . y. r. roundish 2 T o Oct. A good bearer. Reinette Course. 646 Reinette, Credos Giitten. 647 Reinette Diel y- r - oblate 2 T 1 Dec. Mar. 648 Reinette, Dietzer Mandels. Reinette Dore'e, (of the Ger- mans), see Dutch Mig- nonne. 649 Reinette Dore'e (of the French) . Different sorts Reinette Jaune Tardive. lave fruited under Reinette Rousse. this name, but 650 Reinette de Doue". none of them are 651 Reinette Drapier. equal to the Gol- len Reinette, or 652 Reinette, Early French, see Dutch Mignonne. Early Harvest. 653 Reinette, Englische Granat. Reinette Episcopale. Reinette d'Erkenstein . y .hr. roundish 2 g Nov. J:an. Reinette d'Espagne, see Re'mette Blanche d'Espagne. 654 Reinette Tranche. 655 Reinette Tranche & Cotes. 656 Reinette Franche Grauwe Reinette, French, see French >r. rus. roundish o K T 1 Dec. Apr. Requires a good ituation with free dmisssion of sun. Russet. 657 Reinette, Gardonker Gold, Reinette, Gaumont. Reinette Gielen, see Golden Reinette. i68 Reinette de Geer. 159 Reinette Gielen, Grosse. 660 Reinette, Glanz. 661 Reinette Golden . r. y. oblate ) T 1 Oct. Jan. handsome re- Kirke's Golden Reinette. J ularly formed Yellow German Reinette. ,nd excellent Eiiglise Pippin. essert fruit of Aurore. rst-rate excel- Reinette d'Aix. uce, trees good Court-peudu Dore, carers. Eiizabet. Princesse Noble, (of the French). Reinette Gielen. Wyker Pippin. Wygers. Meggiuch Favourite. Dundee. Reinette GoldgelbeSommer. 662 Reinette Grsem. y- oval 2 2 Sept. 663 Reinette Grise . rus. oblate 2 T S T ov. Mar. Reinette Grise Extra. Belle FiUe. Prager. 36 APPLES. Name. b 1 e d Remarks. )4 Reinette Grise d'Angleterre Petite rus. oblate T 1 Nov. Jan. Reinelte Grise de Cham- pagne rus. roundish T 2 Nov. Mar. avour resem- 665 Reinette Grise Dore'e. es that of Fe- 666 Reinette Grise Double. ouillet Gris. 667 Reinette Grise de Gran- ville r. rus. oblate T 2 Dec. Feb. Reinette Grise d'Hiver Petite. Reinette Grise de Hollande rus. roundish T 2 Nov. Mar. ery thickly Reinette de Havre. >ated with Reinette de Hongrie. usset. Reinette Grise de Metz rus. roundish T i. Nov. Mar. 668 Reinette Grise, Ne\v . . rus. oblate T 1 Jan. Mar. ood bearer. 669 Reinette Grise de St. Onge. Reinette Grise Turbine'e . rus. oblate 1 T 1 Dec. Jan. ree subject to Reinette Grosse du Canada, canker. see Reinette du Canada. Reinette Grosse d'slngle- terre, see Reinette du Canada. 6/0 Reinette Grosse d'Angle- terre str. roundish 1 K T i > Dec. Feb. Nearly as large as Pomme Madame, (of some). 671 Reinette, Grove End. the R. du Canada, but of less merit. Reinette Griine, see Old Nonpareil. Reinette de Hollande. Reinette de Hongrie, see Reinette Grise de Hol- lande. 672 Reinette Jaime Hative . y. rus roundish 2 T 2 Nov. Drapd'Or, (of some). Reinette Grise d'Automne, (of some). Reinette Marbree, (do.) Citron cies Carmes. 673 Reinette Jaune Sucree . y. oblate 3 T 1 Nov. Feb Good ; but the Citron. trc e is apt to Anglaise. canker. Chance. 674 Reinette Kaul. 675 Reinette, Konigs y. r. oblate 2 T 2 Dec. Feb Reinette, Kirke's Golden, see Golden Reinette. Reinette, Kleiner Casseler, see Barcelona Pearmait 6/7 Reinette, Knack. 678 Reinette de Laak y. r. roundish 2 T 2 Sept. A good bearer. 6/9 Reinette, Lancashire. Reinette, Large Sweet. Reinette & Longue Queue. Reinette Marhree, see Rei- nette Jaune Hative. 680 Reinette Michaux . y. oblate 2 T 2 Dec. Reinette, Minster Golden. 681 Reinette, JVJononisten. Reinette de jVJontbron . y. roundish 2 T 2 Oct. Der Reinette, Multhaupts Car- mine y. r roundish 2 T 2 Oct. Nov Reinette, Muscaten. Reinette de Mu#eau. 681 Reinette Musqule. APPLES 37 Name. 1 Si $ P a o Remarks. Reinette Nonpareil, see Old Nonpareil. 682 Reinette Naine S- conical T Nov. Feb. "ree dwarf. Reinette Neirnans Rother. . r. conical T Dec. Feb. 683 Reinette du Nortl y. oval T Vill keep two Heinette, Northern. ears. 684 Reinette Von Orleans. 685 Reinette Faille. 686 Reinette, Pepin de. 6S7 Reinette Pu-te'e rus. roundish K Oct. Reinette Nelguin, see Rei- nette d' Aizerna. Reinette, Phillips' s, see Court of Wick. 688 Reinette Platte. 689 Reinette Poire. Re'metie de Provence. 690 Reinette Quetten v. ob ovate ' K Oct. Feb. Shaped like a Quince Reinette. Quince. Reinette Rouge, see Barce lona Pear main. Reinette de Rochelle. 691 Reinette Rouge Picte*e. Reinette Rouge de Pente- cote. Reinette Rouge de Sickle Reinette Rousse, see Bare lona Pear main. 692 Reinette, Royal str. conical 1 K T I Dec. Apr Good bearer. 693 Reinette, Saffran . y. rus conical 2 C 2 Aug. Sept. >94 Reinette, Selwood's R- y- peann. 3 T 2 Dec. Feb. Reinette, Speckled Golden see Barcelona Pearma Reinette, Striped Mon- strous . str. roundish 1 K 2 Nov. Dec. j 695 Reinette Truite y. str roundish 2 T 2 Nov. Dec. Sugary but not Reinette, Tyroler Glanz p. y. roundish 2 T 2 Dec. Jan. very juicy. 696 Reinette, Uellners Gold rus. oval 3 T 1 Jan. May. Excellent; small Reinette Wahre, see Rei- but handsome nette du Canada. ard rich. 697 Reinette,WeiseAntillisch 698 Reinette Van Mons. 699 Reinette Verte Reinette, Yellow German * roundish 3 T 1 Dec. May. Partakes of the lavours of Golden Pippin and Non- see Golden Reinette. pareil. Reinette Zorgvliet. 700 Reinette, Zimt. 701 Reinette, Zoete Grauwe. Reinivardt. Renouvelet C 702 Renshaw's Beauty. Rhein Apfel, der Saure C Nov. Apr. 703 Rhinebeck Pippin. Rhode Island Greening g. roundish 1 KT 1 Dec. Apr. Good bearer. 704 Rihston Pippin %- }' roundish 2T K 1 Nov. Mar Ought to be in Glory of York. every collection. Formosa Pippin. Trees very healt Travers's. in some soils ; in 705 Ribston Pippin, New. others subject to Cctnkcr* 706 Ric-k. J707 Ridge. 708 Riviere. 38 APPLES. Name. I o I M QJ t> 1 a VI Remarks. Roan's White Crab y. roundish 3 C Jan. Mar. 70.9 Rigbv's Pippin p. y. r. roundish 2 2 Dec. Feb. 710 Robert's Seedling-. 711 Robinson's Pippin rus. roundish 3 T 1 Dec. Feb. 712 Rob Roy . y. g. r. roundish 2 K 2 713 Rockrimmon. Rodmersham Pippin . y. r. roundish 2 K 2 Oct. Dec. Rogers's Magnum Bonum. 714 DuRoi. Roi Tres Noble, see Edel Konig. 715 Romaine y. roundish 2 T i Sept. Romaine Blanche p y. oblong o 3 Nov. Feb. Requires a warm- Rornaine d'ltalie. er climate than 716 Roman Stem ovate 3 T 2 Nov. Dec. Romanite, see Rumbo. 717 Romril p. y. oblate 2 K C 1 Nov. Feb. Great bearer. Rosaekerle . ; y. r. roundish 2 C Jan. Mar. 4. bitter-sweet. Pomme de Hanau. 718 Rosede China g. y. r. roundish 2 T 1 Nov. Feb. 719 Rose Harding. Rook's Nest Apple, see Spice Apple. 720 Rosmarinapfel, Weisser Italienische. 721 Rostocker r. oblate 1 K 1 Nov. May. Resembles Nor- Stetting Rouge. folk LJeautin. 722 Rother Bietigheiiner str. roundish 1 K Nov. Feb. 723 Rother Wiener Sommer Apfel , y. r. pearm. o T 2 Oct. Rouge Bruyere C Rouge de Pentecote r. calville 2 K Jan. Apr. A sort of Calville. Roughaui Seedling' . X- r. oblate 3 T 2 Dec. Round. 724 Round Head g- roundish 2 K Nov. Jan. Rowlinson's. Royal Beacham C Royal Devon p.y.str roundish a C Nov. Dec. Bitter. 725 Royal George. Roval Jersey str. roundish 3 C 726 Royal Mundi. Royal Pippin. 727 Royal Red, Hunt's. Royal Somerset, see London Pippin. 728 Royal Wilding 729 Royale R'jyale d? Angleterre, see y- rus. conical roundish 3 2 C T K 1 1 Dec. Jan. Mar. A shy bearer from Herefordshire, but one of this name in Devon- Herefordshire Pear- shire has been much celebrated. main. 730 Royal Rouge d'Hiver. Rumsche Kruger, see Non- net te. 731 Ruby, V\ 7 inter r. roundish v> 3 Dec. Feb. Bright colour. 732 Russel's. 733 Russet, Acklam's. Russet, Aromatic, see Spice Apple. 734 Russet, Bath. 735 Russet, Bishop's. Russet, Bowyer's y. rus. roundish ov. 3 T I Sept. shoots canUcr. Bowyer's Golden Pippin. APPLES. 39 Name. Colour. | pL| G 3 5 i i f ' P c .-, ^ a 3 1 g 1 Remarks. 736 Russet, Boston . rus. roundish 2 T Jan. Apr. f excellent Roxbury Russet. uality, with a Shippen 's Russet, (of some). 737 Russet, Bowne's Imperial. ihston Pippin avour. Russet, Burgundv. Russet, By son- Wood, see By son- Wood. 738 Russet, Caraway. 739 Russet, French rus. roundish i K Nov. Dec. French Reinette. French Pippin. 740 Russet, Golden rus. ovate 2 r K . Dec. Mar. equires a good Golden Mundi, (of some.) ituation. Russet, Harvey. , Russet, Irish, see Sam Young. 741 Russet, Knobby Winter. rus. oval } T 1 Dec. Mar. urface thickly oated with russet Old Maids. nd remarkably 742 Russet, Mignonne. neven. 743 Russet, Morris's Nonpareil rus. oblate 3 T 1 Nov. Feb. 744 Russet, M ore's. Russet, Pitmaston Nonpareil Russet Coated Nonpareil. 745 Russet, Nine Partners Little rus. . rus. oblate oval 5 3 T T 1 1 Dec. Feb. Jan. May. sTot handsome, but exceedingly rich and brisk 746 Russet, Orange. 747 Russet, Patch's rus. oval a T o Nov. Dec. Russet, Pile's. Russet, Polish Keepsie. 748 Russet, Powell's rus roundish 3 T 1 Nov. Feb. Russet, Rawlin's Fine Red Streak, Russet, Roxbury, see Boston Russet. 749 Russet Royal rus. conical 1 K 1 Nov. May Becomes soft un- Passe-pomme du Canada. less kept in pure Reinette du Canada Grise. sand. Excellent Reinette du Canada Platte. 'or Kitchen use: Leathercoat. tree bears well. Russet, St. Helena, see Rei- nette du Canada. Russet, Sandys's rus. oblate 3 T t Nov. Feb Russet, Scarlet. Russet, Scotch. Russet, Shippen's. Russet, Shippen's, see Bos- ton Russet. 750 Russet, Sison's. Russet, Sweet r. rus roundish T 4; Nov. Dec Sweet Fenouillet 751 Russet, Sweeting rus. roundish 2 K Jan. Mar flavour. Russet, Swinden's Table. 752 Russet, Syke House . rus. oblate J T i Nov. Feb Excellent, and Syke House. particularly de- Russet, Wareham's. serving of culti- 753 Russet, Wheeler's g. rus oblate . K T Nov. Apr vation. 754 Russet, White. 755 Russeting, Cooper's. 756 Russeting, Long Island. Russeting, M'Keen's Sma' 757 Russeting, White. Russeting, Winter. Russian. Russian, see Court-pendu Plat, and Summer Gil- l\ flower. 40 APPLES. 1 Name. | 1 g 'Ji i I d o i 03 Remarks. Russian Emperor, see Alex- ander. Russian Transparent. 758 Rymer p. g. r. roundish \ K I Dec. Apr. Keeps very firm, Caldwell. and contains a Green Crossing's. brisk sharp juice. Newbold's Duke of York. Newbold's Admiral Duncan. Sabine, (of the French). Sabine, (of the Flemings), see Gravenstein. 759 Sack. 760 Sack, Herefordshire. Sack Apple, see Devonshire Quarrenden. 761 Sack-and-Sugar y- roundish 3 K T 2 Ag. Good bearer. 762 Sacomb, Flemish. 763 Saint Andrew. Saint Germain. 764 De Saint Julien g-y- roundish 1 T 1 Dec. Mar. Very good and Seigneur d'Orsay bears well. 765 Saint Lawrence y- oblate .3 T 2 Aug. Sept Cankers. Saint Mary's Pippin, see Downton. De Saint Louis. Saint Martinsaeble. 766 Saint Michael's Pippin. De Saint Noyer 767 Saint Patrick. C Saint Patrick's Sweeting . y. oblate 3 T 3 Aug. Sept. Salopian P- % oblate 2 K 1 Oct. Dec. Good bearer Sam's Crab, see LongvUle's Kernel. Sam Rawling's, see Hoary Morning. 768 Sam Young rus. oblate 3 T r Nov. Feb. Rich and high Irish Russet. flavoured. Sangu'meum, see de Neige. Sang* Tardif. Sapling Bark y- oval 3 3 Aug. 769 Saru Sinap. 770 De Sauge v br. r. oblate 2 C Nov. Feb. A bitter-sweet. Scarlet Admirable, Kirke's, see Hollandbury. Scarlet Perfume, see Cole. Savelow's. Scarlet Weeper str. conical 2 T 3 Nov. Dec. 771 Schafer >*. roundish 3 T 2 Dec. Jan. Resembles the Schweitzer Schlotter Apfel. Scarlet Nonpareil. Scudamore's Crab, see Herefordshire Red Streak. Sea Cliff . g. oblong 1 K o Oct. Jan Schiebich. Schyers, Pepin. Sedan. Sedgefield str. round 2 2 Dec. Feb. Seek-no-further, see York- shire Greening Seek-no-further, American, see Rambo. Seaside Lemon. APPLIES. 41 Name. j 1 1 1 I I Remarks. Seigneur d'Orsay, see Saint Julien. De Seigneur Rouge, see d^Adam. 772 Du Serail. 773 Shaw Green. 774 Shepherd's Fame [Pippin. Like Blenheim 775 Shepherd's Newington . str. roundish 1 K Oct. Nov. Very large but Sheep's Nose. does not keep Bullock's Pippin. well. Long Tom. Sh ireling ,seeLanc'ish ire Gap 776 Shorroek's Table Fruit. Shustoke Pippin y- r - oblate 2 K 3 Dec. 777 Siberian Harvey. 778 Siberian Sugar . V. roundish 3 C 1 Dec. Jan. Flesh orange ; Sieben Schlafer 779 Silverling p.'y. P- oblong conical 2 1 K 3 Nov. Jan. Nov. Mar. uice highly saccharine. 780 Simpkin. Simpson's Seedling g. ovate 2 T 2 Jan. Apr. Sine-qua-non. Sir Thomas Gower's. Sir Walter Blacket's Favou- rite, see Edinburgh Cluster. Sir William Gibbon's. 781 Sir William Parker's . Like a Golden Sklenkory. Pippin. Slade's Pippin ).br.r. ovate 3 T 2 Cankers. Solebury Cider, see Bucks County. 782 Somerset Lasting p. y. r. oblate 1 K Oct. Feb. Sommer Kleiner. Sommer Koning. 783 Sonnette y- ovate 2 C A bitter-sweet. South Carolina Pippin . y- roundish 1 K Dec. Very large. Sour Rawlings. Sovereign . . jv y. pearm. 2 3 Oct. Sparrow Pippin. 784 Spatbliihende Msetapfel a Fleurs Tardives. str. oblong 2 K Nov. Dec. 785 Spice-Apple rus. conical 2 T Oct. Good bearer. Aromatic Russet. Brown Apple of Burnt Island. Rook's Nest Apple. Brown Spice. Burnt Island Pippin. 786 Spice, Early 787 Spice, Scarlet. 788 Spice Sweeting. 789 Spice-wood. Spiesslinger. 790 Spitzemberg, JtSsopni . Spitzemberg, Flushing. r. oblong 2 K T 1 Nov. Jan. Spitzemberg, Kaighns 791 Spitzemberg, Newtown . p. r. y- r - conical roundish 2 2 K T 3 2 Nov. Jan. Nov. Feb. Very handsome. Matchless. 792 Spitzemberg, Pownal's. 793 Spitzemberg, White. 794 Spotted Pippin. 795 Standard. Staunton Pippin. 796 Stead's Kernel C 797 Stern Apfel. 42 APPLES. Name. Colour. 1 j 8 P | d Remarks. Stettin Pippin, see Dutch Mignonne. Stetting Jaime Stttting Rouge, see Ros- y- roundish 1 K Jan. June. Jears abundantly tocker. 798 Stelsted Pippin. Stetchworth Seedling, Bay- ley's. Stetchworth Seedling, Ea- ton's. 799 Stire 800 Stire, Red . . str. roundish 3 C 1 Nov. Jan. Austere. 801 Stire, White. p. g. roundish 3 C 1 802 Stirling Castle. 803 Stone Pippin p- y oblate 2 T 1 Jan. Apr. Handsome. 804 Stone Pippin, Norfolk . White Stone Pippin. p- 8- y- oblong 2 K T 2 Nov. July. Valuable for its ong keeping. White Pippin. Winter Stone Pippin. Stone Pippin, see Gogar Pippin 805 Stony Royd Pippin y. roundish 2 KT 1 Jan. Apr. Straat g. y. roundish 2 T 1 Dec. Apr. Excellent, re- Strawberry, Early. embling New- Strawberry, Summer. own Pippin ; ree disposed to Strawberry, Winter. anker. 806 Strode-House Pippin y. roundish 2 T 2 Nov. Strifiing d'Hiver, see D' As- tern. Striped Holland Pippin, see Lincolnshire Holland Pippin. Striped June. 807 Stubton Pippin. 808 Sturmer Pippin g. y br. conical 2 K T I Feb. June Excellent brisk Stuttqarter Gaishirtel, see ^ J flavoured apple. Wilgsdorffer. 109 Sudbury Beauty y. roundish 3 T 1 Oct. Jan. 810 Sugar, Siberian. 811 Sugar Loaf Pippin ' Hutching's Seedling. R. oblong 2 K I Aug. A good early apple. 812 Summer Hedging r. roundish 3 C Summer Pippin, see Mar- garet * and Summer Gol- den Pippin. Summer Queen p. y. r roundish 2 K 2 Aug. Sept. 813 Summer Rose. y. r. oblate C K 1 2 A Aug. Summer Stibberl J y. conical 1 K V Aug. Good bearer. Summer Queening, (of some. J Avant Tout. Hative. Summer Traveller, see Earl] Red Margaret. SupeVieure. 814 Superintenderiten. Superintendent Prachtvoll Reinette. Surprise. Sussex . p. g. r oblate '2 T f Nov. 815 Svinels. r ft 816 Swaar. 817 Swedish Early Sauce str. conical t K ( Aug. APPLES. Name. | i oJ .9 n .or.r. >.or. r >.or. r. p. y. r. roundish compressed roundish roundish firm firm firm firm I I I I CQCQCCCQ The Albergiers are of little value n this country. In France they are re-produced from the stone and preferred for D'Alexandrie, see Musch Stocks. Musch. Algiers. Algiers, see de Portugal. Algiers, White, see White Masculine. Amande Adeline, see Breda. Ananas, see Breda. Angoumois Hatif. Angoumois Tardif, Angoumois Rouge L ). or. r. roundish moderate 1 S Ansorfs, see Moorpark. Anson's Imperial, see Peche. 1 Black Noir. L purp. round moderate S Violet. Du Pape. Primus dasycarpa. Blanc, see White Masculine Blanc Gros. Blenheim, see Shipley's. 2 Breda L or. roundish rich 1 S First rate. Bears Brussels, (of some). De Hollande. Amande Aveline. sometimes almost four- GO ~ ^ well as a standard, and makes a rich preserve. Ananas. cornered. N Persique. De Nancy, of Sickler. Hasselnussrnai i del. Breda, Dunmore's, see Moor park. Brussels. Brussels, see Roman and Breda. Bunte oder Gefleckte, see Blotched leaved Roman. 48 APRICOTS. Name. CO | j | i 1 Remarks. 1 1 1 i 1 De Carpentras Musque'. Commun, see Roman. Commun hfeuillespanache'es, see Blotched leaved Ro- man. Dunmore's, see Moorpark. A" feuilles panache'es, see Blotched leaved Roman. A' feuilles de Pec her, see Purple fruited. Fruhe Muscateller, see Red Masculine. George the Fourth. Gemeine, see Roman. Gros Precoce, see Large Early. Gros d'Alexandrie see Large Early. Grosse Fruhe, see Large Early Grosse Gemeine, see Roman. Hasselnussmandel, see Breda. Hatif musque', see Red Mas- culine. 3 Hemskirke . . Holland, see Breda. L or r. compressed rich p B Like Moorpark but ripens better. 4 Large Early Gros Precoce L or. oblong rich I 13 Ripens next after the Masculine. De Saint Jean. De St. Jean Roue. Gros d'Alexandrie. Grosse Fruhe. Du Luxembourg, see Peche. Macule", see Blotched leaved Roman. Mdle, see de Portugal. Masculine, Early, see Red Masculine. 5 Masculine, Red S y- r ' roundish juicy I B Very early. Early red Masculine. Brown Masculine. Precoce. Abricotin. Musqoe Hatif. Fruhe Muscateller. Early Muscadine. Masculine, White S roundish i B Early. Early White Masculine. Blanc. White Algiers ? 6 Moorpark Anson's. L or. r. roundish rich p B Excellent, like the Abricot P6che, Dunmore's. fn,m which if at Dunmore's Breda. all it scarcely Temple's. differs. Hunt's Moorpark. Oldaker's Moorpark. Sudlow's Moorpark. Walton Moorpark. De Nancy. 7 Musch-Musch D'Alexandrie. Musque Hatif, see Red Mas- or. r. round tender and rich. I s Reported to be the sweetest of all Apricots. It most resembles the culine. Breda. De Nancy, see Turkey, Moorpark, and Breda. Musque* Mi-nain. Noir, see Black. APRICOTS. 49 Name. Flowers. Colour. | 1 o q 2 m | Kernel. 1 Remarks. 8 Orange . Early Orange. Roval Orange. L or. spherical. moderately juicy. I s Only fit for pre- serving. A good bearer. Roval, (of some). Royal George. Persian Royal Persian. Du Pane, see Black. 9 Peche Anson's Imperial. L or. r. roundish rich P B In all probability there would be no error in identify- Peach, Royal. Pfirsische. ing this with the Moorpark. Wurtemberg. De Tours ? P&che Grosse. Du Luxembourg. Persian, see Orange. Persique, see Breda. De Portugal. Male. Precoce, see Red Mascu- line. De Provence. Purple-fruited d.purp. round subacid I S Of no value. A^ feuilles de Pecher. 10 Roman Common. Gemeine. L pa. y. oblong com- pressed soft I B A good bearer. Kernel very bitter. Grosse Gemeine. Brussels, (of some). Turkey, (of some). Transparent. 11 Roman, Blotched-leaved . Blotched-leaved Turkey. Variegated Turkey. Striped Turkey. L pa. y. oblong com- pressed soft I B The same as the last in all respects except its leaves being blotched. Macule. AV feuiUes panach6es. Bunte oder geflechte. Commun a feuilles panachees de jaune. 12 Royal .... Royal or Royal George, see L or. oval rich P B Excellent ; ripens before the Moor- park. Orange. Royal Persian, see Orange. Russian. Saint Cross. De Saint Jean, see Large Early. De Saint Jean rouge, see Large Early. 13 Shipley's . L oval tolerably rich I i B A good bearer but inferior in quality Shipley's Large. o to the Moorpark. Miss Shipley's. 5 Temples see Moor park. Transparent, see Roman. 3- De Tours, see Peche. Turkey, see Roman. 14 Turkey De Nancy, (of some). L d.y. spherical juicy 1 s Excellent; very ate. Large Turkey. Turkey, Striped, see Blotched leaved Roman. Turkey, Variegated, see Blotched leaved Roman. Turkey, Blotch leaved, see Blotched leaved Roman. De Ifurteiuberg, see Peche. Violet, see Black. II IV. BERBERRIES. These are extremely similar in quality ; their names express their differences. 1. Common Red. Epine-Vinette, or Vinetier commun. 2. Large Red. Vinetier a gros fruit rouge. 3. Stoneless. Maiden Vinetier sans noyau. Berberis vulgai is asperma. 4. Pale-fruited. White. Yellow. Vinetier h fruit blanc. 5. Purple. Vinetier H fruit violet. Sweet. This did not appear to differ from the Common Red. - V. CHERRIES. The columns explain 1. The prevailing colour of the fruit ; 2. Its form ; 3. Its usual size ; 4. Whether the variety is adapted for cultivation as a standard or requires a wall ; 5. The use to which it is most commonly applied ; 6. The Quality ; 7. The character of the flesh ; 8. The usual period of ripening. The abbreviations employed are as follow; 1. Prevailing colour. amber coloured. d. dark ; p. pale ; bl. blackish ; y. yellow ; r. red ; amb. 2. Form, heart, heart-shaped; obt. heart, obtuse heart-shaped ; round, roundish; long, heart, longish heart-shaped. 3. Usual size. 1. Large; 2. Middle-sized ; 3. Small. 4. Situation. W. Wall ; St. Standard. 5. Use. T. Table ; K. Kitchen. 6. Quality. 1. Good; 2. Middling; 3. Indifferent or bad. 7. Flesh. Half- tend, half-tender. 8. Season or period of ripening . b. beginning; m. middle; e. end of the months to which these are prefixed. Name. Colour. | 1 02 o . ll i X 1 as 1 E 1 2 Remarks. 1 Adam's Crown p. r. round.heart 2 St. T 1 tender b.July Good bearer. Adlington. Affane. 2 Allsaints Weeping Cherry. Cerisier Pleurant. r. round. 3 St. 3 watery July Oct. Of little value as a fruit being more curious Cerise de la Toussaint. than useful. Cerise Tardive. Cerise de St. Martin. Martin's Weichsel. Saint Martin's Amarelle. Monats Amarelle. Allerheiligen Kirsche. Guignier a rameaux pen- dans. Amber Heart, see White Heart. Amber Heart, Early. Ambre'e de Choisy, see Belle de Choisy. Ambrfe h Gros fruit, see Belle de Choisy. Ambre'e h Petit Fruit, see White Tartarian. 3 American Heart p. r. heart. 2 St. T 2 half-ten. July Resembles Anglaise,see May Duke and Royal Duke. Lukeward's Heart. Anglaise 'Tardive, see Late Duke, and w Royal Duke. Ansell's Fine Black, see Black Heart. Arch-Duke, (of some), * see May Duke. CHERRIES. 3 . Name. 3 | d & 1 1 Remarks. s 1 cc w 4 Arch-Duke. Late Arch-Duke. Late Duke D'Aremberg t. r. roundish > w s r 1 tender b. July Hied to May 5 Belle Bosc. uke. 6 Belle de Choisy . . r round. 1 w s r 1 tender 3. m. July Very hand- Ambree de Choisy. sweet ome and Ambree a Gros Fruit. ood ; bat not Cerise de la Palembre. in ahundant Cerise Doucette. earer. Cerise a Noyau Tendre, Schone von Choisy. Benham's Fine Early Duke, see May Duke. 7 Belle de Sceaux. Chatenay. 8 Bigarreau . Graffion. p.y.r obt. heart. 1 St. T 1 firm e. July Generally a ood bearer ; Turkey Bigarreau. ery large ant Bigrarreau Royal. xandsome. Italian Heart. Harrison's Heart West's White Heart. Transparent, (of some). Bigarreau Gros. Bigarreau de Hollande. Gros Bigarreau de Prin- cesse de Hollande. Bigarreau Tardif. Groote Princess. Hollandische Grosse Prinzessin Kirsche. Bigarreau, Black Black Heart? Bigarreau Blanc. Bigarreau Blanc Tardi^ de Hildesheim, see Bigarreau Tardif de Hildesheim. 9 Bigarreau, Couleur de Chair Bigarreau Belle de Roc p.y.r heart. 2 St. r i 2 tender b. July Not so fine as he Bigarreau ; iesh tender Cosur de Pigeon but not rich. Bigarreau Commun, (o some). Guigrne Grosse Blanche (of some). Bigarreau a Gros Frui Blanc. Bigarreau Dur. Bigarreau a Fruit Jaun Bigarreautier a Grande Feuilles,&ee Tobacc Leaved. Bigarreau Gros, see Bigarreau. 10 Bigarreau Gros Coeure d. r heart. { w s i 1 firm m. July Very large. Bigarreau Gros Mon- strueux. 1 1 Bigarreau Gros Com mun d. r heart. s 1 firm e. July Bigarreau Cosuret. Cceur de Poulet. Bigarreau a Gros Frui Rouge. Bigarreau a Gros Frui Rouge Tardif. Bigarreau Gros Noir see Tradescant' s Black Heart. Bigarreau de Hollande see Bigarreau. CHERRIES. Name. s g a! % ft 1 Remarks. 5 1 oJ5 E I Bigarreau, Knevetfs Late, see Florence. 12 Bigarreau Napole'on . Bigarreau Lauermann. y- r bt. heart. W S T 1 firm uly Aug. ood bearer ; semblingthe Lauermann's Kirsche. garreau, but Lauermann's Grosse rker co- Kirsche. ured. Lauermann's Herz Kirsche. [3 Bigarreau de Mai. Bigarreau Monstrueux. Bigarreau Noir. Bigarreau a Petit Fruit ""Blanc y- heart. S 3 firm July 14 Bigarreau Princesse. Bigarreau Tardif de Hildesheim Bigarreau Blanc Tardif . r. heart. S T 2 firm Aug. Sept. tie latest weet cherry de Hildesheim. cnown. Hildesheimer ganz Spate Knorpel Kirsche. Hildesheimer Spate Herz Kirsche. Spate Hildesheimer Mar- mor Kirsche. Bigarreau a Petit Fruit Rouge Hatif . . . r. heart. s 3 hard July Bigarreau Princesse Ambre". Bigarreau Rouge Bigarreau Royal, see p.y. obt. heart. W S 1 firm July Aug Scarcely dif- 'erent from the Bigarreau. Bigarreau. Bigarreau Tardif, se Bigarreau, and To bacco Leaved. > Bigarreautier a Feuill de Tabac, see To bacco Leaved. Bigarreau, Turkey, se Bigarreau. Bigarreau, White. Black American. Black Bud of Bucking hamshire. 15 Black Eagle . 16 Black Heart bl bl obt. hear heart. W S St 1 tender 2 half- ten b. July b. July A good bearer, ;ree hardy ; fruit rich tho' Early Black. not large. Black Caroon, (of some Black Caroon Gean. Spanish Black Heart. Ansell's Fine Black. Gaigne Noire. Guigne Grosse Noire. Grosse Schwarze He Kirche. Black Heart, Belcher Black Heart of Buc ingham shire. 17 Black Heart, Biittner bl heart. s 2 firm July Very abundant bearer wort Buttner's Herz Kirsch of cultivation Schwarze Neue Herz Kirsche. Buttner's Neue Schwa Herz Kirsche. Buttner's Schwarze He Kirsche. Black Heart, Gold- smith's. Black Heart, Jenkins 54 CHERRIES. Name. fc & * a ** a> 1 JS 1 Remarks. 1 I s 02 II 3 Of E 1 Black Heart, Ronalds's and Black Heart Ronalds' 's Large, see Black Tartarian. 18 Black Heart, Kronberg bl. obt. heart. 2 S T 2 firm b. July A good bearer. Cronberger Herz Kirsche Kronberger Schwarze Herz Kirsche. Wilding Von Kronberg. 19 Black Heart, Werder'b Early bl. heart. 1 ws 1 1 tender b. June A good cherry, Werdersche Fruhe and valuable SchwarzeHerzKirsche for its earli- 20 Black Heart, Trades- ness. cant's bl. heart. 2 w s T 2 firm e. July Moderate Tradescant's. bearer. Elk-horn. Elk-horn of Maryland. Bigarreau Gros Noir. Guigne Noire Tardive. Grosse Schwarze Knor- pel Kirsche mit safti- gem Fleisch. Black Mazzard bl. roundish 3 St. 3 bitter July Wild Black Fruited. Small Wild Black. Whixley Black. Merisier a Petit Fruit Noir. Black Russian, see Black Tartarian. Black Spanish. Black Orleans, see Corone. Blanche P- y- roundish 3 St. 3 tender July Bleeding Heart, see Gascoigne's Heart. La Bonne Polonaise, see Griotte de Klepa- raw. 21 Boreatton bl. round, heart 3 St. T 2 ialf- tend b. July Boughton's Early Black Duke. Bount's DantzicCherry. Bouquet Amarelle, see Cluster. Bouquet, Cerisier a, see Cluster. 22 Bowyer's Early Heart. Brune de Bruxelles, see obt. heart. 2 St. T 1 tender e. July A good bearer and an excel- lent middle Griotte de Ratajia. sized early Buchanan's Early Duke, cherry. see May Duke. Bullock's Heart, see Ox Heart. Buschel Kirsche, see Cluster. Busch fTeichsel, see \ Cluster. Butt tier's Herz Kirsche, see Buttner's Black Heart. 23 Buttner's October Mo- rello d. r. round. 2 St. V tender October The latest of Buttner's October Zucker all cherries. Weichsel. 24 Biittner's Sehrspate. CHERRIES. 55 Name. 1 a - 3 . 73 . 1 3 1 Remarks. 1 1 1 II 1 a & 1 25 Banner's Yellow . p. y. roundish 2 St. T firm July Good bearer ; Biittner's Wachs-Knorpel fruit entirely Kirsche. yellow. Btlttner's Gelbe Knorpel Kirsche. 26 Carnation p. r. round. 1 St. T 1 tender July Crown. En glish bearer, (of some) . Cerise Nouvelle d'An- gleterre. Cerise de Portugal. Griotte de Villenes. Grosse Cerise Rouge Pale. Griottier Rouge Pale. Caroon, see Cor one. Cerisier a Fleurs Doubles . . Common Double Flower - 1 Habit of the Morello; of no Cerisier a Fleurs Semi- Doubles . J merit as fruit- ing varieties. Chafenay, see Belle de Sceauoc. Cherry Duke * see Roy ale Duke, May Duke, and Jeffrey's Duke. Chinese Heart . y. r. round, heart St. T 2 firm July Churchill's Heart . p.y.r heart. 1 St. T 1 firm July Circassian, and Black Circassians^ Black ! Tartarian. . 27 Cluster Cerise a Bouquet. Chevreuse. r. round. 3 St. K watery July A cluster is formed from several styles Cerisier a Trochet. in the same Commune a Trochet. flower. Tres Fertile. Traubeu Amarelle. Bouquet Amarelle. Heck Kirsche. . 1 Buschel Kirsche. Busch Weichsel. Flandrische Weichsel. Coeur de Pigeon, see Bigarreau Couleur de Chair. Cosur de Pigeon Gros. Cosuret, see Bigarreau Gros Commun. Coeur de Poulet, see ib. Commune a Trochet, see Cluster. Commune, see Kentish. Coularde, see May Duke. Courte Queue, see Flemish. Courte Queue de Pro- vence ', see Flemish. 28 Corone bl. roundish 3 St. H 2 tender July Bears abund- Caroon. PN antly. Large Wild Black. Herefordshire Black. Black Orleans. Cronljerger Herz Kirsche, see Kron- berg Black Heart. Crown Cherry y see Car- nation. 56 CHERRIES. Name. Colour. GJ o . ^_tj * js !> cc s ^ 73 2 at 1 00 Remarks. Denner's Black. Devonport's Early. 29 Double Natte . A sort of Double Folgers, see Morello. Flemish. Doucette, see Belle de Choisy. 30 Downton Dredge's Early White Heart y see White p-y- r round, heart w s T 1 tender b. July A good bearer, and in richness scarcely infe- rior to the Heart. Elton. Dutch Weeping Prunus Chamsecerasus. A species worthless Duke, Early, see May for fruit. Duke. 31 Duke, Late d. r. obt. heart. i w s T 2 tender Aug. Great bearer, Anglaise Tardive. as a standard, Duke, Late, see Arch- Duke. valuable for its late ripening ; juice very a- English Bearer, see English Preserve bimdant but not so sweet as that of and Carnation. May Duke. 32 Duke, Very Late. Early Black, see Black Heart. 33 Early May Small May. Griottier Nain Precoce. r. round. 3 w s T 3 watery m. June A poor fruit owing to its smallness and Hative. acidity. Precoce. Nain Precoce. Nain a Fruit Rond Pre- coce. Petite Cerise Rouge Pre- coce. Konigliche Amarelle. Friihe Kleine Runde Zwerg Weichsel. Early Richmond, see Kentish. Elkhorn, see Trades- cant's Black. Heart. Elkhorn of Maryland, see ib. 34 Elton D'Enghien, see Mon- p.y.r heart. \ w s T 1 half-ten. b. July Excellent: es- teemed the richest of all strueuse Henne- cherries ; a quine. good bearer. English Bearer, (of some) see Carnation. 35 English Cherry . English Preserve r. r. round, round. % 1 s s K K 1 1 tender tender July July Var. of the Kentish. Good for Kentish Preserve. drying , is English Bearer. also a sort English Wtichsely see of Kentish. Flemish. D'Espagne, see May Duke. Faversham Heart. Fern-leaved, see Wil- low - leaved May Duke. A Feullles de Balsamine, see Willow-leaved May Duke. CHERRIES. 57 . . & j Name. 1 n 1 ll G p I I CO Remarks. A Feuilles de, Pecher, see Willow-leaved Mat/ Duke. A Feuilles de PScher Grosse. Flandrische Weichsel, see Cluster. 36 Flemish r. round 2 S K 1 watery July Kentish, (of many). De Kent. Montmorency a Gros Fruit. Montmorency a Courte Queue. Gros Gobet. Gobet a Courte Queue A Courte Queue de Pro- vence. A Courte Queue. English Weichsel. Weichsel mit ganzkurzen Stiel. Double Volgers, (of the Dutch.) 37 Florence Knevett's Late Bigar- p.y.r heart. J w s T 1 firm e. July An excellent cherry, like ;he Bigarreau, Florentiner Weichsel, but ripens con- siderably later. see Ratafia. Four to the Pound, see Tobacco Leaved. Frankische Wucher Kirsche, see Ostheim. Franche. Fraser's Black. Fraser's Tartarian, see Fraser's Black Tar- tarian. Fraser's Black Heart, see Black Tartarian. Fraser's White Tarta- rian, see White Tar- tarian. Fraser's White Trans- parent, see White Tartarian. Fraser's Tartarische Schwarze Herz Kirsche, see Black Tartarian. Fruhe Kleine Runde Zwerg Weichsel, see Early May. 38 Gascoigne's Heart . Red Heart, (of some). d. r. heart. t s T 2 half-ten. July The apex of the fruit termi- Bleeding Heart. nates in form Herefordshire Heart. of a drop. Guigne Rouge Hative 39 Gean, Amber . p. r. obt. heart. 2 s T 2 tender b. Aug. Abundant 40 Gean, Black . bl. obt. heart. 3 s 3 half- ten. July bearer. Gean, Black Caroon, see J Black Heart. Gean, Flemish r. obt. heart. 3 s T 2 half- ten. e. July 41 Gean, Hungarian 42 Gean, Black Hungarian Gean, White Hungarian Gean, Late amb. bl. amb. bl. oht. heart, round obt. heart, heart. 2 2 3 3 s s s s T 2 2 2 3 half-ten, tender tender July July July e. July Transparent flesh. 58 CHERRIES. y S . c ; Name. Q CJ* rt "c . "ci "5 Remarks. 1 $& 1 3 1 1 Gean, Large Black . bl. heart. 2 s 3 firm e. July Gean, Early. Gean, Lundie . . bl. heart. 2 s T 2 tender July Gean, Polton. Gean, White. Gobet a Courte Queue, see Flemish. Golden Drop, see Lady Southampton's Yel- low. Golden Knob y. oval 2 s 3 hard m. July Worthless. Graffion, see Bigar- reau. 43 Gridley. Griotte d'AmeVique. 44 Griotte de Chaux bl. obt. heart. 1 s T 1 tender e. July Griotte d'Allemagne. Grosse Cerise de M. le Comte de St. Maur. Griotte Commune. Griotte Early Purple, see Early Purple Guigne. Griotte d' Espagne, see May Duke. Griotte Grosse Noire, see ib. Griotte de Hollande, see Ratafia. 45 Griotte de Kleparow . r. round 2 s T 2 tender e. July La Bonne Polonaise. Kleparower Weichsel. Pohlnische Weichsel. Griotte Petite . r. obt. heart. half-ten. July Griotte Pre'coce, see May Duke. Griotte de Portugal . Arch- Due, (of some). A May Duke ? Griotte de Ratafia, see Ratafia. 46 Griotte de Turquie . r. round 1 w s T 2 tender e. July Griotte de fillenes, see Carnation. Griotte Rouge Pale, see Carnation. Griottier Nain Precoce, see Early May. Groote Princess, see Bigarreau. 47 Grosse Blanche Carre'e r. heart. 2 s T 2 firm July Grosse Blanche. Gros Gobet, see Fle- mish Grosse Cerise de M. le Comte de St. Maur, see Griotte de Chaux. Grosse Rouge-pale, see Carnation, Grosse Schwarze Herz Kirsche, see Black Heart. Grosse Schwarze Knor- pel Kirsche mit safti- CHERRIES. 59 g a Name. g d . a a . 13 a o Remarks. D P C ' o a E g-enFleische,see Tra descant's Black Hear Guigne, Cerise, see May Duke. 48 Guigne d'Argovie. Tokeli Seller. 49 Guigne, Earlv Purple d. r heart. 2 W S T 1 tender b. June A. valuable Early Purple Griotte. Guigne Ecarlate . Guigne de Fer. r. oval 2 S 3 firm July cherry, parti- cularly on ac- count of its earliness. Guigne Blanche. Guigne Grosse Blanche, see Bigarreau Cou- leur de Chair. Guigne Grosse Noire, see Black Heart. 50 Guigne Grosse Noire Luisante . Guigne Grosse Rouge Hative bl. d. r. obt. heart, heart. 2 s s T T 2 2 firm firm b. July b. July Branches very pendulous, a food bearer j tone large. Guigne Grosse Rouge Tardive. Guigne Jaune. Guigne Noire, see Black Heart. 51 Guigne Noire Hative. Guigne Noire Tardive, see Tradescanf s Black Heart. Guigne Nouvelle Es- pece P- obt. heart. 3 s 3 half-ten. July Guigne Petite Blanche Guigne Petite Rouge. Guigne Rouge Hative, see Gascoigne's Heart. Guigne de Russie a Fruit Blanc . 'robably Guignier a Femlles de White Tar- Tabac, see Tobacco arian. Leaved. Guigne a Rameaux Pen- dans, see Allsaints. Harrison's Heart, see Bigarreau. Hartlib. Hative, see Early May. Hative de St. Jean. Heck Kirsche, see Cluster. Herefordshire Black, see Corone. 52 Hertfordshire Black . bl. obt. heart. s T 2 tender m. July Herefordshire Heart, see Gascoigne's Heart. De Hollande, see May Duke. De Hollande a Femlles de Saule, see Willow leaved May Duke. 60 CHERRIES. Name. i , d> ai 1 4 | Remarks. 1 1 S 02 5 1 p a ! 1 De Hollande a Larges Feuilles, see May Duke. Hollandische Grosse Pr'mzessin Kirsche, see Bigarreau. Hollandische Weichsel, see Ratafia. Holman's Duke . . Late Duke, (of some). Closely re- embles the Arch Duke, (of some). tfay Duke. Honeywood Cherry . bl. roundish 3 s 3 bitter July A wild cherry. Honey Cherry, Large r. roundish s T 2 sweet July Too small for 53 Indulle. ultivation. Precoce de Montrueil. Italian Heart, see Bi- garreau. De Jacap. 54 Jeffrey's Duke . Jeffrey's Royal. Jeffrey's Royal Caroon. r. round 2 w s T 1 tender b. July Trees of com- pact not vigor ous growth. Jeffries Duke. Royale. Cherry Duke. 55 Kentish . Common Red. r. round 2 s K 1 aqueous e. July Good bearer, ;he stone may Flemish, (of many). )e drawn out Virginian May. Early Richmond. Kentish Red. >y tlie stalk, o strongly are these at- Pie Cherry. Sussex. De Montmorency. ached; the ruit may then je dried in the Montmorency a longue un, or in an Queue. oven. Commune. Commune a Trochet, (of some). Muscat de Prague. 56 Kentish Drier . r. round 2 s K 1 aqueous July Kentish Preserve, see English Preserve. Kleparower Welchsel, see Griotte de Kle- parow. Kronberger Herz Kirsche, see Kron- berg Black Heart. Komgliche Amartlle, see Early May. 57 Krugers Herz Kirsche zu Frankfort r.p.v heart. 9 w s r l firm July 58 Knight's Early Black 59 Knight's Late Black . bl. bl. obt. heart, obt. heart. 1 i W b s 1 1 2 tender firm e. June, b e. July Fruit early, large and fii;e. Lady Southampton's Yellow y. heart. 2 s T 2 firm July, Aug. Biittner's Yel- Lady Southampton's low is by far Duke. preferable to Lady Southampton's this. Golden Drop. Yellow, or Golden. Spanish Yellow. Laeder Kirsebaer. 60 Lampers Knorpel- Kirsche. Large Heart, Very, see Ox Heart. Large Wild Black, see Corone. CHERRIES, 61 Name. o g a n a 4 1 Remarks. a I g !>OJ i m Late or Spanish Heart. Lauermann's Kirsche, Lauermann's Grosse Kirsche, and Lauer- mann'sHerzKirsche, see Bigarreau Na- poleon. Lion's Heart, see Ox Heart. u Lukeward's Heart . >i. heart s T half-ten. e. July ad bearer. Maple Heart . Martin's Amarelle, see i\ heart s T firm July Allsalnts. 61 May Duke . ;.. r. bt. heart. w s T tender e. June eing an a- Early Duke. undant bear- Early May Duke. r, the hardiest Large May Duke. Morris's Duke. f early Cher- les with rich Morris's Early Duke. eliquescent Benham's Fine Early esh, this va- Duke. ety merits Thompson's Duke. he extensive Portugal Duke. Buchanan's Early Duke. ultivation it as obtained. Millet's Late HeartDuke. t is also the Anglaise est for forc- Rcyale Hative. >g. Cherry Duke (of some). De Hollande. Coularde. De Hollande a Larges Feuilles. D'Espagne. Cerise Guigne. Gnotte d'Espagne, (of some). Griotte Precoce, (of some). Griotte Grosse Noire. May Duke, Willow- leaved Fern-leaved Cherry. r. obt. heart. s 3 tender b. July Worthless as a fruit variety. A Feuilles dp Pecher. De Hollande a Feuille de Saule. A Feuilles de Saule. Merise Rouge . Merise Grosse Noire. Merise Grosse Rose r. bl. obt. heart, obt. heart. s s 3 firm 3 bitter July July All the Me- risiers are nothing better than the wild Oblongne Merise Petite Noir, se r. heart. s 3 bitter July bitter cherries of the woods. Black Mazzard. Merise Petite Ronde bl. round s 3 bitter Merise Petite Rouge . r. round s 3 bitter Merisier a Fleur Doubles Habit of the Milan, see Morello. Bigarreau Millet's Late Heart Duke, see May tribe; anorna- mental.but not a fruiting va- Duke. riety. Monat's Amarelle, see Allsalnts. Monstrueuse Henne- quine. D'Enghien. Montmorency h Court Queue, see Flemish Montmorency h Gros Fruit, see Flemish 62 CHERRIES. Name. | 1 * I | 1 Remarks. 1 1 1 II 1 I O3 Montmorency a Longue Queue, see Kentish. Morella Extra Noir. Moreller, Dobbeete. Morello, Sweet. Moreller, Langstilkede Sode. 62 Morello . Small Morello, (of some). d. r obt. heart. 1 w s K 1 tender July, Aug. For growing onNorth walls, Dutch Morello. and for pre- Large Morello. Black Morello. serving, well known to be Late Morello. most valuable. Ronalds's Large Morello. Milan. Du Nord. Griotte Ordinaire du Nord. September Weichsel Grosse. Morello, Plumstone . r. round 1 s K aqueous e. July Resembles the Morello, Wild . . d. r. oblate 3 s K 2 tender b. Aug. Kentish. Morris's Duke, see May Duke. Morris's Early Duke, see May Duke. Muscat de Prague, see Kentish. Nam a Fruit Rond Pre'- coce , see Early May. Nain Pre'coce, see ib. New Royal Like a May Du Nord, see Morello. Duke. Du Nord Tar dive, see Ratafia. 63 Nouvelle d'Angleterre. Nouvelle d' Angleterre, (of some), see Car- nation. Noyau Tendre, see Belle de Choky. Ochsen Herz Kirsche, see Ox Heart. 64 Ostheim Ostheimer Weichsel. Ostheimer Kirsche. Zwerg Kirsche. d. r. round 2 Sdw 3 1 tender e. July Of dwarf habit, bearing affini- ty to the Mo- rello ; a good Friinkische Wucher bearer. Kirsche. 65 Ox Heart . . . d. r. obt. heart. 1 S T 2 half -ten. e. July Lion's Heart. Bullock's Heart. Very Large Heart. Ochsen Herz Kirsche. De la Palembre, see Belle de Choisy. Petite Cerise Rouge Precoce, see Early May. A Petit Fruit Blanc. Pleurant, see Allsaints. Pohlnische Weichsel, see Griotte de Kle- parow. De Portugal, see Car- nation. CHERRIES. 63 Name. Colour. a j i! % 1 1 05 Remarks. Portugal Duke, see May Duke. Pre'coce, see Early May. Precoce de Montrueil, see Indulle. Prince's Duke. Prolific, Black. De Provence, ou Guin- doux. De Prusse. Quatre h la Livre, see Tobacco Leaved. Rainier's French Cherry. 66 Ratafia . Griotte de Ratafia. d. r. roundish 2 s K aqueous Aug. A good bearer but inferior in Du Nord Tardive. size to a Mo- De St. Martin. rello, which it Wild Russian. otherwise Brune de Bruxelles. much resem- Amarelle du Nord. bles. Griotte de Hollande. Hollandische Weichsel. Florentiner Weichsel. 67 Red Heart . . . r. heart. 2 s T 2 firm July Shy bearer. Red Heart, see Gas- coipne's Heart. i Remington Heart. Ronald's Heart, see Black Tartarian. 68 Rothmelirte Bernstein Kirsche. Rouge Pale Tardive. 69 Royal Duke . d. r. oblate 1 ws T 1 tender m. July Excellent ; 'Anglaise. succeeding the Anglaise Tardive. Royal Hative, see May May Duke. Duke. Royal Tardive. Cherry Duke. Russie a Fruit Blanc. September Weichsel Grossc, see Mo- rello. Saint Martin's Amarelle, see Altsaints. Saint Martin, Cerise de, see Ratafia. Schwarze Neue Herz Kirsche, see Butt- ner's Black Heart. Shailer's New Grizzly y. r. heart. s 3 hard July Schone von Choisy, see Belle de Choisy. De Sibe'rie Is prunus Small May, see Early chamcece- May. Spanish Yellow, see rasus . Lady Southampton's Yellow. 70 De Soissons . d. r round. s T 2 tender m. July Sussex, see Kentish. Tardive, see Allsaints. 71 Sparrowhawk's Honey 64 CHERRIES. Name. Colour. I 1 "3 cs ^ CO c a 1 8 00 Remarks. 72 Tartarian, Black bl. obt. heart. 1 w '\ 1 half-ten. e. June. Of good qual- Tartarian. ity, and very Eraser's Black. handsome ap Eraser's Tartarian. pearance. Eraser's Black Tartarian Eraser's Black Heart. Ronalds's Black Heart. Ronalrts's Heart. Ronalds's Large Black Heart. Circassian. Black Circassian. Superb Circassian. Black Russian. Eraser's Tartarisclre Schwarze Herz Kirsche. Small Wild Black, see Black Mazzard. De Saint Martin, see Griotte de Ratafia, and All Saints. Tartarian, Rvley's Black. 73 Tartarian White . . > y obt. heart. 2 s r [ 2 half-ten. b. July Pellucid. Eraser's White Tartarian. Eraser's White Transpa- rent. Ambree a Petit Fruit. 74 Thramer's Muscuteller aus Minorka. Tokeli Seiler, see Guigne d'Argovic. De la Toussaint, see All Saints. Tilgers Weisse Herz KirscJie, and Til- ger's Rothe Herz Kirsche, ^^ Tilger's White Heart. Thompson's Duke, see May Duke. Tobacco Leaved . . Four to the Pound. V. r. heart. 2 s 2 firm b. Aug. A bad bearer, unworthy of Quatre a la Livre. Bigarreautier Tardif h cultivation as a fruit tree. Feuilles de Tabac. Bigarreautier a Feuilles de Tabac. Bigarreautier a Grandes Feuilles. Guignier a Feuilles de Tabac. Bigarreau Tardif. Vier auf ein Pfund. Tradescant's, Robert- son's. Trauben Amarelle, see Cluster. 75 Turkine Transparent, (of some), y. r. obt. heart. * St. T 2 half-ten. July see Bigarreau. Transparent, White, see White Heart. Transparent, Eraser's White, see White Tartarian. Tres Fertile, see Clus- ter. A Trochet, see Cluster. CHERRIES. 65 , 3 . >. a Name. S _< ^ "2 4 Remarks. "o U 1 'I ? 55 p a i I 76 Unique Nouvelle. Early Unique. Early Unique Nouvelle. De Varenne. Virginian May, see Kentish. 77 Waterloo bl. obt. heart. 1 ws '\ 2 tender b. July Wellington bl. obt. heart. 2 s r i 2 half-ten. July Weeping, see All Saints. Werdersche Fruhe Schwarze Herz Kirsche, see Wer- der's Black Heart. 78 White Heart . p-y- r heart. s 1 2 tender e. July Dredge's Early White J Heart. White Transparent. Amber Heart. White Heart, Lord Belhaven's. White Heart, Master's. White Heart, West's, see Bigarreau. 79 White Heart, Tiber's y. r. heart. 2 s T 2 firm e. July Tilger's Weisse Herz Kirsche. Tiller's Rothe Herz Kirsche. 80 White Spanish . Whixley Black, see Resembles the Bigarreau. Black Mazzard. Wild Black Fruited, see Black Mazard. Wilding von Kronberg, see Kronberg Black Heart. Wild Ross-shire . > r. round 3 St. 3 aqueous July A wild Cherry Wild Russian, see allied to the Ratafia. Kentish. Winter's Schwarze Knorpel Kirsche. Yellow, or Golden, see Lady Southamp- ton's Yellow. Yellow Ramonde. Zwerg Kirsche y see Ostlieim. K VI. CHESNUTS. Most of these being now in a bearing state, the occurrence of a favourable season will render it possible to form a proper esti- mation of their respective merits. 1 American. Canterbury. 2 Chataignier Ancisse. 3 Bogue Molle. 4 a Bois Jaime. 5 & Bois Vert. (j Bretonne. 7 Crosniere. Lucienne. 8 Noire. 9 Pourtalonne. 10 Prime. 1 1 Rallue. 12 Vert de Limousin. 13 Chinquapin, Common. 14 Prince's. 15 Common. Chataignier des Bois. 16 Devonshire. Prolific New Prolific 17 Dovvnton. Knight's Prolific. Lewis's. 18 Lisbon. Marron Ordinaire. 19 Coriiu. 20 Masters's. Prolific, see Devonshire. Knighfs, see Downton. New, see Devonshire. VII. CURRANTS. It is scarcely possible to describe in columns the differences by which Currants are distinguished. The sorts most worth cul- tivating are marked with ^. 1. BLACK CURRANTS. Wild Black. 1 Black Grape. Ogden's Black Grape. 2 f Black Naples. Larger than any other variety of Black Currant. New Black. 3 Common Black. Cassis, (of the French). Green Fruited Black. Fruit of a dingy pallid colour and of no value. 4 Russian Green. 2. RED CURRANTS. Common Red. Groseiller Rouge a Petit Fruit. Ordinaire a Fruit Rouge. 5 f Red Dutch. Large Red Dutch. New Red Dutch. Large Red. Large Bunched Red. Long Bunched Red. Morgan's Red. Red Grape. Groseiller Rouge a Gros Fruit. 6 f Knight's Large Red. Larger than the Red Dutch. Knight's No. 3. 7 f Knight's Sweet Red Currant. Less acid than the others, 8 Knight's Early Red. Knight's No. 7- 9 Champagne. Groseiller a Fruit Couleur de Chair. 10 Striped Fruited. Fruit distinctly striped with white and red. Grosse Weiss und Rothgestreifte Johannisbeere. Striped Leaved. Variegated Leaved. Rock Currant. Woolly-leaved Currant. Red Marsh Mallow -leaved Currant. Ribes petraeum. 3 WHITE CURRANTS. Common White. Groseiller a Fruit Blanc. 11 f White Dutch. New White Dutch. Jeeves's White. Morgan's White. White Chrystal. White Leghorn. Pearl White, (of some). 12 Pearl White. Blanc Perle. 13 Speary's White. VIII. FIGS. Less is perhaps practically known of Figs than of any other kind of fruit extensively cultivated ; a circumstance which no doubt arises from our climate being ill adapted to their cultivation. The characters now introduced are taken from the colour, form,' size, and quality of the fruit. The abbreviations are as follow ; 1. Colour, d. dark ; p. pale ; br. brown; g. green; v. violaceous; w. whitish; y. yellowish. 2. Form, round, roundish, or of a flatly-turbinate shape ; round, ob. roundish- obovate ; pyr. pyriform. 3. Size. 1. Large; 2. Middle-sized; 3. Small. 4. Quality. 1. Good; 2. Middling; 3. Indifferent. Name. Colour. i I >> ! a a Remarks. 1 AngeUique .... Melitte. p-g-y- obovate 2 2 Bears abundantly. Coucourelle Blanche. 2 Arbre Gros. Ashrldge Forcing, see Brown Turkey. Aubique Grosse. 3 Barbadoes, Green. Barnissotte, see Bourjassotte Noire. Bayswater, see Brunswick. De Belle garde, see Bourjassotte Grise. 4 Black. 5 Black Provence d. b. oblong. 2 2 Blanche, Figue, see Marseilles. Blanche Ronde, Petite, see Lipnre'. Blue, see Brown Turkey. Blue, Large, see Brown Turkey. Blue, Small, see Brown, Turkey. Bourdenux, see Violette de Bour- deaux. 6 Bourjassotte. Bourjassotte Blanche. Bourjassotte Grise g. w. obovate 2 2 7 Bourjassotte Noire. Barnissotte. De Bellegarde. 8 Brunswick v. b. py r - 1 1 Well adapted for walls ; Madonna. apt to drop in forcing. Hanover. Brown Hamburgh. Black Naples. Clementine. Bays water. Red. 9 Brussells. Burgundy, Blue, see Brown Turkey, Capre". Capria. Common Purple, see Brown Turkey. FIGS, 69 Name. 6 fc I I a Remarks. Clementine, see Brunswick. Commune a Fruit Long. Coucourelle Blanche, see AngeTique. Cyprus, see Yellow Ischia. 10 D'atte. Early, see Brown Turkey. Early Forcing, see /?/6' Ischia. 11 Early White. Fleur Rouge, see Brown Turkey. Florentine, Grande. L2 Fracassan. Franque Pallarde. Ford's Seedling, see Marseilles. 13 Geneva. 14 Genoa, Large White p y- round, ob. 1 1 15 Gentile. 16 Green Red Within. Green White Within. Hamburgh, Brown, see Brunswick. Howick, see Brown Turkey. 17 Ischia, Black d. V. round, ob. 2 1 Good bearer and com- Blue Ischia. paratively hardy, as are Early Forcing. also most of the Ischias. Ischia, Brown b. obovate 2 1 Chesnut-coloured Ischia. Ischia, Blue, (of some), see Brown Turkey. 18 Ischia, Early Forcing. Ischia, Red Pulped White. 19 Ischia, White . . p- y- round, ob. 3 1 Green Ischia. Ischia, Yellow \ . . ' y. py r - 1 1 Indifferent bearer. Cyprus. Italian, see Brown Turkey. Jerusalem, see Brown Turkey. Lee's Perpetual, see Brown Turkey 20 Lipare', Petite Blanche ronde. Lord Kennedy's. Madonna, see Brunswick. 21 Malta, White. 22 Marseillaise. 23 Marseilles vr. round, ob. 9 1 One of the very best White Marseilles. for forcing. White Naples. Figue Blanche. Pocock. Ford's Seedling. White Standard. 24 Marseilles, Black. 25 Marseilles, Blue. Marseilles Grosse. Me'litte, see AngeTique. Murrey, see Brown Turkey. Moorish. Figo Moresco. Naples Black, see Brunswick. 26 Naples, Large Black. Naples, Brown, see Brown Turkey 27 Naples, Green. Naples, White, see Marseilles. Negrotte. 28 Nerii . . . . .' p. g. y round, ob. 3 1 29 (Eil de Perdrix. 70 PIGS. Name. I 1 1 < Remarks, 30 Pale Yellow. 31 Peau Dure. Verte Brune. Peronne, see Rose. Petarelle. 32 Pied de Bceuf. 33 Pregussata .... Pocock, see Marseilles. d. b. oblate 3 1 Of excellent quality, and good for forcing. Purple, see Brown Turkey. Red, see Brunswick. 34 Recusse Noire. 35 Reculver. Rose. Rose Blanche. Peronne. 36 Rouge. 37 Rougette. 33 Saint Antonio. 39 Turkey, Brown Jerusalem. Brown Naples. br. pyr. 1 1 An abundant bearer ; hardier than perhaps any other variety. Italian. Brown Italian. Murrey. Lee's Perpetual. Early. Howick. Walton. Fleur Rouge. Ashridge Forcing. Blue. Blue Burgundy. Large Blue. Small Blue. Common Purple. Purple. Blue Ischia, (of some). 40 Turkey, Large White. Verte, Brune, see Peau Dure. Vermisseiique. Verte Grosse. Verte Petite. Petite Verdale. 41 Violette Grosse. Violette Petite . . . v. obovate 3 2 Violette de Bourdeaux V. pyr. 1 2 Violette. Bourdeaux. Walton, see Brown Turkey. 42 White. White, Large. White Standard, see Marseilles. IX. GOOSEBERRIES. The columns explain 1. The prevailing colour of the fruit ; 2. The usual nature of its surface ; 3. Its form ; 4. Its size ; 5. Its quality ; 6. Under the head of branches, what the habit of the bush is. In regard to the second column it is necessary to remark that some varieties marked smooth will not always come so, but in some soils and situations will have the surface thinly set with hairs ; again, although many varieties are decidedly hispid under all circumstances, yet there are others which occasionally produce fruit both slightly hispid and smooth on the same plant ; in these cases the most general appearance has been inserted. The abbreviations employed are as follow ; 1. Colour, r. red; w. white; y. yellow ; g. green ; p. pale ; d. dark. 2. Surface, s. smooth ; d. downy ; h. hispid or rough. 5. Quality. 1. First Rate; 2. Moderately good; 3. Indifferent, or bad. 6. Branches, e. erect ; p. pendulous ; sp. spreading. Name. Colour. Surface. 1 1 I | a! M Remarks. 1 Aaron, Lovart's y- h. oblong large 2 sp. 2 Abraham Newland, Jackson's w. h. oblong large 1 e. Excellent. Admirable, Grange's. Ajax, Gerrard's r. s. roundish large 3 sp. h obovate laro'e 2 SD. roundish e small 2 r* SD Good bearer. Amber Yellow. r- Smooth Amber. Amber Hairy, see Yellow Champagne. 4 Ambush, Cranshaw's w. s. obovate large 2 e. Late. Anson's, Colonel g- h. oblong large 3 sp. Late. Aston, see Red Warring- ton. Aston Red, see Red Wal- / Excellent. nut. 5 Aston, Heblmrn Yellow . y. h. roundish small 1 e. Aston Seedling, see Red War- ring ton. 6 Atlas, Brundrett's r. h. oblong large 2 e. Brundit's Atlas. Audley Lass, Williams' g. h. oval large 3 s. 7 Ball, Yellow . . . y. s. roundish middle 1 e. Balmure. Bang-up, Tyrer's . r. h. round obi. large 3 P- Bank of England, Walker's Beauty of England, Ham- d. r s. obovate large 2 P- Pulp tinged with yellow. let's . r. h. oblong large 2 sp. Beauty, Holt's . . g- d. oblong large 3 P Bclmimt's Green, see Greet Walnut. Billy Dean, Shaw's . r. s. obovate large 3 sp. 72 GOOSEBERRIES. Name. s p I 1 1 < Branch. Remarks. 8 Black, Waverham's d. r d. obovate middle 2 sp. Bullfinch. Black Prince, Shipley's d. r d. roundish mifldle 3 P- 9 Blithfield .... y. s. round small 2 e. Late. Boggart, Haughton's d. r s. obovate v. large 3 P- 10 Bonny Landlady . w. h. oblong large 2 e. Noble Landlady. 11 Bonnv Lass, Capper's w. h. oblong large 2 sp. 12 Bonny Roger, Di - gles's Bottom Sawyer, Capper's . y- y- s. d. obovate obovate large large 2 2 sp. sp. [above. Leaves downy 13 Bright Venus, Taylor's . w. h. obovate middle 1 e. Excellent, hangs Britannia, Lister's y- d. obovate large 3 sp. till it shrivels. 14 British Crown, Boardman's r. h. roundish v. large 2 sp. British Prince, Boardman's see Boardman's Prince Regent. Brownsmith. Bullfinch, see Waverham's Black. 15 Bunkers Hill, Capper's y. s. roundish large 2 sp. Captain, Red. Captain, White. Champagne, Green g. s. roundish small 3 e. Leaves downy Champagne, Barclay's above. Green tr s. roundish middle 3 sp. [6 Champagne, Large Pale . . jy- d. roundish obi. small 1 P- Leaves downy. 17 Champagne, Red r. h. round obi. small I e. Of unequalled Red Turkey, (of some.) richness ; pulp Dr. Davis's Upright. clear ; branches Countess of Errol. remarkably erect. Ironmonger, (of many). 18 Champagne, White . w. h. roundish obi. small 1 e. Leaves pubescent i9 Champagne, Yellow . y- h. roundish small 1 e. Excellent. Hairy Amber. e 1 d oblong. large 3 Charles Fox, Monck's . s- h. ovate small 2 e. 20 Cheshire Lady h oblongr middle 1 e. Latej excellent. Cheshire Cheese, Hopley's 21 Cheshire Lass, Saunders's y- w. s. d. oblong oblcng large large 3 1 sp. e. Very early. Chisel .... P- S- s. oblong large 3 sp. Skin thin. Chisel, Green, see Miner's Green Balsam. 22 Chrystal . / . w. s. roundish small 1 sp. ^ate : good Chrystal, Red. bearer. 23 Chrystal, White . vv. h. d. roundish small 1 sp. Claret .... r. s. roundish small 2 sp. Conquering Here. Chi pen - dale's . . . g- h. oblong middle 3 sp. Bad bearer. ' Conquering Hero, Cat- low's . . r s- y- h. oblong large 3 e. Coarse. Conqueror, Fisher's jr V 1 oblong large 3 sp. Bad bearer. Cook's Defiance. r Conqueror, William's r. h. obovate large 2 P- Conqueror, Worthington's r. s. obovate large 3 P Late. Cornwall . 1. r. h. oblong large 3 P- Cottage Girl, Heap's g- y- h. oblong large 3 e. 24 Counsellor Brougham . y. w. d. oblong large 2 sp. Good bearer. Countess of Errol, see Red Champagne. 25 Crown Bob, Melling's r. h. oblong large 1 sp. Very good. Milling's Crown Bob. Dakin's Black . d. r. d. oblong middle o e. Jad bearer. 26 Damson, \Vhite w. s. roundish small 1 e. Skin thin. GOOSEBERRIES. 73 Name. Remarks. Dark Red, Large. Dr. Da vis's Upright, see Re Champagne. Defiance, Cook's, see Fisher's Conqueror. Defiance, Worthington's Delight, Weedham's Needham's Delight. Double bearing, Eckersley' see Red Walnut. Downy Yellow. Drap d'Or. Duck Wing, Buerdsill's Dudley and Ward Duke of York, Allcock's, see Leigh's Rifleman. Dumpling, see Scotch best Jam. 29 Dusty Miller, Stringer's (30 Earl Grosvenor ,J1 Early Black 32 Early Green Hairy . Early Green. Green Gascoigne. Early Rough Red Early Red. [33 Early White . Elijah, Lovart's . Elisha, Lovart's Emperor Napoleon, Rival Evergreen, Perring's Fame Farmer, see Chapman's Jolly Farmer. Farmer's Glory, Berry's Favorite, Bates' . Favorite, Smith's 38 Fig, White 39 First Rate, Parkinson's Fowler, Grundy's Fudler, Leigh's Gascoigne Green, see Early Green Hairy. (40 Gascoigne, White. George the Fourth, see Re Champagne. Gibraltar . Glenton Green York Seedling. Globe, Green . Globe, Hopley's . Globe, Large Red Globe, Small Red . Smooth Scotch. 42 Globe, Yellow. Globe Yellow, (of some), see Rumbullion. Glorious, Bell's Speechly's Highwayman Glory of England Glory of Kingston . Glory of Oldham y. . w r. r g obovate oblong obovate oblong obovate obovate oblong round round, obi roundish roundish roundish obovate oblong obovate obovate oblong oundish ob obovate oval obovate oblong oblong oblong round round roundish roundish obovate roundish oblong large large large large middle large middle small middle arge arge arge arge arge middle middle mall arge n id die middle middle niddle nail rge arge mall rge iddle ddle 2 I p. 3 | p. |Bad bearer. 2 I e. (Late. 3 I p. 2 I p. 2 p. 2 p. 1 sp. |Early and good. 2 sp. l|sp. 2 2 I p. (Good bearer, 3 sp. ' 3 I p. late. Jood bearer. 2 I Sp. 1 sp. Rich but a ten- 2 p. 3 sp. 3 I p. 3 I p. I- 3 p. 2 I e. 1 good; leaves pubescent Coarse. (Sharp rich fla- vour. 3 p. 3 sp. (Bad bearer. 2 sp. 74 GOOSEBERRIES. Name. 1 Surface. 1 s to >>> 1 a a Branch. Remarks. 43 Glory of Ratcliff, Allen's K- S. oblong middle 1 P- Glory, Whitton's . r. Si oblong middle 2 ). Golden Ball, see Early Sul- phur. Golden Bees fl oblong small 2 3 Golden Bull, see Early Sul- phur. Golden Chain, Forbes's . y. g oblong large 3 3. 4 Golden Drop y. d. roundish middle 2 e. Golden Lemon. 45 Golden Eagle, Nixon's y- d. roundish small 2 Golden Fleece, Part's . y. h oval large 1 1. Resembles Gol- 46 Golden Gourd, Hill's y h. oblong large 2 P- en Drop. Golden Lemon, see Golden Drop. Golden Orange, Jackson's y- h. oblong large 3 P- Golden Purse, Bamford's y. s. obovate large 3 P Barnfort's Golden Purse. Golden Queen, Kay's. y- s. roundish large 3 P- Lay's Golden Queen. Golden Sovereign, Brather- ton's y. h. roundish large o sp. 7 Golden Yellow, Dixon's . g- y- s. turbinate middle 2 P- Goliath Champion, Coster- dine's ? y- s. oblong large 2 P- Goliath, Rider's y- s. obovate middle 3 e. Governess, Bratherton's ft \ w. h. round, obi. large 2 sp. 48 Governor, Bratherton's. Great Britain g. w. s. oblong large 2 P- Great Captain, Hooper's . r. s. oblong large 2 sp. Great Chance, see Farrow's Roaring 1 Lion. Great Tup 49 Green Anchor, Bell's. oarse. Green Balsam, Viner's g' s. obovate large 3 P- Green Chisel. Green Gage, Horsefield's . g- s. roundish large 3 sp. 50 Green Gage, Pitmaston . g- s. obovate small 1 e. Excellent ; very Green Globe g. s. round. middle 2 sp. sugary, and will Green Isle. Green Mountain, Saudi- hang till it be- comes shriveled. ford's . . . g- h. oval large 3 sp. Green Mvrtle, Nixon's g- s. oblong large 2 P< Green Oak g. h. roundish large 2 e. Green Ocean, Wainman's g- s. oblong large ^ P- Ingham's Green Ocean. Green Prolific, Hebbwrn's see Htbburn Green Pro liftc. Green Seedling g- h. oblong small 1 P- Good bearer. Greensmith . / g- h. roundish middle 2 e. Green Willow . g- d. roundish large r e. Bad bearer. Green JFillMV, see Parkin son's Laurel. 51 Greenwood, Berry's P- g s. oblong large f P- Good bearer. Hairy Black, see Ironmon- ger. Hairy Green, Gerrard's . g- h. roundish middle 1 52 Hairy Red, Barton's . r h. roundish small ( e. Good bearer. Hall's Seedling, see Wood ward's Whitesmith. 53 Heart of Oak, Massey'a . g- s. oblong large P- Good bearer. GOOSEBERRIES 75 Name. Colour. Surface. g V X a a Branch. Remarks. 54 Hebburn Green Prolific g. h. roundish middle 1 e. Excellent. Hebburn's Green Prolfic. Hedge Hog, see Irish White Raspberry. Hero, Ambersley d. r. s. oblong large 3 sp. Hero, Kilion, see Hamlet's Kilt on. Highlander, Horsfield's y- d. oblong- large 3 e. Bad. 55 High Sheriff of Lancashire, Grundy's g- s. obovate middle 2 P- Highwayman, Speech/ley's, see* Bell's Glorious. Hit or Miss, Taylor's r. h. oblong v. large 3 P- Coarse. Honey, White . w. s. round, obi. middle 1 e. Excellent. 56 Huntsman, Bratherton's . d. r. h. roundish large 2 e. Good bearer. Speechley's Rough Robin. 57 Husbandman, Foster's y- d. obovate large 2 e. Forester's Husbandman. 58 Independant, Brigg's g- s. obovate large 2 e. Good bearer. Biggs's Independant. Invincible, Heywood's y. d. round, obi. large 2 e. 59 Irish Plum d. r. h. roundish middle 1 e. h roundish small 1 sp. Leaves pubes- Hairy Black. r cent ; fruit more Ironmonger, see Red Cham- round and darker than that of Red pagne. ^ Champagne, the Jackson's Slim d. r. d. obovate middle 2 S. superior variety Jagg's Red . r. s. roundish large 2 P' often confused with this. Jay Wing. John Bull, Blomerley's . y- d. obovafe large 2 P- Joke, Hodkinson's g d. roundish large 3 P- 61 Jolly Anglers, Colliers's . g' d. oblong large 1 e, A good late sort. " Collins' Jolly Angler. Lay's Jolly Angler. Jolly Farmer, Chapman's g- s. oblong large 3 sp. Prince of Wales. Farmer. Jolly Gunner, Hardcastle's y- h. oblong large 3 e. Royal Gunner. Jolly Miner, Greenhalgh's r. s. obovate large 3 P- Jolly Nailer, Bromley's . g.w. h. round, obi. large 3 e. Jolly Printer, Eckerslev's . d. r. s. oblong large 3 sp. Eckersley's Jolly Painter. 52 Jolly Tar, Edwards's . g- s. obovate large 1 P- Good bearer. Jubilee, Hoplev's d. r. h. roundish large 2 e. 63 Keens's Seedling b. r. h. oblong middle 1 P- Good bear r, Keens's Seedling Warrington. 64 Kilton, Hamlet's g- y- h. oblong large 2 P- earlier than Ked Waniiigton. Kilton Hero. King, Allcock's . d. r. h. roundish large 2 e. Lady Delamere, Wild's y. w. s. oblong large 3 sp. Lady Lilford, Grundy's, see Woodward's White- smith. 65 Lady of the Manor, Hop- ley's w. h. round, obi. large 2 e. 66 Lancashire Lad, Harts- horn's d. r. h. roundish large 2 e. Good bearer. Lancashire Lass, see Wood- ward's Wh itesm ith . Langley Green, Mills's P- g- h. roundish large 2 e. 67 Large Early White g. w. d. obovate large 1 e. Very early. Large White . w. d. oval middle 2 P- Early. Large Yellow ? y- s. obovate middle P- 76 GOOSEBERRIES. Name. Colour. 1 M a Quality. Branch. Remarks. Late Green . g. d. obovate small 1 e. 68 Laurel, Parkinson's P- g- d. obovate large 1 e. Good bearer, Green Laurel. nearly a white, Green Willow, (of some). resembling Lion, White 69 Lioness, Fennyhaugh's . w. w. h. s. obovate obovate large large 3 2 e. P- Woodward's Whitesmith. Little John . d. r. h. oblong small 2 e. Little Red Hairy, see Rough Red. 70 Lively Green, Boardman's . Like Parkinson's 71 Long Yellow g- y- s. oblong large 2 sp. Laurel. 72 Lord Combermere, Fores- ter's y. s. obovate large 2 sp. 73 Lord Crew, Hopley's . g- h. oblong large I e. Lord Hood, Tartlow's p- g- s. obovate large 3 e. Lord of the Manor, Bra- therton's . r. h. roundish large 1 sp. Lord Suffield, Haywood's g- y- s. obovate large 3 P- Lord Wellington, How- lev's r. s. oblong large sp. Lord Valentia w. s. oblong large 3 P- Lovely Anne g- d. oval large 2 P- 74 Magistrate, Biggie's r. d. obovate large 1 sp. 75 Maid of the Mill, Stringer's w. d. obovate middle 1 e Marchioness of Downshire w. h. oblong middle 3 e. 76 Marquis of Stafford, Knight's r. h. round, obi. large 2 sp. Resembles Matchless, Wright's d. r. h. oblong middle 3 P- Wilmot's Late 77 Merry Lass g- s. obovate middle 2 e. Superb. 78 Merryman, Nuts's P- g- d. obovate middle 2 P- 0-. s roundish small 2 e. Early. Mignonette . g- h. roundish small 2 e Leaves pubes- oblong large 3 sp. cent. 79 Miss Bold r. d. roundish middle I i sp. Early, allied to Pigeon's Egg, (of some). Red Walnut but Moses, Lovart's g- h. obovate large 2 e. better. Moss's Seedling, see Early Sulphur. Murrey, see Red Walnut. Napoleon, Saunders's y. s. obovate large 2 P- Nelson's Waves, Andrew's y-" K- h. oblong large 3 P- Noble Landlady y see Bonny Landlady. 80 No-Bribery, Taylor's . g- s. obovate large 2 P- Nonpareil, see Green Wal- nut. Northern Hero g- s. obovate large 3 P- Nutmeg. Nutmeg, (of some), see Raspberry. 81 Nutmeg, Brawnlie r. s. obovate small 2 sp. 82 Nutmeg, Scotch r. h. d. roundish 2 2 e. Old Ball. Old England, Rider's . d. r. s. round, obi. large. 2 P- Resembles Old Preserver, see Rasp- Wilmot's Early Red. berry. Old Scotch Red, see Rough Red. 83 Over-all, Bratherton's . r. h. oblong large 2 P- 84 Pastime, Bratherton's d. r. h. roundish large 2 P- Extra bracts often Peover Pecher, Bell's . 85 Perfection, Gregory's d.g. g- s. d. obovate roundish large large 3 1 P- P- attached to the sides of the fruit. Late. GOOSEBERRIES. 77 Name. Colour. I i 1 3 a 1 Remarks. Pigeon's Egg, (of some) . w. h. obovate middle Pigeon's Egg, see Miss Bold. 86 Platt's White g. w. h. roundish small 1 e. 87 Ploughbov, Grundy's. Pollet's Seedling d. r. s. oblong large 3 sp 88 Prince of Orange, Bell's . y. d. oblong large 2 P- Prince of Wales, see Chap- man's Jolly Farmer. 89 Prince Regent, Boardrnan's d. r. s. roundish large 2 sp. Boardman's British Prince. 90 Princesse Royale . w. h. obovate large 1 p Good bearer. Profit, Prophet's g- d. oblong large 2 sp. Porcupine, Henderson's, see Irish White Raspberry. Queen Ann, Sampson's g.w. d. ovate large 2 e. Simpson's Queen Ann. 91 Queen Caroline, Lovart's w. s. obovate middle 2 e. 92 Queen Charlotte, Peer's . g.w. h. oblong middle 1 e. Queen Marv, Morris's . g.w. d. ovate middle 3 e. Radical, Smith's w. h. round, obi. large 2 P- Ranger y. h. roundish small 3 P- 93 Raspberry d. r. h. roundish small 1 sp. Early. Old Preserver. Nutmeg, (of some). 94 Raspberry, Irish White . w. h. round small 1 sp. Fruit very hispid. Henderson's Porcupine. Hedge Hog. 95 Red, Beaumont's d. r. h. roundish middle 1 e. Leaves pubes- 96 Red Mogul r. h. roundish small 1 sp. cent. Red Oval, Large r. h. oval large 1 sp. Red Rose r. d. oblong' large 1 P- Very good. Redsmith r. d. oval middle 2 s. Red, Thick-skinnedy see Rough Red. 97 Red Turkey r. s. obovate small 1 sp. Smooth Red. Red Turkey, (of some), see Red Champagne. Reformer g. s. oblong large 2 sp. 98 Regulator, Prophet's v. d. roundish large 2 e. Richmond Hill, Ward's . d." r. s. obovate large 2 p. 99 Rifleman, Leigh's r. h. roundish large I e. Good bearer, late . Allcock's Duke of York. Yates's Royal Anne. Grange's Admirable? Rifleman, London g. s. oval middle 3 sp. 100 Ringleader, Johnson's 101 Roaring Lion, Farrow's . Great Chance. r. r. s. s. oblong oblong large v. large 2 2 Jr P- P- Late, and one of the very largest. Robin Hood, Bell's y- g- d. oblong large P- 102 Rob Roy r. h. obovate middle 1 e. Very early. 103 Rock wood, Prophet's . y. h. roundish large 2 e. Early. [nut. 104 Rodney, Acherley's r. d. obovate middle 2 P- Allied to Red Wai- 105 Rough Red r. h. round small 1 s. Esteemed for Little Red Hairy. preserving. Old Scotch Red. Thick-skinned Red. Rough Red, New. 106 Rough Red, Small Dark . r. h. round small 1 s. Early ; leaves pu- Small Rough Red. bescent. Rough Robin, Speechley's, see Brathertons Hunts- man. Rough Yellow, see Sulphur. 78 GOOSEBERRIES. Names. Colour. Surface. EM cw 1 a Branch. Remarks. Rough White, Early . V. !. oval large 2 e. Round Yelluw, see Rumbul- lion. Royal Anne, Yates's, see Leigh's Rifleman. Royal Duke . r. s. obovate large 3 P- 07 Royal George gr s. oval middle 2 e. 108 Royal George, Early Royal Gunner , Hardcastle's, g- h. oblong middle 2 P see Hardcastle^s Jolly Gunner. 109 Royal Oak r. h. roundish middle 1 sp. Royal, Pearson's w. d. oval middle 2 sp. 110 Royal Rock Getter, Saun- der's w. d. obovate large 2 e. Andrew's Royal Rock Getter. Ill Royal White w. h. round small 1 e. 112 Rumbullion y- d roundish small 2 e. rcat bearer, Yellow Globe. luch prown Round Yellow. or bottling. 13 Rumbullion, Green h. round small 2 e. 14 Sabine's Green . s. round small 1 sp. 15 Saint John . :*. r. s. obovate middle 2 sp. Scarlet, Transparent . r. h. roundish small 9 e. Bad bearer. Scented Lemon, Rider's r. s. obovate large T sp. Very good. 16 Scotch Best Jam . r. h. roundish small i e. Leaves pubes- Dumpling. ent. 17 Shakespear, Denny's r. h. roundish large i e. Shannon, Hopley's fr s. roundish large 3 sp. 18 Sheba Queen, Crompton's w. d. obovate large 1 e. Extremely near, Comptori's Sheba Queen. if not the same Sir Francis Burdett, Mel- as Woodward's lor's , r. h. obovate large 2 e. Whitesmith. Sir John Cotgrave, Brather- ton's 1. r. h. obovate large 3 P- Sir Sidney Smith, see Wood- ward's Whitesmith. Small Green d. globular small 2 e. Small Hairy Green Small Red g- r. h. h. round round small small 2 1 e. s. Leaves pubes- cent. L19 Smiling Beauty, Beau- mont's v. s, oblong large 1 P- Good bearer, 120 Smiling Girl, Hoslam's . w. s. round, obi. large 2 e. t-kin thin. Smithy Ranger, Fidler anc Bullock's. Smolensko, Greaves's r. s. obovate large 2 P- Smooth Scotch, see Smal I Red Globe. Smooth Green, see Gree Walnut. Smooth Green, Large . S- s. obovate large 1 s. Smooth Red, see Red Titr hey. Smooth Yellow y. d. roundish small 1 e. Smuggler, Beardsell's . y. s. round, obi lar >> ca a 2.2 as- Remarks. Admiral, see Black Ham- burgh. Aleatico (du Po), see Miller's Burgundy. I Aleppo Raisin d'Alep. loose vv. r. round thin sweet h. V. Striped. Maurillon Panache. Maurillon Noir Panache. Chasselas Panache 1 . Raisin Suisse. Striped Muscadine. Variegated Chasselas. Switzerland. 2 Alexandrian Ciotat . Alexanders Schuylkill Muscadine. long small y. w. bl. oval oval thin thick sweet 1 3 h. v. [larly. Sets irregu- A Fox grape, 'Hid. Alicant, see Black Prince. 3 Alicante Bianca. Al'wante Preto, see Cor- nichon Blanc. 4 Amazon, Red. Amiens, see Royal Mus- cadine. 1 Ang'uur Kismisi, see White Corinth. Ansley's Large Oval Black, see Black Morocco. A sea Ion, Black, see Black Corinth. 5 Aramon. Arbst, see Black Cluster. 6 Aspirant (de 1'Herault) Aspirant sans Pepm, see comp. bl. round thick 2 A wine grape. White Corinth. At 82 GRAPES. Name. Bunch. I & M I i 2 9 3 ll Remarks. Astrachan, Large. Saffiannoi. 7 Astrachan, Large Red Berried. D'Arbois, see Royal Muscadine. D'Arboyce, (of Speech- ley), see ib. August'mer, see Black Cluster., and Early Black July. Auvernat, see Black Cluster. Auvergne, see Black Cluster. Auvernas Rouge, see ib. Auvernas, f^rai, see ib. Bee d'Oiseau, see Cor- nichon Blanc. Bela Dinka, see White Frontignan. 8 Black Britannia. 9 Black Cluster comp. bl. roundish-ov thick sweet 2 w. Auvernat. Burgundy. Black Burgundy. Early Black. Small Black Cluster. Black Morillon. Auvergne. True Burgundy. Pineau. Franc-Pineau. Morillon Noir. Raisin de Bourgogne. Auvernas Rouge. Vrai Auvernas. Saumoireau. Bon Plant. Genetin de St. Menin. Fin Noir de Toulon. Talvagnues rouge. Ternent. Fin Plant Dore*. Noirin. Pignolet. Pignola. Nera. Klevner. Burgunder. Rother. Schwarzer. Rother Burgunder. Schwarzer Siissling. Silssedel. Augustiner. Fruhblaue. Klebroth. Blauer Seeklevner. Blauer Rischling. Schwarzer Rissling. Schwarze Frankische. Mohrenkonigin. Malterdinger. Arbst. Bohmischer. Cerna okrugla. Ranka Druge Struke. Black Cluster, (of Mil- ler), seeMiller's Bur- gundy. 10 Black Cluster, Scarlet- leaved small bl. oval thick 3 w. A wine grape. Large Black Cluster. GRAPES. 83 Name. Bunch. Colour. 5 o fa .9 i 1 < Jo M*3 Remarks. 1 1 Black Cluster, nice . loose 1)1. roundish thin sweet 2 W. 12 Black July, Early . comp bl. round thick sweet 2 w. The earliest. Morillon Hatif. Madeleine. Madeleine Noire. Raisin Precoce. De St. Jean. De Juillet. Sehr Fruher Schwarze Burgunder. Schwarzer Burgunder Fruher Burgunder Schwarzer Fruhzeitige Burgunder. August Traube. Augustiner. August- Clevner. Jacobstraube. Fruhe Jacobstraube. Jacobitraube. Champagner. Mohrchen. Ranczi. Juannens Negres. Lujega. Luviana. Lugiana Veronese. Lugliana e Lugliola de Toscani. 13 Black Prince Sir Abraham Pytches' long bl. oval thick sweet 1 V. W A good bearer and colours Black. well. Alicant. Black Spanish. Black Valentia. Black Portugal. Black Lisbon. Pocock's Damascus, Cambridge Botanic Gar den. Lombardy, (of some). Steward's Black Prince. Boston . 14 Black Prince, Williains's 15 Black Prolific Blacksmith's White Clus- loose bl. roundish thin sweet 1 V. W Early and pro line. ter, see Scotch White Cluster. Blanc de Bonneuil, see Early White Mai- vasia. Blanche . . 6 Eland's Virginian . . V. Blanda. large small P-g- ). r. oval round thin thick sweet foxy 1 3 V. W. Ripens early. Jad, a var. of V. Labrusca. V. Labrusca Blanda. Eland's Fox Grape. Blauer Seeklevner, see Black Cluster. Blood Red, see Claret. 7 Blussard Blanc. 18 Blussard Noir. Bocksaugen, see Black Hamburgh. Bohmischer, see Black Cluster. Bommerer, see Black Hamburgh. Bon Plant, see Black Cluster. Boston, see Black Prince. Boudales (des Hautes Py- rne"es), see Black Frontignan. 84 GRAPES. Name. Bunch. Colour. o^ PH CQ 1 I ll Remarks. 19 Bual, White omp. w. obovate tiick sweet V. W. Burgunder, see Black Cluster. Burgunder, Fruher, see Early Black July. Burgunder Fruhzeitiger Swarzer, see ib. Burgunder, Rother, see Black Cluster. Burgunder Schwarzer, see Early Black July. Burgunder Sehr Fruher Schwarzer, see ib. Burgundy, see Black Cluster. Burgundy, Black, see ib. 20 Burgundy, Miller's . Black Cluster, (of Miller.) omp. bl. ound. oval thin sweet w. n old variety, amed from Le Meunier. he hoary pu- Miller. escence or Aleatico du P6. mealy colour Maurillon Tacoune". t its leaves ; a Fromente. rst-rate wine Resseau. rape ; suc- Farineux Noir. eeds on the Savagnien Noir. pen wall. Noirin. Mlillcr. Milllerrebe. Miillerweib. Pulverulenta. Morone Farinaccio. Buttuna di Gattu, see Cornichon Blanc. Cambridge Botanic Gar- den, see Black Prince. Cape, Red. Carazon de Cabrito, se CornicJton Blanc. Caswall's Small Black. 21 Catelanesia Nera. Cerna Okrugla, see Blue Cluster. Champagner, see Earl Black July. 22 Catesby's. Cephalonian Chasselas, see Royal Mus loose rose oval thin sweet 2j v. cadine. 23 Chasselas de Bar Su Aube. Chasselas, Morna, se Early White Ma vasia. Chasselas Panache', se Aleppo. Chasselas de Fontain bleuu, see Roy Muscadine. Chasselas Dore, see Roy Muscadine. Chasselas Hatif Petit loose P-k round thin sweet 2 w GRAPES. 85 Name. ffi 1 @J! ss h pq a '3 CO h a o I a o Remarks. 24 Chasselas, Knight's Va- riegated oose w. round thin weet V. W [Aleppo, esembles 25 Chasselas Masque" . oose w. round thin muscat V. W. excellent. Chasselas Noir. Chasselas Pre'coce, see White Sweet water. 26 Chasselas Red . oose round thin weet V. W. Chasselas Rouge. Chasselas Rose. Chasselas, White, see Royal Muscadine. 27 Chasselas Rouge Royale. Chasselas Royale, see White Sweetwater. Chasselas, Variegated, see Aleppo. 28 Ciotat Parsley-leaved. Parsley - leaved Musca- dine. ong V. round thin sweet V. asily distin- Raisin d'Autriche. uished by its White Parsley-leaved. uch divided Malmsey Muscadine. aves. Petersilien Traube. Geschlittblattriger Guted Spanischer Gutedel. Peterselyer Szolo. Clairette. 29 Clairette Blanche, (d 1'Herault). Clairette Rose long vvp oval thin sweet V. W 30 Claret comp bl. round, ova thick harsh - V. Leaves be- Blood Red. come red to- Clevner, August, se wards autumn. Early Black July. Cochin China large bl oval thick sweet 2 h. Constantia, Black, se Black Frontignan. Constantia, Nepean's, se - White Frontignan Constantia, Purple, se Black Frontignan. Constantia, Red, se Grizzly Frontigna Constantia, White, s White Frontignan Corinth. Des Dames. 31 Corinth, Black sin a bl round thin sweet 2 v. Stoneless: the Zante. Black Currant Black Ascalon. of the shops. Currant Corinth Violette. Corinth Noir du More Passeretta Nera. 32 Corinth, White . sma w. round thin sweet 2 v. Stoneless ; and White Kishmish. brms one of Stoneless Round-berri ;he kinds of Corinth Blanc. Sultana raisins Passe. of commerce. Raisin de Passe. Passerille. Aspirant sans Pepin. Passerina. Passeretta Bianca. Passa Cilicia. Popula Cilicia. Passulo Chesemino. Zedig. Kischmisch. Anguur Kismisi. 86 GRAPES. Name. 4 1 8 !! J3 3 )H I Quality. is Warwickshire Seedling. Fromente', see Miller's Burgundy. GRAPES. 87 Name. i M Colour. C/3 o| fe C9 a i I s a & o C/2 '*3 Remarks. Fromenteau, see Red Trammer. Froment'm Rouge, see t*. Frankendale, see Black Hamburgh. Frankenthaler, see ib. Frontignan, Alexandrian, see White Muscat of Alexandria. 41 Frontignan, Black . on bl. round thin muscat hvw ood bearer. Muscat Noir. Sir William Rowley's Black. Muscat Noir Ordinaire Purple Frontignan. Purple Constantia. Black Constantia, (01 some) . Red Frontignan, (do.) Boudales des Hautes Pyrenees. Muscat Rouge, (of som Muscat Noir de Jura. Sch warmer Muscatelle Schwarzer Weihrauch Schwarze Schmeckend 42 Frontignan, Blue . . comp. )ur. roundish thick slight 2 v. Violet Frontignan, ( muscat some) . Black Constantia, (o some). 43 Frontignan, Grizzly long y. r round thick muscat 1 h. v Excellent. Red Frontignan, (wh more coloured). Muscat Gris. Muscat Rouge. Moscado Rosso. Moscatel Menudo. Kummel Traube. Rother Muscateller (o some). Brauner Muscateller. Grauer Muscateller. Rother Schmeckende Rother Weihrauch. Grizeline. Red Constantia. 44 Frontignan, White 1 White Constantia. large w round thin muscat 1V\ By many es- eemed the Nepean's Constantia comp jest ; however Muscat Blanc. the Black, Griz- Raisin de Frontignan Muscat Blanc de Jur zly, and White Frontignans Moschata Bianca. differ little ex- Moscat Bianco. cept as regards Moscado Bianco. colour : but tl Moscatello Bianco. Blue Frontig- Moscatel Commun. nan is very Moscatel Menudo Bla different.being Moscatel Morisco. some what ova Muscateller. with scarcely Weisser Muscateller. any Muscat Weissgelber Muscate flavour. Weisse MuscatenTra Schmeckende. Weyrer. Muscataly. Muscat Beli. Bela Dinka. Zoruna. Fruhtrauben, see Ei White Malvasia. Fr'uh Leipziger, see i Geschlittblattriger Gu del, see Ciotat. 88 GRAPES. Name. I | pq a 3 I g '3 a Qj h < Remarks. Genetin de St. Menin see Black Cluster. Gibraltar Black, see Black Hamburgh, and Black, Morocco Graefenberger^ee, Whit Rissl'mg. Grange's Seedling Whit comp vv. ovate thick sweet 4; V. Graschevina, see Whit Riesling. Greek long g. w oval thin sweet f V. Green Chee. Gris Rouge, see Red Tra miner. Gnzelme, see Grizzly Frontignan. Gros Noir Musque'. 45 Gros Rouge de Pro- vence . . . loose bl. roundish thick sweet 2 h. v Hangs late. Grunelbling, see White oval Rissling. Gutedel, Schwarzer, (o some), see Black Hamburgh. Gutedel, Spanischer, see Ciutat. 46 Hamburgh, Black . large bl. roundish thick sweet 1 1. V Well known Warner's. o be, as it de- Warner's Black Ham- erves, the burgh. nost common- Purple Hamburgh. y cultivated Red Hamburgh. Brown Hamburgh. or a general rop. Dutch Hamburgh. Hampton Court Vine. Valentine's. Gibraltar. Black Gibraltar. Black Portugal, (of some). Black Ten eriffe. Salisbury Violet. Victoria. Admiral. Frankendale. Frakenthaler. Frankenthaler GrosNoir . Trollinger. Blue Trollinger. Pale-wooded Trollinger. Troller. Welscher. Schwarzwelscher. Fleish Traube. Hudler. Mohrendutte. Malvasier, (of some). Languedoc. Schwarzer Gutedel, (of some). Gelbholziger Trollinger. We issholzigsr Trollin ger . Schwarzblauer Troliin- ger. Bocksaugen. Bommerer. Lugiana Nera. Hamburgh, Braddick's Seedling . 47 Hamburgh, Wilmot's New Black. large bl. roundish thick sweet . V. esembles lack Ham- urgh. Wilmot's Dutch Ham- burgh. GRAPES, 89 Name. I 09 1 H .2 M I S .S o 02 C Remarks. 48 Hamburgh, White . White Lisbon. loose w. oval thick slight Muscat 2 h. Is the Portugal grape of the White Portugal, shops. White Raisin. Hampton Court Vine, see Black Hamburgh. Hardy Blue Windsor, see Esperione. Hardy Purple, Harri- son's comp. p.b.r round thin sweet 2 v. w. Allied to the Hickling's White Seed- Burgundy. ling. 49 Horsforth Seedling . Rhodes's. large bl. oval thick sweet 9 h. v. Very similar to Black Mo- Hubshee. rocco. Kalee. Hudler, see Black Ham- burgh. 50 Inistiogue comp. w. round thin sweet 2 v. w. Isabella loose pur. oval thick foxy 3 w. Var. of V. La- V. Isabella. brusca. and V. Labrusca Isabella. bad. Jacobstraube, see Early Black July. Jacobstraube, Fruhe, see ib. 51 Jouanen Tres Pre"coce. Juannens Negres, see Early Black July. De Juillet, see ib. Kalee, see Hubshee. 52 Kienzheimer Blanc Pre"- coce. Kischmisch, see White Corinth. Kishmish, Large Stone- less. Kishmish, White, see White Corinth. Klebroth, see Black Clus- ter. Kleinbrauner, see Red Trammer. Klevner, see Black Clus- ter. Klevner, Rother, see Red Trammer. Klingelberger, see White Rissling. Krauses, see Rissling. Kummel Traube, see Grizzly Frontignan. Kummerlinif Traube, see Cornichon Blanc. Languedoc, see Black Hamburgh. Large Black, Bound's. Large White, Savage's. Lisbon, White, see White Hamburgh. Lisbon, Black, see Black Prince. N 90 GRAPES. Name. 1 H Colour. H fe PQ a 6 in H I I g ^a S-2 Remarks. 53 Lorn bard y large r. round thick sweet 2 . w. unch very Flame coloured Tokay. Red Rhenish. com p. arge. Wantage. Red Grape of Taurida. >4 Lombardy, Black . . large bl. roundish ov thin sweet 1 h. West's St. Peter's. Money's West's St. Pe- ter's. Poonah . Raisin des Carmes Raisin de Cuba. Lombardy ', (of some), see Black Prince. 55 Longford's Incompara- ble Lesembles Lugiana Nera, see Black Black Prince. Hamburg h. Lugiana Veronese, see Early Black July. Lugliana e Lugliola del Toscani, see ib. Lujega, see ib. Lunel, see White Muscat of Alexandria. Luviana, see Early Black July. Madeira, Red. 56 Madeira, White. Madeleine, see Early Black July. Madeleine Blanche. Madeleine Noire, see Early Black July. Malaga, see White Mus- i,> cat of Alexandria. 57 Malaga, (du Lot) comp. bl. round thick sweet 2 w. Early : like Malmsey. Black Cluster. Malterdinger, see Black Cluster, Malvasier, (of some), see Black Hamburgh. Malvoisie, see Blue To- kay. Mattock's Seedling. 58 Malvasia Negra. 59 Malvasia, Early White . U'. round thin- sweet 1 v. w A good bearer. Grove End Sweetwater. White Melier. Le Melier. Melier Blanc. Mornain Blanc. Morna Chasselas. Blanc de Bonneuil. Grosserer Fruher Malva sier. Frilhtrauben . Friih Leipziger. Seidentraube. Maroquin d'Espagne. Marzimmer, see Red Traminer. 60 Marseilles. Maurillon Hatif, see Early Black July. Maurillon Noir Panache' see Aleppo. GRAPES. 91 Name. 1 i Colour. f*i 1 i >, a W *3 Remarks. Maurillon Taconne', see Miller's Burgundy. Melier, White, see Early White Malvasia. Le Meunier, see Miller's Burgundy. Mi#nonne White Cluster small w. round. thin sweet 1 W. Miller, see Miller's Bur- gundy. Mohrchen, Frilhes, see Early Black July. Mohrendiitte, see Black Hamburgh. Mohrenk6nig-in,$ee Black Cluster. Morillon, Black, see Black Cluster. Morillon Noir, see ib. Mornain Blanc, see Early White Malvasia. 61 Morocco, Black . large d. r. oval thick sweet 2 h. Ansley's Large Oval Black. Black Muscadel. Black Raisin, (of some). Black Gibraltar, (of some.) Red Muscadel, (ib.) Le Cceur. Morone Farinaccio, see Miller's Burgundy. Moscado Bianco, see White Frontignan. Moscado Rosso, see Grizzly Frontig- nan. Moscat Bianco, see White Frontignan. Moscatello Bianco, see ib. Muscatel Commun, see ib. Moscatel Menudo Blanco, see ib. Moscatel Menudo Mos- cado, see Grizzly Frontignan. Moscatel Morisco, see White Frontignan. Moschata Bianca, see ib. Muller, Mullerrebe, Mul- lerweib, see Miller's Burgundy. Muscadel. White Muscadel. Muscadel, Black, see Black Morocco. Muscadel, Red, see ib. Muscadine Amber, see Royal Muscadine. 62 Muscadine, Black comp. bl. oval thick sweet 2 V. Muscadine, Parsley- leaved, see Ciotat. 92 GRAPES, Name. l4 p S3 fe ea G cc o 1 h S rt < a a zz Remarks. Muscadine, Carolina. Muscadine, New Dwarf Muscadine, Malmsey, see Ciotat. 63 Muscadine, Royal large w. round thin sweet 1 V. W. Good for the Amber Muscadine. open wall. Common Muscadine. Early White Teneriffe. Chasselas. Chasselas Dore, Chasselas de Fontaine- bleau. D'Arbois. D'Arboyce, (of Speechley) ? White Chasselas. Pearl, (of some). Raisin de Champagne. Amiens. 64 Muscadine, Braddick's White large w. round thin sweet 2 V. W. Very like the Braddick's Sweetwater. Royal Musca- Muscadine Schuylkill, see dine. Alexander's. Muscadine, Striped, see Aleppo. 65 Muscat of Alexandria, Black large bl. oval thick muscat 1 b. Red Muscat of Alexan- dria. 66 Muscat of Alexandria, White long w. oval thick muscat 1 h. Adapted for Alexandrian Frontignan. the warmest Muscat of Jerusalem. situations in White Muscat. which vines Tottenham Park Muscat. are grown. White Tokay, (of some). Lunel. White Muscat of Lunel. Malaga. Passe- Musquee. White Passe-Musquee. Passe-longue Musquee. Muscat Eschcolota. Zebibo, (of Sicily). Round Muscat of Alex- andria, (improperly). Muscat Bell, see White Frontignan. Muscat Blanc, see id. Muscat Blanc Dore*. Muscat Blanc deJura, see White Frontignan. 67 Muscat, Canon Hall . Muscat d'Espagne. long w. oval thick muscat ! h Scarcely so high flavoured as the White Muscat Gris, see Grizzly Muscat of Frontignan. Muscat Noir, and Muscat Alexandria. Noir Ordinaire, see Black Frontignan. Muscat Noir de Jura, see ib. Muscat Rouge, see Grizz- ly Frontignan and Black Frontignan. Muscat, Violet. Muscat of Lunel, White, see Wh ite Muscat of Alexandria. Muscat,' Zante. GRAPES. Name. Bunch. Colour ri n iijj cc 1 i ll Remarks. Muscateller, Brauner, see Grizzly Frontig- nan. Muscateller, Grauer, see ib. Muscatdly, see White Frontignan. Muscateller, see ib. Muscateller, Schwarzer, see Black Frontig- nan. Muscateller, Weisser, see White Fron- tignan. Muscateller, Weissgel- ber, see ib. Muscateller, Rother, see Red Trammer, and Grizzly Frontignan Muscaten Traube, Weisse, see White Frontig- nan. 68 Nejrro Molle. Nere, see Black Cluster. Niederlander, see White Rissling. Nice, Black. 69 Nice, White loose >> a i .tn O 02*3 Remarks. Sussedel, see Black Clus- ter. 84 Sweet water, Black coinp. hi. round thin sweet 2 V. W. Water Zoet Noir. Sweetwater, Braddick's, see Braddick's White Muscadine. Sweetwater, Dutch, see White Siceetwater. Sweetwater, Grove End, see Early White Malvasia. 85 Sweetwater, Lord Ba- got's. Sweetwater, New. 86 Sweetwater, White open vv. round thin sweet 1 IV W Apt to set bad- Sweetwater, Stillward's. with stiff y, especially if Dutch Sweetwater. foot- the vines are Water Zoete Blanc. stalks. old. Chasselas Precoce. Chasselas Royale. Syracuse^ Red loose r. oval thick harsh 2 h. 87 Syrian Syrian, Leweston Switzerland, see Aleppo. large loose w. P-g- oval ovate thick thick sweet sweet 2 2 h, h. Flesh firm, skin thick ; langs long. Talavagnues Rouge, see Black Cluster. Teinturier, see Alicant. Teneriffe, Early White, see Royal Musca- dine. Teneriffe, Black, see Black Hamburgh. 88 Terre Noire. Ternent, see Black Clus- ter. Teta de F'aca, see Cor- nichon Blanc. Texas, Diverse-leaved. Tinta. Tokay, Black. 89 Tokay, Blue . coinp. bl. round, oval thin sweet 2 a. v. f For wine, ra- < ther than Malvoisie. t dessert. Tokay, Catawba comp. w. round thick bad 3 American sp. 90 Tokay, Chads worth . cornp. vv. oval thick muscat 1 V. Excellent. Tokay, Flam e- coloured, see Lombardy. Tokay, Genuine. Tokay, White Tokay, White, (of some), comp. w. oval thin sweet 1 h. v. Abundant bearer. see White Muscat of Alexandria. Tokayer, see Red Tra- miner. 91 Tripoli, Black . loose bl. round thin sweet 1 h. Late. Trailer, see Black Ham- burgh. Trollinger, see ib. Trollinger, Blue, see ib. Trollinger, Gelbholziger, see ib. Trollinger, Pale-wooded, see ib. o 98 GRAPES. Name. Bunch. i | a 1 jj 1 1 3 a ll Remarks. Trollinger, Schwarz- blauer, see Black Hamburgh. Trollinger Weissholzi- ger, see ib. 92 Traminer, Red . comp. red- roundish thick sweet \ V. VV. A much es - Gris Rouge. Fromentin Rouge. dish. oval aromatic teemed wine grape. Fromenteau. Rother Traminer. Dreimanner. Traminer. Rother Klevner. Rothklaber. Rothedel. Rothfranken. RotheFrankischeTraube. Tokayer. Rother Muscateller. Kleinbrauner. St. Clauser. Rothclauser. Marzimmer. Ranfoliza. Ran Folak. Rothe Reifler. Turner's Black, see Es- perione. Uva Ciolina, see Cor- nichon Blanc. Valentia, Black, see Black Prince. Valentine's, see Black Hamburgh. 93 Valtelin. Veltelin. Veltliner. 94 Van der Lahn Pr6coce. Varney's Seedling loose bl. round thin sweet 1 ll. Late. 95 Verdal. 96 Verdelho . loose y- oval thin sweet 1 V. W. Strong grow- Victoria, see Black Ham- burgh. ing Madeira wine grape. Wantage, see Lombardy. Warner's, see Black Hamburgh. Warwickshire Seedling, see Four Oaks. Water Zoet Blanc, see White Sweetwater. Water Zoet Noir, see Black Sweetwater. Weihrauch, Rother, see Grizzly Frontignan. Weihrauch, Schwarzer, see Black Frontignan. Welscher, see Black Hamburgh. Weyrer, see White Fron- tignan. 9? White Cluster, Scotch . Blacksmith's White comp. w. round, oval sweet 1 V. W. Hardy and early. Cluster. Worksop Manor, see Black Damascus. 98 Wortley Hall Seedling Yellow Stoneless Seed- large bl. oval thick sweet 2 h. Very late. ling. GRAPES, 99 Name. | Colour. M ao 1 a Jg 02 Remarks. 99 Yellow Spanish. Zantd see Black Corinth. Zebibo, (of Sicily), see White Muscat of Alexandria. Zedig, see While Co- rinth. Zoruna, see White Fron- tignan. XI. MEDLARS. Name. . red Oto201b. Inferior. Hoosainee, Green (P.) late good green thin white 3 to 4 Ib. Very high fla- Hoosainee Striped (P.) late good 's- y- thin white 3 to 4 Ib. voured. Kasan Sugar Melon (P.) Keiseng (P.) good p. y. r. thin white 4 to 5 Ib One of the very King's, see Brazilian. best. Kurchaing (P.) late good lemon thin white 4 to 5 Ib. De Langeais. Large Astrachan. Levant late good d. grn. thick red 51b. Very good. Melon of Erivan (P.) Melon d'eHe d'Odesse . late orange thin white 41b. Indifferent. Melon of Gerger (P.) indiff. yellow thin red 2 to 4 Ib. Very good. Melon of Nukshevan (P.) late yellow thin white 81b. An excellent sort. Melon of Nusserabad (P.) late g. yell. thin white 41b. f Indifferent ; Melon of Seen (P.) . Melon . : * < Melon, i '> De la More"e late yellow thin g.whijt 4' to'5 itr. A winter Melon'.' Melon de Candie. u* ' Melon de Malte d'Hiver. Netted French Melon . late vellow thick yellovv 5 to (HI v ' ' ' > > ' > } > J> Indifferent. Noir des Carmes early good d. grn. thick red 3 to 4 Ib. Excellent. Nutmeg late green thick white From New York ; Ostrich Egg, see Gere'e. indifferent. Petit Prescott early good d. grn. thick red 2 to 3 Ib. Good. Pine Apple . early good d. grn. thin green 1 to 2 Ib. Exceedingly rich. Melon d'Ananas. I Polignac, Early . early good yellow thick p. red 31b. An excellent Persian, Oldaker's (P.) late indiff orange thin green 4 to 5 Ib. small sort. Queen Ann's Melon early indiff striped thin white 3 oz. Ornamental. Queen's Pocket Melon. ortm ^*G Early Queen. Rock, Black late good d. grn. thick salmon StolOlb. > Grown for the Rock, Dutch . early good vellow thick orange 5 to 6 Ib. J market. Rock, Golden . early good yellow thick p. red 31b. An excellent Scarlet Rock. sort. Rock, Silver late good yellow thick p. red 5 to 6 Ib. Juicy, sweet, and Sandar Island good jyellow high flavoured. Scarlet Fleshed, sraoot early good yellow thick orange 3lb. An excellent Scarlet Fleshed. sort. Scarlet Fleshed, Wind sor late good green thick salmon 4 to 5 Ib Excellent. Sir Gore Ouseley's Per sian (P.) late good yellow thin white 3 to 4 Ib Excellent. Small Levant green thick p. red 51b. Sweet and high Smooth Yellow Fleshec flavoured. Valparaiso . late midd. green thin white 2ito31b. Succada, netted . late green 4 to 5 Ib Sucrin de Tours late moder orange thick red 3 to 4 Ib Sugary. Sugar Pine Melon o Malta. Sweet Italian late moder orange 6 to / Ib Sweet Melon of Ispa han (P.) late good yellow thin green 6tol01b Perhaps the best Talibee Germek (P.) of all. WATER MELONS. Red-fleshed Water Melon. Yellow-fleshed Ditto Ditto. XIII. MULBERRIES. The Common Mulberry is the only sort worthy of cultivation for the sake of the Fruit. The Red Mulberry is the one that would rank next to it, but its merit., even in America, its na- tive country, is so inferior as to render its enumeration unne- cessary, as is likewise the case with all the other species. 1 Common Mulberry. Black. Female. Murier Noir. XIV. NUTS. The Constantinople Nut, (Corylus colurna), and the Cuckold Nut, (Corylus rostrata), have not been included in the following enumeration; neither of them being worthy of cultivation in the Fruit Garden. The former seldom bears in this country, and the nut of the latter is small and worthless. The Filberts are those kinds with long husks, extending considerably beyond the nut ; formerly the red and the white Filberts were the kinds particularly denominated by this term, but in consequence of the increase of cross-bred varieties, the husks of which de- viate from the shortness of those of the nuts, and approach in length those of the Filberts, the distinction between them is now rendered inevident. It may be remarked that Nuts were formerly divided into " Short bearded," and " Long, or Full bearded ;" from the latter, Filbert appears to have been derived, and a term of analogous signification will be found among the German Synonyms. The abbreviations are as follow ; 1. Form. ov. oval; obi. oblong; comp. compressed; round, ov. roundish oval. 2. Size. 1, large; 2, middle; 3, small. 3. Husk. h. hispid; s. smooth, or nearly so. Name. | 1 0> .H cc 1 ffl 0> ,C OJ Remarks. Barcelona. Barcelona, (of some), see Cob. 1 Blue-shelled ovate 2 s. thick Shell of a bluish Blue-shelled Filbert. colour. Blutnuss, see Red Filbert. 2 Bond Nut ovate obi. 2 h. thin Very good. Bond Nut, Large, see Spanish . 3 Burn .... oval 2 h. thick Very good. Cape, see Frizzled Filbert. Cluster, small . , ovate 3 h. thick 4 Cob short ovate, 1 h. thick & hard. Trees of an upright Large Cob, (of some). Great Cob, (ib.) slightly com- growth, shell very strong. Barcelona, (ib.) pressed. Prolific. Dwarf Prolific. Pearson's Prolific. Glasgow Prolific. Saint Grisier. Downton Large. 5 Cob, Great roundish 1 h. thick One of the largest. Cob, Great, see Spanish. 6 Cob, Large Round round 1 s. thick Common . . ovate 2 s. thick Common Hazel. Wild Nut. Noisettier Commun. 7 Cosford Thin-shelled. Miss Young's. oblong 1 h. thin Good bearer, quality good ; shell remark- ably thin. Downton Large, see Cob. 104 NUTS. Name. B 1 & 1 j Remarks. 8 Downton, Large Square 1 s. thick rm short and ob 9 Downton Long 1 oblong 2 s. thick usely four-sided. Filbert,Blue-shetted, see Blue- shelled Nut. 10 Filbert, Frizzled Frizzled Nut. oval comp. 2 h. thick Great bearer, easily distinguished by its Cape Nut. much laciuiated husk 11 Filbert, Red ovate 9 h. thick Kernel having its Red Hazel. pellicle of a crimson Landschippen. ed ; flavour peculiar Langbartsnuss. and good.resembling Blutnuss. he following. Rothe Lambertsnuss. Avelinier Rouge. Corylus tubulosa. WILLD. 12 Filbert, White ovate 2 h. thick Husk, like that of Weisse Lambertsnuss. he preceding, long, Avelinier Blanche. ubnlar; kernel Wroth am Park. white, flavour good. Frizzled Nut, see Frizzled Filbert. 13 Jeeves's Seedling round, ov. I h. thifk 14 Jeeves's Long 1 Seedling oblong 1 h. thick Lambert's, see Spanish. Lambert's Large, see ib. Lambertsnuss, Rothe, see Red Filbert. Lambertsnuss, Weisse, see White Filbert. Langbartsnuss, see Red Fil- bert. Landschippen, see Red Fil- bert. 15 Late Round ovate 2 h thin Late. Long- Shippin oblong 3 h. thick A sort of wild nut. Miss Young's, see Cosford. 16 Northampton 17 Primley oblong oblong 1 2 s. s. thick thick Prolific, see Cob. Prolific, Dwarf, see ib. Prolific, Glasgow, see ib, 18 Prolific, Northamptonshire. oblong 2 h. thick Early. Prolific Pearson's, see Cob. 19 Purple leaved. Red Hazel, see Red Filbert. Saint Grisier, see Cob. 20 Spanish oblong 1 s. thick Very large. Cob. Great Cob. Large Cob. Large Bond Nut. Lambert's. Lambert's Large. Sir John Aubrey's. Toker. 21 Spanish, Barr's ovate 2 h. thick Husk extremely Thin-shelled, see Cosford. short. Toker, see Spanish. Wrotham Park, see White Filbert. XV. NECTARINES. The Leaves, Flowers, and Adhesiveness of the flesh to the stone, afford the most certain and permanently distinguishing cha- racters among Nectarines, as well as Peaches. The Leaves are either serrated, without glands ; crenated, with globose glands ; or crenated, with reniform glands. The Flowers are either large or small. The Flesh either firmly adhering to the stone, or part- ing readily from it, constituting the divisions of clingstone and melting Nectarines. A classification founded on such cha- racters has proved of great utility in the investigation of these Fruits. By attending to them all the greatest errors may be easily detected, and a Newington or Violette Hative will not, indifferently, find currency for a Roman. A somewhat roundish form being applicable to all Nectarines the column for such has been dispensed with. The abbreviations are as follow ; Leaves. S. serrated without glands ; G. having globose glands ; R. with reniform glands. Flowers. L. large ; S. small. Flesh. C. clingstone, the flesh every where firmly adhering ; M. melting, the flesh separating from the stone. Colour, b. brownish ; d. dark ; p, pale ; g. greenish ; o. orange ; r. red ; w. whitish ; y. yellow. Size. 1. large; 2. middle-sized ; 3. small. Quality. 1. first-rate; 2. second or indifferent. Season, b. beginning ; m. middle ; e. end of the months to which they are prefixed. Name. 9 1 Flowers 1 Colour. I 'a 3 C? I Remarks. Alton's Seedling Anderdorfs, see Newing- R S C d. b. r. 1 2 b. m. Sept. Allied to the tawny. ton. Anderdon's Round, see ib. Anderson's, see Elruge and Newington. Aromatic, see Violettc Hative. Black, see Early New- ington. Black Early, see ib. 2 Boston . Bowden . . R G S S S L M M p. g. r. o. d. r. 1 2 1 2 e. Aug.b. Sep. b.' Sep. ^arge and handsome, but requires a warm Breese's Late . , ' R S season to ripen per- Breese's Late Melter. ectly. Brinion, see Violette Hative. Brugnon, Le Gros, see Grosse Violet te. 106 NECTARINES. Name. Leaves. Flowers 1 & Colour. i I I a 02 Remarks. Brugnon, see Italian. Brugnon, (of some), see Roman. Brugnon, Early, see Colette Hative. Brugnon, ffdtif, see Vio- lette Hative. Brugnon Musqutf, see Roman. Brugnon de Newington d'Angleterre, see Newington. Brugnon Red at the Stone, see Violette Hdtive. Brugnon Tardif. Brugnon Violet Masque", see Roman. CeYise, Peche -,^ < R S M r. \v. 3 2 e. Aug. More a subject of cu- Cherry. riosity than use. Claremont, see Elruge. Desprez R L M Despres. Deprez. 3 Due du Tellier's . . R S M p. g. r. 1 1 e. Aug. b. Sep. Much the same as the Du Tellier's. Elruge. Due de Tello. Du Tilly's. 4 Downton R S M p. g. r. 1 1 e. Aug. Between Elruge and Early Pavie S L C r o CT Violette Hative. 5 Elruge Common Elruge. Claremont. R - 8 M p. g. r. 2 1 e. Aug. b. Sep. Flesh almost white to the stone; excellent, and a good bearer; Oatlands. forces very well. Temple's (of some). Spring Grove. Anderson's, (of some). Elruge of MILLER S S M Elruge, Lord Selsey's, see Fiolette Hcitive. 6 Fail-child's Fairchild's Early. R c M g. r. 3 2 b. m. Aug. Esteemed by some for its earliness. Flander's,see New White. Ford's Seedling R Genoa R S M P- g- 2 2 e. Sep. b. Oct. Like the Peterborough. Late Genoa. Genoese. Golden R S C y. r. 2 2 b. m. Sep. Flesh orange coloured. Fine Gold-fleshed. Orange. Golden, Pince's . R L C o. d. r 1 2 b. m Sep. Greenshields' Late R S M %- r - 2 e. Sep. Hampton Court, see Co- lette Hutive. 7 Hardwick's Seedling Hoy's New Seedling . Italian R R S S M C p. g. r . g. d. r. 2 1 1 2 e. Aug. b. Sep. e. Aug. Closely resembles the Elruge. Brugnon. Ick worth. 8 Imperatrice R S M d. r. 1 1 b. Sep. 9 Jamie Lisse R. L M y. 3 2 Oct. Flesh yellow. Lisse Jaune. Jaune Lisse Tardive. Roussanne. Roussane Tardive. Mofrin. Manfreine. Late French R S NECTARINES. 107 Name. Leaves. Flowers 1 i a; 5/2 2 1 Remarks. Lyndoch R S M p. g, r f b. Sep. Lucombe's Black, see Early Newington. Lucombe's Seedling, see Early Newington. Mofr'm, see Jaune Lisse Murrey . R s M p.g.d.r t 1 e. Aug. Murry. Black Murry. Murrey, see Tawny. Large Melting . R s Late Green, see Peter- borough. Manfreine, see Jaune Lisse. 10 Newington S L C d. r. 1 ] b. in. Sep. Good bearer ; much es- Scarlet Newington. Old Newington. teemed by some when beginning to shrivel. Smith's Newington. French Newington. Brugnon de Newingtoi d'Angleterre. Rough Roman. Red Roman, (of some). Sion Hill. Anderdon's. Anderdon's Round. Anderson's, (of some). Round. North's Large. 11 Newington, Early Early Black Newington Black. Early Black. S L C d. r. 1 1 b. Sept, Earlier, darker and arger than the New- ngton, and preferable to it in point of flavour. New Early Newington. New Dark Newington. Lucombe's Seedling. Lucombe's Black. Newington, Tawnv . s L c y. b. r 1 1 b. m. Sep. Newington, West Dean s L c d. r. 1 2 b. Sep. North's Large, see New- ington. Ord's New R S M Oatland's, see Elruge. Orange, see Golden. 2 Peterborough R S M g. 2 2 b. Oct. The latest sort. Late Green. Vermash. Pholia R s 13 Pitmaston Orange . Williams's Orange. Williams's Seedling. G L M o. d. r. I 1 e. Aug. b.Sep. Hardy and a good earer; the best fla. voured yellow-fleshed Please's Seedling R L nectarine. 14 Roman R L C g. b. r. 1 I b. m. Sep. The Elruge, Violette Red Roman. Old Roman. Hative and Newington re frequently obtained Brugnon Musque rider the name of Brugnon Violette Musquee. lorn an. Roman, Red, (of some), see Newington. Roman, Rough, see New- ington. Round, see ib. Roussanne, see Jaune Lisse. Roussane Tardive, see ib. Royal Buckfast S L C d. r. b. in. Sep. as much resemblance Sandb's Seedling . S L o a Newington. Scarlet, Large, see Co- lette native. 108 NECTARINES. Name. I 1 1 Colour. 1 Remarks. Scarlet, New, see Fio- lette Hfitive. Sion Hilly see Newmg- ton. Spring- Grove, see El- ruge. Superb, New. Tawny R S C b. r. ~> 2 m. Sep. Late Tawny. Murrey, (of some). i5 Tawny, Hunt's Hunt's Early Tawny. Temple, see Elruge. S S M . d. r. o m. e. Aug. very distinct sort ; worthy of cultivation or its eaiiiness. Temple's, see ib. Veitch's s Venn ash . B L M g. r. 2 1 e. Aug. ree tender and True Vermash. carce ; Elruge com- Fermash, see Peterbo- non fur it. borough, and Fio- lette Hative. Fiolette d'Angervillieres, see yiolette Hative. 16 Violette Grosse R S M p. g. r 1 1 b. Sep. ^arger than the Vio- Grosse Violette Hative. ette Hative but not so Violette de Course a. rich. Le Gros Brugnon, (in some parts of the Con- tinent). 17 Violette Hative Violet. R S M p. g. r 1 1 e. Aug. b.Sep This and the Elruge are two of the very best Early Violet. Brinion. nectarines ; the Violette Hative is much rayed Early Brugnon. Brugnon Red at the Stone. with red at the stone - f the flesh of the Elruge is nearly pale through- Lord Selsey's Elruge. out : both sorts force Hampton Court. well. Large Scarlet. New Scarlet. Aromatic. fc Vermash, (of some.) Petite Violette Hative. Brugnon Hatif. Violette d'Angervillieres Violette Musquee. Violet Musk. Violet Red at the Stone Violette Tardive R s M Violette Marbree. Violette Panachee. 18 White, New Neat's White. White. R L M w. 1 e.Aug. b.Sep In a favourable soil and! warm exposure both sorts of White acquire Flanders. Emmerton's New White White, Cowdray. White, Large. 19 White, Old R L M w. 1 e.Aug. b.Se] excellent flavour; un- der other circumstances only indifferent. Some of the synonyms may have been reproduc- tions so similar as not White. to be distinguishable. Williams's Orange y se Pitmaston Orange. Williams's Seedling, se Pitmaston Orange. XVI. PEACHES. The difficulty of knowing Peaches by their fruit alone, without attending to their leaves and flowers., accounts for the great number of different names under which the principal sorts are to be found. Suspicions may perhaps be excited as to the cor- rectness of many of the synonyms now made, but it is found impossible to arrive at any other conclusions than those here adopted, after the strictest investigation of the leaves, flowers and fruit and comparison of authorities. The abbreviations are the same as those of Nectarines. Name. Leaves. Flowers E Colour. I ^ a Remarks. Abricotee R L M y. r. 1 2 b. m. Oct. Abricotee a Noyeau par- tage. Admirable Jaune. Grosse Jaune. Grosse Peche Jaune Tar. dive. D'Abricot. De Burai. D'Orange. Sandalie Hermaphrodite. Yellow Admirable. 1 Acton Scot Admirable, Early. Admirable, (English). G L M p. y. r. 2 1 e. Aug. Not large but hand- ome, and a very xcellent early Peach. L'Admirable, (French.) Belle de Vitry, (of the Bon Jardinier). Admirable Jaune, see Abricote'e. . 2 Admirable, Late G S M p. y. r. 1 1 m. e. Sept. One of the very best Royal. ate Peaches, and La Koyale. Peche Royale. ought to be in every collection: is very Bourdine. >roper for the Peach- Boudine. louse to succeed the Boudiu. earlier sorts. Narbonne. French Bourdine. T6ton de Venus. Belle Bausse, (of some). Belle Bauce, ib. Judd's Melting. Late Purple, (of some.) Motteux's. Pourpree Tardive, ib. Admirable, Late, see Bdle de Vitry, (of DUHAMEL.) Admirable Yellow, see Abricote'e. Admirable, Scarlet. Dragon. Alberge, (of some), see Portugal. 3 Alberge, Yellow . Purple Alberge. G S M y. d. r. 2 2 e. Aug. b. Sep Flesh Yellow. Red Alberge. Golden Mignonue. Gold Fleshed. Alberge Jaune. Peche-Jaune. Alberge Jaune, see Ro sanna. no PEACHES. Name. Leaves. % 1 Colour. i 02 | Quality .| a cc Remarks. Almond Peach . s L M p. y. r. 2 2 m. Sep. Raised from an Almond . American Clingstone, see Brad dick" s North American. Anne, see Early Anne. Ansley's, Colonel, see Barring- ton. Avant, see Grosse Mig- nonne. Avant, Bear's Early, see Bear's Early. Avant Blanche, see White Nutmeg. Avant, Early, see Pour- pre'e JHhtive. Avant, Early Purple, see Grosse Mignonne. Avant P6che-Jaune. Avant, Johnson's Purple, see Grosse Mig- nonne. Avant, Johnson's Early Purple, see ib. Avant Peche de Troyes, see Red Nutmeg. Avant , Purple, see Grosse - Mignonne. Avant, Red, see Red Nutmeg. Avant Rouge, see Red Nutmeg. Avant Rouge, (of some), see Pourpre'e Ha- tive. Avant, White, see Early Anne. 4 Harrington Buckingham Mignonne. Colonel Ansley's. G L M p. y. r. 1 1 m. Sept. Tree vigorous, and a good bearer ; not sub- ject to mildew 5 ex- cellent. Bear's Early. Bear's Early Avaut. Belle Bausse, see Grosse Mignonne. Belle Bauce, see ib. Belle Beaute", see ib. 5 Belle de Beaucaire G S M p.g.d.r. 1 1 b. Sep. Very like Bellegarde. Belle Chevreuse Chevreuse. R S M p. y. r. 1 2 b. Sep Not so good as the Chancellor, to which Early Chevreuse. it is allied. Belle Tillemont. Belle de Vitry (of Du- HAMEL ) Late Admirable. Bellis. Admirable Tardive. Belle de Vitry (of the Bon Jardinier,) see Early Admirable. Belle de Paris, see Malta Bellis, see Belle de Vitry (of DUHAMEL.J Betterave t see Sangui- nole. PEACHES. Ill Name. i 1 "5 & Colour. < z i? 3 I Remarks. 6 Bellegarde G S M >.g d.r. 1 \ b. m. Sept. \ very handsome and Galande. xcellent Peach ; Noir de Mnntrenil. orces well; succeeds Violette Hative, (of the loyal George and English). irosse Mignonne, Violette Hative Grosse, nd keeps better than (ib.) hey do, after being Early Galande, (of some). "athered. Brentford Mignonne. Ronalds's Brentford Mig- nonne. French Royal George. Smooth - leaved Royal George, (of some). Large Violet. French Violette Hative. (of some English Nur- series only, for the P6ches Violettes of the French are Nectarines) Black, Swainson's G S M d. r. 2 2 I). Sept. Swainson's. Blood Clinkstone S L C d. r. 2 2 Oct. Claret, Clingstone. Bloody, see Sangu'mole. Boudin, see Late Admi- rable. Boudine, see ib. Sourdine, see ib. Sourdine, French, see ib. Bourdine, Early, (of some) see Royal George. Braddick's North Ame- rican G S C y. r. i 3 m. e. Sept. Flesh yellow, firm and Braddick's. coarse. Braddick's American. Braddick's American Yellow. American Clingstone. Braddick's New York . R S M p. g. r. 2 2 b. Sept. Braddick's South Ame- rican South American. Braddick's Red Braddick's Summer . Burai, see Abricote'e. S R L S M M P-ff d.r p.g. r. I 1 1 2 e. Aug. b.Sep. e. Aug. Large, handsome and of good quality, re- embling Royal George. Burchell's Early. Burlington Large Early. Camhray S L M p. g. r. 1 1 e. Aug. Resembles Malta. Cardinal S L M r. 1 2 Oct. Flesh red like Beet- Le Cardinal. oot, of little merit Cardinal de Furstenberg. n this climate. Caroline, Kennedy's . 7 Catherine R R S S C C y. r. ). g. r 2 1 2 1 e. Sept. e. Sep. b. Oct. Flesh yellow. One of the best late Catherine, Green (of the Clingstone Peaches. Americans) Catherine, Williams's . G R S S M C P- ? r P g- r 2 1 3 2 e. Sept. e. Sep. b. Oct. Very like the Catherine. Catline G S C 3. y. r 2 m. e. Sept. Chancelliere. Veritable Chancelliere & Grandes Fleurs. 8 Chancellor Chancelliere var. (of Du R S M p. y. r 1 1 in. Sept. Flesh deeply tinged with red at the stone. HAMBL.) Noisette. Late Chancellor. Steward's Late Galande Edgar's Late Melting. Chancellor, French, see Royal George. 112 PEACHES. Name. i I Flowers ,3 & | > c? 02 Remarks. 15 Magdalen, White Madeleine Blanche. s L M y. w. r. 2 2 m. e. Aug. Montague Blanche. 16 Malta Italian. s L M P- r. 1 1 e.Aug. b. Sep. Hardy ; fruit keeps well after being gathered, Peche de Malte. Belle de Paris. and bears carriage ; a variety worthy of ex- Malte de Normandie. tended cultivation. Mammoth. Sachamoona. Marlborough see Grosse Mignonne. Me'lecoton, Gros, see Pavie de Pompone. Mattacoton, Red, see Kennedy's Lemon Clingstone. Mellish's Favorite, see Noblesse. Mignonne, (American) . R S M p. y. r. i 2 e. Sept. Near the Chancellor. Mignonne, Brentford, see Belle-garde. Mignonne, Buckingham, see Barr'mgton. Mignonne, Cobb's G Mignonne, Dorsetshire R S M p.y.d.r 1 2 e. Sept. Mignonne, Early, see Petite Mignonne. Mignonne, Earliest . G S Mignonne,, Golden, see bellow Alberge. 17 Mignonne, Grosse Grimwood's Royal Geor*e. G L M y- r - 1 1 e. Aug. b. Sep. Good bearer and forces well ; trees not subject to mildew; fruit does Grimwood's New Royal not bear carriage so well as some others. George. Large French Mignonne. French Mignonne. Mignonne. Vineuse. From the kernels of this, other varieties very similar, it is said, may be raised. Veloutee. Veloutee de Merlet. French Grosse Mignonne Swiss Mignonne. Pourpree de Normandie. Pourpree Hative, (of some). Purple Hative, (ib.) Early Purple Avant. Purple Avant. Avant. Early May. Early French. Early Vineyard. Padley's Early Purple. Neil's Early Purple. Neal's Early Purple. Johnson's Early Purple. Johnson's Purple Avant. Forster's. Forster's Early. Ronalds's Early Galande Ronalds's Seedling Ga- lande. Belle Bausse. Belle Bauce. Belle Beaute. Early Vineyard. Kensington. Royal Kensington. Royal Sovereign. La Roya'.e (of some). Superb Royal. Vineuse de Fromentin. Transparent. 116 PEACHES. Name. i \ Flowers 1 & Colour. ' Orange^ see Abri- cotee. Orel's Peach Orleans, Dwarf, see Pe- R S M y- g- r - 1 2 b. m. Sept. Allied to the Chancel- lor, but not so good. ek er Nam. Orleans, Nain d' t set Pecker Nain. Padley's Early Purple see Grosse Mig- nonne. Pavie de Pompone . R L C y. d. r. 1 2 m. e. Oct. Will not ripen except in Pavie de Pompone Grosse. a warm season and good situation. Monstrous Pavie of Pom pone. Gros Perseque Rouge. Gros Melecoton. Pavie Monstrueux. Pavie Rouge de Pom pone. Pavie Rouge. Pavie Camu. Pavie de Jalagnier. Pavie Jaime. Peche - Jaune, see Al berge Jaune, and Rosanna. Peche-Royale, see Lat Admirable. Peen To, see Flat Peac of China. De Perse, see Peche d Ispahan. Persique Perseque. R S c y.r. 1 Oct. Requires a warm soil and situation. Gros Perseque. Perseque Allongee. Perseque Rouge Gros see Pavie de Pom pone. 118 PEACHES. Name. i ! Flowers 1 & Colour. 1 02 >-> 'rt 3 at I Remarks. Pine Apple, see Ken- nedy's Lemon Cling- stone. Pine Apple, Large yel- low, see id. Pine Apple Clingstone, see id. Pound, see Morrisania Pound. Portugal Alberge, (of some). R S c p. y. r. 1 2 e. Sep. b. Oct. A white fleshed late Clingstone. Port Royal S L Pot Peach, see Pecker Nain. Pourpr^e, Gross e. Pourpre'e, see Late Chev- reuse. 24 Pourpre"e Hative Fourpree Hative k R L M p. y. r. 2 1 m. e. Aug. A good Peach : as large as the Grosse Mig- Grandes Fleurs. nonne, earlier, but Early Avant, (of more tender. some). Avant Rouge, (of some). Pourpre'e Hative (of some), see Grosse Mignonne. Pourpre'e Hative, Ve"ri- table G L Probably nothing differ- ent from the Grosse Du Vin Early Purple. Miguonne. True Early Purple. La Pourprde. Pourpree Tardive, (of the French.) Pourpre'e de Normandie, see Grosse Mig- nonne. Pourpre'e Tardive, see Late Purple. Purple Hative, (of some), see Grosse Mig- nonne. Rambouillet. Rumbullion. President Rare Ripe, Early Vel- G S M p-y-g.'- 1 2 m. Ci Sept. Inferior to the Late Admirable. low R S M y. r. 2 3 e. Aug. Flesh Yellow. Yellow Rare Ripe. Rare Ripe, White Lus- cious R S M p. g. r. 2 2 m. Sept. Rickett's, see Twyford. Ronde de Vallabreques. 25 Rosanna Petite Rosanne. Alberge Jaune. R S M y. d. r. 2 2 m. Sept, Flesh Yellow 5 bears as a standard in a good season and situation. Peche-Jaune. Saint Laurent Jaune. Rouge Paysanne, see Madeleine de Cour- son. Royal, see Late Admi- rable. La Royale, see Late Ad- mirable, and Grosse Mignonne. PEACHES. 119 Name. I | 1 ! 1 7i >, <3 1 Remarks. 26 Royal Charlotte Early Purple of Kew. Madeleine Rouge Tar- s S M p.g.d.r 1 1 b. Sept. An excellent sort, allied to the following; but distinguishable from it, dive. as well as from other Madeleine Rouge a Mo- varieties, by its deeply yennes Fleurs. and coarsely serrated Madeleine a Petites leaves. Fleurs. Lord Nelson's. New Royal Charlotte. Grimwood's Royal Char- lotte. Lord Fauconberg's Lord Fauconberg's Mig- nonne. 27 Royal Goorge s s M p.g.w.r 1 1 e. Aug. b. Sep. Well known to be of Millet's Mignonne. excellent flavour and Red Magdalen. much cultivated, either French Chancellor, (of under the name here some). adopted, or that of Red Madeleine Rouge a Pe- Magdalen : forces am tites Fleurs. bears well, but subjec Lockyer's Mignonne. to mildew, as varieties Griffin's Mignonne. with serrated leaves Early Royal George. generally are. Early Bourdine (of some). Double Swalsh, (of some) Superb Royal George, French, see B die garde. R : >yal George, Grim- wood's, see Grosse Mignonne. Royal George, Grim- icood's Neic, see ih. Roval George Mignonne New Royal George Mig- s s M p.y.w.r 1 1 e. Aug. b. Sep. Similar to Royal George nonne. Royal George, Smooth- leaved, see Belle- garde. Royal Kensington, see Grosse Mignonne Royal Sovereign, see ft. Rumbullion, see Ram- boitillet. Sachamoonah, see Mam- moth. Saint Laurent Jaune, see Rosanna. Saint Fagus. Sandalie Hermaphrodite, see Ahricotee. Sanguinole Bloody. Sanguine or Blood. Betterave. Colour purplish red ex- ternally; that of flesh like a beet : used for Druselle. preserves, as are also Sanguiuole & Chair Ad- ;he other varieties 01 Saiiguinole. heVente R L C d. r. 2 e. Oct. Sanguinole, Melting . Sanguinole, Pitmaston . R R L L M M d. r. 1 3 2 e. Sep. b. Oct. e Sept. Scarlet Anne S L Serrated, see Emperor of Russia. South American, see Braddick's South American. 120 PEACHES. Name. Leaves. Flowers 1 Colour. .! O ' 1 1 1 Remarks. 28 De Sernach R L M p. y. r. 1 e. Sep. Spring-Grove Spring-Grove Persian . Sulhamstead G S S L L L M M M p. g. r. p.g.y.r p. g. r. 2 2 1 1 2 1 .Aug. b. Sep. b/Sept. . Aug. b. Sep. Resembles Acton Scot. Very like Noblesse. Superb, see Royal George. Superb Royal, see Grosse Mignonne. Swainson's, see Swain- son's Black. Swalch, see Double S walsh. Swalze or Sivolze, see ib. Sweetwater S L M p. g. r. 2 2 e. Aug. Early Sweetwater. Teint-doux. Teton de Venm, see Late Admirable. Tonbridge G S C y. d. r. 2 2 e. Sept. Transparent, see Grosse M'fgnonne. Transparente Ronde. Troyes, Peche de, see Petite Mignonne. Twyford Holmes's. S L M p. g. r. 1 1 b. Sept. 'robably a seedling rom Noblesse, which Rickett's. * t very closely resem- Unique, see Emperor of bles. Russia '. Vanguard, see Noblesse. Veloute'e, see Grosse Mignonne. Veloutee de Merlet, see ib. Veloutee Tardive, see Nivette. Du Vm, see Writable Pourpre'e Hdtive. Vineuse, see Grosse Mig- nonne. Vineusede Fromentin, see ib. Fiolette Hdtive, (of the English,) see Belle- garde. Violette Hdtive, French see ib Violette Hdtive Grosse, see ib. Washington Clingstone R S C p-y-g j 2 L ra. Sept. Wellington. White Blossomed, see White Blossomed Incomparable. Williams's Early Purple Williams's Seedling. S S M p.g.d. 1 1 e. Aug. Scarcely different from Royal Charlotte. William's Seedling . S L XVII. PEARS. The new and superior sorts added to this important class of fruits have proved most valuable acquisitions. The greater part of them have been obtained from Belgium, and have far exceeded the expectations generally formed of them on their first intro- duction, especially as regards their adaptation to this climate, in which many, instead of requiring the assistance of walls, as all the best old sorts do, produce abundantly and in great per- fection on standards, a property also possessed by many valua- ble varieties raised by the late Mr. Knight. A knowledge of the excellence of these new kinds, has occasioned a great num- ber of the old sorts, formerly reckoned very good, to be now marked as only second rate in the following list. It is necessary to observe that varieties esteemed of the highest excellence by some, are deemed inferior by others. In general this diversity of opinion is owing to difference of soil, situation, or climate ; for, if these are unfavourable, a variety that proves to be first- rate, when produced under favourable circumstances, is often found inferior to one that, although second rate, is more hardy. Where kinds of secondary or inferior quality are marked as table-fruit in the following enumeration, it may be understood as only indicating their having been used as such, and being of a nature rather adapted for that than for Perry, or kitchen use. In regard to situation it may be necessary to state, that those marked as succeeding as standards, are calculated to do so in the southern and midland parts of the kingdom, or even consi- derably more to the northward in particularly well sheltered places. The abbreviations are as follow : Prevailing Colour, p. pale ; d. dark ; b. brown ; y. yellow ; r. red ; g. green ; rus. russet. Form. pyr. pyriform ; obt. pyr. obtuse pyriform. Size. 1, large ; 2, middle ; 3, small. Use. K. kitchen; T. table; P. perry, Texture. C. crisp ; B. buttery; J. juicy; T. tender, such as are softer than the crisp, yet not so fine as the buttery. Quality. 1, first rate; 2, second rate; 3, indifferent or bad. Situation. W. wall ; S. standard. R 122 PEARS. Name. Colour. 1 I 1 2 1 | 3 d o Z/2 11 Remarks. D'Abondance, see D'A- mour. Adam b. g. pyr. 2 T j 2 Dec. S A chan, Black d.g.b.r obovate 2 T B 2 Nov. Dec. w s Bad from standards Black Auchan. n many parts of Achan England, and does Grey Achan. not merit a wall. Red Achan. Winter Achan. Black Bess of Castle Menzies. Winter Beurre, (of some). Achan, Green obovate 2 -i 3 Nov. Dec. S Ah Mon Dieu, see D' Amour. 1 Aigrette P 2 Alberty. 3 Alexandre de Russie . rus. obovate 2 K 1 Oct. s 4 Alpha p. b. obovate 2 T B 2 Oct. s Good bearer. Althorp g.b. obovate 2 r B 2 Nov. s D'Amande rus. pyr. 2 T B 2 Oct. Nov. s D'Amande d'Ete* g-y- pyr. 1 r J 2 Sept. s 5 Amadotte. D'Ambre, see Muscat Robert. 6 Ambrette d'Ete* f?-y- pyr. 3 T (] 2 Sept. s Crapaudine. Rude Epee. Ambrette d'Hiver g.b. roundish 2 T B 2 Nov. Jan. s Ambrette. obovate Ambrette Grise. Ambre Gris. 7 Ambrosia . . . Early Beurre. g-y- roundish obovate 2 T B 1 Sept. s Delicious, but does not keep long. Amiral. Amiral Musque. 8 Amire* Joannet . . y. pyr. 3 T J 2 July s Jeannette. Saint Jean. Archiduc d'Ete. Amoselle, see Berga- motte de Hollande. D 1 Ananas, see Passe Colmar. 9 D'Amour . . -_, ' g. y. r. obovate 3 T J 2 Sept. s Great bearer. Ah Mon Dieu. Mondieu. D'Abondance. Ananas d'Ete* b. r. obt. pyr. 1 T B 2 Sept. s Ange Angelique de Bordeaux y.b. y. r. turbinate obt. pyr. 3 2 T T J B 2 2 Sept. Jan. Apr. s w Flesh sugary but not fine. Saint Martial Franc-real Gros. Cristalline. 10 Angeliqne de Rome . 11 Angleterre Beurre d'Angleterre. y. g. b. b. r. obovate pyr. 2 2 T T /-i B 2 2 Oct. Oct. s s A good bearer as a standard ; quality inferior to that of Angleterre des Char- Beurre. treux. Angleterre d'Hiver . Angolsse (Poire d> ), see Winter Bon Chre'- y.b. pyr. 2 K C 2 Nov. Mar. s Althrug-h this and the two preceding bear the name of this country, they have only been met tien. with in French 12 Angora. collections. Apothekerbirne, Sommer, see Summer Bon Chretien. *" Archiduc d'Ete', see Amire" Joannet. PEARS. 123 . 2 | J Name. | | S 4 E | 1 5 : Remarks. 3 2 55 | S5 Beurre' Colmar Gris dit Pre'cel, see Passe Colmar. 63 Beurrd Coloma. 64 Beurre Crapaud p. g 1 . obovate 2 r B 1 Oct. Nov. S )f the nature of a Beurre' Curte', see Comte )oyenne. de Lamy. Beurre" Duquesae p-y- pyr. 2 r J 2 Oct. Nov. S Duquesne. 65 Beurre' Diel y. b. obovate 1 r B I Oct. Nov. w s lardy; and a great Diel. Diel's Butterbirne. Dorothee Royale. Grosse Dorothee. Beurre Royal. J or obt. pyr. nearer ; excellent : deserving extensive cultivation ; requires he branches to be well thinned in Des Trois Tours. pruning, to admit Beurre d'Yelle,(of some) . Gros Dillen. ufficient air amongst its ample Dillen. foliage. De Melon. Melon de Kops. Beurre Spence (of some). Beurre Magnifique. Beurre Incomparable. 66 Beurr Dupuis. 67 Betirre" Duval D. ff. obt. pyr. 2 r B 1 Nov. s Beurre', Early, see Am- brosia. 68 Bern-re", Easter g. b. obovate 1 r B 1 Jan. Mar. w s rlardy, a good Bergamotte de la Pente- c6te. nearer, and one of the most valuable Beurre de la Pentecdte. spring pears known ; Beurre d'Hiver de Brux- sometimes when elles. grown on walls it be- Beurre de Paques. comes a little mealy, Bezi Chaumontel tres n such cases it Gros. should be gathered Chaumontel tres Gros. rather earlier than Doyenne d'Hiver. usual and ripened off Doyenne d' Hiver Nou- n a warm place ; its veau. extensive cultivation Doyenne du Printemps. Canning. for a long and late supply is, without Seigneur d'Hiver. hesitation, strongly Philippe de Paques. recommeuded. Du Patre. Beurre Roupe. Beurrk Epine, see Beurr^ Ranee. Beurre' de Flandre, see BeurrJ Ranee. 69 Beurre Grise d'Hiver. 70 Beurre" Grise d' Hiver Nouveau. 71 Beurre" Grise Superieure. 72 Beurre* Grosse. Beurre" Gurlr's, see Gansel's Berg-amot, Beurr& d' Hardenpont, see Glout Morceau. Beurrtf d'Hiver de Bruxelles, see Eas- Beurre' d' Hiver, see Chaumontel. BeurrS Incomparable, see Beurre' Diel. Beurre' d' Hiver Nouvelle, see Glout Morceau and La Fortun&e. 128 PKARS. . e & B Name. 1 g S 3 X "5 B a C& . 3 a Remarks. 5 3 73 P H or QJ w %$ Beurre Kirke p. g. r. pyr. 2 T I 1 2 Aug-. S Soon decays, mealy. Beurr Knox . P- K' ohovate I r I 1 L> Oct. S Abundant bearer, Beurre' Magnifique, see Beurre' Diel. .arge and handsome ; good though not first rate. Beurre de Malines, see Winter Nelis. 73 Beurre; de Mons p. g. r roundish 2 T d 2 Sept. S Beurre Spence (of some). Beurre' Notre Graine, see Cnpuc'm f^an Mons. 74 Beurrfe Noisette. Beurre' de Pdques, see Easter Beurre'. 75 Beurr Parlaque. Beurre' de Payence, see Calebasse. Beurre de la Pente- cote, see Easter Beurre'. 76 Beurre Picquery. Beurre' Plat, see Cras- sane. 77 BeurnS Ranee Beurre de Ranz. Beurre Epine. Hardenpont du Prin- t6inps* b.g ht. pyr. > r r B 1 Mar. May. W S The best very late sort, yet known ; bears well as a stan- dard, and is highly deserving of a wall ; Josephine (of some). Beurre de Flandre. Beurre', Red, see Brown Beurre', and Gray its intrinsic excel- lence as a melting pear, and its late keeping render it truly valuable. Doyenne'. Beurre du Roi, see Brown Beurre, White Doy- enne", and Chau- montel. 78 Beurre" du Roi Extra. 79 Beurr6 Romain. Beurre' Roupe 9 , see Beurre' Diel. - Beurre' Rouge, see Brown Beurre, and Gray Doyenne". Beurre' Royal, see Beurre Diel. 80 Beurr6 Royal d'Hiver. Beurre' de Semur, see Mansuette. Beurre' Sieulle, see Sleulle. 81 Beurre Saint Montel. 82 Beurr4 Spence Spence. Beurre Spence, (of some' Said to be excellent ; but the varieties re- ceived under this name have hitherto see Beurre de Capi- proved synonymous aumont, Beurre with others. Diel, Beurre' de Mons. 83 Beurre Van Marum. 84 Beurre Van Mons rus. pyr. o i^ B 1 Nov. S * Beurre' f^ert, see Brown Beurre'. PEARS. 129 , a o II Remarks. Bon Chretien Dore" . y. pyr. I K c 2 Nov. Dec. S Bon Chretien d'Eld Masque" y- pyr. 2 c 2 Sept. 99 Bon Chretien, Flemish y.b. obovate 2 K c 1 Nov. Mar. s Great bearer. Bon Chretien Turc. Bon Chretien de Vernois (of some). Bon Chretien Nouvelle. 100 Bon Chretien Fondant g. b. oblong 1 T J 1 Oct. Nov. S Has a cool refresh. 101 BonChrtien,Langley's Summer. ing: jnice like the St. Germain ; tree hardier. 102 Bon Chretien, Spanish y- r - pyr. 1 K c 1 Nov. Dec. s w Bon Chretien d'Espagne Spina. 103 Bon Chretien Summer Bon Chretien d'Ete. y- py. 1 T c 2 Sept. w Tree subject to can- ker in this climate. SommerApothekerbirne. Gratioli. Gratioli d'Ete. Gratioli di Roma. Sommer Gute Christen- birne. . 104 Bon Chre'tien du Rhin Bon Chre'tien, Rush- m ore's . y. r. oblong 2 K r-i Oct. s Bon Chretien Turc, see Flemish Bon Chre'- tien. Bon Chretien de J^ernoi, see ib. 105 Bon Chretien, Wil- liams's g- y- obt. pyr. 1 1 B 2 Aug. Sept s Soon decays. Williams's Pear. Bartlett. 106 Bon Chretien, Winter . Bon Chretien d'Hiver. Bon Chretien d'Auch. Bon Chretien de Tours. b.y. irregu- arly pyr. 1 K I 1 C 2 Dec. Mar. w Sugary and rich, but generally gritty; rarely melting in this climate. Bon Chretien de Vernon. D'Angoisse. Bonne-ente, see White Doyenn^. Bonne de Mnlines, see Winter Nells. La Bonne Malinaise, see ib. Bonne de Kienzheim, see Falle'eFranche. Bonne Rouge, see Gan- sel's Bergnmot. Bonne de Soulers, see Bergamotte de Sonlers. 107 Boscd'Et^. Bosc Sire, see Flemish Beauty. Bosch, see ib. 108 Bossurgan Armudi. Bouche Nouvelle, see Flemish Beauty. De Bordeaux, see Bezi d'Heri. Bourdon Musqu6 . y. roundish 3 T 3 Aug. s Soon decays. 109 Bourdon du Roi. 110 Bouvier d'Automne. 1 1 1 Boyle Farm Wilding . P-S- roundish 2 T B 2 Oct. s PKARS. 131 Name. | 1 I B f f Is Remarks. & h 02 t> ^ & m 35*3 1 13 Brass Hard wick. Braddick b. obovate 2 '. C 3 Dec. Nov s BraddicVs Field Stan dard, see Mar Louise. Braddick d'Hiver. 114 Bratbirne, Aechte . b. obovate 1 C K Nov. s 115 Bratbirne a Feuille Luisantes P Sept. Oct 116 Bran de Saint Germain il/ Bre'agne. Briary Bush y. r. oval 3 T C 3 Oct. s Brilliant, see Flemu Beauty. 118 Bringewoocl 19 Broom Park y b.rus b. pyr. 2 T roundish 2 T B 1 Oct. Dec. J 1 Jan. s s ("Partakes of the fla- vours of the Melon 20 Brougham y. rus. roundish 1 T B 1 Nov. s 1 and Pine Apple. Great bearer. Brule Bonne, see D obovate Fortt. 121 Bryan Edwards's . obovate 2 T J 2 Nov. s Bujaleuf, see firgou- leuse. Buffam's . y. r obovate 2 T B 2 Sept. s Deep red next the 22 De Buisson y. b. oundish 3 P sun. 23 Burgermeester ). rus pyr. 2 T B I Nov. s 124 Burghill. Butterbirne, Gelbe Sommer y. oundish 2 T 5 2 Aug. Sept. s Butterbirne Weisse Herbst, see White Doyenne'. Cadet, see Bergamotte Cadet. 125 Cadet de Vaux. s- y- bt. pyr. 1 T B 2 Sept. Oct. s Cadillac, see Catillac. Caillot Rosat d'Ete', see Summer Rose. Caillot Rosat d'Hiver, see Malte. 126 Caillot Rosat, Eng- lish .b. r. bt. pyr. 1 T J 1 Aug. s good bearer. King. 27 Calebasse . rus. oblong 2 T 2 Oct. s bundant bearer; Calebasse Double Extra. isp with sugary Calebasse d'Hollande. ice. Beurre de Payence. Calebas&e Bosc, see Beurre' Bosc. Calebasse f^ass, see Beurre' de Capiau- mont. 28 Calmagri. 29 Camerlingd'Allemagne . rus, oundish 2 T 1 Nov. s 30 Campaneile b. g. obovate P Oct. s Canning see Easter Beurre'. Capiuumont, see Beurre Capiaumont. 31 Capsheaf. Capucin Van Mons . g- r - oval 2 T 2 Oct. s ecays at the core Noire Grain e. hilst the outside Beurre Noire Graine. dicates soundness. 132 PEARS. Name. 1 1 = D -H 5 j 1 Is W'+3 Remarks. Capucin. b. g. oblong 1 ' c 2 Jan. Feb. s 132 Carels d'Hiver. Carlisle, see White Doyenne. Carmelite Musque'e, see Grosse Romaine. Cassante de Brest, see Inconnue Cheneau. 33 Cassiemann. Cassolette Muscat Vert. y-g- pyr. 3 T T 3 Sept. Musky. Friolet. Leche Friande. Catherine. Catherine, Early. 134 Catillac b. y. r. broadly 1 V _, Dec. Apr. s Succeeds well as a Cadillac. Bell Pear. urbinate dwarf quenouille ; rom a standard, the Grand Monarque. fruit being heavy, is Groote Mogul. apt to be blown De Livre, (of some). down. Pound Pear, (ib.). Katzenkopf. Certeau, Petit, see Bellissime d' Au- tomne. Cellite, see Passe Col- mar. Chair a Dame rus. obovate 1 r /-I \u 2 Aug. s Perfumed. Chere Adame. Chambers' 's Large, see Uvedale's St. Ger- main. Chambrette, see Fir- gouleuse. 35 Champ Riche d'ltalie. .36 Chantry Seedling . b. rus roundish o T B 2 Dec. Jan. s Chapman's, see Passe Colmar. 137 Chaptal b. obovate 1 K n 1 Dec. Apr. s Good bearer. 138 Charles d'Autriche . b. roundish 1 T T 2 Oct. s Large and hand- Charles d'Autriche, see some. Napoleon. 139 Charlotte Petite y. pyr. 3 P Sept. s Charnock. Early Charnock. Scotch Charnock. Drummond. Chat-Brute rus. py r - 3 C i3 Nov. Dec. s Pucelle de Saintonge. 140 Chaumontel y.b. oblong 1 T B 1 Nov. Mar. w s Succeeds well Bezi de Chaumontel. trained as as pyra- Beurre d'Hiver. mid or quenouille. Winter Beurre. Oxford Chaumontel. Chaumontel Tres Gros see Easter Beurre. 141 Chaumontel New. 142 Chefrain. Cheneau, see Inconnu Cheneau. 153 Cheminette. Cholwell. Chomel P- g- pyr. 1 C 3 Oct. s 144 Chretien Rouge. 145 Chuchamps. PEARS. 133 Name. | 1 . j ! Remarks. <3 & jj 2 P 35:0 Chypre, (Poire de), see Rousselette Hdtive. 146 Citron des Carmes . y*r- obovate 2 r July S good bearer, and Madeleine. ne of the very best Rose Angle Early. arly pears. 47 Citron des Carmes Pa- nache". y : s- obovate 2 r J 1 July s Citron de Septembre, striped see White Doyennd Citron de Sierenz . y. r. obovate 2 r J o July Aug. s Resembles the Ci- 148 Citronelle Cluster y- obovate 3 < 3 Aug. s ;ron des Carmes, ut is inferior. 49 De Cochon b.y. oundish 3P Oct. Great bearer. 150 Colmar ? y- l> bt. pyr. 2 T B 1 Nov. Feb. w One of the old pears, D'Auch. which requires, anc De Manne. well deserves a wall. Colmar Dore. Incomparable. Clydesdale, see Kilwin- ning. 51 Colmar, Autumn p . turbinat 2 T T 2 Nov. s Sabine (of the Flemings) Colmar Souverain, see Passe Colmar. 158 Colmar Van Mons. 159 Coloma Nouvelle. 160 Coloma Tardive. 161 Comte D'Egmont. 162 Comte de Lamy P- ' 2 T B 1 Oct. s Very Sugary and Marie Louise the Se obovate rich. cond. Marie Louise Nova. Beurre Curte. Dingier. Comtesse de Frenol, set v Fig-tie de Naples. Conde\ Conquete de Coloma . Courte Queue, see Whitt y.r. pyr. I K C Dec. Jan. s Resembles Spanish Bon Chretien. Doyenne. Coqwllarde, see Sapin. 134 PEARS. Name. Colour. 1 p a. ! w a a Remarks. Coreless b.rus.r. obovate 2 T T 2 Oct. Nov. S Becomes mealy. 163 Courel b. round 3 P Nov. Craggs's Favourite. Cramoisine y. r. oblong 2 T T 3 Oct. S Crapaudine, see Am- brette d'Ete 164 Crassane g. b. roundish 1 T J 1 Nov. Dec. W Bergamotte Crassane. Cresane. Beurre Plat. 165 Crassane, Althorp . g. b. roundish 2 T B 1 Oct. Nov. S Very excellent 166 Crassane,BrownStroud- i obovate standard pear; good bearer. house. 167 Crassane,GreenStroud- house. 168 Crassane, Little.? 169 Crassane, New. 170 Crassane, Summer . [Doyenne. Resembles White 171 Crassane, Winter . ? y* ^' turbinatc 1 T B 1 Jan. S Hardy, and a very 172 Crawford y. b. obovate 2 T B 2 Aug. S abundant bearer. Cresane, see Crassane. Cristalline, see Ange- lique de Bordeaux. 173 Croft Castle p.y.rus oval 2 T J 2 Oct s Very productive. Cuisse Madame . p. y. r. pyr. 2 C 3 Aug. S Cuisse Madame, see Windsor. Cuisse Madame Grosse, see Jargonelle, (English). Culotte de Suisse, see ferte Longue Pa- nache e. 174 Curtel. 175 Cuvelier De Cygne b. obovate 3 C 3 Oct. S 176 Cypress. Darimont rus. obovate 2 3 Oct. S Dauphine, see Lansac. Dean's see White Doy- enne'. Dean's, Gray, see Gray Doyenne. 177 Dearborn. 1/8 Dearborn's Seedling . Decain d'Hiver p. y. b. g. obovate round. ob. 2 2 T B 1 3 Sept. Dec. S S Allied to White ' Doyenne. De Candolle P- obovate 2 r J 2 Sept. S Dechantsbirne, see White Doyenne". 179 Delices Charles. 180 Delices d'Hardenpont b.y. obt. pyr. 2 r B 1 Nov. W S Tree rather tender. 181 Delices d'Hiver. 182 Delices Nova. 183 Deux-fois 1'An. Deschamps, see Beurre' d'Aremberg. 184 Deux-Tetes p- g- y- roundish 2 r n 2 Aug. S Demoiselle, see f^igne. Diamant, see Gansel's Bergarnot. 185 Dickson's Cankers. PEARS. 135 . S t- fl - Name. g g j o 5 1 P 3 Remarks. 3 1 p H 1 a -3 Diel, see Beurre' Diel. Dillen, see ib. Dingier, see Comte de Lamy. 186 Dix. 87 Dominion, Brown Domville . y. r. pyr. 2 K -1 2 Dec. Mar. S Poire de Provence. Bequesne. Dorothe'e Rot/ale, see Beurre" Diel. Dorothe'e, Grosse,see ib. 88 Dore"e du Printemps. 189 Dorfold. Double d'Automne . rus. roundish 1 K 3 3 Nov. Jan. S 190 Double Calyce. 191 Double Fleur y.b. round 2 K H 2 Jan. Apr. S Armenie. 92 Double Fleur Panache" 193 Double de Guerre . y.b 1. b. r. round oblong 7 1 K K 2 Jan. Apr. Nov. Feb. S S Obscurely striped with yellow. Double Krijs. obovate \94 Double Phillips p. y. obovate 1 T B 2 Sept. S 95 Dowler's Seedling . oblong I T T 2 Nov. Feb. S A good bearer. 96 Downton Doyenne' d'Automne, see Gray Doyenne". y.b. 2 T J 2 Jan. Feb. S A good bearer ; very juicy, but somewhat rough flavoured. 97 Doyenne" Baud. 98 Doyenne" Boussoch. Doyenne" d'Hiver, see Easter Beurre. ^Doyenne" d' Hiver Nou veau, see ib. 199 Doyenne" Gray Doyenne Gris. rus. r. obovate 2 T B 1 Oct. Nov. W S Keeps better than the White Doyenne. Red Doyenne. Gray Dean's. Doyenne d'Automne. Doyenne Rouge. Doyenne Galeux. Saint Michel Dore. Red Beurre (Of some). Beurre Rouge (ib.) 200 Doyenne" de Hurl. 201 Doyenne" Picquet. 202 Doyenne" White p. y. obovate 2 T B 2 Sept. Oct. S A good bearer and "Doyenne Blanc. excellent, if used White Beurre. when in its perfec- White Autumn Beurre. tion; best flavourec Dean's. from a standard Snow Pear. where it succeeds Pine Pear. as such. Warwick Bergamot. Beurre Blanc. Saint Michel. Poire de Limon. Poire Neige. Poire de Seigneur. Bonne -ente. A Courte Queue. Monsieur. Citron de Septembre. Valencia. Kaiserbirne. Kaiser d'Automne. Weisse Herbst Butter birne. Dechantsbirne. Beurre du Roi, (of some Beurre Anglaise (ib.) Muscat d'Automne (ib. Passe Colmar d'Automn (ib.) 136 PEARS. e >, i Name. i 1 OJ ! I 1 02 ll Remarks. Doyenne' du Printemps, see E'ister Beurre'. Doyenne" Royale. Doyenne* Santele"te . ). rus. obovate 2 r (i 2 Oct. s 203 Doyenne" Sieulle. 204 Drapiez P- obovate 2 r T 1 Oct. S Drapiez d'Ete\ Drummond, see Char- nock. Due d' Aremberg, see Beurre" d' Arem- berg. 205 Due de Berri P- g' pyr. 2 r J 2 Oct. s Very juicy. 206 Due de Prella. 207 Duchesse d'Angoulme b. y. obt. oho. 1 T B 1 Oct. Nov. w s Very large and a 208 Duchesse de Mars . 209 Duck's Egg. y. b. obovate 2 r B 1 Nov. s good bearer; best lavoured from a standard. 210 Duhainel. Dumas, see f^icar of fPinkfield. 211 Dumortier. Duncain d'Hiver b. g. obovate 2 G 3 Dec. s 212 Duncan. 213 Dunmore g.b.rus obovate 1 T B 1 Sep. 8 Good bearer as a Duqueme, see Beurre' Duquesne. t standard ; in flavour equal to a Brown Beurre. 214 Duquesne d'Ete". p. g.b. obt. pyr. 2 T B 2 Sep. s Great bearer. Early Queen, see Mus- cat Robert. 215 Eastnor Castle b. v. roundish 2 r J 2 Dec. Feb. s 216 Echasserie g. b. roundish 2 r B 1 Nov. Jan. s Bezi d' Echasserie. oval Bezi de Chasserie. Jagdbirne. Jagt. Ettonrioch, see H amp- den's Bergamot. Elsenhaft, see Kllw'in- n'mg. [either cells or seeds 217 Elton b. r. oval 2 T f- ^ ] Sep. s Generally without 218 Emerald Epargne , see Jargo- p. g. b. obovate 2 T B 1 Nov. Dec. s Bears resemblance to Glout Morceau. nelle. 219 Epargne, Boston. 220 Epargne de Boulevard. 221 Epargne de Tonelle. 222 Epine d'Ete" S' y- pyr. 2 T T 2 Sep. s Fondante Musquee. Epine d'Ete' see Sum- mer Rose. Epine d'Ete' Couleur Rose, see ib. 223 Epine d'Hiver y- % obovate 2 T B 2 Nov. Jan. s Winter Thorn. Epine Rose, see Sum- mer Rose. 224 Epping Forest. Etourneau, see Winter Nelis. Etrangl^e y- r - oblong. 1 K 2 Sep. Oct. s Fusee. 225 Excellent de Coloma. PEARS. 137 Name. 3 1 9! B X 1 I l Remarks. 8 & '% P I a 1 4^ Q '<: 226 Eyewood rus. oblate 2 T B 1 Oct. Nov. s Tree vigorous and 227 Excellentissime. hardy. Famenga g. y. b. obovate 2 T J 2 Sept. w s Farrow Cow y. obt. pyr. 2 3 Aug. s A Portuguese Pear, De Fer P good in a warm sea- Field Standard, Brad- son only. dick's, see Marie Louise. Figue b.g. oblong 2 T J 1 Sept. s Soon decays after Pistolette. it is ripe. Prince de Ligne. Inconnue Angouleme. Knevett's. 227 Fig-iie de Naples b. r. oblong J T B i Nov. s Tree vigorous. Comtesse de Frenol. De Vigne Pelone. Fin Or d'Et | Texture 1 < 1 i . 3 C i o Remarks. Foret (Poire de) . . g-y oblong 2 J 2 Sept. s Grise Bonne. Brule Bonne. Forme de Marie Louise, see Marie Louise. 236 Forme de Devices . . rus. obovate 2 1 B 1 Oct. Nov. s Forme de Rousselet . rus. obovate ) ^ 2 Sept. s 237 Foster. 238 La Fortune'e. La Fortunee de Parmen- tier. Fortunee Belzi. Benrre d'Hiver Nouvelle. (of some). La Fortunee de Paris. 239 Fourcroy. Merveille de la Nature. [Perry. 240 Foxley y. b. obovate 2 1 2 Nov. s Probably good for 241 Franchipane * . p. y. r. pyr. 2 \ -i v> 2 Oct. Nov. s Peculiarly perfumed Franc Rfal, Gros, see flavour. Angelique de Bor- deaux. Francis the Second p- y- obovate 2 \ -1 2 Oct. s 242 Franc Re"al d'Hiver . b. y. ronndish- 2 \ 1 1 Dec. Mar. s Stews tender and of Franc Real. obovate a bright light purple Fin Or d'Hiver. colour. 243 Franc R6d, Summer y. g. obovate 2 1 B 1 Sept. s A good bearer ; suc- Franc Real d'Ete. ceeds the Jargonelle. Fondante, (of some). Gros Micet d'Ete. Franqueville ) Frauenschenkel,$zz Jar- gonelle. 244 Frederic of Prussia . broadly 2 1 p 1 Oct. s Friedcrich von Preussen. turbinate Frederic de Prusse. Fr'wlet, see Cassolette. Fusee, see Etrangle'e. Gambier, see Passe Col- mar. Garde d'Ecosse, see Gilogil. Gen shirty see Rousse- let de Stuttgart. 245 Garnon's y % oblong 1 T B C) <6 Jan. s Hardy and a good 246 Garnstone. i bearer. 247 Gendesbeim ). g. y. obt. pyr. 1 T B \ Oct. Nov. s Good bearer and Verlaine. hardy. Verlaine d'Ete. 248 De Gens. George Mackintosh. German Baker, see Uve dale's Saint Ger- main. 249 Gilogil rus. roundish 1 K C \ r Nov. Feb s Very large and - Gillogille. handsome. Garde d'Ecosse. Jilogil Poire & Gobert. Glace (Poire}, see f^ir gouleuse. Glaucelle. Glout Morceau de Cam bron b. g. oblong 2 'I c $ Nov. Dec s Gobert (Poire u), se Gilogil. \ PEARS. 139 I 1 a , . Remarks. Name. 5" E g i 4 CtS a 1 s w y a CO 02-5 250 Glout Morceau . Gloux Morceaux. Beurre d'Hardenpont. Hardeiipont d'Hiver. Colmar d'Hiver. P- g- obtuse- elliptic 1 B 1 Nov. Jan. w s Hardy ; good bearer ; xcellent ; hangs ate on the tree ; re- uires a south wall i the northern ounties. Beurre d' Hiver Nouvelle. Beurre d'Aremberg, (of some). Got Luc de Cambron. Kronprinz Ferdinand. Beurre de Cambron. Kronprinz Ferdinand Von Oestreich. Linden d'Automne. Roi de Wurtemberg. Golden Knap . b. y. oundish 3 [" r\ \j 3 Oct. s Goodman Pear, see Kil- winning. Got Luc de Cambron, see Glout Morceau. Golden Knap, Bogmiln. Golden Knap, Gourdie b.y. oundish 3 -j 3 Oct. s Hill. y. round 3 T i 2 Oct. s 251 Governor Stuyvesant's. Gracieuse, see Belle et Bonne. 252 Graaf Canal's Von Ma- labaila. 253 Graaf Michna. Gracioli, see Summer Bon Chretien. 254 Grande Br4tagne d'Au tomne. 255 Grand BretagneBlanche 256 Grande Bre"tagne Dore"e d'Hiver r. rus pyr. Q T B 2 Oct. Dec. s Grande Bretagne Doree Fondante. Grande Bretagne Man suette. Grand Dauphin. b. rus roundish t P C 2 Oct. Grand Monarque, see Catiltac. Gratiole d' Eft, Summer Bon Chre'- tien. Gratiole d'Hiver. Gratioli di Roma, se Summer Bon Chre tien. Grange. 257 Green Chisel g round 0! T J 2 Aug. s Sugar. Green Sugar. Green Honey. Green Juneating. Green Pear ot Laxton g. pyr. 2 T J 2 Oct. s 258 Green Pear of Yair . Green Yair. g- obovate o T J 2 Sept. s Good bearer; fruit juicy, almost firsi 259 Green Pinkie. rate. Green Sugar, see Sucr Pert and Gree Chisel. 260 Green Sweeter. 261 Grey Good wife. \ 140 PEARS. Name. j & w c7 P Texture 'n 1 1 02 Il Remarks. Grise Bonne, see Polr de Foret. Groote Mogul, see Ca tillac. Gros Dillen, see Bettrre 1 Did. Gros Gobet, see Gilogil (iros Anglois. 262 Gros Beer. (iros Carisi Blanc . P 263 Gros Loijart Grosse Poire a Cuire . s-y- irr. obov 1 K K c Apr. May S Flesh tough, but neither gritty nor Grosse Marguerite. austere. Gros M'icet d'EtJ, see Summer FrancRe'al 264 Grosse Sauge b. roundish 2 P Oct. Pyrus Salviasfolia, 265 Gros Vert g. round g P Dec. s extremely austere. Griine Mostbirne . P 266 Grumkower Winter- birne pyr. 2 r B 2 Nov. Dec. S W Guerre, (Poire de) . b. r. pyr. 3 [J 3 Dec. Jan. s Worthless. Petit Krygs. Gute Christenbirne, see Summer Bon Chre- tien. Guillaume de Nassau. 26/ Gulabe Aus Georgie. Haegens d'Hiver. Hampton Court. Hampton Rough 3 Hanging Leaf. Hardenpont du Pr'in- temps, see Beurre' Ranee, and (of some) Jaminette. Hardenpont d'Hiver, see Glout Morceau. Harrison's Large Fall, see Rushmore's Au- tumn Bon Chretien. Had van. Halivau de la Fort . 268 Haward. y- round 3 T J 2 Aug. s Better than the Poire de Foret. 269 Haydon's Seedling, Hazel, see Hessel. 270 Henri Quatre y-- pyr. 2 r T i Sept. Oct. s Good bearer. Jacquin. Henkel d' Hiver. 271 Hennenbirne b. round * j J Sept. s 272 Hepworth 273 Hessel S \:- oundish obovate 2 2 r r C J 2 I Oct. Sept. s s Great bearer. Hazel. 274 Highbury. 275 Highlander. Hochheimer Butter- birne g. ob ovate 3 n B 2 Nov. s Holland Green g. obovate 2 C 3 Nov. s. Holmer 3 Honey y.b. round 3 n 2 Aug. s lesh sweet but not uicv House. ui^y De Huchet ) PEARS. 141 Name. C o a tQ 1 13 1 ce . 3 C3 Remarks. 1 1 j (55 6 3 & 9 c? 1 si 2/6 Huffcap, Brown . J urood Perry pear. 277 Huffcap, Green 3 Huffcap, Red i Huffcap, Yellow . . D Huntingdon, Early. 278 Hussein Armudi. Husthwaite y. b. oundish 3 G 3 Oct. s 279 Ick worth. Impe'riale a Feuilles de Chene Kaiserbirne mit Eichen g- bt. pyr. 2 C 3 Apr. May Would require a wall, ut does not deserve Blatt. h Impe'ratrice d'Ete" . Imperatrice de France, P-g- pyr. 2 C 3 Aug. Sept. s see Flemish Beauty. Imperial, Rickerby p. g. r. oundish 1 c 3 Dec. s Incommunicable . b.g. obovate 2 c 3 Jan. s 280 Incomparable, Hacon's b. g. oundish 1 ^ B 1 Nov. Jan. s Hardy ; good bearer; Downham Seedling. excellent. Incomparable, see Col- mar. Inconnue Angouleme, see Figue. Inconnue Argentine . g. b. oblong 2 n C 2 Apr. May s Inconnue Cheneau . p. g. r. pyr. 2 P p v_> 2 Sept. s Cheneau. Cassante de Brest. Fondante de Brest. Inconnue Cramoisine Inconnue la Fare, see P. y- r. obovate 1 T /-I \J 2 Sept. Oct. s A large sort, but of moderate quality. St. Germain. Inconnue Lillie p- obovate 2 T T 2 Dec, s Isambert, see Browr f O Beurre'. Isambert le Bon, see ib De Jacop P Italic, Poire a", see Sanguine. Jacquin, see Henri Quatre. Jagdbirne, see Echas serw. Jagt, see ib. Jallai Ballarde y. pyr. 9 C ^ Oct. s Jalousie b r. obovate c T Q 2 Oct. s Soon decays. 281 Jalve", Poire de. James y- K- r obovate c T Aug. s 282 Jaminette g. b. obovate i T B o Nov. Jan. s Good bearer. Colraar Jaminette. O Sabine, (of the French). D'Austrasie. Beurre d'Austrasie. Josephine, (of some). Hardenpont da Prin- temps, (ib.) Janet, Red P -283 Jargonelle,(oftheEng lish) y. b. pyr. T J 1 Aug. W S The best of its sea- Epargne. son. Grosse Cuisse Madame. Beau Present. Saint Lambert. Saint Sampson. Poire des Tables des Princes. Frauenschenkel. Sweet Summer. 142 PEARS. Name. Colour. | S & i P Texture 3 a 1 || 03+3 Remarks. 284 Jargonelle, (of the French) p. g. r. obovate 2 r PI 2 Aug. S landsome, but in- Bellissime d'Ete. erior to the Eng- Supreme. Bellissime Supreme. lish Jargonelle- Bellissime Jargonelle. Vermilion d'Ete. Sabine d'Ete. Red Muscadel. 285 Jean de Witte b. g. obovate 2 T B 1 Jan. Feb. S Of the nature of Jefferson. jlout Morceau, Jennet, Green P keeps longer but iot quite so rich. 286 Jeschil Anmidi . y- g- r - pyr. 2 /< Vv 3 Aug. S Striped as if painted Jilogil, see Gilogil. Joannette, see Amire Jonnnet. with bright and dark red; flesh rather dry. Jobard. John, see Messire Jean. 287 Jolliment. Josephine. Colmar Josephine Josepliine, (of some), seeJaminette, Beurre Ranee, and Flemish Beauty. Julienne. Katzenkopf,sQ, Catillac. Kaiser. Kaiser d'Automne, see JPhite Doyenne. Kaiserbirne mil elchen Blatt, see Imperials b Feuilles de Chene. 288 Kanneel. 289 Karabudv aus Kilsjar. Ket-herd p- g' obt. pyr. 2 T 2 Aug. S Shoots die back. De Kienzheim, see bai- lee Franche. Kilwinning d.g. oblon g 2 T T 2 Oct. S Elsenhaft, Goodman Pear. Clydesdale. 290 Killer's . . . rus. pyr. 2 T B Nov. S King, see English Caillot Rosat. 291 King Edward's . . Knevett's see Figue. 292 Knight d'Hiver . . y- r - b. pyr. obovate 1 1 T K B C 1 Sept. Oct. Jan. Mar. S S Tree vigorous ; fruit very handsome, bright shining red next the sun flesh Knight Nouvelle. sweet and tender. Kriznetzer. Late Van Mons. Kronprinz Ferdinand, see Glout Morceau. Kronprinz Ferdinand von Oestreich, see ib. Kronbirne, see De Livre. Konge, see Windsor. 293 Kops. Krygs, see Double de Guerre. Krygs, Petit, see De Guerre. Lady Lemon y. roundish 3 c 3 Aug. S Worthless. Lammas. PEARS. 143 ' 0) . Name. 1 1 i 1 3 4 1 I Il Remarks. Lansac y-g- oblate 2 J 2 >Jov. Jan. S Satin. Dauphine. Bergamotte de Bussy. Lansac, Grand. Laurence g. urblnate 2 3 Aug. S Vlusky; worthless. Leche Friande, see Cas- solette. f Ver y different, from 294 Lon le Clerc 295 Lewis . rus. g- obovate obovate 2 \ ' 1 Dec. Apr. N T ov. Jan. S S I the Van Mons l^Leon le Clerc. Excellent -, sugary Limon, (Poire de), see and melting. White Doyenne'. Linden d'Automne, see Glout Morceau. 296 De Livre rus. obovate ^ J Nov. Feb. S Differs very little Gros Rateau Gris. from the Black Wor- Rateau Gris. cester. Kronbirne. Present Royal de Naples. De Livre, see Catillac. 297 Lodge. Longacre. Longland, Red Longland, Summer . b. r. obovate 2 Sept. S Longland, White Longueville, see H amp- den Bergamot. Lord Cheney's, see Ber- gamotte de Hollande Louise Bonne P-g- pyr. 1 ' B 2 Nov. Dec. W S Saint Germain Blanc. 298 Louise Bonne d'Angers 299 Louise Bonne, (of Jer- Much superior to the sey) g. b. r. pyr. 1 p B 1 Oct. S W )receding; very Louise Bonne d'Av- landsome and good; ranches. succeeds better as a Beurre, ou Bonne Louise standard than the d J A raudore . Marie Louise, in the William the Fourth. northern counties. 300 Louise Reine p. y. obovate 1 r B 2 Oct. S Resembles Neill. De Louvain. Lowell's g. b. roundish 2 r B 2 Nov. S De Lvon 3 Mabille y- obovate 2 1 Dec. S 301 Madame g.y.rus oblong 1 r h 2 Oct. S Madeleine, see Citron des Carmes. 302 Madotte. De Malte. Caillotte Rosat d'Hiver. De Manne, see Colmar #03 Manne Nouvelle. 304 Mansuette P-g- b obi on g- 1 T r 1 Sept. Oct. S One of the few good Solitaire. ob ovate French pears that Beurre de Semur. will bear as a stan- Mansuette, see Spanish Bon Chretien. dard, and as such, this requires a favo- rable soil and situa- Marceaux g- y- obovate o r i 2 Aug. S tion. De Marcenav . P- S- pyr. 2 T j 9 Sept. S Marecbal d'Hiver. 305 M argot rus. roundish 2 P Sept. Marguerite la Grosse . y- r. obovate 2 P Sept. S A sweet Perry pear. Mariamne Nouvelle, se Beurre' Bosc. 30G Marie Delcourt. 144 PEARS. Name. Colour. 1 S ~'7i aj P Texture , 1 a I a a i! Remarks. 307 Marie Louise b. y. oblong- 1 T B 1 Get Nov. s One of the very Forme de Marie Louise. finest, especially Marie Chretienne. when it acquires a Princesse de Farme. little russet on a Braddick's Field Stan- standard, on which dard. Marie Louise the Se- it bears abundantly ; succeeds also well cond, see Comte de on a north wall. Lamy. Marie Louise Nova, see ib. 308 La Mary. 309 Marjolle y. b. r. obovate 3 P Oct. s Marotte Sucre'e Jaune, see Passe Colmar. Martin Sec b. r. pyr. 2 [j 3 Nov Jan. s Rousselette d'Hiver, (of some). Martin Sec de Provence y- r - py r - 3 3 Oct. Martin Sire i y-ff- pyr. 2 C 3 Dec. Jan. Ronville. Marquise b- pyr. 1 T f\ \j 2 Nov. Dec. w Cankers. Marquise d'Hiver. 310 Marquise d'Automne. La Mai p Me'dnille, see Napoleon. Melon, seeBeurre'Diel. Melon de Kops, see BeurrJ Diel 311 Maule's Bush. Merveille d'Hiver . sf. round 3 T B 2 Nov. Petite Oie. Merveille de la Nature, see Fourcroy. Messire Jean y. rus. turbinate 2 T [j 2 Nov. Dec. s Very sugary but Monsieur John. gritty. Messire Jean Gris. Messire Jean Blanc. Messire Jean Dore. ^ John. Meuris d'Hiver. Milanaise Cuvelier, see Winter Nelis, Milan d'Ete". r Flavour resembles 312 Moccas Monarch, see Windsor. p.b. obovate 2 T J 1 Dec. s J and almost equals ] thatof the Knight's 1 Monarch. 313 Monarch, Knight's . TV/I f\ 11 V y.b. obovate 2 T B 1 Jan. s Hardy, and a gooc bearer ; flavour very iVl l M ! iv Monsieur le Cure', see P rich, slightly musky : shoots of a yellowish Vicar of Wink field. Monsieur, see IV kite hue : those of a spurious wild variety are dark violet. Doyenne'. M T on Z)/w,seeZ)' "Amour. Monsieur le Cornte de Fresnel . y- roundish 2 T . i 3 Aug. Sept. s 314 De Montague b. obovate 3 P n Oct. s 315 Monteith, John b. g. obovate 2 r L3 2 Oct. Nov. s Tree vigorous ; great 316 Monstreuse. Morelle Blanche. o bearer : flavour pe- culiar, and esteemed by some. Moredun. 317 Moorcroft . . ' 1 y. roundish 2 p Aug. 318 Moor-fowl Egg g.b.r. roundish 2 T J 2 Oct. s , Knevett's New Swan's Egg. Little Swan's Egg. PEARS. 145 Name. Colour. aJ I 1 i Texture c I ll Remarks. Moor-fowl Egor,Galstor] y.b roundish 2 T J f) Oct. Nov. W S Better than the pre- Mouches, (Poire au. rus. roundish 2 i' B 1 Nov. Mar s One of the best late New Bridge v g. r. obovate 2 3 Oct. pears, although not Neige (Poire), s^e o handsome as ome. White Doyenne*. 327 Neill p. y. obovate 1 r B 2 Sep. Oct. s Great bearer; fruit Colmar Bosc. arge and handsome. Fondante du Bois, (of some). New York Red Cheek, see Seckel. Noir Chair. Noire Graine, see Ca- pucin Fan Mons. Norman, see Boughton Bergamot. Nonholm Seedling- . b. y. oundish o Q 3 Oct. s 328 Nouvelle de M. Van Noten. u 146 PEARS. Name. Colour. 1 1 1 11 Remarks. Nouvelle Dore'e . . rus. oundish 2 Oct. S Nutmeg, see Bezi de Caissoy. d'CEuf . . . p. b. oval 3 ' 2 Aug. S Ognon, see Summer Rose. Ognonet, (of some), see Bergamot Cadet. 29 Ognonet. Oldfield Olive. 30 Oostlandische Carn- pagnie. 31 Orange. 332 Orange d'Hiver . y. round 2 2 Feb. Apr. S Orange Musqu^e . y. r. round 2 J 2 Aug. S Orange d'Ete. 333 Orange de Paques. Orange Rouge . y. r. round 2 -i 2 Aug. S ree cankers. Orange Tulipe'e . . g, r. oundish 2 C 3 Sept. S Poire aux Mouches. obovate LSOrpol'me, see Beitrre' D' slremberg. Padding-ton, see Easter Bergamot. Paddletown 334 Paradise d'Automne . . rus. pyr. 1 B 1 Oct. Nov. S Very like Beurre Parfum d'Aout. Bosc. Parfum d'Hiver. 335 De Paraint. Parkinson's Warden, see Black Worces- ter. 336 Paridean's d'Hiver. [bright re 37 Parmentier r. obovate 2 ' B 1 Sept. Oct. S Streaked with 338 Passans de Portugal . Passatutte 339 Passe Colmar . . p.b. g-y. b. y. oblate 2 obovate 2 obovate 1 ' J 1 1 J 2 1 B 1 Aug. Sep Nov. Dec Dec. Jan. S vv W S Great hearer. f Wood cankers ; tfruitrichbutgritt Trees very free Passe Colmar Epineux. Colmar Epineux. or obt. rom canker? muc lardier than the Colmar Gris. pyr. Colmar; great Passe Colmar Gris. bearers. Passe Colmar Gris dit Precel. Beurre Colmar Gris di Pre"cel. Precel. Fondante de Panisel. Fondante de Mons. Colmar Hardenpont. D'Ananas. Present de Malines. Marotte Sucree Jaune. Souveraine. Colmar Souverain. Gam bier. Cellite. Colmar Preul. Colmar Dore. Beurre d'Argenson. Regentin. Chapman's. Passe Colmar a? Au * tomne, see Whit Doyenne". Passe Madeleine . g-y pyr. 2 C 3 Aug. S A great bearer. Pastorale y. r pyr. 2 r c 2 Nov. Feb S Musette d'Automne. Petit Rateau. PEARS. 147 . >> . Name. g | <*J . 2 1 1 go Remarks. o 1 .a 02 % UJ I < 1 S3 Pastorale de Christ . b.y. pyr. 2 r c 2 Sept. Oct. S 340 Pater noster. Du Patre, see Easter Beurre'. Pendard y. rus. pyr. 2 T c 2 Nov. S 341 Pengethley y.b.rus obovate 2 r c 1 Mar. S Pensionnaire de Hol- lande K- r - pyr. 3 J 3 Sept. S Worthless. 342 Perche Coeur Rouge . b. r. roundish 3 P Perdreau, see Rousse- lette Hdtive. Perle, (Poire h la), see Blanquette Petite. 343 Persil. Petite Oie, see Mer- veille d'Hiver. 344 Petre. Philippe de Puque, see Easter Beurre'. 345 Picard Blanc P Picard Rouge P Pickering Pear, see Uvedale's St. Ger- main. Pickering's Warden^ee. ib. Pine Pear, see White Doyenne'. Pinsel P- y. obovate 3 r B 2 Nov. s Piper, see St. Ger- main. Pistolette, see Figue. Pitfour b. obovate 2 r J 2 Nov. s 346 Platre p. v. oval 3 P J Oct. s Very juicy; astrin- 347 Poke . . f J s- y- obovate 2 T C 2 Oct. s gent. Pollockshaw p. g. r. obovate 2 /-I \J 3 Oct. s 348 Pommerants Paere. 349 Pom me, Poire b. oblate 2 T B 1 Oct. Nov. s Good bearer. Pomoise. 350 Pope's Seedling-. Portugal, see Seven- Elbowed. Pound, see Catillac and Black Worcester. Precel, see Passe Col- mar. Present de Malines, see ft Present Roy aide Naples, see De Lime. 351 Princesse Royal, Groom's K- y- ^ roundish 2 T B 1 Jan Mar. s 352 Powis Castle g . b. py r / 2 r B Nov. s De Pretre y. rus roundish 3 K ^< 3 Jan. Feb. s Prince Fredrick. s- y- obovate 2 T 3 Aug. Sept. s ?lesh mealy. Prince de Ligne, see Figue. 353 Princesse d'Orange . us. r. roundish 2 T r* \^/ 2 Oct. s Princesse Conqufete. Princesse de Parme, see obovate Marie Louise. 148 PEARS. ^ 1 Name. | | G Remarks. a p 1 a 1 ! De Provence, see Dom- ville. Pucelle Saintonge, see Chat Brule'. Quaker fus. obovate 2T B 2 Oct. S Quarante Onces, see Uvedale's St. Ger- main. Queen's see Muscat Robert. 54 Ramau. 55 Ramilies r. rus. obovate 1 K C Nov. Feb. s Extraordinary Rdteau Gris, see De earer. Livre. Rdteau Gris, Gros, see De Livre. Rdteau Petit, see Pas- torale. 356 Raymond. Regentin, see Passe Colmar. 57 Reine Caroline g. b. r. pyr. 2 K C 2 Nov. Dec. s 358 Reine d'Hiver. 359 Reine des Poires . y. s. r. obt. pyr. 1 T C 2 Oct. Great bearer, and Reine (Poire de la), see Muscat Robert. ft t - landsome but of indifferent quality. Roberts's Keeping, see Easter Bergamot. Riche Ronde .. b. y. roundish 2 T I 2 Sept. s Robine. Royale d'Ete. Roi d'Ete', see Rousse let Gros. Roi de Rome, see Na poleon. Roi Louis, see Gro Blanquet. 360 Roi Louis Nouveau. Roi deWurtemberg,^ Glout Morceau. Romaine. 361 Romaine, Grosse g. b. obovate 3 K ( 2 Dec. Feb. s Carmelite Musque"e. 362 Rondelet > oblate 2T I 1 Oct. s Excellent. Ronville, see Martin Sire. Rose, see Summer Rose Rosenbirne, see ib. Rose Angle Early, se Citron des Cannes. 363 Ross 364 Rouppe. obovate 1 T 1 2 Jan. s Rich and sugary but rather gritty at the core. 365 Rouse Lench '.'' i ~- P- S- oblong 1 T 1 2 Jan. Feb. s Great bearer. Rousseline . =_, g. y. i pyr. 3T 2 Nov. s Rousseline, (of some see Bishop's Thum Rousselet, d'Anjou. 366 Rousselet, Bowne's Winter. Rousselet Exquis Gro rus. obt. pyr 2 3 Sept. s Rousselet Dor6 y. rus pyr.' 3 r < 2 Sept. s PEARS. 149 Name. | g , . 1 1 . Remarks. 3 IP a 1 1 Rousselet Gros g.rus bt. pyr. 2 T 2 Aug. Sept. S Roi d'Ete. Rousselet Hatif rus. pyr. 3 T 2 July Aug. S Poire de Chypre. Perdreau. Rousselet d'Hiver, see Martin Sec. 367 Rousselet M usque* Petit Rousselet de Meester . rus. pyr. 3 T 2 Nov. s 368 Rousselet de Rheims . Rousselet Petit. b. r. pyr. 3 T Sept. s 'eculiarly rich and igary; dries well. Ronsselet. Rousselet de Stuttgarc .g.b. pyr. 3 T 2 Aug. s Geisshirten. Roussette d' Anjou, see Bezi de Caissoy. Royal, see English Cail- ' lot Rosat. 369 Royale de Constanti- nople. Royale d'Etd, see Ro- b'me. Royale d'Hiver Royal Terling see Eas- g-y- bt. pyr. 1 T C 2 Dec. Feb. w ter Bergamot. Rude Eptfe, see Am- brette d'Ete'. Sabine, (of the French) see Jaminette. Sabine (of the Flem- ings), see Colma Sabine. Sabine d'Ete', see Jar gonelle, (of the French). Sabine d'Hiver. 370 Sablonniere g. b. oblate 3 P Sadley Jack p. y. r obovate 3 C 3 Sept. s Saint Andre". Saint Augustin y. rus pyr. 3 3 3 Dec. Jan. s Saint Francois g- y- pyr. 2 K ^ 3 Nov. 371 Saint Gall. rus. r round 2 P Poire au Vin. 372 Saint Germain Inconue la Fare. Saint Germain Gris. Saint Germain Jaune. Saint Germain Blanc y-R-i pyr. 1 T J 1 Nov. Jan w J ossesses a cool anc refreshing juice, but is rather gritty ; has )een confused with jouise Bonne ; hence two varieties see Louise Bonne. of Saint Germain Saint Germain Braus P. g obovate 1 1 C 2 Nov. s are mentioned by some. 373 Saint Germain, Early 3/4 Saint Germain, How let's. 375 Saint Germain,Prince New Saint Germain. b. obovate 2 T J 2 Nov. Dec s Hardier, but inferior in quality to the New Sweet Saint Ge Samt Germain. main. 376 Saint Germain, Sum mer b.g obovate 2 '. J 2 Aug. s Good bearer. Saint Germain de Ma tin. Short's Saint Germain. Saint Germain Stripe Saint Germain Panach b.g. obovate 1 r . J 1 Nov. Jan w Fruit like St. Ger- main, but faintly striped. 150 PEARS. Name. o i nied sweetness. De Seigneur, see White Doyenne. Seigneur d'Hiver, see Easter Beurre'. 392 Seigneur Tachete*. 393 Septembre la Grosse. Seven Elbowed. Portugal. Seven Angled. Seta Cotovelhos. 94 Shakespeare. 395 Shobden Court . . rus. obovate 2 T B 1 Jan. Feb. S ich sugary flavour. 396 Sinclair. Skinless, see Sanspeau. Snow, see White Doy- enne'. Solitaire, see Mansuette Souveraine, see Passe Colmar. Sieulle P' y- oblate 2 T B 1 Oct. Nov. S Beurre Sieulle. 397 Spaek. Seta Cotovelhos, see Seven Elbowed. Sept-en-Gueule, see Lit tie Muscat. Spadone. Spence, see Beurre' Spence. Spina, see Spanish Bo Chretien. Spina di Carpi. 398 Squash, Newmedow . P 399 Squash, Teinton g. rus obovate 2 P Much esteemed as a 400 Stadelbirne y. b. round 3 P Oct. perry pear. Stanton Pear, see Gan sel's Bergamot. 401 Steven's Genessee . p. g. y obovate 1 1 B 1 Oct. S Resembles White 402 Stoffei's g.b- obovate 2 '] C 2 Mar. Apr S Doyenne. Stoffel's d'Hiver. . Stumpfling P 403 Stuyck. 404 Styrian Sucree Dore'e, seeNapo y. r. pyr. 1 T C 2 Oct. S Bears a second bu1 inferior crop. I eon. Sucree de Hoyerswen 8- obovat 3 r . J 2 Sept. S 405 Sucre'e Verte . g. obovate 2 r J 1 Oct. S Tree very vigorous; Green Sugar. abundant bearer. Sucre'e de Zurich pyr. 3 T J 2 Sept. S C Flavourof Gansel's 406 Suffolk Thorn b. roundish 2 B 1 Oct. S J Bergamot, the sort Sugvr t aee Green Chise | from which it was L-oicoH Sugar Top y. turbinate 3 r . J 2 b. m. Aug s raised. Handsome and to! Prince's Sugar. rably good. 152 PEARS. Name. \ 1 1 1 | Texture I I I Remarks. Suisse,see J^erte Longue Panache'e. Summer Portugal . y- g- py- 3 r J 2 Aug. S 407 Summer Rose rus. r. oblate 1 r J 1 Aug. S Handsome. Epine Rose. De Rose. Rosenbirne. Caillot Rosat d'Ete. Ognon, (of some). - Epine d'Ete, (ib.) Epine d' Etc Couleur Rose. 408 Super-Fondante p. y. obovate 2 r B 1 Oct. s Resembles the White Supreme,see Jargonelle Doyenne. (of the French.) Supreme de Merlet. [Naples. 409 Surpasse Meuris Resembles Figue de 410 Swan's Egg g.b. obovate 2 r J 1 Oct. s Good bearer. Swan's Egg, Bergamot b. obovate 2 r J 2 Sept. Oct. s Swan's Egg, GanselFs. Swan's Egg, Knevett's New, see Moor/owl Egg. Swan's Egg, Little, see ib. Swan's Egg, New . g.b. roundish 2 T T 2 Oct. g Soon decays. Swan's* Egg, Saint John's g.b. roundish 2 T C 3 Oct. s Swan's Egg, Tindall's. Sweet Summer, see Jar- gonelle. Sylvange p. y. obovate 2 T B Oct. Tender, and does not Bergamotte Sylvange. seem deserving of a 411 Sylvange Longue. wall. Sylvange Verte. Des Tables des Princes, see Jargonelle. 412 Tamaise P Tard Cedore. Tarquin. Terling, see Easter Bergamot. Terrenewaise, see Bezi de Caissoy. Teton de Mentis, see Bellissime d'Hiver. 413 Thompson's p. y. obovate 2 T B 1 Nov. s Flavour of Passe 414 Tidlig JSukker. Col mar ; exceedingly Tillington p. b. r. obovate 2 T T 2 Oct. s rich. Tilton g.b. roundish 3 r J 2 Nov. s Tonge . ',>--'** v. r. roundish 3 T C 2 Oct. s De Toulouse. De Tonneau, see Uve- dale's Saint Ger- main. Tonneau de Willeni . y* r * oblong 1 C 3 Oct. s Tresam Prata. 415 Tr^sor d'Amour . V g. r. obovate 1 K C Dec. Mar. s Trompe Chasseur. Trois Saisons, (Poire de). De Trois Tours, see Beurre Diel. PEARS. 153 I o Name. ^ s 5 s^ OJ 4-> X "i I J3 Remarks. 3 .a !J~J la r^ 5 I .r- O 72 '& Trouve de Montigny, see Bezl de Mon- tlgny. TrultCy see Forelle. Tump 3 Union, see Uvedale's Saint Germain. Uvednle's Warden, see Uvedale's Saint Germain. 416 Urhaniste P- g- obovate 2 T B I Oct. s Best from a Valencia, see White standard. Doyenne'. 417 ValleV Franche . . De Vallee. y-g'- obovate 2 r J 1 Aug. Sept. s Good bearer; but < the tree inclines to Bonne de Kienzheim. canker. De Kienzheim. 418 Van Hulthem. Van Mons, Late, see Knight d'Hiver. <419 Venus. Verlalne) see Gendes- helm. Verlaine d'Ete*, see ib. Vermilion d'Ete', see Jargonelle, (of the French). 420 Verte Longue . s- pyr. 2 T J B Oct. s Good bearer. Mouille Bouche. Muscat Fleure. New Autumn. 421 Verte Longue Panache*e Snisse. g'Y- pyr. 2 T J 2 Oct. s Like the former, but striped with Culotte de Suisse. green and yellow. 422 Des V6te>ans. 423 Vicar of Winkfield . g. b. r. pyr. 1 T B 2 Nov. Jan. w s Very large, tree vi- Monsieur le Cure. gorous and a good Dumas. bearer. 424 Vierge. Vin, see Saint Gall. De Vig-ne Pelone, see Flgue de Naples. b r turbinate 3 T B 2 Oct. s Demoiselle. 425 Vin de Siuttgard . y- R- obovate 3 P Aug. s 426 Vinter Oegge v- Like St. Germain. 427 Virgouleuse Poire Glace. y- g- obovate 1 T B 1 Nov. Jan. w Flesh yellow ; tree vigorous, but a bad Chambrette, bearer. Bujaleuf. 428 Virgouleuse, Prince's. Newtown Virgouleuse. 429 Voleur. 430 De Wael. Wolpool. Warden, Brown b. y. obovate 1 K Oct. s 431 Washington . 8'- y- obovate 2 T B 2 Oct. s 432 Wasserbirne P .Sep. Oct. s Zankersbirne. Waterloo p. g. r turbinate 2 T C 2 Sep. s Welgsdorffer, see Stutt- gart er Geissh irten . 433 Weely. 434 Wei beck y. rus obovate 1 T B 1 Sep. w Welbeck Seedling. 154 PEARS. Name. o d s . | x 1 o rt . 2 c Remarks. 5 & $ H 5 VI II 435 Wilhelmine. 436 Wilkinson a. . r. obovate 2 T B 2 Oct. Nov. S Williams', see Wil- ft liams' s Bon Chre- tien. 437 William Prince. William the Fourth, see Louise Bonne, (of Jersey). 438 Whitfield y. b. obovate 2 T B 2 Nov. S Great bearer. Winter Poplin, see Bezi de Caissoy. 439 Windsor Cuisse Madame, (of y-K- pyr. 1 T B I Aug. Sep. S Tree vigorous, but subject to canker some) . in some situations. Monarch, (of some). Konge. Windsor, Winter p. y. obovate ] Q 8 Nov. s Wine. Wilding- of Caissoy > see Bezi de Caissoy. Winter Thorn, see Epine d'ffiver. Wolf's Pear P Wormsley Grange . Wurtemburg, see Na- y.b. oblong 2 r B 2 Oct. s poleon. 440 Wurzer g. rus. pyr. 1 C 2 Nov. Jan. s Tree vigorous. Wurzer d'Automne. Yellow Bambriech. 441 Yat . . . Yutte. ). rus. pyr. 2 T T 1 Sept. s Abundant bearer ; perfumed. Zankersbirne, see Was- serbirne. 442 Zezamuri aus Tifflis. XVIII. PINE APPLES. These are distinguished by the relative length of the spines of their leaves, the colour of their flowers, and the form of their fruit, to which their average weight and qualities are added. The ab- breviations are as follow : Spines. L. large ; M. middle-sized ; S. small ; O. none. Form of the Fruit. ~ cyl. cylindrical ; pyr. pyramidal ; obi. oblong. Quality. 1. Best; 2. Second-rate; 3. Middling or bad. Name. i Colour of Flowers. Form of Fruit. 1 i Average Weight. Remarks. Allen's Seedling, see Mealy leaved Sugarloaf. Anson's Anson's Queen. M purp. cyl. 3 31b. Lemon Antigua. Antigua, Black Brown Antigua, (Speechley). L purp. cyl. 1 51b. Should be cut just before ripening. Antigua. Jagged leaved Antigua. Wortley's West Indian. Antigua, Brown, see New Jamaica* Antigua, Copper Coloured, see Montserrat. Antigua, Green pa. lil. round 3 41b. Smooth leaved Green Antigua Smooth Green Havannah. Sans Epines. Malabarica. Antigua, Lemon, see Anson's Antigua, Rubra, see Montser- rat. Antigua Aurantiaca, see Smooth Havannah. t Antigua, Smooth leaved, see Havannah. Basel's (Lord) Seedling . M lil. pyr. 1 31I>. Barbadoes, Lemon-coloured, f J see Lemon Queen. Barbadoes, Black, see Black Jamaica. Barbadoes, fVhite, see Lemon Queen. Bird's-eye Bahama, see Striped Sugarloaf. Blithfield Orange M lil. py r - 2 34 Ib. Blood red L lil. i cyl. 3 411). Fruit sanguine. Blood. Claret. Jamaica Purpurea. Bog warp, see Montserrat. Brazil, see ib. Brazilian Scarlet, see Scarlet. Buchanan M Buck's Seedling" M lil. py r - 2 12 Ib. Cape Coast, see Montserrat. 156 PINE APPLES. Name. i Colour of Flower. Form of Fruit. bi "3 < Average Weight. Remarks. Caraile, Black, see Antigua Queen. Caraile, Yellow, see ib. Claret, see Blood Red. Cochineal, see Montserrat. Cockscomb, see Enville, Wei- beck Seedling, and Trooper's Helmet. Cockscomb, Russian L in. round 1 41b. A good summer Copper, see Montserrat ruit. Copper coloured, see Black Jamaica. Copper coloured Barbadoes, see Black Sugarloaf. Crown, see f^elbeck Seedling. Demerara New . S m. round 3 41b. Harrison's New. Dominica, see Mealy leaved Sugarloaf. Elford/ Enville .... M ui. pyr. 2 51b. Old Enville. Enville Sugarloaf. Cockscomb. Enville, Spring Grove Enville, New M M m. til. pyr. pyr. 3 2 31b. 51b. Globe .... M m. round 2 41b. Leaves very erect. Globe, English, see Black Ja- maica. Globe, Buck's Seedling . M 151. cyl. 2 5 Ib. Globe, Fisherwick Striped . S m. round 2 41b. Globe, Russian L m. round 1 3 Ib. Gold striped, see Silver striped Queen. Green leaved with Purple stripes, and spines on the edges, see Striped Sugarloaf. Harrison's New, see New Demerara. Havannah O purp. cyl. 3 41b. Leaves very spread- Brown Havannah. ing. Smooth leaved Antigua. Bipley, (of some). Old King, (of some). Semiserrata. Lapete. Havannah, see King. Havannah, Downton S purp. cyl. 2 41b. Knight's Seedling. Havannah, Smooth purp. cyl. 2 41b. Green Havannah. Antigua Aurantiaca. Havannah, Smooth Green, see Green Antigua. Hussar, see Trooper's Helme Indian Creole, see Montser rat. Jamaica, Black S purp. obi. 1 41b. Best Winter Pine. Jamaica. Black Barbadoes. Copper coloured. Tawny. St. Vincent's Sngarloaf. Montserrat, (of some). PINE APPLES. 157 Name. ej VI Colour of Flower. Form of Fruit. >, B a Average Weight. Remarks. Jamaica, New s pyr. } 3lb. Good in Summer. New Black Jamaica. Brown Antigua. English Globe. St. Kitt's. Montserrat, (of some). Jamaica Purpurea, see Blood Red. Java, Green . . , s d. purp. obi. 2 41b. Narrow-leaved Java. Java, broad leaved, see Trooper's Helmet. King o purp. cyl. 3 31b. Late in bearing. Grassgreen King. Common King. Old King. Havannah, (of some). King", see Havannah. Kmghfs Seedling-, see Down- ton Havannah. Lapete, see Havannah. Malabarica, see Green An- tigua.. Malacca, see Montserrat. Mocho, see Brown leaved Sugar loaf. Montserrat . ... M purp. cyl. 3 41b. Copper. Cape Coast. Bogwarp. Red Ripley. New Ripley. Copper coloured Antigua. Cochineal. Brazil. Malacca. Sumatra. Antigua rubra. Indian Creole. Montserrat, see Black Ja- maica, and New Ja- maica. Montserrat, Heat on House, see Ripley. Olive Green, see St. Vin- cents. Olive, New Green, see Green Providence. Olive, Striped leaved, see Striped Queen. Ordinaire, see Queen. Otahehe M lil. cyl. 3 61b. Very handsome. Anson's. Peploe Seedling M cyl. 2 3* Ib. Pitch Lake, see Trinidad. Prince of Wales's Island, see Striped Surinam. Prince of Wales's Island, Striped, see io. Providence, Green M purp. pyr. 2 44 Ib. Providence, Prickly, see Wei- beck Seedling. Providence, White S da. purp. obi. 2 71b. largest of the varie- Providence. ies here enume- New Providence. ated, except Mealy leaved Providence. Frinidad. Wollaton Providence. Wollaton Green Providence. 158 PINE APPLES. Name. 1 Colour of Flower. Form of Fruit. 1 Average Weight. Remarks. Queen .... L 111. cyl. l 24 Ib. One of the best and Broad leaved Queen. most useful. Common Queen. Narrow leaved Queen. Ordinaire. Queen, Anson's, see Anson's. Queen, Antigua L da. HI. cyl. 2 41b. Black Caraile. Yellow Caraile. Lord Effingham's. Queen, Barbadoes, see Lemon Queen. Queen, Green i L lil. cyl. 1 24 Ib. Queen Lemon M lil. cyl. 3 41b. Lemon coloured Barbadoes. Barbadoes Queen. White Barbadoes. Ripley's New Queen. Queen, Moscow L lil. cyl. 1 24 Ib. Excellent. Queen, Ripley's New, see Lemon Queen. Queen, Purple striped, see Striped Sugarloaf. Queen, Ripley's Queen, Silver Striped L L lil. lil. cyl. cyl. 1 3 24 Ib. 21b. Silver striped. Gold striped. Queen, Striped L lil. cyl. 2 24 Ib. Swells badly. Striped Olive. Ribbon Grass, see Striped Su- rinam. Ripley .... L purp. round 1 24 Ib. Excellent. Ripley's. Old Ripley. Heaton House Montserrat. Ripley, see Havannah. Ripley, New, see Montserrat. Ripley, Red, see ib. St. Kitt's, see New Jamaica. St. Thomas's, see St. Pin- cent's. St. Vincent's M purp. pyr. 1 2k Ib. Swells well in Green St. Vincent's. Winter. Green Olive. St. Thomas's. Stubton Seedling. Bahama Sugarloaf. Sans Epines, see Green An- tigua. Scarlet .... L d. purp. pyr. 3 41b. Only valuable for Brazilian Scarlet. the- beauty of its Semiserrata, see Havannah. flowers. Sierra Leone M purp. cyl. 1 41b. Very good. Silver striped, see Striped Su- rinam and Silver striped Queen. Stanton M Stubton Seedling, see St. Vin- cent's. Sugarloaf, Black M lil. pyr. 2 34 Ib. Leaves purple. Copper coloured Barbadoes. Sugarloaf, Brown M lil. 1 41b. Very good. Sugarloaf, Brown leaved . M hi. cyl. 1 41b. Excellent. Striped Brown Sugarloaf. Mocho. Antigua Sugarloaf. Sugarloaf, Bahama, see St. Vincent's. PINE APPLES. 159 Name. i I Colour of Flower. Form of Fruit. I 3 Average Weight. Remarks. Sugarloaf, Mealy leaved . M pyr. 3 31b. White Sugarloaf. Dominica. New Mealy leaved Sugarloaf. Allen's Seedling. Green Sus;arloaf, (of some) . Sugarloaf, Orange Sugarloaf, St. Vincent's see S )a. purp. cyl. 1 3 11). Very good. Black Jamaica. Sugarloaf Striped . Purple striped Queen. L p. lil. cyl. 2 3 Ib. Green leaved with purple stripes and spines on the edges. Green Sugarloaf. Green striped Sugarloaf. Prickly striped Sugarloaf. White Sugarloaf, (of some). Bird's Eye Bahama. Brown striped Sugarloaf. Sugarloaf, Striped smooth- leaved Smooth leaved Sugarloaf. S p. lil. pyr. 3 2i Ib. Sugarloaf, White, see Mealy leaved Sugarloaf. Sumatra, see Montserrat. Surinam M lil. cyl. 3 31b. Surinam, Striped S cyl. 3 2*lb. Very bad fruiter. Striped Silver and Pink Suri- nam. Silver striped. Ribbon-grass. Prince of Wales's Island. Striped Prince of Wales's Is- land. Trooper's Helmet M purp. round 2 41b. Very handsome. Cockscomb. Hussar. _ Brown leaved Java. Trinidad M lil. pyr. 2 12 Ib. Said to weigh some- Pitch lake. times 26 Ib. Waved leaved S pa. purp. obi. 2 3jlb. Welbeck Seedling L da. purp. cyl. 2 3 Ib. Very handsome. Cockscomb. Crown. Prickly Providence. hartley's West Indian, see Black Antigua. XIX. PLUMS. A classification, derived from the following differences which exist among Plums, has been found useful in clearing up, to some considerable extent, the great confusion which prevailed among this class of fruits : Shoots downy or smooth ; Leaves pubescent above or glabrous; Fruit purple or pale ; round, oblong or obovate; Flesh adhering to the stone: or separating from it. These afford the means of forming thirty-two subdi- visions; the task of comparison being reduced in proportion. Many varieties yet remain to be fruited ; but in the meantime an excellent selection may be made from those already ascer- tained. The abbreviations employed are as follow : Wood. s. smooth ; d. downy. Colour, p. purple ; y. yellow : g. green ; r. red ; w. white or whitish. Size. 1. large; 2. middle-sized; 3. small. Stone, adh. adhering to the flesh ; sep. separating. Quality, 1. first rate; 2. middling; 3. bad. Use. T. table ; K. kitchen ; P. preserving. Season, b. beginning ; m. middle ; e. end of the months to which these are pre- fixed. Name. i Colour. ! 1 z 1 w Quality. 1 1 d OJ Remarks. 4bricot f^ert, see Green Gage.* 1 Abricote'e Blanche. Abricotee Blanche k Longue Queue Grosse 8. p. y. roundish 2 sep. K Sept. Resembles Yellow Gagre 2 Abricote'e Rouge 3 Admiral Corse's r. oval 2 sep. 2 K Sept. Flesh orangre, with an Apricot flavour. 4 D'Agen 8. P- obovate 2 sep. 1 T P e. Sept. Good bearer. Prune D'Ast. Saint Aiauriri. Prune de Brignole, (ol some) . Robe de Sergent. 5 Alibuchari Altesse, see De Suisse. D'Ame>ique Noire. 8. P- oval 2 sep. 2 T P b. Sept. A sort of Quetsche ; shrivels on the tree, and is probably well adapted for drying-. D'Amfoique Rouge, see Cherry Plum. Apricot S. y. oval 2 adh. 3 K e. Aug. 6 Ashridge Black S. P- round 2 sep 2 K e. Aug. Good bearer. 7 Aston ... d. P- round 3 adh. 2 P Sept. 8 Auchtertyre 1. P- oval 3 sep. 2 Aug. Probably good for pre- 9 D'Autriche s. P- oblong 2 sep. P e. July serving. Prune-Datte. ol)OV(itC Prune Datte Violette. PLUMS. 161 Name. j | 1 j Stone. 5 1 i Remarks. D'Avoine, see Jaune Hu- tive. Azure Motive 1. P- round 2 sep 2 T b. Aug. Blue Gage. Black Perdrigon. Violet. 10 Belle de Riom S. P- round 1 sep. Bifere, see Double Bear- ing. 11 Bingham's d. y. oblong 1 adh. 2 T Sept. First-rate in a warm Black Ball. climate. Black Hill s. y. round. 2 sep. 2 T b. Aug. Blue Gage, see Azure HCitwe. Bolmur see Washlno-ton. Bonne Deux Fois I'An, see Double Bearing. Bonne Rouge. De Bordeaux, see Jeru- salem. 12 De Brian qon Bricette. Brignole, see White Per- s y- cordate 3 sep. 3 in. Sept. The Prunus Brigan- tiaca; riot edible; a sort of oil is extracted from it. drigon. Brignole, Prune de, (ot some.) see D'Agen. Brignole Wolette, see Blue Perdrigon. 13 Brompton . Used for stocks. Bryanston Gage s. g- y roundish 2 adh. 2 T b. Sept. 14 Brussels d. Used for stocks. Buchanan Like Green Gage. Bury Seedling, see Coe\ ' Golden Drop. Caledonian, see Necta- rine. 15 Bullace, Black d. p- round 3 adh. K Oct. Bullace, New Large. 16 Bullace, White d. y. round J adh. K P Oct. Bears very abundantly. Bullace, Yellow Roman 17 Burnet . . . d. P- roundish 3 sep. KP Sept. Flesh like that of Wine De Canada. Sour. 18 Carter's Late Black De Catalog-ne, see Jaune H&tive. Catalonian, see ib. Cerisette Used for stocks. 19 Cherry s. r. cordate 2 adh. 2 TK b m.Aug. Prunus cerasifera. Virginian Cherry. Myrobalan. De Virginie. Early Scarlet. D'Amerique Rouge. Chesnut s. P- oblong 2 adh. 2 T b. Sept. Cheston d. P oval 2 sep. 2 TP b. Aug. Matchless. Diapree Violette. De Chypre s. P- round 2 sep. 2 T e. Aug. Da'mas Musque". De Malthe. 20 Coe's Fine Late Red . d. p. round 2 sep. 1 T e. Oct. Nov. Valuable for its late- Saint Martin. ness; has been pre- Saint Martin Rouge. served on a wall tree till Christmas. 162 PLUMS. Name. % Colour. i & 55 z c. i C2 CD 02 Remarks. 21 Cue's Golden Drop * Coe's. s. y- oval 1 adh. 1 TP 6. Sept. ( One of the most valu- iahle; excellent either Coe's Imperial. ]for the table or for Golden Drop. preserving ; a good New Golden Drop. bearer as a standard. Bury Seedling. Fair's Golden Drop. Golden Gage. Court Royal d. p. r roundish 2 sep. 2 K Sept. 22 Cooper's Large s. p- oval 2. sep. 2 T e Sept. Great bearer. Cooper's Large Red. Cooper's Large American La Delicieuse. Cornemuse d. p- obovate 2 sep. 2 P b. Sept. Cyd marine. Damas Ambre". Damas Ballon. Damas Ballon Jaune et Vert. Damas Ballon Rouge et Jaune. Damas Ballon, var. 23 Dumas Blanc t . y- roundish 3 sep. 1 KT m. Sept. Damas Blanc Hatif Gros. Damas Blanc Tres Hatif. Damas Blanc Petit . p- oval 3 sep. 2 K m. Sep. )amas Dronet p- oval 2 sep. K Sept. Damas Petit Tardif . p- oundish 3 3 e. Sept, Damas de Provence. 26 Damas de Provence Ha- tif. 27 Damas Quine*. Damas Rouge. 28 Damas Rouge de Christ. Damas de Septembre . p- oval 3 adh. 2 e. Sept. Prune de Vacance. Damas de Tours. Damas de Tours Gros . p- oval 2 ddh. 2 T b. Aug. 29 Damas. de Valence p- oundish 3 adh. e. Sept. Damas triolet, see Queen Mother. Damas f^ioltt, see Quetsche. Damas Violet Gros, see Quetsche, 30 Damas Violet Tardif . , p- oundish 2 ep. 1 T Sept. Damascus. ovate Damask, see Quetsche. Damask, Black, see Mo- rocco. Damask, Blue. PLUMS. 16:3 Name. d jj a SJ i "3 , 1 Remarks. ^ 1 1 i 2 M 3 <3 1 1 02 Double Blossomed, see Re'me Claude h Fleurs Semi-doubles. 43 Drap d'Or Mirabelle Double. d y- round 8 sep. \ T in. Aug. Excellent : precedes the Green Gage in Mirabelle Grosse. ripening, and resembles Yellow Perdrigon. it in quality. Drap d'Or, (of some), see Green Gage. Duke of Devonshire. Dumberline. 44 Dunmore s. y. oval o aep. 1 T Sept Early Scarlet, see Cher- ry Plum. Egg, see White Mag- num Bonum. Elfreth's Prune d. P- oblong 3 adh. T Sept. Elfry's. 45 Elton. 46 Emerald, Corse's. Emperor. A Feuille de Pecher. Figue Grosse Rouge . Wilmot's Russian. d. P- oblong obovate \ sep. 2 Sept. A Fleurs Doubles, see Reine Claude h Fleurs Semidoubles. A Fleurs Semidoubles, see 16. Florence, see Red Mag- num Bonum. Fall Copper. 47 Fotheringham s. P- obovate 2 sep. 1 T m. Aug. Flesh greenish-yellow, Sheen. micy and rich. Grove House Purple. Franklin, see Washing- ton. French Prune. French Copper. 48 Gage, Banker's. 49 Gage, Blucher's. Gage, Chancellor s. y- round 2 2 T 50 Gage, Flushing. Gage, Purple, see Reine Claude riolette. [Gage. 51 Gage, Schuyler's 52 Gage, Yellow White Gage. s. p. y. round 2 sep. 9 T b. Aug. Resembles the Green S T ot so rich as the Gieen Gage. Gonne's Green Gage. Reine Claude, (of some). ReineClaudeBlanche(ib.) Reine Claude Blanche, Petite Espece. 53 Garlick's Early s. P- obovate 3 sep. 1 T b. Aug. German Prune, see Quetsche. 54 Gisborne's 1. y. oblong 2 sep. 2 K m. Aug. Great bearer. Gisborne's Early. Paterson's. Golden Drop, see Coe's Golden Drop. Golden Drop, Fair's, see ib. Golden Drop, New, see ib. PLUMS. 165 Name. i 1 | 1 i 03 Remarks. Golden Gage, see Coe's Golden Drop. >5 Goldsmith's Vienna. 56 Goliath Caledonian. p- oblong 1 dh. 2 K e. Aug. ^arge and handsome, ut is not of fine quality. Nectarine (of some). Wilmot's Late Orleans. Saint Cloud. Steers's Emperor. Great Plum of Tours. >7 Green Gage , y- g round 2 ep. 1 TP m. Aug. Well known to be one Brngnon Green Gage. f the very best. Reine Claude. Abricot Vert. Verte Bonne. Dauphine. Grosse Reine. Grosse Reine Claude. Damas Vert. Sucrin Vert. Drap d'Or, (of some). Isleworth Green Gage. Wilmot's Green Gage. Wilmot's New Green Gage. Wilmot's Late Green Gage. Green Gage, Aston. Green Gage, Cowper- th wait's. Green Gage, Derbyshire Green Gage, Gonne's, see Yellow Gape. 58 Green Gage, Late. Green Gage, New. Green Gage, Superior . Greenwood's Early Or leans, see Early Or d. y- oval 2 sep. 2 T b. Sept. A good bearer; but in quality inferior to the Green Gage. leans. Grosse Luisante, see White Magnum Bo num. Grosse Reine, see Green Gage. Green House Purple, see Fotheringham. 59 Guiraaraen d. y. oval 2 adh. 1 P b. Sept. Gwalsh . Hampton Court, see s. i>- oval 1 9 Sept. Somewhat resembles the Red Magnum Bo- num. Early Orleans. Honey J alien P- round C sep. c Aug. 60 Horse Jug d. r. round. ov 2 adh K Sept. Horse Gage. 61 Horse Plum Irish Horse Plum. P- oval 2 sep. K Sept. Flesh of the nature of that of an Orleans. HoweWs Large, se Nectarine. Hungarian s. P- oblong 9 adh c P e. Sept. A sort of Quetsche. Hungarian Prune, se balance. Hyacinth, see Jacinthe. Isle Verte 8- oblong f adh * P m. Sept. Ille Verte. De Savoye. Griine Inselpflaume. 62 Impe'ratrice, Downton s. y- oval ( sep. TP Oct. Skin very tender. 166 PLUMS. Name. c o c Colour. | 1 1 ' o> VI !>, is cz C a 8 P | Remarks. 63 ImpeVatrice, Blue S. P- obovate 2 adk. 1 TP Oct. A good bearer. Imperatrice. Imperatrice Violette. Veritable Imperatrice. Violette. 54 Imperatrice, Ickworth . S. P- obovate 1 adh. 1 TP Oct. Excellent ; may be kept Knight's No. 6. a considerable time Imperatrice f^iolette, Grosse, seeQuetscke. Imperatrice riolette, after being gathered, f wrapt in paper and laid in a dry place. see ib. 65 Imperatrice, White . Imperatrice Blanche. S. W. obovate 2 sep. 2 rp b.m.Sep. C,l(.sely allied to Saint Catherine. Impe'riale, see Red Mag- num Bonum. Impe'riale Blanche, see White Magnum ^ Bonum. Imperial Diadem, see Diapre Rouge. Imperial, Jenkins's, see Nectarine. 65*ImpeYia]e de Milan. 66 Impe'riale Ottoman. Imperial, Red, see Red Magnum Bonum. Impe'riale Violette, see Red Magnum Bo- num. Impe'riale Violette a Feuilles Panachees Isabella . "".' 8. d. P- r. oval oval 1 2 sep. adh. 2 I K KT Sept. e. Aug. Red Magnum Bonum with the leaves slightly variegated. Jacinthe. Hyacinth. 67 Jaime Hative Jaune de Catalogue. d. y. oval 2 sep 2 T e. July Onlv to be recommend- ed for its eariiness. De Catalogue. Catalouiau . White Primordian. Amber Primordian. Saint Barnabe. D'Avoine. Jean Morceau } see Stone- less. 68 Jefferson. 69 Jerusalem d. p- round 2 adh. 2 T m. Sept. CEil de Bceuf. De Bordeaux. c" 70 Julien Gros a Feuilles Panachees p- round 3 adh. 3 K Sept. A sort of Bullace; .eaves somewhat 71 Kenellan. jlotched. 72 Kirke's 8 p- round 1 sep. 1 T b.m.Sep. Excellent. Knight's No. 6, see Ick- worth Imperatrice. Lawrence's d. p- oval 2 sep 2 K m. Aug. Lawrence's Early. 73 Lammas. o 74 Large Green Drying . Leipzig, see Quetsche. 5. s- y- round 1 adh. 1 KT m.e. Sep. Tree vigorous; a mo- derate bearer; frnit as arge as the Washing- 75 Lucilla. ton, and when perfectly 76 Luscornbe's Seedling. ripened, is exceedingly rirh 77 Magnum Bonum, Red . S. p- oval 1 sep. 2 K Sept. icn. Imperiale. Red Imperial. Imperiale Rouge. Dame Aubert Violette. Florence. PLUMS 167 Name. 5 1 1 1 c 3 CO 13 3 a o CO I Remarks. 78 Magnum Bonum, White . w. oval adh. y K Sept. Yellow Magnum Bonum. Dame Aubert. Dame Aubert Blanche. Dame Aubert Jaune. Grosse Luisante. Jmperiale Blanche. Egg Plum. Wentworth. White Holland. White Mogul. Magnum Bonum, New. Maitre Claude, see White Perdrigon. De Mai the, see De Chypre. Matchless, see Cheston. Mignonne. Mimms, see DiaprJ Rouge 79 Mirabelle Mirabelle Petite. Mirabelle Jaune. y- oundish obovate sep. 1 PT n. Aug. Esteemed for preserv- ng ; flesh of an Apricot olour. Mirabelle Double, see Drap a" Or. Mirabelle Grosse, see ib. Mirabelle de Lory. Mirabelle Rouge. Mirabelle Tardive p. y. oval ^ sep. P b. Sept. Mirabolan, see Cherry Plum. Miviam, see Roy ale H ti- the. Mogul, White, see White Magnum Bonum. Monsieur, see Orleans. Monsieur D'Agen. Monsieur Hatif, see Early Orleans. Monsieur Ordinaire, see Orleans. Monsieur Hatif de Mont- morency, see Early Orleans. Monsieur Tardif, see Suisse. Monstrueuse de Parmen tier. Montreuil, Noir de, see Damas Noir Hatif. Montreuil, Gros Noirde 80 Morocco d, P- round adh. V T b. Aug. Black Morocco. Black Damask. Early Morocco. Early Black Morocco. Early Damask. Moyeu de Bourgogne see Perdrigon Ha tif. 81 Muscle . * . d P- oval adh J K b. Sept Used for stocks. Nectar . . . w oval sep T Aug. adh T P b. Auif. A Caledonian. rouiu is A good oearer. Howell's Large. Peach. Prune Peche, (of some) Jenkins's Imperial. 168 PLUMS. Name. t 1 j m 1 Quality. j & I Remarks. Nectarine, (of some), see Goliath. 83 Nelson's Victory s. P- round C) z; adh 2 K m. Sept Good bearer. Knevett's Late Orleans. Noire Hdtive, see /W- coce de Tours. 84 Nonesuch, Lucombe's s. * y round 1 adh. i T e. Aug. Larger than the Greet 85 Nota Bene, Corses's. Gage, to which it bears Nutmeg, see Wheat. resemblance; but is not so rich. Oakley Park Wild. 86 Oddy's. (EH de Bceuf, see Jeru salem. Orange. 87 Orleans Red Damask. d. p- round 2 sep. KT m.e.Aug Abundant bearer ; good for kitchen use. Monsieur. Monsieur Ordinaire. Orleans, Coul. 88 Orleans, Early Grimwood's Early Or d p- round 2 sep. KT b.m.Aug Same properties as the preceding but earlier. leans. Monsieur Hatif. Monsieur Hatif de Mont- morency. New Early Orleans. New Orleans. Hampton Court. 39 Orleans, Late or Black Orleans, Knevetfs Late, 3 P- round 1 sep. K e. Sept. see Nelson's Victory Orleans, Smith's. Orleans, White Orleans Wilmot's Late, 5 . g. w. round 2 adh. K m.e.Aug. see Goliath. 90 Orleans, Wilmot's New Early Wilmot's Orleans. Wilmot's Early Orleans. 1. p- round o sep. T^ j.m.Aug. Extremely like the Early Orleans. Wilmot's Large Orleans. Orleans, Yellow. Panache'e. Paterson's see Gisborne's 91 Patrick's New. Peach, see Nectarine. Penlrigon des Alpes . Perdrigon, Black, see p. oval 3 sep. 3 TP Azure Hative. Perdrigon, Blanc, see 7/7. ite Perdrigon . 92 Perdrigon, Blue " . Perdrigon Violette. Brignole Violette. d. p- oval 2 adh. 1 T P e. Aug. This and the White 'erdrigon furnish the Brignole Prunes. Perdrigon, Blue, see Pre'coce de Tours. Perdrigon de Brignole Gros. 93 Perdrigon Violet Hatif . Perdrigon Hatif. 1. p roundish OVcll 2 ep. 1 T m. Aug. Moyeu de Bourgogne. Perdrigon Normand. 94 Perdrigon Rouge fl. p. r. oval 2 ep. 1 T .m. Sep. Perdrigon Tardif. Perdrigon, J^ioleite, see Precoce de Tours. * Perdrigon Violet des Alpes P- oval 2 ep. 2 TP m. Aug. PLUMS. 169 Name. Colour. I I Stone. . C o P a Remarks. 94 Perdrio-on, White d. y. oval 2 adh. 1 P e. Aug. Perdrigon Blanc. Brignole. Maitre Claude. Prune Peche, (of some). Perdrigon Yellow, see Drop d'Or. Peter's Large Yellow . Pigeon's Hearty see Queen Mother. d. y- oval 2 adh. 2 T e. Aug. Bears considerable re- semblance to the Green Gage, b ut is not so good . 95 Pond's Seedling s. r. oval 1 adh 2 TK b. Sept. Very large. 96 Pre"coce de Tours (1. P- oval 2 adh. 2 TK b. Aug. Violet de Tours. Noire Hative. Early Violet. Perdrigon Violet, (of some). Blue Perdrigon, (ib.). Primordian, Amber, see Jaune Hdtive. Primordian, Blue Primordian, White, see Jaune Hdtive. Prunallier. Prune d'ltalie, see Da- mas d'Espag-ne. Prune Peche, see Nec- tarine, and White Perdrig'on. Pseudo-Mirabelle 1. y. roundish 2 sep. 3 K e. Aug. 97 Queen Mother 8. i>- round 2 sep. 1 T Sept. A very good small plum . Pigeon's Heart. Da mas Violet. 98 Quetsche Common Quetsche. Zwetsche. Zwetschke. Quetsche Grosse. Prune d'Allemagne. Quetsche d'Allemagne S * P- oval 2 sep ; PK Sept. Bears well in this country ; in Germany much cultivated for the purpose of drying, forming an article of commerce, the German Prune of the shops. Grosse. German Prune. Turkish Quetsche, Leipzig. Early Russian. Imperatrice Violette, (of many). Imperatrice Violette, Grosse, (ib.). Sweet Prune. Damask. Damas Gros. Dam as Violet, (of some). Damas Violet Gros, (ib). 99 Quetsche, Austrian . Svedske Ungersk. 8. P- oval 2 sep. 1 PK e. Sept. A good variety of the preceding. Quetsche de Breme. Quetsche, Hungarian . S. P- oblong 2 sep. P Sept. 100 Quetsche d'ltalie. 101 Quetsche, Leipzig Early 1 02 Qaetsche, Long Green s. d. P- g. oblong oblong 2 2 sep. sep. P K b. Sept. Sept. 103 Quetsche,Saint James's s. P- oblong- 2 adh. 2 P Sept. Very abundant bearer. 104 Quetsche, Saint Mar- tin's Quetsche Precoce. s. y. w. heart- shaped 2 sep. 1 T e. Oct. Bangs later than Coe's Golden Drop , a very rich and valuable late Quetsche Rognon de Coq. )lum ; the tree bears well as a standard. Quetsche Verte. 1Q5 Raisin . . 1. S- roundish 3 adh. 2 Sept. i 170 PLUMS. Name. T3 O ) iJ I i t Stone. I 1 S3 eaches. 172 PLUMS. Name. Wood. | i OJ N t/3 i ,:3 ctf a C? i P I Remarks. Wilmofs Russian, see Pique Grosse Rouge. 126 Wine Sour Rotherham. d. P- roundish oblong 3 adh. 1 p m. Sept. Excellent for preserv- ing. Wine Sour, New. 127 Yellow Jack. Zwetsche, see Quetsche. Zwetschke, see id. XX. QUINCES. The Chinese Quince., and the Japan Quince are omitted as being unfit subjects for a Fruit Catalogue. The former has produced fruit, on a wall in the garden, of a cylindrical form and large size, but extremely hard and gritty. The Japan Quince occa- sionally bears fruit in this climate, but it is small and also bad. Name. 1 Common Quince Coignassier Commun. 2 Apple-shaped Quince. Coignassier maliforme. Coignassier pomiforme. 3 Pear-shaped Quince. Coignassier pyriforme. 4 Portugal Quince Coignassier de Portugal. 5 Orange Quince. 6 Large-fruited Quince. Coignassier a Gros Fruit. Remarks. This and the two following are often confounded with each other. It is probable that from seeds of either sort arieties have been, and still may be obtained, some of which would produce apple-shaped and some pear shaped fruit. Very good, and distinct from the preceding sorts : it does not, however, become, except in very favourable seasons, of so deep an orange ; its leaves are broader and its growth less contracted ; consequently it is the best sort for grafting pears upon. The two last enumerated varieties possess characters differing so little from what may be found among sub- varieties of the others that they are scarcely worth dis- tinguishing. XXI. RASPBERRIES. From the facility with which they spring from seeds, numerous accidental varieties of raspberries are doubtless to be found which are not included in the following enumeration. It may however be said of the Red and of the Yellow Antwerp, that they hold a similar rank in this class of fruits to that occupied by the Red and White Dutch among currants ; and although some may be found to equal them, yet it is doubtful whether they are as yet exceeded by any. The abbreviations are as follow : Colour, r. red ; y. yellow ; w. white. Quality,; 2. middling; 3. indifferent. Name. Remarks. 1 Antwerp, Red .... Burley Late Bearing 1 Antwerp. Knevett's Antwerp. Framboisier Rouge & Gros Fruit. 2 Antwerp, Yellow White Antwerp. Double Bearing Yellow. 3 Barnet Cornwall's Prolific. Cornwall's Seedling. Cornwall's Red. Large Red. Lord Exmouth's. 4 Bromley Hill .... Burley, see Red Antwerp. Cane, Brentford . . . * Cane, Red .... Cane, Rough . Cane, Smooth . . , . Common Red . . . . i . Old Red. Wild Red. 5 Cornish ..... Cornwall's Prolific, see Barnet. Cornwall's Red, see ib. Cornwall's Seedling, see id. 6 Cox's Honey . . , . } . Double Bearing . . .;. Red Double Bearing. Perpetual Bearing. Siberian. Late Cane. Double Bearing Red, Williams's Pitmaston. Jilliard's Seedling . , , ; . Large Red, see Barnet. Lord Exmouth's, see Red Antwerp. Malta, Red. Old Red, see Common Red. r. w. y.w r. r. r. Very fine and large, but does not bear carriage so well as the Red Ant- werp. Bears in clusters along the stems. Has the merit of bearing late in the Resembles the preceding, but seems rather tender. 174 RASPBERRIES. Name. 6 1 a Remarks. Old White w. 3 Perpetual Bearing", see Double Bearing. Pitmaston, see JFilliams's Double Bearing Red. Prolific, Early 9 Siberian, see Double Bearing. Spring Grove r. 9 7 Superb | r. 2 Taylor's Paragon .... r. 2 Scarlet Paragon. Wild Red, see Common Red. Wilmot's Early Red .... r. 2 8 Woodward's Red Globe . . /']. r. 2 XXII. STRAWBERRIES. The classification of Strawberries published in the Horticultural Transactions, Vol. VI. has been adhered to in the following enumeration. In regard to size it will be necessary to observe that the comparisons are made between the individual varieties of which each class is composed, and do not extend to those of other classes. The general estimation of many of the sorts is not so high as has been formerly stated, owing to their having been found tender, or indifferent bearers, compared with others which experience has proved to be superior. The abbreviations are as follow : Size. 1. large; 2. middle-sized ; 3. small. Quality. 1. first-rate; 2. middling ; 3. indifferent or bad. Season. As formerly explained. CLASS I. SCARLET STRAWBERRIES. Name. 1 1 02 Quality. Remarks. 1 American Scarlet conical 2 1 b. m. July Requires plenty of room; Black American. leaves tall ; fruit rich and New American Scarlet. sweet, coming in late. New Roseberry. Thompson's Roseberry. Autumn Scarlet ovate 2 2 b. July Bishop's Seedling . . round 2 2 e.June b.July 2 Bishop's Wick conical 1 1 e. June Black Cone conical 2 3 e. June Black Hudson's Bay conical 2 2 b. July Black Pine. Hosie's Seedling. 3 Black Roseherry roundish 1 2 e.June b.July Of a fine dark shining Black round-fruited Roseberry colour ; a good bearer. Carmine, Scarlet roundish 2 2 b. July. A bad bearer. Carmine Roseberry. Charlotte round 2 1 rn. e. June. Bad bearer. Princess Charlotte's. i Wilmot's Early Scarlet. 1 STRAWBERRIES. 175 Name. 1 I I I Remarks. Cinnamon Scarlet Clustered Scarlet roundish roundish 2 3 2 2 e. June e. June Clustered Wood Pine. Cockscomb Scarlet compressed 1 2 e. June Copper leaved Roseberry . conical 2 2 e June 4 Coul Late Scarlet Sir George Mackenzie's Late ovate 1 I b. in. July u excellent late sort ; a ood bearer. Scarlet. Diack's Seedling roundish 1 3 e. June b. July New Aberdeen. Dudson House Scarlet roundish 1 2 e. June bundant bearer. Duke of Kent's Scarlet . roundish 3 2 in. e. June arly, but too small for Globe Scarlet. eneral cultivation. Prolific Scarlet. Early Prolific Scarlet. Nova Scotia Scarlet. Cluster Scarlet. Austrian Scarlet. Oatlands Scarlet. Duke of York's Scarlet. Early Globe roundish 2 2 e. June Acid. 5 Garnstone Scarlet roundish 1 1 e. June b. July Globular Hudson's Bay . roundish 3 3 e. June Golden Lemon Scarlet . roundish 2 2 e. June Grange Hudson's Bay . oblong 3 3 e. June Grimstone Scarlet conical 3 2 e. June Bad bearer. 6 Grove End Scarlet depressed 1 2 m. e, June Very handsome, and mos Atkinson's Scarlet. spherical abundant bearer. Hudson's Bay ovate 1 2 e. June Requires to remain till it York River Scarlet. assumes a dark colour, American Scarlet. otherwise it is acid ; at Late Scarlet. best not fine. Hudson's Pine, (of Scotland) . Atkinson's Scarlet. Hopewood's Scarlet. Velvet Scarlet. Knight's Large Scarlet roundish 1 2 e. June A moderate bearer. Knight's Scarlet. American Scarlet. Great American Scarlet. Hairy leaved Scarlet. Large Scarlet. Female parent of the Down ton. Lewisham Scarlet roundish 3 3 e. June Scarlet Cluster. ovate Lynedock Seedling 7 Melon ovate roundish 2 2 2 1 b. July e. June. Acid. A good bearer ; dwarf. Methven Scarlet roundish 1 3 e. June Large, but coarse. Methven Castle. Southampton Scarlet. Morrisania Scarlet round 3 3 in. e. June Hudson's, Nairn's Scarlet ovate 2 2 e. June Narrow Leaved Scarlet . conical 2 2 e. June Knight's No. 14, Horticultura Transactions. Oblong Scarlet oblong 2 2 m. e. June Long Scarlet. Long-fruited Scarlet. Padley's Early Scarlet. Padley's Large Scarlet. 8 Old Scarlet roundish 2 1 m. e. June Valuable for its earliness ; Scarlet but more especially for Early s'carlet. Original Scarlet. ? the confectioner, on ac- count of its fine colour. Virginian. Scarlet Virginian. Old Bath Scarlet, (of some). Orange, or Irish, (of the Dutch). Ecarlate. Ecarlate de Virginie. De Virginie. 176 STRAWBERRIES. Name. I u 'I >> T! 3 a 02 Remarks. Orange Hudson's Bay conical 2 2 e. June Acid. Hamilton Bishop's Pine. Orange Pine. Pine Roseberry Pitmaston Black Scarlet . Early Pitmaston Black. conical oblong 2 3 2 2 e. June b. July Inferior to the Roseberry. Red Finger conical 1 2 e June 9 Roseberry conical 1 1 e.June b.July Well known as a very Rose. abundant bearer, con- Scotch Scarlet. tinuing late in succession. Aberdeen. Aberdeen Seedling. Prolific Pine. Brick ley Scarlet. Round-fruited Scarlet round 2 2 e. June b. July Late Round-fruited Scarlet. Knight's No. 18, Hort. Trans. Scone Scarlet round 2 2 e. June Very acid. Sir Joseph Banks's Scarlet . roundish 3 3 m. e. June Slough Scarlet Brown's Scarlet. roundish 3 2 m. e. June Resembles Duke of Kent's. Solid Scarlet roundish 2 2 b. July Hybrid between a Scarlet Solid -fleshed. ind Hautbois . 10 Southborough Marshall's Seedling. roundish 1 2 b. July A good bearer, large, but not fine. Vernon's Scarlet ".'" round 2 2 e. June White's Scarlet. Wilmot's Late Scarlet . obtusely 1 2 e. June Wilmot's Scarlet. conical* Wilmot's New Scarlet. Wilmot's Seedling. Wilmot's Imperial. Large Virginian. Late Virginian. CLASS II. BLACK STRAWBERRIES. i 1 Dovvnton . . . ovate 1 1 b. in. July The best of this class of Knight's Seedling. Strawberries, all its pro- Knight's Strawberry. perties taken into consi- Knight's No. 7, Hort. Trans. deration. 12 Elton .... ovate 1 1 m. e. July A great bearer, valuable as Elton Seeding. a very late sort. Gibb's Black Seedling . conical 3 2 b. July Knight's Scarlet-fleshed . conical 2 2 e. June More red inside than out. Knight's No. 16, Hort. Trans. 13 Myatt's Pine ovate 2 1 e. June [cultivation. Very rich, but difficult of Pitmaston Black ovate 1 1 b. July So tender that it ge- Late Pitmaston Black. nerally dies off in Winter, Old Black Black. conical 2 2 b. July consequently it is unfit for cultivation. Black Canterbury. Black Pine. Turkey Pine. Black Beacon. Mulberry. Sweet Cone ovate 1 1 e. June Of excellent flavour, but Knight's No. 3, Hort. Trans. tender, and not pjoiific. STRAWBERRIES, 177 CLASS III. PINE STRAWBERRIES. Name. | 1 f 5 02 Remarks. Bath Scarlet ovate 2 2 b. July Bath. New Bath Scarlet. Liverpool. Golden Drop. Devonshire. i North's Seedling. Milne's Seedling-. Imperial Scarlet. Austin's. Carolina Pine. Surinam, (of some). Scarlet -fleshed Carolina. Chili. Black Prince roundish 2 2 e. June Shy bearer. Wilmot's Black Imperial. Bostock roundish 1 2 e. June A good bearer, but the Rostock. ruit is coarse and Rostock Seedling. lOllOW. Rostock Pine. Rostock Scarlet. Wellington. Cone. Byram. Caledonian. Vernon's. Montague's. Prolific Bath. New Bath. Whitley's Pine. Beattie's Seedling. English Glohe. Red Chili. Devonshire. Devonshire Chili. Red Bath. New Scarlet. L4 British Queen, Myatt's . Bullock's Blood roundish roundish 1 3 1 3 e. June b. July. Very large and good ; bears abundantly. Chinese roundish 1 3 e. June b. July This and the Surinam North's Seedling. Red Chili. were formerly much cultivated on account North's Large Scarlet. Bourbon, (of the Americans). Chapelizod. of their abundant bear- ing, but are now giving way to the superiority Carolina, (of some). of Keens' Seedling. Large Chili, Pine Apple. Dutch .... roundish 1 3 b. June 15 Dwarf White Carolina . round. ovate 1 3 e. Juneb July The synonyms at- 16 Eliza, Myatt's Glazed Fine ovate conical 2 1 2 2 in. June b. July tached to the Round White Carolina are also applicable to this, with Knott's Pine. Scarlet Pine Apple. the exception of the last. Chinese, (of some). Carolina, ( do. ) Red Chili, ( do. ) Keens' Imperial roundish 1 2 e. June Tender and a shy Imperial. bearer. Black Imperial. Large Imperial Black. Imperial Pine. Black Isleworth. Keens' Black. Keens' Large -fruited. Isleworth Pine. Large Black. Keens' Black Pine. Nectarine. 1 7 Keens' Seedling- Keens' New Seedling. Keens' New Pine, roundish 1 1 m. e. June Excellent and produc- tive ; one of the very best for general culti- Keens' Black Pine. vation, and for forcing. Murphy's Child. AA 178 STRAWBERRIES. Name. 1 1 I 1 Remarks. Knevett's New Pine roundish 1 2 e. June A shy bearer; will not Large Black Seedling . . roundish 1 2 b. July grow in many soils. Mulberry ovate 2 3 b. July Mahone. King. Cherokee. Surinam, (of Scotland) . 18 Old Pine, or Carolina . ovate 1 1 e. June b. July As a solid, juicy and Pine. )eculiarly rich fruit, Carolina. his is exceeded by Scarlet Pine. none : Keens' Seed- Old Scarlet Pine. ing is earlier, more Old Carolina. >roductive and pro- Common Carolina. itable for the market ; Carolina Pine. jut its cultivation on Large Carolina. hese accounts, ought Blood Pine. not to supersede that Pyne Hill. of the Old Pine, the Grandiflora. superior quality of Black Pine. which entitles it to Borsdorf. be strongly recom- Surinam, or Scarlet-fleshed. mended. Superior. Shew's Scarlet. Red Cone ovate 2 2 e. June 19 Round White Carolina . Carolina. White Carolina. White Pine. roundish or irregularly ovate 1 2 e June b.July Fruit large, and being white, with sometimes a blush of red, it makes a pleasing variety. Large Blush Pine. White Bath. Red and White Bath. Large White. Chili. White Chili. Large White Chili. Large Pale Chili. Large Flesh-coloured Chili. Cone. Globe. Conical White Carolina. Surinam . ( i =' - roundish 1 3 b. July Red Pine. ovate Red Pine Apple. Button's Large. Oldaker's New Pine. Red Chili. Chinese. Devonshire Scarlet. North's Seedling. Ananas, or Apricot, (of the Dutch). De Carolina. f Bears abundantlyand 20 Swainstone's Seedling Taylor's New Emperor . 21 Turner's Pine ovate roundish ovate 1 2 1 1 2 2 e. June e. June e. July ^ sometimes a second L crop in autumn, [lateness. Cultivated only for its Variegated Pine Striped-leaved Scarlet. Westbere ovate 2 2 e. Juneb.July Leaves variegated with white; tender and worthless. STRAWBERRIES, 179 CLASS IV. CHILI STRAWBERRIES. Name. 1 I Of 1 Remarks. Black Chili irregular 3 h. m. July Coarse. Large Blush Chili Pine Chili ovate ovate 3 3 b. m. July b. m. July Scarcely distinguish- able from the True Chili. Red Chili ovate 2 3 rn. e. July Scarlet Chili ovate 2 b. July True Chili Patagonian. Greenwell's. Greenwell's French. Greenwell's New Giant. ovate 3 b. m. July It may be said of the Chilis generally that they are tender, bad bearers, and of indif- ferent quality. Du Chili. Frutiller. Wilmot's Superb roundish 1 2 b. July Fruit hollow and Yellow Chili irregular 1 2 b. July woolly. CLASS V. HAUTBOIS STRAWBERRIES. Of all Strawberries,, the Hautbois are the most variable. They certainly retain a general character from which they naturally do not depart ; but constancy of character in varieties of this class denominated as distinct is but little to be depended on : the fruit will occasionally change from globular to ovate, and the contrary; while fertile plantations will produce runners that may perhaps be sterile, and seedlings, many of which will certainly prove so. The latter ought to be carefully looked after and extirpated, which can only be effectually done in new plantations whilst the plants are single, and at the time they are in blossom. It will also be necessary to observe that in all the sorts of Hautbois, here enumerated, there exist both the Prolific, and also those sterile plants commonly called Males, which have long stamens. They may be distinguished from the prolific by their flowers being scarcely so large, with the receptacle small and imperfect. The plants producing such ought to be, in all cases, destroyed. Name. I . 1 CO Quality. 1 Remarks. 22 Black Hautbois New Hautbois. Brown Hautbois . . Common Hautbois Hautbois. Old Hautbois. Original Hautbois. Dioecious Hautbois. Hautbois, or Musky. ovate ovate roundish or ovate 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 e. June b.July e. June b.July e. June b July 180 STRAWBERRIES Name. a I 1 Remarks. I 1 as I 23 Globe .... roundish 2 2 e. June b. July Caperon Ordinaire. Antwerp, or Musk. Danish. 24 Large Flat White. roundish 1 1 e. June b. July Abundant bearer j retains its characters Bath. better than the other Salter's. sorts. Formosa. Lowder's. Weymouth. Long-fruited Muscatelle . 25 Prolific, or Conical ; oblong conical 3 1 2 1 b. July e. June b.July Flowers the largest Double Bearing. Hermaphrodite. Hudson's Bay, (of some). Musk. of the class, recep- :acle broad ; stamens ong, persisting round the base of the fruit Regent's. Dwarf. even to the period of its maturity ; one of Sacombe. the best. Sir Joseph Banks's. Spring Grove. Caperon Royal. Caperon Hermaphrodite. 26 Round-fruited Muscatelle . Russian roundish ovate 3 3 1 3 b. July b. July A variety of the Globe ; high flavoured. Swedish . |f* 'i roundish 3 2 b. July Habit dwarf ; unwor- thy of cultivation. CLASS VI. GREEN STRAWBERRIES. Name. i , 1" 1 Remarks. i a w De Bargemont . , * . roundish 3 2 b. m. July Majaufe. ovate Breslinge d'Angleterre roundish 3 3 b July De Pensylvanie. ovate Caucasian roundish 2 2 m. July Green .... roundish or 1 2 m. July Fruit solid; flesh Green Pine. depressed greenish, very juicy, Pine Apple. Green Alpine. globular of a peculiar and somewhat pine-apple Green Wood. flavour. Powdered Pine. Vert d'Angleterre. Fraisier Vert. Vineuse de Champagne . Fraisier de Champagne. conical 3 2 b. July Williams's Green Pine . roundish 2 2 e. June STRAWBERRIES. 181 CLASS VII. ALPINE OR WOOD STRAWBERRIES. The best of these are the Red and White Wood, and the Red arid White Alpine. The latter are apt to degenerate and assume the characters of the Wood varieties. With Runners. Name. I 1 I < 1 Remarks. ) American Alpine conical 1 1 Like the Red Alpine. 27 Besanc,on ) Double Blossomed Worthless as a fruiting ariety. A Fleurs Doubles. A Fleurs Semidoubles. De Montreuil a Fruit Blanc De Montreuil a Fruit Rouge ovate ovate 1 1 1 1 b. July b. July "ugitive varieties of he Alpine or Wood. De Montreuil & Marteau. Fressant. Dent de Cheval. De Ville de Bois. One Leaved roundish 3 2 b. July One leaved Alpine. De Versailles, A Feuilles Simples. 28 Red Alpine conical 1 1 June Nov. Des Alpes & Fruit Rouge. Des Alpes de tous les Mois a Fruit Rouge. Des Alpes de deux Saisons a Fruit Rouge. Des Alpes de quatre Saisons & Fruit Rouge. Alpine Rouge. Scarlet Alpine. Prolific Alpine. 29 Red Wood roundish 1 1 e. June July Commun Rouge. Commun a Fruit Rouge. Des Bois k Fruit Rouge. 30 White Alpine conical 1 1 June Nov. Des Alpes t Fruit Blanc. Des Alpes de tous les Mois Fruit Blanc. Des Alpes de deux Saisons Fruit Blanc. Des Alpes de quatre Saisons Fruit Blanc. Alpine Blanc. 31 White Wood roundish 1 1 e. June July Commun Blanc. Commun a Fruit Blanc. Des Bois a Fruit Blanc. Without Runners. Bush Alpine, Red - . roundish 2 2 b. July Buisson. ovate Buisson a Fruit Rouge. Commun sans Filets. Sans Coulans Ordinajfe. Sans Filets Ordinaire. * Buissons des Alpes Rouge. Des Alpes sans Coulans a Fruit Rouge. Des Alpes sans Filets a Fruit Rouge. De Gaillon a Fruit Rouge. Bush Alpine, White roundish 2 2 b. July Buissons des Alpes Blanc. ovate Buissons a Fruit Blanc. XXIII. WALNUTS. 1 Common Walnut . Noyer Ordinaire. 2 Duck Nut. 3 Hfttif. 4 Highflyer . 5 Large Fruited Double Walnut. French Walnut. A Coque Tendre. Noyer Mesange. 6 Tardif. Juglans Regia serotina. Noyer de St. Jean. Thin Shelled. 7 Yorkshire Among those raised from seed, varieties are to be found which bear and ripen better than some of the following larger sorts. Middle sized, fills well and ripens early. Shell tender, not so well filled as those of the other va- rieties. Not double, but of a good size, fills and ripens well shell moderately thin. THE END. LONDON PRINTED BY w. NICOL, no, PALL \