LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF .sX.9 ra TroXXa rcov 'Hyrjffiov rov prfTopos /cal TQ>V ' Kdiavtov /caXovfievcov prjropwv. 9 These two styles the pointed and choppy and the flowing and ornate con- tinued for two centuries, going from bad to worse. Omitting further reference to this development, we turn to the reaction in favor of Atticism, which seems to have begun with Hermagoras of Temnos about 110 B. c. 10 Volkmann also 11 furnishes abundant 1 Uber den Kulturgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang und die Bedeutung der Griechischen Renaissance in der Romerzeit. * V. Dionysios of Halicarnassos, De Oratoribus Antiquis I. Brutus, 38. * 10. 1. 80. 6 V. Cicero, Orator, 92. e C. 648. 7 Cf. Cicero, Brutus 286, Orat. 226, 230. 8 Cf. Theon, Progymnasraata, Sp. 2. 71. 9. Cf. Dion. Hal., De Composition^ 4 and 18. 10 V. Blass, Gr. Bered., p. 85. 11 Die Rhetorik der Griechen und Romer. Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 3 evidence that Hermagoras followed regular rhetorical divisions in his work instead of making use, like his immediate predecessors, of what came to him solely in practical experience, and that the Asianic style of oratory, which was without technical science, began to be changed first about the middle or end of the second century B. c. by Hermagoras, a technologist of the first rank, who united theory and practice in a most praiseworthy manner. Schmid 1 claims that the reaction originated first in the island of Rhodes and that Apollonios and Molon tried not so much to oppose Asianism as to dampen the prevailing spirit of exaggeration. In 92 B. c. L. Plotius opened a school of rhetoric in Rome, which <3ate may mark the watershed. At that time Hortensius was the representative of Asianism in Latin, having "combined its two manners, sententious point and florid declamation." Cicero himself was partly under the influence of this school, but as representative of the Atticisirig style he may claim the credit of destroying the ultra Asianism of Hortensius and later of leaning toward the Attic. His inborn sense of strength and aptness made him strike a medium and avoid the extreme rigorousness of the Atticists. This success of the Romans forced the Greek writers of the time to try to shape a new prose literature. Revived Atticism proper may be said to date from Calvus, about 60 B. c., being completed, in a sense, in Dionysios of Halicarnassos and Caecilius. Of course there were various schools of Atticists, imitators of Thucydides, Xenophon, Lysias, Hyperides, Demosthenes, all of them drawing more or less from Greek literature as a whole or from certain departments of it in keeping with their style and subject of composition. This is sufficient to show that such writers as Dio Chrysostom and Lucian could have imitated no writer after 320 B.C. But there has been no mention of JEphoros and Theopompos. Recall the fact that Callisthenes, the Isocratean, the first historical repre- sentative of Asianism, was a contemporary of Alexander. Add to this that both Ephoros and Theopompos were pupils of Isocrates, that both were contemporaries of Alexander, the latter quite a favorite. Certainly no one could contend that Ephoros and 1 V. note 1, p. 2. 4 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Theopompos were exponents of the Asianic style, but we must recognize that within two or three decades after they flourished Asianism was fully developed : such changes must come about gradually. Dionysios of Halicarnassos l says of Theopompos : el 8* vTrepelSev ev TOVTOIS, e<* ot? paXivT av eo-TrovSaice, rfj? re o)vr)evT(t)v ypa/^/jLarcov /cal rfjs KV/c\i,fcfjs evpvO/jLuas TWV TrepioSwv teal rr}? ojj,oL$ela<; T&V oxy/jLaTKr/jLcov, TTO\V afjLiva)v av rjv avros eavrov tcara rrjv pda-tv. 2 Even if it be denied that these two writers show signs of Asianism, the fact that they are ultra-Isocratean would preclude the possibility of confusing their influence with the influence of Herodotos, though they themselves may have been largely indebted to Herodotos. CHAPTER II. GREEK AND ROMAN ESTIMATES OF HERODOTOS. Since it is true that imitation was the main element of strength in the Renascence, there must be a study of imitation, of the writers imitated, of the basis of imitation, of the degree and the success of imitation. Such studies have been numerous for almost every field of literary composition : after the revival was begun through the department of oratory and each of the more important orators had a considerable following, other styles of composition on other than oratorical subjects found other sources from which to draw. Much has been written of the influence of Homer, of the comic poets, of Plato. Herodotos has received little attention. The reasons for studying Herodotos in this connection are based not only upon the results to be presented in the following chapters, but also upon the opinions of classical writers themselves from the time of Aristotle through the Renascence, including the Rhetoricians, who, by their studies and criticisms, have given many points of individuality in Herodotos worthy of imitation. Observe a few of their statements. J Ad On. Pomp. 6. 2 Cf. Cicero, Orat. 151. Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 5 Aristotle's all-important statement 1 is the basis of a fundamental imitation of Herodotos : rrjv Se Xef iv dvdjKT) elvai, % elpofjLevrjv Kal TW crvvSea/jLtt) jj,iav, coo-rrep al ev rofc SiOvpafjuftoi,*; dvaj3o\at, t rj KaTO"Tpa/jLfjLevrjv Kal o/jLoiav rais rcov dp^aLwv TTOCTJTWV dvTi- o-T/000049. 'n pev ovv elpofievr] Xeffc9 tf dp^aia eirriv 'HpoBoTOV ovpiov 776 lo-TOpLr]^ aTroBe^if;' ravrrj yap Trporepov pev airavres, vvv Se ov TroXXot ^pSyvrai. Cicero says : 2 apud Herodotum patrem historiae et apud Theo- pompum suut innumerabiles fabulae ; also, 3 tanta est eloquentia, ut me quidem, quantum ego Graece scripta intellegere possum, magno opere delectet; and, 4 quid enim aut Herodoto dulcius. Then he particularizes : 5 alter (H.) enim sine ullis salebris quasi sedatus amnis fluit ; and, 6 itaque et Herodotus et eadem superiorque aetas numero caruit (this statement is contradicted by Quintilian). Add : 7 si quae veteres illi (H. et . .) apte numeroseque dixerunl, ea [sic] non numero quaesito, sed verborum collocatione ceciderunt. Dionysius 8 has much to say of Herodotos by way of comparison with Thucydides. After speaking of Herodotos' vTroOecn,? and selection, he says : f) ^ev 'HpoSorou Sta#e<79 ev anracriv eTriei/crfs, Kal rot? fjbev dryadoi? a-vvrjSo/jLevrj, rofc Se /ca/cols (rvva\>yovo'a. Again, 77 icaOapa rot9 ovo/juacri, Kal rbv < ^Ckf]ViKov %apaKT7jpa ovcra Sta\e/cro9. Herodotos excels likewise in evdpyeia, 77801/7;, Add : dperwv 77 KVpifordrr} TO Trpenrov ravryv 6 'H/ooSoTO9 fjua\\ov 77 ovKvSiS'rjs, and : t,a$epovcri &e Kara rovro fj,d\io-ra d\\r)\cov, OTI TO pev 'HpoSoTOV /ca\\O9 i\apov fyoftepov Be TO ovKvSi$ov, and : in/ro9 Se Kal #aXXo9 Kal vrpeTreiav Kal TO \ey6fievov tSto)9 7r\dopo9 Se TroXXrjv fjuev Icrropiav VTTTIOV /cal dvei/jievov Trjs dTrayye\(,a<; crou OVK e Lucian, whom we are to study more closely, says : 2 ' HpoSorot; eWe fjuev Kal TO, a\\a iMfLrjo-aadat, SvvaTov fjv ov irdvTa (frrjfjil oV aTrdvTcov, olov fj /caXXo? T&V \6ytov rj dpjjLOviav avT&v TJ TO oiKelov Ty 'Icovia Kal TO TT/oocr^ue? rj T^9 yvcopr)? TO TrepiTTov $ oara jjuvpia Ka\d exelvos apa TrdvTa crvXkafiwv %et, Trepa rrj? et? fjLif^rjatv eXTT/So?' a 8e eTrolrjaev eirl rot? o-vyypdfjLfjuacrt Kal a>? TToXXoO af ^09 TO?9 f/ EXX77(Ti/ aTcaaiv ev ftpa^el /carecrrT;, Kal eya> Kal (TV Kal aXXo9 av ^L^o-aLfieOa. He speaks 3 further of the great reputation of Herodotos. 4 The Greek Rhetoricians say much more than can be quoted here. Note first a general remark : 5 povos *HpoSoro9 ' TO Again, a general remark upon description : 7 TrepiijyrjfjLaTiKcx; evapy&s VTT otyw aywv TO Kal Trap 1 'H/aoSorw TO eI8o9 Trjs t/3i8o? Kal TO>V LTTTTCOV TCOV Kal TWV KpOKoSei\0)V TWV 1 Or. 18. 10. 2 Herodotus I (1. 831-832). 3 Ib., 2. * Cf. Hist. 42 (2. 55) ; 54 (2. 64) ; Ver. Hist. 2. 31 (2. 127) ; Philops. 2 (3. 30) j *Salt. 78 (2. 310) ; *De Domo 20 (3. 201) ; [Macrob.] 10 (3. 214). b vep\ tyovs, Spengel 1. 262. 28. 6 Cf. Demetrius, irepi epnyveias (irepl ffvvBfTuiv ovo/j.drwi'), Sp. 3. 287. 6. 7 Theon., vpoyv/^vdo-futra (vepl tiuppdo-fws), Sp. 2. 118. 6. Herodotoa in the Greek Renascence. 7 Then more particularly, beginning with Hermogenes : l rb pOVTLKOD\a \e\VfjLewr) ov poka o-vvrjpTrjfjieva, 009 77 ^Karaiov, Kal ra irXeicrTa r&v , Kal 0X0)9 77 dp^aia iracra. 7 1 Trepl t'SecSi/ (Trepl Kadapdryros % Kadapwv tvvoiwv), Sp. 2. 278. 4. [These refer- ences are in the order of occurrence in Spengel.] 2 Cf. Ib., 2. 278. 17. 8 Ib. (rrcpl y\v K 6rnros), 2. 362. 8. 4 Ib., 2.421.5. 6 Alexander, irepl ffx-n^drav (irepl irope^jSoX^s), 3. 39. 20. The example is from Hdt. 1. 6. 6 Demetrius, irepl 'Epfjnrivetas (irepl irfpi68uv), 3. 262. 17. 7 Cf. ib., 3. 264. 20; 3. 272. 15; Hermog., 2. 238 ff.; Aristotle, A.K. 3. 9ff. 8 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. CHAPTER III. Dio CHRYSOSTOM, ARRIAN, AELIAN, PHILOSTRATOS. From the reaction in favour of the old masters, the beginning of which was described in the first chapter, the period of the Renas- cence may be said to date, roughly stated, from the middle of the first century to the middle of the third. All the writers of any importance within these limits made more or less use of the old classics : some took one author for a model ; some imitated slavishly one or more as they used one style or another, as they wrote upon one subject or another ; some thoroughly assimilated all, and so used them more effectively. It is not for Herodotos alone that we claim influence in the Renascence, but we would emphasize his influence, because it has not been sufficiently recognized publicly, and point out something of the nature of that influence. While Lucian has been selected as the author for most careful study, other great writers of the Renascence demand notice, Dio Chrysostom, Arrian, Aelian, Philostratos. Much of what I shall say of three of these writers is taken from Schmid in his Atticism us, and Grundmann's l study of Arrian has been helpful. Dio Chrysostom is generally admitted to be the first writer of the Renascence, and so may be noted first briefly. " Dio is not exempt from the unreality of his age, but the thought is deeper, the moral conviction more thorough, than we find in the mere ' sophist' or ' rhetorician ' of the Greek Renaissance, and his orations or, better, ' essays ' are something more than rhetorical exercises. His style is clear and fluent, he is a good story-teller, 2 and his Atticism, though not the success it was once held to be, is more than respectable." 3 Philostratos 4 says of him, that he has taken the best from the best. He is decidedly in opposition to the Asianic style in choice of sub- ject, in aversion to excitement and pathos, in careful cultivation of classic models. As a statesman he naturally attached much importance to the old historians, to Herodotos in particular. Dio's 1 Quid in elocutione Arriani Herodoto debeatur, Berlin, 1884. * The italics are mine. 3 Gildersleeve in Johnson's Cyclopaedia. *V.S. 2.6. 30(Teubner). Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 9 own estimate of Herodotos has been quoted in Chapter II. 1 Cobet 2 says: nullum alium scriptorem Dio diligentius lectitavit quam Herodotum, cujus ubique apud eum sunt vestigia. Schmid 3 says that Dio allows some lonisms. He also says 4 that when Dio narrates, as at the beginning of Or. 7, he has a plain, simple sen- tence-position with many coordinate clauses joined by particles ; but when he is sententious or philosophic, he has a more periodic style. In this connection Schmid calls Plato a master in the use of particles, and so he is ; but all recognize that the use of particles in these late writers is not wholly dependent upon Plato. It will be one of my main points that the use of coordinate clauses joined by coordinate particles, especially in narrative passages, is due to the influence of the one master in such prose composition, Herodo- tos. This influence is claimed for Dio, though not to the same extent as in some others. Being earlier than Lucian and a man of less ability, in a sense, Dio is naturally more mechanical in his imi- tation of Herodotos and sometimes copies almost literally. Some words that Schmid gives from the use of Herodotos are : 6 arpeuL&iv, 1. 17. 29, Teubner Text (or. 1. 70); e/cfipd 1. 120. 31 (7. 239); ri/cco used as Hdt. 1. 30: TeXXw TOVTO Tt)? 7ToXtO9 ev f] KOVO-VIS TralSes rjcrav /ca\oi re /casyaOot,; Xevarrfp, 1. 46. 20 (3. 113), from an oracle of Hdt. 5. 67 ; pvo^ai, 1. 51. 13 (3. 124); o-uo-Tpo^, 1. 11. 31 (1. 61); vTrepKvjrelaOai,, 1. 322. 9 (29. 53). Dio uses by the side of the regular forms of olSa such forms as olSas, 1. 22. 7 ; oftapev, 1. 43. 23 (3. 109), cf. Hdt. 2. 17, 4. 16 ; oUare, 1. 371. 10 (31. 608) ; ol'Sao-t, 1. 305. 5 (23. 511), cf. Hdt. 2. 43. Here, as elsewhere, enters in the question of the KOWIJ, for these forms are found in the New Testament. From we find re'rei^e, etc., 1. 346. 31 (31. 569), by the side of , cf. Hdt. 3. 40. 8 The favorite substantivized neuter adjective begins with Herodotos. 7 As to subject-matter, Dio has frequently drawn from Herodotos, examples of which will be given in connection with Lucian. But we may quote here the story of 1 V. Or. 18. 10. Mnem., N. S., 5. 98. Att. 3. 13. * Att. 1. 178. Att. 1. 145. 6 Cf. Schmid, Att. 1. 84 ff. 7 V. Stein to Hdt. 1. 58, 86, 97, etc. 10 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Croesus and Alcmaeon as given by the two. 1 Note the language, the particles, the conjunctions, the participles. eovra? Herodotos. ev&vs Ki6&va fjueyav /cal KO\- 7TOV 7TO\\OV KaTa\l,7r6/JLVO<} TOV KlO&VOS, KoOopVOVS TOV9 evpio-K evpVT VTToSrjcrdfjLevos, tfle 69 Orjaavpov 69 TOV ol O-7T(70DV B 69 jjiev Trapecra^e irapa ra<$ rov 'xpvaov ocrov e^cape- ov ol /codopvoi' fiera Se TOV TrdvTO, 7r\vjo-d/jLevo<; Kal 9 /ce(f>a\f)<; SiaTrdcras TOV T09 teal d\\o Xa/3a>i> 9 TO (rTO/jba, %r)ie e/c TOV Oijaavpov \KCOV fJLV /JiOyiS TOt'9 /Co06pVOV7rq>. TOV TO TC crTOfia e/3e- /cal TrdvTa e^ooy/ccoro. 8e TOV Kpotaov 76X0)9 Dio. ovSe ye TOV \a/36vTa Trapa "Kpoicrov rrjv Scopedv eicelvov ' A.\KfjL(i)Va \wv ovre OVT 2)o- Set9 T&V TOTC a> (fraai, TOV TOVS Orjcrav- (f>epLV avTOV OTTOO-OV ftov\eTa(, TOV ^pvcrov. /cal TOV elo-e\66vra Trdvv dv&pei- AvBbv Scopeas, T /ca TOV /cal Ta9 yvdOov? e/caTepa<; /JLO\I<; ego) , axTTrep av\ovvTa TTJV iva, yeXwra /cal 6eav KpotVft) Trape^ovTa /cal Schmid 2 gives Plato and Xenophon first place as regards evi- dent influence over Dio in /c\oyr) ovofjuaTcov, but compare Dio 1. 260. 11 with Hdt. 1. 7, especially Dio 1. 277. 6 with Hdt. 1. 66, where the matter corresponds and an entire line of an oracle given by Herodotos is quoted by Dio, Dio 1. 275. 6 ff., with Hdt. 1. 159, Dio 1. 419. 15, with Hdt. 1. 202, Dio 2. 47. 16, with Hdt. 3. 102, Dio 2. 213. 13, with Hdt. 1. 84. Arrian. Schmid does not consider Arrian in his study of the Renascence, possibly because Arrian has been generally recognized as an imitator of Xenophon ; possibly because the work had been 1 Hdt. 6. 125; Dio 2. 280. 32 (78. 425). 2 Att. 1. 147. Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 11 done by Grundmann. Many scholars who wrote about Arrian and Xenophon also claimed incidentally for Thucydides, and especially for Herodotos, an influence over Arrian. 1 But Grund- mann goes further and claims more dependence upon Herodotos than upon Xenophon. 2 Omitting for the present Grundmann's remark about the dialect, we note : Saepius eum in rebus geo- graphicis laudat, ut Herodotum ab eo diligentissime pervestigatum esse cognoscamus. In elocutione autem Arrianum secutum esse Herodotum. This latter statement he discusses in three chapters : De verborum ubertate ac quodam genere pleonasmi, quod ei cum Herodoto commune est ; Deinde de ratione enuntiatorum conjungendorum, quae multis locis propius accedit ad Herodoti genus dicendi, quod Xeftv elpo/jLewrjv dicimus ; quocum cohaeret quaedam elocutionis negle- gentia utriusque propria ; Denique de ionismis, qui extant apud Arrianum in usu pro- nominum,praepositionum, particularum ; ad quod adiciam nonnul- las structuras, locutiones, vocabula, quae apud utrumque singularia inveniuntur. In the first chapter numerous examples are given of different kinds of pleonasm: (1) the force of an adjective increased by an added substantive, as pe^Oel fjueyas, Hdt. 1. 51, Arr. 5. 19. 5, etc.; (2) the notion of the compound verb expressed more accu- rately by the addition of the adverb used in composition, as 6K$>epeiv egco, Hdt. 3. 16.; (3) a preposition or verb more fully explained by an adverb signifying the same thing, as Hdt. 4. 201. 606oi> 6(70) 69 TO Te%o9, 4. 168. dp^dfjievoi TTp&Toi ; (4) the same word repeated two or three times recalling the same person or thing, as Arr. 4. 22. 2 KOI /nd^rj^ y6vo/j,6vr)s Trpbs avrovs Kparepas VIK&GW ol djjifyl Kpdrepov rf) /Jid^y, also the repetition of proper names, as Arr. 1. 29. 1 teal dfyucvelrat, e? KeXatz/a? TreyLtTrrato?* eV 8e rat? KeXatrat? aicpa TJV, also a verb and a participle, as Hdt. 5. 95. 'AXtfa?O9 o 770^x^9 CLVTOS JJLGV (frevycov e/c^evyctf (5) add the repetition of certain particles pleonastically, as Se, //,/, KaL'j (6) in seeking to make their writing easily understood, both 1 Cf. Jahres. 34. 180 ff. for reviews of a number of these. V. Grundmann also. *V. reviews in Jahres. 38. 275 and Phil. Anz. 15. 223. 12 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Herodotos and Arrian are not afraid to use enough words in their sentence-building to emphasize different clauses and separate clearly protasis from apodosis : many particles are suitable for this pur- pose : OVTCO or ovra) 77 is common after a clause, after a genitive absolute, as Hdt. 8. 23. diray, TOljaptoV *. especially noteworthy here is the use of Be in the apodosis after personal pronouns, as Hdt. 3. 37. 69 Be TOVTOV? //,T) oTrcoire, eye* Be o-rjfjiaLva), after the article used as a demonstrative; (7) the repetition of several words, or epanalepsis, to make the language plainer and more easily understood, as Hdt. 4. 76. &>? dirlicero (sc. *Az>a^ap<7ta^ap9 re ical, as Hdt. 1. 193. rovs crv/cecov rpoirov depairevovcrt, rd re a\\a KOI fyoiviKwv rov KapTrbv 7T6pi,$eova<; reflexive and reciprocal. Three principal sources for words in Aelian and the Renascence generally are claimed : Comedy, Plato, Xenophon. Schmid says Aelian has taken from the poets 861 words, from Plato 78, from Xen. 71, from Herodotos 52, from Thuc. 27, from Dem. 11. This proportion will answer for the whole Renascence as far as lan- guage is concerned. A few words and expressions from Hdt. are : ^d\\o^ai TI eV epavrov, 1 eOeXo/ca/ceco, 6fC7r\ec0 r&v fypevwv, TTO\VS used adjectivally instead of adverbially, also imitated by Arrian, free use of eiceivos referring to the following, and less frequently 6'8e to the foregoing. Finally, we see how powerfully Aelian was influenced by Herodotos in a similar effort to produce an impression of credi- bility, to give clear evidence of what he writes and the source of his representations, to discriminate between what he knows and what he thinks or hears. This he strives for by frequent refer- ences, by accentuation of verbal information, by frequent citations, by appeal to evident national traditions, by intimations of criticism of his sources. 2 Triirva^ai Se /cal TOVTOV rov \6yov, el 8e d\r)0rf<} ecTTiv OVK ol$a. o 8' ovv TreTrvcr/jLat, e/ceivo ea-riv. Philostratos. Nearly everything that has been said of Aelian may be said of Philostratos. There is Xeft? elpo^ievr] but with anacolutha of a different kind, long periods being rare ; the same abundance of parenthetic words and expressions. Ion isms, too, present the same difficulties, but Schmid gives as clearly Ionic Ls, the genitives 1/7709 and vywv, Top^/eLy etc., in addition to some of the same given for Aelian. He, too, has 52 words from Herodotos and uses other authors' language much in the same proportion as Aelian. As Herodotean 1 V. Stein to Hdt. 3. 71. and 3. 155. 'Cf.VH. 53. 21. 16 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. expressions, note TO fj,ev Brj\a)a-(i) ; 3 etc. Special mention may be made of the use of the third attributive position, as eV TrarpiSa rrjv e/jujv ; 4 of the frequent use of the absolute nominative. Philostratos uses this construction much more frequently than Aelian. An example may be given from Arrian, who here again follows his master Herodotos : ol Se dfifa OVK ev r&> oyLtaXoS TraperdgavTO, aXXa .... opOLovs TOV9 Xo%ov9 nroXe//,6uo9 TTpoa-ijyev. 5 Note also 717)09 with the genitive, which is especially common in Hdt. and his imitator, Arrian. 6 CHAPTER IV. LuCIAN. Ae Lucian's motto is : 7 Svow Se ovrow, arr av Trapa rwv Tf9 KTijvvacrQai teal Trpdrreiv ra Seovra ra)v dpia-rcov teal (f>vyf r>v ^eipovoiv. As the Renascence was a revival, a reconstruction, the literature of the period must have been more or less an imitation, but it was entirely possible for a gifted man so thoroughly to master the ancient classics, so minutely and sympathetically to acquaint himself with them, and so completely to assimilate them, that he could at the same time be following them and not be guilty of slavish imitation. This happy faculty combined with refreshing originality belongs to Lucian and makes it difficult to find definite trace of Herodotos or any one else in him. More work has been done along the line of Lucian's depend- ence upon the comic poets than elsewhere. There is more or less mention of this dependence by all Lucianic scholars, and a number of special works on it. Rabasti 8 claims that Lucian is !E. 229. 13. * V. S. 28. 29. 8 Ap. 77. 24. 4 Phil., Ap. 34. 12, V. Schmid, Att. 4. 67, and for the construction in Hdt., Gildersleeve's Justin Martyr, 1 C. 6. 7. 6 4. 5. 1. cf. Hdt. 8. 83. V. Schmid, Att. 4. 113. V. Schmid, Att. 4. 465. T Adv. Indoct. 17 (3. 114). 8 Quid Comicis Debuerit Lucianus, 1865. Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 17 under much obligation to the comic writers not only in material, but also in form and in the manner of speaking. He has a chapter entitled, Quomodo in rerum dispositione comicos secutus fuerit Lucianus ; and another, Quid in genere dicendi simile comicos habuerit Lucianus. 1 Kock, 2 too, has treated this subject and by his own correct method of recovering lost verses of poetry from several parallel quotations, has restored a number of frag- ments of comic poets, some to the extent of 40 lines. " In Lucian's Timon the expressions are largely drawn from a comedy of the character of Aristophanes' Plutus." So also others. Not only comic poets are to be considered here, for there is also marked influence by the tragedians and especially by Homer. This indi- cates one of the many complications surrounding the study of Lucian's dependence upon Herodotos, for Herodotos himself must be connected with the poets. 3 As is natural, signs of Plato are abundant in the dialogue, as : r) & 09. 4 There are many Platonic short expressions and questions, especially in Charon, as : TL Sal rovro rjv and TTW? yap ov ; 5 add v(j)rjfjLi, avdpcojre. 6 And even here we cannot get rid of the popular speech. Schmid has given us a study of Lucian's atticisms. But of his dependence upon individual authors, nothing has been said except in a general way. Lucian's fondness for Plato offers abundant results. In fact, here is another serious complication, for Plata was strongly influenced by both tragedy and comedy, and abounds in particles of all kinds. 7 His works are something of a universal storehouse and often exert an influence that might be attributed to Herodotos. 1 Cf. Zeigler, De Luciano Poetaruin Judice et Imitatore, 1 872 ; also Schulze, Quae Eatio Intercedat inter Lucianum et Comicos Graecorum Poetas, 1883. * Rhein. Mus. XLIII, pp. 29-59, a continuation of his article in Hermes xxi (1886), p. 372 ff.: for the review of these, v. Amer. Jour. Phil., 10, p. 366. 3 Cf. Forstemann, De Vocabulis Quae Videntur Esse apud Herodotum Poeticis, 1892. 4 Kiihner and Bernhardy, Wiss. Synt., p. 306 ff. 6 Cf. Luc., Charon, 6 (1. 497), 12 (1. 505): this whole section is decidedly Platonic in character. Cf. Plat. Protag. 330 D. 7 Bernhardy, Wiss. Synt., p. 486. 2 18 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. There has been no effort to establish the influence of Herodotos upon Lucian, though many scholars have believed in it and have given hints of their belief. Croiset l says : Herodote me parait etre celui dont il a lu les oeuvres le plus assidument. On voit, par divers passages de ses Merits, qu'il a vivement senti et admire ses grandes qualites litteraires, la beautS de son style a la fois si varie et si uui, cette grace ionienne qui lui est propre, la sagesse et le tour heureux de ses reflexions. Le souvenir trs-vif qu'il a garde de certaines scenes ou de certains e'venements racoutes par le grand historien atteste qu'il u'e"tait pas moins sensible a la forme dramatique de ses recits et a la grandeur simple de son imagination. In a note he says : Je signale surtout le premier paragraphe de 1'Herodote, ou Lucien se prononce d'une rnaniere de*cide"e sur 1'impossibilite d'imiter ces qualites si originales et si diverses dont la reunion constitue un genre de perfection que chacun sent, mais qu'il est difficile d'analyser. L'influence du style d' Herodote sur celui de Lucien ne me parait pas non plus douteuse. In a second note : On peut voir notam- ment dans le Charon (9-13) limitation abregee de 1'entrevue de Cresus et de Solon, et, dans la suite du meme dialogue, les allusions aux recits relatifs a Cyrus et a Tomyris, a Cambyse, a Polycrate. Such remarks furnish confidence for this study. The statement that Herodotos' style is the perfection of Xe^9 elpoftevr} demands explanation, if we would understand his style and its influence. What is Xe'f 15 elpofjuevrj ? To what extent does Hdt. excel in this style and in other styles? Does Lucian use the same style to any extent? If so, does he use it through the influence of Hdt.? Aristotle, in the passage cited in Chapter II, continues : \eya) B eipo/MevTjv r) ov&ev e%ei, reXo? xaO* avrrjv, av /JLT) TO 7Tpay/j,a \yo/jivov reX.eitoOf). ecrrt, Be dr)8r)<; Sia TO aTretpov, TO yap reXo9 7Ta^T? ftovKovTCii Kcudopav. The rhetoricians could not improve on this. Compare with this Kruger's 2 definition of parataxis : a combination where clauses stand together without interdependence, either syndetically by means of conjunctions or asyndetically by mere juxta-position. Miiller 3 strikes the true note in describing 1 Vie et Oeuvres de Lucien, 1882, p. 94. Sprach. 59. 8 Geschichte der Griechischen Litteratur, Donaldson's Translation, I, p. 362. Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 19 the style of Herodotos : " The character of his style (as is natural in mere narration) is to connect the different sentences loosely together, with many phrases for the purpose of introducing, recapitulating or repeating a subject. These phrases are char- acteristic of oral discourse. ... In this, as in other respects, the language of Hdt. closely approximates oral narrative; of all varieties of prose, it is furthest removed from a written style/' The different members are not related to one another as principal and subordinate, but as coordinates, sentences with Kai(re) /cat, fjuev Se, ^(Trorepov) rj, etc. Blass 1 says that pure Xef is elpofjuevrj was never actually in existence, that Hdt. was on the border line between the accumulation process and the process of closer connection as seen in Attic prose. Herodotos, then, is the best prose representative of Xeft? elpo/juevrj, which means that his narrative is marked by the purest simplicity, by the most natural manner of speaking, by coordination effected by coordi- nate particles, if you please, by syndetic parataxis, that his style has a charm and sweetness rarely found elsewhere, and not that his writings are deficient in the purest art. There are very few statements of scholars to justify a connection between Lucian and Herodotos in the use of parataxis. Lucian uses it, of course, as does every other Greek writer, more or less. Schmid 2 says that the inclination to parataxis (a mark of de\i,a) is especially strong in Lucian's Asinus. Schmid also quotes from Toxaris : 3 epol So/eel r/oefc e/celvot, rjcrav. Both of these pieces are spurious, but they fall within the Renascence and can be counted here, and Toxaris was proved spurious only by being proved too close an imitation of Lucian. 4 However, this study is confined to those confessedly Lucian's, the number of which is much curtailed if we accept only those allowed by Bekker, Dindorf, Sommerbrodt and more recent editors. The Ionic piece, De Dea Syria, furnishes better examples of Herodotean characteristics than any other, but that deserves a separate treatment. Whoever be its author, no one can deny that it is an intentional imitation of Herodotos. Such a claim is not set up for Lucian in general. lAlt. Bered. I, pp. 133 ff. Att. 1. 422. 62 (2. 556). 4 Guttentag, De Subdito Qui inter Lucianeos Legi Solet Dealogo Toxaride. 20 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Though there was a conscious effort to follow the best writers, there was no effort to adopt any writer's style, diction, or syntax. However, in the effort to assimilate all the earlier classics and his immediate predecessors and contemporaries, the -elements of his composition must at times appear undigested, the company he kept must tell. In speaking of his " use or misuse of the negative," Prof. Gildersleeve l says : " Now, Lucian was a careful student of attic Greek, ... so that it could hardly have been absolute heedlessness of the earlier usage; and, indeed, we find him every now and then reverting to the classic norm. The explanation is to be sought in the popular speech of the time. Lucian, man of the world as he was, avoided all affectation and followed the drift of the spoken language so far as it was not rude or solecistic." This explanation must be considered in all departments of the study. We naturally look for the influence of Herodotos in narrative pieces, so we should expect better result from Philopseudes, True Histories, etc., though we are by no means confined to these. The beginning of a narrative passage in Charon, for example, 2 furnishes a good example of coordination by the use of icai : opG> yrjv 7ro\\r)V Kal \iuwrjv viva ueydXyv Trepippeovcrav Kal oprj Kal Trora/jLOvs rov KCOKVTOV Kal TLvpi^XeyeOovTos uei^ovas KOI dvOpcDirovs Trdvv ? etfevi^ov, TT]V re 1 A. J. P. 1, p. 47. * 6 (1.497). 8 Ver. Hist. 1.10 (2. 78); cf. Ver. Hist. 1. 8(2. 76) ; 1.25(2.90); 1.25(2.91); 1. 31 (2. 95) ; 1. 34 (2. 97) ; 2. 30 (2. 127) ; 2. 33 (2. 129) ; Char. 16 (1. 512) ; Philops. 7 (3.36); 22(3.50). Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 21 icaraa-icevdaravres ical virKT^vovfjievoL /3L Troitjcrao'i, ical ofyOelcri VTTO TT}? Trawrjyvpios re\evrrj rov jSiov apiary eTreyevero o^eSefe re ev TQVTOKTI o #eo?. 3 Compare the following from Lucian : TO 8' CLTTO rovrov /j,ijiceri, epcov eya) rrjv ev r&> /ctfrei, Sicurav d^Oofievos re rfj riva etyrovv. . . . eiravafiavres Se eirl ra va>ra KOI TO) TIo(Ti,$c0vi avrov Trapa TO rpoiraiov r^fjuepa^ re T/^et crd^evoL vrjvefjbia yap fjv TT? rerdprrj aTreTrXevcra/jiev.* Note also in the last passage the participles and the parenthetic yap (v. below). Add another sentence from Lucian : evOa Srj ical /cadecopw/jiev \t,fievas re TroXXou? Trepl iracrav aic\vcrrov rr)v oliciav. . . . And ocroi be Kara rov &ai$a\ov e^prjaaro Kalinka 2 says that Hdt. is especially partial to yap, frequently using it where we should expect a relative clause. Its frequency* he claims, is due to parataxis. Grundmann, too, p. 42, emphasizes the paratactic association of yap. Its frequency is not, of course, confined to Hdt. among the ancient classics. Plato is very fond of it, but his numbers would be very much diminished if we left out of the count all such expressions as 97 yap, TTW? yap ov. Hoffmann, p. 19, goes to the extent of denying that Herodotos' use of yap is any different from the common use. But no one who has read Hdt., or what the best scholars have to say of him, can deny that the Herodotean yap is decidedly paratactic, whether it merely affirms a certainty or assigns a cause. If the Herodotean freedom and ease is lacking in Lucian, we have abundant evidence of coordination by means of yap in preference to subordination, and there is a constant use of parenthetic yap, a special favorite with Hdt. ov8e rov Trap avrov r)/ju,, rov &t,aSovfj,evov rrjv /cev9 e^acr/cev, o\Lyov Trpo- ei;e\7j\v0a)<; a\\ovs Be wyyovs. . . .* eTrel fj,rjBev d\r)0es i rj\Lq> /car- OIKOVVTWV /3ao-i\evs ol/celrai, yap &r) Kaiceivos coaTrep /cal r) X,a/3o^T? eVeXeXotVet yap ij&rj /cal Svo ravpovs dypiovs /cara- roj;vcrai>Ts aTreTrXeucra/ie^. 4 Add an analogous sentence without yap : eVet Se Kara TO Si/cao-rijpiov eyevoprjv Trapfjv Be /cal 6 teal 6 Xdpcav /cal al M.otpai /cal al 'Eipwves o /JLCV Tt9 /3a<7t\ev9 av 5; (4) <>? 16; (5) *>? av II." 8 iva with the subjunctive largely predominates, for after 1 Philops. 34 (3. 60). Ver. Hist. 2. 10 (2. 110). 3 Amer. Jour. Phil. 4, pp. 416 ff. and 6, pp. 53 ff. Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 25 historical tenses alone the subjunctive occurs 41 times and the optative only 23 times. It means nothing, of course, that Lucian, too, has 107 occurrences of Iva, for his corpus, genuine and spurious, is nearly twice that of Hdt., but it is not without significance that he shows a very decided preference for the subjunctive after iva. Heller 1 gives f iva with subj. 94 times, with opt. only 8 times, and a few times with indie. Special importance attaches to this when we compare the constructions of w a and 009. Hdt. uses o>9 sparingly. Lucian, on the other hand, uses it over 300 times. The first point is the predominance of o>9 with opt. Out of 318 occurrences it is found with the opt. 235 times, and is freely used after principal tenses. Why ? " The opt. is dying out, and when would-be elegant writers try to use it in final sentences they overdo it, as is notoriously the case in Lucian, who uses &>9 with opt. freely after principal tenses." 2 Thus, he is not necessarily following Plato, who is partial to the opt., and is here in marked contrast with his own more natural use of iva. The second point is that of all these occurrences of ft>9, not one is found in True Histories, his model narrative of nearly 50 pp. Nor do we find O7ro>9 here; Iva occurs twice. Why did Lucian prefer the subj. with iva even after secondary tenses when he went to the other extreme in the use of the opt. with 0)9 even after primary tenses? Why omit his elegant o>9 with opt. in his model stories ? In conclusion, it may be stated in general terms as to Lucian's narrative pieces that there is a marked preference for coordination and coordinate particles. CHAPTER V. LUCIAN IN PERIODOLOGY. Periodology is a very broad term. Although it is claimed, as we have seen, that Herodotos' style is the perfection of Xeft9 eipo/jLevrj, and although it is a fact that Aristotle and Hermogenes do not touch upon periods, cola, etc., except in connection with 1 Die Absichtssatze bei Lucian, fra, s, &rs. * A. J. P. 6, p. 68. 3 26 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Karea-Tpapfievrj, still Hdt. is not wholly unperiodic and in any case the structure of his sentences, taking periodology in its wider signification, demands a word. Blass 1 represents Hdt. as one who accumulates, as one on the border line between the so-called joining-on manner of speaking of the poets and old prose writers and the close union which was first perfected in Attic prose. The study of any author's periodology should include an examination of (1) the kind of sentences, whether coordinate or subordinate, the various kinds of each and the conjunctions used; (2) the extent of the sentences, whether long or short, the number of clauses and their arrangement ; (3) the formation of sentences with regard to figures. Add as corollaries to be noticed (4) the fullness of his sentences, or de verborum ubertate, and (5) the general character of the narrative, whether opOorrjs is preferred or TrXayiacrfjLos. The first and most important point has been fully discussed in Chap. IV. On the next point, Miiller, continuing the passage cited above from Donaldson's translation, 2 says : " Long sentences, formed of several clauses, are for the most part confined to speeches." Schmid 3 says that in Lucian long sentences are the exception. It is impossible to count cola in Hdt. as, e. g., in Isocrates. In fact, as noted, the rhetoricians did not study periods and cola in Hdt., and no wonder when only such definitions were available as Aristotle's aV \a TO dcra\ev /JL^TC elBov /JMJT ejraOov /jLrJTe Trap" d\\a)v eirvdo/ji'rjv, eri Be fjbijre 0X0)9 OVTGDV fjujre rrjv dp^rjv yevecrQat, BvvafjLevwv. Sib Bel Tot>9 VTvy%dvovTa<; /jbijBa/jLWS Tua-reveiv avrot?. 3 Immediately after this remarkable statement he begins his narra- tive: 6pfj,r]0elel$ 9 TOV ecTTrepiov (b/ceavbv ovpiqy dvefj,(p TOP TT\OVV eTroiov/jbrjv. Notice the striking difference between the two sentences and the sudden- ness of the transition. The second one is followed by an ametochic sentence coordinated by KaL Again : e/ceWev Be apiraa-Oevre^ avefj,

9 eraipovs Kal vabv rcS IlocreiS&m Bei^dfjLevot, TOVTOVL rbv fiiov w//.ei>, \d%ava fiev KTjTrevovTeff, l%0vs Be a-trovfjievot, /cal dfcpoBpva. 7ro\\rj Be, (9 opare, 17 v\rj, Kal fjbrjv Kal d/j,7re\ovs e^ei, 7ro\Xa9> d &v jjBia-Tos olvo? yLyverai,' Kal rrjv Tryyrjv Be t9 eiBere Ka\\icrrou KOI tyvxporaTOV vBaro?. evvrjv Be dirb TWV v\~\,6ovov Kaiofjuev Kal opvea Be Orjpevo/juev rd Kal fwi/ra9 l^Ovs dypevo/juev egiovres eirl rd Ppay%la TOV Orjpiov, evda Kal \ovo^e6a, owoTav eTriQvfjLrjo-Wfjiev.* Under figures, only the Gorgianic demand attention here, because they are the ones that play an important role in a study of the periodic structure of sentences. These figures, though they were in existence at the time of Hdt., were just then being developed 1 lb. 147. * V. the entire article of Prof. Gildereleeve in A. J. P. cited above, and his introduction to Pindar, p. cix. ' Ver. Hist. 1. 4-5 (2. 73). *I6. 1. 34 (2. 97-98). Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 29 by his contemporary, Gorgias, but their perfected development was not reached until Isocrates. Dr. Robertson, 1 however, has shown that Hdt. does use such figures, though sparingly. In the narrative portions of the sixth book we have the summary: antithesis 14; parison 4; paronomasia 19; pare- chesis 1 ; repetition 62. In my first chapter I tried to show that it was the ultra-Isocratean spirit that led to bombast and so to decay. We, therefore, naturally expect that the revival from this decay would present a literature with fewer Gorgianic figures. Such is the case. Lucian himself warns against such figures : Kal 6 prjrwp Be CTV aTrodov ra>v prj/jbdrcov rrjv Too-avrrjv airepavro- \o fjbez> oa-ov SooSe/ea eXe^ai/re?. 3 One other short passage may serve to illustrate his use of parison, paromoion, and homoio- teleuton ; and there are very few examples in his narratives as good as this one ; TroXXot fjuev fwz^re? rjKla-Kovro, TroXXot Se KOI In his chapter, De Verborum Ubertate, Grundmann very properly warns against being too dogmatic in claiming Herodotean influence when certain peculiarities of language or construction found in his works exist also in most, if not all, of the best Attic writers. But he claims with equal propriety the right to assert 1 The Gorgianic Figures in Early Greek Prose. Dial. Mort. 10 (1. 374). Ver. Hist. 1. 13 (2. 80). I&. 1. 17 (2. 84). 30 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Arrian's dependence on Hdt. along this line, de verborum ubertate, whenever the writings of the two abound in identically the same characteristics, which others use more sparingly. He says, e. g., that such expressions as peyeOei peyas and 7r\ij0e'i yue^o-rc?, etc. go back to Hdt. Schmid 1 is authority for the statement that such expressions were common among writers of Lucian' s time, being especially frequent in Aelian. Note the following from Lucian : d\\a /cat 7r6\iv rjBr) ev rfj Meo-OTrora/u'a a>/acre fiueyeOet, re /jbeyio-Trjv KCLI Ka\\LC7T'rji> ) and ol/cov Be T? lBa)v jjueyedei, /AeyicrTov fcal icd\\ei, icd\\Lcrrov * Grundmann 8 further points out that Hdt. and Arrian often repeat a preceding thought and by means of pev oppose it to what follows. Lucian follows the same practice, but in a little different way. He summarizes or confirms or reasserts in a short additional clause added often by Be or some similar particle, or by ovTft)?, or without any particle. In Philopseudes 4 he sums up a long sentence : o/ro>5 droTra Birjyelro. Again, after a marvelous story which reminds one of the Bible : TOO-OVTOV fj etrpBr) eBvvrjOvj KOI 6 o-r^XtTT/? cKeivos Xt#o?. 6 In the next section, after more marvels : eTrel Be crvvrj\io-0r)crav t eve^vcrrjae /JLCV avra 6 Ba/3iA,ftmo9, T^ Be avriica, fjid\a icareicauOri air avra VTTO rc5 fyvo-rHJuari, ^yuet? Be eOavfid^o/jiev, where the very last clause seems very natural to a reader of Hdt. More nearly approaching Grundmann's illustra- tions is a summary in Tcae Histories : rotavTrj fiev teal 6 QaeOcov TrapcKT/cevfj. 6 Again : Toiavrrj fiev TJ %copa ea-rLv V/JLCIS Be r) opav OTTO)? 7 . . . . ; and ravra /JLCV ra Kara rrjv vr)o-opa%Lav yevo/jieva, 8 the conclusion of the first part. Lucian makes use of rotovTQ- r Toaovros in such summaries more than Hdt., who seems to prefer OVTCO or OVTCO Btf, evOavra By, or the repetition of the verb. After i < ascription of the terms of a peace between the inhabitants n ;.* the sun and the inhabitants of the moon, Lucian says : roiavrrj fj,ev 17 elprjvrj eyevero? In like manner he concludes a description of food and its prepara- tion : o\iScoruv nrdvTes rd yap \e7rrj r&v Oep/jucnv o-vpk>d7r~ovT$ TTQIOVVTCU Oa)pa- appr)KTov 8' etcei jLyverai, rov J ( 9f TO Xe7T09 &(T7rep icepa$' Se real gi^r) ola rd 'EtXhyviKa. 3 Compare with this the beginning of the narrative in True Histories : op/ii?0el? yap irore diro 'Hpa/eXetW el<$ e? rbv eairepiov toiceavov ovpiq) dvefjuq) rov TT\OVV eTroiov/jLrjv ; 4 and again : . . . . 'jrpocreve' avrrj ical 6p/jbHrd/jLvoi, airk^^v, eTTio-fcoTrovvres Se rrjv 1 2b., 2. 35 (2. 131). Cf. A. J. P. ix, 140 ff. Ver. Hist. 1. 14 (2. 81). * 1. 5. (2. 73). 32 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. ol/cov/jievrjv. . . .* Allowing that the effect of the parti- ciple is to retard the movement somewhat in these and hundreds of similar passages in Luc. and Hdt. does not detract from the simplicity or clearness or the straightforward method of the narrative. It is in a sense 6p66rrj<; connoting /caOaporrjs and ai> Se aoi e/ceivrj etrrlv rj evTrvpyo? rj rov peyav 7repif3o\ov. 8 Du Mesnil agrees with Matthiae 427 b in explaining the phenomenon by the omission of e%a>i>. In the Hero- dotean examples the article seems not to be expressed, though the e^cov is to be supplied in the same way : TOU? Se epa-evas (/Soi)?) /carapvcro-ovo-t, e/cao-roi, ev rolcri, Trpoaa-TeLoicn, TO icepas TO eTepov rj KOL a/jL^oTepa vTrepe'XpvTa, sc. e%oi^ra9. 9 7Tpi with dat. for irepL with ace. is rarely used by the ancients except the Ionic writers and the poets. V. Du Mesnil 10 and Lund- berg. 11 The one says it is frequent in Hdt., the other in Lucian : a7Torcv\i,ofj,6Vovs 67Tt K9 for &crre is to be found in Hdt. and the Attic poets. It is frequently found in Lucian. Lucian takes another liberty with Attic prose, the use of ovSe for KOL ov, for which his only authority could be Hdt. or the poets : /cat vvv crv TOV KtOapwBov .... dva\a/3a)v e^evrjga) e? Taivapov .... ovSe TreptetSe? /ca/ew? VTTO rwv vavrwv a7ro\\vfievov^ The Syrian Goddess has several examples of this also. It is possible that at times Lucian tried to cover up his tracks, so to speak, and was intentionally at variance with the writers of whom he was fond. In Somn., 8 where the Teubner text reads o>?, and also as here after the same word, 1 V. note to Prof. Gildersleeve's edition of Justin Martyr, 1, C. 6. 7. 1 Amer. Jour. Phil. 6. 262. 3 1. 234. * De Domo 20 (3. 202). 5 Studies in Honor of B. L. Gildersleeve. 6 V. note on Luc. Char. 23 (1. 521) : &s - ^ ve\Kfj /cal airiarov &6%rj, roaovrov TJV* Many interesting verbal correspondences and other points of interest might be cited, but no further mention of such will be made except in connection with the treatment of subject matter. Lucian and the Renascence in general had a great deal of what we call the classic literature, how much, we cannot tell, from which to draw, so that we must not always trace to Hdt. as a source what is com- mon property. We can, of course, use here what is peculiar to Hdt., especially when other similarities exist. In fact, in view of the preceding arguments, that Herodotos' influence upon Lucian in the sphere of story-telling is especially marked, we have more right to claim Hdt. as the original source even of many stories found elsewhere. Many of the references given are only sugges- tions of comparisons, while those given more in detail furnish stronger evidence. The same may be said of Dio Chr. to whom parallel references are given. I have followed the order of Hdt., and from this point put all references in the text. Jo. V. Hdt. 1. 1, 1. 5, 2. 4. Cf. Luc., Deor. Dial. 3 (1. 207); Mar. Dial. 7 (i. 305-307); Salt. 43 (2. 293). Cf. Dio (Teubner text) vol. 1, p. 100, 1. 8 (Oration 11. 40). 1 p. 58, note on Luc. Dem. Enc. 15 (3. 502). 2 1. 118 ; 3. 156 ; 5. 36, 49. V. Stein to the first passage. 6. 129 ; cf. Luc. Here. 8 (3. 86) ; [Philopatr.] 29 (3. 618) ; Apolog. 15 (1. 724). Each of the last two ends a work. 4 Ver. Hist. 1. 13 (2. 80). */6., 1. 18 (2. 84) ; cf. i&., 1. 25 (2. 90) and Philops. 16 (3. 44). Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Europa. V. Hdt. 1. 2. Cf. Luc., Mar. Dial. 15 (1. 325-327) ; D. D. S. 4 (3. 453). It is interesting to note the exact correspond- ence of the account in the D. D. S. with that of Lucian, even though it is a little abbreviated. Croesus. Lucian has drawn largely upon Hdt. for all he has to say about Croesus ; in fact, the correspondence is too evident to admit of discussion. Hdt's. account of Croesus is given, for the most part, in the first book, chapters 7-94. Chs, 8-12 tell how his house came into power. Cf. Luc. [Asin.] 28 (2. 597). Cf. Dio 2. 214. 18 (Or. 64.27). General references to Croesus' great wealth are: Luc., Tim. 23 (1. 137); Navig. 26 (3. 265); Mort. Dial. 2. 2 (1. 337). The famous dialogue between Croesus and Solon, Hdt. 1. 30-33, has a very close parallel in Luc., Char. 9 ff. (1. 501 ff.). To Charon Hermes points out Croesus in his palace at Sardis talking with Solon the Athenian. In general, there is very little difference between the two accounts. Hdt. makes Tellos the first in happiness, while the story about Cleobis and Biton is second. Lucian reverses the order, but assigns the same reasons in each case as Hdt. Lucian. yap jJiOV TOV 7T\OVTOV KOI TOV9 Orj- o-avpovs KOI 00-09 acrrj/jiosxpv 0-09 ea-Tiv rifuv Kal rrjv a\\r)v 7TO\VT\l,aV, 17T fJLOl, TLVO, dv6pa)7ro)V elvat,. T>V re TeXXo9 o 'A0ifWM05 09 e/3ta> teal airkOavev VTrep rf)9 r^ Trap* fjfuv, T\evTrj TOV yap ' ^Qj]valoi(Ti fjud- 7T/909 TOU9 d(7TVy6LTOVa<; h orjOrja-as Kal Tpo- Troiijcras T&V 7roXe//,t&>i> Herodotos in the 6 Sevrepos $e rls av elr) ; &> Se &v olSa K\eo/3iv /cal Greek Renascence. 37 bra, riva SevTepov per TOU? ryevecrOai,, TOVS rfjs lepeias s TT}? 'ApyoOev. OVTOiKrj rov ySt eiceivov KXeoyStz^ T real BtVwz/a. TOU- TOtcri yap eov eee TTCLVTO)^ rrjv avrwv %evyel tcofjLicrOfjvai, e? TO IpOV .... U7ToSwT9 aVTol V7TO rrjv evi a>^e w geive'A.O'rjvcue, f) Se ei>O9, orav avrov Serf d\ovra eVl rrjv irvpav VTTO rov Kvpov dva^dijvai . . . . cf. Gall. 23 (2. 737). The only reference of importance from Dio is 1. 164. 25 (Or. 10. 26), where he is in full agreement with Hdt. in summarizing the history of Croesus in connection with the Persians. Cyrus. His history begins Hdt. 1. 107. Cf. especially 1. 122 : KarkjBaXov fydriv a>9 e/CKeifjievov Kvpov KVWV e^eOpetye with Luc. Sacr. 5 (1. 530): o Hepanjs Kvpo? 6 irporepov VTTO -7-179 tcvvos. With Hdt. 1. 123-130, relating especially to Astyages, cf. Dio 1. 265. 21 (Or. 15.22); 1. 312. 16. (Or. 25. 5); 2. 292. 18 (Or. 80. 12). Cyrus' connection with Babylon is given, Hdt. 1. 178- 200. Cf. 1. 103, 106 ; 2. 150 for mention of Nineveh ; cf. Luc., Char. 13 (1. 521-2) and Dio 1. 73. 27 (Or. 4. 53). Hdt. 1. 214 gives an account of Cyrus' death, how he was defeated by the Massagetai, how Tomyris, the ruler of the Massagetai, filled a skin with human blood and put Cyrus' head in it : CKTKOV e 7T\rj(7aa-a aiparos dvOpwTnjtov Tofjuvpw IBL^fjro ev rolcri reOve&cri, Tlepcrecov rbv Jfivpov veicvv, a$9 Se evpe, evaTrrJKe avrov rrjv )v 9 rov aa-Kov. Cf. Luc., [Macr.] 14 (3. 217) and especially Char. 13 (1. 508): Kpoteroi/ /JLCV d\wvai, VTTO Kvpov, K.vpov Se avrbv VTT Ifcewrjcrl r^9 M.aaro9. Cf. Ver. Hist. 2. 17 (2. 114). Libyan History. V. Hdt. 2. 32-150; 4. 43, 168-186, 191-2. Cf. Lucian's Dipsas entire, noting the word dipsas in connection with Herodotos' facts. Cf. Dio 1. 90. 13 (Or. 5. 1 ff.); 2. 130. 14 (Or. 47. 4). Heracles, Alcmene, Amphitryon. V. Hdt. 2. 43. Cf. Luc. [Charid.] 6 (3. 621); Dial. Deor. 10 (1. 229-30). Paris, Helen. V. Hdt. 2. 112 ff. Dio 1. 178. 14 (Or. 11. 41) gives the same account, but repudiates the tradition of Hdt. and Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 39 discusses the whole myth very extensively in Or. 11. V. Hague, Quaestiones Dioneae, 1887, p. 47. Cambyses has been treated quite fully by Hdt., bk. 3, in con- nection with Egyptian history. Cf. Luc. Char. 13 (1. 509). Cf. Dio 1. 312. 21 (Or. 25. 5); 2. 251. 15 (Or. 73. 2). Note in par- ticular the account of the dishonor done the dead body of Amasis by Cambyses, Hdt. 3. 16 and Dio 2. 305. 32 (Corinthiaca 37). On Egyptian worship in general, v. Hdt. 3. 27-29 ; 2. 42 ; espe- cially 4. 181. Cf. Luc. Deor. Concil. 10 and 11 (3. 533-4); Sacr. 15 (1. 539). Cf. [Astrol.] 7-8 (2. 363-4). India. V. Hdt. 3. 94-105. Cf. Luc. [Asm.] 53 (2. 621); [Amor.] 41 (2. 442) ; Gall. 16 (2. 726). Arabia. V. Hdt. 3. 107-113. Cf. Luc. Ver. Hist. 2. 5 (2. 107) ; D. D. S. 30 (3. 477). Poly crates, Maeander, Oroetes. V. Hdt. 3. 120-125. Cf. 3. 39. Cf. Luc., Char. 14 (1. 510); Necyom. 16 (1. 478-9); Navig. 26 (3. 265) ; Salt. 54 (2. 298). Cf. Dio 1. 276. 27 (Or. 17. 15). Zopyrus. Hdt. gives very fully, 3. 153-60, the story about Zopyrus at the siege of Babylon. He hacked himself up terribly and, presenting himself to the Babylonians, complained that he had been maltreated by Darius, and offered to serve the Baby- lonians against the Persians. He was received and rapidly rose in favor by reason of his prowess, and by a number of times killing or capturing bands of Persians intentionally put into his hands by Darius according to previous agreement. Finally, at the proper time, he turned over the city to Darius. Hdt. adds, 3. 160 : TroXXa- KIS &e Aapelov \eyerai, yvcoprjv rtfvSe aTroSegacrOat,, cos /3ov\oiTo civ ZtcoTTVpov elvau aTradea TTJS acuce'iys fjid\\ov vj Ba/SvXwi/a? ol el/cocn TTpo? TTJ eovcry TrpocryevecrQcu. Cf. Luc., Jup. Trag. 53 (2. 701) : ttXXa, co f ftp/A?), TO TOV Aapetou irdvv #aXo>9 e%oi/ eVrtV, o elnrev errl TOV Ttwrrvpow wcrre ical auro? e'/3ouXoyLt?7i> av eva TOLOVTOV e%eiv olov TOV Aa/ui> ^vfjufjua^ov rj iivpLas poi J$a/3v\a>vas VTT- dpxeiv. Cf. D. D. S. 25 (3. 471), where the appeal made to Com- babus seems very similar to that of Darius to Zopyrus, Hdt. 3. 155. Also the honors heaped upon Zopyrus remind us of the honors here given Combabus. Note, too, that Combabus is granted permission to go to the king unannounced, which has a decided parallel in Hdt. 3. 84, 118. 40 Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. Aristeas. V. Hdt. 4. 14, 15. Of. Dio 2. 306. 25 (Corinthiaca 37). Scythians. Cf. Hdt. 4. 26 and Luc., Deor. Dial. 16. 1 (1. 243-4). Cf. Hdt. 4. 62 and Luc., Jup. Trag. 42 (2. 690) ; Sacr. 13 (1. 537), etc. Cf. Hdt. 4. 70 and Luc., Tox. (?) 36-8 (2. 544-6). Cf. Hdt. 4. 85 and Luc., [Ner.] 2 (3. 637). Cf. Dio 1. 312, 24 (Or. 25. 5) ; 1. 72. 8 (Or. 4. 45). Cf. Hdt. 4. 94-5 and Luc., Deor. Concil. 9 (3. 533) ; Yer. Hist. 2. 17 (2. 114). Cf. Hdt. 4. 107 and Dio 2. 50. 15 (Or. 36. 7). The Toxaris, which Guttentag says does not belong to Lucian because it is too carefully imitative of him, furnishes many paral- lels to Hdt. So his Anacharsis may be connected with Hdt. 4, 46, 76, 77. Clisthenes of Sicyon. Y. Hdt. 5. 67 and cf. 6, 126. Cf. Dio 1. 46. 21 (Or. 3. 41) ; 1. 180. 3 (Or. 11. 47). Pan (Datis and Artaphernes). Cf. Hdt. 6, 94 and Luc., Bis Ace. 9 (2. 801). Cf. Hdt. 6. 105 and Luc., Bis Ace. 9 (2. 801) ; Dial. Deor. 22. 3 (1. 271-2). With these passages cf. Hdt. 2. 46, 145 and Luc., Philops. 3 (3. 32). Cf. Dio 1. 211. 10 (Or. 11. 148). This is a very interesting study. Alcmaeon. Y. Chap. Ill under Dio Chr. Cimon. Y. Hdt. 6, 136. Cf. Dio 2. 252. 29 (Or. 73. 6). Xerxes. His history is given by Hdt. in books 7 and 8. Cf. Luc., Dem. Enc. 32 (3. 514) ; Rhet. Praec. 18 (3. 20) ; Dial. Mort. 20. 2 (1. 412). Cf. Dio 1. 72. 7 (Or. 4. 45); 1. 211. 15 (Or. 11. 148); 1. 247. 30 (Or. 13. 23); etc. Nisaean Horses. V. Hdt. 7. 40. Cf. Luc., Hist. 39 (2. 52). Cf. Dio 2. 61. 15 (Or. 36. 41). Themistodes. Y. Hdt. 7. 141-2. Cf. Luc., Jup. Trag. 31 (2. 678). Cf. Dio 2. 252. 22 (Or. 73. 5). Boreas and Orithya. Y. Hdt. 7. 189. Cf. Luc., Salt. 40 (2. 292); Philops. 3 (3. 32). Leonidas. Y. Hdt. 7. 204. Cf. Luc., Rhet. Praec. 18 (3. 20). Cf. Dio 1. 211. 15 (Or. 11. 148); 2. 283. 30 (Or. 78. 40). Salamis. Y. Hdt. 7. 228 ; 8. 5, 59, 61, 94, etc. Cf. Luc., Rhet. Praec. 18 (3. 20). Cf. Dio 1. 210. 15 (Or. 11. 145); 2. 298. 11 (Or. Corin.) ; 2. 295. 4 (Or. Corin.). The story of Periander and Arion, Hdt. 1. 23-4, has been held in reserve for a little more careful inspection. The accounts of Herodotos in the Greek Renascence. 41 both Lucian and Dio are very similar to the account of Hdt., even in phraseology, but only the former will be given. Cf. Luc., Mar. Dial. 8 (1. 308-9). Naturally, Lucian's account is much shorter than that of Hdt., and he has omitted some parts altogether, but there is the same beginning, the same substance, the same style the same Lucian. TOVTOVC TOV e/c Herodotos. v7ro\a/36vTa Igevei/cai, eVt Tawapov. ^Apiova . . . eovTa /ciOap&Sbv TWV rore eovTCDV ovSevbs Sev- Tepov, /cat S(,0vpa/jL/3ov dv0p(t)7T(DV TC0V 77/1,669 iroLrjcravTa re /cat ovvopdcravTa . . . 7TO\\OV TOV jSovra Trapa He lir(,Qv^r] $ *> i O '