LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF THE BANCROFT Lr BR AR Y Class 4 77/nJlTC advertisements. This is not always wise. A poorly ILL, UO 1 KA 1 iCWO drawn picture, or one inappropriate to the subject, is as bad as a poorly-phrased sentence. Taste and experience, with artistic excellence, deter- mine the effectiveness of illustrated advertising. A great deal can be told in the right kind of picture and a great deal wasted in the wrong. . An apt illustration, well conceived and well executed, will always be an aid to an advertisement if it is true to life and true to the goods it depicts. Advertising illustrations as a rule should show the goods in actual use, and aim to convince possible customers of their merits. In some cases irrelevant pictures and fancy work can be used to advantage, but they are rare. The J. Walter Thompson Company has artists for every kind of work, and can furnish illustrations that will make advertising more effective and more attractive. It also employs fertile writers who can make simple type-display very effective when placed in the mass of illustrated advertisements. Different subjects require different treatments. SPECIMEN On the twent y P a es following will be found a series nT r Z7D > rrcz7 ir; fZ 7XT> rc f carefully-planned and well-considered advertise- AJJVLKJ.lor.MLJNlo ments, varying in size and style, all inserted by this agency in leading publications of all grades. There is a pleasing variety; all are clever and effective, and the most exacting wilt surely find something to admire. The most striking ones are those of few words. The soft half tones alone, or combined with strong line-work, interspersed with a bit of descriptive type-matter, stand in strong comparison to those of "all-type," and each sets off the other to good advantage. Placed in leading publications by J. Walter Thompson Co. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 13 THE PRUDENTIAL ALSO Ilf ITS BUSINESS LIFE INSURANCES OF TUB GREATEST MAGNITUDE. Above is a facsimile of check received by The- Prudential Insurance Company of America from Messrs. Hahne & Co., of Newark, N. J., to cover the first year's premium on Partnership Life Insurance taken out by Messrs. W. H. Kellner, A. J., R., and A. Hahne, who control the largest department store in the State of New Jersey. After considering propositions from a number of the leading life insurance companies, the choice fell upon The Prudential as furnishing the most ad- vantageous contract. The Prudential will gladly receive applications for Partnership Life Insur- ance, which consists of the insuring of lives of men joined in business part- nership. By this means a fund may be created with which to protect the interests of the survivors in event of death of a member of the firm. A common-sense form of life insurance for business men to make assurance doubly sure. Write for further information, rates, etc., to THE PRUDENTIAL Insurance Co. of America. JOHN F. DRYDEN. President. Home Odice, NEWARK. N. J. Placed in leading publications by J. Walter Thompson Co. 14 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. 'i^fl^^^^^S'^^il/f; Tfil Sffifflwtlw. ifflffl w,^vixvfxvt''^t''~^ > ^>l^vt^x^ y\x^'^lwpx^&s^?^^^ 'i \/^ f 'Autumnal conveniences awaiting your pleasure" Libby's Luncheons In their own exclusive class of superlative excellence ideal appetizers and labor-saving necessities always all ready you just serve, that's all no fire, no trouble, no work. Three fall Specials Veal Leal -Beef Loaf- Ham Loal Autumnal dainties in the delicate freshness of their original newness genuine mouth-waterers, and yet substantial enough for a meal. Put up in convenient size key-opening cans. Our book, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," gives complete list of our Luncheon Specialties, and how to prepare them. Drop postal for it. LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO VT" *,*. STUDY LAW AT HOME You can obtain by home study a complete legal education, under the guidance of the most successful correspondence school in the world, without its interfering with your present employment and without the ex- penditure of much money. We can convince you of this if you will write us for particulars. Our students are everywhere in this and for- eign countries. Hundreds of them have completed the course and are practising Law with great success. We are the oldest correspondence Law School in existence, and have the support of leading educators and business men at home and elsewhere. We will refer you to persons right in your own neighborhood. It matters not how you are situated we can help you get a legal education, which you can use as a lawyer or in general business. A great opportunity! Send to- day for our Catalogue. It costs nothing and will interest and inspire you. It tells about our three law courses, namely : Pre- paratory Law, Business Law, Regular College Law Course. ADDRESS The Spraffue Correspondence School of Law, 'j/ No. 44 Majestic Bldg., DETBOIT, MlCH. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 17 LION BRAND SHIRTS mark an advance in the comfort of gentlemen's linen.n They are not bags of cloth planned to wrinkle into place, but are carefully patterned on accepted models, and the forms, styles and sizes assorted, so you can always buy a Lion Brand Shirt that will fit easily and well. You will find it provided with all loops, buttons and other convenient accessories, the use of which distinguishes the well dressed man. Sold in different cloth qualities at $ 1, $ 1.50, $2. All grades show the same skilled workmanship UNITED SHIRT & COLLAR Co., Makers, Troy, N. Y. Placed in leading publications by ]. "Walter Thompson Co. 18 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER. THOMPSON CO. L timea the ^ WofSvap i No chapped or rough hands j fromWool Soap using "^"^'^^^''^^"^" ^^^^^^^^i^^ ! SWIFT AND COMPANY CHICAGO Placed in leading publications by J. Walter Thompson Co. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 19 To Insure a Trial IF5lP R 2I y ears we I 9 * ne ' 1 '^' lest grade of sew- ILIMI ing silk on ounce spools for manufacturers, the hardest buyers to satisfy. Several meth- ods of improving the silk have been developed in our factory. Some years ago we offered this perfected sewing silk on small spools for household use. We also added a system of shade numbers on all loo-yard and 10- yard spools that enables you to match colors perfectly at a dis- tance from the store. Several years' sales have proved that those who have tried Rice's Sewing Silk appreciate its merit and prefer to b u y it. Thereforejgwe ask you to try it. of its merits where dealers are not sup- plied, we will send a SOLID STERLING SILVER THIMBLE to anyone sending 300. for 3 full length, ioo -yard spools of Rice's Sewing Silk before Dec. ist, 1899. A. H. RICK A CO. SilkMilKBoxB,Pittsfield,MaKs Placed in leading publications by J. Walter Thompson Co. 20 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. r,Y.rY.Y,Y.YY,YrY,YYYYYY,Y^^^ "The Curve that Fits" Durability, Elegance, Supreme Excellence. You can't outwear it. Its natural curve naturally rounds it to the rounded skirt. Its surpassing beauty dresses the dress. Most probably your dressmaker binds with nothing else, but just ask her to make sure ; and when you buy a ready-made skirt see | that it's bound with S' H' & M- Bias Brush Edge. The observation will pay you. Be sure that "S* H' & M'" is stamped on back. All shades. If your dealer hasn't it, drop a postal for samples to S' H' & M' Co., Box 6, Station A, New York. ^^ Placed in leading public ationslby J. Walter Thompson Co, J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 21 A Malt Extract without an Imperfection Placed in leading publications by J. Walter Thompson Co. 22 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. The Two Leading Perfumes of the Season. These perfumes are quintessences. They are five times as delicate and pungent as most pert nines known heretofore. " One single drop yields the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers." No present could be more appropriate, or would be appreciated more, than these exquisite new Extracts.! The daintiness and beauty of the packages containing these perfumes have excited universal admiration in Parisian society. Sold by best dealers, or full size bottle sent express paid on receipt of gl.50. Address, ED. PINAUD'S Importation Office, 46 East 14th Street.fcN. Y. Placed in leading publications by J. Walter Thompson Co. J WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 23 Essentially an Ideal Hair Tonic for Ladies, as it oily nor fatty substances It preserves the hair and keeps the scalp absolutely free from dandruff. It is the only article of its kind that really accomplishes all that is claimed for it. and the trademark. No. 471 1. is a guarantee of its reliability. It is prescribed by a large majority of the specialists, and the count- less numbers of unsolicited testimonials from persons who have been benefited, are a convincing argument in its favor. Invented by Dr P. J. Eichhoff. the celebrated Professor of Dermatology. Elberfeld. Germany. MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY FERD. MULHENS. COLOGNE o/R Send for instructive pamphlet on treatment of the hair. SOLE U. S. AGENTS MULHENS & KROPFF, 35 and 37 White Street. New York Placed in leading publications by T. Walter Thompson Co. 24 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. gf> 4p if UliaOQ^NORTH WESTERN R\1LWAY C.STP.M.&O.RY F.E.&M.V.R.R. AND SC&P.RR THE PIONEER LINE WEST AND NORTHWEST OF CHICAGO. THE BEST OR EVERVTHIIMQ. CALIFORNIA IN THREE THE OVERLAND LIMITED DAYS daily, reaches OMAHA 8.25 next morning, CHEYENNE at 10.30 p. m., SALT LAKE CITY the second day at 3.10 p. m., SAN FRANCISCO the third day at 8.45 p. m., and LOS ANGELES at 1.20 p. m. following day. This train has New Double Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars, Tourist Sleepers, Din- ing Cars (all meals are served a la carte), Buffet- Smoking and Library Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and Coaches. Is Vestipuled, and lighted by gas. The PACIFIC EXPRESS leaves Chicago dally at 10.30 p. m., reaches Omaha at 4.20 p. m., Salt Lake 3.10 a. m., San Francisco 9-45 the fourth morning, and Los Angeles 7.30 following morning. Illustrated Booklet "THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS" for 4c in stamps. ALL AGENTS SELL TICKETS VIA CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. NEW YORK 461 Broadway. 287 Broadway. F?IIMCIf=AU, AGENCIES BOSTON, 368 Washington Street. 5 State Street. CHICAGO, au Clark Street. 106 Clark Street. Placed in leading publications by J. Walter Thompson Co, J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 25 Elastic Ribbed Union Suits are complete undergarments, covering the entire tx>dy. Perfectly elastic, fitting like a glove. NO BUTTONS DOWN THE FRONT. Made especially for Women and Misses. Con- venient to put on, being entered at top and drawn on like trousers. With no other kind of under- wear can ladies obtain such perfect fit for dresses, or wear comtortably so small a corset. Send for Illustrated Booklet R, Oncita Knitting Mills. OFFICE: No. i Greene St., New York. PROPER^ 1 use- "WORN INSIDE THE SHOES Easy Walking, Increased Height, Arched Instep, Better Fitting Shoes, Ease and Comfort. Made in all sizes of leather, cork and felt. Are scientific and healthful, and recommended by physicians. % in. 25c.; % in. 3$c.; i in. $oc. per pair. Ladies' or men's. FREE TRIAL. Send name, size of shoe, height de- sired, and 2C stamp for pair on 10 days' trial. Gilbert Mfg. Co., 33 Kim St., Rochester, IV. Y. 26 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Burlington ' I X HE map shows that the Burlington Route offers three good ways of going. Via Denver, Billings or St. Paul. BEST LINE CHICAGO OR ST. LOUIS TO Puget Sound Wide - vestibuled trains are operated on this line between Chicago or St. Louis and Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, St. Paul and Minneapolis, equip- ped with modern, roomy comfortable Pullman and Reclining Chair Cars. The European plan Din- ing Car service employed is a special feature of ex- cellence Delicate china, roses, spotless linen, per- fect ventilation, strictly first-class cooking. "Colorado Outings" " California " Are the titles of descriptive booklets which can be had without charge upon application to P. S. EUSTIS, Gen T Passenger Agent, C. B. & Q. R.R., CHICAGO. If you are suffering from any SKIN DISEASE or IMPURE BLOOD SULPHUME will cure you, quickly. Price $1.00 per bottle express prepaid. SULPHUME is dissolved sulphur, and will cure all skin diseases. It gives the bene- fits, at your home, of Sulphur Springs. For Rheumatism and Weak Kidneys it is par excellence. SU LPH U M E SO AP is the only soap in the world made with liquefied sulphur. That is why it is the only genuine Sulphur Soap. It has no equal for the toilet and the bath. Price per box (3 cakes) 75 cents, express prepaid. A trial cake mailed upon receipt of 25 cts. SKIN BOOK FREE Drop a postal card and we'll mail you our Sulphume Book -in it you will find solid facts about the care of your skin and blood. Your druggist can procure Sulphume prepa- rations from his jobber, without extra charge to you. Sulphume Company, 145 Marine Bldg., Chicago tin l.tttlf rid, .*/">'"' i/ou had ack to zero separately like a Hteni-settlnjr watch, after each trip. Parts cannot become disarranged. Can- not register falsely unless actually broken. No springs. No delicate parts. Made for 24, 26, 28, Booklet free. and 30-inch Wheels! VEEDER MFG. CO.. HARTFORO. CONN. Cyc Actua Size THAT SOUR SPOT ,' IN DIGESTIVE ORGANS TOUCHED By -JOHNSON'S DIGESTIVE TABLETS Placed in leading publications by T. Walter Thompson Co. 32 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. CLASP of the The STOCKING is perfectly protected by the HOUND-EDGE LOOP and the CUSHION surrounding the ENTIRE BUTTON in the CUSHION BUTTON HOSE SUPPORTER 'NEVER SLIPS OR TEARS. No Stitching in the Elastic. OF ALL DEALERS. Catalogue Free. George Frost Co., Makers, 551 TrcmontSt, Boston. See that your dress- maker uses them in .V ur new waists. No other dress shields will give the satisfac- tion, as none have the superior merits of Canfield Dress Shields. RELIABLY WATERPROOF. 1SOFT AS KID. EASILY WASHED and guaranteed to protect the waist from damage by perspiration. Insist on having the Canfield Dress Shield. For Sale Everywhere . Canfield Rubber Co., 73 Warren St.. N.Y. SUGGESTIONS. The man who forgets to advertise is soon forgotten. Advertising awakens demand and encourages supply. Advertise wisely and forcibly or do not advertise at all. Strong advertisements are good medicine for sickly business. An article well advertised is known to the public as a personal friend. The foundation of most fortunes may be directly traced to advertising. Little, wide-awake advertisements often prove to be giants in disguise. Wide-awake advertisements and profitable trade generally go hand in hand. New advertisements with germs of life in them will remind old customers that you are still alive. The J. Walter Thompson agency recommends to its clients such publications as it believes wil-1 pay them. ("joocl, plain, everyday common sense is the real motive which underlies tin- advertisement-writing of the day. The J. Walter Thompson advertising agency of today is a creator. \Ye make new business for shrewd business men. THE THOMPSON RED BOOK Omissions and Errors Will Unintentionally Creep into the Most Carefully Edited Book. The Following Addenda, Variations and Changes are Sent Out as Coming in Since its Going to Press. Paste in Back of Book, or Alter on Pages Specified. OMISSIONS. Abend Presse, Ger., Chicago; evening edition of Freie Presse; should be in list on page in. American Hebrew, New York, W., 8,000 circulation, should be in list on page 223. American Messenger, New York, M., 40,000 circulation, should be in list on page 223. Daheim, Ger., Chicago; Sunday Freie Presse, 40,000; should be in list on page in. Journal of Finance, New York, D., 6,000 circulation, should be on page 61 in list of New York Dailies. National Rural and Family Magazine, Chicago; 45,000 weekly, add on page 251. Newark, N. J., Sunday Call, should be on page 69; circulation claimed, 21,000; ice. Observer, Troy, N. Y., Sunday, 18,000 circulation, should be in list on page 67. Rundschau, Chicago, W., Ger.-Ind., 27,000; should be in list on page 113. Staats-Zeitung, Chicago, D. 23,000, and W. 38,000; should be in list on page 113. Union Signal, Chicago, 72,000 circulation; should be in Religious list, page 231. Worcester, Mass., Opinion Publique, D., 7,200 circulation, should be in list on page 74. CHANGES AND VARIATIONS. Ainslee's Magazine, New York, page 193; circulation is now sworn to as 125,000. Argosy, New York, page 193, publisher's statement, 77,412 net circulation. Birmingham, Ala., Ledger, D., page 157, circulation guaranteed, 6,900. Buffalo, N. Y., Express, D. and Su., page 55; line rates should be, D., i2^c., and Su., 2oc., instead of 2oc. and 25c. Burlington, Iowa, Gazette, page 133, should be rated as a Democratic and not Repub- lican paper. Catholic World Magazine, New York, page 223; circulation claimed, 60,000. Charlotte, N. C., Observer, page 151; line rate, 7#c. Chicago, 111., School Review, M., page 273, circulation is guaranteed 4,500 per month. Christbche Apologete, Cincinnati, Ohio, page 229, claim 21,000 circulation. Cosmopolitan Magazine, Irvington, N. Y., page 195; publisher's statement, 350,000 circulation. Covington, Ky., Commonwealth, D., page 161; merged into weekly. Donahoe's Magazine, Boston, page 221; circulation claimed, 38,000. Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, S. M., pages 217 and 249; circulation should be 310,000 guaranteed. Green Bay, Mich., Advocate, page 125, D. discontinued. International Journal of Surgery, New York, M., page 289, should read 28,000 circulation, instead of 2,800. Leader and News-Herald, Cleveland, O.,M. and E. ; rate should be 2oc. for both; page 91. Marion, Ohio, Transcript, page 97; D. discontinued. McCalPs Magazine, New York, page 195; circulation guaranteed, 200,000. Munsey's Magazine, New York, page 197, publisher's statement, 605,583 net circulation. New Orleans La., States, page 165, guarantee a daily circulation of over 18,000, and Sunday of over 20,000. Northwestern Christian Advocate, Chicago, W., page 231, claim 26,000 circulation. Peoria, 111., Times and Transcript, page 117; have been consolidated with the Herald, now known as Herald-Transcript. Philadelphia Baptist Commonwealth, W., claims 12,000 circulation, should be in list on page 225. It combined The Commonwealth, The Evangel and The Atlantic Baptist. Philadelphia Record, D., page 79; circulation reads 105,000; should be 195,000, the tail of figure 9 being broken. Puritan, New York, page 197; publisher's statement, 147,148 net circulation. Quaker, New York, page 197; publisher's statement, 44,929 net circulation. Reading, Pa., Eagle, W., page 81, should have been 4, 300 circulation, instead of 3,300. Rochester, N. Y., Evening Times, page 65; publishers claim 13,000 daily circulation. St. Paul, Minn., Farmer, pa^ie 253; circulation is guaranteed to exceed 45,000; S. M. Sunday School Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio, M., page 229; claim 109,000 circulation. Toronto, Ont., Globe, D., page 189, guarantee 35,664 average circulation. Woman's Home Companion, .Springfield, Ohio, M., pages 203, 205 and 217; circula- tion should be 325,000, guaranteed by publishers. Young Catholic, New York, page 223, should be B. M.; claim 40,000 circulation. The LEADING DAILIES AND WEEKLIES Moulders of Public Thought PUBLISHED IN THOSE CITIES OF UNITED STATES AND CANADA HAVING A POPULATION OF 5,000 AND OVER. ARRANGED BY GEOGRAPHICAL SECTIONS. In most families of this broad land, political inspiration is derived from the local dailies and weeklies, in addition to local news. They have therefore a strength peculiarly their own, and are the means to stimulate local demand for goods sold through dealers. An advertiser using this list would cover the entire country in a judicious and systematic manner. It is easy to waste money advertising in dailies or weeklies because of the supposed necessity for frequent repetition. Large advertisements for impressions and smaller ones for reminders are unusually effective. Our experience in this line has taught us some economies not generally understood, which, when tested, are appreciated by careful advertisers. The populations are from latest reports. All principal papers in foreign languages are included in each city where published. Papers included in brackets are all published in one office. A few places of less than 5,000 population have been included where they are important centers, with large outlying territory. Some of over 5,000 have been omitted, as being contiguous to large cities, and not having publications of value. WENDELL PHILLIPS paid this tribute to newspapers : " Not one man in ten reads books. The newspaper is parent, school, college, pulpit, theatre, example, counsellor, all in one. Every drop of our blood is colored by it. Let me make the newspapers, and I care not who makes the religion or the laws." These papers are the bone and sinew of the press, and represent at one glance a striking example of newspaper enterprise and newspaper appreciation. The papers in this list are as familiar as household words to the American reading public. They are all read carefully, and an advertisement placed in one, a part, or the whole of them, is as sure to be felt by the advertiser as the sun is sure to produce light. 34 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Geographical Order of States For the convenience of advertisers, in classi- fying these dailies and weeklies geographically, we have arranged them, by sections, in the order in which the states are usually listed, this being preferable to alphabetical order. NEW ENGLAND WESTERN STATES ROCKY MOUNTAIN Page Page STATES Maine 35 Minnesota 131 Page New Hampshire 37 Vermont 39 Iowa 133 Missouri 139 Kansas 143 flontana 171 Wyoming 171 Colorado 171 Massachusetts 39 Nebraska 145 Idaho 173 Rhode Island 47 North Dakota 147 Utah 173 Connecticut 47 South Dakota 147 SOUTHERN STATES PACIFIC COAST MIDDLE STATES Virginia 149 STATES New York 53 West Virginia 151 California 175 New Jersey 67 Pennsylvania 71 North Carolina 151 South Carolina 153 Florida 157 Nevada 179 Oregon 179 Washington 181 Delaware 85 Alabama 157 flaryland 87 District of Columbia 87 Mississippi 159 Tennessee 159 Kentucky 161 DOniNION OF CANADA SOUTH-WESTERN Newfoundland 183 New Brunswick 183 CENTRAL STATES STATES Nova Scotia 183 Ohio 89 Louisiana 165 Prince Edward Indiana 101 Arkansas 165 Island 183 Oklahoma 167 Quebec 183 Illinois 109 Texas 167 Ontario 185 Michigan 119 New Mexico 169 flanitoba 189 Wisconsin 125 Arizona 169 BritishColumbia 189 J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 35 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. The circulations quoted are estimated from the most conservative sources and are believed to be practically correct. The single time line rates are given simply to enable our customers to form an idea of the relative cost. In most cases, however, for extensive work these would be misleading, as the papers give discounts for time or space, or both. The safest way is to send to us for a detailed estimate. State capitals are in FULL FACE CAPITALS, c.h. signifies county seat or courthouse. Figures following indicate population. ABBREVIATIONS. Rep., Republican. Dem., Democratic. Ind., Independent. Morn., Morning. Eve., Evening. Su., Sunday. Mo., Monday. Tu., Tuesday. We., Wednesday. Th., Thursday. Fr., Friday. Sa., Saturday. D., Daily. W., Weekly. SW., Semi-Weekly. TW., Tri-Weekly. NEW ENGLAND. Esti- Pubs. M A I M F mated one t. MAI INC.. Circ rate AUGUSTA, c.h., 10,527 Kennebec Co. Journal Rep Morn ex Su D^| 3,600 .03*4 Kennebec Journal Rep We WJ 3,800 .05^ Bangor, c.h., 19,103 Penobscot Co. Commercial Ind Eve D ~] 6,000 .03^ Commercial Agri Fr WJ 28,500 .10^ News Rep Morn ex SuD] 5,000 .03^ News Rep ThWJ 2,700 .10^ Whig and Courier, 1 Rep Morn ex Su D 2,200 .05^ Courier Rep Fr WJ 2,700 .05^ Bath c.h., 8,723 Sagadahoc Co. Times Rep Eve Dl 1,650 .03^ Independent Ind Sa WJ 1,550 .03^ Enterprise We and Sa SW .1,950 .05^ Belfast, c.h., 5,235 Waldo Co. Age Dem Th W 2,500 Republican Journal Rep Th W 2,850 Biddeford, 14,443 York Co. Journal Rep Eve D 1 2,100 .03^ Journal Rep Fr WJ 2,250 .03^ Gardiner, 5,941 Kennebec Co. Reporter-Journal Ind Eve D] 800 .03^ Reporter-Journal Ind Fr WJ 1,500 .03^ I V* k . ...*..... ..''t ******* A DVERTISERS cannot cover the New -^ ^ England field without the Boston Journal /* as it is the leading Republican newspaper of Boston and New England. It combines home circulation, political prestige, and the lowest rates to advertisers for service rendered. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 43 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. .03^ .03^ oi K 02X 07X .08^ .02 .03^ NEW ENGLAND nassachusetts. I/awrence, c.h., 52,000 Essex Co. American Rep Eve D ") 4,900 .03^ American and Advertiser Rep Fr W 1,600 Sun Rep Morn D 3,000 Sun Su J 4,000 Eagle Dem Morn ex Su D] 3,000 Tribune Dem Eve DJ 6,450 Telegram Rep Eve D 5,000 I/owell, c.h., 84,300 Middlesex Co. Citizen Rep Morn ex Su D] 8,100 Courier Rep Eve D | 3,800 Journal Rep Fr W j 3,400 Mail Rep Morn ex Su D"| 5,600 Mail Rep Eve D | Mail Rep Sa WJ 2,100 News Dem Eve D 8,000 Sun Dem Eve D 12,700 l^ynn, 55,727 Essex Co. Evening 1 Item Rep Eve D "] 12,600 City Item Rep Fr WJ 1,350 Milford, 8,780 Worcester Co. Journal Rep Eve D] 2,500 Journal Rep We WJ 1,000 News Ind Eve D 3,100 New Bedford, c.h., 55,200 Bristol Co. Standard Rep Eve D 1 12,000 Republican Standard Rep Th WJ 3,7oo Mercury Ind Morn ex Su D 3,600 Newburyport, c.h., 14,947 Essex Co. Herald Rep-Morn and Eve D ] 3,000 Herald Rep Fr W J 1,500 News Ind Eve D 4,400 Item Dem Sa W 2,900 Newton, 23,000 Middlesex Co. Journal Rep Fr W 4,300 North Adams, 19,074 Berkshire Co. Evening Herald Eve D 2,800 Transcript Rep Eve D] 3.520 Transcript Rep Th W J 3,574 Northampton, c.h., 16,900 Hampshire Hampshire Gazette ") Rep Eve D I 3,400 Hampshire Gazette Rep Tu WJ 2,600 Herald Rep Eve D 3,100 .08^ 07X .02 07X .03^ .03 Co. Memorandum. 44 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Cbe evening Post tUorcestcr Coating floaty BLL SER Penny Paper __ _- NLY DEMOCRATIC PAPEf IN THIS SECTION M OF Massachusetts. has an average daily circulation of 11,756 No other evening newspaper in central or western Massachusetts has a circula- tion as large as that of the Post. It is the only penny paper in Worces- ter and the only democratic daily in central Massachusetts. Its rates are cheaper in proportion to circulation than any other paper in this section of the state. It reaches the homes of that great army of consumers that every ad- vertiser desires to reach. It has undergone a complete transfor- mation since January 1, 1899. New machinery, new capital, and new man- agement have wrought a great change in the Post and made it a real, live, up-to- date newspaper. It is free and un- trammeled, independent, democratic newspaper. No man can make it dance to his music by pulling a string. IRepubiican SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Leading Independent Newspaper Established in 1824 by Samuel Bowles DAILY (Morning:), $8; SUNDAY, $2; WEEKLY, $1. Attractive and Interesting to Readers ; Valuable to Advertisers fbartef an FRENCH LITERATURE AI^D ART ILLUSTRATED THE PARISIAN, as the only representa- tive in English of the French Academicians and the leading French Reviews, offers the advertiser an opportunity to reach the intellectual and wealthy classes; the people who have the intelligence to choose and the money to purchase. To advertise itself, THE PARISIAN'S method has been : First, to attract atten- tion ; second, to hold it. Its illustrations and style have done the first; the merit of its literature has done the second. Guaranteed Circulation for the ensuing: year not less than 50,000 copies per month. THE PARISIAN will pay the advertiser of First-class Goods. Rates furnished on application. Published at CARNEGIE HALL, NEW YORK J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 45 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Pubs. Esti- NEW ENGLAND Hassachu setts. * North Attleboro, 6,727 Bristol Co. Chronicle Ind Eve D 2,200 .03 Palmer, 6,520 Hampden Co. Journal Rep Fr W 2,200 Pittsfield, c.h., 22,000 Berkshire Co. Evening Eagle Rep Eve D! 4,100 Rep We WJ 5,400 Dem Eve D 2,750 , 7,914 Plymouth Co. 1,450 Eagle Journal Plymouth, c.h Free Press Ind Fr W 1,450 .03 Old Colony Memorial Rep Sa W 1,650 .07^ Quincy, 21,000 Norfolk Co. Ledger Ind Eve D ] 1,500.03^ Patriot Ind Sa WJ 1,825 Salem, c.h., 34,000 Essex Co. Evening News Ind Eve D 16,500 Gazette Rep Eve D 7,000 South Framingham, 10,000 Middlesex Co. Evening News Ind Eve D Gazette Ind Fr W 2,500 .03 Springfield, c.h., 44,179 Hampden Co. .05^ News Dem Eve D Republican Ind Morn D 1 Republican Su | Republican Ind Fr W J Union Rep Morn and Eve D 1 Union Su Union Rep Th WJ Homestead Society SaW 7,800 14,100 12,300 3,7oo 22,000 11,200 i, 600 6,200 .03^ .05 .05 .08.^ .10 .05 .05 .05 .07 .05 07X Taunton, c.h., 27,448 Bristol Co. Herald Ind Eve D 5,100 Evening News Rep Eve D 3>45 Gazette Rep Eve D! 4,300 Bristol Co. Republican Rep Fr WJ 1,600 Waltham, 20,600 Middlesex Co. Evening News Rep Eve D 3,300 .05^ Free Press-Tribune 1 Rep Eve D I 3,450 .03^ Free Press-Tribune Rep Fr WJ 1,200 .03^ Westfield, 10,650 Hampden Co. Times and News-Letter Ind We W 2,000 .05 Memorandum. 46 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. EVENING TELEGRAM. WEEKLY JTELEGRHM Ullill! SUNDAY TELEGRAM. flashlights-A Boy Killed anTFour Others In- jured by Explosion of Flash Powder on North Wharf-A Providence Photographer Arrested. An introduction to the cultured homes of Canada can be secured by placing your advertising in the WILLIAM BRIGGS Publisher 31-33 RICHMOND ST. WEST TORONTO Methodist Magazine ana Review The oldest and best known illustrated literary magazine published in Canada. # & # J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 47 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. NEW ENGLAND Massachusetts. Woburn, 13,500 Middlesex Co. Journal Rep Fr W 1,400 .02 News Rep Sa W 1,300 .02 Worcester, c.h., 98,700 Worcester Co. Evening Gazette Rep Eve D 7,ioo .07^ Evening Post Ind Eve D 12,000 .01 y z Spy Rep Morn D ] 8,500 .03^ Spy Su I 8,300 .04X Spy Rep Fr WJ 3,000 .04^ Telegram Rep Morn D 16,500 .05^ Sunday Telegram Su 17,000 .07^ RHODE ISLAND. NEWPORT, c.h., 21,600 Newport Co. Herald Ind Morn ex Su D 2,600 .10 News Ind Eve D 3,700 .10 Mercury Ind Sa W 3,000 .10 Pawtucket, 32,500 Providence Co. Times Rep Eve D 15,500 .10 Tribune Dem Eve D 3,850 .03^ PROVIDENCE, c.h., 145,400 Providence Co. Bulletin . Ind Eve D] 35,000 .10 Journal Ind Morn D I 16,000 .10 Sunday Journal Su J 15,000 .10 Telegram Ind Eve D] 33,000 .10 Sunday Telegram SuJ 34> o o .10 News Rep Eve D 9,000 .07^ Westerly, 7,800 Washington Co. Sun Rep Eve ex Sa D 4,000 .05^ Woonsocket, 24,830 Providence Co. Evening Call Ind Eve D 6,000 .05 Reporter Ind Eve D"] 6,250 .05 Patriot Fr WJ 1,900 .08^ CONNECTICUT. Ansonia, 10,342 New Haven Co. Sentinel Local Eve D ] 3,800 .02 Sentinel Local We WJ 4,5oo .02 Bridgeport, c.h., 48,866 Fairfield Co. Farmer Farmer News Evening Post Dem Eve D ") Dem Fr WJ Rep Eve D Ind Eve D] 4,000 .07^ 4,200 .07X 5,ooo .07 10,500 .07X [emorandum. Morning Telegram Ind Morn ex Su D J 4,200 .05 48 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE MER1DEN MORNING RECORD BEST PAPER ~J:=HS AND REPUBLICAN. WEATHER S5= THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. MERIDEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, JCLY 6, 1899. TWO CENTS Military Services Held. srsJs^tfAsris: KSHHrSlJH; sa?*?n. 1 K5. < 5K *S:zFuTt " ' """ Accident on Cliff Drive Sentenced On Insanity. 2-sE^Sr^ ^fe'HS^H ^S Big Blaze In Boston. DISTRICT HIS BEEN TERROR Death of Bishop Newman Honors Tor R. A. H.Clarke. "" szg^szfasz Mme. Dreyfus With Husband. Journal and courier A superior n,e d ,. u , n ,, eliitiniateadveri . ser ^ J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 49 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. 07X .08^3 . 10 .07 NEW ENQLAND-Connecticut. BRIDGE FOR T. Continued. Union Ind Morn ex Su D 7,500 Standard Rep Eve D] 4,100 Standard Rep Fr WJ 3,200 Danbury, c.h., 16,552 Faifireld Co. Dispatch Morn D 2,000 .03^ News Ind Eve ex We D ] 4,600 .03^ News Ind We WJ 4,000 .09 HARTFORD, c.h., 53,300 Hartford Co. Courant Rep Morn ex Su D] 8,600 Connecticut Courant Rep Mo and Th SW J 8,500 .07^ Evening Post Rep Eve D ] 6,000 Connecticut Post Rep ThW J 2,700 Telegram Dem-Morn ex Su D 9,500 Times Dem Eve D ] 15000 Times Dem ThW J 7,500 Meriden, 21,652 New Haven Co. Journal Ind Eve D 6,000 Record and ReDiiblican Ind Morn ex Su D 7,000 Middletown, 15,000 Middlesex Co. Penny Press Dem Eve D 1 6,550 Sentinel and Witness Dem ThW J 1,600 New Britain, 19,007 Hartford Co. Herald Ind Eve D] 2,800 Bristol Herald Rep ThW J 2, (.00 Record Rep Eve D ] 3,400 Record Rep Fr W J 1,300 New Haven, c.h., 100,000 New Haven Co. Evening Leader Rep Eve D 7>5 c o .10 Register Dem Eve D | 10,000 .10 Sunday Register Dem SuW J 9-5oo .i2j Journal and Courier 1 Rep Morn ex Su D 5,100 .10 Connecticut Herald and Journal Rep ThW J 1,500 Palladium-News Rep Morn ex Su D 7,5oo Palladium Rep ThW J 2,000 Union Dem Eve D 14,000 Sunday Union Dem SuW 7-5oo New London, c.h., 13,757 New London Co. Day Rep Eve ex We D 1 4,000 .05^ Day Rep We WJ 1,000 .03^ Globe Ind Eve D 3,000 .03 Morning Telegraph Dem Morn ex Su D 4,500 .03^ .05 .01 .01 .07X 07X . 10 03 .10 .10 Memorandum. 50 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. NATIONAL MAGAZINE An Illustrated Monthly that is National in Name National in Scope National in Character With its moderate rates and rapidly increasing circulation, IT IS A GOOD PROPOSITION for the general advertiser, whose investigation we earnestly solicit. Particulars of THE THOMPSON ADVERTISING AGENCY or THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE 91 BEDFORD STREET, BOSTON, MASS. JOE MITCHELL CHAPPLE, Publisher J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 51 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. 03^ 07X .02 .02 07^ 05^ .05^ NEW ENGLAND Connecticut. Norwalk, 17,747 Fairfield Co. Evening Hour Ind Eve D] 1,100 Hour Ind Sa Wj 3,900 Gazette Ind Eve D 1 1,100 Gazette Ind Fr W J 1,500 Norwich, c.h., 16,156 New London Co. Bulletin Rep Morn ex Su D} 4,300 Courier Rep Tu and Fr SW J 6,500 Evening Record Ind Eve D] 3,000 Cooley's Weekly Ind Fr W J 3,500 Stamford, 15,700 Fairfield Co. Advocate Rep Eve ex Th D ] 2,650 Advocate Rep Th W J 2,450 .07^ Telegram Dem Eve D 1,100 .02 Torrington, 9,500 Litchfield Co. Register Ind Eve D 1,300 .02 Waterbury, 40,000 New Haven Co. American Ind Eve D] 5,7oo .10 American Ind Fr W J 4,200 .10 Democrat Dem Eve D 2,650 .07 Republican Rep Morn D 2,850 .07^ Willimantic, 8,648 Windham Co. Chronicle Ind Eve D ] 3,200 .07^ Chronicle Ind We W J 2,000 .07^4 Winsted, 6,183 Litchfield Co - Evening Citizen Ind Eve D] 1,800 .07^ Leader Dem Fr W i 1,750 .07^' Memorandum. DULL TOOLS ARE USELESS Sharp ones make A Clean Oft The J. Walter Thompson Co. furnish sharp tools for the use of their patrons. 52 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. eimes-lnion. combined circulation The Times-Union makes advertising contracts on the above basis. A certain class of advertising is refused admission to its columns, for the reason that it is the favorite Home Newspaper at Albany, N. Y. )SX>(SXXX*) The Trade OF Religious Institution is desirable, but it is generally considered hard to reach. That's true, because the average advertising medium, containing news and advertising features which are objectionable, is not admitted there. But THE CATHOLIC STANDARD AND TIMES goes into thousands of Catholic institu- tions and private homes, because CLEAN NEWS and CLEAN ADVERTISING ONLY find place in its columns. Our Advertising Rates should interest YOU. THE CATHOLIC STANDARD AND TIMES, Philadelphia, Pa. llCNHK BUSINESS ~x NEWSPAPER CANVASS The -HERALD has as many subscribers in Bing- hamton and suburbs as the " Leader " and " Republican " combined. Also 3,100 exclusive circulation in Binghamton. ^^cmc^T. ^-^rq^ /vCS?*^-^' N. M. SHEFFIELD, Manager Foreign Advertising, 85 Tribune Building, New York City. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 53 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. MIDDLE STA Esti- Pubs. NEW YORK. mated Circ. one t. rate. AI/BANY, c.h., 97,000 Albany Co. Argus Dem Morn D 15,000 oSH Argus Dem Su W 14,800 .08^2 Argus Dem We and Sa SWJ 16,400 05 Journal Rep Eve D^ 15.000 .10 Journal Rep-Mo and Th-SW 1 4,300! Journal Rep We WJ 32,oooJ Press, Knickerbocker and Ex- | press Ind Morn ex Su D 18,000 .10 Press and Knickerbocker Ind Su W. 28,000 .15 Times-Union Ind Eve D^ 26,000 .10 Times Ind Th W, 5,200 .05 Amsterdam, 17,336 Montgomery Co. Democrat Rep Eve D1 2,700 .0^/2 Democrat Rep Th WJ 1,800 .07^4 Sentinel Dem Morn D~l 2,000 05 Sentinel Dem Su WJ 2,200 Auburn, c.h., 28,800 Cayuga Co. Advertiser Rep Eve D 1 2,600 .04^ Journal Rep Tu and Fr SW. 2,150 .04^ Bulletin Ind Eve D " 4,000 .05^ Bulletin Ind Th W 1,676 News and Democrat Dem We WJ 1.500 .04^ Binghamton, c.h , 45,000 Broome Co. Herald Ind Eve D^ 8,voo .07^4 Herald Ind We WJ 1,100 .07^4 Leader Dem Eve D ^ 12,000 .08^$ Leader Dem Fr W , 7,600 .08^ Republican Rep Morn ex Su D 7.500 08^ Republican Rep Sa W, 1,300 .08^ Sunday Times Ind Su W 6,000 .08 Brooklyn See New York City. Buffalo, c.h., 354,000 Erie Co Commercial Rep Eve D ' 14,000 15 Commercial Rep We , 3,000 .10 Courier Dem Morn D" 28,000 .12/2 Courier Dem Su W 40,000 .I2*/ 2 Courier Dem We W J 4.5oo .08 Enquirer Ind Eve D 36400 .12^ Memorandum. 54 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. CLEAN, HONEST, RELIABLE 48 to 76 pages 21 years old <3 Well Illustrated n Independent of Cliques and Factions Has always had the mostintelligentand progressive mem- bers of the poultry industry as readers Its advertisers have been the best in the fancy. It has not, knowingly, carried the ad. of a crook, and spares neither time nor expense to keep its pages free from them. It declines hundreds of dollars' worth of advertising every year from doubtful advertisers and of unsuitable ads. It has just reduced its subscription price from $1.00 to 50 cents a year. This will undoubtedly add largely to its circulation and thus to its value as an advertising medium. As an argument in its favor as an advertising medium it points to many advertisers who have appeared in it continuously for from ten to twenty years. From its circulation among the well-to-do farmers and fruit men who are also poultrymen, it should prove a good medium for MOST of the general advertisers. POULTRY MONTHLY, Albany, N. Y. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 55 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. MIDDLE STATES-New York. "c^ one * Memorandum. rate. B UFFA L O Con tin ued. Demokrat (German) Ind Eve D 6,500 05^ Demokrat (German) Ind Su W 5,ooo .05^ Demokrat (German) Dem Th W , 3,500 -05^ News Rep Eve D^j 68,900 .20 News Rep Su W J 24,800 .08 Freie Presse (German) Rep Eve D 4,800 05 Tribuene (German) ^ Rep Su W 3,000 03 Freie Presse (German) Rep Th W. 3,750 .04 Express 1 Rep Morn ex Su D 15,000 .20 Illustrated Express Rep Su W 62,000 25 Express Rep Th W . I.OOO 05^ Times Dem Eve D 1 39,000 15 Sunday Times Dem Su Wj 21,500 .15 Volksfreund (German) Dem Eve D 4,500 03^ Volksfreund (German) Dem Fr W 4,300 .03^ Cohoes, 22,509 Albany Co. Dispatch Ind Eve D 7,500 .07^4 News Rep Eve D 2.500 03 Regulator Rep Su W 2,200 Republican Rep Eve D 3,140 03^ Corning, c.h., 8,550 Steuben Co. Democrat Dem Eve D] 1,000 .02 ' Democrat Dem Th W J 500 .01 Journal Rep Eve D 1 1,500 .02 Journal Rep We W J 55O .01 Cortland, c.h., 8,800 Cortland Co. Standard Rep Eve Dl 1.500 .07 Standard Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 2,400 .I0# Elmira, c.h., 40,000 Chemung Co. Advertiser "] Rep Morn ex Su D 8,000 .06 Advertiser Rep Th Wj 12,000 .07 News Rep Eve D 3.000 .05^ Star Ind Eve D 8,600 .06 Gazette and Free Press Dem Eve D 5,400 .0654 Gazette and Free Press Dem Th W 9.000 o6?4 Telegram Ind Su W 100,000 30 56 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. p orum QUALITY How many advertisers give serious considera- tion to the exact class of people to whom they wish to appeal ? No farmer throws his seed broadcast. He selects a certain piece of land, and plants that with a certain kind of seed, and thereby reaps a certain harvest. An immense circulation is a good thing, but to each advertiser the only part of the circulation of any publication which he should be interested in is that part which benefits him individually. When the pages of THE FORUM are used, the advertiser is reaching the most in- telligent, the most thrifty, the most sensible class in the United States. People who do good, sound reading are invariably people of taste and discrimination and are always ready ta pay a good price for a good article. No money spent for advertising in THE FORUM is ever wasted. The seed is sown on good ground and the result will show for itself. We are waiting to hear from you and to send you our advertising rates. They are very, very low. THE FORUM PUBLISHING CO. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 57 Leading Dailies and Weeklies 'nued. Esti- MIDDLE STATES-NewYork. Flushing See New York City Geneva, 10,000 Ontario Co. Times Ind Eve D Courier Rep We W Glens Falls, 13,000 Warren Co. Star Ind Morn ex Su D] 2,100 Star Fr WJ Times Rep Eve D "1 Messenger Rep Fr WJ Gloversville, 18,000 Fulton Co. Leader Rep Eve D 1 Intelligencer Rep Th WJ Herald Dem Morn D Hornellsville, 13,000 Steuben Co. Tribune Dem Eve D 1 2,600 !_Fr WJ 2,300 i, 800 1,300 1,500 1,200 3,000 800 1,000 .03^ Tribune Dem- 1,700 Times Rep Morn ex Su D] 1,300 Times Rep Th WJ 2,200 Hudson, c.h., 10 ooo Columbia Co. Register Dem Eve D } 2,400 Gazette Dem Th W J 3.900 Republican ^ Rep Morn ex Su D 1,000 Republican Rep Th W J 2,400 Ithaca, c.h., 15,000 Tompkins Co. Journal Rep Eve D] 2,000 Journal Rep Th W j 2,800 News Ind Eve D 1,600 Ithacan Th W 2,550 Jamestown, 22,000 Chautanqua Co. All Ind Eve D} 1,700 All Ind Sa WJ 2,350 Journal Rep Eve D ^ 2,400 Journal Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 4,700 Johnstown, c.h., 9,000 Fulton Co. Republican Rep Eve D] 1,500 Republican Rep Th Wj 900 Kingston, c.h., 25,000 Ulster Co. Express Ind Eve D 2,700 Freeman Rep Eve D ^ 4,000 Freeman and Journal Rep Th WJ 1,200 Leader Dem Morn ex Su D") 2,900 Leader Dem Sa WJ 2,900 I/ittle Falls, 11,000 Her-imer Co. Times Ind Eve D 1,800 Pubs, one t. rate. .03/2 .02 03 .02 05 .05 03 .02 03 03 .04 05^ .02 03 .03 .02 03 .02 .01 .06^ 03 03 03 Memorandum. 58 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ATriumphant Trio PjciENTiFic AMERICAN " Established 1845. Weekly. Subscription $3 a year. NE of the best result-produc- ing mediums in the country and the best, considering the cost is the Scientific American, now in its fifty-fourth year of pub- lication. It is the standard author- ity on all scientific matters, but it is by no means exclusively technical. It interests intelligent people every - where, particularly professors, teachers, students, engineers, me- chanics and progressive manufac- turers mall lines of business. Read weekly by over a quarter of a mil- lion of interested readers, who have money and good judgment. The Building Edition of the Scientific American is published monthly in the interests of building and architecture. It is read by all the architects, builders, contractors and house-owners who desire to be thoroughly up-to-date in their knowledge of building construction. It is a book of reference for those intending to build, and is considered an authority on hygienic sanitation as applied to domestic dwellings. The Export Edition of the Scientific American is also published monthly in both English and Spanish and it circulates through- out the world, but largest in the Spanish-speaking coun- tries. It reaches all the lead- ing foreign merchants who buy American-made goods, and it is a valuable medium to promote the expansion of American trade abroad. Established 1878. Monthly. Subscription, $3 a year. Rates and Sample Copies of each paper sent by Established 1885. Monthly. Subscription, $2.50 a year. MUNN & CO., Publishers, 361 Broadway, New York City J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 59 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. niDDLE STATES New York. "$? ^' Memorandum. I/ockport, c.h., 20,000 Niagara Co. I Journal Rep Eve D1 1,900 .05X2 1 Journal Rep We & Sa SWJ 2,350 .05^ Review Ind Eve D^l 1,800 .02 Review Ind We and Sa SW J 800 .01 Union Sun Dem Eve D"j 2,300 .05^ Democrat and Sun Dem Tu WJ 2,500 .0714 I/ongf Island City See New York City. Middletown, 13,000 Orange Co. Argus Dem Eve D^| 1,400 .04^ Mercury Dem Tu and Fr SWj 3,300 .07*4 Press Rep Eve D1 1,650 .05 Press Rep Tu and Fr SWj 3,300 .08^ Times Rep Eve Dl 2,990 .03^2 Times Rep Tu and Fr SWj 2,800 .07^ Mount Vernon, 20,000 Westchester Co. Argus Dem Eve D1 1,600 .03^2 Argus Dem Th Wj 1,000 .03^ Newburgh, c.h., 23,087 Orange Co. Journal Rep Eve D^l 2,000 .10^4 Journal Rep Tu and Fr SWj 940 .09 News Rep Eve D 4,100 .07^4 Press Dem Morn ex Su D 1,100 .03 Register Dem Eve D 3,000 .io^4 Sunday Telegram Ind Su W 3,500 .05 NEW YORK CITY (Greater New York) 3,400 ooo. Manhattan (Borough of) c.h., formerly New York 1,884,436 New York Co. Commercial Advertiser Rep Eve D 25,000 .15 Courrier des Etats Unis (French) Ind Morn D 14,000 .12 Courrier des Etats Unis (French) Ind Su W 24,000 .15 Courrier des Etats Unis (French) Ind Sa Wj 26,000 .25 Post Ind Eve D"| 25,000 .20 Nation Ind Th WJ 9.000 .15 Telegram Ind Eve D 50,000 .20 Herald Ind Morn Dl 140,000 .40 Herald Ind Su Wj 250,000 .40 Jewish News Ind-EveexSaD] 34,000 .15 Jewish News Ind Su W 23,000 .20 Jewish Gazette Ind Fr Wj 25,000 .20 60 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Harper's Travels Everywhere Harper s Magazine journeys the continent over. It finds its way into the most distant communities, and is read always by the be^t class of people in each community near and far; people whose means are adequate to supply their many wants. The oldest of first-rate American publications Harper's Magazine has always ranked highest among advertising mediums and in the favor of each succeeding generation of leading advertisers. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York and London. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 61 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. fllDDLE STATES New York. MA NHA T TA NCon tin ut d. Journal Ind Morn D"] 300,000 Journal Ind Su W 520,000 Journal Ind Eve D | 250,000 Morgan Journal (German) I Ind Morn DJ 60,000 Journal of Commerce Com'l Morn ex Su D 13,000 Mail and Express Rep Eve D 35,ooo News Dem Eve D 175,000 News Dem Su W 100,000 Press Rep Morn D 125,000 Press Rep Su W 115,000 Press Rep We W 8,000 Staats Zeitung Ind-Morn-D 58,000 Sonntagsblatt Ind Su 75,ooo Staats Zeitung Ind Sa W 34,ooo 130,000 .40 .45 .40 .15 .20 .20 .30 .25 .30 .30 Ind Morn .25 .40 .40 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 i.oo Suu Sun Ind Su W I 150,000 Sun Ind Eve DJ 175,000 Times Dem Morn- D] 85,000 Times Dem Su WJ 80,000 Tribune Rep Morn D 1 90.000 Tribune Rep Tu and Fr SW I 12,000 Tribune Rep Su W | 95,ooo Tribune Rep We WJ 150,000 Wall Street Journal Fin'1-Morn & Eve ex Su-D 25,000 .20 Wall Street News Fin'l Morn ex Su D 9,800 .25 World Dem Morn D] 360,000 .40 World Dem Su W 500,000 .45 World Dem Eve D 300,000 .40 World Dem Mo We and Fr TWJ 140,000 .60 Zeitung Ind Morn ex Su D~] 48,000 .15 Herold Ind Eve D 57,ooo .15 Revue Ind Su Wj 70,000 .15 Brooklyn (Borough of), c.h., 1,189,000 Kings Co. Citizen Dem Eve D ] 8,000 .15 Citizen Dem Su WJ 10,000 .15 Eagle Dem Eve D] 55-OOO .15 Eagle Dem Su Wj 56,000 .15 Freie Presse (German) ] Rep Eve D j 14,500 .15 Long Islaender (German) Rep Su WJ 8,400 .15 Standard-Union Rep Eve D 6,000 .15 Times Rep Eve D 37,ooo .12 Flushing (Borough of Queens). 9 ooo. Journal Dem Eve Dl 1,600 .02 Journal Dem Sa WJ 2,200 .02 Memorandum. 62 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. PLATTSBURGH DAILY CIRCULATION CORPORATION Publishers bur Counties IRCULATION 4500 J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 63 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. MIDDLE STATES New York. FL USH ING. Continued. Times Rep Eve D ^| Long Island Times Rep_Sa WJ Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. I,2OO .02 1,000 .02 I/ong Island City (Borough of Queens), 30, 506 Star Dem Eve D 1,100 .02 Star Dem Fr W 2,700 .03 Niagara Falls, 20 ooo Niagara Co. Cataract Dem Eve D 2,100 Gazette Rep Eve D 2400 Norwich, c.h., 6,000 Chenango Co. Sun Ind Morn ex Su D Telegraph Rep-We & Sa-SW Union Dem Th W Nyack, 5,ooo Rockland Co. Journal Rep Eve D} la WJ i, 860 2,700 2,400 Journal Rep S< Star Dem Eve D'l City & Country Dem Sa WJ i,5oo I,IOO 1,400 1,200 Ogdensburg, 14,000 St. Lawrence Co. Journal Rep Morn ex Su D~) 1,000 Republican Rep We WJ News Dem Morn ex Mo D1 News Dem Su W Courier Dem- Su W I Th WJ 4,000 1,700 i, 800 i, ooo Olean, 15,000 Cattaraugus Co. Herald Dem Eve Dl Democrat Dem-Tu & Fr-SWj Times Rep Morn ex Su D ] Times Rep Th WJ Oneonta, 9,000 Otsego Co. Star Ind Morn ex Su D Times Spy Ind Eve D] Tu Wj 1,400 i, 800 1,300 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,000 Oswego, c.h., 21,842 Oswego Co. Palladium Dem Eve D^ 3,200 Palladium Dem Fr W J 4-poo Times Rep Eve D "1 2,800 Times Rep Tu and Fr SWj 5,000 Peekskill, 9,676 Westchester Co. Democrat Dem Sa W 2,300 Plattsburg, c.h., 10,000 Clinton Co. Press Rep Morn ex Su D] 2,500 Sentinel Rep Fr W J 4,500 .02 .07^4 03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .07 .07 .103/4 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .06^4 .06^4 .06^4 .o8y 3 03 .07^4 Memorandum. 64 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY DEMOCRATIC MORNING PAPER IN [HE STATE OUTSIDE THE METROPOLIS REACHES EVERY TOWN, VILLAGE AND HAMLET IN WESTERN NEW YORK :: :: Has Largest Circulation by Mail (with one excep- tion) of any Paper in Rochester. ADVERTISERS GET RESULTS :: :: FROM THE HERALD COLUMNS Herald, Rochester, N. Y. THEJPE ACE CON FERE NCE_ '.s.".V.. THE DAILY GAZETTE. DAILY GAZETTE. THE LABOR TROUBLE: "f ".v^;,' B ;~ | m'^'U^"^ ^ !! .- - -j i 0..^mTit^TnThl' J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 65 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued, Esti- Pubs. MIDDLE STATES-New York. I Jg d rate!' Port Jervis, 12,000 Orange Co. Gazette Dem Eve D"| 2,300 .04^4 Gazette Dem-Tu and Fr-SWj 4,500 .04*4 Union Rep Eve D1 1,700 .04^4 Union Rep Th Wj 3.800 .11^ Poughkeepsie, c.h., 24,000 Dutchess Co. Eagle Rep Morn ex Su D^| 1,800 .03^2 Eagle Rep Tu and Fr SWj 2,800 .05^ Enterprise Ind Eve D^l 2,000 .03 Enterprise Ind Th Wj 1,000 .05 Star Rep Eve D 3,200 .04*4 News Press Dem-Morn-D] 3,800 .05^ News Telegram Dem Sa Wj 8,000 .io^4 Rochester, c.h., 160,000 Monroe Co. Democrat and Chronicle 1 Rep Morn D Democrat and Chronicle Rep Su W Democrat and Chronicle Rep We W Times Ind Eve D Herald Dem Morn D^l Herald Dem Su W Herald Dem We Wj Post-Express Rep Eve D] Post-Express Rep We W J Union and Advertiser Dem Eve D Union and Advertiser Dem We W Volksblatt (German) Rep Morn ex Su D Sonntags Journal (German) Rep_Su W Volksblatt (German) Rep We WJ Rome, 15,500 Oneida Co. Sentinel Dem Eve D Sentinel Dem Tu & Fr SWj Saratoga Springs, 13,500 Saratoga Co. Saratogian Rep Eve D] 2,200 .03 Saratogian Rep Th Wj 2,800 .03 Schenectady, c.h , 25,000 Schenectady Co. Star Dem Eve D") 1,200 .03 Reflector Dem Th W J 1,100 .02 Gazette Dem Morn D] Gazette Dem Fr W J Union Rep Eve Dl 2,000 Union Rep Tu and Fr SW J 2,700 28,000 15 20,000 .18 12.300 6,000 .15 .07^4 14,000 7,000 1 3,000 12,000 1 7,5oo .12 .12 .05^ 15 .15 27,000 15 5,400 .10 2,400 03^ 3,100 .05^ 4,600 .o 5 C ^ ** ""^ ' prosperous and largest moneyed as well as the most intellectual, refined and conservative people in the United States. ADVERTISING RATES A /^ p THE HOUSEHOLD is the oldest of HOME 60 Cents per Agate Line Perct 150 lines used in 1 year, lu 250 " " " " 15 | 500 " " " " 20 o 750 " " " " 25 % 1000 " " 30 o Best Position, as 9-10 of Adver- tising is placed along side PURE Reading Matter. Forms close 1st and 1 5th of pre- ceding month. papers, having been established in 1868. QUANTITY Circulation for the last April .. 106,000 Six Months May .. 102 000 102 000 February 100,500 613,000 March 100000 Average, 102,166 J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 71 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. 2,7OO I,4OO 2,600 I,OOO niDDLE STATES New Jersey. Plainfield, 21,000 Union Co. Courier-News Rep Eve D ] Times Rep Th WJ Press Ind Eve D 1 Constitutionalist Dem-Th-Wj TRKNTON, c.h. , 67,000 Mercer Co. Gazette Rep Morn ex Su D ~] 4,000 Gazette Rep Th WJ 5,500 Times Ind Eve D 3,700 True American Dem-Morn-D 7,000 PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny, 125,000 Allegheny Co. Record Eve D 5,000 Allentown, c.h., 25,228 Lehigh Co. Chronicle and News Rep Eve D Register Rep We W City Item Dem Eve D Leader Ind Eve D Call Ind Morn ex Su D Altoona, 38,000 Blair Co. Gazette Rep Eve D Mirror Ind Eve D Tribune Rep-Morn ex Su-D"] Tribune Ind Th WJ Times Dem Morn ex Su D Ashland, 8,100 Schuylkill Co. Telegram Dem Eve D ] Advocate Dem Fr WJ Local Rep Eve D] Local Rep Sa WJ Bloomsburg, c.h., 4,800 Colum' Daily Dem Eve D 1 Sentinel Dem Fr Wj Braddock, 9,100 Allegheny Co. Herald Ind Eve D News Rep Eve D1 Tribune Ind Sa Wj Bradford, 15,000 McKean Co. Era Ind Morn ex Su D] Era Ind Th WJ Star Rep Eve D Record Ind Eve D Butler, c.h., 9,100 Butler Co. Times Ind Eve D 1 Times Dem We WJ Pubs, one t. rate. .07 .07 03 .02 .07 .103/4 05 .03^ .10 Memorandum. 3,300 .05^ 1,400 .07^ 3,400 .05^ 4,200 -05X2 2,800 .0554 5,100 .013/4 4,800 03 l /2 3,600 03 1 A 2,000 03^ 2,500 03 1, 6OO .05^ 1,000 .01 1,000 .02 2,IOO 03 :>ia Co. 1,000 .02 2,400 03 1,500 .02 1,000 .02 900 .02 2,450 .05^ 2,400 05^ 2,900 .03 2,000 03 800 .01 1.200 .02 72 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE EVENING NEWS. LEADING DAILY J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 73 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. MIDDLE STATES-Pennsylvania. Memorandum. Carbondale, 15,000 Lackawanna Co. Leader Ind Eve D 2,200 .04 News Ind Eve D 2,400 .05 Carlisle, c.h., 10, 100 Cumberland Co. Sentinel Dem Eve D1 2,400 .03^2 Sentinel Dem We WJ 2,600 .08^ Herald Rep Eve D] 1,800 .03^ Herald Rep Th WJ 2,000 .07 Chambersburg, c.h., 9,800 Franklin Co. Repository Rep Eve D] 2,000 .03^ Repository Rep We WJ 2,700 .03^ Valley Spirit Dem Eve D] 1,000 .05^ Valley Spirit Dem We Wj 3,100 .io# Chester, 28,000 Delaware Co. Republican Rep Morn D 1,600 .07^ News Rep Eve D 3,000 .09 Times Rep Eve D 6,800 .10 Columbia, 12,600 Lancaster Co. News Ind Eve D^l 2,700 .03 Courant Rep Fr Wj 1,000 .02 Spy Rep Eve Dl 2,700 .03 Spy Rep Fr Wj 650 .01 Corry, 6,500 Erie Co. Flyer Ind Eve D | 1,025 .02 Herald Ind Th Wj 1,900 .02 Doylestown, c.h., 2,519 Bucks Co. Democrat Dem Eve D] 1,250 .07^4 Democrat Dem Th WJ 2,850 .03^ Intelligencer Rep Eve D] 1,300 .oi& Bucks Co. Intelligencer Rep Th WJ 2,600 .02^ Republican Rep Eve D1 1,800 .od l / 4 Bucks Co. Republican Rep Th Wj 1,550 .04 l /4 Dubois, 8,100 Clearfield Co. Courier Rep-Morn ex Su-Dl 1,800 .02 Courier Rep Th Wj 1,200 .02 Express Ind Eve Dl 1,400 .02 Express Ind Th Wj 2,700 .03 Uaston, 16,000 Northampton Co. Argus Dem Eve D] 4,300 .03^ Argus Dem Tu and Fr SWJ 3,?oo .04 J4 Express Ind Eve D] 2,800 .03 Democrat Dem Fr WJ 3,100 .03 Free Press Rep Eve D1 2,800 .05^ Free Press Rep-Tu & Fr-SWJ 1,700 .05^ 74 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. pftwv ^v**^* L' ^i "r^sagjy ^a^ y^iji.* "^ OME: PAL MSJAL 500,000 women readers every month at home. If interested ask your agent or write to -HOME TALK A HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE X*, Home Talk 23 Park Row New York J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 75 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. 5,200 .07^4 6,100 .07*4 4,700 5,200 MIDDLE STATES Pennsylvania. c.h., 49,000 Erie Co. Herald Dem Eve D Messenger-Graphic Ind Su W Herald Dem Sa W News Rep Eve D Dispatch Rep Morn ex Su D 3,100 .07 J4 Gazette Rep Th WJ 2,800 .07^4 Times Ind Eve D 4,700 Franklin, c.h., 6,231 Venan go Co. News Ind Eve D 1,270 .02 Citizen-Press Rep Th W 2,500 .03 Greensburg 1 , c.h., 4,800 Westmoreland Co. Press Rep Eve D] 3,100 .03 Press Rep Tu and Fr SWj 3,500 .03 Tribune Rep Eve D] 2,750 .02 Tribune-Herald Rep We and Sa SWJ 2,200 .02 HARRISBTJRG, c.h., 48.000 Dauphin Co. Patriot Dem Morn ex SuD] 7,900 .10 Patriot Dem Tu Wj 5.000 .05 Star-Independent Ind-Eve-D^| 8,100 .07^4 Star-Independent Ind-Sa-WJ 2,400 .03 Telegraph Reo Eve D] 4,850 .09^4 Telegraph Rep-Tu & Fr-SWj 4,800 .04 Haajleton, 16,000 Luzerne Co. Speaker Dem-Morn ex Su-D 2,600 .05^2 Sentinel Rep Eve D] 4,100 .03^2 Sentinel Rep Th Wj 1,200 .02 Standard Dem Morn D 1,900 .02 Johnstown, 28,000 Cambria Co. Democrat Dem Morn D | 4,100 .03^ Democrat Dem Fr WJ 1,500 .03^2 Tribune Rep Eve Dl 2,600 .03^ Tribune Rep Fr Wj 2,700 .03^ I5oo .05 New Era Rep Eve D] 4,750 .05^ New Era Rep-We & Sa-SWJ 6,000 .05 ^ I Sunday = = 3,600 -Weekly 4,200 Kate rardfnrni*h*l on npplicoHon. GAZETTE CO. (LIMITED) /g YORK. PA. :-^E^:'- ^^ J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 85 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. fllDDLE STATES Pennsylvania. *gjjf * West Chester, c.h., 10,000 Chester Co. Local News Ind Eve Dl 14,100 .10 Jeffersonian Dem Sa WJ 3,900 .10 Republican (no cuts) Rep Morn ex Su D 5,95o .10 Wilkesbarre, c.h., 49.000 Luzerne Co. 6,600 10,000 2,900 11,400 3,100 9,100 2,500 Leader Dem Eve D Leader Ind Su W Union Leader Dem Fr W Record Rep Morn ex Su D Record Rep Tu and Fr SW Times Rep Eve D 1 Times Rep Fr WJ Williamsport, c.h., 34,000 Lycoming Co. News Eve D 3,700 Gazette and Bulletin Rep Morn D 7,ioo Gazette and Bulletin Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 3,900 Sun Dem Eve D ] 7,500 Sun Dem Mo We and Fr TWJ 4,100 Times Ind Eve D] 4,800 Times Ind Th WJ 4,700 York, c.h., 39,000 York Co. .07^ .05^ 03 .07^4 03 03 :o. .07 .07^4 .103/4 .02 .02 Daily Ind Morn ex Su D] Weekly Ind Fr WJ Dispatch Rep Eve D ] Dispatch Rep Fr WJ Gazette Dem Morn Dl Gazette Dem Su W Gazette Dem We & Sa SWj Pennsylvanian Rep Fr W Press Dem Eve D ] Democratic Press Dem-Fr-Wj 3,600 6,200 4,W> 2,800 3,600 3,600 4,200 5,000 2,400 2,200 .02^ 05 .03^ 03^ .03/2 .03^ .03^ -03 03 DELAWARE. DOVER, c.h., 3,000 Kent Co. Delawarean Dem W Index Dem Th W State Sentinel Rep Sa W 2,200 .03 i,475 -03 i, 600 .02 Wilmington, c.h., 62,000 Newcastle Co. Journal Dem Eve D Every Evening Dem-Eve-D Gazette and Journal Dem Th W News Rep Morn ex Su D1 Rep Fr WJ News Republican Republican Rep Eve D 1 Rep Th Wj 5-500 8,100 1,900 7,5oo 3,000 6,500 900 05 07 .05^4 .07 Of .07 .02 Memorandum. 86 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Washinaton's Favorite Family Paver. $2.00 PER ANNUM. 5 CENTS COPY. WASHINGTON, IX C., SUNDAY, JUNE II, 1899. . HE FAVORITE FAMILY PAPER ASHINGTON ,,,., ,. Slnrj.. -WLt Ho ?CH1 IUMM, M* WbouM .,,11,1., .;.;, Ihl. fir. vt. M't"!/ !^ "'. pl.t" ow wut .wta - i si gi 'ijr.u'i?.^* gSssR-swra Tr.^ I. b. .,., .<,.. oa,..- U1L.1 +, s?L,. .,..,:. ,.'>, ' "" L,a ....... Tk. ..!.., HE Sunday Herald I has grown up with I the National Capi- tal, and is therefore appreciated by the oldest in- habitant as well as esteemed by the younger generation." A TRIAL ADVERTISEMENT will convince anyone of its value as an advertising medium. "Jc.'.rC&T. y3&&& SH^sH; KZKSSr5? S^H 1 !:. 1 : J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 87 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Middle States. Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. MARYLAND. ANNAPOI/IS, c. h. , 9, 500 Anne Arundel Co. Capital Dem Eve D 1,350 .02 Baltimore, 675,000 Baliimore City Co. American Ind Morn American Ind Su American Rep-Tu & Fr- Journal Ind Morn ex Su Sonntags Post Ind Su Herald Ind Morn Herald Ind Su Herald Ind Fr- News Ind Eve- Sun Ind Morn ex Su Sun (no cuts) Ind Sa World Ind Eve Cumberland, c.h., 15,000 Allegany Co. Times Dem Eve D] 3,000 .07^ Alleganian Dem Th WJ 1,800 .03 News Rep Morn ex Su D 1,180 .02 Frederick, c.h., 10,000 Frederick Co. News ind Eve D] 1,700 .03 News Ind Th WJ 2,400 .05 Examiner Rep We W 2,700 i D1 . W -SWJ ID] WJ i-D] -W WJ z D i-D] . WJ *D 44,000 59,000 19,000 6,400 10,500 33,600 48,000 17,000 35,000 65,800 32,000 26,000 .I2*/2 .20 .20 .1034 .1034 .12^ 15 .10 .IO .20 .20 .10 05 Hagerstown, c.h., 13,000 Washington Co. Globe Ind Eve D ] Globe Ind Th WJ Mail (no cuts) Dem Eve D"| Mail (no cuts) Dem Fr WJ Herald Rep-Morn ex Su-D Herald and Torchlight Reo Th W 2,000 2,600 i,750 1,500 1,300 .02^ .02^ .02 .02 .05 1,750 .05 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. c.h., (capital U. S.) WASHINGTON, 230,392. Star Ind Eve ex Su D Post Ind Morn ex Su D Post Su Post Ind Tu W Times Dem-Morn & Eve-Dl Times SuJ Herald Ind Su W 33,ooo 35,ooo 50,000 18,000 45,ooo 22,000 3.000 15 .15 .20 .20 15 .10 .04 Memorandum. 88 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Self Culture Magazine Published Monthly by The Werner Company, Akron, Ohio NEW YORK OFFICE: III FIFTH AVENUE Specimens of Type SELF CULTURE, Should be on your List. (i2-point MacFarland) SELF CULTURE, Can be Tried Economically. (io-point MacFarland) Self Culture, T$ a Standard in tbe Advertising Ulorld. (i2-point Bradley) Self-Culture, fia$ a Great Paid Circulation, Direct to Subscribers, (io-point Bradley) SELF CULTURE, Has a Field Peculiarly its Own. (io-point Gushing) SELF CULTURE, Has Long Passed the Experimental Stage. (8-point Gushing) SELF CUL TUREf Is an Acknowledged Medium for Returns. (12 and io-point Jenson Italic) SELF CULTURE, Is a High-Class Literary Magazine. (8-point Jenson Italic) SELF CULTURE, Is from Many Standpoints the Greatest Magazine. (i2-point DeVinne Extra Condensed.) SELF CULTURE, Has a Progressive Buying Circulation. First issue April, 1895. (8-point DeVinne Condensed.) SELF CULTURE, Is for Sale by Newsdealers Everywhere. (i2-point Caslon) SELF CULTURE, Is Ten Cents per Copy, One Dollar a Year. (io-point Caslon) Self Culture, for Circulation, See page 197. (i2-point Satanick.) Self Culture, Rates Quoted Direct or by all Hdvertising Hgencics. (8-point Satanick) The above are a few of the most popular styles of type used for setting advertisements. By a com- bination of these with plain Roman, an effective display may be had. All sizes, ranging from 8-point to 48-point and upwards, are usually carried in stock by up-to-date printers. Self Culture Advertising Rate. $80.00 a page each insertion ; smaller spaces pro rata. No discount for time or space. Size of page, 5x8 in., 16 ins. to a page. Forms close 5th of month in advance. Sample Copies supplied on application. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 89 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. CENTRAL STATES. Esti- mated Luc. 6,800 3,900 4,200 1,000 3,6oo 1,900 3,400 OHIO. Akron, c.b., 35,000 Summit Co. Beacon-Journal Rep-Eve-D] Beacon Rep Tu and Th SWj Democrat Dem Eve D] Times-Democrat Dem We WJ Alliance, 8,000 Stark Co. Leader Dem Eve D1 Leader Dem Tu and Fr SWJ Review Rep Eve D Standard Review Rep Tu and Fr SW Ashtatmla, 8,900 Ashtabula Co. Beacon Rep Eve Dl 1,450 Telegraph Rep We WJ 1,700 Bellaire, 10,000 Belmont Co. Tribune Rep Eve Dl 1,000 Tribune Rep We & Sa SWJ 900 Bellefontaine, c.h., 6,000 Logan Co. Examiner Ind Eve D] 1,300 Examiner Dem Fr WJ 1,500 Index Rep Eve D1 1,000 Index Rep Th WJ 3,000 Bucyrus, c.h., 6,000 Crawford Co. Telegraph Rep Eve D 1,200 Forum Dem Eve D1 800 Forum Dem Fr WJ 1,800 Cambridge, c.h., 7,000 Guernsey Co. Jeffersonian Jeffersonian Ind Eve D] Ind Th WJ 1,050 i, 800 Pubs, one t. rate. 05 .05/2 Memorandum. 3,100 .05^ .04^4 .04^ 03^ .07^4 .02 .02 .02 .OI .02 .02 .02 03 .03^ .01 .02 .02 .02 03 05 Canton, c.h., 35.000 Stark Co. Journal Ind Morn D 1,500 .02 News-Democrat "1 Dem Eve D 3,200 Democrat Dem Th WJ 4,350 Repository Rep Eve D \ 5,900 Repository Rep Su W 7,900 Repository Rep Th WJ 4,250 Chillicothe, c.h., 13,000 Ross Co. Advertiser Dem Eve D] 1,200 Advertiser Dem Fr WJ 2,600 Gazette Rep Eve D1 1,550 Leader-Gazette Rep Sa WJ 5,400 .12 .02 03 .013/4 .05^ 90 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. !.'.. Jahrnnnii. ;). i; (Smcinnatt, Somitoi], Mn ; !. ^ai, IS!):.. ! DAILY f teief reuse i OUNDAY kjreiefcess k 26,910 SFmSSBf WUTION ^ ^\l4v* (JVERY EVENING) 27,400 o f WEEKLY j J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 91 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. CENTRAL STATES Ohio. Cincinnati, c.h., 350,000 Hamilton Co Pubs, one t. rate. Abend Presse Rep Eve D Freie Presse Rep Morn D Sonntagsblatt Rep Su W Freie Presse Rep We W Anzeiger Ind Eve D Anzeiger Ind Su W Anzeiger Ind Tu W Commercial Tribune Rep Morn D Commercial Tribune Rep Su W Commercial Gazette Rep Tu W Dem Morn D Dem Su W 27,400 11,750 26,900 9,200 7,000 6,800 4,100 .06 .06 05 46,000 .15 52,000 .15 38,000 Enquirer Dem Morn D ^| 82,000 Enquirer Dem Su W 180,000 Enquirer Dem Th WJ 200,000 Post Ind Eve D 175,000 Times-Star Rep Eve Dl 150,000 Times Rep Th W J Volksblatt Rep Morn Dl 13,000 Westliche Blaelter Rep-Su 23,000 Volksblatt Rep Tu Wj 13,000 Volksfreund Dem Morn D ^ 9,400 Sonntag Morgen Dem-Su-W 9,600 Volksfreund Dem We WJ 12,000 Circleville, c.h., 8,000 Pickaway Co. Herald Dem Eve D^l 1,200 i Tu WJ 15 .20 25 75 25 15 So 09^ Herald Dem Tu W J 900 Union Herald Rep Eve Dl 850 Union Herald Rep Th WJ 2,200 Cleveland, c.h., 320,000 Cuyahoga Co Leader Rep Morn D ] 40,000 News-Herald Rep Eve D Leader Rep Su W Leader Rep Tu Th and Sa TW Leader Rep Sa W, Plain Dealer Dem Morn and Eve D Plain Dealer Rep Su W Plain Dealer Dem Fr WJ Press Ind Eve D Recorder Dem Morn and Eve D Waechter und Anzeiger (Ger- man) Dem Eve D Waechter und Anzeiger (Ger- man) Dem Su W Waechter und Anzeiger (Ger- man) Dem We W World Rep Eve Dl World Rep Su WJ .02 .01 .01 03 .20 30,000 48,000 .20 .20 2,400 23,000 .20 30,000 27,000 25,000 106,000 .16 .IO .16 .20 32,000 ,20 24,OOO I9,OOO 7,OOO 25,000 23,000 Memorandum. .12 .12 92 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. The /Viodern Priscilla ft^Biit . STUDIED by women who do Fancy Work the very best in- structions and latest designs for every branch of ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK, and offers helpful suggestions and advice to those who are FURNISHING HOMES. Women discuss these matters with their friends and CONSULT THE MODERN PRISCILLA to settle all points of doubt. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: For Sample Copy and Advertising Rates address A. . $ARNES, Agent no Boylston St. BOSTON 170 Fifth Avenue NEW YORK Advertisement Composition SET up advertisements for many of the largest advertisers in Chicago and vicinity. My printing plant is especially adapted to and my help trained to the needs of this line of business. Orders entrusted to me will receive prompt and personal attention. P. C. DARROW, TYPOGRAPHER at 358 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO HEERFUL MOMENTS Advertisers are guaranteed circulation of not less than 100,000 copies per month. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 93 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. CENTRAL STATES Ohio. COI/UMBTJS, c.h., 125,000 Franklin Co. Ind Eve D 1 Ind Th Wj Rep Morn D Rep Su W Dispatch Dispatch Journal Journal Journal Rep Tu and Fr SW Press-Post Dem Eve D Press-Post Dem Su W Press-Post Dem Tu Th and Sa TWJ Westbote Dem Eve D 1 Westbote Dem-Tu & Fr-SWJ Dayton, c.h., 90,000 Montgomery Co. 18,500 4,500 13,000 18,000 24,300 22,000 21,800 30,000 4,OOO l6,000 .07 .10 .08 .10 .15 .10 .12 15 05 .10 6,800 4,500 14,500 11,000 10,800 4,000 3,200 2,800 .05^ 'os^ 05 .02^ .08^ .05 .02 .03 .01 .02 .02 03 Herald Ind Eve D] Herald Ind Th Wj News Ind Eve D1 News Ind Th WJ Press Ind Eve D ^1 Press Ind Th WJ Journal Rep Morn D "1 Journal Rep Tu W J Defiance, c.h., 9.000 Defiance Co. News Dem Eve D^l 1,550 Democrat Dem Th Wj 2,700 Express Rep Eve D 1 750 Express Rep Th Wj 1,700 Delaware, c.h., 9,800 Delaware Co. Gazette Rep Eve D"| 1,200 Gazette Rep Tu & Fr SWj 3,000 Bast Tyiverpool, 13,500 Columbiana Co. Crisis Dem Eve D1 2,260 .03 Crisis Dem Mo and Th SWj 2,400 .03 Findlay, c.h., 21,000 Hancock Co. Courier Dem Eve Dl 1,300 Courier Dem-Tu and Fr-SWj Jeffersonian Rep Eve D "| Jeffersonian Rep Th WJ Republican Rep-Morn-DI Republican Rep Tu and Fr SWJ Fostoria, 7,200 Seneca Co. Review-Dispatch 1 Rep Eve D Review-Dispatch Rep Tu and Fr SW Fremont, c.h., 9,500 Sandusky Co. News Ind Eve Dl 1,350 .02 News Ind Tu and Fr SWj 3,250 .03 .02 03 2,600 1,000 1,900 3,400 3,100 950 .01 1,000 .02 Memorandum. 94 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. 5FRANK LESLIES ibNTHi; Cover design by A. B. Wenzell. Special cover each month. Contributions by the best known authors and artists. i Paid*,*,* Circulation . Tt|8 ol me FOUNDED 1855. and over per month RATES : $200 per page ; $100 half -page ; $50 quarter-page ; $1.25 per agate line. Preferred Positions Extra. DISCOUNTS : 5 per cent for three months ; 10 per cent for six months ; 20 per cent for twelve months. Parties interested in Magazine Advertising may have a copy and full information for the asking. L FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING HOUSE 141-143 Fifth Avenue, New York \ J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 95 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. CENTRAL STATES Ohio. mated Circ. ^t. Memorandum. Gallipolis, c.h., 5,200 Gallia Co. Journal Rep Eve D "1 950 .Oi Journal Rep We Wj I.QOO 03 Greenville, c.h., 5,800 Darke Co. Tribune Rep Eve D ] 1,000 .02 Tribune Rep We Wj 1,100 .02 Hamilton, c.h., 24,000 Butler Co. Democrat Dem Eve D] 3,000 03 Democrat Dem Th WJ 3,400 03 Republican-News ^ Rep Eve D 4,650 .01^ Telegraph Rep Th Wj 4,100 .01^ Ironton, c.h., 12,900 Lawrence Co. Irontonian Dem Morn Dl 1,350 .02 Irontonian Dem Tu and Fr SWJ 1,890 .02 Republican Rep Eve D "] 1,300 .02 Republican Rep Sa WJ 3,350 03 Register Rep Th W 3,000 03 Kenton, c.h., 6,i;oo Hardin Co. News-Republican ] Rep Eve D | 1,150 .02 Graphic-News Ind Fr W 2,100 .03 Republican Rep Fr Wj 1.350 .02 Democrat Dem Eve D ^ 1,050 .02 Democrat Dem Th W J 3,100 03 I/ancaster, c.h., 8,100 Fairfield Co. Eagle Dem Eve D^ 1,100 .02 Eagle Dem Th W, 2,400 03 Democrat Dem Morn D^ 900 .OI Democrat Dem Su W 1,300 .02 Democrat Dem Fr W^ 2,400 03 I/ima, c.h., 17,000 Allen Co. Republican Gazette Rep Morn ex Mo D 2,400 03 Republican Gazette Rep Tu and Fr SW. 2,250 .03 Times-Democrat Dem-Eve-D" 3,100 .03 Times- Democrat Dem Tu and Fr SWJ 4,200 .03^ I,orain, 10,500 Lorain Co. Herald Rep Eve Dl 1,500 .02 Herald Fr Wj 800 .01 Times Eve D] 1,100 .02 Times We WJ 750 .OI Mansfield, c.h., 16,000 Richland Co. News Rep Eve Dl 3,500 .04 News Rep Su W 3,300 .04 News Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 2,400 03 96 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ^ 1 /Vl \l LJ/VlvLJ answered a simple A ^v " T T^ r T r**\ ^-^ f^ inquiry from the r\ I J V i"v l\ A I L^ r!/ rv ^ ** VIEWS concerning _ the results of their advertising with assurances of a profitable experience. When it is considered that in much advertising, from its very nature, one cannot trace direct returns, and, further, that many of the most important advertisers in the REVIEW OF REVIEWS construed the inquiry as an invitation to break their policy of refusing " testimonials," the showing is little short of amazing. It is the best word that has been spoken for years in favor of judicious magazine advertising in general, and of advertising in the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS in particular. Among the firms who found the Review of Reviews so profitable we notice: 2 Underwear Manufacturers. 3 Advertisers of Musical Instruments. 2 Architects. 5 Nurserymen. 44 Railroad and Steamship Companies and Hotel Proprietors. 9 Manufacturers of Furniture. 16 Advertisersof Bicycles and Sundries. American Parlor Kinetoscope Co. Kutnow Bros. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Franco- American Food Co. James Pyle & Sons. Henry S. Northrop. Gerhard Mennen Chemical Co. American Hair Cloth Co. Carter's Ink Co. Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co. Stephen F. Whitman & Son. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Gurney Heater Mfg. Co. Samuel Ward Co. Pond's Extract Co. 2 Mfrs. of High-grade Bath Tubs. 7 Advertisers of Typewriters and Sup- plies. 2 Carriage and Harness Manufacturers. 4 Shoe Manufacturers. 9 Advertisers of Cameras and Supplies. 2 Manufacturers of Silverware. 3 Advertisers of Canoes, Boats and Launches. Armour Packing Co. Winchester Repeating Arms Co. J. W. Surbrug. Crosby Frisian Fur Co. Cluett, Coon & Co. Hall & Ruckel. Marlin Firearms Co. L. E. Waterman Co. Kinnear & Gager Co. Interior Hardwood Co. J. B. Colt & Co. Jos. Dixon Crucible Co. J. B. Williams Co. Rochester Radiator Co. Over one hundred Schools, nearly a hundred Publishers, and many reputable firms that do not classify easily, and for whom we have not space here for individual mention. The rates are but $200 per page, gross. The discounts run up to 20 per cent for time contracts. It is a very conservative statement, in view of the facts, to say that every reputable advertiser consider- ing a list of magazines for 1899-1900 should include the REVIEW OF REVIEWS. Address THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO., 13 Astor Place, New York, or J. WALTER THOHPSON CO., Times Building, New York. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 97 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. CENTRAL STATES-Ohio. MANSFIELD. Continued. Shield Dem Eve D Shield Dem Su W Shield and Banner Dem Tu and Fr SW Esti- mated Circ. 2,300 2,900 3,600 Marietta, c.h,, 14,000 Washington Co. Register Rep Eve D 1 2,000 Register Rep Th W } Marion, c.h., 9,000 Marion Co. 1,700 Massillon, 12,000 Stark Co. Independent Rep Eve D ^1 Independent Rep Mo and Th SWJ Middletown, 8, 100 Butler Co. Journal Rep Eve D "j Journal Rep-Tu and Fr-SWj i, 800 2,200 1,450 1,250 Mount Vernon, c.h., 6.027 Knox Co. Banner Dem Eve D^ 1,200 Banner Dem We & Sa SWJ 2,500 Republican-News Rep-Eve-Dl 1,000 Republican Rep We and Sa SWj 3,100 Newark, c.h., 17,800 Licking Co. Advocate Dem Eve D ") 2,600 Advocate Dem Th W } 4,200 Tribune Rep Eve D \ Tribune Rep Th WJ Niles, 4,800 Trumbull Co. News Rep Eve D "| News Rep Th WJ Norwalk, c.h., 9.000 Huron Co. Chronicle Rep Morn D "I 1,500 Chronicle Rep Th Wj 2,200 Reflector Rep Eve Dl 1,200 Reflector Rep-Tu & Fr-SW | 1,250 Painesville, c.h., 5,100 Lake Co. Telegraph Rep Eve D1 1,100 Telegraph Rep We Wj 1,600 Piqua, 12,000 Miami Co. Call Rep Eve D] 1,600 Helmet Rep Th Wj 1,200 2,200 3,400 I,50O 1,000 Pubs, one t. rate. 0454 05^ .07^ 03 .02 Mirror Mirror Star Star Transcript Transcript Dem Eve D 1 Dem Th WJ Ind Eve D ] Re p _ Fr WJ Rep Eve D ] Rep We WJ 1, 800 .02 1, 8OO .02 2.600 .03 1,900 .01 1, 800 .02 2,800 .03 .02 03 .02 03 .02 03 02^ 03^ .03/2 .03^ .02 .02 .02 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .05^ .05^2 Memorandum. 98 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. MAGAZINE fi QUEEN /SEW YORK CITY S U Of THE DAY;n ,J V- ljo>\e LITERATURE: ;; HOUSEHOLD HI^TS-. P\.NCY WORK-. ; ; (l;RReNT "JOP1CS: > POPULAR pan ON? f THE- A< CALL C 138 TO 146 Circulation over 140,000 Copies /Wonthl\J CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ALL ADVERTISERS THE McCALL COMPANY, 138-146 West 14th Street, NEW YORK k^SM-X^XS^NV s X^x^>^-^>^,^X^,^X^>^,^ J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 99 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. CENTRAL STATES Ohio. mated Circ. one t- Memorandum, rate. Portsmouth, c.h., 16,900 Scioto Co. Blade Rep Eve Dl 1,600 .02 Blade Rep We and Sa SWJ 3,600 03 Times Dem Eve ex Su D] 1,800 .02 Times Dem Sa W J 3,000 03 Salem, 6,100 Columbiana Co. News Rep Eve D " 1, 6OO .02^4 Republican-Era Rep Tu and Fr SW, 2,250 .02^4 Sandusky, c.h., 24,500 Erie Co. Journal Dem Eve Dl 1,800 .02 Journal Dem Sa W J 1,600 .02 Register Rep Morn D 1 2,900 Register Rep Tu W J 3,000 .035^ .03^ Sidney, c.h., 5,100 Shelby Co. News Ind Eve D 950 .02 Democrat Dem Fr Wj 2,250 03 Springfield, c.h., 33,000 Clark Co. Democrat Dem Eve D ] 3,750 03 Democrat Dem Th Wj 3,200 03 Gazette Rep Eve D } 3,600 .03^ Gazette Rep Th Wj 2,800 -03^ Sun Ind Morn D " 5,350 .03^ Sun Ind Tu and Fr SW, 1,500 .0354 Republic-Times Rep Eve D 3,200 0754 Republic Rep Th W 3,700 .0754 Rural Times Rep Mo W. 3,550 .0754 Steubenville, c.h., i4,ooo--Jefferson Co. Gazette Dem Eve D"| 1,200 .02 Gazette Dem Fr Wj 1,500 .02 Herald-Star Rep Eve D ' 2,IOO 03 Herald-Star Rep Fr W J 3,400 .03 Tiffin, c.h., 12,000 Seneca Co. Advertiser Dem Eve D1 1,680 .02 Advertiser Dem-Tu & Fr-SWj 4,500 05 News Dem Eve D\ 95o .01 News Dem Tu and Th SWJ 3,600 .03 Tribune and Herald Rep Eve D I,2OO .02 Tribune Rep-Tu and Fr-SW. 2,250 03 Toledo, c.h., 85,000 Lucas Co. Bee Dem Eve D ' 12,700 .0754 Bee Dem Su W 13,500 .0754 Bee Dem Th W. 12,500 .0424 Blade Rep Eve D' 22,8OO .0754 Blade Rep Th W. I7O,OOO 75 Commercial Ind Morn D" 12,000 .10 Commercial Ind Su W, 10,000 .12 100 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. HARPER'S WEEKLY IS without a peer IN its field. EVERY week it reaches the MONEY=SPENDINQ class in the HOME and in the club. HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers Franklin Square, New York, N. Y. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 101 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. CENTRAL STATES Ohio. TOLEDO Continued. News Ind Eve D^l 23,000 .07^4 Tri-State Farm News Agri Th WJ 5,750 Express Rep Eve D \ 6,200 Express Rep Th WJ 11,000 TJrbana, c.h. , 7,800 Champaign Co. Times-Citizen Rep Eve D"! 1,150 Citizen and Gazette Rep Mo and Th SWJ 2,300 Vanwert, c.h., 5,512 Van Wert Co. Bulletin Rep Eve D'l 1,025 Bulletin Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 1,540 Warren, c.h., 6,800 Trumbull Co. Chronicle Rep Eve D] 1,460 Chronicle Rep We WJ 2,000 Tribune Rep Eve Dl 1,250 Tribune Rep Fr WJ 2,380 Wooster, c.h., 6,180 Wayne Co. Rep Eve Dl 1,050 Rep We WJ Republican Republican Xenia, c.h., 9,400 Greene Co. Gazette and Torchlight Rep Eve D Gazette and Torchlight Rep Tu WJ 2,000 .07^4 .07^4 .0754 .02 03 .02 .02 .02 03 .02 .03 .02 .02 1, 6OO .02 2,500 .03 Youngstown, c.h., 40,000 Mahoning Co. Telegram Rep Eve D^| 8,700 .07^4 Telegram Rep-Mo & Th-SWj 4,800 .07^4 Vindicator Dem Eve D] 9,150 .07^4 Vindicator Dem Su W 6,500 .07^4 Vindicator Dem Th Wj 6,900 .07^4 2/anesville, c.h., 24,000 Muskingum Co. Courier Rep Eve D] 2,300 .03^ Courier Rep We Wj Press Ind Eve Dl Press Ind We WJ Signal Dem Eve Dl Signal Dem Mo & Th SWj Times-Recorder Rep-Morn-D Times-Recorder Rep Su W Times-Recorder Rep Th W INDIANA. Anderson, c.h., 15,000 Madison Co. Bulletin Ind Eve D 2,800 News Dem Eve D1 2,850 Democrat Dem-Tu & Fr-SWj 2,800 Herald Rep Morn D1 1,200 'r WJ 5,200 1,200 800 2,400 4,600 2,800 2,100 3.750 .07^4 .02 .OI .0354 05 .03^ .05 Herald Rep Fi 1,000 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 Memorandum. 102 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Cb* Cedger AN ILLUSTRATED HOME & & PUBLICATION With beautifully Litho- graphed Covers. CIRCULATION FROM NOVEMBER, 1898, TO JUNE, 1899, INCLUSIVE. November, - - 152,135 December, - - 150,000 January 200,034 February, - 197,080 March, - 154,850 April, - 153,764 May, 155,738 June, - 155,000 8)1,318.601 164,825 ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, Publishers. 75 CENTS PER AGATE LINE FLAT. Forms Close on the FIRST DAY of each month, for issue of month following. E. P. CONE, Mqr. Advertising Dept. Ledger Building, NEW YORK CITY THE J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 103 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. CENTRAL STATES-Indiana. 'gfjj? Memorandum. Brazil, c.h., 5,905 Clay Co, Times Eve D") 1,400 .02 Times Tu and Fr SWJ 1,200 .02 Columbus, c.h., 6,719 Bartholomew Co. Republican Rep Eve D') 800 .0254 Republican Rep Th WJ 1,400 .02^ Herald Dem Eve D] 800 .01 Herald Dem Fr Wj 1,500 .02 Crawfordsville, c.h., 6 089 Montgomery Co. Argus-News Dem Eve D] 1,200 .oi^4 Argus-News Dem Sa WJ 1,900 .01 24 Journal Rep Eve D^ 1,400 .02^4 Journal Rep Fr WJ 3,400 .O2>4 Elkhart, 11,360 Elkhart Co. Review Rep Eve Dl 1,900 .02 Review Rep We and Sa SW } 700 .01 Truth Dem Eve D^ 1,700 .02 Truth Dem Th WJ 1,400 .02 JJvansville, c.h., 50,756 Vanderburg Co. Courier Dem Morn D^| 7,850 .05 Courier Dem Tu WJ 8,500 .05 Demokrat Dem Morn D] 3,200 .03 Demokrat Dem Su W 3,600 .03 Demokrat Dem-Tu & Fr-SWj 6,200 .11 Journal Rep Morn D"| 2,200 .10 News Rep Eve ex Su D 6,400 .10 Tournal-News Reo Mo WJ 1,000 .05 Fort Wayne, c.h., 35.393 Allen Co. Freie Presse Ind Eve D1 1,500 .01^ Freie Presse Ind Th WJ 900 .01^ Gazette Rep Morn D] 4,000 .06^4 Gazette Rep Su W 3,000 .06^4 Gazette Rep Th Wj 4,500 .02^4 Journal Dem Morn D^ 3,900 .03^4 Journal Dem Su W | 3,800 .03^4 Journal Dem Th WJ 4,400 .04^4 News Rep Eve D] 3,500 .03 News Rep Fr WJ 1,100 .02 Sentinel Dem Eve D | 5,900 .02^4 Sentinel Dem Sa WJ 3,000 .02 Staats-Zeitung Dem Eve D] 1,000 .02 Staats-Zeitung Dem Tu Wj 1,950 .02 Frankfort, c.h., 5,919 Clinton Co. Times Ind Morn ex Mo D^ 1,500 .02 Times Ind Su W 1,800 .02 Times Ind Sa Wj 3,4OO .03 Goshen, c.h., 6,033 Elkhart Co. Democrat Dem Eve Dl 1,100 .02 Democrat Dem-We & Sa-SWJ 1,500 .02 News Ind Eve D] 1,400 .01^ News Ind We and Sa SWJ 2,200 .02 104 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE WEST'S OPINION : I " PEARSON'S has taken its place beside Munsey's, McClure's and the Cosmopolitan. Chicago Tribune. "The Great 10 cent Magazine" PEARSON'S is the only magazine issued on the i ^th of the month Present price for 100,000 (guaranteed} circulation $150 per page; $120 per page if three pages are used in a year THE EAST'S ENDORSEMENT: "Superb photographic reproductions, graphic illustrations the price does not begin to represent the wealth of matter in PEARSON'S. Boston Globe. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 105 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. CENTRAL STATES-lndiana. "?? rate!" Memorandum. Hammond, 5,428 Lake Co. Leader Rep Eve D 3,000 .03 Tribune Rep Eve Dl 1,200 .02 Tribune Rep We Wj 1,800 .02 Huntington, c.h., 7,328 Huntington Co. Herald Reo Eve D] 1,300 .02 Herald Rep Tu & Fr SWJ 1,600 .02 News-Democrat Dem-Eve-D] 1,100 .013/4 News- Democrat Dem Tu and Fr SWJ 2,430 .03^ INDIANAPOLIS, c.b., 105,436 Marion Co. Tribuene Ind Eve D] 4,650 .03 Tribuene Ind Su WJ 4,725 .03 Journal Rep Morn D] 14,500 .05 Journal Rep Su W 1 14,000 .05 State Journal Rep We WJ 5,630 News Ind Eve D 44,000 .12 Sentinel Dem Morn D] 12,400 .10 State Sentinel Dem We W J 20,000 .25 Sun Ind Eve D 18,000 .10 Telegraph (German) Dem Morn ex Su D 2,800 .03 Spottvogel Dem Su W 5,325 .05 Volksblatt und Telegraph (German) Dem Sa WJ 4,500 .03 Jeffersonville, c.h., 10,666 Clark Co. News Dem Eve D] 1,500 .03^ Nat. Democrat Dem Fr WJ 2,300 .02 Xokomo, c.h., 8,261 Howard Co. Dispatch Dem Morn D^| 1,400 .02 Dispatch Dem-We & Sa SWJ 1,800 .02 News Eve D] 1,350 .02 News Sa WJ 1,100 .02 Tribune Eve D ] 1,300 .02 Tribune Tu and Fr SWJ 1,800 .02 I/afayette, c.h., 16,243 Tippecanoe Co. Call Eve D] 3,800 .04^ Call Sa WJ 4,000 .08^ Courier Rep Eve D] 3,000 .03^ Courier Rep Tu WJ 4,200 .05^ Journal Dem Morn D^| 4,000 .11 Journal Dem Fr WJ 4,250 .11 I^aporte, c.h., 7,126 Laporte Co. Argus Dem Eve Dl 900 .01 Argus Dem Th WJ 1,200 .02 Herald Rep Eve Dl 1,200 .oi^4 Herald Rep Th WJ i,435 -O? 1 A 106 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Minimum Circulation Copies Each Month SHOULD MARRIED WOMEN FOLLOW PROFESSIONS? * * BY SARAH GRAND Advertisers are continuous customers because of returns. Advertising Rates $1.50 Per Line. TTTT^ T^T O iHr rl IS I A 11*1 Iwl^l^lO TEMPLE COURT, NEW YORK BOYCE BUILDING, CHICAGO 227 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 107 Leading Dailies and Weeklies &>ntinued. Esti- CENTRAL STATES Indiana. I/ogansport, c.h., 13,328 Cass Co. Journal Rep Morn Dl 1,200 Journal Rep-Tu and Fr-SWj Pharos Dem Eve D^ Pharos Dem We & Sa SW J Reporter Ind Eve D ) Reporter Ind Tu & Fr SWJ i,5ou 1,500 2,500 2,200 2,000 2,300 i, 600 1,500 1,200 i, 600 1,550 Madison, c.h., 8,936 Jefferson Co. Courier Rep Eve D"| 1,200 Courier Rep We W J 2,000 Democrat Dem Eve D 1 900 ") Democrat Dem-Tu & Fr-SWj 2,000 / Marion, c.h., 8, 769 Grant Co. Chronicle Rep Eve D1 Chronicle Rep-Tu and Fr-SWJ Leader Dem Eve D ] Leader Dem Tu and Fr SW J News Rep Morn ex Mo D'| News Rep Tu and Fr SWj Michigan City, 10,776 Laporte Co. Dispatch Dem Eve D1 1,200 Dispatch Dem Th Wj 1,600 News Rep Eve Dl 1,750 News Rep We Wj 1,550 Muncie, c.h., 11,345 Delaware Co. Herald Dem Eve D 1 2,300 Herald Dem Fr Wj 2,000 News Rep Morn ex Mo D1 News Rep We WJ Times Rep Eve Dl i Wj Pubs, one t. rate. .02 .02 .02 .02 .0214 .03/2 .05^ .05^ Times Rep Th 2,500 2,000 2,400 New Albany, c.h., 21,059 Floyd Co. Ledger Ledger Tribune Tribune Dem Eve D 1 Dem We Wj Rep Eve D ] ^r Wj i, 600 4,000 1,050 1,300 Rep F Peru, c.h., 7,028 Miami Co. Journal Ind Eve D 1,100 Sentinel Dem- We & Sa-SW 3,150 Republican Rep Th W 3,000 Richmond, c.h., 16,608 Wayne Co. Item Ind Eve D 1 2,600 Item Ind Tu and Fr SWJ 1,100 Palladium Rep Eve D1 2,100 Palladium Rep Th WJ 2,500 Sun-Telegram Dem Eve D] 1,800 Sun-Telegram Dem Th Wj 2.000 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 oi}4 .013/4 .02 .02 .02 .02 02J4 .0454 .02 .02 .02 03 .03^ .0134 .0134 .0134 .0134 .06 .06 Memorandum. 108 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY Tolhezeitung Volkszeitung Printing & Publishing Co. The Volkszeitung is the only C'T' Tl A T TT TITrrK.TTVT German daily paper in Min- ST* PAUL, MINN* nesota. It is published in a city that has a German popu- lation of 50,000 and is read by 6,000 wide-awake and progressive people every evening. The Semi-Weekly covers the Northwest to the Pacific coast, 20,000 paid subscribers. The facilities for news-getting of the Volkszeitung equal that of the best German Dailies of this country. The steady growth of its advertising patronage is the very best evidence of its value as a medium for reaching the German public. TRAINED MOTHERHOOD :-MOTOERttOOD-COMPANY HEW YORK ONE DOLLAR A Y"AR TRAINED MOTHERHOOD cA Monthly Journal, for the Young Wife, Mother and Child This is a journal of 48 pages, 5 1-2x8, ex- clusive of advertising. Every month TRAINED MOTHERHOOD reaches 15,000 young mothers, anxious to obtain all possible information on every sub- ject that can in any way contribute to the wel- fare of herself and child. It is edited by a physician of national repu- tation as a writer and author. Its contributors include the best known writers on Diseases of Children; Kindergarten Work; Care of Children; Expectant Motherhood; and other branches of especial value to the young mother and her child. No journal in the world covers this field as exclusively and completely. It appeals to a special class of readers that is probably more intensely interested in everything that pertains to their condition than is the case with any other class. THE MOTHERHOOD COMPANY, Publishers, l3 ' 21 p R A 1f $ T, VORK Yearly, $1.00. Copy, 10 Cents. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- CENTRAL STATES -Indiana. Shelbyville, c h., 5,451 Shelby Co. Democrat Dem Eve D 1 2,400 Shelby Democrat Dem-Th-W I 3,400 Republican Rep Eve Dl 1,000 Republican Rep-Tu & Fr-SWJ 1,500 South. Bend, c.h., 21.819 St. Joseph Co Times Dem Eve Dl 1,750 Times Dem Tu and Fr SWJ 1,600 Tribune Rep Eve D } 3,000 Tribune Rep Fr WJ 1,700 Terre Haute, c.h., 30 217 Vigo Co. Pubs, one t. rate. .02^4 .02 .02 .02 .02 03 .02 Express Rep Morn D Express Rep Su W Express Rep Tu and Fr SW Gazette Dem Eve Dl Gazette Dem Th WJ Tribune Ind Eve D ] Tribune Ind We W J Sat. Eve. Mail Ind Sa W Vincennes, c.h., 8,853 Knox Co. 4,400 5,200 3,600 5,000 07^4 .0754 3,8oo 2,300 3,500 Commercial Commercial Sun Western Sun Wabash, c.h. Plain Dealer Plain Dealer Rep-Morn-D] Rep_Fr WJ Dem Eve D 1 i Fr WJ 1,200 800 1,450 3,500 850 Dem Fr WJ 2,500 5,105 Wabash Co. Reo Eve Dl 1,000 Rep Fr WJ 2,500 Times Dem Morn ex Mo Dl 900 Times Dem Fr WJ 1,400 ILLINOIS. Alton, 10,294 Madison Co Republican Rep Eve Republican Rep Th Sentinel-Democrat Dem^-Eve ex Su Sentinel-Democrat Dem Th Telegraph Rep Eve Telegraph Rep Th Aurora, 19,688 Kane Co. Beacon Rep Eve ex Su D1 Beacon Rep We & Sa SWJ Post Ind Eve ex Sa and Sul Post Ind SuJ Express Ind Morn ex Su Dl Herald-Express Ind Tu and Fr SWJ News Rep Eve ex Su D1 News Rep Tu and Fr SW I D l WJ -D -D' W 03 03 03 .02 03 .01 .02 .OI .02 .01 .02 .02 .OI 1,500 .03^ 1,750 I,OOO 1,200 .03^ .02 .02 1,450 .04 1, 8OO .O7J4 1,200 .03 i,75o .03 i, 600 .03 1,000 .03 4,100 1,500 .04 Memorandum. 110 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE DAILY JEWISH COURIER lrr Tpfasya MM 87 t Wt Itth Str.-t. 8TABLI8HBD I8S7. .E-1C3 V = 1 2 C=V " 274 D't^ No. Id Chicago ft Bt. tx>ul July 12. 1889 -o-nr i Seven, mother. sleeping c.rri.ges behind Old Fritttd Halloa ! So yon are I business, now. eh , Why did you retl! Z>* Writer Got hungry. v* JSS* Sttart 1 AGRICULTURAL EXPLORATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES. been organized. i. SS-.Mn >S it >334.737.oi in the corresponding .V'jss.a.T.Ka.w ,*/ This Is too I It any longer! To-t yxsffffisx? R HALF MILLION CIRCULATION PER MONTH V GUARANTEED / Mr. Cottrh S?^:S.?^fJ: graDdmother to little boy. who ww lld- pS:,j3.j.fJra{SS nJo-ro^-rS^o'nVSlnr'S: ss H-HE^Si ilsil^^ wa. paving , K m gj^nt tree., .mong Whkh wu This remarkable achievement of keep- itaW 1 him to think New York. "^ . success of American mar, a2e of Se tremendous Ul in the value of success "of A"eric^nmanufactu're e in for- eign fields. The detailed figures of the Treasury Bureau of Statistic., covering the ten month* ending with April. 1899. Our Advertisers are our Continuous Friends aOYERTISING RftTES, $2.00 PER LINE 227 Washington St. THE ELLIS COMPANY Boyce Building Boston Chicago Temple Court Bldg., New York J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 119 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. CENTRAL STATES Illinois. *? rate!' , c. h. 25,000 Sangamon Co. .07^ .07^ .10 .07^ .12 .20 05 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 03^ Journal Rep Morn D ") 4,400 Journal Su | 4,500 Journal Rep Tu & Fr SWJ 4,200 Register Dem Morn D^ 4,350 Register Su 4,600 Register Dem Tu & Fr SWJ 3,900 News Rep Eve D ] 5,025 News Rep Fr WJ 1,000 Sterling, 5,900 Whiteside Co. Gazette Rep Eve D"| 1,600 Gazette Rep Fr Wj 2,100 Standard Rep Eve Dl 1,500 Standard Rep Th Wj 1,500 Streator, 12,000 Lasalle Co. Free Press Rep Eve D] 1,450 Free Press Rep Fr WJ 1,325 Independent Times Dem Eve D | 1,200 Times-Tribune Dem Th WJ 1,550 Waukegan, c.h., 8,000 Lake Co. Gazette-Register Rep-Eve-D "I 1,475 -02 Gazette Reo Fr WJ 2,500 .02 Sun Eve D^ 1,390 .02 Sun Dem Sa WJ 1,300 .02 MICHIGAN. Adrian, c.h., 10,000 Lenawee Co. Telegram Ind Eve D 1,100 .02 Times and Expositor "1 Rep Morn D | 1,000 .02 Times and Expositor Rep Fr WJ 1,800 .02 Alpena, c.h., 12,000 Alpena Co. Echo Ind Eve D 2,200 .03 Ann Arbor, c.h., 12,000 Washtenaw Co. Argus Dem Eve D1 1,000 .02 Argus-Democrat Dem Fr W J 4,000 .05 Battle Creek, 18,000 Calhoun Co. Journal Journal Moon Moon Bay City, c.h. Times-Press Times Tribune Tribune Tribune Rep Eve D "1 Rep_We Wj Ind Eve D] Ind Th WJ , 35,000 Bay Co. Ind Eve D Ind Su W Rep Morn D Rep Su W | Reo Th WJ 2,300 2,250 2,300 2,550 6,600 8,000 6,200 6,000 03 .03 03 03 .05^ .05^ Memorandum. .05^ .05^ 120 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. VOL. II. No. 3. you will HiinainrwK B. L. FARJEON. mu I akc up 10 the njgbt udgt and ;ary. and til ibe ITS . ...tetbu ,o,urf 3le to rike the Bkil on the h*d." 200,000 " Per Month GUARANTEED ^^ ;" yj T!' " ..kisr'^s:" ; *5"'^-c J , jn uud. nMtlj i^.ud , ,.w.i c 1 IrtoTwist* uod WM uliliwd by Hn. g^^C iTilSli A WEALTH OF DELIGHTFUL STORIES IH THIS ISSUE. Advertisers Make Big Money Using It Rates only 80 cents per line. 227 Washington St. THE ELLIS COMPANY Boyce Building 8051011 Temple Court, New York Chica * J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 121 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- CENTRAL STATES-Hichigan. Benton Harbor, 7,500 Berrien Co. News Ind Eve Dl i,75o\ News Ind Th W } 500 / Palladium Rep Eve D] 1,100 Palladium Rep-Tu and Fr-SWj 1,600 Coldwater, c.h., 5,600 Branch Co. Reporter Ind Eve Dl 1,800 Reporter Ind-Tu and Fr-SWj 2,000 Courier-Republican Rep Fr W 3,ooo Detroit, c.h., 238,000 Wayne Co. Abend Post Rep Eve D Sonntagsblatt der Abend Post Rep Su W Familien Blaetter (German) Rep Tu and Fr SWj News Ind Eve D Free Press Ind Morn D ") Free Press Ind Su W Free Press Ind-Tu & Fr-SWj 100,000 Journal Rep Eve D ] 35,000 Journal Rep-Tu and Fr-SWj 24,000 Tribune Rep Morn D1 17,000 News-Tribune Ind Su W | 36,800 Tribune Ind We WJ 22,200 Escanaba, c.h., 8,000 Delta Co. Mirror Ind Eve D1 1,000 Mirror Ind Sa WJ Flint, c.h., 11,000 Genesee Co. Journal Rep Eve D "j Journal Rep Tu and Fr SWJ News Dem Eve D Genesee Democrat Dem Sa W 7,700 8,000 14,000 73,400 42,000 49,000 1,400 1,500 2,000 1,700 Pubs, one t. rate. .03 .0354 03 .02 .02 03 .03^ 05/2 .20 .12 15 50 .IO .08^ .IO .12 .20 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 2,4OO .02 Grand Rapids, c.h., 80,000 Kent Co. Democrat Dem Morn D'l 8,500 Democrat Dem Su W | 4.100 Middle West Dem Th WJ 5,000 Press Ind Eve D 31,000 Herald Rep Morn D 1 10,000 Herald Rep Su W 8,000 Herald Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 4,300 Iron Mountain, c.h.. 8,599 Dickinson Tribune Rep Eve D1 1,000 Range Tribune Rep Sa Wj 1,050 Jackson, c h., 22,600 Jackson Co. Citizen Rep Eve D 1 3,400 Citizen Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 3,000 07^4 .07^ .0154 .08 05 05 05 Co. .02 .02 Memorandum. 122 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. HARPEKSBAZAR 'TpHERE is no better way to * reach the women who have the intelligence to appreciate and the financial ability to purchase high=class articles than through the advertising columns of HARPERS BAZAR It has stood the test for more than thirty years. HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers Franklin Square, New York, N. Y. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 123 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. CENTRAL STATES-Michigan. JACKSON. Continued. Press Ind Eve D 1 2,250 Patriot Dem Morn D | 3,200 Patriot Dem Su W I 3,500 Patriot Dem Tu & Fr SWJ 3,000 Kalamazoo, c.h., 24,500 Kalamazoo Co. News Ind Eve D^l 4,600 .03 News Ind Tu and Sa SWj 3,ooo .03 Gazette Dem Morn D"] 2,000 Gazette Dem Su W 2,300 Gazette Dem Fr Wj 2,200 Telegraph Rep Eve Dl 6,000 Telegraph Rep- We & Sa-SWj 6,200 I/ANSING, 19,000 Ingham Co. Journal Dem Eve D 1 2,500 Journal Dem Fr Wj 2,100 Republican Rep Eve D ] 2,500 Republican Rep Th Wj 3,100 .13 .18 .18 .15 .02 .02 .02 .03 .03 .03 .02^ Manistee, c.h., 14,000 Manistee Co. News Ind Eve D^l 1,100 Times-Sentinel Rep Fr Wj 800 Marquette, c.h., 9,700 Marquette Co. Mining Journal Rep-Morn-DI 3,ioo Mining Journal Rep Sa Wj 1,400 Menominee, c.h., 15,000 Menominee Co. Leader Dem Eve Dl 1,050 .02 Democrat Dem Sa WJ 800 Muskegon, c.h., 22,800 Muskegon Co. Chronicle Rep Eve D 1 Chronicle Rep Th WJ News Dem Morn ex Mo D News and Reporter Dem Fr W Berrien Co. Ind Eve D 2,000 1,400 1, 800 .02 .01 03 .02 .01 .02 .02 .02 500 .01 Niles, 5,000- Star 1,500 .02 Owosso, 8,000 Shiawassee Co. American Ind Eve D] 1,350 .02 American Ind Fr WJ 1,900 .02 Argus Local Eve D] 1,300 .02 Argus Local Fr Wj 1,400 .02 Pontiac, c.h., 10,000 Oakland Co. Gazette Rep Fr W 3,180 .03 Post Dem Fr W 2,700 .03 Port Huron, c.h., 19,000 St. Clair Co. Times Rep Eve D^| 3,000 .03^4 Times Rep Fr Wj 2,300 .07^4 Memorandum. 124 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE SACRED HEART REVIEW [" FOR GOD AND COUNTRY ) vi/^M^ws^^sav^wwq ^^y/nw^sm^^K^ Bargains for Graduation Day. Jordan JWarsh &Co. RoyAL WORCESTER CORSETS AN IDEAL SUMMER CORSET Guaranteed Circulation 40.000 Copies per week Its staff includes some of the most prominent writers of the day. SUBSCRIPTION $ 2.00 The sacred Heart Review is owned and published by a corporation consisting of one hun- dred of the leading Catholic clergymen of New England. It has the endorsement and personal recommendation of every Catholic clergyman in New England, giving it an influence and standing with the Catholics which no other Catholic publication has : a strictly family, religious publication, having depart- ments adapted to the wants and interests of every member of the family. It has one of the best Book Review departments of any publication in the country ; also a brief summary of the hap- penings of the world under the heading "The Week's News." REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY, 194 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Advertising Manager, CHARLES E. PUTNAM. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 125 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. rate!' CENTRAL STATES-Hichigan. Saginaw, c.h., 55,000 (including East Sag- inaw) Saginaw Co. Courier-Herald Rep-Morn-DI Courier-Herald Rep Su W | Courier-Herald Rep Th Wj Leader Ind Eve D News Dem Eve D "I News Dem Tu and Fr SWJ Traverse City, c.h.9,ooo-Grand Traverse Co. Record Morn ex Mo D 960 .01 Eagle Ind Eve Dl 1,100 Eagle Ind Fr Wj 1,700 Herald Rep Th W 2,400 Ypsilanti, 6,500 Washtenaw Co. Commercial Ind Th W 1,275 WISCONSIN. Appleton, c.h., 15,000 Outagamie Co. Crescent Dem Eve D1 1,250 Crescent Dem Sa WJ 1,750 Post Rep Eve D^ 1,000 Post RepTh WJ 1,900 Ashland, c.h., 12,300 Ashland Co. News Dem Eve D] 1,800 .02 News Dem We WJ 900 .01 Press Rep Eve D] 1,650 .02 Press Rep Sa Wj 1,000 .01 4 Chippewa Falls, c.h., 8,670 Chippewa Co. Herald Rep Eve D] 2,100 .03 Herald Rep Fr WJ 2,400 .03 Claire, c.h., 18,800 Eau Claire Co. Memorandum. 6,ooo .03^2 6,500 .03 V 2 9,000 .05^ 2,000 .02 9,000 .03 8,300 .04 .02 .02 .03 .02 .01 .01 .01 .02 1,200 1, 600 2,900 3,500 5,000 1,200 I,OOO Free Press Rep Eve D Free Press Rep Th W Leader Dem Morn ex Mo D Leader Dem Su W Leader Dem Sa W. Telegram Eve D 1 Telegram Th WJ Fond du I/ac, c.h., 13,000 Fond du Lac Co. Commonwealth Rep-Eve-DI 2,000 .03 Commonwealth Rep Tu and Fr SW J 3,000 Reporter Dem Eve D] 1,800 Reporter Dem Sa WJ 3,600 Greenbay, c.h., 18,000 Brown Co. Gazette Rep Eve D 1 2,800 Gazette R ep _We WJ .02 .02 .03 .03 .05 .01 .01 .04 03 2,000 Advocate Dem-Morn-D^ 1,600 Advocate Dem-Tu & Fr-SWJ 2,200 03 .02 .02 .03 126 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. CHICAGO ELECTROTYPE &STEREOTYPE COMPflNY 8BB Elecfrotypers Half-Tone and Zinc Etchers Engravers Designers apd Illustrators 149-155 PLYMOUTH PLflCE LAKESIDE PRESS BUILDING Long Distance Tel. Harrison 612 REEDERS OF PURE ill BRED LIVE STOCK are a Progressive, Up-to-date Class of Farmers Those fine farms you see along the road Fences up; Buildings in good condition ; Houses painted ; Windmills up ; Farm Machinery the best to be had; Fine Horses, Sheep, Cows and Swine in the fields those farmers own their farms and have money to buy anything which may increase the income of their farms. You want this class for your customers. looded a Monthly Journal, clean and neatly printed reaches just such a class of farmers. It is published in their interest. When you want to reach those farmers try your ad. in its columns insist on it being there. For terms, samples, etc., write BLOODED STOCK, Oxford, Pa. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 127 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. CENTRAL STATES-Wisconsin. circ. rate.' Janesville, c.h., 13,000 Rock Co. Gazette Rep Eve D 1 2,800 .02 Gazette Rep- We and Sa-SWJ 4,100 .0134 Recorder Dem Morn ex Mo D 1,500 .02 Recorder and Times Dem Th W 2,200 03 I/a Crosse, c.h., 29,000 La Crosse Co. Chronicle Dem-Morn-Dl 1,600 .0354 Chronicle Dem Th WJ 1,600 .03 Press Ind Eve D ] 3,800 03 Press Ind Fr Wj 1,000 .02 Republican and Leader Rep Eve D 2,780 03 Republican and Leader Rep Fr W 3,800 03 MADISON, c.h., 15,000 Dane Co. Democrat Dem-Morn-DI 1,800 .05^ Democrat Dem Su W 1,500 05^ Democrat Dem-We & Sa-SWJ 2,000 .05^ Journal Rep Eve D] 1,800 .05^ Journal Rep Fr WJ 3,000 05^ Marinette, c.h., 15,000 Marinette Co. Eagle Rep Eve D1 1,200 .02 Eagle Rep Sa WJ 1,500 .02 Milwaukee, c.h., 262,000 Milwaukee Co. Wisconsin Rep Eve D 1 19,800 .1024 Wisconsin Rep Sa W J 29,000 .I2*/ 2 Abend-Post Ind Eve Dl 20,100 .08 Sonntags-Post Ind Su W 19,985 .08 Germania Ind Tu WJ 91,400 35 Herold Ind Morn Dl 12,800 .1034 Herold Ind Su W 15,000 .103/4 Herold Ind Mo Wj 21,800 .l2*/ 2 Journal Dem Eve D "1 29,400 .11 Journal Dem Fr Wj 16,000 .IO j News Ind Eve D 17,000 .07 Sentinel Rep Morn D1 21,000 .10 Sentinel Rep Su W 22,500 .10 Sentinel Rep We W J 24,000 .10 Vorwaerts Labor Eve D 1 6,200 .03/2 Vorwaerts Labor Su W 6,900 .03^ Wahrheit Labor Sa W J 4,000 .03 Neetiah, 6,000 Winnebago Co. Times Dem Eve D] 1,100 .013/4 Times Dem Sa WJ 1,150 Oshkosh, c.h., 27,000 Winnebago Co. Enterprise Eve D 1,500 .03^ Northwestern Rep Eve D 1 4,500 .03^ Northwestern Rep Sa Wj 1,500 .02 Memorandum. 128 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE I I HE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS OF CANADA ARE MEMBERS OF THE BEST HOMES IN THE COUNTRY WELL-TO-DO, READY-TO-BUY, AND ABLE-TO- PAY HOMES. The Sunday School Banner is their Journal CIRCULATION OVER 16,000 WILLIAM BRIGGS PUBLISH F.R 31-33 RICHMOND ST., WEST TORONTO THE FAVORITE IN THE CONVENTS, SCHOOLS AND HOMES Approved by all the Catholic dignitaries of America* THE GUARDIAN ANGEL PHILADELPHIA, PA. # The oldest and best of the Catholic papers* J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 129 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. CENTRAL STATES Wisconsin. Circ. rate.. OSHKOSH.-Contin ued. Times Dem Morn ex Mo D ) 4,700 .03^ Times Dem Su W | 5,600 .03^ Times Dem Sa WJ 2,200 .01 Racine, c.h., 25,000 Racine Co. Journal Rep Eve D 3,200 03 Journal Rep We W 3,000 03 Times Eve D 2,400 03^ Utley's Weekly Th W 4,500 03/2 Sheboygan, c.h., 20,000 Sheboygan Co. Journal Dem Morn D 1 ,2OO .02 Star Dem Sa W ) ,IOO .02 Wausatl, c.h., 11,000 Marathon Co. Record Ind Eve D 1 ,250 .02 Record Ind Tu and Fr SW ,400 03 Record Ind Th W J ,500 03 West Superior, 25,000 Douglas Co. Telegram Eve D 4,500 .05^ Leader Rep Morn ex Mo D] 3,500 Leader Rep Su WJ 4,200 .04 Memorandum. is the only magazine with high-class, artistic, colored illustrations in every number. ADVERTISING IN TRUTH PAYS. MONTHLY MAGAZINE THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW COMMENTS FROM TRUTH'S READERS " It very peculiarly fits a field that no other periodical fills." " I can boldly say that TRUTH today is the acme of perfec- tion in every department. ' ' "I consider TRUTH one of the most artistic, unique and up-to-date periodicals of the day." " TRUTH is the finest illustrated magazine in the world. As an advertiser I get acres of publications. TRUTH is the only one I subscribe to." " I consider TRUTH'S illustrations the finest published in this country." "It is far away in advance of anything heretofore done in this country, and it certainly deserves the highest patronage, both in the line of subscribers and advertising " TRUTH COMPANT, iqth St. and 4th Ave., New York. 130 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE BURLINGTON HAWKEYE. SIXTY-FIRST YEAR: No. (.. To-ft,/. Wntl*,: F,,,. BURLINGTON, KJWA. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 17. 1899.- LAST IOWA BOYS IN Help to Repu by %%8al^: STRONG VIEWS .. ; .. Fs BIG RUSH ON THE TARIFF i=TgsgM/s ON IN IRON ' 'cHicwo't nnuTni. IOWAS FAMOUS PAPER Everybody knows it. -<&* Every Advertiser should use it. Has no Competitor in its field. "uililUnBHTKU. Rates furnishsd upon application. STEVE W. FLOYD, Special Representative, 150 Nassau Street, New York. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 131 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. WESTERN STATES. Esti- MINNESOTA. g Albert I/ea, c.h., 4,600 Freeborn Co. Tribune Rep Eve Dl 1,500 Tribune Rep-Tu & Fr-SWj 2,100 Crookston, c.h , 4,000 Polk Co. Times Ind Eve D] 1,500 Times Ind Sa W J 3,300 Duluth, c.h., 53,000 St. Louis Co Herald Ind Eve D 1 8,300 Herald Ind We WJ 3,850 News-Tribune Rep-Morn-DI 7,500 News-Tribune Rep Su W 7,800 News-Tribune Rep Sa Wj 1,200 Fergus Falls, c.h., 5,000 Ottertail Co. Pubs, one t. rate. Memorandum. .02 .02 .02^ 02^ 05^ Journal Journal Rep Eve D] Rep Th Wj 800 2,650 .043/4 .05^ .03^ .01 .02 Mankato, c.h,, 10,000 Blue Earth Co. Free Press Rep Eve D] 1,550 Free Press Rep Fr Wj 2,000 Review Dem Eve D] 1,250 Review Dem Tu Wj 1,500 Minneapolis, c.h., 218,000 Hennepin Co. Journal Rep Eve D Tidende Ind Eve ex Sa D Tid nde (Scan.) Ind Su W Tidende (Scan.) Ind Fr W, Times Ind Morn D] Times Ind Su WJ Tribune Rep-Morn & Eve-D Tribune Rep Su W Farmers' Tribune Rep Tu and Fr SW 47,ooo 3,9oo 6,000 27,000 31,700 41,900 51,000 24,000 .02 .02 .02 .02 .12 .03/2 03^ .12 3 .12 .12 22,OOO .12 .06 .07^4 Red Wing, c.h., 7,685 Goodhue Co. Republican Rep Eve D1 1,400 Republican Rep We WJ 2,400 St. Cloud, c.h., 10,400 Stearns Co. Journal-Press Rep Eve D] 1,800 .02 Journal-Press Rep Th Wj 2,800 .03 Times Dem Eve D] 1,500 .02 Times Dem We Wj 3,000 .03 132 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. TheStPanlDailyGlobe CCASIONALLY, an advertising man- ager, having failed to penetrate the situation, omits the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE from his calculations for Minnesota advertising. What an error this is will be seen when the fact is stated, that the St. Paul Daily Globe is the ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER in a state in which the vote in the Presidential Election of 1896 stood as follows: -- Rep., 193,501; Dem., 139,626; Pro., 4,365 ; G. Dem., 3,230; Social Lab., 915. The population of Minnesota is 1,301,326, or approximately four persons to each voter, indicating that, at the lowest estimate, over 500,000 of the total population adhere to the Democratic column, and will therefore prefer, and be influenced by a Democratic paper, if any. The Daily average circulation of the Globe during the entire year of 1898 was 22,012 copies. The daily average circulation for the first sik months of 1899, for the daily edition, has been over 22,500 copies, and for the Sunday edition, over 26,000 copies. A moderate rate is charged for advertising space, and estimates will be furnished by the Home Office, or by Williams & Lawrence, 87 Washington St., Chicago, and Charles H. Eddy, 10 Spruce St., New York City. TheStPaulDailyGlobe J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 133 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. WESTERN STATES Hinnesota. ST. PATJI,, 140,000 Ramsey Co. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rule. Dispatch Rep Eve D ") 42,000 .12 Dispatch Rep Th WJ 27,000 05 Globe Dem Morn D^ 20,000 .10 Globe Dem Su W 21,000 .10 Globe Dem Th W. 14,000 .10 Pioneer Press Rep-Morn-D^ 32,700 .11 Pioneer Press Rep Su W 28,900 .11 Pioneer Press Rep Th W. 26,000 .11 Volkszeitung Ind Eve D" 5,200 .05^ Minnehaha Ind Su W 7,200 .07 Volkszeitung (German) Ind Tu and Fr SW. 19,000 .15 Stillwater, c.h., 12,000 Washington Co. Gazette Rep Eve D] 1,500 .03 Gazette Rep We WJ 1,200 .02 Winona, c.h., 22,600 Winona Co. Herald Rep Eve Dl 3,100 Herald Rep Fr WJ Republican Rep Eve D ] WJ Republican Rep Fi Rep Ev Rep We- 4,000 IOWA. Boone, c.h., 6,520 Boone Co. News Ind Morn Dl News Ind Fr WJ Republican Rep Eve D "| V-WJ Republican Rep Th 1, 800 1,500 2,300 1,000 2,000 .04^4 .05^ .04 .02 .03^ .03^ .02 .02 Burlington, c.h., 22,565 Des Moines Co. Democrat-Journal Dem Eve D Democrat-Journal 4,000 .03^ Dem We WJ 3,800 .03^ Gazette Rep Eve D ] 4,200 .04^4 Gazette Rep Th WJ 6,800 .io l / 2 Hawk- Eye Rep-Morn-D^ 6,000 .03 1 A Hawk-Eye Rep_Su W 1 6,500 .03^ Hawk-Eye Rep Th Wj 10,000 .03 Cedar Rapids, 18,020 Linn Co. Gazette Ind Eve D } 6,500 .07^4 Gazette Ind We WJ 3,850 .07^ Republican Rep Morn D] 5,000 .05^ Republican Rep Su W 4,500 .05^ Republican Rep Th Wj 4,000 .05^ Clinton, c.h., 23,716 Clinton Co. Age Dem Morn ex Mo D1 1,000 .03^ Age Dem Fr Wj 1,400 .03^ Herald Rep Eve D1 2,000 .02 Herald Rep-Tu Th & Sa-TWJ 2,248 .02 Memorandum. 134 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO, ttome* m. Read by more than 5,500 of the well-to-do farming class for its city and county news. It is the only Democratic newspaper at the State Capital. It has a larger circulation than any other weekly of Des Moines. It circulates among a buying class of people who do not read the dailies regularly. S. R. DAVIS, Consolidated January 5, 1899, with the Creston Citizen, and will have Editor and Publisher. 10,000 paid subscribers by Jan. 1, 1900. We invite investigation. No advertiser c who keys his advertisements and tabulates inquiries and orders received ever fails to report favorably on the Des Moines Daily News Iowa's foremost high-class daily. Advertising accepted at the flat rate of 4 cents per agate line. Over 24 ,000 cir- culation guaranteed. CRESTON, IOWA Morning American ONLY MORNING PAPER IN 8th IOWA DISTRICT Average Circulation in 1898, 1,500 Independent American THE OLDEST FARM AND LABOR WEEKLY IN THE WEST Average Circulation in 1898, 2,500 The two papers reach a prosperous class of people in Southwestern Iowa, the Greatest Stock Country in the World. For rates address W. H. ROBB, Manager CRESTON, IOWA J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 135 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. WESTERN STATES Iowa. 'cf^f rate!' Council Bluffs, c.h. 2 1, 4 74 PottawattamieCo. Globe Democrat Dem-Eve-D^ 2,800 .02 Globe-Democrat Dem-Fr-WJ 3,500 .03 Nonpareil Rep Morn D ] 3,200 .04^4 Nonpareil Rep Th W J 4,000 .05^ Creston, 7,200 Union Co. Advertiser Dem Eve D "] 1,000 .02 Advertiser Dem-Tu & Fr-SWj 1,050 .02 Gazette Rep Eve D ~] 1 ,000 .02 Gazette Rep Th W J 2.IOO .02 American Morn ex Mo Dl I,50O .02 Independent American Th-Wj 2,400 .03^ Davenport, c.h., 26,872 Scott Co. Democrat Dem Eve Dl 7,400 .08 X Democrat Dem Su W 1 7,800 .08 l / 3 Democrat Dem Th Wj 8,800 .08^ Demokrat Ind-Morn-Dl 3,500 .03 Demokrat Ind-We & Sa-SW ! 4,150 .04 Demokrat Ind Th WJ 13,250 .10 Leader Dem Eve ex Sa Dl 7,60O .02 Y 2 Leader Dem Su W 8,OOO .02^2 Leader Dem We W ; 9,500 .02^2 Republican and Tribune Rep Morn ex Mo D 3,500 .03^ Republican and Tribune Rep_Su W 3,700 .03^ Republican Rep We W . 2,500 .02> l /2 Times Rep Eve D " 3,800 .04 Times Rep We and Sa SWJ 4,900 .04 DES MOINES, c - h -. 50,093 Polk Co. Capital Rep Eve D ' 8,500 .02^ Capital Rep Th W, 3,000 .02^ Register Rep Morn D ' i 9,000 .10 Register Rep Su W IO,OOO .10 Register Rep Fr W , 25,500 .25 Leader Ind Morn ex Mo D " i 16,000 .08 Leader Ind Su W 17,000 .09 Leader Ind Th W. 13,500 .09 News Ind Eve D 24,000 .04 News Ind Tu and Fr SW^ 4,500 .02 Gazette Dem Th W 3,500 .03 Dubuque, c.h., 40,574 Dubuque Co. Globe-Journal Ind Eve D 4,500 .05 Herald Dem Morn D 13,500 .l2 l /2 Herald Dem Su W 4,400 .12^ Herald Dem Fr W 5,300 .l2 l /2 Telegraph Dem Eve D } 6,000 .05^2 Telegraph Dem Su W 1 6,500 .05^2 Telegraph Dem-Tu & Fr-SWj 14,000 .14^ Times 1 Rep Morn ex Mo D 7,000 .05 Times Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 7,800 .07 Memorandum. 136 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. JUNE, 1899 JFOOD2DRINK To fr/and How tojlook it\t 1 WHAT to DRINK Jj and How to Prepare it!| 11 DOMESTIC SCIENCE DELlCACIES.TlD BITS, , RECEIPTS &c. TO MARKET FQR ? R """^ONS ^ FOOD AND DRINK PUBLISHING CO. 102 WEST 14TH ST., NEW YORK q Price 5c. '~SJ^-^LX^&Z^f^?K&Z^^ |OOD AND DRINK publishes 150,000 magazines monthly, it is a co-operative magazine published by the retail grocerymen. They are in closer touch with the homes than any other merchant in the land. This magazine is sold to none but the highest class grocerymen, therefore it goes into the homes of the best families. Everybody eats; everybody drinks. Everybody is interested in eating and drinking. If you want to sell goods, advertise in Food and Drink and you will reach the consumer. p or further particulars write to FOOD AND DRINK PUBLISHING CO., 102 W. 14th St., New York J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 137 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- .04H .02 .02 07^ 05^ .06 Pubs. WESTERN STATES-Iowa. circT rate!' Fort Dodge, c.h., 5,000 Webster Co. Chronicle Dem Eve D] 1,000 .02 Chronicle Dem-We & Sa-SWj 1,900 .02 Messenger Rep Eve D ] 900 .01 Messenger Rep-Tu & Fr-SWj 2,300 .02 Port Madison, c.h., 7,901 Lee Co. Democrat Dem Eve Dl 1,100 .02% Democrat Dem We Wj 2,100 Iowa City, c.h., 7,016 Johnson Co. Press Dem Eve D] 1,000 Press Dem We Wj 2,000 Republican Rep Eve D] 1,200 Republican Rep We Wj 1,900 .01 34 Keokuk, 14,101 Lee Co. Constitution-Democrat ") Dem Eve D | 4,180 .05 H Constitution-Democrat Dem We WJ 6,800 Gate City Rep-Morn-D^ 3,200 Gate City Rep Su W 4,200 Gate City Rep Th Wj 5,100 Marshalltown, c.h., 8,914 Marshall Co Times-Republican Rep Eve D1 4,900 Times-Republican Rep Tu and Fr SWJ 5,800 Statesman-Press Morn D1 1,250 Statesman-Press Fr Wj 3,800 Muscatine, c.h., 11,454 Muscatine Co. Journal Rep Eve D ] 1,000 Journal Rep-Tu Th & Sa-TWj 2,600 News-Tribune Dem-Morn-D") 1,100 News-Tribune Dem Tu and Fr SWj 3,250 Oskaloosa, c.h., 8,555 Mahaska Co. Herald Rep Eve D1 1,500 Herald Rep Th Wj 2,500 Journal Dem Eve D] 1,000 Journal Dem Fr Wj 2,700 Ottumwa, c.h., 14,001 Wapello Co. Courier Rep Eve D ^| 3,700 Courier Rep Th W J 3,775 Democrat Dem-Morn-DI 1,000 Democrat Dem We W J 2,000 Press Ind Sa W 4,000 .03 Sioux City, c.h., 37,806 Woodbury Co. Journal Rep-Morn & Su-D"| 8,100 Times Ind Eve D 4,500 .03^ Journal Rep-Tu & Fr-SWj 4,427 .03^ .02 03 .0134 .0134 .02 03 .02 .02 .01 .01 Memorandum. 138 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO Kansas ity Consolidated with Post-tribune ( GERMAN ) Circulation over 5,000 Both Twin Cities Kansas City, Missouri; Kansas City, Kansas. German population over 45,000. Daily and Weekly. Weekly circulation 6,200, mostly in Missouri, Kansas, Indian Territories. Houston (Texas) Daily Herald The best and most popular evening paper W. H. BAILEY, Prop. Iowa Catholic Messenger Published Weekly since 1882 at DAVENPORT, IOWA, Fred. B. Sharon, Publisher Circulates in every County in Iowa, in Western Illinois, Eastern Nebraska, North and South Dakota, with subscribers scat- tered throughout nearly every state in the Union. THE MESSENGER represents the Catho- lics of the West and all Catholic and Irish Societies of the State. Actual Average Circulation for the last six months, 4.807 Largest and JYlost Influential list of German papers through which to reach prosperous Germans and their families is 'Che Daily and Sunday Milwaukee fierold, t^c Sleekly F)erold, and that great weekly German Farm "Che Hcker and Gartenbau Zeitung. Judicious advertisers all over the land use these papers liberally. Each paper has its own distinct readers. No duplication -when you use this list. Advertising rates reasonable. Ser*v- ice the . News Rep Morn Dl ,300 .04 News Rep Su Wj ,800 .04 Sentinel Dem Eve D1 ,600 .03/2 Sentinel Dem Tu & Fr SWj ,900 .05 / Journal Rep Eve D"| 1,500 -03/2 Journal Rep Th W J 3,900 .05 y-2 Wheeling, c.h., 41,000 Ohio Co. News Ind Eve D^| 7,100 .05/2 News Ind Su W 7, 500 .0754 News Ind Th WJ 2,000 .0754 Intelligencer Rep-Morn-DI 5,800 Intelligencer Rep Th WJ 4,100 .03 / .04^4 Register Dem Morn D] 9,500 .0354 Register Dem Su W 13,000 .04^4 Register Dem We WJ 8,700 .0424 NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville, c.h., 15,000 Buncombe Co. Citizen Dem Eve D ] 1,500 Citizen Dem Tu & Fr SWJ 700 Gaze.te Dem-Morn-D') 2,000 Gazette Dem Su W | Gazette Dem Th WJ 2,400 600 .03^ .03/2 .03/2 .035*^ Charlotte, c.h., 14,000 Mecklenburg Co. News Dem Eve D1 2,500 Times-Democrat Mo-Th-SWj 3,400 Observer Dem Morn D ^ 4,500 Observer Dem Su W | 4,800 Observer Dem Tu and Fr SWJ 3,000 Durham, c.h., 10,000 Durham Co. Herald Ind Morn ex Mo D 1,200 .0754 .0714 .071/4 0754 .02 152 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ONLY MORNING DAILY | N CHARLESTON. CIRCULATION, OF SOUTH CHARLESTON r^^>< >XV^>X> South Carolina is proud of such an up-to-date daily paper as PUBLISHED AT COLUMBIA, THE CAPITAL, IT CIRCULATES OVER THE ENTIRE STATE. STEVE W. FLOYD, 150 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. Special Representative for Foreign Advertising. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 153 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- SOUTHERN STATES No. Carolina. Greensboro, c.h., 5,100 Guilford Co. Record Dem Eve D] 1,050 Record Dem Fr Wj 500 RAI/EIGH, c.h., 18,000 Wake Co. Post Dem Morn ex Mo D] 6,200 Post Dem Su W 6,500 Post Dem Th WJ 12,000 News and Observer 1 Dem Morn ex Su D North Carolinian Dem-Tu-WJ 5,8oo 1,500 Pubs. one t. rate .02 .OI .07^ 07^4 .02 Times-Visitor Ind Eve D Wilmington, c.h., 28.000 New Hanover Co. Messenger Dem-Morn-D] 2,500 .085/3 Messenger Dem-Tu-Fr-SW J 3,000 .08^ Star Dem Morn ex Mo D] 1,800 .03 Star Dem Fr WJ 2,300 .03 Winston, c.h., 11,000 Forsyth Co. Sentinel Dem Eve Dl 1,000 .02 Sentinel Dem Th WJ 2,800 .03 SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, c.h., 54,955 Charleston Co. Critic Post Dem Eve D Dem Eve D 2,900 3,100 .05 .10 News and Courier (no cuts) "1 i Morn D | 8,000 7,400 6,800 .10 .10 .15 Dem- Sunday News Dem Su Wl News & Courier Dem-We-Wj COLUMBIA, c.h., 15,353 Richland Co State Dem Morn D] 5,400 .07^ State Dem Su W 5,600 .07^ State Dem Tu and Fr SWj 1,500 .07^4 Greenville, c.h., 10,800 Greenville Co. News Dem Morn ex Mo Dl 1,600 .02 News Dem Tu and Fr SW J 4,000 .05 Spartanburg, c.h., 5,544 Spartanburg Co. Herald Dem Morn D^| 2,000 .02 Herald Dem Tu and Fr SWJ 1,500 .02 GEORGIA. Americus, c.h., 6,398 Sumter Co. Times-Recorder DemMornDl 1,500 .02 Times-Recorder Dem-Fr-Wj 2,800 .03 Athens, c.h., 8,639 Clarke Co. Banner Dem-Morn-D") 900 .0754 Banner Dem Fr WJ 2,500 .07^4 ATLANTA, c.h., 65,353 Fulton Co. Constitution Dem-Morn-D ] 19,000 Constitution Su I 28,000 Constitution Dem Mo Wj 110,000 .10 .10 75 Memorandum. 154 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO, SHAMROCK FLIES AWA FROMTHE^RITANNIA Hew Cop Qallcnicr. in a' Race Wilt 'Prince of Wales THE%UNDROltfN"IGNORED BY ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS; NEWSPAPER MEN DISCREDITED AVERAGE ^- *m ATIHM DAILY CIRCULATION DURING 1898 30.O55 BROOKLYN STRIKERS GAININGJNSTRENGTfl >er of Non-Colon Men Won Over Dnrtii(;'tli s On tbc Rapid WHICH IS LARGER THAN ANY DAILY PAPER SOUTH OF It is the exponent of the con servative element of the South. The Semi -Weekly has a guaranteed circulation of 26,000 and is increasing rapidly. THE JOURNAL, Atlanta, Qa., HOKE SHITH, H. H. CABAINISS, President. Business Manager. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 155 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. SOUTHERN STATES Georgia. mated Circ. one t. Memorandum. rate. A TLA NT A Continued. . Journal Dem-Eve ex Su-D^ 30,000 .10 Journal Dem Th WJ 26,OOO .IO Augusta, c.h., 38, ooo- Richmond Co. Chronicle Dem-Morn-D^ 6,500 .08^ Chronicle Su 7,000 .08^ Chronicle Dem-Tu-Fr-SW, 5,200 .08^2 Herald Dem-Eve ex Su-D^ 6,000 .07 Herald Su 5.500 .07 Herald Fr W, 3,100 .07 Tribune Pop-Eve ex Su-D^ 1,900 03^ Georgia Tribune Pop-Fr-W^ 1,500 .02 Brunswick, c.h., 8,459 Glynn Co. Call Dem Morn ex Mo D 1,300 .02 Times Dem Morn D "; 900 .02 Times Dem Su W _, I.IOO .02 Columbus, c.h., 17.303 Muscogee Co. Enquirer-Sun Dem-Morn-D] 4,200 07^4 Enquirer-Sun Su 4.750 Enquirer-Sun Dem-Sa-W v 5. 5co '07 l /4 Ledger Dem-Eve ex Sa-D^ 5,000 OS 1 A Ledger Dem Su W 5.5oo 05^2 Ledger Dem Fr W , 1,000 .02 Macon, c.h., 22,746 Bibb Co. News Dem Eve ex Su D^ 2,250 03 News Dem Su W, 03 Telegraph Dem Morn- D^ 6,600 07^4 Telegraph Dem Sa W 7,5oo .7 l /4 Telegraph Dem Mo WJ 5.300 .07Y 4 Rome, c.h., 7,000 Floyd Co. Hustler and Commercial Dem Eve D 1,250 .02 Hustler and Commercial Dem Su W , 1,300 .02 Courier Dem Th W 2,000 .02 Tribune Dem-Morn-D' 1,700 .02 Tribune Dem Th W, 2,000 .02 Savannah, c.h., 55,000 Chatham Co. News Dem Morn ex Su D" 7.500 .10 News Su 10,000 .10 News Dem Mo & Th SW, 8,000 .10 Press Dem Eve ex Su D 5.500 .07^4 Thomasville, c.h., 5,514 Thomas Co. Times- Enterprise Dem Morn ex Mo D 600 .01 Times-Enterprise Dem-Sa-Wj 1,200 .02 156 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE DAILY LEDGER. *"*% <; III Cull I WliK > VOL. IV. NO. 171. BIRMETOHAM, ALA.. THURSDAY, .1ITNE 15. 1809. PRICE TWO CENTS. strirrs 1 The Evening Ledger exceeds in circulation any of its competitors. Delivered at the homes through this prosperous section for 6 cents per week # Birmingham's Popular Paper. Gives advertisers good returns. For Advertising Rates apply to STEVE W. FLOYD, in charge of Foreign Advertising AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY BUILDING NEW YORK J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 157 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Southern States. Esti- F LOR I DA. ciJc d Jacksonville, c.h., 30,000 Duval Co. Metropolis Dem-Eve-D 4,850 Times-Union and Citizen Dem Morn D 5,ooo Times-Union and Citizen Dem Tu & Fr SWJ 6,000 Pensacola, c.h., 11,750 Escambia Co. News Dem Eve ex Su D 1 1,200 News Dem Fr WJ 1,600 Times-Star Dem-Morn-D 900 St. Augustine, c.h., 4,742 St. John Co News Ind Eve ex Su D1 1,000 News Ind Th WJ 700 Tampa, c.h., 15,000 Hillsboro Co. Times Dem Eve ex Su D] 1,350 Times Dem Th WJ 2,450 Tribune Dem Morn D1 1,800 Tribune Dem Th WJ 2,750 ALABAMA. Anniston, 10,000 Calhoun Co. Hot Blast Ind Eve ex Su D 1,100 Times Ind Th W 1,600 Republican Dem Sa W 2,000 Birmingham, c.h., 26,000 Jefferson Co. Age-Herald Dem MornexMo D] 7,000 Age-Herald Su 9,500 Age-Herald Dem We WJ 7,000 Ledger Ind Eve D 2,900 News Dem Eve D 8,000 Florence, c.h., 6,012 Lauderdale Co. Herald Dem Th W 1,650 Times Dem Sa W 1,750 Huntsville, c.h., 8,000 Madison Co. Evening Tribune Rep Eve D ] 800 Tribune Rep Tu W J 790 Mercury Dem Morn ex Mo D ] 910 Mercury Dem We W I 2,800 Mobile, c.h., 40,000 Mobile Co. Item Ind Eve ex Sa and Su Morn 1,650 Herald Dem Eve D 3,000 News Dem Eve ex Sa D ] 2,560 Sunday News Dem Su WJ 2,675 Register Dem Morn ex Mo D ] 4,300 Register Dem Eve D 6,000 Register Su 6,700 Register Dem Sa WJ 6,500 Pubs, one t. rate. [emorandum. .10 .10 .0154 oi .01 .02 .01 .02 03 .10 .10 .07X .02 .02 .07 .02 .02 .01 .01 .OI .02 .03 .05 .OS/2 .OS/2 .08/2 .osy 2 OS/2 158 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Augusta Chronicle CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE OF HOWLING FARCE rr. 7 :i:; GR " T '" TR I " FIRST 's-^j aS2-SSnSS m^^M^^m .ijriai-jssLai s-sr-r^sTrsis ir.-s?is?!rK..-. Foradvertising rates apply to STEVE.W. FLOYD, in charge of Foreign Advertising, American Tract Society Bldg., New York J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 159 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. SOUTHERN STATES-Alabama. ^f^ Ta^e.' MONTGOMERY, c.h., 34,000 Montgom- ery Co. Advertiser Dem Morn D ] Advertiser Dem Fr W Advertiser Su | Evening Telegram Eve ex Su D J Journal Dem Eve D Sunday Journal Dem Su W -Dallas Co. 7,550 .07X 10,500 .07^ 8,650 .07X 3,5oo 3,3oo 4,000 .05 04X .05 Selma, c.h., 7,62; Journal Dem Eve ex Sa D~l 870 .01 Journal SuJ 900 .01 ^ Morning Times Dem Morn D | 1,400 .03^ Times Tu and Fr SW j 2,200 .02^ MISSISSIPPI. Columbus, c.h., 7,000 Lowndes Co. Commercial Th and Su SW Dispatch Dem-Su & We-SW JACKSON, 10,000 Hinds Co. Clarion-Ledger Dem-Eve-D Clarion-Ledger 2,300 2,400 03 .02 Dem-Th-W Dem Eve D Dem Fr W 2,100 9,000 News Dem Eve D 1,800 News Dem Fr W 3,ioo Meridian, c.h., 15,000 Lauderdale Co. Herald Dem-Morn-D] 900 Herald Dem Th WJ 1,000 Natchez, c.h., 12,000 Adams Co. Democrat and Courier 1 Dem Morn ex Mo D j 1,300 Democrat Dem We \V j i , i co Vicksburg, c.h., 20,000 Warren Co. Post Dsm Eve D 2,650 Herald Dem-Morn-D] 3,600 Herald Dem Su W 4,400 Herald Dem Fr WJ 3,000 .08^ .12 .02 .02 .02 .02 C2 .103/4 .1034 .103/4 TENNESSEE. Chattanooga, c.h., 35,000 Hamilton Co. News News Times Times Times Clarksville, c.h., 10,000 Montgomery Co. Chronicle Dem Eve D] 1,400 .02^ Chronicle Dem-Tu & Fr-SWJ 3,400 .03^ Dem Eve D 5,600 .05^ Dem Th W 3.000 .05^ Dem Morn D 9,900 05^ Dem Su W 14,400 .07^4 Dem We W 20,000 .07^4 Memorandum. 160 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO, AUGUSTA, POPULIST DAILY SOUTHERN STATES Georgia Tribune J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 161 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. SOUTHERN STATES Tennessee. Jackson, c.h., 13,500 Madison Co. Sun Dem Eve ex Sa D "1 Sun Dem Su W Sun Dem Fr WJ Whig Dem Morn ex Mo D] Whig Dem Su W Whig Dem-Sa-Wj Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. 1,700 2,20O 2,500 I,70O 2,000 2,500 Knoxville, c.h., 22,535 Knox Co. Sentinel Dem Eve D ") 4,600 Sentinel Dem-We-Sa-SW J 2,700 Journal-Tribune Rep-Morn-Dl 4,100 Journal-Tribune Rep-Su-W 4,400 Journal-Tribune Rep-We-Wj 1,800 Memphis, c.h., 78,000 Shelby Co. Commercial-Appeal "1 Dem Morn D 22,400 Commercial- Appeal Dem Su W 26,400 Commercial- Appeal Dem Tu WJ 65,000 Scimitar Dem Eve D 8,200 Herald Dem Eve Dl 1,500 Herald Dem Su Wj 2,500 NASHVII/I/E, c.h., 87,000 Davidson American Dem Morn D ~] 14,900 American Dem Su W 15,800 American Dem-Mo-Th-SW J 30,000 Banner Ind Eve Dl 12,350 Banner Ind We Wj 5,200 .02 .02 .0524 .053/4 .07^ .06 .06 .04^4 .05/2 .05/2 .10 .10 .25 .10 Co. .08 .08 .15 .09 .10 KENTUCKY. .02 Ashland, 4,200 Boyd Co. News Rep Morn ex Mo D 1,150 Bowling Green, c.h., 8,500 Warren Co. Times Dem Eve Dl 2,100 .03 Times-Gazette Dem-We-Wj 3,500 .05 Covington, c.h., 37.371 Kenton Co. Commonwealth Dem-Eve-D") 5,ioo Commonwealth Dem-We-WJ 5,000 Post Ind Eve D 13,600 FRANKFORT, c.h., 8,500 Franklin Co. Call Ind Eve D 1,100 .01 ft Henderson, c.h., 12,000 Henderson Co. Gleaner Dem-Morn-Dl 1,280 .O7 T 4 Gleaner Dem-Tu-Fr-SW J 2,300 .07^ Journal Dem-Morn-Dl 1,200 .07^ Journal Dem Fr WJ 2,700 .07*4 05 05 .07 Memorandum. 162 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Ave MARIA m PRICE I NOTRE DAME.INDIANA **|j: $2-0 U I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Gem of Religious Mediums 100,000 1 WEEKLY READERS NATIONAL CIRCULATION, j Universally conceded to be j the most influential and digni- 1 fied Catholic Publication in * America. For rates and sample copy address JOHN A.MURRAY Advertising Manager 150 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY Good 7 5 Homes Reached Every Month A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THE PEOPLE For Rates and Information regarding Advertising, address THE ALVORD-PETERS CO. SANDUSKY, O. Is your basket full ? The WAYSIDE GLEANINGS A WIDE AWAKE LITTLE GLEANER, WILL HELP YOU GATHER IN THE DOLLARS. rpn|| POPULAR little monthly at 25 cents per lEaul year. Made up of good stories, the best farm news, up to date in poultry matters, etc. Circulates among the young farmers of this country 5 is patronized by the advertisers who wish to reach this class. The advertising columns are full and the advertisers seem to stay. We don't claim over Rate, 28 cents per agate line. Reading Notices, jj cents per brevier line. No discounts. If it don't pay, don' 't stay. WAYSIDE PUB. CO., Clin tonville, Conn. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 163 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. SOUTHERN STATES-Kentucky. "tre? rate!' Hopkinsville, c.h., S,ooo Christian Co. Kentuckian Dem Eve D] 800 .04 Kentuckian Dem-Tu-Fr-SW j 1,920 .10 New Era Dem Eve D^ 800 .04 New Era Dem Fr WJ 2,300 I/exington, c.h., 25,000 Fayette Co. Leader Rep Eve D 1 3,000 .03^ Leader Rep Su W 3,ooo .03/2 Leader Rep We W, 2,200 .03^ Herald Dem Morn D 3,300 .03^ Press Transcript Dem-Fr-W 3,000 03^ I/ouisville, c.h., 220,000 Jefferson Co. Anzeiger Dem-Morn-D") 8,100 .11 Anzeiger Dem-Su-W 10,300 .11 Anzeiger Dem-We-Sa-SW 5,400 .11 Anzeiger Dem-We-Wj 10,000 .11 Commercial Rep Morn D"| 17,500 .12^2 Commercial Rep Su W 20,000 .I2*/ 2 Commercial Rep Th W , 25,000 .20 Courier-Journal DemMorn-D 22,000 .18 Courier-Journal Dem-Su-W 32,000 .20 Courier-Journal Dem We and Sa SW. 90,000 75 Dispatch Dem Morn D l8,OOO .04 Dispatch Dem Su W 20,OOO 05 Dispatch Dem Th W\ 25,000 05 Post Dem Eve D 22,OOO .09 Times Dem Eve D 35,500 .I2*/2 Maysville, c.h., 5,358 Mason Co. Bulletin Dem Eve Dl 1,050 .02 Bulletin Dem Th WJ I,IOO .02 Public Ledger Rep-Morn-D 1,250 .03 Owensboro, c.h., 12,000 Daviess Co. Inquirer Dem-Eve-D"] 1,200 .02 Inquirer Dem Su W 1,100 .02 Inquirer Dem-Tu-Sa-SW J 1,500 .02 Messenger Dem-Morn-D] 1,150 .05^ Messenger Dem-We-Sa-SW J 2,500 .05^ Paducah, c.h., 12,797 McCracken Co. News Dem Eve D^l 2,800 .10 News Dem We W J 5,800 .10 Register Dem-Morn-D] 2,000 .10 Register Dem Fr W J 3,200 .10 Sun Rep Eve D \ 1, 600 .02 Sun Rep Th-Wj 550 .02 Memorandum. 164 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Methodist Book Concern Periodicals EATON & MAINS, Publishing Agents Fifth A MethodiSt Review* Magazine for Ministers, Gospel in All Lands,iS Iy Mission *T Marine for Wfd^> W Itie Popular Monthly Paper sent to all * Subscribers to our Missionary Fund. AGGREGATE CIRCULATION OF THE EIGHT PERIODICALS EXCEEDS COPIES PER ANNUM. The fullest information given to contemplating advertisers in relation to circulation, advertising rates, etc. Address WILLIAM BALDWIN, Advertising Department, Metho- dist Book Concern, J50 Fifth Avenue, New York Cily. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 165 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. SOUTHWESTERN STATES. Esti- Pubs. LOUISIANA. BATON ROUGE, c.h., 10,478 East Baton Rouge Parish. Advocate Dem-Morn-D^ 700 .05^ Advocate Dem Su WJ 2,000 .05^ New Orleans, c.h., 270,000 Orleans Parish. Memorandum. Abeille Dem Morn D * 12,500 .15 Abeille Dem Su W 13,000 .15 Abeille Dem Sa W, 13,500 .15 Deutsche Zeitung (German) Ind Morn ex Mo D 3,600 05 Deutsche Zeitung Ind-Su-W 7,600 Deutsche Zeitung Ind-Th-W, 5,300 .I2 l /2 Item Rep Eve D ] 18,000 .10 Item Rep Su W 21,000 .10 Item Rep We and Sa SWJ 1,000 .05 Picayune Dem Morn D "] 19,800 .15 Picayune Dem Su W 30,000 .15 Picayune Dem Th WJ 18,500 .15 States Dem Eve Dl 14,000 ,l2 l / 2 States Dem Su W 7,000 .12^2 States Dem Tu an Fr SWJ 6,000 .12^/2 Times-Democrat Morn D] 22,000 IS Times-Democrat Dem-Su-W 36,500 15 Times-Democrat Tu-Fr-SWj 12,000 15 Shreveport, c.h., 18,000 Caddo Parish. Caucasian Dem Eve D 1 850 05 Caucasian Dem Su W 1,300 05 Caucasian Dem Th WJ 2,400 05 Times Dem Morn Dl 1,950 05 Times Dem Su W 3,000 03 Times Dem Th WJ 2,400 03 ARKANSAS. Port Smith, c.h., 17,500 Sebastian Co. News-Record Eve ex Sa D") 1,150 .01 News-Record Su WJ 1,350 .01 Times-Sun Dem Morn ex Mo D 1,500 .07^ Elevator Dem Fr W 6,600 .05 Hot Springs, c.h., 8, 100 Garland Co. News Dem Eve D 1 .02 News Dem Th WJ 1,250 .02 Sentinel Ind Morn D] 1,150 .02 Sentinel Su | 1,200 .02 Sentinel Ind Th W J 900 .01 166 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. The Union Signal CHICAGO ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEM- PERANCE UNION The Union Signal has the regular patronage of the following national advertisers: Royal Baking Powder Company. Procter & Gamble Co. James Pyle & Son. Michigan Stove Company. Cornish & Co. Franklin Mills. Borden's Condensed Milk Co. Larkin's Soap Mfg. Co. J. L. Prescott & Co. Morse Bros. Postum Cereal Company. Mason & Hamlin Company. J. L. Mott Iron Works. Sterling Remedy Company. Century Magazine. Houghton, Miiflin & Co. The American Builder. Piso Cure Company. F. A. Stuart Co. Beecham's Pills. Walter Baker & Co. John Lewis Childs. New England Conservatory of Music. For advertising rates address THE UNION SIGNAL, WOMAN'S TEMPLE, CHICAGO, or any responsible advertising agency. R. S. TRAIN, ADVERTISING MANAGER. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 167 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. SO. WESTERN STATES.-Arkansas. "to? Ste!' Memorandum. I/ITTI/E ROCK, c.h., 25,900 Pulaski Co. Democrat Dem Eve D] 2,600 .02 Democrat Mo&Fr SWJ 5,100 .05 Gazette Dem Morn D] 5,200 .103^ Gazette Su | 7,100 .io^J Gazette Dem Th WJ 6,900 .14^ OKLAHOMA. GUTHRIE, 12,000 Logan Co. Leader Dem Eve ex Mo D] 3,000 .05 Leader Dem Th WJ 2,500 .07 Capital Rep Eve D] 5,800 .07 Capital Rep Th WJ 10,000 .10 Oklahoma, c.h., 9,500 Oklahoma Co. Oklahoman Dem-Morn-DI 1,000 .02 Oklahoman Dem Th WJ 1,700 .02 Times-Journal Rep Eve D"| 900 .01 Times-Journal Rep Fr WJ 2,800 .03 TEXAS. AUSTIN, c.h., 21,000 Travis Co. News Dem Eve D 2,860 .03^ Statesman Dem Morn D^| 4,400 .io/4 Statesman Dem Su W 5,600 .io^4 Statesman Dem-We-Sa-SW J 4,500 .io>4 Dallas, c.h., 44,000 Dallas Co. News Ind Morn D^| 28,000 .15 News Ind Su W 27,000 .15 News Ind Tu and Fr SWj 30,000 .20 Times-Herald Ind-Eve-Dl 4,400 .07^ Times-Herald Ind Su WJ 3,100 .07^ Denison, 13,800 Grayson Co. Herald Dem Eve D] 1,200 .01^ Herald Fr WJ 2,800 .01 ft El Paso, c.h , 15,000 El Paso Co. Herald Rep Eve D] 1,800 .02 Herald Rep Sa Wj 1,100 .02 Times Ind-Morn ex Mo-D 3,000 .n$4 Fort Worth, c.h., 32,000 Tarrant Co. Mail-Telegram Dem-Eve-D 4,500 .10^4 Register Dem-Morn-D 6,200 .10 Gainesville, c.h , 6,594 Cooke Co. Hesperian Dem-Morn-D^j 1,000 .02 Hesperian Dem Fr Wj 2,100 .03 Register Dem Eve D] 1,200 .02 Register Dem Tn WJ 3,750 .03 168 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Each Edition of FARM AND HOME is guaranteed to av- erage not less than 300,000 Copies FARM AND HOME easily takes rank today as the best paying agricultural paper in the country, and without a doubt has the largest guaranteed paid circulation of any agricultural paper published. It is divided into an Eastern and Western Edition, with the dividing line at the Alleghany Moun- tains, and the circulation in each edition is about equal. It carried more paid advertising during 1898 than any of its competitors, and the sworn circulation for that year averaged per issue 309,429 copies. THE PHELPS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publishers, 27 Worthington Street, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 204 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. ILL. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 169 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. SO. WESTERN STATES Texas. Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. Galveston, c.h., 42,000 Galveston Co. Tribune Dem Eve D 4,100 .11 News Dem Morn D' 17,000 .15 News Dem Su W 18,000 .15 News Dem Mo and Th SWJ 23,200 .20 Houston, c.h., 35,000 Harris Co. Herald Dem Eve D 5,900 .07^4 Post Dem Morn D" | 16,240 .1034. Post Dem Su W 1 20,460 .1234 Post Dem Mo and Th SW. 1 23,750 .1234 Press Ind Eve D | 6,300 .1034 Press Ind Sa W J 12,500 .15 Paris, c.h., 8,600 Lamar Co. News Dem Morn ex Mo D"| 1,000 .02 News Dem Fr WJ 1,700 .02 San Antonio, c.h., 51,000 Bexar Co. Express Dem Morn D"| 5,400 .io^4 Express Dem Su W 6,500 Express Dem-Tu-Fr-SW 7,500 .102/4 Light Rep Eve D 3,900 .10^4 Light Rep Su W 3,800 .05 Light Rep Sa W 1,050 .03 Waco, c.h., 18,900 McLennan Co. Telephone Dem-Eve-D^ i 2,150 .07^4 Telephone Dem Su W 1,900 .07^4 Times-Herald Ind-Morn-D" 2,800 .07^4 Times-Demo. Ind-Tu-Fr-SW 2,400 .oyX NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque, c.h., 5,000 Bernalillo Co. Citizen Rep Eve D} 2,000 .02 Citizen Rep Sa WJ 950 .01 Democrat Dem-Morn-D 1,800 .02 I/as Vegas, c.h., 7,000 San Miguel Co. Optic Ind Eve Dl 2,300 .03 Optic Ind Th WJ 1,500 .04 SANTA FE, c.h., 8,000 Santa Fe Co. New Mexican Dem Eve D 1,000 .02 ARIZONA. PHCENIX, c.h., n,ooo Maricopa Co. Gazette Dem-Morn-D 2,300 .0354 Gazette Dem Fr W 1,850 .03^ Republican Rep-Morn-Dl 2,900 Republican Rep Th W J 2,000 '03^ Herald Rep Eve D 1 3,000 03 Herald Rep Th W J 2,400 03 Tucson, c.h., 5,150 Pima Co. Citizen Rep Eve D 1,400 .013/4 Citizen Rep Fr W 1,500 .013/4 Star Dem Morn ex Mo D 1,200 .02 Star Dem Th W i, 800 .02 Memorandum. 170 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Sworn Circulation 165,000 Each Week We send out once a month sworn statements on circulation of American Agriculturist Weekly, believing that an advertiser should know what he is getting for his money. Others would like to, hut they haven't the circulation claimed. Here are the papers iu which you get a sworn statement of circulation : AGRICULTURIST NEW YORK. Circulation 72,000 Covering the Hiddle and Southern States. Circulation 57,000 Covering the Centra! and Western States. Eastern Edition, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Circulation 36,000 Covering the New England States, Remember, each edition covers thoroughly the section in which it circulates, and has a circulation in that field 50% larger than any other agricultural weekly. It is subscribed for and read by the intelligent aud well-to-do farmers of the country. Advertising in it pays. ORANGE JUDD COMPANY NEW YORK. 62 Lafayette Place. CHICAGO, Mar queUe Building. SPRIXGFIKI,^, MtS., 27 Worthinglon Street. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 171 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. ROCKY MOUNTAIN STATES. Esti- MONTANA. Anaconda, c.h., 12,000 Deerlodge Co. Standard Dem Morn D] 11,000 Standard Dem Su WJ 12,000 Butte, c.h., 45,000 Silverbow Co. Inter Mountain Rep Eve D1 8,500 Inter Mountain Rep We and Sa SWJ 3,600 Miner Dem Morn D ^ 7,000 Miner Dem Su W 7,300 Miner Dem Th WJ 1,800 Pubs, one t. rate. .074 .074 .02^ .1034 .103/4 .02 Great Palls, c.h., 12,000- Cascade Co. Leader Rep Eve D] 1,200 .074 Leader Rep Th WJ 1,400 .0714 Tribune Ind-Morn-D^ i,7co .03^2 Tribune Ind Th WJ 1,200 .03^ , c.h., 15,000 Lewis & Clarke Co. Herald Rep Eve D1 4,400 .05 5^ Herald Rep Th WJ 4,000 .05^ Independent Dem Morn D1 6,200 .074 Independent Dem Su W 6,600 .074 Independent Dem Th WJ 3,600 .05^ WYOMING. , c - h " 12,000 Laramie Co. Rep-Morn-D^ 1,500 .05 Rep Th WJ 1,000 6, 400 -Albany Co. Dem Eve D" 1,000 Tribune Tribune I/aramie, c.h. Boomerang .02 Bcomerang Dem-Mo-Th-SW Republican Republican Rep Eve D ] Rep Th WJ COLORADO. i,4OO 900 1,300 04^4 .06 .0134 .0134 Aspen, c.h., 7.500 Pitkin Co. Times Pop Morn ex Mo D "] 2,000 .02 Times Pop Sa W J 700 .01 Colorado Springs, c.h., 11,000 El Paso Co. Telegraph Ind Eve D1 2,600 .02 Telegraph Ind Fr W J 1,000 .02 Gazette Rep Morn D] 3,500 .02 Gazette Rep Th WJ 7 .01 Memorandum. 172 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE__LEADyiLLE MINER. RAWLINGS IE Mil 10 il ^POPULAR PAPEK JL1SI THIS (JUSTLING, CROWING OTYF ORADO npHE MINER has 3,600 -* Daily Subscribers More than any other paper in Leadville; and gives ad- vertisers more for their money. JH^^^ Each paper in this city CLAIMS a Larger Circulation than any other, but WE HAVE IT and can prove it. "hRSS^TZa V ' '' "\"-~'"-.'-'.^. .: f t - in ' ^"Vi'*,'. I a |A........ ' ' !..<> ;,..., i . .:,;.,. .;,;..,.. |ci,,ite.i...,fc.uir,,,,:,.d:j ......... .),,,,.. Send for rates and particulars to STEVE W. FLOYD, Manager Foreign Advertising, 150 Nassau Street, New York. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 173 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. ROCKY MT. STATES-CoIorado. ^ted one l> Memorandum. DENVER, c.h., 106,713 Arapahoe Co. Evening Post Ind Eve D ] 26,000 .07 Evening Post Su J 32,000 .07/0 Republican Rep Morn D 25,000 Republican Su 29,000 . 12% Republican Rep Th W J 6,000 . 10 News Ind Morn D 1 25,600 .09 News Su I 34,000 . 10 News Ind Th Wj 6,500 .05 Times Ind Eve D ] 23,000 .10 Times-Sun Ind We W J 24,000 .15 I/eadville, c.h., 10,400 Lake Co. Chronicle Rep Eve D ^ 3,000 . IO^ Herald-Democrat Rep Morn D 3,400 Chronicle Rep Mo W J 3.000 ;$ Miner Dem Eve D 3,ioo .12^ News-Reporter Eve ex Sa D^) 1,500 .03^ News-Reporter Su WJ 1,400 03^ Pueblo, c.h., 30,000 Pueblo Co. Chieftain Rep Morn D 1 6,200 .08 Chieftain Su | 7,500 .09 Chieftain Rep Th WJ 4,000 05 Trinidad, c.h., 6,800 Las Animas Co. Advertiser-Sentinel ] Dem Morn ex Mo D 1,500 .02 Advertiser Th W J 1,300 .02 IDAHO. BOISE, c.h., 5,000 Ada Co. Statesman Rep-Morn-DI 1,700 .02 Statesman Rep Th WJ 1,200 .02 Sentinel Pop Fr W 1,800 .02 UTAH. Ogden, c.h., 18,000 Weber Co. Press Rep Eve D 2,250 03 Standard Ind Eve D] 3,800 03^ Standard Ind-Tu & Fr-SW J 6,400 .05 Provo City, c.h., 6,100 Utah Co. Enquirer Rep Eve D"! 1,150 03 Enquirer Rep-Tu & Fr-SW J 2,900 .04 SAI/T I/AKE CITY, c.h., 48,500 Salt Lake Co. News Mormon Eve Dl 4,500 05^ News Mormon-Tu-Fr-SW 15,800 05^ Deseret Weekly Mormon Sa W 2,000 05^ Herald Dem Morn D 4,900 07^ Herald Dem Su W 6,850 .07^4 Herald Dem-Tu and Fr-SW 7,800 Tribune Rep Morn D 9,200 .10 Tribune Rep Su W 12,500 Tribune Rep-Tu and Fr-SW 5, 500 .10 174 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO, A ^ce..HATTIE STARR MUSIC-MAX S. WITT. A xvonu. I ^^ Photographs and their Hakers. Water of Kings. Art Studies. 1 ^J AMERICAN MAGAZINE CIRCULATION 75,000 The American Magazine offers to advertisers an entree for their goods into the homes of 75,000 intelligent, well-to-do people of the United States. Experience has demonstrated to successful advertisers that it pays to put their announcements where they will be read by this class. The reason is plain they have homes to furnish, have families to clothe and maintain, and have money to spend for luxuries. The American Magazine reaches this class. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 175 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. PACIFIC COAST STATES. CALIFORNIA. Alameda, 14,900 Alameda Co. Argus Rep Eve D Encinal Ind Eve D Berkeley, 9,100 Alameda Co. World-Gazette Rep Eve D Esti- mated Circ. 1,375 1,IOO Pubs. one t. rate. .02 .02 Memorandum. 1,500 .02 Eureka, c.h., 8,500 Humboldt Co. Standard Rep Eve D ] 1,250 Standard Rep Th W J 1,000 Times Rep Morn ex Mo D] 1,600 Times Rep Th W J 1,100 Fresno, c.h., 10,818 Fresno Co. Republican Rep Morn D 1 4,850 Republican Rep Fr W J 3,5oo I/os Angeles, c.h., 50,3951.05 Angeles .02 .02 .02 .02 .03^2 .07^ Co. .05 .05 .10^ .05 .09 Express Rep Eve D ] 10,900 Express Rep Th W J 1,700 Herald Dem Morn D ] 9,500 Herald Su I 1.050 Herald Dem Sa WJ 2,600 Record Ind Eve D 11,500 Times Rep Morn D ] 20,000 Times Su | 30,000 Times and Mirror Rep Sa W J 2,500 Marysville, c.h., 5,000 Yuba Co. Appeal Rep Morn D] 800 Appeal Rep Th SW I 1,150 Democrat Ind Eve D] 825 Democrat Ind Tu & Fr SW J 1,200 Oakland, c.h., 55,000 Alameda Co. Enquirer Rep Eve D ] 5,5oo Enquirer Rep Fr W J 1,500 Times Ind Morn ex Su D] 5,ooo Times Ind We WJ 2,500 Tribune Rep Eve D] 9,ooo Tribune Rep Sa WJ 5,75o Pasadena, 12,000 Los Angeles Co. News Rep Eve D] 900 News Rep Th WJ 600 Star Rep Eve D 1 1.100 Star Rep We WJ 600 Riverside, c.h., 5,000 Riverside Co. Enterprise Dem Morn D 1 1,250 Enterprise Dem We W J 1,300 Press Rep Eve D ) 1,400 .02 Press Rep Sa WJ 1.600 .02 .02 .03^ .03^ .07^ .03 ^ .08 .05 .08 .05 .01 .01 .02 .01 176 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. San Francisco News Letter The high class weekly of the | Pacific Coast. Reaches every city on the f entire Coast. | Leading advertisers find it to | their advantage to use its J columns. For rates, etc., address the Publisher, or any first-class Agency, or GEO. A. KELLOGG, Eastern Representative, Temple Court, New York. I Reasons for Advertising in "The Germantown Telegraph" PHILADELPHIA. Because it is one of the oldest papers in the State of Pennsylvania, or for that matter in the United States, and has always been influential. Founded 1830. Because it reaches a class of people who are all PURCHASERS, and just the persons every advertiser most desires to reach. Every copy is subscribed for and sent by mail. Because it is not a cheap paper, to be glanced at and thrown away, but goes into the family and the home, and is thoroughly read, not only by one, but by every member of the family. Because, considering the character of its circulation, and the field it covers, its rates are low. It draws the very best class of advertisers, and holds them for years, proving that it is considered a first-class medium. No other single paper covers the same field or reaches the same class of readers. The TELEGRAPH is read every week by over I 2,000 people. Give it a fair trial and see if it is not among the J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 177 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. PACIFIC COAST California. "trc? rate!' SACRAMENTO, c.h.,30,ooo-Sacramento Co. Bee Ind Eve D] 7,300 .15 Bee Ind We WJ 4,100 .06 Record-Union Rep Morn D] 7,200 .1034; Union Rep Fr WJ 8,500 .12% San Bernardino, c.h., 7,500 San Bernardino Co. Rep Eve D 1 1,250 Rep Fr WJ 1,200 , 21,000 San Diego Co. Times-Index Times-Index .0134 San Diego, c.h Tribune Tribune and Mercury Sun Sun Rep Eve D Coronado Rep Sa WJ Dem Eve D Dem Th W 4,000 .05^ Union Union Rep Morn D] Rep Th WJ 1,400 2,500 800 5,100 3,000 .02 .02^ .03^ .09 .0934 San Francisco, c.h. 306, ooo-San Francisco Co. Abend Post Rep Eve D ) 6,500 .05 Sonntags Post Rep Su W | 6,700 .06 Abend Post Rep Th W J 9,300 .07 Bulletin Rep Eve D ] 27,000 15 Bulletin Rep Su W | 35,ooo 15 Bulletin Rep Tu W 1 21,000 .15 Call Rep Morn D ] 52,000 .20 Call Su 56,000 25 Call Rep We W 1 7,500 15 Chronicle Ind Morn D ] 75,000 .20 Chronicle Su 85,000 .20 Chronicle Ind Th W J 30,000 37/2 Demokrat Dem Morn D ] 5,5oo .05 Sonntagsblatt Dem Su W | 7,500 .06 Staats Zeitung Dem Th WJ 6, TOO .06 Evening Post Rep Eve D ] 17,500 .15 Post RepWe W J 9,000 .05 Examiner Dem Morn D ] 86,000 25 Examiner Su I 100,000 30 Examiner Dem Th WJ 84,000 35 Report Ind Eve D ] 24,000 .20 Report Ind Sa W J 6,000 .I4X News Letter Soc W 15,000 15 San Jose, c.h., 18,060 Santa Clara Co. Herald Dem Eve D "1 9,300 .05 Herald Dem Fr WJ 5,000 .04 Mercury Rep Morn & Su D] 10,300 .10 Mercury Rep Sa WJ 7,ioo .10 Santa Barbara, c.h., 5,864 Santa BarbaraCo. Independent Dem Eve D] 1,100 .02 Independent Dem Sa WJ 1,000 .02 Press Rep Morn ex Mo D ] i,375 .02 Press Rep Th W J 1,210 .02 Memorandum. 178 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. MAGAZINE CIRCULATION IS GUARANTEED. Orders for Advertising Accepted Conditional upon the Average Circulation Exceeding 320,000 Copies a Month. Circulation of frorn the First Issue. The following shows the growth in cir- culation of MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE from the first issue in June, 1893: TOTAL AVERAGE June, 1893, to May, 1894, June, 1894, to May, 1895, June, 1895, to May, 1896, June, 1896, to May, 1897, June, 1897, to May, 1898, June, 1898, to May, 1899, 326,154 721,667 2,319,671 3,110,163 3,545.903 4,399-389 27,179 60,138 193,305 259,180 295,491 366.615 [SEAL] CITY, COUNTY "I AND . > ss. STATE OF NEW YORK ) NEW YORK CITY, December 14, 1898. I, Albert B. Brady, Secretary of the S.S. MC.CLURE COMPANY, being duly sworn, do depose and say that the actual paid circulation of McCLURE's MAGAZINE for the year ending November, 1898, exceeded an average of 320,000 copies per month. This excludes all copies sent to exchanges, all copies sent complimentary, all copies sent to ad- vertisers, all copies returned by any and all news companies or news dealers, and, in fact, includes only copies for which cash was actually received by the S. S. Mc''u KH COMPANY. ALP.ERT B. BRADY. Sworn to and subscribed before me ) this i4th day of December, 1898. / M. \V FLYNN, Notary Public, 109, N. Y. Co. The present guarantee ( an average of 320,000 per month) is therefore less than the actual paid circulation for 1898. This is in line with MCCLURE'S plan of making a low advertising rate on the basis of the circulation that has already been secured, so that advertisers receive the benefit of the growth in circulation. Thus advertis- ers in the MAGAZINE know to a certainty the minimum circulation, and as the rates are low upon the minimum basis, the large surplus circulation makes advertis- ing in MCCLURE'S exceptionally low and profitable. Advertising Rates in McCLURE' S MAGAZINE. i Month. Y 2 inch, 7 lines . . . $14.00 i inch, 14 lines . . . 28.00 Y% page, 28 lines . . . 50.00 % page, 4 inches . . .96.00 l / 2 page, 8 inches . . . 192.00 i page, 16 inches . . . 384.00 By contracting to use a minimum of 672 lines, or three pages, within one year, advertisers may secure the yearly page rate of $320.00 a page. This space must be used within the year, but may all be used in one month, or may be divided and used in such issues, and for such space in each issue, as may best suit the advertiser. Five per cent, may be deducted from above rates for cash with order. For further information address the publishers. S. S. McCLURE CO., 141-155 East 25th St., New York City, Five thousand different advertisements were inserted in MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE in 1898, an increase of 1,005 over l8 97- During the past four years 4,776^ pages of paid advertising were printed in MCCLURE'S MAGAZINE, an average of 99 /^ pages a month for the entire period. The following affidavit shows that the average circulation of MCCLURE'S MAGA- ZINE for 1898 exceeded the guarantee by more than 70,000 copies per month. 3 Months. 6 Months. i Year. $39-9 $75.60 $140.00 79.80 151.20 280.00 142.50 270.00 500.00 273.60 518.40 960.00 547-20 960. oo I,92O.OO 960.00 1,920.00 3,840.00 J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 179 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs. PACIFIC COAST California. "ire? Tate.' Memorandum. Santa Crus, c.h., 5,596 Santa Cruz Co. Sentinel Rep Morn D] 1,200 .02 Sentinel Rep Sa WJ 650 .01 Surf JJem Eve D ] 1,500 .02 Surf Dem Sa WJ 1,000 .02 Santa Rosa, c.h., 5,220 Sonoma Co. Press Democrat Dem-Morn-D "| 1,100 .03^ Press Democrat Dem We and Sa SWJ 3,000 .03^ Republican Rep Eve D 1 1,100 .02 Republican Mo and Th SWJ 2,400 .02' Stockton, c.h., 15,000 San Joaquin Co. Independent Rep Morn D 3,300 .10 Independent Su 3,350 .10 Independent Rep Sa WJ 2,900 .05 Mail Dem Eve D] 3,725 .09 Mail Dem Sat WJ 3i6oo .07^ Record Ind Eve D] 2,000 .05^ Record Ind Sa W j 1,700 .02 NEVADA. Reno, c.h., 4,000 Washoe Co. Gazette Rep Eve D 1,200 .03 ^ Gazette and Stockman Rep Th W 1,300 .03^ Journal Morn ex Mo D 1,200 .03^ Journal Silver Sa W 700 .03 OREGON. Astoria, c.h., 6,550 Clatsop Co. Astorian Rep-Morn-D"| 1,400 .02 Astorian Rep Tu & Fr SWJ 1,450 .02 Budget Dem Eve Dl 1,000 .02 Budget Dem We WJ 1,500 .02 Pendleton, c.h., 4,000 Umatilla Co. East Oregonian Dem-Eve-D 900 .02 East Oregonian Dem Tu and Fr SW 1,600 .02 East Oregonian Dem-Fr-Wj 2,000 .03 Portland, c.h., 85,000 Multnomah Co. Telegram Ind Eve D 13,900 .09 Tribune Ind Morn D^j 1,300 .07 Tribune Ind Th WJ 1,000 .07 Oregonian Rep Morn D") 24,000 .12^ Oregonian Rep Su W | 29,400 .12^ Oregonian Rep Fr WJ 21,000 .12^ SAI/IM, c.h., 10,500 Marion Co. Capital Journal Rep-Eve-D^ 2,800 .02 Capital Journal Rep Th WJ 2,000 .02 Statesman Rep-Morn-D] 2,000 .02 Statesman and Farmer Rep Fr W J 2,800 .03 180 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. WESTERN CATHOLIC, m VOL. XXXI1.-NO PRICE FIVE CENTS (ATHOLIC DAf ^-*S 10.000 The men who are endowed by nature with the faculty for writing poetry are few. This is equally true of those able to write clever, catchy advertising. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 181 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Pacific Coast States. Esti- Pubs. WASHINGTON. ?g? rate!' Memorandum. New Whatcom, 7, 500 Whatcom Co. Reveille Rep-Morn-DI 1,250 .03^ Reveille Rep Fr Wj 2,800 .05^ OI/YMPIA, c.h., 6,000 Thurston Co. Olympian Rep-Morn-DI 800 .01 Olympian Rep Th Wj 1,100 .02 Port Townsend, c.h., 6,000 Jefferson Co. Leader Rep-Morn-D^ 1,900 .03^ Leader Rep Th WJ 2,100 .03^ Seattle, c.h., 61,000 King Co. Post-Intelligencer 1 Rep Morn D | 17,600 .08 Post-Intelligencer Rep-Su-W 1 22,400 .12 Post-Intelligencer Rep-Th-Wj 18,000 .12^ Times Ind Eve D1 17,200 .07 Times Ind Fr Wj 3,200 .07 Spokane, c.h., 30,000 Spokane Co. Chronicle Dem Eve D^l 6,100 .07^ Chronicle Dem Th Wj 2,900 .05^ Spokesman Review Rep Morn D 8,600 .10 Spokesman Review Rep-Su-W 9,000 .12^ Spokesman Review Rep Mo and Th SWJ 14,800 .10 Tacoma, c.h., 36,000 Pierce Co. Ledger Rep Morn D1 6,750 .Q7 l /4 Ledger Rep Su W 6,800 .07^ Ledger Rep-Th-Wj 3,5oo .05 News Dem Eve D] 7,000 .06 News Dem Fr Wj 3,000 .10 Walla Walla, c.h., 7,000 Wallawalla Co Statesman Dem Eve D^l 950 .01 Statesman Dem Sa Wj 3,800 .03 Union Rep Morn ex Mo D] 1,000 .01 Union-Journal Rep Sa WJ 1,400 .02 Try an advertisement in IKE rate is only 25 cents an agate line; $3.50 for one inch one time. It has a monthly circulation always above fifty thousand copies, and is a winner every time. There is no discount for time nor space. The small advertiser gets as good a show as the greatest. Send your money with the order, or send the business through one of the agencies. Address Nasori Publishing Co., P. O. Box 2033 (63 Rutgers Slip), New York. Forms close on the 2oth of the month preceding date of issue. Ask the Agent to tell you about our RED LETTER OFFER. 182 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. 15,222 ESTABLISHED 1825 s :;.":;:".: ,-.;; n?H3 All the Great Denominational Writers contribute to its columns We pay more for writ- ers than all the southern Baptist papers combined. Carry more local advertising than any Religious paper outside of New York City. All the general advertisers in the country use its columns. Some of our ad- vertisers have been in every issue from 25 to 30 years. Try it and you will like it. BAPTIST BOOK CONCERN Louisville, Ky. NO GUESS WORK JfKX Christian Standard 33.0OO Second largest strictly denominational religious weekly in the world. Lead- ing paper of the Christian Church, or, as frequently called, Disciples of Christ. Nearly 1,500,000 commu- nicants or members. The Lookout 22,OOO The recognized organ of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian Church. It has a field which wise advertisers w T ould do well to cultivate. Standard Lesson Quarterlies 150,000 The general advertiser can find no easier or cheaper way of reaching a most de- sirable class of people than by the use of the Standard Quarterlies. Increase in Circulation Improvement in Papers Decrease in Rates Orders will be accepted with condition that bills need not be paid if satisfactory proof of guaranteed circulation is not furnished on demand. STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY E. R. BLAINE, Advertising Manager 21B-22O E. Ninth St., Cincinnati, O. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 183 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. DOMINION OF CANADA. Esti- Pubs. NEWFOUNDLAND. ST. JOHN'S, 38,000 St. John's District. Herald Ind Eve D 4,300 .05 Telegram Ind Eve D 3,400 .05 News Morn ex Su Dl 1,700 .03 News Sa WJ 1,100 .03 NEW BRUNSWICK. Moncton, c.h., 8,762 Westmoreland Co. Times Times Transcript Transcript Cons-Morn-D Cons We W Lib Eve D Lib We W St. John, c.h., 40,000 St. John Co. Gazette Ind Eve D Globe Lib Eve D} Globe Lib We and Sa SW Sun Cons Morn ex Su D Sun Cons We and Sa SW Telegraph Lib-Morn-D Telegraph Lib We WJ NOVA SCOTIA. HALIFAX, c.h., 38,556 Halifax Co. 1,250 .05 2,400 05 1,050 .05 2,300 05 n Co. 3,100 .08 ] 4,ioo .08^ i, 600 05 3,8oo .08 8,600 .10 2,800 .07^4 \ 6,200 .0714 Recorder Lib Eve D Recorder Mo- We & Fr-TW Chronicle Lib-Morn-D Echo Ind Eve D Chronicle Tu Th and Sa-TW Chronicle Lib Sa W Herald Ind Morn ex Su D Mail Ind Eve D j Herald Ind We WJ 3,8oo 900 3,200 3,500 2,400 1,500 5-500 4,200 2,500 07 05 .07 .07 05 05 .08 .07 05 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. CHARI,OTTETOWN,ch.ii,374QueensCo. Examiner Cons Eve D 1,000 05 Examiner Cons Fr W 2,300 O5 Guardian Ind-Morn-D 950 03 Guardian Ind Th W 2,200 O5 Patriot Lib Eve D } goo 03 Patriot Lib Th W J 3,000 05 QUEBEC. Montreal, c.h., 300,000 Hochelaga Co. Gazette Cons-Morn-D] 8,900 Gazette Cons Th W J 5,900 .10 .10 Memorandum. 184 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. La filtration soil artificielle on naturelle s'impose Explications et dessins sur les systemes en vogue aux Etats-Unis The Circulation of 1:he ' Montreal Daily . : .- raKtfSk?Bi* is larger than that of any daily published in Canada, French or English, without exception. Sworn circulation o'ber 66,000 a day, one edition only. ARTHUR LAMALICE Manager Advertising Dep. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 185 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. DOHINION OF CANADA-Quebec. MONTREAL. Contin tied. Lib Eve Dl Lib We WJ Herald Herald Minerve (French) Morn-D Patrie (French) Ref Eve Dl Patrie (French) Ref Sa WJ Presse (French) Ind Eve Dl Presse (French) Ind Th WJ Star Ind Eve D Herald and Star Ind-Tu-W Witness Ind Eve D 1 Witness Ind Tu W J Esti- mated Circ. 6,500 4,500 7,100 19,000 12,000 66,000 35,000 51,000 107,000 14,000 28,000 c.h., 63,000 Quebec Co. Courrier du Canada (French) Cons Eve D 3,100 Evenement (French) Eve-D 14,000 Journal des Campagnes (French) Cons Th WJ 8,000 Chronicle Cons-Morn-D ] 3,800 Gazette Cons We WJ 1,000 Soleil (French) Lib Eve Dl 10,000 Soleil (French) Lib Th WJ 7,800 Telegraph Ind Eve D 1 4,500 Budget Ind Sa WJ 1,800 ONTARIO. Belleville, c.h., 9,916 Hastings Co. Intelligencer Cons Eve Dl 1,000 Intelligencer Cons Th WJ 2,800 Ontario Chronicle Sun Ref Eve D Fr W Ind Eve D Sun and Miner Ind Th W 1,350 3,150 1,350 1,200 Berlin, c.h., 7,425 Waterloo Co. News-Record Cons-Eve-D"| 1,200 News-Record Cons Th WJ 1,500 Brantford, c.h., 16,300 Brant Co. Courier Cons Eve D 1 2,000 Courier Cons Fr Wj 1,900 Expositor Lib Eve D ] 2,900 Expositor Lib Fr Wj 2,800 Brockville, c.h., 8,793 Leeds Co. Recorder Lib Eve Dl 1,100 Recorder Lib Fr Wj 1,300 Times Cons Eve Dl 1,200 Times Cons Tu and Fr SWJ 2,250 Chatham, c.h., 9,052 Kent Co. Banner Lib Eve D 1,700 Banner Lib Tu and Fr SW 2,375 Planet Cons Eve D 1,400 Planet Cons We W 3,900 Pubs, one t. rate. .10 .IO 15 15 25 .10 .20 05 .10 .10 .05 .03 .10 .10 .05 03 ,10 ,10 .10 .10 .10 .10 05 05 05 .05 .05 05 05 05 .05 05 05 .07 .05 .10 Memorandum. 186 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. CE OTTAWA CITIZEN CHANG 1 '" CITIZEN IE EVENING Cl IZEN RECOGNIZED LEADERS CAPITAL THE Dominion of (anada Canada's Leading Newspaper Che Coronto Globe HENRY BRIGHT United States Representative Tribune Building New York Boyce Building Chicago ZCbe DAILY AND WEEKLY WINNIPEG, MANITOBA Circulates in every section of Manitoba and Canadian Northwest Territories Advertisers are invited to inspect sub- scription lists, route books and agents' reports, to verify statement that the cir- culation of THE TELEGRAM, either of the morning or weekly editions, is equal to that of other leading newspapers pub- lished in Manitoba. Correspondence solicited as to adver- tising rates. ADDRESS: THE WINNIPEG NEWS AND PUBLISHING CO., LIMITED J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 187 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. QOO 3400 700 2,600 I,IOO 3,300 05 .07 05 05 05 .10 DOfllNION OF CANADA Ontario Gait, 7,535 Waterloo Co. Reformer Lib Eve D 1 Reformer Lib Th W } Reporter Cons Eve D | Reporter Cons Th WJ Guelph, c,h., 10,537 Wellington Co. Herald Cons Eve D ] Herald Cons Th WJ Mercury and Advertiser \ Ref Eve D 1,500 .05 Mercury and Advertiser Ref Th WJ 5,200 .10 Hamilton, c.h., 48,890 Wentworth Co. Times Ref Eve D"| 6,500 .10 Times Ref Th WJ . 7,200 .10 Herald Ind Eve D 4,400 .10 Spectator Cons Eve D1 10,000 .10 Spectator Cons Th Wj 9,500 .15 Kingston, c.h., 19,264 Frontenac Co. British Whig Lib Eve D] 2,500 .10 British Whig Lib Th Wj 6,200 .15 News Cons Eve D1 2,000 .10 News Cons Mo and Th SWj 2,900 .10 I/ondon, c.h., 32,000 Middlesex Co. Advertiser Lib Eve D^\ 8,300 .10 Advertiser Lib-Fr-WJ 21,000 .15 Free Press Cons-Mo & Ev-D"j 9,400 .10 Free Press Cons Th WJ 12,800 .10 News Ind Eve D 8,400 .08 OTTAWA, c.h., 75,000 Carleton Co. Citizen Cons-Mo & Ev-D"| 5,900 Citizen Cons-Mo & Th-SWJ 1,200 Journal Ind Eve D 1 5,800 Journal Ind Tu and Fr SWj 3,400 Free Press Lib Eve D1 7,500 Free Press Lib-Mo-Th-SWj 8,500 Peterboro, c.h., 9,717 Peterboro Co. .10 .c6 .10 05 .10 .10 Review Review Examiner Examiner Times Times Cons Eve D 1 Cons Fr Wj Lib Eve D } Lib Th WJ Ind Eve D 1 Ind Fr WJ 850 .08 2,200 .08 1,500 .08 2,500 .08 2,400 .10 5,300 .10 St. Catharine's, c.h., 9,170 Lincoln Co. Journal Journal Star Star Standard Standard Ref Eve D 1 Ref Th W J Cons Eve D 1 Cons Th WJ Ref Morn D ] Ref_Th Wj 1,150 .03 1,900 .03 1,900 .03 850 .03 2,600 .03 1,400 .03 Memorandum. 188 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER. THOMPSON CO. THE TORONTO (CANADA) NEWS. Sworn Circulation, 42,283. United States exports during- 1898 to Canada, South America, .... Central America, .... Asia, $35,102,408 5,086,124 46,950,r20 $90,454,866 87,139,252 WHAT OUR ADVERTISERS SAY : M UN YON : " Main factor in our success in Canada." "News leads them all in results." RIPANS CHEMICAL Co. : " Profits of three months' sales paid for twelve months' advertising." DR. A. W. CHASE MED. Co.: ''The best evening paper in Canada." " Always on top in results." DODD'S MEDICINE Co. : "Good results." "One of the best mediums in Canada." "Almost a necessity." SLOCUM CHEMICAL Co.: "Could not afford to be without a News contract." DR. SANDEN : " One of the best in Ontario." " Re- sults as good, if not better, than any other." SALADA TEA Co. : " We consider it indispens- able." MONSOON TEA Co. : " Very satisfactory results." HYSLOP BROTHERS, Bicycles : " Results very satis- factory. One of our most profitable invest- ments." H. A. GALLOWAY, Dentist: "Gratifying results." " An Al medium." R. S. WILLIAMS Co., Pianos: "Have tried all the dailies in Canada. The News is the very best." CLAPP SHOE Co : " Results extremely satisfactory and constantly growing better." HALLARN PLUMBING Co. : " Far in advance of any other paper in bringing direct returns." GEO. E. SCROGGIE, NEW YORK OFFICE, 245 Broadway. WM. DOUGLAS, Advertising: Manager. j. j. GIBBONS, Representative. Manager and Editor. h iJ^^ HUDSON'S BAY The Vancouver fiS UWlrl is the most exten- /JSII: WOlIU ^v-iv circulated I r* ^ :i sively circulated and read newspaper in 5rfftsft Columbia and the Canadian Northwest. Advertising rates furnished on application. E^L (al Insurance Co. | northern/ si" 1 ,^ "**"""** i-sajra- i i lancasWrr rirc n.iranrt Co. ,. w.r* 4 o.., i,* Hammocks for ""^ . Grown UD Folk< ppinhelmtr Lots and Firm Lindi lo b< t>4 c AAHON. n.F^RLAHD * riAMOV Ltd. Lj. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 189 Leading Dailies and Weeklies Continued. Esti- Pubs, one t. rate. .03 .03 .03 .03 DOniNION OF CANADA-Ontario. St. Thomas, c.h. , 11,300 Elgin Co. Journal Lib Eve D] 3,000 Journal Lib Th WJ 2,300 Times Cons Eve Dl 2,800 Times Cons Th WJ 3,400 TORONTO, c.h., 181,200 York Co. News Ind Eve D 42,000 Star Ind Eve D 13,000 Telegram Ind Eve D 21,000 Globe Ref Morn and Eve D 1 31,000 Globe and Canada Farmer Ref We WJ 25,600 .15 Mail and Empire Cons-Morn and Eve-D 23,000 Mail & Empire Cons-Th-W J 18,000 World Ind Morn D1 22,500 World Ind Su WJ 7,200 Monetary Times Com Fr W 5,400 Windsor, 10,322 Essex Co. Record Lib Eve D^l 1,500 .05 Record Lib Tu and Fr SWj 3,400 .05 Woodstock, c.h., 8,612 Oxford Co. Sentinel-Review Lib-Eve-D] 2,700 .05 Sentinel-Review Lib-We-WJ 4,800 .07 MANITOBA. WINNIPEG, c.h., 25,639 Winnipeg Co. Free Press .10 .10 .15 .15 .15 .10 .10 Ind-Morn and Eve-D Free Press Ind-Mo & Th-SW Nor'-Wester Ind-Mo & Ev-Dl Ind Th WJ Nor'-Wester Tribune Tribune Ind Eve D ] 1 Th WJ Ind- 10,000 8,000 2,700 7,800 4,700 8,800 15 15 .07 .10 .07 .10 BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vancouver, 13,685 Vancouver Co. News- Advertiser Ind-Morn-DI 1,500 .05 News-Advertiser Ind-We-Wj 2,000 .05 World Ind-Eve-D] 5,000 .06 World Tu-Fr-SWj 10,000 .06 VICTORIA, c.h. 23,ooo-VancouverIsld. Co. Colonist Cons-Morn-Dl 2,500 .10 Colonist Cons-Tu & Fr-SWj 2,300 .10 Times Lib-Eve-DI 2,200 .10 Times Lib Mo and Th SWj 3,000 .10 Memorandum. The preparation of judicious advertising is proof positive of a great gift. Rightly used, it means success to the advertiser. 190 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Estey Wire Work Co. 67 f ultoD St. New York THE "S. T." PAPER FILER AS USED IN THE FILING ROOMS OF THE J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Manufacturers of BRASS AND WIRE OFFICE AND BANK RAILINGS, PARTITIONS AND ENCLOSURES Ornamental Wire and Iron Work of All Kinds. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 191 SCRIBNEKS MAGAZINE cribner's is the leading High - Grade Magazine it goes into near- ly 200,000 homes. SCR1BNER5 MAGAZINE PUBLISHED nONTHL W.TH 11.1 U1TRATION 192 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Shrewd advertisers have come to regard COLLIERS W^EEKLT AS A SPECIAL PROPOSITION and are including it on lists where otherwise the appropriation is strictly confined to monthly mediums. Why ? Because it has a guaranteed cir- culation of 200,000 copies per week, the largest circulation of any magazine or periodical that sells for $3.00 or more per year. Because over 80 per cent of this circulation consists of annual sub- scriptions, thereby enabling the advertiser to enter 160,000 homes each week. Because its advertis- ing rate of 75 cents per line gross is a remarkably low one. ANY PROOF? During the first three months of 1899, 214 Columns, or i6> Columns per issue. " second " " " " 314 24 This represents in six months an increase of 50 per cent in advertising increasing advertising proves result-bringing ability. WHAT OF THE FUTURE? This increase has caused the immediate prep- aration for, a : An enlargement in the size of the paper, b : The addition of a Department for Women to be designed upon entirely new and original lines, c : Color Work in the Art De- partment. Conde Nasty Manager 523 West I$fA Street, New York ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT AMERICA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE WEEKLY LEADING MAGAZINES Reaching* a National -Audience Great storehouses of valuable information and literary merit, that rarely grow old. Their lasting qualities are too well known to need explanation. Their aggre- gate circulation stretches into the millions, and each copy is read by many people. This list includes ONLY those which are bound in the regulation magazine size pages, the printing, 5% inches wide by 8 inches deep. Nothing of value is omitted. See next list for Monthly Publications, many of which are of magazine character. Hundreds of customers of this agency are constant and satisfied patrons of selections from these lists. Special estimates on application. Dates of closing forms for advertising pages are given as a convenience. In some cases these are arbitrary, as in the case of the larger magazines ; while in other cases a little leeway is obtainable, especially if contracts are made in advance. Circulations are estimated from the best sources of conservative information obtain- able, and are believed to be substantially correct. Esti- Pubs, mated ^ page Circ. price. Ainslee's Magazine, New York, 110,000 30.06 Forms close yst preceding date of issue. American Kitchen Magazine, Boston, Forms close first of each month. 10,000 12.50 American Magazine, New York, 75,ooo 25.00 Forms close ist of each month. Appleton's Popular Science, New York, 22,000 12.50 Forms close ist of previous month. Argosy, New York, MfBM 15-00 Forms close 25th of preceding month. Atlantic Monthly, Boston, 14,000 15.00 Forms close ist of preceding month. Canadian Magazine, Toronto, 9,5oo 8.00 Forms close loth of preceding month. Cassier's Magazine, New York, 17.500 15.00 Forms close three weeks in advance. Memorandum. Century Magazine, New York, 185,000 62.50 Forms close 30 days previous to date of issue. Chaperone, St. Louis, 45,ooo 30.00 Forms close 25th of second previous month. Just tell the people what you have to sell. Tell it energetically. That will draw attention. The rest is easy, and the grist will come to your mill. 194 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. GILBERT PARKER'5 NEW, 1IOCEHT5 AINSLEE'5 MAGAZINE flHf This magazine has struck the popular chord and proves itself a profitable medium for all mail order advertisers. CIRCULATION GUARANTEED OVER 110,000 PER MONTH &&& AINSLEE'S MAGAZINE is first in economy to the advertiser; first in character and expensfoeness of literary and art features. Write the publishers for rates and specimen copies, or full particulars can be obtained from any reputable advertising agency in the United States. Forms close first of the month preceding date of publication. CLARENCE C. VERNAM Advertising Manager. Messrs. STREET & SMITH, Publishers New York City. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 195 Leading Magazines Continued. Esti- Pubs. mated tf page Memorandum. Circ price. Chautauquan, Meadville, Pa., 100,000 25.00 Forms close 3d and 8th of preceding month. Cosmopolitan, Irvington, N. Y., 333,000 112.03 Forms close ist of previous month. Donahoe's Magazine, Boston, 38,000 25.00 Forms close isth of previous month. Forum, New York, 40,000 20.00 Forms close sth of preceding month. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, New York, 200,000 50.00 Forms close 25th second preceding month. Good Housekeeping, Spring- field, Mass., 30,000 15.00 Forms close loth of preceding month. Harper's Magazine, New York, 170,000 62.50 Forms close one month in advance. Lippincott's Magazine, Phila., 70,000 30.00 Forms close 25th of second previous month. McClure's Magazine, New York, 366,000 96.00 Forms close 25th second preceding month. Metropolitan Magazine, New York, 150,000 30.00 Forms close 6th of preceding month. National Magazine, Boston, 40,000 18.00 Forms close loth of preceding month. New England Magazine, Boston, 20,000 15.00 Forms close loth of preceding month. New Illustrated Magazine, New York, 65,000 25.00 Forms close 25th second preceding month. Nickel Magazine, Boston, 65,000 20.00 Forms close loth of preceding month. North American Review, New York, 50,000 25,00 Forms close i2th of preceding month. Outing, New York, 40,000 35.00 Forms close 25th of second previous month. Advertising is a science nowadays. It must be studied. If you had to undergo an operation, would you prefer a quack or a skilled surgeon ? 196 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Because it enjoys the confidence of its readers, who are thoughtful, progressive house- keepers the buy- ers for the home. TABLE TALK PUBLISHING Co. PHILADELPHIA. PA. The advertisements in TABLE TALK are read because its subscribers have found they can rely upon it. Sample copy and advertising rates free. TARI F TAI K is of special value to Advertisers of Food Products, Table Delicacies, I AAULL I /-\LI\ Kitchen Utensils, Dining Room Conveniences, Table Ware, House- hold Goods, and Wearing Apparel for Women. For advertising mtcx n>/ mW>rs. TABLE TALK PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 197 Leading Magazines Continued. Esti- Pubs, mated ^ page Circ. price. Memorandum. Overland, San Francisco, 25,000 15.00 Forms close loth of previous month. Pall Mall Magazine, New York, 25,000 12.50 Forms close 3d of preceding month. Parisian Magazine, New York, 45,000 18.75 Forms close isth of preceding month. Pearson's Magazine, New York, 125,000 37.50 Forms close 2oth of second preceding month. Puritan, New York, ifiieea 25.00 Forms close 25th of second preceding month. Quaker, New York, *f*MO 17.50 Forms close 25th of second preceding month. Recreation, New York, 80,000 60.00 Forms close ist of preceding month. Review of Reviews, New York, 158,000 50.00 Forms close ist of preceding month. St. Nicholas, New York, 75,ooo 40.00 Forms close 30 days orior to date of issue. Scribner's Magazine, New York, 175,000 62.50 Forms close ist of previous rnonth. Self Culture, Akron, O., 80,000 20.00 Forms close sth of previous month. Short Stories, New York, 20,000 10.00 Forms close 5th of preceding month. Strand Magazine, New York, 200,000 62.50 Forms close 20th of second preceding month. Table Talk, Philadelphia, 26,000 15.00 Forms close isth of preceding month. The Munsey, New York, 9pipii& 100.00 Forms close 25th of second preceding month. Trained Motherhood, New York, 16,000 15.00 Forms close loth of preceding month. Trained Nurse, New York, 10,000 10.00 Forms close 2oth of preceding month. Wide World, New York, 80,000 31.25 Forms close 2sth of second preceding month. Since this book went to press we have~ r . priate medillm is as bad as a received the publisher's statement as be- ;dilim ' low of NET circulation : Ar-osy, New York 77 4I2 Munsey's Magazine, New York 6o 5 ' S 8i Puritan, New York New York 43,929 196 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. .wzsiA 1T+J\ ' *l 7 hshin? Co. (Ltd.} in the larger MADE AS FOLLOWS : J \ 20 per cent. Retail Sales. THE GLASS OF FASHION is sold in every part of the United States, being handled by over 5,000 of the leading merchants of the country. It is issued also in a Spanish edition (at present 20,000 copies), for circulation in all Spanish- speaking countries. Notwithstanding the marked improvement made in the appearance of the Magazine, the generous display of illustrations, the wealth of reading matter, and the edition of colored plates each month, it remains without question the lowest-priced first-class fashion and household Magazine in the world. Subscription Price , - 60 cents a year Single Copies ', - - - 7 cents each. ADVERTISING RATES 75 cents per Agate line per insertion. No advertisements for less space than five lines will be accepted. THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING CO. (LTD.), 7 TO 17 WEST 13 STREET, NEW YORK. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 213 Mail Order Papers Continued, MONTHLIES. Esti- mated Circ. Farm News, Springfield, Ohio, 100,000 Forms close soth of previous month. Gentlewoman, New York, 300,000 Forms close i8th of previous month. Good Literature, New York, 255,000 Forms close loth of previous month. Good Reading, Sandusky, Ohio, 30,000 Forms close 2oth of month preceding. Glass of Fashion, New York, 200,000 Forms close i2th of second month previous. Hearthstone, New York, 600,000 First form closes sth, ad form i$th of preceding month. Housekeeper, Minneapolis, 126,000 Forms close isth of preceding month. Housewife, New York, 100,000 Forms close loth of previous month. Home Monthly, Boston, 200,000 Forms close isth of preceding month. 25,000 Home Life, Caro, Mich., Forms close i5th of previous month. Home Queen, Philadelphia, 125,000 Forms close isth of previous month. Home Magazine, Washington, D. C., Forms close isth of previous month. Home Talk, New York, Forms close loth of previous month. Home Visitor, Philadelphia, Forms close 2oth of previous month. Hours at Home, New York, First form closes sth, ad form i4th of previous month. Household, Boston, Forms close isth of previous month. Household Companion, Boston, Forms close aoth of previous month. Household Journal, Philadelphia, 150,000 Forms close aoth of previous month. How to Grow Flowers, Spring- field, Ohio, 110,000 Forms close ist of previous month. Humane Alliance, New York, 75,ooo Forms close isth of preceding month. Illustrated Companion, New York, 105,000 Forms close isth of previous month. Inland, St. Louis, 120,000 Forms close 2oth of preceding month. Ladies' Home Journal, Phila., 750,000 Forms close isth of second month preceding. Ladies' World, New York, 450,000 Forms close ist of preceding month. Ledger Monthly, New York, 200,000 Forms close ist of previous month. Pubs, one t. rate. 50 1.50 I.OO .30 75 2.50 .60 SO I.OO .25 .60 181,000 75 300,000 I.OO 145,000 .50 200,000 .85 100,000 .60 26,000 .17 150,000 .80 .50 .40 .60 .50 S.oo 2.00 75 Memorandum. 214 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. The Glass of Fashion Up to Date. THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING CO., [LIMITED], LONDON AUGUST, 1899. Single Copies, 7 Cents, Little, wide-awake advertisements often prove to be giants in disguise. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 215 Mail Order Papers Continued. MONTHLIES. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. Memorandum. Lane's List, Augusta, Me., Sun- shine, Family Herald, Golden Moments, Literary Com- panion, National Farmer, 704,000 Forms close on sth of month published i5th. Mayflower, Floral Park, N. Y., 300,000 Forms close ist of previous month. Metropolitan and Rural Home, New York, 500,000 Forms close i4th of previous month. Modern Priscilla, Boston, 60,000 Fcrms close ist of previous month. Modern Stpries, New York, 300,000 Forms close aoth of previous month. New Ideas, Philadelphia, 150,000 Forms close 15th of previous mouth. Normal Instructor, Dansville, N. Y., 100,000 Forms close isth of previous month. Paragon Monthly, New York, 200,000 Forms close 5th of previous month. Park's Floral Magazine, Lib- onia, Pa., Forms close 5th of previous month. People's Home Journal, New York, Forms close loth of previous month. Popular Fashions, New York, 250,000 Forms close loth of previous month. Sawyer Trio, Waterville, Me., American Nation, Fireside Gem, Home Treasury, 1,000,000 Forms close one month in advance. Social Visitor, Boston, 25,000 Forms close isth to 20th previous month. Sovereign Visitor, Omaha, Neb., 75,000 Forms close 2oth of preceding mouth. Star, Oak Park, 111., Forms close isth of previous month Success, Westbrook, Me., Forms close 25th of preceding month. Success With Garden and Farm, Reed City, Mich., 100,000 .50 Forms close isth of preceding month. Up to Date Farming and Gar- dening, Indianapolis, Ind., 75,ooo Forms close 25th of previous month. Upton's Monthly, Chicago, 70,000 Forms close 25th of preceding month. Vickery & Hill's List, Augus- ta, Me., Fireside Visitor. Good Stories, Happy Hours, Hearth and Home, 1,500,000 6.00 Forms close ist of previous month. 3-00 1.25 2.OO .40 1.25 .50 .40 .80 350,000 1.25 340,000 1.50 1. 00 3.00 -25 45 75,000 .40 100,000 .40 30 35 216 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO, FHE FOX-WOMAN BY JOHN LUTHER LONO. FHI; TI:LLER. A ,i- "DAVID HARUM Full of Vitality and New Life It never gets old, as each number contains a com- plete novel, giving a Continual Circulation, unlike others with continued stories. No illus- trations in the body of the magazine, which makes advertisements stand out very bold. Advertisers appreciate these points Our advertising pages are interspersed with humorous illus- trations by the most prominent artists. Compare our rates in proportion to circulation, with others. For sample copy, address LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, Philadelphia J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 217 Mail Order Papers Continued. MONTHLIES. Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. Wayside Gleanings, CHntonville, Conn., 50,000 .25 Forms close 2oth of previous month. Welcome Friend, New York, 50,000 .25 Forms close isth of preceding month. Woman's Home Companion, Springfield, Ohio, 300,000 1.75 Forms close first of preceding month. Woman's Farm Journal, St. Louis, 60,000 .40 Forms close first of previous month. Woman's Home Journal. Bos- ton, 200,000 i.oo Forms close roth of previous month. Woman's Work, Athens, Ga., 50,000 .25 Forms close 25th of previous month. Word and Works, St. Louis, 31,000 .30 Forms close loth previous month. Farm and Fireside, Springfield, O., 330,000 i. 60 Two editions, eastern and western. Forms close fifteen days in advance. Farm and Home, Springfield, Mass., 250,000 1.50 Two editions, eastern and western. Forms close sth and 2oth of each month. Home and Farm, Louisville, Ky., 100,000 .60 Published on ist and isth. Forms close five days in advance. ,,o Forms close Saturday ten days in advance. Commonwealth, Covington, Ky., 100,000 .30 Forms close one week in advance. National Tribune, Washington, D. C, 118,000 .70 Forms close one week in advance World, tri-weekly, Mo., We., Fr., New York, 165,000 .60 Forms close the week previous. Globe, Utica, N. Y., 138,000 i.oo Forms close one week in advance. Telegram, Elmira, N. Y., 80,000 .50 Forms close one week in advance. Grit, Williamsport, Pa., 100,000 .40 Forms close four days in advance. New York Weekly, New York, 200,000 i.oo Forms close twenty days in advance. Fireside Companion, New York, 150,000 1.25 Forms close three weeks in advance. Saturday Evening Post, Phila., 165,000 i.oo Forms close three weeks in advance. Memorandum. 218 ADVERTISING. . WALTER THOMPSON CO. MILLION R HOMES V 7 The LEADING E LIG I O US PU B Li CATIONS' Re prese nt i n g all de norin I nations] neuspapers afford a very desirable medium for spreading publicitx on account of the dissemination of religious thought and denominational news in their columns. 1-Vw intelligent families are without a publication of this sort. Of late, the societies of youni; people of different beliefs are special!) repre- sented by organs of larvie circulation, popularity and inlluence. all of which are included in this list. Wln-ii- tlu- denomination is not imluMlol by the naiiu-. il is slu\\n by al>l>i > Km K nit itist ; r.ith.. r.ilholiv-; C, E., *.'hn>u.ui BndeaVOT; Tin.,; -i ; Con^. t Congregational ; i>i>., i>isi-ipi<.>; l-'p .. i : i>i>ci>p.i: Calj !". 1- . l"u-c Haptist; 1 nth.. I.utlu-i;in; Men.. Mciinonilo ; Moth., Mi-tluuliM ; Pr8 M l'u->l>\ UM ; Ki-t. l"li., KohMinod I'hurch ; Kt-f. ,K-\v.. Ki-ioi in Jewish; Kef. Pu-s.. Ki-u>niu-il l'u->h\ ; Spir.. Spinm.ilisl ; I'. H., I'nitod I'u-tlnon ; I'n . I'luUMiouiiiuitional 01 t'nr-ivt.u i.ui ; 1'ni., t 'ni\ ri s.ilist ; and 1'iiit , , I'liilai ian. C'ircnlations are estimated from best con.ser\ ative sources and are believed to be correct. On account of the widespread character of circulation populations are not s^iven. C "opv for these papers should be in hand if possible one week in advance of date. ARRANGED BY GEOGRAPHICAL SECTIONS. NEW ENGLAND. Pubs. MAINE. '-;;;;; 1 ';;;.; Bangor. Word and The \V- Conp \V 6,000 .06 Portland. Zion's Advocate Bap W 2,000 .03 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord. Congregational Record Con.u \\ 1,500 ,oa Kast Canterbury. Main: Shakers M I.OOO .04 Memorandum. 220 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. NOT LIKE ANY OTHER PUBLICATION. OVER 400,000 members of the AMERICAN MUSICAL ASSOCIATION, our special field. These people own pianos and organs, and buy more than the necessaries of life. Circulation over 100,000 copies each month. Rates and service always satisfactory. Sample copy and further informa- tion that wH interest you, mailed on request. AMERICAN MUSICAL ASSOCIATION, Publishers. W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Proprietors,CWcago. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 221 Leading Religious Publications Continued. 20,000 7,677 10,500 100,000 22,000 2,100 9,200 74,586 40,000 New England. Esti- MASSACHUSETTS. Boston. Banner of Light Spir W Christian Register Unit W Christian Witness Meth W Christian Endeavor World W Congregationalist Cong W Herald of the Coming One-W Morning Star F B W Pilot Cath W Republic Cath W Sacred Heart Review Cath W Universalist Leader Un W Watchman Bap W Zion's Herald Meth W Missionary Magazine Bap M Christian Safeguard Un M Contributor Ev M Donahoe's Magazine Cath M Missionary Herald Cong M Pilgrim Teacher Cong M Sunday School Helper Uni-M Watchword Ev M Working Boy Cath M Fall River. Catholic Advocate Cath W Worcester. Messenger Pubs, one t. rate. 25 .IO .10 .65 25 03 .10 .20 .20 40,000 18,000 .20 .20 17,000 25 17,500 .20 7,300 8,500 .10 .10 20,000 46,000 18,000 .20 .80 15 15,000 15 4,550 15 3,500 85,000 .11 30 2,500 .03 Cath W 3,600 .05 RHODE ISLAND. Providence. Rhode Island Church Mes- senger Ev M 2,000 .03 CONNECTICUT. Hartford. Connecticut Catholic Cath W 4,800 .04 Religious Herald Cong W 850 .03 Memorandum. If you are in business, but not in the advertising field, you are not in the world. Strike boldly yet judiciously in arranging your advertisements. Tell the truth. Those who inspect your product will be the judges. 222 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Only Publication of The Humane Alliance Tis June, the smnvy lillies blow In joy my tail I wafc And hope my skin may ne>r be used Tomkke a Clad stone bajj The work of humane educa- tion is of great importance and interest to our subscribers, insuring the careful reading of each issue. Readers forward their papers to friends, and the paper probably enjoys a larger number of readers to each copy than any other publication. The Largest Circulation of any Animal Publication in the World THE HUMANE ALLIANCE will pay well as an advertising medium ; a trial order will demonstrate this fact. Only straightforward advertising accepted. Rate, 40 cents per agate line, 10 per cent, dis- count on six months' orders, 15 per cent. on yearly orders. The Humane Alliance NEW YORK 2fci($ru$ten ox& ber ^efmat unfc ^remfce. THCM95T PROMINENT Published at Chicago, III. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 223 Leading Religious Publications Continued. MIDDLE STATES. NEW YORK. Buffalo. Aurora (German) Cath W Catholic Union and Times Cath W Christian Uplook Meth W New York. Catholic News Cath W Christian Advocate Meth W Christian Herald and Signs of Our Times Ev W Christian Intelligencer Christian Work Churchman Congregational Evangelist Examiner Freeman's Journal lie Register Hebrew Standard Jewish Messenger Observer Outlook Sabbath Reading Twentieth Century New Voice Witness Assembly Herald Catholic World Church Union Homiletic Review Record of Christia Rosary Saint Andrew's Cross Silver Cross King's Daughters W Sunday School Journal Meth M Young Catholic Cath M Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. 3,200 .03 12,500 .06 12,000 .10 60,000 .25 41,000 .50 250,000 1.25 Memorandum. Ret Ui W n,ooo .20 Lef Pres W 10,000 .10 Ev W 22,500 30 Ep W 19,000 .30 Work M 100,000 .60 Pres W 12,000 .12 Bap W 30,000 .30 and Catho- Cath W 52,000 .30 je W _W 20,000 .20 Jew W 6,500 .20 Ev W 27,000 30 Ev W 90,000 SO Ev W 93,ooo 50 Radical W 10,000 .22 Ev W 100,000 75 Ev W 50,000 .40 M 50,000 25 Cath M 23,000 35 Ev M 10,000 .10 Un M 20,000 25 n Work Un M 16,000 15 Cath M 13,000 15 oss Ep M 21,625 30 30,000 .30 IOI,OOO 1. 00 29,000 .18 224 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 225 Leading Religious Publications Continued. MIDDLE STATES New York. Rochester. Catholic Journal Syracuse. Northern Christian Advocate Meth W Wesleyan Methodist Meth W Esti- mated Circ. 4,500 Camden. Home Guide NEW JERSEY. Ref New Jersey Methodist and Ep- worth Advocate Meth W Newark. Messenger Y. M. C. A. M New Jersey Baptist Bulletin M PENNSYLVANIA. Bethlehem. 1,500 5,000 Moravian Greenville. Young Lutheran Harrisburg. Church Advocate C of G W Evangelical Ev W Pennsylvania Methodist Meth W Philadelphia. American Friend Fr W Catholic Standard Cath W Christian Instructor Pres W Christian Recorder Meth W Christian Standard Meth W Church Standard Ep W Episcopal Recorder Ref Ep W Guardian Angel Cath W Jewish Exponent Lutheran Lutheran Observer Luth W Methodist Meth W Presbyterian Pres W Presbyterian Journal Pres W Reformed Church Messenger W 3,100 7,300 jew W Luth W 7,000 19,600 5,200 5,000 12,000 17,000 4,000 35,000 7,5oo 4,000 i7,5oo 5,9oo 12,000 8,000 Pubs, one t. rate. Cath W 3,000 .03 15 .10 3,000 .02 2,000 .02 .02 .07 Mor W 1,250 .03 Luth M 31,550 .20 05 05 2,500 .03 .10 15 .05 .04 .10 15 05 .20 .14 .06 .12 .07 .18 .07 7,000 .08 Memorandum. A strong, brainy advertisement resembles the manoeuvre of a great general in the field. It destroys opposition. 226 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. America's Greatest Illustrated Journal is AMERICA'S CUP-DEFENDER "COLLT1BIA," ON A PORT TACK DURING HER TRIAL SAIL IN NARRAOANSETT BAY, ABOVE NEWPORT. The public like it, that's why advertisers ========= use it. LESLIE'S WEEKLY, 1 10 Fifth Avenue, New York. WILLIAM L. MILLER, Advertising Manager. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 227 Leading Religious Publications Continued. fllDDLE STATES Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA Continued. Sunday School Times Ev W Am Church Sunday School Magazine Ep M Our Young People Bap SM Augsburg Sunday School Teacher Luth M Baptist Superintendent M Baptist Teacher Bap M Pittsburg. Catholic Cath W Christian Advocate Meth W Christian Union Herald Pres W Methodist Recorder Meth W Presbyterian Banner Pres W United Presbyterian Pres W Bible Teacher Pres M Reading. Reformed Church Record Ref Ch W Scranton. Diocesan Record Cath W Index Cath W DELAWARE. Wilmington . Peninsula Methodist MARYLAND. Baltimore. Catholic Mirror Cath W Christian Advocate Meth W Katholische Volk Zeitung (German) Cath W Methodist Meth W Methodist Protestant W Baptist Messenger Bap M Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate 150,000 .80 5,800 .15 60,000 .50 14,500 .15 6,800 .10 60,000 .40 12,500 .10 23,000 .II 23,000 .20 6.000 .10 16,000 .15 12,000 .10 7,000 .10 5,000 .11 8,400 .10 12,800 .10 W 3,600 .02 16.000 4000 25,000 4,250 6,000 2,500 .II .06 .07 .07 .08 03 Memorandum. No business man would think of taking a legal step without the aid of a lawyer. Law is a science ; so is the writing and placing of advertising. Have your attorney of publicity just as you have your legal advisor. Cut your coat according to your cloth. If you cannot pay for double columns in newspapers and for pages in magazines, advertise as far as you are able. A well- written small advertisement often draws as much attention as an elaborate attempt. 228 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE HOME AAGAZINE Our Output is 35,000. What's our Circulation? Rates, $50 per page. HOME MAGAZINE PUBLISHING CO. W. J. SHILLIDAY, Manager 93-99 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 229 Leading Religious Publications Continued. CENTRAL STATES. OHIO. Cincinnati. American Israelite Jew W Catholic Telegraph Cath W Christian Leader Ch rW Christian Standard Ch W ChristlicheApologete Meth-W Deborah (German) Jew W Herald & Presbyter Pres-W Journal & Messenger Bap W Lookout C E W Wahrheits-Freund Cath W Western Christian Advocate Meth W Sunday School Journal Meth M Cleveland. Catholic Universe Cath W ChristlicheBotschafter Ev-W Evangelical Messenger Ev-W Union Gospel News Ev W Men Y. M. C. A. M Columbus. Catholic Columbian Cath W Ohio Waisenfreund Cath W Light of Truth Spir W Dayton. Christian World Ref Ch W Herald of Gospel Liberty Ch W Lutheran Evangelist Luth W Religious Telescope U B W Watchword WB W Delaware. Woman's Home Missions Meth M INDIANA. Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. 23,000 .15 8,400 .07 6,700 .08 32,500 .30 I9,OOO .15 9,OOO .05 23,000 .25 12,000 .12 27,733 .20 I4,OOO .15 25,OOO .25 90,000 i. oo 16,200 .07 20,000 .16 10,000 .13 50,000 .30 20,000 .25 7,000 .07 38,000 .30 27,500 .25 4,850 .05 4,500 .05 8,581 .10 17,131 .15 I2,OOO .10 17,200 .15 Memorandum. Bap W 13,900 .15 Indianapolis. Baptist Outlook Notre Dame. Ave Maria Cath W 25,000 The sensible merchant includes the cost of advertising as one of his necessary expenses in mapping out his plans for each season. .20 230 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. 8 Special Color Pictures [ T>K frmr.t*B&t,i, ciu* Vol. IV No. 4 Il'I.Y 1899 Price 25 Ce Brush & Pencil * An Illustrated M&jtame tlhe Arls&Cralls HRare Opportunity is offered through this publication to reach a high-grade class of pur- chasers. It reaches over 10,000 lovers of art, painting, sculpture and kindred subjects every month* Beautifully illustrated. (Advertising rates reasonable. Hits & Crafts pub. Co. Chicago DAILY- EVENING WEEKLY- THURSDAY ALTON SENTINEL -DEMOCRAT 4 Largest Circulation of any Paper in Southern Illinois TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR Published by The Sentinel-Democrat Printing Company J. J. McINERNEY, Pres't and Mgr. Second and Piasa Sts. ALTON, ILL. THE MOLINE ILL. is highly endorsed by the Moline Retail Merchants Association as "Without a Superior in Rock Island County." They all use it extensively, which is a still better endorsement. :: ::: ::: Sworn Net | Daily edition, 1861 Circulation I Semi-weekly, 1050 The only Democratic in a live city of twenty thousand. MYRON JORDAN, ;:;;;;,; JOURNAL BUILDING, Opposite City Hall, MOLINE, ILL. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 231 Leading Religious Publications Continued. Central States. ILLINOIS. Chicago. Advance Baptist Union Bladet (Swedish) Christian Oracle Epworth Herald Free Methodist Interior Israelite Katolik Living Church Midland Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Giro. rate. Cong W Bap W Un W Ch W Meth W Meth W Pres W Jew W Cath SW Ep W Pres W Missions-Vannen (Swed.) Ev W New Unity Un W Northwestern Christian Advo- cate Meth W Nya Wecko Posten (Swed.) Bap W Ram's Horn Un W Reform Advocate Ref Jew W Sandebudet (Swedish) Meth W Standard Bap W Western Catholic Elgin. Young People's Weekly Un W 21,280 34,000 12,500 6,500 116,000 4,800 30,000 13,314 4.500 17.500 8,500 15 .20 .06 .08 .60 .06 25 .08 05 25 .10 17,500 .07 io,coo .15 23,580 .25 10.600 .06 58.000 .40 16.000 .c8 10,000 .10 15,000 .12 3,500 .05 Mt. Morris. Gospel Messenger Rock Island. Augustana (Swedish) 220,000 1.30 Bap W 18,000 i2 Luth W 13,000 .10 MICHIGAN. Detroit. Angelus Cath W Christian Herald Bao W Michigan Catholic Cath W Michigan Christian Advocate Meth W Michigan Presbyterian W WISCONSIN. Milwaukee. Catholic Citizen 10.000 5.800 4-500 18,500 .06 .06 .10 .20 05 Memorandum. Cath W 10,500 .07 232 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. AIM Am WHEAT \H CALIFORNIA ::::::: OSGRLSSOF AMERICAN ABORIGINLS AT OMAHA-EXPO! 30,000 Monthly (Announcement to Advertisers \ i py-kr-n i Q The Overland Monthly is the Official Organ of the Schools of California. The State and City subscribes for 3,44-1 monthly. This gives the Overland a reading public in California alone of half a million* Advertisers will see the point. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 233 Leading Religious Publications Continued. WESTERN STATES. MINNESOTA. Minneapolis. Kingdom Ev W Midland Christian Advocate Meth W North and West Pres W St. Paul. Der Wanderer (German) Cath W Northwestern Chronicle Cath W IOWA. Davenport. Iowa Catholic Messenger W Iowa Churchman Des Moines. Christian Index Christian Worker Iowa Endeavorer Dubuque. Katholischer man) Sioux City. Northwestern Catholic Ep M Ch W Ch W C E M Westen (Ger- Cath W W NEBRASKA. Omaha. Christian Advocate Meth W MISSOURI. Kansas City. Catholic St. I,ouis. American Baptist Flag W Central Baptist Bap W Central Christian Advocate Meth W Christian Advocate Meth W Christian Evangelist Ch W Church Progress and Catholic World Cath W Herold des Glaubens (Ger- man) Cath W Esti- mated Circ. 3.800 6,500 9,600 5,800 Pubs, one t. rate. 6,OOO .03 03 .05 04 .07 5,150 -06 5,000 .10 2,400 .05 4,900 .07 5,000 .07 8,750 .15 5,000 .04 5-550 .05 Cath W 5,000 .05 15,000 .10 10,241 .11 25,012 .20 26,785 .25 30,000 .25 28,000 .10 27,000 .15 Memorandum. 234 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Circulation Guaranteed 80,000 Copies per Month in America INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO. ~ j. LAWRENCE BRADLEE 83 and 85 Duane St., New York Advertising Manager We also represent the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS (American Edition) identical with the English. Advertisements placed opposite illustrations or reading. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 235 Leading Religious Publications Continued. Esti- Pubs. WESTERN STATES nissouri. mated Circ. one *. Memorandum. rate. ST. LOUIS Continued. Jewish Voice Jew W 17,000 .07 Observer Pres W 6,500 .05 Our Young Folks Ch W 20.000 .20 Inland C E M 88,000 50 Word & Works M 31,000 30 KANSAS. Topeka. Kansas Endeavorer C E M 4,588 .10 SOUTHERN STATES. VIRGINIA. Richmond. Central Presbyterian Pres--W 3, 700 .04 Christian Advocate Meth W 8,000 .07 Religious Herald Bap W 8,000 .07 Southern Churchman Ep W 5-5OO .05 Bible Reader Un M 20,000 .10 WEST VIRGINIA. . Huntington. Baptist Banner Bap W 4,200 .04 NORTH CAROLINA. Fayetteville. North Carolina Baptist W 3,600 .03 Raleigh. Biblical Recorder Bap W 6,500 .07 Charlotte. North Carolina Presbyterian Pres W 2,300 .07 Greensboro. North Carolina Christian Ad- vocate Meth W 7,300 .07 SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia. Southern Christian Advocate Meth W 4,600 05 Due West. Associate Reformed Presby- terian Pres W 2,338 03 Greenville. Baptist Courier Ban W 5,ioo .07 Newberry. Lutheran Visitor Luth W 3.157 05 236 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Congregational ftlork PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON 1UR01*IJ!LDIMG S^."~ 5gjrl ^.l'^' TMTCP EVERY FAMILY an Advertising Medium Cannot be Excelled Congregational Work is one of the best paying Religious mediums in America. Congregational Work has more circulation than all other Congregational papers combined. Congregational Work enters nearly 100,000 homes and is read by about 300, ooo persons each issue Congregational Work is read by the purchasing class of people. Congregational Work Congregational Work You can get more for your money by advertising in it than in any other Religious medium. When making up your list of mediums be sure and include it. Sample Copies, Rates, etc., cheerfully furnished on application. C. E. SHERIN SPECIAL AGENCY Sole (Advertising cManagers POTTER BUILDING, NEW YORK J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING 237 Leading Religious Publications continued. Southern States. Esti- GEORGIA. n Src d Atlanta. Christian Index Bap W 10,000 Wesleyan Christian Advocate Meth W 10,677 Augusta. Georgia Baptist Bap W 4,000 3,000 3,000 6,500 4,000 FLORIDA. Florida Christian Advocate Meth W Ocala. Florida Baptist Witness Bap W ALABAMA. Birmingham. Alabama Christian Advocate Meth W Montgomery. Alabama Baptist Bap W Meridian. MISSISSIPPI. Baptist Record Bap W 5,ooo Winona. Baptist Layman Bap SM 5,860 Jackson. TENNESSEE. Christian Index Meth W Knoxville. Holston Methodist Meth W Methodist Advocate Journal Meth W Martin. Primitive Baptist Bap W Memphis. Jewish Spectator Jew W Nashville. Baptist and Reflector W Christian Advocate Meth W Cumberland Presbyterian Pres W Gospel Advocate Ch W Sunday School Magazine Meth M 2,500 5,ooo 3,000 4,200 8,551 6,000 18,000 10,300 12,000 Louisville. KENTUCKY. Central Methodist Meth W 4,500 Christian Guide Dis W 13.500 Christian Observer Pres W 17,500 Katholischer Glaubensbote (German) Cath W 10,000 Western Recorder Bap W 15,000 Pentecostal Herald Meth W 24,000 Pubs, one t. rate. .04 05 .04 03 03 03 .04 .04 .04 03 05 05 03 .07 .07 .IO IO 4O,OOO .25 .04 15 17 .04 15 .10 Memorandum. 238 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. buying waste circulation, and _ _ buy that which goes direct to the people whom you wish to reach. THE AMERICAN STOCK KEEPER The Leading Fanciers' Weekly, has a select circulation among the best buyers of the country. Goes everywhere. A good paper with a good circulation at a reasonable rate. is a man who wants the best of every- thing that money can buy. He is in the business for the love of it. Cbe Jfmerican StocR Rccpcr 30 Broad St., BOSTON, MASS. Is a fancier's paper and has a subscrip- tion list of solid buyers. Send for rates and sample copy. A FANCIER'S PAPER Nearly every man has his hobby. Some animal or bird adds to his enjoyment of life. He spends his money on it. That is the class ot men the American Stock Keeper . . . has for subscribers. Advertisements in it are closely read. Rates reasonable. 30 Broad St., BOSTON, MASS. Jtttttttttttttttttttttttt-f THE LARGE FRUIT MAN THE SMALL FRUIT MAN and J HORTICULTURISTS IN GENERAL > are best appealed to through the columns of flreeifs fruit Grower It is on the table of orchard- ists everywhere. As fruit growing and the poultry busi- ness work so nicely together, poultrymen should consider the superior merits of Green's Fruit Grower as a medium for them. Get samples and rates from Rochester, N. Y., or consult your agent. fiRlCULTURIST EVERYBODY WANTS IT to reach the best buyers in the great Live Stock and Agricultural States in the Mississippi Valley, the richest country on earth. The Live Stock industry is enjoying the highest prosperity. You cannot reach our readers with any other paper. No paper can tell all that is worth telling, and no paper can reach all the readers worth reaching. The Stock Journal stands at the head. T.&T. A. BUTTERWORTH, Pubs., 152 50thSt.,Chicago,andQuincy,III. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 23$ Leading Religious Publications Continued. SOUTHWESTERN STATES. LOUISIANA. New Orleans. Christian Advocate Meth W Morning Star Cath W Southwestern Christian Advo- cate Meth W Southwestern Presbyterian Pres W Little Rock. A R K A N S AS Arkansas Baptist Ban W Arkansas Methodist Meth W Austin. TEXAS. Firm Foundation Ch of C W Dallas. Christian Courier Dis W Baptist Standard Bap W Baptist Herald Bap W Texas Christian Advocate Metl -W San Antonio. Southern Messenger Cath W Denver. COLORADO. Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate Meth W Esti- mated Circ. 7,ooo 4-^oo 5,ioo 7,ooo 11,500 9,609 5.250 24,000 15,000 Pubs, one t. rate. .06 .08 .08 04 .04 .07 .08 .06 20,300 .25 6.500 .05 5,500 .10 Memorandum. PACIFIC COAST STATES, CALIFORNIA. Oakland. Signs of the Times 7th day Ad W 24,633 .20 San Francisco. California Christian Advocate Meth W 3,000 .07 Monitor Cath W 24,000 .10 Occident Pres W 2,500 .02 Pacific Cong W 2,500 .03 Pacific ChristianEndeavorer W 4,500 .03 Pacific Methodist Advocate Meth W 2,000 .02 Pacific Churchman Eo SW 3.500 .10 Portland. OREGON. Catholic Sentinel Cath W 2,100 .03 Pacific Baptist Bap W 2,800 .03 Pacific Christian Advocate Meth W 2,850 .03 240 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. There is only one and everybody reads it J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 241 Leading Religious Publications Continued. DOMINION OF CANADA. NEW BRUNSWICK. Fredericton. Religious Intelligencer Esti- mated Circ. St. John. Messenger and Visitor QUEBEC. Montreal. True Witness and Catholic Chronicle Cath W Witness Ev W Presbyterian Record M Pubs, one t. rate. Bap W 2,400 .03 Bap W 6,000 .03 Cath W 2,800 .03 NOVA SCOTIA. Antigonish. Casket Halifax. Presbyterian Witness W 3,100 .07 Wesleyan Meth W 4,100 .05 ONTARIO. Kingston. Canadian Freeman Cath W I/ondon. Catholic Record Cath W Ottawa. United Canada Toronto. Canadian Baptist Bap W Canadian Churchman Ep W Catholic Register Cath W Christian Guardian Meth W Evangelical Churchman Ch of Eng W Presbyterian Review W Sentinel and Orange and Protestant Advocate Prot W Canadian Church Magazine and Mission News Ep M Endeavor Herald C E M Methodist Magazine Meth M Sunday School Banner Meth M 5,655 .05 10,000 .06 Cath W 5,000 .04 5,400 .05 6,050 .10 15,000 .06 24,375 .20 3,500 .05 9,000 .06 20,000 .15 3,275 .05 8,000 .10 3,035 -05 15,500 .20 8,000 .06 28,480 .20 50,000 .40 Memorandum. 242 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. IS EVERYWHERE , WILL SELL GOODS EVERYWHERE Not in Judge is to be "not in it" 'with your competitors. THE JUDGE COMPANY, 110 Fifth Avenue, New York WILLET F. COOK Manager Advertising TTTe Leading Reaching the Brawn and Sinew of the Country For articles used principally in rural communities it is desirable to employ the farmers' own special papers. The list below is believed to be a representative list of these papers, published in United States and Canada. All are straight agricultural publications, unless indicated to the contrary by name or otherwise. On account of the widespread circulation the population is not given. Circulations are estimated from best conservative sources and are believed to be correct. There are varied discounts for time and space from the single time line rates given below. Specific estimates furnished upon application. Copy for the weeklies should be in hand one week in advance of date. ARRANGED BY GEOGRAPHICAL SECTIONS. NEW ENGLAND. MAINE. W 10,000 Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. Augusta. Maine Farmer Bangor. Commercial, Farmer and Vil- lager W Waterville. Turf, Farm and Home W 22,500 .10 5,800 .09 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord. People and Patriot W 12,000 .06 Manchester. Mirror and Farmer W 35,ooo .25 VERMONT. Burlington. Vt. Farmers' Advocate W 2,200 .04 Memorandum. ( i< x)(l, attractive advertisements are profitable to both buyer and seller. 244 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. In all America there is but one ' 'Life. " This is the one Mr. Fowler is waiting about. 'o 3-Cope,." What Nath'l C. Fowler, Jr., the great business builder of 23 Thacher Road, Boston, thinks of LIFE. MR. B. C. EVERINGHIM, BOSTON, MASS., July 3, 1899. Advertising Manager, LIFE, New York City. Dear Sir: For nearly twenty years it has been necessary for me con- tinuously to study the advertising value of America's leading mediums, that I might the more correctly recommend to my clients only the "best." Experience, and every known manner of test, seem to conclusively prove that LIFE is in an advertising- value-class by itself, and to be one of the very limited number of " indispensables. " From an advertising view-point, LIFE is pre- eminently the official organ of the people of buying- wealth. There is not a better medium, and I am of the opinion that there is no other medium so good for the advertising of luxuries and of highest-grade commodities. The readers of LIFE are neces- sarily women and men of society, with many desires, and with the means to gratify them. Mr. Fowler is known as the writer of 10,000 advertisements, of 1,000 articles on adver- tising, and the author of the only cyclopedia upon advertising. LIFE commends his matured judgment to the consideration of the readers of the Red Book. Advertising Rates on Application. LIFE PUBLISHING COMPANY, NEW YORK. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 245 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. New England. Esti MASSACHUSETTS. Boston. American Cultivator W American Horse Breeder W American Stock-Keeper, Dogs Poultry and Pigeons W Massachusetts Ploughman W New England Farmer W Our Grange Homes W Farm Poultry. SM Springfield. New England Homestead (Eastern ed. of American Agriculturist, N. Y.) W Farm and Home. Two ediO tions, eastern and western 250,000 SMJ ' 34,500 27,000 6,500 9,000 15,500 6,000 31,000 38,000 Pubs. .30 .18 .07 .10 .15 .05 .30 .30 1.50 Memorandum. RHODE ISLAND. Pascoag. Pomona Herald Hartford. Connecticut Farmer W 3,900 .05 CONNECTICUT. W 4,500 .07 HUDDLE STATES NEWYORK. Albany. Country Gentleman W 20,000 .30 Poultry Monthly M 4,800 .10 Chatham. Fanciers' Review M Practical Dairyman and Agri- culturist M Cooperstown. Otsego Farmer W Dunkirk. Grape Belt (Hort.) SW 4,000 .02 Chautauqua Farmer W 2,800 .02 Fruit (Hort.) M 3,000 .10 Falconer. American Bee Keeper M 1,400 .10 In business, the way to make a hit is to be wide-awake and progressive. The man who knows his field never fails to sow with good advertising, and his harvest is a crop of success. 6,000 .10 4,200 .05 3,500 .06 246 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ! * OLD FAMILY AND POLITICAL STANDBY OF CENTRAL VERMONT Ikt UMlg lonmol SUBSCRIPTION PRICt RUNNING MATE OF WATCHMAN. TAKEN IN THE CITIES AND VILLAGES epublican Papers in the Banner Republican State . . Reach Farmers, Business Men and All Classes OF LEADING CIRCULATION AND INFLUENCE IN CENTRAL VERMONT By VERMONT WATCHMAN CO., Montpelier, Vt. To Reach the Farmers of Indiana IN THE LOGANSPORT ADVANCE. CIRCULATION EXCEEDS 4,000 in seven principal counties surrounding Logansport. Rates on application, ft ft POPULIST PAPER IN THIS CONGRESSIONAL i^^iSiZzfSii Published in connection with the Logansport Daily and Semi -weekly Reporter. The circulation of the Daily Reporter is larger than that of both the other dailies in Logansport combined. This has been proven by a house-tu-house canvass and the circulator's affidavit. In making up your list do not omit the Advance or Daily and Senri-wcckly Reporter. J. E. BUTTON, Publisher, Logansport, Intl. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 247 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. niDDLE STATES-New York. Floral Park. Mayflower (Floral) Johnstown. American Fancier New York. American Agriculturist American Dairyman American Gardening Florists' Exchange Rural New Yorker Turf, Field and Farm Metropolitan and Rural Home M Poultry and Pigeons and Live Stock Monthly M Port Jervis. New York Farmer Rochester. Green's Fruit Grower M Vick's Magazine (Floral) M Syracuse. American Poultry Advocate M Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. M 300,000 1.25 W W W W W W W 2,500 .07 73,000 .60 14,000 .25 30,000 .25 5,000 .07 37,000 .30 38.000 .39 500.000 2.00 3.5co .05 W 20,000 .15 60,000 .25 30,000 .60 12,500 .10 PENNSYLVANIA. Germantown. Telegraph W M Meehan's Monthly I/ibonia. Park's Floral Magazine Meadville. Pennsylvania Farmer Mechanicsburg. Farmer's Friend and Grange Advocate W Philadelphia. 3,000 07 .10 M 350,000 1.25 W 8,900 .04 12,800 .05 Farm Journal M 350,000 1.25 to 2.50 W 30,000 .25 Market Basket Pittsburg. National Stockman and Far- mer W 50,000 .30 Oxford. Blooded Stock M 10,000 .07 West Grove. Success With Flowers M 110,000 .60 Memorandum. 248 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. r Half of the money I Montanians 1 spend for necessities and lux- uries they send to houses out- side of the state. They want j the best and are willing to pay ! for it. Our readers comprise a great | number of these good buyers, and they believe in our adver- j tisers because we will have none but the reputable. Chas. D. Greenfield, Pub. HELENA, MONTANA THE GEORGIA BAPTIST ESTABLISHED 1880 Is valued by advertisers not alone for its circulation, which is large, but also for the fact that it goes to the families and firesides of more than 5,000 of the leading, progressive Negro preachers and teachers in the four States: Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Florida, Average cir- culation for 1898, 5,176 weekly. Published Thursdays, at 419 Ninth Street, Augusta, Ga. Advertising rates on application. No Advertising List is complete without Cfte Towa State Register DAILY, SUNDAY AND WEEKLY DBS MOINES IOWA News Agriculture Horticulture Commerce ~ m Miscellany A Power in the Northwest is this great state paper of Iowa, not onlv in circulation but in influence. Ex- perienced advertisers use it to reach the intelligent, thrifty, progressive class. Send for Rates and Sample Copies. CLARKSON BROTHERS, Proprietors DES MOINES, IOWA J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 249 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. niddle States. DELAWARE. Wilmington. Delaware Farm and Home W MARYLAND. Baltimore. Farmers' & Planters' Guide M Southern States Farm Mag- azine M Salisbury. Strawberry Culturist and Small Fruit Grower M Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. 3,000 .05 Memorandum. 3,000 4,OOO .10 .10 8,000 .10 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington. National Farm and Fireside Grange W 22,000 .30 CENTRAL STATES, OHIO. Cincinnati. Ohio Valley Farmer American Grange Bulletin and Scientific Farmer Cleveland. Ohio Practical Farmer Dayton. Farmers' Home Medina. Gleanings in Bee Culture Springfield. Farm and Fireside (Ea and Western editions) Farm News How to Grow Flowers Tiffin. Inter-state Poultryman ^anesville. Breeder and Farmer INDIANA. Derby. Game Bird (Pet Stock) M Huntington. Farmer's Guide W Indianapolis. Indiana Farmer W M and W 5,6oo 30,000 .07 .20 W 86,000 45 W 35,ooo .25 SM 8,500 .07 tern SM M M 300,000 100,000 IIO,OCO i. 60 50 -50 M 5,000 .07 SM 5,000 05 3,100 .03 27,000 .15 28,500 .25 250 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. 131 Federal Street, Camden, N. J. Sound the Methodist Octave and Secure Good Paying Customers. "You can reach the buying of half the American people by the re- ligious papers," and there are no better families to reach than the well-to-do Methodist families. They are well-to-do because prudent. They save their money from follies and invest in good things, We can sell them good things for you through our columns. We reach over 5,000 families each week; there are two or three adults in each family. Hundreds of our subscribers lend, and it is a moderate estimate to say we reach 25,000 buyers of good things each week. For rates and terms address the Manager, C. L. BURTNETT, as above. The Annual Conference, representing 55,000 Methodist and 20,000 Epworth League members, adopted this paper as their official organ again in 1899. THE HOME GUIDE and RELIGIOUS NEWS 131 Federal St., Camden, N. J. Sound the Home Readers and Secure Good Paying Customers. If you want good paying business in Pennsylvania and New Jersey invite the Christian, home-loving families to buy from you. "You can reach the buying of half the American people by the religious papers." They are well to do, because prudent. They save their money from follies and invest in good things. We can sell them good things for you through our columns. We reach over 3,000 families each week ; there are two or three adults in each family. For rates and terms in the Home Guide address the Manager, C. L. BURTNETT, as above. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 251 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. CENTRAL STATES-Indiana. INDIA NA POL IS Con tin ned. Jersey Bulletin and Dairy Farming W American Farmer and Poultry Raiser M Up-to-Date Farming & Gar- dening M Practical Dairyman M Agricultural Epitomist M ILLINOIS. Chicago. Drovers' Journal W American Bee Journal W American Florist W Breeders' Gazette W Farm, Field and Fireside W Farm Implement News W Farmers' Review W Farmers' Voice W Markets W Orange Judd Farmer (West- ern ed. of American Agri- culturist, N. Y.) W Prairie Farmer W Stockman W Wool Markets and Sheep W Western Plowman SM American Poultry Journal M American Swineherd M Quincy. Farmers Call W Reliable Poultry Journal M Western Agriculturist and Live Stock Journal SM MICHIGAN. Detroit. Michigan Farmer and State Journal of Agriculture W Grand Rapids. Michigan Fruit-Grower and Practical Farmer W Monroe. North American Horticultur- ist M Reed City. Success With the Garden & Farm M Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. 5,5oo .07 20,000 .25 75,000 .30 20,000 .10 200,000 i. oo l6,000 .12 5,000 .07 6,500 .10 22,000 40 50,000 .30 10,000 .20 25,000 .25 36,000 .25 38,000 .15 60,000 .40 28,000 .25 7,500 .05 IO,OOO .10 28,000 .20 I2,OOO .10 3I.OOO .20 45,000 .25 22,800 .15 15,000 .30 21,000 .25 3,250 .05 3,800 .05 100,000 .50 Memorandum. 252 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ESTABLISHED 1827 An organ of 120,000 White ^Baptists of Virginia BRIGHT INFLUENTIAL Circulates throughout the Southern States and in many Northern Recognized in the sphere of its circulation as a cMost Valuable cAdvertising Medium. Paducah Sun Daily and Weekly Exclusive, Field Only Republican Daily in Four Congressional Districts. Paducah has 25,000 inhabitants, Republican in politics. "We can help you. Send in your business. 150,000 Readers SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY, Paducah, Ky. Presbyterian . PHILADELPHIA, PA. One of the Best Family Weekly Newspapers in the United States. Estab- lished nearly 70 years ago Since then the powerful denomination of which it is a leading and influential organ has spread all over the land and numbers millions of prosperous and reading people. It is not claimed that they all read THE PRESBYTERIAN, but a leading Advertising Agency, which has had extensive business relations with it for years, says : " THE PRESBYTERIAN is read by the prosperous classes steady and liberal purchasers and in proportion to the circulation it is Without a Peer as an Advertising Medium/' n^Zt?* J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 253 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Pubs, one t. rate. Central States. WISCONSIN. Fort Atkinson. Hoard's Dairyman W 25,000 .25 Madison. Wisconsin Farmer W 8,000 .30 Milwaukee. Acker imd Gartenbau Zeitung (German) W 20.000 .25 Haus und Bauernfreund W 87,000 ,35 Racine. Wisconsin Agriculturist W 24,000 .20 Memorandum. WESTERN STATES, MINNESOTA. Minneapolis. Farmers' Tribune W 22,000 .09 Skandinavisk Farmer Journal (Scandinavian) W 5,6oo .03 Farm, Stock and Home SM 27,000 .30 Northwest'n Agriculturist SM 14,700 .22 Skordemannen (Swedish) SM 10,500 .13 Market Garden M 3,600 .17 St. Paul. Northwestern Farmer SM 12,000 ,20 Home and Garden M 50,000 .67 Poultry Herald M 5,500 .10 IOWA. Cedar Rapids. Farmeren (Norw.-Dan.) M 5,ooo .07 Western Poultry Journal M 3.750 .05 Des Moines. Wallace's Farmer and Dairy- man W 19,000 .15 Iowa Homestead W 20,000 .40 Live Stock and Western Farm Journal SM 10,000 .20 Western Garden and Poultry Journal M 5,000 .10 Mason City. Farmer's Institute M 27,500 .11 Sioux City. Rural Life 5,ioo .05 Waterloo. Creamery Journal M 8,000 .15 254 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. St. 3Louis Christian B6v>ocate THE PIONEER AND LEADER OF WESTERN RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM Established 1 8 JO. It grows vigorous with age Advertisers have found, and continue to find, that it brings satisfactory returns on their in- vestment. For advertising rates address JAMES M. HAMLIN, Advertising Manager 1414 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Or THE J.WALTER THOMPSON CO., New York, Chicago, Boston THE WATCHWORD THE: YOUNCPEOPLES PAPER OF THE UNITED BRETHREN CIRCULATION 12,000 WEEKLY DAYTON, O. 'HIS is a late publication of the United Brethren denomination, and its rapidly increasing circula- tion shows with what favor it is being received by the young people of the church. By the young people is not meant the youth, but the young men and women, who in this day and age are being recognized as the active working forces of all evangelical churches. It is taken and read by all wide-awake pastors and laymen. What the GOLDEN RULE is to the so- cieties of Christian Endeavor, and the EPWORTH HERALD is to the Methodists, the WATCHWORD is to the United Brethren. The rates are subject to change as cir- culation increases. Take advantage of them now while you may. Rate, per line. 1O Cents. Reading .\oticcs, 1 5 Cents per line. Discounts lor time or space. L. 0. MILLER, W. R. FUNK, Publisher Advertising Department. Dayton, Ohio. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 255 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. Western States. Esti- Pubs. MISSOURI. mated one t. Memorandum. Circ. rate. Kansas City. Home Market and Stock- man W 4,800 .06 Live Stock Indicator W l8,000 .30 Missouri and Kansas Far- mer M 1 1 ,000 . 1 5 Missouri Valley Farmer W 6,coo .05 St. I/ouis. Journal of Agriculture W 39,000 .35 Midland Farmer 25,000 .10 Woman's Farm Journal M 75,000 .40 Warsaw. Poultry Topics M 5,200 .07 KANSAS. I/awrence. Rural Home 7,5oo .05 Topeka. Kansas Farmer W 23,000 .15 NEBRASKA. Omaha. Hospodar (Bohem.) SM 11,500 .04 Nebraska Farmer W 30,000 .18 South Omaha. Drovers' Journal and Stock- man D 4,000 .04 SOUTH DAKOTA. Aberdeen. Dakota Farmer SM 21,000 .15 Sioux Falls. Successful Farmer M 7,000 .10 Richmond. Progressive South Southern Planter SOUTHERN STATES. VIRGINIA. M M 7,400 .10 4,600 .11 NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh. Progressive Farmer W 10,000 .10 256 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. AND OKLAHOMA CITY, O. T. Only Agricultural Paper Devoted to the Interests of the Farmers and the Material Resources of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. The most extensive Paid in Advance Circulation of any Publication in the Great Southwest. The Farmers have a $50,000,000,00 purchasing power and the Home, Field and Forum, Oklahoma's Agricultural Paper, is the one great medium through which the most properous of these Farmers can be reached. HOME, FIELD AND FORUM CO. NVoman's... Home Companion Represents the best element in high- class journalism for women and the home. With its more than a million and a quarter readers, going into 325,000 of the well-to-do homes, each number carrying interesting contri- butions of good literature and illustrations, it is a positive force among its constituency. The movement of the WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION is rapid, invincible and permanent, and each number is resplendent with vigor of thought of celebrated writers and artists, and is a welcome visitor to a constituency of readers of peculiar advantage to advertisers. CIRCULATION GUARANTEED. THE CROWELL & KIRKPATRICK CO., Publishers, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. ,529 Ma^te Bldg. or THE RURAL PRESS P: IB S^Bv Wielding mprej **T influence among larger constituency A than any other < U +OS * \ . ^.. ..^ -cultural THE FARM AND FIRESIDE is now in its twenty-second year, enjoying the fruition of years of patient labor in making it an ideal publication to interest and entertain, not only the farmer, but every member of his family. The FARM AND FIRESIDE is issued semi-monthly, the 1st and 15th. The Eastern edition circulates in Ohio and all states east. The Western edition circulates in Indiana and all states west. Each edition has about the same circulation, half of the total 310,000 with every indication of it being much in excess of these figures during 1899. If you wish the patronage of more than 310,000 well-to-do farmers and their families, your advertisement placed in the FARM AND FIRESIDE will secure it. For mail orders it has no superior possibly not an equal among the Agricultural Press. Circulation guaranteed. NEW YORK 108 Times Bldg THE CROWELL & KIRKPATRICK CO., Publishers, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. CHICAGO 1529 Marquette Bldg. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 259 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. Southern States. GEORGIA. Athens. Southern Farmer M Atlanta. Plowboy and Country Far- mer M Southern Cultivator M FLORIDA. De I/and. Florida Agriculturist W Glenoak. South Florida Home M Interlachen. Southern Ruralist M Jacksonville. Florida Farmer and Fruit Grower W ALABAMA. Anniston. Southern Farm Life M TENNESSEE. Nashville. Southern Stock Farm SM KENTUCKY. W Lexington. Kentucky Stock- Farm I/ouisville. Farmers' Home Journal Home and Farm Esti- Pubs, mated one t. Circ. rate. 22,OOO .15 19,000 .II 28,000 .15 3,000 .07 2.250 .03 5,800 .10 5,200 .04 3,500 .05 8,000 .10 7.500 .15 W I2,5OO .12 SM 100,000 .60 Memorandum, SOUTHWESTERN STATES, LOUISIANA. New Orleans. Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer W 3,200 .10 Sugar Planters' Journal W 2,100 .10 Louisiana Weather Journal and Agriculturist M 3,ooo .10 OKLAHOMA. Guthrie. Home, Field and Forum M 9,000 .10 Woodward. Live Stock Inspector M 2,800 .03 260 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ICKB PMAGAZ1N c/lsks for the patronage of the cMail Order Adver- tiser upon the following grounds, viz.: It is the pioneer floral magazine of America and now has depart- ments of Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, also Plant and Insect Life for Young People. It has always been the foremost authority in the western world on fruits, flowers, trees and gardening. Its readers are legion, and extend to every state in the Union. Its circulation has greatly increased in the past year. Its form and contents will be immensely improved with the coming October issue, with no increase in advertising rates. f^HF* Beginning with October, Vick's will appear in regular magazine size, under an art cover, giving 32 handsomely printed and illus- trated pages of reading matter, contributed by some of the world's most notable writers and each issue will contain an original colored plate of rare and beautiful flowers, which in time will constitute a most valuable and interesting art portfolio a feature that is bound to add to the already great popularity of the magazine. Vick's Magazine is not connected with any Seed House or Nursery. a in For Advertising Rates address VICK PUBLISHING CO., Rochester, N. Y. ^ ANNISTON, ALA. A Journal of Interest to the Farmer, Horticultur- ist and Stock Raiser. Publication in the tftate cf Alabama Advertising Rates on Application A BRIGHT MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE Home, Farm, Garden, Orchard and Forest circulating among the best farmers and stockmen of the great and thriv- ing Northwest. Advertising rates from $1.50 to $2 per inch per month, according to size of order. Farmer Printing Co., Sioux Falls, S. D. H. P. ROBIE, Editor. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 261 Leading Agricultural Publications Continued. Southwestern States. Esti- Pubs. TEXAS. mated Circ. ^t. Memorandum. Amarillo. Live Stock Champion W 1, 6OO 03 Dallas. Southern Mercury Farm. All. W 22,OOO .09 Texas Farm and Ranch W 38,000 30 Texas Farmer W 29,OOO 30 Texas Stock and Farm Jour- nal W l6,OOO .IO San Antonio. Texas Stockman and Far- mer W 11,500 .10 NEW MEXICO. I*?- f89& /? / THE FARMER ST. PAUL, MINN. 1883 THE 1899 American Church Sunday School Magazine The only periodical of the kind published in the interest of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. Before its readers continually. Advertising rates reasonable. Rate Card and Contract Blank on application. Circulation over 5,800. Published Monthly by The Church Magazine Publishing Co. GEO. W. JACOBS & Co. c UifVoorn-V, Q- Business Managers !3 b ' fifteenth bt. PHILADELPHIA Vttttttttttttttti-ttttttttJ \ RESULTS COUNT * Advertisers who use the columns of Tbe Eveijii)? Lader get them. The ONLY EVEN- ING REPUBLICAN PAPER in Saginaw County, the heart of the SUGAR BEET BELT and COAL FIELDS of Michigan. Bright, Newsy, Up-to-date, and published for the people now on earth. Subscribers of The Saginaw Evening Leader spend THOUS- ANDS OF DOLLARS annually for the comforts of life. It is an excellent medium for legitimate advertising. Advertising Rates will be promptly furnished upon appli- cation. ______ ___ F. E. Button, Publisher, Saginaw, Mich J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 263 Leading Agricultural Papers Continued. PACIFIC COAST STATES. CALIFORNIA. Angeles. California Cultivator and Poul- try Keeper M San Francisco. California Fruit Grower W Pacific Rural Press W Esli- Pubs, mated one t. rate. 4,100 .05 7,000 8,200 .15 .08 OREGON. Portland. North Pacific Rural Spirit W 5,000 .05 Northwest Pacific Farmer W 6,700 .03 WASHINGTON. Tacoma. Northwest Horticulturist, Ag- riculturist and Dairyman M 3,000 .10 Memorandum. DOMINION OF CANADA ONTARIO. Grimsby. Canadian Horticulturist M 4,200 .14 I/ondon and Winnipeg. Farmers' Advocate SM 15,000 .30 Toronto. Canadian Poultry Review M 4,7 -5 Farming M 8,000 .10 PRINCE Sutnmerside. Island Farmer Agriculturist EDWARD ISLAND. W 4,200 .04 W 5,500 .04 QUEBEC. Montreal. Family Herald and Star and Practical Agriculturist W 87,000 .30 Journal of Agriculture M 6,900 .10 Journal d' Agriculture (French) M 46,000 .10 MANITOBA. Winnipeg. Nor'-West Farmer M 6,500 .13 264 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO Sworn Monthly Circulation 1,398,732 A most magnificent field was opened for the general advertiser when the journals comprising The National Fraternal Press Ass'n decided to accept a limited amount of advertising from responsible and reputable business houses. The fraternities are admitted to be a power in the land second to none. Fully one-fifth of the entire population of this country is directly or indirectly interested in them. Their social and financial im- portance it would be difficult to over-estimate. Aggressive and popular, their members keep in close touch with them, and their official organs are the media through which they reach each other. They look to these journals as do the Mahommedans to the Koran for the True Faith. The following: schedule gives sworn circulation as of date May 1, 1899: Sworn Circulation American Benefit Journal,The,Boston,Mass. 6,000 A. O. U. W. Guide, Bentonville, Ark 1,800 A. O. U. W. Guide, The, St. Paul, Minn 17,000 A. O. U. W. Record, The, Denver, Col 10,200 Bi-Monthly Guild, Richmond, Va 5,600 Buckeye Workman, The, Cleveland, 5,492 California A. O. U. W., The, San Francisco, 22,000 Canadian Workman, Orillia, Ont 38,000 Catholic American, The, La Porte, Ind 2,000 Catholic Forester, The, Milwaukee, Wis. . . . 70,837 Chariot, The, Crawfordsville, Ind 26,000 Chosen Friend, The, New York 35,000 Chronicle, The, Indianapolis, Ind 58 000 Court of Honor, The, Springfield, 111 46,000 Dakota Visitor, The, Sioux Falls, S. D 11,000 Delaware Workman, Dover, Del 4,863 Empire State Workman, The, Buffalo, N. Y. 29,000 Fraternal Aid, Lawrence, Kansas 24,000 Fraternal Army Banner, Taylorville, 111 10,000 Fraternal Guide, The, Newark, N. J 6,000 Fraternal Index, The, Detroit, Mich 5,250 F. M. C. Recorder, The, Philadelphia, Pa. . . 14,000 Forester's Advocate, The, San Francisco. . . . 3,500 Golden Cross Journal, The, Boston, Mass.. . 11,500 Golden Rod Workman, The, Norfolk, Neb. . 32,426 Helping Hand, The, Topeka, Kansas 10,000 Home Forum, The, Chicago, 111 65,000 Hoosier Watchman, The, Evansville, Ind. . . 8,200 Independent Forester, The, Chicago, 111. ... 15,398 Independent Forester, The, Toronto, Can. .159,000 I. O. H. Advocate, The, Baltimore, Md 48,000 Iowa Leg. of Hon. Herald, Montezuma, la.. 6,150 Kentucky Workman, The, Henderson, Ky. . 4,000 Knights Review, The, Cincinnati, 12,780 Lodge Record, The, Watertown, N. Y 4,000 L. O. R. C. News, The, Philadelphia, Pa 4,710 Loyal Guard, The, Flint, Mich 6,200 Michigan Herald, The, Belding, Mich 5,500 Modern Brotherhood, The, Cedar Rapids, la. 25,000 Modernograph, The, Denver, Col 10,000 Sworn Circulation Monthly Tidings, The, Omaha, Neb ........ 12,500 Mutual Protective League, Litchfield, Conn. 10,000 Mystic Worker, The, Fulton, 111 ............. 12,000 National Union, Toledo, ................... 50,000 N. E. O. P. Journal, Boston, Mass .......... 4,000 New England Anchor & Shield, The, Boston 17,500 No. Dak. Workman, The, Grand Forks, N. D. 7,000 Oklahoma Workman, Stillwater, Ok ........ 1,800 Oregon Reporter, The, Portland, Ore ....... 8,000 Oregon Woodman, The, Dallas, Ore.. . . ..... 3,000 Our Home, Boston, Mass .................... 7,700 Our Order, Quincy, 111 ....................... 6,500 Overseer, The, St. Louis, Mo ................ 21,481 Parlor and Lodge, The, Union, N. J ......... 10,025 Pathfinder, The, Akron, ................... 9,500 P. H. C. Gazette, The, Sharon, Pa .......... 28,000 Ritual, The, Kansas City, Mo ............... 5,120 Royal Arcanum Courier, The, Cincinnati, O. 2,500 Royal Templar, The, Buffalo, N. Y .......... 20,000 Royal Woodman, Omaha, Neb .............. 9,000 Sample Case, The, Columbus, ............. 10,100 Select Friend, The, Lawrence, Kansas ...... 5,000 Seven Links, The, San Francisco, Cal ....... 3,000 Shield of Hon. Advocate, The, Philadelphia, 4,000 Sovereign Visitor, The, Omaha, Neb ........ 115,000 Triple Link, The, Springfield, Mo ............ 2,500 Washington Workman, The, Seattle, Wash. Western Knights Advocate, The, St. Charles, Minn .................. ........... Wisconsin Workman, The, Sauk City, Wis. . Yeoman's Shield, The, Des Moines, Iowa. . . 7,800 5,000 8,900 . . . 12,000 1,298,232 Ladies' Papers Exclusively. 71. Ladies Review, The, Port Huron, Mich ...... 44,000 72. Lady Maccabee, The, Ann Arbor, Mich ..... 44,000 73. Western Woodman and Royal Neighbor, Beloit, Kansas ......................... . . . 12,500 Total Circulation. .. . 1,398,732 Advertisers can make time contracts on the basis of present circulation at a rate based on the length of time specified by the contract. In this way they get the benefit of increased circulation without increased cost. At expiration of contracts the cost will be advanced to harmonize with the circulation at that time. Affidavits as to circulation will be exhibited upon the request of persons entitled to see them. Detailed statements showing territory reached, circulation by States, etc., furnished on application. For further information and contract rates address GEO. S. KRANTZ, M. F. VAN BUSKIRK, Special Representative, Manager Bureau of Advertising:, 102 W. 14th St., New York. 39 State St., Rochester, N. Y. FRATERNAL r"-v Mjcoy po* ctxsxy PUBLICATIONS Reaching Secret Societies. A limited amount of advertising is admitted in these aggressive and popular publications. The fraternities are a power in the land, and each of these forty journals of 10,000 circulation and over are the authority in each case. They are highly recommended and endorsed by those who have used them as profitable advertising mediums. Special figures for part or all of the list. A. O. U. W. Guide, The, St. Paul, Minn., A. O. U. W. Record, The, Den- ver, Colo., Canadian Workman, Orillia, Ont, California A. O. U. W., The, San Francisco, Cal., Chariot, The, Crawfordsville, Ind., Catholic Forester, The, Milwau- kee, Wis., Court of Honor, The, Spring- field, 111., Chronicle, The, Indianapolis, Ind., Chosen Friend, The, New York, Dakota Visitor, The, Sioux Falls, S. D., Empire State Workman, The, Buffalo, N. Y., Fraternal Aid, Lawrence, Kan., Fraternal Army Banner, Taylor- ville, 111., F. M. C. Recorder, The, Phila- delphia, Pa., Golden Cross Journal. The, Boston, Mass., Golden Rod Workman, The, Norfolk, Neb., Helping Hand, The, Topeka, Kan., Esti- mated Circ. 17,000 10,200 38,000 22,000 25,000 67.780 46,000 58,000 35,ooo 11,000 29,000 18,300 10,000 14,000 11,500 31,100 10,000 Memorandum. When the blood of business is slack, a telling advertisement will quicken the flow. 266 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO, NUMBKR OF MEMBERS lt MAY., 1899 148,485 OR $3,355,454.87 Vol. XIX. Toronto. Oni, June 15. 1899. Number 1 2 $he independent forester CIRCULATION SPRING, 1899 1 1 and steadily increasing. Well distributed throughout the Northern half of the United States and Canada. Gain in 1898, 25,000. Affi- davit of circulation sent to each advertiser every month. Advertisers know just what they are getting. Full investigation of this publication and trial orders solicited. We know the results will be satisfactory. Rates very low. $ecrge 6. ftrantz, FORESTER ADVERTISING BUREAU Port Huron, Mich. 102 W. 14th Street, New York J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 267 Fraternal Publications Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Home Forum, The, Chicago, 111.. 65,000 Independent Forester, The, To- ronto, Can., 154,000 Independent Forester, The, Chi- cago, 111., 15,398 I. O. H. Advocate, The, Balti- more, Md., 46,000 Knights of Honor Reporter, Boston, Mass., 45,ooo Knights Review, The, Cincin- nati, O., 12,300 Modern Brotherhood, The, Cedar Rapids, la., 22,000 Modernograph, The, Denver, Colo., 10,000 Monthly Tidings, The, Omaha, Neb., 12,500 Mutual Protective League, Litchfield, 111., 10,000 Mystic Worker, The, Fulton, 111., 12,000 National Union, Toledo, O., 50,000 New England Anchor and Shield, The, Boston, Mass., 17,500 Odd Fellow Review, St. Paul, Minn., 20,000 Overseer, The, St. Louis, Mo., 21,500 Parlor and Lodge, The, Union, N. J., 10,025 P. H. C. Gazette, The, Sharon, Pa., 28,000 Royal Templar, The, Buffalo, N. Y. 55,000 Sovereign Visitor, The, Omaha, Neb., 115,000 Yeoman's Shield, The, Des Moines, la., 10,000 LADIES' PAPERS EXCLUSIVELY. Lady Maccabee, The, Ann Ar- bor, Mich., 41,000 Ladies' Review, The, Port Hu- ron, Mich., 46,000 Western Woodman and Royal Neighbor, Beloit, Kan., 12,500 Memorandum, 268 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. Advertising Middle West IN THE "OUR FIELD" 1 500 Local Newspapers For Catalogue, address CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION 10 Spruce Street, - - New York 87 South Jefferson Street, Chicago, 111. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 269 Co-operative Lists. VILLAGE NEWSPAPERS. There are over eight thousand newspapers published on the co-operative plan; and for some advertisers we believe them to be excellent mediums. We can give very low rates on combination, long time or large space. What are co-operative lists ? For the information of such persons as are not acquainted with this method of advertising, it may be stated that in the leading cities mentioned there are large printing establishments controlled by unions or companies engaged in supplying newspaper publishers with partly printed sheets; that is, printed on one side with general news and miscellaneous matter, and then sent with one side printed and one side blank to the publishers, who print their editorials and local news on the blank side and thus complete the papers. On account of the superior facilities of the supplying establishments for obtain- ing and preparing reading matter, the papers printed on this plan combine the best features of first-class city weeklies, with the home news that renders the local paper of increased interest to its subscribers. The supplying establishments, or newspaper unions, reserve the right to insert two or three columns of advertisements on the side of the papers which they print, and as it is not necessary to set up the advertisement for each paper, the same type being used for many papers, a great saving is made in the cost of typesetting, of which the advertiser secures the benefit. For reaching the smaller towns and villages, these are good mediums. Discounts for time or space. Special figures and catalogues furnished on application. Special designs for ads. set, and proof shown before insertion. Atlantic Coast I,ist. New York Newspaper Union, Union Printing List, New England Newspaper Union Philadelphia Newspaper Union, Pittsburg Newspaper Union, Baltimore Newspaper Union, Southern Newspaper Union, Atlanta Newspaper Union, American Newspaper Union Vicksburg Newspaper Union Pubs. No. of line Papers. rate. 225 $1.15 H5 55 130 65 95 50 200 I.OO 140 .70 140 .70 225 i.iS 130 .65 130 65 Memorandum. 1,530 770 270 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. MECKES. Dftkauf DAILY SUNDAY and WEEKLY 24,300 18,900 7,025 The German population of this county is 240,000. We reach them all, at home and in their own language. It is a paying medium for advertisers. THE GERMAN CONSOLIDATED NEWSPAPER CO. . . Cleveland,. The Bailey 14S2 bis 13O Ontfxr-io S ^^..^ g^Sl^^rijj'- ::;m?^'~ Sfi vrBJscsli "K.Mr-rr..-,* 1 ""-^ biss-tflffi^"' "'";: Li UA^^tf&a.SlhTrW Weekly Established 1818 Daily Established 1884 GAZETTE Pekw&re, Obio fi |F|]ELAWARE is the geographical center of the ||PJ[ State of Ohio. It is the seat of the Ohio Wesleyan University the great Methodist College of the Middle-West. A large number of families of means are attracted as residents by the educational advantages thus afforded, and the inhabi- tants generally are thrifty and prosperous. Delaware County is made up of fertile agricultural lands, peopled by unusually intelligent and well-to-do farmers. These are just the kind of people advertis- ers desire to reach. The Gazette covers the whole field Daily the city and Semi-Weekly the county. Population of county 30,000; City, 10,000. Advertising Rates Reasonable. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO., Agents H. C. THOMSON, Publisher WESTERN RESERVE CHRONH character and quantity of circulation. The CHRONICLE is the only Newspaper in Trumbull Co., 0. that has a paid-up circulation, which fact shows that its readers constitute the real purchasing element, and that the paper is the Popular People's Paper. Circulation guaranteed by sworn statement. Ask for advertising rates. WM. RITKZKL & Co., Editors and Proprietors. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 271 Co-operative Lists Continued. Pubs. Chicago Newspaper Union. No. of line Papers. rate. Chicago Newspaper Union List, 449 $2.50 Standard " 105 .75 Fort Wayne " 193 ^-25 Sioux City 220 1.25 Milwaukee 126 .75 Wisconsin Publishers' Union Lis t 56 .40 Indiana Newspaper Union List, ioo .75 Sioux City Independent Unioi i List, 186 1.25 Nebraska Newspaper Union List, 69 .50 1,504 9.40 A. N. Kellogg Co.'s I/ist. Chicago List, 339 2.25 St. Louis 361 2.25 Cleveland " 173 -25 Kansas City " 262 .50 Cincinnati " 189 .25 Memphis " 266 .50 Minneapolis " 212 .25 Wichita 72 -50 Little Rock " H4 -75 1,988 12.50 Western Newspaper Union. Chicago List, 280 .50 Des Moines " 290 ."50 Detroit 180 .25 Denver 158 .25 Dallas " 250 .50 Houston 103 -75 Kansas City 242 .50 Lincoln 192 .25 Omaha 192 .25 St. Louis 130 1.30 Salt Lake City " 82 .50 Wichita 230 1.50 St. Paul 230 1.50 Sioux Falls 103 75 Fargo 9i -75 2,7*3 17-75 Northern Newspaper Union. Portland List, 109 .60 Spokane " 67 .40 San Francisco Union. San Francisco List, 109 .60 Memorandum. 272 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. FAH1LIAR TALKS. :";;;,, 7;.":, TUBERCULIN. 22,750 The Only Distinctively New England Agricultural Paper. fteaekes all the Wellt6d6 farmers and tfteekraisers in and the $reat tfeuthwest it ! $an EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS Feachers and Officials Here is a representative and unique list of publications which reach a special class as nothing else can do in a very concentrated form. It will be conceded that the school officials and teachers are of a very high grade class of the community. The trade of this enormous army is worth seeking, and it can be done easily by using this entire list. Anything that appeals to bright people ought to bring good returns if properly advertised here. Circulations are estimated from best conservative sources and are believed to be substantially correct. These educational papers are as a rule overlooked by the general advertiser, and we believe that it is a fruitful field. Special discounts are made for time and space. Estimates of cost furnished. ALABAMA. Esti- Pubs, mated inch Circ. rate. Birmingham. Educational Exchange M 2,100 1.50 CALIFORNIA. San Francisco. Western Journal of Education M 5,000 1.50 COLORADO. Denver. Colorado School Journal M 1,600 1.50 CONNECTICUT. Meriden. Connecticut School Journal W 6,000 i.oo DELAWARE. Newark. Educational News SM 4,600 i.oo FLORIDA. Jacksonville. Florida School Exponent M 1,450 i.oo GEORGIA. Atlanta. Georgia Teacher M 1,250 i.oo Southern Educational Journal M 2,400 1.50 ILLINOIS. Bloomington. Public-School Journal M 11,000 3.00 Chicago. Child-Study Monthly M 5,000 2.00 Kindergarten Magazine M 4,000 4.20 School Review M 2,500 2.50 Cemorandum. 274 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. American Farmer INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Popular Farming ^Paper of the Central West AMERICAN FARMER COMPANY Indianapolis, Ind. Hon. J. H. BRIGHAM, President SOLON L. GOODE, General Manager Sunday School A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF Universalist Sunday k fe School Teaching. L This magazine reaches the officers and working force of practically every Universalist Sunday School from Maine to California. BOSTON UNIVERSALIST PUB. HOUSE CHICAGO 4 rr-?r"?rr fc .JEexas Stock anb tfatm Journal ( ^ttas the Largest Guaranteed Circulation of any I Agricultural Paper in TEXAS. It goes to thrifty people and brings results to advertisers. THE GEO. B. LOVING CO., Publishers, Dallas, Ft. Worth and San Antonio. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 275 Educational P ublications Continued. Esti- Pubs. ILLINOIS-Continued. mated inch Memorandum. Circ. rate. CHICAGO Continued. 1 Self Culture M 75,000 7-co Teacher and Student M 2,000 1.50 Moline. Practical Age M 2,100 1.50 Oak Park. Intelligence SM 11,200 1.25 Taylorville. School News and Practical Educator M l6,70O 2.OO INDIANA. Indianapolis. Indiana School Journal M 6,500 1.50 Terre Haute. Inland Educator M 8,500 2.50 IOWA. Cedar Rapids. Western Penman M 17,750 1-75 Charles City. Iowa Teacher M I4,OOO I.4O Des Moines. Midland Schools M 3,2OO 2.OO Dubuque. Iowa Normal Monthly M 4,200 2.OO Mason City. Practical Education M I,OOO I.OO KANSAS. Ottawa. Ottawa Chautauqua Assembly Herald M 3,000 1.25 Topeka. Western School Journal M 8,OOO 2.10 KENTUCKY. I/exingfton. Lexington Southern School W 6,000 1.50 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston. Journal of Education W 16,000 1.75 American Primary Teacher M 38,000 3.00 Education M 3,5OO 2.OO Germania (German) M 6,OOO 2.0O Popular Educator M 65,OOO 4.20 Primary Education M 40,000 3.50 Springfield. Kindergarten Review M 5,000 1.25 276 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ALWAYS A MONEY-MAKER FOR THE ADVERTISER BECAUSE it reaches every College, Club, Asylum and In- . stitution in the Catholic Church throughout the United States. outh Dakota HAS 4,500 TEACHERS. The South Dakota Educator goes to 3,000 regularly each month and to EVERY ONE occasionally. We have a fine advertising patronage, be- cause some advertisers know good re- sults when they get them, and they get them from the Educator's advertis- ing. Write us for rates. Address HARRY L. BRAS, MITCHELL, S. D. Editor. Daily Globe FALL RIVER, MASS. Has the largest circulation of any paper in Fall River. Our Press Rooms are open to advertisers at all times to prove our assertions. When circulation is considered the Globe's Advertising Rates are the lowest. One price only. Rate card cheerfully furnished. AN HONEST CIRCULATION A PROGRESSIVE CONSTITUENCY. The Midland Farmer SEMI-MONTHLY. ST. LOUIS, MO. > ' nir r**&** ^^/V Rural pome LAWRENCE, KANSAS ^7 CIRCULATION, BOOKS OPEN TO ADVERTISERS. Advertising rates, 5 cents per Agate line. This paper covers the richest agricultural region in the United States, and at present rate of increase will have over 10,000 subscribers by Jan. 1, 1900. Skordemannen (The Harvester) It is a perfect Klondyke for advertisers, as it is the only Scandinavian Farm Paper published in America, and has a large circulation. Printed on fine paper and illustrated. SKORDEMANNEN PUB. CO. j*j*j* Minneapolis, Minn. TI)e MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS Reaching a class of practitioners whose means will warrant their being con- sidered a good, thrifty, purchasing class, worthy of being sought by general as well as special advertisers. A Representative List of the Medical and Surgical Publications of the United States and Canada. M CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles. Southern California Practi- tioner Sacramento. Occidental Medical Times San Francisco. Pacific Medical Journal Pacific Record of Medicine and Surgery CONNECTICUT. D anbury. New England Medical Monthly and Prescription M Journal of Inebriety Q Esti- mated Circ. M 1, 600 1,000 M 2,450 M 6,250 20,OOO 500 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington. National Medical Review M 2,000 GEORGIA. Atlanta. Georgia Eclectic Medical Journal M 1,500 Medical and Surgical Jour- nal M 1,500 Southern Medical Record' M 2,000 ILLINOIS. Chicago. Journal of the American Medical Association W 8,500 Alkaloidal Clinic M 15,000 Clinique M 2,000 Hahnemannian Advocate M 1,450 Medical Era M 3,200 Medical Standard M 7,500 Medical Times M 3,500 Medical Visitor M 2,000 North American Practi- tioner M 4,000 Memorandum. 284 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. FARM NEWS jamaru A Bright Agricultural Monthly of the right sort Esteemed by both Subscribers and Advertisers ; the former because of its Quality, and the latter for the Cash Returns it brings. Circulation for of over 100,000 Contracts made on basis of Proved Circulation, either through any reliable agency or direct. The Garver Publishing Company, Springfield, Ohio J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 285 Leading Medical Publications Continued. Esti- INDIANA. mated Memorandum. Circ. Fort Wayne. Medical Magazine M 2,000 Indianapolis. Indiana Medical Journal M 2,500 Medical Free Press M 2,000 New Albany. Medical Herald M 5-333 KANSAS. Fort Scott. Western Medical Journal M 1,000 Topeka. Kansas Medical Journal W 1,500 KENTUCKY. I/ouisville. American Practitioner and News Bi-W 2,000 Medical Monthly M 5,000 Medical Progress M 5,330 LOUISIANA. New Orleans. Medical and Surgical Jour- nal M 2,000 MAINE. Portland. Journal of Medicine and Science M i, 800 MARYLAND. Baltimore. Maryland Medical Journal W 3,ooo Southern Journal of Home- opathy M 1,500 MASSACHUSETTS. Boston. Medical and Surgical Journal W 4,500 Annals of Gynaecology & Pediatry M 1,000 Massachusetts Medical Journal M 6,900 N. E. Medical Gazette, Homeopathic M 1,000 MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor. Physician and Surgeon M 3,000 Good Health (Sanitary) M 3,5oo 286 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. OMEGA 20,000 Circulation =^= Guaranteed OMEGA is the Leading Health cMagazine. OMEGA has the Largest Circulation of any magazine of its class. OMEGA pays the Ad- vertiser. 'Proof furnished upon application. OMEGA PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1562 "Broadway, &te York. There is Just One Best Newspaper in Oklahoma Gutbrie My Leader It covers Two TER- RITORIES and is the paper to use to reach those who have money to spend. The Leader is the Official Organ of Democracy and is the Official Paper of Oklahoma. It leads in circula- tion, news and influ- ence. L. Q. NIBLOCK Editor Oklahoma Leader Weekly Biggest, Newsiest, Best. It's the Farmer's Friend. A pair of Home and Family Newspapers. None Better; Few as Good. You can't begin to cover the Field without 'em. LEADER PRINTING CO., Quthrie, Oklahoma Do You Want German Trade ? Of course you do! Everybody does! Why ? Because the Germans are an intelligent and industrious class of people. They take a pride in keeping up with the times, and are fully able to satisfy all their wants. They are cash customers. There are about 125,000 Germans in San Francisco and vicinity, and 400,000 in the State of California. To a large portion of them the German newspaper is the only means of getting the news. You cannot afford to let their trade go to your competitors. It is worth your while to make special effort to get a share of their patronage. If you think so, advertise in the news- paper they read The Abend Post (Daily, Sunday and Weekly) SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. W. E. SCOTT, 150 Nassau Street, N. Y. Eastern Advertising Department. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 287 Leading Medical Publications Continued. Esti- mated Circ. Michigan Continued. Detroit. Medical Age SM 4,500 Therapeutic Gazette M 8,000 Leonard's Illustrated Medi- cal Journal Q 10,000 MINNESOTA. Minneapolis. Medical Argus, Homeo- pathic, M 2,800 St. Paul. Northwestern Lancet, sur- gical M 3,000 MISSOURI. Kansas City. Medical Arena, Homeo- pathic M 1,000 Medical Record M 2,750 St. Joseph. Medical Herald M 5,000 St. I,ouis. Medical Review W Medical Fortnightly BW American Journal of Oph- thalmology M Courier of Medicine M Homeopathic News M Medical Brief M Medical Era M Medical Mirror M Medical and Surgical Jour- nal M Tri-State Medical Journal M Alienist and Neurologist Q NEW YORK. Brooklyn. Medical Journal M Buffalo. Medical Journal M New York. Medical Journal W Medical News W Medical Record W American Homeopathist SM American Gynaecological & Obstetrical Journal M Memorandum. 7,800 1,000 2,000 5,000 28,000 3,000 3,5oo 1,500 4,000 1,500 1,200 4,000 12,000 7,500 18,000 4,300 3,ooo 288 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE DIETETIC HYGIENIC GAZETTE YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION Sl.OO ^SINGLE NUMBER 10 -CENTS T-HE GAZETTE 'PUBLISHING co., 503 FIFTH AVE., NEW. YORK. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 289 Leading Medical Publications Continued. Esti- mated Circ. New York Continued. NEW YORK CITY Continued. American Journal of Ob- stetrics M 5,500 American Therapist M 2,000 Archives of Pediatrics M 5,200 Dietetic and Hygienic Ga- zette M 1 5, coo Gaillard's Medical Journal M 2,000 International Journal of Surgery M 2,800 Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases M 3,000 Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases M 3,7.50 Medical Examiner M 6,000 Medical Times M 4,300 North American Journal of Homeopathy M 4,000 Polyclinic M 5,000 Sanitarian, Hygienic M 3,750 Trained Nurse M 4,000 Homeopathic Journal of Obstetrics BM 2,400 Medico-Legal Journal Q 2,000 Omega M 10,000 NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte. Medical Journal M 5,000 Wilmington. North Carolina Medical Journal SM 1,200 OHIO. Cincinnati. Lancet-Clinic W 4,200 Medical Journal M 2,000 Ohio Medical Journal M 4,000 Cleveland. Medical Gazette M 2,000 Columbus. Medical Journal BW 1,800 Toledo. American Medical Com- pend M 4,000 Medical and Surgical Re- porter M 3,500 Woman's Medical Journal M 2,000 OREGON. Portland. Medical Sentinel M 2,250 Memorandum. 290 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. BIRDS * ^l^i NATURE ^~\ m (Qlfc M( fllM)6TUDY ONTHLY A consideration of these propositions will make you want to accept them. For proposal and general information kindly address ERNEST I. MITCHELL, Advertising: Manager, Fine Arts Building:, Chicago, 111. Ideas Is a large 16-page monthly and, as its name indicates, is devoted to informa- tion about the "new," and this applies to every department of art, science and invention. Its advertising as well as its reading matter is teeming with good things that appeal to the most progressive people everywhere. It is the cleanest, brightest and most up-to-date monthly published, giving the latest news of interest to the Inventor, Agent, Manufacturer, Mechanic, and Wide- Awake people everywhere. IQOjOOO Circulation Monthly " No Proof, No Pay," is our motto. Rates are 50 cents per line, each and every insertion. No time nor space discounts. We are after business from first- class, reliable firms who are advertising for profit and want quick results. Based upon the testimony of reliable parties, we can assure paying results. RiT^ Forms close on the 25th of preceding month. Send your business direct or through any reliable advertising agency. Ideas A Ye. Philadelphia, Pa. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 291 Leading Medical Publications Continued. PENNSYLVANIA. Esti- mated Circ. Lancaster. Homeopathic Envoy M 7,080 Philadelphia. Medical and Surgical Re- porter W American Journal of Medi- cal Sciences M Annals of Surgery M College and Clinical Record M Hahnemannian Monthly M Homeopathic Recorder M International Medical Mag- azine M Medical Bulletin M Medical Summary M Medical World M University Medical Maga- zine M TENNESSEE. Memphis. Medical Monthly M 3,670 Nashville. Journal of Medicine and Surgery M 1,500 Southern Practitioner M TEXAS. Austin. Texas Medical Journal Texas Medical News Dallas. Texas Medical Practitioner M 3,000 7,112 3,ooo 2,900 2,700 1,500 2,000 6,243 10,000 25,979 3,000 M i ,204 M 1,011 VIRGINIA. Richmond. Virginia Medical Semi- Monthly SM Practice M Southern Clinic M 3,8oo 3,000 2,000 5,ooo ONTARIO. Toronto. Canadian Practitioner Canada Lancet Montreal Medical Journal SM 1,500 M 2,000 M 1,500 Memorandum. 292 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE Monetary Times OF TORONTO. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY Write for our map of the Dominion of Canada and New- foundland, showing where this journal circulates. is the leading trade journal in Canada. It has more readers in more places throughout the Do- minion than any other business man's publication. Since before the Confederation (1867) it has been found to be a trustworthy medium; hence its popularity. Advertising Rate Card and Sample Copy sent to any address upon application. THE MONETARY TIMES, TORONTO, CANADA. DRYGOODS REPORTER HE REPORTER guarantees to its advertisers a larger circulation in the West than that of any other trade journal going to dry-goods and general merchants. For introducing and increasing the sale of any article in which these merchants are interested THE REPORTER excels all other media. REPORTER space is better value than any other trade journal space in America at the rates charged, which are as follows: One page, one time $50 00 Half page, one time 25 00 Quarter page, one time IS 00 Eighth page, one time 7 50 One page for 12 months . . $1,600 00 Half page for 12 months . . 850 00 Quarter page for 12 months 450 00 Eighth page for 12 months 250 00 Sixteenth page for 1 2 months 1 50 00 If you want further information about THE REPORTER write. If desired we will send a man to see you. DRY GOODS REPORTER CO., 233 Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 293 Trade Papers. Under this head will be found grouped the scientific, mechanical, financial, commercial and special papers most worthy of mention. Bridgeport, Conn. American Engineering Chicago. Dry Goods Reporter Modern Machinery Esti- mated Circ. M 3,100 W M Boston. Engineers' and Power Users' Magazine M Journal of Commerce W Textile World, M New York. American Machinist W Cassier's Magazine (Engineer- ing) M Dry Goods Economist W Engineering Magazine M Engineering News, Engineering Record and Sani- tary Engineer W Heating and Ventilation M Iron Age W Locomotive Engineering M Machinery M Power M Scientific American W Scientific American (Building Edition) M Scientific American (Eng. & Span.) (Export Edition) M Steam Engineering M Cincinnati. Spokesman M World's Progress M Cleveland. Engineer SM Iron Trade Review W Philadelphia. Engineering Mechanics M Keystone M Practical Engineer M Toronto. Canadian Engineer M Monetary Times W 7-500 8,075 20,000 6,OOO 4,800 13,500 17,500 7,OOO 9,300 7,6OO 6,500 5,100 6,000 20,000 15.250 27,000 47,500 16,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 12,500 15,000 5,000 5.000 18,000 4,000 4,600 5,400 Memorandum. 294 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. "LOPUilON PIIBLIP" 7146 ST""" L'OPINION PUBLIQUE. 'L'OPDflOK PUBUQBl" JOURNAL QUOTIDIEN L'Opinion Publique can introduce you andyourbusinesstotheFrench- speaking public of New England quicker.cheaperand better than any other medium. Its circulation is larger than any three other French capers in New England combined. L'OPINION PUBLIQUE DAGBLAD LEADING 'of HOLLAND.'^ H.P. HUBBARD ^So/e Jgent for America " PARK ROW NEW YORK Circulation, 5,000 Copies Daily. 8 to 12 Pages. Full Telegraphic News from All the World. The Official Organ of the Government. Published in Dutch and French at THE HAGUE, Capital of the Netherlands. The Daily and Weekly Republican Wilmington, Delaware, has the largest circula- tion, barring none, and { the acknowledged lead- ing advertising medium in the State of Delaware. Rates on Application. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 295 Foreign Language Papers. In our cosmopolitan country there are enormous numbers of Europeans who are Americanized, but who desire to read the news in their native tongue, and in the following list of the best papers in the important languages will be found those that cater to their wants. As a rule these classes are thrifty and careful people. These publications are used by many advertisers with excellent results. Careful translators arrange copy to suit each advertiser. GERMAN. The principal German papers will be found under the heads of cities where published in the daily and weekly lists in another part of this book. FRENCH. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco. Franco-Californien Ind D Esti- mated Circ. 5,000 Memorandum. LOUISIANA. New Orleans. Abeille Dem D 12,000 Abeille Dem W 13,500 I/ewiston. Messager MAINE. Ind SW 3,100 MASSACHUSETTS. Fall River. Independant Independant I/o well. Etoile Etoile Worcester. Opinion Publique Rep D 3,780 Ind W 4,830 Rep D 4,000 Rep W 2,000 7,200 St. Paul. Canadian Ind D MINNESOTA. Ind W 3,490 NEW YORK. New York. Courrier des Etats-Unis Ind D 14,000 Courrier des Etats-Unis S. 24,000 Courrier des Etats-Unis Ind W 26,000 RHODE ISLAND. Woonsocket. Tribune Rep D 3,200 296 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. t ADVERTISE IN The Rosary Magazine IT PAYS HHHBHBIB^:_ THE ROSARY is a family magazine which is carefully read by every member of the house, hence all its advertise- ments are sure to be noted. Try it and judge for yourself. Each issue of :his magazine contains 1 12 pages. The sub- scription price is $2.00 a year. Single copies, 20 cents. For Rates and Advertising Information apply to It is an illustrated monthly, de- voted to literature, art and re- ligion, is edited and published by the Dominican Fathers, and circulates among the best class of Catholics, the academies, col- leges andinstitutionsin general. THE ROSARY MAGAZINE is introduced, through the pul- pit, into all cities and towns by members of the order who de- vote their whole time to the work ; this guarantees a steady and regular increase in circu- lation of from 500 to 1,000 monthly. ADVERTISING MANAGER, 871 Lexington Ave., N. Y. City $QGO&tt**)*>*>^***>&e>4##>^&Q*>tt J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 297 Foreign Language Papers Continued. Esti- French Continued. mated Memorandum. Circ. QUEBEC. Montreal. Canard Ind & Humor W IO,OOO Journal d'Agriculture and d'Horticulture Agri SM 46,OOO Monde Canadien Fam W i5,coo Monde Illustre Lit & Fam : W 5,5oo Patrie Lib D 1 20,000 Cultivateur Lib Wj 25,000 Presse , Ind D 66,000 Presse Ind 35,oco Samedi Lit & Humor W IO,OCO Quebec. Evenement Ind Cons D1 16,000 Journal des Campagnes Cons WJ 8,000 Soleil Lib D 12,000 Soleil Lib W 8,000 SWEDISH. i ILLINOIS. Chicago. Fosterlandet W 12,000 Gamla Och Nya Hemlandet Rep W 26,000 i . i Svenska Amerikanaren Ind W 38,500 Svenska Kuriren Ind Rep W 35.000 Svenska Tribunen Rep W 30,000 MASSACHUSETTS. 1 Boston. . Argus Ind W 5,oco Skandinavia Rep W 7,000 MICHIGAN. Ishpeming. Superior-Posten Rep W 5,000 MINNESOTA. Minneapolis. Skordemannen Agri SM Svenska Amerikanska Posten Ind W Svenska Folkets Tidning Lib W Weckoblad Rep W St. Paul. Minnesota Staats Tidning Rep W New York. Nordstjernan Valkyrian NEW YORK. Ind W Lit M 10,000 34,200 20,000 10,500 12,000 8,000 7,500 298 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. The foundation of most fortunes may be directly traced to advertising. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 299 Foreign Language Papers Continued. NORWEGIAN-DANISH. ILLINOIS. Chicago. Posten, D. Ind Skandinaven, N.-D. Rep D Skandinaven, N.-D. Rep SW IOWA. Cedar Rapids. Kvinden og Hj emmet Fam M Decorah. Posten, N. Fam W MINNESOTA. Minneapolis. Aftenlcesning, N.-D. Lit W Folkebladet, N. Ind W Illustreret Familie Journal, N.-D. Fam W Nye Normanden, N.-D. Pop-W Tidende, N. Ind D Tidende, N. Ind W St. Paul. Nordvesten, N.-D. Ind Rep W NEBRASKA. Omaha. Danske Pioneer, D. Ind Dem W NEW YORK. Brooklyn. Nordiske Blade, N.-D. Ind New York. Nordlyset, N.-D. Ind W NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo. Fram, N.-D. Ind W Grand Forks. Normanden, N.-D. Rep W SOUTH DAKOTA. Sioux Falls. Syd Dakota Ekko, N.-D. Rep-W WISCONSIN. Eau Claire. Reform, N. Pro W Madison. Amerika of Norden, N. Ind-W Neenah. Danskeren, D. Rep W Racine. Folkets Avis, D. Ind W Esti- mated Circ. 18,000 45,000 20,OOO 35,000 5,000 4400 4,000 6,200 4,000 26,500 14,500 24,000 5,400 4,000 8,000 4,5oo 5,000 4,800 7,400 5,ooo 3,000 Memorandum. 300 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. It Reaches the BEST HOMES ot America GUARANTEED CIRCULATION 125,000 COPIES MONTHLY The only independent, high- class publication in the United States devoted to home floriculture. : : : ADVERTISING RATES LOW SPECIMEN COPIES FREE The Floral Publishing Company SPRINGFIELD, OHIO J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 301 UOTUroOTUOTOTUUUOT American School and College Journal ISSUED MONTHLY ST. LOUIS MISSOURI THE LEADING EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATION IN THE WEST and best printed in the United States. Not a text-book, but a teacher's journal, with many strong features. A first-class medium for advertisers. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLISHER JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHERS J. B. MERWIN, Editor H. H. STENDEL, Business Manager 302 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO Use it ONCE AND YOU'LL USE IT always r5,000 PER MONTH GUARANTEED An unsurpassed adver- tising medium for mail orders and in reaching Farmers and Gardeners. UP-TO-DATE PUBLISHING CO. J. A. EVERITT, Manager INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Circulation, 30,000 Weekly, Guaranteed. Established in 1846. Fifty-three Years Old. AMERICAN GARDENING The Only Recognized Horticultural Medium. HIS publication is emphatically a HOME MEDIUM, and NOT to be confused with Class Trade papers. It reaches thousands of well- to-do, out-of-town homes, where the publication is taken for the general information it contains pertaining to the care and develop- ment of private conservatories and general landscape gardening. It also reaches and influences the gardener's whole family, whose residence is on the grounds of the gentleman's estate. It has quite as many readers among the women as among the men. Do not confuse this publication with the ordinary agricultural medium, as it covers the Horticultural as well as the Agricultural fields. Xo other publication is more thoroughly read than is "American Gardening." Its subscribers are an excellent class for the General Advertiser to reach. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. ROOM 934. 150 NASSAU STREET. NEW YORK J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 303 <4 Every Triple is Perfect 99 HERE IS A TRIPLE COMPOSITE of daily news- papers, all of large circulations, old and influen- tial, which makes one great morning daily news- paper in Albany of largest circulation, known as the Its component parts are : THE DAILY KNICKERBOCKER, founded in 1842. THE ALBANY MORNING EXPRESS, founded in 1847. THE DAILY PRESS, founded in 1877. CJ* The Press-Knickerbocker purchased on January 7, 1899, the newspaper property known as The Albany Morninj Express and combined same with The Daily Press-Knickerbocker. HERE ARE A FEW EXPRESSIONS FROM THE LEADING ADVER- TISERS OF ALBANY AT THE TIME OF THE CONSOLIDATION: JOHN G. MYERS, Dry Goods. " The amalgamation of The Press-Knickerbocker and Morning Express shows great enterprise. The combined paper is a model one. As an advertiser I intend to take advantage of the additional facilities afforded to reach the public." W. M. WHITNEY, Senior Member Dry Goods House of W. M. Whitney & Co. "It is a good, strong paper, and one that purchasers will read and rely upon." JAMES MIX, Jeweler. "The Press-Knickerbocker has always been popular with a great number of readers, and if it can retain and its policy indicates that it can the Express readers, it will at once enlarge its field." ALBANY HARDWARE AND IRON CO. "The Press-Knickerbocker-Express is all right. It will reach more readers than the combined circulation of both papers formerly did." PRESIDENT SECOR, of C. G. Craft & Co., large Clothing House. "Advertisers in the combined newspaper will now get the best possible service." THE PRESS COMPANY, Publishers, Press Buildings, 18 Beaver Street, Albany, N.Y. miany's 304 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. 10 G L ; NEW YORK: TH) Circulation guaranteed 200,000 Copies per month in America. INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO., 83 & 85 Duane St., New York. J. LAWRENCE BRADLEE, Advertising Manager. We also represent the "New Illustrated Magazine, 1 with a circulation of 65,000 copies per month. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 305 TOPEKA, KANSAS THE purchasing power of the thrifty farmers of Kansas can be imagined when it is known that they own 900,000 horses and mules, 550,000 milch cows, 1,600,000 other cattle, 2,400,000 swine and 225,000 sheep. In addition to this they raised last year 150,000,000 bushels of corn and over 60,000,000 bushels of wheat. Nearly 25,000 of these same farmers subscribe for THE KANSAS FARMER. If you want their trade advertise in it. KANSAS FARMER, Topeka, Kansas The Sclma Times (ALABAMA) Daily, Sunday and Weekly Largest Circulation Medium in the Black Belt of Alabama. Read by more people than any other paper published in this section. THE TIMES Is one of the leading exponents of popular sentiment, and is a first-class advertising medium. Democratic in politics. Goes into the homes of the best farmers, and reaches every postoffice in this county. J. H. NUNNELEE, Proprietor LOUIS HAMBERGER, Business Manager THE CANADA LANCET A monthly journal of Medical and Surgical Science, Criticism and News. THE OLDEST MEDICSL JOURNAL IN CTNAD3 (Established 1856) Has the largest circulation of any Medical Journal in Canada. Advertisements inserted on the most liberal terms. Send for our Club Lists. Address . . . THE LANCET CO., LIMITED 1 1 Yz JANES BUILDING TORONTO, ONT,, CANADA 306 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE CHURCH PROGRESS < 1 5TJLOUIS. Circulation *3LOOO, Established 1878 Is the best paying Catholic advertising medium in the West Advertising Rates Mailed on Application OWES "MAGAZINE! * BOSTON = Shrewd Advertisers Use it Because it Covers a Distinctive Field DONAHOE'S MAGAZINE CO., Daniel P. Toomey, Manager, BOSTON, MASS. Star NEW ORLEANS, LA. Thoroughly Abreast of the Times Tlte V-24I Fifth AV( 314 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ************** KANSAS CITY, MO., U. S. A. *************, HE MISSOURI AND KANSAS FARMER was established July J5, J884, by its present publisher, and it has never changed hands nor missed a mailing date. It is, and always has been, " all home print," and it sets every line of its own type does not nor never has used stereotyped plates to cheapen the cost of production. It is issued monthly (on the 15th), at the remarkably low subscription rate of 25c a year. It has eight large, clean-printed pages, with six columns (20 inches long) on ^ each page. Every number is illustrated. Its actual average circulation for the * past year was 11 ,083 copies per issue no more and no less. * * J Its advertising rates are $1 per inch per issue, flat, straight, and no dis- if counts of any name or nature. (Advertising Samples to all who ask, by return mail. Address C. M. BROOKE, Its head, belly and tail. ************************** **************************** C alifornia Fruit Grower ) STATE JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE | Published Weekly ( B. N. Rowley, Editor and Proprietor ,*? 320 Sansome Street, San Francisco Y Subjects Treated : Fresh fruit, Cured fruit, Canned fruit, Raisins, Nuts, Honey, Prunes, Beans, Etc., Etc., Etc. Subscription in advance, $2 per year A LIVE JOURNAL FOR THE OFFICE, HOME, LIBRARY, ORCHARD AND FARM /? Advertising rates, $2.50 per inch per month Circulates throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, England and Europe J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 315 NiCflELL Honest Circulation See How It Grows ! 1800 September, 68,140 August, - 63,429 July, - - 61,676 June, - - 62,509 May, - - 62,110 April, - - 61,908 March, - 58,034 Five Cent | f Illustrated Magazine in the world. ADVERTISING RATES ACCORDINGLY POPULAR AND PLEASING. * tJG) *~ " Send a. trial page order at $1.00 a thousand. Sample Copy, Rates, etc., on application. POTTER -KENDALL CO Publishers HOME OFFICE: NEW SUDBURY BUILDING, BOSTON NEW YORK OFFICE: 13-21 PARK ROW 316 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. " Harlem Life is the Life of Harlem." N. Y. Herald. HARLEM turct Has also eigln local editions. The One Home Up-town weekly New vorh city 1 2,000 Circulation (Mostly subscribers.) Advertising 1 Rates Reasonable. \ It covers the northern part < of Greater New York, as no ) other publication can do. s HARLEM LIFE PUBLISHING CO. MILLARD J. BLOOMER, President, 81 East 125th Street, Cor. Park Avenue, _J MT.MOKRISBANKBLUG. NEWYORK. N. Y. Suburban List" Combined rate given. The Home Magazine Washington, D. e. DIFFERENT FROfl ALL OTHER FAfllLY JOURNALS. Not so humdrum. Combines magazine features with usual matters of domes- tic economy. Circulation exceeds 180,000 copies an issue, largely paid- in advance, for a full year, too. Advertising rate, 75 cents per agate line. -T- |HE HOME Ivi; J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. ADVERTISING. 317 Popular fashions JKtocrtisers NEW YORK, AUGUST, 1899 Terms: iSsWSVU'sa..- No. 8 CIRCULATION 300,000 PER MONTH Rates $1.00 per agate line.. Every advertiser - - $2.00 per agate line V/UrLC, READING NOTICES, $2.25 per agate line ... Forms Close 10th of Preceding Month ... For detailed information address fll^HMAM'Q VxUOI I/MA1 1 ,3 N.CUSHMAN, Publisher, 34 Oliver St.,Boston, MaSS. NDEX To Advertisers' Announcements. ALABAMA. Page. Anniston, Southern Farm Life, ............ 260 Birmingham, Ledger, ....................... 156 Selma, Morning Times, .................... 305 CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Abend Post .................. 286 California Fruit Grower ....... 314 News Letter, .................... 176 Overland Monthly, ............. 232 CANADA. Montreal, Quebec, La Presse, .............. 184 Ottawa, Ontario, Citizen .................... 186 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Lancet, ......... 305 Globe, ........................... 186 Independent Forester, .......... 266 Methodist Magazine Review ---- 46 Monetary Times, ................ 292 News, ........... . ................ 188 Sunday School Banner, ......... 128 Vancouver, British Columbia, World, ...... 188 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Morning Telegram,.. 186 COLORADO. Leadville, Miner, ........................... 172 CONNECTICUT. Clintonville, Wayside Gleanings, .......... 162 Meriden, Record and Republican ........... 48 New Haven, Journal and Courier, ........ 48 DELAWARE. Wilmington, Republican, ................... 294 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington, Home Magazine, .............. 316 Sunday Herald, ................. 86 GEORGIA. Athens, Woman's Work, ................... 114 Atlanta, Constitution, ...................... 3 1 1 Journal, ......................... 154 Augusta, Chronicle ......................... 158 Georgia Baptist, ................ 248 Tribune .......................... 160 ILLINOIS. Alcon, Sentinel-Democrat, ................... 230 Chicago, Birds and All Nature, ........... 290 Brush and Pencil, ..... ......... 230 Chicago Newspaper Union ..... 268 Child Studv Monthly, Conkey's Home Journal, P. C. Darrow, Typographer, Dry Goods Reporter Freie Presse, Jewish Courier, Orange Judd Farmer Rundschau, Skandinaven, .................... 112 Union Signal, ................... 166 Western Agriculturist, .......... 238 Western Catholic, .............. 180 Chicago Electrotype and Stereotype Co.,.. 126 Moline, Journal, ............................ 230 INDIANA. Indianapolis, American Farmer ............ 274 Indiana Farmer, ............... 282 Practical Dairyman ............. 310 Up-to-Date Farming and Gar- dening, ........................ 302 Logansport, Advance, ...................... 246 Notre Dame, Ave Maria .................... 162 290 220 92 292 84 no 170 222 IOWA. Page. Burlington, Hawkeye, 130 Creston, Independent American, 134 Davenport, Iowa Catholic Messenger, .... 138 Des Moines, Gazette, 134 News, 134 Register, 248 Ottumwa, Courier, 84 KANSAS. Lawrence, Rural Home, 282 Topeka, Kansas Farmer, 305 KENTUCKY. Covington, Commonwealth, 320 Louisville, Home and Farm, 256 Western Recorder, 182 Paducah, Sun, 252 LOUISIANA. New Orleans, Morning Star 306 MAINE. Augusta, Vickery and Hill List, 116 MASSACHUSETTS. Amesbury, Daily News, 38 Boston, American Stockkeeper, 238 Columbian, 318 Cushman's Couple, 318 Donahoe's Magazine, 306 Journal, 42 Herald, 40 Home Monthly, 210 Household, 70 Modern Priscilla, 92 National Magazine, 50 New England Farmer, 272 Nickell Magazine, 315 Sacred Heart Review, 124 Sunday School Helper, 274 Woman's Home Journal, 318 Fall River, Globe, 276 Holyoke, Evening Globe and Democrat, 38 Springfield, Good Housekeeping, 66 Farm and Home, 168 New England Homestead, 170 R epublican, 44 Worcester, Evening Post, 44 Opinion Publique, 294 MICHIGAN. Kalamazoo, Gazette 318 Saginaw, Evening Leader, 262 MINNESOTA. Minneapolis, Skordemannen, 282 St. Paul, Farmer, 262 Globe, 132 Volkszeitung, 108 MISSOURI. Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas Farmer 314 Presse 138 St. Louis, Am. School and College Journal... 301 Chaperone Magazine 84 Christian Advocate, 254 Church Progress, 306 Midland Farmer, 276 MONTANA. Helena, Stockman and Farmer, 248 White Sulphur Springs, Rocky Mountain Husbandman, 276 NEW JERSEY. Camden, Home Guide & Religious News, 250 N. J. Methodist & Epworth Ad- vocate, 250 Passaic, Advertiser (Suburban Press Asso.) 68 320 ADVERTISING. J. WALTER THOMPSON CO. THE. WEEKLY COMMONWEALTH. AN UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO -THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. VOL xxvii. xo. s* COVINCTO KY. SATURDAY. AUGUST 12 1899. 11.90 A YEAR-SINGLE COPY, 3 CENTS ASHLAND, sg= Ail Indislrta Running Ft! Tine Ki Most of lira CORRESPONDENCE. FAYETTECOUNTT. ALTGELD LSS To Enter He Political Ian Hi K>ntnrlri Pnli UNITED STATES COVINGTON, KENTUCKY. !OO,OOO Circulation^ It guarantees results to advertisers. No other newspaper makes such an offer. Seems like a bold proposition, don't it ? But "The Weekly Commonwealth " makes the offer in good faith and abso- lutely fulfills it. AND PERSONALS EX-GOV, ATKINSON, Dot of it: Dinucnilc Firty. 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Carbondale, Evening News, 72 Germantown, Telegraph, 176 Libonia, Park's Floral Magazine, 210 Oxford, Blooded Stock, 126 Philadelphia, Am. Baptist Publication So., 218 American Church S. S. Magazine, 262 Baptist Teacher & Quarterlies,.. 218 Catholic Standard and Times,.. 52 Church Press Association, 318 Guardian Angel, 128 Lippincott's Magazine, 216 New Ideas, 290 Our Young People, 218 Presbyterian, 252 Table Talk, 196 York, Gazette, 84 Pennsylvanian, 72 RHODE ISLAND. Providence, Telegram, 46 SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, News and Courier, 152 Columbia State 152 SOUTH DAKOTA. Mitchell, South Dakota Educator, 276 Sioux Falls, Sucessful Farmer, 260 TENNESSEE. Nashville, Christian Advocate, 307 S. S. Magazine & Quarterlies,.. 307 TEXAS. Dallas, Texas Stock and Farm Journal, 274 Houston, Daily Herald, 138 San Antonio, Texas Stockman & Farmer, 272 VERMONT. Montpelier, Daily Journal, 246 Vermont Watchman, 246 VIRGINIA. Norfolk, Landmark, 148 Richmond, Religious Herald, 252 WISCONSIN. 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