S>' ^7^5 Zouch Crucifixion J THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE C R U C I F I XI O N: A POETICAL ESSAY. By THOMAS ZOUCH, M.A. FELLOW of TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE: Printed by J. Be NT HAM, Printer to the UNIVERSITY; For T. & J. Merrill •, and fold by W. Thurlbourn & J. Woodyer, in Camhridgt^i J. DoDSLEY, Johnson & Co. and J.Whiston & B.White, in London ; J. Fletcher and D. Prince, at Oxford; and bv the Bookfellers at Tork, Wakefield^ and Leeds. jyi.DCC.LXV. A Claufe of Mr. SE ATONES Will, DatedO^. 8. 1738. -> '- T Give, my Kijlingbury EJlaie to the Univerfdy of Camhridge ^' -/ Jq^ ever: the Rejits of which JJjall he dijpofed of yearly by th& Z^l'] c Vice-Chancellor for the time being,, as he the Vice-Cha7tcellor,, the Mafter of Clare- Hall,, a?2d the Greek Profejfor for the time beings or a7ty two of the7n fhall agree. Which three perfons aforefaid JJjall give out a SubjeSl, which SubjeB f jail for the frfk year be one or other of the PerfeEiions or Attributes of the Supreme Being, and fo the fucceeding Tears, till the SubjeEl is exhaufled', and afterwards the SubjeEl fhall be either Death, "Judg^nent, Heaven, Hell, Purity of Heart, &'c. or whatever elfe may be judged by the Vice-Chancellor, Mafler of Clare- Hall, and Greek Profejjor, to be mofl conducive to the honour of the Supreme Being and recoifufiendation of Virtue. And they fall yearly difpofe of the Rent of the above Rflate to that Mafler of Arts, whofe Poem on the SubjeEl given fjall be befi approved by them. Which Poem I ordain to he always i7i Englijh, and to be prifited ; the expe77ce of which fjall be deduEled out of the produSi of the Efate, a7jd the refdue given as a reward for the Co77tpofer of the Poe7n, or Ode, or Copy of Verfes. WE the underwritten, do affign Mr. SEATON's Re- ward to T. ZOUCH, M.A. for his Poem on the CRUCIFIXION; and dire£l the faid Poem to be printed, according to the Tenor of the Will. ^^ J y, Barnardiflon^ Vice-Chancellor. 7^6^.^* P. 5'. Goddard, Mafter of Clare-HaU. M, Lorty Greek Profcftbr. 959422 THE CRUCIFIXION: A POETICAL ESSAY. ENOUGH hath fiction's fairy fcene deceived My dreaming hours of youth : with penfive ftep Mufing along the cloyfter's filent gloom Thee, Holy Truth, I woo : thy graceful charms Far lovelier than the damafk rofe that glows On beauty^s cheek, the poet's moral ftrain Excite, 6 THE CRUCIFIXION: Excite. — Ye fabled fonors adieu ! adieu Imagination, to the dazzled eye Shooting thy gorgeous phantoms! hence, ye dreams Of fublunary glare, the gem of wealth. The plume of honour! To her awful Ihrine Devotion wafts me, where the white-rob'd prieft With heart-felt tranfport on the wing of prayer Extatic rifes, or with waving hand And all the decent elegance of eafe Myfterious truth unfolds, whilft on his tongue Attention hangs enraptur'd. At that altar Peace fheds her balmy influence, far from Guilt And all his hideous offspring: Envy wan With jaundic'd eye ; Ambition's bluftering voice Brawling for titles : hollow-hearted fmile Of cringing Adulation : dog-ey'd Lull Rifling the bofom of chart e innocence. For fay, can fancy, fond to weave the tale Of blifs ideal, feign more genuine joy Than thine. Philander, when the Man of God Gives to thy hand the confecrated cup, Bleffed memorial of a Saviour's love ! Glowing A POETICAL ESSAY. ; Glowing with zeal the humble Penitent Approacheth : Faith her foftering radiance points Full on his contrite heart : Hope cheers his fteps, And Charity, the faireft in the train Of chriftian virtues, fwells his heavinor breaft With love unbounded. Feaft of blifs fupreme To eat the bread of life, to drink the cup Of benediftion ! — Memory bids the fcene, Th' important fcene, arife, when dread difmay Alarm'd the nations. Melt, thou heart of brals ; Death triumph'd o'er its victor. Wild amaze Seiz'd all the hoft of heaven, moaning their God In agony transfixt, his every fenfe A window to afBi£l:ion : forrow fill'd Their tide of tragic woe, and chang'd the note From fervent rapture to the gloomy ftrain Of deepeft lamentation. O how pure Th' effulgence of his bounty, that completes Redemption's mighty work, the fource of joy ! Hail heavenly Love, that with eternal fway Pervades creation s amplefl: bounds ! 'Twas Love That bade exiftence fpring to life : the fun, Infpher'd 8 THE CRUCIFIXION; Infpher'd in radiancy, began his courfe, And vegetation from the earth's warm lap Call'd forth her genial powers. 'Twas Love that form'd Redemption's glorious plan. Ye white-wing'd hofts. Cherubs and feraphs, that enrob'd in light Drink the pure ftream of ever-during day. In hallelujahs chaunt the grateful hymn Of adoration : from your fapphire feats Hail the crlad tidino-s, that to Man is criv'n A Saviour merciful. But chiefly ye, Daughters and fons of Adam, raife the fong Of gratulation meet. — Ye young, ye gay, Liften with patient ear the ftrains of truth j Ye who in dilTipation wafte your days. From Pleafure's giddy train O fteal an hour. With fagre reflexion nor difdain to craze The folemn fcene on Calv'ry's guilty mount. Where frighted nature Ihakes her trembling frame. And Ihudders at the complicated crime Of deicide. — The thorn-encircled head All pale and languid on the bleeding crofs, The nail-empierced hand, the mangled feet, The A POETICAL ESSAY. 9 The perforated fide, the heaving figh Of guftiing anguifh, the deep groan of death. The day of darknefs, terror and diftrefs : Ah ! fhall not thefe awake one ferious thought ? Sin, I deteft thee : murd'rous child of night. Hence to thy native hell! in Eden's vale Rov'd our firft parents, bofom'd in content. Gay as the fpring, and innocent as gay. Thou dafh'd their draught of blifs, their fweets of joy Mingling with gall. Misfortune's haggard crew Hence o'er the wide creation ruthlefs prowl'd. And rioted on man. Can aught arreft Th' Almighty's anger ? — Yes : the viftim bleeds, His own dear Son, from bondage to exalt A ranfom'd world, to blafi; the damning power Of Satan, Sin, and Death. How chang'd from him, Whofe Majefty in native luftre (hone Sevenfold, when on th' eternal throne he fmil'd. Long e're yon planets in their meafur'd Orbs Revolv'd : or walking on the whirl-wind's wing He rais'd his arm, and drove the rebel brood Down to their black abyfs : beneath his feet B The 10 THE CRUCIFIXION: The flames flafh'd horrible : before him fled The ghaftly train of peftilence and woe. On Revelation's facred page intent The eye of faith furveys the mighty deed Shadow'd in myftic type, when Abram urg'd By heaven's all-wife beheft, with eager zeal Snatch'd from a mother's weeping care * the child Of laughter, on Moriah's fecret top Binding the fpotlefs hands of innocence. How vain the breath, how empty all the boaft Of popular applaufe? to day we foar The fons of fortune, favour'd by the croud Their idol and their God. The morrow blights Our bud of fame. The rabble change their notes From hoarfeft acclamation to the hifs Of harlh contempt : the many-headed beafl Hark how he Ihouts for blood and impious carnage ! See Ifrael's humble King, mild as the lamb Beneath the murdering knife, amidft the fneer The taunt of mad reproach, led to the crofs. To (hame and bitter death. Him late they rais'd * pnj»Mfaac a rifu didus eft. Gen.xxi. 3. Buxtorf, To A POETICAL ESSAY. ii To fame's bright fummit, when they fung his name With loud hofannas, or with filent ardor Dwelt on his tongue, lift'ning the happy lore Of evangelic joy. Ye ruffian tribe Ah ! check the ruthlefs Rage, that drowns the voice, The faithful voice of reafon, to your God Prefers fedition's fon, whom foul with crimes Ripe vengeance waits, and awful juftice calls. Ye men of Judah, let one languid fpark Of foft companion melt your iron hearts ! O ftay the cruel ftroke, the blood-ftain'd fcourge Forbear : O fpare, for pity fpare that wound : Support his fait ring fleps : he faints, he dies : Your King, your meek Meffiah faints : he finks Beneath th' oppreffive load; up the fteep mount He toils panting, and harrafs'd with fatigue. But fhall oblivion's raven wing o'erlhade The ever-bloominor fame of Salem's dau2:hters ? Then weep, ye fair, and with prophetic tears Swell the full ftream of Grief, fincere as erft When Herod's vengeful arm in infant blood Drench'd his wide-Vv^afting fword : with rueful fhriek B 2 The II THE CRUCIFIXION: The childlefs parent wander'd Rama s ftreets. Your gentler breads to fympathetic fighs Induleent nature melts. Remorfelefs Man With heart of roughed: mold Iheds not one tear. Nor wails a Saviour's death. To you the Mufe Shall twine her wreath of praife: ye felt his pangs, Ye moan'd his agonizing grief of Soul. How calm the Sufferer ! not one rao;eful word Of wild impatience : no refentment fhakes His harrow'd breaft. Chearful and mild he meets The favage king of terrors. Lo ! to Heaven On mental wing his zealous prayer afcends. But ah ! for whom ? — for you, ye fons of pride That led him to th' accurs'd tree of fhame. " Father, forgive them." — Hence, far hence the fury Of wrath and vengeful hatred ! chriftian Love, With univerfal Charity infpire My breaft : extinguiih every latent fpark Of low revenge. Give me to breathe the flame Of tendereft affeftion, to fuftain Unruffled and ferene the mean attacks Of enmity and dander. Thus to tread A A POETICAL ESSAY. 13 A Matter's heavenly fteps, like him, to bear With patient mind infult and raih abufe Be this my boafted glory, this my pride! Great God of Truth, fhall equal terrors fall On innocence and guilt ? the noon-tide ray Mix with the midnight gloom ? The Son of Man, The great High Prieft, harmlefs and undefil'd. With impious ruffians numb'red, dies the death Of unrelenting juftice ? fierce as Hell Yon harden'd murd'rer breathes out his angry foul In blafphemous defiance. Foul reproach Flows from his venom tongue : avenging death With tenfold darknefs brooding, opes to view Scenes of eternal pangs, where penal wrath With unextinguifhable fury burns. Some chearful beam of Hope, fome gleam of Heaven Burfts on the brother of his crimes. He weeps : Repentance darts into his convidt heart A ray of Peace. The rifing arm of wrath Drops the impending Thunder : mercy fmiles Benign. E'en tho' the blaze of guilt outglare The fcarlet's crimfon hue, fair mercy Iheds Her 14 THE CRUCIFIXION: Her hoard of joy, and whitens every (lain. Come then, Repentance, with thy piercing ken The dark recefles of my heart pervade : Fill me with real forrow : naught avails The fable fackcloth, or the vain grimace Of hypocritic pomp. When ghaftly death Hovers around my couch, it naught avails To break the curtain'd Dumber of the night Counting the fisur'd beads, to wear the hour With repetition's empty Hymn, to grafp The silded Crucifix. — Fantaftic rites Of papal ignorance ! — All wrapt in grief, Whilft youth with manhood's vigor nerves my limbs The young blood circling in it's channel'd path, I bend the fuppliant knee : — " Father of Heaven, " Father of mercies, fnatch from rviin's gulph, " Snatch me from fin." — Temptation fpreads her lure With meretricious art. Wanton defire, Fierce as the waken'd fury of the deep Riots : O for a faithful friendly hand With pious art to guide the light- wing'd ikiff. And waft it from the tempeft's boift'rous rage! See A POETICAL ESSAY. 15 See 'midft the croud, that thronging round the hill With mad difcordant roar of barbVous joy Gape on the Crofs, a felf-convidled wretch Shivering. Damp horror fills his guilty breaft With pungent throes. On his wide-rolling eye Diftra^lion frantic fits and black defpair. Accurfed lufl: of gain, that fteels the heart 'Gainft pity's foft emotions, breaks the tye Of dear afFe^^ion, plunges all the foul In fin and woe ! What for fo poor a price, Th' AflafiTin's hireling wages, to betray A Saviour and a God ! and with the kifs Of friendfhip too ! — Thou fpecious Man of blood. Fly from thyfelf, thy bittereft deadlieft foe. Confcience with never-dying worm corrodes Thy tortur'd bofom. — 'Tis the Lamb of God, The blefled Jefus, whom thy treach'rous hand Configns to death : Heard'ft thou that figh of grief That ihook earth's tottering bafe.^ Saw'fl: thou thofe Limbs Writhed with pain.^ 'Twas he that taught the word Of Peace and Love, that ftopp'd the horrid rage Of dire difeafe, and from their gloomy cell Call'd i6 THE CRUCIFIXION: Caird out the filent dead. Th' expiring figh Again he heaves. Heard'ft thou that cutting pang Ifcariot ! Go, whilft dumb amazement holds The frozen multitude : cavern thy pelf, Perfidious traitor. Vengeance, clad in blood. Burning with rage, uniheathes her wafteful fword, Purfues thy fheps, and hunts thee down to death. Whilft ruin burfts the Temple's inmoft veil. And 'midft furrounding fcenes of horror roam The grifly fpedlres, as at midnight hour ; Far from the pomp and pageantry of pride Pilate fequefter'd fits, the venal judge. Corruption's flave, that gloated on the fpoils Of innocence opprefled. What avails Or trophy'd blaze of power or glofs of wealth To footh the fever'd phrenzy of his foul ? He burns, as with a raging calenture, Tortur'd by jarring paflions Why that Look ? Thofe broken accents ? Thou dark, dufky Man, Say can his fpotted (kin the leopard change ? In vain thou feek'ft the pillow of repofe. The noon-tide fun, velop'd in darknefs dim. His A POETICAL ESSAY. 17 His golden glory (hrouds; But ah! what night With darknefs dim fhall fhroud thee from the eye. The piercing eye of guilt? With impious hand Profane not thus the limpid ftream : not all The ocean's wave can walh off that foul fpot Of murder. Heaven's vindictive juftice reigns Unbrib'd by wealth. E'en now thy anxious mind Anticipates its fate. Deftruclion waits Thy fteps : the tyrant of imperial Rome Drives thee to exile : in the defart Ifle Breathe to the taunting air thy doleful plaints. Engender'd erft on pride and coward Ihame The monfter Suicide his influence dire Sheds o'er thy melancholy-tinClur'd foul Baleful. Go dafh thee down the rocky fteep Or plunge into thy breafh the thirfty fword That pants for blood But lo ! a different fcene! What tho' th' autumnal ficknefs ftalks around, What tho" the rage of noon-day peftilence Slays her ten thoufands ; yet beneath the (hade Of Providence the good Man fmiles fecure And undifmay'd. As refolution firm C The i8 THE CRUCIFIXION: The lov'd Difciple (lands, in manly grief Silent. — Illuftrious Saint! endear'd to him Who knows the hidden fecret thoughts of Man, FriendHiip on thee her choiceft treafures pour'd. What heavenly tranfport to mix foul with foul In liberal converfe j to imbibe the words Of bleffed truth, from wifdom's mouth to catch Inftrudtion's fweeteft leflbns ! — See thy King, Thy Friend from his triumphant infamy Looks down with condefcenfion ; deigns to crown Thy holy fortitude. With filial care His tender pledges guard : When age with fnow Shall fow thy temples, then (hall vifions blefs Thy nights; nor (hall the envied wreath thy brow Entwine, e're ruin raze thefe haughty walls ; E're the proud Roman eagle clap her wing Hovering o'er Salem's defolated towers. What pencil's glowing colours know to paint A mother's deep diftrefs ? fall by the crofs With eyes and hands uplifted, wrap'd in woe All motionlefs and mute, Ihe views her Son, Her God beneath the weight of others fins Bow A POETICAL ESSAY. 19 Bow his affllcSled head. Thus Eve, abforpt In forrow's trance, her darling offspring ey'd Welt'ring in blood : expreffive filence fpoke Her pangs of agony : the big-fwoln tear Burft down her cheek : around her beauteous form The golden treffes flow'd in rude diforder, Whilft Adam at her fide in vain affay'd Bland confolation. Secret grief o'erwhelms Maria's throbbino; bread. Now languor wan Unnerves each fenfe : tender remembrance foon Wakes in her foften'd heart the fond, fond fcenes. When fweet domeftic peace confirm'd her blifs, Shelter'd beneath a hufband's faithful arm From humbling infamy. Thrice happy pair! They gently trod the flowery path of Life : They ate the bread of temperance, round their board Contentment laugh'd, blithe as a blooming bride. Luird on her lap the infant God-head oft Repos'd him weary. Tho' no trumpet s found. No hoft of cherubim his praife attun'd. Maternal rapture on his lovely name With fondnefs dwelt ; ponder'd each pleafing fign Cz Of S.O THE CRUCIFIXION: Of future fplendor. — Oh ! what an awful change ! The rude wind tempers the bright dawn of hope. Mute is the tongue of eloquence that awd A lift'ning multitude : languid the lips That {mild complacence round, and every grace Gently diffus'd. Dim in its ghaftly orb The beaming eye of Majefty is funk. But tho' with adverfe wind the gray ftorm lours^ Shall fullen difcontent awake the voice Of querulous defpair ? Thou fecond Eve, O flop the falling tear : the figh reftrain. And ye, fele^ted flock, that fcatter'd late Fled from your Shepherd, from defpondence raife Your drooping hearts : refume the fmile of joy. Eur ft are the gates of Death : blunted the fting Of Sin ; MefPiah mounts th' exalted car Of triumph. As Elijah rapt of old To Heaven, vi61:orious o'er the murky grave. He rifes to the realms of endlefs day. Thus when the infant Moon her circling fphere Wheels o'er the Sun's broad difk^ her Ihadow falls On Earth's fair bofom : darknefs chills the fields,. And A POETICAL ESSAY. 21 And dreary night invefts the face of Heaven, Reflected from the lake full many a ftar Glimmers with feeble lanoruor. India's fons Affrighted in wild tumult rend the air. Before his idol god with barbVous fhriek The Brachman falls : when foon the eye of day Darts his all-cheering radiance, from the gloom Emerging. Joy invades the wondering croud,^ And acclamation rufhes from the tongue Of thoufands that around their blazing pile Riot in antic dance and diflbnant fong. Far from this earthly ball th' advent'rous Mufe Uplifted, dares to foar her aery way To where in immortality enthroned The great Redeemer fits at God's right hand. No fond illufion cheats me, from this (hell Of clay, the foul to brighter climes afpires^ Nor feeks imagination's waxen wings To fpeed her courfe. Almighty, infinite , The filial Godhead reigns : old Ocean flies AflFrighted at his awful nod, whilft Heaven Bows 22 THE CRUCIFIXION: Bows trembling. Mercy's gentle attribute Tempers his juftice : he prote6ls the poor In needful hour of dearth, and from the duft Raifes the weeping penitent : his wrath The blood of goats averts not, or the fat Of coftly hecatombs, or altar wreath'd With clouds of incenfe, tho' in Phrygian mood The laurel-nurtur'd priefts their Pythic hymn Attemper to the virgin choir, that chant Their Doric harmony. Nor deigns he not With pity's eye the contrite heart to view And troubled fpirit : pureft facriiice By him accepted. O emblazon wide His Name, ye creatures that in Heaven, in Earth Or in the wide fea breathe. " Dread Judge of all ! '' Anointed King ! Saviour of fallen Man ! " All praife to Thee be given ! e're time began " Thou art, in thy unfathom'd effence vaifd " Immenfe, But ftill Perfe61:ion deign'd to bear *' Th' infirmities of Man : th' Eternal dyed, « Th' A POETICAL ESSAY. 23 " Th' Almighty fuffer'd woe. All Heaven beheld, " And hymn d in admirations loudeft notes *' Thee crucify'd. Can aught of mortal fong ** Equal thy glory whilfl: on Earth? what tongue *' The congregated wonders of thy life " Can fpeak? to Thee fhall wifdom yield her palm ^' Of fame : in vain (he boafts the letter'd art, ^' And all the mazy folly of the fchools, " Socratic knowledge, or the Stag'rite's pomp Jrurtiff^ Of idle fpeculation. King of kings, O let thy bright example roufe the foul " To meek humility! great Interceflbr, ] *' Pour on thy meaneft fupplicant the boon *' Of pardon and remiffion. Wean his mind " From earth-bred care. When the grim hand of Death " Shall fnatch me weary to the darkfome grave, *' When the lafl: trumpet's found (hall Ihake this globe, ^' And defolation urn yon diforb'd worlds, " Oh fmile forgivenefs. At that awful hour " Propitious chafe away the fears that fright *' The fluttering foul, nor let thy blood in vain "Drop 24 THE CRUCIFIXION, &c. *' Drop from the crofs ! the while may reafon guide ^ My every wilh! may true religion ftrew ^' Life's varied path ! 'Tis her's to wipe the tear *' From forrow's eye, to light the lamp of Hope, *' From Revelation's copious fount to pour ** The ftreams of Comfort, Peace, and holy Love." FINIS. ■NIYKSt-rfiV OF CALIFO«NU LOS ANGELES University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hiigard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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