wo R MA N S M O © E R N 1 000 LANGUAGES,- ' ■ i |iwaj»uiu>A»J« M6.W yORK ■ A N n Jm Henry ^enger t^' im ^^3^-^A^ m^ 't^^ pi t;ii-i ::^ M I WITH COMPLIMENTS OF THE PUBLISHERS. {^^y!j^.)fy^.^-^n^^^ ( y^^-^i;Q_> ■^'^M ^^A >^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementarygermanOOwormrich WORMAN'S SERIES FO R THK MODERN LANGUAGES. AN . _ ELEMENTARY';; f; :-.;:, ■>. GERMAN READER IN PROSE AND VERSE: COPIOUS EXPLANATORY NOTES JIND REFERENCES TO THE EDITORS GERMAN GRAMMARS AND A COMPLETE VOCABULARY. BY James H. Worman, A.M., Ph.D., AUTHOR OF A SERIES FOR THE MODERN LANGUAGES, ETC. ; AND PROFESSOR IN THE ADELPHI ACADEMY, BROOKLYN, N. V. A. S. BARNES & COMPANY, NEW YOllK AND CHICAGO. IN MEMORIAM ^ %%A^, ^. \^V ^ ^*^(^ worMan's series FOR THE ,.M.OD.E.RF* :LA]SrGU AGES. A Short Course in G-erman, intended for our common schools. (In preparation.) An Elementary German Grammar. An easy introduction to the language. 12mo. 300 pages. $1,50. A Complete German Grammar. i2mo. 591 pages. $2.00. An Elementary G-erman Reader, intended for beginners in Getman. 12mo. 145 pages. $1.25, A Collegiate G-erman Reader, or Introduction to German Literature, with references to the German Grammars of Worman and Campbell, and an adequate Dictionary. 12mo, 525 pages, $1.75. A Manual of German Conversation— the "Berliner Echo." For practice in the language as spoken in Berlin, with Vocabulary of words and idioms. 203 pages, $1.25. F I^ E IST C 13: . A Short Course in French, on the same plan as the German, (In preparation.) An Elementary French Grammar, on the same plan as the Elementary German Grammar. (In preparation.) A Complete French Grammar, on the same plan as the Complete German Grammar. (In preparation.) An Elementary and Collegiate French Reader, on the same plan as the German. (In preparation.) A Manual of French Conversation— the " Echo de Paris." Plan of the " Berliner Echo," 212 pages, $1,25. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by A. S. BARNES & CO,, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. P E E F A C E THIS Elementary Reader is intended as a companion to my Grammars of the German language. It should be used with the Elementary as soon as the first twenty lessons have been thoroughly mastered ; in connection with the Complete^ it may be read after the student has acquired Lesson I. The References and Explanatory Notes are very full and minute, having been prepared with this special end in view. Frequent repetitions, both in statement and refer- ence, will be noticed ; this is intentional on my part, the object being to secure thoroughness in the drill of the ele- mentary principles of the German language. Years of experience in the class-room enables me to confirm the theory that diligent and attentive reading of good authors not only supplies the learner with a rich store of words, phrases, and idioms, and expressions of every kind, but makes him familiar with the various inflections and mutations of which the words are susceptible in a much briefer time than even the most devoted study of the grammar. Great care has been taken to make this work truly j^ro- gressive. The readings, which are selected to afford variety, both in prose and verse, have been arranged with a view to the progress to be expected of an elementary student. Eigensinrif by Benedix, an easy play, was inserted in this book because, like the French plays of Scribe, it gives the learner the conversational language of the day. This play affords also an excellent opportunity for a review of the auxiliary verts of mode. The selections, in thek Qtth^e|;mDli^^ are always an exact IV PREFACE. copy of the best editions of the authors from whom the ex- tracts are taken. This will make the learner famiHar with the peculiarities of the different German writers. It may not be out of place here to state that it has been my endeavor to present in this book only such selections as can be placed in the hands of youth of both sexes without reserve. The Notes and Eeferences are placed immediately at the end of the text, before the Vocabulary, instead of at the foot of the page, to which they refer, in order to insure a thorough study of the lesson. The Vocabulary contains not only the words, but also the idiomatic phrases occurring in the text and requiring especial mention. In the preparation of the Notes, I have been largely aided by Prof Karl Witte, of New York, formerly of Gottingen University, Germany, and in the compilation of the Vocabu- lary, I was ably assisted by Mrs. J. W. Caldwell, of Brook- lyn, N. Y. JAMES H. WOKMAN. ttg^Cf. ©elte (Srinnerung ®ot^e 9 2)er ©eijl^alj ©lumauer 9 ®ie S3lumen auf bcm ®rabe bcr Sungfrau Sean ^au\ 9 2)ie tu^, bad 9)ferb, baa ©c^af unb ber |)unb BoIIifofer 10 Die 3:i)rancn 3ean 3>aul 10 ®er 5tffc unb bcr ^ud)« Seffing 10 1)ix Some unb ber ^ud)^ ®Ieim 10 Die 5Waua unb ber Sijwe 5?a(i) 5lefcp 1 1 SSinterlieb ^rummad)er 12 Der 2om unb ber ^afe Scffinij 13 ©otted 53atertreue |)e9 13 Sulenfptegel unb ein gu^rnmnn 14 S'rtebric^ 23i(I)elm I. unb ber Sanbibat 14 Der c^etreuc Untert^an 14 (SoUman^iJ ©erec^tigfeit 15 Die 33ombe 15 i^odmann ^Cut^er IG ^erbtl ^olU) IG Slud ber Sugenb ^riebric^ 2BiI^elm III (£i)Icrt 16 JReiterd ^Worgengefang ^auff 17 •Konig ^5rtebri(^ unb fein 9?ad)bar ^cbel 18 aBacl}terruf ^ad) ^cbci 19 Dad gute ^eitmittel 3?ad) ^cbel 20 Die feltfamen 5Wenf(^en 2td>twcr 21 £r ifl ba Hoffmann ^. gaCerdlcben 23 Der fkinc SBorfcn'^anbler Tuinfcr 23 ^offnung ©cibcl 24 3m SSalbe ©bt^e 25 ©cite Memento mori 2\^clh 25 Sllcxanber^ SJermac^tni^ Sfiudert 2G 'Pa^ SSac^Iem ©iit^e 26 ©rja^Iung ani bem SJiorgenlanbe ^ekl 27 ®icb bi(i^ jufriebcn ©er^arbt 28 ®otte^bienfi ^mxi^ mkxt 29 !l)er gerettete Sungling Berber 30 •Dag 5lmcn ber ©teine ^ofegarten 32 2)er nJu^etag ^rummac^er 33 2)ie ijicr 2Begc giitcfert 34 Die ©rcnabiere ^einc 35 S)ic ?Reuia^r6na(!^t etned Ungliicf lichen Sean 9)aul 36 sWorgenlieb ^napp 38 !Da(3 g)reupif(^e 3[Jolf im Sa^re 1813 (&. m. Slrnbt 39 !Der ©rlfonig ® jjt^c 41 ®tc na(^tli(|e ^eerf(^au Bebli^ 42 2)er (Sieg ©leim 43 eigenjtnn (ein Sufifpiel) Scnebix 44 Peculiar Phrases and Proverbs 60 Notes and References 63 Vocabulary 'Stt^tx btr S^riftftcQcr. -<)-^ ^cinrii^ 5U&crt (1604-1068% eette ®ottc«bicnil 29 (grnfl morit^ Qtrntit (/76'.9-i56^f?). ®a3 9)mi{5ifcl)c Solf im 3at)re 1813 39 ^uliu3 SlotJcridj S3cnct)tr (i5ii— Seipjig f). eigcnfimi (l^uilfpifl) 44 9no>)0 JBlumflucr (i755-i79, intem cr unterfan!: Sd) !ann nid)t3 gekn ! unt — ertranl. 33 1 u m a u e T. J©ic 35luinett auf bcm ©rabc ^cr SunQfrau. (Btrenet nur 3?Iumcn auf fie, ik Hiikntcn ^reuntinnen! 3l^i^ bracbtet fa fonfl ibr 53Iumen hi ten 2Biec^enfeften. 3e^o fciert [tc ik greeted; tenn tie 33a^re i|l tie SBiege tei? ipimmeli?. Scan 9) a u I (3^td)tcr). 10 Der2cn?cunrtcvgu(^4» (Sihe.,^u(), fiV^efViihc^ein ©d^af ftauDen auf einer SSeice jufam^ ^m «n5 [ttjt^Jij.antcr ^inan^r, itjelc^eg tern 2}lenfd)en nu^Udjer fci. •iVuVu^.rP^ac^'^'fi^^QJ:^:^^.^*^*^^ ^i^ fu§e 2)^Ud), Den n?o^If(^merfen^ ten ^dfe unD tie olerfe^enDe Gutter," — Xa^ ^ferDj „3^ Mn ter SCagen ©egel unD te^ 3fleiteriJ Bittic^*" — Xa^ ®^af: „3d) gel)e nadt unt) Mo^, lamlt er kfleitet \txJ' Xa fam ber ^unti ju i^nen, Den Hicften fie »erdc^tUd) con rer (Seite an, aU nn, gegen ike SBicb^ tigfeit ge^alten, unnii^e^ 2:l)ier, 9l6er Der iperr folgte aUBalD Mnten na(^, rief tern ipunDe im freuntlii^ften Jone, ftreid^elte unD UeHofte ibn. T)a tie^ Me ^u^ ur(D i^e ©efd^rten fal)en, murrten fie, untj ta^ ^feriD na'^m fic^ ein iper^ ^ur grage: „2Barum t^uft tu alfo, ®ebieter? 3Ser^ tienen wir nid?t me^ teinc 5lufmerffam!eit, n?ie tiefe^ unnu^e 2;^ier ?" — %kx ter iperr ftreidjelte fcinen ^unt no(^ gdrtUd^er nnt fpra(^j „5flid5t alfo ; tiefer ^at mein eingigciJ gelicMe^ ^o^nlein !it^n itnD treu aug ranf(^enDert S3afferflut^en gerettet, wie foUte ic^ nun feiner vergejfert f bnnen ?" i). 3«Uifofcr, SBir ^akn atle fdjon gett>eint, jeter ©liiditd^e einrnd »or ^el), jeDer Ungliidicbe einmal »or Suj^, Sean 3) ft u I (Sfiic^ter), $)cr 2lffe iitib ^ct $ti(^d. „9lennc mix ein fo gefcfeirfted 3:^ier, tent i^ nic^t naMW^^ tmnk \" fo )jra^lte ter Slffe gegen ten ^^udj^. I^er ?5u^^ abcr emieterte: „UnP tu, nenne mir ein fo geringfi^d^ige^ 3;^ier, tern e^ einfallen fonnte, tit nac^jua^men* £effi«0. 3um $bnjen fpradj ter %u6>^: x6> mnp i)ir'5 entUA nur gcfte^en, mein $ertntg ^at fonfl !cin Snte. — Xer Sfcl i>rid)t »on tir md)t gut; (£r fagt, waiJ id) an tir ju lokn fiinte, 2^ag anfp cr nid^t ; tein Jpcltcnmut^ eei sjvcifeltiaft; tu jjdbft itnn teine ^xokn ^on (^rof'mutl) uni? (i)ctcd^Hg!eit ; !Cu iuiirgteft ric UnfAulD, fud^teft Streit; (£r !cnnte li&i nid)t liekn un^ md)t loben. -— Sin 2CeiId)en [Amieg ber Sotue ftiti; l^ann fpra^ en %n6>^ I er )>red?e wa^ er n?l(It I^enn ma^ »on mir ein Sfel fprid)t, !E)avJ aAt id) ni(fct» ®leim. t^tt Some fd)Iief in feiner ^ij^le, wm ibu kr fpielte eine luftige 2)Zaufefd)aar» Sine terfelben mar e(*en auf ciuen l)ert^orfte^enten %di gefroc^en, fiel :^eral\ unD ermedte ten Somen, Xcx fie mit feiner gemaltij^ (jen Za^t fe|'tt)ielt. „5td^/' Kit fte, „fei to* gro^miit^ig gegen mid) armei?, unbeteutentei3 ©efd^bpf I 3^) i)^!^^ ^^^) "if^}t beleitigen moUen; ic^ ^abe nur cinen Sel)ltritt getl)an, unt tin ^on tern ^elfen t)era&gefali: len, SBaiJ !ann tir mein 3:ot nii^en? (S(^en!e mir ta5 2e6en, unt ic^ mitt tir jeitleben;? tantbar fein." „®e^ :^in/' \aQU ter Some gro^miit^ig, unb lie§ ba^ Wdni6>tn fprin^^ gert» 33ei ftc^ a6er lacbte er unt fprac^ : „t;anf6ar fein I 5^un ba3 mi3d)te ic^ tocb fe^en, mie ein ^du^d)en ficfc cinem Somen tanfbar U^ jeugen fonnte I" ^ur^e 3fit tarauf lief lai ndmlid^e ^du^d)en turd) ten ®alt unt fud)te fid) 9H)Te; ta i^ctte e^ ta^ fldgUd)e ^ebriltte eine^^ Somen. „I)er ifl in ®efat)r I" fprad) et^ bei ^td^, unt ging ter (Stette ju, mo ta^ (3t^ briiUe beriibcrtonte. di fant ten meine^ 8c^au^ ter nnl Sntfe^en cnvcdct." — „©a^rl)aftig ?" untcrkad) xhn tcr ^pafe. „^a nun kgreif ic^ au4 ttjantm t\?ir ^afen un5 fo cntfe^Ud) ^or ten ^unten j-iird)tcn»" iJ effing* ®pttc§ ^citcrtrcuc. (2^ ift !cin 'l0tdui?d^cn fo jung unb Hein^ S5 l)at fein Ucbcij ^iDiiittcrlcin, Xai bringt il)m mand^cvi ^riimi^en Sror, 2)amit c3 nid}t kitet ipungcv unt 9lott)» (E^ ift !cin liebed 3SogeIein 3m ©artcn traupen fo arm unb tlein, (£5 ()at fein warmed gcterflcit; X)a t^ut il)m 3»leijen unt 8*nec fein Seic. (£5 ift fein Imntcr (2d)metterling, ^ein 2CHirmd)cn im 8emmer fo gcring, a^ finrct cin ^(iimd^en, Ci^ fintet ein 33Iatt, Xayon ti ipt, n?irt frol) um \att SiJ ift fein ©efd^bpf in ter meiten ^qU, ttm nid^t fein eigne^ 2:i)eil ift teftcllt, ©ein gutter, fein 3?ett, fein fleine^ ^an^, Xarinnen e3 frbblid) get^t ein unt mi, Unt :ver ^at ta^^ %iki fo betaAt ? ttx liebe 0^ott, ter mid mad)t, Unt fiebt auf Mii vdtcr(id>, Xcx forgt md) Za^ unt 9]ad)t fiir mid>. 14 X:er^etreueUrttettl}art» (^ulcnf^tegcl nnb tin ^u^rmann. Sulenfpiegel ging eine^ XaQt^ ixkx %ck, llntenrego begegnete i^m eiu gu^rmann, ter auf ciner fteinigen 8tra§e feine ?)ferte iiber Die (3c^ Bul)r antrieb. „^ann id)," fragtc cr im Sorkijagen, „trc^I no^ »or 5lbent) jur t^ ftd^ burd? feine %arW unterfd)ieb, me^r aU auf tie uBrigen, f^ojTw. (£r Bat bemnad) feinen X:ic ^0m6^ 15 iperrn, ci gc^en ta^ fcinige ju ocrtaufd^cn, unter tern ^^orivante, taf taij ^])ferD ita Slmm\kn jUeu icarc, unJ faum t)atte e^ tiefer getreue Xiener einige ^^tugenblicfe beftiegen, fo \mvu er getiittet, unC rettcte alfo tur(^ feinm JoD rem ^urfurfteu tai^ l^^cben. (Sotimatt, jertcr ftol^e ^cbcrrfd^cr tcr XixxUn, tcr feBr gro^e (55akn ml einen grenjcnlofcn (il)rgeia befa^, griff Ungarn an, unD nat)m ^tU Qxan ein, meldbeis man ramaliJ ai^ tie iCormauer ter (i^riften^eit ht^ trac^tcte. Sr l)atte eben tiefe Sroberung yoUcntet, aU eine ^ran fid) i|m na^te, imt) bitterlid) flagte, taj3 i^r tic (goltatcn i^r 3?ie^ megger nommen Ivittcn, iDcId^e^ i^ren ganjen Oleij^tbnm an^mad^te, „3^r miiffct in eincm fc^r tiefen 8d>Iaf getegen ^aben/' antmortete il)r ter ©ultan, „ireil il)r tie Sftauber nid>t ^abt |bren ftmncn," „%\, ic^ fdliif, gnatigcr Spew," antivortcte fie, „allein e^ gcfd^al) im 33ertraucn, ta^ Sure .'po^eit fiir tie gcmeine 8i^crbcit trad^te." ^n Siirft, ter eine cr^abene @ecle ^atte, billigte tiefe 3^ete, fo treift fte auc^ mar, unt er^ fe^te auf cine angemefyene 23eife einen 3djatert, ten er Ijatk verbuten foUeit* ^ie ^ontbe« ^arl Xn., ter in (Stralfunt belagcrt ivar, tiftirte einem 86tt?eten» Sine S3cmbe fiel au] tag ^au^, fd^Iug turd? taiJ Ta6>, unt ^erfprang fogar neben tent 3inimer teien, fi:l tie Tv^er tern 5:fret;ir au? ter >p.irtt. ,/^OaiJ gitt cv? tenn?" fagte ter .^onig mit rubigcr 9Kiene ^n ibm, „nnirum fdreibt ibr niAt?" 'tiefer fonnte nid^t;^ aU tie 3l>orte enrietern: ,,5ld\ 8ire, tie 53ombeI" „9^un," ernneterte ter ,^lonig, „n\io battic 53ombemit trm Sricfejufd^affen, ten i(^ euc^ tiftire? a^ibrct furt." IC 3lus3 ter 3ugent grietrid) Bil^elniiJ III. Sin ®ele^rter im ^Zorgenlance— ^ocfmann wax jein 5'Zame— er^ Sat)U »on fid) felbft: 3d) ^be mid) in tdmv MuvwaxtiQkit \c\)x ge== grdmt, ci? mod)te mix auc^ fo fd)Umm gel)en, aU eg tvodtc, au§er ein cinjigeij ^:DJal, alii id) barfw^ ge^en mufte, n^eil id) md)t fo i?tcl ©cId l)atte, mir @c^ul)e ju faufen. 3(^ gittg Qan^ traurig in einen Sempcl, unt traf ^ier einen ^m\6>m, ter feine giife l)atte. 51U id) i^n \a1>, xoax i(^ mit meinen Mofen gitgen gem gufricten, wnb banfte nteinem 0ott l)er5nd), ba§ ic^, iuenn f^on o^ne @d)nk, tod) gel)en fonnte. Xer ungliidlid^e SJienfd^ miire ja gerne barfug gegangen, ti^enn cr nuv giife ge^abt I)atte, ®et)et bir'g iiBel, fo fe^re beine 5lugen ^nm ®nten, unb gebenfe, une gotte^fiirc^tige ^erjen t^un, ba§ bu bie 2lugen abfe^reft ijom Ungtiid unb tvenbeft fie ixUx ft(^ ^n einem grbfern ^liid, Sutler. ^er ©ommer flie"^t, iinb mit il)m jielit bie giitle fanfter greuben, 2Cie Blumenleer ift^iJ urn mid) ^er, n?ie fd^mudlo^ 3:f)al unb SBeiben ! Xcx [ii§e ©c^alt ter ^k^tigaU ift (angft im ^ain erftorBen; Unb 33aum unb ©traud) f(^eint bur^ ben ^au(^ bee falten S^orb^g ^er:; borben. 1^urc^fd)Iumm're nur, beraubte glur, beg SSinterg Bange Sange; K^nxn grii^Unggprac^t auf bir txwa&jt, bann |jretfen bic^ ®efange, lint? loben ben, ber mieber fc^on mit neuem Sfleig bic^ fc^mudet, Xen ^errn ber %lux unb ber 9^atur, ber 'iI}Zenfc^cn gem begliidet* 3iu§ ber Stt^cnb Sticbrtc^ 9[SiH>clitt§ HI. 5llg ber ^bnig ein ^nabe i^on 10 3^i^icit ii^^^r, (fo er^a^It fem^am^ merriener unb ©e'^eimer hammerer S^GoItcv), uni ic^ bie Slufwartung bei ibm l)atte, brad)te eineg 3:ageo im SlZonat 3iinuar bei ftrenger ^alte ein (l^artnerburf(^e ein ^brbden mit fd)lmen reifen, im 2:reibi)aufe ge^ jogencn .tirfd^en. 23eim Slnblide berfelben freute fid) ber junge ^rinj, unD amnfdte bie in biefer 3vii)rci?3eit feltene grud)t ju geniefen. %U ihm abcr bcmerllid) gemadt murbe, baf fie 5 2:bater foften foUten, fragte er »emmntcrt: ,,2Bie, fiir cine ipanb ijoll ^irfc^en 5 J^aler?" unt» fcrc^te fid) tann feft urn mit ten entfcbietencn Sortcn: ,,3* maQ unt trill fte ni(i}t." — Sale tarauf licjj fid) ein ^ixxi^cv nnl ®d)u^mac^er^ tncifter aui fotiXcim melCen, unC id) krii^tcte tern ^ronprinjen : tcr arme SKann fei lange am 5*^eri?enne6er clenc nni^ franf gemefen unt ta^ turd) fek i^erabgefcmmen in feincm ©emerbe, unt fo betiirfe cr, uni e^ Wieter Bej^innen ju lonnen, 3um ^etcranfauf 20 3:l)aler, tie er nid)t ^dtte, unt urn irelc&e er in feiner grofen 5^otl) ten ^ronprin,^en aU urn ein gnd^ ti^e^ ®efd^enf l)dte. „S3ieincl l)abe id) nod) in ^affc ?" fragte mit tern fid)ttaren 5lu^trude te5 ^^Q^itleitS ter ^ronprinj. 5ll5 id) il)m antiror:; tete: „50 2:l)aler/' kfa|l er, ii^ folic tem armcn ?0^anne tic gcmiinfd)? Un 20 3:l)aler in fcinem ?^amcn ^ekn unt tamit ©liid n)iinfd)cn« Srfrcut unt ticf gcriil)rt cmpfin^ ter be^liidte ipantn?erfcr ticfc ®ak, unt du^erte ten SBunfd), ter ^onigL ipol)eit feinen Tan! felbft an^^ f|jred)en ju tiirfcn* Xiefe 53itte fd)lu9 ter fvin^ ab mit ten SBorten: „3ft gar nii^t ni)t^tg ; n?iirte ten armen 9^tann nur kfddmcn." ^l)ilip, 2, 4, Sin Sfgl^^i^ \^¥ Jti(^t auf ta^ ©cine, fontem auf ta5, tt?a0 te^ ^Intern ift, e tt I e r t» ^O^orgcnrotl) ! £eud)teft mir jum frii^en 3;ot ? S3alt ivirt tie Jrompete Hafcn, l^ann mu^ id) mcin £cbcn laffen, 3d) unt mand)er ^amerat, ^aum getadt, SCirt ter 2uft ein Snt' gcmac^t ! ©eftem nod) auf ftoljcn 3floffcn, ^eute turd) tie 33ruft (^cfdu^jjen, ^O^iorgcn in taiJ fiil)le 43raB* 5lc^, n?ie kit ©d)tt?intet mit teincn SBangen, Xie wie ?0^ilc^ unt ^urpur prangen, 51^, tie 5lofcn ivclfcn all ! 18 ^bnig grierri(^ unt fein ^a&j))ax* Datum flitl, %ixQ' t(^ mic^ rok ®ott e^ wiU I 9lun, fo n?iU id) wader ftreiten, Unl) follt' ii^ Cert Zol erieiten, ©tirbt ein braver Stetter^mann* |)attff. 1)er ^onig ^rietr^ Uv 3n?eite »on ^reujen Vtte ac^t StunbeK »ou Berlin ein fd)one^ Suftfc^lof unt war gem tariu, wenn nur md)t gang na^e tabei "Die unru^ige ']}^u^Ie gewefen mdre, Xenn erftlt(^ ftel)en ein Ibniglic^e^ ®c^Io§ unr) eine ^Tinijk nid^t gut neben einanter, obgleid) tai? Sei§kot auj^ in tern ©d)(offe nid}t iibel fdjmedt, menu fcie Wlii^U fein gema^Ien unt> ter Dfen wo^l geBaden :^at. Slu^er^em aber, menu kr ^onig in feinen Beften (^ecanfen war, unt) nid^t an ben 5^ad)bar tacfcte, auf einmal lie§ ber 2)^uller feine Mn^k Happern unb H6:ik auc^ ni^t an im §errn 5^ad)bar ; unt) tie ©et^anfen beg ^onigg ftbrten ^war bag 3ftaberwer! bcr ^DZii^Ie nic^t, aBer man(^mal bag ^tap^ perwer! ber 9tdber bie (Sebanfen beg ^ijnigg, Der gcneigte Sefer fagt: Sin ^onig ^at (3tk wie Saub, warum !auft er "otm ^ad)hax tk ?D?ii^le nid^t ab unb Id§t fte nieberrei^en ? — "Der ^cnig wn^k, warum : benn eineg 3:ageg lieg cr \^tn WlixUtv gu ft(^ rufen. „3^i* begreift," fagte er 3U il)m, „ba§ wir 3n?ei nid^t nekn cinanber beftefeen fonnen* Siner mu§ wei(^en. ^a^ gebt ihv mir fiir ntein ©d^lb^Iein?" — Xer ?OMUer fagte: SBic ^oc^ ^altet i|r eg, feniglic^er §err ?^ad)bar? — Xer ^onig erwieberte t^m: 2CunberIid;er ^^enfc^, fo »iel ©elb t)abt ibr nid^t, la^ i^r mir mein 8(^Io§ aWaufen fount. 2}ie ^od) t^altet i^r eure SJ^ii^Ie ?— I^er SD^iider erwieberte: ©ndbigfter iperr, fo ijobt au6:i i^r nid)t fo yiel ®e(5, ta^ ik mir meine ?i}?iil)Ie abfaufen fount; fte ifl mir ni^t feiL — Tex ^onig that jwar ein ®ebot, an6:j la^ gweite unb britte, aber ber ^Zad)^^ Mieb bei feiuer 9lebe: t.l Xa Iad)clte tcr uncrfd^rorfcne SO^ann, tcr -IRulIcr, unD eranecerte tern ^oniip ®ut gcfai^t, aUeri^nattgfter ^err, lucnn nur ta^ ^ammcrgcriitt in 53crliu nicfct wave! namlicb, ta^ er eo woUe auf einen ricbtcrlicfccn :^ui?fprud^ anfommen laffen, ^er ,$lbnig mar ein ge^ red)ter ^crr unr» fonntc uberauv? gnatig fein, alfo ta^ ibm tie ^eq^af:= tigfeit unl) ^reimutbigfeit fciner iKete nid^t niif^fdUig mar, fontern mo^I^ geficL lectin cr (ie§ yon ticfcr ^nt an ten '^IRiiUer unangefocbten unt unterMelt fortmal)rent mit it)m eine frietliAe 5^ac^barfd)aft, Xer ge^ ncigte Sefer aber tarf fd)on ein menig 9lcfpeft ^aben 5or einem folc^en ^yia^bar unt no^ mc^r t)or eincm foid^en ^crrn ^a&ibax. SSac^tcrtttf. ipbret, mao id) end) milt fagen ! 1)ie ®Iocfe tie l)at ^e^n gefd)[agen. 3e^t betet unt je^^t gebt in'^ Sett, Unt mcr ein gut (5Hni>iffcn I^at, (Sdlaf fanft unt moM I ^m ipimmel mac^t Gin beitcr 2Uig^ tie ganje ^laM^ ^erct, ma':3 id) cud mill fagen I Xie ^Hode tie l)at cilf gefdiagen. Unt mcr no&i ki ter 5lrbcir fdmit< Unt mer nod) ki ter 2:afel ft|3t, £em ]tV^ gum Ic^ten Wai gefagt: '^ ift l)o^e 3cit I — nun gute 5^a^tl iporet, mad id) cud) mill fagen ! 2)ie ®Iorfc tic l)at ;^mi3lf gefd)lagett. Unt mo nod) in ter 'IRitternadt Sin ^cr^ in ^dmerg unt .Summer ma^t, ®ott gcb' tir cine ftille ^tunt\ '^a&i^ frob tid) mieter unt gefunt ! jpbret, maiJ id) eucb mill fagen I Xie ©lode tie bat eini^ gcfdlagen. Unt mo mit Satauv? 3lMir unt 9lat^ Gin Xicb auf tunfdn ^Pfaten nabt. 20 Za^ c^att .^eilmittcL — 3c^ ^M'^ ni(^t loffen, tod) gefc^ie^^t'i? — ipuret, ma^ i(^ eud) irill fagen I Un^ mm fi^on tvieter, t^'^ noc^ tagt, 2:ie fd)mere ©org' am ^er^en ttagt, 2)u armer ^O^enfd), tein ©^laf ift ^in I ^ott forgt; rnai? trubft tu beinen @inn? ipbret, luag ic^ euc^ ii?t(I fagen S)ie ©lode tie ^at trei gefd)lagen» ^ie 50^orgenftunt)' am ^immel f($ii?ebt, Unti^mer in 3fluV t^cn Zag^ erIeBt, !Dan!' ®ott unD faffe frozen ?S)]ut^, Unt) geV an'g 2Ber! uni? ^alt' fid) gut !— I)e5er4 ^a§ ^ttte AjciltttittcL ^aifer Sofe^"^ in SSien war ein meifer unt) mo^lt^^atiger ^O^onari^, trie 3et)ermanr weip; aBer nid}t alle Seute trijfen, n?ie er einmal ter S^oftor gewefen t'ft unt eine arme gran ge^eilt 1:^at Sine arme, franfe grau fagte gu i|rem ^iiblein: „^inl), ^oP mir einen I^oltor, fonft fann x6^'i nimmer au^^alten »or ©d^merjen,'' Xa5 33uHein lief gum erftcn ^oltor unt) gum gmciten ; akr leiner mollte fommen, tenn in Sien !oftet ein ®ang gu einem ^ranfen einen ©ulten, unt ter arme ^nabt l^atte nic^t^ aU 2:()rancn, tie mo^l im ^immel fitr gute ?i}^iinge gelten, aBer ni(^t bei alien Seutcn auf ter (Erte, 211^ er aBer gum tritten To!^ tor auf tern S3ege mar, ful)r langfam ter ^aifer in einer offenen ^utfd)e an iBm yorBei. 'Eer ^naBe ^ielt il)n n?o^l fur einen reid^en iperrn, oB er glei^ nid)t wu^te, tag e5 ter ^aifer fei, unt ta(^te: 3d) anll'^ »er^ fud)en» ,,®natiger iperr/' fagte er, ,,tt)Dllet i^r mir md)t einen ®ul^ tenf^enfen? @cit fo Barm^ergig I" ^er ^aifer tac^te: 'Eer fa§r^ furg unt tenlt, menu id) einen ®ulten auf einmal Befomme, fo Brand) '' t(^ nic^t fed)gigmal um ten ^rengcr gu Betteln, „3:l)ut'i3 ein 3ii?^ttgiger ni(^t and) ?" fragt' il)n ter v^aifcr^ l^a^ 33uBlein fagte t „^ein,"unt offenBartc i^m, mogu er te5 (5)clre5 Benbt^igt mare. 5llfo gaB il)m ter ^aifer ten ©ulten, unt licp fid^ genau i?on il)m Befd)reiBen, mie feine X i e f e 1 1 f am c n M e n f d) en. 21 ?D2utter ^ci§t, unt ii^o [te mo^nt, un\) m^nnv ta^ 53ub(cin sunt tritten Xoftcr fprinj^t, unt tic !ranfe %xau tat)eim betct, tcr Uebe (^ctt wode fie tod^ iiid)t i:crlaffcn, fal)rt tcr ^laifer 311 il)rcr ^ol)nung unt »crl)utlt fid) ein jrcnicj in feinen ^JOJantcI, alfo tap man it)n nid)t red)t erfeunen !onntc, ivcr il)n nid)t tarum anfat). ^lo cr a6cr gu ter franfen ?^rau in ibr ^tiiblein fam, meint fie, ti fei tcr Xoftor unt erjal)(t il)m ii)ren Umftant, unt wie [it nod) fo arm tabei fei unt fid) ni^t pflegen fi3nne, Xer ^aifer fajjte: „3d) anil end) tenn je^t ein Sic^ept t>erfd)rciben/' unt fie fagte it)m, mo teij 33iiHeiniJ @d)rei63cug mxc. €(fo fd)rie6 er tasS Slejept unt belebrte tie ^xau, in meld)e 5lpott)cfe fie ed f(^iden miiiJe, ttjenn ta^ ^int l)etm fomme, unt Icgte e5 auf ten 2:ifc^. 51(5 ei* ahr !aum eine ?0^inute fort mar, !am ter red)te Xoftor and). Xie ^rau t)ermunterte fic^ nfdyt menig, aU fie l)orte, er fei auc^ ter Xoltor, unt entfd)ultigte fi(^, t^ fei fcfoon einer bagemefen, unt) ^abe i^r Gtma<5 verortnet, unt fie Ijak nur auf i^r ^iiblein gemartet, ^U aber ter I^oftor tav? ^(]cpt in tic §ant naBm unt fel)en ivotlte, mer bei il)r gc^ mefen, unt mad fiir einen 3^ranf oter mad fiir ^iden er i^r ^erortnet |abe, erftaunte er nid)t menic^ imt fagte .^,u ib)r: „grau, ibr feit einem guten 3lqte in tie ipdnte gefadcn ; tenn er ^at cu(^ fiinfunt? gmanjik] rs^vitftude ijcrortnet, beim 3iil^(viittte ^u erkben, unt) unten an ftel)t 3 f e p I), menu i^r i^n fennt. Sine foI*c ^(r^nei :^att' id) cud) nid)t ijcrf^reiben fbnnen." I^a tl)at tie gran einen 53Iid gegen ten §immel unb fonntc ^i(^td fagen ^or Xantbarfeit nut 9lii^rung, nut tad ®ett murte ^ernad) ridtig unt ol)ne 3(nftant tton tern 3*JW^ittte audgeja^lt, Ter Toftor aber serortncte i^r einen Jranf, unt turd) tie gute Slrjnei unt gute ^flcge, tie fie fid) jcl^t ijerfd)affcn fonntc, (lant fie in menigen Xagen mieter auf gefunten feinen. 5i(fo l)at tcr X)o!tor tie frantc grau ge^eitt, unt ter ^aifer tie arme. ^ebel. ^tc fcltfamctt SJJlcnf^ctt. Sin ?0^ann, tcr in tcr 2Bett fid) trefflid) umgefe^'n, ^am cntliA ^eim ijon feiner 9^eifc. T)ic greuntc liefcn fd)aarenmcifc, Uttt griipten i^ren ?^reunt. Go pflcgt ed ju gefc^eVn. Ta ^iep cd adcmal: Und freut i^on ganjcr Geele, X;i(!^ Mcr ju fe^n, unt nun cx^aW. — 22 Xie feltfamen ^JOUnfdjen. 2Ca^ njart) ta nid)t cr^a^It I — iport I fprad) cr einft, i^r »ipt, 2Bie meit e^ bi^ ^uin "iLanu Uv ^uronen ift. SlftunDert Mtikn Winter i|nen @inl) 5i}Zenf^en, tie mir feltfam f^ienen. ©ie ft^en oft am 3:ifc^ bi^ in tie fpate 5flac^t; 2)er 3:if(^ wirD nid)t geterft, ter 3}?unt» nii^t nag gema^t. e^ lonnten urn fie ^er tie Xonnerfeile fcU^en; 2^d ^m' im ^ampfe ftel)n; \o\iV and) ter ^imntel f^on Wt ^rai^en feinen SinfatI tro^n: @ie bikUn ungeftoret fi^^en, 'Ltnn fie fint tauB unt ftumm, S^oc^ (agt pf^ tann unb ttjann Sin ^albgebroc^ner 2aut au^ i^rem ?Olunte ^orcn, Der nic^t gufammen^ngt, unb ttjenig fagen !ann, Db fie tie 5lugen fc^on tariiBer arg »er!e^ren. ^an \at)' mic^ oft erftaunt an i^rer ©eite fte^^en, Denn, n?enn terglei^en Ding gef(^ie^t, ©0 pflegt man ^anfig ^in^uge^^en, !Dag man tie Seute fi^en fie^t, (S^lanbt, fritter I tag mir nie tie graglic^en ©eBerten 3ln^ tem (S^emiit^e lommen merten, T)ie ic^ an i§nen fa^» SJer^treiflung, Slaferei, S3o^|afte greut^ unt 5tngft taBei, Die ttiecBfetten in ten ®efi(^tern, ©ie fc^ienen mir, tag \6>mx'' i(^ euc^ ! 2ln S3ut^ ten ^urien, an Srnft ten ^ollenrii^tertt, %n 2lngft ten 50^iffet^atern gleic^, — ^tlein trag ift i^r ^md ? ©o fragten :^ier tie ?^reuntc, SSiedeic^t Beforgen fie tie 2Bol)lfa^rt ter ©emeinte ? — 5t^ neini— ©o fuc^en fie ter SBeifen ©tein?— 3^r irrt!— a ! Ter grul)Uno( ^at ftc^ eingeftetlt, IBo^tan, mv mil i^n fe^n ? Xer muf mit mir in'^ freie %di, 3n'5 griine B^li^ nun ge^n. !I^a5 5^teman^ mck tt)n fa^ ; (Sin 33bg(cin Ijat it)n aufgettjedt, 3e^t ift er anerer ta, 3e^t ift ter f^i^u^Hng trieter ba; 3^m folgt, ttjo^in er 3iet)t 9lur lautcr greute fern unfc na'^, SRnx lauter ©piel unt Siet. UntJ 5iaen l)at er, ©rog nnb ^lein, 2Ba^ (B^bne^ mitgeka^t ; Unb foUt'^ and) nur ein (Strdu^Iein fein, (Sr ^at an un5 getact^t, Xrum frifd} l)inau^ in^^ freie %dri, 3n^5 griine gelt ^inau^ ! !I)er Bru^Itng ^t ftd) eingefietit, 2Cer UkU ba gu ipau^ ! |>offmann ». J^aHer ^ Icien. J5)cr fletttc 33iirfettl^dttMct. S^ traf einmd ein fleiner ^naBe cinen ftattUchcn ^perrn in Offijier;* Reitung an, ter mit einer jungen Xame an einem fcl}bnen 5D^orgen im Si^iergarten bci 33erlin luflmanbelte, Xer 3:^iergarten ijl ein fdjoner, fct)attiger 2BalD mit UeHid^en ©dngen ticbt hi 33erlin, ber grc^en (Biait, in weld)er ler .^bnig wo()nt. I^er ^(eine bat, i^m eine yon ten Keinen 33brfcn (oter ^cltBeuteln) abjufaufen, mo^on er einen gan3en 5Sorrat^ au^ cinem ^dftd^en corjeigte. Vcv faufen Sie tocb (Stnjad 24 Jpoffnung» fiir tie S)tamfc[I ta; meine arme 5i}iuttcr ftridt tiefe 33i3rfen, unt) njenn ic^ !ein (^ett mitbringe, fo ^abcn mir ttefeii '^6eno 9lict)t^ ^u ejfen/' (£r eqci^^Ite ^terauf, ter ^ater fet ©olDat gewefen, bei Seipgig geHieben, unli er l)abe nod) ^mi Heinerc ©efc^tvifter, 5^er ^err fa^ tern ^tnte in bag offene, el)rlid)e ^^eftc^t, fragte nad) bem ^reife, nal)m, ba ber ^nabe gtuei (Silbergrofden fiir lai @tiid forberte, cin 2^u^enb, unb gab i^m ein gro^eg ©olcftiid, 3el)n 3:^aler an SBert^* „3ci, Ucber ^err lieutenant/' fagte ber 3wttge, unb befa^ bag gro§e blanle ©olbftiid, „barauf !ann ic^ ni^t ^erauggeben," Xer ^err meinte barauf, er foUte eg nur be^alten uri^ feiner 50^utter bringen, erfunbigte [\&i nad) beren 9]amen unb SBo"^^ nung, fe^te feinen (Spajiergang fort, unb iiberlie^ ben ^leinen feinem (Biaumn unb (Sntjiiden, ^a6:) 3]erlauf einer guten ©tunbe trat ein Slbjutant beg ^onigg in bie drmli(^e ipiitte ber 5^utter unb erfunbigte ftd) nac& ber 2Sa()r^eit ber ^ugfage beg ^naben* 2^er eble ^i3nig unb beffen Iiebengjt?urbige 2:od)ter, bamalige ^ringeffin Slteranbrine, traren eg geii?efen, benen (Sott, ber 3Sater ber 5trmen, bag ,^inb gefanbt ^atk, urn ber Gutter 5^ot^ ju linbern unb i§r bie 3;|ranen iiber ben 33erluft beg gefatlenen fatten unb 3Saterg gu trodnen. Die einge^olten 3^nQ^ niffe iiber bag 33etragen unb bie 5lup^rung ber grau lauteten ju i^rem Sobe; uni bie Srtbeilung eineg tebengldngliden 3al)rge(beg ijon ^unbert 2:^alern unb bie Unterbringung beg fleinen Sorfen^dnblerg in eine fc jie^ungganftalt tuaren bie golgen jeneg ®ott tvo^Igefdlligen 5iKorgen^ gangeg. Unb brdut ber SCinter noc^ fo fe'^r ^it tro^igen ©eberben, Unb ftreut er Sig unt) (Sdjnee um"^er, Sg mu§ boc^ Srut)Iing trerben^ Unb brdngen bie 5flebel no(^ fo bi(^t 8i(^ »or Un ^M ber @onne, Sie njedet boc^ mit ibrem 2i(i^t ' Sinmal bie Scit jur Sonne, eaft nur, i^r 8tiirme, blaft mit ma^tl ^ix foil barob niAt bangen ; Mementomoril 25 2luf (cifcn 8ol)Ien iikr 9lac^t ^ommt lo&j Ux 2en3 gegangcn. Ta n)ad)t tie SrCe griinenl) auf, SCei^ nic^t, mc \i)x ge)'d)el)en, Unt Iad)t in ten fonnigen ipimmel ^inauf, Unt mccbte yor 2uft »ergei)en. @ie flicfct fid) Miibcnte ^ranje in^^ ipaar, Unt fdjmudft ft* mit 9lcfcn unb Sle^ren, Unt liijjt tie 53runnlein riefeln Kar, SIU maren ec B^euten^a^ren. Unb ttjenn r>ir oft au(^ bangt unt) grant, Slid fei tie ^oU' anf Srben, 9lnr nnioer^agt anf @ott t^ertrant ! (£d mn^ bod) ?5i^n^ling njerben ! ®tibcU 3d) ging im SBaltc fo fiir mic^ ^in, Unb nic^td ^n fncfcen, tad war mein ©inn, 3m ein 33lumc^en fte^n, Sic (Sterne lend)tenb, mie 5lenglein fc^bn» 3(^ ttJoUt^ ed Brecfcen; ba fagt ed fein: (Boll i(^ anm SBelfen gcbrod)en fein ? 3(^ grnb'd mit alien ben SBiirjlein and, 3nm ©arten trng id)'d am p6fd)en Jpand, Unb pflanjt' ed n?ieter am ftiUen Drt; ^un gmeigt ed immer nnb Hii^t fo fort. ©ot^e, memento niori! (®ebenfe ju flerben.) ©ala^ebbin, ©nltan tton Slegvpten nnb ©^rien, bcr SCiebereroBerer bed t)on ben ^renjfa^rern genommenen 3frufalemd, n?ar ber grcfte %ixx^ bed Drientd im swblften 3a^r^nntert, nnt i|t nod) je^t ber (SJegen^ flanb unferer 55en?unbernng. Japfer, gludlid>, nntuiterftcl^licb an ber 26 X a 5J3 a dM e i n. (gpi^c feiner ^eere, tennod) bef(^elcen, md^ig, gered)t, pitman* ipwnbert fc^one 3W P"^ '^^^ ^^^ Q^uhnut^ feiner '^er^en^ aufbewa^rt. Unt) iig jum letjten 2lt^em,5uge blieb fid) ter gro^e ^ann gleid) ; feiner, mie tiefer p^ilofop^if^c giirft, l)at yon ter menfc^Uc^en 0rij§e unb tern SGert^e ter I^inge fo gefunfce 33egriffe (^c^abt unter alien Se^^errf^ern ter 9}ZoiJlemtnen, 2115 er, m Zou& gewdrtig auf feinem 8terkbette lag, befall er, ijon ten "^Pforten feiner faia\ki ik %ahmn l)inn?eg3une:^men» ©tatt teffen geBot er, ein ^am fofle ba^in treten mit tern einfa^en ^ei^entui^e, in njeldje^ er Bale geiridfelt mermen miirbe, unb eg bem 3?oI! jeigen, unt) i)on 3eit ju 3eit rufen : „®e^t ! fe^t ! me^r nimmt (Sala^ebbin, ber UeBer^ winter beg Orients »on alien (Eroberungen nidjt mit I" 2llg Slleranber ftarb yerorbnet^ er, ta^ man tie ipanb t^m aug bem @arg lie§ ^angenj l^amit bie S}Zenfc^en alle, bie ijor'^er 3n feineg 3f^ei^t^umg %M'' i|n fa^en prangen, ^un fe^en mod^ten, ta^ mit ipdnben leer Sr fei beg allgemeinen Segg gegangen, Unb baf er ijon ben ©^d^en alien |ak 5^i^tg alg bie leere ^anb gekac^t gum ®rak. 01 it tf c r u ^a^ 33ac^lcin. 'JDu ^d(^lein, filkr^ett unb !Iar, !I)u eilft ijoriiBer immerbar, 2lm Ufer fte^ i(^, finn^ unb ftnn^ : Bo fommp bu ^er ? So ge^ft bu ^in ? „3^ fomm aug bunfler ^elfen (S^oog; iijZein Sauf ge^t liBer 35Ium' unb ?D?oog; 5luf meinem Spiegel fd^treW fo milb Deg Haum ipimmelg freunblic^ 33ilb. tErja^lun^ ciuiJ tern 'JJ? or gcnUnli e, 21 '•l:'rum ijab' id) froI)en ^inteifnn; (E^ treibt mid) fort, iveij x\id)t a^ot)in, 5^er mic^ gerufen an^ tern 8tein, £er, icnf id), tvirt mcin ^ii^rer fcin»" ©t^dl^litttd au^ bent ^ur^cnlanbe. 3tt ter 3;ur!ci trieB tin fe^r reidjcr un'^ ijornel)mer Wann einen 5lrmcn, ter i^n urn eine 2Bo^lt()at anflc^te, mit ®d)eltmorteii unD @d)Ia^ gen i>on ft(^ ab ; unc ali3 er i()rt nid)t mel)r erreii^en !onnte, marf er i^n ,no(^ mit einem ©teine. ^(le, tie e5 |'at)en, ^erorop c^, akv ^iiemant) fonnte erratl)en, marum ter arme 9Jiann ben Stein auf^ob unt), of)ne ein SCort ju fagen, in tie 3:afd)e ftedte, unt 5^icmant bac^te baran, taf er it)n yon nun an fo Ui fid) tragen iriirtc. 5(6er ta5 t^at er mir!U(^. ^i^ad) 3af)r unb 3:ag »eriibte ber reid)e 9}Zann einen fd^Iec^^ ten ®trei(^ unb murte be^n^egen ni(^t nur feinc5 3)ermogen5 vcrluftig, fonbern muptc aud), nac^ bortiger 8itte, jur ©(tan unb (8^anbc, riid^ mxti auf einen Sfel gefe^t, burd) bie 8tabt reiten. 3In 8pott unb @c^impf fet)lte ee nx6>t, 5^er 9)Zann mit bem rat^fel^aften ©teine in ber 3:afd)e ftanb unter ben 3wf^«wern eben audi ba unb er!annte feinen ^eleibiger* ^t^t fu^r er fdmcU mit ber §anb in bie 3:afd)e ; je^t griff cr nad:) bem 8teine ; je^t ^ob er i()n fd)on in W JpDl)e, urn il)n wieber nad) feinem 53eleitiger ^u tverfen, 2lber irie ^on einem guten ©eifle gemarnt, Ue§ er i^n n?ieber \ailm nnb ging mit bewcgtem ©cfi^te ba»on. Xarau^ Unn man lernen erflen^: Man foil im (Sliicfe ni(^t libera miitbig, nid)t unfreunblid) uri:) beleibigenb gegen geringe unb arme ?i)lenfd)en fein. 2^enn t^ tmn »or ^ad>t lei^t anber^ trerben, aU ed am frii^en ^orgen n?ar, mil : ©er bir aU greunb nicbtiJ niitien !ann, ber fvann ^ielleid^t aU ^eint) bir fd^aten. 3tt^eiten^* 50?an foil feinem ^einbe feinen 8tcin in rcr Zci]6>c iinl fcine ^a6>c im Jperjen na6>^ tragen. Xenn ah ber arme 'Mann ten feinen aii\ bie (Erte faflen lie^ unb ta^on ging, fprad) er gu ft* felbft fo: 3fla(^e an beinem ^^einbe au^juiiben, fo lange er reiA unb gliidlid) war, ba5 n?ar tberid^t unb ge^ fa^rlic^j ie^t, i»o er ungliidlic^ ift, n?dre ci unmenfd)lid) unb fdjant^ 28 ® i e b t i c^ g u f r i e t e n» ®ieB M(^ gufrieben unt fei ftille 3tt bem ^otte beine^ Seben^, 3n i^m nur xni)t ter ^reuten ^^ulle, D^n^ i^tt mti^ft feu tid) ijergekn^* Sr ift bein Duett uub betue ©oune, ©(^eiut taglid) l)ett gu betner 23oune, ®ie& bic^ jufrieben. dv ift ijott Si(^te^, Zxo^ unb ©naben, Ungefdrbten treuen ^ergen, Unb n?o er fte^t, t^ut bir lein ©(^aben 2lu(^ bie ^txn ber gro^ten ©(Emergen ; ^reua, 5tngft uub 9Zot^ !ann er Balb tvenbett, 3a auc^ ben 3:ob :^at er in ipdnben ; ®ieB bi^ gufrieben* SCie bir'^ unb 3lnbem oft erge^^e, 3ft i^m ma^rlid) nii^t ^erBorgen. gr fte^t unb lennet an& ber ^lj:§e ^er betriibten ^ergen ©orgen ; Sr ad:^lt ben Sauf ber ^eif en 2:^rdnen, Hub fap gu ^aup aW unfer ©e'^nen; ®ieB bii^ gufrieben, SBenn c^ax lein Sing'ger me:^r auf (Srben, £;effen 2:reue bu barfft trauen, SlU^ann mitt er bein 3:rbfter merben, Unb gu beinem ^eften f(^auen ; Sr ft?ei^ bein Seib unb ^eimlid) ©rdmen, 25m^ and) bie 3eit, bir^g gu Bene^men; ®ie6 bi(^ gufrieben. Sr :^ort bie ©eufger beiner Seelen Unb beog ^ergeng ftitte^ ^lagen, Unb »a^ bu feinem barfft ergd^Ien, SJlagft bu ®ott gar fii^nli^ fagen; Sr ifl nicbt fern, fle^t in ter muttn, ^oxt halt) unt gem ter ^rmen 33itten; ©teb tic^ jufrieten. 2a§ tid) tein Slenb nic^t kjtringen, ipalt an ®ott, fo anrft tu ftegen, Db atle ^I'ut^en fd)aument» gingen, i:enno(^ mirft tu nic^t crltegen; !Denn menn tu mirft ju ^oc^ Befc^tueret, ipat @ott, tetn 5ui*ft, tic^ fc^on erpret; (SJieb ti(^ gufrieten I © c r ^ a r b. SBiUft tu in ter ©ttUe jtngen Unt tein Siet tern ^od^ften Bringen, Seme, ivie lu !annft allein (Sanger, 33ud) unt Zixnptl fein* 3ft ter ®eift in tir Beifammen, SSoUer (Sifer, roller ^lammen: i^iefer ©anger obne SJ^unt 2:^ut ®ott tein ^eget)ren hint, 3f^ tein -t^erj, n?ie ftd)'5 geM^ret, 3flecbt mit Stntad^t au^gejteret: Xiefe^ 33ud} tann bringet tir SBorf unt SBeifen g'nug ^erfiir. So tein Seib »om SBufl ter 8iinten 0leitt unt fauBer ift su ftntcn : X)iefen Sokpla^, tiefeij $aui5 (Su^t fid) ©ctt gum 3:cmpel au5, ^annft tu fo in ©tide fingen, ^annft ru tiev? tern y^od^flen kingen: !I^antt, 0, mirft tu tir allein ©anger, ^^udj unt 3:empel fein. 30 X er gerett ete Sung ling* (Sine fdume ^]}ten[AenfeeIc ftnben, 3ft ®etx)intt ; ein fc^onerer ©eivinn ifl, @ie er^alten ; unc ter \6>m\V unb fc^irerfle, @ie, tie fd)on ijerloren war, 5U retten 1 (Banit 3o~^anne^, au5 tern oten ^at^mod 2©ietet!el)rent, wax, toa^ er gemcfen, ©einer ^eerfcen ^irt Sr ortnet i^nen Scienter, tap i^r 3nn^re5 fie ktra^ren, 3n ter SJlenge fa^ er einen fdjonen 3ungUng ; fro^lid)e ©efunt^eit gldn^te S3om @efi(^t i^m, unt an^ feinen Slugen ©prac^ tie lieBeiJoUfte geuerfcele. „X)iefen 3iingting/' fprad) er jutem 33ifc^of, „5flimm in teine ^ut, 9Jtit teiner 2;reue @tel)ft tu mir fiir i^n I — ^ieriikr geuge 3)lir unt tir ijor S^rifto tie @emeine»" Unt ter Sifd^of na^m ten 3wngUng ju ftc^, Untermie^ i^n, fal) tie fd^onften ^riidte 3n i^m Hii^n; nnt meil er i|m t)ertraute, Siep er nad) i?on [einer ftrengen 2luffid)t Unt tie grei^eit wax ein ^^i^ tern SungHng. Qlngeledt i)on fiifen (B(^meid)eleiett, SBart er mufig, !oft(te tie SBotluft, Xann ten ^ti^ te^ frt3^Ud)en Setruge^, !Dann ter ^errfi^aft 3flei3 ; er fammelt' urn ft^ ©eine ©pielgefellen, wnt ntit i^nen 3og er in ten SGalt, tin ^aupt ter 3flauBer, 511^ 3ot)anneg in tie ©egent n?ieter ^am, tie erfte grag' an it)ren 33ifd)of SBar: „5Bo ift mein (So^n?" — „gr ift geftorBen!'' ©prad) ter ®rei^, unt fd^tug tie 5Iugen nieter. „2Bann unt n?ie ?" — „(Sr ift (^ott abgeftorben, I^cr i^cr cttc te 3 uu i^lin g. 31 3P (ntit Jkdnen fag' id) e^) tin dianht." „Sotr' id) cinft i^on tir. ^tiod) mo ift er ?" „2tuf tern 33ergc tort I" — „3d) mug it)n fc^en 1" Uno 3p^ol(t' cr). .,gut)ret, fprac^ cr, mi6> ju eurcm gii^rer." SSor ibn trat er. Unt) tcr fd}bne SungUng SCantte fid) ; er fonnte tiefen 5IttMi(! 5^id)t crtrngen. „5^ick ni*t, o 3urtgling, 9?i^t, ®ot)rt, ten luaffenlofen 3>ater, (Sinen ®rei3 1 3d) ^ak tid^ gelobet iD^einem .^errn, unt mug fur ti^ antivortem ©em geb' id), mttlfl tu e^, mein Seben ^iir tid) t)in ; nur tid) fortan ^crlaffen ^ann id) nid)t I 3* M^ tir ^einent fi^Iang ter 3ungling fcine 5lrme Urn ten @ret^, i^ctedete fein 2lntli^ ©tumm unt ftarr ; tann ftiir3te ftatt tcr 2lntn?ort 5lu^ ten 2Iugen ibin tin Strom )ion Ji^rdnen. 5j(uf tie ^niec fanf 3oi)attnei? nieter. ^iigte feinc Jpant unt fcine ^Cmnge, 9la^m xi}n neu gcfdsenfet i?om ®eHrgc, • ^dutertc fein ^erj mit fiiger ^arame. 3at)re Icbten ^it je^t unjertrennet ^it einanter ; in ten fdumen 3«ngting <55o§ ftd) ganj 3'>^<5nnev3 fd)bne @eele. Sagt luaiJ n?ar ei?, wa^ taiJ .^cr^ tci? 3unglin3d Sllfo tier erfannt' nnt tnnig feft{)ielt, Unt ciJ wieterfvint unt unCv^anngKir fRettete ? din ©anft:?3o(mnnei? ©laut^e, 3utrau'n^ Sfj^iS^'^il unt 2ie^' unt 2I^a^rbeit 4> c r b f r . 32 £)a^21lmenter@tcittc. ^ad Sltttcit bet iStcine* 33on Sitter bitnt, fwi)f Seta tennod) fort 3u prebigen tie neue, frolje 58otfd)aft. SSon (Btait gu eif(i)neibig ®c()mert. Unb fotlte ojid^ 1)a0 9JJenfd)en:^er3 ft(^ i:^m ^um Zxo^ »erftcinen, ©0 ttjirb im ^tdn ein 2]^enf^en:§er3 jic^ regen I" ^ f e g a r t c a. Vtx 3ini)ttaQ. 33 SBoju, fprad) ©amma tcr 3u«9nng ju fcinem Scorer, kburfte ber Sttjt^e tei? I^ienftev? tci* i)Jtenfcl}eii 'i ^Qo^u tie S^iff teiJ (Sat^Kitbtage^? 5Rur ^em ro^cn ^^}tenfd)en a>arC fie jur 3w<^t geboten. 3ft "icbt ter tine 2:ag tern antern gleictjl 3^^fti erleud)tct taS Sidjt ter erbannung in ba^ Sanb ter ^ert)ei§ung, ta lehe an ten ©renjen te^ !i!anteiJ '}?Jefopotamia ein 3fi*^^ciit, ^f^amen^ 33oni, ein Se^it unt meifer Mam, fammt SBeib unt ^intern, Unt ter (Engcl te^J iperrn txat jn iim, in ©eftalt eined 33oten te^ ^bnig^ 2lrtl)afafta, unt fprad) : 9}Zad)e tic^ auf, tu unt tein SBeib unt teine Winter unt teine ^ned^te unt teine iUiagte, unt jiekt ^in in ta3 Sant eurer 33ater, auf tag tu teinem 33oI!c rat^efl unt ^^elfeft tie (Statt unt ta5 Sant mei^lid) einri^ten. "ta antmortete 33oni unt fprac^ : Xer ,^onig, mein ^err, trolle mei^ nen tant gndtigUc^ anfe^en ; aber juie foU id) mit SBeib unt ^int tie SCufte turd)tt?antem unt Hn te5 SBcgeS nid^t funtig I !I^er ^cte abcr fprac^: Wa6:it ti^ auf, unt (erne tern ^onig ^ertrauen. Darauf gog Soni an^, mie i^m ter Snc^el te5 .^'cr^'n gebotcn ^atte, mit SBeib unt ^intern in ter 3rut)e U^ ^loxc^mi. %bn 33oni givei^ felte unt fprad): 2Cag mirt tai3 werten? Unt fie jocjen turc^ tie 5Ciifte gegen 5lbent. 2t(5 fte nun fed)i? ^^arafan^^cn geiuantelt unt fe^r niiite njaren, fte^e ta ftant an tern 3Bege ein ©ejelt, unt ein Mann trat l)er:? au^ unt fpra(^ ju 33oni unt feinem 3SoI!: ^ier raftet! ta rul)eten fte unt erquidten ike ©eeten, Unt 33oni fpracb : 'ta^ ift te^? .^'errn (53utc, taf mir und bier erquiden. Slber n?er n?irt un^ nun ferner unfereg S3ege5 gcleiten? Da trat ter Mann ^erju, unt jeigte iBoni Beite^, ten 2Be(^ unt tie Stbwege, unt geid^nete fie if)m fed?5 ^arafangen tveit auf ein ^latt, tar^ auf fprad) er : ^nn jiebet in ^rieten ! Xa 30g 58oni meiter mit fcinem ©eftnte auf tem ^fate, fo ibm h^ jeidjnet war, unt fie ertrugcn mit (53ctult tag Unc^cmad) teg 3l>eiieg; tenn fie gctad^ten teg 3:roftcg, fo fte empfani^en i)atkn. Unt alg fte feAg ^arafan(^cn ^uriidgelei^t, crbeb fid) ^on 9^cucm ein ©ejelt. ^ie^ felbft fanten fte nnetcr eincn Xicncr teg ^bnijjg, ter trbftcte fte unt jeigte ibnen ^on 9leuem ten ill>evi unt tie ^llnrege, fo fie mciten foUten. Sllfo c^efd^a^ eg immer fort ad^t^ij Jaj^ereifen, unt alg fie foId)e »olI- 84 ^ie »ier S3e(5c, mtet l)aikn, gelancjtc 33oni unb fetn ©efinfce in iai Sanb ber 55er^et^ pung. IXni 33oni crfartnte, fca^ ler Sngcl te^ ^errn i^n gefii^rt ^atte, Unt) er fergte mit Sfra unD 9Zct)emta, taf ter @abbat§ 9el)eiUgt roixxU, hnn la^ ^ol! wax miifte gemorfcen, ©ie^eft bu, (Samma, faj^te Darauf ter Scorer, be^ SJtenfd^cn Sekn tfl: eine ^ilgrimfd^aft, fcd)3 ^arafangen finb fec^g 2:age, akr ter ftehnte ift ein 3flu^etiig, u fte()ct te^ iTperrn (J^qelt i^m offen, bag er fetne^ SBan^ teln^ geten!c unb tern .^errn ^ertraue. Ter S^U(fclofe adjtet be^ ©e^elted ni(^t, unb fein 2Beg ijerliert ftd) in ber SSiifte, akr ber SBeife finbet Sr^j quidung unb gelangt in ba^ Sanb ber 3Serl}eifung, X)er ©ultan Idgt ben ^Hemlana 3um 3;^ronfaat fii^ren, i|n gu fragen: 'I^u rii^mft bi(^ fonbrer Sei^^eit ja, ©0 fotlfi bu mir nun Slntmort fagen* 3u yier ijerfi^iebenen ©eften t|eil't ©id) atle^ 3?ol! ber 9>JufeImanen ; ©0 fage nun mir unsermeilt, 2Ber ge^t baijon auf re^ten S3a^nen ? 5Iuf mel^en ber ijier ^fabe mag Ter ©tauB jum 3:l)ron be^ ^errn gelangen? 3d) jmeifelte H^ btefen itag, ^un lag ®en?ig^eit mi(^ empfangen. Ter ©ultan fprad)^i5 unb ^rrte ftummj Ter ^3)?ewlana, erft fa^ er fdmeigenb 3m 3:()ronfaal f{(^ beg ©ultani^ urn, Tann fprad) er, f{(^ i)or i^m ijerneigenb: Tu, bejjen 3:^ron bag Sbenlnib 3Som 2:^ron beg ^immelg ift auf Srbett, ^i6> fdjirme Deiner ©nabe ©d)ilb, ©0 foil bir meine Slntmort merben: Tu t^roneft I)icr in cinem ©aat, 3u bcm gceffuet fint iner 3;^iiren ; XlcCSrcnaticrev 36 Unb teinen Z^xon fie^t alljumal, Sen fcu tur^ einc lajfeft fii^ren. Xag ic^ te5 SCege^ nid)t gcirrt, Xe§ mu§tc mir fcetn 33ote frommcn; UriD nun meig id), ^om &ian^ 'otxmxvt, 9i{c^t, jrelc^e^ SBegiJ i&i Un ^efommcn. tRuattu ^tc ©rena^icrc. 9la(^ B^anfretd) gogen jmei ©renaiier\ ^ie ii?aren in Slu^IanD gefangcn, Unt aU fic tamcn in'^ beutfc^c Cuarticr, @ie Uepen tic ^opfc fcangen, 'I^a ^brten fie Scite tie traurigc 2}?a^r: ^ag ^ranfreid) ycrlorcn gegangen, 33efiegt nnl er[d)Iagcn taiJ tapfcre .^eer — Un^ ter ^aifcr, tcr ^aifer gefangen. ^a wdntm jufammen tic ©rcnabicr^ SBo^l ob tcr flaglid>cn ^untc. Xcr Sine fprad) : :fi.He mc^ tvirt mir, 2Bic brcnnt meinc dtc SBunte. Xer 2tntre fprad) : l^a^ Sicb ift au^, 5luc^ id) med)t' mit tir ftcrkn- Xoc^ ^ah ic^ SBcib unt ^int gu ^au«, !l:ie o^nc mic^ ^erterbcn. S3a5 fdjecrt mid) S3ci6, \va^ \6>mt mi(^ ^int>, 3d) tragc wcit bc)prc5 SSerlangcn ; Sag ftc bettein gcbn, n?cnn fic l)ungrig fint, 'Sfldn ^aifcr, mein ^aifcr gcfangcn ! ©cttjci^r' mir, 33rutcr, cine ^itt': 5Benn id) jct^t ftcrbcn jrcrte, (So nimm meinc ?ei*c nad) granfreic^ mit, 5?cgrab' mid^ in ?^ranfrci(fci? Crte. 36 X)ie 5^cuja()r>5iuul;t ciucs Uitgliicflit^eiu tai (£^ren!rcu3 am rotten 8ant 8olIft ^u auf'^ ^erj mir legett; I^ie ^linte gicb mir in tie ^a\XO, UnC giirt' mir urn ten Xegen» ©0 will idj Uei^crt unt Bori^en (litt, $Bie eine ®d)iltnjacfo\ im (3vaU, tdxi einft id) ^cre ^anonengekiill, Uttt tvieiiernter Sloffe ©etrak, 2)ann reitet mein ^aifer mo:^I iiber mein (^xcA, 5Siet ©c^trerter flirjren wnt Hi^en; X)ann fteig' ic^ (^ewajfnet krijor au^ tern (3xah\ — Xen ^aifer, ten ^aifer ju f*ii^.en, ^ e in c. (Sin alter 5Jlenfd) ftant in tcr 9leu|a^r5nacl-t am ^enfler, unt fc^aute mit tem 33Hc!e einer kngen ^er^meiftung auf ^nm unkiueglidjen, ewtg Blit^enten ipimmel, unt l)erab auf tie ftille; veine, tveij^e Srte, irorauf je^t 5^iemant fo freuten^ itnt fd)lafloi5 wax, aU er. Tmn fein ®ra& ftant nal)e bei i^m ; e5 ivar blo§ yom eite^, rut)ige5 2ant 'ooti Sid)t unt Srnten h'ingt, unt linfg in tie ^aulmurf^gange ted Safterd linabgie^t, in cine f^marje ipb^Ie »oU '^eruntertropfenten lifted, »oU gifc^enter ©c^Iangen, unt finfterer. fc^miiler Xampfe. 2Id) I tie (Sd){angen Un^m \m feine 53ruft unt tie ©ifttropfcn au^ feiner 3^nQe, unt er wufte nun, wo er war, ©innlod unt mit unaudfprcdlidem ®ram ricf cr jum ^immel ^in^ au]: &kh mir tic 3u9^nt wicter, o 5?atcr I ftcHe mid) auf ten ®d:)eitc:J ttjeg wieter, tamit id) anter^J waHe I T'it ^Jleuja^rSnati^t eine^ Un^Iucflidjen. 37 2lBer fein 25ater un^ feine Sw^^rtb wdten langfl ta^in. Sr fa^ 3^^^=^ lid^ter auf Siimpfcn tanjen, unc auf tern ©ottccacfer au^Ibfcben, un^ er fagte: (is fini? mcinc t^brid)tcn 3:a9cl — (ix fa^ eiucn Stern i^omipim^ mel flic^eu, util im ^^all (d)immern, nnii auf ter toe jerrinnen: Xa5 bin ici\ faijte fein blutenteiJ Aperj, uuC Die 2(tlangenjdl)ne ier 3^cue gru^ ben rarin in teit iiiJunDen ivciter, Xie loterncc '3)l)antufte geigte ibm f(iel)cntc 9kcbta^antler auf ten Tadjern, uni tic ^\3intmii^le bob troben? i^re 2lrmc jum 3crfd)(agcn auf, nut einc, im iottenbaufe 3urudi3ebliebcne 2ar»e nat)m a(lmal)lig feine 2h^ ^»«- — '^^littcu in rem ^ampf floj^ plo^li6 tie ^ufif fiir ta^J 5'^euial)r yom I^urme ^emierer, mie ferner ^ird^engefang. dv irurte fanfter bea^ev^t. Sr fd}aute urn ten iporijont lucrum unt uber tie treite Srte, unt er tac^te an feine Sug^ntfreunte, tie nun, gliidlid^er unt kJTer tenn er, 2el)rer ter fee, 55dter glMic^er ^inrer unt gcfej^nete ^ienfd^en ivarcn, unt er fagte: D, id) fonnte auA, trie i^r, tie erfte ^i^ad^t mit trodenen 5luc^en ijerfd)lummern, menu id) gemoUt I)dtte I — 21 d), id) fiinnte gliidlid) fein, xi)x t^euren (Eltern, n?enn iA eure Scken erfiiUte l)dtte I 3m fieberbaften (Srinnern an feine 3wnBnngc5eit !am ci ibm yor, aU rid)te fid) tie Sarre mit feinen 2w^ ^"^ 3:oUenbviufe auf; cntlid) murte fie turd) ten 3lberglauben, a^eld)er in ter ^}lcu|vi^ri?nad^t (^k\\kx ter 3u* !unft erblidt, ju einem lebentigen 3iittk]Uni]e. Gr fonnte e5 ni*t mel)r feben; — er i?crbullte ta^2hiiie; — taufent ^eige 3;l)rdnen ftriimten v>erfiegent in ten ^6^nc( ;— er feuf3te nur no^ leife, trofl(o5 unt finnlo^: ^omme aneter, '^uc^mi, fomme ancter. Unc ftc fam aneter; tenn er Kittc nurfo fiirdter(id> getrdumt, Sr n?ar nod> cin 3unglin(^ ; nur feine 53crirrungen aniren fein 3:raum Qtmiin, %kx er tanfte ©ott, tnf^ er, nod) \m(\, in ten fdmu^icjen ©dngen te? ^afteri? umfeBren, unt fid^ auf tic (3onnenbat)n suriidbcvje^ hn fonnte, tic in ta^ i^^nt ter (Srntcn (citct. ^ebre mit ibm urn, ^iin^l^ittilf ^^i'"i^ tu auf feinem 3^*^ii-'Cil'-' \^^^^^\^ • Xiefer fd^redente Iraum anrt fiinftiv^ tein Slid^tcr a^erten; abcr a>cnn tu einft iammer^oU rufen avdrteft: ^omme aneter, fdi3ne 3w5?ci^t I — fo n?urte fie nid)t ivictcr fommeni Sean 9) a u I (iRid}ter). 38 iS^ orgenUeh grii^ (ajf^ mid) teine ©nate l)bren, Der bu gewad^t, e^^ id) gemac^t I !5^a§ 9lid)t^ ten 2lnfang mbgc ftoren, Xen tu mir i)eute 3ugetad)t. Bern t)U ta^ Befte 2;^eil Befc^ieben ?5ur feineg ZaQt^ furjen Sauf, Den medeft tu in fanftem ^rieten SD^it beine^ ©eifte^ Dtem auf. ©iif ift'^, (Bott, ntit tir erttjac^en, Unb frii^ loon bir umfangen fein ; Dag giebt tie recite ^raft lem ©(^.mac^en, ?5(b§t greubigfeit jum Seben ein: Da ge^t bie ©tunbe nidt ^erloren, Da rennt bie (Seele nid)t nad 3:attb, Sie ki Urn 33Iinben, Bei bent Z^oxm, Der biifter o^ne bic^ erftanb, 2l(^, mx fid) friil) mit roller SieBc ipingabe beinem ©nabengug, Der ^att' an 2idt nnb ^eiPgem Zxkht 2Iut feinen gangen 2:ag genug. ^'ein @egen fe^ltc tern ©emiit^e, ^ein ^ki ijerfd^manbe, bag er fuc^t, Unt) nad) teg ^orgeng goltner 33liitl§c ^am' and) beg 5l6entg goltne ?^ru(^t. D Seben, beffen ^orgenftnnben Die Sie6e Jag tV 3:ag er^elltl Dn (5)arbe fiir ben ^errn gebunben, 3n feinem 3:empel anfgefteUt I — %xvL^' lafp mid) beine ^nabe ^bren, D ©ott, yerfldre meinen 2:ag, Da§ id) in foldem ©lan^ ber S^rcn 2tm 2:ag'' ber ®arben ftel^en mag I ^ 5^ a a p p. X)ad vrcu5i|d)e ^oU im 3a^re 1813. 39 ^a^ prcu^if^c 58olf im 3a!)tc 18 3 3* SSott kernel biiJ Xemmin, von Solberg M^ ®(at^ jvar in tern un^er^ gepd^en 3rut)Un9e unt^ ®ommer cei^ ^ai^xti 1813 untev ten ^reugen nur Sine Stimme, (Sin ®efut)I, (£in 3t>rn, unD t£ine 'iJiebe: Das i^ater^ lant; gu rettcn, unD ^eutfd^lanD gn befrcien. ^rieg ivollten tie ^])rcuf'cn, @efai)r unt Zo^ wolltcn fte, ten grieten fiirdteten fie, meil fie t>on dla^ poleon feinen et^renyotten unt ^rcn§i|d)en Bricten ^cffen fonnten. ^rieg, ^rieg ! fdatlte e^J von ten ^l'arpati)en Hi gur Dftfcc, yon tern 91iemen Bi^3 ju^ Slbe, ^rieg I rief ter (Etelmann unt Cantbcfi^er, ter ijerarmt mar, ^rieg I ter iSauer, ter fein le^te^ ^>fcrt unter T^orfpann unt %nhxm tott trieb, ^rieg I ter 23iirger, ten tie Sinquartierungen unt Slbgakn erfd^opften, ^rieg I ter 3:agelol)ner, ter feiue 2(rbeit ftnten lonnte, ^rieg I tie SSittme, tie ii)ren einjigen (3ot)n in ta5 gcit fdidtc, ^rieg ! tie 33raut, tie ten 33rantigam gugleid) mit 3:l)rdnen te^^ StoIje^J unt te5 Sd^mer^e^ entlie§. 3iitt9ii«j5C, tie faum jre^rl)aft marcn, ?iJ?anner mit graucn .^paaren unt manfcnten ^nien, Cffi^iere, tie ircgcn S3unten unt 35erftiimmclungen (ange ebrenyoU entlaffcn iimreu, reid^e ®uti?bcfit3cr unt 33camtc, 5)ater 3al)Ireid)er ^amilien unt i'cnoaltcr jreit^ laufigcr ®efd}afte, in .^pinfid)t jetee ^riegijtienftciJ entfdultigt, ivotlten f!(^ felbft nid)t entfcbultigcn, \a fogar Sungfrauen unter manderici ^cx^ ftellungen unt ^^erIaryungcn triingten fid) gu ten SQajfcn, 2llle a^oUtcn fid iiben, riiftcn unt fiir ta5 25aterlant ftreiten unt ftcrtcn. ^reu^cn wax iineter ta:^ Sparta gcmorten, aU nHld)C5 feine ^idter e3 einft kfangcn ; jete Statt, Jeter glecfen, jctci? I^orf fdallte yon ^ricgiJluft unt ^'riegi?muftf, unt luar in eincn Uc(^ung^^ unt SBaffeu:; ptag yermanteit; ie:e ^euerejye wart eine ^Caffenfdmiete. ^a^J tyar taiJ 8donfte ki tiefcm t)eiligen Sifer xmt froHid^em ©cmimmel, ta§ alle Unterfdiete yon ©tauten unt ^laffen, yon 3l(tcrn unt 8tufcn yer^^ geffen unt aufge^oben iraren, ta§ Jeter fid) temiitlngte unt Mngab ju tern ©efdafte unt Tienft, mo er ter 33raud(\irfte mar, ta§ ta,^ einc gro§e (3c\ixhl lei 55aterlantei? unt fciner ^^rcii^eit unt Sbrc a((c anterc ®efii()(e yerfdiang, alie anterc fonft erlauhe 9fliidfidten unt loblide SSer^altniffe auf()o(\ Tie '^tenfdcn fiiMten a, fie maren glcid> gemor^ ten turd ta»? langc Ungliiif, fie moKten an6> gleid fein ini Xicnft nut im Gkborfam. Unt io )(i)x erbob tie Innligc f]ikbt mil Mi genicinfame 3treben, 40 Xai? preu^ifc^e ^oH im 3a^re 1813, itjo^on fie befeelt maren, allc ^eqen, ta§ ta^J S^lietriije, ©emcine iint) ^tlce, l)em in getummcboilcu 3citett tcr -^eivaffnuugen unt) .ilricge eine fo a^eite '^abn gebfjitet ift, ni(^t auftommeit lonntc. tu l}eiUge 33egeifterung tiefer un^^ergc^lictjen ZdQC ift turd) fcine Stuijfc^ireifung line Siltt)eit enttuei^t morten. 2Gas tic 'DJcdnncr fo immittelbar unter ten SCaffen t^aten, U^ t^at ta5 jartere C>H'fd)lcd)t ter ?^rauen turd) ftiUe ©ebete, briinftige Srmal)nungen, fromme 2Irbeiten, ntenfd)Iid)e (Sorgen unt '^JZii^en fiir tie Stuejietjcntcn, ^ranfen unt 5>ern?unteten, Scr !ann tic un3at)Ugen Dpfer unt ®ahn jencr ^dt gd^len, tie jum 3:|eit unter ten rii^rcntften Umftdnten targebrad^t jrorten ftnt ? 3Ber !ann tie tern 33aterlante ewig tl)euern 5^amen ter graucn unt 3w«9fi^^«f« aufred)nen, melc^e in einjelnen SGo^nungen oter in ^ranfcn^dufern tie 9lacfenten gefleitet, tie ^ungernten gefpeift, tie ^ranlen gepflegt, unt tie ^Sertuunteten toerbunten ):)ahn ? (So gefd)at) e^ 'oon einem Snte te5 0leid)^ bi5 sum antern, tod) gebii^rte Berlin ter 25orrang; e^ l)at bewiefen, ta§ e^ i?ertient, ter Si0 feiner ^crrfd)er gu fein. greue tid) teiner (St)ren, n?adere @tatt I tk alten (Siinten fint »erflU)nt, tie alten Unbide ^ergeffen, 9^u^m unt ©liid merten it?ieter i^rcn 2Sol)nftt3 bei tir auffc^lagen, ^d) fage nur ta^ Sine: (Xi mar plb^Ud) wie tur^ ein SBunter (53otte5 ein groped unt it»iirtige5 33oI! entftanten. — (Bo Ijat ta5 preu5ifd)e 25oIf ^id) offenbart ; fo ift (3oit um ®otte3 ^raft, unt eine 33egcifterung, tie luir nid^t bcgreifen fbnnen, auAj unter un^ erfd)ienen, 1)ie ^reu^en batten gc^rbeClin unt i;od)ftdtt, 2:urin unt ^iZalpIaquet, fie ^tten tie 3:age von S^lopad) unt Seut^en, tie @d)la(^ten i)on 3:orgau unt 3orntorf — fte :^abcn nie 3:age ge^abt mie tie ijott (5)ro§^^brfd)en unt »on ter ,^a^bad), 'oon ^^ennemil^ unt ijon Seipjig; tenn fie l)aben nie ijor^er meter mit einem fo grojjen ©cifte, no6 fiir eine fo grof e Ba&jt, ta5 @d)mert gegogcn. £ajj mir .ie|t frei airmen, ta^ mir frbt)Iid) in ten ©ternen bliden unt (5)ott anbeten, taj mir unfere Winter mieter mit ^^reuten anje^cn fonnen, al^:3 tie ta fiinf^ tig freie banner fcin merten — ta^5 tauten mir nad)ft ®ott tiefen 33e:? ginnern ter teutf*en ipcrrlid^lcit, fie fint un^ iibrigen ^eutfd)en, mie ijerfd)ietene Xiamen mir and) fiibren mbgen, tie gIorreid)en 33ertreter uttt tae erfte 33eifpie( ter grei^eit unt S^re gemorten. e. m, Slrnbt. 2Ger rcitet fo fpiit tur(^ 9^a^t unn Sffiinb ? ©5 ifl ter '^atcr init feinem ,^inr) ; gr t)at rcti ^tiiaben a^o^l in Urn ^ftrm, Sr MJ3t it)u ftcbcr, cr l)alt i^n ivarm. „*i5}tcin 3o()n, a\i3 tnrcjft tu fo bang tein ©efiti^t?" „8icbft, ^Bater, cu ten (Srlfbnii^ n{d}t? X)cn tvrlcnfi3iiiv5 mit Stron^ unt) i^dnveif?" „^em 8ol)n, ci ift cin 5]ebclftvcir\" „I)uUe6e5 ^inD, fomm, c^d mit mir! ®ar )Uone (Spiele fpieP id) mit rir; ?Of?and)' hmte ^lumcn fine an tent (Btrant; 9)tcinc ^}}Zuttcr bat mand) (jiiiten ©emanb." ^'^J'^ein 5>atcr, mcin 5)ater, unt ^creft tu nic^t, 3i\>ai3 Svlenfonig mir leife iHTfprid}t ?" „8ei rubiji, Heibe rut^ig, mein ^int ; 3n tiirren iMattcrn fiiufelt rcr SBinD." „5Ci(Ift, fciner Stnah, hi mit mir gcl)n ? 9}Zeinc led^tcr folien tic^ ivartcn fdum; 2Reine Jed^ter fiit)rcn ten nad^tUd^cn ^dim, Unt ancgen unt tanjen, unt) fingcn tid) ein." „^ein 3?atcr, mein 53ater, unt ftel^ft tu nic^t tort Srlfonig^ 2bd^ter am tiiftcrn Drt?" „(Bn ru^ig, mein (go^n, i(^ fe^^ e^ gcnau: S5 fd)einen tie a(ten S^eiten fo grau." „3<^ Hek ti(^, milt reijt teine fd^ene ©eftalt, Unt folgft tu nid)t aiilig, fo brand)' id) (^emalt*" „^ein 5>ater, mein iBatcr, jc^t faft er mi(^ an I Srtfijnig l)at mir cin SciteiJ getban I" Dem 5Sater graufet'^, er rcitet gefdnrint, 3n ten 5lrmen bait er tai< ad^cntc .^int, Smid>t ten ipof mit ^})?ub' unt ^otl>; 3n feinen airmen taiJ .^int \i\\x tott. 42 X; i e n d d) 1 1 i d) c ^; e c r f d) a u, ^ai^td urn Ik 3wolfte Stuntc SSerldft ter 3:amt)Duv fein ®raB, '^a^^it mit ter 2:rommel tie diuntt, ©e^t mirbeint auf unD aK SJZit feinen entfleifd^tcn ^rmen diixijxt er tie @d)ldgel fo qUx^, ©(^Idgt mati^en guten SBirtel^ 0leijeil unb S^l^^ttp^^^^)* !Dte 2;rommel flingpt gar feltfam, ^at einen gar ^o^Ien Son: (£^ ern)ad)cn in i^rcn ©rdbern 3)te totten ©ottaten fcaijon* Unb t)ie im fernen ^'^ortcn Srftarrt jn ©djnee unt di^, Untj tic in 2BcIfd)Ianb liegen, 2Co i^nen tie Srte ju "^ei^» Unb tie ter 9^ilf(^lamm bedt, Unt) ter araMfefce ©ant: (Sie fteigen au^ i^ren ®rdBern, Unt ne^men'^ ^etue^r gnr ^an^« 5^ad)t^ urn tie gtrblfte (£tnnte SSerldft ber 2;rom|)eter fein (3xah, Unt f^mettert in tie Zvompdt, Unt) reitet auf unt ab* !3)a lommen au^ t^ren (^rdbem T:ic totten 9teiter ^erki, 2^ie blutigen alten ©(^tratronen, 3n 23affen mancberlei. S^ grinfen tie ^nod^enfd^dbel ^0^1 unter tern ^elme ^eroor, S^ ^alten tic ^nod^cn^dnte ^ie langen ®d?tt?erter empor» Xer (Sieg. 43 ^a&iti itm tic ;;tvolfte ©tunte 33erlatjt and) ter gcltbcrr fein ©raB, .^omrnt lauvjfani l)eri3cntteu, Umgeben yen feiucm ©tab, (Er tragt ein Heine;? ^;iitd)en, Sr tragt ein cinfad) ^(eit), Unt einen fleincn Xcgcn 2;ragt er an feiner 8eit\ !iDer ^:0?cnt) mit falbem ?i(^te (Srkllt ten riiftern ^lan ; !i:;er ^J^ann im Heinen iputd)ert (Sie^t fic^ tie 3:ruppett an, !I^ie 3f^eil)en prafcntiren Unt fd^ultern ta^ ©eme^^r; S^arauf jicbt mit Hingentem ©pielc 33oru&er ta5 gan^e ipcei\ "Lk 9Jiarfd)a(I' unt ©enevale (Sd)Ue^en urn ilnt.cinen ^rei^; !Der Sclt()err fagt tern nad)ften 3n^ Dl)r ein Scrtd)en lei^, 2^a5 2Bort gcl)t in tic 3flunte, ^lingt aneter fern unt na^ : „?^ranfrei*" ift tie parole, !l:ie ?o|ung „(2t. Helena," "La^ ift tie gro^c 9^nnte 3m elvfaifd)en ^elt, 2^ie xtm tie ^au^Iftc ©tuntc T)tv totte Safar i}att ». 3ebli^. Xie Softer ftrittcn, ivcr yon it}ncn 5lm cifrigftcn getrefen fci, l^em 3?i3fen in ter SCclt in ticnen: X;en @ieg erbielt— tie ^peud^clei. QSigcnfinn. Suftfpiel »on di. Senebix. g)erfonen: 5luaborf. ^af^arina, [eine %xau, Sllfreb. ©mma, feine ©attfn. ^einrtc^. Si^kt^, in STIfrcb'^ 2)ienilen. erftcr Oluftritt. ^einric^. Si^Jet^. Si^tet^ (Winter ber ©cene) — ^peinrid), ^etnri(^, ntadj' auf! ^ e i n r i (^ (tritt ein; cr fupt ftc) — ^omm, i(^ mill Dir ^elfm ! Si^K — ^hv ^cinri^ — mcnn ta^ S^ntanb fie^t! — ^ e i n r. — 2Ber foil c^ benn fe^en ? S i g K — I)er §err tann ja jeben 5lugenBlicf fomnten I ^einr. — 5ld?, Si^t^et^, fo einen ^u^ im 3Sorkige^ert, fo auf ber gluc^t gu enuifd^en, ba5 fdmcdt am Seften, Si^K — 2lber ti^enn ber iperr — .^ e i n r. — 9lun irenn er e^ and) gcfet)ett l)atte, n^a^ ware babei ? Si^B. — 3d) fAdmte ntid) toJt. ip e i n r. — S3arum benn ? (Er wirb feine gran and) fiiffen — feit brei SJJonaten erft i)er^eiratt)et — Si^b. — ^a, feine graul Senn bu mein S)?antt mdrefl — ipe inr. — 2Bie lange ivirt) benn ba^ noc^ bauern? S i ^ B. — 2Ber mci§ ipeinr, — S^benfall^ Idnger, aU bir lie6 tft? - S i gb,— 3Ba5 ta5 fiir 9leben ftnb I "LmV an ^a^ 3:ifc^beden I ^mikv 5luftritt. SJorigc, 5ltfrcb (blci^t unbemcrft an ber Z^nxt fle'^cn). Siab. — 'Der ^err ®d>miegert)ater unb bie ?5rau @c^tt>iegermutter lommen jum Srut)ftud. ipeinr. — Un^ freuen ftd). n?te gludltd) bie jungen SI)eIeute fmbl — ^m, einen (2d)anegeryater !ann id:) bir freilic^ nidt aufnjeifen — S i 5 b.— Xa^ tl)ut 5^id)t5, t(^ au(^ nidjt ! ^einr. — 3(^ Uritt, wiv 33eibe ftnb una felbft genugl (But fo, ber 2:if^ ift o^tudt Si^b.— 3a. (vi^cnfinu. 4^ ^eittr.— 5Bar? 2 i 5 K— 9Zid)ti3— id^ fagte \a. ^p e i n x.—Va^ ift ^3Ud^tc, nt mujjt M^ and) fa^en* ^ einr.— ,(53ut \i\ tcr 3:ifd) ift geiecfti" SiiJb* — SSarum'^ ip e i n r.— Xa^^ fcblcft fid) fo* Si 56. — Xummeu S^u^i- ^ c i n r.— H^emi man ctwai fcrti^ ^at, fo fagt matt: „®ut fo" otier „®ott Sob" oDer „(3ott fci Xanf", tie (Sadc ift fertig. S i 5 6.— 9larrctt)ci ! ^ e i tt x.—Vai ift !eine 5^arret()ci, feitt bummed ^m^. 2ll5 ber (iek ®ott tie SSelt gefd^affeit t)atte unt fa^, taf 5lUe5 gut mar, fagte er au^: ®ott fei X)an!, tie SGelt ift fertig. Uttt tarum ift eg eiti from^ mcr 53rau(^, tag matt tag immcr fagt, tuettit matt — SigB» — 2(d), ge^ mit teiitcn TOernl)eiten ! ^ e i tt r. — Sigbctl), eg fint Icitte 2llbent^eitett, tu mu§t tiid)t fo frei^ geifterifd) tl)un ! ^omm ^er uttt fage n?ie id): ®ott fei X)an!, ter 3:ifc^ ift getedt ! Sigb.— ^eitt! ^ e i n r. — Mix in SieBc. SigK— 3c^ triani^tl ip e i n x,—Xn midft ui^t ? £ i g b. — ^eirt I ^ e i n r.— Senn id) ti^ um etmag Bitte, fo fagft tu t ic^ toiU ni&jt ! ? S i g b. — 3^, i mug? .^ e i n r.^3^1, ic^ ^erlange eg ! 46 Slgenfinn. g i g B.— 1)u traumft mo^I ? Dter Mft tu ^eute 5J?orgen mit tern Unfen gufe jucrft auo rem ^ctte gefticgcn ? ^ einr,— i)Jtad)^ feine ^offenl SiJ ift mcin (SntftI !Du foEft fagen: ®ott fci ^ant, ter 3:i[cfo ift geDedt ! ^i i 5 b,—V(ii foil ic^ fagen ? £i^K— 3d)folI? 3*muf? ip e i tt r, — "tn follft unc mu§t. S i S b, — ^Jlun tijnc i&i e^ gar nt($t I ^ e i n r, — Siobetb, id) Intte tid) 1 $J i fi K— 3(^ tt)u'^ nid^t, ip e i n r. — 3iii« Ii^tpt^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^) ^i^ 2 i «3 K — 3ci) t^u'^ nidt, ic^ t()u^5 nii^t, itnt) n>enn t>u tii(^ auf ben ^o))f fteaft ! ^ e i n r. — £;a^ mollen jt?tr tod) fe^en ! S i 5 K — X)a^ moUen trir fe^en I ^ e i n r»— Sllfo bu gi&ft meinen bitten ni^t nac^, bu njeigerjl bi(^ t)artnadig ? S t ^ K— 3a I ip e i n r* — t:u miUft beinen (Eigenftnn nidt brec^en ? g i 5 K— 5f^eitt ! ^ e i n r.— ®o follft lu ! (pacft fte am 5lrm.) Si^B.— 2lul ^ e i n r. — (Sag^ e^ ! S i y B. — 5^ein, au, an I ip e i n r. — ®ott fci Xan!, ber 3:if(^ ifl gebedt i 2 i ^ I\ — ^cin, ttein I Xu IjdfUder ^^Jienfd), mi^ fo gu briiden — ^unb ic^ fage e5 bo^ nicbt ! i^ e { n r,— (5)ut, mit mi ift e^ aui ! (Ia§t ftc lo^.) S i 5 K— ©0 geV I ip e i It X, — 8o Icidt gibft bu mi(^ auf? S t ^ K — SCenn bu ein ^m fein ji?illft. ^ e i n r, — %hv bu fannft bod^ bie ))aar S3orte fagen? £ i^K— 5l6er i(^ n?ia nidt, i(% Witt ni(^t, i(^ Witt nic^t! ip e i n r. — ^nn, fo geb ^nm — S i 3 K — 2Cir fpreden un^ weiter ! ip e i n i\— Si^bet^! @ott fei !Danf, ber Xif(^ i^ gebedt I 2i^K— 9]einl iiigenfinn. 47 ip e i n r. — (iigcnftnn, tein 5^ame ift 2Bei6. bitten, X;roI)ungcn, (S)emalt, Mn^ 'ocxi^ckni 1 ^d) glaubc, i^ lomtc fie tort fd^Iajjen, ft^ fa^te e3 rod) nid^t 1 2llfrer. — ^ia§ fie i^or ter ^ant) nod) (ekn, ipeinri^, fie maQ ti fagen otcr ntd^t ! .^ c i n x,—'M) ^err, (Sie "^aBen gc^^ort ? 21 ( u—dmn Zijdi curc^ 3an!e5— ja, ja. 'Ta^ ^at)d)en ift fiarr^ tbpfiiv ip e i n r, — 2l(^, fie ifl fonft gut — i^ wei§ nid^t, mae it)r :§eutc tm ^opfe ftedt I 31 1 f» — 3ren ! S3tr finl) je^t fd)on brei "jD^onate ijerl)etrat^ct, tu mu§t anfangen, ein (£()emann gu n?erten; mu§t aufl)i3ren, ten SieB^akr gu fpielen I 21 1 f. — Unl mdre tir tenn ta5 lieb ? S m. — 3^ nun, aUe SC^cIt fagt mir, ta^ tie ^Dldnner in ter S^e fic^ iintern, ic^ muj) mid) au($ tarauf gefa^t madden. 3^ Idnger tu aBer mit tiefer 2lenterung n^gerft, tcfto mcBr vewol)nft tu mid), tefto fc()me;; rer ttjerte ic^ mid) nad)i)er Inneinfinten. 21 If. — 9^ie werte ic^ mid) dntern, (icBe^ SBeiB, nic folljl tu cinen Unterfc^ict ftnten 5mifd)en tern, mie ci ift unt ane t^ mar, @ m. — Unt id) werte tir ei^, tu Bift ta^ Befte 3CeiB auf Srten, tu erfiitlft meinc 2Biinfd>e, nod) et)e \6>, fie au^gefprocben 1 48 (£igenfinn» e nu—nm t^uft feu ni^t tajfelbe ? 31 1 f. — 2Bte fonttte ic^ an6:i feemem Sluge iriterjle^en, tomn c3 fo freanrlid^ auf mi&j geric^tet tft unJ — einen ^ug 6ege^rt. S m. — Qadp, mein ^err, mcine ^ilugen kge^ren niemals Mjfe, |te geitja^ren ^odjftenS I % I f. — ^un, fo gema^re I . (£m. — C'leoer 5llfret)I 21 1 f.— ^etn fiif e5 S3eiM)en I a m, — W.cm Sleltcrn Heikn (ange, ic^ bac^te, fte wiirfcen frii^cr fommen. 2llf.— 5Sermiffeftturte? S m. — Xte Srage mar ttr nt6t BetaAt ! — 31 1 f. — '^^in, ndn, fte fu^r mix fo ^erau^ — T)a ^ah ic^ fo eBcn — S m. — SSa^ l)aft tu foebcn ? S^ mu§ fel)r luftig fein. 21 ( f»— Sinen ^bcfcft fomifc^en 2tuftritt Betaufd^t I e m» — 23elauf^t ? (li, ei, ^err ©ema^I ! 2t I f,— ®an3 gufdntg. 2Bie ic^ au^ metneni 3i«ittt^i^ nr^te, »er? rte^me i(^ ein leb^afte^ ©efprdd); tc^ BleiBe fte^en: ipeinric^ unb Si^bet^ l^aben fo eBen ben 3;if(^ geortnet, ^einric^ fagt fearauf ganj felbftaufrie^ ben: ®ott fei 'Ban!, ber 2:ifc^ tft gebedft, wnt ijerlangt »on St^bet^, fte foUe ba3 and) fagen; benn bas miiffe man nad^ ijollenteter 2lrBeit t^un» Sm» — 5Bie etnfdltig! 21 If- — ^isBetl) ttjeigerte ft(^, Jpeinrtc^ Beftanb "oaxau^, fte gertet^en in einen formlid^en @trcit, er wotlte fte swingen, akr fte Blieb eigenfin^^ nig unl fagte e^ nidjt. S m. — 3^ nun, man !bnnte immer noc^ fragen, n>er ^ier am eigen^ finntgften wax, ipeinrid} orcr Si^kf^ ! 21 1 f. — 2lEein er h\t fte barum ! (E m. — S^ tuar ein alberne^ 3?erlangen. 21 ( f. — %hx fo unbebeutenb, baf ft(| bie ^artnddige SBeigerung gar nidjt re^tfertigen Idgt. iS m. — (Eben fo irenig ba^ l^artndcfige 55erlangen! 3c^ fin^^ ni^t, ba§ 2it^kt^ Unre(^t ^t. 21 1 f. — ©treiten njir nicbt bariiber. 33ei un^ fonnte ba^ freilic^ nic^t i)or!ommen ! S nt. (fte^t i:^n jweifel^aft an). 21 1 f. — ^tnn id) bid) urn fp etiua^ bate, bu miirbeji e^ t^un. ^m,—^m, ipm! (Sigcnfinn. 49 5H f._3ct) Hit iikrjeugt, lu njiirtejl e5 tt)un. (E m. — Unt lucnn id) c5 nid^t tl)dte ? 5j I f._2rscnn tu ed nid)t t^ateft ^ ^^er f^atl ijl ni^t benfbar, bar* OUT woUtc id) a^ctten ! iSm.— iBettc m*t! 21 1 f. — ^erfud^en mir c5 glcii^. Sm. — 9lein, ^crfiiAcn wir e^ ni^t! 21 1 f.— 3d) bittc rid), lick Gmma, fage ein ?i)ial: ®ott fei Dant, ter Jifd) x\t c^etcdt. (Sm.— ®el), tuMflfintifA! 2llf.— ^^ittc, Htte, fage e(5 1 Sm.— 2Ba5 ta5 fiir ein 35erlangcn ift! 21 1 f,— 53itte, fiigeiJ SSeibc^en, fage ein SJJal : ®ott fci 3^ant, ber 3:if(^ ijl gebedt, S m. — 9Zcirt, ta^ fage i(i^ ni(^t ! 21 1 f.— 33itte, bitte ! S m» — O^cin, nein ! 2llf,— DufagftciSni^t? (Sttt.— 9lein! 21 1 f, — Du flmntefi mir eine 33itte »crn?eigcrn ? S nt» — 2[t>cr e^ ware ja lintifd^, ba5 ju fagen I 21 1 f._^intifc^ ober nid)t, barauf fommt e^ ni(^t an ! S^ ^anbelt f!c^ nur barum, bag bu meine 33itte erfiiUft. S m.— I;u t^ujt Unred)t mit einer fo(d)en S3itte I 2lIf,_X)a3 mag fein, atlein bu t^uft Unrci^t, pf ^^^ abjufc^Iagen. e m. 3(^ t^ue Unrec^t ? XaiJ ift bajj crftc 50ZaI, bag bu mir fo Stn?a3 fagft! 21 If.— S5 ift auc^ bas erftc iU^al, tag bu mir einc Sitte tteriueigerfl ! g m.— Unc ta^ erft ^al, t}(n^ tu fo !inbifd\ fo uniiberlegt Mtteft ! 21 1 f.— ^inDifd) ? Unuberlegt ? 2Beld)e SCorte mug ic^ »on bir ^oren ? 3f^ ba^ bie ^prad^c ber Siebe ? S m, — ^ann bie Siebe i)on ber ©eliebten eine 3:|ort)cit ^erlangen ? 21 1 f.— O, id) :^abe no(^ nic^t tterlangt, ic^ ^be nur gebeten ! Sm. — 8o — unb menu bu ijerlangen wiirbeft ? 2llf,— l^ann— Sm. — Unb au-nn bu ^erlangen iriirbejl? 211 f. — Xann wiirbeft bu bi^ bcftimmt nic^t ttjeigern! S m. — 3wft ^vinn anivbc id) mid) n?eigeml 50 (Eigenfinn. (£ m,— @o Stmas njittfl bu »on mir loerlangen ? ^o witlfl tu mic^ cmiebrigen? Xer 35itte l)dtte ic^ ^ietteic^t na^gegeBen, bem ^erlangen weid^e id) nid^t. 31 1 f, — ^ein ®ott, trie ^eftig, tuie ctttfi^ieten trittft feu gegen mic^ auf ! 31t feri(^t ? (S m, — @inb foI(^e 2;^or^eiten 55erlattgen, tie ein ^3Jlann an feine (^attin JleUt ? Alerter Slnftritt. Sm. — 3c{) ^^^^ wtctn Za\6^mtu6!i liegen (ajfett ! •^ ( f, — Smma, treibe eine (Sa(^e, bie anfang^ ©c^erj war, nic^t H^ auf tie (Spi^e. (£ m. — 3:^ue i(^ fcenn ba5 ? !Du Hft e^, feer eiuen ©(^er^ in (Enijl ijerwantelt. 21 If, — ^aft feu iiterlegt? SGittfl bu fceinen (Sigenftnn aufgeBen? (S m. — 2Bie ? (Eigenfinn ? 2^u n?ei§t, id) !ann Da5 23ort nic^t lei^en; id) Hn nid)t eigenfmnig, in ^iefem %aUt Mn id) e3 gar nid)t, fontern TDu Bift e^, intern bii fo ^artnadig auf einer 2:^or^eit Befte^ft! ^^ I f, — %Ux (Emma, tegreife to(^, um biefe Jkr^eit ift e^ mir ja gar ni(^t ju t^un, id) n?ill Blof , ba^ tu mir feine 53itte a&f(^Iag|l ! S m, — Unt) id) Bitte bi(^, tton ber ©a^e auf3ut)oren ! % I f, — 2tBer ic^ ^aBe bid) guerft geBeten, meine 33itte gel)t ijor. 3(% '^dite eg nic^t fiir mbglicfc ge^alten, ba§ Du jemal^ 5^ein fagen fonnteft ! 3d5 f ann ben ®eban!en nicBt ertragen ! (E m,— @o ? 3^^ foil niemalg Sfttin fagen? 3ntmer nur: ^a, 3a, 3a ! @ie^, bu Bift wie bie SO^dnner alle. 3^^ i^oUt !eine HeBen^e ®at^ tin, feine gleic^Berec^ttgte ^eunbin ^aBen ? i^r »erlangt, ^af eine grau eure (Sclaijin fei. 21 1 f.— 2BeId)e UeBertreiBung ! (E m. — ^f^ein, nein, fo fdngt tie Unterjo^ung an, mit ber ^orberung bc3 Blinben ©e^orfam^. 2(Ber i(% lajfe mi(^ ni(^t jur @da»in mad)en, nie, niemaU, 3ir I l£ m. — Unb bod) warjl bu fo ^art gegen mi&i ! 21 If. — 9Zun fie^, ic^ fommc bir entgcgen, ic^ Mete bir bic $anb; mac^en tuir f^rieten. (Sm. — X:u Unart, mid) fo ;;u qudlen. 3^ ^'.— Unb nun fagft tu mir ju Siebe bie paax SCorte? 52 (Ei gen finite em»— 2Gie*? Smmernoc^? 3llf.— X;utt)iUftniAt? gm.— 2lBer2llfreb 21 1 f*— 3(^ Bin bir entgegengcbmmen, ^a6e Ur bie ipattb geret^t, je^t tft e^ an bir, au^ beinerfeit^ nac^jugeBett, gm.— 5lIfo bu Befte^ft barauf ? Xu trillft ben ©trett tion »orn mt^ fangen ? 51I|\ — gnbe ben ©treit — fage bie paax SCortc, unb ic^ Bin Be^^ friebigt* S nt. — S^letn ! unb aBermal^ nein! 5llf,— 9lein? (£m.— 9lein! 31 1 f,— ®ut, ftbtt, fe^r f(^5n. £u fte^fl, ba§ mir ein ©efatten mit biefer ^leinigfeit gefi^ie^^t, aEein bu t:^uft e^ nidjt, ^ein SKunfc^ mag eine 3:^or^eit fein, aBer eg ift bo(^ mein S5unf^— bu erfiillft il)n nic^t* S^ mag Sigenftnn ijon mir fein, bag tton btr gu »erlangen, aHein bie SieBe foEte ft^ bem ©igenftnne fiigen, follte naAgeBen, — bu t^uft eg nid^t* 5ln ben bummen SBorten !ann mir ^i&iti Uegen, aBer eg toaxt mir ein Semeig beiner SieBe, ba^ bu fte fagft, unb an biefem S3eweife liegt mir SSiel, — allein bu giBft mir biefen 33emeig nic^t. 3^% l^aBe bi(^ geBeten, id; ^Be ^erlangt, id) ^aBe 35ernunftgriinbe aller Slrt erfd)b|)ft — allein bu BleiBft ^^artnddig I Unb bu tuiflft mid) lieBen ? Xju, bie ni(^t einmal i^ren Sigenfmn Beldmpfen Jann, um i^rem Wlann eine ©efdiligfett gu erweifen? ®e^, ge^^, fage mir nie trieber, la^ bu mic^ lieBft. i m, — !I)u tuirffl mir (Sigenfmn »or ? Unb mit me^em 9le(^te ? T)n giBft felBjl ju, baf eg eine 2::^or^eit ifl, »on mir iene einfditigen SBorte ju »erlangen, unb bo^ Befle^^jt bu auf biefer ^^or^eit ? @g tviirbe mid) entwiirbigen, ttjotlte ic^ njif[entlid) eine 3:^or^eit Bege^en, unb bo(^ »erlangft bu entfdjieben biefe (Snttuiirbigung ? 3f^ ^^^ ^i^Be ? !Du Pel)jl, laf mid^ bein SSerlangen fc^mcrjt, ba§ mir beine 3«tt^wt^ungen m^^ tl)un — aBer bag rii^rt bi(^ nic^t, ^n Befte^fl auf beinem ^opfe* 1)eine Jpdrte ^re§t mir 2:^rdnen au^, fte laffen bid) fait — mein ganjeg SBefen ftrduBt ftc^ gegen bein 3Serlangen, aBer ^artnddig Befte^ft bu auf beinem Sitlen. 3Bo, auf n?e^er ©eite ift nun ber Sigenftnn ? 2So ift ber SSJlangel m 2ieBe ? (Stgcnfinn. 53 gfttttftcr «ttftritt. ip e i n r» — X;ie ^errfc^aftcn fommcm ! '^ I f, — 3Ser6irg tetne 3;^rdnen ! 2Ba5 foden fte »on bfr benfen ? S m.— 3)Zeinetn)egcn mbgen pe n?ij[en, ttae ijorgegangcn ifl, ic^ fut)Ie mid) unfd^ulcig. ^il I f* — 5f^tmm teine ^flic()ten aU §augfrau in 5lc^t; man mu^ fcinen (SJaflcn ein freuntlidje^ ®eft(^t jcigen, Sej^ficr 5luftritt. SJorigc, 5luaborf, ^at^arina, Si^bct:^. 3lugborf, — ©uten SJ^orgen Winter, guten SJiorgen! Jpe, wie 21 1 f» — ®ein (Sie ^erjlic^ triUfommen ! Sm» — SBiOfommen, Uebe ^QZutter, Bejler 3Sater, ^ a t ^ a r i n a. — (Si, mein ^inb, i(^ ^aU bid) lange nid^t gcfe:^cn, bu mac^ft bic^ fetten. gm.— SieBe?!)Zutter— ^ a t :^. — SBeif fc^on, ^inb ! treif fc^on, einc junge %xan 1^at me^r gu t^un, al^ an i^re alte Gutter gu benfen* 21 n ^b,— l^a^ ijl ber 2BeIt Un\, %van, fte mu§ 3Sater unb Gutter »erla|Jen, toit e^ in ber @d)rift fte^t — akr (Smma benft bo(^ noc^ ^n^ mikn an un^; ^^^id^t fo, ^inb? (S m» — 3ntmer, 3Sater, immer I 51 1 f. — 355ot(en mir nn5 nid)t fe^cn ! (^cinr. unb Si^B. ge^cn aft.) 2lu^b. — 3<^ i>in'5 jnfrieben, iperr @o^n; e^ ift ein tueiter 2Beg ju eud^ ^er, id) Bringe miibe 33eine unb tiic^tige (S^luft mit. ipd^a, ^rau, bu ^d^ bid) jnjifc^en bie jungen Seute gefc^t, ba^ ifl ein gefc^eibter Sin:= fati »on bir ; benn n?enn bie bei einanber ft^en, fmD fte fur ike ®dfte ganj ungenie§bar, Via, (logt an, i^ iunge^ 55oI!, nod) ttiete 3:age irie ^eute I 5Ba^ ijl bag ? 3^r ^o§t nic^t an ? ^e— ^err (Bo^n, ©ie ma^ d)en ein »erlegeneg ®eftd)t unb bie junge ^rau l)at eine 3:^rdne im 2luge ? ^at eg einen S^eflanbgauftritt gegeBen ? ^ a t ^.— 2Bie !annft bu fo unjart fragen ? Sa^ bag bie ^inber felbfl augmac^en ! 21 If.— Sine ^leinigleit, ein ©Aerj— niti^t ber 3^ebe mertt) ! 3)Zeine gute Smma ijl etnjag gu empftnblidb I 54 (£ i g e n f i tt n* (E m, 2lu(^ tag noA ? 2lu(^ Sm))finUi(^Ieit trtrb mtr nod^ ijorge^ ttorfen ! 51 1 f. — Xu I'oHtej^ njenigftene in ©e^entrart unferer Sleltern — ^ at^. — Seru^ige tid), (Emma, fo etma^ !ommt wo^I i)or I gut. — 3d) fii^le, eg ift Unrei^t, tag id) mid) ni(tt be^errfc^en lann, — ic^ ^abc eg ijerfuc^t, ^aBe mit mir gefdmpft, aflein ids Mn ju tief gc^ franft. ^ a 1 1), — Si, ei, ^err (Sc^ttjtegerfol)n — 31 u g t»— ^I't, %xan, mif(^e tid) m(^t in fciefe ©ac^e, 'ta^ ge^t nur tie Winter m. 51 1 f.— ^f^ad) Smmag 5leuf erung fd)eint eg wirflic^, alg ptte i^ i^r einc uner^orte .^rdnfung jugefugt, ©ie mbgen felbft entfd)eiten, i^ will S^nett tie @ac^e mitt^eilen* 21 u g t,— ^affen ©ie tag, iperr ©o^n, ttjir mifc^en ung nic^t in 3^^^^ e^elic^en ©treitigfeiten ! 21 1 1\— S^lein, nein, gerate S^tten gegeniiber mu^ ic§ mi(% rec^tfertigen* 2lugt»— 3ftnid)tni3t^ig! 21 1 f* — ©ie fonnten glauben — 21 u g t»— Sir glauben 5f^i*tg I ^ a t :^» — 2a§ boc^, i)ieneic^t fii^rt 'ta^ ^u einer 35erftdntigung* 9lc:s ten @ie, ^err ®o§n ! 21 If, — 3c^ be(aufd)te ^eute ^O^orgen unfern ipeinric^, ter i>on ter Sig^ bet^ ijerlangte, fte foEe fagen: „®ott fei X)anf, ter Zi]6> ift getecft/' nnt mit i^r in ^eftigen ©treit geriet^, alg fte tag ni^t moUte, 2ad)ent er^dpe id) tag meiner ^rau: f(^meid)elnt fagte x^ i^r, fie tuiirte nic^t fo eigenfmnig fein, unt bat fte im ©c^erje, fte moc^te jene SSorte fpre^ (^en. (Sie meigerte fi(^ aber mit fo entf(^ietenem (Eigenfinn, mit fo auffattenter ^artnddigMt, ta§ njir einen ernftlicfeen SBorttrec^fel "fatten, (Em.— IDa :^oren @ie eg felbft: ^artndrfigfeit, Sigenftnn, Smpfint< li(^!eit, 2l(leg jrirft er mir »or. (Bit !5nnen mir bejeugen, tag ic^ nie* malg eigenftnnig n?ar. 2lugt,— !Ra, na, ^int— ^at^.— 5flein, iUlann, ta t:^ufttu(Emma Unred)t, fte ijl niemalg eigenftnnig gemefen. 53eru^ige tic^, ^int, tuir wollen ung nic^t ^wiiJ fc^en cu(^ trdngen, i^r wertet eu(^ fd)on mieter ijerfo^nen. (E m. — 2td), er beftebt nocb immer tarauf, ic^ foil jene SBorte fagen, ^ atb. — ©ie, iperr ©o'^n, ©ie befte^ennod^ immer tarauf? 21 1 f. — 53itte, laffen n?ir tie ©ac^e unerbrtert ! (Eigenfinn. ^5 21 u « t.— 3a, tarum Mtte i&i aud), ijerterBt mir bag ^^rii^fliicf ni&jt !Eu bifl tin 5^arrd?en, (Smma, unC @ie, ipcrr (So^n, @ie miijfett einer %xau I'c^on etirad (iigenwilleti nad)fe^en, fie mirr) fic^ fc^on gewblnen, tt)ie meine Sllte ta. (£e^en @ie, tie fennt feinen SBiCerfprudj, fte erfiillt atle meine SBiinfc^e, um menn id) tjon itjr »erlattgte, fte foUe fagen: „®ott fei X)anf, rer Jifc^ ift getedt/' fte witrbe e^ glei^ t^un I ^ a t^.— !Da0 wiirte pc aber nid^t t^un! 2lugt).— 2Bie? ^ a t ^. — Xu wiirfcefl e^ ttid)t kgc^ren* 21 u 5 b. — SBenn id) e5 a^er begeBrtc I ^ a t ^. — @o toixxU i(^ eg ni^t t^un ! 21 u g t),— 2l|, grau, tu fprid^jl nicbt im Smjle ! ^at^.— 3m rotten (Ernfte I 21 u g b, — Xu wiirbejl fci(^ n^eigern, mein SSertangcn ju erfutlett ? ^at^.— 3al 21 1 f. — 33itte, fprec^en tvir toon ctnjad 2lnbcrem, 21 u g b, — ^'lein, bag ift mir nod) ni(^t »orge!ommen, bag mug inM ^larc gebracfct merten. Ciebe ^at^arine, fage einmah „®ott fci Danf, bcr 3;ifd^ ifl gebedt," ^ at^.— Sa§ mid^ gufrieben ! 2lugb.— 53ittc, fagecg! ^at^.— 9lein! 21 u g b. — 3d) fage eg taglic^ (aut unb leife fiir mi(^ aug ttollem ^er^ sen, ttjenn i(^ ten 3:i|'(^ fertig fe^e: „®ott fei X)anf, ber 3;if^ ifl gebedt," fagc bu eg avi&i einmal ^at^.— 9lein! (S m.— SieBe 3Kutter ! 2lugb.— ^at^arina! ^at^,— 5flein! 2lugb,~^atWett! ^at^. — 9^ein, nein! 2lugb.— ^ett^? ^at^.— 3d)t^ueegnic^t! 2lugb.— 9lein, bag ijl mir auger bem Spage! Sidfl bu beiner 3;odfcter ein fc^Ied^teg 33eifpiel burd^ beinen (Eigenjtnn geben ? 2lIf._2lBerid)Mttc— ^a t^.-— Da ^a&en tt>ir bie alte Srfa^rung: bie 3)Zanner t)alten ju? J)6 eigcttfitttt* fammctt, ttjentt c3 tie Untcrbriiduit^ ber graucn gilt, !Dcr SSater nimmt ^artei gegert feine cigene 2;oc^ter ! 2lugt,— 3c^ nt^mt gar feine ^artet, aU meine eigenc» 2Ba3 meine 3:o(^ter mit i^rem mamt tor^at, geM mi(^ 9li^tg an, ^it ^ir t^ah tdj eg au t|un, ijon bir »erlange ic^, tu fotlji jene SCortc fpreci^en ! ^ a t ^. — 2Sie fattnfl tu i?on beiner %ran cine 3:^or:^eit ijerlangen? 31 u g b. — 3:^or:^eit ober ni^t, taijon ift feine 3flcbe, i:ieg 35erlangen i(l ber 5)riifj^ein beg ®e:^orfantg, fonft 9licbtg* Gkn fo ^ing ®efler ben bcrii|mten Jpnt auf, ben Ut ©c^iueijer grii^en foHten, Hog jum ^riifftein beg ©e^orfamg, ^ a t ^. — 0tid;tig, unb tueil bag mit bem ^wte cbenfaflg eine Idc^er^ Ii(^e,t^brid)te, enttt?iirbigenbe ?5orberung mar, fo emporten fid) bie(S(^n?ei^ jer gegen i^re 3tt?ittgt)erm, ^m. — Unt mir fiigen nn^ eknfomenig, mie bie ©d^meijer M fiigten. ^ a tl\ — Sir fbnnen nng aw^ in Slufftanb gegen unfere ^X^dnner fe^en« (E m. — S}ir pnb t^rauen, akr feine Untergebenen. ^ a 1 1). — 33ei ben 3;itrfen ntag bie ^rau eine UntcrgeBene fein, aHein tt?ir leben in einem c^riftlid^en ©taate I S m. — I^ie ^erren fdjeinen bie tiirfifdsen ©itten t)ier einfut)ren gu moUen ; benn i^r 35erfa^ren ijl ganj tiirfifc^, ^ a t ^, — ^ber ®ott fci I)anf, mir ftnt feine ©claijinnen nnb trerben itnfere ^t&jtt 3U ma^ren mijfen, (E m. — 58Iinter ©e^orfam ift eine ©cta^entugenb . ^ a t :^. — 2Bir unterfuc^en tx% ob bie 33efe:^Ie gut p^b, e:^e mir gc:: ^orc^en. @ m. — Unb folc^e t^bridjte f^orberungen erfiillen toix nit, nie, nie I ^ati— ^flie, nie, ttie! 21 u g b» — Da ^aben mir bie 35ef(^eerung, U^ ganje meiHic^e ®e? f^Ied)t 1:)ahn mir ung auf ben ^alg ge^e|t. 2llf.— ®ag fotten mir t^m^ 21 u g t.— 3:^un ®ie, mag @ie motlen; mir tterbirBt bie ©efd^ic^te bag i^ni'^ftiicf, unt) menu i&i nicbt ntit ge^riger (Seelenru^e gefril^jtucft ^ak, fc^merft mir tag ^JZittageflien ni^t. 21 1 1 — WSnn mir fbnnen boc^ ntdbt nac^geben? 21 u g b,— a^, bag ij^ ein ©trett, hi ^m fein ^enfd) Gtmag gcr^ minnt ; id) ^abe mid ^inreif en lajfen, Hn etmag drgerlid) gemorten, akr ie^t fe^rt meine 3flut)e juriid, !Dic ©eibcr IjaUn fo Unrcdt nidt, ant (Sigenfltttt* 57 Snbc tfl c5 efccn fo cigenfmnig, Stma^ ^artnacfig ju ^erlangcn, al5 ed l^artttadfig ^u ijeweigcrn, g ttt. — Jpdtte i(!^ gea^nt, tag bie ©ac^c fo welt fii^ren wiirbe, id) :^dtte e^ 9lei(^ Slnfangd aU ©djeq genommen unti feinen SCitten get^an, — je^t fann i&i eg nii^t me^r. ^at^« — 3luf feinen t$iitt, t)u n?drfl fiir ettjige 3^iten feiner 3>^i^9^ lerrfc^aft cerfatlen* S m. — Sr foil fe^en, tag i^ einen fej^en SSiEen ^a6e. ^ a t '^,— 3led)t fo, feinen ©d^ritt weic^en n)ir I SJiein 5llter foU ji(^ njuntem ; er fann lange Bitten, e^e i(^ njieter gut ttjerfce ! S m.— ©ie pe^en mix bei, bej^e SOZutter? ^ a 1 1* — SSerlag tic^ t>arauf, 21 u g t.— ^er ^liigjie gibt naA— 21 1 f. — 3c^ ttJoUte gem, aBer tie Ske — 2lu«t. — 33a^, to fagt man fo. 'Dag 9la*geBen t^ut njc^, unt tag nennt man gem S^rgefii^l — ma^en ©ie tie (Sac^c mit einem (Sc^erje n?ieter gut I 21 1 f. — 3ft, cirt ©(^erj — i(^ werte tern X^inge cin (Ente mac^en» 21 u g t. — ipbrt, Winter, i^r feit mir ju mdc^tig in eurem 53unte ! 3c^ will mid) turc^ tag ^rii^ftiid erft ftdrfen gur Bortfe^ung teg ^am^^ |jfeg. ®ott fei T;anf, ter 3:ifc^ ift getecft, man tarf nur gugreifen. @ m. — SieBe Gutter, woUen toix nidjt au^ — ? ^at^.— 3a, iir irollen tem ^riege ein Snte mac^en, id) Biete tir tie ^ant gum ^rieten. 3^ Befenne, tag i^ tie ipaupttjeri^ aniaffung gu unferem ©treite mar. j^wc ©ii^ne meiner @(^ult f(^enfc id) tir einen tiefer Beiten ©^amlg. S m. — 2(Ifret, id) meig ni(^t— 2llf.— JCa^l'e! S m.— 3n tiefem 2lugenBIide — 21 1 l—m^U, wd^Ie, ^int I 'Der rec^tg ? (So, er fleitet tic^ gut. 3^ Bin tir nun trei 35iertel teg SBegeg entgegengefommen ? (E m.— ©ott fei Danf, ter ^if^ ij^ getedt ! 21 u g t. — 33raio, Winter, tag ^Bt i^r gut gemac^t ! 21 1 f. — Xer ^riete ift gefdjlojfen I S m. — 2luf immer ! 21 1 f. — 9lie fommt fo etwag jvietcr »or! 58 (Sigcnflnm S m. — ^fZiemal^ I 21 w ^ b» — 9le(^t fo, ftopt an barauf I ^ati— mtcr! Slu^t.— ipm? ^at^. — (Sie^ cinmaL 21 u g b.->2Ga5 ? ^ a t ^,— IDa ift no(^ ein S^atul ^ a t ^,— SStaft bu mi(^ nic^t au(^ m\^ntn t 21 u ^ D.— ?[;^it tern @^aml ? !£)ag ift mir gu t^euer ! ^at:^.— 2I6er Betcnfe— 21 u 5 1. — 3d) ^offe, t)u i^u\i e^ MHiger, 2(tte. (5o ein junker (E^e^ mann fann tie UnaufrietenBeit feiner y^rau ni(^t ertrager, unt Bringt ein Dpfer, urn ftc ju »erfb^nen — ifl er erjl fo alt wie ic^, t^ut er e^ auc^ nic^t me^r. ^ a t ^.— ^fui, trie aBf^euli(^I iS m» — 2(Ifrct>, i(^ will nicbt "^offen — (l^cinr. unb SiaB. treten ctn.) '21 \ f. — '^m, ^einrid), bift tu mit Si^bet^ in Drbnung ? ^ e i n r. — 21^, fte will immer no(^ nid^t, 21 ( f, — Si, Si^ktB, tvie eigenftnnig I £ i B.— 2lber ^err— S m.—'S^VL mugt nac^geBen, Si^Bet^, Du mu§t tie Sorte fagen. Si X ^ B» — ©ie mijfen — e m.— 2Bir miffen %M. 21 u « K— 3a, l^i^Bet^, tu ^afl Me ganjc 3Semirrung angefangen* ^at:^, — 3ci, ja, bu ^aj^ un^ batur(^ ten gan^en ?i)lorgen geftbrt» 3ur (Strafe mug fte e« je^t bffenttic^ fagen* 2lIfo ^erau^ tamit* ®ott fei !l)an!, ter Z\\^ ift getedt. 2iae (Iad)en.) ^ati— 92un? 21 u g t),— 3e^t ^ft tu e^ tO($ gefagt, 2llte I ^ atl^.— (So ifi e^ OiVX Snte, 21 1 f. — 5^un, 2ieBet^, Bift tu aUein no(^ iiBrig* Si^B.— 3d) JannnidJt, @ m. — 3d^ forge tafiir, ta§ in trei SCoc^en eure ^^^(^jeit ijl» S i g B.— .^o(^3eit? 2(4 (^ott fei Danf 1 2(lle (lad^en.)--«nun? Si^B.—^lun? Stgenflttn. 59 »il 1 1 e.— SCeiter, wetter ! Si«b,— 2Bic? ^ c i n r,— (Sage ben 9le(l nod^ I Sig6.--2tc^fo! 21 1 1 e«— 53ornjartg, vomto ! Si^K— Der3:if(^iflgebe(ft! 2ine»-.-S3raJjo, haoo 60 PECULIAR PHRASES AND PROVERBS. Peculiar Phrases and Proverbs. Sfllcr STnfang ijl fc^mer. mt^ ju feiner Scit. 5lttiu»lel i)l ungcfunb! Slrmut^ iH hint ©d^anbe. 5lu^ bem Olcgen in bie Xraufc fommen. SBeffer etwad, al^ nic^t^. !Dag mM ifl t^m ab^olb. ©a^ ^afenpanier ergrctfen. !Da^ 2Berf hU ben 3«eiflcr. Da3 itbertritft Mt^, 2)aa verfle^t ftc^ wn fclbjl. S)a^ SBort lag mtr auf ber Bimge. 2)em Qiele^rten i\i gut prebigen. 2)er ^un^er ill ber be)le ^oc^. 2)er Tltni^ benft, ®ott knft. 2)ur(^ ©i^aben wirb mM fluft, 2>ie Beit bringt Oiofen, ©lefe^ 3)apieT fdjictgt niv^t burc^. (£()rli(| wd^rt am Idngtlen. (£i(e mit 2Beile. ©in gebrannteg ^inb f(|cut bag dtmr. Sin Unglucf fommt nic attein. ©ine ®(^»albc mac^t fcinen ©ommcr. (£t ^at ®rittcn unb mad^t ^alenbcr. (£r ]^at mir ©tnw^ weip gentad^t. (Er :^at mir ben ©robforb ^8^r ge^angt. ©r ^at mir cine 9?afe gebrc^t. Sr ^at i^m ben §>elj gewafd^en. (£r ^at fld^ um^ ScBcn ge^rod^t (Sr ifl ber 2DeU gram, (£r ijl in jic loernatrt. Sr bejlanb mit ©d^anbe. ©r griff e« am unrcc^ten (£nbe (or fjleden) an* All beginnings are difficult. Everything in its season. Too much of one thing is good for nothing. Poverty is no disgrace. Delaying is not giving up. From the frying-pan into the fire. Better aught, than nought. He is no favorite of fortune. To betake one's self to one's heels, or, To take to one's heels. This leaves us nothing to desire. Tlie work recommends the master. That beats all. That is a matter of course. I had the word at my tongue's end. A word to the wise. A good stomach is the best sauce. Man proposes, and God disposes. Experience makes a man wise. Time and straw make medlera ripe. This paper does not blot. Honesty is the best policy. Slow but sure. A burnt child dreads the fire. Misfortunes never come singly. One swallow brings no summer. He is full of whims, and idle pra jects. He has told me a fib. He has put me on short allowance. He has duped me. He has given him a sound rating (or drubbing). He has made away with himself. He is out of humor with the world. He is fairly in love with her, or He dotes on her. He came off with disgrace. He commenced it at the wrong end. FSC0LIAB PHRASES AND PBOVEBBS. 61 Gr fc^ccrt Sltte6 uber einen ^amm. Sr fct)ueibet auf, (£r |d)lug mir^^ runb ab. ei- fa)(us undbie 3:^urc »or ber !Rafc i\u. ©r fie^t i^m auf bie finger. Gr |lecf t in 'Sd)ulbcn bii ubcr bic D^ren* (£r wivb ct3 Dlinc Swetfel t^un. Sr tft Gar uiil)t uad) mcinem ©inn. (^^ ill inir iibel. (£atft eu(^ fort. SRom tt>arb nic^t in cincm Sage gcJaut* ©Ic^ erfaltcn. <£id^ in ©ittcm Jjerlie^cn. ©ie ifi tm SB^ii^fpiel f(^lc(3|t ]6cfd^Iagen» ©te tft im gotten ©taat. ©ie fann e^ nid^t ixbtx^^ ^crj hingm. ©te fci^meic^elt. ©ic fled en bie ^opfe jufammcn. ©c^Iagen ©ie ftc^^g aui bem ©inn. Ucbung ma^t ben 3Heifler» llnb er auc^ nic^t. Unrec^t ®ut gcbei^t ni^t. Unfraut »erbirbt nid^t. Uu gingcn bie Seben^mittcl au«. Unter ttter STugen. Unfd^ulb unb etn gut ®c»i|fen ftnb ein fanfte« IRu^efiiTen. S3iel Carmen urn ni(|tg. SJiele ^anbe maiden 6alb cin Snb» aCer liigt, ber flie^lt. Ser jucrfl fommt, ma^lt jucrfl. 2Ber 9?i(^ta ttagt^ getoinnt Si^ici^te. 2Cie gewonncn, fo jcrronnen* 2Bic man'« treibt, fo gc^f^. 3Bie bie 5lrt>eit, fo ber Co^n. aSte ber ^txx, fo ber IDiener^ SBovon ba^ ^erj »oIl ijl ge^t ber 2)htnb iiber. To stand gaping. My honor is at stake. My hair stood on end. Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Idleness is the root of all eviL After the storm comes a calm. New brooms sweep clean. Necessity has no law. Get you gone. Rome was not built in a day. To catch cold. To fall in love with some one. She is a poor hand at whist She is in full dress. She can't find it in her heart to do it. She deals in fair words. They lay their heads together. Don't think of such a thing. Practice makes perfect. Nor he either. Ill gotten wealth never prospers. HI weeds grow apace. We fell short of provisions. Face to face. A good conscience is a soft pillow. Much ado about nothing. Many hands make quick work. Show me a liar and I'll show thee a thief. First come, first served. Nothing venture, nothing win. What is easily gotten is quickly gone, or, Lightly come, lightly gone. Do well and have well. As the labor, so the reward. Like master, like man. What the heart thinks, the mouth NOTES AND REFERENCES. NoTB —The References to the Complete Grammar are to the page ; in referring to the Elementary Orammar^ the ''Synopsis of German Grammar," constituting Part III, has been generally preferred. In exceptional cases, when direct reference to the page is made, p. stands before the figure. ^rinncrung. Page 9. — /, drtrtttcrung, f. s., because ending In ung, Gr. 79 ; El. 189 (2) 2, SBiUfl, pres. ind., 2d pers. sing, of wotten, Gr. 112 ; El. p. 224 3. U, Gr. 91 (f) & 180 (*); El. 53 ^. SBcitcr, adv. Compar. of »eit, Gr. 321, 141 ; El. 164; 26 6. <^\t%, imperat. 2d pers. Bing. of fe^en, Gr. 238, 34; El. p. 119 6. liag ®utc, adj. used as noun, Gr. 126, IV & 135 ; El. 22 7- ItCgt, pres. ind. 3d pers. sing. of liegen, Gr. 272; El. p. 130 S, ficme, imperat. 2d. pera. sing, of Icrncn, Gr. 161, II (2); El. 121 9. (^{M ; Germans generally use the def. art. before abstract nouns, Gr. 360, §. 3 (b) ; the ace. is used for the direct object, and corresponds as a case to the English directive after an active verb or after other prepositions than of or to ; Gr. 383, §. 19 ; El. p. 165 /O, ctfltcifcit, insep. v. comp. of gretfen, Gr. 249, 75 ; El. p. 129 ; and the prefix er, Gr. 285 ; El. 144 et seq. The verb lernen requires the infinitive following without ju, Gr. 426, §. 80 (b) ; El. 119 (2) //. ift, pres. ind. 3d pers. sing, of felrt, Gr. 97 ; EL p. 200 ; Do, render here present or within Teach. /5. flcl imperf. ind. 3d pers. sing, of fatten, Gr. 230, 15 ; El. p. 117. /S, in, prep. gov. dat. & ace. ; here governs the noun following in ace., because the verb in the clause indicates motion from one place (land) to another (river). Gr. 3t9, IV ; El. p. 139 /^. ciltcn, indef. art. m. ace. sing, to Slup, Gr. 37 ; El. p. 17 /S, ^M, m. s. ace. sing. Gr. 49 ; El. 9 (the ace. gov. by in, see 13) /6. titV, rel. pron. m. nom. sing., Gr. 200. II ; El. 80 (2) /7- ret^CltD, part of reipen used as adj., Gr. 161 (N. 3), & 126, I ; El. 120; 21 ; translate here smft /S. ttJor, Imperf. ind. 3d pers. sing, of fcin (sec 11), Or. 98, gov. at the end of the 64 NOTES AND EEFERENCES. Page 9. Notes 19-48. clause by rel. bcr, Gr. 200, II ; El. 82 /P. i^ifl^cr, m. s. formed from root of ftfd^en, which is probably derived from tylfc^, m. s. The suffix er forming numerous masc. verb nouns, denoting an actor, is also used in English, e, g., to read — reader/ to ride— rider, &c JSO^ Jjcr, see 16. 2/, Sc&Ctt, an inf. noun, Gr. 163 * ; EL p. 95, 1, N. Notice that the def. art. is here used instead of the English poss. pron. Gr. 893, §.36 ; El. 68 2JS. iljm, pers. pron. 3d pers. m. dat. sing., Gr. 179 ; EL 52. 2S. ttioQte, imperf. ind. pers. sing, of wotlen (see 2), here gov. at the end of the clause by the relat. ber (see 16)..../^.^. f^roitg ^tnetlt im- perf. ind. 3d pers. sing, of Sep. comp. v. ir. l^ineinfpringcn, Gr. 278 ; 269, 174 ; El. p. 138 ; p. 129 26. x\t\, 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of rufen, Gr. 231, 25 ; EL p. 117 26, dr, pers. pron. 8d pers. m. nom. sing. (see 22) 27» miit^tc, 8d pers. sing, imperf. subj. of mogen, Gr. 121 j 423 ; El. p. 221. Open this clause by tTmtt and render tnod)te by should; see Gr. 404 28, X)ic §ttntl instead of feme ^anb, see 21 29, i|m^ see 22 SO. f^radl, 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of fprec^en, Gr. 240 (49) ; El. p. 120 S/. inticm, subord. conj. Gr. 332 ; EL p. 150 S2. cr, see 26 SS. uittcrfanf, 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of sep. comp. v. ir. unterjlnfen, Gr. 269 (173) ; 291 ; EL p. 129 ; p. 137. Although this is a Sep. verb, tnbem (see 31) forbids the prefix to go last ; Gr. 278, IV; El. 141. S^, \^, pers. pron. 1st pers. nom. sing., Gr. 178 ; EL p. 107 S6. fann, 1st pers. sing. pres. ind. of fonnen, Gr. 109; EL p. 220 S6. cttranf, 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of insep. comp. v. n. ir. ertrlnfetu Gr. 269 (176) ; 285 ; El. p. 129 ; p. 144. 2)ic ©lumen ouf bcm ©rolJc bet Sungfrttu, S7» Sltttneit, f. s. nom. pL of ^lume, Gr, 58, 79, VI ; EL 12 S8, auf, prep. gov. both dat. and ace. ; here the noun following stands in the dative, because rest is indicated, Gr. 349, IV ; El. p. 139. . . . .S9. bcntf m. def. art. agreeing with ©rate in gender, number and case, Gr, 35 ; EL p. 165 4(9. ©rttbc, n, s. dat. sing. Gr. 49 ; EL 9. 4/. tstx, f. def. art. gen. sing., Gr. 35; EL 165; agreeing with Sungfrau, Gr. 368, §. 10 ; El. p. 165 4-2. 8trcuct imperat. 2d pers. plur. of l^reuen, Gr. 163; EL p. 206; notice that the subject of the im- perative is not expressed ; in English the pronoun ye must be supplied here (Gr. 423) 4S. nur ; render the words flreuet nurt you may continue to scatter, etc 44. ^lumcn^ ace. plur. obj. of flreuet, see , 9 and 37 4S. Quf, prep, (see 38), here governs the ace, because motion is indicated; see 13 46. fic» pers. pron. 3d pers. f. ace. sing., Gr. 179 ; EL 52 ; gov. by auf, see 45 47' W^X, pers. pron. 2d pers. nom. plur. ; Gr. 179 ; EL 52 ; agreeing with ^reunbinnen 48, Wii^CttilCtt, part, of tlii^en, used here as adj. (see 17), attributive to Mm. NOTES AND EEFERENCES. 66 Page 9. Notes 49-62. Page 10. Notes 1-13. Sfreunbinncn, Gr. 129 ; 431 ; El. 23 Jf.0. gfrcunllinncn, f. s. nom. plur. of greunbin (see 37 ; Gr. 58 ; El. 12) ; is formed from ^rcunb, Gr. 84, XIV; , El. 197 60. \\)X, see 47 o/. tiradjt:t, 2d pers. plur. imperf. ind. of bringcn, Gr. 243, 67; El. p. 120 62. jo, adv. intensifying and generalizing the speaker's or writer's opinion (that what he says or writes is undoubted and generally known) ; may here be rendered by since, viz : " since you formerly (fonjl, adv.) brought," etc 63, \^x, pers. pron. 3d pers. f. dat. sing. gov. by bracelet. Gr. 179 ; 381 (2) ; El. 52 6J^. bci, prep. gov. dat , Gr. 347 ; El. p. 63 66. SSic* gcnfeflcn (dat. plur. due to bci); n. s. (comp. of aBicge, f. s. and ^ejl, n. s.); Gr. 49, 2; 82; El. p. 109 66. \mx\, 3d pers. sing. pres. ind. of feiern (from ^eier, Lat./m NOTES AND REFERENCES. • 67 Page 10. Notes 40-64. Notice, that the prefix an stands last in the clause. Gr. 278, III ; El. 140 4^0. don, see 13 4/ @citc, f. s. dat. sing., see p. 9, 37. Translate »pn ber ©cite anblicfen, to sneer at 4-2. gegen, prep. gov. ace, Gr. 349 ; El. p. 112 Ji-S, i^rc, possess, pron. 3d pers. pi. ace. sing. fem. agreeing with the noun following, Gr. 187, II ; 188 ; El. p. 60 ^4.. gcdttltcn, past part, of ^alten, irr. v. ; Gr. 230, 17 ; El. p. 117. Notice, that in irreg. verbs the ending of past part, is en instead of t. Translate aid Bfflf" tft^C SBij^tigfeit 0c!|aitcn, as compared with their vnpm'tance 4o. unnit^^ed, adj. attrib. to X^ier, n. s. ace. sing. Its inflection is gov. by the indef. article preceding ; see Gr. 129, VI ; El. p. 23 46. foigtC, 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of folgcn, Gr. 164; El. p. 206 47. alSbaliJ l^inten nat^ render here " close hehind." 48. m\, see p. 9, 25 49. Ijcm, see p. 9, 39 60. .^untic, m. s. dat. sing., Gr. 50 ; El. p. 169. In German the noun representing an object, towards which an action is directed or aone, is put in the dative (Gr. 379, 18, 1) ; the noun would have been in the dative here notwith- standing, because the verb is intended to be supplemented by ju (at the end of the clause); jurufcn, to call to (Gr. 381). Without „i)X," however, the word rufen is generally considered active (transitive) and then properly governs the ace 6/. {vXt contraction of in, prep. gov. dat. and ace. (see p. 9, 38), and iJcm, def. art. m. dat. sing, (see p. 9, 39) ; Gr. 88 ; El. p. 140 SJS. frCUnDlit^ficn, adj. attrib. superl. deg., agreeing with the noun following, Gr. 139, III; 140, V and VI ; El. p. 54 63. 2^onc, m. s. dat. sing., see 51 64. fircil^cltf, see 46. 66. ItebfortCr see 46 66. il^n, pers. pron. 3d pers, ace. sing. m. (of er), Gr. 179 ; 383, §. 19 ; El. 183 ; 165 ; see p. 9, 34 67- DtCd, contraction of biefc^, dem. pron. n. ace. sing. ; Gr. 194 ; * El. p. 188.* 68. i^rc, see p. 9, 58 69. ©cftt^rtcn, m. s. nom. pi., Gr. 45 ; El. 8 60. fa^cn, 3d pers. pi. imperf. ind. of fet)en, Gr. 238, 34 ; El. p. 119. Notice, that ba, in this instance synonymous with al^ (Gr. 336), as a subord. conj. governs the verb at the end of the clause, and in the following makes the verb precede the subject ; Gr. 332, VII ; El. 174. 6/. murrten, 3d pers. pi. imperf ind., see 46 62. na^m, 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of irr. v. a. ne^men, Gr. 240, 47 ; El. p. 119-120. 63. fiift, refl. i)ers. pron., Gr. 182; El. 59. Sid^ nc^mcn, is not to be considered a refl. verb, as the word jid^ is not in the ace. and not the direct object of the action ; ftd), standing in the dative and con- veying the idea of " for himself, to himself," simply serves to indicate the direction and purpose of the action as expressed by ncl)mcn. There are, in German, many such phrases, which exactly resemble refl. verbs (the ace. and the dative of the refl. pronoun (fic^) being alike), but must not be confounded with them. E. g.'ftc^ jutrauen, fid) kwa^ren, etc 64. jur, contraction of lu, prep. gov. dat. (see p. 9, 54) and ber, def. 68 NOTES AND BEFEEENCES. Page 10. Notes 65-91. art. f. dat. sing, agreeing with ^rage, see 51 65. ^tage, f. s. dat. sing, (see p. 9, 37). Render ft(^ ein ^ix\ \\xt %x rel. pron. dat. sing, m., see p. 9, 16 ; the dative is required by the verb following nad) = at)men» see 50 Wo. fbnntiV 1st pers. sing, imperf. subj. of fonnen, see p. 9, 85. For reason, why the subj. is used in this sentence, see Gr. 403, §. 53 ; stands at the end because a relat. opens the clause, see p. 9, 18 W6. fo. adverb, conj., Gr. 330; 334; El. p. 149; 180 (2) W7. either with or without the eonj. bap; see Gr. 421, 72 , El. 122, N 8. Sa^f dem. pron. ace. sing, n., see Gr. 195 ; El. 76.. . . 9. tuiff for Wiffe (the use of an apostrophe for elided e is very frequent in German, especially in verse), 3d pers. sing. pres. subj. of wiffen, Gr. 243 (68); El. p. 120. For use of subj. compare 7 /O. \t\, see p. 10, 11 ; also Gr. 419, §. 70; El. 122, N //. 2)u, see p. 9, 3 f2. gttbft, 2d pers. sing, imperf. subj. of geben, Gr. 237, 29 ; El. 119 (for use of subj. com- pare 10) /S. i^ntf see p. 9, 22. Why dat. is used, see p. 10, 117 /^. fctnef indef. num. ace. pi. f., Gr. 155; El. 46 /5. ^robctt, f. s. ace. pi., see p. 9, 37. Being the direct object, it stands in the ace, see p. 10,117 /6. tourgteflf 2d pers. sing, imperf. subj., see 10 /7. Unf(^ulll, f. s. because ending in ulb, Gr. 79, VI, 2 ; El. 189 (2) ; why the art. precedes, see p. 9, 9 ; why in the ace., see 15. . . ./8. fut^tejlf see 16. /9. fiiuntCf 3d pers. sing, imperf. subj. of fonnem see 10, 105 20. ^id), pers. pron. 2d pers. ace. sing., Gr. 178 ; El. 52 2/. 2SC!l(^en» n. s. dim. of 2Beile; all diminutives are neuter in German, see p. 10, 84. 32. ft^toicg— fiiUf 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of comp. sep. irr. v. f^illfi^tDetgen (see p. 9, 24), Gr. 252 (102); El. p. 123 2S. bttltn. adverb. conj., causes the transposition of verb and pronoun fprac^ er; see p. 10, 106 24-. f|ircrf)ff 3d pers. sing. pres. subj. of fpred)en, see p. 9, 30, best rendered here in English by the present potential 26. tuiU^ 3d pers. sing. pres. ind. of tuollen, see p. 9, 2 26. mxXt see p. 10, 13 and 14 27. f^rit^tf see 1 28. 2)ogr see 8 29. ac^t' (see 9), poetical form for ad^te, Ist pers. sing. pres. ind. of ad^ten, see p. 9, 56. Render ba^ ad)t' i(^ nii^t, I pay no attention to, oi I don't care about that. 2)ic SJlauS unb bcr CHitic. so. ^cr SbtBCf substitute the indef. article for the German definite. ....^/. fc^Iiefr imp. ind. of fitlafen, Gr. 231, (21); El. p. 117; render here was sleeping S2. in» prep. gov. dat. and ace., here dative because rest is implied, see p. 9, 38; comp. p. 9, 18 S3. fctnet# NOTES AND REFERENCES. 71 Page 11. Notes 34-63. conj. possess, pron. dat. sing, fem., see p. 10, 77 ; agrees with the noun following. Gr. 38, IV; El. 60, N J^. untf prep, gov, ace, see p. 10, 42 36. iOHf see p. 10, 56 36. ^ct; translate urn i^n ^er, ahout him; Gr. 281, VIII ; El. 237 37- f|iieltc, see p. 10, 46. The verb here precedes the subject because an adverbial expression (urn i^n ^er) opens the clause ; Gr. 323, XII ; El. 170 38. luftige, adj. attrib. preceded by indef. art., see p. 10, 45 39. SJlJiufcf^Ottrf f. s. nom. sing. comp. of 5D?au^, f. s. (Gr. 58, 1, a ; El. 12), and past part, of fric^en, see 42. Gr. 260, 131 ; El. 126. A neuter verb expressing motion from one place to another requires in German the auxiliary fcin^ when the place or the manner of the motion is expressed. Gr. 295; El. 151 46". ficl Ijcrttbf 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind, of comp. sep. irr. v. n. ^erabfaEen ; see 23. Gr. 230, (15) ; El. p. 117. 47. ertoecFtC/ imperf. ind. of comp. insep. v. a. er^^wecfen, see p. 9, 10. 46*. Sbtoettf see p. 10, 59. In the ace. because the direct object in the clause ; see 15.. . . .4P. '^tx, see p. 9, 16 60. fic» see p. 9, 46. 6/. mxit prep. gov. dat., see p. 9, 54 63. QCtoaltiocitf adj. attrib. preceded by possess, pron., see p. 9, 48 63. fe^l^ieltr imp. ind. of comp. Sep. V. irr. a. feil^-^alten, (see p. 10, 44). The prefix (fell) is not detached here from the verb, because a relat. pron. opens the clause ; see p. 9, 33. «54. ^t^, interj. «Za«.' In imploring phrases like this translate: please 66. bot imperf. ind. of bitten, Gr. 272 ; El. p. 129 66. \t\, 2d pers. sing, imperat. of fein, see p. 10, 11 «57. iJOt^, adv.; here used elliptically to indicate entreaty and best rendered hy pray/.... 68. Qegftlf see p. 10, 42 69. mi^, pers. pron. 1st pers. ace. sing., see p. 9, 34 60. armcS (un6cl)CUteni)C§)^ adj. attrib. used without an article. Gr. 132; El. 24 6/. Ij^abc* 1st pers. sing. pres. ind. here used as an auxiliary to woffen, to form the perfect tense of the latter verb ; see p. 10, 93 62. %\i^, see 20 63. tooUen* auxil. of mode, Bee p. 9, 2. Notice, that the infin. is used here instead of the past part, usually required ; see Gr. 110, IV ; El. 135, Notice also the construction of the entire clause: ic6 \j dim. of Mavi^, see 22 SS. ^pxitt^crit v. n. irr. is here used for its comp. entfpringen, to escape S4. f8ci (prep, see p. 9, 54) ft(f| (refl, pron.), translate ^&y himself, inwardly 86. Itt^tc (see p. 10, 46). Precedes the subject (cr) on account of adverb, phrase (bet ftd^) opening the clause; see 24 and p. 10, 106 86. tXt see p. 9, 26 87- fpro^f see p. 9, 30 88. ^ttnffittr fcin ! render: grateful! It is an interjection repeating the main idea of the preceding sentence 89. S)a§» see 8 90. vxq^U, see p. 9, 27; for its peculiar use here, see Gr. 122, X ; El, 132. The pron. follows the verb (auxil.) because a wish is implied in the sentence. Gr. 476, §. 109 (b) ; El. 199 9/. t)0(^ is here elliptically used to indicate dedre and is best rendered by surely, or indeed (compare 57) 92. fi(^— BcjCUACltf v. refl. to prove itself. Gr. 302 ; El. 154. ...93. fbnntc, see 19. Why the subjunctive is used here, see p. 10, 105 94^. !urjC» adj. attrib. ace. sing, fern., see 00. Translate i!urje Beit barauf, a short time after 96. \\t\t NOTES AND REFERENCES, 73 Page 11. Notes DC-121. imperf. ind. of laufem Gr. 231, 23; El. 117 06. nomlil^f, indef. num. adj., Gr. 22J ; El. Ill 97- HarJ^f prep. gov. ace, see 34 98. fuM;'f see 37 99. fidj, dat. sing., see p. 10, 63 WO. Wxy^t, ace. pi. of 5iu^v f. s., see 39. Translate \vit]lt fiO) 9iu^c, \was\ gathering nuts /O/. ijortc precedes the noun, because an adverb. expression of time o[)en8 the clause. Gr. 177, 4; El. p. 255 (4) /6»^. c^, see p. 10, 110 /03. 2)crr demonst. pron,, see p. 10, 88; render here he /O^. '\\i, see p. 1), 11 /06. ging, imperf. ind. of gc^cn, see p. 10, 29. The prep. i;u standing at the end of the clause is here part of the verb, hence the verb is the comp. sep. irr. v. n. ju^ge^cn, to go towards, see p. 9, 24. Notice also, that the noun standing between the simple verb and the particle is governed in the dative by the particle (ju) ; see p. 10,S(j..../OO. tHO here stands for ijon tt)0; wlieuce /07- ©cbriiUCf usually ©chiiC /OS. j^eriibcrtbittc. Notice, that the prefix (itself a compound : |)cr and iibcr) is not separated hero from the simple verb, although in the imperf, see 53. /09. fanUf imperf. ind. of ftnbenr see 7 //O. ^Ut^i, n. s. dat. sing. (gov. by prep, son) of gje^. Gr. 49, 1 ; El. 9 ///. umfdslunocil, past part, of um^fc^lingcn, v. a. irr. sep. and inscp., sec Gr. 291 ; El. 150. //> poetically used here to express an infinitely great number 29. iJit^tcr, n. s. nom. pi. of lCid)t. This noun is regularly inflected in the sing, (see p. 11, 110), but in the plural it has two endings, both e and cr. Gr. 84; El. 194 30. ||ct — Scrcitct, see p. 10, 81 and 32 3/. 2)ic 3DcifCf etc. In this and the following line supply the words tt)cr ^at of the preceding line. Notice, that fat is here serving to form three perf tenses. See p. 10, 15 32. ^ct gutf, adj. attrib., see p. 10, 17 33. Droben, contract, of ba (r), (Gr. 319 ; 202, IX, note), and obcn, adv. At present the simple adv. okn is generally used 34^. i)ir i)?in HIciD, see p. 10, 117; p. 9, 9 36. QftCObcn (forms porf. with auxil. feat), past part, of Jt>ekn, v. irr. Gr. 257, (109) ; El. p. 125 36. fc^Iaft from fd}(afcn. Gr. 231, (21); El. p. 117 37. <2o fi^Iumm'rc l)cnn in ^rieJJcn/ tlierefore let thy slumbers he undisturbed. The word bcnn is used here as conj. of cause. See Gr. 335, note 1 38. %xk^tXi, see Gr. 42, V ; El. 7 (II) 39. 2Jiii«)cn, adj. used as noun, see p. 9, 4^0. ncucr ilvaft, — ncucm l{ii}t, adj. attrib. without article (see p. 11, 60), gov. in dat. by prep. ju. Compare p. 9, 54 4/. ixi i)C^ i^eiljCi^ SBc^Clt, in the breezes of Spring; l'en^e^J, gen. sing, of i?cn;, m. s. used poetically for iyviil)Un3, see 13 ; com- pare p. 10, 25 ; ^X^cbcn, inf. noun, see p. 9, 21 42. SSitfi, 2d pers. sing. pres. ind. of rjcrbcn, Gr. 104 ; El. 202 ; here used as auxil. to fonn fut. Gr. 92, II; El. p. 96, VII, 2 43. gum Scbcn (p. 10, 113); substantive, infinitives require in CUnmaii the def. art. (Gr. 361, c) ; required here also by the prep. (Gr. 362, j) 44. tounlicrbor, here used as adv. to cr|lcl)cii, see p. 11. 80 46. fcfjtuclit IjcrntcJlcr, 3d pers. sing. pres. ind. of {)crnic^erfif)>ycl-cn, sep. v. comp. of fecrnicbcr (itself comp. of ^er, see p. 11, 36 an.l 7-^, and uicbcr) and fi)n)ebetv v. n. see p. 9, 24 76 NOTES AND EEFEEENCES. Page 12. Notes 4«-4§. Page 13. Notes 1-1 T. Jj.6. tmnn, adv. of time ; it is frequently thougli incorrectly used as conj., see Gr. 335, note 1, and compare 37 47. 93Iumcnfrttn3r comp. of S3lume (see p. 9, 37 and 55), and ilranj, m. s. Notice, that many nouns, connected in English hy the prep, of, are rendered in German \ij compound nouns, omitimg the prej), altogether 4-8, im, contr. from in (prep. gov. dat. and ace, see p. 9, 13) and bcm. Compare also p. 9, 21. ^cr SottJC iinb bcr §afc. Page 13. — /. UJitttJtgtCf imp. ind. of njurbigen, v. a. which (like the adj. JDitrbtg [Gr. 373, §. 12, 1]) governs the indirect object in the gen., i. e., feiner noi^erert (adj. comparative of nat)C, attrib. to, and consequently agreeing with, 33efanntfc^aft). ^e!anntfc^aft ; translate favored — ^witli a familiar acquaintance 2. abcr — J)cnn> translate pray ! . .. .3. cud)f pers. pron. 2d pers. pi. ace. (Gr. 179 ; El. 52), because direct object of ioerjagen; seep. 11, 15 4. I^btoen stands here in apposition to the preceding word 6. elcnticr/ Irfil^enJJcr §o!)n» see p. 10, 45 6*. tJCrjafien, insep. comp. (of prefix ijcr [meaning away, off, etc.] and fagett), see p. 12, 24 7- fttlllt^ 3d pers. sing. pres. indie, of founen (see p. 9, 35), gov. at the end of the clause by conj. ba^. Gr. 332, VI and VII ; El. 174 8. 5tUcrtltng§/ adv. opening the clause, causes the transposi- tion of verb and pronoun. Gr. 477, 4; El. p. 255 (4) 9. gro^CIt %^\tXt, apposition to K)lr; see 4 W. ViXl^i pers. pron. 1st pers. pi. dat. (see p. 9, 34), gov. by ttlt/ see p. 11, 5. tKlt ftd) ^aben (literally to have upon one's self), i. e., to have, possess (used principally of qualities, habits, etc.) //. tUtrfi iitt — J^Cptt l^abetl; 2d pers. sing, second fut. ind. of pren. Gr. 162, IV ; 165 ; El. 123. In German a supposition, which the speaker takes to be a fact, may be expressed either by the pres. or perf. accompanied by an adverb, phrase bearing an assumption or sup- position, or by either of the future tenses simply. E. g., egrette /7. fiirc^tcitf here used as reflex, v. t»ir furd)ten un^, Gr. 303; El. 154 sq. Notice, that in English the reflex, sense of fii^ furd)ten is not specially conveyed ; compare Gr. 305, I ; El. p. 203. NOTES AND REFERENCES. 77 Page 13. Notes 1§-:J8. GJottcg 95atcrtrcuc. 78. ©Ottc^f ^en. sinff. of ®ott, Gr. 68, IV ; El. 15 (IV) W. S)tttcr= trcue (comp. of ^'ater, m. s. and Sircuc, f, s.), i. e., 'paternal faitJtfulness, or Tx'tter rendered bere paternal care, since %xmt stands here instead of oL>n3C or B-uvforgc :^0. m '\% there is. Gr. 100, II; El. lo9. m ifl tcin '2JJviuvJd}cn |o iuiig unb flein, (gj ^at — . A peculiarly idiomatic plirase. which, though being perfectly correct, is not frequently used. Trans- late : " there is no mouse so young and small, but it has (or that has not) its dear little mother" The same idiom is found in a well-known German proverb, viz. : „(£ij t|l 9iid)t»3 fo fein gefponnen {spun means here planned), SjJ fommt enblid) aw tie ©onncn" (obsolete ace. sing, of (Sonne). 2/, ^Q0, demonst, pron. referring to 3)iutterlein, see p. 11, 8 22. mani^C^f indef. num. Gr. 15.") ; El. 46 2S. i^riimc^Clt. Notice, that nouns ending in c, drop this letter before the dim. suffix. Gr, 77, f ; El. 112 2Z-. SBrot. Notice the expression .iirumd)en S3rot. In German a noun denotinor a whole (if not accompanied by an adjective or some other qualifying Avord) is put in the same case as the noun de- noting a part. (Gr. 869, 2) 2S.'m ifJ fcin— (5^ ^ot, see 20 26. ta, adverb, conj., see p. 10, 34 27- m ijl fcin— S^ filttictf see 20 28. ^JaUOHf poetically for tDOdOlt; i. e., i^on wcld^em, viz. S3lum(^cn and Slatt. The use of an apparently demonst. form instead of the relative proper is a characteristic feature of the German language. Compare p. 9, 16, etc 29. '\\^\, 3d pers. sing. pres. ind. of cffcn, v. ira*. Gr. 237, (27); El. p. 119. Sffcn— i?on, to eat of—, to feed on or upon. The conj. unb which should follow is poetically omitted 30, Cigenci^ from eic^cn, Gr. 133, VIII ; El. 175 * ,3/. %\^i\\, both m. and n. s. without change of signification ; Gr. 84, XII ; El. 195 S2. ifl bcftcUt for bci^ellt worben i|l, 3d pers. sing. perf. ind. passive of kftcllem The past part. tr»crbcn is often omitted in the perf. and plup. tenses of the passive voice in German, and the sentence then simyjly alludes to the state (bc|le(It) in which the subject (Xt)cil) happens to be, without refer- ence to any agent. Compare Gr. 173 ; III ; El. p. 208, *. The inversion i|l kfiellt for k|Mt ill (auxil. gov. at the end by relat. pron. bent) is a poetical license not admissible in prose o3. ^'ariimeHf somewhat antiquated form (now only used in poetry) for bvuin, i. e. n^crin, i. e. in Ifcldjci*, \iz. ^aud. X)artnnen is best rendered hero by ichere 34-. gc^t Cin lint) aVL§, poetical for etnoieM unb au^ge()t. This line contains a zeug- ma, since the word barinncn, though properly Iwhmging to ftcin cin only, extends also to (i^c!)t) au^ 3o. lJa'^» demonst. pron., see 11, 8 36. 9inc?» indef. pron. gee p. 10. 91, used here as a noun. Gr. 156, II ; El. 47. 37- bcl)Qd)t» past part, of comp. v. irr. and refl. bcbcnfcn, Gr. 242, (61); El. p. 120. Compare p. 10, 32 38. $cr lic6c ©ott- Children use 78 NOTES AND REFEEENCE3. Page 13. Notes :J9, 40. Page 14. Notes 1-25. the adj. Itefe when mentioning the name of God. Compare the French " Le hon Dieu." S9. fictjt from fel)en, see p. 10, 60 4^0. Jiet 9(ac0 mat^t — iJcr for^t, correlat. pronouns, the relative preceding the demon- Btrative. Gr. 203 ; El. 93. Page 14, — /. ©ulcnf^tcgcl (literally Owls' Mirror), a name of fiction denoting a comical person and the hero of many practical jokes in popu- lar legends, like Punch in England, Harlequin and Policinello in France and Italy 2. ging from gc^en, p. 11, 105 S. einc0 2^O0C0, adverb. expression. In German, when the time is indefinite, the gen. of nouns is frequently used instead of adverbs of time, Gr. 318, III ; compare 385, §. 24; El. 146, III 4. iibcr %t\^ gefjcn, to cross {walk across) the fields. Notice the absence of the article after the prep, iiber. Com- pare Gr. 362, j. with 363, §. 4 6. i^m, dat., see p. 9, 22, gov. by be^ gegnen, which verb belongs to a class requiring the direct object in the dat. (Gr. 380) 6. iiScr iDic @cbu^r, abverb. phrase, heyond propriety or measure, unreasonably 7. antvic6> from antreiben, irr. sap. comp, of prefix on (Gr. 279, 2 ; El. 139), and tretkn; Gr. 252. (105) ; El. p. 123. Translate here to run 8 ilanttf see p. 9, 85 9. tm SJorbctiagcilf {while) hurrying past; about the contraction see p. 12, 47; about the infin. noun, p. 9, 21 /O. tuo^I (see p. 11, 124) XiQ^, translate prob- ably //. tjor 5lben5f compare 4 /2. juiv see p. 10, 64 fS. i^r» antiquated form of address instead of ©ie or !Du. Gr. 180 *; El. 53. /4. ift tUO^l (see p. 11, 124) m^i l\\X%, The popular phrase „mii)t flug (or gefii)cit) fein," means to be crazy, to be out of one's wits. In German as in other languages an idea is often more forcibly expressed by the negation of its opposite instead of a simple positive assertion, e. g. md)t fcl)Iec^t, X[\6)X iikl, i. e., fc^r gut fS. bot^tc from benfen, see p. 13, 37 /6. tricb — ixn, see 7 /7- nur nO!^ tnc^rr translate only the more {faster) f8. @C0Ctt 5l6enl3, see 11 /9. font— juriirf, Gr. 240, (59); El. p. 120 20. tjcmfclbcnf demonst. pron. see p. 11, 41 2/. SScgC, m. s. Gr. 49; El. 9 22. trof— am Gr. 240, (54); El. p. 120. Compare p. 10, 39 2S. gcbro^cn^ past part of brcc^en, Gr. 239, (38) ; El. p. 119. The verb being used as a neuter here, is conju- gated with fein; (roar serves to form the pluperf. tense) ; compare p. 11, 45. Translate tuar i^Rl gcbtOl^cn; ^e had broken (See Gr. 382,5) 24^. ntU^tf; see p. 10, 116 26. ftt^ bcquctticn, refl. v. Gr. 304 ; El. p. 262. Notice that this infin. is not preceded by p. Gr. 426, §. 30 a ; El. 119, N. (1). The following infinitives (Meikn and ^ul^ringcn), however, depend- ing upon tequcmen, demand the prep. Gr. 427, §. 81 ; El. p. 93, Obs. I, N. NOTES AND EEFERENCES. 70 Page 14. Notes 26-49. .i..26. jujubrinnt^n from ju'&nngen (see p. 9, 51), compare p. 10, 112. The second ju is the particle belonging to the iufin., as explained in 25 ; i)ic l!Kad)t is direct object of jubringcu; translate to pass tlie night 27- CU^f antiquated form of address to one persjn. See p. 18, 3 28. f^radj» see p. 9, 30 20. mii^tctf of muffeu, see p. 10, IIC, her.; gov. at the end of the clause and in the subj. by Uo^; compare p. 11, 7. SO. tuotttctf of wcUcn, see p. 9, 2, here gov. at the end of the clause, and in the subj. by lx»enn; compare 29. It is an idiomatic peculiarity of the German language, that after the auxil. verbs the in fin. or past part, governed by them is either altogether omitted or, if the verb bo a comp., is represented only by the preposition detached from the verb omitted, e. g., ic^ muB fort (gc^en)^ / must go ; cr n?tU nad) ^t^aufc G^e^cn), he wUl go home; cr barf ntit (fommen), he may come along, etc. So also here: ,,irtcun \^x nod) ^ur ©tabt (fasten or fommcu) woUtct,'' '' if you wished to reach the city." Such omissions are, however, inelegant. JJricbri^ SBil^clm I. unb bcr ^anbibat* Sf. Sricbritfj SBilftcIm Iw read bcr erftc, nom. sincr. Gr. 150, II; El. 40 32. aSil^cIni I. (ace. because direct object of 6at) read 2Bil^ l^clm Den (Srficn; see 31 S3, bon ^rcu^cu. Notice the use of uon before nouns denoting rank or title (Qr. 8G9. 4 a) S4-. nxn, prep. gov. ace, see p. 10, 42, translate for S/il. fcat. See p. 11, 55 56. niO0 fiir Ctn, interrog. pron. Gr. 208 ; 209, (4) ; El. 94 ; 98, IV 57. tudrCf imperf. subj. of fcin, see p. 9, 11. In oblique narration after the verb fragcn (see p. 11, 7 and p. 14, 30) the imperf. subj. is used in German, in English the imperf. ind. is used instead. Gr. 421, §. 72 58. Sctlincr; appellations derived from the names of places are formed like national appellations. Gr. 73, VI ; El. 19 SO. @e^(:)t (i()i), 2d pers. plur. imperat. of 3cl)cu, see p. 10, 29, and p. 11, 77 ^O. (au* gen nit^tg* translate are good for nothing. 9?ld)t^, indef. pron. is in Gor- man often used for the adv. nid)t ^/. C^Jo. abbreviation of (r:urc; Gr. 188 * ; El. p. 180 *. . . . 4-2. dcrjcirjcu, Gr. 252, (107) ; El. p. 123 ; taertiea mir ber^etiien. Tities like ©n). SJiajcilat, etc., used in polite address, anal- ogous to (Sic, usually govern the verb in the 3d pers. plur. As to use of future, compare p. 13. 11 Z^S. c8 f^iebt (compare p. 13, 20); Gr. 312, II; El. 159, 2 4-4-. ptc, good ones. In German the ter- mination of the adj. is a substitute for the pronoun one or ones. Compare; Gr. 220, VI ; El. 115 46. iJttruntriV adv. comp, of ba and untcr, with a euphonic r inserted ; see p. 12, 33 40'. fclfifJ, refl. pers. pron. Gr. 182, VI ; El. 59, 3 47. fcnnr, Gr. 242, (62) ; El. p. 120 48. Uenn, Bee p. 13, 2 40. Jjer Jtucitc bin \^. Notice the construction of this 80 WOTES AND EEFERBNOi!^. Page 14. Notes 50-5T. Page 15. Notes 1-11. clause. In German, if the predicate (here bcr jtt?ette) opens a clause, tbe copula (here Mn) precedes the subject (here id)). Compare Gtr. 478, Note. El. p. 251, Note oO. ubcVt prep. gov. dat. and ace. see p. 9, 13. 2)cr gctrcue Untcrt^an. S/. htu This prep, is used when speaking of battle-fields. (Gr. 454, IV, 8) S^. tltU imperf. of reiteu, Gr. 249, (81j ; El. p. 123 SS. Uic B^mhtn, prop, noun, Gr. 73, VII ; El. 20 -5^. ouf, (ren- der here at), prep. gov. here the ace. (Diefe^ 9)fcrb) because the verb (f(^offen) expresses motion ; see p. 9, 12 and 9, 88 oS. tOtii)C§, relat. pron., see p. 11, 180 S6. fii)— unt^rfl^tcB* imperf. ind. of unterfc^ei* feen, V. a. and (here) refl. irr. insep. comp. (s33 p. 13, 15). Gr. 251, (98) ; El. p. 123 57. fiDoffCtt from f^iepcn. Gr. 261 (134) ; El. p. 126 SS. batr see 35. Page 15. — /. 2)30 fcinigc (viz. 5)ferb), absol. poss. pron. Notice the use of the def. art. supplied in English by the word ow;i. Gr. 187, III ; 189 ; El. 60 (2), 67 3. ju tj;rtaufl^:n, infin. with jii, see p. 14, 26 «?. SSortnaaae, Uo| — :mvc. Nouns expressing the same ideas as the verbs fagen, ^el}aupten, er^ci^len, fra3m(see p. 14, 37) have in German the same effects as those verbs, and govern the verb, with or without conj. ba§, in the imperf. subj. (in English use the imperf. ind.) requir- ing it at the end of the clause. Here the noun S5j?vaunb is, in meaning, equivalent to kl^aujJten S. I^auith adv. conj. opening the clause causes the transposition of subject and verb, sje p. 10, 34 S. ciniflC (indef! num. Gr. 155 ; El. 46) ; ^lugcitblirfri ace. pi. The ace. is often used, in place of an adv. of time, to denote a particular point or dura- tion of time (Gr. 385, §. 24, while the gen. often serves to express in- definite time (Gr. 377, 3). Compare p. 14, 3 &. ^attc — lieflicficn* pluperf. ind. of kflcigen, irr. insep. comp. Gr. 252, (104) ; El. p. 123. Notice that the insep. verbs always form their past part, without ge ; see p. 10, 32 7. fo, adverb, conj. very frequently used to open sen- /tences expressing a consequence of the preceding one, and often best omitted in translation. Render here whmi. Compare p. 10, 106; Gr. 329, IV ; 479, 2 (c) ; El. 173 ; p. 257, 2 (c) 8. ttiurtie (see p. 12, 6) getblltet imperf ind. passive. Gr. 171 ; El. p. 209 ,9. tja^l fiffeplli notice defin. art. (compare p. 9, 21). fO. Soliittttn'g 6Jcrci)tiflfcih se3 p. 10, 25 //. 23rSfrr?i)^r, m. s. from 6c'|errf4)cu (derived in tarn from •'pcrri m, s). About tlia NOTES AND REFERENCES. 81 Page fi5. Notes 12-:{2. termination cr see p. 9, 19 72. Dcr Xlirfcit; gen. pi. see p. 14, 5)3. 73. Dcr» see p. 9, IG and 18 /4. grcnjciilojcil; adj. aitrib. to e^rc(eiJi, (comp. of ©ren^e [©ranjc], f. s. and suffix lo^, which conveys the idea of idthout, free fr&m, etc., perfectly analogous to the English suffix less, e. g. frcunblojJ, friendless), see p. 9, 48 /o. (S^rgcij/ m. s. comp. of g^re, f. s. and ®eij, ni. s. see p. 9, 55 /6. bcfap, imp. ind. of befi^en, irr. comp. insep. Gr. 272 (192) ; EL p. 130 ; compare p. 10, 32 //. priff— an» imperf. of ancireifcn, irr. sep. comp. see p. 14, 16. Gr. 279, (2) ; El. 139 /8. nafjm— Cin; from eimicf^men, see 17 ; and p. 10, 62 /9, tUClt^C^f neuter because referring to aielgrab, which, like all names of cities in German, is neuter; in the ace. here because direct object of be* trac^tete. See p. 9, 9. For absence of art. see Gr. 72, I ; El. 16 20. moitf indef. pron. (subj. of this clause). Notice, that the verb is in the sin^f. Gr. 216, II; El. 107. Notice also, that man occurs only in the nom. sing 2/. al3 l»ic SBormoucr* appos. to and agreeing with it>e(d)c^, 19 22. 6l^nficill|eitf fem. because of its termination ^cit Gr. 79, VI, 2; El. 189 (2) 23. ^attc— Uoflcillict. pluperf. of Uoflcnbcn, comp. insep. Gr. 285 (10) ; El. 145 24-. ftll)— nol)tc» imperf. ind. of fid) nal)cn (na^ern), derived from adj. naf*(e), governs the dative. Gr. 305 ; El. p. 262. — 26. i)Q§— tucngcnommcii fatten* pluperf. subj. of wepcfimen, irr. sep. comp. of prefix rocg {away), Gr. 280 (22) ; El. 139, and ncl)mcn, see p. 10, 62. Notice the position of the particle jjc (compare p. 10, 112) and see for reason why the auxil. verb is in the subj. and at the end of the clause, p. 15, 3 (Gr. 419, §. 70, 8) 26. il|r— il)r ^k\). The first i^r pers. pron. 3d pers. fem dat. sing, is used here to express personal harm or damage. The English would use a possess, pron., and it is conse- quently to be omitted in translation, see p. 14, 23 (Gr. 382, 5). The second tf)r is the conj. possess, pron. agreeing with 2Jic^; see p. 9, 58. 27' ft)Cll^C0» gender determined by ^Mc^, which is neuter because a collective noun. Gr. 80, VII, 4 ; El. 190 (4). Compare 19 28. OUi^mad)tc» imperf. subj. of sep. comp. au5^inad)en, see 17; in the subj. and at the end of clause because gov. by flagte, bap, see 25 ; compare alsf P- 9, 33 29. miiffct/ 2d pers. plur. pres. ind. of miiiTcn, see p. 10, 116 . . . .30. 0cIe0Cll Ijabcn, infin. perf. act. of Ilcc?en, (Gr. 272 (190) ; El. p 130); governed by miiiTct 3/. Oiiiubcr, m. s. derived from raubcii' 8«^e 11 32. fbnucilf 2d pors. plur. perf ind. of foimcn, see p. 9, 35. Notice, that the auxil. verbs of mode in compound tenses, when connected with the infin. of another verb, are required to be in the infinitive present instead of the usual past part. Compare p. 11, 63. The English verb can, being defective, furnishes no equivalent for the corajwund tenses of fiinucn, which consequently have to be rendered by such phrases, as to he able to, t) s>ircccd in, etc., or may frequently be entirely omitted in translation, as in this instance : ^abt nic^t ^ijrm NOTES AND RU'Er.SNCES. Page 15. Notes 33-59. fonneitr have not heard 3S. \^]\k\, see p. 11> 31 3Ja. gnoDigcr ^tXXi gracious lord, an humbJe address used by servants aud low people towards their superiors 36. gcfr^al)' imperf. of geftl)el)en. Gr. 2J7, (31) and Note 1 ; El. p. 119 36. (£ure ^O^cit, see p. 14, 41. Contrary to custom, here constructed with the sing, of the verb 37- 0Cmeinc for ttUgemcillC 38. ^tdjcrt)Cit, see 22 39. tUttlfttef 3d pers. sing. imperf. subj. gov. by bap ; see 8 4^0. fo iirciji fic (i. e. bicfe SRcbe) audj toarf render notwithstanding {in spite of) its boldness, or though it (i. e. thie speech) was bold, ©o — auc^ is here used instead of rale ayx&i, subord. conj. Gr. 332, VI ; El. 174. The German idiom has a tendency to use forms of a demonstrative (here fo) rather than of a relative character (here n>ie). Compare p. 13, 28 4/ evfc^tc from crfe^en, insep. comp. see p. 9, 10 and 36 42. Quf einc — SBcifCf translate in a — manner or way 43. t^tUi rel. pron. see p. 9, 16. ^ic S3omIic. 44. Ilorl XII, read ^axl bcr StlJOlftc, subject of the clause, and therefore in the nom 46. ^tX, see 43 46. ficIOQCrt tuar^ render was BEING besieged. This is not the imperf. ind. passive (belagert tourtie or tuari)), but the simple imperf. of fctn used with belagert as a predica- tive adjective. A distinct discrimination is to be made in German between fcin with a past part., and the simple passive voice formed by the auxil. iperben; while the latter denotes the state, in which the subject is placed by an agent, the former simply alludes to the state, in which the subject happens to be, without the least reference to any agent. Gr. 173, III, and N. ; El. p. 208.*. ...47. tliftirtc, imperf. of biftircn. Verbs terminating in ireit (not ieren) have been taken from the Latin or French, e. g. abbiren, to add, rajiren, to shave, ntarfi^iren, to march, etc 48. llOd^, prep. gov. dat. denotes motion, tendency or destination toward a place, where the English use for or to (Gr. 464, 1) 40. ftcl, see p. 9,12 60. ft^lutj — ilurrfjf 3d pers. sing, imperf. ind. of burd)fi$la9cn, V. a. and n. irr. both sep. and insep., comp. of prep. bur(^ (Gr. 349 ; El. p. 112) and fv!}(a9en (Gr. 229, 6 ; El. p. 116). Notice, that the verb and the prep, are here used in their natural sense, not metaphorically, and are consequently separable. Gr. 291 ; El. 150 6/. ^ctflltanq from jerfprini^cn, insep. comp. See p. 9, 24 ; and for meaning of jcr, p. 11, 128. . o . .62. nc&cn, prep. gov. dat. and ace. Gr. 349 ; El. p. 112 63, ^PrflOH' from 'jcrflteoien, comp. of in (see 51) and fitegcn. Gr. 260 (125); El. p. 126 .54. in (^tilrfc^ to pieces 66. ^arin, for ittorin, see p. 13, 33 .56. tuor — anc|e6rttcl;t» see 40. Notice position of prefix on: in anc^clmutt (see 25), and compare p. 9, 51 .57. ni(M^. see p. 14, 40. ....68. i;tt from Icibctw Gr. 240 (78) ; El. p. 123 69. floo, see 53. NOTES AND EEFERENCES. 83 Page 15. iNOx'^b oO-TT. Page 16. Notes 1-16. , . ,,60, IcincSf see p. 11, 14 ; about the termination compare p. 14, 44. 6/, tJeffcn, gen. sing. n. of weld>cr (see p. 11, 130) 6J^, Set, render here at 6S. |tanD, see p. 10, 1 64.. ciltjufiurjcn, gov. by the follow'iug verb ; about position of ju compare p. 10, 112 66. f^icn, imperf. of fc^einen. Gr. 251 (99); El. p. 123 66. ftcl, trans- position of noun and verb due to adverb, phrase (i8et bcm i^natt, etc.) opening the clause. Gr. 445, §. 96, N. 1 ; El. 170. Instead of possess. pron. translate : fiel tie i^cber bem ©efretar au<3 ber -^anb, the pen dropped from the hand of the secretary, or better : the secretary dropped his pen 67. %i\\t, for gicbt. 68. tJcnitf see p. 12, 36 ; translate here now 69. fogtc, see p. 10, 46 70. mii, prep. gov. dat., see p. 9, 54 7/- rut)iocr, adj. attrib. to Wlkm (f. s., see p. 9, 37) without article. See p. 11, 60. In English supply the indef. article : with a quiet demeanor, or with perfect composure 7^- \\^X, see p. 14, 13. 73. liefer, see p. 10, 80 74' i)ic SBortc crluicDcrn, translate utter 76. ju fd-aff.n (or ju t^un) ^abcn, i. e. to have to do {with), 76. cudj, see 72 77- ^tx\iXd fort, 2d pers. pi. (supply subject i^r) iinxjerat. of fortfa^rcn, sop. comp. of adv. fort and fasten. Gr, 229, 2 ; El. p. 116. Translate continue (writing)! Sotf manti. Page 16. — /. ©clcljrtcr, adj. used as noun, see p. 9, 6 JS. fid) fclbft, reflex, pers. pron. m. dat sing. gov. by son. Gr. 182, VI ; El. 59. Compare p. 10,63 3, ^d) ^abc midj— gcgrd^mt/ pers. sing, i^erf. ind. of \\^ grdmcn, see p. 13, 17 4, SBiUcttCartiofeit (see p. 10, 72), translate here mufortune, or dignity S. c§ tno^tc (see p. 9, 27) mil* 0U(^ f'J fi)limm (adv.) gc^cn, oie t^ lOOUtc, render Iiowever badly I fund, or however adverse {my) circumstances {were). Here we have an im- personal phrase (e^ gc^t wir fd)limni) analogous to e^ i]! mix, etc. Gr. 313 ; El. 160. This is a formation frequently used, e. g. in the salutation : 2Bic gc^t e^ 3^ncn? Roio do you do?—aU, subord. conj. correlative to fo. Gr. 333, II, 2 ; 335, 2 ; El. 177 (2) ; 180 {2).... 6. oilfecr, translate except ; here used as conj. since as a prep, it would govern the dat. Gr. 347 ; El. 63 7. tin ein^i(\C§ 9)iQl, J^cc. because denoting a particular occasion ; see p. 15, 5. . . .<9. aU, translate here ichen 9. ^ll (foufeil), JU is re- quired before the infin. after nouns, which are in English followed by to with the infin. Gr. 427, ^.81, b. .../O. ^im, see p. 11, 105. ...//. Irof, see p. 14, 22 /^. OTcitfdlfn, ace, see p. 10. 9 /S. fofj, see p. 10,60 /4. tear id!, trans',)Osition due to aid in preceding clause; /6. tJanft?. rroverns the dat. (mcincm ®ott); see p. 14, 5. No- tice tha+ in German the adv. (^rrUicf^) is ]>laced after the verb (Gr. 444, §.95), and eVen after the object /6. Uicnn fj^Ott (i. e. rocnn 84 NOTES AND RKPERLNCES. Page 16. Notes 17-46. and)), subord. codj. translate although //. Uilgludiitj/f, see p. 10, 75. /S» todxc — gCQangen (past part, of gc^en* see p. 10, 29), stands for iuurbe gegangen fein. The subj. of the imperf. and pluperf, in German are usually substituted for the longer forms of the conditionals proper (Gr. 416, Rem.). For use of auxil. [ein (t»are) see p. 14, 23, and p. 11, 45. /O. ja (see p. 9, 52) gemc, obsolete form for gem, irreg- adv. Gr. 821 ; El. 166 ^O. Oefjct J)tr'0 iibcl. The conj. hlCttn may be omit- ted in conditional and concessive sentences, and the sentence or clause be opened by the verb. Gr. 422, §. 75 ; 477, c; El. 199, 1. For mean- ing of the phrase see 5 ^/, fc||rc, imperat, of fc^ren, see p. 9, 8. ^^. jum (see p. 10, 113) ©utcn, see p. 9, 6 ^S. toic, relat. conj., Gr. 339 ; El. 175 ^^. .^crjcn. Gr. 55, VII, N. ; El. p. 171 (II) ^J. Die Stugcitf def. art. instead of possess, pron,, see p. 9, 21 here without def. art. (see p. 12, 15) because as a title simply calculated to give the idea of the season disconnectedly SO. flic^t «r- 360 (126) ; El. p. 126 S/. jieljt Gfr- 261 (144) ; El. p. 126. S^. i]V§, i. e. i|"t e^, impersonal phrase. Gr. 311, I; El. 158 ; com- pare also 5 SS. nm mid) Ijen see p. 11, 34 and 36 S4^. fd^murf* io§t see p. 15,14; supply ftnb SS. X^ol unll JlSei^cn stand here without article because used collectively to express one idea (viz., the country). (Gr. c63, 4.) SO. ift Ittltpfl crfiorbeit, perf. of erftorOcn, insep. comp. of crl^erben, Gr. 240 (53) ; El, p. 120 ; langjl, superl. of lang (see p. 10, 52) used as an adverb.. ...ST- SSaUttt unlJ (StrttUt^, see 35 ; it appears from the sing, of the verb (fd)cint), that only one idea (viz., all plants) is expressed by both words. . . .S^. 9lorl)'0 for 9?orbc^, gen. sing. of 9?Drb, m. s. poetically used for 9?Drbtt)inb SO. dcriJOrficn, past part. (mostly used as adj.) of »erborben, see p. 9, 10; Gr. 240 (55); El. p. 120. . . . .^O. ^ur^fd^Iumitt're (see p. 12, 36), imperat. of sep. and insep. comp, burc^fc^lummern. Notice, that a comp. verb, used in a, figurative or meta- phorical sense, is inseparable and lias the accent on the radical syllable. Gr. 291 ; El. 150 ^/. bcroufttf, see p. 12, 18 ^^. tic§ SSintct^ bange iJangc (the last two words ace. because direct obj.), see p. 10, 25. 4^S. iJtr and tJtC^ refers to t^-(ur, whicli the poet apostrophizes 4-4: l)ttnn» adv. of time, correlative to n^cnn (used incorrectly instead of roam; Gr. 335, VI, N. ; El. 181), causes the inversion 46. i)cn» t)cr» correlat. pron., see p. 13, 40 4-€. I)cn .§crrn, etc., apposition to ben. ^lOTES AKD TvEFERENCES. f^5 Page 1«. Notes 47-60. Page 17. Notes 1-7. ....4-7. 2flcnftl;"n» liere without art. (ber is a relat. proii.) because used in uu indcf. sense (Gr. UG4, g. 5). $luS bcr SugenS) gricbvi^ SSU^clmg IIL 4S. grVictJrid) 28il^clm§ III, read bco S^ritten ; see p. 14, 82 >^^. Don 10 ^O^rcn. Notice, that in Gerniau before nouns denoting age the prep, of is rendered by von (Gr. 870, 4, a). Compare p. l4, 33. SO. unD i(l> supply ali5 — o/. iDic ^ilufttJortunQ bci iljm t)ottc> render icas in attendance upon him. . . .5^. bradjtc, from Bringcn, see p. 0, 51 53. cincg 2^0fiCg (sefe p. 14, 3) bci ftvcngct ^dltc. Notice, that tiicse words in English must be connected with day {%o.%), viz., on a Utter cold day 64. m liUionttt ^anuar. The name or date of the month (3*inuar) when connected with their generic name (^cnat) stands hy appodiion in the same case (Gr. 369, 1). Notice also that the word governed by a verbal adjective is placed immediately before it (Gr. 433, note 1), and that a participial clause may, like a simple adj., precede the noun, to which it is attributive, while in English it has to follow the same ((ir. 388, §.20) 6o. tin ii^iJrlitf)?!! m\\, a popular elliptical construction ; supply (-icfallt and translate a UUle basket {full) of. . . .60. pfjonfr.Cllf past part, of jicbcu (see p. 11, 118), attrib. to ilirfitcn; translate raised 67- 58fim> contr. of bel and bem, see 20 68. f rente fitfv Bee p. 13, 17 69. i)tc in X)iefcr ^a^ve^^cit fcltcnc, etc., [dtcnc is adj. to grud)t and governs in turn the phrase in bi?l"cr Tw^vc^^cit. Construe: iviinfd)tc jugcnlcpen (see p. 14, 25) bic %\\\^)i fcttcne in bicfcr ^at^rcd^cit 60. i^m— 'jcmerflid) ncmot^t tourtlf. impersonal phrase, the subject c^ beinir omitted ; translate when he understood, or ichen it icas hinted. Page i 7.—/. mtHm, gen. pi. gn-. by iJoU (Gr. 373, §. 12, 1). See p. 13, 1. The words §aub ttoU (frequently spelt as one word) may also bo considered a measure or a noun denoting a part. ; in that case Jt'irfdicn would parse as ace. ])\. (see ]). 13, 23) governed, with ^^anbspH, by fiir ^. t)rel)tc fid) UHN from fid) umbrehen, sop. omp here used as a reflex. V S. entfdjiet^encnf adj. from past. part, of cntfd)ciben, insep. com p., see p. 14.50 ^, ^d) liian ("f* moacn; see p. 11, 00) nnD tuiU (of nu^Uen, p. 0, 22) fie \v'-i', mnply b,;bcn or c>Tcn and com])are p. 14, 30. 6. liefe {si'.e p. 11, 81) fill mel^i'iw translate se?it in his name, or a&kedfor an audience. About tlie peculiar uieahing of laffcn, see Gr. 408, ^.50,3; 409. Rem. ; El. 1:12 (7. <3d)Ul)mfl(I)ermeiil«'rr c^mip. of threo nouns, viz., <3ituh m s "^^lidKx, m. s. (see p. 9, 19), and ^^iciftcr, m. s. Ken- der (master-) shocmjtkev 7- fci — ac!l}ffcn» perf. subj. of fcin, see ]>. 9, 11. Subj. demanded by bcrid)tetc (uualogou-; to finite), see p. 11. 7. 8G NOTES AND REFEEENCES. Page 17. Notes ?^-J$5. 8. ^m, Gr. 88 (IV) ; El. p. 140, render with 9. J^ctttfigcfommenf supply fci to form perf. subj. as in 7 fO. kDiirfc er^ pres. subj. of bcbiirfen, insep. irr., Gr. 117 ; El. p. 223 (see p. 10, 32). The transposition is due to fo, adverb, conj. (see p. 15, 7) //. iim— C^ — ficgittltCtt JU fijnncn. 3u would not stand before fijnnen (see p. 14, 25) were it not called forth bj urn (see p. 11, 115) ; e^ refers to ©ewerbe /JS. 8cicr» anfauf (see p. 12, 46), comp. of i^eber, n. s. and Slnfauf, m. s. (from an* !aufen, comp. v.). Render for the buying of leather /S. um tnclc^e cr — hdtCt render {for) which he asked. The subj. throughout this sen- tence is required by oblique narration after terid)tete; compare e. g. bie er nic^t ^tittc ; see p. 11, 7 /4. aU um tm, etc., apposition to tr>elc^e» fS. in ^affc. Notice omission of def. art, in idiomatic phrases (see p. 14, 4) and translate : How much {money) have Ion hand? ....f6. bcfa^h from kfe^Ien, Gr. 240 (39) ; El. p. 119 /7. tJ^ fotte, pres. subj. of foKen (see p. 10, 89) ; for use of subj. compare p. 15, 25 f8. i)Ctn— 93lannc ilic— 20 2^^alcr. Notice, that, contrary to English rule, the object of the person precedes that of the thing. Gr. 474, 5 ; El. p. 252 (5) /9. t5amit (see p. 14, 45) belongs to ®liicf ; trans- late bamit ©liicf ipunfc^en, wish him good luck icith them (viz., the 20 thalers) 20. cm^finS [from cntpfangcn, Gr. 230 (16); 285 (2); El. p. 117, 145]. About the inversion see p. 14, 49 27. tier ^ijnirjl. ^ofjeit. Notice the use of the def. art. before a title, where the English use the possess, pron. (which would also be correct here), ^'onigL/ abbrevia- tion of ,Koui9lid^(cn) ; dative because personal object 22. felfifl; refl. pers. pron. referring to ^aubwerf er . Notice, that the word in this clause stands alone ; translate personally. . . . 2S. OU^f^rc^cn (sep. comp. irr., see p. 9, 30) ju bitrf cn (see 10) infin. with ju because gov. by a noun (©unfc^), see p. 16, 9 2/f-. ^\t\t "^Mit jdjiag tJcr ^rinj ob. For inversion see Gr. 477, 2 ; El. p. 255 ; ft^Iug — ab from at^fc^tagen, sep. iip. irr. [Gr. 279 (1); El. 139], see p. 15, 50. . . .25. mi ijcn Sorten. render saying 26. ^ft gar nidjt nijt^igf subject ba^ or ea omitted. 27' ttJlirlJC — tiefj^amcn* first conditional gov. by a condit. clause understood, viz., {/^/ie s/iow^c? cZc> so 28. $^ili^. % 4.' Bible quota- tion, Philipp. II : 4. 9lcitcr§ SKargcngcfttng. 29. 0?cit?t§ SllorgcnncfnnOf see p. 15, 10. For omission of art. see p. 16,29.. ..SO. SJlorBCnrdlf), n. s. frequently used for 5}Jor(:ienr5t|)Cf f. s. 3/. 8cu(l)tcfi; subj. bu (refcrrino- to S'forgcnrot^) poetically omitted. S2. \\\\\, dat. berausG person, obj. ; see p. 10, 21 33. y^Wh see p. 10, 113 3/f.. %'S^, more correctly Xobe. Why the def. article b used here, see p. 9, 9 36. bittfcn. Gr. 230, 13 ; El. p. IIG NOTES AND REFERENCES. 87 Page 17. Notes :J6-48. Page 1§. Notes 1-10. The active voice is here poetically used for the passive iieblafcn werbciu i.e. to be blown, to sound 30\ laffcib here ustni .•■« a principal v. instead of j^uriicflaffen, is to be rendered to yield, gioc up or part with; see p. 11, 81 37- ViXm^tX, see p. 13, 22 ; translate here many a 38. itaum (ifi Ci^) gclJai^t (see p. 13,37), an elliptical poetical phrase, the simple past part, standing instead of a full compound tense and an im- personal subject (e^). Render here : quick as thought. Voss, in his celebrated poem ,,1)01 ftebjtgtle ©cburtotag," prettily uses a similar phrase, viz. : ^aum gcfagt, fo entcilte 2}?aric, etc., i. e. hardly {were these words) spoken, when Mary hurried off, etc. (Compare Gr. 438, §.91) 39. JBirJ) (supply conj. fo; see p. 10, 103) {5cmar!)t» pres. ind. pass, of mad}cn, comp. p. 15, 8. . .4^0. tier yuft (lor dcf. art. soe p. 9, 9) may be considered either gen. depending upon (£nb' or dat, gov. by gcmvic^t. (Sin ©nbe mad)cn (with object in the dat. compare p. 16, 15) i. e. to put a stop (or an end) to ^/. ©cficrn not^, etc., supply roaxzn tdix — 4^. ^nik tjurdjf etc., supply fmb tDtr or werben wir S3, gcfdjoffcnr p. 14, 57 44. liUornfti (adv.) ini etc., supply fommcn tnir. Such ellipses are admissible only in poetry and very elevated style 4«5. f(^rtJintlct> Gr. 260 (170); El. p. 129 46>. |jraf)lfl I>U (\in&)t poetical for obglctd) bu prat)l|l, though you ghry in (mit). Instead of the conj. obf(Icic^, luenuAlcic^, clM'd}ctt and iricnn== fc^on, entire or divided, opening a clause, Germans frequently place simply %\d&j or fiton after the then inverted subject and predicate. Compare Gr. 334, IV; Eh 179 47. Dic 3iofCiW see p. 9, 9 48. a^X for allc, (see p. 10, 94), attrib. to 9to[c.n. The omission of c is a poetical license. Page 1§. — /. (liU (be quiet! or siYew^ .0, an elliptical imperative fre- quently used ; though generally the words fci bit, feib it)r, fcien (Sie have to be supplied; the subject in this case is evidently 1 as in the follow- ing clause. Rendered best I will be quiet, therefore 2. ^Jiin' IJ^ mid); inversion due to Darum (see p. 10, 34; 12, 32) ; fii-^ fiii^en, v. refl. to yield. 3. tOJ:, see p. 16, 23 4. ttliU, here not used as an auxil., but as an active v. gov. the ace. c5. Render the clause And yield to Ood's will 6. ftreit.'Hf see p. 10, 4 6. foUt' ii'u conj. wcnn omitted, s(X3 p. 16, 20. SoIIt' is imperf. snbj. gov. by ifeim understood ; compare ]). 10, 31. ... 7. Dcu XoJ), see p. 9, 9 8. cdcii5Cn- see p. 9, 10. ...9. 3tirOt from ilcrbcn, see p. 16, 36 ; supply fo or bann before the word, correspond- ing to wenn understood in preceding line. /O. Xcr ^oni;^ t^rict^rit, etc. In German tin; def. art. is used with proper names when dtsignatiiig a person well known, whether preceded 88 NOTES ANB KEFEEENCES. Page 1§. Notes 11-5:S. by a common noun or not. Gr. 861 (g) //. (iib,t see 16 (need not open a clause ; indeed its position varies greatly, without, however, any alteration of sense). Gr. 329, III, Note 20. tuenit/ here conj. of time, wlien 27' befien* superl. of gut, see 11, 125 28. (^cMntcn. Notice the exceptional gender. Gr. 80 (4) ; El. 190 (4) 20. on (render here of) — t)Odjtf» see p. 14, 15 SO. '>jla^bttXr m. s. Notice exceptional plural. Gr. 42 (VI) ; El. 7 (III). . . .3/. lk}^-t{appnn, see p. 17, 5. . . .S2. ^m\l ^a^bav. The word §err serves to express the king's superiority over the miller. Throughout this piece 9Zad)kr signifies the miller, ^ert 9?ac^bar the king. The word ^err (or ^rau or ^-raukin) is in polite lan- guage used, as in French, before all nouns denoting persons ; in all casea and also in the third person, with or without article. 3S. mand)mab supply jlorte ^4. iJcfcr, see p. 9, 19 ^,5. @c(ti *ne 8aub (or ^tu) (for absence of art. see p. 14, 4), a popular phrase corresponding to the inelegant English " money like dirt." SO. fttuft — all from abfaufem Sep. comp. gov. dat. see p. 17, 25 ST- liiB-' see p. 11, 81 S8. niclicrrei^cn^ sep. comp. irr. see p. 12,4; 17,23. .. .S9. ttiu^tc (seep. 11 9) toarunt; popular phrase ; render kneto ichat he was aibovt 4^0. cincS %aQ,t§, see p. 14, 8 4/. ^^x, see p. 14, 18 42. kgrcift/ see p. 9, 10 4S, beftc^cn^ see p. 10, 1. . . .44. ®tncr; for termination see p. 14, 44 ; translate one of us 4S. gcbt^ see p. 11, 12 40. SSie f)Orf| ^ttltet (see p. 10, 44) i^r C^ 'i Render TIow much do you think it is worth? 47- fo diet (BclD \)tiht '\%X nitf't; the object for emphasis' sake opening the clause, see p. 17, 24 48. mxx mein ic — ]0t correl. adverb, conj. best rendered by a participial construction, viz. Ilacing been horn in it, I will, etc 60. gefaorcn (from gebaren, Gr. 240 (58) ; El. p. 119) Oil!/ cjo p. lOj 4G 67. jierbcitf see 9 J<9. X'o'r, (;o to be supplied bo- fore foOcn, see to) ; translate hero such as 6.9. crtjaltcit (see p. 10, 44) niorDcn ifh perf. ind. pass GO. fn (obj.) mcinc 9Jo(t)fommcu (subject), for inversion see Gr. 477 (o) ; El. p. 255 (3) O/. ouf tl)V (viz. t>cr ^I'?i'tt)lc), render in it. With reference to estates, factories and establishments in contradistinction to mere dwelling-houses, the prep, auf is mostly used instead of in, c. g. Quf fccm GHtte, ouf bcr 3»^^rif,, auf bcr 9Jiut)(c, upon the farm, in the factor?/, in the mill (Gr. p. 453, II, 5) 03. ifjrer refers to 9t'ad)fomnien 03. ^o, see p. 10, 34 04. iio()m — m from anuebmcn, sep. com p. irr., see 38 ; p. 10, 62 06. crjlftljottcrc, see p. 10, 10. Kender the clause: cltlC cmftljaftcrc <2pra (;c OUUC()mi'n, to assume a more decided tone 00. SJi^t (see p. 11,9) i^r oud) ; for inversion see Gr. 476, §. 109, 1. a ; El. 190, 1. a). Slud), like JDol)! (see p. 11, 124) and fiton (see p. 10, 95) is often idiomatically used, especially in interrogative sentences for the sake of emphai;is, and is then to be omit- ted in English. Konderhere: Are you o.ware? ...07- tofivcnf see p. 15,47 08. 6red)C — a& from abbrcd^cn, sep. comp. see p. 14, 23 ; 17, 25. . . .00. 9iCt)mt (imperat. supply subject i()r) from uc()mcn, see 64 70. oDft/ CO ord. conj. see 25 and 16. Page 19. — /. uncrfrfjrorfcnCf comp. of nn (sec p. lO, 75) and past part, of crHi)recfen, (Gr. 240 (44); El. p. 119) used as adj. Compare Gr. 440 2. ®ut Bcfaftt, see p. 17, 38 S. ottcrgnttUinftcr (see 18, 49) : the word aller (gen. pL of all) is in German often placed before su- perlatives for the sake of emphasis, e. g. allerbcil, hest of all, etc 4. miirc. The verb iciu is here used in its absolute sense; render to exist 6. ndmlitl), t)afj cv c5 luoflc nuf— .mfommcn laffcn, render: meaning, that he iconld run the risk of. The clause opened by bay-, because explaining the miller's words, must be considered as governovl by crn)icbcrte, which grammatically it is not ; hence bap with the subj. Why the auxil. (a^oUc) precedes, se;; Gr. 478, If, Exception ; El. 200, Ex- ception O. foitntc (see p. 9, 35)— fein. In this and similar phrases the verb fijnnen has a peculiar idiomatic signification, referring rather to mental qualities occasionally shown than to the ability of persons. It is best rendered by expressions like to know how to, or by adverb. ])hrases like at times, oc^anion.allii , etc. E. g. fie fann imtriberilcblicb fcin, kIic knows how to make hersdf ir resistible ; cr fonnte iibcraud anabii^ fein, he was at tim^s extremely condescending, etc 7- otfo i)a9» translate so that. 90 NOTES AND llEFEKENCES. Page 19. Notes S-40. 8. ^era^aftigfcit and gfrcimiit^igfclt. see p. 10, 73 9. fcincr re- fers to 9)iuIIer previously mentioned fO. XiVMi\i\%, adj. contr. from prefix mt§ (corresponding to the Engl, mis and dis) and gefallig (derived from i^efallcn, see p. 9, 12); gov. the dat., analogous to an)lo§ig or laftio; see 10, 9 //. ttJO^lgC^Ch imperf. of tt)0^lgefallcn, sep. comp. (of adv. iuo|)I and fallen, irr. v.) /2. Ite^ (not auxil, here), see p. 17, 3G; render left fS. tjon iJicfcr ^eit OH/ henceforth. The prep, an is often, in an adverbial capacity, connected with other prepositions, espe- cially ijoit/ to which it then imparts a more direct and distinct bearing to a certain place or time, e. g. ijorn an, at the head; ^inten an, in the rear ; ijon ^ier an, from this spot hence ; i>cn jci^t an, henceforth, etc., etc. The adv. ijorn is nothing but a contract, of the prep. t>or and an; but this does not, however, impede its being once more employed with an. /4. unangefodjten, seel fS. unterljiclt from unteHalten, insep. comp. irr. see p. 10, 44 /6. abcr, see p. 18, 25 /7. tJarf from bitrfen, see p. 17, 10 /8. ft^on, (see p. 10, 95) render here indeed f9. 9tff|icct l^ttben bor — , translate to ha'ce respect for or to respect. 30. etnem foll^en; about the declension see Gr. 194, IV; El. 72. . . . .2/. §crrn ^tn^Ux, see p. 18, 32. 22. ttJttt f a(\cn, poetical inversion, not allowed in prose. Gr 478, §. 110 ; El. 200. . . .23. ^ie ©lOifc iJie. A popular idiom, to take up and repeat, witliin the same clause, a preceding noun by the corresponding def. art. Goethe, in his Slobtentanj, uses a similar phrase, viz. X)er 2)tt>nb iJcr ^at SllleiJ in^ ^eUe (jehad)t 24-. ^ot— f^ef Jf]lagct!/ perf. of fd)Iac;cn, see p. 15, 50 26, oc()t, see p. 10, 29. . . .26. in'g (contr. of in ba^) JBctt; tor use of def art. see p. 12, 42 27- tuev, rel. pron. preceding the do. monst. (bcr) to be supplied before ©c^Iaf. Gr. 201, IV ; El. 84 2S. j;Ut ©fSwiffen; see p. 12, 16 29. 8d;laf for fd)lafe ; in German the subj. is sometimes used instead of the imperative to express a wish. (Gr. 422, §.77) SO. {jcitcr §lU0% see 28 S/. Uic ^m^ 9lO£f;t, ace. s-e p. 15, 5 S2. f\\^\, from ftt^cn, see p. 15, 16 S3, fci'v— gcfagt instead of ircvbe e^ gcfagt. Gr. 171 * ; El. p. 109 * 34-. ^ViVX Ic^tcn SUal, FOR the last time (Compare Gr. 463, 15.) 36. '§ ifl I^O^C Seit, render literally 't is high time 36. j^cb', see 29 37. btr refers to |)er^ apostrophized 38. 9?lo(l)' (see 29) froi^ i)t(^ ttliei»cr» poetical inversion for Wladjt bic^ wieber fro^ 39. Sotan?, prop. noun without art. gen. sing. Gr. 67, 2 and * ; El. 14 (1). Notice its position So. gs3tU'/ poetical abbrev. of SBiUcn. NOTES AND REFERENCES. 91 Page 20. Notes 1-36. Page 20.—/. ^!^ miU'5 nt(^t doffCHf render I {will) Jwpe not S. gc|d)ie|/t'i?'; coiij. loenn omitted, see p. IG, 20. About the verb see p. 15, 35 3. (3t\)\ imperat, ; supply bii/ referring to Dieb apostropliized. ^. fic^t't^f see p. 9,5 6. c^'i^ (contr. of c^c and c§) no^ togt, (Gr. 311, I ; El. 158), render even before it dawns 6. I^tn (see p. 11, 78) is often used in po])ular language to express the idea of lost or gone, 7. 2Ba£i (for ujarum) ttiibft Du i)cincn Siiini* Render Why (do you) iroiible yourself? <^. oUc CctttC. (Gr. 64 *; El. p. 241 f.) 9. mmvxtX, popular for nidjt or ni(^t mt^Xt from old morner, mod. nic— mc!)V. Render this clause: or else I cannot endure my pains /O. licf» seo p. 11, 95 //. tt'intX, adj., see p. 14, 44 /2. Gjatlg^ m. s., derived from (5cl)cn (see p. 10, 29) ; render here visit /3. ^ronfcn/ see p. 9, G /^. eiacn ©alDcnr ace gov. by fojlet, one of a class of words with which the ace. is used to mark definitely the measure, amount, or distance indi- cated by them. (Gr. 385, §. 23.). .../6. tUO^l (see p. 11, 124), render here by auxil. may f6. gcltctl — \}XX, translate to he considered, or valued (as) /7. bci (compare p. 14, 51), render here with /c9. tcr (f:rDc ; for use of def. art. see p. 12, 42 /,9. ouf tcm SBcgc^ see p. 9, 21. The inversion of aiif bem SBege jum briltcn T)ottdx is not usual. ^O. fu^r — tJOrbci, imperf. of tJOlbcifa!)rcn. sep. comp., see p. 15, 77. ^/. oilf render by, or omit altogether ^^. ^itii, (from l^alten, see p. 10, 44)— fiir, render' took— for ^S. hJOljI (see p. 11, 124), translate here probably ^4-. ob — c^UiH), see p. 17, 46 J^S. ton^U, from »{|Ten, see p. 11, 9 ^6. f:i, compare Gr. 421, §. 72, 2, and g. 73 with Gr. 421, §. 71 ^7- ^a&iU, from bcnfcn, see p. 13, 37 ^6*. SciJ)/ imperat,, subject i^r understood, but never expressed in prose ^9. 2)er \affV3 fur.J (literally 7ie grasps it short), a i)opular phrase taken from the handling of tools. Render : he makes short icork, or 7ic is to the point SO. bcfommcn; see p. 14, 19 S/. urn (translate for) tJCU i^rcu^CTf taken as an abstract noun, see p. 9, 9 S^. X^ufSf see p. 10, 66 ; e(3 t^un is a common phrase meaning to be enough, or si/fficient. 33. ^tnon^iflcr* m. s., derived from jiwanug (Gr. 152, Rem.; El. p. 181, N.), 1. e. a piece of 20 kreuzers, or one-third of an Austrian guilder 34-. oui^, see p. 18, 66. Translate the whole clause: Wo^ddn't 20 kreuzers dof... 35. tie5 (9elU?§/ gen. gov. by benotl)t;i.t, see p. 13, 1. . . . .36. iljm bcr ^aifcr» etc. see p. 18, 60. . . .37- lic^ (see p. 17, 5) ft^7 dat. sing, referring to ilaifcr, gov. by bcfd)rcibcn (see p. 14, 5) ; Gr. 251, 100 ; El. p. 123, see p. 10, 32. Translate made him describe. 92 NOTES AND REFERENCES. Page 21. Notes 1-43. Page 21.—/. ^cifet (from ^ei§en, liere neuter v. ; Gr. 252 (108) ; EL p. 133); and tUO^ltt; about the indicative see Gr. 421, §.71, 1 ; El. 122, N 2. ftiringt (see p. 9, 24); fpringen is a popular South German expression for to liurry^ or to run. In lively narration the present is in German as in English often substituted for the usual imperf. 3. Jicr lic&C ^^iit see p. 13,38 ^. UJoUc (used here analogous to ntoge); the subj. is required by the verb bcten (here analogous to tittett) ; see Gr. 420, b. Compare also p. 14, 37 6. JJOC^f see p. 11, 57. Render the whole: was 'praying to Ood, not to forsake her 6. fd^rtf see p. 20, 20 7' tierpttt^ here used as a refl. v. (ficfc) 8. ttlfo i)0^» see p. 19, 7 9. man (see p. 15, 20), render here o?i6, because the rela- tive clause (war, etc.) depends upon it /O. xt^i, adv., translate here well. ...//. crfcniteitf see p. 14, 47 /2. barunt/ render here for the purpose /S. anfa^f from anfe^en, see p. 10, 60 /4. ju Ucr franfcit ^rau in i(jr (Stu&Icin (see p. 10, 84 ; 13, 23), into the sick woman's garret /S. tamt see p. 14, 19 /6. mtint pres., see 2. //. C§ \d, see p. 20, 26 /S. UtttftttniJf render here condition, or difficulty ; in this sense the word is mostly used in the plural ; in the sing, it generally means fact 79. toic (for Jia^) fit— fci» gov. by erja^It ; compare p. 14, 37 20. Xiis^^ — "DabCf* render moreover 2/, Ijftcgenf here used as a refl. v. {\\6:f) 22. fbnitC; see 19 2S. tjcr* fdjreikn, see p. 20, 37 2^. fort ((iegongcn) ttJtttf see p. 14, 30 26. nii^t toenigf see p. 14, 14 26. X)cr ^oftor, see p. 20, 31 27' C0 \th etc., gov. by entfc^ulbigte ftc^, which is taken analogous to fagte. 28. tmtx (viz.. Doctor), see p. 14, 44 29. JJogclBCfcn, past jjart. of tlofein, sep. (see p. 9, 11) forms perf. subj. with fei SO. l|o6c — 'iJerorJJncl, see 23 3/. auf, render for 32. tier §ttntff see p. 9, 28 33. m\^m, see p. 10, 62 34-. gctnefen. supply fei. The auxil. of comp. tenses may be omitted in subordinate sentences. . . .36. T^a^ fitr nXiiWt see p. 14, 38 36. t3a0 fiir ^ittcn* for absence of art. see Gr. 210, IV ; El. 90 37- '\\]x fcttE— in tJtc ^ttntic gcfottem render literally you have filleii into the hands of For use of auxil. fein instead of ^aOcii see p. 14,23 38. JU cr^C&cn may be considered either the fut. part. pass, (with termination ts emitted ; Gr. 442, §. 94 ; El. 209) ; attrib. to ©olDlludc, or the infin. with ju, gov. by jjerorbnet; the latter construction is the simpler 39. untcit an (compare p. 19, 13), render simply underneath 40. cinc folf^C; see p. 19, 20 4/. ViW i&i — t3erfrlirei&en fbnnen. Notice the infin. of the a^xil. of mode is used instead of the past part. (Gr 111, VI ; 429, §. 85 ; El. 135.). . . . 42. \^<\i rincn Slid. In popular language the verb tl)un is often inele- gantly used to denote bodily motion or utterance, e. g. einen (Bc^rci t^un, to cry out ; etncn 58U(f t^un, to cast a glance ; eincn (Sprung tljun, to jump, bound 43. ttJUrtJC — au^9c;a{)It, imperf. ind. pasa of Gitfjal;lcn, NOTES AND REFERENCES. Page 21. Notes 44-55. Page 22. Notes 1-17. Sep. comp J^^. licrii;affcn requires the reflex, pron. fid) in the dat. Gr. 305, II; El. 157; see p. 10, G3. ...AS. \\\ ItJCnifiCIt Xugcn; about the inflection see Gr. 150, V, 2; El. 50 (2) J^6. t)Cr ^ttifcr tlic ttrittC, supply '^at — t^rau gc^cilt from preceding clause. %\t fcltfamcn 9Hcttf(^cn. J^7' trcffUd;'/ hero adv., translate considerably J^S. umgefclj'lt (supply [jattc), pluperf. ind. of fid) umfe()en (see p. 9, 5 ; p. 11, 111). Gr. 305 ; El. p. 2C2. Render to traml. The omission of the auxil. [ciu and I)abcn in comp. tenses of subord. sentences is quite usual with poets Jj-O. %\t %xtyxxC^t, see p. 9, 28 60. fdjaarcntocife ; for composition of this adv. see Gr. 320, VII J/, fo ^flcgt t% JU gcf(^e()'ll, such is the custom. In German many verbs besides those indicating natural phe- nomena are used impersonally. Frequently they are best rendered into English by neuter or passive yeibs, especially if followed by a pers. pron. Gr. 312, III ; El. 160 6^. I^tc^ C0 (render it was said, or people said), imperf. of l)cipcn ; see 1 and notice diflerent signification ; the word is often used impersonally like the French on disait, imperf. of on clit 63. Un§ frcut (supply c§), a—^i'-j'- impers. v. Gr. 313, N.; El. ]). 236, N 6^. Ijon Oanjcr Sccic (see p. 14, 4), translate inost sincerely. 66. cr30^Ic> imperat., the subject (bit) is simply understood, see p. 20, 28. Page 22.—/. hjorllf see p. 12, 6 2. xd^i is, as in English, often used merely for the sake of emphasis in interrogative and exclam- atory sentences, e. g. 1)1 bae nic^t fd)ini ! isn't theit pretty ! S. ft^icitctt, from fi)elncn, see p. 15, 65 Ja. big in bic f^iitc 9lod)^ until late at night 6. \stx 9WunD (see p. 9, 9; supply wirb) nij^t nof; nenitt^tf not a mouth is moistened, i. e. they do not drink, ]\xs,% so the preceding clause refers to eating G. C0 fbnntcn, etc. Gr. 313, IV ; El. 161 .... 7- MIU flJ IjCtf see p. 11, 36 8. i)tc ^Oltncrfctl: (subject) blitjCHf rather poetical ; render: thunder and lightning might rage around them. . . .0. ShJCi §ccr'» supply fountcn um fie l)cr from preceding line /O. foUt' QUd), etc. ; conj. ivcim (aud}) omitted ; see p. 10, 20 //. tier §immrlf see p. 9, 62 /2. fciltClt (Sinfoll Droljn (for brpl)cn), translate threaten to fall /3. Dlicbcil, imperf. suhj. of Hcibcn, instead of first condit. ; see p. 16, 18 /^. unj^cfti)r(c)t» comp. of negat. prefix Ull and past part, of fioren, see p. 19, 1 ; render undisturbed. . . ./6. filjctl (see p. 15, 16); the infin. is used without ui after t^lcibcn. Gr. 4*37, c /(j. Id^t filft — (jbrcib render may be heard. The use of a reflex, form instead of the passive is, as in French, quite frequent, e. g. bav? ycrilclu fid\ t7tat w understood /7- au0 i^rcm SWuntJCr here sing, because used coll«)C- 94 NOTES AND L^iFEBENCES. Page 22. Kotes 1§-4C Page 2ii, Notes 1-10. tively, lendar from tJteir mouth /S. tier refers to 2aut, not 2)?unbc. /9. jufammenpRgt/ of pfammen'^angcn, v. n. sep. comp. Gr. 231 (18) ; El. p. 117; see p. 11, 118 ^O. ot— f^on> conj. divided, see p. 17, 40 JS/» tirg is often inelegantly used in popular language instead of fctjr. ^^. matt; see p. 15, 20. Render whole phrase: I was often seen standing beside them in astonishment .2S, ^ing^ render things; tlie use of 2)ing in a collective sense, in the sing., is antiquated 2^, gcfi^ic^t, see p. 15, 35 26. fjinjugc^eii (see p. 10, 112 ; p. 11, 78), to go th&re 26. ft^cn, fe^en prevents the use of %\x, see p. 9, 10 27 * SritiJCt, render here brethren 28. ©cbcrbctl, f.s., though collective. Gr. 80, 4 ; El. 190, 4 29. mir— au0 iJem ©cmiit^c fommca (trans- late here : Til never be likely to forget), see p. 9, 21 SO, ^tc refers to ©eberben S/. an i^nen, best not translated here 32. iJat'ci (see p. 21, 20), render also or too S3, ^ie, see p. 10, 38 3/,-, @cft(itern, about the plural see Gr. 83, XI ; El. 194 35. 8ic fd)tenen — glcid) (see 3), translate they seemed to resemble S6. ba^ ft^ltJOr' [Gr. 263 (154) ; El. p. 127] \i) eUi^ ! interjection ; render I asmre you! or I vow/ 37- Wn SButlj— an ®rnft etc., translate in their rage — in their gravity, etc 38. bcit iJuricn — ticn ^bttcnrij^tcm, dat. gov. by glcii^; see p. 10, 9 3.9. 2fliffetf)atcrn of $Wiffetbater, m. s.. Miscreant, criminal, derived from 2)tiffet^at, f. s., Misdeed, crime, comp. of prefix mtg (see p. 19, 10 ; prolonged in this exceptional instance after the Middle High German mlffe and 3;^at, f. s , derived from t^un) ^O, So, render here (?r e/«d 4-/. tier SScifcil Stcttt (see p. 10,25), the stone of wisdom S2, lJe3 ^ithU liBicrccf (see p. 10, 25), the quadrature of the circle (a problem of great celebrity in the history of mathematical science) 4^3. ^nt3CIt» see p. 11, 7 44-, QaVt render even 4^5. berluirrt for ^mMt, crazy 4-6, niftjt — nodi ^o^ J^^bcr — nod). Page 23. — /. ^n refers to ^rii'^Iing 2. rtel^r^ adv. to [.\l); render any more 01 any longer 3. ^^Ittf dat. -jov. by foljt (see p. 10, 46), p. 16, 15 4^. tVO^tn tV ^ic^h render wherever he moves or goes. . . . S. lautcr^ here adv. pleonastically used together with nur, which has the same meaning. Translate nur lauter, nothing but 6. @ro§ unb mctn» adj. used as nouns, see p. 9, 6. For absence of article see p. 14, 4. ®rop unb ^lein form an apposition explanatory to 5lllen/ and ought to agree with it in case (dat.) ; this omission of declension is a poetical license. But the words may also be taken together as an adverbial phrase 7- SBog> popular abbrev. of Stwa^ 8. tltitflcBrttt^t (forms perfect with auxil. |at), see p. 15, 56 O. foflt'S^ imperf. subj. gov. by conj. mm omitted ; see p. 16, 20 ... . /O, m — gctia^tr see p. 18, 29 NOTES AND REFERENCES. 95 PAGii !2;J. NoTKS 11-26. Page 24. Notes 1-10. // frifrf) l^innuS/ an exhortative interjection ; translate hurry out into, etc /^. 61if6c for witrbe (or ntocfitc) Mciben; see p. 23, 13 /3. J)o# hero used as au adv. of time ; render then or now. ^cr flctnc ©orfcn^anblcr. /^. G';v see p. 22, 6 /5. frnf— an, see p. 14,22 /6. nkt is in German often idiomatically used for the simple purpose of connecting sentences, and is then without any meaning //. lici' — i*tflt)tf appo- sition to SSerlin gov. in the dat. by bei ; see G /8. bot/ see p. 11, 55. ... /9. i^m— objufoufcnf see p. 18, 3G 20. tuodon (see p. 13, 28)— nanjflt ^Orrot^; render a considerable stork of ichich, etc. The adj. (^m is often idiomatically used to express the idea of considerable quanity. 2/ bcJJttrf from tcbiirfcn, see p. 17, 10 ; governs here the ^gu. (bcr SSaarc), in common conversation frequently the ace. ; see p. 10, 90 22. ginn (see p. 10, 29) hlfitcr, render went on. Although a great many adverbs serve to form sep. compound verbs, it is not always necessary to call a verb compound wlien, in the course of a sentence, an adv. is found connected with it, since verbs are often Cf)nnected with various adverbs at a time, every one of which retains its own distinct power 23. Iscgoim from kginnen, Gr. 271 (181) ; El. p. 129. Supply ju fagcn, like in English to say 2^. fortlaufcilt), pres. part, of fort^ laufcn, see p. 11, 95. Notice, that the prefix fort has not here its usual meaning oi away or off, but denotes along 25, fo is frequently used to open phrases of entreaty ; translate pray or 'please 26. fcofJv see p. 11, 57. Page 2-1.—/. J)ic IJ^JamfcII (contr. of the French " madcmoisdle ;" vulgarly for graulciu), stands for bicfc 5)Jamfcfl ; tin; an adv. of place may in German be immediately connected with a noun ; in English it forms a vulgarism, e. g. that 'ere miss 2. tJ?r Skater; the substitution of the def. art. for the possess, pron. before nouns denoting near relatives (analogous perhaps to proi)er or to abstract nouns) is usual among children in Germany 3. W\, see p. 14, 51 Z-. pc&rcljcn (supply fci to form perf.) from Blciben, here used euphemistically like fallen for to die or fall 6. (^cfi^JDiftcVf only used in plural, has no reference to sex. Translate cr l)abc noc^, etc., there were still two smaller children (in the family) 6. nail|, after fragcn and similar verbs render for or Bimply by the ace 7- fur tlO0 ^tiitf, render a-piece (Gr. 8^9, §. 1, 1). In Gennan the def. art. is used before nouns denoting measure, weight, etc., when the price is spoken of 8. jcljn %\)^\tX. here in the ace com- pare Gr. 384, 5 9 oil aBcrflj, render in value /O. ;^a bas a dif- ferent meaning hero than in 9, 52 ; it implies an objection or hesitation 96 NOTES AND EEFERENCI Page '21, Notes li-dO. on the part of tlie speaker; translate but //. k|a^ from kfe^cn, see p. 9, 5 /5. ^erttUggebeu— auf (of money), to change, make change for. /S. mctntCf from nteiuen, frequently used in German for fagen f4-. nur is often used idiomatically in exhortative and imperative phrases without any distinct meaning ; render liere : cr fottte ei3 nur bc=* fallen, he had better keep it /6. nai^, see 6 /6. iJeren* gen. fem. sing, of demonst. pron. ber, Gr. 195 ; El. 76 /7. f:^tc— fort. from fort>' fe^en, to conti/iue /<9. iikriic^ from iibcr^affen, insep. comp /O. Staunen and (Ent^uienf both infin. nouns; see p. 9, 21 ^O. 0Utc;i StttllDc. The adj. gut in connection with nouns denoting time, measure, weight, etc., means fuU or a little over ; translate here after an hour or 80. ...2/. trat from tretcn, Gr. 238, 35; El. p. 119 22. armUtftc for arnic or armfelige. The suffix ltd) (like ly in English) joined to adjectives, often serves to modify or weaken, to a certain extent, the original meaning, e. g. gut, good ; guttid), kind ; arm, 'poor ; armlic^, humfi- ble 23. Dcff en (gen. of relat. pron. bcr, see p. 9, 16)— JjamttUgc, adj. derived from an adv. Gr. 322, X ; El. 167 24-. ttlttrctt C0 gc^ tOCfcn^ 3d pers. pi. pluperf. ind. of the impers. phrase c§ ifl; construe as follows: e(3 tx)arcn gewefen bcr — ^bnig unb — %G6)izx, — benen (rel. pron.). . . . 26. gcfanilt ^attc, plnperf. of fenben, Gr. 242, 65; El. p. 120 26. urn— ju linlJernf see p. 17, 11 27. i^r iiic ^^riincn, see p. 9, 28 28. gefattenen^ see 4 . . .29. Icuti'teit; (from lauten, generally used with reference to testimony, criticism, judgment, etc., and best rendered by to speak (with adv.) or to be (with adj.) 3U t|)rcm !iiotc, translate were in her fawr or to her credit. so. ®Qi\, dat. gov. by n)Dl)Igefamgen (see p. 19, 11) S/. btttut antiquated (poetical) for broI)t ; the conj unction wenn aud) is omitted ; see p. 16, 20 32. nod^ fo fc^r^ render ever so much 33. fireut cr (sye 31) um^en from um^erflreuen, sep. comp. to scatter. . . .34. i§ mu^ — lt)CrD?n, see p. 21, 51 . . .36. tiriingcn (see 31) — Stdl'^ bere used as a refl. v., to crowd (v. n.) ; see p. 13, 17 36. Sonne, Gr. 77, Exc; El. p. 243, Exc. . . .37' ttJClfct (cinmal)* the pres. is employed instead of fut. near at hand, and when the time is especially indicated by an adverbial expression, or when the certainty of a future event is expressed with emphasis. (Gr. 412, §. 62, Note 4) 38. Sltt0 for Mafet, imperat of Mafcu; Gr. 230, 13; El. p. 116 39. nur, see 14 40. mivfofl (C0) niiJ)t fittnt^en. The verb neuter l>angen, to be afraid, admits of different uses. Here it is employed as an impers. v. gov. the dat. (nttr) ; but it is also construed, in the same capacity, with the ace. (mid) IJanv3t'i;J); it is NOTES AND REFERENCES. 97 Page 2-1. Note 41. Page 25. Notes 1-35. furthermore poetically used as a refl. verb [Jii) bangen) 4-/. ^arob^ obsolete form for Daruber, Page 25.—/. iibcr 9la^i, see p. 14, 4 ^. ^ommt— gc^ttitgcn, verbs of motion employed with the verb f ommen stand in the past in- stead of the present participle (Gr. 438, §. 90) S, S&tif^, conj. unb or the pron. fie poetically omitted S, mie iljr 0Cfd)C^cn; supply subject ed and auxil. ijl to form perf. The verb (see p. 15, 35) is here used imper. sonally and gov. the dat. ; compare p. 24, 40 J. moHitCf see p. 11, 90. .. . . tf. mt from fled)ten. Gr. 258, 113 ; El. p. 125. . . . 7. m tn'g ^ttttr, see p. 10, 63 S. fdjmufft fil^; this verb, unlike that preceding, is used reflexively 9. ©ruiintcilt, dim. of ?8runncn, m. s. Nouns ending in en do not often form diminutives ; but if they do, they drop that syl- lable, e. g. fallen, box, dim. ^aflc^en, etc /O. a\§ to'dxcn, conj. wenn omitted //. c§, Gr. 181, IV (1) ; El. 56. . . /^. ^rcutJCnjii^rCttf nom. pi. of Srcubcnjd^rc, (comp. of t^rcubc, f. s. and S^tJ^e^ same root as tear), f. s. poetical for 3:^rane /S. ftJCnn — ttUd^r conj. usually divided. /4. iJtr bttngt uniJ graut, (supply subject ea), see p. 24, 40 /J. ^U fcif see 10 /G. 9lnv, see p. 24, 14 /7- unUer^tt^t, here adv. /S. ttttf, render here in /9. tjcrtrout the past part, accom- panied by a negation is, in German, frequently used instead of the imperat. (Gr. 438, §. 92). ©efunbcit. ^O. fo fiir mldi l^tn» literally 80 for myself along ; the word fo is strikingly expressive of perfect unconcern ; translate the whole " I sauntered through the forest alone by myself." -5/. ju fttd^cn, gov. by ©inn which means here aim, object, purpose 22. fa^ — ftc^ett/ see p. 22, 26 23. 5lcU0lcitt, dim. of Sluge, n. s 24-. brci^cn, see p. 14, 23, translate to pluck 26. fcilt, here adv., means in a thin, whispering voice 26. jum SBcIfcn for urn ju tv»clfcn, see p. 11, 115 27- QCbrot^CU (see 24) fcin (instead of trcrben), see p. 15,40 2S. grub — aug, imperf. of audgraben, see p. 15, 50 29. ttUcit i)cn. Notice def. art. Gr. 155, II ; El. 47 SO. SBurjlcin, dim. of SBurjcI, rarely used; frequently d)en is used 3/. trug* conjugated like graben, see 28 S2. tttn ^ubf(§en ^au^, render near ihs pretty house Sii. fo, see 20. Memento Mori. »f 4. Memento Mori (lat.) Remember Death! 3,5. beS- The def. art. usually omitted before names of places (see p. 15, 19) is here 5 98 NOTES AND REFERENCES. Page 25. Notes JJO, 37. Page 26. Notes 1-2§. demanded by the principal clause attrib. to 3crufalem^. Regarding the construction of the sentence see p. 16, 59 36. genottttttcn, past part, (see 35) of ne^men, see p. 10, 63 37- 2o|jfcr, etc.; supply (£r t»ar; ellipses like this are only excusable in animated and poetical style. Page 26.—/. ^uniJCtt, see p. 12, 28 2. ftnti— OuffictUtt^rtf see p. 15, 46 3. fij^; dat. gov. by gleid), see p. 22, 38; ft(^ gleic^ Meiben, translate to remain unchanged ^. l^at forms perf. with ge^a'bt, gov- erning direct obj. (fo gcfunbe aBegriffe) in the ace 6. gclutittig, adj attrib. to er, with gen. see p. 13, 1 6. lag from Uegen, see p. 15, 30. 7. kfa^I, see p. 17, 16 8. Stott, here prep, used for an|latt 9. gefiot, imperf. of gcbietett, see p. 18, 52 W. gctuirfclt tucrlien tourtie/ first cond. pass, used here for the first fut. subj. (g. w. werbe); such substitutions are extremely frequent and proper in German //. -^tV gcit and rufcn, infin. all depending upon folic 72. VXt\i, etc., see p. 18, 47 73. nimmt— mit from mitnc^men, see p. 15, 25. S(kyattbcr'§ 95crma(^tntf?» /^. jiarfi from jlerkn, see p. 16, 36 75. W ^tttttJ i^ttt, see p. 9, 21 and 28 76. Hc^ (for Itepc, imperf. subj.) ^ttttgcn, (see p. 22, 19) ; notice poetical inversion //. prttltgcit, infin. for pres. part. seep. 22, 26 78. mbc^tcn, for subj. see p. 10, 31 ; for peculiar signification of the verb here see Gr. 404, §. 55, 1, 2; El. 132 79. ^anbctt Iccr, the latter is adj. attrib. to the former ; both the transposition and the omission of declension are poetical licenses ; compare p. 23, 6 20. fci auxil. to gegangem from ge^en, to form perfect 27. Dc0 ttU^ n?ttteiucn SSegS^ a peculiar form of gen. absolute idiomatically used after certain verbs, where in English we employ the nom. or objective with or without prep. (Gr. 376, §. 17) 22. I^afic (subj. pres.) auxil. to geh'ac^t to form perf. The inversion here and in 20 is only admissible in poetry. 23. ftnn* from ftnttcn (comp. p. 25, 21). Gr. 271 (187) ; El. p. 129. . . . 2/f-. SBo— l^cr ? 2Bo— i)m ? Here Is a striking illustration of the orig- inal meaning and power of these peculiar particles; compare p. 11. 78 and 86 and translate Whence— Wliither. 25. ^clfcn 8d}008 (for (Srf)DDp) ; see p. 10, 25 26. u6cr 95(um' «ntl Wl(^0§, see p. 14, 4 27- Spic^tl, m. s., when speaking of water, means the smooth, mirror- like surface 28. frcuitDUl^, see p. 12, 16. NOTES AND REFEEENCES. 99 Page 27. Notes l-HO, Page 2T.— /. m ixtiU mid), see p. 21,51 ^. toci^ nti^t see p. 25, 3; subject id) omitted S. Xct—'^Ct, correl. pron., the first being relative, the second demonstr. ; see p. 13, 40 4. gcrufcn (sup- ply auxil. ^at) from rufen, see p. 9, 25 S. iJcnf il|/ this clause is inverted because preceded by the subject of the subord. clause which opens the sentence for the sake of emphasis. ^rjtt^luttQ ttuS bcm 8WotgcnIanbc* e. ijcr XnxUi ; about the art. see Gr. 72, IX, II ; El. 17 (II) ... . 7- ttich — ab from abtreiben, sep. comp. irr.,8ee p. 14,7, tJOlt flJ^ need not be translated, being expressed by ab 8. toarf (from werfen, Gr. 240, 57 ; El. p. 120) i^n mit cincm Stcine, render threw a stone at him P. dcrlJro^ eg, imperf indie, of Dcrbrte^en, Gr. 261 (141) ; El. p. 126, here used impersonally; gov. the ace. (3lUe) /O. crrat^cn, Gr. 231, 20 ; El. p. 117 //. auf^ot) from autleben, Gr. 258. 114 ; El. p. 125 /5. O^nc — 3U fttgcitf JU is used before the infin. after the prepositions O^nc, (Itttt and onfttttt. (Gr. 427, §. 81, c). . . . /S. Die Xofl^C, see p. 9, 28 /4. baraitf rendered of it, but best omitted here altogether /S. i^n. viz. ben (Stein /&. tjon nun an> see p. 19, 13. ... 77- fo means here in his pocket ; translate the clause: that he would constantly carry it about /8. IWat^ ^a^r untJ 3^09 (see p. 14, 4) render many years after this /9. fj^lei^ten Streil^, literally a had trick, \\evQ used euphuistically for crime 20. berlufitg' gov. gen. (SBcrmogend); see p. 13, 1. 2/. na^ Dortiper Sittc^ render according to tJie customs of that country 22. jur Sl^au unt> 8(^aniJe, a proverbial alliteration, translate as an ignominious example 23. rcitcn (see p. 14, 52), gov. by niu§te 24-. fc^lte C3 nirfjtf here used impersonally with the prep. ttn. 'Vr&n^AnXe there was no lack of. 25. ^ufdjaucrttf derived from jufi^auen (see p. 9, 19), comp. of ju {on or at) and fc^auen. Render specta- tors or lookers-on 26. ftan^ — cbcn — UO/ translated happened to stand near 27- ertanntc, see Gr. 242 (62) ; El. p. 120. . . .28. fu^r, see p. 20, 20. The verb fa^rcu in German has a very wide use, being employed to denote all kinds of quick and sudden movements, even metaphori- C-illy 29. griff from grcifcn, sec p. 9, 10 SO. \^ish from :^cbcnf see 11 3/. frljon (see p. 10, 95) liere best rendered hy actually 32. unt — ja Inerfcn, see p. 11, 115 33. hJtc— nehJarnt translate warned, as it mere 3^. c^ fann— antler^ tUCrDcn* render things may change 36. CBrr— Den see p. 13, 40 36. tiir, dat. gov. by nii^en, see p. 11, 70 37- llii^tg for nid)t, see p. 14, 40. . . . 38. Dir fiftaiJCnf see p. 11, 70 30. natljtranen (with the object of the pers. in the dat. and the obj. of the thing in the ace), literally to carry some- thing after somebody ; metaphorically to foster a grudge against. . . <. . 100 NOTES AND REFERENCES. P. 27. Not. 40-44. P. 2§. Not. 1-24. P. 29. Not. 1-10. AO. iJen feincn (viz. ©tein) absol. possess, pron.; see p. 15, 1 ^/. aug^ ^Uitben^ infin. with ju, required by the t^orid)t and gefal)rlid). Gr. 42Z. §. 81, b A2. fo longc, conj., render while or as long as AS. tua translate here when or that 44. hldrc t§, imperf. subj. instead oi first condit. (witrbe e^ fein); see p. 16, 18. @ic6 bi^ jufriebcn. Page 28. — /. ®lc6 i)i(^ jttfricJJcn. Render : Be contented or Yield contentedly. The verb gekn when used as a reflex, means to deport or behave one's self, etc 2. fifjeintf has a diflerent meaning here than m 15, 65 ; jttUcittCr 3!Bonnc, render for thy pleasure S. t^oU iii^k§, see p. 17, 1 4. 2^roft, poetical for Xrofte^ 6. hin, poetical for leinen O. %n^, render here even 7- ^Xtn^, n. s. (literally cross), •used metaphorically for affliction S. totntstn, Qr. 243, 66 ; El. p. 120. 9. in ^dnlicn, see p. 14, 4 /O. crgcljit, pres. subj. of er^ge^en, see p. 10, 29 ; the impers. phrase c§ tXQt^i (with the dat.) has the same meaning as e BEFEBENOES. 101 Page 29. Notes 11-26. Page 30. Notes 1-12. OJottcSbicnft. //. 3!Blttfl» <»nj. wcnn omitted ; see p. 16,^ 20. . . . ./^. ,i)cm ^a^fjcn* superl. of ^od), see p. 9, 59 ; usual appellation ^cfCio^T /^. iJcrnc (conj. fo omitted), see p. 9, 8 /4. ;3ift U.cr; etc., see 11. Render the phrase, if thou art in the spint /6. sfedllcr; (Infer} t»d^icr, ||itt}i!iiniu The word »oUer, as used here, presents on^ 6i the most peculiar German idioms, hardly excusable even in older poetry, and is only to be toler- ated in careless conversation. It is simply a corruption of »ott (with the gen. or t)on following), introduced, no doubt, by a certain euphonistic tendency in rapid speaking. In many instances (when a fem. gen. sing, or a gen. plur. follows) it may be mistaken for a genitive absolute (see p. 26, 21), e. g. er fam tioQcr t^^CUtlCf he came in fuU glee, but has really nothing to do with it. It has simply to be taken for what it is, viz., an inelegant idiom, which it is best not to use. The case of the nouns following roller depends entirely on the interpretation given to ttoKer; if the latter stands simply instead of »olI, it is, of course, the gen. ; if for »ott ijpn# the dat. The word is here adj. attrib. to ®et|l; translate full of zeal, full of ardor (or flames) /6. t^ut — fuitl) from funbt^un, sep. comp. irr /7. ^ft Ucitt^ etc., see 11.. . ../8. ttJtC filft'g gcfiii^rct. ©^ gebii^rt ft^ is an impers. reflex, phrase synonymous to e^ [c^itft fic^; see p. 27, 9 /9. auSf^Cjieretf past part, of au(Jjtercn, to decorate, to fit out 20. brittnt — ^crfiir (obsolete form for !^cri)or), of |)er^»or4rin9em to bring forthy produce JS/. 9Bo used here for n^ofern or wenn; render if. 22. Ijom (tjon bcm); prep. gov. by rein unb fauber; render /row. . . . .23. tfl JU ftntlCttf is to he found ; notice the German use of the infin. active, where in English the passive is used. (Gr. 428, §. 84 24-. Su(^t (fttft [dat.]) — ttUg> from au^fud)en, sep. comp. ; see p. 10, 63 26. iittnnfi iJUf etc., see 11 26. Hir attcin, render hy thyself alone. ^cr gcrcttctc SungUng. Page 30.—/. flnbeitr supply ju ; see p. 14, 25 2. <^\t, i. e. 9J?cnfc^en|"eeIc 3. cr^oltcitf see 1 ^. fc^ltjcrftef supply ©ewinn i|l. ...5. tictlorcn (of »crlicren, Gr. 261, 142; El. p. 126) tcan see p. 15,46. Render (StC» bie fd)on »erlorcn war, etc., one that had been lost, etc 6. @anft (from Lat. sanctus), abbrev. ot., i.e. saint 7- ticm iJtiCU ^at^modf the def. art. is used before the names of a country or a per- son, wh^n connected with an attributive adjective, see Gr. 361 (f ) S. flCllJCfcm supply ttjar; see p. 21, 48 ,9. bcttJttftrcn/ pres. subj. gov. by bai /O. tJon ©cftdjt i()m (see p. 9, 28), render in his face //. Steffi t)Ut the ind. is sometimes employed instead of the imperat. to express a decided command. Gr. 423, §. 78, 2 /2. Ijicrubcr (see p. 102 NOTES AND EEFERENCES. Page 30. Notes 13-31. Page 31. Notes 1-21. 14,45) jcugc, render witness of this be /S. t»or ^^^rijlo, see Gr. 68, V, Exc. ; El. 15, N /^. ©cmetnc, for ©emcinbe. /,5. Utttcts Hi|pg, of untcrtDeifeitf insep.. comp. conjug. like unterfc^eiDen, p. 14, 56 /&, (afr— blii^;;?, spe]i;.^ if. 5. The expression Miii)n after griic^te is rather awkward ; translate'njpert /7. tJcrtrtttttCf see p. 28, 18 /<§*. Ucj)— na(i^t:nomM^i0{fjep. comp. irr. tjouf to relax in, to abstain from, to disoontiniie.. . . ,fOi to£t da !Jlc^ iJcm .^ungUng (about the dat. see p. 10, 50), translate was (or became) the youth's ruin JSO. Qlngclcrft, from aniecfen (less usual form for beleden), attrib. to er ^/. tJOn, when with the pass, voice, always render by. Gr. 352, II (1) 22. I2&arb. see p 12, 6, here used as an independ. verb (Gr. 104 *) 2S. fofictCf here v. a. gov. the ace. (Den Sieij* — 5Heij) 24-. 309, from jie^en, see p. 16, 31 26. t\\X §ttU^t, etc., apposition to er 26. llic erflc ^Jrag\ etc. The usual inversion (see p. 10, 60) is here poetically omit- ted for the sake of emphasis laid on the above words 27- flit, render to 28. Ujrctt* refers to ©egenb*. . . . ^^. geftorbctt; from jlerben, see p. 16, 36 30. fj^lug— nictier, imperf. of nicDcrfc^lagen, sep. comp. irr. ; see p. 15, 50 3/. ®Qii (dat. instead of fiir ®ott) flbgcs ftorbett/ from afeflerkn, sep. comp. irr. (see 29). Page 31.—/. ^fi, supply (gr 2. mtt 2^rancn fflg' \^ c§; for inversion see p. 13, 8 S. iicfcr ^unglingS Sccle^ etc., for inversion see p. 17, 24 4. ^otir' (of fobern), antiquated for forbern ; for use of pres. tense see p. 24, 37 5. itfl^ent) ; this verb, analogous to fici^ na|ern, gov. the dat. (bent SBalbe); see p. 14, 5 6. crgriffctt/ past part. of ergreifen (forms imperf. pass, with warb), see p. 9, 10 7- tUOUt' cr ; for inversion see 3; ir>offen is here an independ. verb 8. fil^rct/ imperat.; subject t^r omitted 9. S8or t^tt trot (see p. 24, 21) ct; for inversion see 2 fO. tnflnDtc (see p. 28, 8) {\^,, here used as a reflex, verb. Render turned away //. ni^t ; about its position see p. 10, m....f2. crtragcn, see p. 9, 36 ; p. 25, 31. . . ./?. gfUc^C, imperat., see p. 16, 30 ; here used as an active verb (ben — Skater) /4. Inaffcn* lofcn {defenceless), see p. 15, 14 fS. ©incil (Srci0/ apposition to 35ater. /6. gelobct (past part, of gcIoBen, not of loben, which would take the same form). SJlciltett ^tXXXi, poetical inversion //. ttnttoortcn fiir is used in the same sense as fle^en fur (p. 30, 11) ; translate literally. .... /8. @crn 0cb' i^ — i^in (for inversion see p. 13, 8), from ^lingebcn, to sacrifice ; about ^in, see p. 11, 78 /9. SBiUfl l)U C§, see p. 29, 11. — 20. nur i)i^ fortflit bcrlaffcn fflitn {6:^ niit, poetical inversion, used to lay stress on ^erlafTen, which nur also serves to strengthen. 'Render I can do for you all but leave you 2/. dcrtrflUCtf see p. 28 18 22. ^{^, supply i^ l^aBe 2S. {^Q\i, dat. gov. by ^erpfanbeU 24-. t)cr|lfani)et, past part, (forms perf. with ^abe omitted) of tjeri NOTES AND KETERENCES. 103 Page :;i. ^'OTEs 25-11. Page 32. Notes 1-22. pfanbert/ insep. comp. derived of 3)fanb, n. s., pledge, security. Render / have pledged God my soul foriJiee J^6. f(t)lan0, from fdjUngen, Gr. 269 (169) ; El. p. 129 :S6. bcUcdctC/ antiquated for bcbecfte 27- 9luf bic (see p. 9, 21) ftnicc fonf ^O^onn^S nictlcr (from ntcberfmfcn/ sep.comp. irr., ece p. 9, 33) ; for inversion see p. 18, 47 28. no^m, see p. 10, 62 20, ncu (for aiif 5 ncuc) (5cfil)Cnl(e)t, attrib. to il)n; render took the re- claimed one from, etc 30. ^tL\^xt (render FOii years), poetical for ja^rclang S/. an3crtrcnn(c)t see p. 19, 1 32. mit cintttitJcr (see p. 10, 6), translate together 33. @o§ fit^, from gicpcn (usually crgte^cn). Gr. 260 (122) ; El. p. 126 ; for use of the reflex, form see p. 22, 16 34-. ^oliannc^f gen. gov. by ©cclc ; tlie omission of tlio def. art. is a poetical license. Gr. 68, V ; El. 15 (IV) 36. Sogt 2d pers. pi. imperat 30. ttJa§ — tlJa3 ; the first is interrog. pron,, the second relat. pron 37- crfonntN see p. 14, 47 38. fcfil^tcUf from fcjl^ ^alten, render literally 30. c0 (ace.) refers to ^zx\. Compare p. 19, 23 4(9. tiiicDcrfant)^ from tt>icbcr'=ftnben, see p. 11,7 ^/. ©anfts :2i0^anncd ®IttUbc has to be taken for one compound noun, although standing as if disconnected ; render faith like St. John's. ^a0 ^mcn bcr (Stcinc. Page 32.—/. S^nS 9lmcnf Amen; for gender see Gr. 80, VII, 1 and 3 ; El. 190, 1 and 3 (for use of the art. see Gr. 5. p. 360, sq.) 2. bUnDf attrib. to S3eba ; con]. oho^WxA), although, omitted 3. fuljr — fortf from fortfa^rcn, see p. 15, 77 4. ^M |jrct)ipcn/ etc.; the inver- sion is a poetical license /T. t)ic Sotfc^oft, taken in an abstract sense, means here the Gospel O. tlo0 SSort (compare 5), i. e. God's word. 7. ^iinglinggfcucrf render youthful enthusiasm c9. itjn ("in ilnabCf for inversion see p. 18, 00 O. ubcrfd't, of iiberfocn, Gr. 291 ; El. 150 ; render strewn {with) fO. tjiclc QKcnfltlcn/ render many people, see p. 20, 8 //. finti Ucrfommclt \)\tX ; compare p. 15, 40 ; the adv. is poetically placed after the verb /2. ouf, render for ; Bce p. 21, 31 /e>. cr^ob ft(^, from fid) cr^ckn, see p. 27, 11 /4. (llfobalb for alSbalb, immediately 75. UJon^t' — an, from an^wcnbcn, Bee p. 10, 101 70. mt(Dt()U^, a rather poetical form for milb/ very '^rely used, stands here adverbially 77- nictJerfloffcnf of niclicr=' [lic§en, Sep. comp. irr., like [(^te§cn, p. 14, 57 78. bcf^lic^cnt)/ see 17 ; pres. part, attrib. to cr 70. l)a§ ©otcninfcr (so called from its first words), the Lord's Prayer 20. tuic ft{I)*0 flCjicmt see p. 29, 13. 27. 9cbctct unJi ncfprodjcn (see p. 9, 30), supply auxil. Ivutc, to form pluperf.. . . .^^. I)cin, absol. jx^ssess. pron. abbrev. from bad "Dcinc oi iBetnigc; the repetition of Dctn and the expression „t)id in bic Sirii^fcitcn " instead of in Grcigfcit are poetical deviations from the usual wording ol 104 NOTES AND REFERENCES. Page 32. Notes 23-40. Page 33. Notes 1-27. the Lord's Prayer 2S. ^a (correlat. to %\i, when, four lines above), render then 2//^. riefcit; see p. 9, 25 26. Diet for i)iele, compare p. 23. 10 (Gr. 156, \)....26. crf^rad, from cr-fc^redcn (v. n.), see p. 19, 1. 27' !nict'— tticiicr, from nieJjerfmeen 28. Jjcm ^eiliocn, render to the Iwly man or mint 29. tjcnn, comp.p. 18,66 30, gclcfcn, of Icfen, Gr. 238(32) ; El. p. 119. . . .SL Witix\i)rA, render liere men; cx)m- pare 10 32. fdjUJcigen, see p. 11, 22 33. iDcrbcn— farcin (for fc^reien), 3d pers. pi. fut. ind. act. of fcl)rcten, conjugated like fi^tDctgen, see 32. 3/f.. 9lij^t for emphasis' sake precedes the verb to which it belongs; compare p. 10, 69 . . .36. mtt» omit in Irans'.ation, this prep, required by ft>oUen 36. ScficnJiig ifi CS, emphatical inversion 37 ^ fc^ttciDct» like leibeitf p. 18, 7 38. ff^orf *^ic fcin — > sharp as no — , i. e. sharper than any— 39. 3ttJCifdjnciiJig(e^), see p. 12, 16, douNe-edged io. u:tJ) fotttc glcid) (see p. 17, 46) ftd) i^m jum Xxoi^ Ucrftcincn (poetical for »erj^einern/ here used as a reflex, v. About the peculiar signification of foUcn see Gr. 407, N. 1). Render the whole : And though magi's heart should petrify in spite of it (viz., God's word ; tt;m refers to ©cttesS SBort, third line above ; the dat. is gov. by the adverb, phrase jum Slrot-), com- pare Gr. 383, 8. Page 33.— /. tetlttrftc, from icburfcn (see p. 23, 21) 2. iJcr Oblige, the eternal orie, an appellation of God 3. 2803U i)ie '^txtx, etc. ; supply ift J^. jut Sud;'t render as a ciscipline 6. gcbotcn» past part, of gcbieten, see p. 18, 52, forms iniperf. ind. pass, with roarb, see p. 12, 6 6. ter cine Xag. Notice def. art. Gr. 147, III ; El. 32. 7. ^ciJcn/ supply %a^ 8, juriidocfcljrt tuarcit, etc., inversion due to elevated style 9. 9latncn^» an idiomatic gen. with def. art. omitted; render named, or ly the name of. fO. fictlttf Lemte, descendant of Levi, Jacob's son //. tBCtfcr 9Wann, supply ein /2. famml (prep. gov. dat. ; Gr. 347, II ; El. p. 263) SBcia UttJ) ^inUcrn, see p. 16, 35 and 37 /3. tifg §crrn» usual appellation of God ; ren- der literally of the Lord /4. trat» from trcten, see p. 24, 21 ; render trat ju if»m, approached him /6. in ©eflolt (see p. 14, 4), render dis- guised as /6. jiCijet (see p. 23, 4) l^in, render migrate /7- ttuf tttS for auf ba§, conj. synonym of bamit f8. rot^e^ (subj. gov. by auf bai, see p. 10, 31), see p. 27, 10 ; governs dat. ; see p. 9, 53 /9. ^Clfcfl (see 18), sec p. 9, 30; governs infin. (cinrid)tcit) without ju; see p. 9,10 20. tmx'\t)irA, render to set right, m'ganizc 2/. iDoUf* polite form of request, see p. 9, 2 22. jjnaJligUd;'! soo p. 82, 16. 23. unti IDin. supply it^ 2^. !un5l(^, see p. 27, 20 26. Icrnc (see p. 9, 8) — tjcrttttucm see p. 28, 18 26. p^.—OMi, from au^jie'&en (hero v. n.), see p. 13, 31 ; render started, or s:t out.. . .27' NOTES AND REPERENCliS. 105 Page 33. Notes 28-50. Page 31. Notes 1-I§. in fcct SrrJi^C (f. s.) bc5 Sflorgcn^^ translate early in the morning 28. SBo0 tuirJJ i)0§ tucrl)cn» render How will tJdsendf 29. gcgcn Ql&cnt) (poetical for West), tmnsi&tG Westward SO. ^itoantidt, sup- ply joaren, to form pluperf., and notice, that waren serves as an auxil. (here) and as an ind(3i>end. verb (with fc()r miibe) at the same time <^/. ficljc, here simply interject, to enliven narration ; translate lof or behold I....S2. §icr rojict! comp.p.32,11.. . .^,?. unfcrcS SScgc^, see p. 26, 21 SA. trot — fjcrjU* render approached 36. htX^ti, num. adj. used as a noun (ought to have capital initial) and neuter because collectively referring to both nouns following 36. fci^S ^orttfoitgcn (ace., see p. 24, 8) tDcit, render as far as, or for (the distance of) six parasangs 37. in ^riciJcnr see p. 14, 4 :38. fo, for tt)eld)c, obsolete form of relat. pron. (biblical style ; Gr. 347, §. 44, N.) 39. crtrugCtt^ from er-tra{\en, see p. 25, 31 4^0. ncllttd)tcn; see p. 14, 15; one of the verbs gov. gen., see p. 23, 21 4/ fo, see 38 ^2. cm^ifongcn, see p. 17, 20 4^3. juriitfgclegt, supply fatten j^4^. er^ob M, see p. 32, 13 4-6. fonlJCn; see p. 11, 7 46. X^tX, demonstr. pron 4-7. fo, see 38 48. flcf^tt^ t§, see p. 15, 35. 49. immer fort for immerfort 60. foldjC» antiquated for the demonstr. pron. Mefe or bicfelBen. Page 34. — /. gclongtc* etc. Notice, that, in spite of two subjects, the verb stands in the sing., indicating that Boni is considered the exclu- sive subject, and his servants and household only part of himself., . . 2. crfonntc^ see p. 27, 27 3. forfltiV render saw to it 4. gc^ci* liptf translate simply kept or observed 6. tciifle means here demor- alized or wicked; the application of this adj. to persons is unusual in prose, ilrummacfjer, in imitation of Luther's style (Bible translation), has used many words in his „9)araktn," which in every-day prose would be inelegant 6. ^ilgrimfdjaftf render pilgrimage 7. fic^et— i^m offftt# render verbally ope 7^,? to him 8. ticS ©fjcltc^f gen. gov. by ad)tet ; Bee p. 33, 40.....^. dcrltcrt ftd)» reflex, for passive, trar slate ia lost. ^ic Uicr 2Bc9C. fO. Id§t— fii^rcttf see p. 17, 5 //. aWctuJono* proper name; hence the def. art /2. iljn JU frQ(^cn» supply urn before i^n; see p. 11, 115. /3, rii^mft bi(f^> is an intrans. roll. v. governing the gen. follow- ing (Gr. 370) /4. fonIircr» poetical for bcfonbcrcr; render singular or particular /6. ja» see p. 9, 52 /6. (2o fotlfl Hu. etc. The con- struction of this clause implies, that the one preceding ought to have been introduced by the conj. ba, dure; on fo compare p. 15, 7 /7. ^ntlDOrt fagcn^ poetical for autnjcrtcn /8. ^u stands here for in 1 5, 106 NOTES AND KEFERENCES. Page 34. Notes 19-35. Page 35. Notes 1-8. with tlio ace; render into /9, tljcilt 92 ; 11, 111 ; to look around. In prose fid) ought to follow er SO. fid) — ticr^ ncigcnUr v. refl.; the participle is attrib. to er Sf. SOom S^ron/ instead of the simple gidn., which use in English ; this form is chosen because another gen. follows S2. Wtxi^ fd)trmC/ etc., object preced- ing for emphasis' sake ; about the meaning of the subj. see p. 19, 29. 33. (So here points to the following verse ; render thus. It may, however, also be explained as corresponding to an imaginary n^enn in the preceding clause S4^. foU bir meinc ^InttUOrt tocrJlcn* render simply sJiall he (or is) my answer. The verb Jt>erben (indep. gov. dat.) is sometimes elliptically used instead of the complete phrase ju %^i\\ werben^ and may then be translated by to receive , the object in the dat. becoming the subject in the nom. ; e. g. i^nt tuurbe ble Slntwort^ he received the an- swer; mix warb bic .^unbe, I received the news, etc. This idiom, however, is becoming obsolete SJ. gu tcm gciiffnet flnti t)icr 3^^iiren/ render iiito which lead four doors. Page 35. — / ttHjUlttab adv., render always or always the same 2. SBcHf relat. pronoun> has at the same time the force of a demonst. pron. omitted in the preceding line ; render he whom... . .3. cinc refers to 3:^uren 4. liiffcfi fii^ren^ poet, for fii^ren laffejl; see p. 34, 10 6. ^0^ it^ beg 2Bcoc^ nil^t gcirrt (supply l)abe), render Thai I did not lose my way. Thia construction, viz. irren, governing the gen. or con- nected with a gen. absolute (see p. 26, 21), almost touches the limits of poetical license 6. iJc^» poetical for beffen, gen. of demonst. pron. See Gr. 199, * ; Bl. p. 189, *. The gen. is here governed by frommcn; a construction which may be called obsolete, rather poetical and some- what obscure. Translate the whole (connecting with 5) is due to the services of your rrvessenger 7- tJcrtuirtt (compare p. 22, 45) render here dazxkd 8. tUCli^eS SScgS (see p. 26, 21), for iwel4>en aBejjciS; Gr. NOTES AND REFERENCES. 107 Page 35. Notes 0-34. Page 36. Notes 1-11. 133, t ; El. p. 90 9. ii^ 6in flClommcn» poetically inverted from i(^ gefommcn tin (auxil. gov. at the end by relat pron.) 2)ic ©rcnobictc. W, IRatft, see p. 15, 48 //. joflcn, see p. 33, 16 — f2. 2)ic tottrcn — QCfangrn^ see p. 15, 46 and translate who had been captives ; the im- perf. (n^aren) is here poetically used for the pluperf, proper (gewcfen xoa* ren)» since this tense obviously refers to a much earlier date /S. in'g contr. from in i)Q0; al)out def. art. see p. 9, 9 /^. (Sic !ic§cn (poet. for licfjen fic) ^angcilf see p. 38, 16 /5. fic 93ciDCf the second word being used here as u noun must be considered as in apposition to the former /6. Ucdorctt QCj^anQClt (supply fei or ware) perf. (or pluperf.) subj. of verloren gcticn, an idiomatic phrase closely corresponding to the English to get lost //. bcftegt unli eifi^lttgcit (see p. 15, 50) Hog ta^fcrc .^cer ; supply bail before the clause and the same auxil. as in 16 at its end; the inversion is i)oetical fS. SSoi^l (see p. 11, 124) can hardly bo rendered here fD. o&; obsolete instead of ttjcgcn, prep. gov. gen. ; render on account of or because of. 20. SSic IDC^ toirD \\\\x, impers. reflex, phrase; Gr. 311, N. 3; El. 158, N 2/. 2>cr 9lnt)rc for l^cr Bwcttc. G. 151, XI ; El. 42 22. 2)a§ ijicl) ipi m^, the song is finished ; a somewhat cynical expression, cutting through the deep melancholy of the subject, and peculiarly characteristic of Heim . About the adv. aud in its signification of finished or Odcr, compare \). 14, 30 23, moif)t' l»erc expresses a wish ; see p. 11, 90 24-. 28ci(« U\(i^ i^iniJf see p. 33, 13 26. ju ^m^ render at home (Gr. 464, 17). 26. dcrDcrOCn, here v. n., render ^^em/i 27. 2Btt8 fd)Cert mid)* what do I care for ; a vulgar phrase (see 32), which has no connection with the verb fd)eeren, to shear, but is ]^robably distantly related to the English to scare 28. trogc ; this verb is frequently used for batcn, to denote feeling 29. ttJCit adv., is often substituted for t>icb espe- cially before comparatives of adj. and adv. . . . .30. 6ettcln pC^U» render go begging ; see p. 14, 35 3/. So, render here then 32. nimm — mit, from mit^nc^men 33, uai^/ sec 10 3J^, S3cgrttb'/ seep, 25, 28. Page 36. — /. ^a8 Cc^rcnfrcUj* etc. ; object preceding for sake of emphasis 2. auf'S ^crj mir. see p. 9, 21 3. %\t ^Xvxiz, see 1. — 4. nic^' ««'' P- 11. 12 — 6. mir in l)ie §aniJ/ see 2 G. r^iirf — nnif from umaiirtcn 7- <2o. see p. 34, 33 8. idj ()or:, render 7 t^mll hear ; see p. 34, 37. ... -9. iJanoncnt^cfirii^f, r.mring of cannon,. . . . fO. rcitcf» 8oe p. 14, 53 //. tUOljl (soe p. 11. 134), render here per- 108 NOTES AND KEFEEENCES. Page 36. Notes 12-48. Page ST. Noies 1-§. Jiaps /2. ICicI, see p. 32, 25 /.?. filifecn/ translate here sparkle. /4. ftcig'— ^crdor, from tjerdort^eicien, sep. comp. irr., see p. 15, 6 ; p. 11, 46 /6. nug render herefrom or out of{Qt. 468, 3) /O. ju fd3U$en> supply urn before Den ^aifer. ^ic ^Icttjc^rSna^t cincS UngliirfUr^cn. /7- in ber !iWcuia^t§no(t;t am ^cnjicr ; for position of adverbs see Gr. 445, 1 and 2 /S. f^autc — an^ from auffc^auen, compare, however, p. 23, 22 /9. mit tJCm Slirfc cincr— render with a g^Za/ice o/. . . .^O. CtolB bliiljcnlicn ^immelf see p. 9, 48, ^era& (instead of i)imh) conveys the idea that he imagines himself to be on the earth, over which his thouf^hts are hovering, and thus looks down upon himself, as it were. ^/. tuorauf, see p. 12, 83 ^^. frcuticns unU fdjlaflo^ for freu^ benloiJ unb fitlaflc^, see p. 15, 14 £S. aU (stands for mt) correl. to fo ; render so — as ^4. ftatCH, it can hardly bo said of a grave that it stands, render therefore wa^ or better still he stood, etc ^,5. naf)t 6ci» translate near hy 26. felo^r inelegant for nur 27' dam St^ncCf render ly the snow. The prep, son is gov. by n)ar — »erbecft; see p. 15, 46 28. brad)tc — niit/ render here had gained 29. avih translate //'om or jw SO. tiic ©ruftf see p. 9, 21 S/. tJoU ©iftr see p. 17, 1 and p, 29, 15 32. SciltC — 3'4_,enl!ta!]rr render the — days of his youth SS. toaubteit fid} — urn from jid) unwenben, refl. sep. comp. irr., see p. 31, 10; render returned 3-^. ol^ render here as. ....36. jancn \%Xk — ^in, from t)in5ie5cn (see p. 33, 16); Tender dragged him lack 36. dor/ render here before the face of. .. .37- Uia; render when ; adverbs of time and of place are sometimes indiscriminately used in German 38. i^n feiu Satcr, see p. 18, 60 39. i)cr— btingt. tqvAqx that— leads J^O. doll Sic^t unb Srnten, see 31 ^/. J^inaO** \\t\^i, here v. a., though without object ; render loses itself or leads away (into) Ja2. doU l^cruntcrtro^jfcnlicn @iftc0 (gen. ; see 31), render drip- ping with poison 4«?. J^ingCHf see p. 23, 19 4-^. auf/ render on. 4^6. riff — ^inauf from ^inaufrufen (see p. 23, 22), see p. 9, 25 . ..4^6. @ic6 mit bic ^Ugcnt) toicbcr, render Restore me to youth 47- ftelic mil^; etc. ; the position of the adv. wieber in this clause is unusual 48. anDcrd, render a different course. Page 37.—/. liingfi; see p. 16, 36 2. i)a!iitt; see p. 20, 6 ; com- pare also p. 14, 30 3. auf* render oter 4. taitJCIt, gov. by fa&, see p. 22, 26 6. auf/ render here in 6. au§Ibfd;en (see 4), less usual form for erlijfdjcn, v. n. to die, disappear 7- ^0 ftnt) (see p. 16, 32), render ^Aey ar^ or those are 8 dr fa^ ctiicit Stern dom ^im'* mcl flicl^cn unl) — fj^immcrn* render He saw a shooting-star, glittering. NOTES AND REFERENCES. ICO Page 37. Notes 9-46. Page 38. Notes 1, *2, etc O. jcrrinncn/ see Gr. 271 (185) ; El. p. 129. . . ./O. ^aS 6in i^, render That is I, or myself. Gr. 181, IV ; El. 56 //. grubcn— ttJCitcV (aee p. 23, 22), see p. 25, 28 , render dug deeper /^. :^arill ill Ucil SBunHcn, a pleonasm; render into the wounds /S. ^ob — ouff see p. 27, 11 /^. jum :3ci"f^;l"8-n' render ready to crush, . . ./J. juriitf' j^cbliclicnc from jurucfbleibcrtf render left behind. . . . /O. ijardc* translate mask ; for construction of this clause, see p. 16, 56 //. noljm — an from annc^mcn, to assume /<9. SUiittCU tn^ render i)i the midst of. /9. flo^ — })Crnic3cr from fjcmiebcrflicpcn, see p. 32, 17, and compare p. 23, 22 ^O. Die 9?iufif fiir l)a5 9icuia{)r> tTunslate the strains of a Hew Tear's chorus. It is customary in Gennany to celebrate the arrival of Festival Days with music from the church spires ^/. (gr tDUrtie fonftcr (adv. comparat.) bctocgt/ render his emotions softened 4?^. (gr f^aute u:u Urn ^orijont l^crum^ translate he glanced all along the horizon J^S. on (cine ^UgenbtreunDef render of the companions of his youth ^^. gliifflit^cr UUD kffer^ attrib. to bic; tlie absence of declension is to be explained by the omission of the pres. part, of fciii (I'eienb^ being) 2 '5. iicnn (for al^ after comparatives) than 26. Cfl)rcr iicr ^-r^c, render instructors of the people — 27- iiic erftc *Jia(^t/ the first night, viz. of the new year 28. mit trotfcncn ^Kugcn, i. e. vithoui tears 20. ttJcnn ii) gchJoUt (independ. v.) fjiittc, render if 1 had been iDilling 30. fttm Cg '\{^m tJOr» an impersonal phrase; Gr. 813; El. 160 3/. ttlS ridjtc fldj— auf for at^ wcnn— fid) aufrid)te, as if, etc 32. cniilid) inurtic fie (i. e. the mummy)— 3a cincm— ^^iinglingc/ render finally changed into a— youth ,9,9. tjurtf) i)cn 9lberglauben/ jtjfjjjjpr — crblirft/ render ruled by a superstition that looks for visions of the Future, etc S4-. nidjt mc^r, no longer 36. fcljcn* render here endure the sight 30. taufcntJ, see p. 12, 28 37- cr feufjtc (from fcutVn, to sigh) nur nod)^ rpnder he could only sigh 38. ^omniC laiet)rr» imperat. of wicbcrfommcn. to return 30. ijit, viz. fcine ^ugenb. . . . .^0. tuarcn fein Xraum flctnefenf render had net been a dream ^/. no:?) jnn^ (see 24), render «^i7^ but a youth ^2. in— umfe^rert render turn away P. om. . . 4e?. ft-*-, ouf Die 33nncnbatin ^uriitfbcflcben render re-enter tlie sunny pa til. ...4-^. ttienn Du our frinent ^VrtncflC fief/fi» translate if thou hast followed his evil ways. . . .A/i. toirt) — UJCrlien, fut. of incrbcn, here v. independ. ; render mil be /t-6. rufcn tuitrDefl — toiirDc— loiclicrfommcn, see p. 17, 27. 93U r r| c n I i c b . Page :{8. — /. la^' herein its original meaning, .'^< 2. '^er bU (tfttiad)t# supply "Du before bcr and baft at the end. In German when a persona] pronoun of the Ist or 3d person is followed by the relut. pron. 110 NOTES AND hefeeences. Page 38. Notes :i^35. ber, fcic» baa, the personal pronoun is repeated (Gr. 892, §. 31) ; hence the presence of 't^vi after ber; render Thou wJw 3. cl)' X^ gettlttlftt supply l^ak 4. mogc (subj. gov. by ba§) fiiircn, poetical for ftoren mbge, ben Slnfang and ^eute belong together, and form one idea, viz. the heginning of this day S, jugcbat^t (supply ^ajl to form perf.) from jubenfen; render the whole which thou hast destined for me to-day 6. SBcm — i)en, see p. 18, 40 7- tiaS bcftc %\\t\{ ; notice the neuter gender and consequent peculiar meaning' of the noun 8. befdltcBeu (supply ^a|l) from bcf(|eiben, synonymous with j^ubenfen, see 5 9. ttiClfeft — Ottf from oufwetfen* fO. ODcm» poetical for Slt^em //. @ii^ tfl'§» see p. 16,32 fJ2. crtDO^CHf gov. by (Su§; the omission of ju is a poetical license, mit bir render within thee fS. umfangen (past part, of um" fangen, insep. comp. irr. ; for absence of particle ge see p. 10, 82) fcin (see 12), see p. 15, 46 /^. tijc rct^tc ^xa\i (for def. art. see p. 9, 9) t)cm St^Jnai^en ; notice the poetical inversion of the two objects ; see p. 17,18 /J. flb^t — Ctn (supply ba«3) from einflofen, to impart, inspire with /&. ^rcuJJigfcit jum ficben> render vital energy or spirits /7- Xa, for bann, render then ; see p. 86, 37.. .../8. gc^t— tJCrlorcn, see p. 35, 16 /9, rcnnt (conj. like rcnnen, p. 14, 47) — nai}i render is bent upon, inclines to... .20. Wit bci tJcnif etc., render As in a or as that (viz. soul) of 2f. bent 2^orcn, mark the gender. Gr. 83 ; El. p. 249. 22. crftttltJ), from erjle^cn, to arise, generally used only in connection with death (to resurrect) and the sick-bed ; here poetically for aufftel)en. ^S. 28er— iJCn see 6 2S. mit dolter fiieliC, mark difiPerenco between bolter here (dat. sing. fern. gov. by mit) and p. 29, 15 2S. Ijiugabe from ^ingcben^ here used reflex, (jtd)); for meaning of subj. see p. 10, 18. Render the whole lie who would only dewtedly and early yield to the influence of thy grace 26. pit' (for wiirbe ^akn, see 25) an— gcttugi render would have enough 27- 8(uf feiltCIt ganjCtt %f{%, render Fok the whole day (Gr. 453, II, 7) ...28. fc^Itc for tuttrbe fet)Icn (see 25), gov. dat. ; compare p. 16, 15. . . .29. dcrft^toiintie (see 25) from »erfc^tt)inbcn, see p. 17, 45 SO. iicg 10lorgcn§— i)c8 5lbcnDg must not be mistaken for absol. gen. here, being simply gov. by the noims 33Iat^e and ^tud)t respectively J/, ^iim' (see 25), subj. imperf. of fommcn, see p. 10, 35 32. S^OQ fiir Xa^, render day after day. Gr. 455, VI, 3 33. gcbunticn (of binben, like ft^winbcn, see 29), attrib. to ®arbe ; for absence of declension see p. 87, 24 3^. aufgcftcUt from auffleffen, to place, arrange, see 83. The first four lines of this verse are an elliptical apostrophe of human life, which is compared to a sacrificial sheaf, the ears repi-esenting days 36. in foldjent @Ionj bcr il\)XZV.t render shining with honors. Here is a pretty ho7i mot (most probably intentional) since there is another word nearly homonym with G^iiu, which, if substituted, would j^rettily amplify the illustration ; NOTES AND HEPEEENCES. Ill Page 38. Notes :J6, 37. Page 39. Notes 1-29. this word is 5lcf)ren {ears), the poet identifying himself with his life ; see 34 f^G. XiQ' Dcr i^axHcn, day of sheafs, i. g. here tlie Day of Judgment S7' xna^i see p. 36, 18. The use of ind. mode after bap (standing: hero for bamit, in order that) is rare ; it may have been called forth by the fact that the clause which terminates with may, expressing a natural consequence rather than an uncertain purpose or aim, has a decidedly positive coloring. 2)oS gJrcugif^c mn im ^a^xc 1813. Page 39.— /. 9Wcmcl, ^cntminr dolhtv^, @Ifll?, cities of Prussia, mentioned to give her (then) dimensions, analogous to the American : *'From Maine to California," etc ^. bi0 (render to), refers to space as well as to time S, toax (here strongly indep. v.), render there existed 4. unitV, translate among. Gr. 460, XII (5) -5. (ginc^ Qirit etc., here not indef. art. but def. cardinal numeral with a strong emphasis indicated by the unusual capital initials 6. ju rcttcn— JU Iiefrcteit» gov. by the preceding nouns (Stimmc, ®cful>I» etc '/• ^ricg, etc. ; for inversion see p. 18, 47 6*. tOoUtctt (see 8), render wanted, ... .5. ^rcu^ifdjcn ^yrlcacn, i. e. a peace satisfactory to Prussian feelings and interests /O. I^offcttf render ?iope for, expect //. fi^aUtc C^/ here used impers. Render was the outcry /3. ^ic ^ai'^at^ftt^ mountains in the south-east of Prussia fS. ^ic Ofifcc, the Baltic. /Z-. 2)fr 9licmcn [for exceptional gender see Gr. 79, 3 ; El. p. 245 (3)], a river forming the north-eastern boundary of Prussia //y. !£ic 6'16Cf a river forming (then) part of the western boundary of the kingdom /O. tcr Ucrormt V&tiX, troxi^^QXe poverty-stricken /7. bcr JBaUCn notice gender; see p. 88, 7 /8. untcr ^Jorf^Oltn ullU ^Uljrcn (f. s. derived from fafircn; compare 27, 28, may be rendered by transportation^, translate ly compulsory war service /^. totit iriiht from tobt (i. e. in 2;obe) treit^en, render strained to death ^O. tilt ©intjuorticrunflcn refera to the burden of quartering soldiers ^/ 9('jgatiCn refers to the burden of contributing for the support of the war ^^. in^icid^f referring to <3toIjc^^ and 8d)mcr^c^ at the same time, would better bo placed after the latter ^S. cntUc^# from entlaffcn, render parted with 2^. .^acrCHr render 7i«i>; in German both sing, and plur. may be properly used in this sense JSS. ttJCflCllf prep. gov. gen., see p. 85. 10 ^<9. [me,^, translate long ago 27- cntloffcu (compare 28 ; render here dismlm'd) tDUrcit, see p. 15, 46 ; with the aid, however, of the adv. lanac, this form may be also properly do- fined as the pluperf. pass, with auxil. ivorbcn omitted. . . .3<^> ill .Oinfidjt (with g(;n.) means vnth regard to, as t;K. . . .2f). jctJc^ (for its si m. s. town 39. fi^ttUtc (compare 11) tJOHf resounded with 4-0. ^ricgglufi unti ^rieggmurtf/ render warlike din and enthusiasm 4/. in cineit Ucfiunggs unD (see p. 36, 23) 2Bttffcn^ltt^, to or into a drilling-place and arsenal 4-2. tt)orX)» see p. 12,6 4S, SBaffi'itfi^micHiv f. s. armory 4^. 2)a^ tuor l)tt0 fdjbnfic bci — , Da^ — / render The noblest feature of— was , that — 4-5. UntcrjC^iCilC— 5l(tcrn and Stufcn {con.dition)^ better rendered in the singular 46. dcri^cffcit (past part, of yeroietTen, Gr. 238, 36; El. p. 119) unD aumc{)oben (of m^Ulm, to abolish, see p. 27, 11) itjarcn* see p. 15, 46 ^7- .^etieiv every one 48. fid) ictttiit^igtCf from bemut^igen (derived from 2:)entut{)), v. a. here refl., to humilate one's self. 49. ^ingttb (supply fid) from last verb), from l^ingebcn, here refl. to devote one's self. 60. luo for in welrf)en, in which 6/. ntO^C (0C* fii^l, render here grand idea 62. ttflc onHeren ©cfii^lc tJCrf(^lttng (from ^jerfc^Iittgeitf see p. 31, 25), render absorbed all other feelings. . . .63. ttHc ttltbcrc fonfi crlaubtC 9iiitffid5tcn» unusual inflection instead of alle anbercn foniT; erlaubteit (Gr. 128) 64. auft)Obf see 46 66. U (serv- ing here instead of conj. bay) points to the following clause ; this con- struction, as in English, gives a certain pathos to the diction 66. glcid)f render equal 67. tOOQten, see 8 68. Cl^ob, from er^ebenf to elevate. Page 40.—/. njobOttf i. e. »on wclc^en (viz., 0)flid)t and (Strekn) S. fie refers to ^erjen following ; render by ichich they were animated. — 3. oUc ^crjen, ace. object to er^ob 4, tJo§ ^Jiclirigc^ etc., adj. used as substantives, see p. 9, 6 6. getitmmclboQ, render turbulent. 6. iicm— cine fo toeite 93o^ti gebffnet ifl, translate which has a broad sway 7. ttuffommcn^ render prevail 8. SBiIti^"it trans- late rudeness 9. unter ben $Baffen> render literally under arms. /O. Orfj^Ier^t bcir ^rau?nr translate female sex //. iJUrdj, ren- der through, or bv.... /3. ftHenf^Udie (^arflcn unb 9Wiiftcn, render mortal cares and troubles /3. bic QluSjichcn^iCU, pres. part, used as noun, translate those taking the field /4. (3a&cn, render contrihu- NOTES AND REFERENCES. 113 Page 40, Notes 15-43. tioiis /6. tic 3Um X\it\\, translate many of which /O. ri't^rcttlls ftcn, superl. of pres. part, ru^renb, touching, used as adj //. iDargCs bra^t lOorDcn filiD, perf. pass, of barbringen, sep. comp. irr., see p. 15, 56. — /8. Uie Dcitt JiJatcdanlic cmig tljcurcn 91amcu (see p. 16, 59), ren- der those names of wives and virgins forever dear to the country /O. fiufrcit'ncnf enumerate J^O. in cinjcliicit SBo^nungen, in private dwellings 2/. Uic .^ungcmlJCU (see 13), from ^ungern, v. n. to he hungry ^^. UcrbunDcil (from »crbinben, see p. 38,33) l^a&cn ; this uuxil. serves to form perfect of geilcibct, etc 23. gcff^afj C3, see p. 21, 51 34.. 0c&ii^rtc Scrlin i)cr 5>orrani3. Construe: subject ber S5crrang {the first place) gcbii^rte {was due) JBcvIin, dat. gov. by the verb {to Berlin) 26. e0, viz., ©erlin; see p. 15, 19 26. ktuicfcil, from Ocwcifcn, insep. comp. irr., see p. 30, 15 27- fcinct refers to 23erlirt 28. ju fcin, jrov. by »erbicm 29. %xVJit Xii), imperat., compare p. 13, 17. The city of Berlin apostrophized 30. Jjciuct (5^rcn, gen. gov. by the verb ; see p. 34, 13. Render : Rejoice in thy honors, brave city I . . . .3/. UcrfiJI^nt ; this verb is now-a-days only used with reference to persons offended, while to exudate trespasses (undoubt- edly meant here) is ex[)ressed by fu^ncn, v. a 32. ItttDiUc^ plur. of Unbitt, comp. of negat. prefix m\ and S3 III, f. s., antiquated for dttdjt or ©cfc^. Neither gender nor formation of plur. aie fixed by use, as the word is rarely employed ; most writers give it as fem. and form the plur. Unbilben. Translate itrongs 33. HJCtlJCn tuictsCr if)rcn SBo^r.fiij lici i)ir OUffl^Iajcn, render icill again dwell within thy walls. . . .34^^. ^rf) fogC nur ilO§ Sine, nnidcr To he hrief I may say 36. 63 ttJttr, etc., see p. 23, 6 36. toic liuri^ cin SSuntlcr ©OttCi^, render ly a divine miracle, as it were 37- cntftoitlJCn, see p. 10, 1. Render tBttr cnt* fianDcn, had arisen 38. ^ot— fidj offcnWrt, render has glorious-y manifested itself. . . .3,9. iff — txWxntW, perf. of erfd)eineit, see p. 15, 65. 4-0. (jattcu (v. indep.) translate here had gained hrilliant Hrtorirs at, or had the laurels of— to glory in 4/. ^JcJ^rbcHin [where the Great Elector, Frederic William of Brandenburg (whose successor beca^Do first king of Prussia in 1701), defeated the Swedes, June 18, 1675] ; ^odi'fiiiDt (the English call this the battle of Blenheim, August 13, 1704); Zmm (May 23, 1700); 2«al|)ltt^uct (Sept. 13, 1709); in these three battles the united German and English defeated the French. Ko^ftttl^ (Nov. 5, 1757, French an 1 Austrians defeated); ficutljcn (Dec. 5, 1757; Austrians defeated); Jlornon (^'ov. 3, 1700; Austrians de- feated); ^ornborf (Aug. 25 and 26,1758; Russians defeated); tlies,- four victories were won by Frederic the Great in the Seven Years' ^^'ar. 42. ftC f)o6cn nie, etc.; this clause stands in emphatic contradis- tinction against the preceding, expressed sim])ly by a mark o*' susmc n- eion. ...43. (©ro^)* ©iJrft^ca (the united Germans, English r.nJ 114: NOTES AND KEFERENCEg. Page 40. Notes 44-59. Page 41. Notes 1-7. Russians defeated the French, May 2, 1813) ; bet Bat^ha^ (tie ^apad) is a river in Silesia, where the united Prussians and Russians under Bliicher defeated the French under Macdonald, Aug. 36, 1813) ; ^cnitCs t:i^ (Bernadotte, king of Sweden, defeated the French under Marshal Ney, Sept. 6, 1813) ; fictlljig (great battle of nations, where the Prussians and their allies defeated Napoleon, Oct. 16-19, 1813). The above names of battlefields record the most important and brilliant victories in the history of Prussia 44. tntt cincttt fo gro^cn ©cifjc, with such unanimity and enthusiasm 4^5. Sai^C, translate cause. . . .4^6. 1)00 Sj^tocrt gcjogcn, render literally drawn the sword 4-7- fret ttt^mcit, to breathe the air of freedom 48. JU tJcn StcrnCtt, render up to the stars 49. Miden and andetctt may be considered either 1st pers. pL pres. inji. or more properly infinitives gov. by fonnen 60. al0 liic ba, etc.; supply fold^e before tie; (xU folc^e is apposition explanatory to St'm" ber; render the whole : That we can once more look with joy upon our children as future freemen 6/. i)a0 (demonstr. pron.) recapitulates the preceding clauses initiated with ba§, and expressing the object of banfen wit 62. nddjji (prep. gov. dat.), render next to 6S. 93c^ ginncrn (derived from kginnen, see p. 23, 23), TQudiQY founders ; dat. gov. by banfen. 64. ^crtliji^fcit render glory 66. fie, i. e. biefc Seginncr, i. e. btc 9)rcu§en 66. un0 uktgen (see p. 12, 5) ^eutft^cn; about the dat., see p. 10, 50. Render to the rest of us Germans 67- tuie Derft^ielicnc Xiamen— aui$, etc. (see p. 15, 40). Render whatever different names (i. e. as countrymen of the different German kingdoms, etc.), etc 68. fit^ren (of names, titles, etc.), to have. .. .69. ges tuortien (with auxil. jtnb preceding), perf. ind. of teerben, here indep. v. Render they have become. ^et Srlfiimg. Page 41.—/. ^er C^dfomg {or ^xltnVMo), in Northern Mythology, king of the elves, ethereal being of human shape, sometimes kind, mostly hostile to mankind, residing in forests and lonely places, apt to fall in love with mortal beauty, which, if unsuccessful' in gaining pos- session of, he will mysteriously harm or kill. Elves and their kin are of frequent occurrence in popular German tales. The present celebrated poem, with the exception of the first and the last verse, constitute a dialogue, viz. Verse 2, 4 and 6 : child and father. Verse 3 and 5 : Erlking. Verse 7 : Erlking and child. . . J3. ^ur«^ 9ltt(^t unll SBintl (render storm) ; for absence of art. see p. 14, 4 S. ber JStttcr. com. pare p. 9, 9, with p. 24, 2 4. tX ^ot hJO^l render he holds— securely, — 6. in licm ^Irntf see p. 9, 28 — 6. SaS for warum, why 7. birgfl NOTES AND REFERENCES. 115 Page 41. Notes 8-37. from bcrgen, poetical for »ert)ergen, see p. 28, 11 8. 35atcr, apposition to bu, poetically preceding 9. Dcit (irifonig; the object of the pre- ceding clause repeated and amplified /O. @(^tDCif, poetical for ©c^roanj ; means here a waving train of aerial garments //. gar, adv. render here mry or right (adv.) /2. 2Uani^' (see p. 13, 22) trans- late many /S. mani^' giilDcit [poetical for golben(c)^] (see p. 12, 16) @ettontJ» render many a golden gown /4. unt) prcjif etc. ; unb liero simply serves to render the language more pathetic ^5, 2Ba0» relat. pron , see p. 35, 2 ^6. l)crf|in(§t from dcrfprec^en, see p. 9, 30 17. @et> imperat. of fein, see p. 9, 11 /6*. fttttfclt from faufcln, derived from jaufcn. Analogous to diminutive nouns, the German language forms diminutive verbs, as it were, by inserting an I in the infin. ter- mination en and changing the radical vowel of the verb ; this has g(?n- erally the effect of modifying or weakening the signification of the original verbs ; often, however, the sense remains michanged or the diminutive form takes the place of the original one, which is dropped. E. g. lac^en, to laugh, lac^cln, to smile ; tropfen, to drop, tropfcln, to drip ; tanjcn, to dMnce,X 9. fdjlaot from fd)lagen, see p. 15,50 /O. fjingct, for (lingt; Gr. 269,* (167); El. p. 129 //. ^at; supply subject fie /2. @g ettDadjClti etc., see p. 22, 6 /S. tiadottf i. e. tion bemfelkn, viz. bem 3;on /4. XlnD Uic, relat. pron., see p. 35, 2 /6. drftarrt, supply fmb to form perf, see p. 11, 45 /6, UuU Die, see 14 //. SBclfc^Ionil (better SBalfc^Ianb, related to Wale» and Gaul), a poetical and therefore somewhat indis- tinct appellation, embracing the countries in which the Romance languages are spoken, France, Italy, Spain, etc. . . ./6*. JU (jei^f supply if} /9. Unll J)tC (see 14), here ace. object to bcdt, while in the preceding verse it is subject. . . . ^O. (Bit recapitulates the three bie preceding ^/. ftcigcit (see p. 36, 14) au§ translate rise from ^^. Uni) neljmeit'^ (peculiarly abbreviated from nel)men ba^) ©clue'^r jur .^anU; render A?id take up the rifle ^S. f(l)mcttert ill tlic Xvotttpttt, a poetical hysteron proteron for bldjl in bie ^Irompetc, bap fte f(|mettert; trans- late gives a flourish on his trumpet 24-. foittlttcn— ^Cffict from ^zxli'u fommen (auf) to come {out of) 26. ^n SBttffcn manj^crlci, poetical inversion ; compare p. 37, 24; and render in manifold arms 26, @g grinfcn, see 12 27. unter liem .^Clmc ^crOor render /r(?;ri under their helmets 28. (g0 ^alten (see 12) em|lor translate here present (arms). Page 4 3. — /. ^omnit langf am l^crgcrittcit, see p. 25, 2 ; supply subject er 2. umjieben, past part, of umf(eben, to surround ; attrib. to ^elb()crr 3. tragt, from tragen (see p. 25, 31) ; render wears 4. tin fl?inc0 ^Vii^tn ; the double dim. is used here rather poetically than for emphasis' sake (see p. 12, 8j S. ciufad) for cinfad)e^, see p. 12,16. 6. ctltnt flctncn 2)C9Cll tragi er^ merely poetical inversion without any particular emphasis 7- m flcincil render with the little 8. ft?f]t fi-^'i (dat.)— an from an|ct)cn, to look at, to review ; the verb is not used reflexively ; the dat. fid) simply conveys the idea of for himself, ly himself 9. iic 9{cil)en translate here the lines W. tag GJctCC^r (see p. 9, 9) render here arms //. ,jirl)t— iJOfiificr from Uorit6cnieI)cn, to pass /2. mit flinr^cnJJCm Silicic render with full bands playing. /3.\ .lic^cu (see p. 32, 18) um i^n einen ^Vt\8, render form a circle NOTES AND KEFERENCES. 117 Page 4;{. Notes 14-25. Page il. Notks 1-16. around him /4, bCItt niil^ficn (viz. marshal or general) iu'ti D^r, see p. 9, 21. Translate tlie whole: IVie coraniander softly whinpers a word into the nearest ear /o. fjcfjt in Uic JHttnDC, render the word passes round /6\ illini m.COCr (supply subject ed> from ttlicJcrUingcn, sep. comp. irr. ; see p. 42, 10 ; p. 33, 9 //. ^IC ^OfUltg, supply ifi /S. OiunDC. poetical for 9fiuubfcf)au, f. s., review /9. Dcr toDtC (idfttr/ dead Cesar, a poetical appellation of Napoleon I. ^cr Sicg. ^O. flrittCtt from flreiten, Gr. 349 (90) ; El. p. 130 ^/. ttJCr for mU <()ca. The Vices being personified here, take the masc. gender ^^. am eifrigftcn^ superl. Gr. 141 ; El. p. 46 :SS. gctncfcn fci ; for use of subj. see Gr. 421, §.71 (3); El. 123, Note ^4. ^cm Sbfcn, euphemism for the devil, the evil one; dat. gov. by bienen, which is accompanied by ju* because design is indicated in what precedes ^S. ^Cn U fanitfl bojfj blc ^aor SSortc fogcn^ Tou might surely say those few words. About boc^> see p. 11, 57; paar^ a few, is an indef. numeral. NOTES AND EEl'ERENCES. 119 Page 46. Notes 14, 15. Page 47. Notes 1-27. usually construed with the indef. art. ; tit is here more demonstr. pron. than article, since it points to those words about which the quarrel arose, viz., &cn \d Danf, ber Sifd) x\1 gcbecf t /^. 9iun, fo gel) jum— » a suppressed oath, frequently found in English plays, witness: Well, then go to— /J. aStr f|irC(^ett Ult^ (ace.) mittx; the verb can, in spite of\the ace, hardly be said to have been used reflex, here ; UttS is simply the object (accidentally coinciding with the subject), which this verb, when denoting ^0 ia^^ i6>, governs in the ace. Render: We shall speak on, this subject again. Page 47. — /. bcin 9lame refers to Gigenjinn, comically apostro- phized ^. ti^ fbnntc ftc toDt ft^Iogcn (see p. 39, 19), to kill; fie fagtc (imperf. subj. for 1st condit.), etc. Another idiomatic construction like that mentioned on p. 13, 20, where two clauses, which ought to be connected by a subord. conj. (here if), are simply co-ordinated without any conjunction. Render even if I were to kill her, she would not say it. 3. fie men c3 fao?n obcr nij^t, iJohether she says it or not 4.. ^^ (compare \\ 45, 8) hero expresses surprise and embarrassment 6. toad i^r — im i^o|jfc ftetft, what is the matter with her 6. ftrforj^c noc^ cine, render /e^cA another 7- trinft gem, likes; see p. 18, 12. — S. Ob fie tttit i^rcm ftnjugc noi^ nii^t fcrtig ifl, render I loonder if she (meaning Smma) has finished her toilet 9. tiod}* render here, I think, or if 1 am right /O. Outcn SJiorgcn^ usual elliptical phrase as in English, French, Spanish, etc. ; supply 3d) ivimfd^e Dir einen //. SRaniK^flt ; the dim. in German is peculiarly expressive of tenderness and affection /2. ^ttft— 0Cf(^lttfen, perf. of fdtlafcn, v. n. Notice the use of the auxil. ^akn with a neuter verb and compare p. 11, 45 fS. ^u fttnnfl noi^ frOj^cn, How can you ask? /^. SBcib (compare p. 44, 2) is the most common, but at the same time the deepest and most tender expression iov vife or spouse /6. ^Qg mu§ nun ttuf« loren^ these things must have an end now /6. fmtl Ucrljcirttt^ct, see p. 15, 40. . . J7- SSiirc bir bag \\t^, see p. 44, 17 f8. ^t nun, ren- der wj^^^ f9, ttflc SBclt (French, tout le monde), everybody JSO. in ber (S^t, trBnalate when married ^/. iHi mu& ttiidj auct) l)arauf gcfofet (from fi(^ f off en ouf— » to prepare one's self for— ) mad)cn, I have to prepare for it, too ^^. ^c Idngcr— Ucfio me^r, the longer— the more ^S. ntit bicfer 5lent)erunfl, render in changing also ,94.. tiertub^nfi, from ticrwoljnem to spoil. — ^J. bcjio ft^tnercr tnerbe i(^ llti^ nai^l^cr ^inctn ftntJen, render the harder it will be afterwards to content myself. JS6. ^tuift^cn i)em (neuter) hiic e§ ifl unD toic C8 hior, TQniiQX between the Present and the Past 27. ougncfprod)Cn, from ttugfprec^en (see p. 9, 30), sep. comp. (see p. 17, 23) ; supply {jabe to form perfeot. 123 NOTES AND REFERENCES. Page 4§. Notes J --34. Page 49. Notes 1-4. Page 48.—/. SBle fbnntc ii\ auH), etc. (au^ is merely expletive here ; compare p. 18, 66), render And (or Pray) how could I, etc ^. ttliiier** ft Ijcii, insep. comp. Gr. 285 (11) ; El. 145 ; gov. dat., see p. 14, 5 S. tu:nu c§ fo frcunUlii^— gcrtJ^tft ift (see p. 15, 46), when it (i. e. the eye) is raised so friendly ^.. Soi^tc (or fad)t; synonymous with langfam) mcin ^t:Xt Easy, Sir ! The address, mein -^err, being much less usual in German than Sir in English, bears a certain comical pathos 6. ^b^fteit^, adv. formed from the superl. of ^oct); Gr. 321, IX (2); El. 165 (2). Render at the utmost 6. !Wuii/ fo 0ett)a(jrc, Well, grant then 7- SBcifis ^m, see p. 47, 11 8. lilciOcn IttngC/ supply wcg, from tUCgMeikn, sep. comp. irr 9. ®lc %XiX%t ttJOr iJtr (for ijon bir) nidjt bcbai^t; this question you had not well considered /O. fte (i. e. bie i^rage) fu^r (p. 27, 28) mir fo I^crau0 (from l^eratt0fa|ren, sep. comp. irr., to rush out, hurry out, etc.), render it inadvertently escaped me //. I^b^ft^ very, or highly, see 5 /2. 6t, Ct (expresses surprise, slight dissatisfaction and reproach at the same time), ^txx ®2mttf|I, see 4 fS. SBte (for oXi, lohen) id) cu§ nicincm dimmer trctC (notice pres. tense here and in the following verbs ; see p. 21, 2) ; translate In leaving my room. .. . ./4. ^^ W\U ftc^cn (see p. 22, 15), / stop. . . J 5. fic foUe, about the subj., see p. 15, 25. . . J6. iJcnn lia0 (supply fagte er, to govern this clause) miifetc man not§ tioUcntJctcr Slrficit t^un, render for that {said he) was proper, after the work was done /7- tueigrrtc fitf), from fic^ ireigern, v. refl., see p. 15, 24 /S. Defianil borauf, from bcflc^en auf— , to insist upon — /9. gcrictljcn, from %txa'Cc)Z\\, insep. comp. irr., see p. 27, 10 20. fbrmUdjCtt ; this word (literally /orwa/, or in all form) is often idiomatically used to express the idea of real, or perfect, or quite a ; e. g. er i|l formlic^ unanciene^m, he is a perfect hore ; render here they quarrelled in aliform or they had quite a quarrel ^/. cr iDOttte, s3o p. 39, 8. . . .^^. ^c nun. see p. 47, 18 23. mon fbnntc tmmer noi!) frogcH/ render there is still room for the question. . . .^4. iXVX Cigcn(inniji|!cnf adv. superl., render adj. superl. with def. art. ; see p. 44, 12 25. cr Bot fie Dorum, he asked her {for it) to do it 26. unkDcutcniJ, insignificant, trifling 27. fid)— nit^t rctljtfcrtigfn lii^t, render is unfounded, or unjustifiable, see p. 22, 16 28. ^tfj fln5C nid)i> I do not think 20. Unrest I^a6en^ to be wrong. Ft. avoir tort. SO. Strcttcn tuir (subj. expressing exhortation, see p. 34, 32) nid^t, render: Let us not dispute S/. S3?i Mil^, render -uith us. Gr. 454, IV, 5 S2. ficllt— an, from ttnfel)en, sep. comp. irr S3, fo cttlJO§» something like that, compare p. 45, 11 3^. ^vXi l^m! see p. 44, 27. Page 49.— /. JjU tt)uri>cfi> etc, supply conj. bap 2. borttuf ttJOlitC (formoc^te) i(i^ ttiettcn, rentier I would het anything 3. SBcttc, imperat. of tt>ctten ^. S5cvfuj^cn ttJir» usually given as imperat. 1st NOTES AND KEFERENCES. 121 Page 49. Notcs 5-15. Page 50. Notes 1-27. pere. plur., but really subj,, see p. 48, 30 /). 2Ba8 bo5 fiir tin JBcr* langctt ifl. What a request / see p. 44, 18 6. ^ittt, pray, or please! 7. jo, see p. 9, 53 8. Dorouf fommt eg ntt^t Oltf render ^/ia^ is not the questian 9. (gg ^onUcU flJ^ ttur borum, ttt^, an impersonal phrase, see p. 21, 51 ; render the point at issue is only, that 70. %\\ tl)Ufi Ultrci^t mit eincr folt^cn (see p. 19, 20) 93iltC/ translate You are wrong in asking such a thing //. fie (i. e. tie SBitte) mxx ttbjufl^logctt (from obfi^Iageu, sep.), in refusing it /2. fo 6tttJO0, seo p. 48, 33. /3. aSelJjc SBartc, what expressions /^. bcfiimtnt, past part. of kllimmcn, to fix, set down, here used adverbially ; render certainly. .... /6. ^ufl (exactly the same word as in English, inelegant for gcrabe). Page 50.—/ ^cr Sittc (dat.) pttc \^ (pluperf. subj. for 2d condit.) UicUcit^t no^gcgckn (from nadjgeben, sep. v. gov. dat.), tstvx Scr* langen tUCtd^C (gov. dat.) i(^ nij^t. Render : If politely asked, I might have yielded, but if commanded, I shall not ^. ttiit\i tJU— ttuf» from ouftreten, sep. v. n. comp. irr. ; render to hehace 3. ^jl Da8 ttX 2Jott, in tStVX, etc., render Is that the language of a wife toward her husband? ^. HBedangcn (nom. pi.) forms, together with finb, the predicate to foId)e 3:&ort)etten. .. .6. bic cin 9Jlann an fcinc (>j.ittin ficUt, lender of a hu^a7id to his wife 6. loffcn for gelaffen, seo p. 21, 41, render here left {ox forgotten) ; the phrase may be interpreted either as announcing a disposition to cry or as a pretext for leaving the room. . . . 7- trctbc (imperat.) — nil^t (big) QUf Die SU mir— OCgcniiber* from i3e(]cn^ubcr='ftcl)cn (see 2), gov. dat. Render you stand before me O. ttlfif hit (noun used in an abstract sense) render as a /O. ^^ fttJin ni&ft tJafiilV I cannot help it //. mir render from me or of me /^. ttJCl^ cin for toa^ fiir etn, see p. 21, 36. /S. 1)0§ (relat. pron. to 2Bei& and object in tbis clause) i^r Unglutf (subject) an, etc. ; ichotn misfortune chained to such a brute /4. fti) (reflex, pron. refers to 9?temanb) ju Ucruns ciiligCHf render reason for quarrelling 2o. ^i) fommc iJir cntgCQKlf 1 am making advances, I corns to meet you 26. madjCIt tuilV exhor- tative subj. let us have (or make) peace 27- 2)U Unart* you naughty one. Nouns denoting qualities, etc., are, as in English, sometimes used in addressing persons 28. VXli] fo JU quiilen/ see p. 46, 9 29. mix ju gicbe^ see p. 45, 10 SO. tJic |jaar S^ortc^ s^e p. 46, 13. Page 52.—/. ^mmcritoi^? Still the same? 2. jcijt ijl e0 m tslXi impers. phrase, it is your turn (French c'est a vous) ; compare Gr. 453, 16 3. iJCinerfciti^ adv. comp. of ])ron. (bciner) and noun ((SeitCf f. s.) with adverb, termination g (Gr. 320, VII, 2) A. S^tiW tiom ttlls fangeitr to commence anew 6. (SiiDCf imperat. of euben 6. ^\t ^ittttr SSortCf see p. 46, 13 7. a6crmaKl> adv. once more again S. %Vi\, fi'ijn^ \:\\X j't;on» well, quite well, very well. This expressive climax cannot be better rendered, since the English has only one expres- sion {well) for the German (\ut and fi)on. which may be said to denote the positive and the comparative of satisfaction ,9. ba& mir cill ©cfttflctt mii iJiefcr ftieiuigfcit gcfi^ic^t (for getljau votrb), render that I consider this NOTES AND REFERENCES. 123 Page 52. Notes 10-26. Page 5:J. Notes 1-lS. trifle afamr fO. C0 tttOg— Uon ttlir ((in me) feilt, impers. phrase, rt • der may he, it is—in me //. ju Ucrlongcii, gov. by (Sujcnfinn /i?. %\\ Ucn Dummcu SSorten fonn mir m^U licoen. Of course Ida not care for those stupid (or empty) icords. (Gr. 453, 1, 13) The verb fijnnen is often used as a mere exi)letive in German, and may then sometimes be translated by of course or similar phrases ; e. g". baiJ faun mir glcid)pltig fcin, that, of course, is immaterial to me ; compare also p, 19, 6 ^3. t% toiirc mir (imperf, subj. for 1st condit.), it icould he for me. . . ./4. ott bicfcm ©CttJCifc licgt mir 3)icl (compare 12), / care much for, or I place much xcdue in this proof fS. — aflcr 5lrt render all sorts of /6. UnD i>U tuiUfi mii^ licficn? And you say, you love me ? SSoden is idiomatically used here to express the idea of to assert, pretend, etc. ; it generally implies some incredulity at the same time //. nij^t cin^ mol» 'iiot even, not so much as /6*. xm, — 3U erttJeijcH/ see p. 11, 115. W. hJtrfft — tJOr from ijoriDcrfen, sep. v. a. gov. dat. (mir) 20. mit tOClf^cm 9iCi^tc> hy what right, or, better, what is your ground? 2/. gicbfl JU from jUijekn, sep. comp. irr., to admit 22. ItJotttc id), conj. mm omitted 2S. bcftc^ft Ollf bciltcm iiopfc^ you insist upon your own (way) 2S. ftc lofffll (indep. v.) bi^ fait, literally they leave you cold, i. e. they do not move you 2 J. ftcficP Uu ttuf iicincm SSiUcin see 23 2&. OJlangcl on, render lack op. Page 5J?. — /. ^ic §crrfti] often, usual expression with servants speak- ing of their masters ; render The master and mistress 2. ^^crfairg, imperat. of tJCrbergcn, insep. comp. irr., see p. 28, 11 S. 2Bo§ foUcil ftc, etc.. What icill they, etc 4-. 9WeincttDC0Cn (Gr. 393, §. 32, Note), render for all I care 5. ItJaS dOV^jCgaugciI, from Uorgeticn, sep. comp. irr. V. n 6. \i) fiifjlc mid), see p. 51, 18 7. 9iimm (from nc^men)— in 5li!)t (derived from ad)tcn, esteem), see vocab. under ad^t 7- Ojutcit SJlorrtCllf see p. 47, 10 S. Ijc, mic gc^t't^ .'* Well, how are you? or more familiarly as in the German, how goes it ? the phrase is abbrcv. from trie (^c^t e^ cud)? (or 3t}ncn) 0. (3i'iu Sic (for Scicn Sic), see p. 41, 17, render literally, omitting subj. Sic /O. (fi, see p. 48, 12 //. l)u UiXlfX Uit^ fcltcn, render you are seldom seen, or you 're quite a stranger. f2. SSi'ip fdjOll (supply subj. id)), render simply I know /3. q:i ii)rc— render of her ///-. ^ag ift licr SScIt Haw], the last word is here used in })lacc of the more usual 33raud), custom ; translate : sucli is the way of all th- world /.T. toic C5 i:i Dcr Si;rift (see p. 50, 27) fkljtr as the Scriptures say /O. ^H^'^t fo, ftint) I* Don't you, child? /7. aBolIni ttlir UIU^, etc., Shdl we not, etc. . . ./8. ^^ bill'^ (Inn cc) ^u* fri?l)C!l, / have no ohjcdinis. Notice that uifricbcn here idiomatically governs a word (c etc., object bai3 preceding..... S/. m^i iJer Oicbc (gen. gov. by) ttJcd^f not worth mentioning 32. i\\, too. Page 54. — /. 5lu^ — nod)? translate: even — also 2. in ©cgcit* tuart see p. 14, 4 S. fo cthJoS fomml hio^l uon swc/i things uM happen J^. 6ei)Crrf£l)Cn, here used reflex.; govern myself 5. I^ttdc mit mir ^tXim'^\\f have struggled against myself 6. ^i, ti (compare p. 48, 12), .^crr St^tl)iC0er|ol)n — (compare p. 44,23), Now, what is this, sir? 7- ^ft/ a sound imposing silence, hush! 8. tltifd)C (here reflex.) Jjid) ni^t lit/ do not interfere tvith 9. gcl^l — ait> from angef)cn (v. a.), gov. ace fO. ot§ ^dttc ii), conj. tncnn omitted //. i^r cine uncrOortc ^ronfnng jnt^cfiigt; render grieved her most atro- ciously /2. mitt^eilcnf render relate /3. Suffcn fic l)at1» Never mind /4. c^clidjcn, (derived from (£^e, f. s.), matrimonial /6. S^ncn Qcgcniiftcr, lefore you /6. 3fl mi]i mi\){%, supply 3)ae. /7- SSir filaubcn ^U)U, we imagine nothing f8. Co^ lioj^, pray,let him tell /9. I^cutc SJlorgcnf this morning 20. Don iicr fihikt^/ see p. 34, 11 2/. fic foUe fascn, see p. 48, 15 22. untJ — gcrictf) (from jierat{)cn, insep. comp. irr., to get into) ; this clause is still gov. by the relat. pron. ber 2S. o(^ ftC iJttS nidjt (supply t^un) iooUtc; see p. 14, 30 24-. fioi^cnl)/ attrib. to id) 26. mcincr ^roU/ dat. gov. by erjaljlte 26. ft^mci^clntl/ see 24 27- im Si^crjC/ /<9r a>A;€ 28. fic motf)tc, etc., f|jrci^ctt (for outM|Jrcrf)cn, to pronounce) ; see p. 9, 27. Render she should, etc 29. '!ta prcn fic fd&flf Now you hear it yourselves 30. Qlficg tnirft Ct mir doiv «^2 this I am accused of. 3/. Sic fijnncn mir ficjcngcnf You can lyea/r me witness 32. 9'Jo, na (appeasing) Well, well 33. ba t^ufl lift ^inma (dat. gov. by the verb) Unrcdjt, now you are unjust to Emma. ...3^. jtuiff^cn cud) brongen (hero rofl. im^), intrude upon your • affairs 36. Ucrfi)^ncn» here used rtifljx. (cud}) ; render: to get recoTir NOTES AND REFERENCES. 125 P. 64. N. 36. P. 55. N. 1-22. P. 56. N. 1-17. cited 36. SBIttf. loffcn toir (see p. 48, 30) i)ic (Stt(^c uncriirtcrt. Pray, let us drop the subject. Page 55.—/. !Darum bittc it^ ouift, / msh the same ^. mir t)a0 i^l'Mdftwrf/ ^y breakfast (see Gr. 394, §. 36, Exc.) S. f(^on, ren- der by all means, or surely j^. ctttiO0 for ein JDcmg, a little J. Itad^fc^ettr to jmrdon, overlook ; gov. object of the person in the dat. (ciner ^rau), where the English use the prep, m 6. ftc luirll ft^ (see p. 54, 35) ft^on 0CtUO^UCn (refl.*; ftd}) she will get trained by and by, lam sure 7- tJCrlaugtc^ imperf. subj. for 1st condit. {if I should ask her) 8. glcid), at once O. im (Srnfic, in earnest fO. Stttc, f^reiftcn \mx, etc., see p. 54, 86 //. i)o0 ift mir no(^ nit^t dorflCs ifomtncn (compare p. 54, 3) ; from borfommcn, sep. comp.- irr. gov. dat. (mir); that is more than I ever experienced /2. i)o§ m\X^ in'§ ^(arc Qe6rai!^t lucrDettf that must be settled at once /3. cinmaL when con- nected with an imperat. (here fagc), simply expresses entreaty (analogous to fcoc^, p. 11, 57) and may either be omitted or rendered by pray /4. J!oB mid^ jufricticn, Leai:e me alone! /6. fiir mij^, by myself. ^6. aug tiotlcm -^crjcn/ with deep emotion /7. ^(itl^lljcn; dim. of ^at^erina, Kate, dear /8. ^cttt), see 17, Kittie /9. tJOg ifl mir ttU&cr bcm Just so /O. ©cfeliT; the Austrian governor in Schiller's " Wilhelm Tell." According to the poet, Gcssler, representing the Crown of Austria, had hung a hat upon a pole at Altorf, Switzerland, and demanded of all passers-by that they should pay homage to it, as a proof of their loyalty //. I^ing — ouff from ouf^angcn, sep. comp. irr. v. a /2. OIoS for Hep, merely fS. Dtit^tig* Exactly /A. baS mit l)em .^Ute, idiomatic phrase, render the hat-affair /6. fiigen, used rcflexively here ; render to sidmiit. /6. tuir fiinnen un0 oni^ in $lufflonl)— fcijcn, we also can revolt against — / fe^en is used refl. (un«?) and means to place one's self (in a state of revolution) /7. Sei Bcn 3^itr!cn» Among the Turks ; see p. 126 NOTES AND REFERENCES. Page 56. Notes 18-31. Page 57. Notes 1-32. 48, 31 78. %\t ^crrcitf used here rather ironically W. fi^cincil einfitfiren JU tUoUcn, it seems, tmnt (or better intend) to introduce JSO. @ott fei ^anf, see p. 45, 6 2/. tncrDcn— ju tuatircn tuiffcu, shall know Jiow to guard— 22. cine 8cltttocntugcnt)f virtue in a slave 2S. ^a ^tt5ctt tnir Die 5Bcfd;CCrung# There, t7iafs a nice mess. 24-. ^ttg gonjCf etc., object emphatically preceding 26. lyxvtll tuir Un^ (dat.) auf i>cn §aB gcljCtjt, an idiomatic phrase, not very ele- gant (with reference to ladies, at least) ; render we have incensed against ourselves 26. mix dcrtitrfit tiic^^efjJjii^tc iJaS grulftud, as for me, the affair will spoil my treakfast 27. ft^itieift mtr JJOg ajlittagcffctl nit^t, / do not enjoy my dinner 28. (^c^a^^ my dear 29. bei l)cm» in which SO. i^ ^alJC ittic^ ^tnrci^cn U^tix, I ham forgotten myself. 3/, l^afien fo (supply groped) Unrci^t ni^i, are not altogether in the wrong. Page 57.—/. am ©ntiCf after all — 2. ^iittc t(^ gco^itt, supply conj. t»enn 3, to§ tic Sttl^C (affair) fo hJCit fii^rcit tuiirbe, trans- late literally 4^, i(^ pttc for fo f)atte \6) (imperf. subj. for 1st condit.). 6. 9leirf) Slnfang^f at the very beginning 6. ttig SJ^Ctj* /or a joke 7. unb (supply ^citte) fcincit 2Bittcn gct^ait; and done his lid- ding 8. 5luf fcincn %ning prayer ; -Ivinb, n. (-c5 ; 2>l -Icinber) western country, the west, Occident ; -Iviinbifd), adj. occidental, belonging to the west ; -lid), adj. evening-like, western ; all — lic^, every evening ; -luft, /. {pi. -liiftc) evening air ; -rot^, n. (-e<3) even- ing-sky, twilight hue ; -iinnb, m. (- e<3 ; pi- -:) evening air or wind. Slbcnteucr, ?i. (-3) adventure. aber, conj. but, however. [tion. Slbcrglaube, m. (-nS; pL -n) supersti- 5lbenr»it^, m. (-c. a. ir, to beat or cut off, parry, twirl, refuse, deny ; — , V. n. to diminish, abate, fall in ■. price. al>fd)neiben, «. a. ir. to cut off, clip, kill ; tie Bufu^r — , to cut off sup- plies. 3l5fd)nitt, m. (-eg ; pi. -e) cut, para- graph, division, section. 5lbfii^t,/. {pi. -en) view, design, in- tention, purpose, end, aim. at»fitiem v. n. ir. to dismount ; -—, VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 3 c. a. ciiic (Sd)ulb — , to pay a debt \ by confiuement in prison. abfonbcrn, v. a. to separate, secrete. ab|lerbcn, y. n. ir. to die, decease, perish ; fiir ©ott —, to relinquish one's faith or godliness. cbftreifcil/ v. a. to strip off, skin ; — , v. 11. to wander, roam, digress. abjlreitcn, t\ a. ir. to dispute. Slbt^ciluug, /. division. obtragcn, v. a. ir. to take down; level ; sketch ; wear out ; pay. abtrciufclu, v. n. to trickle down. abtreikn, i\ a. ir. to drive off or away, clear, remov(?, pur^^e. abwagen, i). a. ir. to weigh, weigh out. abwart^, adj. dow"nward(s), aside. abmei^en, v. a. ir. to make soft ; — i V. n. to deviate, to depart from, differ. [path. 5(bir>cg, s. m. {j)l. -c) by-way, by- abn)cid)cn, v. n. ir. to deviate, digress ; vary. abroenbcn, v. a. ir. to turn away or off, avert ; — , v. r. to leave, turn away. abwcrfen, v. a. ir. to cast or throw off. abwe fcnb, adj. absent. Slbn)cfcnt)cit, /. {pi. -en) absence. abttjiegcn, v. a. to weigh, level. ab jie^en, x>. a. ir. to draw off; — , v. n. to march off, depart. Sfbjuoi, m. (-Cv?; pi. -iiigc) departure, deduction, allowance, impression. ad^ ! interj. alas ! ah ! Slcbfeb /. {pi. -w) shoulder; tie 5lc^fcln jucfcn, to shrug one's shoul- ders. Slc^t, /. {pi. -en) ban, outlawry, at- tention, care ; in — ncbmen, to take care of, observe ; — gcbcn, to ])ay attention ; fid) in — ncl)men, to be careful, cautious. ad)t, adj. eight. adncn, v. a. to regard, esteem. aditcn, V. a. to i)roscribe, outlaw. 5Id)tunaf /. attention, esteem, ac^tjig, adj. eighty. ad)tjig|le, adj. eightieth. ad)^cn, v. n. to groan. % to fall upon, fall to unexpectedly ; — , v a. to assail, attack. [ment, beginning. Slnfang, m. {-i ; pl. -pngc) commence- anfangen/ t\ a. ir. to begin, com- mence ; — , v. n. to begin. Slnfdnger, m. (-5) beginner. anfang^, adv. in the beginning, at first. [louch. anfaffen, v. a. to lay hold of, seize, anflammcn, v. a. to inflame, animate. anilet)cn, v. a. to implore, beseech. anfii:^ren, v. a. to lead, instruct ; de- ceive. 5lnfut)rer, m. (- to be frightened, alarmed. angjlUc^f adj. anxious, terrified, de' aif^attcn, «. a. ir. to hold to, stop, seize ; persevere, ask for, solicit. Slnl)an9, m. (-e$) appendage, party, faction. [adhere. anfjangeur v. n. ir. to hang to or on, an^auc^en, v. a. to breathe upon an^er, adv. hither, to this place. an^orcn, v. a. to hear, listen to. 5lnjou, n. Anjou (old French prov- ince now merged into 3 different dejKirtements (counties). Slnflage, /. {pi. -n) accusation, de- nunciation. cnflagen, v. a. to accuse, impeach, indict. [accuser, impeacher. 5Inf(ager, m. (-3 ; -in, /. ; pi. -nen) anUammern, «. a. & n. to fasten with cramps ; — , v. r. to cling to. ontlebenf v. n. to stick to ; — , v. r. to paste to. anfommcn, i). n. ir. to come to, ap- proach, arrive ; e^ barauf — laffen, to run the risk ; c^ fcmntt nid)l barauf an, it does not matter. an!iinb(ig)cn, v. a. to announce, pub- lish, proclaim, declare. Slnfunft,/. {pi. -fiinftc) arrival. Slnlagc, /. {pi. -n) pleasure ground , work, sketch, project, beginning. anlangen> ^^ n. to arrive; concern, relate to. aniccfen, x. n. to beslaver, beslimc. antegcn, v. a. to put against, put to, aim ; lay the foundation, sketch ; — , x. r. to attach to, fix to ; — , T. n. to land, put on shore. anleimen, x. a. to glue, fasten. anmad}cn, v. a. to fasten, fix to, join to, light (a fire). [of paint. anmalen, v. a. to paint, give a coat anina§en, «. r. to claim, pretend to, usurp, arrogate. 2lnma§ung, /. {pi. -en) usurpation. ^^nntcrfung, /. {pi. -en) remark, ob- servation, [grace, loveliness. 5lnmut|f /. agreeableness, charm, anmut^ig, adj. agreeable, pleasant. annaf)ernb, adj. approaching. 5tnna^erung, /. {p)l. -en) approach. anne^men, u a. to take, receive, accept, assume, resume ; cine ®e* njofjn^eit — , to contract a habit; ben (Serein — i to pretend to be ; an ^inbe^ flatt — , to adopt ; — , v. r. to engage in, participate in ; \\&j einer ©ac^c, cinev 9^crfon — , to interest one's self for a thijig, a person. anorbnen, v. a. to order, arrange. Slnorbnung, /. {pi. -en) order, ar- rangement, disposition. an^jaffen, 'd. a. to fit, suit ; — , v. n. to make to fit, adopt, [praising. anpreifenf v. a. ir. to recommend by anprokn, anproMren, u a. to try on, fit on. anrat^en, v. a. ir. to advise, persuade. anrat^ig, adj. advisable. VOCABUL \r.Y. — GERMAN AND ENGLISU. anrauAcn, v. a. to smoke, begin to smoke, to brown or season by smoke ; cine S-H^ifc — , to light, brown. [accost. anrcbcn, v. a. to address, speak to, anrciien, v. a, to move, stir, stimulate. anric^tcm v. a. to i)ropare, disli up, cause, regulate. uariiicn, v. n. to approach, advance ; — , V. a. to move near to. anrufen, v. a.ir. to call upon, invoke. anfai^cn/ v. a. to bring word, notify. aufv'^aucnf y. a. to look at, contem- plate, view. [contemplation. 5ltif.-^amm(3, /. (_p?. -en) intuition, anfi^einltc^, adj. apparently. '^n|M}lai3, m. (-cd ; j)l- -Ktlvu-(c) affixing, design, plot ; in — Inin^cn, to put to account, valuation. anfi)Ueilcn, v. a. ir. to add, fasten with a lock ; — , w. r. to join ; — , V. n. to fit. [crease by swelling. anfvtiucUcnf v. n. & a. to swell, in- 2f:ifcf)en, n. {-i) appearance ; con- sideration, respect, authority ; — , v. a. ir. to look at or upon, contemplate, remark. [able an'iCl)n[i'.1)f adj. considerable, rcspect- Slnfc^iutiV /. consideration. anfc^cn, v. a. to put to or need, join to ; estimate, charge, form ; — , v. n. to assault ; fatten. [sight. 3tnjic^t» /. ( pL -en) opinion, view, anjinncn, n. a. ir. to desire, pretend, reqiiro of. anfpinncn, r. a. ir. to join by s;)in- ning ; contrive, cause, hatch. Slnfpru'.t, m. (-ed; pL -fpriic^e) claim, pretension. 3lnfialt»/. (^j^.-en) preparation ;esta')- lishment. anflammcnf v. a. to impart by in- heritance. 5lnftanW m. (-cv) tKr.:.;- ; decorum, behavior, manne.- ; — ncbmcn, to hesitate. [decorous, jjleasing. an|ldnbiiv adj. proper, respectable, anfta rrcn> i). a. to stare at, gaze at. anftatt, X)^^P- instead of. vv.iitauncn, r. n. to gazo at (with ast(mishment). an|lcbcn, v^ n, ir. to stand against, become, be fit, suit, please, stand still ; — laffen, to wait, delay. an'tctrscn, r. n. to mount, ascend. anftellcHf v. a. to place, appoint, ar- range, plot ; — , c. r. to demean, I behave as if. auftimmcn, r. a. to tune, sti-ike up. ^(nrtc!^' W2' {-zi ; pi. -fto|lc) collision, offence, stammering ; Stein bccS Stnftof'Ci?; stumbling-block, cause of offence. anftofui], adj. scandalous, offensive. anftrel^en, t\ n. gcgcn ztvaai — , to strive against something, [effort. 5(n)lren(iun3, /. ( pi. -en) exertion, anftiirmen, v n. to storm, rush along. 3{nt^eiU m (-e^ ; pi. -e) share, part, portion, sympathy ; — ne^nien^ to take a share in. [bewitcli. antfinn, v. a. ir. to put ui)on, infiict, antif, adj. old, ancient 'Xntilten, n. Antilh^a (cluster of isl- ands in the West Indies, about loO,000 square miles, with 4 000,000 inhabitants). cnttdifit, adj. pertaining to tlio Antilles. ^IntUl;, 11. (-} ; j)^. -c) face, coun- tenance, [osition. ^Intvaf',, ?;i. (-c>?; f>'. traije) ofier, prop 8 VOCABULAET. — GE3MAN AND ENGLISH. antreffen, v. a. ir. to meet witli, find; relate to. antreiben; v. a. ir. to drivo to, incite ; — , V. n. to drift against. antrcten^ ■». a. ir. to tread on, begin, enter upon ; — , v. n. to step towards a place. [motive. Slntriel^ m. (-e^; pi. -e) impulse, SlmiDDrt,/. {pi. -en) answer, reply. antivortcn, v. a. to answer, reply. anvcrtrauen, v, a. to entrust, confide on»ertt>anbt, adj. related to. [(to). anraanbchi, i\ a. to come upon, to befall. [advise. aniDcifen, v. a. ir. to assign, appoint, anwenben^ 'O. a. ir, to apply, make use of, employ. antt>c[enb, adj. present. anjeigeiif v. a. to advertise, announce. Slnjeigcr, m. (-3) advertiser, in- anjetteltt/ v. a. to instigate, [former. anpe^en, -». a. ir. to draw upon, at- tract, put on (clotlies) ; — , v. r. to dress ; — , 'd. n. to marcli ; advance, draw tight. Slnjug^ m. (-e^ ; pi. -jiige) dress, at- tire ; advance, march. anjiigli(^/ adj. satirical, offensive. onjiinben, v. a. to kindle, light. Srpfel, m.{-i; pi. Slcpfel) apple. Slpofal^pfe,/. the apocalypse. SlpoIIo, adj. n. Apollo (heathen god). Slpofiel. m. {-i) apostle, apostleship. apoftoUfc^f adj. apostolical. STpDt^cfc, s.f. {pi. -en) drug store. 5lpulicn, m.(-^) Apulia (south-eastern parts of Italy, mod nsune Puglia. ftraMfc^r adj. Arabian. [trouble. %xldt, f. {pi. -en) labor, work, cr'6ettenf v. n. to labor, work ; — , v. a. to manufacture. Slrkitcr, m. (-.^-cr.) resurrection. auferjic^cn, v. a. to educate, to biing up. luffa^rcn, v. n. ir. to rush upwards, appear suddenly, start, fly into a passion. [markablo. auffallenb, jsar^. & afZj. striking, rv> aufforbcrn, r. a. to summon, chal- lenge. "^Iwfi^wmi, f. {pi. -iXi) conduct, be- havior ; representation. '.l:if;,abc, /. {pi. -en) proposition, problem, task. aufoic'ocn, v. (t. ir. to £!;ive up, sur- render, ret Ijn ; proposes ^^lufijcbct, n. (-CC-; pi. -.) call, bans of marriago, pi. aitfgcbrad)t, odj. indignant, provoked. auf9cf)cn, v. n. ir. ttj go upwards, rise ; to be spent, to be even. auf^alten, v. a, ir. to hold up, hold open ; stop, retard ; — , v. r. to abide, stay ; y.X) iibcr ctDai?, — to criticise. [pcnd ; bestow upon. aufljcingciu i\ a. ir. to l.ang up, sus- aufboiufcn, v. a. to heap up, accumu- late. auf^ebcn, v. a. ir. to raise up, extol ; preserve ; capture ; abolish, abro- gate ; to make much ado. [lion. aufl}Ord)cn/ v. n. to listen, pay atten- au\[)dxzn, 7). n. to cease, finish ; listen. aufiac(cn, v. a. to hunt up; rouse, start. [ment, civilization. 5htfUantng, /. (pi. -en) enlighten- auffcmnicu/ r. a. ir. to thrive, rise, C(mie up, recover. 51uflauf, m. (-co ; pi. -laiife) uproar, sedition, tumult. aiiflft^cnr V. a, to lay on or upon, impose; apply, adopt; reprint; cine ©clbflrafe — , to impose a lino. 10 VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. auflofcn, V. a. to loosen, untie, dis- solve. anfmac^en> i). a. to open, raise ; — , V. r. to rise, arise, prepare to start on a journey. aufmerffam, adj. attentive. Slufmerffamfcit, /. (pl.-m) attention. aufite^men, v. a. ir. to take up, re- ceive, admit ; JDOf)I, xibd — , to take well, ill. aufnot^igen, v. a. to press, force upon. aufopfern, v, a. to sacrifice, immolate. aufrec^nen, v. a. to calculate, add. aufregeitf v. a. to stir up, incite. aufreikn, d. a. ir. to wound by rub- bing, consume by rubbing ; de- stroy, [tear up, open, burst. aufret^en, n. a. ir. to open violently, aufrcijen, v. a. to incite. aufrii^tert; v. a. to set upright ; exact ; — / v. r. to rise, get up. aufrtd)tig, adj. sincere. 9rufrid}ttcsfeit, /. sincerity, [(p. 2 GO). aufrit;en, v. a. to slit, cbap, lay open Slufruf, w. (-e^; p?. -e) calling up, summons ; appeal (an, to). aufrufen, -y. a. ir. to call up, out. Slufru^r, m. (-^) uproar, sedition, rebellion, excitement, tumult. auffftgen^ v. n. to recite, give warn- ing, revoke ; ^ienjl — , to re- nounce service. [upward. auffc^auejtf -». n. to look up, gaze «ufl'd)ieben, v. a. ir. to put off, delay, defer, prolong. aufufelagetif v. a. ir. to strike up- wards, erect, raise, establish, put up, open ; — , 'v. n. to rise in price. auffc^Iiepen, v. a. ir. to unlock, dis- close. auffc^micren, v. a. to smear upon ; 33utter auf S5rob fc^mieren, to butter bread. auffc^reicn, v. n. ir. to cry aloud, scream ; — , d. a. to cry out. 2luff*ul\ m. (-Cig) delay, respite, ad- journment. auffcfcwellen, v. n. ir. to swell up, increased. 2luffd)lT>eIIuno, /. swelling, tumor. % auffet^en* v. a. to put up or on, set up, compose ; — , v. n. (of horses) to bite the crib. [vision. ^\x\i\6)i,f. inspection, control, super- auffparen, v. a. to save, reserve, spare. auffprinijen, r). n. ir. to spring up, (open), start up, 9lufftanb, m. (-ca ; pi. -jlcinbe) insur- rection, revolt, rising. [rebel. aufftctien, n. n. ir. to get up, rise, aitfileigen, xi. n. ir. to rise, ascend, mount. auftlreifen, v. a. to turn up, tuck up, fold back ; — , v. n. to touch, sweep (over the surface). aitffuf^en, v. a. to search, seek for. auft^un, V. a. ir. & r. to open. 9luftrag» m. (-es^; pi. trcige) commis- sion, charge. [up. duftragen, ■«. a. ir. to carry up, serve auftreten, "o. n. ir. to tread upon; appear ; — , -y. a. to kick open. 5luftritt, m. (-e^ ; pl.~t) appearance, scene, treacling upon, step. auftrocf ncn, v. a. to dry up. aufwac^citf ■». n. to wake. auftnac^fen, v. n. ir. to grow up. aufwarten, «. n. to wait (on), serve ; pay respects to one. auflDflirta, add. upward(s). $Iufroctrtung, /. {pi. -en) waiting, visit. ': VOCAEULAIIY. — GEEILIN AND ENGLISH. 1\ auftrccFcn, v. a. to awake, call. aufroelfen, v. a. ir. to show, produce, exliibit. aufroerfcn, v. a. v\ to throw open, propose ; einc %xci\},i — , to start a question ; — , v. r. to rise up- wards ; fic^ — 5ium, to set up for ; — oicgen, to rebel. c».iifn?tcgcln, x. a. to incite, instigate. 2lunxiiei3lcr, 711. {-i) inciter, instiga- tor, mutineer. oufhnnbcn, v. a. ir. to hoist, wind up. auf^c^ren, v. a. to consume. auneidjneit; v. a. to note, record. aufjal^lcn, v. a. to pay, to pay down. Slufjug, m. (-c^; ^^. -'^iigc) drawing up, procession, parade, act. aufjtDingen, v. a. ir. to force open, upon. STuge, n. {-i ; pi -n) eye, point, view ; in'^ — fallen/ to catch the eye ; ijor mcincn Slugen, before my face; aud ben 5lugcn »erltercn, to lose sight of; au<^ ben 5lu(^cn fct^cn, to make light of; untcr i>icr 5(ui5cn/ tete d tete, strictly private. fiugcln, V. a. to engraft ; — , v. n. to ogle. SlugcnbUcf, m. (-ca ; pi. -c) moment, twinkling. Slugenbraune, /. {pl.-Vi) eyebrow. Slugenlicb, n. ( -e^ ; pi. -er) eyelid. aud, prep, out, out of, from, by, through ; — , adv. out, over, finished. oudacfern, v. a. to plough out. ??'id6eute, /. booty, gain. au^bilben^ xi. n. to perfect, cultivate. Slu^fnlbung* /. {pi. -en) improvement, cultivation. ftu^^re^cn, v. a. ir- to break out ; vomit ; take up ; — , v. 11. to break out, burst into. au^brcttcn, v. a. to spread, extend ; publish ; propagate. 5lui3breitung, /. {p)l. -en) spreading, propagation. \a. to endure. auobvtucrn, v. n. to persevere ; — , v. viuvJbe^nen, v. a. to extend, stretch, expand, protract. [sion. 9luv?brucf, m. (-cd; ;?/. -briicte) exi)r(;s- auc^bnicfcUf v. a. to print upon, im- print, [press out ; exprei^^s. au^brucfcn, «. a. to squeeze out, au^^briicflid), (idj. express, exjAicit. au^cinanbcr, adv. asunder, [chosen. aui^erforen, part. & inf. adj. selected, au5crtt)a!;(cn, v. a. to cliose, select. au^fallen, v. n. ir. to fall out, turn out, sally ; loose ; gut — , to succeed. au($fi[nben, v. a. to find out, invent. 3ru^flud)t, /. {j)l. -fU'uttc) first flight, evasion, excursion, subterfuge, escape ; ^lu^flitcMe ntaAcn, to shufile. [execute, perform. audfu^ren, v. a. to carry out, export, 5lu«3fu^rung, f, {pi. -en) execution, exportation, practice, evacuation. an^fullcnf v. a. to fill out, fill up. ^tu^gang, m. (-e^ ; _?)^. -(^angc) depar- ture, way, end, way out, issue. auiSgebreitet, part. & adj. extensive, extended. [abortion. 5lu^geburt. /. {pi. -en) production. au^gcljcn, v. n . ir. to go out, proceed, fail, become extinguished ; — m^t to emanate from ; auf etwad — , to have in view, go in pursuit of some thing. [cepted. au^gcnommen, part. & adj. except, ex- auvjgefogen, adj. exhausted. 12 VOCABULAKY. GEEMAN AND ENGLISH ttU^gejltd t, part. & adj. embroidered. ou^gellorben, part. & adj, extinct. au^gct^an, adj. struck out, put olT, exting-uislieJ. au^getnirft, j?ar^ & adj. worked out. au(30eieii)net, adj. distinguished, ce- lebrated, excellent. auiJgieijcn, v. a. ir. to pour out. au^graben, v. a. ir. to dig out. OUi^^alten, v. n. ir. to hold out, con- tinue ; — , V. a. to endure, bear. au^^angen, v. a. to hang out. au^au6:)tn, v. n. & a. to breathe out, exhale. auiSfltngen, v. n. to die out (sound). SiuSlcinbcr, r,i. {-i)\ -in, /. (j9^. -nen) foreigner. aui^Iaffcn, v. a. ir. to let out ; give vent to ; leave out, omit. au^laufen, -y. n. ir. to run out, got under sail : — , v.. a. to put out by running. au^Ieeren, v. a. to empty, evacuate. au<^legen, v. a. to lay out, display, inteq^ret. [preter STui^Ieger, m. (-5) explainer, inter- Slui^Iegung, /. {pi. -:n) exposition, interpretatioa. au^Iefen, xi. a. ir. to choose, select. ftU(3ltefcrtt, «. a. to deliver, give up. ausSloc^en, -». a. to draw out of the earth ; to mortise. [out. ftu^lorfcttf v. a. to worm out, coax au^Ioff^en, v. a. to put oa^l,/. {pi. -en) choice, selection. oui5n)al)ten, v. a. tochooseout. select. au^njrtnbern» v. n. to set out, emi- grate, [avoid, escape, parry. auimcidjen, v. a. & n. ir. to ^ve way, ouvJwerfen, v. a. ir. to throw out, pick out, reject, Sludroirhmgr /. working out. auiSjei^ncn, v. a. to mark out, note ; — , V. r. to distinguish one's self. aiK^jic^en, v. a. ir. to draw, pull out or off; abridge, contract ; hollow ; undress ; — , v. n. to remove from a place, march out ; — , v. r. to undress. Slu^^ug, m. {-ii ; pi. -jiige) extract, removal ; procession ; drawer. Sfutor, m. ((3 ; pi. -en) author. autori)ircn> 'c. a. to authorize, em- power, Slutoritcit,/. {pi. -en) authority. STxt,/. (p^. Sle):te)axe. 93ad), m. (-e^; pi. Soic^e) brook, Sad)lein, n. little brook. [rivulet. barfcn, V. a. ir. to bake. 33ab, n. (-c« ; pi. 23abcr) bath. baben, v. a. n. & r. to bathe. 39a^n, /. ( pi. -en) even road, path, way, orbit. ba^nen, v. a. to make passable, tread, beat a path, level, ba'^nlo^, adj. without a path, un- passablc. S3a^re, /. ( pi. -en) barrow, bier. Sajoc^ie, m. pi. Papal coin (H cent), balb, adv. soon, shortly, quickly ; in good time, nearly, near ; balb . . . balb . . . .» sometimes .... some- times; now . . , . then ; fo — oXi, as soon as. ©alfen, m. (-§) beam, rafter. Sail, m. (-ea ; pi. SBallc) ball, globe, dance; — fii}uI)C, pumps; — fpiel, n. tennis. 23alfam, m. (-C(3 ; pi. -e) balm ; -buft, m. balsamic odor. 14 TOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. S5ant), n. (-c^ ; pi. SBcinber) bond, rib- bon, tie; — , m. {-ti>\ yl. S3anbe) volume ; pi. 23anbe, fetters, cliains. SBanbe, /. ( pL -n) band, gang, tie ; 33anbe fd}Iie§en, to ratify unions. tcinbigen, v. a. to tame, render tract- able, manage, restrain, govern. Ban9(e), adj. afraid, alarmed, anxious. bang en; to be afraid. SSangigfeit, /. {pl.-ixi) fear, appre- hension, anxiety. 35anf, /. ( pi. -en) l»ank ; {2^1. ^an!e) bench ; burd^ bie — , in tlie gross, in the lump. SSann, m. {-ti) ban, excommunica- tion; in ben — t^un, to excommu- nicate, [to lay spirits. Bannen, v. a. to exorcise, banish ; S3anner, m. (-(5) banner. fdax, m. (-en: pi. en) bear. SSarbar, m. (-en; pi. -en) barbarian. barf^arifc^, adj. barbarian, barbarous. SBarberrop, Barbary steed. SSarbenton, m. bard's tone or song. Barfup, adj. & adv. barefoot. S5art^oIomau<5, m. Bartholomew. barm^erjig, adj. merciful, compas- sionate. SBarmfjcrjigfcit, /. mercy, compassion. SSaion, m. {-i^ ; pi. -e) baron. S3art, m. (-e^; pi. Scirte) beard, ward (of a key), wattle (of a cock), barb. SSafe,/. {pi. -n) aunt, cousin. SBallarb, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) bastard. ©attatttonr n. (-a; pi. -i) battalion. SBaUf m. (-c^) building, structure, edifice. t»auen, v. a. to build, cultivate. S3auer, m. (-C; pi. -n) builder, culti- vator, peasant, countryman pawn, boor ; — , m.& n. (-5) cage-, -franb, m. (-c$ ; 2;^. -,ldnbc) peas^ antry. ©auer(3mann, 7n. countryman. 33aum, m. (-e^ ; pi. S3du:nc) tree, pole, beam, boom; — imiQ, m. (-ei3; pi. -e) branch. [serve. t»eacl)ten, v. a. to notice, attend, ob- 23camte (ber, or ein SBcamtcr), m. (pi. -en) official, civil officer. kdnGtligen, v. a. to harass with anxiety, torment, aggrieve. SSedngfiipng, /. {pi. -en) anguish, anxiety. beantworten, v. a. to answer, reply. SSeantwortung, /. {pi. -en) reply, answering, bearbetten; v. a. to work, elaborate. Searbeitung, /. ( pi. -en) working, elaboration. [quiver. beben, v. n. to tremble, shake, 33ebung, n. shaking, palpitation, os- cillation, [with flowers, beblitmen; v. a. to cover (^r- embellish 33ec^er; n (-^) bowl, beaker, cup, goblet. [liberation. ©ebac^t, m. (-e bcbdfI)tto, bebdd)tltd), bebad)tfam, adj. considerate, discreet, circumspect. bcbanlcn, v. r. to thank, return thanks. ©cbarf, m. {-ti) need, want. bcbauern, v. a. to pity, regret. betauern^wert^, adj. pitiable. bcbauern(3it)ui'big, adj. deplorable. bebetfcn, v. a. to cover. 33ebe(fung;/. {2)1. -en) covering, pro- tection, convoy, guard, bcbenfettf v. a. ir. to consider, weigh, devise ; — tV. ir. reflect, deliberate, doubt. VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 15 »cbcnfli(^fclt, /. iv^. -en) irrcsolutioD, timidity, hesitation. bebeutcn. v. a. to demonstrate, in- form, convince ; — , v. n. to signi- fy, mean, indicate. [important. bcbeutent', bcbcutfam, adj. significant, S3e&cutung, /. [pi. -en) consideration, meaning, acceptation, indication, signification. kbienen, v. a. to serve, attend, wait upon ; — t v. r. to lielp one's self. SScbienung,/ {yl. -en) service, office, favor. [stipulate. bebingen, «. a. ir. to make conditions, bcbingt, part. & adj. conditional. SBebinpng, /. {pi. -en) condition, stipulation. kbrangen, v. a. to oppress, aggrieve. kbro^en, v. a. to threaten, menace. beburfen* v. a. ir. to need, want. S3ebiirfni9» n. (-ffe^ ; yl -ffeS) want, need. Befallen, v. a. ir. to befall, attack. bcfe^ben, -». a. to make war upon. S3cfe^I, {m. -c^, pi. -e) order, com- mand. befc^lfn, v. a. ir. to command, order, recommend. bcfe^ligen, v. a. to command. bcfejligen/ v. a. to fortify, fasten, strengthen. 93cfiubcn/ n. state of health ; — , v. r. ir. to find, think, to be, in regard to health ; SSie — Sic jid) ? How do you do ? bcflerfcn, «. a. to stain, pollute. befliffen, adj. studious, assiduous, student in anythinjf. befloren/ ^. a. to cover with crape. kflugein, v. a. to supply with wings. bcfolQcn, V. a. to follow, obey. beforbern, v. a. to advance, further, promote. befreien, v. a. to free, deliver. befremben, v. a. to surprise, appear strange. befrcunben, t). a. to befriend, associate. befricbijjen, v. a. to enclose, apj^easc, content, satisfy. 33efu(jnip, /. (^pl -ffe) right, jniv- ilege, authority. befii^tett; v. a. to feel, handle. befiircbten, v. a. to fear. begabt, adj. gifted, talented. begeben, v. a. ir. & r. to go to a place ; — , V. imp. it happened, it came to pass; einen SBcdifcl — , v. a. to sell a bill of exchange, 33egebcnf)eit, /. {pi. -en) adventure, affair, transaction. bcgegncn, v. n. to meet, happen, begel^cn, T). a. ir. to perpetrate, com- mit. 33egc^r, n. (-e^) desire, demand. bcgc^ren/ v. a. to desire, wish for, require, demand. ' 33ecicl}vcn, ??. .'<6e 23cgc^r. begcijlern, v. a. to inspire. [asm. 33cgcirtcruni3, /. inspiration, enthusi 58egierbc, /. ( pi. -n) desire, lust, ap- petite. bcgierisjr adj. desirous, eager, greedy. begietlcn, v. a. ir. to water, sprinkle, Seginn, m. (-e^) beginning. [wet. bcginncn, v. a. & ii. ir. to begin, un- dertake. bcglaubigcn, v. a. to prove true, attest, affirm, authenticate, con- finu. [accredition, credentials. 2>cglaubigung, /. ( pi. -en) credence, bcglciten, v. a. to accomiiany. [ant. 2?cg(citcr, m. {-^) companion attend- 16 VOCABULARY. GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. begtiif cii/ c. a. to make happy, bless. bcjlitcft, ad^. happy. [tented. k^ra^cn^ v. r. to be satisfied, con- be jral)cn, X). a. r. to inter, bury. a3c^ra[miB, n. (-ffe^; V^- ffO burial, tomb, funeral. bC;]ranjen, see kgrenjen. be^reifertf v. a. ir. to seize, touch, handle, comprehend, conceive. tegrciflid), adj. comprehensible, con- ceivable, [limit. begrenjeu, v. a. to bound, border, Segriff, m. (-e^; %tl. -e) circumfer- ence ; idea, notion ; im — fein, to be upon the point. kgrlffen, part. <& adj. touched, handled, felt. Begrupeit/ 'd. a. to greet, salute. kgiinjligen, v. a. to favor. Begiitigen, v. a. to soften, appease. Se^agen, n. {-^) gratification, pleas- ure, comfort, ease ; — , v. imp. to please, to be agreeable. tc^altcn/ V. a. ir. to keep, retain. Ibe^anbcln, v. a. to handle, treat. SSe^anblung, / {pi. -en) treatment, management. Be^anjen, v. a. ir. to hang with. It^awpUn, V. a. to assert, affirm. bc^clmen, v. a. to helm. [dextrous. bc^eub(e), adj. light, nimble, handy, bc^errfc^en, v. a. to reign over, rule, govern. fQct):xx[i)ix, m. (-^) ruler, governor. be^crjigen, v. a. to take to heart, reflect upon. ic^utcn, v.- a. to guard, watch over. bel, prep, at, in, about, near, with, to, present, at the house of. beibrm;en, v. a. ir. to bring in, con- \07, impart, inspire. 23eid)te,/. {pi. -n) confession; jur — ge^en, to go to confession. bcic^tett; V. a. to make confession, beibe, adj. pi. both, two. [confess. SBeifatt, m. (-e<^) applause, approba- tion, assent. S3cil, n. (-c<3; pi. -e) hatchet, axe. Sein, n. (-e<3 ; pi. -e) leg, bone ; auf gefunben SBetnen jle^en, to be again on one's feet, restored to health ; -i)au^, 11. {-ti ; pi. -:^aufer) charnel- house. beifammen, adj. together. ©eifpielf n. {-t^ ; pi. -e) example, in- stance ; jum — / for instance, for example. [aid. beifpringen, v. n. ir. to assist, succor, bei^en, v. a. & n. ir. to bite, peck. 93eiilanb, w. {-t^) assistance. beijle^^eti/ v. n. ir. to assist, support. beiflimmen, v. n. to assent, agree with. bcitragcn, v. a. ir. to contribute, assist. befampfen, v. a. to combat, subdue. befannt, adj. known, acquainted (with). [ance. , 33efanntfd)aft, /. ( pi. -en) acquaint- befe^ren, v. a. to convert. befennen, v. a. ir. to acknowledge, confess ; — , v. r. to profess. beflagen, v. a. to lament, deplore ; — , x>. r. to complain. [lamentable. beflagen^wert:^, adj. worthy of pity, SBeflagte, ber, (-n; pi. -n) ; bte — , {pi. -n) defendant befleiben, i). a. to clothe, adorn, invest; hold a position. S3e!Ieibung, / {pi. -en) clothing, vest- beflommen, adj. oppressed. [ment. befommcn, v. a. ir. to obtain, get, re- ceive ; — , V. n. to agree with, thrive. VOCABULAllY.— GERMAN AND EI^GLISH. 17 tcfranjciif t\ a. to wreaiue, crown, complote, finish. kfronen, v. a. to crown. befreu^en, «. a. to cross. bclaben, v. a. ir to load, freight ; — , adj. full, covered, loaded. Itelagern/ v. a.Xo besiege. ©clagerung, /. ( pi. -en) siege. l>claflcn/ V. a. to load, burden, molest, imiwrtunc. belaubcrt/ v. a. & r. to cover with foliage. bclaufc^en, v. a. to listen, watch. beleben, v. a. to animate, enliven. bclcbt, part. & adj. animated, lively. klc^ren, v. a. to instruct, inform. SBclc^rung, /. {pi. -en) instruction, information. bcleibigen^ v. a. to offend, inj ure. S3eleibiger, m. {-&) offender, injurcr. SBeleibipnij, /. ( pi. -en) offence, in- jury, [nate, elucidate. bcleu(^ten, v. a to light up, illumi- SBelcu^tung, /. {pi. -en) illumination. bclferm v. n. to bark, yelp SScIgrab, n. Belgrade (Turkish city in Servia, has 17,000 inhabitants). Ibeliebt, adj. pleasing, agreeable, be- loved. bclo^nen> v. a. to reward, recompense. tcliigcn, -o. a. to belie, calumniate. bemcic^tigen, v. r. to take possession of. bemerfen, t. a. to perceive, observe. bcmcrflic^, adj. noticeable, remark- able ; — mac^en, to hint. SBcmcrfung» / remark, observation. Bemoofl, adj. mossy, moss-covered. iemii^en, v. a. to trouble, endeavor ; — , T. r. to take pains, try to ob- tain, [deavor. SBemut)un3, / (;>/. -en) trouble, en- bena^bart, adj. neighboring, ©cne^men, n {-i) demeanor, conduct ; — , 0. a. ir. to take away, deprive of ; — , T). r. to behave, beneibcn, v. a. to envy, grudge. bcneiben<3n)ert^, adj. enviable. bene^en, v. a. to moisten, wet. benot^igen, n a to invite, force i tc* notbigt fein, to be in want (need) of. Seobad)ter, m. (-d) observer. 23eobac(}tung,/. {pi -en) observation, observance. bcqueni, adj. comfortable, easy, bequenten, v. a. to make convenient, accommodate ; — , v. r. to comply, follow. beratl)cn> v. a. ir. to assist with coun- sel, advise ; — , v. r. to take counsel, deliberate. berauben, v. a. to rob, deprive, strip. bcred}ttgcn, i\ a. to authorize, justify, entitle. SSercbfamfeit, /. eloquence, oratory, bereifen, v. a to travel over. bereit, adj ready, prepared ; -n)itlig» adj. ready, willing bereiten, v. a. to prepare. bereit^, add. already. 33crcttfd)vift,/. readiness, preparation. Screimntligfeit, /. readiness, willing- ness, bereuen, v. a. to repent. 33crg, m. (-eS ; pi. -c) mountain, hill ; -an, adv. up hill ; -ig, adj. hilly, bergen, 'C. a. ir. to hide, conceal ; save ; save from a wreck. 93ergc(3^Dbe, /. {pi -n) top of a hill, S3erge^^o^Ie, /. {pi. -n) hollow or cavern in a hill. [a hill. 23erge^runb, m. (-e3; jil. -e) ridge of bcrii1)ten, r. a. to inform (of), report. 18 VOCABULAKY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. t>cru(fcn, V. a. to cozen, calcli, en- snare, deceive. S3evuf, m, (-n3; pL -c) calling, voca- tion ; impulse ; appeal, call. terufen> v. a. ir. to call, appoint to an office, convoke ; — , v. r. to appeal (to), refer, [depend upon. Beru^en^ v. n. to rest, rest upon, beru^igen, i). a. to quiet, calm, ap- pease. Beru^mt, adj. renowned, famous. beru^ren, v. a. to touch, handle. SBerii^rung, /. {pi. -en) contact, touch. Befanftigen/ v. a. to soften, appease. befc^abigcn, v. a. to injure, hurt, damage. [to do, busy, occupy. !>efc^aftigen, v. a. to give something S3ef(f)aftigung,/. (^?. -en) occupation, employment, kfc^amen* v. a. to shame, make ashamed. Befc^amt/ part. & adj. ashamed. kfc^eeren, see kfc^eren. SBefc^eib, m. {-t^ ; pi. -c) answer, de- cision, sentence, share ; — tt)un, to pledge, drink ; — tt)itTen, to know, to be conversant with. befc^eibeU/ v. a. ir. to assign, des- tine, appoint (to), direct ; — , i). r. to be contented, yield, listen (to) ; — , adj. moderate, discreet, mod- est, [bestow (upon). Befi^enfen, '». a. to present (with), Befc^eren, v. a. to give, provide ; — , ii. a ir. to shave, shear. IBefc^ernng, /. ( pi. -en) gift, present ; etne fdiBne — , a nice mess. l&cfc^tm^fen, ^. a to insult, dishonor, affront. tefc^tcuntgcn, v. a. to hasten. a3e[d)lcunigung, /. {j^l -<\\) despatch, speed, hastening, acceleration. be[d)(ie^en, v. a. ir. to conclude, re- solve, detennine. S3cfcl)Iup, m. (-ffe!3; pi. -fi^luffe) con- clusion, close, end. befc^onigen, v. a. to color, palliate. befc|ranfcn, v. a. to limit, circum- scribe, bound, confine, [describe. kfc^reikn, v. a. ir. to write upon, 33efcf)reibung,/. {pi. -en) description. SBefc^uIbigung, /. {pi. -en) accu- sation. t>ef(^u^en, ■y. a. to guard, protect, defend. [fender. SBefc^u^er, m. (-§) protector, de- kfd)tt>eren, v. a. to load, trouble, molest ; — , n. r. to complain, kfd)lt)oren, -y. a. ir. to confirm by an oath; conjure, entreat. 23efd)i»i3rer, 'in. {-^) conjuror, exorcist. a3efi|n>orung/ /. {2)1. -en) conjuration. Scfi'^ix>orung$formeI, /. incantation, adjuration. Befeelen, v. a. to animate, inspire. kfegelttf v. a. to navigate, t)efe^en, v. a. ir. to look at, contem. plate ; examine. Befeittgcn, v. a. to lay aside, remove. befeffen, part. & adj. possessed, mad. Befet^cn, v. a. to occupy, garrison; border. [seal. kfiegeln^ v. a. to seal, put under I'effegen, 'C. a. to vanquish, conquer. kftngen, «. a. ir. to celebrate by song. kf(nnen, v. a. ir. to recollect, de- liberate, recover one's recollec- tion, [ness. 33cftnnung, /. recollection, conscious- Scfit?. ^^- ("f "5) possession ; — nc^mctt; VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 19 to take possession of; -t^um, n. {-i ; pi. -t^iimer) possession, prop- erty ; -ungr /. ipl. -en) estate, pos- session. bcft^en, V. a. ir. to possess. befonnen, part. & adj. careful, con- siderate, [ularly, especially. bcfonberi^, adv. separately, partic- 23cfonnen^eit, /. circumspection, re- flection, presence of mind. te for gen, v. a. to take care of, provide, procure ; apprehend, be concern- ed (about). bcfpiegeln, v. r. to look at or behold one's self in a mirror. befprcc^cn, v. a. ir. to bespeak ; — , v. r. to consult or converse with. befprengen, v. a. to besprinkle. bcffer, see gut, beffern, v. a. to better, meliorate, mend ; — . v. r. to recover from illness. beilanbig, adj. continual, constant. bcflcitigen/ v. a. to confirm, establish. bejl, see gut. [bribe. beilec^en^ v. a. ir. to border ; corrupt, bejlccfen, d. a. to stick with, stick upon ; adorn. bejle^cn, v. n. ir. to endure, last, per- sist, subsist ; — , v. a. to stand, endure, undergo. bcilcigen, v. a. ir. to mount, ascend. beilellcn, «. a. to appoint, promise, bespeak, order ; arrangt) ; care for ; put in order ; cultivate. befleni?, adj. in the best manner possible. [stars, with badges. beflernt, adj. starry, covered with ©cjlie, /. beast. bcflimmcn, v. a. to define, determine, induce, appoint, fiK. 33etllmmuni}, /. {pi. -en) determina- tion, destination. beftirnt, see bc)lcrnt. bejlrafen, v. a. to punish, chastise. be|lraljlen, v. a. to beam, irradiate, cast beams upon. 33etlrebcu, n. (-4) exertion, endeavor ; — , V. r. to strive, endeavor, labor. bejlreid)cn, v. a. ir. to spread over, besmear. beflrciten, v. a. ir. dispute, attack, contest, afford, defray. SBefud), m. (-e^; pi. -c) visit, search ; einen — abjlatten, to pay a visit, betauben, v. a. to stun, din, weaken. 33etaubung,/. {pi. -en) astonishment, stupor. beten, v. n. to pray, say prayers. bet^eucrn, v. a. to affirm, assure. bet^ijren/ v. a. to fool, infatuate. Setrac^t, m. (-eiS; pi. -e) conside- ration ; in — jie^en, to take into consideration. [consider. betrad)ten, v. a. to view, contemplate, 33ctrad}tung, /. {pi. -en) view, con- sideration, contemplation. Sctrag, m. (-c^ ; pi. -tragc) amount. 33etragcnf n. (-$) behavior, conduct ; — , V. r. to conduct one^s self, be- have ; — , V. n. to amount to. 23etrcff, m. respect, relation ; in — , with respect to. betrcffcn, v. a. ir. to surprise, perplex ; befall ; relate to, concern. bctrciben, v. a. ir. to drive upon, urge ; manage, carry on. 23ctrcibung, /. {2^1. -en) prosecution, pursuit. betrctcn, v. a. ir. to step upon, enter, tn^ad ; — , part. & adj. perjilexed, embarrassed. 20 VOCABULARY. 3EKMAN AND ENGLISH. ^etruben, v. a. to trouble, afflict ; — , v. r. to be afflicted. fcetrubt, adj. afflicted, sad. [lusion. S3etrug, m. {-t§) fraud, deceit, il- ktriigen, v. a. ir. to cheat, deceive ; — , D. r. to mistake, to be mis- taken or disappointed. fBetriiger, m. (-g) ; -in, /. {pi. -nen) cheater, deceiver. tetriigerifd)/ adj. deceiving, cheating. S3etj!unbe, /. {pL -n) hour for prayer. fdnu n. (-e^; pi. -e) bed; -berfc, /. {pi. -en) bed cover, blanket, Bettelarm, adj. beggarly, quite poor. SBettelbrob, n. (-e^) bread of mendi- city, [boy- SSetteliunge, n. (-n; pi. -n) begging SBettelfrau,/. {pi. -n) begging woman. Ibetteln, v. n. to ask alms, beg. Settler, m. beggar, [to bow, stoop. ^eugen, ti. a. to bend, warp ; — , v. r. ^tuU,f.{pl. -en) boil, tumor, ulcer; boss; dint. ieunru^igen, v. a. to disquiet, disturb, SBeute,/. {pi. -n) booty, spoil. SBeutel/ m. (-^) bag, purse. Be»or, conj. & adv. before. Beivac^en, v. a. to watch, guard. Betuac^fen, i?. n. ir. to over-grow ; — , ■w, a. to grow over. Be»affnen, v. a. to arm. SBcn^affnung,/, {pi. -en) armament. l)cn?a^ren, v. a. & r. to prove, verify, approve, try. l&enja'^ren/ «. a, to keep, take care of, hvtoo^xi, part. & adj. tried, certain, proof. l^ewanbert, adj. versed. bewegen, v. a. & r. to move, touch, stir, stir up, agitate. tJetvegUrf), adj. movable. Setvegung, /. {^pl. -en) motion, move- ment, commotion, [force. Setnegungsfraft, /. motive power or ben)egung($It)«5, adj. motionless. Sen^egung^mann, m. agitator, beipeinen, v. a. to weep for, bewail. Sen)eii^, m. (-e^; pi. -e) jjroof, ar gument. [demonstrate benjeifcn, v. a. ir. to prove, show, Sewerber, m. {-^) candidate, appli cant. [consent (to), permit bett)il(igen/ v. a. to grant, comply Bcwirfenf v. a. to effect, S3ett)irfung,/, effect, bringing about. ktx)irt|en, v. a. to entertain, treat, kttJD^nenf v. a. to inhabit, live in. beroolten/ v. a. to cloud, obscure. kKJunbern, v. a. to admire. S3et»unberung, /, admiration, ben)U§t, adj. & part, conscious of, known. [recollection, 33ett»uf?tfein, n. {-i) consciousness, kjal)len, v. a. to pay, satisfy, bejci^nien, v. a. to tame, moderate, bejaubern, v. a. to bewitch, charm, bejeic^nen, v. a. to mark, point out, denote, accent, [accuse of. bejei{)en, v. a. ir. to charge with, bejeugen, v. a. to attest, convince, affirm, testify, bejic^en, xi. a. ir. to draw, string (an instrument) ; overcast, inspect, enter (upon a habitation), refer ; — , v. r. to refer to, relate to. SBejtel^ung, /. {pi. -en) relation, ref- erence, appeal. 33ejug, m. (-eig; pi. -jiige) relation, reference. bejiringen, v. a. ir. to subdue, van- 33tbcl, /. ( pi. -n) Bible, [quish. bicber, adj. good, honest, virtuous. VOCABULARY. GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. 21 ©ieberfmu, in. (-ciJ) honest, upright disposition. S3ictte'*cn, m. honest tone. bicQeu, V. a. ir. to bend, bow, curve. S3iene,/. {pi. -n) bee. 23ter, n. {-ci\ pi. -c) beer. [oflfor. bietcn, v. a. ir. to bid, command ; S3tlb, n. {-ii ; pi. . -cr) figure, image, picture ; -^aucr, 711. {-i) sculptor ; -()aucrei, /. statuary, sculpture, work of a sculptor. bilbeiif X. a. to form, fashion, create, model ; cultivate ; polish. Mlbltcf), adj. figurative, typical. SStlbuer, m. {-i) sculptor, modeller. Silbnerci, /. {pi. -en) sculpture. SBilbung,/. {pi. -en) formation, edu- cation, cultivation. SBtlbung^gcfe^, n. law of form. Mlltg, adj. just, right ; cheap. billigen, v. a. to approve, consent to. 95illigfeit, /. equity. [fillet, sling. 23inbc, /. {pi. -en) band, bandage, Hnbcn, ■y. a. ir. to bind, tie, fasten, cement ; — , v. r. to engage one's binncn, adv. within. [self. S3infen|lu^(/ m. rush-chair. 93irnc,/. {pi. -n) pear. hii, crnij. & adv. till, imtil, up to, as far as ; -l^er, adv. Idtherto, till now ; -^crig, adj. what has hither- to been. ©ifc^cf, m. (-e<3; pi. -fc^ofe) bishop, orangeade, a drink made of red wine and burnt, bitter oranges. S3t(^t^um, n. (-e(3 ; pi. -tMmcr) Ijishop- ric, episcfjpacy. S3itte, /. {pi. -n) request, entreaty, petition, solicitation, suit. bitten, V. a. ir. to entreat, pray, beg, request, invite. Mtter, adj. bitter, sharp ; -\\6^, adj somewhat bitter ; — , adc. bitterly. S3irtcrfcit, /. {pi. -en) bitterness. Ma^ettr V. a. to blow up, puif up ; — , V. r. to show pride, be ostenta- tious. blanf, adj. blank, shining, bare, pol- ished ; mit blanfcm iitt)cnb, adj. furious, rugin;:^. 23Unbbcit,/ blindness; //. -c) liglitning, llit;cn, V. n. to lighten. [glance. 22 VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. Mi^c^fc^nell, adj. as quick as light- Hotflrerif -u. a. to blockade. [ning. Mi3be, adj. blunt, weak, weak-eyed, timid, dull. 5Ionb, adj. light-colored, fair. hU% adj. naked, bare, uncovered, mere ; — , n. (-n) evil, vice; — , adj. bad, evil, wicked, sore ; -n)i(^t, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) villain. H^a\U adj. spiteful, wicked, mali- cious, [ness. Sofi^eit,/. {pi. -en) malice, wicked- 33ote, s. m. (-n; pi. -n) messenger, herald. Sotfc^aft,/. message, embassy, news, brad)cn, v. a. to fallow, to break flax. Sranb, m. (-cO; pi. Sranbe) burning, combustion, conflagration ; gan- grene, mortification. Sratett/ m. {-^) roast, roast-meat ; — , 1). a. to roast, fry. [age, custom, Srauc^, m. (-e6 ; pi. 33raud)e) use, us- branc^enf v. a. to want, require, need, use. [able, useful. brau(|bar, adj. fit to be used ; avail- brauc()I{(|, see gebraud)l{(^. Sraite,/. eyebrow. kauen, v. a. to brew, distil. braun, adj. brown. [come brown. brauncn, -y. a. to brown ; v. n. to be- Srau(3, lib. {-ii) bustle, tumult. VOCABULARY. — GERMAN .VND ENGLISH. 23 braufcit/ V. n. to rusli, roar, bluster, ferment. S9raut,/. {2)1. SSroiutc) affianced, be- trothed, bride; -ficib, n. (-c^; pi. -cr) wedding-dress ; -franj, *'-'• {-^"^ 5 pi. -frdnje) bridal garland, wreath ; -leutc, pi. the betrothed ones. SrautiGam, m. {i\ pi. -c) bridegroom. bnn^ adj. good, valiant, brave, gal- lant, honest. S5rQVo, m. (d; j)?. -3) bandit, bravo; — , int. bravo. brcd)cn, v. a. ir. to break, pluck ; — , V. r. to break, vomit ; — t v. n. to break, fall, become a bankrupt, burst ; bic Gf)C — , to commit adul- tery ; fcin 53crt — , to break one's word. 93rci, 77Z. (-ca; |>/. -c) pap, panada, melted mass, gruel. l^reit, adj. broad, extended, wide ; Weit unb — , far and wide. [pand. brcitcn, V. a. to spread, extend, es- brcnnen, v. a. ir. to burn, scorch, cau- terize, brand, distil ; — , v. 7i. to burn, to be combustible. $ S3rief, m. (-e<5 ; pi. -e) letter, epistle. Srittant, m. (-en; ^9?. -en) brilliant, diamond ; — , adj. brilliant. hinjjen, v. a. ir. to bring, convey, conduct ; e^ mil — , to make great progress ; ju Soapier — , to pen down ; ^u SScgc — , to bring about, to affect ; ju ©tanbe — , to accom- plish, to effect ; umi Ccben — , to put to deatli, to kill, SBritfc^e, /. (jjI. -n) mace, wand. S3rittcnfot)n, m. British son. SBrob, n. (-eo ; pi. 33rote) bread, loaf, support, livelihood. ©ru(^, ?/i. (-ce; pi. 33viui)c) breaking. fracture, rupture, fragment, her- nia, fraction, infringement. Sriiifc,/. (pi. -u) bridge. 5Brubcr, m. (-0 ; p'. SSriibcr) brother ; -viefd)lcd)t, n. race of brothers, human family ; -^vui'v in. (-c^; pi. -ijru^c) brotherly salute ; -morb, ?/i. (-ci3 ; pi. -c) fratricide ; -},m\t, brotherly strife. kiiberlid), adj. brotherly, fraternal. t^riiflen, v. n. to roar, bellow. brummcn/ v. n. to r(>ar, hum, growl, murmur, bellow. [ain. Srunncn, m. i-i) spring, well, fount- j Srunil, /. {pi. ©vimilc) ardor, lust, briinjlla, adj. burning, ardent, [rut S3ruf}//. {pi. iBriiilc) breast, bos.:m, chest; -turnifd), m. (-et3; pi. -c' cuirass; -\od)x, f. (jj^. -e) breast- work. britl^cn, i\ r. to look big, to be proud, strut. [hatch. iSrut,/. {pl.-iVi) brood, incubation, briitcn, v. a. to brood, hatch. Sul'C, m. (-n; pi. -n) boy, knave, vil- lain, rogue. [h(jy. 23iiHcin, n. {dim. of 23ube) a small ^\x6>, 11. (-cd; p^. 23iid)cv) book, quire of paper; -ilat^e, w. (-n; pi. -w) letter, type ; grope — , capital let- ter ;-tlaMid), adj. literal ; -wciolnnt, /. book learning. 33ud)cu()ain, m. beecli grove. 93uc^erl)auf, m. a heap of books. 33ud)fc, /. {pi. -u) box, case, gun. rii'l.^^ 5Qud)t,/. {pi. -en) inlet, bay, brook. Mtfcn, V. r. to stoop, bow. 3?itiU'(f m. (-^) hoop, ring, stirrup. 5i3ut}(e, m.. (-n; pi. -n) sweetheart lover, wooer. luitjicrifd), adj. coquetisli, unchaste 24 VOCABULABY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. SBii^ne, /. {pi -n) scaflEbld, scaffold- ing, stage. Su^nenwelt, /. theatrical world. S3unb, m. (-e<3 ; pL SSunbc) covenant league, union, confederacy ; — , n. {pi. -e) bundle, truss, bunch ; -()rud)ig, adj. breaking the cove- nant, treacherous, perfidious. S3unbe!3frieben» m. confederation. S3unbedgeno§, m. (-en; pi. -en) confed- erate, [alliance. S5unbm§, n. {-t^, pi. -e) covenant, IDunt/ adj. variegated, colored, many colored, speckled. SSurbe,/. {pi. -n) load, charge. 33urg, /. {pi. -en) castle, fort ; -ijcrlte^, n. (-C!? ; pi -e) dungeon. S3iirge, m. (-n; pi -n) surety, bail, warranter. biirgenr v. a. to bail, warrant. SSiirger, m. (-^) citizen, commoner, burgher; -frieg, m. {-t^] pi -e) civil war; -blut, blood of citizens. iiirglid) (burgcrlici), adj. civil, civic. S3urgf(|aft, /. {pi -en) bail, surety, SSiirjle, /. {pi -n) brush, [guaranty. Iburflen, v. a. to brush. S3ufc^» m. {-i ; pi ©iifc^e) bush, small wood, thicket. SBufeit/ m. {-^) breast, bosom, gulf. S5u§e,/. {pi -n) penance, penitence, repentance, punishment, fine. bupen, V. a. to expiate, mend, repair, compensate, appease ; — , v. n. to atone (for), suffer. abutter, /. butter. Salabrien, n. (-^) Calabria (south- west peninsula of Italy, has over 1,000,000 inhabitants). Samerab, m. (-en, pi -en) comrade. Saftellamare, Castlemare (city on the Gulf of Naples, has 15,000 inhab.) Sanbtbat, m. (-en & -^ ; pi -en) can- eapeUc, / {pi -n) chapel. [didate. SapcUmeifter, m. (-«) chapel master, leader of a band, choir, or orches- tra. Sarbinal, m. (-eg; pi -ncilc) cardinal. £cber,/. {'pi -n) cedar. Sentncr, m, {-i) quintal, hundred weight, cent-weight. ccntnerf^tt)er, adj. ponderous. Scremonie,/. {pi -en) ceremony. (S()aratter, m. {-i\ pi, -c) character. d)arafteriflifd), adj. characteristic. (Il)emic, /. chemistry. (S^erub/ m. cherub. Sr)erubim, cherubim. Sl)or, m. & n. {-i ; pi G^>ore) chorus, choir, quire ; crowd {Schiller's Burgschaft) ; -^cfanf], m. {pi -gc^" fcingc) chorus, choir song, hymn, anthem ; -fnatK, m. chorister. SI)oriil, m. {-i ; p^. -en) chorister. Sl)rift, m. (-en; -pi -en) ; -in, /. {pi -nen) christian. (If)rijlen^eit, /. Christendom. Sf>;:i|lent|tum, n. (-eg) Christianity. c^rilllid), adj. christian. S^rijlu^, m. Christ. S^ronif,/. {pi -en) chronicle. S^ronologte,/. {pi -en) chronology. d^urfiirjl, m. (-en; pi -en) elector, prince elector. Sirfel, «ee Bivfcl, [nasium. Slaffe, /. (p^. -n) class, cast, gym- Slafficimu^, classics. Complexion,/, complexion, look. Sonclase, n. (-:) conclave. Soncovtia,/. concord, concordia. VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 25 Songrcgaticitr congregation, audience. conililutioneU, adj. constitutional. Sonfultor, w. adviser, counsellor. Scntinent, m. (-c^ ; pi. -c) continent, contratlircn, v. a. to contrast, set off. dox^i, (pron. core) n. corps. Sorporal, m. (-^; j)l- -''ilc) corporal. Sruciftr, n. {- /. {pi. -en) German. VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 27 Dcutfd}Ianb, n. Germany. 2)eutun3, /. ( pi. -en) explanation. Dicbeni/ m. diadem. 1)iafonu<3, m. deacon. !Dialcft, m. {-t'2> ; pi. -e) dialect bialeflifd), adj. dialectic, fci^t, adj. dense, solid, compact, close; -klaubt, adj. covered witli thick foliage. 2)icl)tc,/. density, closeness. bict)tcn, V. n. to think, invent, com- pose, poetize, make poetry. 2)id)ter, m. (-^) poet ; -bru|l, poetic nature ; -allegoric, poetic lore. !Dtd)tfunil,/. (no plur.) poesy, art of poetry. [tion. 2)id}tuno[, /. {pi. -en) fiction, invcn- bicf, adj. tliick, big, corpulent, biftiren, v. a. to dictate. X)ieb, 111. (-c^ ; pi. -c) tliicf. 2)iele,/. {pi. -n) board, biclen, V. a. to lay with boards, floor, biencn/ v. n. to serve, to be fit. Dicner, m. (-^) ; ©ienerin,/. (/)^. -nen) servant ; minister; -[d}aft, /. {pi. -en) servants, domestics. !I)ienil, m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) service, office, Died, see biejir. [employment. bicfcr, bicfc, bicfc^, proii. this, bie^ja^ri*], adj. of this year, bicdmal, adv. this time. [object, X)in9, n. (-e^; pi. -c) thing, matter, T)imenrion,/. {pi. -en) dimension. I)ircftor, m. {-i ; pi. -en) director. T'irne, /. {pi. -en) maid, girl. S^i^cipltn,/. {pl.-iw) disciplint;, sci- ence of art. bodv add. yet, however, but, pray. 3)oftcr, m. {-i ; i^l. -en) doctor. I)oI(^, m. (-cv? ; pi. -e) dagger, pon- iard. X)om, m. (-ce ; pi. -e) dome, cathedral. Domanc, /. ( pi. -n) domain, demesne. 2)cnncr, m. (-«§) thunder ; ijom — gc* riit)rt, thunderstruck ; -fell, m. (-(3; ^;?. -e) thunderbolt ; -fd)Ia(Ti, m. (-^ ; pi. -fd)Iage) thunderclap ; -woIfe,/. {pi. -n) tempestuous cloud; -wortf 7i.. (-e(3 ; j?^. -e) word of j udgment. bcnnern, v. imp. to thunder. bcppcl, t'/i. comp. double. Doppelflintc, /. {pl.-xC) double-barrel- ed gun. boppcin, V. a. to double. 'Doppelfmn, m. (-e5 ; pi. -e) ambiguous sense, double meaning. boppelfinmoi, adj. ambiguous. boppelt, adj. double. boppet^ungiijf adj. double-tongued. I)cppcljuni3i3feit, /. double-tongued, deceit fulness. Dorf, n. {-zi>;pl. IDorfer) village. fcort, borten, adv. there, yonder, yon. bortfjer, adc. from yonder, thence. bort^in, adv. to that place, hither. bortii], adj. being there, of that place. ^rad)C, m. (-n) dragon, drake, kite. 2)rad)eni3ift, n. dragon's poison. ^ragoncr, m. (-^) dragoon. X)rama, n. (-5; ^7^. 2)ramcn) drama. ©rang, m. throng, pressure, oppres- sion, distress. 1)rvUigcn, n. pressing of a crowd, pushing ; — , v. a. to press, squeeze, brauen, see broken. [urga braupen, adv. out of doors, without. brekn, v. a. to turn, twist, wrest. brei, adj. three; -cintoi, adj. three united, triune; -T'niv adj. three- fold, triple, treble; -fni";, in. tri- ped ; -mal, adv. three times ; -fil* HiV <(dj- of three syllables. 28 VOCABULARY. — GEKM^iN AND E^JGLISH. brct§tg, adj. thirty ; -jci^rig, num. adj. lasting thirty years, thirty years breiji, adj. bold, courageous. [old. brei^e^n, adj. thirteen. fcringeitf v. n. ir. to throng, crowd, penetrate ; — , v. a. to compress, urge ; auf etlt>a^ — , to press or urge a thing. bringenb, adj. urgent, pressing. britte, adj. third. broken, v. a. to threaten, ©ro^ung, /. {pi. -en) threat, menace, oppression, bro^ncn, v. n. to shake, groan, rever- berate. brt^Uig, adj. funny, peculiar. briiben, adv. over yonder. briibcr, see bariiber, !£)rucf, m. (-esS) pressure, squeeze, brucfen, v. a. to press, print. briicfcn, v. a. to press, squeeze, pinch, oppress. [Druids. ©ruibcnbaitni/ m. mistletoe-oak of the brum, see barum. brunten, adv. below, there below. ^\Xt pron. thou, you. !I)uett, n. (-g; pi. -e) duel. 2)uft, m. (-ea ; pi. 2)ufte) scent, fra- grancy, exhalation, vapor; -gebilb, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) hazy form. buften, '€. n. to be odoriferous, to send out fragrance. buftig, adj. fragrant. [dure. bulben, v. a. to tolerate, suffer, en- bumm, adj. dull, stupid, foolish. ©umm^eit, /. {pi. -en) stupidity. bumpf, adj. hollow ; damp, musty. 2)une, see 'Saune. [plain). !Dune,/. {pi. -n) down (large, open 2)unenftffen, n. downy pillow. bunfel, adj. dark, obscure ; -griin, adj. dark green ; -^eit, /. darkness, ob- scurity. bunfen, v. imp. to seem, appear. bunn, adj. thin, fine, subtle, small, tender. burc^, prep, through, by, throughout ; -m^, adv. throughout, by all means. burc^bo^ren, 'O. a. to bore through. burc^bringcn, ■». a. ir. to bring through, squander ; — / v. r. to get through the world. burd)btingen, n. n. ir. to get through, pierce, penetrate, pervade, suc- ceed ; — , insep. to penetrate, fill with. [shrill, sharp, keen. burc^bringenb, part. & adj. piercing, burd)brucfen, v. a. to press through. burd^einanbcr, adv. confusedly, i:ell- mell. burd}fed)ten, v. a. if. to fight through ; — , V. r. to light one's way through, to get out of a scrape. burc^faulen, v. n. to rot entirely, pu. trefy, rot through. [animate. burc^flammen, v. a. to flash through, burtflfliegcn, v. n. ir. to fly through ; — , insep. a. to fly tlirough, tra- verse rapidly, peruse. ©urd)flug, m. (-c^; _p?. -flugc) rapid passing through a place. DuTOigang, m. (-e n. ir. to come or get through, come off, recover. burd)laiifcn, v, n. to run through ; ^^, insep. to run over, peruse, burdjmcngen* v. a. to mingle or mix thoroughly, mix up with. burc^mcftcn, v. a. ir. to measure throughout, burdjmifc^m, see fcurc^mengen. burc^rinnen, v. a. & ir. sep. k insep. to run through. burd)fd)aucn» v. n. to look through ; — I iiwep. a. to see the heart of one, to imdcretand (a perbon). burc^fci)ieHCtt' ^'- w* to shoot through (an opening), to dart through, to interleave (book) ; — , insep. a. to fire through. bur(^fd)lummern, v- 7i. to sleep through; to pass in slumber, burd^fitneibcn^ 'C. a. ir. sep. & insep. to cut through, intersect, pierce. bUTd)|"lrafiIen, ■». n. insep. to shine through, fill with rays. burch;lrcifen» to rove through. burd)|lrcmcn, v. a. & n. sep. & insep. to fiow through, pervade. burc^fud)cn, i) a. to search through, biirc^road^en^ v, a. to watch through, ])a88 waking. [through. burd}iDanbern, v. n.io wander or travel burdwcincn, v. a. to pass weeping. burd?):)irfcn, v. a. to knead through ; — , ins n. (-C(5 ; pi. -cr) image ; -biirtic^, adj. of equal birth ; -bcrfelbc, pron. the very same ; -falli^. -u) plain, level ground. Mjo, n. {-a) echo. fd}t, adj. legitimate, genuine. Srfc,/. {pi. -w) corner, edge. cbcl, adj. noble, well-born, generous ; -bame, {j)l. -n), -frau, /. {pi. -cnj noble lady ; -t)of, m. (-:^ ; pi. -l)ofc) estate, mansion ; -fnabc, m. {-\\\'pL -n) page; -fnecbt, m. {-zi\ pi. -c) page; -mann, m. (-c^ ; 7)^.-{cute) no- bleman; -mut^, m. (-c(?) generosi- ty, magnanimity ; -\\^\\\, m. {-ii\ pi. -c) precious stone: -lt)at, /. {^pL -en) generous deed. Sfflcrccccm, /. efflorescence. ' C£ben, Eden. ^ Gf)Cr/. ( ]:l. -n) marriage, matrimony, wedlock ; — , eonj. k adv. ere, be- i fore ; -banb, m. y-fii^ ; pi. -l>anbc(n) ) marriage tie : -•(eno|'^(e), w. (-ffcnj ' pi. -ffcn) consort, husband ; -lci!tc< 80 VOCABULAEY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. pi. married couple ; -malig, adj. old, former ; -nial(5, adv. formerly, in former times ; -mann, m. (-c& ; pi. -manner) married man, Tius- band ; -jlanb, m. (-e(J)married state, cl^er, adv. sooner. [wedlock, e^ern, adj. brazen, of metal. e^eflenSf adv. soonest, first. ©^re, /. ( pi. -n) honor ; — erjeigen, to do honor, e^ren, v. a. to honor, esteem ; ~am\, n. (-ei3 ; pi. -ctmter) office of honor ; -^ejeigung; /. {pi. -en) expression of esteem, mark of honor ; -bo gen; triumphal arch; -grup, bow of reverence ; -freuj, n. {pi. -e) cross of honor ; -"pla^, m. {-t^ ; pi. -^Ici^c) seat of honor, place of honor ; -i)oE, adj. honorable, honored ; -rooxt, n. (-eS; pL -c) word of honor. e^rerBietig, adj. reverent, respectful. ©^rfurd)t,/. veneration, reverence. S^rgefu^lf 71. (-e$) sense of honor. G^rgci^, m. (-e^) ambition. c^rgeijig, adj. ambitious. e^rlic^, adj. honest, honorable, (£^r[ud)t, /. inordinate ambition. c^r^ergeffen^ adj. unmindful of honor, mean. cbrroiirbi^, adj. venerable, reverend, ©i, n. {-ii'^pl. -cr) egg; — , int. ah! eh ! hey ! ay ! Gic^e,/. {pi. -n) oak, oak-tree. (^i^^oxn, m. (-e3; 25^- -^i-^i^ttcr); Sidv prnc^en, n. (-$) squirrel. Sib, m. (-ca ; pi -e) oath. (£ibfc{)rour, m. (-c. a. to dry up. [into. einbroini^en, v. a. to scjueeze or force elnbriiiijcn, v. n. ir. to enter with force, press upon. [sion. Stnbrucf, m. (-c^; 2^^- -trurfe) impres- eine^t^ciU, ado. on the one hand. einfad^, adj. single, simple. SinfatI, m. (-C(3; pi. -falle) fallinf? in- to, irruption, incidence, fall, ruin, sally, suddcii idea ; fancy. cinfallcn, v. n. ir. to fall, fall into, sink, invade; occur; remember; e(5 faOt mir etn, it occurs to me, it strikes me. Sinfatt, /. simplicity. nnfaltig/ adj. simple, silly. elnfaffen, •». a. to put up, close (in), border, bind. [influence. Sinrlup, m. (-ffed ; pL -^n\fc) influx, ci ifiU)rc:i, v. a. to carry into; import ; introduce. cinfuUen, v. a. to fill in, fill up. ©tn.^abc, /. {pi. -n) delivery, presen- tation, memorial presented. f (£in3an3, in. (-ciJ ; pi. -^,im^() entrance, entry, access, introduction, pre- face. ein^u'ben, v. a. ir. to give, j^resent ; give (mT?dicin(^) ; inspire. ctnvKboren, adj. native, indijo^enous. Sin>'lntniV /• {pi -en) inspiration, suf^gestion. [ing. einu'bciif, adj. mindful, remember- cin>'t)en, «. n. ir. to enter, come in, arrive •- consent to ; contract ; grow h'ss, s;iri:ik. [judiced. cini;(cnonniicn, p((rt pn-jjossessed, pre- I cin(}cfd)lt(^cn, part, crept in. j cincjuibcu/ v. a. ir. to di;-- in, entrench, engrave. cini^rcifcn, v. n. ir. to h.y hold, seize upon, encroach, [encroachment. Singriff, m. {~ci,2)l -c) seizure, catch ; cinlialtcn, v. a. ir. to st':)p, check ; — , V. n. to pause, cease. ctn(}cimtfd), adj. native, home-bred. cinf)cr, adv. forth, along ; -(5c{)cn, to walk along; -ile^ircn, to strut along ; -trctcn, v. n. & a. ir. to step along ; -ivanOcln, v. n. to wander forth. cint)o(cnf v. a. to overtake, collect, bring, bring in. cinpUeiu v. a. to wrap up. cini*3. adj. sole, united, agreeing; — [cin, to agree. eini(;(cr, dmci,t, cimgc^?,;^'^/^. some, any ; — , ])l. some, several. Sinlgfeit, /. unity, concord. j einimpfcu, v. a. to inoculate. I cinfaufcn, v. a. to buy, purchase. cinfc^n^cn, v. n. to turn in, .stoj) (at an inn). [unison. Sinflang, m. (-C(?; 2>l -flaiuiic) accord, Sinflcibung,/. {pi. -cti) clothing, ves- ture; — cincr ?{onnc, installment of a nun. Sinfommcn^ n. (- v. n. ir. to fall asleep, fall away, die. [into security. einfc^lcifern, v. a. to put to sleep, lull einfc|laferig» adj, single (of a bed). (£infc()lag, m. (~e^; pi. ^fdjlagc) woof, weft, part turned in. emfc^lagcn, v. a. ir. to strike into, beat in, put in, give one's hand in token of agreement ; — , v. n. to strike into, strike inwards, suc- ceed, prosper. [in(to). ein[i^Ictd)cn, v. n. ir. to creep or steal ftnff^Ucpen, t. a. ir. to lock in, \n- clude, enclose ; — , t. n. to catch, fit close. tinfi^mel^en. n. a. to melt down ; — , i\ n. to diminish by meltinfj. einfc^meti'^ctn, ■«. a. r. to ingratiate one's self. [limit ; entrench. einfd)rdntcn, v. a, to confine, restrain, ein[c()reil)enf v. a. to write in, enroll, book, inscribef clufe^en, v. a. to set in, put in, plant; put in prison ; deposit ; institute ; risk. [tion, intelligence. i @uifid)t; /. {pi. -en) insight, observa- cinfieblertfc^, adj, retired, secluded. cin)!, add. once, at one time, at some future time ; -mal^/ adv. once, formerly. [up, pocket. einflecfen, -w. a. to stick in, put in or einftetten, v. a. to make one's appear- ance, put up; — , v. r. to appear, to be present, suspend, interrupt. etnftur3,en» v. n. to fall in suddenly ; — / 1). a. to knock down. (£tntt)eilun9, /. {pi. -en) distribution, division. Sintrad)t, /. concord, unanimity. einl'Teten, v. n. ir. to step into, enter ; — , V. a. to tread in, stamp in, tread down. [trance. (Stntritt, m. (-(e)5; pi. -e) entry, en- einn?eil)cn, v. a. to initiate, consecrate. einn?icgcnf v. a. to rock asleep. cinwilligen, v. n. to assent, consent to. 6inn)irfungf/. {pi. -en) influence. Sinwo^ner, m. (-^); Aw, f. {pi. -ncn) inhabitant. [tion. ©tnwurf/ m. (-eg ; pi. -n^ittfe) objec- einjeln, adj. only, single individual. einjie^en, v. a. ir. to draw in, confis- cate, arrest, retrench ; — , ■«. n. to march in, to remove into. Stnjlchung,/ {pi. -en) drawing in, tak- ing in, suppression, confiscation. einufi/ (idj. only, alone. [trance. (Sin\ug» m. (-eo; pi. -^itgc) entry, en- VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 33 (Hi, n. ice ; -\ioh ice-pole ; -^arfen, -japfen, m. (-d) icicle. cifen# V. a. to cut the ice. (£ifm, n. {-^) iron ; -ba^n, /. (pi -en) railroad ; -banbc,/. (2)1. -en) shakle of iron; -^ut, m. {-i; pi. -l>ute) monkshood (name of a flower) ; -biittc, /. (2>l- -n) iron foundry, iron forge. [sensible. eifern/ adj. iron, made of iron, in- cite!, adj. vain ; idle ; mere. Sfcl, m. {-<^) dislike, distrust, aver- sion ; — , adj. loathsome, disgust- ing ; -:ax, adj. loathsome, disgust- ing ; -t)aft, adj. loathsome, disgust- ing; -name, m. nickname. elajlifd), adj. clastic. eltgant, adj. elegant. (£Ic9ic,/.(;;;.-n) elegy. Slemcnt, n. (-(c)v5 ; pL -c) element. clementart[d> adj. elemental. (£lenb, m. (-(e)^) misery, affliction, distress ; — , adj. miserable, wretched, sick. Slep^ant, m. (-en; pi. -en) elephant. elf, adj. eleven. Slfe,/. (jd. -n) elf, fairy, hobgoblin. Glfenbein, n. (-(e)^) ivory ; ivory stick which was used (by the ancients) to strike the lyre, the ©Item, p^. parents, [plectrum (p. 78). Sl^flum, 71. {-^) elysium. clpfaifc^, adj. Elysian ; bie -en Sdber, Elysian fields (Paris park) tntpfangen, v. a. ir. to receive, take, conceive. (£mpfanc, adj. English. Gnfcl, m. (-V?) grandson, grandchild; -in, /. ( pi. -nen) granddaughter. entiiiitilcrn, «. r. to dispose of, sell ; forbear ; acquit one's self of a thing. [of, do without, cnttebrcn, t. n. to want, to be iu \\ ant 34 VOCABULARY. — GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. entk|rli(^, adj. dispensable, not want- ed, unnecessary, [privation. Gntbe^rung, /. {pi. -en) abstinence, eutbinben, v. a. ir. to unbind, absolve, loose, deliver (of). entMo^en, v. a. to make naked, bare, strip ; deprive. ent^re(i)en/ v. r. ir. to forbear, abstain from, break one's self from a habit. [come inspired. entBrennen, v. n. ir. to inflame, be- entbcd eri; n. a. to uncover ; discover ; reveal, disclose. (Sntbecfer, m. (-^) discoverer. entc^ren, v. a. to dislionor, defame, deflour. enterben^ v. a. to disinherit, [escape. entfallen, v. n. ir. to fall out, drop ; entfalten, v. a. to unfold. (Sntfaltung, /. unfolding, display. entferncn, v. a. to remove ; — , v. r. to withdraw, retire. entfernt, adj. remote, distant. Sntfcrrtung, /. {iil. -en) removal, re- moteness, distance. entflammcn, v. a. to inflame. entfleifii)t, 2)art. & adj. fleshless. cntfliegcn, 'd. n. to fly aAvay, escape. entfliel)en, v. n. ir. to run away from, escape, flee. entfltcpen, v. a. to flow from. entfremben, v. a. to estranp^e. entfu[)ren, v. a. to carry ofl", run away with, kidnap. entgeyen, prep. & adv. ajjainst, to- wards ; -geljerif v. n. ir. to go to meet ; -gefett, adj. opposed, con- trary ; -fommen, v. n. ir. to come to meet ; -firccf en, v. «. to i t etch forth ; -tretcn, v. n. ir. to step towards or against, to go to meet. ' entgegnen, v. a. to answer, reply. entgeljcn/ -». n. ir. to go away from, escape. cntl)alten, «. a. ir. to contain, hold, comprehend ; — , v. r. to abstain (from). cnt^eiligcn, v. a. to profane, desecrate. ent^uden, v. a. to unveil, uncover. Snt^ufia^mu^/ m. enthusiasm. cnt^ufta)lifrf), adj. enthusiastic. @nt|mfiaf!, m. {-txi^pl. -en) enthusiast. cntfletben, v. a. to undress, divest (of), strip. [cape. entfommen, v. n. ir. to get away, es- cntlaben, v. a. ir. to unload, dis- charge. entlang, adv. lengthwise, along. entlaffen, i). a. ir. to dismiss, dis- charge ; release. entlebtgeni. v. a. to set free, exempt ; — , v. r. to acquit or rid one's self entlegettf adj. remote, distant, [(of). cntle^nen, v. a. to borrow. entleiben, v. a. to kill ; — , v. r. to commit suicide. entmanncn, v, a. to mutilate, efibmi- nate, unnerve, unman. cntraffen, v. a. to snatch away (ctnem cttx)a(3) from one. [away. entrci^en, v. a. ir. to tear or snatch entrid)ten, v. a. to satisfy, pay what is due. [capo. entrinncn, v. n. ir. to run away, es- cntruften, v. a. to make angry ; — , V. r. to become angry. entfa^'^cn, v. n. to renounce. C£ntfagung, /. {pi. -en) denial, re- nunciation. entfcf)ciben, v. a. ir. to decide, deter- mine ; pass or give judgment or sentence. VOCABULAHY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 85 entf(^eibenb, part. & adj. decisive. (iEmfd)eitiun9, /. {pi. -en) determina- tion, decision. [decided, entfc^iebeit, part. & adj. determined, entfc^lafe^u n. ir. to fall asleep, die. cntfci)lagcn, v. r. ir. to divest one's self (of), avoid, forget ; fid) Me ©orgen — , to cast away care, entfc^tiej^en, v. r. ir. to resolve, come to a determination. (Sntfc^Iiciung, /. {pi. -en) resolution, determination. cntfd)Icffcn, adj. resolved, resolute, entfc^lumntern, v. n. to fall into a slumber, fall asleep, die. entf(:f)liipfen, v. n. to slip from, escape. entfcf)Iu§, m. (-ffeS/ pi. -fc^liiffe) reso- lution, purpose. entfd)ulbigen, v. a. to exculpate, ex- cuse ; — , V. r. to excuse one's self, entfeclt, adj. dead, lifelesa [refuse. (Sntfe^en, 71. (-^) terror, horror ; — , V. a. to displace, de^wse, deliver, relieve ; — , v. r. to be terrified. cntfc^Iic^, adj. liorrible, terrible, shocking. cntjicgeln, v. a. to unseal, open, entfinfen, v. n. to sink out of or ^^ away from. cntfpringenf v. n. ir. to spring from or away, escape ; arise, originate. cntfic'^cn, v. n. ir. to begin, originate. entjTe{^en» v. a. to arise from or out of, ascend from. entflellcn, v. a. to disfigure, deface. ©ntflellung, /. deforming, disfiguring. cntful^ncnf v. a. to free from sin, purify. enttaufd)en> v. a. to undeceive, cntttjaffnen, v. a. to disarm. cnt»eber> conj. either. [escape. cnttt)eic^en, v. n. ir. to give way, slip, entwei^en, n. a. to profane, desecrate. entwenben, v. a. ir. to purloin, steal. cnttwcrfcn, v. a. ir. to design, project, cntwicfeln, -y. a. to unfold, develop, explain. [evolution, ©ntwicfeluncv f.{pl. -en) development, cnttt>lnben/ v. a. to wrest from or out of. cnttt)irrcn, v. a. to unravel. entn?if($cn, v. n. to slip away, escape. cntlt»5^nen> v. a. to disaccustom, wean. cnthjurbigettf v. a. to degrade. Sntwurbtgungr /. degradation. Sntrourf, m. (-e^; pi. -rourfe) sketch, design, project. [chaVi. cntjaubcrn, v. a. to disenchant, un- ent^ie^en/ v. a. ir. to take away, with- draw, deprive (of) ; — , v. r. to withdraw, avoid. entjiicfen, v. a. to enrapture, ravish, charm, delight. [port. Sntjiicfung, /. {pi. -en) ecstasy, trans- cntjiinbcn, v. a. to kindle, flame ; — , V. r. to catch fire. cntjtvei, adv. in two, asunder. cntj^iuetcn, v. a. to divide, separate ; — , V. r. to quarrel. ©pirUiS, n. Epirus. cpirifd), adj. relating to Epirus. Spillel, /. {pi. -n) epistle. (£rad)ten, n. opinion ; melne^ Sracbtcn^, in my opinion ; — , v. a. to think, opine, to be of opinion. (Srbarmcn* n. mercy, compassion, pity ; — , V. a. to move to pity; — , V. r. to feel pity, take pity upon, have mercy. erboirmlid), adj. miserable, pitiful. (Srbarmung, /. mercy, pity, crbaucn, v. a. to build, erect. crbauUc^, adj. edifying. 86 VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. Sr^c, m. (-n; pi. -n) heir, inheritor ; — , n. (-^) inheritance, patrimony. eriebeiir v. n. to shake. erbeit; v. a. to inherit, get by inher- itance ; — , n, n. to descend by inheritance. erBetcn, «. a. to request ; ftc^ ettra^ — , to endeavor to obtain by praying. erbeuten, -». a. to gain, take by booty. erbitten, "o. a, ir. to beg, request, ask for. [disease. (Srbfranf^eit, /. {pi. -en) hereditary erMaffen, 'v. n. to grow pale, faint, decease. erl^lcic^en, v. n. ir. to grow pale, die. erblic^, adj. hereditary. crblirfcn, v. a. to perceive, see, view. Grbprinj, m. (-en; pi. -en) hereditary prince. erbraufen, v. n. to begin or rise roar- ing (of a storm). (Srbgut, n. inheritance, heirloom, patrimonial estate. [dom. CSrbrelc^, n. hereditary realm or king- (£rbred)t, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) right of in- (£vbfe, /. {pi. -n) pea. [heritance. Srbjlutf, ?i. (-e$ ; _pZ. -e) heirloom. ©rbfiinbe, /. {pi. -n) original sin. ©rbbetco^ncr, m. (-^) terrestrial in- habitant, [upon earth. ©rbe, /. {pi. -n) earth ; auf Grben, crben, adj. earthen, earthly. ©rbcnfreube, /. earthly joy, terres- trial joy. ©rbenteben, n. terrestrial life. ©rtenlufi, /. vanity of this world. (Srbenftnn, m. worldly mind. Srbcnfo^n, m. son of earth, mortal. crbgeborcn^ adj. earth-born, [gnome. Grbgciff/ m. spirit of the earth, (Srbenfrau, /. earthly woman. [ly erblg, adj. consisting of earth, earth- (Srbfitgel, /. {pi. -n) terrestrial globei erbringen, ■». a. to get by force. erbrucEen, v. a. to choke, stije. erbulben> v. a. to endure, suffer, tol- erate, [speed. ereilcn, v. a. to overtake, gain by ererben, -». a. ir. to inherit. erfabren, v. a. ir. to perceive, ex- perience, learn, gain by informa- tion ; — , adj. experienced, ex- pert, skilful. Srfa'^rung, /. {pi. -en) experience, practice, knowledge. crfaffen, v. a. to lay hold (of), seize. erfed)ten, -y. a. ir. to obtain by fight- ing, gain. [vent. erfinbenf v. a. ir. to find, find out, in- ©rftnbmtg, /. {pi. -en) invention, con- trivance. erjleben, v. a. to obtain by entreaty. Srfolg, m. (-e<3 ; j)l- ~0 consequence, result, success. [require. crforbern* x. a. to demand, call for, crforfc^cn, v. a. to search into, ex^ plore, investigate. erfrecfienf v. r. to dare, presume. erfvcuen, v. a. to joy, rejoice, glad, den ; — , v. r. to rejoice, enjoy. erfrcultc^, adj. joyful, gratifying. crfrifd)en/ v. a. to freshen, cool, re- fresh. erfiillen, v. a. to fill, fulfil, perform, replenish, satisfy, realize. ©rfiiKung, /. {pi. -en) fulfilment, ac- complishment. erganjen, u a. to supply, repair. ergeben» v. r. to surrender, submit to ; — , V, n. to be productive, yield ; — , part. & adj. devoted, attached. VOOABULAKY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 37 (Srgcbcn^eit, / devotion, attachment. crgc^eit; v. a. ir. to obtain by walk- ing ; — t v. r. to walk ; — , v. n. to be made known, befall ; — laffen, to promulgate, publish. crael^en, i\ a. to get by avarice. er^icpen, v. a. ir. to pour out ; — , v. r. to overflow, flow into. SrgicHun^i, /. (pi. -en) out[X)uring, ef- fusion, overflowing. erglan^en, v. a. to brighten : — , v. n. to shine forth, light up. ergc^cn, v. a. to entertain, amuse, delight. crgrcifcn, n. a.ir. to seize, apprehend, make use of; touch, move. crgrimmcn, v. n. to get angry or furious. [lime, exalted, noble. er^aben, part, raised, elevated, sub- Sr^aben^cit, /. elevation, altitude, sublimity. er^alten, v. a. ir. to hold up, get, obtain, receive; preserve, main- tain, keep. Si1)altuni^, /. preservation, support. er^eben, v. a. ir. to heave up, lift up raise, elevate, extol ; — , v. r. to rise, arise. er^eitern, v. a. to cheer, brighten, — , V. r. clear up. er^ellen, v. a. to brighten, illumi- nate ; — , V. n. to become clear, appear, to be evident. er^if en, v. a. to heat ; — , v. r. to be heated, over-heat, to be inflamed, to get excited, angry, cr^ij^en, «. a. to heighten, lift up, elevate, exalt, increase. er^olcn, «. r. to recover, to recover one's breath or one's health ; fid) 9iat^ — , to apply for advice. er^orcn, n. a. to hoar, to grant. erinnern, «. a. to remind ; — , v. r. to remember. Srinneruittv/. (p/.- en) remembrance, admonition, memory. erjagen, v. a. to capture, overtake a thing chased for. erfampfcn, v. a. to gain in conflict, obtain by exertion. crfenncn/ v. a. ir. to perceive, appre- hend, recognize, acknowledge, know ; fid) ju — geben, to make one's self known. erfloiren, v. a. to explain, expound, declare, account for. Srflarung, /. {pi. -en) explanation, interpretation, declaration. erforen, adj. & part, selected, chosen, elected. [taken ill. erfranfcn, n. n. to fall sick, to be erfiiljnen, v.r. to make bold, venture. erfunbtgen, v. a. to explore ; — , v. r. to inquire, make inquiry, [tain. criangen, v. a. to reach, acquire, ob- erlaffen, v. a. ir. to issue, release, ex- empt from, remit. eriauben, v. a. to permit, allow. Srlaubni^, /. permission, leave, al- lowance, license. erlauc!^t, adj. illustrious. ertaucrn, v. a. to lurk out, obtain by secret watching. criebcn, v. a. to live to see, experience. criegcn, v. a. to pay down, slay, kill. erleid)tern, v. a. to facilitate, ease. crleibcn, v. a. ir. to suffer, endure. evierncn, v. a. to obtain by learning, learn. erleud)tcn, v. a. to illumine, illumi- nate, light up. [illumination. Srleud}tung, /. {pi. -en) enlightening, 38 VOCABULAEY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. criiegen; v. n. ir. to succumb. eiUileu, V. a. to obtain by artifice. (SrUoui^, ©rlenfiiuig, m. Erlking. erlogen, part. & adj. invented by lying, false. cr(ofd}en, v. n. ir. to become effaced 07' oblit(^rated ; — , v. a. to extin- guisli. erlijfcn, v. a. to redeem, deliver. ©riofer, m. (~^) redeemer, deliverer. ©rlofung^ /. (^?. -en) redemption, sal- vation, delivery, rescue. ermad)ti3en, v. r. to seize upon, usurp. erma^ncn, v. a. to admonish, exhort. ©rma^nung, /. {2'>l. -en) admonition, exhortation. crmangein, v. n. to be wanting, fail. ©rmangelung; /. vrant, default. erntannen, v. r. to take courage, rouse one's self. ermatten, v. a. to weary, harass ; — , «. n. to faint, become weak. ©rmattung, /. {pi. -en) lassitude, weariness. Grmel, m. (-5) sleeve. ermorben, ■». a. to murder, assassinate. ©rmorbung, /. {pi. -en) murder, mur- dering. ermiiben, «. a. to tire, fatigue ; — , ' V. n. to become tired, [courage. crmuntern, v. a. to awake, incite, en- crneuen, erneuern, v. a. to renew, ren- ovate, [humiliate, degrade. crniebrigenf •y. a. to lower, humble, Grnicbrigung, /. {pi. -en) humbling, humiliation. [seriousness. ©rn|l, m. (-e^) earnest, earnestness ; -|aft, adj. serious, grave ; -lid), adj. & adv. earne8t(ly), serious- (ly), 8trenuous(ly). Srnte, /. {pi. -n) harvest, crop ; -iDCtter, n. {-^) good harvest weather. ernten, v. a. to reap, harvest. croberttf v. a. to conquer, overcome. (SrcK'rung, /. {pi. -en) conquest. eriiffnen, v. a. to open, disclose, dia cover. [exact. er^reffen, v. a. to press out of, extort, erquicfen, v. a. to recreate, refresh, comfort. [relief. Srquicfung, /. {pi. -en) refreshment, erraffcn, v. a. to snatch, gain by great exertion. erratt)en, v. a. to guess, find out. erregen, v. a. to stir, move, excite. ©rrepng, /. exaltation, agitation. erreid}cn, v. a. to rejlch, attain, ar. rive at. ©rreid)un9, /, reaching, arriving at. errettcn/ v. a. to save, preserve, de- liver, [liverer. ©rretter, m. (-^) savior, preserver, de- ©rrettung, /. saving, salvation, de- liverance. errid)ten, v. a. to erect, establish. errot^en, v. n. to blush, redden. Grfa^, m. {-^ ; pi. -fa^e) compensa. tion. erfd)affen, i\ a. ir. to create. (£rfd)v\iTung, /. creation, creating. erfc^allen, t\ n. ir. to resound. erf^auen, v. a. to ses, perceive. erfd)e{nen, v. n. ir. to appear, be- come manifest. [apparition. Srfi^einung, /. {pi. -en) appearance, erfi^ie^en, v. a. ir. to shoot, kill by shooting. [guish, flag. erfc^lafen, v. a. & n. to relax, lan- erfc^lagen, v. a. ir. to slay, slaughter. erfc^ijpfertr v. a. to exhaust, empty. erfdjrecfen, v. a. to terrify, frighten ; VOCABULARY —GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 39 — , V. n. ir. to be startled, terrified, or frightened. [terrified. eTfd)rocfen» part. & ndj. fri<,^lit(!ned, cr|\l)rccIU(!^, adj. terrific, terrible. evfd)iittenu ». a. to sliuke vehomonLly, effect strongly ; — , u ii. to sbake, quake. [strong enioticju. Grfc^iittcvun^, /. {pi. -en) concussion, Cr[d}rocIIen, v. n. ir. to swell, to be inflated. [gravate. crf^ivcrcur v. a. to render difficult, ag- erfct-en, -u. a. to replace, compensate, €rjid)tlid), adj. evident, [reimburse, crftnfen, see fmfcn* [thinking, invent, erftnnen, v. a. ir. to produce by crftnnlid)f adj. imaginable. Crjl, adj. first, prime, head ; — , adv. first, at first, only, erfiauben^ part. & adj. risen. erjlarrcn, v. n. to freeze to death, to be benumbed, become torpid. Crjlarrung, /. {pi. -en) torpidity, stiflf- crflattcn, v. a, to replace, compensate, render. [com])ensation. Grftattungf /. {pi. -en) restitution, (£rflaunenf ra. {-i) astonishment, amazement ; — , v. n. to be aston- ished, amazed or surprised. erflaunen^wiirbiQ, adj. wonderful, marvelous. [ing. erjlaunlirf>» adj. astonishing, surpris- crftetien, v. n. ir. to rise, arise ; — , xi. a. to buy at auction. erfleigcn, v. a. ir. to climb, mount. crjlcdmab adv. first time. erflensJ; adv. firstly. erjlerben, v. n. to die slowly, expire. crjlicfcn^ "C. a, k n. to suflbcate ; — , D. n. to bo choked, die of suffoca- erOIic^, adt. first, firstly. [tion. Srfllini^, m. firstling, crflreitcn, v. a. ir. to obtain by fight- ing or contention, erfliirmen, v. a. to take by assault. erfud)en, v. a. to ask, entreat, request, crt^eilen, v. a. to impart, give, confer, bestow ; eincn Stuftrag — , to charge, give an order. (Srt^ctlung, /. conferring, giving. ertcncn, v. n. to resound. (Srtrag, m. (-e5 ; pi. -tragc) produce, revenue, income. [erate. crtragettf ti. a. ir. to bear, suflPer, tol- ertrcigli^f adj. supportable, tolerable, crtranfen, v. a. to drown. crtrinfen> v. n. ir. to bo drowning, drowned. crtroi^cn, v. a. to obtain by insolence. crn?ad}en, 'O. n. to awaken. erix>ad)fcn; v. n. ir. to grow, grow up, increase. [pound. crjr»ai;(cn, v. a. to weigh, consider, cx- crnjalilcn* v. a. to clioose, select, elect. (inmUUunOf /. choosing, election; destination (page 89). cnual^ucn, v. a. to mention. (£ra>al)nun9, /. {-pi. -en) mention. ciwartcn, v. a. to expect, wait or look for. Srwartungf/. {pi. -en) expectation. enrecEen, v. a. to awake, resuscitate, animate, cause. erlDe^ven, v. a. to prohibit ; — , v. r- to guard one's self from. cvir>eid)en, 'g. a. to soften, mollify. Srwei«J, m. (-fc^; j)l. -fc) proof. cnveifcn, v. a. ir. to prove, perform •, einc GJunft — , ^o do a favor. cnveiclld), adj. demonstrable, provo- able. [largo, cnveitern; v. a., to widi'u, extend, en- 40 VOCABULAr.Y. GEKMAN AND ENGLISH. Srmcrl>/ m. (-cc) acquisition, earn- ings, [tain, acquire. Citt)eri)en, "c. a. ir. to gain, earn, ob- cr»teber:t, v. a. to reiterate, reply answer. ern.nfd)cn, v. a. to catcli, surprise. enriucl)crn, -y. a. to acquire by usury. emiinfc^en, v. a. to wish for, desire. ertr»urgen, v. a. to strangle, throttle, kill, murder, Srj, n. (-0(3) ore, brass, bronze. erjctblcn, v. a. to relate, narrate. Srjd^Iung, /. {^jI. -en) narration, re- lation, [bishop. (SrjBifc^pf, m. {-ti ; pi. -fdjofe) arcli- crjeigen, v. a. to do, show, prove. erjeugcn, v. a. to beget, generate, pro- create, [tion, produce. Srjcugni^, n. (-ffei? ; pi. -ffe) produc- Srjf)erjog, m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) archduke. erjie^ett/ 'o. a. to bring up, educate. ©rjte^ung, /. education, rearing. ©rjie^ung^anflalt, /. {pi. -en) institu- tion for education. er'^ittern, v. n. to tremble violently. crjijrnen, v. a. to Irritate, provoke, anger ; — , v. r. to grow angry. (Sr^^ater, m. {-& ; pi. -»dter) patriarch. crjttjingen, d. a. ir. to force, extort. (g^cabron, /. (pl.-^or -en) squadron (body of cavalry). S|'4)e^/. (i>?. -n) ash (a tree); gray (gfel, m. (-a) ass. [ling (a fish). Sfprit, m. wit, whim, intellect. ©iTen, n. (-^) food, meat, repast ; — , V. a. & n. ir. to eat ; ju Wittag, — , to dine ; lu 5lknb — , to sup. SlTenj, /. (pi. -en) essence. epluft, /. appetite. Sflrtc^, m. (-eg ; p^. -c) plaster floor. etrurifd), etru^fif^, adj. Etruscan. I ettx>a, ettt)an, adv. perhaps, nearly, somewhere. ttvoa^f pj'oro. some( thing), any(thing), somewhat. euer, pron. your, yours. citer^' or euret^^alben, -wegen, -triHen, pron. on your account, for your Su(e, /. {pi. -n) owl. [sake. Sumcniben, pi. /., the Greek god- desses of discord, hencs discord. curige (bcr, bie, ba^), prt>7i. your, yours. «£urDpa, Europe. e»angelifc^, adj. evangelical. ©ijangelium, n. (-a ; ^?^. -lien) gospel. en?ig> adj. eternal, everlasting, im- mutable ; — , adv. ever, for ever, perpetually. Swigfeit, /. {pi. -en) eternity. excentrtfc^, adj. eccentric. Srempel, n. {-i) example ; junt — , for example, for instance. Sxijlenj, /. ( p?. -en) existence. ^aM, f. {pi. -n) fable; -^aft, adj. fabulous. %ad), n. (-e5; pi. ^^ctc^er) compart- ment, department, drawer, busi- ness, profession. ^^dc^er; m. (-^) fan. fdc^eln, 'V. a. & r. to fan, fd(^ern, see fdc^eln. ^5a(feI, /. {pi. -n) torch, flambeau. ^5aben, m. {-^ ; pi. ^^dben) thread, fathom. fd^ig, adj. capable, able, fit. ^dt)igfctt, /. (j9?,-cn) capableness, fit- ness, ability, ^^a^ne, /, {pi. -n) flag, standard, banner, ensign, colors. VOCABULAKY. GERMAN AND ENGLIGH. 41 Ola^nlein, n. (-«) company, squadron. ^a^ncntragcr, m. standard-bearer, en sign. %Q^xt,f, {pi. -n) ferry, ferry-boat. fa^rcn# v. n. ir. to go, drive, rush, go in a carriage or sliip, sail ; — , D. a. to carry, drive ; fabrc ^t:t^ farewell ; mit bcr ^anb in tie Za\(i)( — , to thrust one's hand in the pocket. [track. %ai)xtt f. {pi. -en) motion, passage, falb, adj. fallow, gray, pale, yellow or golden. %qXU, m. (-n; pi. -n) falcon, hawk. %aVi, m. (-eg; pi. %dUt) fall, case, event, accident ; in bcm italic, in that case ; ju %a\lt fomntcn, to fall ; id^ fe^e ben — , I put the case. gaUc, /. {pi. -n) trap, valve. fatten, v. n. ir. to fall, drop ; befc^wer^ lic^ — , to be troublesome ; in Dl^nmad^t — , to faint. fatten, v. a. to fell, cut down, ruin ; pass (a sentence). [money, &c.) falfd^, adj. false, counterfeit, bad, (of falfc^cn/ v. a. to falsify, adulterate. Salfc^l^eit, /. falsehood, falsity, false- fdlf^Iic^, adj. flalse, deceitful, [ness. galte, /. {pi. -n) fold, plait, pleat ; wrinkle. falten, fallen, v. a. to fold, plaid, pleat. faltig, adj. full of folds, ample. Samilte, /. {pi. -n) family. gamulu^, m. {pi. famuli) amanuen- sis, assistant Sanati^mug, in. fanaticism. gantom, n. {-ii ; pi. -e) phantom, chimera. gangetfen, n. (-a) hunting-spear. fangen, v. a. ir. to catch, seize, cap- tivate, capture. ^antaftc, /. {pi. -u) imagination, fantajlifc^, adj. fantastical. [fancy. garbe, /. {pi. -n) color, hue, dye, complexion, paint. farben, o. a. to color, dye. [tub. 5a§, n. (-ITeg; ^^. ^dJTer) barrel, cask, faffen, v. a. to contain, comprehend, lay hold of, seize, take ; Wl\xi^ — , to take courage ; fic^ furj — , to make a long story short ; — , v. r. to collect one's self. i^affung, /. setting, enchasing ; recol- lection ; countenance ; composure. fafl, adv. almost, nearly. ^•ajlen, n. days of fasting ; -prcbigt, /. {pi. -en) fast-day sermon ; — , V. n. to fast. [ill fated. fatal, adj. disagreeable, unpleasant, faul, adj. putrid, foul, idle, sleepy, lazy, indolent. ^aufl, /. {pi. ^-dufle) fist, hand,- -banbfc^u^, m. (-eg; pi. -e) glove, mitten ; \u^ ^duflc^en lad^cn, to laugh in one's sleeve. fed)ten, v. n. ir to fight, fence. ^edjter, m. {-i) swordsman, fencer, warrior. [action. ^cc^tplatv m. fencing-room, scene of gebcr, /. {pl.-Vi) feather, quill, pen, plume, spring ; -fleib, n. winged or feathered dress. fegen, v. a. to clean, sweep, purify. fct>Ien, V. a. to err, miss, commit a fault, miscarry, lack, fail, be ab- sent. Sebler, m. (-g) fault, defect, mistake error, blunder ; -frei, adj. fault less. [fault ^e^Uritt, m. {-ti ; pi. -c) false step Seier, /. celebration, festival, ob servation of a holiday ; -abenb, m 42 VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. (-C3 ; pi. -c) cessation of work, eve- ning time ; -abcnb mad)en, to cease working ; -flang, m. festive tone, solemn tone or peal; -Ii(^, adj. festive, solemn , — , adv. solemn- ly, festively ; -lic^feit, /. {pi. -en) solemnity, festivity ; -flunbe, /. {pi. -n) liour of rest ; -tag, m. (_eg 5 pi. -e) holiday, festive day. feiern, v. n. to rest from labor ; — , r. a. to solemnize, celebrate. %t\\i\, m. & f. {pi. -n) fives. fcig, adj. soft, effeminate, timid, cowardly. geige, /. {pi. -n) fig ; blow, box. %i\<^) place, six>t, stain ; — , V. a. to spot, patch ; — , v. n to stain. [entreat, fle^en, v. a. to implore, supplicate, Sleifd), n. {-ti) flesh, meat. Sleip, m. (-e^) diligence, application, industry ; mit — . intentionally. 44 VOCABULABY. GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. flei§t9f adj. diligent, industrious, as- siduous ; — , adv. frequently fitegen, «. n. ir. to fly. Piel^eitf v. n. ir. to flee, fly, run away ; — , V. a. to flee, avoid, [Itepen, v. n. ir. to flow, run, blot. flimmern^ v. n. to glisten, glitter. gUnte, /. {pi. -n) gun, musket. flij^en, V. a. to flea. %\ox, m. (-e^) bloom, blossom, bed of flowers, gauze. [flourish. fIo^feln» v. n. to use flowery language, gloi, n. (-ffe«; pi. ^loffe) float, raft. flopeit; V. a. to float, jwur in, rinse in. %Voli, f. {pi. -n) flute. Slotcn"blafer, -fjjtcler, m. (-^) flutist. glottCr /. {pi. -n) fleet., [malediction. gluc^, m. (-e^; p^. ^liic^e) curse, fluc^en, V. a. kn.io curse, execrate. giud^t, /. flight, escape, range. pd)ten, v. n. & r. to fly, escape ; — , V. a. to assist in flight, save by flight. ^ii^tig, adj. flying, fugitive, volatile. glud^tling/ m. (-^; pi. -e) fugitive, refugee. [ing, flock (of birds) glug, m. (-e0; pi. gliige) flight, fly Slugel, m. (-^) wing, grand piano- forte, one side of folding- doors or double window ; -fkib, ti. winged robe. Slur, /. {pi -en) field, plain, floor. %l\x% m. (-e^ ; pi. %\\x\\i) flow, river, flux, catarrh ; im — fetn, v. imp. to be in a flowing, melting con- dition ; -hjetten,/. waves, billows- fltifjtgf adj. fluid, liquid ; pliable. Piiflern, v. a. & n. to whisper. glut^, /. {pi. -en) flood, deluge, flood-tide, stream ; -firom, m. (-e^j pi. -jlrome) torrent. flut^en, V. n. to rise, flow, to be at high water. ^olge, /. {pi. -n) succession, conse quence, continuation, conclusion, future time ; JU — , in conse- quence of. [to keep up with. folgen, v. n. to follow, succeed, obey ; folgenb, part. & adj. following, con- sequent, [quence or results. folgenreic^, adj. of im[X)rtant conse- folglii^, adj. subsequent, consequent ; — , adv. consequently. [dient. folgfantf adj. willing to follow, obe- forbern^ v a.io demand, desire, ask for, call for; »or Qicrti^t — , to summon before a court, cite. ^^orberung, /. ( pi. -en) demand, claim. ^orm, /. {pi. -en) form, figure, mould. formen; v. a. to form, mould. formiren/ v. a. to form. formltc^, adj. formal, well-shaped. gDrfd)begierbe> /. inquisitiveness. forfc^en, v. n. to search, inquire. gorfd)er, m. {-^) searcher, inquirer. ^orfc^ung, /. {pi. -en) inquiry, inves- tigation. ^orfl, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) forest, wood. %ni, n. (-eS ; pi -e) fort, castle ; — t adv. forth, forward, on ; -an, adv. henceforth, farther ; -Bauen, v. a. to continue to build ; -bauer, /. continuance ; -eilcn, v. n. to hasten away ; -fa^ren, v. n. ir. to drive off" or away ; continue ; — , v. a. to carry away, on, or in a carriage; -gang, m. progression, success; going away ; -ge^^cn^ v. n. ir. to go away, go forward, proceed ; -^in, adv. henceforth, in future ; -laufen, v. n. ir. to run, run away ; -leben/ v. a. to continue to live ; VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 45 -ma(i)en, v. n. to make haste ; — , V. r. to get away, go off; -rcipcn, V. a. ir. to tear away ; -roffen, v. a. & n. to roll off, roll on, roll away ; -fc^reitungf /. progress, proceeding ; -fc^ritt, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) continuance, progress ; -fe^uug, / ( pi. -en) con- tinuation ; -^Q^tn, V. a. ir. to push or thrust forward or away ; -ixtx" fcen, '0. a. ir. to drive away, drive along ; -wad^fen^'W. n ir. to continue to grow; -ipcil^renb, adj. continual, continued ; -jug, m. ; -jie^en, n. moving onwards, migration. Sragc, /. ( pi. -n) question, interro- gation ; einc — t^un, to propose a question. fragen, ta. a. to ask, demand, ques- tion ; — , ID. n. to care for, mind. fragment, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) fragment. Sranci^fancr, m. (-^) Franciscan friar. %xantxti6), n. (-^) France. franjoflfd^r adj. French. %xOi^, m. (-ed) food, prey, glutton ; immoderate eater. [cature. i^ra^e, /. ^pl. -n) silly person, cari- gra^cnbilb, n. (-e^ ; pi. -er) caricature. Srau, /. (p^.-en) woman, wife, lady, madam, mistress. grauenfd)icf fal, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) fate or destiny of woman, Sraulein, n. {$) female, young lady, miss, my lady, [pudent, strong. frect), adj. insolent, rash, bold, im- fxti, adj. free, frank, independent, open, vacant ; — Ijaltcn, to defray ; — laffen, to release ; — flcUcn, to leave at liberty ; -geboren, adj. free- born ; -geijl, m. (-e^; pi. -cr) free thinker; -geiflereir /. free think- ing ; -geijlerifd^; adj. free thinking. in the manner of free thinking ; -gut, m. (-^ ; pi. -guter) freehold, possession, allodium ; -!)ett, /. ( 2^1- -en) freedom, liberty, immunit}- ; -ma(f)en, v. a to frank, delivc"-, free , -miittiigfett, /. {pi. -en) fnink- ness, candor, liberality , -fprcitc , n. liberation, setting free. frcien, v. a. & n. to court, woo, marry. i^relcr, m. (-$) %xtkxMann, m. (-c0; pi. -manner) wooer, suitor. greitieitabrieff m. {-ti\ pi. -en) char- ter, patent, privilege. i^ref^eit^fricg, m. (-e^; pi. -e) war of independence. ^rei^eit(3Uebe, /. love of liberty. i^rei^eit^mann, m. (-e^ ; pi. -manner) patriot. freilirf), adv. indeed, certainly. fremb, adj. strange, foreign, alien. t^rembc, /. foreign country, abroad. ftembgeborcn, adj. foreign. trembling, m. (-^ ; pi. -e) stranger. i^reffen, n. {-i) food, meal (for ani- mals ; — , V. a. ir. to eat (of beasts), devour, corrode ; ju — geben, to feed ; um jtd) — , to spread. ^reube, /. {pi. -n) joy, joyfulness, pleasure, delight. freubcn»ott, adj. full of joy, joyful. ^rcubenbcc^er, m. (-^) cup of joy. greubenfe|l, m. (-c^; pi. -e) a public festivity, festival, jubilee. ^rcubcnfcucr, n. {-i) lx)nfire, salute. frcubcnfatt, adj. full of joy. g^rcubcntag, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) day of joy. freubig, adj. joyful, joyous. freuen/ v. r. to rejoice, be glad ; '\\6) \)on ganjer ^. -en) kind, species. ®aufcl, m. ridiculous gesture and attitude ; trick ; -Vilb, w. vision. 48 VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. phantasm; -|aft; adj. odd, jug- gling ; -funjl, «ge®aufelfptel; -fpieU n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) legerdemain, j ug- gling ; -fpieler, see ©autlcr. ®aufler, m. (-^) buffoon, juggler. ©eba^n, n. {-&) indicating the where- about of hunted animals. ©ebciube, n. (-^) building, edifice. ©ebein, n. {-t^'^pl -e) bones, remains. gebcn, v. a. ir. to give, yield , »on jic^ — , to give utterance, vomit, cast up ; — , V. imp. e^ gieSt, there is, there are ; toa^ giebt e^ ? what is the matter ? einem tie ^anh — , to reach or extend to a person one's hand ; —, v. r to stop, to ©eberbe, /. ( pi. -n) gesture, [cease. geberben, v. r. to assume particular looks and gestures, demean one's ®ekt, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) prayer, [self. gebeuen, see gebicten. [district. ®ebiet, n. (-e*?; pl.-t) jurisdiction, gebteten, v. a. ir. to command, bid. ©ebieter, m. (-3) commander, master. geMeterifi^, adj. domineering, im- perious, [parition. ®eMIbe, n. (-^) image, vision, ap- ©ebirgCf n. (-^ ;) chain or collection of mountains. [native. Qtboxixi, part. & adj. bom, by birth, geborflen, part. & adj. burst, split, cleft. [mandment, ®ebot, n.{-t^ ; pi. -e) command, com ©ebraud^, m. {-t^ ; p^. -brciud^c) use, usage, custom. gebrduc^Iicf), all, adj. & adv. mysterioiis- i ge^en, v. a. ir. to go, walk, proceed, fare ; ju ©runbc — , to go to ruin ; »un ©tatten — / to proceed, suc- ceed ; tt)ie gc^t c^ 36nen ? how do you do ? ge^euer, adj. secure, not haunted. ®c()eul, 11. (-e^ ; pi. -c) howling. ®e^irn, n. {-i^ ; pi. -c) brain, brains. ge^lrnlo^, adj. brainless. ®eI)otj, n. (-c^ ; pi. -e) wood, thicket. ge^or^en^ v. n. to obey. ®c^or, n. (-cd) hearing ; — gekn, to give ear, listen to. gc^oren, n. n. to belong, appertain, (to), be fit or suitable. [ing. gc^orig, adj. due, proper, appertain- ©e^orfant, m. (-^) obedience ; — Ictfien, to show obedience ; — , adj. obedient, obsequious. gcl^iittt, adj. covered. ©eier, m. (-a) vulture. [spleen. ®ctfcr, m. (-d) slaver, spittle, anger, ®'^^f» /• (P^- -tt) violin, fiddle. ®elfel, see ©ciijel. ®ci§el, m. (-«; pi. -n) hostage; — , /. {pi. -n) whip, lash. ®eit!f m. (-e^ ; pi. -er) mind. ®el|lerknner, m. (-icfc(un(3,/. development of the mind. ©eiilciJgegenraart, /. presence of mind. geiillgr adj. spiritual, intellectual, mental. geitlli(^, adj. clerical, ecclesiastical. 50 VOCABULAKY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. geillloiS, adj. spiritless, stupid, want- ing seuso. ®ei,v m. {-ii) avarice, covetousness ; -^o.Ut m. (-fe^ ; 'pl. -^alfe) miser, niggard, churl. [etous. geijig, adj. miserly, niggardly, cov- gefe^rt/ part. & adj. turned round. ©efUrre, n. {~i) clashing, clanking. ©elflic^ter, n. (-^) laughter, [tain to. gelangen, v. n. to reach, arrive at, at- ©cla§, m. (-c<3) room, space. gelaffcn, adj. gentle, quiet, calm, passive. ®elaffen{)eit, /. calmness, resignation. ©elauftgfeit/ /. readiness, fluency. ®elaut(e), n. {-t^) ringing of bells, gelB, adj. yellow. [peal. ®elbr n. (-CiS ; pZ. -cr) coin, money; -arm, adj. poor in money ; -kutcl, m. (-^) money-bag, purse ; -e^- flang, {pl. -flange) sound of money. gclegen, adj. situated, convenient, commodious, opportune. ©elegen^eit, /. ( pl. -en) occasion, con- venience, opportunity. gele^rig, adj. docile. [ed, informed. gele^rt, adj. learned, taught, instruct- ©(e)Ieif(c); n. (-(e)5 ; pl. -c) footstep, track, streak. [guard, escort. ®eleit, n. {-zi ; pl. -c) safe conduct, gekiten, v. a. to escort, accompany. geliebt, part. & adj. loved, beloved, endeared. [mild. gclinb(e), adj. smooth, soft, gentle, geltngem «. a. & imp. ir. to succeed, ®eli(3pel, n. (- adj. & adv, conformable, suitable. gemauert, part. & adj. immured. gemein, adj. common, vulgar, ordi- nary ; -fc^aftUc^, adj. common, in common. [parish. ®emeinb(e), /. (_?;?. -n) community. gemeinfant, adj. common, mutual, familiar. ®emeini'c^aft, /. ( pl. -en) community, communion, intercourse. gcmeffcn, adj. measured, appropriate ; -er Sefe^I, definite order, instruc- tion. ©emifc^, n. (-e<3; pl. -c) mixture. ©emurmel, n. (-^) murmuring. ©erniife, n. {-^) vegetables, greens. ®cmut^, n. (-e^; pl. -er) mind, soul, heart. ®cmutl)^iuflanb, m. (-ea; pl -fldnbe) state of mind. gen, prep, contraction of gegen, genannt, see nennen. [exact. genau, adj. precise, accurate, strict, gene^m, adj. agreeable, approved of ; — l)alten, to approve. genel)mit;en, v. a. to approve. gcneigt, adj. inclined, disposed, favor- able, friendly. ©cneral, m. {-i> ; pl. -rdle) general ; -commtffdr, m. commissary gen- eral ; -consent, m. general convent. feneration, /. {pl. -en) generation. VOCABULARY. — GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. 51 gcnefcn, t. n. ir. to grow well, recover. ©eueft^, /. generation, origin, his- tory of creation. ®eme, n. genius, talent. gcntc§bar, adj. palatable, eatable. gcnie^en, v. a. ir. to enjoy, have the use of, partake of. @cmu<3, see Sd)ut'Cn9eI. Qcnommen, part, taken. ®eiiop, m. (-ffen ; pi. -ffen) fellow, col- league, friend. [partnership. ®enoffenfc()aft, /. ( pi -en) fellowship, Qcnot^igt, adj. (continual) pressing, asking, importuning, [to satisfy. genug^ adj. enough, sufficient ; -t^un, geniigen, v. n. to bo enough, suffice. ©cnugfamfcit, /. contentedness, fru- gality. ©cnugtf)uun9f /. satisfaction. [use. ®cnup, (-ffe<3; pi. -nitffc) enjoyment, ©cpragc, n. (-^) impression, stamp. ©cpraffel, n. {-i) rattling. gerabe, adj. straight, erect, direct ; — , adv. directly, exactly, just. ©erat^(c), n. {-i ; pi. -e) implement, tool, vessels, utensils. geratl^en, v. n. ir. to fall into, fall upon, get into, succeed, prosper, fall in with ; — , adj. advised, ad- vantageous. ©eraufcf), n. (-^ ; pi. -c) noise, bustle. gcrcc^t, adj. just, righteous. ©ered^tigfcit,/. j ustice, righteousness. gcrcinigt, adj. cleaned, cleansed. gcreuen, v. imp. to repent ; e<3 gcreut mic^, I repent (of) it. ®eri(^t, n. ( -^ ; pi. -c) court of jus- tice, judgment, jurisdiction ; ju — fit-'Cn, to sit in judgment. ©ericbt^btener/ m. (-^) beadle, officer ^f the court, constable. ®crid)t^llab, m. official staff. gcving, adj. small, little, trifling mean, low ; cin ©eringercr, a per- son lower in rank (p. 198). ®cringfug{gfett, /. trifle, insignificant thing. [ible. gcringfd)a^ig, adj. mean, contempt- germanifd), adj. German, [willingly. gem, adv. with pleasure, gladly, ®erte,/. (pi. -n) switch, pole. ®crud), m. (-e^; pi. -ruc^e) smell, scent. [smell. gerud;lo^, adj. scentless, without ®eriid)t, n. (-cd ; pi. -e) rumor, report. geru^ig, adj. quiet. gefalbt, adj. anointed. gcfammt, adj. whole, all together. ©cfanbte (ber), 7n. (-n; pi. -n) mes- senger, ambassador. ©cfang, m. {-ti ; pi. -ftinge) singing, song, hymn. ©cfd}aft, n. (-ce 5 pi. -c) employment, occupation, affair, business. gefd)aftig, adj. busy, active. gefd)e^cn, v. n. & imp. ir. to come to pass, happen, arrive. gcfd)eib, gefd)ett, adj. sensible, clever, wise, judicious. ®cfd)enf, 71. (-ca ; pi -c) gift, presen ■. ®efdnd}tc, /. (j??. -n) history, si-,/. narrative. gcfd)id)tlid), adj. historical. ®cfd)tcf, n. (-e^; p?.-e):aLD, destiny. I ®efd)i(fUc^feit, f(pl -a) Stness, apt- j ness, ability, talsnj. ; gcfd)icf t, adj. adapted, fi';, a.c-0, der j terous, skillful. ©efc^Ied^t, n. (-C(3; pi -n) gen.sr, I sex, kind, generation ; bad '\d)^meibe, n. (-^) jewels, jewelry. ©efc^opff n. (-esJ; pi. -e) creature. ®cfv^o§, n. {-i^ti ; jpl -ffO dart, arrow ; story (of a house). ©cfc^rei, n. (-e5) clamor, cry, shriek. @ef^u^, n. (-e^) artillery, cannon. ©efc^rcaber, n. {-^) squadron, swarm. @ef(^n)a^, n. (-e^; p^. -e) talking. gefc^wci^ig, arten^ see fica">artii^en. (jcn?artic|» adj. expecting, aware ; — fein, to expect. gcwdrtigcn, v. a. to expect. ®e»ebe, n. (-^) texture, weaving, weft, tissue. ©ewt^r, n. (-eS; pZ. -e) lock, gun, pi. arms , musket. [fessiou. ©ewerbe, n. {-^) business, trade, pro- ®ercic^t, n. (-^; pi. -e) weight. gewic^tigr adj. weighty. ©ewimmel, n. (-^) swarm, crowd. QJcnjinn, m. (-e^; pi. ~c) gain, profit. geiinnnen* v. a. ir to win, gain, ob- tain, acquire, get. ©ciuinncr, m. {-^) winner, gainer. ©eroinnil, m. (-e(3; pi. -c) gain, profit. GJcwirr, n. (-ed; pi. -e) confusion, complication. gewifj/ adj. certain, sure, true ; — , adv. certainly, surely. QJcwilTen, n. (-^) conscience. gcrciffenbaft, 9croi|Tent>afti0, adj. con- scientious. ®ett)ifTcn«qual, /. {pi. -en) remorse, stings of conscience. getoifTermapen; adv. in a manner. QJewip^eit, /. {pi. -en) certainty, surety. [clination. ©cnjogen^eit/ /. favor, kindness, in- getro^ncn, v. n. to be inured to ; ge* n:io^nt fein, to be wont or accus- tomed (to) ; gewo^nt werbeny to get accustomed (to). [habituate. gen)ol}nen, v. a. & r. to accustom, use, ®cn)Dl)n^cit, /. {pi. -en) custom, use, usage, habit. [dinary. gewb^nlic^f adj. usual, customary, or- ©ewijlbe, n. (-^) vault, arch, ware- gewijlbt, adj. vaulted. [house. ®e»oIf/ n. (-eD!)I> conj. nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet ; -jeitig, adj. contemporary. 9leic^en» v. n. ir. to be equal, resem- ble ; — , V. a. to make even, level, mtii, see ®clctfc. [liken. ®Ieipner, m. (-§) hypocrite. gleiten, -». n. ir. to glide, slide. @Ueb,7i. (-(c)(3;p^.-cr)limb,member, link (of a chain), file (of soldiers). ®ro(fe, /. (pi. -n) bell, clock. ®Io(f engut, n. (-c$) bell-metal. ®lo(fcnflau9, m. (-e^ ; pi. -flange) sound of bells. ®lotfen[peifc, see ©Ictfengut. ®lD(fentluk, /. belfry. [bell. ®lo(fenton, m. tone or sound of a glorreici), adj. glorious. ®lit(f, n. (-esg) fortune, luck, happi- ness, felidtj ; — n)unfd)en, to con- gratulate ; -lt(^f adj. prosperous, fortunate, happy ; -lic^feit, /. hap- piness, felicity ; -feligfeit, /. hap- piness, felicity, gluten, v. n. to be red-hot, to glow. ®lut, ®lut^f /. (pi. -en) glowing fire, heat, flame, violent heat. ®nabe, /. benevolence, grace, favor, mercy. ®nibenlnlb, n. (-eiS; pi. -er) holy image, crucifix, image of the Virgin. ®nabenMi(f , m. (-e« ; pi -e) look of grace or approbation. ®nabenjug, m. (-e^ ; j^^- -IW) passage of grace. Qmhic^.adj. merciful, kind, gracious ; -lic^, adv. (ahsol.) gracious(ly), merciful(ly), favorably. ®olb, n. (-e^) gold; -ftiid, n. (-e^; pi. -e) gold coin, piece of gold. golben/ adj. made of gold, golden. gonnen^ v. a. to grant, not to envy, not to grudge. ®cit^e, m. (-n; pi. -n) Goth. got^tf(^, adj. Gothic, Gothic style of architecture. ®Dtt)tanb, n. (-Q) Gothland, Gothia. ®ott, m. (-eg; pi. ®otter) God; -a^nlicb, adj. like to God ; — kma^rc 1 Qt)d forbid ; -crfiillt, adj / VOOABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 55 inspired of God ; -gcUeI)t, adj. be- loved of God ; -gcfanbt, adj. sent by God ; -l»cit, /. {pi. -en) deity, divinity, godhead; — fcl 1)anfl thanks be to God ! -t>er[o^ner, m. (-g) Christ the Saviour, lit. the reconciler to God. ©otterMlb, m. imago of a god. gijttcrgleic^, adj. godlike, devout. ®ottcrfunfc, m. (-n) divine spark, divine inspiration. [the gods. ®otter^o^e, /. {pl.-w) exaltedness of ©otterfinb, n. divine child. ®5tterfraft, /. divine strength. ©otterflcirfc, strength of the gods. ®ottert»onne,/. pleasure of the gods, divine pleasure. [ground. ®ottedacfer, m. grave-yard, buryiug- ®ottcdbienjl> m. (-0*3; jil. -c) worship of God, divine service. ®otte^furd)t, /. fear of God, piety. gottcdfiiri^tig, adj. fearing God, pious. ©otte^lailerung, /. {pi. -en) blas- phemy, profanity. [work. ©ottc^raerf, n. (-C5; pi. -c) God's ©ottc^tDort, n. (-c^) holy writ, the word of God. ©oitin, /. {pi. -nen) goddess. gottUd), adj. divine, godly, godlike, godfearing. @b^e, m. (-n; pi. -n) idol, false deity. ©o^cnbiener, m. (-d) idolater. ®rvib, n. (-ed; pi. ®rdber) grave, tomb, se]mlchre ; -gefang, m. (-e(3 ; -foingc) funeral song, mourning song; -I'c^rift, / {pi. -en) epitaph, inscription. ©raben, m. (-3; pi. ®raben) ditch, trench ; — , v. a. ir. to grave, en- grave, carve, dig. [the grave ®ial)eduacl)t, /. darkness, night of ®rab, m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) degree, step. ®raf, m. (-en; j)l- -f'-) ) ill-will, grudge, groHen, v. a. to grudge, bear an ill- will, vex. ®rog/ n. (-eiS) gross, twelve dozen ; — , adj. big, large, grand, vast, huge, great, grown ; -inquifttor, m. grand inquisitor ; -mutfy, /. mag- nanimity, generosity ; -mutl)irs» adj. magnanimous, generous ; — t^uu, to brag, to boast ; -sater, m. (-5 ; pi. -»atcr) grandfather. ®ro^e, /. greatness, magnitude. ©rotte, /. ( pi. -n) grotto. ®rukf /. (pi. -n) ditch, grave, hole in the ground, cavern. [vault. ®ruft, /. (pi. ©ritfte) grave, tomb, Orititf n. green color, verdure ; — , adj. green; grune Donnerftag, Maim- dy Thursday. ©runb, m. (-e^ ; pi. ©riinbe) ground, soil, basement, rudiment, bottom, foundation, basis; valley; motive, reason ; tm ®runbe, in truth ; ju ®runbe x\i)m, to ruin ; »on — au^, from the very foundation, funda- mental ; -ei^, w. (-fe^) ground- ice; -lage, /. (pi. -n) foundation, origin ; -legung, /. {pi. -en) lay ing the foundation ; -fatv m. (-t^ ; pi -foit^c) principle, maxim. grunbcn> v. a. & r. to ground, found, fathom. [fundamental. c\xmi>lx6:},adj. thorough(ly), profound, ©riinbim ,/. (pi. -en) establishment, foundation. grunen, v. n. to become green, to be green, to flourish. grun^en, i). n. to grunt, grumble. ©ruppe, /. (pi. -n) group. ®ru§, m. (-t^\pl. ©ritpc) salutation, greeting. griipen, v. a. to greet, salute ; — laffen, to send one's respects or compliments. gucfen, «. 71. to look, peep. ®U(fer> m. looker. ®ulben, m. florin, guilder (40 cents American silver), gulben, adj. golden. giilttg, adj. valid, current. ®un|l, /. favor, leave, affection, par tiality. [favor. guntlig, adj. favorable ; — fein, to giirtcn, v. a. to girt, girdle, belt, ®u^ m. (-eg, pi. ©iiffe) founding, gush, drain, ®ut, n. (-eg \pl. ® uter)goods, blessing, possession, country-seat, country- house ; — , (comp. beffer, superl. U\i) adj. good, well, good-natured ; — , adv. well, sufficiently ; — t^itn» to do good, to thrive ; — ^aUn, in — ^aUn, to have to one's credit ; eg — ^altn, to be well ofi^; einem — fein, to like a person ; — fagen fttr, to answer for, to war- rant ; — v^•> ■''en. to make amends ; lap — f ii, I o it so, let that pass, VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. no more of it, never mind ; jum Sc|len, for the best purpose or interest. [manor. ©ut^befi^er, m. landlord of the ®utdberr, m. landlord. ®ute, /. goodness, kindness. giitig* adj. good, kind, benevolent. giitlitf), adj. kind, mild, gentle ; — , adt). amicably, kindly ; ftc^ — tf^UHf to take care of one's self, to enjoy one's self, to pamper one's self. $a ! irvt. ha ! [to a hair. ^aar, n. (-e<5 ; pZ. -c) hair ; auf ein — , ^ak, /. property, goods ; — unb %v\, goods and chattels. ^abcH/ 1\ ir. to have ; — , t. a. to have, possess ; 9iec^t — , to be right ; Unrec^t — , to be wrong. ^abfuc^t, /. avarice, greediness. ^acf c, /. ( pi. -n) hoe, hatchet, axe, heel. [dispute. ^aber, m. (-5) rag, quarrel, brawl, ^abe^, m. myth. Hades (the habita- tion of the dead or lower world of the ancients. $afen, ra. {-^ ; -pi. •^afcn) port, har- bor, haven, pot. [ment. ^aft, /. custody, durance, imprison- ^aften, id. n. to stick, adhere, fasten, to be fixed ; — fitr, to be respon- sible for. YvroTO. bull. <>agr m. (-e(3 ; pi. -c) hedge, fence ; f)a^n, m. (-e^ ; pi. ^atjne) cock, rooster. [call. |)a^nenruf, m. cock's crow ; rooster ^a^nentritt, m. (-e^; pi. -c) tread, treading of the cock, treadle. 57 grove, wood, ^atn, m. (-cd ; yl. forest. ^alb, adj. half; -gcDroc^cn, partk adj. half broken ; -gott, m. (-e^ ; pi. -gbttcr) demi-god ; -ici^rig, adj. half- yearly; -monb, half-moon, crescent. •palfte, /. {pi. -n) half, middle. ^aUc, /. {pi. -n) hall, porch. ballcnf V. n. to sound, resound. f)a(Icb ! int. holloo ! halloa 1 .'pale, m. (-fc^; pi. ■^alfc) neck, throat, gullet ; iiber — unb ^opf, helter-skelter, headlong. ^^^U, m. hold, support, halt ; — , int. hold ! halt ! stay ! stop ! fallen, n. a. & n. ir. to hold, bind, keep, support, sustain, contain ; think, judge ; frci — , to pay for a person, to treat; — fitr, to re- gard or consider as ; fc^abloS — , to indemnify ; bafur — , to be of opinion ; zi mit Semanbcm — , to take one's part ; — , t\ r. to keep or maintain one's self ; [id^ gut — , to bear one's self well (p. 20). jammer, m. {-i\ pi. ■C'ammcr) ham- mer, forge. |)anb, /. {pi. -^cinbe) hand ; -flcic^c, /. palm of the hand ; bie — bicten, to offer assistance, to assist ; unter bcr — , underhand, secretly, pri- vately ; bei bcr — , at hand, ready ; i)Dr ber — t at present, just now ; -^ak, /. {pi. -n) handle ; -lung, /. {j)l. -:n) trade, commerce, action, deed ; -fd)Iag, m. (-ed; pi. -U'i^lagc) shake of the hand, giving the hand as a pledge ; -fdmlv m. (-e^; pi. -c) glove ; -»oII; /. handfull ; -ttjcrfer, m. {-^) mechanic, artisan. ^anbel, m. {-i) trade, traffic, com 5J VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. merce, affair, business ; — txt'ibtn, v. a. to traffic. .t)aubel, /. quarrel, affray. ^aribeltt, v. n. to trade, traffic, ne- gotiate, [ed. ^angen, d. n. ir. to hang, be suspend- ^angen, v. a. to liaug, suspend. ^arfe, /. {pi. -n) liarp. ^arfenli^pel, n. (pi. -n) lisp of the ^arfenfpiel, a. harp-playing, [harp. ^arrn, m. (-c^) grief, sorrow, harm. ^armlo^, adj. without grief, harm- less, inoffensive. ■^armonie, /. {pi. -n) harmony. |armonif{^f adj. harmonious. ^arnifc^/ (-e^ ; pi. -e) harness, armor. barren, v. n. to await, stay. l^art, adj. stiff, severe, austere. ^drtt, f. {pi. -n) hardness, rigorous- ness. [inflexible. i^axtnMi^f adj. stubborn, obstinate ; ^artndtfigfeit, /. stubbornness, ob- stinacy. |)afd}er, m. (-5) spy, detective, catch- pole, bailiffs, myrmidons. ^afe m. (-n; pi. -n) hare, coward. ^afel^aum, m. {-zi\pl. -Mume) hazel- §afeI6uf(^, m. hazel-bush. [tree. ^a§, m. (-ffe^) hate, hatred, grudge. |affen, v. a. to hate. l^affen^wert^, adj. hateful. pplic^, adj. ugly. ^aul^e, /. {pi. -n) cap, coif, hood. §au(^, m. (-e^) breath, aspiration. l^auen, v. a. ir. to hew, cut. ^aufc(n), m. (-n*^ ; pi. -n) heap, amass- ment, multitude ; ukr ben — jlopen, to strike down, overthrow. l^dufeU; v. a. to heap, accumulate. ^aupt, n. {-zi\ pi. ■C)dupter) head, chief, chieftain ; in comp. main, principle; auf^ — fc^lagen, to rout completely ; -armee, /. {pt. -n) main army ; -action^ /. great act, great show ; -ftgur, /. {pi. -en) main figure ; -punft, m. {-ti ; pi. -c) main point ; -fdc^lid^, adj. chief, principal ; -fa^, m. (-e<§ ; pi. -fd^c) axiom, main point ; -ftabt, /. {pi. -fmbtc) capital, principal town ; -fpfiem, n. {pi. -e) chief system ; -t^etl/ m. principal or greatest part ; -ijeranlaffung, /. principal reason ; -i»c(), n. (-e^) head-ache. aui3, n. (-fc$; 2^^- ^dufer) house, household, family, home, firm ; ju -^aufe, at home ; m6) .^aufc, (towards) home; ijon ^aufe, from home , -frau, /. {pi. -en) house- wife ; -^altung, /. {pi -en) house- keeping, economy, family ; -rat!> m. (-e^) househord furniture. ^aufen, v. n. to live, keep house, carry on, ravage. puSlic^, adj. domestic, economical. ■^aut, /. {pi. ■C'ctute) hide, skin, cuticle. ^e0et, m. (-^) lever. ^ekn^ ». a. ir. to heave, raise, lift, stop, take up, elevate ; in bie -^o^e — , to lift on high. ^ekr, m. {-§) elevator, siphon. ^ekder, m. (-^) Hebrew, ^thxdi\6^, adj. Hebrew. ^eer, n. {-c^ ; pi. -e) army ; -bann, m. (-eig) army ; -fii^rer, m. {-i) commander-in-chief ; -fc^aar, /. {pi. -en) host, army ; -fc^ait, /. review of an army : -flrom, m. \ large or principal river ; -ina,, m. (-e^; pi. -jiige) march of au army. ^cerbc/ see -fjerbe. VOCABULABY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 59 l^cerbemclfenb, part. & adj. milking the herds (p. 2G2). [yeast. $ef), n. (-co) homesickness, nostalgia, ^eimatf), /. {pi. -cu) home, native ^cimat^lid), adj. native. [country. ^cimat^(0)lo<^, adj. homeless. I)etratf)cn, v. a. to marry. {)eifd)en, v. a. to desire, require. Y'\^, adj. hot, warm, ardent, ^ei^en, v. a. ir. to call, command ; — , 1). n. to be said, to be called ; gut — / to approve, sanction, fetter, adj. serene, clear, bright. ^clterfeit, /. serenity, cheerfulness. ^elb, m. (-en; pi. -en) hero; -in, /. {pi. -nen) heroine. ^elbenbru|l, /. heroic breast, ^elbenmutf), m. (-eO) heroism. ^clbenmut{)ig, adj. heroic. ^elbenrul}m, m. hero's fame. ^clbenfo^n, m. (-e<3 ; pi. -fi3I)nc) hero's son. ^clbcntlarfc, /. hero's strength. •^elbcntl)at, /. {pi. -en) heroic deed. ^clbentugcnb, /. {pi. -en) hero's virtue. ^elbcnwillen, m. heroic will, l^elfen, v. a. ir. to help, assist, aid ; remedy, to be efficacious. ^elferi3{)clfer, m. {-i) aider, abettor. I)cl(r adj. clear, bright, light. ^ella*?, Hellas, ancient Greece. ^clm, m. {-ii\ p)l. -c) helmet. ^emb, n. (-eO ; pi. -en, -e, oi' -er) shirt; ^^rtiuen-^ chemise, ^cmnten, v. a. to stop, check. ^emmung, / {pi. -en) stopping, hin- drance, delay, stay, escapement (of a watch), catch. ^enfel, m. (-0) handle, hook. [cr. ^cnfer, m. (-d) hangman, execution- ^enne, /. hen. ^enoc^f m. Enoch. 60 VOCABULAEY. GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. I^er, adv. to this place, hither, here (see Gr. p. 281, VIII ; El. p. 237). ^txabf adv. down, downwards ; -bittfen, V. n. to glance or look down ; -fatten, v. n. ir. to fall down ; -gieien, v. n. ir. to pour down ; -fommen, v. a. to come down, to degenerate, to become poor ; -fenben, v. a. ir. to send down ; -finferi; vs. a. to sink down ; -fleigen, v. n. ir. to descend ; -fpringen, v. a. to jump down ; -»erfen# v. a. ir. to throw down ; -jie^en, v. a. ir. to draw down. l^craitf adv. near to, on ; -fommen; V. n. ir. to come on ; -jvac^fen, V. n. ir. to increase, grow up. l^erauf, adv. upwards ; -blicfen, v. a. to look upwards ; -ge^en, v. a. ir. to go up ; -fonimcn, v. a, ir. to come up. ^erau^/ adv. out (of) ; — , int. come out ! turn out ! -gabe, /. {pi. n) publishing, giving up ; -gebcn, V. a. ir. to hand out or over ; de- liver up, give change (money), publish ; -geber, m. (-^) publisher, editor ; -ragen, v. a. to stand forth, to be prominent ; -jie^enf v. a. ir. to pull or draw out. !^er.b(e), adj. sour, acid, harsh. l^erbei, adj. hither, near ; -fu^ren, v. a. to bring, fetch, lead in or up ; -rufen, v. a. ir. to call to a place ; -fi^ffen, V. a. to produce, procure ; -treibettr v. a. to concentrate, col- lect, [hither. ^erbringen, v. a. ir. to bring, bring ^crbjl, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) autumn, har- vest, fall. ]^crb)llid), adj. autumnal. ^erb, m. (-e^; pi. -e) hearth, fire- place, fire-side ; home. |)erbe, /. {pi. -n) flock, herd, drove. herein, adv. in, into ; — , int. come in ! entree 1 -fommen, «. n. ir. to come in ; -trcten, v. a. ir. to enter. ^erfu^ren, v. a. to bring here. \)zx\m, adv. see |cr»or. [be done. l^crge^en, v. n. ir. to come along, to t)erfommen, v. n. ir. to approach, ad- Vance, come here, originate, de- scent, come from (place). ■^erfunft, /. {pi. -fiinfte) origin, descent, l^erna(|, adv. afterwards, after that. l^crnieber, adv. down ; bi<3 auf bic ©cl^len — , down to the very soles (of his feet) (p. ) ; -jUie^eiif v. n. ir. to flow down, descend ; -fc^tt)e»' beitf V. n. to descend. ^erOf m. hero. ^eroifc^/ a-dj. heroic, heroical. ^erolb, m. (-CiJ; pi. -e) herald, har binger. ^err, '>n. (-en; pi. -en) master, sir, lord, gentleman, mister. I^erreic^en, v. a. to reach, hand. I)erreifen, v. n. to travel hither, ^errenrec^t, n. (-^ ; pi. -e) royal priv. ilege. lerrifd), adj. lordly, imperious. |)errUc^, adj. magnificent, excellent. ^errlid^teit, /. {pi. -en) magnificence, splendor, excellence. ^errf(^aft, /. {pi. -en) mastery, da minion, master and mistress. ]^errfcf)en. v. n. to rule, reign, govern, dominate, prevail. $errfd)er, m. (-^) ruler, governor. ^erfc^euci^cn, v. a. to chase away. ^erfenben, v. a. to send hither VOCABULARY. GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. 61 Icruber, adc. over ; -frmmen, v. n. to come over ; -tbneu, v. a. & n. to sound, tone over or across. lucrum, adv. round, about ; -irren, V. n. to wander about ; -fd)lagcn, IK a. to strike about ; — , v. r. to fight, quarrel. l^crunter, add. down, off; -fatten^ v. a. to fall down ; -!|oIen, v. a. to fetcli down ; -fleigcn, v. n. ir. to descend. ^cr»or, adv. forth, out : -kccf)en, v. n ir. to break forth ; -^ckn, v. a. ir. to relieve, render prominent ; -rufen, v. a. ir. to call out, call forth ; -jlc^ettf v. n. ir. to stand out, bulge out ; -treten^ v. a. ir. to appear, step forth or forward. ^erj, n. (-en<3 ; pi. -en) heart, breast, courage ; ju |)erjcn nc^men, to take to heart ; -l^aft, adj. stout-hearted, courageous ; -^ftigfeit, /. courage, bravery ; -innig, -inniglid), adj. hearty ; — , adv. heartily, passion- ately ; -lid^, adj. hearty, heartfelt, cordial ; — , adv. heartily, very ; -licb, adv. very dear; -Ui, adj. heartless. [fliction. ^erjelcib, n. (-c^ ; pi. -en) sorrow, af- ^cri^en^freunb, m. {-ti ; pi. -i) bosom friend. |>crjen^rein^ett, /. purity of heart. l^crjic^en, v. a. ir. to draw or move hither. $crj09f m. (-«; pi. -jijgc) duke. ^e&en, v. a. to hunt, bait, set on, cause mischief. ^iVL, p. (-e«) hay ; -fi^rerfc,/. (pi. -n) grasshopper, locust; -fc^rcrfttjolfe, cloud of locusts ; -ipage, /. (pi. -n) hay-scale. ^eud&elcl/ /. ( pi. -en) hyi>ocri8y. ^culen, V. a. to howl, whine, weep ; rave. ^eut(c), adv. to-day, this day. ■^eutijj, adj. of this present day. ^eye, /. (pi. -n) witch, sorceress. ^eyentanj, m. (-e^ ; pi. -tanje) witches' ^ie, adv. see ^ier. [dance. l)iebei, see ^ierbei. ^ith, m. (-eg ; pi. -e) cut, stroke. ^ief^orn, n. {-ti ; pi. -t)orner) hunt ing horn. l^ienieben, adv. here below, on earth. ^ier, adv. here, in this place ; — unb ba, here and there ; -an, adv. at this, on this ; -auf, adv. hereupon, then ; -aug, adv. from this, hence, out of this ; -bet, adv. at this, by I this ; -^er, adv. thither ; Bid — , hithertp, to this place, thus fax ; -uber, adv. over here. ^ierarc^ie, /. {pi. -en) hierarchy. I)tefelbfi, adv. here, in this place. ^ift^orn, n. (-«« ; pi. -^ijrner) see ^tef-* ^ilfe, see ^iilfe. [I)orn. ^ilfreid^f see :^ulfreic^. |)immel, m. {-i) heaven, heavens, sky ; -Mau, adj. sky-blue, azure ; -fej^fr /. ( pi' -n) firmament ; -fruc^t, /. heavenly fruit, fruit of heavenly growth ; -wartg, adv. towards heaven ; -tueit, adv. very distant, widely. |>immelgfacEel, /. heavenly torch. ^immel^gegenb, /. {pi. -en) region of the heavens. |)immelg^Ian^, m. heavenly radiance. ^immel^fontgin, /. queen of heaven. ^immelg[;eb, m. (-eg; ^^ -er) heav- enly song. ^immelgluft, /. ether. 62 VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. -5)immel^fraft, /. heavenly power, God-given power, ^immclemvijor; great bear. |)immel^f4)0p» m. (-cv) realm of heaven. [tial city. ^immeBf^abt, /. heavenly city, celes- i)imniel<3flric{), m. (-e^^,* pi. -e) climate. ^immel^tou/ m. heavenly sound, strain. [heaven. ^immcl^jelt, n. vault, canopy of ]^immUf(^, adj. celestial, heavenly. l^in, adv. thither, along {see Gr. p. 281, VIII ; El. p. 237); — unb ^er, backwards and forwards, to-and- fro. l^inab, adv. down ; -ge^en, to go down, descend ; -sie^ett; v. n. to draw down. f)imr[, adv. towards a place ; -jleigen, V. a. ir. to ascend, mount. ^inauf, adv. up, up to, upwards. l^inaui^, adv. out ; -fiiirmen, v. sejy. to rush out ; -\t1)m, v. a. to see out ; -weifen, v. a. ir. to turn or show out ; -mxftn, V. a. ir. to throw out, eject. [place. l^inMitfen, v. n. to look towards a j^inberit/ v. a. to hinder, prevent, im- pede. ^inbcrnt§, n. (-ffe^ ; pi. -ffe) hin- drance, obstacle, impediment. ]f)inbur(^, adv. through, throughout, during ; id) Juitl — (supply gel^en), I will go through (p. 43). I^ineitt, adv. in, into ; in ben Zao^ — , at random ; -ftnben, v. a. to find in or at home ; — , v. r. to con- tent one's self ; -tommen, v. n. ir. to come or get into ; -fpringen^ X. n. ir. to jump into. I^infort, adv. henceforth, in future. ^in9al)e, /. abandonment. ^ingeben, v. a. ir. to give up or away l)ingel)en, v. n. ir. to go to ; — laffen* to suffer to pass. ^ingele^nt, adj. leaned against. ^Infommcn, v. n. ir. to come, to coma |)inlcgen, v. a. to lay down, [there ^ingefcietf adj. strewn about. ^innetimen, v. a. ir. to take there; accept. I)lnucn, adv. hence ; ijon — , hence, from hence, away. ^Inreipen, v. a. ir. to tear along with violence, overcome ; delight. ()inric^ten, v. a. to execute. ^inrid)tung, /. {pi. -en) execution. ^Inrncfen, v. a. to move to, remove. I)infe^cn, v. r. ir. to look towards a place. Mnfein, v. n. ir. to be lost, to be gone. ^injii^t, /. {pi. -en) view, considei ation, conception. ^infmfen, v. n. ir to sink down, faint :^tn|le^en, v. a, ir. to place. ^tnfleflen, v. a. to put to, put down. :^inflopen, v. a. ir. to thrust. I)injlrel6cn/ v. n. to struggle. ^inftiirjen, v. n. to tumble down. l}inten/ adv. behind, after; — nac^; afterwards. ()lnter, prep, behind, after ; — , adv. back, backwards ; — , adj. hinder, hind ; -ge^en, v. a. ir. to deceive ; -grunb, m. (-c« ; pi. -griinbe) back- ground ; -\jirtentlab, (-eiS ; j?^. -jldbe) shepherd's staflf, crook. ^itlorie, /. ( 'igl. -n) history, story. ^i|lorif(^, adj. historical. ^i^e, /. (_p^. -n) heat, ardor. ^oboe, /. {pi. -a & -n) oboe, hautboy. ^okitl, m. (-en; yl. -en) hautboy- player. ^od>, adj. high, sublime, elevated ; -begabt, adj. highly gifted ; -be^ trofcn, adj. much amazed ; -gebirge, n. the highlands ; -{\efubl, n. (-e5 ; •pi. -e) enthusiasm, high feeling ; -gcwolbt, adj. high-arched ; -lanfc, n. (-eg ; jtl. -e) upland, high country, highlands ; -mutt), m. haughtiness, pride, arrogance , -finnio, adj. high-minded, pious -ijcrrcit^cr, m. (-g) person guilty of high treason ; -jeit, /. ( pi. -en) nuptials, bridal, wedding ; -^eitg^ fefl, n. marriage-feast, wedding- feast. ^cc^Ui:^, adv. highly, greatly. ^£>f, m. (-eg ; pi. ^ofe) yard, court- yard, court ; -bic^tung, /. court poetry ; -lagcr, n. (-g) residence of the court ; -Icute, pi. people at court, courtiers ; -flaat, m. (-eg) household of a court; -theater, n. court theater, royal theater. ^ofen, V. n. to hope, trust, expect. •^offnung, /. {pi. -en) hope, expecta. tion. I)offnunggIog, adj. hopeless. t)offnungg»oU, adj. hopeful. ^o^e, /. {pi. -n) height, mountain, offing; in ber — , on high; in bie — , upwards. ^^Dl)eit, /. {pi. -en) highness, eleva- tion, sovereignty. l)^^!, adj. hollow, dull, empty. ^o^le, /. {pi. -n) hollow, cavity, cavern, den. [ity. •^o^lung, /. ( pi -en) excavation, cay- ^o^n, m. (-eg) scorn, scoff; -lachcn, n. (-g) scorn ; -lac^cn, v. n. to scoff, mock. ^olb, adj. kind, favorable, fair, lovely. t)otenf V. a. to go for, come for, fetch , 2ltl)em — , to draw breath. ^'m, f. {pi. -n) hell. n^cll ^oUcngeiil, m. (-eg; p.^ -cr) fiend of ^odenglut^,/. (p^. -en) infernal glare. ^oUenqual, /. {pi. -en) pains of hell ^odcnrac^en, m. (-g) jaw of hell. 6i VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. ^ollenreic^, n. {-ti ; pi. -e) realms of hell. [or hell. |)otIenri(^ter, m. (-^j judge of Hades i^olltfc^f adj. hellish, infernal. ^olj, n. (-e^) wood. l^orc^en, v. n. to hearken, listen. ^orbe, /. {pi. -n) horde, hurdle, crate. %mxi, v. a. & n. to hear, give ear. ^orer, m. {-4) hearer. ^orijont, m. {-ti>) horizon. $om, n. (-e^ ; pi. ^^orner) horn ; SBalb-, n. bugle. l^ornern, adj. made of horn, horny. ^orjlf m. (-ei3; pi. -e), /. {pi. -en) troop, eyry, heap, tuft. ^ofanna, Hosanna. ^ofitc, /. {pi. -en) holy wafer, host. , l^itbfc^, adj. fine, handsome, pretty. ^uf, m. {-ii ; pi. -e) hoof. ^ugel, m. (-^) hill, hillock, knob. ^u^n, (-ea ; pi ^it^ner) fowl, hen, poultry. ^\X^Vi ! int. (expression of horror) whew I whew I ^ulb, /. grace, favor. ^ulbigen, v. a. to do homage. ^ulbiguttg, /. {pl.-iXi) homage. l^ulbreic^, adj. gracious. [ance. ^iilfe, /. help, aid, succor, assist- ]&ulfIo<5, adj. helpless. plfreic^^ adj. obliging, ready to help, helpful. ■^ulf^mittcl, n. (-^) remedy, expe- dient, auxiliary. [ment. |)uffe, /. ( yl. -n) cover, veil, integu- l^utten, V. a. to cover, wrap, veil. |)ulfe, /. {pi. -n) sheath, case, hull, l^uman, adj. human. [husk. l^umanifc^, adj. humane. ^umanitcit, /. humanity. ^umor, m. M) humor. ^unb, m. (-e^; pi. -e) dog, hound. ^unbert, n. {-i\ pi. -e); adj. hun dred ; -^oinbig, adj. hundred- handed; -mal, «utte,/. {pi. -n) hut, cottage, smelt- ing-house, foundry, forge. ^^cine, /. {pi. -n) hyena. .^^ntne, /. {pi -n) hymn. ^^^ot^efe, /. pi. -n) hypothesis. 3c^, pron. I. Sbeal, n. (-0; pi -c) ideal, image. 3bee» /. {pi. -n) idea. i^r, i|re, i^r, pron. your, their, her. ittuntinirenf v. a. to illuminate, color. ill^rifc^, adj. illyrical. imnter, adv. always, ever ; -bar, -fort, adv. always, forever, constantly ; auf — t for ever. Smperator, m. {-i ; pi. -en) general, commander, emperor. in, prep, in, into, at. Sn^egrif, m. (-e^; pi -c) space, con- tents, essence (p. 176). VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. G5 3nBrunfli /. heat, fervor, ardor. inbcm, conj. while, as, when. iiibe^, inbcffeiu conj. in the mean time, meanwhile, however. inbifd^; adj. Indian, Sttbigo, m. (-^) indigo ; -Mau, adj. indigo blue. Sn^U, m. (-c^) contents ; purport, inne, adv. within ; -ne^men, «. a. ir. to be in possession of, possess ; -fatten, v. n. ir. to cease, stop, discontinue. [witliin. innen, adv. inside ; »ott — , from Snnere, 7i. the soul ; — , (ber, bie, hai) adj. inner, interior, tnner^alb, prep, within, innerlic^, adj. inward, internal, innig, adj. hearty, cordial, heartfelt, deepfelt, fervent, ardent. Snquifttion, /. inquisition, in^bcfonbcrc, adv. particularly. Snfel, /. (pi. -n) island ; -Bewo^ner, m. (-^) inhabitant of an island ; -»oIf, n. islanders. Snftpien, /. insignia, badges, signs. Snf^inft, m. (-^ ; pi. -c) instinct. Snjlrumcnt, n. {-ti ; pi. -c)instrument. Sntettigcnj, /. intelligence, intcnft^f adj. & adv. intensive(ly). Sntercffc, n. (-«) interest. Sntriguc, /. {pi. -n) intrigue, inwcnbig, adj. interior. Sp^isenia, /. Ipbigenia. irbcn, adj. earthen, irbifd^, adj. earthly, terrestrial, irgcnb, adv. any, some ; -wo, -wo^in, anywhere, somewhere; -Semanb, -(£in(cT, -Cr -i) any one, some one ; -ctwa^, any thing, something. Srrc,. /. aberration, mistaken way ; — , ac(j. & adv. astray, wrong; — gel^cn, to lose one's way, go astray, walk out of the right way ; — mac^en, to confound, dis- turb; — reben, to become con- fused, waver. irrcn, v. n. to err, deviate, go astray ; — , V. r. to commit an error. 3rrfa§rt, /. {pi. -en) wandering, err- ing course. Srrlic^t, m. (-e^ ; pi. -er) ignis fatuus, will-of-the-wisp. 3rrt^um, m. (-ed ; pi. -t^iimer) error, mistake. [standing. Strung, /. {pi. -en) error, misunder- Srrtocg, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) wrong way. ifabeHfarMg, adj. cream-colored. Sfegrimm, m. (-C(3 ; pi. -c) morose fel- low, wolf. ifoUrcn, v. a. to insulate, isolate. 3frael, Israel. Stalicn, n. H) Italy. [ian. Staliener, m.; -in, /. {pi -inncn) Ital- ja, adv. yes, yea (often expletive). Sac^t, /. {pi. -en) yacht. 3<»9fc' /• {P^- -«n) chaae, hunt, sport, hunting ; ttuf bie — gcl^en, to go hunting or shooting. jagen, v. a. to chase, hunt, shoot, drive; — , v. n. to ride, drive, gallop with great quickness or undue speed. 3agcr, m. {-i) hunter, huntsman, sportsman, gamekeeper, rifleman, ranger. 3a^r, n. (-e« ; pi. -e) year ; uUx^i —, a year hence ; -gelb, n. (-ed ; pi. -cr) pension ; -l^unbcrt/ n. (-e« ; pi -) century. 6Q VOCABULARY. aEBMAN AND ENGLISH. mx'iQ, adj. a year old, yearly. 3a^r(e)ajeit, /. ( pi. -en) season (year). 3cimmer» m. {-$) misery, lamenta- tion ; -»ott, adj. wretched, lament- jammerlid^, adj. miserable. [able. iammtxn, v. n. & a. to lament, wail, excite, pity. Sanuar, m. {-^) January. [joice. jauc^jejt/ p. n. to sliout with joy, re- ic adv. ever, always ; — mt1^x bcjlo fceffer^ the more the better; — ijfler unb an^attenber, the oftener and longer (p. 103) ; »on -l^er, al- ways, [case. jebcnfaH^, adv. at all events, in any :ebcr, jebe, iebciS, pron. every, each ; -lei/ adj. of every sort ; -mam, pron. every one, every body ; -jeit; adv. always; einer jeben, each of them (p. 41). icbc^mal, adv. every time. [ever. jeboc^, conj. yet, nevertheless, how- iebtoeber; pron. each, every one. jeglid^er, jeglic^e, jegUc^e^, pron. every, each. itmaU, adv. ever, at any time. jcmanbr pron. somebody, any body. jencr, jene, iene<3, pron. that, the for- mer, the one. jenfeit, prep.; ienfeit^, adv. on the other side of, beyond. Serufalcm, Jerusalem. 3efu^, Jesus. je^o, see it^U je^tf adv. now, at present ; gerabe — , just DOW ; U^ — , hitherto ; »on — an, henceforth. Soc^f n. (-e<3; pL -e) yoke, cross- ridge, beams of a bridge So'^ann, m. John. Soumal, n. (-ca ; pi. -e) journal. Subel, w. (-a) jubilee. jukln, V. n. to rejoice, shout exalt. Suba, m. Judas. 3ube, m. (-n; pi. -n) Jew. Sugenb, /. youth ;-aUer, (-«) n. youth, youthful age ; -freunb, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) companion of youth ; -fiille, /. fulness of youth, youthfulness ; -lanb, n. land of one's youth; -nac^t, /. {pi. -noic^te) night of youthful revelry (p. 17 1) ; -tage, days of youth, ardor of youth. jung^ adj. young, new. Sunge^ m. boy, apprentice ; — , n. (-n ; pi. -n) ; young animal. SungfraU/ /. {pi. -en) maid, virgin. iungfrautic^, adj. virgin, virgin-like. 3ungling, m. (-(5; pi. -e) youth, young man, lad. 3ungling^6U(f, m. youthful view, vigorous eye. Sungling^jeit, /. time of youth. iitngjl, adj. & adv. young, last, lately. Sunfer, m. {-^) young nobleman, young squire, younker. jufl, adv. just, but. Suterbof, name of a small city, with 7,000 inhabitants (25 Engl, miles from Berlin). [ry. 3utt)ele, /. {pi. -n) gem, jewel, jewel- ^aMnett^ n. (-d ; pi. -e) closet. ^a^tt/ m. {-ii ; pi. ^a^ne) boat, punt ^atfer, m. (-^) emperor ; -\\^, adj. imperial. Ml, n. (-ea; pi MUx) calf. Mt, m. (-e$) lime, chalk. faltf adj. cold, insensible, frigid* -ilutifi, adj. cool, unmoved. VOCABULARY.- JEBMAN AND ENGLISH. 67 Staitt, f. cold, coldness. ^amcrab, m. (-en; pi. -en) comrade, companion, {vuUg.) chum. ilamin, n. (-c^ ; pi -c) chimney, fire- place; -fegcr, m. {-i) chimney- sweep, [crest. ^amm, m. (-c^; pi ^amme) comb, fammen, v. a. to comb, dress (hair), hammer, /. {pi -n) chamber, (bed) room, apartment ; exchequer, board, oflBce, court ; -blener, m. valet ; -Q,zx\^U n. (-5 ; pi -c) su- preme court ; -^err, m. chamber- lain. hammerer, m. chamberlain ; ®e|ei=* mer hammerer, privy counsellor. ^ampf, m. (-e^ ; pi ^ampfe) combat, fight, struggle ; -gefc^rei, n. battle- cry ; -pla^, m. (-c«; pi -plci^e) field of battle ; -fpiel, n. bloodless combat ; gymnic game. fampfen, v. n. to fight, combat. ^anone, /. (jp^.-n) cannon. ^anjel, /. {pi -n) pulpit. ^anjler, m. {-i) chancellor. ^armcUter, m. Carmelite (monk). ^artoffet,/. {pi -n) potato. ^afe, m. {-i) cheese, [money-chest. ^(ifff/ /• {pl -n) tbe treasury, ilafld^en, n. casket, little box or chest. ilaile,/. {pl-n) caste, clique ; -nwcfcn, n. system of caste. 5?ajlen, m. {-4) box, chest. ^atajlrop^e, /. {pl -n) catastrophe. ^at^olif, m. (-en ; pl -en) Roman Catholic. fat^oUf(^, adj. Roman Catholic. ^at^ebrale, /. {pl -n) cathedral. ^at^cbralfirdjc, /. cathedral. iJauf, m. (-€«; pl ^aufe) purchase, bargain ; ju — flc^fn, to be for sale; -mann, m. (-e$; pl -leutc) merchant, purchaser, faufen, v. a. to buy, purchase. .Kaufer, m. {-€) buyer, purchaser, faum, adv. scarcely, hardly. ^cgelba^n, /. {pl -en) ten-pin alley. fid, adj. nimble, fearless, bold. fe^ren, v. a. to turn, sweep, brush ; — , V. r. fic^ an etwa^ — , to care for a thing, regard. ^e^ri^t, m. (-e) sweepings ; -fa§, n. dust-basket. ^eic^en, n. {-^) asthmatical affection ; — , V. n. to pant, gasp. [shoot, ^eim, m. (-e^; pl -e) germ, first feimen, ??. w. to germinate, spring u]). fein» adj. no, not, any, none ; -cr, -c , -i^, pron. nobody, no one. ^elc^f m. {-ti ; pl -e) cup, chalice. fcnnMr, adj. recognizable, distin- guishable, distinct, fennen, v. a. ir. to know, to be acquainted with. tenner, m. {-^) judge, connoisseur, fenntli^, adj. knowable, cognizable. ^enntnip, /. {pl -ffe) knowledge, ^cric^t, see ^e^ric^t. ^erfcr, m. (-^) jail, prison, ^erl, m. (-^ ; pl -c) person, fellow, .^ern, m. (-e^ ; pl -e) kernel, heart ; stronghold, foundation. ^f rje, /. ( pl -n) wax light, taper. Alette/ /. {pl -n) chain, web ; series. fetten, v. a. to chain. ^e^erci, /. {pl -en) heresy. feucf)cn, see fei^cn. 5leule, /. ( pl -n) club, pestle, feufc^, adj. chaste, ilinb, n. (-e^ ; pl -er) child, infant ; -d^en or -lein, n. (-«) babe, baby ; -^cit, /. childhood ; -if*, adj. 6S VOCABULARY. GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. childish; -lid^, adj. cliild-Jike, filial. ^inberblid, m. child's eye or mind. ^inber9laubc(n), m. faith, credulity of a child. finberlo^f adj. childless. [mind. ^itiberjtnn, m. child-like, innocent ^inberfluk, /. (pi. -n) nursery. Minbt^tlax^tit, f. clear-sighted, clear- mindedness of a child. ^inbe^f inb, n. (-e^ ; pi. -er) grandchild. ^ircf)e, /. (pL -n) church. ^irc^cngefang, m. (-e^; pi. -fcinge) church hymn or chant, anthem. ^irci^enfc^a^, m. (-e^ ; pi. -fc^a^e) ec- clesiastical treasures, church property. ^irc^enfprengcl, m. diocese. [ship. ^ird)ent|um, n. churchdom, church- ^irc^lof, m. (-^ ; pi. -pfe) church- yard, [(tree). ^ir^pf^Unbc, /. churchyard linden .ffirfc^e, /. ipl. -n) cherry. ^iJTcn; n. {-i) pillow, cushion. ^ijlc, /. {pi. -n) chest, coffer. ^ittcl, m. (-^) frock, smock blouse. StlaQt, f. ( pi. -n) complaint, action or suit (at law). Ragcn» V. n. to complain of, sue (at law); — , -». a. to lament, complain. Rdglic^, adj. mournful ; pitiful. ^lang, m. (-e^; pi. flange) sound, tune, clang; -Ui, adj. mute, soundless. [ping noise. Happen; V. n. to clap, make a clap- flappcrn, v. n. to rattle. ^lapperroerf, n. (-eS; pi. -e) noisy work or mechanism. liar, adj. clear, bright, light, evident. RiOiX^iixi, f. {pi. -en) plainness, clear- ness, brightness, evidence. -^lafTc/. {pl.-n) class, caste. flatfd)en, 'o. n. to applaud. [talon, ^lauc, /. {pi. -n) claw, cloven foot, fleben, v. n. to cleave, adhere, to be attached to ; — , v. a. to stick, paste. . [dress, ^leib/ n. (-e^ ; pi. -er) coat, garment, fleiben, t>. a. to dress, clothe ; — , v. n. to fit, become. [clothes. ^leibung, /. {pi. -en) clothing, dress, fleiitf adj. little, small, petty, minute; -glciubig, adj. of little faith ; -ig** f"t' /• {p^- -en) small matter, trifle; -mut:^, m. (-e^) dejection of spirit, despondency ; -ob, n. {-z^'^pl. -t, or -ten) jewel, treasure, flemmen, v. a. to pinch, cramp, jam. ^lima, n. (-g ; pi. -ta) climate, clime. fUmmen, v. n. vr. to climb. ^lim, /. {pi- -n) blade. [tinkle. Kingen, v. n. ir. to sound, resound, flingeln, v. n. to ring the bell, jingle, tingle, tinkle. ^lippe, /. {pi. -n) cM; rock, crag. ^lirren> n. (-a) clanking noise ; — , V. n. to clang, clank, click, clink. flopfen, V. a. to knock, tap. tlojler, n. {-i\ pi. ^lojler) cloister, convent, ^luft, /. {pi. ^liifte) cleft, gap, fissure. flug» adj. sensible, wise, prudent, skillful, shrewd, ^lug^ett, /. wisdom, prudence. ^naBe, m. (-n; pl.-n) boy, lad. ^natt, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) strong, quick sound; clap, crack, report of a gun ; — unb %aVL, suddenly. fnatten, v. n. to crack, clap, smack. ^ned)t, m. (-e^; pi. -e) a farmer's man, servant, slave, hireling; -fc^aft; servitude. VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENQLI8H. 69 ^ncd^tcdf(^aar,/. {pl.-m) servant host. ilnec^tc^llimme,/. (pl-n) servile voice. i^nie, 71. (-c^ ; pi. -e) knee. fniccn, v. a. to kneel. fnirfc^cn, v. n. to gnash ; — , v. a. to strike together, clash. ^no^en, m. (-^) bone ; -^anb, / ( pi. -^anbe) a very lean or bony hand, skeleton's hand ; -fc^aben, m. frac- ture. ilno^pc, /. ( pi. -n) bud. ^noten, m. (-§) knot, node ; — , v. a. to knot, tie. fnijpfenf v. a. to tie, bind. ^D, V. (-c3; pi. -e or Sanbcr) land, country ; -befi^er, m. {-4) land- holder, proprietor; %t^-, conti- nent ; -ma6(^en, n. {-i) country- girl ; -mann, m. (-e« ; pi. -leute) peasant, countryman ; -milij, / militia ; -f(i)aft,/. {pi. -en) province, landscape ; -i^ogt, m. {-ti ; pi. -»(igte) high bailiff, governor ; -tt)inb» m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) landwind. lanbcrlo^f adj. without land, landless. Sanbert^eile, /. boundary. Sanbc^&ruber, m. brother of the reigning prince. lanblic^, adj. provincial, rural. £anb«fnc(|t, m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) foot-sol- dier, lansquenet. [tryman. Sanb^mann, m. (-c^ ; pi. -leute) coun- Sanbung, /. {pi. -en) landing, dis- embarkation, descent. lanQf adj. long, of long duration ; cin 3a^r — , for a year, a whole year ; -Bewoil^rt, adj. proved for a long while, well-approved ; -fam, adj. slow, late ; -tt)iertg, adj. last- ing long, wearisome. lange^ a(i».long,a long while ; — nic^t, by far not, far from. [distance. Si:(xx^0it, f. {pi. -n) length, longitude. langen, v. a. to reach, fetch ; — , v.n. to suffice, have enough. langil, adv. long ago, long since. Canje, /. {pi. -n) lance, spear. 2arm, /«. (-e^); Sarmen, n. {-i) noise, bustle, alarm ; — fc^lagen, to sound an alarm. Idrmen, v. n. to make a noise, brawl. Sar\je, /. {pi. -n) mask, false face, disguise. laffen, v. n. & a. ir. to let, leave, per- mit, grant, allow, cede, get ; nioc^en — , to order to be made, get made ; gel^cn — / to allow to go ; Slber — , to let blood ; fomnten — , to send for ; — , v. n. ir. imp. to appear, show. Safl, /. {pi. -en) load, charge, burden. lajlen, v. n. to weigh, weigh heavy, 2ajlcr, 72. (-^) vice, crime. [niator. Sdflerer, m. (-g) blasphemer, calura- Idflern, v. a. & n. to slander, calum- niate. Cctflerung, /. {pi. -en) calumny, slan- der. fiaterne, /. {pi. -n) lantern, lamp. Saub, n. {-i^) foliage. lauern, t). n. to listen, lurk, wait. 2auf, m. (-c^ ; pi. 2dufe) course, run, barrel (of a gun) ; — , m. {pi. Sdufte) the hind legs of the ani- mals of the chase. laufen, v. n. ir. to run, flow, leak ; ®efa^r — , to rim a risk. Idugnen, n. a. to deny, disown. SaunCr /. {pi. -n) humor, caprice, temper, spleen. launig* adj. humorous. taufd^en, v. n. to listen, lurk, lounge. gout, m. sound ; — , adj. loud : — # VOCABULABY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 73 adv. loudly, aloud ; — t prep, ac- cording to. Iauten» v. n. to sound, utter a sound. lautcr, adj. & adv. bright, pure, genuine, clean, nothing but, none but, only ; sincere. lautertt/ n. a. to clear, purify, clarify, refine, rectify. [sidewind, tack. Ia»iren» v. n. to laveer, go with a £eten, n. (-^) life, conduct, support; ; — , V. a. to live, behave ; lebe wo^If farewell ; ba§ feinc welc^c lebt^ let none of those who live {i. e. liv- ing language) (p. 91). IcknbtQr adj. alive, quick, lively. Scbendaltcr, n. stage of life, age. £cbcn^t>aum, m. {-^ ; pL -bdume) tree of life, arbor vitcB. Sct>cndbaucr, /. duration of life. Cekn^einric^fungr /. regulation of life. Ceben^frcubc, /. pleasure, joy of life. Iebcn^fro|>, adj. cheerful, blooming. Ceben^glteb, n. (-e^ ; pi. -er) vital part. Sekn^fraft, /. {pi. -frdfte,) vital power. lebcn^Iang, adj. & adv. for life. lebcn^ldngltc^r adj. & adv. through life. [of life, light of day. 2cben^Uc^t, n. (-ii;pl. -er) life, light Cebcn<3mittelr n. (-^) food, provisions. 2cbcn^pfab, m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) path of life. Ceben^quell, f. {-$ ; pL -en) spring or source of life, fount of life. CebenSregel, /. {pi. -n) rule of life. iCebendrcgung, /. motion of life. Ceben^flrom, m. stream of life, course of life. Cebcnat^dtigfeit, /. activity. [soul. 2eben«tiefe, /. depth of life, inmost 2eben«ttorfd)nft, /. ( pi. -€n) life pat- tern. leb^aft, adj. lively, sprightly, gay. Seb^afttgfeit, /. liveliness, vivacity. Sebtag, m. days of one's life, all one's life. [adj. & adv. leaky. 2td, m. & n. (-eS; pi. -e) leak ; — , Section, /. {pi. -en) lesson. Sectiire, /. reading. Ceber» n. {-i) leather. lebig» adj. empty, vacant, unmar- ried, single. leer, adj. empty, void, blank ; -gc^ brannt, adj. burnt out. leeren, v a. to empty. legal, adj. & a<^«. legal(ly), lawful(ly). Cegat, m. (-en; pi. -en) legate ; — , n. (-e^ ; pi. -c) legacy. legcn, v. a. to lay, put, place ; ftd^ — , to lie down, take to the bed ; cease ; fid^ auf ttvoai — , to study, apply, addict, devote one's self to a thing ; iit cinanber — / to join. Cegenbe, /. {pi. -n) legend. Segton, /. {pi. -en) legion. Sel)m, m. (-ed) loam, clay. Sel)ne, /. ( pi. -n) support, back. le^nen, v. a. & n. to lean, [teaching. 2el)rart, /. {pi. -en) profession of Se^re, /. {pi. -n) doctrine, dogma, precept, moral, apprenticeship ; in ber — fein, to be apprenticed. le^ren, v. a. to teach. [preceptor. Secret, m. (-^) teacher, instructor, fie^rgebic^t, n. didactic poem. Ic^rreirf), adj. instructive. $?c^rfprudv m. (-cd ; pi. -fprud)e) max- im, aphorism. 2cib, m. (-e^; pi. -er) body, trunk, abdomen ; — unb Ceben, body and soul ; bei Seibc nid)t, on no ac- count ; -eigcne (ber or bie), m. & /. (-n; pi. -n) slave, serf, bond&- 74 VOCABULARY. — GERMAN ANt> ENGLISH. man, bondswoman ; -lith, n. fa- vorite song. Oeic^e, / {pi -n) dead body, corpse. 2eic^enacfcr, m. (-^) burial-ground. Ictd)cnblai, adj. ss pale as death, kic^enfabl, adj. see letc^enbla^. leidjenftill; adj. as still as death. Md)mu^, n, {-i^ipl. -tiic^er) shroud, winding-sheet, pall. Iciest, adj. light, easy, unencum- bered ; — , adv. easily ; -finnig, adj. thoughtless, frivolous. £eib, n. (-e^) grief, sorrow, affliction ; — , adj. unpleasant, disagreeable ; — fein, — t^uH/ to cause sorrow, cause regret ; e^ ijl mir — , I am sorry for it ; einem etwa^ ju — {or £eibe) t^Utt, to hurt, injure one. Icibcn, 'o.a.^n. ir. to suffer, endure, undergo, tolerate, leibenb, part. & adj. passive, sick, suffering, afflicted. Ceibenfc^aft, /. {pi. -en) passion, emo- tion, affection. [sionate. leibenfc^aftUcf), adj. impassioned, pas- leibenfc^aft^lo^, adj. dispassionate, leiber ! int. alas ! unfortunately, let^en, v. a. ir. to lend, borrow. leimen, v. a. to glue, lime. [glue, leimig, adj. glutinous, containing leifc, adj. & adv. soft(ly), low, not loud, in a low tone. Iciflen, V. a. to do, make, perform, ac- complish ; ®efea[(^aft — , to keep company, letten, v. a. to lead, guide, conduct. Cciter, m. (-^) leader, guide ; — , /. {pi. -n) ladder, scale. Seitung, /. ( pi. -en) guidance, con- duct, [manage, govern, guide, lenfeitr v. a. to bend, turn, direct. Sen?, m. (-e« ; pi. -e) spring ; -luft, /. spring air. lernen, v. a. & n. to learn, teach. lefen, v. a. & n. ir. to read ; — , v. a. i^, to read ; gather, cull, glean. le^t, adj. last, ultimate, remotest. Seu(c), m. (-en; pL -en); (poetic for Sijwe) lion; -munb, m. (-e^) report. leuc^ten, v. n. to light, shine, lighten, — , v. a. to give or show light. leugnen, see laugnen. Seute, pi. persons, people, men. Sexifon, n. (-^; pi. -fa) lexicon, dic- tionary. 2xd)t, n. (-e(5; pi. -e & -er) light, candle, candle-light, luminary; — , adj. light, clear, bright ; -^eff, adj. very bright, clear, resplen- dent ; -geftalt, /. form of light ; -punft, m. luminous point, ray (of hope); -wei^f adj. luminous, pure. lid^ten, «. a. to illuminate, lighten, light up, clear up ; etnen SBalb — , to clear a piece of land. (teb, adj. dear, beloved ; — l^aben, to love; bas? ijl mir — , I am glad of it ; -^aber, m. (-^); -in,/, {pi. -innen) lover, amateur ; -^aberci, /. ( pi. -en) partiality, fondness, hobby ; -fofen, V. a. to caress, coax ; -lic^, adj. lovely, delightful, charming ; -ling, m. (-^ ; pi. -e) favorite ; -lo^, adj unkind, uncharitable. Ciebe,/. love;-»oll, adj. affectionate, full of love. Iteben, v. a. to love, be fond of. lieben^wurbig, adj. amiable, loveable. Cteben^ttJiirbigfeit, /. {pi. -en) amiabil ity. Ueber, add. rather. ;Clebei3^rf, ra. court of love. VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 75 £ifbe3jctd|cn» n. token of love. Cieb, n. (-CiJ ; pi. -er) song, hymn. Cicberbud), m. (-cd ; pi. -biic^er) book of songs, hymn-book, liefern, v. a. to deliver, hand ; cincm einc erfon cbcr . a. to make, do, operate ; — laJTctt/ to cause to be made, have made, get made ; ftc^ nic^t^ barau^ — , not to care for it ; wad — Z. -e & -en) May ; -en* nac^t, /. May-night; -engliidf, n. spring joy. 5Kajefldt, /. {pi. -en) majesty. majefldtifc^, adj. majestic, majesticaL SWaior, m. {-^ ; pi. -e) major ; -flette, major's commission. 9)?ajoritdt, /. (^^. -en) eldership, right of primogeniture, estate attached to the right of primogeniture. 9)Zctfrofodntud, m. macrocosm (the uni- verse at large, opjxjsite of micro^ cosm, the little world or man). Wlal, n. mark, sign, token ; spot ; time; ein-, once; jnjei-, twice; brei-, three times. [tray. malen, v. a. to paint, delineate, por- '^\ikxi\,f.{pl. -en) painting, pictures. VOCABULARY. — GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. 77 IWamfett, / {pi - adj. masculine, male, man- ?WdnnUc^feit, /. manliness, virility. SWannSrocf, m. {-tiypl. -rocfe) man's 5Jiann$jud)t, /. discipline. [coat. !WantcI, m. {-i ; pi. 5WdnteI) mantle, cloak, gown. 2)?drc^en, n. (-d) tale, story, fairy tale, ghost-story. §W.uic, /. Mary. Wiaxl, n. (-c^) marrow, pith : -(c),/. {pi. -en) mark, weiglit or coin, boundary, limit, end (48). morfiren, v. a. to mark, distinguish the tone by accent or emphatic notes. ?Warft, m. {-ti ; pi. 9)?drfte) market, fair, market-place. 5Warfc^, m. (-e3; pi. ?Wdrfc^e) march. SKarfc&all, m. (-«; pi. -fd)dlle) mar- shal J -gflab, m. (-cd ; pi. -fldbe) marshal's staff. ^Wartev, /. torment, torture. 3)?artern, n. (-^) tormenting, tortur- ing ; — , V. a. to torment, rack. ?Kaofe, /. {pi. -n) mask. 3)?a§, 71. (-cd; pi. -e) measure; eirt — SBein, a quart of wine. 3JZafTe, /. {pi -n) mass, bulk. ma§en, conj. {dbsol.) because, as. mdpig^ adj. moderate, temperate. 9)?d§i9feit, /. moderation, abstinence, temperance. [ance. ^Jidgigung, /. moderation, temper- 2)?aterie, /. {pi -n) matter, material 9)Zat{)ematif, /. mathematics. mat^emattfd), adj. mathematical. matt, adj. tired, weary, feeble, faint. 3)Jatte, /. {pi. -n) mat, curds, mead- ow, [haustion. 2J?attigfclt, /. faintness, debility, ex- 5)iaucr, /. {pi -n) wall ; -loc^, n. a hole in a wall ; -n:»erf, n. walling, masonry, brickwork. ?WauIn)urf, m. (-c^ ; pi. -iriirfe) mole. 3Kaulnjurf^gang, m. (-C(3; pi -gdnge) mole-track. ?Wau(?, /. {pi 2)?dufc) mouse, muscle on either side of a horse's nose. ?Wdu<3c^en, dimin. of 2Hau<3. fWarim, n. {jil -c) maxim. i 'Kcbicin, /. {pi. -en) medicine, physia ■ ^]UZeer, n. (-e5; pi. -c) sea, ocean; I -bufen, m. {-i) bay, gulf; -waffcti j n. sea- water, brine. I 3JZeered.irm, m. (-c(3 ; ;>?. - 1) strait i channel of the sea. 78 VOCABULAKY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. SWeereSf^iif/ n. sea-vessel, sea-boat. SKegdre, /. {pi. -n) 7nyth. Megiera (or.e of the three Greek furies of the lower world) ; jig. shrew. mc^x, adj. & adv. more ; -fac^, adj. & adv. manifold, several times, sundry, divers; ^liicmanb — , no- body else. me^rcn, v. a. to augment, increase ; — , v. r. to multiply. ttte^rent^eil^, adv. for the most part. met)re(re), adv. several. meiben, v. a. ir. to avoid, shun. 3)?cilc, /. {pi. -n) mile (German = 4X Engl, miles) ; meilenlang, adv. for miles. mein, meine, mein, pron. my, mine. me inert, ■». n. to intend, think, pre- sume, imagine, mean. meinettx>egenf meinet^alkn, adv. on my account, for my sake, for my part. SDIetnung, /. {pi. -en) meaning, opin- ion, [adv. most, mostly. nteijl, adj. most ; almost ; om meijlen, metf!en(3, adv. most, mostly. SKeifler, m. (-^) master ; -fc^u§, m. capital, splendid, unsurpassed shot ; -ftMt n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) master- piece. nteiflernr v. a. to master, govern. ntelben, v. a. to announce, make known, mention ; ftc^ — laffen, to send in one's name. SWelbung, /. {pi. -n) mention, an- nouncing, announcement. melfen. v. a. ir. to milk. SWelobie, /. {pi. -xi) melody, tune. melobifc^, adj. melodious. Wtvxmt, f.{pl. -n) coward, poltroon. SPlenge, /. ( pi. -n) multitude, plenty, crowd, throng. 2)Zenf(^, m. (-en; pi. -«t)man, person, human being ; — , n. (-ed ; pi. -er) low female, wench ; -^eit, /. humanity, human race, human state ; -li(^, adj. human, humane ; -Ii(|fett, /. humanity. tticnfc^end^nlic^, adj. & adv. like man. ^Kenfc^enfreunb, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) phil anthropist. [man race, mankind. SJienfc^engefc^IecIt, n. (-e^; pi. -er) hu- SJlenfctiengeflalt, /. human shape or figure. [man's hand. 3)ienfc^en^anb, /. human hand, a 2)ienfd^en^erj, n. (-en^) human heart or soul. Wltnlii^tnUhtn, n. human life. 2Jlenf(^enliek, /. philanthropy, be- nevolence. menfc^enloiS, adj. deserted by men. 9)?enfc^enre(|t, n. right of man, of humanity, of nature. [large). 9)?enfc^enret(^, n. human society (at menf(|enfi^eUf adj. shunning hmnan beings, shyness. 9)?enfc^enfeele, /. human soul. SJJenfc^enjltmme, /. {pi. -n) human voice. [derstanding. 9)Jenfd)en»erjlanb, m. (-e^) human un- 9)?enfc^enweife, /. way or manner of men. [human ingenuity. 9Jlenfc^entt)l^f m. (-e^) human wit, 9)lenfd)enn)urbe, /. the dignity of human nature, [dignity of man. menfc^enwiirbig, adj worthy of the merfen, v. a. to notice, mark, per- ceive ; fi(^ — lajTen, to give to understand. nterfwurbig, adj. remarkable. ^t\\i, f. {pi. -n) mass, fair ; — lefen, to say mass. [knife. 'DZeffer, m. {-i) measurer ; — , n. (-S) vocABULAnr. ERMAN AND ENGLISH. 79 SWciJiad, m. Messiah. Tlitaii, n. (-5; pi. -e) metal, brass. metallen/ adj. niado of metal, metal- Uc. 9)?et^obc, /. {pi. -n) method. met^obifc^, adj. methodical. SDieuc^elmorbcr, m. {-i) assassin, 3)ltene, /. {pi. -n) mien, look ; — mac^en, to pretend. m\\(ij, f. milk, milt (of fishes). milb(c), adj. mild, soft, kind, p^entle. 2)?ilbe, /. mildness, softness, charity. milbern, v. a. to soften, mitigate, milbtglic^r adj. mildly, charitable. SWillioti, /. {pi. -en) million. minber, adj. less, smaller. ^Kinberia^rigfeit, /. minority. minbcrn, v. a. to diminish, lessen. 3JZmi|lcr, m. {-i) minister. SKinne, /, see Siebc. 2)iinute, /. {pi. -n) minute. mifant^ropifc^^ adj. misanthropical. mifd)en, v. a. to mix, mingle ; — , v. r. to interpose, SWifc^ung, /. {pi. -en) mixture, mix- tion, mingling, combination. jni§ = prefix {see Gr. Less. 34 ; El, p. 229) ; has the same force as the English prefix misg. mi§brau(^en, jy. a. to abuse, mi§beuten, u. a. to misinterpret. SWipbcutung, /. {pi. -en) misinterpre- tation, misconstruction, misrep- resentation. miffen, v. n. to miss, perceive the want of, to be without. 2)Zi|Tet^at, /. {pi. -en) misdeed, mipfdllig, adj. displeasing. miHgeboren, adj. misbegotten, SP?iBgefd)icf, m. {-ti) adverse fate. mi^tjiinilig, adj. enviaus, jealous. mipUngen, v. n. ir. not to succeed, to miscarry. 2)ii|3ton, m. (-e^ ; pL -toia) false sound. 5Wititrauen, n. (-0) misii uat ; — , v. a. to distrust. 2)?iilttertlanbntp, n. (-ffe^ ; pi. -\\i) mi&. understanding. mi§»erfte^en, -». a. ir. to misunder- stand, mistake. mi, prep, with, by, at, on, to, along with ; -unttr, sometimes. SWitbewerber, m. {-i) competitor. mitbringen, v. a. ir. to bring along. mtteinanber, adv. together. 3)Zit9cfiiblf n. {-i) sympathy. mitge^en, v. n. ir. to go along with, accompany. [with others. mitgeniepen, v. a. & n. ir. to enjoy 2Witgeno§, m. (-ffe^ ; pi. -ffcn) copart- ner, associate. [member. 3)?itgUcb, n. {-ti ; pi. -cr) (fellow-) mitbin, conj. therefore, consequently. 5Kitleiben, n. (-e) compassion, pity, sympathy, mitleibig, adj. compassionate. mitnebmcn, v, a. ir. to take along ; — ^ V. a. to wear out. mitrufen, v. a. ir. to join in the cry. mttfc^ulbig, adj. accessory. ']0?ittag, m. {-i pi. -e) mid-day, noon, south. [Sea. 5Wittag<3meer, n. (-e«) Mediterranean ^DUttag^cffcn, n. (-^) dinner, 2Witte, /, {pi. -n) middle, midst, centre, 3)?ittel, n. (-5) medium, means, remedy ; ind — trcten, to step forth, interfere ; ind — fcl)lagcn, to inter- pose, intercede, mediate ; -alter, n. (-^) middle ages ; -altcrlicb, adj, pertaining to tlic middle ages; 80 VOOABrLABY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. -punft, m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) point, focus, centre. [agent, intercessor. 2Rittel^perfon, /. {pi. -en) mediator, tttitten, adv. in the midst ; -brauf, in the middle or centre of it ; -innen, -unter, in the midst of, amongst. 3)iitternac^t, /. {pi. -nad^te) midnight, ttiitt^eilenr v. a. to give a share of, communicate. WlxlWtx, m. (-^) mediator ; — , adj. middle. [fellow-conspirator. 9^iti)erfd^worenc (ber), m. (-n; pi. -n) SWit»ivfcn» n. {-i) co-operation ; — , X. n. to co-operate. ^Ritwirfung, /. {pi. -en) co-operation, ciobelnf V. n. to mould ; model. SWober, m. {-^) mud, mould ; decay, mogen, v. n. ir. {see Gr. p. 120 ; El. p. 219). mijglic^, adj. possible, feasible. SWoment, m. {-ti ; pi. -e) moment, period, momentum, force. SWonarc^, m. (-en; pi. -en) monarch. SJJonarc^ie, /. {pi. -en) monarchy. SWonat, m. (-e^ ; pi. -t) month ; -U^, adj. monthly. SWiJnc^, m. {-ti, pi. -e) monk. SWiJnci^dfertigfeit, /. {pi. -en) monk's quickness, readiness. SWonb, m. (-:^; pi. -e) moon; -lid^t, 71. (-e^) moonlight ; -fc^eikf /. {pi. -n) disk of the moon ; -(en)f(^ein, m. (-e^) moonshine, moonlight. SWonbenglanj, m. brightness of the moon-light. SKonbenja^r, n. (-c^; pi. -e) lunar year. 9)?onbenf(!^immer, m. (-g) glimmering light of the moon. SKonumcnt, n. (-c(? ; pi. -e) monument. SKoo3, n. (-fcg) mosa SWo))^, m. (-fe« ; pi. 2)^opfe) pug-dog SWoralf /. moral, morals, moralifc^i adj. moral, moralifiren, v. n. to moralize. SWorb, m. (-e^ ]pl. -e) murder ; -begic" rig^ adj. bloodthirsty, murderous ; -gebanfe, m. murderous thought ; -gefc^rei, n. {-i^\ pi. -e) cry of murder ; -gewe^r, n. {-ti ; pi. -e) murderous weapon ; -gewo^nt, adj. accustomed to murder, murder- ous ; -lujl, -fuc^t, /. thirst for blood, murderous pleasure, de- structiveness, delight in cruelty ; -\d)\ SRutlcr, n. (-^) pattern, model, ex- ample ; -rollc, /. {pi. -n) muster- roll ; -rung, /. mustering. ntuflern, v. a. to review, muster, ex- amine. m. {-t^) spirit, courage ; -ig, adj. courageous ; — faffen, to take heart ; — nta(I)cn, to encourage ; -»oII» adj. full of courage ; -tuiUig, adj. & adv. wanton(ly), malicious- Gy). shutter, /. {pi 2niittcr) mother ; old woman ; -brufl, /. {pi. -briiftc) ma- ternal bosom ; -gotte^btlb, n. { e^; pi. -cr) image of the Virgin ; -gabc, /. {pi. -n) maternal talent, ma- ternal gift ; -^crj, n. (-en^ ; pi. -en) maternal heart ; -^iiUe,/ motherly care ; -leib, m. (-e^ ; pi. -cr) womb ; -fc^o^, m. mother's lap. [ter. SKutter(^en, ?Wutterlein, dimin. oi^XLi" miitterlic^, adj. motherly. ■Wprrbe, /. myrrh. 5)?^rt:^e, /. {j)l. -n) myrtle. 2)?!9Jltci^mu^, m. mysticism. nac^/ prep. & adv. after, next, je- hind, for, to ; — unb — , by degrees ; -al;men, v. a. to imitate ; -a^mcr, m. {-^) imitator ; -a^mung, /. ( pi. -en) imitation ; -arbciten, v. n. to work after, imitate ; -beten, v. a. to repeat after, pray after ; -bilben, V. a. to copy ; -bem, adv. after- wards, after that ; -bent, conj. after (that), when ; -benfcn, v. n. ir. to reflect, meditate ; -eifern, v. n. to emulate ; -folgen, v. n. to follow, succeed ; -folger, m. {-i) follower, successor ; -forfc^en, v. n. to in- quire into; -forfdjung, /. {pi. -en) search, inquiry ; -fragen, v. n. to inquire after, ask : -geben, v. a. ir. to give after, yield; v. n. to re- lax, give up, yield, cease resist- ing, concede, comply ; -gel)en, v. n. ir. to go after ; -ber(ig), adj. & adv. done after, subsequent(ly) ; -;agcn, v. n. to pursue ; -fomme, m. (-n ; pi. -n) descendant, successor, progeny, posterity, offspriAg ; -f I m ncn, v. n. ir. to come after, per- form ; -ric^t, /. {pi. -en) account, advice, notice, message, informa- tion, news; -ruf, m. (-c^; pi. -c) 8i2 VOCABULARY. GEEMAN AND LITGLISH. after-call, report ; -fi^teBen, v. a. & n. to shoot after, make a sec- ond advance, rusli after ; -fel^eH/ V. n. ir. to look after ; v. a. to overlook, pardon ; -fid)t> /. for- bearance, indulgence ; -firemen, v. a. to emulate zealously ; -tragen, '0. a. ir. to carry or bear after, bear a grudge, add, supply ; -tre^ ten, V. a. ir. to follow; -tceifen/ v. a. ir. to point out ; -ttselt, /. posterity; -jie^em 'W. a. ir. to draw after, trace ; -». n. to marcb go after, entail. SiJac^bar, n. (-^; pi. -n & -en); -in, /. {pi. -nen) neighbor; -lid}, adj. neighborly ; -fi^aft, /. neigbbor- ^a^tn, m. (-^) boat, skiflf. [hood. nac^ll, adj. next; — , {superlat. of na^e) the nearest; -\it^tnh, adj. nearest ; — , prep, next to ; -e, {iised as noun) fellow-creatures, neighbor, nac())leni3, a^v. shortly, soon, at the next opportunity. ^a^U f. {pi m^tt) night ; M — , at night ; -ntu^e, /. {pi. -n) night- cap ; -toanbeln, v. n. to somnam- bulate, walk in one's sleep; -toanberer, m. (-$) somnambulist. Sfiac^tigatt, /. ( pi. -en) nightingale. nac^tlic^, adj. nightly, nocturnal. ^Oidzn, m. (-^) neck, nape, back. natfenb, see nacft. narft, adj. naked, bare. nagen, v. a. & n. to gnaw. na:^(e), adj. nigh, near, close (to). 9'ia^c, /. nearness, proximity. na^en, v. n. & r. to approach, draw nct^en, v. a. to sew. [near. nci^ern, v. a. to bring near ; — , v. r. to approach, draw near, approx- imate. ua^ren, v. a. to support, afford nour- ishment, nourish, feed ; — , n. r. to gain a livelihood. [hood. 9k^rung/ /. nourishment, food, liveli- 9'Ja^rung^trieb. m. the instinct to pro- vide one's sustenance of life. 9?ame(n), m. (-n6 ; pi. -n) name. namenlo^, adj. nameless. namlici^, adv. as follows, to wit ; — t S'Jarciffe/ /. {pi. -n) narcissus. 9?arr, m. (-en; pi. -en); 9Zarrin, /. {pi. -nen) fool ; -^eit, /. {pi. -en) foolishness, folly. S'Jarrc^en, n. {~^) dimin. of 9^arr. narren, t). n. to jest ; — , «. a. to fool, make a fool of, play upon. 9Zarrenfomg, m. (-$ ; pi. -t) king of fools. [pery, buffoonery. S^arref^ei, /. {pi. -en) foolery, fop- narrtfc^, adj. foolish, mad, ridiculous. 9?afe, /. {pi. -n) nose. S'Zafenloi^, n. (-e«3 ; pi -lod)cr) nostril. m^, adj. wet, humid, moist ; — mac^en, to moisten (22). S'jQJye, /. wetness, humidity. naiJen, v. a. to wet, moisten. nd^Iic^, adj. somewhat wet, damp. ^Oi% f. ( pi ^Hi^t) seam, suture. 9?ation, /. {pl.-zx() nation. national, adj. national ; — , adv. na- tionally ; -bid)tun3, /. {pi -en) na- tional poetry ; -tl^eater, n. nation- al theater. ^iatur, /. nature ; -gefu'^I, n. (-3 ; pi -e) natural feeling ; -tunbig, adj. ac- quainted with nature {used o,s noun), natural philosopher ; -\d]{U berun3, /. {pi -en) description of l VOCABULARY. GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. nature, delineation of nature ; -fpmboUf, /. natural knowledge of symbols ; eine ^immlifc^e — , a ce- lestial nature, i. e. being (109). JWturli*^, adj. natural, native, in- genuous. SRebtl, m. {-i) fog, mist ; -berg, m. a misty mountain ; -j^retf, m. a streak of fog, mist ; -toinb, m. a damp, misty wind. nckitf prep, beside, besides, near, close to ; -begriff, m. {-ii ; pi. -e) subordinate idea, side-issue; -figur, /. subordinate figure ; -linic, /. collateral line. 9?effc, m. (-n; pi. -n) nephew. Sieger, m. (-^) negro. ne^mcn, v. a. ir. & r. to take, cap- ture, assume (a position) ; etnen Slnfang — ; to begin ; cin Snbc — , to terminate ; ju fid^ — , to take (food, &c.) ; take under one's care ne^nUid), see n(3imlic^. [(of person). 9?cib, m. (-e«) envy. neibifc^, adj. envious, jealous. neigen, v. a. to incline, bend ; — , V. r. to make a bow, courtesy, approach to. Stetgung, /. ipl. -en) inclination, dis- position, affection, desire. neitt, adv. no, nay. [nominate. nennertf v. a. ir. to call, name, de- ?Rennung, /. {pi. -«t) palling, denom- ination, mentioning. S'iercibe, /. {pi. -n) myth. Nereid (sea- nymph, daughter of Nereus, an ancient sea-god of the Greeks, father of fifty daughters). SJerv, m. (-en; pi. -en) nerve. S'Jertten^eber, n. (-«) typhoid fever. VitXX, a(^. neat, genteel. ^t^, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) net, caul. ne^en, «. a. to wet, moisten. neu, adj. new, fresh ; auf^ 9?euCf or son Sieuem, anew, afresh again ; -geboren, adj. new-born ; -gefd)mudt, adj. newly dressed ; -glu^enb, adj. glowing; -ja^r, n. (-^; pi. -e) New-year ; -ja^rigtag, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) New-year's day ; -ia^rdna^t, /. {pi. -nac^te) New-year's night or ntnn, adj. nine. [eve. nici^t, adv. not ; ju S'lic^te mad)cn, to annihilate ; mit SZid^ten, not at all, in no wise, by no means. S'Jid^te, /. {pi. -n) niece. nic^t^, adv. nothing; -wurbig, adj. contemptible, vile, frivolous. nicf en, v. n. to nod. nie, adv. never. nieber, adj. low, lower, inferior ; — , adv. low, down ; -Mi^en, v. n. to strike down ; -t»rennen, v. a. & n. to bum down, destroy by fire; -bringen, v. a. ir. to bring down ; -beutfd^, adj. & n. low German ; -fallen, v. n. ir. to fall down ; -flie^en, v. n. ir. to flow down ; gel^en, v. n. ir. to go down, set ; -gefc^Iagen, adj. dejected, low- spirited ; -gefc^rieben, adj. written down; -^auen, v. a. ir. to hew down, cut down ; -fnteen, v. n. to kneel down ; -lage, /. {pi. -n) de- feat ; warehouse, depot ; -lanb, n. {-ii) kingdom of the Netherlands ; laffen, v. a. ir. to let down ; -lafTen, V. r. to let one's self down, set- tle ; recline ; -legen, v. a. to lay down, deposit ; v. r. to lie down, go to bed ; -liegen, v. n. ir. to lie prostrate, be ill ; -ma^en, v. a. to 84 VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. mow down ; -rcilTen, v. a. ir. to tear down ; -fc^tagen, v. a. ir. to strike, beat or cast down, depress, deject, precipitate ; -fc^lagciif v. n. to fall down heavily ; -jlopen, V. a. ir. to push down, strike down ; -trdc^tigr adj. low, mean, abject ; -xotxftn, 'd. a. ir. to throw down, cast to the ground. nieblif^, adj. neat, nice, elegant. niebrig, adj. low, base, mean, in- ferior ; -feit, /. (pl.-tn) lowness, baseness, meanness. ntemal^, adv. never, at no time. S^Zientanb, pron. nobody, no one. fftil, m. Nile ; -pferb, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) hippopotamus ; -fc^lamm, m. (-c^) deposit of the Nile (river). nimmer, adv. never ; -me^r, adv. never more, never, by no means. nirgenb, nirgenbsJ, adv. nowhere. nillen, v. n. to nest, nestle. XiO^, conj. still, yet, as yet, besides ; — cinmal, once more ; tt)eber . . . — . . ., neither . . . nor , . . 9?onne, /. pi. nun. SiiorbCen), m. {-i) north ; -ifc^, norbltd), adj. northern, northerly ; -pol, m. (-e^) north-pole ; -fee, /. North sea (German ocean) ; -fecfiiile, /. coast of the German ocean ; -winb, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) north-wind ; -flerit, m. (-e^ ; pi. -) north-star, polar-star. IRot^, /. need, necessity, distress ; — , adj. needful, necessary ; — t^un, to be necessary; -burft, n. want, need ; -burftig, adj. scanty, needy ; -wenbig, adj. necessary ; -wenbtgfeit, /. {pi. -en) necessity. nof^igf adj. necessary ; — l^aben, to want, to be in need of. notl^igcn, v. a. to necessitate, compel nuc^tern, adj. sober, fasting. ^Rummer, /. {pi. -n) number. nun, adv. & int. now, at present, well ! -me^r, adv. now. ttur, adj. only, but ; — , conj. but ; — lauter, nothing but ; with ad- verbs and pronouns render U sometimes ever. 9^u§, /. {pi. f^uffe) nut. nu^bar, adj. useful. nu^en, nu^en, v. n. to be of use, use- ful, or of advantage, conduce, serve ; — , v. a. to make use of. 9?u^en, m. (-a) use, utility, profit. nu^Ud^, adj. useful. 9?9m))§e, /. {pi. -n) nymph, chrysa- lis, dragon-fly O. D ! int. O ! oh ! Dafe, /. {pi. -n) oasis. ofc, conj. & prep, whether, if ; -gIet(J), conj. although, though ; -rooU, conj. though, although. Dtba(|, n. (-e^) shelter, lodging, covered place. oBcn, adv. above, up-stairs, on high ; -an, adj. at the top ; first ; -brein, adv. into the bargain ; besides all this ; -^in, adv. superficially. oBcr, adj. upper, higher ; -gewalt, /. {pi. -en) supreme power ; -^alb, adv. & prep, above, beyond, on the upper side ; -^errfc^aft, /. {pi. -en) sovereignty, supremacy ; -lanb, n. (-e^; pi. -lanber) high country, uplands; -sormunb, i/i. {-z^ ; pi. -miinber) chief guardian. Dbfl, n. (-e«) fruit, fruitage. VOCABULABY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 85 Dccan, m. (-c5 ; pi -c) ocean. Dc^3(e), m. (-fen ; pi. -fen) ox, bull. Cctober, m. {-i) October. Dbcm» m. (-^) see 2ltt)em» Dbetf /. river in Germany. obcr> conj. or, or else, otherwise. Debc, n. & /. {pi. -n) desert, soli- tude ; — , adj. desert, desolate. De|l(cr)rei(^, n. Austria, [nace, stove. Dfen, w. (-n(3; p>l. Dcfen) oven, fur- ojfen, adj. open, frank, sincere ; -\> n. (-e^; -pi. -e) festival of Djlern, pi. Easter. [Easter. Djlertag, m. {-ii\pl. -e) Easter-day. l^Xx^, adj. eastern, easterly, oriental. Djean, m. see Dcean. ^* 9)aar, n. (-c«; pi. -e) pair, couple ; ein — , a few, some few. [couple. paareu; «. a. to pair ; — , «. 7'. to ^ac^ten, v. a. to farm, rent. J)a(fen, «. a. to pack, seize, lay hold of ; — , V. T. to be off. '^elf /. (^^. -n) parable. 3)arabe, /. {pi. -n) parade. 9)arabie^, n. (-fe^ ; ^^. -fe) paradise. ^Jarafangc, /. ( pi. -en) parasang (Per- sian, nearly four English miles). 5)arlament, n. (-e^ ; j?^. -e) parliament. 3)aroIe, /. (;?Z. -n) watchword. 9)art, 71. (-e^; jp^. -e) share, part, party. 5)artet, /. {pi. -en) part, party, sect ; — ne^men, to take part. [fate. SJftrjc^ /• {p^- -n) fate, goddess of paffen, v. n. & a. to fit, attend to, pass, to be proper or just right. 9)atriard^, m. (-en; i??. -en) patriarch 5)atriarc^enfrcuj, n. patriarchal cross. 3)atriot, m. (-en; p?. -en) imtriot. 9)atriott^mu^, m. patriotism. 9)aufe, /. {pi. -n) pause, stop. 9)ec^, 71. (-e^) pitch, cobbler's wax ; misfortune, ill luck. 9)ein, /. pain, torment, torture. ^Jergament, n. (-c^ ; pi. -e) parchment. 9)eriobe, /. {pi. -n) period. Jjeriobifi^, a(|;. periodical. 9)erle, f.{pl.-n) pearl, bead. 9)erru(fe, /. {pi. -n) wig, periwig. 9)crfon/ /. (j9?. -en) person, person- age, character, stature. J)erfonIlc^, adj. personal. 9)erfonIid}feit, /.{pL-tu) personality, pejlcrfitllt, see pt^a% pef^^ft, adj. pestilential. 9)etarbe, /. {pi. -n) petard. 3) fab, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) path ; -lo^, adj. pathless, unpassable. 5)faffe, m. (-n; pi. -n) priest, parson, shaveling. 9)falj0raf, m. (-en; ^^. -en) palsgrave, count palatinate. 5)fanb, n. (-e^; _p?. 3) fanber) pledge, pawn, forfeit. [forfeits, 3)fanberfpicl, n. (-e^; pi, -c) game of ^Jfarrer, m. (-^) clergyman, parson, curate. gjfeife, /. {pi. -n) pipe, fife, pfeifen, v.n. & a. ir. to pipe, whistla 9)feifer, m. (-a) piper, whistler. 3>feit, 771. (-c^; pi. -e) dart, arrow, shaft ; -gefc^winb, adj. & adv. swift as an arrow. ^feiler, m. (-a) pillar, column, pier. 9)ferb> w. (-e^ ; pi. -c) horse. VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 87 5)ftrtnjc, / {pi. -n) plant, vegetable. })flanjen» v. a. to plant ; set. 3)jIan5cnn)U(^id, m. vegetables. 3)flanjf(^ulc, /. {pi. -n) nursery, school of training. [nursing. 5)fle9e> /• care, attendance, support, Jjflegen, v. a. to take care of, attend to, nurse, entertain ; — , v. n. to be accustomed to, to be wont. ^^tQtx, m. (-0) curator ; -iU; /. {pi. -nen) nurse. 9)flid^t, /. {pi. -en) duty, obligation ; — ubcn# to perform tasks. Ufludcn, V. a. to pluck, gather. 9)[lu9r m. (-e^ ; pi. WH^) plough. ^fliigenf v. a. to plough. 9) forte, /. {pi. -n) gate, door, port. 9)fofien, m. post, pillar, support. 9)fu^l, w. (-e^;^?. ^^fu^le) pool, pud- dle. 9>fu^l, wi. (-eS ; p^. -e) bolster, cushion. [tion. 9)^antafte, /. (^^. -n) fancy, imagina- 9>^antom, 71. (-e^; pi -e) phantom, spectre, vision. 9)^afe, /. (jp^. -n) phase; — , Jig. change, vicissitude. 9)^iIomele, /. nightingale. SJ^ilofop^, /. (-en ; pi. -en) philos- opher. 3)^ilofop^ie, /. ( pi. -en) philosophy. p^ilofo^j^ifrf), a^. philosophical. 9)^iole, /. phial. ^\)mxt m. {-ti) phoenix. })^9f[o9nomifd^, adj. physiognomic. ^)'^pftf(^, adj. physical. 9)icfel^aubc, /. head -piece ; helmet. ^xdtn, V. a. to peck. ^ittdt, f. (filial, &c.) piety, love, or reverence for a person. 9)ife, /. {pi. -n) pike. 3)il0cr, m. (-d) pilgrim, stranger; -fa^rt, /. {pi. -en) pilgrimage. ^^itgrimfc^aft, /. {pi. -en) pilgrimage. ^iUt, f. {pi. -n) pill. 9)i|loIe, /. {pi. -n) pistol ; pistole, ducat (gold-coin). 9)ta0e, /. {pi. -n) plague, vexation, annoyance, distress, calamity. plagen, v. a. to plague, trouble, tor- ment. 9)Ian, m. (-e^ ; pi. 9)Iane) plan, de- sign, purpose, aim ; plain (field) ; — , adj. plain, level ; -lo^, adj. & adv. planless, without a regular plan ; -sjottf adj. full of plans, pro- ^lant, f. {pl.-n) cloth, cover. [ jects. planet, m. (-en ; pi. -en) planet. ^lai^, m. {-ii\pl. 3)(d^e) place, space, room, cake ; crack ; crash ; — , int. smash I — ntac^en, to make room ; — ne^men, to sit down. 9)lo^f m. (-e^) clap, bounce ; auf ben — f at once, on a sudden. |3lo|jlic^, adj. & adv. sudden(ly), at once, all on a sudden. [rob. plunbern, -». a. to plunder, pillage, 3)IuraI, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) plural. 9)bbelf m. {-i) mob, populace, rabble. poc^en, n. a. «& n. to knock, beat. 3)oba0ra, n. {-^) gout. ^ot\it, f. {pi -en) poetry, poesy. 9)oct, m. (-en; pi. -en) poet. poetifd^, adj. poetical. 5)olitif,/. politics. t)oUttf(^, adj. political, politic. 5)oIi?^i)lorij, /. history of the world ; general history. 5)ommern, Pommerania. popular, adj. popular. 5)ort, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) port, harbor, station, haven, place of safety. 88 VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 3)ofaiinc, /. {pi -n) trombone, trum- pet, trump. [farce. 9JriTe. /. {pi -n) jest, buffoonery, 9)offen, m. (-^) trick, prank. §)ofl, /. {pi. -en) post, mail, post- oflBce, news; -ami, n. (-e^; pi. -amter) post-ofl&ce ; -^oxn, n. (-e«; pL -^orner) postillion's liorn. 5)o|len; m. (-^) post, station, sum. 9)oiliIIc, /. {pi. -n) book of sermons. 3)o|liIlion, m. {-i ; pi. -e) postillion. ^xa&ji, f. splendor, magnificence, pomp, state, pride. ^jrac^tig, adj. magnificent, splendid. 3)rabe|ltnation, /. predestination. ^jragen, -». a. to impress, imprint, stamp, coin. 9)ragcrr m. (-^) native or inhabitant of Prague. ^ragmatifc^, adj. practical, pragmat- ical, officious, conceited. ^ra'^Ien, v. n. to boast, brag. ^raftifd), adj. practical. [bounce. ^jraUett; v. n. to spring, rebound, 9)ramie, /. {pi -n) premium, prize. J)ran9en, v. n. to shine, glitter, make a show ; -b> part. & adj. showy, splendid; dazzling. 9)rafent, n. (-eS ; pi -c) present, gift. ^rcifentiren, v. a. to present, represent ; present arms. 9)rartbent, m. (-en; pi -en) president. ^jraffeln; v. n. to crackle. ^)ra|Ten» v. n. to gluttonize, gour- mandize, carouse, riot. 3)raxi<3, /. practice. ^jrebigen, i). a. to preach. S^rebtger, m. (-«) preacher ; -fanjel, /. {pi -n) pulpit. SJrebigt, /. {pi -en) sermon. 3)rei5, m. (-fe^ ; pi -fe) prize ; price ; -gebcn, ■». n. to give up, expose , -wurbtg/ adj. praiseworthy. ^reifen, -e. a. i/r. to praise, laud, extoL 9)reffe, /. {pi. -n) press. ))reffen# v. a. to press. 5)re§frc{:^eit, /. liberty of the press. 3)reffunQ,/.(p^. -en) pressure, press (of 9)reu§enf n. (-^) Prussia, [seamen). preupifc^» ac?/. Prussian. 3)riefler, w. (-^) priest ; -in, /. {pi -nen) priestess ; -lic^, adj. priest- ly, sacerdotal. 9)rinci^ n. (-3; pi -ien) principle. 5)rinj, w. (-en; ^?. -en) prince. gjrinsefftn, /. {pi. -nen) princess. 3)rinjii)al, m. (-« ; pi -pale) principal, master, head of the firm. pri»Uegiren, 'c. a. to privilege. prtuilegirt, adj. privileged, excepted. g)ri»ilcgium, n. {-^ ; pl-o,m) privilege. 9)rok, /. {pi -n) experiment, proof, proBiren, v. a. to try, essay, [trial, test. ^xohlm, n. (-e« ; pi -e) problem. profttiren, v. n. to profit. 3)roIog, m. (-$; jj^. -e) prologue. 9)rop|et, w. (-en; p?. -en) prophet. prop^eti[(!^, adj. prophetical. 9)rop^etengeijl, m. prophetic spirit. prop^ejei^en, v. a. to prophecy. 1 9)rofa, /. prose. profaifd^, a(^*. prosaic. 9)rofpect, m. (-e$ ; p?. -e) prospect. . gjrotector, m. {-^ ; pi -en) protector. \ 3)rote|lant, m. (-en ; pi -en) Protestant, j protc|lantif(^, adj. Protestant. 9)ro»injf /. {pi -en) province. proiDinjial, adj. provincial. pritfen, v. a. to try, examine, test. 9)ruffiein, m. (-e^ ; pi -e) touch-stona 9)rufungr /. {pi -en) trial, examinar tion, probation. VOCABULABY. — QEEMAN AND ENGLISH. 89 gjfalm, m. (-«« ; pi. -c) psalm. 3>ublicum, ^Jublifum, n. (-vJ) public. 9)uU, n. {-ii ; pi. -e) desk. 9)ul»cr, n. (-«) powder; -gang, m. mine. [sj^eck. 9>unft, m. (-c«; pZ. -c) point, dot, 9)upiUe, /. (p^. -n) pupil. [salis. 9)uppc, /. (^^. -n) puppet, doll, chry- 9)uVl)cnfram, m. (-ci^) toys, doll-store. 9)urpur, {m. -i) purple, purple robe, purpure. [adorn. <)U&en, V. a. to clear, wipe, dress, SJu^gemad^f n. dressing-room. ypgmalion* m. Pygmalion (eminent statuary of Cyprus). One of his ivory statues, the goddess of beauty, is said to have changed into a living being. |>9ramibc, /. {pi. -n) pyramid. ^jpramibalifd^, adj. pyramidal. ^011/ Python (name of a monster serpent, slain by the shafts of Apollo). Duaber, m. (-^; pi. -n) granite; -flein, m. {-ti ; pi. -e) square stone, free stone. Dual, /. {pi. -en) pain, torment, quikn, V. a. to torment, plague, Clualm, m. vapor, steam. [grieve. Duartier, n. {-^ ; pi. -e) quarters, lodging. Duell(e), /. {pi. -n) spring, source, fountain; -toaffer, n. spring-water. ;iuellcn, v. n. ir. to spring, arise, well, swell ; — , V. a. to soak, qucr, adj. & adv. cross, oblique, traverse, across ; — iibcr, adv. over against, diagonally. JDuerc, /. oblique direction ; in bit — , crossly ; ber — , cross person, quillen, see quellen. R. JRabM, see 9iabbtner. [priest. 9labbincr, m. {-i) rabbi, Jewish 9labe, m. (-n; pi. -n) raven, crow. 9labenmuttcr, /. {pi. -mutter) un. natural mother, raven-mother. 9lad)e, /. vengeance, revenge ; -gc* lubbe, /. oath of vengeance ; -fd^wert, n. sword of vengeance. 9flac^en, m. {-i) jaws, mouth, abyss. rd^cu, 'D. a. to avenge, revenge. 9idc^er, m. (-^) avenger. 9iab, n. (-e^ ; pi. 9idber) wheel ; spin- ning-wheel . [machinery . Didbemcrf, n. (-eg ; pi. -e) wheel work, rajfen, v. a. to huddle, snatch up ; fi(^ jufammen-, to collect one's self, to rouse one's self. [tower. ragen, v. n. to project, stick out, 0iagout, n. {-4 ; pi. -i) stew, ragout. Sfianb, m. (-ed ; pi. JRdnber) edge, border, rim, brim, brink, margin. SRang, m. (-e« ; pi. Dldnge) rank, place. 9?dnfe, /. tricks, artifices, intrigues. rafc^, adj. quick, swift, rash, speedy. 9iafd)|eit, /. swiftness, activity. fRafcn, m. {-^) turf, sod, greensward ; — , V. n. to rave, to be delirious, furious, mad ; to be noisy. 9laferet, /. {pi. -en) delirium, mad- ness, raving, raJTeln, v. n. to rattle, clatter. 9lafl, /. rest, repose ; -lod, adj. rest* raflen, v. n. to rest, take rest. [less. 0iat^, m. (-ed ; pi. SRdt^e) council, advice, deliberation ; court of i^O VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. aldennen, senate, member of a council : — fc^ctjfen, to devise means ; eincm urn — fragen, to ask one's advice ; -^au^, n. {-\i^ ; pi -l^aufer) city or town-hall ; -mann, m. (-c^ ; pi. -manner/ or -leute) (senator, assessor. [vise. tatl^tn, V. a. ir. to guess, counsel, ad- 0lat|fel, n. (-^) riddle, enigma, problem ; -^aft, adj. enigmatical, problematical, mysterious. Slau^/ m. (-eg) rapine, robbery, prey, booty ; auf ben — , hastily ; -be^ Quxht, f. rapacity, ravenousness. taukn, V. a. to rob, prey, plunder. SRauber, m. (-g) robber, highway- man ; -banbe, /. ( pi. -n) gang of robbers ; -et, /. (pi. -en) robbery ; -l^anb/ /. {pi. -^cinbe) thievish hand. 9lau(^, m. (-es?) smoke, soot, fume ; — , adj. rough, shaggy ; -fa§, n. censer, perfuming pan. xau6)tn, v. a. & n. to smoke ; reek. xan^, adj. rough, harsh, rude, coarse. fftanm, m. (-e<3; pi. fSio-yxmi) room, space, place ; — geben* to give way, indulge. [clear. raumen; v. a. to clear away, remove, raunen, «. a. & n. to round, whisper. 9iauner, m. (-§) whisperer. Stauvef /. {pi. -n) caterpillar. Olaupengeflalt, /. caterpillar form. fSio.)x\&i, m. (-eg ; pi. Olaufc^e) drunken- ness, inebriation. raufc^en, -y. n. to rush, rustle, dash, to be turbulent ; to thunder (of water, &c.). a^leaction, /. ( pi. -en) reaction. SHebett, m. (-en; pi. -en) rebel. WekUionf /. ( pi. -en) rebellion. recat)tt«Uren, «. a. to recapitulate. gte^enfc^aft, /. {pi. -en) account ; — geben, to accoimt for, render an account. red^nen, «. a. & «. to count, calculate, reckon, cipher. 9le(i)nun3, /. {pi., -en) account, bill, reckoning, score; auf ettt)ag — nta(^en> to reckon upon a thing. Oiec^t, n. (-cg;p^. -e) right, justice, law, privilege ; (as fern, noun) right hand (80) ; — , adj. & adv. right(ly), straight, just, true, very ; — ^aben, to be in the right, to be right ; -fertigen, v. a. to justify ; -fertigung, /. {pi. -en) jus- tification ; -\x&i, adj. just, lawful, upright, honest ; -maptg, adj. law- ful, legitimate ; -fc^afen, adj. just/ honest, upright, righteous. red^ten, v. n. to contest, dispute, liti- gate, reckon, settle. re^tg, add. at, to or from the right hand ; -gele|)rt, adj. learned in the law ; -gcte^rte (ber), m. (-n; pi. -n) jurist, lawyer. JRebe, /. ( pi. -n) speech, discourse, oration ; jur — fe^en, to bring to account ; — |le|en, to call to ac- count, to give account ; ba»on ij^ ni(^t bie — , that is not the ques- tion, [course. reben, v. a. & n. to speak, talk, dis- rebtid^, adj. honest, fair, just. i JRebner, m. (-g) orator. Steform, /. {pi. -en) reform. OJeformatiom /. {pi. -en) reformation. reformiren, v. a. to reform. tege, adj. stirred up, active; — ma(^cn/ to move, stir up ; — wcrbeiw to be excited. VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 91 Slcget, /. {pi. -tt) rule, precept, prin- ciple. dttQtn, m. (-^) rain ; — , v. a. to stir, move; — , v. r. to be stirring; "bad^, m. (-c^ ; pi -Hdjt) torrent ; -bogen/ m. {-€) rainbow; -roolfe, /. {pi. -n) cloud, threatening rain ; -wurm, m. {-ii ; pi -wiirmer) earth-worm. [SBiebcrgeburt. Slcgencration, /. regeneration, see Tcgcnerircitr v. a. to regenerate, renew. SRcgent, m. (-en; pi -en) regent, gov- ernor ; -fd^aft, /. ( pi. -en) regency. regicten, v. a. to rule, govern ; — , V. n. to reign. [reign. IRegierung, /. {pi -en) government, 0legiment, n. (-ed; pi -er) govern- ment, regiment. [tract. SEegion, /. {pi -en) region, district, rtgncn, ■o. a. & n. to rain. tegular, adj. regular. reguliren, v. a. to regulate. fSit^t n. {-ti ; pi -e) roe, doe, deer. 8leic^, n. {-ti\ pi -e) empire, realm, kingdom ; reign; — , adj. rich, opu- lent, wealthy ; -bcgabt, adj. richly endowed; -li(|, adj. abundant, plentiful, copious ; -t^um, m. -esJ ; pi. -tpmer) riches, opulence, wealth, abundance. rei.^en, xi. n. to extend to, to be suf- ficient ; — , V. a. to reach, offer. Olvi^^apfel, m. (-d) imperial globe. SRcic^^feinb/ m. {-ti'^pl -c) country's foe. [the empire. fReic^^fricg, m. (-ed; pi -e) war of gieicfe^rat^, m. (-eo ; pi -ral^e) council of the empire, senate. [empire. JReic^dfc^mud, m. (-ed) jewels of the 9leic^3»crrat^cr, m. (-«) traitor to the kingdom. 9lei(i^$»erfamm(ung, /. assembly of the states of the empire. 9teic^*J»ern)efer, m. (-^) administrator of the empire, regent. 0ieif, m. {-ti\ pi -e) rime, hoar- frost {see 9leifen, m.) ; — , adj. ripe, mature. 9ieifen, m. (-«) hoop, ring, edge ; — t V. n. to grow ripe, ripen, mature ; — , V. imp. to rime, make hoar- frost ; — , V. a. to bring to ma- 9ieigen, see SRei^en. [turity, mature. 0iei:^e, /. {pi -n) row, line, file, succession, turn, order"; dance. 9iei^en, m. {-§>) dance ; — , v. a. to put in a row, string ; -tanj, m. (-e^ ; pi -tanje) circular dance. 9lei^er, m. {-4) heron. 9leim, m. (-ea ; pi -e) rhyme ; -log, adj. rhymeless ; -tt)et^(e), adv. in rhymes. reimen, v. n. to rhyme, fit ; — , v. a. to rhyme, make rhymes. rein, adj. clean, pure ; — , adv. quite, entirely ; -lefen, to pick out clean (all) ; ind 9leine kingen, to clear, settle ; -^eit, f. cleanness, purity ; -lilt, «4?- clean(ly), neat. reinigen, v. a. to clean, cleanse, purify. 9iei^, n. (-fe^ ; pi -fer) twig, sprig, see 9iei§. 9leife, /. {pi -xC) journey, voyage: -kric^t, m. {pi -e) account of a journey ; -gelb, n. (-ed ; pi -cr) traveling-money. [a voyage. rcifcn, v. n. to travel, journey, make SReiflge (ber), m. (-n; pi -n) or ein 9?eif!ger, trooper, man - at - arms, SRei^, m. (-e$) rice. [lance. JReipen, n. tearing, cutting pains; — , V. a. & n. ir. to tear, pull, drag ; 92 VOCABULARY. — QEBMAN AND ENGLISH. split, rage ; sketch, draw ; -b, part. & adj. rapid, stormy, vehe- ment, wild, furious, [horseback. rctten, v. a. & n. ir. to ride, go on Slciter, m. (-^) rider, horseman ; - 1\, f. {pi. -en) cavalry, horse, mode of riding. fRtittximam, m. (-e^) man on horse- back, cavalryman, horseman, trooper. SReij, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) charm, attrac- tion, irritation ; -lax, adj. sensible, irritable. reijen, v. a. to stimulate, excite, provoke, irritate, charm, entice. 0lelation, /. {pi. -en) relation, report. Oieligion, /. {pi. -en) religion. religion, adj. religious. 0lennen, n. {-i) course, race ; — , v. n. ir. to run, rush along, race. SJlevrafentant, m. (-en; pi. -en) repre- sentative. rejjrcifentiren, -o. a. to represent. SRetJuMif, /. {pi. -en) republic. repuHifanifc^, adj. republican. 0iefpect, m. (-e^; pi. Stefjject^kjeugun^ Qcn) homage, respect. 0le|tf m. (-eg ; pi. -e) rest, residue, re- mainder, [eating-house. fftejlauration, /. {pi. -en) restauration, tetten, v. a. to save, preserve, deliver. Otetter, m. {-i) savior, deliverer. ^lettung, /. {pi. -en) deliverance, sal- vation. fRettunggjeit, /. season of redemption. SReue, /. repentance, remorse, regret. rcuen, v. n. imp. to repent, rue, re- reutg, adj. penitent, repenting, [gret. rcumutfeig, adj. remorseful, repentant. Sletteitte, /. reveille, tattoo at day- break. Steijier, n. {-i ; pi. -e) district, quar- ter, section of country. 0lei»oIution, /. {pi. -en) revolution. 9te»5lutiong^arafter, m. revolutionary character. gieijolution^jeit,/. revolutionary time. SReje^t, n. (-eg; pi. -e) receipt, pre- scription. Sfil^cinnjein, m.(-eg ;pZ.-e) Rhine-wine. 9tl)9t^mug, m. {pi. 9i^X)t^men) rhythm. 3^id^t, n. (-eg) court of justice; -pla^, m. (-eg ; pi. -))la^e) place of ex- ecution ; -fc^nur, /. straight line, rule ; -ung, /. {pi. -en) aim, di- rection, course, turn. 9ii(^te, /. straight direction, straight line, row, range. rid^ten, v. a. to put upright, direct, arrange, adjust, aim, point ; ac- commodate ; execute ; judge, con- demn ; ing 335erf — , to put into, practice ; p ®runbe — , to ruin ; ftc^ cm^or — , to rise up. Ui^itx, m. (-g) judge; -W^, adj. judicial. rid^tig, adj. right, just, regular, cor- rect ; — madden, to arrange ; eg x^ l^ier nic^t — , this place is haunted. ried^en, v. a. & n. ir. to smell, scent, perceive. 9liegel, ra. (-g) rail, bar, bolt. 9ltefe, m. (-n; pi. -n) giant. riefelnb* adj. murmuring. [mind. Oliefengetfl, n. (-eg ; pi. -er) gigantic rtefengro§, adj. gigantic, giant-like. 9ltefenjlarfe, /. gigantic strength. 9fiing, m. (-eg; pi. -e) ring, circles halo (around the moon). Siingelrei^n, -tanii^ m. circular dance. ringen, •». a. to wring, wrest ; — , v. n. to writhe, struggle, wrestle, striva VOCABULABY.-— GERMAN AND ENGLISH. rings* adv. in a circle, around ; -urn, -umt)cr, adv. all round, ritmcn, v, n. to run, flow, leak. 0li§, m. (-ffe« ; pi. -ffO tear, rent, fissure, crack, sketch, drawing. fitter, m. (-^) knight, chevalier, cavalier ; -gut, n. {-ti ; pi. -guter) estate ; -^anbfc^u^, m. knight's gauntlet, glove ; -Hi), adj. knight- ly, chivalrous, brave, valiant ; -(S)niann, m. knight ; -t^at, f. heroic deed, feat of chivalry ; -ttcue, /. fidelity, allegiance of a knight; -(S)tt>ort, n. word of a knight, word of honor ; -wiirbef /. knighthood. f5t\%f m. {-ti\pl. -c); 0ti^c, /. (p?. -n) crack, chink, slit, fissure. 0loBc, /. robe. [coat. 9lo(f, m, (-cS : pi. Sflocfe) coat, petti- 0lo(fen, m. (-S) distafl", see Sioggen. 0loggen; m. (-S) rye. ro^, adj. raw, rough, rude, unculti- vated; -^cit, /. (p^. -en) rawness, roughness, rudeness, barbarity, barbarousness. SRotte* /. {pi. -n) roll, roller, register, catalogue, mangle, part, character. rotten, V. a. to roll, mangle, trundle. 0ioin, n. (-3) Rome. [novel. Dlontan, m. (-e«; pi. -e) romance, romantifc^, adj. romantic. giomanje,/. {pi. -n) romance, ballad. 9lomer, m. (-S) Roman. SRofe, /. {pi. -n) rose. Stofentiecfe, /. ( pi. -n) hedge of roses. JRofenwange, /. {pi. -n) rosy cheek, cherry cheek. tond)t, roftg» adj. rosy, roseate. 3loi, n. (-ffeS; pi -ITO horse. roffen, u. n. to horse. ro|lig, adj. rusty, rot^, adj. red, ruddy. rotten, v. n. & a. to redden. Slotte, /. {pi. -n) troop, band. rud)IoS, adj. lawless, profligate. 9lud>toftgfeit, /. {pi. -en) profligate. ness, frivolity, recklessness. 9iu(fen, m. (-«)back ; eincm ben— vx* fe^ren, to turn one's back ; — , v. n. to move, push, proceed, advance ; — , v. a. to move, stir, push along. Slutffatt, m. {-ii ; pi. -fatte) relapse. ^Riicf^alt, m. (-eS; pi. -e) restraint, reserve. [back. 0lu(f fe^r, 9lit(fhtnft, /. return, coming 0litcfftd^t, /. {pi. «Ru(fri^t«kjeugungen) regard, consideration, niucfftd^taiofigfeit, /. {pi. -en) regard- 0lu(f jlanbf m. {-ti ; p?.-flanbe) arrears. rucfwdrtS, adv. backwards, back. 9lu(froeg, m. (-e^; pi. -e) way back, return ; auf bent — , on the way home. 9luber, n. {-i) oar, rudder, helm. rubernf v. n. to row. 9luf, m. (-e^) reputation, fame ; vo- cation, call ; rumor. rufen, v. n. & a. ir. to call, cry ; — lafTen, to send for. ^Wr /• {pi- -n) accusation, re- proach, censure, trespass. 9lu^e, /. rest, reix)se, tranquillity ; -tag, m. {~ti ; pi. -e) day of rest. ru^cn, v. n. to rest, repose, sleep. ruMg» adj. quiet, tranquil, calm, peaceable ; serene. Sflu^m, m. (-e«) renown, fame, glory ; -bcgierbc, /. ambition ; -begierig, adj. ambitious ; -gicrig, see -begic rig ; -»off, see rii^mU(i&. 94 VOCABULARY. — GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. rit^men, v. a. to glorify, praise ; — / V. r. to boast . rii^mUc^f adj. glorious. 9iu^r, /. flux, dysentery ; rof^c — , bloody flux. [affect. ru|)rcn, v. a. & n. to stir, move, toucli, rul;rig, adj. agile, nimble, stirring. 0lu^rungf /. emotion, moving, sym- JRuinc, /. {pi. -n) ruin. [patliy. rutniren, v. a. to ruin, break, destroy. 0lumor, m. (-^) noise, hubbub. Otuntpclfammer, /. lumber-chamber, lumber-room. [hull (of a ship). 0tumt)f, m. (-e^; pi. 0iumpfe) trunk, runb/ adj. round, rotund ; -|)erutn/ -um^er, round about, all around, Oiunbe, /. round, rounds, patrol. 9ftuplanbf n. Russia. rujlen/ v. a. & r. to prepare, put in order, furnish, arm, equip. riil^tg, adj. stout, robust, vigorous. Sluilung, /. {pi. -en) preparation, ar- mament, armor, suit of armor, implements, tackling, crossbow. rittteln, v. a. to shake. euen, ' m. {-i) glimmer, glitter, fc^immern, v. n. to glitter, glisten. ©c^impf, m. (-eg) affront, insult ; -\\d^, adj. insulting, disgraceful. fd^tmpfeit/ V. a. to affront, insult ; call bad names. Q&l'xxm, m. (-eg ; pi. -c) protection, umbrella, screen, shelter, [tect. fd^irmen/ v. a. to screen, shelter, pro- ©c^Iat^t, /. {pi. -en) battle, action, engagement, fight ; -felbr n. (-eg ; pi. -er) field of battle ; -orbnung, /. {pi. -en) battle-array ; -pferb, n. (-eg ; pi. -c) battle-horse ; -rop» n. (-iTeg ; pi. -ffe) charger ; -ruf, m. (-eg) battle-cry, signal. f(^tad)ten, v. a. to slaughter, kill, butcher, slay. ©c^loid^ter, m. (-g) butcher. ©c^laf, m. (-eg) sleep, repose, temple ; -befangen, adj. wrapt in sleep ; -ge^ ntac^, n. (-eg ; pi. -madjcr) bed- chamber; -log, adj. sleepVess; -rod, m. (-e^ j pi. -ro(f e) bed-gown. dressing-gown; -jimmer, n. (-g) bedroom, bed-chamber. fc^lafen, v. n. ir. to sleep, to be asleep. ©c^Iag, m. (-eg; pi. ©c^lage) blow, clap, beating, stroke, stamp ; apo- plexy ; trap-door. [wallet. ©c^lagel, m. (-g) beater, drum-stick, fi^ldgeln, v. a. to beat, strike. f^lagen, v. a. & n. ir. to beat, strike, fell, throw, cast ; — , v. r. to fight ; JU 33obett — / to knock down ; bic Xrommel — , to beat the drum. (Sd)Iantnt, m. (-eg) mud, silt, slime. ©c^lange, /. {pi. -n) snake, serpent. fd)langeln, v. r. to wind, twist, pur- sue a serpentine course. Sc^Iangent)aar, n. snakes covering the head (of Medusa) instead of hair. [shell. ©c^langenfopf, m. (-eg ; pi. -fopfe) onyx Sd)langenia^n, m. (-eg; pi. -jal^ne) serpent's tooth. ©d)langenjtt)eifel, m. (-g) poisonous doubt, dangerous doubt. fc^Ianf, adj. sUm, slender, of a good figure. [crafty. f(^tau, adj. sly, cimning, shrewd, f(^led)t, adj. ill, mean, base, bad, miserable ; -^in, adv. merely, plainly. fc^leid^ettf v. n. ir. to move softly or secretly, sneak, creep, crawl, slink ; — , v. a. to smuggle. ©(^(eic^er, m. (-g) creeper, sneak. !3d)Ieier, m. (-g) veil, pretence, cloak. fd)lei§en, «. a. & n. ir. to slit, split. <3d>leften, n. Silesia (province of Prussia, has an area of 73,146 German square miles, and about 3,000,000 inhabitants). Sc^Uuber, /. {pi. -n) sling. 98 VOCABULARY. — GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. f(^lcubern, v. a. to sling, fling, throw, hurl ; — , V. n. to swing, dash, sell under value. fc^Ieunig* adj. quick, speedy, hasty. fd)li(^t, adj. plain, sleek, smooth. fc^lii^ten, V. a. to smooth plain, level, compose, settle. [position, ©c^Iic^tung/ /. accommodation, com- fc^lie^en, v. a. & n. ir. to lock, shut, close, conclude, chain, fetter, rati- fy ; in tie 5(rme — , to clasp in one's arms. f(^Iimm, adj. bad, evil, ill, sad, un- fortunate, wicked ; -c 3ctten» bad or hard times ; -beutenb, adj. evil- ©c^Iinge, /. (pl.-n) snare, sling, loop. f^lingcn, v. a. & n. ir. to wind, en- twine, swallow greedily, devour. ©d^Io§, n. (-ffe^ ; pi. ©(^liJJTcr) castle, palace ; lock, padlock, clasp. [(^lotterig, adj. slovenly, shaking, trembling. fc^lottern, v. n. to hang loosely, dan- gle, wabble, tremble, shake, knock. (Sc^lummer, m. (-^) slumber; -faft, w,. (-e^ ; pi. -fctfte) potion, slumber-draught, narcotic. fc^lummern, -». n. to slumber, sleep. ©c^lum^jCf /. {pi. -n) slut, slattern. (Sd)lunb, m. (-eg ; pi. ©c^lunbe) gulf, swallow, throat ; gulf, abyss. fc^lupfen, V. n. to slip, slide, glide, steal. [scene. fc^Iii^jfrig, adj. slippery, wanton, ob- fc^liirfen, v. a. to sip, sup. ©c^lup, m. (-ffeg; pi. ©c^litffe) end, conclusion, resolution, decree, ter- Sc^Iuffel, m. i-i) key. [mination, ©(^mac^, /. reproach, insult, dis- grace, violation (p. 263) j - ^ebln* gung, /. shameful condition. fc^mac^ten, 'o. n. to long for, languish. [c^ma^en* v. a. to revile, slander. fc^mal, adj. narrow, small. fc^maudien, v. a. & n. to smoke. ®(|maug, m. (-fe^ j pi. ©c^ntaufe) feast, banquet. [well. fc^mecfen, v. a. & n. to taste, taste ©c^metcf)elet, /. ( yl. -en) flattery. fc^meic^el^aft, adj. flattering. fc^metc^eln, «. a. to flatter, caress. ©c^meic^ler, m. (-g) flatterer, coaxer. fd^meipen, v. a. ir. to smite, strike, dash, throw. v. n. to snuffle, smell, snuflf. ©c^mir, /. {pi. (Sc^nurc) lace, string, line, cord, slide. ((fenurcn/ v. a. to lace, cord. ©ci^olar, m. (-en ; pi. -en) scholar, pupil. [driftier. ©(i^ottc, /. {pi. -n) clod, plaice, fc^on, adj. already, in time. fd^on, adj. handsome, beautiful, fine, fair, beauteous. fi^onenr v. n. to spare, preserve, save, to be merciful. ©({(on'^eit, /. {pi. -en) beauty, fair- ness, fineness, handsomeness. ©c^pnung* /. {pi. -en) forbearance, sparing, ©(^o(d)p, m. (-cS; pi. ulgeli), n. (-e^ ; pi. -cr) schooling- (Sc^ulgeU^rte (ber) m. (-n; pi. -n, or ein -r) scholar. ©c^ulmeijler, m. (-S) school-master. ©(gutter, /. {pi. -n) shoulder. fc^ultcritr 1?. a. to shoulder, place on one's back. [maker. albe, /. (p^. -n) swallow. (Sdjwalg, (S(^n)al(^, m. (-e«; ^;. -c) opening in the furnace, by which the flame goes in upon the metal ; billow, wave, pharynx. ©c^man, m. (-eanenbett, n. down-bed. fc^wanger, awert, n. (-c^ ; pi. -cr) sword ; -li^ waffnet, adj. armed with a sword ; -fc^lag, m. (-e^ ;^;. -fd)ta9e); -flreic^, m. {-ti\ pi. -e) stroke or blow with a sword. (Sd^wci^er, /. {pi. -n) sister ; -lic^, adj. & adv. sisterly. 8d)wle9ermutter, /. {pi. -miittcr) mother in-law. [in-law. ©rf)n>icgcrfo^n, m. (-e^ ; pi. -fo^nc) son- 'S(t)n?tC9er»atcr, m. (-^ ; pi. -\)atcr) father-in-law. fd)tt?icrict, adj. hard, difficult. fdjJDimmen, t>. n. ir. to swim, float. <3(^tt5inbcl, m. {-i) giddiness. fii)n)inbeln» v. n. to be giddy, dizzy ; — 1 1). a. to make giddy, humbug. fd)tt>inbcn, v. n. to vanish, disappear, die away, diminish, dry up, be- come thin. ®d)winge, /. {pi. -n) swing, fan, wing ; {in the plural) wings, pin- ions, vibrations, swingings ; — , xi. a. ir. to swing ; — , v. r. to rise up, soar, mount. fd^roirrcn, v. n. to whir, chirp. fc^mi^en, 'D. 11. to sweat, perspire ; — , V. a. to cause to sweat. fd^TOoren, v. a. & n. ir. to swear, vow, promise solemnly, take an oath. fd^tDiil, adj. close, sultry, hot. ©(^IDule, /. sultrinesa ©c^tDung, m. (-e^ ; pi. ©d^wunge) swing, soaring, vibration, motion, enthusiasm, extasy (p. 95). ur, m. {-zi ; pi. ©djwure) swear- ing, oath, solemn vow. ©clave, see ©flavc. ©cla»entugcnb, /. slavish virtue. ©cru^el, see ©frupel. ©culptur, /. sculpture. fec^^, adj. six. fed>|le, adj. sixth. fcd^je^n, adj. sixteen. ©ecretdr, m. (-^ ; pi. -e) secretary. ©ecte, /. {pi. -n) sect. [lake. ©ec, /. {2)1. -n) sea ; m. (-c^; pi. -in) ©eclc, /. {pi. -n) soul ; mind, pith (of a quill) ; Se|l aUer ©eelcn, All Soul's day. [plication, prayers. ©eclenflc^cn, n. heartfelt, earnest sup- ©eelenfricbe, /. peace of soul <)r mind. ©celcnfraft, /. power of the soul, faculty of the mind. [mind. ©cclcnru^e, /. tranquillity of soul or 102 VOCABULARY.— GERMAN AND ENGLISH. (Segel, ?i. {-§) sail ; grope — , main sail ; unter — ge^en, to set sail. fegeln, v. n. & a. to sail. ©egen, m. (-^) benediction, blessing, bliss ; -buftenbf adj. blessing ; -(^)fraft, /. blessed power ; -reic^, adj. rich in blessing, blissful; -{g)tranff m. blessed draught ; -»ottf adj. blissful. [tion. fegnen, v. a. to bless, utter a benedic- fe^en, v. n. & a. ir. to see, view, look upon ; gem — r to like, approve ; ^x^ — laffen, to appear, come forth, permit one's self to be seen. (Btijix, m. (-^) prophet, seer ; -auge, n. prophetic eye. ©e'^ne, /. {pi. -n) sinew, nerve, ten- don, chord. ?.-n) sketch. flij^iren^ v. a. to sketch. ©fla»e, m. (-n; pi. -n) slave. ©flaijenbanbe, /. {pi. -n) shackles, slave. [dom. ©fla»erci, /. {pi. -en) slavery, thral- ffla^ifd), adj. slavish. ©frupel, m. (-^) scruple. fo, adv. & conj. thus, if, so, as, in such a manner ; — ani), with ad- jectives or adverbs, however, e. g. — grcp aud^, however great ; — balb (al^), as soon as ; -bann, adn. then ; -fcrt, adv. immediately ; -gar, adc even, but, also ; -gcnannt, adj. so-called ; -gleici^, ado. im- mediately ; nun -glcid), thus, then ; 104 VOCABULAEY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. fo? indsed? -To'it or -m% aU au^f as well as. ©o^Ie, /. {pi. -n) sole, sill, salt- water ; hi^ auf bie — , down to the very soles of liis feet (78). . to be obliged, shall, owe, to be, to be said to. ©ommerr m. (-^) summer. fonac^, adv. thereto, accordingly. <5onbe, /. {pi. -n) probe. fonber, adj. separate, distinct, par- ticular ; — , prep, without ; -bar, adj. strange, singular ; -\\^, adj. particular ; adv. especially ; -lin^, m. (-^ ; pi. -e) singular person, strange fellow. [ — , conj. but. fonberri/ v. a. to separate, sunder ; ©onne, /. {pi. -n) sun. ©onnenk^n, /. {jpl. -en) course of the sun ; fig. path of virtue, glorious career. ©onnenbranb, m. (-e^) sun-burning. ©onnenferne, /. {pi. -n) distance be- tween solar systems, aphelion. fonncn^eff, adj. bright as the sun, very evident. pigbt. ©onnenfd^ein, m. (-e^) sunshine, sun- ©onnenjlaubci^en, n. {-i) atom, mote. ©onnenf^ra'^I, m. (-e^ ; pi. -en) ray of the sun, sun-beam. fonnig, adj. sunny. ©onntag, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) Sunday. fcnjlf adv. else, otherwise, formerly. ©o))^idma, n.{pl. ocp^iiSnieu) sophism. (Sorge, /. {pi. -n) care. forgen, v. n. & a. to fret, to be anxious, worry, care, mind, take care ;' sorrow ; -»ott, adj. sorrow- /. care, carefulness. [ful. forgfaltiij, adj. careful, diligent. forgiaBif adj. anxious, mindful, care- ful. fpd^en* V. n. & a. to spy, pry, explore. ?. -e) sparrow. fperren, v. a. to bur, stop, barricade, close up ; auf-, to open widely ; V. r. to struggle against, resist. ©pcjerei* see opecerei. ©p^arc, /. {pi. -n) sphere. ©piegel, wi. (-^) looking-glass, mir- ror ; -^ut^, /. clear stream. fpicgcln, v. n. to shine, reflect, glit- ter ; — , V. r. to reflect one's image from a mirror, to take as an example. ©piel, n. (-€d; pi. -e) play, game, gambling ; -gcfcU, m. (-en; pi. -en) play-fellow ; -mann, m. {-t^ ; pi. -leute) musician, fiddler. fpielcn, V. a. & n. to play, trifle, game, gamble. e, /. {pi. -en) switch, gaunt- let ; -(n) laufen; to run the gaimt- let. (©pinncngewck, n.{-i)\ (©pinnwcbc, /. cobweb, spider's web. fpinnen, v. n. & a. ir. to spin. ©pi^, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) wolf-dog ; — , adj, pointed ; -finbig, adj. & adv. cunning, deep, subtle, crafty, keen. ©pi&e» /• {pi- -n) point, top, lace ; an ber — , at the head ; an bcr — flel^en, to be at the head. fpt^cn, -o. a. to point, clip ; bic C^rcn — , to prick up the ears. ©porn, m. {-ti\pl. -en & ®porcn)8pur. fporncn, v. a. to spur, put on spurs, stimulate, urge. ©pott, m.(-cd)mockcry, scorn, irony. fpottcn, V. n. & a. to mock, deride, scoff", ridicule. [tongue. (Sprac^e, /. {pi. -n) speech, language, fprac^b^, adj. speechless. ®pra(^»crn)irrunc5, /. corruption of language, confusion of tongues. oprec^art, /. {pi. -en) idiom, dialect. |pred)en, v. a. & n. ir. to speak, pro- nounce, discourse, say ; gut »on eincm — , to speak well of one. fprciten, v. a. to spread. fprengcn, v. a. kn. to scatter, sprinkle water, burst open, blow, ride, gallop. [erb, saying (by-word). ©pric^wort, n. {-zi ; pi. -worter) prov- fpringen, v. n. ir. to spring, leap, hop, jump, crack, burst. fpri^en, v. a. & n. to spirt, spatter, spout, sprinkle, syringe. [nate. fproffen, v. n. to sprout, shoot, germi- ©pro^Ung, m. {-i\ pi. -e) sprout, shoot, scion. [sentence. ©pnic^, m. (-e^ ; pi. ©pruc^e) saying, fprubcln, v. a. to bubble, sputter, sparkle. fprii^en, v. n. to drizzle, emit sparks, — , V. a. to spread. fpulcn, T). a. to wash, rinse. ©pur, /. {pi. -en) track, vestige, trace, rut. fpiirt^ar, adj. traceable, perceivable. fpiiren, x>. a. & n. to track, trace, search, perceive. ©taat, m. (-c^ ; pi. -en) state, pomp. ©taat^actlon, /. public funds, stocks. ©taat^fcrm, /. form of fashion of state. [bar (of metal). ©tab, m.(-ed; pi. ©tdk) staff", stick, ©tarf)cl, m. (-3; pi. -n) sting, prick, prickle, thorn, goad, tongue (of a buckle) ; -beerc,/. ( pi. -n) gooss- 106 VOCABULABY. GERMAN AKD LNGLISH. berry ; -mxt, n. {-ti ; pi, -€) piercing speecli or word, sarcasm. (Stabt, /. {pi ©tabte) town, city. ©ta^I, m. (-e^) steel ; -kbecft, adj. fta^lcu, «. a. to steel, [clad in armor. flakier rt, adj. made of steel. (Stall, m. (-e^ ; pi. ©toiae) stable, stall ; -fnec^t, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) host- ler, groom ; -meifier, m. {-i) mas- ter of the horse, riding-master, equerry. ©tamm, m. {-a ; pi. ©tamme) stem, trunk (of a tree), stock, race (in heraldry, family-tree) ; -gut, n. (-e^ ; pi. -giiter) hereditary prop- erty. flantmen, n. n. to originate, descend. j^ammen, -». a. to stem, dam; — , ^. n. to resist. leiknf to stick fast, hesitate ; to be stumped ; in S3ranb — , to set on fire ; — laffen, to abandon ; ju ft(^ — , to put into one's pocket. flel&en, •». n. ir. to stand, remain, to be ; — Heikn, to stand still, stop ; jle^enben %yx^i^, upon the spot, without delay, immediately ; — fiir, to be responsible or answer- able or to vouch for. I^el^len. -». a. ir. to steal, rob, pilfer. ©teige, /. {pi. -n) ladder, stair-case, steps, score. fleigen, i\ n. ir. to mount, ascend. VOCABULABY. (EBMAN AND ENGLISH. 107 rise, increase ; ^'mab-, ^inuntcr-, to descend. [bid, increase. fleigern, v. a. to raise the price, out- ©tcin, m. (-6(3; pi -e) stone, rock kernel, man (in draught and chess); -fru(^t, / {pi. -friic^te) Btone-frnit ; -funbc^ /. lithology ; -objl/ n. {-ti) see ©teinfruc^t. j^eincrn, adj. stone, stony, built of jleinig, adj. stony, of stone, [stone. 6tei§, m. (-c^) buttocks, rump. ©telle, /. {pi. -n) place, stand, spot ; passage (in a book) ; auf ber — , on the spot, immediately. fldlen, V. a. to put, place, set ; jld^ — , to appear ; jufrieben — , to appease, satisfy ; frei — , to leave a free choice ; auf bie 9)ro^e — , to try. ©teffung, /. {pi. -en) position, situa- tion, attitude. flemmen, see flammen. [mint). ©tempel/ m. (-^) stamp, die (at the ©tengel, m. (-5) stalk, blade, stem. tbttt, m. (-e^) deathbed. Sterbeglotfe, /. funeral-bell. ©terbefleib, n. (-e^ ; pi. -er) winding- sheet, [hymn. (Sterbelieb, n. {-ii ; pi. -er) funeral- flcrbcn, v. n. ir. to die, expire. flcrblid^, adj. mortal, perishable. ©tern, m. (-c^ ; pi. -e) star, (im 5lugc) pupil, asterisk ; -bilb, n. (-ed; pi. -er) constellation ; -d)tn, n. {-i) little star, asterisk ; -beutung, /. {pi. -en) astrology ; -enba^n, / {pi. -en) starry orbits ; -en»elt, /. starry world. ilet^, adv. continually, always, ever. ©teuer, n. (-«) rudder, helm, steer- age; — , f. {pi. -n) contribution, tax ; -mann, m. {-ii j pi -leute) mate ; -funf!, /. navigation ; -ru* ber, n. (-^) helm, rudder. fleuern, v. a. & n. to steer, pilot, check, control, contribute; pre- vent. jlief, in comp. step ; -finb, n. step- child ; -mutter, /. step-mother ; -fc^tt)e|ler,/. step-sister, half-sister. -fo^n, m. step-son ; -tod^ter, /. step- daughter ; -»ater, m. step-father. ©tiege//. {pi. -n) stair, ladder ; road. j^ieren, v. n. to stare, look amazed. jliften, xi. a. to tack, found, institute, establish, cause, excite. jlttt(e), adj. still, quiet, calm ; — , int. peace ! -||alten, to keep still or quiet ; -f(^tt>eigcn, to be silent ; n. (-g) silence ; -fd)roeigenb, adj. silent, understood; -fc^ttjeigenb^, adv. in silence, without speaking ; -j^anb, m. (-0) cessation, suspen- sion ; -jle^en, to stop, stand quietly, keep still or quiet. ©tille, /. stillness, quietness, tran quillity, silence. ©ttmme, /. {2)1. -n) voice, vote. jlimmen, t. n. to sound, tune ; — , V. a. to tune ; vote. ©timmred^t, n. right of voting. ©timntung, /. ( pi. -en) tune, disposi- tion, humor. [front. ©tirn(c),/. {pi. -en) forehead, brow, ©tocf, m. {-ti ; j)^- ©tiJrfe) stock, stick, staff, walking-stick, block. ©toff, m. {-t^'^pl. -e) stuff, matter. jlo^nen, v. n. to groan. jlolperig, adj. rough, stumbling. flolpern, T). a. to stumble, [bergen. ©tottberger, m. a native of StoU- ©tolj, w. (-ed) pride, haughtiness ; — , adj. proud, haughty. 108 VOCABXJIABY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. floljtrcn, «. a. to be proud, boast, strut. [a pipe, dam ; darn, jlo})fettf «. a. to stuff, stop, cork, fill jloreit/ «. n. to stir, disturb, rum- mage ; — , «. a. to interrupt. florrig, ad^. sturdy, stubborn, inflex- ible. ©top, m. (-e^ ; 'pl. ©toge) tbrust, push, hit, kick ; shock ; brunt ; pile. jlopen, D. a. ir. to thrust, push, strike, butt, kick, throw, cast, pound ; ftc^ an ctwa^ — , to take offence at something ; — , ■z?. n. to push against, strike against, join ; JU-, to join. [guilty. firafbttr, adj. punishable, culpable, ©trafe, /. ( yl. -n) punishment, chas- tisement, mulct, fine. flrafen, -o. a. to punish, chastise, rebuke ; einen Citgen — , to give a person the lie. flraff adj. stretched, extended, tense. Praflo^, adj. unpunished, guiltless. , m. {-ii'^pl. -e) blow, stroke, lash, trick. flreic^eln, 'c. a. to stroke, caress. flrei(^en, -». n. ir. to pass quickly, rush, rove ; — , id. a. to stroke, flatter, rub, whet, efface, rub off! <3treif(en), m. (-^) stripe, streak ; — , ■». n. to pass superficially, graze, rove ; — , v. a. to stripe. ©treit, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) fight, combat, strife, dispute, difficulty. jlreiten, v. n. ir. to fight, combat, dispute, wrangle, quarrel, con- test, controvert. ©treiter, m. (-a) fighter, disputant. quarreler, combatant ; champion. ©trettigfeit, /. {pi. -en) contention, controversy, dispute. flreng, adj. severe, strict. ©trengc, /. strictness, severity, [kle. J^rcuen, v. a. to strew, scatter, sprin- ©tricf , m. (-e<5 ; pi. -e) rope, cord, line, jlritfen, v. a. & n. to knit, net. ©tront, m. (-e^ ; pi. ©tromc) stream, river ; current, flood ; be^ QJoIbeS ©trfime, streams or oceans of gold. I^romen, v. n. to stream, flow, gush forth. ©tromungf/. {pi. -en) stream, current. (Structur, /. structure (of a building, sentence, &c.). VOCABULABY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 109 ©trubcl, m. (-«) whirlpool, eddy, giilf. ©trumpf, m. {-t^ ; pi. <5trumpfc) stocking. ©tubCr /. {pi. -n) room, chamber. (StiibUinr n. (-^) dimia. of ®tubc» (Stiicf , n. (-cd ; pi. -c) piece, part, bit, fragment; play; -vozxh ii. (-e^; pi. -c) imperfect work, piecework. ©tubcnt, m. (-en; pi. -en) student. ©tubien/ see Stubium. flubuen, x. a. & w. to study. adj. tearful ; Jig. lament- able. Zi^xon, m. {-ti ; pi. -e) throne ; -^tm*- met, m. (-a) canopy ; -faal, m. (-e^; pi. -fale) hall of the throne, throne-room. t^ronen, v. a. to be enthroned, reign. %\)xoni^o^, f. height of the throne. t^un, a. & n. ir. to do, make, per- form; feine ©c^ulMgfclt — , to do one's duty ; ju n>iffen — , to in- form ; e^ t^ut ni(i)t^, it is of no consequence ; Ct3 t^ut mir leib, I am sorry ; e^ i|l i^m um^ ®elb ju — , aU he cares for is the money ; er \^dd; costume, dress. 3;ra^ten/ n. effort, endeavor, aim, as- piring, pursuit, striving ; — , x). n. & a. to strive, endeavor ; — aa^^, to aim at, aspire at, seek after. tragen, v. a. & n. ir. to bear, carry, waft (48) ; wear, support, haibor, produce ; fic^ — , to dress ; Scben* fen — , to doubt ; ©orge — , to take care, see trouble. 2;rttger, m. (-^) bearer, porter, holder, beam, support, tragifc^, adj. tragical. Stragobic, /. ( pi. -n) tragedy. Zxanh m. (-c^j pi. Zxanft) drink, beverage, potion. 3:randport, m. {-i^;pl. -e) transport ; -fd^ijf, n. transport, transport-ship. trauen, v. a. to unite in marriage, marry ; — , v. n. to trust, confide in. Zxautx, f. mourning, grief, affliction, sorrow, black (dress) ; -leute, f. mourners (at funerals) ; -\6)xax, f. VOCABULARY. — GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. 113 mournful crowd ; -fpicl, n. {-ti ; pi. -e) tragedy. trauerti/ v. n. to mourn, to t>e in mourning, grieve ; fret. traufeln* v. n. to drip, drop ; — , v. a. to drop, let fall in drops upon, pour. trciufen, c. n. to drop, fall in drops ; — , v. a. to drop. [dial. traulic^, adj. cosy, dear, trusty ; cor- 2;raum, m. (-eg ; pi. Xrdumc) dream ; -lleb, 71. dream-song, song of hope. traumen, v. a. & n. to dream ; — , V. imp. to appear in a dream. Sraumer, m. (-^) dreamer ; -flug, m. flight of dreams. [revery. 3;raumcrei, /. {pi. -en) dreaming, traumcrifc^, adj. fanciful, dreamlike. traurig, adj. mournful, sorrowful, sad, Ureffen^ n. battle, fight, engagement ; — , V. a. ir. to hit, strike, meet with, find. trcfflid^, adj. distinguished, excellent; -felt, /. excellence, eminence. trcibcn, v. a. ir. to drive, urge, carry on, force ; — , v. n. to drive, float, drift ; in bie (Snije — , to reduce to straits ; ©pap — , to jest. %xi\\)\jOiViit n. (-fe^ ; pi. -l^dufer) hot- house, green-house, conservatory. trennen/ v. n. to separate, sever, di- vide. Srcppe, /. {pi. -n) stairs, stair-case. tretcn, v. a, k n. ir. to tread, step, kick ; ju no^e — , to oflfend, mor- tify ; in^ ?WltteI — , to interpose. trcu, adj. true, faithful ; -t)ru(^, m. -cd ; pi. -bruc^e) violation of faith ; -lo^, adj. faithless. Xximtf. truth, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty. %x\ih, m. (-ee ; -pi. -e) driving, im- pulse, instinct. %x\\U f. {pi. -en) drift, pasture, drove, passage (for cattle). XriUcr, m. (-^) shake, trill, quaver. trlnfen, v. a. & n. ir. to drink. Zx'mUx, m. (-^) drinker. trippeltt V. n. to trip. Sritt, m. (-ed ; pi. -c) tread, steR pace; kick. Xriump^, m. (-e«; pi. -c) triumph, -geprdnge, n. triumphal pomp. triump^ircn, v. n. to triumph. Srium^irat, n. (-e«; pi. -e) trium- trocfcn, adj. dry, arid. [virate. tro(fnenf v. a. & n. to dry, air. S^robelf m. frippery. 2;rommel, /. {pi. n) drum; -fdilagcn, V. a. to beat the drum. 3:rompetc, /. {pi. -:\) trumpet. Slrompcter, m. (-^) trumpeter. Stropf, m. {-t^ I pi. 2:ropfe) ninny, simpleton. [drop. S^ropfen/ m. (-^) drop ; v. n. & a. to tropifd^, adj. tropical. %XD^, m. (-ffe^; pi. -ffe) baggage, gang, crowd. !Irojl, m. (-e^) consolation, comfort. trbflen^ v. a. to console, comfort. Zxofttx, m. (-^) consoler, comforter, Holy Ghost. trojllidv adj. consolable, consoling, consolatory. [less. trof^Io^, adj. inconsolable, comfort- 3^ro^, m. (-e^) haughtiness, defiance, pride, spite ; — , adv. in spite or defiance of; -bictcn> to bid de- fiance ; jum — , in spite. tro^cn, V. n. to be insolent, defy, brave, to be obstinate. trojjig, adj. insolent, impertinent 114 VOCABULAKY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. Sroubabour, m. (-(3 ; pi. -C) trouba- 1 dour. txuhtt adj. troubled, dim, obscure, dark, muddy, sad, gloomy, trft^en, v. a. to dim, render muddy, trouble. [afiliction. 2;rul)fal, 771. {pi. -c) ; n. (-c^ ; pi. -e) trufcfelig^ adj. woeful, sorrowful. ZxUQp m. (-e(3) deceit, deception ; Cug unij — , fraud and deception. triigcti; v. n. ir. to deceive, delude ; — , V, r. to be mistaken. truglic^; adj. fallacious, deceitful. %x\xmmtx, f. fragments, ruins. %x]xxd, m. {-ii) drink, drunkenness, potion, draught. trunfeit; adj. drunk, intoxicated, en- raptured ; -^eit, /. drunkenness, inebriety, intoxication. Srupp, m.{-i\ pi. -e) troop, band. 3;rup})e, /. ( pi. -n) band, company. Sruppen, /. troops. %x^t m. (-e^) see %xq^\ — unb ©c^u^^ Bunbmp, offensive and defensive alliance. [clotb. 3:uc^, n. (-e^ ; pi. 3:u^er) clotb, woolen 3^U(^lein, dimin. of %\x6), titc^tig* adj. able, able-bodied, stout, fit, good, competent ; -feit, /. capability, fitness. 3:u^(e), /. {pi. -n) malice, knavery, spite, trick, spiteful disposition. tii(fif(|, adj. mischievous, spiteful. Sugenb, /. {pi. -en) virtue; -^aft, -Itd^, adj. virtuous. tunimein, ^. a. to put in motion, tum- ble about; — , v. r. to scuflSe, hurry ; 9iop — / to manage a horse. ZnmmtlpU^, m. (-e^ ; pi. -plci^e) place of exercise, field of battle, arena. 2:umuU, m. (-e^j pi. -e) tumult; up. roar. 3:urban, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) turban. Zux'xv., n. Turin (old capital of Sar- dinia), [ed lily. Sliirfenbunb, m. turban, many-flower- %VLXii\iOiVibt, f. {pi. -n) turtle-dove.' 3:urteltautenpaar, n. pair of turtle- doves. Sl^rann, m, (-en; pi. -en) tyrant. 3:i)rannei, /. {pi. -en) tyranny. t^rannifd), adj. tyrannical. Uekl, n. (-^) evil, injury ; — , adj. evil, ill ; — , adv. badly, ill ; e<3 i|l mir — t I feel sick ; -ne^men, to take ill. ukn, v.a. to exercise, practice, drill. v&tx, prep. & adj. over, above, be- yond, during, about, above, over, more than ; -all, adv. everywhere, all over ; -au<3, adv. exceedingly, extremely ; — ben SlnbUcE , at the sight (110) ; — bie 9)iapcn, exceed- ingly ; :^eute — ac^t Xa^ti this day week ; ukr^<3 Sa'^r, a year hence, next year ; — unb — , all over, thoroughly. uI>erMeikn> v. n. ir. to be left, remain. UeberblicE, rn. (-ea; pi. -c) survey. ttberbraufen, v. a. to drown (a voice, &c.). iifterbringen.. v. a. ir. to bear, carry, bring, deliver, get over, bring over. uberbecfen, «. a. to cover over, lay over ; have for a ceiling. iikrbem, adv. besides, moreover. VOCVBULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 115 itbcrbrufftgj adj. tired of, weary of, wearied, tedious, surfeited. ukreilen^ v. a. to overtake, over- hasten, spoil by hurry ; — , v. r. to be over-hasty, hurry too much, act precipitately, rashly. Ue^ereilungr /. {pi. -en) extreme hurry, precipitation. fibereinflimmen, v. n. to accord, agree. lU&eretnf^immung, /. ( pi. -en) accord, conformity, consonance, agree- ment, [invasion, irruition. Uekrfall, m. (-ea ; pi -fcillc) surprise, uberfatten, v. a. ir. to fall or come upon, invade, overtake, surprise, attack suddenly. ukrfirnilTenf v. a. to varnish over. Ueberflup, m. (-ffc^) abundance, af- fluence, profusion, plenty ; jum — , unnecessarily, in abundance. uberfliiffts^ adj. superfluous, abun- dant. itkrflut^en, v. a. to overflow. Uebergak, /. giving over, yielding up, surrender, delivery. Uebcrgang, m. (-e^ ; p^.-gdnge) passing over, passage, desertion, transi- tion, change. iibergeben, -y. a. ir. to deliver up, surrender, commit ; — , v. r. to surrender; vomit. iiberge^en, 'O. a. ir. to go, pass over, cross ; desert ; — , v. a. to overlook, omit, exceed, surrender. uber^an^en, v. n. ir. to hang over, pro- ject, jut out. [all over. iiber^ngen, 'g. a. to cover, hang, cover uber^dufcn, v. a. to heap ui>on, ac- cumulate, exceed, overload, over- whelm. tibcr^auvt, flwZi'. in general, generally. UeberHeib, n. {-zi ; pi. -er) upper garment, overcoat. iiberlaffen, v. a. ir. to leave, resign, give up, submit to, allow to pass. uberlebcn* t.a. to survive, outlive. iiberlegen, v. a. to lay over, cover the surface ; reflect upon, consider ; — . part. & adj. superior, sur- passing. uberliefern, v. a. to deliver, give up, surrender, pass over. Ueberlieferung, /. {pi. -en) tradition, delivery, transfer, surrender. uberliefert, part. & adj. traditionary. Uebermad)t, /. preponderance, pre- dominance, superiority (power). ubermdd)tig, adj. preponderating. Uebermap/ n. {-ii) over measure, ex cess. [enormous, ubermenfc^Ii(^# adj. superhuman Uebermut^, m. (-e^) haughtiness, ar rogance. [presumptuous iibermiit^ig, adj. haughty, arrogant, iibernatiirlic^, adj. supernatural. uberne'^men, ti. a. ir. to receiv^e, ac- cept, undertake, take upon one's self, assume ; — , -y. r. to under- take too much ; overtax ; — mit Sffen, to surfeit one's self. Uebernebmung,/. {pi. -en) acceptation, undertaking. iibcrquer, adj. across, crossways. iiberragcn, ■». a. to overtop, project, tower above. uberrafd)enf v. a. to surprise, startle, catch, take unawares. Ueberra[d)ungf /. {pi. -en) surprise. iiberrcben, v. a. to persuade. Ueberrebung, /. {pi. -en) persuasion. iibcrreic^en, t\ a. to hand, reach, de- liver ; — , V. n. to reach over. 116 VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. ul6erf(i)aumenf v. a. to cover with foam. Uekrf(^lag, m. (-e^ ; pi. -fc^lcige) bias, calculation, reckoning, poultice, band, cuff. iikrfd^lagen, v. n. ir. to turn over, upset ; — , V. a. to put on, lay on, upset ; to beat too much, com- pute, overlook, miss ; — / v. n. to to grow mouldy ; — , v. f. to fall backwards. ukrfi^leid)en; «. a. ir. to surprise by stealth, steal upon. itterfc^reiten, 'o. a, & n. ir. to over- step, transgress, violate. fikrfc^tt)dngU(^, adj. superabundant, exceeding, exuberant. Ucberfi^wanglic^feit, /. superabund- ance, an overflowing of feeling. ukrfc^weBenf 'o. a. to hover, impend. ul)erfc^n)etten/ ??. n. ir. to swell over. iiberfe^eitf xi. a. ir. to overlook, ex- cuse, survey, look over ; review. iikrfe^en» -«. a. insep. to translate ; overcharge ; aep. to convey over ; put across; — , v. n. to leap across, cross (as a river). lJckrfi(|t, /. {pi. -en) oversight, charge, survey, review, abstract. iikrrtc^tUd)^ adj. affording a general view of the whole, synoptical, distinct. ut>erfpringen> v. a. ir. to leap over, skip, miss ; — . xi. n. to leap over. fikrfieigenf v. a. to surmount, scale, exceed ; — , v. n. to step over, climb over. uberjlromeit; '». a. to overflow, inun- date ; — t v. n. to flow over, run over, abound. ubertragcn, -». a. ir. to convey, trans- fer, charge ; carry over, transport. Uekrtragung, /. ( pi. -en) transport- ing, conferring. [exceed. ii^ertreffen, v. a. ir. to surpass, excel, Uekrtreibung, /. {jpl. -en) exaggera- tion. ukrtreten, «. a. ir. to transgress, overstep (limit), go over, over- flow ; — , V. n. to step over, desert. Uebertretung, /. {pi. -en) transgres- sion, violation. ukrtrofen, adj. exceeded, surpassed. itkr^ott, adj. overfull. [flow. ukr fallen, v. n. to boil over, over- iikrttjiegen, «. a. ir. to outweigh, sur- itbeminben, -». a. ir. to wind over; overcome, vahquish, preponder- ate. Uekrwinbct; m. (-^) vanquisher, con- queror ; -IxoUi-, f. crown of the conqueror. uberjeugen, ^. a. to convince, convict. uMid), adj. usual, customary. UeWic^feit, /. custom. x&nq,, adj. left (over), remaining, yet, other; — bleiben, to be left; — ^oAiXi, to have to spare ; bie Ue^i* gen^ the others. ui>rt9en^» adv. as for the rest, besides. Ue^ung, /. {pi. -en) exercise, prac- tice, use, drill. Ue&ung^pla^, m. (-e^) place for train- ing soldiers. Ufer, n. (-^) bank, shore, coast ; -It* tXJO'^ner, m. inhabitant of the banks of a river or of the coast ; -lo^^ adj. without shores ; fig. homeless, boundless. W^x, f. {pi. -en) clock, watch ; o'clock ; -totxf, n. (-es5 ; pi. -e) clock-work, works of a watch. VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 117 Xif)\x, m. (-^) liorn-owl. um, prep, around, about, for ; einen Za^ — ben anbern, every other day ; — bed ®elbed mlltn, for the sake of the money ; — , conj. for, in order to ; — , adv. about, past, over ; — ju, in order to. umarmcn, v. a. to embrace, clasp. Umarmung, /. ( pi. -en) embrace, em- bracing, [around; rebind. umMnben, v. n. i/r. to tie about or umire(i^en» ■». a. i/r, to break down, break up. [death ; ruin. umbringen, «. a. ir. to kill, put to Uttibretien, -». a. & n. to turn about, turn around, revolve. [fume. umbuften» v. a. to surround with per- Umfang, m. (-e^) circumference, cir- cuit, extent, [brace. umfangeit; v. a. ir. to surround, em- umfaffen, ■». a. to clasp, embrace, comprehend, surround ; reset. umfliepen, ■». a. ir. to flow or run around, surround. umgeben, v. a. ir. to surround, en- viron, gird in ; put round. Umgegeub, / {pi. -en) environs, sur- rounding country. umge^en, v. n. ir. to go out of one's way, circulate, associate, intend, propose . — , '0 a. to avoid, evade, elude, turn (the enemy). untgcfe^rt, yart. & adj. reversed, in- verted. umge flatten, v. a. to transform. umgewanbt, part. & adj. upturned, de- stroyed, altered. umgriinen, v. n. to flower round. umgiirtcn, v. a. to gird about, buckle on, surround. um^er, adi\ around, about ; {for com- pounds with tlie prefixes uni^cr and l^erum, such as um^ergel)en, ^erunt' fd)i(fcn, &c., look under the simple verbs.) um^in; adc. about ; i(| fann nic^t — , I cannot help — . um^itUen, v. a. to envelop, wrap up. Umfe^r, / turning back ; conversion, subversion, return. umfe^ren, v. n. to turn about, turn back, return , — , v. a. to turn about, invert ; — , v. r. to turn round, turn on the other side. unifommen, v. n. ir. to perish. umfrcinjen, v. a. to wreathe, crown. Umfret to VOCABULARY. GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. 119 be at variance ; — werben, to fall out. unein^/ see uncinig. Uncnblid)felt, /. infinity, endlessness. unentflie^bar, adj. inevitable. UnerlnttUc^feit, /. inexorableuess. unerflartar, -Mj, adj. inexplicable, unaccountable. unermcpUd), adj. immeasurable, im- mense, boundless. [termined. unerortert, adj. unexplained, unde- unerreic^kr, unenciil)!, adj. unattain- able, inaccessible. uncrfc^oppf^r (^(^j- inexhaustible. Unertraiilid)feit, /. intolerablcness. unfreiwillig, adj. involuntary, reluc- Ungarnr n. Hungary. [tant. un.3canbert, adj. unaltered. un3ce{)rt, adj. unbonored. Ungcfci^r, n. {-i) chance, accident ; — , or »i?n — , adj. accidental, casual ; — , adv. by chance, nearly. ungefdrbt, adj. undyed, uncolored, natural. Un(}ti)euer, n. {-^) monster ; — , adj. immense, huge, monstrous, vast. ungc^inbert, adj. unhindered, un- checked, unprevented. unse{)offt, adj. unhoped for. ungefranft, adj. not grieved, not mor- tified, [imaffected, ungefiinilelt, adj. artless, unstudied, ungelcgcn, adj. inconveniently situ- ated, inconvenient. ungele^rig, adj. indocile. ungele^rt, adj. illiterate. Unijcma*, n. (-e(3) discomfort, trou- ble, hardship, misfortune. unc^cmlfcbt, adj. unmixed, pure. Ungercimtf)cit, /. {pi. -en) absurdity. un9cfc{)i(ft, adj. unfit, aAvkward, un- handy, unskilful ; -^cit,/. {pi. -en) unfitness, inaptitude. ungefc^rerft, adj. without fear. uni5cfd)rtekn» adj. unwritten. Ungcftalt, /. {pi. -en) shapelessness, deformity, ugliness ; -(et), part. & adj. misshapen, deformed. Ungetliim, n. (-0) impetuosity ; — , adj. impetuous, boisterous, [fane. ungewei^t, aZj. unconsecrated, pro- Ungeivittev, n. (-3) tempest, violent storm, hurricane, thunder-storm. Unglaubc, m. {-ni) disbelief, unbelief, incredulity, infidelity, unglcid), adj. uneven, odd, unequal, dissimilar ; — , adv. by far, much. Unglud, n. (-(c)c) ill-luck, misfortune, unhappiness, adversity, mischief ; -Uc^, adj. unhappy, unfortunate, unlucky, disastrous ; -feliij, adj. unhappy, fatal, unlucky, miser- able., [misfortune. Unglucf^gcfatjrtc, m. companion in Unbeit, n. (-c^) mischief, harm, hurt. unf)eilbar, adj. incurable ; -fcit, /. in- curability, incurableness. unbcilig, adj. unholy, profane. Uniserfitcit, /. {pi. -en) university. unforpcrlid), adj. not belonging to the body, spiritual. Unf often, /. charges, expenses, costs. Unfraut, 7i. weed ; collectidely, weeds. unlaugbar, adj. imdeniable. unlcugkr, see unlaugKir. unlofd>Kir, adj. unquenchable. unlujlig, adj. unpleasant, disinclined, sad. [weak. unmaditig, adj. powerless, impotent, Unmcnfd), m. (-en; |)Z. -en) barbarian, monster, tyrant, brute ; -lid), adj inhuman, barbarous. 120 VOCABULARY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. unmittcl()ar, adj. immediate, direct; — , adv. directly. Unmut:^, m. {-zi) dejection, sadness, gloom, ill-will, rancor. [nature. Unnatur, /. eometliing contrary to unnaturltc^, adj. unnatural. unnennbar/ adj. unutterable, inex- pressible, ineffable. unnii^, adj. useless, ineffectual, vain. Uttparteiifc^, unparteilic^, adj. impartial. unpa^ic^, adj. unwell. Unrec^t, n. (-e^) fault, error, wrong, injustice, injuiy ; — , adj. wrong, unjust. unrul^ig, adj. unquiet, restless, un- easy, noisy, troublesome, turbu- unrii^mlic^, adj. inglorious. [lent. unfc^a^t>ar, adj. inestimable, invalu- able, [heart, guiltlessness. Unfc^ulb, /. innocence, puriiy of unfc^ulbig, adj. innocent, not guilty. unfelig, adj. unliappy, unblessed, sin- ful. Uttfinn, m. (-^) madness, nonsense. unfinntg^ adj. mad, insane, nonsen- sical, [immortality. unf^erHic^, adj. immortal ; -fetti /. unjlrajlt(|, adj. blameless, irreprehen- sible. [able, blameless. untabel^aft, untabelig, adj. irreproach- «nten» adv. below, imderneath, un- der, down, down-stairs. untcr, prep, under, beneath, below, inferior to ; among, betwixt, amidst ; — , adj. inferior, lower, under, sub ; -wegeS, on the way. uuterbred^eiif v.a.ir. to interrupt, dis- continue, break off or up. Untertringung* /. providing for, plac- ing. UtttcrbcfTcn, adv. in the meantime. ' unterbrucfen, n. a. sep. to press down iiisep. to suppress, oppress, crusU I Unterbriirfung, /. {pl.-tv) suppression, oppression, repression. untereinanber, adv. one another, amongst them. Untergang, m. (-esJ) decline, fall, set ting ; ruin, destruction. untcrgckn/ n. a. ir. to put under, subject (the past pa/rt., used as noun, render inferior^ subaltern, subject). unterge^en, v. n. ir. to go down, set, sink, fall, perish. [nance. Untert)alt, m. (-c^) support, suste- unterl^alten, v. n. ir. to hold under, support, maintain, entertain ; — , V. r. to converse. [diator. Unterljcinbler, m. {-i) negotiator, me- Unter^anblung,/. {pi. -en) negotiation. unterirbifc^, adj. subterranean. Unterlei^, m. (-e<3) abdomen, bowels. unterliegcn, v. n. ir. to underlie ; lie under, succumb, yield, give way. Unterne^men, n. (-g) enterprise, un- dertaking, attempt ; — , v. a. ir. to undertake, attempt, be enter- prising. Unterri(^t, m. (-e^) instruction. unterrtcf>ten, v. a. to instruct, inform, teach. unterfc^eiben, v. a. & n. ir. to distin- guish, discern, discriminate. unterfc^ieben; v. a. ir. to shove under, substitute, supply ; forge (a will). Unterfc^teb, m. (-e^; pi. -c) distinc. tion, difference, separation. unterfc^iebettf adj. & part, different, unterftnfcn, «. n. ir. to sink, [distinct. unterfu(5^en, v. a. to inquire into, 62? amine, investigate. VOCABULAEY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 121 Unterfurfiung, /. {pi -en) inquiry, ex- amination, investigation, inquest. Untert^an, w. (-ed ; j?^. -en) subject; — , adj. subject, dependent. untcr»eg(e)d, adv. by the way, on the way ; — laffen# to omit, leave un- done. unterweifen, t). a. ir. to instruct, teach. unterwerfen, «. a. ir. to subject, sub- due ; — , ■». r. to become a subject, submit. [ture. unterwinben, ■». r. ir. to presume, ven- untcrmttrflg, adj. subject, submissive. Unt^at, /. {pi. -en) misdeed, crime. Unttefe/ /. {pi. -n) shallowness, shal- low place ; bank. Untreue/ /. perfidy, faithlessness. untriiglicf), adj. infallible, unerring. uniibetlegt, adj. inconsiderate. unilktllciglic^, adj. insurmountable. unukwinblii^, adj. invincible, uncon- querable, insuperable. un^erclnberlic^, adj. unchangeable, un- alterable, immutable. un»erbro|Ten, adj. indefatigable, assid- uous. unioerfalfd^t, adj. unadulterated, gen- uine, [memorable. un^erge^Uc^, adj. not to be forgotten, un»cr^o^len, adj. unconcealed. untterlejjUd), adj. inviolable, invul- nerable, [avoidable. unsermeiblid^, adj. inevitable, un- un»erne^mUd^, adj. inaudible. un»crfo^nltc^, adj. implacable, irre- concilable. unverflanblid^, adj. unintelligible. uu^ertrdglic^, adj. incompatible, quar- relsome. unverwanbt/ adj. unmoved, fixed ; not related. un»cmei(t, adj. & adv. without de- lay ; directly, instantly. unverworren, adj. not confused, not intricate. [alterable. untt>anbelbar, adj. immutable, un- Unwefen* n. (-^) disorder, confusion, mischief, disturbance, noise. unmibcrPe^Uc^, adj. irresistible. unnjirt^Bar, adj. inhospitable, dreary. Unwiffen&ett, /. ignorance. [less. un'jCi^lig, adj. innumerable, number- unjart> adj. rude, not delicate. unjertrennlicf), adj. inseparable, indis- soluble. Unjufrieben^elt, /. discontentedness, malcontentedness. uppig, adj. luxurious, wanton. uralt, adj. extremely old, ancestral. Uralternf /. ancestors, first parents. Uranlagc, /. originality, innate orig- inality. Urbilb, n. (-e^; pi. -er) archetype, prototype, original, ideal. Urfraft, /. {jyl. -frdfte) primitive power, force or energy, original faculty. urftdftig, adj. of primitive or original power, very mighty, overwhelm- Urne, /. {pi. -n) urn. [ing. Urfact)e, /. {pl.-n) cause, reason. Urfprung, m. (-ed) origin, fountain, beginning ; principle. urfpriinglic^, adj. original, primitive. Urt^eil, n. (-ed ; pi. -e) sentence, judgment, verdict, opinion, de- cision, condemnation. urt^eilen, v. a. & n. to judge, decide. Urvater, m. {-^) first parent, ancestor. \U\t\U f. { pi. -en) primitive time, re- mote antiquity. Ufurpation, /. {pi. -en) usurpation. 122 VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. uacant, adj. vacant. SJafall, m. (-en ; pL -en) SJater, m. {-^'ipl. SJatcr) father ; -blirf, m. (-e^) paternal or loving look, regard ; -^au^, n. father's house, ancestral or paternal habitation ; -lanb, n. (-e^) fatherland, native country ; -lanb^fmn, m. (-ti) patri- otism, love of one's native land ; -li(|, adj. fatherly, paternal, with care;-Io^» adj. fatherless ; -morber, m. (-^) parricide ; -jlabt,/. native town ; -jlelle, /. place of a father ; -treue, /. father's care ; -unfer, n. (-^) Lord's Prayer, Paternoster. i)attfanif(|f adj. appertaining to the Vatican. ^iha, f. (pi. -§>) Veda (sacred wri- tings of the Hindu). S5eild)en, n. {-^) violet. [inate. ijeratf(^euen> v. a. to abhor, abom- verac^tenf ■». a. to despise, contemn, ignore, disdain. [cable. sjerac^tlic^, adj. contemptible, despi- SSixa^tmQf f. contempt, scorn, dis- dain. sjercinbern, v. a. to change, alter, vary. SJerdnberung^ /. (j^l. -en) change, al- teration, mutation, variation. SJeranlaffung, /. (pi. -en) occasion, cause, inducement, motive. ijerarmen, v. n. to become poor. SJerbanb, m. {-t^ ; pi. -I)anbe) band- age, dressing, binding. »erWnnen, v. a. to banish, proscribe, exile, outlaw, expel. SJerbanttungr /. (pi. -en) banishment, exile, proscription. ^erteiilcn, v. a. to suppress, stifle. brook ; — , v. r. ir. to lock the teeth. Derbergen, v. a. ir. to conceal, hide. »erbinben, v. a. ir. to bandage, tie up, dress a wound, unite, join, oblige. SJerMnbung, / (pi. -en) connection, union, alliance, confederacy. ijerMffen, part, of ijerki^en. serbitten, v. a. ir. to decline, beg to be excused, beg that a thing be not done, protest. ijerlnttern, v. a. to embitter. [lude. ijerblenben, ■y. a. to blind, dazzle, de- S^erblenbung, /. (pi. -en) dazzling, deceiving, infatuation, fascina tion. »erBlu^en» v. n. to fade, wither. ijevMumt, adj. figurative, covered. i)erborgcn> v. a. to lend out, borrow ; part, (of »erkrgen) concealed, hid- den, [interdiction. 23erbot, n. (-ei3; p?. -e) prohibition, ijertramen, v. n, to border. SJerirec^en, n. (-^) crime, offence ; — , V. a. ir. to break off, commit (crime, &c.), transgress ; forfeit. S3erbrec^er, m. (-^); -in, /. (yl. -nen) criminal,delinquent,transgressor. serBrciten, v. a. to divulge, spread, propagate, diffuse, circulate. ijerbrennen, v. a. & n. ir. to burn ; mit SBaffer — , to scald. ijerMnben, v. a. to ally, associate ; — , V. r. to form a league. ijerMrgenr -y. a. to answer for, bail ; — , X). r. to become bail or security. verBiittet, part. & adj stunted, dwarf- ish ; fig. quite stupid. 3Jerba(^t, m. (-e5) suspicion, mis- trust , in — '^akn, to mistrust. »erbammen, v. a. to condemn, damn. VOCABULABY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 123 fterbammlid^, adj. damnable, cursed. ^evbammni^,/. damnation, perdition. »erbammt, int. damned ! »erbanfen, ■». a. to owe, be indebted for, thank (for). ijcrbecfcn, v. a. to cover up, conceal. ijcrbenfen, v. a ir. to find fault (witli), take amiss (from). IBerberbenf n. (-^) destruction, cor- ruptness, ruin ; — , v. a. ir. to spoil, corrupt, ruin, destroy ; — , V. n. to spoil, go to ruin. Berber Mid)f adj. destructive, ruinous, »erbienen, v. a. to deserve, merit, gain, earn. SSerbienfJ, m, (-e^) reward, profit, gain ; — , n. (-e^ ; pi. -c) merit. SJerbDUmetfc^ung, /. {pi. -n) interpre- tation, [renew. verboppetHf v. a. to double, increase, ijerborOcn, part, of »erberl)eu. ttcrborrcn, ^. n. to dry up, wither; — , V. a. to wither, parch. Uerbrangen^ v. a. to push away, dis- possess, dislodge, supplant. jjerbrlepen, v. imp. ir to displeas9, annoy, fret, vex. »erbrie§Iii^, adj. annoyed, vexed, vexatious, tiresome, fretful, angry. Verbroffen, part.k adj. disgusted, in- disposed, unwilling, reluctant. SJerbrup, m. (-ffe^) displeasure, an- ger, vexation, trouble ; jum — , in spite (of). ^erebeln/ v. a. to ennoble, improve. tcrc^rcn, 'c. a. to honor, revere, vene- rate, make a present of. S3erel)rer, m. (-«); -in,/, {pi. -ncn) reverencer, admirer, adorer, wor- shiper. re ".^rlld), see ^cre^rung^wurbi^. Sere^rung, /. {pi. -en) respect, rev- erence, worship, adoration. ijerebrung^iruibig, adj. honorable, ven- erable, adorable. [federation. SJereitt/ m. (-C(3; pi. -e) union, con- »erein(t9)en, v. a. to unite, combine; — , v. r. to agree. [federation SJereinipng, /. {pi. -en) union, con- 35ereini9ung(^V«nft, m. centre of union. ttereitcln» v. a. to frustrate, bafile, sercngen, v. a. to straiten, contract, narrow down, [immortahze. yerewigen; v. a. to render eternal, 3}erfa^ren, n. (-«) proceeding ; — , 'C. a. ir. to wear out by a carriage, transport, convey ; — , v. a. to proceed, treat, deal, verfaUenf «. n. ir. to fall down, decay, go to ruin, to be due, expire, elapse, to be forfeited. Serfaffung, /. {pi. -en) constitution, state, condition. verfe^Ien, v. a. to miss, not to attain. oerfcrttgen, ■«. a. to make, manufac- ture, compose. »erfluc^en, v. a. to curse, execrate. »erfolgen, v. a. to pursue, persecute ; continue ; gcrid)tlic^ — , to prose- cute (by law). SJcrfoIger, m. {-^) persccutcr, pursuer. 25erfolgung, /. (^.^. -en) pursuit, per- secution. 33erfiigung, /. {pi. -en) disposition, ar- rangement, ordinances ; — trcff-n, to dispose, order ; TOcitcrc — al".var- ten, to wait for further orders. verfit^rcn, v. a. to mislead, corrupt, lead astray, seduce. 2Jerfii^rer, w. (-5); -in, /. {pi. -ncn) misleader, seducer, tcrgaffcn, v. r. to fall in love with. 124 TOCABULAEY. — GERMAN A^D ENGLISH. ftcrgangcn, part. & adj. past, gone by ; -^eit, /. past, time past. !5ergeben» v. a. ir. to forgive, pardon ; give away, bestow. S^er^cber, m. (-^) donor. sergekn^, adv. in vain, to no purpose. ijergeblicl, adj. vain, fruitless. SJerge^en, n. (-^) error, ojBfence ; — , V. n. ir. to pass away, elapse, waste away, diminish, perish ; — , V. r. to go astray, commit a fault. SBergc^ung, /. {pi. -en) fault, offence. ^ergelten, «.a. ir. to requite, pay, com- pensate, make up, reward, 33erge(ter, m. (-^) rewarder, avenger. SJergeltung; /. {pi. -en) retribution, return, recompense. [ful of. ^jergeffen* v. a. ir. to forget, be mind- i)crgie§en; v. a. ir. to spill, shed. 33ergtc§ung, f.{j>l. -en) effusion, shed- ding. scrgiften, v. a. to poison, envenom. 23crglelct), m. (-e^; pi. -e) comparison, arrangement, compromise, con- vention, contract ; -bar, adj. com- parable ; -en, v. a. ir. to compare, collate, to make even or equal ; V. r. to compose a difference, make up, adjust ; -ung,/. {pi. -en) comparison ; compromise. vergtimmen, v. n. ir. to cease glowing, lose its glow, be extinguished. 25ergnugcn, n. {-4) pleasure, delight, diversion ; — , v. a. to please. »>rgnugt, adj. pleased, contented, delighted, happy. sergonnen, v. a. to allow, permit, grant cheerfully. »ergijttern, v. a. to deify, idolize. ijergiiten, v. a. to compensate, in- demnify. »er:^aften, v. a. to arrest, take up, im- prison. »er^aflen, v. n to die away (of sound), become inaudible, SSer^alten, n. (-^) conduct, behavior ; — , V. a. r. to hold, retain, con- ceal , — , V. r. to be in a certain state, to be, to conduct one's self. S^erpltnip, n (-ffe^; pi. -ffe) relation, proportion ; -mapig, adj. propor- tional, relative, corresponding. ijerfjcinoen, v. a to cover by hanging, ordain, destine, determine. S3erl)angni|5, n. (-ffe^ ; pi. -ffe) decree, fate, destiny. [persevere. »er^arren, v. n. to remain, hold out, ^er^rtcn, v. n. to harden ; jig. ob- durate, indurate. »er^a§t, adj. hated, hatefal, odious. toerl;eeren, v. a. to destroy, desolate. ©erl)ecrung, /. {pi. -en) devastation, desolation. »er^e^len, v. a. to conceal, hide. »er^eiratt)en, ■». a. to marry ; — , v. r. to enter into matrimony, marry. SJerl^etraf^ung, /. {pi. -en) marrying, marriage, ijer^ei^cn, v.a.ir. to promise, pledge. SUcrl^eiiung, /. {pi. -en) promise. \?er^errli(^en, /. denial, abnegation, iBerlcumbung, /. {pi. ^cn) slander, calumny ijerlieren/ v. a. ir. to lose ; — , v. r. to lose one's way, go astray. SBcrliep, n (-cd ; pi -c) dungeon. »crlcl)en» v. a. to alliance, espouse. 126 VOCABDLAEY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. ijerloren, part. & adj. lost, forlorn, utterly ruined ; — ge^en, to be or become lost. ijerlofi^en, 'd. n. ir. to become extin- guislied ; — , v. a. to extinguish. 25erlu)l, m. {-t^ ; pi. -liifte) loss. ijerlufiig? adj. lost, losing ; — werbeit/ to be deprived of; ftc^ — mac^en, to forfeit. Dermac^eitr v. a. to make over, be- queath, leave, devise, give away ; stop, close. [bequest, 25erma(^mtp, n. (-ffei3 ; pi. -ffe) legacy, i)erma^len» v. r. to marry. verme^reri; ■y. a. & r. to grow more, increase, augment, multiply. lueimeibcn, u. a. ir. to avoid, shun, ijermelben, «. a. to mention, announce. Jjermengen, «. a. to mix, confuse ; — , -y. r. to meddle with, ucrmeffen, od. a. ir. to measure • — , ■y. ?'. to measure wrong, protest with solemn asseverations, arro- gate to one's self, presume, make bold, dare ; — , part & adj tern erarious, rash. Uermifc^enf 'c. a. to mix, mingle, blend S3ermif(|ung, /. {pi -en) mixture. Jjermiffen, v. a. to miss, regret. ioermitteln, ■». a. to mediate, interpose, bring about, negotiate. ijcrmittelft, prep, by means of [of ijermoge, prep, by virtue or reason SJermogeitf n. (-<3) ability, power, faculty, property, fortune ; — tV.a. ir. to be able, capable, or have power to do, avail, induce, prevail, Jjermogenb, adj. rich, wealthy, opu lent, able, potent. [mask. ijermummen, v. a. to muffle, disguise, S3crmu(^en» n. (-5) supposition, opin ion ; — , 'd. a. to suspect, suppose, presume, conjecture, guess; ex- press. ijermut^lid), adj. likely, probable, aSernac^laffiguiig, /. {pi. -en) neglect. 3}erne^men, n. {-^) perception, dis- position ; ba^ QUte — , the good understanding ; — , v. a. ir. to perceive, understand, learn ; hear; interrogate ; ftd^ — laffen, to give one's opinion. ijerneigen; v n to bow, courtesy. ijernic^ten, v. a. to annihilate, destroy. SJernunft/ /. reason, sense ; -fa^igfcit, /. capacity of reasoning ; judg- ment ; -grunb/ m. ground or ar- gument of reason. Sjernunftig, adj. reasonable, rational, »ernunft^n>ibrig, adj. irrational, con- trary to reason. Sjerijben, v. n. to become desolate ; — , V. a. to make waste, desolate. Serorbnettf -». a. to order, ordain, pre- scribe, [nance, prescription. SJerorbnung^ /. {pL -en) order, ordi- S)er))eften, «. a. to infest, poison. sjerpfdnben/ ®. a. to pawn, pledge, mortgage. »erpflid)ten, "o. a. to oblige, engage, bind by an oath, swear. »erpraffen, -». a. to squander, dissi- pate in excesses. SJerratI), m. (-e(5) treason, treachery. »erratl;enf -?;. a to be treacherous, be- tray, reveal, discloss. SJerratfer, m. (-5) betrayer, traitor ; -in, / {pi. -nen) traitoress. Serrcit^erci, /. {pi. -en) treachery, treason, perfidy. »eira|"en/ ■«. n. to take a journey ; — , 'd. a. to spend in travelling. VOCABULABY.- JERMAN AND ENGLISH. 127 t>erreitcn; v, a, ir. to spend in riding ; — , v. r. to lose one's self on horse- back. ajcrric^tunj, /. {pi. -en) performance, achievement, affairs, business. serrlngern, v. a. to lessen, diminish, cut down. [pass away, elapse. serrlnnen, v. n. ir. to run off or out, serruc^t, adj. profligate, infamous, vicious, wicked, cursed, [insane. UxxMU adj. displaced, crazy, mad, SJer^f m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) verse ; poetry. Derfagen, v. a. to deny, refuse, prom- ise ; miss fire, fail. [semble. jjerfammeln, v. a. & ?*. to collect, as- SJcrfammlung, /. {pi. -en) assembly, congregation, meeting. [slight. serfaumcn, v. a. to miss, neglect, ijerft^afen, v. a. to procure, get, pro- vide, find. [chaste, delicate. i)erfvi)amt, adj. abashed, bashful ; »erfd)arrcn, v. a. to inter, bury. 2Jerfii)ciben» n. {-^) death, expiration, decease; — , v. n. ir. to expire, die. »crfc^enfen, v. a. to give away, make a present of. [away. ^crfi^crjen, v. a. to jest, trifle or fool \)crf*:^euii^cn, v. a. to scare, drive away. S):rri)icfen, v. a. to send away, missend. »cri"d)icben/ adj. different, diverse, various, sundry ; -l)cit,/ {2)1. -en) difference, diversity, variety. verfc^lagen, adj. cunning, sly. »crfd)leubern, v. a. to trifle away, sell under price. [lock up. »crfc^liepcn, v. a. ir. to close, lock, uerfi^Ummcrn, v. a. to make worse ; — . V. r. to become or grow worse. serfi^Ungcn, v. a. ir. to entangle, twist together ; swallow up, de- VOIl". »erf(^Io|Ten, part. & adj. locked, re- served, close. [sleep. »erfd)lummern/ v. a. to pass away in »erfc^mac^ten, v. a. to IVaut, languish. »erfc^mat)en/ v. a. to disdain, scorn. vcrfc^oncn, «. a. to spare, forbear. »evfc^reibenf v. a. ir. to assign, order, prescribe, transfer ; make a blun- der in writing. fterfc^ulben, v. a. to involve in debts, commit an oflence, deserve (blame, &c.). [grees, disappear. »erfd)tveben, -y. n. to vanish by de- ijcvfdjmcigcnf v. a. ir. to keep close or secret, be silent about, conceal. »crfc^it»enbenf ■». a. to squander, dis- sipate, expend, Waste, [reserved. i?erfd)jvlegcn, adj. kej^t secret, close, »ei[d)iDinbcnf t?. n. ir. to disappear, vanish, become invisible. 35crfe()en» n. (-^) error, mistake, in- advertency, blunder ; — , v. a. ir. to overlook ; provide, supply, at- tend to, fill (an ofiice) ; — , v. r. to make a mistake, miss. 33erfcl)un(5, /. furnishing, providing. »erfenbettf v. a. ir. to send away. ijerfenfcn, v. a. to sink, let down ; de- press, overwhelm (grief, &c.). »erfet^en, v. a. to misplace, transplant, pawn ; — , v. n. to reply, [firm. »crfid;:rn, v. a, to assure, insure, af- S)crfid}crung, /. {pi. -en) assurance, insurance. uerftegen. v. a. & n. to become ex- hausted or drained, dry up. »crfteiichu t. a. to seal, seal up, rectify. »crfinfen, v. n. ir. to sink. ttcrfol)nen» t. a. to reconcile, appease. 33 erf liner, m, {-^) mediator, recon- ciler. 128 VOCABULAEY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 33erfi)^nun3>/. {jpl. -en) reconciliation, atonement. Jjerforgen, v. a. to provide with, care or provide for. [come late. »erfpdtenf «. a. to retard ; — , v. r. to serfpenben^ «. a. to distribute, bestow by largesses. _ serfperreHf v. a. to bar, close, barri- cade, block up, stop. »crfpotten, a a. to mock, scoff, deride. SJerfprec^eitf n. (--^) promise, engage- ment ; — , 'D. a. ir. to promise ; — , V. r. to make a slip of the tongue. sjerfpri^en* v. a. to squirt away, spill. SJerjlanb/ m. (-e<3) understanding, in- tellect, intelligence, sense, judg- ment, [tal power. SJerflanbe^toei^^eit, /. intellect, men- i)er|latibigf ad^> intelligent, judicious. SJertlanbigunQf /. (p^. -en) under- standing, agreement. 2Jerflanbni§, n, (-e^) intelligence, concord, understanding, agree- ment, [reinforce. »erflarfen, -o. a. to strengthen, fortify, aJertlcirfung, /. i^pL -en) fortifying, supply, succor, reinforcement. »erflatten» «. a. to permit, grant, allow. »er|laukn, «. n> to cover with dust, make dusty. verjlecfen, «. «. to hide, conceal. »er|le|en, i). r. ir. to understand, comprehend ; ftd> ju ettt>a^ --, to agi-ee to, accede to. sjerileinern, «. a. to petrify. ©erjleinerung, /. {'pl. -en) petrifaction, petrified object. »erflellen> v. a. to disfigure, deform ; — , r. r. to dissemble. S5erflcIIung» /. (p^. -en) deforming, disfiguration, dissimulation. perflo^len/ «(?;. stolen, clandestine, secret, surreptitious, furtive. ijerjlorten, ad^, defunct, deceased. »erlloren, t. a. to scatter, disturb. »er|lcgen, •«. a. ir. to push away, re- ject, cast off, repudiate ; — , «. n. to offend, give offence. scrftreic^en, id. n. ir. to pass away ; — , V. a. to spread over, besmear, stop. »crtlri{fen, t. a, to entangle, ensnare. SJerftrtcfung, /. {pl. -en) ensnaring, entanglement, seizure. ijeri'iummen, v. n. to grow dimib, to be or become silent. SUerjlummelung, /. {pl -en) mutila- tion, maiming. [trial, proof. 35erfu(^, m. (-eiS; pl. -e) experiment, »erfu^en> v. a> to try, attempt ; taste. 3Jerfu(^ungr /. {pl -en) temptation, enticement. [mistake. vertaufci^en» v. a. exchange, take by »ert()eibigcn, v. a. to defend, protect. SJertfieibiger, m. (-i3) defender, de- fendant, justifier. [apology. SlJert^eibitjung* /. {pl -en) defence, ^ert^eibigung^friegr m. defensive war. »ertilgen, v. a. to extirpate, exter- minate, destroy, annihilate. SJertrag, n. (-e^ ; pl -trcige) contract, compact, agreement, treaty, bar- gain. sjertragenf v. a. ir. to carry away, en- dure, bear, support, wear out ; — , V. r. to make up, become rec- onciled, agree, form a compact. vertraglid^r adj. sociable, peaceably, friendly ; -feit, /, amiability, gen- tle disposition, peaceableness, so- ciableness, compatibility. ©ertraucn, n. {-^) confidence, trust, VOCABULARY. GEBM.VN AND ENGLISH. 129 belief ; — , v. n. to trust, confide in ; -f V. a. to entrust. tocrtraullc^, adj. confiding, cordial, familiax, kind. [dential. »crtraut, adj. trusty, intimate, coufi- »ertreibcn, v. a. ir. to drive away, expel. »crtretcn, v. a. ir. to sprain ; repre- sent ; ben SBeg — , to stop, step in the way. [scntativc. SJcrtreter, m. (-^) intercessor ; reprc- »ertriekn, adj. driven away, ban- ished, [put off. sjcrtrijflcn, v. a. to feed with hope, »eriiben, v. a. to perpetrate, commit. tcrunrclnigen, v. a. to defile, pollute. ©erurt^eil, see SJcrurt^eilung. [tence. »erurt^eilen, v. a. to condemn, sen- SScrurt^cilung, /. {pL -en) condemna- tion, doom, sentence, verdict. Serroaltcr, m. (-^) guardian, admin- istrator, manager. Ser»altun:3, /. {pi. -en) administra- tion, guardianship. S5er»oIIfommnung, /. (jjl. -cit) perfect- ing, accomplishment. Dcrttja^ren* v. a. to keep, guard, pre- serve ; conceal (p. 196). »crwaifcn» v. n. to become an orphan, be left friendless or dcsarted,. *cr»anbeln, v. a. to turn, change ; — , V. r. to change, alter, to be meta- morphosed or transformed. Berwanblung, /. (pi. -en) change, transformation. uerwanbt, adj. related, allied to. »cr»cd^fcln, v. a. to change, exchange, confound by mistake. »crrocaen, adj. bold, daring, auda- cious ; -^eit» /• boldness, temerity, audacity. »ern)e^en, v. a. to blow away ; — , V. n. to blow over, clear up. ©ernjegner (eiu), m. a loU, audacious person. vermeigcrn, v. a. to deny, refuse. veriveilen, v. n. to abide, tarry, lin- ger, stay, dwell ; — , v. a. to delay. 3Scrit)ei<3, m. (-c«; pi. -e) rebuke, re- proof server fen, v. a. ir. to reject, refuse, throw away, mislay. [robation. iBcrroerfung, /. rejection, refusal, rep- vermefen, v. n. to decay, moulder, perish, rot ; — , v. a. to manage, administer. Bcrwefimij, /. decay, corruption, pu- trefaction, administration. »errr>td)cn, adj. passed, last. »ern)i(fcln, t. a to entangle, compli- cate, implicate, involve. »ern)trfcn, v. a. to commit, forfeit. S3cmnrnid)ung, /. {pi. -in) realization. toemnrren, v. a. to entangle, implicate, confound, confuse, perplex. ©emirrung, /. {^jl. -en) confusion. »er»oI)nen, v. a. to spoil, pamper, render delicate. verworfen^ adj. rej)robate, rejected. »ertt)unben, v. a. to wound, hurt. serwunbcrn, t\ a. to astonish ; — , v. r. to wonder, to be astonished. ©emunbcrung, /. wonder, surprise, astonishment, amazement. »er»unfd)t, adj. & part, cursed, be- witched. »erwii|len, r. a. to desolate, waste, lay wasre, ruin, destroy. [tion. 2.^crn?ii|lun9, /. desolation, t^evasta »crjagen, v. n. to despair, despond. I scr'jagt, part. & adj. faint-hearted, I dismayed, daunted. 130 VOCABULAKY. — GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. S>erje:^ren, v. a. to consume, spend. 55erjei(^ncn, d. a. to draw wrong ; record, register. [forgive. i>erjei()en, v. a. ir. to pardon, excuse, SJerjeitiung, /. pardon, forgiveness; urn — bittejt/ to beg pardon. Sjerjie^eit/ v. a. ir. to contort, distort, spoil (a child) ; withliold ; — , v. n. to delay, pass away, tarry. ijerjie^en, past part, of »erjet^en. SJerjug, m. (-e^ ; pi. -jiige) delay. »erjn)etfelnf v. n. to despair, despond. SJerjweiflung, /. despair, desperation. i>erjit)eiflun9(3i?oII, adj. full of despair, desperate, utterly despondent. SJe^per, /. evening-time, vespers. SJefui)/ m. Vesuvius. SJetter, m. (-^; pi. -n) cousin. ijexiren, v. a. to vex, trouble, tease. S3icar, m. (-a; pi SSicare or SJicarien) vicar, deputy, substitute. ^k^, m. (-e^; pi. -e) beast, brute, cattle. Diel, ac?;. & adv. mucli ; ( j?Z. sjiele, many) ; -arttg, acZ;. multifarious, of many kinds ; -fa<^, adj. mani- fold, multifarious ; -Qt\k% adj. much beloved; -getreu, adj. trusty; -leic^t, adv. perhaps ; -mal{^), adv. many times, frequently, often ; -maltg, adj. often done, often re- peated ; -me^r, adv. much more, rather. »ier, adj. four; -ecf, n. v-3; pi. -e) quadrangle, square ; -fac^, -fctlttg, adj. four-fold; -fac^^eit, / four- fold; -ia% f. quarternary num- ber. Siertetflunbc, /. {pi. -n) quarter of an hour. [border. SJtgnette, /. ( pi. -n) vignette, flourish, »irgiltf(^, adj. pertaining to Virgil, after Virgil. 2)irmo^, m. (-en; pi. -en) virtuoso. ©ifier, 33iftr, 7i. {-^\pl.-t) beaver, visor, sight-vane, aim. 35ifttation, /. visitation, search. SJifttator, m. (-sg; p)l. -en) (official) visitor ; searcher, exciseman. »iftttren, v. a. to search, inspect. SJogel, m. (-^ ; pi. 25ogel) bird, fowl ; -nef!, n. (-e<3 ; pi. -er) bird's nest. 33o9(e)lein, n. {-i) dimin. of S^ogeL iBogt, m. {-i^ ; pi. ^Sogte) protector, guardian ; prefect, governor ; bai- liff. S!Jon, n. {-i^ ; pi. 25oIfer) people, na- tion ; crew ; -MiU, adj. enlivened with people, peopled, swarming. ©olferfejl, see 35oIf^fe|l. [legend. SJoIf^allegorie, /. {pi. -en) popular 2JDlf(5bu(|, n. {-i^ ; pi. -Md)cr) popu- lar book, book written in a popu- lar style. [val. SUolf^fefl, n. (-ea; pi. -e) public festi- 3Jolf^9ef(^i(^te, /. {pi. -n) history of a people. iBoIf^forper^ m. bodies of the people. 3)olf!§lieb, n. (-e^ ; pi. -er) national song. [ular man. S5olf^mann, m. (-c^ ; pi. -manner) pop- iJoIffSmapig, adj. in accordance with the nature, customs or habits of a people. uolf^t^iimlic^/ adj. see ijolf^maptg. »oII, adj. full, filled, whole. ijollbrtngen, v. a. ir. to accomplish, perform. toollenben, v. a. & r. to end, finish, perfect, complete, achieve, accom- plish, fulfill. [isher. 35ottcnbcr, m. (-?) accomplisher, fin- VOCABULARY.— GEBMAN AND ENGLISH. 131 »olIcnb(d), adv. quite, entirely. SJoKenbung, /. {i^l. -en) conclusion, accomplishment, consummation. SJoUfii^ren, v. a. to execute, carry out. SoUgebrcingt^ adj. thronged. sollgepropft, adj. full-sprouted. SoUig, adj. full, entire, complete ; suf- ficient ; — , adv. completely, en- tirely. SJoEigfeit, /. fullness, plenitude. jjoUfommen, adj. perfect, complete, absolute, consummate. 2Jottma(^t, /. {pi. -en) full power, plenipotence, power of attorney. UoUflcinbig, adj. complete, entire. Uofljci^lig, adj. complete in number, integral ; — fein, to have a quo- uottjiel^enf 'o. a. to execute. [rum. »on, prep, of, from, by. »or/ prep, before, for, from ; in comp. before, in presence of, sooner, in preference to; — einem 3a^re, a year ago, [before, precede. Doran, adv. before ; -ge^en, to walk Jjorau^, adj. in advance, before, be- forehand, ahead, foremost, by an- ticipation ; -eilen, to run ahead, hasten in advance ; -fe^en, v. a. to suppose, presume, take for granted. [viso, condition. Sorbe^alt, m. (-e^) reservation, pro- »orki, adv. by, passing, past, finish- ed, over, — fein, to be past ; -gct)en, v. n. & a. ir. to go by, pass, pass by ; im -gc^en, by the way ; -jagen, V. a. to chase by, hurry by ; -fd^ie^en, v. n. to glide by. Dorbereitcn, «. a. to prepare. SJorBcrcttungf /. {pi. -en) preparation. Sorbercitung^llcitte, /. preparatory room or place. »orbeugen, v. a. to bend forward, pre- vent, obviate, hinder. ttorbiegen, see »orkugen» SJorbilb/ n. {-ii\pl. -er) pattern, ex- ample, type. ttorbringen, v. a. ir. to bring forward, produce, offer, propose ; utter. »orbem, adj. formerly, once. SJorberta^e, /. {pi. -n) forepaw. SJorbert^eil, n. (-e^ ; pi. -c) forepart. uorbringen, v. n. ir. to press forward or onward, advance. ttorem^alten, v. a. ir. to keep from, withhold, retain. S5orfa^r(e), m. (-en; pi. -en) ancestor, predecessor, forefather, progeni- tor. »orfattenf v. a. ir. to occur, happen. »orftnben, -u. a. ir. to find, fall in with. 55orforberung, /. {pi. -en) citation, summons. 35organg, m. (-e^ pi. -gdnge) prece- dence, occurrence, incidents, event, transaction. SJorgebirge, n. {-i) cape, promon- tory. ^orgeblid^, adj. pretended, nominal. ttorgebogen, part. & adj. bent forward. »orgefunben, see »orftnben. »orge^en, v. n. ir. to go before, jut out, have a preference; happen. ttorgej^ern, adv. day before yesterday. 2Jor!^at)en, n. (-^) design, intention, purpose ; — , v. a. ir. to design, intend, to be about, have on, have before one. tjor^anben, adv. at hand, present, ex- tant ; — fein, to be, exist. SJor^ang, m. (-ed; pi. -^ange) curtain. sorter, adj. before, previous(ly) ; -ge^en» v. a. ir. to precede, go be- 133 VOCABULABY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. fore ; -fagung, /. {pi. -en) proph- ecy, prediction. jjorig^ adj. former, preceding last. SJorfel^rung, /. ( pi. -en) precaution, predisposition, preparation, pro- vision. »orfommen, «. n. ir. to come before, present itself, occur, happen ; ap- pear, seem. torlegen, v. a. to lay or put before, propose ; carve ; help. S5orIefungf /. {pi. -en) lecture, prelec- tion, public reading. ijorle^t, adv. last but one. vorlieb, see fiirlieb. SJorlie^c, /. predilection, preference. ijcrmac^en, v. a. to paint by way of example; delude. SJormauetf /. {pi. -n) outward wall, barricade, bulwark, guard. »orn/ adv. before, in front ; »ott — , from the front, in front. ijorne^m, adj. gentle ; of rank, grand. »orne^mIic^, adv. chiefly, principally. ijorne^mjl, adj. first, prime, principal. S^orrang, m. (-e^) precedence of rank. SJorrat:^, m. (-e<5; pi. -rat^e) store, stock, provisions. [room. SJorrat^iJfammer, /. {pi. -n) store- SJorrec^t, n. (-e^; pi. -e) privilege, prerogative. [entrance-hall. SSorfaal, m. {-ti\pl. -fale) ante-room, SUorfa^, m. (-e^; pi. -fa^c) purpose, intention ; wit — , intentionally. ijorfa^lid^, adj. intentional. ©orf(^ein, m. (-ea) appearance ; junt — fommen; to come to light, come forth, make appearance. »orfrf)ie§en, v. n. ir. to shoot forward, project ; — ,v. a. to shove quickly before, advance money. aorfc^reikn, v. a. ir. to set a copy prescribe, direct, order. SJorfe^ung, /. providence. S5orftc()t, /. foresight, caution, pre- caution, circumspection. ijorjtc^tig, adj. prudent, cautious, cir- cumspect, provident. ijorjingen; v. a. ir. to sing to. [relay. ©orfpann, m. (-e^) additional horses, ijorj^eden, v. a. to stick before. sjorfiellen/ v. a. to place or set before, present, represent, introduce ; plead, remonstrate ; — , v. r. to imagine, fancy. [advance. sorjlretfenf v. a. to stretch forward, S)ort^eU, m. (-e^ ; pi. -e) advantage, result, gain, prerogative ; -^aft, adj. advantageous, profitable. S^ortrag, m. (-e^; pi. -trage) elocu- tion, delivery, diction, treatise ; in — ^ringen, to propose. ttortrejfUd), adj. excellent, exquisite. »ortretenf v. n. to step before, step forward or forth, advance, to step out from the ranks or from the crowd. ijoriiber, adv. gone by, past, over ; -flie^en, v. a. to flee ; -fii^ren, to lead by ; -ge^en, v. n. ir. to go by, SJoru^ung, /. {pi. -en) preliminary exercise, training, preparation. 3}orurt^eil n. (-e^; pi. -e) prejudice, prepossession. [inate. ijomalten, v. n. to prevail, predom- SJomanb, m. (-ea ; pi. -wcinbe) pre- tence, pretext ; /. {pi. -ttJCtnte) front wall, cover. i)ort»arta, adv. forward, forwards. 23orn>elt, /. {pi. -en) anterior world, past agfes. VOOABULARy. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 133 Jjomcrfeit, v. a. ir. to reproach or\ upbraid with, throw up to. j SJorwi^f m. (-e^) forwardness, prying i curiosity, inquiaitiveness. S5orR)ort, n. {-ti\ pi. -z & -sorter) preface, preposition. SJorWurf, m. (-e^ ; 7;^. -toiirfe) re- proach, the thing thrown before or to, bait, lure. tjorjcid^nert/ v. a. to draw, sketch, draw as a pattern. SJorjeid)nung, /. {pi. -en) pattern, study, model, drawing. Uorjcigeitf v. a. to produce, exhibit, present. SJorjeit, /. (pi. -en) time of old, time of yore, antiquity, primitive age. Uorjcitig, adj. precocious, premature. ^orjie^en, v. a. ir. to draw before, prefer. Sorju(j/ m. (-c^ ; pi. -iiige) van, van- guard, preference, prerogative, superiority, excellence. Uorjuglici^, adj. distinguished, pref- erable, excellent ; — , adv. par- ticularly, especially. SSJaare, /. (pl-n) ware, merchandise. tt>ac^, adj. awake, on the alert. SQBac^e, /. {pi. -n) guard, watch. mad^m, v. n. to wake, to be awake, sit up, guard. ^» adj. likely, probable ; -fd>cinliii)feit, /. 131 VOCABULARY. — GEEMAN AND ENGLISH. (pi. -en) likeliliood, probability ; -ielc^eit, n. {-&) symptom, indica- tion, [gnard. toa))xtn, V. a. to take care of, watch, JDci^ren, v. n. to last, continue. Wci'^renb, prep, during ; — , conj. while. SBaib, m. (-el) wood ; -werf, n. wood- work. 2Balb, m. (-el; pi. -walber) wood, forest ; -flrom, m. (-el ; pi. -flrijme) forest-stream ; -tl)ier; n. (-el ; pi. -e) beast of the forest. ttalbig^ adj. woody, forest-covered. tualfen, v. a. to full, [dike, rampart, ©aH, m. (-el ; pi. SBalle) wall, dam, tuallen^ ■». n. to boil up, bubble, to be in agitation; undulate; wander, walk, go on a pilgrimage. SBallifer, m. an inhabitant of Wales. Walten, ^. n. to rule over, direct, dis- pose, govern, manage. SSalje, /. {pi. -n) roller, cylinder. tt>aljen, 'v. a. to roll, move ; waltz. wciljen, 'c. a. & r. to roll, trundle, wallow (in mire, &c.). Sanb, /. {pi. SKciube) wall, partition. tranbeln, ■». n. to walk, travel, wan- der. SQBanberblidf/ m. wandering look. Sanberftern, m. (-cl ; pi. -e) planet. SBanberer, m. (-1) wanderer, traveler. SKanberlekn, n. wandering life. luanbern, v. n, to wander, travel, rove. SBanberfcinge, /. minstrel songs. SBanberftiiaft, /. {pi. -en) peregrina- tion, [eler's staflP. SBanberflab, m. (-cl; pi -fla6e) trav- SBanberung, /. ( pi. -en) wandering, traveling, excursion, migration. SSange, /. {pi -n) cheek, jowl. ttjanfen, v. n. to shake, totter, waver, to be irresolute. njann^ conj. & adv. when ; bann unb — , sometimes, now and then, oftentimes. tuannen, v. n. to fan, winnow ; sjon — , whence, wherefrom. 2Ba}>pen/ n. (-1) escutcheon, arms, signet, armorial bearing ; -rodf/ m. herald's or soldier's coat. Juarm, adj. warm, hot. Warmen, v. a. to warm, heat. tparnen, v. a. to warn, admonish, caution, put on one's guard. Sarnung, /. {pi -en) warning, cau- tion. 9Barnungltraum, m. (-el) warning dream. [out. Sarte, /. ( pi. -n) watch-tower, look- Wartenf v. n. to wait, stay for ; — , ■y. a. to attend, take care of. Smarter, m. (-1) attendant, waiter, SDBartt^urm, see Sarte. [keeper. t»arum, adv. why, wherefore. XOOiit pron. what ; that, something. lx»afcf)en> v. a. n. ir. to wash ; gossip. SBaffer, n. (-1) water ; -faff, m. (-el ; pi -fciffc) cataract, cascade ; -jTuf^f /. ( 2)1 -en) flood, inundation ; -fttffj^anb, m. standing still of water ; -flurj, m. waterfall ; -JDoge, /. {pi. -n) billow, huge wave. njaffcrn; v. n. to water ; — , v. a. to water, irrigate. S©ek, /. {pi -n) web, weft. [move. we^en, v. a. & n. to weave, wave, SBe'bertlul^l, m. (-el ; pi -fliifik) weav- er's frame, loom. Sffie(^fel, m. (-1) alternation, change, vicissitude, bill of exchange ;. -Vott> adj. full of changes. VOCABULAUY. — GERMAN AND ENQLISH. 135 9Scc^feIn» n. clianging, alternation ; V. a. & 71. to exchange, cliange, alternate, sliift. loedcn* V. a. to wake, awake, arouse. toittx, eonj. neither ; — no6), neither . . . nor. SBcg, m. (-Ci3 ; pi. -c) way, path ; — , adv. away, gone ; unterwcg^, on the way ; -blcil^en, v. n. ir. to stay away ; -ful)rcn; d. a. to lead away ; -giepem v. a. ir. to pour away ; iagen^ v. a. to drive away ; -leugneitr v. a. to deny, disown ; locfen, V. a. to entice away ; -ncl^ menr v. a. ir. to take away, seize ; -xaubtti, V. a. to take away by force, rob ; -rdumen, v. a. to put away, clear away ; -reipen, v. a. ir. to tear away ; -tragen, v. a. ir. to carry away ; -treiben, v. a. ir. to drive away ; -TOenben> v. a. ir. to turn away; -wevfen, v. a. ir. throw away, reject ; -jie^en, v. a. ir. to draw away. [of, for. toegen, prep, on account of, because m^f nje^e, int. wo, woe ; an-, ah ! alasl -mut^» /. sadness, melan- choly; -t^uH; to cause pain, grieve. SBe'^en, /. labor-pains, travail ; — , v. n. to blow. 2Bc^r(c), /. (2)1. -en) defense, bul- wark, weapon ; — , n. dam, dike ; -^aft, adj. capable of bearing arms ; -lo^^ adj. una'rmed, defense- less. toc^rcitf V. a. to check, restrain, de- fend, oppose, hinder ; — , v. r. to defend one's self, resist, make a defence. ©eib, n. (-eS ; pi. -cr) woman, wife ; "1x6), adj. female, feminine. 2Belt)(^cn, n. (-5) dimin. of SScib. 2Beiberliek, /. woman's love. weid), adj. soft, weak, feeling, sensi- tive, emotional ; -lid), adj. soft, effeminate ; -Itntj^ m. (-c^ ; pi. -c) voluptuary. SBeic^e, /. {pi. -n) side,, flank, i»cic^cn> 1). a. to steep, soak, macerate ; — , D. n. to be steeped ; — , v. n. ir. to give way, yield. Scibe, /. {pi. -n) pasture, pasturage, feeding-ground willow; Slraucr-, weeping willow, weiben, v. a. & n. to pasture, feed, graze ; feast, gratify, delight ; — , adj, made of willows. SBcibWcrf, n. {-i) chase, hunt, game. SEBeigern, n. {~i) refusal, resistance ; — , V. a. to refuse, deny ; — , r. r. to refuse, resist. Seigeruug; /. {pi. -en) refusal. 2Bei:^c, /. {pi. -n) consecration. n)eil)cn, v. a. to consecrate, dedicate. 2Dcibnad)tcn, m. Christmas. SBci^raud), m. (-e^) incense, SBei^ung, /. consecration. Weil, conj. because, as, while, that. 3ScUe, /. while, idle time. SBein, m. (-e^; i^l. -c) wine ; -rebe, /. {pi. -n) ; -jlod , 711. (-e ; pl.-\i^at) vine, grape-vine, weinen, t. a. & n. to weep, cry, tx>ci^, adv. einem etwaS — mac^en, to make a person believe what is not true, hoax. SBeife, (-n; pi. -n) (ber) wise man, sage, philosopher ; /. {pi. -en) mode, manner, way, custom, mi 1 ody ; — , adj. wise, sage, wcifen, V. a. ir. to point out, show assign, summarily, dismiss. 136 VOCABULAEY. GERMAN AND ENGLISH. SBeifer, m. (-^) queen bee, liand of a dock, a person who sliows any- thing. SS3ei(3^eit» /. wisdom, knowledge. SBet^l^eit^le^re, /. philosophy. wel^Uc^, adii>. wisely, prudently, tveip, adj. white, clean. [sagely. ttjei^fagen, «. a. to prophesy, predict, foretell, divine. [prophesy. SBei^faguttgf /. {'pl. -en) prediction, 2Bei§brot, n. (-e^ ; 'pl. -e) wheat-bread. fijeit, adj. distant, far, wide, extend- ed; — , adiQ. far; 6ei tt>eitem, by far ; son weitem, from afar ; -Iauf(t)i9, adj. far-reaching, prolix, diffuse, circumstantial. SBeite, /. (pZ. -n) width, distance. toeiter, adv. further, continue; unb fo — , and so forth. SBeijen, m. (-^) wheat; -gark, /. {pi. -n) wheat-sheaf. Welc^er, welc^e, tt)elc()e^, pron. who, which ; -lei; adj. of what kind. tt>elf; adj. withered, faded. tpelfen, 'o. n. to wither, fade. SSette, /. ( pi. -n) wave, billow. SSeIfa)lanb, n. lands of the Celts, Roman Gaul ; also Wales. SBeltr /. {pi. -en) world, universe; -all, n. (-^) universe ; lavi, m. mechanism, structure, system of the world ; -begeien^eit, /. {pi. -en) occurrence in the world, event ; -l&eru^mt, adj. far-famed ; -betrac^== tung; /. contemplation of the world; -burger, m. (-^) cosmop- olite; -bitrgerlic^, adj. cosmopol- itan; -biirgertl^um, n. (-a) cosmo- politism ; -entbecf er, m. (-^) discov- erer of a world ; -geMube, n. {-i) system of the universe ; -gegenb, /. {pi. -en) region of the world , -geitl, m. (-e^) spirit of the world; -geifilic^e, m. (-n; pi. -n) secular priest ; -gert(|t, n. (-e^ ; pi. -e) day of judgment, judgment of the world ; -gefc^ic^te, /. uni- versal history ; -ge[(^i(f, n. doom of the empires of the world ; -flug, adj. prudent, worldly wise ; -lic^, adj. worldly, temporal, secular ; -menge, /. throng of worlds : -ru^m, m. worldly glory ; -tl^eil, m. {-ti ; pi. -e) part of the world, country, region ; -»erflanb» m, knowledge of the world. SSenbeltrep^e, /. {pi. -n) winding stairs. tt)enben, v. a. ir. to turn, shift ; ftc^ an Semanben — , to address oae's self or apply to somebody. Senbung, /. {pi. -en) turn, turning, variation, invention. wenig, adj. & adv. little, few ; ein — / njeniger, adj. less, fewer. [a little. Wenigflen^, adv. at least, at any rate. ttjenn, conj. when, if ; — nid)t, if not, unless ; — auc^, though, although. tt>er, pron. who, who(8o)ever. WerBen, v. n. ir. to petition, woo, re- cruit, [recruiting. aBerbung, /. ( pi. -en) levy, levying, wcrben, v. n. ir. to become, grow, be, enter into existence, get. tt)erfen, -o. a. ir. to throw, cast, fling. Serf, n. (-e^; pi. -e) work, deed, clock-work, machinery ; 'mi — ri(^ten, to execute ; -i^eug, n. (-e3 ; pi. -c) instrument, tool. 2Bert^, m. (-e^) estimation, worth, value ; — , adj. worth, valuably worthy ; -lo^, adj. worthless. VOCABULARY. QEBMAN AND ENGLISH. 137 SBefcn, n. {-€) being, existence, es- sence ; spirit. [sontial. ttefentlid^, adj. real, substantial, es- toeffen, proii. whose. tt>c§^atb, tt)e§n)cgcn, adv. why, where- fore, for what reason, on what ac- count. SQ5cjl(en), m. (-(cn)^) west; -gewolfe, n. western, clouds ; -lic^, adj. west ; western ; -n^artd, adj. west- ward ; -tt>inb/ m. (-ti ; pi. -c) west wind. SBcttc, /. {pi. -n) bet, wager ; tttoai um tie — (t^un), for wager ; urn bic — fhcbcjtr to emulate, vie. tocttcifcrttr V, n. to emulate, vie. tocttertf u. a. & n. to wager, bet, risk. SBettcr, n. {-4) weather, storm ; -»ol=» ff' /• iP^' -n) storm-cloud. Scttfamj)f, m. (-c« ; pi. -fampfc) see Settjlrcit. ffiettflreit, m. (-c^ ; pi. -c) emulation, contest, prize - contest, contro- ©e^cl, Wetzel (a city). [versy. tte^cn, T. a. & n. to rub, whet. ©ic^tig, adj. weighty, important ; -fcit, /. {pi. -en) importance, pon- derosity, consequence. toiifcln, X. a. to wind up, wrap up, involve, envelop, swathe. U)iber» prep, against, contrary to ; -legcn» u. a. to refute, confute ; -fe^ot/ V. r. to resist, oppose ; -^m" nig, adj. absurd, illogical, incon- sistent ; -fpenjlig, adj. refractory, obstinate ; -f)jrc6cn, v. a. ir. to contradict, gainsay ; -fprud^, m. (-e^ ; pi. -fpriit^e) contradiction ; -flanb, m. {-ti) resistance, opposi- tion ; -flc^cn» V. n. ir. to withstand, resist, oppose ; -jlrebcn, n. (-«) opposition, resistance ; v. n. ir. to to strive against, resist ; -wartig, adj. contrary, averse ; -aille(n), m. (-(n)^) aversion, dislike ; -flrcitcn, 'C. a. & n. to oppose, militate against. tt)tbmcn, V. a. to dedicate, devote. Wibrig, adj. contrary, adverse, nau- seous, [conj. as, like. n>ie# adv. how, in what manner ; — , ttjiebcr, adv. again, anew; afresh, back ; -bclcben, v. a. to reanimate, resuscitate ; -bringcn, v. n. ir. to bring back, restore; -burd&lcben, V. a. to go through again, endure again ; -erobcrcif m. reconqueror ; -crokni, v. a. to reconquer ; -fin* ben, V. a. ir. to find again ; bu toirfl bic^ -pnben, thou'lt be thyself again ; -geburt, /. regeneration ; -ge^en, v. n. ir. to go back again ; -^olen, v. a. to bring back, go for again, repeat ; -^olung,/. {pi. -en) repetition; -fe^r,/. return ; -fe^ren, V. n, to return, recur; -!ommen, V. n. to come again, come back, re- turn ; -funft, /. return ; -fe^en, n. (-^) meeting ; v. a. to see again, meet again ; -tonen, v. n. to resound, echo ; -wartigfeit, /. {pL -en) adversity, disagreeable situa- tion. [once more. wieberum, adv. again, anew, afresh, SB lege, /. {pi. -n) cradle. Wiegen, v. a. to rock, move gently ; — , t. n. ir. to weigh ; -fejl, n. birthday, festival, natal day. wicfeern, v. n. to neigh. 2Bien, Vienna (capital of Austria, ha« 75,000 inhabitants). 2Biefe, /. ( pi. -n) meadow. 138 VOCABULAKY.— GEUMAN AND ENGLISH. SBicfenMumc, / {pi. -n) field-flower. SBiefent^al, n. (-e^ ; pi. -thaler) valley with meadows, lowland valley. toktDO% conj. though, although. tt)ic»iel, ad'D. how much, how many. SBilb, 71. (-c^) game, venison ; — , adj. wild, savage, dissolute ; -^eit, /. state of being wild and savage ; -nipf /. {vil. -ffe) wilderness, des- ert ; -fc^abeHf m. (-« ; pi. -fc^aben) damage done by the game. 2BtEe(n), m. (-^) will, purpose, de- sign, volition ; «m . . . ttjiHen, for the sake of ; SBiUen^ feln, to intend, loittigr adj. willing, ready, [purpose. »ittfomntm, n. (-^) welcome ; — , adj. & int. welcome, acceptable, grati- fying. SSiIIfu(^)r, /. arbitrariness, caprice ; -Itc^, adj. arbitrary, absolute, will- ful, capricious. ttimmeln, v. n. to swarm. toimmcrn, -». n. to moan, whimper, whine, wail, lament. SBinHjer, /. {pi. -n) eyelash. SBinb, m. (-e« ; pi. -e) wind ; — Tnad^cUf to boast, brag ; in ben — fcillagen, to disregard, slight ; -mu:^lC/ /. {pi. -n) windmill ; -fi^ief, adj. warped (by the wind). toinben, «. a. ir. to wind, twist ; -madder, m. (-^) windlass-maker, reel-maker. SBinbe^eile, /. speed of the wind. SBinbung, /. {pi. -en) winding, turn ; torsion ; worm of a screw ; coil. SBinf; m, (-e^; pi. -e) wink, beck, hint. Sinfel, m. (-«) angle, comer, nook. tr>in!en, <>. n. & a. to wink, beckon, nod. winfeln, «. n. to moan, wail. SSitttcr, m. (-«) winter ; -Hrne, / {pi. -n) winter-pear; -lieb, n. winter-song ; -quartier, n. (-g ; pi. -e) winter-quarters. Sipfel, m. {-^) top, summit. SSirbel, m. (-^) twirl, whirl, vortex, vertigo, roll of the drum. ttir^eln, %. n. to beat the roll on the drum ; a rolling noise, wirfen/ v. n. to act, operate, work ; — , V. a. to work, knead, weave, embroider ; effect. [ive power 2Birfen^fraft, /. vigor, energy, effect- Wirflirf), adj. real, actual, true ; — , adv. really ; -feit, /. {pi. -en) real- ity, real existence. Wirffam, adj. efficacious, effectual ; -feit, /. efficacy, efficiency. 2Birfun3,/.(^?.-en) operation, effect. Wirren* v. a. to twist, entangle. SSirrwarr, m. {-i ; pi. -e) confusion. Wxxt^, m. (-ed ; pi. -e) economist, host, landlord, inn-keeper ; -tar" feit, /. hospitality. Siffen, n. {-i) knowledge ; — , v. a. & n. ir. to know, think ; einem et*- tt)a^ ju — t^un, to acquaint one with ; Danf — / to be thankful ; •-\6)er, jC {pi -n) guitar, cithern (musical instrument) ; -fpieler* m. (-^) cithern-player. jittern, v. n. to tremble, shake, quake. jogerm v. n. to delay, tarry, linger. Biigerung, /. ( pi -en) tarrying, delay. 3on, m. {-ti\ pi 3otte) inch, toll, duty. [can. 3i)Httcr, m. (-«) toll-gatherer, publi- Bone, /. {pi. -n) zone. 3orn, m. {-ti) wrath, anger, rage ; -glu^enb, adj. wrathy, glowing with anger ; -ig, adj. wrathful, angry. ju, prep, to, at, in, on ; -te^Sr, m. appurtenance ; -krciten, v. a. to prepare, dress ; -bringcn, v. a. ir. to toast (p. 171) ; bic 3cit — , to pass or spend the time ; -bctfcn, V. a. to cover (up), hide ; -bentr adv. besides ; -bcnfen, v. a. ir. to destine, design, imagine the rest ; VOCABULARY. — GERMAN AND ENGLISH. 143 -fcringlii^f eit, /. {pi. -en) importuni- : %y ; -briitfen* c. a. to close by pres- 1 jure, shut ; cin ^luge bei etwad — , to wink at something, pretend ignorance , -eilen, v. n. to hasten to ; -crfenneni v. a. ir. to adj udge, award, decree ; -cr|l» adv. (at) first ; -fad, m. (-e^ ; pi. -fdUe) chance, incident ; -fa dig, adj. ac- cidental, casual ; -fafligfeit,/. {pi. -en) casualty, contingency ; -frie* ben, contented ; -frieben laffcn, to leave alone ; [td) -frieben geben, to content one s self, to be content ; -fu^ren» v. a. to lead to, convey to ; -gebrac^tr part, spent ; -gebac^t, part. & adj. intended for ; -gc^en, v. n. ir. to go on, walk on, pro- . to bring back; -ileibem f. ^. t>. to remain behind ; -bcnfen, t>. n. to think back ; -brangcn, v. a. to drive back, repel, repress ; -fa^^ rcn» v. a. & n. to drive back, start back ; -fatttn, t). n. or. to fall back ; -fu^rcn» t). a. ir. to lead back ; -ge^cn, v. n. ir. to go back, retrograde, return ; -l^altcn, v. a. ir. to hold or keep back, reserve, withhold, retain, restrain ; -fe^ ren, v. n. to return, go back, come back ; -fommen, «?. n. ir. to come back, return ; -laffcitr v. a. ir. to leave behind, abandon; -Icgcitr V. a. to travel over, put by, earn, save ; -rufen, i?. a. to call back, re- call ; -fc^i(fcn» V. a. to send back ; return ; -fe^cn, v. n. ir. to look back, backwards or behind : n. retrospect, remembrance ; -fpritt' gen, v. n, ir. to leap, spring back ; -lle^eit, V. n. ir. to stand back, yield; -trctcnr v. n. ir. to step back, subside ; -flopcn, «. a. ir. to push back, repel, repulse ; -jie* ^cn, V. a. & r. to draw back, with- draw, retire, retreat ; t>. n. to re- turn, remove back. Buriiflung, /. {pi, -€n) preparation, armament. jufageiir v. n. to say to ; agree with, please ; — , n. a. to promise. jufammen, adv. together ; -t)ringett» V. a. ir. to bring together, col- lect ; -brangctt, v. a. to crowd to- gether, compress, abridge ; -brutf " en, to compress ; -^alt, m. (-€d) consistence, force ; -^ang, m. (-cl) cohesion, adhesion, connection, context ; -l^angen, «. a. ir. to hang together, cohere, be connected; -fnu^fcttf V. a. to tie, knot together ; -htnft, /. {pi. -fiinfte) meeting, in- terview ; -laufctt, '0. n. ir. to run together, congregate, converge, coagulate, curdle ; -xafftn, v. a. to snatch up, hurry together ; v. r. to rouse one's self; -fc^citf v, a. to put together, compound, com- pose, construct ; -flurjen, v. n. to tumble in or together, col- lapse ; -tretcn# v. a. to meet to- gether ; -jic^cn, v. a. to draw to- gether, contract, collect, assemble. jroangen, ®. a. to force, coerce, compel. jwanjig, adj. twenty. jroar, conj. certainly, indeed, al- [ though. 3»e -f)a\t, adj. doubtful. jroeifeln, v. n. to doubt, hesitate. 3»etg, m. (-e^ ; pi. -c) twig, branch, jweigcn, v. a. to graft. [bough. 3n>crg, m. {-ti ; pi. -c) dwarf, pig- my. 3»icfpfllt, m. irti) dissension, schism. BtDtcgefprac^, n. {-ii ; pL -c) dialogue, — pflegen, to hold secret com. mune. Bwietrac^t, /. discord, dissension. jroingen, v. a. ir. to force, constrain , compel, coerce. Bwing^err, m. (-en; pi. -en) despot, tyrant ; -fd^aft, /. {pi. -en) des- potism, tyranny. jwifc^en, prep, between, betwixt ; -raunt, m. (-e^; pi -raunte) inter- val, interstice. 3»ijl» m. (-e«; pi. -c) discord, differ- ence, dissension, dispute. 3i»ittern)cfen, n. hermaphroditical nature or being. jtDolf, adj. twelve ; -tc, twelfth. jtt)o» adj. two (old German for jwci). THE NATIONAL SERIES OF STANDARD SCHOOL-BOOKS. _ • MODERN LAN GUAGES- A COMPLETE COURSE IN THE GERMAN. By James H. Worman, A.M., Professor of Modem Languages in the Adelphi Acad- emy, Brooklyn, L. I. \Vorman's First German Book. Worman's Second German Book. Worman's Elementary German Grammar. Worman's Complete German Grammar. These volumes are designed for intermediate and advanced classes respectively. ' Though following the same general method with " Otto " (that of " Gaspey "), onr author differs essentially in its application. He is more practical, more systematic more accurate, and besides introduces a number of invaluable features which have never before been combined in a Gennan grammar. Among other things, it may be claimed for Professor Worman that he has been tht first to introduce, in an American text-book for learning German, a system of analogy and comparison with other languages. Our best teachers are also enthusiastic about his methods of inculcating the art of speaking, of understanding the spoken language, of correct pronunciation ; the sensible and convenient original classification of nouns (in four declensionsX and of irregular verbs, also deserves much praise. We also note the use of heavy type to indicate etymological changes in the paradigms and, in the exer- cises, the parts which specially illustrate preceding rules. Worman's Elementary German Reader. W^orman's Collegiate German Reader. The finest and most judicious compilation of classical and standard German literature. These works embrace, progressively arrangedj selections from the masterpieces of Goethe, Schiller, Komer, Seume, Uhland, Freiligrath, Heine, Schlegel, Holty, Lenau, Wieland, Herder, Lessing, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Winkelmann, Humboldt, Ranke, Raumer, Menzel, Gervinus, &c., and contain complete Goethe's " Iphigenie," Schiller's "Jungfrau;" also, for instruction in modem conversational German, Benedix's " Eigenainn." There are, besides, biographical sketches of each author contributing, notes, explan- atory and philological (after the text), grammatical references to all leading grammars, as well as the editor's own, and an adequate Vocabulary. Worman's German Echo. Worman's German Copy-Books, 3 Numbers. On the same plan as the most approved systems for English penmanship, with progressive copies. CHAUTAUQUA SERIES. First and Second Books in German. By the natural or Pestalozzian System, for teaching the language without the help of the Learner's Vernacular. By James H. Worman, A. M. These books belong to the new Chautauqua German Language Series, and are in- tended for beginners learning to speak German. The peculiar features of its method are : — 1. It teaches the language by direct appeal to illustrations of the objects referred to, and does not allow the student to guess what is said. He speaks from the flrst hour mulerstandingbi and accurately. Therefore, 2. Grammar is taught both analytically and synthetically throughout the course. The beginninj; is matle with the auxiliaries of tense and mood, because their kinship with the English makes them easily intelligible ; then follow the declensions of nouns, articles, and other parts of speech, always systematically arranged. It is easy to confuse the pupil by giving him one person or one case at a time. This pernicious practice is discarded. Books that beget unsystematic habits of thought are wors* than worthless. 43 THE NATIONAL SERIES OF STANDARD SCHOOL-BOOKS. FRENCH. Worman's First Book in French. The first book in the companion series to tlie successful German Series by the same author, and intended for those wishing to speak French. The peculiar features of Pro- fessor Worman's new method are : — 1. The French language is taught without the help of English. 2. It appeals to pictorial illustrations for the names of objects. 3. The learner speaks from the first hour under standingly. 4. Grammar is taught to prevent missteps in composition. 6. The laws of the language are taught analytically to make them the learner's own inferences ( = deductions). 6.' Rapidity of progress by dependence upon association and contrasts. 7. Strictly graded lessons and conversations on familiar, interesting, and insti'uctive topics, providing the words and idioms of every-day life. 8. Paradigms to give a systematic treatment to variable inflections. 9. Heavy type for inflections, to make the eye a help to the mind. 10. Hair line type for the silent letters, and links for words to be connected, in order to teach an accurate pronunciation. Worman's French Echo. This is not a mass of meaningless and parrot-like phrases thrown together for a tourist's use, to bewilder him when in the presence of a Frenchman. The " Echo de Paris " is a strictly progressive conversational book, beginning with sim- ple phrases and leading by frequent repetition to a mastery of the idioms and of the every-day language used in business, on travel, at a hotel, in the chit-chat of society. It presupposes an elementary knowledge of the language, such as may be acquired from the First French Book by Professor Worman, and furnishes a running French text, allowing the learner of course to find the meaning of the words (in the appended Vocabulary), and forcing him, by the absence of English in the text, to think in French. Cher Monsieur Worman, — Vous me demandeiimon opinion sur votre " Echo de Paris" et quel usage j'en fais. Je ne saurais mieux vous repondre qu'en repro- duisant une lettre que j'ecrivais derniere- ment ^ un collegue qui etait, me disait-il, " bien fatigue de ces insipides livre^ de dialogues." " Vous ne connaissez done pas," lui disais-je, " TEcho de Paris,' edite par le Professor Worman? C'est un veritable tresor, merveilleusement adapte au devel- oppemeut de la conversation familifere et pratique, telle qu'on la veut aujourd'hui. Cet excellent livre met successivement en sc6ne, d'une maniere vive et interessante. toutes les circonstances possibles de la vie ordinaire. Voyez I'immense avantage il vous transporte en France ; du premier mot, je m'imagine, et mes el6ves avec moi, que nous sommes a Paris, dans la rue, sur une place, dans une gare, dans un salon, dans une chambre, voire meme k la cui- sine ; je parle comme avec des Fran^ais ; les el6ves ne songent pas a traduire de I'anglais pour me repondre ; ils pensent en frangais ; ils sont Frangais pour le moment par les yeux, par I'oreille, par la pensee. Quel autre livre pourrait produire cette illusion? ..." Votre tout devou6, A. DE ROUGEMOKT. Illustrated Language Primers. French and English. German and English. Spanish and English. The names of common objects properly illustrated and arranged in easy lessons. Pujol's Complete French Class-Book. Ofiiers in one volume, methodically arranged, a complete French course — usually embraced in series of from five to twelve books, including the bulky and expensive lexicon. Here are grammar, conversation, and choice literature, selected from the best French authors. Each branch is thoroughly handled ; and the student, having diligently completed the course as prescribed, may consider himself, without further application, au fait in the most polite and elegant language of modern times. 45 OVERDUE. JUL 6 19E l-EEa-^^-Tg44 FEB 22 1931 f ra ^■1AM_J^J§39 ^c'e iveo ;-/^' ;__jw-©^W3a— w LD 21-100mi-8,'34 YB 5515(> 926721 . /;:->^5^ 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY iyt:.- -^ -vV^ ^fps<^^^^{j^: