Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2008 witli funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.arcliive.org/details/emigrantsguideorOOmaGkriGli THE EMIGRANT'S GUIDE; TEN YEARS' PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE AUSTRALIA, THE REV. DAVID MACKENZIE, M.A. " Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's iiouse, into a land that I will shew thee."— Genesis. LONDON: W. S. ORR & CO., PATERNOSTER ROW (M3 d^Hpn-^^-^' '-^ LONDON: BRADBURY AND BVAM8, PRINTERS, WHirEyRIARS. TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, CTflts 'Foltttne IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE AUTHOR. 6S0558 PREFACE. It is the custom of authors to assign, in what is called a Preface, the reasons which induced them to appear before the PubHc. The only reason which I think it necessary to assign for the fol- lowing publication, is my belief that a residence of ten years in New South Wales has enabled me to gather such information as may be of some use to intending emigrants. It is true that there has already issued from the press a host of books on this colony ; but some of these books contain but very little information that would be of practical use to the emigrant on his arrival here, while others of them, half filled with politics and private squabbles, were evidently written by men who either had some selfish ends to serve, or who never had any long or real expe- rience of a *' bush life." It would be vain in me VI PREFACE. to insinuate that I am able to supply this defi- ciency. I will merely say that my only object is, to give a full and faithful statement of what this colony now is, and of the prospects which it holds out to the different classes of intending emigrants. The materials for the following pages were gathered during my travels for the last ten years through all parts of Australia ; and I can con- fidently add, that in thus detailing my own prac- tical experience, I have no interests except those of truth to promote. DAVID MACKENZIE. Sydney, March, 1845. CONTENTS. Chap. I. Geographical Position .... 1 IL Climate 3 III. Soil 8 IV. Seed-time and Harvest . . . . 12 V. Tillage, Clearing, and Fencing . . 16 VI. Appearance of Australia . . . . 20 VII. White Population of the whole Colony . 32 VIII. Revenue . . . ... . . 33 IX. Government ...... 37 X. Literature of Botany Bay , . . . 39 XI. Churches and Clergymen ... 44 XII. Morals and Society . . . . . 54 XIII. Land and Squatting Regulations . . 65 XIV. Live Stock 72 XV. Horses 75 XVI. Sheep . 82 XVII. Sheep 88 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGB Chap. XVIII. Sheep 100 „ XIX. Cattle 110 „ XX. Cattle 123 „ XXI. Bush Amusements , . . .137 „ XXII. Sydney 150 „ XXIII. Exports and Shipping . . . .163 „ XXIV. Eligihility and Advantages of Australia . 167 „ XXV. Travelling in the Australian Bush . 187 „ XXVI. The Blacks 204 „ XXVII. Advice to Emigrants . . . . 249 Appendix . . . . .275 TEN YEARS m >:UgTRALIA CHAPTER I, GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. In the year 1616, New Holland, which is situ- ated between latitude 10° and 39° south, and longitude 113^ and 153° east, was discovered by the Dutch, by whom the western part was then called New Holland. The whole island, or rather continent, measuring from east to west about 2,500, and from north to south 2,000 geographical miles, is nearly the size of Europe. The colony, which forms the subject of the following remarks, lies along the coast on the east side of this conti- nent, and generally goes under the name of New South Wales. The now occupied pa.rt of this colony extends from Moreton Bay on the north to Port Phillip on the south, including a line of coast of nearly 1,300 geographical miles, and inlands to a distance of from 200 to 300 miles, thus already embracing an extent of territory equal to three times that of England and Scotland put together. , B Z TEN YEARS IN AUSTRAUA. In a work like this it is not necessary to enter into the circumstances which led to the formation of the colony. Every one knows that it was ori- ginally plaRned as 'a penal settlement, and intended merely ag.a j^ao'ltfor. threat Britain and Ireland. . 0.11 the.25thXanjiaryj.1788, the first fleet, under I J^tte* •dojoajfaanf of /Gapji?jn (afterwards Governor) PhiUip, anchored in Port Jackson, and on the following day the people disembarked at the head of Sydney Cove, near the stream of fresh water which crosses what is now called Bridge- street. The total number of persons on hoard was 1,030, of whom about 800 were convicts, and the remainder consisted chiefly of those who were to guard them. On the east side of the Cove, close to where now stands the new Custom-house, was erected a can- vas tent for the Governor, Captain PhilHp, who named his new habitation Sydney, out of compli- ment to Lord Sydney, the principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, who greatly pro- moted the expedition. There were also landed from the ships, one bull, one bull calf, four cows, one stallion, three colts and three mares. This was the commencement of what is now the most flou- rishing colony belonging to the British Crown. CLIMATE. CHAPTER II. CLIMATE. No climate can be more salubrious than that of New South Wales. It is the climate for invalids. The air is bracing, pure, and balmy. The atmo- sphere, owing to its great capacity for absorbing moisture, is generally dry. Mr. Martin, a very interesting writer, says on this subject, " the salu- brity of Australia is proverbial. Of a community of 1,200 persons, only five or six have been known to be sick at a time ; and at some of the military stations seven years have elapsed without the loss of a man. Old people arrived in the colony from Europe have suddenly found themselves restored to much of the hilarity of youth ; and I have seen several persons upwards of 100 years of age." This testimony from Mr. Martin exactly coincides with what I myself have repeatedly noticed at various periods and in different parts of this colony. As Mr. Martin visited Parramatta, I think it pro- bable, that, when writing the above paragraph, he had in his mind's eye, among others, the following individuals, whose obituaries may interest you. I copy them from a collection I made some years ago for my own amusement. " In 1835, died, at Parramatta, Ehzabeth Eccles, aged 105. She arrived in the first fleet, aged 57 ; was born in 1730, at Stratford-on-Avon. Same year (1835), b2 4 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. at Toongabbee, near Parramatta, Catherine DefF- ney, in her 100th year of her age. Died at Seven Hills, near Parramatta, William Marks, in his 102nd year. This man had been a soldier in the British army, and fought at the battle of Bunker's Hill, in the United States." Here the fever and ague of North America are unknown. Colonel Gawler, late Governor of South Australia, speaking of this country, says, " I never saw a spot or heard of a climate more calculated to restore debilitated constitutions." I have often slept out in the bush both in summer and winter, under the open canopy of heaven, and never have felt the least inconvenience from it. But this is nothing extraordinary ; we have here hundreds of bullock-drivers and carriers, who are for several weeks, in winter as well as in sum- mer, without ever putting their heads under the roof of a house, sleeping, when night overtakes them, in the open air, with perfect impunity. Though situated in the temperate zone, the colony of New South Wales can scarcely be said to have any winters at all. The summer heat is seldom oppressive, and in Sydney snow and frost are unknown. The heat of this colony has often been represented as something very alarming, I have for many years carefully watched and regis- tered the degrees of heat, as indicated by my thermometer. The highest to which the mercury rose in the sun within my recollection was 127 degrees of Fahrenheit. This happened on the 16th January, 1837. I copy the following note exactly as it stands in my register : — CLIMATE. ''Monday, l^th January, 1837. — The thermo- meter at half-past twelve stood, in the sun, at 127° F. ; in the shade, 118° ; in the sun, at half- past four o'clock, P.M., 90°; in the shade, ditto, 86°; in the house, at eight o'clock, evening, 85° ; fall in four hours 37° F. This day ended in thun- der and lightning." *' The weather has been raining, with little intermission, since the evening of Monday, the 16th January, up to this date, Saturday, 21st January, 1837." The following table, showing the mean, and highest, and lowest state of the thermometer (in the shade) at Port Jackson Head, New South Wales, will give a tolerably correct idea of our extreme heat and cold : — Mean state. Highest. Lowest. January 75 82 68 February . . . 75 82 68 March 71 78 61 April . . . 67 79 57 May. 61 70 48 June . ... 5Q 67 46 July. 53 65 42 August . . . B^ 78 46 September . 59 79 ^l ■ 1 October . . . 63 90 52 November . 68 97 61 1 December . . . 72 81 62 From the above table it will be seen that at Sydney the average temperature of our coldest month, viz., July, is 53°, and of our warmest b TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. months, viz., January and February, is 75°. I have lately seen living, under an overhanging rock near Sydney, an old man, a native of the Emerald isle, who informed me that he had lived there for the last few years in order to save rint, as house rint was too dear in Sydney, and that he enjoyed better health under the rock than he ever did in their fine houses. We are occasionally visited with tremendous thunderstorms, accompanied by hailstones of incre- dible dimensions. I have seen them more than an inch in circumference. Lambs are some- times killed by them ; and the destruction occa- sioned by them among birds, fruit-trees, vineyards, &c., is very great. At one time I have had within ten minutes no fewer than forty panes of glass broken in my house by hailstones. In Sydney we seldom experience frost ; but in the interior of the colony, water exposed to the night air in winter is found in the morning to be covered with a layer of ice of the thickness of a penny piece. This I have often seen on the Hume River. At Argyle, Bathurst, the upper parts of the Hume River district, and several other places of elevation, snow frequently falls during the latter half of July and former half of August. That the appearance of snow in Sydney would be regarded as a remarkable phenomenon, the following para- graph, from a Sydney paper of date 30th June, 1836, will show. The article is headed " Snowy Tuesday :" — " Tuesday last, the 28th instant, will be memor- able in the annals of Sydney, as the day on which CLIMATE. 7 its inhabitants were favoured for the first time with the sight of snow. It reminded us of home more than anything we had ever seen in the colony. Every flake of snow seemed to be singing, as it fell, Dulce, dulce domum ! Home, sweet home ! The fall was by no means considerable in Sydney, although it was two inches deep towards Parra- matta ; it lay for an hour or more on the tops of houses and in other similar situations ; and the Sydney boys were seen for the first time in their lives making snow-balls. The day was very cold throughout. We never felt it so cold before in Sydney." In Sydney and its neighbourhood there occa- sionally blows a hot wind, which continues for a few hours, and raises the thermometer sometimes to 120° Fahrenheit ; but is almost invariably suc- ceeded by what is here called ** a brickfielder, " which is a strong southerly wind, which soon cools the air, and greatly reduces the temperature. Our longest day is from five, a.m. to seven, p.m., or fourteen hours ; and our shortest day is from seven, a.m., to five, p.m., or ten hours, reckoning from sunrise to sunset. Our shortest day is the 21st June, and our longest day is the 22nd December. The very dwelling-houses erected in the interior of this colony bear testimony to the salubrity of our climate. Some of the wealthiest settlers live in huts formed of a few slabs placed vertically with sheets of bark as a roof. These slabs are often placed so widely apart that a man might thrust his hand through the interstices. And yet with only 6 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. this rude accommodation, such is the general healthiness of the people, that medical practitioners frequently complain that this climate affords hut few chances for the exercise of their vocation. According to a high medical authority, consumption is the disease which carries off a quarter of the British population. That such should he the fact will readily be credited by any man living in New South Wales after having spent some years in Great Britain. It is truly distressing to listen to the endless chorus of coughing that goes on in the churches of Scotland during the winter season. It reminds one of Rachel mourning for her children, and refusing to be comforted. In this colony there are many consumptive patients, with some of whom I am personally acquainted, who, according to the opinion of their medical advisers, have, in all pro- bability, added several years to their lives by emigrating to Australia. CHAPTER III. SOIL. The soil of Australia is generally poor, and is better adapted for grazing than for agricultural purposes : but to this rule there are many excep- tions. In various parts of the colony there are extensive tracts of land remarkable for fertility, yielding during several years in succession, without any manure, from 30 to 40 bushels of wheat, or from 50 to 60 bushels of maize, per acre. In the SOIL. 9 valley of the Hume Eiver I have seen 300 bushels of wheat raised from eight acres, and it was the third crop of wheat from the same land without any manure. I have seen seven successive crops of wheat raised from the same field, which had never been manured by the hand of man, and yet the seventh crop averaged 25 bushels to the acre. At Moreton Bay, 80 bushels of maize (Indian corn) have been repeatedly raised from one acre. From four to five tons of potatoes per acre are considered an average crop. Of onions, no less a quantity than 10 tons have been raised from a single acre of land ; and this same acre would in the same sea- son yield a crop of 50 or 60 bushels of maize after the onion crop had been secured. The tobacco plant grows well here ; and you are aware that there is no duty on colonial-made tobacco. A large proportion of what is now used in the colony is raised and manufactured by the settlers ; and some of it, made on the Hunter's River, was actually seized in Sydney by the Cus- tom-House officers, who declared it to be American negrohead ! However, on their being convinced of their mistake, the tobacco thus seized was released. It sells in Sydney at from Is. to 2s. per lb. ; while negrohead, on which there is a duty of 2s. per lb., sells at 3s. 2d. per lb. New South Wales is the very soil and climate for the vine : it grows to great perfection here. The late Sir John Jamieson and several other landed proprietors made some good wine, and in large quantities, from the produce of their own vineyards. It must, however, be admitted that. 10 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. with perhaps the exception of Cape wine, our colonial-made wine is inferior to any of our im- ported wines. This inferiority is, doubtless, to be fittributed to our want of the requisite skill in the manufacture ; for our grapes are universally al- lowed to be of first-rate quality. Except gardens and orchards, no cultivated land is manured in this colony. Straw-yards are here unknown : the cattle are all the year grazing in the forest, and every farmer, living at a distance from Sydney, burns his straw as so much useless rubbish. I am acquainted with a wealthy settler on the banks of the Paterson River, who built all his corn-stacks close to the stream, where, having thrashed them out, he caused all the straw to be thrown into the river, in order to save the trouble and expense of burning. The newly-arrived emi- grant will feel inclined to ask, "Is the soil of Australia of such a nature as not to be improved by manure ?" The reply to this question is, that though the soil would, beyond all doubt, be greatly improved by manure, yet land is here so cheap and labour so high, that, until there is a material change in the price of these two commodities, the present system of throwing away the manure is likely to continue. Barley grows well here : oats are also cultivated ; but our soil is rather too warm for this grain. Except in a few elevated situations, such as Argyle, Bathurst, l. to Al. per ton. Horses thrive well on it, and generally prefer it to lucerne, for which our soil or climate appears not to be well adapted. Barley is consumed in large quantities by our distillers and brewers. It is also foimd, when cut SEED TIME AND HARVEST, 15 green, to be an excellent substitute for hay to feed horses kept in the stable. By sowing a patch of it for this latter purpose at different times of the year, the settler may always have a bundle of cooling and nourishing green barley for his horse. Potatoes may be planted at almost any time of the year. Potatoes that were planted in January, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, and December, have all yielded good crops. This is a matter of great importance to the newly-arrived emigrant, who may have a large family to feed, — especially if he is an Irishman. The late Mr. Shepherd, a scientific and practical gardener, who lived for many years near Sydney, recommended to plant potatoes in April, May, or June, for spring crops ; and for an autumn crop, to plant them in December and January. In his garden he used to raise from 10 to 12 tons of potatoes from one acre. He published a little work on gardening, containing much useful infor- mation, chiefly the result of his own practical experience. Sweet potatoes are raised about Moreton Bay, where also yams, arrow-root, and New Zealand flax are now cultivated. Like pota- toes, turnips, onions and peas may be sown at any time of the year. Some of our crops are liable to be injured by blight, smut, caterpillars, or weevil. Blight is occasioned by frosts when wheat is in blossom. Smut may be prevented by the adoption of the means which I have already described. The only remedy which I have seen employed against the destructive progress of caterpillars is to plough a 16 TEN TEARS IN AUSTRALIA. few furrows across their path. The weevil, which is very destructive to both wheat and maize, is a little insect, which penetrates the husk, eats the flour, and leaves nothing but the shell. I have repeatedly seen my corn-chest rendered one black heap. The corn thus injured is apt to give horses which eat it the ** gripes." CHAPTER V. TILLAGE, CLEARINa, AND FENCING. Ploughing is chiefly done here by bullocks. They are cheaper, more easily fed, and go more steadily than horses. To plough half an acre of heavy ground or about three quarters of light ground, is considered a good day's work for a team of six or eight bullocks. Our ploughs are generally made of wood, and are very rough. They answer best among the roots which abound in almost every field. Besides, if a wooden plough is broken, it is easily mended, as every farming establishment, however small, is supplied with tools sufficient to mend or make the common agricultural implements. In selecting a spot on his land for a cultivation paddock, the settler looks out for a combination of the following requisites : — Good soil, free from timber, a sufficient fall to allow the winter rain to run off it ; a northern exposure to the sun, and to be situated at a convenient distance from his resi- dence. It sometimes happens that such a com- TILLAGE, CLEARING, AND FENCING. 17 binatlon of natural advantages cannot be found, and in that case the settler is obliged to supply Nature's deficiency by his own labour and indus- try. He may find, at a convenient distance from his house, rich soil, with a gentle slope, and northern exposure, but heavily timbered. In such circumstances he must go to the trouble and expense of clearing the land, and probably this is by no means an easy work. Our Australian timber is hard and heavy, and is generally useless except for fuel. Clearing the land is done in either of these two ways : the one way is by digging deep and wide about the roots of the tree, cutting them so that it may fall, and then burning the fallen timber on the ground. This is beyond all com- parison the more expensive way, but it is also the more efi"ectual way of clearing land. The other way is to cut the trees at a convenient height — about two or three feet — from the ground, then draw them together into heaps and burn them. In this case the stumps are left standing for many years ; the field presenting the appearance of a grave-yard studded with monuments. Girdling the trees, that is, cutting round and removing a section of the bark, so as to kill them, is but a very slow process, and is now seldom adopted even by the squatter, whose tenure of land is so precarious. Many places are so densely timbered, and that timber is so hard and so formidable in dimen- sion, that to prepare a single acre for the plough would be as much as any two men could accomplish in one week. Persons who have uot had colonial c 18 TEN TEARS IN AUSTRALIA. experience, are apt to imagine that the timber itself would pay at least a part of the expense of clearing. The timber is of no value. It is almost uniformly uneven and rotten within. In Sydney and some other large towns, where firewood is scarce, and consequently dear, any sort of timber would readily find a purchaser. But how to get it sent to Sydney is the question. It cannot be conveyed in rafts, even supposing the settler's land was contiguous to some navigable river, or the sea-shore. Our Australian timber will not Jioat, its specific gravity being greater than that of water. This is a serious loss to the colony. There is, however, one advantage resulting from this peculiar character of our timber, viz., that not- withstanding the carelessness and drunkenness of many of our domestic servants, we seldom suffer any loss by fire. So hard is the wood, that I have repeatedly kindled a fire and performed seve- ral chemical experiments on the wooden floor of my study-room. The durability of such dense wood is very great. This is a fortunate circumstance ; for around our cultivated fields we have neither hedges nor stone walls, and the only barrier against the intrusion of cattle is a fence entirely constructed of timber. A single tree may be found, when split, sufficient to enclose an acre. You will be amazed at the enor- mous dimensions of some of the trees in the Australian forest. I have measured one which I found to be forty-five feet in circumference four feet from the base. It is no uncommon thing to see a tree forty feet in circumference, and one TILLAGE, CLEARING, AND FENCING. 19 hundred feet high without a branch. One of these trees would be more than sufficient to build such a house as would accommodate a whole family. These enormous giants of the forest give a majestic aspect to our rural scenery. In Van Diemen's Land the timber is even still larger. Mr. Robin- son, the chief protector of the aborigines, states that he had seen several trees in Tasmania, each of which was sixty feet in circumference, and two hundred and fifty feet in height. These very large trees are seldom of any practical use to the settler, who generally prefers, for fencing and building, trees measuring from two to three feet in diameter. The timber commonly used here for fencing is stringy bark, iron bark, or gum, and in some few cases pine and forest oak. Our fences are constructed in the following manner : — Two, three, and sometimes, though rarely, four rails, each nine feet long, are placed horizontally one above another, at short intervals, with their ends inserted into mortised posts which stand perpen- dicularly, being firmly fixed from eighteen inches to two feet in the ground, and about five feet above it. Two or three hundred rails and posts » may be got from one tree. The posts are mor- tised with a tool called a mortising-axe ; no other tool is used for this purpose. Split rails are pre- ferred to round ones, and the wider they are the better ; as in this case the vacant space between the edges of every two of them is of course diminished. There are several men in this colony whose trade or only employment is to put up these c2 20 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA, fenciBS. It has always been '* a money-making job." Even at the present reduced prices for all sorts of fences two industrious men can easily earn between them from 125. to 155. a day by fencing. This sort of work is paid for by the rod (five and a half yards). The fencers have to go to the wood, cut the stuff, mortise the posts, dig the holes in the ground for these posts, prepare the ends of the rails, and then put up the fence. Their employer always drives the stuff out of the wood, and places it along the line of the intended fence. It will be seen from this description, that the Australian differs very widely from either the London or the Parisian system of fencing. CHAPTER VI. APPEARANCE OF AUSTRALIA. Picture to yourselves, in the midst of the ocean, surrounded with precipitous rocks, and nearly op- posite to England, a vast forest diversified with mountains and valleys ; innumerable plains without a tree ; rivers, some of them consisting only of a chain of ponds ; others of them, after running for hundreds of miles through extensive tracts of fertile soil, rapidly disappearing in the midst of arid sand, while others of them roll their majestic streams for a thousand miles, until they mingle their waters with the ocean ; here and there, like an oasis in the wilderness, a soHtary patch of APPEARANCE OF AUSTRALIA. 21 cleared land, with a hut, rudely constructed of slabs and bark, in the rear ; a tribe of naked blacks, carrying their weapons of war, roaming across the distant plains ; large tracts of open forest-land, resembling a gentleman's domain in England, but occupied by only the kangaroo and the emu, which seem to claim and enjoy hereditary possession ; lofty ranges, covered with the most beautiful verdure to their very summits ; extensive lagoons, darkened with legions of wild ducks and teal, the property of any man who may choose to shoot them ; innumerable birds of the most beauti- ful plumage, chirping on every branch around you ; flowers of every hue and shade of colour strewing your path, wherever you go ; above you an Italian sky, without a cloud or speck, and the air you inhale pure and balmy ; a fearful silence pervading the forest around you, and vividly impressing upon your mind the idea of solitude and desolation — that is Australia. I can readily imagine that some mischievous wag, or bitter enemy to Australia, may success- fully attempt to neutrahse, or turn to ridicule, this last paragraph of mine, by adding to it some such paragraph as the following : — Picture to yourselves, nearly opposite to England, a colony, a large pro- portion of whose population are convicts or trans- ported felons ; where bands of armed robbers or bushrangers are daily committing depredations; where one hundred and sixteen sentences of capital convictions have been passed within one twelve- month ; where swindling and drunkenness prevail ; where the churches are half empty ; where a large 22 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. proportion of the settlers, shopkeepers, and mer- chants have recently gone through the Insolvent Court, and paid their creditors with sixpence in the pound; where the hank directors discount scarcely any hills, except their own, so as thus to monopolise all the tea and sugar in the market ; where selfishness, and the cursed love of pelf, have destroyed all the fine feelings of human nature ; where the inhabitants are day and night tormented with legions of mosquitoes ; where the crops have often failed through excessive drought; where the navigable rivers are very few in number; where the interior is, in most cases, badly watered ; where a large proportion of the soil is only a miserable scrub, scarcely yielding sustenance for goats ; where the timber is as hollow-hearted and as notorious for obliquity as the inhabitants ; and where, on looking amid the rural scenes for the evergreen, you only see the never-groGU — ^that is Australia. Now it was by a species of ridicule, or parody, somewhat similar to this, that James Thomson's tragedy of Sophonisha, which cost its author more labour, care, and anxiety, than his Seasons, was excluded from a fair hearing; for no sooner had the actor uttered the line — *'0h! Sophonisha, Sophonisha, oh ! " than an impudent, unfeeling wag, sitting in front of the upper gallery, shouted — ** Oh ! Jemmy Thomson, Jemmy Thomson, oh ! " an unexpected addition, which threw the whole assembly into one simultaneous roar of laughter, put an end to all farther acting for that evening, and condemned for ever poor Jemmy r APPEAEANCE OF AUSTRALIA. 23 Thomson's tragedy of Sophonisha by converting it into a comedy. Anything, however, you can write may be thus ridiculed, by a man who is fond of joking. The Bible excepted, I know of no writing that would pass scathless through this experimentum crucis. But to proceed : Australia is the land of con- trarieties. It is the land of which it is extremely difficult to convey to a stranger an adequate idea. Everything here is different from what it is with you. We have summer when you have winter; we have day when you have night ; we have our longest day when you have your shortest day ; at noon we look north for the sun ; we have our feet pressing hard nearly opposite to your feet ; — but these are not the only respects in which we differ from you. Nature, out of sheer spite to England, seems to have taken a delight in producing a com- plete dissimilarity between us ; take the following examples : — our swans are black, our eagles are white, our valleys are cold, our mountain tops are warm, our north winds are hot, our south winds are cold, our east winds are healthy, our cherries grow with the stone outside, our bees are without any sting, our aborigines without any clothing, our birds without music, many of our flowers without any smell, most of our trees without shade, our population without any poor, our cuckoo coos only in the night, while our owl screeches or hoots only in the day-time, our moles lay eggs, and one of our birds (the Melliphaga) has a broom in his mouth instead of a tongue. But to extend this enumera- tion can be of no practical use to the intending 24 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. emigrant^ He will see all that I have here stated, and a great deal more, before he is any length of time in the colony. My object in this chapter is to describe the general appearance of New South Wales. There are three great roads leading from Sydney into the remotest parts of the interior. One of these main roads runs nearly due north, and parallel with the shore of the Pacific, from Sydney, to the river Hawkesbury, which is crossed by means of a punt ; then the road winds through gulleys and over ranges, along the valley of the WoUombi, into the town of Maitland, on the river Hunter. This road was made by government at an immense expense, but since the steamers have begun to run regularly between Sydney and Mait- land, the route overland has been altogether abandoned, and "the great northern road," made at such immense expense, is now almost impassable. The second great road leading from Sydney, runs nearly in a western direction, goes through Parra- matta, passes through the town of Penrith, where the traveller crosses the Hawkesbury river by a large punt ; thence the road leads for many miles up, through a sandy, miserable scrub, to the top of Mount York, which forms a part of an immense range called the Blue Mountains, ninning from north to south, nearly parallel with the coast, and at a distance of about sixty miles from it. Viewed from the summit of Mount York, which is 4000 feet above sea-level, the colony has a very imposing aspect. Here and there are to be seen a few cleared spots amidst an interminable forest. To the east, at the distance of sixty miles, is the APPEARANCE OF AUSTRALIA. 25 Pacific Ocean: in every other direction is an endless variety of hill and dale, of deep gulleys, inaccessible ravines, perpendicular rocks, and towering moun- tains covered with trees, and green grass and flowers, to their very summits ; all displaying Nature in her wildest forms. I feel assured that if the celebrated Alison and Burke had passed a day among these mountains during one of our tremendous thunderstorms, the former would have found some additional matter for his Essays on Taste, and the latter would have added a new chapter to his work on the Sublime and Beau- tifiU. I once passed a night far away from any house, among the mountains beyond Liverpool Plains, during one of the most awfid thunderstorms ever experienced in this colony. The repeated flashes of Hghtning rendered darkness visible. The coruscations and lurid glare made it appear as if the atmosphere was on fire. The air was tainted with sulphuric smeU ; the loud and rapid peals of thunder, reverberated from mountain to mountain, seemed like the artiUery of heaven let loose to accomplish nature's dissolution. I was surrounded by a range of lofty] mountains, every one of which seemed to "have got a tongue." This war among the elements was succeeded by torrents of rain, to which I was completely exposed ; for soon after the thunderstorm had begun, I took the precaution of removing my bed from under the trees, for fear of their attracting the Hghtning. Many a tree was that night struck, and instantly shivered to atoms : I slept none ; my horses, which stood near me, refused to feed. When 26 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. daylight appeared, extensive and fearful was the havoc effected hy the combined power of the lightning and whirlwind. Trees which happened to attract the electric fluid were completely stripped of their bark, and split down the centre from top to bottom ; while their branches, some of which a ton weight, were rent from the main trunk, and scattered in aU directions, often to the distance of one hundred yards. But I beg pardon, reader, for having left you so long on the high-road at the top of Mount York. From Mount York the road passes through the town of Hartley, consisting only of a few scattered houses, situated in a beautiful valley, called the Vale of Clywd. From this place to Bathurst no- thing of any interest is to be seen, except Sir Thomas Mitchell's splendid road, made at enor- mous expense, across mountains, through rocks, and over gulleys : it was a magnificent undertaking. Bathurst is situated in the midst of a large, open plain, 2000 feet above the level of the sea, contains upwards of 60,000 acres without a tree, and is nearly bisected by the Macquarie River, which runs through it from east to west. From Bathurst the road leads to Wellington Valley, which is also on the Macquarie River. This valley is eminently beautiful ; it consists of a large plain, extremely fertile, surrounded by high hills. Here are two missionaries labouring among the aborigines. Here is the most distant post- office to the west in this colony. The third and last great road is that which leads from Sydney to Port Phillip. On all APPEARANCE OF AUSTRALIA. 27 tliis road, measuring upwards of six hundred miles, there is little to be seen but gum-trees and public-houses. If you have seen a mile of it, you have seen the whole road from Sydney to Melbourne, the capital of Port Phillip. The only difference is, that as you recede from Sydney, the grass for your horses improves, in the same ratio that the accommodation for yourself becomes worse. In those towns, namely Liverpool, Camp- belltown, Berrlma, Goulburn, and Yass, through which you must pass in the order in which I have mentioned them, and in which post-offices are established, there is a choice of accommodation ; but from the time you leave Yass, which is about two hundred miles from Sydney, until you reach Melbourne, a distance of four hundred miles, you are fairly in what is called the hush. In short, you are beyond the region of civilisation. On this journey of four hundred miles there is neither church, clergyman, nor schoolmaster. The con- sequence is, what might be expected, that a large proportion of the inhabitants are living like hea- thens. The children of overseers and small squatters grow up in total ignorance of their duty towards God and man. On one large establish- ment, belonging to Mr. B , the people had actually lost their reckoning in the days of the week, so that they kept (they knew not how long) Friday for Sunday. It is unnecessary for me to state, that the children born in this district are, with very few exceptions, unbaptised. I know, however, of one case where a Mr. and Mrs. Huon brought their infant daughter to Melbourne, a distance of two hundred miles, to receive the 28 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. rite of baptism. There being no public or appro- priated place of interment, the dead are buried anywhere, generally on the side of a hill, near the hut once occupied by the deceased. From Sydney to Port Phillip you have to cross four great rivers. The first of these is the Murrumbidgee, 270 miles from Sydney ; at the crossing-place of this river is the government township of Gundagai, a post- town. Some of those persons who bought town, or building allotments at Gundagai, have certainly got a prize. In September last they had more than they had bargained for, as they had then not only water frontages, but water backs, Avater ends, and water four or five feet deep all over their allotments. In a country like Australia, where in some places water occasionally becomes scarce, this is a very great advantage, and most satisfac- torily evinces both the wisdom and the paternal care of our government, in fixing on a site for a township, where the inhabitant, instead of having to send sixty or a hundred yards for water, may have it in his power to swim out of his parlour or kitchen into his bed-room. This will be a great luxury in our warm climate, and it also secures to the householder an important advantage ; for, by this regular habit of swimming, which the over- flowing of the Murrumbidgee renders now and then necessary, his children will gradually become am- phibious animals, and thus equally capable of living in the water or on the land. The Hume River is 130 miles farther on, or 400 miles from Sydney. At the crossing-place of the Hume is the thriving town of Albury, a post- APPEARANCE OF AUSTRALIA. 29 town. Situated as it is on the banks of a splendid river, on the mail-road between Sydney and Port Phillip, in the very centre of a rich pastoral dis- trict, and nearly equi-distant — 200 miles — from Yass and Melbourne, Albury promises to be a place of great importance at no very distant period. Among its inhabitants are two medical men, four storekeepers, carpenters, blacksmiths, shoemakers, brickmakers, carriers, policemen, &c. The River Ovens, at which there is a post-office, is fifty miles beyond the Hume ; and the Goulbum River, at which also there is a post-office, is ninety miles beyond the Ovens, and within sixty-five miles of Melbourne. All these rivers abound with fish. The four rivers crossed by the Sydney and Port PhiUip road, I have seen more than once over- flow their banks. I have known the Murrumbidgee to rise five feet in one night : it was after a heavy rain, which melted the snow on the moun- tains. In October last (1844), this river rose so high as to spread over a large extent of the ad- jacent plains, and obliged several of the inhabitants of Gundagai to take refuge on the tops of their houses, until they were removed from their perilous situation by black fellows in their canoes. At the crossing-place of every one of these four rivers there is a good punt for the public accommodation. From the Ovens to the Goulburn River, a distance of ninety miles, the country is for the most part poor and scrubby, and in summer the water is always scarce. As you approach within forty miles of the town of Melbourne, the country gra- dually opens, presenting extensive plains, naturally cleared, and thickly covered with grass. The soil 30 TEN YEAES IN AUSTRALIA. is evidently rich, and thousands of acres may be found in one block, ready without any preparation for the plough. The land in the neighbourhood of Melbourne produces splendid crops. For growing wheat, maize, and potatoes, the Port Phillip district is unrivalled in Australia. I know two or three in- stances in which the potato crops for one year paid the whole of the original cost of the land, and also the expense of the cultivation. The appearance and variety of the gardens in the vicinity of Mel- bourne, prove the superior fertihty of the soil and the genial character of the climate. The size and appearance of the town would sur- prise any newly-arrived immigrant, who knows that the place which he now sees covered with an ex- tensive mass of fine buildings, and presenting such a busy scene, was ten years ago a perfect wilder- ness. Melbourne, which is beautifully situated in and on the sides of a valley, contains a popula- tion of about 7000. It has several shops, which would do no discredit to the most fashionable streets of the English metropolis. The town is on and watered by the Yarra Yarra, where that river flows into an inlet of Hobson's Bay. The houses are chiefly bmlt of brick ; the streets are wide, straight, and cut one another at right angles. To me it was truly delightful to witness the appearance of the town on a Sunday ; the places of worship all weU attended, the people dressed in their best attire, the shops shut, the streets quiet as in an English town, and no visible symptoms of riot or drunkenness. This moral superiority of Melbourne over Sydney I can attri- APPEARANCE OF AUSTRALIA. 31 bute to nothing else than the comparative absence of convict influence ; for, including ticket-of-leave men, there are only about 600 convicts now within the district of Port Phillip. The people of Mel- bourne have committed one sad blunder in choosing for their burial-ground a place close to the town ; so close, indeed, that it almost adjoins one of the already half-finisned streets. In my opinion, this is a thing which ought to have been particularly guarded against in this warm climate. Should the town continue to extend so rapidly as it has hitherto done, this burial-ground will in a few years hence be situated in the very heart of it. Once already have the people of Sydney been obliged to remove their grave-yard, which was originally situated in what is now the centre of the city ; and there is every probability, from our rapidly extending edifices, that a second removal of our grave-yard will become necessary at no very distant period. The shipping is down opposite to what is called William's Town, which is nine miles below Mel- bourne. Only small crafts can come up the river, and the goods to and from all large vessels are conveyed by barges. This is a great obstacle to the prosperity of the place ; for, not to speak of the additional expenses of this mode of conveyance, the goods, owing to the carelessness of the men who work the barges, are not unfrequently injured by salt water, kc. The town of Melbourne is represented by one member, and the Port Phillip district generally by five members, in our Botany Bay Parliament. 32. TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. CHAPTER VII. WHITE POPULATION OF THE WHOLE COLONY. Years. Persons. Years. Persons, 1788 1810 1821 1828 1,030 11,590 29,788 36,593 1833 1836 1841 60,861 77,096 130,856 No census has been taken since the year 1841. Of the above 130,856 persons, 87,298 were males, and 43,558 were females ; or two males to every female in the colony. The convict population, including "tickets of leave men," amounted at this period (1841) to 26,977, or rather more than one-fifth part of the whole population : but this proportion of convicts to free persons is fast decreasing — owing to a variety of causes, such as deaths, many becoming free by servitude, and the discontinuance of transportation to New South Wales. The total number of convicts now in the colony, is less than 20,000 ; and judging from the average ratio at which the population has increased during the last twenty years, we may safely infer, that since the last census — that of 1841 — was taken, 50,000 persons from births and immigration have been added to the free population of New South Wales. The religious denominations were in 1841, as follows : — REVENUE Church of England Roman Catholics Church of Scotland Wesleyan Methodists Other Protestants Jews Mahomedans and Pagans 33 73,727 35,690 13,153 3,236 1,857 856 207 Total, 128,726 The following are the principal towns of the colony, with their supposed population this year, (1845):— Sydney . Parramatta . Melbourne (capital of Poi Maitland Windsor Newcastle Macquarie Woollongong Bathurst Liverpool Goulbum . Richmond t Phillip; about 40,000 7,500 7,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,000 CHAPTER VIII. REVENUE. The revenue of the colony is derived from the following sources : — Duty on spirits and wines, and imported tobacco ; license for the sale of spirits ; sale of crown lands ; lease of crown lands ; duty paid by auc- tioneers ; squatting Hcenses and assessments ; quit- rents, CLERGYMEN. 47 in the colony : viz., Lang, Macgarvie, Cleland, Smythe, and Garven. There are now upwards of twenty ordained clergymen of the Church of Scot- land comfortably settled throughout the colony. The Episcopalian and Roman Catholic clergymen have also increased in numbers in about the same proportion as the Presbyterian. And still it may truly be said, in reference to each of these three denominations of clergymen, " and yet there is room." Several districts could be named which are destitute of the pubUc ordinances of religion, and where the people are both able and willing to contribute towards the support of efficient ministers of the gospel. The laxity of morals, and the pre- valence of crime in this colony, are in a great measure to be attributed to deficiency of religious instruction. Living far away from the house of God, and beyond the limits to which the nearest clergyman can extend his visits, men who have been religiously brought up in their native land, gradually forget to practise those lessons of piety which they were taught in their youth. There being nothing around them to distinguish the first day of the week from any of the rest, they cease to " remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy ;'* and this great bulwark of our Christianity being broken down, they next walk in the counsel of the ungodly, and then stand in the way of sinners, until at last they contentedly sit down in the chair of the scornful. Between all these different steps of downward career, the transition is easy and natural. I am not here describing a hypothetical 4^ TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. case. I have in several instances been an eye- witness of it, during the last three years, on the Hume River. There, in a populous district, we are two hundred miles from the nearest church or clergyman. There is neither missionary, catechist, nor schoolmaster in all this district. It cannot boast even of a burial-ground ; and hence the dead are generally buried in sight of the huts. Their graves may be seen here and there in the forest, fenced in by a few rails. Owing to the total absence of all the means of religious instruction, the people here can hardly be said to be Christians. The very form of Christianity is lost among them. On several establishments no distinction is made between Sabbath and week-day. On one esta- blishment in particular, which it would not be pru- dent to publish, the people kept, they knew not how long, Friday instead of Sabbath-day. In reply to a question from me, one man stated, that from his having been for years accustomed to shave himself every Saturday evening, he was still able in the bush to tell which was Sunday by the exact length of his beard. To me this was quite a novel mode of reckoning time. Several parents having children unbaptised here, came at different times to me with an urgent request that I would baptise their children (some of whom were six or seven years of age), as the distance, two hundred miles, to either Yass or Melbourne, the residence of the nearest clergyman of any denomination, was such a journey as, in the imperfect state of the roads, they were unable to accomplish. And for pre- CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. 49 cisely the same reason, there are several people living in a state of concubinage beyond the boun- daries of location. The continuance, if not the existence of such a state of things in a British colony, must surely be unknown to the Missionary Societies at home. In hopes that these few remarks may meet the eye of some member who feels an interest in the pro- mulgation of the Gospel in foreign parts, I will add that here is a wide and promising field for missionary exertions. All that ia required is a fit and proper clergyman to itinerate among us. He has no foreign language to acquire, as among the heathens. His labours would be confined to his own countrymen. All the qualifications requisite for the right performance of the task may, in my opinion, be summed up in a few words — prudence, imconquerable zeal, fervent piety, and at least a moderate share of natural and acquired abilities. He ought also to be a good rider, capable of enduring fatigue, and able occasionally to sleep out under a tree and dine even on a piece of half- roasted opossum at a black fellow's camp. If he could swim, it would be a useful accomplish- ment. The hospitality of the people here is pro- verbial, and any traveller who has even the slightest appearance of being respectable, is received and gratuitously accommodated by the squatter with every mark of attention and kindness. I shall, perhaps, be asked, if the religious deficiency is so great in this district, why do the settlers not liberally subscribe, and then as a body memorialise the Committee of the General Assembly, or some £ 50 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. Missionary Society, to send out to them at their own (the colonists') expense, a suitable person to supply this deficiency ? The answer to such a question is simply this : — that it has uniformly been found that the desire for religious instruction is exactly in the inverse ratio to the need of it ; and that admitting the facts which I have above stated, the only inference which can be deduced from the silence of the people on this subject is, that they have sunk into a state of total indifference. If no minister is sent to them until they apply for one, I fear that time will never come. Life must be put into the dead body before there is any desire either felt or expressed for nourishment. In the remote western district of the colony, towards Wellington Valley and Mudgee, the Rev. CoUn Stewart, an ordained clergyman of the Church of Scotland, has been for the last few years itinerating among the scattered settlers or bushmen with indefatigable perseverance and con- siderable success. The Episcopalians, from being five times as numerous, and probably five times as wealthy as the Presbyterians in the colony, have been able to secure the services of a larger number of clergy- men whom they have spread over a larger extent of territory. But even they have hitherto found it inconvenient to spare a clergyman to itinerate among the far distant bushmen. The following is a Hst of most of those colonial towns and places .at each of which a Presbyterian clergyman is settled: — Port Macquarie, Newcas- tle, Maitland, William's River, Patrick's Plains, CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. 51 Bathurst, Hartley, Windsor, Portland Head, Parramatta, Campbelltown, Goulburn, Braidwood, WooUongong, and Melbourne. In Sydney there are three Presbyterian churches, five Episcopalian, three Roman Catholic, one Wesleyan, one Baptist, one Independent, one Australian Methodist, one Bethel Union, one ** Friends' Society House," and one Jewish Syna- gogue : or, in all, eighteen places of public wor- ship, which, excepting the last named (the Synagogue), are open every Sabbath. It is much to be regretted, however, that a large number of the inhabitants seldom enter a church-door. In Sydney, Sabbath desecration is a crying evil. The day is spent by many in "boating," driving, riding, drinking, visiting, &c> Most of the churches are more than half empty. It will, perhaps, be insinuated, that this indiflference on the part of the people about attending the public ordinances of the sanctuary must have been occa- sioned by the dulness or general inefficiency of the preacher. Not at all. I have heard every Pres- byterian clergyman in New South Wales, and a large proportion of the Episcopalian clergy preach, and though I do not pretend to be a very profound judge in such matters, I have no hesitation in asserting, that at least a majority of our colonial clergy might, in any way, stand a competition against an equal number taken indiscriminately from the clergy at home ; and though I am aware that we have here a sprinkling of miserable pulpit orators, who came to this colony because they despaired of obtaining any situation in the chuix'k e2 52 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. at home, I perfectly coincide with the view given in the following extract from a volume of very- useful sermons recently published by my friend the Rev. William Hamilton, of Goulburn. *' I cannot suppose the reason, which may sometimes be urged by those who, from other considerations, have allowed themselves to forsake church, namely, that no interesting ministrations, such as are worth attending, are to be enjoyed there, actually operates to produce non-attendance. There is not the smallest room to doubt that all the ordinances of our holy religion are on the whole as purely and faithfully administered in this colony, as in Great Britain at large. And I will venture confidently to assert, that there are preachers in this colony, whose discourses are pronounced tedious and in- sipid, and whose churches are deserted, who would be flocked after, and highly esteemed, as able if not eloquent expounders of God's word, in Eng- land or Scotland." Several clergymen of the three leading denomi- nations. Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholics, have each of them two or three different preaching stations, widely apart from one another, which they visit at stated periods. This is going to work the right way : it is removing the general excuse of distance, and forcing the great truths of the Gospel upon the notice of the people. This is doubtless a toilsome undertaking for the clergy- man, but there is no other way of reaching many of the settlers throughout this colony. It is deeply to be deplored that Puseyism has extensively crept into the Church of England in CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. 53 this colony. It is the very heresy, embodying the doctrine of apostolical succession, baptismal rege- neration, and a great deal of other sublime and monkish nonsense, which is best fitted to strike root, spring up, and gather strength in a lax com- munity of Christians. It is among the higher classes of Episcopalians that it has made most con- verts. To prove that the semi-popish doctrines of Dr. Pusey have made no small progress here, many facts might be adduced. I will just state one of them : — An eminent physician, brother to the Rev. James FuUerton, LL.D., one of our Sydney Presbyterian clergymen, who lately published a work condemnatory of this heresy, having a few weeks ago announced, through the public papers, his intention of offering himself as candidate for the situation of physician to the Infirmary esta- blished in connection with the Sydney Dispensary, called personally on the voters to solicit their sup- port, but was in several instances refused by some of the most influential men in our city, who avowed that the sole reason of their refusal was that his brother, the Rev. Dr. FuUerton, had written and published a book against Puseyism ! Nearly all the clergymen that I have yet heard preach in this colony, read their sermons from their manuscripts. A few who, like Diotrephes, loved to have the pre-eminence, attempted either to extem- porise or to preach from notes, but it was generally a failure. The only good extemporaneous preacher I have ever heard here is the Rev. Wm. Maclntyre, of Maitland. There is one pleasing circumstance which I must mention in connection with public worship in 54 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. this colony : many persons have, like myself, been agreeably surprised at seeing the marked attention paid to the service of God by those few who do attend chm-ch. There is here less yawning, less listlessless, and assuredly less sleeping, than I have often witnessed in my younger days when attending the churches in evangelical Scotland. CHAPTER XII. MORALS AND SOCIETY. If I had any selfish interest in advising you to emigrate to Australia, I would not say a single syllable about the morals or society of Botany Bay. But I have no wish that any of you should come here, neither have I the least inducement to con- ceal from you any of our moral deformities ; and I must then candidly tell you that our calendar of crime is truly frightful, embracing murder, highway robbery, stabbing, arson, cutting and maiming, burglary, shooting and wounding, rape, piracy, perjury, cattle-stealing, quietly, Ue down at sunset, and so.rromain anywhere until sunrise. The shepherd, pf.\ -cqurse, carri(iS • lfd» blanket, his tinder-box, and a day's rations, «ll>fH(»rVtH!, IlilH Ik'|hmiiI( J III I .1111 iiui mlHlnfoniit'd) Ut i\U) hi^ll HIkI I. |M,ii li.l. iliinlKMI (tf liri ,M.i|. I \ '-A A(,l,onu'v (Ini.i.il Imi iI,, umlcd ("imiidii* ' 'I'll.' NwN.i ■, lion, i'-.n..!.,,,,! I,, All iialiii, Uumgh nilicli Imm.mi. r; ;i(hi;ill_\ :alri (liuii iium I'liit^liliul to AiiM iM 1 and tllodiliort»ll('«MM IIm /< /.'./ill ollllO VoyiijM I . Ill mv III wliii^li you li.i\.- (.il.. II \,.iii |..i .I'M-, .n,' \,,iii , If no I'lirtlioi' t 111.. Ill iImhii 11. I L«!H,vn II, l,o lliu oiiptain and III 11 111 I ' iha roit. You nit to read, until j(Mi li<>nr iliiit (Ih« Sy, or tli<^ aiu'lior \ii \oi ^o ill Port ,larrn|d(>d in my MhidioM by ili. i. i mmii i.n (if npwill'da'nr live liiuMlJlrt' Voyil".'. 1( i -.mm! I.,i ;i man !•> I><' o.-.n i.iiutltY nUui li.ild couinm- ni lind iho nalu. . a \.ry diilonMll la.. ..l | |.l.- iKitlltllO aliorif;;ino« ol" AiiMlrnlia. 'I'ln nain. .il Now ZiMiliind. wim an* nnlnrnlly Im a\. . nni.iilit. mid ml' III". Ill |K>()pl<<. and wlm li.n( iluin.l.in. . (if liro- llMii ' anil iiMlMMIllitioM, ai. ai llii:> inry rroved hinjsi'lf to he totally unfit to eonnnand in New Zealaml. 1'hrongh luB imheeility, and want of decision, England has heen thus insulted hy semi-harharians with impunity. I h(M"o forbear to give any further speoimens of tho wisdom displayed in this government, — such as tho reeent entiro abolition of the eustoma, and, in tho very teeth of an act of parliament, the re- duction of tho ]>riee of land in New Zealand, from ono ]>ound to one penny sterling an acre, in order to please the natives ! After this suicidal act, who will he surprised at Donald's politeness in sub- mitting to be hanged in order to ]>lease the laird ? (Considering our ])roxiniity to New Zealand, wo, who have an interest in New South Wah>s, have a right to eom])lain of this instance of misgovern- ment which contributes to demoralise still more our population hy opening a door for defratuling oiu" revenue through smuggling. A strong (i(>ta('bin(Mit of soldiors from Sydney are now on their \\'.\\ (<> New Zealand, for the pur- pose of preserving |m ;i( <•, and securing «d)edienco to tho constituted autborilies. — luit the aborigines know their own ])o\ver and nvsources ; and the maintenance of :i (iciig ihitish force, kept up at a great expens( ih. re, will always be necessary to protect the seltlers ngainst aggression. Thero is every reason to fear (bat these natives will long continue to be a (born in (be side of the biUropoan settlors, for it is j)resunie(l tbat England will never 174 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. be guilty of such unchristian and dishonourable conduct as to sanction a war of extermination against a people to whom she first granted a flag, and then, without provocation, or any just cause shown, invaded and subjugated their country. Prom New Zealand look now at Australia. The aborigines here, who have never been distinguished for their warlike disposition, are completely sub- dued. They seldom give us any trouble. They have no fire-anns, and the fear of the white man has evidently seized on them. A. few months ago a party of seventy or eighty of them, armed with spears, boomerangs, &c., came to my head station, where their dogs attacked my cattle. There were only four white men, including myself, on the place. We took our guns, turned out and fired a few blank shots in the direction of the dogs. The whole tribe of blacks, dogs and all, decamped, crossed the river, and in five minutes from the first firing, not one of them was to be .seen. A whole regiment of English cavalry could not thus frighten the New Zealanders. If our soil, taken as a whole, is inferior to that of any of the three countries above named, it must be remembered that Australia is eminently a pas- toral, not an agricultural country. The signs of our zodiac are Aries and Taurus, though these are in the northern, and we in the southern hemisphere. We trust more to wool, beef, and tallow, than to wheat ; and yet, as I have already shown, we have here extensive tracts of very fer- tile soil, producing in some cases thirty, some sixty, and in some one hundred fold. An English ITS ELIGIBILITY AND ADVANTAGES. 175 farmer having first looked at our wretched system of agriculture, and then at our splendid crops, would be greatly surprised, especially if he took into consideration that the land which yielded this return had never been artificially manured, and that it had already produced ten or twelve crops of wheat in succession, the land during that long period not having enjoyed the rest or the relief afibrded by a rotation of crops. Our soil produces aU the grains and fruits of Europe. In Australia we have innumerable plains, such as Bathurst, O'ConneU, Goulburn, and Yass plains, each of them measuring many thousands of acres, aU covered with the richest pasture, with scarcely a single tree, and all ready for the plough. If we have not navigable rivers like America, neither is land-carriage for our staple commodity, wool, at all expensive — from 200^. to 300/. worth of wool being often carried to market on one dray. To the prosperity of . a pastoral , country , navigable rivers, however desirable, are not essential. These were intended by Nature only for agricultural and commercial countries : yet it is not the fact that we have no navigable rivers whatever. The river Hawkesbury admits of vessels of 100 tons going up to Windsor. Steamers go almost daily up the Hunter River to Maitland. The Paterson and William's Rivers are navigable to small craft. ' The Clarence River is navigable for many miles ; and doubtless, at no distant period, a regular com- munication by water will be established between South Australia and the thousands of settlers that people the rich valleys along the banks of the 176 TEN TEARS IN AUSTRALIA. rivers Hume and Murrumbidgee. In this case we shall boil our fat bullocks and sheep where they now graze, and thus save the tallow now lost in driving them to Sydney or Melbourne. Our wool, tallow, beef, hides, mutton-hams, mimosa bark, gum, cordage made from the bark of trees, kc, will then be sent down by water at a trifling expense all the way to Port Adelaide. There is nothing impracticable in the undertaking now sug- gested. The rivers just mentioned are suflSciently deep, and not rapid. Nothing is to be feared from the natives on the banks. Captain Sturt went down the Murrumbidgee and Murray Rivers in his boat, all the way to Lake Alexandrina ; and it is well known that there are no water-falls in the Murray, or in either of the two great rivers, the Hume and Murrumbidgee — the junction of which forms the Murray — to present any impedi- ment to the proposed navigation. To remove the numerous logs, or snags, as the Yankees call them, which have been for ages accumulating in various parts of the channels of those rivers, would doubtless be attended with expense ; but the in- crease in the value of the land on the banks of the rivers thus rendered navigable, would more than repay to the government any necessary out- lay : and under proper management, a great part of this public work might be performed by the blacks who line the banks of those rivers. These people are naturally fitted for such employment, and to keep them to it would be the most effectual way of civilising them. In Australia we have no national debt to absorb ITS ELIGIBILITY AND ADVANTAGES. 177 been taken from the official papers, and has been over and over carefully revised and compared with the originals. For tobacco you get anything done for you in the 190 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. bush. There everybody smokes : men, women, and children, white and black, aU smoke. Every dinner, every supper, every meeting, here ends in smoke : about two years ago it was seriously ap- prehended that the whole colony was then about to end in smoke ; when they are out of tobacco, the people wiU smoke anything and everything, tea- leaves, &c. : they have been known even to smoke a passing stranger, who appeared to have some designs on them ! I need not say more to prove that tobacco procures for you a cordial reception, and the best accommodation at every hut you pass on your travels. In times of great scarcity of this precious weed, I have known lib. of tobacco bought in Sydney for 3*., being sold in the bush for 20s. sterling, and glad were the men to get it on any terms. While we are travelling among civilised people, that is, within the boundaries of location, we generally move, or, as the newly-applied term is, progress at the rate of five or six miles an hour ; and forty miles are considered a good day's work, especially when we have a long journey before us. As in travelling here everything depends upon your attention to your horse, allow me to give you a few practical hints on this very important sub- ject. Feed him, not as much, but as often as you can ; for though learned jockeys have laid it down as a rule, that ** for a saddle-horse to go well, he should be two parts blood," they have left it for you to infer, that the remaining part or parts should be made up of corn and hay, &c. And let me advise you always to see your own horse eat his food. At the inns here I have invariably TRAVELLING IN THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH. 191 made it a point of duty to comb my horse's tail or mane while he is eating his corn. I find that he thus thrives as fast again on it. This is an extraordinary fact, and to me perfectly unaccount- able. No writer on animal physiology has hitherto even attempted an explanation of this pheno- menon ; the celebrated Mr. Pickwick himself, who has done so much for the cause of science, has not ventured to look at this difficulty. It would, therefore, be presumption in me to try to explain it. I merely state the fact, that your horse will thrive as fast again, if you comb his tail every time he is eating his corn in a Botany Bay public- house stable. Water him a mile or two before his journey's end ; and walk him gently after he has been watered. Let the first and last parts of your day's journey be performed slowly. In the even- ing wash his feet up to the knees. In such a hot climate as this, the friction of his shoes is suf- ficient to heat, not only his hoofs, but his feet. Let the saddle remain on his back until he has cooled. The girths should of course be slackened on his entering the stable. Rub him well while he is nibbhng at his hay ; but give him no corn until he is quite cool. If the corn is not cracked, mix either bran or chaff with it, otherwise he will gulp it without chewing it. You ought also daily to mix a httle salt, about two ounces, with his feed. I sometimes carry in my pocket a small quantity of nitre for my horse. At every stopping place take off the saddle and dry it ; the back of many a good horse has been injured through the neglect of this precaution. Allow about half an 192 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. hour to elapse from the time that he has finished his corn until you proceed on your journey. When you can get no corn, try to buy, beg, or borrow some " siftings" (bran), which are to be found at almost every hut. By thus attending to your horse, he will always be in fair condition, and by the long continuous journeys you perform, you will surprise many a besotted traveller who is in the habit of drinking in the tap-room until he is half blind, his poor horse being all this time left to the tender mercies of the hostler — a character celebrated throughout the world for honesty and humanity. After we shall have travelled two or three hun- dred miles out of Sydney, we may not always find it convenient so to regulate our journeys as to reach a public-house every evening ; and even if it were convenient, I would not advise it ; for as we recede from Sydney or Melbourne, the grass for our horses improves in the same ratio that the accommodation for ourselves and them becomes worse. Therefore we shall not trouble the pub- licans with our presence ; and in order to do without them, we buy in passing a store on the road some tea and sugar. We can calculate on getting beef and damper at every hut we pass. Thus provided, we may either stop at a hut, or camp out wherever we find water ; for grass and firewood are everywhere abundant. If we stop at a hut, we manage our horses as follows : — On our arrival, having taken off the saddles, we hobble the horses at some distance from the hut in sight of the inmates. And then after it gets dark, if we are not sure of the character of the men, you TRAVELLING IN THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH, 193 keep them talking while I go out to remove our liorses to a considerable distance, and in a direc- tion opposite to that in which we first hobbled them. The object of this manoeuvre is to prevent their being hid (or planted as it is here caUed) by any of the men about the hut. To plant travel- lers' horses and settlers' working bullocks is a common trick played by Botany Bay convicts, who will afterwards offer to find them for a specified reward. The above is one way in which you may defeat these artful villains. In most cases I prefer to camp out and far away from any hut. It is the most independent way of travelling. Towards evening, on our arri- val at good water, we hobble our horses, light a fire, and boil tea in our tin quart pots. We carry our tea and sugar, cold beef, and damper. After supper we generally visit our horses, and observe the direction in which they are heading. We then make our beds as follows : — each of us se- lects for himself some soft, dry, and warm place, on which he spreads his great-coat and blanket ; between these two he sleeps ; his saddle inverted serves for a pillow. If it rains, stick in the ground, about six feet apart, two forks ; place a ridge pole upon them, and over it spread your blanket, the edges of which fasten to the ground with wooden pegs. You have now a house, which will be both dry and warm, and tenfold more comfortable than the tub of Diogenes. At dawn you will be awa- kened by a bird called the " Jackass, " which then sets up a long-continued horse-laugh. This inti- mation he regularly gives every morning at dawn ; 194 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. then half an hour afterwards ; and finally when it is broad day-light ; after which you seldom hear anything more of the Jackass till next morning ! By their punctually crowing or laughing in a body every morning at dawn, they are very useful in the bush. In summer the traveller is often awa- kened in the morning by frogs, which give regular concerts during the season. Having risen, the first thing we do is to look for our horses, which are frequently in sight ; but if not, we track them. Having found them, we saddle them, start and travel ten or twelve miles before we halt at some water, where we light a fire and breakfast, while we allow them to feed near us. This is the usual mode of travelling in the Australian bush. If it is moonlight, many gentlemen prefer, especially in summer, travelling at night, and resting both them- selves and horses during the daytime. I recollect having been once with a party thus traveUing at night, when I was deputed by the rest to call at a friend's hut on the way, to borrow, not '* three loaves," but one damper, for our jom-ney. It vividly brought into my recollection the beautiful passage in St. Luke's Gospel, chap. xi. 5 — 8 ; for, as every Greek scholar knows, this is the spirit of the passage as it stands in the original. The Greek passage clearly implies that the mid- night traveller turned out of his road to call on his friend, not with the intention of remaining with him during the rest of the night, but merely to borrow the three loaves, and then to proceed on his jom-ney, just as our party did after I bor- rowed the damper. TRAVELLING IN THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH. 195 It is scarcely possible for any man who is accus- tomed to read his Bible, to travel much in this colony without noticing a variety of scriptural illusr trations quite unexpected. Sometime ago I had occasion to ride out with a great sportsman on the river Gwydir, nearly 400 miles north-west from Sydney. We were followed by a lot of kangaroo-dogs. Where we happened to be, the Gwydir, like the Jordan, has two sets of banks, inner and outer. As it is only a flood which causes the river to overflow its inner banks and to extend to the outer ones, the intervening space, which is overgrown with shrubs, is seldom covered with water ; and hence this sheltered interval, so convenient to the water, in this hot climate (a climate closely resembling that of Judea), is a favourite resort of wild animals, — the native dog in particular, as we soon found by starting a female, which had been there rearing pups, and which our dogs soon caught and killed. If the river happened to swell, and consequently overflow its inner banks, as the Jordan does periodically, I should then have witnessed the exact counter- part of Jeremiah's beautifully correct simile (in chap. xlix. 19), "Behold, he shall come up like a lion (or lioness) from the swelling of Jordan" — an ex- plaining comparison or simile which has often been ridiculed as unnatural by a set of drivellers, who have even ventured to ridicule the idea of Balaam's ass speaking with man's voice (Numb. xxii. 28 — 30). How inconsistent these objectors, while they themselves give us the clearest proofs, not only that asses can speak, but that they do still conti- o2 196 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. nue to speak, whether reqmred or not ; and I only wish that I could be refuted when I assert that, ever since the days of Balaam, this breed of speaking animals has been rapidly increasing and widely spreading, to the great annoyance of every man of common sense. It may not, perhaps, be generaUy known, that in this colony we have wild fig-trees. A young friend of mine, with whom I was travelling in the month of December, proposed that we should turn off our path to visit a fig-tree, which he had often seen, and which he stated must have fruit, as he had lately seen it with leaves (which generally appear after the fruit), and the time of figs, or fig-gathering, was not yet arrived. On coming to it we found figs. Never till then did I see the full force of that parable recorded in Mark xi. 13, 14, and the reason of the divine malediction there pronounced. When sucking the leaves of trees, which I have more than once done, as I travelled under a scorching heat, through a country at the time destitute of water, how refreshing would I have found " a cup of cold water," and how valua- ble the parcel of ground that would have included the weU which Jacob gifted to his favourite son Joseph ! I have here seen the exact counterpart of Rachel driving her father Laban's flocks at noon to be watered out of wells carefully shaded over to prevent any loss or waste of water through evapo- ration in this warm climate ; and I have also seen my own bullock-drivers, like the Israelites on leav- ing Egypt, carry on their journey kneading-troughs with damper which is just unleavened, that is, un- TRAVELLING IN THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH. 197 fermented bread. But I must here quit biblical exposition, and return to bush-travelling. While I have been thinking of nothing but theology, you may perhaps have been only wishing to know how we are to manage for clean shirts, since each of us had only two spare ones at starting, and we may be twice as many weeks on our journey. At any hut on our way, in this very dry climate, the hut-keeper can wash and dry a shirt for you between six o'clock evening and six o'clock next morning. On those roads which I often travel I sometimes, with a view to relieve my horse, carry only one shirt, viz. that on my back. But then I have shirts left to be washed at different stages, which I no sooner reach, than I put off the one I wear, and put on a clean one ; the one which I now leave will be ready for me again on my return. If in some other countries the people can boast of their relays of horses, here we can boast of our relays of shirts. If you wish to make your toilet when camping far away from any hut, you can go to a pond of clear water, and looldng into it as into a mirror, you can shave or admire yourself, like Ovid's Narcissus, but not, it is to be hoped, with the same fatal result. Some bushmen or settlers shave only once a year. Among the numerous and formidable obstacles to travelling, eloquently described by the learned Mr. Pickwick, I do not recollect having seen any mention made of creeks and rivers swelled by rain, or the periodical melting of snow on the distant mountains ; yet I can assure you that if Mr. Pick- wick had accompanied me last winter, he would include this obstacle in his second edition of that 198 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. splendid burst of eloquence, wherein he speaks of his perils, in the pursuit of science, from *' damp sheets," &c. In the months of August and September last, several of our creeks and rivers continued for weeks to overflow their banks, and in the absence of boats and bridges, present very serious obstacles to tra- velling. A few persons, among M^hom were two of our postmen, lost their lives in attempting to cross the creeks on the road. Last winter, as I was returning from a distant station, riding one horse and leading another, on the back of which my opossum cloak, great coat, vs, in live minutes, caught a sufficiency for our whole party to eat.** This island, which was discovered by the Putch, and by them ceileil with the Cape of Good Hoj>e to Great Britain, is yet uninhabited. In sailing through Bass's Straits, you will pass, on your right, Flinders's Island, whither, a few yeai*s ago, under the clerical charge of my old friend, the Rev. Thomas Dove, the Van Piemen's Land gi^vernment transporte down in shij>8 from Lon- don to Sydney. The island of Lillipnt, the grand scene of Lemuel Gulliver's wonderful adventures, as recorded by Dean Swift, I have purjH>sely omitted to mention among the wonders of Bass*s Straits, as this island, of whose existence — in Swift's imagination — there could have been no doubt, is yet not laid down in any moilern map : though it is evident fKnn the following historical quotation, that Surgeon GuUiver wius in tKeae Straits long before Surgeon Bass of the T>.^1?a««>' 266 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. " A violent storm drove us," says Gulliver, " to the north-west of Van Diemen's Land, where we were driven directly upon a rock, and immediately split. I swam as fortune directed me, and got to the shore, hut could not discover any signs of houses or inhabitants." As you pass Botany Bay (about eight miles before reaching Port Jackson), you may obtain a glance of the monument erected to the memory of the unfortunate La Perouse. I have frequently visited this locality. Here, close to the monument, is the site of a garden (with broken walls, and a few bushes and shrubs) formed by the French during their stay at this place. Excepting the monument just named, all that you can see at this inlet are a few fishermen's huts, a station for a custom-house officer, and an immense variety of beautiful wild flowers, which amply justified Sir Joseph Banks in naming this Botany Bay ; which, however, instead of recalling to the mind of the English reader all that is fragrant, tender, natu- rally beautiful and innocuous, only serves to con- jure up to the imagination a hideous assemblage of thieves, robbers, and murderers. I now come to the third and last division of the subject, which was to state what, in my opinion, the emigrant ought to do on his arrival in Australia. Newly-arrived emigrants are liable to be at- tacked by dysentery. But it is easy to guard against it by taking the following precautions : — * ' Spare diet, very gentle exercise, using no stimu- lants, and occasionally taking some laxative medi- cine." ADVICE TO EMIGRANTS. 267 Should you happen to arrive in summer, you are likely to be annoyed by mosquitoes, which have a great partiality for new comers. If you have brought any money with you, place it as a deposit in your own name in one of the Sydney or Mel- bourne banks. By so doing you run no risk ; for all of them are joint- stock companies, and what- ever becomes of the shareholders, the depositors are perfectly safe, even if the whole body of di- rectors were not only to become insolvent, but after- wards to run away with all the bank capital. The failure of a joint-stock bank director does not affect the depositor as such. Messrs. BuUer, Cur- tis, Manning, Raikes, and Ward, have each and all of them been gazetted while governors and di- rectors of the Bank of England, as any man who is at all conversant with the history of that bank can tell you. If the sum with which you arrive exceed not 2001., place it in the savings bank ; and until you gain colonial experience, be not induced, on seeing what you may consider a good bargain, to lay out your money. Wait for a time ; you will see many such good bargains offered in this colony. Immediately on the arrival of a ship with emi- grants, a number of citizens and settlers, or their agents, go on board to hire the people. I have known several cases in which nearly all the emigrants had been engaged within forty-eight hours after the government muster, or inspection of the people, was over. The persons who gene- rally remain longest disengaged, are families con- sisting partly of very young children, who, instead 268 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. of being of any use to the settler, only occupy the time of the mothers, consume rations, and supply the establishment with vocal music. The emigrants who are most readily engaged, are single females to act as house-servants. There is often a scramble for them. The great scarcity of female servants in this colony is owing chiefly to the readiness with which they get married. A large proportion of the girls that emigrate to Australia, are com- fortably married within a twelvemonth of their arrival. No fewer than three female servants of my own were married within one year. However agreeable it may be to the girls to get permanently settled, it is doubtless very inconvenient to families to be thus frequently deprived of good servants. But there is no remedy for it, except patiently waiting the arrival of the next emigrant ship ; and hence the necessity of employing men as general house-servants both in Sydney and throughout the colony. If you are a tradesman, lose no time in applying for employment to some respectable masters car- rying on business in your own particular trade. You can easily find out their address by inquiring of any old inhabitant, or by glancing over the Sydney Directory, the loan of which for a few minutes will be freely given to you by any of our shopkeepers, whom I have always found civil and obliging. In case you have a wife and family, and intend remaining in town, your best plan is to engage by the week a smaU cottage, which can be had, in the outskirts of the town, at about 7s. or 8s. of weekly rent ; but if you are living in ADTICE TO EMIGRANTS. 269 single blessedness, you and some of your fellow- passengers, of congenial dispositions, ought to engage a small cottage between you. Each of you might then live comfortably at about 10s. a-week, and save at least 20s. a-week. Though I had Sydney in my eye when I made this estimate, yet I have reason to believe that it is also appHcable to Melbourne. If the emigrant has the desire and means of living in a somewhat higher style, he can go to any of the numerous boarding-houses throughout Sydney, where he will have to pay from 15s. to 30s. a-week. If your attention is directed towards rural affairs, I would advise you to remove yourself and family (if you have any), with all convenient speed, into the country, where you can live at little or no expense. Before commencing on your own account, or making any purchases of either land or live stock, acquire colonial experience. BeUeve me, the time spent in thus acquiring experience is not lost, even if it should be a couple of years. Whether your intention is either to settle as an agriculturist or as a sheep and cattle proprietor, you would do well to acquire some colonial experi- ence before embarking in any speculation whatever. The knowledge thus acquired will amply compen- sate for the time which you would perhaps call lost. The intending agriculturist or grazier would after- wards find it of immense advantage, if he were to serve, even without wages, a few months' appren- ticeship as overseer on some large establishment in the country. Such a practical training would enable him to avoid many grievous mistakes com- 270 TEN YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. mitted by new comers, and qualify him for success- fully managing his own affairs. In our general system of agriculture or tillage, as well as in the selection, purchase, and management of live stock, the newly-arrived emigrant has much to learn, which he could not possibly have learnt either from the best written books on the subject, or from prac- tical experience in Great Britain. Whatever may be the amount of your capital, whether large or small, or whatever may be your views or profession, guard against entering into partnership with any, unless you have well known for years your partner or partners, and are fully satisfied not only as to their solvency, but as to their moral character, economy, prudence, and general business habits. Many a worthy man has had here cause to repent, when too late, having had anything to do with these co-partnerships. Emigrants who are in quest of situations as superintendents, overseers, clerks, tutors, store- keepers, UM which the aborigines are divided.— Matta Gyn, with the Ballarok and "Waddarok. See Ballarok. Dtowal, subst. — The thigh. Dtowalguorryn — The name of a dance among the Eastern natives, during which the muscles of the thigh are made to quiver in a very singular manner. A dance of this sort is common among the Malay girls. Dtul-ya, subst. — Exocarpus cupressiformis. This, with the By-yu and the Kolbogo, and a few other things de- serving no better name than berries, of no particularly good flavour, are all that have been yet found in the country in the way of fruit. DuBARDA, subst. — The flower of a species of Banksia which grows on the low grounds, and comes into flower the latest of all these trees. DiTBYT, subst. — A very venomous yellow-bellied snake, from five to six feet long, much dreaded, but eaten by the natives. DuuTA, subst The seed-vessel of the white gum-tree. DuKUN, verb — Pres. part., Dukunin ; past tense, Dukunagga. To light the fire for the purpose of cooking ; to put on the fire to be cooked. Bulbar, subst. — Season of bad or wet weather — as Ngannil dulbar mya wyerowin, we build, or are building, huts in Bulbar. BuLBO, subst. — A fine farinaceous substance eaten by the natives, and this is the name sometimes given by them to our flour. BuLGAR, subst. — The gum of the Hakea. Eaten by the natives. BuLURDONG, adj. — Round ; spherical ; egg-shaped. BuL-YA, subst. — A fog ; mist. BuL-YANG, verb — To visit distant tribes in search of articles required. BuMBiN, verb — Pres. part., Bumbinin ; past tense, Bumbin- agga. To avert or turn aside the coui'se of a spear, or other missile weapon, by shouting to it. Some individu- als are supposed to be peculiarly qualified in this way. DUM 35 DUR Also, to procure injury to any one by Boylya, or enchant- ment. DuMBU, subst. — The womb. DuMBUN, subst. — A cave. The only vestige of antiquity or art which has yet been discovered, consists of a circular figure rudely cut or carved into the face of a rock, in a cavern near York, with several impressions of open hands formed on the stone around it. The natives can give no rational account of this. They tell some fables of the moon having visited the cave and executed the work. They have little curiosity regarding it, and pay it no re- spect in any way. In short, it appears as if it did not concern them, or belong to their people. Caves with well executed figures, done in different colours, are said to have been found on the north-west coast, when visited by • Messrs. Grey and Lushington in 1838. This rude carving at York may possibly be the last trace of a greater degree of civilisation proceeding from the north, and becoming gradually more faint as it spreads to the south, till it is almost entirely obliterated ; or, again, it may be the only monument now left to speak of a former race, which has altogether passed away, and become superseded by another people. DuMBUNG, subst. — Xylomela occidentalis ; tiie native pear- tree. It bears a hard solid woody substance, which has a most tantalising outward I'esemblance to a good fruit. DuNDAK, subst. — The outskirts of a place. DuNGANiN, subst.— Adam's apple of the throat. DuN-NGOL, subst. — A very short person ; a dwarf. DuuANDURAN, subst. — Ptilotis ; white-eared honey-sucker. D-YiLLAK, subst. — A sort of coarse gi-ey granite. DuRDA, subst. — A dog. The native dog is a sneaking, cow- ardly animal, having the stealthy habits of a fox, and com- mitting great depredations among the sheep and poultry. Some are pai'tially domesticated by the natives ; but as they do not bark, European dogs are much more valued, when persons are unwise enough to give them to the aborigines.' D 2 DUB, 36 D-YU DuRDiP, subst. — The seed-vessel of the Eucalypti, or gum- trees. DuRDONG, adj. — (K.G.S.) Green. DuRGA, iiubsi.— The north-west wind accompanied by rain. It blows chiefly during the winter season of Western Australia, from May to September. DuRGUL, adj. — Straight ; in a straight line. DuRRUNGUR — (K.G.S.) To put in a bag. DwoY-A, subst. — Dried leaves. Dy-kr, subst. — The skin of a wild dog's tail with the fur on, worn by the aborigines usually across the upper part of the forehead as an ornament. D-YiNDA, subst. — A species of opossum. Portions of the fur of this animal are worn by the aborigines among the hair as an ornament. D-YUAR, subst. — The name applied to the mode of bui'ial of the lowland tribes. They dig the grave east and west ; the body is placed on its back, the head to the east, the face turned on one side, so as to look to the mid-day sun ; the earth being thrown out in two heaps, the one at the head, the other at the foot.— (For the mountain manner of burial, see Gotyt.) — These two diff'erent modes of burial rigidly adhered to by a people who are now so rude, would point to either a descent from two different stocks origin- ally, or the existence at some remote period of a very dif- ferent state of society from that in which they are now found. D-YULAR, subst. — Cuculus ; little cuckoo. D-YULGYT — The name of the native dance among the eastern men. D-YUNA, subst. — A short club used by the aborigines in their wars and contests. D-YUNDO, subst. — Kernel of the Zamia nut. D-YUNONG, acy. — Rounded in shape; convex; opposite to Yam- pel. D-YURANGiTCH, 5W&5/.— (K.G.S.) Left arm. D-YURo, subst.— Leii arm. D.Yuwo — An exclamation of dissent ; oh no ; not so. 37 E. E, as in there, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. — See Preface. EcHENNA,wrZi — Pres.part., Echennin ; past tense, Echennaga. To happen ; to befal — as Dtonga gori yan echennaga, what can have befallen, or happened, to my ears lately ; when a man wishes to express that he does not take in or com- prehend at all what you are telling him. Edabungur — (K.G.S.) To make a noise like thunder. En-gallang, verb — Pres. part., Engallangwin ; past tense, Engallangaga. To surround. Ennow, verb — Fres. part., Ennowin ; past tense, Ennaga. To walk ; to move. Enung — (Vasse.) Whose, or of whom. Epal— (K.G.S.) A little while ago. Errudu— Nyroca australis, Eyton ; white-winged duck. G. Observe — The sounds of G and K are in so many instances used indiscriminately, or interchangeably, that it is frequently diflScult to ascertain which sound predominates. The predo- minant sound varies in different districts. G is always sounded hard. Gabbar, adj. — Wide. Gabbarn, subst. — Part of the body immediately below the navel ; the abdomen. Gabbi, subst. — Water. Gabbidjikup, subst. — Fresh water. Gabbi Kallangorong, subst. — Hirundo ; the martin. The Australian name of this bird appears to be derived from Gabbi, water ; Kalian, to collect ; and Gorang, to turn or twist ; birds of this order being remarkable for their sud- den and active turnings in pursuit of their insect prey over the water. Gabbikarning, subst. — Salt water, such as is found in lakes and rivers. Gabbikolo, subst. — Running water. GAB 38 GAN Gabbilang, adj. — Of or belonging to water. Spoken of fish and amphibious animals. From Gabbi, water ; and ang, of, 1 being interposed for sound's sake. Gabbiodern, subst. — Sea- water. Gabbiwarri, subst. — Water standing in a pool. Gabbyn, adv. — Perhaps ; likely ; it may be so. Gabbytch, subst. — (Vasse.) Running water. Ga-dak, adj. — Never used except in composition ; having ; possessing — as Warda gadak, having fame ; a man of re- nown or authority. Gaddara, sm65<. — Biziura lobata ; the musk-duck. Colonially, steamer, from its paddling motion, and the noise it makes as it shuffles along the water, with its diminutive wings or flappers. This bird cannot fly. Gadjinnak, sw6s; — Rhipiduraalbiscapa;fan.tailed fly-catcher. Gagalyang, subst. — A sort of whinstone or basalt. Galgoyl, 57^55^— Species of Xanthorea, or grass-tree. Gal-yang, subst. — Species of Acacia. Colonially, the wattle- tree, from its partial resemblance to the wattle or osier- tree of England. Gal-yang, subst. — The gum of the Galyang, or wattle-tree, eaten by the natives. It is soluble in water, and is one of the best gums in the country for all common purposes. Gal-yarn, subst. — (Eastern word.) Salt. It is abundant in many places. See Djallum. Gambarang, subst. — Beginning of summer — October and November. The natives leave off building huts about this time. Young birds begin to be plentiful. Gambarn, verb. •% Pres. part., Gambarnin ; past tense, Gam- Gamb arnbardo ^ barnagga. To associate with ; to accompany. Gambart, subst. — A niece. Gambigorn, subst. — Podargus Cuvieri ; large or hawk goat- sucker. The moss-hawk of V. D. Land. Gamo, subst. — A large flag leaved plant, something like the New Zealand flag. Phormium teuax sp. Gande, subst. — A sort of slate-stone. Gang-a-nginnow, verb — To take a person as a friend or ser- vant to live with you. GAN 39 GAR Gangow, verb — Pres. part., Gangowin ; past tense, Gangaga. To bring ; to carry ; to fetch ; to take. Ganno, subst. — A root found at York, eaten by the natives, and resembling a potatoe in shape. Sp. Nov. nondescript, growing in poor, dry, gravelly soil. Gannow, verb — Pres. part., Gannowin j past tense, Gann&ga* To step ; to kick. Garba, subsi. — A piece of wood ; branch of a tree broken off. Matta garba ; stick or wooden legs, is a term of reproach. Garbala — The afternoon ; the evening ; towards sunset. Garbang, verb — Pres. part., Garbangwin ; past tense, Gar- bangaga. To scrape a spear ; to point by scraping. Garbang-a, subst. — Large black cormorant. Garbel, adj. — Scraped ; pointed, but not barbed ; applied to spears— as Gidji garbel, a fishing spear. The point of the spear is hardened by fire, and scraped off to a degree of sharpness which is scarcely credible. Garbyne, subst. — A large flag-like grass growing in the low grounds, very stiff, and apt to cut the natives' legs, and, therefore, much avoided by them when out hunting. Gardan, subst. — Eucalyptus resinifei'a ; red gum-tree, so called from the quantity of gum -resin of a deep coagulated blood colour, which exudes, during particular months in the year, through the bark. It is a valuable timber on a farm, as it splits well for posts and rails, and is useful for all agi'icultural implements. It grows generally on good red loamy soil. In the hot summer months a sweet saccharine juice exudes plentifully from some trees of this sort, which the natives call by the same name which they apply to our sugar. See Ngon-yang. Gardang, subst. — Younger brother. Gargan, verb — Pres. part., Garganwin ; past tense, Gargan- aga. To light down ; to pitch ; to alight as a bird on the ground. Gargoin, subst. — The stone of the Zamia fruit. The outer rind is edible after being steeped in water or buried in moist earth for a time ; but the kernel is considered un- wholesome by some persons. GAR 40 GID Gar-jyx, subst. — A flowing spring — as Gabbi garjyt, running water. Garlgyte, subsi. — Hypsiprymnus Gilbertii. A species of kangaroo. Garrab, subst. — A hole ; a hollow ; a cane. Garrabara, adj. — Full of holes ; pierced with holes. Garragar, adj. — (Upper Swan word.) Slippery. Garrang, subst. — Anger ; passion ; rage. Garranggadak, verb — To be angry. Garraning, verb — (Upper Swan.) Restraining a man in a passion. See Wungart. Garrap, subst. — Marrow. Garrimbi, subst About sunset. Garro, adv. — Again ; then. Garro-djin, imp. verb — Look out ; mind ; take care. Com- pounded of Garro, again ; and Djinnang, to see ; look. Garro-yul, verb — To return. Compound of GaiTO, again ; and Yul, to come. Gedala, subst.— (Vasse.) A day. Gelangin, subst. — Lightning. (Northern word.) Gerik, subst. — Smoke. Geripgerip, adj. — Green. Getget, adv. — Quickly ; speedily. Gi-aterbat, subst. — Gerygone brevirostris. Short-billed wren. GiDji, subst. — A spear. The common native spear is fur- nished with a wooden barb, and pointed like a needle. The shaft is very slender and tapering, about eight feet in length. This has been found, by experience, to be a much more formidable and deadly weapon than its first appear- ance would lead one to suppose. It is projected by means of the Miro ; which see. GiDGiBORYL, subst. — A spcar, barbed with broken bits of quartz,' or glass, which cuts like a rough saw, and is much dreaded on account of the ragged wound which it inflicts. GiDGiGARBEL, subst. — Fishiug spear. In the use of this the natives are extremely active and expert. They have no other mode of taking fish in the sea ; but in rivers they construct rude wears. GIR 41 GOT GiRGAL, subst. — Sericornis frontalis. Spotted winged warbler. GiRiJiT, subst. — Sparks ; Kallagirijit, sparks of fire. GoA, verb — Pres. part., Goawin ; past tense, Go-aga. To laugh .>^ GoBUL, subsl. — A young frog whilst in a tadpole state. GoDOiTCHj subst. — One of the constellations. GoGOGO, subs t.—Fhsilacrocorax flavirhyncus. Little cormoran t. GoNGAN, subst. — A sandy district. The easiest road, or usual path, or mountain pass to a place. GoNG-GO, subst — The back. GoRAD, adj. — Short ; stunted. GoRADA, adj. — Little ; short. GouADAN, verb — Make short ; shorten. GoRAH, adv. — A long time ago. The opposite to " Mila." Some future time. Goran, verb — To scold ; to abuse. GoRANG, verb — Pres. part., Gorangwin ; past tense, Gorang- aga ; to spin ; to turn round ; — as Kumalgorang, to spin opossum's hair ; which is done by twirling a sort of cross- shaped spindle on the thigh, the fur or thread being at- tached to the head, while the shaft is turned by the hand. GoRi, adv. — Just now ; lately. GoRiJAT, adv. — First ; before. GoTANG, verb— Vres. part., Gotang ; past tense, Gotang ; to bag ; to carry in a bag. GoTiTKAR — (K.G.S.) A nephew. Goto, subst. — A bag. Every woman is provided with two bags of kangaroo skin. The Goto and the Gundir, each about two feet deep, and a foot and a half broad. The Goto is the general receptacle for every small article which the wife or husband may require, or take a fancy to, what- ever its nature or condition may be. Fish just caught, or dry bread ; frogs, roots, and wilgi, are all there mingled together. (For Gundir, the child's bag, see that word. ) GoTYN, subst. — A hollow or swamp with a little water. GoTYT, subst. — The name applied to the mode of burial among the mountain tribes. The grave is dug north and south ; the body placed on the right side, with the head to the GOY 42 GUL south ; the face looking to the rising sun ; the earth formed into one crescent-like mound on the west side of the grave. See D-yuar. GoYARRA, sttiiY, — Sand. A great extent of country is co- vered either with silicious or calcareous sand, which possesses greater fertility than was at first supposed, and is becoming more valued as its qualities are better known. GuBA, subst. — Petroica multicolor. Colonial robin. Some- thing like the English robin in appearance, but wholly without its song or familiar habits. GuDAP, subst. — Aquila. Short-tailed brown eagle. GuDDANGUDDAN, subsf. — Platyccrcus Icterotis. Red-breasted parrot. GuDiLANG, subst. — Colluriciucla. Grey thrush. GuDjA, subst. — An infant. GuDJA-iJow, verb — To bear children. GuDJAL — Numeral ; two. GuDJALiNGUDJALiN — Numeral ; four. GuDJARRA, subst. — A spccics of frog. GuDJELAN, subst. — A spccics of hawk. GuDJiR, conj. — Also ; and. GuDJUNANGUR — (K.G.S.) To dread. GuDJYT, subst. — The sky ; the firmament. GuGUMiT, subst. — A small brown owl, the note of which re- sembles the cuckoo when heard at a distance. GuLAMBiDDi, subst. — A youug man. About the age of pu- berty the cartilage of the nose is pierced with a spear, and a bone skewer is worn in the hole as an ornament. The cartilage is sometimes ruptured in the operation. GuLAMWiN, subst. — The sea-breeze. This commences about ten every morning in summer, with few exceptions, and tempers the heat of the day. GuLANG, subst. — A child of either sex. Plural. Gulang-ara. The sex is indicated by adding Yago, or Mammarap, a man or woman child. GuLANG-iN, part Chewing ; mumbling. GuLANG-GARA, subst. — The small toes, as distinguished from the large one j the children ; the little ones. GUL 43 GU L GuLBANG, verb — (North word.) Pres. part., Gulbangwin ; past tense, Gulbangagga ; to move ; to go ; to proceed. GuLBAR, adj. — Dry ; parched up ; as ground unfit for hunting, and not carrying scent. GuLBAT, verb — (North word.) Pres. part., Gulbattin ; past tense, Gtilbat ; to go ; to depart. GuLDANGULDAN, subst. — Platyccrcus Icterotis ; red-breasted parrot. GuLiN, verb — Pres. part., GuIHniu ; past tense, GuUinagga ; to he ; to tell lies. GuiJAK, subst. — Black swan. This bird may be readily taken when moulting, and soon becomes tame. GuLLi, subst. — A species of Casuarina ; colonially, the she- oak. It splits well for shingles. GuLLiMA, stibst. — Poi'phyrio. Swamp hen ; or swamp phea- sant. GuLOYN, subst. — Youngest brother or sister, or son ; also the little finger. GuLUJiBURiN, adj. — Being shy, or timid. This word is, per- haps, derived from Gulang, a child, and Bur, or Burbur, similar to, resembling. GuLURTO, subst. — Colonially, flooded gum-ti-ee ; so called from being found usually in ground liable to be covered with water. It is very attractive to the white ants ; and, consequently, unfit for posts, or anything resting on the ground. GvLVT, verb — (East-country word.) Pres. part., Gulutin ; past tense, Gulut ; to go ; to depart. GuL-YAM, verb— Pres. part., Gulyaman ; past tense, Gulya- magga ; to lie ; to tell lies. This is a term of frequent use in objurgation among one another. GuL-YAMBAR, subst. — A Complete fraud, a mere pretence ; used on receiving, for instance, a very small quantity of food, when much has been expected. GuL YANG-ARRA, subst. — Crumbs of bread ; bits of anything ; roots when pounded ; sugar when melted ; the fi'y of fish. Gui.-YARRi, subst. — A sorcerer. Boyl-ya Gadak, GuL-YiDARANG, subst. — Nauodes vemistus. Ground parrot. GUM 44 GUN GuMAL, subst. — Phalangista vulpina. Large grey opossum. GuMALBiDYT, subst. — Sittella Melanocephala. Nut-hatch, GuMBAR, adj. — Big ; heavy. Gambu, subst. — The bladder. GuMBU, verb — To make water. The females strew rushes or grass-tree leaves on the ground, as it is considered un- lucky, or rather likely to produce sickness, to tread on the bare earth where they have been. GuMBURGUMBUR, subst. — The itch. A complaint which is sometimes very prevalent among them. GunabXl, adj. — Deprived of ; having lost a brother by death. An expression used in reply to the question, why is such a one in mourning ? GuNAL-YATA, adj. — Succcssful in killing game. GuNAM, subst. — An expert marksman. GuNDAK, adj. — A husband who has lost his wife's brother by death, is said to be Gundak. GuNDip, adj. — Heavy. Gu>DiR, subst. — A bag of kangaroo skin, about two feet long, by a foot and a half wide, suspended by a piece of leather over the mother's shoulders, and in which the children are carried when not at the breast, from their earliest birth until they are four or even six years old, up to which period the women sometimes suckle their children. The little things are placed standing upright in these bags ; and this may partially account for the thin knock-kneed legs of most of the aborigines when grown up. The in- fants cling with their hands, as well as they are able, to the mother's neck and shoulders ; and when sleeping, they rest with their noses pressing against the mother's back, from which, perhaps, that feature takes its broad flat shape ; or else with their heads leaning back, and dangling to the parent's motions, in a way that would break any white child's neck, GuNiDi, subst. — The swallow, or passage of the throat. GuNiNG, adj. — Stingy ; unwilling to give. GuN-YAK,arf/. — Soft; smooth; as Yurytchgunyak, soft-cheeked. GuN-YAN, subst. — The palate. A native will not eat tainted GUP 45 GUR meat, although he cannot be said to be very nice in his food, according to our ideas. Their meat is cooked almost as soon as killed, and eaten immediately. Gup — An affix to the name of any place or district, implying a person to be an inhabitant of the same ; as Kargatta Gup, an inhabitant of Kargatta, or Perth, GuRAGA, subst. — Tadorma, the mountain- duck. GuRAGO, subst. — A root eaten by the natives. GuRAGOR, adj. — Old ; aged. The word is formed by a repe- tition of Gorah. Some time ago ; as though it were written Gorahgorah ; and is applied equally to persons and things. It is difficult to ascertain the age of a native ; but old age is not frequent. GuRANG, subst. — The excrement of the wattle-tree Bardi, or grub ; which oozes from under the bark of the appearance and consistence of clear gum. GuRBAL, subst. — Cracticus tibicen ? Break-of-day-bird ; the watchman of Van Diemen's Land. From the topmost bough of a tree it heralds the dawn with a note by no means unmusical. GuRBiTGURBiT, subst. — Falcuuculus Icucogastcr, Thick -billed butcher-bird. GuRDAKj adj. — Of or belonging to the heart ; anxious for ; desirous of ; as Gabbi gurdak. Thirsty ; desirous of water. GuRDiN, adj. — Crooked ; curled ; as Katta gurdin nginnowin ; the head being curled ; or the hair curlmg about the head. GuRDAR, subst. — A pair ; a couple. GuRDOR, subst. — Sound ; noise. GuRDU, subst. — The heart. The combinations of this word express many of the feelings. (See some of them below.) GuRDUBAKKAN-YUGOw, Verb — To Want ; as Ngadjo marynak gurdu bakkanyugowin, I want flour or food. GuRDUBUDJOR, subst. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and Budjor, land ; an island. GuRDUDJUL, adj. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and Djul, bad ; angry ; displeased ; disappointed. GUR 46 GU-Y GuRDUGWABBA, adj. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and Gwabba, good ; pleased. GuRDUGYN-YUL, adj. — Compouud of Gux'du, the heart ; Gyn, one ; and Yul, to come ; agreeing with ; of one heart or mind ; unanimous. GuRDUMiT, subst. — Compound of Gurdu, the heart, and middi, the agent ; the soul. GuRGOGO, subst. — A species of rush. Rushes in general growing in or near water. GuRGURDA, subst. — Strix. Little brown or cuckoo owl. GuRi, subst. — Milk from a woman's breast. GuRJiGURJi, subst. — Salicaria. The reed- warbler. GuRNU, verb — Pres. part., Gurnu ; past tense, Gurnu. To push ; to shove away. GuROYL, suhst. — (Used to the north of Perth.) A swan. GuRH-RA, subst. — Macropus cseruleus. The brush kangaroo. A very fleet, active animal, of about twenty pounds' weight, having fur of a silver grey colour, with a white stripe on each side of its face. GuRH-JAL, adj. — Cool. GuRT, suhst An abbreviation of Gurdu ; the heart. In other dialects called Gort. See Preface. GuRTANGUR — (K.G.S.) To howl with fear. GuRTDUN— (K.G.S.) The heel. GuRTGADAK, adj. — Compouud of Gurt, the heart ; and Gadak, having or possessing ; a lover. GuRUK — (K.G.S.) A species of mimosa. Gut— (K.G.S.) To beg. GuTiGUTi, adj. — Slyly ; noiselessly ; as Guti gannow, to steal on anything, GuTUBAN, subst. — Chalcites. The bronze-cuckoo. Gu-YA, or Goya, subst. — A species of frog that burrows in the sand, and is eaten by the natives. It is in season in the ' months of April and May. Gu-YALLA, subst. — A spccies of gadfly. Gu-yamgu-yam, subst. — A species of fly. Gu-Yi, subst. — The abdomen ; the part directly above the groin. GWA 47 IJA GwA — Yes. GwABBA, adj. — Good ; pretty ; right ; proper ; well in health. GwABBALiTCH, adj. — Beautiful ; excellent ; very good ; as, minyte gwabbaliteh, a beautiful countenance. GwABBANiJow, verb — Compound of Gwabba, I'ight, good, and ijow, to put ; to put in order. GwADJAT, adj. — Previous ; fii'st in order ; before. GwARDYN, subst. — A root eaten by the natives ; it somewhat resembles the Bohn, but is tougher and more stringy. GwARDO, verb — Pres. part,, Gwardin ; past tense, Gwardagga ; to throw ; to cast ; to fall ; to die. GwART, verb — Abbreviation of Gwardo. To throw ; to cast. GwELGANNOw, verb — Compounded of Gwel, and Gannow ; to step ; to shift the position ; to avoid a spear by stepping on one side. GwENDE, subst. — (Mountain dialect.) The Bandicoot Kundi. GwETALBAR, subst Falco Melanogenys. Peregrine falcon. GwiNEEN— (K.G.S.) The common stock of food. GwiRAK, sm6«^— Sinews. The dried sinews of the kangaroo, ^ particularly those of the tail, used by the natives in the operation of sewing the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks. GwoYRAT, subst. — A daughter. GwYTCH, adv. — Just now ; at once ; immediately. GwYTCH-ANG-AT, adj. — First ; before. Gyn, adj. — One. Gyn-yak, adv. — Enough ; sufficient. Gyn-yang, adv. — Once. I. (Sounded as in Fatigue. See Preface.) Idal-ya, feathers. Idi-yal, pron. — (Vasse dialect.) I myself. See Ngadjul. Igan, verb. — Pres. part., Igan; past tense, Igan. To alai^m ; to disturb ; to drive. I-i, adv. — Yes ; sign of assent ; pronounced gutturally with the lips nearly closed, and the chin projected forwards. I J AN, veri— To mock ; to make game of. IfA 48 IRA I JARAP, subst. — The snapper-fish, caught in great abundance on banks or shoals near the coast. Ijow, verb — Pres. part., Ijowin ; past tense, Ijaga. To place ; to put ; to produce, as animals their young, a tree its fruit, a hen her eggs. Ilakilak, adv. — At once ; immediately. Ilar, adj. — Dry ; not wet. Ilyn, aubst. — Flesh ; muscle. Ilyn-gadak, crc?/. — Stout ; fleshy. Il-yan, part. — Obscured, as a ti'ack, or steps, which one is desirous of following up ; also as a person's voice may bo drowned or obscured, by others talking purposely loud, and hindering what is said from being heard. Il-yanok — Local name of one of the family denominations. Inbi, subst. — A species of Unio ; the fresh- water muscle. Indat, adv. — Together ; in company. Indi, pron. — (Vasse dialect.) Who ; the same as Ngando. Initch— (K.G.S.) A brilliant fire. Injal, ado. — A form of Winjal ; where. Injar, adj. — Dry ; parched up. Injaran, verb — Pres. part., Injarannin ; past tense, Injara- naga. To make dry. Injaranan, verb — To dry up. Inji, adv. — A form of Wingi ; where. Inji, subst. — The peeled ornamental sticks worn by the na- tives at the Yallor, or native dance. Inyene, adv. — (Vasse.) Here. Ira, adj. — Upright ; upwards. Ira, adv. — Up. Applied to going to a place, " up the country." Irab, verb — Pres. part., Irabin ; past tense, Irabin. To arise ; to get up. Compounded of Ira, upright, and Ab- bin, to become. I rap, verb — Arise ; get up. Ira-yugow, rerj— Stand up. Ira-yugowin, subst.— The lower teeth ; so called from their standing upright. Compounded of Ira, upright, aud Yugowin, standing. Irilbarra, subst. — Ice. Glass is now so called. Iring-win, part. — Fi'owning. Irodu, subst. — Nyroca australis. White-winged duck. Irrgo, subst. — A small white bivalve shell ; used by the na- tives for sharpening their spears when they cannot pro- cure glass. J. Jadam, adj. — (Vasse.) Hard ; dry. Jakkal-yakkal, subst. — Plyctolophus Leadbeteri. Pink- crested cockatoo. There is generally abundance of salt in the districts frequented by these birds. Jandu, subst, — Haliseetus canorus. Little eagle. Janjin, subst. — Xylomela occidentalis. The native pear-tree. It bears a thing which looks provokingly like a good fruit ; but is merely a hard solid woody substance, which when ripe splits open, and lets drop out a small thin winged seed. Jeran, verb — Pres. part., Jeranin ; past tense, Jeranagga. To tear ; to sepai*ate violently ; to sur^-der. Jerung — (K.G.S.) Grease ; fat ; handsome. Jetta, subst. — The root of a species of rush, eaten by the na- tives, in season in June. It somewhat resembles a grain of Indian corn, both in appearance and taste. Jextyl, stibst. — A grasshopper. This insect is very numer- ous, and multiplies rapidly. It has' been observed that in districts where the vegetation has not been burned for some years, they increase so much, as to threaten serious mischief to the pastures. JiDA, subst. — Acanthiza chrysorrhoea. Brown-tailed wren. General name for a small bird. JiD-AMY-A, subst. — Bird's nest. JiDi, subst. — A shower. JiDYT, adj. — Innocent. Not implicated in the quarrel be- tween two parties, though related to both. Neutral. JiJA, subst. — (Vasse dialect.) The ear. JiL — The adjective superlative termination ; as Gwabbcojil ; very good. JIL 50 JIR JiLBA, subst.— The spring ; August and September. Djubak is now in season. It precedes Kambarang, and is fol- lowed by Magguru. See Burnuro. JiLBA, subst. — Vegetation. Any vegetables not eaten by the aborigines. JiLi, subst. — Outer pinion of a wing. JiLLAP, adj. — Sharp ; having a fine point ; as Gidji Jillap, a spear sharp pointed. JiLLiJiLLi, subst. — Accipiter torquatus, sparrow-hawk. JiLLi-MiL-YAN, subst. — Ardea, green-backed crane. JiL-YiNG — (K.G.S.) Emu feathers worn as an ornament. Jin, conj. — As ; like. JiNARARRA, subst. — A lizard. JiNATONG, subst. — Young grass. JiNDAM, subst. — The eldest sister. ' JiNDANG, subst. — The name of a star. JiNDi, subst. — A fog ; mist ; dew. JiNDo, adj. — Mel Jindo, sharp-eyed. JiNGALA, subst. — Long Ornamented sticks worn in the hair of the performers at the Yallor, or native dance. Hence this word has come to mean Horns. JiNGALAGADAK, subst. — A COW ; literally, the horn-possessor. JiNGAN, verb — To scrape in order to sharpen a spear, &c. Si^i^, subst. — (K.G.S.) A species of sword-fish. JiNNA, subst. — The foot. JiNNAGUR, subst. —iLlie toos. JiNNAGABBARN, Subst. Solc of the foot. JiNNAMAMMAN, subst. — The great toe ; literally, the father of the foot. JiNNANG-AK, subst. — A traveller, JiNNANG-ANJO, subst. — English boots or shoes. JiNNARA, subst Feet ; roots of trees ; Burnojinnara, stump of a tree including the roots. JiNNARDo, subst. — The ankle ; sometimes the heel. JiNNi, subst. — The brown tree-creeper. Jipjip, subst. — The itch. See Gumburgumbnr. JiRi, «m6a'^.— Estrilda. Spotted finch. JiRJiL-YA, subst, — Stipiturus Malachurus. The Emu wren, JIX 51 KAA a very small bird, having a long tail with feathers like those of the Emu. Jit— (K.G.S.) A hole. JiTALBARRA, subsi. — A chap in the skin ; a crack in the bark of a tree. JiTETGORAN, subst. — A root eaten by the natives. JiTip, subst. — Sparks ; as Kalla Jitip, sparks of fire. JiTTA, subst. — The bulbous root of an orchis, eaten by the natives, about the size of a hazel-nut. JiTTi-NGAT, subst. — Seisura volitans. Glossy fly-catcher. JoRANG, subst. — A small sort of lizard. Jow-YN, subst. — Short hair on the body ; fur of animals. JuLAGOLiNG, subst. — Name of the planet Venus. She is de- scribed as a very pretty young woman, powerful in witch- craft. A singular, if fortuitous, coincidence with her classical chai'acter. JuLWiDiLANG, subst. — Zostcrops dorsalis? Grape-eater, or white eye. JuwuL, subst. — (K.G.S.) The short stick which they throw at animals. K. Observe — The sounds of K and G are in so many instances used indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is diflBcult to distinguish frequently which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different districts ; as Katta, Gatta, &c. See the Preface. Ka, adv. — Or. Kaa, arfv.— (K.G.S.) Enough. Kaabo, subst. — A battue of kangaroo. A word denoting that a number of people are going together to hunt kangaroo ; as Ngalata watto Kaabo, we three go away to hunt kan- garoo. A number of persons form a wide circle, which they gradually contract, till they completely enclose and hem in their game, when they attack it with their spears. But a single hunter creeps upon his game, concealing himself with a branch which he carries for the purpose, till he comes within a short spear-throw. e2 KAB 52 KAL Kababda, subsL — A species of snake, cream-coloured with dark spots. It is considei'ed deadly, and is much dreaded by the natives ; but although several dogs have died sud- denly from the bite of a snake, no white person has hitherto suffered more than a slight inconvenience from temporary pain and swelling of the limb affected. Kabbar, adj. — Bleak ; exposed. Kaddar, subst. — Large black lizard. Kadjin, subst. — Soul ; spirit. The form which rises after death, and goes over the sea to the island of souls, Kadjo, subst. — A native hammer, broad and blunt at one end, and sharp-edged at the other ; formed of two pieces of whinstone, cemented on to a short thick stick, by means of the Tudibi, or prepared Xanthorea gum. Kadjo, subst The strong gum or resin used for fixing on the heads of the hammers ; it is obtained from the Barro, or tough-topped Xanthorea. Kadjor, subst. — Basalt ; whinstone ; probably from being used for tlie head of the Kadjo. The decomposition of this stone forms a fine rich dark-red loam. Veins of whinstone are found intersecting the granite from east to west. There is a formation of Columnar Basalt, just to the south of Point Casuarina, at Koombana Bay, not far from the new town of Australind ; and it is mentioned in M. Pei'on's work, as existing somewhere in the south- ern bight of Geographe Bay, but has not been seen there by any of the is one of those customs which seem to point to a superior system of polity, beyond anything to be expected among a people so immersed as the aborigines now are in igno- rance and barbarism. MoRDAK, adj. — Deep ; steep, or high. MoRDAKAKANAN, active Verb — To drown. MoRDAiCALAP — To be drowned. MoRDiBANG, adj. — Unable to do anything ; whether from being tired, or any other cause of inability. MoRDO, subst. — A mountain. See Kattamordo. MoRH-RAGADAK, subst. — To-morrow. MoRO, subst. — Tail j Os coccygis, the lowest of the spinal ver- tebrae. MoRH-ROGODO, subst.-^'Yo-vaovTovr. MoROYT, adj. — Stiff ; hard— as hard clay. MoRYTCH, adj. — Absent. MoRRYL, subst. — A species of eucalpytus with a rough bark. It splits well for shingles. Found to the eastward. MoYORT, subst. — A fish caught in fresh-water pools, by putting a quantity of brush-wood at one end of the pool, and push- ing it out to the other, sweeping everything before it. Moyran, subst. — Grandfather ; grandmother ; grandchild. See Mon-yo for this word, as applied to women. MUD 78 MUN MuDJARDO, adj. — Overturned ; topsy-turvy. MuDJERO, adj. — Looking on the ground carelessly. MuDURDA, subsL — A species of tea tree, or paper-bark tree. MULGAN— (K.G.S.) Cold. MuLLi, subst. — Gum found on the upper part of the Xanthorea flower-stem. MuLMUL — (K.G.S.) In parts. MuLTCHiN, adj — Afraid. MuLTCHONG, subsi. — A coward ; a rascal. MuLUR, subst. — A large lake. Fresh-water lakes are not numerous in the interior. A chain of them runs parallel to the coast for a long distance, a few miles back. MuL-YA, subst. — The nose. MuL-YABiN, adj. — Ofifeuded ; sulky. MuL-YA BUNAN, or PUNAN, subst. — The nostrils. MuL-YA MEL, subst. — The countenance ; literally, nose and eyes. MuL-YAK, subst. — The first of anything ; the commencement of an action ; the head of a lake. MuL-YARiJOw, verb — To sneeze. MuL-YARiTCH, subst. — A sncczc ; the act of sneezing. MuL-YAT, subst. — The small bone of the kangaroo's leg, worn by youths through the cartilage of the nose, as a mark of their having attained the years of puberty. MuL-YA-wiNDU, subst. — Fulvia ; the coot. MuL-YiN — (K.G.S.) A swampy place. MuL-YiT MUL-YiT, adj. — Swcct ; palatable. MuN — Affix, signifying all together ; as Yagomun wu)jal I where are all the women 1 MuNANG, verb — To bear in the arms ; to carry. MuNDAK, subst. — The bush ; the wild country ; the woods. MuNDAKAL — In the bush ; as Bal mundakal watto, he is gone into the bush. MuNDANG, or MuNDAMANG— (Vasse.) All; the whole. MuNDo, subst. — Squalus ; the shark. The natives do not eat this fish. The extremity of the backbone. MuNGA, subst — The shoulder. MUN 79 MUR MuNQ-URDUR — (K.G.S.) The windpipe. MuN-iNG, subst. — Mustachios. MuNiNJiNGERANG, subst. — The name of a star. MuNONG, adv. — Farther off ; at a greater distance. MuRADA, adj. — Full ; satisfied. MuRANNA, subst. — A vory large species of lizard. MuEANTCH— (K.G.S.) The ancle. MuRDAR — (K.G.S.) A species of fish. MuRDO, adv. — In vain. MuRDO, or Mordo,sm6«^— A mountain. See Katiamordo. No mountains of any great elevation have yet been discovered. The highest is probably not much more than 3000 feet. MuRDONG, subst. — A mountaineer. MuRDONGAL, subst. — A mountaineer. MuRDUBALANGUR (K.G.S.) To be firm or immoveable. MuRDUiN, adj. — Strong ; powerful ; fixed ; immoveable ; hard. MuRGA, subst. — A ring ; a circle of men formed round game intended to be taken ; a heap. MuRGYL, arf;. — Abundant ; plentiful. MuRH-RO, subst. — Charcoal. MuRH-RONABBOW, verb — To go into mourning. This is done by the men among the aborigines, by rubbing the face over with charcoal. The women streak their faces with pipe-clay on such occasions, and daub their foreheads with it. White rings are frequently made round the eyes also. MuRRiNGMURiNG — (K.G.S.) Green. MuRiT, subst. — Coturnix Australis ; brown quail. MuRiT-YA, subst. — Hydromus leucogaster ; a kind of water rat, rare and shy, but very fierce. It is destructive to young ducks, or other water- fowl. MuRNA, subst. — The sound or rustle of any living creatux'e moving through the bush. MuROLANG, subst. — Hemipodius varius ; painted quail. MuRORONG, subst. — Macropus ; rock kangaroo. Rare and shy. MuRRiJO, verb — Pres. part., Murrijobin ; past tense, Murri- job. To move ; to go ; to walk. MUR 80 MY-A MuRRJO, subst. — Upper part of the back of the neck. MuRTDEN— (K.G.S.) Three. MuRUT, subst. — A I'elation. MuRUTBARNA, adj. — Friendloss ; unrecognised. A term of reproach, compounded of Murut, a relative, and Barna, a thing wanting an owner ; as having no friends to protect his Ufe or avenge his death, MuTURONG, adj Fat ; stout. A person with a large paunch is said to be Muturong. MuT-YAL, subst. — Nuytsiafloribunda; colonially, cabbage-tree. The only loranthus or parasite that grows by itself. Another anomaly in this land of contradictions. It bears a splendid orange flower. Mu-YANG, verb — Pres. part., Mu-yang-an ; past tense, Mu- yang-agga. To copulate. Positura aboriginum in actu coitus est admodum singularis et valde diff'ert ab ea quae in usu est inter alias gentes. Auctoritate Preissii rerum naturalium seduli conquisitoris. Mu-YUBARRA, adj. — Bluo. My-a, subst. — A house ; the bark of the tea-tree, or paper- bark tree with which the natives cover their huts, which are in shape like a section of a bee-hive, about three feet high. They are formed of a framework of sticks stuck in the ground, and thatched with paper bark or grass-tree leaves, or small brushwood, or bark, or whatever is most easily found on the spot. Mya, subst. — The voice. My-akowa, subst. >~- An echo. Literally, voice come. My-ar, subst. — A house ; a place frequented ; the haunt of an animal. My-ardak, subst. — Night. My -XRi, subst. — Foliage; the Myar, or haunt of birds and insects. The foliage of the trees does not give a thick shade, as the leaves of many stand edgewise to the branch, presenting only the edge, and not the broad face to the sun. My-art, subst. — Darkness. MY-A 81 NAI My-atyl— (K.G.S.) To deceive ; to flatter ; to charm with the voice. Myerbakkal, subst. — Menses; monthly courses of women. During this period the native women live in a small hut apart, though near to their husbands and friends. They are obliged to remain in this state of Wallak ngwundowin, lying separate, during six or eight days. Myerki, subst. — Liver. Myra-gyn, subst. — The day before yesterday. Myur, subst. — A nephew. N. Nabbow, verb — Pres. part., Nabbowin ; past tense, Nabbaga. To rub on ; to anoint. Wilgi nabbow, to rub on the red earth which, mixed with grease, serves for ornament, and for protection against sun and flies. Naga, dem. pron. — This ; that. Nagabel, dem. pron. — That very (thing). Nagal, adj. — Friendly ; peaceable ; quiet ; amicable — as, Nagal nginnowin, sitting together in a friendly manner. Nagal- YANG, subst. — A thief ; a robber. See Ngagyl- yang. Naganok, proper name — One of the family divisions among the natives. They are Matta Gyn with the Gnotak. See Ballarok. Nagga, subst. — Cold. Used frequently adjectively. Naggaman, adj. — Cold. Nagkan, subst. — (K.G.S.) A small species of fish, fx'om the use of which, in former times, the Naganok family are said to have obtained their name. Nago, verb — To know. Px'incipally used to the south of the Swan. Nagoluk, adj. — Acquainted with a person ; aware of any in- telligence. Nah, interj. — Oh ! Ah ! Na-it — What — as, Naga nait, what is that I Na-itjak, adj. — Wherefore ; for what reason ; why ; of, or for what. Nalgo, suhst. — Teeth. Improperly used for to eat, Ngannow. A sharp edge, as the edge of a knife. Nalja, verb — Pros, part., Nalja ; past tense . To peep sideways at any object. Naljak, suhst. — The outer corner of the eye. Nalla, subst. — The gum of the I'ed gum-tree. Nallang, subst. — The gum of the Xanthorea. Nal-yira 1 (K.G.S.) The afternoon. Nambar— (K.G.S.) A barb, Namman, subst. — A sort of fruit growing on a low shrub like the Kamak. Nammidi, subst. — A fresh- water fish resembling a small minnow. Nam-yango, prop, name — A name for the Dtondarap family in the Vasse district. Na'na, subst. — Navel-string. Nandap, subst. — Eucalyptus resinifera, red gum-tree Gardan. A useful timber for general purposes. Nandat, subst. — The east wind ; the land wind. Nangar— (K.G.S.) To bite ; to tear ; to eat. Nan-gatta, sicbst. — Moss. Nangergun, subst. — An edible root. Nang-ga, subst. — The back or nape of the neck. Nani, subst. — (Upper Swan word.) The small quail. Nanna, subst. — Navel-string. Nannap, verb — Stop ; halt. Nanning, subst. — Strangers unconnected by blood or marriage ; opposite to Noy-yang. Nano, subst.— Mnd ; soft wet earth. Nan-yar, adj. — Benumbed ; stiffened. Nappal, subst. — Burned ground ; ground over which fire has passed. Over this ground the natives prefer walking ; it is free from all scrub and grass, their progress is, there- fore, not obstructed, and the tracks of animals are readily discerned upon it. Nappang wanja, verb — To cover up anything ; to leave a thing covered. Nardarak, subst. — A species of Eucalyptus, with a stem like clustered pillars. Found only eastward of the lulls. NAR 83 NET Nargal-ya, suhst. — The gum on the lower part of the stem of the Xanthorea flower. Narna, subsL — A caterpillar. Narra, subst. — The side. Narraga, adj. — Dry ; ripe — as seeds or corn. Narragara, subst — The name of a star. Narrang — Stamping with the foot. Narriik, subsi, — (Vasse dialect.) Abundance ; plenty. Narrija, subst. — Foam ; froth ; spittle. Narrija gwart, verb — To spit — Compounded of Narrija, spit- tle ; and Gwardo, or gwart, to throw or cast. Narrik, subst. — (From narrow to burn.) Unburned ground, but ready for burning. Land of which the vegetation is abundant and dry, fit to be set on fire, which is done by the natives sometimes accidentally and sometimes on purpose, in order to drive out the animals that have found refuge, or may nestle there,as kangaroos, bandicoots, wallobys, snakes, &c., which they kill as the creatures attempt to escape, and makeameal of afterwards. In Upper Swan dialect, dry; ripe. Narrow, verb — Pres. part., Narrowin ; past tense, Narraga. To burn. Natdjing, subst. — The yolk of an egg. Nelarak, subst. — A species of Eucalyptus, of a pale yellow- coloured bai'k. Netingar, subst. — A term used by the natives to designate their ancestors or forefathers, of whom they do not appear to have any distinct tradition, except that they were vei'y large men. Some suppose that they came over the sea, others suppose that they came from the interior, from the north and north-east. Their general belief is that the spirits of the dead go westward over the sea to the island of souls, which they connect with the home of their fathers. I have a strong belief that they are identical with the natives of Papua or New Guinea, having lately seen a young man from that country, who exactly resembles them in colour, shape, features, hair, and every external appearance. This lad had been carried away at a very early age, and had suffered so much as to have partly lost his recol- N-HU 84 NOD lection, and entirely forgot his native tongue, so that no conclusion could be formed from the identity of language. N-HURDO, suhst. — Conduct ; behaviour. NiDJA, adv. — Here ; in this place. NiDJA, joron.— This. NiDJAK, adv Here ; in this place. NiDJALLA, adv. — Here ; in this place. (More emphatic than Nidja.) NiDO, suhst. — A mosquito. Very troublesome in summer in moist situations. NiDUL-YORONG, subst. — .^gialitis nigrifrons, Gould ; black- fronted plover. NiGGARA, subst. — The girdle of human hair worn round the waist. NiLGE, subst. — The name of a dance among the natives to the north-east. NiMYT, subst. — The ribs. NiNAT, subst. — Worms bred in sores. NiNDi, subst. — Tail of an animal. NiNDiAN, verb — Pros, part., Nindianin ; past tense, Nindi- anaga. To kiss. NiNiM, subst. — Large species of leech. NiN-YA NiN-YA, joron.— These. NiRAN, verb — Pres. part., Niran ; past tense, Niran. To plant ; to sow ; to put in the ground. They do not plant, but they put the Byyu in the ground to prepare it for eating. NiRiMBA, subst. — Pelecanus Nov. Holl. ; pelican. It is singular that these birds are seen frequently to come from the in- terior, across the York district. NiRRAN, verb — To bark ; to growl as a dog. NiRRGO, subst — A mosquito. Numerous in damp situa- tions. NoBA, or Nuba, subst. — Young of any creature. Plural, Nobagarra. NoDY'TCH, subst. — The dead ; a deceased person. The abori- gines have an extreme aversion to mentioning the name of any one after his decease ; and this word, Nodytch, the NOG 85 NOT departed, is used among them when speaking of a person who is no more. NoGAT, or NoKAT, verh — (Word used in the York district.) To sleep. NoGO, subst.— A species of fungus. NoGOLAN_(K.G.S,) Accidentally ; unintentionally. NoGON-YAK, subst. — The name of one of the great native families. The Didarok and Djikok are Matta gyn with these people. See Ballarok. NoGORO, subst. — Heavy sleep — as, Bidjar nogoro ngan-ya bakkan, heavy sleep bites, or oppresses me. NoGYT, subst.— Ihe elbow. NoL-YANG, subst. — Gallinula, Nol-yang. These birds are not much known in Western Australia, though common in New South Wales. In 1836, they made their appearance here suddenly in great numbers, to the surprise and alarm of the farmers, for they devoured all the green food in fields and gardens with the appetite of locusts ; and then they disappeared almost as unaccountably and sud- denly as they had come, nor have they, with some few exceptions, been seen since. They are about the size of well-grown pullets, frequenting the low grounds near rivers, and, though not web-footed, swimming with great facility. Thousands were shot and consumed as food. The meat has something of a fishy flavour. Nona, subst. — A very deadly snake, cream-coloured, with dark spots. NoPYN, subst. — The young of animals. NoRNDUKAUN — (K.G.S.) To fly from any one or anything. NoRNO, subst. — A very poisonous snake. See Kabarda. NoRNT, subst. — (K.G.S.) The feathers of small birds. NoTAN, subst. — An oyster (K.G.S. dialect.) Deep and exten- sive beds of oyster-shells are found on the flats in the Swan River, but no live oysters have been yet discovered in that vicinity. A few very small rock oysters are found in a part of Melville water, and some mud oysters in Gage's roads ; but they are abundant at K. G.'s Sound. Rock oysters are abundant on the Abrolhos group, and on the NOT H6 NUR NoTO DTAN, verb — To shut. NoYT, suhst, — The spirit ; the soul — as, Noyt ngardak, the spirit is below, intimating that an individual is dead. See also Nodytch. NoY-YANG, subst. — Connections by blood or marriage ; kins- folk. NuBAL, pron. dual— Ye two ; parent and child ; brothers and sisters. NuBiN, pron. dual — Ye two ; man and wife. NujAN, verb — To void the excrement. Nuji, subst. — A large species of mouse eaten by the natives. NuLA, subst. — Sea- weed. NuLARGO, subst. — Graucalus ; blue pigeon. NuLBARN, suhst. — A ropo-like girdle of opossum's hair worn by the aborigines, partly by way of ornament, passed many times round the waist. But it serves also for other useful purposes. In it are carried the Kadjo, or hammer, the Dowak, or throwing-stick, and the Kyli. It is tightened or loosened like the belt of famine of the Africans, according to the supply of food, and it answers for string occasion- ally, or for rag in the case of a cut or wound ; and small articles, such as the teeth and barbs of spears, are fre- quently deposited in the folds of it. NuLU, adj. — Narrow. NuMBAT, subst. — An animal found in the York district of a brownish hue, with whitish stripes across the loins. This animal is not marsupial, but the young are found at an early stage adhering to the teat of the mother, in the same, unaccountable manner as in the pouch of the kangaroo. NuMBRiD, subst. — The flower or blossom of the red gum-tree, from which the natives make a favourite beverage by soaking the flowers in water. Nund-yXng, adj. — (Upper Swan word.) Narrow ; strait ; tight. NuNGURDUL, adj. — Stuck in ; that which has penetrated, but not gone through. NuNiKA, subst. — Myriophyllum ; a water-plant. NuRDi— (K.G.S.) The south. NUR 87 N-YO NuRDU, subst. — A fly. Flies are very abundant and annoy- ing in summer. There is a small fly that bites or stings the eye very sharply, when the eyelid almost instantane- ously swells to a frightful size. The natives have a speedy cure for this ailment, which is rather unsightly than pain- ful. As soon as they feel the sting, they scarify the arm, so as to draw some blood, which they drop into the eye as they lie on their backs, and so let it remain for some time till it is thoroughly coagulated, when they draw it out, by which means the smart is assuaged and the swelling averted. NuRDURANG, verb—Fves. part., Nurdurang ; past tense, Nur- durang. To snore. NuRGO, subst. — An egg ; seeds. NuRGOBiNDi, subst. — An empty egg-shell. NuRGO-iMBA, subst. — The shell of the egg. Compounded of Nurgo, an egg ; and Imba, the husk or rind. NuRRUK— (K.G.S.) An Emu. Note. — Y when separated from the preceding letter by a hyphen or a comma, is a consonant. See Preface. So N-yagga is sounded as Yagga, with the nasal sound of N before it. N-YAGGA, pron. — That. N-YAL, adv. — Here ; present. N-YANG-ow, verb — To look ; to see ; to behold. N-YANNi, subst.— RaWns ; the water-rail. N-YARDO, subst. — Left arm. N-YELiNGUR, adj. — (Vasse.) Stingy. N-YETTi, subst — Shavings ; dust ; sawdust ; scrapings. They adorn themselves with shavings of white wood in their dances. N-YiDDiN, adj. — Cold. N-YiDO, subst, — A species of fly. See Nurdu. N-YiNNi, pron. — Thou ; you. N-YiNNow, verb — Pres. part., N-yinnowin ; past tense, N-yinnaga. To sit ; to remain in a place any time. N-YiN-YA, adv. — Here ; in this place. N-YOGULANG, Verb — To steep in water — as, Man-gyt n-yogu- lang, to steep the Man-gyt, or Banksia flowers, in water, NYT 88 NGA which the natives do to extract the honey, and then drink the infusion. They are extremely fond of it ; and in the season their places of resort may be recognised by the small holes dug in the ground, and lined with the bark of the tea-tree, and which are surrounded with the drenched remains of the Man-gyt. They sit round this hole, each furnished with a small bunch of fine shavings, which they dip and suck until the beverage is finished. Nytbi, subst. — A nonentity ; a nothing ; a thing not known or undex-stood. N-YULA, subst. — A species of moss. N-YUMAP, adj. — Diminutive ; little ; small. N-YDMAR, subst. — A flesh-coloured fungus, growing chiefly on the Eucalyptus robusta ; the mahogany- tree. N-YUNALAK, pron. — Thine. N-YUNDU, or N-YUNDUL, inter, pron. — Will you ? Do you ? Did you ? &c. N-YUNERUK— (K.G.S.) A species of duck. N-YURANG, pron. — Ye. N-YURANG-AK, pron. — Yours. N-YURDANG, subst. — A raiubow. (Northern dialect.) NG Is introduced as a distinct letter, and sounded as ng in rinff, sing, wing. See Preface. Ngad-jo, pron. — I. Ngadjul, pron.— I will. Ngagadja murrijo, verb — To proceed as the messenger, or herald of news, whether good or bad. I^^XGAL, subst. — The part of the mouth under the tongue. Ngaggow, verb— To beg ; to ask. Ngagyl-ya, verb — To steal. Ngagyl-yang, subst.— a thief. Ngagyn, arf;.— Stolen. That which has been obtained by theft ; as Maryn ngagyn, stolen food. Ngagyn barrang, verb— To take thievishly ; to steal. Ngala, pron. dual— We two ; parent and child ; uncle and nephew. NGA 89 NGA Ngalata, vron, — We ; any number more than two. Ngalba, subst. — The piece of string attached to the mouth of the bags carried by the women, to which the strap that supports them round the neck is fastened. Ngalbarda, adj. — Flat. Ngalbo, subst. — An ornamental tuft of emu feathers, worn on various parts of the body, but chiefly on the upper arm. Ngalganning, subst. — Nycticorax. The Ibis. Ngalladara, subst. — A hole pierced completely through. Ngallarar djinnang, verb — To see obscurely, as through a veil, or other like obstruction. Ngallanang, subst. — Evening ; twilight. Ngalli, pron. dual — We two ; brother and sister ; or two friends. Ngallin, adj. — Crooked ; awry. Matta ngallin, crooked legs. Ngaluk_(K.G.S.) The cheek? Ngal-ya, subst. — The arm-pit. Ngal-yak, subst. — The skin of an animal. Ngaman — How many. Ngamar, subst. — A hole or pool of water in a rock. See Amar. Ngambarn, subst. — Tattooing ; the marks of tattooing. The mode practised among the aborigines of Western Austra- lia is to raise lumps or weals on the breast, back, arms, and shoulders, by scarifying the skin, and preventing the edges from uniting for a time ; and to raise a larger scar they sometimes even apply fire. Both men and women adopt this mode of ornamenting themselves. Ngambarn born, verb — To tattoo or scar the body by scoring the skin with sharp quartz. This is considered both ornamental to the person, and a proof of the hardy cha - racter of the individual. Ngamiler — (K.G.S.) A species of mullet fish. Nganalak, poss. pron — Mine. Ngand-yar, adj Crooked. (Upper Swan dialect.) Ngando, pron. — Who, as the agent. Ngando, subst. — The breast-bone. Ngandul — Who will ? Ngandyn, adj Unwell. — Toothache, Rheumatism; Ophthal- NGA 90 NGA mia, and Consumption ai'e their principal ailments, which all arise from colds. The constant exposure does not appear to make them callous and hardy, as might be sup- posed. Nganga, subsi. — The sun. The sun is a female, and the moon is a male. They say the Daran, or eastern men, see where the sun rises out of the water ; where the water and the sky meet together. Nganga, subst The beard ; the chin ; roots of trees or plants. Nganga baxta, subst. — Sunbeams. Also the beard. Ngangalar, adj. — Having been a mother ; having had children. Ngangan, subst. — A mother ; the great toe ; the thumb. Nganganbru, adj. — Motherless ; an orphan. Ngangar, subst. — The stars. Ngangonat, subst. — Cenomice retispora. A species of lichen. Nganna, ^rora. — My. Nganni, pron. — Who. As Nganni Yugowin, who is there ? Nginni nganni, who are you ; literally, thou, who ? Ngannik, dual pron. — We two ; husband and wife. Ngannil, pron. — We ; us. Ngannilak, poss. pron. — Ours ; of or belonging to us. Ngannip, subst. — A young kangaroo ; still resorting to its mother's pouch. The mother sometimes, when pressed by the dogs, throws the young one from its pouch, and continues its flight with increased speed, when thus cruelly compelled to relieve itself of its burden. Ngannong, pron.— Whose. Ngannow, verb — Pres.part., Ngannowin ; past tense, Ngan- naga, to eat ; to swallow. Ngannama, dual pron — We two ; brothers-in-law. Ngan-ya, pers. pron. — Me. Ngardagan, adv. — Below ; within ; beneath ; low grounds. This word is the exact opposite of Yiragan. Ngardak, adv. — Downwards. Ngardak yugowin — Literally, standing downwards. Applied to the upper teeth. Ngardal, adj. — Low ; low in position ; lying low ; below. NGA 91 NGO Ngardang, verb — Pres. part., Ngardangwin ; past tense, Ngardang-agga ; to creep, to steal on anything. Ngardo, subst. — The heel. Ngardyte, adj. — Shallow. Ngargal-ya, subst. — The gum on the lower part of the stem of the Xanthorea flower. Ngarra — (Vasse) The back. Ngarrak-ngarrak, adv. — From side to side. As NgarrSk ngarrak-badin, walking unsteadily. Ngarral, subst. — The ribs ; the sides. Ngarran, verb — Pres. part., Ngarranwin ; past tense, Ngar- ranagga, to stick half way, or in the interval ; as in at- tempting to pass through a narrow space ; a ramrod in a gun ; a bone in the throat. Ngarrang, verb — Pres. part., Ngarrangwin ; past tense, Ngar- rangagga, to move ; to be in motion. Ngarri — (K.G.S.) A species of salmon. Ngarrilgul — (K.G.S.) A species of king-fish. Ngattang, verb — Pres. part., Ngattangwin; past tense, Ngat- tangagga, to wound ; to injure. Ngatti, adv. — More ; go on ; continue. As Ngatti ngatti, again and again. Nga-yang, subst. — The elbow. Ngera — (Vasse) To lie. Ngikil, subst. — (North-eastern dialect.) The groin. Ngtlarak, adj. — Blue. Ngilat, adj. — Dark-yellow colour. Ngtlgi, subst. — The groin. Ngillel — (Vasse) We. Ngille-lung — (Vasse) Of us ; our. Nginde, proTi. — Corruption of Ngando, who. Nginni, pron. — Thou. Nginnow, verb. — Pres. part., Ngninnowin ; past tense, Ngin- naga, to sit ; to remain in a place any time. Ngirgo, subst. — (Northern dialect.) A small spring of water. Ngirjyn, subst.— Clip or pan of the kangaroo's knee. Ngobar, subst. — Open downs near the sea ; sand-hills of the coast. NGO 92 NGU Ngobebn, subst. — The eldest or first son ; also the first or fore finger. Ngogat, subst. — Contents of a bird's craw. Ngogolak, subst. — A bird's craw. Ngolak, sm6s/.— Calyptorhyncus. The white-tailed black cockatoo. Ngo-lang-a, adv. — After ; behind. Ngomon, adj. — (Southern dialect.) Large ; big. Ngondo — (Vasse) An elder brother. Ngon-yang, subst. — The honey or nectar of flowers ; sugar. The flower of the Budjan (which see). It abounds in honey. Also a saccharine juice, which exudes plentifully from the red gum-tree in the warm season. Ngo-ra, subst. — Phalangista Cookii, ring- tailed opossum. Ngoriuk ? (Vasse) Much ; very. Ngo-ro, subst. — The mucus of the nose. Ngota — (K.G.S.) A species of crow. Ngo-tak, prop, name— One of the great families into which the natives are divided. The Naganok are Mattagyn. See Ballarok. Ngow-dik, subst. — Pearsonia, a plant. Ngow-er, subst.— a tuft, formed of the tail or wing feathers of a bird, worn in the hair. The feathery part is stripped from the stiff" stem or quill, and tied upon a small stick like a skewer. Ngowerit— (K.G.S.) The navel. Ngow-o, subst.— ColoniBl pheasant, nondescript ? It scrapes together a large heap of earth or sand, perhaps two to three feet high, and five to six feet in diameter, in which it deposits its eggs about a foot deep, which are left to be hatched by the sun. It is the only bird of this habit in the colony. The eggs are very large in proportion to the size of the bird, and of a delicate flavour. It would be very valuable if domesticated. The mother is said to come and uncover the eggs at the time of maturity. Nggy-ang, adj. — Sharp. Ngoy-yur— (K.G.S.) The elbow. Ngu-bu, subst. — Blood. NGU 93 NGOf Ngubul-ya, ac?/.— Red ; blood-coloured. Ngudang, subst. — The heel. Ngudi, subst. — A knot in wood ; an excrescence on a tree. Ngulbun-gur— (K.G.S.) A species of mouse. Ngulob, subst Haliseetus leucogaster ? sea-eagle. Ngul-ya, subst. — An edible root of a reddish colour, some- what like Bohn in flavour, but tougher and more stringy. Ngul-yap, adj. — Empty. (Vasse dialect.) Probably the same as Yulap. Ngumbit, subst.— The flower of the red gum-tree, which, steeped in water, affords a honey-sweet beverage, much relished by the natives. Ngunallang, poss. pron. — Yours ; thine. Ngunman, subst. — The right arm, or side. Nguntburbcng — (K.G.S.) To startle. Ngura, subst. — A small lake or basin of water ; a native well. Ngurju, subst. — Hydromus leucogaster. A kind of marsu- pial water-rat, rare and shy, but fierce if attacked. Nguxek, subst. — A species of Grevillea flower. Nguto, subst. — An edible root. Ngu-yang, subst. — The distant misty appearance of approach- ing rain, Ngu-yubarra, adj. — Blue. Ngu-yup — Blue. Ngwidam, adj. — Serious ; in earnest ; not joking ; bonest. Ngwol-yi naggirang. subst. — Anas ; teal. Ngwonana, subst. — Anas Novse Hollandise ; the grey duck. Ngwonna, subst. — The pieces of kangaroo skin used for stringing the women's bags. NgWORRYN-NGWORRYN, I ,. tt 1 1 ..p , > ad). — Handsome : beautiful. Ngworryn-yang, 1 "^ Ngwundkol — (K.G.S.) The place last slept at ("lain and left"). Ngwundow, verb — Pres. part., Ngwundowin ; past tense, Ngwuudaga. To lie down. Ngwuntungur — (K.G.S.) To dream. Ng-yakyn, subst. — (Northern dialect). A turtle. See Yagyn. Ng-yal, adv. — Here. NG-Y 94 QUA Ng-yame-ng-yaming, subst Rhodanthe Manglesii. A pretty pink flower, growing in great abundance on red sandy loam soils. Ngy-anga, subst. — A wave of the sea. 0. (Sounded as in Old, Cold. Ow as in Cow, Now. O and U are also used interchangeably in different dialects. See Preface.) Odern, subst. — The sea. Ordak — A particle affixed to verbs, signifying to intend ; to purpose ; as, Ordak dtan, to intend to pierce ; Ordak- barrang, to intend to take. Orlgo, sm6*^. — Corrupted from Nalgo, a tooth. Orpin, adj (K.G.S.) Plenty. P. Observe — The sounds of P and B are in so many instances used indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is frequently dit- ficult to distinguish which sound predominates. The pre- dominant sound varies in different districts. See Preface. Pandopen, verb — (Northern dialect.) To faint ; to swoon. Partap — (K.G.S.) To lie ; to deceive ; from Bart, not. PiDiLMiDANG, subst. — Pacliycepliala gutturalis. Yellow- bellied thrush. PiRA — (K.G.S.) A species of Bauksia. PiRiNG, s7cbst. — The gum or resin of the Balga, the Xanthorea, or common grass tree. It is not of so sti'ong a quality as the Kadjo, or resin of the Barro, and is used for fastening on the barbs, and the jagged quai'tz or glass fragments to the spear-heads, which are not fixed on so firmly but that they may come off" in the wound. Though the Piring is a resin, and not soluble in water, wet loosens and destroys it. Po-nyte, subst. — The knee. PuLBARN, subst. — Kenucdia. A creeper, with scarlet flowers. PuNAN, subst. — A hole ; an aperture. Q. QuARRA, subst. — Macropus coeruleus. Blue kangaroo. Quart— (Mountain dialect.) To throw. QUE 95 TAM QuELAP, subst. — The first appearance of pubescence in youth of either sex. QuELE, subsf. — A name. See Kole, (Perth dialect.) It may be useful to bear in mind, with reference to this word Quele for Kole, and Quet-ye for Kot-ye, and words of similar sound, that in the dialects of the interior E and O are interchangeable. QuELKEN, verfi— (Upper Swan dialect.) To step on one side in order to avoid a spear, or other missile weapon Gwelgannow. Q,VE,T YE, subst. — (Upper Swan.) A bone. Kot-ye. QuiBBANG, verb — Pres. part., Quibbangwin ; past tense, Quib bangaga. To do anything very secretly. QuiPPAL, verb — To steal. Supposed to be an imported word QuoGGA, subst. — A bandicoot, found in the southern districts, QuoNNERT, or KwoNNAT — A spccics of acacia. See als( Kunart. N.B. — The sounds of T and D are in so many instances used indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is difficult to distinguish frequently which sound is most predominant. The predominant sound varies in different districts. See Preface. Tab-a-dak? (K.G.S.) a species of fish. Tabba, subst. — The native knife ; a rude implement formed of sharp-edged chips of quartz, set in a row, about four inches long, and fixed by means of Kadjo, or Xanthorea gum, to a short wooden stick about as thick as a man's finger. Tabitch ? (K.G.S.) Dry. Taddar, subst. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Fuller's earth. TadibIj subst. — Pi'epared Xanthoi'ea gum resin. See Tudteha. Takil— (K.G.S.) A feather. Takkan, verb. — Pres. part., Takkanin ; past tense, Takkan- agga. To break. Takkand-yung — Broken. Tammin, subst. — A grandmother ; a grandfather. TAN 96 TUD Tandaban — (K.G.S.) To spring; to jump. Tapingur— (K.G.S.) To steal. Tdo-dak (K G.S.) Raw ; uncooked. See Djidik. Tdon-gan — (K.G.S.) A species of By-yu. Tdu-dar— (K.G.S.) A girl. Tdud-tin — (K.G.S.) A species of Xanthorea. Tdun-dal, arfj.— (Northern dialect.) Fair; white; light- coloured. Tdun-jar— (K.G.S.) A species of frog eaten by the natives. Tdur-dang— (K.G.S.) Green. Tdur-tin — (K.G.S.) Trackless ; untraversed ; without a path. Tdur-tyl — (K.G.S.) A species of fly. Teni, subst. — Brother-in-law. See Dent. Tergur— (K.G.S.) To enclose. Ti-iL — (K.G.S.) Any crystals. These are supposed to possess magic power. The same name is also applied to anything transparent. Ti-ENDi— (K.G.S.) Stars. Tjil-ki — (K.G.S) A species of cray-fish. Tjoi-ung — (K.G.S.) A species of iguana. ToLOL, adj. — (Upper Swan dialect.) Straight forward ; direct. ToLYL, subst A crow. See Wardang. To-NAiT ? (K.G.S.) Here. Tonga, or Twonga, subst. — The ear. Tonga birgi-birgi-un, verb — To confuse. ToRN-A-MAG-AR — (K.G.S.) To fight ; to contend. Toy— (K.G.S.) The calf of the leg. TOYNTCH- WANG— (K.G.S.) To COllcCt. TuART, subst. —The white Eucalyptus which grows in the lime- stone districts. It is a most valuable timber for mill- wrights, shipwrights, and wheelwrights, as it is almost impossible to split the wood, although it may be very closely morticed. As this wood is not liable to splinter, it would be particularly suitable for ship-building in the time of war. TuDTEBA, subst. — The resin of the Xanthorea or grass-tree, prepared for use by being mixed with charcoal. This mixture, having been first heated, is applied by the natives TUK 97 WAD to fasten on the heads of the hammers, and the quartz edges of their knives. It is more brittle than the cement on the hammers, on which account it is preferred for the spears, that the barbs or teeth may come off more easily in the wound. TuK — (K.G.S.) A species of frog eaten by the natives (thus named from the noise it makes). TuL-DY-NANG — (K,G S.) A spccies of Jew-fish. TuLGA, subst. — Gum of the Hakea tree. TuR-NiT— (K.G.S.) A baby. Tu-TA-MiN-Di— (K.G.S.) The knee. TwOTTA, subst. — A Eucalyptus, of which the natives chew the bark of the roots, wrapped about gum, or pounded up with it into a cake. Colonially, the York gum-tree, being the principal timber which characterises that district. The lands whereon it is found are generally good for sheep pasture. T-YUNDAL-AR— (K.G.S.) A spocies of flat-fish. T-YUNG — (K.G.S.) The local name of the fish colonially called the cobbler. Thus named from the spine with which it stings. U. U sounded as in rude. U and O are often used interchangeably in different dialects. See Preface. Uloyt, subst. — The calf of the leg. Urdal, subst. — The west. Urdo, subst. — (Vasse) A younger brother. Utamat — The local name given at King George's Sound to one of the principal family divisions. W. Wab-ye gadak, adj. — Awed ; terrified ; having awe or fear. Waddarak — Proper name of the Canning mountain people. Waddarak, subst. — A species of chicory or sow-thistle. Waddo-wadong, subst. — Vanga destructor ; butcher-bird. Wadju — A term applied to the hair of the head. Katta mangara wadju, meaning that it is properly dressed, ac- WAI 98 WAL cording to native fashion and ideas, when rolled up, well greased, and wilgied, and fastened round the head, so as to form a matted mass impenetrable to the intense heat of an Australian sun. Wai-yu — (K.G.S.) A species of Kingia. Wa-kur-in — (K.G.S.) A species of waterfowl. Walbar— (K.G.S.) The sea-shore. Walbul, adv. — Stretching or reaching over — as Walbul- ngannowin, eating with the neck outstretched, as a horse reaching over a fence. Walbyn, verb — Pres. part., Walbynang ; past tense, Walby- nagga. To cure by enchantment ; to eject the Boyl-ya, or evil spirit, the supposed cause of all sickness and disease. This is performed, by the person who undertakes the cure, squeezing the afflicted part with his hands, and then draw- ing them down, thereby to attract the Boyl-ya to the ex- tremities. He is, however, very careful after each squeeze to shake his hands and blow well upon them, in order to preserve himself from any evil influence, or ill effects of the Boyl-ya, who generally makes his escape, invisible to uninitiated eyes ; but sometimes assumes the likeness of a piece of quartz, in which case he is eagerly captured, and* preserved as a great curiosity. Any person having the reputation for eff'ecting this cure is sought after by the natives for many miles round, in behalf of a sick relative. The mode of cure sometimes adopted resembles the pro- cess of animal magnetism. Waldja, subst. — Very large dark brown mountain-eagle. It sometimes attacks lambs and young pigs. Walga, subst — A kind of Dowak. Walgah— (K.G.S.) A species of fish. Walgen, subst. — The rainbow. Wal-gur--(K.G.S.) To laugh. Walgyt, subst. — The calf of the leg. Waljap, subst. — Stem of the Xanthorea, or Grass-tree flower. It is this stem, or rather stick, which serves the natives to produce fire by friction. This is done by rapidly twirhng between the hands one piece of the stick within a hole WAL 99 WAN cut in another piece placed upon the ground, and retained in its position by the feet ; the operation being assisted by the dry furry material of the withered seed-head laid in the hole, and which very soon smokes and ignites. The length of the stem varies from 3 feet up to 10 feet, and the thickness from that of a man's finger up to that of a man's wrist ; the flowering part is often 4 or 5 feet long. The flower contains much honey in the proper season. WALLAK-WALLA,ji, adv. — Separately ; in part ; divided ; indi- vidually — as wallak-wallak yonga, to divide among several persons ; to give to each separately or individually. Wallak-ijow, verb — To change. Wallak- YONGA, verb — To give in portions ; to share ; to divide. WallXng — (K.G.S.) The seed of a parasite which bears a red flowei'. Wallarra, adv — Carelessly ; without looking — as wallara murrijobin, walking along without looking. Walle, verb — To cry ; to shed tears ; to wail. Wallu, subst. — An interval or open space between two points or objects ; the division of the hair when parted on the top of the head ; partial baldness ; morning twilight ; the interval between night and day. Waly-adi, adj. — Tall ; long ; ungainly. Wal-yal, subst — The lungs. Instances of death from dis- eased lungs have been seen among them, but are not of very frequent occurrence. They genei'ally recover from the effect of a spear-wound in the lungs. Wal-yo, subst. — The Kangaroo-rat. An animal nearly as large as a wild rabbit, tolerably abundant, and very good for eating. The natives take them by driving a spear into the nest, sometimes transfixing two at once, or by jumping upon the nest, which is formed of leaves and grass upon the ground. Wandang, verb — Pres. part., Wandangwin ; past tense, Wandangagga. To wear or carry on the back. Wando, subst, — Eucalyptus ; the white gum-tree. In hollow H 2 WAN 100 WAR trees of this sort, water is frequently retained, which forms the only resource for natives in summer, in many districts. It is discovered by a discoloration of the bark. A hole is opened with a hammer and carefully closed again. Wan-do-na, subst. — A species of insect. Wangadan, verb — Pres. part., Wangadanin ; past tense, Wangadanagga. To scream out ; to cry loudly for help. Compounded of wangow to speak, and dan or dtan (so as) to pierce (the ear). Wang- EN, adj. — Alive ; well ; in health. , Wanggi-ma, subst. — The satin-bird. Wan-go, subst. — The upper part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder ; a species of snake particularly liked as food by the aborigines, Wan-gow, verb — Pres. part., Wangowin ; past tense, Wang- yaga. To speak ; to talk. Wan-gow-djinnang, verb — To ask ; to inquire. Wanja, verb — Pres. part., Wanjawin ; past tense, Wanjaga. To leave ; to quit. Wanna, subst — The long heavy staff pointed and hardened at one end by fire, carried about by the women, each of whom has one for the purpose of digging roots. The dig- ging or pointed end is flattened on one side and rounded on the other, so as to act, when used, like the claw end of a crow-bar. Wanni, verb — To die. Wanniga, part. — Dead. Wannyl, subst. — Roots of trees. Wan-yur-du, adj. — Indisposed. Waow, interj. — An exclamation of surprise and warning. Wappi, subst. — a. small species of fish, found in the pools of rivers in summer, and taken by pushing boughs through the water from one end of the pool to the other. Warba, adv. — Otherwise. War-bum— (K.G.S.) To kill ; to slay. Probably from wardo the throat, and buma to strike. Warda, subst. — Fame ; renown ; news ; the recent track of any animal, such as the fresh particles of sand left by the WAR 101 WAR opossum's claws on the bark when climbing up trees, which immediately show the natives that the animal is to be found there. Wardagadak, subst A hero ; a great warrior ; a man of renown, or authority. Wardan, subst. — A large species of long-winged buzzing fly. Wardang, subst. — Corvus coronoides ? a crow. In appear- ance it is like the English crow, but its voice is very melancholy. It does not appear to, be gregarious. Wardo, subst. — The neck or throat.- ■ •^ . c , ,' j ' '^ ', Wardo-narrowin, part. — Being thifsty. Compounded' ol wardo the throat, and narrowin Joiroing.. , The.ii^ve, is careful not to drink directly froni gtargonnt 'vatei\-bat scrapes a hole in the sand at a little distance and drinks the filtered water. And even in springs he frequently inserts a quantity of grass-tree leaves, so as to act as a strainer ; this is to guard against swallowing insects, a precaution which might be prudently imitated by the settlers. Wardyl, verb — Pres. part., Wardyl-yin ; past tense, War- dylaga. To whistle. Wargat, verb — Pres. part., Wargattin ; past tense, Wargat- tagga. To search for ; to look for. Warh-rang — Numeral three. Warh-ral, subst. — Whirlwind. Warh-ro, subst. — A knoll ; a hillock ; an acclivity. Warra, adj.- — (Mountain dialect.) Bad. Warraja, subst. — Zapornia ? Little swamp-hen. Warrajudong, subst, — Anthus Australis ; the lark. It has not the splendid song of the English lark, yet it twittex'S very cheerfully when on the wing. Warran, subst. — One of the Dioscoreae. A species of yam, the root of which grows generally to about the thickness of a man's thumb ; and to the depth sometimes of four to six feet in loamy soils. It is sought chiefly at the com- mencement of the rains, when it is ripe, and when the earth is most easily dug ; and it forms the principal article of food for the natives at that season. It is found in this WAR 102 WAU part of Australia, from a short distance south of the Murray, nearly as far to the north as Gantheaume Bay. It grows in light rich soil on the low lands, and also among the fragments of basaltic and granitic rocks in the hills. The country in which it abounds is very difficult and un- safe to pass over on horseback, on account of the fre- quency and depth of the holes. The digging of the root is a very laborious operation. It is said to grow to a very large size, to the north ; but this may be a traveller's . exaggeri^^tion This root is known by the same name in • New South Wales. ' ■ WAa?,iVN-Ai!ie^ i^ubst.)^/^^ porpoise. WAUJiAj^fG-^N, verfc-irr^Eres* part., Warrang-anin ; past tense, Warrang-anaga, to tell ; to relate ; to bid ; to desu^e. Waerap, suhst. — Any parasitical plant. Almost evei-y tree has a parasite pecuhar to itself, affecting it like a vermin, to such an extent, as frequently to destroy the tree. The flower is in general beautiful. The splendid flowering tree, Nuytsia floribunda, is said to be an independent pa- rasite. The only known Loranthus of that character. War-roitch— (K.G.S.) A species of fish. Warru, subst. — A female kangaroo. Cloaks are made of the skin of the female, that of the male being considered too hard and unsuited for the purpose. Warryl-bardang, subst Gerygone culicivorus ? ash-co- loured wren. Warryn, subst.— a word. The grammatical structure of the language appears simple and rudimentary, and not very copious, as many compound words are used ; and there are few or no terms to express abstract ideas. Watti— (K.G.S.) A species of Mimosa. Watto, adv. — Away ; off. Ngan-ya watto, I am off". Wattobardo, verb— To go away ; depart. Wattobarrang, verb — To carry off". Watto-djtn, imp. verb — Look out ; keep out of the way. Literally, away ! see ! WaubXtin, adj. — Full ; overflowing. Waubbaniranwin, par^. —Jokmg ; jesting. WAU 103 WAU Waubbow, verb — Pres. part., Waubbowin ; past tense, Waub- bow, to play ; to tease. Waudarak, subst. — The sow-thistle. This was very gene- rally used as a vegetable by the early settlers, before the gai'dens were made productive. Waudunu, subst. — A species of hymenopterous insect. Waug, subst. — (K.G. Sound dialect.) Soul ; spirit ; breath. Waugal, subst. — An imaginary aquatic monster, residing in deep dark waters, and endowed with supernatural powers, which enable it to overpower and consume the natives. It generally attacks females, and the person whom it selects for its victim pines and dies away almost imper- ceptibly. To this creature's influence the aborigines atti'ibute all sores and wounds for which they cannot otherwise account. Its supposed shape is that of a huge winged serpent. It may be a lingering remnant of the tradition of the old Serpent or evil spirit. Waugalan, adj. — 111 ; very sick ; a woman who miscarries, or has any complaint subsequent to child-birth, is said to be Waugalan, or under the influence of the Waugal. Waugab, subst Breath ; breathing. Waugart dtan, verb — To pierce through. Waugar-buma, verb — To breathe ; to pant. Waugat, adj.— a. few. Waukanga, subst. — Polytelis Melanura, mountain-parrot. Waukyn — (K.G.S.) Bad, useless. Waullu, sm6«^— Light ; dawn ; daylight ; the morning twi- light ; the interval between light and darkness ; a clear, open space without trees ; an interval or open space be- tween two objects ; the division of the hair, when parted on the top of the head ; partial baldness. Waumil-yar, subst. — Colonially called Manna. A white, sweetish substance, found on and under certain trees and plants, supposed to be some insect secretion. It is much prized by the natives. Birds feed upon it, and are in excellent condition during the season when it abounds. When the native women find a quantity of it collected about an ant-hill, they fling the furry side of their cloak WAU 104 WID upon it, to which it adheres. They then carry off the cloak and secure their prize, the ants having dropped off the fur in the naeantime. At Perth it is called Dangyl, which see. Waumma, adj. — Another. Waummarap, adj. — Giddy, confused. Waummarapbin— Straying ; bewildered. Wauraling, subst. — Nymphicus Novee HoUandiae. Crested- parrot. Wa\l-mat— (K.G.S.) The bone through the nose. Way-re -(K.G.S.) To ford ; to walk in the water. Wedin, subst. — A valley. Weko, subst. — The nest or brooding-place on the ground of a large bird, as Ngowo-weko. Wellang, or Wela-wellang— (Vasse.) Quickly. Welle, subst. — A di*eam. "Weld — A name given to all people living to the north of them, by every tribe, be the latter situated where they may, in the same way as Daran is applied to all people to the eastward. Welojabbin, subst — The name of a bird which is so called from the noise it makes at night. It is colonially called the Curlew, from its resemblance to that bird, but its bill is short and blunt and the colour is lighter. Wendang, adj. — Bad. Wer, conj. — And ; also. Werbal, arf;.— (Upper Swan.) Lean ; iu poor condition. Wetdang, verb— Fres. part., Wetdangan ; past tense, Wet- dangagga ; to collect. We-to, subst. — The young white ants, which are eaten by the natives at a particular stage of their growth. We-yang— (Vasse.) To mix. Wi-AK— (K G.S.) Enough. Wi-DA, subst. — Kernel of the Zaraia nut. WiDA-wiDA, subst. — The name of two sorts of Pardalotus punctatus and striatus, the Diamond-bird. Its native name is taken from the sound it utters. In some places it is called Widji winji, where is the Emu ? WID 105 WIL WiDANG, verb — Pres. part., Widangwin ; past tense, Widang- aga ; to mix. WiDANG-wiNAN,s«6s^ — Theactof mixingorpoundinganything. WiDAP wiDAP — Another name for the Diamond-bird. See Wida wida. Wi-DING, adj. — Thin ; bony. WiDJi, subst. — An Emu ; a Dragon-fly. The emu is easily domesticated when taken young, and becomes very fami- liar with and attached to the dogs, which generally leads to the death of a tame one. A full-grown one, when erect, stands seven feet high. The natives creep on them and spear them. The flesh is very good for eating in the pro- per season, tasting something like veal. The eggs are of a tea-green colour, with a watered appearance on the sur- face. There is a singularity in the growth of the feathers — two of them spring from one quill. WiDJi BANDi, subsi. — A gun ; literally an emu shank or leg, perhaps from the thin handle part of a gun-stock resem- bling in its carving the rough grain of the skin of an emu's leg. A double-barrelled gun is described -as having two mouths. A gun with a bayonet, as the gun with the spear at its nose. WiLBAN, adj. — White. WiLGi, subst. — An ochrish clay, which, when burned in the fire, turns to a bright brick-dust colour ; with this, either in a dry powdery state, or saturated with grease, the aborigines, both men and women, are fond of rubbing themselves over. The females are contented with smear- ing their heads and faces, but the men apply it indiscri- minately to all parts of the body. Occasionally they paint the legs and thighs with it in a dry state, either uniformly or in transverse bands and stripes, giving the appearance of red or parti-coloured pantaloons. This custom has had its origin in the desire to protect the skin from the attacks of insects, and as a defence against the heat of the sun in summer, and the cold in the winter season. But no aboriginal Australian considers himself properly attired unless well clothed with grease and wilgi. WIL 106 WIR WiLGiLAM, adj. — Red. WiLLAR — (K.G.S.) An estuary. WiLLARAK, subst. — Sandalum latifolium, Sandalwood tree. This tree is tolerably abundant in the interior, but the transport is expensive. It is said to be the true sandal- wood. The smoke of it when burning produces nausea in most persons. It bears a nut, having a white kernel of the size of a musket-bullet, from which oil of a pure quality, without taste or smell, may be expressed. This nut, though not disagreeable, is not eaten by the natives. WiLLARiNG, subst. — Muscicapa. Wagtail ; fly-catcher. WiL-YAN, verb — Pres. part., Wil-yanwin ; past tense, Wil-ya- naga ; to miss ; not to hit. The native does not throw with precision more than twenty or thirty yards. When not flurried, his aim is very accurate, and his spears deli- vered with surprising rapidity. WiL-YU, subst. — CEdicnemus longipennis 1 Wil-yu. WiMBiN, subst. — Rhynchaspis. Shoveller or Pink-eyed Duck. WiNATDiNG, part (N. E. dialect.) Dead; derived from or connected in some way with Wynaga, dead. WiNDANG, adj. — Worn out ; useless ; applied particularly to an old man or woman, WlNDO, arf;.— Old ; useless. Wi-NIN — (K.G.S.) A species of waterfowl. Wining, adj. — (N. E, dialect.) Alive ; the opposite of Win- atding, dead. WiNJALLA, adv. — Where. WiNGi, adv. — Where ; whither ; as Wingi watto, Where or whither are you going ? WiNNAGAL — (Mountain dialect.) The west. WiNNiJiNBAR, adv. — Now, at this very moment. (Upper Swan.) Wynnikanbar. WiNNiR— So many ; this number. WiNNiRAK— Similar to ; at this time ; now. WiRBA, subst. — (Northern dialect.) A large heavy club. WiRBE, subst. — The name of a dance amongst the natives living to the south-east. WiRGO, subst. —A species of rock-crystal found to the north. WIR 107 WUL WiRGOJANG— (K.G.S.) Blowing away ; curing by disenchant- ment. WiRiL, acy. — Slender; wasted; slight; thin. Wiring, adj. — Straight ; in a right line ; used also to denote that two persons are in the right line of marriage. WiRRiT, subst. — South-east wind. Wi-YUL, adj. — Thin ; slight ; wasted. WoDTA, subst. — Columba. The Bronze-winged Pigeon. Most delicate eating. It abounds in summer, when the acacia seeds are ripe. Wo-DO, subst. — Green-fleshed edible fungus ; more juicy and tender, and less to be dreaded than our mushroom. Woi-LE ? (K.G.S.) A small species of kangaroo. WoiNDJA, verb — Corruption of Wanja, to leave ; to quit ; to desist. WoLANG, verb — To put on one's covering or clothes. WoL-JARBANG — ( Vasse.) A species of parrot. WoN-GiN, adj. — Living ; also green, when applied to leaves or wood.^^ WoNNAR, subst. — A species of spear-wattle found in the hillsw WoNNANG — (Vasse.) To throw ; to cast. WoppAT — As Woppat murrijo. WoRDAN — (Vasse.) Supposed to signify north — probably the direction in which the rivers of a country flow. WoRRi, subst. — A species of snake not eaten by the natives. Wot- Y AN, adv. — On the other side ; as Bilo wot-yan, on the other side of the river. Also remote ; distant. WoYN-BAR — (K.G.S.) To cure by disenchantment. Wu-LANG-iTCH — (K.G.S.) To fasten. WuLBUGLi, subst. — Athense ? The Barking Owl. WuLGANG, 5mJs;.— Agrub found in the Xanthorea or Grass tree, distinguished from the Bardi by being much larger, and found only one or two in a tree, whereas the Bardi are found by hundreds. WuLGAR, subst, — Guilt. Being implicated, from relationship or other causes, with persons who have committed mur- der, which renders a person Wulgargadak, and liable to WU-L iU» WUN be killed in revenge. Those who are not in the state of Wulgar are said to be " Jidyt." Wu-LiNG, adv. — Thus ; in this manner. WuL-LAJERANG — The Pleiades. WuLWUL, subst. — Diomedea Chlororhynca. The Albatross. WuMBUBiN, adj. — Strutting ; being proud or vain. WuNDA, subst. — A shield. The native shield is about two feet long, and very narrow, being barely sufficient to pro- tect the hand when holding it. It is convex on the exte- rior face, and thinned off and rounded at each end, having a slit cut in the thickest part at the middle of the back, to serve as a handle. There are two sorts of wood, the Kum- buil, and the Kardil, of which they are made. The use of them is not at all common among the natives in the located parts of Western Austraha, who bring them as great curiosities from the north to the settlers. They are sometimes ornamented with wavy lines or grooves, traced upon them with an opossum's tooth in the grain of the wood ; the grooves being painted alternately red and white. WuNDAB-BURT, subst. — The name given to an English boat, from its shape like a shield. The natives have no canoes, nor any mode of passing over water ; but on the north- west coast, one man was seen by Captain King crossing an arm of the sea, on a piece of a mangrove-tree. They describe with great vividness their impressions when they saw the first ship approach the land. They imagined it some huge winged monster of the deep, and there was a universal consternation. One man fled inland for fourteen miles without stopping, and spread the terrifying news amongst his own friends. WuNDi— (K.G.S.) A species of Iguana. WuN-DU, subst. — Human hair, made into a coarse string, and worn as an ornament round the head and arms. WuNDUN, verb — Pres. part., Wunduning ; past tense, Wun- dunaga ; to stare ; to wonder ; to look at a person in order to recognise him. WuN-GAN, verb — Pres. part., Wunganin ; past tense, Wun- WUN 109 WYE ganagga ; to embi*ace, or fold the arms round a person to restrain him. When a native is in a passion, his friends (Wungan) hold him back from attacking or harming others till the fit goes off. WuNNARA, subst. — A spccics of Tea-tree, of which spears are made. WuNNo, adv. — This way ; in this direction ; round about. WuNNOiTCH, adv. — Thus. WuRAK, subst. — Macropus elegans ; a species of kangaroo. WuRAK, subst. — A glossy brown-bai'ked Eucalyptus, abound- ing to the eastward of the hills, but not found to the west. WuRALiNG, subst. — Nyniphicus Nov. Holl. ; crested parrot. WuRDOiTCH, subst. — The name of a star, supposed to have been a native. WuRDUKUMENO— -Name of the Ballarok family in the Murray district. WuRDYTCH — The name of a star, supposed to have been a native. WuRGYL, subst. — A frog. When this species of frog has the embryo within it in the state of the young roe of a fish, it forms a favourite food of the natives, and marks a parti- cular season. They are found in great abundance in the swamps and shallow lakes. WuRJALLAK — The name of a star. WuRRiJi, subst. — Small species of lizard, not eaten by the natives. WuRTAMAR— (K.G.S.) To beat ; to strike. Wu-YUN, subst. — The soul. Wyamak, adj. — Straight ; slender. Wyan, subst. — Ardea Novse Hollandise ; the Blue Crane. Wy-e, subst. — A species of snake. Wyen, verb — Pres. part., Wyenin ; past tense, Wyenagga ; to fear ; to dread ; to be afraid. Wyen wyen, subst. — A coward. A term of great insult, as among more civilised people. Wyerow, verb — Pres. part., Wyerowin ; past tense, Wye- row ; to raise ; to construct. As Mya wyerowin ; raising a hut ; Gabbi wyerowin ; "the water is rising. WYN 1 10 YAG Wyni kanbar, adu. — Now at this immediate moment. Wyrodjudong, subst. — Glycipliila Ocularis ? Gould ; the white-breasted honey-sucker. Wy-uda, subst. — Podiceps nestor 1 the Httle Grebe. Y. Y, when a consonant as in your, yoke. Y, when a vowel, as in my, thy ; and this sound is to be given to it in the middle of a word after a consonant, if not sepa- rated from the preceding letter by a hyphen, when it becomes a consonant itself ; as in Gyn-yang, once — the first Y is a long vowel, the second a consonant. See Preface. Yaba, subst The temples. Yaba-wilban — Ephthianura albifrons, Gould ; Sanfoin-bird. Yabbal-gadak — Having an intention to give. As, Bal nginni boka Yabbalgadak ; he intends to give you a cloak. Yabbal, subst. — The bark either of the Banksia, or Hakea. See Djanni. Yabbra, adv. — Quickly ; rapidly. Yadang, verb. — Pres. part., Yadangwin ; past tense, Yadang- agga. To pound ; roots, for instance. Yadjarrap, subst. — The Snapper-fish. Ijarrap, a deep-sided salt-water fish, caught in abundance on banks near the coast. Yadjo, subst. — The testicles. Ya-et — (K.G.S.) A species of waterfowl. Yaga, orfu.— Merely ; only ; not at all ; no such thing. Yago, subst. — Plural Yagoman. A woman. Women are the mere slaves of the men, obliged to watch and attend their movements, and to carry all their property, as well as the ycung children, in bags at their back. They must construct the hut, make the fire, provide roots for them- selves, and give a share to their husband ; whilst he does not always share his game with them. Little affection can exist in this state, and the woman is naturally favourably disposed to any one who will pay his court to her. This occasions frequent dissension, which often ends in the woman eloping with her lovSr. In early life their form is YA J 111 YAL symmetrical, their movements graceful, their voices musical, and the countenances of many lively and rather pleasing. But most of these qualities are lost at a very early age. Yajingurong, sm65/.— Recurvix'ostra rubricollis. The Avoxet. Yagyn, subst. — Snake-necked, fresh-water Turtle. It appears to bury itself in mud in the winter, as it has been some- times dug up in a torpid state in the swamps. It is ex- ceedingly tenacious of life, moving about even when its head is cut off. The largest weighs only four or five pounds. Yalga, adv. — Yet ; still ; first ; previously. Yalgaranan, verb — To open ; to liberate from confinement, Yalgor, suhst A swamp. Yalla, demon, pron. — That. Yallabel — That particular, or very thing, or place. Yallala, adv. — There. Yalle, subst. — Mushroom. The natives will not eat what we call mushroom, although they eat several other sorts of fungus. Yallingbardo, verb — To go on one side. Compounded of Yalla and Bardo, meaning to go there, or to that place. Yallor, subst. — The name of the native dance among the northern men ; as also the chaunt, or tune, if it may be so called, to which the dance is performed. The dance is generally performed by the young men. Women seldom take any part in it. Their dances frequently represent the chase, and motions of the kangaroo and emu, the pursuit of a wounded cockatoo, the course of a snake, the transformations or feats of a magician with a wand, as well as the measured step and concerted movement of a dance of ten or twelve persons ; and, although the figures are somewhat uncouth, the gestures are not ungraceful ; and as seen in the forest on a clear night, by the bright blaze of a fii-e, surrounded by groups of admiring spec- tators, the whole scene presents a pleasing and animated picture of the recreations of a savage life. Yallor- wangow, verb — To chaunt. From Yallor, the native dance, and Wangow, to speak. Yallor-gannow, verb — To dance. Compounded of Yallor, the native dance, and Gannow, to step. Yal-ya, subst. — A grave ; the hollow itself. See Bokal. Yal-yet, or Yal-yu-ret — (K.G.S.) Wet. Yambo, adv. — Abreast ; all in one line. Yambong, adv. — (A strong affirmative). Yes ; actually ; cer- tainly. Yampel, adj. — (Upper Swan word). Flat ; flattened on the surface. Yanbart, adj. — A descriptive term applied to ground where the vegetation has been burnt. Yanbi, adj. — Awkward ; improper ; incorrect ; wrong. It is used also as an expression of surprise, meaning, what are you doing ? what are you about ? Yan, interrog. pron. — What % Yang — The strongest expression of thanks, or gratitude. Yanganan, verb — To thank ; to praise ; to bless. Yango, subst. — A species of Xanthorea. Yangor, subst. — The kangaroo species in general. In the mountain dialect, the male kangaroo. It is believed that this is the only word in any of the Australian dialects which approaches at all in sound to our word kangaroo. Yangori — Proper name. Evidently from Yangor, name of the Ballarok family at the Vasse river. Yanji, subst.— K tuft of emu feathers. Yanjidi, subst. — An edible root of a species of flag (Typha angustifolia), growing along fresh-water streams and the banks of pools. It consists of many tender filaments with layers of a farinaceous substance between. The natives dig the roots up, clean them, roast them, and then pound them into a mass, which, when kneaded and made into a cake, tastes like flour not separated from the bran. This root is in season in April and May, when the broad leaves will have been burned by the summer fires, by which the taste, according to native ideas, is improved. Yannow, verb— To saunter ; to walk ; to move slowly .along, Yarbelli, subst.— Incest ', union with a female not within the marriageable line, or proper degree of kindi-ed, as with YAR 113 YIN one of the same name, though no identity of blood may be traceable ; as Ballarok with Ballarok, though the relation- ship might be almost as doubtful as that of one Smith with another. Yargyl— (K.G.S.) Charcoal. Yarralak, subst. — A species of fish. Yarril— (K.G.S.) A species of cray-fish. Yatto, subst. — An opossum's tail, worn as an ornament on the head, or hanging from the hair. Yeddi, or Yetti, subst. — A song. See Yetti. Yeddi-garow, verb — To sing. Yemat, subst. — Water. Yekan, verb — To drive ; to chase ; to tend cattle. Yekyn, subst. — The wild, or native Australian dog. It fre- quents swamps and thickets, and creeps upon its game by stealth. Sometimes it fastens upon the hind leg of a kan- garoo, and clings till its victim is exhausted and easily overpowered. Yellin, subst. — The Guard-fish. Yendun — (K.G.S.) Underneath. Yenma, subst. — The name of a dance among the natives to the N.E. and East. Yet— (K.G.S.) The chin. Yetit-yetit, adj. — Peevish ; cross-grained. Yetit-yetitan, verb — To tease ; to annoy. Yetti, or Yeddi, subst A song. They have no regular song ; but they chaunt in a tone of recitative any striking events of the day, or give vent to their feelings when excited, beginning in a high tone, and gradually descending to a low deep tone by regular intervals. Yijatgur — (K.G.S.) To sharpen ; to make ready. YiLBiN, verb — Pres. part., Yilbinin ; past tense, Yilbinagga. To glance off ; to graze. YiMANG, subst. — The forehead. YiMBA, subst — The husk, or shell, or rind of anything ; the bark of the paper bai-k-tree. YiNANG, subst. — A widow ; widower. YiNBi, subst, — A species of Unio, or fresh- water muscle. The YIR UA YUK natives will not eat it, though the settlers have used it with impunity. YiB— (K.G.S.) A species of Djunong. YiRAK, adj. — Elevated ; high up ; up. YiRAKAL— (K.G.S.) Quickly. YiRAGAN, adj. — Elevated ; on high. YiRRBiN, verb— Pros, part., Yirrbin ; past tense, Yirrbin. To sprinkle. YiRRiLA, subst. — The fin of a fish. YiRRiWA, subst. — An English knife, YiR-YiR, subst. — A flag-like gras^, much disliked by the natives, as it cuts their legs in walking. Y-JO, pers. pron. — I. (Vasse river.) See Gnadjo. Y-JUL— I will. See Gnadjul. Yoi-YU — (K.G.S.) A small species of fish. YoNG-A, or YuNG-A, verb — Pres. part., Yongawin ; past tense, Yongaga. To give. YoNJA, subst. — Strix delicatulus ; lesser White Owl. YowART, subst. — The male kangaroo. YowiR, adj. — Giddy ; confused as a drunken man. YowiRGw^ART, verb — To fall down in a faint ; to swoon. YowiRiN, adj. — Being giddy, as Katta Yowirin, my head is turning round. YoYT, subst. — Muscle of the thigh. YoYTCH, subst. — Mountain dialect ; the testicles. Yadjo. YuADA, adv. — No. YuAL, adv. — Here ; hither; come here. YuANGUR — (K.G.S.) A species of frog eaten by the natives. YuDANG-wiNNAN, subst. — The act of pounding anything. YuGOW, verb — Pres. part., Yugowiu ; past tense, Yugaga. To be ; to stand ; to exist. YuGOw-MURRiJO, verb— To run ; literally, be, go. YuGOW-MURRiJOBiN— Go quickly ; literally, be moving. YuKEL., subst. — The large volute, or conch shell. It is worthy of remark that many natives, towards the interior, in- variably persist in asserting, that both these shells and the mother of pearl shell, Bedoan, are to be found in quantities a long way to the north-east of York. See Derbal. YUK 115 YUR YuKUNGADAK — (K.G.S.) A sorcerer ; a doctor. YuLANG, adv. — Nearer ; closer. YuLANGEBA, subst. — A womaii who is old and has had children. This word is evidently derived from Gulang, a child ; and Collins tells us that the name of the i-ite by which youths are initiated into manhood at Sidney is, Yulang ira bardang, which means " youth or child gomg up," almost to a letter in this language. YuLANG-iDi, adj. — Fruitful ; having had children ; as Yago ; Yulang-idi, a woman who has had children. YuLAP, adj. — Hungry ; empty. Probably an introduced word, though now very common ; but see Ngul-yap (Vasse dialect). YuLMAN, adv. — In turn ; in return. YuLMAN WANGOW, terfi — To auswcr. YuLMAN YONGA, verh — To exchange. YuLY_(K.G.S.) lazy; idle. YuL-YANG, verb — Pres. part., Yul-yangwin ; past tense, Yul- yangaga. To smear ; to varnish ; to rub with gum the green shafts of the spears. YuNDo, adj. — Yellow. YuNDAK, subst A species of Iguana. YuNDUNG, subst. — A species of Iguana. YuNG-AB, subst. — People. The name by which they designate themselves. There may be about 3000 aborigines fre- quenting the located parts of the colony. See the Statis- tical Report for 1840. YuNG-AR YULMAN GiAR — the name of a stai". YuNGiLBAR — (K.G.S.) Foolish ; wasteful. YuN-GiTCH — (K.G.S.) Straight. YuNGOLANG — as " Gurdu Yungolang," said in hot weather. YuRAKYN, subst. — A specics of snake. YuRANG, verb — Pres. part., Yurangawin; past tense, Yurang. To shake together ; to rub roots, to clean and prepare them for eating. YuRDA, subst. — A place where a fire is or has been ; the ashes of a fire-place ; the household hearth ; the spot I 2 YUR 116 YYI where a person has been accustomed to make his fire. Mahrrok bidjar. YuRDO, subst. — The forehead. YuRiB-ANGWiN, part. — Stirring up. YuRJANG, verb—Tres. part., Yurjangwin ; past tense, Yur- jangaga. To take by force. YuRNA, subst. — An Iguana. There are many varieties of the Saurian tribe to be found, and of all sizes, from a few inches up to five or six feet long. The largest sorts are supposed to be destructive to young poultry. YuRRiL— (K.G.S.) Quickly. YuRRO, subst. — Gabbi yurro ; the discoloured stream of fresh water, which descends after rain from the uplands mingling with the salt water in the estuaries. Yu-RYTCH, subst. — The cheek. YuTTo BARRANG, Verb — To rase ; to pull down. YuTTOK, adv. — The last time ; the last of anything. YuTTARLGAR, subst.— A buudlc ; a sheaf of coi*n ; or other tied heap of anything. YuTTARN, verb — Pres. part., Yuttarn ; past tense, Yuttarn. To fasten ; to tie. YuTLTUNMiTCH — (K.G.S.) A native dance. Yy-i, adv. — Now; to-day. Yy-inang, adj. — New ; fresh ; young ; sti-ange. DESCRIPTIVE VOCABULARY. PART II. ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN. DESCRIPTIVE VOCABULARY. For more full and particular information respecting each Australian word, consult the first part of the Vocabulary ; and for tl;e Pro- nunciation see the Preface also. A. Abduct, to — Kardo barrang. Abreast — Yambo. Absent — Morytch. Abundance— Bula. Narriik (Vasse dialect). Abundant — Bula. Abuse, to— Goran. Acacia, Acacia Saligna — Biytch. Acacia (species of)— Mongarn ; Kurren ; Watti ; Gal-yang. Accidentally— Balluk ; Nogolan. Acclivity, an ; a Knoll — Warh-ro. Accompany, to — GSmbarnbardo ; Gambarn. Accurate — Metj il. Accuse, to — Djirin ; as Wulgar djii'in, to accuse of murder. This word must be used with the substantive expressive of the crime charged against a person. Accustomed to — Malyn. Ache, to — Mindyt-bakkan ; Bakkan. Acquainted wiTH_Nagoluk ; Kallip. Acrid — Djallara. Across — Yambo. Actually — Yarabong. Adam's Apple, of the neck — Dun-ganin, Adorned — Buiijat ; Kanungur. Afraid, to be— Multchin ; Wyen. After — Ngolang-a. Afternoon, about two— Biddoi'ong ; Nalyira 1 AFT 120 ANT Afternoon, late in the — Garbala. Again— Garro ; as GarroYual, to return, to come back again. Aged — Guragor. Agent (means of doing anything), always used as an affix — Middi. Ago, any time — Karamb, Ago, long time — Gorah. Ago, little time— Gori; Epal. Agreeing with — Gurdu-gyn-yul. Ah !— NSh, Aim, to miss the — Wilyan. Alarm — Darnavan. Albatross — Diomedia Chlororhyncha — Wulwul. Alight, to, as a bird. — Gargan. Alive— Dordak ; Wining (N.E. dialect.) Alive, green as applied to trees — Won-gin. All — Bandang ; Muudang. Allied to, by marriage— Noy-ySng. A LONE — Dombart . Also — Gudjir; Wer. Alter, to — Wallak-ijow ; Minytwallakijow. Always — Dowir ; Kalyagal. Ambush, to lie in — Kogang-nginnow. Amicable — Nagal. Among— Kardagor. Amongst — Manda. Amuse, to — Djubu-barrang. And — Gudjir ; Wer. Anger— Garrang. Angry, to be— Gurdu-djul ; Garrang-gadak. Angular — Danda (Upper Swan word). Ankle— Bilga ; Jinnardo ; Murantch. Anoint, to — Nabbow. Another— Waumma. Ant (small species)— Budjin. Ant (small species)— Bulolo ; Kardagut ', Kurrut j Kwalak. Ant, white — Molada. Ant, white, nest of— Molytch. ANT 121 BAG Ant, lion — Formica maxima — Killal ; Kallili. Anxious, for any thing — Gurdak. Apart — Wallakwallak ; Kortda. Aperture — Bunan. Arise — Irap. Arise, to — Irabin. Arm, right — Ngunman. Arm, left — D-yuro ; N-yardo ; D-yurangitch. Arm, upper, from shoulder to elbow — Wango. Arm, lower, from elbow to wrist — Marga. Arm-pit — Ngal-ya. Arms, to carry in the, — Munang. Arrange, to — Gwabbanijow, Arrange the fire, to — Dukun. As, like as — Jin ; Winnirak. Ascend, to — Dendang. Ashes — Dalba. Ask, to — Wan-ga djinnang. Assault, to— Ballajan, Associate with, to— Gambarn bardo. Astray (to go astray) — Bai'rabardo. At once — Gwytch ; Ilak ilak. Attack, to — Ballajan. Attentive — Met. Aunt — Mangat. Avoid, to, by shifting on one side — Gwelgannow. AvoxET — Recurvirostris rubricollis — Yajingurong. Autumn — Burnur ; Burnuro. Away (Begone) — Watto. Away, to send — Dtallangiritch. Awkward — Yanbi. Awry — Ngallin. B. Baby — Burdilyap ; Turuit. Back, the — Bogal ; Gong-go; Ngarra. Back of the neck — Nang-ga. Backbone — Bogal ; Kot-ye. Backbone, extremity of— Os coccygis ; Mundo ; Moro. BAC 122 BEF Backside — Byi. Bad — Djul ; Windo ; Dadim (Southward) ; Djulgo ; Wen- dang ; Waukyn ; Warra (Mountain dialect). Bag, for general purposes — Goto. Bag, in which the child is carried — Gundir, Bag, to carry in a — Gotang ; Durrungur. Bald— Marda ; Barda-ar. Baldness, partial — Wallu. Bandicoot — Gwende ; Kundi. Bandylegged — Matta ngallin. Banksia, narrow-leaved — Banksia nivifolia— Biara ; Pira. Banksia, narrow-leaved, cone of — Birytch ; Biytch. Banksia, large-leaved — Bulgalla. Banksia, large-leaved, cone of— Metjo. Banksia, flower — Mangyt. Banksia, of low grounds, flower of — Dubarda. Barb, of a spear — Mangar ; Dtarh-ra ; Nambar, Bare, clear, open— Barnak ; Barda-ar. Bark, of trees — Mabo. Bark, of Banksia, or Hakea — Yabbal ; Djanni. Bark, of Mahogany, or other gum-trees — Budto. Bark, to, as a dog — Niran. Barter, to, Bang-al yong-a. Bat (the animal) — Bambi ; Babilgun. Basalt, sp. of— Gagalyang ; Kadjor. Battue, of Kangaroo— Kaabo. Be off (Go away)— Watto. Beams, of the sun — Mandu ; Battamandu j Ngangabatta. Bear, to, children — Gudja ijow. Bear, in the arms — Munang. Beard, the — Nganga ; Nganga batta. Beat, to — Buma ; Wurtamar. Beautiful — Gwabbalitch ; Ngworryn-ngworryn. Becoming, getting — Abbin. Bee, a species of — Blura. Bee-eater — Merops melanura — Birunbirun. Beetle, light-green species— Bullor. Befall, to— Echenna. BEP 123 B( Before — Gorijat ; Gwytch-angat ; Gwadjat. Beg, to— Gut. Begone (Be off)— Watto. Behaviour — Nhurdo ; Karra. Behind — Ngolang-a. Behold, to — Djinnang ; N-yaiig-ow. Belching — Karnbarrong-in. Bell-bird— Calandra — Bokanbokan. Bellow, to — Mohara. Belly, the— Kobolo. Below (low down) — Ngardak ; Ngardal ; Borak. Beneath — Ngardagan. Benumbed — Nan-yar. Betray, to— Kobat kobatan. Between— Kardagor ; Manda. Bid, to (tell) — Warrangan. Big — Gumbar ; Ngomon. Bird, a small — Jida. Bird, species of — Bilyar ; Bulangat. Bird's-nest— Jidamya ; Man-ga, Bite, to— Bakkan. Bitter— Djallara. Bittern (the bird) — Botaurus ; Bardanitch. Black — Mo-an. BLADDER—Gumbu. Blade (Shoulder-bone) — Djardam. Bleak (open)— Kabbar ; Barnak. Bless, to (to thank) — Yang-anan. Blood — Ngubu ; Baru. Blood, coagulated, exuded from a wound — Kundu. Blood-coloured — Ngubul-ya. Blow, to (to blossom) — Buma ? Blow, to, with the mouth — Bobban. Blue — Mu-yubarra ; Ngilarak ; Nguyup. Bluebird — Malurus pectoralis — Djarjil-ya. Blunt (as a knife)— Karrin. Blunt-headed (as a spear) — Meto. Board, for throwing the spear — Miro. BON 124 BUS Bone, a — Kot-ye ; Q,uet-ye (Upper Swan) ; Quetje ; Quej (K.G.S). Bony — Kot-yedak ; Kot-yelara ; Widing. Boots, European — Jinna nganjo. Bough, of a tree — Marga. Bowels — Konang ; Barukur. Brain— Mal-ya. Brand (fire-brand) — Kallamatta. Brave, a brave fellow, a bi'ave of a tribe or party — Bugor. Break, to — Takkan ; Barrang takkan. Break, to, off, or in pieces — Kardatakkan ; Dakarung. Break-of-day-bied, or Magpie — Cracticus tibicen 1— Gurbat. Breast, woman's — Bibi. Breast, man's — Kundu 1 Min-go. Breastbone— Ngando. Breath (Breathing)_'Wau-gar ; Waug (K.G.S. dialect). Breathe, to — Wau-gar buma. Bright (glittering) — Bunjat. Bring, to — Gang-ow ; Barrang. Bring forth, to (as animals their young) — Ijow. Broken — Takkand-yung. Broom-tree — Viminaria denudata — Koweda ; Kower. Brother — Nguudu. Brother, elder — Ngobern ; Borran ; Ngondo. Brother, second — Bwyreang. Brother, middle — Kardijit. Brother, younger— Kardang ; Gardang ; Urdo. Brother, youngest — Guloyn. Brother-in-law— Deni ; Teni. Browned (applied to meat properly cooked) — Djidara ; Man- dubin. Bruised — Birrga. Bundle, a — Yuttarlgar. Burn, to — Narrow. Burning (hot) — Kallang kallang. Bury, to — Bian ; Dambarijow ; Binnarangar. Bush (the Bush ; the wild country) — Mundak. Bustard (colonially, Turkey) — Bibilyer. 125 Butcher-bird — Vanga destructor ; Waddowaddong. Butcher-bird, thick-billed — Falcunculus Leucogaster — Gur- bit gurbit. By-and-bye— Burda ; Burdak (Murray R.) Cabbage-tree — Nuytsia floribunda — Mut-yal. Calf, of the leg_Walgyt ; Uloyt ; Toy. Call, to — Mirow. Carelessly — Wallarra. Carry, to — Gang-ow; Katte (Upper Swan). Carry, to, in the arms — Munang. Carry, to, on the back — Waudang. Carry, to, in a bag— Gotang. Carry, to, on the shoulder — Dinang. Carry, to, off — Watto ; Barrang. Cast, to — Gwardo ; Gwart. Casuarina, species of — Kvvela ; Knude. Cat, native (a species of weasel) — Dasyui'us Maugei — Bar- rajit ; Barjadda. Cataract (or film over the eye) — Barabala. Caterpillar — Narna. Cave, a — Garrab ; Dumbun. Cedar (colonially) — Mod-yart. Centipede — Kanbarra. Certainly — Yambong; Bundojil, Champion (one of the braves of a tribe) — Bugor. Change, to — Minyt wallak ijow ; Wallak ijow. Chap, in the skin — Jitalbarra. Charcoal — Bidil ; Kallabidyl ; Murh-ro ; Kup ; Yargyl. Charm, to (by a spell)— Kalbyn ; Walbyn : as Mar-Kalbyn, to allay the wind. CHAUNT,to (as is done at the Yallor, or native dance) — Yallor wangow. Cheek— Yurytch ; Ngaluk 1 Chest, the— Kundu 1 Mingo. Chewing — Gulang-in. Child— Gulang. PI. Children— Gulang-gara. CHI 126 CON Chin — Ngan-ga; Yet. CiNDEES — Kalla inak. Circle (for the purpose of inclosing game, &c.) — Murga. Circular — Dordong-al. Civil — Karra gwabba. Clay — Djijalla. Clay, white lime — Dardak ; Taddar. Clean — Kargyl-ya ; Barda-ar ; Bunjat. Clean, to — Kargyl-yaran ; Barnan. Clear (as water) — Karryl. Clear (from wood) — Barda-ar. Clear away, to — Barnan. Climb, to — Dendang ; Balingur. Cloak — Boka ; Buka. Close, to (to stop up a hole) — Dtandidin ; Didin. Close (near) — Barduk. Closer (hither) — Yualang. Clothes (to put on) — Wolang ; Wandang. Cloud — Mar ; Kundart. Cloudy (very dark) — Mar ; Myart myart ; Bwot. Club, a heavy — Dowak ; Wirba (Northern dialect). Cobbler-fish — Karal-ya ; Moyort. CoBBLER-FiSH (species of) Djindalo ; T-yung, Cockatoo, black, with red tail — Calyptorhyncus fulgidus — Karak. Cockatoo, black, with white tail— Calyptorhyncus — Ngolak. Cockatoo , white — Plyctolophus — Manyt. Cockatoo, pink — Plyctolophus Leadbeteri — Jakkal-yakkal. Cohabit, to — Muyang. Cold — Nagga ; Naggaman ; N-yiddin ; Mulgan. Collect, to— Wetdang ; Toyntchwang. Comet — Binnar. Company (in company) — Danjo ; Indat. Conceal, to — Ballarijow. Concealed — Ballar. Conduct — Nhurdo ; Karra. Cone, of the Banksia, dried — Birytch ; Metjo ; Biytch. Confuse, to — Ton-ga bu-gi bii'-gi-un. CON 127 CRO Confused — Waummar-ap ; Yowir. Connected (related) — Noy-yang. Construct, to — Wyerow. Contest — Bakadjin. Continually— Kal-yagal ; Dowir. Continue (go; move on) — Ngatti, Convalescent — Dordak. Cook, to — Dukun. Cooked (sufficiently for eating) — Djidik. Cool — Garh-jal. Coot, a — Fulica — Mulya windu. Coot, species of — Kijjibrun. Copulate, to — Mu-yang. Cormorant, large black — Garbang-a. Cormorant, little black- Phalacrocorax flaviryhyncvis — Go- gogo. Corner, outer, of the eye — Naljak. Cough, to— Kulbu ; Kulbul-kulbul-dtan. Countenance— Dtamel ; Minyt ; Mul-yamel. Counterpart, one thing of another — Bui'bur. Couple, a — Gurdar. Covered up, to leave — Nappang wanja. Cow, a — Jingala gadak. Coward — Wyi-wyi ; Multchong ; Wy-en-wyen. Crab, a — Karri. Crack, in the skin, or bark of a tree — Jitalbarra. Crane, green-backed — Ardea — Jillimil-yan ; Matdo. Crane, blue — Ardea Novae HoUandipe— Wyan. Craw, of a bird — Ngogolak. Craw, contents of — Ngogat. Crawfish — Konak ; Dil ; Tjilki. Crawfish, species of — Yarril. Creep, to, on game — Ngardang ; Kandi. Creeper, white-throated (a bird) — Bibinak. Creeper, wiry feathered, or brown reed — Djardal-ya. Creeper, brown tree — Jinni. Cricket, a — Kiddal. Crook, used to pull down the Banksia flowers — Kalga. CRO 128 DATC Crooked — Ngallin ; Gurdin. Crossgrained ; ill-tempered — Yetit yetit. Crow — Corvus coronoides ? Wardang ; Tolyl. Crow, white- vented — Coronaria strepera — Djillak. Crow, species of — Gnota. Crumbs, bits — Gulyang-arra. Crumb, soft inside of anything — Kundyl. Cry, to — Mirang. Cry out, to — Mirow. Cry out, to, loudly — Wanga dtan. Cry out, to, with fear — Gurtangur. Crystal, rock crystal, species of, found to the North — Wirgo ; Tiil, Cuckoo, cuculus — Djudarran. Cuckoo, lesser — D-yular. Cuckoo, bronze — Chalcites ; Gutuban ; Djuritch. Cunning — Daht. Cure, to, by a spell — Walbyn ; Butangur ; Malgarak ; Wir- gojang ; Woynbar. Curled — Gurdin. Cut, to, with a knife — Bohrn. Cut, to, with a native hammer or axe— Kadjat or Karjat ; Deidung. Cylindrical, as a wine bottle — Banbar. D. Damp — Bal-yan. Dance, native— Yallor ; Kaggarak ; D-yoolgyt ; Wirbe ; Yen- ma; Nilge; Yuyltunmitch. Dance, to — Yallorgannow. Dark coloured— Mo-an. Darkness— Myart. Daughter — Gwoy-i'at. Dawn, of morning— Djidar ; Waulu ; Biua. Day, a— Gedala. Daylight— Biryt ; Djidar ; Waulu. Day, to-day — Yy-i, Day before yesterday— Myargyn ; Myragyn. DEA 129 DOW Dead, the — Djanga. — The name appHed by the natives to Europeans. Mallo, same terra used by Aborigiuea to the North. Dead — Wanniga ; Nodytch ; Gwardin (Northern word). Wmatding (N.E, dialect) ; Kainbil ; Ki-in. Decayed, withered — Mandju. Deceit — Barrit. Deceive, to — Gulin. Deception —Barrit. Decoy, to — Kobat kobatanan ; Myatyl. Deep — Mordak. Deep, deep water — Didaral. Depart, to — Gulbang ; Watto kolo ; Gulbat ; Gulut. Departing — Kolbattin. Desire, to ; to direct — Warrang-an. Desirous of — Gurdak. Devil ; evil spirit — Mittagong ; Waugal. Dew — Min-yi ; Jindi ; Barup ; Mammilyar. Diamond-bird ; Pai'dolotus— there are two kinds, Punctatus, and Striatus — Widapwidap. Die, to — Gwardo ; Wanni. Dig, to — Biau. Dig up, to — Dtanbarrang ijow. Diminutive — N-yumap ; Bottyn. Direct, in a straight line — Durgul ; Tolol. Disappointed— Gurdu djul. Displeased — Gurdudjul ; Mulyabin. Distant — Bo-yang ; Urrar. Disturb, to — Igan. Dive, to — Darbow. Diver ; blue-bill, Oxyura Australis — Buatu. Divided, separate — Wallakwallak. Divide to, amongst several persons — Wallak-yong-a. Dog— Durda. Dog, male — Borang. Dog, wild— Durda mokyn ; Yekyn. Dog, wild, tail of, worn by the natives in the head — Dyer. Down, short-hair or feathers — Dju ; Djuo; Jow-yn. DUG 130 EAG Down, low — Borak ; Ngardak ; Ardak ; Ardakat. Downs, of the sea-coast — Ngobar. Downwards— Ngardak ; Ardak ; Ardakat. Drag along, to — Barrang maul kolo. Dread, to — Multchin ; Wyen ; Gudjuuangur, Dream— Welle ; Kundam. Dream, to — Kundam ; Kundam-ngwundow ; Ngwuntungur. Dress, to — Wolaiig ; Wandang. Dried, dried up — Datta; Iiijariujar ; Mandju(applied to trees^ or wood, or animals of any sort when dead ; a mummy would be Mandju). Dried, parched ground — Gulbar. Drill holes, to — Dyunong dtan. Drip, to — Gabbi-gannow. Drive, to — Igan ; Yekan. Drown, to, active verb — Mordakanan. Drowned, to be drowned — Mordakal-ap. Drunk — Yowir. .: Dry, not wet — liar; Injar ; Dalbitch ; Tabitch ? Dry, thirsty — Gabbigurdak, Dry up, to ; make dry — Injaran ; Injaranan. Dry, withered, applied to leaves — Derer. Duck, grey; Anas Novee Hollandise — Ngwonana; N-yuneruk? Duck, mountain — Tadorma ; Guraga. Duck, steamer or musk ; Biziura lobata — Gaddara. Duck-Diver, a, with very small flappers or wings — Buatu. Duck, wood ; Anser — Marang-anna. Duck, white- winged ; Nyroca Australis — Errudu. Duck, shoveller ; Rhynchaspis — Winibin. Duck, large-nosed, blue-winged — Bardunguba. Dung — Konang. Dust — Dalba ; N-yetti. E. Eagle, mountain — Waldja. Eagle, little; Haliseetus Canorus — Jandu. Eagle, short-tailed ; brown; Aquila — Gudap. Eagle, sea ; Halieeetus leucogaster — Ngulor. EAR 131 EXC Ear — Tonga ; Jija (Vasse). Earnest, in earnest — Ngwidam. Earth — Budjor. East, the — Kangal ; Kakui'. Eat, to — Ngannow ; Nalgo ; Nangar ? Echo — Myakowa. Edge, sharp, as of a knife — Nal^io, Effaced, as steps or tracks which are attempted to be fol- lowed out — Il-yan. Effects, personal — Bindart ; Bunarak. Egg — Nurgo ; Bwye. Egg, white of — Nurgo mammango. Egg, yolk of— Nui'go natdjing. Egg, shell, when full — Nurgo imba. Egg, shell, broken, empty — Nurgo bindi. Egg, an, to lay — Ijow ; Nurgo ijow. Egg of lice, or of vermin— Minjin-ing. Eh ?— Kannah. Elbow — Ngayang ; Nogyt ; Ngoy-yur. Elevated — Yira-gan. Embers — Kalla inak. Embrace, to — Wun-gan. Empty — Byl-yur. Emu — Widji ; Wadji ; Kya (North dialect); Nurruk. Emu feathers, ornamental tuft of — Ngalbo; Yanji. Emu wren ; Stipiturus Malachurus — Jh'jil ; Jirjil-ya. Enclose — Eugallang ; Tergur. Enough — Belak ; GyngSk ; Kaa ; Wiak. Entrance — Bunan ; Boyl. Erect, to — Wyerow. Erron eously — Barra. Estuary — Darbal ; Willar. Evening — Garrimbi. Ever— Kal-yagal ; Wattul. Exact — Metjil. Exactly alike, the same — Burbur. Examine, to, in order to recognise — Wundun. Excellent — Belli ; Gwabbalitch. K 2 EXC 132 FEW Exchange, in exchange — Bangal. Exchange, to— Bang-al yong-a ; Yulman yong-a. Excrement — Konang. Excrescence on a tree — Ngudi. Exposed — Barnak ; Baljarra ; Kabbar. Eye— Mel. Eyebrow — Mimbat. Eyelash — Mel-kanbar ; Ming-art ; Kanbigur. Eyelid — Mel nal-yak ; Dok. Eye, outer corner of— Mel naljak. F. Face — Minyt ; Dtamel ; Mulyamel. Faint, to — Yowir gwart ; Pandopen (Northern dialect). Fair, annual — Manjar. Fair, light-coloured — Djitting ; Djitto. Falcon, peregrine ; Falco Melanogenys — Gwetalbar. Fa LI,, to — Dtabbatkolo ; Gwardo. Fall, to, down in a faint — Yowir-gvvart. Fame — Warda. Family or tribe — Matta. Far off — Bu-yang ; Urar. Farther off — Munong. Fasten, to — Yuttarn ; Wulangitch. Fastened up, applied to the hair — Wadju. Fat (grease) — Boyn ; Mon-gor. Fat, stout— Boyngadak ; Ilyn-ngomon ; MongorSl ; Korbuil. Father — Mamman ; Kynkar. Father-in-law — Kan-gun. Fatigued— Mordibang ; Bidibaba. Fear — Darnavan. Fear, to — Mult-chin ; Wyen. Feathers— Idal-ya ; Nornt ; Takil, Feathers, tuft of— Kokul-yang ; Ngower ; Ngalbo ; Jilying. Fern— Karbarra. Festering — Kokanwin. Fetch, to— Gang-ow ; Katte. Few, a — Waugat ; Maow ; Kattin. PIE 133 FLO Fiery, hot — Kallak. Fig, Hottentot, large ; Mesembryanthemum Equilateralis — Kolbogo. Fig, Hottentot, small — Manbibi ; Majerak (Mountain dialect). Fig, leaves of — Kolbogo Mangara. Fight, to — Bakadju ; Tornamagar. Fight, a — Ballajinin ; Bakadjin. Fillet for the head, made of human hair— Wundu. Film, formed over the eye — Barabala. Fin, of a fish — Yirrila. Finch, spotted — Estrilda ; Jiri. Fingers — Marh-ra ; Marh-ragur. Fingers, joint — Marh-ra bottyn. Fire— Kalla. Fire, stick, or brand — Kallamatta. Fire, bright, a — Initch. Firm — Murdoin ; Bal-yata ; Murdubalangur. FiRMA MENT — Gudjy t. First — Gorijat ; Gwadjat ; Gwytchangat. First, part, or commencement of anything — Mul-yak. Fish, a— Bi. Fish, species of — Beper ; Bepil ; Dabardak ; Jinin ; Karduk ; Kumbul ; Mattawit ; Merdelang ; Murdar ; — Nagkan ; Tabadak ? Tuldynang ; T-yundalar ; Walgah ; Warroitch ; Yoiyu, Five — Marh-jinbangga. Fixed — Murduin ; Bal-yata. Flame — Dtallar ; Dtallap. Flat — Ngalbarda ; Yampel. Flea, a— Kolo. Flee, to — Bardanbardo; Ban-nagul (Mountain word); Nom- dukaun. Flesh, muscle — Ilyn. Flesh, of animals fit to be eaten — Dadja ; Marri. Flounder, small fish — Bambi. Flowers : — Anigozanthus, tall, green-flowered — Koroylbardang. Calthamnus sanguineus — Bindak. FLO 134 FOR Cenomice retisporum — Ngangonat. Bauksia, large — Mangyt. Banksia, small — Dubarda. Chorizema cordifolia — Kal-ya. Chrysorhoe nitens — Kotyeningara> Dryandria Fraseri — Budjan ; Butjak. Dryandria species nova — Biuda. Gre villea — Ngutek . Kenn edia — Pulbarn , Kennedia Hardenbergii — Kui'rolo. Myriophyllum — Nuuika. Pattersonia Occidentalis — Komma. Pearsonia — Ngowdik. Nuytsia floribunda — Mutyal. Rhodantlie Manglesii — Ng-yarae Ng-yaming. Hovea pungens — Buyenak. Fly, a — Nurdu. Fly, species of — Tdurtyl ; Kangur ; Kurabuk. Fly, species of horse-fly — Gu-yam gu-yam ; Gu-yalla. Fly, very large species — Wardan. Fly catcher, fan-tailed ; Rhipidura Lathami — Gadjinnak. Fly catcher, yellow-bellied ; Eopsaltria — Bambun. Fly catcher, glossy ; Seisura Volitans — Jittiug-at. Fly catcher, wag-tail ; Muscicapa — Willaring. Fly, to — Bardang, Foam — Dtal-yi ; Narrija. Fog — Dul-ya ; Jindi ; Kulyir. FoLi AGE — Myari. Food, animal — Dadja. Food, vegetable — Maryn. Food, in general — Dadjamaryn. Food, common stock of— Gwineen. Foolish— Balbyt ; Karne ; Yungilbar. Foot— Jinna. FoRci BLY — G widj ar. Fording — Bardangin ; Wayre. Forehead— Yurdo ; Bigytch ; Yimang ; Mekytch. Foreigner — Mogang. FOR 135 FUT Forenoon — Biddurong. Formerly, any time previous — Karamb. Four — Gudjalingudjalin. Fresh — Milgar ; Yy-inang. Friend — Babbin. Friendless — Murutbarna. Friendly — Nagal. Fright, fear— Darnavan. Frighten, to — Darnavan ijovi^. Frog— Wurgyl. Frog, species of — Gudjarra. Frog, species of — Gu-ya. Frog, species of — Djiritmat. Frog, speciesof — Kalgonak ; Kurni ; Tdunjar ; Tuk ; Yuangur. Frost— Kurbon. Froth — Dtal-yi ; Narrija. Frowning —Iringwin. Fruit. The only things like fruit which have been as yet discovered, scarcely deserve the name ; they are By-yu ; Dtulya ; Kolbogo ; Kuruba ; Kamak ; Kwonnart ; Na- man ; which see. Fruitful, having had children — Yulang-idi ; Yulang-ara. Fry, the, of fish — Gulyang-arra. Full, overflowing — Waubatin. Full, satisfied — Murada. Fungus of the white gum, used for tinder — Madap. Fungus, edible — Butogo. Fungus, edible — Dtalyil. Fungus, edible — Bwy-ego. Fungus, edible — Metagong. Fungus, edible — Nogo. Fungus, edible — Numar. Fungus, edible, growing on the ground, of a sweetish taste, red-coloured, and very juicy — Whodo, or Koragong, or Wurdo. Fur — Jow-yn ; Djuo. Future, in future — Mila. GAD 136 GRA G. Gadfly, a species of — Gu-yalla. Gallinule, subst.) Porphyrio — Gullima. Gentl V — B ettik b ettik . Get along with you ! — Watto. Get up, to — Irabin. Get up, arise — Trap. Getting, becoming — Abbin. GiDDT, confused— Waummarap j Yowir. Giddy, foolish— Balbyt. Gill, of a fish — Kanba. Girdle of opossum's hair worn by the natives round the waist — Nulbarn. Girdle of human hair worn round the waist — Niggara. Girl — Mandigara ; Bungarn ; Tdudar. Girl not betrothed — Bungyt. Give, to — Yong-a. Glance off, to— Yilbin. Glass — Boryl ; Irilbarra. Glittering — Bunjat. Glittering as silver — Birrigon. Go, to astray — Barrabart. Go to— Bardo ; Gulbang ; Gulbat ; Gulut ; Murrijo Kolo ; Kolbardo. Go to, on or forward— Kolbang. Go to, on one side — Yallingbardo. Goatsucker — Eurostopodus ; Kalga, Goatsucker, large, or hawk ; Podargus Cuvieri— Gambigorn. Goatsucker, little ; -^gotheles— Darin. Goatsucker, small black ; ^gotheles Albogularis — Ku- kubert. Good— Gwabba. Good, very— Gwabbalitch. Grandchild — Moy-ran. Grandfather — Moy-ran ; Tammin, Grandmother — Moy-ran. Granite, grey — D-yillak. Grass— Bobo ; Jilba. GRA 137 GUM Grass, species of — Bungurt. Grass, young, just springing after burning — Jinatong ; Kundyl. Grasshopper — Jettyl. Grass-tree, Blackboy ; Xanthorea — Balga. Grass-tree, underground — Burarap ; Mimidi. Grass-tree — tough-topped — Barro. Grave, a — Yungar-bogal ; Yal-ya. Graze, to (to glance off) — Yilbin. Grebe, Crested ; Podiceps Cristatus — Kali. Grebe, Little ; Podiceps Nestor (Gould) — Wy-uda. Green (colour) — Girip-girip; Kammadjar; Tdur-dang ; Dur- dong ; Murringmuring. Green (alive), applied to trees— Won-gin. ■ Green Wood — Dal-yar. Grey — Djidal. Greyheaded — Katta-dj idal. Grinding, or pounding — Barrang-yurrar-angwin. Groin, the — Ngilgi ; Ngikil (N.E. dialect). Ground, the — Budjor. Ground, unburned, or ready for burning— Narrik ; Bokyt. • Ground, burned — Nappal; Yanbart. Grow, to — Malaj. Growl, to, as a dog — Nirran. Grub, edible, found in trees — Bardi ; Wulgang. Guard-fish — Yellin. Guilt — Wulgar. Guilty — Wulgargadak. Gull, little; Xema — Djijinak. Gum-tree, flooded ; Eucalyptus — Gulurto. Gum-tree, Red ; Eucalyptus resinifera — Gardan ; Nandap. Gum-tree, Red, flowers of — Numbrid. Gum-tree, White ; Eucalyptus — Wando ; Tuart. Gum-tree, species found near York — Twotta ; Wurak ; Nel- arak ; Nardarak ; Morryl ; Mallat. Gum, edible, of the Hakea— Dulgar ; Tulga. Gum, edible, of the Wattle-ti-ee — Galyang. Gum, edible, of the Mang-art, or Raspberry Jam (Acacia) Menna. GUM 138 HAW Gum, of the Mut-yal (Nuytsia Floribunda, or Cabbage-tree — Modyar. Gum-resin, of the Xanthorea, prepared for use by mixing it with charcoal — Tadibi ; Tutdeba ; Bigo. Gum-resin, of the Xanthorea Arborea — Nallang ; Firing. Gum-resin, of the Tough-topped Xanthorea — Kadjo. Gum, of the Xanthorea flower-stem — Nargal-ya. Gum, of the Red Gum-tree — Nalla. Gun — Widji-bandi. H. Habit (in the habit of) — Malyn. Hair, of the head — Katta mangara. Hair, down of the body — Dju. Half, of anything — Bang-ga ; Karda. Halt — Nannap. Hammer, native — Kadjo. Hand — Marh-ra. Handle, of anything — Matta. Handle, to — Marh-rabarrang ; Barrang-jinnang. Handsome — Gwabbalitch ; Ngwori'yn-ngworryn ; Ngworryn- yang ; Djerrung. Hanging (loose) — Dowalraan ; Dowiri. Happen, to — Eche-na. Hard — Murduin ; Moroyt ; Jadam. Hard (rough) — Battiri ; Burr, Hark ! (listen)— Nah-nah-or ; Allah. Harmless — Manjang. Harsh (rough to the feel, like an unprepared kangaroo-skin) — Battiri. Hatchet — Kadjo. Haunches — Byi. Having (possessing) — Ga-dalj, Haunt, of an animal — Myar. Hawk, Lizard-eating ; leraeidia Berigora — Kargyn. Hawk, species of — Gudjilan ; Bepumer ; Kiilgur. Hawk, Eagle ; Aquila fucosa Cuvieri— Wald-ja. Hawk, Little ; Accipiter torquatus— Jillijilli. HE 189 HON He— Bal. He (himself)— Ballal. Head— Katta. Health — in health — Wan-gin. Heap — Murga. Hear, to — Kattidj. Heart — Gurdu ; Gurt. Hearth, where the ashes of a fire are still remaining — Yurda. Heavy — Gumbar ; Gundip ; Botol-yang (Upper Swan dia- lect) ; Kandalyang ; Ban-yadak, Heel — Ngudang Jinnardo ; Ngardo ; Gurtdun. Hen, Swamp ; Poi'phyrio — GuUima. Hen, Little ; Zapoi'nia — Warraja. Her (Poss. Pronoun) — Balak. Here— Belli belli ; N-yinya ; Nidja ; Nidjak ; Nidjalla ; N-yal ; Inyene ; Tonait ? Here (Come here) — Yual. Hereafter (at some future period) — Mila. Hero — Wardagadak. Hesitate, to — Kattakattak-abbin. Hidden — Kopin. Hide, to— Ballarijow — Dambarijow ; Kopinijow. High — Kokardar ? High up — Yirak ; Yiragan. Hill — Katta ; Warh-ro. Hillock — Bogal ; Warh-ro. Him, to — Buggalo. Hip — Kulgi. Hip-joint — Djul-yyn. His — Buggalong. Hold, to (back any one from fighting) Wungan ; Garraning. Hole — Garrab ; Jit. Holey (full of holes) — Garrabara. Hollow — Garrab. Honest — Ngwidam . Honey — Ngon-yang ; Boyn. Honeysuckle-tree (See Banksia) — Biara. HON 140 ILL HoNEYSUCKER, yellow-winged ; Melliphaga Novse Hollandiae— Bandin. HoNEYSucKER, black-hcaded ; Hsematops lunulatus — Baiiggin. HoNEYSUCKER, yellow ; Ptilotis — Bildjart. HoNEYsucKER, noisy ; Myzantha garrula — Bil-yagorong, HoNEYSUCKER, least ; Acanthorhyneus Superciliosus — Buljit. HoNEYsucKER, white-eared ; Ptilotis—Duranduran. HoNEYSucKER, yellow-eared ; Ptilotis ornata — Miamit. HoNEYSucKER, wliite-breasted ; Glyciphila ocularis — Wyrod- judong. Horn, a (or anything resembling it) — Jingala. HoT_Kallang ; Kallarak. Hottentot fig ; Mesembryanthemum Equilateralis — Kol- bogo. Hottentot fig, small— Manbibi ; Majerak. House — Mya. HovEA puNGENS (a plant) — Bu-yenak. Humpback — Bogal-ngudi. HtrNGRY— Byl-yur ; Bordan-yak Yulap ; Bandyn. Hunt, to (Kangaroo in a party) — Kaabo. Hunting, by moonlight — Mard-angwin. Hurt, to (pain) — Bakkan, Husband— Kardo. Husk— Yimba. I. I— Ngadjo ; Nganya ; Adjo ; Y-jo. (Vasse river.) I WILL— Ngadjul ; Adjul ; Y-jul. (Vasse river.) Ibis ; Nycticorax — Ngalganning. Idle— Mandjalla. If, if I might — Minning. Iguana, the— Yuma. Iguana, long-tailed— Kardara. Iguana, a species of— Yundak ; Manar ; Mekil ; Tjouing ; Wundi. Iguana— Yundung. Iguana, tailless— Bilyap. Iguana, green — Kaldar. Ill— Mindyt ; Ngandyn ; Mendyk ; WaugalSn. IMM 141 JUS Immediately — Ilak ; Gwytch ; Bui-da. Immoveable — Murduin murduin. Implicated as a blood-relative in an offence or quarrel— Wulgar. Improper — Yanbi. Inj within — Bura. In vain — Mordo. Inactive— Mandj alia ; Dtabbak ; Bidi babba. I NCEST — Yarbelli . I NCORRECT — Yanbi . Increase, to — Malaj. Indeed, in very truth — Buudojil ; Kannajil ; Karnayul. Indiscriminately — Bul-yar. Indisposed — Wan-yurdu. Individually — Wallakwallak. Infant— Gudja ; Burdilyap. Inform, to — Barnakvvarrang. Injure, to (wound) — Ngattang. Innocent, not implicated in a quarrel — Jidyt. Insect, species of — Wandona. Interval, or open space between two objects — Wallu. Iron-stone — Malaga, Island — Gurdubudjor ; Bidjigurdu. It — Bal ; Allija. It, that is it — Allija ; Karrakarra ; Karrawa. Itch — Gumburgumbur ; Jipjip. J. Jacksonia-tree ; Jacksonia Sternborgiana — Kapbur. Jacksonia prostrata — Kokadang ; Walyumy. Jealous — Minobin. Jealous, to be — Minob, Jesting — Dtallangyak. Joints, of the fingers — Marh-rabottyn. Joking — Waubbaniranwin ; DtallangySk ; Waubbowin Waubbawangowin. Jump, to — Bardang nginnow ; Tandaban. Just now — Gori ; Gwytch. 142 K. Kangaroo, in general — Yan-gor. Kangaroo, the male — Yowart. Kangaroo, the female — Warru ; Kang-garang-a. Kangaroo, rock — Murorong. Kangaroo, blue ; brush, or silver-grey ; Macropus ceeruleus — Gurh-ra. Kangaroo (small species) — Burdi ; Kwakar ; Woile ? Kangaroo, Macropus elegans — Wurak. Kangaroo, young, which still resorts to its mother's pouch — Ngannip. Kangaroo, sinews used for thread — Gwirak. Kangaroo, Hypsiprymnus GilbertU — Gilgyte. Kennedia, purple creeper ; Kennedia Hardenbergia — Kur- rolo. Kernel of the Zamia nut — Gargoin. Kick, to — G annow. Kidney — Djubo. Kill, to — Dargang-an ; Warbum ; Dagangoon. KiNGiA, species of — Waiyu. KiNGFisHER—Halcyon Sanctus ; Kan-yinnak ; Kandimak. Kiss, to — Bimban ; Nmd-yan, Knee— Bonnit ; Djuto ; Tutamindi. Knee-cap, or knee-pan — Bebal. Knee, kneepan of the Kangaroo — Ngirjyn. Knife, native — Tabba ; Bondjun ; Dappa. Knife, small— Dtarh.ra. Knife, English— Yirriwa. Knoll, a hillock— Warh-ro. Knot— Betan. Knot, a, in wood — Ngudi. Know, to (to understand)— Kattidj. Know, not— Kattidjbru or Kattidjburt. Knowledge of, having— Nagolak. LAK 143 LIF L. Lake — Mulur. Lake, small, or basin— Ngura. Land — Budjoi*, Land, property in — Kallip ; Kallabudjor. Land-breeze — Nandat. Languid — Bidibaba. Large — Ngomon. Lark, antlms — Warrajudong. Lark, scrub ; Calamanthus— Bulordu. Last, the last of anything — Yuttok. Lately — Gori. Laugh, to — Goa; Walgur. Lay, to, anything down ; to lay eggs— Ijow, Layers, of a root ; as of an onion — Mimi. Lazy — MSndjalla ; Dtabbakan ; Yuly. Leaf — Dilbi. Leaf, a dead — Billara ; Derer ; Dwoy-a. Leaf ; dead leaves of the Xanthorea or grass-tree — Min-dar. Lean, thin — Kardidi ; Kotyedak ; Kotyelai'a. Lean, in poor condition ; speaking of game or animals — Werbal (Upper Swan). Leave, to — Wanja. Leave it ; let it alone— Bal. Leave, left behind — Bang-al. Leech, small kind — Bylyi. Leech, large — Ninim. Leg — Bandi ; Matta. Leptospermum, sweet-scented j Leptospermum aagiistifolia — Kuber. Let (let it alone) — Bal. Liberate, to— Yalgaranan. Lie, to ; deceive — Dtal-yili ; Gulin ; Gul-yam ; Bartap, or Burtap ; Partap. Lie down, to — Ngwundow ; Ngera ? Lie (to sleep) — Bidjar ngwundow. Lift up, to — Barrang djinnang. 144 Lift up, to, in order to examine underneath — Billan djinnang. Light (not heavy) adj. — Byang byang ; Biargar ; (Upper Swan). Light, thin (as a covering) — Bargar. Light (sunlight and heat)— Monak. Light (moonhght) — Mikang. Light, of the morning — Waullu ; Bina. Light (daylight) — Biryt. Light (in colour, not dark) — Djitting ; Djitto. Light, to prepare a fire — Dukun. Light, to, as a bird — Gargan ; Gargat. Lightning — Babbangwin ; Gelangin (Upper Swan). Like (similar to) — Mogoin ; Mogin ; Jin. Likely (perhaps)— Gabbyu. Limestone — Dardak ; Djidong (Upper Swan). Line, a straight mark — Bidi durgul. Line, in a right or straight — Wiring. Lips — Dta. Little, short — Gorad ; Bottyn. Little, in quantity — N-yumap. Little while ago— Gori. Liver — Myerri. Living, applied to man or animals — Wining. Living, applied to trees — Won-gin. Lizard — Jinadarra. Lizard, a species not eaten — Wurriji. Lizard, large black— Kardar. Lizard, small species— Kattang-irang ; Jorang. Loins— Dinyt ; Molorn. Loitering— Mandj alia. Lonely— Dombart. Long, tall— Wal-yadi. Long time ago— Gorah. Longing for — Gurdak. Look, to, see — Djinnang ; N-yangow. Look, to, for— Wargat. Look sideways, from the corner of the eye— Nalja. Look carelessly on the ground ; sauntering along— Mud j or o. LOO 145 MID Look ! Look out ; mind — Garro-djin ; Wola. Louse — Kolo. Lover — Gurtgadak. Low, low down — Ngardak; Ngardalj Borak; Ardak; Ardakat. Lungs — Wal-yal. Lying — Barrit ; Gulyaman. M. Magpie, break-of-day bird ; Cracticus Tibicen — Gurbat ; Korbat (Upper Swan). Magpie, Little — By-yu gul-yidi. Mahogany tree ; Eucalyptus robusta — Djarryl. Maid — Bun-garn ; Bun-gyt. Man — Mammarap. Man, married — Kardo. Man, young — Gulambiddi. Man of renown — Wardagadak. Man, old — Bettich. Manna, so called — Dang-yl. Manner, behaviour — Karra • N-hurdo. Many — Bula. Many, so— Winnir. Many, how — Gnaman. Marriage, in the right line of — Wiring. Marrow — Garrap ; Boyn kot-ye-ak. Marry, to — Kardobarrang. Marsh harrier-bird ; Circus — Dil-yurdu. Marten, hirundo — Gabbikallan-gorong. Matter, from a sore — Badjang ; Kundu. Me — Ngan-ya ; Anna. Meddler, one who meddles— Marh-rang. Melt, to, as sugar in water ; Kol-yurang. Membrum Virile — Meda ; Merda. Mend, to a hole — Dtandidin ; Bappigar. Menses — Myerbakkal. Merely— Arda ; Yaga. Meteor — B innar. Mid-day — Mal-yarik. Milk — Gu-ri ; Gu-yi. Mind ! take care — Garrodjin ; Kattidj murdoinan. Mine — Ngan-yalak. Miscarry, to — Waugalan. Miss, to, the aim — Wil-yan. Mist — Dul-ya ; Jindi ; Kulyir. Misty, appearance of approaching rain ; Ngu-yang. Misunderstand, to — Barra-kattidj . Mix, to — Widang ; Weyang. Mock, to ; imitate — Ijan. Moon — Miga ; Miki ; Mimak ; Miak. Moonlight — Mikang. Moon, waxing : — New moon — Werbarang-warri. First quarter — Marangorong. Half-moon — Bang-al. Second quarter — Kabbul. Full moon— Gerradil katti. Moon, waning : — Binabardok. Three quarters — Burno wandat. Half moon — Jidik golang. Quarter moon — Narrat. Monster, fabulous, of the water — Waugal. Its supposed shape is that of a huge winged serpent. More — Ngatti. Morrow ; to-morrow — Binang ; Morh-ragadak ; Morhro- godo; Man-yana. Mosquito— Nido ; Nirrgo. Moss— Nangatta ; N-yula. Mother — Ngangan. Mother-in-law— Man-gat. Motherless— Nganganbru. Mouldy — Min-yudo. Mount, to— Dendang. Mountain — Katta Murdo or Mordo. Mountain duck— Tadorma ; Guraga. Mountaineer, a — Murdong ; Murdongal. Mourning, to go into — Murh-ro nabbow ; Dardak nabbow. Mouse, small burrowing kind, eaten by the natives — Djil-yur. MOU 147 NEE Mouse, species of — Mardo ; Ngulbungur. Mouse, small species — Mandarda. Mouse, large, eaten by the natives — Nuji ; N-yuti (Upper Swan). Mouse, small species, supposed to be marsupial — Djirdowin. Moustaches — Mun-ing. Mouth — Dta. Move, to — Murrijo ; Ennow ; Gulbang ; Kolo. Move, to, slowly along — Yannow. Much, adj. — Bula ; Gnoriuk ? Mucus of the nose — Ngoro. Mud — Nano, Mullet fish — Kalkada ; Ngamiler. Mumbling food— Gulang-in. Muscle of the body — Ilyn. Muscle of the thigh — Yoyt. Muscle, fresh-water — Inbi ; Marel. Mushroom — Yalle. Musk duck, or steamer — Gatdarra. Musk, obtained from the male musk duck, being the oil gland of this bird — Burdi. My — Nganna. N. Nails of the hand — Birri ; Birrigur. Naked — Baljarra ; Bokabart ; Maggo. Name — Kole ; Quele. Nape of the neck — Nan-gar. Narrow — Nulu ; Nund-yang (Upper Swan word). Navel — Bil-yi ; Ngowerit. Navel-string — Nanna. Near— Barduk. Nearer — Yulang. Neck— Wardo. Neck, back of — Bodto. Nectar of flowers — Ngon-yang. Needlessly — Darrajan ; asDarrajan wangow, to talk on need- lessly or incessantly. L2 NEP 148 OH Nkphew — My-ur ; Gotitkar. Nest, birds' — Jidamya ; Jidakalla ; Manga. Nest, white ants' — Molytch. Neutral ; connected by blood with two hostile parties, but not implicated in the quarrels of either— Jidyt. New — Milgar ; Yy-inang. News— Warda. Niece— Gambart. Night — Kumbardang ; Myardak ; Kattik. Nipple of the breast — Bibi mulya. No — Yuada. Noise — Gurdor. Noiseless — Daht ; Gutiguti. Noiselessly — Bettikbettik. NoL-YANG — Gallinula; Nolyang. Nondescript, a ; any indescribable object — Nytbi. Nonsense, no such thing — Yaga. Noon— Mal-y arak . North — Dj erral . Northern people — Welo. Nose — Mulya. Nose bone — Mulyat ; Waylmat. Nostrils— Mul-ya bunan. Not — Bart ; Bru ; Yuada. Nothing — Kyan ; Yuat, Nothing particular — Arda. Now— Yy-i; Wmnirak ; Yy-inang. Now, just now— Gori. Now, at this very time — Winnijinbar (Upper Swan word) ; Wynikanbar (K.G.S. word). Nut, York nut — Marda. Nuthatch ; Sitella Melanocephalus — Gumalbidy t. 0. Off, be off— Watto. Offended — Mul-yabin. Offensive, in smell — Bidjak. Oh !— NSh. OLD 149 PAL Old, aged — Guragor. Old, useless — Windo ; windang. Once — Gyn-yang. Once, at once — Gwytch ; Ilak. One — Gyn ; Dombart. Only, merely, simply — Ai'da ; Yaga. Open, to — Yalgaranan. Open, a clear open space without trees — Waullu. Opening, an — Bunan ; Dta. Openly — Barnak ; Baiidak. Opossum, large grey ; Phalangista Vulpina — Kuraal. Opossum, small, squirrel-like — Ballagar ; Ballawarra ; Ma- dun ; Ballard. Opossum, ring-tailed ; Phalangista Cookii — Ngora. Opossum hair-girdle — Nulbarn. Opossum band for the neck — Bururo. Opossum band worn round the head — Kun-yi. OB^Ka. Orphan — Barnap ; Ngangan-bru. Other, the — Waumma ; Bille. Otherwise — Warba. Our — Ngannilak ; Ngillelung. Outside (out of doors)— Bandak ; Barnak. O V ERF LOWING — Waubatiu. Overturned — Mudjerdo. Owl, White ; Strix Cyclops — Binar. Owl, Barking ; Athena^ — Wulbugli. Owl, Lesser White ; Strix Delicatulus — Yonja. Owl, Small Brown, or Cuckoo ; Strix — Gurgurda ; Gugumit. Ownerless — Barna. Oyster — Notan (K.G.S. dialect). P. Pain, to — Bakkan. Pained (in pain)— Mendyk ; Mindyt. Pair, a — Gurdar. Palatable — Mul-yit mul-yit. Palate of the mouth — Gun-yan. PAP 150 PEO PiJPER-BARK, or Tea-tree, which grows on the banks of rivers, a small species — Kolil ; Mudurda ; Bewel. Paper bark, or Tea-tree, larger kind, growing on swampy plains — Modong . Paper-bark tree, bark of — Mya. Parasite (a plant) — Warrap. Parasite, seed of a species of — Wallang Parched up — Injar-injar. Parched up ground — Gulbar. Parrots, in general — Dammalak. Parrots, a species of — Burnungur ; Djalyup ; Woljarbang. Parrot, Blue-bellied ; Platycercus — Djarrylbardang. Parrot, Twenty-eight ; Platycercus Zonarius — Dowarn. Parrot, Red-breasted ; Platycercus Icterotis — Guddan- guddan. Parrot, Screaming ; Trichoglossus — Kowar. Parrot, Little Ground ; Nanodes Venustus — Gulyidarang- Parrot, Crested ; Nymphicus Novae HoUandise — Wuraling Parrot, Mountain ; Polytehs Melanura — Waukan-ga. Parrot, Variegated Ground ; Pezoporus Formosus — Djul- batta ; Djardong.garri. Part, a, of anything — Bang-ga ; Karda. Parts, in — Mul-mul. Pass, to, on one side — Yallingbart. Pass, to, through or under — Darbow. Passion — Garrang. Path — Bidi; Kungo. Patient (adjective) — Banjar. Peaceable— Nagal. Pear, Native ; Xylomela Occidentalis — Janjin ; Dumbung. Pebbles — Molar. Peep sideways, to — Nalja. Peevish— Yetit yetit. Pelican ; Pelecanus Novse HoUandise — Budtallang ; Nirimba. Pendant — Dowiri-Dowalman ; Marmangur. Penetrate, to — Dtan. Penis ; Membrum virile — Meda ; Merda. People — Yung-ar. PER 151 POW Perceiyk, to — Djinnang. Perhaps — Gabbyn. Perspiration — Ban-ya ; Kungar. Perspire, to — Ban-ya. Pheasant, Colonial — Ngowo. Pick up, to — Djabbun. Piddle, to — Gumbu. Pierce, to — Dtan. Pierce through, to — Waugartdtan. Pio — Maggorong. PiaEON, Bronze-winged ; Columba — Wodta. Pigeon, Blue ; Graucalus — Nulargo. Pinch, to — Binun ; Bettinun. Pinion, outer, of wing — Jill Pit-patting, agitation, fluttering of the heart — Badbadin. Pitching down, lighting as a bird — Gargan-win. Place, to— Ijow. Planet Venus — Julagoling. Plant, to — Niran. Play, to— Waubbow. Pleased, to be — Gurdugwabba. Plenty — Bula ; Murgyl ; Orpin. Plover, Long-legged ; Himantopus — Djanjarak. Plover, Black-fronted ; ^gialitis nigrifrons — Nidul-yorong. Pluck up, to — Maulbarrang ijow. Pluck out feathers, to — Budjan ; Bar-nan ; Bwonegur, Pointed finely— Jillap. Poise, to, a spear, preparatory to throwing — Miran. Pool, of water, in a river — Monong. Pool, of water, in a rock — Ngamar. Porpoise — Warranang. Portion, or part of a thing — Karda. Possessing (having) — Gadak. Posteriors — Byi. Pound, to (beat to powder) — Kol-yui^ng, Pounding roots, the act of — Yudangwinnan. Powerful — Murduin ; Bidimurduin. PR A 152 QUI Praise, to — Yang-anan. Pregnancy — Kobbolak. Pregnancy, early state of — Bun-gallor. Present, adj. — N-yal. Present, to— ^ong-a. Presently — Burda ; BurdSk, (Murray R.) Pretty — Gwabba ; Ngworryn ngworryn. Previously — Gwadjat. Probably — Gabbyn . Proceed, to — Gulbang. Produce, to, as animals having young, or trees, fruit, &c. — Ijow. Proper— Gwabba. Property, personal — Bunarak. Property, personal, of an individual deceased — Bin-dart. Property, landed— Myar ; Kallip ; Kalla budjor. Proud — Wumbubin . PuBES, the — Mando. Pubes, first appearance of, in youth — Quelap. P UBLICL Y — Barnak . Pudenda — Babbalya ; Dardi. Pull, to — Maulbarrang. Purloin, to — Ngagynbarrang. Purposely — Bandak. Pursue, to, on a track — Balgang. Push, to— Gurnu ; Billang ; Billangur. Put, to — Ijow. Put, in order — Gwabbanijow. Put, on a covering — Wolang ; Wandang. Q. Quail, brown ; Coturnix Australis, Gould — Murit. Quail, painted ; Hemipodius Varius — Murolang ; Nani (Upper Swan). Quartz— Borryl ; Bard-ya. Quick, quickly— Yabbra ; Getget ; Wellang ; Welawellang ; Yirakal ; Yurril. QUI 153 RET Quiet, peaceable — Nagal. Qui etlt — Bettikbettik . Quit, to — Wanja. R. Rage — Garrang. Rail, water rail ; Rallus— N-yanni. Rainbow — Walgen ; N-yurdang. Raise up, to — Wyerow. Rapid — Yabbra ; Getget. Rascal— Multchong. Rase, to (to pull down) — YuttobSrrang. Rat, Marsupial species ; Bandicoot — Kundi ; Gwende. Rat, water, species of; Hydromus Leucogaster — Murit-ya ; Ngurju. Rat, kangaroo rat — Wal-yo. Raw— Dal-yar; Tdodak ? Rays of the sun — Nganga Batta. Really, truly — Bundo ; Karnajil ; Karnayul. Red, blood-coloured — Ngubulyar ; Wilgilam. Reed creeper (brown) — Djardalya. Reflect, to — Kattidj. Regardless, careless — Wallarra. Relate, to, to tell — Warrang-an. Related by marriage — Noy-yang. Relati on — Murut. Remain, to ; long in a place — Nginnow. Renown — Warda. Renown, a man of renown— Wardagadak. Residence, place of — Myar. Resin of the Xanthorhea, prepared for use by mixing it with charcoal — Tadibi ; Tutdeba ; Bigo. Resin of Xanthorhea Arborea — Nallang ; Firing. Resin of the tough-topped Xanthorhea — Kadjo. Restrain, to — Wungan. Retaliation, in retaliation — B^ng-al. Retaliate, to — Bang-al buma. Return, to — Garroyual. REV 154 ROO Revenge, to — Bang-al buma. Ribs, the — Ngarral ; Nimyt. Ribs, short, the — Bun-galla. Right, proper — Gwabba. Right arm — Ngunman. Ring, a circle for enclosing game — Murga. Rise, to — Irabin. River — Bilo. Robber — Nagalyang. Robin ; Petroica Multicolor— Guba. Robin, red-crowned ; Petroica Goodenovii — Minijidang. Rock — Bu-yi. Rock, crystal, species of — Wirgo. Rocking — Binbart binbart. Rocky — Buyi billanak. Rogue — Multchong. Roll over, to (active verb) — Billang ; Billangur. Rolling from side to side — Binbart binbart. Roots of plants or trees — Nganga ; Djinnara, or Jinnara ; Wannyl. Roots, decayed — Mandju. s, edible — 1. Haemadorum Spicatura — Bohn. 2. An orchis, like a small potato — DjubSk. 3. Hsemadorum- -DjakSt. 4. Ganno. 5. Gwardyn. 6. a species of rush — Jitta. 7. Jitetgorun. 8. Kogyn. 9. Kuredjigo. 10. a large kind of Bohn— Muii. 11. Hsemadorum Paniculatum- -Madja. 12. MSrang. 13. Nangergun, 14. Ngulya. 15. Resembling Bohn Nguto. ROO 155 SCR Roots, edible — 16. One of the Dioscorese ; a species of yam — Warran. 1 7. Typha angustifolia ; broad-leaf marsh flag — Yan- jidi. Rope — Madji. Rough — Batiri ; Burr. Round about ; on the other side — Wunno. Rub, to, on, or over — Nabbow. Rub together — Yurang yurang. Rubbing, pounding — Barrang yurrarangin. Rump — Byi; Kakam, Run, to — Yugow murrijo. Run away, to — Bardang. Rushes in general — Gurgogo ; Batta. Rush — Thysanotus Fimbriatus ; used by the natives in sew- ing the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks — Batta. S. Salmon — Melak ; Ngarri ; Ngarrilgul, Salt (subst.) — Gal-yarn (Eastern word). Salt (adj.) — Djallara. OAMPHIRE — Mil-yu. Sand, or Sandy land — Go-yarra. Sandhills near the coast — Ngobar. Sandal wood tree ; Sandalum Latifolium — Willarak. Sandy district — Gongan. Sanfoin bird ; Ophthiamura Albifrons — Yaba wilban. Satin bird — Kalgong ; Wanggima. Satisfied— Murada. Save, to — To save the life of any one — Barrang dordak- Snan. Saw- dust — N -y etti. Scab — Djiri. Scar — Barh-ran. Scold, to — Gorang. Scorpion — Karryma ; Konak-marh-ra. Scrape to, the earth — Bian. SCR 156 SHA Scrape a spear, to point it— Garbang ; Jingan. Scraped, pointed — Garbel. Scrapings — N -yetti. Scratch, to — Djirang. Scratch, to, up earth — Bian. Scream, to — Wanga-dan. Sea — Odern ; Mammart. Sea-breeze — Gulamwin. Sea-shore — Walbar. Seaweed — Nula. Seal, the hair ; Phoca — Man-yini. Search, to, for — Wargatta. Seasons — The aborigines reckon six in number. 1. Maggoro ; June and July — Winter. 2. Jilba ; August and September — Spring. 3. Gambarang ; October and November. 4. Bii'ok ; December and January — Summer. 5. Burnuro ; February and March — Autumn. 6. Wun-yarang, or Geran ; April and May. Secret — Ballar ; Kopin. Secrete, to — Ballar ijow ; Kopin ijow. See, to — Djinnang ; N-yang-ow. See, to, obscurely — Ngallarar djinnang. Seed — Nurgo ; Kundyl. Seed vessel of the Banksia — Bi-ytch ; Metjo. Seed vessel of the Eucalyptus, or gum-tree of any sort- Durdip. Seedling-trees — Balgor. Semen — Djidji ; Bema. Separate, to, violently — Jeran. Separated by distance — Bang-al. Separately — Wallakwallak ; Kortda. Serious — Ngwidam. Set, to, as the sun — Dtabbat, Set in order — GwabbSnijow ; Gwabgwabbanijow. Seven — Marh-jin bangga-gudjir gudjal. Shade — Mallo. Shadow — Malliji. SHA 157 SIL Shag, a bird ; Phalacrocorax— Medi. Shake, to — Yurang yurang. Shallow — Danjal ; Ngardyt. Shank — Bandi; Matta. Share, to, or divide amongst several persons — Wallak- yong-a. Shark — Mundo ; Bugor (Leschenault dialect). Shark, species of — Madjit. Sharp, sharp-edged — Ngo-yang. Sharp, pointed — Jillap. Sharpen, to ; to point — Djinganan ; Yijatgur. Shavings — N-yetti. She— Bal. She oak, the — A species of Casuariua — GulH. Shells, sea-shells — Korel; Yukel. Shells, fresh-water shells — Marel ; Yinbi. Shells, egg-shells — Nurgo imba. Shells, pearl oyster — Bedoan. Shield — Wunda. Shining — Bunjat ; Birrikon. Shiver, to, in pieces — Kardatakkan. Shiver, to, with cold or fear — Kui'gin yugow. Shoe, an English — Jiuna nganjo. Short — Gorad ; Gorada. S horten — Goradan . Shoulder — Manga. Shoulder or blade-bone — Djardara. Shout, to, in order to frighten and alarm — Buraburman. Shove, to — Gurnu. Shower, a — Jidi. Shut, to — Didinwanjow ; Notodtan, Shy — Gulumburrin. SiCK—Mendyk ; Ngandyn ; Waugalan ; Mindyt ; Arndin ; Arndinyang (v.). Side, the — Bun-gal ; Narra. Side, on this or that —Belli belli. Side, from side to side — Ngarrak ugarrak. Sidle along, to — Kandi. Si lently — Gutiguti. STL 158 SMO Silly — Balbyt. Silver fish ; silver herring — Colonial name, Didi. Similar to — Mogoin ; Winnarali ; Burbur ; Mogin. Sinew — Gwirak. Sing, to — Yeddigarow. Singing— Malyangwin (North dialect). Single — Dombart. Sink, to, as the sun — Dtabbat. Sister — Djuko. Sister, eldest — Jindam, Sister, middle, younger — Kowat. Sister, youngest — Guloyn. Sister, married sister — Mirak. Sister-in-law — Deni. Sit, to — Nginnow. Skewer — Djunong ; Balbiri ; Djung-o ; Yir. Skilful — Boiloit. Skin, outer covering of anything— Mabo. Skin of an animal — Ngal-yak. Skin of a dog's tail with the fur on — Dy-er. Sky — Gudjyt ; Barrab. Slate stone, species of — Gande. Slay, to — Ballajan. Sleep — Bidjar ; Kopil. Sleep, heavy — Nogoro. Sleep, to — Bidjar ngwundow. Slender — Wyamak ; Wiril. Slight— Wi-yul ; Wu*il. Slippery — Garragar. Slow — Dtabbak. ^ Slowly — B ettikbettik. Sly— Daht. Slyly, noiselessly — Gutiguti. Small — Batdoin ; Bottyn ; N-yumap ; Kardidi. Smear, to— Nabbow ; Yul-yang. Smell — Min-ya. Smell, to (aclive) — Bindang. Smoke— Bu-yu ; Gerik. Smooth— Gun-yak. SNA 159 SPE Snake — Waugal. Snake, species of — Bidjirun-go ; Yurakyn. Snake, species of, small — Ky-argung. Snake, Carpet— Madjinda. Snake, small, white with i-ed bands — Bidjuba. Snake, very venomous — Dubyt ; Kabarda ; Nona ; Noma ; Kwonda. Snake, a kind much liked by the natives — Wan-go. Snake, a species not eaten by the natives — Worri ; Wye. Snapper fish — 'Ijarap, Sneeze, a sneezing — Mul-yaritch. Sneeze, to — Mulyar-ijow. Snore, to — Nurdurang. So MANY — Winnir. Soft, smooth — Gunyak. Softly — Bettik. Sole of the foot— Jinnagabbarn. Son — Mammal. Song— Yeddi; Yetti. Sorcerer — Boyl-yagadak ; Dalgagadak ; Gul-yarri ; KobbE> lo bu-yirgadak ; Yukungadak. Sorcery — Boylya. Sore — Birrga. Sore, a — Birrgyn. Sores, covered with — Birrga bogal. Soul, the — Gurdumit; Noyt ; Wu-yun ; Kadjin ; Kwoyalang ; Kwoggyn ; Kyn-ya ; Waug. Sound, a — Gurdor. South — Bu-yal ; Kanning ; Minang ; Nurdi. South-west wind — Karing. SowTHiSTLE — Waudarak. Sparks of fire— Jitip ; Girijit ; Binitch. Speak, to— WSngow. Speak to, so as to be misunderstood — Barra wan-gow. Spear — Gidji. Spear, glass or quartz-headed — Boryl ; Gidjiboryl. Spear, fishing— Garbel ; Gidjigarbel. Spear, boys' — Djinjing. SPE 160 STE Spear-wood from the hills — Malga ; Wonnar. Spear- WOOD from the south— Burdun. Spear-wood found in swamps — Kubert. Spear, to — Gidjal; Dtan. Speedily — Getget ; Yabbra. Spew, to — Kandang. Spider — Kara. Spill, to — Darang-an, Spin, to twirl round — Gorang. Spindle, a coarse kind used by the natives — Djinjing. Spirit, evil — Jilgi ? Mettagong ; Waugal. Spirit, the ; the soul — Noyt. Spit, to — Narrija gwart. Spittle — Dtalyi ; Narrija. Spleen, the — Maap. Spring, the — Jilba ; Menangal. Spring, flowing, of water — Garjyt ; Gabbi garjyt. Spring, small— Ngirgo (Northern dialect). Sprinkle, to — Yirrbin. Squeeze, to — Binun. Squirrel, grey ; Petaurus Mairarus-— Bellogar. Staff, woman's — Wanna. Stale — Min-yudo. Stampi ng — Narrang. Stand, to — Yugow. Stare, at, to — Wundun. Stars— Mil-y arm ; Ngangar ; Tiendi. Startle, to — Darnavan-ijow ; Nguntburbung. Steadfastly — Met. Steal, to — Quippal ; Ngagynbarrang ; Yurjang ; Ngagyl-ya ; Tapingur. Steal, to, creep on game — Ganna-nginnow ; Ngardang ; Kandi. Stealthily — Gutiguti. Steamer, musk duck ; Biziura lobata — Gatdarra. Steep — Mordak. Steep, to, in water — N-yogulang. Step, to tread — Gannow. STE 161 STR Step, to, on one side to avoid a spear or a blow — Gwelgan- now ; Quelkan (Upper Swan). Stick, a, any piece of wood— Gar ba. Sticks — 1. The throwing stick— D-yuna ; Dowak; Walga ; Juwul. 2. Woman's stick or staff — Wanna. 3. Crook for pulling down the Banksia flowers — Kalga. 4. Stick or skewer for fastening the cloak— Balbir Bindi. 5. Peeled, ornamental stick, worn in the head at a Corroberry, by the dancers — Inji; Marromarro ; Jingala. Stick, to, to stick half way ; to get jammed — Ngarran. Stiffened, benumbed — Nan-yar. Still, yet — Yalga. Still, to, the wind by enchantment — Kalbyn. Stingray fish — Bamba. Stingy — Guning ; N-yelingur. Stinking— Bidjak. Stirring up — Yurirangwin. Stolen, Ngagyn. Stomach, Kobbalo. Stone — Bu-yi. Stony — Bu yi billanak. Stoop, to— Darbow. Stop ! — Nannap. Stop up, to— Didin ; Dtandidin. Stopped, or staid behind — Bang-al. TOUT — Boyn-gadak ; Ilyn ngomon. Straight, in a direct line — Wiring; Durgul ; Tolol ; Kange; Yungitch. Straight, upright — Wyamak. Stra nge — Mogang. Stranger — Wui-rar bo-yang ; Yy-inang ; Mogang. Stranger, not related — Nanning. Stray, anything found without an owner — Barna. Straying, having lost one's road— Waummarabbin. M STR 16i SWE Stream, a — Bilo ; Garjyt. Strike, to — Buma. Strike, to, so as to stun or kill — Dar-gang. String — Madji. String of a bag— Ngwonna ; Nalba. Strong — Murduin ; Bidi mui'duin. Strongly — Gwidjar. Strutting — Wumbubin. Stuck in — Nuugurdul. Stun, to — Dargangan. Stunted — Gorad ; Gorada. Sufficient — Gyn-yak ; Bel-lak. Sugar — Ngon-yang ; this, which is the name of a saccharine juice, exuding from the red gum-tree, is applied to sugar, on account of its sweetness. Sulky — Mul-yabin. Summer — Birok. Sun — Nganga ; Batta ; Djaat. Sunbeams — Batta mandu ; Nganga batta. Sun-set, time of — Garrirabi. Sun, shine and heat — Monak. Superfluously — Darrajan ; as Darrajan Yong-a ; to giA'e more than is expected. Superior (adj.) — Belli. Surround, to— Engallang ; Tergur. Swallow, of the throat — Guuidi. Swallow, to — Ngannow. Swallow ; Hirundo — Kannamit ; Budibring. (Upper Swan.) Swallow, wood; Ocypterus Albovittatus — Biwoen. Swallow, white-throated ; Hirundo — Budibudi. Swallow, sea ; Tern — Kaljirgang. Swamp — Bura ; Mulyin ; Yalgor ; Gotyn. Swamp, hen — Porphyrio ; GuUima. Swamp, little — Zapornia ; Warraja. Swan, black — Kuljak ; Guroyl ; Mal-yi ; Mele. Sw eat — Ban-ya. Sweat, to — Ban-ya. Sweep, to — Barnang; Kaling. SWE 163 THE Sweet — Mul-yit mul-yit. Swim, to — Kowangow? Kowanyang. Swoon, to — Yowirgwart ; Pandopen. (Northern dialect.) T. Tadpole — Gobul. Tail — Moro ; Nindi. Tail, skin of wild dog's — Dyer. Take, to — Gang-ow. Take off, to — Bil-yan. Take by force, to — Yurjang. Take up, to — Djabbun. Take in the hand — Barrang. Take care, look out — Garrodjin. Talk, to — Wangow. Tall — Wal-yadi ; Urri. Tattoo, to, with scars — Born ; Ngambaru born. Tattooing, marks of — Ngambarn. Tea-tree, small sort growing in low grounds — Kolil. Tea-tree, of which the spears ai'e made — Kubert ; Wunnara. Tea-tree, large sort growing on the open grounds — Modong. Tea-tree, species of — Mudurdu ; Djubarda. Teal ; Anas — Ngwol-yinaggirang. Tear, to — Jeran. Tear — Mingal-ya ; Mingal ; Min-yang. (Mm-ray River.) Tease, to — Yetit yetitan. Teasing, the act of teasing — Dtallang-yak. Teeth — Nalgo. Teeth, of the upper jaw — Ngardak-yugowin. Teeth, of the lower jaw — Ira-yugowiu. Tell, to — Warrang-an. Temples, the — Yaba. Terrify, to — Darnavan ijow. Terror— Darnavan. Testicles— Yadjo ; Yoytch. (Mountain dialect.) That — Alia ; N-yagga ; Yalla. That very thing — Yallabel. Their— Balgunak ; BuUallelang. M 2 THE 164 TIM Them — Balgup. Then — Garro. There — Bokojo ; Yallala ; Bungo. These— Nin-ya nin-ya. They — Balgun ; BuUalel. They, two {dual) — Brothers and sisters, or friends — Bula, They, two {dual) — Parent and child ; uncle and nephew, or niece — Bulala. They, two (rfua/)— Husband and wife — Bulen. Thief — Nagal-yang ; Ngagyl-yang. Thieve, to — Ngagylya. Thigh— Dtowal. Thix — Kardidi ; Kot-yelara ; Widing ; Wi-yul ; Kotyedak ; Batdoin. Thine — N-gunallang ; N-yunal^k. Thirsty — Gabbigurdak. This— Nidja. This way, this side — Bellibelli ; Wunno. ' Thistle, sow-thistle — Waudarak. Thou— Nginni. Thou {interrogatively) — N-yndu ; N-yundul. Three — Warh-rang ; Mardyn. (North dialect.)— Murtden. Throat, neck— Wardo. Through, pierced through — Waugart. Throw, to — Gwardo ; Gwart ; Wonnang. Throw, to, the spear — Gidjigwart. Throw, to, off- Bil-yan. THROwiNG-board for the spear — Miro. Thrush, grey ; CoUuricincla — Gudilang. Thrush, yellow-bellied ; Pachycephala gutturalis — Pidilmi- Thunder — MalgSr. Thunder, to — Kundarnangur. Thunder, to sound like— Edabungur. Thus — Wunnoitch ; Wuling. Tickle, to — Djubodtan. TIR 165 TWO Tired — Bidibaba. Tiresome— Karradjul j Yetit yetit. To-day— Yyi. Toes, large toe — Ngangan ; Jinamamman. Toes, small — Gulaiig gara. Together— Danjo ; Indat. To-morrow — Binang ; Morh-rogodo ; Morh-ragadak ; Man- yaua. Tongue — DtallSlng ; Dtakundyl. Toi' of anything— Katta. TorsY-TURVY — Mudjiirdo. Tortoise— Bu-yi ; Ng-yakyn ; Yagyn ; Kilung. Track — Balgang ; Kungo. Track, recent, of an animal — Warda. Trackless — Tdurtin. Traveller — A pei-son constantly on the move— Jinning-Sk. Tread, to — Gannow. Tree — Buruu. Troublesome — Karradjul. Trowsers— Matta boka. Truly, or true — Bundo ; Kamajil ; Kamayul ; Minam. TuKT, ornamental, of emu feathei*s — Ngalbo ; YSnji. Tuft, ornamental, of cockatoo feathers — Ngower. Turkey, see Bustard — Bibil-yer; Bui*abur. Turn to, or spin anything round — Gorang ; Gorang-&n&n. Turn over, to, for the purpose of examinmg underneath — Billang djinn^g. Turtle, sea, long-necked ; Chelodinia longicollis — Bu-yi. Turtle, snake-necked freshwater — Yagyn. Twilight, evening — Ngallanang. Twilight, morning — WauUu. Twirl, to, round — Gorang-anan. Two — Gudjal ; Gurdar. Two, we (dual) — Parent and child — Ngala. Two, we {dual) — Brother and sister, or two friends — Ngalli. Two, we (dual) — Husband and wife — Ngannik. Two, we (dual) — Bi'othei*s-in-law — Ngannama. TWO 1 66 VAI ^_ Two, ye {dual) — Man and wife — Nubin. Two, they {dual) — Brothers and sisters, or friends — Bula. Two, they {dual) — Parent and child ; uncle and nephew, or niece — Bulala. Two, they {dual) — Husband and wife — Bulen. U. Unable, from any cause to do what may be required — Mor- dibang. Unanimous — Gurdu gyn-yul. Uncle — Kangun. Unconnected, unrelated — Nanning. Uncooked meat — Dal-yar. Uncovered — Baljarra. Underneath — Yendun. Understand, to — Kattidj. Understand, not to — Kattidjburt ; Kaddung. Uneven — Dardun ; Bulgangar. Unfasten, to — Began. Ungainly — Wal-yadi. Unintelligible — .Bilgitti. Unintentionally — Balluk. Unknown, strange — Mogang ; Bo-yang. Unloose, to — Bil-yan ; Began. Unlucky in the chase — Marralak ; Mallaluk. Unsteady — Binbart binbart ; Ngarrak ngarrak. Unwell— Mendyk ; Ngandyn ; Bidibabba ; Mindyt. Up, upwards — Irak. Up, get up — Irap. Upright — Ira. Upside down — MudjSrdo. Us — Ngannil. Used to — Malyn. Useless — Djul ; Windo ; Windang. V. Vain, proud— Wumbubin. Vain, in vain — Murdo. VAL 167 Valley, a — Wedin ; Burdak. Varnish, to, with gum — Yul-yang. Vegetable food — Maryn. Vegetation — Jilba ; Bobo. Vein— Bidi. Venus, the planet — Julagoling. Vermin— Kolo. yERY, superlalive affix — Jil ; as Gwabba, good; Gwabbajil, very good. Voice— Kowa % Mya. Void, to, the excrement — Konang ; Koua ; Nujan. Vomit, to — Kandang. W. Walk, to — Ennow ; Yannow ; Murrijo. Walloby — Ban-gap. Wander, to, from the right road — Bai'rabart. Warbler reed ; Salicaria — Gurjigurji. Warbler, spotted, winged ; Sericornis frontalis — Gii'gal. Warm — Kallak ; Kallarak. Warm, applied to water — Kallang ; Gabbikallang, wai'm water. Waste, a ; baiTen land utterly destitute of vegetation— Bat- tardal. Wasted, thin— Wiyul ; Batdoin ; Bottyn. Water— Gabbi ; Kypbi ; Kowin ; Yeraat ; Djam ; Djow ; Badto. Water, fresh — Gabbidjikap ; Gabbigarjj't. Water, salt, in lakes and rivers — Gabbikarning. Water, salt, of the sea — Gabbiodern. Water, running — Gabbikolo ; Gabbytch. Water, standing in a pool — Gabbi vvarri. Water, standing in a well — Gnura. Water, standing in a rock — Gnamar. Water, to make — Gumbu. Waterfowl, species of— Wakurin ; Winin ; Yaet. Wattle bird; Anthochsera Lewinii — Djang-gang. Wattle tree — Galyang. WAN 168 WHO Wandunu, a species of insect — Wandunu. Wave of the sea — Ngy-anga. Way, a path — Bidi; Kungo. Way, this way — Wunno. We — Ngannil ; Ngalata ; Ngillel. We two {dual) between husband and wife — Ngannik. We two {dual) between parent and child — Ngalla. We two (dual) bi'other and sister, or two friends — Ngalli. We two (dual) brothers-in-law — Ngannaraa. Weak — Babba ; Bidibabba. Wear, to, or carry on the back — Wandang. Weasel; colonially, native cat — Dasyurus Maugei ; Barrajit. Weather, fine, sunny — Monak. Weather, clear, calm — Budulu. Weighty — Gumbar ; Gundipgundip ; Botol-yang ; Kandal- yang ; Banyadak. Well, good — Gwabba. Well in health — Wan-gen. Well, recovered from sickness — Barr-ab-ara ; Dordak. Well of water, native — Gnura. Well-behaved — Karra gwabba. West— Urdal ; Winnagal (Mountain dialect). Wet— Bal-yan ; Yalyet ; Yalyuret. Whale, a — Miraang-a. What — Nait ; Yan. Where— Winjalla ; Winji. Wherefore — Naitjak. Whinstone, species of — Gagalyang ; Kadjor. Whirl, to, i*ound — Goranganan. Whirlwind— Warh-ral ; Monno. Whistle, to — Wardyl. White— Wilban ; Dalbada ; Djidal ; Djundal. White of an egg — Mammango. Whither — Winji. Who — Ngan ; Nganni ; Ngando ; Indi. Who will ?— Ngandul. Whole— Mundang ; Bandang. Whose — Ngannong ; Enung. WHY 169 WOM Why — Naitjak. Wide — Gabbar. Widow — Yinang. Widower — Yinang. Wife — Kardo. Wild, desolate — Battardal. Will yon ? — N-yundu ; N-yundul. WiLYU— (Edicnemus longipennis ; Wilyu. Wind — Mar. Wind, north — Birunna. Wind, north-west — Durga ; Dtallajar. Wind, south — Wiriti. Wind, south-east — Wirrit ; D-yedtk. Wind, south-west — Karring. Wind, east— Nandat ; Nangalar. Wind, west — Durga. Wind, sea-breeze— Gulamwin. Wind, land-wind — Nandat. Windpipe — Dtagat ; Mungurdur. Wing — Kanba. Wing, outer pinion of — Jili. Wink, to — Butak-butak. Winter — Maggoro. Witchcraft — Boyl-ya. Withered, dried up ; applied to wood or animals when dead — Mandju. Withered; applied to leaves — Derer. Within — Bura. Without, wanting anything — Bru ; as Boka bru, without a cloak. Wittingly — Bandak. Wive, to ; steal a wife — Kardo barrang. Wizard — Boyl-ya-gadak. Woman — Yago. Woman, unmarried, or one who has attained the age of puberty — Kung-gur. Woman who has not had children — Mandigara. Woman who has had children — Yulang-idi ; Yulang-ara. WOM 1 70 YEL Womb — Dumbu. Wonder, to — Wundun. Wood — Burnu. Wood, well seasoned — Mandju. Wooded, covered with trees — Maudon. Word — Warryn. Worms bred in sores — Ninat. Worms, intestinal — Ninat. Worn out— Windo ; Windang. Wound, to — Ngattang. Wounded badly — Birrga ; Bilo bangga. Wounded mortally— Kal la dtannaga. Wren, emu ; Stipiturus Malachurus — Jirjil-ya. Wren, ash-coloured; Georygone culicivorus ?— Warrylbardang. Wren, short-billed ; Gerygone brevirostris — Giaterbat. Wren, brown-tailed ; Acanthiza Tiemenensis— Djulbidjul- bang. Wren, yellow-tailed ; Acanthiza Chrysorrhoea— Jida. Wrist— Mardyl. Wrong, wrongly — Barra. X. Xanthorrh^a ; colonially, grass-tree or black boy. Xantiiorrh^a arborea— Balga. Xanthorrh^ea arborea, species of — Ballak ; Galgoyl ; Yango ; Tdudtin. Xanthorrh^a arborea, tough-topped — Barro. Xanthorrh^a arborea, undei'ground — Bui'arap'; Mimidi. Xanthorrh^ea, leaves of — Mindar. Xanthorrh^a, stem of the flower — Waljap. Y. Yawn, to— Dtawang. Ye — N-jTirang. Ye two, brother and sister, parent and child— Nyubal. Ye two, man and wife — Nyubin. Yellow — Yundo. Yellow, bright yellow— Kallama. Yellow, dark yellow— Ngilat. YES 171 ZAM Yes — I-i ; projecting the chin forward, and keeping the mouth nearly shut, when uttering this guttural sound— Kwa; Ky; Koa; Kya. Yesterday — Marh-rok. Yet — Yalga. Yolk of an egg— Natdjing. You — N-yurang. You will — N-yundu ; N-jTindul. Young — Yyinang. YouNO of anything— Nuha ; Nopyn (Mountain word). Younger (middle) sister — Kowat, Younger (middle) brother — Kardijit ; Kardang. Yours — Ngunallang; N-yurangak ; N-yunalak. Youth, young man — Gulambiddi. Z. Zamia tree ; Encephalartos Spiralis — Djiriji. Zamia tree, species of, growing near the coast — KundSgor. Zamia tree, fruit of— By-yu ; Tdongan. Zamia tree, stone of— Gargoin. Zamia tree, kernel of — D-yundo ; Wida. Zamia tree, nut of, a species of— Kwinin. 1«ND0S s BRADBURY AND P.VANS, PRINTERS, WIHTBFaXARS. ^ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWE LOAN DEPT. J This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 3lOct'58Wj REC'D LP NOV to 1958 APR 2 1060 9 RECEJvrn *^1«^*".-TI',JN' i^xum^i^f MAY 1 9 1970 05 REC'D LD JUN 870 -3PM 1 9 biossl /^3 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Vi