9AoA UC-NRLF $B 2T 5D1 YC 16383 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/addisonshymnOOaddirich ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, LATIN LYRICS. WINTER SPEECHES. 1851, I ADDISON'S HYMN. When all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys ; Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise. O how shall words with equal warmth The gratitude declare. That glows within my ravish'd heart ? But Thou canst read it there. Thy providence my life sustain'd, And all my wants redrest. When in the silent womb I lay, And hung upon the breast. To all my weak complaints and cries, Thy mercy lent an ear. Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learnt To form themselves in pray'r. Unnumber'd comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestow'd. Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flow'd. When in the slipp'ry paths of youth With heedless steps I ran. Thine arm unseen convey'd me safe. And led me up to man. IDEM LATINE REDDITUM. ; ^ 5^/ Te Creatorem, Genitor, Tuaeque Mens inexpletum meditata dextras Dona, nequicquam stupet insolent! Concita motu. Quae Tibi voces satis adfluentes Promerent laudem meritam, sub alto Corde flagrantem, nisi Tu vel intus Omnia nosses ? Provida infantem Tua sublevabant Numina, et fotum gremio benigna Mente curasti, vel adhuc latentem Matris in alvo. Ante quam mutiE didicere voces Exprimi blanda prece, Tu secundam Leniter moestis, Pater, annuisti Questibus aurem. Munerum dotes animo ter amplas Cura felici dedit alma, necdum Conscio quisnam fuerit bonorum Providus auctor. Me parum cautis temere insequentem Passlbus cursum indocilis juventse, Dextra ad aetatem bene certa duxit Usque virilem, iwS675J3 Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths, It gently clear'd my way. And through the pleasing snares of vice. More to be fear'd than they. When worn with sickness, oft hast Thou With health renewM my face, And when in sins and sorrows sunk. Revived my soul with grace. Thy bounteous hand with worldly bliss Has made my cup run o'er. And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my store. Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ : Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. Through every period of my life Thy goodness I'll pursue ; And after death in distant worlds The glorious theme renew. When nature fails, and day and night Divide thy works no more. My ever-grateful heart, O Lord, Thy mercy shall adore. Through all eternity to Thee A joyful song I'll raise. For, oh ! eternity's too short To utter all thy praise. Sive lucentem pedibus parasti Tramitem cjecas per acuta mortis, Seu per obstantes laqueos, vagaeque Retia fraudis. Tu laborantem made genarum Flore formoso recreas, et arctis Spem mihi vinclis scelerum illigato, Alme ! dedisti. Munerum dives Tua sat superque Dextra abundantem pateram coronat, Insuper gazas cumulans amico Fausta fideli. Mille donorum mihi ter quaterque Promovent gratam sine fine laudem, et Quo nihil majus, Tua posse laetum Sumere dona. Saeculum vitae meritis per omne Prosequar curam numeris benignam ; Te per amotos, fugiente vita, Prosequar orbes. Turn simul noctes, vice cum diurna, Desinent notes statuisse fines, Vota persolvam pia, Te, Tuumque Numen adorans. Te, Deus ! versu recinam canoro, Te per annorum seriem perennem, S^cla si possint Tibi sempiterna Dicere laudes. W. W. CArEs. HYMNUS. AD CREATOREM. Te, Deus, multa prece mens, Tuumque Prosequens numen stupet, atque miro Turbidum visu trepidans, potentem Laudat, amatque. Unde vox adsit mihi digna grati Cordis occultos aperire fontes ? Tu tamen, Tu scis aiiimos, raeumque Noscis amorem. Providus vitam mihi Tu dedisti, Sive me includens uterus tenebat, Sive pendentem gremio benignus Respicis Auctor. Fletibus primum, Pater, annuisti. Ante quam sanctas didicisset artes Mens, quibus sciret minus impotenteiu Fingere questum. Tu salutem, — et, si puero quid olim Adfuit grati, Tua cura fudit, Nescium quamvis fugeret beati Fontis origo. Mox ubi incertis pedibus juventae Semitas fidens nimium premebam, Caeca firmavit, titubante gressu, Dextera plantam ; Ilia per luctus, et amara vitae Expedit captum laqueis dolosis, Prava quos oftert metui Voluptas Dignior illis. Saepe confecto macie suprema Reddidit notos inopina vultus Gratia, et luctu vitiisque niersum Alma refecit. Gaudiis longura mea, Te ministro. Plena jam spumat patera ; atque dextra Duplicat gazas, mihi qu^e fidelem PraBStet amicum. Mille Tu donis, pretiosus emptor, Postulas laudem, et, potiora cunctis. Integrum donas animum, fruique Posse paratis. Cantibus queis Te juvenis solebam Prosequor tandem senior, nee unquam Ipsa mors ob^tans prohibebit altum Tollere carmen. Concidet mundus ; tenebrse diesque Desinent horis posuisse metas ; Desinet nunquam Tibi cor perennes Reddere honores. Ergo in aeternum meritas referre Sit mihi grates, mihi nam que vitae Cursus aeternae brevior volenti Dicere laudes. H.W.LORD. PROLUSIONES LITERARIJl. r 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. VIBRXW' USE o«?t aa^«SB \ REC'D LD OCT 22 1959 i ^y^gT^tai^ Univ^^^lS^ni, GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER '^- Manu/aalund by 1 GAYLORD BROS. Inc. \ Syracuce, N. Y. Stockton, CaliF.