.: .;,;..,.:;..;.,, ';V.;:\ „;.,'.« nllllllH II I i SCIENCE 6>*3 l n t k IT y. ,L^_ }4^ THE LIBRARY OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE. PROSPECTUS. Some degree of truth has been admitted In the charge not unfrequently brought against the English, that they are assiduous rather than solid readers. They give themselves too much to the lighter forms of literature. Technical Science is almost ex- clusively restricted to its professed votaries, and, but for some of the Quarterlies and Monthlies, very little solid matter would come within the reach of the general public. But the circulation enjoyed by many of these very periodicals, and the increase of the scientific journals, may he taken for sufficient proof that a taste for more serious subjects of study is now growing. [ndeed there is good reason to believe that if trictly scientific subjects are not more universally cultivated, it is mainly they are not rendered more accessible to bhe people. Such themes are treated either too elaborately, or in Forbidding a style, or else brought out in too costly a form to be easily available to .ill classes. 'Ih" splendid conquests of Modern Science in ■. try branch of human knowledge are moreover, as a rule, scattered over a multiplicity of monographs, essays, memoirs, and special works of all sorts. Except in the Encyclopaedias, their varied results are nowhere to be found, so to say, under one cover, and even in these unwieldy compilations they are necessarily handled more summarily than is always desirable. "With the view of remedying this manifold and increasing inconvenience, we are glad to be able to take advantage of a comprehensive project recently set on foot in France, emphatically the land of Popular Science. The well-known publishers, MM. Keinwald & Co., have made satisfactory arrangements with some of the leading savants of that country to supply an exhaustive 3 of works on each and all of the sciences of the daj', treated in a style at once lucid, popular, and strictly methodic. The names of MM. P. Eroca, Secretary of the Societe d' Anthropologic ; Ch. Martins, Montpellier University ; C. Vogt, University of Geneva ; G. de Mortillet, Museum of Saint Ger- main ; A. Guillemin, author of " Ciel " and " Phenomenes de la Physique;" A. Hovelacque, editor of the " Eevue de Linguis- tique;" Dr. Dally, Dr. Letourneau, and many others, whose co- operation has already been secured, are a guarantee that their respective subjects will receive thorough treatment, and will in all cases be written up to the very latest discoveries, and kept in every respect fully abreast of the times. We have, on our part, been fortunate in making such further arrangements with some of the best writers and recognised authorities here, as will enable us to present the series in a thoroughly English dress to the reading public of this country. Tn so doing we feel convinced that we are taking the best means of supplying a want that has long been deeply felt. The volumes in actual course of execution, or contemplated, will embrace sucli subjects as : Anthropology, Biology, Science- of Language, Comparative Mythology, Astronomy, Prehistoric Archaeology, Ethnography, Geology, Hygiene, Political Economy, Physical and Commercial Geography, Philosoplrv, Architecture, Chemistry, Education, General Anatomy, Zoology, Botany, Meteorology, History, Finance, Mechanics, Statistics, &c. &c. All the volumes, while complete and so far independent in themselves, will be of uniform appearance, slightly varying, according to the nature of the subject, in bulk and in price. The present volume, on the Science of Language, with which the English series is introduced, and which will be immp.din.tely followed by others on Biology and Anthropology, may be accepted as a fair sample of the style and execution of these works. "When finished they will form a complete collection op standard works op reference on all the physical and mental sciences, thus fully justifying the general title chosen for the scries — " Library op Contemporary Science." CHAPMAN AND HALL. 193, Piccadilly, W., Hay loth, 1877. LIBRARY OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE. Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE LINGUISTICS, PHILOLOGY, ETYMOLOGY. ABEL HOVELACQUE. TRANSLATED BY A. H. KEANE, B.A., AUTHOR OF 1 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, " " GERMAN INFLEXION." "FRENCH ACCENTS.' X'onboit : CHAPMAN AM) BALL, L93, PICCADILLY. 1877. CHARLES DICKENS AND EVANS, CRYSTAL PAT.ACE PRESS. T ■ tARY LMvr';- . , of California' SAM A BARBARA THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. To the last years of the eighteenth century was reserved the privilege of giving hirth to the true methods of scientific research. The undertaking was immense; but the men by whom it was attempted were fully equal to the task. The Encyclopedists led the way in the new era by introducing the modern system of experimental science. The methodic spirit recast the processes of research and of instruction hitherto pursued, while mathematics, chemistry, the physical sciences, broke at last, once for all, with metaphysics. The Science of Language, to which this volume is devoted. is neither the least important nor the Leasl interesting of con- temporary sciences. Our purpose is to show its real place in the natural history of man. And at the very outset we shall Lave- to define its scope and nature. The most delicate questions . . f are daily discussed and solved by persons ignoranl alike of ite objecl and of it- method. This, however, is hut the general fate of all the natural sciences. The lack of deep 3 tudy, based on experience, is supplied by assertions of a purely timental character. It is thus that we constantly hear people boldly proclaiming themselves polygenista or monogenists, friends v i AUTHOR'S PREFACE. or foes of the doctrine of evolution, without having ever set foot in an anthropological museum. We shall not seek to shirk the question of the origin of speech, which is in itself a purely anthropological one. With- out troubling ourselves with the fancies it has given rise to, we shall treat it solely on the standpoint of natural history — that is to say, of anatomy and physiology. Articulate speech is a natural fact, subject, like all others, to free and unpre- judiced inquiry ; hence there is nothing rash in attempting to broach the question of its origin. To put it aside under the pretext that all inquiry into "first origins" must be proscribed, is of itself an admission of the possibility of these hrst causes. Avhich mathematics and chemistry themselves have amply vindi- cated. By the side of questions purely philological, we have here and there, though sparingly, introduced certain linguistic matters directly connected with them. We have more readily discussed some points of linguistic ethnography, though in a very incom- plete manner, with the intention of returning to the subject. Even the strictly philological questions themselves, the nature and aim of this series has compelled us to treat in a very cursory way, and it is to be hoped that the reader will make allowance for this difficulty. In conclusion, we may lie permitted to express our thanks to MM. Picot and Vinson for then- co-operation in the work. To them we are much indebted for notes, information, and. above all, for their safe and methodical suggestions. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. Casting about for a suitable title to his " Introduction a l'Etude de la Science du Langage," Domenico Pozzi asks almost in despair: "How, then, shall we name it! Linguistics with many French writers, or G-lottics and < llottology with some Germans'?" And after, on various grounds, rejecting these and other still more incongruous terms, he ends by adopting the expression, •■ Science of Language." Vet it is obvious that, after all, this is rather an explanation of a title than a title in the strict 5ense thai botany or zoology are titles. It tells us in so many wli.it this particular branch of knowledge is, describing it as a science, dealing with language as Its subject matter. Still the expression has been sanctioned by the authority of some great names, and is, on the whole, the best thai has been yet suggested. In the absence of any better equivalent for the German term " Sprachwissenschaft," it will probably continue to hold its -round, and has been accordingly adopted as the title of this English edition of M. Hovelacque's work. It has the advantage of being sufficiently general without being vague, and of being perfectly intelligible without committing us to any i no di'jhi consideration in the present state of tli'- viii TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. The distinguished Author belongs to the advanced school of anthropologists, and as such, of course, treats language as strictly and exclusively a physical science. Many of his views will, doubtless, fail to meet with universal acceptance, while it must be confessed that some of his conclusions are utterly unwarranted, at least in the present state of our knowledge. This is par- ticularly true of his argument for the original plurality of the human race, based upon the assumed original plurality of human speech. (Ch. vi. § 2, pp. 304-7.) In the actual state of the science, philology can no more prove the primeval diversity than it can the primeval unity of articrdate speech itself ; and until this point is settled, it can tell us absolutely nothing about tin; original unity or plurality of mankind. But, although this and one or two collateral questions are really foreign t< ■ the subject, the Translator did not on that account consider himself justified in tampering with the text. The preferable course in all such cases seemed to be to let the Author set forth his own views in his own way, and then, where desirable, point out their fallacies, and warn the reader against their illogical nature. All such comments, as well as all other supplementary matter, for which the Translator alone is re- sponsible, will he found either in special notes or interspersed. in square am! round brackets, throughout the work. With the view of rendering it, as far as possible, a complete handbook of the subject, he has also supplied an Appendix, illustrated by a philological map, presenting, so to say, a birdseye view of all known languages, living and dead, and thus forming a clearly tabulated summary of it< varied contents. Some thought has also been given to the important matter of the spelling of foreign names. It would, of course, be hopeless TRANSLATOR'S PEEFACE. ix to look for uniformity amidst the chaos at present prevailing amongst English writers. But we may still aim at least at consistency, and avoid the absurdities of those who at one moment somewhat ostentatiously write Kimon for Cimon, and the very next give us Thucydides for Thukydides. Besides this modest virtue of consistency, the Translator has further endea- voured to be correct, in all cases giving preference to what he considered the better forms, where two or more were in current use. Thus it is that he writes Kafir, not Kaffir, the / not being doubled in the Arabic Jf = Kafir = infidel. So also u long- everywhere supersedes the clumsy oo and the Trench ou, whence Rumanian, Beluch, Bantu, &c, and not Roumanian, BeloocJi, Bantou, &C. Diacritical marks, however, have been very sparingly used, being always cumbersome and mostly needless. Thus there is no danger that anyone will give the same sound to the first syllable of Rumanian that he does to the English word rum, although the u does nol beaT the usual mark of the long vowel .,;. On the other hand, eccentricities arc avoided, such [ties, for instance, as would lead us to write the strictly eorreel Tchalifah and Mrdicansarde for our old friends calif and caravansary. 8. It remain-- to be mentioned that, though based on the firsl edition of the original, this translation has been carefully corn- el with the proofs of the second now being issued All improvements and important additions have been embodied in the text, which it is boped will thus be found to preseni a faithful picture of the present state of philolo dies. A. li. K. 1 1. Aotoih Tj bba< i , N'.W., CONTENTS. The Author's Preface v Translator's Preface vii Chapter I. — Linguistics — Philology — Etymology ... ... ... 1 §1. Difference between Linguistics and Philology ... 1 § 2. The Life of Languages 8 §3. Linguistics and Philology mutually useful to each other 10 §4. The Polyglot 11 § 5. The Dangers of Etymology ... ... ... ... 13 Chapter II. --The Faculty of Articulate Speech — Its Locality and importance in Natural History ... ... ... 17 Chapter III. — First Form of Speed Monosyllabic or Isolating Languages ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 ; 1. Chinese :; l ' 1. Annamese ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 :;. Siamese or Thai ... ... ... ... ... 12 § I. Burmao ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 §5. Tibetan ... ... ... IS xii ■ CONTENTS. PAGE Chapter IV. — Sceoiid Form of Speech — Agglutination — The Agglu- tinating Languages ... ... ... ... ... 44 §1. What is Agglutination ? 45 §2. South African Languages ... ... ... ... 47 (1) Hottentot 47 (2) Bushman Dialects ... ... ... ... 51 §3. Languages of the African Negroes ... ... ... 51 (1) Wolof 52 (2) Mancle group ... ... ... ... ... 56 (3) Felup group 56 (4) Sonra'i ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 (5) Hausa, or Hawsa ... ... ... ... 56 (6) Bornu group ... ... ... ... ... 5S (7) Kruh group 58 (8) Ewe, or Ife group ... ... ... ... 58 § 4. Bantu, or Kafir Family ... ... ... ... 59 § 5. The Fuhi group ... ... ... ... ... 64 § 6. The Niibian Languages ... 66 § 7. Languages of the Negritos ... ... ... ... 66 §8. Languages of the Papuas ... ... ... ... 66 § 9. Australian Languages ... ... ... ... ... 67 § 10. The Malayo-Polynesian Idioms ... ... ... 68 §11. Japanese ... ... ... ... ... ... 72 §12. Corean ... 76 §13. The Dra vidian Tongue.-- 77 §14. The Fmno-Tataric, or Uralo-Altaic Languages ... 88 §15. Basque 10f> §16. The American Languages ... ... ... ... 123 §17. The Sub-Arctic Languages ... ... ... ... 135 §18. Languages of the Caucasus ... ... ... ... 136 CONTENTS. Chapter IV. (continued). § 19. On some little known idioms classified with the Agglutinating Languages ... (1) Sinhalese, or Elu (2) Munda (3) Brahui (4) The Pretended Scythian Language (5) The Language of the Second Column of the Cuneiform Inscriptions (6) The so-called Sumerian or Accadian Lan gnage §20. The Theory of the Turanian Languages 137 137 138 138 138 139 141 114 Chapter Y. — Third Form of Speech — Iuflection §1. What is Inflection ? ... § 2. Aryan and Semitic Inflection A. The Semitic Lan^,, 146 147 148 151 § 3. The Semite and the Semitic Languages collectively 151 ■j Arameo- Assyrian group ... ... ... ... 155 (1) Chaldee and Syriac ... ... ... ... 155 (2) Assyrian ... ... ... ... ... ... 157 '.j. The Canaanj Lc group... ... ... ... ... 160 160 (2j Phoenician 161 §0. Tl 1G6 (1) Arabic 167 (2) I. ' rabia and Abj i inia ... 170 Theix Primeval ... ... 172 CONTENTS. Chapter V. {emit B. '?iwecZ). The Hamitic Languages PAGE .. 174 §1- The Egyptian group ... .. 175 §2. The Libyan group .. 179 §3. The Ethiopian group ... .. 180 c. The Aryan Languages... .. 181 §1. The Common Aryan mother-tongue ... .. 182 §2. The Indie branch .. 189 (1) The Ancient Hindu Languages .. 180 (2) Modern Indian Languages .. 193 (3) Gipsy Dialects ... .. 195 §3. The Iranic branch ... 196 (1) Zend ... 197 (2) Old Persian .. 200 (3) Armenian .. 202 (4) Huzvaresh ... 203 (5) Parsi ... 205 (6) Persian ... ... 206 (7) Ossetian, Kurdic, Belilchi, Afghan, &c. ... 207 §4, The Hellenic branch ... .. 208 §5- The Italic branch .. 217 (1) Primitive Italic Languages .. 218 (2) The Neo-Latin Languages .. 227 (a) French .. 233 (/3) Provencal... .. 236 (y) Italian .. 237 (§) Ladin .. 238 (e) Spanish ... .. 239 (£) Portuguese .. 210 (?;) Rumanian .. 240 CONTENTS. Chapter V. [continued). §6. The Keltic Languages... § 7. The Teutonic Tongues (1) Gothic (2) The Norse Tongues (3) The Low German group (4) The High German group §8. The Slavonic Lauguages § 9. The Lettic group (1) Lithuanian (2) Lettish (3) Old Prussian § 10. Unclassified Aryan Tongues . . . (1) Etruscan... (2) Dacian (3) The Aryan Languages of Asia Minor... (4) The so-called " Scythic " Aryan Tongues (5) Albanian... §11. On the ramification of the Common Aryan Speech, ; on its primitive home ... PAGE 212 252 254 255 257 264 268 2S5 2S5 28S 288 289 2S0 291 292 293 293 291 ( . ! 0] ginal Plurality of Speech, and Transmutation of Linguistic Systems §1. How to re& nistic Affinities j2. Original plurality of Linguistic groups and con- iof /:;. [] Language and Race maj cease in be convi § l. The Permutation of S] i 302 302 301 307 308 THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. CHAPTER I. LINGUISTICS — PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. § 1. — Difference between Linguistics and Philology* It is seldom that in ordinary language, or even in scientific works, any distinction is observed between the two terms linguistics and philology. They are usually employed one for the other, almost at haphazard, and according to the more or less urgent euphonic requirements of a phrase or a sentence. The best writers, and even scientific men themselves, constantly confuse them ; too often treat- ing philology and linguistics as nothing more than the study of etymologies, and describing those engaged in such pursuits as philologists or linguists indifferently. The inquiry into the pos- * In what follows, I ho tonus lijviv.istic* and ;>/m7(, /.,./;/, owing to the dif- ferent usage of tho two languages, have necessarily changed sides. Philology and. comparative philology, according to tho English practice, now mean what is more comprehensively understood by tho Scienco of Language, linguistics being moro usually restricted to tho critical study of a given language. Bui the moro correct French writers uso la philologie in this sense of linguistics, and la linguistique in tho senso of tho Scienco of Lan- iv. terms thus forming respectively tho French and the English titles of the present work. It may bo added that in this translal ion arms Science of Language, Philology, and Comparative Philology, are aged as practically synonymous. In the words of Schleicher, quoted further on, "philology is nothing unless comparative." — Kote by Tram '"/ »'. i; 2 LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. [Chap. i. sible relationship of two Australian idioms, or the revision of a text of Plautus, would be spoken of by them either as a linguistic or philological work indistinctly. But this is very far from being the case, and we must at the outset endeavour to combat such a serious error. Philology is a natural, linguistics an historical science. In his dictionary of the French language, M. Littre, using the term linguistique in the sense now usually given by English writers to the word philology, describes it as "the study of lan- guages, considered in their principles, their relations, and as an involuntary product of the mind of man." In spite of all its vagueness, this definition possesses the great merit of not being quite so easily applicable to the word linguistics (in the English sense). On the other hand, to the term philology — by it partly understanding linguistics — he assigns three different meanings : 1st, A kind of general learning, respecting belles-lettres, languages, criticism, &c. ; 2nd, More definitely, the study and knowledge of a language in so far as it is the instrument or medium of literature ; 3rd, Comparative philology, a study applied to several languages, which are explained by being mutually compared with each other. Of these three definitions the first two are correct, but the third can scarcely be accepted, according to the present use of the term by Erench writers. The author justly distinguishes between philology, properly so-called, and linguistics ; but, without suffi- cient reason, sanctions the unjustifiable practice which confuses the science of comparative philology with mere linguistics. It is difficult to understand how, by becoming comparative, the one coidd be changed to the other. Comparative physiology em- bracing, for instance, the relations of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, does not surely cease to be physiology. And so with the comparative anatomy of the various races of mankind, or even of man and the other primates, which still claims the title of anatomy. It is clearly the same with philology, which by becoming comparative cannot by any means thereby forfeit its true and proper designation. Kollin defined linguists as "those who have studied the old Chap, i.] LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. 3 writers for the purpose of examining, correcting, explaining, and expounding them," and this definition is still largely applicable. It corresponds, as we have seen, to M. Littre's two first meanings of philology; and in truth, the province of the linguist is the critical study of literature from the standpoint of archaeology, art, and mythology ; the inquiry into the history of languages, and incidentally into their geographical extension ; the discovery of the elements they have mutually borrowed from each other during the course of ages ; the restoration and the correction of texts. This is on the face of it an historical science, and an important branch of learning. Before the modern development of the natural sciences, languages could be regarded only from this historical point — that is to say, linguistics necessarily long preceded philolophy. Strictly speaking, linguistics are concerned with one language only. This it criticises, interprets its records, improves extant texts, according to the data and materials furnished by this one language itself. When this study becomes extended to two dif- ferent languages, or to several branches of the same language, it becomes so far comparative. Thus what we understand by classical linguistics are most commonly comparative studies, because occu- pied with both Greek and Latin texts. In the same way, Romance, Teutonic, and Slavonic linguistics are all comparative. They will . for instance, of the influence exercised by the Euphuists of tie- sixteenth century on the current speech of succeeding gene- rations; nf tie- pail played by Luther's version of the Bible in the formation of New High German; of the westward spread of the Slavonic tongues during the Middle Ages, and of their subsequent retirement towards the' Last. Equally comparative are "oriental linguistics," as they are called, and which embrace three languages scientifically distinct— Persian, Arabic, and Turkish. Lastly, Buddhism in India and the extreme ; ■■ - given birth toyel another branch of comparative linguistics. We are indebted more particularly to Schleicher,* Curtius,t * " Dio deutscln Bprache," [ntrodnotion, chap. vi. f "Philologie and SpraohwieBeneohaft." 4 LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. [Chap. i. Kuhn, Ohavee,* and Spiegel, + for this important distinction be- tween the two sciences of linguistics and philology. All these writers agree on the cardinal point — that the one belongs to the province of historic knowledge, and the other to that of the natural sciences. The Science of Language, or Phdology, may be defined : The study of the constituent elements of articulate speech, and of the various forms by which these elements are or may be affected. In other words, philology is the two-fold study of the phonetics and of the structure of languages. It is easy to see how philology trenches on physiology by the study of the phonetic material of languages — that is, of then- sounds. The first care of the phdologist is to arrange the vowels and the consonants of the languages he is studying, and to establish the laws of their changes or modifications, and the discovery of these laws will be all the more easy for him according to his acquaintance with the action of the vocal organs. Vowels and consonants make up the fundamental elements of language. There are others growing out of these, which are at times, strictly speaking, described as maple elements, although often in fact already compound; these are the monosyllables usually called roots. Inquiry will sIioav us that these monosyllables he at the bottom of all philological systems. Sometimes they are formed by one pure element, that is by a single vowel : i = to go in the Aryan languages. Sometimes they are formed by the union of several fundamental elements : ta corresponding in Chinese to the various conceptions of greatness. But their meaning must always be very general, never being limited by any consideration of gender, case, number, person, time, or mood. The study of these elements forms, as stated, one of the first cares of the philologist. To this study succeeds the examination of the forms by which such elements are or may be affected. This * " Bulletins de la Societe d'Anthi-opologie de Paris," 1862, p. 198. f " Die traditiouelle Literatur der Parsen," p. 48. Chap, l] LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. 5 new study receives the name of morphology. We shall treat farther on of the several morphological varieties in language, that is of the different kinds of structure that languages may present. It will then be seen that idioms classified in this relation in one and the same group, as for instance the agglutinating languages, may possibly be otherwise, and, in respect of their constituent elements, entirely strangers to each other. Thus the Aryan and the Semitic languages, whose roots are totally different and incapable of being identified, are both found in the same morphological division; so also with Turkish, Bascpie, Japanese, and Tamil, which present tin- same general structure, but the roots of which are so essentially dift'erent that it becomes impossible to reduce them to one common stock or origin. This subject will claim all due attention in its proper place. Meanwhile our object is thoroughly to establish the cardinal fact that philology belongs to the group of natural sciences, and that to classify it with the historical sciences we must ignore at once its aim and its method. It is to Augustus Schleicher (pb. 1868, at Jena, where he taught) that we are indebted for the clearest and most conclusive writings on this important subject. Schleicher was especially distinguished amongst his fellow-countrymen for a turn of mind altogether free from metaphysical reveries. Like so many others, he had waded through the schools of the transcendentalists, and followed the expounders of hyperphysicism and " theourgics," but their subtle- had failed to allure his positive intellect, which could ill rot fied with dogmatic and empty assertions. His was essentially an experimental and methodic mind. lie. was confessedly the first to draw up the general scheme of the phonetics and structure of tic- Aryan languages, whose relationship had been definitely pro- claimed by Sir W. Jones at the end of the last, and scientifically demonstrated by Bopp at the beginning of the present century. A- Schleicher was himself wont to remark, his extensive botanical information was of the greatest service to him in his researches into the morphology of languages, so entirely identical are the processes of analysis and comparison in the stud) of all the natural sciences. G LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. [Chap. i. Here the ingenious analogy deserves to he quoted, which, in order to render clear the difference "between the science of language and linguistics, he was fond of estahlishing between the philologist and the botanist on the one hand, and the linguist and horti- culturist on the other.* " Linguistics," he Avrites, " are a historical science, a science which has no place except where we are in possession of a literature and a history. In the absence of monuments or of a literary culture, there is no room for the linguist. In a word, linguistics are applicable to historic documents alone. It is very different with philology, whose sole object is language itself, whose sole study is the examination of language in itself and for itself. The historical changes of languages, the more or less accidental development of the vocabulary, often even their syntactical processes, are all but of secondary importance for the philologist. He devotes his whole attention to the study of the phenomenon itself of articulate speech ; a natural function, inevitable and determined, from which there is no escape, and which, like all other functions, is of inexorable necessity. It little matters to the philologist that a language may have pre- vailed for centuries over vast empires ; that it may have produced the most glorious literary monuments ; that it may have yielded to the requirements of the most delicate and refined intellectual culture. He little cares, on the other hand, that an obscure idiom may have perished without fruits or issue, stifled by other tongues and ignored utterly by the mere linguist. Literature is unquestion- ably a powerful aid, thanks to which it becomes easy to grasp the language itself, to recognise the succession of its forms, the phases of its development, a valuable, but by no means an indispensable ally. Moreover, the knowledge of a single language is insufficient for the philologist, and herein he is again distinguished from the linguist. There exists a Latin linguistic science, for instance, totally independent of the Greek; a Hebrew equally independent of the Arabic or Assyrian. But we cannot speak of a purely Latin * " Die deutsclie Sprache," Introduction. Chap, i.] LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. 7 or a purely Hebrew philology. Philology, as above stated, is nothing unless comparative. In fact, we cannot explain one form without comparing it with others. Hence linguistics may be special, and restricted to one language. But when there is question of the constituent elements, and of the structure of a language, Ave must be previously familiar with the phonetics, and the structure of a certain number of other tongues. Let us repeat it once more : the researches of the philologist are consequently always and essentially comparative, whereas those of the linguist may be cpiite special." It is here that Schleicher introduces his ingenious and reasonable comparison. " The philologist," he remarks, " is a naturalist. He studies languages as the botanist studies plants. The botanist must embrace at a glance the totality of vegetable organisms. He inquires into the laws of their structure and of their development ; but he is in no way concerned with their greater or less intrinsic worth, with their more or less valuable uses, the more or less acknowledged pleasure afforded by them. In his eyes, the first wild flower to hand may have a far higher value than the loveliest rose, or the choicest lily. The province of the linguist is far different. It is not witli the botanist, but with the horticulturist that he must •mparecL Tin- latter devotes his attention only to such or such 3 that may be the object of special attraction ; what he seeks i- beauty of form, colour, and perfume. A useless plant has no value in 1. he has nothing to do Avith the laws of structure or development, and a vegetable that in this respect may possess the I isl value, may possibly lie' for him nothing but a common weed." Th.- comparison is correct, and, betterthan any more or less lucid explanation, points out clearly enough that the philologist studies in man the phenomenon of articulate s| h and its results, just as all physiologists study such other functions as locomotion, smell, . digestion, or circulation of the blood. And not only does he inquire into ami determine the normal laws peculiar to this phe- nomenon, but he al-o discovers and describes the changes, really pathological in their nature, which are frequentlj presented during the course of tic life of languages. LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. [Chap. i. § 2. — The Life of Languages. For in point of fact languages are born, grow, decay, and perish, like all other living tilings. They pass first through an embryonic period, then reach their highest development, and lastly enter on a stage of retrogressive disintegration. It is precisely this conception of the life of language that, as already remarked, distinguishes the modern science of language from the unmethodical speculations of the past. In another chapter we shall speak of the birth of languages, and of the origin of the faculty of articulate speech. We shall also see, farther on, how the most intricate philological systems grow out of rudimentary systems ; how, in a word, the highest morphological stratifications ever rest upon others of a lower order. Languages once born, cannot be said to enter at once on their historic career, if by this we are to understand that their develop- ment becomes henceforth subject to the whims and caprice of fashion. To suppose so would be a serious error, for their develop- ment is determined beforehand, and the course of then life can by no conceivable departure from the natural laws escape from the necessities common to all living things. Under the influence of favourable or adverse circumstances, they may undergo more or less serious modifications, they may advance more or less precipitately to decrepitude and extinction, but nothing can ever bend or change then organic tendencies. They are, in a word, what then nature compels them to be. There are, for instance, no such things as mixed languages, nor is it possible to conceive, say, an Aryan tongue, whose grammar is partly Slavonic, partly Latin. English again, into which have been introduced so many foreign and especially French (and Lathi) elements, remains none the less as it will remain to the last, a true Teutonic tongue. Basque is similarly circumstanced, its constant borrowings from two Komance tongues never having been able to affect its inner structure. In the same way the Husvaresh, or Paldavi, remained throughout medieval times an Aryan language, Chap, l] LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. 9 notwithstanding the large amount of Semitic elements which found then- way into it. But it cannot he douhted that such intellectual commerce, and that such borrowings, the inevitable results of civilisation, in a marked manner hasten on or promote the life of languages. To this truth the most evident and tangible facts hear witness. Thus amongst the Teutonic tongues English has run a singularly rapid course, whilst Icelandic has often preserved some very primitive forms with striking fidelity. The obscure Lithuanian may he looked upon as the hest preserved of ah Aryan languages in Europe, and in all probability woidd still for a long time to come challenge our admiration of its ancient and precious forms, did not the rough competition of German threaten it with approaching extinction. It is thus that such unecpial hut inevitable struggles daily cause the destruction of beings full of life and health, and which under less disastrous conditions would have enjoyed a long term of existence, instead of perishing miserably and without issue. It is difficult to believe that a philological system, once it has attained its most iiomishing state and its highest development, does not forthwith enter on its downward course, and it is equally hard to suppose that this period is not itself characterised in a special manner by an ever-increasing tendency towards independence on tin- pari of the various idioms of such a system. "We know, for instance, that the [ndo-European or Aryan tongues — Indie, Iranic, Eellenic, [talic, Keltic, Teutonic, Slavonic, Lettic — spring from a common mother, whose phonetic elements it has been possible to determine, and whose morphology and structure have been re- covered, at least in all their essential features. Now, it may be assumed thai the period of formation, to which must in all likeli- hood I- assigned a very protracted duration, was brought to a close ,11 as dialectic divergencies began to make their appearance, ami thai no sensible interval elapsed between the firsl stage and the period of retrogressive change. One of the most important duties of philology is precisely to determine, or rather to restore, the forms ,,f mother-tongues possessing no written monuments, at the time when they were breaking up into dialectic subdivisions. The task 10 LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. [Chap, i as stated, lias been all but accomplished for the Aryan system ; but it has scarcely yet been roughly sketched for the Semitic family — Chaldee, Syriac, Hebrew, Phoenician, Arabic, &c. — while all has yet to be done for the other systems ; as, for instance, the so-called Hamitic (ancient Egyptian, Coptic, Ta-Masheq, Galla, &c), and that of the Dravidian tongues, such as Tamil, Telugu, &c. However, the life of languages is not a matter to be disposed of in a few pages. To do it justice would require a whole volume, and a long series of examples drawn from the various families of languages respectively. The matter cannot be here further dwelt upon ; and we must rest satisfied Avith having pointed out the general and persistent fact of this life, of this material energy, under one of its most curious and instructive aspects. §3. — Linguistics and Philology mutually useful to each other. It cannot be denied that philology finds at times a powerful ally in the employment of the historic method. This latter is in fact indispensable when we come to enter upon the still almost virgin soil of syntax, where a more or less sensible individual influence may make itself felt. Let us, however, repeat that the natural science of philology and the historical science of linguistics are not rivals, and that there is nothing to justify the assumption that they are two hostile sciences. In truth, two branches of knowledge, however different in their nature, cannot lead to contradictory results, nor can two true sciences, really worthy of the name, be in any sense enemies of each other. The various sciences are on the contrary the complements one of the other, each being at once both debtor and creditor of all the rest. Such is especially the case both with philology and linguistics. The latter must, at least in a general way, recognise the results obtained by the former. If it knows nothing of speech itself, which is such a powerful aid to progress, if it ignores its structure and constituent elements, it can never form an adequate judgment Chap, i.] LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. 11 on the acquisitions of this agent. As well say that an ethno- graphist might derive profit from a collection of elementary data respecting the anatomy of races, without taking them even into calculation. This is almost a truism, and yet there are many linguists whom it has so far failed to convince. Hence those interminable and abstract discussions, without object, without sound knowledge, and mostly pedantic, that medley of idle hair- splitting, in which declamation competes with shallowness and inanity. On the other hand, the linguist himself collects valuable materials for the philologist. He facilitates a knowledge of the historic forms of languages, and reveals all that he has been able to discover respecting their chronology and succession. Lastly, he discloses all the dialectical divergencies which are so pregnant with valuable instruction. Hence, if it is necessary carefully to distinguish these two sciences in their aim and their method, it is no less important to acknowledge that they are both of them destined to render each otheT mutual, and possibly very considerable assistance. Thus it is that history has frequently furnished useful materials for the study of the races of mankind, and that anthropology lias, in its turn, thrown light upon many historic events. § L—The Polyglot. The practical knowledge of languages, or, to speak more exactly, the art of Bpeaking them fluently and correctly, depends mainly on natural capacity, winch is itself developed by a more or less pro- d exercise. But it would be a mistake ever to regard it as a science. One is often surprised to meel with an author of numerous and sound philological works, who is incapable of conversing in three or four different languages, and we are still more astonished to find that he is perhaps unable to make \\>*- of any language except his own with ease and fluency. Hut this arises from a 12 LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. [Chap. i. misunderstanding. The philologist is not a polyglot, or at least he need not be one. The polyglot, again, has no claim based on his art to the title of philologist ; yet we constantly hear this name given to persons who, thanks to some exceptional circumstances, and especially to the individual aptitude above mentioned, dis- course with more or less ease in ten or twelve languages, occa- sionally even in a still greater number, without at the same time possessing the least notion of their inner structure. What has been above stated concerning the nature of philology and of philological studies obviates the necessity of dwelling further on this common confusion of ideas. At the same time, however, we are of opinion that the results of philology may to a certain point facilitate the study of the art here in question. Let us take, for instance, the Eomance tongues, which Aoav directly from vulgar Latin. It cannot be denied that we may pass from one to another of these idioms, according to tolerably fixed rules, in all that more especially concerns their phonetics and the interchange of con- sonants. A very small number of general principles gives the key to the more usual equivalents, showing that the resemblance of French, Italian, and Spanish words is not accidental. By this treatment it becomes logical and rational, rendering the study of the languages themselves all the more rapid the less it is given up to mere chance and routine. In the same way the Teutonic idioms possess laAvs in common which are generally definite. For instance, to such or such German consonants correspond such or such English, Dutch, or Swedish letters uniformly. And so with the Slavonic group, where Bohemian, Bussian, Croatian have a perfectly settled phonology, permitting us to pass without much trouble from the forms of any one of these languages to those of the kindred tongues. Jfor are any great mental efforts needed in order to reach these results, nothing more being required than a knowledge of a few elementary principles. Unfortunately there are still wanting practical manuals free from all scientific parade, and planned in such a way as to clearly, and, if needs be, somewhat empirically summarise these few and extremely simple laws. Such little works would be of Chap, i.] LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY-ETYMOLOGY. 13 inestimable aid to the complicate and obsolete systems still in use.* § 5. — TJie Dangers of Etymology. If a special capacity for the practical acquisition of languages is not a science, etymology, on the other hand, can be looked upon neither as a science nor an art. In itself it is nothing but a sort of trick or sleight-of-hand, the greatest and most relentless foe to which is the genuine philologist. In a word, etymology, hi itself and for itself, is mere guess-work, ignoring all experience, over- riding all objections, and resting satisfied with specious show, and with results which are scarcely probable, or even at all possible. At first sight the German words, haben, to have; bereit, ready; ahnlieh, like ; abenteuer, adventure, seem to answer, letter for letter, with the Latin habere, paratus, the Greek dvaXoyos, and the French aoenture, as the English to call does to the Greek Kakeiv. And yet appearances are here deceptive, philological analysis show- ing the futility of such comparisons as these, which in fact cannot for a moment stand the test of sound criticism. * This passage is suppressed in the second edition, and the following substituted : "Let us not be too sanguine as to the amount of success likely to be attendant on the introduction of a few elementary notions of comparative Grammar into the lower classes. A lad of ten, twelve, or fifteen years can scarcely show any sustained interest in the laws regulating the interchange of letters in the languages he is studying. He tries to learn Greek and Latin as ho has learned his mother-tongue, that is by dint of sheer practice, without paying any heed to rules more or less eruditely framed. But would it not be very useful, for those at least who are en- gaged in teaching, to be acquainted with the existenco of these laws, and to have some knowledge of the principal and most elementary of them ? In our opinion it would not bo going too far to insist upon so much." But the original passage is here retained in the text, because it points, how- ever timidly, at a great principle, which is gradually, but surely, making its way. The translator has himself devoted many years to the solution of the problem, how best to utilise the conclusions of comparative philology in facilitating the acquirement of languages. In spite of much opposition, and much ignorant contempt, ho has at least succeeded in convincing somo few intelligent teachers that the problem admits of solution, and that the day i- perhaps not distant when science will be happily and advantageously combined with routine in the teaching of languages. — Note by Translator. 14 LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. [Chap. i. It is by means of such-like fantastic methods that attempts have been made to compare languages absolutely unconnected with each other — the Semitic with the Aryan tongues, Irish with Basque. The most distinguished Semites, who have rendered the greatest services to the philology of the Syro-Arabic languages, have fre- quently allowed themselves to fall into this trap, and a large number of their works swarm with uncritical comparisons with Aryan roots and words. The celebrated Gesenius himself has not escaped from the misapprehension, so that it is not perhaps sur- prising that, following in his steps, orthodox interpreters have yielded to it with a keen relish. There is nothing more risky than to get hold of two ready-made words and compare them together. What at first sight seems to establish the most convincing relation- ship is often the most deceptive. On the other hand, forms that we should never dream of com- paring together are often found to be most intimately related witli each other. Since their primitive connection and identity in one and the same form, each of them has been subjected to different modifying laws. But these laws are now discovered, and the absolute unity of the forms themselves placed beyond doubt. Thus, for instance, we reduce to one and the same primitive form the Greek rj8vs and the Latin suairis; the Latin solus, and the old Persian haruva, all; the old Irish il and the Sanskrit purus, nume- rous ; the Greek Us, poison, and the Latin virus ; the English Jive and the Croatian pet ; the Dutch vader and the Armenian hayr; the Armenian se, I, and the Croatian ja. It is thus, also, that words belonging to one and the same language, and which at the first blush seem to be in no way connected, belong in reality to one and the same root. For instance, in Trench, solide, solder, soldat, seul, serf; jeu, hon, jour, divin; auspice, sceptique, eveque, epice, repit; assister, couter, ('table, obstacle. We should be exceeding the limits assigned to this treatise were we to set forth in detail the principles that connect all these forms together, and which mere guess-work would, doubtless, never suspect of being so related. What then is etymology? — or, rather, what ought it to be, to deserve consideration and lay claim to any scientific value? Chap, i.] LINGUISTICS— PHILOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY. 15 It is simply a result — -a result both of philology and of linguistics. In the first case it is deductive ; in the second, historical. The history of the French language teaches us for example that dinde, turkey, is a contraction of poule d'Lide; that hussard comes indirectly from the Hungarian husz, meaning twenty ; that the English jockey represents the Old French jaguet. These are all so many examples of linguistic, or, if you will, of historic etymologies. In this department, in fact, it is historical criticism alone that can decide on the reasonableness or likelihood of sup- positions, on their improbability or incorrectness. It is historical criticism that deals with the multitude of etymologies relying on so many whys and wherefores, amongst which there are many which, however obvious at the first glance, must nevertheless be looked upon as absolutely arbitrary. Thus, according to the Latin jurists, the slave, servus, was so called because through the clemency of the victor he had been saved, preserved, from the death-blow. But the fact is, the primitive meaning of the word is that of protector or guardian, in its nominative singular form corresponding closely to the Zend haurvo, keeper, pacus-haurvo, guard or keeper of cattle in the Avesta. It is by means of the why-and-wherefore argument that feu, defunct, is derived from fait, he was. One step more and cadaver will come from ca [ro] da [ta] ver [mibus] = caw data vermibu8' } nobilis from non vilis; and digitus from (li-tjetuis = & kind of Ood. Philological is . --S; " Etudes sur la Constitution des Vertebras caudales ohez Les Primates Bans Queue," in the " Revuo d' Anthropologic," ii. 577. See also Vogt , " Lemons sur l'Homme," eighth lesson ; Schaffhausen, " Les Questions Anthropologiques de notre Temps," "Revuo Scicntifique," 1868, p. 76U ; Paul Bert, " Bulletins de la Xoriote" d'Anthropologie de Paris," L862, p. 473 : Bertfllon, ib. 1865, p. 605 ; Magitot, ib. 1869, p. 113. t Broca, "L'Ordre des Primates, &c," op. rit. passim ; Dally, " L'Ordro 'lc Primafa . J et, ! ■ Transforniisme," in tho " Bulletins de la Socicte d'Anthro- pologie," 1868, p. 673. 2 20 ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. [Chap. II. fecit timer. The child is not born into the world endowed with the religions faculty : " On this point he knows what he is taught, but he guesses nothing; he has no intuitive perception."* All this has been excellently set forth by M. Broca : " The author of a religious conception brings into play certain active faculties, amongst which the imagination often occupies the chief place. Here we have a first species of religiosity which I will call the active religious sentiment. But this manifests itself in a very limited number of individuals only. The greater part, the vast majority of men, have nothing beyond a passive religion, which consists merely in believing what they are told to believe, without being required to understand it ; and this f eeling itself is for the most part nothing but the result of education. From his earliest infancy the chdd is reared in the midst of certain behefs, to which his mind is moulded without his being in a position to argue or to reason on the matter. No intellect can escape from the action of such systematic instruction, planned and perfected during the course of ages. The child submits in all cases, and frequently once for all. He bebeves without inquiry, because still incapable of examining for himself, and because in all matters, whether reli- gious or not, he refers blindly to the authority of his instructors. In all this there is nothing to reveal the existence of a faculty, of a capacity, or of any. special promptings of the mind. But with years, experience, and especially study, this passive state always gives place to a certain degree of scepticism. We begin to lose confidence to a greater or less extent in the statements of others ; it is no longer enough merely to hear a thing asserted in order to accept it ; we ask for proofs, and when any one takes for granted everything that he is told, we say of him that he is credulous as a child. * Letourneau, " De la Religiosite et des Religions au point de Vne anthro- pologique," in the "Bulletins de la Societe d' Anthropologic," 1865, p. 581 ; "Sur la Methode qui a conduit a etablir un Regne Humain," ib. 1866, p. 269; Lagneau, ib. 1865, p. 648; Coudereau, ib. 1S66, p. 329; Broca, " Discours,"' &c, ib. 1866, pp. 59 and 74; Dally, "Du Regne Humain et de la Religiosity," ib., 1866, p. 121. Chap, ii.] ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. 21 The spirit of criticism, which grows with the growth of the intellect itself, is at first concerned with material actions, the events of everyday life, in many cases never getting beyond this order of phenomena. But in many others, without at all changing its character, it widens its circle so as to embrace metaphysical and religious thought. Hence in every country, and especially in those where the mind of man is cultivated, we meet with a great number of individuals Avho little by little give up a part or even the whole of their religious views. Has then this human sentiment, which you call religiosity, been effaced from their minds 1 Would you place on a level with brute creation those men, who are often distinguished by the extent of their learning and the vigour of their mental powers '? Thus, from whatever point, of view we consider this religious element, it becomes impossible to look upon it as a universal fact, inseparable from the nature of man. The active sentiment, which gives birth to religious conceptions, exists in a few individuals only. The passive sentiment, which is but a form of obedience to authority, or of the adaptation of the mind to its surroundings, though indefinitely more diffused, is still very far from being universal. Were it otherwise, the zealots of the various forms of religion would not keep thundering as they do against unbelief. It should be carefully borne in mind that this pretended sen- timent is not only not shared in by a great many men of science, but is further absolutely non-existent amongst a good many reputed savage peoples. It is needless here to reproduce the emphatic statements of a crowd of unprejudiced observers — statements which have been vainly called in question. Tribes living without definite faiths or forms of worship have been supposed to believe at least in supernatural forces and manifestations. But it is certain in fact, self-evident— that the very inferiority of these races lenders them incapable of at all distinguishing between the natural and the ^>-<;alled supernatural. Hence Lhe iieee ilv of in all cases again ultimately falling back on that fear, in itself easily enough accounted for, which has been above spoken of— the Eeax of an unknown, or rather of the unknown. But if in this we are to 22 AETICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. [Chap. ii. recognise a religion, then there is no animal, however low, to whom the religions sentiment can he denied. It is needless to dwell upon the last objection — the assumed sentiment of morality. It is an ascertained fact that it does not exist amongst a multitude of savage trihes, as the records of eth- nology clearly prove ; while on the other hand, it is unmistakably ■to he detected in the acts of a large number of animals, at least of the social order. Thus it is the faculty of articulate speech that ultimately and conclusively distinguishes man from the inferior creation, where no trace of this faculty has ever been detected. Xo argument can of course be based on the power of parrots to repeat words — words which are no doubt articulate, but the utterance of which is totally disconnected Avith any corresponding mental conception. This very correspondence and intimate association between the word and the thought precisely constitutes the true character of articulate human speech, which the parrot does but unconsciously echo. I*his characteristic, again, is common to all the races of man- kind, which is in itself conclusive. However rude the idioms of the lowest types may appear, they have none the less a full claim to the title of true speech ; and the greater or less degree of harmony and grace possessed by them in no way affects their true nature. Besides, it should be observed that it is only the utterance and sounds of their languages that may seem strange, their structure being often far from rudimentary. But it is objected that individuals not possessing this pretended distinctive human character, the deaf and dumb, for instance, from their birth, or persons stricken with speechlessness in consequence of some injury to the brain, could not in this case be considered as human beings, though on the other hand their claim to the title cannot be gainsaid. This two-fold objection, though scarcely possessing the force of a specious argument, may still be Worth refuting. What the mute lacks at birth is by no means the faculty here in question, but the power of exercising it. He is dumb only because Chap, ii.] ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. 23 lie i.s deaf, his deafness alone preventing liim from making use of the faculty of speech. Besides, careful instruction may remove this obstacle, and in point of fact those born deaf and dumb do learn to speak and make use of the inherent gift of articulate speech. "The mute, properly so-called, is no more affected in the cerebral or vocal organs of speech than is a person whose legs are tied in the organs of locomotion. [Neither the one nor the other lacks the native faculty. They lack nothing but the liberty of exercising it, and this itself is due to a circumstance foreign to the faculty itself/'* We shall consider more fully the case of a cerebral lesion resulting in the loss of speech. Assuredly there can be no doubt that persons so affected retain their right to be considered as human beings, even when speechlessness is complete. But the residts of the important studies made in Trance on this subject do not yet seem to be sufficiently known ; hence it is well, and even necessary, here to proclaim them. It may at the same time help to throw further light on the true nature of philological research. The attempts made during the last century to localise the cerebral faculties v 1 em a sound principle, but they Avere necessarily red misuccessful through the want of experimental processes. At the present day the question has been resumed by pathological anatomy, and it is diflicidt to overlook the great importance of the - arrived at by M. Broca in this domain, t We shall here pass them rapidly in review. + * Vaisse, " Bulletins de la Societe dAnthropologie do Paris," 1866, p. 146. f "Bulletins de la Societe' Anatomique," 1861, 1863; "Bulletins de la Societe de Chirurgie," 1861; "Bulletins de i.i Societe dAnthropologie do 1861, 18G3, 1865, 1866; " Expose des Titres et Travaux Scientifiqucs," 1868. X What follows may be rendered more intelligible to tbe unscientific reader by a brief account of the. parts of the cncephalon alluded to. The cerebrum, or brain proper, as distinguished from the cerebellum, ou which it partly rests, is divided by the great longitudinal fissure into two lateral halves, known respectively as the right and left hemispheres. The under Surface of each hemisphere is marked off into three parts or lobes — anterior, middle, and posterior, according to their position; the posterior being that part overlapping the cerebellum, while the anterior and middle are clearly 2i ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. [Chap. ir. The exercise of the faculty of articulate speech would seem to he dependent " on the integrity of a very circumscribed portion of the cerebral hemispheres, and more especially of the left. This portion is situated on the upper border of the Sylvian fissure, opposite the Island of Eeil, occupying the posterior half, or probably not more than the third part of the third frontal convolution." It was the autopsy of those subject to aphasia, that is, of those the muscles of whose articulation are not in the least paralysed, that has demon- strated this localisation. In truth, this autopsy almost constantly reveals " a very decided lesion of the posterior half of the right or left third frontal convolution," nearly always, or about nineteen in twenty times on the left side. A serious lesion of the right has in many cases not affected the power of speech; but "this faculty has never been known to survive in the case of those whose autopsy has disclosed a deep lesion of the two convolutions in question." "We need not here mention the series of operations bearing on this point, which, in our opinion, are entirely conclusive, and which have been placed on record by a number of anatomists. Those who are curious in the matter, will find them in the works quoted in the last note. The interesting question, however, presents itself, why the exercise of the faculty of articidate speech should depend so much more particularly on a convolution of the left cerebral hemisphere, than on the corresponding one on the right, although the functions of both hemispheres do not seem to be radically different. This curious phenomenon is due to the fact, that the convolutions of the left hemisphere have in general a much more rapid development divided by a deep cleft known as the Fissure of Sylvius, or Sylvian fissure. On opening this fissnre there is exposed to view a triangular prominent por- tion of the cerebral mass, called the Island of Reil, marked by small and short convolutions, or gyri operti. These convolutions, concealed in the Sylvian fissure, are amongst the earliest to be developed, and are themselves surrounded by a very large convolution forming the lips of the Sylvian fissure, and known as the Convolution of the Sylvian fissure. Lastly, both hemispheres are moulded into numerous smooth and tortuous eminences, also called convolutions or gyri, and marked off from each other by deep- furrows, sulci, or anfractuosities. — Note by Translator. Chap, ii.] ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. 25 than those of the right.* "The first are already clearly planned," remarks M. Broca,t "at a time when the others are not yet per- ceptible." The left hemisphere, on which depend the movements of the right members of the body, is therefore more precociously developed than the opposite one. Thus we see why the child, from the first moments of existence, more readily makes use of those members, whose nervous system is then more perfect ; why, in other words, he becomes right-handed. The upper right member,, being from the first stronger and more apt than the left, is on that very account brought more frequently into play, thus acquiring at the outset greater strength and skill, which of course goes on increasing with years. Hitherto I have called those right-handed, who more readily make use of the right, and left-handed, those who more readily make use of the left hand. But these expres- sions are drawn from the outward manif estation of the phenomenon, which, when considered in relation to the brain, rather than to its mechanical agents, teaches us that the greater part of mankind are naturally left-handed, so far as the brain itself is concerned, and that some few, those known as left-handed, are, on the contrary, exceptionally right-handed in the same sense. . . . " The fundamental phenomenon of articulate speech lies neither in the muscles, nor in the motor nerves, nor in the motor organs of the brain, such as the optical layers or the striate bodies. Were there nothing beyond these organs, speech would be impossible; for they exist at times hi a perfectly healthy and normal state in indi- viduals that have become totally speechless, or in idiots who have. never been able either to learn or understand a language. Articu- late Bpeech therefore depends on the portion of the brain connected with intellectual phenomena, of which the motor organs of the brain are in a way nothing but the agents. Now this function of the intellectual order, governing the, dynamic no less than the mechanical part of articulation, seems to he the almost invariable concomitant of the convolutions "f the Left hemisphere, since the * Gratiolet, MM. Bertillon, Baillar^cr. f "On the Beat "f the Facility of Articulate Speech," in the " Bull de la Socii;tc d'Anthropologie do Pane," 1865, p. 3S3. 26 ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. [Chap. 11. lesions productive of speechlessness are nearly always found to exist in this hemisphere. This is as much as to say that, so far as speech is concerned, we are left-handed (if such a term can he applied to the brain) ; we speak, so to say, with the left hemisphere. It is a habit Ave acquire from our earliest infancy. Of all the things we have to learn, articulate speech is perhaps the most difficult. Our other faculties exist, at least, hi a rudimentary state, amongst other animals. 33ut although they undoubtedly possess thoughts, and although they are able to communicate them by the medium of a veritable language, articulate speech is itself altogether beyond them. It is this intricate and difficult task that the child has to grapple with from his most tender years, and he succeeds in mastering it by dint of much groping, and by brain work of the most complicate order. Xow, this very task is imposed on him at a period almost coincident with those embryonic stages in which the left hemisphere is in a more advanced state of development than the right. Hence there is nothing inconsistent in admitting that the most developed and most precocious cerebral hemisphere is in a better position than the other to guide the execution and co-ordination of the acts, at once intellectual and muscular, that constitute articulate sjieech. Thus arises the habit of speaking with the left hemisphere, a habit which at last becomes so much a part of our nature, that, once deprived of the functions of this hemisphere, we lose the power of making ourselves understood by speech. But from this it does not follow that the left hemisphere is the exclusive seat of the abstract faculty of speech, which consists in establishing a fixed relation between an idea and a sign, nor even of the special facidty of arti- culate speech, which consists in establishing a definite relation between an idea and an articulate word. The right hemisphere is no more alien to this special facidty than the left, and the proof is that the individual rendered speechless by a serious lesion of the left hemisphere is, generally speaking, deprived only of the power of himself reproducing the articulate sounds of language. He con- tinues to understand what is addressed to him, conseepiently he perfectly grasps the relations between the idea and the word. In •other words, the facidty of perceiving these relations belongs at Chap, ii.] ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. 27 once to both hemispheres, which in case of disease may recipro- cally supplement each other ; but the faculty of expressing these relations by co-ordinate movements — a habit to be acquired only after long practice — seems to belong to one hemisphere only, -which is nearly always the left. <: Xow, as there are left-handed people, with whom the innate pre-eminence of the motor forces of the right hemisphere imparts a natural and ineradicable pre-eminence to the functions of the left hand, in the same way we see how there may be a certain number of persons with whom the natural pre-eminence of the convolutions of the right hemisphere will reverse the order of phenomena here indicated. In their case the faculty of co-ordi- nating the movements of articulate speech will, in consequence of a habit contracted hi infancy, devolve definitely on the right hemisphere. These exceptional beings in respect of language may be compared to those who are left-handed in respect of the func- tions of the hand. Both alike are right-handed in respect of the brain The existence of a few individuals exceptionally speaking with the right hemisphere would very well explain the exceptional eases in which speechlessness is the result of a lesion of this hemisphere. It follows from the foregoing statement that a snbject, whose third left frontal convolution (the ordinary seat of articulate speech) happened to be in a state of atrophy from birth, would learn t i jp >ak, and would speak, with the third rigid frontal convolution, just as a child born without the right hand becomes as skilful with the left hand as others usually are with the right."* To this quotation, which sums up the state of the question, we have but one remark to add. It is, that the observations hitherto led, which are very numerous, nil go to confirm the doctrine of the locality of Bpeech. This main point is more conclusive than all the rest, when the question is to show that the study of arti- * Roc also Adr. Proust, "Alterations de la Parole," in the " Bulletins de ..'n- d'Anthropologie de Paris," 1873, p. 786; and by the same author, "De L'Aphaaie," in the "Archives Generates de Bfeaeoine," Tan's, 1872. 28 ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. [Chap. ii. culate speech is really a branch of natural history, as we have endeavoured to make clear in the preceding chapter. At the same time the possession of the mere faculty itself can tell us nothing as to how it will be applied by the individual endowed with it. This application is, in fact, an art, and a very difficult one. The child stammers and stutters for a long time, until, thanks to a certain intellectual development, and to the habit thus acquired, he succeeds at last in using his native faculty like those around him. In other words, the faculty is natural, but its exercise is an art; the former being well expressed by the Greek term ivepyeia, as the latter is by epyov. Hence those purely auto- matic acts so constantly exhibited in the exercise of the function in question, no less in its normal manifestations than in its pathologic state.* This distinction is important, and by overlooking it we would run the risk of forming the most extravagant and unscientific notions on the origin of speech. In the second book of his history, Herodotus relates that Psam- meticus, king of Egypt, wishing to find out who were the oldest inhabitants of the earth, entrusted two new-born infants to the keeping of a shepherd, with injunctions to bring them up in seclusion, and never allow them to hear a human voice. Goats supplied them with nourishment, and after a lapse of two years the shepherd was hailed by them with the repeated cry of /3eKosv Psammeticus, on inquiry, ascertained that this Avas a Phrygian word, meaning bread ; whereupon the Egyptians acknowledged the right of the Phrygians to be considered the most ancient people. This absurd story, which represents two chUdren, ignorant of every other word, inventing and seemingly declining an un- doubtedly derivative noun, gives us a tolerably fair estimate of the philological criticism of the ancients. The experience of Psammeticus implies a total ignorance of the essential and indis- putable fact, that the exercise of the lingual faculty is a difficult * Onimus, " Dn Langage," in the " Bulletins de la Societe cV Anthropo- logic de Paris," 1873, p. 759, and following. Chap, ii.] ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. 29 ar t — oik- that is acquired and handed down from generation to generation. To separate from his like a new-born and of course utterly inexperienced infant, and expect him to hammer out a glottic system of his own, betrays a state of mind absolutely devoid of methodic principles. A language, that has already passed through several phases of its existence, cannot be invented ; for here, as in all things else, the present is the result of the past. How could an isolated individual of himself possibly again build up that long series of different stages that all languages have under- gone'? A linguistic system is not a thing that can be manufac- tured ; it is formed and developed of itself step by step ; but it is formed when man is born— not the individual man, but man taken in the aggregate, the human race, if you will. As above stated, the appearance of the faculty of articulate speech determines the point of evolution when one of the primates becomes entitled to the name of man. Schleicher, in his cursive though solid essay on the importance of language for the natural history of man, and in his no less remarkable treatise on the Darwinian theory and the science of language, has discussed this coincidence of the birth of man with the dawn of articulate speech. " If," he says, " it is language that constitutes man, then our first progenitors were not real human beings, and did not become such till language was formed in virtue of the development of the brain and of the organs of speech." Philology, like all the other natural sciences, compels us to admit thai man takes his origin in the evolution of inferior forms. We have ourselves alluded to this subject in connection with the Hen! communication on "The Precursor of Man," made by ML de Mortillet to the French A jociation for the Advancemenl of the Sciences,* on the occasion of the finding of the chipped Bints in the marl deposits of the limestone period at Beauce. According to ilc laws of paleontology, actual man could not have existed at that epoch. The succession of the fauna in the- various geological d fact, now well established From age to age animals * Second Session, held at Lyons in August, 1878. 30 ARTICULATE SPEECH IN NATURAL HISTORY. [Chap. ii. become modified, and their varieties fall off all the more rapidly in proportion to the greater intricacy of their organisation. Three times at least the fauna have been renewed since the formation of the above-mentioned limestone deposit at Beauce, and the mamma- bans contemporary with the flints in question belong to extinct genera, the precursors of, but distinct from, those now living. It is not reasonable to suppose that man alone has escaped from these modifications — man, above all, whose organisation is precisely of all others the most complicate. Hence the chipped flints of the middle tertiary epoch would belong to a genus the forerunner of present man. This opinion is in our eyes extremely probable, and corresponds in every respect with the doctrine set forth by Schleicher in the above-mentioned treatise. If it cannot be admitted, without falling into metaphysical and chddish conceptions, that the lingual facidty was acquired all of a sudden, without cause, without origin — hi fact, ex nihilo — it must be allowed to be the result of a progressive development of the organs of speech. This assumes before man — fhat is, before the being distinguished by the faculty of articidate language — another being on the way towards its acquisition ; that is to say, on the way towards becoming man. As Schleicher teaches, we must admit that a certain number only of such beings succeeded in acquiring the facrdty under the influence of favourable circumstances, from which time they also acquired the right to the title of men ; while others again, less favoured by circumstances, broke down in their onward progress, and fell back into a retrograde inetamorphosis. Their representatives we may possibly have to recognise in the anthropomorphic creatures, the gorilla, the chimpanzee, the ourang- outang, the gibbon, and the like. We shall see farther on, when passing in review the various phases of languages, that these dif- ferent stages bear witness, in the most unmistakable manner, to constant progress, to natural development, and regular tendency towards perfection. Thus, then, in the presence of this perpetual spectacle of evolu- tion unfolding itself before our eyes everywhere throughout nature, we cannot but acknowledge that the faculty of articulate speech Chap, in.] MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. 31 lias been acquired little by little, in virtue of a progressive deve- lopment of the organs of speech. It matters little whether this development he due to the various kinds of selection, natural or sexual, or proceed from other hitherto unascertained causes. This, however, is a matter on which we cannot now dwell. It belongs rather to the general study of the variations and permutation of species, which Ave can do no more than allude to. Here, doubtless, as in everything else, the function has had much to do with the progress of the organ itself ; but here also, as elsewhere, the organ, such as it is — that is, the organ in its actual form — must have necessarily proceeded from some lower organism. It must be therefore definitely admitted that this distinctive property of man is purely relative. We detect its origin and its rudimentary state ; * we see that our progenitors accpiired it only by degrees, in the struggle for excellence, in which they were destined to prove victorious. Bnt, though relative only, this faculty is not the less special and peculiar to man, and it is in virtue of it alone that the first of the primates is entitled to this name, which he has earned by incessant struggles, fought out during the course of ages. CHAPTER III. PIBST FOBM OF SPEECH — M0X0SYLLADIC — THE ISOLATING LANGUAGES. < )!■■ all the various forms that languages or groups of languages may present, the monosyllabic is the simplest. In this elementarj Estate .-ill the terms are mere root-words, or word-roots, corresj ling in their essence with general conceptions, ami unrestricted by anj idea* of person, gender, number; of time or mood; of relationship, * Lamarck, " Philosophic) Zoologiquc," ud. Ch. Martins, i. 346, Paris, 1S7:5; Darwin, " Descent of .Man," i. p. 5U; Hteckel, "Histoire do la Creation dee Ktres organises," trad, fr., p, 501 . 32 MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. [Chap. hi. prepositions, or conjunctions. In this first stage the language is made up of elements only, the sense of which is essentially general, without suffixes, prefixes, or any modification whatsoever, by which any kind of relation might be implied. Hence, in this first state, the simplest of all others, the sentence is made up of the formula : root + root + root, &c. &c, and it is particularly to be noted that these successive roots are always unchangeable. From this brief statement it becomes clear why the languages of this class have received the name of monosyllabic or isolating, their words being in fact composed of simple monosyllabic roots, isolated, and, as a rule, independent of each other. It may be well to state at once that all linguistic systems have passed through this monosyllabic period. The languages whose forms are the most complicate, that is those liable to inflection — as, for instance, the Aryan family — when subjected to scientific analysis betray unmistakable traces of a monosyllabic origin, remote and indirect it may be, but which cannot for a moment be gainsaid, as -will be shown in its proper place. We shall also see that the intermediate stage, the period of agglutination — that for instance of Basque, Japanese, and the Dravidian group — has given rise to the inflectional system, whilst itself deriving from the lower stage, that is the monosyllabic — with which Ave are now occupied. Not that it can be asserted that all agglutinating idioms must some day become inflectional, or that all the isolating and mono- syllabic ones must pass into the agglutinative state. Many tongues belonging to the two lower orders have perished, and it is certain that amongst those now living, whether monosyllabic or agglutina- tive, the greater number are definitely fixed in those states. Thus, it may be unhesitatingly asserted that Basque and the idioms of North America will perish in their present form. Besides, it is not without determining causes that such and such languages have definitely assumed their actual forms, whether monosyllabic or agglutinative, while showing but very feeble and rare tendencies to work into the higher stage. These causes may possibly have been multiplied, and may be of very different kinds, the discovery of which is an arduous task, not yet even attempted. Chap, hi.] MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. 33 Yet it must in the end prove successful, for the simple reason that there is a cause for everything, and we are making daily advances from the known to the unknown. Doubtless the most powerful cause of the effect here spoken of is the fact that these languages have entered on their liistoric life, and have become the instruments of literature. This fact of itself alone proves that the language, such as it was, felt itself equal to the recpiirements of a developed nationality. In this sense it is not incorrect to say that, at Ins first step into liistoric life, man reaches the period which in natural history is called the period of retrogressive metamorphosis. This, however, may or may not be confirmed by the future ; nor is it possible, in the present state of scientific knowledge, to indulge in much more than purely conjectural assertions on the point. It is easy to understand that a system of successive roots, all implying the most general ideas, coidd offer but a very limited resource to language. On the other hand, the imperious necessity "f expressing the various relations of ideas must have made itself felt at a very early stage. But we have seen that the essence of lie- root-words was the negation and even exclusion of the re- lational elements, such as active and passive, unity and plurality, pas!, present, and future. Yet such a period must have necessarily existed It must, doubtless, be removed hack to extremely remote prehistoric ages, and in all probability, it succeeded itself to a still more primitive period, 'luring which the routs were formed by the inn of the simple phonetic elements. In course of time an ingenious expedient was devised asaremedy for the intolerable defect of precision. This consisted in rigorously the position of the roots, that is of the words, in the sentence. Thus syntax was born before accidence or grammar, properly so- called. As we shall have to show farther on, this expedienl of rigidly axing the position of the words in the sentence ultimately gave rise to the second, or agglutinative stage. By passing in rapid review the various monosyllabic languages, Ave shall see how important result was turned to account, as well as how its have gradually become oh cured. i) 34 MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. [Chap. hi. However this be, we already see that the grammar of all mono- syllabic or isolating idioms is necessarily and entirely a question of syntax. In fact, the word in these tongues is inflexible ; in spite of all changes of position in the sentence, it remains in variable and always the same, position alone determining its value or force, as subject or predicate, noun or adnoun, substantive or verb, and so on. It should also be noted, in a general way, that intonation is an important element in monosyllabic languages, a point which does not seem to have received sufficient attention in the various works on this class of idioms. Not the least important function of tone is the differentiation according to circumstances of a large number of homophones, that is of words identical in form, but different in their respective applications, a point we shall presently have to enter into somewhat more fully. The principal monosyllabic languages — that is, those that con- stitute or represent an independent glottic system — are five in number: CJrinese, Annamese, Siamese, Burman, and Tibetan. To these, however, must be added a considerable number of isolated idioms in Transgangetic or Further India, such as the Pegu in British Burma, and the Kassia, confined to a small district in the south of Assam, on the left bank of the Brahmaputra, and about two hundred miles from the head of the Bay of Bengal. These, however, are not of sufficient importance to claim further notice here. It is not our intention, nor would it here be possible, to treat in ininiite detail all these different languages. It will be enough to give some general information respecting each of them, while dwelling more particularly on Chinese, the most characteristic of all the languages of this class. § 1. — Chinese. Its three great divisions are: the Mandarine, vernacular in the central provinces, and employed as a cultivated language through- out the empire ; the dialect of Canton ; and that of Fo-Kien. All Chap, hi.] MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. 35 three, while belonging to the same language, are vastly different, so that the natives of the northern and southern provinces have the greatest difficulty in understanding each other. The study of Chinese is composed of two clearly-defined branches — the writing system, and the language itself. Let us first speak of the latter. As already stated, it is purely and simply syntactic. The first rock it had to avoid, in common with all the isolating tongues, was the constant uncertainty of meaning, arising from the multiplicity of senses which one and the same form is susceptible of. Thus the form tao means indifferently : to reach, to ravish, to cover, tanner, corn, to lead, way, without reckoning two or three other senses in which it may he taken. The syllable lu stands for : to turn aside, vehicle, precious stone, dew, to forge, way, besides three or four others. It was a somewhat artless, yet very exact expedient, to place side by side two terms capable of being synonymous in some one of their meanings, as for instance tao and lu, both answering to the idea of way. Thus, while tao by itself might leave us to choose between nine or ten senses, tao lu can mean nothing but way or road. Is this, as has been assumed, a case of real composition 1 ? By no means, for a compound term always implies relationship, while we have here nothing but a heaping-up of homonyms. Not even the juxtaposition of two such words as f/i. father, and mu, mother = parents, can be looked on as forming a true compound, though at the first glance it may seem to be one; and so with yuan, distant, and Jan, near = distance. In point of fact, in this of coupling of words together, the first no more depends on the ond do.s on the first. It may well 1"' supposed that gender also can be determined only by means of a second term. Recourse, for instance, is had to nan, male, masculine ; niu, female, feminine whence nan tse = aon; ,..',/ tse =s daughter ; niu jin = woman. In the case of animals, the distinguishing terms are different, but the process is the same. Nothing can be simpler than fhis expedient, which we shall meet with in the agglutinating languages, such as Wolof, Japanese, &c, and even in the most highly-developed forms of D 2 3G MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. [Chap. hi. speech. In Latin, for instance, there occur the forms mas cards, femina canis, femina porcus, anguis fe.mina, and many analogous expressions. Thus it is that many phenomena peculiar to the first phase of speech have struggled on through the course of ages into the last and highest stage of all. ^Number is expressed, in principle, by the general context only. Still, at times use is made of some word expressive of multitude, totality : tojin = & crowd of people, many persons, people. The subject is at once denoted by the fact that it is always the first word in the proposition. The direct object also, in simple sentences, is indicated by its always following the word expressing the action, much as we should say, "James strikes John," and " John strikes James." But in other circumstances the direct object is determined by the employment of certain accessory words ; which help-words, however, can in no case be looked on as true prepositions. They are always pure root-words, the only kind of words known* in Chinese, as already remarked ; but that they always and constantly retain their proper and independent value- in the mind of those who employ them can scarcely be. admitted. This value becomes gradually weakened and ever more subordinate ; and it is this very subordination that in time converts isolating into agglutinating languages. The ideas of locality, of dativity, instrumentality, privation, and the like, are also conveyed either by the aid of certain words, or by position in the sentence. It will, doubtless, be enough to indicate this general fact, without entering into the analysis of a series of examples, which may be found in special works on the subject. The genitive is clearly expressed by placing the leading term after the relative, as in Hen tse, heaven son = sun of heaven; or in the. Mandarine language, by introducing the syllable ti between the two words placed in the same order as before. The conceptions of quality and comparison are expressed in perfectly analogous ways. Lastly, that of action, on which the whole proposition turns, is also denoted by a purely syntactical process, or else will have to be deduced from the general sense of the context. Thus, there is nothing in Chinese answering to Chap, hi.] MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. 37 our imperfect forms, and the future also must at times be evolved out of the context. As to the moods, the Romance conditional is recognised by its syntactical position, while the subjunctive and the optative are eked out by auxiliaries. In Chinese there is no more room for a verb than for a noun, and it cannot be too often repeated, that syntax alone defines the sense. Out of its place in the sentence the word is nothing but, a root taken in the vaguest possible way. In position alone, it awakens precise ideas of individuality, of quality, relation, action. Thus, for instance, the single syllable, ngan means to obtain rest, to enjoy rest, in the manner stated, repose. So with ta-=great, greatly, greatness, to make great', another = round, a ball, to round off, in a circle; another = to be, \ruLy, he, the letter, thus. As above stated, and as we shall have again to repeat, the use of accessory words, in order to impart the recpiired precision to the principal terms, is the path that leads from the monosyllabic to the agglutinative state. The meaning of these auxiliaries becomes gradually obscured, until the time comes when they acquire a value partly arbitrary. But there was a period, the golden age, so to say, of the monosyllabic system, when their true sense, their full and independent signification, suggested itself at once to the mind. This is a fact that the Chinese themselves have observed with astonishing shrewdness, when they divided the roots into two distinct classes — the full and the empty words (chi-tsen and lin-tsen). By the first, they understood those roots that retained their Ml and independent meaning ; the roots that reappear in a translation as nouns and verbs. They called empty words those roots whose proper value was becoming gradually obscured, and which, little by little, acquired the function of fi-ging precisely the extremely vague idea of the full words, whose primitive sense was still fully preserved In this they showed a remarkable power of discernment, which, hetter than many other discoveries, gave, proof of a care degree of perspicacity. "What is grammar?" the Chinese teacher asks his pupil. "It is a verj Useful art," replies the pupil; "an art that teaches us to (lis liii'juish between the full and empty word-.'' 38 MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. [Chap. in. The different tones occurring not very frequently in Chinese, form so many methods of accentuation, extremely useful where it "becomes necessary to distinguish the meanings, at times very different, of syllables made up of the same phonetic elements. The Chinese vocabulary, of almost Academic authority, gives 42,000 different ideographic symbols, each of which has its pro- nunciation sharply determined. But as the spoken language possesses only about 1,200 consonances, " it follows that the same utterance must be given on an average to thirty characters" (d'Hervey Saint-Denys). From this we see that if intonation has not been able to meet every difficulty, it was, at all events,- of great service. This circumstance, as stated, is common to all the monosyllabic tongues. Special Avorks quote a number of examples which need not here be repeated, and without entering into further details, it will perhaps suffice to describe this ingenious and very practical process. The Chinese phonetic system is not very intricate, without, how- ever, ranking with the most simple. Amongst the consonants g, d, and b are missing in the Mandarine dialect, but d oidy in that of Fo-Kien ; but in the latter the sibilants are less varied than in the former. The absence of r is a well-known fact. The vowels call for no special remark : they are often met with in the form of diphthongs, and frequently also nasalised. It is a characteristic fact that the monosyllables begin with a consonant and close with a vowel, the signs n or ng, met with at the end of Chinese words transcribed in Soman letters, merely indicating the nasalisation of the preceding vowels. There is but one solitary word that has escaped from this strict rule of an initial consonant and final vowel — ml = two and ear. Purely graphic questions do not come Avithin the province of philology. They form a special study, doubtless very interesting, but quite distinct and independent. It may still be useful to say a feAV Avords on the Chinese graphic system, and to sIioav Avith what skill this people have contrived to adapt to their singular speech a collection of characters seemingly but little suited for the service required of them. Chap, in.] MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. 39 Considering the great number of homophones in a monosyllabic Language, that is, of syllables formed of the same phonetic elements, but answering to totally different ideas, it became a serious difficulty how to determine the various meanings of such monads, in a written system. The Chinese solved the puzzle by employing two sorts of signs. The first is composed of nothing but images, or true designs — the picture of a tree, a mountain, or a dog — at times employed inde- pendently, at others, coupled together to reproduce a more or less complex idea. Thus, the image of water and that of the eye placed in juxtaposition convey the idea of tears. A door and an ear give the nation of listt ning or hearing; while the sun and the moon stand for brightness. Amongst the true designs must also be included the grouping- together of lines or points, expressing either number — one, two, three — or superiority, inferiority, inclination to one side or another, and so on. There was a time when these ideographs, thanks to the correctness of their drawing, directly awakened the conception they were intended to represent. But these simple and truthful symbols gradually lost their original outlines, and in the signs now standing for the notions of dog, sun, moon, mountain, we can no longer, at the first glance, detect the primitive images that directly awakened different ideas. The characters of this first category have been c dculated at least at about 200.* The B ad class is more intricate, involving two (dements, a phonetic and an ideographic. From all that has been said, it will be v understood that the object of the latter is to determine, the, at times, very diverse value of the phonetic element. This last, if left standing alone, might leave the reader's mind wavering between i iplicity of homophones. The ideographic element puts an end .:,, f ssting a definite conception, or at least a ,:■■,- of i i 1 1. Thus, the character taken in it-- totality denotes both the pronunciation and the meaning, each part being comple- ixy to the other. I m ■ of them, however, is looked on as of no i its phonetic ralue is concerned, the utterance • Abel Renrasat, "Beoherches sur l'Origine ei Is Formation de la Langue Ghinoige," ia " M£ uoirea de L'Acad. dee [ni oriptiona ei Belles-lettres," 1820. 40 MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. [Chap. hi. being determined by the other alone. If, for instance, the sign cheu, vessel, is placed before those representing huo, fire, and ma, horse, these last two will lose their phonetic value, and the whole will be read off as cheu, but this cheu will no longer mean vessel. In con- sequence of the character following it, its meaning wdl be either the flickering of a flame or a particular kind of horse.* The Chinese have limited to 214 the number of signs which they call "tribunals," and to which European grammarians have given the name of "keys" or "radicals." Besides the 1G9 ideographs, whose object in association with a non-phonetic element has been explained above, these 214 keys comprise a small number of signs that are purely graphic, or simple pictures. They contain the ele- ments of all the Chinese characters, of which there are about 50,000 (43,49G according to a calculation based on the Imperial Chinese Dictionary), and to the keys all the rest must, therefore,. he subordinate. This is Avhat the Chinese, have done in then lexical classification, taking care to arrange the keys in consecutive order, according as they are composed of one, two, three, or more strokes, the last of all (jah, a musical instrument) being made up of seven- teen such strokes. This arbitrary classification, it is evident, has nothing to do with the language itself. In fact, as above stated, the study of Chinese embraces two distinct parts — that of the lan- guage, and the written system. Hence the serious difficulties met with by those beginning to study Chinese. Let us add that all the signs may on certain occasions be employed as purely phonetic symbols. It is in this way that the Chinese are able to write foreign words or names, such as 'la si 'la, Asia ; 'In ki li, English ; 117 hi to Via, Victoria. We also know that it was from the Chinese characters, treated as phonetic signs, that was derived the Japanese system of writing, while the Japanese language is so totally different from the Chinese. * Stephan Endlichers Chinese Grammar is the simplest we are ac- quainted with, though too often displaying a lack of criticism. — " Anfangs- griinde der Chinesischen Gratnmatik," Vienna, 1845. The rules for the posi- tion of the words in the sentence may be profitably studied in the " Syntax nouvelle de la Langue Chinoise," by Stanislas Julien. Paris, 1S69. Chap, hi.] MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. 41 As to the Chinese signs themselves, we have already seen that they arose out of a genuine pictorial system. They are still met in this primitive form on some old monuments, so that it becomes possible step by step to follow the gradual changes they have, undergone during the course of ages. Several graphic systems have been very clearly determined and employed during periods of many centuries, owing their more or less serious subsequent modifi- cations entirely to accidental circumstances. There, moreover, exist among the Chinese several other kinds of writing, amongst which is a very rapid cursive hand in common use. But we cannot enter further into the question of the Chinese cha- racters, which is merely incidental to the subject, as we are not concerned with graphic systems, but with the structure and phonetic elements of speech. § 2. — Annamese. This is the language of the extreme eastern portion of Further India, that is, of Cochin-China on the south and of Tonkin on the north. It is separated, at least towards the south-west, from the Siamese by the Cambodian, on the nature of which it is still very difficult to form an opinion. A very interesting ethnographic chart of the south-eastern portion of this peninsula has been drawn up by Francis ( rarnier.* The Annamese language is absolutely independent of Chinese, both in its phonetic system and its roots, that is to say, its words, since the rout constitutes the word itself in all monosyllabic tongues. Gender and number are expressed, as in Chinese, by adding to the principal syllable others with the meaning of male, female, nil. many, and the like. The adjective is recognised by its position after the noun it qualifies. Lastly, in tie' verb, tense and mood are denoted by the simultaneous employment of the root on which the Sentence turn-, and of others, the general meaning of which is that of past, future, and so on. What has been said of the structure of Chinese is, therefore, * " Journal Afiiatique,'' Aout-Siptcinlirc, 1N7-. 42 MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. [Chap. in. applicable in all its details to Annamese. Here, also, the tonic system plays a chief part, as in Chinese, distinguishing words, the utterance of which would he exactly alike, although their sense may he quite different. There are in Annamese six tones — the acute, very hard to describe ; the interrogative ; the pitched or rising, not very different from the interrogative; the subdued or lowering; the grave; and the equal or uniform. The Annamite writing system is figurative, that is, ideographic, and was at a remote period borrowed from the Chinese, but has undergone serious modifications and numerous additions. The language itself has also borrowed largely from Chinese, especially from the southern dialect. This fact has deceived some writers, who have endeavoured to compare the two languages, and derive them from one common source. But however great be the number of such borrowed words, they have nothing to do Avith the essence of the language, or with its proper roots. These, even were they much less numerous than they are, would still suffice to establish the undoubted originality and independence of Annamese. § 3. — Siamese or Thai. Siamese occupies the region to the north of the Gulf of Siam, ex- tending to some distance into the interior, and also along the western shore of the gulf. Towards the east, it comes in contact with the still but little-known language of Cambodia ; and towards the west, with the Burmese, also a monosyllabic language. The name Thai, or Siamese, is peculiar to a certain people, but has been extended to the neighbouring and kindred races, as, for instance, to those of Laos to the north. The Siamese phonetic system is one of the richest, especially in aspirates and sibilants. Its grammar, like the Chinese and Anna- mese, is purely monosyllabic, and it has four different intonations, serving to distinguish words of like form but different meaning. § I. — Barman. Spoken in' the north-west of the peninsula, between Siamese and the Aryan languages of India. Its phonetic elements are not so Chap, hi.] MONOSYLLABIC LANGUAGES. 43 numerous as the Siamese, and it reckons but one sibilant. Its intonations also are less numerous than the Chinese and Annamese, whilst its grammatical expedients and processes are absolutely the same. § 5. — Tibetan. Tibet is indebted to the Buddhism of India for most of its intel- lectual culture, including its alphabet and its not inconsiderable literature. It is difficult to say what Tibetan literature may have been before the great religious movement entirely revolutionised it. There are no documents dating from that period, and the Buddhist missionaries' first care was to translate into Tibetan the religious works composed in Sanskrit (or Pali). The alphabet employed by them, and which is still in use, was (a modification of the Devanagari) current in Northern India. Its origin is per- fectly clear ; and anyone who can read Devanagari may in a few hours learn Tibetan, which derives directly from it. The different authors that have written on Tibetan have not made its monosyllabic character sufficiently clear. The processes employed by it are analogous to those made use of in Chinese, Annamese, and the other isolating languages. Thus it possesses neither number nor gender, expressing the latter by the addition of tier word meaning male or female: ra pho, he-goat; ra ma, s >at. And so with number, denoted by the help of some second term, generally implying the idea of all or multitude. The pre- tended Tibetan cas; - are no more cases than are those that have be d attributed to < !hin< se and Annamese. II. re also the full root is determined by words which become empty, that is, which lose a of their primary sense, and serve as adjuncts to the principal word. In itself the term i no more a simple noun (or adjective) than it is a verb, its nature bi ing in each case determined either by its >ii in the :- ntence or by the addition of some empty root. After what has been said of the monosyllabic tongues in general, and of Chinese in partic to go more minutely into the structure of Tibetan, li does no! differ from that of the 4A SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. it. other isolating tongues, and Ave must not be led astray by what grammarians without judgment tell us of its pretended gender, number, eases, persons, moods, and tenses. These are merely so many ways of speaking, which shoidd not be taken literally ; and all traces of which will disappear in the comparative syntax of the various monosyllabic languages, which will doubtless soon be com- posed. Anyone undertaking this task, without attempting to reduce to a common form the essentially different roots of these idioms, would supply one of the first desiderata of philology. It would above all be necessary that the idea be thoroughly dis- seminated that, in order to study any monosyllabic language whatsoever, we forget for a moment all that we know concern- in<* the structure and processes of our flexional forms of speech. Unfortunately, this woidd seem to be no slight difficulty. CHAPTEE IV. SECOND FORM OF SPEECH AGGLUTINATION. Tlie Agglutinating Languages. Of all known languages, those that by their form belong to this second class are by far the most numerous. Beyond all manner of doubt they belong to a great many stocks, very distinct, inde- pendent, and incapable of being reduced to a common source. Professed etymologists may have attempted to bring them back to one origin, herein more or less wittingly ministering to the ten- dency of theological systems ; but their efforts have been crowned with no better success than they deserved. Doubtless, all etymo- logists will lend themselves to a comparison of Magyar and Basque, of Tamil and Algonquin, of Japanese and the Australian dialects. But what is etymology? We have already explained that it is a mass of fictions and delusions, an intellectual trifling, a constant defiance of the most rudimentary principles of method, and most frequently of the first elements of common sense. Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION". 45 § 1. — What is Agglutination. While in the idioms of the first form, Chinese, Siamese, &c, the words are invariably monosyllabic forms, following each other without the least fusion or connection, and each retaining its proper force; in those of the second category many elements are placed in close association, in a way agglutinating, or agglomerating together, whence the name of agglutinating, or agglomerating languages. Of these diverse elements, one alone contains the leading idea, the main thought or conception, the others losing their independent value altogether. They certainly still retain a personal or individual sense, hut this is now entirely relative. The element preserving its primitive force, strike, take, keep, becomes surrounded by others determining its manner of being or manner of action, while these other elements themselves, thus tacked on to the primary one, play the exclusive part of so determining its manner of being or action. Making i;, the initial of the word "root," stand for the essen- tial element of the. word, and rrr, for those that have sunk to the condition of mere elements of relationship, we may assume in an agglutinating language the following formulae: rE, where the primary root is preceded by a prefix of relationship; Rr Avhere it is followed by a ^uliix ; u R i;, where it stands between two rela- tional terms ; r R r r, and so on. Two or three examples from the Magyar Language will make this explanation clear. In the indicative present kert'ek, you pray, leer is the vol, thai is the element whose meaning remains unclouded, while t'ek is the relational element, denoting person. Hence the formula here is R h. Iii the present optative kernetek, may you pray, where lie ne is also a relational sign, showing that ilc- genera] and prevailing idea of Jeer is taken in an optative sense, the formula \\ ill he I; it k. Now )el ua take the p,ol ■_,!,-, to shili, and hi us consider some of [\ called derivatives, which, in fad, are nothing hut cases of agglutination or juxtaposition. They put in the clearest light the real nature of this proce . Eere are a few of its forms in 46 SECOND FOEM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. the third person singular, where the element implying lie or she is understood : zdrhat, he can shut, formula R R ; zdrogat, lie often shuts, same formula ; zdrogathat, he can often shut, formula Rrr; zdrat, he causes to shut, formula Er; zdratgat, he causes often to shut, formula Err; zdratgathat, he can often cause to shut, formula R B R R. Thus we see that two characteristic facts distinguish the agglu- tinating from the isolating class. In the former the word is no longer composed of the root alone, Irat is formed by the union of several roots. In the second place, one only of these roots thus agglomerated retains its real value, in the others the individual meaning becoming obscured and passing into the second rank. They serve now only to fix precisely the manner of being or of action of the leading root, whose primitive meaning remains unaffected. The primary root being thus retained in its primitive form, the others lose their independence, and fall into their place side by- side of each other; and this is precisely what constitutes agglutina- tion. Here the word is formed by the union of several different elements or roots, and thus becomes complex. It is this that distinguishes it from the word as conceived in the isolating lan- guages, where it is composed of the root itself and of that alone. In any case, let us state at once that in the agglutinating tongues there is no true declension or conjugation. The use of these terms, as well as of the corresponding words case, nominative, accusative, genitive, and so on, when speaking of Japanese, Basque, Wolof, &c, is merely a conventional way of expressing oneself, not, perhaps, to be absolutely condemned, but yet to be taken with great reserve. We have stated that the agglutinating idioms are very nume- rous, in fact embracing the great majority of known lan- guages. We shall now proceed to notice at least such of them as seem best to illustrate the principal agglutinating systems. Some we shall have to treat very summarily, such as the Corean and those of the African negroes. But we shall have to enter more fully into the details of some others, such as the different Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 47 languages of the Uralo-Altaic group, the Basque and the American languages. The relatively greater importance of the latter "will probably be a sufficient justification of the greater attention they must command at our hands. After mentioning the principal agglutinating systems, we shall have a word to say on the " Turanian " theory, on the pretended " Turanian languages," and on the principal speculations that this theory has given rise to. We shall begin with the agglomerating languages of Africa — those of the Hottentots, the Bushmen, the true Negroes, the Kafirs, the Fida tribes, and the Nubians. Proceeding eastwards, we shall then treat of the Negritos, the Papuas, and the Australians. Returning northwards, we shall meet the Malayo-Polynesian system ; ami still farther north, the Japanese and Corean, on the extreme east of the Asiatic continent. Eetracing our steps west- wards, we shall take the Dravidian group in the south of India ; the Uralo-Altaic family in Asia and Europe; the Bascpie at the foot of the Western Pyrenees ; and, crossing the Atlantic, the languages of the New World. AVe shall conclude with the idioms of the ' acasus, and certain other tongues either little known or not yet classified. The first part of this category is purely geographical, but aw have had certain grammatical reasons fur arranging consecutively the Dravidian, the Uralo-AltaiV, Basque, ami American system--. It would be, perhaps, difficult here to explain these reasons, but they will become apparent later on, and more particularly when we com»; t" treat of tie- American languages. § 2. — South African Languages. Under this heading we do not include the idioms of the " Bantu" ;:;, which will be treated of farther on, under the nai >f By South African, as b re u ed, we under- stand the languages of the Bottentots and of the Bushmen only. (1) Hottentot Tin; origin of bhifl race i involved in greal oh aor is that 48 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. of their language at all 1 tetter known. Attempts have unsuccess- fully been made to group it with the Hametic system, Old Egyptian, Coptic, etc. ; but, as it stands, it seems to be isolated and inde- pendent of all other tongues. It is, however, clearly agglutinating. Of the Hottentot there are three dialects : Nam.a or Namaqua, Khora, and Cape Hottentot. Of these, the first, spoken by some twenty thousand persons, is the most important. Converging northwards on the Herero (a Bantu idiom, of which presently), and limited on the south by the Orange River, Narhaqua Land is bounded westwards by the Atlantic, and eastwards by the Kalahari desert.* Khora, or Klmrana, is spoken much farther to the east, in the district watered by the Vaal, Modder, and Caledon, about the 29° south latitude. It bears a certain affinity to the Namaqua tongue, but is rapidly dying out. Cape. Hottentot is well-nigh extinct. It was formerly diffused throughout the colony, bordering north-eastwards on the idioms of the Kafir system, northwards on the Khora, and on the north- west on the Xamaqua. At present there remain but a small number of Griquas, Avho still speak Hottentot amongst them- selves, Dutch, English, and Kafir having elsewhere almost entirely extinguished it. However, all these dialects differ but little from each other, so that the Griquas have no great difficulty in understanding the Namaqua of the Atlantic seaboard. The Hottentot in his own language calls himself Khoikhoib, in the plural Khoikhoin, a word which means "man of men," or "friend of friends." — (Halvn, op. cit., p. 8). The Namaqua phonetics are very varied, possessing a very deli- cately graduated series of vowels, all of which are capable of being nasalised. There are also a considerable number of diphthongs — about twelve altogether. It is no less rich in consonants, besides the ordinary explosives * Th. Hahn, "Die Sprache dor Nama," Leipzig, 1870; Tyndall, "A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Namaqua-Hottentot Language ;" Bleek, "A Comparative Grammar of the South African Languages," London, 1869. Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 49 (p, t, k, and b, d, g), including k, h, and several other gutturals ; the sibilants s and z (as in sister, zeal) ; a peculiar nasal, somewhat resembling the nasal sound heard in the German word enge; v, r, h, and a palatal, which, however, does not occur in the Namaqua dialect. To these various consonants must be added four others of a special order — the so-called clicks. The dental click, denoted by a vertical stroke | , or, according to some writers, by the letter c ; the palatal, marked by two horizontal bars crossing a vertical one, =|±, or by the letter v; the cerebral, represented by a sign of exclamation, ! , or by the letter q ; the lateral, expressed by two vertical bars, ||, or by the letter x. These click-letters, though sounding strange to an European ear, are yet capable of being imitated. They will be found fully described in special grammars, all, at least, except the fourth, which is very peculiar, and is so called because the side teeth play an important part in its utterance. The click-letters may precede the gutturals n, It, and all the vowels, and they occur moreover every moment — in fact, almost in every word. Word-formation is extremely simple: root followed by a suffix — that is, by some derivative element. Let us observe at once that these derivative elements have each a fold form: one for the word when subject; another for the word when object, whether direct or indirect — the first receiving the name of subject or, the second that of ir n masculine, ta feminine. in other agglutinating idioms, the pretended moods and tenses of the Hai are formed by means of distinct words that have reached the stage of particles. The Bystem seems at lir-i somewhat complex, but it presents no difficulties that cannol rercome by means of a little scientific analysis. 58 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. (G) Bornu Group Is situated in the neighbourhood of Lake Chad, to the east of the Hausa, and comprises some half-dozen dialects, amongst which Kanem, Tcda (or Tebu), both spoken by Tebu tribes, north and north-east of the lake, Kanuri, Murio, and Nguru. (7) Kruli Group, Including Grebo (Basa, &c), brings us to the "Windward and Grain Coast, near the river St. Paul (in Liberia). (8) Ewe or Ife Group Occupies the western portion of the Gidf of Guinea, about the 7° north latitude, and somewhat farther north. It embraces four idioms, all akin to each other— Ewe, Yoruba, Oji (or O-tyi), and Gel or AJcra. Besides these groups there remain to be mentioned the Ibo and Nupe spoken, the first in the north, the second in the south of the Niger Delta. Michi, an isolated idiom, a little to the east of the foregoing, about the 7° north latitude. Mosgu, Batta, and Lor/one, still farther east, south of the Bomu group and of Lake Chad, and forming a group of themselves. Baghirmi, to the east of the preceding, in the very heart of Africa, and stretching south-east from Lake Chad (in the direction of Darfur). Maba, in the same direction, and unconnected with the sur- rounding dialects. Lastly, eastwards of Central Africa, south of Nubia, and west of Abyssinia, another negro group, known as that of the Upper Nile, and comprising the ShiluJc, on the west bank of the Bahr-el-Abiad ; Dinka, on the right bank of the same river ; Nuer, immediately below Shiluk and Bari, about the 5° north latitude (or between Gondokoro and the great equatorial lake system). In conclusion, let us repeat that the various groups of languages, spoken by the negroes of Senegambia, Soudan, and Upper Guinea, are all independent of each other. We have here mentioned the Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 59 majority of the one-and-twenty groups hitherto recognised; but groups do not constitute so many branches or ramifications of some one linguistic family. They are no doubt all agglutinating, but, as already stated, this analogy establishes no sort of affinity between languages so constituted. In a word, Wolof, Hausa, Sonra'i, and Ban are no more cognate tongues than are Basque and Japanese, or Magyar and Tamil. § 4. — Bantu, or Kafir Family. Occupies a wide domain, roughly comprising the whole of the smith-east of the continent, reaching southwards to the neighbour- hood of the Cape, and northwards a little beyond the equator, where it meets the Ethiopian group of the Hamitic family, and the dialects of the negroes of Guinea, thus spreading north and south over about one-half of the whole continent. About one-fourth of the natives of Africa speak the various dialects of this family. These are very numerous, and are derived all from one common source, which, as we have seen, is far from being the case with the languages spoken by the negro tribes in the • and west of the continent. The mother-tongue of this great family is utterly unknown, but it may possibly yet be restored in all its essential grammatical and lexical features. The general name of Kafir, often given to the Bantu family, is purely conventional The word, which is Arabic, and means inficL /, was at first applied to all the tribes of south-east Africa, but gradually limited, until it has now come to be restricted to those stretching from the north-east of Cape Colony to Delagoa llav. Bence it cannot with propriety be any longer applied to as the Kisuaheli, spoken in Zanzibar, or to the Fernandian, in the < lulf of < ruin< a. The term Bantu is in every way preferable. It is the plural of. .old meaning man, lias the sense of men, population, people, and may readily be extended to the language itself. The phonetic j tern of the whole family ; one of the richest, nor is it lacking in harmony. A a rule words are modified not by suffixing, but by prefixin ate of relationship. 60 SECOND FOEM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. It is divided into three great branches — a western, a central, and an eastern, each of which is again subdivided into a number of minor groups. They are thus classified by Fr. Midler and Halm* : Eastern Branch. — Languages of the Zanzibar district ; languages of the Zambesi ; Zulu-Kafir group. Central Branch. — Sechuana and Tegeza. Western Branch. — Kongo ; Herero, &c. The principal dialects of the north-eastern or Zanzibar district are the Ki-Pokumo, a little to the south of the equator ; Ki-Suaheli, about the 5° south latitude ; Ki-Nika, Ki-Kamba, Ki-Hiau, about the 13° south latitude. Of the tribes speaking these idioms, the Suaheli is the best known. Somewhat farther south are the Zambesi languages, Tette, Sena, and others. Makua, a little more to the north-east, is spoken in the Mozambique country. Still farther south are the Kafir proper and the Zulu, closely related to each other, and tolerably well known through the writings of the English missionaries. t Zulu is spoken by the Amazulus, in Zulu-land and Natal ; Kafir, by the Amakhosas or Kafirs proper, south of Natal. To these is related the Fingu, spoken by the Amafingus, the Amasuazis, and some other obscure tribes. Thus this Kafir group reaches from Cape Colony to Delagoa Bay. Of the two languages of the central group, Tegeza is the least known. Sechuana, with which we are much better acquainted, is the language of the Bechuanas, north of the 20° and south of the 25° latitude. It includes eastwards the Sesuto, spoken by the Basutos ; westwards, the Serolowj and Seldapi, spoken by the Barolongs and the Bahlapis. Coming to the west or Atlantic coast, we find the Bantu system less prevalent here than on the east coast. Northwards it stretches four or five degrees beyond the equator, thus bordering on the languages of the Negroes proper. The northern division of this western branch comprises the * " Grundzuge einer Grammatik cles Herero," p. 5. Berlin, 1857. f Appleyard, " The Kafir Language." London, 1850. Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 61 dialects of Fernando Po, Mpongwe, Di-Kele, Isubu, Dualla, and Kongo, which last is the most important of the group. More to the south are the Bunda (in Angola), Benguda, Londa, and Serero, abont the 19° south latitude, and reaching southwards as far as the Hottentot Namaqua dialect. Bleek classifies all these languages somewhat differently, dividing them into three distinct branches.* The first comprises Kafir, Zhdu, Sehlapi, Sesuto, and Tegeza. The second embraces five subdivisions : 1, Tette, Sena, Mafcua, Ki^Hiau; 2, Ki-Kamba, Kir-Nika, Ki-Suaheli, Ki-Sambala; 3, Baydye (in the interior); 4, Herero, Sindonga (spoken by the Ovambo), Nano (in Benguela), Angola ; 5, Kongo, Mpongwe. The third division includes the Di-Kele, Benga (in the islands of Corisco Bay), Dualla, Isubu, Fernandian. It is difficult to venture an opinion on this arrangement, many languages in the interior of South Africa being unknown. But fresh discoveries and researches will doubtless enable us to classify more exactly the idioms already known. Tin- phonetics of the Bantu family call for no particular remark, except that the vowels are liable to contraction, to euphonic sup- rions, and to rather numerous variations, but always in accord- ance with well-determined principles. In this respect the Kafir idioms an- more refined than many other agglutinating tongues; instances occurring in them of true vowel harmony, that is of the vowel of one syllable assimilating to that of another in the same word. The consonantal system seems somewhat complex, owing especially to the great number of double co , whose first element is a nasal : nt, nd, mp, &c. />i!, north of Moreton Bay; the Turrubnl., near the river I.rishane. The central group comprises the idioms spoken north of Adelaide, in South Australia. The western group includes the dialects spoken in the south of Western Australia, to the east and south of Perth. Thus all these languages belong to the southern portion of the Australian continent. Those of the centre and north may be said to 1)" as yet utterly unknot a, r 2 6S SECOND FORM OP SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. The phonetics of the Australian tongues are very simple, in- cluding hut a small numher of vowels and consonants. They seem to possess the soft explosives only (b, d, g). Words are formed hy means of suffixes alone, the formative element heing placed always at the end of the word, as in Aryan, and never at the beginning, as in the Bantu system : tippin = bird ; tippinko — to the bird ; punnul = sun ; punnidko = to the sun. The numeral system is one of the most limited. They reckon up to four inclusive, but after that they use some general term expressive of multitude, or a great quantity. The language of the Tasmanians seems to have been related to those of the mainland ; but our information regarding it is very incomplete, and, as is well known, the Tasmanians are now ex- tinct, Truganina, the last of the race, having died in 1876. § 10. — The Malay o-Polynesian Idioms. These are sometimes called Oceanic, although including some spoken in Africa (or its islands), such as the Malagasse, and others in Asia, such as the Forcnosan. They are thus classified by Frederic Miiller, in his account of the cruise of the " Novara " round the globe,* and in his " Allge- meine Ethnographie " : Melanesian Group. — Figi, Annatom, Erromango, Tana, Mallikolo, Lifoo, Baladea, Bauro, Guadalkanar. Polynesian Group. — Samoa, Tonga, Maori, Tahiti, Rarotonga, Marquesas dialects, Hawaii or Sandwich. Malay Group. — Tagala branch : Language of the Philippines (Tagala, Bisaya, Pampanga, Bicol, &c.) ; Ladrone or Marianne dialects ; Malagasse of Madagascar ; Formosan. Malayo-Javanese branch : Malay, Javanese, language of the Sunda Islands, Madura, Mankasar, Alfooroo, Battak, Dayak. Two facts seem now firmly established : (1) That the Malayo- Polynesian idioms have all a common origin ; (2) That they are independent of all other linguistic systems. Bopp made an ill- * "Reise dor osterreichischen Fregatte." Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. G9 starred attempt to connect them with the Aryan family ; while others have fancied that they belong to a pretended Turanian group, of which we shall have something to say in § 19 of the present chapter. But all this was labour lost. Their phonetic system is quite distinct from that of all others ; their roots are thorougldy original, and afford no elements of comparison with those of the Ar} r an, Uralo- Altaic, or any other system Avhatsoever. According to Frederic Midler, the primitive Malayo-Polynesian phonetic system was composed of three explosives, A-, t, p; three corresponding nasals ; h, r ; the fricatives s, f, v ; and the vowels a, t, u ( = oo), e, o. It was not tdl a later period that the other sounds appeared — for instance, g, d, h, ch,j, y, I, &c. The elements attached to the root to form words are sometimes prefixed, and sometimes suffixed, while in certain dialects they are intercalated, that is, incorporated in the body of the word. Of the three Malayo-Polynesian groups, the Malayan seems to present the fuUest and most highly-developed forms, the Tagala branch being especially distinguished in this respect. Next comes the Melanesian; and last of all, the Polynesian, which shows great poverty when compared with the Tagala, Formosan, and Malagasse. But this would not justify the statement that the Malay group more faithfully represents the common forms that have given birth to ill'' Tagala and the Javanese, as well as to the Tahitian ami the Marquesas dialect. The view to take of the matter is that the Polynesian group was detached from the parent stock at a period when lln' language was not yet very developed, and that the state of its civilisation did not permit of its further development. " Whilst tin; inflectional languages," says Frederic Midler, "broke up into separate divisions at an epoch when their structure was already perfect, whilst their history henceforth reveals uothing but a continuous modification of their forms, the uninnectionaJ idioms .seem, on the contrary, to have split- up at a time when their ore was still in an unfinished state. Thus each of them, after having heroine detached from its congeners, was obliged to make provision out of its own resources for the completion of its inner structure, Bence the identity of roots and of their formative 70 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. elements ; but hence also the rare coincidence of the ready-made words."* The grammar of the Malayo-Polynesian idioms is like that of all other agglutinating tongues. There is no true declension, particles performing the functions of the Latin and Greek case- endings, and of our prepositions. Thus, in New Caledonian,* "belonging to the Melanesian group, vangaevu = lord, the lord ; o vangaevu = of the lord; vangaevu 04 = the lords; o vangaevu oi = oi the lords. In Maori (Polynesian group), te tanata = the man ; a te tanata = of the man ; hi te tanata = to the man. No special element is agglutinated to the noun in order to denote number. In Fiji, for instance, a tamata means both man and men ; in Erromango, niteni = son and sons. Hence plurality is expressed by certain artificial processes, as in the Melanesian dialect of Mare, where the word nodei = crowd, is placed before the noun to make it plural : ngome = a man ; nodei gnome = men. In New Caledonian the noun is either preceded by the collective va, or followed by oi ; vangaevu = the lord; vangaevu oi = the lords. In the Malay group the noun is either doubled or else accompanied by some collective term. The repetition of the word is regulated by special laws, as in Formosan, which doubles the first syllable : sjien = the tooth ; sisjien = the teeth ; while in Javanese the whole word may be doubled : ratu = the prince ; raturatu = the princes. Gender also is denoted not by agglutination but by some secondary word, as in Fiji, tagane = male ; aleva = female ; a gone tagane = boy ; a gone aleva = girl. In Tahiti metua means parent, of either sex, father and mother being distinguished by the accompanying words tune and vahine respectively. In the case of animals two other terms are used, such as oni and ufa. Thus : moa oni = cock; moa «/« = hen.|. Neither is there any true * " Allgemeine Ethnographie," p. 285. •f- H. V. D. Gabelentz, " Die Melanesischen Sprachen," " Memoirs of the Saxony Academy," Philosophy and History sections, vol. iii. Leipzig, 1861. X Ganssin, " Du Dialecte de Tahiti, de celni des ilea Marquises, et, en general, de la Langue Polynesienne." Paris, 1853. Chap, rv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 71 conjugation, the notions of tense and mood being expressed by means of affixes, or words no longer possessing anything more than a subordinate sense. As a rule, the verb itself comes last, as in the Melanesian dialect of Annatom : Ek asaig = I say. Ek mun asaig = I have said. Ekis asaig = I was saying. Ekis mun asaig = I had said. Ekpu asaig = I shall say. Eku vit asaig = If I say, &c. &c. Still this is by no means an invariable rule. It has just been said that the secondary or relational elements may be placed either before the principal word, as in the Bantu family, or after it, as in the Aryan tongues, or, lastly, embodied in the word itself. Tims in Mare (Melanesian group) from vose = to tie, and menenge = to dwell, are formed namenen me~ne7co, she-cat. The particles of number, such as tatsi, ought to be attached, like those of case, immediately to the stem : Mtotatdno, of the men; hitotatside, with the men ; as in the singular : hitono, hitode. Like all agglutinating verbs, the Japanese verb admits of those series of elements placed in juxtaposition, which have already been spoken of, and which more or less precisely determine the sense of the primary root — negative, causative, optative elements, and the like. It seems needless to give a list of examples, which would be absolutely analogous to those already quoted, or to others we shall have to introduce, when speaking more in detail of the Uralo- Altaic group. Japanese literature, though evidently interesting, has not yel found a historian. It is largely occupied with history, historical novels, stories, and romance in general. There are also a great number of works on religious philosophy and poetry, and amongsl the sciences, linguistics and botany have been cultivated. It will, doubtless, be no easy matter in these compositions to separate the purely national element from what is due to Chinese influence, which mad'' it.s> If felt more particularly about the third century of our era. Still, we may hope that this undertaking may be accom- plished at no very remote period. All the Chinese words introduced through this literary pre- dominance have been subjected to the principle of juxtaposition, jus! as tli" Romance and Latin words have conformed to the encies of Low German accidence in English: conform-ed, conformring, rapid-ly, and so on. We have Btated that the present alphabet is derived from the VG SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. Chinese ideographic system ; and, like it, the characters are written in parallel columns from right to left. Besides this cursive writing, which is called hirakana, and is everywhere current, there is another, the katakana, vastly more simple, but employed mainly by foreigners little acquainted with the other system. [This katakanu system — the i-ro-fa, as it is called, from the names of the first three signs — is strictly syllabic, consisting of forty-seven characters, each representing a full syllable : ri, ru ; wo, wa, &c. Of these, five are purely vowel sounds : i, u, o, a, a ; .the rest combinations in which the consonant in all cases precedes the vowel : ro, fa, ni, and so on. By the addition of the soft accent, nigori, consisting of two minute strokes to the right, of the hard accent, mctru — a little dot or circle also to the right — and of a sign for the solitary true consonant n, the original forty-seven characters are raised to seventy-three, and are then differently arranged. There are a few other orthographic signs, such as koto, tama, site, &c, but the whole system is so simple and ingenious that the Avonder is it has not long ago superseded the cumbrous, half-ideographic, half-phonetic systems, that still prevail everywhere throughout the country.] § 12.- — Corean. This language has been grouped with various agglutinating idioms, more particularly with the Japanese. Without absolutely denying the possibility of such a connection, before admitting it we must wait till it is supported by some methodic arguments, which have so far not been forthcoming. Of all the languages of the extreme east, Corean is the least known and the least studied. It possesses a true alphabet, com- posed of detached vowels and consonants, which is simple enough, and dates probably from the fourth century of our era. But in spite of all the hypotheses propounded on the subject, its origin is still clouded in mystery. In Corean, as in other agglutinating idioms, suffixes are used to express the various relational ideas denoted by case-endings in the inflectional languages. ^Number is denoted either by repeating Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OP SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 77 the word, or by the addition of some secondary term meaning all or many. In the Corean vocabulary there are a great number of Chinese words, Avhich, however, are easily recognised, though their pronun- ciation is by no means uniform. § 13.— Tito Dravidian Tongues. This group, which is also spoken of as the Tamulu, the Tamil, and the .Malabaric family, derives its name from a Sanskrit word, originally denoting those Hindus who had settled in that part of India known afterwards as the Deccan. In course of time the word was applied to the country itself, and more particularly to that part of it where Tamil was spoken, which is the most important member of the group. These languages occupy the whole southern portion of India proper, from the Vindhay mountains and the river ^Nerbudda to Cape Comorin. In this vast region, containing a population of about 50,000,000 inhabitants, there are a few European and Mussulman settlements; but the number of those speaking the Dravidian idioms exclusively may be estimated at upwards of 45,000,000. In his important work on the Dravidian tongues, Caldwell divides them into two groups, according as they arc cultivated or not. The first consists of six languages : Tamil, Malayalam, i, Kanarese, Tulu, and Kudagu. The second also comprises six dial ets, which will be presently mentioned. The Tamil, also (but improperly) Tamul (the second vowel in the Dative spelling being distinctly a short i, not a u), occupies in many respects the same position in the Dravidian group that Sanskril does in the Aryan, surpassing, as it does, all the others in the richness of its vocabulary, the purity and antiquity of its forms, and in its higher literary cultivation. It is the ordinary spi li of 1 1,500,000 people, occupying the whole plain to the east of the Western Ghats, from Pulicat to ('ape Comorin, and the west coast as far as Trivandram. Then- are also numerous Tamil 78 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iy. communities in the north-west of Ceylon, and in the Nizam's Dominions. The long strip stretching along the coast between the Ghats and the Arabian Sea, from Trivandram to Mangalore, is the home of the Malayalam, or Malayajma, spoken by about 3,000,000 of natives. It is looked on as an older dialect of the Tamil, into which a large number of Sanskrit words have found their way. The Tulu, formerly spreading north of the Malayalam, is now confined to the neighbourhood of Mangalore, on the coast east of the Ghats, and is spoken by probably not more than 300,000. Though sometimes considered as a dialect of the Malayalam, it differs very decidedly from that language ; and, in fact, constitutes a real branch of the Dra vidian family. The Kanarese, or Kannada, occupies the north Dravidian district, extending over the plateau of Mysore and the western portion of the Nizam's Dominions. The number of those by whom it is spoken is now estimated at about 9,000,000. This language is extremely interesting, as it often retains forms more antique and purer even than those of the Tamil. The Telugu, also Telinga, is the Andhra of Sanskrit writers. It limits the Dravidian group on the east and the north, and is spoken by 15,500,000 natives. Its forms have been less faithfully preserved than those of its congeners, and its phonetic system has also been greatly changed, under the influence of harmonic laws, that have earned for it the name of the Italian of the Deccan. Of all the cultivated Dravidian tongues, Kudagu is the least important, being spoken by not more than 150,000 natives, west of Mysore. Caldwell, who had formerly looked on it as a dialect of the Kanarese, gives it an independent position in the second edition (1875) of his " Dravidian Grammar." Amongst the secondary dialects may be mentioned the Kota, the Tuda, the Gond, the Ku or Khond, and perhaps the Rajmdhal, and the Union. The Kota is spoken by a half-savage tribe, reckoned at about 1,100, in the gorges of the JNTeilgherries. The Tuda is the dialect of another Neilgherry tribe, consisting of not more than 750. The Chap, it.] SECOND FOKM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 79 Oond is the language of 1,600,000 in the hilly districts in the territories of Gondvana, Nagpore, Sangor, and the Nerbudda. The Ku, or Khond, is spoken at Goomsur, on the hills of Orissa, and in the eastern parts of Gondvana, by about 270,000. The Bajmahal, or Muler, and Urunn, are spoken in Central India — -the first by 40,000, the second by upwards of 260,000 — and both of these dialects are somewhat closely related to each other. Some writers add to this list the Badaga, current in a corner of the Neilgherries ; but Caldwell treats it merely as an old dialect of the Kanarese, •without any claim to be separately classified. The territories still owned by France in these vast regions, which once rang with the names of a Dupleix, a Bussy, and a Lally- Tollendal, are so disposed that four of them are comprised within. the Dravidian province. The two most important, Pondicherry and Karikal, are in Tamil land ; Make is on the Malayalam coast, and Tanoan in the Telugu country. In this rapid sketch of the limits still occupied by the Dravidian tongues, the question arises, Were they always so circumscribed? And are we to assume that they have been driven into their present domain by the first Aryan immigrations'? This, though likely enough in itself, has so far not been clearly proved. It lias been merely conjectured that the non-Aryan elements of the idioms spoken in Northern India may have a Dravidian origin. But, apart from the fact that they are very few and of but little importance, it is very difficult not only to analyse, but even to determine them. In the Dravidian family itself, a great deal of the vocabulary of certain rude varieties is of unknown origin. We should, therefore, accept with considerable reserve all statements made regarding a I [hie former expansion of the Dravidian languages. Farther on we shall have to speak <>f the language of Ceylon, whither Tamil has been extended, in comparatively recent times, possibly about the epoch of the great Buddhist emigration. The Dravidian tongues may safely be regarded as an independent group, related to no other linguistic family. They have doubtle been connected, al one time, with the mythical Scythian languages; at another with the Uralo Altaic group, and again with the Aryan, 80 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iy. the Semitic, and many others. But all such comparisons were absolutely void of scientific method. A number of Tamil or Telugu words were compared with certain Sanskrit or Hebrew words, or with others taken from any other quarter whatever — this being the usual method of those who confound fanciful etymological resemblances with, true philological affinity. It is not Tamil or Telugu that Ave have to compare with Sanskrit or Hebrew. The first thing to be done is to restore the primitive Dravidian type, by the comparison alone of which with other families can any satisfactory conclusions be arrived at. We repeat, however, that the deductions already firmly established, seem more than sufficient to show the absolute independence of the Dravidian family from any other. Attention has long been directed to the Dravidian tongues, which were discovered some time before the Sanskrit, by the Dutch, Danish, French, and English adventurers. They were acquired by Europeans, at first, for trading purposes, and afterwards as a means of spreading Christianity among the natives. The Protestant missionaries were the first to compose grammars and dictionaries, most of which never have been published. The first Tamil grammar* is that of the Danish missionary Ziegenbald, written in Latin, and printed in 1716 ; but the first Malayalam grammar had already appeared in India in the year 1780. W. Carey did not publish his Telugu and Kanarese grammars till 1814 and 1817, at Serampore. Tulu has had to wait till 1872, when it was taken in hand by M. Erigel, of the Easel missions, whose printing establishment at Mangalore issues a number of sound works on the study of the Dravidian tongues. * That is, the first composed iu an European tongue. The first in Tamil, known as the Tolkapyam, dates from about the eighth century of our era, and is, perhaps, the very oldest Tamil work extant. It was written by Trinadhumagni, one of the followers of Agastya, who is popularly supposed to have invented the Tamil language, in opposition to the Sanskrit of the north. The Tolkapyam, itself, however, is rather a treatise on grammar, composed in Tamil, than a Tamil grammar in the strict sense ; and though not written in Sanskrit must still be considered as an Aindra work, that is the work of a disciple of the Aindra school of Sanskrit grammarians. — Note by Translator. Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 81 They are also now cultivated in Europe by a certain number of linguists, and in France, especially by M. J. Vinson, to whom we are indebted for some valuable details on this subject. Dravidian scholars are by no means rare in England, and we may refer, before all others, to Caldwell, whose excellent treatise, although encum- bered with too many metaphysical theories on the so-called Turanian theory, and on the assumed probability of a common origin for all languages, has justly become a standard work on the Dravidian group of languages.* Dravidian grammar may be said to be remarkably simple, its phonetic system presenting no serious difficulties, and being com- posed of not over-numerous elements. In the whole group of the five literary languages, there exist only the five vowels a, e, i, o, u, long and short, which seem primitive, besides the two diphthongs ai and an, of which the latter at least does not belong to the common Dravidian stock. In the course of time these vowels became weak and attenuated in their utterance, wbence arose a in number of intermediate sounds, unrepresented in their written systems. Thus it happens that the spoken Tamil differs very rihly from the literary language. The consonants also are limited in number. They include five groups of strong and weak explosives — guttural, palatal, lingual, dental, and labial — -with their corresponding nasals; y, r, I, v, r strong ; two cerebrals; and one sibilant, .v. There may be added a new ■ if explosives peculiar to Tamil and Telugu, transcribed by Caldwell as tr, dr, but which M. A'inson looks on as dentals pre- ceded by a " mouillemeni." The aspirates are unknown in these idioi primitive consonantal system seems to have been even -till more simple than at present. Thus, AT. Vinson flunks that the palatals — oh,j — are comparatively recent. However, these nants, like the rowels, have, been modified in the spoken language. Thus, both in Tamil and Malayalam, the dental-! are now showing a decide. 1 tendency towards the English /// • " Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian Languages." London, 1858-76. O 82 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. soft* while in Telugu the ch and the j become at times ts and dz. The utterance of these different sounds presents no very great difficulty, those Unguals alone, perhaps, excepted which are gener- ally but wrongly described as cerebrals. The final I in the English syllable ble gives an approximate idea of these lingual consonants, * of which there are five altogether : t, d, n, j, and r, transcribed in Eoman letters with a dot below. Sanskrit also possesses lingual consonants, but not organic, so that these letters would seem to form a distinctive feature of the Dravidian group. Of the phonetic laws resulting from a comparison of these various idioms and their dialects, we shall mention but one, which is common also to the Aryan family. The Kanarese k often answers to the Telugu ch and to a Tamil c or s. Thus the word ear, which is sevi in Tamil and chevi in Telugu, becomes Jcevi in Kanarese, and this last must have been the primitive form. [Compare the Latin, Italian, and French caelum, cielo, del, where the initial, as pro- nounced, would be represented by the English letters Jc, ch, and s respectively.] There are two other interesting facts peculiar to the Dravidian group. The letter r does not occur as an initial, hence, foreign words beginning with this letter must be preceded by a vowel. Thus the Sanskrit word raja appears in Tamil, as irdyan or irdsan. Again, no word can begin with a soft explosive, h, d, &c, while no hard explosive can occur alone, or isolated, in the body of the word. Hence Tamil, in borrowing the Sanskrit word gati, renders it by Jcacii, in accordance Avith this double rule. But the phonetic laws of these important idioms have not been yet sufficiently studied to enable us definitely to fix the laws that have been brought into play in the formation of words. Enough, however, is known to allow of our classifying the Tamil, Telugu, * The Dravidian cerebral r also has been identified by Mr. F. T. Ellworthy with the south-western or west Somersetshire r ; he further shows how com- pletely it differs from the trilled r of the north, from the French r grassey& } and the Danish uvular r. See his " Dialect of West Somersetshire." Publi- cations of the English Dialect Society, Series D.- -Note by Translator. Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 83 and their congeners, and ascertaining their relative ages. Dravidian words seem ultimately reducible to roots, or better, to dissyllabic roots, nominal and verbal. By a further comparison of these roots with each other, we see that the}", in their turn, can be reduced to still more elementary groups, each comprising several of the radicals in question. This study has so far been little more than just entered on ; but it maybe said to have already rendered highly probable the theory of the - primitive monosyllabic nature of the Dravidian roots. Derivatives are formed by the strictly agglutinating process, in which the fresh elements are always suffixed.* Thus, to a verbal root will be added a syllable denoting present time, then another implying negation, then the sign of personality, this agglomeration resulting in a word meaning, for instance, thou dost not sen, but which should be thus transcribed: to see + now + not + thou. The sense of each of these elements is always present to the mind of the Dravidian, who treats them just as we do our pronouns, articles, and prepositions. Doubtless a large number of these derivatives have become so disguised that their primitive form can no longer be recognised. But many others, especially those in- tended to be placed last, and most of those serving to distinguish the so-called cases, are still independent words, retaining their natural sense of rest, contact, vicinity, conserpience, &c. &c. Many of those derivative elements pass from one allied language to another, which sufficiently establishes the original independence of their suffi If it is easy to perceive the great advantage languages of this class have over the purely monosyllabic ones, where the roots are not thus subordinate to each other, it is, on the other hand, equally * Not always suffixed, the vowels a, e, i (which aro tho initials of avan = that one; ivcm = this one ; and evan = which one ?) being prefixed, as in the- Tamil: "'" = that thing; ithu — this thing; ethu = which thing ? - Note by 7 f No donbi these raffixes wore originally independent words, as were the eorresponding Semitic and Aryan caee-endingB. Bui in the pre Tamil language, a native has no more sense of tin; primitive and G 2 84 SECOND FOKM OP SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. evident how surpassed they must he hy inflectional tongues, in all that pertains to clearness and precision of expression. A certain vagueness is the logical consequence of the multiplicity of forms in certain agglutinating idioms. Hence, also, certain combinations peculiar to them, which seem very strange to us, accustomed as we are to the comparative simplicity of the Indo-European languages. In these last, the elements of personal relationship — amat, he loves; arnamus, we love — are confined to verbal inflection or conjugation. In the same way the elements intended to denote subject, object, position in space, are restricted to nominal inflection, or declension : films, son (subject) ; filium (direct object). But the agglutinative system allows of mixed processes. Thus we find in a great number of agglutinating tongues nouns combined with personal suffixes; these are true possessive substantives. In Magyar, for example, the noun haz, house, and the personal suffix am, in the verb denoting the first person, produce the noun hazam, my house. We meet with the same thing in the Dravidian group ; but here, in words of this sort, the personal element imparts, so to say, an attributive sense, an assertion of existence. Thus, in Tamil, tevarir (from tevar, God, honorific plural ; and ir, second personal ending in the verb) means, you are God ; and, in fact, may be declined in the sense of you who are God. Here is another significant and curious fact, though now occurring only in the older texts, especially in ancient Tamil poetry, where we meet with forms such as sarndayJcku, to thee that hast approached — which must be thus analysed : sdr, to reach, approach, arrive ; n, euphonic ; d, sign of independent meaning of the accnsative ei, the dative Tcu, or the genitive in, than a Eoman had of the corresponding em, i, and is, as in — Tamil. Latin. Ace. Kallai = lapidem = a stone (object). Dat. Kallukku = lapidi = to a stone. Gen. Kallin = lapidis = of a stone. Nom. Kal = lapis = a stone (agent). Nor is the essential difference between agglutination and true inflection at all so clear in such cases as is generally assumed. But the subject is too extensive and too technical to be here discussed. — Note by Translator. Chap, it.] SECOND FORil OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. S5 the past ; ay, thee, thou, verbal second personal suffix ; k, euphonic ; and lea, to, nominal dative suffix. Tulu, one of the least important of the Dravidian group, offers a peculiarity which cannot be overlooked. In Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, and Malayalam, every verb gives rise to a causative, by the insertion of a certain syllable between the radical and the element of tense. Thus, in Tamil, from seyven = I will do, we get seyvippen = I will cause to do. But in Tidu the number of such secondary forms is far more considerable. Thus, malpuve = I do, gives mdlpeve = I usually do (frequentative) ; malpave = I cause to do (causative) ; malt rurr = 1 do do (intensitive). By the insertion of a fresh element, each of these derivatives may become negative : 7ndipdvuji = l do not cause to do, and so on. This phenomenon is again met with in Turkish, where the verbs teem with examples of this process, and where one single word expresses, I cause to love, I can love, I love myself, they love one another • and so on. The Dravidian group has no article, although in old documents instances occasionally occur of the demonstrative pronoun being employed in a determinative sense. The adjective, always unchangeable (as in English), is generally a mere noun of quality, invariably preceding the noun it qualifies. Distinction of gender must have originally been unknown, and even now it is applied only to human beings that have arrived at the years of discretion. The nouns referring to children are neuter in all the group, as are also the names of women in the singular in most of them. The verb has three tenses only — present, past, and indefinite future — and one mood, the indicative. Grammarians speak of two voices, a positive and a negative \ but this last is easily reduced to its primitive form, being made up merely of a negative particle, inal suffixes, and the simple radical verb. The Dravidian vocabulary implies rather a low order' of civilisa- tion. Notwithstanding the pretended consensus of all mankind, before the arrival of the Aryan race the Dravidians possessed neither "God," nor "soul;" neither "temple," nor"priest." It .., the other hand, true thai they lacked words for "book," "writing," "grammar," and "will." Thej could not count as far 86 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap.iv. as 1,000 ; and Telugu, the only Dra vidian tongue possessing a special word for this number, has derived it from ve = ardour, mul- tiplication. None of them can render the abstract sense of the verbs to be, to have. After this sketch the reader, we may hope, wdl be able to form some idea of the nature of the Dravidian tongues. They are agglutinating idioms arrested in the development of their forms at a, so to say, premature period, and this check was, in all probability, due to the Aryan invasion. But however that be, it is easy to assign to the Dravidian system its natural place in the scale of the aggluti- nating idioms. They must be comprised among the first in the ascending order, that is among those immediately following the iso- lating system, and anterior to Turkish, Magyar, Basque, and the American languages. They show no trace of inflection, and the vocal modifications that they allow of are purely phonetic. These modi- fications in no way answer to any corresponding change of sense in the word so modified. We have said that contact with the Aryans was the probable cause of the Dravidians entering on their historic life. In fact everything points to the Aryans as at once the conquerors of the plains and forests of the Deccan, and the civUisers of their savage occupants. A few wandering and wretched tribes, rude and difficult of access, still inhabit some scarcely yet fully explored districts of this fertile region. If we can but conjecture that the Dravidians were civilised by the Aryan invasion, it is at least certain that they owe to it their writing system. Their five literary languages are usually transcribed by means of three different alphabets. Tulu employs the same characters as the Kanarese — Kanarese itself and Telugu being written hi two varieties of the same alphabet, the forms of their letters presenting very little difference. This alphabet is characterised by the general round form of its signs. Tamil, on the contrary, possesses a special alphabet in which the square form prevails. It has, moreover, twenty-eight letters only, while the others faithfully reproduce the order and full number of the Sanskrit system. Hence, in writing Sanskrit, the Tamil Brahmans make use of a special alphabet Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 87 called Qrantham, derived from the Devanagari, and from which {lie ordinary Tamil alphabet is itself derived. Intermediate be- tween the Tamil and Kanaro-Telugu- comes the Malayalam, also derived directly from the Grantham. The old Dravidian in- scriptions are written in two different characters, one peculiar to Tamil, the other used in writing Sanskrit and the indigenous tongues, and closely resembling the old Devanagari forms. The latter would seem to be the prototype of all the alphabets of the Decean, whde the former, according to Burnell, was borrowed directly from the Semitic. It may be asked whether races without a writing system can be paid to possess a literature properly so called. Many instances occur of utterly illiterate peoples, amongst whom long compositions, always in poetry, have been orally handed down through successive generations, and there are everywhere to be found popular songs and legends that have never been committed to writing. Though it cannot be positively asserted that this was the case amongst the ancient Dravidians, still their literature is very rich. At the same time all the works of which it is composed, down to the smallest fragment, are long posterior to their first contact with the Aryans. So far as number and worth are concerned, the Tamil and Telugu compositions far surpass the others; though Kanarese still offers a curious and not yet explored mine of wealth to the researches of the learned. But in any ease the Tamil literature remains the most copious, the mosl fruitful, the most interesting, and, at the same time, the most ancient. Nor is it merely a simple reflex of the Sanskrit, without any originality of its own. It has had the good fortune to have Ion time the language of the Shiva sectaries, as well as lie Jaina and Buddhist heretic . who wrote much, and whose works are the masterpieces of ancienl Tamil poetry, it should be added thai all the old Dravidian monuments, or al Lea I those pos- v intrinsic worth, are always written in verse. Tamil purer in point of style and mor rrecl than the prose, and much mor< eludes foreign words. The opposite Is the ca e in Telugu, Kanarese, and Malayalam poetry, in which Aryan 88 SECOND FOKM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. words abound. The Tamil vocabulary is, moreover, very rich, and possesses a large number of synonyms. Dravidian literature is particularly rich in moral poems, and in collections of wise saws and aphorisms, which constitute the most ancient monuments of Tamil poetry. It has also produced long epic poems, remarkahle for the exaggeration and minuteness of their details, and otherwise not very attractive to Europeans. To a more recent period must be referred a number of lyric songs, full of energy, some monotonous religious hymns, and erotic tales of a very licen- tious character. Still more recently were composed some scientific works, almost exclusively medical. At the present day the Dra vidians can do no more than hash up then* venerable poetry, faithful to the conservative instinct which Caldwell justly condemns, and which one of their most celebrated grammarians has thus formulated : " Propriety of composition consists in writing on the same subjects, with the same expressions, and in accordance with the same plan, as the classic writers." § 14. — TJie Finno-Tataric or Undo- Altaic Languages. Let us state at once that these are divided into five groups : Samoyedic, Finnic, Turkic or Tataric, Mongolian, Tungusian. They are entitled to special attention in this work, not only on account of the historical importance of some amongst them, but also because of their structure itself, which is so frequently and so justly appealed to in illustration of the agglutinating stage generally of articulate speech. The simplest plan will be to pass first in review the five groups and the languages comprised in them, and then proceed to discuss the questions of their affinity, of the best name by which to embrace them all, and lastly, of the extravagant " Turanian " theory, which it is to be hoped there will soon be no longer any necessity even of refuting. The various idioms composing the five groups present great differences, as well in then structure as in their vocabulary. Still, whatever opinion we may form of the actual degree of their affinity to each other, it is easy to see that they have certain morphological features in common, sufficiently marked to allow of their being Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 89 comprised in a general notice of this sort. Thus they all in some way or other suffix the possessive pronoun to the noun, and divide the conjugation into definite and indefinite, the first being marked by the union of the direct pronominal object to the verb. They are alike also in the main features of their syntax, in their method of determining the noun, lastly, and above all, in their vocalic harmony, a most important fact, "which will challenge special notice in its proper place. (1) The Samoyedic Group (Stretches from the White Sea eastwards along the shores of the Arctic Ocean in Europe, and the western portion of the coast of Siberia in Asia. About 20,000 people speak Samoyede, of which there are five principal dialects, nearly all of which are again split up into a immber of sub-dialects. Yurdk is spoken in European Russia and in the north-west of Siberia as far as the river Yenisei. Yenisei Samoyede occupies the region watered by the Lower Yenisei. Tagwi is spoken more to the east, as far as the mouth of the Khatanga. Ostyak Samoyede lies more to the south-west, about the Middle Obi, and in the direction of the Tom and Chulim. Kniini.txir is spoken by a small tribe in South Siberia. The Finn < lastren, one of the founders of Uralo-Altaic philology, published a comprehensive and scientific treatise on the Samoyede dialects, in which he carefully compares them together.* In his opinion Samoyede is more closely related to Finnish than to other Uralo-Altaic group, both in its structure and component element -. The vowel system is simple enough, whereas that of the con- ; if highly developed. Of these there are more than thirty, amongsl them the liquids t, d, I, 8, and z. We shall speak farther on of progressive vowel harmony, a feature of the Uralo-Altaic system, which is farfrom being uniformly * " Gramnmtik der Samojedischen Sprachen." St. Petersburg, L854. 90 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iy. carried out in the Samoyede group. 1 icing in fact fairly developed in the Kamassic dialect alone. Here the strong vowels (a, u, o) cannot occur together with the weak (a, it, 6), while the neutrals (/, e) may readily occur in connection with either the strong or the weak. As in the other Uralo-Altaic tongues, declension is effected in Samoyede by agglutinating secondary or relational particles to the principal root. Thus, in Ostyak Samoyede the suffix n expressing possession, loga, fox, and hide, raven, make logan, of the fox, kulen, of the raven. If to these themes he added the plural element, la, we get logdla, the foxes, logalan, of the foxes ; hulela, the ravens, I:nhlan, of the ravens ; than which process nothing can he simpler. (2) Tlic Finnic Group Is of far greater interest than the preceding, occupying a more prominent position than any other of the whole family. It has been called Ugrian, or Finno-Ugric, or Ugro-Finnic, hut the languages composing it have not yet been definitely distinguished from each other. Still, most writers recognise five sub-groups, thus classified by Dormer : West Finnic : Suomi, Karelian, Wepsic, Livonian, Krewinian, Esthonian, "Wotic. Lapponlc. Finno-Permian : Siryenian, Permian, "Wotyak. Volga-Finnic : Mordvinian, Cheremissian. Ugrlc : Magyaric, "Wogulic, Ostyak. Some writers reduce these five groups to four, by including Lapponie with the West Finnic. Suomi occupies the greater part of Finland, but does not stretch along the whole coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, where Swedish is spoken at some points, as about Vasa. On the south it touches only a few unimportant points of the Gidf of Finland, the northern shores of which, as about Helsingfors, are also Swedish. There are, moreover, some Finns in the neighbourhood of St. Petersburg, but altogether they cannot number 2,000,000. Chip. i\\] SECOND FOEM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 91 With the Suomi are grouped the Karelian, reaching northwards to Lapland, southwards to the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, and east to the "White Sea and Lake Onega ; the Chudic, situated in a very scattered district south of Lake Onega; the Wepsic, which is northern Chudic; and Wotic, which is southern Chudic; lastly, Krewinian, spoken in Courland. Esthonian, or rather Elide or Este, is much less widely diffused than Suomi, being restricted to the greater part of the south coast of the Gulf of Finland and the northern half of Livonia (Dorpat). Its literature also is much inferior to the Suomi. There are two principal dialects, those of Level and Dorpat, which are again divided into several sub-dialects, but have never succeeded in producing a common Uterary standard, notwithstanding the attempt made to develop such a standard towards the close of the seven- teenth century.* Hence Esthonian literature is far inferior to that of the Suomi. Livonian is now almost confined to the north-west corner of Courland, a tract some few leagues in extent. Landwards it is continually encroached upon by Lettic, an Aryan tongue allied to Lithuanian. Lei us here say a few words on the grammar, first of the SuomLt and then of the Esthonian. The Suomi consonantal system is very simple. Besides the explosives Z\ t,.p } it possesses /'. /, m, n , another nasal like that of tli- German lang; 8, />. v, y (written j); but it rejects both the aspirated explosives and/. The weak explosives, g, , occur, but rather as foreign elements, or replacing the older letters /•, /. />. I of the hiatus, and any vowel may, as a rule, close the word, except '• ; but this is not true of the consonants, n being most frequently met with at the end of words. i- the principle of vowel harmony more developed than in Suomi. If the vowel of the root be strong, those of the • Wiedemann, " Grammatik der Eahtnischeo Spraohe." St. Petersburg, IS?:,. ■f K< Ugren, " Die Grnndzuge der Pinnischen Spraohe mit Rucksioht auf don Oral-Altai chen Spraci Berlin, 1M7. 92 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. it. suffixes must also be strong ; if weak, tlic suffixes must similarly be weak ; and if neutral, the suffixes must still be weak. Words are never formed of prefixes, so that the principal root always stands first ; and it is on this syllable also, as in Magyar, that the leading accent falls. Altogether, Suomi is an extremely harmonious language, readily assimilating consonants, especially those that end the root, with the initials of the formative elements. No doubt this assimilation is not constant, but when it does not take place another process is adopted, to avoid the clash of two consonants of different orders. This consists in introducing (at least in speaking, if not in writing) a very short vowel between such letters. Thus pitha is pronounced pitika. The case-endings of inflectional languages are expressed, as in other agglutinating tongues, by means of suffixes attached to the radical. Thus n denotes the genitive, as in Jcarhu = the bear; Jcarhun = oi the bear. The plural sign is t for the subject, but otherwise i, inserted between the root and the relational suffix. Thus the theme lapse = child, gives lap>sen = of the child ; lapset = the children ; lapsein — of the children. The personal pronouns are added to the noun in order to express the person to which it refers. The first person so affixed is ni, singular ; mme, plural ; second, si and nne ; the third, nsa (or ?isa, according to the exigencies of vowel harmony), for both numbers. Thus tapa = custom, gives tapani = my custom; tapamme = our customs; tapansa = his custom, or their customs. Verbal modifications are also effected by suffixes, the root always com in g first, after which the causative, diminutive, or frequentative elements ; then the modal ; the personal ; and lastly, the subject of the action. The Esthonian consonantal system presents nothing very unusual, except that t, ty> fy- The accent falls on the last syllable. In Mandchu the noun has neither gender nor number, but the Tungus dialects have retained a plural sign. The so-called de- clension, as in all agglutinating tongues, is effected by means of suffixes answering to our prepositions. The adjective is naturally invariable, being nothing but a noun placed before another to qualify it (as in the English wine-merchant, house-top). The conjugation presents the same pecidiarities as the Turkish and other agglutinating idioms, and comprises a large number of secondary forms. The root to drink, for instance, gives such derivative forms as "to cease to drink," "to come from drinking," " to go to drink," " to drink together," and so on. In all this the Siberian dialects resemble the Mandchu, but possess greater wealth of forms, especially in their derived voices. The Mandchu-Tungus vocabulary, as might be supposed, is far from copious. Properly speaking, it does not possess the verb to have, a common feature of the first two types of speech ; and it has borrowed largely from Chinese, more or less modifying the forms of the words. The question of priority has been decided by M. Lucien Adam in favour of Tungusic over Mandchu, on the ground that it possesses the sign of number, the possessive pronouns affixed, and other important elements unknown to its congener. In other respects they are both closely allied, as shown by the constant * L. Adam, " Grammaire de la Langue Mandchoue." Paris, 1872. By the same writer, " Grammaire de la Langue Tongouse." Paris, 1874. Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 105 identity of the principal pronouns, of the numerals, the most important suffixes, and the great bulk of their vocabularies. They clearly come of one source, and must have been separated only after a long period of grammatical development in common. (5) TJie Mongolian Group Comprises three dialects : Eastern (or Sliarra) Mongolian, spoken in Mongolia proper, that is, in the centre of the northern portion of the Chinese empire, and west of Mandchuria ; Kalmuk, or Western Mongolian, reaching westwards into Eussia as far as the Caspian, towards the mouth of the Yolga, between the two Turkic tribes of the Kirghiz and Xogair ; the Buryetic or Northern Mongolian, spoken by a tribe numbering about 200,000, near Lake Baikal, in Southern Siberia, thus verging on the Eastern Mongolian spoken still farther south j lastly, some other Mongolian varieties occur in the neighbourhood of Cabul. Although quite as interesting as the foregoing group, these idioms need not detain us long, as their main features are very analogous to those of the others noticed in this chapter; the chief differences between Tungus and Mongolian being found in their vocabularies, and in their greater or less grammatical development. Mongol has an alphabet closely related to the Mandchu, em- bracing seven vowels, a, e, i, o, u, eu French, ii (French u), and ii teen consonants, amongst which ts and ds. The letters, as in Mandchu, vary in form according as they are initial, medial, or final ; and each consonant, as in Devanagari, has always an inherent vowel, except when it is final. The progressive vowel harmony characterising the Uralo-Altaic group forms a feature of the Mongolian also, but with some pecu- liarities, anion--! which are, in Buryetic, the elision of final rowels, and certain modifications experienced by the consonants in contae.t with each other. As to conjugation, it may be remarked thai in Mongol tli" direct pronominal object i. mil incorporated with tin- verb. Thus, the forms " I Bee it," " I eal it." which in Turkish are expressed by one word, appear as two in Mongolian. 103 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. The little-known Buryetic occupies a very important place in the Mongolian group, its grammatical development, according to M. Adam, being all the more instructive, that in it there occur the intermediate forms through which the pronouns have passed in becoming suffixes. But this phenomenon of the superiority of a comparatively rude dialect over literary and cultivated tongues, such as Mongol and Mandchu, is by no means of rare occurrence. (6) Vowel Harmony. The phenomenon of vowel harmony, in the Altaic tongues, is all the more important, that it forms one of the main arguments gene- rally relied upon to establish the affinity of the Samoyede, Finnic, Turkic, Tungus, and Mongol groups. In what then consists this quality 1 what is its origin, its value ] and what conclusions are to be drawn from its simultaneous prevalence in these various idioms 1 This progressive vocal assinrilation may be described as a sort of progressive umlaut, «and is practically reduced to this : the vowels being divided into two classes, all those in a word that follow the vowel of the primary root must be of the same class as that root- vowel. La certain Uralo- Altaic tongues, however, there are what are called the " neutral " vowels, occurring indifferently with either class. The vowels, in some of the leading members of this family, are thus classified :* Neutrals. e, i e, i e, i In this table u stands for the French ou ; 6 = French eu ; il — French u. The classifi«ation is much the same everywhere of the * L. Adam, "De l'Harmonie des Voyelles dans les Langues Uralo- Alta'ique." Paris, 1874. Gutturals, Palatals, or hard. or weak. Suomi u, o, a ii, o, a Magyar ... ii, o, a ii, 6 Mordvinian u, o, a a, i Siryenian ... 6, a ii, i, e Turkish ... u, o, a, e .. ii, 6, e, Mongolian . . . n, o, a u, o, a Buryetic ... u, o, a u, o, a Mandchu . . . 6, o, a e Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 107 three primitives a, u, i, the first two being, in principle, guttural, the third neutral. In the same way the intermediate are in principle weak or palatal. But great differences prevail in practice. Thus, the harmony may extend to the whole word, or he restricted to the suffixes ; it may apply to all the words or to the simple ones only ; that is, to those that are not composed. For instance, in Turkish, the whole word must he harmonised, as is the case also in Manclchu, Mongol, Suomi, and Magyar ; whde in Mordvinian and Siryenian, the final vowels alone are affected. In Magyar, again, compounds retain the vowels of the simple word.* But whence arises this phenomenon 1 is it primitive or recent 1 M. Adam, who has devoted himself specially to this subject, finds little difficulty in refuting the opinion of those Avho, with Bcehtlingk, see in it nothing but the result of local physiological circumstances, or who, with Pott, look on it as merely a mechanical accident. But Schleicher and, after him, Biedl have found the true solution of the problem. Schleicher had turned his attention only to the most general and most remarkable case, that of the harmony of the suffixed vowels, presenting each of them a double form, hard or soft, according to the nature of the suffix. He was struck by the way in which the terminal vowels were affected by the root; and he con- cluded that it was the necessary result of agglutination, and of the * With this singular law of vowel harmony may be compared the Irish rule of " broad to broad," and " slender to slender ; " which is also, in fact, a species of progressive assimilation. The Irish broad vowels a, o, u, answer to the Uralo-Alta'ic u, o, a, as above ; the corresponding slenders being e, i. According to this law, Irish grammarians tell us that a broad vowel must be followed by a broad in the next succeeding syllable, and a slender vowel in the same way by a slender. To this are also analogous the peculiar modifi- cations of the Latin root-vowels, produced by prefixes, whether these be duo to composition or reduplication, as in cado, cecidi ; ars, iners ; lego, diligoj annus, perennus, &c. But here it is the root-vowel that is modified by pre- fixes, whereas in the Uralo-Altai'c system, there being no prefixes, the root- vowel remains unchanged, the progressive harmonj affecting some or all of the following syllables, as the case may lie. Hut the principle is probably the same in all these linguistic groups, In-in^ imply more consistently carried out, or more highly developed in some than in others: in Turkish for instance, than in Latin. — Note by Translator. 108 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. tendency in speech to bring into the closest possible juxtaposition the idea and its relations so intimately associated in the mind. Eiedl has shown that such was really the case, for the study of the old Magyar documents revealed in this respect a very marked development from the twelfth century to the present time. In the oldest texts, anti-harmonic forms abound ; thus, haldl-nek, at death, which would now have to be haldl-nah ; tiszta-seg for tiszta-sag, purity, and so on. M. Adam rightly concludes that previous to the twelfth century the number of harmonised derivatives was still more restricted, being replaced by real inharmonic compounds. " Take," he says, " two radicals, fa, tree, and vel (veli), companion ; where fa-vel will be the unharmonised compound of these two nominal elements. But when vel has come to be successively suffixed to a certain number of roots it will begin sensibly to lose its original meaning of companion, gradually assuming the sense of the relational with in connection with the root to which it is added."* We have here, therefore, a case of phonetic decay, arising from forgetfulness of the primitive sense of the formative element. But the process was very slow, nor at all uniform in the various Uralo-Altaic idioms, many of which, such as the highland Chere- missian and Wotyak, even now betray but the merest traces of rudimentary vowel harmony. M. Adam, however, believes that these two dialects have lost the principle of progressive assimilation under the pressure of powerful foreign influences. According to him, they woidd seem still to possess sufficient traces of it to enable us to conclude that at some epoch all the Uralo-Altaic family was subject to vowel harmony. We certainly look upon the principle as a feature of great importance, though, after all, but a relatively recent historic fact. This is not the place to seek for the causes and conditions of its development ; but we do not believe that of itself alone it would suffice to prove the common descent of the five groups that have here been described. Meanwhile, we may say that if their original parentage is highly * Op. cit., p. 67. Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 109 probable, it has not yet been definitely established. There is room to hope that it may be, some day or other ; but many preparatory studies of details "will have, doubtless, to precede such a result. In any case, progressive vowel harmony connects the members of the Uralo- Altaic family, in their morphological aspect, in such a way as to render it extremely undesirable to separate them from each other in the general series of agglutinating tongues. § 15. — Basque. This remarkable and interesting language is at present spoken by scarcely more than 450,000 persons, possessed of no great social originality or separate political existence. About three-fourths of this number belong to Spanish nationality, and the rest, approxi- mately 140,000, to France. There are also about 200,000 Basques settled on the shores of the river Plate. We are, of course, here speaking only of the individuals using the Basque language, without at all considering the special question of the Basque race. In truth, thanks to the excellent treatises of M. Broca, we now know that there are Basques and Basques ■ that, for instance, the Spanish Basques are of much purer blood than the French.* The attempt has frequently been made to fix the limits of the Basque language, but not till lately have any results been arrived at Avhich, without being altogether unassailable, are nevertheless entitled to be considered as really trustworthy. The chart recently drawn up by M. Broca, and published by him in " La Revue d'Anthropologie," seems to us more particularly reliable.t Let us endeavour to give some more or less accurate idea of its outlines. Starting from a point on the coast a little to the south * " Sur lee Cranes Basques de Saint Jean do Luz," in the "Bulletins de la Soc. d'Anthropologie de Paris," 1868, p. 18; with which compare " Be\ ue d' Anthropologic," iv. p. 29, Paris, 1875. f "Sur L'Origine et la Repartition de la Langue Masque," op. ri/., iv. p. 1 et suiv., planohe Hi. Paris, L875. The larger chart of Princo L. L. Bonaparte does i this. It places Puente la Jlciua in the zone whi is still Bpoken. 110 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. of Biarritz, the border line passes to the south-east of Bayonne, follows the course of the Adour somewhat closely, and by a brusque movement southwards encloses the territory of Bastide- Clairence. It then by an equally sharp turn returns towards the Adour, and, passing below Bidache, Sauveterre, and Navarreins, advances in the direction without reaching the town of Oloron. It returns almost horizontally westward to Tardets, whence it gains the Pic d'Anie, and enters Spanish territory. It then proceeds towards ISTavascues, surrounding the northern environs of Pamplona, redescends towards Puente la Eeina, passes a little above Estella and Vitoria, reaches Orduna on the north-west, and reascends towards Portugalete, here terminating at the coast. Its greatest length (from Orduna to about five kilometers to the west of Oloron) would therefore be approximately 190 kilometers, its breadth varying from 50 to 80. Information drawn from an independent but not less reliable source agrees on all points with these data. According to it the frontier line leaving the Gulf of Gascony a little above Biarritz strikes the Adour below Saint-Pierre d'Irube, two kilometers south of Bayonne, follows this river to a point beyond Urcuit, then quits it so as to enclose Briscous and Bardos (to the exclusion of Bastide-Clairence), then Saint-Palais and Esquiule, near Oloron, thus reaching the Pic d'Anie. In Spain its limits reach beyond the valley of Eoncal in the direction of Aragon. After passing Burgui it bends to the left towards Pamplona, which it skirts, thence redescending till it gets beyond Puente la Eeina, returning in an almost straight line to Vitoria, whence it ascends towards the sea, Avhich it reaches a little to the west of Portugalete. The Basque district therefore comprises in Spain nearly the whole of the Spanish province of Biscaya, Guipuzcoa, the northern j)ortion of Alava, and nearly half of Navarre ; in France, one commune of the arrondissement of Oloron, and nearly the whole of those of Mauleon and Bayonne, corresponding to the ancient local divisions of La Soule, Basse-Navarre, and Labourd. There exists no really historic proof that in former times Basque occupied a wider geographical area than this. We shall revert in Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. Ill another place to the Iberian question, meantime remarking that in France it is quite impossible to show with any certainty that Basque was at any time spoken in any of the hamlets where Gascon is now exclusively current. On the other hand, it is undeniable that in Spain it has been losing ground for some centuries past. Thus Pamplona, formerly Basque, is now altogether Spanish ; and in our own days it is easy to show a perceptible shifting in the more important localities subject to the influence of modern life and to greater contact with strangers. The dialects of San Sebastian and of SarmVJean de Luz, for instance, are very incorrect, having appropriated a great number of Spanish and French words. Another very important fact should be noted. M. Broca's chart comprises not only the three zones — Gascon (Bayonne, Orthez, Oloron); Basque (Tolosa, Saint-Jean de Luz, Mauleon ; Spanish (Vitoria, Estella, Pamplona) — but also a fourth, or mixed Basque and Spanish zone, in some places from 15 to 20 kilometers wide, in others extremely narrow, and containing besides other towns those of Bilbao, Orduna, Agiz, and Eoncal. In his memoir on the distribution of the Basque language, M. Broca has offered an ingenious explanation of the absence of an analogous zone between Basque and Gascon. " In Spain," he says, " Basque comes into collision with Spanish on its border under conditions of such inferiority as to render inevitable the gradual encroachment of the latter. But in France the dialect hemming in the Basque is not, like the Spanish, an official, administrative, political and literary, language. It is merely a local idiom, an old patois, without any expansive power, but, on the contrary, actually dying out. There is no good reason why such a dialect should supplant the Basque, or t]i>; Basque encroach upon it. The two idioms, therefore, remain stationary, both equally weak and alike threatened to be sooner or absorbed by the French, which language alone the Basques have any interest in learning. All those that have received any instruction are already familiar with it, and all the inhabitanl oi towns of any importance peal or understand it. Tim-;, everytoTra and market-place becomes a focus for the spread of French, ami a time must come when Basque will cease to be spoken, except in the 112 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. most secluded hamlets and least accessible valleys, and will ultimately fall into abeyance even there. It will therefore perish under influences that doubtless will not be felt on all points to the same extent, but which will everywhere be felt simultaneously. Thus it will not retire, step by step, as in Spain, before the ever-forward march of Spanish, because in France it is not pressed more on the frontier than in the rest of its domain. We do not say, however, that it will maintain itself to the last in its actual limits. It is very probable that the Beam patois encircling it will first disappear, and that French, thus coming to press on the Basque frontier, will drive it gradually southwards towards the Pyrenees, whose upper villages will probably be the last refuge of the oldest language in Europe." * The proper and original name of the Basque is Escuara, Euscara, Uscara, according to the various dialectic forms, whence the French Euscarien, synonymous with Basque. The Spaniards call it Vas- cuence, and those who speak it Vascongados. On the origin of these terms it is not easy to pronounce definitely. The most likely, though not fully established etymology of escuara, is no doubt that of M. Malm, who explains it as " manner of speech," " language." The explanations given by the people themselves are, as might be expected, extremely fantastic. When they compare their language with those of their neighbours, they find themselves so completely at sea that they forthwith fall into ecstasies of admiration for their mother-tongue. One of them, the Jesuit Larramendi, whose work bears the grandiloquent title of " El Imposible Vencido," (" The Impossible Overcome ") makes it pretty well the common source of all other languages. Another, Astarloa, asserts that each of the Escuara letters possesses a hidden virtue. A third, the Abbe Darrigol, proves, with the aid of Beauzee, the everlasting perfection of Basque. Chaho invents his ingenious theory of the Basque "seers," whose precocious civilisation was extinguished by the Kelto-Scythian barbarians; and the Abbe dTharce de Bidassouet makes Escuara the language in which the Eternal Father conversed with the first of the Jews. * Op. cit. Ciiap. iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 113 But there is no absurdity to which this precious relic of the primeval languages of Europe has not given occasion. In truth, Escuar presented insurmountable difficulties to those who were ac- customed to nothing but commenting on Greek and Latin texts by means of empiric processes. Accordingly, the learned in medieval times looked on Basque as an indecipherable puzzle, an utterly insoluble problem. A proverb preserved in the north of Spain pretends that the devil himself spent seven long years amongst the Basques without succeeding in understanding a single word of the language. We are thus enabled to explain the following remarkable definition in a Spanish dictionary : " Vascuence : Lo que esta tan confuso ij oscuro que no se j>uede entender •" that is, Basque: any- thing so confused and obscure as to be unintelligible. Unfortunately the problem has been taken in hand by many learned men unacquainted with philological principles, and by many foreign amateurs, without special preparation for such studies. Hence their bootless efforts have merely had the effect of increasing the infatuation by which the Basques had already been inspired by so many previous abortive attempts in the same direction. The study of Basque may, without much exaggeration, be said to have led to downright insanity. But things have greatly changed since the discovery of the true philological method. The sphinx, more skil- fully attacked. Las been made to yield up her secret, and although a number of points <\\\\ remain to be settled, it may be presumed that, at uo distant day, we shall be able to congratulate ourselves on having mastered the numerous ami intricate laws of the Basque i ige. There were undoubtedly many excellent things in the writings of Oihenart, of Chaho, and, above all, of Lecluse ; but the quite recent works of Prince L. L. Bonaparte, W. Van Eys, and Julien Vinson* have more decidedly tended towards a solution of tie' difficulty. * Prince L. L. Bonaparte has issued many text - and a valuable I real ise on erb. To Van Eys we owe tin' Brat Basque-French dictionary ever ■ elementary grammar: "E ai de Grammaire de la Langue Basque," 2nd edition, Amsterdam, L867. The numerous writings, with whiofa M. Vinson has enriohed the "Revue 'I'' Linguistique," are, ia our opinion, among the bi < modern contributions Id the study of i 114 SECOND FOKM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. Basque, for a stranger, is in a completely isolated condition, offer- ing no point of contact with the surrounding tongues, either in the formation of its words or its morphology ; and the Magyar, which most resembles it in some general features, is geographically widely separated from it. Besides, we have some knowledge of the history of the Hungarian language, while that of the Bascpie is utterly un- known. No unequivocal traces of the Basque tongue are to be met with in any authentic documents older than the tenth century. And even to this epoch nothing can he referred except a Latin chart, dated 980, limiting the episcopal diocese of Bayonne, and giving the names of some Basque districts in a more or less modified form. It is now well established that the pretended Basque war- songs, attributed to a period many centuries older than the tenth century, are purely apocryphal. Even from the tenth to the sixteenth century we meet with nothing beyond some few names of places in sundry charters, letters patent, pontifical bulls, and the like. The first to speak of the Escuara tongue, and to give some of its words, is Lucius Marinams Siculus, in his " Cosas Memorables de Espana," Alcala, 1530. The oldest printed text known to us is- the short discourse of Panurge, in the famous ninth chapter of the tenth book of Eabelais, published in 1542. The first printed book, however, is dated 1545. It consists of poems, partly religious and partly erotic, by Bernard Dechepare, cure of Saint-Michelde-vieux, in Lower Navarre, and has recently been correctly reissued.*' The changes the language has undergone since that time, though doubt- less perceptible enough, cannot be said to be very important. Even now, more serious divergences are ascertained to exist between the various dialects. In fact its varieties are, so to say, innumerable, every hamlet presenting some local forms peculiar to itself. Of course there is nothing abnormal in this ; but while, side by side with their spoken and local forms, most languages have a general or conventional standard, the result of education, and often closely resembling the written form, in Basque there is no such philology, based on sound knowledge and scientific method. To them wo are ourselves largely indebted. * Edition Cazals. Bayonne, 1874. Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 115 general standard, each -writer forming one to suit his own fancy. Some writers have reckoned as many as eight dialects, yielding no less than twenty-five principal varieties — in Spam, the Biscay an, Guipuzcoan, Upper Navarrese, north, Upper Navarrese, south; in France, the Labourdin (in the south-west of the arrondissement of Bayonne) ; the Souletin, in the two cantons south-east of the arron- dissement of Alaulcon (old JSavarre), the Lower Navarrese, east, and Lower Navarrese, west, spoken in French Xavarre, that is in the rest of these two anondissements. But these eight dialects are easily reducible to three principal groups. The first of these, comprising Biscayan alone, is especially remarkable for the originality of its verb. The second, including the Souletin and the Lower Navarrese, is marked by frequent aspirates and the interchange of u with i. The third, embracing the four remaining dialects, Guipuzcoan, Labour dm, and Upper Navarrese, north and south, presents fuller and generally less modified forms than the second group. "Without attempting to indicate the more or less striking differences by which these dialects are distinguished from each other, it may be stated in a general way that the four French dialects possess the aspirate, which is utterly unknown to those of Spain. As to the •A interest that they may present, it may be remarked that the Souletin, the Lahourdin, the Guipuzcoan, and the Biscayan have alone been seriously studied, because they alone possess a literature, such as it is. The central dialects, Guipuzcoan and Labourdin, to have undergone the least changes, while the others have all of them been more or Less deeply modified. M. Vinson places Labourdin even before Guipuzcoan in this respect. It is, of course, only by the simultaneous and comparative study of all its eight dialect-, thai il becomes possible to determine the general character of the Basque language, by restoring, as far as may be, its common forms. Their phonetics, ■which alone can accom- plish this result, must now briefly engage our attention. There are five simple vowels, a, e, i, o, » ; six diphthongs, ai, >i, oi, '"', '/'/, < '/ ; the two semi-vowels, y and w; and twenty-two con- sonants, which may he thus classified : /', 'j, gh ; eh, te ; t, d, th j i 2 116 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. p, h, ph ; n of the Greek ayyeXos ; n mouille of the French agneau; n dental ; m ; the fricatives h, sh, z, s ; r hard, nearly rr ; r soft (very- near to I) ; lastly, Z. But were the sounds peculiar to the various dialects to be included in this list, it would have to be more than doubled, so as to embrace the French u (for Souletin), the French j, the Spanish jota, and the liquids g, t, d, 1. Some of the more important phonetic laws, which are somewhat numerous, may here be described. In the case of two vowels coming together, the first is elided, if it be at the end of a word. But if they occur in the body of the word, a hiatus is the general rule, with a change, such as e to i, o to u, &c, a always remaining unmodified. The consonantal changes are much more remarkable. Thus a final sharp, when followed by an initial soft, disappears, the soft then becoming sharp. Thus hunat golti, here above, is pronounced hunahoiti. Again, sharp explosives, 7c, t, &c, disappear before nasals; after sibilants the explosives must be sharp, but after a nasal they must be soft. Double consonants, tt, gg, &c, are unallowable ; sharp explosives, initial, readily become soft ; between two vowels, g, d, b, n, and r are entirely suppressed ; foreign words take an initial vowel, the French raison thus becoming arrazoin. The orthography now mostly in iise is somewhat recent, and in any case is merely a reform of former systems. JN'ot having pre- served any special graphic signs, if it ever possessed them, in transcribing the Basque sounds, recourse was necessarily had to the Latin alphabet, as current amongst the Gallo-Bomans or Hispano- Fcomans of the Pyrenees districts. Thus, two orthographic systems perceptibly different, the Spanish and the French, were brought into use, each possessing the capital defect of representing the same sound by different letters. Thus they wrote z, c, and p for s and e, qu and k for 7c. The reformed orthography was based more on the Spanish than the French system ; z, however, is pronounced as s. Coming to the formation of words, declension and conjugation must first claim our attention. The Basque declension is simple enough, consisting in post- positions attached to the noun. Thus, they do not say to the man, but, man the to (as in the Urdu : admi-ho), employing post instead Chap, it.] SECOND FOKM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 117 of pre-positions ; that is, suffixes more or less agglutinated to the noun or article. The principal suffixes are en, of (possessive) ; i, to (dative) j ho, of, for, til:, from (ablative) ; n, in, z, by, kin or gaz, with, ra, towards, //<•, some (partitive); reo, till, into; gabe, without ; gat He, on account of ; tzat, for, &c. Besides the definite declension, which takes the article, gram- marians distinguish the declension of rational beings from that of irrational ones. The first would seem to be characterised by the in- sertion of the syllable baith between the article and the suffix, a syllable which has not been yet explained, but which etymologists have naturally compared confidently with the Hebrew beth, a house, on the ground that it is inserted only after local suffixes, in, towards, \ X. 0., an ex-missionary. This work contains an interesting and seemingly trustworthy sketch of the Algonquin and of the Iroquois, bul the author shows himself far too ignoranl of the moat elementary scientific meth According to Fr. Muller, there would I"- in the whole continent, from < Jape Horn to the region of the Eskimos, twenty-six langu 124 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. or rather groups of different languages ; a large number, when we remember that the native population bears no comparison with that of the Old World. Midler's classification we here subjoin : 1. Kenai' group, north-east of North America. 2. Athapasque group, east of the Kena'i, stretching from the Yukon, and the Mackenzie, to the month of the Churchill in Hudson's Bay. Much farther south, and separated from the bulk of this group, are other dialects belonging to it. Such are the Qualihoqua, north of the Columbia river ; the Umpqua, south of it ; Apache, still farther south, in Nevada and Upper California. 3. Algonquin group, south of Hudson's Bay, and stretching eastwards to the Atlantic. It includes the Mikmak, on the east coast of the Canadian Dominion and in Newfoundland ; the Leni-Lenape or Delaware dialects (Narraganset, Mohican, &c.) ; Kree, Ojibway, Ottawa, and others. 4. Iroquois group : Onondago, Seneca, Oneida, Cayuga, Tuskarora. 5. Dakotah group, in the centre of North America, including the Sioux and others. 6. Pawnee group. 7. Appalache group, including, amongst others, the Cherokee, Kataba, Chacta, Krik, Natchez. 8. Koloche, in the extreme west of British North America. 9. Oregon group, farther south. 10. Californian group : Periku ; Monki ; Cochimi. 11. Yuma group, in Lower Colorado. 12. The independent idioms of the Pueblos de la Sonora and of Texas (Zuni, Tegua, and others). 13. The independent Mexican idioms: Totonak, Othomi, Taraska, Mixtek, Zapotek, Mazahua, Mame, and others. 14. Aztek group, and the languages of Sonora,* including, on the one hand, Nahuatl or Aztek, and on the other Kahita, Kora, Tarahumara, Tepeguana ; Opata, Tubar ; Pima, Papago ; Kizh, Netela, Kahuillo ; Choch- oni, Komanche, Moki, Utah, Pah-Utah, &c. 15. Maya group, in Yucatan, including Maya, in the north, Quiche, Huastek, in the north-east of Mexico. 16. The independent idioms of Central America and of the West Indies, such as Kueva, towards the Isthmus of Panama, Cibuney in the Antilles. 17. Carib and Arevaque; the former (called also Galibi) in Venezuela and French Guiana, the latter in British and Dutch Guiana. 18^ Tupi, Guarani, and Omagua, of which the two first form a special *Buschmann, " Grammatik der Sonorischen Sprachen," "Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences." Berlin, 18G3. Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 125 group, including the dialects spoken in the regions watered by the Parana, the Paraguay, and the Uruguay rivers. Here, also, are certain idioms, such as that of the Botocudes, east of the San Francisco river, which do not seem to belong to this group. 19. The independent languages of the region of the Andes. 20. Araucanian. 21. Guaykuru, spoken between the Paraguay and the Pilcomayo; Abipon, in the valley of the Salado (Argentine Republic). 22. Puelche, in the Pampas, west of Buenos Ayres. 23. Tehuelche, the language of the Patagonians. 21. The various idioms of Tierra del Fuego, and neighbouring islands. 25. Chibcha, west of the Andes, in New Granada, as far as the vicinity of Santa Fe de Bogota. 26. Quichua group, farther south, from the frontiers of New Granada and Equador to the northern parts of Chile. Related to the Quichuas are the Aymaras, on the borders of Peru and Bolivia. All these idioms are generally assumed to resemble each other, and to possess some salient features in common. We shall now have to see in what the common character consists. It may first of all he asked whether their forms and functions are so very discrepant and peculiar, as to prevent us from classifying them in any one of the three greaf, categories — isolating, agglu- tinating, and inflectional — which embrace all the languages of the Old "World ? This is the opinion of many writers, who suppose that the American tongues have a special property, requiring them to be classed apart, or in a fourth category, called by them the incorpo- rating or polysynthetic system. Whilst endeavouring to avoid any needless, dry details, let us line the nature of the phenomena on winch this doctrine of a distinct classification is based. We shall conclude with a brief notice of the Algonquin and Iroquois groups, spoken in large tracts of North America, and undoubtedly the best known of all the . Lean tong Tlii' meaning of the terms isolating and agglutinating has already 1 ii explained more than once. The former is characterised by the use of independent and invariable runts, while in the latter the primary idea alone i expre <■! le, an in- dependent coot, those of relationship being dependent upon and 126 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. attached to them. We shall see, later on, that true inflection occurs only where the various relations of time and space can he expressed hy an organic modification of the radical vowel. It becomes impossible to he mistaken as to the position to he assigned to any given language, if it can he ascertained to possess one or other of these three characters — isolation, agglutination, inflection. Thus the Semitic group is eminently inflectional, although agglutination occurs, for instance, in the pronominal prefixes and suffixes of the verb, and even in the development of the derivative voices. Hence M. Chavee was, to a certain extent, right in treating as defective the name that has been given to the intermediate class. In truth, however far the formative elements may become fused, the moment that there are as many distinct roots as there are principal and relational ideas, agglutination is established. From this point of view Sanskrit in no way differs from Magyar. In our sixth and concluding chapter we shall speak of the encroachments of one class on another, and of the absolute certainty of the progressive order of succession from the monosyllabic, through the agglutinative, to the inflectional state. The number of agglutinating idioms is vast, but in them agglu- tination assumes every possible phase and variety. If, therefore, we have to establish a secondary morphological division, it cannot be based exclusively on the intensity, or greater or less amount of ag- glutination in these tongues. Account must also be carefully taken of the usual order in which the formative elements occur, that is, of then- more or less marked tendency to be placed in the beginning, at the end, or even in the body of the primary word. Such, doubt- less, was Schleicher's view, when he refused to recognise a fourth category, formed by the American idioms. What, then, is this polysyntliesis, or incorporation, which we are asked to accept as constituting a fourth type of human speech? Here is what Fr. Miiller says on the subject, in his " Allgemeine Ethnowraphie : " " The American tongues, taken as a whole, rest on the principle of polysynthesis, or incorporation. While, in our lan- guages, the isolated conceptions bound together in the sentence are represented by separate words, they are, on the contrary, in the Chap.it.] SECOND FOKM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 127 American idioms, joined together in one indivisible whole ; conse- quently, here word and sentence are confused (or become convertible terms)." The polysynthetic theorists give, as special features of these lan- guages, the folloATing peculiarities : Fusion of the pronouns, and even of the direct object with the verb ; nominal possessive conjuga- tion ; verbal modification to express a change of object or greater emphasis in the action of the verb ; lastly, indefinite composition by means of syncope and contraction. The first and second of these pretended characteristics Avill not stand the test of a moment's criticism. In truth, the nominal pos- Bessive conjugation is common to the Semitic group and to many agglutinating tongues in the Old World. The Algonquin nirda* w ma, my sister, and the Iroquois onMasita, the foot of us two, are formed on the same principle as the Hebrew sl-i, my God, and the Magyar atyar-nh, our father ; although here the formative elements are not placed quite in the same way. As to the verbal modifica- tions, intended to vary the meaning of the action, Duponceau quotes, after Molina, the Chilian dun, to give ; eluguen, to give : i luduamm, to wish to give ; eluzquen, to seem to give ; elit- . to be able to give, &c. But does not this very example ible exactly analogous Turkish forms? Besides, in many ag- glutinating idioms, we find traces of similar derivatives closely abling the voices of the Semitic verb. Instances have already Aven from the Dravidian languages and from the Basque. More weight might, perhaps, be attached to the third charac- teristic; that is, the fact that the verb varies with its object. In Cherokee, for example, kutawo means, •• I wash myself;" kuka^jnu, "I wash my face;" tsekusquo, "I wash another's face.;" takung- l.-.i '■>. •• I wash my clothe- : '' takldeyti, "1 wash Wishes," &c. In I ,jucuru is " to eat bread ;" jemeri, "to eat fruit, honey;" janeri, "to eat cooked food," &c. In Lenape, and Chippeway, there are differenl verba for "to eat soup," ami "to eat pap." But are of composition by jyncope? If so, they present a ;,. thai we shall have presently to examine. If aot, we can see nothing in this phenomenon beyond that repugnance to abstraction, 128 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap, rv, that absence of general ideas already observed in many of the agglutinating tongues. The objective pronouns are joined to the verb by processes analogous to that of nominal conjugation. Hence this feature prevails also amongst those idioms that blend the possessive affixes "with the noun. Here Basque presents a striking exception, as it rejects nominal affixes altogether. On the other hand, its " objec- tive" conjugation is richer than that of any other European or Asiatic language. In fact, it incorporates with the verb not oidy the direct pronominal object — me, thee, him — but the indirect also, whilst Mordvinian (Uralo-Altaic group) is able to express the three persons as direct objects only. Wogulic, of the same group, but less wealthy in forms, incorporates the second and third persons only, and Magyar, showing still greater poverty, can, in principle, render the third person only in this way. But these different languages have what the Basque has not, that is the verb by itself, and independent of its object. In the Semitic group the con- jugations "by pronouns affixed "are in any case real objective conjugations. The Hebrew sabagtani = thou hast forsaken me ; the Magyar latlak = I see him ; the Basque demogu = we give it to him ; and the Iroquois kheiawis = I give to them, so far as concerns their formation, differ only in the order of the elements composing the word. As to the incorporation of nouns with the verb, said to be an ordinary feature of the American idioms, we cannot at the moment quote a more pregnant example than the Algonquin nadholineen = bring us the canoe, made up of vaten = to bring, amochol = canoe, i euphonic, and neen = to us ; or the Chippeway word soghrinjimti- zoyan = ii I do not take the hand, in which sogendt = to take, and oninjina = hand, are components. Formations of this sort are but simple extensions of the principle by which the verb incor- porates its object. It has been justly remarked that certain locutions in the modern Bomance languages are genuine instances of rudimentary incorporation. When the Italian says portandovi = taking to you, portandovelo = taking it to you, and the Gascon Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 129 deche-m droumi=let me sleep, the process recalls the incorporating method of the Basque and the American idioms.* We hold, in fact, with Mr. Sayce, that polysynthesis must be distinguished from incorporation, which last should be reserved for the phenomena that we have just examined, and which, as we have seen, are neither peculiar to the American tongues nor important enough to justify the creation of a fourth great morphological category. Mr. Sayce is even of opinion that there is much greater difference between incorporation and polysynthesis than between incorporation and inflection. We shall therefore express by polysynthesis the last feature appealed to as peculiar to the American idioms, that is the hide- finite composition of words by syncope and ellipsis. This is certainly the most important character, and is that which Fr. Miiller describes in the above-quoted passage. Duponceau, who does not confuse incorporation with polysynthesis, gives this last as the distinctive mark of the languages of the !New World, and he assures us that he has met with it in all the idioms known to him from Greenland to Chili. They all blend together a great number of ideas under the form of one and the same word. This word, generally of considerable length, is an agglomeration of diverse others, often reduced to a single intercalated letter. Thus the Greenland iiiilisiiri'irfni-asuarpdk, he hastened to go fishing, is formed of aulisar, to Bah, peartor, to be engaged in anything, pinnesuarpok, * But there is a wide difference between the two. The former incor- porate the pronominal element only, while the latter incorporate the nominal object also. Hence the one is limited to the few possible combinations of verb and pronoun, while the other is practically unlimited, the number of i do nouns capable of being blended with the verb being numberless. If the Italian could melt down into one word the phrase portandovi il bastone, fetching the Btiob to you, and say, for instance, portaridovilstone, the analogy fronld 1c; bo far complete between it and the American process. But even then only so far, because in point of fact the American tongues fuse to- gether whole sentences, including verb, nominal object, pronominal subject, and indirect object, conjunctions, conditional, honorific, euphonic, and other formative elements. It is this iiiiii-i-rsiiUt y of the process that seems to con- stitute the real di tinotion between the polysynthctic and the agglutina- ting systems. — Note by Translator. K 130 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. he hastens. The Algonquin amawjanachqiumiurld, broad-leaved oaks, is formed of amangi, great, large, nachk, hand, quim, ending of names of shell-fruit, and ackpansi, trunk of a tree. The Mexican notlazomahuizteopixcaMtzin, my beloved, honoured, revered, priestly- father, is made up of no, my, tlazotli, beloved, mahuitztic, honoured, teopixqui (from Teotl, God, and pia, to keep guard), priestly, tatl't, father, and tzin, a reverential ending.* The Chippeway totochabo, wine, is formed of toto, milk, and clwmindbo, bunch of grapes. Polysynthesis, therefore, consists of composition by contraction ; some of the components losing their first, others their last syllables. Consequently there is this difference between incorporation and polysynthesis, that the process of the latter is essentially syntac- tical. Incorporation belongs to the period of development, while polysynthesis took its rise during the historic life of the lan- guage. Hence polysynthesis is not a primitive feature, but an expansion, or, if you will, a second phase of agglutination, offering insufficient grounds for constituting the American idioms in a separate class. They will simply be placed last in the ascending order of the agglutinating series. For instance, we shall have, in the first place, the Dravidian group, with its scanty grammatical forms ; then the some- what more developed Mandchu, the Turkish already incorporating ; after which the Finnic tongues in this order : Suomi, Magyar, Wogulic, Mordvinian, all incorporating ; then the Basque, of which more farther on, and which is incorporating with polysynthetic tendencies ; lastly, the American languages, which are incorporating and poly- synthetic. But tliis progressive arrangement no more proves the original parentage of these different tongues, than do certain common features that of the amentacea and the conifera. Besides, the historic stage once reached, all languages might be- come polysynthetic, and in a great many of them there are forms *Hervas, "Idea dell' Universo," xviii. ; also the Translator's "English Language," p. 49 of enlarged edition, 1875. Chap.it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 131 of expression quite analogous to the contractions of the American tongues. Thus in German, beim = bei dent, in or by the ; zur = zu dt r, at or to the ; in current French mamzelle for ma demoiselle. [But see Translator's note at p. 129.] As Duponceau has well observed, these contractions are readily- produced in compound words in current use, which have gradually- become simple words, whose original complex nature has been forgotten. In Europe the Basque seems to have made the greatest use of this process, and it is on this account that, in a progressive morphological arrangement of the agglutinating languages, it may be placed between the Uralo- Altaic and the American idioms. It is impossible to notice, even in the most summary way, all the different languages above enumerated. While, therefore, occa- sionally alluding to the others, we shall confine ourselves to a general sketch of the two more important groups in Xorth America — the Algonquin and the Iroquois. These are not related to each other, offering noteworthy differences both as regards their phonetic and formative systems. Algonquin, spoken in Canada and in the north of the United -. is subdivided into some thirty dialects, the principal of which arc the MiJcmak, in Canada, ]S T ova Scotia, and neighbouring ms; Abenaki, in Maine and Massachusetts; Narragam&ets in Rhode Island ; and Mohican, in Connecticut. The Languages of l ida proper: Algonquin, properly so called; ChippewaytxOjibway-, Ottawa, .'/' nomeni, and ( V- e. The Iroquois tribes occupy the western portion of the state of 5Tork, and generally the southern shores of the great lakes. They may 1"- subdivided into the Onondago, Seneca, Oneida, /■i. and Tu&corora. The Algonquin phonetic system is poor, ami tin' Iroquois poorer still. They have our vowels, a, e, i, <>, some dialects adding u ; also the two semi-vowels, y and w, the second changing to a sorl of labial sibilant. This Is the Bound that the missionaries transcribe by the cipher 8. undejr the pretext that thi tnbles the '■: 8, while, the French huit expresses the sound in question, k 2 132 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. But the use of this 8 gives the strangest appearance to the American texts in which it occurs.* Algonquin possesses the two gutturals Jc, g, whilst Iroquois has one only, sometimes transcribed by g, sometimes by 1c. Both have the palatal ch, and some Algonquin dialects j also. Algonquin employs t and d, Iroquois t only, and it has no labials, while Algon- quin has p and b. Both have the nasals belonging to their respective explosives, and I and r, always interchangeable and often indistinct. In Algonquin there are numerous sibilants, h, ch hard (German), s, z, and French j. But in Iroquois, h and s alone occur, / being restricted to some dialectic varieties. Both have three nasal vowels : an, en, on. The only sound presenting any difficulty to Europeans seems to be the w placed before a consonant. On this, Duponceau remarks : " It is like ou in the French out, but followed imme- diately by a consonant, and uttered without any intermediate rest, for which reason it is called sibilant ou or w, because, in fact, we must pronounce it with a whistle. The same utterance exists in Abenaki, but, instead of being labial, as in Lenape, it is guttural, being pronounced from the depths of the throat .... It occurs neither in Algonquin proper nor in Chippeway, and iu OttaAva ou takes its place. Thus, whilst a Lenape says w'danis, his daughter (with a Avhistle), the Ottawa will say oudanis." He further observes that the Algonquins articulate very distinctly, pronouncing the vowels very openly, the short with the sharp, the Ion" with the grave accent, the last syllable of the phrase being uttered with great energy. The South American pronunciation is rougher than that of the North. Many American tongues, notably Algonquin and Iroquois, do not distinguish the verb from the noun, the verb being nothing but * The names of a team of Iroquois Indians, who played the Canadian o-ame of " La Crosse," before the Queen at Windsor, during last summer, appeared in the periodicals at the time in this wise : Aton8a Tekanennao- 8iheu (Hickory Wood Split) ; Sha8atis Anasotako (Pick the Feather) ; Sha- 8atis Aientonni (Hole in the Sky) ; 8ishe Taiennontii (Flying Name) ; Aton8a TeronkoSa (The Loon) ; 8ishe Ononsanoron (Deer House), &c. — Note by Translator. Chap. i\\] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 133 a noun accompanied by suffixes denoting possession. This seems to us somewhat the case with the agglutinating languages generally, and we have shown how the Dravidian verb may take nominal suffixes, just as the noun itself is declined by means of pronominal suffixes. The article, which some writers do not recognise, Duponceau detects at least in Algonquin. It is, as is usually the case, a demonstrative pronoun, monko (in Massachusetts), reduced to m prefixed. But its presence is now so little felt, that it is retained concurrently with the possessive affixes. Thus the Chippeway says mittig, tree, and hi mittig, thy tree; and the Lenape liittul; tree ; m'hittulc, the tree; and Ic'hittuJ:, his tree. The article occurs in other idioms also, as in Iroquois ne, and in Othomi na, but it has often been overlooked, owing to the tendency of those languages towards determinating forms, causing the nouns to be always accompanied by a possessive affix. In Algonquin there is no distinction of gender, while in Iroquois there are two genders, called by the grammarians noble and ignoble ; tli- first being applied to divinities and to the male of the human race, the seeond to everything else. But in the declension there are particles or different affixes for animate and inanimate beings. The nominal conjugation, or rather, as above explained, the posses-ive derivative, is formed by the addition of the pronominal ate to the beginning of the noun, tin- adjective being always in- variable, and placed, in Algonquin, before the qualified "word. Thus, kuligatchis, thy pretty little paw, is formed of/,-/, thy, voulit, pretty, wichgat, paw, and the diminutive cMs', and Kitanittowit, the Great Spirit, of kita, anitu, spirit, and the adjectival ending wit. The Algonquin verb may he either absolute, that is, without an object; transitive, that is, with a direcl object; or passive. A great number of moods have \>a-n wrongly ascribed to it, there 1» ing, in reality, none al all, or at most a conditional, formed by the insertion of a particle. The Iroquois verb i al o absolute, reflective, recip- rocal, passive, and transitive, with direct and indirect object. There would al bo be in some idioms traces of a so-called sexual conjugation. Thn . in Abenaki, a man would say nenanan* 134 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. basanbai, -where a -woman would say nenananbaseskouai, I am not very intelligent. Thanks to such numerous variations, one begins to see how the English missionary, Edwin James, came to credit the Chippe-way verb with six or eight thousand forms. Algonquin and Iroquois are no more able than are the Dravidian tongues to express the absolute sense of to be and to have. Thus the sentence, I am a man, in Xarragansets will be ninin = l man ; and in Lenape, lenno n' hackey = a man my body. The question, Whose is this canoe ? is in Ottowa watchimdnei = to whom canoe 1 ? In Menomeni, wahotosoydwik = who owns canoe 1 ? Altogether the vocabulary of these idioms is very poor, lacking, as might be supposed, nearly all the abstract terms, which are replaced either by words from English, French, Spanish, and even German, or else by developed periphrases, often spoken of by grammarians as words of ten or twelve syllables. In the Algonquin dialects the five first numerals are simple words, and these alone seem to be primitive. "Ten" seems to be " five more " (than five) ; a hunched, " ten times ten ;" and a thou- sand " the great ten of tens." Iroquois, on the contrary, seems to have reckoned as far as ten. Many curious remarks might be made on the terms of relation- ship, which in Iroquis, for instance, are very numerous. They have been arranged in categories — superior consanguinity, as father, mother ; inferior, as son, younger brother ; superior affinity, as father-in-law ; inferior, as daughter-in-law. Collateral connections, as brother-in-law, &c. The Dravidian group is also remarkably rich in words of this sort, distinguishing, for instance, the elder from the junior brothers, just as in Basque a woman's sister is distinguished from a man's. The cause of these intricacies is, we have no doubt, the lack of general expressions, which is a usual feature of inferior languages, though not unfrequently mistaken for wealth by writers on ethno- graphy and geography. Notwithstanding the length of these remarks, we shoidd have liked, did our space afford it, to give some further illustrations, and analyse some complete sentences. The American languages con- Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 135 tinue to give occasion to such unscientific •writings that their connec- tion with the other agglutinating tongues cannot be too much insisted upon. We trust, hoAvever, that the distinction has been made perfectly clear between the terms polysynthesis and incor- poration, the misunderstanding of which may and does give rise to many serious errors. § 17. — The Sub-Arctic Languages. Under this geographic designation are comprised all the idioms spoken in the Arctic regions. Tukagirie, the speech of about 1,000 persons in the north-east of Siberia, immediately east of Yakutic, which belongs to the Turkish group. Ghukchik (Asiatic), and Koryak, still further east, in the extreme north-east of Siberia. These two idioms are nearly akin to each other. Kamchadale, in the south of the peninsula;* still farther south, in the Kuriles and northern islands of the Japanese Archipelego, the language of the AinosA Ghilial; on the mainland opposite. Ostyak-Ti nisei and Kotte, in the heart of Siberia. Innuit dialects, spoken by the Eskimos along the northern coast of America. Related to them is the American Chukchik, on the north-west coast, and not to be confounded with the Asiatic Chuk- chik above mentioned. Ah idian dialects, essentially different from the Innuit. But although grouped under one common designation, we cannot, on that account, form any conclusion as to the greater or less affinity of these languages, either amongst themselves or with any other idioms. On this subject there is still room for many hypotheses ; •See"The I Sthnograp hie Chart of Kamchatka," by C.deDittmar," Bulletins of ih" Bistorical, Philological, and Political Beotion of the St. Petersburg Academy," viii. p. 107. St. Peteri burg, 1856. t Pfizmaier, "I eberden Baa der Aino.Spraohe," " Bulletins of the Vienna Acadomy," vii. p. 382. Vienna, 1851. 136 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. but it is probable that some of them will permanently resist any attempts that may be made to classify them with any other better- known groups. § 18. — Languages of the Caucasus. Frequent futile attempts have been made to identify these idioms both with the Aryan and the Semitic system. We agree with Fr. Muller in regarding them as an entirely distinct group, different even from the TJralo- Altaic. They are divided into two branches — the Northern and the Southern. Tlie Northern Division extends along the northern slopes of the Caucasus, between the Caspian and the northern shores of the Black Sea, as far as the Straits of Yenicale, and comprises three distinct sub-branches : the Lesgian in Daghestan, bordering on the Caspian, and numbering about 400,000 souls; the Kistian, central, and much less considerable than the previous ; the Cher- Jcessian, or Circassian, occupying nearly half of the entire north- west of the Caucasus, and nearly as numerous as the two foregoing groups. In the Lesgian are included the Avare, Khasia-Kumuk or Laic, Alcusha, Kurine, Tide, and other dialects. The Kistian group comprises the Ingush or Lamur, Karabuldk, Chechenze, Tush or Mosok, which last, though belonging to the Northern Division, is spoken south of the Caucasus towards the source of the Alasan. The various Kistian idioms are spoken altogether by about 140,000 individuals. Formerly the Circassians numbered about 500,000, but large numbers of them have in recent times migrated to European Turkey. The Southern Divison comprises Georgian, Suanian, Mingrelian, and Lazian. The Suanian lies north-east of the Georgian, and the Mingrelian lies south of the Suanian and west of the Georgian. Lazian is spoken still farther to the south, in Lazistan, a province of Asiatic Turkey, on the south-east coast of the Black Sea. These last four languages would seem to derive from a common source, but their affinity with the Northern Division is far from Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 137 having been established. Xor has the relationship of the idioms of this division itself been even yet made clear, although several of the Caucasian tongues have been carefully studied, notably by Schiefner, in the ''Memoirs of the St. Petersburg Academy." They are all of them obviously agglutinating, the idea of case being expressed in the usual way by suffixes, between which and the root is inserted the element denoting number. Occasionally, hoAvever, the derivative element precedes the root, as from busiani = garden, mebustani = gardener, pmri = bread, mepuri = baker. § 19. — On some little-known Idioms classified with the Agglutinating Languagt s. We have just mentioned those sub-Arctic idioms which have no known connection with any other group, which seem to differ even from each other in the most decided manner, but which, by their structure, belong all of them to the agglutinating class. We have now to say a few words on those sorts of languages that have been also classed amongst the agglutinating, but concerning which we possess such unsatisfactory and contradictory information that they must be spoken of with the greatest reserve. Some of these are still spoken, such as the Brahui ; whilst others are extinct, such as that of the second column of the trilingual cuneiform inscriptions, and the so-called Sumerian or Accadian tongue. (1) Sinhalese or Elu. Sinhalese, spoken by the indigenous population in the southern districts of Ceylon, is an agglutinating language — by some writers, on insufficient grounds, connected with the Dravidian group, and with still Less probability, by R. C. Childers, with the Sanskrit; though it cannot be denied that it has borrowed largely from that source. The Kin consonantal system is tolerably rich • possessing, besides the ordinary explosives, the lingual explosives t,d, and the fricatives ch f j. Number is expressed l>y the addition of sundry particles, vol, hu t 138 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap.it. Id, and others, some being reserved for animate, others for inanimate beings. The cases also are denoted by suffixes : geval = the houses, gehi = in the house, geoalM-va. the houses. Amongst the numerous Sanskrit elements in Sinhalese, that of the numerals is one of the most striking. Sanskritists will readily recognise Sanskrit or Pali forms in the Sinhalese eka = one, deka = two, tuna= three, hatara = four, pdha=* fire. The Sinhalese writing system is of Dravidian origin. (2) Munda. The language of the Kols, or Kolhs (south-west of Calcutta), would seem, like Sinhalese, to be independent of the Dravidian group. (3) Brdhui, Spoken in the neighbourhood of Kelat, in the north-east corner of Beluchistan. Although largely imbued with Sanskrit and Arabic terms, it would seem to be related to the Dravidian family. (4) The Pretended Scythian Language. The term Scythian has been used in two different ways, having been applied both to a particular people and to a collection of tribes more or less related together. In the first case some one definite Scythian language and people is implied; in the second will be understood not one, but many Scythian races and languages. The first opinion has found but few defenders, while the second has contrived to seduce even such competent authorities, for instance, as "Whitney, who has given to the Uralo- Altaic group the name of Scythian, a term applied by the Greeks if not to all, at least to many of the nomad tribes dwelling on the north-east.* But this appellation seems to us much too vague. It is, doubtless, very likely that the ancients included in it more than one tribe belonging to the Uralo-Altaic group, although no direct * " Language and the Study of Language," third edition, p. 309. London, 1870. Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION, 139 proof can be advanced in support of the statement.* But, on the other hand, it seems quite certain that they also gave the name of Scythians to races speaking Aryan tongues ; as, for instance, the Scythians of Pontus, whose language, as Miillenhoff has endeavoured to show, seems to have been Iranian. Several writers have, with some probability, considered that a section of the Scythians spoke an idiom akin to the Slavonic group. t In a word, we agree with Frederick Midler | that Scythian is merely a geographical expression, answering to no definite idea of race or language. Scythia is simply the north of Europe and of Asia, and the Scythian races are the nomad tribes inhabiting those regions. Hence it seems to us at least somewhat rash to speak of a Scythian language, or even of a Scythian group, and give this name, whose origin is otherwise very obscure, to the collective body of the Uralo-Altaiic tongues. (5) The Language of the Second Column of the Cuneiform Inscriptions. The first column of the triglott inscriptions of the time of the Achamienides, as is well known, is composed in Old Persian ; and this was the first to be deciphered. The third column, which was not interpreted for a long time after the first, is in Assyrian, a Semitic dialect. To the language of the second column various names have been given j amongst others, those of Median and Scythian. This last, proposed and employed by Eawlinson§ and iNorris, || is far too vague to be applied to any definite Idiom, as explained in the * Schicfner, " Sprachliche Bcdcnken gegen das Mongolenthum der Skvthen," " Melanges Asiatiquos," ii. p. 531. 1856. + See Gr. Krek, " Einlcitung in die Slavische Litex&tnrgesohichte und Darstellung ihrer iilteren Period," i. p. 36, Graz, 1871; also Fr. Spiegel, Lsche AliiTihumskundc," i. p. '.VA'.\ and following, Leipzig, 1873. J "Allgemeine Ethnographie," p. 851. Vienna, lsT.'i. § "Notes on the Early History of Babylonia," in "Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society," xv. p. 215. || "Memoir on the Soythio Version of the Behistnn Inscription," "Journal of the Koyal Asiatic Society," xv. p. 1. London, 1853. 140 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. rv. foregoing paragraph. That of Median seems more suitable ; and in its favour is urged the fact that certain inscriptions composed in the language of the second column of these monuments have also been found in the regions of Ancient Media, unaccompanied by Iranian or Assyrian versions. The three languages of these rock inscriptions, it is added, must have been those of the three prin- cipal nations of the empire. But the first being Persian and the third Assyrian, the second could have been no other than Medic* iSTorris held this so-called Median as a member of the Uralo- Alta'ic group, closely allied to Magyar, Ostyak, Permian, and others of the same family. Mordtmann also made it an Uralo-Altaic language, grouping it, however, with the Turkish or Tatar branch, t and assuming the intrusion at different epochs of a certain number of Aryan elements. He gave it the name of the language of Susiana. Oppert also has discussed this matter, j and, after adopting the term Scythie, has finally decided in favour of Medic, regarding it as the language of the Median dynasty, which seems to have reigned from 788 to 560 B.C., and to have differed both in language and religion from the dynasty of the Achtemenides. However, Oppert prudently avoids connecting the language in question either with the Uralo-Altaic or with the Sumerian. But the question ultimately hangs on these two points : Does the language of the second column belong to the Uralo-Altaic group % Is this language that of the Medes ? On the first we can un- hesitatingly answer with Spiegel § that the language in question has not yet been deciphered. The above-mentioned writers, to whom may be added some others, such as Westergaard, are far from having induced all competent judges to accept their opinion on the * Benfey, " Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und Orientalischen Philo- logie in Deutschland," p. 633. Munich, 1869. f " Ueber die Keilinscnriften zweiter Gattung, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft," xxiv. p. 76. Leipzig, 1870. t Ibid. § " Eranische Alterthiimsknnde," i. p. 381. Leipzig, 1871. Chap, iv.] SECOND FOEM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 141 Finnic or Tatar character of this tongue, nor has Caldwell been more successful with his assumed Dravidian affinity. In the present state of the question it therefore seems wise to await the results of further research. Besides, it seems somewhat rash to look on the ancient Medes as a people of Uralo- Altaic, origin. Spiegel is vmable to adopt this view, and it must be confessed that his arguments are very formid- able against it. The evidence of Herodotus is explicit, and that of Strabo no less so ; and they both regard the Medes as Aryans. Moreover, their proper names and geographical terms can all be interpreted, not by the Finnic or Turkic, but by the Iranian tongues.* It seems, therefore, reasonable, pending further information, to abstain from at all classifying or giving any special name to the language of the second column of the cuneiform rock inscriptions. (6) TJie so-called Sumerian or Accadian Language. Some twenty years ago it was supposed that a race speaking an agglutinating idiom had occupied the Babylonian plains before the Assyrians, and that Semitic civilisation had gained a footing in the country by grafting itself on to this anterior civilisation. To this language Hincks gave the name of Accadian, which, though pro- posed by him with all reserve, seems now to enjoy a certain amount of favour. < >ppert, however, takes Accadian to be absolutely synonymous with Assyrian, both simply implying the Semitic speeeh <>i Nineveh and Babylon, the language of the third column of the Achaemenidian cuneiform inscriptions. To the race that La assumed to have preceded the Semites in Assyria, and to have transmitted to them their cuneiform letters and their civilisation, Oppert gives the name of Kasdo-Scythic, ox.Suin&rian y and calls their Language Sumerian. We shall not attempt to decide the point at issue. The champions of the Sumerian, or of the Accadian theory, as the case may be, assume that this language disappeared at a certain * Spiegel, Op. cit., i. p. 381. 142 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. crisis, but that the so-called " Turanian " priests carefully preserved it in the practice of their religion. From this there was needed but one step to set about restoring the language in question, by means of monuments, where this pretended "Turanian" text, written in Assyrian cuneiform characters, was supposed to be accompanied by an interlinear Assyrian version. The step was taken, and the doctrine was proclaimed that the forerunners of the Assyrian Semites on Babylonian soil had spoken an Uralo-Altaic tongue, more specially allied to the Finnic group ; that they had reached a high state of culture ; that they had communicated to the Assyrian immigrants their cuneiform graphic system ; lastly, that before losing their own language they had initiated the new comers into a civilisation which these latter had not, therefore, arrived at independently. This Sumerian theory was not of a nature to be accepted off- hand, and after twenty round years since its announcement it can scarcely be said to have yet hopelessly routed the objections of its opponents. On the contrary, not satisfied with merely assailing it, M. Joseph Halevy* has recently attempted an interpretation of the texts totally different from that of the " Accadians." He first of all set himself to show that the language in question has nothing in common with those of the Uralo-Altaic family, from which its phonetic system differs widely, while its roots have neither the same form nor the same use. Moreover, the manner of formino- words is quite different — the pronouns have nothing in common, the conjugation is constructed on essentially different con- ditions, and, lastly, the two vocabularies do not bear serious compari- son. There are scarcely a dozen so-called Accadian words that can be at all made to answer to a corresponding number brought together from the various Finnic tongues. Halevy, therefore, holds that the presence of an Uralo-Altaic speaking people on Mesopo- tamian soil has been proved neither by the monuments, which all belong to Semitic art, nor by the geographical names (also Semitic), nor yet by the evidence of writers. * " Observations Critiques sur les pretendus Touraniens de la Babylonie," " Journal Asiatique." June, 1874. Chap, it.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 14S In fact, the Accadian texts would seem to be Assyrian, pure and simple, no longer written with a phonetic system, but by means of monograms artificially combined. In other words, we would have, in both cases, nothing but Assyrian, the so-called Sumerian texts being merely written in an ideographic instead of a phonetic graphic system. Let us, however, hasten to say that M. Halevy's theory, especially in its positive statements, does not seem to us at all convincing. We do not, of course, say that it is absolutely improbable, but we cannot admit as conclusive the proofs on which it relies. But we do not on that account accept the Sumerian or Accadian theory, on which, till better informed, we shall continue to hold the same views that M. Kenan does.* There can be no doubt that before the arrival of the Assyrians and of the Iranians, Babylonia had already been the field of a true civilisation, which, adds M. Benan, very probably possessed, and even invented the cuneiform manner of writing. But to convert their speech into an Uralo-Altai'c language passes all reasonable bounds. There were good grounds to feel surprised at seeing "this ancient underlying Babylonish culture credited to the Turkish, Finnic, or Hungarian races — races that have scarcely ever been able to do aught but destroy, and who have never created a civilisation of their own. Truth, however, may at times seem unlikely, and if they can prove to us that Turks, Finns, and Hungarians really were the founders of the most powerful and the most intelligent of the ante-Semitic and ante-Aryan civi- lisations, we shall believe — for all <) priori considerations must yield 1o ') posteriori arguments. But the strength of such proofs must be in proportion to the unlikelihood of the wsue." Let us add, that whatever may be constantly said to the contrary, these proofs }, | ■■ ■ ,• .1 been supplied. We are quite ready to accept the Sumerian, and class it with the agglutinating idioms, ami even attach it to the Finnic group \ but we awail conclusive arguments, a genuine grammar — not a of etymologies which cannot. * "Journal AHiatique," p. 42. July, L87S. 144 SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. [Chap. iv. advance the question a single step. Much — too much, perhaps — is already written on the Accadian theory, whereas a short hut methodic work might suffice to cause it to he accepted. Such a demonstra- tion may he near at hand, hut so far it has not appeared. The defenders of the Sumerian theory must, ahove all, he perfectly familiar with the phonetics, the structure, and the special vocabu- lary of the Uralo-Altaic idioms, which can scarcely be said to be the case with all those that have written upon the subject. § 20. — The Theory of the Turanian Languages. During the formative stage of new sciences, while the chief object still is to group and classify the first secured results, there often arise some of those general theories alluring to minds fond of the simple and the easy, but which are doomed, soon or late, to collapse hopelessly before the onward march of sound criticism. Philology has not escaped from such theories, amongst the most eccentric of which may be included that of a Turanian Family, which, notwithstanding its improbability, still continues to enjoy a certain credit. This theory may be said to have two essential qualities. It is at once indefensible and pretentious. Before speaking of its origin and its name, let us see wherein it consists. And in the first place it is necessary to distinguish between two varieties of the Turanian school — the absolute and the moderate party. The first, or the orthodox, school holds that all languages that are neither Aryan, Semitic, nor Hamitic, constitute a "Turanian" group. The idioms of this group would have in common not only a certain amount of structural processes, but also a large number of roots. There would therefore thus be a common language, a Turanian mother-tongue. In some indefinite and unexplained way, there are admitted into this group two great divisions, a Northern and a Southern ; the first comprising the already-described Uralo- Altaic idioms, the second not only all the other agglutinating tongues, but also the monosyllabic languages of the extreme East. The second, or heterodox, party may be divided into two varie- Chap, iv.] SECOND FORM OF SPEECH— AGGLUTINATION. 115 ties. The first, strictly speaking, no longer believes in the Turanian theory proper, but by a sort of conservative instinct would like to preserve at least the name of the thing. This they apply to our Cralo- Altaic family, including all its five groups, as above ex- plained. The second variety, less daring than the previous one, makes the Turanian group consist not only of the Uralo- Altaic tongues, but also of the 1 )raviilian, the Malayo-Polynesian, the Tibetan, and the Siamese. We are simply stating the case, without criticising, hence are not called upon to ask why Chinese is excluded, together with the Annamese, the Eurman, the Caucasian tongues, the Basque, the Nubian and Fula groups, the Corean, the Japanese, the American, the sub- Arctic, Australian, African, Hottentot, and New Guinea languages. This theory, we have said, is essentially deceptive, calculated to mislead the credulous, or those who lack time and the means of testing for themselves the statements advanced in the name of science itself. Some venerable patriarch, " Tur," is assumed to have given birth to a race, whose speech would thus be the common mother-tongue of the various so-called Turanian idioms. A Persian legend was skilfully grafted on to this invention, nor did Iudaico- Christian orthodoxy fail to discount a theory which, though utterly unsupported by any serious argument, did not on that account seem the less acceptable, since it readily accommodated itself to the teachings of Holy Writ, If there is one fact better verified than another it is thai which Schleicher, Whitney, and so many others with them have clearly shown, namely, that these pretended Turanian languages have bul one thing in common the whiiasic.il name conferred on thcin. The general structure of Basque, Japanese, and Magyar, is doubt- iir. They all suffix to the noun perfectly analogou ments, thai is, they are all, in a word, agglutinating. Bui the elements constituting the common fcoct of each are different, and their roots incapable of being reduced to unity. It is in vain boldly to proclaim th'-ir common origin or identity, while we are unable even remotely to reduce them to a common form. i. 146 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. The Turanian theory cannot therefore he taken seriously. Begot of much assumption, it vanishes hefore a very little criticism. Hence it is to he regretted that, while condemning it, certain authors should do the name of Turanian the honour of looking on it as a thing that can he no longer got rid of. It is hy this very con- descension that it may acquire fresh vitality, and possihly succeed in establishing itself permanently. The hest means of combating it is therefore, perhaps, to pass it over in silence. The unlucky term " Semitic " answers at least to a well-defined collection of definite facts, and can he accepted without any reserve. But that of " Turanian " and " Turanian tongues " is only calculated to per- petuate serious misconceptions.* CHAPTER V. THIRD FORM OP SPEECH INFLECTION. "We have now reached the third and last form of articulate speech — inflection. We have seen that during the monosyllabic period root and word were one, the sentence being a mere series of monosyllabic roots isolated one from the other. In the second phase we saw that certain roots, passing from the position of independent words to that of mere suffixes or prefixes, serve henceforth to express the relations only, whether active or passive,, of the roots that have retained their full meaning. In the first stage, the formrda of the word, as already explained, is simply R, and that of the sentence R + R + R, &c, R standing for the root. If we represent by r those roots whose sense has * The term " Turanian " continues to hold its ground in popular English works on ethnology, as in Dr. R. Brown's " Races of Mankind," the fourth and last volume of -which has recently appeared. In it the human race is divided into the following groups, an arrangement which, it need scarcely be remarked, is utterly irreconcilable with any intelligible philological distribution: 1. American ; 2. Oceanic ; 3. Turanian; 4. Persian ; 5. Indian ; 6. African; 7. Caucasian; 8. European. — Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 147 become obscured, and which thus pass to the state of prefixes and suffixes, we shall have as formulae of the words in the second period, Eb, Err, rE, rEr, and such like analogous combinations. Two systems of languages, the Semito-Hamitic and the Aryan, after passing through the monosyllabic and the agglutinating phases successively, arrived at last, and independently of each other, at the third or inflecting state. § l.—W7tat is Inflection? Its essence consists in the power of the root to express, by a modification of its own form, its various relations to other roots. In an inflecting language, however, the roots of all words are not necessarily mo lifted, remaining at times such as they were in the agglutinating stage, but they may be modified. Languages in which relations may thus be expressed, not only by suffixes and prefixes, but also by a modification of the form of the roots, are inflectional languages. Eepresenting this power of the root by the index x , the aggluti- nating formula Eb may become E x r in the inflecting stage. Nay, more; not only may the "full" root — as the Chinese call it — receive this index, as in the foregoing formula, but even the rela- tional root, or suffix, may be similarly modified. An example taken from the Aryan system will make this dear. The Sanskrit <7/, he goes, the Latin it ("Id form eit), ami the Lithuanian eiti Bow all from one common form AIti= he goes. The two roots of which this word is composed are I = to go, ami TA =the demonstrative pronoun met with in the Greek to the (muter), and in the Latin These two roots have been subjected to inflection in the word in question, though we do not know the peal cause that has brought about the modification of the radical I to AX We do know, however, tli at the element, TA has been changed to Tl in passing from the pa* ive to the active state. Thus we End this pr am with a pa use wherever it retains its pure form, as in tin- Latin 9Crip4Vr8, written, rujp-tu-8, broken; in the Greek Of-To-s, placed, w«fl-To-r, known. In its modified form, on the contrary, it l -1 148 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. imparts an active sense to the root to which it is suffixed, as in the Latin ves-tis, and the Greek iiav-n-s, a seer. This same suffix ti has produced in the Aryan tongues a number of active nouns, as opposed to the passive and older forms in fa. Thus, in .Sanskrit, pati = master, lord = the Latin poti (nominative potis or pos, as in compos, i in i " '•-■) = the Lithuanian pati (nominative pats). In an inflecting idiom the formula of the word may therefore also be E X R X , Rr x , Err x , besides many other combinations that cannot here be enumerated. § 2. — Aryan and Semitic Inflection. We shall presently notice in more or less detail the two systems of inflecting languages — the Aryan (Sanskrit, Persian, Greek, Latin, Slave, Keltic, &c.) and the Semitic (Hebrew, Arabic, &c). But a very important fact of a general nature must be first placed in a clear light. It is that the Aryan and the Semitic languages differ altogether from each other, not only in their roots, but also in their structure itself. Both are unquestionably inflecting tongues, but the inflection of the one is not that of the other. Schleicher* and Whitney t have examined this question carefully, in the safe and methodical way that characterises all their writings, and Ave cannot do better than here reproduce what they say on the subject. Before breaking up into distinct languages, says Schleicher, the Semitic system had no roots to which a sonant form of any sort can be given, as in the case of the Aryan system. The general sense of the root rested in simple consonants, this general sense receiving its various relational meanings by the addition of vowels to the consonants. Thus the three consonants q, t, I, constitute the root of the Hebrew qdtal and of the Arabic qatala - he killed, of qutila = he was killed, of the Hebrew hiqttt = he caused to kill, and of the Arabic maqtulun = killed. The case is altogether different in the * "Die Deutsche Sprache," 2nd edition, p. 21, Stuttgart, 1869; " Semitisch und Indo-Germauisch, Beitrage zur Vergleichcnden Sprach- forschung," ii. p. 236, Berlin, 1861. f " Language and the Study of Language," 3rd edition, p. 300. London, 1870. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 149 Aryan system, where the sense and the full utterance of the syllable are coincident. Further, the Semitic root admits of all the vowels capable of modifying its sense, -while the Aryan root possesses one organic vowel, as in the root of the Sanskrit manve = I mind or think; of the Greek fxevos = the mind; of the Latin mens, moneo', of the Gothic gamunan = to mind, where the organic vowel of the root is not a, e, o, », indifferently, hut, necessarily, >i alone. Besides, this organic vowel can he changed into certain others, only under certain conditions and according to laws recognised and determined by philological analysis. A third difference consists in the triliteral character of the Semitic root: qtl = to kill, Mb = to write, dbr- to speak, derived no doubt from simpler primeval forms, hut which are now thus reconstituted. On the other hand, the Aryan root is much more varied in form, as in & = to go, sa = to pour, to shed, though always monosyllahic. The Semitic system had tlnee cases and two tenses only, while tin- Aryan has eight cases and at least five tenses. All Aryan words have one and the same form, that of the root (modified or not) accompanied by the derivative suffix. This form occurs in Semitic also, as in the Arabic qatalta thou man, thou hast killed; but it also possesses the form in which the derivative elemenl is prefixed, where the root comes between two derivative elements, and others also. Semitic inflection, observes Whitney in his turn, is wholly differenl from the Aryan, so that the two systems cannot he derived oir- from tie- other any more than from one common system. The fundamental character of the Semitic resides in the triliteral form of it s roots, which are composed of three consonants, to which are joined various vowels iii their formative capacity— that is, as formative elements indicating the various relations of the root. Thus in Arabic the rout qtl presents the idea of to kill, and qatala means he killed, qutila=he was killed, qatl murderer, qitl enemy, Ac. Jointlj with this inflection, dm- 1o the use made ,,(' various vowels, the Semitic also forms its words by means of 150 THIRD FORM OP SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. suffixes and prefixes, and occasionally with infixes. But it does not pile up affixes on affixes, or derivatives on derivatives — whence the almost complete uniformity of the Semitic tongues. The structure of the Semitic verb differs profoundly from that of the Indo-European. In the second and third persons it distinguishes the gender (masculine or feminine) of the subject : qatalat = she killed, qatala = he killed — which is not the case in the Aryan tongues: bharaM=he or she bears.* The contrast between past, present, and future — so fundamental in Aryan — does not exist in Semitic, which has two tenses only, answering, the one to the action done, and the other to the action not done. We thus see how serious are the structural differences between the two systems, and how discrepant is their method of inflection. To what has been said must be added the other characteristic fact, that the Aryan system alone has the power of augmenting its vowels. This feature consists in prefixing an a to an a, an i, or a * But it may be doubted whether the process by which gender is or is not distinguished in the personal endings, constitutes a fundamental differ- ence between the Aryan and Semitic families, or whether the fact that the organic Aryan does not so distinguish gender is due to more than an accidental line of development taken by it at a certain stage. It is at least certain that Hindi, without at all ceasing to be Aryan in its structure, has also come in the course of time to distinguish gender in its conjugation, not only in the second and third, but in all three persons, singular and plural ; and not only in tenses that may be looked upon merely as declined parti- ciples, but in the future, which is based on an organic aorist. Hence it is that this tense is, so to say, both conjugated and declined, as thus : Masculine form. Feminine form. Sing. 1. jalunga jaliingl "N 2. 3. jalega jalegl ( Shall or will PI. 1. 3. jalenge jalengln f burn. 2. jaloge jalogln J There are even cases in Hindi where the verb so agrees, not with the sub- ject but with the object, as in us-ne larkyan marin=he struck the girls ; here ■nidrin = struck, being feminine plural in agreement with the object larkyan — girls. Thus it is that features which would at first sight seem to constitute radical differences between two distinct families of speech may be found to exist.in both, showing that their presence or absence is often the result of some particular tendencies worked out while the languages were being developed either in a synthetic or an analytic direction. — Note by Translator. €hap. v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 151 u radical. In the Aryan form AImi = I go (Sanskrit emi, Greek eifxi, Lithuanian eimi) the radical 7 = to go, is augmented in this particular tense, mood, and person, and in Semitic there is nothing resembling this. These two languages have therefore emerged from the agglu- tinating state by different ways, and are accordingly as independent of each other in their structure as in their roots, the assumed possibility of reducing which to older forms common to both no longer calls for special refutation.* We shall now proceed to speak in their turn, under three main divisions, of the Semitic, Hamitic, and Aryan languages. (.4) TJie Semitic Languages. It is needless to say how entirely conventional are the terms Semite and Semitic tongues. They do not even agree with the biblical account, which treats as descendants of Shem races whose idioms cannot be classed amongst those that we call Semitic, and which, on the other hand, does not regard him as the father of peoples whose speech is undoubtedly Semitic. But however this be, the Avoids hare now acquired such currency, that it would be hopeless to attempt to supplant them by others of a more accept- able nature. The mure rational expression, Si/ro-Arnhic, is some- times used, but it can scarcely be expected to lake the place of the now generally received nomenclature. As remarked by M. iienant in his now classical work, to which we are largely indebted, its use can occasion no inconvenience, once it is taken as merely a conventional name, its utter inadequacy being other- wise thoroughly understood. § 3.-77"' Semite and the Semitic Languages collectively. In spite of the labours of Gresenius (1780-1812) and of Kwald, we still lack a comparative grammar of these tongues, and even any really comprehensive work on their main features. Such a * Th. Ntwlteke ind Occident," ii. p. W5. Gtottingen, L868. t "Histoire Generate et Systeme Comparee tea Semitiqoes," premiere panic, " ELtetoire Generate de Semitiqnes." 152 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. work once successfully carried out, the so-called Hanrite group should be taken in hand, and the general Hamite forms should then be compared with the primitive Semitic forms, and an effort be thus made at last to restore the broad outlines of a rudimentary Hamitico-Semitic grammar. Such a grammar might doubtless be contained in a very few pages, but the possibility of composing it can scarcely be questioned. A deeper insight may even yet be had into the secrets of the evolution of inflecting idioms, so as to attempt the reconstruction of the main features they must have presented while still in the agglutinating stage. Efforts have already been made to reduce to a biliteral form the triliteral, or rather triconsonantal, Semitic roots, and it is not too much to hope that this undertaking will prove successful.* Benfey rightly thinks that it will be greatly promoted by a knowledge of the Hamitic roots. + The Semitic quadriliteral roots, no one now doubts, will be all, without exception, ultimately restored to an older triliteral form. In the Semitic system the noun is formed, in the first instance, by the addition of certain vowels to the triconsonantal root. It will be the duty of a comparative Semitic Grammar to deter- mine the use made of the various vowels that impart such and such a character to the noun thus formed. This method of nominal formation is elementary enough ; but there is another, that of derivation, in which certain syllables are prefixed or even suffixed to the root, the latter process being more recent than that in which they are prefixed. In the common Semite speech, the noun would seem to have had the three genders, J the neuter disappearing at a very remote period. The masculine was expressed by no special element, * Chavee, " Les Langnes et les Races," p. 44, Paris, 1862 ; Renan, op. cit., i. ch. 3 ; " Rapport Annuel Journal Asiatique," vii. serie iv. p. 27, Paris, 1874 ; Schleicher, " Die Unterscheidung von Nomen und Verbum in der Lautlichen Form," p. 18. + " Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und Orientalischen Philologie in Deutschland," p. 691. Munich, 1869. X Ewald, " Ausfuhrliches Lehrbnch der Hebraischen Sprache," 8th ed. p. 415. Gottingen, 1870. Chap, v.] THIRD F0B3I OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 153 whereas the feminine was in all likelihood denoted by the ending at* The organic plural ending was probably mthi,i possibly umu, or unHyX or even some other form, and it seems to have been anterior to the dual. In the declension there were three cases, a number much inferior to that of the Aryan noun. They were the. nominative, genitive, and accusative, but they have disappeared, to a large extent, from all the idioms of the Semitic group except the Arabic, as will be seen when we come to treat each of them separately. According to some writers the vowel u was the sign of the nominative, i of the genitive (in principle) and a of the accusative. S The case- endings, according to Fr. Midler were : u for lift, third personal pronoun; i relational suffix, and the demonstrative . Cf. Bwald, op. eit., p. 528 and following. || Op. cit, p. 51'J. 154 THIRD FORM OP SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. writer tliinks that the passive was merely a reflective form, con- structed hy the aid of the pronominal element hu. The restored form kutaba = it has been written — in Arabic Mtiba — would re- present an older huhaMba. Comparative Semitic grammar is so little advanced that it is well to record the sound and methodical essays in tins direction, although still in a very incomplete state. The Semitic alphabet, in its main features, would seem to have been developed out of the Egyptian hieroglyphics,* not exactly by the Phoenicians, says Ewald, but by some Semitic people intimately associated Avith Egypt. Anyhow the name of the people is now unknown to whom civilisation is indebted for the immense service of having converted the old hieroglyphics into an alphabetic system. This alphabet consists of twenty-two consonants, each of which must have expressed the sound answering to the initial sound of the being or object represented by the sign itself. Thus the old picture of the camel stood for a g in the Semite alphabet, because the name of the camel began with a g in their language : Chaldee, gimel; Syriac, gomal. It is needless to observe that these new alphabetical signs were diversely modified by the various peoples adopting them. The Semitic graphic system is generally divided into three distinct groups. The western comprised the Phoenician and the old Hebrew, which latter was still current in the second century before our era. The eastern branch embraced the regions of the Euphrates and the Tigris. Being of a rounder form than the western type, it was soon changed into a cursive style, which was diffused over the countries to the west and north of Arabia. In the south of Arabia itself the third or Himyaro-Ethiopic system had been developed. We shall say a few words on each of these three varieties, when treating of the several idioms of the Semitic group. To the Assyrian cuneiform writing of the third text of in- scriptions of the Achsemenides must be assigned a totally different origin, as wdl be seen in its proper place. * E. de Rouge, "Memoire sur l'Origine Egyptienne de 1' Alphabet Phenicien." Paris, 1874. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 155 The classification of the Semitic idioms is now fairly determined, though at first far from being so easy to settle as that of the Aryan family. In truth they do not present amongst themselves such marked features as those, for instance, that distinguish the Keltic from the Iranian, the Italic from the Slavonic branches. It has been justly remarked that all the various Semitic idioms do not differ more widely from each other, than do the different members of one single branch of the Aryan family ; as, for instance, Russian, Bohemian, and Croatian (in the Slavonic) ; English, Flemish, and Danish (in the Teutonic branch). Still we may reckon three sufficiently distinct groups in the Semitic family : The Arameo-Assyrian Group, comprising the two Aramaic dialects Chaldee and Syriac, together with the Assyrian. The Canaanitic Group, embracing Hebrew and Phoenician. The Arabic Group, including Arabic proper and the idioms of South Arabia (and Abyssinia) — Himyaratic and EhMi : Gheez and Tigre; Amharic, Harrari. Some writer reduce this classification to two groups, including the iirst two in one single branch, which they call the northern, in contrast with the southern, composed of the two varieties of the Arabic group. We shall now briefly notice these various idioms, ami endeavour, in conclusion, to ascertain whether it might not be possible to form some eonjefcture as to their original home and common primeval type. ^ 4. — Tlie Arameo-Assyrian Group. (1) Chaldee the studies connected with tie- Bubject, and it may be asserted that we iv know nearly as much of its grammar as we are ever likely to do. The important writings of ttawlinson definitely broughl !■> Kenan, op. ctfe, iii. ch. 8, 2. 158 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. a close the series of works whose object was to settle the nature itself of the Assyrian language. The objections fell one after the other ; that first of all, which consisted in denying its Semitic character, based on the difference of its alphabet from the ordinary Semitic graphic system. The various Assyrian writings, whether Xinevite or Babylonian, are composed of wedge (or clove) shaped signs, of diverse length, and differing in their disposition from those of the Persian system, which will be described when we come to the Iranian tongues. These cuneiform (literally wedge-shaped) letters derive from ancient hieroglyphics, whose forms may still be easily recognised in some of them. Though differing from the Persian, the Assyrian cunei- forms are pretty much the same as those of the second text of the rock inscriptions. Their common origin is obvious, and may be detected at the first glance. Their number is considerable, and they denote either ideas or sounds. The latter — that is the phonetic signs — stand for full syllables, and for such and such vowels or consonants — a fact pointed out by Hincks as far back as 1849. They are easily transcribed in Eoman letters, which, of course, is not the case with the ideographic signs. In fact, the phonetic value of these can be ascertained only by secondary considerations, and to meet the difficulty the ideograms are conventionally trans- cribed precisely as if they were phonetic, but in Eoman capitals. The Assyrian texts already collected and preserved in the various museums of Europe are very numerous, and it is certain that they will be still greatly increased. La the country itself there are vast numbers of inscribed monuments, including some of considerable length. Thus the third text of the inscriptions of the Achamrenides is, as stated, in Assyrian. The language of the second column has already been referred to at p. 139, and we shall in its proper place speak of the Persian, which is that of the first column. Oppert, who has contributed greatly to the elucidation of the Assyrian cuneiforms,* may be justly considered the founder of * " Expedition scientifique en Mesopotamia," ii. Paris, 1859. Chap, v.] THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 159 Assyrian grammar,* Ms writings marking a new period in Assyriology. Other grammars have subsequently appeared, and the study of Assyrian no longer presents any serious difficulty.t We subjoin a few notes on Assyrian Grammar: Its phonetics seem less changed than those of the other two Aramean dialects, the sihdants especially having undergone hut little modification. The element at (at times it) in Assyrian, as in the other Semitic tongues, denotes the feminine gender: s«r = king, sarrat = queen ; <7« = god, Hat or ilit = goddess; rabu = great (masculine), rabU = great (feminine). The masculine plural is /, answering to the Aramean in and Hebrew im : yum = day, yumi = days. The feminine plural is pro- perly at (in Hebrew at), but also tit and it. The dual occurs but rarely. The old case-endings have disappeared, though not without leaving clear traces of their former presence. They were urn, nom., a m and vm for the two other cases. According to ( )ppert, this " Humiliation " would seem to answer to the " nunnation," to be referred to further on in Arabic. In course of time the final m gradually disappeared, causing the preceding vowel itself to be diversely affected In Assyrian there is no article, but. as in the other Semitic tongues, tin' possessive pronoun is expressed by a suffixed element: bitya = my house ; babiya = my gates ; sumya = my name ; sumiya = my names. For the second person singular ka masculine and/,/ feminine: gumka=thy name (speaking of a man); sumiki=iiky names (speaking of a woman). No trace of the organic Semitic perfed tense has been dis- covered, there being nothing but the imperfect, expressing unfinished action, and formed by the theme preceded bythe personal suffixes. * " Elc'iri« ■ ammaire Assyrienne," 2nd edition. Paris, 1868. f ftfenant, " E Elements de la Gran maire Lssyrienne," Paris, L868; ''I/- Syllabaire Assyrian," Paris, L869-74; "Lecons d'Epigraphie rien C-," Pari - 1873 Sayoe, " An A yriav Grammar," London, ls7_; Bohrader, "Die -Babyloni ohen Keilin ohriften," "Zeitsohr. dei i). u iiorgenlandiachen '■ it," xxi. p. L.392, Leipzig, L672. 160 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. The direct pronominal object is attached to the verb, as in the Semitic system generally. Thus the phrase, " I have-subdued- them," is expressed in one word, by adding the pronoun sunut = them, to the form " I have subdued." We may remark, in conclusion, that Assyrian was spoken down almost to the Christian era, Avhen it was at length supplanted by Aramean ; which, in its turn, had to yield to the spread of Arabic. § 5. — TIte Canaanitic Group. The languages of this group have been, on the whole, much better preserved than the Aramean, as is clearly shown by the forms of old or classic Hebrew. (1) Hebrew Has passed through three successive phases, thus described by Ewald.* The fragments, dating from the time of Moses, show Hebrew already formed, and essentially the same as that of more recent times. It must, therefore, even then have been already very old. In the second period, dating from the Kings, it shows symptoms of diverging into tAVO styles, an ordinary and a more artistic style. The third period begins with the seventh century before our era ; it is a period of decay, during which it is continually encroached upon by the Aramean tongues. However, the differences are but slight between each of these periods. " The important point," says Eenan, " is to insist on the grammatical unity of Hebrew, on the fact of the great uniformity of records of such diverse times and sources as have entered into the Jewish archives. It would doubtless be rash to assert, with M. Movers, that one hand had retouched all the writings of the Hebrew canon, in order to reduce them to a uniform language. Still it must be allowed that few literatures present such an impersonal character, or one so free from the particular stamp of any individual writer or definite epoch. "f * " Ausfiihrliches Lehxbuch cler Hebraischen Sprache," 8th ed. p. 23. Gottingen, 1870. \ Op. cit., ii. cb. 1. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 161 Xot till the eleventh century before our era do we meet with any Hebrew writings that have not been subsequently retouched. Three or four centimes later on, the Hebrew language enters on its golden age, and towards the sixth century begins to disappear as a national form of speech. Long before the epoch of the Maccabees Aramean had assumed the ascendant in Palestine. Nevertheless, works continued to be still written in Hebrew, till within about a hundred years of our era, Kenan divides into two distinct periods the history of modern or post-biblical Hebrew. The first extends to the twelfth century, its principal monument being the Mishna, a collection of Rabbinical traditions, or a sort of second Bible. In it occur a certain number of Aramean, as well as some Greek and Latin words. After having adopted Arabic culture in the tenth century, the Jews saw a revival of their literature, when their fellow-countrymen, banished from Mussulman Spain, found a refuge in the south of France. The language of this epoch is still the literary idiom of the Jews. Tlie Hebrew vowel system, like the Aramean, is of the simplest, but the consonantal, as in all the Semitic family, is rich in Bibilants and aspirates. The sibilants are four in number, answering to our ■-■//. ■--. ::. and ts. These letters play a much more prominent part in Hebrew than in the cognate tongues. There are also four aspirates, two soft and two guttural, hheth and ayin, which last interchange tonally with /.: and q. Besides the three pairs of explosives: /.', ;/ : /. d l and/', b, there is a q, stronger (that is, uttered lower down in tli' throat) than the simple 7c, ami a ///, as transcribed by tome authors, stronger (or thicker) than the /: also a labial explosive distinct from the //, and often represented by an /. It should, ; be observed that those consonants naturally ptible of being aspirated reallj are a pirated in pronunciation when preceded l>. a vowel. Lastly, there are the / and /', the nasals i .iml ///, the semi-vowels w and y. In nouns lii- feminine is formed, as a rule, by adding the element "/, Bubjecl to certain modifications, the / sometimes changu i imple aspirate, and the a disappearing at others. Ma eulines form their plural, in principle, l>\ the addition of im, M 162 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. occasionally replaced by the Aramean in, and the general feminine plural ending is at. The Hebrew dual, less general than in Arabic, but better preserved than in Aramean, is formed by the ending aim. The nominative is no longer marked by any special ending. Whatever is to be said of the attempts made to restore the primitive forms of the Semitic cases, there remain in Hebrew but very doubtful traces of the old nominative suffix ; and the same is true of the accusative and genitive. Apart from the nominative, Avhich is expressed by the theme itself, the Hebrew cases are now indicated either by prepositions or by what is called the state of the noun in government. A noun in this state, opposed to the " noun absolute," assumes a really dependent position, from which we see that the principal function of this state is to express the idea of the genitive. In the singular masculine nouns in this state remain in principle unchanged, imme- diately preceding the noun they govern. In the plural they lose, in principle, their final m, at times the preceding vowel also. It has been above stated that the final t feminine is sometimes changed to an aspirate ; but in government the organic t of these feminine nouns remains in full vigour, while in the plural they retain the ending at. These, of course, are but the general laws, subject to many exceptions that cannot here be noticed. We may add, however, that the noun in construction may be followed, not only by another noun, but also by a pronoun : gham-6 = his people ; ben-i = my son. By employing prepositions, as it does, instead of case-endings, Hebrew exhibits so far a perfectly analytic character. It is, in fact, incorrect to speak with grammarians of a dative, a locative, or an ablative, the forms thus described being nothing but nouns or pronouns combined with prepositions. The more frequently recurring of these prepositions consist of a single consonant only : 7 = to, towards ; b = in. The origin of nearly all of these particles is unknown, but they derive, in principle, from verbal roots, whereas the corresponding Aryan prepositions are mostly of pro- nominal origin. Inflection plays an important part in the formation of nouns. It Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 163 consists, as already remarked, in the variation of the radical vowels. Besides the prepositions, Hebrew possesses an article, closely united to the noun, its exclusive function being that of a simple determinative. It is diversely modified by euphonic laws, but its primitive form seems to have been hal. The consonant I assimilates always to the initial letter of the following noun, and the vowel a is sometimes lengthened. Thus, from mdqom = place, we get ham- mdqom = the place. After certain prepositions the h disappears. We have already stated that the Semitic system has two tenses only — one denoting complete, the other denoting incomplete action. Hebrew remains faithful to this simple conception. The two tenses, as stated, are distinguished by the position of the personal suffix, which in the past is placed after, and in the imperfect before the theme. Thus in zaquanbi = I am old, I have grown old, in hdldkM = I have gone, we recognise perfect forms; because here the pro- nominal element ti is suffixed. But in ndsub = we will return, the action is not yet completed, because the personal element is prefixed. The verbal forms themselves are now five only, whereas we have seen that there were reckoned fifteen in the primitive Semitic type. now Aramean possesses one more than the Hebrew, while Arabic is still more wealthy. The fire Eebrew forms consist of the simple and four derivative ones. Until the last few centuries of the old era the rude and angular Phoenician alphabet was that of the Jews also. It was then advantageously replaced by the rounder and more flowing Chaldean letters. The old alphabet is still found on the coins of the epoch of the Maccabees, and on some others apparently struct later on during the war with the Romans. Nevertheless, at the time of the Maccabees the • >■ ■ were already in po ion of a more recent alphabet, that continued in osi »ngst the Samaritans.* '1 1,,- a ew, or < Ihaldean, alphabet no oiore di tinguiahed the rowels * Olabauscn, op. ait., p. •"-. u 2 161 THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. than did the old one. This was a serious defect, which was attempted to be partly remedied by employing consonants to represent vowel sounds ; but the device, though applied with some judgment, could produce but partial and unsatisfactory results. To the Massoretes is attributed the invention of the vowel points, dating seemingly from the beginning of the sixth century of our era. A certain number of usefid modifications was also introduced in the character of the consonants. Thus, those meant to be uttered strongly were distinguished from the others by a point (dagesh) in the body of the letter. The sound of s and sh, hitherto repre- sented by the same sign, were now distinguished by a diacritical point over this sign to the right or the left, as the case might be. (Thus ttf = s; # = sh). A word on Samaritan, by some writers grouped with the Aramean branch. Others seem, more correctly to classify it with the Canaanitic division, while still admitting that it has been pro- foundly influenced by Aramean. (2) Phosnician* Very little is known of the races occupying Palestine before the arrival of the Semitic tribes, probably from the south-east, who called themselves Canaanites. These tribes themselves, amongst which must be included the Phoenicians, were obliged to give way before the Beni-Israel, who, under the leadership of Joshua, over- ran the greater part of Palestine about 1,300 years before our era. The Canaanites were now driven westwards towards the coast, and it may be supposed that this event contributed greatly to develop their relations with the lands watered by the Mediterranean. The Israelites, from whom civilisation has otherwise suffered so much, may have thus, though indirectly, rendered it for the nonce a most important service. This is not the place to discuss the question whether the Israelites originally spoke an Aramean dialect, afterwards adopting a Canaanitic * Schroeder, "Die Phcenizische Sprache." Halle, 1869. One of the best essays on Phoenician, to which we are indebted for much of these details. Penan, op. cit., ii. ch. 2. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 165 form of speech. The only fact we are concerned with is the present identity of Hebrew with Phoenician. It may be unhesi- tatingly asserted that there existed a common Canaanitic language that in due course gave birth to both of these varieties, which are sister-tongues standing on the same level ; and it is therefore in- correct to represent Phoenician, as is often done, as a dialect of the Hebrew. The error dates from the time when the first attempts were made to interpret the Phoenician documents. Comparative grammar was still unknown at that period, and the linguists, who came across Phoenician texts, naturally derived this language from Hebrew, which they found it so strongly resembling. Put there is now no longer room for any doubt on the subject ; the two idioms, as stated, are cognate, descending both in parallel lines from a common mother-tongue. Once severed from one another, they followed each its own destiny, " developing themselves independ- ently, amongst peoples of different character and manners, and thus diverging in course of time, not so much in their grammar, as in the general features of their composition." — (Penan.) It has justly been said that their differences were mere provincial varieties. Amongsi their more marked differences is mentioned the Phoenician peculiarity of employing in the current speech a certain number of forms and expressions that in Hebrew are looked on as archaic, occurring in the more lofty style only. Many Phoenician terms have a different meaning from the corresponding Hebrew words, being sometimes taken in a wider, sometimes in a narrower, On the "the]- hand, i'lui'iiician possesses a relative pro- nominal form more primitive than the Hebrew form, and is otherwise distinguished by some further peculiarities, now well enough understood, bul which need not he here dwelt upon. Phoenician, as it appears in its inscriptions, which are not of verj greal antiquity, betrays important mark of Arameaii elements, more, perhaps, than Hebrew does. The Phoenician of the colonies jettled "a tli'- north coast of Africa also shows these same Aramaic traces; though tie- fart is not surprising, when we consider the me antiquity of Aramean influences, ami the constant relations maintained by the African settlements with tic mother-country. 166 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. Punic, or African Phoenician, which was of course the language of the Carthaginians, is very clearly divided into two dialects— an ancient and a more recent ; the first "being identical with the Phoenician of Palestine. Xeo-Pivnic is more corrupt, and its orthography often very defective. Its chief monuments are met with in Tunis and Eastern Algeria. The neo-Punic alphabet differs materially from the old Phoenician, of which, however, it is but a variety. Its letters have been generally simplified, some of them being reduced to a single stroke, and being often almost confused with each other.* Of Phoenician literature there survive only a few fragments of Sanchoniathon's Phoenician history, and the " Periplous of Hanno,'* translated into Greek ; further, some words occurring in the classics, a passage in Plautus, and a series of coins and inscriptions. These last monuments have been mostly discovered on various points along the shores of the Mediterranean, at Marseilles, in Spain, on the north coast of Africa, and in the islands of Cyprus, Sardinia, and Malta— Phoenicia itself so far supplying but a limited number of inscriptions. Phoenician disappeared from Palestine even before Punic had been, like it, absorbed by more fortunate tongues. We may believe, with Penan, that Punic was spoken down to the Mohammedan invasion, and that the ease with which Arabic spread over certain regions of northern Africa, was precisely due to this persistence of the Semitic Phoenician, from which Arabic itself did not greatly differ, although belonging to another branch of the family. § 6.— The Arabic Group. It is only for want of a better term that the name of Arabic is given to the southern branch of the Semitic tongues. The word is, properly speaking, applicable only to the Ishmaelitic, which is but one of the two sub-divisions of the Arabic group. The Himyaritic, Gheez, and other Semitic idioms of southern Arabia (and Abys- Judas, "Etude demonstrative de la Langue Phenicienne et de la Langue Libyque," Pax-is, 1817; also by the same writer, "Nouvelles Etudes sur une Serie descriptions Numidico-Puniques," Paris, 1857. Chap, v.] THIKD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 167 sinia) were not known for a long time after the Arabic, and it was in consequence of their close affinity to this language that the generic term of Arabic came to be somewhat incorrectly extended to them also. (1) Arabic. The astonishing stability peculiar to the Semitic idioms is nowhere more conspicuous than in the Arabic, nor is there any- thing more singular, not to say strange, than the almost absolute uniformity of this language, throughout the ages it has lasted and the vast domain it has occupied. Since the epoch of Mohammed (end of sixth and beginning of seventh century), and even in the poems anterior to Islamism, Arabic appears such as the literary language is at the present day, that is, in full possession of all its forms, of its copious vocabulary, and, one might say, perfect as ever. The original form of the Koran was that of a sort of narrative composition. According to Kenan's expression, it is, so to say, a collection of Mohammed's " orders of the day." It was not entirely composed in the lifetime of the Prophet, certain portions being subsequent to his death. In any case his followers scraped together all the shreds and fragments of his utterances, forming of them a sort of typical or standard work, the copies of which were, in their turn, revised by the Caliph Othman, in the middle <»f the seventh century (644-656). The preponderance of the Koreish dialect, spoken in the heart of Arabia, was thus definitely established. The style of the Koran itself is of two kind-, the first a sort of poetic 1 1 < 1 rhythmical. The older poems, above referred to, were certainly not much anterior to [slamism, and the language of the Mollakats, referred to the beginning of the sixth century, is pure literary Arabic, nol an ancient or older form of the langu The Semites of central Arabia were unacquainted with the art of writing, properly so-called, previous to the beginning of the sixth century. From the first very defective, and Leading to the con fusion of certain consonants represented by one and the same 168 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. character, the Arabic alphabet was reformed at an early date, in fact, during the first century of the hegira, as is supposed, though the reform was not accomplished all at once. It was effected gradually, reducing the alphabet to its present form, with its vowel points and with certain diacritical marks, distinguishing several of the characters whose primitive form was the same. (Thus : C= M; £ = lth; £=/.) Xot without good reason has Arabic been called the Sanskrit of the Semitic race. In truth it plays the same part amongst its cognate tongues that Sanskrit does amongst the Aryan languages, regard being always had to the far more intimate resemblance of the Semitic idioms to each other. We have already remarked that Arabic has retained the three cases of the primitive Semitic tongue — the nominative, accusative, and genitive — faint traces only of which are to be detected in the northern groups. These cases are formed, as already stated, by the three A-owels, u, i, a, with which the word ends when preceded by the article ; but when this is not the case, they are followed by a nasal. Thus the noun ends in un, an, in, as the case may be, when unaccompanied by the article, but in u, nominative ; a, accusative ; and i, genitive, when joined with the article. The state of govern- ment exists in Arabic as well as in Hebrew. Number is denoted in two ways. One is the usual Semitic pro- cess, una for the nominative, and via for the oblicpie case mascu- line ; dton and dtin for the corresponding feminine, with which compare the Aramean in and 6t, and the Hebrew im, ut. This plural form is called sound, 'perfect, external, or regular. The second process is described as broken, imperfect, internal, irregular. Here plurality is expressed by a modification of the root : " Frangiiur forma singularis rel mutata una alterave vocalium, re! aliqua literarum transposita ant abjecta,vel novaliterainserta."* * Zschokke, " Institutiones Fundament. Ling. Ax.," Vienna, 1869 ; H. Derenbourg, " Essai sur les Formes de Pluriels en Arabe," " Journal A.sia- tique," 1867 ; S. Guyard, " Nouvel Essai sur la Formation du Pluriel Brise en Arabe," Paris, 1870. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 169 At times the body of the word is lengthened, and a prefixed : tlfl = child, atfal = children. Other processes may he seen in special works on the subject.* The dual endings are dni nominative, aini oblique: yadani = the two hands. Arabic retains the two organic Semitic tenses, the present being expressed sometimes by one and sometimes by the other. Thus the perfect is used if the present action has already been previously accomplished, and if it is a continued action, as in the formula : tique. But the other tense is used, if the present action is connected with some other action presently to be spoken of. The future is treated in the same way. Both tenses are formed as in the other Semitic tongues. The personal element is prefixed to express imperfect, and suffixed to express perfect action. It may he added that of the fifteen primitive forms, Arabic has retained nine, which is considerably more than the Hebrew. It would be a mistake to look on vulgar Arabic as anything more than the literary language simplified The main difference between the two is, that the vernacular lias allowed the cases to drop out of current use, thus arriving at a state of analysis analogous to the Aramean and Hebrew. It has also entirely lost the process of the noun in government. In any ease, as Renan observes,t a number of facts show that the main features of the literary language existed also in the ancient Arabic tongue. Thus, the inflections liar to the former are absolutely uecessary to explain the metrical system of the old poetry. It is even supposed that certain tribes of central Arabia still retain in ordinary speech the inflections peculiar to the written form,} and which would elsewhere seem pretentious and pedantic. In ill'- literary stylethere can be no question of dialects. It is a l;m : e EOT all, ami which musl 'lie out BUCh as it is, without leaving any varieties behind it. but the same cannol l>e * Derenbonrg, " Note Bnx la Grammaire Axabe," premiere partie, The*orie '.■ clerical feeling, the spirit of infatuation and medieval darkness, which sees nothing true excepl in theology, and which begins by denouncing free ami secular inquiry, while ready at the last moment to turn round and cry out that all knowledge proceeds from it, and from it alone. Hut with this ::■[ cause we need not trouble ourselves, for discussion is out of place with people who proclaim themselves inspired ami above [i. The motive, however, is easily understood that induces Eoly Writ to attribute to all the languages of the universe one commo] , and more particularly to 174 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. them directly or indirectly with the assumed speech of the father of the Jewish race. But, as Scripture itself says, we must let the dead bury then dead. It is difficult to pronounce dogmatically on the question of the region in which was spoken the common mother-tongue of all the Semitic idioms. The Arameans and Canaanites are generally allowed to have entered Palestine from the south-east, hut it Avould, perhaps, he wise to venture on nothing further. Some more daring writers assume that this common speech — whence sprang the Aramean, Canaanite, and Arabic — was spoken in the north of Arabia, or, perhaps, in central Arabia. The fact, of course, is possible, but so far utterly unsupported by any sort of positive proof.* Questions of this sort must always remain obscure, nor can they be solved by philology alone without the aid of anthropology and archeology. (B) TJie Hamitic Languages. It is needless to say that the expression Hamitic is quite as defective as Semitic. But it seems now consecrated by use, and we have been fain to adopt it for lack of a better. The term "Libyan" has indeed been proposed, but it says too little, and is applicable to one division only of the Hamitic family. However probable in itself, it is difficult to assert positively that the Hamitic tongues, spread over most of Egypt and along the southern shores of the Mediterranean, did at any time occupy the regions of the Euphrates and Tigris, thence making then way through Syria, Palestine, and Arabia Petrsea into Africa, Still less, if possible, is known as to the country in which the Hamitic broke away from the Semitic family. All that can be said on the subject is that the separation must have taken place at a very remote epoch. The stability of the Semitic idioms in their old forms throughout the historic period speaks at once for the * The whole question has been fully discussed by Schrader in " Die Abstammung der Chaldaer nnd die Ursitze der Semiten," " Zeitschr. der Deutschen Morgenland. Gesellschaft," xxxvii. Leipzig, 1873. Chap. v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 175 treat antiquity of the time when Semitic and Hamitic were yet to be, hut when a now forever lost language did exist, whence both would some day spring. In his "AUgemeine Ethnographic" (p. 445) Fr. Muller well describes the relations that existed between the two. Their affinity, he justly remarks, is rather in the identity of the organism than in the coincidence of fully-developed forms. The two families must have separated at a time when their common mother-tongue was still in a very backward state of development. Moreover, the Hamitic group seems at a very early date to have split into two branches, the various idioms of which are far less allied to each other than is the case with the different members of the. Semitic group. The pronominal system of the two families has been mainly instrumental in establishing their affinity, the roots of their pro- nouns and the process of forming the plural by means of an ending being identical in both ; * a fact which has now been thoroughly ascertained. In the philological section of "The Voyage of the Novara round the World " (Vienna, 1867), Fr. Midler has essayed to draw a some- what summary outline of the general Hamitic grammar. In the nouns tin- feminine is characterised by the element ti, i ; the plural si. I' : , the beginning of the present century that the ancient ■ Kaspero, ■■!>■■- Pronomi Personnels en B yptaen et . 178 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. era. It is a purely Christian, though somewhat copious, literature, brought to a sudden close by Islamism, which ruined the Coptic language, supplanting it by the Arabic wherever it was still vernacular. It continued, however, for some time to eke out a precarious existence in some few monasteries, but is now quite extinct. Coptic phonology was richer than the old Egyptian, though its grammar did not greatly differ from it. Any one familiar with Coptic may easily leam Egyptian, or vice versa, though the Coptic vocabulary includes rather a large number of Greek words. As in Egyptian, Coptic marks the feminine by prefixing t to the noun ; and we have seen that the old language cordd use this element as a prefix as well as a suffix. The plural sign is u, also as in Egyptian ; but there is a second form, i, which may combine with the first : sbd — teaching ; sbuui = teachings. Of cases there are no traces, their want being sxipplied by prepositions. The Coptic verb possesses the twofold formation of prefixes and suffixes, which may easily be compared with the double Semitic formation above spoken of. But to the two Coptic forms no special value can be attributed, such as can be to the Semitic* Thus the masculine pronoun k = thou, is sometimes prefixed to the verbal theme, and sometimes suffixed, without any apparent difference of meaning. The different tenses, past, future, &c., are distinguished by means of auxiliary verbs placed before the verbal theme. The Coptic alphabet is nothing but the Greek, written somewhat in a fuller and rounder form, and occasionally slightly inclined backwards to the left. To this alphabet, however, have been added some characters to denote sounds peculiar to the Coptic, and uidcnown to the Greek, such as the sh of she. In Coptic there are distinguished three dialects — the Memphitic, which possessed the aspirates Jilt, fh,ph; the Theban in the south, and a northern dialect. * Fr. iliiller, " Reise der Oesterr. Fregatte Novara,' Linguistischer Theil,'' p. 63. Vienna, 1867. Chap, t.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 179 § 2. — Tlie Libyan Gfroup. The ancient Libya occupied the north of Africa west of Egypt, and it was in this region that the Punic, or Phoenician of Africa, found a home. The grammar of the ancient Libyan has not yet been compiled, but it is beginning to be known through its inscrip- tions. Of these, General Faidherbe has recently published an important collection, about 200 altogether, including several bilingual ones, one accompanied by a Phoenician text, and others by a Latin.* The present Libyan is known by no generally received name, though that of Berber may perhaps become ultimately adopted. Those of Kabyle, Ta-masheq, and many others are merely the names of particular dialects, which cannot therefore be applied to the whole group, f It is difficult to define the limits of the Berber language. It seems to occupy the whole country to the south of Tripoli, Tunis, ; i i. and Morocco, at certain points reaching even to the coast, as in Algeria, from Dellys to Bugi, and even farther east (Kabyl), '■n Tenes and ShersheLJ The phonetic system of the various Berber dialects is tolerably Mils. As in the other Hamitic tongues, t is the sign of the feminine, placed occasionally at the beginning only, but more usually both prefixed and suffixed at once. Thus. akli = i ; ekahi = cocls.; but taM.it - negress; tehahit —hem ; amaher = a Tuareg; tamaher—& Tuareg woman. The Berber verb has one form only, a sort of aorist to which a present or future idea is imparted by purely accessory proc< A dumber of Arabic mads have crept into the Berber dialei *u( i pifcte dee Inscriptions Numidiqnefl," "Memoires de la , ... de Lille," 3rd series, viii. p. 361. Paris, Lille, l s 7o. fYetthese terms aro constantly bo misapplied by English philoli . . - j 1 1 number of The 8aturd ■ ■ - usually "the Bern i or Amazigns," as convertible terms. June 17. L876, p. 7&7. - \< ator. J Hanoteau, " Esaai de Grammaire do la Langoe Tamaoliek," in fine. Paris, 1869. N 2 180 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH—INFLECTION. [Chap. v. and, with the exception of the Ta-masheq, they have all lost whatever special graphic systems they may have ever possessed. The Ta-masheq, composed of tolerably regular characters, is difficult to read, the vowels not being expressed nor the words separated in writing. To decipher it one must therefore, in the first place, be acquainted with the language itself. M. Hanoteau estimates the Berbers of Algeria at upwards of 855,000, of which 500,000 are in the Government of Constantine alone. How many there may be in the regions stretching south from Algeria it is impossible to say. It may be stated in conclusion that the language of the Guanches, the aboriginals of the Canaries, Avas connected with the Libyan group.* § 3._ The Ethiopian Group. The idioms composing this group, which has not yet been very well defined, are not to be confused with the Semitic tongues of Abyssinia, such as the Tigre, Amharic, and others above spoken of. These latter have sometimes been called Ethiopian, whence the confusion ; to avoid winch we reserve this name, as is now generally done, for the Hamitic branch of the languages of Central Africa spoken towards the south of Egypt. Of this group there are six principal members : Somali, in the extreme eastern point of the continent, stretching south from the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb nearly to the Equator. Galla, Avest of Somali, south of Abyssinia, and north of the Bantu system. Beja, spoken by the Hadendoas, and by some of the Beni-Amer, between the Kile and the Bed Sea, north of Abyssinia. Saho, Dankdli and Agaii, in Avestern Abyssinia. The classification, hoAvever, of these idioms is not yet settled, and all that can for the present be done is to group them together in connection with the Hamitic family, to Avhich they clearly belong. * Sabin Berthelot, "Memoire sur les Guanches," deuxieme partie, " Memoires de la Soc. Ethnologkiue," ii. p. 77. Paris, 1815. Ciiap. v.] THIED FOEM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 181 Thus in Beja the feminine element is t, which, as in Egyptian, may be placed either before or after the noun. Thus the masculine suffix b is replaced by t in the forms crab = albus ; erat = alba. At times the feminine element occurs both at the beginning and end of the word. In Ta-masheq the verbal causative sign is s : erh in = to be ill : serhin=to make ill. En. Beja it is es : edlub = to sell \ esdelub =to cause to sell. In Gatta, za : gua =to be dry ; guaza =to make dry. So with conjugation itself, where in Saho, as in Coptic, we have a form in which the personal element precedes, and another in which it follows the root. It precedes it in nekke = we were, and follows it in kino = we are (ne-kke, ki-no). So with the Galla: gigna=we went, and nefdeg = ire lost (gig-na, ne-fdeg), where the first is a perfect, the second an aorist, or indefinite form. The process is analogous to that employed by the Semitic tongues in like circumstances. (C) The Aryan Languages. We shall have to enter into fuller details concerning tins important family than we have given of any others, and the reason must be obvious enough. Their importance is immense from every point of view. They serve nowadays as the instruments of modern culture after having been the interpreters of most of the older civilisations. No forms of speech have lived so much, if not as regards the actual term of their existence, at least in respect of the manifold periods thai they have passed through. Another consideration interests us in a special manner. The alone possess a real comparative grammar. 'While the grammar of the Semitic family has still to he compiled, that of the Aryan is already nearly complete, not merely in its -rand out- lines and general features, but in a vasl number of minor details. \ man of genius, Bopp, was the first to demonstrate the identity of the great buli of the Aryan tongues, lie did aol live definitely to codify their phoneti their processes of word-formation, and his "Comparative Grammar" is now merely a historical monument, though bis name is nut the ], .- |„ nnanently associated 182 THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. with one of the discoveries that do honour to the nineteenth century. In all his writings Bopp had aimed at establishing the close affinity of Sanskrit, Zend, Persian, Greek, Latin, the Keltic, Teutonic, Slavonic, and Lithuanian groups. This great truth once thoroughly secured, the science of the Aryan tongues made new and rapid strides. Prom the affinity of all these idioms some older form was assumed, whence they all sprang ; a form, doubtless, extremely remote, and lost for ever, but which might possibly be restored. And here it is but just to mention two names, those of Schleicher and Chavee, which the science of language never can overlook without ingratitude. To them we owe the first realisation of the fruitful conception of a common primeval Aryan mother- tongue. In the introduction to an important work published nearly thirty years ago, Chavee was able to write: "These lan- guages are for the philologist merely varieties of some one primeval form of speech formerly spoken in central Asia. Convinced of this truth, we have undertaken to restore the words of this primitive language organically, by everywhere re-establishing the original type by means of its better preserved varieties."* This contains the very essence of the modern science of language. Schleicher, in his turn, produced that admirable manual, which may doubtless be revised, supplemented, improved, but which must still ever remain the foundation of Aryan philological studies, t • § 1. — TJie Common Aryan Mother-Tongue. Before speaking of the various members of this family, and inquiring into the degree of affinity that knits them together, we must sketch a general outline of the common mother-tongue that gave birth to these different idioms. It is sufficiently known in its main features to enable us to reproduce its general characteristics, and at times to go even stiU farther. It is, indeed, merely a language * " Lexicologie Indo-Europeenne." Paris, 1849. f " Compendium der Vergleichenden Gramxnatik der Indo-Germanischen Sprachen," 3rd edition (posthumous). Weimar, 1871. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 183 that lias been restored, and of which there remains no written record. Bnt the comparison of the various idioms sprung from it shows clearly enough wherein consist the organic and primitive elements of each, what they still possess of the common inheritance, and what we are to think of their phonetic variations and diverse forms, much in the same way as a classical scholar is enabled to restore the original form of a lost manuscript, of which there may exist unlv a certain number of defective or imperfect copies. The common Aryan speech possessed the three vowels, a, i, ", with their corresponding long sounds, d,l,u. Sanskrit, and certain Slavonic tongues, such as Croatian, have a lingual r vowel-sound, which is usually considered as quite secondary. But some writers, with whom we agree, believe that the common tongue also possessed a vowel r,* though the matter being still controverted, it need not further detain us here. An important fact to be noted is the variation of the radical vowel, which occurs in two ways. The first is what is called the "gradation"' of the vowel, consisting in the introduction of a short a before the radical vowel, the radical i thus becoming ai, u becoming au, and a becoming a, that is aa. Tims the root / to go, gives in the indicative present the organic form aiti = h.e goes, whence the Sanskrit \ prefixing the augment a to the m theme, whether it lie simple or derived, the personal endings being further shortened, ti of the third, to /. and ,„', of the first, to ///. Thus from the present miAR.vn = he bears, we get the imperfect adiiakat - he was bearing. The simple aorist, like the imperfect, is denoted by the augment and the personal endings contracted, being distinguished from the imperfect by its departure from tin- form of the present, [n Greek, for instance, the root, 0? = to put, is doubled in the present, giving Ti6tT( - you put ; to this reduplicate form the imperfect prefixes the augment, making eridere = you were pulling. I'.ui l he simple aorist the reduplical ion, ■ dtre. The perfect i^ characterised by reduplication of the root. To four tenses there are added, as stated, two compound one . of which one is the future, which is composed of the verbal rooi ami , a, s,va, v. hoc primitive ense seems to have been ■ .)' ■•'.liming at," whence the San kril ddsyaii he will give. 188 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. The compound aorist, preserved by Sanskrit, Zend, the Slavonic tongues, and Greek (this last under the name of first aorist), is characterised by the element sa. In the common Aryan tongue these six tenses are completed by three moods — the indicative, conjunctive, and optative. The indicative has no characteristic, here the tenses remaining in their simple form. The conjunctive is marked by an a placed between the theme and the personal suffix ; thus the indicative present being ASTi = he is, the conjunctive will be asati. The opta- tive, sometimes called potential, is formed by inserting the element ya, ya*, between the verbal theme and the contracted personal suffix : asyat = may he be ! The table here presented of the different organic forms of the primitive Aryan system is doubtless but little developed. We trust, however, that it' may suffice to convey some idea of the general spirit of this system. When we come to speak of the different members of the Aryan family, it will be impossible for us to do more than point out, in a summary way, what each of them has preserved or lost of the common inheritance ; but enough has already been stated to show, at least in a general way, the nature and the wealth of this inheritance.* The Aryan family is divided into eight great branches : The Indie, Iranic, Hellenic, Italic, Keltic, Teutonic, Slavonic, and Lettic. These Ave shall now pass in successive review, noticing their special features, the sub-divisions of each, their history and then- literature. Wc shall have also to inquire into the degree of affinity by which certain branches of this great family may be more closely related to each other, and shall, in conclusion, devote a few words to the region where in all probability the Aryan mother-tongue was spoken. * Here follow some remarks on the terms " Indo-Germanic," " Indo- European," and " Aryan," by which this family has been variously known. The writer, on very insufficient grounds, rejects "Aryan," and retains "Indo- European " for want of a better. But, the cmestion having been practically settled in Germany and England, and, indeed, in France itself, in favour of " Aryan," the passage lias been omitted, and Aryan everywhere substituted for Indo-European in this translation. — Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIKD FORI! OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 189 § 2.— The Indie Branch. As early as the sixteenth century, an Italian named Filippo Sassetti drew attention to Sanskrit, the old and sacred language of the Hindus, going so far as to compare certain words of his own mother- tongue with it,* Two hundred years thereafter, towards the end of the eighteenth century, the friar Paulinusa Sancto Bartholomseo pub- lished at Rome the first Sanskrit grammar composed in a European language. Some years previously, the Frenchmen Coeurdoux and Barthelemy, had communicated to the Academy their views on the affinity of Sanskrit with Latin and Greek. Lastly, the works of a great number of Englishmen, amongst whom, Sir William .loins, Colebrooke, Carey, AVdkins, prepared the way for and rendered possible the really fundamental work of Bopp. It was on Sanskrit that the whole structure of Aryan comparative grammar was now based. Not that this old language could be regardd. even in its most ancient monuments, as the common mother of the Iranian, Creek, Latin, Slave, and other members of the 8ame family ; but it departed, on the whole, far less than any of them from the now lost tongue, from which they all equally sprang. Greek, Latin, and their congeners, no more derive from Sanskrit than do Hebrew and Phoenician from Arabic. Eence the .Tin " Sanskritic," as sometimes applied to the Aryan tongues, is altogether out of place. Doubtless the Sanskrit forms are often more correct and better preserved than those of the cognate ton but these last, in their turn, often surpass the Sanskrit in these respects, approaching more closely to the common type whence all derive. And what is here, stated is quite as applicable to the ;:ril of the Vedas as it is to the classic Sanskrit (of a later period). The Indie branch eml . i tie cl only of idioms, out ■ ■'■>>'■ are very old, while others are .-till b mce we shall i hem under I rate beadi] * " i. p. 416 fin I i ! Larenoe, L855i 190 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. (1) TJie Ancient Hindu Languages. The word SansJcrta means "perfect, finished; "hence the Sanskrit is the perfect, the finished language. This name was given to it in contrast with the term prakrta, which means " natural," and is applied to the old vernacular, or, to speak more correctly, to the various dialects of the vulgar tongue. Sanskrit had "become the language of religion, law, and letters, while Prakrit was the current popular form of speech, which was not at first a written language at all. Sanskrit possessed the vowels a, i, u, long and short, the lingual vowels r, I, the first of these also long, e and 3 representing the old diphthongs ai and au ; lastly, the diphthongs ai and an. Its conso- nantal system was rich; besides the explosives I; t, p, g, d, I, comprising the palatal explosives ch and j, and some linguo-dental explosives, borrowed seemingly from the Dravidian family, and usually transcribed by a t and a d, with a clot underneath. More- over, while the only aspirates known to the common Aryan tongue were gh, dli, bh, Sanskrit possessed, side by side with each simple explosive, its corresponding aspirate, as, for instance, Teh, fh, pli, making altogether twenty explosives, of which ten were simple and ten aspirate. The common Aryan tongue had only two nasals, m and n, while Sanskrit had one for each order of its consonants, a labial, a linguo-dental, &c, five altogether. Instead of a simple sibilant, s, it had four, besides an aspirate h, and lastly y and v. The Sanskrit euphonic laws are very intricate, and can be- mastered only by long practice. They are exceedingly strict, and while depending in general on perfectly intelligible acoustic prin- ciples, they may be said to be characterised at times by an almost excessive nicety of utterance, which it is somewhat difficult to understand.* The euphony of the Slavonic tongues, with all its delicacy, is far from being so nice as that of the Sanskrit, in com- parison witli which, that of Latin and Greek is no more than an essay of a very rudimentary nature. * In our " Enphonie Sanskrite," we have endeavoured to draw up as simple a scheme of them as possible. Paris, 1872. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 191 On the other hand, the formation of the words offers no very great difficulty, owing to the high state of preservation in which the language still exists. The elements entering into the derivation of the words are far more easily detected in Sanskrit than in any of the cognate tongues, the (old) Iranic idioms alone perhaps excepted. The Sanskrit declension may be said, on the whole, to represent the common Aryan system very closely. The greatest discrepancy betwe< m the scheme of a Sanskrit declension and that of the corresponding organic form would be connected with the euphonic modifications I i which Sanskrit is subject. Not however that, apart from this, sclension can be said to be perfectly organic. Tims, it preserves the true form of the ablative singular in those nOuns only whose theme ends in a; hence the old Latin form smabud, navaled, and rs, have nothing analogous to them in Sanskrit. But this, on the whole, is but an exceptional case, and Sanskrit declension may. speaking generally, be said to reflect faithfully enough (hat of the common mother-tongue whence it flows. In this respect it unquestionably surpasses the ancient Iranian declension, though this also is fairly well preserved. iskrit retains the six organic Aryan tenses, present, imperfect, simple aorist, perfect, future, compound aorist, to which it lias added the conditional, a new creation of its own. This conditional thing but the future with the augment prefixed, and its I suffixes contracted Thus, from bhotsyaH= he will know, ^Jidtsyat =h.e might or would know. The Sanskrit con- ditional is therefore to the future what the imperfecl is to the ■ nt. The ancient Vedic I relatively but. little from the is, the Sanskrit of the Hindu epics, the points nee in no way affecting the <■- tence or constitution of the . it it would he impossible to dwell mi this subject without entering in! of needle detail . Tip' Hindu graphic -•. item, known as the I >■ vandgari, ox "divine writiic_ r ," is composed of some fifty Bimple cl . read from left bt, and of a multiplicity of compL containing two or 192 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. three simple letters blended together. It has the great advantage of being able to be transcribed in Eoman letters, furnished with the necessary diacritical marks. A consonant in principle is never read alone, being always followed by an inherent vowel a, unless some secondary sign denote that the vowel thus following is other than a. If a word end in a consonant and the next begin with a vowel, the two words are connected in writing ; a difficulty which, with some others equally serious, renders the Devanagari of little practical use. The oldest Hindu inscriptions were cut on rock surfaces, about the third century before our era. The origin of these characters seems now fairly established, and it is generally connected with the old Phoenician alphabet above explained.* The Hindu alphabet did not remain confined to a corner of India, but is now, under various forms, employed by nearly all the modern dialects of the peninsula. The Tibetan also is derived from it, as well as the Javanese, besides a number of other alphabets. Amongst the Prakrit, or vulgar forms, that were cm-rent side by side with the sacred and literary language, there was one which was reserved for quite a special career. This was the Pali, the instrument of Buddhist propagandism, the special language of a religion endowed with an enormous power of expansion. Hence the importance of the literature of Pali, which seems to have been no other than the vulgar speech of the district of Magadha, in north-eastern India; a language itself extremely ancient, and in some respects showing a marked superiority even over the old Prakrit documents embodied in ancient Hindu dramatical literature. Thus, it does not, for instance, change y to j, as we shall see is the •case with the neo-Sanskrit idioms. It has, moreover, retained certain forms of the old declension lost in the other tongues, and its con- jugation also is more highly synthetic than theirs. The Sanskrit vowel r has disappeared from Pali, being mostly replaced by a ; the Ion" vowels also become short in certain positions; the three sibilants are confused in a single s ; the assimilation of the con- * A. Weber, "Indische Skizzen," p. 125, Berlin, 1857; Fr. Miiller, "Reise der Oesterr. Fregatte Norara, Lingnistischer Theil," p. 219, Vienna, 1867. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 193 sonants is more and more developed, and all words must end either in a simple vowel or a nasal vowel. In the declension the dual is entirely lost, and the dative is absorbed in the genitive. Such are some of the leading peculiarities of Pali. Of all Aryan tongues there are hut few whose literature can compare with that of ancient India. Hindu literature was dis- tinguished not only by its wealth and variety, hut also by the excellence of a great number of its productions. A. Weber has given a rapid hut very accurate sketch of it.* The ancient Vedic literature comprised, in the first place, the Rig-Veda, the Sama- Veda, the two collections of the Yajur-Veda, and the Atharva- Veda. The first of these Vedas is a collection of songs and religious hymns ; the second and the third contain prayers and formulas to be recited at the sacrifices ; the fourth is much more recent than the others, especially than the Eig-Veda. Besides the collections of hymns, Yedic literature also includes the. " Brahmanas," writings that contain a great number of religious ordinances, traditions, expositions, and the " Soutras," a sort of appendix to the preceding compilations. Tli- classic period is much more varied. It is illustrated at the outset by its grand national epics, then by the drama, lyric poetry, fables, narratives, and pmverlis. Lastly, it produced important works on grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, astronomy, medicine, and a number of technical works. Then follows the Buddhist literature, of which Pali, as above stated, was the principal instrument. (2) Modern Indian Languages Are spoken by about 140 millions of people in the north of India, and occupying approximately about two-thirds of the entire peninsula. They do nol derive directly from Sanskrit, but from tl Id Prakrits, or vulgar forms of Bpeech, spoken (for a time) side by ride with San krit itself. They arc generally said to have been * " Akadcniische Vorlcsuugcu iiber Indiaohe Literatorgesohiohte." Berlin L862. o 191- THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. formed towards the tenth century of our era, possibly a little earlier. But by this we are merely to understand that their present form may date from somewhere about that period. They are, of course, otherwise much older, being after all nothing but the ancient vulgar Prakrits continuously spoken (though hero and . there more or less affected by Persian, Arabic, and other foreign elements). Of these neo-Hindu idioms there are a considerable number, some possessing but few written records, while others boast of a highly-developed literature. Amongst the principal are the Bengali, Avhich retains many features of the ancient literary language; Assam, differing little from the foregoing; Uriya, spoken with the two previous in the north-east. In the north-west, towards the mouth of the Indus, the Sindhi, Multani, Gujarati. In the north the Nepali and Kashmiri. In the centre, Hindi and Hindustani, called also Urdu, and a little more to the south the Mardthi. The name of Hindui is given to a language which, during the medieval life of the Indian idioms, had a great literary expansion, and is now represented by certain dialects in the north-western provinces. It has been rightly remarked that Hindi is nothing but the modern form of Hindui. As to Hindustani or Urdu, that is the " Camp " language, it was formed about the eleventh century under Mussulman influences. Its vocabulary teems with Arabic and Persian words, and, unlike the other neo-Sanskrit tongues, whose alphabets derive from the Devanagari, it employs the Persian, that is the Arabic (slightly modified and) increased by a few additional letters. [But it would be more correct to say that Urdu is so written by the Mussulman popidation, the Hindus still using a slightly modified form of Devanagari. The former also affect an Arabo-Persian vocabulary, while the latter remain more faithful to the Sanskrit and Hindi elements, both in writing and speaking. It is as if an English writer, affecting a Gorman or Book-Latin style, should prefer royal or regal in all cases to the Saxon or Old English kingly J\ There is a considerable contemporary neo-Prakrit and Hindi Chap, v.] THIED FORI! OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 195 literature, and Hindustani especially gives daily proofs of an activity that promises it a protracted future.* The general character of the phonetics of these idioms is a strong tendency to assimilation, the substitution of the sound j for an older y, the rather frequent change of r to d, the simplifi- cation of the classic system of sibilants, the substitution, also frequent enough, of the simple aspirate // for the older aspirated explosives /,-//, gh, dh, Sec. The neuter gender has disappeared in nearly all the neo-Hindu tongues, and themes ending originally in vowels often reject these vowels, thus terminating now with a consonant. The plural, again, and the cases are expressed by par- ticular suffixes, giving these idioms a very modern air, and clearly marking their transition from an older synthetic to an analytic state. [Thus in Urdu all real cases have entirely disappeared, their place being taken by postpositions attached to the theme, either modified or slightly changed in the singular, and in the plural increased by the nasal on, as in larka = the hoy ; larke-Jco — to the boy; larkorirko — to the boys.] Conjugation also has become analytical, the old Prakrit forms having disappeared, and the actual changes being now (mostly) res! Lcted I i presenl participial or past participial forms. (3) Gipsy Dialects. The language of the Gipsies is nothing hut a neo-llindu dialect It is difficult to determine | the time of their emigration and of their first incursions westwards through Asia, into Europe. Still their arrival here would not seem to have taken place much later than the twelfth or thirteenth century of our era. Their speech is essentially Hindu — a corrupt and often very rit. The p-ocabulary, hov full of foreign elements borrowed from the various peoples met with in the westwards, or with whom they may b I d for a Longer or c period. * Garcia - Iranian idioms still spoken Armenian has preserved most of the common stock of the original mother-tongue. It^ vocabulary, like that of all the cognate Iranian languages, contains a considerable number of foreign words, some derived from the Greek in medieval times, others, in still greater numbers, borrowed at an earlier period from the Aramean. But the essence of its vocabulary, as well as the whole of its grammar, is still Iranian. At a very early period Armenian was written, if not constantly, certain documents, with cuneiform letters. Inscriptions of this sort have been found, more particularly in the ruins of Armavir, not far from Mount Ararat. The Armenian cuneiform writing is not alphabetic, like the Persian, but syllabic, each sign denoting, not a vowel or a consonant, but a full syllable. (4) Huzvdresh. The "Avesta," or rather those books of the "Avesta" thai were .-till extant in the Middle Ages, were at that period translated intoa which we know not only by this translation, but also by a number of numismatic legends, and a very important cosmogony, I ill'- •• Bundehesh." At first this language ceci i\ ed the name of i PeJilevi and Pahlavi, this lasl form by E. W. West, who I recently collecting fresh materials for the study of Pahlavi literature, and is altogether one of the luthorities on the subject], but this term imewhal too vague. Thai of // town I., Joseph Midler and Spiegel,* is • " Grammatflj iter Snzvfti p. -I. Vienna, i- 204 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. its proper name, and the only one it 1ms borne. It is now generally admitted that this language was spoken in the western district of Sevad. Nothing very definite is known as to its origin, but the Huzvaresh coins of the dynasty of the Sassanides show that it was still current in the middle of the seventh century of our era. Huzvaresh deserves to be mentioned as one of those languages that have been most affected by foreign influences. It has been, so to say, penetrated by Aramean on all sides, of which it betrays the most unmistakable proofs in its vocabulary, its grammar, and phonetic system ; so that if such a thing coidd exist as a mixed language, Huzvaresh would be one of the most striking examples of such a phenomenon. But hybrids of this sort cannot be [a state- ment to be received with some reserve], and Huzvaresh is in truth an Iranian tongue, quite as much as English is a Teutonic. [But the comparison does not hold, because English grammar is purely Teutonic, and wholly unaffected by French, Latin, or any other foreign element.] Besides the Aramean elements present in the language of the time of the Sassanides, that of the "Bundehesh" includes some Arabic forms, betraying its more recent composition, probably by some learned Persian intimately acquainted with the language into which the sacred books were translated.* The Huzvaresh grammar shows a great falling off from the correctness and fidelity to the older forms that characterise the Zend and old Persian. Gender is no longer distinguishable by the ending of the nouns, and the dual has disappeared ; the accusative has no more special ending than has the nominative ; the genitive, or rather the idea answering to that expressed by the old genitive, is rendered by an element i, the remnant of an old relative pronoun ; while the conception corresponding to the old dative is expressed by means of particles, that is of true prepositions. Conjugation is equally fragmentary, but in any case the language has still re- mained essentially Iranian. This appears clearly from the fact that Huzvaresh possesses compound verbs, formed not only by * F. Justi, " Der Bundehesch," preface, p. viii. Leipzig, 186S. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 205 Iranian root and preposition, but also by Iranian root and Semitic prefix, by Semitic root and Iranian prefix, and, what is much more remarkable, by both Semitic root and prefix. And yet Semitic itself, unlike the Aryan, possesses no compound verbs at all, no forms, for instance, answering to our ap-prehend, com-pre7iend, re- prehend, under-take, over-take, par(t)-tdke, and the like. There are few alphabets more defective than the Huzvaresh. One and the same sign often denotes several different senses, and there are a great many ligatures, or agglomerations of several characters all blended together (like so many monograms). Hence in philological treatises Huzvaresh words are seldom quoted in their own characters, but are mostly transcribed in Roman, or even in Hebrew or Arabic letters. (5) Parsi. Parsi has occasionally been incorrectly named Pazend. Modern orientalists look on Zend and Pazend as the titles of books, not the names of languages, and their opinion on this matter seems perfectly reasonable. No doubt Zend has supplanted all other names as applied to the languageof the " Avesta ;" but Pazend has not met with such general acceptance that it may not be set aside for the much more appropriate term Parsi, that is, language of the ! ' -''es. Parsi wis undoubtedly contemporary of the Huzvaresh, but survived it by several hundred years, and was at once the current and the literary language. It was, moreover, spoken in a more jiun of [ran, so thai we do not meet in it that abundance of Aramean elements possessed by the Huzv&resh. Its grammar, however, has equally diverged from the ancient standard by which Zend and old Persian are marked. Withoui being in this respect much removed from the Huzvaresh, it approaches much nearer to the Persian, while still considerably surpassing it in the fulness of its forms. Thus it preserves much more of the old pr minal elements, and retains a great many verbs that have disappeared from the Persian. Burnouf and Spiegel 206 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. believe that Parsi may have been spoken till the time of the poet Firdousi, that is, till the beginning of the eleventh century. Parsi has no peculiar writing system, employing sometimes the Zend and sometimes the Arabic characters. The Parsees are settled chiefly in Bombay, Surat, Baroda, Gujerat, and are variously estimated at 50,000, 80,000, and 150,000. (6) Persian. Of all the modern Iranian tongues Persian, or neo-Persian, is the most diffused and the best known. It is an Iranian dialect that became a literary language about the year a.d. 1000. Its litera- ture, with which we are not here concerned, has been one of great importance, simultaneously embracing poetry, history, and the sciences. The "Book of Kings" (Shlh-Nama) of Firdousi (" the Homer of Persia"), who flourished at the close of the tenth and the beginning of the eleventh century, is a national epic that may well rival the chief productions of many other literatures.* Persian has adopted the Arabic alphabet, increased by the four letters, p, ch, j (French), and g hard. Declension has disappeared, the dative and accusative being expressed simply by prepositions joined to the noun. The idea of the genitive is denoted, as in Huzvaresh and Parsi, by inserting (between the two words) the element i, a remnant of an old relative pronoun : dast-i-pusar = the child's hand; pusar-Unan = my child. As much as to say : the hand which (is that of) the child ; the child which (is) mine. (So also Koli-i-nur = the moun- tain of light). So that we have here a purely syntactical process (supplanting inflection). Conjugation has been equally simplified. The personal suffixes have been fairly well preserved : m for the first person singular and plural, d (for an older t) for the third person. But the tenses have shared the fate of the case-endings, being now expressed by modern processes; in other words, Persian has become an analytical language. Its vocabulary contains a large number of Arabic words. * Mohl " Firdousi : Le Livre des Rois," publie en Persan, avec tine traduction Francaise en regard. Paris, 1838. Chap.t.] THIKD FOKM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 207 Besides the literary Persian tongue, there are a number of current varieties, such, for instance, as the Mazandaran, each of them presenting certain peculiarities, either lexical, phonetic, or even occasionally grammatical. (7) Ossetian, Kurdic, Beluchi, Afghan, $c. Although here grouped together under one heading, these various idioms are no more closely related to eacli other in the Iranian family than are some of the other members of the same family above spoken of. The Ossetian declension is fuller than the Persian, while its conjugation is somewhat analogous to it ; so that, on the whole, it approaches more to the older Iranian forms such as they still exist in Armenian, Huzvaresh, and Parsi. Ossetian is spoken both north and south of the Caucasus, in the neighbourhood of Dariel, and is split up into a number of local varieties. Kurdic may, in a genera] way, be said to be allied to Persian, though perhaps rather to the popular dialects than to its literary form. Its phonetic system seems more changed than the Persian. There are several dialects, of which the principal is the Kurmanji,, in the west between Mossul and Asia Minor. The Zam % is in some less, in others more, corrupt than its congeners. mbles Kurdic; it contains a considerable number of foreign elements, especially of words borrowed from the Arabic, would seem inclined not to look on the Afghan or Pahkhtof as a pure Iranian language, considering it as an inde- pendent idiom, for i if, and related to the Hindu * Ob as discussed at the last meeting of the International C burg in i he month of Septeu L876, was the connection of tin's Zaza dialed with the other Kurdish Mi<. ins. But no very definite result seems to bave been arrived at. hij T, f Here the form /' I been substituted Eor the more usual, but as i he author writes it, " paohto "a pouch. The form Pakkhto a1 once connects this people with the iraervts of whom he places in bhe region ai present occupied bj the ad horn whom ti little doubl t bat t bej tided. Their own popular belief of their descent from the lost tribe.-; of Israel — 20S THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. quite as much as to the Iranian family. But Fr. Miiller thinks otherwise, regarding it as an eastern Iranian dialect, the direct descendant of some old Bactrian idiom. Its conjugation is inferior to that of the Persian, having entirely lost certain ancient forms of the present tense retained in Persian, and usually employing the verbal theme for that tense. Its vocabulary includes a number of Persian and Arabic words. This is far from comprising the whole of the modem Iranian idioms. Besides those here spoken of, and which may be con- sidered the most important and the best known, there are some others, such as that of the Lurs (Bachiari and Feili) related to the Kurdic, but concerning which we have but few particulars, and that of the Tats, in the south-east of the Caucasus, and not unlike Persian. It is, moreover, quite certain that many other Iranian tongues have perished during the course of ages. It is quite possible that amongst the races spoken of by the ancients, and especially by the Greeks, under the name of Scythians, there may have been some Iranians. For this opinion there is some presumptive evidence, but the documents so far available are too limited to enable us to pronounce definitely on the subject, Certain languages of Asia Minor have also been included in the Iranian family, as for instance the Phrygian, which has been grouped more particularly with the Armenian, Lycian, Carian, and some others, though this classification is, perhaps, somewhat premature ; but our remarks on these idioms must be reserved till we come to speak of certain languages which are evidently Aryan, but whose true position in this family has not yet been definitely settled. § 4. — Tlte Hellenic Branch. Of all the Aryan languages spoken in Europe, Creek is most a belief still shared in by many English writers, who ought to know better —no longer calls for any special refutation. With those who persist in believing that an Aryan race could possibly be " Bani-Israil," that is, " Sons of Israel," and therefore Semites, there is no reasoning. "Non ragionam di loro, ma guarda epassa."— Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 209 closely allied to Sanskrit and the Iranian group. A better know- ledge of the Aryan idioms of Asia Minor — Phrygian, Lycian, and others — may possibly, and even probably, some day, show that the relationship is even closer than is generally supposed. We shall revert farther on to this question of the various degrees of affinity of the several Aryan groups, and it will be enough here to guard the reader against the idea, at one time very generally adopted, and still common enough, that Greek and the Italic tongues form together a separate branch of the great linguistic family of which they are members. Greek has doubtless many intimate relations with Latin ; but it has others, quite as intimate, with Sanskrit and Zend. Latin, on the other hand, is in many respects more closely allied to the Keltic idioms than it is to the Hellenic. Greek has much better preserved the vowel than the conso- nantal system of the common Aryan mother-tongue, in this respect closely resembling Zend and old Persian. For instance, it retains the old diphthongs, reduced in Latin as well as in Sanskrit to a long vowel With regard to the consonants, which it has less faithfully preserved, one of its most striking changes is that of the (soft) aspirates gh, dh, bh, to the corresponding (sharp) aspirates, 1,-fi, th, ph. It would be difficult to say how this modification was occasioned, hut the fact is certain and constant. Thus the Sanskrit dirghas = long, bhardmi = l bear, appear in Greek as dolikhos (8o\ixos), and phero (4> f pw). far from retaining, as Latin does, the primitive < in all cases, it frequently changes it to // and even to t. Thus th'- Latin quis, quinqw, are in Greek tls, rrefine and Treire. But it is in tie' letters •-•, y, v that it departs most widely from the common primitive type, here showing itself inferior to all the other Aryan tongues of Europe, without any exception. 'Words beginning with 8 are usually chan^-d to the rough (breathing or) aspirate (') generally transcribed by h. Thus hedtcs (q8w) corresponds fco the ! ,ji svddu8 sweel ; hepta («rra) is the Latin septem = seven; and hekuros (impos) j eocer father-in-law. This sibilant, occasionally disappears altogether, especially when occurring between two vowel-, which is also the case with the primitive y in the same position. Hut at the beginning of words y become either z(pro- p 210 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. t. nounced dz) or the rough breathing. Tims zugon (&yov) and hagios (dyiot) correspond to the Sanskrit yugam = yoke, and yqg'yas = htly. The primitive initial also disappears, or becomes u in classic Greek. Thus the original Aryan kvans — hound, becomes in Sanskrit cvd, and in Greek kuoii (kv<*v), where w has changed to u (which u was very probably pronounced as the German ii or the French u). In the words neos (^os), oikos (oikos), and ois (ois) corresponding to the Sanskrit navas= ship, «V(.s = house [or wick, wich, as in Greenwich], avis = ewe, the ■?; has disappeared altogether, though, as we shall presently see, preserved in certain dialects under the 'form of the digamma : vefos, [oikos, of is. This di- gamma however, was not retained in the Attic dialect, which, owing to political [and other] circumstances, became the preponder- ating and classical language of Greece. Though less complex than the Sanskrit, still the phonetic laws of Greek are important enough in themselves, and are mainly based on a strong tendency to assimilate consonants of different orders when thrown together. " Zetacismus " also plays an important part in all the Greek dialects, resulting in the organic combinations q + y d + y changing to z. Thus Zeus (Zeus) answers to the Sanskrit dyaus. Greek admits of no final consonants except s and n (also k, as in «c). Hence the m of the accusative singular everywhere becomes n, or is dropped, as in (pepovra, vaw, which in Sanskrit are bTmrantam, navam (and in Latin ferentem, navem). The Greek declension is well preserved, for, if it has lost the ablative singular, it has retained the old locative, both in the singular and plural. This locative serves also as a dative, p-r] T P l = to the mother; vskvl = to the dead; iroipevi = to the shepherd; but its form has otherwise nothing to do with that of the organic dative the sense of which it has merely accpiired in course of time. The plural locative is in si (o-i) : vavo-t = in the ships ; Ativan, OXvfmiaai, which classic grammars wrongly treat as so many datives. Greek possesses also under the single form of (pi, the instrumental singular bhi, and the instrumental plural bhis, which so many other Aryan tongues have lost. The grammarians treat this syllable (pi as a mere addition, but it is really a true case [which appears in the Chap, v.] THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 211 Latin ibi, ubi, sibi, and the plural ibus]. The dual is only partly retained, the genitive and locative having disappeared. But, speaking generally, the Greek declension may he said to he the "best preserved, next to the Sanskrit and ancient Iranian types. Passing to its conjugation, we find that it retains the old in- transitive voice (XvofMai, Xverut.) which has disappeared from the Italic, Keltic, Slavonic, and Lettic groups. It also preserves fairly well the six organic tenses, besides creating some new ones, amongst which, a pluperfect, built on the reduplicated perfect. Altogether, Greek has remained tolerahly faithful to the common Aryan type in all that regards its accidence, while departing greatly from it in many points of its phonetic system. Its dialectic varieties are mainly of a phonetic character. The numerous dialects may all he easily grouped under four special forms, the iEolic, Doric, Ionic, and Attic, which are themselves sometimes reduced to two main divisions, one comprising the ^Eolic and Doric, the other the Ionic and Attic. The iEolic, properly so called,* was spoken in Asia Minor, in the Lesbos variety of which Alcseus and Sappho wrote. It pos- sesses the digamma corresponding to the organic v, and is fond of doubling the liquid consonants, as in e/x/ii (for et/«) = I am ; it also frequently retains the primitive d, winch in Ionic becomes ,\ Another of its characteristics is the greater abundance of verbs in ut, as in (jjiXiim (for the ordinary ) = I love. Boeotian, belonging to the same group, retains the digamma, contracts the diphthongs into one Inn-- vowel ; keeps the old a for the Ionic e, and often substitutes d for the ordinary z , the Attic x^r, C v y° v thus appealing j u Boeotian ae Deus, dugon. It has Left but few literary remains. Thesealian also was included in the iEolic group; it was con- sidered at Atheii i a rude dialect, but has left scarcely anything whereby to judge of its true character. Doric was spoken in nearly the whole of the Peloponnesus, in Crete, and in the Greek colonies in Sicily, Libya, and Southern [taly. Pindar wrote in Doric, which was also the language of * Alirena, " De Gnocao Liuguas Dialcctis." 2 vols. Gottiugcn, 1881MB. P 2 212 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. pastoral poetry. It is subdivided into two branches, of which one is more severe than the other. It retained the digamma, as well as the organic t, which in the classic language becomes s ; hence SiScon (for SiSojo-i) and {wan, \eiKan (for eiKoa-i) = twenty. Of the Ionic there were two periods — the old, or epic, embracing the language of Homer and Hesiod, and the new period, represented by Herodotus. It was spoken in certain districts of Asia Minor, in Attica, and in a great many of the islands. Many writers connect Attic with Ionic, from which indeed it differs so little, that it may be considered an Ionic dialect. It was the language of Athens, the mother-tongue of ^Eschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Thucydides, and Demosthenes ; it was the dialect that ultimately prevailed over all the others, and that the reformers of the Greek language ever look to as their standard.* Each dialect, as stated, had its OAvn literature ; still the Attic dialect gradually gained the ascendant, thus becoming the common written language, 17 kolvtj 8m\€ktos, of all Greek-speaking races. But this somewhat unnatural expansion was precisely the cause of its decay and corruption. As spoken by Greeks outside Attica, and more especially by the " barbarians," the " common dialect " Avas no longer what it had been in Athens ; it gradually became " Byzantine," the Byzantine language of medieval times. Out of this grew the Modern Greek, to which has been given the name of Romaic, a reminiscence of the eastern empire of Kome. But it is an unfortunate misnomer, apt to lead to con- fusion, and which we have therefore discarded. The position of modern in relation to ancient Greek can scarcely be compared with that of the Bomance tongues in relation to Latin. These have, in truth, departed far more from their common source than the Greek of the present day has from that of antiquity. Modem Greek, however, includes a great many dialects, differing perceptibly from each other ; and these are met with not oidy in * Thus Dr. Donaldson remarks that a Greek scholar should aim, not at being a Hellenist merely, but at being an Atticist, as the highest type of Helenic literature. " Greek Grammar," p. 4.— Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 213 the islands but also in the mainland, as, for instance, the Zaconic, spoken in the heart of the Morea. But the literary, or common form, is really but little removed from the Hellenic as written 2,000 years ago. It is this very resemblance that has suggested to some Greeks the idea of a reformation, based on a return to the forms, and even the very expressions, of the language of Thucydides. J kit nothing coidd be less practical, and any such attempt must end in failure. The present Greek differs doubtless but little from the classic ; still the difference is very marked and clearly defined. Thus, it has lost both the dual and the dative, this last being employed only in the more elevated style, and could not be used in conversation, or even in current literature, without affectation. The old infinitive in eiv (e\detv = to come) has also disappeared everywhere except from the pseudo-classic literature. It is usually replaced by a conjunctive form, as in 0eAa> va e\65> = I wish to come ; literally, " I wish that I come." The future has also become analytical, being expressed, amongst other ways, by the present preceded by a conjunction. The Greek conjugation presents many other instances of a decided transition to the analytic state, which need not here be dwelt upon. It is further distinguished from the old Greek by a feature which, though not affecting accidence itself, is not the less important. A 'rem has here taken the place of quantity. In other words, it is the accented syllable in modern Greek that is long, and the unaccented one short. This phenomenon is not peculiar to Greek, and in the chapter devoted to the Teutonic tongues we shall see that it also constitutes one of the features of modern < Icrnian. In Middle High (iernian (twelfth to fifteenth century), the radical syllable was sometimes Long, sometimes short; while in the present language, being accented, it is always Long — all which is quite a modern tendency. Greek Ls Bpoken not only in Greece, but also in many parts of Turkey, a □ I hi aly, where it comes in contact with Albanian to the we- 1 and Bulgarian towards the nrnth. It is spread overall the northern coast of the iEgean, and makes the complete circuit of the gea of Marmora, reaching at some points far inland, as, for 214 , THIKD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. instance, to Adrianople in Rumelia. In Candia it reigns every- where supreme, except in a single central district occupied by Turkish. Altogether the Greeks in the Ottoman Empire are estimated at about 1,000,000. In Russia also Greek is spoken, on the north coast of the Sea of Azov, at two points between Taurida and the Don Cossacks. It further occupies the three shores of Asia Minor, from a point opposite Cyprus as far as the mouth of the Kizdirmak in the Black Sea (a little to the east of Sinope). We come now to a secondary, though not uninteresting, question — that of the pronunciation of ancient and modern Greek. jSTo less than six characters — three simple and three compound — answer in modern Greek to the sound of i (ee). These are rj, i, v ; 6i, oi, vi, the other vowels being pronounced as written. On the other hand, the groups av, ev, rjv, ov, are pronounced av, ev, ir, ov. In the consonants, & answers to the English th hard, as in three ; S to the English th soft, as in the ; sounds as /; x> as the ch of the German words noeJi, nach, bueh, or as that of ich, fechten, according to the accompanying vowels ; y before e or t as the French or English //. There is obviously a great difference between this pronunciation and the so-called classic, attributed to Erasmus; yet there is a wide school of Hellenists who consider that the modern Greek pronunciation should be applied to the ancient language, and who are zealously agitating for this change, absolutely unscientific though it be. To read Greek in this modern fashion is a mistake, as ►Schleicher very justly remarks, due to complete ignorance of the laws of phonetics and of the life of human speech. And, in truth, the theory is utterly indefensible by any a ■priori or a posteriori arguments. A mere comparison of ancient Greek with the cognate Aryan tongues shows that the sounds c, i, u, answered to the vowels a, i, if, and were accordingly from the first perfectly distinct, having only gradually become idtimately all three confused in the single sound of i. The mutual transcription of the Greek -q by the Latin c, and of the Latin e by the Greek n clearly shows that the sound of the Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 215 old Greek ?/ was not that of ». Thus we find Krjvo-cop, AvprjXiovs for censor, Aurelius. Nor can it he doubted that the vowel u was anciently in Greek pronounced like the Latin u (or English oo) j during the classic period it answered to the French u* while the diphthong ov (that is o + u) was reduced during the same epoch to the simple vowel u (or oo). Thus the Latin words Tititts, tuum, circuitum are translated in Greek as Tmovr, rovop, Kipicovirovp. It is no less certain that originally the Greek /3 was uttered like our A, and not like v, as it now is. Lx the classic Greek writings the bleating of sheep is denoted by £9, £»?, which it woidd he ricUcidous to pronounce vi, vi. At a certain period no doubt the Greeks took to transcribing the Latin v by then* ; but they had previously denoted it by ov, as hi Ovappco, OvaXepLos, OvepyiXios, for Varro, Valerius, Virgilius, &c. The change of b to v took place probably at an early period, at least in some dialects, but originally b had everywhere its true and proper sound. When the Greeks began to transcribe Latin names, their was far from having always and where its present value, for at this very time it is still regularly : to transcribe the Latin b, and it is only in connection with ou oi o that it is at this period employed to represent the Lathi r.i Lastly, there can be no question as to the utterance of the old aspirates , 6, x> which had the sound of p, t, k aspirated, that is: p + h, t + lt, k + h (as in the English shep-herd, hit-Aim, hach-him, or better still, in the Urdu phul = blossom, thorn = little, and khand = to eat), so that these letters in no way answered to the English th hard, to/, or to either of the two ch sounds in Genua n. These consonants are now no doubt fricatives, but they were originally true aspirates, which might be easily proved in many ways.} One proof maybe drawn from the shifting nature of the aspirates accompanying the simple explosives p, /, /,-. Thus the * This is also the opinion of Mr. A. J. Ellis, for which see a led ore by him on Greek Pronunciation, delivered ai the College of Preceptora, in L875, and 'Educational Times" of January, 1876. -Note by Tram lator. t G. Gun in-, '■ Gnmdzuge der Gricchischen Etymologic," liii ed. D, 571. Leipzig, L873. X Ibid., p. l\C. 216 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. reduplication of the theme 6e gives Tidepev (not 6idep.ev\ ; and so with the reduplication of and x by tt and k. In the same way the Sanskrit reduplicates dh, bh by the simple unaspirated explosives d, h, as in dadhdmi = I put, bub/tdu = l have shone. In forms like Tpeos, A«x w . But it modified these primitive aspirates in two other ways, especially at the beginning of words, where they become sometimes h and sometimes /. Thus fero = I bear, answers to the Greek fopa and the Sanskrit bharami. At times both forms occur, as in Jiordeum and fordeum = barley ; horda and forda. This change of the primitive aspirates to h and/ has been variously explained, but the point is not yet quite cleared up. Another peculiarity of Latin phonetics is the change of d to I : lacrima = teax, levir = brother-in-law, lingua — tongue, olere = to smell, for the older dacrima, devir, &c. This explains a number of double forms, such as impelimenta and impedimenta; delicare and dedicare, olere and odor. The Latin consonants are readily affected by the niceties of at least a rudimentary system of assimilation. This is often partial only, as in actus, where c stands for g, as seen in ago ; but it is sometimes complete, as in summus, where the mm stand for pm, as shown by super, supremus. Again, if a word begin with two con- sonants, the first of these often disappears. Thus notus, nomen were formerly preceded by a ;/, as shown by the compounds cognosco, cognomen. At the beginning of words also the group dv may change to b, as in bis and bonus, for the older forms dvis, dvonus, while bellum and dvellum coexist. With regard to the pronunciation of Latin, we may remark that it is a question many have essayed to solve without even so much as suspecting the nature of the conditions on which its solution depended. ]S T ow, however, it may be said to be settled, at least in a general way. The work of Corssen, quoted higher up, has collected all the results hitherto arrived at, and which may be safely looked on as conclusive. On the pronunciation of a good many consonants, p, b,f, d, in, n, r, I, &c, there is no diversity of opinion, so that we Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 221 need not dwell on these, and our remarks will be restricted to such points as may still seem to present any doubt. It is generally admitted that before the vowels a, o, u, and before consonants, the Latin c had the same sound as k ; but what was its pronunciation before e and i? Did it sound like ch, as in Italy, or like fo, as in Germany, or like s, as in France [and England] 1 Did the Latins say Chichero, Tsitsero, or Sisero ? We are now in pos- session of more than sufficient materials to decide this point, and the transcription of foreign words in Latin, and of Latin words in foreign languages, ought alone to remove all doubt. The Goths, for instance, when borrowing from Latin the terms lucerna, farcer, ace- tum, changed them to liilcnrrt, TcarTcara, aikeits, while the Greeks Wrote npiyyicnrta TrarpiKiovs, Krjvcrap, Kevrvpia, for pr't ')/<■/ 'pin, &C On the other hand the Latins at all times represented by c the * Greek, as in the forms Cerasus, Cimcm, Cecrqps, and Corssen justly con- cludes that down to the sixth or even seventh century of our era the Latin c had the force of k before all the vowels.* Besides the old Latin grammarians t never say that the sound of c differs according to the vowel by which it may be followed, and we may feel satisfied that if it was at all changed to s before e and i previous to the seventh century, this took place in the vulgar speech or in the provincial patois alone. !: Eore i pure, that is followed by another vowel, as in jusHMa, 8ervitium; t also remained hard, not till much later on becoming a fricative, at least in Latin. In Oscan and Umbrian the change occurred at an earlier period, but was not regularly adopted in I Latin pronunciation till the fifth century, although traces of it occur BO early as the third. The letter*/ also, before the vowels e, i, may with equal certainty lid to have had the same sound as before a, o, u. Later on it often became i, but only in the vulgar speech. * i >j). cit., torn. i. p. 48. f AmongBt others Quintilian, whose language is conclusive <>f tho con- trary: Nam ft qmdem in oullis verbi atendum puto, nisi quae aignifioat, etiam at sola ponatur: boo eo non omisi, quod quidem earn, quoties a sequatnr, neccssariam credunt, emu Bit c Littera, qua ad omnes vooales vim Buam perferat. " [nBtitutiones," i. 7.— Note by Translator. 222 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. t. The aspirate h was perhaps distinctly heard at a certain epoch, hnt it gradually lost its force, and was omitted altogether in a numher of words, snch as anser, whoso root is the same as that of the Greek xn v [and the English goose]. The sound of j is not at all doubtful, being always like our y in you. On this point the evidence of Priscian (sixth century) leaves no room for equivocation. Altogether a reformation in Latin pronunciation is perfectly feasible, and we may add desirable, though we cannot hope that it ever will be realised.* It is well, however, that hi any case the pronunciation of the classic period should be known, and especially that no attempt should be made to cause the adoption of any of the systems current in Italy, France, Germany, or elsewhere, which are all alike defective. Besides, any reform of the kind should be based on a strict observance of the laws of quantity. In Latin there successively prevailed two systems of accentuation. The second, which was that of classic times, was regulated by quantity, and may be said to have been extremely simple. The fundamental principle was that the accent should fall invariably on the penultimate syllable when long, as in candmus, but on the antepenultimate when the penultimate is short, as in cdmmus. This, of course, in case the word has three or more syllables, for in words of two syllables the accent falls necessarily on the penultimate whatever be its length. Thus : fecit, nobis, where it is long ; dens, tenet, where it is short. Hence the accent may shift its place in the declension and conjugation according to the number of the syllables, as in amdbimur = we shall be loved, where it falls on a long ante- penultimate, and in amabimini = you will be loved, where it falls on a short antepenultimate. In fact, in these two examples the penultimate is short, and it is the quantity of this syllable, as * In England such a reform has already made a good beginning, and has received a certain stimulus from the advocacy of Mr. A. J. Ellis, who has embodied his views in a valuable little work entitled " Practical Hints on the Quantitative Pronunciation of Latin." London, 1874. — Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 223 stated, that decides as to the position of the accent, independently altogether of the quantity of the other syllables. Hence, in order to settle the position of the accent, we must be first acquainted with the laws of quantity, which, however, are neither difficult nor numerous. And herein precisely lies the advantage of the practice of Latin verse in schools, as the only means of ascertaining whether the learner is acquainted or not with quantity. If he knows it, he can also place the accent, which we shall see plays a chief part in the formation of the. Kmnance tongues, and especially of French, in which the very form itself that the word has assumed depends on the position of the Latin accent. Eeturning to the subject of grammar, we find that Latin has lost the dual, which Greek has at least to some extent preserved, and is therefore so far superior to its congener. In respect of the case-endings, they are each of them superior in some points and inferior in others. We have stated that Greek has lost the old ablative retained in Latin. Here the organic ending was t for themes ending in a vowel, and in Latin this t has become <1, whence the forms : sententzad, preivatod, magistratud, marid. However, tliis d die I at an early period. The organic form of the dative singular was ai, reduced in Sanskrit to e, whence in Latin the old forms pqpidoi, Romanoi, which subsequently became populo, Romano. The organic form of the old locative was i, which is ii"! always lost in Latin; where, however, it becomes /, owing to a secondary Cause thai, we are not here c -erned with. Anyhow, '/<-//"', humi, belli, are true locatives, wrongly treated in grammars as genitives. In the plural we may notice the total disappearance of the locative, still retained in Greek. Coming to conjugation we find that the personal endings are red, though of the "Id mi= I, of the pre n at tense, tic only traces n<>w left are the two forms sum ami inquam. Of the - ; ". primitive ten"- Latin has retained the present, a few reduplicate perfects, such as cecinimus = we have sung, and perhaps Inc.-, of the. .simple aoriflt. lint this was at best hut little, •md C6C0B oily had to fresh formations. The perfecl 224 THIRD FORM OF, SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. t. in si (luxi, clixi), the perfect in ui or vl (monui, amavi), as well as the imperfect in bam (amabam), the future in bo (amabo), and a number of other analogous formations, were all amongst those subsequently developed. But we cannot dwell upon this subject, and will merely add, that of the old Aryan tongues Latin is one of those that have given birth to the greatest number of such new forms, some of which may doubtless seem even superfluous. There is one of them, however — that of the middle, or passive, voice— which cannot be passed over in silence. In the Italic, as in the Keltic tongues, there was created a middle voice, which later on acquired a passive sense, and which was formed by adding to the verb the reflective pronoun. Thus, amor stands for an older form amos, which again stands for amo-se. Lithuanian also has developed a middle voice by an analogous process. Of all the Italic tongues, sisters to the Latin, and destined gradually to disappear before it, the Oscan and the Umbrian are the most important. Umbrian was spoken in the north-east of the peninsula, and the Volscian dialect is generally believed to have been allied to it. Oscan was spoken in the south, and was related more to the SabeUian [or Sanmite]. But all three, Umbrian, Oscan, and Latin, sprang from one source ; and although neither preceded any of the others, still a comparison of their phonetics and of their forms shows that of the three Oscan came nearest to the common type, from which Umbrian departed more even than Latin. Oscan was spoken in Samnium, in Campania, and in the neigh- bouring districts,* and is known to us through some important inscriptions, the bronze tablets of Agnone and Bantia and the Abella Stone. Oscan is particularly distinguished from Latin and Umbrian by its careful preservation of the ancient diphthongs, and by its retention of the organic a often replaced by an i in Latin. Thus the Oscan coder represents the Latin inter. These are not the only primitive features of its vowel system, but they may be mentioned as the most striking. With regard to its consonants, whde in some respects inferior, it is also often superior to the * Rabaste, "De la Laugue Osque." Rennes, 1865. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 225 Latin. Its inferiority is shown especially in the substitution of p for the primitive k, as in pam for the Latin quam. Before a t it replaces k by h, as in Ohtavis for the Latin Octavius. But in many cases its superiority is very marked. Thus it does not, as a ride, change the s to /■, as Latin does ; and it also avoids a number of assimilations, writing kenstur where the Latin has censor for censtor. A phonetic peculiarity distinguishing it from Latin consists in its frequent change of the organic aspirates to / in the body of the word, a change which in Latin scarcely occurs except with initial letters. Thus the Oscan sifei stands for the Latin sibi. Umbrian we are acquainted with through a very important monument, the bronze tables known as the "Eugubine Tables," from Gubbio, the ancient Eugubium, where they were discovered hi the middle of the fifteenth century (1446). These tables for a long time taxed the ingenuity and sagacity of the old linguists, but it was reserved for Aufrecht and Kirchhoff to satisfactorily de- cipher them, reducing their grammar to a scientific basis, in a work on the Umbrian language, to which all subsequent essays on the subjecl are largely indebted.* The Umbrian vowel system is more closely related to the Latin than is tli'- 1 >scan, while showing a still greater tendency than the former to reduce the ancient diphthongs to a single vowel ; and, what is still mure remarkable, it frequently omits many vowels altogether. 'J'h'is it lias nmiiiir for the Latin iimniiii. Like the Oscan it some- times changes the primitive k to />, whence pis for the Latin guts. As in Oscan also it substitutes/ for the organic aspirates, which in Latin become simple explosives, whence the Umbrian tefe, ife, answering to the Latin tibi, ibi. As in Oscan also it, changes the -> /,/. to l>t. rehte, corresponding to the Latin recte. In certain the primitive d becomes /■, which seems to have had a some- what peculiar utterance, and which is usually denoted by a dot underneath: arveitu, rere, runum thus answering to the Latin adv( I'll", dedit, itn>it. *"]iie i Sptachdenkm&ler," Berlin, L849-51 ; Andre Leferrs, I. Italiqucs : L'Ombrien," Paris, 1874. 226 THIRD FORM OP SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. But these few remarks will probably be sufficient on tlie two Italic tongues, sisters to the Latin, from which, they do not in fact differ essentially, not more perhaps than do the various Greek dialects from each other, and certainly much less than the neo- Latin or the Keltic languages do amongst themselves. L,et us conclude with a few words on the old Italic characters, which, according to Corssen, derive all of them from two Greek alphabets. [Op. cit., i. p. 1.) One of these, the old Doric, or some allied system, would seem to have been the parent of the Samnite, of three Etruscan systems, of the Umbrian, of the Euguhine Tables, and of the Oscan of the Abella Stone. All these varieties, except the last, possess two signs to denote the s, that is, the Greek capital sigma, represented either in the usual way, or else inclined one fourth to the right, so as to look like a sort of M. A more recent Doric alphabet seemed to form the basis of the Falisean and the Latin, the oldest documents of which last date from the end of the third century before our era. The old Jc had already disappeared except in certain words, the c having long de- noted as well the sound of g as of k, and being at last replaced for the first of these functions by the new letter g, itself derived by a slight modification from c. From about the middle of the second to the middle of the first century before our era, that is for about a hundred years, the practice seems to have prevailed of denoting the long vowel by doubling it, thus aara, ree, Muucius \fov art i, r in- stance, in the French domain, in the remote parts of Xeustria, or of Picardy, Ave should meet with Provencal, Italian, or Spanish for- mations; in the heart of Spain we should come across French, Provencal, or Italian forms ; in the extremity of Italy Ave should encounter Spanish, Provencal, or French peculiarities. But it is not so. The local type once established, undergoes no further deviation, no return to the type of any other locality; everything takes place regularly under the local influences, AAdiich may be considered partial, Avhen contrasted with those of the larger regions."* * " Dictioimaire die la LaDgue Franchise," ;. i. p. xlvii. Paris, 18G3. Chap, v.] THIKD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 229 This Latin origin of the Romance tongues is now a firmly-estab- lished fact, that can no longer be called in question. The grammar of Frederick Diez, first published some forty years ago,* has once for all disposed of those Iberian, Keltic, or other theories, which nevertheless still crop up from time to time. French may no doubt be derived from Keltic, but so might Latin, in the same Avay, from Hebrew. This Keltomania is in fact a thing beyond discussion, fur it rides over French, Latin, the Keltic languages themselves ; ami perhaps this is its only excuse. But we do not, at the same time, deny the existence of a tolerably important foreign element in the neo-Latin tongues. French, for instance, possesses a certain number of words of Keltic origin : arpent, lime, dune, alouette; but even this element is far from being as extensive as might be siipposed, and it may be well to remark that all such terms, before becoming French, were first latinised; that, in a word, they passed through the Latin into the French language. The invasion of the barbarians, again, introduced some four hundred words of Teutonic origin, while contact with the Easl also contributed its share ; but the grammar remained essen- tially Latin. There are reckoned altogether seven neo-Latin tongues : Portu- :_!!'•->■. Spanish, French, Provencal, Italian, Ladin, and Rumanian. Befoi ing of the geographical distribution and special features of each of these idioms, it will be necessary to draw attention to two leading facts which form the groundwork of the whole subject. One of these is the play of the tonic accent in the formation of the neo-Latin words; the other is the transition from Latin declension to the analytic state of these idioms. Of all the members of this group it may be said in a general . thai the formation of their words is based on the persistence of the tonic accent.*} The accented syllable in Latin is still the yllable in French and Italian. This is the fundamental * "Grammatik der EtomaniBohen Sprachen," i^ml ed. Bonn, L856-60. f I ji t tii', " Histoire de la Langne ITrancaise," 6fch ed., t. i. p. -\~, Paris, 1 373; '■• Pi Bfcnde snr le R61e de L'Aoo La i dans la Langae oaise," Pari , L862. 230 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Ciiap. v. principle which remains unaffected by secondary laws. Let us illustrate it by what occurs in the French language. Side by side with the continuance of the Latin accent, French discloses two secondary principles. One is the suppression of short unaccented vowels preceding the toned syllable ; the other is the disappearance of certain consonants in the body of the word.* Thus the accent is on the vowel a in the words bonitdtem, liberdre, sanitdtem, and it remains on the corresponding vowel in the French horde, livrer, sante, and we see that in these three examples the unaccented vowel i or e has disappeared. So also in Her, doner, the middle consonants g and t of ligare, and dotare have dropped. Observe, also, that French sacrifices everything that follows the accented syllable. Its masculine final syllables, as in essaim, peupU, hotel, are always the toned syllables, while in the so-called feminine endings, as in meuble, esclandre, the accent is still on the last syllable (here eu and a), because the final is now silent, possessing merely an artificial existence in poetry. Practically esclandre, semaine are dissyllables, whose last, that is an and at, are toned. But a time came in the history of the French language, when the vocabulary flowing continuously from the old Latin vulgar tongue was found to be no longer sufficient, and then such terms as were needed began to be taken bodily from classic Latin. But this fresh supply could not of course be subjected to the fundamental principle regnlating the play of the tonic accent, any more than to the secondary laws affecting medial consonants and untoned vowels. To this new stock the name of "learned words" was given, as might almost seem by a sort of bony, while that of "popular words " was applied to the really natural and genuine French element. Nor was the fabrication of such book-Latin terms limited to those the want of which really existed, but a crowd of others was introduced, which had already assumed a popular, correct, and genuine French form. Thus the accent, for instance, is on the first syllable in the Lathi debitum, cancer, and in French these two * Brachet, " Gram. Historique de la Langue Francaise," introduction, sect. ii. Paris. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 231 words were regularly modified to dette, chancre ; but the "learned'' formation again adopted them, and, neglecting the tonic accent, fabricated the really barbarous forms debit, cancer (where the tone falls on the last, thus violating the fundamental principle regulating the formation of French words). The terms operer, cumuler, separer, and numbers of others have no doubt the accent on the same syllable as their Latin prototypes qperare, cumulate, s¶re ; but they are, nevertheless, mere pedantic and secondary forms when compared with the genuine *■ n-< ,-. rambler, ouvrer, which (not only preserve the accent but also) omit, as they ought to do, the untoned vowel preceding the accented syllable. So also Her, dauer, answer exactly to the Latin ligare, dotare, of which the coined forms liguer, doter, retaining the middle consonant, are merely arbitrary imitatii ins. We come now to tin- second, and no less interesting main feature of the neo-Latin tongues, the already-mentioned transition from the synthetic- Latin, with its declensions and case-endings, to the analytical state, in which every trace of declension has vanished. In the oldest Spanish and Italian records we meet with languages already reduced to complete analysis (that is, as regards nominal and adjectival declension, the verb still remaining largely synthetic). Bui this is tli'- case neither with the old French nor with the old Provencal, which ai a certain period show not merely the traces of ease-endings, but two genuine cases — the nominative and the accusative. "At tin- time." writes M. Littre, "when a modern ipeech was being formed in Caul, Latin, as still spoken, was in a peculiar Btate in respect of its rieh declension. It employed the nominative correctly enough j butil confused the remaining cases, using them indifferently ha- each other. This at least is what we timl in the monuments of the period, which teem with solecisms.* * As in the following, where we have the accusative for the ablative, the masculine genitive fox il"- feminine genitive, the ablative for the acousativei and the accnaative plural is w forth idea d for i, e for t, u tor o, e tor i, he. "In jure adque domenaoione Sanoti Maria el spun. i Christi iu prsBdioto loom oontententig," which should ba "In jaaatque 282 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. The new language, then budding, with a sort of instinct infused regularity into all this chaos by retaining the nominative, and of all the rest making one single case — the objective. Hence, in its primitive state, French was not an analytical tongue, like modern French, or like Spanish and Italian in their oldest records. It had a synthetic, consequently, an older character, expressing the relations of the nouns to each other and to the verb, not by prepositions, but by true cases It is, as Ave see, a sort (if half Latin syntax, which Flench has in common with Provencal, so that these two languages of Gaul, possessing each of them two cases, resemble each other more closely than they do either Spanish or Italian, while these two in their turn are more nearly akin to each other than they are to the Langue cVdil or the Larujuc d'oe. "This inheritance of two cases, and of a half synthetic syntax, was no passing feature of the French tongue, leaving behind it no train's except for the curiosity of the learned. It continued in this state fur three centuries, from the eleventh to the thirteenth, during which this syntax formed the ride of the written and the spoken language. Latin, which for us is a classic tongue, is much praised for the way in which its declension directs the thought. I am not discussing the relative superiority of languages with and without cases, but a portion of this praise should fall to the share of old French, whose declension, though curtailed, is still a reality, and which on this account ranks so far with Latin." — (Op. cit. ibid.) The old French declension is very simple. In the case of forms answering to the Latin declension in us, such as domains, the nominative singular retains the s of this ending m ; the objective plural also ends in s, which again corresponds to the s of the Latin accusative plural domino*. The two other forms, that is the nominative plural and the accusative singular, remain in the simple state (the corresponding Latin endings of domini and dominum here simply disappearing in virtue of the accessory laws above explained in connection with the tonic accent). dominationem Sanctce Maria? et sponsarum Christi in praedicto loco con. sistentium." M. J. D'Arbois de Jubainville's "D6clinaison Latine en Ganle a l'Epoque Merovingienne," Paris, 1872, p. 109. — Note hy Translator. Chap, v.] THIED FOEM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 233 We thus get the subjoined table of old French declension : Singular — Nominative : li chevals = caballus. Accusative : le cheval = caballuui. Plural — Nominative : li cheval = caballi. Accusative : les chevals = caballos. We shotild exceed our limits were we to dwell further on this subject, nor is it possible here to give a complete history of the declen- sion of the Langue d'oil or of that of the Langue d'oc. It is enough to establish the fact that these two languages had a period of true declension, which cannot he detected in the oldest texts of the other II. nuance tongues. Hence, as M. Littre remarks, we cannot speak of an old Spanish or an old Italian language in the same sense as we can of an old French and an old Provencal tongue. This point settled, we may now pass in rapid review each of the seven branches of the neo-Latin family. (a) French. The indigenous Keltic idioms had in tin" first century of our era been already supplanted in Caul by tin' vulgar Latin (that is by the sermo plebeius, as opposed to the classic standard). This resull was brought about by numerous ami irresistible causes, foremost amongst which was the strong interest the Gauls had in assimilating themselves to their masters. The literary Language al-o was sown introduced, and the Gaulish schools, developed under Latin culture, acquired a well-earned reputation. Nevertheless, vulgar Latin alone contributed to the developmenl of the popular speech, which derived exclusively from it. The classic language, for instance, wrote urbe, iter, oeculari, 08, hebdomas ; hut it is the popular forms, villa, viaticum, basiare, bucca, septimana, that re- appear in tic- modern ville, voyage, baisei; bouche, semaine. 'I lie • of the French language, thai is of the Langue d'oil, at thai t an.- wa lingua romana rustica, and in the eighth century the clergy preached in this "lingua rustica," which was the French oi Hie 234 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. period. The glosses lately discovered at Beichenau,* and which date from this epoch, are the oldest French texts yet discovered (being anterior even to the famous " Serment des tils de Louis le Debonnaire," which bears the date of 842). But the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries were the golden age of the Langue d'oiL " Then was developed," says Brachet, "an absolutely original poetic literature, a graceful or sparkling lyrical, and a grand epic poetry, of which the ' Chanson de Eoland ' remains the most perfect example. Italy, Germany, Spain, adopt our poetry and our romances, translating or imitating them, &c." — (Op. cit. ibid.) The declension with two cases, as above described, died out in the fourteenth century, after which period the French becomes de- cidedly a modern and analytic tongue, like Italian and Spanish. From the moment that we are able to observe it, French conjuga- tion seems to have become entirely analytic, f Side by side with the tenses flowing from the Latin, tenses such as the present j' crime, it developes others by the modern process: fed aime, favcds aime. Such also is the origin of the future; aimerai = aimer ai, as is placed beyond all doubt by the corresponding old Spanish and Provencal forms. Besides, classic Latin itself recognised this analytical future form, expressions such as dtcere habeo occurring even in good writers. The conditional j'aimerais also is merely an artificial formation, based in some way on the future. * Found in 1863 by Holtzmann, in a MS. in the library of this place. It is referred to the year 768, and it contains many contemporary forms explain- ing the difficult words of the vulgate. These words are written in two columns, thus : Latin. French of 8th century, tugurium cabanna sindones linciolo minas manatees, &c. (Note by Translator). f This is certainly an extraordinary statement. Analytical forms have doubtless been added to the French verbal system, and the old future has perished. But enough remains to render French conjugation still highly synthetic. Thus, it retains both participles, the infinitive, both presents, both pasts, and the imperfect indicative — all purely synthetic forms. — Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIED FOBH OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 35 In medieval times a number of French dialects existed, inde- pendent of each other, and all possessing a special literature, It could scarcely have been otherwise under the feudal system. Still these various dialects differed mainly in their phonetics. Those of Burgundy, Picardy, and Normandy, were in any case compelled to give place to that of the Isle of France after the famdy of the Capets had finally chosen Paris as the centre of the kingdom. Tiny gradually sank to the position of mere patois, "in which a careful study still detects the features of the old dialects as they existed previous to the literary productions of the Middle Ages. Hence those patois are not, as is generally supposed, the literary French corrupted in the mouth of the peasantry ; they are the re- mains of the old provincial dialects, reduced by political circum- stances from the position of official and literary to that of merely spoken tongues."— (Brachet, op. clt., p. 47.) The Wallon dialect maintained its independence for a long time. It had two varieties, that of Liege and that of Namur* which have been wrongly grouped with the Picardy dialect, from which the Wallon is quite distinct. It is now merely a patois^, having yielded in common with the other medieval dialects to the literary standard. We have had several times to refer incidentally to the actual limits of the French language. On the north it meets the Flemish a little above Calais, whence it stretches through Saint-Omer, Armentieres, Tourcoing, and Ath, to Liege and Verviers. On the east it is inclosed by the German, by aline including Verviers, Longwy, Metz, Dieuze, Saioi Die, Belfort, Detemont, Friburg, and Sion,and farther Bouth by tin- Italian. In the centre it, now occupies the whole domain of the Provencal dialects, of which we shall pre- sently speak. 1 1, Switzerland French is the native speech of about 600,000 people,inthe I n of NeufchateL Geneva, Vaud, the greater part of Friburg and of the Calais, and a fifth of Heme. In Belgium it is spoken by aboul 2,000,000, occupying the whole south-eastern portion of the kingdom, and in Germany bj over 200,000 about •Cluivr.-, ' ■ I'.Mi.oi .■.<■! Wallon. ' Paris. IS.77. 236 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. Malmedy, Metz, and Chateau-Salins. It is also still spoken in the English colonies of Mauritius and [parts of] Canada. (/3) Provencal. The opinion of some writers that both the Langue d'oil and the Langue d'oc, or Provencal, derive indirectly only from vulgar Latin, through an intermediate form common to both, rests so far on nothing hut empty and utterly ungrounded statements, and we may add that in itself it is highly improbable. The current Latin speech cannot have modified itself uniformly throughout the whole of Gaul. It would be even surprising if in this vast region it assumed no more than two distinct types, those of the Langue d'oil and the Langue d'oc. Anyhow, in the absence of all proof it will be prudent to doubt whether there can have at any time existed a common Franco-Provencal speech. The northern and the southern dialects, no doubt, resemble each other the more closely the more ancient are their texts, but this is simply because the older they are the more closely do they approach their common (vulgar Latin) origin. Provencal, as already observed, had, like the Langue d'oil, its semi-synthetic period, during which it possessed the declension with two cases, the nominative and the accusative. Its conjugation is quite as analytic as that of the Langue d'oil, and it is in Provencal that we meet with the old form of the future dir vos ai=je rims (Urn!, which so clearly shows the mechanism of the modern tense. The meaning in which the term Provencal is used is now thoroughly understood. Here a part is taken for the whole, for the language of Provence proper was and is one dialect only of the Langue d'oc, which includes also those of Languedoc, Limousin, Auvergne, Gascony, and part of Dauphiny. The question has often been asked whether it should not also comprise the Cata- lonian, at present spoken in Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Isles, and formerly diffused thoughout the territory of Aragon, or whether this variety should not rather constitute a distinct neo- Latin group by itself. The point is not yet settled, nor can the Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 237 view be altogether condemned which includes Catalonian amongst the Provencal dialects. Provencal literature nourished mainly in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, but its oldest records are anterior to this period. It received a fatal blow with the defeat of the Albigenses, after which French gradually encroached upon the whole country as far as the Pyrenees, and the southern dialects have now fallen to the position of mere patois, unconnected with any literary language. The actual limits of the northern and southern patois have not been very carefully determined. The last information on the subject fixes the extreme frontier of the Langue d'oil on the west at Blaye, Angouleme, Confolens, Montlucon, and Saint-Etienne. Towards the east the frontier is more difficult to settle, but it seems to reach the Alps a little above Grenoble. (y) Italian. As known to us even in its oldest records, Italian is unques- tionably the best preserved of all the neo-Latin tongues, both in its structure and vocabulary. Diez calculates that not a tenth part of its vocabulary can be referred to other than Latin sources. If so, this would certainly be not a little remarkable; but in any case Italian certainly contains far less German terms than docs the French. In the tenth century what we now understand by Italian was already spoken — thai i< to say, the vulgar Latin had already at this epoch been sufficiently modified in Haly to he entitled to this name. Hut its written monuments do not date farther hack than the twelfth century, nor was it till the following centurj thai the language of literature was developed in Tuscany a purely literary language that never was spoken.* Anyhow, the [talian of this period hid the same general features of the Italian of the pre enl * This i . (strong. Amongst the educated cla es, esp ally in Borne and Florence, tic oorreni Bpeecfa does qoI materially, if at all, differ from the ordinary language of literature; ami certainly all educated foreig [talian adhere verj oloserj to the literary foi by T 238 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. day ; so that there was no old Italian in the sense that there was an old French and an old Provencal tongue. In Italy there are a great number of dialects — a circumstance readily explained by the configuration of the country. These dialects have always been clearly distinguished from each other, and in his treatise "DeVulgari Eloquio," Dante reckons fourteen altogether, which he divides into eastern and western, or else into cis-Apennine and trans-Apennine dialects. This division, however, has been advantageously replaced by that of upper, central, and lower Italian dialects, the last class comprising the Neapolitan, Calabrian, Sicilian, and Sardinian. In the second are included the Tuscan, Koman, and Corsican ; while the northern division embraces the Genoese, Piedmontese, Venetian, Emilian, and Lombard varieties. Each of these dialects possesses a copious literature, and many of them have monuments dating from the period of the Renaissance, while some, such as the Neapolitan and Sardinian, are still older. Towards the north Italian crosses the political frontier, beino- spoken by a population of about 140,000 in the Canton of Ticino, and in the south-eastern portion of the Grisons in Switzerland. In Austria also, in a portion of Southern Tyrol, as well as in a narrow strip along the west coast of Istria, Italian is current. (S) Ladin, Known also as the language of the Grisons, the Rheto-Romanee, the Rumonsh, and Rumansh. But it seems best to call it simply Ladin, with Ascoli, who has recently devoted an important work to its elucidation.* According to this writer it comprises three distinct groups : on the east that of Friuli, spoken by upwards of 400,000 people in Italy on the banks of the Tagliamento, and in Austria as far as Goritz ; in the centre, two tracts in Austrian Tyrol, at some distance from either bank of the Adige, by upwards of 90,000 persons; on the west, under the name of Rumansh, it * "Archivio Glottologico Italiano," vol. i. Saggi Ladini. Rome, Turin, Florence, 1873. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 239 stretches across the greater part of the Swiss canton of the Grisons, being there spoken by about 40,000 ; making altogether 580,000 — a number which, though inconsiderable, cannot deprive the Ladin of its claim to be regarded as a true language. Its central and eastern groups have been wrongly connected with the Italian system, from which they differ altogether both in their substance and phonetics, while closely allied to each other in those respects. The literature of the western branch, that of the Grisons, is but little developed. Its oldest document is a version of the New Testament dating from the sixteenth century, while those of the Friuli dialect are referred to the twelfth century, consisting, no doubt, of rather short inscriptions, but long enough to enable, us to characterise the language of that period. (e) Spanish. Spanish departs most from Latin in its phonetics andA'ocabularv. which latter, amongst other foreign elements, contains a consider- able number of Arabic words; but in the formation of its words it remains very faithful to its prototype. Its oldest texts belong to the middle of the twelfth century, still somewhat scanty at that period, hut growing more and more abundant in the following iry. But there exist older traces stil] of the Spanish language consisting mostly of words occurring in the writings of S. Isidore of Seville, who flourished in the seventh century. Spanish is al present confined on the west by the Portuguese, on the- north by the Basque, whose limits are given at p. 109, and in the east il is spread throng] I Catalonia and Valencia, hut as the literary standard only, the current speech here being the Catalonian, referred to in our notice of the Provencal Or the other hand, Spanish has occupied Axagon, where Catalonian was formerly ken, and it is also encroaching on the southern frontier of the . .lie, which it has already driven from Vitoria, Estella, Pam- pluna, and N . while Bilbao and A.glZ already occupy ;i mixed /one. Tim- Basque L losing ground much more rapidly on the south than on the north of the Pyrenees; beci [ready , .plained, it findfl it-elf in Spain directly opposed DJ ;m 240 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. language, while in France it comes more directly in contact with Gascon, a Langue d'oc dialect, whose own existence is already imminently threatened by French. (f) Portuguese. Though nearly allied to Spanish, Portuguese cannot be looked upon as a Spanish dialect. With Galician, spoken in the north- west corner of the peninsula, it rather forms an entirely independent branch of the Eomance family. Its oldest records are more recent than the Spanish, dating apparently only from the last years of the twelfth century. The stock of Arabic words occurring in Spanish is much the same as that found in Portuguese, which, however, also contains a number of French terms foreign to Spanish. They are supposed to have been introduced during the rule of Henry of Burgundy, at the end of the eleventh century. (rj) Rumanian Derives from the vvdgar Latin, introduced into Dacia by the .Roman legionaries settled there by Trajan, during the first years of the second century of our era. " The Roman soldiers released from further service," says Picot, "together with the honesta missio, obtained th& jus connubii and the jus commercii, that is the right of trading and intermarrying with the barbarians. Thus forever cut off from their native land, and stationed for five-and-twenty years in the same outposts, the legionaries became attached to the country Avhere they had lived and fought, and availed themselves of the opportunities afforded them by the law, to settle down there permanently. It was thus that were formed on the banks of the Danube the first centres of a Roman population, and these veteran settlers were soon joined by other colonists from all quarters of the empire, and especially by the barbarians attracted thither by the allurements of trade. The military colonies were very numerous in Dacia, at the period Avhen the Romans were compelled to with- draw from that province. The purely Roman population may be supposed to have followed the legions to the right bank of the Danube, Avhilst the issue of the unions of the veterans and the Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 241 barbarians, remained in the country of their birth, retaining the language they had adopted from their masters, and from these doubtless are sprung the modern Rumanians." We shall have to speak farther on of the old Dacian tongue, whose position in the Aryan family is far from being yet settled. Rumanian very probably retains in its vocabulary some remains of this ancient language, though what they are, it might be somewhat difficult to determine. To do so, it would be necessary in the first place to know more of the old Dacian idiom than wc now do, or than Ave are ever likely to do. However, a list, not without im- portance, has been made of the elements borrowed by the Rumanian from the Slavonic tongues, in historic times ; and besides these there are a number of words derived from the Greek and other sources. Rumanian was long supposed to be a Slavonic dialect; an error due not only to the Slavonic words existing in it, but also to the circumstance that it was till recently written in Cyrillic letters, that is, with the same alphabet employed by the Russian, Serbe, and Bulgarian. In certain cases this alphabet offered considerable advantages, but was in other respects very inconvenient, so that it lias been at last finally abandoned for the Roman letters. When it was found necessary to make a selection of the diacritical signs needed to supplemenl the Roman alphabet, there were several systems <>i' transcription to ehoosc from. Hence no complete agree- ment was arrived at, though tins much-to-be-desired result will doubtless, some day be achieved.* The Latin vowels, as shown by Mussafia, have undergone two main modifications in the mouth of the Dacian populations. < >n the one hand, the vowels e and o, when toned, have in certain eases been changed to ea and oa, that is, they have become diphthongs ; on the other, many yowelfl have acquired a very deep ami almost nasal sound. This double phenomenon constitutes one of the le iding Eeal urea of the Rumanian tongue.t * riem. "La Soci&e* Litteraire de Bucarest et I'Orfchographie de la Langne Roumane." Paris, L867. f "Zor Bomaenigchen Vocalisation*" Vienna, 18G8. R 242 THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. It possesses an article which, however, as iu Bulgarian and Albanian, it suffixes instead of prefixing: omul — mau,-the. This agreement of three perfectly distinct idioms, but spoken in the same geographical zone, is not a little remarkable. But whether it is to be looked upon as a relic of some common speech, such as the old Dacian, which may have left this inheritance to the various tongues supplanting it in these regions, is still a moot question. Rumanian is very homogeneous, more so than any other neo-Latin speech. The meaning of certain terms may vary from place to place, but this is not enough to constitute distinct dialectic varieties; There is scarcely any true dialect except the Macedo-Eumanian spoken in Rumelia, Thessaly, and Albania. With the exception of this detached subdivision, Rumanian is singularly uniform and compact, forming a sort of irregular circle of over a hundred leagues in length, from the Dniester to the Danube, and about the same in width from Arad to the mouth of the Danube. Besides Wallachia and Moldavia, that is Rumania proper, it comprises the north-east of the principality of Servia, the banat of Temesvar, a great part of eastern Hungary, the greater portion of Transylvania, South Bukovina, Bessarabia, and the Danubian delta. It is at present spoken by perhaps 9,000,000 of people, about half of whom are in Rumania proper. The name of Wallachians (that is Walsch = Welsh = foreign) given to them by the Germans, they naturally repudiate, calling themselves Rumanians, and their speech Rumanian, herein anxious above all to perpetuate the memory of their origin. § 6. — TJie Keltic Languages. Few words have given occasion to more anthropological, ethno- graphical, and archaeological misconceptions than this of Kelt and Keltic. Amidst all this confusion erroneous theories of language and races have played a larger part than elseAvhere, but the matter seems at last fairly set at rest. Caesar's tripartite division of Gaul (at the opening of the " Commentaries ") into Aquitania on the south, Keltica in the centre, and Belgium on the north, was quite correct. Budding upon this classification, which is moreover confirmed by a Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 243 great number of other passages, anthropology has shown that the present people of Auvergne and the Low Bretons are the principal French representatives of the small and swarthy Keltic race, which neither had nor has any connection with the tall, fan, blue-eyed and soft-complexioned neighbouring race that we may call by the name of Galats, Wallem, Belgian, or Kyniric. This latter people has often bat wrongly been spoken of as a Keltic race, and. as M. Broca has conclusively shown in an excellent essay on the subject, it never had any claim to this title.* The confusion that has too long obscured the subject was largely due to the name itself of " Keltic languages,"' applied in too general a way to the Kelts and the Galats of the north-east. From the feet that these last spoke a language called " Keltic," they were converted into " Kelts," whose languages and races were again con- fused. It would have been just as reasonable to apply the term Gralat to the Keltic tongues, and that this has not been done is undoubtedly due to the fact that the Kelts, a small, dark, bracky- cephalous race, had invaded the region known afterwards as Gaul, Long before the Galats, allied to them in speech but not in race, also arrived there. To explain this now ascertained fact of two very dissimilar vans speaking closely connected varieties of the same Language, it must be admitted that they both at some period lived in close intimacy. But this is nothing mora than what is taking place everywhere at the present moment. Thus, for instance, there is no such thing as . bat rather many races speaking Freneh; no Italian i many ra© speaking [tauan ; no ( iermanic raee, bul rather many races speaking German. It would be Impossible accurately to determine the region where the Galats and Kelts, Living almosi in eon inity, spoke idioms •.n after* "Keltic;" but all the anthropological * "La I ique Anoienne et Bfoderne, Arvernea et Arcnoricans, .-,"'• Revue d*Anthropologie," ii. p. 577 j :"><1 bj ax ['Anthropologic de ta l''rancc en genera B en particuHer," " Memoires de la Boo. d'Anthropo iiL p. 1 17. i: 2 244 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. arguments point at a country situated towards the south-east of Europe, and -\ve have elsewhere suggested that it may very well have been the region of the Dnieper and the Lower Danube.*" Without, however, dwelling on this side of the " Keltic question," without even inquiring as to which of the two branches of the Keltic tongues is to be referred to the Galats and which to the Kelts, we shall at once deal with the purely philological question, with which we are here alone directly concerned. The Keltic tongues are divided into two distinct and clearly defined branches. One of these has received the names of Hibernian, Gaedlielic or Gaelic, the other those of Breton [Welsh) and Kymric. Following the usual practice, and for the purpose of avoiding &\\y misunderstandings, we shall speak of them under the names of Gaelic and Kymric. Xor do we pretend to assert that there may not formerly have been other branches of the Keltic family besides these two. The fact is even probable, if we admit the wide diffusion of these idioms in very remote times. It does not seem quite impossible that documents may yet be brought to light in central Europe, perhaps in the region of the Danube, tending to confirm this supposition. But pending the discovery of such documents, our remarks must be limited to the two groups above mentioned. The Gaelic Branch comprises three languages, Irish, Erse, and Manx, all three closely allied to each other. Owing to its better preservation and to the wealth of its literature, the importance of Irish for the study of the Keltic tongues is very considerable. Its literary wealth is doubtless relative only, that of the cognate languages having been so little developed. The oldest Irish documents consist more particularly of more or less lengthy glosses occurring either in the margin or between the lines of Latin manuscripts as old as the eighth century. The old Irish inscriptions in the so-called " Ogham " characters cannot be more recent than the fifth century, that is the epoch when Latin writing spread among the Irish and Bretons. But the * " Bulletins de la Soc. d' Anthropologic de Paris?," 1874. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 245 origin of these characters is as yet far from heing cleared up, ami we cannot therefore further occupy ourselves with them here. Irish letters reached their greatest height in the Middle Ages, and of this period there remain a number of chronicles and tales, besides translations of foreign works. At the time of the Uenais- sance the language entered on the period of decay and ultimate. extinction. At present there are at the utmost not more than 950,000 speaking both Irish and English, and not more than 160,000 speaking Irish exclusively, all restricted to the west [and south-west] part of the island. Its geographical position has better preserved the Erse, or Scot*-!, Gaelic, from the encroachments of the English language. Still, it is now spoken by scarcely more than 400,000 individuals, many of whom also speak English. And it would be rather difficult to say how many are acquainted with Gaelic alone. It occupies all the north of Scotland, except a small tract on the extreme north-east, besides the west and [a portion of] the centre, say, approximately, tip- south of Caithness, Sutherlandshire, Ihvemessshire, Argyleshire, and the west of Perthshire. It also extends over the neighbouring Hebrides, but is unknown in the Orkney and Shetland islands. Though 1' ss ancient than the Irish, the Gaelic literature of Scotland has the greal advantage of having more faithfully pre- i the memory of the old traditions (a statement which would probably be warmly contested by Irish writers). The apocryphal poems of Ossian, which gave rise to so much controversy about a hundred years ago, had unquestionably a groundwork of truth ; and even now the Scotch Highlanders are Ear from having forgotten all the Legends of their forefathers. The dialect of the [ale of Man is of but secondary interest, and Ls now spoken by scarcely a fourth, if even BO many, of the inhabitant The Kymric Branch comprises Welsh, Cornish, /.<<"• Breton, and Gaulish, of which two only .-till survive (the Welsh and Breton). Of all the Keltic literatures thai of Wales shows al presenl the . mptomS of vitality. Welsh glosses OCCUI as early as the 246 THIltD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. eighth century,* consequently as old as the Irish glosses above alluded to ; though otherwise in every respect of far less import- ance. The flourishing period of Welsh literature extends from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, during which time were produced a number of chronicles and poems. The Benaissance seemed at first to threaten Welsh letters with extinction, but they subsequently recovered to some extent, and Welsh is still a written language. Corn i all, on the contrary, became extinct in the last century. Its most ancient monument is a glossary with the title of " Vocabula Brittanica," dating from the thirteenth or (more probably) from the twelfth century. [It is marked Vesp. a 14 in the Cotton Col- lection in the British Museum, and has been carefully arranged alphabetically, and printed by Mr. Edwin J>~orris in his " Cornish Drama," vol. ii., and also by Zeuss in his " Grammatica Celtica," less correctly.] Some other Cornish writings may be referred to the period of the Benaissance, more particularly a sort of Christian mystery on the Bassion, into which a number of English words have already found their way. [Of this poem there are four copies extant, and it has been more than once printed. But the corrected edition by Whitley Stokes in the " Transactions of the Bhilological Society of London," 1862, supersedes all the others, which were almost worthless. It is accompanied by a translation.] Breton or Armorican possesses no documents of any great antiquity, and those referred to a period anterior to the fourteenth century are doubtless not so old. [Yet the chartularies of the monasteries of Bhedon and Landevin belong partly to the tenth and partly to the eleventh century. Some of them have been printed by Courson in his "Histoire des Beuples Bretons," Baris, 1846.] The best known Breton work is the life of St. iNbnna * The oldest Welsh records of this sort probably are the vellum MSS. in the Bodleian — Auct. F. 4 — 32, in Wanley's Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon MSS. 2. 63. It includes accounts of weights and measures in Welsh, intermixed with Latin, the alphabet of Nemnivus giving the forms of the letters and their names in Welsh, the grammar of Eutychius with interlined Welsh glosses, &c. These glosses Zeuss refers to the eighth or ninth century. — Note by Translator. CiiAr. v.] THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 247 (or Nonita) and her son (referred by Zeuss to the fourteenth century, and published under the title of " Buhez Santez Nbnn, ou vie de Sainte JNTonne et de sod iils Saint Devy," Arc., with a French translation by M. Legonidec, in 1837). Breton literature, however, may now be said to be entirely extinct. All that survives of the old songs and traditions is being rescued from oblivion, though tin- publication of some more or less apocryphal pieces oughi not to be allowed to cast a doubt on the genuine nature of many others. Breton is spoken in the department of Finistere and in the western parts of the Cotes-du-Xord and of Morbihan. It com- prises four dialects, that of Leon being the best known and seemingly the most important. The twenty- four inscriptions Ave possess in the old GnuliSh language were mostly discovered in the region of the Middle Saone, though some come from the Lower Rhone, from eastern Normandy, and from other places. Written in Latin characters, and occasionally in Greek, as, for instance, that of Ximes, these Gaulish records still remain undeciphered, though they have given -ion to some really valuable essays, such as that of Pictet : ' f and others. But we have moreover the names of localities and of other proper names occurring in the classic writers, all of which together is more than enough to allow of the old Gaulish being classed with tic KLymric branch of the Keltic tongues ; hut we shall again reveri to this subject a little farther on. The incursion of the Gadatians into Asia Minor, where the\ settled, is an historical event. Bui their speech, which, according to the old authorities, resembled thai of the inhabitants of Treves (Lower Moselle), disappeared during the first centuries of our i r;i. certainbj not later than the fourth. The Keltie ' ],;r]< what the Teutonic possess, Leading feature such as tic (regular) interchange of con sonanl . Bui whilst showing strong affinities as well fco the Teutonic 1 on the one hand, as to the Italic mi tin- other, * " : gologiqne," L867, i>. -7-'; Tbid., Alfred Maury, L866, |». 8. Wilis |< Inscriptions;" aJ o in bhe "Beifcrage max Vet- gleiohendeu Bprachforschung," ii. p. 100. 248 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. y. they do not the less present a very striking character of their own. It would be impossible, perhaps, to define this character very exactly, hut it is the result of a perfectly definite aggregate. All the Keltic tongues in the matter of word-formation may he said to have shown a strong tendency towards contraction. We saw higher up how French, resting mainly on the Latin toned syllable, often disregarded the unaccented ones, as in porche from portions, livrer from liberdre, regie from regula, leur from Riorum. It may possibly have inherited this tendency from the Keltic-speaking inhabitants of Gaul, before the vulgar Latin had there become (what we now call) French. Hence the contracted and condensed state of the Keltic words themselves might be supposed clue also to an analogous tendency. But what was the law regulating the play of accent in the prehistoric or primitive Aryan Keltic 1 Un- fortunately this is a point that it is now impossible to settle, and it consequently leaves a wide scope for conjecture. A glance at the vocalismus of the old Irish readily shows that it is closely akin to that of the Latin language. Thus the vowel a of the common Aryan speech frequently becomes e, as in Irish rrlt — Latin equus = primitive Aryan aJcvas = horse. The diph- thongs also are contracted, as in Irish fkli = Latin view for veicos = Aryan vaikas. The final vowels are, moreover, usually sacri- ficed, as may be seen by these two examples. What we have said of the old Irish is equally applicable, not only to the other Gaelic dialects, but also to those of the Kymric branch. Both of these branches resemble each other very closely in their consonantal systems also. Thus each in certain cases aspirates the common Aryan consonants Tc t p. But this is less common in Kymric than in Gaelic : thus Breton and Welsh have dec for the old Irish deich (the ch = x) = ten, which in modern Irish becomes deag, the aspirates being again corrupted to simple explosives. The Kymric and the Gaelic phonology, again, are distinguished from each other by a very general and striking characteristic. The organic 7c of the common Aryan continues in the Gaelic group (except its occasional change to an aspirate as above), whereas in the Kymric it becomes j> as a rule. Here are a few examples of Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 249 this important fact: Welsh peduuar, pedwar = four ; Breton peuar, pevar, where the primitive k has become^, in the Gaelic branch continuing, as in the Irish eethir (c = Jc) compared with the Latin quotum and the Lithuanian Icdnri. So with the Welsh pimp, pump and Breton pemp, compared with the old Irish eoic, modern Irish I'ui'j and Latin guinque. This change of k to p is clearly seen in the old Gaulish, and is one of the reasons for grouping this language with the Kymric. We know, for instance, that the Latin quvnquefolium = cinquef oil or "five-fingered grass," was named pempedula, which compare with the Welsh pump and Breton pemp^&ve, as above; nor is this an isolated instance. Irish declension has suffered much, the primitive case-endings having generally been very seriously corrupted, and occasionally disappearing altogether, .rendering it difficult to determine at a glance the case of the noun. [This corruption of the amlaut had already affected the oldest historical forms of the Irish to such an extent as to render their comparison with the primitive Aryan almost impossible without assuming two or three intervening stages, as thus : Primitive Form. Prehistoric Form. Oldest Historic Form. Singular — Nom. ballas balls ball Acc. Italian balln ball Dat. ballui or ballu balln baul Plural— Dat. ballabis ball (a) bis ball (a) ib, &c] < >M pronominal forms, assuming the force of true articles or prepo i ime to I"- employed as a remedy for the confusion thence arising. Tim-- the form athir -. father, has, as it stands, the force of no particular case, bul intathir becomes the nominative pater, and sinnathir the accusative /»'//• kin-, means at once /■'.'■. i /' . A-.-., ii,,- article "/' always preceding it: tot) and t to the English th hard, as in three, thank. Hence where the Sanskrit, faithful to the organic explosives, says bhrdtd, the Gothic has brdfhar, changing the aspirate to a non-aspirate, and the strong to a fricative. So also the Sanskrit ajras = tbe Greek nypos- and Latin ";/',■, in Gothic becomes akrs = acre, the weak explosive changing to a strong one. Nothing is simpler or more uniform than this law. being always constant except when interrupted by some physiological impediment, as when an * precedes the explosive that, would have to lie made strong, in which case it remains unchanged. Thus the Sanskrit asti and Lithuanian esti answer to the Gothic ist = i&. This Leading characteristic of the Teutonic system, in its broad outlines, was in tie- course of ages further developed ami com- pleted, but it still remained tie- vnv groundwork of the whole in. B idea tie- new fricatives,/, h, th, hard ami soft, and z, the old Teutonic tongue added Little to the common stock of th organic Aryan consonants. < m the other hand thej Losl the three i ated i v/', dh, bh, which, as explained, ha\ e I u com erted into three simple explo i In their vocalismus the Teutonic tongues are. Less pure, having 254i THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. greatly modified the original Aryan system, and developed a great wealth of diphthongs. Their old declension, though not so well preserved as that of most of the other Aryan groups, is still organic enough in many respects ; hut the conjugation has suffered con- siderable losses, including nearly all the organic tenses. (1) Gothic. But for the generally received practice, we shoidd lie tempted to discard the li and spell this word more correctly as Gotic, and as the Goths themselves wrote it. The difference is material, because, as already remarked, the th of the old Teutonic tongues was a true fricative, and not a more or less aspirated explosive. The Romans wrote correctly Goticus, and the Greek liistorians alone are respon- sible for the vicious spelling Gothic. Gothic was long supposed to be the common progenitor of all the Germanic tongues. But this was not the case ; and though as a whole more correct and more akin to the common Aryan than any one of them individually, it is still in some respects inferior to its congeners. It must, in fact, be placed by the side of the old Icelandic and of the two Low German idioms, also often on the same level as the old High German, though this last, on one special point, is far inferior to all the kindred tongues. Doubtless marry High and Low German forms are explained by the Gothic, but none of them derive directly from it. In a word, Gothic, Norse, High and Low German, all descend from one common source, which none of them now adequately represents. "When this common Teutonic mother-tongue was spoken is a question that wdl scarcely ever be settled. The Gotliic we are acquainted with in the form it had assumed in the fourth century of our era, in the version of the Old and New Testaments, due to "Wulfila (a.d. 318-388), the Ulphilas of Greek writers, bishop of the Goths, settled in Mocsia. It continued to be spoken for five hundred years thereafter, finally dying out in the ninth centurr. Its vocalismus is the least complex of all those of the old Teutonic tongues. We will merely observe that it usually changes the organic a to e or 6, herein often inferior to the High German idioms. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 255- The old diphthongs ai, au, also changes it as a rule into ci and 121 respectively. We have spoken of the general tendency of the Teutonic tongues to strengthen the explosives of the common Aryan. After rigorously applying this law. Gothic afterwards further modified the fricatives thus obtained. Thus at times /1, representing an older /.-. becomes g ; tit, from an older t, changes to d ; and /, from an older p, passes into b. This phenomenon is very remarkable, and the numerous examples of its occurrence have frequently been wrongly cited as so many exceptions to the general principle of strengthening the organic explosives. M. Cliavee has given it the title of "law of polarity," and Ave shall see how the expression may be justified, when speaking of the Low German tongues, in which this secondary law may be detected in actual operation. Meanwhile it will be enough to have noticed its effects on the Gothic language, where, though less general, it still exists. The laws of Gothic phonology are important enough without being very numerous. One of the most characteristic is that in words of mure than one syllable the vowels a and i preceding a final consonant disappear. Another important phonetic law peculiar to Gothic is that which as a rule changes i to ai and u to au before r and h. In the nominal declension < rothic has lost all thi dual Tonus, and . .'. bile nearly all the datives are borrowed from the vocative. Of the organic conjugation it has retained the present and theold reduplicate pasl only, the Latter ai least, for a portion of its verbs; but no vestige remains of the two aorists, the LmperJ and future. It expresses the future by present forms, and for the hulk of derivative verbs it has developed a sort of pasl tensi . Gothic disappeared without leaving any issue, as was the case my other Teutonic tongue pok naboul the same period — those, for in tance, of the Vandals, fferuli, and Burgundians, of m no record 1m\ e survived. I The old Noj e jpeech was trail planted to [celand by the 256 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. Norwegian settlers ; and in consequence of the slow development of civilisation in this remote and inaccessible island, it was here able to maintain itself much more easily than in the other (Scandinavian countries. In fact the modern Icelandic differs little from that old tongue : and its superiority over all its European congeners, not only of the Teutonic, but also of the Slavonic, Keltic, and neo- Latin groups, would be uncontested but for the existence of the Lithuanian. The weak point in modern Icelandic is its subjection to the. already described law affecting the organic explosives, a law, however, common to all the Teutonic family, and from which it could not therefore escape. The old Norse phonology is much more delicate than the Gothic, embracing some twenty different vowels, long and short, besides several diphthongs. There are also twenty consonants, including, besides the sharp and soft explosives, the two fricatives /, h, and the English th, hard and soft. Norse is, moreover, distinguished from the other cognate Germanic tongues by a greater tendency to assimilate its consonants. Its declension, as a rule, is as well pre- served as in Gothic, and its conjugation has suffered the same losses. It has developed a futare, a conditional, and a new past tense by analytical processes. In Iceland were composed the noblest monuments of old Norse literature — the two " Eddas," consisting of a collection of old mythical tales. The first, which is in verse, dates from the eleventh century ; the second, which is in prose, is more recent, forming a sort of supplement to the first. There are four modern Scandinavian tongues : Icelandic, Nor- wegian, Sviedish, and Danish. According to some writers, Icelandic alone derives directly from old Norse, the three other Scandinavian tongues coming from different though nearly related varieties of that old language. Others, on the contrary, hold that old Norse is the common parent of all four. In any case the greater affinity of Icelandic Avith Norwegian, and of Swedish with Danish is un- questioned. They may thus be divided into two tolerably distinct groups.* Icelandic and Norwegian, for instance, retain the old * M. Mobius, " Diinische Formenlehre," p. 2. Kiel, 1871. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 257 diphthongs, which Swedish and Danish change to long vowels : these last again preserve certain initial consonantal combinations, lost or only partly pronounced in Icelandic and Norwegian. Norwegian, whose literature is purely popular, lias lost much ground, to the advantage of Swedish, which possesses a genuine literature. Swedish not only occupies a large part of the Scandi- navian peninsula, lmt is also spread over two tracts of the Finland roast, one on the Gulf of Bothnia, with Vaza as its central point, about fifty leagues in length, but very narrow. The other, which is more important, occupies the western portion of the northern shores of the Gulf of Finland, with Helsingfors for its central point. Landwards both of these territories are encircled by Suomi or Finnish-speaking races. Swedish may, in a general way, be said to have preserved the main features of old Norse better than has the Danish. The con- sonants, k, f, p, for instance, when final, are weakened to g, d, b, in Danish, while they remain unchanged in Swedish. In fact, of all the Norse tongues actually spoken, Danish is the most modern in its forms. It is not only spoken in Denmark but currently written in Norway, and spoken there by the educated classes, Norwegian having sunk to the position of a purely vulgar tongue. Danish is also diffused over the northern portion of Slesvig, including the city of Flensborg. However, there are several varieties. Its oldesl records date from the thirteenth century, lmt its presenl form seems to have grown out of the Zeeland dialect in tie- sixteenth century. Its vocabulary includes a number of foreign words, borrowed from Latin, Swedish. French, and especially < lernian. (3) '/'/" Low German Ch'oup. Tin i branch of the Teutonic tongues is splil up into a considerable number of offshoots. It would seem to have firsl of all given birth to two distinct varieties, the Saxon and tie- Frisic, the former again giving rise directly or indirectly to some half-dozen languages, the s 258 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. whole being usually comprised in some such scheme as the sub- joined : Anglo- Saxon — English /Saxon/ /Low German proper (Platt-Deutsch) \01d Saxon/ /Dutch ^Frisic Netherlandish^ x Flemish "We have no direct knowledge of the common primitive Low German form of speech, any more than of the common primitive Saxon tongue, whence came the Anglo-Saxon and the old (or Continental) Saxon. These two last, however, are historic languages, thoroughly well known. The Old Saxon was spoken from the Rhine to the Elbe, to the south of the Frisic, which occupied the extreme north (western) districts of Germany. Of this old Saxon tongue we possess an important record in the Christian poem of the Heliand = Healer = Saviour, extant in two manuscripts of the ninth century.* Anglo- Saxon (literature) dates from the seventh century, at least in England, to which period is referred its great epic " The Beowulf." [But the MS. of this poem in British Museum, Cott. Vitellius, a 15, is referred by Grein to the tenth century, though it probably represents the West-Saxon speech of the seventh.] The forms of these two old Low German languages did not greatly differ, though presenting certain strongly marked divergences, especially in their phonology. The old Saxon vowel system is much simpler than that of the Anglo-Saxon, which is very complex, and its vocalismus remarkably complete. Anglo-Saxon is divided into two periods, the first, the Anglo- * "Heliand: Poema Saxonicum Sseculi noni," Edidit I. Andreas Schrneller, Monachii, Stuttgartise, Tubinga;, 1830; also, " Glossarium Saxonicum e poemate Heliand," 1840. — Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIED FORM OP SPEECH— INFLECTION. 259 Saxon period proper, reaching to the beginning -of the twelfth century; the second, a semi-Saxon, to the middle of the thirteenth. [The term semi-Saxon is now mostly discarded by English philo- logists, though they have scarcely yet hit upon a convenient substitute for this transition period. In his history of the English language, 1861-7-\ the translator has used the term Broken Saxon for lack of a better.] The first stage of early English is about equally long, extending from 1250 to about 1350, and with it there begins a rapid decay of forms (and endings, which, however, had set in long before). Of the old cases there now remains the genitive only, which is itself often replaced by relational particles. In the middle of the fourteenth century begins the middle English period, which lasts for two hundred years, and during which the process of disintegration goes on with accelerated speed, so that when the new era. or modern English period, sets in, about the middle of the sixteenth century, the language is found to have become almost entirely analytical. * * It is scarcely necessary to remind the reader that no two authors arc quite of accord as to the proper distribution of the various stages of the English language. Some learned and noisy pedants will even insist upon rejecting the nomenclature by which the old or synthetic is clearly distin- guished from the modern or analytic state of the language. They will not hear of the convenient, and in fact almost indispensable, terms Saxon and Anglo-Saxon, and will have nothing but English and old English for all the stages of a language that differs much more at its two extremes than does the modern Italian from classic Latin. The grounds of their violent opposition to the terms Saxon and Anglo-Saxon are based partly upon a mistaken national sentiment, partly upon the practice of Alfred, and partly upon the supposed danger <>f destroying bhe l" to ic continuity of our ing of its different stages under different names. This last ■nt being the weakest of all, is thai which, as usual, is mosi insisted Upon. [t 18 as if an Italian Bhould object io lib died liihjuo, 1 • ■ or ,"" Italiana, lest its lineal descent from Latin might bo therel d. And ye' the Italian bas really far more righl to speak of liis tongue as Latin than we have to confound the languages of Alfred and of Shakespeare under one nomenclature, the difference between the first two being so much less than thai i a between the latter, Or, to the argument a step farther, it is as it' a French philol u mad should object to his speech ! oribed as French or Romance, or even Deo-Latin, and insist upon its being called [ndo*European, bo show it* a -i 260 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. The English dialects are numerous, but they may all be said to have reached the same state of grammatical simplicity. They, however, all of them / in common with the literary standard, retain enough grammar to show the essentially Teutonic character of the language. The introduction of a large number of French (and book-Latin) words into its vocabulary in no way affects its grammar, as has been supposed and asserted. English is not a mixed tongue, but thoroughly Teutonic (in its structure), though its accidence has suffered more than that of any other cognate language. Returning to the second, or old Saxon branch, we have already remarked that its vowel system was much simpler than the Anglo- historical connection with the Aryan inflectional system, and lest it might be mistaken for some agglutinating or polysynthetic form of speech. Let it be borne in mind that the two extremes of our language differ materially in two essential points — their structure and their vocabulary — the one being largely synthetic and homogeneous, the other being of all non-isolating languages the most analytical, and of all cultivated tongues the most heterogeneous in its vocabulary, the Persian, perhaps, alone excepted. Hence the inconvenience of speaking of the whole historic period under one name is so great that if two terms did not exist it would be desirable to invent a second. Alfred's practice is nothing to the point. Whatever he- called it, the language he spoke and wrote iu was Southern — that is, a West- Saxon dialect, and nothing else — and hence is now properly called Saxon. If the term " Englisc " began in his time to be spread southwards, it was simply due to imitation mainly of Bede, who, being a Northerner and writing in Latin, properly spoke of his people as Angli, though also in many places using the term Saxon, even when speaking of all the Teuton inhabitants of Britain collectively, just as the Englishman Boniface in the middle of the eighth century spoke of his country as Saxonia transmarina, in a letter to Pope Zachary. It should be also remembered that the Northern, or Anglian, dialect was the first to be cultivated, whence the term Etujlisc, correctly used by the northern writers, came readily to be adopted in the south when the southern dialect began to be written. But, however called, the fact remains that nearly the whole of extant Anglo-Saxon literature is composed in this Southern or West-Saxon dialect, and is there- fore scientifically not English, or Anglian, at all, but Saxon in the strictest sense of the word. Thus, then, this term is in every way justified, and will doubtless hold its ground in spite of all the empty clamour to the contrary. It has national instinct on its side, which is a more potent factor than false sentiment, and often quite as correct as the soundest scholarship. — Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 261 Saxon, possessing far less vowel sounds. The same holds true of its modern representatives, whose vocalismus is also far less complex than the English. Of these there are two divisions — the Low < rerman proper and the Netherlandish. The Low (ii rman proper, or Piatt Devisch, is the current speech of the lowlands of north Germany. Eastwards it has en- croached considerably on the regions Avhere were formerly spoken Slavonic, and even Lettic idioms, such as old Prussian ami Lithu- anian. But it has never risen to the position of a cultivated tongue, all essays made in this direction having been rendered for ever fruitless by the preponderance of High German. The Netherlandish, or second branch of the Old Saxon, is divided into two varieties, closely akin, if not almost identical — the Dutch and Flemish. The latter is often wrongly regarded as a dialect of the former. They stand both on the same level, being so nearly related that they have justly been said to differ in pronunciation alone. Flemish is still spoken by about 2,500,000 people, and Dutch approximately by 3,500,000, making altogether about C.i ii mm ii ii i. including the French Flemings of the Departement du NorcL The frontier line between French and Flemish passes in the math below (Iravelines, Hazel aouck, Courtrai, Halle, Brussels, Louvain, and Tongres \ in the south above Calais, Saint-Omer, Armentieres, Tourcoing, Ath, Nivelles, I.; - . and Verviers. We have so far spoken of one branch only of Low German, that is the Saxon. The other is immeasurably Less important, compris- ing the Frisic only, a somewhat ancient variety spoken on the coast of the North Sea, as well on the mainland as in the Islands facing it. The Frisians seem to have shrunk from taking part in the migrations that the other Low German tribes undertook, preferrinj t'. remain in their native homes, where their speech retained ci i very old characteristics, in spite of the influence exercised mi it by the neighbouring Dutch, Danish, and Piatt Deutsch dialects. [This statement about ih I home " character of the Frisians must he received wi jerve, there being ■ I grounds ha pecting ila' existence of a good deal of Frisian blood in almost 262 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. every part of England and the Scotch Lowlands.] Frisic has long ceased to he cultivated, having heen, like the Piatt Deutsch, com- pletely overshadowed hy the High German literary standard.* When speaking higher up of the Gothic tongue, allusion was made to a Teutonic phonetic principle secondary to the general law hy which the organic explosives are strengthened, and which prevails throughout the four "branches of this family. And we remarked at the time that this new phenomenon is nowhere more easily to he detected in active operation, than in the various members of the Low German branch. This statement we shall now proceed to illustrate. We know that in virtue of the general principle already ex- plained, the organic explosives Jc, t, p, became in the Teutonic system true fricatives, h, tit, f. The new phenomenon Ave now come to, consists in a further modification of these letters, which at times became g, d, b, and this in all the Germanic tongues. But this change was not effected abruptly, there having been an inter- mediate stage betAveen h and g, th and d, /, and b. And it is here that the Low German idioms are of such extreme importance, often, in fact, showing the simultaneous existence of these various terms of the series. Thanks to them we knoAV that the intermediate betAveen the sharp fricative and soft explosive Avas the correspond- ing soft fricative. Thus the transition from / to b is effected by v ; from h to g hard by a soft h ; from the English th hard to the soft * The oldest Frisian records extant are some legal documents referred to about the middle of the thirteenth century. There has recently appeared an extraordinary work under the title of " The Oera Linda Book, from a MS. of the thirteenth century. The original Frisian text, accompanied by an English version of Dr. Ottema's Dutch translation, by W. R. Sandbach," London : Triibner and Co., 1876. This MS., its Dutch editor asks us to believe, is but a copy of an older one still, that being in its turn a copy of another, and so on back to the original, composed mainly in the year B.C. 559. It purports to give an account of the wanderings and earliest settle- ments of the Frisian people, but teems with such gross absurdities and glaring anachronisms, both philological and chronological, that it is not likely to deceive anyone at all competent to form an opinion as to its authenticity. As literary forgeries the poems of " The Monk Rowley " were triumphs of genius compared with this clumsy and impudent fraud.— Note by Translator,. Chap, y.] THIED FOKM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 263 d by the English th soft, making altogether three successive stages, which will be made clear by one or two examples. The organic pronoun ta, by passing from a strong explosive to a sharp fricative, appears in Gothic as tha (th hard), while in the English article the, this sharp fricative has become soft, and in the Dutch and Flemish de we see the evolution fully carried out. Thus also the Dutch doom answers to the Gothic thaurnus — thorn, voor to faur — iov, vol = fulls — fall. At the same time the English does not always stdp at the intermediate letter on the one hand, nor does it on the other always pass over to that letter, but the frequent occurrence of th hard showing it still in the first period ; the word just quoted, thorn, for instance, standing with the Gothic in the first stage, as compared with the Dutch doom in the third. But this in no way affects the principle, and a time may be confidently anticipated when every th in English will have become d, as is already the case in Dutch and Flemish. A number of English dialects have already arrived at this third period, as shown by dey for they, de for the, in Kent and Sussex, and vor for for in the Isle of "Wight, / becoming v in the same way in Dorsetshire, Devonshire, and Somersetshire. The literary standard will, in its turn, have eventually to suffer the successive modifications that its dialects are now passing through. [On the other hand, the literary standard ■. and the spread of education, are meantime acting as a most powerful check against this very tendency, so that the modifications above spoken of, instead of being further developed, are actually dying oul in many parts of the country, where a corresponding t in in favour of the older pronunciation. Tims, in the lde of Wight, where even the bard th had in some cases i ov< r to the soft d, such expressions as "dree or war years common enough some years hack, are now rarely heard, pi among the extremely old and extremely young. The School Board here, as elsewhere, show-, itself the implacable enemy I dialectic variety, and is everywhere effecting changes in the ' ervative interest, thai is. running counter to the tendency spoken of above. ] 26-4 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chai>. t. (4) The High German Group. New High German occupies a wide domain in the very heart of Europe. In the northern lowlands it is the literary and culti- vated language of countries where Low German proper is spoken, and as such it reaches as far as Flenshorg, in South Sleswig. Towards the north-east it extends almost to the Kussian frontier. where, however, a narrow Lithuanian strip maintains itself, helow Memel and Tilsit. A more extensive Polish tract shuts it off from the frontiers of Poland ; but even here it at least occupies all the chief places, such as Graudenz, Thorn, Posen, and Oppeln. In- closing east and west the Tzech or Bohemian territory, and coming southward by the neighbourhood of Pilsen and Budweis, towards Briinn, in Moravia, the German frontier reaches Presburg, for some forty leagues skirting the Magyar territory, and takes in north Styria (Gratz), north Carinthia (Klagenfurt), the greater part of Tyrol, and three-fourths of Switzerland. Leaving Belfort on the west, it returns northwards by the Yosges, as far as Strasburg, then turns obliquely towards the north-west so as to inclose Thion- ville and Arlon. Thence extending to Aix-la-Chapelle, it henceforth folloAvs very closely the Netherlandish frontier. In the Austrian Empire it is spoken by about 9,000,000, and in Switzerland by nearly 2,000,000. New High German dates from the sixteenth centurj'. The Teutonic branch, which it represents, had previously passed through two stages — the old High German and the middle High German. With these our survey of the Teutonic tongues must conclude. Of High German there are two kinds, the strict grammatical language, and the current speech that has not conformed to the common law. These, however, are not two distinct languages, but one and the same substantially, each containing about ecmal parts (if the two elements. This, as we shall see, is owing to the fact that German was developed in the atmosphere of the courts, and does not therefore represent any particular dialect that has passed from the vulgar to the literary state. Cuap. v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 265 The fundamental but extremely simple principle of this gram- matical style consists in a further strengthening of the organic explosives. We have seen that the primitive Aryan gh, dh, bh had become g, . say, some only of them have worked out the principle to dlesl extent. Whil-t Gothic, foi in tance, says brinnan — to hum. some High German dialects say, prinnan, and the e con quently belong to the stricl division; hut others have not strengthened the &, and the presenl literarj German writes bn The (lot hie galeiks like, appears in the Btricl old High German as kilih, lnit the literary language again writes gleich. So also the 26G THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. Gothic laivuan = to ken, to know, becomes in the strict High German chunnan (where rh=h), and in literary German fcennen. But, as stated, the evolution has been completely worked out in the case of the dental series. Old High German comprises three principal dialects, themselves sul (divided into a number of less important varieties.. The three main divisions are : The Franhish, Alamanno-Swabian, and Austro- Bavarian, their literary remains ranging from the seventh to the eleventh century. The leading feature of these idioms is their retention of the old vowel endings : nimu = I take ; nimit = he takes ; nemat = you take. With the twelfth century we shall see that these vowels began to change to e or disappear altogether. Old High German had, properly speaking, no national literature ; it possesses a number of versions of religious works and some Christian poems, but no genuine Teutonic records. Middle High German sets in with the twelfth century, when its literature returns to the old traditions and legends neglected by the old High German ; but these national subjects are now contem- plated through the medium of Christian thoughts and conceptions. This period, which lasts about four hundred years, is the age of the renowned Minnesingers, Walther von der Vogelweide, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Mthart, Heinrich von Morungen, Tanhuser. The chief characteristic of the language of this period is the absorption in e of the different vowels of the final grammatical syllables. Thus the old High German gibu now becomes gibe = I give. The various old High German dialects were also subjected to tliis law, whilst continuing each to preserve its own individuality and special character. There was, however, formed a literary and Court standard, based on the Swabian dialect,* which had no precedent in the foregoing period. Two striking facts, says Schleicher, distinguish middle from modern High German. In the first the radical syllable is some- times long and sometimes short] in the second it is always long and accented. Hence accent in modern German determines the * Schleicher, "Die Deutsche Sprache," 2nd ed. p. 103 and following. Stuttgart. 1869. Chap, v.] THIED FOKM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 267 length of the syllable it falls on, that is the radical. The other point he thus explains : " In old High German we have to do only with the dialect of whoever happened to he writing. There was no literary standard in general use, and claiming superiority over the other dialects. During the period of middle High German a more general language was developed, that of the Courts. Modem German is still less a particular dialect than was the middle High German of the Courts. It is not the speech of any particular locality, having never been spoken by any community. This is tin- reason why German is so artificial, and why in its phonology and formations it is often so unnatural But on the other hand, from the very fact of its unprovincial character, it accpiires the power of serving as a bond of union between the various Germanic branches." — {Op. cit. ibid.) German can be traced step by step from the time of Luther down to the presenl day. During this period of three hundred years it has doubtless undergone many modifications, but it is, in substance, always one and the same language. We see it taking its rise in the Chancelleries in the sixteenth century; we see the diplomatic documents borrowing arbitrarily from the various current forms of speech, so that German, in a sense, is born on paper. Thanks to the hitltieiiee of these official deeds, thanks above all to the spread of Lutheranism, it gradually makes its way, penetrating into the sanctuary, into the schoolroom, into the courts of justice. The vulgar idioms yield slowly before it, until at last they find them banished to the rural districts. [t must, however, be confessed that the eccentric orthography with which it was handicapped was not at all calculated to speed its literary diffusion. There is nothing more arbitrary [excepl the h and English systems] than this orthography. To lengthen vowels an // is sometimes placed after bhem, a Letter answering t', absolutely nothing in the pasi lih- of the word thus dis- figured; long vowel i d ted bj doubling them, and as their Length ;- on other ■ denoted \<\ no expedient al all, il follows that a Long a may be rendered in three differenl ways by i iple ". by ah, and bj aa, as i the ca e with the three words 268 THIRD FOKM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. zicar, wahr, haar. Again, instead of a simple i, we often meet with ie, while i alone frequently occurs where historical etymology would require ie. Lastly, what is no less whimsical, t is often replaced by th. Many efforts have been made at effecting at least a partial reform of modern German spelling, and these efforts will no doubt be renewed, but we can hardly believe they will ever prove successful. § 8. — The Slavonic Languages. The Slavonic tongues during Medieval times (seventh, eighth, and ninth centuries) occupied extensive tracts where German alone is now spoken. .Such were Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Branden- burg, Saxony, West Bohemia, Lower Austria, the greater part of Upper Austria, Xorth Styria, and North Caxinthia. Slavonic tongues were thus spoken in the localities now occupied by Kiel, Lubeck, Magdeburg, Halle, Leipzig, Baireuth, Linz, Saltzburg, Gratz, and Vienna. The Slavonic tongues are generally divided into two principal groups. But before specifying them, or attempting a general classification of all the members of this family, it Avill be first necessary to broach the subject of the old ecclesiastical Slavonic language. In the seventh century the Slave races had reached their extreme western limits, where they found themselves exposed to the influences of Christianity on the east and south, from the two central points Constantinople and Borne,* The Bulgarians, Serbes, and Bussians were visited by the missionaries from Constantinople, whose triumphs were extremely rapid. With Christianity a regular liturgy was introduced into the Slavonic language. The apostleship of the brothers Constantino (Cyrillus) and Methodius gave a decisive impulse to this movement. Towards the middle of the ninth century Cyrillus remodelled the Greek alphabel for the use of the Slaves and Bulgarians, and translated the Gospels and a number of liturgical pieces, thereafter proceeding with his * Schafarik, " Gescliichte cler Sudslavischen Lifcteratur," iii. Prague, 1865. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 2(19 brother to the Slaves of Moravia. Methodius, Bishop of Moravia and Pannonia, outlived his brother, dying in a.d. 885. The gospel of Ostromir, dating from a.d. 1056, is the oldest manuscript of the language used by CyriUus and Methodius, and which, on account of its being employed in the church service, is known as Church Slavonic, besides being called by some other titles, as we shall presently sec. The modification of the I rreei alphabet effected by CyriUus came to 1)«- called Cyrillian or Cyrillic, and is still in use in an almost identical form amongst the Russians, Bulgarians, and Serbes [or at Last such of the latter as belong to the "orthodox" Greek Church — that is, the Church independent of Rome.] The Runia nians, though speaking a neo-Latin tongue, had also adopted this alphabet, but have fortunately since discarded it and returned to the Roman system, adding a number of more or less conventional bols for sounds peculiar to their language. It is to lie hoped that a day may come when Russian literature also may in its turn give up its traditional alphabet. Without anticipating the circumstances that may bring about this great and fruitful change, we may believe that they will not be long deferred, advantageous as the reform would prove to the civilisation of both extremities of Europe. Th- Slaves of the Latin rite made use of another alphabet, also known as the Glagolitic, tic origin of which is still obscure. Some have thought that it was the older of the two, hut the most nd likely opinion now is that it is nothing hut a perver- ii the Cyrillian. It is supposed to date from the end of the eleventh century, owing its origin to the desire of the south-western preserve, by means of incomprehensible characters, a liturgy that had been condemned by a council, lint however this :i m!I but proven thai I he I rlagolil ic alphabel has no other origin than the ( !yrj fcem.* * This view would nol seem to lie .pi |, ,.,-,. implied. I' is certain!] not entertained by Miklosich, a great authority on "l A Iphabet," I lr, Lopi iu remarl a thai, '•'ill,- Glagolitic i ba ■ '! oi itional alphabet wbioh originally w < 270 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. It is impossible now accurately to determine the geographical limits of Church Slavonic in the ninth century, and those who have essayed to clear up this obscure point have not arrived at the same conclusion. Some think it was spoken in the south- west of the present Eussia ; others in Moravia, and others again in the regions of the present Carinthia, Croatia, Slavonia, and Servia ; while some suppose that it spread over the whole territory between the Black Sea and the Adriatic. According to~Dobrovsky, whose opinion must always carry great weight in all questions of Slavonic philology, it was spoken northwards on the right bank of the Danube, from the Adriatic to the Black Sea, passing through Belgrade and southwards as far as Salonika — that is in Servia, Bulgaria, and Macedonia. Church Slavonic has entirely disappeared as a spoken idiom, but survives, as stated, as a liturgical language; not, however, with- out having undergone some slight changes, due especially to the influence of the living tongues, in the midst of which it was employed as a dead language. These changes have been investi- gated and are well understood, now forming the basis of the two- fold division into old and modern Church Slavonic. It is the first, of course, that philologists so frequently avail themselves of in the study of the Slavonic tongues, although it should not be looked on as the common source of all of them. The Slavonic idioms now spoken are the Russian, Rutheman, Polish, Tsech, Slovalcian, the two Sorbian dialects, Bulgarian, Servo-Croatian, and Slovenian. The limits of Russian, northwards and eastwards, are difficult to determine, as it here comes in contact with the numerous Uralo- Alta'ie idioms (Samoyede, Wogul, &c), which it is gradually encroaching on. Towards the Baltic it scarcely touches the coast- line occupied by the Finnic idioms (Suomi and Esthonian), the taken from the Greek, but was remodelled in the ninth century and adapted to Christian literature by the two Slavonic apostles, Cyrillus and Methcdius, brothers : " 2nd ed. p. 143. The Cyrillian Dr. Lepsios attributes to St. Clemens, who introduced it soon after the other, about a.d. 900. Ibid., p. 147- — Note by Translator. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 271 Swedish (at Helsingfors), and the Lettic (Riga, Mitau) ; a little farther south it comes in contact with Lithuanian. From Grodno fco about a hundred leagues southwards, and in nearly a straight line, it is flanked on the west by Polish ; and lastly, on the south it meets the Ruthenian, of which presently. These limits, however, comprise the so-called " White Russian " dialect, spoken by about 3,000,000. to the north of Ruthenian, to the west of Russian, and east of Lithuanian and Polish, at Vitebsk, Minsk, Mohilev, but whose literature is insignificant. Great Russian, or simply Russian, as -written, is not quite the same as the spoken form, the literary style having borrowed largely from the Church Slavonic. The oldest Russian monuments, whose records can be traced to the eleventh century, consist of laics and narrative poems. Luring the eighteenth century the language was reduced to uniformity, thanks partly to the famous scholar and man of letters Lomonosov (1711-66), after which epoch it has shown signs of an originality and literary vitality that is too seldom appreciated. Russian grammar, unfortunately, presents serious difficulties to the student familiar with the Romance and Teutonic tongues alone. [ts phonology Is somewhat complex, nor is thesound of the trowels always the same. Tims, a, in untoned syllables, is somewhat like e, while e itself is sometimes open and sometimes shut. In un- toned syllables o is uttered like a, as in kolokol = hell, where the aeei.ni being on the first, the first o alone retains its force, the others becoming a : Jcolakal. Moreover, Russian accent itself, like that of some cognate tongues, is not at all easy ; though well enough known, its laws are far from all being yet determined. Russian declension is much the same as that of its congeners, tin- only pant to be noticed being lie' phonetic laws more or less peculiar to it. in its conjugation, it is distinguished by the com- plete loss of two of the old tenses- the aorist and the imperfect • in Ruthenian, but retained in Servian and I and trace-: <>f which are to be detected in the oldesl Polish and Tsech monument . Tie \ are replaced in Russian by a participle : on dal=he has given (mas.), dala fern., dala neuter, dali plural of 212 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. V. all genders, a periphrasis which has somewhat the sense of " I am having given, Ave are having given." JRuthenian, called also Rusnialc and Little-Russian [and even S7nall-Mussian\, is not a Russian dialect, though nearer akin to it than any of the other cognate tongues. It occupies approximately one-fourth of European Russian, south of a nearly straight line, passing above Vladimir in Volhynia, Kiev, and Kharkov. In Austria, it is spread over the greater part of Galicia, skirting Hungary on the north-east, above the Magyar and Rumanian. The Russian Ruthenians, including the Cossacks, are about 11,500,000 and those of Austria upwards of 3,000,000, making a total of over 14,500,000 speaking Little-Russian. Their literature, like that of the southern Slaves, and like that of the- Russians themselves, is above all national and traditional. A .great number of compositions in Ruthenian have within the last fifty years been published under the titles of popular songs of Ukrania, national songs of southern Russia, of Galicia, and Volhynia. Though diverging little from Russian, Ruthenian still distinctly differs from it. Thus, it does not convert into liquids all the con- sonants that may be so treated in Russian, amongst others the labials p, b, v, m. It changes the older k and r/ to ck and French j oftener than Russian does ; its accent often differs ; it has lost the present participle passive retained in Russian, and it possesses infinitive forms with diminutive meanings. These, with some other more or less noteworthy peculiarities, have sufficed to cause it to be treated as a distinct and clearly-marked idiom. Polish comprises a number of dialects, the whole covering a vast extent of territory, divided between Russia, Austria, and Prussia. Its eastern frontier extends from Grodno to Jaroslav, partly follow- ing the course of the Bug ; but its western limits are less distinct, being daily encroached on in this direction by German, which has already occupied all the more important localities. In Austria Polish is restricted to western Galicia, a tract much less in size than the eastern portion of the same region, occupied, as above stated, by the Ruthenians. German has gained considerably on the Polish Chap, v.] THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 273 domain, its whole eastern territory, even in Russia, being inter- spersed with. German-speaking communities, some reaching almost to the gates of Warsaw; nor has Galicia escaped this invasion, due mainly to the spread eastwards of the German Jews. The number of Poles in Russia is set down at 4,700,000, in Prussia at 2,450,000, and in Austria and Hungary at 2,465,000, making an approximate total of 9,615,000 still speaking Polish. Its phonology is simple enough, and the alphabet employed by it may be looked on as one of the most defective. Thus the sound of <:h (as in church), instead of being denoted by a single symbol, such as the c Tsech and Croatian, is expressed by the combination cz, while sz is made to do duty for the Tsech and Croatian s answering to our sli, and instead of the Croatian or English v it uses w in the German fashion. Nor are these the only short- comings of its method of transcription, so that should the pre- sent efforts at reform prove successful, there will be good grounds for congratulation. Besides the rowels a, c, i, o, u, y (somewhat like French v), e (very like i in sound), 6 (resembling the English oo), there are two nasal vowels, answering to some extent to the French an and in, but in certain cases, especially at the end of words, 1 icing uttered as o and e. In short they correspond to two nasal vowels of the old Church Slavonic, which seemed to have answered to the French 072 and in. The variations of the Polish consonants, according to their juxtaposition with certain other consonants, are somewhat important, as in the ca e of the fricatives, which often undergo such permutations as to render the origin of the word very obscure. A< nt is very simple, falling always on the penultimate, except in foreign word-, whereas in Russian and Ruthenian, as already remarked, it may fall on any syllable, and we shall see that the i- the case in Slovenian and Croato-Servian, while in Tsech and Sorabian it affects the first syllable. Eence Polish La in this ct clearly ■ hied from its congeners. Polish literature is at once important and original, dating from the end of the tenth century, and including a great number of chroniclers and poei , ome of then as old as the twelfth. It T 274 THIRD FOKM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. t. continues still to flourish, and a statement published in connection with the last Exhibition of Vienna gives three thousand and upwards as the number of works either printed in Polish or pub- lished by Poles in foreign tongues during the single year 1871. The actual limits of Tsech and of SlovaJcian, which is closely allied to it, are not easy to determine. The region occupied by them, comprising all Bohemia, except a strip on the west and north, the greater part of Moravia, and the tract to the south of the Polish domain, stretches from Pilsen to the Carpathians, for a distance of about one hundred and fifty leagues, varying in breadth from twenty-five to fifty. The last official returns estimate the number of Tsechs, Moravians, and Slovakians at about 6,500,000. Prom the time of its earliest records, dating from the eighth century, the Tsech language has undergone serious modifications, a fact to be attributed to the important political movements of which Bohemia has been the scene. Nor do we refer merely to orthographic differences, due to the fact that in the oldest Tsech documents the Eoman letters were used in their simple state, with- out being supplemented by the necessary diacritical signs; the changes alluded to affect the structure itself of the language. The reform of the Tsech orthographic system, begun some centuries back, was completed in 1830, by the substitution of the ordinary Eoman for the medieval Gothic characters, and the finishing stroke was given to it some twenty years ago, by discarding the Polish and German w for the Latin v. This reform, so urgently needed in itself, was of the greatest consequence for the language also, and for its development and diffusion. Nothing was more uncertain than the old Tsech writing system, in which one and the same sound was often denoted in three, four, five, and six different ways. Thus s was transcribed by z, s, sz, szs, zz, and ss indifferently, k by c, k, q, ch, ks, ck, and so on. On the other hand, a single Eoman letter often stood for three or four totally different sounds, so that the difficulty of correctly settling the old Tsech texts may easily be conceived, with such a system, or rather utter want of system, as this. The Tsech vowels, a, e, i, o, u, y (usually pronounced as i) have all their corresponding long vowels now marked with an oblique Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 275 stroke : d, e, &c. Another Tsech vowel, pronounced ye, has no diacritical sign to denote its long sound. Tsech also possesses the vowels r and /, always short in the ordinary dialect, but which may be long in Slovakian. But the Polish nasal vowels are unknown, nor have any traces of them been discovered in the oldest texts. The Tsech vowels are somewhat shifting, being especially affected by contact with a j (pronounced y), which changes, for instance, to e and i the following a and e, and to e the preceding a. The consonantal system is rich, including some liquid dentals, a peculiar /• answering to the Polish rz, and with the force of the French rj, besides some fricatives readily affected by contact with certain other sounds. It has been above stated that in Tsech, the accent falls on the first syllable of every word. Let us observe, in conclusion, that the old Tsech conjugation was in a good state of preservation, but that the modern language, like most of the cognate tongues, has lost the old imperfect and aorist. Tsech literature dates, as already stated, from the eighth century, its first records being the celebrated manuscripts of Kralovdor rigenhof) and of Zelenohora (Grunberg), discovered in 1817, and the genuineness of which is now established. They beloi the transition period from heathendom to Christianity, and are as important philologically as they are for the study of the old Bohemian religious myths. There are also several fragments dating from the tenth century. Down to the epoch of the Hussite war, :nia, which had struck the first note of religions freedom, p ,1 the mo8l important of all the Slavonic literatures. When it Eel] under German rale, its national speech was rigorously sribed, whoever attempted to restore it td its pristine honour, becoming the victims of the Jesuits. [TheTe seems here to he a trifling anachronism, Bohemia having hern finally broughl within the German political system on the conclusion of the Bussite . in l 137 ; thai is to a century before the foundation <>f the order of the ■■ bj Loyola, 1 1 '. » 1 L556.] is nol till towards the end of the lasi centurj thai Bohemian rs were again r.-vi\ The- Serbian, or Bordbian, called also Wendic, or l/ueatian r 2 276 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. comprises two distinct varieties, High and Loio Sorbian [or, according to some Sorbian writers, High Lusatian and Wendic]. Its whole territory is now reduced to about twenty-five leagues by twelve, watered by the Spree, two-thirds in Prussia, and the rest on the south in Saxony, its most important points (Kottbus, Bautzen) being already absorbed by the surrounding German. A tract of about twelve leagues separates the Sorbian frontier southwards from the northern Tsech frontier. About the middle of the sixteenth century the Lusatian territory was twice as extensive as at present, and it is being still constantly encroached on from the north, west, and east by the German, so that it now contains scarcely more than a popidation of 130,000 speaking Slave dialects. The oldest printed Wendic document is a book of Catholic devotion, published in 1512. During the seventeenth century there were a number of works written in Sorbian, but at the beginning of the ninteenth this literature was almost entirely extinct. Attempts were later on made to revive it, and in 1845 a society was formed, around which the literary life of the country has rallied. The Servian, or Croatia?!, or better still, the Servo-Croatian, with its two great intellectual centres, Belgrade and Agram, or Zagreb, occupies a considerable position not only amongst the south Slavonic, but amongst the Slavonic tongues generally, a position it is entitled to on the threefold ground of its history, philology, and geography. It is spread over the principality of Servia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, a portion of south Hungary (Zombor), Sla- vonia, Croatia, nearly the whole of Istria and Dalmatia, a region embracing altogether a popidation of about 6,000,000. In such a wide domain the dialectic varieties are naturally somewhat numerous ; they may, however, be grouped in three main divisions — the western, less cultivated than the others; the southern, mostly in Dalmatia ; and the eastern, in Servia and south Hungary, on the banks of the Danube. The leading feature of these three varieties is the different pronunciation of a vowel, which was originally undoubtedly an e. In Belgrade, south Hungary, and Sirmia it still retains this sound, but in the Avestern dialect it becomes i, and in the southern je or ije (pronounced ye or iye). But whether you Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. -77 say vera, vira, or vijcra = heliei ; reha, rika, or rijeka = river, you will be readily understood from the Adriatic to the Rumanian frontier. The Croato-Servian language is unfortunately burdened with a twofold writing system, in the east the Cyrillian, in the west the Latin alphabet, supplemented with some accessory symbols. This much-to-be-regretted discrepancy is the result of the old religious schism, and must for a long time delay the union that European civilisation has so much interest in seeing effected between the Serbes of Turkey and the triple Dalmato-Croato-Slavonian territory. Xot that an important step had not already been made in this direction at the beginning of this century, notably by the sort of unification and codification effected by the celebrated Vouk Stephanovich Karajich for the languages of the Servian principality and of south Hungary. When Vouk undertook the work he was enabled so successfully to carry out, the Servian tongue could scarcely be said to have yet been settL 1. Most of the literary class considered as their national speech a somewhat artificial idiom formed of old Church Slavonic elements blended with those of the really living and current tongue. The latter was otherwise treated by them as merely a vulgar patois. Vouk, however, proposed to adopt this national speech, such as it was, and to radically reform its orthography. The struggle Lasted for half a century, but he succeeded in the end, thanks bo his perfect knowledge of the Servo-Croatian tongue, as well as to the accuracy and scientific character of his labours. The essence of the Servo-Croatian literature is the ballad, or national song, the P , Pisma, or Pjesma. A great number of these pieces have been collected and published. Many are un- doubtedly very old, and the very form in which they still exist shows how little the language has been changed during the cur-,' of centuries. Bui whilsl its grammar has remained intact, the ; tally of the eastern varii Lmitti -1 far to,. a Qumber of Turkish words, to which musl be added the inroad of German and French terms into the current scientific and i ech. uid the Slavonic countries belonging to the eastern rite 278 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. have had a special literary development, which, if little known, is not unimportant in itself. It dates at least from the beginning of the thirteenth century, although the documents belonging to this early period are of but little intrinsic worth. Before this time, and at most before the twelfth century, there are no records of the Servian tongue beyond a series of words, and of proper names occurring mainly in the Greek and Latin writers. The written monuments of the western Servo-Croatian territory date from the twelfth century, but the choice literature of Ragusi was not developed till the sixteenth. Nor was it till the 4 end of the same century that the local Croatian literature begins, a literature that at present occupies such an important position in the domain of historical criticism and the science of language. The special study of the Servo-Croatian tongue is of the greatest importance in the general study of the Slavonic group, ranking perhaps in this respect next to the Church Slavonic itself. In fact, of all the members of this family, the' Servo-Croatian and the Slovenian are those that have least suffered in their phonology, and as we have already seen, it is precisely phonology that forms the groundwork of all philological studies. The Slavonic comparative grammar of Miklosich,* a fundamental work for the study of the idioms of this group, at every step supplies the most striking proofs of the vast importance of Servo-Croatian, and the perusal of the excellent works of Danichich, Jagich, and JSTovakovich must remove the last doubts that could be possibly entertained on the subject. Servian phonology, which is by no means complex, comprises six vowels, a, e, i, o, u, and r ; and its consonantal system is no less simple, nearly all the sounds possessing English equivalents, with the notable exception of the two liquid palatals 6 and gj. The c has the force of t followed by the Scotch ch, and gj that of an analogous d. The Servian accent is very difficult for a foreigner. There are usually reckoned four kinds of accent, which, however, ought to be reduced to two, a strong and weak, each both long and short. Servo-Croatian also has a great advantage over most of its * " Vergleichende Gram, cler Slavischen Sprache." Vienna, 1852. Chap, v.] THIED FOKM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 279 congeners, in the retention of the organic aorist and imperfect, bih =fui, bijah = eram; besides possessing a perfect, formed by means of a participle : sam bio, smo bih' — I have been, we have been. Slovenian, spoken by upwards of 1,200,000 persons in south Carinthia and south Styria, Carniola, and a part of north Istria, is near akin to the Servo-Croatian, and partakes of its important philological position. Its written literature dates from the middle of the sixteenth century, and though not lacking in merit, was doubtless prevented from acquiring a brilliant future by the preponderance of Servo-Croatian letters. The Protestant works printed at Tubingen are the most important monument of Slovenian literature in the sixteenth century. During the two following centuries it was ably represented by some eminent writers. Murko and Kopitar shed a lustre on their epoch, though the latter wrote in German, an example followed by his fellow- countryman and pupil Miklosich, whose works place hhn in the foremost rank of scientific writers of Slavonic race. Bulgarian occupies the greater part of European Turkey, north- wards following the course of the Danube from "Widdin to Silistria, and even beyond that point westwards, confining with Albania, southwards being separated from the iEgean and Sea of Marmora only by some narrow strips along the coast, where Greek and Turkish are spoken, and eastwards at several points reaching the Black I sharing with Turkish the extreme north-east corner of the empire. The number of those Bpeaking Bulgarian will easily amount to G, 000,000, if we include those settled in western Russia and in Bessarabia, ceded to Rumania by the i of Paris. Of all the Slavonic tongues, modem Bulgarian is the most pt. In common with Rumanian and Albanian, it has the peculiarity of suffixing the article to the end of the word [ta bulary also lias been greatly affected by the influence of the neighbouring tongues — Turkish, Greek, Albanian, and Rumanian, However, notwithstanding the alteration of its forms, Bulgarian retains some traces of the old Slavonic nasals that have entirely disappeared from it- other southern con 280 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. Bulgarian literature is quite recent ; the few original Bulgarian writers until the middle of this century employing either Bussian or the old liturgical language, largely mixed with Bussian. Latterly education has spread among the rising generation, which possesses periodicals and a literature daily on the increase. The obstacles thrown by the Turks in the way of the development of the European nationalities in Turkey, unfortunately compel the Bul- garians to study abroad, and there publish then works. A literary society, already occupying a position of some influence, has lately been founded at Braila, in Bumania. We may conclude this notice by mentioning the old dialects of the Elbe Slavonians, known by the name of Polabish, idioms now extinct, and whose scanty records, greatly affected by German influence, date from the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century. Beference has already been made to the great importance of the Church Slavonic for the study of the other members of this family. Still it would be in vain to expect to find in the grammar of this tongue a very faithful reflex of the primitive Aryan speech. Its phonology is subject to far more serious modifications than is that either of Lithuanian or Greek. Its vocalismus is not certainly very complex, although the frequent nasalisation of certain sounds is an infallible proof of decay, while the final vowels are greatly affected by certain very uniform laws. On the other hand, its consonants are subjected to laws of attraction and assimilation both very numerous and very delicate; nor, indeed, is this one of the least difficulties presented by the study of the Slavonic tongues. To a series of rather complex phonetic laws must also be added the multiplicity of the consonants. The Slavonic tongues, above all others, may be said to require a careful study of the phonetic elements of speech and of the rides regidating then- recurrence. Doubtless the conjugation is relatively simple, but the declension has only too frequently departed from the formula of the common Aryan tongue, while the intricacy of the phonetic laws often presented by the clash of the theme with the endings enhances the difficulty not a little. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 281 A rapid glance at the grammar of this old language will at the same time give us an insight into the general structure of all the Slavonic tongues. Church Slavonic has the vowels a, e, i, o, u, y (probably French a), a shut e, sometimes pronounced as ya ; further, an i and a a semi-mute ; and, lastly, two nasals, answering in sound to the French in, on. The organic Aryan diphthongs have disappeared, or rather have been contracted to single vowels, and the hiatus is usually avoided either by an intercalated j (the English semi-vowel y) or by a r, both purely euphonic, and both occurring also at the beginning of words formerly commencing with a vowel. Thus the common Aryan astasi, the Sanskrit stha, the Greek eare, the Latin estis, the Lithuanian esie, becomes jeste in Church Slavonic; and this " preiotation," as it is technically called, is a leading feature of all the Slavonic tongues, as in the Tsech and Serbian jeste, whence ste. Coining to the consonants^ Church Slavonic, together with all its congeners, has changed to the simple explosives g, d, b, the Aryan aspirates*//,, dh, bJi. On the other hand there have been developed a number of fricatives, such as sh, z, and the French/, all unknown to the common Aryan, while the influence of strict phonetic laws has often changed the organic k to ch, transcribed l»y the sign c. The various forms of assimilation have also acqub great development, so much so that the study of the Slavonic tongues must aecessarily be preceded by at least a rapid inquiry into their various laws of assimilation assimilation, complete 01 partial, of consonants with the preceding or the lull. .win- letter, and so on. For wanl of al leas! some genera] notion of these laws the most mistaken ideas are apt to be formed on word formation. The principle regulating the suppree ion of final consonants is al ' great importance. In Church Slavonic all final con onants musl b L p, ; ;. the ordinary nominal. declension, including adjectives, participli . numerals, and ome pronouns, and the pronominal declension proper, < Ihurch Slavonic po i died compound 282 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. declension, peculiar to the Lithuanian also, and (with a fresh element) to the Teutonic tongues. It is composed of the ordinary adjectival forms, to which is added the pronoun i, also declined. Adjectives, as a rule, admit of both declensions, the normal and the compound, their employment being a question of syntax ; when inflected by the compound declension, the adjective is said to be definite, and has the meaning of the Greek or German adjective preceded by the article. All the Slavonic tongues possess this compound declension ; thus the Servian says vast visoJc = a lofty oak ; vlsoTil rast = the lofty oak. Church Slavonic has retained in its conjugation the three common Aryan numbers, singular, dual, and plural, but the dual has disappeared from the Servo-Croatian, Bulgarian, Euthenian, and Russian. Of the four simple organic tenses, Church Slavonic has lost the reduplicate perfect (the Greek XeXoma) and the imperfect, but has retained nearly all the various forms of the present and aorist. It has also, at least in part, preserved the two primitive compound tenses, future and aorist, whilst further developing a compound imperfect. Of all Slavonic tongues still spoken the Servo-Croatian and the Slovenian, closely akin to it, possess the clearest and simplest phonology. Not that we do not here also meet with the numerous euphonic laws affecting consonants in juxtaposition, and above mentioned in connection with Church Slavonic. On the contrary, they exist here also, and are quite as exacting as in any other member of the family ; but the phonetic element itself is much less complex in Servian than elsewhere, besides which its pronunciation offers no difficulty, while in this respect Polish and Tsech present formidable obstacles. As for Bulgarian, the changes it has undergone in the lapse of centuries ' have rendered it the most corrupt of all Slavonic tongues. The classification of these idioms has given rise to serious con- troversies, which can scarcely be said to have yet been settled. Church Slavonic was at first looked on as the common source of all the others, whence the name of Palaio-Slave or Old Slavonic, even still occasionally applied to it. !Nb one, however, at present Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 283 engaged in the study of the Slavonic group dreams of upholding this theory. But after setting aside the pretended paternity of Church Slavonic, the cpiestion arose whether it should be placed on the same level as its congeners, and assume that all had alike sprung from a more primitive but now lost common type 1 With- out stopping at this hypothesis, Dobrovsky and Schafarik divided the Slavonic idioms into two principal brandies : the western, comprising Polish, Tsech, Lusatian, old Polabish ; and the eastern, including all the rest. At first Schleicher proposed some objections against this distribution, but ended by adopting it, and his view of the matter may be conveniently summed up in the subjoined scheme : ! Ancient and modern Bulgarian 01 \ Servian Servo-Slavonian > ( Slovenian Branch ) Eas tern Slavonic \ Great Russian Primitive ] ^ ( Little Russian Slavonic ^ fTsech Western \p n s h Branch j Sorbian (^Polabish Schleicher may be said to base this division on one solitary fact. In the first group d and I before n or / are suppressed, while they .are retained in the second. Thus, for instance, the Tsech oradlo = a tool or instrument, is more correct than the Church Slavonic oralo, and than tie- Servo-< Jroatian rdlo. 1 lanitchitch dues m>t accepl the force <>f this argument, and shows that this d and / at limes disappear in "Id and modem Tsech also, as well as in Polish and Sorbian, at tie- same time proving that they wen- nut always sup- pressed, in Church Slavonic and Servo-Croatian. While Schleicher looks on Church Slavonic as the old form of the modern Bulgarian, ^r i \- i 1 1 _r it tie- name "f ancient Bulgarian, Miklosich thinks that the old language La now represented by Slo'v >nian, as well as by Bulgarian, and calls it ancient Slovenian. This theory waa warml] • bleicher, who, in ouropini triumphantly proved "ii phonetic grounds that tie- presenl Slovenian could aol derive from Church Slavonic, and that, on the other hand, the Servo-Croatian 284 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. and Slovenian ought to be grouped together, an opinion also shared in by Schafarik.* Danitchitch also has recently, on purely phonetic grounds, broached a very ingenious classification of the Slavonic tongues. His essay being written in Servian is unfortunately accessible to but few readers ; but his conclusions may be resumed as under : Primitive Slavonic ( Polish with Polabish ( Tsech with Sorbian Ruthenian Russian j Bulgarian ( Slovenian Servo-Croatian J Church Slavonic Several other classifications have been proposed, and we have doubtless not yet seen the last of them. Meanwhile, to the two preceding schemes, we may add the following, which a number of authorities seem disposed to accept as final : j Russian \ Ruthenian ( White Russian Church Slavonic Bulgarian J Servo-Croatian South-Eastern Branch ' Russian Bulgarian Primitive Slavonic Western Branch Servo-Slovenian \ ( Slovenian S Tsech and Slovakian Polish Sorbian of Lusatia Polabish The question, if the truth must be spoken, still seems obscure, and the only points definitely settled appear to be the purity of the Servo-Croatian forms, and the great corruption of Bulgarian. But as to the more or less intimate degrees of kinship existing between the various groups, as to the more or less intermediate common forms that may have at some time existed, as, for instance, * Schleicher, " 1st das Altkirchenslawische Altslowenich ? " zur Vergl. Sprachforschung," i. p. 319. Beitr'age Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 285 a common Tsecho-Polono-Sorbian, Ave can say nothing, or at least nothing positive. The future may possibly confirm in part, if not wholly, conclusions already arrived at. Possibly also the day may come when all these Slavonic tongues will come to be looked on as merely a series of so many collateral varieties springing directly from some common source, always, most probably, excepting modern Bulgarian, as deriving from Church Slavonic. Doubtless this would not prevent Ruthenian from resembling Russian more than it does Slovenian or Sorbian, or Polish from being more akin to Tsech than it is either to Bulgarian or Ruthenian. But in the absence of historic records all classifications of this sort should be received with great reserve. And this is no less applicable to the great linguistic classifications, than to more special distributions, such, amongst others, as those of the Slavonic tongues. § 9. — The Lettlc Group. On the south-east coast of the Baltic, in the Russian provinces of Courland and Covno, and in the extreme north-east of the German province of eastern Prussia, there still survives a little group of Arj'an tongues, hemmed in on the west by German, on the south by Polish and Russian, on the east also by Russian, on the north by the Dralo-Altaic idiom, Esthonian. This group, which must eventually disappear before the Russian and German, is called the Letfic, and was formerly represented by three branches: Old /', sian, Lithuanian, and Lettish ; bu1 .-it present by the last two only, Prussian having « 1 i * -* 1 out two hundred years ago. < >f all the Aryan tongues, the members of this group are those which in Europe adhere most faithfully to the primitive Aryan type. Our attention must be devoted more particularly to the Lithuanian, which i- in truth the most important member of tho group. (1) Lithuanian, Spoken in Germany by from 150,000 to 200,000 persons, in a 1 1-' -if i iliirt j to thirl in length, and occupying I he me north-eastern frontier of I'm ia, but even here in the rural 2S6 THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap, vj districts only, having disappeared from all the important localities, such as Memel and Tilsit. The Lithuanian territory in Russia is much more compact, and those occupying it are estimated at 1,300,000, approximately. Without quite reaching Grodno southwards, and "Wilna eastwards, it is limited on the north by the Lettish, of which we shall have presently to speak. This northern Lithuanian frontier stretches in nearly a straight line for a distance of upwards of ninety leagues, the most important place within the Lithuanian-speaking district being the little town of Covno. Schleicher had divided Lithuanian into two dialects, Low Lithu- anian, or Jemaltic, and High Lithuanian, which, however, did not correspond with the political distribution of the Lithuanians into Russians and Germans ; the Low Lithuanian being spoken in the north, both in Prussia and in Eussia, while High Lithuanian occupies both countries southwards. According to Schleicher, the difference between the two varieties consisted mainly in the fact that the combinations tl, di, retained before vowels in Jemaitic, were changed in High Lithuanian to cli and j ; the transition, however, being very gradual from one to the other.* This two- fold division has been warmly assailed ; amongst others by Kurschat, who, while admitting that in Prussia, in the neighbourhood of Memel, the sounds ch and j do not occur, believes that the division cannot be supported by a sufficient number of undisputed facts. The language of the vicinity of Memel may doubtless present some peculiarities, but not enough to constitute it a true dialect, f The Lithuanian vowel system is very simple, and, next to Sanskrit and the old Iranian tongues, may be said to approach nearest to the common Aryan primitive type. Instead of an or- ganic a, it sometimes has a long o, as in moters = Sanskrit rad- taras — Greek fx-qrepes = mothers. But a more serious change is that of long to short vowels at the end of words. As regards the consonants we may note, amongst other deviations, the substitution * " Handbucb der Litauiscbeu Spracbe," i. p. 4. Prague, 1856. t " Worterbucb der Litauiscben Spraebe," first part, p. viii. Halle, 1870. Chap, v.] THIRD FOKM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 287 of the simple unaspirated for the primitive aspirated explosives, the Sanskrit gh, dk, hh, hecoming g, d, b. Lithuanian, liko the Slavonic group and Zend, possesses the French/, -which it often substitutes for g, or for the organic gh. It is transcribed by a ::, with a dot over it. Lastly, by its retention of the sibilant s, Lithuanian shows itself superior to Sanskrit, and to nearly all the other Aryan tongues, -which generally replace it by a series of new fricatives. The Lithuanian declension has been perfectly preserved ; it retains the dual forms, and its case-endings are nearly always a faithful reflex of the organic terminations. Lastly, in the conju- gation it retains the present and future forms, but having lost the four other organic tenses denoting past time, it has developed a new- perfect and an imperfect. The first, as a rule, is distinguished from the present by separate endings, while the second is a com- pound tense, formed by the root and the past tense of the verb to do. Lithuanian accent is extremely difficult, nor is it much better understood than is that of certain Slavonic tongues. Its orthography is not yet reduced to conformity, several systems prevailing, some of which are more phonetic, and others rather etymological. Each has doubtless its special advantages, rendering a reconciliation all the more dillicult. Lithuanian possesses an important literary monument in the poem of "Th " by Donalitius, in three thousand lines, published by Rhesa, with a German translation, in 1818; by Schleicher, at St. Petersburg, in L865, and by Nesselmann, in 1 3 19. Donalitius (1711 80) besides "The Seasons,'' composed s e other poetic pi of which are extant, the whole < tuting oearly all the Lithuanian literature we possess. A number of national Bongs, known as " dainas," besides some proverbs and t.,i, m prose, have also been collected, supplying altogether sufficient materiah forthestudy of this valuable language, which, though i1 numbered, beverbe remembered a one of the most remarkable instances of the vitality of human peei h. 288 THIRD FORM OP SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. (2) Lettish. The number of those speaking Lettish is estimated at about 1,000,000, more or less. The northern Lithuanian frontier forms its southern limits ; eastwards it confines on the Eussian, and on the north with the Uralo- Altaic Esthonian. It occupies the north of Courland, the south of Livonia, and the west of the province of Vitebsk, and its chief centres are Riga and Mitau. The Lettish grammar is essentially the same as the Lithuanian, and need not therefore further occupy us. It may, however, be remarked that its grammatical forms are, as a ride, not so well preserved as those of its congener, from which Lettish is certainly not derived, though its main features are less correct and more modern. Like many other languages that possess no other literature, Lettish boasts of a certain number of national songs. (3) Old Prussian, "Which disappeared about two hundred years ago, occupied the shores of the Baltic from the mouth of the Vistula to that of the Memen. After the conquest of all the old Prussian territory by the Germans, the natives were compelled gradually to give way before feudalism and Christianity, which overspread the country in the thirteenth century, having had recourse to the most violent and unscrupulous means to effect their purpose. In 1561 the German catechism was translated into Prussian, and this work now forms one of the most important monuments for the study of the language, of which, however, it is not the oldest record. ISTesselmann published some few years since a German-Prussian lexicon, containing rather more than eight hundred words, dating from the beginning of the fifteenth century. Less incorrect than modern Lettish often is, old Prussian inclines more to the Lithuanian. Its forms are perhaps less antique, though at times by far surpassing its congener in this respect. Thus the old Prussian nevints = ninth, becomes in Lithuanian devinats, the organic nasal being here changed to d. The Lettic group is doubtless nearly connected with the Slavonic, Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 289 and it is generally supposed that at some remote period both groups were united in one common type, -whence they subsequently diverged. Our view of this theory will be given a little farther on ; meantime the fact of their great resemblance cannot be gain- said. It is so striking that many have been deceived by it to the extent of classifying the Lettic tongues with the Slavonic. This, however, involves a fundamental error, for however akin they may be to each other, the two groups are no less essentially distinct than are, for instance, the Sanskrit and the Iranic. § 10. — Unclassified Aryan Tongues. The greater part of the Aryan tongues, both living and dead, have been by one writer or another compared, grouped, and classified with one or another language of the same family. In fact, the tendency has always been towards premature classifications, though too great haste in this respect is generally more injurious than profitable, it being in our opinion better not to class at all than to do so on too slight or insufficient grounds. Bopp himself was no1 proof against the temptation, having at one time essayed to include the Caucasian and the Malayo-Polynesian groups with the Aryan family. The attempt of course proved a failure, but it helped to show how hard it La even for the soundest and most critical minds to avoid at times yielding to the love of such generalisations. When treating in our fourth chapter of the agglutinating tongues, we may possibly have separated certain groups which may yet he shown to he related. Still we did aot hesitate meantime to keep them apart, in the belief that a certain reserve is frequently prm.i' of a sound judgment, while ra one bul too often merely betrays ,-i lack of scientific method. At the same time if is quite possible for a given language to bo ii to belong in a general way to such and such a family, though we may be unable perhaps to det< rmine its particular place in thai family ; thai i , to poinl out the special group with which if. ought to be included, or yel to assert confidently that it. Eon Bpecial divi i >n of ii own within the family. u 290 THIRD FORM OP SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. Such is the case with several Aryan tongues, living and dead, as, for instance, Etruscan and Albanian, and we shall here devote a few words to some of these unclassified tongues. (1) Etruscan. Pew languages have tested the sagacity of linguists to the same extent that Etruscan has, and few have at the same time more readily lent themselves to the most contradictory and unscientific theories. So early as the fifteenth century it was already derived from Hebrew or Chaldee, while some writers even now assign a Semitic origin to it in a general way, if they do not connect it directly with Hebrew. But with Lanzi originated the now generally received opinion that Etruscan is an Italic language in the same sense that Latin, Oscan, and Umbrian are. His famous work appeared in 1789, but it unfortunately necessarily lacked the scientific process, at the time of its composition Aryan comparative grammar not having been yet established. Nor had Lanzi the opportunity of consulting the numerous inscriptions since dis- covered, and which now supply abundant materials for the study of Etruscan. Corssen has essayed to resume, in a very important work, the results so far arrived at by those writers that have treated this subject on sound principles, and amongst them he has himself secured a distinguished position.* Etruscan would seem to be decidedly an Italic language, akin to Latin, Oscan, and Umbrian. The forms of all the cases, besides a certain number of verbal and pronominal formations, seem to have been already recognised. Nearly all the Etruscan inscriptions are sepulchral, some being bilingual (Latin and Etruscan), found mostly in the north of Etruria, and these, as may well be supposed, have been of the greatest service in deciphering the language. The Etruscan alphabet forms, with the Umbrian and Oscan, a branch of the Italic alphabet already spoken of. HoAvever, it is divided into several distinct classes, which are successively examined * " Uebcr die Spracke der Etruskcr," i. Leipzig, 1874. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 291 by Corssen in the -work above referred to. The reader may also consult the writings of Conestabile, which have proved a valuable contribution to the progress of Etruscan epigraphy.* As regards the language itself, if it is eventually to be classed with the Italic idioms, side by side with Latin, Oscan, and Um- brian, we for our part do not, at all events, believe that the time has yet come for doing so, though it may possibly not be far distant. Doubtless it would be hard to say what Etruscan is, if its right to membership with the Italic group be denied. But that is not the rpiestion, for it might still be looked on as simply an Aryan tongue, without forthwith identifying it with the Italic idioms. But in truth, whether it be altogether independent, or belong to some other connection, or is after all akin to the Latin, are points that still remain to be settled. Meantime there is nothing to prevent us from holding this last hypothesis as at least probable enough, though not yet absolutely proven. (2) Darl 1 1 a. The old Dacian, limited southwards by the Danube, on the north- east by the Dniester, and on the north-west by the Theiss, com- prised the regions now forming the Hungarian circle beyond the -. Transylvania, Bucovina, the Banat of Temes, Wallachia, Moldavia, and Bessarabia. Of the Dacian language there have survived but scanty frag- ments — a few names of plants quoted by the physician Dioscorides, and a number of geographical terms, all of which have undoubtedly an Aryan aspect. Thus propedula recalls the Gaulish form pempedida = cinquef oil But whether Dacian was Keltic, Teutonic, or Slavonic, or belonged other Aryan group, or constitutes of itself a distinct and independent branch of the Aryan family, which in the present state of our knowledge it is impossible to answer. The Rumanian writer Eajden, who Lb al pre 1 in a ■ national historical work, fearlessly interprets all the Dacian iphical ii irring in Ptolemy, Strabo, and the table of • " [Bcrizioni i. L868. i 2 292 THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. Peutinger. ' !Nay more, he fancies he has lighted upon the old Dacian alphabet, in an alphabet surviving till the last century amongst the Szeklers of Transylvania. But he has altogether overlooked the preliminary question, to what group of languages Dacian may belong. (3) The Aryan Languages of Asia Minor. That a large number of these idioms were Aryan seems now placed beyond doubt,* and this is unquestionably the case with Phrygian and Lycian. We possess a tolerably large number of Lycian inscriptions, some of which bilingual, in Greek and Lycian, a circumstance which wdl doubtless greatly facilitate the attempts made at deciphering this language. Its alphabet also may be said to be already all t but definitely settled. Of Phrygian also we have some inscriptions found in Phrygia itself, besides a series of words occurring in the classic writers. The number of these words is considerable, and as their meaning is clearly determined in the passages where they occur, they may serve as a groundwork for the study of Phrygian. Nor need their transcription be assumed to be radically faulty, though doubtless more or less inexact. In com- paring the other Aryan tongues with Greek, or with Iranic, or especially Avith Armenian, the transcription of their different words in Greek must be relatively correct enough. The old Iranian idioms Avere in fact not greatly removed from the Greek dialects, and the Aryan tongues of Asia Minor may fairly be supposed to bring these two groups still closer together. They would thus seem to belong neither to the Iranian group, as many have thought, nor yet to the Hellenic branch, but would rather seem to form a special division of their own, equally allied to Greek, Armenian, and old Persian. This, however, is a mere hypothesis, which time may or may not confirm. And it may also be discovered that, if certain idioms of Asia Minor are closely related, as for instance the Carian and the Lycian, there are others again but very remotely connected together. * Eenan, " Histoire des Langues Semitiques," i. ch. 2, § 2. Chap, v.] THIRD FORM OP SPEECH— INFLECTION. 293 It may even be necessary to group them in two classes, one leaning towards the Iranic, the other towards the Hellenic family. But the question has not yet advanced beyond the first stage of inquiry, and these various idioms must meantime be included amongst the number of those that still await definite classification. (4) Tlie so-called " Scythlc " Aryan Tongues. In the nineteenth paragraph of our fourth chapter we said that the expressions " Scythian," " Scythic," were merely geographical terms, being applicable to a large number of tribes, differing in race and language. \Ye further stated that certain peoples spoken of by the aneients as "Scythic,'' spoke an Aryan language.* The reader is referred to this passage, as the matter cannot detain us further here. (5) Albanian. The questions of the origin of Albanian and of its position in the Aryan family have sorely tried many philologists, nor is the problem yet solved. Albanian occupies the portion of the Turkish Empire watered by the Adriatic, the Strait of Otranto, and the Ionian Sea. It con- fines northwards with the Slaves of Montenegro and of the Servian principality, eastwards with the Bulgarians to the north, and with the Greeks of the Ottoman Empire to the south, southwards also with the Greeks. The greatest length of this territory is about ninety-five by an average width of thirty leagues. To the north of Scutari it includes some rather important Servian communities, and in the centre, especially southwards, and to the east of Janina, some no less considerable Armenian communities. The Albanians axe ■ it about 1,500,000,80 that, while much less numerous than the Slavs of Turkey, they on the other hand outnumber the Turks themselves, as well as the Greek subjects of the empire. Their real name is SMpetar, or Highlander. * Guard de Rialle, " Bulletins w<\ and ancieni Persian. Nor is il n that tic- Keltic idiom: urn I occupy tlm Lowesl position in the icale. Bence our first conclusion: Of all the Aryan ton] bit and [ranic have migrated hit from the common Aryan 300 TniRD FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. [Chap. v. centre, while the Keltic group has wandered farther from it than have any of the cognate idioms. In the next hest state of preservation may he included the Hellenic dialects in the south-east and the Lettic and Slavonic in the north-east of Europe. A third stage would comprise the Teutonic group in the north and the Italic in the south, each of these branches confining on the Keltic, which, as stated, stands in the fourth or lowest rank. Pictet, whom this unquestioned fact did not escape, drew a conclusion from it. Describing a somewhat oblong ellipse, he makes the focus to the right represent the point Avhere the common Aryan tongue was spoken. A little to the right of this focus he places Sanskrit below and Iranic above [that is, at the extremities of two lines radiating from the focus either way to the right]. Then diverging somewhat to the left, he places the Slavo-Lettic and the Hellenic in central positions, above and below respectively, these two branches thus still remaining near the right focus, though less so than Sanskrit and Iranic. Coming stdl farther to the left, he places the Teutonic and the Italic in the same way above and below respectively, in the same relative position to the left focus that Sanskrit and Iranic occupy towards the right focus. Con- tinuing still to the left, he places the Keltic branch at the extremity of the horizontal transverse line of the ellipse, between the Teutonic and the Italic groups, Keltic thus occupying the farthest point from the right focus — that is to say, from the assumed centre of departure. This diagram may easily be constructed [as thus : Teutoni c Iranic Kelti c r^T^ — -^—- 1- Sanskrit 1. Italic Hellenic J The scheme is doubtless very ingenious, and at first sight one feels strongly tempted to adopt it, agreeing, as it also does, with the supposition of Eactriana being the region where the common Chap, v.] THIED FORM OF SPEECH— INFLECTION. 301 Aryan tongue was spoken. But it is in reality liable to two different interpretations, and to two distinct applications, the first being that of Pictet himself. Here is the second : The common centre may possibly not have been in the right focus of the ellipse, but more to the right, and even outside the ellipse itself, that is towards the Chinese frontier. In this case Sanskrit and Iranic would still occupy the first position, Greek and Slavo-Lettic the second, Teutonic and Italic the third, and Keltic the fourth and last. For our own part, we do not pretend to pronounce on the merits of either of these hypotheses ; we merely set them forth without judging, while still expressing our decided opinion as to the Asiatic origin of the Aryan linguistic fannly. Latham seems to have been the first to suggest a European origin, which has been adopted by a few writers, some of whom have endeavoured to give a scientific aspect to their view, while others have simply settled the matter offhand with as much boldness as incompetence. Thus certain writers, observing that the Keltic words were shorter than the Sanskrit, have argued that they were also simpler, more primitive, and less removed from the common type, thereby applying the rule of "long measure" to the science of language. By this process Anglo-Saxon would derive from English, Latin from French, Zend from Persian. Others again, arguing from the fact that the fair blue-eyed type is found more especially in German-speaking countries, conclude, one scarcely sees why, thai the common Aryan mother-tongue was spoken in Germany, herein confounding race and language, or rather language and races. It matters little whether the Aryan- tribes were fail 01 dark, or whether both types wen-. represented amongsi them. The question we are concerned with is one ii'. t of race but of language. Nor shall we even appeal to the aid of archaeology, which yet clearly teaches that at an epoch when the easl had reached a certain degree of civilisation, the west was still in a sava or not far ivuiow<| fnnii it. The proofs furnished by philology musl suffice, and the fact of this of languages departing more and more from the common type, 302 ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. [Chap.vi. according as they are situated more to the west, speaks convinc- ingly enough of itself alone. JSov can it matter much whether the home of the common Aryan speech be placed in Armenia, or in Bactriana, or in any other still more eastern region. This is now a question of but secondary interest. CHAPTER VI. ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH, AND TRANSMUTATION OP LINGUISTIC SYSTEMS. Having thus come to the end of this long survey, though still necessarily curtailed at almost every page, it remains for us to cast a comprehensive glance at the field travelled over, and in a final chapter sum up its more prominent landmarks. And we must, at the very outset, touch once more on the question of the scientific process, which was the first to challenge inquiry, and must be the last to engage our attention. By it is swayed all present science, or rather they blend together as but one body, the inalienable union of science and method, which cannot be too strongly insisted upon, forming, as it does, the essential characteristic of this new phase of human thought. § 1. — How to Recognise Linguistic Affinities. Many writers but indifferently acquainted Avith the science of language, will often unhesitatingly group together linguistic families, that really competent authorities do not venture to bring into the same category, or will at times even declare to be radically distinct. It is here above all that we see the danger of etymology, which in truth rides recklessly over all obstacles. Its baneful tendencies have been especially fostered by biblical prejudices, it being a fore- gone conclusion for theological writers, that all the languages of the universe are connected, either directly or collaterally, with the Semitic family. The hope of making Hebrew the origin of all Chap, ti.] ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. 303 speech they 'were fain at last to give up, hut they still felt the necessity of identifying all languages, Hehrew itself included, with some one common source or mother-tongue. This theory has now heen placed "beyond the pale of discussion, and still to speak, even with hated breath, of a so-called common primeval speech, is simply to betray utter ignorance of the science of language. , In comparing idioms, we must, above all, take no heed of the mere likeness of words to each other. Two words of nearly or even absolutely simdar meaning in two different languages, may possibly have nothing in common, so that lexical apart from grammatical agreement is nothing to the purpose. The etymologist pounces upon such resemblances, rests satisfied with them, and refuses to look farther afield, while the philologist passes them unheeded. In his eyes the analysis alone of two more or less similar terms can prove their affinity, but he never ventures to compare together two words ready made. Should their formative elements and their roots themselves be the same, they may rightly be looked upon as answering to each other, and as derived from a common source. But should these conditions not be verified, the two terms in question cannot be identified, however homophonous they may happen to be. The comparison of hundreds of ready-made words in two tages whatsoever, would never advance by a single step the in of their mutual relationship. What requires to be proved, is not the existence of these casual resemblances, but the identity of the roots when reduced to their simplest form, the identity of the formative elements, theidentity of the grammatical functionsof these elements j in a word, the grammatic identity of the languages compared. The so-called comparative studies not based on these inexorable principl F can be no 1- ken into account; all such trilling ;s to a bygon ■ day. 304 ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. [Chap. ti. § 2. — Original Plurality of Linguistic Groups and Consequences thereof. Not only is there no common grammatical point of identity between the Semitic and Aryan linguistic groups, hut, as already explained, inflection itself is differently treated in each of these systems. Their roots are totally distinct, their formative elements essentially different ;* nor have the . functions of these elements anything in common. The abyss separating the two systems is not merely deep, it is impassable. " "When," asks Chavee, " can two languages be scientifically held as two radically distinct creations 1 In the first place, when their roots, reduced to their simplest forms, have absolutely nothing in common, either in their phonetic elements or in their syllabic con- stituents. Secondly, when the laws regulating the first combinations of these simple roots differ essentially in the two systems."* This is the case with the Semitic and Aryan tongues no less than with a large number of other linguistic systems ; and the consequences of this fact are all important. If the faculty of articulate speech constitutes the sole fundamental characteristic of man, as explained in our second chapter, and if the different linguistic groups known to us are irreducible, they must have taken birth independently and in quite distinct regions. It follows that the precursors of man must have acquired the faculty of speech in different localities independently, and have thus given birth to several races of mankind originally distinct, t * " Les Langues et les Races," p. 13. Paris, 1862. f This seems to be a very sweeping conclusion to come to on very slight and not yet fully- established premises. In fact, the learned author would appear to be here trespassing beyond the legitimate field of the strict science of language in its present state, and verging on the domain of pure metaphysics, which he himself elsewhere so eloquently denounces. Nor is the statement at all so generally established as he would have us suppose, that families now distinct — such, for instance, as the Aryan and the Semitic — are utterly incapable of being identified. The question cannot here be enlarged upon, and it may be perhaps enough to refer to Andreas Raabe's " Gemeinschaftliche Grammatik der Arischen und der Semitischen Sprachen," Leipzig, 1874, which work may possibly have escaped the Chap, ti.] ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. 305 "The French anthropologists," says General Faidherhe, "were usually of accord that articulate speech alone distinguishing man fundamentally from the hrute creation, the precursors of man were not entitled to this name hefore they had acquired the faculty in question. But we readily see that this is merely a question of the conventional use of words. The only important point is to know whether he, this being, called man or not, acquired the gift of speech in one place only and at one particular time, or in more ways than one, both as regards time and place. Xow the impos- sibility of reducing human speech to one source proves the truth of the second hypothesis. Had man acquired this faculty, the consequence of the progressive development of his organisms, in one way only, language would have remained substantially the same to the present time, or at least we should detect in all languages some traces of then* common descent. The extreme diversity of idioms and of then* formative processes, proves that they were created independently of each other, and probably at author's notice. It is certainly based on the strict scientific method, and would seem to point at totally different conclusions from those here so confidently proclaimed. Thus, he points out that the perfect is the oldest organic tense both in Aryan and Semitic, and that the un reduplicate Aryan perfect, often occurring in the " Vedas," shows a strong likeness, to the Semitic perfect, as thus : Aryan (unreduplicate perfect). Sing. 1. apatha •j.. apathitha 3. apatha 1 l . apal liimfi -• a] '.',. apathuh Hebrew. \n-QN n- fem. r\ -QK fern. rTQN I- T T ; |T ■am* :i~ t DiTDN fern. (/TDK TUN Ethiopia abadeku abadeka, fern, abadekl abeda, fern. ab£dat abadena abadekemmuj fem. abadi ■kenn abfidu. fem. abi da A^ Baabe remarks: "Th< ; ambiance of the Aryan and Semitic paradigm i • (p. '-■'•)■ ln ■<■">' '' ;iS1 ' ,l "' author's dogmatism on this subject would seem to be a< Least somewhat premature.— Xotc i»j Translator. 306 ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SrEECH. [Chap. yi. very different epochs. As, moreover, the principal irreducible linguistic systems correspond in a general way to the leading races of mankind, we argue that speech has sprung up independently amongst sundry distinct varieties of what Fr. Midler calls the homo primigmvus, and French anthropologists the precursors of ■mini." Thus philology furnishes a new and formidable argument to the polygenists, who were already supplied Avith so many before. [But it is an argument that the polygenists, who are all necessardy evolutionists in the Darwinian sense, cannot consistently make use of. For surely no form of speech that ever has existed is more, or so much, removed from any other form of speech than is man himself from the lower orders of the animal kingdom, from which on then showing he must yet be descended. Hence, if the im- possibility of reducing man now to, say a mollusc, is no argument against the original identity of man with a mollusc, why should the impossibility of now reducing any two or more linguistic systems to a common source be any argument against the original identity of those systems 1 Speech changes much more rapidly than do the higher orders of the animal kingdom ; hence, if there has been time for an oyster to become an elephant or a man, according to the different lines of development it may have taken, why should there not have been time for Chinese, or any other isolating tongue, to become Hebrew or Sanskrit, according to the different lines of development it may have taken through the several isolating, agglutinating, and inflectional phases of its prehistoric and historic life 1 Thus no argument based on the present disparity of human speech ought to have any force for a consistent evolutionist as against the possible primordial unity of all human speech.] Language being a product of nature herself, being the function of a new organ, it is evident that two irreducible linguistic systems point at two different productive organs. We will not folloAv Haeckel in reducing to a single race the so-called Indo-Europeans, Semites, Bascpies, and Caucasians; philology teaches, and would of itself suffice to show, that Ave have here four distinct races. Their differences may be A'ery slight in all other respects besides that of Chap, vi.] ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. 307 language, but in this last respect it is decided ; and, as philologists, we must conclude for the impossibility of a common origin. History tells us that a large number of linguistic families have perished without issue, and this is but the result of the struggle for existence pervading all nature in all time and space. The. farther bade we go, the more numerous do we find the independent linguistic families, and the same is the case with the races of man. It may be asserted without rashness that the precursor of man must have in many places at the same time or successively acquired the faculty of speech that was destined to raise him to the dignity of man. And this is the result that the science of language leads to, in revealing to us a multiplicity of irreducible linguistic systems. § 3. — In their Historic Life Language and Race mag cease to be Convertible Terms. Thus we see, as already stated, that in the historic period of man no new linguistic systems can arise. The origin of language, the acquisition of the faculty of articulate speech, being coincident with the formation of the first races, it follows that the precursor of man once extinct, the development of new linguistic systems is absolutely impossible. Every effeel needs a cause, and the cause disappearing the effect ceases. Bui after entering on the historic stage, languages, like ran -. may die nut. Thus it is that modern German has extinguished Polabish, a Slavonic idiom, and old Prussian, a Lettic dialect. Thus also Latin lias absorbed her own sister . Oscan and I'lnbiian ; : -li is eradicating Basque \ and English is sweeping away the North American idioms. In France the Normans lost their Norse tongue, and the Burgundians their Teutonic dialect, as did the Lombards in Italy. Other languages, again, have attempted violently bri unsucc fully to usurp foreign domain, at : e with two CJralo Altaic i Europe. < >ne of th< - i the Turkish, which ha i in vain penetrated to the hearl of Europe, bul no longer occupies more than a very mall portion of European Turkey itself, while in X 2 308 ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. [Chap. vi. Candia nearly all the Turks have taken to Greek. The other is the Magyar, which is now rapidly decaying in Hungary, notwithstand- ing the great privileges it enjoys, and the official countenance given to it at the expense of the surrounding tongues.* But its dis- appearance may confidently he predicted sooner or later. Different races often speak one and the same language, just as one and the same race may speak several different languages, facts which are well known, and of which a multiplicity of examples might he adduced. Some of the Bascpies — the Spanish or genuine Basques — still speak Escaldunac in the neighbourhood of Durango, Tolosa, and Saint, Sehastian, while others speak Spanish in the neighbourhood of Yitoria and Pamphma. Some of the Bretons,. again, speak French, while others still retain their Keltic tongue. Many Finns speak Suomi, but many also speak Bussian exclusively ; and in Central Asia other TJralo-Altiac tribes have in the same way adopted Persian. But it would he tedious to prolong the list. § 4. — T7ie Permutation of Spedes in Philology. Once launched on their historic life, the phonetic system and forms of languages soon begin to change, and become gradually modified. Consonants and vowels often change to stronger or weaker consonants, to sharper or more open vowels. Both also fre- quently influence each other mutually, and such influence becoming more and more pronounced the various branches of a given family, each with their peculiar modifying tendencies, depart daily farther and farther from each other. Persian and French are much more different from one another than were old Persian and Latin ; English and German than Anglo-Saxon and old High German. And not only do the forms become modified, but they at times perish altogether. The common Aryan mother-tongue possessed eight cases, of which Latin retained scarcely more than two-thirds, reduced in the Langue d'oil to two, while in modern French they have quite disappeared. So also the three primitive Semitic cases have been preserved in literary Arabic alone. * " Les Serbes de Hongrie," p. 310. (Anonyme.) Prague, 1873. Chap, vi.] ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. 309 But this is so far a degradation rather than a transformation. True transformation, with which we are now concerned, is a varia- tion of species, a phenomenon in philology which has long heen scientifically demonstrated, and which those alone will venture still to doubt who confound etymology with the science of language. It lias been shown in the course of this work that all languages were divided according to their structure into three distinct classes, ••the isolating, the agglutinating, and the inflectional. In the first class avo have neither prefixes nor suffixes, the root itself in its crude state forming the word, so that here the sentence consists of nothing bui a series of independent, free, and isolated roots. In the second class the word is formed of two, three, four or more elements, oiu • of these roots alone preserving its full primitive force, while the others, losing a part of their original meaning, are attached to the principal root as relational, that is, secondary elements. In the third class not only are diverse elements aggluti- nated, as in the preceding, but the root itself may become modified, changing its vowel with its change of meaning. These three stages have been described in their place, with examples calculated to clearly illustrate their peculiar features. It is now well ascertained that the languages of the second class have passed through the first stage before arriving at their present . while those of the third have successively passed through the two previous stages. Before being agglutinating, the Uralo-41taIc idioms were isolating or monosyllabic, and before becoming in- flectional, the Semitic had been firs! monosyllabic and then il inating. The proof of ihis permutati f linguistic species is self-evident. Thus all the monosyllabic tongues betray clear proofs of a more or realised tendency towards the agglutinating process, while several agglutinating idioms in the ame way manifest tendencies rds inflection. Lastly, in the inflecting tongues themselves there occur numerous traces of the agglutinating and even of the isolal ing pha w. Thus we have Been thai Chine e grammar already distinguishes the roots into full and empty (p. 37), a distinction which is the 310 ORIGINAL PLURALITY OF SPEECH. [Chap. vi. first step towards agglutination. Nothing was in fact further needed than to solder the empty on to the full roots, in order to pass com- pletely from the first to the second phase. ( )f all the isolating tongues, Tibetan seems to show the most marked tendency towards agglutination, so much so that it has at times been wrongly taken for an agglutinating language. The transition from agglutination to inflection is quite as easy to understand, and all who have studied the Uralo-Altalc group are aware that the first traces of inflection are much more marked in the Finnic than in the other groups, especially the Tungus. But the most curious point to observe is the passage from the agglutinating to the inflectional state. Thus a number of Aryan forms are still in the agglutinating period, as, for instance, the vocative, which is nothing but the theme itself: aJcva = Sanskrit ag,va = Latin eque = horse! where the radical ami derivative elements are intimately connected, neither presenting any trace of phonetic modification or of inflect ion. Nay more, unmistakable traces of the monosyllabic period still linger in the Aryan tongues, as in Sanskrit, which has a somewhat numerous class of nouns, whose theme is nothing but the monosyllabic root itself. It little matters that it modify the vowel, -or suffix the case-endings, the fact remains, that we are here evidently dealing with a primitive monosyllabic element. In conjugation also, the augment a, pre- fixed to the imperfects and aorists (old Persian abara = Greek e, rp O thetic, tween til the bD a u ;s "^ t>i O O 03 2 „ £ <« p ,p © -^ o oo . u o a m a co M 03 ■S p ^2^ ,d =* to o Ph 9 ■" S » "8 1 s .2 9 a § « tl ° rr, a CO • '? .2 CO r- .P tg as " diffei reta to _p « r* CO 03 ^ § 2 O O --2 « r- *-<»,= = .S a g o^ S ce -P FL 5M n -S C £ so c= 2 "US* be a . . £ h^ -^ ," Ph O _ p">-~:p - a 03 r— □ ~ o-p B^Sft pS P3 03 03 03 g •£ a o rd m ho 03 .a 3 6c co a a 03 o o t-» Ph Ph C5 w 03 >, a a o . £ Ph 9 .2 § « ,3.5 .2-*j £ £ i-^ 3 -s ■£ ~ *-• ° rp o3 03 ,^ o -^i c2 rt ~ » J. .2 .2 ^ M -a h a -p -u o £ O HJ C3,P CO 3 a jj >1 fe O 03 2 g "=« Jh 5 « 5 5 ^ "^ J< m a s p 03 a d s s^s P . S <« § S £> ° -S 3 C3 „5 P 03 ^ Ov -'h O .£ -P 03 v -' a- -r H Ph O i 03 a^ s 1 = 8 ^ ns Ph" <+; oo ew ,a S ce s - a 5 g 2 t^o^ o "43 2-3'2S-5^' j q3" 03^ S * o S Ph m a a-s o oT'»oa a g m § S ■! ^ £ e, 8 'S ^^^^ P-i 1 ^ bD^H 0:0 - o ro pn" '^a pHC3-~^. r < oa£^j2a^'H-jOSHqa3o3 r=i ;;r- 03 tM &H ^2 "< CO Ph O P 2H c3^2-a^ S 03 5^ - >5: P rP 00 p § ° P i d r-t id i-H i-H 1> O »0 to a Ph CO Ol -H rH O 00 00 r-l rH i-H CM C-J i-H rH p a CO 03 'Hb ?c 1-^ t» J • .® r 2 . . . ,* . P= " ob • ■ a 03" co -55 .a c3 rt 5? p 3 * § § -g S l [ ! p. 1 • • ; ■ • a • _c3 T3 03 'Ph ■ rH C • - • P .H - ci : : : oj -^ ^3 : _>. a 1 J 1 ^ 3 .a r— Cp |-L| |_| ^3 s p, a '3 | | .0 a ph cs a a .-s S & H 3a-5 a a ^a cs _, a p. co p: ^ : a £ -a oj be f 3 a PhO OMtH 00- P APPENDIX. 313 oc --Z rr ia x *-> O li ™ c. re co " i^ -MH t-I i-l he be a be bCo a < < M cl, m T - - W i" ■>! I" - M TH t* ■* co «o ■» n :i 'C o o M M O o ia M h C :: :: ,_i^.,_,--.>I,-i,-i-> M l-H P4 Pn l-H a a "o =' zt - a - 1 - 1— I t— I p~ 1—1 , ^ o n H K u^°-^5^° x |zj j <5 ; pa s — -- o o be a; §1 S -: ■a o 3 CO - ai i) 1) i— i ; 1—1 ; a) w _ — !z< a -. a — pq a - 3 a o a a - >i > a "1 •/. < cc H < l-l < O II a "3 o 5 5.-C - '■ * a o ; = ; ; ^ ^ a: -a ~ a a -- -- ----- . — - -- ja .a p es ea ■ -■ a a a a a - r - _ 1 — -M :- — •---•-/ o a g 5 a a a - - .a - E a <<<< <<-;<< ~ - n - a 3 ? 311 APPENDIX. Pm - bC CD be it it c£ tc il ic""^ il. tC :-== a >> N o3 § 03 « c3cSc3c3o3c3<3cSc3o3 cjj OU C£_ c3 o cb s a) - ^ .— ■— .a pqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpq •go I C5©i-H~ m ir j ti 10 io li APPENDIX; 315 to - - x 10 oo o o H IB M O O rH N n n im o 0. 1M rH ^H sg (M !N I-H -> "< <. Ph "< M I- -l 'fl ■ 9 ■ £» - H «h «H : H ill hail abria ... ifornia mbodia lestine, Phoenicia ina (south-east) ia Minor (extinct nezuela and Frei talonia vte of New York wer Mississippi sopotamia 3 a >a ~ o - a - « 7i 7i ,p £fi « o3 -B O oj SKPSPP < pq pq o x x H OOOPh 0<< r* OiC^^ : g© : : : : : : : : 1 — . ' - en ,jfl p. ,2 u 3 - - - ~ £ - '- cv. 3 r — O c — o - - | - - i'i a- Slav West -Neo. It] - ^ .- :: i 5 e g - 9 r - << 'J - £> od t! « l-J bo ; r c - id o fc 8 ® o = "5 o ^"o'i b * ,fl - .- 1-1 - I o b a < c — X d - - r. r p a — = < h-l -< CC - ■= -S I "Sa 5 9 J a 8 J s fii^ bd B B k J '. ^ : ; ; ; s : E = pqpqpQmPQpqnpqpqpqeqpqi - rt ca •- .5 p '"5 -a _ 1 — tn. ^ sl Z " • — ^2 a 3 fi 'C 'C C -3 >. « "« c;"r:^r3cJc3-a^ -- 2 o S.«, - X It - : 2 .- 2 '_ r - i - 1 ~ 316 APPENDIX. CO-flO^H^HlOlOOOiS 03MMH«»ia«nNON i-HrH^H r-Ji-H fH ^H M r-< rH 00 J>- CO CD (30 CO in i^ i- — M co *> !>l i-i i>1 CI ■ s -s "3 o * : 5 £ 8 .S 3 d'-C ^ £ « 73 rd H § Ii i.3 § I i ii iow § r£ >> C3 g ffl ffi £> £> H CQ O Q Cj ^ ^r^ ^ W^C/2 cfl 3 PL, 1 1 1 d d d ' S -2 o si d d r2 Oj fl C3 o t->3-3 fl "i S <<< P^aa s * © £ O O ffl ft-- -• Si d ft O -H .s -H U H .d .d .d .d jd xi QQOOOO 2 =3 R "to ^ ,5 rd J d a -5 £ a Z g o d ft £ S -djqn;.ddo b'obbS OOOOOO OOQOO c3 to TO to" PQfiQ APPENDIX. 317 "3 3 if Pn*- 1 < bo -3 to d bo o o rt <3 bo bO b£ PP C O i"3 © ,H 5 £H o « ^ J o - ^ - a - -W > od tu as M k& :« a - S : '-■-■ ■& g ^P ,a a .a .9 3 = 1 _o a 3" - a a '2 h3 £ •= : n K Z? . Q M -Nco- ape\ Wesi h ■"1 "as W CO •nquin gi litic (Eg itic (Hin Polabisb Sinhales an Neo an— Ten in Lcn can ■ano 3 a 3 a tr Z a B r"- r «J jc m 33 fc bo S.9 S - •0 r3 > ^ <" CO .S 2 -~ ■ rfH S *i-i — a 3 ^ 10 a a aj _a ~ 3 rt U CO 1 » C S j£' S .2 aa fO "d a 3 II a Ph a .2 rt o a §,2 ami ,2 •-: - ►» a 'S o r-2 a a ^ c- « - ~ — S < '-> DO V. Uj •5 3^ -r > 'j « a a: 'r — a o ■- -a a a a 4S a j o 'a '~ .- cQ : a « to o ^2 o — ~ m ' -— -r a 'ti « j >.m< ^ - '- to p p p ■^^■^■X .- -. 1 :t — ■". X 1 - W yy 2 o-2 a a a g'j ^ Ul a. / _ ^. _ CO — 1 !-H ^H 318 APPENDIX. o to o co CO tBOOOHH-TlCOCQHCOil — 1~ ClOQNO CD OS lO 1(5 CDlOOOlCCWUnCCOtB ■* ■* CO CO CO -fi O IC N CM CM CM (M CM 5Q NHNN h .a g«8 c o o «- ty bb ti be be tii bo a" ^ be a a -' -ic a a a a a' a' ci fc e <3 <; -=^J -«{ -< -< -=c! i — 1 1 — i -=c! i — 1 1 — 1 1 — i -=5 }—'. i— i h- 1 1— 1 1— 1 (— 1 <^ •<( : : £ 45 '«$ " ' ' a OQ (25 N a : 0:::::0-g : rfl : o : 1 ^ o o cS cj _" ^ ^ >— i : o i : : 1 : ° i 5 ! o 5 S (M £ £ O 'S : 3 " , H K~ ^ ,£: 1 o o ■ ^5 e3 O O "S « © a — o SO £ ? h5q - S 8 . £ £3 -^ -t> a ~ o o o m a a t; l — ' — 2 ? t» o • - - - a cs c •— a a -a o a w a * ^S g S .S CM H gJ £ v3 S : w : .2 ^< <£ 2 ^ 02 jtj .t a a .a co £ a ^ S o a a o . o • 02 " o .-» ■a co .bpV 5 o w a a"^ co "S o a ^o •5 .5 3 - - : & a r ^ : : § ^ 3 --a ^. ^ ^°^g^ a £ rg J ^^ eJ J o o 3 o o 125 02 02 02 02 'S3 S 3 2 ^s ^ .2 : S^ : : "Sr- : a __^ S - gl o O O c3 '3 IS J | .£-S52.| . ..a . .1- . » ' :ftSo j : : : : w : £ a =S'Si aa = 5< S .2 bej " a ' a 'a cs cTrt^S, bo . £3 I .2 1 | h (3 o s 1 o 1 1 o S. aS ?'a *S a m O E 2 .5 a = .: j Bra 1 a m a § -| ^ ^ o rf S a ~ ^ -2 '5 a g ]£ a § )S cj d a a is d ce ~> ~ H SI fe&H fi, fe fk, £h fe fe fe Ph fe fe [=, aoo 3SOOOC^ io to t^-co q o h m m -? io » n x a (Sz CM CM NmMWnCCCOMMCOCO ^ ^i I— 1 1— 1 i-Hi— li— li— I^Ht— I^Mr^f— 1 r- li— 1 1 ,H ,-1 1 i-H r-i i-l rH r-4 iH APPENDIX. 319 30 00 00 US WiOti IN 00 so o o us | ft re re --r t> y. ~ i~~ o *~- >~ or? w >i in i-i as a a - r -"B "3 HH ■< H PLi "o a .... . 1 a tc it = bo a H <; •< h <; h , ■ d : ::::?: Ph o o ::::::::■- o - ■ • • ~- c3 02 o 5 a . : : : .5 : '. : : *w : ; ;s \~& \ C o -a 05 ri H 2 t3 o M 2 a «i „h ■ ~1 . I - 1 HH ft " d ■ : 5 a - : : : : '•-* . *~* - 5 a a .-s g a .a a 13 « : "S ° te JP- : 3 3 ? 5 fl -" ^ - •«"o r-l d S3 to ■■zo £ : 3 : O eS 03 : o • o a S? S 5 = oQ c3 h _,-, *V „ o C - s : h h tca^ - -J 'j ; ^ ; = O ^ = •.: .': x «$taHoaP3P3C5 do? co S 5 £ ■w d _ r r i. o S s - fS r •? ■""'G : 5 o " 3 02 Pn P5 H ' ,a •*> - ?. a rd Oh .2 -r" © .S«w a a |£-S°Sg h rt o ci c n ' -4 ooa^ss :3~ :::::::: : — J, : : : : / : i : r : — - •-^ o ft d ^ r ; S | 1 : : 1 : : g g : : = ,3 : = = - - •- = 6 o g e — S >. a ■5 i £ - L i « o a -a 3 .2 . .='=.'= J o °^ : o : .8 P : '-> O IK) g — d - ~ 5 = '- ^ ■- - = - v. z- * "on 5 g • .2 a h- 1 ■« .5 r £ .- h o « S a a "1 ? : fe S § -2 ^ O H " CJ O 3h h «u>j - ilulAliijfi S 8 3 -a ■' * > - * — - \ i s a a ■ o a © a ° I - s O O - U ? 1 < ■_' «| •/" 7 < — < < — "• h ^ a a - - - - B — = 2 r* 1 DQ S h 02 « -Jj ::::::::. 3 :: : u : : a 7-. : : : : : "a d 3 - _ _ 2 E _" a < § m o ._ o S | e9 — .s, "S '5* 'G :d h ^ o h E a a 2 S h 3d do pz a pr — _z — / r. " — : i :-.-■--•-- i - K r. - — * i w — koee i- / ec £ s -^ - i~ 1 1 HH H H ^ ^ " F * ^ ^ '-' 320 APPENDIX. ° io as O -? f-i 1-1 — « -71 X"*» *rfl CO OS 35 ■*}< CM © 1— 1 t— 1 rH CM CC CO 10 10 CM CD CO rH cn -# 1-1 r-i i> rH ■<# CO CO CO N NH CM O«00 rH 35 rH x>co rH j Form of Speech. t-i r- 1 a a' sp"o a ^r3 <1 a' a |j a 1— 1 h-H p_| <3 H be bi bi a bb r- 1 ■e * S § .3 Pro and 7.0 •th-e a - Si 5 uwest (west Colon ;o (noi ^©_ -a -^ OrH. P -S£ * 2 • a .a : £ i2 rd « £ " - g g r2 ^fl • • a EiJ ' • c3 a S -e ,a !>> r^ a c3 a Id J be H & > ►Sr^^S 1— 1 H cS a *-3 >"~5 . -§ .° ^j .8 .3 ° D a h t3 -q ^8 ?3 "§ .a > >>rr- ca ^ t=><1 : : : cs : o P a -S §•2 &©P ""So o .© fe O © <£) £4 '^1 I a w 1 , « i i O rf h : m a a ;-v a a ! " a a eg -g a ; © >v t>>rg g h © H ^ a " j dq H ,o ca cs a MM 1 1— 1 'M 1 CO-* »0!0 1> 1> 1*- 1^ *> £~ 1-- 1> 1 rH rH ' r-l 1— 1 r-l r-l rH CO Ol rH rH O 2 ■ H N WrflO 00 00 00 CO GO 1 rH rH rH rH rH CO t^ 00 1 00 CO 00 rH rH rH ' 00 05 APPENDIX. 321 d -i rusaiONM ootco ■»? «D t»i 010^KMS OC3J5 QMCO fflNN^OOeONOOOO Bh -H rH rH rH rH rH ^H ^H 1-1 i-H = .a 79 ilC be bC bO be be be bb a be od be -3 'g bb be be SuCq be bb be be i. a. 7. Ph Ph ro ■ a # '1 : : : : H „• ■jfe, - ■ g " — - be P. gU g 6 2 cS c3 D o : a ca . a : f : : | : 1^ a r* : : a ^^ 'Sop ^ ■ a .£ o • -g • a ^3 ^ o ^^^ rrt : . • • ° 1 'J ' "5 J £ . : sf : : w : o gi-H . . C ^■^^5 be o a ^a ^S 2 ja : - • 03 ; j* *" • ^3 • - O • - ■ u "S - ° •*» C3 O ; -• S J J 5 ~ .- — ■ V ^ --a. a ^2 ^ ^j a a> o ^ .2 — "5 rj3 ' — ' 'C "S :*3 a . 2.2 S ~ « : §-^ ^ •' - s. - - a T - - o d -^ a -a rt O 2 P l2 -o f2 - B^5«.«0 O .2 x ;f. ■/ oa - S a 2 - -S a H a d a O c3 c3 » b « O eg pj 9 O o .9 rt O c3 co m =: dc M X x 0=5Ph Mq - : fl : • a - '■£ ■ ■ -^v : a bo ' ' ' a, a a> o - 'rt bo .a a at ID M S o ■ : : » o z. - o be : "5 >> : : O .a j: ^a -a - • O O O t) -5 c 1 •a "5 0} ■ be § • = -. x g =11 :J : — "- r w 2 = u a c ■J i i ' || 'I 1 B — 5 ■- 3 & i ^ s 3" u . .2 2 : = _ o ill — - s H" a ° a Eh P P cl. 3: Lm P •** *g H -^ ^ — T O ~ " -11 3w3 a a 5 ca , — ^ t. w G ^ * CP <»T7<'f-0 1^kOCO 10 00 (OfflNOtOtDNNl^fflOlMnt-WNOJNlONNOOOOSW H CO ,-i 1-HrH Hrl r— I i— I i-d i-H CM rd CM r-l rH i-d CM ic sCo &o be be-© 'S be be bp^ be be bc3 bo^ be be^ a be a be be ^<^p H <^<|<5^p H ^<1-i < qt--i-» ,o . .ss : qq O o O .2 02 - m : o3 CD ' ,g ' sippi d Gra ia, we o g § co a 0? a rp £ S a cs cs . ; iS ., >-3 be :p P a> S 3 o « co ■ - • § : : CO o -»J q-i .p d a (Eastei u (Eastei ornian gi ralian (E ralian (E an group pendent, assified . . idian u (Weste an group assified . Arctic . idian Arctic nquin o-Alta ilache pendei idian ? ' O-; S cs ' PcO I 7 P^P P >^2 a !h a cs <3 co O J ^ .P s-i a. © P 2 2° *S3 r P o'o'o'oooooooooo Si .» A T^ § a is .73 .2 sanscaap^aa CM CM CM -M 01 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM m< O .P dO- n3 03 C3 PP 05 ■* CM CM APPENDIX. 323 9 bo — 00 MOO co oon ooocowhomojio nhhjihnhn 00 O ICO Q0OU) to t^ cm co © >o io co »o -^ eg ■ — i i—i i — i cm ^H iH rH rH d bb be bb bb bo bb bb p'o to be bb bo bo bo o' hH o ft 05 .5 ch © £V i ; E° :1 : E : : : E-SP E E E 0> rl » in 'tn to^3 2 & « ^"i^ i>hh - 2P 2 "m „ d m -^ ^ .2 ^ -3 § h . . .ces» ,g H H 2 :& ^O cs : : "SIS" 2^ £ "rS £ £ bf) ° 5 C U« O h ^-H p -*_> pn ^ ^ "~; '"^^'HSfld^fli' p p pO CO C3 P q to r; CP q c ^ Q* ""j^ TO TO . t3 ^ d M ij fl a d 2 > •• >> >~> ' 'Tt s s >> d " "o cs ,r o ft o v. '1 3 cs a o Mas 1 fl fl d §3 dd s sh a ^ d fl d •K cS .S ^2 e8 cS .2 bJD 3 £j ^ cS u g ft- :2 "S ft^ ~ g * s2 bb bC>> bC^ ^ft.ftrJ^ftftS^^S ft £ £ Ph £ ^ 1: ;:Sf | :::: 13 •53 .3-53 >> § s >> a d § d g a : Ph ^ p° Ph .2 £ & : « 1 a ; 3 E a » odioocScr'GjTO >-.'to 3 ^ t>s'5! d ft c3 cSaj^cScSmOGjT! p=i 3 ^S i 3 H ^ fc-g jfr'g :§ £ g 6 g g fc» g | d cS 'd . . . 03 . . g TO TO ^ 5-2 J Jo ,2 c & S |ll,y 11^11 lilllllsa O CS f3 .^ pj TO ^ CS ^ d 2 2 ^ "n itj.iS a 1 m 00 ffl O i-i S » ■* lO CD t^ 00 05 O i-l «£ OtD t-~t- X>i^.t>M- X>-l^t^l-CC000000O0O0 000000 00G5O3 (M(M ' N N ' NNNN NNNMNNNN« ? CO % i>10«N e5U5«nNHnMM30?10!l»lO wainiow Ph r-( i-H 1-H rH rH ,_( rH rH £ g g, M M ■a .55 s — * a -S^ g £ J -O . . . P r? ■ ■ > ■ ■ O /— ^ .0 - - - - a • ; jj ; :— -u im : : : a 5 o X o : : : : a CD . . . r^ . ■ - •' 08 • o .9 : : : "3 CD : .SP : -J : a £ .£ : §><£ : M § t s §. j g kS ^ .3 oa- cD 5 -a ^ v — ol o^.H <» .2 .2 _a •^•- H :22 s :^^ "2 ca «h • a ^ u m c3 r < -r 5 o -^ 5 s Sao-* a> i! a a -* x £ ft: aS -a -a. ■ -■/;> = ^opr'aaas^=aaa •- • cS ^ it Oj — - 3 £ a a s c3 5gS« -=«o-ao^&,33rt-rtcsoo ,9 ^a z _/;?HS3Po5QfflSos-/.u M J tc O 1-1 "S • • ■ "0 a a. o 14 - - - it : : : • -3 -a a bo ■ -a 'd a : : : - 3 • • • ■ p as — a - >, - - a p a u Hill -\>ri -^ g«?|"i B a H c ■ a ra a • t, — a £ '3 «g M _ = I «g - 5 -'• i 2 "3 -° ft a — - bx - • ' - a a s So ; g -a — S" ^ - a 3 e *7 S - — a ~ ~ "*• - - .9 p .2 = - — - •= - - a: S S v -''- ) - 5 :l f 1" L 3 I g,.a | .S B,'« < < a << 1 ~ ' ~ /. /. ' - - /. . . G , •— JL apa-^^^a^i^.^o.^g 3 C 1 ;/. Q a a i - -^' .2 N a -3 o a 6 u— '- x: B T3 fl 7. _'/.< — 1 •- _ 3 : 9 e 5 |.s a V. ail | = 2 vP= ^^a _-a =_ « 2 J^ 6 ^ ^ a P -n '? 2 d * a re - .a a a S g -a 3 = 3 M S *s □ -' >- "a — — ^4 ^ r a - '/• '/. - : OS 9 E ' a. a a 2 3 d c3 ,-. pa ^. pa. '-• ~ P- P 7 . <-. ". f. "P. r», r-. r-. P^. P 1 ! P 1 ! P 1 ! P 1 ! S ^ P-l P 1 ! ~. P% fe» _'• ; 1 - / r. - p-< oj oc —.-.v. 1 - /■ no — 71 7-. — •". '- , rH f- 1 1— 1 i-H 1— 1 1-1 -.i : i : i : i .1 .1 NNncoconcon a a ?t rc co CO ' 326 APPENDIX. CM ,-H i-H i-H rH t-I r-H IM H N IN be p bo 1 © o o s ■< i-i a a B b: B -3 G a G »< do)SflSS~ Szjjzi - «H O o CB.B Hi - C5 Ph CQ 02 CQ 0> B • o bc£ g<~ bD H 3 - o 1 o v - / b£ P be be m do ■ tz. a o be<} | ^-^ B A B B B a ,2 a a a W<1«<3« » x ,5 3 o ® » i? 3 Ph x {25 Ph ^ B 1=1 3 ? CO — eg b ~ d f a,5"S •= - >1 — 2 a X' a -1 1 i : 1 IjA.i ■■"-"-- -S | 3 3 g 1 '3 I^sl-ai _ r _ .' ? 3 a - • Sjjsj 1 8 § § g E" < /.<_;_ x p <| X /- - < x < i - w — - to Ph = "3 o : J o g ! • - ^ d 'rt isglsagJagH "~ = "= b a r = 9 '- — 8 SPl w 3 5 «*- - - : - /. ~ v. <; o P ::::::: :'fl : a 9 a d ^ - - es J£ ^A X. '~ DOOOOOOOOC ; c — :i - / -. — - - - - 1 - t~ rt OQ = -T;j 2 J: r. - O CI 'Ph O _| •r „ s .a : ~^- 7 = z-^-z^z iddcscaacscsCDOCDaJcs PhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPhPh - — - 1 : : — i - -i i - op , 1/5 in W 1(5 115 1(3 irt lO tO CD 3)Oh » eo ' eo ' co « co 328 APPENDIX. c to Offl^smaoN^HOiM © 'HH OS CO kO CD oo 00 00 (M CO cq — ••- ' 1— 1 1— 1 h-t Ph M PhPh «j .3 Ph Ph Ph «5 P-i Ph C?lG K Ph P-i P-i hK fe fct" O OO bjD • a e3 c3 cS J3 * ^ 1=1 =3 ,"* -» a >■» £■> >> 2 2 >>&*»>>>-» ca - o >-> >> o <3 < 02 m = -= S^S, 3 s 5 c- ,P p Ph & cS > P j eS bJC P O 13 1 ~T.^ r ^' s a p- C3 (D CO S3 ^> <-JScc OS . i^ 1~- nBWMCOOJWMMWCOM CO CO co 00 OS CO CO M p T w .§.8 o ce cs -a PhPh Ph O -f 00 00 CO CO APPENDIX. 329 oi oo o r O -N -* O i-l 00 35 O 00 oo o o o r-t O jg> 1- 1- NQ0CO ■■D 00 C3 CO CO O S3 O CO O Ph N eq CM CM ■ oa o c2 CO a o 73 .2 .- . ^2 - a o o m OB oa d s ° So a o o 3 -a . 3 J, a .S - a ..§.21 co c3 =« a O C3 | g CfJ ^ a oa m .3 r 3 T3 H a a ^ - - d a . o ~ a a S q 1 3 " 3 a o9 s d a a gj i a a 99 u •j o o cu Ov o MMM ~ - MM 1 J 1 1 1 J 1 //.//. Ol CC 03 Ol 02 CC 02 o p> C i *-• :i / / / 1 1 a CI -. r. .. -- z. - 1 CO CO . CO CO CO CO CO -f 330 APPENDIX. 00 o Ui Tfl CO C5 CO CO Gi -rOOri cs w WS Gi CO t> 1^ 00 IN tffl — < -t^- CO CO > O Pi c3 - 2 H » 03 >«!-. ■4 co P & £.2.2 ft : CO a o ft a I a o ' 5 ftS b B SL s d p o bfi .O c3 c3 rvt ^ ^ ~ ' — 1 1 — < M o ID CO CO >— 'tfl c£ CB o 'cS g: ca ^ ^'li^i I ! -s "S a 5 £ £ <; O ~ ;;:ii g§c3oo^>>g22 ,q Jh "1 Q CO CO t> fcn ■~ - - - ^ c > is CJ V — CO CO CO CO CO CO e3 o a B cS tc 5 - a ■" 3Q • = = 3 I ~ 3 = = a | O m «m g — a _^° 3 br^ c3 « - -= r :. £ ~ § 8 3 C a ? >> o o o -/ 00 X — X X X. X. "3 5 1* c .g »— ' -» o S ° j, ° - - l2 .- - - f- - = ° » to . u a P ftj !^k ^ ^H - 9 9 = 8 * I be o £ h I - J: «j - i P, a £ £ 4" - - =- - z - ph;2 s - £ _ : ■- .2 ■ oS G d — — ^-. - " 5 S § 2 5 _ - - 8 -J :■= :■= £ = _ d £J B ' o ' o _= — — — - 9 pS »S 5 o < - JP - •- u o 5 rt -; ^= CS -■ ft a D fe - d - H - o a X 1 93 = i > « oj H -^ :U o « •- •- a lL — /. / / H H H 3 Eh © a . j 9 cB n - 1 rt r: i : i : i : i : i _ _ u. 1 ., . W OJ ft U I Ert Eh e« Eh Eh t« 00 03 S — " i " — ' "- - ' - ' ~ C — M « = L3 332 APPENDIX. O O J) ffl»ll^Mt*OOWfflOO« rH (N i— I i— I i— I rH (M " iS ko'o a 'o 6c 6c 6c r 3 60 6c 6c a •M a> .s« .2 &ba Mo g : o~W be ■•£ • d o . a 5 t» 2 3 3 s a g ^S3^ I ^;^«a2^ccPrfo&H Q^ 60 <1 be 60 60 g 60 -i <) : o ' 3 *3 4) 60 r-J ^gg* 0> 1 -s .2 d £ « O -2 ftS ri [>, "fl ^ > .2 d flr5 t3 t, ~ a a co o S o o ■ X - H or jS 60 tf 1 00 •- d -1 p <\ d X d - >• O rr| — - ti a fl < Pfi^^OP » * fly o 4 S , — 1 -^ d H U CO Bj - d 0) ~ d d d 2 O w - GO fl) d r/i -li ► 61 d a OMH 1— i 5 'C rO . n 9 a ■ •fl r^ rd .y ^ : fc d .2 — d d d 3 r-r -1 r ^ ^ 7 g 4 ! P d tf t>i a) tf «fc ttiNMCJOH -r — -7 — >-? ira "^ "^ ^f* "^ ^ ■*sr* d o o d d ^ bp.rj M J4 Z HEH^ribBHhBEnHHH Nn^iotONaooHww^i 1.9 19 10 10 ira in in o tt c 10l0 O *-- O 1>- (M o o S CI O X O - OS to ct * 91 u~ re ?i ~ BO — c; c J! c m o3 s C!»« lOON X 3 -H I-l •H (M 91 N -M i-l l-H 1-H a -i (30 3 bb a" d si cc iL bi si: ti ti be bi bic bb bb"^' bb 1-1 OQ ^~ £ < - - <; m 1—1 <;<^ , : : : CD = £ 33 cc 3 o c3 £ o pi a; u : : o ,d - - . cs : : : X ^^ ' '5 e6 _ CO P 1c o ? . T3 • •*-> , — v d -« d W o • d to o d tS ■ d £2 d U OQ HI — ± d §1 — o (3 O : : : : : en o ^ ^3 * • GO tc : : d cS o O r. 1 = £ IS eel 6bg § 2 2 oo 9 S ° O-S J, .5 .if O c <- 1 ^ - ■5^5 O 99 H IB M £ .3 — — CO - != = ^ ~ ~s. - « ® o oa d 3 5 = :i C> - — ID .* .5 -2 o o o ■z rS rr fer O fa. O p 1— 1 XJ1 ^>P pq pq £ h^5 Z ^ £?V2 i-3 2h X X X ^ K ^ CO . o / ^^ . ^ * '• *^> ■ O^ ■ ^ o o d c ^3 & c *-< o p, . : S — : 3 - - L •_ bi : -H -H .2 5r> : : : : >, 6 o u is. eS y £ "S fe fi "3 s d d '1 1 a cs H »2 • c = DQ I o o c = OS cfl = s td - 3*5(3 c3 j c 93 S d - III o — .- : .4 d * — tr. = '^ .2 1 1 l 5 : 5 1 1 : : : be | 5 Tl ^ — ft '5 "3 _ _ - | ^- uz -r < < << 2 - : i = -l — d d /. X C -* — t^ g _ £ a C 6 e4i «H | i — — :- oa r; £' £' - DC d •- < << <<< V 7. 6 i - o fe _ 'Z J .1 9 'S i DO '8 "5 5 ■~ 't - — "*' ~ T Z-. ■■■ tl. -j .a o b= == == 03 O "J £• o "3 c i 'J3 fi cb _S So -- u a .a .a *S if s - i 3 3 o p 3 9 >->>>- bn >. L- - - j i r; — .-. -■ i - r r. ; — — 1- - i - / 00 op aO Cl O — 9) 1 '-- - 1 - 1 - i . i -- — i - 1 i - / / J S T. Z- 334 APPENDIX. o MONNt 1 O -r 3 0- HOOS M — -M > ^ -2 B C _ -w _. o s c3 " ^ "> 1R [3 s « h 2 d -2 E=i S3 B S S3 d S c3 e3 -5 c3 cS r3 -w -t! >. S3 >> >■> 2 S 2 -G to l> 00 cs ■2Y. c. oa ~. c~. crs cj — -r -r -^ ^ T? *# INDEX. Abyssinia, Semitic languages of Accadian, Double meaning of Accent, Latin ... ., Its influence on the Xeo-Latin tongues ... Afghan, Eastern Iranian dia- leot Agglutination, Second lin- guistic form ... „ Its various kinds Albanian, An unclassified Aryan tongue I m'.i, Grammar of American languages, Their great number „ Their common features No! distinct from other agglutinating tongues ,, Vocabulary of... Amharic, Akin to the '• ... ,, Tho term vindicated Annameup, An independeni language ,, An isolating idiom ... Anthropoids, Arrested in their developmenl ... Arabic, Group of the B family ,, Proper, Its alphabet ... „ Its position „ Dialects > L66 L68 168 L70 I :,.-, -n; 188 lsi 292 PAGE Asia Minor, Greek spoken in 214 „ Turkish spoken in... 103 Assyriam-, A Semitic tongue 157 Australia, Languages of ... 07 " Avesta," Sacred book of the Zoroastrians ... ... 1S8 ,, The Huzvuresh trans- lation 203 Bactrian, Zend, So-called ... 198 Bantu group {African) ... 59 Basque, Limits of ... ... 109 „ Yielding to Spanish ... Ill „ Isolated position ... 113 „ Oldest traces of ... 114 ,, Numerous varieties of 115 ,, Phonology of ... ... 11(5 „ Word formation of ... 116 „ Incorporates the direct object... 117 „ Not allied to the American tongues ... 119 „ lis vocal mlary ... 120 ,, Origin of ... ... 121 Beja (Bishura), An Ethiopian dialed 180 Beluch, An Iranian tongue ... 207 /.'' rbi /•, 1 leneral nam" of modern Libyan ... ... 179 81 e Vsech. Burman, An isolating tongue 12 Buryetic, Its importance in r if Mongol lti >u 1 > ... ... L06 Bushman I" ... 51 A Kill K- idiom ... 2 16 ■ m, Limits of ... ... 27!) [ts forms ii.i'iu pre- 1 ed ... ... 27!' Medii ral Greek ... 212 336 INDEX. PAGE Cases, The three common Semitic 153 „ The eight common Aryan 186 Two in the old French 232 Catalonian, Grouped with the Langne d'oc ... ... 236 Caucasus, Languages of ... 136 Chain" ee, Its place in the Aramean group ... ... 155 Canaanitic, Group of the Semitic family ... ... 160 Chinese, Dialects of ... ... 34 ,, Its grammar purely syntactic ... ... 35 „ Its graphic system ... 38 Coptic, Eepresents old Egyp- tian ... ... ... ... 177 Corean, Agglutinating, but little known ... ... 76 Cornish, A Kymric dialect . . . 216 ■Croatian, See Servo-Croatian. Darian, Not yet finally classi- fied 291 Banish, Its place in the Norse group ... ... ... 257 Danl-ali, An Ethiopian dialect 180 Bevanagari alphabet ... ... 191 Bravidian, Extent of its do- main ... ... ... 77 „ Languages ... ... 77 „ Former limits of ... 79 ,, Simple grammatical system ... ... 81 „ Poverty of its vocabu- lary ... ... ... 85 Patch, A Netherlandish dialect 261 Egyptian, A Hamitic tongue 175 ,, Its grammar ... ... 176 Ehhili, Alan to the Himyaritic 171 Elbe, Slavonic of the 280 Elu, or Sinhalese 137 English, Different periods of 259 Erse, Scotch Gaelic 2 ±5 Escuara, Original name of the Basque ... ... ... 112 Ethiopian group of the Ha- mitic tongues ... ... 180 Etruscan, Different opinions on irs origin ... ... 290 5 Belongs to the Aryan family 291 PAOH 13 14 90 261 31 44 146 230 Etymology, Dangers of ,, Its true nature and pro- vince ... Finnic group of the Uralo- Alta'ic tongues Flemish, A Netherlandish dialect Forms, Threefold, mono- syllabic ,, Agglutinating... ,, Inflecting French, Formation of ,, Two classes of words in 230 „ Two cases in its old declension ... ... 232 „ Dialects of old ... 235 Friuli, Eastern Ladim ... 238 Frisic, A Low German branch 261 Fulu, or Pul, An African language ... ... ... Gaedhelic, or Gaelic branch of the Keltic ... Galatian, Old ... Galician, Akin to Portu- guese Galla, An Ethiopian dialect... Gdthds, Zend dialect of the ... Gaulish, Ancient German, Characteristics of modern Its orthography 64 244 247 240 180 199 247 266 267 Gheez, South Arabic group... 171 Gipsy dialects... ... ... 195 Glagolitic alphabet ... ... 269 Gothic, Its proper spelling ... 254 ,, Position of in the Teu- tonic family ... ... 254 Ch'eelc branch of the Aryan family 208 „ Not to be grouped with the Latin 209 „ Grammar ... ... 210 „ Dialects 211 „ Common dialect of ... 212 „ Bvzantine 212 „ Modern 212 ,, Extent of modern ... 213 ,, Pronunciation of ancient 214 Hamitic family ... ... 174 „ Inadequate title ... 174 ,, Hypothesis on former limits of ... ... 171 INDEX. 337 Hamitic Akin to the Semitic family ... ... 174 „ General Grammar of... 175 „ Divided into three branches ... ... 175 Harari, Akin to Ghees ... 172 Hebrew, Various periods of ... 160 „ Its grammar ... ... 162 „ Its alphabet 163 High German, Three periods of 264 „ Two kinds of 267 Himyaritic, Member of the south Arabic group ... 170 : , Its limits in medieval times ... ... ... 194 Hindu group of the Aryan tongues ... ... 190 „ Neo- Hindu languages 193 „ Phonology of ... ... 190 Hottentot language ... ... 47 •resh version of the "Avesta" 203 ,, Aramean influence on 204 ,, Its grammar ... ... 204 „ Its alphabet ... ... 205 theory... ... ... 121 'Icelandic, Its place in the Norse group ... ... 256 Incorporation differs from polysynthesis ... 128 „ In Basque ... ... 119 ,, In the American tongur- L28 „ In the Uralo- Altaic tongues ... ... 97 Bee Iryan. I r finic, Inadequate title ... 188 Inscriptions, Cuneiform, Lan- b 8e< and ii "f ... ... 139 ,, Assyrian ... ... L57 „ Persian 200 ttion, Importance of in the isolating tongue* ... .'J 1 roup of the Aryan family ... ... ... L95 Irish, of in Hid mp.., ... 2 1 !• ,, Grammas ... ... 240 ... 1. 'J I • ip .. PAGE Italian, Its dialects 238 Japanese, wrongly grouped with other agglutina- ting idioms ... ... 72 i, Grammar ... ... 75 Kabyle, A Lib3 r an dialect ... 179 Kafir languages ... ... 59 Kasdo-Scythic, or Sumerian ... 141 Keltic group ... ... ... 212 „ Two branches of ... 244 Keltomania ... ... ... 250 Kurdish, An Iranian tongue... 207 Kutnric, Branch of the Keltic family ... ... . . . 245 Ladin, The three groups of 237 Languages, The life of ... 8 „ Mixed do not exist ... 8 „ Isolating and mono- syllabic ... ... 31 „ Original plurality of ... 304 ,, Affinities of, how de- tected 302 ,, Not always identical with race 307 Latin, Its degree of affinity with Qreek 217 „ Old and classic ... 218 „ Phonology of ... ... 219 „ Pronunciationof classic 220 „ Accent 222 „ Vulgar, the source of the Romanoe tongues 22" Lettic group ... ... ... 285 „ Its dialects ... ... 285 ,, Distinct from Slavon Lettish, Limits of 2SS ,, More corrupt than ... 2SN mp of t he Eamitio family ... ... ... 17!' Linguistics distinguished from philolog] ... ... 1-7 „ It a real domain ... '-i its dm in philology ... I" f.ititun. > rved 286 „ Limits of ' ... ,1 Grammar ... ... 2^7 . 272 :> ... ... 2. '.7 ,, Proper, or 1 h 261 1 itian ... ... ... 27"> 333 INDEX. Lycian, An Aryan idiom (Asia Minor) ... ... 292 Magyar, Its importance in the Finnic group ... 94 ,, Its limits and grammar 95 Malay group of the Malayo- Polynesian family ... ... 68 Malayo-Polynesian family clas- sified ... ... ... 68 ,, Their common origin 68 „ Form an independent system ... ... 69 ,, Grammar of ... ... 70 Maltese, Its Arabic origin ... 170 Man distinguished by the faculty of speech ... 18 „ The precursor of, and Philology 30 Mandchu, A member of the Tungus group ... ... 103 Manx, A Gaedhehc idiom ... 244 Metamorphosis, Period of ... 9 Mongolian group of the Finno- Alta'ic tongues ... ... 105 Monosyllabic languages ... 31 ,, Their grammar ... 32 Morphology, Its meaning ... 9 ,, Cannot alone determine affinity ... ... 14 Mosarabic, Of Arabic origin... 170 Neo-Latin languages ... ... 227 „ Formation of 227 ,, Foreign elements in ... 229 „ Their seven groups ... 229 „ Play of accent in their formation ... ... 230 Negrite languages of Africa... 51 Netherlandish ... ... ... 261 Norse, Ancient ... ... 255 Norwegian, Its place in the Norse group ... ... 256 Nubian languages ... ... 66 Oc, Langue cl', Dialects of ... 236 ,, Present limits of ... 236 0'il, Langue d', in the Middle Ages 234 „ Dialects of ... ... 235 „ Present limits of ... 235 Oscan, An Italic tongue .., 224 Ossetian, An Iranian dialect... 207 Pali, Place of in the Prakrit tongues ... ... ... 192 PAGE Papxias, Their dialects ... 66 Parsi, A medieval Iranian tongue ... ... ... 205 Pdzend, Parsi, Incorrectly so- called ... ... ... 205 Pehlri, or Pahlavi, See Huz- vuresh ... ... ... 203 Persian, The widest spread of modern Iranian tongues ... ... 206 ,, Ancient discovery of... 200 ,, Cuneiform inscriptions 201 Phanician, A member of the Canaanitic group ... 164 „ Nearly related to He- brew ... ... ... 165 ,, Of Africa, or Punic ... 166 Philology, Distinct from lin- guistics ... ... 1-3 „ Its true province ... 4 Phrygian, An Aryan idiom ... 292 „ Akin to the Iranian tongues ... ... 292 Physiology and philology ... 19 Plurals, Broken or f ractas . . . 168 Polabish, or Slavonic of the Elbe 280 Polish, Limits of 272 ,, Its grammar ... ... 273 Polyglot,~Not to be confounded with philologist ... ... 11 Polysynthesis, How differing from incorporation . . . 129 Portuguese ... ... ... 240 Prakrit, Its relation to Sans- krit 192 Provencal, Langue d'Oc ... 236 ,, Its semi-analytic period 236 Prussian, Old, an extinct Lettic idiom 288 Pul, See Fula. Punic, Phoenician of Africa ... 166 Pace, Not always convertible with language ... ... 307 Romaic, or modern Greek ... 212 Romance, or Neo-Latin idioms 227 ,, Language, Theory of... 227 Root, Definition of ... ... 32 ,, In the isolating idioms it constitutes the word 32 ,, How modified in the in- flecting tongues ... 147 INDEX. 339 Boot, Semitic, how far re- ducible 1-19 Rumanian, Its place in the Xeo-Latiu group ... 240 ,, Its article, phonology, &C 211 wkschyor Western, Ladin... 238 Rusnialc, or Rutheniam ... 272 m, Limits of ... ... 270 Its grammar 271 White, dialect 271 Ruthenian, Limits of.., ... 272 How differing from isian ... ... 272 Saho, Ethiopian dialect ... 180 Samoyede group of the Uralo- Altai'c tongues ... ... 89 rlt, First essays on ... 189 „ Place in the Aiyan sys- tem 189 „ Grammar ... ... 191 Alphabet 191 ., Literature 193 . Old 258 Ian, See Norse. language, mythical ... 138 ,, A geographical ex- pression ... ... 138 inflection ... ... 152 Kadically distinct from Aryan... ... ... 148 The term defective ... 151 ,, Eoots, how far reducible 152 ., Noun 152 7erb 153 Alphabet 1 5 I i, 155 ., Primitive, where spoken 17) ll"v, i-i ■! :,:, d i" Bamitio 175 fan ... 276 ., Limit i i ... ... 276 Dialects of 277 Literal axe of ... ... 278 [mportance of... ... 278 ' ■ ■■"""" of ... ... 278 • in"; idiom .. 12 l lifneuli to classify 137 ronp ... ... 268 ., Limit i ( ,f, i n medieval 268 „ Alphabet 269 Slavonic Tongues, now spoken 270 „ Classification of ... 283 „ Church, its limits and grammar ... ... 280 Slovakian, Akin to Tsech ... 274 Slovenian, A south Slave tongue 279 ', An Ethiopian dialect 180 ian, or Lusatiam ... 275 Spanish, Its place in the neo- Lat in group ... ... 239 „ Absorbing the Basque 111 Species, Permutation of, in philology 308 Sub- Arctic idioms ... ... 135 Sumerian, Meaning of ... 141 Suonvi, Its importance in the Finnic group ... ... 90 Swedish, Its place in the Xorse group 256 Syntax, Precedes accidence ... 33 Syria?, Its place in the Ara- mean group... ... ... 155 Syro -Arabic, Synonymous with Semitic ... ... ... 151 Ta-Masheq, A Libyan dialer 179 Tamil, Importance of in the Dravidian family ... 77 „ Its alphabet, &c. ... 86 Tatar, or Turkish group ...