A A 1 SOUT in 3D 1 8 1 O 1 9 9 9 :i: L' m ^ »>%, i^ s» i^ "Wm 'H, '*> ^12^^ \r^^ # n L 'L I - //O DEPART3!Er^T OF SCIENCE & ART OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION BOOKBINDINGS AND EUBBINGS OF BINDINGS IN THE NATIONAL ART LIBRARY , SOUTH KENSINGTON II CATALOGUE LOND ON Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery OflBce By P.yre and Spottiswoode Priuters to the Queen's Most Excellent [Majesty 1894. Ov ■V/ in Catalogue of Bookbindings. Catalogue of Rubbings. ii" ^^. 1 English - ^" Netherlandish >^ French X German , Italian ^ Spanish ■^ Danish 'vn Polish '*'i Hungarian ) Croatian ^ Servian C1140. a 2 430552 Page 1 English - - - - - . . Scotch - - . . . _ -ir> Irish ----.. . . -17 Netherlandish - • - - . - 18 French -_-. .. --22 German - - - - - - -35 Italian -- - -«.. -54 Spanish and Portuguese - - - . - 72 Turkish - • , m . , , . 74 Page - 75 - 158 - 207 - 240 - 308 - 318 - 320 - 322 - 323 - 324 - 325 BINDINGS ENGLAND 1 c. 1510. Brown calf. Frame formed by parallel intersecting vertical and horizontal fillets, adorned with a roll-stamj) (77). The enclosed space divided into four lozenge-shaped and eight trianj^ular compartments stamped with a floral design (77). Back : four double bands. NicOLAi DE Ltra. Quarla pars Postillanim. Nuremberge, 1497. Fol. 13| X 9f in. Art Libr., 1869. 2 c. 1520. Brown calf. Frame formed by parallel intersecting vertical and horizontal fillets, and adorned with a roll-stamp (79). The enclosed space divided into four lozenge-shaped and eight triangular compartments stamped with a foliated ornament. Back : four double bands. Taciti Historia. Basileae, 1519. Fol. 13| x 8| in. Art Libr., 2,016-1886. 3 Camrridge. Garret Godfrey van Graten, 151G-1539. Brown calf; roll-produced border in compartments /jv (139) on three sides only with the binder'smark. Back: (^J ^5^ four bauds. Akistotelis Prohlematiim sectiones duae de quadrayinta. Til. Gaza interprete. Parisiis, 1524. Fol. 12| x 8| in. Art Libr., 093-1887. The binder's signature Graten occurs on several of the sheets of printed ■waste inside the covers. See p. xxxv. Cambridge. Garret Godfrey, 1516-1539. Brown calf. In the centre three vertical bands of a diaper of wheels and knots of interlaced strap-work. Frame formed by intersecting vertical and horizontal bands adorned with a roll- stamp (138) bearing the binder's mark. The bands are bordered, and the angles of the inner panel connected Avith those of the frame by a fillet of three lines. Four bands. Rehacked. T. Livii Patavi>-i Opus. Parisiis, LOSS. Fol. 131 x ^ in. Art Libr., 1SG9. i 61140. Wt. 17587. A ENGLISH BINDINGS o Cambridge. Nicolas Spierinck, 1515-1545-6. Brown calf ; each cover impressed with a panel stamp (148 and 149) within a frame formed by parallel intersecting horizontal and vertical three-line fillets. Back : three bands. Title on front edges. B. BoxAVENTUUAE Sermoncs de Sanctis. Parisiis, 1521. Octavo. 6| X 4i iu. Art Lilir., 1,734-1887. 6 c. 1530. Brown calf; roll-produced ornament. A vertical, oblong frame, composed of two bands of Kenascence foliated ornament, with profile busts in medallions ; within these a lozenge-shaped frame, formed by a repetition of the outer border. In the centre, the initials E.I.E. stamped in gold. Back : five bands; a foliated ornament in each panel. S. Thomae Aqdinatis Commentaria in J^pistolas B. Paiili. Parisiis, 1529. Fol. 12 X 8i in. Art Libr., 1727-1887, 7 c. 1535. Brown calf; each cover impressed with a panel stamp (202) within a frame formed by intersecting horizontal and vertical fillets. Back : four bands. Ion. A Davantria. Eractissima Evanqelicae veritatis dedaratio. Coloniae, 1535. Oct. &\ x 4^ in. " Art Libr., 1,087-1888. 8 London, c. 1575. Brown calf; roll-produced borders of Renascence ornament, with busts in medallions. Loose cover, 12 x 8^ in. Art Mus., 11-1865. London, 159S. Dark brown calf; gold tooling. Vertical panel with centre- piece of foliated strap- and scroll-work on stippled groimd, enclosing Queen Ehzabeth's badge : a falcon crowned and holding a sceptre, perched on the stump of a tree, couped and erased, from which springs a rose bush in flower. Corner-pieces of strap-work and foliage ; at the angles a spray of oak leaves and acorns. Outer border, a three-line fillet, that in the centre gilt. Smooth back, divided by horizontal gilt fillets into compartments stamped with a large quatrcfoil between two small gilt cinquefoils. Pu. Sidney. The Countesse of Pembroke s Arcadia. London, 15'J8. Fol. 11^ X 7 Jin. Dyce, 9154. ENGLISH BINDINGS 3 10 London', 1611. Vellum. The sides, bordered with a gold fillet, have radiating corner-pieces, and a central ornament composed of a small flower and four impressions of the badge of Henry Prince of Wales. Aejiilia Lanykr. Salve Dens, Rex ludaeonim. London, 1611. Quarto. 7^ x 5| in. Dyce, 5675. 11 c. 1612. Brown calf; gold tooling. In tlie centre, the arms of James I. surrounded by the garter and ensigned with the royal crown, within a small panel flanked on each side by a foliated ornament. In the corners, the rose or the thistle, crowned and surrounded by curved stems with foliage. Sides laid down on a modern cover. RoBEKT Arbot. Of f he Defence of the Reformed CuthoUcke. 1611. Quarto. 8| x 6^ in. Ai't Libr., 1434-1886. 12 London, c. 1625. Brown calf ; gold tooling. Renascence centre-piece, with the arms of Charles I. surrounded by the garter and ensigned with the royal crown. Triangular corner-pieces with interlacing strap- work and foliated ornament on a stippled ground. On each cover are the initials I. P. Back : five bands. The Holy Bible. London, 1625. Quarto. 9^ x 6^ in. Art Libr., 1870. 13 c. 1620. Brown calf ; gold tooling. Centre and corner-pieces. Sacred Hymns, consistiny offifti select Psalms, set 6y Robekt Tailour. Loudon, 1615. Quarto. 9| x 7 in. Art Mus., 164-1864. 14 c. 1630. Brown morocco ; gold tooling. Renascence centre-piece, with the arms of Charles T. surrounded Avith the garter and ensigned with the royal crown. Corner-pieces of interlacing olive branches. On each cover are stamped the initials E.H. Smooth back, divided by fillets into compartments adorned with small tools. Gilt edges. The Holy Bible. Loudon, 1629. The Boole if Psalmes collected into English meeter by T. Stekmioi.d and others. London, 1630. Qunrto. 9 X 6f in. Art Libr., 1082-1879. A 2 4 ENGLISH BIN'DINGS 15 1G35. Light brown calf; gold tooling. The sides powdered with small vases of roses and thistles. Frame outlined in gold with corner-ornaments of oak leaves and acorus, and lozenge-shaped centre-piece of intertu'ining curves charged with foliage. Back: five bands ; a small foliated ornament in each panel. Forwarding : modern. Thomas Hetwood. The Hierarchic of the blessed Angells. London, 1625. Fol. 11| X 7|in. Dyce, 4748. 16 c. 1650. Red morocco ; gold tooling. The sides adorned with floral and foliated ornaments Avithin a roll-produced border. Back : four bands ; the title in the second panel. H. Dkexelius. JJe Actemitatc consider ativnes. Culoniae Agrippinae. 1631. 16mo. 4^ x 2| in. Art Libr., 2007-1886, 17 1663. Brown calf; gold toohng. Vertical panel with small corner- pieces, and floral ornaments at the angles. The arms of Charles IT. in the centre. Gilt edges. J. TuKE. The Adventures of five hours, a Trayicomedy. London, 1663. Fol. 12^ X 7f in. Dyce, 10,039. 18 1676. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. The sides adorned with curved scrolls juxtaposed so as to form compartments of varied shapes; these are tilled with imitation pointille work and a powdering of dots. Roll-produced border. Back : five baud.s ; a foliated orna- ment and four stars in each panel. Forwarding: marbled paper, combed pattern. Gilt edges. Fr. Quaui-KS. Emblemes. London, 1676. Oct. 6f x 4 in. Dyce, 8023. 19 c. 1675. Citron morocco : gold tooling. The sides have an inner panel almost entirely filled with a centre and corner ornaments com- posed of foliage and flowers. Roll-()roduced lace border with a suc- cession of flowers springing from the junction of semicircular floral designs. Back : five bands, the panels filled with rosettes, circles, &c. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. J. Tatlor. The Government of the Tongue. Oxford, 167.'j. Oct. 7f X 4? in. Art Libr., 2010-1886. ENGLISH BINDINGS 20 London, c. 1675. Blue morocco; gold tooling; the sides adorned with scrolls, cruciform ornaments, rosettes, circles, &c. enclosed within a narrow border. Back : five bands. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. The Book pf Common Prayer. London, 1C7-1. Oct. 7 x 4-^- in. Art Libr., 1905-1884. 21 London, c. 1675. Blue morocco; gold tooling; the sides adorned with scrolls juxtaposed so as to form compartments of varied shapes ; these are filled with imitation pointille work. Rebacked. S. Pathick. The Christian Sacrifice. London, 1675. 12mo. 6^ x 3| in Art Libr., 1891-1879. 22 London, c. 1675. Blue morocco ; gold tooling ; the sides adorned with scrolls juxtaposed so as to form two large saltire crosses ; these and the ground filled with imitation pointille work. Back : four bands ; pointille ornamentation in the panels. Forwarding : marbled paper, combed pattern. Gilt edges. Of Conversation and Education. MS. c. 1675. 5f x 3| in. Art Libr., 1981-1886. 23 London, 1676. Bed, inlaid with blue and citron moi'occo ; gold tooling ; imitation pointille work, quatrefoils, flower sprays, »S;c., the field powdered with circles. Back: five bands. Forwarding: marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. T. SnADWELL. The Virtuoso, a comedy. London, 1676. Quarto. 8ix6|in. Art Libr., 1717-1887. 24 c. 1676. Red morocco; gold tooling; the greater part of each side oecuoied by a, centre-piece composed of juxtaposed scrolls form- ing compartments of irregular shapes filled with imitation pointille work. Corner ornaments of imitation pointille Avork. Roll- produced border. Back: five bands: the panels tooled with rosettes and circles. Forwarding: marbled paper, wavy combed pattern gilt edges. J. Tatlob. The Ladies Calling. Oxford, 1676. Oct. "i x A\ in. Art Libr , 238-1880. ENGLISH BINDINGS London, 1677. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. The sides divided by interlacing bands, outlined in gold, into compai'tments of varied form filled with dots anil imitation pointilli' wca'k. Back : five bands, the panels similarly adorned. These, and the panels on the sides, which date from 1677, have been laid down on a modern binding. The Book of Common Prayer. Loudon, 167G. The whole Book oj P.salms collected into English metre. London, 1677. Oct. 6 J x 4f in. Art Libr., 2004-1886. 26 London, c.1680. Bed morocco, adorned with gold tooling and paint; large centre-piece composed of juxtaposed scrolls forming compartments of irregular shapes filled with imitation pointille wurk. Corner ornaments of imitation pointille work. Roll-produced border. Back : five bands ; the panels filled with geometrical ornaments. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. The Bcok of Common Prayer. London, 1680. Oct 7 x 4^ in. Art Libr., 1870. 27 168L Red morocco; gold tooling. Broad thickly outlined interlacing bands form compartments of varied shape filled with imitation pointille work, more of which springs fiora every angle of the framework. Narrow roll-produced border. Back : five bands ; the panels filled with imitation pointille work of two designs. Forwarding: marbled paper, wavy combed 2)attern. Gilt edges. J.Scott. Tlie Christian Life. London, 1G81. Oct. 7| x 4| in. Art Libr., 2548-1886. 28 London, 1683. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Broadly outlined geometrical compartments, filled and surrounded by imitation pointille orna- ments. Roll-produced lace border. Back: five bands; the panels filled with alternating patterns. Forwarding: marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. S. Patrick. The Truth of Christian Religion. London, 1C83. Oct. 1\ X 4 2 in. Art Libr., 2366-1886. 28* London, c. 1685. Red morocco; gold tooling on sides and back. The sides adorned with a variety of ornament Avithin a roll-produced border. At the head of the obverse cover, within the border, is this inscription : TO MADAM SOWSBY OP THE LADIES CHAURITr SCHOOL HOVSE SEKVIKRS LADY. The Ladies Charity School-house Boll of Highgate. 6f x 3 J in. Art Libr.,' 1646-1882- ENGLISH BINDINGS 7 29 1688. Red morocco; gold tooling. Centre-piece: between two branches tied together by ribands, a cypher composed of the letters P.F., surrounded by imitation pointille work. Two roll- produced borders, the space between them filled with sprays of foliage and flowers springing from vases at the angles of the inner border. Back : iivc bands ; lettering in the second panel. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. T. CoJiBKR. Short Discourses upon the whole Common-Prayer. London, 1688. Oct. 7+ x 4|in. Art Libr., 201-1880. 30 London, 1691. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. The sides, bordered by a fillet ■with lacework on its outer edge, have a centre ornament composed of curves, leaves, and flowers, between two elaborate designs with cantled ends on a field powdered with roses, stars, and circles. Back : five bands ; the pane's tooled with floral ornaments. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. A form of Prayer to be used on Wednesday, April 29iA. London, 1691. Quarto. 7| x 5| in. " Art Libr., 1,807-1889. 31 London, 1693. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. The sides are, with the exception of a small space around the centre-piece, entirely covered with an elaborate design composed of a great variety of ornaments. The centre-piece is outlined hy eight small curved scrolls, a late example of their use. Back : five bands ; the panels tooled with flowers, stars, circles, &c. Forwarding : marbled paper, combed pattern. Gilt edges. J. TiLLOTsox. Sermon prononcc le 27 Octobre 1692, traduit par P. LORKAIN. Londres, 1693. Oct. 7^ x 4| in. Art Libr., 1412-1886. 32 c. 1608. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. Narrow roll-produced border with foliated ornaments at intervals along the inner edge. _ The field divided by curved lines into compartments filled with inter- lacing curves, acorns and circles. Back : five bands ; the panels filled with curves and foliated ornament. Forwarding : coloured paper with foliage and birds in gold. The Holy Bible. London, 169S. 12mo. 6^ x 3| in. Art Libr. 1809-1889. 8 ENGLISH BINDINGS 33 xvii-xviii cent. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Rectangular panel with roll- produced lace inner border and iillet-edged frame relieved by foliated ornaments at the angles and half-way between them. Back: five bands; the panels tooled. Forwarding: marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. MS. Latiu verses. Oct. 7^^- x 4| in. Art Libr., 1710-1887. 34 London, c. 1700. Blue morocco; gold tooling ; rectangular panel with centre and corner-pieces bordered by a double fillet, within a larger panel with corner-pieces and roll-produced lace border relieved by four floral ornaments of triangular form, all enclosed within a double fillet with corner-pieces. Back : five bands. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. J. Taylok. The Worthy Covivmnicani. Loudon, 1674. 6j x 4f in. Art Libr., 1184-1885. 35 LoxDON. Early xviii cent. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Inner panel with centre and corner ornaments and roll-produced border ; outer border, plain fillets with floral ornaments at the angles. Back : six bands ; lettering in the second panel. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. D. ]S;ewhou.9E. The Art of Sailing by the Logarithms. London, 1701. Quarto. 10 x 7f in. Art Libr., 1713-1887. 36 1704. Purple calf; gold tooling. In the centre, within an octofoil, the arms of Queen Anne surrounded by the garter and ensigned with the roval croAvn, accompanied by the initials A.R. and the motto SEMPER EADEM. Thcsc are surrounded by the royal cypher, roses, thistles, fleurs-de-lys, and harps, surmounted by crowns, repeated in the border and in the corners, the intervening spaces being filled with curved lines, cinquefoils, and circles. A later possessors name : tho. granger gent, has been added within fillets and a floral border, above the centre-piece. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. The Booh of Common Prayer. London, 1704. Fol. 165- x 10|^ in. Art Mus., 9150-1863. 37 c. 1705. Citron morocco, inlaid with blue and red leather; gold tooling. The sides have a broad ornamental border and lozenge-shaped centre-piece; tin; back, interlacing bands and pointille ornaments. Red morocco lining with tooled border. A GcntlenMJt's lleliyion. Loudon, 1703. 12niO. 5| x 3] in. Art Mus., 48-186«. ENGLISH BINDINGS 9 38 I London, 1705. Purple movocco ; gold tooling;. KoU-produced border of flowin" foliage and flowers, with a floral ornament at the angles ; arms in the centre. Elkanaii Settle. The Hanover Succession to the Imperial Crown of England. London, 1705. Fol. ll| x "fin. Djce, 888«. 39 London, 1707. Purple morocco; gold tooling ; roll-produced lace border. In the centre, a dove with an olive branch between two scrolls inscribed with the mottoes : Honi soil qui mal y pense and Nemo me impune lacessit ; above these the cross of the Order of the Garter and a croAvn between two sprays of foliage with roses and thistles. Purple morocco; gold tooling; roll-produced lace border with a floral ornament at the angles ; arms in the centre. Elkanah Settle. The Unioji of the Imperial Crowns of Great Britain. London, 1707. Two copies. Fol. 11 1^ x 7f in. Dyce, 8890. 40 London, 1711. Brown leather ; gold tooling. Roll-produced lace border, with a floral ornament at the angles ; arms in the centre. Elkanah Settle. A Pindaric Poem on the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. London, 1711. Fol. llf x 7^ in. Dyce, 8891. 41 London, 1713. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. Roll-produced flowing border of foliage and flowers, centre-piece divided into five compartments filled with imitation poiutille work. The field between this and the border adorned with long waving stems with foliage. Back : six bands ; the panels have a vase of flowers in the centre surrounded by leaves, &c. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. The Book ef Common Prayer. London, 1713. Oct. 8 x 5 in. Art Libr., 1005-1885. 42 London, 1714. Black leather ; gold tooling. Vertical panel Avith arms, funeral emblems, cherubs' heads, and angels blowing trumpets. Lace-work border, with floral ornaments at the angles. Elkanaii Settle. Threnodia Hymenaea, a funeral poem to the memory of Lady Mary Chamber. London, 1714. 11^ x 7 j in. Dyce, 8894. 10 ENGLISH BINDINGS 43 London, 1715. Brown leather ; gold tooling. In the centre a dove with an olive branch, above which a crown iipheld by two augels blowing trnrapets. Border of lace-work with floral ornaments at the corners and angles. Elkanah Settle. Rebellion displayed. London, 1715. llf x 7^ iu. Dyce, 8896. 44 c. 1716. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Very broad roll-produced flowing border of foliage and flowers ; the narrow vertical panel within has a centre and corner ornaments. Back : six panels ; the title in the second. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. Q. CcRTius Rdfus de rebus gestis Alexandri Magni. Quarto. Londini, 1716, 7f x 4f ki. Art Libr., 1975-1883. 45 London, 1717. Arms ; dove with an olive branch ; angels with trumpets. Border of lace- work with ornaments at the angles. Elkakah Settle. Thalia tritimphans. London, 1717. \A\ x 10 in. Dyce, 8897. 46 c. 1717. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. Back : five bands. Forwarding : coloured paper, geometrical diaper, Avith floriated pattei'n in gold and colours, counterchanged ; (at the edge : M No. 23). Gilt edges. Le Livre des Priercs communes. Oxford, 1717. Oct. 7^ x 4f in. Art Libr., 897-1885. 47 1722. Red morocco; gold tooling. Vertical panel with centre and corner ornaments of imitation pointille work. Narrow roll- produced borders. Back : six bands ; the title in the second panel. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. Miscellany Poems. London, 1722. Oct. 9^ x 5^ in. Art Libr., 1695-1888. ENGLISH BINDINGS 11 48 C. 1725. Blue, inlaid with red aud citron morocco ; gold tooling ; sprays of foliage, thistles, tulips, cautled ends. Back: five bands; the panels adorned with various designs. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. The Book of Common Prayer. London, 1686. The whole Hook of Psalms as they are now sung. London, 1688. 12mo. 6| x 3?, in. Art Libr., 1408-1886. 49 Red morocco ; gold tooling. Border of imdulating lines, birds, stars, &c. Inlaid centre-piece of black morocco, Avith a dove in an oval medallion. Back: five bands; two of the panels inlaid with black morocco, tooled with birds, &c. Ambrose Philips. Three Tragedies. London, 1725. 6f x 4 in. Dyce, 7404. 50 London, c. 1725. Red morocco ; gold tooling ; the sides have centre and corner ornaments within a vertical panel with cantled projecting ends ; the space between this and the narrow roll-produced border filled with long curving branches of foliage, circles, stars, &c. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. The Liturgy of the Church of England, adorn' d w"'* 54 historical cuts. London, 1716. Oct. 7| x 41 in. Art Libr., 647-1885. 51 London, c. 1727. Red morocco ; gold tooling ; vertical panel with cantled projecting ends, centre and corner ornaments ; roll-produced border. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. T. Parkyns. The Inn-play: or Cornish-Hugg Wrestler. London, 1727. Quarto. 9 x 7 in. Art Libr., 385-1888. 52 London, 1726. Red morocco ; gold tooling ; centre-piece and border. Back : five bands; the title in the second panel. Forwarding: marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edge?. J. Smart. Tallcs of Interest. London. 1726. Quarto. lOj x 8i in. Art Libr., 1706-1887. 12 ENGLISH BINDINGS 1727. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. The sides adorned with centre and corner ornaments within a vertical panel with canlled pro- jecting ends, the space between this and the lace border filled with long curving branches of foliage, suns and stars. Forward- ing : marbled paper, large wavy combed pattern. J. Weston. Sle>io(jraphy completed, or the Art of Short-hand brought to perfection. London, 1727. Oct. 8f x 5| in. ArtMus., 1G2-18G4. 54 London, 17.27. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. The arms of George II. in the centre, surrounded by curves and small ornaments. Narrow roll-produced border. Buck : six bands. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. P-ocessus factus ad Coronationem Georgii IF. MS. 1727. Fol. 12| X 8 in. Art Libr., 1856-1880. 55 London, 1738. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Vertical panel with cantled pro- jecting ends, centre and corner ornaments ; flap with silver clasp. Forwarding : arabesque foliage, with huntsmen in Oriental cos- tume, beasts, and birds in white on gold and green ground. Tlie Court Kalendar. London, J. Watson, 1738. 5^ x 3 in. Art Libr., 1321-1888. 56 London, 1757. Green morocco ; gold tooling ; centre and corner ornaments, and light roll-produced l)order. Back: four bauds. Forwarding: marbled paper, combed pattern. Gilt edj^es. La Litiirgie selon Vusaye de VEglise Anylicane. Londres, 1757. 5| X 3i-in. Art Libr., 977-1879. 57 1759. Red morocco ; gold tooling ; centre and corner ornaments of foliag(^ and crowns, and roll-produced border with the crown, rose, thistle, fleur-de-lys, and Irish harp. Back : five bands ; lettering in the second panel. Forwarding: marbled paper, combed pattern. Gilt edges. J. IIanwat. -471 account of the Marine Society. London, 1759. Oct. 8^ X h{ in. Art Libr., 1279--1879. ENGLISH BINDINGS 13 58 c. 1760. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. Centre-piece composed of small ornaments surrounded by interlacing curves within a vertical frame with cantled ends. Broad border elaborately tooled with undulating lines charged with foliage, circles, suns, &c. Back : five bands ; the title on green leather in the second panel. Gilt edges. Forwarding: marbled paper, combed ])attern. Gilt edges. T. Leland. The Orations of Demosthenes. Dublin, 1756. Quarto. 10| X 8f in. Art Libr., 1874. 59 17G0. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Cusped circular central orna- ment, branches of foliage, rosettes, &c.. Narrow roll-produced border. Back : five bands ; lettering in the second panel. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. James Beattie. Oriyinal Poems and Translations. London, 1760. Oct. 8| X 5| in. ' Art Libr., 1877. 60 Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. The sides have a broad floral^ border. Back : five bands ; the title in the second panel. Forwarding: marbled paper, wavy conglomerate pattern. Gilt edges. D. DuRELL. The Hebrew Text of the parallel Prophecies of Jacob and Moses. Oxford, 1763. Quarto. 1 1 x 8^ iu. Art Libr., 1410-1886. 61 London, 1764. Red leather ; gold tooling ; vertical panel with cantled project- ing ends; centre and corner ornaments. Forwarding: coloured paper, geometrical pattern with flowers in gold and colours. Silver clasps. C. Rider. British Merlin. London, H. Woodfall, 1764. 5:^ x 3i in. Art Libr., 1874. 62 London, 1764. Red leather ; gold tooling ; vertical panel with cantled project- ing ends ; centre and corner ornaments. Isaac Watts. Horae lyricae. London, 1764. 6f x 4i in. Art Libr., 2492-1886. 63 c. 1766. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. Broad floral border. Elliptical centre-piece with the Holy Name. Back : five bands ; foliated ornaments in the panels. The Book of Common Prayer. Cambridge, 1764. The whole Book of Psalms collected into English metre. Cambridge, 17(16. ll.[ x 8,j in. Art Libr., 1437-1886. 14 ENGIJSH BINDINGS 64 1767. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre, between two palm branches, an S surmounted by a coronet. Bound for Sophia Carteret, Avife of Wni. Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne. The Book of Common Prayer. Oxford, 1734. 12mo. b\ x 2| in. Art Libr.. 1047-1879. 65 London, 1767. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Broad lace border with a small vase in each angle, from which spring two curving stems of foliage ; in the centre, the royal crown on a field powdered with suns, stars, &c. Back : five bands ; the panels — three of which are inlaid with green leather — tooled with sprays of foliage, flowers and stars. F. V. CoKViNA DE Aitcos. Rejlexoens. Londres, 1767. 6| x 4 in. Art Libr., 1258-1879. 66 London, 1779. ► Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. The title on an oval inlaid piece of green morocco, surrounded by a garland with anchors and escallop shells. Smooth back divided by bands of fretwork into nine compartments, alternately occupied by an anchor or an escallop shell. Edges with gold tooling. Proceedings at the Trial of Admiral Kcppel. Loudon, 1779. Quarto. 12| X 9i in. Art Libr., 1873. 67 London, 1783. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Forwarding : marbled paper, con- glomerate pattern. Gilt edges. L'Oraleur -. Mecueil de Pieces choisies. Londres. 7^ x 4y in. Art Libr., 378-1886. 68 London, 1784. Red leather ; gold tooling ; vertical panel with cantled project- ing ends. Roll-produced fret border. Silver clasps. Forwarding: marbled paper, conglomerate pattern. Gilt edges. C. KiDKH. British Merlin. London, 1784. Sf x 3;^ in. Art Libr., 1885-1884 69 London, 1784. Red leather ; gold tooling ; vertical panel with cantled project- ing ends. Roll-produced border. The Court and City Register. London, 1784. 5^ x 3^ in. Art Libr., 200-1880. ENGLISH BINDINGS 15 70 c. 1785. Red morocco ; gold tooling, with silver studs and pin. Inserted : J. Goldsmith's Almanack for the year 1804. 4 x 2^ in. Art Mus., 7797-1862. 71 Canterbvrv, 1790. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Forwarding : marbled paper, con- glomerate pattern. Gilt edges?. 2'Ae Poll of the Electors of Cariterburt/, 1790. 8| x 5j- in. Art Libr., 1907-1884. 72 XVIII. cent. Crimson morocco ; gold-tooled centre-piece and broad border. Back : five bands ; the panels tooled with acorns. The Commmiio7i Service of the Church af England. 8^ x .5i in. Art Libr., 1695-1887. 73 Blue morocco ; gold tooling. K. Roach. The Imperial Sta7idard of Messiah triumphant. London, N. Blandford. 9^- x 5iin. Art Libr., 1007-1886. SCOTLAND 74 1663. Green morocco; gold tooling. Renascence centre-piece with the arms of Charles II. (quart. 1 and 4 Scotland, 2 England, and 3 Ireland) surrounded by the garter, and ensigned with the royal crown, enclosed within a lozenge-shaped frame adorned Avith flowing foliage ; foliated ornaments in the corners ; the whole within a three-line fillet. Back : five bands. Gilt edges^ tooled. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Laws and Acts past in the third Sessio7i of the first Parliament of Charles the Second. Edinburgh, 1663. Fol. lOi x 7 in. A'rt Libr., 1912-1880. 75 Edinburgh, c. 1715. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. The sides bordered by a fillet edged on the inner side with intersecting segments of circles. In the centre a cross, surrounded by curving branches of [foliage, flowers, among which the thistle, stars, circles, &c. Back : five bands ; two panels tooled with horizontal undulating lines ; the others with foliated ornaments, stars, &c. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. The Holy Bible. Edinburgh, 1715. Oct. 6| x 4| in. Art Libr., 1808-1889. 16 SCOTCH BINDINGS 76 c. 1750. Red morocco ; gold toolins; ; the sides covered with a variety of foliated ornaments springing from a cruciform stem within a lozenge outlined by small crosses, stars, circles, &c., from which spring flower sprays, all enclosed within a double fillet, with light ornamentation in the angles. Flat back, with a diaper pattern. Forwarding : marbled paper, conglomerate pattern. Gilt edges. The Holy Bible. London, 1655, -with engraved title, 1657. The Psalms of David in Meeter. Edinburgh, 1657. 5^ x 2 J in. Art Libr., 1982-1886. 77 1750. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Large radiating ornament in the centre ; roll-produced floral border. Forwarding : coloured paper with flowers in Dutch gold and colours. J. Wilson. Disscrtatio Medica inauguralis de Febre biliosa. Edin- biirgi, 1750. Quarto. 9^ x 7^ in. Art Libr., 1666-1883. 78 Edinburgh, c. 1760. Blue morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre, a vertical row of interlacing circles and semi-circles, with flowers and dots, sur- rounded by foliated ornament within lobes, and roses within circles, from which sprays of foliage are projected towards the border ; those in the angles terminate in a thistle surmounted by a crown. Roll-produced border. Forwarding : coloured paper, sprays of flowers in colours and Dutch gold. J. KoBEKTSON. Grammatica Linguae Hebraeae. Ediuburgi, 1758. gi X 5^ in. Art Libr., 517-1880. 79 c. 1775. Green morocco ; gold tooling. The sides have a large pattern radiating from a sun in the centre, and stems of foliage termina- ting in a crown springing from the angles ; in the intervening spaces are sprays of foliage and stars. The Holy Bible. Edinburgh, 1772. 6^ x 4] in. Art Libr., 1713-1887. 80 Edinburgh, 1778. Red morocco ; gold tooling. The sides are adorned with gar- lands and vases of flowers ; the back, which has no apparent bands^ with a waving stem of foliage and flowers, and, above the letter- ing on green leather, with a vase. Forwarding : marbled paper^ conglomerate pattern. Gilt edges. C. U. Tauky. De rahie contagiosa vuhjo caiiiiia. Edinburgi, 1778. 8i X 5 in. Art Libr., 190G-188-1. SCOTCH BINDINGS 17 81 Edinburgh, 1784. Red morocco ; inlaid with a lozenge-shaped panel of marbled brown leather; gold tooling; garlands of leaves and vases. Smooth back, lettered. Forwarding : marbled paper, conglomerate pattern. Gilt edges. J. McDonnell. Dissertatio de Suhmersis. Edinburgi, 1884. 8f x 5^ in. Art Libr., 1414-1886. 82 Edinburgh, 1791. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Smooth back. Forwarding : marbled paper, conglomerate pattern. Gilt edges. R. Feegusson. Disputatio de lege Pompeia de rarricidiis. Edinburgi, 1791. 9 X 7|^ in. Art Libr., 1278-1879. IRELAND 83 Dublin, 1745. Red morocco ; gold-tooled centre and corner pieces ; roll- produced border ; the back gold-tooled. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. Q. HoKATii Flaoci Opera. Dublinii, e typogr. Academiae, 1745. 8^ X 5f in. Art Libr., 1647-1882. 84 Dublin, 1764. Red morocco ; inlaid white centre-piece ; sides and back gold- tooled. Forwarding : marbled paper, combed pattern. Gilt edges. Poems on several occasions, by a Lady of Quality. Dublin, 1764. 8| X 5^ in. Art Libr., 1972-1883. 85 Dublin, 1766. Red morocco, inlaid white centre-piece ; sides gold-tooled ; roll- produced border. Back gold-tooled. The Book of Common Prayer. Dublin, 1766. 4^ x 2| in. Art Libr., 1880-1884. 86 1767. Red morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre, the Irish harp within a star, from which diverge curved lines with foliage and flowers ; in the interspaces are suns, moons, birds, &c. ; iu the angles, a thistle, and the royal cypher surmounted with the crown. Roll-produced border. G. E. Howard. A collection of Apothegms and Maxims. Dublin, 1767. 7i X 4f in, Art Libr., 1425-1886. i 61140. P 18 IRISH BINDINGS 87 Dublin, 1779. Red morocco, inlaid white calf centre-piece ; adorned with gold toolinj^ ; roll-produced border. Back : four bands ; the date in the second panel. Gilt edges. The Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack. Dublin, 1779. 6§ x 4 in. Art Libr., 314-1888. 88 Dublin, 1779. Red morocco ; gold tooling ; roll-produced border. The Gcn(lema7i.''s and Citizen's Almanac. Dublin, 1779. 6| x 4 in. Art Mus., 4544-1857. NETHERLANDS 89 c. 1530. Brown calf, adorned with panel stamps (420). Goffered edges. Libri JlegicmIV.,8<,c. Parisiis, 1526. 4 J ^c Sin. Art Libr., 2121-1883. 90 c. 1530. Brown calf, adorned with panel stamps (378). Rebacked. B. FvLGENTii Apiiri ct Maxentii Iohannis Opera. Coloniae, 1526. Oct. 6f X 4^ in. Art Libr., 1948-1883. 91 Brabant, c. 1530. Brown calf; the sides impressed with three panel stamps: 1 (70 X 45 m.), S. John Baptist preaching to a group of four persons ; in the foreground, a dog. 2. (70 X 42 m.), S. Michael trampling on Satan; his right hand, armed with a sword, raised above his head. 3. (19 x 71 m.), four peasants dancing to the music of bagpipes. These are laid doAvn on a modern binding. Q. IIouATii Flacci Odaruni Libri if. Antverpiae, 1529. Oct. 4^- X 3| in. Art Libr., 1884-1884. 92 Brabant, c. 1535. Brown calf ; the sides impressed with three panel stamps (405), The back, plain, has three bands. v\\:\.\ ai'iistoli Epistolac. Lovanii, 1531. Oct. 6 x 4 in. Art Libr., 2194-1883. NETHERLANDISH BINDINGS 19 93 C. lolO. Brown calf; impressed with three panel stamps (400 and 314). Laid down on modern binding. Jlosario dc la gloriosa Vergine Maria. Venetia, 1336. Oct. 5' x S.", in. Art Libr., 1536-1888. 94 Antwerp. Nicholas van Doermael, 1532-1542. Brown calf ; impressed with a panel stamp (141 x 8G m.). In the centre, a circular medallion with a three-quarter length figure of the Emperor Charles V. in a rich suit of armour, with the imperial insignia. Legend : carolvs. v. roma. imp. semper, avgvst. etat. SVE xLii. Above is an escucheon with the double-headed eagle dis- played, between two sprays of foliage and flowers, and below, the pillars of .Hercules, surmounted by crowns, and connected by a scroll with the motto : plvs vltra. Border of foliated ornament, with an escucheon in the centre at the foot, charged with the binder's trade-mark and initials Art Mus., 231-1866. 95 Utrecht. Michael Harmensz, 1545. Bevelled boards. Brown calf. Central vertical panel adorned with three bands of ornament, produced by the repetition of a stamp (119 X 11 m.) : busts in lozenges, and double quatrefoils in circular medallions on a ground of foliated oruament. Frame- work : two bands juxtaposed, produced by the repetition of a stamp (116 X 18 m.) : foliated ornament with two birds, the initials -Hi BE and a tablet with the date 1545 suspended from an angel's head. The bands are bordered, and the angles of the inner panel connected with those of the frame by a fillet oi three lines. Rcbached. Clavdii Ptolemaei Opera. Basileae, 1541-45. FoJ. 12j x 8fin. Art Libr., 1870. 96 Brabant, c. 1547. Brown calf; the sides impressed with a panel stamp (434). The back, plain, has five bands. I. B. FoLENGii Commentaria in primam D. loamiis cpistolam. Antverpiae, 1547. Oct. 6 x 4 in. Art Libr., 759-1885. 97 Brabant, c. 1550. Brown calf; the sides impressed with a panel stamp (433). The back, plain, has five bands. loACHlMi PerioNII TopicoruTii Theologicorum liliri duo. Parisiis, 1549. Oct. 7i X 4t in. Art Libr., 2198-1883. B 2 20 NETHERLANDISH BINDINGS 98 G. I., c. 1547. Brown calf; central vertical panel, adorned with five bands of roll-produced Renascence ornament. Framework : two bauds, the inner one like those in the centre; the outer (133 x 9 m.) foliated ornament wiUi a bird and a tablet, with the binder's initials, j^:;:|7. Back : Four bands. KicoLE GiLLES. Cro7ii(jnes ct Ajinalles de Frmicc. Paris, 1547. Fol. 13f K 9 in. Art Libr., 1868. 99 0. 1570. Brown calf ; gold tooling. Fillet border with a flower in each corner. An elliptical centre-piece on each cover (446). Back: five panels with a quatrefoil in each. Confessie oft Bekentenisse des Geloqfs tot Ausborch overgegheven Franckfort aen de Mayn, 1567. Oct. 6^ x 4 in. Art Libr., 655-1885. 100 Brussels, 1627.. Brown calf ; gold tooling. Eectangular vertical frame with flowing foliage, flowers, and birds. Elliptical centre-piece with the instruments of the Passion v/ithin a lozenge ; the triangular spaces between this and the frame are filled Avith vine branches and grapes. Smooth back with horizontal bands of foliated ornament. L. S. DE LA Serrs. Les Douccs Pensees dc la Mort. Brusselles, 1627. Oct. 6| X 4i in. Art Libr., 2354-1884. 101 Holland. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Arms in centre. Back : five panels ; the title in the second ; a cypher in the others. Gilt edges ; clasps. HiER. Cakdani Arcana politicu. Luircluni Batavorum, 1635. 16mo. 4-8 X 25 in. ' Dyce, 1821. 102 Amsterdam. Widow of Albert Magnus, 1701. Vellum; hhe sides stamped with portrait of William III., view of Amsterdam, arms of the Dutch Admiralty and provinces. Nieuw Gcinventecrdr Koopmans Comptoir- en Scliryf- Almanach opH Jaar IJOI . Amsterdam, 1 7()J. 12ino. f>\ x 3| iu. Art Libr., 653-1885, NETHERLANDlsn filNlJlNGS 21 103 Aj[stkedam, c. I7O0. Russia leather. Plain frame bordered by fillets, with small floral corner ornaments and large centre-piece with reserved ellip- tical space for arms surrounded by interlacing strap-work and foliations, amongst which are the initials of the designer or engraver I.E. Back : six bands. Brass corners and clasps. JBihlla uyt M. Liithers Hoogduitse Bybel in Nederlandsche Taale overgezet. Amsterdam, 1702. Fol. 16f x 11 in. Art Mus., 4141-1857. 104 Holland. Sprinkled brown calf ; gold tooling. Armorial centre-piece within an elliptical frame of scroll-work, on the inner border of which is the legend : hic liber kst ex bibliotheca gulielmi ANTONii pieterson. Back : six panels, the title in the second. loHANNis VoET de luTe MiUtari liber. Hagae Cotnitum, 1705. Oct. 6i X 4| in. Art Libr., 654-1885. 105 Holland. Vellum; sides and back marbled in crimson and lacquered, adorned with tooling heavy in design and unskilfully executed. Hollow back : lettered by hand with pen on a reserved vellum panel. Gilt edges. Christoffel Beudeker. De sprekende Konstkamer. (sGravenhage.) 1748. Oct. Art Libr., 656-1885. 106 Holland, c. 1780. Brown marbled calf; gold tooling. Variety of incongruous ornaments : a beehive, birds, a Chinaman with an an-ow, lion and unicorn, sailing boat, horse in the sea, &c. Essay on Shakespeare. London, 1774. Oct. 8x5^ in. An Mus., 163-1864. 107 Holland* Red morocco ; gold tooling on sides and back ; marbled lining ; gilt edges. Bartholomeds lluLOFFS. De Edelmoedige Vriendschap. Amsterdam, 1782. Quarto. Art Libr., 652-1885. 22 FRENCH BINDINGS FRANCE 108 Pakis, c. 1510. Brown calf. A rectaugular panel adorned with eight vertical bands ; the four in the centre charged with quatrefoils, the others, with a succession of flies ; both produced by stamps bearing three. These ai'e enclosed within a double border of flowing foliage with flowers and a man's head within the curves. Rehacked. Gilt edges, Hcures a Vusaiyc dc Homme. Paris. Pour Guiliaume Godar, librairc, c. 1510. 10fx7in. Art Libr., 1871. 109 IL., c. 1515. Brown leather ; panel stamps. The obverse cover is adorned with two panels, each with two full-length figures of saiuts beneath cusped arches. On the one (74 x 100 ni.) S. Katherine, crowned, with a sword in her right hand and an open book in her left ; the emperor Maxentius and a broken wheel beneath her feet; S. Nicholas, in cope and mitre, with a crosier in his left hand is making the sign of the cross over a tub from Avhich three boys are emerging. At the foot : *ra itatrriiuT. *rf Jtifolar, On the other panel (74 x 100 m.) S. John the Evangelist, with a palm in his right hand, making the sign of the cross over a cup; and S. Barbara with open book and palm branch, and the three- windowed tower at her side. At the foot : §f f t0l^iinur$« ^fil tliirlltttM* The reverse cover has a vertical panel (158 X 100 m.) with a double row of cresting terminating in acorns oncloseE | vs pro | nobis | Qvis { cont|ra no. Behind the figure are two Renascence pillars supporting a rounded arch ; the spandrils adorned with foliage; on the archivolt is the artist's name: tiiomas. lo.G2. KHVGER. On a tablet at the foot are these verses : forma PHILIPPE TVA EST SEI» MENS : | TVA NESCIA PINGI NOTA EST ANTE | UONIS ET TVA SCRIPTA DOCENT. GERMAN BINDINGS 43 E. Panel (83'o x 51 ra.). The arms of the Elector Augustus of Saxony, 1553-86. At the foot: avgvstvs chvrfvrst. In the background, the initials T K. F. Panel (88-5 x 51 m.). Justice ; a figure of a female, seated, her right hand resting on a sword, whilst she holds up a pair of scales in her left ; to 1. a block of stone on which are a couple of weights ; flowering plants around ; in the background, a city and hills with castles beyond. On a stone in the foreground, the initials T K. Enclosed between two Renascence columns supporting an architectnresque canopy. At the foot is the legend : ivsTici^ QvisQVis pictvram I lvjiine ckrnis dig devs EST. G. Panel (93*5 x 52 ni.). Fortune ; a winged figure of a female standing on a glebe floating on a stream, holding a palm branch in her right hand, and in her left a wheel on the top of which is seated a man holding a sceptre. On the river are a duck and a vessel with two men rowing ; in the background, a city, trees, and hills crowned by a castle. The view enclosed between two Renascence columns supporting an architecturesque canopy ; close to the base of one are the initials T K. At the foot is the legend : fortvna vitrea est cvm ma | xime splendet FRANGITVR. H. Panel (88"5 x 52 m.). In the centre, within an oval frame, is the Mercy seat, surmounted by a figure of Christ on the Cross ; above, outside the frame are the Dove and the name nvni sur- rounded by rays of glory. At the foot are two horns of plenty and a garland with four angels, two of whom hold the ance and nails, and the chalice and reed with sponge ; two others at the sides bear the cross with the crown of thorns and the pillar with the scourges. Beneath the Mercy-seat are the crushed figures of Death and the dragon, and, at the side of the cross, the artist's name thomas krvger. At the foot the text : SIC DEVS DILExit MVNDVM VT OMNIS QVI ORE | DIT IN EVM NON pereat sed HAbet riTam iEternam. I. Roll-produced band (29 x 190 m.) ; divided into thi'ce compart- ments by short Renascence pillars. In the central compartment is the Blessed Trinity in glory, with angels bearing the emblems of the Passion in the spandrils of the trefoil arch above. In the compartment to rt. is Charity seated with an infant at her breast and two children at her side; she is giving a loaf of bread to an aged cripple who, hat in hand, has just entered the room. In the 1. compartment are Faith and Hope seated opposite to each other, the one holding a Crucifix in her rt, hand and with her 1. turning over the leaves of a book lying on her knees ; at her side, a chalice with the Host above it ; Hope, with joined hands, is looking upwards. In the background, a man in the stocks, plants, and a distant city. 44 GERMAN BINDINGS K. Roll-produced band (27oxl61 m.). A peasant's dance. Beneath a shed is seated a man playing the bag-pipes ; three couple;^ are dancing fo the music ; in the intervening spaces are trees and plants in flower. lOACiiiMi CvREi Genlis Silesiae Annales. Witeberirae, 1571. Fol. 12| X 9 in. Art Libr., 1186-1885. 193 1572. Pio-skin. In the centre of each side apanel stamp (85 x 51 m.). That on the obverse side has a full-length ligure of Martin Luther wearing a doctor's cap, and standing holding an open book, his face turned to left, between two Renascence pillars supporting a depressed arch, on the archivolt of which are the Avords : doctor jiartina' s lvther. At the foot, on a tablet : NOSSK . GVPIS . FACIEil . LVT ] HBRI . BANC . CER TA . BELLA I M. SI MENTEM . LiBROS CON. Abovc the panel are stamped the initials of Christianus Granovius, and below it the date 1572. Ornamental border. The panel on the reverse side bears a full-length figure of Melancthon, standing holding an open book, his face turned to right, between two Renascence pillars sup- porting a depressed arch, on the archivolt of which is inscribed : PHiLiPPVS MELANTHON. At the foot, ou a tablet : forma Phi- lippe . TVA . est I SED . MENS . TVA . NESCIA . PI | NGI NOTA . EST . ANTE . BON. Back : three bands. Johannes Cogelekds. Imagines elegantissiviae. Witebergae, 1565-70. Oct. 6f X 4 in. Art Libr., 1872. 194 c. 1575. White calf. Roll-produced border (163 X 10 m.), divided into four compartments, Avith arabesque foliage and full-length figures of Our Lord as a child, nude, carrying a tau-shaped cross and trampling on a serpent, and of three youths, two of whom have escucheons: one charged with two crosses, the other, with SS. The enclosed space on each cover is impressed with a panel stamp (90 x 51 ni.). In the centre of the one, within an elliptical frame of scroll-work, is a winged figure of Justice standing on a pedestal, holding scales in her left hand and an uplifted sword in lier right. On the frame is the legend: ivsticie . qvis . Qvis . PICTVKAM . LVMINE . OERNIS . DIG . DEVS . EST . IVSTVS. lu the angles are imde figures of boys. The panel on the reverse cover, similar in general design, has in the centre a Avinged figure of Fortune standing on a globe floating in the water ; in her right hand she holds a wheel, on the top of which is seated a man ; in her left, a rush. In the background : on right, a vessel ; on left, Idiildings close to the shore. On the frame is the legend : PASSIBVS . AMBIGVIS . FORTVNA . VOLVBILIS . ERKAT . KT MANET . IN NVi.LO. Back : three double and two single bands. Tji. Bezae Vezelii Epistolaruvi Theoloyicanan liber uniis. Genevae, 1575. Oct. 71 X 4g- in. Art Libr., 1695-1888. GERMAN BINDINGS '46 195 c. 1575. Brown calf ; polychromatic. The sides stamped Avith a panel of interlaced strap and scroll-work and foliations, outlined in gold and painted in many colours on a ground of horizontal gold lines. In the centre an elliptical cameo profile bust of a warrior crowned with a laurel wreath. The back divided by four double bands into five panels, tooled with small flowers. Gilt edges, tooled and painted with a representation of the Last Judgment. Melchior SrECCKR. Auszlegung des Evangelii Matthei am x.vv Capitel. Straszburg, 1568. 6^ x 3f in. Art Mus., 230-1866. 19G Fraxconia. Wurzburg, 1577. Pigskin. In the centre a panel stamp (122 x 99 m.), with the arms of the Franconian Solomon, Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn, bishop of Wurzburg, 1573-1617, vvithin a frame adorned with full-length figures of Faith and Justice, scroll-work, birds and foliage, with an escucheon in each corner. This is surrounded by bands of roll-produced ornament, the chief of which is divided into compartments, in which are represented: 1, Jacob's vision of the ladder ; 2, the Annunciation ; 3, Christ on the cross with Moses and the brazen serpent. Job and the Centurion ; and, 4, the Resur- rection of Christ, The initials of the engraver, G F, are in the third, and are repeated on a narrower band with a figure of Christ as a child carrying a cross, and three boys holding escucheons with the arms of the duchy and electorate of Saxony, and of the see of Mainz. Back : fi^ve bands. Latten corners and clasps. The title tooled in gold on the front edge. HuBERTus GoLTziDS. C JuUus Cuesur, &c. Brugis, 1563-74. Fol. 13i X 9f in. Art Libr. 197 c. 1581. Buckskin. In the centre of each cover is a panel (76 X 45 m.), with a three-quarter length figure of a female. That on the obverse cover represents Justice standing at a round arched opening, holding an uplifted sword in her right hand and scales in her left. On a tablet beneath are the words : IVSTICIE . QVISQVIS . PICTV RAM . LVMINE . CERNIS . HB. That on the reverse, Lucretia stabbing herself at a trifolinted arched opening ; on the sill is the date 1570, and beneath it : CASTA . TVLIT . MAGNAM . FO RME . LVCGRECIA . LAVDEM. The border, roll-produced (162 x 12'5m,) is adorned with busts in oval medallions of terextius, cicero, ovidivs, virgilius, the intervening spaces being filled with foliated ornament, amidst which are the initials G V. Back : four bands. ^MiLivs FKANCiscr. Duvidis Psalmi in Graecum carmine heroico conversi. Basileae, 1581. 7^ x 4-^ in. Art Libr., 1955-1883. 4t6 GERMAN B/NDINGS . 198 Saxony, 1582. Buckskin. In the centre of each side a panel stamp (93 x 58 m.). That on the obverse side has wilhin an oval frame of strap-work, a half-length portrait of Augustus, elector of Saxony ; represented turned .slightly to the right, bareheaded, clad in a rich suit of armour, and holding up a sword; at his left side, a plumed helmet. In the background, a rod ^vith a curtain. On the frame is inscribed : virtvtes . animi . maiestas . explicatores . avgvsti VVT.TVS . iNSPiCE . xv.UEX . HABEXT. In the angles are four female figures, with emblems and scrolls inscribed : ivsticia, PRVDEXcia, FORTitudo, and TE^iperancia. Above the panel are stamped the original owner's initials, M G S, and below it, the date 1582. Roll- produced border, adorned with four oval medallion busts and four escucheons, bearing the arms of the Electorate and Duchy of Saxoiiv, a lion rampant, and a swan with the binder's initials, A M. The reverse side is similarly adorned, the panel bearing the arms of Augustus, with this inscription on the frame : avgvstvs iieuzog zv saxex VXD KVRFVRST. In the angles are four female ligures with emblems and scrolls. Back : four bands. P. Melanthon. Ethicac doctrinae elemcuta. Witebergae, 1580. Oct. 6| X 4i in. Art Libr., 1649-1882. 199 Saxoxv, 1583. Light brown calf ; the sides and back elaborately ornamented with solid and lined tooling. In the centre, an oval escucheon with the arms of the Duchy of Saxony and the initials Yriderich Kngust Herzoff Zu Sachseti. The back lettered : uibma 1583. Edges tooled, painted and gilt : arms of the Duchy of Saxony, animals and foliage. Biblia: Das ist : Die gantze heilige Schrifft Deudsch. Doct. Mart. Luth. Band I. Jhena, 1564. Fol. Art Mus., 4057-1856. 200 Saxony, 1583. Light brown calf ; the sides and back elaborately ornamented with solid and lined tooling. In the centre of each side, an oval ; the one, with a standing figure of Religion, surrounded by the initials Yriderich August lS.erzog Zm Sachsen ; the other con- taining a figure of Justice. Roll-produced border of ornamental strap-work, alternating with escucheons bearing alternately: I per pale, 1 Electorate, 2 Duchy of Saxony ; and II Denmark on a powdered gold ground. Within this border, the angles are occupied by a block-printed ornament of an angel with a horn and an oval laurelled escucheon with the arms of the Duchy of Saxony or those of Denmark. Edges tooled, painted, and gilt: arms of the Duchy of Saxony, animals and foliage. Ver Krste Teil idler liucher und Schrifften den Doct. Mart. Lutheri. Jhena, 1575. Fol. Art Libr., 1867. GERMAN BINDINGS 47 201 Saxony, 1.583. Light brown calf; the sides and back richly ornamented with lined tooling. In the centre of each side is a circular medallion with a figure of Renown on one side, of Charity on the other, connected with the border by broad bands of ornament. The four enclosed panels are each adorned by two large rosaces, on the ground between which are the initials Fridcrirh Xugust Herzotj Zu iiac/isen. Edges tooled, painted, and gilt : arms of the Duchy of Saxony, angels, and lions' and rams' masks. Der Ander Teil idler dettdscher Biicher und Schrifften des Doct. Mart. Lutheri. Jeua, 1572. Fol. Art Libr., 18G7. 202 Saxony, 1583. Light brown calf; the sides elaborately ornamented with solid tooling ; the back, with solid and lined tooling. On each side a roll-produced border, within which are four corner-pieces of strap - work and foliage, with reserved oval space, on which are the initials Friderich Kugust FLerzog TLu Sachsen. In the centre, on a diaper of squares containing lozenges, is a large block-produced oval of strap-work and foliage. Edges tooled, painted, and gilt ; arms of the Duchy of Saxony, strap-work, and foliage. Ver Dritte Teil alter Biicher und Schrifften des Doct. Mart. Lutheri, Jhena, 1573. Fol. Art Libr., 1867. 203 Saxony, 1583. Light brown calf; the sides and back elaborately ornamented with lined tooling. On each side, a large central and four corner block-produced pieces, the former divided horizontally by a plain band bearing the initials Friderich August Herzog i,u Sachsen ; the latter united by foliated scroll and strap-work on a ground powdered with little gilt basins. Edges tooled, painted, and gilt ; arras of the Duchy of Saxony and ornamental work. Der Vierde Teil alter Biicher und Schi-ifften des D. M. Lutheri. Jhena, 1574. Fol. " Art. Libr., 1867. 204 Saxony, 1583. Light brown calf; the sides and back elaborately ornamented with solid and lined tooling. On each side, a broad roll- produced border. In the centre, a block-produced oval with, on one side, a figure of Renown, on the other, the initials Fi'iderich August Herzog Zu Sac/isen. The space between the centre-piece and the border partly powdered with little gilt basins, and partly tooled with foliatetl scrolls and con- ventional flowers. Edges tooled, painted, and gilt; arms of the Duchy of Saxony in centre of continuous ornament. Der Fiinffte Teil aller Biicher utid Schrifften des Docto. Martini Lutheri. Jhena, 1575. Fol. Art Libr., 1867. 48 GERMAN BINDINGS 205 Saxony, 1583. Light brown calf ; the sides and back elaborately ornamented with solid and linod tooling. The centre of each side is occnpied by a large block-produced tloriated ornament with lined ground on a field powdered with little gilt basins ; the corners, by tooled foliated scroll-work. On the plain portion, at the upper part of one side, are the initials Yriderich Kugust Uerzof/ Zu ^achsen. Edges tooled, painted, and gilt ; arms of the Duchy of Saxony and Renascence ornament : satyrs, genii, animals, and masks. Der Sechste Teil aller JBilcher und Schrifften des Doctoris Martini Lutheri. Jhena, 1578. Fol. * Art Libr., 1867. 206 Saxony, 1583. Light brown calf; the sides and back richly adorned with lined tooling. Within a frame, formed by four roll-produced borders, three narrow and one broad, is an oblong panel powdered with fleurs-de-lys, its centre occupied by a figure, on one side, of the Infant Saviour trampling on the sei'pent ; on the other, of Renown, in a circle of radiating flames. Above the panel the initials Yriderich Kugust Hei'zog Zit Sachsen. Edges tooled, painted, and gilt; arms of the Duchy of Saxony and renascence ornament; terminal figures, strap-work, and foliage. Der Sieheud Teil alter Jiilcher uiid Schrifften des I). Martini Lutheri. Jhena, 1^81. Fol. Art Libr., 1867. 207 Augsburg, H. L. Pigskin ; adorned with bands of roll-produced ornament. The outer band (20G x IS m.) has four full-length figures of the Evangelists with their symbolical animals beneath Renascence arches, and on tablets beneath: matevs.evan | s.ighankes | EVAN.i.vcAS I MARCvs.EV. A narrower band (144 x 9*5 ra.), immediately within this, is adorned with four escucheons bearing : 1, an eagle displayed ; 2, the arms of the city of Augsburg ; 3, three flies, 2 and 1 ; and 4, the initials h i. on a fess ^^-^ between two cinquefoils in chief and a cross patonce in )xi,r I point. The inner band (184 X 15 m.) has four full-length Vst/ figures beneath rustic canopies of foliage, in compartments ^^ with inscribed tablets at the foot : 1, Fortitude, leaning on a column, FOUTITUDO. 2. Faith, holding a cross in her right hand, and a chalice in her left, fides. 3, Charity, a nude infant in her arms, and a child with a go-horse at her side, caritas. 4, Hope, her hands joined in prayer, spes. From the binding of A. Lonicerus. Kreutcrbtich, Franckfort. 1582. Fol. 12j X 86 in. Science Libr. GERMAN BINDINGS 49 208 1584. Brown calf; gold tooling ; an oval stamp (70 > 53 m.) in the centre of each side, that on the obverse side bearing the arms of the Duchy of Saxe Weimar and Coburg ; that on the reverse, those of the Duchy of Bavaria. Above the former are the initials E P B R, and below it, the date 1584. Plain three-line fillet border, with an acorn in each corner. Back : three bands, a flower in each panel. Gilt edges, tooled. loH. Haberman. Vifa Christi. Prag, 1579. 209 Art Libr., 1178-1885. 1585. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. Border of interlacing strap- work with foliations in the interspaces. The field within, on the obvei'se cover, is adorned with a half-length figure of Christ caiTying a scourge in his right hand, and a tau-shaped cross with the crown of thorns in his left, within an elliptical laurel-wreath ; at the foot is the binder's cipher and the date 1575. Above is the following inscription : — Der Gaystlicher vnd zuchtiger Closter Juuckfrauen S. M. Magdalena Hol- landerin zu Gottes Helle Meiner Li eft zu Einem Glickseligen Niewen Jar . F C H 1585. On the reverse cover, a large ])anel ( 120 x 75 m.) with the imperial double eagle, with arms surrounded by the collar of the Order of the Golden riee(;e on its breast. Back : four bands. Gilt edges, tooled. Processlonarium Ordtni.i fratrum Predtcatorum. Venetiis, per liucam Antonium de Giunta, 1509. Oct. 7| x 5 in. Art Libr., 1103-188.''.. 210 N URN BERG, 1585. Brown calf; gold tooling. On each cover, an elliptical centre- piece of interlacing strap and scroll-work with foliations on a lined ground. Oblong frame formed by a two-line fillet with foliated ornaments in the corners and at the angles. Border of roll-produced ornament between tvvo fillets. Beneath the centre piece, on the obverse cover, is the date, 1585. Back : five bands ; a fleur-de-lys in each panel. Gilt edges. Wentzel Jamitzer. Ein i'.Ui;(;, 168S. Red morocco ; sides and back richly tooled ; liuiiig and forward- ing of embossed gilt and coloured paper with flowing foliage and flowers ; gilt edges. Latten clasps. Rituale Auyustanum. Augustae Vindelicoruiu, 1688. Quarto. Art Libr., 595-1885. 221 Austria, 1690. Brown calf ; gold tooling. The sides are divided into com- partments by bands painted black and outlined in gold, filled Avitli a variety of ornaments. The obverse cover has the imperial arras in the centre, and this inscription at the head : — Dem Hoch Vnnd WoUgebohrnnen Herrn Herrn Orpheo GratTen Von Strassoldo Freyherrn Auf Villa Nova Erb Jiiger- meistern der Fiir.stlichen Graffschafft Gortz Einer Sob. Landsschafft .Jn Crain Verordenten 16 90 Prognosis coniecturalis astrologica ad annum MDCLXXXX.Tjrnsivia,e. Quarto. 8 x 5| in. Art Libr., 1900-1879. 222 Brown leather ; gold tooling. Border of foliage and flowers with a narrow lace edging on the outer side, and a two-line fillet on the inner. In eacii corner, a large spray of foliage and flowers ; in the centre, between two branches of foliage, is an elliptical escucheon ensigned with the imperial crown. The field around is divided by small juxtaposed curved scrolls into triangular compartments filled with sprays of foliage and flowers. Back : five bands ; the panels tooled with foliage. L. Anxaei Flori Rerum Roinanarum Epitome. Venetiis, 1715. Quarto. 9| X 7^ in. Art Libr., 2365-1886. 223 c. 1730* Brown calf ; gold tooling. Border, a two-line fillet with a row of large foliated ornaments. In the corners are vases from which spring sprays of foliage wdth flowers and fruit. In the centre an elliptical medallion, that on the obverse cover adorned with a seated figure of Our Lady and Child with the legend : -f fvndatrix MONASTERY ETTALENSis ; and that ou the reverse, with two angels supporting a mitre, a pastoral staff, and an anchor, on which is perched a bird, with the legend : + PLacidvs ahbas ettalensis. The interspaces are filled with foliated curves, flowers, and seeded pomegranates. Back : seven bands, the panels tooled with floral ornaments within a two-lined lillet. 13^ X B\ in. Art Libr., 1589-1885. .j4 GERMAN BINDINGS 224 1733. Brown leatlicr ; gold tooling. Elliptical centre-piece Avith the arras oi' S(Mnsbeim and Schcncken von Staufenberg. Smooth back, in compartments. Marbled paper of peculiar pattern. Iac. Bidekmanni AcroamatuDi academiconnn lihri iii. Coloniac, 1733. 12mo. 5^ x 3^ in. Art Libr., 2588-1886. 225 Makburg, 1763. Vellum, painted and varnished. In the centre of each side a nosegay of flowers springing from a heari on which, in letters of gold, is the inscription : Das Hertz von Meiucr eignenhandt soil Bein dein beste suuter pfandt. Gilt edges. Marburger Gesang-Buch. Marburg, 1763. 12mo. 6^ x 3| in. Art Libr., 1998-1886. ITALY. 226 Venice. Aldus, 1499. Red morocco. The sides have an outer border of eight parallel lines, with a gold fillet in the centre, and ait inner border of two gold and six plain lines, with a circle and floral ornament at the angles. The enclosed panel has foliated corner ornaments, and lictween two cinqfoils in the centre of the obverse cover a medal- lion with the title inCrreek capitals, — replaced by a blank escucheon on the reverse cover. The edges of the covers, flush with the leaves are grooved. Back, divided by horizontal lines into four compartments adorned with diagonal intersecting fillets. The bauds at the head and foot project and have a gold fillet. Two latten clasps attached to end of a strap of red morocco, cut into nine strips woven into three plaits, Avhich are let iuto grooves in the boards. ETTtfTToAai hia^opm'. Vcnetiis, apiid Alduiii, 1499. Quarto. 8;^ x 6 in. Art Mils., 30-1865. 227 Venice, c. 1500. Olive morocco ; gold tooling. The sides divided into compart- inents by bands outlined in gold and stam2)ed with foliated and floral ornaments. The outer l»order has a cypher at each angle ; from these spring bands which interlace with the inner border and divide the enclosed panel into two lozenge-shaped and eight triangular compartments, each stamped with a flower or a foliated ornament; these are reiteated alternately on the space between tlis two borders, except at the head of the obverse cover, which is occupied by tlu; title: 'AlMri"0ands, outlined in gold, into compartments ; the six largest of these have, in the centre, a sunken panel with foliated ornament of oriental design in relief; graceful curves charged with leaf forms occupy the extremities. Other compartments are filled with a variety of foliated and floral ornaments ; the smallest, with a powdering of tiny circles. The space within the frame is also divided into compartments, adorned with the same tools. Rebound ; the old sides laid down on the outside. Gilt edges, tooled and painted. Sebastiani Serlii Bononiensis de Architectura libri quinque. Venetiis, 1569. Folio. 13 x 8f in, Art Libr., 1353-1889. 249 Venice, c. 1570. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Rectangular frame, adorned with a rod enwreathed with foliage between two fillets ; foliated orna- ments at the angles and in the corners. In the centre, the ai'ms of Boncompagno Avith the original owner's name : hieron . BONCO.Aip. Back : four panels with foliated ornaments. V. OviDii Nasonis Metumorphoseon libri .rv. Lugduni, apud Anto- nium Gryphiuiu, 1565. 16mo. 4| x 3| in. Art Libr., 283-1882. 250 Florence? 1572. Brown morocco ; gold tooling. The sides, within a double fillet, are impressed with centre and corner-pieces of oriental design : interlacing curves charged with foliated and floral orna- ments in low relief on a stippled gold ground ; above and below the centre-piece, a smaller stamp of similar design ; the field between these is powdered with gold dots. The back is divided by four bands into panels, tooled with quatrefoils surrounded by circles. Gilt edges. M. Giovanni Della Casa, Jiime et Prose. In Fiorenza, I. et B. Giunti, 1572. Oct. 6^ X 4i in. Art Libr., 1771-1889. 251 c. 1572. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Rectangular frame adorned with masks and trophies of musical instruments between two fillets, with heraldic eagles displayed at the angles, foliated ornaments in the corners, and an ornamental escucheon in the centre. Back i five panels, witii an eagle in each. Gilt edges, tooled and painted. Anoklo di Costanzo. VelV Jatorie della sua patriu. Napoli, 1572. Ciuarto. 8 x 5^ in. Art Libr., 892-1885. ITALIAN BINDINGS 61 252 c. 1575. Brown calf; gold tooling. In the centre, an elliptical reserved space within a frame of scroll-work on a field powdered with small dots. This portion is bordered by a narrow band, enlaced with bold and graceful curved lines charged with foliations ; these spread over the field within and the plain ground between it and the fillets which form the outer border. The back has no pro- jecting bands, but is divided by six horizontal stripes into compartments tooled with foliated ornament. Gilt edges. Lihro di Marco Aurelio con VHorologio de' preneipi. Venetia, 1575. Quarto. 8^ x 6 in. Art Libr., 282-1882. 253 c. 1577. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling and polychrome. Interlacing pattern of scroll-work and foliated ornament in silver and green, outlined with gold ; in the elliptical centre, a figure of the Madonna on the crescent moon. The original border was formed by two silvered bands outlined in gold, and by plain fillets. A modern hand has added flowing foliated ornament and the inscription THO • MAiOJ.i . ET . AMicoRVM. Back : five panels, with a foliated ornament in each. Gilt edges, tooled. Rosario della Sacratiss. Vergiiie Maria dull' opere del Rev. P. F. LuiGi DI Granata, raccolto per A. Gianetti J)A Salo. Roma, 1577. Quarto. 8i x 5| in. Art Libr., 1409-1886. iV:^.— In B. Quaritch's Catalogue (No. 349, July 1, 1883), this Tolume, described (No. 12,982) as emboite in a Maioli binding, is priced 25^, 254 Venice, c. 1583. Reddish brown morocco ; the sides and back elaborately orna- mented with solid, lined, and outlined tools. In the centre of each side is an oval, the one containing an escucheon : per fess arg. and gu. ; the other, the original owner's name : ant. maria QviRiNO. Above and below, half-way between the oval and tho border, a column between two lions, facing each other ; the remainder of the space is covered with foliations and flowers, on a ground powdered with gold dots in threes. Narrow border of flowing foliage between two bands outlined in gold ; these and the outlined foliations are silvered. Back : six panels. Gilt edges, painted. MS. on vellum. 9^ x 7^ in. Art. Libr., 2124-1883. 255 Venice, 1592. Bed morocco; gold tooling. The sides divided by interlacing painted bands, outlined in gold, into compartments filled with 62 ITALIAN BINDINGS curves churgctl witli foliage, liowers, leopard?, and bees. In the centre, -witiiin an elliptical frame, between the initials F T, on the obverse cover, S. Francis receiving the stigmata, and, on the reverse : s perina vedova. Back : seven panels ^vith foliated ornament. Gilt edges, tooled. Jireviarmm Uornanum. Veaetiis:, ai)U(l Iiintas, 1592. Oct. 7 x 4| in. Art Libr., 662-1885. 256 1596. Vellum ; gold tooling. Fillet border, with foliated corner orna- ments. In the centre of the obverse cover are painted the arms of Cardinal Michael Bonelli, 15G6-1598. Title on front edges. Iv. DE BROCCnis. Attende tihi, ut recte vivas, Veronae, 1596. Oct. 6^ X 4^ in. Art Libr., 1649-1888. 257 1598. Red morocco ; gold tooling. The sides are divided by inter- lacing painted bands, outlined in gold, into compartments of varied form, filled with foliated ornament, angels blowing trumpets, sphinxes, lions' masks, fleurs-dc-lys, &c. Back divided by bands into four panels similarly adorned. Gilt edges, tooled and painted. G. Boccaccio. / Casi degV Huom'mi illustri. Fiorenza, 1598. Oct. 6f X 4iin. Art Libr., 1419-1886. 258 Bologna, 1603. Black leather ; gold tooling. Broad border of foliated orna- ment and flowers ; central medallion, left plain, within a frame of Bcroll-work, surrounded by foliations, which also adorn the corners. Back : eight panels. Gilt edges. S. BiNOTTi. Rime 7iel dottorato del III. Conte F, Gambara. 1603. Manuscript. 9| x 6^ in. Art Mns., 7778-1863. 259 Milan, 1610. Red morocco; gold tooling. In the centre, the arms of the Olivetan order, within a cusped oval medallion surrounded by vases of flowers, curves and foliations. Broad frame adorned with curving branches of foliage and flowers, with vases and flower sprays in the corners and at tlie augle--^. The whole enclosed by u knotted cord between two fillets. Back : six bands; the panels adorned with foliations. Gilt edges, tooled and painted. JJreviarium Olivetannm. Mediolani, 1610. Fol. 12 x 8?, in. Art. Libr., 1705-1887. ITALIAN I51NDINGS 63 260 c. 1610. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre, on the obverse cover, the Holy Name ; on the reverse, within an elliptical frame studded with stars, two cross-keys beneath a canopy, and the initials S R. The field between this and the border of twisted cable-work is filled with Renascence ornament, lizards, and foliage. Back : four panels, adorned with interlacing foliations. P. Papinii Statu Opera. Argentorati, 1609. 16ino. 5^ x 3i in. ArtLibr., 280-1882. 261 Verona, 1613. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Rectangular frame, adorned with repetitions of a foliated volute terminating in a flower ; corner ornaments and elliptical centre-piece. Back : seven panels. Statuti, Ordini e Parti. Verona, 1613. Fol. llf x 8 in. Art. Libr., 1179-1888. 262 Padua, 1614. Red morocco; gold tooling. Rectangular frame, with orna- ments in the corners and centre. The back adorned with five floriated crosses. Diploma of the University of Padua, conferring the degree of Doctor of Theology on Franciscus Kiatus, 2nd May 1614. 9f x 7 in. Art Libr., 2494-1886. 263 Pisa, 1619. Brown calf; gold tooling. The sides divided by interlacing bands, outlined in gold, into compartments of varied form filled with ornaments, with the exception of the elliptical centre which is left plain. Diploma 6f in. Art Mus., 5905-1860. 276 Venice, xvii cent. Brown morocco ; gold tooling. Roll-produced borders, corner and centre-pieces. Back : six panels. Passiones iv et OJficia, MS. Quarto, 9| x 7 in. Art Libr,, 1446-1886. f 61140. ^ Q6 ITALIAN BINDIN-GS 277 Rome, 1G70. Red morocco ; gold tooling. lu the centro of each sido, an inlaid escucheon of blue morocco with the arms of Clement X. in silver, ensigued Avith the tiara and keys. Framework adorned with imitation pointillo Avork ; corner ornaments. Back : five panels with roll-produced borders, centre and corner ornaments. Forwarding : marbled paper, wavy combed pattern. Gilt edges. L. Casxle, Poesie. Roma, 16 ?o. Oct. 7g x 4f in. Art Mus., 1197-1864. 278 1673. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. In Ihe centre, an oval with a figure of (Christ on the cross on the obverse, and of S. Francis receiving the stigmata on the reverse cover, surrounded by radiating traceried lobes, four of which form the corner-pieces. Above the centre-piece, the word CHORO. Back : five panels with vertical bands of ornament. Morocco gold tooled straps wit] I gilt metal clasps. Gilt edges. Martyrologium Jtomanum. Venetiis, 1673. Quarto. 10 x 7 in. Art Mus., 50-1 8C7. 279 Padua, 1675. Red morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre, a small oval with a figure of Christ on the cross on the obverse cover, of the Madonna on the reverse, surrounded by radiating traceried lobes and foliated ornament. Corner-pieces of similar design ; roll- produced borders. Back : divided by bands into four panels. Ordo recitaiidi Divinum Officium. I'atavii (1675). Oct. 6]- x 4 in. Art Libr., 1698-1888. 280 c. 1675. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Vertical panel with centre orna- ments composed of 12 lobes radiating from a star, surrounded by foliations and flowers, and corner ornaments of foliage and fiowers, enclosed within a border composed of curved scrolls and flowers. Outer roll-produced border of strap- work interlaced with foliage. Loose cover. Art Libr., 1447-1886. 281 1689. Red morocco ; sides and back gold-tooled ; in the centre, the arms of Francis Fignatelli, archbishop of Naples. Roll-produced border with corner pieces. Back : six panels. Gilt edges. r.TiioMAESTROZAE jPof'W«/« wrtr?'a. Neapoli, 1689. Oct. 6} x 4i| in. Art Libr., 1879-1884. ITALIAN BINDINGS 67 282 Rome. Sprinkled brown leather, with gold tooling. In the centre of eacli side, the arms of cardinal Jerome Casanate (d. 170C)) in the centre of eacli side. Flat back. Gilt edges. T. G. Stellandt. Document/. roliticL Roma, 1G90. 12mo. a.V x 3 in. Art Libr., 289-1882. 283 Red morocco ; gold tooling. Fillet border edged with lace-work ; similar, but narrower, inner border, with floral ornaments at the angles ; the corners filled with foliated curves, stars, &c., re- peated around a vase of flowers within an oval frame in the centre. Back : five panels ; floral ornaments, the title in the second. Gilt edges, tooled. Spanish theological MS, 9 x 6| in. Art Libr., 1187-1885. 284 c. 1700. Brown morocco ; gold tooling. Two borders of scroll-work, with fleur-de-Hse corner and centre ornaments. Ordbmriuin Missae. s. 1. 13f x lOj in. Art Libr., 172G-1887. 285 c. 1700. Red morocco, adorned with gold tooling and paint. The sides jiave a succession of panels of varied form, one within another, with foliated ornaments, fleurs-de-lys, &c. Back: five panels, with a conventional flower in each. Gilt edges, tooled. P. KosA. La Nautica rilucente. Venezia, 1700. Quarto, 9 x 6^ in. Art Libr., 649-1888. 286 c. 1700. Citron morocco ; gold tooling. Roll-produced border of flow- ing fohage, Avith two-handled vases in the corners ; curved lines charged with varied leaf forms spring from these, and spread over the field, which has in its centre a cruciform ornament; the interspaces are relieved with gold dots. Loose cover. 9 x 6f in. Art Libr., 1393-1889. 287 1712. Brown morocco ; gold tooling. Broad roll-produced framework, with flowing foliage and flowers in the centre ; the enclosed panel. OS ITALIAN BINDINGS powdered with dots, bears the arms of Clement XI. in the centre surrounded 1>v curves with foliations in imitation of pointille work, Avith Avliich the corners are also filled. Back : six compart- ments. Gilt edges, tooled. G 15. Gizzi, Prediche Quaresimali. Napoli, 1712. Qunrto. Qi x 7 in. Art Libr., 1875. 288 EoME, c. 1715. Red morocco ; sides and back gold tooled ; arms of Pope Cle- ment XI. in the centre of each cover. Gilt edges. Lectiones propriae Sanctorum quorum pecuUarla Officia recitantur a clero Basilicae Vatlcanae. llomae, 1714. Oct. 7f x 5^- in- Art Libr., 1891-1884. 289 Rome, c. 1715. Brown morocco ; gold tooling. With the arms of Clement XI. in the centre of the obverse cover. Loose cover. 9f x 7-| in. Art Libr., 14r)2-1886. 290 Rome, c. 1715. Brown morocco; gold tooling. With the arms of Clement XL in the centre of each side. Loose cover. 8^ x G^ in. Art Libr., 1877. 291 1718. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Back : five panels ; lette ing ou wreen leather in the second and fourth. L. At,AMANNi, La (Joltivazioyie ; c G. RucELLAi, Lc Api. Padova, 1718. Quarto. 12i X Sjj in. Art Libr., 2015-1886. 292 Rome, 1720. Red morocco ; gold tooling. With the arms of Clement XI. in the centre of each side. Back : six panels, lettering in the second and third. Forwarding: paper, sprays of flowers in colours on gold ground. Gilt edges, tooled and painted. D. CuRADO. Scrmoens. Tom. 3. Eoraa, 1720. Quarto. 9.V x 7] in. Art Libr.", 1421-1886. 293 Red morocco ; sides and back adorned with gold tooling. Arms in the centre of each cover, ensigned with a coronet. Gilt edges. Ufficio (IcUa li. V. Maria, ^-c. Kouia, 1725. '6\ x 5 in. ' ArtLibr,, 311-188C. ITALIAN BINDINGS 69 294 c. 1730. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling-. Inner vortical panel Avith centre and corner ornaments in imitation pointille work, the ont- lined foliage and flowers silvered. Outer border of lace-work ; the intervening space filled with waving spnivs of foliage and powers. Back smooth, with vertical row of floral and foliated ornaments. Forwarding : paper, sprays of foliage, flowers and fruit in red on gold ground. Gilt edges. Vita detla Imperadrice Leonora Maddalenu Teresa. Eoma, 1730. Quarto. 8^ x 6^ in. Art Libr., 672-1888. 295 Rome, 1731. Red morocco .: each of the sides has, within a stamped border, a large gold-tooled panel, with centre and corner-pieces, and roll- produced border. C. A. DE NoBiLi. MS. poems addressed to Cardinal J. A. Guadagni. Dated Rome, 1731. gi x 6Hii. Art Miis., 7779-1863. 296 XVIII cent. . Red morocco ; sides and back richly gold-tooled ; arms in centre, ensigned with a coronet. Back lettered. Forwarding : paper, foUage and flowers in gold and colours. Edges gilt and painted. A. Mazzinelli. Uffiziodella Settimana Santa. Romae, 1735. Quarto. 8i X b\\n. Art Libr., 19.57-1883. 297 Ro:uE. Red morocco ; gold tooling. The arms of Cardinal Jerome Colonna ensigned with the cardinal's hat, in the centre of each cover. Roll-produced border, and corner-pieces. Back : six compartments, title in the second. Gilt edges. A12XTA0T TPArriAIA nPOMH0ET2 AE2MriTH2. Roma, 1754. Quarto. Art Libr., 630-1887. 298 Venice, c. 1760. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. Roll-pro(mced foliated border ; in the centre, the arms of the Foscarini family ensigned with a coronet. Back: five bands; the title in the second panel, a flower spray in each of the others. Gilt edges. Patili Paradisi de modo legendi Hehraice. Parisiis, 1584. Oct. 6|- X 4^ in. Ex BibL S. Rartliolomei Fulginei. Dyce, 726?, 299 Venice, c. 176i). Red morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre of each side, the arms of the Foscarini fixmily surrounded by foliations; above, two 70 ITALIAN BINDINGS angels supporting a coronet. Roll-produced border. Back : six panels ; lettering on green leather in the second. M. AxTO'ii Bkaoadem dc homiuis fdicitalc libri sex. Vonetiis, 1594. Quarto. 8| x 6 iu. Art Libr., 1724-1887. 300 Venice, c. 1760. Red morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre of each side, the arms of the Foscarini family surrounded by foliations ; above, two angels supporting a coronet. Roll-produced border. Back : six panels ; lettering on black leather in the second. L. Dolce. Sonuiia della Filosqfia d'Aristotele, Vcnetia, G. B. et M. Sessa, et fratcUi. 5| x 4 in. Art Libr., 1873. 301 Venice, 1762. Red morocco ; gold tooling. The arms of Mark Foscarini (d. 1763) ensigned with the Doge's cap of state in the centre of each cover, with a border of foliated ornament, flowers, and fleurs- de-lys. Back : six panels. M. GiiiGi. Saggio sopral'Eloquenza Italiana, Veuczia, 1757-8. Oct. 7f X 5^ in. Art Libr., 2663-1886. 302 Rome, xviii cent. Red morocco ; sides and back elaborately gold tooled ; arms In the centre. Propriiim Sanctorum insignift Basi/icae S. Mariac hi Cosnicdin, etc. Koniae, 176C. Oct. " Art Libr., 1892-1884. 303 Rome, 1767. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Heavy roll-produced border, large corner ornaments, connected by sprays of foliage and stars, and centre-piece of foliage and stars. Back : six panels ; lettering on green morocco in the second and third. Gilt edges. Statuti del micro Monle della Pieta di lionui. Roma, 1707. Quarto. 11^ y 8i in. Art Liln-., 1878. 304 XVIII cent. Red morocco ; sides and back richly gold tooled ; arms in centre. Back : six compartments j lettering in the second. Gilt edges. D. G. liiUA. Volgarizzamcnlu dc'' Salmi in rcrsa Itahiivo. Miiano, 1771. Oct. 8^- X 5^ in. Art Libr., 1884 ITALIAN BINDINGS 7l 305 c. 1770. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Arms of d'Este. Loose cover. 12f x 9 in. Art Libr., 1696-1888. 306 Tuscany, 1774. Red morocco ; gold tooling ; roll-produced border, corner-pieces, and in the centre, the arms of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany ensigned with a crown. Back : six panels with scroll border, and a flower-spray in the centre and corners. Green silk lining. Gilt edges, tooled. Fl. Scakselli. II CresOy tragedia. Bologna, 1774. Quarto. 11^ X 8f in. Art Mus., 4569-1857. 307 Venice, 1777. Red morocco, with gold tooling on sides and back. The latter has five bands. Gilt edges. La Temi Veneta. Veuezia, 1777. Oct. 6f x 4| iu. Art Libr,, 1413-1886. 308 Venice, 1778. Red morocco ; gold tooling ; arms in centre of each cover j roll- produced border, foliated corner ornaments. Back : seven panels ; title on green morocco in the second. Gilt edges. G. Q. M. Calbera. Tavole rfe' camhi ad uso di Venczia. Veuezia, 1778. Duodecimo. 7^ x 4| in. Art Libr., 1422-1886. 309 Naples, 1779. Red morocco, with gold tooling on sides and back ; the arms of Ferdinand, king of the Sicilies, in the centre of each cover. Flat back, tooled and lettered. Gilt edges. G. DE BoxTis, Ruifionamento istorico intonio all' eruzioiie del Vesuvio. Napoli, 1779. Quarto. Il|x8|-in. Art Libr., 1025-1886. 310 Rome, 1780. Brown sprinkled calf, vv^itli gold tooling ; in the centre, the arms of Henry, cardinal of York, ensigned with the crown and cardinal's hat. Roll-produced border and corner-pieces. Back : six panels, with lettering in the second. S. DE MussoN. Veritas in lucem nrolata adversus Imius actatis pseud(y philosophos et incredulos. liomae, 1780. Oct. 7| x 5^ in. Art Libr., 1909-1884. 72 ITALIAN BINDINGS 311 c. 1785. Red morocco, with gold tooling on back and .sides. Blank escucheon in the centre, ensigned with a royal crown, painted mantling. Back : seven paneh; lettering on green morocco. lied silk lining. Gilt edges. G. DE Serpos. Dissertazione polemico-critica sopra due dobbi di coscienza concerncnti qli Armeni Cattolki. Vcnezia, 1783. Quarto. 12 X 8f in. ■ Art Libr., 1783-1883. 312 1796. Red morocco, with gold tooling. In the centre, the arms of the Caraceiolo family ; border of foliage and stars. Back i six panels ; lettering on green morocco in the second. Light blue silk lining. Gilt edges. Tekmanini. \ ita r virtu del Saverdote Vomenico M. S. Calvi, nobile Bolognese. I'arma, 179G. Oct. 8 x 5^ in. Art Libr., 1889-1884. 'SI A XVIII cent. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Centre-piece composed of flower- sprays and stars. Roll-produced border. Loose cover. 10^ x 6| in. Art Libr., 1453-1886. 314 XVIII cent. Red morocco ; gold tooling. Rich framework within a narrow border. Loose cover. lOj x 7j in. Art Libr., 1450-1886. 315 xviii cent. Brown calf, adorned with gold tooling and paint. Flat back. L. A. Uassi. Jtime PiacevoU. Torino. 8 x 4f in. Art Libr., 519-1888. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 316 c. 1530. i3rOwn calf; the sides and back divided into compartments by roll -produced bands of ornament. Busts in oval medallions and foliage. The field of the compartments adorned with gilt tooling. Epislolas de Saxt Hiekoni.'mu. Valencia, por Jorj^e Costilla acabosc. 1526. Fol. 12 X 8^ in. Art Mus., 152-1866. SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE BTN-DINGS ^3 317 c. 1530. Dark brown morocco ; blind tooled. The sides have a central vertical panel, adorned with a quatrefoiled pattern, surrounded by two bauds of interlaced chain -work of varied design, alternating with three bands of roll-produced straight lines, enclosed within a broad border of Moorish pattern. Loose cover. 12| x 8;} in. Art Mus. 94-1864. 318 c. 1600, Crimson morocco, gold tooling. Border adorned with ovals and circles, the former enclosing a turreted g-ateway, the latter three Ts, 2 and 1, alternating on the sides with winged terminal figures, and, at the head and foot, with floral ornaments. The enclosed panel is divided by interlacing strap-work, outlined in gold, into compartments filled Avith branches of foliage, stars, &c. ; in the centre is a turreted gateway, accompanied by three Ts and six stars within an elliptical frame, charged alternately with towers and stars. Back : five panels, each with the same heraldic emblems. Gilt edges. GiROi. Gratiano, Tratlalo del Giuhileo deW Anno Santo, lloma, 1599. Quarto. Art Libr., 481-1885. 319 Red morocco ; gold tooling. In the centre, a coat of arm."?. Border of flowing foliage, with corner ornaments. Back : five panels ; title in the two uppermost. Phrtnichi Epitomae dictionum Atticarum libri Hi. Augustae Vindcbcorum. 1601. Quarto. 7| x 5§ in. Art Libr., 1692-1887. 320 1605. Crimson morocco ; gold tooling. Narrow border, with corner ornaments and large armorial centre-piece. Back : four panels, with a cherub's head in each. Gilt edges, tooled and painted. F. DE Sandobal. Vida de S. Joan de Sahaguii. Salamanca, 1605. Oct. 5| X 4 in. Art Libr., 1878. 321 NAV.VERE. Pamplona? C.1G25. Reddish-brown leather, the sides and back elaborately tooled ; the sides divided into compartments by bands stained of darker colour. In centre, the armorial bearings del Palacio de Los Lizaracus varonia de los cvsas y casa de los viamontes. MS. Genealogy and Confiriuatiou of arms, lly x 8:^ in. Art Mus., 101-1864. 74 TURKISH BINDINGS 322 Madeid, 1796. Red inovocco ; gold tooling. In the centre, the arms of Charles IV., ensigued with the royal crown within a border. Flat back. Kalendario Manual. Madrid, 1796. 12mo. 4.' x 2^ in. Art Libr., 2589-1886. 327 Lisbon, 1778. Red leather ; gold tooling. In the centre, a coat of arms within a scroll-work frame painted black. Lace border, with corner ornaments. I. DE Sancta Clara. Theses exTheologicis disciplinis selectae. Olisipoiie, 1778. Quarto. 11 x 8 J- in. Art Libr., 1652-1882. TUEKEY 324 c. J 600. Brown leather. Border formed by parallel lines, with twisted cable- work at the angles. In the centre of the obverse cover, two triangles and six circles interlaced ; and of the reverse, a small vertical panel of cable-work. The corners and interspaces on both covers are stamped with sexfoils, circles, etc. ; the flap, Avith a vertical row of cruciform ornaments. Smooth l)ack. Armenian Rlauuscript. 5| x 4 in. Art Libr., 2351-1884. 325 c. 1616. Crimson leather, stamped with three panels of foliage and floweis in low relief on gold ground. These lune been surrounded Avith ligiit-gold lloriations, and corner ornaments within a plain fillet. Border of chain-work. The volume contains a great variety of contemporary marbled papers. Albu7u amicorum of Wolffgang Leutkauff of Vienna, 1616-32. 5i X 3f in. lleboiind, and cut doAvn ; tlie original sides mounted on the outside. Art Libr., 1392-1889. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 75 Part II.— RUBBINGS. ENGLAND 1 Durham. Side of a Book-cover (5| x 3| in). Border formed by two intertwined stems ; the enclosed space is divided into three com- partments, the hirgest of which, in the centre, is occupied by a finely designed foliated ornament in relief. The upper and lower compartments are filled with elaborate interlaced orna- ment formed by impressed lines. FroTii the Bindino; of a Manuscript of the Gospel of S. .Tohn, found at the head of S.Cuthhert's body in 1105. Stonyhurst College. See Archacologia, xvi, 17. London, 1809. Catalogue of Special Exhi- bition, South Kensington, 1862, p. .583, n" 6801. xir century. Side of a Book-cover (9^ x 6\ in.) adorned with detached horizontal and vertical rows of stamps, the two outer rows arranged as on 24. Outer horizontal rows : (A) seven impressions of a stamp (20 x 18 m.) representing a half-length figure of a man holding a large shield in his right hand, and a club in his left, beneath a depressed round arch supported by two columns. Inner horizontai roios : (B) three mounted knights (20 "5 X 20 "5 m.) riding to the right, and one (20 '.5 x 20 m.) to the left. Outer vertical rouis : (C) seven compartments, each with a cordate stamp (22 X IGm.) enclosing a palmated leaf. Inner vertical rows : (D) a lion passant (16 x 19'. 5 m.), four impressions. The centre is divided by a horizontal band into two compartments, each impressed with an elliptical stamp (27 x 18 m.) representing a bishop in full pontifical vestments holding a book in his left hand and a pastoral staff in his right. The bands between the rows of stamps are relieved with eight-i'oiled rosettes, and the spaces between the palmated leaves witli dots within circles. From the Binding of Salojlonis Liber Sapientiae (MS. 24,076). British Museum. D. 223-1887. 3 XII century. Side of a Book-cover (9^ x 6| in.) adorned Avith detached horizontal and vertical rows of stamps, tlie outermost arranged as on 24. Outer rows: (A) seven impressions of a stamp (21 X 21 m.) representing a king with a palm branch on a galloping steed riding to the right ; (B) a band of diaper formed by eight impressions of a stamp (19 x 18 m), bearing a saltire t6 ENGLISH RUBBTXG!^ between four men's lieads in profile. The enclosed space is adorned with four horizontal rows of stamps : in the centre, three churches witli turrets seen in pers])ective (51 x 21 m.), one with an apsidal chancel formed by the juxtaposition of a second stamp (22 X 13 m.) ; above these are two waixiors (same as A on 2) between two circular stamps (D. 21 m.) containing the wincjed ox, emblem of S. Luke. Above and below is a band, each with two centaurs discharging; arrows at two stags (21 x 41 ra.). The bands between the rows of stamps are relieved with eight-foiled rosettes and dots within circles. From the Binding of Salomonis Liber Sapienthic. (MS. 24,076.) British Museum. D. 224-1887. xii century. Side of a Book-cover (10;} x 6^ in.), divided into compartments by bands adorned with eight-foiled rosettes; the general arrange- ment somewhat similar to 7. In the centre, M^ithin :i lozenge- shaped panel of interlaced cable-work, is an elliptical stamp (27 X 19 m.) with a figure of David harping. Around this are four impressions of a triangular stamp Avith a peacock feeding. Above each of the two uppermost is a rectangular stamp (20 X 32 m.) representing the Annunciation, the space between the figures being filled with a large fleur-de-lys. Beneath each of the others are two winged monsters. At the head and foot are four elliptical stamps with figures of Christ seated on the rainbow, S. Peter, the B. Virgin, and the angel Gabriel, each between two columns united by a pointed arch, the tympanum of which is adorned with two wiverns. A vertical band with a hound amidst flowing foliage runs from the foot to the band surrounding the central compartment, and from this to the head. At each side ia a band of interlacing strap-work. From the Binding of a Latin Psalter. (^FS. 10,924.) British Mnsenm. I). 162-1888. 5 XII. century. Side of a Book-cover (lO;^ x 6^ in.), adorned with three com- partments (A) filled with interlacing cable-work, and with rows of stamps separated from each other by bands relieved with eight- foiled rosettes. The lour bands running from the centre to the corners arc each adorned with repeated impressions of a difFerent stamp; the figures, all facing the centre, represent (B) a man harpim^ ; (C) a hooded centaur with sword and shield ; (D) Saf^ittarius letting an arrow fly ; (E) a merman, perliaps meant for Ncptime. The bands (F and G) are adorned with diaper^ work formed by juxtaposed impressions of the same stamp in different positions, and (11) with diaper of another pattern. From the Binding of :> Latin Psalter. (MS. 10,924.) British Museum. D. 163.-1888. ENGI^ISII llUIililNGs; 77 Side opJa Book-cover. EXGLISir. XII CENTURY. Plan of Ornamentation. 78 ENGLISH RUBBINGS C. 1145. Side of a Book-cover (lOi X 6| in.), Tlio intprior is divided into three parts — a central rectangular panel and two horizontal bands — separated from one another and surrounded by narrow bands stamped at wide intervals with eight-leaved rosettes. The central panel is occupied by a wheel or rose formed by a central rosette from which radiate seven iillets terminated at the outer extremity by similar rosettes ; the interspaces being occupied by a lobe stamp (A) repre- I senting a dragon. The spandrels around the I rose are adorned, two (B) with the stamp used for the tympana of the arches on 4, and two (C) with a peacock within a triangle. The bands above and below are each subdivided into three compartments ; in the central compart- ment of the upper band is a figure of Christ (D) within a mandorla, seated on a rainbow, His right hand raised as in the act of blessing, whilst in His left He holds the book of life. The corresponding compartment (E) of the lower band has also a figure of Christ in a mandoi-la, but with a sword in His riglit hand, and a globe in His left. Each of the lateral compartments contains two figures, but the binder had apparently only three stamps, so below on tlie left of Christ are the B. Virgin (F) and an angel (G), forming together an Annunciation ; and on the right both above and below, the same figure of the B. Virgin and S. Peter (H), whilst above on the left, the Angel is n^peated twice. Thii outer border is foimed at the sides by the repetition of a stamp representing a curved branch and a peacock feeding (I). At the angles are the Evangelistic animals within circles (K) ; at the foot, a stamp representing a pheasant passing lieneath two branches of foliage (L) has been impressed six times, but alter- nated so that the branches form three saltire crosses. At tlio head are (M) three kings on horseback bearing palm blanches, and (N) tlirec kings eutlironed holding a sword in the right hand and a sceptre in the left. From the Biiidiiif,' of Ivonis Cauxotknsis kpiscoi-i Epistolae, MS. tixccuted biforo 114G, for Ileni-}-, son of Louis VII. of Fiance. Library of the Faculty of Medecine, Moutpellier. D. 72-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 79 Side op a Book-cover, Engusii. c. 1145. Plan of Ohnamentation. 80 ENGLISH RUBBINGS C. 1143. Side of fi Book-cover (lOl x 6| in.), divided into compartments by bands relieved at intervals with eight-foiletl rosettes. In the centre is an elliptical stamp (A) with a seated figure of David harping within a lozenge-shaped panel of reticulated cable-work, the interspaces of Avhich are adorned with small circles. The triangular compartments abutting on the central panel are each adorned with a square and an elliptical stamp, the former (B) fi^i^^^^^9 representing a bird with outspread wings and ^^f^'Q^^^ a spray of foliage, the latter, a full-length figure of (C) the B. Virgin, (D) S. Peter, or (E) an angel. Above and below is a horizontal row of rectangular stamps, representing (F) two cockatrices addorsed, their tails uniting in a fleur-de-lys ; and (G) a fleur-de-lys between two birds. The outer border is formcnl : at the foot, (H) by a succession of nine mermen ; at each side (I), by bands of interlaced cable-work with circles in the openings ; and, at the head, by (K) four warriors on horseback advancing towards (L) as many large birds. From the I^indinp of Ivonis Carnotensis episcoi'I Epistolae, MS. executed before 1146, for Henry, son of Louis VII. of France. Library of the Faculty of Medeciae, MootpeUier. D. 73-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 81 SIDE OF A EOOK-COVEK. ENGLISH. C. 1145. PLAN OF OltNAMENTATION. J 61140. 82 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 8 • c. 1145. Side of n Book-cover (11-| x 8 in.). Midway between the head and foot are three medallions (A) with the winged animals emblematic of SS. Matthew, Mark, and Luke, within as many interlacing circles filled with reticulated cable-work, in the openings of which are small circles with a dot in the centre. The spaces above and below the circles are subdivided by vertical and hori- zontal bands which, as also the outer border, are relieved at intervals with eight-foiled rosettes within circles. Of the twenty compartments thus formed, four (B) are filled with reticu- lated cable- work, four (C) occupied by two rams ? grazing, four (D) by four peacocks feeding, four (E) by five elliptical ornaments, and four (F) by four pairs of cockatrices addorsed, their tails uniting in a palmated leaf. From the Binding of Mattiiaeus glossal7is, ^IS. executed before 1146, for Henry, sou of Louis VII. of France. Library of the Faculty of Medccine, Montpellicr. D. 74-1887. c. 1145. Details from the side of a Book-cover (11^ x 8 in.), adorned with three broad vertical bands of interlaced cable-work with dots within small circles in the openings, between two rows of palmated leaves ; at the head and foot is a horizontal band of honeysuckle ornament; this stamp and the interlaced pattern appear to be direct imitations of Oriental work. From the Binding of Mattiiakus glossafus, MS. executed before 11 40, for Henry, son of Louis VII. of France. Library of the Faculty of Medecine, Montpellier. D. 75-1887. 10 Winchester, 1148. Side of a Book-cover (9| X 6f in.). The centre is adorned with ten impressions of a rectangular stamp (17 ' 5 x 18 " 5 m.)repre- senting a stag, disposed at intervals in two vertical rows. The ENGLISH RUBBINGS 83 SIDE OP A BOOK-COVEK. ENGLISH. C. 1145. PLAN OP ORNAMENTATION^ F 2 84 KNGLISn RUBBINGS plain bnnds between and around these are relieved with small circles havinn; a dot in the centre, repeated on the field between and around the borders. The inner border is formed by juxta- posed impressions of an oblong stamp (16 "5 x 22 m.) representing a curved branch with a peacock feeding across it. The outer border consists of two vertical rows of juxtaposed impressions of an oblong stamp (18 x 21 m.) representing a goat courant, connected at both head and foot by five impressions of an arched Btamp (17 X 20 m.) representing a ram grazing. From the Binding of Liber de ierris liegis reddentihmt langnhulum et hrugimn in Winton, known as the Winchester Domesday Book, 1148. Society of Antiquaries, Loudon. D. 542-1886, 11 "Winchester, 1148. Side of a Book-cover (9| X 6| in.). In the centre are two roses, each composed of a circular medallion and eleven radiating lobes, suiTOunded by a border formed by nine impressions of a curved stamp with a flowing spray of foliage. The circular and lobe stamps represent dragons, and are repeated in the six triangular spaces between the roses and at the head and foot. The smaller spaces are relieved by eight-foiled rosettes and small circles with a dot in the centre. At each side is a row of rectan- gular stamps representing two cockatrices addorscd, their united tails terminating in a fleur-de-lys. From the Binding of Liber de terris Itegia reddentibux langahnbnn et brngium in Wintoii, known as the Winchester Domesday Book, 1148. .Society of Antiquaries, London. D. 543-1886. Reproduced in BuKi-rNCTON Fine Arts Club, Exhibition of Book' bindim/s, 1891, Plate IL 12-19 Durham, c. 1180. Eight rubbings from the covers of a magnificent Latin Bible in four volumes, given by Hugh Pudsey, bishop of Durham (1153- 1105), to the cathedral library. The interlaced arcading on the first live leaves of the fourth volume, enclosing the Eusebian tabhis, resembles that on the aisle-Avalls of the cathedral ; one of the shafts with flowers in lozenge work is exactly like tliat in the monk's doorway. All four volumes liave been rebound, and the old stamped sides relaid on the outside. The plan of ornamenta- tion of each cover is different. The total numboi' of stamps employed is 51 ; of these, 27 Avere employed on the cover of vol. 1, 30 on that of vol. 2, 16 on tiiat of vol. 3, and 21 on that of vol. 4. Several of these closely resemble contemporary sculpture in the cathedral. Cathedral Library, Durham. ENGLISH UUBBlNOS 85 SIDE OP A BOOK-COVBR. WINCHESTER. 1148. PLAN OF ORNAMENXAXION. 86 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 12 Side of a Book-cover (19 x 13 In.), of which more than half has perished. The general plan of the ornamentation — somewhat like that of 17 — consists of a sixteen-lobed rose in the centre within a rectangular panel sur- rounded by two vertical bands of tooled interlaced ornament, and fom* vertical and twelve horizontal rows of stamps separated from each other by bands relieved with small crosses within circles and eight -foiled rosettes, and enclosed within a narrow border stamped with a succession of small circles interrupted at intervals by rosettes. From the Eluding of vol. 1. D. 283-1887. 13 Side of a Book-cover J( 19 x 13 in.). The general design — somewhat like that of 17 — consists of a rectangular central panel filled with tooled interlaced ornament, surrounded by twelve hori- zontal and eight vertical rows of stamps, separated from each other by bands relieved with small crosses within circles and eight-foiled rosettes, and enclosed within a narrow border stamped with a succession of small circles interrupted at intervals by rosettes. From the Binding of vol. L D. 284-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 8? 14 Side of a Book-cover (19 x 13 in.) In the centre, a circular panel of tooled interlaced ornament within a horizontal oblong compartment, the ends of which are filled with triangular, lobe, lozenge and circular stamps, surrounded by twelve horizontal and six vertical rows of stamps, separated from each othur by bauds relieved with rosettes and other ornaments. From the Binding of vol. 2. D. 285-1887, 15 Side of a Book-cover (19 x 13 in.). In the centre, a vertical rectangular panel with a square compartment — overlaid with a latten knop — between two bands representing a pair of doves face to face amid foliage, surrounded by ten vertical and twelve horizontal rows of stamps, separated from each other by bands relieved at intervals with eight-foiled rosettes. From the Binding of vol. 2. D. 286-1887. 16 Part of the side of a Book-cover (19 x 13 in.). In the centre, a vertical oblong panel of tooled interlaced work, surrounded by ten horizontal and six vertic:d rows of stamps, separated from each other by bands relieved at intervals with smail elliptical orna- ments and eight-foiled rosettes, and enclosed within a narrow border stamped with a succession of small circles. From the Binding of vol. 3. D- 287-1887. B8 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 17 Side of a Book-cover (10 X 13 in.). In the centre, a rose composed of a circular medallion (A) suiTounded by a narrow ornamental border and eleven radiating lobes (B), the space between these being relieved with small circles. The lobe stamps represent dragons, as probably dot's also the central medallion now covered by a metal kuop. The rose is enclosed witliin a rectangular frame with an elliptical ornament in each corner. On each side is u row of (C) six peacocks feeding ; above and below are bands (D) of tooled interlaced work, rows of large triangular stamps (E) having a [)almated leaf in the centre within a dcnte- lated border, alternating with others (F) containing three inter- laced ellipses, and rows of rectangular stamps (G) representing two fish, probably meant for one of the signs of the Zodiac. The other rows are composed of (H) lions passant guardant, (1) of birds with palmated tails, (K) of stags couchant, and (L M) of warriors and mermen. From the Binding of vol. 3. D. 288-1887. 18 Side of a Book-cover (19 x 13 in.). The general design very similar to 17 ; the rose in the centre having, however, only eight radiating lobes, the spaces between them being stamped with rosettes, and the angles of the rectangular framework occupied by palmated leaves. This central portion is surrounded by eight vertical and twelve horizontal rows of stamps of varied design, separated from each other by bands relieved with rosettes. From the Binding of vol. 4. D. 289-1887. ENGLISH KUBBINOS 80 17 V^ O LJ o .--%^:5 V > )m L M L M I _ M 1 - M t-( J : Ci o ( ) o 1 CJ K K <-> 1 I 1 ^ 1 K (. ( ) ( ) H G G H :) H c c K ( ) I ^^A/VVfV n ^ c c C IT" c - D () : H A^A A A Af'A /eV V \/ V Ve:\ ( ) : G G , ( ) ( 1 1 1 : : ( > o -U \^ L 'm L M L h /I L r vt L m/ P"**^ w/ 2^^ — O \ ) O "s^. -^u SIDE OF A BOOK-COVER. DURHAM. C. 1180. TLAN OF ORNAMENTATION. 90 KNGLISir RUBBINGS 19 Side of a Book-cover (19 x 13 in.), divifled into compart- ments by bauds relieved at intervals with eight-foiled rosettes. In the centre are nine rectangular compai'tnients : the middle one (A) is filled with tooled interlaced ornament ; the four flanking it are each adorned with (B) a seated figure of a king holding an up- lifted sword in his right liand, and a fleur-de-lise sceptre in his left ; of those at the corners, three (C) are filled with a diaper of quatrefoils, the fourth (D) with a knot of tooled interlaced work. This central portion is surrounded by two vertical and four hori- zontal rows of stamps : (F) palmated leaves with small circles between them, (G H I) diaper work of varied design and (B) figures of kings. These together form a large panel with three lobe stamps (K) representing dragons in each corner. Above and below these is a row of arched stamps (L) representing rams grazing, the whole being enclosed by eight rows of stamps representing (M) stags couchant, (N) lions rampant, (O) the sign of the Zodiac Pisces, (P) peacocks feeding, and (Q) monsters addorsed whose tails unite and form a flcur-de-lys. From the Binding of vol. 4. D. 290-1887. 20 DuRnAAL in century* Side of a Book-cover (8| x 6^ in.), bordered and subdivided by vertical and horizontal bands stamped witlj a rosette at the intersections. The entire breadth Avithin the border at both head and foot is occupied by a row of rectangular stampa (28 x 16 ra.) representing a crowned female holding a palm branch. At each side is a vertical row of six oblong panels adorned with a lobe stamp containing a dragon. This general arrangement is repeated ENGLISH RUBBINGS 1)1 SIDE or A BOOK-COVEK. DURHAM. C. 1180. PLAN OP OUNAJIENTATION. 92 ENGLISH RUBBINGS in the enclosed space, the head and foot of which are occupied by three elliptical stamps (28 x 16 m.) with full-length figures of S, Peter and S. Paul ; the sides, by n row of pheasants (18 X 16 m.) ; and the centre, by geometrical ornament. From the Binding of a Manuscript. Mazarino Library, Paris, D. 1363-1887. 21 DuBHAM. xn century. Side of a Book-cover (8| x G\ in.) ; the general design iden- tical with that of 20. The stamps employed are : for the outer horizontal rows, a square stamp (22 "5 X 22 ' 5 m,) representing a king kneeling on one knee and holding up a covered bowl-shaped vessel. Outer vertical rows : a palmated leaf. Inner horizontal rows: the winged ox emblematic of S. Luke, within a circle (D. 20 m.). Inner vertical rows : a square stamp (IG x 16 m.) representing two warriors behind battlements, one with a lance, the other blowing a horn. Central vertical row : a medallion (D. 21 '5 m.) with the Lamb bearing a cross and banner between two arched stamps (25 X 23 m.) with the Holy Dove surrounded by interlaced foliage. From the Bindiug of a Manuscript. Mazarine Library, Paris. D. 1364.1887. 2^ Durham, xn century. Side of a Book-cover (12 x 8^ in.), adorned with rows of stamps separated from each other and surrounded by bands relieved with rosettes. In the centre arc five horizontal rows ; ENGLISH RUBBINGS 93 the middle row consisting of an arched stamp with Our Lady and Child enthroned, between two elliptical stamps with full-length figures of 8. Peter and S. Paul. Above and below these is a row of warriors behind battlements, the one with a lance, the other blowing a horn, and another Avith a representation of the Last Supper formed by the juxtaposition of three stamps. These are surrounded by rows of stamps : the inner vertical row, oblong, representing the sign of the Zodiac Pisces ; the inner horizontal, circular, the winged lion of S. Mark ; the outer vertical, lobed, a dragon, and the outer horizontal, a king on horseback holding a palm branch. From the Binding of Diontsius de Caelesti Hierarchia, MS. of the xii century. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1274-1887, 23 DuEHAM. xii century. Side of a Book-cover (12 x 8| in.), adorned with rows of stamps separated from each other and surrounded by bands relieved with rosettes. In the centre is a vertical row of three circular stamps representing Sampson tearing open the lion. Inner vertical rows : a merman, perhaps meant for Neptune ; inner horizontal rows : a crowned king, holding two flowers springing from beneath his feet. Middle vertical rows : a bird with a palmated tail ; middle horizontal rows : the winged bull of S. Luke. Outer vertical rows : palmated leaves ; outer horizontal rows : a king kneeling holding a bowl-shaped vessel. From the Binding of Diontsius de Caelesti Hierarchia, MS. of the xii century. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1275 — 1887. 94 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 24 Durham, xii century. Side of a Book-cover (14^ x 9^ in.), tulorned with detached horizontal and vortical rows of stamps enclosing a vertical panel. Outer liorizontal rows : (A) eleven square stamps (20 x 20 m.) representing a king kneeling and holding up a bowl shaped vessel with a taper in it. Outer vertical rows: (B) twelve cordate palmated leaves. Middle horizontal rows : (C) six circular stamps with the winged bull of S. Luke. Inner vertical roics : (D) a chain of interlaced circles. Inner horizontal rows : (E) five square stamps (20 x 18 m.) representing a merman, Neptune ? These rows are surrounded by bands relieved with eight-foiled rosettes. Similar bands divide the enclosed panel into nine compartments ;] the arched stamp in the centre (39 X 28*5 m.) represents (H) the B. Virgin and Child enthroned ; the elliptical stamps (31 • 5 x 20m.) at each side (I) David harping, and the triangular stamps (F) in the corners, interlaced stems of foliage, each of these being surrounded by small circles having a dot in the centre. The two compartments (G) are filled with a semis of similar circles and straight pieces of cable ornament. From the Binding of Ysa'uis glosutus, MS. of the xii century. Cathedral library, Durham. D. 279-1887. Kcproduced in Buulington Fine Akts Club, Exhibition of Book- bindings, 1891, Plate III. 25 Durham, xii century. Side of a Book -cover (14J X 9^ in.), adorned with horizontal and vertical rows of stamps, separated from each other by bands relieved with eight-foiled rosettes, the two outer rows disposed as on 24. In the centre are six horizontal rows, one composed of three medallions (D. 24 • 5 m.) with the Holy Lamb with cross and banner ; another, above this, of throe elliptical stamps (29 "5 X 17 • 5 m.) representing S. Peter. Above and below these are rows of peacocks (18 x 10 m.) and of warriors in pairs behind battlements (15 x 16 m.). These are surrounded by ENGLISH RUBBING?^ 95 SIDE OF A r.OOK-COVEK. DURHAM. XII CENTURY. PLAN OF OBNAMB STATION. 96 ENGLISH RUBBINGS rows of stamps : the inner vertical row con- sisting of interlaced strap-work ; the outer, of dragons within lobes (L. 27 m.) ; the inner horizontal, of medallions {D. 2?> ■ 5 m.) of Sampson tearing the lion asunder ; the outer, of kings on horseback bearing palm branches (20-5 X 20-5 m.). From the Bindinn; of Ysnias glosatus, MS. of the xii century. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 280-1887. 26 DuKHAM. XII century. Side of a Book-cover (13| x 9^ in.), of which nearly one half has perished. The general design consists of a central panel surrounded by vertical and horizontal rows of stamps, separated from each other by bands relieved with eight-foiled rosettes. Similar bands divide the central panel into six compartments. Two of these are occupied by an arched stamp of the B. Virgin and Child enthroned and an elliptical stamp of l^avid harping ; two others, semicircular in form, at the head and foot, are filled with a semis of straight pieces of cable ornament and small circles with a dot in the centre ; the remaining two at the sides with seven impressions of a pair of warriors behind battlements. Inner horizontal row : a king kneeling holding a bowl with a taper in it ; outer horizontal row : the winged bull of S. Luke in a medallion. Inner vertical row : a dragon within a lobe. Outer vertical row : a geometrical design. From tlie Biuding of Leviticus et Numeri ylosati, MS. of the xii century. Cathedral Library, Durham. I). 277-1887. 27 Durham, xii century. Side of a Book-cover (13^ x 9| in.), divided into compartments by bands relieved with eight-foiled rosettes. In the centre, a rose composed of a cii'cular medallion (A) and eight radiating lobes (B), the one containing a Holy Lamb with cross and banner, the others, a dragon. Above and below is a row of four elliptical stamps (C) with a full-length figure of S. Peter. The semi- circular compartments (D) are filled with a semis of straight pieces of cable ornament and small circles enclosing dots. The intervening spaces are adorned with a triangular stamp (E) I'cpre- senting two ducks, a circular stump (F) of Sampson tearing the lion to pieces, and a rectangular stamp (G) of a merman. The compartments of the outer vertical border are occupied by cordate palmated leaves, and the border at both head and foot composed of kings on horseback carrying palm branches. From tlie Biiidinp of Le.viticua et Numeri glosati, MS. of the xii century. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 278-1887. Reproduced in Burlington Fine Arts Club, Exhibition of Book- bindings, 1891, Plate IV. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 97 SIDE OF A KOOK-COVKR. DUEIIAM. XII CENTUKY, PLAN Ol^ OKXAMENTATION. i 61140. 98 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 28 Durham, c. 1190. Side of a 13ook-cover {\S\ x 9| in.), adorned with vertical and horizontal rows of stamps, separated from each other and sur- rounded by bands, those on the inner side of the horizontal rows being relieved with eight-foiled rosettes; the two outer rows arranged as on 24. In the centre are four vertical rows : the two innermost formed by an oblong stamp (^18-5 x 28 m.) representing two birds with human heads back to back with foliage between them • the two outer, by an elegant geometrical tile pattern (34x18 m.). At the head and foot of these are hori- zontal rows of stamps : the former representing (28 X 16 m.) a wise virgin crowned, with a lamp in her right hand and a palm branch in her left ; the latter (21 X 19" 5 m.) a half-length figure of a warrior with uplifted sword and shield beneath a round arch surmounted by a crenelated battlement. Inner vertical borders : a bunch of foliage and fruit (16 X 23*5 m.). Inner horizontal borders : the Avinged bull of S. Luke in a medallion (D. 22 m.). Outer vertical borders : a cordate stamp (19*5 x 16'o) with a palmated leaf. Outer hori- zontal borders : that at the foot formed by ten impressions of a stamp (22'5 x 23) representing a wivern with expanded wings, its head turned back to defend itself against a serpent ; that at the head, by seven (20 x 21 ra.) of a human headed bird attiicked by a monster, and four (17 x 17 m.) of two warriors behind a battle- mented wall supported by arcading. From the Binding of Psalterium glosntiim, IMS. bequeathed by Bishop Hugh Pudsey in 1195. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 281-1887. 29 Durham. c.1190. Side of a Book-cover (13;} x 9| in.), adorned with vertical and horizontal rows of stamps, separated from each other and sur- rounded by hands, those on the inner side of the horizontal rows being relieved with eight-foiled rosettes ; the two outer rows arranged as on 24. In the centre are four vertical rows, two of flowing foliage between two bearing the zodiacal sign of the Fish (18 X 195 m.). The stamps used for the inner vertical borders represent (21 x 22 m.) a peacock and a branch of foliage; for tlie outer (L. 22*5 m.) a dragon Avithin a lobe ; for the inner hoi'izontal rows (31 x 20 m.) David seated, harping, within an ellipse ; for the outer (20 x 21 m.) a knight on horseback with uplifted sword. From the Binding of Psultcrium glosatum. MS. bequeathed by Bishop Hugh Pudsey in 1195. Cathedriil Library, Durham. D, 282-1887, ENGLISH RUBBINGS 99 30 Durham, c. 1190. Side of a Book-cover (13 x 8^ in.). The entire breaJth at both head and foot is occupied by a row of lobe stamps (L. 27 in.) with dragons whose tails termi- nate in foliage. Two vertical rows of (D. loo m.) sex-foiled flowers within circles form the outer lateral borders. At a little distance within these is a broad frame formed by the repetition of a reciangular stamp 34 x 18 m.) with a geometrical tile pattern of intersect- ing circles, with eight-foiled rosettes and demi-fleurs-de-lys in the inter- spaces. The enclosed panel is sub- divided by plain vertical and horizontal bands into twelve vertical compart- ments, each (28 x 16 m.) occupied by a full-length crowned figure of a wise virgin holding a lamp and a palm- bran vh. From the Binding of a MS .double Commeutary on the Gospels fornieily belonging to the Augustiniau Abbey of S. Jean du Jard, near Meliui, in the diocese of Sens. Library of S. Genevieve, Paris I). 1365-1887. 31 DL-RH.A.M. 0.1190. Details from the side of a Book-cover (13 x 8h in.). 1. An elliptical stamp (28 X 15 m.) with a full-length figure of S. Peter. 2. A rectangular stamp (17 x 17 m), two warriors behind battle- ments, one holding a lance, the other blowing a horn. 3. A rectangular stamp (16 x 23'0 m.), foliage and fruit. From the Binding of h MS. double Commentary on the Gospels formerly belonging to the Augustinian Abbey of S. Jean du Jard, near Melun. Library of S, Genevieve, Paris. D. 13CC-1887. 32 Durham, xii century. Part of the side of a Book-cover (12^^ x 7| in.), adorned with detached vertical and horizontal rows of stamps. In the centre is a vertical panel divided into three compartments by horizontal fillets relieved by small circles with dots in the centre. The upper and lower compartments are each adorned with three impressions of a circular stamp representing the Holy Lamb standing with cross and banner, the smaller compartment between these is occupied hy m ellipticJ^l stamp of Pavid seated playing 3 loo ENGLISH KUBBINGS the harp within alozenge formed by two-line fillets. Inner vertical borders : fourteen impressions of a cordate palmated leaf. Hori- zontal borders at head and foot : four impressions of an oblong stamp re})resenting a warrior with a drawn sword, mounted on a galloping horse. Outer vertical borders : fourteen impressions of a lobe stamp with a dragon. These rows of stamps are separated from one another and surrounded by plain bands relieved at intervals by small circles with dots in their centre. From the liindiiifj of Summa super Gratiani decrettnn, \\\\h glosses ; an Italian mauuscript of the end of the xii century, formerly iu Arch- bishop Tenison's Library. (MS. 24659.'» British Museum. D. 58-1887. 33 XII century. Part of the side of a Book-cover (12| x 7f in.), adorned with stamps arranged as on 32. In the centre, a circular stamp, representing the Holy Lamb ; above and below, three impressions of a circular stamp with the lion of S. Mark. Inner vertical borders : twelve impressions of a square stamp representing a swan and foliage. Horizontal borders at head and foot : four impressions of an oblong stamp, with a palmated leaf betwoeu two doves addorsed. Outer vertical borders : fourteen large cordate palmated leaves. From the Binding of S7i7nma super Grdtiani decretum, "with glosses ; an Italian manuscript of the end of the xii century, formerly in Arch- bishop Tenison's Library. (MS. 24659.) British Museum. D. 59-1887. 34, 35 London. 1185. Sides of a Book-cover (9| x 5| in.), each with a border formed by the repetition of stamps, and with a panel divided into three by two narrow vertical bands ; these bands on one side are plain, on the other relieved by small circles and quatrefoils. Upper side. The vertical portions of the border are formed by two rectangular stamps, fourteen lions passant (14*5 x 15 -5 m.) facing as many dragons with tails terminating in foliage (14 -o X 14-5 m.), connected at both head and foot by three foliated ornaments, each composed of two impressions of the same stamj) (22 x lt'5 m.). The central division of the panel is occupied by seven impressions of a rectangular stamp (26 X 26 m.) representing within a <|uatrei'oil. Hanked by four smaller ones, David, crowned, seated with his legs crossed and playing the harp; on each side of him, a small quatrefoil. The lateral divisions have each four circular (D. 22 m.) and three triangular stamps, the former representing a gryphon, the latter a heron standing on the back of a pike, the intervening spaces being relieved by ENGLISH RUBBINGS 101 small circles and quatrefoils. Under side. Vertical portions of the border : in one row, nine rectangular panels (25 x 18 ni.) ot interlaced work formed by two dragons with floriated tails, in the other, ten (22 X 21 m.), containing a cruciform foliated orna- ment ; these are connected at both the head and foot by a row of five cordate palmated leaves. Central division : eight impressions of a rectangular stamp (25 x 22-5 m.) representing a liou passant within a quatrefoil flanked by four trefoils. Lateral divisions : four eight-lobcd rosettes (D. 18 m.) and three lobe stamps (L. .35 m.) with two dragons, from the union of whose foliated tails springs a stem terminating in a fleur-de-lys, on which is perched a bird ; the intervening spaces relieved by quatrefoils and small circles. From the Binding of a Register of the Knights Templars entitled Inquisitio de terraviim donatoribus per Angliani, 118o. Public Record Office, London. D. 57 and 56-1887. 36,37 London, c. 1200. Sides of a Book-cover (8| x 5 J in.), each with a border formed by the repetition of stamps, the panel within being divided into two by & vertical row of stamps. The stara])s employed are the same as on .34, 35, with the addition of a circular medlfHicn (D. 25 ra.) and a lobe stamp (L. 34 m.), each with a dragon terminating in foliage, and a ten-foiled rosette within a circle. From the Binding of a MS. formerly belonging to S. Mary's, South wark. (Egerton MSS. 272.) British Museum. D. 222 and 221-1887. 102 EHGUSa HUBBlNGg 38 XIII century. Rubbing. Details from the sides of a Book-cover, adorned with five rectangular and one lozenge-shaped stamp : 1. (20 x 18 m.) a falcon pouncing on a bird, another flying away. 2, (21 X 18 ni.) a double eagle displayed. 3. (19 X 21 m.) a monster with tail terminating in foliage. 4. (20 x 18 m.) two birds perched on foliage. 5. (12-5 x 23*5 m.) a monster. 6. (12-5 X 12 m.) a bird with a spray of foliage in its beak. From the binding of Stki-hani ARcniKriscopi Cantuariensis super Ecchaiastkum. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 966 and 967-1887. 39 Winchester. Part of the side of a Book-cover (12| x 8|^ in.). Border of circu- lar stamps liearing a saltire between four dots. The enclosed panel is divided into compartments by diagonal three-line fillets. The lozenge-shaped compartments are adorned alternately with a circular and a rectangular stamp, the former representing a dragon, the latter, two birds addorsed with a bunch of foliage between them. The triangular compartments contain each a lobe stamp with a dragon. All these stamps date from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. From the Binding of Epislole Mausilh Ficini Flokenti.m. Veuetiis, 1495. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 293-1888. 40 XV century. Side of a Book-cover (11x7 in.), adorned with a variety of stamps. In the centre are two vertical rows of eight gryphons side by side, each formed by the repetition of the same stamp (16 X 18 m.) These are surrounded by two borders, the inner one formed l)y an oblong stamp of diaper work ; lozenges enclosing quatrefoils and trefoils ; the outer, by the repetition of a stamp (16 X 17 m.) representing a swan, whose tail terminates in a spray of foliage. The intervening spaces are adorned in the angles and half way between them with smaller stamps of a monster, a lion rampant and a fleur-de-lys. Two of these stamps, the swan and gryphon, date probably from the thirteenth century. From a loose cover in the possession of Mr. J. Zaehusdorf. D. 71-1887. 41 Tavistock, after 1428. Part of the side of a Book-cover (11x8^ in.), divided by inter- secting three-line fillets into lozenge-shaped compartments, each adorned with a quatrefoil within a circle between four fleur-de- lise ornaments within lozenges. From the Binding of a Register. (MS. 24,057.) British Museum. D. 225-1887. ENGLISH &UliBING3 103 42 Salisbury, c. 1447. l*artof the side of a Book-cover (12^ x 8 in.), adorned with rows of stamps separated from each other 1)y filU^ts. In the centre, two vertical rows of double eagles displayed, between two of wiverns, within a doul^h^ border formed by an inner row of saltires charged with five annulets and an outer row of swans and foliage. From tlie Bindiug of the Cartularium Collegii Vallis Scolanan Sancti Nicolai prope Sai-utn, c. 1447. (MS. 28,870.) British Museum. D. 328-1887. 43 Five stamps from the side of a Book-cover; two, rectangular, bearing a fleur-de-lys, and the holy name, both accompanied by sprays of foliage, and three floral ornaments. From the Binding of MS. 99. Cathedral Library, Salisbury. D. 1975-1889. 44 XV century. Part of the side of a Book-cover (9^ x G\ in.). The interior is divided into three by groups of vertical fillets ; in the centre, is a row of rectangular stamps (14'5 x 14'5 m.) Avith the Holy Lamb standing with the cross and banner within a fleur-de-lise circle ; the lateral compartments are filled with a diaper of fleurs-de-lys within lozenges. The border is formed by foliage, flowers, and fruit, with a cinquefoil within a fieur-de-lise circle at the angles. From a MS. containing the commencements of the Four Gospels and a Kaleudar. (MS. 22,573.) British Museuoi. D. 227-1887. 45 XV century. Details from the sides of a Book-cover (9^ x 6^ in.) ; the five stamps employed being repeated in rows, separated from each other by three-line fillets. From the Binding of a MS. (Egerton, 1117 ) Uritish Museum. ^ D. 226-1887. 104 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 46 XV century. Details from the side of a Book-cover, adorned with five stamps, two lozeuge-shaped : a unicorn, a fleur-de-lys ; tAvo I'ect- angular : a dragon, a fish ; and one triangular, foliage. From a loose Hook-cover. Cathedral Library, Durham, D. 975-1887. 47 OXFOKD. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. The interior diapered with lozenges (36 x 21 m.) containing a large fleur-de-lys with three small balls on each side. The border of one side is formed by the repetition of an oblong stamp representing a stag pursued by a hound ; of the other, by two stamps : the one (23 x ll'o m.), a ragged staff round which is curled a large leaf, in the spaces between which and the edge are I'cpeated the three balls ; the other (23 x 11 m.), an undulating spray of foliage and fruit. From the Binding of the Cartularj- of Oseuey Abbey. Public Record Office, London. D. 51-1887. 48 Oxford. Details from the sides of Book-covers, adorned with six stamps, two of which occur also on 47. From the Binding of a MS., Cathedral Library, Durham ; and of LiheUus dc vila ct moributi pliilotiophorum et poetnrnm. Cathedral Library, York. D. 988 and 989-1887. 49 c. 1500. Details from the side of a Book-cover. A lozenge-shaped .stamp (25) x 21m.) containing a large fleur-de-ly.s with three small Ijalls on each side. A circular stamp (D. 21 m.) with a double sex- foiled, rose. From the Binding'of LYNDEWODE,Co?JS/j<»<^ at the foot, with a cruciform ornament similar to that on 58, 60, 61, (52), and those at the sides, with a fleur-de-lys within a circle. The frame, bordered by three-line fillets intersect- ing each other at right angles, has its sides adorned with a flowing stem of foliage, and the square compartments at the intersections with a fleur-de-lys within a circle. From the Binding of S. AucnsxiNl de Trinitale liber. Basileae, 1489. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1268-1887. 64 G.W. c. 1506. Three stamps ; identical with those on 63. From the Binding of Mamiule Sarisburiense. Londonii, 1506. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 50-1887. 65 Band (120 x 15 m.). A wivcrn, a hawk, and a hare, separated from each other by sprays of foliage and fruit, and the binder's mark. From the Binding of Nicolaiis di: Orbkllis super Sententiua. Hagenoae, 1503. Cathedral Library, Worcester. I). 1258-1887. ENGLISH RUBBIiNGS lOy 66 Old Bokenham, 1519. Circular stamp with the mark of the binder, From the Binding of a MS. deed from the Monastery of Our Lady and S. James, Old Bokenham, Norfolk, (MS. 24,317.) British Museum. D. .53-1887. 67: Westminster. William Caxton, 1477-1491. Details from the side of a "Book-cover, adorned with two lozenge-shaped stamps, the one (35 x 35 m. ) representing a gryphon, the other (20 x 20 m.) a quatrefoil within a square panel flanked by fleurs-de-lys. The border is divided by a continuous zigzag line into triangular compartments each containing a dragon. From the Binding of the small Black Book of the Exchequer. Public Record Office, London. D. 55-1887. 68 Westminster. William Caxton, 1477-1491. Part of the side of a Book-cover (12 x 8 in.). In the centre, a vertical panel divided by diagonal intersecting four-line fillets, the lozenge-shaped compartments stamped with a gryphon, the triangular, with a floral ornament. The frame, bordered by four- line fillets intersecting each other at right angles, is plain. From the Binding of " The Fesfial." rWestniinster, 1491.) Briti-'^h Museum. I). 2<>4_1888. 110 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 69 London. Eichard Pynson, 1493-1529. Panel (110 x 67 m.). In the centre, an escucheon charged with a cypher, supported by a couple of woodhouses and ensigned with a helmet with wreath and mantling, having for its crest a falcon with its wings expanded ; at the foot, a flower spray ; at the head, stars. Border of foliage and flowers with a falcon in each of the upper corners, and full length figures of Our Lady and S. Katherine in the lower. Prom the Binding of Abbreviamentum stututorum, Londini, 1499. liritish Museum. D. 1935-1889. 70 London. Richard Tynson, 1493-1529. Panel (1 00 x 68 m,). In the centre, a large Tudor rose surrounded by intertwining branches of vine with grapes. Border of grace- fully curved branches with foliage and flowers interrupted at each angle by a lai-ge foliated ornament. Prom the Binding of Abbreviamentum alututorum. Londini, 1499. British Museum. D. 193C-1S89, London. Richard Pynson, 1493-1529. Panel (100 X 68 m.). The same as 70; also a square stamp (16 X 16 m.) with a fleur-de-lys. From the Binding of a Deed of foundation of Masses at tlie Abbey of Hyde by Henry VII. Towu Library, Bremen. D. 97-188G. 72 Panel (102 x 67 m.). A very similar panel, differing in the details. From the Binding of Summula Raymtindi cum commentariis Ton. CuAiTUls. Parisiis, 151C. Stonyhurst College. D. 304-1888. Reproduced in Blri.inoton Fine Arts Club, Exhibition of JBook- Undinys, 1891, Plate V. 73 London, c. 1495. Panel (91 X 65 m.). In the centre, a Tudor rose surrounded by intertwining vine branches with foliage and fruit. Border of gracefully curved branches with foliage and flowers interrupted at pach angle by a foliated ornameut. From the Binding of Pbtbi Rkginaj^PB:?! Spefulum finalis retributionis, fmm, H99, p. 250-1887. ENGLISH ilUBBINGS 111 69 112 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 74 London. Frederick Egmont, 1493-15 . Rubbing. Panel (77 X 54 m.) of similar but inferior design. f^J? The binder's initials and mark in the border. From the Binding of Florllegiuni diversoriim epigrammatum. Venetiis, lii03. Cathedral Library, York. D..251-1887. 75 c. 1500. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Frame bordei'ed by three-line fillets intersecting each other at right angles, and adorned with a stamp representing a r.agged staff enwreathed with foliage. The enclosed vertical panel is divided by three- line diagonal fillets into lozenge- shaped compartments stamped with a large foliated ornament. From the liiudincr of Magister Sententiarum. Venetiis, 1489. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1291-1887. 76 c. 1510. Part of the side of a Book-cover. A central panel composed of three vertical bands, one of floral ornament, between two of cresting, and a border of diaper, (piatrefoils within lozenges. The intervening space is relieved with cinquefoils. From the Binding of Mautiani Capellae liber. Mutinae, 1500. D. 971-1887. 77 c. 1510. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Border of roll-produced ornament (100 x 14 m.) : a hound, a falcon, and a bee, with intervening flower sprays. The enclosed space subdivided by intersecting diagonal lines, the; compartments thus formed are filled with a large floral ornament within a cusped lozenge. From the Binding of Duns Scotus super Sciilcntias. Venetiis, 1506. Stonyhurst College. D. 280-1888. 78 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Frame formed by parallel vertical and liorizontal fillets, and adorned with a roll-produced band (100 x 14 m.) representing a hound, a falcon, and a bee ENGLISH RUBBINGS 113 amidst sprays of foliage nnd flowers. The enclosed panel is divided by diagonal fillets into compartments stamped with a foliated ornament. From thoBindinijrrrmptu0 rfiit amifl)ae?r arrtjaiigrlo with a llower spray between each word. In the centre, at the foot, is an escucheon charged with a maiden's head and ensigned with a coronet. From the Binding of Missale ad usum iusii/uis ccehste Eboracensis. Kothomagi, P. Olivier, 1517. Stonyhnrst College. D. 303-188S. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 11; 86 0. lolo. Panel (137 X 94 m.). S. George on horseback about to slay the dragon already transfixed with a lance; hilly backgrouud with a tree on right and a maiden praying on left. Triple canopy springing from two brankets. From the Binding of 3Iiss(>Ie ad iisum iiisifpiis ecclesie Eboracensis. Rothomagi, P. Olivier, 1517. Stonyhurst College. D. 302-1888. 87 c. 1510. Panel (126 X 79 m.). The Mass of S. Gregory. The pope, assisted by dcaeon and subdeacon who hold torches and are raising his chasuble, kneels with outstretched arms adoring our Lord, who appears above the altar, accompanied by two angels bearing the lance and scourge. Border adorned with two sprays of foliage, flowers and fruit, springing from the foot, and enclosing within their curves a variety of animals, and two scrolls bearing : one, i1^r0U0 filii Uri— the other, ;^rtr gv^gotii. From the Binding of Sennones Epiireii Edessene ecclesie dyaconi. Parislis, 15U5. Cathedral Library, York. D. 999-1887. 88 c. 1510. Panel (128 X 81 m.). S. Barbara standing, holding a palm-branch in her right and an open book in her left hand ; on her left, a tower. The background is diapered with fleurs-de-lys ; above is a doable crocketed canopy. Ornamental border with two sprays of foliage, flowers and fruit, springing from the foot and enclosing within their curves three birds, a snail, two monsters, a mermaid, and two scrolls bearing these words : *tlttrttl t fiiirftiiril J Oi'il* From the Binding of Sennones Ephrem Edessene ecclesie dyaconi. Parisiis, 1505. Cathedral Library, York. D. 997-1887. 89 P. P., 0. 1517. Part of the side of a Book-cover (8 x 5^ in.), adorned with roll stamps. Five vertical bands, three of quatrefoil diaper Avithin lozenges and two of curved branches with fohage and flowers — enclosed within a border adorned with the latter roll. Both rolls bear the binder's initials P. P. From the Binding of Missale ad nsnm i)isignis ecclesie Eboracensis. Rothomagi, P. OHvier, 1517. British JMuseum. D, C05-1888. H 2 116 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 90 c. 1510. Part of the side of a Book-cover. The frame, bordered by three-Hue fillets inter- secting each other at right angles, is adorned with i-oll-produced ornament : two figures of shepherdesses, a sheep, a wivern, a spray of foliage andflowers. The enclosed panel is subdivided by diagonal three-line fillets ; the four lozenge-shaped compartments in the centre are impressed with a boldly designtxl jleur-de-lys; the eight triangular around these, with a foliated cruciform ornament. From the Binding of Destructor iumVitlorwn. Luteciae, 1516. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1276-1887. 91 c. 1510. Side of a Book-cover (12 x 8 in.), the general plan similar to that of 90. The frame adorned with roll-produced ornament in the form of a serpentine band resembling wrought iron, each curve of which springs from and terminates in a monster's head j the interspaces filled with foliage and flowers springing from the band. The four central compartments are impressed with a lozenge-shaped stamp representing a wivern and a spray of foliage and flowers ; thv^ triangular spaces at the head, with a fly surrounded by foliage and flowers ; and those at the sides, with half of a foliated cruciform ornament. From the Binding of Petki Blesensis Opera. Parisius, 1519. The Bodleian, Oxford. D. 127-1889. 92 WlNCHESTEK. c. 1510. Side of a Book-cover (15| X 11 1 in.) The field is divided by diagonal intersecting three-line fillets, into four triangular compartments, each adorned with three impressions of an elliptical seal with a figure of our Lady nnd Child beneath a canoDY surrounded by the inscription: ;^tgtUUlU iUTifiillif- tioiii0 rrrlr^tr parorfiiali^Dr romptoii.; the intervening spaces stamped with a squirrel eating an acorn. From the Binding of the Register of Dr. Kichard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, 1500-1528. Cou^iistory Court, Winchester. D. 1965 and 1969-1889. 93 c. 1520. Side of a Book-cover. The frame, bordered by three-line fillets inteisx'ting each other at right angles, is adorned with roll- ENGLISH RUBBINGS 117 produced ornament: a wivern, an eagle, and a liiire alternating with sprays of foliage. The enclosed panel has two vertical band's of the same ornament, which resembles that on Go. From the BindiDirtUti0 rre rrlo mi0ga grrrno ^Strrnu florhisi rtgU errptra ff ri*t. At the foot of the panel, a branch of pomegranate ; in the upper angles, the sun and moon, and two small escucheons charged with the cipher and trade-mark of John Reynes. From the Binding of Psalterium ad itsum Cisterciensis ordinis. Parisius, 1525, 4 Octobris. British Museum. D. 36-1887. Richardson, S3. 126 London. John Reynes, 1527-1544. Panel (127 X 87 m.). An escucheon charged with emblems of the Passion : the open tomb in which stands a tau-shaped cross, with the nails in their places, surmounted by the title and crown of thorns, the reed and sponge and the spear leaning against the arms ; on the dexter side are the hammer and the rush, a left hand, the seamless tunic and three dice ; and on the sinister side, the pinchers, head with a purse suspended to the neck, lantern, and thirty pieces of silver, ensigned Avith a helmet and mantling ; crest, the pillar with two rods and two scourges fastened to it with a cord, and on the top, a cock crowing. Supporters, two unicorns. Below, on a scroll : eedemptoris jivndi akma. In the upper part of the panel two small escucheons charged with the ciplier and trade-mark of John Reynes. The border at the sides is adorned with quatrefoils, etc., and, at the top, with a riband. From the Binding of Psalterium ad nsjwi Cisterciensis ordinis. Parisiue, 1525, 4 Octobris. British Museum. D. 87-1887. Bichardson, 82. 127 c. 1518. Panel (141 x 91 m.). Two angels supporting an escucheon, bearing the arras of Henry VIII. impaling those of Katherine of Aragon. ensigned with the royal crown, above which are two sprays of rose. At the foot, a mound with herbage and flowerin"' plants. From the Binding of Eoberti Holkot in librum Sapieiitie Salomonis opus. Parisius, 1518. British Museum. D. 983-1887, and 537-1886. A piece of leather stamped with this panel is in the Art Mu.-^eum, 4541- 1857. 128 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 128 c. 1518. Panel (14:1 X 91m.). In the centre an escucheon, bearing quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown ; supporters, a dragon and a hound. At the head, a Tudor rose between two angels with scrolls. At the foot, two portcullises. From the Binding of Koberti Holkot in librttm Sapientie Salonionis opus. Parisius, 1518. British Museum. D. 984-1887, and 538-1886. 129 M. D., c. 1500. Panel (94 X 69 m.). In the centre, a medallion with a half- length figure of a saint holding a sword in his right hand, and a shield charged with a cross in his left. In the angles are the the Evangelistic animals holding scrolls inscribed with their names. D. 43-1887. 130 M. D., c. 1500. Panel (94 X 69 m.). An escucheon bearing quart. 1 and 4 France, />ij 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown, ''fi^-^^ and supported by a dragon and a hound. Above '\','Ci^P the crown is the Tudor rose between two scrolls ; /"> i) -'« ^^ each side of the escucheon, a portcullis, and Vii' **\i^^^^ beneath it, the binder's cipher. cs<:k;z!^ D. 42-l( 131 E. O., c. 1510. Panel (71 X 110 m.) divided by a vertical line into two com- partments, each containing a large circular medallion ; in one of these is an escucheon bearing : quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown ; in the other, a large double rose. From the angles of each compartment springs herbage which fills up the spaces above and beneath the medallions. In the upper outer corners are two cscuchcons : one, charged with the cross of S. George ; the other, with the binder's trade mark. From the Binding of V. F. CAnxoNis Commetitaria in Hoseam prophetam. Argentorati, 1528. Cathedral Library, i'ork. D. 267-1887. ENGLISH KUBBINGS 129 132 R. 0., c. 1.510. Panel (112 x 69 m.) At the foot of the cross, the B. Vircrin seated with the dead Christ on her lap. Beside the Cross stand the reed and sponge and the spear ; above it are the sun and moon. Over all, a cusped arch rcstin": on brackets. Ornamental border composed of sprays of foliage, birds, and wiverns. From tlie Binding of Y. F. Capitoxis Commenlaria in Hoseam prophetam. Argentorati, 1528. Cathedral Library, York. D. 998-1887. 133 c. 1515. Band (114 x 11 m.; bearing the following heraldic emblems : an acorn, a fleur-de-lys, a portcullis, a rose, a lleur-de-lys, a rose and a portcullis. From the Binding of iWrno/e Sarisbvriefise. 1515. Cathediall.ibrary, York. D. 266-1887, 134 CAMBRrOGE. N. G. Side of a Book -cover (9|- x 6^ in.). The frame formed by the repetition of a stamp (124 x 15 m.) in five compartments, four of which contain heraldic emblems : the Tudor rose, pomegranate, turreted gateway with portcullis, and fleur-de-lys, each y^. ensigned with the royal crown ; the fifth, the binder's tYTfTj- trade-mai'k. The enclosed panel is divided by diagonal ^^^^ intersecting three-line fillets into compartments filled with a large foliated ornament. The spaces between the frame and the edges of the cover are relieved with a lozenge-shaped floral ornament. From the Binding of lo. Lvd. Vivaldi Opus regale. Liipduni, 1508. Kiehurdson, 2. 135 Cambridge. N. G. Part of the side of a Book-cover similarly adorned, except that the spaces outside the frame-work are left plain. From the Binding of Nicolai dk GoRRAi^ Elucidntoria super Epislolat Pauli. Hagenaw. Cathedral Library, Durham, D. 274-1887. 136 Cambridge. N. G. Details from the side of a Book-cover. The central panel adorned with three bands of ornament produced by tiie same stamp as the border of 134. Border: a diaper of quatrefoils within lozenges. D. 986-188f . I 61140, I 130 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 137 Cambridge. N. G. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Border adorned with the same stamp as 134. The enclosed space diapered with a large foliated ornameut within lozenge- shaped compartments formed by intersecting three-line iillets. D. 618-1888. 138 Cambridge. Garret Godfrey {van Graten), c. 1510-1539, Portion of the side of a Book-cover. The frame, formed by four bands intersecting each other at right angles, is adorned with A roll-produced ornament (132 x 23 m.), a lion, a ^p,^^ j^ wivern, and a gryphon, facing to left, separated #y^ ^^^ from each other by branches of foliage ; at the ^^1 vTp ^^ot, the binder's cipher. The enclosed panel ^*^ ^a^ has three vertical bands of diaper, quatre foils within lozenges. The spaces between the frame and the edges of the cover are relieved by an octagonal stamp with a lion. From the Binding of Ioannis Gkeson Opera, 1514. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 985-1887. 139 Caisibridge. Garret Godfrey, c. 1510-1539. Side of a Book-cover (llf x 8 in.). Frame as on 138. The enclosed panel is adorned with three vertical bands (123 x 14*5 m.) in five compartments, four of which contain heraldic emblems : a rose, pomegranate, fleur-de-lys and turreted gateway ^ with portcullis, each ensigned with the royal crown, and ^-.^ ^i.^^ the fifth, the binder's cipher. The spaces between the ^^ ^ frame and the edges of the cover, and the extremities of the frame are relieved with the octagonal stamp employed on 138. From the Binding of C. Bo villi Samakobrini Theologicarum conclusio- num libri decern. Parrhigiig, 1515. Abbey Library, Westminster. 1928-1889. 140 Cambridge. Garret Godfrey, c. 1510-1539. Part of the side of a liook-cover. In the centre, a panel adorned with three vertical bands of royal badges as on 139. Border, four broad bands of diaper, quatrefoils within lozenges similar to 138. The space between the border and the edge of the volume is adorned with a small lozenge-shaped stamp containing a floriated cross. From the Binding of 8. HiKRONyjii Opera. 1516. Cathedral Library, Durhuui. 1). 273-1887. ENGLISH IIUBBINGS 131 141 Cambridgk. Garret Godfrey, c. 1510-1539. The frame as on 13H; the enclosed panel adorned witli two vertical bands of roll-produced ornament (131 x 19 m.), divided into five rectaniiular compartments containino; a rose, a pome- granate, a fleur-de-lys, and a turretcd gateway ■with portcullis, each surmounted by a royal crown, and an escucheon charged with three horse-shoes, 2 and 1, accomi)anied by a cypher peihaps for Guide Gimpus, who bore sa. three horse-shoes arr/. From the Binding of T. IMoitus, De optima Reip. statu deque, nova insula Utopia. Basileae, 1518. Library of A. W. Franks, Esq. D. .532-1886. 142 Cambridge. Garret Godfrey, c. 1510-1539. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band of diaper : wheels and knots of interlaced strap- work. Border adorned with the larger stamp employed on 141. From the Binding of T. Livii Patavini Opus. 143 Parisius, 1533. D. 603-1888. Cambridgb. Garret Godfrey, c. 1510-1539. Detail from the side of a Book, adorned with a border of diaper similar to that on 141. From the Binding of Oecolampadii Annotationes in loseam. Basileae, 1535, Cathedral Library, Salisbury. D. 1976-1889. 144 Cambridgp:. Nicolas Spierinck, c.1510-1545 Side of a Book-cover (13 x 8|> in.). Frame formed by vertical and horizontal three-line fillets, and adorned, except at the intersections, with repetitions of a stamp (GO X 15 m.) bearing the binder's trade-mark between a Avivern and a branch of foliage with a bird. The enclosed space is divided by diagonal fillets into compartments stamped with a foliated ornament, similar to that on 137. From the Binding of Anthoxini AitcHiKPiscom Flokextini, secunda pars historialis. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 184 .'5-1 889. 145 Cambridge, Nicolas Spierinck, ('.1510-1545. Details from the side of a Book-cover. The frame .^tamped witii a band (133 x 24 m.) adornetl witli a gryphon, a. lion, a wivern, and the binder's trade-mark (as on 146), separated from eaclj otlier by sprays of foliage and fruit. The enclosed panel stamped with I 2 132 ENGLISH RUBBINGS vertical bands of diaper : quatrefoils within lozenges. The space between the- frame and the edges of the cover are relieved with the same floral ornament as 134. From the Binding of Albkrti magxi Postilla super Zucae Evangeliare. 1504. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 987-l«87, 146 Cambridge. Nicolas Spierinck, c.1510-1545. Details from the side of a Book-cover. The frame stamped Avith the same band as 145, but the mark has been rubbed down and that of Garret Godfrey, as on 138, stamped over it. From the Binding of Codicis Instiniani amplisshnum argumetitum, Parisius, 1515. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 1929-1889. 147 Cambridge. Nicolas Spierinck, c.1510-1545. Band of roll-produced ornament as on the frame of 145. From the Binding of Breviarium Sarisburiense, Parisius, 1519. D. 46-1887. 148 Cambridge. Nicolas Spierinck, c.1510-1545. Panel (109 X 77m.). The Annunciation. On 1., the B. Virgin kneeling at a prayer-desk, and turning round at the salutation ji of the angel, who holds in his left hand a sceptre with yili a scroll inscribed axit ©l* P l» t. The Holy Dove is "N I S ^y^"S towards the Virgin. Above is a hexagonal - canopy, and on the pavement in the foreground, the binder's mark. Marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a quatrefoi! : ^f fp aiicilla i tromini fiat mUt^i \ 0rnnilitnn | Drrfium tiiuiii From the Binding of B. Bonaventukae de Sanctis Sermone.t. 1521. D. 522-1887. 149 Cambridge. Nicolas Spierinck, c.1510-1545. Panel (113 x 80 m.). S. Nicolas in cope and mitre with pastoral staff in 1. hand, making the sign of the cross over a tub from which three boys are emerging. Above, a depressed cusped arch resting on two brackets. At the foot, the binder's mark between two flowers. Border, sprays of conventional foliage with acorns, . tird, a monster, and the binder's name ^icOlHU^ ^pierincfe- From the Binding of B. Bonaventukae Sermonci- dc Sanctis. 1521. D, 521-1887, ENGLISH RUBBINGS 133 150 Cambridge. Nicolas Spierinck, c. 1010-1545. Details from the side of a Book-cover. 'Fwo bauds : the lar/^jer with the binder's trade-mark, as on 115 ; the smaller (104 x IG ni.) a flowhig branch of foliage with flowers and birds. From the Binding of D. Irexaei adversus Haereses liber. Basileae, 1526. D. 279-1888. 151 Cambridge. Lithograph. Side of a Book-cover. The frame stamped with the same band as 145 ; the enclosed panel, divided into three by vertical fillets, has in the centre a band like that on 134 (the binder's initials, if this lithograph may be trusted, are plainly NS.) between two of diaper : quatrefoils within lozenges. The spaces between the frame and the edges of the cover relieved with the same floral ornament as 134. D. 533-1886. 152 Cambridge. Side of a Book-cover (8^ x 5| in.). The frame stamped with a flowing branch of foliage and flowers, repeated twice in the enclosed panel. This stamp is the same as that on 150. From the Binding of Erasmus de cotiscribendifi epistolis, Canta- brigiae, per I. Siberch, 1521. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 1844-1889. 153 Cambridge. John Siberch, 15 -15 . Band (131 x 28 m.) divided into four rectangular compartments containing heraldic badges: three fleurs-de-lys, the c_- Tudor rose, turreted gateway with portcullis, and ^[ ^ pomegranate, each ensigned with the royal crown and cIL. ^ surmounted by a canopy ; at the foot of the first are the binder's initials. From the Binding of Gersoxis Opera. Basileae, 1518. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 1843-1889. 154 Cambridge. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Two bands : the one similar to 153, but with the initials N S., probably those of Nicolas Spierinck; the other has a diaper of quatrefoils within lozenges, like 145. From the Binding of Xenophontis Oeeonomicus, 1526. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 305-1888. 155 C.1516. Side of a Book-coYer impressed with three panel stamps richly gilt. That in the centre (153 x 64 m.) represents Saint George standing on a dragon, through whose throat he has thrust his 134 . ENGLISH EUBBINGS lance. The side panels (153 x GOm.) bear the royal emblems :_the pomegranate at the foot, above which the portcullis with its chains, and the Tudor rose. From the Biudiug of the origrinal Manuscript of Robert Whittixgton's Paneqmic of Cardinal Wolseii. The BotUeiau, Oxford. ^^ •' •" D. 126-1889. 156 London. L. K. Details from the side of a Book-cover. A band (IG X 142 m.) bearing tbe initials K L united by a lover's knot, a fleur-de-lys, lion, and pomegranate, the initials LK similarly united, a rose, lion, and portcullis. t* This band adorns the frameAvork, the space en- closed being divided by intersecting diagonal fillets into four triangular compartments, each containing half of a floi'al ornament. From the Binding of Manuale secundum usum insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum. Antwerpie, 1523, 11 lulii. Londiui, apud Petrum Kaetz, British Museum. D. 275-1887. This band also occurs in conjunction with the two panel-stamps of JuUan Notary, described under 110 and 111, on the cover of Postillae seu Exposi- tidues Epidolurvm et Evangeliorum, Lugduni. British Museum. 157 London. L. K. Details from the side of a Book-cover. The same band as on 155, here used in conjunction with another representing a hound, a falcon, and a bee amid sprays of foliage and flowers, as on 94 and 98. From the Binding of IM. F. Quintiliani Oratoriarum Institutionum lib. xii. Parisiis, 1527. All Souls' College, Oxford. D. 124-1889. 158 c. 1520. Fanol (151 x 100 m.) divided into four compartments containing i'ull-length tigures of S. John the Evangelist holding a palni- brauch and chalice from which a dragon is issuing ; S. Barbara with open book and jjalm branch, a tower by her side ; S. Katherine, crowned, Avitli sword and open book, standing on the prostrate figure of an emperor, a broken wheel behind her ; and S. Nicholas in cope and mitre, with pastoral staff, making the sign of the cross over a tub from Avhich three boys are emerging ; each standing on a grassy mound amid flowering })lants beneath arched canopies. The border is adorned witli sprays (jf foliage and fruit, wiverns, and birds ; at each angle is an artichoke, and at the foot, in centre, between two birds, the binder's cipher S. Gr., formed by two tlragons united by a knot. From the Binding of Sijnonima Iohannis de Gaklakdia. Londoniis, per Wyuandum dc Worde. 1518, 20 Februarii. British Museum. D. 981 and 982-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 13.") 159 c. 1520. Side of a Book-covei- (7^ x 5 in.). Panel (100 x 51 m.) divided iuto two by a column from which spring four branches terminating in flowers and fruit ; these branches being attached to the cohimn by bands ; a design evidently imitated from iron-work. The border is stamped with two rows of cresting terminating in acorns, face to face. From the Bindiog of Si/nonima Iohannis ue Gaulandia. Londoniis, per AVyuaudum de Worde, 1518, 20 Fcbruarii. British Museum. D. 249-1887. 160 c. 1520. Panel (140 x 92 m.). Saint John Baptist, standing on a mound preaching to six persons ; above, a cuspcd canoi)y supported by brackets. The sides bordered with a band divided by a zig-zag line into triangular compartments occupied by trefoils. From a Bindiug. Saint Gregory's Priory, Downside. U. 195-1888. 161 0. 1520. Panel (143 x 94m.) divided iuto two by an annelated column, from which spring eight curved branches, with foliage, flowers, and fruit, a design imitated from iron-work. From a Binding. Saint Gregory's Priory, Dowuside. D. 196-1888. 162 c. 1520. Panel (99 x 62 m.) divided into three com[)artments, that in the centre having a full-length figure of a man beneath a cusped arch resting on brackets ; those at the sides, curved branches of foliage, flowers, and fruit. Panel (97 x 64 ra.) composed of four vertical bands of flowing foliage, flowers, and fruit. D. 197-1888. 163 c. 1520. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Border formed by a roll-stamp with curved branch of foliage; and sex-foiled flowers. The enclosed space subdivided l)y diagonal intersecting fillets into compartments stamped with a foliated ornament. From a Binding. Abbey Library, Westminster D. 607-1888. 136 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 1G4 c. 1525. Band of (lowing foliage "with flowers. From the Binding of T. Linacri de emendata structura. Londiai, 1524. T>. G06-1888. 165 I. G. Panel ( 1 37 X 65 m.) divided into six compartments in two tiers ; the ecntral one at the foot is tilled with artichokes and foliage ; in that above it is a figure of S. John Baptist in the desert stand- X^a ing pointing to a Lamb which he carries on hia ^^ right arm ; above is a crocketed canopy having an artichoke for its fiuial ; with the binder's initials at the sides beneath a supercanopy. The lateral compartments are filled by four bramble stems laden with fruit. From the Binding of D. Hayjioxis, Halberstattensis episcopi, in Psalmog explnnatio. Coloniae, 1533. D. 1972-1889. 166 Details from the side of a Book-cover (ll|x8|in.). Frame bordered by parallel fillets intersecting each other at right angles, and adorned with repeated impressions of a scroll charged Avith the Holy Names : lit)0 I tlltiritl. The enclosed panel is divided by diagonal intersecting fillets into compartments filled with foliated ornaments. From the Binding of Vergilu Aeneida. Parisiis, 1500. Abbey Library, Westminster. D, 882-1889'. 167 Frame formed by parallel vertical and horizontal three-line fillets and adorned with a roll stamp, representing a Hon rampant, a wivern, an owl and a falcon separated from each other by sprays of foliage. The enclosed panel is divided by diagonal fillets into compartments stamped alternately Avith fleurs-de-lys and double eagles displayed within lozenges. From the Binding of FAucidatio in Psulmos. Antvorpiae, 1531. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 275-1888. 168 I. R., c. 1520. Panel (1 17 x 79 m). 1 . The Baptism of Christ. S. John, kneeling on 1., is pouring water from the palm of his hand on the; head of Christ st;iiiding with joined hands in the stream. On rt., an angel holding our Lord's tunic. Over their heads, a large scroll with the words: 31|if f^t tiliU0 mfUlBHrilfft' above vyhich are the Holy Dove and the Ancient of Days with a star-besprinkled back- ground. A depressed arch, supported by two brackets, crowns the composition ; the surrounding bortlcr is adorned with sprays of foliage, flowers, and animals, with a quatrefoil at each angle. ftlTGLISH RUBBINGS 137 Panel (117 x 79 m.). S. Geofiro on horseback about to strike the dragon with the handle of his lance, the broken point of which ia embedded in the monster's throat. In the background, on rt., the princess praying Avitli extended arms; on 1., a fortified city with the king looking on fiom in.-ide if^^^f) the wall. Beneath is the legend *«Cli0 gCOVQV |*J |^JLl and the l)inder's cipher. The border is adorned with ^^ trees, huntsmen, and dogs, a boar, a stag, a dragon and a lion ; at the head, the embattled walla of a city. From the Biudintj of I. B. de Perttsio de arbitris et compromissis, Liigduui, 1512. Society ofAntiquarieti, Loudon. D. 34 and 35-1887. From the Binding of Arnobii Apiiui in Psalmos commentarn. Coloniae, 1532. Richardson, 11. 169 Panel (91 X 68 m.). S. John the Baptist, standing beneath a round arch supported by two columns ; plants and stars in the background. The border bears these words : inter natos | MVLIERVM NON | SVREXIT | MAIOR lOHANNE. Panel (92 x 68 m.). S. Barbara, standing beneath a round arch, supported by two columns, a palm in her right, and an open book in her left hand ; at her left side, a tower with three windows. The border bears the prayer : santa barbra j ORA PRO NOBIS I VT UIGNI EFFICIAMVR PROMISSIOHiillS Ckristi. 170 London. T. L. Side of a Book-cover (8^ X 6\ in.), adorned with two panel stamps surrounded by bands of lozenge diaper with fleurs-de-lys. Panel (76 X 49 m.). In the centre, an escucheon bearing: quarterly 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, surrounded bj the garter inscribed : \\0\\^ 0Opt (|Uy lltjll y pf llgf, ensigncd Avith the royal crown ; at the foot Queen Katherine's badge, a sheaf of arrows, nnd an escucheon with the arms of the city of ^ ^ London ; between these, the binder's initials, all enclosed Tj \ between two annelated columns supporting a rustic arch. Panel (78 x 49 m.), divided into four compartments, containing the rose, pomegranate, turreted gateway, and fleur-de-ly.s, each ensigued with the royal crown beneath a rustic arch supported by columns. In the centre is an escucheon with the binder's initials. The background of both these panels is stippled. 1). l'J.31-1889. 138 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 171 1509-1528. Panel (oS X 92 m.). In the centre, an escucheon bearing : quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, surrounded with the garter with its motto: j^Oni? 0Ol)t QUy llUll V pfUrr, ensigned with the royal crown. On each side are two small compartments with the rose, pomegranate, turreted gateway with portcullis, and fleur-de-lys on a stippled ground. The border bears these words, interrupted at each angle by a flower: lrfU0 lift noti^ ^tiaitt paCfin tt|po0t mortnn Uitamrtniiam amnu D. 271-1887. 172 c.lo28. Panel (58 X 90 m.) similar in design to 171, but with variations in the details ; the lower side compartments having a star in each of" the upper corners. Richardson, 18. 173 Ornamental band (130 x 18*5 m.) : the pomegranate and port- cullis ensigned with the royal crown, and the Tudor rose suppoi-ted by a dragon and a hound. From the Binding of Stkaiuonis Geographia. Basileae, 1523. Cathedral Library, York ; and of Pkocopii Caesariensis de rebus Gothornm. Basileae, 1531. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 536 and 1270-1887. 174 Details from the side of a Book-cover. The frame adorned with the stamp described above (170). The enclosed panel divided by intersecting three-line tillets into compartments stamped with a cruciform foliated ornament. From the Binding of EitAsMi in Acta Aposlolornm et in Epistolas apostolicas Faraphrusis. Basileae, 1532. D. 48-1887. 175 London. Band (178 x 27 m.) bearing the Tudor rose, a pome- granate, an escucheon bearing : (}uart. France and England, ensigned with the I'oyal crown, turreted gateway, portcullis, fleur-de-lys and the binder's trade mark. From the Binding of Connlitutiones ecclesie Anglictnie a Iohanne ue \to^ explanatc. I'arisiis, 1504. Cathedral Library, Wells. D. 1272-1887. ENGLISH UUBDINGS 139 176 1527-1528. Side of a liook-cover (11 x G| in.). The frame formed by parallel vertical and horizontal three-line fillets and adorned Avith a stamp similar to l7o. The enclosed panel is divided by two intersecting fillets into triangular compartments each stamped with a foliated ornament. From the IJindiiifj of S. Pagxini LuCENSiS Biblia. Lugdimi, 1527. All Souls' College, Oxford. D. 128-1889. This volume was given by William Warham, archbishop of Ciiuterbury (d. 1532), to New College, Oxford. 177 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band with royal badges and the binder's trade-mark, as on 175, with a narrow band of Renascence ornament. From the Binding of a MS. Survey of Pinchbeck. D. 604-1888. 178 Band with royal badges, similar to 175, but with slight variations in the details. From the Binding of a Register of the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1588. Somerset House. D. 49-1887. 179 Band (133 x 14 m.) with royal badges and the binder's mark, similar to 175. D. 301-1888. 180 c. 1520. Border (160 x 21 m.) of foliage and flowers with a falcon, a hound, and two escucheons, one bearing a double-headed eagle displayed, the other the binder's trade-mark. From the Binding of the Queen's Remembrancer's Miscellaneous JJook 22. Public Record Office, London. D. 972-1887 and 602-1888. 181 London. John Reynes, 1527-1544. Part of the side of a Book-cover. The frame formed by vertical and horizontal three-line fillets, and adorned with a stamp (127 x 24*5 m.) representing a hound, a falcon and a bee amid sprays of foliag foliated ornament. Jai From the Binding of Bedak Opera. Parisiis, 1521. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 533-1887. 140 ENGLISn RUBBINGS 182 London. John Rcynes, 1527-1544. Details from the side of a Book-cover, adorned as 181, with this difference : the spaces between the frame and the edges of the cover are stamped Avilh a band (171 X 10 m.) bearing eight insects enclosed within the curves of an undnlating branch of foliage. The back of the volume, of a later date, is stamped with a band divided into compartments containing foliated ornament and bearing the binder's initials G K. See 225. From the Binding of MS. 10,301. British Museum. D. 229-1887. 183 London. John Reynes, 1527-1544. Band identical with that on 181 and 182, used in conjunction with a narrow band divided into compartments tilled with Renascence foliated ornament. From the Binding of Valerius Maximus. Parisiis, 1517. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1271-1887 and 29 7-1888. 184 Gl ASTON Abbey, c.1530. Six stamps in use in the Bindery of Glastou Abbey, 1524-1539. One of these, lozenge-shaped, bears the canting arms and initials of Richard Whytyng, abbot of Glastou, 1524-1539; another, triangular, his badge and the letter R. From the Binding of a Register of fines paid to the Monastery of Glaston. (MS. 17,451.) British Museum. D. 54-1887. 185 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Three bands : one (127 X 16*5 m.) with a llowing branch of foliage enclosing in its curves the royal badges : the fleur-de-lys, rose, lion, portcullis, 1 arreted gateway, and pomegranate. Another, with slender inter- lacing strap-work and foliage. The third, of Renascence orna- ment. From the Binding of Foxe, The Book of Martyrs. London, 1596. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 298-1888. 186 Panel (126 x 77 m.). Broad border of mixed Renascence and mediioval ornament; in the angles arc royal badges: the rose, lleur-de-lys, pomegranate and turrcted gateway with portcullis. The enclosed panel is adorned with two profile busts of men in circular medallions, and with corner ornaments. D. 272-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 14 1 187 London. Side ol' a Book-cover adorned with roll-produced bands of Renascence ornament and threo-line fdlets. From the Bindiug of Itnliae et GalUae 4-cademiariim Censurac. Londini, 1530. D. 1846-1889, 188 R. W. Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with two bands of Renascence ornament, one of which (112 x 20 m.)l? vf bears the binder's initials. From the Biiulino; of Antonii Historia Ecclesiasticit. Basileae, 1528. Abbey Library, Westminster; aud of Dionysii Cartih:.siani ffomiliae in Epistolas et Evangelia. Coloniae, 1533. Cathedral Librniy, Durham. D. 292-1888 and 964-1887. 189 Band of Renascence ornament with the initials R. W. R, W, From the Binding of F. Nauseae Blancicampiani, in Catholicum Catechisnium libri v. Antverpiae, 1544. D. 1978-1889, 190 London. 1532. Panel (94 x 61 m.). An escucheon bearing the arms of Henry VIII. impaling those of Anne Boleyn, ensigned with the royal crown ; supporters : a lion and a gryphon royally gorged and chained. Above the crown, an angel, the sun, moon and stars ; in the lower corners, the initials H A. From a loose Book-cover. D. 276-1887. 191 London. Band (119 x 13 m.) divided into eight rectangular compart- ments, four occupied by foliated ornament, the remainder by circular medallions containing the rose, the fleur-de-lys, the port» cullis and the initials H R. From the Binding of the Black Book of th« Receipt of the Exchequer. Public llecord Office, Loudon. U. 47 and 992-1887. 192 c. 1535. Panel (112 x 66*5 m.). The inner portion is divided by a vertical band into two compartments each occupied by a branch of foliage and fruit, enclosing within its curves a wiveru, two birds and a fawn facing those in the other compartment. The whole enclosed within a border, divided by a continuous double zig-zag line into triangular compartments occupied by dorinted 142 ENGLISH RUBBINGS trefoils ; the larger spaces at the angles, by a rosebud between two trefoils. Panel (107 x 64 m.). The interior is occupied by two busts in circular medallions superposed. Border composed of semi- circular compartments, those at the head and foot occupied by floriated trefoils, those at the sides, alternately by demi-profile busts and demi-rosettes ; at the angles are large cruciform ornaments, and in the spaces between the circles, small quatrefoils. From the Binding of a Memorandum Book. Pahlic Record Office, London, D. 33-1887. These two panels occur also on the Binding of Felinds m Psalmos, Argentorati, 1529. All Souls' College, Oxford. 193 ■ N. S. c. 1535. Sides of a Book-cover (6x4 in.), the obverse side impressed with a panel stamp (94 x 62 m.), adorned m\ with two profile busts of men in medal lions separated from each other by a hori- ^^ zontal band bearing the binder's initials and device, the whole surrounded by a border of geometrical design. The reverse has a stamp of similar design (94 x 63m.), but diflfering in the details. From the Binding of Interpretatio Chaldaica Pentateuchi. Antwerpiae, 1535. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 884-1889. 194 T. P. Band of Renascence ornament: columns, masks, scrolls, &c. with the binders initials T P. From the Binding of Hdgonis cardinalis Posfilla. Parlsiis, 1530. Abbey Library, Westminster. 1). 299-1888. 195 T. P. Side of a Book -cover. Border of Renascence ornament; at the head, the binder's cipher and a mask between two gryphons. pm[^ - 1~ | The enclosed vertical panel is adorned with two profile I ■"'inists of men in medallions, between which are the .JL ^^ binder's initials. D. 962-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 143 196 London. John Reynes, 1527-1544. Panel (121 x 74 m.). Tho interior adorned with two medallion busts of warriors between Renascence columns connected at both head and foot by ornamental arches ; the whole en- closed within an ornamental border. In the centre, between the medallions, is the binder's cipher. From the Binding of N. Hakapi Exemplorum liber, Tubiugac, 1 533. Cathedral Library, York. D. 532-1887. 197 1537. Band of Renascence ornament (139 x 13 m.) terminating in a two-handled vase with a pansy in it ; at the 'foot, a tablet with the date 1537. From the Binding of T. Driedonis a Turnhout de ecde.iia.iticia Scripturis libriiv, Lovanii, 1543. Cathedral Library, Worcester. I). 1284-1887. 19S. London. Thomas Berthelet, 1 529-1 55G. Side of a Book-nover (8| X 5\ in.) richly tooled. In the centre an ornamental tablet with the motto : diev . et . mon . droit flanked by the initials H R. Border and corner-pieces of foliated ornament. From the Binding of The image of Governance. London, Thomas Berthelet, 1540. British Museum. D. 264-1887. 199 Border of Renascence ornament between two three-line fillets. From the Binding of The Bokc for n Justice of Peace. London, T. Berthelet, 1544. British Museum. D. 365-1887. 200 London. Details from the sides of a Book-cover (12^ x 8 in.) adorned with gold tooling. In the centre, a vertical panel with an escncheon bearing quart. : France and England, ensigned with the royal crown, and accompanied by the initials H R. Above and below, on two oblong tablets, is the legend : vkro | defensoki | fidei | eruohv.ai QVK I PROFLKJATOKi | OPTIMO. (Those ou the Other side have : MAXIMO I HENRICO | OCTAVO } REGI | ANCEORVM FRANC niUKR- NiEQVE I p M p p D G.) On cach side of the vertical panel arc two circular medallions containing busts of Plato and Dido, willi an ornament between composed of a leaf and tendril four times 144 ENGLISH RUBBINGS repeated. These are surrounded by a narrow border of Italian design with a fohated ornament at its outer angle. From the Binding of Antonii de Music.v Autverpiensis Commentaria rerinii ah imperatore Carolo V. gestarum apud S. Digerium. 1544, (MS. 13 B. XX.) British Museum. D. 539-541-1886, 201 Panel (79 x 51 m.). Two medallions superposed with profile busts of men, surrounded by six bundles of foliage and two semi- medallions with profile busts facing inwards. From the Binding of Enchiridion locornm comimmium adversua Liithenm. lugolstadii, 1543. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1288-1887. 202 Kubbing. Panel (112 x69 m.). Two large superposed medallions with busts of men crowned with laurel -wreaths, flanked by six semi-medallions with busts of warriors ; the intervening spaces filled with foliated ornament. D. 993-1887. 203 Panel (104 x 69 m.). Two large superposed medallions with busts of warriors ; the space between these and the border filled with Renascence ornament. D. 1930-1889. 204 London. Details from the side of a Book-cover (5^x4 in.). Border formed by roll-produced lines with a fleur-de-lys at each angle. Lozenge-shaped centre-piece : the Tudor rose eusigned with the royal crown, surrounded by a garland of laui'el leaves. From the Binding of S. Gakdiner, A Detection of the Devil's Sophistrie. London, 154G. British Museum. D. 535-1887. 205 London, 1546. Side of a Book-cover (10^ X 7^ in.). In the centre, within a circle of rays and flames, is the badge of the Prince of Wales, three ostrich feathers surrounded by a coronet with the motto liic • DIEN on a scroll, and the initijils E P for Edwardus Princeps. This is surrounded by a connected series of graceful curves charged with a variety of leaf-forms, on a field powdered with flowers and stars, enclosed wilhin a frame of Kenascence foliated ornament, with sexfoils and foliated ornaments at the angles and in the corners, the latter connected by fillets. From the Binding of a List of Countries and Cities mentioned in Tragus Vompcins and the Epistles of Cicero. (Boyal JfS. 15 C. i.) British Museum, D. 881-1889, ENGLISH RUBBINGS 145 206 Side of a Book-cover (8^ x 6 in.). In the centre, within a circle surrounded by flames, an escucheon bearing : quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown. This is placed within a lozenge interlaced with a rectangle, enclosed within another rectangle ; the interspaces are tilled with graceful curves charged with a variety of leaf-forms. From the Binding of Royal MS. 17 C. x. British Museum. D. 234-1887. 207 Rubbing from the side of a Book-cover (8^^ X 6^ in.) adorned with interlacing strap and scroll-work and foliated ornament. From the Binding of Royal MS. 8 B. vii, 2. British Museum. D. 233-1887. 208 Side of a Book-cover (8^ X 6 in.). In the centre, within a vertical panel set on a lozenge, is an escucheon bearing : quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown. Below it are the brazen serpent and Christ on the cross ; the interspaces are filled with roses and other flowers, curves charged with leaf forms, horns of plenty, etc. From the Binding of Royal MS. 12 B. xiii. British Museum. D. 235-1887. 209 Details from the side of a Book-cover, adorned with two bands the one divided into compartments filled with Renascence orna- ment, the other bearing a fleur-de-lys and the holy names iuesvs MARIA. From the Binding of D. Thomae Aquinatis Opera. Parisiis, 1541. D. 883-1889. 2 lb Band adorned with profile busts of men in medallions, alternating with the fleur-de-lys, Tudor rose, and turreted gateway with portcullis, ensigned with the royal crown. From the Binding of HERiiiNNi archiepiscoi'I Coloniensis Delibe- ratio. Bonnae, 1545. Cathedral Library, Worcester. D. 1290-1887. 211 P. L. Band of Renascence foliated ornament in compartments, with the initials of the binder : p^ Jj^ From the Binding of D. Thomae Aqhinatis JExpositio in Apocalypsim. Florentiae, 1549. Cathedral Library, Wells. D. 1285-1887. 212 Band of Renascence foliated ornament (123 x 10* 5m.) in cnm]tartments, and another, the same as 197. From the Binding of Pausanias de tota Graecia. Basileae, 1550. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1283-1887, I 6U40. K 146 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 213 London. Details from sides of Book-covers, including seven borders and three corner ornamontH. From the Bindings of : a Table of Customs duties temp. Henry VIII. (MS. 25,097) ; British Museum ; Cardinal Pole's Pension Book, 1556, and the Queen's Kemembrancer's Misc. Book 14. Public Kecord Office, Loudon. 1). 30-32-1887 and 613-1888. 214 Five Bands of Renascence ornament: busts in medallions, foliage, etc. in compartments. From the Bindings of three Books, 1530-1559. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1279-1281-1887. 215 London. ' Two bands of ornament, the one as on 191, the other (173 x 26 m.) composed of interlaced work with three open compart- ments filled with foliated Renascence ornament. From the Binding of M. Buceri Enarrationes in sacra iv. Evangelia. 1554. Cathedral Library, York. D. 268-1887. 216 London, 1549. Part of the side of a Book-cover (12| x 8^ in.) richly tooled. In the centre, an escucheon bearing : quarterly 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown within a circle surrounded by flamboyant rays, accompanied by the initials M B for Maria Regina. From the Binding of Epitome timnium operum D. Aurelii Augustini. Colouiae, 1549. British Museum. D. 1939-1889. 2*7 Part of the side of a Book-cover. In the centre are the arms of Queen Mary ensigned with the royal crown, surrounded by a circle from which spring flames. The panel, in the corners of which are the initials M R, is enclosed by a fillet with a foliated ornament at each angle. From the Binding of Harleian MS. 3444. British Museum. D. 240-1887. 218 London. M. D. Two panels (116 x 74m.), each having a broad border of Renascence ornament in compartments with two angels at the foot holding a tablet with the initials M D. The interior is adorned with two medallion profile busts of warriors between Renascence columns connected at both head and foot by ornamental arches. ►'[na From the Binding of a Sarum Horae (London, 1555). Kebound. British Museum. D. 994-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 147 210 G. p. Side of a Book-cover (6f x 4i in.). Outer border formed by the repetition of a stamp (125 x 11m.) with three medallion-busts, masks, birds, foliage, and the binder's initials. Inner ^ p ' border, a diaper of quatrefoils within lozenges. ^ •■* Cruciform centre-piece formed by four impressions of a foliated ornament. From (MS. 12 A. xlvi.) British Museum. D. 959-1887. 220 Side of a Book-cover. Vertical panel with a rose ensigned with a i-oyal crown between two sprays of foliage. Border of Renascence ornament in compartments with floriated ornaments at the outer angles ; between them, the original owner's name : tho|mas j lon|nard. From the Binding of (C. 27. d. 20). British Museum. D. 977-1887. 221 Side of a Book-cover (8| x 6\ in.) Panel of interlaced strap- work and foliage. Border tooled with sprays of foliage and with corner and angle ornaments. From the Binding of (Sloane MS. 3011). British Museum. D. 255-1887. 222 Details from the side of a Book-cover. In the centre, an escucheon bearing : quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown and flanked by the initials M R. Border tooled with cinquefoils and sprays of foliage. Foliated corner-ornaments. From the Binding of Sloivne MS. 2565. British Museum. D. 954-1887. 223 Elliptical centre-piece (59 x 47 m.), foliated design. From the Binding of Manjio/e .Sam6Mne7/ie. Londini, 15.54. D. 28-1887. 224 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (13i x 16m.) adorned with the portcullis ; an escucheon bearing : quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, ensigned with the royal crown ; and foliage terminating in a fleur-de-lys." Band of Renascence orna- ment with profile busts surrounded by garlands of foliage and flowers in compartments. Band of Renascence ornament ; birds and foliage in compartments. From the Binding of lo. Heydeni Jerusalem descripta. Francoftirti, 1563. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1282-1887. E 2 148 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 225 G. K. Band of Eenascence ornament in compartments, as on 182, with the initials G K at the foot. From the Binding of J. Jewel, lieplie unto M. Hardinges answeare. London, 1566. Cathedral Library, Salisbury. D. 1977-1889. The same stamp occurs on the binding of another volume printed in London in 1598. 226 Centre-piece (61 X 48m.). Within an elliptical ornamental frame is a half-length portrait of a lady in rich costume, seen full face, holding a book with both hands, her arms resting on the frame. From the Binding of A hriefe and piththie sunime of the Christian Faith made by Theodore de Beze, translated out of Frenche by K(onEKT) F(yll). London, K. Serll. Corpus Chiisti College, Cambridge. D, 1848-1889. 227 London. Details from the side of a Book-cover. An escuchcon, bearing : quarterly France and England, ensigned with the royal arms and accompanied by the initials E R, occupies the centre of a lozenge- shaped compartment within an oblong vertical panel with ornamental borders; at the angles of the outer border are foliated ornaments. From the Binding of Hunterstone^ s Survey of the Duchy of Lancaster. Public Record Office, London. D. 24-1887. 228 Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with tooling. From the Binding of MS. 12,030. British Museum. D. 614-1888. 229 Side of a Book-cover (9| x G| in.). Vertical panel interlaced with a lozenge within a rectangular vertical frame. Centre and corner-pieces of interlaced strap-work and foliated ornament on a lined ground. The compartments of the field are tooled with quatrefoils, trefoils, and circular basins. From the Binding of MS. 15,091. British Museum. D. .592-1888. 230 Eton, 1563. Side of a Book-cover (8| x 6 in.). Border of foliated orna- ment within which are two plain bands bordered by fillets. The enclosed panel has, on a field sprinkled with quatrefoils, corner- pieces of interlacing strap-work and light foliage, and a centre- piece consisting of an oval escuciieon bearing : quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, within a scroll-work frame accom- panied by the initials E II, and ensigned with the royal crown. From the Binding of Royal MS. 12 A. xxx. British Museum. D. 591-1888. ENGLISH liUBBINGS 149 231 Detail from the side of a Book-cover. Ellij)tical stamp (26*5 X 35 m.) with the badge of Henry Fitzalan, earl of Arundel (d. 1580), a horse, with a branch of oak leaves and an acorn iu its mouth, galloping. From the Binding of a ^IS. set of Italian Music Books (Royal Ap- pendix 36-38). British Museum. D. 890-1889. 232 London. I. D. P. Details from the side and back of a Book-cover (11^ x 8 in.). The field, centre-piece, and border corner-pieces identical with those on 233. Immediately within the latter are corner-pieces of strap and scroll - work on a lined ground, whilst the spaces between the border corner-pieces are in part occupied by trophies of musical instruments and weapons. The back is richly tooled in compartments. From the Binding of Flo res Ilistoriarum per Matthaeum West- MONASTERiENSEM collecti. Loudini, 1570. British Museum. D. 517-1887. 233 London. I. D. P. Part of the side of a Book-cover (9| x 5| in.). On a field sprinkled with trefoils is a large centre-piece of strap and scroll- work and foliage on a stippled ground, enclosing an oval escucheon bearing: quart. France and England, surrounded with the Garter and ensigned with the royal crown. The border is adorned with trophies of instruments of war and music amidst ^^mm^a^-^ which is a tablet with the (binder's ?) initials. These f^J^^^^ border corner-pieces meet at the head and foot, but the head and foot, but in the intervening spaces at the sides are the initials of the Queen E R. From the Binding of the dedication copy of 77ie Gospels of the fower Evangelistes. London (John Daye), 1571, presented to Queen Eliza- beth. British Museum. D. 253-1887. 234 Details from the side of a Book-cover. In the centre, the royal arms ensigned with the Tudor rose and the royal crown, accom- panied by two flower-spi-ays, the initials E R and two horns of plenty with foliage. Border formed by a succession of fillets with horns of plenty and foliage in the corners, and a foliated ornament at the angles. From the Binding of MS. 7. D. xx. British Museum. D. 237-1887. 150 ENGLISH KUBBINGS ' 235 Details from tlie side of a Book-cover (llix7-| in). Oval centre-piece Avith an escucheon bearing : quart. France and England, surrounded by the garter, ensigned with the royal crown, and accompanied by the initials E R. Border with a light pattern of interlaced ornament between two three-line fillets with small lined foliated ornaments in the corners and at the angles. From the Binding of Sloaue MS. 814. British Museum. D. 619-1888. 236 R. B. Band (163 x 17m.) divided into four compartments in which are the rose, pomegranate, fleur-de-lys, and tower with portcullis, each ensigned with the royal crown. Band (135 X 16 m.) divided into six compartments, three of which contain medallion busts, and three. Renascence foliated ornament ; at the foot of one of these are the initials of the binder RB. From the Bindiug of De probatis Sanctorum Historiis. Coloniae, 1570. Cathedral Library, Wells. D. 1277-1887. 237 Part of the side of a Book-cover. Framework formed by parallel three-line fillets intersecting each other at right angles, and adorned with the same stamps as 236. The interior vertical panel has a plain lozenge-shaped compartment in the middle, bordered with a band adorned with birds, a dog and a stag separated from each other by foliage. From the Binding of J. Bauet, Alvearie or Quadruple Dictiojiarte. Loudon, H. Denham, 1580. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1278-1887. 238 Foliated centre and corner ornaments. From the Binding of Fiiziieubert. Ah exposicion of the Kinges prerogative. London, R. Tottel, 1568. British Museum. D. 259-1887. 239 I. L. S. Band (126 x 8 ni.) of Renascence foliated ornament springing from a vertical stem ; the binder's initials ) (J^ at the foot. From the Binding of The Year Book of Henrij IV. London 1563. British Museum. ' D. 956-1887. 240 Detail from the side of a Book-cover. Band of Renascence foliated ornament in compartments. From the Binding of Royal MS. 384. British Mussum. D. 624-1888. ENGLISH KUBBINGS lol 241 Band divided into four compartments, two filled with Renascence foliated ornament ; another with a lamb, another with a Dove, both of these having a crown above them. From the Binding of BuLLiNGEKi S'e/moMes. JLoudiui. c. 1550, Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1289-1887. 242 London. Hugh Singleton, 1557-1593. Band of Renascence ornament with the binder's trade- mark. From the Binding of I. Cvixcil praelectiones. Basileae, 1594. Cathedral Library, Wells. D. 1287-1887. i 243 Details from the side of a Book-cover, with triple border, corner and centre ornaments formed by rows of small ornaments alternating Avith fillets. From the Binding of MS. 20,030. British Museum. D. 238 and 239-1887. 244 Part of the side of a Book-cover (lOf x 7| in.). Vertical panel sprinkled with flowers within a narrow border of light flowing foliage. Centre-piece (132 X 102m.) of scroll-work and foliated ornament on a dotted ground, with sprays of oak-leaves and acorns springing from the extremities ; the reserved space in the interior filled with an elliptical stamp of lined strap-work and foliated ornament. Large corner-pieces of scroll-work and foliated ornament on a dotted ground. From the Binding of Harleian MS. 3277. British Museum. D. 600-1888. 245 London. Side of a Book-cover (8 x 5^ in.). The border formed by parallel fillets with fleur-de-lise floriated ornaments at the angles, corner-pieces and an elliptical centre-piece, all block-produced, the last accompanied by the initials of the original owner : W S. From the Binding of Musica Transalpina. Madrigales translated of foure, five and size partes by I^.Xoaav:. Cantus. London, 1588. D. 531-1886. 246 Part of the side of a Book-cover. The field tooled with qiiatrefoils. Centre-piece (132 x 102 m.) similar to 244, of strap and scroll-work with foliated ornament on a stippled ground, with an elliptical reserved centre here tooled with small quatre- foils. Plain fillet border with corner-pieces of scroll and foliated strap-work on a stippled ground. From the Binding of Abibtotlb's PoiiYigMes. London, 1598. British Museum. D. 252-1887. 152 ENGLISH KUBBINGS 247 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Centre-piece (129 X 96 rn.) of scroll-work and foliated ornament on a stippled ground, with reserved oval space in the centre, here occupied by an escucheon bearing quart. 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, surrounded by the collar of the Garter, and ensigned with the royal crown. Corner-piece : a horn of plenty and foliage on a stippled ground. From the Bindiug of Harleian MS. 5087. British Museum. D. 236-1887. 248 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Elliptical centre-piece of scroll and foliated ornament on a lined ground. Border formed by a three-line fillet with corner-pieces and a foliated ornament at the angles. From the Binding of Arundel MS. 504. British Museum. D. 622-1888. 249 Part of the side of a Book-cover (16j x lOJ in.). In the centre an escucheon bearing : quarterly, 1 and 4 quart. France and England, 2 Scotland, 3 Ireland, surrounded by the Garter and ensigned with the royal crown, on a held diapered with fleurs-de-lys, thistles, and daisies. Narrow border : horns of plenty with flowing foliated ornament. From the Eiudiug of Caeremoniale Episcoporum. llomae, 1600. British Museum. D. 534-1887. 250 1605. Part of the side of a Book-cover (12| x 8 in.). In the centre, an escucheon bearing (quarterly : 1 and 4 quart. France and England, 2 Scotland, 3 Ireland, surrounded by the Garter and ensigned with the royal crown. Below is the stump of a tree from which spring two branches each bearing royal badges : the rose, port- cullis, fleur-de-lys, three ostrich feathers, and falcon with the crown and sceptre ; these unite above the crown in a thistle. The field around, tooled with fleurs-de-lys, is enclosed by a border of fillets with corner-pieces of scroll-work and foliage on a stippled ground. From the Biudiug of Fk. Tuynne, Plea concerning the Bathe and Bacheler Knights. (MS. 12,530.) British Museum. D. 597-1888. 251 1607. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Centre-piece : an escucheon with the royal arms, as on 249, surrounded by the Garter, which is intertwined with a scroll-work frame, ensigned with the royal crown. Corner-piece of scroll-work and foliage on a lined ground. Foliated angle ornament. From the Binding of Harleian MS. 3749. British Museum. D 627-1888. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 1 53 252 1620. Part of the side of a Book-cover richly tooled with corner- pieces anci an oval centre-piece composed of l)iaiiches of foliage, on a ground sprinkled with mullets of six points pierced. From the Binding of Overtures for an Acadein lioial. (Harleian MS. 6103.) British Museum. D. 22-1887. 253 Centre-piece (106 x 75m.) and corner- piece (46 x 4Gm.) of foliated strap-work on a stippled ground, with an elliptical reserved space in the heart of each. From the Binding of Laasdowne MS. 763. British Museum. D. 256-1887. 254 R. W. Band (139 x 11 in.) divided into six compartments, five of which contain foliated ornament, and the sixth, a tower with a spire flanked by four pinnacles. In one of the former are the binder's initials : It W. From the Binding of P. Suavis Polani Historia Co7iciUi Tridentini Augustae Trinobantum, 1620. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1286-1887. 255 Elliptical centre-piece (77 x G6m.) with a coat of arms within a border of ornamental-work with masks, and an outer border bearing the motto deo sacratdm cor volans. From the Binding of Gerard Legh, The Accedens of Arnionji London, R. Tottel, 1568. British Museum. D. 260-1887. 256 Centre-piece. Strap-work and foliated ornament on a stippled ground. From the Binding of Alani Copi Dialogi sex. Antverpiae, 1573. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 281-1888. 257 Centre-piece. Interlaced strap-work and foliated ornament, the ground in part lined, in part stippled. Elliptical centre diapered with circles within lozenges. From the Binding of The Statutes. London, R. Tottell, 1576. Abbej Library, Westminster. D. 282-1888. 258 Vertical centre-piece with rounded ends. In the centre, a plain lozenge surrounded by gracefully curving stems of foliage. From the Binding of The Statutes. London, R. Tottel, 1575. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 283-1888. lo4 ENGLISH RUBBINGS 259 Centre-piece formed of four sprays of oak eacli terminated by an acorn. From the Binding of Les Tenures du I\I. Littletox. London, It. Tottyl, 1579. British Museum. D. 263-1887. 260 Centre-piece (100 x 64:m.), an elliptical frame of scroll-work with interlacing foliated strap-work on a lined ground. Corner ornament consisting of an acorn and oak leaves. From the Binding of . British Museum. D. 261 and 262-1887. 261 1589. Elliptical centre-piece of strap-work and foliated ornament on a stippled ground within a lozenge formed by a two-line tillet ; in the corners are two fleurs-de-lys and two daisy flowers. From the Binding of Royal MS. 18. C. xvii. British Museum. D. 625-1888. 262 c. 1592. Elliptical centre-piece. Foliated ornament on a lined ground. D. 285-1888. 263 London, c. 1600. Centre-piece (86 x 52m.) of interlacing strap-work and foliage on a lined ground ; in the centre, a foliated cruciform ornament on a plain ground. From the Binding of Scotland's Nobility, MS. College of Arms, London. D. 27-1887. 264 Centre-piece. Interlacing strap-work and curves with foliated terminations. D. 284-1838. 265 17th century. 1. Centre-piece (97 X 68m.). Strap and scroll-work with folia- tions on alined ground. 2. Centre-piece (88xo9m.). Strap- work and foliage on a lined ground. From the Binding of 2 Choral service books. Tenor Decani Book and Bas8-part Book. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 25 and 26-1887. ENGLISH KUBiJINGS 155 266 London. 1605. Centre -piece of strap-work and foliated ornarheftt ; three-line fillet with corner-piece of oak leaves and acorns. From the Binding of MS. 20,031. British Museum. D. 626-1888. 267 Details from the side of a Book-cover. In the centre, an escucheon bearing : quarterly, 1 and 4 quarterly France and England ; 2 Scotland, and 3 Ireland, surrounded by the Garter and ensigned with the royal crown. From the Binding of Royal MS., 8 E. vm. British Museum. D. 621-1888. 268 Centre-piece (122 x90m.) of interlacing strap-work and foliage on a lined ground ; in the centre, a cartellino, on which are the initials E R F A H. From the Binding of Harleian MS. 4,000. British Museum. D. 231-1887. 269 1616. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Centre and corner- pieces of interlacing strap-work and ornamental foliage. Fleur- de-lise angle ornament. From the Binding of MS. 29,372. British Museum. D. 620-1888. 270 Centre-piece of interlaced strap- work and curves terminating in leaf-forms. D. 287-1888. 271 1616. Centre-piece of interlaced strap-work. From the Binding of The Booke of Common Prayer. London, 1616. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 286-1888. 272 Centre-piece of foliated scroll-work on a stippled ground with reserved elliptical centre ; flanked by the initials H C. From the Binding of . British Museum. D, 951-1887. 273 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Elliptical centre-piece (38 X 33ni.) with a spray of foliage, flowers, and fruit, flanked by the initials P. M. Three-line fillet border with floral corner ornaments. From the Binding of Sloane MSS. 1632 and 1633. British IMuseum. D. 955-1887. l56 fei^GLISH RUBBINGS 274 Two stamps from the side of a Book-cover. Elliptical centre- piece and foliated corner-piece. From the Binding of the Stattites of the Order of Saint George. College of Arms, London. D. 29-1887. 275 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Centre-piece. A quatrefoil panel bearing an escucheou with the arms of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, 1621-1641 (div. per pale, 1 see of Lincoln ; 2 quarterly, 1 and 4 Williams, 2 and 3 Howen), sur- rounded by foliated ornament. Corner-piece of foliated scroll- work on a lined ground. Angle ornaments : a thistle ensigned with a coronet. D. 629-1888. 276 1623. Centre-piece. An eagle displayed supporting an escucheon charged with the arms of William Wynn, Esq., third son of Sir John Wynn of Gwydder. D. 300-1888. 277 Lozenge-shaped centre-piece composed of curved stems charged with a variety of leaf-forms and flowers springing from the frame of an elliptical reserved space in the centre. Border ; a two- Uned fillet with lacework edges and corner ornaments of foliage and flowers. From the Binding of Sloane MS. 1720. British Museum. D. 631-1888. 278 1623. Centre-piece. An elliptical frame surrounded by leaf-forms and flowers springing from its outer edge. Angle ornament : a flower spray. From the Binding of Sloane MS. 170. British Museum. D. 632-1888. 279 Details from the side of a Book- cover. Centre - piece (119 X 81m.). An escucheon bearing: quart. I and 4 quart. France and England ; 2 Scotland, and 3 Ireland, in an orna- mental framework intertwined with the Garter and ensigned with the royal crown. Corner-piece (83 X 54m,) of foliage and flowers with a butterfly. Angle ornament, a spray of foliage with a rose. From the Binding of Royal MS. 12 G. ii. British Museum. D. 978-1887. ENGLISH RUBBINGS 157 280 London. 1G26. Details from the side of a Bindino;. Centre-piece similar in design to 279, but differing in the details. Corner-piece, an eagle displayed, surrounded by rays proceeding from the sun. Ancle ornament : a flower spray. From the Binding of MS. 27,936. British Museum. D. 628-1888. 281 Side of a Book-cover. Two-line fillet border with floriated angle-ornaments, and large corner-pieces of interlacing strap- work and foliated ornament on a dotted ground. Centre-piece similar to 279. The entire field sprinkled with flaming stars. From the Binding of MS. 27,932. British Museum. D. 593-1888. 282 1627. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Border, a flowing stem of folinge enclosing flowers within its curves. Foliated and floral corner ornaments. From the Binding of Arundel MS. 3. British Museum. D. 623-1888. 283 Side of a Book-cover (7 x 41 in.) powdered with ermine. Centre-piece of interlacing strap-work, with foliated ornament ; elliptical centre with an ermine. Corner-pieces of foliage, partly solid, partly lined. From the Binding of A Colleclion of Texts for Sermons, by Robert Sandebson, d.l663. MS. 20,066. British Museum. D. 23-1887. 284 c. 1679. Side of a Book-cover (10 x 7^ in.). Centre-piece of irregular form filled with foliated curves, surrounded by long undulating sprays of foliage springing from four barrel-shaped vases and terminating in flowers, enclosed within a frame with projecting cantled ends. Outer rectangular border edged with segments of circles. From the Binding of The Book of Common Prayer. London, 1678. D. 1940-1889. 158 NETHERLANDISH KUBBINGS NETHERLANDS. 285 Brabant. Louvain. Lambertus de Insula, c. 1367. Panel (106'5x66m,) divided into two by a double vertical band bearing the inscription : lambertvs : dk : insvla | scriptor : ME : FKciT. The oblong space on each side is subdivided into five compartments each enclosing a circular medallion. In the upper- most of these are the double eagle displayed of the Empire, and the lion rampant of Brabant. In the other eight are the Holy Lamb with cross and banner, six monsters, and a stag. The boi'der is adorned, at the head and foot, with quatrefoils .and trefoils within lozenges and triangles formed by double intersecting lines, and, at each side, with flowing foliage. From the Binding of the Cleyn Carter Boeck, 1367. Municipal Archives, Louyain. D. 2360-1885. 286 John Molnere. c. 1400. Panel (106 x 73m.). The Annunciation. On rt. the Angel advancing, his rt. hand raised ; above his left, the salutation : ave MARIA. On the left, the B. Virgin standing holding a closed book in her 1. hand ; her right raised and open as if to express astonishment. Between them, a vase with three lily flowers. Above are two trifoliated pointed arches supported by slender columns. Below : ioh!s molne[re me fecit. Flowing border of foliage terminating, at the lower left corner, in a bunch of lily flowers. From the Binding of D. Erasmi Roteuodami Ecclesiastae. Basileae, 1536. University Library, Amsterdam. D. 2349-1885. 287 c. 1400. Panel (103 x 66m.) with a border of foliage. The enclosed space is divided into two vertical compartments, each containing four circular medallions occupied by emblematic animals : the stag, a dove with an olive branch, the Lamb with cross and banner, and the pelican in its piety, facing those in the other compartment. The spaces between the medallions and the frame are adorned with trefoils. From the Binding of a MS. (Script. Eccl. 40). University Library, Utrecht. D. 99-1886. 288 c. 1400. Panel (96 x 61m.). Border of foliage and flowers ; the enclosed space is divided into two vertical compartments, each occupied by NETHERLANDISJI IfUBBINGS 159 five medallious containing a double eagle displayed, a lion, a dragon, the Lamb with cross and banner, and the pelican in its piety. From the Blading of a Manuscript (24,332). British Museum. D. 98-1886. 289 c. 1400. Panel (95 x 65m.) with a flowing border of foliage and fruit. Tlie interior is divided lengthways into three vertical compartments ; the narrowest, in the middle, is adorned with a diaper formed by intersecting diagonal lines ; each of the others contains five circular medallions occupied by a cock, a stag, a double eagle displayed, the Holy Lamb with cross and banner, and the pelican in its piety. From the Binding of a Lectionary, c.1380. (MS. 2,030). Royal Library, Brussels, D. 1390-1887. 290 c. 1400. Centre of a Book-cover adorned with 15 medallions in three vertical rows, produced by the repetition of two stamps, one representing a monster and a star, the other, a bird and a quad- ruped. These are enclosed within a frame formed by vertical and horizontal fillets intersecting each other. From the Binding of a MS. Psalter. Town Library, Bruges. D. 1431-1887. 291 Brabant. Panel (115 X 73m.) Border of flowing foliage enclosing within its graceful curves figures of birds. The enclosed space is divided into two vertical compartments, each containing four circular medallions with figures half human, half animal, playing a variety of musical instruments ; the interspaces are adorned with clusters of ivy leaves. From the Binding of Raymundi Summa (MS. 2,801). Royal Library, Brussels. D. 1948-1889. 292 c. 1400. Part of the side of a Book'cover (7^ X 5| in.). In the centre, a panel (91 x 55m.) with a full-length figure of Christ standing amidst trees and shrubs holding a globe surmounted by a cross in his 1. hand, and raising his rt. as in the act of blessing. This figure occupies a circular medallion placed within a mandorla, filled at the ends with tracery, the two largest compartments of which, circular in form, contain busts of a man and woman. In each of the triangular spaces between the mandorla and the border of the panel is a bird. The border is adorned wilh flowing foliage and flowers. The space between the panel and the edge 160 NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS of the cover is divided by intersecting three-line filleU into compartments each with centre and corner ornaments. From the Binding of a MS. Book of Hours in Dutch. Archiepiscopal Museum, Utrecht. D. 106-1886 and 1404-1887. 293 AONIETENBERfi. C.1410, Seven stamps in use in the Bindery of the Augustinian monastery of Canons regular at Agnietenberg at the begianing of the fifteenth century. From the Binding of Dialogi B, Gregorii, written io 1410 (MS. 858). Library of the Arsenal, Paris. D, 1382-1887, 294 C.1450. Panel (1 15 x 75 m.). In the centre, a large medallion containing a representation of the Holy Lamb, nimbed, standing in a meadow, supporting the cross with a floating banner. The background is filled by rich vegetation. Around is the legend + siet . dat . LAM . GODS . DAT . OPBVERT . DIE . soNDe?i (Ics wcrelts. Above and below are smaller medallions containing an eagle displayed and a lion rampant. These three medallions are enclosed within a trifoliated ellipse, surrounded by an elegant border of foliage and fruit. The lobes are filled with delicate tracery and the angles of the panel occupied by conventional flowers. From the Binding of a MS. Horae. Library of the late Professor Scbrant of Leyden. D. 107-1886. 295 Holland. c.1455. Panel (57*5 X 94*5 m.). The Holy Lamb with cross and banner standing in a circular medallion within a mandorla on the border of which is inscribed the legend : -f siet dat lam goedes dat BOEKT DIE SONDEN DER vERL interrupted by four circular medal- lions which occupy the angles of the panel and contain the evangelistic animals. The spaces between the central medallion and the border of the mandorla, and between this and the edge of the panel, are filled with tracery. From the Binding of a MS. Book of Hours, in Dutch, belonging to the church of S. Laurence, Alkmaur. Episcopal Museum, Haarlem. D. 2359-1885. 296 Holland, c.1455. Panel (77x49 m.). The B. Virgin, enveloped in an ample mantle, seated with the Infant Christ in her lap, beneath a trifoliated crocketed canopy supported by two slender columns which rest on a basement adorned with five quatrefoils inscribed within circles. The background is diapered with quatrefoils within lozenges. Marginal legend, interrupted at the angles by large quatrefoils : flUr | itiariiT | itiatar Xsti I mrmnito mti. From the Binding of a MS. Book of Hours, in Dutch, belonging to the church of S. Laurence, Alkniaar. Episcopal Museum, Haarlem. D. 2344-1885, NEXnERLANDISH RUBBINGS 161 297 c. 1475. Panel (54*o x7S in.). Two eagles with outspread win^s, perched back to hack on a forked branch ; the backfijrouud adorned with delicate sprays of foliajre. Tiie border, which has a trif(jliated ornament at each un|j;le, bears the legend: ^]|))r$U$ | irttilVitX I _ matrr tur i 1 inrmf ntO mri with s'prays of IbUage in the intervening spaces. From the Binding of a MS. Book of Hours, dated 1488. University Library, Amsterdam. I). 2305-1885. 298 Holland, c. 1475. Panel (Six 53 m.). The B. Virgin, enveloped in an ample mantle, seated with the Infant Christ on her lap, beneath a trifolated crocketed canopy, supported by two slender columns which rest on a basement adorned with five quatrefoils inscribed within circles. The background diapered with quati-efoils within lozenges. Marginal legend, interrupted at the angles by large quatrefoils: a\)C gvatia \ plfUa ♦ XiomiMu^ : UCMm I o]** maviiX matev \ Urt : mrmr nto . met From the Binding of Ghetide hoec. DelfiF, 1484, 19 Julii. Plpiscopal Museum, Haarlem. D. 2345-1885. 299 c. 1475. Panel (75 x 49 m.). At the head are the holy names : tl^f $U0 t lUartai : and at the foot the motto : IT^pirf t fiUfin : The inter- mediate space is occupied by two large circular medallions super- posed, and two smaller circles between these and the outer edge of the panel. The former contain, within a broad border of cinqnefoils, a lion rampant and a pelican in its piety ; the latter, the Holy Lamb with cross and banner, and a double eagle displayed. In the angles above and below these are two dragons and two birds with sprays of foliage. From the Bindiuirs of two MS. Books of Hours, Archiepiscopal Museum, Utrecht ; and Alberdingk-Thijm collection. National ■\Iu- seum, Amsterdam. D. 2367 and 23G8-1885. A latten panel-stamp similar to that with which these bindings were impressed is now in the Art Museum. c. 1475. Details from the side of a Book-cover impressed with two panel stamps, the one (76 x 56 m.) represents the pelican in its piety ; the background, adorned with delicate sprays of foliage, within a border having a trifoliated ornament at each angle, and bearing the legend : ^^f0U0 | ifttarta | ^illtiU^ faftU0 I 011111 prUiCiinO with sprays of foliage in the intervening spaces. The other panel has been described above (299). The .space between and arowid these is adorned with small stamps and fillets. From the Bindincc of Devote Ghetijde. Ter Goude, 1496. University Library, Cambridge. D. 1834-1889. t CI 140. L 162 NETHERLANDISH HCBBINGS 301 Vincent. Panel (66x45ni.) with a border of flowing foliage. Tlie enclosed space is divided lengthways into three compartments, tlie narrowest, iu the middle, bearing these words : vikcencivs : MK FKCiT ; the other two are occupied, each by four circles enclosing a lion, a basilisk, an eagle displayed, and a mermaid. D. 1947-1889. 302 Flandkks. Bruges. James van Gavere, 1454-1465. Panel (103 x 66 m.) Avith a border divided by a continuous zigzag line into triangular compartments occupied by dragons ; the enclosed space is divided lengthways into thi"ee compartments : the narrowest, in the middle, bearing the legend: *^^iirOt)U$« 0tlUfr ♦lllf ♦ U^iTttit . the other two are each occupied by six circles enclosing fleurs-de-lys, heraldic eagles, birds, and monsters, with sexfoils in the interspaces. From the Binding of Alberti de Eyb Margarita poetica. Parisiis, 1477. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 1838-1889. 303 Flanders. Bruges. Side of a Book-cover adorned with two impressions of a panel separated from each other by seven of a rectangular stamp with a profile bust of a man with a forked beard. The panel (78'5 x 54 m.) has a flowing border of vine leaves and tendrils ; the enclosed space is divided lengthways into three compartments ; the nar- rowest, in the middle, bearing the legend : sancta maria jiat'. In each of the others is a branch of foliage enclosing within its curves five figures facing those in the other side compartment : a stag and a hound, a lion and a unicorn, a monster and an angel, two Tritons, a monkey and the Holy Lamb with cross and banner. From the Binding of a manuscript. Diocesan Seminary, Bruges. D. 2327-1885. 304 Flanders. Bruges. Part of the side of a Book-cover adorned with four impressions of the panel stamp (303), the up{)er pair separated from the lower l)y two impressions of a band (18 x 52 m.) dividt'd into three rect- angular compartments, each containing a fleur-de-lys within a lozenge flanked by four derai-fleurs-de-lys. From the Binding of a manuscript. Town Library, Bremen. 1). 2326—1885. 305 Flanders. Bruges. Panel (77'5 x48*5) with a border of foliage, similar in general design to 303, but the central compartment here bears the invo- cation : ora pro uot»i0 sancta Xfd grnitri-x. From the Binding of a MS Hoiat.; written for Ant'juia van Massenian in 1480. J). 2340-1885. NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS 163 306 Panel (78*5 X 50) similar in f!;eneral design to 303. Three stamps : a dragon, a wivern, and a lion rampant. From the Bindings of: 1, A MS. Ilorae given by Canon Theodore Cremer of Dortmund to l.mlolpha von Quad, superioress of the Convent of Nazareth ; 2, A MS. Ilorae. Town Library, Tournav. D. 2341 and 2342-1885. 307 Flanders. Bruges. John van dor Londe, 1459-1493. Panel (75 x 48 m.) with a marginal legend interrupted at eacli angle by a fleiir-de-lys : ofi . lautJClll | Xprt^ti . litiniitt . t)unr . I Iff tf . ligaut 1 :?iolj»iinnf s . tif ♦ If ntif . i he inner portion is divided into two vertical compartments, each occupied by a vine branch with foliage and fruit, enclosing within its curves four animals : a monkey, a wivern, an eagle and a dog, facing those in the other compartment. Band (18x52 m.) divided into four rectangular compartments, each containing a fleux'-de-lys within a lozenge flanked by four demi-fleurs-de-lys. Band (75 x 11 m.) a ragged staff with a scroll wound round it. From tlie Binding of a MS. formerly in the Library of the Cistercian Abbey of the Dunes. Diocesan Seminnry, Bruges. D. 2325-1 SS.'i. L 2 164 NETHERI.ANUISH RUBBINGS 308 Flanders. Bruges. John Guilebert, 1467-1489. Panel (89 X 65 m.) with a border of foliage and fruit. The anterior is divided lengthways into thiee compartments. That in the centre, much narrower than the other two, bears the binder's name: ioiiannes. Gvii,KbKKT. The lateral compartments are each occu])ied by a vine-branch with foliage and fruit enclosing within its curves four couples of monkeys or birds. From the Binding of Missale secundum cvnsuctudincm Jtomcme curie. 1481. Town Library, Saint-Omer. D. 2328-1885. '^ '!^ '''?,''"™!'!!'"!'!'!l!!!'l!!""!™^^^ """"> !!! Flanders. 309 Bruges. John Guilebert, 1467-1489. Side of a Book-cover adorned with two impressions of the panel stamp above described (308), separated from each other by another (89 X 24 m.) occupied by four birds within circular medallions, the spaces between these and the edge iilled with trifoliated ornaments. From the IJiuding of a manuscript Ilorae. D. 2329-1885, NJETHEill.ANDlSli ilOlJlilNaS 165 310 Flanders Bklkiks. Anthony van (javcre, 14o9-150o. Panel (6S X 45 ra.) Avith ji marginal legend interrupted at each angiebyaquatrefoihotJ.laulrrm | ipri^ti. Iilirum.l)Uttr ! YUtt , ligaui | Ant1)ontu0 . Irr ♦ gaurrr. ihc iuteriui is divided lengthways into two vertieal conipartiucnts, each occupied by two quadrupeds and two birds enclosed within the curves of a vine branch. Panel (23 x 70 m.) divided into four compartments each con- taining an animal : the pelican in its piety ; a gryphon ; a wivern ; and a lion rampant. From the Binding of a MS. formerly in the Abhcy of the Dunes at Bruges. Library of the Bishop of Tournai. I). 2:3.33-188.5. 311 Flandeks. Bruges. Anthony van Gavere, 1 1,59-I50o. Side of a Book cover adorned with four im])ressions of the larger panel stamp above described (310) ; the two uppei- !-.'jpii- rated from the lower by two impressions of a band (10x92 m.) with the prayer dona nobis paoeji. From tlie Binding of 3Iissale lionmnum. Veui^tiis, 1493. D. 2334-1885. 312 Flanders. Bruges. Anthony van Gavere, 1459-1505. Side of a Book-cover, adorned with four impressions of the larger panel described above (310), separated from each other by smaller panel stamps, one (15x(37 m.) representing three angels, two blowing trumpets, the third, in the centre, playing on the triangle ; the other (16 x 76 m.), a piper and four dancing peasants : three men and a woman. From the Binding of a Manuscript (Koyal 2 A. xii). British Museum. D. 500-1887. 313 Flanders. Bruges. Anthony van Gavere, 1459-1505. The larger panel above described (310) here set in a frame (88x60 m.), the head and foot of which ai-e adorned with trefoils within triangular spaces formed by a zigzag line ; the sides by poles with scrolls wound round them. D. 1411-1887. 314 Flanders. Bruges. Side of a Book-cover adorned with four impressions of a panel (805 X 52 m.), the inner portion of which is divided lengthways into two vertical compartments, each occupied by a vine branch with foliage and fruit, enclosing within its curves three birds and two beasts. The border bears the followiDg invocation interrupted 166 NETHEELAXDISH RUBBINGS at each angle by a small quatrefoil : OVA . PI'O . ItOfiilS" . 0iincta I Uri ♦ grnitrtx" . Dt \ liigui ♦ rfficiamur . JjrOmilS | iSiOUf . Xpri'Sti* These are separated from each other by repeated impressions of two panel stamps, the one (27x80"o m.) divided into three compartments, that in the centre representing !S. Margaret holding a cross in her hands joined in prayer, trinmphing over a winged monster which has the skirt of her dress in its month ; the side compartments are occupied by a "wivei'n and a gryphon, standing on undulating ground. The other (28 x 83 m.) divided into three compartments representing the same figures, but differently treated ; on the left of the saint is seen a flowering plant. From the Binding of a Manuscript formerly in the Cistercian Abbey of the Dunes. Diocesan Seminary, Bruges. D. 2337-1885. 315 Flanders. Bruges. Side of a Book-cover adorned with two impressions of a panel- siamp (80 • o x 52 m.) similar in design to the largest panel described under 314, 1)ut with variations and suppressions of details ; separated from each other by a panel (27 X 80 '5 m.) similar to the smallest stamp described under 314. From the Binding of a Manuscript Horae executed at Bruges for Mouscrou-vauden Brande. Chmch of iS. Waldetrudis, Mens. D. 2338-1885. 31G Flanders. Bruges. Side of a Book-cover adorned with four impressions of the larger panel stamp described under 315, the two upper separated from the two lower by a piiuvl (18 x 68 m.) divided into four I'cctaugular compartments alternately containing a fleur-de-lys or a quatrefoil within a lozenge flanked by four demi-fleurs-de-lys. From the 15inding of a nuinuscript formerly in the Cistercian Abbey of the Dunes. Diocesan Seminary, Bruges. D. 2339-1885. 317 James, illuminator. Panel (92 x 65 m.). The inner ])ortion is divided by vertical lines into three compartments. Tiiat in the centre, much narrower than the other two, bears the inscription : iacou illvminator me fecit. The lateral compartments are each occupied by four, and the border by sixteen circular medallions containing animals in pairs facing each other. The spaces between the medallions are filled witli foliated ornament. D. 561-1887. NETHEKLAXDlSll ULBBlNGb 107 318 Brabant. Louvain. John Voldener, 1473-1 177. Ten stamps froni the .side of a Book -cover divided iuto com- partments by tillets of three und two lines. The chief of these are : Lozenge-shaped : 1 the peHcau in its piety ; 2 a fleur-de-lys. Rectangular : 3 the Holy Lamb standing witli cioss and banner ; 4 the imperial double eagle di.splayed surmounted by a star ; 5 a lion rampant. 6 the binder's name. From the Binding of Fasciculus temporiim, Lovanii, 147(). Hoyal Library, The Hague. D. 61-1887. See Chromolithograph by E. Spanier in Holtrop, Monuments typogra- phiques des Pays-Bas au quinzieme siecle. La Haye, 1868, pi. 131. 319 Liege. Tongres. c. 1480, Six stamps in use in a bindery at Tongres in the last quarter ot' the loth century. Circular : 1 (D. ISm.) the Holy Lamb and cross with the legend : ^fff agnu$ tTfi ({ui ti^Wit ^^Utata lUU^lJi ; 2 apparently a seal bearing a fleur-de-lys and the name l^rinritUS ; 3 (D.7-5 m.) the Holy Face ; and 4, a cock. Rectangular : 1 (17 X 17 m.) the B. Virgin and Child beneath a crocketed canopy supported by pinnacled shafts ; 2 (14 x 13*5 m.) the pelican in its piety. From the Binding of a MS. Expositio fratris Dijonisii Charlusiensis super lihros Rei^um, formerly in the convent of S. Agues at Tongres. University Library, Utrecht. ^ D. 64-1887. 320 c. 1480. Panel (105-5 x 74 m.). At the head are these words : OtltUItt 0U0citat rixa0; at the foot: ?iitfm iiifrrrr raur; ami, in smaller characters, on a vertical band dividing the i)anel into two equal portions : iilOll 0tant ffUf IM inCtU faCta* The o-round on each side is divided into four zones of unequal height ; of these the lowest and third contain representations of the Holy Lamb, the pelican in its piety, two lions face to face, and a man with a spear, mounted on a camel, each withni a circular medallion placed at the inner end of the compartment ; the spaces between these medallions and the outer edge of the 168 NETHEHLANDIStt 11UB13INGS panel are occupied by birds and animals. In the second zone are two interlaced dra<^ons and two monsters facing each other at a fountain. In the uppermost zone are a unicorn, two dogs, a stag, a man blowing a horn, and a hare. Lozenge-shaped stamp (26*5 X 19" 5 m.) with a full-length figure of Christ holdijig an orb surmounted by a cross and in the act of blessing. From tlie Binding of Ara dicendi sive perornndi. Colonie, lohauncs Koelhoff dc Lubeck, 1484. The Bodleian, Oxford. D. 2366-1885. 321 c. 1475. Panel (90*5 x 65 m,). The B. Virgin standing, holding the Infant Christ on her right arm, in a chapel with a crocketed arch- way, the finial of which occupies the centre of the border on which are these words : gJ1^r0U0 | iWOiria | nts of quatrefoil diaper : 3, ol)long, a pole enwreathed with foliage; 4, rectangular, a cruciform floriated ornament. From the Bindings of MSS. 2,382 and 1,695. Royal Library, Brussels. D. 1445 and 1448-1887. NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS 177 355 Brabant. Monastery of Bethlehem. Six stamps iu use in the Bindery of the Monastery of Beth- lehem ; the chief of these are; 1, square, a winged |ir>>— monster ; 2, square, a double eagle displayed ; 3, the Il3 I^ mark of the bindery. From the Binding of Liber Epislolarum S. Hicromjmi, MS. Routh Collection, CTniversity Library, Durham. 1). 1409-1887. 356 Brabant. Twelve stamps; seven of these are rectangular; 1, the Holy Face with a cruciform nimbus ; 2, the pelican in its piety ; 3, a double eagle surmounted by a star ; 4, a garden en- closed in which are a bird and three trees ; 5, aj monster's head ; 6, a wivern ; 7, a bird with a fleur- de-lys above it ; the letters i)f and a bow and arrow _ between 4 stars, probably a rebus ; of the other five, ^^ ^ one, lozenge-shaped, bears a fleur-de-lys. From the Bindings of: 1, Vitae Patrum, 1485, from the abbey of Oudeuburg. Town Library, Bruges. 2, MS. 1,543. Royal Library, Brussels. D. 1375 and 1376-1887. M 357 Liege. Stavelot. Abbey of S. Remaclus. Eight stamps in use in the Bindery of the Benedictine Monastery of S. Remaclus in the 14th and 15th centuries ; one of these, the library murk, is here re-produced. From the Bindings of MSS. 16,961 and 16,962, British Museum, and 2,034, Eoyal Library, Brussels. D. 218-220 and 1381-1887. 358 c. 1507. Six stamps on the cover of a book formerly belonging to the Benedictine Monastery of S. Remaclus at Stavelot. From the Binding of S. Hieko.ntiii Vitae Patrum, 1507. D. 1403-1887. 359 Namur. Convent of the Crutched Friars ; Six stamps used in the Bindery of the Crutched Friars at Namur in the fifteenth century. Four of these are rectangular ; I eiiio. ^* 178 NETllEltLANUIsn liUlililNGS 1, ul)lon£:, divided linrizontally into three compartments; in the centre a cross jiattee between a pinchers ^>E7Rtm? iffil immnrr^ and a iiammer, eacli accomi)aiiied by two stars ; the upper and lower divisions bear the legend : Liber fratrum nainurcensiiuu. 2, the Image of Pity : our Lord, crowned with thorns, standing, His arms bound before Him ; on rt. the scourge, on 1. the reed and sponge. 3, the Holy Lamb with cross and banner going to rt. 1, a double eagle displayed. The other two stamps are a fleur-de-lys within a lozenge, and a bird within a circle. From the Binding of Ioannis Socci Sennones. Library, Brussels. (MS. 1,679) Royal D. 1385-1887. Flanders. 360 Bruges Charterhouse of Sint Anna ter Woestine, c.1470. Stamps in use in the Bindery of the Charterhouse ; one of these, lozenge-shaped, bears a lion rampant. From the Bindiu/j of a MS. Ue viris illustribus Ordinis Cisterciensis. Town Library, Bruges. D. 1454-1887. 361 Tlanders. Bruges. Cistercian abbey of the Dunes. Seven stamps. The chief of these are : 1 and 2, oval, each with an escuchoon charged with the arms of the abbey ; above the escuchcou is the word : DVNis : 3, lozenge-shaped, a swan ensigued with a crown ; 4, a large fleur-de-lys. From Bindings of MSS. Town Library, Bruges. D. 1455-1887. 362 Flanders. Part of the side of a Book-cover: the border divided into triangular compartments, each adorned with a spirited figure of a Avivern. The enclosed space is diapered with fleurs-dc-lys and the Burgundian badge: a steel and flint witii flames, within lozenge- shaped compartments formed bv intersecting diagonal three-liue fillets. From the Binding of Vinckntii Speculum Naturale, Venctiis, 1494, formerly in the Library of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Andrew. Town Library, I5nij,^es. ' D. 1451-1887. NETHEIILANDISJI liUliBINGS 179 363 Flanders. Ghent. Side of a l>ook-cover. The centre is subdivided by intersecting two-line illlets into lozenge-sliapcd jind trianguhir compartments, each occupied by a stamped ornament. The border is fonnecl by vertical and horizontal bauds which, crossing each other, are prolonged to the edge of the cover ; these bands are adorned with a succession of stamped ornaments alternately circular and lozenge- shaped. The stamps used are a double rose, a lozenge charged with a flower between two sprays of foliage, a development of the fleur-de-lys, the briquet of Burgundy with flames, a fleur-de-lys, and a bee. From the Binding of Add. MSS. 16,952, British Museum. D. 491-1886. 364 Flanders. Four stamps from the side of a Book-cover, three of which are identical with those on 363 ; the fourth, lozenge-shaped, represents a shepherd leaning on his staff". From the Binding of a IMS. relating to the differences between Mary of Burgundy and the King of France. (.MS. 17,717) British Museum. D. 68-1887. 365 Grammont. Monastery of S. Adrian. Three stamps in use in the Bindery of the Monastery : 1, oblong, a quatrefoil within a cii'cle between two demi-foliated ornaments ; 2, a foliated cruciform stamp ; 3, square, a lion sejant. From the Binding of MS. 24,075. British Museum. D. 1410-1887. 366 Part of the side of a Book-cover. The central portion, divided by intersecting three-line fillets into four vertical panels, and each of these again into four triangular compartments stamped with a fleur-de-lys, is bordered by a broad band of interlaced chain- work Avithin a plain frame formed by intersecting three-line fillets. From the Binding of Missale insi(j7iis ecclesie Tornaceusis. In Par- hiseorum academia, 1498. Boyal Library, Brussels. D. 1943-1889 367 TouRNAi. William Floutmart. Part of the side of a Book-cover. The central portion is divided bv diagonal intersecting three-line fillets into lozenge- M 2 180 NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS shaped and triaiifjular couipartments, the former stamped with a larire floral ornament having in its centre the binder's the latter with a similar ornament, dimidiated, formed by parallel fillets and adorned at intervals with a rose Avithin a circle, and a cruciform floriated ornament within a lozenge. The outer fillet is bordered by cresting:. The whole enclosed within a two-lined fillet. #a large cipher. Frame witli a From the Binding of Missale insignis ecclesie Tornacensis. In Par- hiseorum academia. 1498. Town Library, Saint Omer. J). 1944-1889. 368 Panel (86 X 63 m,). The Scourging of Christ. In the centre, our Lord with His arms bound to a pillar in the foreground. To His right, an executioner with rods ; to left, another with a scourge, both about to strike. Border adorned with four sprays of flowing foliage and flowers, interrupted at each angle by a large double flower. From the Binding of Fit. A. Rampkgoli Figure Biblie. Parisiis, 1503. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. I). 1849-1889. 369 Wesel. Brothers of Common Life. Panel (60 x 90-5 m.). Christmas uight. A shed open to the wind on all sides ; the new-born Babe, lying on the ground, is adored by His Mother, S. Joseph and angels. At the extreme rt. are the ox and ass, and in the left distance, the angels appearing to the shepherds whose sheep are seen on the hills. On the border is this legend interrupted at each angle by a rose: ^$tf * Xittv , ligatu0 . f0t . lur0aUr ♦ T | ttomo . *ft"i ♦ martini | ot « lauUrm * xpi . 0autir « l^omo | i1^$ » ip0 . waP , r0t. Panel (46 x 59 m.). S.Martin on horseback, dividing his cloak with his sword and giving half to a crippled beggar ; the back- ground, adorned with sprays of foliage. On the liorder is the legend : |jj0tr Utcv . ItgaP ♦ C0t . I . tromo I m ♦ inartiiii ♦ turalic I infrrioti0 . oti ♦ laulrrin | xpi . tt ♦ nitl0 . f IU0 . interrupted at each angle by a cinquefoil. From the Binding of Opuscula S. Bonavkntuk*. Parisiis, 1510. D. 2358-1885. NETHEKLANDiSII UUBBINGS 181 370 Flakdeks. Ghent. Van Gavere. Panel (llT'o x 69 m.) with a mar<;inal Icjjjend intorruptrd at each angle by a flower: \}(ni . riTatOl* ♦ ^piritm \ mfUtr!5 . tuorum . Dmta . implr | ^uprrna . gracia 1 aur . tu CVfil^ti . pfftOra. The inner part is divided lengthways into two vertical eonipartments b^" a band adorned Avith trel'oih in triangular spaces formed by a continuous double zig-zag line. In each compartment are four angels blowing trumpets, enclosed within the graceful curves of a branch of foliage and fruit. From the Binding of a MS. Horae. Six collection, Amsterdam. D. 2a31-1885. 371 Flanders. Ghent. George van Gavere. Panel (88 x 60 m.) with a marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a flower : (^mMt^ . 0rt«Cli . il^gf U tt \ HYCfiiVigtM , trri ♦ oratf ♦ pro ♦ notJi0, | :|lori0 . tir . gaurrr, | mr . ligauit ♦ ^n . ganlI»tUO. The inner portion is divided lengthways into two vertical compartments, each occupied by three angels playing musical instruments enclosed within the curves of a vine branch. Panel (19 x 89 m.) divided into five compartments each con- taining an animal : a boar ; a unicorn ; a lion ; a wivern, and a stag. From the Binding of Angeli PoLiTiANi O/jera. Lugduni, 1528. Royal Library, The Hague. I). 2335 and 2336-1885. 372 Flanders. Ghent. James van Gavere. Panel (82*5 x 59 m.) with a marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a fleur-de-lys: tromtlir * rxjaullt . OraflOltr ♦ inram | et ♦ rlamor ! mtm . air tr ♦ Dniiat. The inner portion is divided lengthways into two vertical compart- ments, each occupied by three angels playing musical instruments enclosed within the curves of a vine branch. From the Binding of Missale Romanum. Venetiis, 1493. Jjibrary of the Benedictine abbey, Schottenbof, Vienna. D. 2330-1885. The same panel adorns the Binding of a ^IS. Latin Psaher formerly in the Cistercian abbey of the Dunes, now in the Town Library, Hruges. James van Gavere left Flanders early in the sixteenth century, and settled ill London, where he was still exercising his craft in 1535. 182 NETIIEKLANDI>II RUBBINGS 373 Flandeks. Giiknt. Vail Gavcre. Panel C89 X 60 in.) with a ninrji'mal legend internipled at each anach angle by a fleur-de-lys : oi*. . lavdem ( xriusxi . liuuv.m . HVNC [ UECTE . LiGAVi | LVDOVicvs . BLOC. The interior is divided into two compartments each occupied by two interlacing vine-branclies enclosing within their curves four figures of animals facing those in the other compartment. 2 Panel (20 x 79 m.) three men and a woman dancing to the music of bagpipes. From the Binding of Egeiton JNIS. '2,125. British Museum. D. 565-1887. 377 Flanders. Ghent. Brothers of Common Life. Side of a Book-cover adorned with two impressions of a panel (110 X 72 m.) representing S. Jerome kneeling before a Crucifix. Behind the Saint, on a tree, his hat and mantle, and by his side, a lion lifting up its left front paw. Beyond the mountain tops are seen the belfry of Ghent surmounted by the dragon, and the spires of three churches. At the foot is the inscription : ([niintiaui ill fUitl»f ftV/^r?fin» The border bears the following legend inter- rupted at each angle bv a small ornament: J^ifl^il A pucrifitl ita I Uititrr ronat"* 0um ut iVn»inm tmntnttm rt rrrrttTw j cevDictm trri a^urr^uwi ^r | oDia prouofa» ttf'i, ^iCVO'iJ/'S'^ffs att ^U^tOc/i/uiii. \)irgiiie//i. Between the panels is a band formed by the repetition of an oblong stamp (13 X 36-5 m.) representing a two-legged monster with a tail branching out into foliage. From the Binding of Savonaecjla. Prcdiche sopra il Salmo Quam bonus Israel Deus. Venice, 1528. Town Library, Beaune. D. 69-1887. 378 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Panel (69 x 44 m.). S. John Baptist standing, pointing to a lamb which rests on his 1. arm. On each side, a tree growing on a hillock ; in the back- ground, stars. Above is a cusped arch supported by annelated columns resting on a basement bearing the invocation ^. iof)a"«f6 fiaptieta era. Panel (69 x 44 m.). S. -lohn the Evangelist, standing, holding in his 1. hand a palm branch and chalice-shaped cup, over which he is making the sign of the cross. The accessories similar to those in the panel above described, with the invocation ^anttt * totannr$ . jjra« Four square stamps representing a wiveru, a falcon, a lion and a boar. From the Binding of B. Fulgkntii Opera. Coloniae Agrippinae, 152C. D. 2354-1885. The same panels adorn the Binding of I. Bktnakdi Scrmones Quadragesiniales. Lugduni, 1515. 184 NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS. 379 c. 1490. Details from the side of a Book-cover. In the centre a panel (288). The space around is adorned with five stamps : 1, 2, labels inscribed tf)f$U0 and ntatiil. 3, Circular (D. 18 m.) an escucheon, bearing the letters ma above a musical stafll', on which are the notes re la, probably for Marela, possibly the original owner's name ; 4, 5, two small circular stamps : a star, and a double eagle displayed. From the Binding of MS. 24,332. British Museum. D. 98-1886. 380 Flanders. Bruges, c. 1490. Panel (284 x 188 m.). In the centre the cipher ^f)^ with- in a circle bordered by flowing foliage, on a boldly designed ground of foliage and flowers. From a Register dated 1492. Episcopal Archives, Bruges. D. 1374-1887. The same panel adorns a volume in the Archives of the church of Our Lady at Lisseweghe, near Bruges. 381 Flanders. Ghent. Victor van Crombrugghe, 1509-1518. Side of a Book-cover adorned with two impressions of a panel stamp (73 x 46 m.). The Scourging at the Pillar. Beneath an hexagonal canopy, the .Saviour, tied with his hands behind him to the pillar, is being scourged by two executioners ; the one, on rt., with a cap and featiier, holds a triple scourge ; the other, on I., barehejuled, raising a rod above his head, is about to deal a blow. In the background, a low wall of masonry. Marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a fleur-delyp : , (OfpU^ . mtnm , urtri . I , prrnttte»ttt)u0 ♦ | . rt . grna0 ♦ mrajt . DrUr«titi«* . I . :?^0air ♦ 50. From the Binding of a MS. formerly in the Cistercian abbey of the Dunes. Diocesan Seminary, Bruges. 1). 129-)8S6. 382 Flanders. Ghent. Victor van Crombrugghe, 1509-1518. Details from the side of a Book-cover. 1 Panel (73 x 47 m). The Image of Pity. Beneath a hexagonal crocketed canopy, supported by two corbels, is the figure of our NETIlfckLANDlSH I{1 BBINGS IHo Lord standing holding a triple scourge in His 1. hand and a rod of twigs in His rt., the lower portion of the liody b(!ing concealed by conventional clouds. His head is encircled by a cruciferous nimbus; above it arc the words: ffff llOtllO on a star- besprinkled ground. The border bears this legend, interrupted at each angle by a quatrefoil : . ofi ♦ lautK^lU ♦ | .Xpi . Utinim . l^uni; . I . rtctc, ligaui . | ijictor . Da . croliniggl^r. 2 Panel (15 x 73 m.) dirided into four compartments occupied by a double-headed eagle displayed, a wivern, a stag, and a wolf. 3 Panel (73 x 46 m.). The Scourging at the pillar, as on 381. 1). 562 1887. 383 Brabant. 'sHertoghen Bossche. Part of the side of a Book-cover. Panel (94x68 m.). The Scourging at the Pillar. Beneath a hexagonal canopy, the Saviour, tied with his hands behind him to the pillar, is being scourged by two executioners, the one on rt., raising a rod above his head, is about to deal a blow ; the other, on 1., armed with a triple scourge, and wearing a tall pointed cap, is mocking our Lord. In the background, a low wall of masonry. Marginal legend, interrupted at each angle by a fleur-de-lys : iiTOtJPUO ♦ mrum ♦ trrtri . | prrfutirtiiJu^ . 1 . et . griiais . mea^ ♦ Drilf tttiliu0 , 1 . :|l0aie . so. This panel is surrounded by an inner border of flowing foliage with flowers and birds, and an outer one formed by the repetition of an escucheon charged with the arms of the town of 'sHertoghen Bossche, supported by two woodhousas armed with clubs. From the Binding of a MS. in the Six collection, Amsterdam. D. 128-1886. 384 Panel (74 x 52 m.) . The Image of Pity, similar in design to 382 ; the border composed of a diaper of quatrefoils within lozenges, interrupted at the angles by a flower. Panel (78 x 52 m.). The inner portion is divided into two vertical compartments each occupied by a branch of foliage and fruit enclosing within its curves a wivern, a falcon and a dog, facing those in the other compartment. The border is adorned with four branches of foliage and fruit, with wiverns and birds, interrupted at the angles by a flower. From the Binding of Fi'o/a flnimac. Antrerpiae, 1533. Corpus Chri.>iti College, Cambridge. D. 1836 and 1837-1889. 186 WETIIFRLANDISU KlliBINGS 3S5 Details from the side of a Book-cover. I'anel (63 x 14 m.). S. Barbara standing, holding an open book in her rt. hand and a palm branch in her left ; on right, a tower ; above, a eusj)ed arch supported by corbels. Border of branch-work and foliage, interrupted at each angle by a floriated quatrefoil. Panel (62 X 43o m.). The Image of Pity. The figure of our Lord standing in an open tomb with the hands crossed, a triple scourge in the rt. and a bundle of twigs in the left ; his head, inclined to the rt. shoulder, has a cruciferous nimbus. Behind is the cross, over the 1. arm of which is thrown the sweat-cloth. On rt. are a hand pulling the hair, the pinchers, the three pots of spices, crown of thorns, lantern and pillar. On 1., upright, are the reed and sponge, spear, and bulrush. Above is a cusped arch supported by two corbels. The space between these panels and the edge of the cover is adorned with two small stamps : an eagle displayed within a lozenge, and a rose within a circle. From the Binding of a MS. Book of Hours in Dutch. Six collection, Amsterdam. T). 2357 and 23(;3-188j. 386 Panel (97 X 60 m.). The Image of Pity. The figure of our Lord, standing in an open tomb, Avith the hands crossed, a triple scourge in the rt., and a bundle of twigs in the 1. The head, inclined to the rt. shoulder, has a cruciferous nimbus. Behind is the cross surmounted 1)y the title. At the intersection is the crown of thorns ; above the rt. arm are the three pots of spices and the cock; on the 1., the thirty pieces of silver ; above, are the sun and moon. Below, on rt., are a hand pulling the hair, the chalice, the lantern, the vessel for the vinegar, hammer, pinchers, and pillar ; on 1., the three nails, the reed and sponge, and the spear. Above is a hexagonal canopy supported by two corbels. The whole enclosed within a border, divided by two continuous zigzag lines into triangular compartments occupied by floriated trefoils ; the larger spaces at the angles, by a floriated quatrefoil and two trefoils. From the Binding of a Manuscript. Six collection, Amsterdam. \). 2371-1885. 387 Panel (112 x 74-5 m.). The Image of Pity. The figure of Christ standing up in an open tomb with His hands crossed, a triple scourge in the rt. and a rod of twigs in the 1. His head, surrounded by a cruciferous nimbus, is inclined to the rt. shoulder. Behind is the cross ; over its left arm, the sweat-cloth ; above it, the sun, moon and stars. On rt., a hand with a lock of hair, the thirty pieces of silver, the sword of Peter, the pillar with the cock crowing oji it, the lantern, the vessel for the vinegar, the NETriERLANDJSH RUBBINGS 187 hammer, the three nails, the ehalice and the three pots of spiees. On 1., plueed upright, arc the reed and sponge, the bidrusli and the spear. Above is a hexagonal crocketed canopy. Tlie wliole is enclosed within a border bearing the legend : ^ i)09> O'""f0 qui I traiif5itt!9 prr iJinm annilittr rt I Uitrrtr 01 t&t \ trOlOr $tmtU$ SSiCUt IrO lor mrU0 interrupted at caeli angle by a floriated quatrefoil. From the Kinding of a MS. book of Hours in Dutch. Episcopnl Museum, Haarlem. i). 2372-1885. 388 Panel (95*5 x 61 m.). The Image of Pity. The figure of our Lord standing in an altar-tomb, with His hands crossed before Him ; His head, surrounded by a cruciferous nimbus. Behind is a tau-shaped cross, surmounted by the title, above which is one of the nails ; the remaining two being, one on the rt., the other on the 1., of our Lord. On his rt. are the reed and sponge, and the spear leaning against the ladder, Judas's purse, the pinchers and two pots of spices ; the third, and a vessel for the vinegar occupy a corresponding position on the 1., where are also the pillar with a rod of twigs and a triple scourge placed saltirewise in front of it. Above the 1. arm of the cross is the cock. A canopy adorned with foliage and flowers surmounts the group and is supported by two slender columns. The whole is enclosed within a border bearing this legend interrupted at the angles by a large flower : <© » 1)00 . omnf0 ♦ aui . tran0iti0 ♦ | jirr ♦ uiam , I attrntiitr rt . Uttrrtr • 0i ♦ r0t . trolor . 0tmtU0 | 0icut , irolor ♦ mfU0» This panel is surrounded by a frame formed by intersecting fillets and adorned with three stamps : one circular (D. 20 m.) with the imperial double eagle displayed ; another, lozenge-shaped, with a lion rampant. From the Binding of a MS. book of Hours in Dutch. Archiepiscopal Museum, Utrecht. D. 2373-1885. 389 Panel (106 x 72 ra.). The Image of Pity. The figure of our Lord standing in an open tomb, with the hands crossed, a triple scourge in the rt., and si bundle of twigs in the 1." His head, incUned to the rt. shoulder, has a cruciferous nimbus. Behind is the cross, over the 1, arm of which is thrown the sweat-cloth; above it are the sun and moon. On rt. are a hand pulling the hair, the pillar with the cock on it, the hammer, three nails, lantern, vessel for the vinegar and three spice-boxes. On 1,, upright, the reed and sponge, the spear, and the rush. Above is a cusped arch, springing from two corbels. The whole is enclosed within a border adorned with sprays of foliage and fruit, with a flower at each angle. From a Binding. Six collection, Amsterdam. D. 2374-1885, l88 NETHERLA.NDISH RUBBINGS 390 Panel (119 x 80 m.). The Blessed Trinity. The Eternal Father wearing a cope and an imperial crown, is seated beneath a ciborium, suspended from an arch supported by two large brackets ; the curtains with which it is furnished being upheld by two angels. In front is a figure of Christ on a tau-shaped cross ; above the right arm is the Holy Dove. The whole enclosed within a border, adorned with birds, sprays of foliage, flowers, etc. From a Binding in the Six collection, Amsterdam. U. 2361-1885. 391 Panel (119 x80 m.). The Image of Pity. The figure of our Lord standing in an open tomb with the hands crossed ; a bundle of rods in the right, a triple knotted scourge in the left. The head, inclined to the right shoulder, has a cruciferous nimbus. Behind is the cross, with the sun above the left arm, and the moon above the right. To the right of the cross are the lantern, the vessel for the vinegar, the sword, hammer and pinchers, a hand, and the pillar with the cock crowing. On the left, the three nails, three spice-boxes, reed and sponge, and spear. Above is a depressed round arch from which is suspended a garland of leaves ; between it and the top of the cross are two cross-keys .^ ^ and the initials Gr.P. The whole is enclosed within a (^yCP border adorned with birds, monsters, sprays of foliage ^ Q and flowers. From a Binding in the Six collection, Amsterdam. I). 2362-1885. 392 The same panel. From the Binding of Iohannis Sarisbbriensis Policratiais. Lugduni, 1513. Cathedral Library, York. . D. 295-1887. 393 * Utrecht. Five stamps used by a binder at Utrecht, c. 1525. One of these, lozenge-shaped, has a crowned female bust, within a border of interlaced^work ; another, circular, an escucheon charged with a chevron, accompanied by 3 clover leaves, 2 and 1 ; and the letters D D C for Dionysius de Campo, a canon of the church of oui' Lady at Utrecht, for whom this volume was bound. From the Binding of G. Kiel, Sacre (Ja7wnis Mixse Expositio. I'arisiig, 1516. UniTcreity Library, Utrecht. I). 1396-1887. NETIIEKLANDISH llUHBINGS 189 304 1517. Two stamps ; a double rose, and a fleur-de-lys within a lozenge. l<'rom the Binding of an Account Book of the Bishop of Utrecht, 1517, Town Library, Utrecht. D. 1393—1887. 395 Utrecht, c. 1520. Four stamps used by bookbinders at Utrecht in the first quarter of the sixteenth century. From the Bindings of: a MS. Die Coroniht van den Stichtvan Utrecht, and Odoxis Pauisiensis Flores Sermonum. Parisiis, l."»20. University Library, Utrecht, D. 1394 and 1395-1887. 396 Maastricht. Panel (112 x 70 m.). Beneath a cusped arch supported by two brackets is a full-length figure of S. Servatius, bishop of Tougres and patron of the city of Maastricht, vested in alb, cope and mitre, holding in his 1. hand the key of the confession of S. Peter* still preserved in the cathedral of Maastricht, and in his rt. a pastoral staff, the point of which is piercing the throat of a dragon on the prostrate body of which the saint is standing. On each side, an angel ; above and around, stars. A plain border with quatrefoils at the angles, bears this legend : :^f rUiltiU0 ♦ 0fruauit . | titrrm . ^rruatiit . plrfirm . tromini | 0nuanlro ♦ rt . oranlro ♦ | mrruit . auoir . rrrlrttiit . From the Binding of a Manuscript. Six collection, Amsterdam. D. 2353-1885. * See " Le Beffroi," vol. ii, p. 174, Bruges, 1864. 397 Flanders. Bruges. 1 Panel (77x51 m.) with a marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a fleur-de-lys ♦ O0tf nUf ♦ 110^10 . lioniinr. i . mi0f rirorliiam ♦ | . luam . rt . $alutarr . tuum. | . lia ♦ tlOl)t0 ♦ I'he inner portion as on 307. 2 Panel (16 x 77 m.) divided into four compartments containing a stag, an ass, a wivern, and a boar. From the Binding of MS. 17,485. British Museum. D. 563-1887. The larger panel adorns the Binding of a, MS. of the New Testament in the Town Library at Eu. 190 NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS 398 Flanders. Bru(",es. Jodoc van Lede, 1 191-1500. Panel (77x51 m.) with marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a fleur-de-lys : Ofl . lautrcm | Xpil^ti ♦ Utinim . Ijunr ♦ i rrrtr ♦ ligaui | ilulroni0 ♦ tir . Irtrr, ihe interior agrees in design with 307, but ditFers in details. Panel (20 x 77 ni.) divided into four square compartments occupied by a boar, a wivern, a lion, and a stag. Panel (62 X 42 m.). The inner portion is divided into two vertical compartments each occupied by a vine branch Avith foliage and fruit enclosing within its curves two birds and an ape. Border : a vine branch. From the Binding of Fsalterium et Cantica Aethiopice, Romae, 1513. D. .564-1887. 399 Panel (80 X 51 m.). The border adorned with flowing branches of foliage and fruit terminated at each angle by a flower; betvveen the curves of the branches and the edges of the border are intro- duced figures of hounds, stags, boars, &c. The inner part is divided into two vertical compartments each occupied by two interlacing branches of foliage and fruit enclosing within their curves four figures of animals, facing those in the other compartment, bearing a general resemblance to the panel stamp (370) used by Louis Bloc of Bruges. From the Binding of Breviarium Traiectense, 15)4. Library of the Royal Academy, Amsterdam. 1). 102-1886. 400 Panel (79 x 50 m.). Two interlacing sprays of foliage and flowers ; from one of the latter in the centre springs a monster. Panel (78 x 53 m.) similar to 399, but the design of the inner portion is reversed. Panel divided into rectangular compartments containing figures of a lion, a wivern, a gryphon and a pelican in its piety; the design simihir to that of a panel (322) used by Anthony van Gavere of Bruges, but reversed. From the Binding of a Manuscript. Mazarine Library, Paris. D. 1462-1887. 401 Antwerp. Side of a Book-cover. Panel (72 x 47 m.). S. Roch, attired as a pilgrim, standing between two trees, holding a staff" in his 1. hand ; a dog with a loaf in its mouth is jumping up with its forepaws against it. On rt., an angel to whom the saint is showinor the plague spot on his thigh. Above is a trifoiiated arch with two large crockets filling up the angles of the panel. Below is the invocation : ^ailCtr YOCtiC OVa. ISETllEULANDJSH RllUilXGS 1!)1 Border : a flowing stem of foliage and fiowers ; the space between it and the panel stamped with a label inscribed with the Holy Mami! 11)0. From the Biiidiug of JJrcviariuiii ainonicorum regulariwn M^lnile- rhimensis ordinis S. Aii x 43*5 m.) with a marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a flower : niisrrrrf 1 ittfi . Xstw^ . ^rruutrum I maguam | ini^nico rtitam ♦ tuam* The inner portion is divided into two long vertical com])urtments each occupied by a branch of foliage and fruit enclosing within its curves a wivern and three other animals facing those in the other compartment. Panel (66 x 43'5 ra.) similar in arrangement. Legend: ;^)U ♦ tr*tromtnr \ gprraui | non confmtUar i :?inrtrinuim In each compartment, two beasts and two birds. Panel (06x17 m.) divided into four rectangular compartments containing a wivern, a lion, a stag, and an eagle. From the Binding of Scrmones Quadraijesimales fkatuis Guillelmi Pjbpik. Tarisiis, 1529. Uuivcrsity Library, Utrccbt. D. 103-86. 192 NETHERLANDISH IIUBBINGS 406 Side of a Book-cover adorned ■with two impressions of a panel (68 X 44m.) with a marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a quatrefoii : «. The whole enclosed beneath an arch supported by two columns. From the Binding of 1). Dionysii Rickkl in Epistolds Cornmeutdria. 1530. Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. 1). 1835-1889. / 61110. N 1U4 NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS 413 c. 1510. Panel (92o X (33 m.). 'J'he Annunciatiou. On rt., the B. Virgiu kneeling at a prayer-stool on which lies an open book. On 1., the Angel, bearing a huge sceptre with a scroll wound round it. Above is a trifoliated ogee arch supported by two corbels and adorned with two enormous crockets. Border : sprays of foliage and fruit, with two dogs and two wivcrns. From the Binding of D.wid Jouias, Truunt, liaet, Ltere. c. 1542. University Library, Amsterdam. 'D. 2351-1885. 414 Panel (107 x68 m.). The Annunciation. On 1., the B. Virgin kneeling at a prayer- desk ; on rt. the angel holding a fleur-de- lise sceptre roitud which is wound a scroll. Over his head, the Holy Dove Hying down towards the Virgin. Above is a hex- agonal canopy. Border, composed of sprays of foliage and fruit, wiverns and birds, with a flower at each angle. From the Bindin binder's trade-mark. Z^/v^ From the Binding of loAcniMi Peuionii toplcorum theoloyicoi-um libriii. Pavisiib, 1549 D. 133-1886. 434 Brabant. Louvain. Panel (109 X 08 m). A fidl-length figure of a female with her hands crossed on her breast, represented as in the act of Avalking. The pedestal on which she stands is inscribed Fides. She is lookino- up to a cross above the clouds near which are the words : Meritum Christi. In the background close to her 1. NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS 201 shoulder is the word : Spes, and in front ol" hor, tlie verse : hi te dne spe \ raui no con | fnndar in \ etcrnnm, | in iustitia | tua libera \ me Sf eri\pe me. Psal. 70. | Chari | tas. j. In the lower sinister corner is the binder's trnde-niark. TyLl^ A plain border bears the following legend interrupted at each angle by a quatrefoil : qvoxiam in | me speravit liberabo I EVlI FROTEG | AJI EVM QVO- &e PSAL. 90. From the Binding of lo. Bapt. Folkngii Commentaria in primam D. locnmi.t cpistnlam. Antverpiae, 1547. D. 134-1886. 485 Antwerp. Panel (1025 X 65 m.). An imitation of the panel described under 434. The word Chajritas is here on the left ^-^ side, and the binder's trade mark in the lower dexter *^ corner. I -fi&B From the Bindings of : 1. Caelii Apitii de re culinarin libri x. Basileae, 1541. Koyal Library, Brussels. D. 13.'5-1886. 2. DiONYSii Carthusiani Sumnia Fidel orthodo.vae. Parisiis, 1548. Richardson, 17. 4.36. Antwerp. Peter van Else alias van den Winckel, 1546. Panel (78 x 48 m.). On rt., Eve, standing, is taking with her 1. hand the forbidden fruit from the mouth of a winged dragon. Adam, seated on 1. at the foot of the tree, holds out his 1. hand towards Eve. In the upper right corner, suspended to a branch is an escucheon charged with a tree and the initials P E. Marginal legend interrupted at each angle by a sex-foiled flower : in svdore | vvltvstvi vescerfs I pane TVO per I PETRVM ELSENVM. From the Binding of Orarium .secundum morem ecclesie Sdncte Alarie Antwerpiensis. Venetiis, 1502. British Museum. D. 191 and 192-1888. On the lining : Henricus Hoevelmans me possidet. 43Ga Antwerp, c. 1545. Panel (90 x 57 m.). Beneath a depressed arch supported by two Renascence columns, a pedestal surmounted by a serpent with the reference NV 21 on the background ; at its foot two medallions with profile busts, one on each side. On the plinth : ^nevs . serpens. Plain boi'der stamped with four fleurs-de-lys and four quatrefoils. From the Binding of Le Nouvemi Testament. Anvers, 1543. British • Museum. 437 Utrecht. 1542. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (157 x 16*5 m.) of Renascence ornament : a vase with foliage, a lyre, and a tablet 202 NETHERLANDISH RT^BETNGS with tho date 1542. A lozenge-shapod stamp with a cruciform ornament. From the Hiuding of GraduaU- Traiecteiise, 1554. University Librar)-, Amsterdam. I). 1405-1887. The same stamps occur on several vohimes in the University Library at Utrecht. 438 Utrecht. Michael Harmensz, 1545. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (1 16 x 13 m.) with Renascence ornament, foliage, a vase on which are perched two birds, the binder's initials, fis H and a tablet inscribed 1545 .suspended from an angel's head. ]Jand (119 x 11 m.) of orna- ment : busts in lozenges alternating with double quatrefoils in circles, with a counected border line, the intervening spaces occupied with foliage. From the Binding of C!. Ptolemaei Opera. Basileae, 1541. D. 1407-1887. 439 Utrecht. Michael Harmensz, 1545. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band with the binder's initials and date 1545, as on 438. Floral ornament. From the Binding of Hreriarhtm Bomanum. Parisiis, 1548. University Library, Utrecht. I). 140G-1887. 440 Utrecht. Michael Ilarmeusz. Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with three bands of roll-produced ornament. 1 (211 X 17 m.) divided into six com- partments with representations of the sin of Adam and P^ve, beneath which M(jrs; the story of Noah overcome with wine, beneath which the binder's initials M H ; the sacrifice of Abraham PROMISSIO ; Moses lifting up the serpent SiM bolum RKVcmpt/nnis ; Christ on the cross with Longiiuis piercing His side ; and Christ risino- from the tomb on which are the cipher n^ and the dato 1552, TKiVMiMiA.* 2 (B. 13 m.) Cupids with horns of plenty, foliage and flowers. 3 (B. 13 m.) Busts of kings and warriors in medallions, alternating with foliage, fruit and bii'ds. From the Binding •)f AvtididfupiKi. (Joloniae, 1544. University Library, Utrecht. " D. 149-1887. Compare this band with 742 to 74G. 441 Antwerp, Band of delicate foliated ornament. From the Binding of: 1. Missale Tornacense. Antverpie, 1540. British Museum. 2. K. Volaterrani (Jommentnria Urbnna. Basileao, 1544. f'athodral Library, Hereford. I). 1294 and 1388-1887. NETIIlOIiLANDlSll IM HIUNGS 20.'^ 442 Brabant. Lou vain. Panel (HI x 72 m.) A full-length figure of S. Gertrude stiindiug in a portico of Eeiiascouce style. She holds jui open book in lier rt. hand and an abbatial staff in her left. At her side, on the ground, is a mouse ; anotlier is running up her staff. On the foot-pace 8. Gert. The pilasters are each adorned on tlie inner side with a terminal tigine ; their face and that of the circular pediment which they su[)pc>rt bear this legend : SVM BIBLIOTHEC^E COENOBII DIVvE GERTRVDIS APVD LOVANIENSES. The oniaiuental border surrounding the panel on the ahove binding bears the initials ]\I. G., which may possibly be the mark of the- Augustinian Priory of SS. Martin and Gregory (donius presbyterorum et clericorum SS. Martini et Gregorii), at Louvain {see 432 and 433). These canons belonged to rhe congregation of Wiudeslieira, aiid bore a good reputation as copyists. From the Binding of Maktini Ckomeui de origine et rebus ycstis rolonorum lihri .v.r.v. Basileae, l.'J5.5. lloyal Library, Brussels. D. 131-1886. 443 Brabant. Louvain. 1557. Panel (1 11 x 72 m.). In a portico of the Renascence style is an escucheon with the arms of Philip de Hosdin, 20th abbot of the Augustinian monastery of S. Gertrude, Louvain ; gu. 3 stirrups arf/., 2 and 1, attached to a frame and accompanied by an abbatial staff with its veil, and the initials P H. On the tympanum of the portico is the date 1557, and, on the entablature, the abbot's motto : inter spinas calceatvs. From the Binding of Martini Ckomeki de origine et rebus gestis PoloHorum libri xx.v. Basileae, 1555. Royal Library, Brussels. D. 130-1886. 444 Utrecht. 1559. Band (185 x 11*5 m.) with four three-quarter length female figures in semi-hexagonal projecting balconies, with ornamental foliage above their heads. 1 fides with ji chalice and host in her rt. hand and a cross in her 1. 2 ivdit with a sword in her rt. anil the head of Holofernes in her I. iiand. 3 VKVD¥Mci(( liolding up a mirror. 4 Suavity holding a flower, 1559. From the Binding of MS. 24,687. British Museum. D. 1400-1887. 445 Antwerp. Centre-piece (50 x 35 m.) of strap-work and foliated ornament. Foliated eoriKM* ornament. From the Binding of niblia. Aiitvrpiae, 1570. I). 510-1887. 204 NETHERLANDISH RUBBINGS 446 Elliptical centre-piece (65 x51 m,). A man with an axe raised above his liead, is about to cut down a fruit-tree ; another, iu the background, is kiadlin<^- a (ire ; around is the text : allk . BOOME?t . DIE . GEE« , GOEDE . VUVCMTErt . BRENGE?* . SVLEEH . AFGEHOWDE/i . EN<^/-1887. 208 FRENCH RUBBINGS 464 FlA-Nders. a. Fierlin. Detiiils from the side of a Book-cover atlorned with rows of small stamps: 1, circular, a star of six points; 2, lozengje- shapod, a fleur-dc-lys ; 3, 4, rectangular, a crown. laMi and a nude man seated amidst foliage ; 5, 6, and 7, oblong, a pole en wreathed with foliage, a dog pursuing a stag, and the binder's name. From the Biudinoj of a manuscript. Library of the i\.rsenal, Paris. D. 1359-1887. 465 Five stamps used by the same binder ; one of these, circular, represents the Holy Lamb with the cross and banner ; the others are variations of those above described, of inferior execution. P'rom the Binding of a manuscript. Town Library, Lille. D. 1952-1889. 466 Flaxders. Barbet. Five stamps from the side of a Book-cover: 1, lozenge-shaped, a fleur-de-lys ; 2, 3, and 4, oblong ; an undulating branch of foliage and iruit, a flower spray, anTUC»I^ n ,imi^^ \irmui>?ii!R m(Bm^' :?)i?3i>iiia ILHIll^irHxHlilC li^; (continued on the borders of the under side) (Ti^Fi^JLlU irHi?iM^l^dF» Immediately within this is a border of rectangular stamps with the owner's arms : two bars between six mullets, and in base, a fleur de lys, within a cusped ellipse flanked by four trefoils. The enclosed space is adorned with vertical rows of stamps separated from each other by fillets as on the upper side. From the Bindiug of a Manuscript. Library of the Arsenal, Paris. D. 1354 and 1355-1887. 471 Langdedoc. Le Pdy en Velat. Twenty-one stamps in use by bookbinders of Le Puy, c. 1450- 1525. The chief of these are several varieties of the Holy Lamb, fleur-de-lys, and double rose ; a squirrel, and a square of diaper : four quati"e foils within lozenges. From Bindings of manuscripts. Archives of the Hospital and Town Library, Le Puy. D. 208-211 and 215-1889. 472 Lyons, c. 1492. Part of the side of a Book-cover. Vertical panel divided by diagonal three-line fillets into four triangular compartments occupied by a large elliptical stamp with a columbine plant in flower springing from a two-handled vase ; between the stems are the binder's initials. The border is stamped alternately with a double rose and a foliated ornament. From the Binding of Martialis -E^Jt^rammflfa. Venetiis. 1491. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 1853-1889. 473 1502. Part of the side of a Book-cover (12| x 8i in.) Vertical panel divided by three-line intersecting fillets into lozengc-shai)ed and tiiangular compartments, adorned with circular stamps, those in the former bearing a lion rampant, those in the latter, a / G1140, 210 FRENCH RUBBINGS sexfoil. This central portion is enclosed within a broad frame formed by intersecting horizontal and vertical three-line fillets which are prolonged to the edge of the cover. The compartments at the angles are occupied by a square stamp, with an escucheon charged with the arms of the Dauphin, repeated on the sides, together Avith others bearing a stag, a lion passant, and a camel ; the largest of these having a sexfoil within a circle at each angle. The under side is adorned with the same stamps, but differently disposed, the central panel being divided into square compart- ments. From the Binding of Epistolare B. Pavli apostoli cum explanatlnne Fk. NICOLAI DE GoKKAN. Hfigonaw, 1502. D. 897 and 898-1889. 474 Lyons, c. 1511. Part of the side of a Book-cover. Vertical panel divided by intersecting three-line fillets into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, the former stamped with a floral ornament enclosed within a cusped double ogee-shaped outline ; the latter, with a foliated ornament. The inner border is adorned with a flowing stem of foliage, with tendrils and fruit; the outer, alternately, with a double rose within a circle, and the floral ornament of the central panel. From the Binding of Libri auctentici sen Collationes Feudorum. (Lyons), 1511. D. 904-1889. 475 Part of the side of a Book-cover. The central portion, diapered with floral ornaments of two patterns within double ogee cusped compartments, is surrounded by a band of diaper- work : fleurs-de lys, ermine and quatrefoils within lozenges, between two three-line fillets. The space between this and the edges of the cover is stamped alternately with a double rose within a circle and a large floral ornament. D. 1456-1887. 476 c. 1510. Side of a Book-cover (8^ x 5| in.). Border: a roll-produced band of flowing artichoke pattern between two three-line fillets. The enclosed space is divided by two-line fillets into three com- partments, the broadest of which, in the centre, bears an escucheon with the arms of France ensigned with the royal crown, thrice impressed. From the Blndiog of Roberti Cenalis lYactatus terminorum. Parisils, 1508. Town Library, Beaune. D. 186-1887. FEENCH KUBBINGS 211 477 c.., ^ c. 1513. Sule of a Book-cover similarly adorned. From tlio Binding of Pn. Bekoaldi Commoitdm Qucsticmiim Tuscu- lanovum. Tarhisii, 1509. Town Library, Beauno. 1). 187-1887. 478 Paris. 1512. Side of a Book-cover (8i x 5^ in,). Border of interlaced strap-work. In the centre, an escucheon with the ai'ms of Anne of Brittany cnsigned with the royal crown ; below it, the bado^e of Louis XII., a hedgehog, and two stars ; in the angles four escucheons, two with the arms of France modern, and two Avith those of Brittany, all cnsigned with the royal crown. The inter- mediate spaces stamped with cresting. From the Binding of Guillielmi be Marea Sylvariim lihri iv, et In chimeram. conjlictus. Parisiis, 1511 (1512 n. St.). Town Library, Abbeville. I). 189-1887. This volume was left by Louis XII., in the room he occupied at Abbeyille, the night before his marriage to Mary of England, 9th October 1514. 479 1515. Part of the side of a Book-cover adorned with a roll-produced flowing branch of foliage and flowers, with a fleur-de-lys and ermine, emblematic of Louis XII. and Anne of Brittany. From Binding of " liolles on Memnlres dcs lienfes dues an Grand Bailliage de Samt Gilles. (MS. 19,693.) British Museum. D. 118-1887. 480 c. 1515. Side of a Book-cover adorned with bands of roll-produced orna- ment separated from each other by three-line fillets. Border : a continuous branch of foliage enclosing within its curves flowers, birds, and salamanders. The enclosed space is adorned with four vertical bands : two of diaper-work, quatrefoils within lozenges, and tAvo of interlaced chain-work. From the Binding of Fu. P. he Tiiemeswak, Pomerium Sermonum. Hageuauw, 1509. Town Library, Beaune. D. 191 1887. Q 2 212 FRENCH RUBBINGS 481 Side of a Book-cover (lOf x 7 in.). The central portion, enclosed within a three-line fillet, is adorned with repeated impressions in nine horizontal rows of a circular stamp of the Holy Lamb, standing with cross and banner, the intervening spaces being occupied by a smull circular stamp with a star. Fillets connect the angles with the frame, which is adorned with a narrow roll-produced Ixmd of diaper : stars in lozenge-shaped compartments. The other side has its central portion divided by two inter- secting lillets into four compartments, each adorned with one large and four small circular stamps; the larger bear the holy name i1^0 or a double rose ; the smaller, an eagle displayed. From the Binding of Dukanti Rationale Divmoriim Officiorum. Lugduni, 1516. Richardson, 4, 5. 482 LB. Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with four bands of roll-produced ornament, separated from each other by a broad and two narrow fillets. 1, Large ilowiug artichoke pattern -with I B the binder's initials. 2, Flowers and sprays of foliage. 3, Two undulating chains alternately approaching and receding from each other ; the interspaces filled with floriated quatrefoils. 4, Re- nascence architecturesque ornament. From the Binding of Maktialis. Venetiis, 1510. Abbey Library, Westminster. I). 277-1888. 483 Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with three bands of roll-produced ornament, separated from each other by a broad fillet. 1 and 2, llenascence architecturesque ornament. 3, Interlacing chain-work, Avith open sj)ace.'j adorned alternately M-ith a fleur-de-lys, an ermine, and two flowers. From the Binding of Gkatiam Dccreium aureian, rarisiis, I.'jIS. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 276-1888. 484 Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with bands of roll-produced ornament. Those in the centre are narrow and bear, the one, a succession of flies, the other, an undulating stem with foliage, enclosing quatrefoils within its curves. The inner l)onler is similar in design, but the curves are terminated by a variety of flowers. The outer border is composed of Renascence ornament Avith vases, foliage and flowers, and three figures of winged boys, one of Avhom is playing on a lute. From the Binding of Pomeruim Sennonum Quadragvsimalium. Lugduni, 1514. Abbey Library, Weetminsteri D. 273-188»j FRENCH EUBBlNGS 2l3 485 Pakis. Portion of the side of a Book-cover. In the centre, on a ground diapered "with roses and fleurs-de-lys, are an escucheon charged with the arms of France, and a salamander, the badge of Francis I., each ensigned with the royal crown. Double border with corner ornaments in the Italian style. From the Einding of Heurcs a Vusage d'JEvreu.v, Paris, Simon Vostre, 1513-30. Diocesan Seminary, Nimes. D. 185-1887. 486 Band of Renascence ornament: vases, foliage, two falcons addorsed and the salamander, ensigned with the royal crown. From the Binding of Fk. Gdillermi Pepin Expositio Evangeliorum qtiadragesimalium. Parisiis, 1517. Stonyhurst College. D. 268-1888. 487 Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with two bauds of Renascence ornament, the one architecturesque with masks and foliage ; the other consisting of vases of foliage and flowers and three winged figures of boys, one of whom is playing on a lute. From the Binding of Extravagantes communes. Parisiis, 1522. Cathedral Library, Durham. D. 965-1887. 488 Paris. Side of a Book-cover. In the centre, three vertical bands of roll-produced ornament, that in the middle having three circular medallions occupied by the arms of France ensigned with the I'oyal crown, and by two profile busts of a helmeted warrior and a lady, the oblong intervening spaces being filled by a trophy of arms and ])y intertwining branches with a fly in the middle. The lateral bands have three escucheons : one charged with the arms of the city of Paris, the second, with a female head in profile, and the third, with a mandorla ; in the intervening spaces, two quivers saltirewise, and ornamental work. These are separated from each other and surrounded by three-line fillets, connected at the angles with the frame, which is adorned with two roU-pioduced bands, the one, narrow, a flowing branch with foliage and flowers, the other, a repetition of that in the middle of the inner portion. From the Binding of Fu. de Platea Tractatus excomnmnicationum. Parisiis, 1476. Town Library, Reims. D. 181-1887. 489 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Border of undulating bands alternating with a medallion profile bust. Small floriated angle ornament. Foliated centre-piece formed by two impressions of a stamp. From the Binding of Qiialre Ifistructions Jtdeles pom' les simples. Lyon, 1530. British Museum. D. 194-1888. 214! FRENCH RUBBINGS 490 BUHGUNDY. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Panel {65 x 42 m.). The Annunciation, beneath a crocketod ogee canopy. Three small stamps : I and 2, oblong, an undulating spray of foliage and flowers ; and a stag pursued by hounds ; 3, square, a fieur-de-lys Avithin a lozenge accompanied by four demi-fleurs-de-lys. From the Binding of Decrcta Basiliensia et Bituricensia. Parisiis, 1486. Town Library, Dijon. D. 195-1887. 491 Flanders. Robiers Plourins. Part of the side of a Book-cover adorned with two impressions of a panel stamp and seven of a rectangular stamp charged with a lion rampant. T\\q panel (82 x 60 m.) has its border adorned with four undulating stems of foliage and fruit interrupted at each angle by a fleur-de-lys. The inner part is divided into three vortical compartments, the narrowest of these in the centre bears the binder's name : + robiers ploatiins. In each of the others is a branch of foliage enclosing within its curves four figures of animals. From a Binding. Town Library, Lille. ;D. 1945-1889. 492 Paris. Panel (170 X 100 m.). In the centre (118 x 48 m.) Christ and the Samaritan woman at the well. Our Lord is seated at the right of a round well, on the edge of which stands a large bucket ; the figure of the woman, to the left, apparently standing, is almost entirely obliterated. In the foreground is a pitcher between two plants in flower : a columbine and a pansy. Above, an elegant projecting canoj)y. Border: at the head, the Annunciation ; on the left side, a tall tree up which two youths are climbing to gather the fruit ; a maiden standing at the foot of the tree is looking up and holding out her a[)ron to catch the fruit ; at her side is a heron. Oil the right side are huntsmen and deer. At the foot, in the centre, an escucheon suspended to a tree; two men, one on each side, are about to engage in combat ; the one has a cinquefoiled shield and a sword, the other n curved buckler and a club. From the Binding of Manuale Sleszwicensc. Parisiis, ^yolfgangus Hopylius, 1512. University Library, Kiel. D. 120-1886. The subjoctB represented on the sides and at the foot of the border occur frequently in the J5ooks of Ilour.s printed at Paris at the end of the XV and couimeucemeut of the xvi century. 493 Gilbert Ferrer. Part of the side of a Book-cover. In the centre, a panel (123 X 81 ni.) representing S. Sebastian, girt with a loin cloth and FllENC]! RUBHINQS 215 fastened by cords to a stake on ihe right, his body pierced with seven arrows, tlie last of which lias just been discharged by an archer standing opposite. Above, in a starry sky from which project rays of glory, is an angel holding a crown. On the grass, a bundle of arrows. Border adorned with ilower-sprays on three sides ; at the foot, the name of the binder, giltlf rt fm'f t% and at each angle, a flenr-de-lys. This panel is surrounded by three parallel vertical and horizontal groups of fillets intersecting each other ; the intervening spaces are adorned with fleurs-de-lys in lozenges. From a Binding. Town Library, Beaune. D, 180-1887. 494 Paris. Hemon Le Fevre, 1511-15.35. Panel (120 x 81*5 m.). S. Sebastian fastened to a stake, his hands above his head ; on each side, an archer. Above, two angels bringing a crown. Sprays of foliage and flowers adorn the back- ground. Border : at the head, a dog between two spiays of foliage; at each side, a wivern between two branches of foliage, flowers, and fruit ; at each angle, a fleur-de-lys ; at the foot, the binder's name : ^^KntOH it ftUVC* From the bindins of Dialogus B. Gregokii pape. Parisiis, 1494. Town Library, i3eaune. D. 198-1887, Reproduced: Guuel, pi. 43, p. 122. 495 Paris. Andrew Boule. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Panel (120 x 81*5 m.). S. Sebastian fastened to a stake between two archers. Impressed •with the same panel as 494, but with a modification in the border, the name of Hemon le feure at the foot having been cut out and a plug inserted with a scroll bearing his successor's name : andki BOVLE. This panel is surrounded by two bands, the one bearing a row of flies, the other, a floral diaper. From the Binding of Fr. Armandi de Bellovisu Compendium difficilium terminonan. Basilee, 1491. lloyal Library, Brussels. U. 123-1886. Beproduced by Gkuel, pi. 20, p. 59. 496 Paris. Andrew Boule. Panel (134 x 92 m.). In the centre, a large chalice out of which rises a cross with a figure of Christ on it, surmounted by the title on a scroll. On rt. S. Thomas Aquinas with nimbus and crown, wearing the Dominican habit, the cloak strewn with stars. lie holds a chalice surmounted by the Host to the side of Christ from which a stream of blood flows into it, he has also a closed book under his rt. arm. On 1., S. Katherine of Siena, nimbed, and with a crown of thorns over her veil; she stands on a dragon and is holding up her hands ; in the left, a heart. Streams of blood flow from the five wounds in the Saviour's body to her 216 FRENCH RUBBINGS hands, feet, and side. An angel holds a crown over her head. The background is adorned with delicate sprays of foliage and quatrefoils. At the foot is a large scroll with the binder's name : ANDRi BOVLE. The bordcr is adorned Avith branches of fohage with acorns and fruit, flower sprays, a -wivern and a bird, and, at the angles, with a lleur-de-lys or thistle. From the liindiup of Fu. Aumandi de ]5KLi,ovi8n Compendiim difficilium termmorum. Basilee, 1491. Koyal Library, Brussels. D. 121-1886. Inside the cover : Dono vciierabilis frutris lolumnis Ficrlin, ordinis fratrum rredicatorum Insulensis. 497 Pakis. Andrew Boule. Part of the side of a Hook-cover. In the centre, the panel des<;ribcd under 49G. This is surrounded by bands of ornament : 1, a row of flies ; 2, a floral diaper ; 3, a diaper of flower-s within lozenges. From tlie Bindirifx of Opus in Ioiiannem Capreolum Tholosaimm sacri Fredicutornm ordinis, a fralre Silvestko Pkieuiano. Cremone, 1497. University Library, Amsterdam. U. 122-1886. 498 Panel (161 X 100 m.). In the centre, beneath a cinqucfoiled canopy supported by two brackets, is a fuU-leugth figure of the Eternal Father, standing, clad in imperial robes, holding an orb slu-mounted by a cross in his left hand and an uplifted sword in his right. The background is besprinkled with stars. Around is a broad V)order; in the centre, above, a half-figure of the ]J. Virgin and Child on an upturned crescent; on the rt., the Sibyl and the Emperor Octavian kneeling ; on the 1., a .'arge star and the three Magi. At the foot, on rt., Herod on his throne ordering the massacre of the Innocents. In the centre, between the soldiers who are putting the order into execution, is an escucheon charged with a roundle. From the Binding of a Mauuscrii)t. (6 B. xii.) British Museum. D. 113-1886. 499 T. D. Panel (161 x 100 m.), apparently from the same stamp as the preceding, but the escucheon at tlie foot, instead of a roundle, bears the binder's initials. From the I'iiidiug of RonKUTi ue Licio Qufidrnrjcsimale dc pcccatis. OUeuburg, 1496. Town Library, Abbeville. D. 115-1886. I^RENCH RUBBINGS 217 500 Paris. Details from the side of a Book-covor. Panel (155 x 97 m.). In the centre, a full-length ligure of the Eternal Father, standing. Border with figures: the Sibyl showing the Emperor Octaviun the vision of the Madonna, the three Magi, Herod and the massacre of the Innocents, This is an imitation of the panel described above (41)8). In the centre of the border at the foot is a blank cscucheon. From the Binding of Iiitrodactio in libros avithmcticos did Severiiii Boetii. Parisiis, 1503. D. 192-1887. 501 Panel (143 x 97 m.). Christ on the cross, the B, Virgin, and S. John, beneath a crocketed ogee canopy ; the background powdered with stars. Marginal inscrijition, interrupted at each angle by a fleur-de-lys : # 1)00 Omur0 | ([Ui tVaXXMU^ prr \)iam attmHiitf ft bitrrte | 01 r^t trolor isifut ijolor inru0. From the Binding of X. Deniise, Resolntio Theologornm. Rothomagi 1504. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 1850-1889. 502 Panel (166 x 100 m.). In the centre (123 x 49 m.) David kneeling with outstretched arms, holding the end of a scroll which floats in the air above ; on it is the prayer : (f^ tJUC lit)*Sl Hlm XnCA I on the sward, at his side, lies his harp. Above the clouds, from which burst rays of light, surrounded by adoring angels, is the Ancient of Days, crowned, holding an orb sur- mounted by a cross, and with his right hand raised as in the act of speaking. At the head, a crocketed canopy supported by two brackets. The whole is enclosed within a broad border with trees, huntsmen, hounds, and deer; on the left side, two youths climbing up a tree are gathering fruit ; a maiden at tlu^ foot holds up the skirt of her dress to catch it; at her side, a heron. At the head, a bird with outstretched wings between two flower sprays. From the Binding of N. Deniise, liesolutio Thculogoruvi. Rothomiigi, 1504. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. D. 1851-1889. Compare the border of this punel with that on 492. 503 The same panel. From the Binding of Pustillae maiores i7i Epistolas et Evangclia. Basileae, 1514. Richardson, 3. 504 c. 151. Panel (160 X 105 m.) divided into four compartments (74 X 47" 5 m.) with an escucheon in the centre im- pinging on all four, charged with the binder's cipher. 1. The Eternal Father, in robe and mantle, ci'owned, holding an orb surmounted by a cross and raising His right hand as in the act of blessing, is seen above con- ventional clouds from which issue rays of light; below 218 FRENCH KUBBINGt; on a scroll : ©Tinr Ilfi'lM nO0. At the foot, lierb.s and plants. 2. S. Peter, standing, an open liook in his riglit and a key in his left hand ; a tiara at his side. 3. S. John Baptist, Avith a lamb on his left arm. 4. S. Nicolas, in cope and mitre, holding? a pastoral staff", and making the sign of the cross over three youths in a tub. Above each figure is a crocketed arch springing from corbels ; the ground is powdered with stars. From the Binding of Ekasmus de Verborum et de lienim copia. D. 506-1886. 505 Panel (IGO x 105 ra.) divided into four compartments (74 X 475 m.)with an cscucheon in the centre impinging on all four, charged with the same cipher as on 504. 1. Our Lady of Pity, seated at the foot of the Cross between two trees. 2. S. Gudula, an open book in her right hand and a taper in her left ; a devil with a pair of bellows blowing it out ; an angel relighting it. 3. S. Katherine, crowned, her right hand resting on a sword, and an open book in her left ; a broken wheel at her side and the emperor beneath her feet. 4. S. Barl^ara, with a tower at her side. Above each figure is a crocketed arch springing from two corbels ; the background is powdered with stars. I'rom the Binding of Euasmus de Verborum et de Jierum copia. D. 505-1886. 506 I. de Coulombes. Panel (144 x 60 m.) divided by a horizontal band into two com- partments, each with the figure of a saint standing beneath a trifoliated canopy supported by columns. In the u])per panel, S. John Baptist pointing to a lamb with cross and banner Avhich he supports on his left arm ; in the lower, S. Barbara, holding an open book and apalm-brauch ; a three-Avindowed tower at her side. On the band between is the binder's name, ^ JOf i!.TOUldl)(0> an escucheon charged with three doves, the two in chief facing each other. The border around bears an inscription. From the Binding of Heures a I'usage de Clermont. Library of M. P. Le Blanc, Brioude. D. 196-1887. 507 Panel (144 x 60 m.). S. John Baptist istauding on a mound preaching to a group of three persons ; on his left, a bush in flower. At the head of the panel, a crocketed canopv springing from two brackets. Border of flowing foliage with acorns on two sides, and with fruit on the other two. From tho Binding of Heures a I'usaye de Clermont, penes M. P. Le Blanc, Brioude. D. 197-1887. RUBBINGS 219 508 Panel (78 x 53 m.). S. John Baptist pointing to a lamb with cross and banner, which he hoUls with his left hand, beneath a cusped arch supported by two brackets. Mari^innl inscription interrupted at each angle, by a iltur-de-lys, ^lltf T HtltO^ | iimUrru iion | ^unrxit maior | iofjanhf liatt^ta. Panel (79 X 54 m.). A central shaft with three rings, from each side of which spring three volutes, terminating in monsters' heads, the interspaces filled with sprays of foliage springing from the volutes. At the foot of the shaft is a serpent, and at the head, a kneeling figure whose outstretched hands rest on the upper volutes. From the Biudiug of Heures a Vusage de Jteins. Paris, Simon Vostre, 1502. British Museum. D. 171-1888. 509 P. Gerard, c. 1510. Panel (131 x 81 m.). In the centre, Christ on a tau-shaped cross ; at its foot, with her arms round it, S. Mary INIagdalene, kneeling ; at the sides, the B. Virgin and S. John ; in the back- ground, stars. Broad border adorned with flower sprays alter- nating with monsters ; in the upper part, above the cross, a large scroll with the title i N r i, and, at the foot, another with the binder's name to which a demi-figure of a man, the binder ? in the lower sinister corner, is pointing. From the Binding [of Auretim opus de veritate contritionis. Parisius, 1505. Town Library, Abbeville. D. 124-1886. This panel is reproduced by Gkuel, p. 142. 510 S. G. Panel (131 X 81 m.). The Descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The B. Virgin is seated in the middle, surrounded by the Apostles. Over their heads hovers the dove amidst tongues of fire. The border which surrounds this composition, is adorned with sprays of foliage and flowers with birds, and in the lower corners, two half-length figures of men, one of whom ^^J ^^ clad in armour holds a battle-axe ; the binder's initials JJ^ \3'' occur amidst the foliage. ■ ~ From the Biniline: of Aurenm opus de veritate contritionis. Parisius, 1505. Town Library, Abbeville. D. 125-1886. 511 Panel (170 x 110 m.). In the centre, Saint John the Baptist standing on a mound preaching to a group of five persons ; above part, above tne cross, a large 220 FRENCH ilUEBlNGS the saint, a depressed crocketed iirch springiug from two corbels. Border : At the foot, Beth^abee bathing in a stream ; on the bank, a maiden holding a mirror ; David looks on from a canopied balcony. On one side, David kneeling before the Divine Majesty ; on the other, S. James the Great standing beneath a crocketed canopy above which is an angel Avith a scroll inscribed *♦ tafOtlU0- At the head, a crowned half-length figure of the Madonna between two angels. In the margin at the sides are these words: Jiitfr nato0 tnuUfrum lion S»urrfxit I maiov iol^aitf^ fiapti^ta. From the Binding of : 1 , A. de Hales, Smma de Virtutibus. Parisius, 1509 ; 2, I. DE LoxDRis, Breviarium sanctorum Canomnn. Parisiis, 1510. Town Library, Beauue. 1). 199-201-1887. 512 Panel (165 X 103 m.) divided into four compartments (77 X 47 m.). 1. The Eternal Father in alb, crossed stole and mantle, crowned, holding an orb surmounted by a cross, and raising His right hand as in the act of blessing, is seen above conventional clouds, from which issue rays of light ; below, on a scroll, tiiTr litirra animam mram ; at the foot, herbs and plants. 2. S. Peter, standing, an open book in his right and a key in his left hand ; a tiara at his side. 3. S. John Baptist pointing to a lamb with cross and banner on his left arm. 4. David in royal attire and crowned, kneeling with outstretched arms ; a harp on the ground at his side. Above each figure is a crocketed canopy supported by two corbels. From the Binding of Alexandri de Hales Sinnma de Virtutibug, Parisiis, 1509. Town Library, Beaune. D. 194-1887. 513 Side of a Book-cover, adorned with a panel (160 x 98 m.) repre- senting David kneeling with outstretched arms ; at his side on the ground lies his h.'irp ; above his head is a scroll with the prayer: © 'Unt U6\l alaj mril- Higher up, beneath a crocketed and cusped arch springing from two corbels is seen the Ancient of Days in the midst of adoring angels. This subject is surrounded by a border. On the left side is a tall tree up which two youths are climbing to gather the fruit ; a maiden, standing at the foot, is holding out her apron to catch it, at her side is a heron ; another is flying away. At the foot and on the right are huntsmen, hounds and deer. At the head, which is much narrower, a bird between two flower sprays. Around this panel is an elegant border of sprays of foliage and flowers. From the Binding of iV/arf^artVa/j/ij/oAop/iica. Argentine, 1512. Town Library, Beaune. D. 202-1887. 514 Rubbing from the side of a Book cover (7i X 4^ in.), Border formed by a band of diaper, quatrefoils within lozenges. Panel (60 x 49 m.), S. John Baptist standing heileath a cusped arch supported by columns ; star-besprinkled background. Panel FRENCH RUBBINGS 221 (65 X 66 m.) adorned with oak leaves and acorns between two rows of cresting. From the Binding of JonAXXis Vat.ensis Summa de rcfiimine vite humane. Lugduni, 1511. British Museum. D. 958-1887. 515 Panel (140 x 90 m.). Saint Michael in armour and mantle, his Bword raised above his head about to strike Satan who is sinking into a pit. A cusped and crocketod canopy is supported by two columns surmounted by pinnacles. Border : at the foot, an es- cucheon charged with three fleurs-de-lys, from beneath it spring two undulating stems of foliage and fruit which unite at the head. X*>oni the Binding of Postillae maiores, 1517. Stonyhurst College. D. 267-1888. 516 John Moulin. Panel (142 x 65 m.). Between two trees, a miller mounted on an ass is carrying a sack of wheat on his shoulders. Star-strewn background. At the foot, two pigs feeding on acorns, beneath which is the binder's name : ^fl)ail tttOUUll- Panel (143 x 65 m.). A windmill, with a miller carrying a sack of grain on his back up the outside ladder; at the foot, his ass grazing and a sheep reposing. Star-strewn background, with two flies and the binder's Christian name ^ff)n[n close to the door of the mill. From the Biuding of G. Pakaldi Summit virtutum et vitiorum. Parisiis, 1519. D. 525 and 526-1887. 517 John Noryn. Panel (69 x 43 m.). S. Michael in plate armour and mantle, with a sword in his right hand raised above his head, and a small heart-shaped buckler in his left, standing on a prostrate figure of Satan. Above is a round arch supported by two corbels. Tliis panel is surrounded by an architectural border, at the foot of which are two woodhouses about to engage in combat; between them, suspended to a tree is an escucheon, with the binder's cipher. From the Binding of Ekasmi Puraphrusis in Evangeliuvi Mathei. Lutetiae, 1523. D. 116-1886. 518 Panel (101 x 56 m.). Bethsabee bathing. On each side, an attendant handmaid ; the one holding a standing mirror, the other, a dish with fruit. In the background, David at a window oi' his palace looking down ; above, a projecting canopy ; below, the binder's name iehan noryn. From the Binding of Ebasiui Paraphranis in Evanc/clium Mathei. Lutetiae, 1523. .0. 117-1880< 222 FRENCH RUBBINGS 519 Joljn Norin. Panel (177 x 100 m.). In the centre (132 x 65 m.), the Vision of Ara caeli. On the right, the emperor Octavian and a courtier knecHng. On the left, the Sibyl, in gorgeous attire, attended by a maiden, is pointing to the sky where through an opening in the clouds is seen the Madonna crowned, and holding the Infant Saviour on her right arm, encircled with rays of light. On each side of her are thi'ee fleurs-de-lys, and, on lier right, a lighted taper in a candlestick. Above is a canopy of branch-work and foliage springing from two brackets and terminating in a lion's head with a ring in its mouth. The border is very elegantly designed. On the sides, amid flowing wreaths of foliage are shepherds and shepherdesses, with a dog, and a fox carrying off a lamb. Above, an ape armed with a sword, is pursuing a monkey mounted on a dog. I3elow, in the centre, is an escucheon bearing the cipher I N suspended to a bush, on each side of which is a woodhouse armed with sword and shield about to engage in combat. From the Binding of Ovimi Epistolae cum commento. Lugduni, 1528. D. 118-1886. The four subjects represented in the border occur frequently in the Books of Hours printed at Paris at the end of the 15th and commencement of the 1 6th century. 520 Panel (183 x 112 m.) divided by vertical lines into three com- partments. In the centre, S. Bernard with an abbatial staff resting against his right shoulder, is kneeling with his hands joined in prayer. From his mouth proceeds a scroll inscribed JttO"!5tVtT it (•'■ 500-1886. 550 c. 1555. Side of a Book-cover (9| X 6f in.). Interlaced scroll-work, with foliated and floral terraination.s ; the ground stippled, with the exception of the; elliptical central portion. D. 257-1887. 551 Part of the side of a Book-cover adorned with interlaced scroll- work and foliated ornament on aground powdered with small dots. In the centre, a large oval space occupied by the painted armorial bearings of an ecclesiastical dignitary : harry of 6, az. charged with 5 saltires arg., and arg. From tlie Binding of Adamantii Oric.enis de recta in Denm fide Dialui/us. Lutetiae, 1556. D. 531-1887. 552 Side of a Book-cover (6x4 in.) powdered with quatrefoils. Centre and corner-pieces of interlaced strap-work, and delicate curves charged with leaf-forms. Above and beneath the centre- piece is the original owner's name : mesire gaspard vinoent, and on the other side : cure de margni. From the Binding of JJreviarium Gebenncnse. Annesiaci, 1556. D. 278-1888. 553 Part of the side of a Book-cover (7j x4§ in.) powdered with small s;ars. Elliptical centre and corner-pieces of interlaced scroll-work and foliage on a ground partly lined, partly plain. From the Binding of Heurcs a Vasuige de Rouen. Paris, c. 1510. British Museum. D. 187-1888. 554 Part of the side of a Book-cover (7fx5|in.) powdered with quatrefoils. Centre and corner-pieces of interlaced scroll-work and foliage on a lined ground, with a daisy or pansy on a reserved space in the heart. From the Binding of Hemes a I'umigede Troyes. Paris, 1493. British Museum. D. 188-1888. 555 Berry. Bourges. 1558. Side of a Book-cover io\ x 3h in.), richly tooled with foliated ornament and small crosses. In the centre, a large cruciform ornament, with the original owner's initials, H VI. From the Binding of Kgerton MSS. 1,180. British Museum. D. 527-1887. FRENCH RUBBINGS 229 556 Lyons. 1oo8. Vertical panel (115 x 61 m.) ; iu the centre, an elliptical com- partment surronnded by strap-work, intertwined with branches of foliage and flowers springing from two masks. The ground lined and gilt. From the Binding of C. Suktonii Tkanquilli xii Caesares. Lug- duni, 1558. Kunst Gewerbe Museum, Hamburg. D. 507-1886. 557 Lyons, c. 1550. Panel (111 x 62 m.) adorned with interlaced strap-work and foliage on a lined gilt ground. From the Binding of C. luLii Caesakis Commentarii. Lugduni, 1558. Kunst Gewerbe Museum, Hamburg. D. 508-1886. 558 Languedoc. Le Put en Velay. 1560. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Corner ornament com- posed of curves charged with leaf forms. Centre-piece formed by two impressions of the same. From the Binding of a register of the year 1560. Archives of the Hospital, Le Puy. D. 213-1887. 559 Paris, Side of a Book-cover (4 x 5f in.) adorned with intertwining curves charged with a variety of leaf forms produced by lined tools ; in the centre, within a large quatrefoil, an escucheon with the arms of Charles IX., King of France, surrounded by a collar of the order of S. Michael, and ensigned with the royal crown. From the Binding of: Soixante Pseaumes de David mis eji musique pai- Thomas Chajipion dit Mixhou. Paris, 1561. British Museum. D. 192-1887. 560 Oval centre-piece (46 X 36 m.). Interlacing strap- work outlines with delicate foliated ornament on a lined ground. At the sides, the initials l dc. From the Binding of S. Grboorii TuRONict de Gloria Martt/rjim. Parisiis, 1563. D. 205-1887. 561 c. 1565. Elliptical centre-piece. Interlacing curves charged with a variety of leaf forms on a ground powdered with dots. From the Binding of Andreak Fricii Modrevii libri tres, 1562. D. 271-1888. 230 FRENCH RUBBINGS 562 Centre-piece with reserved elliptical spuco for the owner's initials surrounded by graceful curves charged with a variety of leal' forms. From the Binding of Foetae Graeci. H. Stephauus. 1566. Abbey Library, Westminster. D. 269-1888. 563 Elliptical centre-piece. Outline of interlacing strap-work ; the compartments filled with curves charged with a variety of leaf forms on a lined ground. From a Binding. Abbey Library, Westminster, D. 270-1888. 564 c. 1575. Elliptical centre-piece. Foliated interlacing ornament on a lined ground. D. 272-1888. 565 Centre piece, the outline of which is formed by a succession of curves with profile foliage. In the centre, an oval escucheon with the arms of the owner, whose name and motto are on the surrounding frame of interlaced strap-work : iacobvs jialin- FANTivs — ANO KAI MH KATn. The lined ground between the frame and the border is adorned with foliations interlaced with the frame. 1). 1361-1887. 666 Side of a Book-cover (11^- x 8 in.). In the centre, a lozenge with the arms of Diana of Poitiers, widow of Louis de Brezc, within an elliptical frame, interlaced with crescents, strapwork, and curves charged Avith leaf forms which spread over a field powdered with dots within a frame bordered by parallel seven- line fillets, and adoi'ned with bows, quivers full of arrows, triple interlaced crescents, and the interlaced initials HD. D. 1358-1887. 567 1560. Side of a Book-cover (9.^ x 0^ in.). From an elliptical frame of scroll-work in the centre, spring four stems, which fill the entire field with their bold and graceful curves charged with a variety of leaf-forms and tendrils. Within the frame is Grolier's motto : POHTIO ME A DO MINE SIT IN TERRA VI VENTI VM FRENCH RUBBINGS 231 The whole is enclosed within a three-line fillet. From the Biuding of JEtiKJE Vici Commcntaria in vctcra Imperntorum liomanorum Numismaia. Veuetiis, 1560. U. 895--1889. 568 Side of a Book-cover impressed with a panel (163 X 97 m.) of foliated scroll-work, interlaced with bold curves charged with a variety of leaf -forms. From the Binding of S. Cyrilli Catecheses Graece. Parisiis, 1560. Richardson, 26. 569 Side of a Book-cover (5f x 3\ in.), adorned with outline inter- laced scroll-work springing from the border, forming compai't- ments of irregular shapes ; these are occupied by flower calyxes and leaves ; in the centre is the letter N. The field is adorned with bold curves charged with a variety of leaf-forms, and with large dots. The back, similarly treated, has a band of flowing foliage at the head and foot. From the Binding of Ivsxiniani Institutionum libri iv, 1572. Richardson, 30. 570 c. 1575. Side of a Book-cover (13^ x 8^ in.) divided by outline foliated interlacing scroll-work into geometrical compartments ; that in the centre, elliptical, contains a small escucheon, with the arms of James Augustine De Thou. From the Binding of Platonis Opera. Basileae, 1561. Richardson, 81. 571 Sides and back of a Book-cover (5x3 in.). Sides : roll- produced border of chain-guilloche ornament. The coi-ners occupied by tooled branches of foliage ; in the centre, the owner's cipher within an ellipse formed by branches of foliage. This cipher is repeated three times on the back within ellipses formed by branches of foliage. From the Binding of ^I. A. Flaminii in librumPealmorum brevis expla- natio. Lugduni, 1576. Richardson, 33. 572 Lyons. 1578. Side of a Book-cover (6| x 4| in.) adorned with a panel (153 x 90 m.) of interlacing foliated scroll-work springing from two masks. In the centre, a plain elliptical medallion. The parts in relief are coloured, the ground, lined and gilt. Border of chaiu work. From the Binding of Missale Romanum. Lugduni, 1512. Diocesan Seminary, Mentz. D. 502-1886. 232 FRENCH RUBBINGS 573 1569. Side of a Book-cover (4^ x 2\ in.) adorned witli a panel (85 X 47 m.) of interlacing foliated scroll-work springing from and terminating in masks. In the centre, a reserved space for initials. The ground is lined. At the head and foot are two bands of stamped ornament. From the Binding of Comicorum Graecorum Sententiae. (Geneva.) H. Steplianus. Kichardson, 43. 574 Side of a Book-cover (6i| x 4^ in.). Oval centre-piece of inter- lacing strap-work and lined foliage with reserved space for motto or title. Corner-pieces of foliated ornament on a lined ground. The field between these powdered with quatrefoils. From the Binding of Ilarl. MS. 2,933. British Museum. 1). 528-1 «87. 575 Sides of a Book-cover (5x3 in.). The sides are adorned with three vertical rows of oval and circular compartments. The central oval, larger than any of the others, contains on one side the arms of the original owner ; on a curved bend, three fleurs- de-lys, and on the other, a plant in flower and the motto : EXPECT AT A. NOX ET.vDET. The Smaller ovals contain each a flower-spray; the circles, a quatrefoil. Minute leaves spring from tlie outline of the compartments, the spaces between which are occupied by flowers, quatrefoils, and stars. The border is adorned with palm and olive branches on a star-sprinkled ground. The l)ack has within a similar border a vertical row of seven compartments, the uppermost and lowest of Avhich are circular, the other five oval ; that in the centre bearing the title XEjRiANi|Q CVKT, the othcfs containing each a flower-spray. From the Binding of Aukianvs dc rebus yestis Alexandri magni. Lug- duni, 1552. Richardson, 20. 576 Burgundy. Side of a Book-cover (6^ x 4^ in.). The inner part covered with a succession of oval compartments ; that in the centre, much larger than the others, contains a tower surrounded by the words ad itsam cvkko, being the badge and motto of G. dc Salins, canon of the collegiate church of Our Lady at Beaunc. The smaller compartments contain each a flower spray. Minute leaves spring from the outline of the compartments, and every available space is occupied by a tiny leaf or flower. The whole enclosed within a double border, the inner and narrower of the two being tooled with a succession of daisies, lilies, pansies, and carnations. One half of each side of the outer border is adorned with palm branches, the other, with sprays of trefoil, on a dotted ground ; in each angle is a rose. From the Bimling of Ihcinarium ecdesie collegiate Beate Marie Virginia de JJelna, Eduensis dyocesis. Gebennae, 1517. D. 504-1886 FRENCH RUBBINGS 233 .577 Side of a Book-cover (5^ x 4^ in.). The inner part is divided by intersecting two-line fillets into twelve rectangular compartments, each containing nn emblem or device — the cipher A V, a hnnd grasping another between two hearts, a pansy, or a daisy — within an oval formed by two branches of foliage. These are enclosed by two borders ; the inner and broader one stamped with sprays of foliage and flowers with birds alternating with stars ; the outer, with an undulating branch of foliage and acorns. The back is divided by narrow bands adorned with an undulating branch of foliage and acorns into five compartments sprinkled with hearts or with S S. From the Binding of a French Book of Hours. 1). 503-1886. 578 Part of the side of a Book-cover, richly tooled : the border, Avith branches of olive and palm and stars between parallel two-line fillets ; the corner and centre-pieces, with scroll-work and olive branches ; in the heart of the latter is a reserved oval space with the original owner's name s Elisabeth falaise. From the Binding of a Book of Hours. Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg. D. 507-1887. 579 Side of a Book-cover (3| x 2\ in.), richly tooled, the border with branches of palm and olive between parallel two-line fillets ; the corners, with flowers and olive-branches. In the centre, the owner's cipher composed of two R's, accompanied by four S's in an ellipse surrounded by olive-branches and flower-sprays. From the Binding of a French Book of Hours. Richardson, 22. 580 Side of a Book-cover (4| x 2| in.). In the centre, an escucheon bearing three mullets, and on a chief, a lion passant, ensigned with a ducal coronet, mitre, pastoral staiF, and bishop's hat ; on a scroll beneath, the owner's name : nicolavs de villars EPI8C0P . ET COM . AGiNNEN . (1588-1608), all within an elliptical laurel wreath inscribed a te qvid volvi svper terra m. ps. 72. Around this and in the corners are branches of olive and floAver sprays. The border is tooled with olive and palm branches between parallel two-line fillets. From the Binding of Homeri Odyssea Latine et Graece. RicbardBon, 60. 581 Part of the side of a Book-cover. The field is entirely covered with a succession of oval compartments ; that in the centre, much larger than the others, has a broad frame of strap-work and foliage with a couple of masks on a lined ground, within it is an escucheon ensigned with a bishop's hat, accompanied by three fleurs-de-lys. The smaller compartments contain either a sun, an 234 FRENCH RUBBINGS acorn witli oak leaves, or a flower spray, each accompanied by four clover leaves ; the three compartments immediately over the centre piece have only the initials F C S. Minute leaves spring from the outline of the compartments, the spaces between which are occupied by a quatrefoil or a clover leaf. In each corner is a mask within an oval frame of strap-work, from which spring two large branches of olive, the ground between them sprinkled with quatrefoils. From the Biudiog of (Economia Bibliomm. Coloniae, 1582. D. 506-1887. 582 Side of a Book-cover (6| x 3| in.). The field is entirely covered with a succession of oval compartments, from the outline of which spring minute leaves. The central compartment, larger than the others, is plain, having doubtless been reserved for the arms or name of the original owner ; the remainder are occupied by a variety of emblems. From the Binding of Liber Psalmorum cum canticis et hymnis. Parisiis, 1586. D. 503-1887. 583 Side of a Book-cover (5| x 3| in.) divided by outline inter- laced scroll-work springing from the border into geometrical compartments tooled with flower sprays, calyxes, and leaves ; that in the centre, elliptical, with the name of the owner, svsanne coiGNET, between two olive-branches. The field, at the head and foot, is adorned with gracefully curved stems and with small leaves, elsewhere with bold spirals charged with leaf-forms. From the Binding of a M.S. Book of Hours. Richardson, 78. 584 c. 1575. Side of a Book-cover (8| x 5^ in.) divided by outline inter- laced scroll-work springing from the border into geometrical compartments ; that in the centre, elliptical, left plain ; the others adorned with flower sprays and calyxes ; the portions of the field nearest to the centre occupied by spirals charged with leaf-forms ; those next to the border with graceful branches of olive. From the Binding of Ojficiuin Beatae Mariae Virginis. Antverpiac, 1£75. University Library, Cambridge. Kichardson, 31. 585 AuVERGNEi Side and part of the back of a Book-cover. The side (175 x 108 m.) has a border of chain-work with a small quatrefoil within each link. Corner-pieces of foliated strap-work on a lined ground. The panel within tooled with a semis of acorns and oak leaves. Centre-piece of foliated strap-work pn a lined ground, on the reserved space within which are the arms of M. de Roye de la Rochefoucauld, bishop of Clermont and St. Flour. The French rubuings 235 back is tooled witli acorns and pears within oval wreaths of olive branches, and with stars. From the Binding of lliesaurus return el verhorum Virgil ii. Tuiuoui, 1588. Prize volume awarded to John d'Albiue in 1594 at tlio college of Billom, Auvergne. D. 509-1887. 586 Side of a Book-cover (9| x G'~ in.) adorned with outline inter- laced work enclosing geometrical compartments, which are adorned with a cipher formed of the letters C P, flower calyxes and leaf forms, the interspaces being filled by spirals charged with a variety of leaf forms, and foliated scroll work. From the Binding of a Manuscript (Harleian, 5260). British Museum. D. 594-1888. 587 Elliptical stamp (85 X 65 m.), S. Augustine iu cope and mitre, seated on a throne holding an open book ; two Austin friars kneel before him ; on the ground between them, two mitres. At the base, a two-branched cross and • f • aegidivs • romaxvs • INIarginal legend : + general • con ven • parisi • ordinis • er em • s • AVGVSTINI. From the Binding of a volume inscribed : Ex Bibliotheca Augustinieu- sium Maioris Conventus Parisiensis. D. 1356-1887. 588 Henry Estienne, 1593. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Centre-piece (48 X 40 m.). The binder's mark. An oak-tree to which is suspended a tablet bearing his device : noli altvjJI sapere. A bough broken off is falling to the ground. Corner ornament : a bunch of grapes and two vine-leaves. From the Binding of Isockaxis Orationes. (Geneva) 1593. British Museum. D. 899-1889. 589 Details from the sides of a Book-cover. The one side, diapered with a flower alternating with the combined cipher of Francis of Bourbon, Prince of Conde and Conti (d. 1614), and of Louisa Margaret of Lorraine, has in the centre, within an oval, an escucheon with the arms of Francis impaling those of Louisa, surrounded by a cord tied in lovers' knots, and ensigued with a coronet. Corner-piece of strap-work and foliage on a lined ground. The other side, diapered with a flower and the cipher of Louisa of Lorraine, has in the centre an escucheon Avith the arms of Francis of Bourbon, surrounded by a collar of the order of S. Michael and ensigned with a coronet. From the Binding of Cronique de Flandres. Lyon, 1562. Royal Library, Brussels. D. 183 and 184-1887. 236 FRENCH RUBBINGS o9U Side of a Book-cover (8 x 5^ iu.). Rectangular four-line fillet frame with solid foliated ornament at each angle ; corner-pieces and elliptical centre-piece of foliated scroll ornament on a lined ground. The name of the original owner, anne botnia, is tooled on the field within the frame, and her motto : patience vaincba between it and the outer border. From the Binding of an Album amicorum (17,974). British Museum. D. 186-1888. 591 Side of a Book-cover (7^ X 4^ in.). Frame formed by parallel fillets and adorned with two bands of ornament. The corners of the enclosed panel are tooled with small floriated ornaments between curved stems of minute foliage. I>arge elliptical centre- piece Avith the legend : lotys de gvyse mareschal de lorbaine GRAND cuambellan de S.A., enclosing a coat of arms surrounded by scroll-work and foliage. The back has a narrow vertical band tooled with floriated ornaments within a frame similar to them on the sides. Frcm the Binding of Diogenis Laertii de vitis philosophorum libri x. H. Stephauu?, 1594. liichardson, 34. 592 Side of a Rook-cover (7 x 4 in.). Elliptical centre-piece with an escucheon bearing a lion rampant crowned, eusigned with a helmet with wreath and mantling; supporters, tAvo lions rampant crowned. The field is divided by intersecting diagonal rows of dots into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments : the former stamped with a lion rampant crowned or a cipher composed of the letters H B ; the latter, with three cinquefoils. Border of chain ornament between parallel two-line fillets and rows of dots. From the Binding of Alexandki ab Albxandro Geiiialium dierum libri vi. Lugduni, 1616. Richardson, 39. 593 Paris, c. 1620. Side of a Book-cover (8| x o| in.). In the centre of a field tooled with fleurs-de-lys, the arms of France and Navarre, beneath which the initial L (for Louis XIII.) crowned between two olive brandies ; surrounded by the collars of the orders of S. Michael and the Holy Ghost. Border of sprays of minute foliage between parallel two-line fillets with narrow lace-work edging on the outer side. From the Binding of Sophoclib Tragediac septem. Genevae, 1603. Ricliardson, 37. 594. Side of a Book-cover (4| x 2| in.). Frame formed by parallel three-line fillets with a floriated ornament in each angle; the frame and the enclosed panel tooled with fleur-de-lys. From the Binding oi Nvvhiii Tcstameutum. Antverpiae, 1627. Richardson, 42. FRENCH RUBBINGS 237 595 Side of a Book-cover (7| x 4^ in.). Rectangular frame adorned with a flowing stem of foliage and enclosing a plain lozenge-shaped frame, both with narrow lace edging. The centre and intervening triangular spaces tooled with floriated ornaments. From the Binding of La Bible. La Rochelle, 1616. Richardson, 38. 596 c. 1640. Sides of a Book-cover (5^ x 3i| in.) adorned with interlacing bands of scroll-works ; the octagonal central compartment on one side is occupied by a double M, on the other by a double C, accompanied by four S, and foliated curved ornaments composed of dots. The six panels of the back are tilled with similar ornament. From the Biuding of a French MS. Book of Hours. This Binding is reproduced in B. Quakitch, Illustrations, No. 23. Richardson, 85. 597 Part of the side of a Book-cover (8| x 5^ in.), adorned with a geometrical pattern formed by interlacing bands of scroll-work. The central comi^artment, oval, is occupied by the arms of Dominic Seguier, bishop first of Auxerre and then of Meaux, d. 16 May 1657 ; his cipher is in the centre of eight other compartments, the remainder being tilled with curved ornaments composed of minute gold dots. The outer edges are fringed with imitation lace-work ornament. From the Binding of Egerton MS. 1,067. British Museum. D. 501-1887. 598 c. 1640. Side of a Book-cover (12 x 8| in.). In the centre, an escucheon bearing three lily branches surrounded by scrolls bearing the motto LiLiVM INTER SPINAS and COLLEGIVM GRASSiN^VM, and an elliptical crown of thorns. The field around is tooled with fleurs-de-lys and bordered by a roll-produced flowing stem with minute leaves, tendrils, and fleurs-de-lys between parallel two- line fillets with a lace edging on the outer side. From the Binding of Terentii Comediae. Basilese, 1538. Richardson, 16. 599 Side of a Book-cover (8| x6^ in.) richly tooled. Broad frame, formed by parallel two-line fillets, tooled Avith fleurs-de-lys, and bordered with roll-produced lace-work. At each angle, a fleur- de-lys ; the corners of the enclosed panel are tooled with curved branches of foliage, and Avith flowers and fleurs-de-lys. In the centre, within an ellipse, are the arms of Victor de Bouthillier, archbishop of Tours, 1641-1670, az., 3 fusils conjoined in fess or, ■with the archiepiscopal cross in pale ensigned with a cardinal's hat. From the Binding of Cicero dc Ojficiis. Paris, 1&62. Eicjiardson, 27, 238 FRENCH RUBBINGS 600 Side of a Book-cover (7f x 4^ in.). In tlio centre, within a large oval, the arms of Cardinal Mazarin ensif^ned witli a car- dinal's hat. Roll-produced lace-pattern border, the corners tooled in the style of Le Gascon. From the Binding of Le Bo)i Prelat, on Discours de la Vie etde la Mart de M. A. de Tolossamj. Paris, 1645. Richardson, 51. 601 Side of a Book-cover (7f x 4| in.) tooled with fleurs-de-Iys within a two-line fillet border. In the centre, two cscucheons bearing the arms of France and Navarre, beneath which the initial L (for Louis XIV.), all thi-ee ensigned with crowns and surrounded by the collar of the order of the Holy Ghost ; with a large crown. From the Binding of Herodiani Historia de suis teviporihus. Franco- furtij 1627. Richardson, 47. 602 1655. Sides of a Book-cover (5| x 3 in.). In the centre, the inscrip- tion : EX DONO I D. CLAVBii | TAPiN | 1655, between two branches of laurel with the initial L above the knot uniting them, and a royal crown at the head, immedijitely above which is an escucheon with tlie arms of France ; at the foot, another with those of the donor. The corners, within a frame formed by a two-line fillet between two rows of dots, are filled with repeated impressions of a large floriated border ornament. The back has four bands ; the panels are tooled with small ornaments within a two-line fillet. From the Binding of Condones et OratioJies ex Historicis Latinis. Amstelodami, 1641. Richardson, 50. 603 Side of a Book-cover (6 x 3| in.) tooled with floriated orna- ments within a two-line fillet edged with lace-work. From the Binding of Xe iVoMfeaw Testament. 1657. Richardson, 52. 604 Side of a Book-cover (9^ x 6| in.) Broad frame, formed by parallel two-line fillets, tooled with fleurs-de-lys and bordered with roll-produced lace-work. In the corners of the enclosed panel, a cipher, and in the centre, within an ellipse, an escucheon charged Avith three bendlets, ensigned with a coronet. The field around tooled with floriated ornaments and two fleurs- de-lys. From the Binding of Pvblii PAriNii Statu Opera. Parisiis, 1618. Richardson, 40. 605 Side of a Book-cover (8 J x QJ in.). Three-line fillet border with fleurs-de-lys at the angles. In the corners, a cipher formed of two C's interlaced with two palm-branches ensigned with a FRENCH RUBBINGS 239 coronet; in the centre, two cscncheons charged Aviih the arras of Charles de Saiute Manro, marquis of INIontausier and of Julie Lucien d'Angenues, marchioness of Rambouillet, ensigned with a coronet and surrounded by the collars of the Orders of Saint Michael and the Holy Ghost. From the Binding of I. Palmerii Exercitationes in optimos fere autores Graecos. Lugduni Batavorum, 1668. Kichardson, .'54. 606 Side of a Book-cover (G x 31 in.). The field within a border of lace-work is divided by two-line fillets into compartments tooled with foliated and floral ornaments. From the Binding of Le Nouveau Testament. Paris, 1669. Eichardson, 56. 607 c. 1730. Book-cover (6| x 3| in.). Circular centre-piece with the arms of Charles Francis de Montmorency, duke of Piney-Luxemburg, peer and marshal of France, d. 1764, and of his first wife Mary Sophia Enuly Honour Colbert de Seignelay, d. 1747. Border formed by a two-line iillet with narrow lace-work edging on the outer side, and cresting of foliage alternating with fleurs-de-lys on the inner ; a flower spray in each corner. The back has five bands ; the panels, with the exception of the second, which bears the title, are tooled alternately with the lion of Luxemburg or the adder of Colbert amidst dots and leaf-sprays within a two-line fillet ; at the foot two narrow bands of flowing foliage. From the Binding of JLes Memoires de Marguerite de Valois. Liege, 1713. Richardson, 65. 608 Side of a Book-cover (4| x 3| in.). In the centre are the arms of Louis Francis Armand du Plessis de Wignerot, Duke of Richelieu, 1696-1788. From the Binding of MS. 18,221. British Museum. D. 505-1887 609 Side of a Book-cover (6| x 3| in.) tooled with lace-work within a two-line fillet border with narrow edging on the outer side. From the Binding of a jNIanuscript dated 1779. Richardson, 73. 240 GERMAN RUBBINGS GERMANY. 610 Erfurt. Monastery of SS. Peter and Paul. Details from the sides of Book-covers. Stamps used in the bindery of the Benedictine monastery of SS. Peter and Paul at Erfurt in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. From the Binding of MSS. 10,925, 28,215, 15,105 and 858 k. 9. British Museum. D. 185-1888, and 539-541-1887. GU ScHOENAU. Abbey of S. Florinus. Details from the side of a Book-cover. A band of foliated ornament, and fourteen stamps used by the monks of Schoenau to adorn the bindings of their books, one of which, an escucheou, chai'ged with a cross and a star, appears to have been their library mark, and another, bearing a chalice with the legend SJiormus in Schonau, their seal. From the Binding of a MS. of the xv century from the abbey of S. Florinus, Schoenau. (MSS. 39 and 50.) lioyal Library, Wiesbaden. D. 438-1886, and 159-1889. G12 WiBTEMBERG. Gyslingen. John Eichenbach, 1469. Details — border of interlaced dragons, birds, and flowing foliage, Evangelistic animals, etc. — from the t^idesol'a Book-cover bearing the following legend: . ii^trrOlUmt . fW^rtJii ♦ | ft^OpljrO- iiii I . rpi^tolarr. | .Uatis>,o>««i"m.lii0rrrtt{S0imi. | miter, \irrti>i('f , \ ^nvgisivo . iiifotio . | vfrtori . I 0rolti- VM"! . in ominU . | . iiJfr mr . ioftaiirm . | rirl)rnl)ar1^ , rnprUianum ♦ | ingij^liiigrn ♦ | . tUtgatu^ . ret . aiiwo tjomini From the Binding of S. Hikuonyjii Epistolae. National Library, Paris. D. 127-1887. A reduced reproduction of the obverse cover of this volume is given in II. BouciioT, Lvs Reliurcs d'Art, pi. xiT., and in Gkukl, p. 157. GERMAN RUBBINGS 241 G13 WiRTEMBERG. Gysltngen. JoliTi Richcnbach, 1475. Side of a Book-cover (15^ x 11 in,). In the centre, a vertical panel divided by enrves alternately uniting and receding from each other, into donble ogee-shaped compartments, having in the centre of each a crown within a lozenge, replaced by a finial in the compartments abutting on the border. Tliis panel is surrounded by a double frame formed by four-line fillets, stamped with a cinquefoil at the points where they intersect each other ; the inner frame, mitred, is adorned with circular medallions witii the Holy Lamb and the Evangelistic animals alternating with fleurs-de-lys or crowns within lozenges, the interspaces stamped with sex-foils, stars, fleurs-de-lys, and acorns. The outer frame bears this inscription: ?i»impartira t[l>$toria fr0til)itatum mnc^ tOVft'fi iltHJ tCtnpOVnm. The space between the border and the edges of the cover is relieved with a variety of small stamps. From the Bindiug of Iacobus de Voragine, Legenda Simctornm. British Museum. D. 941-1889. 614 WiRTEMBERG. Gyslingen. John Richcnbach, 1475. Side of a Book-cover (lo^ x 11 in.). In the centre, a vertical panel stamped with an imbricated pattern, enclosed within a triple frame formed by four-line fillets stamped with a cinquefoil at the points where these intersect each other. The inner frame is adorned at each corner with a lozenge-shaped stamp of the Holy Face ; at one side, by a band of interlaced dragons, at the other, by an undulating stem of foliage and flowers ; at the head and foot, by a chalice between two flowers. The middle frame, mitred, is similar to 613. The outer frame bears the inscription : '^(X . mt . io . rifl)fnt)aff) . raprlanii . in . gpelingrn tUtgata ♦ ano 1475. From the Binding of Iacobus dk Vokaginb, Legenda Sanctorum. British Museum. D. 942-1889. 615 WiRTEMBERG. Gyslinqen. Johu Eichenbach. Sides of a Book-cover (12 x 8 in.). The one side has a central vertical panel diajjered with roses, quatrefoils, and small circles within a double frame formed by intersecting four-line fillets, the inner frame, mitred, is adorned with circular stamps represent- ing the Lamb of God with cross and banner, and the Evangelistic animals, alternating Avith crowns within lozenges and sex-foils ; the outer frame bears the following legend: ♦1FaIfei*riU0 ♦ | ♦ pro . wvtqistxo , I fiartolomro, | . ^tolcj.lri^ gmunU. | continued on the single fnime of the other side : ^tW tnr» | ♦Vif!). rn . tiarf) ♦ | ♦ tUtgatu^ .\ An gi)0 . Itngrn . the panel within similar to 6\'i'>. The space between the frame and the edges of the cover on both sides is adorned with a variety of small stamps. I'rom the Bindiiij: of Vbkgilii Opera. (MS. 11,958.) British Museum. D. 124-126-1887. I 61140. o 242 (rER.MAN RUBBINGS fillets into compartments, adorned with eighteen stamps, one of which, in the form of a scroll, bears the name of the binder : 616 Conrad of Strassburg, 1470. Details from the sides of a Book-cover, divided bv five-line \aj| From the Bincling of Titi Livii Historia liomae. Veuetiis, 1470. British Museum. D, 163-1887. 617 John Sulczpach, 1471. Six stamps from the side of a Book-cover, one of which, in the form of a scroll, bears the name of the From the Binding of SuETONnjs, Veuetiis, 1471. British Museum. D. 160-1887. 618 Ulm. John Hagmayer. Sides of a Book-cover (11^ x 8 in.). In the centre, a panel with the figures of fifteen animals (on one side, fourteen birds and a dragon ; on the other, thirteen quadrupeds, an ape, and a dragon) enclosed within gracefully curving branches of foliage with acorns, impressed from engraved metal plates (about 200 by 126 m.). The animals are copied fi-om those on the playing cards engraved by the master E. S. of 1466. These panels are sur- rounded by frames formed by intersecting vertical and horizontal three-line fillets, and adorned with stamps: two lobe, a dragon and a swan ; two lozenge-shaped, flower sprays ; and two circular, the Holy Lamb with cross and banner, and an angel holding a book. From the Biiidiiijr of F. Thome de Aqviao Post ill d in lob. Esslingen. 1474. British .Museum. D. 450 and 451-1886. GERMAN liUBBINGS 243 619 Ulm. John Hagmayer. Sido of a Book-cover (12i x 8| in.). In the centre, a panel with the tigiires of fourteen birds and a dragon enclosed within gracefully cnrving branches of foliage with acorns, impressed from an engraved metal ]ilate. This panel is surronnded by a frame similar to those on 618, with this exception, that the two lozenge- shaped stamps enclosing flower sprays are replaced by another with a flenr-de-lise cross. The outer edge of the frame is bordered by a row of tinials. From the Uindiiig of a IMS. of the Schwahcnspiegel. (24,042.) Germanic Museum, Nuriiberg. D. 449-1886. lleproduced in the Catalogue of the Germanic Museum, 1889, p. 22, and by Ad.vm, Der Bucheinband, p. 171. 620 Ulm. John Hagmayer, 1474. Twelve stamps from the side of a Book- cover : three circular : the Holy Lamb, a winged man with a book, and an owl ; one lozenge-shaped, a conventional flower with foliage ; four lobe, a swan, a pelican in its piety, a conventional flower, and a plant with a conical fruit ; one cordate, a [)almated leaf ; and three oblong, a flowing spray of foliage and fruit, cresting, and two intertwined scrolls with the binder's name. From the Binding of Suvwui de Sancte Ecclesie pJanctu. Ulm, per lohannem Zeiner de Kiitlingen, 1474. D. 492-188C. 621 Augsburg. Ambrose Keller, 1479, 1486. Four stamps from the side of a ]?ook-cover : 1 lobe, a dragon ; 2 lozenge-shaped, an ornament composed of two fleurs-de-lys ; 3 a double rose ; and 4, a scroll with the binder's name. I). 193-1886. The Germimic ^luseuiu at Xiirnbeig possesses a copy of the (?onsolatio pecratonim of James de Theramo, Augsburg, 147:2, bound bj- this same binder, misnamed Feller in the Catalogue, p. 39, n».143. enth century. Amongst these are four lozenge-shaped stamps, with heraldic emblems ; 1, an eagle dis- played ; 2, a gryphon on a star-besprinkled field ; 3, a lion ; and 4, a stag. From the Bindings of Albertus Magnus, Compendium Theologice veritatis, 1473 ; and of three copies of Missale Bahenberyense, 1491. Town Library,. Bamberg. D. 1 12-1 14-1887, and 930-1889. 655 Bambekg. Details from sides of Book-covers, showing a large variety of ornamental stamps used by the binders of Bamberg, towards the end of the fifteenth century. Among these are five lozenge-' shaped stamps : 1, an imperial eagle displayed ; 2 and 3, unicorns ; 4, an eagle displayed ; and 5, a two-handled pot of flowers ; a double cinquefoiled rose; an in surmounted by a crown within a circle ; a ragged staff" enwreathed with foliage, flowers, and fruit. From the Binding of: 1, 2, Albkrti Magni Sermones. Spiris, 1478, and Ilutlingen, c. 1490. British Museum. 3. Liher Horarum cano- vicaruvi secundum ruhricam ccclesiae JJabenbergensis, 1484. Boyal Library, Munich. D. 925, 926, and 929-1889. 656 NiJRNBERG. Part of the side of a Book-cover. The interior is divided into double cusped ogee-shaped compartments, stamped either with a flower, a vine branch with grapes, a flower spray, or a figure of S. John the Evangelist. The innermost border is stamped with a succession of flower sprays ; the next, at the head and foot, with dogs pursuing stags', and at the sides, with vine branches and grapes; the third, with flowers at the angles, and scrolls 254 GERMAN RUBBINGS inscribed ntilttit in tlic centre ; the outermost, witli roses at the angles. From the Binding of Buck der Ordnung und Stattuten des edlen Ordens des Guldener Fels. Germanic Museum, Niiruberg. D. 146-1887. 657 NiJRNBERG. Details from the sides of a Book-cover (12| x Sf in.). The border of one side is stamped alternately with roses and leaves curled round a ragged staff, and the enclosed space divided into double cusped ogee-shaped compartments, occupied alternately by a flower or by four leaves juxtaposed so as to form a sal tire cross ; at the head is the name of the author of the book. The other side has a flowing border of leaves, the enclosed space being stamped with gryphons within lozenges, and with the mark of the bindery, a heart transfixed with an arrow. From the Binding of Platina, Vitae Summorum Pontificum. Nuren- berge, 1481. Germanic Museum, Niirnberg. D. 147-1887. 658 NiJRNBERG. c. 1485. Details from the side of a Book-cover. 1. Lozenge with the double eagle displayed ensigned with the imperial crown. "2. Lozenge with a vase of flowers. 3. A double rose. 4. Lettering in large bold characters. From tlie BindinL-^ of BAnTrioLOMKiTS Anglicus. Traclatus de proprietatibus rcrum. Nurenberge, 1483. D. 914-1889. 659 Nfrnbero. Details from the sides of a Book -cover (14 x 9:^ in.) divided into cusped double ogee-shaped compartments, occupied alternately by a flower, or by a medallion containing a half-length figure of nn archer. At tlic head is the title ;5rf)ilt^6ff)illtrr Xit& rUJigrr ecligferit. immediately beneath is a fluted riband, between the folds of which are the letters t f) f u 0. The border at the sides and foot is stamped alternately Avith a ragged staff, enwreathed with foliage, and the medallion above described. The other side is diapered with gryphons and eagles displayed, both within lozenges. From the Hinding of Bus Buck der Schatzbelmlter oder Schrein der tnircn Jieiclil inner des /leilx vund ewyger Scligkeit. Niiruberg, 1491. British Museum. D. 145-1887. GEIIMAN RUBBINGS 2.-)5 660 NURNBERG. Part of the side of a Book-cover. In the middle, a vertical panel divided into seven compartments by two undulating stems, alternately uniting and receding from each other ; the central compartment is occupied by a lion within a circle ; each of the other six, by a large leaf. There is a double border, the inner one stamped with a ragged staff enwreathed with foliage ; the outer, with a succession of conventional flowers alternating with roses. From the Binding of Guiliierjii Pakisiensis Opera. Xurnberge, 1496. D. 555-1887. 661 NiJRNBERG. C. 1500. Details from the side of a Book-cover. 1. An eagle displayed within a circle, an acorn, a leaf, and a scroll inscribed ntiirtil. From the Binding of S. Boxavextvka super libros Sententiarum ed. I. Wtwpfling. Nurnberge, 1500. D, 916-1889. five-line fillets 662 Part of the side of a Book-cover divided by intersecting each other at right angles, into nine compartments adorned with large double roses within circles, between which are lozenges with a dog or stag, on a ground sprinkled with lions, with the device and initials of the binder, flowers, sprays of foliage, cinquefoils, and stars. The sides of the frame, formed by intersecting fillets, are stamped with a row of arrow-pierced hearts within lozenges, and two rows of small, stars ; the square compartments at the angles with a double rose within a circle. From the Binding of Missule Romatium, 1491. Royal Library, Munich. 663 Part of the side of a Book-cover, divided, by five-line fillets intersecting each other at right angles, into compartments adorned with large double roses within circles between which are small lozenges with a stag, a dog, or a fleur-de-lys. The sides of the frame are stamped with a row of arrow-pierced hearts within lozenges, and the space between these and the edge of the cover with floral and foliated ornaments. From the Binding of a Manuscript (10,929). British Museum. D. 924-1889. 25G GERMAN KUBBINGS LUENEBURG. Eicven stnnips : floral diapers, border ornaments ; a rectangular stamp bearing a double rose ; and a lozenge-shaped stamp, with a gryphon. From the liindiug of Missale secundum morem Maydehitrgensem. Mag- deborch, 1486. Towu Library, Lueneburg. D. 130-1887. 665 Lueneburg. Details from the sides of a Book-cover; two floral diapers and three ornamental borders. From the Binding of Missale semndum moretn Maydeburgensem. Magde- borch, 1486, from a church at Lueneburg. 1). 129-1887. 666 Details from a Book -cover, one side of which is divided into rectangular panels, stamped in the centre with a flower spray within a cusped double ogee-shaped outline, and, in each angle, wiih foliage. The other side is divided by diagonal three-line fillets into lozenge-shnped compartments, stamped with roses and flower-sprays. Both are bordered by a band of flowing foliage wound round a ragged staflF. From the Hindinfc of Missale Sleszwicense. Sleswick, 1486. Royal Library, Copenhagen. D, 148-1887. 667 Part of the side of a Book-cover. A rectangular panel stamped in the centre Avith a flower spray within a cusped double ogee- shaped compartment formed by two stems, and, in each angle, with foliage. The frame formed by three-line fillets is adorned with a ragged staff enwreathed with foliage. From the Binding of lireviariuin, 14U1. 1). 922-1839. 608 Bamberg. Convent of Preaching Friars, c. 1500. Four stamps in use in the Bindery of the Dominican Convent, P>amb('rg, at the end of the fifteenth century : 1, a -'j^^**. double ro.se; 2, a ragged stufl-" enwreathed with fj^rn*. ioliagu ; 3, a se\-foil ; 4, the stamp of the convent tP Jjl'"< library. V^X^w' I'mra tho BimllDg of G.\imiKLis Sermofies de festivitalilms Christi. 1499. D. 921-1889. 669 Bamberg. Details from sides of Book-covers, showing stamps used by the binders of Bamberg at thf cud of the fifteenth century. 1. Cir- GEllMAN KUlilJlNGS 257 L'uhir, the U. Virgin Jind Child slanding on the inoon, surrounded by an aureole. 2. Lozenge-shaped, a gryphon. 3, 4. Oblong : a stag-lnint ; a flowing stem of foliage with flowers and fruit. 5. A floral ornament within a double ogee-shaped compaituient formed by two stems alternately uniting and I'eceding from (jach other. From the liiiiding of Missale Banibergense. Babenbergae, 1499 and 1507. lloyal Library, Munich. D. 927 and 928-1889. 670 Part of the side of a Book-cover. Central vertical panel, diapered with conventional flowers and foliage within cusped double ogee- shaped compartments; at the head and foot, a band of flowing foliage alternating with roses. From tho Biuding of Alissale llcrbipolcnse. University Library, Wuerz- burg. • D. 552-1887. 671 Amorbach. Abbey. Details from the sides of a Book-cover, showing stamps used by the monks of the Abbey of Amorbach to adorn the bindings of their l)ooks. One of these appears to have been the library stamp. From the Binding of a Missal. University Library, Wiirzburg. D. 441-1886. auiD^Oarft 672 Details from the side of a Book-cover. The centre is occupied by two stems alternately uniting and receding from each other, forming cusped double ogee-shaped compartments enclosing a circular medallion with the Holy Lamb ; the spaces between these and the surrounding frame are stamped with a lozenge bearing a foUated ornament, and the frame itself, with double roses within circles and eagles displayed within lozenges. From the Binding of Agenda Maguntinensc. Boyal Library, Copen- haoen. D. 939-1889. 673 Triek. Seven stamps, the chief of Avhich arc an cscuclieon, with the arms of the diocese of Trier ([uartered Avith those of IVisliop .lames von Baden, 1503-loll, and a it^etangular stamp, witln an ape seated, holding up a mirror. From the Binding of Missale Trpvlrense, c.1488. British Aluseuni: D. 1426-1887. I 61140. 11 258 GERMAN RUBBINGS 674 COELN. Band adorned with escuchcons, separated from each other by two sprays of intertwining foliage; the escueheons are charged : one, witli the arms of the city of Coeln ; another, with those of the cathedral ; and the third, with a bend wavy, in chief, the letter Jj- D. 479-1887. 675 Coeln. 1493. Five stamps from the side of a Book -cover : 1, an escucheon with the anus of the city of Coeln; 2, rectangular; beneath a depressed canopy, S. Paul, standing, with his right hand resting on a sword ; 3, lozenge ; a vase with three flowers in it, the space between it and the border adorned Avith foliage ; 4, lozenge ; a vase between two stars ; 5, circular ; a unicorn passant regardant ; 6, circular ; a double four-leaved flower. From the Bindiii'r of Speciale Mismruni, 1493. Koyal Library, Copen- hagen. D. 480-1887. 676 Coeln. Part of the eide of a Book, divided by three-line fillets into compartments,* adorned with a variety of stamps, amongst which are : 1, an escucheon with the arms of the city of Coeln within a circle ; 2, a lozenge, S. Laurence holding a gridiron in his right hand and a palm branch in his left. From the Bindiufi of G. I'AJiALDi, episoopi Lugdunensis, Siwima Virtutum uc Vitiorum. Basileao, 1497. D. 482-1887. * The bevelled portions of the edges arc also bordered by three-line fillets. 677 LUEBECK Details from the sides of ]>ook-covcrs adorned with a variety of stamps and roll-produced borders. Among the former are : 1, a circular medallion, with a half-length crowned figure of the H. Virgin and Child on an uj)turned crescent moon, surrounded by rays with small round dots between them ; 2, a similar medal- lion, but without any dots ; 3, a lozenge, Avith a full-length crowned figure of S. Katherine, with a wheel at her side .and a swoid in her left hand; 4, an oval stamp, with a full-length crowned figure of the B. Virgin with the Child on her left arm, GERMAN RUBBINGS 259 Standing on an upturned crescent, and surrounded by rays ; 5, a lozenge, with a bleeding heart transpierced by an arrow. From five copies of the Missale Luhicense. Town Library, Lubeck ; University Library, Kiel ; and Ducal Library, Wolfenbuette". 1). 134-138-1887. G78 Part of the side ol"a Book-cover divided by intersecting vertical and horizontid tliree-liue fillets into nine compartments, that in the centre adorned with two conventional flower sprays enclosed between two flowing cusped bands which, springing from a sma 11 rosace at the foot, alternately recede from and rejoin each other ; the spaces on each side are stamped with labels bearing the holy name, if)^, and lozenges with fleurs-de-lys. The compartments at the head and foot have each a label Avith 5^iHjf*0tf V, the name of the patron saint of the monastery or of the binder ; those at the sides are adorned with a lozenge charged with a large fleur-de-lys between two rose bushes within cii'cles ; above and below wliich are medallions with the Evangelistic animals. The compart- ments at the angles are plain. From the Binding of a Manuscript Latin Psalter. Town Library, Bremen. D. 133-1889, 679 Details from the side of a Book-cover, stamped with con- ventional flowers in double ogee-shaped cusped compartments formed by flowing stems alternately receding from and rejoining each other ; enclosed within a border formed by parallel fillets and stamped with a peculiar undnlaling pattern on a star-sprinkled ground. From the Binding of Missale Magdeburyense, 1497. Town Libraiy, Liineburg. D. 137-1889. 680 Details from the side of a Book-cover. 1. Panel (75 x 47); in the centre, a floriated ornament within a double-ogee cusped stem ; in each corner, a foliated ornament. 2. Band, a ragged staff enwreathed with foliage and double roses. 3. A scroll, inscribed Ittatta. From the Binding of Missale Ordinis S. Be?iedicti. Spiris, 1498. ISoyal Library, Copenhagen. D 162-1889. 681 Part of the side of a Book-cover. Central panel stamped with conventional flowers in double ogee-shaped cusped com- partments formed by flowing stems alternately i-eceding from and rejoining each other, enclosed within a mitred frame foi-med by three-line fillets adorned at intervals with blue-bottle flowers. n 2 260 (lERMAN RUBBINGS Tl)is is siu-ruiindwl by two roll-proilucud bauds of liowing stems oi: fblia,!j:e and tlowers, and a third of Heur-de-lise cresting separated from each other by four-line tillets. Tlie outer frame is stamped with cordate pahnated leaves. From a IJiuding. IJritish Museum. D. 938-1880. 682 Details from the sides of Book-covers. A diaper of con- ventional flowers within double ogee-shaped cusped compartments ; an oblong stamp Avith two hounds running in a wood ; a label inscribed <© Ittartil ; besides others described under 681. From the Bindinff of two copies of Missd/r SallzOitrgense. Nuriibergae, 1492. D. 936 and 937-1889. 683 Details from the sides of J3ook-covers. Four bands of roll- produced ornament : 1, a stag hunt ; 2, a flowing stem of foliage and flowers with birds ; 3, a diaper of conventional flowers in elliptical compartments formed l)y two flowing stems; 4, inter- lacing strap-work with cinquefoils iu the openings. From the Binding of two copies of Missale Salisbiirgense. Kurnberge, 1498. Imperial Library, Salzburg, and Court Library, Darmstadt. I). 931 and 932-1889. 684 Details from the side of a ]3ook-cover. 1. Band, a flowing stem of foliage and flowers with birds. 2. Band, interlacing strap-work with cinciuefoils in the openings. From the Binding of Hreciarium Saltzburgciise. Xurnberge, 1497. Imperial Library, Salzburg. D. 889-1889. 68,5 Details from the side of a Book-cover. 1. Band, a flowing stem of foliage and flowers with birds as on 684. 2. Band, a huntsman spearing a stag pursued by two hounds; conventional trees and herbage. 3. Band, fleur-de-lise cresting. 4. Nairow baud of cinquefoils alternating with foliage. From the Binding of Miasalc Salisburgensc. Xurnberge, 1498. Im- perial Library, Salzburg. ' D. 888-1889. 686 Augsburg, c. 1499. Details Irom the sides of Book-covers. 1. Band, a flowing stem of foliage with flowers and birds. 2. Band, a huntsman spearing a stag pursued by two hounds ; conventional trees. .*i. Band of inteilaced stra])-work Avith cinquefoils in the openings. From the Binding of (wo copies of the Missale Pafaviense. Augtiste, 1498. Boyai Library, Munich, and Abbey Library, St. Floriau. I). 912 and 913-1889. GERMAN RIBBINGS 261 687 Bavaria. Tegernsee. Abbey of vS. Quirinus. Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with eight stamps, flowers, acorns, and a heart pierced with :in arrow within a lozenge. The library mark of the abbey of S. Quirinus is drawn with pen and ink inside the cover. I'roiu the Binding of Sennoiies perutiles de Sanctis, Hiya salutis iiitituluti. Hagenoae, 1497. British Museum. 1). 436-1886. G88 Bavaria. Tegernsee. Abbey of S. Quirinus, 1503. Details from the side of a Book-cover. The border stamped with a succession of floral ornaments : the interior with a diapered pattern, the centre of each compart- ment being occupied by the mark of the abbey library : a circular stamp, with two cordate leaves pendent from intertwined stems. From the Binding of Fr. A. de Eampexgolis, Liher figuranaii Biblie. Venetiis, 149G. British Museum. * D. 437-1886. Inside the cover is this note: " Iste liber attinet venenibili monasterio S. Quiiini in Tegernsee anno Domini 1501 per Heinricnm abbatem, anno 1.503 inlisratus." 689 Bamberg. Details from the side of a Book-cover, showing eight ornamental stamps in use at Bamberg at the end of the fifteenth century ; amongst them two lozenge-shaped stamps with heraldic emblems : 1, a lion rampant; 2, a double eagle displayed ensigned with the imperial crown. From the Binding of Missnle Bahenhertjen^e, 1499. Bamberg. Town Library, I). 107-1887. 690 Bamberg. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Two bands, one with a couple of interlaced dragons ; the other with a unicorn, a stag, and flowing foliage. From the Binding of Missnle lidhenhfnieuse, 1507. lioyal Library, Munich. " I). lOS-1887. 262 GERMAN RUBBINGS 691 Bamberg, The Augustiaians. Details from the sides of three Book-eovcrs, showing a variety of ornamental stamps used in the binding office of this convent in the first decade of the sixteenth century. Fiom the Bindings of three copies of the Missale Babenhergense, 1507. Town Library, Bamberg, and Royal Librarj-, Munich. D. 108, 110 and n 1-1887. ')92. Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with four stamps : 1, circular, imitation of a godrooned dish ; 2, rectangular, a siiltire accompanied by four demi-quatrefoils ; 3, a sexfoil ; 4, a floral ornament. From the Binding of Missale Saltzehurgense, 1506. Library of the loanneum, Graz. D. 161-1889. 693 NiJRNBERG. C. 1507. Details from the side of a Book-cover (8| X 5|in.), The frame impressed with a band of flowing foliage and flowers. The enclosed space stamped with a large floriated ornament, within a double ogee-shaped compartment, with leaves springing from the outline From the Binding of V^ade mecum. Missale Ititicrantiuin. Nurnbergae, H. Holtzel, 1507. Royal Library, Munich. D. 524-1886. 694 Ni-RNBERG. C. 1507. Part of the side of a Book-cover (8-| x 5f in.). The frame as on 693 ; the enclosed space stamped with a floriated ornament within a double ogee-shaped compartment formed by curving stems with leaves springing from them. From the Binding of Missale Itinerantivvi. Nurnbergae. H. Holtzel, 1507. Richardson, 1. 695 NiJRNBERG. C. 1507. Part of the side of a Book -cover (8^ x 5| in.). The frame formed by intersecting three-line flUets, and stamped, at the angles, with a circular floral ornament, and at the sides, alternately, with fleurs-de-lys within lozenges and rosettes in pairs. The ecclosed space is adorned with a diaper formed by repeated im- pressions oi' a rectangular panel-stamp with u floral ornament within a double ogee-shaped cusped compartment and foliage in each angle. From the Binding of Missale Itinerantium. Nurembergae, 1507 Town Library, Regensburg. D. 163-1889. I •GERMAN RUBBINGS 263 696 Two stamps : a double rose within a circle, and a floral orna- ment within a lozenge. From thi'/Bindiing of Missa/e Itinerantium. Nuremberge, 1510. Royal Library, Munich. D. 917-1889. 697 Details from Book-covers. Circular stamps : 1, the Holy Face ; 2, the pelican in its piety; 3, a double rose. Lozenge-shaped stamp, an acorn. Borders : I, a flowing vine-branch, with foliage, tendrils and grapes ; 2, a ragged stafi', with foliage and flowers ; from the calyx of each flower emerges a king with a sceptre in his right hand, and an orb surmounted by a cross in his left ; 3 and 4, a ragged stafi", with foliage and flowers. From the Bindings of two copies of Misfsale Halberstattevse, 1511, from churches at Lueneburg. D. 143 and 144-1887. 698 Panel (74 x 43 m.). S. Anthony standing between two trees, holding a long tau-shaped staff in his right hand. Above is a trifohated canopy, with two large crockets, which All tlie spaces in the angles. At the foot of the panel is *ailCt<^ aittOlli. From the Binding of ^rei'mr/M/H Lubicenae. Nurnbergae, 1513. Royal Library, Copenhagen. D. 112-1886. 699 Panel (71 X 45 m.). The B. Virgin, crowned, holding a sceptre in her right hand, and supporting the Infant Christ with her left seated on a throne with a carved back, beneath a trifohated depressed arch, supported by two columns. The basement on which these rest bears the words g^ailf ttl I IttiTttdl* From the Binding of N. de Okbellis Compendinm super sentential Parisiis, 1515. Town Library, Luebeck. D. 2347-1885. 700 COELN. Four stamps. The chief are : 1, an escucheou, with the arms of the city of Coeln ; 2, the winged lion of S. Mark within a circle. ^ From the Binding of Missale Coloniense. Parisiis, 1514. D. 481-1887. 701 Details from the sides of Book-covers. Two stamps : a trefoil leaf, and u bunch of foliage ; and four roll-produced bands : 1, hounds pursuing deer, flowering plants in the background; 26-1 GERMAN RUBBINGS 2, inlorlaciug slmpwork with qujitrefoils in tlic openings; 3, a flowin;; sU-ni of foliage with Howers and l)ir(l.s ; -1, Renascence foiiiitcd ornament. From tlie IJindin^s of : Missdle Salisbiirt/ensr. Niirnberge, 1505; Missalc Jiri.vinensc. IJasileae, loll; and Missa/c Spcrialc. Argen- tinae, 1514. Imperial Libraiy, Salzhurg, and Royal Library, Munich. D. 933-935-1889. 702 COELN. r.and. Peasants, fonr men and two women, dancing to the music of bagpipes. From the Binding of V. BEKTHt)Rii Morale leihtctorium. Basilcae, 1515. Cathedral Library, Iloreford. D. 1295-1887. 703 Details from the side of a Book-cover : the Ijorder is stamped at intervals with a lozenge containing a fleur-de-lys between two cin(iucfoils ; the enclosed space is divided by four-line fillets into vertical compartments, adorned with double roses within circles, alternating with lozenges in pairs, containing iions, dogs, or stags, the interspaces being relieved with small ciiiquefoils. From the Binding of G. Biel, Canotus Missae e.vpositlo. Lugduni, 1517. I). 490-1887. 704 COELX. Panel (108 x 71" ") m.). The Adoiation of the Magi. On the right, the B. Virgin, crowned, is seated near a spring, with the Infant Christ on her lap. He is taking a piece of gold from a coli'er, presented by the oldest of the three kings, who kneels before him, with his crowned hat on the ground. Behind him are the other two, bringing gifts. Behind tlie Virgin is seen the roof of a shed, with a star of 12 rays above it. On each side of the panel, on a richly-carved Renascence pedestal, stands a nude child, holding one end of a garland, to the middle of which is Hitached an escucheon charged with the arms of the city of Coeln. On the masonry, below the feet of the Virgin, are the ciphers of the designer and engraver of the panel, and the trade- mark of the hinder. CK1J Panel (107 -ox 70 ni.). The B. Virgin, Avilh the Infant Christ in her arms, clothed with the sun, and standing on the upturned crescent moon ; the nimbus around her head bordered with stars. Below are grassy hills ; above, a quadrifoliated cusped canopy, GERMAN RUBBINGS 265 supported liy piiiiiiiclcd Ijiitlrcssi's resting on ;i hiiscuiont iuloi-ncil witli ti'(>foils in triangular conipartmcnts rornicd by a continuous zigzag line. From the Hinding of F. PKTiti DoitnioLM QiKidrdgesimdle. Pariisius. University Libnirj-, Amstenlam. I). 126 and 127-1886. 705 LUENEBURG. Details from a Book-cover, with a double border ; the outer one bears a ragged staff Avith foliage and flowers, from the calyx of each of which emerges a kiug, holding a sceptre and an orb and cross; the inner Ijand a continuous flowing branch of vine, with foliage, tendrils, and grapes. T\\v enclosed space is adorned with a tloral diaper formed by four impressions of a panel stamp, having, in the centre, a large flower spray within a cusped double ogee outline, and, in each angle, a bnnch of foliage. From the Binding of Missale Ordiids S. Benedicti. Basilee, 1518, formerly belonging to a monastery at Lueneburg. D. 142-1887. 706 LUEBECK. Details from the side of a Book-cover adorned with a variety of stamps and a roll-produced border representing a stag pursued by hounds, with a large spray of foliage between them. Among the stamps is a circular medallion with a half-length figure of the B. Virgin, crowned, with the Infant Christ on her right arm, on an upturned crescent moon surrounded by rays. From the Binding of Missale Spvciale. Argeutinae, 1.520. Royal Library, Copenhagen. D. 139-1887. 707 DoNAuwERTH. Monastery of the Holy Cross. Part of the side of a Book-cover stamped with roses, palmatcd leaves and Hower sprays within double ogee cusped compartments. From the Binding of Ioannis Farri Malleus. Coloniae, 1.524. Ger- manic Museum, Niiruberg. I). ,542-1887. 708 Part of the side of a Book-cover. Central vertical panel divided into compartments by intersecting diagonal three-line fillets, surrounded by three l)ands of ornament separated from each other and enclosed by three-line fillets: 1, interlaced strap-work with dots in the openings ; 2, conventional floral ornaments between two flowing stems alternately uniting and receding from each other ; 3, two stems of intertwining foliage terminating in a large six-petalled flower. From the Binding of lirrviiirinm Palaviciise. Venetiis, 1517. I). 920-1889. 206 GERMAN RUBBINGS 709 Side oi :i J)Ook-covor (12 x 8 in.). The frame formed by three parallel three-line fdlets, altenuiting with bands of roll- produced ornament ; tho outer band consisting of cresting, the inner, of a slender stem enureathed with foliage and double roses. 'J'he enclosed space is adorned with two vertical rows of double ogee-shaped compartments formed by stems of foliage, within and between each of which is a conventional flower. From the ]{inding of Io.\x>'ir Geusonis Opera, Basileae, 1518. Richardson, 6. 710 Side of a Book-cover (8| x 5| in.). Border of Kenascence ornament, within which a mitred frame formed by three-line fillets and stamped with cinquefoils. The enclosed space bordered with a ragged stafl" enwreathed with foliage, is adorned with two vertical rows of large flower calyxes. From a loose Hook-cover. Richardson, 74. 711 Side of a Book-cover (8^ x 5| in.). Frame formed by inter- secting two-line fillets; the sides adorned with cresting; the enclosed space divided by intersecting two-line fillets into com- partments stamped with a floral ornament. From a loose Book-cover. Richardson, 75. 712 NiJRNBERG. 1522. Three stamps: 1, a double rose; 2, a four-petalled flower, both within circles; 3, oblong, a ragged staff enwreathed with foliage and flowers. From tho Binding of Jiefonnacion dcr Stat Niiriiherg, 1.322. Kuust Gewerbe Museum, Hamburg. D. 915-1889. 713 NURNBERG. lo22. Three roll-produced bands : 1, a ragged staff enwreathed with tillage and flowers ; 2, a two-handled vase from which springs an undulating vine-branch laden with giapes ; 3, four busts of a king, Mercury, a man and a Avoman in medallions alternatino- with towers, etc. "^ From the Binding of Htformucion der Stat Niirnbcr,/, 1522. r> 318-1833. GERMAN RUBBINGS 267 714 1533. Side oi' !i Book-cover (6i] x 4^ in.). In tlm centre a vertical liand adorned with conventional flowers in double ogee-shaped compartments formed by two flowing stems as on 708. This is surrounded by three three-line fillets and two bauds of ornament : 1, a flowing stem of foliage and flowers with a profile bust of a lady ; 2, a flowing stem of foliage and flowers. From the Binding of Ovibii Fastorum libri se.v (Harleiau, 2703). British Museum. D. 919-1889. 715 Bavabia, Tegernsee. Abbey of S. Quirinus, 1530. Sides of a Book-cover. In the centre, a vertical panel stamped with two large flower sprays and seven cinquefoils, and bordered with an undulating vine-branch. The sides of the frame, which is mitred, bear the monastic library mark (as on 688) and two flower sprays; at the head is the title jfH 10031 If, and at the foot the date 1530. The Avhole is enclosed within a roll-produced band of RenasceJice ornament : a nude boy, standing on a chalice-shaped cup and supporting a hanap, from which depend two chaplets of beads terminated by tassels. The other side is bordered by a band of Renascence ornament, the enclosed space being divided by intersecting three-line fillets into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, the latter stamped with a foliated ornament, the former with double roses, that in the centre, however, bearing the larger library mark. From the Binding of Missale Itinerayitium. Koyal Library, Munich. 'D. 435-1886. 716 COELN. Panel (68 x 113 m.). The Adoration of the Magi. To the left, the B. Virgin seated at the entrance to the stable ; behind her, Joseph, the ox, and the ass. To the right, the Magi, one bareheaded, kneeling, offering his gift ; behind him, the other two, standing 268 GERMAN RUP.P.INCxS B$A Cl•o^vn(•^l, lioUling up tlicir gifts. Pietwccn these two, the binder's trade-mark. Frame adorni'd with ibliati'd ornament and two owls ; a six-petalled flower at each angle. From the Hiiuling of EvdnycUslariiim M. MAitui.i Stalati-nsis. Colcniae, l"j3'2. Calheflral Library, Worcester. 1). 1309-1887. Saxony. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (159 x 30 m.") divided into two compartments, Avith a full-length figure in each beneath a lienascence arch sujjported by corl)els ; the one, a man, turned to left, in a furred robe and cap, holds np a sword in his left hand, while his right rt^sts on an escucheon charged with the arms of the duchy of Saxony ; the other, in similar attire, turned to right, holds a roll of paper in his right hand ; the escucheon, on which his left rests, bears the arms of the electorate ol' Saxony. Above the head of the former are the initials H H, and of the latter H I. Band of lienascence architecturesque and foliatetl ornament, with heads in medallions. From the binding oi Missale Nnviburgense. Basiloae, 1517. Uiiiver- sitj' Library, LeipziEN7/rt looking at a mirror ; lvckeoia stabbing herself, and ivsTiciA with sword and scales. On the smaller are fides, 1544, si'KS, CHAKiTAS, aiid .Justice with the usual emblems. From the Binding of Jireoiitrium Art/entiiicnsc, 1.511. D. 923-1889. 735 1545. Band (181 x 20 m.) with half-length ligures in projecting semi- hexagonal balconies. 1. David harping; on the parapet is the date 1545. 2. CMirist holding an orb surmounted by a cross, his right hand raised in the act of bles.sing. 3. S. .John Baptist holding a book in his left hand, and pointing downwards; above his shoidders the initials n K. 4. S. Paul holding a sword, his left hand resting on a book ; on the parapet is the cipher fi^. On tablets beneath the figures are these inscriptions : 1. de FRVOtv | VKXTHlS Tvi ponam aiipcr scdon tuain. 2. data est | miiii Oii^iHjwtestas. 3. kcck A(4NNVS | vva qvi TOLiAt peccata mundi. I. Ai'i'AHVTT I Mv.sjf/mtas KT wysuinitas. Band : Kenascence foliage alternating wilh metlallion piolile busts. 1). 494-188C. 736 Band (1G8 X 17 m.) with half-length figures in projecting balconies: 1. Isaiah, holding a scroll. 2. David crowned, harping. 3. Christ ri.sen from the tonib, holding a cross- surmounted orb and blessing. 4. S. Paul, his right hand resting on a book, a sword upheld in his left. On tablets beneath these are the following texts : 1. svper sol|ivm davit. 2. de fuvctv| VKNTKIS. 3. DATA EST | MIHI OIS. 4. APAKVIT | BENIGNITA. From the Binding of Snuter Licdekens. Antwerp, 1511. Royal Library, Buckingham Takice. 1). 515-1886. GERMAN RUBBINGS 273 737 NURNBERG. 1549. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Border, centre, and corner-pieces of interlaced curves and foliage. From Bindings of two copies of J. Nkwdoerffeu, £»* /i and MARTiNvs lvth. on a scroll at the foot. f <^m' From a loose cover. D. 494-1887. 740 Saxonv. c. 1550. Panel (156 x 90 m. ). Full-length figure of Melaucthon standing turned slightly to right, beneath an arch of Renascence style. He wears a furred robe and holds with both hands an open book bearing an inscription ending with these words : ora et labora. At his feet, on a scroll, piiilip melancth, and Cranach's well- known device ; on a block of stone, to 1., the engraver's initials, t k. In the background, little bits of landscape with buildings, and on the capitals of the pillars, two boys seated holding escucheons, the one bearing the arms of the duchy of Saxony, the other, the brazen serpent on the tau. From a loose cover. D. 497-1887. / 6114U. s 274 GERMAN RUBBINGS 741 Franconia. Wuerzburg. Side ofa Book-cover (179 x 118 m.). The outer border stamped with busts of men in circular medallions alternating with foliated ornament. Within this, a narrower border of cinquefoils surrounded by garlands of leaves alternating -with foliage. In the centre, within an oval surrounded by flamboyant rays of glory, is a figure of the B. Virgin holding the Divine Infant in her arms, and standing on an upturned crescent moon ; the background sprinkled with stars. From the Binding of Breviarium Ordinis S. Benedicti. Nurnberge, 1493. University Library, Wuerzburg. D. 527-1886. 742 COELN. 1551. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (195 x 16 m.) divided into six compartments, each containing a three-quarter length female figure. 1. A crowned female, Sweetness ? holding a lily, dated 1550. 2. prvdencia holding up a mirror. 3. polia ])laying the harp. 4. ivdit with a sword and the head of Holofernes. 5. cleopatra croAvned, holding an asp to her breast. 6. lvcrecia in the act of stabbing herself. Band (193 X 19 m.). Gracefully curving vine branches with gi'apes alternating with four medallions containing profile busts of a crowned monarch, two helmeted warriors, one with the cipher ^P and a bareheaded man, dated 1551. From the Binding of D. Dioxtsii Carthusiani Enarratio epistolarum et evangeliorum de Sanctis, Coloniae, 1542. University Library, Utrecht. D. 149-1886. 743 COELN. 1551. Details from the side ofa Book-cover. Band (167 x 13*5 m.) divided into four compartments each containing a three-quarter length female figure, beneath a canopy of foliage : 1. vides hold- ing a chalice surmounted by the Host, and a cross. 2. ivsticia with a sword and scales. 3. vokditvdo with a column in her arms. 4. si'es with an anchor; above the foliage, the same ciplier as on 742. Band (l70 x 17 ni.). Gracefully curving vine branches with grapes, alternating witli three medallions containing profile busts ofa helmeted warrior, dated 1551, and of two bareheaded men. From tlif r.inding of n;hl!,i. Liit^tiao, 1546. I). 150-1886. GERMAN RUBBINGS 275 744 Band (125 x 10 m.) divided into four compartments containing three-quarter length figures of Sweetness, holding a flower, ivdit, VENVS, and lvcrecia, dated 1552. From the Binding of Ciceronis Epistolae. Venetiis, 1544. D. 1854-1889. 745 COELN. Band (B. 15 m.). Gracefully curving vine branches with foliage and fruit, and winged boys climbing, alternating with medallions containing profile busts of emperors, one of which bears the same cipher as on 742. From the Binding of D. Erasmi Rotekodajii Adai/iornm Epitome. Lugduni, 1553. I). 15M88C. 746 1553. Band (162*5 x 18 m.) adorned with four half-length figures of LVCRECIA, ivsTiciA, Swectness holding a flower dated 1553, and PUVDENSiA in semi-hexagonal projecting balconies. From the Binding of a volume formerly belonging to the Charter-house, at Hildesheim. The Josephinum, Hildesheim. D. 152-1887. ■747 Side of a Book-cover (5f x 3| in.). Frame formed by tliree- line fillets and stamped with a roll ; profile busts of men alterna- ting with foliage. A. A KoNYGSTEYN, Concofdanticte Breviorcs, Coloniae, 1553. Richardson, 21. 748 CoELN. 1556. Band (B. 18 m.) divided into four compartments containing three-quarter length figures of ivsticia with a sword, charitas, PACIENCIA, and FORTiTVDO holding a column. Beneath the figure of Justice is the same cipher as on 742, and the date 1556. From the Binding of Mtssa/e7?o»wa?M<»n. Lugduni, 1554. Town Library, Mentz. D. 152-1886. 749 1556. Band (144 x 13 m.). Christ on the cross with figures kneeling, and lialf-length figures of S. Bernard, the B. Virgin and S. Katherine. On tablets at the foot of these : the date 1556, S. BERN, MARIA, and S. CATRl. D. 1424-1887. s 2 270 GERMAN RUBBINGS 750 COELN. Details from the side of a Eook-cover adorned with foliated centre and corner ornaments and a border (141 X lo m.) with two eseucheons charged with the arms of the city of Coeln, and two half-leiif2;th figures of a man and woman with scrolls bearing the legend o kelix colonia amid foliated ornament. From the liinding of Epitume in (jualuor lihros Se/iteiitittnim magistri Pi'tri Lomburdi. Parisiis, 1551. Hiitisli Museum. D. .J46-1887, 751 Coeln. Details from the side of a Book-cover stamped with a small foliated centre ornament and a border (129 x 13 m.) adorned with four oval medallions containing busts of m t cickro, div ivlivs, viKGiLivs and another, alternating with escucheons surrounded by monsters and foliage. One of the escucheons bears an eagle displayed; another, the arms of the city of Coeln; a third, (quarterly, 1 and 4 blank ; 2 and 3, in chief, a star. From the Binding of M. V. Aiala de vera rafione Christianismi in- structio. Coloniae, 1554. University Library, Utrecht. ]). 545-1887. 752 Coeln. 1557. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (152' 5 x 12 m.) divided into four compartments each containing a full-length figure in a semi-hexagonal balcony l)eneath a canopy of arabesque foliage. 1. Isaiah holding a scroll inscribed svpeu soi.ivm. 2. David crowned, harping, 3. The Child Jesus holding an orb surmounted by a cross, and blessing. 4. S. Paul with uplifted sword and closed book ; above his head, the cipher n^ with the date 1557. At the foot of each compartment the name of the person represented : esaia, davit, emanv, and pavls. Band of vine branches Avith busts in medallions as above (743). from the Binding of B. AiiiAii Moxtani Elucidationes in quaiuor EvaiKjdia. Antvcrpiae, 1575. University Library, Amsterdam. D. 153-1886. 753 Coeln. Band (187 X 21*5 m.") with four half-length iigui-es in semi- hexagonal balconies. 1. Isaiah with a scroll inscribed svper bOLiVM DAVID. 2. David harping. 3. The Madonna, 4, S. Paul with book and sword. Signed with the same cipher as 752, Khmii the Binding of Clinmicd Iouannis Sleidani. Ffortzheini, 1557. U. 155-1886. GERMAN IIUBBINGS 277 754 COELN. 1.557. Details from the sides of a l^ook-cover. Storied band (198 X 22 111.) divided into fonr compartments. 1. Josue triumphing over the 31 kings : .'U .koni. voN.iosv. In the back- ground the same ciplier as on 752. 2. Daviil smiting Goliath : DAVi . SLE . GOL. 3. Davld and Bathsheba : davi . mix . bers ; above, the date 1549, 4. Solomon kneeling before an idol to which a woman at his side is pointing: salom.d. fra.be. Band (143 X 18 m.) divided into four compartments containing half-length figures, whose names are on tablets beneath : paths, PALLAS, iVNO, VENvs ; above the head of each is a canopy of woman at foliage and over that of Pallas, the date 1555. Band (157 X 8 m.) divided into four compartments with half- length figures standing in semi-hexagonal balconies with Renascence foliage above their heads ; the tablets at the foot of each are inscribed savel, davit, vrias, and 1557; the figure of a warrior above the last is probably meant for Joab. From the Binding of Bihlia Lntina. Stephamis, 1.557. D. 143-145-1889. 755 COELN. 1558. Details from the side of a Binding. Band (173 x 14*5 m.). Four medallions containing profile busts of men, one dated 1558, another bearing the same cipher as 752, alternating with panels of arabesque foliage of a metallic character springing from a central knop. Band (112 X 11-5 m.) adorned with four three-quarter length figures separated from each other by tablets inscribed : david. ESATE. EMANV. PAVLI. Band (98 "5 x 9 m.) adorned with profile busts of men in medallions alternating with arabesque foliage. From the Binding of Missale Momanum, Venetiis, 1555. Town Library, Mentz. D. 154-1886. 756 CoELN. 1559. Band (195 x 21 • 5 m.) divided into three compartments with subjects beneath vaulted canopies. 1. Christ on the cross, at the foot of which are three figures ; in the background, the date 1559. 2. The Annunciation. 3. Christ risen from the tomb, trampling on death ; on the vaulting of the canopy, the same cipher us 752. On tablets beneath these are the following texts; IPSE pecc|ata nostra. ECCE vir|go conct. MORS eroImors tva, 27N GERMAN RUBBINGS Band (IJ. i;3 m.). Oval metlallions with profile bust portraits of John IIiiss, Mmtin LuthtT, Philip Melancthon and Erasmus, alt(.'rnatin<; with tablets inscribed with their names ; the intcrveniiiii; sjjaces filled with foliage. From the Hinding of Missale Argentinense. ITagnoae, 1520. Diocesan Semiiinrv. Mcolilin. D. 156-1886. 757 Details from tiie side of a Book-cover. In the centre, a panel (81 X 47 m.) representing the B. Virgin, surrounded by a flamboyant aureole and standing on an upturned crescent, holding a sceptre in her right hand and the Infant Christ on her left arm, in a vaulted niche of Renascence style. Above and beneath is a cinquefoil between two corner ornaments enclosed within a border formed by two-line fillets and stamped with a succession of foliated Renascence pilasters. From the Binding of Merum Moscovitarum Commeutarii Sigismundo LiBERO a?om the IJinding of Tin Livii liomischc Uist07-ien. Meyutz, 1551. All Souls' College, O.xford. 1). 146-1889. 760 Saxony. Panel (82 X 45 m.). Half-length figure of Luther, turned slightly to left, holding an open book i)earing these words : loqvebar de TESTiMONiis Tvis IN coxspECTV KEGVM. On the top of the GERMAN RUBBINGS 279 parapet is the date ; beneath it, this inscription : in . SILENCIO . ET . SPE . ERIT . FOR | TITVDO . VESSTRA . MARTINI . TSVtheri. A depressed arch supported by two columns of the Renascence style terminates the panel above. From the Biuding, dated 1561, uf a manuscript (17,973). British Museum. D. 496-1887. 761 Saxony. Panel (83 x 45 m.). Half-length figure of Melancthon, turned slightly to rt., holding a closed book. On the front of the parapet are these words : si . de vs . pro . nobis . QVis . con | tra . nos . PHiLippi.MELANT. Two pilasters support a round arch from which garlands are suspended. From the Binding, dated 1561, of a manuscript (17,973). British Museum. D, 498-1887. 762 Saxony. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Panel (88 x 52 m.). Half-length figure of Melancthon, turned slightly to the right, holding a book. On the front of the parapet is this inscription : forma PHILIPPE TVA EST SED MES TVA NESCIA PINGI NOTA EST ANTE BONIS ET TVA SCRIPTA DOCENT Two Eenascence pilasters support an arch, at the spring of which are two figures holding the ends of a garland and escucheons, bearing : one the arms of the duchy of Saxony ; the other, the brazen serpent on the tau. Border of undulating foUage. From the Binding of Caspar Peucerus, Commentarius de praecipuis generibus Divinationum. Witebergae, 1560. D. 140-1889. 768 Side of a Book-cover. In the centre, a panel (100 x 63*5 m.) representing Abraham al)0ut to sacrifice Isaac, stayed by an angel ; in the background are trees, a goat entangled in a thicket, and a farmhouse with a water-mill ; this subject is within an elliptical frame of strap-work, at the foot of which is a tablet with the legend : u: gr()sser noht ie neher gott. Tlie panel is surrounded by two borders separated from each other by three- line fillets ; the inner border stamped with fleurs-de-Iys, the outer, with busts of men in medallions alternating with foliated ornament of a metallic character. From a loose cover. 1). 538-1887. 2=^0 GERMAN RUBBINGS 764 Saxony. 1558. Band (200 x 21 "o m.) divided into four compartments with a subject in each. 1. The Annunciation. 2. Christen the cross; on tlie right, Moses lifting up the serpent ; on the left, the Centurion pointing to tiio Saviour to whom a nude man, seated on a block, is looking up with his hands joined in prayer ; beneath the arms of the cross are the initials GG, and on the block, the date 1558. 3. Christ risen from the tomb, trampling on death symbolised by a dragon. 4. The Baptism of Christ. Beneath these subjects are the legends : ECCK VIRG0|C0NCIPIKT ECCK AGNV8|lJKI QVI TOL ABSORTA ES|srORS IN VIC HIC EST FIL|iVS MEVS DI From tlie Binding of Der zwclffte und Jetzte Teil der Biicher des E.H.D. I\I. LuTnicKi. Wittemberg, 157-'. Museum, Worms. D. 142-1886. 705 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Storied band (B. 24 m.) : 1. The Annunciation, in a vaulted chamber ; on a tablet beneath : ecce.virgo. I concipies. 2. The Baptism of Christ; hic est FIEIV5 I MEVS mi.E0T?/.9. 3. Christ on the cross ; ipse peccata j NOSTRA FORT. liand (B. 15 m.) divided into four compartments, with half-length female figures in projecting semi-hexagonal balconies, beneath canopies of foliage. 1. fides with a chalice and Host. 2. spes with a spade ; above, the initials ii.R. 3. ciiaritas. 4. ivsticia holding up a sword. From the Binding of Missale Cmtxiakinum . I'apiae, 1.561, Koyal Library, Munich. D. 49.')-l886. 706 Band (180 x IG m.) with four three-quarter length female figures in projecting semi-hexagonal balconies inscribed on the parapet: i.vcRECiA stabbing herself; in the background, the initials of the stamp-cutter : c ii ; ivsticia, scales in her right hand, a sword in her left ; prvdencia holding u]) a mirror ; venvs holding an arrow. From the Bindinjr of a manuscript (26,106). British Museum. D. 487-1887. 767 Storied liand (172 x 23"o m.) divided into three compartments by tablets bearing inscriptions: 1. The Sacrifice of Abraham: NVNC coGN(»vi QVOD TIM. 2. The vision of Jacob: amodo viixcRiTis ancel. 3. CJhrist risen from the tomb trampling on 1 )eath : ero mors tva o mors. From the Binding,' of a manuscript (26,106), British Museum. D. 489-1887. GERMAN RIEBINGS 281 768 Saxony. 1562. Details from tlio sido of a Bindnic^. Panel (SO X 47 m.). Christ on the cross, with the titlo on !i scroll at the head, and a skull at the foot. Below : sicvt mosks exaltavit ser. Immcdialely behind the cross is a Renascence arch supported by two columns, on the bases of which are the initials C N. In the background, on the right, is the Sacrifice of Abraham, and on the left, Moses lifting up the serpent in the desert. Above the panel are the first owner's initials : I M N, and below it, the date 1562. Roll-produced Band (199 X 15m.) divided into five compartments, each containing a three-qnaiter length figure in a balcony, on which is inscril)od the name of tiie person represented : AProEi.o crowned, with sceptre and harp ; caliope crowned, with chaplet and harp ; xhalia playing on a mandoline ; evterpk playing the flute ; in the background, the initials C N. ; TERPSiCHore playing the fiddle; dated 1549. From the Bindiug of Scriplo?-uin piihlice propositoriivi a gtibeniaforlluifi studiorum in Academia Wittchcrgensi. Wittebergae, 1.559. D. 136-1886. 769 Saxony. 1562. Details from the side of a Binding. Panel (80 x 47 m.). Christ rising from the tomb and trampling on Death symbolised by a dragon. In the background, a city with towers. On each side, a Renascence column with an architecturesque canopy, in the tympana of which are escucheons charged with the arms of the Electorate and Duchy of Saxony. At the foot of the panel, the legend : ero mors tva o mors. On tlie tomb are the initials C N. Above and below the panel are a fleur-de-lys and two cinquefoils. The frame adorned with the band described above (768). From the Binding of Scriptorum publice propositorum a yubernaforibus studiorum in Academia Wittehergenai. Witteborgae, 1559. D. 157-1886. 770 Side of a Book-cover. In the centre, a panel (88 x 47 m.) on which, beneath a rounded arch, is a three-quarter length figure of Justice, holding an uplifted sword in her right hand and a pair of scales in her left. On the front of the parapet is the legend : IVSTICIE . QVISQVIS . PICTVR AM.LVMINE : CERNIS : DIC.DEVS EST : ivsT^'s : ivsta : qve : fac The frame is impressed with a band adorned with busts in oval medallions alternating with foliage. Side of a Book-cover. In the centre, a panel (8S x 47 m.) on which, beneath a rounded arch, is a three-quarter length figure of 282 GEliMAN RUBBINGS a lady in very rich costume plunging a sword into her breast. On the front of the paiiipet is the inscription : CASTA . TVI.it . MAGNAM FOHM AE . LVOKECIA : LAVDEM . FACT TAMEN . MAGIS . EST . VVLNERE. The border is adorned with the band above described. From the Binding of G. Sabini Brandbbukgensis Poeinala. 1563. D. 485 and 486-1887. 771 Side.s of a Book-cover. In the centre of one side, a panel (77 X 40 m.), on which, beneath a rounded arch is a three- quarter length figure of Justice represented as on 770. On the front of the parapet is the legend : IVSTICIA QVISQVIS PICTVUA LVMINE CE KNIS Die DEVS EST IV the first words of which are repeated on the arch above. The frame is impressed with a band adorned with busts of Hiiss, Luther, Melancthou, and Erasmus, in oval medallions alternating with foliage and tablets inscribed loii jiar I'HIL and era. The panel on the other side (77 x 40 m.) has a three-quarter length iigure of Lucretia similar to that on 770. The inscription on the parapet is : casta tvlit magn a fokmae lvcre la VD facta t mag est the lirst words of which are repeated on the arch above. The frame is the same as on the other side, but the spaces between it and the panel are here stamped with sprays of foliage. From the Binding of Paradoxae ducenta octoginta. 1559. Richardson, 25. 772 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Elliptical centre-piece (73 X 50 m.). Christ and the woman of Samaria at the well. Three-line lillct frame with foliated coi'uer ornaments. Band of Renascence foliated ornament with masks, figures of hunts- mcMi, etc. From the binding of Akistoteles. Tiguri, 1563. I). 154-1889. 773 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (181 x 19 m.); four portrait busts within medallions alternating with escucheons, cliarged with the arms of the personage immediately above ; the interspaces lilled with sprays of foliage. The legends on the medallions are loiiAN fkide, elector of Saxony ; d. m. lvthee ; GERMAN RUBBINGS 283 PHiLL. LA^Tf/rave of Hesse aud riUL. MELAScthon. Band (174 X 16 m.) with profile busts within medallions inscribed ERASM. ROTK. ; lOANNES HVS ; MARTIN LVT. ; and PHIL MELAN, the intervening spaces filled with arabesque foliage. From the Binding of ('inninculairtts dc Jean Calvin. 1563. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1204 1887. 774 NURNBERG. Side of a Book-cover (G^ x 4:\ in.). A large panel of strap- woi-k and foliage with a narrow border of Renascence foliated pilasters between two fillets. From the Bindiu. l.'J2 and 153-1889. GERMAN 11U13131NGS 285 779 Frankfort a/m. 1569. Details from the side of a Book - cover. Centre - piece (127 X 70 m.). A lozenge within a vertical panel witli foliated ornament. Storied border (152 X 15 m.) divided into four by inscribed tablets: 1 David harping ]544defrvctv | ventris tvi. 2 S. Paul with book and sword : apparvit | benignitas. 3 Isaiah holding a scroll bearing the text : svper solivm DAveW ; on the tablet : EGREDiEXvr | virga de nxdice lesse. 4 Christ as a nude child bearing a tau-shaped cross: sic devs di|lexit MVNDMm. Ornamental border of foliated pilasters superposed between two rows of chaiuAvork. From a Binding executed in ISe'J. ]). 491-1887. 780 Eubbing from the side of a Book-cover. Band (190 x 21 -5 m.) divided into four compartments each with a half-length figure in a projecting balcony: 1. David harping. 2. Christ, his right hand raised, an orb with cros3 in his left. 3. S. John Baptist, pointing downwards, and holding a book ; on the parapet G.W. 4. S. Paul, a sword in his right hand, his left resting on a book. Beneath the balconies are tablets inscril^ed : 1. rex davit. 2. SALVATOR MVNC?i. 3. S. lOANES 15. 4. S. PAVL^. From the Binding of Agenda ecclesiae (Joiistiuitiejisis. Dilingae, 1570. D. 516-1886. 781 1570. Panel (82 x 51 m.), A monk kneeling with outstretched arms at the foot of a crucifix; on the left, an angel holding the reed and sponge and an escucheon on which is the cipher This group is enclosed between two columns supporting an arch on which are the initials c.i.r.s.m. A cartouche at the foot bears the date ] 570. From the Binding of Breuiarium monasticum secundum ritum et morem congrecfatiotiis Cusinensis. Veuetiis, 1562. Library of the Scotch Benedictines, Vienna. D. 147-1889. 782 Saxony. 1572. Panel (81 x 46m.). Christ on the cross; on the left, the centurion, with his right arm raised pointing to him. To the right, Moses pointing to the brazen serpent, and Job seated, nude, with his hands joined in prayer. Immediately l)ehind the cross is a Kenascence arch stipported by two columns. In the background are the initials M N. From the Binding of Der zwelfffe and letzte Teil drr Jiiicher des K.H.IJ. M. LuTTiKKi. Wittemherg, 1572. Museum, Worms. D. 137-1880. 286 GERMAN RUBBINGS 783 Saxony. 1572. Details from the side of a Binding. Panel (81 X 46 m.) . Christ rising from the tomb, and trampling on Death symbolised by a dragon. Buildings and a tree in the background. On each side, a Eenascence column, supporting a trifoliated arch, in the tympana of which are blank escucheons. At the foot of the panel, the legend : kko mors tva o mors. In the background are the initials M A"^, and, on the tomb, the date 1560. The frame is impressed with a l)and (186 x 12 '5 m.) of foliage of metallic character, with four medallions containing l)rotilc busts of men alternating with escucheons beai'ing the arms of the Empire, Electorate, and Duchy of Saxony, and a cijjher. I'lom the Binding of Der zwelffte und lelzte Teil der Bilcher des E.H.D. M. LuTHERi. Wittemberg, 1572. Museum, Worms. D. 158-1880. 784 Saxony. 1573. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. A pair of panels (90 X 52 m.), each with four female figures beneath Renascence arclies, two at the head and two at the foot, facing each other, the names of the sciences they symbolize inscribed on the plinth beneath them : grammatica, dialkctica, retorica, aritii- METirr/ on one panel ; on the other, at the foot, geometria astkoxomja ; Music at the head being represented by two figures, one playing the fiddle, the other a lute ; lieneath these is the date m .i^ . l . x . vi, the Siamp-cutter's initials a o, and >tvsicA. The upper side bears the owner's initials M.i.s, and the date 1573. From the Bindiiip of Cicekonis Orationes selcclue. Lipsiae, 1568. D. 148 and 149-1889. 785 Band with jirolile l)nsts of men within medallions alternating with ar:d)es(]ue foliage. From the Bindinji of S. Ansklmi Ope.rii. Coloniae, 1573. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1298-1887. 786 1574. Side of a Book-cover {^\ x 4 in.). The frame formed by three-line fillets with a liand of roll-produced ornament. Pro- file l)usts of Huss, Luther, Melancthon, and Erasmus in medallions, alternating with escucheons charged with the arms of GERMAN RUBBINGS 287 the empire, the electorate and duchy of Saxony, and the land- grave of Hesse. In the centre of the enclosed space is a knight kneeling at tlie foot of a crucilix within a border of strawberry- leaf cresting with floriated corner ornaments ; a band at the head, between this and the frame, is stamped with a flower between two sprays of foliage, and another, at the foot, with the date 1574. From the Binding of a German Manuscript. Richardson, 77. 787 Saxony. 1575. Panel (90 x 55 m.). The arms of Augustus dnke of Saxony, 1553-1586. At the foot : avgvstvs chvkfvrst, immediately above Avhich are the initials of the stamp-cutter, W D. Panel (90 x 55 m.). The arms of the Holy Roman Empire. At the foot: ii romischen kaisertvms wapen, immediately above which are the initials of the stamp-cutter, W D. Band (170 x 17 m.). Four half-length figures in semi-hexagonal projecting balconies, on the front of which are inscribed : david : EMMANVEL : ECCE AGNV and PAVLvs. Abovc S. John Baptist is the date 1573. From the Binding, dated 1575, of Auistophanes. Basileae, 1547. Cathedral Library, Worcester. D. 1263-1887. 788 Saxony, c. 1575. Band (197 x 17 m.). Four female figures in semi-hexagonal projecting balconies, with ornamental foliage over the head of each, and a tablet at the foot : fides, a chalice and host in her rt. and a crucifix in her 1. hand ; spes looking up with joined hands, a spade by her side ; carita.v, a child in her arms ; PACiENCea, with the initials of the stamp-cutter, W D. D. 1421-1887. 789 Band with profile busts of men within medallions alternating with Renascence foliated ornament. From the Binding o^ Secunda pars Smnmae S. Thomae Aquinatis. Antverpiae, 1576. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1297-1887. 790 COELN. 1576. Band (186 x 18 m.) with four three-quarter length female figures in semi-hexagonal projecting balconies beneath canopies of foliage. ■2bb GEUMAN RUBBINGS 1. FiUKS, with a clialice ami host in her right hand, and a cross in her left. 2. iwiiEucia, holding a weasel. '3. spks, with a spade. 4. PRVDE«c/«/, holding np a mirror. From the IJiuiliug, diited 1576, of Missale Colonlense, 1494. Royal Library, Copenhageu. D. 150-1887. 791 1575. Side of a Book-cover (8 x of in.). In the centre, three vertical bands of roll-produced ornament : flowing stems of foliage springing from and terminating in horns ; above and below these, horizontal l)ands stamped with the owner's initials : H E, and the date 1575. These are separated from each other by three-line fillets and enclosed within a frame, adorned with two bauds of roll-produced ornament, the inner one consisting of profile bu.sts in elliptical medallions of lonxiines iivs, MARTiNvs Luther, I'lUJXU'i'vs Melcmcthon, and erasmvs iioterodatus, separated from each other by ornamental foliage, and the outer of cresting. From a loose cover. liicbardson, 32. 792 1575. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. In the centre, between two horizontal bands of cresting, an oscucheon with arms ensigned with a mitre and crozier with its veil, accompanied by the date 1575 and the initials L.A. These are surrounded by bands of roll -produced ornament separated from each other by three-line fillets. From \.\\v \K\m\\\\^ oi Missulc Cislercivnse. Parisiif^, 1560. University l.ibriiiy, Wuerzburg. D. 130 and 131-1889. 793 1576. Sides of a Book-cover impressed with panel-stamps within a IVame formed by three-line fillets and adorned with roll-produced flowing foliage. The panel on the upper side (8G x 51 m.) represents Augustus duke and elector of Saxony, a half-length figure in a rich costume, over which a mantle with a stand-up collar; he is turned slightly to the right and holds up a sword of state. In the background are two Renascence pilasters Avith a scroll-work canopy and two escucheons charged with the arms of tiie duchy and electorate. At the foot is the inscription : VON GOTTKS GNADP^N AVGVSXVS HERCZOG ZV SACnSEN VND CHVK FV. Above and below this panel are the owner's initials P Q- L and the date 1 57(i. GERMAN RUBBINGS 289 The panel on the under side (91 x 55 m.) bears the arms of the empire with the inscription : wapen des h romisiien kkiskr- THVM. From the Biuding of Ioannis Mylii Libenrodensis Poemata, Viennae, 1568. Richardson, 29. 794 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (195 x 19 m.) ; four portr.ait busts within medallions alternating with escucheons ; the persons represented are : the elector of Saxony, Luther, the landgrave of Hesse, and Melancthon ; the arms are reversed. From the Binding of P. Canisii Opus catechisticum. Coloniae, 1577. Cathedral Library, Wells. D. 1265-1887. 795 1582. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. The centre of each side is impressed with a panel-stamp (90 x 60 m.) ; the one, bearing the arms of John von Schoenenberg, archbishop of Trier, 1581-1599, within an elliptical scroll-work frame on which is the inscription ioan. del gratia, archiepis.trevi. AC. i'RINc. ELEC. ADMIN. PRVMiEN., accompanied by four small escucheons in the corners. The other panel has in the centre the profile bust of a Roman emperor within an elliptical frame, and in the coi'ners the Evangelistic animals within circular frames, on a ground filled with interlacing scroll-work and foliated ornament. At the angles of the panels are foliated ornaments. The frame is formed by three three-line fillets, the intervening bands stamped with roll-produced ornament ; the one, with cresting ; the other, with profile busts of men in medallions and Eenascence foliage. From the Binding of Missale Trevirense, Confluentiae, 1547. University Library, Wuerzburg. D. 150 and 151-1889. 796 1588. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Panel (112 x 58 m.). Full-length figure of Luther, standing bareheaded, his face turned slightly to the left, holding with both hands an open book, on the pages ' of which are these words : in silen | tio et | spe eri | t forti|tvdo I VESTRA | MARTIN | LVTHER. On cach sidc is a Eenascence column with an angel on the top supporting au escucheon ; one of these bears the arms of the elector of Saxony, the other, a rose with a tau cross in the heart. At the foot, the initials E.G. and the date 1570. This panel is surrounded by two borders separated from each other by three-line fillets ; the inner border is stamped with a succession of foliated pilasters, the outer with flowing foliage. I'rom the Bindinjr of Cantica sacra edita ab Fk. Elbko. Hamburgi, 1588. Uritii^h Museum. D. 499-1886. i 61140, T 290 GERMAN KUBBINGS 797 1588. Panel (1 13 x 58 ra.). Full-length figure of Melancthon, standing 1)airheaded, his face slightly turned to the right. In his hands an open book, on the pages of which are these words : si devs ] PRO NO I BIS QVIS j CONTUA | OKA ST | LAl'.ORA | PHELI | MELA. On each side, a Renascence column with an angel on the summit holding an escucheon, the one bearing the arms of the duchy of Saxony, the other, the brazen serpent on the tau. At the foot, the initials E G. From the Binding of (kintica sacra edita ab Fk. Elero. Ilamburgi, 1588. British Museum. D. 498-1886. 798 1591. Panel (78*5 x 47 m.). Beneath a rounded arch supported by two fluted columns is the Mercy seat, surmounted by a figure of Christ on the Cross, with the title on a scroll. The Saviour's loin-cloth, unusually long, has fringed ends fluttering out on each side. Beneath each arm of the cross is a chalice held by a hand put forth from the clouds, and on each side of the stem, a tablet with the legend : cumstus mor | ruus • est . et | revixiY v | t MORTVw . ET . VIVE j NTIBM5 • DO. Below the Mercy seat, on a tablet ; VITA . MiHi . CHRISTY | s . ET • MORS • LVCRVM. Above the arms of the cross is the name, M . georg kirsten, and below the tablets, the date 1576. Panel (78*5 x 47 m.). Beneath a rounded arch supported by two fluted columns is a three-quarter length figure of Justice, holding an uplifted sword in her right hand, and a pair of scales in her left. On the plinth on which the bases of the columns rest is the legend: ivsticie-qvis-qivs-p | ictvram.lvmine.cer. On the arch is the name : .meisder.georgivs. kirsten. Above the first panel are stamped the original owner's initials : T.A.B.B., and below it, the date 1591. From the Binding of Breviarium Erphordiense. Moguutiae, 1518. Meermaii-Westrheene Museum, the Hague. D. 141 and 159-1886. 799 1578. Panel (121 x 67 m.). In the centre, within an elliptical frame of strap-work with a mask above and beneath, King David seated, playing on the harp ; the Eternal appearing to him in glory. In the angles of the panel are four seated figures of females playing musical instruments. Between those at the foot is an escucheon chai-gud with a saltire between three estoiles, and Ln base a columu ; accompanied by the initials 1 K. GEBMAN RUBBINGS 293 Panel (121 x 67 m.). Susanna and the Elders, Susanna ia seated bathing her feet in u large bath, iuto which the water is pouring from an urn held by an angel on the top of a Kenascence column at one of the corners of the bath. Beyond the wall of the garden into Avhich the elders have penetrated, are seen buildings with towers and spires, and trees. On tlu; masonry of the bath is the cipher .sr«i!'- l,o.7.7. This scene is enclosed within an elliptical frame of strap-work, aT)ove which is a bouquet of flowers and fruit between two figures of Justice and Charity seated back to ])ack. In the angles at the foot of the panel are seated figures of Faith and Hope, and between them, an escucheon charged with the arms above described and accompanied by the initials I K. From the Binding of N. Recsnkri Leokini Suminorian JRegum libi-i vii. Augustae Vindelicorum, 1578. D. 143 and 144-1886. 800 Saxony, c. 1580. Side of a Book-cover (8^ x 5^ in.). In the centre, a panel (84 X 48 m.) with a half-length figure of John Frederic I., duke of Saxony, lo32-o4, in a rich suit of armour, standing turned slightly to the right, holding an uplifted sword. On the parapet to the left a plumed helmet. In the background, two fluted Renascence columns with scrolls wound round them bearing these words : lonxmies FRiDKricus dvx SAX07iiae. On the capitals are two angels holding escucheons charged with the arms of the Electorate and Duchy of Saxony. On the front of the parapet is the inscription : VICTVS . ERAS . ACIE . FIDEI . CONSTANTI. A . TANDEM . VICTOREM . ANTE . HOMI. NES . FECIT . ET . ANTE . DEVM. The panel is enclosed within two borders of arabesque foliage separated from each other by three-line fillets. From the Binding of Historien von D. Martin Liithers, Anfang, Lere und Leben. Nurnberg, 1580. D. 139-1889. 801 Saxony. 1592. Side of a Book-cover (7| x 4^ in.). In the centre, a panel (86 X 53 m.) with a half-length figure of John Frederic I., duke of Saxony, 1532-54, similar to that above described (800), except that there are no scrolls round the columns, and that the engraver has placed his cipher in the background. The inscription on the front of the parapet runs thus : VICTVS ERAS ACIE FIDEI CON STANTIA TANDEM VICTOREM ANTE HOMINES FECIT ET ANTE DEV This is surrounded by fdlets and by a band of Kenasceuce ornament, foliage, fishes, and dragons, with four medallioo profile T 3 292 GERMAN RUBBINGS busts and four escucheons charged with a double eagle displayed, a lily spray, a rose spray, and the arms of the duchy of Saxony. The original owner's initials A. R. Vs\ and the date 1592 are stamped above and below the panel. From the Binding of M. Farii Quintiliani Institutionuni oratorinrum Ubrixii, 1591. D. 138-1889. 802 Details from the side of Book-cover. Panel (88 x 53 m.). Faith and Hope seated face to face, the one holding a Crucifix and a chalice surmounted by the Host, the other, with joined hands lookino; up to the Ancient of Days who appears above the clouds. On the oval frame is the inscription : impetrat alma fides CHRISTO QVAM DANTE SALVTEM EXPECTARE SOEOR SPES ANIMOSA SOLET. In the angles, amidst strap- work ornaments are seated figures of ivsTic/f/, PRVoenc/cr, vonTitudo and iVMPerancia. Band (151 x 9 m.) divided into four compartments, one containing a figure of the Child Christ bearing a tau-shaped cross, the other three, boys with escucheons, and arabesque foliage. Baud (201 X 14 m.) : profile busts of Erasmus, Huss, Luther, and Melancthon, within oval garlands alternating with tablets inscribed ERAS. lOAN. MART. PHIL., the intervening spaces filled with arabesque foliage. From a Binding. Town Library, Salzburg, D. 513-188G. 803 1579. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. Panel (95'5 x 58 m.). In the centre, within an oval medallion, a figure of Fortune, standing on a globe floating on the sea. In her right hand she holds a wheel, on the top of which is seated a king; in her left, a rush in flower. In the backgrouud, on right, a vessel ; on left, buildings nciir the shore. On the frame is the legend : passibvs AMUIGVIS FORTVNA VOLVlilLlS ERRAT ET MANET IN NVLLO CERTA TKNAXQVE LOCO. MDLXxv. lu the angles of the panel are seated figures of GRAMMATICA, DIALECTICA, RETORICA, and MVSICA, the spaces between them being occupied by ornamental scroll-work. At the foot, in the centre, a mask. Panel (96 x 59' 5 m.). In the centre, within an oval medallion, a figure of .Justice standing on a pedestal holding scales in her loft hand and an uplifted sword in her right. Around the pedestal are flowering plants ; in the background, buildings. Ou the frame is the legend : lance rego cavsas fekro tego et AVFERO VITAM ELIGE SIVE VELIS VIVERE SIVE MORI. In the angles of i\^& panel are seated figui'es of Faith, holding a chalice Rurmonnted by the Host in her right hand, and a Crucifix in her left; Hope, looking upwards with joined hands; Charity, nursing V. child, and Temperance, pouring water into a cup ; their GERMAN RUBBINGS 29S names inscribed on scrolls which with foliage fill up the inter- vening spaces. Above, in the centre, a cherub. These panels are suiTounded by two border.s, the one l)earing half-length figures of Christ, S. ]*eter, etc. with the initials I K, as on 804. The outer border has medallion busts of Erasmus, Luther, and Melanothon rdtcrnating with foliated ornament. From the Binding, dated 1579, of Gcnealoyia des Iluuses der Fursten zu Aiihalt, mit einer Vonede Hcrrn Puihwvi Melanthon, 1.556. D. 147-1886. 804 Side of a Book-cover (12^ x 8 in.). In the centre, two vertical bands of cresting separated from each other and surrounded by three-line fillets, which also intervene between the four borders which form the frame-work of this central portion. The inner- most of these consists of medallion busts alternating with three escucheons, bearing : 1 the imperial eagle ; 2 the arms of Saxony ; and 3 a pot of lilies with the initials 1 K ; the intervening spaces filled with ornamental foliage. The second border is stamped with roses and leaf sprays; the third, with a roll bearing half- length figures of S. John the Baptist, Christ, S. Peter, and S. Paul, with the evangelistic animals within garlands above, and tablets beneath them, inscribed : 1 ECCE ANGJNVS DEI QV 2 DATA EST I IMIIII OMN 3 TV Es petr|vs ET SVPE 4 APPARVIT I BENIGNIT The figure of Saint Peter is accompanied by the initials I K. The outermost border is stamped with cresting. From a loose cover. Richardson, 76. 805 Baud (217 X 20" 5 m.) divided into four compartments with full- length figures of : 1 Faith, with a chalice surmounted by the Host in her right and a cross in her left hand. 2 Prudence, holding up a mirror. 3 Charity, with a child on her arm and another at her side to whom she is giving food. 4 Hope, looking upwards with joined hands, an anchor at her feet. Above each figure is a canopy of foliage, and below each an inscribed tablet : 1 fides e*t substantia sperandarum rerum. 2 prvdentia. 3 caritas est. 4 SPES NGN co^fnndctur. From the Binding of Missale Premonstratense. Parisiis, 1578. Town Library, Ulm. D. 519-1886. 806 Franconia. Wuerzburg, Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band (228 X 18 m.) divided into four compartments each containing a full-length female figure beneath a canopy of foliage, with an inscribed tablet 204 GERMAN RUBBINGS :it the foot, 1 FIDES holding n Crucifix in her right, and a chalice and host in her left hand. 2 srss looking up Avith her hands joined in prayer, a spade at lier feet ; above this figure are the initials IP. 3 ciiakitas an infant in her arms, and a child at her side. 4 ivSTiciA holding a sword and scales. Band (B. 21 m.) divided into four compartments in which are represented : 1 the Annunciation ; 2 the Baptism of Christ ; 3 Christ on the Cross, with the brazen serpent in the background ; beneath the arms of the cross are the initials i r ; and 4 Christ triumphing over Death. Tablets at the foot of each have inscribi'd on them: coxciPies in \tero ; iiic est FILI^^* ; satis- FACTIO ; IVSTIFICATIO. Band (147 "5 x 8 '5 m.) divided into four compartments with full-length figures of Christ as a child carrying the cross, and three boys holding escucheons and foliage. Baud (ISO X i.O m.) with five profile busts of men: a king, warriors, etc. in medallions, the spaces between which are filled with ornamental foliage. From the Bindinff of Missule Herbipolense, 1481. Library of the Historical Society, Wuerzhurg. D. 1420-1887. 807 Panel (76 x 49 m,). Half-length figure of Luther, turned slightly to left. On the front of the parapet is this inscription : NOSSE CVPIS FACIEM LVTH | KRI IIANC CERNE TABELLf/WJ. TwO pilasters adorned with fleurs-de-lys and cinquefoils support a trifo- liated arch, in the spandrils of which are scrolls inscribed : mak LVTH. From the Binding, dated 1579, of a manuscript (17,488), British Mnseum. D. 495-1887. 808 Saxony. Panel (76 X 49 m.). Half-length figure of Melancthou, turned slightly to the right, holding an open book. On the front of the parapet is this inscription : FOKMA rillLIPVE TVA EST S ED MENS TVA NESCIA I'lNG I XOTA EST ANTE liONIS ET T Two pilasters adorned with fieurs-dc-lys and cinquefoils support a trifoliated arch, in the spandrils of which are i)rofilc busts. From the Binding, dated 1579, of a manuscript (17,488). British Museum. D. 499-1887. 809 1581. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. Panel (So x 495 m.) Kaith and Hope seated the former with a Crucifix in her right GERMAN RUBBINGS 295. hand and a chalice surmounted by the Host in her left ; the latter, -with joined hands, looking up to the Ancient of Days who appears above the clouds. In the foreground are flowering plants ; in the background, a Avail, with trees beyond. Enclosed between two Renascence columns supporting a rounded arch. On a tablet at the foot is this inscription : IMPEREAT ALULA. FIDES CRISTO QVAM DANTE SALVTEM EXPEC TARE SOROR SPES ANIMOSA >andi dk Lasso Officia. Monachii, 1.580 British Museum. D. 455-1886 i 61140. IT 306 GERMAN RUBBINGS 848 Centre-piece (77 "5 x 61'5 m.) lozenge-shaped, composed of curves and foliage, partly lined, partly solid. From the Binding of Orlandi de Lasso Officia. Monachii, 1580. British Museum. D. 454-1886. 849 c. 1583. Details from tlie side of a Book-cover. Centre-piece (62 x 49 m.) of foliated strap-work on a lined ground with a cinquefoil in the centre. Corner-pieces, borders and other ornaments. From the Binding of Speciale Missarum ad usum diocesis Herhipolensis. Basileae, 1509. Town Library, Eickstaedt. D. 551-1887. 850 Bavaria. Dilingen. 1587. Centre-piece (99 x 72 m.) ; strap-v/ork and foliage on a lined ground Avith a reserved oval space in the middle. Centre-piece (100 X 68 m.) ; strap- work and foliage on a dotted ground. Corner- piece (70 X 47 m.) ; strap-work and foliage. Band ; a flowing stem of foliage. From the Binding of P. Zehendtner von Zehendtgrub, Ordantlichc Beschreibung. Dilingen, 1587. British Museum ; executed in cream- coloured kid ; the corner-pieces, crimson on burnished gold ground, being inlaid. D. 457-1886. 851 Bavaria. Eichstaedt. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. 1. Elliptical centre- piece (82x69 m.) containing within a garland of leaves, the arms of Caspar von Seckendorf, bishop of Eichstaedt, surrounded by the legend casparvs von gotes gnaden niscnop' zve eystet anno 1590. 2. Centre-piece (93 X 62 m.) ; interlacing foliated strap- work on a lined ground. 3. Border of Renascence foliated pilasters with fleur-de-lise ornaments at the outer angles. 4, Border of chain-work with corner-piece representing an angel blowing a trumpet amid lined foliage. From the Biuding of Missah Eystetense. Royal Library, Munich. D. 553-1887. 852 Franconia. Wderzbdrg. 1594. Side of a Book-cover (6^ x 4 in.). Border adorned with undulating sprays of foliage and flowers issuing from horns. The enclosed ^pace is almost entirely occupied by four foliated corner ornaments and a centre-piece of strap-work and foliage ; this has an GERMAN nul3liING8 307 elliptical meduUiou of Christ rising I'rora the tomb in its centre. The initials F G K H are tooled on one side, and the date 1594 on the other. From the Binding of Missale Romanum. Venetiis, 1493. Town Library, Mentz. D. 462-1886. 853 Franconia. Wukrzburg. 1600. Part of the side of a Book-cover. Roll-produced border and centre-piece as on 852. Large corner-pieces (75 x 44 m.) of strap-work on a lined ground. Lettered missale pfloxuach. F. c. D, p. 1600. From the Binding of Missale Herbipolcnse, Herbipoli. Royal Library. Brussels. . D. 460-1886. 854 Franconia. Wuerzbdrg. 1600. Part of the side of a Book-cover. Border as on 852. In the inner angles are corner-pieces (77 X 48 m.) of strap-work and profile foliage on a lined ground. Just within these is a fillet enclosing a vertical panel with foliated corner-pieces and a centre-piece as on 852. From the Binding of Missale Herbipolense. Herbipoli, 1491, formerly in the Benedictine abbey of S. Stephen. University Library, Wiirzburg. D. 461-1886. 855 Constance. 1604. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Outer border and corner-pieces of interlacing strap-work and foliage. Just within these, a second border and corner-pieces of foliage, and, within this again, a lozenge-shaped panel bordered by a single band of chain-work having in the middle a centre-piece of strap-work and foliage. Yrom thti Bmding of Missale Coiista7Uie?ise. 1603. D. 116-1887. 856 Details from the side of a Book-cover. Elliptical centre-piece (75 X 57 m.) with foliated strap- work on a lined ground. Border of twisted cable-work with quadrifoliated corner ornaments. Outer border of delicate foliated ornament. From the Binding of a Manuscript (2 D xx). British Museum. D. 979-1887* vi 308 ITALIAN RUBBINGS ITALY. 857 Ancona. c. 1450. Side of .1 Book-cover (10^ x 7| in.). In the centre, seven mednllions, six in a circle round the seventh, each containing a lion rampant ; these occupy an octagonal compartment formed by eight intersecting bands of cable ornament disposed rectangularly and lozenge-wise Avithin a vertical oblong panel, the upper and lower portions of which are adorned with a variety of designs formed by cable ornaments and small circles. This panel is set within a frame bordered with cable ornament. Two bands of cable ornament from the reverse cover. From the Bindiug of a MS. Commentary of Recanati on the Law. Town Library, Nimes. D. 178-1887. 858 Florence. 1466. Part of the side of a Book-cover tooled with interlaced cable ornaments, circles in compartments formed by fillets of three or more lines. The outer border adorned with repeated impressions of a stamp of Saracenic design. From the Bindings of Tektulliani Opera and C. Plinii Secdndi Epistolae. (MSS. 16,901 and 22,816) British Museum. D. 515-1887. 859 c. 1470. Details from the side of a Book -cover (8f x 6 in.). Vertical rectangular frame adorned, as is also the broad surrounding frame, with tooled interlacing cable-work with small circles in the open spaces. From the Binding of L. de Valla, Elegantiae minores. (MS. 27,580) BritiBh Museum. D. 301-1887. 860 Venice, c. 1470. I'art of the side of a Book-cover (8^ x 5| in.) Central vertical panel tooled Avilli interlaced cable-work and small circles. Border of flowing foliage with tendrils, produced by the repetition of a stamp. From the Binding of L. Ciiiensis de urbis ConstantinopoleoH iactura Historia. (MS. 6,417) British Museum. D. 300-1887. ITALIAN KUEBINGS 309 861 Milan, c. 1470. Part of the side of a Eook-cover (9- x 6 in.). Vertical panel adornod with tooled interlaced cable-work and small circles ; above and below are horizontal rows of quatrefoils and Holy Lambs. These are surrounded by three bands separated from each other by four-line fillets ; the innermost is adorned with small lozenges, the tvro outer, with interlaced work. From the Binding of £lvangeliu7n secundum Marcum cum glossis. (Burney MS. 27) British Museum. D. 299-1887. 862 c. 1480. Part of the side of a Book -cover. Broad border of tooled cable ornament with cinquefoils in the interspaces. The enclosed panel has tooled ornament at the head and foot of similar character connected by two chains, leaving a square space in the centre adorned with interlaced cable ornaments between two vertical rows of flies. From the Binding of a manuscript (Add. 1,477). British Museum. D. 302-1887. 863 Venice. 1498. Details from the side of a Book-cover (10 x 6i in.) Rect- angular vertical frame formed by the repetition of a stamp of intersecting curved lines charged with foliations, between parallel three-line fillets ; the space between this and the edge of the cover is adorned with angels' heads, rosettes, etc., and, at each angle, by a single leaf between two cinquefoils. The panel within the frame has a central ornament formed by four impressions of a stamp of Persian design, above and beneath which is an interlaced ornament; these are surrounded by shells, cinquefoils, circles with dots, etc. From the Binding of Commismo A. Barbadico, ducts Venetiarum, aa L. Iiistinianum data 1 Aprilis 1498. (MS. 25,034^ British Museum. D. 305-1887. 864 c. loOO. Details from the side of a Book-cover (13^ x 9^ in.). ATertical panel diapered w'ith hexagons and circles. Inner border adorned with a double row of cable-knots. Outer row of cable ornaments ; between these, plain hands relieved with circles and bordered by parallel three-line fillets. From the Binding of T. Livir Historiarum \libri x.vxi-xl. (MS. 22,108) British Museum. D. 303-1887. 310 ITALIAM RUBBINGS 865 c. 1500. Details from the side of a Book-cover (8| x 5^ in.). Border of intoilacing strap-work formed by the repetition of a stamp ; the enclosed panel adorned with a vertical row of five interlaced cable ornaments, two of these being four times the size of the others. From the Binding of L. A. Flori Epitome, 1454. (Egerton MS. 938) British Museum. D. 304-1887. 86tj Venice. 1514. Details from the side of a Book-cover (8^ X 6^ in.). Vertical panel with foliated centre-piece between two interlaced cable-work ornaments. Mitred frame formed by three-line fillets and stamped with four pilgrims' shells. Outer border formed by the repeti- tion of a stamp of interlaced strap-work. From the Binding of Commissio L. Lauredani, ducis Venetiariim, ad I. Maurum data 3 Aprilis, 1514, (MS. 20,979) British Museum. D. 307-1887. 867 Venice. 1515. Details from the side of a Book-cover (Of x 6| in.). Octagonal panel with a vertical row of interlaced ornaments bordered by a three-line fillet. Rectangular frame of arabesque foliated ornament between two fillets with single leaves in the corners and sexfoils at the outer angles. From the Binding of Commissio L. Lauredani, Venetiarum ducis, coii- stitueJia Fr. Barbadicum capitaneum civitatis Feltri, data 12 Febr. 1515. (Harleiau MS. 3,403) British Museum. D. 176-1887. 868 Venice, c. 1515. Part of the side of a Book -cover. In the centre, a vertical j)anel with a single leaf in each corner, and a border of interlaced cable ornament, withiu a mitred frame relieved with small rosettes ; this again being surrounded by a border of interlaced cable ornament. The divisions are marked by foui'-line fillets. From tlie Binding of IViu/tip/ii de M. Fkancesciio Pktrakcha. Venice, 1500. Abbey Library, Westminster D. 265-1888. ITALIAN RUBBINGS 311 869 c. 1515. Border formed by the repetition of a stamp with foliated orna- ment of Sarnceuic design. From the Binding of Pomponius Mela de Cosmographia. (MS. 17,411) British Museum. D. 309-1887. 870 c. 1515. Details from the side of a Book-eover. Border of Saracenic foliated ornament formed by the repetition of a stamp between two fillets. Large centre-piece of foliated ornament of Oriental pattern. From the Binding of Ciceronis Epistolae. (MS. 11,926) British Museum. D. 296-1887. 871 Venice. 1518. Part of the side of a Book-cover. In the centre, a vertical row of ornaments of Oriental design between tAvo of single leaves, enclosed within two bands of foliated ornament bordered by four- line fillets. From the Binding of Statuta Concilii Florentini. Venetiis, 1518. Town Library, Beaune. D. 310-1887. 872 Padua, c. 1520, Part of the side of a Book-cover (9| x 6 J in.). In the centre, a lozenge-shaped panel with a border of interlacing strap-work, within a vertical panel bordered by a band of cable-work orna- ment with small foliated corner-pieces. The space between the outer border and the edge of the volume is relieved at intervals by cinquefoils outlined by a cord. The divisions are formed by fillets of three or four lines. From the Binding of Costumi et usanca de la congregacione de poveri detti Yhesuati. c. 1470. (MS. 25,307) British Museum. D. 514-1887. 873 c. 1520. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. Bands of interlaced cable ornament, of interlaced strap-work, and of foliated orna- ment. Single leaf corner ornament. Centre-piece, the Holy Name within a circle. From the Binding of a manuscript. (24,274) British Museum. D. 308-1887. IU2 ITALIAN RUBBINGS 874 C. 1520. Side of a Book-cover (Si x 5^ in.). Rectangular frame formed by four-line fillets and stamped with a stem of foliage. The enclosed space is occupied by an architectural design outlined by fillets, the plinth and frieze stamped with interlaced ornament ; the pilasters, with stems of foliage ; the tympanum, with a foliated diaper, and the arch, with garlands. In the centre of the panel is an interlaced ornament within a circle, and in each corner, a leaf enclosed within a segment of a circle. From tho Binding of N. DA Cokeggio, Cefalo e V Aurora. 1497. (MS. 16,438) British Museum. D. 298-1887. 875 Venice. 1522-23. Details from the sides of three Book-covers. Borders of foliated ornament produced by the repetition of rectangular stamps. Corner ornaments : a small leaf, a sex-foil, an angel's head and wings. Centre-pieces, an interlaced ornament ; the Holy Name within a circle. From the Bindings of MSS. 20,980, 21,414, and 21,182. British Museum. D. 174, 175, and 177-1887. 876 EoME. 1522. Part of the side of a Book-cover (9f x 6\ in.). Vei-tical panel with centre and corner ornaments between two horizontal rows of foliated stamps. Inner border of Saracenic foliated ornament. Outer border of interlaced cable- work. The divisions formed by fillets of three or four lines. From the Binding of Constilutioni e Statuti de la Compagnia del Crocefisso de Sancto Marcello de Roma. (MS. 25,309) British Museum. D. 513-1887. 877 Florence. 1522. Side of a Book-cover (6| x 4 in.). A vertical panel with a central ornament of Oriental design and corner-pieces within seg- ments of a circle. Frame formed by three-line fillets and adorned with juxtaposed impressions of an interlaced ornament ; a cinque- foil at each of the outer angles. D. 477-1886. 878 Venice, c. 1525. Sides of a Book-cover (6f x 4 in.). A vertical panel sur- rounded by a broad border of flowing foliated ornament, with ITALIAN KUBBINGS 313 corner-pieces within sepfmeuts of a circle. In the centre is the title AVLi (on the reverse side gellii) in a rectangular compartment between two cusped semi-elliptical ornaments of Oriental design, enclosed within a fillet, rounded at both head and foot, and edged on its outer side with a row of single leaves. From the Binding of Auli Gellii Nodes Atlicae. Vcnetiis, 1515. D. 480-1886. 879 c. 1525. Side of a Book-cover {i\ x 3 in.). Border stamped with a succession of leaves and quatrefoils. The enclosed panel richly tooled with foliated ornament. In the centre, the title brevia j KIVM. From the Binding of Breviarium Romanum, Tusculaui, 1520. Royal Library, Munich. D. 478-1886. 880 1537. Side of a Book-cover (6^ x 4^ in.). A vertical panel enclosed within a border of palmated leaves of two patterns, with a ileur-de- lys at the angles, and foliated ornaments in the corners within segments of a circle ; the frame between these is edged with a fringe. In the centre, a half figure of the Madonna on an up- turned crescent in an aureole ; above and below, a cherub and two sexfoils. From the Binding of Missale Romanum. Venetiis, 1537. British Museum. . , D. 479-1886. 881 Venice, c. 1540. Details from the side of a Book-cover. Flowing spray of foliage with tendrils, repetitions of which form the border. Central orna- ment with the Holy Name J)1^0. From the Binding of a Breviary. D. 306-1887. 882 Venice, c. 1543. Side of a Book-cover (6f X 4^ in.) elaborately tooled. Vertical panel enclosed within a triple border. In the centre outlined with interlacing curves is the Holy Name surrounded by stars, crosses, fleurs-de-lys and leaves. In the corners, foliated orna- ments ; the remainder of the panel is thickly powdered with small stars. From the I'inding of Missale Romanum. Venetiis, 1543. British Museum. I). 475-1886. 314 ITALIAN RUBBINGS 883 Side of a Book-cover (8^ x 5^ in.) elaborately tooled. Broad framework of fillets and small ornaments. The enclosed panel has corner-pieces of curves charged with leaf forms, and in the centre, the author's name : card kkmro within a circular frame adorned with sexfoils and surrounded by a succession of curves. From the IJinding of Lettere di M. Pietro Bembo. Roma, 1548. Richardson, 19. 884 1555. Side of a Book-cover (13| x 8| in.). Broad framework bordered by intersecting two-line fillets, which divide it into eight compartments ; of these, the four larger have in the centre a sunken panel with interlacing foliated ornament of Oriental design in relief. Graceful curves charged Avith foliations, amid which are heraldic eagles displayed, occupy the extremities, as also the square compartments at the angles. The enclosed panel powdered with trefoils has small foliated corner ornaments and a cuspcd centre-piece with the arms of a Cardinal archbishop, accompanied by a patriarchal cross palewise and ensigned with a cardinal's hat. From the Binding of Origenis Commentaria in Evangelium loannis. Parisiis, 1555. To\Tn Library, Montpellier. D. 530-1887. 885 Venice. 1563. Details from the side of a Book-cover (7| X 51^ in.). Broad border stamped with a large ornament composed of two sprays of foliage springing from a knop. Coi'ner ornaments : foliage with an acorn. Centre ornament : Diana with bow and quiver, a stag at her side. From the Binding of a volume in private possession. D. 173-1887. 886 1566. Side of a Book-covor (6^ x 4^ in.). In the centre of a panel filled with flowing lines charged with varied foliations is the date M.D.LXvi. between two cinquefoils. The owner's initials M e t occupy the same position on the obverse cover. Broad border of flowing lines with foliations, between two two-line fdlets. From the Binding of Missale Romanum, Venetiis, 1559. British Museum. D. 476-1886, ITALIAN RUBBINGS 315 887 1566. Part of the side of a Book-cover (14f in. x 10| in.). Broad border of arabesque ornament; interlacing gold lines with foliations produced by the repetition of a stamp. The enclosed panel is divided by interlacing bands outlined in gold into live compart- ments filled with curves and foliations, flowers and triplets of dots being added in the interspaces. In the centre, an ornamental escucheon with the arms of Cardinal Michael Bonelli, 156G-98, ensigued with the cardinal's hat. From the Binding of Missale secundum usu7n J'rainim Pred'tcatorum. Venetiis, 1562. British Museum. D. 481-1886. Venice. 1570, Details from the side of a Book-cover. Rectangular panel adorned with a vertical row of interlaced ornaments. Inner border of flowing foliage and tendrils, outer border of foliated ornament, both produced by the repetition of a stamp between fillets of four or more lines. From the Binding of Missale Romanum. Venetiis, 1570. D. 193-1888. 889 c. 1575. Part of the side of a Book-cover (9 x 6| in.). Two branches, springing from the border half-way up each side, occupy with their bold sweeping curves, and a variety of leaf forms, the greater portion of the field, which is powdered with .small circles. In the centre is a reserved oval space within a frame of scroll- work adorned with two terminal figures of youths. From the Binding of Missale Jiotnanuni. Venetiis, 1575. Royal Library, Munich, D, 179-1887. 890 c. 1580. Part of the side of a Book-cover (8^ x 5| in.). Vertical rectangular frame formed by parallel two-line fillets and stamped with repeated impressions of a curved stem with five-petalled flowers. F'oliated corner ornaments within segments of a circle. In the centre, on one side, the title within two interlacing squares ; on the other, a circular ornament formed by four impressions of the stamp used in the corners. From the Binding of a ^Nfanuncript (Royal Anp. 60). British Museum. P, 297-1887. 316 ITALIAN RUBBINGS 891 Side of a Book-cover (4J x 2} in.). In the centre, an Cseucheon cliarged with a gryphon rampant crowned, eusigned with a hehnet with mantling ; crest : a leopard, which animal is repeated on each side and beneath the escucheon. Above and below are terminal figures ; curves springing from these enclose floral ornaments. In the intervening sjiaces are cinquefoils. The whole enclosed within a narrow border adorned with curved stems of foliage and bearing the owner's name : lO. kapti. SOORFIA. From the Binding of N. Leonici Thombi De varia Historia. Lugduni, 1555. Eichardson, 23. 892 Venice. 1620. Part of the side of a Book-cover (9^ x 6^ in.). Elliptical centre-piece, the interior plain, reserved for armorial bearings or owner's name, surrounded by a broad band tooled with masks, vases, sprays of foliage, flowers and dragon-flies. Broad outer border formed by parallel two-line fillets and tooled with flowers, foliage, dragon-flies and caterpillars. Corner ornaments of similar character. From the Binding of MS. 21,224. British Museum. D. 171-1887. 893 Venice. 1627. Elliptical centre-piece, the interior, plain, reserved for armorial bearings, surrounded by a broad band tooled with nine volutes of foliage, in the spaces between which are fleur-de-lise ornaments. From the Binding of MS. 18,619. liritish Museum. D. 172-1887. 894 Side of a Book-cover (4| x 2| in.) divided into five com- partments by bands formed by parallel fillets edged with lacework. The central compartment, elliptical, is occupied by a large escucheon charged with three fish, and in chief, with an eagle displayed; in each of the other four is an angel holding a garland. From the Binding of Salluktii Opera. Lugduai Batavorum, 1639. Richardson. 24. 895 Side of a Book-cover (4 x 2\ in.) Frame formed by parallel fillets and adorned with a knotted cord. Corner oinaments com- posed of five radiating lobes, in the centre, a pair of compasses within an octagonal frame formed by scrolls, fillets, and curves charged with tiny leaf-i'orms. From the Binding of a Book of Hours. Richardson, 87 ITALIAN RUBBINGS Slt 896 Venice. 1635. Side of a Book-cover (8| x 6^ in.). Broad frame formed by two parallel narrow bands of ornament with lace edging, and stamped with curved stems of foliage and flower calyxes. Within the frame is a broad band of lace work ornament with radiating corner ornaments and a large centre-piec(; composed of curved stems of foliage and floi\rer calyxes. From the Bindiug oi II Cortujimio santo. Vcnetia, 1635. Richardson, 4'J. 897 Side of a Book-cover (6| X 3| in.). Two-line fillet border with lace-ornament on each side ; floriated corner ornaments ; in the centre, an escucheou bearing : per pale. 1 Panciatichi ? 2 Rospigliosi, ensigned with a coronet supported by two amorini. From the Binding of Le Portrait de Saint Francois de Sales. Rome, 1669. Richardson, 55. 318 SPANISH RUBBINGS SPAIN. 898 Saragossa. loll. Side of a Book-cover (8 x 5| iu.). Central vertical panel diapered with an ornament composed of two interlaced half links of a chain, surrounded by four six-line tillets, and three bands of interlaced chain ornament of varied design, that in the middle having small circular basin-like indentations in the interspaces. From the Binding of Missale secundum consuetudinem JRonianc curie et ordinisfratrum S. Hieroni/mi, Cesarauguste. 1511 Koyal Library, Munich. D. 511-1886. 899 Saragossa. 1516. Side of a Book-cover (8^ x of in.). Central vertical diajjcred panel, surrounded by five fillets of three lines and four bands of interlaced chain-ornament of varied design with small circles in the interspaces. From the Binding of MERCaRiNi Akbouiknsis de Gattinaria Oratio dc novisaima monarchia. 1516. (MS. 18,008) British Museum. D. 510-1886. 900 Saragossa. 1519. Side of a Book-cover (8 x 5\ in.). In the centre, a vertical panel with two square compartments diaoered with an ornament composed of two interlaced half links of a chain, each compart- ment, as also the panel, being enclosed by a band of interlaced chain ornament. The outer border is formed by another band of chain ornament of dift'erent design ; but all alike have circular indentations in the interspaces. From the Binding of Missale Romanum. Cesarauguste, 1519. British Museum. D. 509-1886. 901 Segovia. 1545. Details from the side of a Book-cover ( x in.). 1-5, bands of interlaced cable ornament formed by repeated impressions of rectangular stamps ; G, oblong, a Howing stem of foliage and ilowcrs ; 7, triangular, a dragon ; 8, an escucheon charged with the arms of Castile and Leon ensigned with the royal crown. From the Binding of an Antiphonal of the use of Segovia, 1545 (MS. 24,673). British Museum. D. 906 and 907-1889. SPANISH RUBBINGS 319 902 Part of the side of a Book-cover (6^ x 4 in.). Central vertical panel with tooled centre and corner ornaments surrounded by a border of interlaced chain ornament and another of foliage, flowers, and birds, and by a plain outer border tooled with corner ornaments and with four small flowers, the divisions marked out by two-line fillets. Fr(Mn the Binding of B. Oktiz, Sumini templi Toletani descriptio. Toleti, 1549. British Museum. D. 512-1886. 903 Salamanca. 1585. Details from the side of a Book-cover. A narrow vertical panel with foliated corner-pieces and a central ornament with the profile bust of a warrior in an elliptical medallion between two sprays of foliage on which a bird is perched. This is surrounded by three bands of flowing foliage with busts in medallions, bordered by three-line fillets separated from each other by bands left plain. From Binding of D. Baxes Mondkagonensis Scholastica Commcntaria in primam partem de Thomac. Salmanticae, 1585. Cathedral Library, Hereford. D. 1308-1887. 320 DANISH RUBBINGS DENMARK. 904 Five stamps from the side of a Book-cover. Oblong : 1, a ragged staff enwreathed with floAving foliage ; 2, a lion passant. Circular : 3, a pot Avith a flowering plant ; 4, a cinqueloil. o. A fioAver terminating in a cone. From the Binding of Missale secundutn ordinem fratrum Prcdicatorum. Koyal Library, Copenhagea. D. 169-1887. 905 Three stamps from the side of a Book-cover. 1. Circular, a double rose. 2. Obloug, a tree betAveen tAvo animals facing each other. 3. Lozenge-shaped, a conventional flower. From tlio Binding of a Manuscript. Koyal Library, Copenhagen. D. 170-1887. 906 Copenhagen. 1510. Details from the side of a Book-cover. The inner portion is divided into rectangular vertical compartments (80 x 49 m.) Avith a floral ornament inscribed within a cusped double ogee in the centre, and foliage in the angles forming when juxtaposed a decorative cross. The border is adorned Avith intertAvining stems of foliage, with a lion passant Avithin a circle, and with a fleur-de- lisc ornament within a lozenge. From the Binding of Missale Haffnense. Havniae, 1510. Royal Library, Copenhagen. D. 168-1887. 907 Side of a Book-cover. In the centre, three vertical bands of undulating branches Avith foliage and floAvers, surrounded by a baud of branch- work within the curves of which are large flowers or escucheons bearing the arms of: 1. Denmark, three lions passant guardant, croAvned ; 2. Scandinavia, three crowns, two and one ; 3. Norway, a lion rampant, crowned, holding a battle-axe ; and 4, the Sclavonic dragon of the Vandals, its Avings expanded. These bands are separated from each other and surrounded by three-line fillets. From the Binding of Breviarium Roschildense. Parisiis, 1.517. Royal Library, Copenhagen. D. 165-1887. DANISM llUliiilNGS 321 908 Copenhagen. 1519. Details from the side of a Book-cover. The inner portion is divided into rectangular vertical compartments with a floral ornament inscribed within a cusped double ogee in the centre, and foliage springing from an acorn cup in each angle. The border is adorned with a ragged staff enwreathed with foliage and flowers. From the Binding of Missale Nidrosieme. Haffnie, 1519. Royal Library, Copenhagen. D. 166-1887. 909 c. 1520. Details from the sides of a Book-cover. In the centre of one side, a figure (54 x 34 m.) of the Madonna crowned standing on an upturned crescent moon, surrounded by rays of glory. On the other side is a spray of foliage and flowers (54 x 34 m.). The border is adorned with a ragged staff enwreathed with foliage ; at the angles, the Evangelistic animals within circles. From the Binding of Breviarmm Cisterciense. Parisiis, 1519. Royal Library, Copenhagen. D. 167-1887, 910 Copenhagen. 1565, Details from the side of a Book-cover. Band of cresting ; bands with pi'ofile busts of kings and helmeted warriors in medallions surrounded by foliage, alternating with tablets, each bearing one word of the legend : godt help alle tiet. From the Binding of N. Hemmingius, Historia Domini Iliesn Christi. Hafniae, 1562. Town Library, Nimes. D. 164-1887. These tablets having by the negligence of the workmen been here and there misplaced or reversed, afEord conclusive evidence that the band is not roll-produced. 61140. 322 POLISH RUBBINGS POLAND. 911 Krakad. 1558. Band (158 x 16 "5 m.) with four half-length figures of the Evangelists in projecting semi-hexagonal balconies beneath rounded arches ; above the head of S. Mark is the date 1540. Storied Band (185 x 19* 5 m.) divided into four compartments: 1. PECCATVJr, Adam receiving the forbidden fruit from Eve. 2. An Israelite kneeling at the foot of a tau-shaped cross with a serpent on it. 3. satispactio, Christ on the cross; two kneeling figures at its foot. 4. ivstificacio, Christ rising from the tomb. From the Binding of Missale pro itinerantibns, Cracoviae, 1545. University Library, Vienna. D. 483-1 886. 912 Krakau. 1578. Part of the side of a Book-cover. In the centre of one side is a panel (81 '5 x 51 m.) representing Christ on the cross, with Moses lifting up the serpent on the right, and the sacrifice of Abraham on the left, beneath a rounded arch supported by two Renascence columns. Immediately below the panel is the date 1578, and all around a variety of foliated and floral ornaments, surrounded by four ornamental borders, the three innermost of which are separated from each other by bands stamped at intervals with foliated ornaments. In the centre of the other side, within garlands of foliage and flowers, are two medallions, the lovrer one elliptical, containing an escucheon charged with three staves, one in pale and two saltire-wise, with the initials B W above it, and these words around : ivstificati ex riDE, pacem habemvs ad devm, per lEsvM CHRISTY. ROM. 5. The Upper medallion, circular, contains an oval escucheon with arms, the initials G S and the legend : SI DEVS PRO Nor.is.QVis CONTRA Nos . AN . M . D . Lxviii. There are three borders, one of which (196 x 18*5 m.) is adorned with four half-length figures: 1. Christ with a cross-surmounted orb, 2. S. John the Baptist pointing downwards and holding a book in his left hand. 3. S. Paul with an uplifted sword in his right hand, and a book in his left. 4. S. Peter. Above each figure is a sort of canopy of foliage, and beneath each, a tablet with a text : — 1. DATA EST I MIHI CM 2. ECCE AN I GNVS DE 3. APPARVI I T BENI(? 4. TV ES PE I TRVS E!T The outer border (149 x 14 • 5 m.) is adorned with four elliptical medallions with busts of warriors turned ulternately to right and left, the intervening spaces occupied by delicate foliated ornament. From the Binding of Missale Cracoviense. Moguntiae, 1487. lagelliouska Library, Krakau. D. 485 and 484-1886. HUNGAIUAN RUBBINGS 323 HUNGARY. 913 c. 1490. Side of a Book-cover (Hi x 7^ in.) richly tooled. Outer border stamped on three sides with small circles, and at the head, with the title qvintvs cvrtivs between two Hower sprays. Within this, at both head and foot, a broad band of interlaced chain ornament connected by single chains within narrow lateral bands. The corners of the interior are occupied by foliage and flowers. Within are two rows of circles separated from each other by a fillet, and in the centre, an elongated quatrefoil formed by three rows of circles alternating with fillets, which are terminated above and below by a floriated fiuial. In the centre of this panel is a small escucheon with the arms of Mathias Corviuus, King of Hungary, ensigned with the royal crown, and surrounded by leaves and flowers. From the Binding of a MS. of the 3rd Book of Quintus Curtius' History of Alexander the Great, written at Florence in 1467. National Museum, Buda-Pesth. D. 48«-188G. I 61140. 324 CKOATIAN KUBlilNGS CROATIA. 914 Side of a Book-cover (61 x 4 iu.). A broad border formed by the repetition of the same stamped (lesign, a sex-foil within a circle from which spring leaves and fruit. The interior divided by horizontal tbree-line fillets into compartments, that in the middle tooled with leaves and flowers, the upper one adorned with two rows of saltire crosses, and the lower one covered Avith interlaced ornament. From the Binding of Breviariiim ordhiis fratrnm ercDiitarnm Sancti PmiU primi eremite. Venetiis, 1540. Eoj'al Library, Munich. D. 482-1886. SEI5BIAN IflBBINGS .'325 SERBIA. 915. c. 1500. Side of a Book-cover (S x 4^ in.). Double border, produced by the repetition of oblong stamps ; that used in the outer border con.sisting of two pahnated leavc.><, that in the inner, of a curved spray of foliage. At the head and Ijase of the interior are a row of circles with a lion in each, and within these, two roAvs of fleurs- de-lys, and a cruciform ornament formed by the repetition of a foliated stamp. All these stamps appear to be of much earlier date than the binding, and were probably originally goldsmiths' stamps. From the Binding of the Homilies of S. Basil, formerly in the Monastery of Detchani, in Old Serbia. (MS. 27,422) British Museum. D. 473-1886. rNpEx 327 INDEX OF LIBRARIES. Abbeville: Town Library, 478, 499, 509, 510, 534, 537, 547. Amsterdam : National Museum, 299. Royal Academy, 399. Six collection ; 370, 373, 383, 385, 386, 389, 391, 396, 402, 419, University Library, 286,297, 413, 422, 437, 497, 704, 752. Auofsbnrf;- : Town Tiibrary, 819. Bambcrfr: Town Library, 6.'j4, 689, 691, 730, 811. Beaune- Town Library, 377, 476, 477, 480, 493, 494, 511, 513, 871. Bremen : Town Library, 71, 304, 678. Bruges : Diocesan Seminary, 303, 307, 314, 316, 381. Episcopal Archives, 380, 428. Mimicipal Archives, 423, 424, 426, 427. Provincial Archives, 425, 448. Town Librarv, 290, 333, 356, 360, 361, 362, 372. Brussels: Royal Library, 289, 291, 331, 332, 334, 335, 339-842, 344-346, 348-354, 356, 357, 359, 366, 435, 442, 443, 449, 495, 496, 589, 632, 821, 853. Buda-Pesth : Academy of Sciences, 642. National Museum, 634, 913. Cambridge : Corpus Christi College, 58, 60, 61, 64, 105, 106, 144, 152, 153, 226, 302, 368, 384, 412, 472, 501, 502. University Library, 300, 584. Copenhagen: Royal Library, 401, 637, 666, 672, 675, 680, 698, 706, 732, 733, 790, 904-909. Cracow: lagellionska Library, 912. Darmstadt: Court Library, 683. Dijon: Town Library, 490. Downside: S. Gregory's Priory, 119-120, 160, 161. Durham : Cathedral Library, 12-19, 24-29, 38, 46, 53, 54, 55, 78, 121, 122, 135, 138, 140, 145, 181, 188, 265, 374, 487. University Library, 355. Eichstadt : Royal Library, 653. Town Library, 718, 849. Eu : Town Library, 397. Graz : University Library, 731. Library of the .Toanneum, 692. Haarlem: Episcopal Museum, 295, 296, 298, 387. Hague : Meerman-Westrheene Museum, 798. Royal Library, 318, 371, 403. Hamburg : Kunst-Gewerbe Museum, 450, 549, 556, 557, 578, 712, 775, 839. Town Library, 328. Hereford: Cathedral Library, 22, 23, 49, 63, 75, 90, 94, 98, 173, 183, 201, 212, 214, 224, 237,241, 254, 441, 447,702, 773, 785, 789, 903. Hildesheim: Josephinum, 746. Kiel: University Library, 492, 677. Lambeth: Archiepiscopal Library, 101. Leipzig: University Library, 717. 328 INPEX Lo Puy : Archives of the department, 543, 548. Archives of the ho.-pital, 471, 541, 558. Town Library, 471. Lille: Town Library, 465, 466, 491. Lisseweghe: Church of Our Lady, 380. London: British Museum, 2, 3, 4, 5, 32, 33, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44, 45, 56, 59, 66, 68-70, 79, 89, 99, 107, 108, 110, 111, 114-118, 125-128, 156, 158, 159, 182, 184, 198-200,204-208, 213, 216-222, 228-235, 238-240, 243, 244, 246-253, 25.5, 259-261, 266-269, 272, 273, 277-283, 288, 312, 327, 330, 337, 357, 36.3-365, 376, 379, 397, 409, 429, 432, 436, 436a, 441, 444, 449, 452, 453, 455, 460, 463, 468, 479, 489, 498, 508, 514, 528, 531, 532, 539, 545, 553, 555, 559, 574, 586, 588, 590, 597, 608, 610. 613-618, 622-627, 629, 633, 635, 640, 649, 6.50, 659, 663, 673, 68lj 687, 688, 714, 737, 750, 760, 761, 766, 767, 774, 796, 797, 807, 808, 810, 818, 829, 831, 836, 847, 848, 850, 856, 858-867, 869, 870, 872- 876, 880, 882, 886, 887, 890, 892, 893, 899-902, 915. Buckingham Palace Librarj^ 736. College of Arms, 50, 263, 274. Public Record Office, 34, 35, 47, 67, 180, 191, 192, 213, 227. Society of Antiquaries, 10, 11, 168. Somerset House, 178. Louvain: Municipal Archives, 285. Luebeclr : Town Library, 638, 639, 677, 699. Kunst-Gewerbe Museum, 727, 728. Lueneburg: Town Library, 664, 679. Mechlin: Diocesan Seminary, 756, 822. Mentz : Diocesan Seminary, 572. Town Library, 748, 755, 833, 852. Molk: Abbey Library, 648. Mons: Church of S. Waldctrudis, 315. Montpellier : Library of the Faculty of INIedicine, 6-9. Town Library, 884. Munich : National Museum, 757, 758, 838. Royal Library, 625, 643, 647, 655, 662, 669, 686, 690, 691, 693, 696, 701,715,720, 729, 765, 815, 816, 820, 835, 841,844,851,879,889, 898, 914. Nimes : Diocesan Seminary, 485r Town Library, 857, 910. Niirnberg: Germanic Museum, 619, 621, 653, 656, 657, 7o7. Oxford : All Souls' College, 57, 96, 157, 176, 192, 759. Bodleian, 91, 102, 155, 320, 410. Paris : Library of the Arsenal, 293, 339, 464, 470. Conservatoire, 827. Genevieve, 30, 31, 459, 467, 533, 535, 540, 542. Mazarine Library, 20, 21, 400, 461, 462, 544, 628. National Library, 612. Regensburg: Town Library, 695, 826, 832. Reims: Town Library, 188. Saint Omer: Town Library, 308, 367. Salisbury: Cathedral Library, 43, 143, 225, Salzburg : Imperial Library, 683-685, 701. Town Library, 802, 825 . INDEX 829 Sanct Floriau , August iniaii Abbey, 68G. Stonyhurst: College, 1, 72, 77, 85, 86, 123, 124, 417, 418, 486, 515. Tournai : Cathedral Library, 375. Episcopal Library, 310. Town Library, 306, 404. Vienna : Benedictine Monastery, 372, 781. University Library, 911. Ulm: Town Library, 805. Ushaw: S. Cuthbert's College, 83, 84, Utrecht : Archiepiscopal Museum, 292, 299,321, 388, 408. Town Library, 394. University Library, 287, 319, 323, 324, 393, 395, 405, 407, 437, 439, 440, 723, 725, 742, 751. Wells: Cathedral Library, 62, 175, 211, 236, 242, 794. Westminster: Abbey Library, 39, 80, 81, 82, 93, 103, 104, 139, 146, 154, 163, 166, 167, 185', 188, 193, 194, 256-258, 271, 329, 482-484, 524, 562, 563, 719, 868. Wiesbaden: Royal Library, 611. Winchester: Consistory Court, 51, 52, 92. Wolfenbuettel : Ducal Library, 677. Worcester: Cathedral Library, 65, 100, 197, 210, 414, 522, 716, 787. Worms: Museum, 764, 782, 783. Wuerzburg : Library of the Historical Society, 652, 653, 806. University Library, 652, 670, 671, 741, 792, 795, 817, 854. York: Cathedral Library, 48, 74, 87, 88, 131-133, 196, 215, 392, 411, 415. DFJPARTNfENT OF SCIENCE & APvT OF THE COMMITTED OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION B K B I iN D I N G S ANLt RUBBINGS OF BINDINGS IN THE NATIONAL ART LIBRARY SOUTH KENSINGTON II CATALOGUE LONDON Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office 15y ?]yrc and Spottiswoode Printers to the Queen's Most Eiuellent Mnjesty 1894. Price Out ^ihUliiKj and Si.r/)( iicr. UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES T TRT? ARY .., i-i.il'A.. 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