LIBRARY OK THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. OIKT OK Received Accession No.,, . , igo DIGEST OF LAWS FREE SCHOOLS STATE OF ARKANSAS, FORMS FOR USE OF SCHOOL OFFICERS, COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY JUNIUS JORDAN, SUPER- INTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUC'I!- BY LITTLE ROCK, ARK. : THE BROWN PRINTING COMPANY 1895 DIGEST OF LAWS RELATING TO FREE SCHOOLS IX TIIK STATE OF ARKANSAS, AX I) FORMS FOR USE OF SCHOOL OFFICERS, COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY JUNIUS JORDAN, SUPER- INTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. BY AUTHORITY. LITTLE ROCK, ARK.: THE BROWN PRINTING COMPANY. R-ga CHAPTER CXXXIX OF SAN DELS 3d HILL'S DIGEST. SECTION FREE SCHOOLS SUPPORT OF. 6930. The state ever to maintain free schools ; who may receive gratuitous in- struC'ion. 6931. State taxes for support of; limit; per capita tax; additional taxation may be in school districts ; limit. COMMON SCHOOL FUND. 6932. What moneys and other property constitute this fund; to be invested. 6933. County courts may place certain funds to credit of school districts, when. 6634. Principal arising from sale of sixteenth sections shall not be apportioned or used. 6935. Certain townships, when not entitled to proceeds. 6936. Income of fund and per capita tax, how appropriated. 6937. Auditor to draw warrant on treasurer for school revenues due the coun- ties, when. 6938. County collector to collect per capita tax and pay into county treasury. when and how. 6939. Debts due the fund by estates preferred. 6940. No costs to be charged in suits for dues to the fund, when. COMMISSIONERS OF SCHOOL FUND. 6941. Board of commissioners, who compose; when and where to meet. 6942. Governor to be president of board. 6943. Superintendent of public instruction to be secretary and keep record of proceedings; copy of record to be evidence. 6944. Board to invest fund in bonds. 6945. Suits for moneys due the fund may be in any court having jurisdiction, when ; board may direct officer to prosecute suit. 6946. All moneys accruing to the fund to be paid into treasury; how paid out. 6947. Auditor accountant for board ; to make report, when and to whom. 82735 4 SCHOOL LAWS. 6948. Auditor to draw warrants on the fund to pay for investments, when. 6949. Treasurer to pay such warrants and keep in treasury all securities so pur-- chased. 6950. Board to make settlements with the state treasurer, when. SUPERVISION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 6951. General assembly to provide officers for. STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 6952. When elected 6953. Oath of. 6954. To have general superintendency of the schools of the state, 6955. Office to be at Little Rock ; have all books, etc., of his department there, and of all the business of his office keep a record. 6956. 6957, 6958, 6959, 6960, 6961, 6962, 6963. Duties and powers of. 6964. Report to governor, when. 6965. Governor to transmit report to general assembly. 6966 Superintendent to have his reports published and distributed. 6967, 6968, 6969, 6970, 6971. Powers and duties; further specifications of. 6972. Vacancy in office of superintendent, how filled. 6973. Superintendent or examiner acting as book agent, or receiving pay for in- fluence, guilty of misdemeanor. 6974. Superintendent may grant state certificates to any person passing an ex- amination. 6975. May prepare list of text-books and recommend same. 6976. Impression of superintendent's seal of office to be furnished to secretary of slate. 6977. Documents, etc., in superintendent's office, how to be authenticated. 6978. To prepare forms for grades of certificates to teachers, school registers, , reports of directors and examiners. DISTRICT NORMAL SCHOOLS. 6979. 6980, 6981, 6982, 6983, Changed to county normals by act of April 20, 1895. SCHOOL DISTRICTS. 6984. Repealed. 6985. When change proposed, notice to be given ; how, where and when posted. 6986. Schools to be body corporate; name of; corporate powers. 6987. To have property in corporate name. 6988. No district to be formed, nor old one reduced, so as to contain less than, thirty persons of scholastic age. 6989. County court may form new districts or change boundaries; when. 6990. Such territory to have requisite children or property. 6991. Proportional share of debt to be adjusted. 6992. Proportionate share of surplus fund to be adjusted. SCHOOL LAWS. 5 APPORTIONMENT OF SCHOOL FUND. 6993. County court to apportion school revenue to the districts; rule. 6994. New districts, when and how to be apportioned. 6995. County examiners to report number of residents in each district. 6996. County clerks to lay reports before the court. 6997. Counties losing funds by change of boundaries, to be reimbursed. 6998. Amounts thus paid deducted from share of what counties. 6999. Auditor to draw warrant for county's share of school fund, when. COUNTY EXAMINERS. 7000. How appointed, commissioned, etc. 7001. Appointments heretofore made validated. 7002. Oath of. 7003. To stand examination before entering on duties. 7004. No one to fill the office of examiner and school director at the same time. 7005. Clerk to notify superintendent of appointment, etc. 7006. Superintendent to examine, or appoint some one to examine him ; ques- tions to be used. 7007. Salary of; limit to. 7008. Examiner not to examine applicant till fee is paid to treasurer, etc. 7009. Duty of examiner. 7010. Examination, what to consist of. 7011. Examiner to give certificates according to grade to those entitled. 7012. Shall not license certain persons described. 7013. May cite for re-examination and revoke licenses ; when. 7014. Effect of such revocation. 7015. Additional examination in regard to land surveys. 7016. Failure to teach the instructions required in preceding section, cause to revoke licenses. 7017. To issue three grades of certificates. 7018. To keep record of teachers licensed. 7019. To encourage inhabitants to establish public schools; report to state sup- erintendent condition of schools in his county, etc. 7020. Annual report of, what to contain. 7021. To number the school districts and keep record and description of each. 7022. May appoint person to hold institutes and examinations, when. 7023. County judge may remove examiner and appoint successor, when. 7024. Examiner failing to perform required duties ; forfeiture. 7025. Examiner to present, and may have allowed, by the county court, an ac- count; of what ; how much allowed. 7026. How paid. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. 7027. 7028. When held ; who may vote. 7029. Quorum; routine of business. O SCHOOL LAWS. 7030. Annual district election, how held ; judges and clerks of. 7031. Ballot, form of ; returns, how made. 7032. Result of election to be delivered to county clerk. 7033. County court to open returns and determine amount of taxes voted. 7034. Taxes so voted, how levied and collected. SCHOOL DIRECTORS.. 7035. When elected ; term of office. 7036. Judges to give certificate within five days ; director to qualify within ten days thereafter ; filing certificate and oath. 7037. Oath of office, by whom administered. 7038. 7039. Refusal to qualify as director, forfeiture ; failing to perform duties of his office, forfeiture. 7040. Vacancy in office of director, how filled. 7041, 7042, 7043. Directors, board of; duties and powers. 7044. Month, meaning of, in school law. 7045. Directors may expend annually not more than twenty-five dollars for charts, etc. 7046. 7047, 7048, 7049, 7050, 7051. Directors, board of; further specification of duties and powers. 7052. Warrant drawn by directors ; county treasurer to pay. 7053. Directors to give notice of annual school meeting ; contents of notice. 7054. 7S5- Director, one to be clerk at all district meetings, and keep record of proceedings; also to keep the yearly accounts of the district. 7056. Directors to report to county clerk the officers elected and amount of money voted at annual meeting. 7057. Directors to report annually to county examiner; contents of report. 7058. Directors failing to make this report, liable in damages. 7059. Directors to settle annually with county treasurer. 7060. 7061. Directors may suspend any pupil for cause; may permit older per- sons to attend school. 7062, 7063, 7064. County court may transfer scholars to an adjoining district, when ; regulations concerning such transfer. 7065. Directors may permit private school to be taught in district school house,, when. 7066. Directors may cause schobls to be closed, when. 7067. Directors and examiners exempt from road work. 7068. Neglect to report tax levied at annual meeting liability for loss ; fine. 7069. Directors to furnish county clerk with list of all persons owning property in the district liable to pay special tax, when. 7070. Neglect of any duty under school laws, fine for. TEACHERS. 7071. Must have certificate and license to teach, or not entitled to pay. 7072. Must keep daiiy register. SCHOOL LAWS. 7 7073. Duty of, to attend teachers' institute. 7074. Not to permit sectarian books to be used in school. 7075. How paid ; preference of claim 7076. To return register, else pay stopped. TRESPASS ON SCHOOL HOUSE, ETC. 7077. Injuring school house, fixtures, etc., fine for. SCHOOL WARRANTS DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS, ETC. 7078. County collectors and treasurers not to be interested in school warrants. 7079. District school tax payable in warrants of district. 7080. County treasurer to keep register of school warrants, how. 7081. County treasurer to give notice of receipt of school funds; how such funds paid out. 7082. Officer failing to comply with act, punishment. 7083. Director fraudulently issuing warrant, punishment. 7084. County treasurer to report school funds received by him, disbursements and balance in treasury, when. 7085. Orders of directors to be presented to treasurer, when ; order of payment. 7086. If not paid, how indorsed ; record of such warrants. VIOLATION OF SCHOOL LAWS DUTY OF PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. 7087. Prosecuting attorneys, when school laws are violated, to bring offenders to trial ; compensation; costs in such cases. SPECIAL ACTS FOR SCHOOLS IN CITIES AND TOWNS. 7088. Cities and towns may be special districts. 7089. 7090. Procedure to adopt the act and elect directors. 7091. Election in, when and how held. 7092. By whom held, duties, compensation and oath of judges and clerks. 7093. Polls, when opened and closed. 7094. If a regular judge fails to appear, when and how judge elected. 7095. Wh6n electors vote. 7096. Returns of election. 7097. Duty of clerk; duty of county clerk. 7098. Directors, when and how to qualify. 7099. Provisions of chapter not applicable. 7100. Board to organize, how. 7101. Meetings of board; quorum; board may make rules for its own govern- ment. 7102. 7103. Powers and duties of board. 7104. Warrants on the county treasury, how drawn and signed. 7105. Secretary of board, duties of, compensation. 7106. Title to all school property vested in city or town as a school district, and to be under control of directors. 7107. Name of district ; corporate powers; style of board. 8 SCHOOL LAWS. 7108. Debts of former districts to be paid. 7109. Directors failing to qualify or to perform their official duties ; penalty. 7110. Board of visitors and examiners, how appointed; term of office ; appointee failing to perform duties; penalty. 7111. District to receive full share of school fund. 7112. State superintendent to make suggestions, etc., to directors. 7113. Provisions of the general school law; when to apply to special districts ; county court may annex contiguous territory, when. II. SCHOOL LANDS. SECTION 7114. Inhabitants of any congressional township may petition for sale of six- teenth section. 7115. Duties of collector on receipt of petition. 7116. If subdividing no tract shall contain more than forty acres. 7117. Collector shall cause each subdivision to be appraised. 7118. Collector shall give public notice of time of sale. 7119. Collector shall offer each tract separately. Sale shall take place between the hours of 12 m. and 3 p. m., and may be continued from day to day. No tract shall be sold for less than appraisement. If any tract remain unsold collector may without petition sell again, giving notice of sale. 7120. Collector shall report sales to county court. If sales not confirmed court shall direct collector to advertise and sell again. Form of certificate to be given to purchaser. Commissioner of state lands shall make deed on presentation of certificate. 7121. Collector shall pay all costs of sales out of proceeds. 7122. County clerk shall ascertain who are paying taxes on the sixteenth sec- tions ; other duties. 7123. County clerk shall keep the account of each township entitled to benefits from this act. 7124. Penalty imposed on county clerk for failing to keep record. 7125. Collection of claims due common school fund; authorizes attorney general to employ competent attorneys in each county to collect claims due on account of sixteenth section ; other duties. 7126. State treasurer shall place to credit of proper county all moneys received on account of sixteenth section lands. 7127. State treasurer to invest money and place accrued interest to credit of each county. 7128. Accrued interest may be drawn in same manner as now provided for by law. 7129. All evidences of indebtedness arising from sales of sixteenth sections shall be turned over to commissioner of state lands. 7130. County collectors and treasurers shall turn over to state treasurer all the moneys in their hands belonging to I5th section fund. SCHOOL LAW'S. 9 7131. Commissioner of state lands shall keep record of all deeds made for six- teenth section lands. PATENTS. 7132. Last assignee of certificate for school lands entitled to deed, when 7133. Auditor to execute deed for school lands to heirs at law, when. 7134. Lands so conveyed, to stand charged with amount advanced by estate to procure title. 7135. Patents issued, and all official acts done during the war concerning school lands, made valid. 7136. Rights of the state in such lands, acquired under judgment, etc., where deeds had been made to purchasers, vested in the proper owners under such deeds. 7137. Certain suits by the state for school lands to be dismissed. 7138. Commissioner of state lands to make deed for school lands paid for, and for which no conveyance has been made. LEASE OF SCHOOL LANDS. 7139. Collector to lease school lands, when. 7140. Manner and terms of leasing. 7141. Notice of leasing, how given. 7142. Leased by private contract, when. 7143. Occupants to pay rent. 7144. Lessees, rules governing, minimum rent. I. SCHOOLS. FREE SCHOOLS SUPPORT OF. SECTION 6930. Intelligence and virtue being the safe- guards of liberty, and the bulwark of a free and good gov- ernment, the state shall ever maintain a general, suitable and efficient system of free schools, whereby all persons in the state, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, may receive gratuitous instruction. SEC. 6931. The general assembly shall provide, by gen- eral laws, for the support of common schools by taxes, which shall never exceed in any one year two mills on the dollar on the taxable property of the state ; and by an an- nual per capita tax of one dollar, to be assessed on ever) male" inhabitant of this state over the age of twenty-one years, Provide d % The general assembly may, by general IO SCHOOL LAWS. law, authorize school districts to levy, by a vote of the qualified electors of such districts, a tax not to exceed five mills on the dollar in any one year for school purposes. Provided, further, That no such tax shall be appropriated to any other purpose, nor to any other district, than that for which it was levied. Art. 14., sees, i and j, Const. POWER TO TAX FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. The state is the source of authority. "Every muncipal corporation and every political division of the state must be able to show due authority from the state to make the demand." Cooley on Taxation, 474. School districts are civil corporations, and the legislature may confer upon them the power to tax for school purposes. State v. Bremond, 38 Texas, 1 16. The words "public schools" are synonymous with "common schools," and mean the schools created by law and maintained at the public expense, and which are open and common to the children of the inhabitants alike. Jenkins v. Andover, 103 Mass., 94. People v. Board of Education, 13 Barb. (N. K), 490. Hotter t v. Sparks, 9 Bush, 259. Webster's Dictionary, Common Schools. Henderson v. Collins and Jett, Kentucky Reports* Abbot? s Law Dictionary, title, Common Schools. Taxation for public schools is for a public use and purpose, and public educa tion is a fit and appropriate object of taxation. 68 M. ., 582. Williams v. School District, 33 Vt., 271. Marshall v. Donovan, 10 Buck. (Jfy.),68l. 6 Coiven (N. K), 543. 56 Pi. St. 359; 22 Grattan ( Va.}, 857. There can be no taxation in aid of a private educational institution operated for individual profit. Curtis 1 Admr's v. W hippie, 24 Wis., 350. Philadelphia Assn. v. Wood, 39 Pa. St., 73. That a school building was larger than was immediately needed, and that the vote specified among other uses of a part of the building, that of holding school society meetings and lectures therein, does not vitaite the tax, nor authorize a court to enjoin the same. Sheldon v. Centre School District, 25 Conn., 224. . Greenbanks v. Boutwell, 43 Vt., 207. In New Hampshire it has been held that a vote by a school district to remove SCHOOL LAWS. . I I and repair a school house came within the authority granted by statute to raise money " for erecting and repairing school houses." Bump v. State, 4 (N. H.}, 48. Taxation to support high schools and normal schools has been declared proper and lawful unless absolutely restricted by the constitution. Stuart v. School District, 30 Mich., 69. Report U. S. Corner Ed. for 1876-7. Richards v. Raymond, Supt. Court of Illinois, Nov. 10, 1879. Chicago Legal News, Vol.\2,No. n. Merrick and others v. Inhabitants ef Newburyport, 10 Metcalf (Mass.], 508. Briggs et al. v. Johnson County, Mo., 4 Dillon C. C. R., 148. Commonwealth v. Dedham, 16 Mass., 141. Commonwealth v. Sheffield, n Cush (Mass.), 178. Jenkins v. Andover, 103 Mass., 94. In a Massachusetts case it was decided that money raised for the support of a female high school for the purpose of teaching book-keeping, algebra, geometry, history, rhetoric, mental, moral and natural philosophy, botany, the Latin and French languages, was lawfully raised by taxation. 10 Metcalf (Mass.}, 508. Because a constitution expressly names free schools and a university, and does not name normal schools, is no constitutional reason against taxation to es- tablish normal schools. Briggs v. Johnson County, 4 Dill., C. C. R., 148. COMMON SCHOOL FUND. SEC. 6932. The proceeds of all lands that have been, or hereafter may be, granted by the United States to this state, and not otherwise appropriated by the United States or this state ; also all moneys, stocks, bonds, lands and other property now belonging to any fund for purposes of education ; also the net proceeds of all sales of lands and other property and effects that may accrue to this state by escheat, or from sales of estrays, or from unclaimed divi- dends, or distributive shares of the estates of deceased per- sons ; also any proceeds of the sale of public lands which may have been, or may be hereafter, paid over to the state (congress consenting) ; also ten per cent of the net proceeds of the sales of all state lands ; also all the grants, gifts or devises that have been or hereafter may be made to this 12 SCHOOL LAWS: state, and not otherwise appropriated by the tenure of the grant, gift or devise, shall be securely invested and sacredly preserved as a public school fund that shall be designated as the " common school fund " of the state, and which shall be the common property of the state, except the proceeds arising from the sale or lease of the sixteenteen section (a). Act December 7, 1873, sec - T - SEC. 6933. The county courts of the various counties are authorized and empowered to place to the credit of the common school fund of the county, any and all school funds that may be in the county treasury, derived from va- rious sources, and about which there is any doubt as to their proper application with the county court, and that said school funds, when so placed to the credit of the common school fund, shall be, by said county courts, apportioned among the school districts of the county as is now provided by law. SEC. 6934. The principal arising from the sale of the sixteenth section of land shall never be apportioned or used. SEC. 6935. Should any of the funds mentioned in this act arise from the sale of said sixteenth section of land and there should be any doubt as to the township from whence it came, then such townships as have not disposed of the sixteenth section of land, or may have disposed of the same and have the proceeds placed to their credit, shall not be entitled to any part of the interest arising from said doubt- ful sixteenth section fund. Act March 13, 1885 \ sees. /, 2. SEC. 6936. The annual income from the said fund, to- gether with one dollar /^f capita to be annually assessed on every male inhabitant over the age of twenty-one years, and so much of the ordinary annual revenues of the state as may hereafter be set apart by law for such purposes, shall be (a) No money or property belonging to the public school fund, or to this state, for the benefit of schools or universities, shall ever be used for any other than for the respective purposes to which it belongs. Art. 14, sec. 2, Const. SCHOOL LAWS. 13 faithfully appropriated for maintaining a system of free com- mon schools for this state, and shall be appropriated to no other purpose whatever. Act December 7, 1875, sec. 2. SEC. 6937. The state auditor shall, on requisition from the state superintendent of public instruction, draw war- rants on the state treasurer for payment to the several county treasurers of the school revenues due their respective counties. SEC. 6938. The per capita tax levied by the general reve- nue laws of the state shall be collected by the county col- lector at the same time and place that the state taxes are collected, and be paid in the county treasury on or before the first day of July of each year, in the presence of the county conrt clerk, who shall make a record of the same as a revenue for the support of common schools (b). /<., sees. ?/ and 32. SEC. 6939. In the payment of debts by executors and administrators, the debts due the common school fund shall have a preference over all other debts, except funeral and other expenses attending the last sickness. SEC. 6940. No justice of the peace, constable, clerk of a court or sheriff shall charge any costs in any suit where the collector or any other officer sues for the recovery of any money due to the common school fund, if the plaintiff in such cause is unsuccessful. Act January //, 18531 sees. 50 and 55. COMMISSIONERS OF SCHOOL FUND. SEC. 6941. The secretary of state, auditor and state su- perintendent of public instruction shall constitute a board of commissioners of the common school fund, and shall meet semi-annually at the office of said superintendent on the first Monday in February and on the first Monday in August in each year. Provided, The secretary of state may (b.} The penalty collected for the non-payment of 4axes on personal prop- erty is to be paid into the county school fund. See sec. 6589. 14 SCHOOL LAWS; assemble the members of said board any time at his dis- cretion. SEC. 6942. The secretary of state shall be president of said board and shall sign the journal of each day's proceed- ings. Act Dec. 7, /#75, sees. 3, 4, as amended by act April 10, 1893. SEC. 6943. The superintendent of public instruction shall act as secretary of the said board, and shall keep a faithful, correct record of the proceedings, and shall keep the said record open at all times for inspection. A copy of said record, certified by the secretary of the board, shall be in all cases received as evidence equal with the original. SEC. 6944. The said board of school commissioners shall have the management and investment of the common school fund belonging to the state, and shall from time to time, as the same may accumulate, securely invest the said funds in bonds of the United States or the state of Arkansas. SEC. 6945. That all moneys required by law to be paid into the treasury to the credit of the common school fund may, if the same be not paid within thirty days after they shall have become due and payable, be recovered, with in- terest due thereon, by action in any court having jurisdic- tion ; and such action shall be prosecuted by the attorney general of the state, or by the prosecuting attorney of any judicial district within this state, when directed by the said board.* SEC. 6946. All moneys belonging or owin^ to the com- mon school fund, as mentioned in section 6932, or accruing as revenues therefrom, together with the state school tax, shall be paid directly into the state treasury, and shall not be paid out except on the warrant of the auditor. Act De- cember 7, /.) Two members of the boards may bind the district at a contract, made at a meeting at which the third was present or had notice; but no contract can be made except at a meeting of which all had notice. School District v. Bennett, 5 2 -5ii. See Widner v. State, 49-172. 52 SCHOOL LAWS. forbidden by the constitution of that state. Nor is it forbidden by the constitu- tion of Arkansas. In Nichols v. School Directors, Superior Court of Illinois, November 10^ 1879, it was held that an incidental use of a school house for religious purposes not interfering with school purposes, is not in any reasonable sense inconsistent with the faithful application of the property to school purposes. Religion and religious worship are not so placed under the ban of the constitution that they may not be allowed to become the recipient of any incidental benefit from the authorities of the state. In Connecticut, however, it was held that a single tax-payer might prevent the use of the school property for religious purposes by simply objecting thereto^ and that he was entitled to an injunction to inforce his right. Schofield v. Eighth School Dist., 27 Conn., 499. The legislature of Connecticut afterwards enacted a law placing the right to direct the use of school property in a two-thirds vote of the electors . Section 7065 authorizes the directors to permit the use of the school house by a private school unless otherwise directed by a majority of the legal voters of the district. This enlargement of the power of the electors, as set out in section 7029 and in 7042, as to directing the sale or exchange of the site or school house, must be considered in construing these sections; and the exercise of the enlarged power must be controlled by the provisions of sec- tion 7029, that is, the electors may act upon these questions at the annual meet- ing or an adjournment thereof. It is evident that the respective powers and rights of directors and electors are not clear. The general principle is that the whole matter is left to the sound discretion of the directors, subject to a controlling direction on the part of the electors as to a private school. SEC. 7043. They shall hire for and in the name of the district, such teachers as have been licensed according to law, and shall make with such teachers a written contract, specifying the time for which the teacher is to be employed, the wages to be paid per month and any other agreement entered into by the contracting parties, and shall furnish the teachers with a duplicate of such contract, and keep the original ; and they shall employ no person to teach in any common school of their district unless such person shall hold, at the time of commencing his school, a certificate and license to teach, granted by the county ex- aminer or state superintendent. SCHOOL LAWS. 53 The right to select a teacher, fix his salary, and the time for the opening of the school are matters which belong exclusively to the directors. The electors have no right to direct upon any question connected with the teaching of the school, save the single one of extending the term of the school. Directors cannot make a legal contract with a teacher who has no licenses. This negatives the right to contract with a principal teacher who is licensed for an amount of money to be paid him, out of which he is to pay the salaries o unlicensed assistants. Every teacher, whether as principal or assistant, must be selected by the board of directors ; every such person must have a license from the county ex- aminer or state superintendent, and every such person must have a written con- tract. County treasurers are warranted to demand the contract of every teacher or assistant who presents a warrant for the payment of wages from the public school funds. If the warrant shows that its holder is principal, and that the amount specified on its face is for the payment of the wages of assistants, or if it is proven to the treasurer that such is the case, he should refuse to pay the same as a violation of sections 7051 and of 7043. The treasurer may also re- fuse to pay the warrant of any teacher who has not been licensed. See section 7052. The words, "properly drawn" in this section refer back to the inhibi- tions of section 7043, and forward to the positive inhibition of section 7071, and the treasurer should exercise the greatest caution in the matter of paying these doubtful warrants. The acts of school directors are corporate acts. To bind the district it is necessary for them to act at a regular meeting, or a called meeting, of which, notice was given to each director. At such meetings the act of a majority of the board is the act of the whole board. CONTRACTS. A board of i-chool directors empowered by statute without any limitation to employ a superintendent of schools may make a contract for a superintendent for a term beginning after some members of the board go out of office. Gates v. School Distsict of Fort Smith, 53 Ark., 468. Davis v. School District, 81 Mich., 214. This decision applies to all teachers employed in the schools as well as to the superintendent. The following opinion of the attorney general contains the law upon this point : The office of school director is a very important one more important than is generally considered by the people. The best men in the district should be se- lected for this responsible position. The progress and development of our various resources depends, in a great measure, upon the efficiency of school di- rectors. Although 'the lowest of elective officers, yet it is equal to the highest in its influence in advancing the prosperity of the state. School directors have charge of the educational interests of their respective 54 . SCHOOL LAWS. districts; have the care and custody of school houses, grounds, books, records, papers, etc.; they shall purchase or lease school-house site designated by the legal voters; they shall hire, purchase or build a school house with funds pro- vided for that purpose ; they shall hire and contract with teachers; they shall adopt a series of text-books to be used in the district school; they shall furnish teachers with a register; they shall visit the schools and submit to the district an an estimate of the expenses of said district; draw warrants on the treasurer; make the enumeration and enrollment report between the 1st and loth of Sep- tember, and make settlements with the county treasurer, etc. For the purpose of carrying out the above-mtntioned duties with wisdom and discretion, each district has three school directors. These directors constitute an educational board, and should meet and transact all business of the district as a board. The first business of a school board, composed of continuing and newly elected members, is to organize by electing a president and secretary. Directors are possessed of specially defined powers, and should exercise no others, and cannot do so legally. In the transaction of all business pertaining to the district, all members of the board must meet together, or hive notice to meet. The action of a majority of the school board will not bind the district when one of the directors had no notice of the meeting and did not participate in it. (4 Nebr., 254.) The district has a right to the wisdom, experience and judgment of each director, and a majority of the directors cannot legally bind the district unless each member of the board has had due and timely notice of said meeting. A contract by two of the members of the board, when all have had notice, is legal and binding on the district. When a board is by statute made a body corporate, individual members acting separately, although a ma- jority, cannot contract a debt or draw a warrant for its payment. 22 Ohio, 144; 27 Kan., 129. This additional opinion contains another principle. SIR In answer to your inquiries I have the honor to say that, in my opinion, section 7043 applies as well to special, or single school districts, as to ordinary common school district?. I am also of the opinion that it applies to the superintendent of schools in such special districts, provided he is to act as a teacher, otherwise not. I am also of opinion that said section is mandatory upon the directors, but I do not believe, or mean to be understood as saying, that a verbal contract made with a qualified teacher would be void because not in writing. The contracts made by a board of directors are good though it should turn out that the directors are disqualified to hold office. They are de facto officers. SEC. 7044. The term " month," wherever it occurs in any section of this act, shall be construed to mean twenty days, or four weeks of five days each. Act December 7, sees 58-62. SCHOOL LAWS. 55 SEC. 7045. The directors of school districts, other than special school districts, may expend annually, out of the common school fund, not more than twenty-five dollars dur- ing any one year for any school under their control for maps, charts, globes, dictionaries and other apparatus necessary to the progress of the school ; Provided, Said maps, charts, globes, dictionaries and other apparatus meets the approval of the state superintendent, in price and merit. Act Febru- ary 16, 1893. SEC. 7046. The directors of each school district in this state shall adopt and caused to be used in the public schools, in their respective districts, one series of text-books in each branch or science taught in the public schools of their re- spective districts, and no change in these books shall be made for a period of three years, unless it be by a petition of a majority of the voters of the district desiring the^ Act March n, 1881, sec. 2. See section 6975 and comments and opinion therein set out. The penalty for failure to perform the duties imposed by this not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. See sec. 7070. SEC. 7047. They shall procure from the county exam- iner, and furnish the teacher at the commencement of the term, a register for his school, and require the said teacher to report, in said register, at the close of the school term, the number of days of the said term, the name and age of each pupil, the date on which each entered the school, the separate days on which each attended, the whole number of days each attended, the studies each pursued, the total num- ber of days all pupils attended, the average daily attendance and the number of visits received from the directors during the said term. Act December 7, /c?75, sec. 63. The keeping of this register according to all its requirements, perfected and complete, is compulsory upon the teacher, and he can not draw his last month's wages until this duty is performed. See sec. 7076. SEC. 7048. They shall visit the schools at least once each 56 SCHOOL LAWS. term, and encourage the pupils in their studies, and give such advice to the teacher as may be for the benefit of teacher and pupils. SEC. 7049. They shall submit to the district, at the an- nual meeting, an estimate of the expenses of the district for that year, including the expenses of a school for the term of three months for the next year, after deducting the prob- able amount of school moneys to be apportioned to the dis- trict for that school year, and shall also submit an esti- mate of the expenses per month of continuing the school beyond the term of three months, and of whatever else may be necessary for the comfort and advancement of the said school. The following is the blank prescribed to meet the requirements of this sec- tion : SCHOOL LAWS. DIRECTORS' ESTIMATE OF DISTRICT EXPENSES. 57 Electors of School District No , County of State of Arkansas : We respectively submit the following as our estimate of the expeuses of the public schools in this district for the term of three months during the present scholastic year, beginning the first of last July, and of the expenses per month of continuing the schools longer than three months : AMOUNT NECESSARY. For teachers' salaries For purchase or lease of sites For purchase, erection or hire of houses For repairs of houses and grounds For fuel and incidental expenses For furniture, apparatus, light, etc For other purposes Total Amount we will probably receive from the state apportionment... Remainder to be raised by a district tax Expense for continuing the schools longer than three months, at dollars per month Total amount to be raised by district tax The electors are respectively asked to vote a tax of mills to meet the expenses of the above estimate. 1 ^Directors. I It will be seen that there are several items of expense. Should the directors fill each blank, thus recommending a tax for each item of expense, and should the electors vote the rate of tax suggested, or any other rate, without expressly negativing an item recommended, tbeu the tax voted must beheld to be voted in strict compliance with the estimate; and the estimate should be returned with the poll books to the county clerk so that the county judge in making his levy may levy to suit the vote and the estimate which is the basis of the vote. The tax levied and the items of the estimate should be certified by the clerk to the treas- urer. The treasurer should distribute the tax when collected to the various pur- 58 SCHOOL LAWS. poses named in the estimate, opening an account with each special item, the only index to the purpose for which the tax was levied. Should the tax collected be more or less than the amount of the estimate, then each item of the estimate must be increased or decreased in proportion. It must never be forgotten that the estimate submitted by the directors is a necessary part of the election, and is the only source from which the intention of the electors as to the purpose of the tax is to be gathered, except the ballots. If the ballots declare " for five mills," with no accompanying words, then the court in levying the tax is relegated to the estimate for the purpose of the tax; and if the estimate distributes the expense by items, then the necessary and only inference is that the tax was voted for the express purpose of meeting the estimate. If the ballots declare ' for tax " and the estimate is not itemized, but massed under the general words .) For an offense committed by insulting a teacher in the presence of his pupils, see sec. 1539. For cutting, writing upon or defacing school-houses, see sec. 1794. For disturbing schools, see sec. 1798. (/.) The statute of limitations runs on school warrants. School District v. C 'roomer, 52-454 ; School District v. Reeve, 56-68. SCHOOL LAWS. 79 of each county to keep in his office a suitable anc) well- bound book, in which he shall register by number and in the order of presentation all district school warrants that may be presented to him ; this registration to be made be- fore the warrant is paid, and it shall show the date of the presentation of the warrant, by whom drawn, on what dis- trict and in whose favor, and for what purpose drawn, the amount and date of the warrant, date of payment, and to whom paid ; and said book shall at all times be subject to the inspection of any tax-payer (x). SEC. 7081. It shall be the duty of the county treasurers, immediately upon the receipt by them of any school funds, to give notice of the amount and kind of funds received, and from what source received, by written or printed no- tices put up in two public places in each and every school district and at the court-house door, and the funds so re- ceived shall be paid out pro rata on the warrants registered in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section (y) > Provided, Application for such payment is made within thirty days from the giving of the notice herein required. SEC. 7082. Any officer failing to comply with the re- quirements of this act for each and every offense, shall be subject to indictment, and, if found guilty, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars and by con- finement in the penitentiary of the state for a period not less than three nor more than twelve months. SEC. 7083. Any director who shall fraudulently issue any school warrant shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be subject to the penalties enum- erated in the preceding section. Act May 2J, 1874.. SEC. 7084. The county treasurer shall, on or before the first day of September each year, forward to the superin- (.*.) The legislature may relieve the treasurer and his bondsmen from liability for school funds. Pearson v. State, 56-148. (y.) See sec. 6993. 8O SCHOOL LAWS. tendent of public instruction a certified statement showing the amount, in kind, of public school funds received by him ; from what sources they were received ; how and for what purposes they have been disbursed, and what amount, in kind, remains in the treasury. Act March //, iS8i, sec. 8. SEC. 7085. The order of any board of directors, prop- erly drawn after the passage of this act, other than those of single school districts in cities and towns, shall be presented to the treasurer of the proper county within sixty days after it was drawn by the said board of directors. All such orders shall be paid in the order of their presentation (2). Act March 21, 1885, sec. i. SEC. 7086. If there are no funds with which to pay such order, the treasurer, shall indorse the same : "Not paid for want of funds," giving the date and signing his name officially. He shall number and record each warrant in the book pro- vided for such purpose, keeping a separate record for each district, and shall pay said warrants in the order of their number. Act March 21, 1885, sec. 2. VIOLATION OF SCHOOL LAWS DUTY OF PROSECUTING ATTOR- NEYS. SEC. 7087. The prosecuting attorney of each judicial district shall, upon being satisfied that any violation of the school laws of this state has been committed by any officer or person, in any county of his district, which renders such officer or person so offending liable to any fine, pain, penalty or forfeiture for damage, without delay, institute in any court of competent jurisdiction such proceeings as are necessary to bring such offender to trial, and secure to the county school district, or person damaged by such violation, the benefits and reliefs to which each or any of them may be entitled ; and for such services the prosecuting attorney shall be allowed the same compensation as he is allowed in (0.) See School District v. Reeve, 56-68. SCHOOL LAWS. 8 1 cases of misdemeanor, which shall be assessed against such offender as cost. Act March //, 1881, sec. 10. SPECIAL ACT FOR THE REGULATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN CITIES AND TOWNS. SEC. 7088. Any incorporated city or town in this state, including the territory annexed thereto for school pnrposes, may be organized into and established as a single school district in the manner and with the powers hereinafter speci- fied. Act February 4., 1869, sec. i. SEC. 7089. Upon the written petition of twenty voters of such city or town, praying that the sense of the legal voters of said city or town may be taken on the adoption of this act for the regulation and government of the public schools therein, it shall be the duty of the mayor of such city or town, within five days after the presentation of such petition, to designate and fix a day, not less than seven nor more than fifteen days distant, for holding an election in said city or town for that purpose and also for the election by ballot, at the same time, of a board of six school directors for said city or town. . SEC. 7090. The mayor shall cause notice of said election to be given by posting notices in at least five public places in said city or town, and by one insertion in such newspa- pers as may be published in said city or town. The electors at said election desiring to vote in favor of the adoption 'of this act shall have written or printed on their ballots, "For the school law," and those opposed thereto shall have written or printed on their ballots, "Against the school law ;" and, if a majority of the ballots cast at said election shall be "For school law," then, and in that case only, shall such city or town be deemed and held to be a single school dis- trict under and in pursuance of this act, and the directors voted for and elected at said election shall qualify and enter S-6 82 SCHOOL LAWS. upon the discharge of their duties as hereinafter provided. /#., part sec. 2. SEC. 7091. On the third Saturday in May, 1893, and an- nually thereafter, an election shall be held at the usual vot- ing place in each ward of all incorporated towns and cities heretofore organized into single or special school districts, for the election of two directors, who shall serve for three years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The ballot of the voter, in addition to the names of the per- sons voted for as directors, shall have written or printed on it the words "for tax" or "against tax," and the rate the voter desires levied ; Provided, In incorporated towns and cities of the second class, the election may be held at one or more of the voting places therein, and not in each ward, if the board of directors shall so direct by notice posted "in three public places in said city or town ten days before the election designating the place or places at which said elec- tion shall be held. SEC. 7092. Said election shall be held by the judges ap- pointed to hold the municipal elections in said city or town next preceding the said election, for the ward or wards in which said school election may be held. The judges at each voting place shall appoint two clerks, and each judge and clerk shall take the oath required by law, and shall receive for their services the sum of one dollar each, to be paid out of the school fund of the district on the order of the board of directors, The four preceding sections are to determine whether the special act for the regulation of public schools in cities and towns shall be adopted. They are preliminary to organisation. They require the following modus operandi : 1. A written petition of twenty voters asking that the sense of the legal vote's be taken on the adoption of the act. 2. The mayor must fix within five days from the presentation of said peti- tion a day for said election. 3. Said election shall be not less than seven nor more than fifteen days from the date of the proclamation. 4. Said election shall also determine by ballot a board of six directors. SCHOOL LAWS 83 5. The mayor must promulgate the election notices by posting and by print ing should there be a paper. 6. The electors must vote by ballot and as prescribed. 7. A majority of all the votes cast are necessary to make said city or town a single school district. 8. A majority of all the votes cast is also necessary to elect each of the six directors. It results that the special act may be legally adopted and all or some part of the directory fail of an election. This failure will not affect the adoption of the special act, but said city or town will be a single school district with a vacancy or vacancies in the director/. The following act provides how all vacancies on boards in special school dis- tricts are filled : ACT LVI. AN ACT to give notice of election in special school dis- districts and fill vacancy in school board. SECTION 1. Notice of annual election to be given fifteen days prior to election. How. 2. Provides for filling vacancy on board. 3. Repeals all laws in conflict. Act takes effect from passage. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas: SECTION i. When any special school district has been organized as provided by law, the board of directors shall give notice of each annual election at least fifteen days pre- vious to such election, by posting notices in at least five pub- lic places in said district. SEC. 2. That if the office of director in any special school district shall become vacant, the remaining directors of said district shall elect a director to fill such vacancy, who shall serve until the next annual election for school directors, at which time all vacancies, shall be filled by the electors for the unexpired term. SEC. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be and are hereby repealed, and that this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 26, 1895. SEC. 7093. The judges shall cause the polls to be opened at nine o'clock and closed at sunset. 84 SCHOOL LAWS. SEC. 7094. If any of the regular judges shall fail to ap- pear by ten o'clock, the assembled voters, net less than ten in number, shall select other judges in their places. SEC. 7095. If the election shall be held in all the wards of the city or town, each voter shall vote in the ward where he resides ; Provided, Voters residing in any part of the district not embraced in any ward may vote at any place he may deem most convenient. SEC. 7096. The returns of said election shall be made to the county clerk, who shall forthwith deliver a certificate of election to each of the persons elected directors. SEC. 7097. He shall also declare the result of the votes for and against tax, and certify the same to the county court on the first day of the term fixed by law for levying county taxes ; and the rate of taxes so certified shall be levied by the court as other school taxes. SEC. 7098. Each person elected director shall take the oath of office within five days after receiving a certificate of election, which shall be filed with the county clerk, and thereafter during his term of office no further oath nor affi- davit shall be required of him in the discharge of his official duties. SEC. 7099. The provisions of chapter Ivii shall have no application to the elections herein provided for. Act April 10, 1893, sees, i 7. SEC. 7100. Said board of directors shall organize by choosing from their own number a president and secretary, who shall hold their offices until the last Saturday in May, and annually, on that day, said board shall meet and elect from their number a president and secretary. Act March 21, 1885, sec. 2. SEC. 7101. Said board of directors shall hold a regular meeting on the last Saturday in each month, and may hold stated meetings at such other times and places in said dis- trict as they may appoint ; four members of said board shall SCHOOL LAWS. 85 constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from time to time; special meetings thereof may be called by the president, or by any two members of the board, on giving one day's notice of the time and place of the same, and, in case of the absence of the president, a president pro tern- pore shall be chosen. The office of any member of said board, as such, who shall, without good cause, fail to attend three consecutive monthly or stated meetings of said board, may be declared vacant by the board. The board may make rules and regulations for their own government and for the dispatch and regulation of the school business and affairs of the district, not inconsistent with law. Act February ^, 1869, sec. 4.. SEC. 7102. Said board of directors shall have power to purchase or lease school house sites, to build, hire or pur- chase school houses, and to keep in repair and furnish the same with the necessary seats, desks, furniture, fixtures and fuel, and to insure the same; to fence the school grounds, erect out-houses, provide wells, and make all other improve- ments on the school house grounds and school houses be- longing to said district necessary and proper for the comfort, convenience and health of the scholars, and the preservation of said property ; to hire teachers for all public schools of the district (a a), employ a superintendent of the schools (bb), who may also be principal of any graded or high school that said board may establish ; to provide books and appa- ratus for the schools, and the necessary blank books and stationery for the board, and school registers and the blanks for the teachers ; to establish and maintain a sufficient num- ber of primary, graded or high schools to accommodate all (aa,] See School District v. Maury, 53-47 r. (bb.) The power to employ a superintendent is not limited to the term of office of the board. Gates z\ School District, 53-468. In a suit for salary after unlawful discharge, for liability of board and measure of damages, see Gates v. School District, 57-370. 86 SCHOOL LAWS. the scholars in said district (cc)\ to determine the branches to be taught and the text-books to be used in the several schools of the district (dd}\ to admit pupils not belonging to the district on such terms as they may agree upon with the parents or guardians of said pupils, or the district from whence they carne ; to appoint a board of three visitors and examiners for the schools of the district, which board shall examine persons applying to teach in any of the schools in said district ; Provided, No teacher shall be employed who does not hold a certificate from the state superintendent or county examiner ; to examine, from time to time, the books and accounts of the county treasurer, so far as the same re- late to the several school funds belonging to the district ; and when, in the opinion of a majority of the members of said board, the best interests of the district demand a sale or exchange of any real estate or school-house site belong- ing to the district, they may sell or exchange the same, the deed therefor to be executed by the president of the board upon a majority vote of the whole board of directors au- thorizing and directing such sale or exchange. lb., sec. 5. This section does not authorize the directors to substitute their examination for that of the examiner. The examiner's rights are superior to those of the di- rectors. He should examine under his oath, and license or refuse to license as his judgment decides, and is not accountable to any board of directors. Nor should he hold his examination in connection with the examination of the board. His work should be entirely separate from their work. They have the right to examine, but not to interfere in any particular with the examiner's work. Any regulation of a board of directors which requires the examiner's certificate to be granted only after an examination of city teachers in the presence of examiners appointed by the board is absolutely nugatory so far as the county examiner is concerned. His examinations should be separate from and entirely free from supervision of city examiners. EXACTION OF FEES. Under the constitution of Georgia, providing that public schools shall be free (cc.) But no tax for any purpose can now be levied by the county court with- out a vote of the electors of the district. Article 14, section 3, Const.; Cole v. Blackwell, 38-271. (dd.} See sees. 6975, 7046. SCHOOL LAWS. 8/ to all children, a municipal public school established under a local act cannot exact incidental fees from resident scholars. Irvin v. Gregory, 86 Ga., 605. The following opinion of the attorney general should be carefully considered : " In answer to your inquiries, I have the honor to say that, in my opinion, sec- tion 7043 applies as well to special or single school districts as to ordinary com- mon school districts. "I am also of opinion that it applies to the superintendent of schools in such special districts, provided he is to act as a teacher; otherwise not. "I am also of the opinion that said section is mandatory upon the directors; but I do not believe, or mean to be understood as saying, that a verbal contract made with a qualified teacher would be void because not in writing." The following decision of the supreme court interprets the law very clearly : REMOVAL OF A TEACHER FOR INCOMPETENCY. Under sections 7102 and 7103, which enjoin the board of school directors to hire suitable teachers ; to enforce all necessary rules for the government of teach- ers and pupils; and to visit the schools and observe the discipline and progress of the pupils, the board hns the power to remove a teacher for incompetency and for immorality; and the fact that the teacher has been- duly licensed by the county examiner, and that the latter has failed to revoke the license as he is em- powered to do by section 7013, is not conclusive on the board as to the compe- tency or morality of the teacher. See Dist. of Fort Smith v. Mansy, 53 Ark., 471. The fact that the board has tolerated the teacher's misconduct and inefficiency for a time does not operate as a waiver of its right to discharge him therefor, as the teacher's undertaking to perform his duty in a moral and skilful manner is assumed for the benefit of the school, its pupils, and patrons, and not for the benefit of the board. School District of Port Smith v. Mansy, 53 Ark., 471. The following decision is so sound that it is introduced here as a guide to di- rectors of this state : " Non-residents. In a local statute authorizing the establishment of pub- lic schools in a town, a provision that the local board may admit pupils not residents of the town on such terms as the board may prescribe, does not per- mit the board to prescribe terms which would cast upon the town or its inhab- itants any part of the expense of educating non-resident pupils. Such pupils can not be received at a less rate per scholar than the inhabitants of the town pay by taxation for their children, nor can they be received at all to the exclu- sion of resident children who would otherwise attend." Irvin v. Gregory. 86 Ga., 605. SEC. 7103. It shall be the duty of said board, as soon as the means for that purpose can be provided, to establish in 88 SCHOOL LAWS. said district an adequate number of primary schools, so lo- cated as best to accommodate the inhabitants thereof; and it shall be the further duty of said board to establish in said district a suitable number of other schools of a higher grade or grades, wherein instruction shall be given in such studies as may not be provided for in the primary schools ; the number of schools, the grades thereof, and the branches to be taught in each and all of said schools to be determined by said board. It shall be the duty of said board to keep said schools in operation not less than three nor more than ten months in each year. The said board shall have power to make and enforce all necessary rnles and regulations for the government of teachers and pupils in said schools. Said board shall also, separately or collectively, together with such persons as they may appoint or invite, visit the schools in the district at least twice in each year, and observe the discipline, mode of teaching, progress of the pupils, and see that the teachers keep a correct register of the pupils, em- bracing the periods of time during which they attend school, the branches taught, and such other matters as may be re- quired by law or by the instructions of the state superin- tendent. Ib,, sec. 6. SEC. 7104. No draft or warrant shall be drawn on the county treasurer, except in pursuance of an order of said board ; all drafts or warrants on the treasurer shall be signed by the president, or president pro tempore, and the secretary, and shall specify the fund on which they are drawn and the use for which the money is assigned. Ib., sec. 8. SEC. 7105. The secretary shall record all the proceed- ings of the board in books kept for that purpose ; shall make and preserve copies of all reports required by law to be made to the state superintendent of public instruction or county examiner ; shall file all papers transmitted to him pertaining to the business of the district; shall make, or cause to be made, the annual enumeration of the youth of SCHOOL LAWS. 89 the district in the time and manner required by law of school directors, and shall perform such other duties as the board of directors may order and direct ; and for his services may be allowed reasonable compensation, to be audited and al- lowed by a majority of said board. The other members of said board shall receive no compensation for their services. Ib. t sec. p. SEC. 7106. The title of all real estate and other prop- erty belonging, for school purposes, to any city or town or- ganized into a separate school district under this act, shall vest, and hereby is vested, in said city or town, as a school district, and shall be under the management and control of the board of school directors for said district as fully and completely as other school property belonging to said dis- trict. Ib., sec. 10. SEC. 7107. All school districts formed under and gov- erned by this act shall be known by the name of the city or town constituting the district, with the words " School District of" prefixed thereto (as, for example, " School District of Little Rock " ) ; and by such name, may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, purchase, acquire, hold and sell property, receive gifts, grants and bequests, and generally shall possess and enjoy all the corporate powers usually possessed by bodies corporate of like char- acter. The style of the board of directors for school dis- tricts under this act shall be "Board of School Directors." Ib., sec. ii. SEC. 7108. The board of school directors of any dis- trict organized under this act shall pay and discharge all debts and liabilities lawfully incurred by the several school districts existing under previous law and embraced in the district organized under this act. Ib., sec. 12. SEC. 7109. Any person elected a director under the pro- visions of this act who shall fail to take the oath of office and qualify as herein required, or who, after qualifying as 9O SCHOOL LAWS. such director, shall fail to perform and discharge the official duties incumbent upon him as a director, shall be liable to the same penalties that now are or may be hereafter pro- vided by law against directors of school districts for failing or refusing to qualify, or for neglect of official duty. Ib., sec. ij. SEC. 7110. The board of directors may fix the term of office and define the duties of the board of visitors and ex- aminers of the public schools in their district, and any per- son appointed by the board of directors a member of said board of visitors and examiners who shall refuse to act as such, and discharge the duties pertaining to such position, shall forfeit and pay to said district the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered in civil action in the name of said district, and added to the teachers' fund belonging to said district. Provided, No person shall be compelled to serve in that capacity more than three consecutive years. Said board of visitors and examiners shall receive no compensa- tion for their services. Ib., sec. 14. SEC. 7111. All school districts organized under this act shall have and receive their full proportion and distribu- tive share of the general school fund of the state, in the same manner and according to the same rule as it is or may be apportioned to other districts. Ib., sec. 75. SEC. 7112. It shall be the duty of the state superinten- dent and county examiners to make such suggestions and recommendations to the board of directors in relation to or- ganizing and conducting the public schools in the districts organized under this act as they shall deem important. SEC. 7113. The provisions of the general school laws of the state which are now or may hereafter be in force, when not inapplicable, and so far as the same are not inconsistent with and repugnant to the provisions of this act, shall apply to districts organized under this act ; and such provisions of said laws as are inconsistent with and repugnant to the SCHOOL LAWS. 9 1 provisions of this act and inapplicable to districts organized thereunder, shall have no operation, force or effect in such districts. The county court shall annex contiguous terri- tory to single school districts under the provisions of this act, when a majority of the legal voters of said territory and the board of directors of said single district shall ask, by petition, that the same shall be done. Ib., sees. 16 and 77. II SCHOOL LANDS (ee). SEC. 7114- Whenever the inhabitants of any congres- sional township in this state shall desire the sale of the six- teenth section of such township, or of any lands substituted therefor, or any which have been or may be mortgaged to the state of Arkansas for the use of the school fund, which after foreclosure and sale have been stricken off to the state of Arkansas ; they may, by written petition, signed by a ma- jority of the male inhabitants of such township, require the collector of taxes of the county wherein such land is situ- ated to sell the same. Act April 14., 1893. SEC. 7115. Upon the reception of such petition, the col- lector shall ascertain that it is signed by a majority of the male inhabitants of such township and shall immediately proceed to divide the land into. forty-acre tracts, and after making such division, a statement or plat of the same and a number of each tract shall be made so that the boundaries may be defined and ascertained, which statement or plat of the sections shall be used as a guide in advertising and sell- ing said lands. Provided, The collector may, when necessity requires it, call the county surveyor of his county to assist in such survey and division, and he shall be allowed and paid (ee.) Directors can confer no authority to cut timber on school lands, and one who does so by their authority, under an agreement with them to pay the value, commits a trespass for which he may be sued by the state. Widner v. State, 49-172. The legal title to school lands is in the state, and a school district can not maintain an action for such lands. Ib.; -School District v. Driver, 50-346. See State v. Morgan, 52-150. 92 SCHOOL LAWS. out of the funds arising from the sale of such school lands by said collector such compensation as he is allowed by law for similar services, and the receipts of such surveyor to said collector shall be a sufficient voucher for the money so paid. SEC. 7116. In subdividing the sixteenth section lands for sale, no tract shall contain more than forty acres, and the division may be made into town or city lots with roads, streets or alleys between them. SEC. 7117. The collector shall cause each tract or sub- division of such school land to be appraised at a fair value by three disinterested householders of the county, each of whom shall take an oath which shall be indorsed upon the appraisement that he does not desire or intend to buy said land or any part thereof, and that he will not directly or in- directly be or become interested in the purchase thereof at the sale to be made by the collector; such appraisement shall be returned to the collector. SEC. 7118. The collector shall then give notice that he will sell the said school lands at the court-house door of the county on the first day of the next term of the county court upon the terms prescribed by law. Such notice shall be published in some newspaper published in the county where the land is situated at least four weeks before the day of sale. If there be no newspaper published in said county, then the collector shall post up written notices in at least six of the most public places of the county four weeks before the day of sale. The collector shall also in either case put up a copy of the notice upon the school house situated on the land, if there be one thereon ; if not, at the most public place on the land. SEC. 7119. Upon the day of sale the collector shall offer the lands at public auction in separate subdivisions, begin- ning with number one and' ending with the last mentioned SCHOOL LAWS. 93 division. Such sale shall be made between the hours of 12 m. and 3 p. m., but may be continued from day to day at the same place and between the same hours until all have been sold or offered. The sale shall be made for cash. If any bidder shall fail to perfect his bid by paying the cash, the collector shall immediately resell the land and the bidder shall be responsible for the difference between his bid and the price at which the land sold, which may be recovered 'from hfm by the collector, in action for the use of the town- ship, and the collector shall, if necessary, at once institute suit against such bidder to recover the amount of difference between his bid and the price at which the land sold. No tract or such division shall be sold for less than three-fourths of its appraised value. Provided, No tract or subdivision of the sixteenth section lands shall be sold at a less price than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. If any tract offered is not sold it may be offered again upon like notice, upon the first day of the next, or any succeeding term of the county court, and so on until sold without a new petition. SEC. 7120. The collector shall, without delay, report all sales to the county court, which may reject or confirm the same. If any sale be rejected, the county court may direct the collector to again advertise and offer the land, and may specify the minimum price at which the tract or tracts may be sold, not to be less than two-thirds of its appraised value. Provided, No tract or subdivision of the sixteenth section lands shall be sold at a less price than one dollar and twenty- five cents per acre. If the sale be confirmed by the county court the collector shall execute and deliver to the purchaser a certificate in the following form : I, collector in and for the county of , state of Arkansas, certify that has purchased of section , in township .range , containing acres at $ dollars per acre, and has paid to me in full 94 .SCHOOL LAWS. the. sum of $ dollars. The expense of the sale was : Cost of advertising, $ Cost of order of confirmation, $ Cost of rejection of prior sale, $ Surveyor's fee (if any), $ Collector's commission, per cent., $ Leaving a net balance of $ in my hands due the sixteenth (i 6) section fund account of this county. Now, therefore, upon the presentation of this certificate to the commissioner of state lands, the said his heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to a deed from said commissioner of state lands for the tract or land above described. Collector of county. In all cases proper orders of confirmation or rejection shall be entered on record by the county court. SEC. 7121. Out of the money received by the collector for the sale or sales of the sixteenth section lands, he shall pay the cost of advertising, cost of confirmation order, cost of rejection of sale (if any), surveyor's fees (if any), and he may retain for his services two percent, of the gross amount received by him for the sale of such land ; the residue of the money received for the sale of said land, after deducting the expenses as are above provided for, he shall at once transmit to the treasurer of state, who shall place the amount to the credit of the county's sixteenth section fund to which it rightfully belongs. SEC. 7122. The county clerks of the several counties in this state shall examine carefully and closely the tax books of their respective counties and ascertain what person or persons are paying taxes on any part or parts or the whole of the sixteenth section lands, and it shall be the further duty of the county clerks after ascertaining from the tax books SCHOOL LAWS. 95 the names of any person or persons paying taxes on any of the sixteenth section lands, and the numbers of said lands, to examine the record of deeds and find by what authority and whether any title or titles vest in said person or persons in whose name or names said lands are assessed, and shall on or before the first Monday in September, eighteen hun- dred and eighty-five, make and forward to the commissioner of state lands a full and complete statement of the exact status and condition of all of the sixteenth section lands in their respective counties. The county clerks shall be al- lowed the sum of forty dollars each for their services in making this report, and it shall be paid to them by their respective counties. SEC. 7123. The county clerks of th'e several counties in this state shall keep in a well-bound book, provided for that purpose, correct and accurate accounts with each and every township in their several counties, which may be entitled to any of the funds under this act, and shall immediately after each and every sale of any part of said sixteenth sections certify to the auditor of state the amount of moneys received by such collectors on account of such sales, and the auditor shall thereupon charge the same to such collector. SEC. 7124. A neglect, failure or refusal by any county clerk to perform any and all duties e'njoined upon him by the provisions of this act, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, such clerk shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, for each offense, and may be removed from office. ACT LX. AN ACT to amend section 7114 of Sandels & Hill's Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Sixteenth section or equivalent lands may bs sold upon petition of major- ity of voters. 2. Sheriff vested with powers of collector for purposes of this act. 3. Repeals laws in conflict. Act takes effect from passage. 96 SCHOOL LAWS. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas: SECTION I. Whenever the inhabitants of any congres- sional township in this state shall desire the sale of the six- teenth section of such township, or of any lands substituted therefor, or any which have been or may be mortgaged to the state of Arkansas for the use of the school fund, which after foreclosure and sale have been stricken off to the state of Arkansas, they may, by written petition signed by a ma- jority of the adult male inhabitants of such township, require the collector of taxes, or if there be no collector, then the sheriff of the county wherein such land is situated, to sell the same. SEC. 2. That for the purpose of making sales of any of the lands mentioned in the preceding section, the sheriff is hereby vested with all powers now conferred by law upon collectors. SEC. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict here- with are hereby repealed, and this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 26, 1895. HOUSE MEMORIAL NO. I. Resolved by the Senate arid House of Representatives of the State of Arkansas : That our senators in congress be instructed and our rep- resentatives requested to use all their influence with the con- gress of the United States so as to change and modify the compact entered into between the United States and the state of Arkansas with regard to the " sections of land num- bered sixteen in every township," and when such section has been sold or otherwise disposed of, other lands equiva- lent thereto, and as contiguous as may be "and granted to the state for the use of the inhabitants of such township for the use of the schools," so that the said lands or any funds now on hand derived from the sale or lease of same may be apportioned by the state to common school purposes for the SCHOOL LAWS. 97 promotion of education in said state. And that the governor transmit to our senators and representatives, respectively, a a copy of this resolution. Approved March 26, 1895. COLLECTION OF CLAIMS DUE COMMON SCHOOL FUND. SEC. 7125. The attorney general of the state of Arkan- sas is authorized and instructed to employ competent attor- neys residing in the counties in which the lands are situated to collect all claims and notes due the school fund arising from the sale of the sixteenth section lands. Before taking charge of any such notes or claims, each of said attorneys shall be required to give bond for the faithful keeping, col- lecting and accounting for same, as provided for in this act, in double the sum of the amount supposed to come into his hands, and such security as shall be approved by the circuit judge of the judicial circuit in which said attorney resides, and such bond when approved shall be filed with the com- missioner of state lands, and the commissioner of state lands shall, when such bond has been filed with him, turn over, or cause to be turned over to the said attorney all notesand claims due the school fund pertaining to the sixteenth section lands. Said attorneys may retain, as fees for collection, ten percent, of the gross amount collected by them under the provisions of this act (ff). The remainder of said gross amount, after deducting their fees, as above provided for, shall be by said attorneys transmitted without delay to the treasurer of state, who shall place the same to the credit of the sixteenth sec- tion fund of the county to which it rightfully belongs, and said attorneys shall prepare and forward to the commissioner of state lands a statement for each and every collection made by them, setting forth the name of the maker of the note or claim, the date of same, the dates of all previous payments (if any) made on such note or claim. See Wallace v. State, 54-611. S 7 98 SCHOOL LAWS. SEC. 7126. All moneys paid into the state treasury aris- ing from the sale or the collection of notes and claims per- taining to the sixteenth section lands, shall be by the state treasurer placed to the credit of the county's sixteenth sec- tion fund, to which said moneys may rightfully belong, and the treasurer of state shall, for each payment to him on ac- count of the sixteenth section fund, issue triplicate receipts, one of which receipts shall be filed with the auditor of state, one filed with the commissioner of state lands and one given to the party making payment. SEC. 7127. The treasurer of state shall, by and under direction of the board of commissioners of the common school fund, as soon as practicable after the receipt of any moneys paid into the state treasury on account of the six- teenth section fund, invest the same in either United States bonds or bonds of the State of Arkansas, and as interest accrues on said investment he shall collect the same and place to the credit of the respective counties' sixteenth sec- tion fund accounts such interest on said investment, in the proportion to which each county is properly entitled. SEC. 7128. The interest, accruing to the several counties and townships, that may hereafter be in the state treasury, shall be drawn out of the treasury in the same manner as now provided by law for drawing other funds due counties, and when drawn shall be accounted for by the county treas- urer in the same manner as for other county funds thus drawn, and the county court shall distribute and set apart to the proper townships all such sums and funds as shall be due such township, either from the sales of sixteenth sec- tions in such townships or from collections of notes belong- ing thereto. SEC. 7129. All notes, claims, bonds, papers or evidences of debt belonging to the school fund, arising from the sale or sales of the sixteenth section lands, in the hands of county collectors or other persons, shall be, within ninety days after SCHOOL LAWS. 99 the passage of this act, turned over to the commissioner of state lands. SEC. 7130. All county treasurers, collectors, or other persons, having in their possession any funds arising from the sale or sales of the sixteenth section lands, shall, within ninety days after the passage of this act, pay the same into the state treasury, and the state treasurer shall place the same to the credit of the respective counties' sixteenth sec- tion fund accounts to which said funds do rightfully belong. SEC. 7131. That upon the presentation to the commis- sioner of state lands of any certificate of purchase as speci- fied in section 7120 the commissioner shall execute to the purchaser a deed for the lands therein described, and shall keep a full and complete record of all such sales and of the deeds so issued, and it shall be the further duty of'the com- missioner of state lands to keep as correct records of sale or sales of the sixteenth section lands as the reports made to him from time to time may enable him to do. Act March 31, 1885, sees. 2-18. PATENTS (). SEC. 7132. When the purchaser of any portion of the common school lands has heretofore assigned, or may here- after assign, the certificate of purchase of such land, the title thereof may be made directly to the last assignee of such certificate of purchase, upon full payment of all the purchase money and interest due on said land. Act April 12, 1869, sec. 10. SEC. 7133. If any person who shall have purchased any portion of the sections of school lands from the collector of any of the counties of this state, and paid one-fourth the purchase money therefor, and received a bond for title from such collector, shall die before such payment is fully made, and the executor, administrator, guardian or legal represent- (gf-) See State v. Morgan, 52-150. IOO SCHOOL LAWS. ative of such deceased person shall pay or cause to be paid the balance, if any, that shall be due to the collector on said purchase, upon the certificate of the collector of the proper county that the whole of the purchase money, with all the interest due thereon, has been fully paid, the com- missioner of state lands shall forthwith execute a deed, as is now required by law, to the heirs at law of such deceased person (hh). Ib., sec. n, as amended act February 16, 1885+ SEC. 7134. The land thus conveyed to the heirs shall stand charged with the amount of money necessarily ad- vanced to the school fund, in order to procure title, and shall, in other respects, be chargeable with the rights and incumbrances that would have attached had it descended regularly to the same heirs. Ib. SEC. 7135. All patents issued for sixteenth section, or any part thereof, or common school land during the war between the states and all the official acts of the officers of this state, in regard to such lands, during the said war, and also all deeds made by the common school commissioners of the several counties in compliance with an act of the legislature of the state, entitled, "An act to relieve certain citizens of Arkansas who purchased school lands," passed March 4, 1867, are hereby confirmed, ratified and made valid, and full faith and credit shall be given to said patents, deeds and official acts in all the courts of this state. Pro- vided, Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the setting aside of any of said deeds or patents for actual fraud or mistake. SEC. 7136. Any right, title or interest which the state of Arkansas may have acquired, or holds by virtue of any judg- ment, decree, execution or sale of any court in this state, in lands for which patents or deeds have been made and issued (hh.) See section 7138. sec. 2. SCHOOL LAWS. IOI as mentioned in section 7135, is hereby vested in the proper owners thereof under such deeds or patents. SEC. 7137. The attorney representing the state of Arkan- sas is hereby instructed and required to dismiss all suits now pending for school lands where patents or deeds have been made therefor, as specified in section 7135, or if it does not appear on the face of the pleadings filed that such patents or deeds have been made, then the patent or deed may be pleaded in bar of the suit, or the court may dismiss the suit on exhibition and profert of such deed or patent ; and where judgment or decree have been entered, and sale has not been made, the state's attorney shall enter satisfaction in full thereof on the presentation to him of such deed or patent. SEC. 7138. If any purchaser of school lands shall have paid the purchase money thereof, and received no deed or patent therefor, or if any person now owing for school lands bought shall hereafter pay out his indebtedness therefor, and shall produce to the commissioner of state lands satis- factory evidence of such payment, the commissioner of state lands is authorized and required to execute to such person, or to his legal representative, a deed conveying all the right, title and interest of the state of Arkansas in such lands ; but if payment has not been made before suit is be- gun, the purchaser shall also pay the costs of the suit. Act December 14, i8j$< as amended by act March 31, 1885, sec - 18, and act of February 16, 1885, sec. 2. LEASE OF SCHOOL LANDS. SEC. 7139. All school lands in any county in this state susceptible of cultivation shall be leased by the county col- lector of said county from the first to the tenth of January in each year. Act April 12, 1869, sec. 12. SEC. 7140. The manner and terms of leasing said lands shall be by public outcry to the highest bidder, the lessee paying one-half the amount of rent in cash at the time of leasing and the balance at the end of the year. Ib. 102 SCHOOL LAWS. SEC. 7141. At least twenty days' public notice of the time and place of offering such lands for rent or lease shall be given by said collector by publishing the same in the newspapers of the county and by posting up hand-bills at the most prominent points throughout the county. Ib. SEC. 7142. If any school lands offered for rent or lease at the time and in the manner above indicated shall not bring such price as the collector shall think a reasonable rent therefor, he shall be authorized to rent the same by pri- vate contract for the ensuing year, or for a longer term if he shall deem it expedient. Ib. SEC. 7143. The occupants of school lands prior to the passage of this act shall be required to pay a reasonable an- nual rental during the time said lands had been so occu- pied. Ib. SEC. 7144. The lessees of school lands shall be subject to the same provisions governing the lessees of other prop- erty. Provided, It shall not be rented for a less amount than was offered at public sale. Ib. ACT xxxvn. AN ACT to amend section 3325 of Sandels & Hill's Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas. SECTION 1. Amends section 3325. County treasurers not to deduct commissions from same fund more than once. 2. Repeals all laws in conflict. 3. Act takes effect and in force from passage. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas: SECTION i. That section 3325 of Sandels & Hill's Digest of the statutes of this state be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : He shall be allowed, as commissions on the aggregate amount of all the school funds of the county coming into his hands in anyone year, the rate of two per cent, and no more ; Provided, That if any county treasurer shall have taken commissions from any particular SCHOOL LAWS. IC>3 school fund, the same fund shall not be subject to commis- sions in the hands of his successor in office. SEC. 2. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC, 3. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 12, 1895. OPINIONS OPINIONS. APPLICATION OF FUNDS. BY JONES. I am, therefore, of opinion : 1. That the funds derived from the state and from the per capita tax, and from the tax voted by the district at the annual school meeting, after they reach the county treasury and are apportioned by the county court to the school dis- trict, become the absolute property of such district for the purpose of maintaining public schools therein, subject to disbursement on the warrant of the board of directors of a separate school district. 2. That, in other than separate school districts, the school directors may apply such funds to no other purpose than those directed by a majority of the electors of the district at their annual school meeting. 3. That, in other than separate school districts, the elec- tors may, at their annual meeting, fix a site for the school house, or raise money for building or purchasing a school house ; Provided, The directors have given notice that, these matters were to be submitted for consideration and action, as required by section 69 of the school law of December 7, 1875. 4. That it is within the power of the board of directors of separate school districts to apply any part of the fund belonging to such district, which has not been otherwise ap- propriated, to the purpose of building and purchasing a school house, irrespective of the source from which such fund came ; but that such power cannot be exercised by the IO8 SCHOOL LAWS. directors of other school districts, unless they have been authorized to do so by the electors of the district at an an- nual school meeting. See School 'Act of December 7, /#75/ Lee v. Trustees of School District 36 ; New Jersey Equity Reports, 581 ; Sandels & Hill's Digest, chapter I^Q. NOTE. Most of the following opinions were made before the publication of Sandels & Hill's Digest, and the sections are changed to correspond with those in that digest. RIGHTS OF PUPILS AS TO ADMISSION INTO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. BY JONES. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your commu- nication of the /th inst., in which you ask my opinion as to the legality and binding force of the following resolution, adopted by the board of directors of the school district of Prescott, to-wit : Resolved, That such children only are entitled to admis- sion as pupils in the Prescott free school as were residing in the school district of Prescott on the first day of the pre- ceding September, and if names of such pupils do not ap- pear in the enumeration, application for admission must first be made to the school board ; Provided, That children of bona fide residents who may attain to the school age during the year may be admitted to the school. The latter clause of section 7101, Sandels & Hill's Digest, reads as follows: "The board," referring to the board of directors of single school districts, " may make rules and regulations for their own government, and for the dispatch and regulation of the school business and affairs of the dis- trict not inconsistent with law." The supreme court of Iowa, in the case of Burdick v. Babcock, ji Iowa, 362, 365, in speaking of certain rules adopted by the board of directors of a school district by which certain pupils were suspended from the school for SCHOOL LAWS. absence and tardiness, says : " Any rule of the school, not subversive of the rights of the children or parents, or in con- flict with humanity and the precepts of divine law, which intends to advance the object of the law in establishing pub- lic schools, must be considered reasonable and proper." So, in this case, the single question seems to me to be : Is the regulation of the Prescott board subversive of the rights of the children and parents, or in conflict with hu- manity and the precepts of divine law, and does it tend not to advance the object of the law in establishing public schools? If not, then it is unreasonable and improper, and can not be enforced. And this is the question to be deter- mined and should be determined, as 1 conceive, by ascer- taining as nearly as possible the spirit and intention of the legislature in dividing the counties into school districts, and investing each of such districts with certain powers to be exercised independently of others, and the scope and extent of such powers. We find article 14 of the constitution of this state, sec- tion 3, that it is made the duty of the general assembly to provide by general laws for the support of common schools by taxes, not to exceed in any one year two mills on the dollar on the taxable property of the state ; and by an an- nual per capita tax of one dollar, to be assessed on every male inhabitant of this state over the age of twenty-one years. This much is imperative on the general assembly ; but the same section provides that " the general assembly may, by general law, authorize school districts to levy, by a vote of the qualified electors of such district, a tax not to exceed five mills on the dollar in any one year for school purposes; Provided, further, That no such tax shall be ap- propriated to any other purpose, nor to any other district than that for which it was levied." Thus, we see, school districts are recognized by the con- stitution, and they are put beyond the power of the legisla- IIO SCHOOL LAWS. ture, so far as the levying taxes for school purposes within their respective limits is concerned, and such tax can only be levied by the vote of the electors of the district {Cole v. Blackwell 38 Ark., 271); and can be appropriated to no other purpose, nor to any other district than that for which it was levied. The legislature is only authorized to confer upon the districts the power to levy such tax, but can not com- pel the levy. This power has been conferred, and each dis- trict is made a body corporate, capable of suing and being sued, contracting and being contracted with, acquiring and holding property, etc., etc., etc. Section 7113,2^., makes the provisions of the general school laws of the state, so far as applicable and not incon- sistent or repugnant with the provisions of the special act for the regulation of public schools in cities and towns, apply to districts organized under said special act. Under the general school laws we find that the directors of each dis- trict shall annually, between the first and tenth days of Sep- tember, transmit to the county examiner a written report of names and ages of all persons between the ages of six and twenty-one years residing in their district on the first day of September (sec. 7077, ib.) ; that the county examiner shall make a similar report to the superintendent of public in- struction on or before the twentieth day of September (sees. 7020 and 7023, ib.)\ and to the county clerk of his county between the tenth and twentieth of September (ib., sec. &995\ which shall be laid by the county clerk before the county court (ib. t sec. 6996} ; and that the county court shall distribute the distributive share of the county apportioned by the superintendent to the several districts in proportion to the number of persons within school age, respectively (ib., sec. 6993). We further find that the directors " shall submit to the district, at the annual meeting, an estimate of the expenses of the district for that year, including the expenses of the a r i-\ . OV TKS SCHOOL LAWS III school for the term of three months for the next year, after deducting the probable amount of school moneys to be ap- portioned to the district for that school year, and shall also submit an estimate of the expenses per month of continuing the school beyond the term of three months, and of what- ever else may be necessary for the comfort and advance- ment of said school " (ib. t sec. 7049}. And it is upon this report that the qualified electors, at their annual school meeting, act, when they determine the amount of taxes to be raised out of the district for the support of its schools The qualified electors of each district select the directors, who are entrusted with the management of the school af- fairs, and who in that capacity act as the representatives of the electors. From all these provisions of the constitution and laws of the state, it seems apparent to me to be the policy of our state, that each school district should have the care and manage- ment of its entire school interests, independent of any con- trol except the limitations prescribed by the law. How, it may well be asked, can a district provide the necessary means to carry on its schools, when persons outside of the district, who have contributed nothing towards the support or maintenance of the schools, shall have the absolute right to bring their children within the district, after the time for enumeration has passed, and compel their admission to the school as a matter of right ? If it may be done by one per- son, it may be done by a thousand, or more ; the principle is the same. And thus we may find a school district which has only provided the means necessary to support its own children and this is all it can be required to do forced to take into its schools other children for whom no provis- ion has, or can be, made during the scholastic year, and without the power to provide adequate means for such a contingency. It could only result in disaster to the entire 112 SCHOOL LAWS. school interests of the district, which could certainly never have been within the contemplation of the law-makers. The county court is empowered by the law to transfer children from one district to another (ib., sec. 7062}. But in every such case tax of such children, levied by the dis- trict from which they were transferred, goes with them, and is used for their education (ib. t sees. 7063 and jo6f). Why does the law make such provisions, if it be true that the right exists without such exercise of authority by the county court? The very fact of the law making such provisions is evidence of the fact that the right does not otherwise exist. The regulation of the Prescott school board does not ab- solutely exclude from the district school the children whose names fail to appear on the enumeration list, but it merely requires such children to make application to the board for admission before they shall be entitled to enter the school. By this means the board can judge whether such children should or should not be admitted. If it should act arbi- trarily or unjustly, and refuse admission to one lawfully en- titled, the law has provided an ample remedy for such cases. By the regulation the board can protect the district against imposition and fraud, and the better advance the objects for which free schools were organized. I am, therefore, of the opinion that the regulation of the Prescott school board, above set forth, is reasonable and proper, and may be enforced BY JONES. Directors may not exclude children from any school to which they are lawfully entitled to admission. In answer to your communication of this date, in which you ask my opinion upon the question, "whether the children of school age of parents who have become bona fide residents of a school district since the last enumeration are entitled to admission into the public schools of the district free of SCHOOL LAWS. 113 charge," I have the honor to say that I am of opinion that they are so entitled. This opinion is not at all at variance with my opinion to you, of date March 10, 1885, contained in my biennial re- port to the governor in December, 1886, at page 72 ab seq. By reference to that opinion, it will be seen the question presented to me was whether a certain regulation adopted by the board of directors of the school district of Prescott was legal and binding. The regulation was as follows : "Resolved, That such children are only entitled to admis- sion as pupils in the Prescott free school as were residing in the school district of Prescott on the first day of the pre- ceding September, and if names of such pupils do not ap- pear in the enumeration, application for admission must first be made to school board. Provided, The children of bona fide residents who may attain to the school age during the year may be admitted to the school." In the conclusion of that opinion, I said : " The regulation of the Prescott school board does not absolutely exclude from the district school the children whose names fail to ap- pear on the enumeration list, but it merely requires such children to make application to the board for admission be- fore they shall be entitled to enter the school. By this means the board can judge whether they should or should not be admitted. If it should act arbitrarily or unjustly, and should refuse admission to one lawfully entitled, the law has provided an ample remedy for such cases. By the reg- ulation, the board can protect the district from imposition and fraud, and to better advance the objects for which free schools were organized." The question now presented by you does not relate to the power of such boards to make regulations and rules for their own government, and for the dispatch and regulation of the school business and affairs of the district, not inconsistent with law. Such power is vested in them by the statute (Di- 114 SCHOOL LAWS. gest, sec. 7101} ; but it is whether they can exclude from the public schools any child who is lawfully entitled to admis- sion. This they cannot do. Directors should remember that the right to attend school grows out of bona fide residence and not from an enumeration in a district or the payment of taxes. When a man moves into a district with the intention of making it his permanent residence, he acquires the right to send to the public schools at once. The directors are to decide from all the circumstances whether the residence is permanent or temporary. If temporary no free school privileges obtain. [SUPERINTENDENT. BY JONES. Power of county court to fill vacancies in office of county examiner : You refer me to section 7000, Sandels & Hill's Digest, requiring the county court of each county, at the first term thereof after each general election, to appoint a county ex- aminer, and ask my opinion as to the power of the county court to make such appointment at any other time when a vacancy occurs in the office of county examiner. In reply I will say, that the matter of making such appointments being invested in the county court, it certainly has the power to fill any vacancy which may occur, but the tenure of office of such appointee will expire at the first term of the county court which shall be held after the next general election, when another appointment must be made. BY JONES. School directors may not teach in their own districts : I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your com- munication of the 3d instant, in which you ask my opinion upon the following questions : " First Can a school director be legally employed to teach in the public schools of his own district? "Second If not, what remedy have the people, if the directors presist in employing one of their own number to teach ? SCHOOL LAWS. 115 In reply : The f office of school director is one of trust. Previous to the passage of the present school law he was called a trustee. In many of the states such officers are still called trustees. It is, however, immaterial whether the name be director or trustee, the office is one purely of trust and confidence, and the person filling it is governed by the same rules of law which govern other trustees, in so far as not to be allowed to make any profit from his office. It is a well settled rule that a trustee cannot use the trust prop- erty, nor his relation to it, for his own personal advantage. All the power and influence which the possession of a trust fund gives must be used for the advantage and profit of the beneficial owners, and not for the personal gain and emolu- ment of the trustee. No other rule would be safe. By examination of the school law it will be seen that the powers of the director are very large, and for the failure to perform, or for neglect of any duties of his office, he is liable to forfeit to his district the sum of twenty-five dollars. Among his duties he is required to visit the schools at least once each term, and encourage the pupils in their studies, and give such advice to the teacher as may be for the benefit of teacher and pupils. By other sections of the law it will be seen what the duties of the teachers are, and that it would be inconsistent with those duties for him to be a director. In fact, if a director were allowed to be a teacher in his own district, he would have to make a contract with himself, and would be using his position of trust for his own emolument and gain. This cannot be legally done. I am, therefore, of opinion, in answer to your first ques- tion, that a school director cannot be legally employed to teach the public schools of his own district. As to your second question, if the directors persist in em- ploying one of their own number to teach, the people of Il6 SCHOOL LAWS. the district can obtain redress through the courts to prevent such an abuse of power. They can be enjoined from doing so. BY JONES. Clerks may not charge fees for performing the duties re- quired of them under the common school laws. In answer to your inquiry, "Are county clerks entitled to ask, demand or receive fees from the several school districts- in their respective counties for performing the duties required of them under the common school laws of the state such, for instance, as filing reports of organization, of elections, of levy of school tax, of apportionment of common school funds, or any other duty enjoined upon them by said law? " I have the honor to say that the fees for clerks are regulated by statute in this state, and that unless the statute fixes a compensation for any particular service required of that officer, he is not entitled to ask, demand or receive any for the performance of it. See Cole v. White County, 32 Ark., 4.5. By examination of the common school laws of this state, it will be observed that there is no compensation provided for the services required by the county clerks ; consequently they are not entitled to fees for such services. This is not a new question by any means, but has been frequently passed upon by the courts of the various states and by the English courts. From these decisions it may be considered as established law that where the law imposes a duty upon an officer he cannot claim a remuneration for ful- filling it unless the law has expressly conferred such right. I am, therefore, clearly of the opinion that clerks are not entitled to fees for services required to be performed by them under the common school laws of this state. BY JONES. A school director may not be elected by less than a ma- jority vote. SCHOOL LAWS. 1 1/ In answer to your inquiry, I have the honor to state that all the powers vested in the electors of a school district, in their annual school meetings, must be exercised by a major- ity of the votes cast at such meetings, and that no power can be exercised by Jess than such majority. Consequently a director cannot be elected by less than a majority of the votes cast at the meeting. BY JONES. Separate schools must be maintained in every district for each race directors have discretion but to maintain the schools. I am in receipt of your communication of a late date, in which you say : " In a certain school district of this state there are seventy-five or more white children of school age and only four colored children of that age. " In another school district there are seventy-five or more colored children of school age and only four white children of that age. " I wish to know whether it is the duty of the school di- rectors in the first mentioned district to provide a school for the four colored children, and in the second mentioned dis- trict for the four white children." In reply : Section I, article 14, of the constitution of the state, is as follows : u Section I. Intelligence and virtue being the safeguards of liberty, and the bulwark of a free and good government, the state shall ever maintain a general, suitable and efficient system of free schools, whereby all persons in the state be- tween the ages of 6 and 21 years, may receive gratuitous instruction." In compliance with this mandate of the constitution, the general assembly has prepared a system of free schools, one provision of which is as follows : Il8 SCHOOL LAWS. "The said board [of directors] shall make provisions for establishing separate schools for white and colored children and youths, and shall adopt such other measures as they may judge expedient for carrying the free-school system into effectual and uniform operation throughout the state, and providing, as nearly as possible, for the education of every youth." See sec. 704.1. The constitution of .California, upon the subject of educa- tion, is similar to ours. The legislature of that state enact- ed that the education of children of African descent, and Indian children, shall be provided for in separate schools. In the case of Ward v. Flood, 4.8 Cal. Rep., 36, it is decided that it is clearly within the power of the legislature to enact such a law, and that a colored child may be excluded from a white school, and a white child from a colored school, where separate schools have been in fact established and main- tained; but that "unless such separate schools be in fact maintained, all children of the school district, whether white or colored, have an equal right to become pupils at any common school organized under the laws of the state." To the same effect is the case of State of, ex rel. Stontmeyer, v.. Duffy, 7 Nevada Rep., 34.2. In the case of Maddox, et al., v. Neal, et al., 45 Ark. Rep., 121, the supreme court of this state says: "A wide range of discretion is vested in these boards by the statute in the matter of the government and details of conducting the common schools, but in the nature of things, there is a limit to this discretion. Some positive and imperative duties are imposed upon them about which they have no discretion. The first and most important duty of the board is to make provisions for establishing schools. When the funds are pro- vided, and the directors are not otherwise instructed by the school meeting of the district, the duty to provide a school for at least three months is mandatory, and the duty to es- tablish separate schools for the whites and blacks is also in- SCHOOL LAWS. IIQ cumbent on them. All the provisions of the law in rela- tion to schools, in conformity to the constitutional mandate, are general, and the system, as far as the statute can make it, is uniform. No duty is imposed upon or discretion given to the directors about schools for one race that is not appli- cable to the other. It is the clear intention of the constitu- tion and statutes alike to place means of education within the reach of every youth. Education at the public ex- pense has become a legal right extended by the laws to all the people alike. No discrimination on account of nation- ality, caste or other distinction has been attempted by the law-making powers. The boards of directors are only the agents, the trustees appointed to carry out the system pro- vided for. Their powers are no greater than the authority conferred by legislation. They can do nothing they are not expressly authorized to do, or which does not grow out of their expressed powers. * * * The opportunity of instruction in the public schools, given by the statute to all the youths of the state, is in obedience, as we have seen, to special command of the constitution, and it is obvious that a board of directors can have no discretionary power to single out a part of the children by the arbitrary standard of color, and deprive them of the benefits of the school privilege. To hold otherwise would be to set the discretion of the directors above all law." It appears clear to me, from the authorities, and in view of the provisions of the constitution, and the statute above cited, that it is the duty of the directors of each school dis- trict to establish and maintain, with the funds at their dis- posal, separate schools for the white and colored children within their respective districts, so that every child of school age shall have the full benefit thereof ; and I, therefore, con- clude and so advise you, that this duty of directors is not limited by the number of children of either kind in the dis- I2O SCHOOL LAWS. trict, but applies to one child as well as to seventy-five or more. NOTE. This opinion represents the law as it stood at the time of its deliver- ance. Since then the legislature has authorized the transfer of the children of either race to adjoining districts where the number of either race in any district is ten or less. Now, if said transfer had been made then no school need be maintained. But where there are eleven or more children of either race they have the right to demand a school and it is the duty of the directors to maintain it out of the funds in their hands. See sec. 7062. BY ATKINSON. The treasurer of state to place the ten per cent, of the sales of all state lands to credit of school fund. I am in receipt of your favor of the i$th inst., in which you ask my official opinion upon the following points, to- wit : (i.) Has section 6932 of Sandels & Hill's Digest been repealed or amended ? (2 ) If not, who should place to the credit of the school fund "ten per cent, of the net proceeds of the sales of all state lands ? " (3.) How and by whom are the net proceeds determined ? In reply. I am of the opinion that the section of the di- gest mentioned by you has not been repealed or amended. It seems to be the duty of the treasurer to keep books which shall show from whom moneys have been received by him and on what account. He is made the receiver of all public moneys not expressly required by law to be kept by some other person (see section 3255 of Sandels & Hill's Di- gest). I am of the opinion that the treasurer should place the funds mentioned to the credit of the common school fund. See sec. 6139, Mansfield' s Digest. Section 3210 of Mansfield's Digest makes it the duty of the commissioner of state lands to make a statement of the amount due or required by law for the purchase of state lands, in which he shall state concisely the particular matter or account for which said sum is to be paid, which is handed SCHOOL LAWS. 121 to the purchaser of state land and by him turned over to the treasurer. This would enable the latter officer to properly credit the funds received by him. BY ATKINSON. 1. Every transferred person must pay the tax voted in the district to which he goes. 2. The tax which follows the person transferred is what he actually paid on his realty and personalty. 3. Nature of assessment. Replying to your favor of the 26th inst, wherein you refer to me certain matters submitted by Duncan Flanagan, Esq., county judge of Clark county, relating to the construction of sections 7062-4 of Sandels & Hill's Digest, I have the honor to submit my opinion herewith. You ask : (i.) If a transfer of children be granted under section 7062, will the person applying for transfer pay the district school tax voted in the district from which he was transfer- red to the one in which his children have been transferred ? (2.) If he has real estate in several districts, will all or what part of the district tax follow the transfer ? (3.) In case of transfer, in what district must the real es- tate be assessed ; and, if assessed in the district from which transfer is made, how can the district to which children have been transferred obtain the benefit of the tax? The act of December 7, 1875, merely provided that "the district school tax " of the person whose children were trans- ferred should be added to the school revenues of the district to which he had been transferred, and should not be included in the school revenues of the district wherein he remained. The difficulty under this law was, that a person might trans- fer his children to a district which levied a five-mill tax and get the benefit of this tax, while his property was taxed as belonging to the district in which he resided where he might vote " no tax," and, if a majority of the voters so voted, he 122 SCHOOL LAWS. would pay no tax. The tax was fixed by the district in which he resided, but was turned over to the district to which he was transferred when collected. This inequitable rule was intended to be changed by the act of March 30, 1883, and the more reasonable rule, " Qui sentit comwodum, sen- tire debet et onus" adopted. Although very obscurely draft- ed, the act sufficiently manifests an intention to transfer both the property and children to the district to which the tax-payer wishes to transfer for educational purposes. The act provides that the elector may vote in the district to which he had his children transferred. It is not to be supposed that he could vote there if his property was assessable in another district. The proviso that he could not vote out- side of his political township was intended to prevent the act from being unconstitutional under section I, of article 3, of constitution 1874. If he chose to remove his children and property out of his township and deprive himself of a right to vote in school elections, that was his own affair. " Quili- bet potest renunciare juri pro se introducto" (l.) To your first question, therefore, I answer that a person obtaining a transfer of his property and children to an adjoining district will pay the district school tax voted by the district to which he has been transferred. (2.) The law only provides that as to the district school tax, the property on which he paid in the district wherein he resides should be transferred to the district to which transfer of his children is made. This includes his tax on personalty and realty lying in that district only. (3.) In case of transfer, the property is assessed as if in the district to which transfer is made. ection 7064, San- dels & Hill's Digest provides the way the accounts are to be kept where the districts are in two counties. BY ATKINSON. School boards must act as corporate bodies and separately as individuals. SCHOOL LAWS. 123 You ask, " Can a majority of a board of directors of a. school district bind the district by a contract for the em- ployment of teachers, or for other purposes, without a full meeting of the board ? " This question has been frequently adjudicated by the courts of the different states. I have collected a few ex- tracts from them, which I present you, viz.: In Herring ton v. District, 47 Iowa, ij, the court said " While it is true that a majority of the board will govern in the absence of a provision by statute, or in the articles of incorporation, requiring the concurrence of a greater number, yet their determination is valid only after the minority have had an opportunity to be heard. A board must act as a unit, and in the manner prescribed. The determination of the members individually is not the determination of the board. In McCullock v. Ross, 577, 5 Denio, the court said : ' The concurrence of a majority of the board when duly assembled is requisite to constitute a valid act. The assent of the members separately is not enough.' " In Townsend v. School Trustees, 41 N.J. L., J/J, it was held : "The duty of these trustees, in the selection of teachers, was not ministerial merely ; they were obliged to examine into the qualifications of teachers, and to exercise judgment and discretion in their selection ; it was the performance of an important public duty, in the execution of which confer- ence and comparison of judgments were necessary in reach- ing proper results. It was an act judicial in its nature, and the general rule governing such bodies so acting is, unless special provisions of the is otherwise made, that all must meet, or have notice to meet, when official action is in- tended." * * * * " It was clearly not the intention of the legislature, in the school law, to confer upon the indi- vidual members constituting the board of trustees the power of acting separately in the selection and . appointment of 124 SCHOOL LAWS. teachers. The intention was to have them act and confer together, the result of their combined judgment, or of the majority of them, constituting a single act." In the State ex rel. v. Leonard, j Cooper's Ch., 179, it is said : "Neither the majority nor the whole of these had power individually to grant such permission. It could only be given by them when assembled as a board." " It was evidently contemplated by the legislature that a school district should have the benefit to be derived from the united experience and wisdom of all the members of the board." People v. Peters, 4. Neb., 254. In Wilson v. Waltersville School District, 4.6 Conn., 4.07 ', it was held : "The rule of the common law undoubtedly is that public agents may act by majorities, provided all are present, or have proper notice, to be present. "Their duties are important, and require the exercise of sound judgment and discretion, and their action in the em- ployment of teachers may be attended with important con- sequences, both pecuniary and moral. When several per- sons are appointed it would seem to be for the very purpose of giving the district the benefit of the combined judgment and good sense of all." I am of the opinion that the rules for the government of school boards, as promulgated in the foregping decisions, are correct and proper, and shoujd be recommended by you for the observance of those acting in that capacity in our state. BY KINSWORTHY. Junius Jordan, Superintendent of Public Instruction : DEAR SIR I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your recent communication requesting me to answer the fol- lowing question : II When does a newly elected member of the board ofdi- SCHOOL LAWS. 125; rectors of a special school district become an active member of the board?" Answering this question, I have this to say : Section 7091 of Sandels & Hill's Digest states that annually on the third Saturday in May, there shall be elected two di- rectors who shall serve three years and until their successors are elected and qualified. This section does not state that said directors shall hold three years from the date of their election, but that they shall hold three years from the day they begin to serve. Section 7098 of Sandels & Hill's Digest states : " Each person. elected director shall take the oath of office within five days after receiving a certificate of election." While the directors are elected on the third Saturday in May, they are given five days from the date they receive their certifi- cate of election in which to qualify ; so if a director qualifies within the said five days his term of office would begin the day he qualifies and end three years from that day, provided his successor qualifies on or before that day. I am, therefore, of the opinion that a newly elected director can be qualified as soon as he receives his certificate of elec- tion, but that his term of office would begin upon the day his predecessor's term of office expires, which day would be three years from the date he began to serve as director, provided that time was within five days after he received a certificate of election ; if not, his term of office would begin the fifth day after receiving his certificate of election. In giving this opinion I have not been unmindful of section 7100 of the digest, for this section cannot change the pro- visions of the sections previously mentioned, as this section is a part of the act of 1885, and the above mentioned sec- tions are a part of the act of 1893, so the latter act repeals the former act wherever and whenever they come in conflict.. Yours respectfully, E. B. KINSWORTHY, Attorney General. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. FORMS FOR THE USE OF SCHOOL OFFICERS. Form I. Examiner's Requisition Blank. OFFICE OF COUNTY EXAMINER, .18. To the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Little Rock, Ark. SIR : The blanks and blank books needed for a proper administration of the public school affairs of this county are as follows : No. on Hand No. Required Examiner's Record Annual School Meeting Notices Directors' Estimates of District Expenses Certificate of Election of School Directors Certificates of Tax Levied ... Directors' Oaths Directors' Annual and Enumeration Reports Contracts between Directors and Teachers Directors' Warrant Books Examination Notices County Examiner's Annual Reports Teachers' Certificates Directors' Records School Laws . * . County Institute Notices Poll-Books . . No. of School Districts in the County Directions for shipping the above. Respectfully, County Examiner. S 9 I3O SCHOOL LAWS. Form II. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. NOTICE. There will be an Annual School Meeting of the Electors of School District No County, at , the third Saturday in May, 189.... At this meeting the following matters will be sub mitted to the consideration and action of the Electors of said District : It is desired that every Elector be present. Directors. Date 189.... Directors will please bear in mind that this notice must be posted in three or more conspicuous places, at least fifteen days before the time of meeting, and that the objects of this meeting must be inserted in the appropriate blanks above, as provided for in section 7035 of the present School Law of Arkansas. SCHOOL LAWS. Form III. DIRECTORS' ESTIMATE OF DISTRICT EXPENSES. Electors of School District No County of State of Arkansas. \Ve respectfully submit, in accordance with Section 7049 of the School Law, the following as our estimate of the expenses of the Public Schools in this District, for the term of three months during the present scholastic year, beginning the first of last July, and of the expenses per month of continuing the schools longer than three months. AMOUNT NECESSARY. For Teachers' Salaries ' For Purchase or Lease of Sites For Purchase, Erection or Hire of Houses For Repairs of Houses and Grounds For Fuel and Incidental Expenses.. P"or Furniture, Apparatus, Light, &c For other purposes Total Amount which we will probably receive from the State Apportionm't Remainder to be raised by a District Tax ..I Expense for continuing the schools longer.than three months, at dollars per month ! ' Total amount to be raised bv District Tax The above estimate is respectfully submitted for your consideration and action. Directors. Dated, May 132 SCHOOL LAWS. Form IV. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. STATE OF ARKANSAS, ) SCHOOL DISTRICT No County of. ) We hereby certify that at the Annual School Election held on the. day of May, 189 / was elected School Director for the next years. Judges. This May, 189 (See Section 7036, School Law.) SCHOOL LAWS. 133 Form V. CERTIFICATE OF JUDGES AND CLERKS OF SCHOOL ELECTION. STATE OF ARKANSAS, County, District Xo. We hereby certify, that the election held on this day, in District Xo County, Arkansas, pursuant to law, the number of votes hereinafter mentioned were cast for the several persons named be- low for Directors, and for and against Tax, and amount of Taxes voted. For Directors X'o. Votes Received For Tax X'o. Votes Received Mills Whole Xo of Votes Ca;t Whole Xo. of Votes Cast Against Tax For Teachers' Salaries For Purchasing or Lease For Building or Repairing For Furniture and Given under our hands this. ATTEST : .dav of ... ....A. D. Clerks. Judges. NOTE. This form is a part of the poll book which is furnished by the examiner to each district. 134 SCHOOL LAWS. Form VI. DIRECTORS' OATH. I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitu- tion of the State of Arkansas, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Director of District No upon which I am about to enter. Post-office Sworn and subscribed to before me this .-. day of 189 ' County Clerk. See Section 7036, School Law. SCHOOL LAWS. 135 H O ? i) H o, "H ^ x >, rsoiis lictwee inty, Arkansa c o J ! 2 I ~ c O Cd i i I S :< S : ' : : I G : G G : G I : o .' o : o : o ; IS :E : :E ' : Ks "J ' ei :S ^^ o o fc 2: BE rt E rt^^ o 111=11 1 I w I w M Q M ll II 136 SCHOOL LAWS. I *a E fe o S " o "o M o O a, " c "" "^ 5 W - "e C 1 2 fa ci 3 CA o C "o "+; o c c/: o *rj ^ ^ c V3 ^ j W | c ** 5 ^H ft! 5-H c ^ i Jp S S h Name o ! | Pi w S V C - 1 ^ ? 3 3 c" ^ D r") "" r 11 ^ 2 fc y X S Ji a J ^ I) < W fa ^ ^ "rt g s. ts O 1 * si 5 fa c > O M |>< : ^ aj w fo s i aJ . Q IS g g| I IS ^ "rt O s c Q~ a s -"-^ ** * hH JL Z r* ^j HH ^ . "So * i i 1 fc/) ^* > *"* ^^ w : X .2 "o. i S 6 i W > .<2 P U , J oil ffi 2 : ^ ! f - -1 : : D ! 1 -o S 1 - 1 :6 o : s s i 00 : 1 H i ^ 8 tf ' Q U . i 5 ^ 3 B 1 i ;__ a> T3 u3 'S ^ W C ^ 'S Ji : 2 CO | ' i -2 i i t/r r^ J3 >\ ^s s-> : "1 frj >, MO U n t i " s ^H S- S 13 ^ - IS U c P* *-^ M .2 .t 'E o P5 05 x: O ^ -^ I ,- I Q Z tJ-- v< '.. ' w js ^ Q 5 CK - e *w . M C^ : * ^ M LO 'c i | S ^ I fl 1 I & U 1 5 rf 3 * S J>" *o ^ I* f_ T H < : -S 1 ^ >, ivxs ani sv NHXVX owiag SCHOOL LAWS. Form XIII. CERTIFICATE OF SCHOOL TAX LEVIED. ARKANSAS. Office of School Directors, District No TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY COURT of. .................................................. County, State of Arkansas: We hereby certify that at a meeting of the voters of School District No ................... in ............................................. County, held on the ............... day of ........................ 189 ....... it was voted that the following number of mills ................................................................. be levied on the taxable property in said District, for the following school purposes,. to-wit : Expense of Teachers, - ......... ......... Mills. Purchase or Lease of Site, - - - .................. Mills. Purchase, Erection or Hire of House, - .................. Mills. Repair of House and Grounds, ................. Mills. Fuel, .................. Mills. Furniture, - .................. Mills. Other 1 ..................................................................... ............... Mills. Purposes, \ .......................... ." ........................................... ................. Mills. Total Amount ........................................................ Mills. And your Honorable Body will please levy a tax on the taxable property of this- District equal to the above total amount, in accordance to law. Attest: Directors. Chairman. Dated this day of.... H 2 SCHOOL LAWS. Form XIV. NOTICE OF COUNTY INSTITUTE. Office of COUNTY EXAMINER, 189.... BOARD OF DIRECTORS, DISTRICT NO You will notify all Teachers holding Certificates of Qualification to teach in Public Schools, that a Teachers' Institute will be held at on the >days of 189 Also that Section 7073 as amended of the School Law requires their attendance. Urge upon them the importance of attending. Very Respectfully, County Examiner. SCHOOL LAWS. 143 Form XV. OATH OF JUDGES OF SCHOOL ELECTION. STATE OF ARKANSAS, County of \Ve, and do swear that we will perform the duties of Judges of this election according to law, and to the best of our abilities, and that we will studiously endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit and abuse in con- ducting the same, and that we will not disclose how any elector shall have voted, unless required to do so as witnesses in a judicial proceeding, or a proceeding to contest an election. Judges. Form XVI. OATH OF CLERKS OF SCHOOL ELECTION. STATE OF ARRANSA^. j nt of .............................. : ................ ; STATE OF County We ....................................................................................................................... and .......................................... ........................... '.... .................. do swear that we will perform the duties of Clerks of this election to the best of our abilities ; and that we will faithfully record the names of all voters; and that we will not disclose how any elector shall have voted, unless required to do so as witnesses in a judicial proceeding, or a pro- ceeding to contest an election. Clerks. I DO CERTIFY, that and Judges, and and Clerks, of the election held in District No on the day of 189 .... , were severally sworn as the law directs, previous to entering upon their respec- tive duties. Given under my hand as such this day of 189 (NOTE Forms V, XV and XVI are parts of poll-book.) INDEX. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING : PAGE. How constituted 42, 82 Who may vote 42 Quorum 42, 84 Powers of 42, 43, 44, 45, 82 Who to hold 46, 82 Ballot 46 How to count the votes 46 Duties of county court ... 47 APPARATUS : What amount may be expended for 55 To be approved by whom 55 APPORTIONMENT : By superintendent 19 By county court 27, 28, 29, 90 Basis of 27,19 ATTESTATION : Of reports 61 AUDITOR: Duties of concerning common school fund 13 Superintendent of public instruction has access to books of 20 ATTORNEY GENERAL (See Opinions}: Duties of as to common school fund 14, 97 Opinion of, when given 20 Opinion of. 107 et seq. AUTHENTICATION : Of any paper or document 22 B BLANKS: Forms of 129 et seq. To be furnished by state superintendent 16 11 INDEX. BRANCHES : For state certificate 21 For county certificate 36, 37, 140 For county examiner's certificate 32 BOOKS : List of prepared by superintendent 22 To be adopted by directors 55 BOOK AGENTS : State superintendent not to act as 21 County examiner not to act as 21 BOUNDARY LINES: Of school districts changed by court 26 BUILDINGS : Report to be made of 62 Care of, in whose hands 51 Site for, how designated 43 c COMMON SCHOOL (See Free School): COMMON SCHOOL FUND (See Free School Fund) : Collection of n, 12, 13, 97 No cost where plaintiff is unsuccessful 13 Whence received II, 12, 13 Debts due 13, 97 County treasurers' commission on 102 COLLECTORS : Duties of as to per capita tax 13 COMMISSIONERS, COMMON SCHOOL 13 et seq. How composed , 13 Time and place of meeting 13 Who presides 14 The secretary of 14 Record of 14 General duties of 14, 15 CORPOREAL PUNISHMENT ...66 et seq. COUNTY CLERKS: Duties of 20, 29, 32, 1 16 COUNTY COURT: Apportionment by 12, 27, 29 Change of districts 24, 25 To appoint county examiners 30 INDEX. lit COUNTY EXAMINER (see examiner) 30 et seq CERTIFICATES : State , 21 County, form of 23, 140 Requirements 36, 37 Revocation of 36, 37 CHARTS 55 COUNTY, NEW, ETC 30 CONTRACTS GENERALLY 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59 CLERK BOARD OF DIRECTORS 43, 46, 60 D DISTRICTS 10, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27, 88, 89 Dissolution of . . . , 25 Boundaries of 24, 25 Changes of 24, 25, 26 Style and name of 25 Powers of 26 New districts 26, 29 Special or separate districts 81 et seq. Transfers from one to another 70, 71,72 Vacancy in office of. 49, 83 Rights of parties 72 Must be numbered 40, 41 Inhabitants of to be encouraged, how 38, 39 May be dissolved by county court , 24 DIRECTORS 47 et seq. Become active members of board when .... 124, 125 How elected 43, 47, 81, 82 Cannot be elected without majority vote 1 16, 117 Duties of. 48-73, 84, 85, 86 May not be county examiners 32 When to qualify 48, 84 Who to administer 48 Penalty for refusing to serve , 48, 49 Penalty for non-performance of duty 49, 73 Penalty for failure to report tax 73 Vacancy, how filled 49, 83 Must establish separate schools 49 Must act as corporate bodies , . 122, 123, 124 Have general charge 50, 5 1 . 85 Must contract with teachers 52, 53, 85 IV INDEX. DIRECTORS Continued. Must adopt text books: , . . 55 Must furnish register 55 Must visit the school > 5 5, 56, 90 Must submit estimate 56, 57 Must defend for district 59 Must draw orders on treasurer 59, 88 Must not teach in their own districts 114, 115 Must close schools on examination days 72, 76 Du ties as to notices 36, 59, 60 Duties of clerk of board 60, 88 Must report to county clerk 61 Must report to county examiner 61 Must settle with county treasurer 62 May permit elder persons to attend 70 May suspend pupils 63 et seq. Duties as to rules 63 et seq. Duties as to transferred children 71 Duties as to private schools 72 Exempt from working roads 72, 73 Penalty for failure to report tax levied 73 For separate school districts 81 et seq. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS 79 DECISIONS 107 et seq. DISTURBANCE OF SCHOOL 78 DICTIONARIES 55 E ELECTION : School 42, 81, 82 Who may vote 42 How to organize 42, 43, 46 What may be done at 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Who to hold 46 Time for opening and closing poles 46 Form of ballots 46 Who to count 46 Duties of election j udges 46, 47, 82 Duty of county clerk 46, 47 Duty of county court 46, 47 In separate school districts 81, 82 Majority to elect 116, 117 INDEX. V ELECTORS : Must have pole tax receipt . . 42 Powers of 42, 43, 44, 45 When to meet 4 2 ENFORCEMENT: Of rules 63 et seq. ENUMERATION : Report of . , 61, 62, 63 EXAMINATIONS: Must be public and quarterly 33, 35, 36 Only teachers deserving license must teach 76 Private 38, 39 Re-examination 35, 36 Schools must be closed 72 Not to be held at time of institute 76 Teachers not to be charged for loss of time 76 EXAMINERS: Appointment of 30 Duties of clerk 32 Duties of judge 30, 31 Duties of state superintendent 32 Examination of 32 Examination a personal service 33, 34, 35 Expenses of '. 41 General duties of 31 et seq. How removed 41 Institutes must be held by 76 May appoint deputy 41 May not be a director 32 Must hold public quarterly examinations 35 Must present expense account 41 Must keep record of licensed teachers 38 Must prepare a report 29, 40 Must number school districts 40 Must encourage the people 38, 39 Penalties for failure to perform his duties 41 Qualifications 33 Reports to county clerk 29 Revocation of license 36, 37 Salary of 33, 41 What to examine 36, 37 When to examine 33, 35 VI INDEX. EXAMINERS Continued. When to qualify , 32 Who are excluded from examinations 36 Who may be cited to be re-examined 36 Vacancy in office of 114 ESTIMATE: Of school directors 56, 57, 58 EXEMPTIONS: From road duty 72, 73 FEES: Exaction of 86, 87, 1 16 Of justice of the peace and other officers 13 Exaciion of 86, 87 Of surveyor .- 94 Of clerks 82, 95, 1 16 Of county examiners 32, 33 FORMS: For use of school officers 1 29 et seq. FREE SCHOOLS: Definition of 10 High schools may be 1 1 , 88 Failure of county to receive school fund 30 Fund, common school n, 12, 13, 102 Claims due, how collected 13, 97 Limit of taxes for 9-47 Per capita tax for 9,12 Power to tax for '. 10 Right to attend 9, 63, 70 Support of. 9, 10 What may be taught in 37, 77 FUNDS: Common school II, 12, 13, 102 Treasurers to report 79, 80 Treasurers' commission on 102 To be invested 14 How apportioned 19, 27, 90 How paid out of state treasury 20 G GLOBES 55 GRADES OF CERTIFICATES 21, 22, 37 INDEX. Vll H HIGH SCHOOLS MAY BE SUPPORTED BY TAXATION 1 1 , 85, 86 I INSTITUTES: State Superintendent to hold 16 County examiner to hold 7^ Not to be held at time of examination 76 Teachers must attend 7 County Normal Institute 23 INCOMPETENCY OF TEACHERS 37> 87 J JUDGE, COUNTY (See County Court}: 12, 30 L L/VND SURVEY, ETC.: Required to be taught 37 LEASE OF SCHOOL LANDS 101, 102 LICENSE, COUNTY . 37 Unlawful without examination 38 State, requirements for 21 M MONTH: Term defined 54 MAPS 55 MAYOR: Duties of in separate districts 81 MEMORIAL: House No. i 96 NORMAL SCHOOLS: Power to support by taxation .' 1 1 County normal institutes 23 Teachers must attend 76 Length of county normal 24 District normals 24 NOTICE : Of annual school meeting 59. 60 Of petition for transferred children 71 Of county examiners 36, 76 Of change in district 25 For separate districts 81,83 Vlll INDEX. o OFFICE OF STATE SUPERINTENDENT 16 OATH OF OFFICE 32,48,84 OFFICERS: Election of, how certified 61 OPINIONS OF ATTORNEY GENERAL : Application of funds 107, 108 As to clerk's fees 1 16 As to separate schools 117, 118, 119, 120 . Directors must receive a majority 1 16, 1 17 Directors serve, how long. 124, 125 Duties of treasurer 1 20 Duties of transferred persons 121, 122 Power of court to fill vacancy 114 Rights of pupils 108113 School boards, corporate bodies 122, 123, 124 School directors as teachers 114, 115 Directors become active members when 124, 125 PUBLIC SCHOOL (See free School) : Private schools can not be based upon public taxation 10 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY : Duties of as to school fund 14, 80 PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND 12 PENALTIES 41, 48, 49, 62, 73, 78, 79 PRIVATE SCHOOL 72 No taxation for support of 10 POLL BOOKS: To be used by directors in annual meeting 17 PATENTS 99, 100, 101 PETITION : For separate school 81 For transfer 70, 71 PUNISHMENT 66 Q QUESTIONS : To be furnished by State Superintendent 16 INDEX. 1* R RACES, SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR 49, 7 1 RIGHTS : Of district over funds Of parties transferred 7*, 121, 122 Of pupils into public schools 108, 109, no, in, 112, 113, 114 REGISTERS : Form of 2 5 Who to furnish 16, 25 Directors must procure 55 Teachers' duties 75' 77 RE-EXAMINATIONS : Required 35> 3 8 Renewals of certificates 3^ REVOCATION OF LICENSE 3 6 > 37 RECORDS: Of state supnrintendent *6 REPORT : Of state superintendent J 7 Of county examiner 4 Of school directors to county examiners 61, 62 Of school directors to county clerk 61 REMOVAL : Of teacher 37, 87 Of county examiner ^ 4 1 RULES : What may be prescribed by State Superintendent 16 Of directors and teachers 63 et seg. s SEAL OF STATE SUPERINTENDENT 22 SECRETARY OF STATE : One of board of commissioners 13 Shall be president of board 14 May call meeting of board I3 H SEPARATE SCHOOL DISTRICTS 81 et seq- SEPARATE SCHOOLS : For both races 49 7 1 * 120 SALARY OF EXAMINERS 32, 41 SCHOOL DIRECTORS (see directors) 47 ** 3- SCHOOL DISTRICTS (see districts) 24 et seq. X INDEX. SCHOOL LANDS 91 et seq. SCHOOLS FOR CITIES AND TOWNS 81 et seq. SCHOOL HOUSES: Tax must be voted for 43, 44 Director to have charge of and contract for 51, 55 Not lawful to fix a site for, or vote tax for, when 60 Private school may be taught in 72 SCHOOL LAWS : State superintendent to publish 20 SECTARIAN BOOKS PROHIBITED :... 77 SIXTEENTH SECTIONS 12, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96 SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 81 et seq' STUDIES : Report of 6 1 SUITS AT LAW: Direcrors duties 59 STATISTICS 19 STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : Duties of with reference to common school fund 14, 17, 18 Apportionment by 19, 21 General duties of 13 et seq. To publish laws and render decisions . . . . , 20 Vacancy in office 21 Not to act as agent 21 To grant state certificats 21 To recommend books, etc 22 > 55 Must examine county examiner 32 SUPERVISION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS: To whom confined 15, 1 6 STATE LANDS, TEN PER CENT OF SALES 1 1, 120 SUSPENSION : Power of 63 T TAXATION FOR SCHOOLS 9, 10, u, 46, 47 For normal and high schools 1 1 TEACHERS' INSTITUTES 23, 76 TEACHERS : Assistants must hold license 53> 75 Assistants must have contract 53 Cannot suspend pupils 63 INDEX. XI TEACHERS Continued. Causes for revocation of license 36, 37 Certificates, grades of. 21, 37 Certificates cannot be renewed 38 Certificates, valid, for how long 38 Certificates expiring while teaching, effect of 73 74 Characteristics of good teachers 34, 35 Examination of 35 License expiring while teaching, effect of 73 74 May have license revoked 36, 37 Moral character of 36 Must pay fees to county treasurer 32 Must contract with directors 52, 53, 54, 75 Must hold license 52, 73, 75 Must use register 55 75> 75 Must be reported by directors 6 1 Must report infraction of rules 63 Must ba examined : . . . . 35 , 36 Must believe in a supreme being 36 Must teach common school branches 37 Must be re-examined, when 3g Must attend county institutes 76 Must not permit sectarian teaching 77 Must not be charged for loss of time, when 76 Penalty for failure to report 77 Penalty for teaching without license. ... 73, 74, 75 Power as to rules 65 ,66, 67 Power as to corporal punishment 66 Superintendent must hold license when 54, 73, 75 Superintendent must have contract 54, 75 What teachers must report 55 With certain vices, may not teach 36 Wages, how affected by revocation 37 Removal of 37 87 TEXT BOOKS : State superintendent to prepare list of 22 Directors to adopt . . . . 55 86 TAXES : How voted and levied 13, 43, 46, 47 How collected 13, 47, 71, 72, 73 TREASURER: State , 22, 36, 120 County 22, 36, 78, 79, 80 Xll INDEX. TREASURER Continued. Orders of directors upon 59, 74 Duties as to funds of transferred children 71, 121, 122 Commission on school fund 102 TRANSFERS : General power 25, 70, 121, 122 Colored children, ten or less 71 White children, ten or less 71 Taxes of ^ 72, 121 Rights of 72 TRESPASS 78 U UNIVERSITY : Power to support by taxation 1 1 V VACANCIES: In office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 21 In office of examiner 41 In office of director 49, 83 VISITATION : Of directors 55, 56 In separate districts 86, 90 VIOLATIONS OF SCHOOL LAW 80 WARRANTS 59, 78, 88 Statutes of limitation run against 59 Xi^i * - j "' *?****. * J ^l?^ii||iiiii m^Mm^^^ i ^ .j j .* .v .* / .>, ; ,y > .// ^> ^'y;^-*^ >.> y .jf -' , ./ ,.> : ^' i ^>y ; ^:>aiSS^ia^v>^ ^'xi-;' ; .:: -^> : ^'///SVA'^,'^- '- - -- y ; '- '';'>' -