UC-NRLF SB 502 'ROBSTHAIN'S ORIENTAL CATALOGUE No. XXVIII. \<7\ B. p. STEVENS ij mm, 4, Trafalgar LONDON, W.G, PROBSTHAIN & Co., 41, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, W.C. 1913. TELEPHONE: CITY 7044. INDEX. PAGES Journals and Transactions Indian Bibliography, Philology & History of Literature 1314 Ancient India . 1415 Indian Biography . . . The Hindus: Manners and Customs 16-17 The Jains ... The Parsis : their Religion and Literature, including _ ^ Texts and Translations Indian Tribes and Castes: Ethnography 2223 Folklore oo 96 Indian Philosophy and Religion 2627 Yoga and Vedanta Hinduism ... (50 00 Buddhism Indian Music Indian Numismatics Indian Art and Archaeology Grammars and Dictionaries: Comparative Works Sanskrit Grammars and Dictionaries Sanskrit Texts and Translations Pali Grammars and Dictionaries Pali Texts and Translations ... 57 62 Indian Dialects : Grammars... Indian Dialects : Texts and Translations PROBSTHAIN & CO., Oriental Booksellers and Publishers, 41, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, W.C. Twenty-eighth Catalogue of Valuable Books OFFERED FOR SALE BY PROBSTHAIN & CO., dental Booksellers anfc ipnbliebers, 41, GREAT RUSSELL ST., BRITISH MUSEUM. PART I. JOURNALS AND TRANSACTIONS. i Asiatic Quarterly Review, First Series, complete in 10 vols, roy. 8vo, half calf. 1886-90 ;5 5S 2 The same, 1891, i, iv; 1892, i, ii, iii; 1893, iii; 1894, iv; 1895, ii, iii; 1897, iii each part, 45 3 The same, 1908 to 1912, complete in Numbers as issued ^4 43 4 Asiatic Researches, or Transactions of the Society for inquiring into the History, the Antiquities, the Arts and Sciences, and Literature of Asia, Vols. I. to VII., printed verbatim from the Calcutta Edition, 410, with plates, bds. London, 1799-1803 ^3 5 The same, Vols. VIII., IX., XV., XVI., 410, with plates, bds. Calcutta and Serampore, 1805-28 each vol, 2 is 6 The same, Index to Vols. I.-XVIIL, 410. Calcutta, 1835 a is 7 Transactions of the Physical Class of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Parts I. and II., 410. Calcutta, 1829-33 325 The two vols contain mainly articles on Geology of India, and include many plates. 8 Bombay Geographical Society : Proceedings and Transactions, 1838, May, August, November ; 1839, February, May; 1840, May, August ; Vol. VI. (Sept., 1841, to May, 1844) ; 1844, May to December, 1846; Vol. X. (Sept., 1850, to June, 1852); Vol. XII. (Dec., 1854, to March, 1856); Vol. XIII. (May, 1856, to March, 1857); Vol. XVIII. (Jan., 1865, to Dec., 1867), 8vo, with many plates, plans and maps. Bombay ^3 1 53 9 Calcutta Medical Journal : Vols. I., 3, 4, 7 to 12 ; II., III., IV., Nos. i to 6; in parts as issued, 8vo. Calcutta, 1906-09 i8s 10 Calcutta Review: Vols. I. to XVII., 17 vols, 8vo, half calf. Calcutta, 1844-52 6 los ii The same, Nos. 38, 41, 43, 44, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 65, 66, 72, 114, 116, 117, 145, 146, 148, 159, 161, 162, 232, 233, 236, 243. Calcutta each number, 33 12 Geological Survey Of India. General Report for 1899 to 1903, Five Parts, roy. 8vo. Calcutta 125 6d 13 MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA, Vols. II., III., IV. ; Vol. V., Part i ; Vols. VII. to X. ; Vol. XIX., Part i ; XXIV., 2, 3 ; XXVIII., i, 2 ; XXXII., 4 ; XXXIII., i, 2 ; XXXIV., i to 4 ; XXXV., i, 2, 3 ; XXXVI., i ; XXXVIL, i to 4 ; XXXVIIL, i ; large 8vo. Calcutta, 1859-1910 Most parts are out of print. These parts and volumes can be sold separately. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum -P M744978 Journals and Transactions. 14 Geological Survey Of India RECORDS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA, Vol. II., Part 4 ; IV., 3 ; V., 3, 4 ; VI., i, 2 ; VII., i ; VIIL, 2 ; X., 3, 4; roy. 8vo, with plates. Calcutta, 1869-77 363 15 PALAEONTOLOGIA INDICA, published by the Geological Survey of India : Vol. I., The Fossil Cephalopoda of the Cretaceous Rocks of S, India, by H. Blandford, Part I., pp. 40, with 25 plates. Calcutta, 1861 155 Series II., Parts 2-6, The Fossil Flora of Rajmahal, by Oldham and Morris, Parts 2-6, with plates. 1863-79 128 6d Series IV., Parts 1-3, Fossil Reptilia and Batrachia, by Lydekker, with 6 plates. 1879 6s Series V., Parts 1-4, Gastropoda of the Cretaceous Rocks of S. India, by Stoliczka, with 16 plates i6s Series IX., Vol. III., Jurassic Fauna of Cutch, Part 2, No. i ; Genus Trigonia, with 10 plates. 1903 153 Series X., Vol. I., Part 3, Crania of Ruminants, by Lydekker, with 28 plates. 1878 i6s Series XIII., Vol. I., Part i, Pisces- Cephalopoda, by Waagen, with 6 plates. 1879 8s Series XIV., Vol. I., Part r, Sind Fossil Corals, by M. Duncan, with 28 plates. 1880 153 Series I., Vol. III., Part 3, Fossil Echinoidea, by Duncan, with 18 plates. 1884 i2S 6d 1 6 Indian Antiquary. A Journal of Oriental Research in Archaeology, Epigraphy, Ethnology, Geography, History, Folklore, Literature, Philo- sophy, &c., Vol. XIV., 410, pp. 371, with plates ; cloth. Bombay ', 1885 255 17 Indian Education, Vol. IV., Nos. i to 10 and 12, large 8vo. Bombay, 1905-06 IDS 18 Indian Journal of Art, Science, and Manufacture, Second Series, Vol. I, Nos. i to 7, large 8vo, with many illustrations ; cloth. Madras, 1856-58 I OS Nos. 6 and 7 are water- stained. 19 Indian Magazine (The), Nos. 224, 235, 236, 239, 240, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 257, 259, 260, 262, 267, 270, 274, 275, 276, 277, 291, 296, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 8vo. London, 1887-96 xos 20 Indian Museum Notes, edited by the Superintendent, Complete Series, Vols. I.-VI., No. i, large 8vo, with many plates. Calcutta, 1889-1901 3 IS* The work is devoted entirely to Economic Entomology. Index and title-page to Vol. II. are missing. The first volumes are entirely out of print. 21 IndOgermanische Forschungen. Zeitschrift fur Indogerman. Sprach- und Altertumskunde, hrsg. v. Brugmann & Streitberg, Vols. I. to XIV., 8vo, half calf. 1891-1903 ; 12 J 6s 22 Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. I., No. i (1843); Vols. II., III., IV., V. ; Vol. VII., No. 2 ; VIII., No. 2 ; Vol. IX., 8vo. Boston and New Haven, 1843-1871 j^7 75 Probsthain & Co., 41 Great Russell Street, British Museum. Journals and Transactions. 23 -- The same, Vol. IV., No. i, containing a Translation of the Tattuva Kattalei, from the Tamil ; of the Siva Gnana Potham, from the Tamil ; and of the Mulamuli, or Buddhist Genesis of Eastern India, from the Shan. New York, 1853 IDS 6d 24 - The same, Vol 24, Part II. ; Vols. XXV., XXVL, cloth. New Haven, 1903-1906 ^2 125 6d 25 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Old Series, Vols. I. to XX. ; New Series, Vols. I. to 41, 8vo. London, 1834-1909 ^52 IDS The Old Series and New Series up to 1882 are bound in half calf, the rest) in Numbers as issued. 26 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, A Complete Set, Vols. I. to LXXIII., with all maps and plates ; Vols i to 52 are bound in full morocco, the rest in parts as issued. Calcutta, 1832-1904 j* 2 5 A complete set, with the Proceedings, of this valuable journal. Never before has such a magnificent set been offered for sale. The Journals include articles by the best European and Oriental scholars on Languages, Archaeology, Antiquities, Numismatics, Natural History, Ethnology of India, Central Asia, and Tibet, Probsthain J 876 complete; 1892, March to April, July to Aug. ; 1894, Sept. to Dec. ; 1895, March to April, Sept. to Dec. ; 1899, Nov. to Dec.; 1900 complete; 1901, Jan. to March; 1902 complete; 1903, May to Dec. ; 1904 complete ; 1905 complete ; 1908, Jan. to Aug. ; 1909, Jan. to June. Paris Volumes and parts are sold separately. 35 1847 to I 849, 3 vols, 8vo, half calf. Paris 2 IDS 36 Journal of the Burma Society, Vol. I., Nos. i and 2 (all issued), 8vo. London, 1910 55 37 Journal of the East India Association, Vols. I. to III., bound in one vol, roy. 8vo, half calf. 1867-69 2 is There are no title-pages. 38 The same, Vols 17, 18, 19, No. 1-4, 7; Vols 20, 21, 22; Vol 23, Nos. i, 2, 4 ; Vols 24, 25, 26. 1885-94 2 2S 39 The same, New Series, Nos. 2 to 20, 22 to 40. 1895-1905 303 40 Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, edited by J. R. Logan, Vols. I. to VII., 8vo, half calf. Singapore, 1847-53 ^10 IDS 41 The same, Vols. II., IV., V., VI., IX., cloth. Singapore $ 153 Title-pages and Indices in Vols. V., VI. and IX. are missing. Messrs. Probsthain have various odd numbers of this Journal which can be used for making up sets. 42 Journal of the Moslem Institute, Vol. II., No. 3, 4 ; Vol. III., Nos. i- 4 ; Vol. IV., Nos. 1-4; Vol. VI., No. i, 8vo. Calcutta, 1907-1910 243 Articles by English and Moslem Scholars. 43 Light Of Truth, or Siddhanta Deepika, a Monthly Journal devoted to Religion, Philosophy, Literature, and Sciences, Vols. I. to III. and IV., Nos. i to 9, 410. Madras, 1897-1900 2 8s No. 11 of Vol. II. is missing. There are Indices to Vols. I. to III. The Review contains a long Sketch of Tamil Literature, Texts and Translations, and other interesting articles. 44 Madras Journal of Literature and Science, published by the Madras Literary Society, edited by R. Cole and C. P. Brown, a complete set of the first two series, in 22 vols (or Nos. i to 51), bound in half calf. 1834-61 ^3 This Journal has been rare for many years. It contains articles by the most eminent scholars, illustrated by plates on Mythology, Antiquities, Geography, Natural History, &c. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Journals and Transactions. 45 Madras Journal of Literature and Science, Nos. 3, u, 13, 16, 21, 41, Vol for 1878, 1880, 1881. Madras 2 IDS No. 16 contains : Notes on the Code of the Siamese and the Progress of Buddhism On the Language, Manners, and Rites of the Khoonds. 45* Vol for 1880 contains: Hindu Law in Madras in 1714, Descript. Remarks on the Seven Pagodas IDS 46 Vol for 1 88 1 contains: Niliprakasika, Sanskrit Text, two Inscrip- tions deciphered, by Oppert xos 46* Notes and Queries (Panjab) : a Monthly Periodical devoted to the Collection of Notes and Scraps of Information regarding the Country and the People, edited by Capt. R. C. Temple, Vols. I. to III. in Numbers as issued, 410. Allahabad^ 1883-86 ji i8s There is no title and index to Vol. III. This valuable series deals with Religion, Folklore, Castes and Tribes, Language, History, Miscellaneous. 47 Oriental Congress : Transactions of the Second Session, held in London, September, 1874, edited by R. K. Douglas, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 456, cloth. 1876 IDS 6d 48 Oriental Congress : CONGRES internal, des Orientalistes I. Session, Paris, 1873 : Vol. II., Etudes egyptiennes d'Assyriologie semitiques iraniennes dravidiennes sanskrites bouddhiques, 8vo, pp. 532. Pan's, 1876 IDS TRAVAUX de la Hie Session, St. Petersbourg, 1876, Vol. I. (in Russian), 8vo, pp. 163, 606, with map and plates. St. P., 1879-80 2 los This was privately printed, and is extremely rare. ACTES DU VIE CONGRES, Leiden, 1883: Vol. I., IV. (African, Far East, Polynesian), 2 vols, 8vo. Leiden, 1884-85 i6s ACTES DU VIllE CONGRES, Stockholm, 1889: Vol. I., Part I (Arabic Section), Part II. (Semitic Section); Vol. II., Part I. (Aryan); Vol. IV. (Egyptian, China, Polynesia), 4 parts, 8vo. Leiden, 1891-92 245 ACTES DU XIV. CONGRES, Alger, 1905 : Vol. II. (Semitic, African Languages, and Archaeology) ; Vol. III. (Langues Musulmanes), 2 vols. Paris, 1907-08 i6s 49 OrientallSChes ArchlV. Illustrierte Zeitschrift fur Kunst, Kultur- geschichte und Volkerkunde der Lander des Ostens, hrsg. v. H. Grothe, Vol. I., 4to, richly illustrated. 1910-11 305 50 Orientalist (The), a Journal of Oriental Literature, Arts and Sciences, Folklore, edited by Wm. Goonetilleke, Vol. I., complete ; II., Nos. i, 2, 5, 6, 9-12; III., complete (pages 79-82 missing), 4to. Colombo, 1884-88 2 i os Includes various translations from the Tamil, Sinhalese, Pali. 51 Revue du Monde Musulman, 1907, Nos. 2, 5, 10, n, 12; 1908, Nos. 1-4; 1910, Nos. 5-12, 17 parts, 8vo. Paris, 1907-10 283 52 Transactions of the Bat a via Society of Arts and Sciences, or Verhandelingen v. h. Bataav. Genootschap, Vols. I. to XV., XVII. to XXL, roy. 8vo. Batavia, 1781 to 1848 6 53 53 The same, Vols 22 to 28, 30, 410. Batavia, 1849-63 i i8s This series contains long Articles on Historical, Ethnographical, Philological Subjects, Oriental Texts and Translations, and is illustrated by many plates. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Journals and Transactions, 54 Zeitsehrift der deutschen Morgenland. Gesellsehaft, Vols 17 to 29, 13 vols in 8vo. Leipzig^ 1863 to 1875 6 123 55 The same, Vols 51 to 59, in parts as issued. 1897 to 1905 ^5 56 The same, Vols 39 (1885), 55 (1901), 56 (1902), 3 vols, in parts as issued each vol los PAR3D II. INDIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY, PHILOLOGY, HISTORY OF LITERATURE. 57 Abreu (G. de V.) Summario das investigates em Samscritologia desde 1886-1891, 8vo, pp. 57. Lisbon, 1891 2s 6d 58 Adam (W.) Third Report on the State . .. of Education in Bengal, 8vo, pp. 239, half calf. Calcutta, 1838 5s 59 Adam's Reports on Vernacular Educa- tion in Bengal and Behar, with Brief View of its Fast and Present Condition by J. Long, 8vo, pp. 342. Calcutta, 1868 4s 60 Adelll rig. Historical Sketch of San- scrit Literature, with Copious Biblio- graphical Notices of Sanskrit Works and Translations, 8vo, pp. zvii, 234, cloth. Oxford, 1832 4s 61 All Khan (Hamid) The Vernacular Con- troversy : Account and Criticism of the Equalisation of Nagri and Urdu, 8vo, pp. 123, cloth. Lucknow, 1900 2s 6d 62 Alviella (G. d') Ce que 1'Inde doit A la Grece. Des influences classiques dans la civilisation de 1'lnde, 8vo, pp. vi, 200. Paris, 1897 4s 63 Alwis (Jus.) Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali and Singhalese Literary Works of Ceylon : Vol. I. (and all), 8vo, pp. xxx, 243, bds. Colombo, 1870 9s Described are : Mabavansa Dipavamsa Bauddha Sataka Rupasiddhi, and 19 other works. Rare. 64 Amalnerkar (T. R.) A Note on the Yadnyopavit, or the Sacred Thread of the Brahmans, 8vo, pp. 46. Lucknow, 1910 2s 65 Asoka. Three New Edicts of Asoka, First and Second Notice, by G. Buhler, 2 parts, 16mo. Bombay, 1877-8 6s Include texts and translations of the Edicts. 66 Aufrecht (Th.) Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, Svo, pp. viii, 111, cloth. Cambridge, 1869 5s 67 Die Sanskrit Handschriften der Hof und Staats Bibliothek, Miinchen, roy. Svo, pp. viii, 228. 1909 7s 6d 68 Baly (J.) Eur- Aryan Roots, with their English Derivatives and the Correspond- ing Words in the Cognate Languages, compared and systematically arranged, Vol I. (all issued), large Svo, pp. xxvii, 781, cloth. 1897 (pub. 50s) 36s 69 Beitrage zur Knnde der indogerman. Sprachen, hrsg. v. Bezzenberger, Vol. XL, Svo, pp. 348, cloth. 1886 8s Includes : Casuslehre der indischen Grammatiken, Part II., v. Liebicb Sanskrit visamsthula, v. Zachariae Conjectanea vedica, v. Geldner. 70 Benfey (Th.) Uber die indogerman. Endungen des Genitiv Singularis ians, ias, ia, 4to, pp. 61 Gottingen, 1874 2s 71 Die Quantitats - Verschieden- heiten in den Samhita und Pada Texten der Veden, 3 parts, 4to. Oottingen, 1874-76 6s 72 Vedica und Verwandtes, Svo, pp. 177. Strassburg, 1877 3s Chapters on the Vedas, in German. 73 Benloe W (L. ) Apergu de la science com- parative des Langues, p. a. a un traite compare des langues indo europeennes, Svo, pp. xv, 96, with Tables. Paris, 1858 3s 74 Bhandarkar (R. G.) Report on the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency, during the year 1833-84, Svo, pp. 479, viii, bds. Bom- bay, 1887 4s 75 Black (G. F.) A Gipsy Bibliography, Provisional Issue, Svo, pp. 139. Liver- pool, 1909 6s 76 Bloom field (M.) The Atharva Veda, Svo, pp. 128. 1899 6s Encyclopaedia of Indo-Ar. Research. 77 Contributions to the Interpreta- tion of the Veda, Second Series, Svo, pp. 38. Baltimore, 1890 3s 78 Blumhardt (J. F.) Catalogue of Mara- thi and Gnjarati Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. 4to, pp. 195, cloth. 1892 (pub. 21s) 16s 79 Bosanquet (S. R.) Hindu Chronology and Ante-Diluvian History, Svo, pp. 59, cloth. 1880 2s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Bibliography^ Philology, etc. 80 Bose (P. N.) History of Hindu Civilisa- tion during British Bale, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1894-98 18s Vol. I. contains Religious Condition Vol. II. contains Socio-Religious and Industrial Condition Vol. III. contains Intellectual Condition 81 Boyer (A. M.) Yaksa (Vedic Studies, in French), 8vo, pp. 85. Paris, 1906 3s 82 L'Epoque de Kaniska, 8vo, pp. 56, reprint. Paris, 1900 3s 83 Sur Quelques Inscriptions de I'lnde, 8vo, pp. 43. Paris, 1899 3s 84 Etude s. 1'origine de la doctrine du Samsara, 8vo, pp. 51. Paris, 1902 3s 85 Brown (C. P.) Carnatic Chronology: the Hindu and Mohamedan Methods of Beckoning Time explained, 4to, pp. vi, 90, cloth. 1863 10s 6d 86 Brown (R.) Language, and Theories of its Origin, 8vo, pp. 48. 1880 2s 6d 87 Burnell (A. C.) A Classified Index to the Sanskrit MSS. in the Palace at Tanjpre, 3 parts, 4tp, bds. 1879 21s I., Vedic and Technical Literature II., Philosophy and Law III., Drama: Epics-Puranas-Tantras, Indices Elements of South-Indian Palaeo- 88 89 90 graphy, from the IVth to the XVIIth Century A.D. : being an Introduction to the Study of South -Indian Inscrip- tions and MSS., Second Edition, en- larged and improved, 4to, pp. xii, 147 with map and 33 plates, cloth. 1878 (pub. 2 12s 6d) 24s Catalogue of a Collection of Sanskrit Manuscripts : Part 1, Vedic MSS., 12mo, pp. 65. 1870 2s Specimens of S. Indian Dialects : being Translations of the Parable of the Sower (Sb. Matth. xm, 1-35), Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5,6,8; together 6 parts. Manga- lore and Tranquebar, 1873-77 38s No. i, In Konkani, spoken by Roman Catholics in S. Canara No. 2, In Dialects of Malayalam, spoken by the Mappilas, and of Amindivi (Laccadive Isl.) No. 4, Dialect of Tamil, spoken at Tanjore No. 5, In Language spoken by the Todas of the Nilagiri Hills No. 6, In Dialect of Canarese, spoken by the Badagas No. 8, In Dialect of Tamil, spoken at Tanjore by Brahmans Only 30 to 45 copies of each were ever printed. 91 The same : No. 1, In Konkani, First Edition. Mangalore, 1872 (only 30 copies were printed) Is 6d 91* The same, No. 4, In Tamil. Tranquebar, 1876 6s 92 The same, No. 6, In Canarese. Mangalore, 1873 (35 copies were printed) 6s 92* The same, No. 8, In Tamil. Tranquebar, 1877 6s 93 BUhler (G.) Eleven Land-Grants of the Chaulukyas of Anhilvad : a Contribu- tion to the History of Gujaratas, San- skrit Texts, with Translations, 16mo, pp. 125, with plate. Bombay, 1877 5s 94 Biographic, von J. Jolly, 8vo, pp. 23, with portrait. 1899 2s 6d Encyclopaedia of Indo-A. Research. 95 Bukhsh (S. Ehuda) Essays: Indian and Islamic, cr. 8vo, pp. 295. 1911 7s 6d 96 Burgess (J.) Chronology of Modern India for 400 years, from the close of the 15th century, A.D. 1494 1894, roy. 8vo, vi, 483 pp., cloth. 1913 12s 6d 97 Cappeller (C.) Die Ganachandas. Ein Beitrag znr indischen Metrik, 8vo, pp. 122. Leipzig, 1872 2s 6d 97* Catalogue of the Library of the Boyal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, Svo, pp. viii, 537, cloth. 1893 (pub. 10s (3d) 5s 98 Charlar (V. Krishnama) Select Papers, Speeches and Poems, connected with Pachaiyappa Mndaliarand his Religious and Educational Charities, Svo, pp. 28, 163. Madras, 1892 4s The work contains a number of prize essays in Sanskrit, Telugu, and Tamil. 99 Chuekerbutty (S. G.) Popular Lec- tures on Subjects of Indian Interest [mainly Education of the Natives], Svo, pp. 203, cloth. Calcutta, 1870 3s 6d 100 Classified Catalogue of English Books in the Shri Sayaji Library of Shrimant S. K. Gaikwad, Svo, pp. 371, cloth. Bombay, 1891 5s 101 Colebrooke (H. T.) Miscellaneous Essays, 2 vols, Svo, bds. London, 1837 32s On the Religious Ceremonies of the Hindus On the Philosophy of the Hindus Various Philo- logical Essays. 102 Abhandlung iiber die heiligen Schriften der Indier, translated into German, Svo, pp. 176. Leipzig, 1847 3s 103 Cust (B.) Las Religiones y los Idiomas de la India ; version Espanola, 12mo, pp. viii, 225. Madrid, 1883 2s 104 Dass (B. B.) The Sun a Habitable Body like the Earth : a Book on Solar Physics, illustrated, Svo, pp. xiv, 130, cloth. Naldha,lWd 2s 6d Chapter X. deals with Zodiacal Light. 105 Deny son (J.) On the Geographical Limits, History and Chronology of the Chera Kingdom of Ancient India, Svo, pp. 29, with map. Reprint 2s 108 Translation of Three Copper- plate Inscriptions and Notices of the Cbalukya and Gurjjara Dynasties, Svo, pp. 40, with 5 folding plates 2s 6d Probsthain & Co,, 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Bibliography, Philology, etc. 107 Douse (T. Le Ch.) Grimm's Law, a Study, or Explanation of the so-called Lantverschiebung, with Remarks on the Primitive Indo-European K., 8vo, pp. xvi, 231, cloth. 1876 8s 108 Dufrene (H.) La Flore Sanskrite, Explication des noms sanscrits des plantes de 1'Inde, 8vo, pp., 65. Paris, 1887 3s 109 Dussieux (L.) Essai sur 1'histoire de 1'erndition orienbalo, 16mo, pp. 107, cloth. Paris, 1842 3s 110 Dutt (R. Chunder-) A History of Civilization in Ancient India, based on Sanskrit Literature, 3 vols, 8vo, with mope, cloth. Calcutta, 1889-90 24s Vol. I., Vedic and Epic Ages Vol. II., Rationalistic Age Vol. III., Buddhist and Pauranik Ages 111 Dutt (Shoshee Chunder-) Works, First Series, Historical and Miscellaneous, in 6 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1884 21s Vol. I., Half-hours with Nature The Ancient World Vol. II., The Modern World VoL III., Ruins of the Old World Bengal- Account of the country Vol. IV., India, Past and Present Vol. V., The Great Wars of India Vol. VI., Wild Tribes of India Taxation of India, &c. 112 Essays on Miscellaneous Sub- jects, roy. 8vo, pp. v, 316, cloth. Calcutta, 1854 7s 6d Young Bengal Vedantism of the Bruhma Subha-women in India The Robilla Afghan Wars in India Hindu Caste. 113 Eggeling (J.) Catalogue of the San- sknb Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office: Part I., Vedic Manu- scripts, 4to, pp. 154, cloth. 1887 10s 6d 114 EiehhOflf (F. G.) Parallele des langnes de 1'Europe et de 1'Inde, 4to, pp. vii, 500, half calf. Paris, 1836 10s 6d 115 Elliot (H. M.) Supplement to the Glossary of Indian Terms, A-J, 8vo, pp. viii, 417, with 2 coloured maps, half calf. Agra, 1845 6s Terms used in the N.-W. Provinces. 116 Encyclopaedia of Indo Aryan Re- search : a Review of the first Twelve Volumes, in French, by A. Barth, 4 to, pp. 82, reprint. Paris, 1900 2s 6d 117 Facsimiles of Two Copper Shasuns or Snnmuds belonging to the Shrine near Anagoondy Hodie ; together with Transcription, an English Translation from the Sanskrit and an Introduction, 4to. Bombay, 1840 6s Valuable pamphlet. 118 Frazer (R. W.) A Literary History of India, roy. 8vo, xiii, 470, cloth. 1898 10s 6d 119 Forbes (D.) Oriental Penmanship : an Essay for facilitating the Reading and Writing of the Ta'lik Character, con- sisting of Specimens of Fine Writing, with letterpress descriptions, 4to, cloth. 1849 7s 6d 120 Frank (0.) tiber des Bild des Welt- baumeisters Visva-Karman, in e. Fel- sentempel bei Ellora, 4to, pp. 80, with plate. Milnchen, 1834 3s 6d 121 GhOSha (Ramacb) A Peep into the Vaidik Age, or a Summary of Ancient Sanskrit Literature so far as it illus- trates the Dawn of Aryan Civilization in India, 12mo, pp. ix, 189, cloth. Madras, 1879 4s 122 Glossary of Indian Terms for the use of the various Departments of the Government of the East India Com- pany, 4to, pp. 1223, half calf. 1842 10s 6d This is one of the original copies drawn up by the Government of Madras on which the work by H. H. Wilson was based. A copy of the letter from Robert Clark, the acting Chief Secretary, is added. 123 Goa. Novas Meditates emLingoa de Goa, 24mo, pp. 32. Nova-Goa, 1856 2s 6d 124 Goldstueker (Theodore) Literary Re- mains, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1879 24s CONTENTS : The Veda Various Articles on Indian Subjects Religious Difficulties of India The Inspired Writings of Hinduism The Mahabharata On the Etymology of Jecur, Stercus, &c. 125 Essay on the Mahabharata, 8vo, pp. 46. Calcutta, 1868 la 126 Grasberger (L.) Noctes Indices, sive quaestiones in Nalum Mahabharateum, 8vo, pp. ix, 272. Wiirzburg, 1868 6s 127 Greg (R. P.) Comparative Philology of the Old and New Worlds in relation to Archaic Speech, accompanied by copious Vocabularies, large 8vo, pp. Ixxii, 354, cloth. 1893 15s 128 Grierson (G.) The Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustan, roy. 8vo, pp. 30, 170, 35, with a plate of Rama's Child- hood. Calcutta, 1889 15s Including a full index of persons and works. Scarce. 129 Handbook to the Kayathi Cha- racter, showing the Actual Handwrit- ing in use in Bihar, 4to, bds. Calcutta, 1881 lOa The plates are in the Kayathi character, with the transliteration and translation opposite. 130 Haas (Dr. E.) Catalogue of San- skrit and Pali Books in the British Museum, 4to, pp. viii, 188, cloth. 1876 36s Out of print. 131 Harris (C.) An Investigation of some of Kalidasa's Views, 8vo, pp. 58. Evaneville, 1884 3s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Bibliography, Philology, etc. 132 Henry (V.) Physique v^dique, 8vo, pp. 27. Paris, 1906 2s 6d L'baleine, la cbaleur, &c. 133 Hillebrandt (A.) Varuna and Mitra. Em Beitrag zur Exegese des Veda, 8 vo, pp. viii, 159. Breslau, 1877 3s 6d 134 Ritual - Litteratur. Vedische Opfer & Zauber, roy. 8vo, pp. 189. 1897 10a Encyclopaedia of Indo-Aryan Research. 135 Hodgson (Br. H.) Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian Subjects, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1880 (T.O.S.) 25s CONTENTS : On the Kocch, Bodo and Dhimal Tribes On Himalayan Ethnology, with Gram- mars and Vocabularies On the Aborigines of India, &c. 136 HoernlO (A. F. R.) The Bower Manu- script, Facsimile Leaves, Nagari Tran- script, Romanised Transliteration and English Translation and Notes, 7 parts, and Index, 4to, with 54 plates. Cal- cutta, 1893-97 2 2s On the Process, Preparation and Prescription of Hindu Medicines. 137 Holtzmann (A.) Arjana, e. Beitrag zur Reconstruction des Mahabharata, 8vo, pp. 69. 1879 2s 138 HorrwitZ (E.) Short History of Indian Literature, 12mo, pp. 27, 188, cloth. 1907 2s 6d 139 The Indian Theatre : a brief Survey of the Sanskrit Drama, 8vo, pp. xi, 215, cloth. 1912 2s 6i 140 Hultzsch (E.) Prolegomena zu Vasan- taraja's Cakuna, nebst Texbproben, 8vo, pp. 88. Leipzig, 1879 2s 6d With Romanized Sanskrit texts. 141 Humboldt (Baron W.) Essay on the Affinities of Oriental Languages, 4to, pp. 11. Reprint, 1828 Is 6d 142 India Office. Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the India Office : Part III., Rhetoric and Law, 4to, 1891 6s Part IV., Philosophy, 4to. 18 6s Parb VI., Epic Literature Pauranic Literature. 1899 6s Part VII., Poetic Compositions Drama- tic Literature. 1904 6s 143 Indisehe Bibliothek, hrsg. von A. W. Schlegel, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. 1820-21 7s 6d Contains Translations from Indian Languages, Articles on Religion and Philosophy. 144 Indraji (Bh.) Nasik, the Pandu Lena Caves, 8vo, pp. 99. Bombay (reprint from " Bombay Gazetteer ") 2s 6d Contains the Inscriptions, with English Translations. 145 Jolly (J.) Geschichte des Infinitive im Indogermanischen, 8vo, pp., xv, 284. Munchen, 1873 5s 146 Jolly (J.) rind.] Recht and Sitto (einschliesslich der einheimischen Litteratur), roy. 8vo, pp. 161. 1896 8s Encyclop. of Indo-Ar. Research. 147 [Indische] Medicin, roy. 8vo, pp. 140. 1901 7s Encyclop. of Indo-Ar. Research. 148 Jones (Sir W.) Letters to Samuel Davis on Literature and Science of India, 4 to, pp. 31, with plate of the Hindu Zodiac. Reprint, 1831 2s 149 Keith (A. B.) Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS. in the Indian Institute at Oxford, 8vo, pp. 99. Oxford, 1903 3s 6d 150 Key (T. H.) Quaeritur : the Sanskrit Language as the basis of Linguistic Science, 8vo, pp. 48. 1863 2s 6d 151 KielhOPn (F.) Katyayana and Patan- jali, their Relation to each other and to Panini, 8vo, pp. 64. Bombay, 1876 3s 152 Lassen (Chr.) Commentatio geograph. atque historica de Pentapotamia Indica, 4 to, pp. 91. Bonn, 1827 2s 6d Includes Sanskrit texts, Latin translations. 153 Leitner (G. W.) Words and Phrases illustrating the Dialects of the Same and Me, folio, pp. 10. Lahore, 1882 2s 154 A Detailed Analysis of Abdul Ghafur's Dictionary of the Terms used by the Criminal Tribes in the Panjab, folio, pp. 28. Lahore, 1880 2s 155 Sketch of the Changars and of their Dialect, folio, pp. 21. 1880 156 Lahore, 3s Linguistic Fragments relating to the Dialect of the Magadds, &c., followed by an Account of Shawl Weaving, with Specimens of Colours, folio. Lahore, 1881 10s 6d 157 Lepsius (R.) Das Allgemeine linguis- tische Alphabet, 8 vo, pp. 64, morocco. 1855 3s 6d 158 Levi (S.) Anciennes Inscriptions du Nepal, 8vo, pp. 51, with 6 plates. 1904 3s 6d 159 Lindner (B.) Die Diksha, oder Weihe fiir das Somaopfer, 8vo, pp. 47. Leip- zig, 1878 2s 6d 160 Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. V., Specimens of the Bihari and Oriya Languages, by G. A. Grierson, 4to, pp. x, 439, with 2 maps, cloth. Calcutta, 1903 10s 161 Vol. VII., Specimens of the Marathi Language, edited by G. A. Grierson, 4to, pp. x, 391, with map, cloth. Calcutta, 1905 10* The specimens are in the native characters, as well as transcribed, and accompanied by English translations. Probstham & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 10 Indian Bibliography, Philology, etc. 162 Liptay (A.) Eine Gemeinsprache der Knlturvolker, 8vo, pp. xvi, 212. Leip- zig, 1891 3s 163 Long (J.) Returns relating to Publics tions in the Bengali Language, in 1857, with a Notice on the Past Condition and Future Prospects of the Vernacular Press of Bengal, 8vo, pp. 64, 83, cloth. 1859 4s Records of Bengal Govt. No. 32. 164 Lord's Prayer (The), in Three Hundred Languages, comprising the Leading Languages throughout the World, with the Places where spoken, edited by R. Rost, Ito, pp. 88, cloth. 1891 3s 185 In Five Hundred Languages, comprising the Languages throughout the World, with the Places where spoken, edited by R. Rost, New and Enlarged Edition, 4to, pp. 160, cloth. 1905 5s 166 Lyall (A. C.) Asiatic Studies, Re- ligious and Social, 8vo, pp. xviii, 306, cloth. 1882 6s Religion of an Indian Province Origin of Divine Myths in India Witchcraft and Non-Christian Religions Formation of Castes in India The Rajput States, &c. 167 Maedonell (A. A.) History of San- skrit Literature, 8vo, pp. ix, 472, cloth. 1900 5s 168 Heister (R.) Die griechischen Dialekte, Vol. I., Asiatisch-aolisch, Bootisch, Thessalisch, 8vo, pp. viii, 310. 1882 4s 169 Miscellaneous Translations from Oriental Languages, 2 vols, 8vo, bds. 1831-34 (O.T.F.) 18s The 2 vols include, Extracts from the Saka Thevan Saasteram, or Book of Fate, translated from Tamil The Vetala Panchavinsati The Ritual of Buddhist Priesthood, translated from Pali by Clough, &c. 170 Mitra (Raj.) Scheme for the Rendering of European Scientific Terms into the Vernaculars of India, 8vo, pp. 27. Calcutta, 1877 3s 171 Mitra (Raj end) Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts for the years 1877-1886, Nine Parts, 8vo. Calcutta, 1878-86 2 2s Being Nos. 13 to 21 of the whole series. 172 The same, Nos. 8 and 11. Calcutta, 1874-76 each part, 3s 173 Monier- Williams. Original Papers illustrating the History of the Applica- tion of the Alphabet to the Languages of India, 8vo, pp. xix, 276, cloth. 1859 6s 174 Mookerjee's Magazine of Politics, Sociology, Literature, Art and Science, New Series, Vol. I., Nos. 2 to 6, with Title and Index to the volume, 8vo. Calcutta, 1872-73 8s 175 M tiller (E.) Der Dialekt des Gathas des Lalitavistara, 8vo, pp. 36. Weimar, 1874 2s 176 Mtiller (H. D.) Der Indo-germanische Sprachbau in e. Entwickelung, Vol. I. (all), 8vo, pp. 450, half calf. 1879 6s 177 Mtiller (Max) A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature so far as it illus- trates the Primitive Religion of the Brahmans, 8vo, pp. xiv, 322, cloth. 1912 15s A reprint of the original edition of 1859. 178 India, What can it teach us ? a course of Lectures, pp. x, 402, cloth. 1883 12s Other Lectures : On the Truthful Character of the Hindus Interest of Sanskrit Literature The Lessons of the Veda Vedic Deities Veda and Vedanta and Notes. 179 Lectures on the Science of Language, Fourth Edition, 8vo, pp. x, 432, cloth. 1864 4s 180 The same, Second Series, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 600, with 31 woodcuts, cloth. 1864 4s 181 Three Lectures on the Science of Language, Second Edition, 8vo, pp. 112, cloth. Chicago, 1895 3s 182 Proposals for a Missionary Alphabet, 8vo, pp. 52, with a Com- parative Table. London, 1854 5s Scarce. 183 On Sanskrit Texts discovered in Japan, 8vo, pp. 36. London, 1880 (Reprint) 3s 184 Murdoch (J.) Classified Catalogue of Tamil Printed Books, with introductory Notices, 12mo, pp. 101, 287, cloth. Madras, 1865 5s There is a long introduction on Tamil Language and Literature. 185 [ ] An Account of the Vedas, with illustrative Extracts addressed to Thoughtful Hindus, 8vo, pp. vi, 159. Madras, 1892 3s Includes many translations from the Sanskrit. 186 Natahema Heran Kabanva Nyapran : Worcester's Primer, in Naga, by Mrs. R. M. Bronson. Jaipur, 1840. Very scarce 6s 187 Neve (F.) Les Portraits de Femme dans la Porsie opique de 1'Inde, Frag- ments d'4tudes sur le Mahabharata, 8vo, pp. ii, 124. Brussels, 1858 3s 188 Oldenberg (H.) Ueber e. Darstellung der vedischen Religion, 8vo, pp. 6. Reprint, 1895 Is 6d 189 Pavgee (H. B.) The Vedic Fathers of Geology, 8vo, pp. x, 182, cloth. Poona, 1912 2s 6d Chapters on tha Vedic Discoveries in Geology, &c. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Bibliography, Philology, etc. II 190 Peile (J. B.) Catalogue of Native Publications in the Bombay Presi- dency, from 1st Jan., 1865, to 30th June, 1867, 8vo, pp. 120, bds. Bombay, 1869 3s 191 Peterson (P. ) The Auchityalamkara of Kshemendra, with a Note on the Date of Patanjali, and an Inscription from Kotah, 8 vo, pp. 54. Bombay, 1885 2s 6d 192 Phillips (M.) The Teachings of the Vedas, what Light does it throw on the Origin and Development of Religion ? 8vo, pp. viii, 240, cloth. 1895 5s 193 Pisehel (Dr. R.) Die Recensionen der gakuntaLi, Antwort an Prof. Weber, 8vo, pp. 27. 1875 Is 6d 194 Bruchstiickc des Sanskrit Kanons der Buddhisten aus Idijkutsari, 2 parts, 8vo, pp. 29, with G plates. 1904 3s 195 Poor (L. E.) Sanskrit and its Kindred Literatures : Studies in Comparative Mythology, 8vo, pp. 468, cloth. 1881 4s 196 Prasad (Munshi K.) The Kayastha Ethnology : being an Enquiry into the Origin of the Chitra guptavansi and Chandra senavansi Kayasthas, 8vo, pp. 9, ix, 30, and Sanskrit Text, pp. 4, cloth. Lucknow, 1877 5s 197 Ramaswamiel (C. V.) Biographical Sketches of Dekkan Poets, Memoirs of their Lives, 8vo, pp. xviii, 157, with portrait, bds. Madras, 1888 3s 198 Rao (Rev.) The Art of Translation : a Critical Study, with an Appendix con- taining the Text and the Kannada Translation of the Royal Proclamation, 8vo, pp. ix, 163. Mysore, 1910 2s 6d 199 Regnaud (P.) Recherches sur les noms des Risis vcdiques, 8vo, pp. 32. Paris, 1905 2s 6d 200 Regnier (A.) Etude sur 1'Idiome des V6das, et les origines de la langne Sanskrite, Part I. (all issued), 4 to, pp. xvi, 205. Paris, 1855 21s Only 100 copies were published. It includes Sanskrit text, transliteration and French translation of the " Hymne au ciel et a la Terre" and the " Hymne a Agni." 201 Report Of the Committee on Organi- zation of Oriental Studies in London, 2 vols, folio, 1909 4s Parliamentary papers. 202 Roebuck (S.) Annals of the College of Fort William, from the Period of its Foundation, large 8vo, pp. liii, 590 and Appendix, 80 pp., bds. Calcutta, 1819 12s 6d The appendix contains a catalogue of Oriental works published under the patronage of the College, and a list of students from 1800-1818 (about 450). 203 Seherman (L.) Materialien zur Ges- chichte der Indischen Visions-Litera- tur, 4to, pp. v, 161. Leipzig, 1892 6s 204 Sehrader (0.) Real-Lexicon der Indo- german. Altertumsknnde, Grnndziige e. Kultur-und Volkergeschichte Alt- Europas, large 8vo, pp. xl, 1048, half calf. 1901 30s 205 Sen (D. C.) History of Bengali Lan- guage and Literature : a series of Lec- tures delived as Reader to the Calcutta University, roy. 8vo, pp. 1030, 15, cloth. Calcutta, 1911 24s 206 Sewell (R.) Sketch of the Dynasties of Southern India, 4 to, pp. vi, 132, bds. Madras, 1883 7s 6d 207 Indian Chronography : an Ex- tension of the Indian Calendar, with Working Examples, 4to, pp. xii, 187, cloth. 1912 31s 6d 208 Sievers (E.) Grundziige der Phonetik zur Einfiihrnng in das Studium der Lautlehre der Indogerman Sprachen, 8vo, pp. xv, 224. Leipzig, 1881 3s 6d 209 Simon (R.) Ueber die Handschriften nnd Recensionen des Amarngabaka, 8vo, pp. 46. Bonn, 1862 2s 6d 210 Simpson (W.) On the Identification of Nagarahara, with reference to the Travels of Hiouen Thsang, 8vo, pp. 25, with plates. Reprint, 1881 2s 6d 211 Small (G.) Handbook of Sanskrit Literature, with Appendices descrip- tive of the Mythology, Castes, and Religious Sects of the Hindus, &c. , 8vo, pp. xix, 207, cloth. 1866 5s 212 Stewart (Ch.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Library of the late Tippoo Sultan of Mysore ; to which are pre- fixed Memoirs of Hyder Aly Khan and his Son, Tippoo Sultan, 4to, pp. viii, 94, 364, calf. Cambridge, 1809 16s The appendix contains specimens of works in Persian, with English translations. Some pages are slightly water-stained. 213 Stoequeler (J. H.) The Oriental Interpreter and Treasury of East India Knowledge, 8vo, pp. 334, cloth. N.D. 4s A dictionary of Indian and Oriental terms, phrases, places, and persons. 214 Stqnner (H.) Zentralasiatische San- skrittexte in Brahmischrift aus Idikutsahri, 2 parts, 8vo, pp. 9, with 2 plates. 1904 2s 215 Studi Italian! di Filologia Indo- Iranica, edited by Fr. L. Pull/', anni I. e II., 8vo. Firenze, 1897/8 1 16s 216 Thomas (E.) On the Identity of Xandrames and Krananda, 8vo, pp. 41. Reprint 2s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 12 Indian Bibliography, Philology, etc. 217 Thomas (E.) Ancient Indian Weights, 8vo, pp. 38. 1864 2s 6d 218 Taylpr (R. W.) A Catalogue Raisonee of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of the (late) College, Fort St. George, Vol. I., large 8vo, pp. xxii, 678. Madras, 1857 6s Sanskrit and Dravidian Languages. 219 Temple (R. C.) Dissertation on the Proper Names of Panjabes, with special reference to the Proper Names of Villagers in the Eastern Punjab, 8vo, pp. viii, 228, cloth. Bombay, 1883 3s 6d 220 Theobald (W.) Notes on some of the Symbols found on the Punch-marked coins of Hindustan, and their relation- ship to Symbolism of other Races, 8vo, pp. 90, with 3 plates (189 symbols). Reprint, 1890 3s 6d 221 Thibaut (G.) [Ind.] Astronomic, Astrologie und Mathematik, roy. 8vo, pp. 82. 1899 4s Encyclop. of Indo-Aryan Research. 222 Thonissen ( J. J. ) Etudes sur 1'histpire du Droit Criminel des Peuples Anciens (Inde Brahmanique, Egypte, Judee), 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1869 9s 223 Tokiwai (a Japanese Scholar) Studien znm Snmagadhavadana, together with English Translations from Chinese Editions, 8vo, pp. 63. Darmstadt, 1898 feOd 224 Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, Vol. I., Part 2, 4to, pp. 155-332, with plates 1826 10s Includes Wilson's Account of the Pancha Tantra, with translations Inscriptions on Rocks in S. Bihar Account of Greek, Parthian and Hindu Metals, &c. 225 The same, Vol. III., Part 2, with plates. 1833 10s Includes D'Oyley Constitution of the Kandyan Kingdom Ceremonial of Ordination of Buddhist Priests On the Jaines of Gujerat. 226 Transactions of the Bengal Social Science Association, Vol. I., No. 1, half calf. Calcutta, 1867 3s 6d Progress of Education in Bengal Domestic Economy of the Hindus, &c. 227 Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay, Vol. III., 4to, pp. x, 556, with engravings, half calf. 1823 15s Includes a Long Article on the Caves of Ellora, by Capt. Sykes On the Remains of the Budd- hists in India, by W. Erskine, &c. 228 Transactions of the Literary Society of Madras, Part I., 4to, pp. 120, with engravings. 1827 4s CONTENTS : On the Law Books of the Hindus On the Alphabetical Notation of the Hindus- Origin of the Hindu Zodiac, &c. 229 Trevelyan (J. Prinsep), and others. The Application of the Roman Alphabet to all the Oriental Languages, 8vo, pp. 162, cloth. Serampore, 1834 3s 230 Vinson (J.) Les bijoux indiens da pays Tamoul (Pondichery), 8vo, pp. 15. Paris, 1904 2s 231 Watson (J. Forbes) Index to the Native and Scientific Names of Indian and other Eastern Economic Plants and Products, large 8vo, pp. viii, 637. 1868 10s 6d 232 Weber (A.) History of Indian Litera- ture, translated from the German by J. Mann and Th. Zachariae, 8vo, pp. xxiii, 360, cloth. 1878 10s 6d 233 On the Ramayana, translated from the German by D. C. Boyd, 16mo, pp. 130. Bombay, 1873 3s 6d A learned treatise on the Ramayana. 234 Indische Skizzen, Vier Vortrage und Abhandlungen, 8vo, pp. 150, half calf. 1857 4s Contains Neuere Forschungen fiber des alte Indien Buddhismus Verbindung Indiens mit dem Westen. 235 Indische Streifen, Vol. I., 8vo, pp. 386. Berlin, 1868 4s Contain Four Legends from the Catapatha Brah- mana, translated Dhammapada, translated On the Dasa Kumara Charitam, &c. (all in German). 236 Die Rama Tapaniya Upanishad (with Sanskrit Texts and German Translations), 4to, pp. 122. Berlin, 1864 5s 237 Vedische Beitraege, Noe. 1 to 9, roy. 8vo. Berlin, 1884-1900 9s Contributions towards Vedic studies. 238 Whitney (D. W.) Oriental and Lin- guistic Studies, Two Series, 8vo. New York, 1873/4 21s Vol. I. The Veda The Avesta The Science of Language. Vol. II. The East and West Religion, Mytho- logy Orthography and Phonology Hindu Astronomy. 239 Max Miiller and the Science of Language : a Criticism, 8vo, pp. 79. New York, 1892 4s 240 WhitWOrth (G. C.) An Anglo-Indian Dictionary : a Glossary of Indian Terms used in English, and of such English or other Non-Indian terms as have ob- tained special meanings in India, roy. 8vo, pp. xv, 350, cloth. 1885 7s 6d 241 Wilmshurst (W. L.) The Chief Scrip- ture of India (The Bhagavan Gita) and its Relation to Present Events, 8vo. 1906 Is 242 Wilson (H. H.) Present State of the Cultivation of Oriental Literature, 8vo, pp. 25. 1852 Is 6d 243 Essays : Analytical, Critical and Philological, on Subjects connected with Sanskrit Literature, Vol. L, 8vo, pp. 392, cloth. 1864 7s 6d Contains Analysis of the Puranas Hindu Fiction Extract from the Mahabharata. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Bibliography, Philology, etc. 244 Wilson (H. H.) Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms, and of Useful Words occurring in Official Documents relating to British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, and other Languages, 4to, pp. 28, 728, cloth. 1855 12s 6d 245 Mackenzie Collection : a De- scriptive Catalogue of the Oriental MSS. and other Articles illustrative of the Literature, History, Statistics and Antiquities of the South of India, collected by Lt.-Col. Mackenzie, 8vo, 2 vqls, half calf. Calcutta, 1128 12s Contains an Introduction of 154 pages Sanskrit Works Tamul Telngu Kanara Malayalam Persian and other Oriental Books. 246 Another copy, reprinted in one vol, 8vo, pp. xviii, 636, cloth. Madras, 1882 10s 247 Windisch (E.) Ueber das Nyaya bbashya, 4 to, pp. 41. Leipzig, 1888 2s 248 WinklOP (H.) Zur Sprachgeschichte, Nomen, Verb und Satz, Antikritik, 8vo, pp. xi, 306. Berlin, 1887 4a 249 Winning (Rev. W. B.) Manual of comparative Philology, in which the affinity of the Indo-European Lan- fuages is illustrated, 8vo, pp. xi, 291, alf calf. 1838 4s 250 Winternitz (N.) Das Altindische Hocbzeits Rituel nach ' dem Apas- tambiya Grihya Sutra, 4to, pp. 114. Vienna, 1892 3s 6d The work contains a number of Sanskrit Texts and German Translations. 251 Zachariae(Th.)DieIndischen Wdrter- biicher (Kosa), roy. 8vo, pp. 42. 1897 2s 6d Encyclop. of Indo-Ar. Research. JPART ANCIENT INDIA. 252 Aiyer (V. G.) The Chronology of Ancient India, First Series, 8vo, pp. vi, 157, cloth. Madras, 1901 2s 6d Beginning of the Kali Yuga The date of the Mahabharata War The Four Yugas. 253 AlbePUni'S India : an Account of the Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Geo- graphy, Chronology, Astronomy, Cus- toms, Laws and Astrology of India, about 1030 A.D., translated from the Arabic, with Notes and Indices, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1910 25s An accurate description of all Categories of Hindu thought. 254 Ancient History (The) of India, Political, Social, Moral, and Religions, from the Earliest Period, by a Cupia, Vol. I. (all issued), 8vo, pp. vii, 456, cloth. Madras, 1883 15s Aria Original Home Bugola Geography Civiliza- tion and Manners The Sacrificial System Cosmos, &c. 255 Bretsehneidep (E.) Mediaeval Re- searches from Eastern Asiatic Sources : Fragments towards the Knowledge of the Geography and History of Central and Western Asia, from the 13th to the 17th Centuries, 2 vols, 8vo, with a reproduction of a Chinese mediceval, map, cloth. 1910 21s 256 Carre (L.) L'ancien Orient. Etudes historiques, religienses et philo- sophiques sur 1'Egypte, la Chine, I'lnde, la Perse et la Palestine, depuis les temps les plus reculus, 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1874 10s 6d The chapter on India comprises p. 1-297 of Vol. II. On China, p. 277-516 of Vol. . 257 Cunningham (A.) The Ancient Geo- graphy of India, Vol. I. (all published); the Buddhist Period, including the Campaigns of Alexandra, and the Travels of Hwen-Thsang, 8vo, pp. xx, 589, with 13 maps, half calf. 1871 2 5s Very scarce. 258 CUPtius (E.) Histoire grecque. Tra- duit de 1'allemand par A. Bouche- Leclercq, 5 vols, roy. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1883 21s A cheap copy in fine state of this learned work. 259 Dey (N. L.) Geographical Dictionary of Ancient and Mediaeval India, with Appendix on Modern Names of Ancient Indian Geography, roy. 8vo, pp. 110, 85, with a large map, cloth. Calcutta, 1899 12s 6d 260 Dutt (R. C.) A Brief History of Ancient and Modern India, 8vo, pp. vii, 251, 6, with 3 maps, cloth. Calcutta, 1895 3s 6d 261 A History of Civilisation in Ancient India, based on Sanskrit Literature, Revised Edition, 2 vols, 8vo, with 2 maps, cloth. 1893 (T.O.S.) 21s Vedic Period Epic Period Rationalistic Period Buddhist Period Puranic Period With chapters on Religion, Hindu Architecture, Astronomy, Medicine, Fiction, &c. 262 Hewitt (J. F.) Notes on Early His- tory of Northern India, Part IV. and V., 8vo. Reprints 1887 Part IV., On the Pre- Vedic History of India, founded on a Study of the Brahmanas 4s Part V., Succession of Hindu Priesthood 3s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street^ British Museum. Ancient India. 263 Kunte (M. M.) The Vicissitudes of Aryan Civilization in India : an Essay which treats of the History of the Vedic and Buddhistic Polities, explain- ing their Origin, Prosperity and Decline, 8vo, pp. xxv, 600, cloth. Bombay, 1880 28s I., Antecedents of the Ancient Indian Aryas II., Invasion of India and the Period of Occupa- tion III., Brahmavadins IV., The Acharya Period V., Buddhism. 264 Manning (Mrs. ) Ancient and Mediaeval India, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, illustrated, cloth. 1869 25s A standard work, dealing with the Religion, Philo- sophy, Law, Literature, Medicine and Arts of the Hindus, based on Sanskrit works. 265 McCrindle (J. W.) Ancient India as described by Megasthenes and Arrian, with Introduction and Notes, 8vo, pp. xi, 223, with map of Ancient India, cloth. Bombay, 1877 2 2s 266 Mitra(Raj.) Indo Aryans: Contribu- tions towards the Elucidation of their Ancient and Mediaeval History, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, cloth. 1881 30s Chapters: Origin of Indian Architecture Princi- ples of Indian Temple Architecture Indian Sculpture Dress and Ornament in Ancient India Furniture, Arms, Musical Instruments in Ancient India Origin of the Hindi Language Early Life of Asoka, and other valuable chapters. 267 Morris (H.) The History of India, Fifth Edition, Svo, pp. xix, 312, cloth. Madras, 1864 3s 6d From the earliest times 1844, A.n. 268 Nobin Chandra Das. A Note on the Ancient Geography of Asia, compiled from the Valmiki Ramayana, Svo, pp. viii, 77, with large map. Calcutta, 1896 3s 6d 269 Pomponius Mela. De Situ Orbis, 11. III., cum notis criticis et esegeticis, edited C. H. Tzschucke, 7 vols, Svo, half calf. Leipzig, 1806 24s 270 Rawlinson (Prof. H. G.) Bactria : the History of a Forgotten Empire, cr. Svo, pp. xxiii, 168, with 2 maps and 5 plates, cloth. 1912 7s 6d This is the only work dealing with the interesting period of Greek Rule in India. 271 Robertson (W.) An Historical Dis- quisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India, and the Progress of Trade with that Country, with an Appendix, Svo, pp. iii, 294, cloth. Calcutta, 1904 4s 272 Smith (V. A.) The Early History of India, from 600 B.C. to the Moham- medan Conquest, including the Inva- sion of Alexander the Great, Svo, icith maps, plans and other illustrations, cloth. Oxford 14s 273 Spier (Mrs.) Life in Ancient India, Svo, pp. xvii, 464, with map and illus- trations, Svo, cloth. 1856 9s 274 Wheeler (J. T.) The Geography of Herodotus developed, explained and illustrated from Modern Researches and Discoveries, Svo, pp. Ixxi, 607, with maps and plans, cloth. 1854 18s Part I. deals with Europe, including Scythia Part II. deals with Asia, including Bactria, Can- dara, Northern India, S. India Part III. deals with Africa, including Epypt 275 The History of India, from the Earliest Ages: Vol. I., The Vedic Period and the Maha Bharata, large Svo, pp. 125, 576, with map and a good Index, cloth. 1867 21s 276 The History of India, from the Earliest Ages: Vol. II., The Ramayana and the Brahmanic Period, Svo, pp. 87, 680, with map and Index to the vol, cloth. 1869 21s 277 Wilson (H. H.) Notes on the Indica of Ctesias, Svo, pp. 80. Oxford, 1836 3s 6d 278 Wilson (J.) India Three Thousand Years Ago, or the Social State of the Aryas on the Banks of the Indus, in the Times of the Vedas, Svo, pp. 87, cloth. Bombay, 1858 4s 279 Wright (C.) and Brainerd (J. A.) Historic Incidents and Life in India, Revised Edition, roy. Svo, pp. 272, with numerous illustrations, cloth. Chicago, 1862 7s 6d The work deals with Life and Religion, Festivals, Customs of the Hindus, with a chapter on the Thugs, and the final chapter with the Mutiny. JPART IY. INDIAN BIOGRAPHY. 280 Aswini Kumar Dutt : a Vindication of his Life and Conduct, by Indicns, Svo, pp. xv, 68. Calcutta, 1909 Is 281 Mookerjee. Memoir of the late Justice 0. Ch. Nookerjee, Svo, pp. 77. Serampore, 1873 2s 282 Bradley -Birt (F. B.) Twelve Men of Bengal in the Nineteenth Century, Svo, pp. vi, 249, with 12 portraits, cloth. Calcutta, 1910 3s 6d Lives of twelve prominent Hindus. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Biography. 283 Filial (G. P.) Representative Indians : Sketches of Eminent Men of India, 8vo, pp. xxi, 319, with portraits, cloth. 1897 4s 284 Premehund Royehund (the Great Indian Banker and Philanthropist) : his Early Life and Career, by D. E. Wacha, 12mo, pp. 234, with portraits, cloth. Bombay, 1913 3s 285 Raja Radhakanta Deva (Editor of the Sabda Kalpadruma) : his Life, with some Notices of his Ancestors and Testimonials of his Character and Learning, 8vo, pp. 33, Ivi, cloth. Calcutta, 1859 4s 286 Rama Varma (Sir, late Maharaja of Travancore) : his Life, by P. S. Pillai, with Reprints on Travancore Inscrip- tions, 8 vo, cloth. Madras, 1896-97 2s 6d 287 Ramabai. The Widow's Friend, her Life and Work, edited by her Daughter, 8vo, pp. 194, illustrated, cloth. Mel- bourne, 1903 4a 288 Sastrl (Sir A. Sashiah, an Indian Statesman) : a Biographical Sketch, by B. V. K. Aiyar, 8vo, pp. xix, 408, cloth. Madras, 1902 5s 289 Tagore. Maharshi Dev. (the Great Religious Teacher) : his Autobiography, translated from the Original Bengali by Sat. Tagore and T. Devi, roy. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 195, with portraits, cloth. Calcutta, 1909 5s 290 Tagore Family (The), a Memoir, by J. W. Furrell, 12mo, pp. 187, cloth. Calcutta, 1892 4s Privately printed. THE HINDUS: MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 291 Baroda (The Maharain) The Position of Women in Indian Life, 8vo, pp. 40, 358, cloth. 1911 5s 292 Bhattaeharya (J. N.) Hindu Castes and Sects, 8vo, pp. xvii, 623, cloth. Calcutta, 1896 21s An exposition of the origin of the Hindu Caste System and the Bearing of the Sects towards each other, and other religious systems. Chapters on the Brahmans, the Military, writer, mercantile, and other Castes, &c. 293 Bose (S. Ch.) The Hindoos as they are : a Description of the Manners, Customs, and Inner Life of Hindu Society in Bengal, roy. 8vo, pp. vii, 305, cloth. Calcutta, 1881 7s 6d 294 Dass (J.) Domestic Manners and Cus- toms of the Hindoos of Northern India, Second Edition, 8vo, pp. xi, 280, cloth. Benares, 1866 4s 295 Disputation respecting Caste, by a Buddhist, communicated by B. H. Hodgson, 4to, pp. 11. 1831 Is 6d 296 Dubois (A.) Description des Castes Indiennes en general, et en particnlier de cello des Brahmes du Sud, de la presqu'ile de 1'Inde en de<;a du Krishna, de lours manieres et de leurs usages tant civils que religienx, de leur educa- tion, de leurs sciences, &c., a manu- script of 1019 pages, bound in calf 10 10s This is probably the original copy of the Abbe Dubois, from which the English translation was made. The copy is in good state of preservation, only a few pages at the beginning are worm- eaten. 297 DubotS (A.) Description of the Charac- ter, Manners and Customs of the People of India, and of their Institutions, Re- ligious and Civil, translated from the French MS., 4to, pp. xxvii, 565, full calf. 1817 18s 298 Essays relative to the Habits, Cha- racter, and Moral Improvement of the Hindoos, 8vo, pp. 351, cloth. 1823 5s 299 Fuller (Sir B.) Studies of Indian Life and Sentiment, 8vo, pp. xiii, 360, ivith map, cloth. 1910 6s Chapters on the Land and the People History up to iooo_ A.D. Religions Hindu Institutions- Domestic Life. 300 Ghose (J. Ch.) Principles of Hindu Law, 8vo, pp. 63, 794, cloth. Calcutta, 1903 15s The work contains all the Sanskrit Texts of the Rishis on the subject, with English Translations and Commentaries, it is also valuable for the light it throws on old Hindu Institutions and Customs. 301 Havell (E. B.) Benares, the Sacred City : Sketches of Hindu Life and Re- ligion, 8vo, pp. xiii, 226, illustrated, cloth. 1905 7s 6d 302 Kothare (B. S.) Hindu Holidays, 8vo, pp. 100. Bombay, 1904 3s On Hindu Festivals. 303 Mackenzie (Col. C.) Account of the Marriage Ceremonies of the Hindus and Mahommedans, 4to, pp. 16. Reprint, 1831 Is 6d 304 [Murdoch (J.)] Kasi, or Benares, the Holy City of the Hindus, large 8vo, pp. 39, illustrated. Madras, 1894 Is Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British* Museum. i6 The Hindus: Manners and Customs. 305 Morris (J. B.) Essay towards the Conversion of Learned and Philosophi- cal Hindus, 8vo, pp. 402, cloth. 1843 6s 306 Mullik (B.) Home Life in Bengal : Ac- count of the Every-day Life of a Hindu Home at the Present Day, 8vo, pp. 186. Calcutta, 1885 3s 307 Padfleld (J. E.) The Hindu at Home : being Sketches of Hindu Daily Life, 8vo, pp. z, 330, cloth. Madras, 1896 5s Corrected throughout in red ink. It includes Chapters on Hindu Sacred Marks Hindu Marriages Hindu Festivals Funerals Omens Ornaments. 308 Patterson (A. J.) Caste considered under its Moral, Social, and Religious Aspects, 8vo, pp. zii, 122, cloth. 1861 3s 6d 309 Peter the Pearker. Caste in India, How to keep an Empire, 8vo, pp. 24. 1858 Is 6d 310 Reports on the Swinging Festival and the Ceremony of walking through Fire, 8vo, pp. 38. Madras, 1854 (Madras Govt. Records) 3s 311 Sherring (M. A.) The Sacred City of the Hindus : an Account of Benares in Ancient and Modern Times, roy. 8vo, pp. xxxvi, 388, illustrated, cloth. 1868 28s Deals with the connection of Benares with Ancient Buddhist Architectural Remains Her Famous Temples The Legends concerning them Customs at the Temples Modes of Worship- Religious Festivals, &c. Scarce. 312 Sellon (E.) Annotations on the Sacred Writings of the Hindus : being an Epitome on the Remarkable Tenets in the Faith of that People, illustrating Phallic Principles, 8vo, pp. 59. 1902 10s 6d Privately printed. 313 Sketches chiefly relating to the His- tory, Religion, Learning, and Manners of the Hindoos, with an Account of the Present State of the Native Powers of Hindostan, 8vo, pp. vii 422, with plate, cloth, 1790 5s Includes Chapters on the Religion Mythology Worship Philosophy of the Brahmans, &c. 314 Steele (A.) Law and Custom of Hindu Castes within the Dekhun (Deccan) Provinces subject to the Presidency of Bombay chiefly affecting Civil Suits, New Edition, roy. 8vo, pp. xix, 460, cloth. 1868 16s 315 Toru Dutt (celebre Hindoue, morte en 1877) Le Journal de Mile. d'Arvers, nouvelle ecrite en frangais, precede d'un etude sur la vie et les ceuvres de Toru Dntt, 8vo, pp. 32, 259. Paris, 1879 6s 316 Ward (W.) A View of the History, Literature, and Mythology of the Hindoos, including a Minute Descrip- tion of their Manners, Customs, and Translations from their Principal Works, New Edition, 3 vols, bds. 1822 25s 317 Wise (T. A.) Commentary on the Hindu System of Medicine, 8vo, pp. xx, 431, cloth. Calcutta, 1845 10s Ud THE JAINS. 318 Barodiar (U. D.) History and Litera- ture of Jainism, 12mo, pp. 138, bds. Bombay, 1909 2s 6d 319 Buhler (G.) Ueber das Leben des Jaina Munches Hemachandra, des Schtilers des Devachandra aus der Vajrasakha, 4to, pp. 90. Vienna, 1889 3s 6d 320 Guerinot (A.) Repertoire d'Epigraphie Jaina, precede d'nne esquisse de I'histoire dn Jainisme d'apres les In- scriptions, large 8vo, pp. vii, 313. Paris, 1908 16s 321 Essai de Bibliographic Jaina, Repertoire Analytique et methodique des Travaux relatifs au Jainisme, imp. 8vo, pp. xxxvii, 568, with plates. Paris, 1906 20s 322 Gandhi (V. R.) The Jain Philosophy, collected and edited by B. F. Karbhari, 8vo, pp. xiv, 247, 26, cloth. Bombay, 1911 3s 6d 323 Jain I tih as Series. No. I., a Lecture on Jainism, delivered before the Dharma Maha-Mohatsava at Muttra, by Lala B. Dass, 8vo, pp. 87, cloth. Agra, 1902 2s 6d 324 Kalpa Sutra (The), and Nava Tatya Two Works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy, translated from the Magadhi, with appendix con- taining Remarks on the Language of the Original by J. Stophenson, 8vo, pp. 27, 144, cloth. 1848 10s 6d 325 Miles (Col. W.) The Jainas of Gujerat and Marwar, 4to, pp. 37. Reprint, 1833 3s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. The Jains. 326 Manak Chand Jaini. Life of Mahavira (according to Jain Tradition the last of the 24 Tirthankaras), 8vo, pp. xix, 91. Allahabad, 1903 2s 327 Stevenson (Mrs. S.) Notes on Modern Jainism, with Special Reference to the S'vetambara, Digambara and Sthana- kavasi Sects, 12mo, pp. 125. Surat, 1910 2s 328 Thomas (E.) Jainism, or the Early Faith of Asoka, with Illustrations of the Ancient Religions of the East, from the Santheon of the Indo-Scythians, prefixed by a Notice on Bactrian Coins and Indian Dates, 8vo, pp. viii, 82, with 2 vlaies, cloth. 1877 10s 6d PART 1 THE PARSIS: THEIR RELIGION AND LITERATURE, INCLUDING TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS. 329 Aogemadseea. EinParsi Tractat im Pa/end, altbaktrisch and Sanskrit, Text, German Translation, Notes and Glossary by W. Geiger, 8vo, pp. vi, 160. 1878 5s 330 A vesta: the Religious Books of the Parsees, from Prof. Spiegel's German Translation of the Original MS., from the original Zend by A. H. Bleeck, 3 vols in one, half calf. Hertford, 1864 15s 331 The Religious Books of the Parsees, translated by Prof. Spiegel and A. H. Bleeck, Vol. III., Khordah- Avesta, cloth. Hertford, 1864 7s 6d 332 die heiligen Schriften der Parsen, translated from the Original into German by F. Spiegel, Vol. I., Der Vendidad, 8vo, pp. 295, with 1 plate, cloth. 1852 5s 333 Livre sacr6 des Sectateurs de Zoroasbre. Traduit du texte, avec notes par C. de Harlez, 3 vols, large 8vo. Liege, 1875-77 15s 334 Bartholomae (C.) Der Gada Dialekt, 4to, pp. 24. 1879 2s 6d 335 Bengalee (S. Sh.) Parsee Marriage and Divorce Act, 1865; Parsee Chattels Real Act, Parsee Succession Act and the Indian Succession Act, 1865, with Appendix and Guzerrattee Translation, roy. 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1868 6s 336 Bharueha. Brief Sketch of the Zo- roastrian Religion and Customs, roy. 8vo, pp. 98, xv. Bombay, 1903 3s 337 Blau (0.) De numis Achaemenidarum Aramaeo-Persicis, 4to, pp. 18, with 2 plates. 1855 2s 6d 338 BriggS (H. G.) The Parsis, or Modern Zerdusthians, a Sketch, 8vo, pp. vii, 146, cloth. Bombay, 1852 5s 339 Brown (R.) The Religion of Zoroaster considered in connection with Archaic Monotheism, 8vo, pp. 68. 1879 2s 6d 340 Burnouf (E.) Commentaire sur le Ya<;iia, contenanb le texte Zend ex- pliqu pour la premiere fois, les variantes et la version sanscrite in<'.-dite de Neriosengh, &c. , Vol. I. (all issued), 4to, pp. 153, 592, 196, bound in 2 vols, half morocco. 1833 2 2s 341 Cama (The K. R.) Memorial Volume : Essays on Iranian Subjects, written by Various Scholars in honour of Mr. Kb. Rust. Cama, edited by J. J. Modi, roy. 8vo, pp. 76, 323, with 3 plates, cloth. Bombay, 1900 14s 342 Casartelli (-L. C.) The Philosophy of the Mazdayasnian Religion under the Sassanids, translated from the French, with Prefatory Remarks, Notes, &c., by F. J. D. Jamasp Asa, 8vo, pp. xvi, vii, 341, cloth. Bombay, 1889 15s 343 La Philosophie religieuse du Mazd eisme sous les Sassanides, 8vo, pp. viii, 192. Paris, 1884 4s 344 DastOOr (Rast. E.) Zarathushtra and Zarathustrianism in the Avesta, 8vo, pp. 277, cloth. Bombay, 1906 8s 345 Deeem Sendayestse exeerpta, Texts, with Latin Translation and Notes by C. Kossowicz, 8vo, pp. xiii, 280. Paris, 1865 8s 346 Dhunjeebhoy (J. Medhora) The Zo- roastrian and some other Ancient Sys- tems, 8vo, pp. 48, 308, cloth. Bombay, 1886 8s 6d 347 Dinkard (The), Original P6hlwi Texb, the same Transliteration in Zend Cha- racter, Translation in Gujratiand Eng- lish Languages, Commentary and Glos- sary, by Pesb. Dust. Behr. SUNJANA, Vols I. to IV., roy. 8vo, cloth. Bom- bay, 1874-84 2 348 Ervad (R. J., Dustoor-Neherjirana) The Genealogy of the Navsari Parsi Priests, 4to, pp. 212, cloth. 1907 25s Probsthain & Co, 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. i8 The Parsis : their Religion and Literature. 349 Framjee (Dosabhoy) The Parsees : their History, Manners, Customs and Religion, 8vo, pp. xv, 286, full morocco, gilt edges. 1858 12s Scarce. 350 Gathas of Zaratushtra (Zoroaster) (The), in Metre and Rhyme, translated front the Zend by L. H. Mills, 8vo, pp. xx, 196, cloth. 1900 10s 6d 351 Gathas (Fiinf), oder Sammlung von Liedern und Spriichcn Zarathustra's, Text in Roman Characters, with Ger- man Translation and Notes by M. Haug, Part I. (containing the First Collection), 8vo, pp. xvi, 246. 1858 4s 352 Geiger ( W. ) Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in Ancient Times, with an In- troduction on the Avesta Religion, translated from the German, with Notes, by Darab D. P. San j ana, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1885 36s Vol. I. , Ethnography and Social Life Vol. II., The Old Iranian Polity and the Age of the Avesta 353 Uber eine Parsenschrift (Aoge- madaeca), with Romanized Text, 8vo, pp. 37. Erlangen, 1878 2s 6d 354 Die Pehlevi-Version des I. Capi- tels der Vendidad, Part I., Text, Ger- man Translation and Notes, 8vo, pp. 32. 1877 2s 6d 355 Harlez (C. de) Fragment du commen- taire de Darmesteter sur le Vendidad, 8vo, pp. 16. Louvain, 1881 2s 358 Etudes avestiques, Note sur le sens des mots A vesta-Zend, 8vo, pp. 72. Reprint, 1877 2s 6d 357 Les observations de J. Darmes- teter surle Vendiad, 8vo, pp. 21. Lou- vain, 1883 Is 6d 358 Haug (M.) Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsees, 8vo, pp. 268, cloth. Bom- bay, 1862 7s 6d Includes a grammar of the Zend Language, a chapter on the Zend Avesta, &c. 359 The same, Second Edition, edited by E. W. West, 8vo, pp. xvi, 427, cloth. 1878 (T.O.S.) 12s Title-page repaired. 360 Hovelacque (A.) L' Avesta, Zoroastre et le Mazdc'ismo : Part I., Introduc- tion, Decouvcrto et interpretation de 1' Avesta, 8vo, pp. 114. Paris, 1878 3s 6d 381 Jackson (A. V. W.) Avesta Reader, First Series, Easier Texts, Notes and Vocabulary, 8vo, pp. vii, 112, cloth. 1893 8s 362 Mistri (R. H.) Zoroaster and Zoroas- trianism, 8vo, pp. 218, cloth. Bombay, 1906 5s 363 Mills (L. H.) Dictionary of the Gathic Language of the Zend Avesta, First Issue, 8vo, pp. xvi, 199, cloth. 1902 1286d 364 Modi (J. J.) Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the R. Asiatic Society, 8vo, pp. ix, 290, cloth. Bombay, 1905 12s 6d Includes : The Game of Ball-Bat among the Ancient Persians The Bas Relief of Beharam Gour Firdusi on the Indian Origin of the Game of Chess The Antiquity of the Avesta References to China in the Ancient Books of the Parsees, &c. 365 - Marriage Customs among the Parsees, 8vo, pp. 47, bds. Bombay, 1900 3s 6d 365* - The Naojote Ceremony of the Parsees, 8vo, pp. 22, bds. Bombay, 1909 3s 366 The Religions System of tho Parsees, 8vo, pp. 56, iv, bds. Bombay, 1903 3s 366* - Symbolism in the Marriage Ceremonies of different Nations, 8vo, pp. 32, bds. Bombay, 1909 3s 367 - The Religious System of the Parsis, 8vo, pp. 31. Bombay, 1885 2s 367* Naoroji (D.) The Parsee Religion, 8vo, pp. 32. 1864 2s 6d 368 Pahlavi Texts, translated by E. W. West, Vol. I., 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1880 10s 6d Sacred Books of the East, Vol 5. Contains Bundahis Selections of Zad-Sparam Bahman Yast Shayast La Shayast. 369 Rahbaredini Zartashti : a Guide to Zoroastrian Religion in Gnjarati, 8vo, pp. 232, cloth. Bombay 4s 370 Relehelt (H.) Der Frahang i Oim, Part 1, German Introduction and Pahlavi Text, 8vo, pp. 37. Vienna, 1900 3s 371 Rindtorff (E.) Die Religion des Zarathustra, 4to, pp. 24. 1897 2s 372 Roth (R.) Meber Yana 31, 4to, pp. 31. 1876 3s Includes 22 songs of the Avesta, with German translations. 373 Shikand-Gumanik Vijar, the Pazand- Sanskrit Text, with a Fragment of the Pahlavi, edited, with a Vocabulary of the three Versions, and Introduction, by Hoshang Dastur Jamaspjii and E. W. West, roy. 8vo, pp. 38, 276. Bombay, 1887 12s 6d 374 Spiegel Memorial Volume. Papers on Iranian Subjects, written by various Scholars in honour of the late Dr. Fred. Spiegel, edited by J. J. Modi, 4to, pp. 65, 307, with portrait, cloth. Bombay, 1908 18s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. The P arsis : their Religion and Literature, 375 Spiegel and Geiger. The Age of the Avesta and Zoroaster, 8vo, pp. 149. 1886 3s 6d 376 Stein (M. A.) Zoroasfcrian Deities on Indo-Scythian Coins, 4to, pp. 12, illus- trated. 1887, reprint 2s 6d 377 Tiele (C. P.) The Religion of the Iranian Peoples, Part I., 8vo, pp. 218, bds. Bombay, 1912 7s 6d Part II. is in preparation. 378 Wadia (A. S. N.) The Message of Zoroaster, 12mo, pp. 226, calf. 1912 53 On the philosophy and ethics of Zoroaster. 379 Wilson (J.) The Parsi Religion as con- tained in the Land Avesta, Svo, pp. 610, half calf. Bombay, 1843 16s Pages i to 6 of the preface are missing. INDIAN TRIBES AND CASTES. ETHNOGRAPHY. 380 Baden Powell (B. H.) The Indian Village Community, examined with reference to the Physical, Ethnographic and Historical Conditions of the Provinces, Svo, pp. 16, 456, cloth. 1896 10s 381 BarthOlomeilSZ (O.) Minicoy (one of the Laccadive Islands) and its People, Svo, pp. 32. 1885 3s 382 Belle W (H. W.) The Races of Af- ghanistan : being a Brief Account of the Principal Nations inhabiting that Country. Roy. Svo, pp. 124, cloth. Calcutta, 1880 6s 383 Benett (W. C.) Report on the Family History of the Chief Clans of the Roy Bareilly District, Svo, pp. 69, vi. Lucknow, 1870 3s 6d 384 Bhandarker (R. G.) Early History of the Dekkan down to the Mohamedan Conquest, Svo, pp. 117, iv. Bombay, 1884 5s 385 Birje (W. L.) Who are the Marathas? with Introductory Preface, by Prof. M. H. Dvivedi, Svo, pp. zviii, 111, cloth. Bombay, 1896 4s 386 Bombay Gazetteer, Vols. L, III., X.-XIL, XV. to XXV., XXVL, Part 1, half calf. Bombay Some vols. of the above are out of print. 387 [Campbell (G.)] Report of the Ethno- logical Committee on Aboriginal Tribes brought to the Jubbulpore Exhibition, Svo, cloth. Nagpore, 1868 10s 6d Comparative table of indigenous tribes, and Abo- riginal languages. 388 Carnegy (P.) Kachahri Technicalities, or a Glossary of Terms in use in the Courts of Law of Hindustan, and in Illustration of Customs, Arts and Manufactures, Svo, pp. 361, cloth. Allahabad, 1877 7s 6d 389 Clarke (G. C.) The Outcasts : being a Brief Account of the Waghaya Doms (Criminal Tribe of India), Svo, pp. 47. Calcutta, 1903 2s 390 Clayton (A. C.) TheParaiyan, and the Legend of Nandan, Svo, pp. 53, with 4 plates. Madras, 1906 Is Bulletin Madras Museum. 391 Coorg. Richter(G.) Manual of Coorg, a Gazetteer of the Natural Features of the Country and the Social and Politi- cal Condition of its Inhabitants, with map and plates, Svo, pp. xi, 474, bds. Mangalore, 1870 7s 6d Includes a description of the different tribes Social Life Popular Festivals Religious Ob- servances Archasological Remains The Coorg Language and Literature History of Coorg, &c. 392 DobSOn (G. E.) On the Andamans and Andamese, Svo, pp. 10, with 3 plates. Reprint 2s 6d 393 Duff(J. G.) History of the Mahrattas, Vol. in., Svo, pp. xvi, 388, cloth. Bombay, 1863 15s This volume deals with the History from 1784 to 1819. 394 Dutt (R. C.) The Peasantry of Bengal : a View of their Condition under the Hindu, the Mohomedan and the English Rule, Svo, pp. xi, 237, cloth. Calcutta, 1874 5s 395 Elliot (Sir H. M.) Memoirs on the History, Folk-lore and Distribution of the Races of the North Western Provinces of India : being an amplified Edition of the Supplemental Glossary of Indian Terms, edited by J. Beames, 2 vols, roy. Svo, nearly 800 pp., second vol contains 3 coloured maps and 1 plate, cloth. 1869 36s 398 EllWOOd (J. P.) A Few Notes on the Central Provinces of India (2 parts), Svo, pp., 37, 24. Lucknow, 1888 2s 6d Non-Aryan Tribes Kabir Panthis Ancient Tribes of India. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 2O Indian Tribes and Castes. 397 Elwin (E. F.) India and the Indians, roy. 8vo, pp. x, 352, illustrated, cloth. 1913 10s 6d Indian Life and Character described, with chapter on Indian Philosophy Music Religion, &c. 393 Endle (S.) The Kacharis, 8vo, pp. xix, 128, with mip and plates, cloth. 1911 8s 6d Origin Social Life Laws and Customs Religion Folklore, Traditions Outline Grammar Specimens of the Bodo Language, &c. 399 Ethnographic Survey of the Central India Agency, published by Capt. C. E. Luard, 4to. Lucknow, 1909 21s I., The Modhs of Malwa, pp. n. II.. The Jungle Tribes of Malwa, with specimens of Songs and English translation, and 25 plates. III., Bundelkhand Castes, pp. 18. IV,, Miscellaneous Castes, pp. 24. 400 Faweett (F.) On the Saoras : an Aboriginal Hill People of the Eastern Ghats of the Madras Presidency, 8 vo, pp. 70. No date 2s 401 Forbes (A. K.) Ras Mala, or Hindoo Annals of the Province of Goozerat, New Edition, 8vo, pp., xxi, 715, with map, cloth. 1878 18s An important work, dealing with the history of the Mahrattas, the rulers and the people, their customs and manners, and containing a great collection of legends. 402 Gunthorpe (Major E. J.) Notes on Criminal Tribes, residing in or frequenting the Bombay Presidency Berar and the Central Provinces, 8vo, pp. ii-111, cloth. Bombay, 1882 5s 403 Gulpte (B. A.) A Prabhu Marriage, Customary and Religions Ceremonies at the Marriage of the Kayasth Prabhus, 8vo, pp. 76. Calcutta, 1911 Is 6d 404 Ear Bilas Sarda, Hindu Superiority : an Attempt to determine the Position of the Hindu Race in the Scale of Nations, roy. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 454, illus- trated, cloth. Ajmer, 1906 10s 6d 405 Hodgson (B. H.) On the Aborigines of India : First Essay on the Kocch, Bodo and Dhimal Tribes, 8vo, pp. 201, with 2 plates, cloth. Calcutta, 1847 10s 6d Vocabulary Grammar Creed Customs Condi- tion, &c. , of the people. 406 Hodgson (J.) Description of the Agricultural and Revenue Economy of the Village of Pudu Vayal, 4to, pp. 13. Reprint, 1828 Is 6d 407 Hodson (T. C.) The Meitheis, with Introduction by Sir Ch. Lyall, 8vo, pp. xvii, 227, with coloured and other plates, cloth. 1908 10s 6d Origin Social Life Laws and Customs Religion Superstitions and Folk-tales Language and Meithei Grammar. 408 Khond Agency (The) and the Calcutta Review : being a Reply to the Distor- tions of Facts contained in the Calcutta Review, Svo, pp. 157, ix, with map. Madras, 1849 4s 409 KittS (E.) A Compendium of the Castes and Tribes found in India, folio, pp. xi, 90, bds. Bombay, 1885 5s 410 Latham (R. G.) Ethnology of India, pp. viii, 375, cloth. 1859 8s The work deals with the Tribes of the Tibetan Group -The Hill Tribes of Assam The Burmese The Siamese The Afghans The Hindi Tamil and Singhalese Natives The Mahrattes, &c. 411 Le Farm (H.) Manual of the Salem District in the Presidency of Madras, Vol. II., The Taluks, roy. Svo, pp. xi, 435, with map, cloth, Madras, 1883 6s The appendix (pages 347-end)containsMonography, by T. Ffoulkes, regarding certain Shasanams (Tamil romanized texts and English transla- tions). 412 Leitner (G. W.) The Hunza and Nagyr Handbook : being an Introduc- tion to a Knowledge of the Language, Race and Countries of Hunza, Nagyr, and a Part of Yasin, Part I. (all issued), 4to, pp. xiv, 247, cloth. 1889 14s Contains Vocabulary, Dialogues, Songs, Proverbs, Fables, Legends (Texts and Translations) and Grammars. 413 The Languages and Races of Dardistan, 3 parts, 4to. Lahore, 1873 20s 414 The same, Part II., Vocabulary (Linguistic, Geographical and Ethno- graphical), and Dialogues in the Astori, Ghilghiti, and Chirlasi Dialects, 4to, pp. vii, 51. Lahore 3s 6d 415 The same, Part III., Legends, Riddles, Proverbs, Fables, Customs, Songs, Religion of the Shina Race, and History of the Encroachments of Kashmir on Dardistan, 4to, pp. iii, 109. Lahore, 1873 9s 416 Mackenzie (G.) Manual of the Kistna District (Madras Presidency), roy. Svo, pp. vi ; 445, xxi, with plan, half calf. Madras, 1883 10s 6d Periods, Hindu Muhammedan, &c. Annals of of Masulip_atam Religious Genealogies of the Chief Families Description of the District. 417 Maepherson (Capt. S. C.) Account of the Religion of the Khonds in Orissa, Svo, pp. 68, with map. 1852 3s 418 Menon (C. A.) The Cochin State Manual, roy. Svo, pp. 419, with map and illustrations, half calf. Ernakulam, 1911 7s 6d Contains chapters on History The People- Occupation and Trade Education A Gazet- teer, &c. Probst 'hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum, Indian Tribes and Castes. 21 419 Maharajahs. History of the Sect of Maharajas, or Vallabhan Chary as in Western India, roy. 8vo, pp. xvi, 182, 183, with plate, cloth. 1865 36s CONTENTS : Religious Sects of the Hindus Origin of the Sect of Maharajas Religious Doctrines of the Sect Worship Profligacy of the Sect, &c. Scarce. 420 The same, Appendix only, con- taining Specimens of the Evidence in the Maharaj Libel Case, with Com- ments, 8vo, cloth. 1863 12s 421 Malabar! (B. M.) Gujarat and the Gujaratis : Pictures of Men and Manners taken in India, 8vo, pp. xii, 296, cloth. 1882 5s 422 Minehin (Capb. C.) Memorandum on the Bcloch Tribes in the Dera Ghazi Khan District, 8vo, pp. 79. Lahore, 1869 2s 6d 423 NasPUlla Khan. The Ruling Chiefs of Western India and the Raj-Kumar College, 8vo, pp. vii, 200, illustrated, cloth. Bombay, 1898 4s Includes sketches on the social aspects of life at native courts. 424 Oppert (G.) On the Original Inhabi- tants of Bharatavarsa or India, 8vo, pp. xv, 711, cloth. Madras, 1893 20s The object of the work is to prove that the origi- nal inhabitants of India belong to one and the same race The Dravidians, the Gaudians, Indian Theogony, the Bharatas. 424* Orissa. History of the Rise and Progress of the Operations for the Suppression of Human Sacrifice in the Hill Tracts of Orissa, 8vo, pp. 146. Calcutta (Govt. Records), 1854 4s 425 Page (J. C.) The People of Sikkim as we saw them, 8vo, pp. 48, with 16 pages of Native Text. 1874 3s 426 Pesehel (O.) Volkerkunde, Sixth Edi- tion. 8vo, pp. viii, 596, half calf. Leipzig, 1885 7s 6d CONTENTS : Korper-merkmale der Menschen- rassen Sprachmerkmale Entwickelungs-stufen (Civil and Regious) Menschenrassen Index. 427 Ram (G.) A Great Indian Problem and a suggested Solution, 8vo, pp. 73. 1911 2s 428 Ranade (M. G.) Rise of the Maratha Power, 8vo, pp. iv, 324, cloth. Bombay, 1900 5s Being Vol. I. of Maratha History. 429 Rice (Lewis) Mysore and Coorg : a Gazetteer compiled for the Government of India, 3 vols, roy. 8vo, with maps, bds. Bangalore, 1877/78 25s Vol. I., Mysore in General Vol. II., Coorg Vol. III., Mysore by Districts. The work deals with the Physical Geography- Flora Fauna History Inhabitants Religion, Language, and Literature Art and Industry, &c. 430 Ramakrishna (T.) Podmini: an Indian Romance, 12mo, pp. viii, 214, cloth. 1903 4s A Romance of bygone Indian Days. 431 Life in an Indian Village, 8vo, pp. 188. 1911 2s 6d Chapters on Hindu Caste Festivals Trades, &c. 432 Rivers (W. H. R.) The Todas, 8vo, pp. xviii, 755, with illustrations, map, and tables, cloth. 1906 (pub. 20s) 12s A Record of the customs and beliefs of the Todas. 433 Seligmann (C. G. and B. Z.) The Veddas, with an Appendix by A. Mendis Gnnasekara, 8vo, pp. xix-463, illustrated, cloth. Cambridge, 1911 15s Deals with the Life, Religion, Magic, Ceremonial Dances, Invocation, Arts and Crafts, Music, Songs, Language, &c. of the Veddhas. 434 Shakespear (Lt.-Col. J.) The Lushei Kuki Clans, 8vo, pp. xxi, 250, with map and illustrations, and coloured plates, cloth. 1912 10s Chapters on Domestic Life Laws and Customs Religion Folklore Language. 435 Siddiqui (Muh. P.) The Carnatic and Kurnool : their Last Muhn or Rulers, 8vo, pp. ii, 93, bds. Madras, 1905 3s 436 Sleeman (W. H.) Ramaseeana, or a Vocabulary of the peculiar Language used by the Thugs, with an Introduc- tion and Appendix descriptive of the System pursued by that Fraternity, and of the Measures adopted for its suppression, 8vo, pp. v, 270, 515, cloth. Calcutta, 1836 2 2s 437 Smeaton (D. M.) The Loyal Karens of Burma, 8vo, pp. 264, cloth, 1887 4s Origin Language of the Karens Folklore Some of their Stories Historical Tradition Their Religion. 438 StOkes (S. E.) Arjun, the Life-Story of an Indian Boy, 12mo, pp. 115, illus- trated, cloth. 1910 Is 6d 439 Thurston (E.) Anthropology: Vision of the Uralis and Shalagas; more Marriage Customs in Southern India, 8vo, pp. 51, with 9 plates. Madras, 1903 2s Bulletin Madras Museum. 440 Anthropology of the Todas and Kotas of the Nilgiri Hills, 8vo, pp. 96, with plates. Madras, 1896 3s 6d Bulletin Madras Museum. 441 Anthropology of the Kadirs of the Anaimalais, 8vo, pp. 68, with 1 plates. Madras, 1899 2s 442 Anthropology of the Eurasians of Madras and Malabar, Note on Tattoo- ing, 8vo, pp. 62, illustrated, Madras, 1898 2s Bulletin Madras Museum. 443 Anthropology : the Dravidian Headyanadis of Nellore, 8vo, pp. 50, with 7 plates. Madras, 1901 2s Bulletin Madras Museum. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 22 Indian Tribes and Castes. 444 Tod (Lieut. -Col. James) Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan of India, Vol. I., Second Edition, 4to, pp. xxiii-689, with plates, half calf. Calcutta, 1877 25s This volume contains History of the Rajput Tribes Sketch of a Feudal System in Rajasthan Annals of Mewar Religious Festivals and Cus- toms of Mewar Journey to Marwar. 445 _____ Annals of Rajasthan : the Annals of Mewar, 8vo, pp. xv, 216, illustrated. 1912 3s 6d 446 Tribes inhabiting the Neilgherry Hills : their Social Customs and Re- ligious Rites, from the Notes of a Ger- man Missionary, IGnio, pp. 124, cloth. Madras, 1856 4s 447 Watson (J. F.) and Kay e (J. W.) The People of India : a Series of Photo- graphic Illustrations of the Races and Tribes of Hindustan, containing many portraits or groups, with letterpress de- scriptions, Vols. III. to VIII., imp. 4to, cloth, 1868-75 10 The work contains portraits including natives of all the districts of India, Assam, Bhotan, Sikk- him, Nepal, Tibet, Afghanistan, Burma, and is of great ethnographical value. 448 Wright (D.) History of Nepal, with an Introductory Sketch of the Country and People, 8vo, pp. xv, 324, vrith plates, cloth. Cambridge, 1877 12a Translated from the Parbatuja by Munshi S. Singh and Pandit Gunanand. PART? IX. FOLKLORE. See also VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS. 449 [ Arbuthnot (F. )] Early Ideas : a Group of Hindoo Stories, collected by an Aryan, 8vo, pp. 158, cloth. 1881 5s Translations from the Sanskrit, with an introduction. 450 Banerji (K.) Popular Tales of Bengal, 8vo, pp. ii, 224, cloth. Calcutta, 1905 4s A collection of humorous tales. 451 Banerjea (S. B.) Tales of Bengal, 8vo, pp. xxxi, 187, cloth. 1910 3s The 17 tales were originally written for Hindus, but have now been revised by F. H. Skrine. 452 Bay ley (H.) The Lost Language of Symbolism : an Inquiry into the Origin of certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy Tales, Folklore and Mythology, 2 vpls, 8vo, cloth. 1912 25s With over 1400 reproductions of symbols. 453 CharlU (P. A.) Virtue's Triumph, or the Maha Bharata, 8vo, pp. vii, 347, bds. Madras, 1894 4s A narrative of the main story of the Mahabharata. 453* Crooke (W.) The Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India, roy. 8vo, New Edition, revised, 2 vols, with plates, Bibliography and full Index, cloth. 1896 21s Vol. II. includes chapters on the Evil Eye, Tree and Serpent Worship, Totemism, Animal Wor- ship. 454 Day (Lai Behari) Folk Tales of Bengal, 8vo, pp. x, 284, cloth. 1911 4s 6d A collection of stories by old Bengali women. 455 The same, with 32 illustrations in colour by W. Ooble, roy. 4to, pp. xiv, 274, cloth. 1912 13s 6d 456 Dutt (M. N.) Tales of Ind : Gleanings from Indian Classics, 8vo, pp. v, 176, cloth. Calcutta, 1895 3s 6d 457 Dracott (A. E.) Simla Village Tales, or Folk Tales from the Himalayas, 12mo, pp. xiv, 237, illustrated, cloth. 1906 5s 458 Frere (M.) Old Deccan Days, or Hindoo Fairy Legends current in Southern India, collected from oral tradition, 12 mo, pp. xxxv, 331, illus- trated, cloth. 1868 10s Best edition. 459 Gould (F. J.) The Divine Archer, founded on the Ramayana, with two Stories from the Mahabharata, 12mo, pp. 104, cloth. 1911 Is 6d 460 Gover (Ch. E.) The Folk-Songs of Southern India, 8vo, pp. xxviii, 299, cloth. Madras, 1871 10s 6d Translations from the Canarese Badaga Coorg Tamil Malayalam Telugu, with Introduc- tions. 461 Jacob (Joseph) Indian Fairy Tales, 8vo, pp. xiii, 255, illustrated, cloth. 1892 5s 462 Kingseote (Mrs. H.) and Sastri (N.) Tales of the Sun, or Folklore of Southern India, 8vo, pp. xii, 308, cloth. 1890 6s Collected from Native Sources. 463 Long (Rev. J.) Eastern Proverbs and Emblems, illustrating Old Truths, 8vo, pp. xv, 280, bds. 1881 7a 6d Interesting to Orientalists and Lovers of Folklore. 464 Mandoo. The Legend of Maandoo, 8vo, pp. 187, with 15 plates, cloth. 1893 7s 6d Founded on a local tradition of Mandoo, the ruined Moslem capital of Malwa, with notes. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Folklore. 465 Neogi (D. N.) Tales, Sacred and Secular, 8vo, pp. iv, 361, cloth. Cal- cutta, 1912 5s Folklore, dealing with the Ceremonial performed by Women of Bengal. 466 Oman (J. C.) The Great Indian Epics: the Stories of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, 12mo, pp. 231, illus- trated, cloth. 1894 5s 467 Pai (N. W.) The Angel of Misfortune, a Fairy Tale : Poem of Ten Books in Blank Verse, 8vo, pp. 159, cloth. Bombay, 1903 3s 6d Based on two popular Indian legends. 468 Pandian (T. B.) Indian Village Folk : their Works and Ways, 8vx>, pp. viii, 212, with portrait and illustrations, clobh. 1897 3s Chapters on the Trades, Public Life and Games of the Hindus. 469 Parker (H.) Village Folk Tales of Ceylon, collected and translated from the Singhalese, Vol. I. (all issued), 8vo, pp. vii, 396, cloth. 1910 12s 470 Ran (K.) Chandrahasa, or the Lord of the Fair Forger : a Hindu Drama, 8vo, pp. 88, cloth. Mangalore, 1897 2s 6d Based on the Kanarese version of the Jaimini Bharata. 471 ShedlOGk (M. L.) A Collection of Eastern Stories and Legends, selected from the Jatakas, 12mo, pp. 141, cloth. 1910 2s 472 Tagore. Taravati, a Tale, translated into English by the Author's Son, 8vo, pp. 74, cloth. Calcutta, 1881 4s 472* Swynnerton (Rev. C.) The Adven- tures of the Punjab Hero, Raja Rasalu, and other Folk Tales of the Fanjab, 8vo, pp. xix, 250, illustrated, cloth. Calcutta, 1884 7s 6d Collected and compiled from original sources. 473 Torn Dutt. Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan, 16mo, pp. xxvii, 139, clobb. 1888 5s 474 UpPOti (G. T.) Proverbs and Folklore of Kumaun and Garhwal, 8vo, pp. viii, 413, cloth. Lodiana, 1894 10s The work contains the text of the dialects, in Sanskrit and Roman characters, with English translation and copious notes. PART X. INDIAN PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION. 475 Aetes du I Congres international d'Histoire des Religious : Second Part, Stances des Sections, in 3 vols, roy. 8vo. Paris, 1902 7s 6d The first, less important part, contains Seances generates, 55. 476 Aiyangar (P.) The Rationale of Holy Image Worship, 8vo, pp. 42. Mysore, 1903 Is 6d 477 Avepy (Prof. J.) The Religion of the Aboriginal Tribes of India, 8vo, pp. 28 (Author's copy), ca. 1879 2s 6d 478 Bastian (A.) Kosmogonien und Theo- gonien Indischer Religions Philoso- phien, vornehmlich der Jainistischen, 4to, pp. 232, with 4 plates. Berlin, 1892 10s 479 Bhisma : his Life and Teachings, based on the Original Mahabharata, edited by J. N. Bose, Vol. L, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 398, cloth. Calcutta, 1909 10s 6d Vol. I. (all issued) deals with the Life from the Birth of the Patriarch of Ancient India to the Rajshurja Sacrifice. 480 Bishop (A. S.) The World's Altar Stairs : Introductory Studies in the Religions of the World, 8vo, pp. 287, cloth. 1910 3s 6d With chapters on Vedic Religion Hinduism, Buddhism, &c. 481 [Berg (E. P.)] Transformed Hinduism : the Monotheistic Religion of Beauty, 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. 1908 5s 482 Bourquin (A.) Le Panth&sme dans lea Vedas, exposition et critique du Pantheisme vedique et du panthcisine en general, large 8vo, pp. 258. Paris, 1886 7s 6d 483 Bradke (P.) Ahura Mazda und die Azuras. Beitrag zur alt-indogerman. Religions-geschichte, 8vo, pp. 45. Oiessen, 1884 2s 6d 484 Bpahmo Somaj. Bose (Ananda M.) : his Life, by H. C. Sarkar, with a por- trait, cloth, 8vo, pp. xii, 208, Ixxiz. Calcutta, 1910 4s Bose was a member of the Brahmo Somaj , and one of the leading men of Bengal. 485 Keshub Chunder Sen in Eng- land, 2 vols in one, 8vo, doth. Cal- cutta, 1886 5s Being lectures by this religious reformer of India. 486 Collet (S. D.) The Life and Letters of Raja Rammohun, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 162, bds. 1900 3s 6d Privately printed. 487 Gidumal (D.) History of a Humble Soul : (being Life and Letters of Hiranand Shaukiram), 8vo, pp. 366, Cloth. Karachi, 1903 3s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Philosophy and Religion. 483 Brahmo Somaj. Mpzoomdar (P. C.) The Life and Teachings of Keshub Chunder Sen, Svo, pp. xv, 532, cloth. Calcutta, 1887 9s 489 The Faith and Progress of the Brahmo Somaj, 16mo, pp. xvi, 313, cloth. Calcutta, 1882 6s 490 Sastri (Siv.) History of the Brahmo Somaj, Vol. I., 8vo, pp. xix, 306, and Appendix, pp. 76, 16, cloth. Calcutta, 1911 7s 6d 491 Sen (Keshub Chunder) : his Life and Teachings, by P. C. Mozoomdar, Second Edition, 8vo, pp. xvi, 314, cloth. Calcutta, 1891 6s 492 (The Thoistic Church of India). Sen (K. C. ) The Brahmo Somaj : Lectures and Tracts, 8vo, pp. vii, 288, cloth. 1870 43 493 Carpenter (M.) The Last Days in England of the Rajah Rammohun Roy, 8vo, pp. xiv, 178, with portrait, cloth. 1875 3s Roy is considered the first Hindu Reformer. 494 Carwithen (I. B. S.) A View of the Brahminical Religion in its Confirma- tion of the Truth of the Sacred History, Svo, pp. iii, 325, calf. 1810 4s 495 Chatterji (M. M.) Indian Spirituality, or the Travels and Teachings of Sivanarayan, roy. Svo, pp. 146, with Glossary of Terms, cloth. 1907 3s 49S Colebrooke (H. T.) Essais sur la Philosophic des Hindous, traduits de 1'Anglais et augmentea de textes Sanskrits et de notes nombreuses, par G. Pauthier, Svo, pp. vii, 322, cloth. Paris, 1834 7s 6d 497 Collins (R.) Krishna and Solar Myths, Svo, pp. 40. London, N.D. 3s 498 Cust (R. N.) Clouds on the Horizon, an Essay on the Various Forms of Belief by the Educated Natives of Asia, &c., Svo, pp. x, 98, cloth. 1904 2s 6d 499 Demon Worship and other Supersti- tions in Ceylon, Svo, pp. 28. 1891 2s 500 Deussen (P.) Outlines of Indian Philo- sophy, with an Appendix on the Vedanta, Svo, pp. vii, 70, cloth. 1907 2s 6d 501 Dutt (M. N.) Gleanings from Indian Classics : Prophets of Ind. , Svo, pp. xxv, 192, clobh. Calcutta, 1899 3s 6d Sri Krishna and Buddha. 502 Fausboll (V.) Indian Mythology ac- cording to the Mahabharata, roy. Svo, pp. xxxii, 206, cloth. 1903 8s 503 Fayrer (Sir J.) On Serpent Worship, and on the Venomous Snakes of India, Svo, pp. 122. 1892 3s 504 Garbe (R.) Samkhya nnd Yoga, roy. Svo, pp. 54. 1896 3s Encycl. of Indo-Aryan Research. 505 Ghose (Sh. K.) Lord Gauranga, or Salvation for All, Vol. I., Svo, pp. 55, 276, cloth. Calcutta, 1897 8s With autograph of Wm. Digby. 506 GhOSh (M. N.) Sketch of the Re- ligious Beliefs of the Assamese People, Svo, pp. ii, 62, cloth. Calcutta, 1896 2s 507 Gillot (A.) Etudes histor. et critiques sur les Religions et Institutions corn- parces, 2 vols, 12mo. Nancy, 1881 5a 508 Gopalaeharu (S. E.) Sandhyavan- dana, or the Daily Prayers of Brahmins, Svo, pp. 95. Bombay, 1902 Is 6d 509 Gorham (Ch. T.) Ethics of the Great Religions, Svo, pp. 100 1898 Is 510 GriSWOld (H. D.) Brahman : a Study in the History of Indian Philosophy, roy. Svo, pp. 89. New York, 1900 4s Includes chapters on the Doctrine of the Upani- shads, of Sankaracharya, 511 Hardy (E.) Die vedisch-brahmanische Periode der Religion des Alten Indiens, nach den Quellen dargestellt, Svo, pp. viii, 250. Miinster, 1893 4s 512 Hate (G. S.) Regeneration of India, with Appendix on the Theist's Articles of Faith, Svo, pp. 79, cloth. Bombay, 1883 2s 513 Joshi (J.) Oriental Astrology, De- generation, and Darwinism, Svo, pp. iii, 294; iv, cloth. Allahabad, 1906 5s With a chapter on Indian Superstitions. 514 Kabad (R. R. P.) The Aryan Dis- cipline and Conduct, comprising Rules and Precepts, Svo, pp. xviii, 92. Mangalore, 1899 2s 6d 515 Kittel (F.) Uber den Ursprung des Lingakultus in Indien, Svo, pp. 48. Mangalore, 1876 3s 516 Krishna (Sri): a Lecture by Rama- krishnananda, Svo. Madras, 1900 Is 517 Leonard (W.) Hindu Thought, and other Essays, Svo, pp. viii, 109, cloth. Glasgow, 1875 2s 6d Account of the religious books of India. 518 Levi (S.) La Science des religions eb les religions de 1'Inde, Svo, pp. 28. Paris, 1892 2s 519 Majumdar (J.) The Eagle and the Captive Sun, a Study in Comparative Mythology, Svo, pp. xii, 231. Calcutta, 1909 6s Chapter IV. contains Evidence of Greek Mytho- logy. Chapter V., that of Iranian Mythology. Chapter VI., the Evidence of the Brahmanas. 520 Mullens (J.)Vedantism, Brahmismand Christianity examined and compared, 12mo, pp. 253, cloth. Calcutta, 1852 4s Probst/tain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Philosophy and Religion. 521 Masnavi (The), by Jalalu-d-Din Rutni, Book I., translated from the Persian into English Verse by J. W. Redhouse, 8vo, pp. 135, 290, cloth, 1881. Tr. Or. Series 24s This volume is entirely out of print. 522 Masnavi (The), by Jalalu 'd-Din Rutni, Book II. translated for the first time into English Prose by Prof. U. B. Wilson, 2 vols : Vol. I., Translation from the Persian ; Vol. II., Com- mentary ; 8vo, clobh. 1910 24s The work consisting of a number of tales is the chief exposition of Sufi Thought and Religion. Prof. Wilson has rendered the understanding easy by a comprehensive commentary. It is one of the most scholarly Oriental works ever issued. 523 Milloue (L. de) Aperu sommaire de 1'histoire des religions des anciens peoples civilises, 8vo, pp. 160. Paris, 1891 2s 6d 524 Hunshi (M. M.) Useful Instruction in Matters Religious, Moral and other : being Selections made and sysbemati- cally arranged, 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1904 16s A collection of Sayings from European and Indian Sources. 525 Notes on the Spirit Basis of Belief and Custom, Rough Draft, folio, pp. xi, 510, with folding diagram, half calf. Bombay 2 2s The work contains Spirit Worship Classes of Spirits Spirit Possession Stone . Worshjp Tree and Plant Worship Animal Worship Classes of Gods, and Chapters on Customs. 526 Nyayaratna (M. C.) Brief Notes on the Modern Nyaya System of Philo- sophy and its Technical Terms, 4to, pp. 23. Calcutta, 1891 2s 527 Oman (J. C.) The Brahmans, Theists and Muslims of India, roy. 8vo, pp. xv, 342, illustrated, cloth. 1907 14s Studies of Goddess-worship, Caste, Brahmaism, with Sketches of Festivals, Ceremonies and Faquirs. 523 Parkinson (J. Y.) Essays on Islamic Philosophy, 8vo, pp. 54, cloth. Rangoon, 1909 . 2s 6d 529 Pillay (C. T~ T.) The Solution of Religions, the Logical and Scientific Analysis of the Chief Sacred Doctrines of Buddhism, Hinduism, Mahommedan- ism and Christianity, roy. 8vo, with portrait, cloth. Ceylon, ea. 1905 10s 530 PincOtt (Fr.) Sikhism in relation to Muhammadanism, 16mo, pp. 56. 1885 2s 6d 531 Flange (Th. J.) Christus ein Inder? Versuch e. Entstehung$geschichte des Christentums unter Benntzung der Indischen Studien L. Jacolliots, roy. 8vo, pp. xvi, 251. Stuttgart 4s 532 Plato. The Parmenides : a Dialogue on the Gods, translated from the Greek, with Notes and an Explanatory Intro- duction by T. Taylor, 8vo, pp. xii, 127, cloth. Bombay, 1885 2s 533 Qanoon e-Islam, or the Customs of the Mussulmans of India : comprising a Full and Exact Account of their various Rites and Ceremonies, from the moment of Birth to the hour of Death, trans- lated from the Duk'hunee Language by G. A. Herklots, 8vo, pp. xxiii, 436, 123, with plates, half calf. 1832 28s 534 Ramakrishna (Sri) : his Sayings, Second Edition, enlarged, 8vo, pp. 144. Madras, 1905 2s 535 Prophet of Dakshineswar (The) Two Papers, revised (from the Brahma- vadin), 8vo, pp. 30, with portrait. Madras, 1906 Is 6d 536 Ramanujacharya (Sri) : his Life and Teachings, by Sr. Aiyengar, 8vo, pp. vii, 318, cloth. Madras, 1903 5s 537 Review of Religions, edited by Muh. Ali, Vols. III., IV., V., in numbers as issued, roy. 8vo. Lahore, 1904-06 36s No. ii of Vol. V. is missing. 538 Robinson (W. H.) Primitive Indian Philosophy, 8vo, pp. 21. Reprint 2s 539 R9W (P. S.) and Oleott (H.) The Hindu Dwaita Philosophy of Sri Madh- wachariar, 12mo, pp. 36. Madras, 1888 Is6d 540 Row (T. S.) A Collection of Esoteric Writings, 8vo, pp. iv, 356, bds. Bombay, 1895 5s The Twelve S : gns of the Zodiac Adwaita Philo- sophy Age of Buddha's Death Notes on Hata Yoga Occultism of S. India, &c. 541 Roy (R. ) Second Defence of the Mono- theistical System of the Veds, 8vo, pp. 58. Calcutta, 1817 2s 6d 542 Riiekert (Fr.) The Brahman's Wisdom, translated from the German by E. Martin, 12mo, pp. 45, cloth. 1911 Is (id Poems on the Philosophy of Life. 543 Sabhapati. A Catechism of the Shaiva (Shiva) Religion, translated from the Tamil, 8vo, pp. 82. Madras, 1863 2s 6d 544 Sarkar (K. L.) The Hindu System of Religions Science and Art, 8vo, pp. iv, 159, cloth. Calcutta, 1898 3s 6d 545 Saussaye (Ch. de) Manual of the Science of Religion, 8vo, pp. vii, 672, cloth. 1891 12s Includes chapters on the Hindus, Vedic Times, Jainism, Buddhism. 546 Sehoebel (C.) Recherches sur la Re- ligion premiere de la Race Indo- Iranienne, Second Edition, 8vo, pp. 172. Paris, 1872 5s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 26 Indian Philosophy and Religion. 547 Sehomerus (H. W.) Der Caiva- Siddhanba, eine Mystik Indiens, nach den tamul, Qucllen bearbeitet, 8vo, pp. xi, 444, cloth. 1912 13s 6d 548 Sehultzky (0.) Tb.3 Soul of India : an Eastern Romance, 8vo, pp. xii, 128. 1812 2s 6d 549 Sehure (E.) Rama and Moses : the Aryan Cycle and the Mission of Israel, 8vo, pp. 147, cloth. 1910 3s 6d 550 Sinnet (Mrs. A.) The Purpose of Theo- sophy, 8vo, pp. 55, bds. Bombay, 1887 Is6d 551 Smart (Lt.-Col.) The System of Kant, translation from the French of M. Desdonits, with an Explanatory Dia- gram by Prof. E. Drew, reprinted from the Brahmavadin, 8vo, pp. 200. Madras, 1901 2s 6d 552 Sugiura (S.) Hindu Logic as preserved in China and Japan, roy. 8vo, pp. 114. Philadelphia, 1900 5s 553 Transactions of the Second Congress of the Theosophical Society, London, roy. 8vo, pp. xvi, 461, cloth. 1907 10s 6d 554 Transactions of the Third Congress of the Theosophical Society, Paris, roy. 8vo, pp. xi, 378, cloth. 1907 10s 6d 555 Transactions of the First Congress of the Federation of European Sections of the Theosophical Society held in Amsterdam, edited by J. Van Manen, large 8vo, pp. xvi, 422, cloth. Amster- dam, 1906 10s 6d 558 Urquhart (D.) The Sraddha : the Keystone of the Brahminical, Budd- histic, and Arian Religions, 8vo, pp. 44. 1857 3s 557 Vaughan (Rev. I.) The Trident, the Crescent, and the Cross : a View of the Religious History -of India during the Hindu, Buddhist, Mohammedan, and Christian Periods, roy. 8vo, pp. xix, 344, cloth. 1876 12s Hinduism The Mohammedan Era The Christian Era. A scholarly work. 558 Vidyabhusana (S. Ch.) History of the Mediaeval School of Indian Logic, 8vo, pp. xxi, 188, cloth. Calcutta, 1909 12s 6i The Jaina Logic Era of Tradition, Historical Period The Buddhist Logic Old Buddhist references to Logic, and Systematic Writers on Logic. 559 Wilson (J.) Second Exposure of the Hindu Religion, in reply to Narayana Rao of Satara, including Strictures on the Vedanta, roy. 8vo, pp. 179, bds. Bombay, 1834 3s 6d PART XI, YOGA AND VEDANTA. 560 Abhedananda (S.) El Espiritualismo y la Vedanta trad, des Ingles, 16mo, pp. 40. Cuba, 1908 2s 561 Vedanta Philosophy : How to be a Yogi, 8vo, pp. 188, cloth. New York, 1902 5s 562 Bharati (Pr.) Sri Krishna, the Lord of Love, 8vo, pp. 309, 226, cloth. New York, 1904 6s 563 Carpenter (E.) A Visit to Gnani, or Wise Man of the East, 8vo, pp. viii, 67, with 2 portraits. 191 1 Is 6d 564 Chatterji (J. C.) The Hindu Realism: being an Introduction to Metaphysics, Nyiiya-Vaisheshika System of Philo- sophy, 8vo, pp. 19, 181, cloth. Alla- habad, 1912 4s 565 Dharm Anant Plato and the True Enlightener of Saul, 12mo, pp. vii, 303, cloth. 1912 6s 566 Flagg (W. J.) Yoga or Trans- formation : a Comparative Statement of the various Religions Dogmas con- cerning the Soul and its Destiny, and of Akkadian, Hindu, Taoist, Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Christian, Mahom- medan, Japanese, and other Magic, roy. 8vo, pp. 376, cloth. New York, 1898 (pub. 15s) 12s 567 Kennedy (Col. V.) The Vedanta System, 4to, pp. 26. Reprint, 1833 2s 6d 568 Khedkar (R. V.) Handbook of the Vodant Philosophy and Religion, 8vo, pp. xiv, 90, 193. Kolhapur, 1911 4s 569 Murdoch (J.) Swami Vivekanand on Hinduism, an Examination of his Address, 8vo, pp. 82. Madras, 1895 Is6d 570 Pal (D. N.) Srikcishna: his Life and Teachings, 8vo, pp. viii, xliii, 190, 239, cloth. Calcutta, 1904 7s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Yoga and Vedanta. 27 571 Paramahamsa (the Mahatma) Sri Brahma Dhara, Shower from the Highest, 8vo, pp. vii, 87, cloth. 1905 3s 6d 572 Paul (N. C.) Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy, 8vo, pp. ii, 56, bds. Bombay, 1899 2s 6d 573 Puradanasa. Los poderes ocultos y metcdos de desarrollo, First Series, 8vo, pp. 44. Cuba, 1908 2s 574 Rama Krishna. The Gospel of Sri Rama Krishna, or the Ideal Man for India and for the World, Vol. I., roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 384, with portraits, cloth. Madras, 1912 6s A series of Conversations of the Master on Universal Religion and Philosophy of Vedanta, translated into English. 575 RivJngton (C. S.) Studies in Hindu- ism, 8vo, pp. 50. Bombay, 1899 Is 6d 576 Sabhapaty (Swami) The Philosophy and Science of Vedanta and Raja Yoga, pp. x, 61, with plate. Lahore, 1883 2s 577 S'ankaraeharya, his Life and Teach- ings, with a translation of Atma-Bodha, by S. Datta, 12mo, pp. 82. Calcutta, 1905 Is 6d 578 Smart (A. W.) Account of the Vedanta Philosophy, translated from Deussen, 8vo, pp. 26. Madras, 1897 6d 579 Theosophy (The) of the Upanisbads, Part L, Self and Xot Self, 8vo, pp. 201, cloth. 1896 3s 6d 580 Vedanta. The Philosophy of Science, by an Advaitananda, 12mo, pp. 164, xviii. Madras, 1903 2s 581 Vivekananda. -Addresses on Vedanta Philosophy, Vol. III. : The Ideal of Universal Religion The Cosmos, 8vo, pp. 33, 40, cloth. 1896 2s 532 Addresses delivered in London, Nos. 1-10 and 12, 8vo. 1896-97 5s 583 Addresses on Raja Yoga (psy- chological yoga) : being a running Commentary on the Yoga Patacjali, 8vo, pp. 121. London 3a 584 Eight Lectures on Karma Yoga (the Secret of Work), roy. 8vo, pp. 54, with portrait, cloth. New York, 1896 (pub. 5s) 3s 6d 585 From Colombo to Alraora : being a Record of his return to India, after his Mission to the West, 8vo, pp. 333, and a Glossary. Madras, 1904 3s 6d Includes Reports of his Lectures. 586 On Hinduism, 8vo, pp. 62. Madras, 1897 2s 587 Bhakti-Yoga, Second Edition (Brahmavadin Series, No. 3), 8vo, pp. 75. Madras, 1899 2s 6d 588 Karma-Yoga, 8vo, pp. 107, with portrait, cloth. Madras, 1904 2s 6d 589 Raja Yoga, 8vo, pp. xi, 234, cloth. 1912 3s 6d 590 The Real and the Apparent Man, 8vo, pp. 28. Madras, 1900 Is 6d 591 The Vedanta Philosophy, 8vo, pp. 44. Madras, 1906 Is 6d XII. HINDUISM. 593 Esoteric Hinduism, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1901, 1904 12s 6d CONTENTS : Vol. I., Popular Hinduism Vol. II., Philosophic Hinduism. 594 GhOSha (Pratap) Durga Puja, with Notes and illustrations, 8vo, pp. 22, 83, 70, bds. Calcutta, 1871 5s An account of the rites and ceremonies connected with the Durga Puja, the chief festival of the Hindus of Bengal. 595 Hindoo Mythology popularly treated, by H. H. the Gaekwar of Baroda, 4to, pp. 42, cloth. Madras, 1875 4s 596 Ho wells (G.) The Soul of India, Introduction to the Study of Hinduism in its Historical Setting and Develop- ment, and in its relation to Christianity, 8vo, pp. 622, with map, cloth. 1913 5s 597 Ketkar (S. V.) An Essay on Hindu- ism, its Formation and Future, 8vo, pp. 39, 177, cloth. 1911 5s 597* Maedonell (A. A.) Vedic My thology, 8vo, pp. 189. 1897 10s 6d Includes chapters on the Vedic Gods Mythical Priests and Heroes Animals and inanimate objects Demons and Fiends Eschatology. 598 Mansbaeh (F.) Description of the Temple of Jaggannatha, and of the Rath-Jatra, or Car Festival, 4to, pp. 10. Eeprint, 1832 Is 6d 599 Mitchell (J. M.) Hinduism, Past and Present, with an Account of recent Hindu Reformers, 8vo, pp. 299, cloth. 1885 4s 600 Moor (E.) The Hindu Pantheon, New Edition, with additional plates, con- densed and annotated by W. O. Simp- son, large 8vo, pp. xv, 401, with 60 plates, cloth. Madras, 1864 2 10s Scarce. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 28 Hinduism. 601 Nath (L. B.) Hinduism, Ancient and Modern, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 130. Meerut, 1899 3s 602 Hinduism, Ancient and Modern, as taught in Original Sources and illustrated in Practical Life, New Edition, enlarged, roy. 8vo, pp. zz, 310, iv, cloth. Meerut, 1905 6s 603 Prasad (R.) True Hinduism : Parti., First Steps in the Yoga of Action, 8vo, pp. 259. Madras, 1909 3s 604 Rivett-Carnae (J. H.) A Lesser Hindu Pantheon, folio, pp. 21, with 12 plates (Journal of Indian Art, No. 72). 1900 3s 605 Rodriguez (E. A.) The Religion of Vishnoo, the History of the Avatars, or Incarnations of Vishnoo, the Pre- serving Power of India, with Com- mentaries, Reflections, &c., 3 parts in 1, with 12 coloured plates, half calf. Madras, 1849 28s 606 Sen (Guru Pr.) Introduction to the Study of Hinduism, 8vo, pp. 236. Calcutta, 1893 4s 607 TaylOP (W. M.) Handbook of Hindu Mythology and Philosophy, with some Biographical Notices, 8vo, pp. xiv, 162, bds. 1870 4s 60S Vedantasara. A Manual of Hindu Pantheism, translated from the San- skrit, with Copious Notes, by Col. G. A. Jacob, 8vo, cloth. 1881 7s 6d Trubner's O. S. 609 Wilkins (W. J.) Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic, 8vo, pp. xvi, 411, illustrated, cloth. Calcutta, 1882 16s 610 Modern Hinduism : being an Account of the Religion and Life of the Hindus in Northern India, 8vo, pp. zi, 494, cloth. 1887 (pub. 16s) 12s 6d Hindu Sects Caste Worship, &c. 611 William S(M.) Non-Christian Religious Systems, Hinduism, 8vo, pp. 238, with a map, cloth. 1877 and 1882 2s 6d 612 Wilson (H. H.) Hindu Religions, or an Account of the various Religious Sects of India, 8vo, pp. ii, 234, cloth. Calcutta, 1899 4s 613 Ziegenbalg (B.) Genealogy of the South Indian Gods, a Manual of the Mythology and Religion of the People of Southern India, freely translated into English by Rev. G. J. Metzger, with a complete Indez, 8vo, pp. xiz, 208, zziii, cloth. Madras, 1869 12s PAR3D XIII. BUDDHISM. See also PALI. 614 Buddhism. An Illustrated Review, Vol. I. (4 Parts), Vol. II., Parts 1 and 2 (all published). Rangoon, 1904/5 24s Articles by C. Duroiselle, S. Chandra Das, Rhys Davids, and others. 615 Buddhist (The), the English Organ of the Southern Buddhist Church, edited by A. E. Buultjens, Vol. II., with Title and Indez, large 8vo. Colombo, 1889-90 7s 6d Nos. 22, 23, and 50 are missing. 616 The same, VoL IV., edited by Wijesinha and Bnulbjens, with Title and Indez. Colombo, 1892 10s 617 The same, Vol. V., with Title and Indez. Colombo, 1893 10s No. ii is missing. 618 edited by A. E. Buultjens, Vol. VI., with Title and Indez, large 8vo. Colombo, 1894 10s No. i is missing. 619 The same, Vol. VII., complete, with Title and Index. Colombo, 1895 10s 620 The same, Vol. VIII. Colombo, 7s 6d 1896 Nos. 9, 40, 44, 49, 50, 51, and title and index are missing. 621 New Series, edited by D. B. Jayatilaka, Vol. X. Colombo, 1898 10s Without title and index, probably never published. 622 (Supplement to the Sandaresa), folio, Vol. L, Nos. 2 to 8, 10 to 25, 28 to 30, 32 to 35, 40 to 43, 45, 48 to 52. Colombo, 1897/93 12s 6d 623 Buddhist Text Society (Journal of the) of India, edited by Sarat Chandra Das, Vol. L, 2, 4 ; II., 1, 2, 3 ; III., 1, 2; IV., 1; V., 1, 2, 3, 4; VII., 2, 4; 8vo, with plates. Calcutta, 1893-1906 30s 624 Light Of Dharma. A Magazine devoted to the Teachings of Buddha, Vol. II., 5, 6 ; III., 2, 3, 4 ; IV., 2, 3 ; V., 1, 4, 5, 6; VI., 1, 2, 3. San Francisco, 1902/7 5s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street ', British Museum. Buddhism. 29 625 Journal of the Mahabhodhi Society, edited by H. Dharmapala, Vols. I. to XIV., 4to and 8vo. Colombo, 1892-1908 3 12s In this set are missing Vol. III., No. 3 ; Vol. VIII., Nos. i, 2, 3 ; Vol. IX., No. 7 ; Vol. XL, No. 7. There are no title-pages nor indices, which probably were never issued. 626 The same, Vol. XVIL, Nos. 1, 11, 12 ; XVIII., Nos. 1 to 6, 8 to 12 ; XIX., 1 to 5; 8vo. Colombo, 1909/11 10s 627 Ananda Metteyya. The Empire of Righteousness to Western Lands, 8vo, pp. 16. Mandalay, 1909 6d 628 The Maha Mangala and Vasala Suttas, 8vo, pp. 20. Colombo, 1909 6d 629 Arnold (E.) The Light of Asia, or the Great Renunciation : being the Life and Teaching of Gautama as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist, 16mo, pp. 252, cloth. 1900 (Chiswick Press) 5s 630 The Light of Asia, translated into Russian by A. Armenskoi, with an Introduction, 8vo, pp. 103, 239. St. P., 1890 4s 631 Atkinson (E. T.) Notes on the History of Religion in the Himalaya, large 8vo, pp. 236. Calcutta, 1883 10s 6d An analysis of the forms worshipped in one thousand temples, and an account of the historic process from their earliest types. 632 Beal (S.) The Romantic Legend of Sakya Buddha, translated from the Chinese- Sanscrit, 8vo, pp. xii, 395, cloth. 1875 25s This is a translation of the Chinese version of the Abhinish Kramana Sutra. 633 Beames (J.) A Plain Account of Buddhism, 8vo, pp. 17, 15. Woking, 1897 (reprint) 2s 6d 634 Bigandet (P.) The Life or Legend of Gaudama, the Buddha of the Burmese, Fourth Edition, 2 vols, 8vo, pp. 288, 331, cloth. 1912 2ls 635 Boake (B.) Account of the Origin and Nature of the connection between the British Government and the Idola- trous Systems of Religion prevalent in Ceylon, 16mo, pp. 144. Colombo, 1854 7s 6d 636 Buckle (H. ) The Beggar or the Soldier : Gautama or Mahomet, 8vo, pp. viii, 84. Clifton Is 637 Bunyiu Nanjio. A Catalogue of the Chinese Translation of the Bnddhisb Tripibaka, the Sacred Canon of the Buddhists in China and Japan, 4to, pp. xxxvi, 479. Oxford, 1883 2 10s Out of print and rare. 638 Buddha's Tooth, worshipped by the Buddhists of Ceylon in the Pagoda called Dalada Maligawa at Kandy, 12mo, pp. 82. Mangalore, 1898 3s 6d 639 Carus (P.) The Gospel of Buddha, according to old Records, 8vo, pp. xiv, 275, cloth. 1890 4s 640 Chan Toon. The Principles of Buddhist Law, also containing a Trans- lation of Portions of the Manu Thara Shive myin, with Notes, 8vo, pp. xi, 166, cloth. 1894 6s 641 Clair-Tisdall (W. St.) The Noble Eightfold Path : being the James Long Lectures on Buddhism for 1900-1902 A.D., 8vo, pp. xxiv, 215, with map, cloth. London, 1903 6s CONTENTS : Life and Work of the Buddha The Chief Doctrines of Buddhism Buddha's Moral Teaching Buddhism and Christianity. 642 Claughton (Bishop) On Buddhism, 8vo, pp. 36. 1874 2s 643 Collins (Rev. R.) Buddhism and the Light of Asia, 8vo, pp. 37. London, N.D., 1884. Author's copy 3s 6d 644 Buddhism in relation to Chris- tianity, 8 vo, pp. 36. London, N.D. 2s 6d 645 Cowell (Prof. E. B.) and Eggeling (J.) Catalogue of Buddhist Sanskrit MSS. in the Royal Asiatic Society, 8vo, pp. 56, with 2 plate*. 1877 4s 646 Dahlke (P.) Buddhism and Science, translated from the German by Bhikkhu Silacara, 8vo, pp. xii, 256, cloth. 1913 7s 6d 647 Buddhist Stories, translated from the German by Bhikkhu Silacara, 16mo, pp. 330, cloth. 1913 3s 6d 648 Dods (M.) Mohammed, Buddha, and Christ : Four Lectures on Natural and Revealed Religion, 8vo, pp. vii, 240, cloth. 1896 5s 649 Desehamps (A.) De la Discipline Bouddhique, ses DeVeloppements et ses Lgendes, 8vo, pp. 39. Paris, 1862 3s 650 Le Bouddhisme et 1'Apologe'- tique Chretienne, 8vo, pp. 39. Paris, 1860 3s 651 Los Origines du Bouddhisme, 8vo, pp. 32. Paris, 1861 2s Dialogues of the Buddha see under PALI : DIGHA NIKAYA MAJJHIMA NlKAYA SUTTA NlPATA. 652 Edmunds (A. J.) Buddhist and Christian Gospels, now first compared from the Originals, edited, with Parallels and Notes from the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka, by M. Anesaki, Third Edition, large 8vo, pp. xix, 230. Tokyo, 1905 9s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Buddhism. 653 Egoroff (S.) Buddha Cakya Mouni, sa vie eb ses predications, 12mo, pp. x, 177. Paris, 1907 3s 654 Extracts from the Woris of Eminent Orientalists, compiled by Bunyo Nanjo and G. Kato, 2 parts, 8vo. Tokyo, 1903 4s 655 FergUSSOn (Jas.) Tree and Serpent Worship, or Illustrations of Mythology and Art in India in the First and Fourth Centuries after Christ, from the Sculptures of the Buddhist Topes at Sanchi and Amravati, Second Edition, revised, corrected, and in great part re- written, 4to, pp. xvi, 274, with plates and engravings, half morocco, gilt top. 1873 12 12s 656 Franeklin (Lieut. -Col. W.) Researches on the Tenets and Doctrines of the Jeynes and Buddhists conjectured to be the Brahmans of Ancient India, with a Chapter on Serpent Worship, 4to, pp. xviii, 213, with plates, bds. 1827 32s 657 Full Account of the Buddhist Con- troversy held at Pantura in August, 1873, 8vo, pp. 73, cloth. Colombo, 1873 15s Very scarce. One copy has at the end a detailed Index of M. Foucaux of n pages. 658 Franz (A.) Libri qui poenitentiae adhortationes, &c., 8vo, pp. 74. Vienna, 1895 3s 6d Being a Review of B. Nanjio's Catalogue of the Buddhist Tripitaka. 659 Foucaux (E.) Parobole de 1'Enfant egare (formant chapitre IV. du Lotus de la Bonne Loi), Sanskrit and Tibetan Text, with French translation, 8vo, pp. 55, iv. Paris, 1854 7s 6d 660 Fa Hian. Travels of Fa Hian and Sung Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.), translated from the Chinese by S. Beal, 12mo, pp. 75, 203, cloth. 1869 25s Very scarce. 661 Gogerly (D. J.) The Kristiyani Praguapti: Part I., Buddhism, origin- ally written in Sinhalese, afterwards translated by the Author, 8vo, pp. 105. Colombo, 1885 3s 662 Ceylon Buddhism, edited by A. S. Bishop, Vol. L, 4to, pp. xii, 210, with portrait, bds. Colombo, 1903 12s Contains Outline of Buddhism The Books of Discipline The Laws of the Priesthood The Patimokkha. Translations from the Sinhalese. 663 Grimm (E.) Lehre iiber Buddha und Dogma von Christus, 8vo, pp. 32. Berlin, 1877 2s 664 Grunwedel (A.) Mythologie des Buddhismusin Tibet und der Mongolei, large 8vo, pp. xxxv, 244, with 188 illus- trations. Leipzig, 1900 8s~ 665 Buddhistische Kunst in Indien, 8vo, pp. 177, illustrated. 1893 2s 666 Haekmann (H.) Buddhism as a Religion : its Historical Development and its Present Conditions, 8vo, pp. xiii, 315, cloth. 1910 6s The only work dealing with Buddhism in all its countries. 667 Hall (H. Fielding) The Inward Light, roy. 8vo, pp. 262, cloth. 1908 10s The Author of the Soul of a People and A People at School tties here to expound the conception of the world and of man which finds its expression in Buddhism. 668 Harisehandra (B. W.) The Sacred City of Anuradhapura, 8vo, pp. 132, with 46 archaeological plates, cloth. Colombo, 1908 7s 6d 669 Harlez (C. de) Vocabulaire Boudd- hique Sanskrit-Chinois. Han-Fan Tsih yao, Precis de Doctrine Bouddhique, Reprint, 8vo, pp. 66. Leiden, 1897 4s 670 Hiouen Thsang Si- Yu-KL Buddhist Records of the Western World, Si Yu Ki, translated from the Chinese by S. BEAL, 2 vols, New Edition, 8vo, with a map, cloth. 1906 24s 671 Hiuen Tsiang: his Life, by the Shaman Hwui Li, with an Introduction con- taining an Account of the Works of Hiuen Tsiang, translated from the Chinese by S. Beal, 8vo, pp. 47, 218, cloth. 1911 10s 6d 672 Hodgson (B. H.) Illustrations of the Literature and Religion of the Budd- hists, 8vo, pp. iv, 220, cloth. Seram- pore, 1841 15s 673 Holmb06(C. A.) Traces deBuddhisme en Norvege avant 1'introduction du Christianisme, 8vo, pp. 74, with 15 illustrations on two plates, half morocco. Paris, 1857 7s 6d 674 I Tsing. M6moire compost a P6ppque de la Dynastic Tang sur les Religieuse eminents (Bouddhistes) qui allaient chercher la loi dans les pays d'Occident Traduit du chinois par E. Chavannes, roy. 8vo, pp. xxi, 218. Paris, 1894 10s 675 Jardine (J.) Notes on Buddhist Law, Parts 1, 3 to 8, roy. 8vo. Rangoon, 1886-83 12s Mostly Translations from the Burmese. Jatakas see under Section : PALI. 675* Karma Cataka. Traduit du Tib6tain par L. Feer, 8vo, pp. 191, with Index. Paris, 1901 5s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Buddhism. 676 Kern (H.) Der Buddhismus und s. Geschichte in Indien. Eine Darstollung der Lehren and Geschichte der budd- histischen Kircho, 3 parts in 2 vol.?. Berlin, 1882/4 15s 676* Kern (H.) Manual of Indian Buddhism, roy. 8vo, pp. 149. 1896 8s 6d Life of Buddha The Law of Buddha The Congregation Ecclesiastical History Index. 677 Kobayashi. The Doctrines of Nichiren (Founder of the Sect of Japanese Buddhism), with Sketch of his Life, 8vo, pp. iii, 29, with portrait and a facsimile. Tokyo, 1893 10s 677* Koeppen (C. Fr.) Die Religion des Budda und ihre Entstehung, 2 vols, 8vo, fine red half morocco. Berlin, 1857-59 2 10s Fine copy of the Rare Original. 678 Laessoe (Capt. de and Talbot) Discovery of (Buddhist) Caves on the Murghal, 8vo, pp. 11, with 2 plates. London, 1887 2s 678* Lafont (G. de) Le Buddhisme, pr6c6d6 d'un essay sur le Vedismo et le Brahmanisme, 8vo, pp. 36, 273. Paris, 1895 3s 6d 679 Lalita Vistara. Bgya Tch'er Rol Pa, ou dveloppement des Jeux, con- tenant 1'histoire du Bouddha Cakya- Mouni ed. par Ph. Ed. Foucaux, Tibetan text and French translation, 2 vols, 4to. Paris, 1847-48 2 5s 679* Lamairesse. L'Empire chinois. Lo Bouddhisme en Chine et au Thibet, 8vo, pp. 440. Paris, 1883 4s 680 L'Inde apr^s le Bouddha, 8vo, pp. 464. Paris, 1892 4s Depuis le Bouddha jusqu a Asoka Apoka Kanishka Developpement du Bouddhisme Pelerinage de Fa Hian Hiouen Thsang, &c. 680* Latter (Th.) A Note on Boodhism and the Cave Temples of India, 8vo, pp. 21. Calcutta, 1844 3s 681 Legends and Miracles of Buddha Sakhya Sinha, Part I., all translated from the Avadan Kalpalata of Bodhi Sattvas of the Sanskrit Poet Kshe- mendra, by N. Ch. Das, 8vo, pp. xvi, 59. Calcutta, 1895 3s 6d 681* Lillie (A.) Buddhism in Christendom, or Jesus the Essene, 8vo, pp. xii, 410, with numerous illustrations, cloth. 1887 12s 682 India in Primitive Christianity, 8vo, pp. xii, 299, illustrated, cloth. 1909 (pub. 15s) 10s 6d Contents : Siva' Buddha King Asoka The Mahayana Avalokitesvara The Cave Temple and its Mysteries Architecture Rites, Buddhist and Chiistian Ceylon. 682* Lutter (H. M.) Manual of Buddhist Law : being Sparks' Code of Burmese Law, with Notes of all the Rulings on Points of Buddhist Law, Second Edi- tion, 8vo, pp. xvi, 76, xvi. Mandalay, 1894 6s 683 Mahakat jajana und KonigTshanda Pradjota ; ein Cyklus Buddhist. Erzahlungen, translated from the Tibetan into German by A. Schiefner, 4to, pp. 67. St. P., 1875 3s 683* Minayeff (I. P.) Recherches sur le Bouddhisme, 8vo, pp. xiv, 314. Paris, 1894 9s 684 Monler- Williams (Sir) Buddhism in its connexion with Brahmanism and Hinduism, and in its contrast with Christianity, 8vo, pp. xxx, 563, illus- trated. 1889 21s 684* Mystical Buddhism, and the Contrast between Buddhism and Christianity, 8vo, pp. 27. 1888 2s 6d 685 Mystical Buddhism in connec- tion with the Yoga Philosophy of the Hindus, 8vo, pp. 18. Reprint, 1888 2s 685* Muller (Max) Buddhism and Buddhist Pilgrims, a Review of Julien's Voyages des Pelerins Boudd- histes, 8vo, pp. 54. 1857 7s 6d 686 Neve (F.) Le Bouddhisme, son fonda- teur et ses dcritures, 8vo, pp. 55. Paris, 1854 3s 687 Oldenberg (H.) Buddha, his Life, his Doctrine, his Order, translated from the German by W. Hoey, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 45 1, cloth. 1882 2 2s Very rare. 688 Oldham (C. F.) The Sun and the Serpent, a Contribution to the History of Serpent Worship, 8vo, pp. 207, cloth. 1905 10s 689 Oltramare (P.) La formule boudd- hique des douze causes ; son sens originel et son interpretation, 8vo, pp. 53. Geneve, 1909 3s 690 Oung (B. H.) Buddhist Sermons, and other Lectures on Buddhist Subjects, 8vo, pp. 35. Rangoon, 1897 Is 691 Ozeray (M. J. F.) Recherches sur Buddou ou Bouddou, instituteur religieux de 1'Asie orientale, 8vo, pp. 35, 137, calf. Paris, 1817 5s 692 Peebles (J. M.) Buddhism and Christianity in Discussion Face to Face, or an Oval Debate between Rev. Migetu watte and Rev. D. Silva, 8vo, pp. 107. Battle Creek 3s 6d 693 Pope (G. U.) The History of Manikka- Vayagar, the Foe of the Buddhists, 8vo, pp. 63. Reprint 3s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Buddhism. 694 PoCQCke (E.) India in Greece, or Truth in Mythology, containing the Sources of the Hellenic Race, the Wars of the Grand Llama, and the Bud'histic Pro- paganda in Greece, 8vo, pp. xii, 403, with 2 maps, half morocco. 1852 7s 6d 695 PoilSSin (L. de la Valloe) Dogmatique Bouddhique, La Negation de 1'Atne et la Doctrine de 1'Acbe, 8vo, pp. 74. Paris, 1902 3s 696 Rhys Davids (T. W.) Buddhism : Sketch of the Life and Teachings of Gautama, the Buddha, 12mo, pp. viii, 252, with map. London, 1892 2s 6d 697 Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as Illustrated in the History of Indian Buddhism, 8vo, pp. xi, 262, cloth. 1891 (pub. 10s 6d) 6s Dialogues of Buddha, &c. see under PALI : DIGHA NIKAYO, AND OTHER WOBKS. 698 Roekhill (W. W.) The Life of the Buddha, and the early History of the Order, translated from Tibetan Works in the Bkah Hgyur and Bsban-Hgyur, 8vo, pp. xii, 273, cloth. 1907 (T. 0. S.) 10s 6d Sacred Books of the Buddhists see Section PALI. 699 Sarat Chandra Das. Brief Summary of Do Ka Zang, the Sutra of the glorious Age, roy. 8vo, pp. 28, 18. Darjeeling, 1895 3s 6d The second part contains a list of the names of a thousand and five Buddhas, in Tibetan (native and Roman characters). 700 Indian Pandits in the Land of Snow, 8vo, pp. viii, 92, 28. Calcutta, 1893 3s Student's Life in Tibet Monastic University of Tashi Lhunpo Introduction of Buddhism into China Translation of Buddhist Works into Chinese Buddhism and the written language of Tibet, &c. 701 Sastri (Haraprasad) Discovery of Living Buddhism in Bengal, 4to, pp. 31. Calcutta, 1897 2s 6d 702 Sehiefner (A. ) tiber das Bonpo Sutra : das weisse Naga-Hunderttausend, 4to, pp. 86. St. P., 1880 3s 6d 703 Sehlagintweit (E.) Le Bouddhisme au Tibet, avec r6sum6 des syst&mes bouddhique dans 1'Inde. Traduit de 1'anglais, 4to, pp. 38, 289, with plates. Paris, 1881 16s 704 Scott (A.) Buddhism and Christianity, a Parallel and a Contrast, 8vo, pp. xiv, 391, cloth. Edinburgh, 1890 6s Comparison of Buddhism and Christianity His- torical Antecedents of Buddhism and Christianity The Buddha of the Pitakas The Oharma of Buddha The Gospel of Christ Buddhist Sangha, &c. 705 Sehultze (Th.) A German Buddhist: a Biographical Sketch by A. Pfungst, 8vo, pp. 79, cloth. 1902 2s 6d 706 Senart (E.) Essai snr la Ldgende du Buddha, son Charactere efo son Origine, Second Edition, revised, with an Index, roy. 8vo, pp. xxxiv, 496. Paris, 1882 (pub. 15 fr.) 7s 6d 707 Seydel (R.) Das Evangelium von Jesu in s. Verhiilbnissen zu Buddha-Sage nnd Buddha-Lehre, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 361, half morocco. Leipzig, 1882 8s 708 Die Buddha Legende und das Leben Jesu, nach den Evangelien, 8vo, pp. 83. Leipzig, 1884 3s 6d 709 Silaeara. The First Fifty Discourses, from the Collection of the Medium Length Discourses of Gotamo the Buddha, translated from the Pali, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1912-13 15s 710 Sinha (J. Wettha) The Singularity of Buddhism, 8vo, pp. x, 154. Colombo, 1910 5s 711 Subhadra (Bhikshu) Buddhist Cate- chism, an Introduction to the Teach- ings of Buddha, 8vo, pp. 75. 1908 la 712 Summer (M.) Histoire du Bonddha Sakya Mouni depnis sa naissance jusqu'a sa mort, 12mo, pp. xiv, 208. Paris, 1874 4s With an Introduction and Index by . Foucaux. 713 Suzuki (D. T.) Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism, 8vo, pp. xii, 420, cloth. 1908 8s 6d Characteristics of Buddhism Mahayanism Dharmakaya Doctrine of Trikaya The Bod- doisatbia Nirvana. 714 Temple (Sir R.) The Thirty-seven Nats, a Phase of Spirit- Worship pre- vailing in Burma, folio, pp. vii, 71, v, with plates in colour and black and white, and other illustrations, cloth. 1908 3 3a CONTENTS : Animism in Burma Brahmanic and Buddhist Influence Animism in Ceremonies, &c. 715 Thomas (L'abbe) Le Bouddhisme dans ses rapports avec le Christianisme, 2 parts, 8vo. Paris, 1893 5s 716 Tumour (Hon. G.) Buddhistical Mis- cellanies, Reprints collected by P. E. FOUCAUX, with title-page in his own neat handwriting Buddhist Chronology Pali Buddhistical Annals, 5 parts Account of the Tooth Relic in Ceylon Further Notes on the Inscriptions at Delhi, &c., Svo, pp. 186, cloth 25s 717 An Examination of the Pali Buddhistical Annals, No. 2, 8vo, pp. 25. Colombo, 1837 2s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Buddhism. 33 718 Udanavarga. A Collection of Verses from the Buddhist Canon, compiled by Dharmalrata : being the Northern Buddhist Version of Dhammapada, translated from the Tibetan of the Bhak-hgyur, by W. W. Rockhill, 8vo, pp. xvi, 224, cloth. 1883 15s 719 Upham (Edw.) History and Doctrine of Bodhism, with Notices of Kap- pooism, or Demon Worship, and of the Bali, or Planetary Incantations of Ceylon, folio, pp. 136, with 43 lithograph prints Jrom original Singalese designs, cloth. 1829 4 10s 720 Vasu (Nagendra N.) The Modern Buddhism and its Followers in Orissa, 12mo, pp. viii, 23, 181, xii, cloth. Calcutta, 1911 6a 721 ViSSUddha (Bbikkhu) Way to Piety, 8vo, pp. 7. Colombo, 1909 6d 722 Watters (T.)The Eighteen Lohan of Chinese Buddhist Temples, 8vo, pp. 19. Reprint, 189S 2s 723 Kapilavastu in the Buddhist Books, 8vo, pp. 39. London, 1898 2s 6d Kapilavastu : the birthplace of Buddha. 724 Wimpffen (Max von) Kritische Worte iiber den Buddhismns, 8vo, pp. 64. Wien, 1891 Is 6d 725 Wright (D.) Manual of Buddhism, 8vo, pp. 87, cloth. 1912 2s 6d 726 Wuttke (A.) De Bnddhaistarum Die- ciplina, 8vo, pp. 42. Vratislaviae, 1848 4s 727 Wilson (H. H.) On Buddha and Buddhism, Reprint, Svo, pp. 37. 1354 2s 6d 728 Zoysa (L. de) Notes on certain Jatakas relative to the Sculptures recently discovered in Northern India, Svo, pp. 44. Colombo (Reprint), 1887 2s I* ART XIY. INDIAN MUSIC. 729 BahOOlina Tatwa, or a Treatise on Violin, by K. Mukhopadhya, Bengali Text, with Music, Svo, pp. 190. Cal- cutta (1875) 4s 730 Clements (E.) Introduction to the Study of Indian Music, Svo, pp. xv, 104, cloth. 1913 6s 731 Danes (F.) Six Essays on the Ancients, their Music and Instruments : I., Chinese, Japanese, Hindoos, 4to, pp. 20. Oxford, 1893 2s 6d 732 Gharpure (P. G.) Studies in Indian Music, No. 1, Svo, pp. iv, 14, and Sans- krit Text, pp. 16. Poona, 1888 2s 6d 733 Hindustani Choral Book, or SWAB SANGRAH : containing the Tunes to those Hymns in the G'IT SANGRAH, in Native Metres, compiled by J. PARSONS, 4 to, pp. v, 103, with Music, cloth. Benares, 1875 5s 734 Hindustani Tune Book : a Collection of Bhajans and Ghazals ; containing the Principal Native Airs, sung in the Missions of N. India, harmonized by Mrs. E. M. Scott, roy. Svo, pp. x, 176, cloth. Lucknow, 1889 7s 6d 735 Manharkun verba, Princess of Bhav- nagar : Half-Hours at my Sitar, 2 vols, oblong 4to, with plates of musical instru- ments, cloth. Bhavnagar 8s The text is in Sanskrit characters, bat the words to the melodies are romanized. 736 Tagore (S. M.) Six Principal Rag&s, with a Brief View of Hindu Music, Second Edition, 4 to, with 6 plates and samples of Hindu music, bds. Calcutta, 1877 24s 737 Tagore (S. M.) The Ten Principal Avantaras of the Hindus, with a short History of each Incarnation and Direc- tions for the Representation of the Murttis as Tableaux Vivants, 4to, pp. iv, 157, with 11 lithographic plates. Cal- cutta, 1880 21s With samples of music throughout. 738 Hindu Music from Various Authors, Second Edition, Svo, pp. ix, 423, icith various samples of music and plates. Calcutta, 1882 12s Includes a catalogue of Indian Musical Instru- ments Music of Ceylon Music and Dancing, &c. 739 Victoria Samrajyan, or San- skrit Stanzas, with a translation of the various Dependencies of the British Crown, each composed and set to the respective National Music, Svo, pp. vi, 155. Calcutta, 1876 5s 740 Victoria Gitika, or Sanskrit Verses on Queen Victoria and her Predecessors, composed and set to music, text in Sanskrit, with English translation, Svo, pp. vi, 319. Calcutta, 1875 6s 741 The Musical Scales of the Hindus, with Remarks on the Applicability of Harmony to Hindu Music, Svo, pp. 118. Calcutta, 1884 7s 6d 742 Wilson (A. C.) A Short Account of the Hindu System of Music, with a glossary, 4to, pp. 48. Lahore, 1904 33 6d Probst hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 34 Indian Numismatics ', Art, and Archeology. PART XV. INDIAN NUMISMATICS. 743 Marsden's Numismata Orientalia, New Edition, Part I., Ancient Indian Weights, by E. Thomas, 4to, with map and plate. 1874 6s II. Coins of the Urtaki Turkumans, by 8. Lane Poole, with plates. 1876 6s III. Coinage of Lydia and Persia, by V. B. Head, with plates. 1877 7s 6d IV. Coins of the Tuluni Dynasty, by E. T. Rogers, with plate. 1877 4s V. The Parthian Coinage, by P. Gardner, with 8 plates. 1877 10s 6d VI. Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon, by Rhys Davids, with plate. 1877 7s 6d Coins of Arakan, of Pegu and of Burma, by Sir A. P. Phayre, with 5 plates. 1882 10s 6d Coins of Southern India, by Sir W. Elliot, with map and Opiates. 1886 (pub. 25s) 12s 6d 744 Rapson (E. J.) Indian Coins, roy. 8vo, pp. 56, with 5 plates. 1898 Os Encylop. of Indo-Ar. Research. 745 Rodgers (Cb. J.) Coin Collecting in Northern India, roy. 8vo, pp. vi, 135, iii, iv, with 6 plates, cloth. Allahabad, 1894 12s 6d 746 Rodgers (Cb. J.) Catalogue of the Coins of the Indian Museum, 4 partis, roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1894/6 30s Part I. The Sultans of Delhi and their Contem- poraries, pp. iv, 172, with 3 plates. II. The Mogul Emperors of India, the East India Company, the Native States, the Indian Empire, pp. 251, with 8 plates III. Ancient coins of India Mediaeval coins Miscellaneous coins, pp. 152, with 4 plates. IV. Graeco Bactrian and Indo-Scythian, Greek, Parthian, Sassanian, and other coins, pp. 288 with 6 plates. 747 Thomas (Edw.) The Epoch of the Sab Kings of Surashtra, illustrated by their Coins, 8vo, pp. 77, with 7 plates, cloth. 1848 5s 748 The Earliest Indian Coinage, 8vo, pp. 26, with plate. 1864 2s 6d 749 The Initial Coinage of Bengal, under the Early Muhammadan Conquerors, Part II., 8vo, pp. 40, illustrated. London, 1873 2s 6d 750 Tuffnell (R. H. 0.) Hints for Coin Collectors, Coins of Southern India, 4 to, pp. 52, illustrated. New York, 1890 4s PART XVI. INDIAN ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY. 751 Anderson (J.) Catalogue and Hand- book of the Archaeological Collections in the Indian Museum, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1883 12s Vol. I.. Asoka and Indo-Scythian Galleries Vol. II., Gupta and Inscription Galleries 752 Andrews (F. H.) Indian Carpets and Rugs, folio, pp. 10, with 85 plates, mostly coloured, extracted from the Journal of Indian Art, in portfolio. 1905/6 21s 753 Archaeological Survey of India. Reports, by Major-General A. Cunning- ham, J. D. Beglar and A. C. L. Carlleyle, Complete Series in 24 vols, including a General Index, 8vo, with several hundred maps, plans, and plates oj ancient Indian architectural remains, sculpture, inscriptions and coins, cloth. Simla and Calcutta, 1871-87 20 Complete sets are very rare. Archaeological Survey of India : 754 COLE (H. H.) Illustrations of Ancient Buildings in Kashmir, 4to, with 58 photo, and other plates, half morocco. 1869 3 10s Scarce. 755 COLE (H. H.) Illustrations of Buildings near Muttra and Agra, showing the mixed Hindu-Mahome- dan Style of Upper India, 4to, with 42 photographs and a plan, half mo- rocco. 1873 3 10s Scarce. 756 BURGESS (J.) Report on the Antiqui- ties of Kathiawai and Kachh, 4to, with 74 plates and photographs oj temples, caves, and inscriptions, half morocco. 1876 4 4s All the inscriptions are accompanied by English translations. Scarce. 757 Report on the Antiquities in the Bidar and Anrangabad Districts in Hyderabad, 4to, ivith 66 photo- graphic and lithographic plates oj caws and temples, inscriptions, &c., half morocco. 1878 2 10s Scarce. 753 Report on the Buddhist Cave Temples and their Inscriptions, 4to, with 60 lithographic plates, half mo- rocco. 1833 5 5s All inscriptions have been transliterated and trans- lated. Very rare. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Art and Archeology. 35 761 BURGESS (J.) Notes on the Bauddha Rock Temples of A janta, their Paint- ings and Sculptures, and on the Paintings of the Bagh Caves, Modern Bauddha Mythology, &c., 4 to, with 21 lithographic plates. Bombay, 1879 25s Scarce. 762 Report on the Elura Cave Temples and the Brahmanical and Jaina Caves in Western India, 4to, with 51 lithographical plates, half mo- loccp. 1883 5 5s All inscriptions are transliterated and translated. Very rare. 763 Notes on the Amaravati Stupa, 4to, with 17 lithographic plates. Madras, 1882 20s 764 On the Muhammadan Archi- tecture of Bharoch, Cambay, Dholka, Champanir and Mahmudabad in Gujarat, 4to, with 77 plates, cloth. 189tJ 18s Some pages are slightly stained. 765 The Muhammadan Architec- ture of Ahmadabad, Parb I., A.D. 1412 to 1520, 4to, with 112 photo- graphic and lithographic plates, cloth. 1900 30s 766 FUHRER (A.) The Monumental Anti- quities and Inscriptions in the N.W. Provinces and Oudh, described and arranged, 4to, pp. iv, 425, half morocco. Allahabad, 1891 14s 767 SEWELL (Rob.) Lists of the Anti- quarian Remains in the Madras Presidency, Vol. I., 4 to, pp. 325, 62, cloth. Madras, 1882 7s 6d 768 The same, 2 vole, 4to, cloth. Madras, 1882-84 15s 768* REA (Al.) Monumental Remains of the Dutch East India Company in Madras Presidency, 4to, with 63 plates. Madras, 1897 17s 769 HULTZSCH (E.) South Indian In- scriptions, III., 2 : Inscriptions of Virarajendra, and others, 4to, ivith plate, bds. Madras, 1903 2s 769* Archaeological Survey of India. Annual Report for 1901-05, 4 to, pp. v, 169, with 40 plates, cloth. Calcutta, 1908 30s 770 The same, Annual Report for 1906-07, 4to, pp. x, 267, with 74 plates, cloth. Calcutta, 1909 35s 770* Annual Report for 1907-08, 4bo, pp. x, 304, with 86 plates, cloth. Calcutta, 1911 35s 771 BeglaPOff (J.) Archaeological Survey of Bengal, Report, 1887, 8vo, pp. 85, 15, with plate. Calcutta, 1888 3s 772 Barnett (L. D.) Antiquities of India : an Account of the History and Culture of Ancient India, 8vo, illustrated with map, coloured front., and numerous plates, cloth. 1913 12s 6d 773 Baden- Powell (B. H.) Indian Arms and Armour, folio, with 21 plates. 1896 4s Jnl. of Indian Art, No. 53. 774 Beylie (le General de) Prome et Samara. Voyage arch6ologique en Birmanie et en M&opotamie, large 8vo, pp. 146, with many illustrations. Paris, 1907 10s Part I., Contains the Journal of the Voyage; II., Exploration in Burma; III., Architecture of the Abbassides. 775 Bidie (G.) The Art Industries of Madras (Fine Arts, Musical Instru- ments, Jewellery, Art Manufacture in Metal), folio, with 12 plates. 1890 7s 6d Jnl. of Indian Art, No. 29. There are 4 plates of Indian Musical Instruments. 776 BirdWQOd (G. C. M.) The Industrial Arts of India, New Edition, Part I., with maps and woodcuts, 12mo, cloth. 1884 10s The first part deals with the Hindu Pantheon. 777 BiPdWOOd (H. M.) Indian Timbers: the Hill Forests of Western India, folio, with 59 coloured plates, extracted from Journal of Indian Art, portfolio. 1910 18s 778 Burgess (J.) The Rock Temples of Elura or Verul, 8vo, pp. 77. Bombay, 1877 3s 779 The Ancient Monuments, Temples, and Sculptures of India, with Descriptive Notes and References : Vol. L, The Earliest Monuments, 4 to, pp. 20, with 170 plates. 1897 14 This volume is entirely out of print. 780 The same, Vol. II., with 170 fine plates of famous Hindu monuments. 1911 10 This work deals with the Earliest Indian Monu- ments, the second vol contains 170 high-class photo collotype plates of Famous Hindu Monuments, Temples and Sculptures, illustrating Indian Art, History and Mythology ; beginning with Bodh- Gaya and Amaravati, it completes the series of Cave Tempos at Bhaja, Udayagiti, Kanbari, Elura, Elephanta, Badami, Dharnnar, and Ajanta, Gupta and other Monolithic Pillars, the Kashmir Temples, the peculiar early Temples in Manbbum, Singhbum, &c. They form together a record of the development of the various styles of Indian Architecture, and are indispensable to Artists, Architects, Orientalists, Universities, Schools and Museums. 781 The Gandhara Sculptures, folio, with 25 plates and 38 illustrations. 1898-1900 7s 6d From the Journal of Indian Art. Probsthain & Co. t 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Art and Archceology. 782 Brown (P.) Picturesque Nepal, 8vo, pp. xvi, 205, illustrations, cloth. 1912 7s 6d The Author, who is the Principal of the Calcutta School of Art, is one of the best authorities on Indian Art. He deals in this book mostly with the Art and Architecture of Nepal, and gives a good selection of photographs taken on the spot. 783 Burrows (S. M.) The Buried Cities of Ceylon : a Guide Book to Anuradbapura and Polonaruwa, 8vo, pp. 115, illus- trated. Colombo, 1899 4s 784 Cole (H. H.) Catalogue of the Objects of Indian Arb exhibited in the South Kensington Museum, 8vo, pp. x, 352, with map and illustrations, cloth. 1874 21s 785 Coomaraswamy (A. K.) The Indian Craftsman, 8vo, pp. xv, 130, cloth. 1909 3s 6d CONTENTS : The Village Craftsman The Craft Guilds Feudal Craftsman, &c. 785 Coorg Inscriptions. The Canarese Text, in Canarese and Roman Cha- racters, with English Translation by L. Rice, 4 to, pp. 15, 28, v, and the plates, bds. Bangalore, 1888 5s 787 Corpus Inseriptionum Incliearum : Vol. I., Inscriptions of Asoka, prepared by A. Cunningham, 4to, with 31 plates, cloth. Calcutta, 1879 36s The letterpress contains an account of the inscrip- tions, the Romanized texts, and English trans- lations. 788 Vol. III., Fleet (J. F.) Inscrip- tions of the Early Gupta Kings and their Successors, 4to, pp. 194, cloth. Calcutta, 1888 18s Account of the inscriptions, texts, and translations. This is the edition without plates ; Vol. II. is not published. 789 Cunha ( J. G. da) Notes on the History and Antiquities of Chanl and Bassein, illustrated with 17 photographs, 9 litho- graphic plates and a map, 8vo, pp. xvi, 262, cloth. Bombay, 1876 2 10s 790 Cunningham (A.) Archaeological Survey of India: Vol. L, Four Reports made during the years 1862-63-64-65, roy. 8vo, pp. xliii, 359, xlix, with 23 maps and plates, cloth. Simla, 1871 20s 791 Dutt (G. C.) Monograph on Ivory- Carving in Bengal, folio, pp. 11, with 4 fine plates. Calcutta, 1901 3s 792 Egerton (W.) Illustrated Handbook of Indian Arms : being a Classified and Descriptive Catalogue of the Arms exhibiting at the India Museum, large 8vo, pp. vii, 162, with map, illustrations and plates, black and in colour, cloth. 1880 80s 793 Eleven Plates of Indian Sculpture, chiefly in English Collections, -repro- duced by collotype, 4 to, with descripcive letterpress, bds. 1912 5s India Society Publication. 794 Epigraphia Indiea, and Records of the Archaeological Survey of India, edited by Jas. Burgess : Vol. L, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 (Nos. 4 and 7 missing) ; Vol. II., Nos. 2 to 8 (No. 1 missing), folio, with many plates. Calcutta, 1888- 1894 2 2s FergUSSOn (Jas.) Tree and Serpent Worship see Section BUDDHISM, No. 655. 795 FergUSSOn (J.) Illustrations of the Rock-cut Temples of India, text to accompany the folio volume of plates, 8vo, pp. xv, 63, with 10 tdates, cloth. 1845 7s 6d 796 History of Indian and Eastern Architecture, revised and edited with additions, 2 vols, 8vo, pp. 474 and 540, illustrated, cloth. 1910 42s 797 Foueher (A.) L'ArtGr^co-Bouddhique du Gandhara. Etude sur les Origines de I'lnfluence classique dans 1'Art Bouddhique, Vol. I., roy. 8vo, pp. 638, illustrated. Paris, 1905 15s Vol. II. is expected shortly ; orders for this new volume are requested. 798 The Beginnings of Buddhist Art, and other Essays on Indian and Central Asian Archaeology, translated by F. W. Thomas, imp. 8vo, with 50 plates and coloured front, representing the Buddhist Madonna from Chinese Turkestan, nmu in the Museum of Volkerkunde, Berlin, cloth. 1913 21s This important volume is to be issued shortly. Any orders which will be forwarded to us, will receive attention the day of publication. 799 Les Bas-Reliefs du Stupa de Sikri (Gandhara), 8vo, pp. 146, with plates. Paris, 1903 (Reprint) 5s 800 Gill (Major) and FergUSSOn (J.) One Hundred Illustrations of Architecture and Natural History in Western India, photographed and described, 8vo, pp. xii, 100, photographic repro- ductions with letterpress, cloth. 1864 30s 801 Growse (F. S.) Mathura, a District Memoir, Second Edition, revised and enlarged, 4to, pp. v, 520, iv, with numerous plates and maps, bds. Mathura, 1880 2 2s A most valuable work, containing an Account of the Jains and their Temples, other Sects and their Temples, Inscriptions, &c. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Art and Archeology. 37 &02 G run wed el (A . ) B udd hi stische Stadien, folio, pp. 136, illustrated. Berlin, 1897 25s CONTENTS : Glasuren von Pagan Das Supparad- scbataka in Padmasaum-Chava's Legendenbuch Fasten and Skulpturen aus Pagan. 803 Hamilton (F. B.) Description of the Ruins of Buddha Gaya, 4to, pp. 13. Reprint, 1823 Is 6d 8C4 Havell (E. B.) Indian Sculpture and Painting, illustrated by Typical Masterpieces, with an explanation of their Motives and Ideas, large 8vo, pp. xx, 278, with numerous fine coloured and other plates. London, 1908 3 3s CONTAINS : Divine Ideal in Indian Art (mostly Buddhist) The Sculptures of Bharhut, Sancbi and Amaravati Borobudur Part II., Painting, Religious Schools Mogul Secular Art Indian Miniature Painting, Sc. 805 The Ideals of Indian Art, roy. 8 vo, pp. 208, with 33 illustrations, cloth. 1911 15s 806 Indian Architecture : its Psy- chology, Structure and History, from the First Mnhammadan Invasion to the Present Day, 4to, pp. xx, 260, with 129 plates and 49 text- illustrations, cloth. 1913 30s 807 Essays on Indian Art, Industry and Education, 8vo, pp. 196. Madras feed 803 Hendley (T. H.) Indian Jewellery, folio, pp. 189, 167 plates (many coloured), extracted from Journal of Indian Art, in portfolio. 1909 2 5s 809 Indraji (Pandit Bh.) Antiquarian Remains at Sopara and Padana : being an Account of the Buddhist Stupa and Asoka Edict, and of other Antiquities in the Neighbourhood, 8vo, pp. 56, with front, and 21 plates. Bombay, 1882 5s 810 Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details, prepared by Col. Sir S. Jacob : Part VII., String and Band Patterns, folio, 64 plates, with Descriptive Notes, in portfolio. 1894 3 810* The same, Part VIII., Wall and Surface Decoration, folio, 61 plates, with Descriptive Notes, in portfolio. 1896 3 811 The same, Part XL, Chatris and Domed Roofs, folio, 56 plates, with Descriptive Notes, in portfolio. 1912 3 All the above volumes are out of print and difficult to obtain. They should be of great value to the Architects of the New Imperial City of Delhi. 811* Journal of Indian Art. Nos. 25, 27, 28, 30 and 34, folio, with plates each No. 2s 6d No. 27 contains an article on the Industries of Madras by E. B. Havell, with 14 plates. 812 Journal of Indian Art, No. in, Progress in Architecture, by T. H. Hendley, &c., folio, with 16 plates. 1912 2s 813 No. 119, Industrial Art in the Punjab and Art Industries in Burma, &c., folio, with 14 plates. 1912 2s 814 Kiash (K. D.) Ancient Persian Sculp- tures, or the Monuments, Buildings, Bas-Reliefs, Rock Inscriptions, &c., belonging to the Kings of the Achse- menian and Sassanian Dynasties of Persia, with Descriptive and Historical Matter, and Notes, Texb in English, Gujerati and Persian, large 8vo, pp. 23 1, with IQOplates, cloth. Bombay, 1889 2 2s 815 Lev! (S.) Anciennes Inscriptions du N'-pal, Second Series, 8vo, pp. 70, with 6 plates. Paris, 1907 3s The inscriptions are also rornani/ed and translated. 816 LudOVici (L.) Lapidarium Zeylani- cnm : being a Collection of Monu- mental Inscriptions of the Dutch Churches and Churchyards of Ceylon, 4to, pp. 19, with 97 plates. Colombo, 1877 3 3s 817 Maindron (M.) L'Artlndien, 8vo, pp. ix, 311, with illustrations in the text, cloth. Paris, 1898 5s 818 Mukharji (T. N., oj the Indian Museum) Art Manufactures of India, 8vo, pp. 451, with map, one fine plate, and a large Index of 50 pp., cloth. Calcutta, 1888 8s Fine Arts Decorative Art Jewellery Metal, &c. 819 Miiller (Ed.) Ancient Inscriptions in Ceylon, collected and published, 2 vols, cloth. 1883 2 2s Vol. I., Description of the Inscriptions Romanized Texts and English Translations Alphabetical List of Words, 8vo, pp. 219. Vol. II., The Plates, oblong 410. 820 Preservation of National Monu- ments. First Report of the Curator of Ancient Monuments in India, roy. 8vo. Simla, 1882 4s 820* The same, First and Second Reports, with vlttes. Simla, 1882/83 7s 6d 821 Rice (Lewis) Mysore Inscriptions, translated, with one plate and a map, large 8vo, pp. vii, 91, 336, xxx, bds. Bangalore, 1879 25s I., Sila Sasanas, or Inscriptions on Stone Slabs. II., Tamra Sasanas, or Inscriptions on Copper- ?lates. ., Various Inscriptions from Original Sources. 822 Mysore and Coorg from the Inscriptions, large 8vo, pp. xx, 238, with map and 15 plates, cloth. 1909 10s 6d A record of the past annals of these countries. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Art and Archeology. 823 Ram Raz. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, 4to, pp. 61, with 48 plates, cloth. 1834 24s 824 Roberts (Emma) Hindostan : its Land- scapes, Palaces, Temples, Tombs ; the Shores of the Red Sea, and the Sublime and Romantic Scenery of the Himalaya Mountains, illustrated in a series of engravings by Turner, Stanfield, Prout, Gattermole, dsc., 4to, 2 vols, half calf, gilt edges. [1838] 15s 825 Sastri (S. M. N.) Topographical and Archaeological Notes on Kanchi, 8vo, pp. 22. Madras, 1886 2s 826 Sewell (R ) Some Points in the Archaeology of Southern India, 8vo, pp. 18. 1897 Is 6d 827 Simpson (W.) Oriental Art and Archaeology, Svo, pp. 22. Woking, 1894 2s 6d 828 Smith (Vincent A.) A History of Fine Art in India and Ceylon, from Earliest Times to the Present Day, illustrations, 4to, pp. 336, cloth. 1911 3 3s 829 Spiegel (F.) Iranian Art, Svo, pp. 59. 1886 2s 6d 830 Thomas (E.) The Chronicles of the Pathdn Kings of Delhi, illustrated by Coins, Inscription-i, and other Anti- quarian Remains, roy. Svo, pp. xxiv, 467, with map, illustrations and 6 plates, cloth. 1871 32s 831 Records of the Gupta Dynasty, illustrated by Inscriptions, Written History, Local Tradition and Coins, with a Chapter on the Arabs in Sind, 4to, pp. 64, ivilk a plate, cloth. 1879 15s 832 Vogel (J. P.) Tile Mosaics of the Lahore Fort, with 76 plates, plain and coloured, extracted from Journal oj Indian Art, in portfolio. 1911 2ls 833 Watt (Sir George) Indian Art at Delhi, 1903, large Svo, pp. xi, 546, with 111 plates, cloth. 1903 10s 6d The illustrative part is by P. Brown. The work gives a full account of the art industries of India : Metal Work Woodwork Ivory Lacquer Embroidery Carpets Fine Arts. 834 Wilson (J.) Lecture on the Religious Excavations of Western India : Budd- hist, Brahmanical, and Jaina, with Descriptive and Historical Remarks, Svo, pp. v, 74. Bombay, 1875 5s XYII. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES. (a) COMPARATIVE WORKS. 835 Beames (John) A Comparative Gram- mar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India, 3 vols, roy. Svo, clobh. 1872-79 2 8s Vol. I., On Sounds. Vol. II., Noun and Pronoun (The) Vol. III., The Verb. A most useful book, includes the Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Gujarat!, Marathi, Oriya, and Bengali Languages. 836 Caldweil (R.) Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian, or South Indian Family of Languages, Second Edition, revised and enlarged, Svo, pp. 42, 154, 608, half calf. 1875 24s 837 Campbell (G.) Specimens of Languages of India, including those of the Abori- ginal Tribes of Bengal, the Central Provinces and the Eastern Frontier, folio, pp. 303, bds. Calcutta, 1874 (pub. 36s) 14s 838 Clark (Th.) Students' Handbook of Comparative Grammar, applied to Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin and English Languages, 12mo, pp. 335, cloth. 1862 4s 839 Cast (R. N.) Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies, Svo, pp. xii, 192, cloth. 1878 ( Triibner's Oriental Series) 12s 6d 840 Faulkner (A.) The Orientalist's Gram- matical Vade-mecum (Grammar, Hindu- stani, Persia, and Gujarati), Svo, cloth. 1853 3s 6d 841 Hunter (W. W.) A Comparative Dictionary of the Languages of India and High Asia, with a Dissertation, based on Hodgson's Lists, Official Re- cords, and MSS., folio, pp. vi, 218, and Appendix, cloth. 1868 (pub. 2 2s) 25s 842 Sehleieher (A.) Compendium der vergleich. Grammatik der indpgerman. Sprachen, Second Edition, revised, roy. Svo, pp. 46, 856, half calf. 1866 5s (b) SANSKRIT GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES. 843 Apte (V. S.) Practical Sanskrit- English Dictionary, 4to, pp. viii, 1196, cloth. 1890 30s 844 Students' English-Sanskrit Dic- tionary, roy. .Svo, cloth. 1893 12s 845 The Crown Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Svo, cloth. 1912 3s Gd Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Grammars and Dictionaries. 39 846 Ben fey (Th.) Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language, 8vo, pp. 17, 223, cloth. Berlin, 1883 3s 6d 847 The same, Second Edition, carefully revised, 8vo, pp. 295, cloth. 1868 5s 843 Bohtlingk (0.) Sanskrit Chre,to- mathie (Readings in Sanskrit, with Notes in German), 8vo, pp. 451. St. P., 1845 6s 849 Bohtlingk (Otto) and Roth (R.) Sanskrit Worterbuch, hrsg. von der Kais. Akademie der Wiasenschaften, Large Edition, 7 vols, roy. 4bo, cloth. St. Petersburg, 1855-75 10 10s This Dictionary, now out of print and scarce, will never be replaced. It is the most complete Dictionary on which all others are based. 850 Burritt (E.) Sanskrit Handbook for the Fireside, Grammar, Reading, Exer- cises, Vocabulary, roy. 8vo, pp. 96, cloth. 1875 5a The Sanskrit in Devanagari and Roman characters. 851 Cappeller (C.) Sanskrit-English Dic- tionary, rjy. 8vo, pp. viii, 672, cloth. 1891 (pub. 21s) 15s As new. 852 Hall's Compendious Vocabulary of Sanskrit, in Divanagari and Roman characters, compiled from the best Au- thorities, preceded by a full translitera- tion of the entire Alphabet, 4to, pp. 407, cloth. London, 1885 10s 6d Bishop Caldwell wrote, " This very valuable Vo- cabulary." 853 Haughton (G. C.) Dictionary, Bengali and Sanskrit, explained in English, for Students of either Language, with an Index serving as a reversed Dictionary, 4to, pp. 2851, cloth. 1833 18s 854 Henry (V.) Elements de Sanskrit Classiqae, roy. 8vo, pp. xv, 234. Paris, 1902 83 855 Lanman (Ch.) Sinskrit Reader, with Vocabulary and Notes, large 8vo, pp. xr, 405, cloth. Boston, 190(5 10s 856 Leupol (L.) Mebhode pour etudier la langue Sanskrite, 8vo, pp. 233. Paris, 1859 3s 6d 857 Maedonell (A. A.) Vedic Grammar, large 8vo, pp. iv, 458, cloth. 1910 303 858 Monier Williams. Sanskrit Manual (Grammar, Exercises, Vocabulary), 12mo, pp. 297, calf. 1868 5s 859 MtilleP (Max) Sanskrit Grammar for Beginner?, in Devanagari and Roman characters throughout, roy. 8vo, pp. 24, 307, cloth. 1866 6s 860 Handbook for the Study of San- skrit : First Book of the Hitopadesa, containing Sanskrit Text, with Trans- literation, Analysis, and English Trans- lation, roy. 8vo, pp. xi, 95, cloth. 1864 6s 860* The same, Books I. to IV., Text only. 1865-68 5s 861 Nyayalankara. Laghumanj tri, or Elements of Sanskrit Grammar, in English, 8vo, pp. 200. Calcutta, 1887 2n 862 Ppinsep (E. A.) Vocabulary, English- Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. 104, interleaved, half calf. 1847 4s 863 Pulle (F. L.) Crestomazia sanscrita e vedica, 8vo, pp. 160. Padua, 1878 3s 6d 864 Stenzler (A. F.) Elementarbuch der Sanskrit Sprache Grammatik, Text, Worterbuch, 8vo, bds. 1875 4s 865 Uhlenbeek (C.) Manual of Sanskrit Phonetics, 8vo, pp. xii, 115, cloth. 1898 6s 866 Whitney (W. D.) A Sanskrit Gram- mar, including both the Classic il Language and the other Dialects of Veda and Brahmana, 8vo. Reprint, 1913 12s 867 The Roots, Verb Forms, and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language, 8vo, pp. viii, 250. 1885 7s 863 Yates (Wm.) A Grammar of the Sans- crit Language on a new plan, large 8vo, pp. 427, bds. Calcutta, 1820 3s 869 Dictionary Sanskrit-English, 8vo, pp. 928, calf. Calcutta, 1846 10s XVIIX. SANSKRIT TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS. 870 Aehyutarabhyudayam of Sri Ra- janatha, Sanskrit Text, with Commen- tary by Krishnamachariar, Part I. (all issued), 12mo, pp. iv, 157. Srirangam, 1907 2s 871 Adyaitadipika, by K. Amma, San- skrit Text, with English Translation, 8vo. Kumbakonam, 1910 Is 6d 872 Adhvara Mimamsa. Kubuhala Vritti of Vasudeva Dikshita, edited by Sastrigal, in 3 parts, Sanskrit Text, 4to, pp. 146, iv. Srirangam, 1907 7s 6d 873 Adhyatma Ramayana, or Portion of the Bhagavat Purana, in 7 Kandas, with Ramavarman's Commentary, in Sanskrit, oblong 4to. Bombay 10s Prcbsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 874 Advaita Siddhi Siddhanta Sara : an Abstract of Advaita Sid hi, by Pandit 8. Vyasa, in Sanskrit, 3 parts. Benares, 1903 7s 6d Chowkhamba S.S. 875 Aitariya Aranyaka of the Rig Veda, with the Commentary of Sayana Acharya, Sanskrit Text, roy. 8vo, pp. 296, bds. Poona, 1898 6s AnandasaramaS.S., No. 38. 876 Aitareya-BrahmansB Specimen, Sanskrit Text), in Roman characters, with Latin Translation, and Latin In- troduction, by E. Schoenborn, 8vo, pp. 47. Berlin 2s 877 Aitareya Brahmanam (The), con- taining the Earliest Speculations of the Brahmans on Sacrificial Prayers, and on the Origin, Performance and Sense of the Rites of the Vodic Religion, Sanskrit Text, with English Translation and Notes by M. Hang, 2 vols, 12 mo, with a map of the Sacrificial Compound at the Soma Sacrifice, cloth. Bombay, 1863 21s 878 Aitareya (The) and Taittiriya BLE>. Upanishads and Sakara's Commentary, translated by S. Sastri, 12mo, pp. 229. Madras 2s 6d 879 AmarakOSha, or Dictionary of the Sanskrit Language, in Sanskrit, oblong folio. Lucknow, 1863 3s 6d 880 Amritabindu and Kaivalya Upani- shads, translated into English by A. M. Sastri, 12mo, pp. xxiv, 94, bds. Madras, 1898 2s 6d 881 Annambhatta. The Tarka-San- graha, with the Dipika, Sanskrit Text, with a Critical Introduction, copious Explanatory Notes in English, by Mehendale, 8vo. Bombay, 1893 3s 882 Arnold (E.) Indian Poetry, containing a New Edition of the Indian Song of Songs (Gita Govinda), Two Books from the Mahabharata, and other Oriental Poems (Translations from Sanskrit), 8vo, pp. 270, cloth. 1881 6s 883 Ashtavakra Gita : being a Dialogue between King Janaka and Risha Ashtavakra on Vedanta, Sanskrit Text, with English Translation, by L. B. Nath, 8vo, pp. xvi, 76. Allahabad, 1907 2s 6d 884 Astangahridayam, a Compendium of Hindu System of Medicine, by Vagbhata, with the Commentary of Arunadatta, revised by A. M. Kunto, Sanskrit Text, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1880 2 2s 885 Atha Shrimad Brahma Sutra (Vedanta Philosophy), with a Large Commentary in Sanskrit, oblong 4bo. Bombay 12s 6d 836 Banabhatta. Kadambari Sangraha, Sanskrit Text, edited by Krishna- machariar, 8vo, pp. iv, 203, bds. Srirangam, 1907 3s 6d 886* The same, translated by C. M. Ridding, 8vo, cloth. 1896 (O. T. F.) 10s 887 Bhagavata Churnika. An Abstract of the Bhagavata Purana, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio. Bombay, 1861 10s 888 Bhagavat-Gita, or the Sacred Lay a Colloquy between Krishna and Arjnna on Divine Matters, Sanskrit Text, edited by J. C. Thomson, 8vo, pp. xii, 92, cloth. Hertford, 1855 4s 889 The Sacred Lay, in Sanskrit, with a Commentary in Marathi, oblong folio. Bombay, 1860 12s 890 Translated into English blank verse, with Notes and an Introductory Essay by K. T. Tclang, 8vo, pp. 12, 119, 143, cloth. Bombay, 1875 5s 891 Or a Discourse between Krishna and Arjuna on Divine Matters, a Sans- krit Philosophical Poem, translated with copious Notes and an Introduction on Sanskrit Philosophy, 8vo, pp. 138, 158, cloth. Hertford, 1855 12s 6d 892 The Song Celestial, translated from the Sanskrit by Edw. Arnold, 8vo, pp. xiv, 173, cloth. 1885 4s With the Author's autograph. 893 An Episode of the Mahabharat, a new Translation by W. Osley, with Comments, 8vo, pp. vi, 289, cloth. 1903 5s 894 The Song Divine, a Metrical English Rendering, with Annotations by C. C. Caleb, 12mo, pp. xi, 168, cloth. 1911 2s 6d 895 CHINTAMON (H.) A Commentary on the Texts of the Bhagavad-Gita, 8vo, pp. xxxiv, 83, cloth. 1874 4s 898 Thoughts on Bagavad Gita, a Series of Twelve Lectures, 8vo, pp. 162. Kumbhahonam, 1893 3s 897 Bhagavat Puranam, with Com- mentary, in Thirteen Skandas, Sanskrit Text, with Index, oblong folio, 766 leaves, with front, to each Skanda. Bombay, 1881 36s Nirnaya Sagara Press. 898 Bhagavata Purana. Twelth Skanda, entitled Sukar Sagar, in Hindi, 4to, pp. 909, half calf. Calcutta, 1823 15s Probsthain & Co. t 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 899 Bhamati. A Gloss on Sankara Acharya's Commentary on the Brahma Sutras, by Vachaspati Misra, edited by Pandit Bala Sastri, Sanskrit Text, 8 parts complete, 8vo. Benares, 1876- 80 25s Bibliotheca Indica. Out of print. 900 Bhartrihari. Sententiae, Sanskrit Text, with Latin Translation and Notes, by P. Bohlen, 4to, pp. 29, 250, cloth. 1833 5s 901 The Satakas, or Wise Sayings, translated from the Sanskrit, with Notes, by J. M. Kennedy, 8vo, pp. 166, cloth. 1913 3s 6d 902 Nitisataka and Vaitragyasatakai with Extracts from Two Sanskrit Com- mentaries, edited in Sanskrit, with Notes by Telang, 8vo, pp. 131. Bombay, 1885 6s Bombay Sanskrit S., No. n, out of print. 903 Bhaskararaya's Sivanamakal- palatalavala, Part I. (all), Sanskrit Text, with German Translation and Notes by E. Strohal, 8vo, pp. 32. 1900 2a6d 904 Bbatti Kavya. A Poem on the Actions of Rama, 2 vols in one, with the Commentaries of Yayamangala and Bharatamallika, edited in Sanskrit by Y. N. Tarkratna, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1871-73 8s 905 Bhatti Kavyam. Cantos 1 to 5, literally translated into English, with Critical Notes by Kunja Lai Nag, roy. 8vo, pp. 96. Calcutta, 1893 2s 906 BhavabhutL Malat and Madhava : a Sanskrit Drama, edited with a Com- mentary by Vidyaeagara, 8vo, pp. 185. Calcutta, 1876 ' 3s 907 Uttara Rama Charita : a Sanskrit Drama, translated into Eng- lish Prose by C. H. Tawney, roy. 8vo, pp. 98, bds. Calcutta, 1874 5s 903 Bhavatachampu, or Champnbharata, a Poem in 12 Cantos, in Verse and Prose, by Ananda Bhatta, the Poet, with Commentary, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 255 leaves. Bombay, 1864 10s 6d 908* Another edition. Bombay, 1880 12s 909 Bibekaehuramani, by Sankara Acharya, edited by Gopala Pandit, Sanskrit Text, folio oblong. Calcutta, 1870 3s 910 Brahma Purana, by Srimat Vyasa, edited by the Pandits of the Anandas- rama, in Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. xvii, 595, bds. Foona, 1895 15s Anandasrama S.S., No. 28. 911 Brahma Sutras (The), construed literally according to the Commentary of Madhvacharya, by R. Row, Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 104. Kumbakonam, 1902 3s 912 Brahma Sutra, with its Commentary, Viggyanamitra, edited by Pandit M. Shastri, Sanskrit Text, 6 parts. Benares, 1900-01 15s Chowkhamba S.S. 913 Brahmasutra vritti, by Krishna- chandra, in Sanskrit, Part I., 8vo, pp. 160. Benares, 1907 3a 914 Braja Mohan Deb On the Supreme God, or Inquiry into Spiritual and Idol Worship ; also Vagra Suchi, or Divine Institution of Cas-ta by ASVAGOSA, translated from Bengali and Sanskrit by W. Morton, 12mo, pp. 176, and Bengali Text. Calcutta, 1843 4s 915 Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad, with the Bhashya of Sankaracharya and its Commentary by Anandajnana, edited by Agase, in Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. 822, xi, bds. Poona, 1891 20s Anandasrama S.S., No. 15. 916 Bhashyavarlika, by Sures- waracharya, with its Commentary by Anandajoana, edited by Agase, in Sanskrit, 3 vols, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1892-94 2 3s Anandasrama S.S,, No. 16. 917 And the Commentary of S'ankara Acharya on its First Chapter, translated from the Sanskrit by E. Roer, 8vo, pp. vii, 279. Calcutta, 1856 18s Bibliotheca Indica. Scarce. 918 Brhat Katha Clokasamgraha. Sargas I. a IX., Sanscrit Text, with Notes in French by F. Lacote, roy. 8vo, pp. xiii, 109. Paris, 1908 8s 919 The same, Essai sur Gunadhya et la Brhatkatha, suivi du texte des Chapitres 27 a 30 du Nepala Mahatmya, 8vo, pp. xv, 336. Paris, 1908 8s Contribution a 1'Histoire des Contes Indiens. 920 The same, Une version nouvello de la Brhatkatha, with plates, 8 vo, pp. 40. Pans, 1906 2s 6d 921 Brihat Samhita, of Varaha Mihira, translated into English by N. C. Iyer, 2 vols, 8vo. Madura, 1884-85 20s 922 Bruee (C.) The Story of Nala and Damayanti, translated from the Sanscrit, 8vo, pp. 28. N.D. 2s 6d 923 JGeschichte von Nala, Versuch e. Herstellung des Textes, 8vo, pp. 47. St. P., 1862 2s 6d Sanskrit text of the story of Nala, with German introduction. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 924 Broughton (T. D.) Selections from the Popular Poetry of the Hindoos, translated from the Sanskrit, 8vo, pp. 156, bds. 1814 3s 925 Chhandogyopanishad, with the Bhashya of Saokacharya and its Com- mentary by Anandajnana, in Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. 482, xii, bds. Poona, 1890 12s Anandasrama S.S. , No. 14, Part I. 926 Cikshasamueeaya. A Compendium of Buddhistic Teaching, by Cantideva, chiefly from Earlier Mahayana Sutras, in San krit by C. Bendall, 4 partF, 8vo. S\ Petersburg, 1897-1902 10s 927 Danaehandrika. Rules on Expia- tory Donations, extracted from the Sastras, oblong folio. Benares, 1860 4s 928 Dasa Kumara Charita, or Adven- tures of Ten Princes : a Series of Tales in the original Sanskrit, by Dandin, edited by H. H. Wilson, 8vo, pp. 31, 202. 1846 7s 6d 929 Dasakumaraeharita, with Com- mentaries by Dandin, edited in Sanskrit, with various Readings, by Godapole and Paraba, large 8vo, pp. 245, cloth. Bombay, 1883 (Nirnaya Sagara 5s 930 Dasakumaracharitam. Hindoo Tales, or the Adventures of Ten Princes, freely translated from the Sanskrit by P. W. Jacob, 8vo, pp. z, 376, cloth. 1873 7s 6d 931 Devimahatmyam, with Nagoji- bhatti's Commentary, oblong folio, pp. 81. Benares, 1861 2s 6d Part of Markandeya Purana. 932 with Nagojibhatti's Commen- tary, or Saptasati, 12mo, 144 leaves. Bombay, 1864 3s 933 Devimahatmya : a Section of the Markandeya Purana, with Nagoji- bhatti's Commentary, in Sanskrit, 12mo, 110 leaves. Benares 3s 6d 934 Dhanapata Sutra, Sanskrit Text, with exhaustive Commentary, oblong folio, pp. 1109, cloth. Calcutta, Samb, 1936 2 10s 935 Divy ay adana. A Collection of Early Buddhist Legends, now first edited from the Nepalese Sanskrit, with Notes by E. B. Cowell and R. A. Neil, roy. 8vo, pp. xii, 712, clotb. 1886 (pub. 18s) 10s 936 Ekadasi Mahatmya (Selections from different Pnranas),SanskritText, oblong 4 to, 38 leaves. Bombay, 1858 2s 6d 937 Fleurs de 1 Inde, comprenant la Morb de Yaznadate, episode tire, du Rama- yana. Traduit en vers latins et f ranais, avec texto Sanskrit, et autres poesies hindones, par Guerrier et Dumast, roy. 8vo, pp. xii, 268. Nancy, 1857 12s 6d A few pages are slightly water-stained. 938 Ganadarpana, Sanskrit Text, edited by R. Shiromony, 8vo, pp. 237. Cal- cutta 4s 939 Ganapati. Atharvasirsam, with a Bhasya, edited in Sanskrit by Islam - purkar, Second Edition, roy. 8vo, pp. 22, ii, bde. Poona, 1890 Is 6d 940 Ganaratnavali. A Collection of Gana's Panini's Grammar, with Com- mentary, edited by Yejnesvara Bhatta, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, pp. 134. Baroda, 1874 6s 941 Gangalahari. A Hymn in Praise o the Goddess Ganga, by Jagannatba, with Commentary in Sanskrit, oblong folio, 32 leaves. Bombay, 1865 2s 6d 942 Ganitadhyaya : a Treatise on Astro- nomy, by Bhaskaracharya, Sanskrit Text, edited by J. Vidyasagara, 8vo, pp. 200. Calcutta, 1881 4s 6d 943 Garga Samhita, or Stories about Krishna, his Frolics and his Adventures, Sanskrit Text, lithographed, folio, oblong. Lahore, 1877 7s 6d 943* The same, in Sanskrit, folio, oblong, 230 leaves. Bombay, 1881 10s 6d 944 Gheranda Sanhita : a Treatise on Batha Yoga, Sanskrit Text, with English Translation by S. C. Vasu, 12mo, pp. xxix, 53, 47, bds. Bombay, 1895 2s 6d 945 GitagOVinda, a Lyric Drama, by Jayadeva, in Sanskrit, with Marathi Commentary, roy. 8vo, pp. 77, with 24 illustrations. Bombay, 18CO 3s 6d 946 Sanskrit Text, with Latin Notes and Translation by C. Lassen, 4to, pp. xxxviii, 142, bds. Bonn, 1836 7s 6d 947 Gobhilagrhyasutra, Sanskrit Text, in Roman characters, edited by Fr. Knauer, 8vo, pp. 32. 1885 2s 6d 948 Godavari Mahatmya. Simbasta- mahatmya, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 104 leaves. Bombay 10s 6d 949 Goladhyaga: aTreatise on Astronomy, by Bhaskara Acharya, 8vo, pp. xii, 169, clotb. Calcutta, 1856 3s 950 Grahalaghava, a Treatise on Astro- nomy, with Commentary, by Ganesa, in Sanskrit, oblong folio. Bombay, 1882 5s Probst 'hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 43 951 Grhyasamgraha parieishta, von Gobhilaputra, Sanskrit Romanized Text, with German Translation, Notes and Introduction by M. Bloomfield, 8vo, pp. 55. Leipzig ' 2s 6d 952 Griffith (R. T. H.) Scenes from the Ramayan, 8vo, pp. xv, 186, cloth. 1868 4s Poetical translations from the Sanskrit. 953 Gudharthadipika, a Commentary on Bhramaragita of the Tenth Chapter of Srimad Bhagavata, by Dh. Suri, Sans- krit Text, 8vo. Benares, 1908 2s 6d 954 Halayudha'S Abhidhanaratnamala, a Sanskrit Vocabulary, Sanskrit Text, edited with a Sanskrit-English Glossary, by Th. Aufrecht, 8vo, pp. viii, 398, cloth. 1861 (pub. 18s) 10s 6d 955 Harshadeva. Priyadarsika, with Commentary, by Krishnamachariar, and an English Introduction, 8vo, pp. 48, 97. Srirangam, 1S06 2s 958 Hatha Yoga Pradipika of Swat- maram Swami, Sanskrit Text, with Commentary by T. Tatya, and English Translation by .S. lyangar, 12mo, pp. 204, 106, bds. Bombay, 1893 5s 957 Hitopadesa. by Narayana, Sanskrit Text, with English Introduction and Notes by P. Peterson, 8vo, pp. x, 63, 161, 96. Bombay, 1887 4s 958 The Sanskrit Text, with a Grammatical Analysis, a large Voca- bulary of 212 pages, and a complete Translation by F. Johnson, 4to, half calf. 1847-48 15s A Series of Fables, translated from the Sanskrit by C. Wilkins, 8vo, pp. xx, 334, bds. Bath, 1787 6s 959 960 Indian Fables, translated from the Sanskrit, illustrated in colours from original designs by F. Lacombe, 4to, pp. 30, cloth. (Day & Sons) 10s 6d 961 Indian Historical Series. Vol. L, Early History of the Solankis, edited by G. Hirachand Ojha, in Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. vii, 209. Calcutta, 1908 5s 962 Isavasyopanishad, with the Bhashya of Sankaracharya, and other Sanskrit Texts, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1888 2s 6d Anandasrama S.S., No. 5. 963 Translated into English, with Commentaries and Notes, by S. Chandra Vasu, 8vo, pp. vi, 68, bde. Bombay, 1896 2s 6d 964 With Commentary of Sankara- charya, translated into English by Hiriyanna, 12mo, pp. v, 33. Srirangam, 1911 23 965 Jagadisi (The), a Commentary on Anumana Chintamani Didhiti, by Siromani, 8 Parts, in Sanskrit, 8vo. Benares, 1908-07 20s Cbccokbamba S.S. 966 Jaimini. Aphorisms of the Mirjodng Philosophy, in Sanskrit and English, 8vo, pp. 36. Allahabad, 1851 2s 6d 967 Jainastotra-sangraha. A Collec- tion of Jain Hymns in Sanskrit, 12mo, pp. 118. Binares, 1904 2s 6d 968 Jayanagarapanea rangam, Poem, with Gauryalankarab, &c., Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 114. Bombay, 1894 4s 969 Jivanmukti Viveka, by Vidyaranya Swami, edited by Pana&ikara, roy. 8vo, pp. iii, 112, bds. Poona, 1890 3s 970 Jnata dharma Kathangasutra, with a large Commentary, in Sanskrit, oblong 4to, pp. 1531, cloth. Calcutta, 1933 2 18s 971 Kalidasa. Jyotirvidabharana, an Astrological Work ascribed to K., with Commentary by Bhavaratna, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 250 leavee. Benares, 1869 15s Scarce ; there is no recent edition. Kumara Sambhava, the Birth 972 of the War God, translated from the Sanskrit into English verse by R. T. H. Griffith, 8vo, pp. x, 89, cloth. 1853 (O.T.F.) 7s 6d 973 Meghaduta, with Commentary of Mallinatha, edited by Prana Natha, Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 125. Calcutta, 1871 4s 974 Meghaduta, or Cloud Messenger, translated into English Verse by H. H. Wilson, 8vo, pp. 70. Calcutta, 1872 2s 6d 975 Megha Duta, or Cloud Messen- ger, translated into English Prose by Col. H. A. Ouvry, 12mo, pp. viii, 67, cloth. 1868 5s 976 f?era, Meghaduta o la Nube Messag- translated from Sanskrit into Italian by G. Flechia, 8vo, pp. 152, with portrait and illustrations. Florence, 1897 7s 6d 977 Mrichchhakati, i.e., Curriculum figlinum, Sudrakae fabula, Sanskrit Text, edited by A. F. Stenzler, 4to, pp. viii, 332. Bonn, 1847 (pub. 24s) 15s Scarce. 978 Mrcchakatika, the Little Clay Cart, a Hindu Drama, translated from the Original Sanskrit and Prakrits into English Prose and Verse by A. W. Ryder, large 8vo, pp. xxix, 176, cloth. 1905 6s 6d Probst hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum, 44 Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 979 Kalidasa. Nalodaya, a Sanskrit His- torical Poem, edited in Sanskrit by Jaganatha Sukla, 870, pp. 166. Cal- cutta, 1870 4s 6d 980 Nalodaya, Sanskrit Text, with Commentary and Latin Translation and Notes by F. Be nary, 4bo, pp. 131 ; together with Kalidasa? s Urvasia, Sanskrit Text, with Latin Notes and Translation by R. Lenz, 4 to, pp. 240, half calf. Berlin, 1830/33 9s 980* The same, without Urvasi. 1830 4s 981 Pushpabana Bilashakavyam, a Poem, with an old Commentary by Vidyasagara, Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 58. Calcutta, 1874 2s 982 Raghuvansa, Sanskrit Text, with Latin Translation by A. F. Stenzler. 4to, pp. x, 179, 173. 1832 (O.T.F.) 14s Scarce. 983 Raghuvansa, with Mallinal ha's Commentary, called Samjivani, Sans- krit Texb, oblong folio, 192 leaves. Benares, 1862 9s 984 Raghuvamsa, with Mallinatha's Commentary, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio. Bombay, 1876 9s 985 Raghuvamsa, with Mallinatha's Commentary, Sanskrit Text, edited, with Notes, by Shankar P. Pandit, 3vols. Bombay, 1872-97 9s Bombay S.S., Nos. 5, 13, 18. 986 ^ Raghuvamsa, with Mallinatha's Commentary, Sargas 2 to 6, 9, 11, oblong folio. Poona, 1845-49 5s All the Sargas were published separately. 987 Ritu Sanhara, or Assemblage of Seasons, translated into English by S. Jayati, 8vo, pp. vii, 56, cloth. 1867 3s 6d 988 Ritusanhara, with Commentary, by Vidyasagara, Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 80. Calcutta, 1872 2s 6d 9S9 Sakuntala, Sanskrit Text, with German Notes and Translation by O. Boehtlingk, large Svo, pp. xiv, 292, 117. Bonn, 1842 (pub. 24s) 10s 990 Sacconbala, or the Fatal Ring, an Indian Drama, translated by W. Jones, Svo, pp. 156, cloth. 1870 4s 991 La Reconnaissance de Sakoun- tala, Traduit du Sanskrit, Svo, pp. xxiv, 188, cloth. Paris, 1867 3s 992 Vikramorvaei, a Drama, edited in Sanskrit by M. Williams, Svo, pp. 76, bds. Hertford, 1849 3s 993 Vikramorvashi, a Drama in Five Acts, edited in Sanskrit, with Commentary, by Vidyasagara, Svo, pp. 194. Calcutta, 1873 4s 994 Kapila. Sankhya Aphorisms, with illustrative Extracts from the Com- mentaries, Sanskrit Text and English Translation, Sanskrit by J. R. Ballan- tyne, Svo, pp. vii, 464, cloth. 1885 (T.O.S.) (pub. 16s) 12s 995 Karmavipaka, a Work on Sins and their Expiations, by Satatapa, in San- skrit, oblong folio, 86 leaves. Benares, 1876 6s 996 Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies, edited by J. C. Chatfcerji : Vol. I., The Shiva Sutra Vimarshini : being the Sutras of Vasu Gupta, with the Commentary by Kshemarja, with an English Introduction, Svo, pp. 210, cloth. 1911 4s 996* The same, Vol. III., The Pratyabhijna Hridaya: being a Sum- mary of the Doctrines of the Advaita Shaiva Philosophy of Kashmir, by Kshemarja, with an English Preface, Svo, pp. 73, cloth. Srinagar, 1911 2s 997 Kathakoca, or Treasury of Stories, translated from Sanskrit MSS. by C. H. Tawney, Svo, pp. 23, 260, cloth. 1895 10s 998 Kathakusumamanj ari. A Nosegay of Moral Stories, by S. V. Sastri, Part I. (all issued), in Sanskrit, Svo, pp. 190. Srirangam, 1906 2s 6d 999 Katha Sarit Sagara, or Ocean of the Streams. Stories, translated from the Sanskrit by C. H. Tawney, with Index, in 14 parts, roy. Svo. Calcutta, 1880-87 2 10s Bibliotheca Indica. Scarce. 1000 Katyayana Srauta Sutra, with Commentary by Karkacharya, in Sans- krit, Parts 1 to 10, Svo. Benirea, 1903 04 2 2s Chowkhamba S.S. 1001 Kaushitaki Brahmana, Sanskrit Text, edited by B. Lindner, Svo, pp. xii, 163. Jena, 1887 (pub. 10s) 6s The German translation has not been issued. 1002 Kaushitaki Brahmana Upani- shad, with the Commentary of Sinka- rananda, Sanskrit Text, with English Translation by E. B. Cowell, in 2 parts. Calcutta (Bibl. Ind.), 1861 10s Scarce. 1003 Kavyadipika. A Manual of Sans- krib Rhetoric, in Sanskrit, with a short Account, in English, of the Rise, Pro- gress, and Decline of Sanskrit Poetry, by K. Ch. Vidyaratna, edited, with Commentary, by J. Vidyasagara, Svo, pp. 124, 13. Calcutta, 1886 3s Probst hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 45 1004 Kavya Prakashika, 35 parts, con- taining Sakuntala, Kumara Sambhava, Uttara Ramacharita, Raghuvamsa, Bhatbi Kavya, Sanskrit Text, with Notes and Bengali Translations, 8vo. Calcutta, 1868-73 36s 1005 Kenopanishad, with the Pada and Vakya Bhashyas of Saokaracharya, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1888 2s 6d Anandasrama S.S., No. 6. 1006 with Sankaracharya's Com- mentary, translated by Hiriyarma, 12mo, pp. viii, 65. Srirangam, 1912 2s 1007 Kishkinclha Kanda (Part of the Bamayana). A Sanskrit Manuscript, XVIIIth Century, 100 leaves, 16mo,full leather binding 21s 1008 Koutsa et Hiranyastoupa. CEuvres (Prieres antehistoriques) Tra- dnites du Sanskrit vudiquo et accom- pagn^es de notes sur la religion vedique, par B. Gachet, 8vo, pp. 315, cloth. Pans, 1870 7s 6d 1009 Krishna MiSFa. Prabodha-Chan- drodaya, oder die Geburt des Begriffs, a Philosophical Drama, translated from the Sanskrit into German by K. Rosenkranz, 8vo, pp. xxv, 184, half calf. 1842 6s 1010 Krisna Yaj upvediya Swetas watar. Upanishad, with the Bhasya of Sankaracharya and the Dipikas, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1890 7s 6d Anandasrama S.S., No. 17. 1011 Kpityasapa Samuehehaya, Sans- krit Text, oblong folio, 45 leaves and Index. Benares, 1877 4s 1012 Ksemendra's Samayamatrika (Das Zaubarbnch der Hetareu), ins Deutsche iibertragen, von J. J. Meyer, 8vo, pp. Iviii, 108, cloth. 1903 6s Translated from the Sanskrit. 1013 KumaPadasa. Janakiharanam, the Great Sanskrit Poem, in Sanskrit, 8vo, pp. vii, 214. Calcutta, 1893 7s 6d 1014 The Janakiharanam, edited, in Sanskrit, with copious Notes in English, by G. R. Nandargikar, 8vo, pp. 155, 347, and Index. Bombay, 1907 7s 6d There is also a Singhalese edition, see No. 1572, 1015 Laghueanakyam. Sentenze di Visnugutto, Sanskrit (romanized) Text, with Italian Translation, with Notes by E. Teza, 4to, pp. 50. Pisa, 1878 4s 1016 Laghu Kaumudi, a Sanskrit Grammar, by Varadaraja, together with Sarasvata, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio. Bombay, 1861 7s 6d A. C. Darnell's copy, with his signature. 1017 Lakshmi Kavya (The), by the famous Sanskrit Poet, Goswami Lak- shmi Nath, in Sanskrit, 8vo, pp. 293. Rawalpindi, 1897 8s 1018 Lakshmisahaspa Stotra, by Ven- takadhvarya, in Sanskrit, oblong 4to. Bombay, 1864 3s 6d 1019 Lalita Sahasranama, Sanskrit Text, 12mo, pp. 90. Srirangam, 1906 Is 1020 Lalita Vistara, Sanskrit Text, mib Varianten, Wurter-u. Metrenverzeich- nis, edited by S. Lefmann, 2 vols. Halle, 1902-1908 2 1021 Erzahlung vom Leben des Cakya Simha, translated from Sanskrit into German, and with Notes by S. Lefmann, Part I. (all issued), large 8vo, pp. viii, 220. Berlin, 1874 (pub. 9s) 5s 1022 ContenantPhistoiredu Buddha depuis sa naissance jusqu'a sa predi- cation, Vol. I., French Translation by P. E. Foucaux, 4to, pp. xxiii, 406, with 5 plates, cloth. Paris, 1884 (Musee Guimet) 14s 1023 Legends of the Shrine of Harihara, in the Province of Mysore, translated from Sanskrit by Th. Foulkes, 8vo, pp. 99, cloth. Madras, 1876 5s 1024 Linga Puranam, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 337 and 113 leaves. Bom- bay 21s 1025 Linganusasana, by Hemacandra, with Commentary, in Sanskrit, 12mo, pp. 160. Benares, 1904 2s 6d 1026 Magha Mahatmya (a Section of the Padma Purana), Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 49 leaves. Bombay, 1879 3s 1027 Mahabharata, translated into Eng- lish Prose, with Commentary, by S. C. Mnkhopadhyaya, Parts 49 to 54, roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1903 4s 1023 Translated from Sanskrit into English Prose by M. V. Dutt, Vol. VI., containing Bhisma Parva, 8vo, pp. 215. Calcutta, 1896 4s 1029 Johnson (F.) Selections from the Mahabharata, roy. 8vo, pp. xvi, 91, 265, bds. London, 1842 4s 1030 Mahabhasyapradipoddyota, by Nagega Bhatta, edited in Sanskrit by Pandit Bah. Sastri, Vols. I., II., and III., Parts 1 to 9, 8vo. Calcutta, 1899- 1909 (iW. Ind.) 2 6s 1031 Mahavastu, Sanskrit Text, edited, with Introduction and a Commentary in French, by E. Senart, Vol. I., roy. 8vo, pp. 52, 633. Paris, 1882 16s 1031* " The same, Vols. II. and III. 2 Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 4 6 Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 1032 Mahisa Satakam, Padara Vinda Satakam Stuti Satakam, Mandasmita Sabakam, Sanskrit Text, edited by Vidyasagara, 8vo, pp. 96. Calcutta, 1874 2s 6d 1033 Manava Oharma Sastra (Laws of Manu) The Commentary of Govin- danaja, edited, with Notes in Sanskrit, by V. N. Mandlik, 4to, pp. 174, bds. Bombay, 1886 5s 1034 Manduky-Upanishad, with Gauda- pada's Karikas and the Bhashya of Sankara, translated into English by Dvivedi, roy. 8vo, pp. 46, 137, v, bds. Bombay, 1894 3s 6d 1035 Mantrabrahmana, das. I. : Prapa- thaka, Sanskrit Text (Roman cha- racters), with a German Translation and Notes and Introduction by H. Stunner, 8vo, pp. xxxv, 53. Halle, 1901 2s 6d 1036 MantParapatha, or the Prayer Book of the Apastambins, edited by Winter- nitz, Vol. I., Sanskrit Text, 4to, pp. 50, 109. Oxford, 1897 (pub. 10s 6d) 8s Vol. II. i the Translation is not yet published. ANECDOTA OXON. 1037 Manu. Laws of Mann, with the Commentary of Knlluka Bhatta, edited by P. Hayagriva, Sanskrit Text in Telugu characters, 2 vols in one, 4to, bds. Madras, 1864 10s 1038 The Ordinances of Manu, translated from the Sanskrit by A. C. Burnell, completed by E. W. Hopkins, 8vo, pp. 62, 400, cloth. 1884 10s Triibner's O.S. 1039 The Laws of Manu, translated with Extracts from seven Commentaries by G. Biihler, 8vo, pp. 138, 620, half calf. Oxford, 1886 2 2s Sacred Books of the East, Vol 25. Very rare. 1039* Markandeya Purana, translated into English, with copious Notes, by F. E. Pargiter, in 9 Parts, as issued, 8vo. Calcutta, 1888-1905 (Bibl Ind.) 12s 1010 Himansabalaprakasha, by Bhatta Shankar, in Sanskrit, 8vo, pp. 183. Benares, 1902 5s Chowkhamba S.S. 1041 Mimansa Nyayaprakasa, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 33 leaves. Benares 3s 6d 1042 Mimansa-Sloka-Vartika, by Ku- marila Bhatta, with the Commentary by P. C. Misra, edited by R. S. Tailanga, 10 parts, in Sanskrit. Benares, 1898-99 25s Chowkhamba Sanskrit S. 101:5 Muhurtaehintamani, on Constella- tions favourable for the performance of Religious Ceremonies, by Rama, in Sanskrit, oblong folio, 167 leaves. Benares, 1867 5s 1044 Muhurta Chintamani, a Work on Constellations favourable for the Per- formance of Religions Ceremonies, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 159 leaves. Bombay, 1880 8s 1045 Muir (J.) Original Sanskrit Texts on the Origin and Progress of the Religions and Institutions of India, Part I., 8vo, pp. ix, 204, cloth. 1858 10s The Mythical and Legendary Accounts of Caste. Sanskrit Texts and English Translations. 1046 The same, Part IV., 8vo, pp. xi, 437, cloth. 1863 10s This volume contains Comparison of the Vedic with the later representations of the Indian Deities. 1047 Religious and Moral Senti- ments metrically rendered from Sans- krit Writers, with exact Translation in Prose, 8vo, pp. 128, cloth. 1875 3s 1048 Metrical Translations from Sanskrit Writers, with Introduction, many Prose Versions, &c., 8vo, pp. 44, 376, cloth. 1879 (T.O.S.) (pub. 14s) 10s 6d 1049 Nagojibhatta. The Paribhashen- dusekhara, Sanskrit Text, with various Readings, English Translation and Notes, by F. Kielhorn, 2 parts in 4 vols, 8vo. Bombay, 1868-74 10s 1050 Nalopakhyanam, or the Tale of Nala : containing the Sanskrit Text in Roman characters, with Vocabulary, and a Sketch of Sanskrit Grammar, by Th. Garrett, 8vo, pp. 154, cloth. Cam- bridge, 1882 7s 6d 1051 Nalopakhyanam. Das Lied vom Konig Nala. Erstes Lesebuch f. Anfangerim Sanskrit, Romanized Text, with full notes in German and Sanskrit- German Vocabulary by H. C. Kellner, 8vo, pp. 252. Leipzig, 1885 5s 1052 N a pa da Pancharatra (The), Sanskrit Text, edited by K. M. Banerjea, 4 parts (complete), roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1861-65 20s Bibliotheca Indica Out of print. 1053 Narayana Samgraha, or Rules on Ritualistic Subjects, extracted from the Sastras, oblong folio, 33 leaves. Bombay, 1865 3s 1054 Nitiprakasika, ascribed to Vaisam- payana, Sanskrit Text, with partial translation into English by G. Oppert, Svo, pp. 83. Madras, 1882 4s Includes an interesting description of the constitu- tion of the Indian Army. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 1055 Nilakantha. Tajika: a work on Astrology, consisting of Three Sec- tions : the Samjtia, Varsha and Prasna Tantras, with Commentary, oblong folio, 69, 59, 21 leaves. Benares, 1865 12a 6d 1055* The same, Samjna Tantra, with Commentary. Bombay, 1861 6s 1056 Nrisinha Tapani (The) of the Atharva Veda, with the Commentary of Sankara Acharya, edited by B. Tarkaratna, Sanskrit Text, 3 parts, 8vo. Calcutta, 1870-71 15s Bibliotheca Indica. Out of print. 1057 Nyaya Makaranda : a Treatise on Vedanta Philosophy, by A. B. Bhattara Kacharya, in Sanskrit, Parts 1 to 4. Benares, 1901-7 10s Chowkhamba S.S. 1058 Nyaya Prakasa, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 33 leaves. Benares 3s 1C59 Nyayaratnamala, by Pandit P. S. Misra, Sanskrit Text, 2 parts, 8vo. Benares, 1900 5s Chowkhamba S.S. 1050 Nyayasudha. A Commentary on Tautravartika, by Someshwara Bhatta, in Sanskrit, Parts 1 to 16, 8vo. Benares, 1901-9 1 18s Chowkhamba S.S. 1061 Nyayavatara: the Earliest Jaina work on Pure Logic, by S. S. Divakara, Sanskrit Text and Commen- tary, edited, with notes and English translation, by S. C. Vidyabhusana, roy. 8vo, pp. 36. Calcutta, 1909 2s 6d 1062 Padavakya Ratnakara, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 115 leaves. Benares (Samb., 1933) 6s 1063 Panehadapikavivarana of Pra- kasatman, with extracts from the Tattvadipana and Bhavaprakasika, edited by R. Bhagavatacharya, Sanskrit Text, roy. 8vo, pp. xiv, 287. Benares, 1892 6s Vizianagram S.S., No. 5. 1064 Panehadasi : the well-known work on Vedanta Philosophy, by Madhavi- charya, with a Commentary by Ramakrishna, in Sanskrit, oblong folio, 133 leaves. Bombay, 1881 8s 1084* The same, another edition. Bombay, 1863 7s 6d 1065 of Vidyaranya, Sanskrit Text, with English Translation, explanatory notes and summary of each chapter, by M. S. Rau and R. Aiyar, 8vo, pp. xv, 692, cloth. Srirangam, 1912 6s 1066 Parij ataman jari, or Vijayasri, com- posed about A.D. 1213, by Madana, Sanskrit Text, with Introduction by E. Hultzsch, 8vo, pp. vi, 29. 1906 2s 1067 Panchasiddhantika. The Astronomical Work of Varaha Mihira, Sanskrit Text, with an original Com- mentary in Sanskrit, and an English Translation, and Introduction by G. Thibaut and M. Sudbakara, 4to, pp. 61, 171, 105, cloth. Benares, 1889 15s Valuable work. 1068 Pancha Tantra, ou les cinq ruses, Fables du Brahme Vichnou Sarma, Aventnres de Paramarta et autres contes, Traduits du Sanskrit par J. A. Dnbois, 8vo, pp. xvi, 415. Paris, 1826 Ida ad Dubois is the well-known writer of the manners and customs of the Hindus. 1069 Pandit (The), a Monthly Publication of the Benares College, devoted to Sanskrit Literature, N.S., Vol. II. and III. in parts, 8vo. Benares, June, 1877, to May, 1878 24s 1070 Parvati Parinaya, a Sanskrit Drama, edited in Sanskrit, with an Introduction and Notes by Krishna- machariar, 8vo, pp. ii, 18, 71. Srirangam, 1906 2s 1071 Patanjala Darsana, or the Aphorisms of Theistic Philosophy, with Nagesa's Vyakhya Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 230, vii, bds. Benares, 1908 6a 1072 Parasara Dharma Samhita, or Parasara Smriti, with the Commentary of Sayana Madhavacharya, Sanskrit Text, with various Readings, Critical Notes in English, Index, Appendices, &c., by Islamapurkar, Vol. I., in 2 parts, 8vo. Bombay, 1893 16s Bombay S.S., Nos. 47, 48. 1073 Patanjali. The Vyakarana-Mahab- hashya, Sanskrit Text, with various Readings, edited by F. Kielhorn, 3 vols, in 9 parts, 8vo. Bombay, 1880-92 115s Vol. I. is the only one of which the second edition was published. 1074 The Yoga-Sutra. Translation, from the Sanskrit, with Introduction, Appendix, and Notes, 8vo, pp. viii, 99, vii, bds. Bombay, 1890 3s 6d 1075 Pradipodyoti : Part I., Sanskrit Text, oblong 4to, 202 leaves. Benares, 1874 8s 6d 1076 Prajaneasarasamgraha, by Garva- nendra, in Sanskrit, oblong folio 15s 1077 Pramanayatattva-lokalamkara, Jain-philosoph. Treatises, in Sanskrit, by Vadideva Suri, 8vo, pp. 136. Benares, 1904 3s 6d 1078 Prem Sagar (Oc^an d' Amour) Traduit dn Sanskrit par E. Lamairesse, 8vo, pp. 49, 346. Paris, 1893 7s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 1079 Prayogaratna : an Exposition of the Sanskaras, and other Domestic Re- ligious Ceremonies, by Narayana Bhatta, in Sanskrit, oblong folio, 98 leaves. Bombay, 1861 6s 1080 Purusha Suktam, with the Bhashya of Madhavacharya, Second Edition, corrected, 8vo, pp. ii, 14, bds. Poona, 1890 Is 1081 Purushottamamahatmya (Bri- hannaradiya Purana), in Sanskrit, oblong folio, 71 leaves. Bombay, 1866 3s 6d On the Encomium of Vishnu. 1082 Raja Radhakanta Deva. The Sabdakalpadruma, republished by R. Upendr. Deva, Complete Edition, 4to. Calcutta, 1874 2 10s In Sanskrit, but in Bengali characters. 1083 The Sabdakalpadruma, New Edition, in the Sanskrit or Devanagari character, roy. 4to : Vol. I., in 10 parts; Vol. II., in 17 parts; Vol. III., in 23 parts (all issued). Calcutta, 1888 5 5s 1084 Rajatarangini, by Kahlana, or Kings of Kashmir, translated from the Sanskrit, by J. Chunder Dntt, Vols. I. and III., 16mo. Calcutta, 1879-98 8s 1085 Kalhana's Rajatarangini, or Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, trans- lated from the Sanskrit, with Commen- tary and Introduction, by M. A. Stein, Vol. I. (all issued of this edition), 4to, pp. 304, with maps, bds. 1898, Privately printed 21s 1086 Ramasvamedha, or Horse Sacrifice of Rama : an Episode from the Fourth Book of the Padmapurana, oblong folio, 138 leaves. Bombay, 1857 6s 1087 Ramayana Balakanda, Cantos L- XIII., with the Commentary of Ra- man uj a, edited by Vidyasagara, 8vo, pp. 113. Calcutta, 1874 2s 6d 1088 Rasaratnasamuchchay a. A Com- pendium of the Treasures of Medical Preparations containing Mercury, by Vagbhattacharya, edited by Pandit Bapata, in Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. xi, 302, 29, with plates. Poona, 1890 10s Anandasrama S.S., No. 19. 1089 Regnaud (P. ) La MStrique de Bharata. Toxte Sanscrit de 2 chapitres dn Nufcya- Castra, with a French Translation, 4to, pp. 70. Paris, 1880 4s 1090 Rig Veda Sanhita. The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans ; together with the Commentary of Sayanacharya, edited in Sanskrit by Max M tiller, with a long Introduction, Vol. IV., 4to, pp. 88, 52, 926, cloth. 1862 18s 1091 Rig Veda. The Hymns of the Rig Veda, in the Samhita and Pada Texts, reprinted from the Editio princeps by F. Max Miiller, Second Edition, Sanskrit Text, 2 vols. London, 1877 (pub. 32s) 18s 1092 The Hymns of the Rig Veda, in the Pada Text, edited by Max Miiller, reprinted from the editio princeps, 8vo, pp. viii, 430, 414. London, 1873 8s 1093 Hymns from the Rig Veda, edited, with Sayana's Commentary, Sanskrit Text, with Notes and a Trans- lation, by P. Peterson, 8vo, pp. 293. Bombay, 1888 6s Bombay S.S., No. 36. 1094 The Hymns of the Rig Veda : Sanhita and Pada Texts, the first Mandala, edited in Sanskrit by Max Miiller, 4to, pp. 301. Leipzig, 1869 7s 6d 1095 Rig-Veda Sanhita. The First and Second Adhyayas of the First Ashtaka, with Notes and Explanations and an Introductory Essay on the Study of the Vedas, by K. M. Banerjea, 8vo, pp. xxix, 134. Calcutta, 1875 2s 6d 1096 A Collection of the Ancient Hindu Hymns, translated from the Sanskrit by H. H. Wilson, Vol. III. (containing the third and fourth Ashtakas or Books), 8vo, pp. xxiii, 524. London, 1857 10s 1097 The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, translated and explained, Vol. I. (all issued) ; Hymns to the Maruts or the Storm Gods, 8vo, pp. 152, 263, cloth. 1869 10s 6d 1098 First Book, Sanskrit Text, with Latin Translation, by F. Rosen, 4to, pp. viii, 263, 67, cloth. 1838 (O.T.F.) 10s 1099 Rig- Veda, ou Livre des Hymnes. Tradnction de A. Langlois. Avec introduction sur la poesie lyrique de 1'Inde, 8vo, pp. 611, cloth. Paris, 1870 98 1100 Siebenzig Lieder des Rigveda, iibersetzt von K. Geldner and A. Kaegi, 8vo, pp. xiv, 176, cloth. 1875 5s With Karl Blind's autograph. 1101 The Threefold Science, the first 7 Annnwakas of the Rig Veda, Sanskrit Text and English Translation, 4to, bds. Bombay, 1833 9s 1102 Roy (R.) Translation of several Prin- cipal Books, Passages, and Texts of the Veds, Second Edition, 8vo, pp. viii, 282, cloth. 1832 6s Translations from the Sanskrit Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 49 1103 Roy Raja Rammohun, his English Works, edited by J. C. Ghose, Vol. I., 8vo, pp. xx, 498, cloth. Calcutta, 1882 7s 6d Translations from the Sanskrit, and Essays on Hindus. 1104 Rudradhyayah, with the Bhashyas by Madhavacharya and B. Bhaskara, Second Edition, revised, roy. 8vo, pp. 258, bds. Poona, 1890 3s 6d Anandasrama S.S., No. 2. 1105 Sabdasandar Bhasindhu, by M. Tarkaratna, a Sanskrit-Bengali Dic- tionary, in Bengali characters, Part I., comprising the words beginning with vowels, 4to. Calcutta, 1863 8s 1105 Sabdendusekhara, with the Com- mentary of Bhairaminisra, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 459 leaves. Benaras, 1865 20s 1107 Sacred Laws of the Aryas, as taught in the Schools of Apastamba, Gautama, Vasishta and Bandhayana, translated by G. Biihler, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1879-82 18s Sacred Books of the East, Vols 2 and 14. 1108 Saddarshana Chintanika, or Studies in Indian Philosophy, a Monthly Publication stating and ex- plaining the Aphorisms of the Six Schools of Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit Text, with translations into Marathi and English, 6 vols, 8vo, cloth. Poona, 1877 2 2s 1109 Sahitya-Darpana (The), or Mirror of Composition, a treatise on Literary Criticism, by V. Kaviraja, Sanskrit Text, revised by E. Boer, with an English Translation by J. R. Ballantine, 8vo, cloth. Calcutta, 1851 21s Bibliotheca Indica, Vol. X. Out of print and very scarce. 1110 Sahityasara : a Work on Sanskrit Rhetoric, by Achynta Sarman, with his Commentary, Sanskrit Text, 2 parts. Bombay, 1860 8s 1111 Sahridayananda, by Krishnananda, Cantos 1 to 6, with Commentary by Satakopachariar, Sanskrit Text, 12mo, pp. 158. Srirangam, 1907 2s 1112 Sahyadri Khan da, or the Skanda Purana, a Mythological, Historical and Geographical Account of Western India, First Edition of the Sanskrit Text, with various readings, by J. Gersonda Cunha, 8vo, pp. iii, 976. Bombay, 1877 (pub. 21s) 10s 6d 1113 Saivasudhakana : a Collection of Passages on Saiva Worship, compiled from thePuranas, Sanskrit/Text, oblong folio, 51 leaves. Bombay, 1866 3s 6d 1114 Sama Veda. Sanhita, translated from the Sanskrit by J. Stevenson, 8vo, pp. xv, 283, cloth. 1842 (O.T.F.) 10s 1115 Die Hymnen des Sama Veda, Sanskrit Text, with Notes in German, by Th. Benfey, roy. 8vo, pp. 280. Leipzig, 1848 6s 1116 Sankhya Karika, or Memorial Verses on the Sankhya Philosophy, by Iswara Krishna, translated from the Sanskrit by H. T. Colebrooke ; also the Bhashya, or Commentary of Gaura- pada, translated by H. H. Wilson, 4to, pp. xiv, 194, 53. 1837 (O.T.F.) 18s 1117 Samkhya-pravaeana-Chashya. Vijnana Bhikshn's Commentar zu den Samkhya-sutras, translated from the Sanskrit into German, and with notes by R. Garbe, 8vo, pp. viii, 378. Leipzig, 1889 8s 1118 Samskarakaustubha : a Work on Religious Ceremonies, by Ananta Deva, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 237 leaves. Bombay, 1860 7s 1119 Sangeetaditya, by Shastri Aditya- ramji, Prof, of Music, Sanskrit Text, edited with Notes by his Sons, 8vo, pp, 185, viii, with some illustrations, cloth. Bombay, 1889 5s 1120 Sankhyayanagrihya Sangraha, by Vasudeva, in Sanskrit, 8vo. Benares (8. Series), 1908 2s 6d 1121 Sanskar Ratna Mala, by Gopinath Dikshit, Sanskrit Text, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1899 24s Anandasrama Sanskrit S. 1122 by Gopinath Bhatt Oak, in Sanskrit, Parts 1 and 2 (all), edited by R. E. Shastri, 8vo, pp. 200. Benares, 1898 5s Chowkhamba S.S. 1123 Santisara. A Work on Propitia- tory Sacrifices and Ceremonies by DinakaraBhatta, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 152 leaves. Bombay, 1861 5s 1124 Sapta-Shati (The), or Chandi-Pat : being a Portion of the Markandeya Puran, translated from the Sanskrit into English, with Explanatory Notes by Ramasswami, 8vo, pp. xii, 44, vii, with 13 photographic illustrations. Bombay, 1868 8s 1125 Sarangadhara Sanhita, a Treatise on Medicine, in Sanskrit, edited by Vidyasagara, 8vo, pp. 206. Calcutta, 1874 3s 6d 1126 Shatpanchasika. A Treatise on Divination, in Sanskrit, oblong folio, 26 leaves. Bombay, 1864 2s 6d Probsthain & Co,, 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 1127 Sarvasatkarmapaddhati. A Manual of Religious Rites, by Brahina- nanda Kaviratna, in Sanskrit (Sams- karan-Sraddha Various Ceremonies), oblong folio, pp. 634. Calcutta 10s 6d The Sanskrit is in Bengali characters. 1123 Saura Parana, by Srimat Vyasa, edited in Sanskrit by Pandit Lele, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 282, bds. Poona, 1889 7s 6d Anandasrama S.S., No. 18. 1129 Sehroeter (J. E.) Pagakakevali, ein indisches Wiirfelorakol, Sanskrit Text, in Roman characters, with Notes and a German Introduction, 8vo, pp. xxiv, 38. Borna, 1900 2s 6d 1130 Shabdakoustubha, by Pandit Bh. Dikshit, edited and revised by R. K. Shasbri, 10 parts, 8vo, pp. 1001. Benares, 1898-99 25s Chowkhamba S.S. 1131 Shraddha Viveka, in Sanskrit, folio, 75 leaves. Bombay, 1881 6s 1132 Siddhahemaeandra : being Hema- candra's Sanskrit Grammar, in Sanskrit, Ifimo, pp. 143. Benares, 1905 2s 6d 1133 Siddhanta Kaumudi, by Bhatto- jidikshita, a Commentary to Panini's Grammar, Sanskrit Text, 4to, 254 leaves, First Edition. Calcutta, 1811 14s 1134 Sinhanta Mahatmya, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 3i leaves. Bombay, 1872 3s 1135 Siva Gita, with Commentary of Sarasvati, Part I. (all), Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 61. Srirangam, 1906 Is 6d 1136 Soma Deva. The Golden Town, and other Tales, translated from his Katha Sarat Sagara, by L. D. Barnett, 8vo, pp. xi, 108, cloth. 1909 2s 6d 1138 Specimen der Nayadhammakaha. Sanskrit (Romanized) Text, with Notes and Sanskrit-German Glossary, by P. Stein thai, 8vo, pp. 84. Berlin, 1881 2s 6d 1139 Sravana Masamahatmya, in Sans- krit, oblong folio, 47 leaves. Bombay, 1860 3s 1140 Subhashitavali, of Vallabhadeva, Sanskrit Text, with English Introduc- tion and Notes, by P. Peterson, 8vo, pp. ix, 141, 623, 104. Bombay, 1886 10s Bombay S.S., No. 31. 1141 Suddhadvaitamartanda, by Gos- wami Sri Giridharaji, with Commentary, edited by Ratna Gopal Bhatta, Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 44. Benares, 1908 2s 6d Cbowkhamba S.S. 1142 Sudrakamalakara : a Work on the Duties of the Sudra Caste, by Kama- lakara Bhatta, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 79 leaves. Bombay, 1876 5s 1143 Suri (Pandit M. L.) Delhi Sam- raj yam, the Imperial Delhi : a Sanskrit Drama, with an English Introduction, 8vo, pp. xx, 79, and a Vocabulary, cloth. Madras, 1912 4s 1144 Suryagandanga Sutra, in San- skrit, with an extensive Commentary in Marathi, 4to, pp. 1020. Bombay (Samb., 1936) 3 15s 1145 Syadwada-manjari, byMalliahiena, with Commentary of Hemachandra, edited by D. Lai Goswami, Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 220. Benares, 1900 5s Chowkhamba S.S. 1146 Taittiriya Aranyaka of the Black Yajurveda, with the Commentary of Sayanacbarya, edited by H. N. Apte, in Sanskrit, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1898 16s Anandasrama S.S., No. 36. 1147 Taittiriya Brahmana of the Black Yajur Veda, with a Commentary of Sayanacharya, edited by H. N. Apte, Sanskrit Text, 3 vols, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1898 28s Anandasrama Sanskrit S., No. 37. 1148 Taittiriya-Samhita, withPadapatha and Sayanacharya's Bhashya, Sanskrit Text, edited by K. Sastri Agase, Vol. VI., roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1903 18s The other vols can be supplied. Anandasrama Sanskrit S., No. 42. 1149 Taittariya and Aittareya Upani- Shads, with the Commentary of Sankara Acharya and the Gloss of Ananda Giri, and the Swetaswatara Upanishad, Sanskrit Text, edited by E. Roer, 8vo, pp. xi, 378, half calf. Calcutta (Bibl. Inct.), 1850 25s 1150 Taittiriyopanishad, with the Bha- ehya of Sankaracharya and its Com- mentary, by Anandajnyana, edited by Islampurkar, roy. 8vo, bds. Poona, 1889 6s Anandasrama S.S., No. 12. 1151 Taittiriya Upanishad, with the Commentaries of Sankacharya, and others, translated from the Sanskrit by A. M. Sastri, 8vo, pp. xxiv, 791, cloth. Mysore, 1903 8s 6d 1152 With Commentaries, trans- lated from Sanskrit by A. M. Sastri, Part 1, Introduction to the Study of Upanishads, 8vo, pp. 72. Mysore, 1899 Is 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 1153 Tattvabodhini, a Commentary to the First and Second Part of Bhatto- jidikshita's Siddbanta Kaumudi, by Jnanendra Sarasvati, followed by Jayakrishna's Subodbini, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio. Benares, 1863 2 1154 Tattva Cintamani, in Sanskrit, edited by Pandit Kamak Tarka- Vagisa, 5 vols, in 39 parts, as issued, 8vo. Calcutta, 1888-1901 2 5s 1155 Thirty -two Upanishads, with Dipikas by Narayana and Sbankara- nanda, edited by Pandits of the Anan- daerama, roy. 8vo, pp. xi, 608, bds. Poona, 1895 15s Anandasrama S.S., No. 29. 1156 Tirtha Chintamani, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 114 leaves. Ilenarea 6s 1157 Tookaram (R.) A Compendium of the Raja Yoga Philosophy, comprising the Principal Treatises of Shrimat Shankaracharya, and other renowned Authors, 8vo, pp. 161, bds. Bombay, 1901 3s Translations from the Sanskrit. Tri van drum Sanskrit Series, edited, with Notes in Sanskrit, by T. Ganapati Sastri, and with Introductions in English : 1158 No. 1, The Daiva of Deva, with the Commentary Purushakara, roy. 8vo, pp. vii, x, 127, 17. Trivandrum, 1905 2s 6d 1159 No. 2, Abhinavakanstubhamala, pp. 8. 1907 Is 1160 No. 3, Nalabhyaedaya of Vamana Bhatta Bana, pp. ii, 2, 40. 1907 Is 1161 No. 4, Sivalilarnava of Nilakantha Dikfehita, pp. 165. 1909 5s 1162 No. 5, The Vyaktiviveka of Raja- naka Mahimabhatta, and its Com- mentary of Raj. Ruyyaka, pp. xii, 11, 138, 54, 25, 7. 1909 7s 6d 1163 No. 6, The Durghatavritti of Sara- nadeva, pp. ii, 29, 132. 1909 5s 1164 No. 7, The Brahmatatvaprakasika, by Sadasivendrasarasvati, Aphorisms of the Vedanta, pp. ii, 6, 164. 1909 6s 1165 Upalekha. De Kramapatha, Part I., Sanskrit, edited by G. 1'erbsch, 8vo. Berlin, 1854 Is 6d 1166 The same, Sanskrit, with Latin Translation and Notes, edited by G. Pertech, 8vo. Berlin, 1854 3s 1167 Upasaka dasa Sutra, Sanskrit Text, with extensive Commentary, oblong folio, pp. 233, cloth. Calcutta (Sanib., 1933) 10s 6d 1168 Upanishads, translated into English by G. R. S. Mead, Vol. I. 1906 Is 1169 Usha. --The Dawn: a Vedic Periodical, in Sanskrit; devoted to the publication of Rare and Valuable Vedic Works, and to Dissertations on such subjects, edited by S. Samasrami, 3 vols, in Numbers as issued, 8vo. Calcutta, 1891-97 3 3s 1170 Uttara Naishadha Charita, by Sri Harsha, with the Commentary of Narayana, edited by E. Roer, in Sanskrit, 8vo, pp. viii, 1109, cloth. Calcutta, 1855 1 16s 1171 Vaehaspati Misra. The Tattva Kaumudi, Sanskrit Text, with English Translation by Gang Jha, 8vo, pp. xxxii, 114, 82, bds. Bombay, 1896 4s (id 1172 Vaidyajivana. A Treatise on Medicine, by Lolimbaraja, with Com- mentary, in Sanskrit, oblong folio. Benares, 1860 2s 6d 1173 Vaisakha Mahatmya (a portion of the Skanda Purana), Sanskrit Text, 26 leaves. Bombay, 1864 3s 1173* The same, pp. 128. Delhi 2s 6d 1174 Vaiya Karanabhushanasara, a Grammatical Work, by Kaundabhatta, with Harivattabha's Commentary, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 212 leaves. Bombay, 1866 15s 1175 Valmiki's Ramayana, in 7 Kandas, with Commentary, in Sanskrit, Kandas III. to 711. only, oblong folio. Bombay 2 Leaves 3 and 4 of Eanda III. are missing. 1176 Ramayana, the Sundara Kanda, or Fifth Book, Sanskrit Text, oblong folio, 133 leaves. Bombay 8s Beautiful edition, in large, clear type. 1177 Ramayana, translated into English Prose by M. N. Dutt, 7 vols, in parts, uncut, as issued. Calcutta, 1889/92 2 12s 6d 1178 Vasavadatta, of Subandhu, with full Commentary, edited in Sanskrit by Krishnamachariar, 8vo, pp. 152. Srirangam, 1906 3s 1179 Vasishthadharmasastram. Aphorisms on the Sacred Law of the Aryas as taught in the School of Vasishta, Sanskrit Text, edited by A. Fiihrer, 8vo, pp. vi, 90. Bombay, 1883 2s 1180 Vatsyayana. Kama Sutra (Regies de 1' Amour), Traduit du Sanskrit par E. Lamairesse, roy. 8vo, pp. xxxi, 296. Paris, 1891 10s Out of print. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Sanskrit Texts and Translations. 1181 Vasishtl Havan Paddhata, Sans- krit Text, oblong 4to, 37 leaves. Bombay, 1881 2s 6d 1182 Vedant a. Selections from several Books of the Yaidanta, translated from the original Sanskrit by Rajah R. Roy, 12mo, cloth. Calcutta, 1844 3s 6d 1183 Vedanta Kalpataruparimala, of Appayadikshita, edited by Tailanga, Sanskrit Text, roy. 8vo, pp. vi, 222. Benares, 1895 5s Vi/ianagram S.S., No. 14. 1184 Vedastuli, with Sridharasvamin's Commentary and the Subhodini, in Sanskrit, 4to, 37 leaves. Bombay, 1862 6s 1185 Venisanhara, a Drama, in Sanskrit, by Bhattanarayana, with Commentary, edited by Vidyasagara, 8vo, pp. 206. Calcutta, 1875 4s 1186 by Bhatta Nilrfiy ana, Die Ehren- Rettung der Kunigin, a Drama in Six Acts, SanskritText, with Germanlntro- duction, and Notes by J. Grill, 4to, pp. xxxvi, 332. Leipzig, 1871 (pub. 14s) 9s 1187 Veni Sanhara Nataka, or the Binding of the Braid, a Sanskrit Drama, by Bhatta Narayana, translated into English by S. M. Tagore, 8vo, pp. iii, 72, bound in silk cloth. Calcutta, 1880 4s 1188 Vibhaktyapthanjpnaya, by Girid- hava Bhattacharya, in Sanskrit, 5 parts, 8vo. Benares, 1901-02 12s 6d Chowkhamba S.S. 1189 Vidhiveveka of Mandana Mitra, Sanskrit Text, 8vo, pp. 472, bds. Benares, 1906 7s 6d 1190 Vidyabhusan (V.) Anuvada-Ratna- kara, or Exercises in Translation from English into Sanskrit, 8vo, pp. vii, 84. Calcutta, 1893 Is 6d 1191 Vidya-valjayanti, a Series of Gems of Books, in Sanskrit, Nos. 1 to 4, 8vo. Benares, 1906 10s Containing Tattva-dipa with Commentaries. 1192 Vijnana Bhikshu. The Yogasara Sangraha, Sanskrit Text, with English Translation by Gang. Jha, 8vo, pp. 102, 73, bde. Bombay, 1894 2s 6d 1193 Vishnu Purana. A System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, translated from the Original Sanskrit, and illus- trated by Notes, derived chiefly from other Puranas, by H. H. Wilson, 4to, pp. 91, 704, half cloth. 1840 (O.T.F.) 36s 1194 Vishnu Sahasranama, Sanskrit Text, 12mo, pp. 92. Srirangam, 1906 Is 1195 Vishnusahasranama (from the Bha- gavat Gita) Invocations of Vishnu under 1,000 different forms of his name, oblong folio, 56 leaves. Poona, 1862 5s 1198 Vishnu-smpiti. The Institutes of Vishnu, translated by J. Jolly, 8vo, pp. 37, 316, cloth. Oxford, 1880 10s Sacred Books of the East, Vol 7. 1197 Visvanatha Daivajnasarman. The Vrataraja, or Vrataprakasa : a work on Religious Vows and Duties, compiled chiefly from the Puranas, oblong 4 to, 417 leaves. Bombay, 1863 20s 1198 Vopadeva. Mugdhabodha, Sanskrit Text, edited with German Notes by O. Bohtlingk, 8vo, pp. xiii, 465. St. P., 1847 6s 1199 Vratadhyapana Kaumudi, Sans- krit Text, oblong folio, 88 leaves, liat- nagiri 5s 1200 Vyutpattlvada, by Gadadhara Bhatta. in Sanskrit, oblong folio, 72 leaves. Benares 5s 1201 Wilkins (Ch.) The Story of Doosh- wanta and Sakuntala, translated from the Mahabharata, 8vo, pp. 115. 1795 2s 1202 Wilson (H. H.) Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus, translated from the Sanskrit, Vol. II., roy. 8vo, pp. 315, cloth. 1835 10s 6d This volume contains : Malati and Madhava Mudra Rakshasa Retnavali, &c. 1203 WoPtham (Rev. B. H.) Three Trans- lations from Sanskrit Works, 8vo, pp. 54, 25, 12, cloth. London, N.D. 7s In Three Parts : i, Mahatmya Devi a, History o Hariscbandra 3, Story of Devasmita. 1204 Yadayabhyudaya, by Vedanta De- sika, with the Commentary of Appayya Dikshita, in Sanskrit, Vol. I. (all pub- lished), 8vo, pp. 35, 240, cloth. Sriran- gam, 1907 3s 6d 1205 Yajusha Jyautisha, with Bhashyas, and Archa-Jyautisha, with Bhashyas, edited by Dvivedin, Sanskrit Text, with Appendix in English, 8vo, pp. 105. Benares, 1908 2s 6d Work on Astronomy. 1206 Yogaratnakara : a Treatise on Medicine, edited by the Pandits of the Anandasrama, Second Edition, revised, in Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. 468, bds. Poona, 1889 14s 1207 Yogasara-Sangraha (The) of Vij- nana Bhikshu : an English Translation, with Sanskrit Text, edited by G. Jha, 8vo, pp. 102, 81, 5, bds. Bombay, 1894 3s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Pali Grammars and Dictionaries. 53 xix. PALI GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES. PHILOLOGY. 1208 Alwis (Jae.) Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali, and Singhalese Literary Works of Ceylon, Vol. I. (and all), 8vo, pp. xxz, 243, bds. Colombo, 1870 9s Described are Mabayansa, Dipavamsa, Bauddha Sauka, Rupasiddhi, and nineteen other works. Rare. 1209 An Introduction to Kach- chayano'a Grammar of the Pali Lan- guage, with an Introduction, Appendix, Notes, &c., by J. d' Alwis, 8vo, pp. clxxix, 132, xvi, cloth. Colombo, 1863 1 16s Out of print and very scarce, with Exercises in Pali and English translations. 1210 Childers (R. C.) A Pali-English Dic- tionary, with Sanskrit Equivalents and numerous Quotations, Extracts and References, roy. 8vo, pp. xxii, 622, cloth. 1909 3 3s 1211 On Sandhi in Pali, 8vo, pp. 23. Reprint, 1879 2s 1212 Co well (E. B.) Introduction to the Ordinary Prakrit of the Sanskrit Dramas, 8vo, pp. 39, cloth. 1875 3s 6d 1213 Diekson (J. F.) The Pali Manuscript written on Papyrus, preserved in the Library of the Armenian Monastery, St. Lazaro, 12mo, pp. 36. Venice, 1881 4s 1214 Dowson (J.) On a Newly-Discovered Bactrian Pali Inscription, and on other Inscriptions in the Bactrian Pali characters, 8vo, pp. 50, with plates 3s 6d 1215 DUTOiselle (C.) A Practical Grammar of the Pali Language, 8vo, pp. ix, 346, cloth. 1906 9s 1216 Frankfurter (0.) Handbook of Pali : being an Elementary Grammar, a Chrestpmathy and a Glossary, 8vo, Ep. xxi, 179, with Alphabets in Sinha- sse, Burmese and Cambodian, cloth. 1883 20s Out of print. 1217 Fryer (G. E.) Note on the Pali Grammarian Kacbchayana, 8vo, pp. 14. Calcutta, 1882 2s 1218 Gray (J.) Elements of Pali Grammar, adapted for Schools and Private Study, 8vo, pp. 126. Rangoon, 1883 6s Pali is in Burmese characters. 1219 Kaccayana. Grammaire Palie, Sutras et commentairee, Pali Text, with French Translation and Notes by E. Senarb, 8vo, pp. 339, half calf. Paris, 1871 12s 1220 Lanman (C. R.) Pah* Book Titles and their brief Designations, 8vo, pp. 45. Boston, 1909 2s 1221 Miiller (E.) Simplified Grammar of the Pali Language, 8vo, pp. xvi, 143, cloth. 1884 6s 1222 Mueller (Fr.) Beibraege znr Kenntnis der Pali Sprache, three parts, 8vo, pp. 76. Vienna, 1868/9 3s 6d 1223 Pali Unseens. Readings in Pali (Roman characters), by C. Duroiselle, 8vo, pp. 148. Rangoon, 1907 4s 1224 Storek (F.) Casunm in lingua Palica formatio, 8vo, pp. 40. 1862 2s 1225 Sumangala (The Rev. 8.) A Gra- duated Pali Course, with a Pali-English Vocabulary, 8vo, pp. xvi, 244, iv, cloth. 1913 7s 6d The Pali is in Roman characters. At the end is a Pali alphabet in Sinhalese and Roman, and Nagari and Roman characters. This new Pali Grammar, by the best Pali scholar in Ceylon, should be very welcome to students. 1226 Tilbe (H. H.) Pali Grammar, 8vo, pp. vi, 115, cloth. Rangoon, 1899 6s 1227 Torp (A.) Die Flexion des Pali in ihrem Verhaltniss zum Sanskrit, roy. 8vo, pp. 93. Christiania, 1881 3s 1228 Vessantra Jataka Vatthu. Notes on the Vessantra Jataka Vatthu, 8vo, pp. ii, 85. Rangoon, 1902 3s The Pal words are in Burmese characters. PAR3D XX. PALI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS. 1229 Anguttara Nikaya of the Sutta- pitaka, Pali Text in Sinhalese charac- ters, revised by H. Devamitta, Vol. L (pp. 1-550), interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1906 21s 1230 Attha-Sallni, Buddhaghosa's Com- menbary on the Dhammasangani, Pali Text in Roman characters, edited by E. Miiller, 8vo, pp. viii, 435, bds. 1897 (Pali Text 8oc.) 10s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 54 Pali Texts and Translations. 1231 Abhidhanappa Dipika, or Dic- tionary of the Pali Language, by Mog- gallana Thero, with English and Sing- halese Interpretations, Notes and Appendices, 8vo, pp. xv, 204, xi. Colombo, 1865 10s 6d The Pali is in Singhalese characters. 1231* The same, Third Edition, 8vo, pp. xvi, 272, cloth. Colombo, 1900 15s 1232 Anguttara Nikaya, Parti., Ekani- pata and Dukanipata, Pali Text, edited by R. Morris, 8s o, pp. xii, 128, bds. 1883 (Pali Text Soc.) (pub. 16s) 10s 6d 1233 Ayaramga Sutta of the Cvetambara Jains, edited by H. Jacobi, Part I., Pali Text, Svo, pp. xvi, 139, bds. 1882 (Pali Text Soc.) (pub. 15s) 10s 6d 1234 Balavatara, Pali Grammar in Pali (Sinhalese characters), by the Yen. Dhammakitti Sangharaja, with Com- mentary by H. Sumangala, Svo, pp. xvii, 327. Colombo, 1892 10s 8d 1235 Buddhavamsa and the Cariya Pitaka, edited by R. Morris, Part I., Pali Text, roy. Svo, pp. xx, 103, bds. 1882 (Pali Text Soc.) (pub. 14s) 10s 6d 1236 Cariya Pitakaya, Pali Text in Sin- halese characters, with a Sinhalese Translation by W. Sudassana Thera, Svo, pp. xxiv, 135, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1904 4s 6d 1237 Chatubhanavara Atthakatha. A Pali Commentary (in Sinhalese characters) on the Paritta, by V. Dhammapala, Svo, pp. 202, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1903 5s 1238 Dasaratha-Jataka: being the Budd- hist Story of King Rama, Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes by V. Fausboll, Svo, pp. 48. 1871 3s 6d 1239 Delius (N.) Radices Pracritical, Svo, pp. xiii, 93. 1839 2s 6d 1240 Dhammapada Commentary, edited in Pali by H. C. Norman, Vol. I. in two parts, and Vol. II., Svo, bds. 1906/1911 (Pali Text Society) 29s 1241 Commentary on the Dhamma- pada, translated from Pali by C. Duroiselle, Part II. (Story of Matta- kundali of Tissa of the Ogress Kali), 4to, pp. 21. Rangoon, 1903 (reprint) 2s 6d 1242 Dhamma Sangani : a Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics of the Fourth Century, translated from the Pali, with Introduction by C. A. F. Rhys Davids, Svo, pp. 95, 393, cloth. 1900 10s The Dhamma Sangani is the first book of the Abid- hamma Pitaka. 1243 Dhamma Padattha Katha, by Buddhaghosa, Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, edited by Siri Siddhattha Dhammananda and S. Nanissara, large Svo, pp. 659, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1908 25s 1244 Dhammaniti (The) : a Book of Pro- verbs and Maxims, edited in Pali, Burmese characters, by J. Gray, Svo, pp. 46. Rangoon, 1883 2s 6d 1245 Dhatu Katha Pakarana, and its Commentary, Pali Text in Roman characters, edited by E. R. Gooneratne, Svo, pp. 138, bds. 1892 (Pali Text Soc.) 10s 6d 1246 Digha Nikaya, Pali Text in Roman characters, edited by Rhys Davids and J. E. Carpenter, 3 vols, Svo, bds. 1889-1911 1 11s 6d 1247 Pali Text in Sinhalese charac- ters, with a Sinhalese Translation, by W. A. Samarasekera, 2 vols bound in 4, Svo, cloth, interleaved throughout. Colombo, 2447/48 A.B. 36s Being Vols I. and II. of the Buddhist Pali Texts. 1248 or Dialogues of the Buddha, from the Collection of Long Dialogues, translated from the Pali by T. W. Rhye Davids, 2 vols, with Indices, cloth. 1899-1910 21s Being Sacred Books of the Buddhists, Vols II. and III. 1249 Dukapatthana, Vol I., being part of the Abidhamma Pitaka, Pali Text in Roman characters, edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids, roy. Svo, pp. xv, 366, bds. 1906 10ft tt 1250 Fausboll. Five Jatakas, containing a Fairy Tale, a Comical Story, ana Three Fables, in the original Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes, Svo, pp. 71. Copenhagen, 1861 6s 1251 Peer (L.) Etude sur les Jatakas, with Pali Texts and French Translations, Svo, pp. 144. Reprint, 1875 5s 1252 Goldsehmidt (S.) Prakrtica, Svo, pp. 32. Strassburg, 1879 Is 6d A German Treatise. 1253 Jataka (The), or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births, translated from Pali under the editorship of E. B. COWELL, by R. CHALMEBS, Roux and others, 7 vols, roy. Svo, cloth. Cam- bridge, 1895-1907 4 1254 Jatakas. Buddhist Birth Stories, the oldest collection of Folklore extant, translated from the Pali by T. W. Rhys Davids, Vol. I. (all published), Svo, pp. 103, 347, cloth 30s Very scarce. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Pali Texts and Translations. 55 1255 Jatakas. The Jataka, together with its Commentary : being Tales of the Anterior Births of Gotamo Buddha, for the first time edited in the original Pali, 7 vols (complete with the Index), cloth. 1877-97 5 5s This Buddhist collection of stories is of great interest for students of folklore. 1256 Jinaearita, or the Career of the Conqueror, a Pali Poem, edited in Roman characters, with English Trans- lation and Notes, by C. Duroiselle, 8vo, pp. xxvi, 197, cloth. Rangoon, 1906 12s 6d 1257 Jinalankara, a Work on the Life and Teachings of Sakyamuni by the Yen. Baddharak-Khita, Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, with Sinhalese Translation, by Dipankara and B. . Dhammapala, 8vo, pp. vii, 93, ii, inter- leaved, and an English Introduction, cloth. Oalle, 1900 5s 1258 Jivaviyara de Santisuri; un traite Jaina sur les etres vivants, Pracrit, with French Translation, Notes and Glossary, par A. Gumnot, 8vo, pp. 58. Paris, 1902 3s 1259 Journal of the Pali Text Society for the year 1882, 8vo, pp. viii, 128, bds. 1882 8s Contains mostly Lists of Pali MSS. in various Libraries. 1260 for the year 1890, 8vo, pp. Ill, bds. 1890 10s 6d Contains Rouse's Index to the Jataka-Saddhamma Samgaho, Pali Text, &c. 1261 for the year 1906-07, 8vo, pp. 186, bds. 1907 10s 6d Contains the valuable article in English on the Zen Sect of Buddhism, by Suzuki Similes in the Nikayas, by Mrs. Rhys Davids Lexicographical Notes, &c. 1262 for the year 1908, 8vo, pp. ix, 198, bds. 1908 10s Contains Buddhist Counsels at Rajagaha, by Prof. Franke Early Pali Grammarians, by M. Bode, &c. 1263 Kammavakya. Liber de Officiis Sacerdotum Buddhicorum, Pali Text, with Latin Translation and Notes by F. Spiegel, 8vo, pp. 39. 1841 2s 1264 Kankhawitarani (The), or the Pali Commentary of Patimokkha, by Budd- haghosa Maha Thera, Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, 8vo, pp. viii, 239, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1905 12s 6d 1265 Kathavatthll. Pali Text in Roman characters, edited by A. C. Taylor, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, bds. 1894-97 (Pali Text Soc.) 21s 1266 Kammavaeha.--A Buddhist Liturgy in Pali, 8vo, pp. 36, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1906 3s 1267 Mahavamsa, edited in Pali (Roman characters), with Notes, with an Intro- duction in English by Wm. Geiger, 8vo, pp. 58, 367, cloth. 1908 (Pali Text Soc.) 12s 1268 Mahawanso, Vol. I. (all issued), Pali Text in Roman characters, with the English Translation subjoined and an Introductory Essay on Pali Buddhist Literature, by G. Tumour, 4to, pp. 93, 30, 262, xxxv. Ceylon, 1837 2 5s This volume is extremely scarce. 1269 Mahawamsa, or the Great Chronicle of Ceylon, translated from the Pali, by W. Geiger, 8vo, pp. 64, 300, cloth. 1912 (Pali Text Soc.) 10s 1270 Majjhima Nikaya, Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, large 8vo, pp. 480, interleaved. Colombo, 1904 36s 1271 The First Fifty Discourses, from the Collection of the Medium Length Discourses of Gotama the Buddha, translated from the Pali, by Silacara, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. 1912-13 each volume at 7s 6d, 15s 1272 Manoratha Parana, a Commentary to the Anguttara Nikaya, Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, interleaved throughout, cloth. Colombo, 1893-1903 30s 1273 Milinda PanhO, Pali Text in Sinha- lese characters, 8vo, pp. iv, 799, 27, cloth. Colombo, 1900 25s 1273* The same, Questions of King Milinda, translated from the Pali by T. W. Rhys Davids, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Oxford, 1890-94 (Sacred Books of the East) 25s 1274 Moggallayana Vyakarana, a Pali Grammar, in Pali (Sinhalese characters), 8vo, pp. 90. Colombo, 2434 A.B. 3s 6d 1275 Morris (Rev. R.) Jataka Tales, from the Pali, or Folk Tales of India, 8vo, pp. 142. London, N.D. 12s Being Translations from Fausboll's edition of the Jatakas. Reprinted from the Folklore Journal. 1276 Patimokkha, the Buddhist Office of the Confession of Priests, Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, 8vo, pp. 80, inter- leaved, cloth. Colombo, 2439 A.B. 4s 1277 Being the Buddhist Office of the Confession of Priests, Pali Text, with a Translation and Notes by J. F. Dickson, 8vo, pp. 69. London, 1875 4s 1278 Patisam Bhidamagga. Pali Text in Roman characters, edited by A. C. Taylor, 2 vols, roy. 8vo, bds. 1905- 1907 (Pali Text Soc.) 21s Probstkain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Pah Texts and Translations. 1279 Piruvana-pota, or Mahapirit- pota. A Collection of Suttas for averting Diseases and Evil Spirits, Pali Text, with a Sinhalese Translation, 8vo, pp. 158, bds. Colombo, 1903 5s 1280 Pujavaliya. A Collection of Mythi- cal and Traditionary Tales respecting Buddha, compiled by Mayurapada Thera, in Sinhalese, Vol. I., 8vo, pp. 479, cloth. Colombo, 1904 12s 6d 1281 Preta-vastu prakarana. The Pali Text of the Petavatthu, a portion of the Khuddaka-nikaya of the Sutta pitaka, with an extensive Commentary in Sinhalese, by Jniavamsa Pannasara, 8vo, pp. 214, ii, interleaved, cloth. Colombo (no date) 7s 6d 1282 Puggala-pannatti pakaranam. A Buddhist Work on Walking in the Four Paths, by Gi vidara R. Tcruiman.se. Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, 8vo, pp. 112, interleaved, cloth. Dorana- goda, 1900 4s There is no title-page. 1283 Rasayahini. Buddhist Legends, in Pali (Sinhalese characters), revised by Vedeha Maha Thera, edited by Saranatissa, 2 vols in one, 8vo, cloth, interleaved. Colombo, 1901 12s 6d 1284 Ravanavaha or Setubandha. Prakrit Text, with a German Transla- tion and an Index of Words, by S. Goldschmidt, 2 vols, 4tD. Strassbury, 1880-84 (pub. 43s) 30s 1285 Samanta Kuta Warnana, by V. Maha Sthavira, Pali Text, with a Singhalese Translation, 8vo, pp. xvi, 228. Colombo, 1890 6s 1286 Samanta Pasadika. A Pali Com- mentary (in Sinhalese characters) upon Part I. of the Sattavibhanga, a Section of the Vinayapitaka, Vol. I. (413 pages) and Vol. II., pages 1 to 72, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1897-1900 17s 6d The end can also be supplied. 1237 Samyutta Nikaya of the Sutta. pitaka, Pali Text in Sinhalese cha- racters, pp. 1-400, large 8 vo, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1898 15s The continuation can be supplied. 1288 Sarasangaha, by Rev. Siddhattha, revised by Somananda, Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, roy. 8vo, pp. viii, 256, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 1898 10s 6d 1289 Senart (E.) Les Inscriptions de Piyadasi, Tome I., cont. les 14 Edits, 8vo, pp. 326, with 2 plates. Paris, 1881 10s 6d 1290 Satika Khuddasikkha, or the Kudusika, with its Commentary : being an Epitome of the Vinaya Pitaka, com- piled by the Maha Therawara Dham- masiri, Pali Text in Sinhalese cha- racters, with English Introduction, 8vo, pp. 181, interleaved. Colombo, 2441, A.B. 7s 6d 1291 Stevenson (J.) The Kalpa Sutra and Nava Tatva, two works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy, translated from the Magadhi, Svo, pp. xxviii, 144, with a plate, cloth. 1848 7s 6d 1292 Subhuti (W.) Abhidhanappa dipika Suchi : a Complete Index to the main work, in Pali, with Explanatory Notes, and an English Index, Svo, pp. xxxiv, 520, viii. Colombo, 1893 15s 1293 Sutta Nipata. A Collection of Dis- courses on Buddhism, in Pali, forms a Section of the Khuddakanikaya of the Suttapitaka, edited by Paunatissa, Svo, pp. 136, interleaved, cloth. Welitara, 2434 [1891] 6s 1294 or Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha, translated from the Pali, with Notes by Sir M. Coomara Swamy, Svo, pp. xxxvi, 160, cloth. 1874 7s 6d 1295 Sutta Sangaha. A Collection of 85 Suttas from the Suttapitaka, edited by B. Dhirananda, Pali Texb (Sinhalese characters), Svo, pp. 155, vi, interleaved, cloth. Wellanpitiya, 2446 [1903] 6s 1296 Thera and Theri Gatha (Stanzas ascribed to Elders of the Buddhist Order of Recluses), Pali Text, edited by H. Jacobi and R. Pischel, Svo, pp. xv, 221, bds. 1833 10s 6d 1297 Thiessen (J. H.) Die Legende von Kisagotami : Part I., Pali Text, with German Translation and Notes, Svo, pp. 34. Kid 2s 6d 1298 Thupavamsa. Pali Text in Sinhalese characters, edited by W. Dharmaratna, Svo, pp. 82, cloth. Colombo, 1896 (interleaved copy) 3s 8d 1299 Trenekner (V.) Pali Miscellany (being a Specimen of Milinda Panho), Pali Text, with English Translation, Part I., all published, Svo, pp. 84, half calf. 1879 4s 1300 TPipitaka. Buddhist Holy Scrip- tnres, in Pali (Burmese characters), 20 vols, roy. Svo, Persian morocco. Ran- goon 18 15s 1301 Upali Suttam (lo Sutra d'Upali) traduit du Pali par L. Feer, Svo, pp. 132. Reprint, 1891 5s Etudes bouddhiques. Probsthain & Co, t 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Pali Texts and Translations. 57 1302 Ummagga Jataka (The) : being a Story of a Birth of Bodhisatwa, edited by Abayarabna. Bombay, 1879 5s There' is a translation from the Singhalese by T. B. Yataware, roy. 8vo pp. via, 242, cloth. 1898. IQS 6d. 1303 Upasampada-Kammavaea : being the Buddhist Manual of the Form and Manner of Ordering of Priests and Deacons, Pali Text, with English Translation by J. F. Dickson, 16mo, pp. 36. Venice, 1875 3s 6d 1304 Uvasagadasao (The), in Prakrit, with Sanskrit Commentary and Eng- lish Translation, edited by A. F. R. Hoernle, Svo. Calcutta, 1885-90 15s Bibliotheca Indica. 1305 Vedabbha Jataka, translated from the Pali and compared with "The Pardoner's Tale," by H. T. Francis, Svo, pp. 12. 1884 2s 6d 1306 Vibhanga : being the Second Book of the Abidhatnma Pitaka, Pali Text in Roman characters, edited by Mrs. Rhys Davids, Svo, pp. xxi, 464, bds. 1904 10s 6d 1307 Vimana-vastu prakarana. The Pali Text (Sinhalese characters) of the Vimana-vatthu, a Section of the Khuddkanikaya of the Suttapitaka, with a Commentary in Sinhalese Prose, by G. Ratanapala, edited by T. Sila- nanda, Svo, pp. 207, interleaved, cloth. Colombo, 2445 (1902) 8s 1308 Vinaya Pitakam (The), one of the Principal Buddhist Holy Scriptures in the Pali Language, Pali Text in Roman characters, edited, with a long Intro- duction, by H. Oldenberg, 5 vols, roy. Svo, cloth. 1879 83 (pub. 5 5s) 3 15s Vol. I., The Mahavagga VoL II., The Culla- vagga Vols. III. and IV., Suttavi bhanga V., The Parivara. 1309 Vuttodaya (Exposition of Metre), by Sangharakkhita Thera, Pali Text, with English Translation and Notes by Major G. E. Fryer, Svo, pp. 44. Calcutta, 1877 2s 6d The Vuttodaya is the only work on Pali prosody. 1310 Weber (A.) Ueber das Sapta^atakam des Hala, Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Prakrit, Svo, pp. 262, half calf. 1870 5s The Texts are in Roman characters. XXI. INDIAN DIALECTS. GRAMMARS. 1311 Campbell (G.) Specimens of Lan- guages of India, including those of the Aboriginal Tribes of Bengal, the Central Provinces, and the Eastern Frontier, folio, pp. iv, 303, bds. Cal- cutta, 1874 14s BIHAR I. 1312 Hoernle (A. F. R.)andGrierson (G. A.) Comparative Dictionary of the Bihari Language, Parts I. and II. (all issued), 4 to, with map. Calcutta, 1885- 89 7s 6d BILUCHI. 1313 Biluehi-nameh. A Text-book o* the Biluchi Language, compiled by Hittn Ram, Svo, entirely in Biluchi. Lahore, 1898 6s 1314 Moekler (Major) Grammar of the Baloochi Language, 12mo, cloth. 1877 4s BENGALI. 1315 Basa (U. N.) Etymological Dic- tionary of the English Language, Eng- lish-Bengali, 24mo, cloth. 1886 2s 6d 1316 Beames (J.) Grammar of the Bengali Language, Literary and Colloquial, Svo, cloth. 1894 7s 6d 1317 Carey (W.) Grammar of the Bengali Language, Svo, pp. 116, calf. Calcutta, 1843 3s 1318 A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language, Vol. I. only, 4to, full bound. Serampore, 1815 10s 6d 1319 Dictionary of the Bengali Lan- guage, Bengali-English, and English- Bengali, 2 vols, Svo. 1839-40 10s 6d Abridged from the 410 edition. 1320 Forbes (D.) Grammar of the Bengali Language, with Easy Phrases, Svo, cloth. 1862 7s Gd 1321 Forster (H. P.) A Vocabulary, Eng- lish and Bengalee and vice versa, 2 vols, folio, half bound. Calcutta, 1799 18s This copy belonged to the East India Company. 1322 Ganguli (B.) Student's Dictionary Bengali-English, Svo, pp. 886, xiv, cloth. Calcutta, 1912 5s 1323 Haughton (G. C.) Rudiments of Bengali Grammar, 4to, cloth. 1821 4s 1324 Mendies ( J. ) Abridgment of Johnson's Dictionary, English-Bengali and Ben- gali-English, Third Edition, Svo, 2 vols, cloth. 1856 8s Probst hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Dialects Grammars. 1325 Nieholl (G. F.) Manual of the Bengali Language, comprising Bengali Gram- mar, Reading Lessons, with various Appendices, 12mo, pp. xxiv, 321, calf. 1891 5s 1326 Pearson (J. D.) Bakyabali, or Idio- matical Exercises, English and Bengali, with Dialogues, 8vo, pp. 294, cloth. Calcutta, 1850 3s 6d 1327 Robinson (J.) Dictionary of Law and other Terms used in the Courts of Bengal, English-Bengali, Svo. Calcutta, 1860 5s 1328 Yates and Wenger. Introduction to the Bengali Language, Third Edi- tion, Svo, cloth. 1891 6s Grammar, Bengali Reader, Vocabulary. 1329 Bengali Grammar, Revised Edition, Svo, pp. vii, 138, cloth. 1885 3s 6d BURMESE. 1330 Alphabetum Barmanum. sou Roma- num Avse, 12mo, pp. 44, 52, bda. Rome, 1776 3s 1331 Chase (D. A.) Anglo-Burmese Hand- book, or Guide to a Practical Know- ledge of the Burmese Language, Svo, pp. 209, cloth. Rangoon, 1890 6s The Burmese is in Native and Roman characters. 1332 Davidson (Lieut. F.) Anglicised Colloquial Burmese, or How to Speak the Language in 3 Months, 12mo, pp. 102, cloth. 1904 3s 1333 Hough (G. H.) Anglo-Burmese Dic- tionary, Fart I., consisting of Mono- syllables, Svo, pp. 147. Maulmain, 1845 4s 1334 JudSOn (A.) Grammar of the Burmese Language, Svo, pp. 61, cloth. Rangoon, 1888 3s 1335 Grammatical Notices of the Burmese Languages, Svo, pp. 76, inter- leaved, calf. Maulmain, 1842 3s 1336 Phinney (P. D.) and Eveleth. Pocket Dictionary, Burmese-English and English- Burmese, Svo, pp. 386, cloth. Rangoon, 1904 7s 6d Compiled from Judson's Dictionary. 1337 Pocket Companion of the Student of Burmese, or English-Burmese Voca- bulary, Svo, pp. 309, cloth. Rangoon, 1858 7s 6d 1338 Slack (Ch.) Manual of Burmese, for the use of Travellers, Svo, pp. 39, with map, cloth. 1S8S 3s 1339 Sloan (W. H.) Practical Method with the Burmese Language (English-Bur- mese Vocabulary), Svo, pp. 168, cloth. Rangoon, 1887 4s The Burmese in Native and Roman characters. 1340 Wade(J.) Karen VernacularGrammar, with English interspersed for Foreign Students, in four parts, embracing Termonology, Etymology, Syntax, and Style, Svo, calf. Rangoon, 1897 7s 6d CANARESE. 1341 Garrett (J.) English Canareee and Canarese-English Dictionary, 2 vols, Svo, cloth. Bangalore, 1844-45 12s 1342 Hodson (Th.) Elementary Grammar of the Kannada or Canarese Language ; together with REEVE'S Dictionary, Canarese-English, Svo, pp. 106, 276. Bangalore, 1858-59 12s 6d AH Canarese words are in Native and Roman characters. 1343 Kittel (F.) Kannada-English Dic- tionary, large Svo, pp. 50, 1752, half calf. Mangalore, 1894 1 12a The Canarese is in Native and Roman characters. 1344 Ziegler (F.) Practical Key to the Canarese Language (Vocabulary and Phrases), Svo, pp. 91. Mangalore, 1882 3s The Canarese is in Native and Roman characters. GUJARATI. 1345 Clarkson (W.) Grammar of the Gujarat! Language, 4to, pp. 175, cloth. Bombay, 1847 5s 1346 Edalji (Sb.) Grammar of the Gujarati Language, Svo, pp. 127, cloth. Bom- bay, 1867 3s 1347 Green (H.) A Collection of English Phrases, with their Idiomatic Gnjarati Equivalents, Svo, pp. 233, cloth. Bombay, 1887 3s 6d The Gujarati in Native characters only. 1348 Patel (N. H.) and Karbhari (Bhagu F.) English-Gujarati and Gujarati- English Dictionary, 2 vols, Svo, pp. 373, 644. Ahmedabad, 1895-98 12s 6d Each vol is sold separately. The Gujarati is in Native characters only. 1349 Taylor (G. P.) The Student's Gujarati Grammar, with Exercises and Vocabu- lary, roy. Svo, pp. xvi, 228, cloth. Surat, 1893 12s 1350 Tisdall (W. S. Clair) Simplified Grammar of the Gujarati Language, with a Short Reading Book and Voca- bulary, Svo, pp. 189, cloth. 1892 10s 6d The Reading Lessons are in Gujarati, the main rest in Roman characters. 1351 Umiashankar (J. and O.) English- Gujarati Dictionary, with Appendices, Svo, pp. 450, 72, cloth. Bombay, 1862 5s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Dialects. Grammars. 59 1352 Young (R.) Gujarati Exercises, or a New Method of learning to read, write, and speak Gujarati, l'2mo, pp. 500, 48, bds. 1865 (pub. 12s) 7s 6d Some of the Exercises are in Gujarati and Roman characters, the rest in Native characters only. HINDI. 1353 Bate (J. D.) Dictionary of the Hindi Language, Hindi- English, roy. 8vo, pp. 805, cloth. Benares, 1875 32s 1354 Beames (J.) Notes on the Bhojpuri Dialect of Hindi spoken in Western Behar, 8vo, pp. 26. 1868 2s 1355 Browne (J. F.) A Hindi Primer, in Roman characters, pp. 36, cloth. 1882 2s 1356 Hindi Dictionary, for the use of Schools, entirely in Hindi, 8vo, cloth. Benares, 1871 4a 1357 Kellogg (Rev. S. H.) Grammar of the Hindi Language, with Copious Philological Notes, 8vo, cloth, pp. 415. Allahabad, 1876 10s 6d HINDUSTANI. 1358 Ballantyne (J. R.) Hindustani Selec- tions, with a Vocabulary, Second Edi- tion, 8vo, cloth. 1845 3s 1359 Brice (N.) Romanized Hindustani- English Dictionary, for the use of Schools, 8vo, pp. 357. 1864 4s 1360 Brown (0. P.) and Gholam (Mir) English and Hindustani Phraseology, or Exercises in Idioms, 8vo, pp. 235, cloth. Madras, 1855 4s 1361 Chapman (Major F.) How to Learn Hindustani (Grammar, Exercises, Con- versations, Manuscript Reading), 8vo, pp. 356, cloth. 1907 7s 6d 1362 Urdu Reader for Beginners, with a Vocabulary, 8vo, pp. 127, 82, cloth 6s 1363 The same, for Military Students, 8vo, pp. 102, 76, cloth. 1910 7s 6d 1364 CradOCk'S English Grammar in Hindoostani, for the use of Moham- medans, 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1857 3s 6d 1365 Bobbie (R. S.) Pocket Dictionary, English-Hindustani, 8vo, pp.221, cloth. 1847 3s 6d The Hindustani in Arabic and Roman characters. 1366 DoWSOn (J.) Grammar of the Urdu or Hindustani Language, 8vo, pp. xv, 264, cloth. 1872 (pub. 10s 6d) 6s In the grammar Hindustani words are given in the Persian and Roman characters. 1367 Das (Narayan) Help to Candidates in Hindustani, Svo, pp. 148, 32, cloth. Shahjahanpur, 1897 4s 1368 English and Hindustani. Student's Assistant, or Idiomatic Exer- cises in those Languages, Svo, pp. 151. Calcutta, 1837 2s 6d The Hindustani in Roman characters. 1369 Fallen (S. W.) Hindustani-English Law and Commercial Dictionary, roy. 8vo, pp. 283, cloth. Benares, 1879 (Rs. 10) 8s 1370 Forbes (D.) Grammar of the Hindu- stani Language, with illustrations of the Persian and Divanagari, plates, and Extracts for Reading, and a Vocabu- lary, Svo, cloth. 1862 6s 1371 Hindustani Manual, Grammar, and English- Hindustani Vocabulary (in Roman characters), 12mo, pp. 188. 1891 2s 6d 1372 Dictionary, Hindustani-Eng- lish and English-Hindustani, roy. Svo, pp. 585, 318, half bound. London, 1848 18s The Hindustani in Persian and English characters. 1373 Dictionary, Hindustani-Eng- lish and English-Hindustani, New Edi- tion, printed in the Roman character, roy. Svo, pp. 597, 318, cloth. 1859 (pub. 36s) 25s As new. 1374 Dictionary, English-Hindu- stani (in Roman characters), Second Edition, Svo, cloth, pp. 318. 1866 8s 1375 Hadley (G.) Grammatical Remarks on the Dialect of the Indostan Lan- guage, called Moors, with Vocabulary, English and Moors, Svo, pp. 155, calf. 1774 3s 6d 1376 Jawahir Singh. The Urdu Teacher (Grammar, Conversations, Exercises), large Svo, cloth. Umballa, 1898 7s 6d 1378 Keegan (W.) Vocabulary in Urdu, Latin and English, with Pronunciation in Roman characters, roy. Svo, pp. 320, cloth. Sardhana, 1882 7s 6d 1379 Kemp son (M.) The Syntax and Idioms of Hindustani : a Manual of the Language, Svo, pp. 309, cloth. 1906 5s Grammar, Reading, and Translation. 1380 Lyall (C. J.) Sketch of the Hindu- stani Language (Roman characters), Svo, pp. 55. 1880 2s 1381 Mather (C.) Glossary, Hindustani and English, to the New Testament, in Roman characters, Svo, cloth, pp. 226. 1861 3s bd Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 6o Indian Dialects. Grammars. 1382 Monier Williams. Easy Introduc- tion to the Study of Hindustani (Roman characters), with a full Syntax and Selections in Hindustani, 8vo, pp. 233. 1853 3s 6d 1383 Hindustani Primer, in Roman characters, 8vo. 1865 2s 6d 1383* Practical Hindustani Gram- mar, in Roman character, with Hindu- stani Selections, in the Persian cha- racter, cloth. 1862 6s 1384 Payie (Th.) Chrestomathie Hindou- stani (Urdu et Dakhou), avec Voca- bulaire Hindoustani-JTrangais, 8vo. Paris, 1847 6s 1385 Phillips (A. N.) Hindustani Idioms, with Vocabulary, 12mo, pp. 283, cloth. 1892 4s 6d In English characters throughout. 1386 Plunkett (G. T.) Conversation Manual : Collection of 670 Phrases, in English, Hindustani, Persian, and Pashtoo, 8vo, pp. 130, cloth. 1893 4s 1387 Prasad (Durga) Guide to Legal Translations : a Collection of Words and Phrases used in the Translation of Legal Papers from Urdu into English, 8vo, cloth. Benares, 1869 5s 1338 Ranking (G. S. A.) Pocket-book of Colloquial Hindustani, 8vo, cloth, pp. 65. Calcutta, 1905 3s 1389 Rayerty (Capt. H. G.) Thesaurus of English and Hindustani Technical Terms, 8vo, pp. 106, cloth. 1859 3s 6d Hindustani in Persian and Roman characters. 1390 Roebuck (Lt. T.) English and Hin- doostanee Naval Dictionary, with a Grammar, 12mo, pp. Ixvii, 180, half calf. 1813 3s 1391 Seal(M. S.) Manual of English and Hindustani Terms, Phrases, &c., in the Roman character, 8vo, pp. 241. Cal- cutta, 1871 3s 1392 Small (G.) Laskari Dictionary, or Anglo-Indian Vocabulary of Nautical Terms and Phrases in English and Hindustani, 8vo, pp. 85. 1882 3s In Roman characters. 1393 Thompson (J. T.) English-Urdu and Urdu-English Dictionary, in Roman characters, 8vo, pp. 332, 256, cloth. Calcutta, 1852 5s 1394 Yates (W.) Introduction to the Hin- dustani Language : Grammar, Vocabu- lary and Reading Lessons, Sixth Edi- tion, 8vo, pp. xiv, 326, cloth. Calcutta, 1855 4s KASHMIRI. 1395 Wade (T. R.) Grammar of the Kashmiri Language, as spoken in the Valley of Kashmir, 8vo, pp. xii, 159, cloth. 1888 4s The Kashmiri is in Roman characters only. KHOND. 1396 Smith (Major J. M.) Practical Hand- book of the Khond Language (Roman characters), 8vo, pp. 130, cloth. Cuttack, 1876 8s Contains a Grammar Khond Depositions, in Khond and English, and a Vocabulary. KOMKANI. 1397 DalgadO (S. R.) Diccionario Kotn- kani-Portuguez, philologico - etymo- logico, 8vo, pp. 37, 561, half calf. Bombay, 1893 12s 6d The Komkani is in the Devanagari and Roman characters. KUI. 1398 Friend-PePeira. Grammar of the Kui Language (Dravidian), 8vo, pp. ix, 80, vi, cloth. Calcutta,, 1909 4s In Roman characters. MALAYALIM. 1399 Bailey (B.) Dictionary, English- Malayalim, Second Edition, 8vo, pp. 545. Cottayam, 1868 18s The Malayalim in Native characters only. 1400 Gundert (H.) Malayalim and Eng- lish Dictionary, in 5 parts, roy. 8vo, pp. 1116. Mangalore, 1872 21s The Malayalim is in Native and Roman characters. 1401 Peet (J.) Grammar of the Malayalim Languages, as spoken in Travancore and Cochin, and N. and S. Malabar, 8vo, pp. xv, 218. Cottayam, 1841 8s 1402 The same, Second Edition, 8vo, pp. ix, 187, cloth. 1860 9s 1403 Spring (F.) Grammar of the Malay- alim Language in Malabar, folio, pp. x, 94, half calf. Madras, 1839 8s MARATHI. 1404 Bellairs (H. S. K.) Grammar of the Marathi Language, 8vo, pp. 90. Bombay, 1868 3s 1405 Bhide (G. H.) Marathi English Primer, 8vo, pp. 108, cloth. Bombay, 1889 3s All exercises are in Marathi and English. 1406 Molesworth (J. T.) and Candy (T.) I Dictionary, English and Marathi, 4 to, | pp. 833, half bound. Bombay, 1847 10s 6d Probst hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Dialects. Grammars. 61 1407 MoleSWOPth (J. T.) Dictionary, Marathi- English, 4to, pp. 1162. Bombay, 1831 7s 6d 1408 Navalkar (G. R.) The Student's Marathi Grammar, New Edition, 8vo, pp. xv, 340, cloth. Bombay, 1880 12s Out of print. 1409 Student's Manual of Mahrathi Grammar, designed for High Schools, 8vo, pp. 140. Bombay, 1868 5s NEPALI. 1410 Turnbull (A.) A Nepali Grammar, and English-Nepali and Nepali- English Vocabulary, 8vo, pp. 303, cloth. Darjeeling, 1887 8s NICOBARESE. 1411 Roepstorff (F. A.) Dictionary of the Nancowry Dialect of the Nicobarese Language : Nicobarese - English and English-Nicobarese, 8vo, pp. xxv, 279, with a curious plate. Calcutta, 1884 14a The Appendix contains Tales, in Nicobarese and English translation. PANJABI. 1412 A Grammar of the Punjabi Lan- guage, Panjabi Readings, 8vo, pp. viii, 112. Lodiana, 1851 6s 1413 Dictionary of the Panjabi Language, edited by L. Janvier, 4to, pp. vi, 438, half calf. Lodiana, 1854 24s Scarce. The Panjabi in Sanskrit and Roman characters. 1414 Starkey (Capt.) Dictionary, English and Punjabee, Outlines of Grammar, also Dialogues, 8vo, pp. 286, xxxvi, 116, cloth. Calcutta, 1849 16s The Panjabi is in Roman characters only. 1415 Wilson (J.) Grammar and Dictionary of Western Panjabi, as spoken in the Shapnr District, with Probers, Sayings, Verses, in Panjabi and English, 8vo, cloth. Lahore, 1899 5s The Panjabi is in Roman characters. PATHAN. 1416 [Murray (J. Wolfe)] Dictionary of the Pathan Tribes on the N.-W. Frontier of India, 16mo, pp. 239, ii, with map, bds. Calcutta, 1899 4s 6d SANTHAL. 1417 Skrefsrud (L. O.) Grammar of the San thai Language, 12mo, pp. xvii, 370, cloth. Benares, 1873 (pub. 21s) 16s The Santhal is in Roman characters. SINDHI. 1418 Seymour (L. W.) Grammar of the Sindhi Language, 8vo, pp. xii, 203, cloth. Karachi, 1884 10s The Sindhi in Arabic and Roman characters. 1419 Stack (Capfe. G.) Dictionary, Sindhi and English, large 8vo, pp. 437, half calf. Bombay, 1855 15s The Sindhi is in the Devanagari character. SINHALESE. 1420 Anawaratna (S.) Easy Steps to Sinhalese, 8vo, pp. 51. Colombo, 1908 2s 6d The Sinhalese is in Native and Roman characters. 1421 Bridgnell (W.) School Dictionary, Sinhalese-English, 16mo, pp. 371, cloth. Colombo, 1847 5s 1422 Callaway (J.) Vocabulary, with Phrases in English, Portuguese, and Singhalese, 8vo, calf. Colombo, 1818 6s 1423 School Dictionary, Singhalese- English, with an Introduction on the Language, 8vo, pp. 22, 156. Colombo, 1821 5s 1424 Carter (Ch.) English and Singhalese Lesson Book on Ollendorffs System, together with another Grammar and Vocabulary, 8vo, pp. 167, 81, cloth. Colombo 5s 1425 English-Sinhalese Dictionary, roy. 8vo, pp. xx, 1030, calf. Colombo, 1891 25s 1426 Chater (J.) Grammar of the Cinga- lese Language, 4to, pp. 141, bds. Colombo, 1815 12s Very scarce. 1427 Childers (R. C.) Notes on the Sinhalese Language, Part I. : Forma- tion of Plural of Neuter Nouns, 8vo, pp. 14. Reprint, 1873 2s 6d 1428 Geiger (W.) Litteratur u. Sprache der Singhalesen, 8vo, pp. 97. 1901 5s Encycl. of Indo-Aryan Research. 1429 LambriCh (S.) Grammar of the Singhalese Language, 8vo, pp. 155. Ceylon, 1834 6s 1430 Mehe Varen, or Pocket Sinhalese Guide, Sinhalese (Roman characters) and English, 8vo, pp. 44. Colombo, 1897 2s 6d 1431 Mendis Gunasekara. A Compre hensive Grammar of the Singhalese Language, 8vo, pp. 516, cloth. Colombo, 1891 15s 1432 Ranesinghe (W. P.) The Sinhalese Language : its Origin and Structure, Part 1, 8vo. Colombo, 1900 2s 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 62 Indian Dialects. Grammars. 1433 Silva (3.) Handbook of Sinhalese Grammar, with Exercises, Svo, pp. 113. Colombo, 1903 3s 6d 1434 English-Sinhalese Dictionary, 16mo, pp. 511, calf. Colombo, 1897 10s TAMIL. 1435 Anderson (R.) Rudiments of Tamul Grammar, 4to, pp. xx, 184, half calf. 1821 8s 1436 Besehi (C. J.) Grammatica Latino- Tamulica, 4to, pp. 151, and Index, calf. Madras, 1813 48 1437 Grammar of the Tamil Lan- guage, translated from the Latin, 4to, pp. 117, v. Madras, 1822 5s 1438 The same, translated from the Latin, Svo, pp. 147, cloth. Madras, 1848 6s 1439 The same, Grammatica Tamu- lica, Svo, pp. 215, 28, calf. Pondichery, 1843 6s 1440 Clavis humanior. litterar. sub- limioris Tamulici Idiomatis, Svo, pp. viii, 171, cloth. Tranquebar, 1876 5s 1441 Ferguson (A. M.) Inge va, or Pocket Tamil Guide, Svo, pp. 156, cloth. Colombo, 1902 3s The Tamil in Roman characters. 1442 Hoole (E.) Lady's Tamil Book : Book of Common Prayer, in Tamil and Eng- lish, with a Grammar of Tamil (Roman characters), Svo, cloth. 1860 3s 6d 1443 Jensen (H.) Practical Tamil Reading Book for Beginners, Svo, pp. 162, cloth. Madras, 1882 3s 6d 1444 Lazarus (J.) Tamil Grammar, Svo, pp. 230, cloth. Madras, 1878 7s 6d 1445 Pilloy (C. A.) A Manual of Indian Terms, Tamil-English ; a Commercial Vocabulary, English and Tamil, and an Appendix, Svo, pp. 143, cloth. Madras, 1861 3s 6d Referring to the Revenue and J udicial Departments. 1447 Pope (G. U.) A Handbook of the Tamil Language, Seventh Edition, Svo, pp. 204, cloth. 1912 7s 6d 1448 A Key to the Exercises in the Tamil Handbook, with Notes on Analysis, Svo, pp. 100. 1904 5s 1449 A Compendious Tamil-English and English-Tamil Dictionary, Svo, 2 vols, pp. 98, 108. 1905-06 each 5s 1450 Pope (G. U.) Tamil Prose Reading Book, Svo, cloth. 1859 5s U51 A Tamil Prose Reader, Svo, pp. 124. 1906 6s 1452 First Lessons in Tamil, 12mo, cloth. 1856 4s 1453 Rhenius (C. T. E.) A Grammar of the Tamil Language, with an Appendix, Second Edition, Svo, pp. xvi, 293, half bound. Madras, 1846 8s 1454 Tamil Grammar, abridged, 16mo, pp. 206, cloth. Madras, 1845 3s 1455 Rottler (J. P.) Dictionary of the Tamil and English Languages, Part I., 4to, pp. 298, half bound. Madras, 1834 10s 6d TELUGU. 1456 Arden (A. H.) Progressive Grammar of the Telugu Language, with Copious Examples and Exercises, Second Edi- tion, roy. Svo, pp. xi, 351, cloth. 1905 10s 6d 1457 Brown (C. P.) Dictionary, English- Telugn and Telugu-English, explaining the Colloquial Style and Poetical Dialect, 2 vols, roy. Svo. Madras, 1852 2 2s 1458 Campbell (A. D.) Grammar of the Telugu Language, 4to, pp. xxv, 205, 18, half calf. Madras, 1816 5s J. C. Morris calls this a book of great merit. 1459 Morris (J. C.) Dictionary, English and Telugu, 2 vols, 4to, calf. Madras, 1835 8s 1460 Pereival (P.) Anglo-Telugu Dic- tionary (Telugu words in Roman and Telugu characters), Svo, pp. 3, 245, cloth. Madras, 1861 4s 1461 Riccaz (A.) Abridgment of Telugu Grammar, Svo, pp. 124, ix. Vizaga- patam, 1869 2s 6d 1462 Rogers (H. T.) First Lessons in Telugu, Svo, pp. xvi, 83. Madras, 1880 3s URIYA. 1463 Browne (J. F.) An Uriya Primer, in Roman characters, pp. 32. 1882 2s 1464 Rout. English-Oriya Dictionary, with an Appendix, Oriya Grammar, Svo, pp. 440, cloth. Guttack, 1874 12s Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Dialects. Texts and Translations. PART? XXIX. INDIAN DIALECTS. TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS. BENGALI. 1465 Adharlal Sen. Kusum-Kanan, or the Flowery Grove, Sixteen Poems on miscellaneous subjects, in Bengali, 2 vols in one, 12mo, fall green morocco. Calcutta, 1877-78 4s 1468 Bankim Ch. Chatterji. Durgesa Nandini, or the Chieftain's Daughter, a Bengali Romance, translated into Eng- lish by C. Mookerjee, 8vo, pp. ii, 201, cloth. Calcutta, 1880 6s One of the chief Hindu Novels. 1467 Krishna Kanta's Will, a Ben- gali Novel, translated by M.S. Knight, with Introduction and Notes, 8vo, pp. 264, cloth. 1895 6s 1468 Sitaram, a Bengali Novel, translated by S. C. Mukerji, 8vo, pp. 259, cloth. 1903 7s 6d 1469 Charitabali (The), or Instructive Biography, by I. Vidyasagara, with a Vocabulary, Bengali-English, by J. H. Blumhardt, 12mo, cloth. 1883-84 3s 6d 1470 Gitanj all (Song Offerings), by Rabin- dra Nath Tagore, a Collection of Prose Translations made by the Author from the Bengali, 8vo, pp. xvi, 64, with a fine portrait by W. fiothenstein, cloth. 1912 21s India Society Publication. The edition is entirely out of print. 1471 Kali Krishna Lahiri. Roshinara, a Historical Romance, translated from the Bengali by N. Ch. Sen, 12mo, pp. 275. Trichinopoly, 1912 3s 1472 Mukharji (R. S.) Indian Folklore, 8vo, pp. 127, cloth. Calcutta, 1904 2s A translation of 31 Tales from the Bengali. 1473 Nabonari, in Bengali, 8vo, pp. 269, cloth. Calcutta, 1899 3s 1474 Purushapariksa of Vidyapati, translated into Bengali by Haraprasad, roy. 8vo, pp. 242, half calf. 1826 4s 1476 Sarnalata (the Well-known Bengali Novel), or a Picture of Hindu Domestic Life, translated from the Bengali by D. Ch. Roy, 8vo, pp. ii, 280, cloth. Calcutta, 1903 3s 6d 1476 Second Conference between an Ad- vocate and an Opponent of Burning Widows Alive, translated from the Bengali, 8vo, pp. 50. Calcutta, 1820 3s BIHARI. 1477 Grierson (G. A.) Some Bhoj'puri Folk Songs, edited in Bihari and trans- lated into English, 8vo, pp. 61. Re- print 2s 6d OANARESE. 1478 Channa Basava Purana ; an Ac- count of Channa Basava, an Incarna- tion of the Parnava, in Kannada (Canareae), folio, pp. 539, half calf. Mangalore, 1851 21s A short synopsis in English MS. has been added. 1478* Manuscript of a Christian Treatise in Canarese 10s 6d 1479 Nagavarma's Canarese Prosody, edited with an Introduction to the Work and an Essay on Canarese Litera- ture, by F. Kittel, 8vo, pp. Ixxxii, 160, cloth. Mangalore, 1875 7s 6d The work is in Canarese, but the introduction, the essay and the notes are in English. 1480 Naga Varmma'S Karnataka Bhasha- Bushana : the Oldest Grammar extant of the Kannada Language, edited, with an English Introduction on the Kannada Language and Literature, by L. Rice, roy. 8vo, pp. 44, 96, 22, bds. Bangalore, 1884 7s 6d The text of the grammar is in Canarese and Roman characters. 1481 New Testament, translated from the Original Greek into Canarese by a Committee of Missionaries, 8vo, calf. Bangalore, 1858 5s GUJARATI. 1482 Stree Bodhe and [Woman's] Social Progress in India, a Jubilee Memorial, by Various Contributors, with an Ac- count of the Jubilee Celebrations and Lectures, in English and Gujarati, roy. 8vo, pp. 226, illustrated, cloth. Bom- bay, 1908 6s GURMUKKI. 1483 Sakhee Book, or the Description of Gooroo Gobind Singh's Religion and Doctrines, translated from Gooroo Mukhi, by Sirdar Attar Singh, 8vp, pp. xviii, 205, with portrait of the Sirdar. Benares, 1873 12s 6d Probst hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Dialects. Texts and Translations. 1484 Singh (Sirdar Atbar) The Travels of Guru Tegh Bahadar and Guru Gobind Singh, translated from the Gurmukhi, 8 vo, pp. ix, 137, cloth, with a quaint map. Lahore, 1876 5s HINDI. 1485 Baital Paehisi (The), or Twenty-five Tales of a Demon, a New Edition of the Hindi Text, with each Word ex- pressed in the Hindustani Character, and a literal English Interlinear Trans- lation, and Notes by W. B. Barker and E. B. Eaatwick, roy. 8vo, pp. x, 369, cloth. Hertford, 1855 12s 6d 1486 Translated from the Hindi into English by Capt. W. Boilings, 8vo, pp. vii, 117. Calcutta, 1859 3s 6d 1487 Bala Dipaka. A New Series of Hindi Readers, in Hindi, 12mo. Banki- pur, 1888-89 3s 6d 1488 Beames (J.) Notes on the Bhojpuri Dialect of Hindi, spoken in Western Behar, 8vo, pp. 26. 1868 2s 6d 1489 Hindi Petitions, in Hindi, roy. 8vo, pp. 124, cloth. 1884 5s 1490 Hitopadesa, in Hindi, Book I., 8vo. Mirzzpore, 1851 2s 1491 Jethabhai (G.) Indian Folklore: being a Collection of Tales illustrating the Customs and Manners of the Indian People, 8vo, pp. 236, cloth. Limbdi, 1903 4s Translations from the Hindi. 1492 New Testament, translated from the Original Greek into the Hindi Lan- guage, 8vo, calf. 1860 3s 1493 Prem Sagur, or the History of Krishnu according to the 10th Chapter of the Bhagavat, translated into Hindi by L. Lai, 4to, pp. 248, half calf. Calcutta, 1842 8s 1494 translated from the Hindi into English by Capt. W. Rollings, 8vo, pp. iv, 440. Calcutta, 1848 4s The copy is worm-eaten. 1495 The same, 8vo, pp. 272. Calcutta, 1866 5s 1496 Prem Sagar, or the Ocean of Love, literally translated from the Hindi of Shri Lalln Lai Kab into English by E. B. Eastwick, 4 bo, pp. 271, half calf. Hertford, 1851 25s Scarce edition. 1497 Prema Sagara, or Ocean of Love, literally translated from the Hindi Text of Lallu Lai Kavi into English, annotated and explained by F. Pincott, 8vo, pp. xx, 327, cloth. 1897 (pub. 12s) 6s 1498 Prithiraja Rasau (The) of Chand Bardai, edited in the Original Hindi by J. Beames and A. F. R. Hoernle, Vol. L, fac. 1 ; Vol. II., fact. 1 to 5 (all published), 8vo. Calcutta, 1873-88 5s 1499 Rajniti, or Tales exhibiting the Moral Doctrines of the Hindoos, trans- lated from the Hindi of Lalln Lai into English by J. R. Lowe, 8vo, pp. 112, cloth. Calcutta, 1853 5s 1500 Ramayana of Tulsi Das, in Hindi, large 8vo, cloth. Benares, 1882 14s 1501 Translated from the Original Hindi byF. S. Growse, Book L, Child- hood, 4to, pp. xxi, 177, cloth. Alia- habad, 1885 7s 6d 1502 Translation of the Second Book from the Hindi into Literal Eng- lish, with Copious Notes and Allusions by Adalut Khan, 8vo, pp. vi, 244. Calcutta, 1871 4s The second book contains the Ajodhyakand. 1503 Ratnasagar (The Ocean of Jewels) : a Collection of Stories in Hindi, by Snktakamala, roy. Svo, pp. xvi, 608, cloth. Calcutta, 1880 21s HINDUSTANI. 1504 AziZ-Uddin Ahmad. SamraiDyanat (The Fruits of Honesty), translated from the Urdu, Svo, pp. 177, iii, calf. Lucknow, 1891 3s 1505 Bagh Bahar. The Hindustan Text of Mir Amman, edited, in Roman type, with Notes by Monier Williams, 12mo, pp. 40, 240, cloth. 1859 4s 1506 Bagh O Bahar, consisting of Enter- taining Tales in Hindustani (Arabic cha- racters), edited, with a Vocabulary, by D. Forbes, Svo, cloth. 1851 5s 1507 The same, lithograpJied, Svo. Cawnpore, 1832 4s 6d 1508 The same, or the Garden and the Spring : being the Adventures of King Azad Bakht and the Four Darweshes, literally translated into English, with Notes, by E. B. Eastwick, Svo, pp. 251, bds. Hertford, 1852 12s 6d 1509 Selections, constituting the Text-Book for examination of Officers in Hindustani, by J. F. Baness, Svo, pp. 249, cloth. Calcutta, 1887 7s 6d Hindustani in Persian and English character, and English translation. 1510 The Tale of the Four Durwesh, translated from the Oordoo Tongue, with Notes by L. F. Smith, 12mo, pp. x, 256. Lucknow, 1834 3s 6d Probsthain & Co. t 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Dialects. Texts and Translations. 1511 Bagh Bahar, or Adventures of the Four Darwesh, in Hindustani, edited in the Roman character by D. Forbes, 8vo, cloth. 1859 4s 1512 The same, translated into English by D. Forbes, 8vo, pp. 315, cloth. 1862 5s 1513 and PremSagar. Selections for the Higher Standard in Hindustani, 8vo. Calcutta, 1883 5s 1514 The same, translated into English by A. Khan, 8vo, pp. 398. Calcutta, 1884 5s 1515 Parry (E. F.) The Stories of the Bdgh o Bahar, 8vo, pp. xii, 74, cloth. 1890 2s 6d An abstract made from the original text. 1516 Beg (Moh., Sirdar 1st Madras Lancers) My Jubilee Visit to London, translated from the Hindustani, 8vo, pp. xii, 101, cloth. Bombay, 1899 3s 6d Mob. Beg is a descendant from Tippu Sultan. 1517 Garein de Tassy. La langue eb la literature hindoustanies en 1872 efa 1875, 2 parts. Paris, 1873-76 3s 1518 Gool i-Buka Wulee, translated from the Original Oordoo into English and with Vocabulary by Th. Ph. Manuel, 12mo, pp. 216, xlviii. Lucknow, 1882 3s 6d 1519 History of Hindustan : being an English Version of Raja Sivaprasad's, Part III., by Pandit Bhavanidat, 8vo, cloth, pp. 84 3s 1520 Ikhwan-US-Suffa. The Brothers of Purity, or Disputation between Man and Animal, translation from the Urdu by J. Wall, 12mo, pp. 227. Lucknow, 1880 3s 1521 The same, translated by A. C. Cavendish, 8vo, pp. vi, 193, bds. 1885 3s Containing a translation of twenty-five tales. 1522 Khirad Afroz (the Illumination of the Understanding), by Maulavi Hafiznddin, a New Edition of the Hindustani Text, carefully revised, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by E. B. Eastwick, large 8vo, pp. xiv, by J J21, 321, cloth. Hertford, 1857 (pub. 18s) 10s 6d 1523 Lutaifee Hindee, or Hindostanee Jest-book, containing a Collection of Humorous Stories, in Arabic and Roman characters, edited by W. C. Smyth, 8vo, pp. xvi, 159. London, 1840 3s 1524 Nasp i Be-Nazip, or Story of Prince Be-Nazir : an Eastern Fairy Tale, translated from the Urdu by C. B. Bell, 8vo, pp. 129. HuU, 1871 4s 1525 New Testament in Hindustani. Injil-i-Imuqaddas (Roman characters), 8vo, pp. 338, cloth. 1860 2s 6d 1526 Rubbee (Kb. Fuzli) Haqiqate Mu sal- man i Bengalah, i.e., The Origin of the Mu salmans of Bengal, translated from the Hindustani into English, 12mo, pp. iii, 132, cloth. Calcutta, 1895 5s 1527 ShakespeaP (J.) Muntakhabat - 1 - Hindi, or Selections in Hindustani, with verbal translations or particular vocabularies, and a Grammatical Analysis, Vol 1, 4to. 1852 4s 1527* The same, two parts. 1846 7s 6d 1528 Tahcin Uddin. Les aventures de Kamrup. Traduites de 1'hindonstani, par Garcin de Tassy, 8vo, pp. xi, 251. Paris, 1834 7s 6d 1529 Tota-Kahani, or Tales of a Parrot, in Hindustani, edited by D. Forbes, with Vowel Prints and Hindustani- English Vocabulary, 8vo, cloth. 1852 7s 1530 Wasokht Of Amanat (The), Hindu- stani Text in Roman characters ; to- f ether with Bemerkungen znr Yors- nnst im Urdu, von H. Jansen, 8vo, pp. 64, 96. 1893 5s MALAYALAM. 1531 Chandu Menon (O.) Induleka, a Malayalam Novel, translated into English by W. Dnmergue, 8vo, pp. xix, 304, cloth. Madras, 1890 7s 6d MARATHI. 1532 Ae worth (H. A.) Ballads of the Marathas, rendered into English Verse from the Marathi Originals, 8vo, pp. xxxviii, 129, cloth. 1894 7s 6d Out of print. 1533 Marathi Proverbs, collected (Marathi Text) and translated into English by A. Manwaring, 8vo, pp. x, 271, cloth. Oxford, 1899 (pub. 8s) 6s 1534 Pandurang Hari, or Memoirs of a Hindoo, with a Preface by Sir H. Bartle Frere, translated from the Marathi, New Edition, 8vo, pp. 413, cloth. 1877 8s An accurate and vivid picture of Mahratta life. Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. 66 Indian Dialects. Texts and Translations. 1535 Tukarama (The Poet of the Maharashtra) : Complete Collection of his Poems, in Marathi, edited by Vishnu P. Shastri and Sankar Panda- rang, with the Life of the Poeb, in English by J. S. Gadgil, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Bombay, 1869-73 21s Scarce. Eighty-one of the Poems are translated into English in the Preface. PANJABI. 1536 Court (Major H.) History of the Sikhs, or Translation of the Sikkban de Raj di Vikhia, from the Panjabi, with a Short Gurmukhi Grammar, roy. 8vo, pp. Ixxxiv, 239, cloth. Lahore, 1888 16s 1537 Swynnerton (Ch.) Romantic Tales from the Panjab, with Indian Nights' Entertainment, translated from the Panjabi, New Edition, roy. 8vo, pp. v, 484, cloth. 1903 7s 6d 1538 Usborne (C. F.) Panjabi Lyrics and Proverbs : Translations in Prose and Verse, 4to, pp. vi, 65. Lahore, 1905 2s SANTALI. 1539 Santali Folk Tales, translated from the Santali by A. Campbell, 8vo, pp. iii, 127, cloth. Pokhuria, 1891 10s SINDHi. 1540 Sindhi Literature. The Divan of Abd ul Latif Shah, known as Shaba Jo Risalo, edited in Sindhi, with an Eng- lish Introduction, by E. Trumpp, roy. 8vo, pp. xii, 739, cloth. 1866 21s 1541 Saswi and Punhu, a Poem, in the Original Sindi, with Metrical Transla- tion in English, 8vo, pp. vi, 44, 29, cloth. 1863 3s TAMIL. 1542 Ainguru-nuru, with Commentary, a Poem, 8vo, pp. 190, cloth. Madras, 1903 7s 6d In Tamil. 1543 Ariehandra : the Martyr of Truth, a Tamil Drama, translated into Eng- lish by M. Coomara Swamy, 8vo, pp. xxiii, 262, cloth. 1863 7s 6d 1544 Besehl. The Adventures of the Gooroo Paramartan, a Tale in the Tamil Language, with an English Translation and a Vocabulary, 8vo, pp. xii, 243, half calf. 1822 7s 6d 1545 Milton's Paradise Lost, Book I., translated into Tamil, 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1895 3s 1516 Murdoch (J.) Classified Catalogue of Tamil Printed Books, with Introduc- tory Notices, 12mo, pp. 101, 287, bound together with : MOEGLING, Coorg Memoirs, or Account of Coorg ; and KITTEL : Vedic Pantheism. Madras and Mangalore, 1865 and 1855 7s 6d 1547 Muthalya (C.) Rajarajisvari, or the Triumph of Love, a New Tamil Drama (in Tamil), 8vo, pp. 12, 146, cloth. Madras, 1906 4s 1518 Naladiyar (The), or Four Hundred Quatrains in Tamil, with Introduction and Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory, by G. IT. Pope, roy. 8vo, pp. 50, 440, half calf. Oxford, 1893 (pub. 18s) 12s 1549 PadittuppattU, with Commentary, a Poem, 8vo, pp. 176, cloth. Madras, 1904 6s In Tamil. 1550 Sivagnana Botham of Meikanda Deva, translated from the Tamil, with Notes and Introduction by J. M. N. Pillai, large 8vo, pp. xxxi, 136, cloth. Madras, 1895 9s On Siva Religion and Slddhanta Philosophy. 1551 Tiru-perundurai-puranam. Re- ligious Poem by Minakohi-sundaram Pillai, large 8vo, pp. 198. Madras, 1891 7s 6d In Tamil. 1552 Tiru-takka-devars-Jivaka- chin- tamani, poetromana, with Nachchinar Kkimyar's Commentary, 8vo, pp. 1048, cloth. Madras, 1907 15s In Tamil. 1553 Tiruvalluyar, The Cural : selections from the First Thirteen Chapters in Tamil, with English Translation and Explanatory Notes, pp. 40, 304, calf. Madras, 1878 9s Title-page, if any, is missing. 1554 Spencer (Herbert) Education, Part I., translated into Tamil, 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1899 2s 6d 1555 Vedala Cadai (The) : being the Tamul Version of a Collection of Ancient Tales in Sanskrit, known as the Vetala Panchavinsati, translated by B. G. Babington, 8vo, pp. 90. (London, N.D.) 5s TELUGU 1556 Brown (C. P.) English Translations of the Exercises and Documents printed in the Telugu Reader, 8vo, pp. 177, cloth. Madras, 1865 6s Probst hain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum. Indian Dialects, Texts and Translations, 67 1557 Panehatantra : the well-known work on Vedanta Philosophy : a Telugu Manuscript, 4to. about 1800 12s 6d 1558 Morris (J. C.) Telagu Selections (Tales, Papers, Dialogues), in Telugu, with English Translations and Gram- matical Analyses, and a Glossary of Revenue Terms, folio, pp. 182, 26, half calf. Madras, 1823 12s 1559 Disputations on Village Business, in Telugu, written by a Brahman, with an English Translation by L. P. Brown, 8vo, pp. 91,63, cloth. Madras, 1855 5s 1560 Wars of the Rajas : being the History of Anantapuram, translated from the Telugu by C. P. Brown, 8vo, pp. 91, calf. Madras, 1853 4s SINHALESE. 1561 Abhinava Jatakaratna : a work on Astrology in Singhalese verse, 8vo, pp. 97. Colombo, 1868 6s 1562 Anuruddha Jatakaya, in Sinhalese, 8vo, pp. 41. Colombo, 1879 3s 1563 Asadrisa- Jataka : a Poem, in Sinhalese, by Rajadhirajasinha, with notes, 8vo, pp. 43, vii. Galle, 1889 3s 6d 1564 Bhishajya Darpanaya, or the Mirror of Medicine, by J. Perera, 8vo, pp. 92. Colombo, 1873 3s 6d 1565 Bible. The Holy Bible, translated into Sinhalese, large 8vo, pp. 887, 313, fall calf. Colombo, 1890 4s 1566 Bunyan'S Pilgrim's Progress, trans- lated into Sinhalese, Two Parts, 12mo, cloth. Colombo, 1895 2s 6d 1567 Dathavanso, or History of the Tooth Relic, in Singhalese, with a Paraphrase by Terunnanse, 8vo, pp. iii. Kelainya, 1883 4s 1568 The same, without the Para- phrase, pp. 48. 1890 2s 6d 1569 Dravyanamawali Akaradiya (The) A Materia Medica, in Sinhalese, 8vo, pp. 212. Colombo, 1893 5s 1570 Eln Akaraduja: a Vocabulary of Pure Sinhalese Words, in Sinhalese, 8vo, pp. 48. Colombo, 1893 3s 1571 Janakiharana. An Epic Poem, in Sanskrit (Sinhalese characters), by Kumaradasa, King of Ceylon, with a Sinhalese Paraphrase by Dh. Sthavira, 8vo, pp. 309. Ceylon, 1891 103 1572 Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, translated into Sinhalese, 12mo, cloth. Colombo, 1884 2s 6d 1573 Kavyasekhara, or the Poem on the Life of Senaka, by Vachissara Rahula Sami, with a Paraphrase by H. Suman- gala, 8vo, pp. 183, xvi. Colombo, 1872 7s 6d 1574 Kudusika: a Summary of Precepts of the Vinaya Pitaka, by Dharmasiri, revised Singhalese Text, 8vo, pp. iv, 172. Colombo, 1894 4s 1575 Kusa Jataka. A Story of a previous Birth of Gautama Buddha, 8vo, pp. 35. Colombo, 1896 2s 1576 A Buddhist Legend, rendered into English Verse from the Sinhalese, with Notes by Th. Steele, 8vo, pp. xii, 260, cloth. 1871 8s 1577 Kusaiataka Kayyaya : a Poem by Alag. Mohottala, in Singhalese, with Notes and a Singhalese-English Vo- cabulary, by A. Mendis, 8vo, pp. xvii, 263. Colombo, 1897 5s 1578 Life of King Wessantara, in Singhalese, with coloured illustrations, 8vo. Colombo, 1891 3s 1579 Mad hava. Treatise on Diseases, Sanskrit Text, in Singhalese Cha- racters, with Singhalese Translation by Paudit Silva Batuvantudase, 2 vols. Colombo, 1875 12s 6d 1580 Mendis (A.) Athetha Wakya Dee- panaya, or a Collection of Sinhalese Proverbs, Maxims, &c., Singhalese Text, with English Translation. Colombo 3s 1581 Muvadevdavata, a Poem, in Sinhalese, 8vo, pp. 32. Colombo, 1880 2s 6d 1582 New Testament, translated into Sinhalese, 12mo, calf. Colombo, 1889 3s 1583 Pathya Vakya, or Niti Sastra: Moral Maxims, extracted from Oriental Philosophers, in Singhalese, with Eng- lish Translation, 8vo, pp. viii, 54. Colombo, 1881 3s 1584 Pratya Sataka, by V. Mendis: a Singhalese Paraphrase, with English Translation, 8vo, pp. 38. Colombo, 1886 2s 6d 1585 Rajaratnakaraya, or a History of Ceylon, by Terunnanse, in Singhalese, 8vo, pp. 89, v. Colombo, 1887 2s 6d 1586 Sarakamshepa : a Compilation from Older Medical Authorities, in Sinhalese, Part II., 8vo, pp. 100. Colombo, 1869 6s Probsthain & Co,, 41, Great Russell Street, British Museum, 68 Indian Dialects. Texts and Translations. 1587 Upham. Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon : Vol. II., The Raja Ratnacari and the Raja Vali, trans- lated from the Sinhalese by E. Upham, 8vo, pp. 325, bds. 1833 10s 1588 Vyavastha Sangraha : Exposition of the Law for Guidance of Native Headmen, in Singhalese, by F. Lee, 8vo, pp. 96. Colombo, 1874 4s 1589 WetZ6liUS(J. Ph.) KortOntwerp v. de Leere der Waarheid, translated into Singhalese. 8vo, pp. 202, calf. Colombo, 1790 15s Rare work, printed in Ceylon, before the occupa- tion of the Island by the British. 1590 Yakkun Nattannawa : a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of Singhalese Do- monology, and KOLAN NATTANNAWA, a Cingalese Poem, translated into Eng- lish by J. Callaway, 8vo, pp. xi, 64, with 9 plates, bds. 1829 (0. T. F.) 8s 1591 Yoga-Sataka, or Treatise on Reme- dies of Diseases, in Sinhalese, 8vo, pp. 52. Colombo, 1877 2s 6d BURMESE. 1592 Burmese Petitions (1-16), folio, 16 lithographic plates, cloth. Rangoon, 1896 7s 6d 1593 Damathat (The), or the Laws of Menoo, Burmese Text, with an English Translation by D. Richardson, Second Edition, roy. 8vo, pp. 388. Rangoon, 1876 12s 6d 1594 Duroiselie (C. ) The Story of Dighavu, translated from Burmese, 4to pp. 6. Rangoon, 1908 2s 1595 History of Prince Waythandaya : his Birth, Offerings, Banishment, As- cetic Life, &c., the last but one of the Previous States of Gaudama, in Bur- mese, 8vo, pp. 262. Ramjoon, 1856 10s 1596 Paramatta Medhani, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 160. Rangoon, 1881 4s 1597 Parameegan, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 129. Rangoon, 1884 3s 6d 1598 Rupakalya Jataka, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 119. Rangoon 3s 6d 1599 Latter (T.) Selections from the Ver- nacular Boodhisb Literature of Bnrmah, in Burmese, with notes in the margin, 4to, pp. 166. Maulmain, 1850 9s A few pages are water-stained. 1600 Sadudamathaya and Thanwayo Pyo, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 182. Ran- 0oo?i, 1831 4s 1601 Sangermano (Father) Description of the Burmese Empire, compiled chiefly from Native Documents, and trans- lated from his MS. by W. Tandy, 40 pp., vii; 224, cloth. 1833(0. T. F.) 15s 1602 Shwe dagon thamaing, in Bar- mese, folio. Rangoon, 1875 4s 1603 Shwe hmaw-daw thamaing : a Pagoda History, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 72. Rangoon, 1876 2s 6d 1601 Taw Sein Ko. Selections from the Records of the Hlutdaw, Burmese text, with List of Contents in English, roy. 8vo, pp. 145, bds. Rangoon, 1889 6s 1605 Temi Jataka Vatthu, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 222. Rangoon, 1881 5s 1606 Tsan mya thinge meng thami pyadzat, a Drama, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 194. Rangoon, 1880 5s 1607 Vessantara Jataka Vatthu, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 242. Rangoon, 1875 4s 6d 1608 Wathandra Jataka Vatthu, in Burmese, 8vo, pp. 184. Rangoon, 1882 4s 1609 Raja Radhakanta Deva. The Sabdakalpadruura, New Edition, in the Sanskrit Character, roy. 4to, Vol. I. (10 parts); Vol. II. (17 parts); Vol. III. (23 parts); all issued of this edition. Calcutta, 1888 ^"3 33 1610 Vedas. Vedarthayatna, or an Attempt to Interpret the Vedas, Marathi and English Translations, with a Sanskrit Paraphrase of the Rig Veda Samhita, with the Original Samhita and Pada Texts and Notes in Marathi, Vols i to 4 (complete in 62 parts, containing the Hymns i to 296), and Vol 5, Parts i to 9, in parts as issued, 8vo. Bombay^ 1876-82 (pub. 12 IQS) ;s 53 1611 Bhandarkar (Sir R. G.) Vaisnavism, S'aivism and Minor Religious Systems, 8vo, pp. 169, cloth. 1913 128 6d Probsthain & Co., 41, Great Russell Street ', British Museum. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MAYURABANJA, Vol. I., with many plates. Large 8vo. 1912 303 BAINES (Sir A.) Indian Ethnography (Castes and Tribes). 8vo, pp. 211, cloth. 1912 155 BRUNNERT AND HAGELSTROM. Present-day Political Organisation of China. Roy. 8vo, pp. 572, Ixxx. 1912 net 355 COOMARASWAMY (Dr. A. K.) The Indian Craftsman, with Preface by G. C. R. Ashbee. 8vo, pp. 130, cloth. London, 1909 net 35 6cl Indian Drawings. First Series, with illustrations in the text and 'plates ; 4to net 303 Indian Drawings. Second Series, with illustrations in the text and 25 plates, 410 nett 255 LANNING (G.) Wild Life in China, or Chats on Chinese Birds and Beast*. 8vo, pp. xvi, 255. 1911 net 75 Cd Old Forces in New China : an Effort to exhibit the Fundamental Relationships of China and the West in their True Light. 8vo, pp. x, 408, wi'h map. 1912 net zos 6d MACDONELL (A. A.) Vedic Mythology. 8 vo, pp. 176. 1897 net los 6d Vedic Grammar. Large 8vo, pp. iv, 456, cloth. 1910 net 305 MORGAN (Evan) A Guide to Wenli Styles and Chinese Ideals : Essays, Edicts, Proclamations, Memorials, Letters, Documents, Inscriptions, Commercial Papers. Chinese Text, with English Translation and Notes. 8vo, pp. 414, a Vocabulary of 46 pp. and Index, cloth. 1912 net 2is MULLER (F. M.) History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, so far as it illustrates the Primitive Religion of the Brahmans. Reprint, roy. 8vo, pp. 336, cloth net 155 ORANGE (J.) A Small Collection of Japanese Lacquer. 410, pp. 58, with front, and 50 plates in collotype, cloth. 1910 255 The work contains a brief account of the history and manufacture of Lacquer, followed by a detailed description of the articles. The plates are well executed. SAUSSURE (L. de) Les Origines de TAstronomie Chinoise. Roy. 8vo, about 900 pages, with illustrations. Forthcoming SEN (D. C.) History of Bengali Language and Literature : a Series of Lectures delivered as Reader to the Calcutta University. Roy. 8vo, pp. 1030, 15, 1911 net 243 SILACARA. Discourses of Gotamo the Buddha, translated from the Pali of the Majjhima Nikayo. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, cloth. 1912-13 net 155 SUMANGALA (S.) A Graduated Pali Course, with a Pali-English Vocabulary. 8vo, cloth. 1913 net 75 6d TIELE (C. P.) The Religion of the Iranian Peoples, Part I. 8vo, pp. 218. 1912 net 73 6d VITALE (Baron G.) 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