^^'^f^^is'w^flrp^ UC-NRLF $C 5M Sb3 mA .^A^AAa '^^;A,^ laa^- 'A^^nrs /^. ^^n A^--^- I ^'& fe s A '% A ^ •'^ ■ ^ iRev. W, Borlase, Zennor VicarageJ ^■^■•Qs' ^AAf^■>^'^ ^A^A^^>'^ > A *Aft lat^l '^^'\^f^ ^ ^ ,^A^ 2k' ^ r A A % '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j A'.nu) ^#i^» sm^^m^m WSi mm MMp sH^^^ffilv !i6f3S^£Bii &. Aft'^^^A^ Mixn) (? . (f a>n -^i^i itrla^i' f/^^«AAU.ni ^'^W^A/^ ^1® R- AC€-4rvJ^t. r . f , -:= /yt^i^yuC^i ) r jjij'tj^ r^^p 7L ^ '^- " ^^ /6 ^' \) e-vcA:s.V^_(\\ >Jb-w^ "VN wS "C f^ijupA^jL^ ^cl,,,Jtj^_ C f oftn Bon ana M^it perfon \> 1^ a lalTe poote foolejs, fo fore n be lane iijo mamel it fe^tliousi^e ^our ©oulDetjS afee •for ^e beare a great dE^oD^tufttcft re rourCelfegi made fl©afte of It tnftat re "mvl, it i^ a tnaear cafee and bettnen tti^o Slrons pnnten it ii3 anD balie Sim Mt tDftere Joolatrre ijai, Cftritte tori not be tftere cai^erfore ler ooton rour buroen^an^iJOle tt Do beare i3-aiairepoore •fooler* 931976 ^$t fol^n OBon gooD morotxje to tl^e ! gioftni3om iSotije gooD morotne niaft patton to mut jaarfon (Siti^ee mi^at meaneft f SoI^it to be at toorfte Co Slofttt Cone Clie f oner 9! beQ:pne tlie ?onet: jsi^all 9! ftaue Done Jfor 9i tenDe to twarfte no longer ti^en none jMrfon* ^m 3!olin for tftat goDis blelTinge on tfi^ fterte if or Curelt Dome tl&erbe ia)0 go to plougi^e an carte anD f et not b^ tti^^ l^ol^, corpujS ci^ritti euen 3ioDn Cl&er aer tije more to blame 3! Ctioereb^ fa^nt ^teuen %u tell me nmft parfon one tl^mge anD tou can aXLf i^at Ca^nt fe copfi curtt^ a man or a tooman i parfon Wlf^V%oim ftnot^ettenot ti^at:' 3i tell ti^e ittca^ a man, ft 10 c^rifte f)i^ ottjn f elfe anD to morot»e fe ft^js Da^e mt beare ftrnt m profeffion anD ti^ereb^ fenotioe it n giol^n (tnate 91 finotwe mall parfon:^ anD na b^ mr fare xut me tftmfee it i0 a maD tl&tnge tftat re Care Cftat it ftottlD be a man ftotoe can it come to palTe QBecauCe n mare ftrm beare t^itl^ m Co Cmala glalTe IMrCon ^Tlir nerbor %ot^n anD art tljou nottie ti^ere^ j^oiaje 9! mare percerue r^ loue t^v^ nmt geare 9ol)n <0oD0 fbrboD matter, 9i ftoulD be of tljat tiacion 31 queHton tor rour maftippe in t»are of ciimlication a plarne man re mar fe mi Cpeafte a^ cometl) to minD ge mufle WD bj5 aCcuCeD for plotDe men be but blrnD 31 am m etee f elotoe ot fift^ \x^vtttn anD ntore aiTD tet m all mr Iv^t 3 ftnetue not tlftfe before Ration 00 D^n, tti]^^ tarett ti^ou (o, upon t\^ tdit i^ou Irett CftouftafteeuerftnoioDentfiefacramentetobetl^eboti^ 31o]^n (ofCljriCt Pt ivt n iav ttnt» all tftat 9! ftnoto in tiede ^m pet a0 9l remember (t 10 not f n m^ creDe iBut ajsfor cropf^ curft^ to be a manor no 91 6net»enott^ll thv^ tia^br tl)etr)a^em^toulej5l)al to l^arCon rni^^ folfel^e f elotiue, 91 tel i^t it ijs fo jfor It triajs (0 netermineD bv t^e c6urc]^e longe ago 9it 10 botli ti^e (acramente anD ber^ C^^rift f^im ttUt aolin 00 fpleaCermaft parlontbenmaftereCi^nftean elfe ann tl^e maDDeft maDe man tftat euer boDt t^toe jMrfon (E^atf peace ntab man ^ou CpeafteCte l^e a Datoe git (0 not pofftble i^r^ manljone for to f e 9lo8n wa^ fir n tell me it fe euen berre l^e Sim Hit be not 1^10 manl^oDe, i^i^ gotii^eD it muft be ^r(on 91 tell tbenone oCbo^^bol^at meanefte tftou, artr mad^ 9!c*n iSo notber man nor bmnfte^but to learne 9! am glatie %ut to DrtpleaCe rour maftippe^tuoulde be berplotl) Pt graunt me bere pla^nl^ tbat it i0 none of boetft €ben it i0 but a cafte, but 91 pra^ ^e be not torottj. i^arfon (KHrotbtiuotibajbi^tbemairelmafeeftmelttJereano^e 9! bade leuer "wvth a nocter oC Diuinitie to reafon Cbentnitbaftubblecurfi&ateatetbbeanegfanDpeaton c 3! crie -^e mnm maft perf on pacience for a (eatoti gin all ti^p^ cumlicacion i^ notf^tt felony nor trealon ^arCon iSo i)^ ti^e maflTe but i^ereft t^ou, ft 10 piastre i^ttzin 9! am glatie ft cfiauncen fo, ti^e^r trjais no toftnos b^ anD te tl^er ftaD 9! caren not, Cor ^e tpafee aj3 ^l a^ 3 9! fpeafte but aj5 3| i^arne ^ou la^e 3i tnot not tti^at vt pe latU ft toa^ not dO^oD nor man ^ made (tljoug^t l^arton (it t^orCTe tften nou^^ 9! ment not fo^ ti^ou tofeelte me toronge 9!oftn a fir ^e finge another longe 9! Dare not reafon ix>vt\^ von lonse 9! le tDell notue ?e l^aue a fenacfte Co (a^e a tlipnge anD ti^en go bacfie ^tcon i!5o 91olin 9! tDa0 but a Ifttpll ouer Ctne 'But ti^ou mentejst not goon fa^eti^ 31 tuene 3in all t]^l?j3 talfee t]^at tnajs U!3 bettoene 31oftn 31 J" no trotxje ft ftannot fo beene Cj^at 3lol)n Bon ftall an Ijeretifee be calDe 1 / ,0 C^enmi?gJitl5^l^)?e]&imtoCott)lebefalDe» • ^"^y mum. But notoe ft tftou ttiplt marfee me twelle if rom begpnninge to entipnge 31 ttjpl tfte tell £)£ t^e goMp f erutce ttiat Iftalbe to morotne Cftat or 31 ftaue Done no Doubte tliou to^lt fordttie Co l^ere t^at tuc^e tli^ngejs (boulDe be forgone 9inD ^et in manp placej3! ^ep liaue begun Co tafie a toare t^e Otoe anD Cet up netoe idtlmt me fol^tr tt)v^ tale t^ true (3o to matt parfotT tare on anD tueli to tljrtue ge be t!)e 3jolett gemair tljat euer catue in m^ l^ue IMrCdn mt ©al ftrtte]^auematm03i3^rtnot a goDlr f^tnvtmf if le^ ge03 me t^inftt m a ©amefuH gap cijeat^nge jfotof ten timesonmr pt* aper0,ti)]^en3!tafteno greate ge fins to arantl^ixiell^remaftemetal a aepe (feepe pavton Ci&en Ijaue tueproteflfion anD Ci^titte aboute toe beate Cl^ati^ apoptone ftolrtftinge for dDfoU fiimfelfei^i tl^er #arfon Cj^an comme toe in am reD^ tn DrelTe full f olempnelp to goo to a^effe mn gi2{ not liere a mifcfteuou^ ti^pnge:^ Cfte a^elTe i^ ttn^mntt i^olpe for all tfter fapeinge ikrfon Cften fare toe Confiteor anD mtf eriatur 9Io]&n fe^e lorije tigf abbominable matter J^arfon anDfljen toe gJtanDe up to ti^t auter €%r^ geere i^ a^ gooD a^ our laDiegi fatoter J^arfon anD fo got e ioutO) to^ti^ tlie otljer Dele C^ll toe i&aue reDe tfte #ittell anD d^ofpell 3!oftn Ci^at i^ ijooD matt perfon 31 ftnotoe rpis^t toeH laarfon 3!^ tl&at gootif Wjv to^at (a^l!e tliou to tfte oti^er Q^arr liortible scoD % ian none otijer ?0arfou ^0 10 all ti^e melTe 9! Dare auoto tW ^0 goon in mnv povntt a0 l^iftelt or d^ofpel tgJ aioi^n Cfte fotxjle eui^ll it t0, tDl)oe ii^oulDe tl^pnlie f o mucfie 3in tape^ 31 euer ti^ouglit tl^at it ^aD bene no incite ^Mrfon Cl^en ftaue tue tfte canon ti^at i^ ftol^ett 3!oftn a tpiiS^tfull gar ti^pnge of all tl^at euer 31 txjpft laerfon Cl^entiauettie t^e memento euen before tfte facringe 31oftn ge are morenlr t»ell learned 31 fe b^ ]?ottr recfin^nge Cl^at ?e "wvH not forget iuci^ an elutfte tft^nge i^arfon and after tl^at tue conf ecrate ber^ dS^oD ann man and turne ^e breane toflefte tD^tljfruetxiorDegs txje ca 9!obn Cl&e neuell re Do 91 trotxie* Ci^er ijs pettilence btrfiness geare mucft boiiDe togoD, for fucfte a (pittell ftoline^ a galotDjs gar gifte t»ptl) frue tnorDe^ alone Co mafee boetS (t50D and man and ret tpef e none PetalfietJObnreafonablrtDeltitmafte^tmri^ertererne ai5 elDe a f elotxj a^ r^e am 3! f e i»eU 3i mar learne l^arfon gea 3loi&n anb tften tortli tnorDe^ Wr anb goob cE^uen br anD br W tourne tfte tnrne to bloube 9!oftn /^ lo tortt re f e Ic:" ixjbo tooulD ijabe t^ougbt it ^ iTV. -^iv <^4.r>-^t^* ^ /v^- i:-^'^ Cl)aerecoulDfofotte,fromtDmetoMooDliaibrou83^tft; ^ ' ^ndret crcept^ounnout]t),bet)etter taHcD ttjanm^ne 3 can not f ele it otfiec but ttiat it OjoulD be txj^ne ^nD ret 31 tx)ote nere a caufe tl^er ma^e be toi^re jaerc^aunce ^e^a Droni^e blouDeofter ti^en euer DrD9I IMrion Cmel^ 3;0l)n it 10 blouD tl)ougft tt be tome in taUe 9^ Coonea^ t]^e tDoroei^ tpoht tfte ttjpne is gone ^ pa8 ^ f efltonsJ on it for me m^ "wvttt^ ate me benumme •(For 3! can not ftWiv tpftere tfte "wvnt ftoulDe become }^ar(on ^tuti^ quon l^a, betnare anD let fucf^t ntatter go ComeDDle mucljetottift ^v^ nta^ br^nge^efonetotJja 9ioftn pea but mart parfon tft^nfee vt it toere r^gftt C]^at tf 3! DefireD ^ou to mafte m^ blafie ore tDfttgtjt ^nD ^u tare it i?i Done, ann f trl 10 blaclie m C^gW l^e mrgi&t me Deme a foole for to beleue fio Irgi^t laarfon 91 marbell mucl^e vt to^W reafon fo f^rre 31 f eare if n Ut it, it tB0l vt mar 3!of]in iBo no fir 3! truf te of ti^at 3! t^rlbe tijare 3! prar rou turtti rour matter agarne fourtii to fare anD tfte trie go fortft anD on^riftejsi boDr rece^ue €uvn t^e berr feme t^at marr D^D concerue 3!c*in €lie Deuill It tj9i, pe ftabe a greate grace Co eate (0oD anD man in f ftort a fpace J^arfon 91nD fo toe mafie an enDe aj5 it lie^ in m orDer ^ Ci'"'^'^' OBiit itots) tl^e bitffeti meffe 10 l^ateti in euet^? bortier !^nD raileD on ^ reutleD, tb toortje^ moft tlaCpl^emou^ 05nt% ttmtitWvlUhttttt^^tljtf^tlp of Catecl)ifmw^ for t^ougfte It came fortft but euett t^at otfter Da^ Pet ftatli It tounreD mattp to ttier olDe ttia^e and tDftere tfte^ l^ateD melTe am bad it in DfeDame Ci^ere i^aue tlier meffe am matm^mlatrne tonguea-- Pt tmnin JLontJofelfe (Softn) 3i tel tf^t txottlj (game C^erbe fulglaDe ^merp toljereof t^p^d^oDftnotJueti^ 05? mp tmet]^ maft patton % Irfee M ttJel vom talfte CBut malTe me no more metftnge^* Cbe rigftt toap toil 31 fortlionglje31 Sauenoleammgreta fenotD (tt^alfee ^m vcf^t can i^erceiue pour imping (eft ^^^ ft:o cftalfee OButleue rour Deuililt) maWe ^ (agJcraCt^ a^ n toal^e auD tfte tpiU aPdrift be A ^ou ( Je comunio to you tal^e j^arfon (euefor ftfe promtlTe fafie 2Hftp art tliou fucfte a one anti Upt it Co doff e Mtl al 10 not goine tftat ftatft a f aiu*e gloCf e 'Butfaretnel foftn TBon gpD brmge tfte in better minD aoftn 3! tftanlte ^ou (tr for tftat poufeme bene fepnne "But pxan not f for me for % am tnell Sin ougfte mftiftiU bop, Driue f urtft dB^oD f peDe biS anD tfte plousft i^a brotone Done f ortft tftat ftorf on crabbe cf c aseecomompne, prlDe^toptft ftaigftt blafte ftab i^aue a gapne balD before, ftapgftt ree tobo, Cfterlp bop cum of tfiat idiftomtoarDe ttie map goo go- Smptinten at lonoon bp 31a6tt ^ape, anti mill fa g)ete!5, ntoellinp in ^epulcStes pattfte at tfie figne of t!)e refurtection a Iittel aboue })oIbout:ne conuuite* i^ Cum gratia & priuilegio ad imprimendum folum. ** This is the only Copy of The Enterlude of John Bon and Mast Person that I have ever met vyith It is a bitter Satire on the real Presence, Daye the printer of it, and also Seres, were brought into much trouble for printing only a few copies — which were nearly destroyed by the Zealots of the old Religion. There is no doubt but the buying up and destroying those kind of Books (which were obnoxious to Cardinal Wolsey and others,) was very com- mon in those days, and made them very rare even in their own time." The above Manuscript Note was written by the late Richard Forster, Esq. and is in the original Copj from which this is reprinted. J. SmeetoDf Priotter, 148, St< Martin'i Laudi V C u i^ (^L MW-^wii. :^ ^ \J m^:y w^mB6m' ^^w 14 DAY USE RJETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. mEyi 5S©p'^^^ WIT."ryri JAlUi ^^m} gg.Jiif^Q'aQ LD 21A-50m-12,'60 (B6221sl0)476B ;vv^ ^ MM® cay General Library University of California Berkeley j#' .^ V W^';X 'l^/i^/^fe^^&li^' l^/jUxX. 'M ^^gi/Mj^ VMM ::.,.^\:;^y.-.v.i y^^viyu vfc^^-^ki^ JMiViM U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES I cDE5bam7a ^i\S^iv^JV^/y,,\^,i^^j^- ,^",^®^ 981976 'iW"^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY vm^ il^ll^,P/ ^M^M^.^. tinoHv] Ot:S®5««s W W .^ ^t/,v V V W ^ aggg^tf^^^^QuH jv^' i 'AMj^cu^immji ;/inqp^' imm "^/Sa mw ■''^/^f; '^^'A^mf'^''- >«^/ ^r-^ /*V, :^^^A^^A^^^ ^ K r\ ^■.: / '^M^. ^r\r\r^.r i^m ms