//6 UC-NRLF SB SME DD2 LIBRARY University of California. jMl#^L ^r^^y trfJG^T %rrk . %eceived l^L^-^ • '*9^ Accessions No.S^7^ Class N(K (oomplimentd of %ke cf&olland Society of '92W-^/otA, %\xcodoxe dVS. cBanta, £. 0, €Box iAot, %ev>-%rk. ^cczetazy. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/constitutionbylaOOhollrich THE HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW-YORK CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. APRIL, 1894. NEW-YORK: V OF fh-nnvi" j-3-7 4^ OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES. 2 OFFICERS Elected April 6, 1894. PRESIDENT. WARNER VAN NORDEN. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New-York Charles H. Truax. Kings County, N. Y Delavan Bloodgood. Albany County, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Ulster County, N. Y Elijah Du Bois. Dutchess County, N. Y Edward Elsworth. Essex County, N. J John N. Jansen. Hudson County, N. J Garret D. Van Reipen. Queens County, N. Y Henry A. Bogert. Westchester County, N. Y Harris E. Adriance. Monmouth County, N. J William H. Vredenburgh. Schenectady County, N.Y John Livingston Swits. Bergen County, N. J John Paul Paulison. Orange County, N. Y Seymour De Witt. Middlesex County, N.J Abraham V. Schenck. Philadelphia, Pa Samuel S. Stryker. Passaic County, N. J John Hopper. Columbia County, N.Y Charles K. Van Vleck. Rensselaer County, N.Y Charles R. De Freest. Montgomery County. N.Y John H. Starix. United States Army Stewart Vax Vliet. United States Navy William K. Van Reypen. SEC BETA I! Y. TREA S URER. Theodore Melvix Baxta. Eugene Van Schaick. Term Expires in 1895. Theodore M. Banta, Chauncey M. Depew, Henry Van Dyke, George M. Van Hoesen, Eugene Van Schaick. Term Expires in 1897. Henry E. Beekman, George G. De Witt, John L. Riker, Robert B. Roosevelt, Robert A. Van Wyck. TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1896. James William Beekman, Tunis G. Bergen, D. B. St. John Roosa, Charles H. Truax, Abraham Van Santvoord Term Expires in 1898. Frank Hasbrouck, Abraham Lansing, Henry S. Van Beuren, Augustus Van Wyck, John W. Vrooman. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE M. VAN HOESEN, GEORGE G. DE WITT, JOHN L. RIKER, COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. JAMES WILLIAM BEEKMAN, ABRAHAM VAN SANTVOORD, JOHN W. VROOMAN. COMMITTEE ON HISTORY AND TRADITION. THEODORE M. BANTA, TUNIS G. BERGEN, D. B. St. JOHN ROOSA. 4 OFFICERS Elected April 6, 1893. PRESIDENT. JAMES WILLIAM BEEKMAN. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New-York City Warner Van Norden. Brooklyn, N. Y Delavan Bloodgood. Kingston, N. Y. Augustus Schoonmaker. Kinderhook, N. Y Pierre Van Buren Hoes. Jersey City, N. J Francis I. Vanderbeek. Albany, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Westchester County, N. Y David Cole. Rockland County Isaac C. Baring. Catskill, N. Y *. Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y John Livingston Swits. Fonda, N. Y Alfred DeGraaf. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J Charles H. Voorhees. Bergen County, N. J James M. Van Valen. Passaic County, N. J John Hopper. Cobleskill, N. Y John Van Schaick. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Frank Hasbrouck. Monmouth County. N. J D. Augustus Van Der Veer. Somerset County, N. J James J. Bergen. Minisink Charles F. Van Inwegen, Buffalo, N. Y Sheldon Thompson Viele. Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel S. Stryker. Lansingburgh, N. Y William C. Groesbeck. Camden, N. J Peter L. Voorhees. Staten Island, N. Y. James D. Van Hoevenberg. North Hempstead, N. Y Andrew J. Onderdonk. United States Army Stewart Van Vliet. United States Navy Wm. Knickerbocker Van Reypen. SECRETARY. TREASURER. Theodore M. Banta. Eugene Van Schaick. TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1894. "William M. Hoes, "William J. Van Arsdale, Henry S. Van Beuren, Alexander T. Van Nest, John W. Vrooman. Term Expires in 1896. James William Beekman, Tunis G. Bergen, D. B. St. John Roosa, Charles H. Truax, Abraham Van Santvoord. Term Expires in 1895. Theodore M. Bant a, Chatjncey M. Depew, Henry Van Dyke, George M. Van Hoesen, Eugene Van Schaick. Term Expires in 1897. Henry R. Beekman, George G. De "Witt, John L. Riker, Robert B. Roosevelt, Robert A. Van Wyck. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE M. VAN HOESEN, GEORGE G. DE WITT, JOHN L. RIKER, COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. HENRY R. BEEKMAN, ABRAHAM VAN SANTVOORD, ALEXANDER T. VAN NEST. COMMITTEE ON HISTORY AND TRADITION. THEODORE M. BANTA. WILLIAM M. HOES, D. B. St. JOHN ROOSA. OFFICERS Elected April 6, 1892. PRESIDENT. AUGUSTUS VAN WYCK. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New-York City Warner Van Norden. Kingston, N. Y Augustus Schoonmaker. Jersey City, N. J Cornelius C. Van Eeypen. Brooklyn, N. Y Judah B. Voorhees. Kinderhook, N. Y Pierre Van Buren Hoes. Rockland County, N. Y Cornelius R. Blauvelt. Westchester County, N. Y Charles H. Roosevelt. Catskill, N. Y Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y Giles Y. Van Der Bogert. Amsterdam, N. Y Walter L. Van Denbergh. Albany, N. Y. Albert Van Der Veer. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J Charles H. Voorhees. Bergen County, N. J John Quackenbush. Passaic County, N.J John Hopper. Cobleskill, N. Y r John Van Schaick. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Frank Hasbrouck. Monmouth County, N. J D. Augustus Van Der Veer. Somerset County, N. J James J. Bergen. Minisink, N. Y Amos Van Etten, Jr. Buffalo, N. Y Sheldon Thompson Viele. Philadelphia, Pa Eugene Van Loan. Yonkers, N. Y William L. Heermance. Lansingburgh, N. Y William C. Groesbeck. Camden, N. J Peter L. Voorhees. Staten Island, N. Y James D. Van Hoevenberg. North Hempstead, N. Y Andrew J. Onderdonk. United States Army Stewart Van Vliet. United States Navy Wm. Knickerbocker Van Reypen. SECRETARY. TREASURER. Theodore M. Banta. Eugene Van Schaick. TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1893. Henry R. Beekmax, George G. De Witt, Johx L. Riker, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, William W. Van Voorhis. Term Expires in 1895. Theodore M. Banta, Chauncey M. Depew, Henry Van Dyke, George M. Van Hoesen, Eugene Van Schaick. Term Expires in 1894. William I). Garrison, William M. Hoes, William J. Vax Arsdale, Hexry S. Vax Betjrex, Johx W. Vroomax. Term Expires in 1896. James William Beekmax, Tuxis G. Bergex, D. B. St. Johx Roosa, Charles H. Truax, Abraham Vax Saxtvoord. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE G. DE WITT, HENRY R. BEEKMAN. ABRAHAM VAN SANTVOORD. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. ROBERT BARNWELL ROOSEVELT, WILLIAM J. VAN ARSDALE, JOHN W. VROOMAN. COMMITTEE ON HISTORY AND TRADITION. HENRY VAN DYKE, J. WILLIAM BEEKMAN, D. B. St. JOHN ROOSA. win vi OFFICERS Elected Pinkster Tuesday (May 19), 1891. PRESIDENT. GEORGE M. VAN HOESEN. VICE-PRESIDEXTS. New-York City Charles H. Truax. Kingston, N. Y Augustus Schoonmaker. Jersey City, N. J Henry Traphagen. Brooklyn, N. Y Judah Back Yoorhees. Kinderhook, N. Y. Pierre Van Buren Hoes. Rockland County, N. Y Garret Van' Nostrand. "Westchester County, N. Y Charles Knapp Clearwater. Catskill, N. Y Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y Giles Yates Van Der Bogert. Amsterdam, N. Y Walter L. Van Denbergh. Albany, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J Charles H. Voorhees. Bergen County, N. J John Quackenbush. Passaic County, N. J John Hopper. Cobleskill, N. Y John Van Schaick. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Frank Hasbrouck. Monmouth County, N. J D. Augustus Van Der Veer. Somerset County, N. J James J. Bergen. Minisink, N. Y Amos Van Etten. Jr. Buffalo, N. Y Sheldon Thompson Viele. Philadelphia, Pa Eugene Van Loan. Yonkers, N. Y E.J. Elting. Lansingburgh, N. Y. William Chichester Groesbeck. Camden, N. J Peter L. Voorhees. Staten Island, N. Y James I). Van Hoevenberg. North Hempstead, N. Y Andrew J. Onderdonk. United States Army Stewart Van Vliet. United States Navy Wm. Knickerbocker Van Reypen. SECRET A B Y. TREAS FRER. Theodore Melvin Banta. Eugene Van Schaick. TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1892. Walton Storm, George W. Van Siclen, Herman W. Vander Poel, Augustus Van Wyck, Jacob Wendell. Term Expires in 1894. William D. Garrison, William J. Van Arsdale, William M. Hoes, Henry S. Van Beuren, John W. Vrooman. Term Expire* in 1893. Henry R. Beekman, George G. De Witt. Jr.. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, John L. Riker, William W. Van Voorhis. Term Expires in 1895. Henry Van Dyke. Chauncey M. Depevt, George M. Van Hoesen, Theodore M. Baxta, Eugene Van Schaick. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE G. DE WITT, GEORGE W. VAN SICLEN, HENRY R, BEEKMAX. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. ROBERT B. ROOSEVELT, WM. W. VAN VOORHIS, WM. J. VAN ARSDALE. COMMITTEE ON HISTORY AND TRADITION. HENRY VAN DYKE, JACOB WENDELL, CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW. 10 OFFICEES Elected Pinkster Tuesday (May 27), 1890. . PRESIDENT. EOBEET BARNWELL ROOSEVELT. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New- York City Maus Rosa Vedder. Kingston, N. Y Samuel Decker Coykendall. Jersey City, N. J George Clippinger Varick. Brooklyn, N. Y Harmanus Barkaloo Hubbard. Kinderhook, N. Y Peter Van Schaack Pruyn. Rockland County, N. Y Garret Van Nostrand. Westchester County, N. Y Charles Knapp Clearwater. Catskill, N. Y Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y Giles Yates Van Der Bogert. Amsterdam, N. Y .Walter L. Van Denbergh. Albany, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J William Hoffman Ten Eyck. Bergen County, N. J George Frederick Schermerhorn. Passaic County, N. J John Hopper. Cobleskill, N. Y John Van Schaick. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Frank Hasbrouck. Monmouth County, N. J D. Augustus Van Der Veer. Somerset County, N. J Lawrence Van Der Veer. Minisink, N. Y Amos Van Etten, Jr. Buffalo, N. Y Sheldon Thompson Viele. Philadelphia, Pa Eugene Van Loan. Yonkers, N. Y William L. Heermance. Lansingburgh, N. Y William Chichester Groesbeck. Camden, N. J Peter L. Voorhees. Staten Island William Prall. North Hempstead, L. I Andrew J. Onderdonk. United States Army Stewart Van Vliet. United States Navy Delavan Bloodgood. SECRETARY. TREASURER. George West Van Siclen. Eugene Van Schaick. 11 TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1891. Theodore M. Banta, Feederic J. De Peystee, Chauncey M. Depew, Heney Van Dyke, Geoege M. Van Hoesen. Term Expires in 1893. Heney E. Beekman, George G. De Witt, Jr., Eobert Barnwell Eoosevelt, John L. Biker, William W. Van Vooehis. Term Expires in 1892. Walton Stoem, George W. Van Siclen, Herman W. Vander Poel, Augustus Van Wyck, Jacob Wendell. Term Expires in 1894. William D. Garrison, William J. Van Arsdale, William M. Hoes, Henry S. Van Beuren, John W. Vrooman. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE M. VAN HOESEN, THEODORE M. BANTA. AUGUSTUS VAN' WYCK. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. GEORGE G. DE WITT, Jr., WILLIAM M. HOES, WILLIAM W. VAN VOORHIS. COMMITTEE ON HISTORY AND TRADITION. HENRY VAN DYKE, JOHN L. RIKER, WILLIAM J. VAN ARSDALE. 12 OFFICERS Elected Pinkster Tuesday (June 11), 1889. PRESIDENT. HOOPER C. VAN VORST. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New-York City Robert Barnwell Roosevelt. Brooklyn, N. Y Tunis G. Bergen. Jersey City, N. J Isaac I. Vander Beck. Albany, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Kingston, N. Y Samuel Decker Coykendall. Kinderhook, N. Y Peter Van Schaack Pruyn. Rockland County, N. Y Garret Van Nostrand. Westchester County, N. Y Charles Knapp Clearwater. Catskill, N. Y Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y James Albert Van Voast. Amsterdam, N. Y Walter L. Van Denbergh. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J William Hoffman Ten Eyck. Bergen County, N.J. George Frederick Schermerhorn. Passaic County, N. J John Hopper. Cobleskill, N. Y John Van Schaick. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Frank Hasbrouck. Monmouth County, N. J D. Augustus Van Der Veer. Somerset County, N. J Lawrence Van Der Veer. Minisink, N. Y Amos Van Etten, Jr. Buffalo, N. Y Sheldon Thompson Viele. Y r onkers, N. Y William L. Heermance. Lansingburgh, N. Y r William Chichester Groesbeck. Philadelphia, Pa Eugene Van Loan. Camden, N. J Peter L. Voorhees. SECRETARY. TREASURER. George West Van Siclen. Abraham Van Santvoord. TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1890. William M. Hoes, George W. Van Slyck, Abraham Van Santvoord, Hooper C. Van Vorst, Alexander T. Van Nest. Term Expires in 1892. Walton Storm, George W. Van Siclen, Herman W. Vander Poel, Augustus Van Wyck, Jacob Wendell. Term Expires in 1891. Theodore M. Banta, Frederic J. De Peyster, Chauncey M. Depew, Henry Van Dyke, George M. Van Hoesen. Term Expires in 1893. Henry E. Beekman, George G. De Witt, Jr., Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, John L. Riker, William W. Van Voorhis. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE M. VAN HOESEN, THEODORE M. BANTA, AUGUSTUS VAN WYCK. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. GEORGE G. DE WITT, Jr., WILLIAM M. HOES, WILLIAM W. VAN VOORHIS. COMMITTEE ON HISTORY AND TRADITION. HENRY VAN DYKE, JOHN L. RIKER, WILLIAM. J. VAN ARSDALE. 14 OFFICERS Elected Pinkster (Mat 22), 1888. PRESIDENT. HOOPER C. VAN YORST. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New-York City Robert Barnwell Roosevelt. Brooklyn, N. Y Tunis G. Bergen. Jersey City, N. J. Henry M. T. Beekman. Albany, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Kingston, N. Y Samuel Decker Coykendall. Kinderkook. N. Y Peter Van Schaack Pruyn. Rockland County, N. Y Garret Van Nostrand. Westchester County, N. Y Charles Knapp Clearwater. Catskill, N. Y Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y John Albert Van Voast. Amsterdam, N. Y Walter L. Van Denbergh. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J William Hoffman Ten Eyck. Bergen County, N. J George Frederick Schermerhorn. Passaic County, N. J John Hopper. Cobleskill, N. Y John Van Schaick. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Frank Hasbrouck. Monmouth County, N. J D. Augustus Van Der Veer. Somerset County, N. J Lawrence Van Der Veer. Minisink, N. Y Amos Van Etten, Jr. SECRETARY. TREASURER. George West Van Siclen. Abraham Van Santvoord. 15 TEUSTEES. Term Expires in 1889. George G. De Witt, Jr., Lucas L. Van Allen, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Henry S. Van Duzer, Philip Van Volkenburgh, Jr. Term Expires in 1891. Theodore M. Banta, Frederic J. De Peyster, Chauncey M. Depew, Henry Van Dyke. George M. Van Hoesen. Term Expires in 1890. William M. Hoes, George W. Van Slyck, Abraham Van Santyoord, Hooper C. Van Vorst, Alexander T. Van Nest. Term Expires in 1892. Walton Storm, George W. Van Siclen, Herman W. Vander Poel, Augustus Van Wyck, Jacob Wendell. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE M. VAN HOESEN, ABRAHAM VAN SANTVOORD, THEODORE M. BANTA. COMMITTEE OX FINANCE. GEORGE G. DE WITT, Jr., GEORGE W. VAN SLYCK, WILLIAM M. HOES. COMMITTEE ON HIS TOBY AND TRADITION. HENRY VAN DYKE, ROBERT B. ROOSEVELT, LUCAS L. VAN ALLEN. 16 OFFICERS Elected Pinkster Tuesday (May 31), 1887. PRESIDENT. HOOPER C. VAN VORST. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New-York City Robert Barnwell Roosevelt. Brooklyn, N. Y Augustus Van Wyck. Jersey City, N. J J. Howard Suydam. Albany, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Kingston, N. Y A. T. Clearwater. Kinderhook, N. Y Peter Van Shaack Pruyn. Rockland County, N. Y Garret Van Nostrand. Westchester County, N. Y Charles Knapp Clearwater. Catskill, N. Y Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y James Albert Van Voast. Amsterdam, N. Y "Walter L. Van Denberg. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J William Hoffman Ten Eyck. Bergen County, N. J George Frederick Schermerhorn. Passaic County, N. J Martin John Ryerson. Cobleskill, N. Y John Van Schaick. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Frank Hasbrouck. SECRETARY. TREASURER. # George West Van Siclen. ■ Abraham Van Santvoord. 17 Term Expires in 1888. W. A. Ogden Hegeman, GIeorge W. Van Siclen, Herman W. Vander Poel, Augustus Van Wyck, Jacob Wendell. Term Expires in 1890. William M. Hoes, George W. Van Slyck, Abraham Van Santvoord, Hooper C. Van Vorst, Alexander T. Van Nest. TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1889. George G. De Witt, Jr., Lucas L. Van Allen, Eobert Barnwell Kooseveli Henry S. Van Duzer, Philip Van Volkenburgh, Jr. Term Expires in 1891. Theodore M. Banta, Frederic J. De Peyster, Chauncey M. Depew, Henry Van Dyke, George M. Van Hoesen. 18 OFFICERS Elected Pinkster Tuesday (June 15), 1886. PRESIDENT. HOOPER O VAN VORST. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New- York City Robert Barnwell Roosevelt. Brooklyn, N. Y Adrian Van Sinderen. Jersey City, N. J Theodore Romeyn Varick. Albany, N. Y Albert Van Der Veer. Kingston, N. Y Alphonso Trumpbour Clearwater. Kinderhook, N. Y Aaron J. Vander Poel. Rockland County, N. Y Garret Van Nostrand. Westchester County, N. Y Charles Knapp Clearwater. Catskill, N. Y Evert Van Slyke. Schenectady, N. Y James Albert Van Voast. Amsterdam, N. Y Walter L. Van Denbergh. Newtown, L. I John E. Van Nostrand. New Brunswick, N. J William Hoffman Ten Eyck. Bergen County, N. Y George Frederick Schermerhorn. Passaic County, N. J Martin John Ryerson. Cobleskill, N. Y John Van Schaick. SECRETARY. TREASURER. George West Van Siclen. Abraham Van Santvoord. L9 TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1887. David Van Nostrand, George M. Van Hoesen, Henry Van Dyke, Philip Van Volkenburgh, Jr., Edgar B. Van Winkle. Term Expires in 1889. George G. De Witt, Jr., Lucas L. Van Allen, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Aaron J. Vanderpoel, Henry S. Van Duzer. Term Expires in 1888. W. A. Ogden Hegeman, George W. Van Siclen, Herman W. Vander Poel, Benjamin F. Vosburgh, Jacob Wendell. Term Expires in 1890. William M. Hoes, George W. Van Slyck, Abraham Van Santvoord, Hooper C. Van Vorst, Alexander T. Van Nest. COMMITTEE ON GENEALOGY. GEORGE M. VAN HOESEN, AARON J. VANDERPOEL, PHILIP VAN VALKENBURGH, Jr. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. GEORGE G. DE WITT, Jr., GEORGE W. VAN SLYCK, WILLIAM M. HOES. COMMITTEE ON HISTORY AND TRADITION. HENRY VAN DYKE, Jr., ROBERT B. ROOSEVELT, LUCAS L. VAN ALLEN. 20 OFFICERS Elected April 30, 1885. PRESIDENT. HOOPER C. VAN VORST. VICE-PRESIDENTS. New- York City Robert Barnwell Roosevelt. Kingston, N. Y Alphonso Trumpbour Clearwater, Kinderhook, N. Y Augustus "W. Wynkoop. Brooklyn, N. Y Adrian Van Sinderen. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. George West Van Siclen. TRUSTEES. Term Expires in 1886 William M. Hoes, Abraham Van Santvoord, wllhelmus mynderse, George W. Van Slyck, Hooper C. Van Vorst. Term Expires in 1888. W. A. Ogden Hegeman, George W. Van Siclen, Herman W. Vander Poel, Benjamin F. Vosburgh, Jacob Wendell. Term Expires in 1887. David Van No strand, George M. Van Hoesen, Henry Van Dyke, Philip Van Volkenburgh, Jr., Edgar B. Van Winkle. Term Expires in 1889. George G. De Witt, Jr., Lucas L. Van Allen, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Aaron J. Vanderpoel, Henry S. Van Duzer. 3lrtiric£ of incorporation. THE HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW-YORK. Certificate of Incorporation. We, the undersigned, being of full age, citizens of the United States and also citizens of the State of New- York, desire to form ourselves into a society for social purposes, in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled, "An Act for the incorporation of societies or clubs for certain lawful purposes," passed May 12, 1875 ; and we do hereby certify : 22 Name. First. The name or title by which said Society shall be known in law, is THE HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW-YORK. Business and Object. Second. The object of the Society shall be, First To collect and preserve information respecting the early history and settlement of the City and State of New-York by the Dutch, and to discover, collect, and preserve all still ex- isting documents, monuments, etc., relating to their genealogy and history. Second. To perpetuate the memory and foster and promote the principles and virtues of the Dutch ancestors of its members, and to promote social intercourse among the latter. Third. To gather by degrees a library for the nse of the So- ciety, composed of all obtainable books, monographs, pamphlets, manuscripts, etc., relating to the Dutch in America. Fourth. To cause statedly to be prepared and read before the Society, papers, essays, etc., on questions in the history or gene- alogy of the Dutch in America. Fifth. To cause to be prepared and published, when the requi- site materials have been discovered and procured, collections for a memorial history of the Dutch in America, wherein shall be particularly set forth the part belonging to that element in the growth and development of American character, institutions, and progress. 23 Trustees. Third. The number of Trustees to manage the affairs of the Society shall be twenty. The names of the Trustees Hooper C. Van Vorst, George M. Van Hoesen, George W. Van Slyck, David Van Nostrand, Edgar B. Van Winkle, Herman W. Vander Poel, William M. Hoes, Aaron J. Vanderpoel, George W. Van Siclen, Lucas L. Van Allen, for the first year are as follows : Abraham Van Santvoord, The Rev. Dr. van Dyke, Jr., W. A. Ogden Hegeman, George G. De Witt, Jr., wllhelmus mynderse, . Jacob Wendell, Benjamin F. Vosburgh, M. D., Robert B. Roosevelt, Philip Van Volkenburgh, Jr., Alfred Van Santvoord. In witness w t hereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this fourteenth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eightv-five. Aaron J. Vanderpoel, John E. Van Nostrand, Gilbert S. Van Pelt, A. B. Vandusen, Edgar B. Van Winkle, Richard Van Santvoord, M.D. Wm. M. Hoes, Robt. B. Roosevelt, Jacob Wendell, Philip Van Volkenburgh, Jr., Jenkins Van Schaick, Benjamin F. Vosburgh, M. D., Augustus H. Vanderpoel, Abraham Van Santvoord, Robt. W. Van Boskerck, Herman W. Vander Poel, A. H. Van Sinderen, Francis H. Van Vechten, Thomas S. Van Volkenburgh, Geo. W. Van Siclen, George M. Van Hoesen, W. A. Ogden Hegeman, Wm. Van Wyck, George G. De Witt, Jr., WlLHELMUS MYNDERSE, Geo. W. Van Slyck, 24 H. Van Schaick, H. S. Van Duzer, W. W. Van Voorhis, Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, David Van Nostrand, L. L. Van Allen, Frank F. Van Derveer, Robert B. Van Vleck, Hooper C. Van Vorst, Geo. Van Wagenen, John R. Van Derveer, Elisha W. Vanderhoof, Henry C. Van Vechten, Henry D. Van Orden, Alexander T. Van Nest, Warner Van Norden, Arthur M. Jacobus, M. D. A. K. Van Vleck, Cornelius Van Brunt, Edwin E. Van Auken. ss.: State of New- York, City and County of New- York, I, Patrick Keenan, Clerk of the said City and County and Clerk of the Supreme Court of said State for said County, do hereby certify that the certificate of incorporation of The Hol- land Society of New- York, with acknowledgments thereto an- nexed, was filed and recorded in this office on the thirtieth of April, 1885. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal, this 9th [l. s.] day of June, 1885. PATRICK KEENAN, Clerk. State of New- York, ) . City and County of New-York, i " " It is hereby certified that the certificate of incorporation of The Holland Society of New-York, with acknowledgments thereto annexed, was filed and recorded in this office on the first day of May, 1885. Witness my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of State, at the City of Albany, this [l. s.] 1st day of May, one thousand eight hundred aud eighty-five. JOSEPH B. CARR, Secretary of State. Constitution. Adopted April 30, 1885. As Amended April 6, 1894. Article I. Name. Section 1. This organization shall be called THE HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW- YORK. Article II. Object. The object of the Society shall be, First. To collect and preserve information respecting the early history and settlement of the City and State of New- York by the Dutch, and to discover, collect, and preserve all still exist- ing documents, etc., relating to their genealogy and history. 26 Second. To perpetuate the memory and foster and promote the principles and virtues of the Dutch ancestors of its members, and to promote social intercourse among the latter. Third. To gather by degrees a library for the use of the So- ciety, composed of all obtainable books, monographs, pamphlets, manuscripts, etc., relating to the Dutch in America. Fourth. To cause statedly to be prepared and read before the Society, papers, essays, etc., on questions in the history or genealogy of the Dutch in America. Fifth. To cause to be prepared and published, when the requisite materials have been discovered and procured, collec- tions for a memorial history of the Dutch in America, wherein shall be particularly set forth the part belonging to that element in the growth and development of American character, institu- tions, and progress. Article III. Members. Section 1. No one shall be eligible as a member unless he be of full age, of respectable standing in society, of good moral character, and the descendant in the direct male line of a Dutch- man who was a native or resident of New-York or of the Ameri- can colonies prior to the year 1675. This shall include those of other former nationalities who found in Holland a refuge or a home, and whose descendants in the male line came to this country as Dutch settlers, speaking Dutch as their native tongue. This shall also include descendants in the male line of Dutch settlers who were born within the limits of Dutch settlements, and descendants in the male line of persons who possessed the rights of Dutch citizenship within Dutch settle- 27 ments in America, prior to the year 1675 ; also any descendant in the direct male line of a Dutchman, one of whose descendants became a member of this Society prior to June 16, 1886. Article IV. Officers. Section 1. A President, a Vice-President for each original Dutch Center or Settlement in America, a Secretary and a Treas- urer, shall be chosen at each annual meeting, and shall hold office for one year, and until their successors are elected. There shall also be chosen from its members, twenty Trustees. Those elected at the first election shall divide themselves into four classes of five each ; one class to hold office one year, the second class for two years, the third class for three years, and the fourth class for four years, next thereafter. At each annual meeting thereafter there shall be chosen five Trustees to fill the place of the class whose term will then expire. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be filled by one person. Section 2. All elections shall be by ballot, under the di- rection of inspectors, to be appointed by the President, and a plurality of votes shall elect. Article V. Powers and Duties of Officers. Section 1. The President of the Society, and in his absence the Vice-President for New- York City, shall authorize the call for all meetings of the Trustees, and of the Society, and appoint the place of each meeting, and shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer. 28 Section 2. The Secretary of the Society shall notify each Trustee of all meetings of the Trustees, and each member of the Society of every meeting of the Society; issue all other author- ized notices to members; make and keep a true record of all meetings of the Trustees and Society, and of all Standing Com- mittees; have custody of its Constitution, By-Laws, and Cor- porate Seal, and conduct its correspondence ; he shall also act as Librarian and Curator, and have the keeping of all books, pamphlets, manuscripts, and personal articles pertaining to the Society. Section 3. The Treasurer shall collect, and under the direc- tion of the Trustees disburse, the funds of the Society, and shall keep regular accounts thereof, which shall be subject to the ex- amination of the President and Trustees. He shall submit a statement thereof to the Trustees at each regular meeting. Section 4. The Trustees shall have general charge of the affairs, funds, and property of the Society. It shall be their duty to carry out the objects and purposes thereof ; and to this end they may exercise all the powers of the Society, subject to the Constitution, and to such action as the Society may take at its special or stated meetings. Section 5. The Trustees shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur from death or resignation among the officers of the Society, for the unexpired term of office vacated. Section 6. The Trustees shall cause to be prepared annually a detailed statement of the financial condition of the Society, showing its receipts and expenditures for the current year, the number of members, and other matters of general interest to the Society, and a statement thereof shall be printed and a copy sent to each member ten days previous to the annual meeting. 29 Section 7. The Trustees shall, from time to time, make by- laws, rules, and regulations, and appoint standing committees and sub-committees on matters not herein determined. ARTICLE VI. Membership. Section 1. Candidates for admission must be proposed by one member and seconded by another, and the member propos- ing a candidate shall state, in writing, the name of the person proposed, his occupation, place of residence, and his qualifica- tions for membership. Section 2. The name of every candidate, with those of his proposers, shall be sent to the Secretary at least fifteen days, and by him sent to each Trustee at least ten days, before he is balloted for. Members shall be chosen by the Trustees, and no candidate for membership shall be elected unless he receive an affirmative vote of four fifths of the Trustees present, and in every instance two blackballs shall exclude. Section 3. Any Trustee may, at the same meeting, move the reconsideration of a vote, either of admission or exclusion ; but after an adjournment no rejected candidate shall be eligible for six months thereafter. Section 4. The admission fee shall be five dollars. The an- nual subscription fee five dollars, payable in advance on the first day of February in each year. The Trustees shall have power to increase each of said amounts from time to time, but not to a sum greater than one hundred dollars for the admission fee, and ten dollars for the annual subscription. 30 Section 5. Every person elected to membership, as a condi- tion thereof, shall, within thirty days after being notified, pay to the Treasurer the amount of the admission fee and sign the Con- stitution ; the Trustees may extend the time for the latter in special cases. Section 6. Should any member neglect to pay his annual subscription within six months of the time when it is due, his name shall be dropped from the roll of the Society, unless for any good and sufficient excuse the Trustees shall vote to remit or suspend such penalty. Section 7. The Trustees shall have power, by a vote of a majority of its members, to suspend or forfeit the membership of any member of the Society for conduct on his part likely, in the opinion of the Trustees, to endanger the welfare, interest, or character of the Society, an opportunity being first given such member to be heard before the Trustees in his defense. Section 8. Any person who shall cease to be a member of the Society shall forfeit all right or interest in the property of the Society. Article VII. Meetings. Section 1. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on April 6th, the anniversary of the day when, in A. D. 1566, the Dutch combined against tyranny, and adopted the badge which is now the badge of this Society. Should such date fall on Saturday or Sunday, the annual meeting shall be held on the Monday following. Section 2. No special meeting of the Society shall be called at any time except by order of the President, with the approval 31 of three Trustees, or by the Secretary whenever the President shall be thereunto requested in writing by twelve members, set- ting forth the purpose of such meeting. At any such special meeting no business other than that specified in the call shall be considered, except by unanimous consent. At least ten days' notice shall be given to the members, of all meetings of the Society. Section 3. The Trustees shall hold four regular meetings each year at such times as may be provided in the By-Laws. Article VIII. Notices. Section 1. All notices shall be sent to such address as shall be left with the Secretary. If no address be so given, such no- tices shall be sufficient if addressed to the member at his last known place of residence. Article IX. Amendments to the Constitution. Section 1. To amend the Constitution, an affirmative vote of two thirds of the members present at a general or special meet- ing- shall be requisite, but no amendment shall be made except upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees, or upon the written request of at least fifteen members of the Society, and after the mailing to each member notice of any proposed amend- ment at least ten days before the meeting at which it is intended to be acted upon. °&Vt%M$ of €f)e Ifollanfc £ocictp. AS AMENDED APRIL 6, 1894. 1. Order of Business. At all meetings of the Society, the order of business shall be as follows : 1. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. 2. Reports of officers. 3. Election of officers. 4. Reports of committees. 5. Miscellaneous business. 6. Adjournment. 2. Meetings of Trustees. The Trustees shall hold stated meetings on the second Thurs- day of each March, June, October, and December. 33 Special meetings of the Trustees may be called by the order of the President, or, in his absence, by the Vice-President for New- York city. 3. Proof of Descent. Before being voted upon for membership, each candidate shall furnish satisfactory proof of his pedigree to the Committee on Genealogy, who shall report thereon to the Board of Trustees. 4. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the day specified in the Constitution (at such place and hour as the President shall appoint), and at least ten days' notice of the same shall be sent to each member by the Secretary. The Trustees shall, at least sixty days before any annual meeting, elect a com- mittee who shall nominate a ticket to be voted for at the annual election, and a list of the nominations shall be sent to each mem- ber of the Society at least ten days before such annual meeting. 1 5. Committees and Appointment. All standing committees and sub-committees shall be ap- pointed by the President or other chairman of the meeting unless specially named in the resolution creating the committee i At the annual meeting of the Society held May 27, 1890, the following resolution was adopted: Upon the appointment by the Trustees of a Nominating Committee, the Secretary of the Society shall notify the Vice-Presideuts of each locality of the appointment of the Committee, and request that suggestions be made from each locality of the mem- ber who is desired for nomination as Vice-President for such locality. 34 and the gentleman first named shall be Chairman of each com- mittee. The standing committees shall be on Finance, on Gene- alogy, and on History and Tradition. 6. Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance shall consist of three members, and shall, at least once in each year, and oftener if they choose, audit the accounts and vouchers of the Treasurer of this Society and report upon the same at the annual meeting of the Society, and oftener to the Board of Trustees as they may see fit. or as the latter may order. 7. Committee on Genealogy. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Genealogy to report to the Trustees upon the genealogy of candidates that may be submitted to them, and to collect and preserve, in accordance with the Constitution of this Society, information and docu- ments relating to the genealogy of the members of this Society and of the Dutch settlers of New-York and of the American colonies, and said committee may expend the funds of this So- ciety for that purpose, but not to exceed a total amount of twenty-five dollars in any one quarter of a year, unless especially authorized by the Trustees. Said committee shall consist of three members. 8. Committee on Histoey and Tradition. It shall be the duty of the Committee on History and Tradi- tion to collect and preserve, in accordance with the Constitution of this Society, information, documents, books, and monuments relating to the history and tradition of the ancestry of the mem- bers of this Society, and of the Dutch settlers of New-York and of the American colonies, and to print and publish the same, and 35 papers and essays relating- to the same, copyrighting original publications for the benefit of this Society ; and said committee may expend the funds of this Society for that purpose, but not to exceed a total amount of twenty-five dollars in any one quar- ter of a year, unless especially authorized by the Trustees. Said committee shall consist of three members. 9. Special Appropriation of Funds. A. All initiation fees received for this Society, together with ten per cent, of the amounts annually received for dues of this Society, shall be, and they hereby are, appropriated for a special fund, which, with such gifts and additions as may be made thereto, is hereby set apart as the building fund, to be applied to the erection of a suitable, and if possible a self-supporting, building, as the future home of this Society; but such fund, or parts thereof, may, from time to time, be otherwise appropriated by the Board of Trustees. B. Ten per cent, of the amount annually received for dues of this Society shall be, and they hereby are, appropriated to a special fund, which, with such gifts and additions as may be made thereto, is hereby set apart as a fund to be applied to the publication, in accordance with the Constitution of this Society, of a memorial history of the Dutch in America, such history to be copyrighted for the benefit of this Society, and to be prepared and published under the direction of the Committee on History and Tradition ; but such fund, or parts thereof, may, from time to time, be otherwise appropriated by the Board of Trustees. 10. Centers Entitled to a Vice-President. The original Dutch settlements in this country, each one of which is entitled to a Vice-President in this Society, are the 36 following counties, namely: New-York, Kings, Queens, Rich- mond, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Sullivan, Dutchess, Ulster, Greene, Columbia, Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, Schoharie, Montgomery, and Erie in the state of New-York; Hudson, Ber- gen, Passaic, Essex, Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset, and Cam- den in the state of New Jersey, and Philadelphia, representing the settlement on the Delaware ; provided that no county shall be entitled to a Vice-President unless there are ten members resident in such county. There may be also a Vice-President for the United States Army and one for the United States Navy. 11. Amendment. These By-Laws can be only altered, amended, or abrogated at a stated meeting of the Trustees, or at a meeting specially called for that purpose, and upon a notice of ten days to each Trustee by the Secretary, informing him of the proposed alteration, amendment, or abrogation, and then only upon the affirmative vote of a majority of members present. Provided, however, that each meeting may regulate and control its order of business. 37 Badge of The Holland Society of New- York, adopted march 30, 1887. The most significant medal, from an historical point of view, which was ever struck in Holland, is the so-called " Beggars' Medal." It is the memorial of the very first steps of that march toward civil and religious liberty in which the men of the Neth- erlands, after heroic struggles, finally led the world. And there- fore it is a most appropriate token for us to wear, who have re- ceived in largest measure, in this New Republic, the benefits of the noble conflict of our Dutch forefathers. 38 Iu Bizot's " Medallic History of the Republic of Holland," pub- lished at Amsterdam in 1690, the place of honor is given to this famous ''Geuzenpenning." The following description of its ori- gin is translated from that work, with a few additions from the accounts given by Prof. J. W. Kitchin, of Oxford : " In the year 1565, immediately after the decrees of the Council of Trent were promulgated, Philip II. determined to put them in force throughout his dominions. Accordingly, he now made a more vehement attack upon the reformers ; and then it was, in 1566, that the Netherland nobles, led by Count Brederode, signed the famous ' Compromise/ with which the open rebellion of the provinces begins. Margaret of Parma was Phillip's re- gent in the Low Countries. Before her Brederode appeared with the Protest against the Inquisition and other innovations which the King proposed to introduce into Holland. He was accom- panied by three hundred noblemen, who had bound themselves together for the preservation of the liberties of the provinces. The Duchess of Parma appeared to be much disturbed at the sight of such a multitude of noble remonstrants; but the Count of Barlemont, who stood beside her, begged her not to be alarmed. ' For,' said he, in French, ' they are only beggars.' " The next day, the 6th of April, 1566, as the confederates were sitting together at dinner, and talking of a name for their new party, they remembered Barlemont's sneer, and cried out, ' 17- veni les Gueux? — ' Hurrah for the Beggars ! ' When dinner was over, Brederode, having hung a beggar's wallet around his neck, filled a wooden bowl with wine and drank the health of the com- pany, declariug that for his part he was ready to sacrifice life, property, everything, in defense of his country's freedom. The room rang with applause, — ' Hurrah for the Beggars ! ' The cup was passed from hand to hand. Every man drank the same toast and made the same pledge of devotion. And thus it was that the name of the Queux, or beggars, which has become famous 39 throughout Europe, had its origin at a social feast ; for it often happens that the most important and serious affairs begin amid jests and laughter. "Soon afterward the men of the new party appeared at Brus- sels dressed in coarse gray cloth, with wooden cups attached to their belts, and with this medal hanging about their necks." One of these medals was worn by William of Orange at the time of his assassination. The following is the description, translated by the first Secre- tary of the Society, Mr. Geo. W. Van Siclen, from Van Loon's " Neclerlandsche Penningen " : "'The nobles assembled several times in different places to find methods to protect the liberties of their country from the perils which menaced them from all sides. Those who showed them- selves most zealous and most ardent upon these occasious were Henri de Brederode ; Louis of Nassau, brother of the Prince of Orange; Florent de Pallant, Count of Culembourg; and Wil- liam, Count of Bergen. They pushed the affair so far that meet- ings were held, first in Breda, and afterward at Hoogstraten. "At the latter place several discontented nobles projected an alliance, which, going from hand to hand, was in a short time accepted and signed by more than four hundred persons, all of whom promised to be in Brussels on a certain day. To give greater Mat to this league, Henry of Brederode, as chief of the confederates, found it convenient to make his entry into that city on the 3d of April, A. D. 1566, accompanied by Count Louis of Nassau and many nobles, followed by a great number of servants. The fourth day of that month was employed in preparations and in awaiting the Counts of Bergen and of Culembourg. Although the following day these lords had not yet arrived, the confed- erates did not delay in demanding an audience. It was granted to them, and the Princess Regent appointed the hour of noon to avoid the tumultuous concourse of the populace. 40 " The time named being near, Brederode and Count Louis were seen to leave the residence of Culembourg and to walk with a decent gravity toward the court, preceded by more than three hundred gentlemen, of whom they themselves formed the last rank. When the}' arrived before the Duchess, Brederode spoke for all, and having finished his harangue, he presented to Her Highness a petition signed in the name of all that illustrious troop. In this petition, after having represented their obedience and their fidelity to the King, they declared that, notwithstanding the hatred that their procedure would very likely draw upon them, the} T would risk, in the service of the King, showing to Her High- ness the dangerous condition of affairs, and warning her, if the protection of the Inquisition were continued, of the terrible con- sequences which they foresaw would shake the State to its foundations. They demanded, secondly, that the edict of the King relating to the Inquisition, and relating to religion in gene- ral, be reformed by the States-General, and that while awaiting this, the execution of the edict should be suspended, as a protec- tion against the sad evils of which they were already, and of which they would be more and more, the fertile source. " The Regent, hiding as well as possible the uneasiness and indignation which this affair caused her, received the petition, and replied to the supplicant that she would examine into their demands with the Lords of the Council, and that in a short time she would let them know her decision. With this response, the confederate lords returned to Culembourg's resi- dence in the same order and with the same gravity with which they had left it. '"After the Regent had deliberated on the petition of the nobles, that Princess replied the following day in writing that she would represent to the King their first demand in the most favorable manner possible, but that she was obliged to refuse absolutely the second, because the matter was not in her power. 41 " While this affair was thus treated at the palace of the Prin- cess, the populace iusulted the confederate nobles by the oppro- brious epithet of gueux, which those who understood French badly changed iuto geuzen, which afterward became very com- mon as the name of a party or sect. Others say that the author of the sobriquet was the Baron of Barlemont, who, seeing the Re- gent surprised at the sight of so many nobles, tried to encourage her by saying, ' Ce ne sont que des gueux? However that may be, this name was received by the nobles as a precious epithet, and soon became the most honorable title of that illustrious league. " The 6th of April, Brederode, being at dinner with other lords of his party at Culembourg's, put around his neck a wallet, and filling with wine a wooden cup, like that worn by the beg- gars, made all the guests follow his example. He declared to them at the same time that while always remaining faithful to his King, not only would he risk everything in defense of the liberties of the country, although he might be reduced to carry- ing a wallet, but he was even ready to give up his life in so good a cause. All those who were at the feast, having in turn taken the wallet and the cup, made the same declaration one after the other, in the midst of a continual cry of 'Vivent les gueux!' " Several of these nobles appeared the next day in the streets dressed in gray frieze, and carrying at the girdle, as a badge of honor, a small wallet and a little wooden cup or calabash. " Then (A. D. 1566), as now (A. D. 1732), the wooden bowl was in Brabant, like the wallet, a distinctive mark, and so to speak, a livery of beggars. Furnished with this necessary utensil of their profession, they went certain days of the week to the clois- ters, where, after having taken part iu the catechising, they each received, according as he had answered well or badly, a portion of soup left over by the monks. " It was by this low and despised method that the Professor, Thomas Stapleton, was able to reach the highest degree of eru- 42 dition, notwithstanding his poverty and low birth. Sure, thanks to his porringer, of victuals which were absolutely necessary to him, he applied himself first to the languages, and afterward to the higher sciences, with such success that he was honored with the most distinguished professorship in the University of Lou- vain. He never forgot his porringer. In the feasts which they gave when he was elevated to this important charge, not only did he then cause the first toast to be drunk in that cup, then orna- mented with a foot of silver, but he desired that after his death it should be added to the rich ornaments of his marble tomb, as an example and as a beacon for other distinguished men of ge- nius, the meanness of whose extraction might seem to condemn them to darkness. '• The reader must pardon me this digression, which I would not have made but for the same motive which caused this great man to parade his beggar's bowl. " The gourd or bottle had its origin from the usage made of it by the pilgrims — that class of people who, to perform a pen- ance or to fulfil certain vows, undertake a journey to the dis- tant shrine of some saint, like that of St. James in Spain, or of Loretto in Italy. They are obliged to go there begging by the way, and they carry this bottle-gourd or calabash attached to the girdle for the purpose of carrying water for their use when they traverse dry and arid parts of the country. For this reason these allied nobles made use both of the porringer and the wal- let as an emblem of poverty, and to turn into pleasantry the name of beggars which had been given to them with so much in- dignity. This is not all. These lords, wishing to engrave on each other's memory the vow which each had made to defend the privileges of the country, even to carrying the wallet, took pride in wearing on the breast certain medals attached to ribbons, and very often joined with a porringer and a gourd." The form adopted by The Holland Society is a facsimile of the 43 one to which are attached two such porringers and a gourd or bottle, and shows on its face the armed bust of Philip II. of Spain, with the first half of the motto, " en tout fidelles au roi," and on the reverse two wallets, between the straps of which are two hands joined, with the remainder of the motto, "jusqu'a porter la besace," together with the date, 1566, the figures of which are, however, separated, one in each corner formed by the crossed hands and wallets. Plaster casts of originals of various sizes, in the Museum of Antiquities in Amsterdam, were kindly presented to the Society by Dr. T. H. Blom Coster, physician to the Queen of the Neth- erlands. The die, which has been cut by Tiffany & Co., is the property of the Society. The medals, including the cups, the flagon, the orange ribbon and the pin, can be furnished in silver for six dollars ($6) each. They can also be supplied in gold for twenty- eight dollars ($28) each. Orders should be sent to, and checks made payable to the order of, Mr. Eugene Vau Schaick, Treas- urer, 6 Wall Street, New- York. HENRY J. van DYKE, Jv.A H. S. van DUZER, - Commit fee. WILLIAM M. HOES, ) LIST OF MEMBERS. A Dec. 22, 1887. . Acker, David Depeyster Santa Monica, Cal. Mar. 28, 1889. .Acker, Franklin New-York. Dec. 22, 1887 . . Adriance, Harris Ely Pelham Manor, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. .Adriance, Isaac Reynolds Pougkkeepsie, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890 .. Adriance, John Butler New Haven, Conn. Dec. 22, 1887. Adriance, Francis Henry Hartford, Conn. Oct. 27, 1887. Adriance, John Erskin Pouglikeepsie, N. Y. Dec, 22, 1887 Adriance, William Allen " " Mar. 28, 1889. . Amerman, Benjamin Lander New-York. Mar. 28, 1889. .Amerman, Frederick Herbert " Dec. 20, 1886 . . Amerman, Newton " Dec. 7, 1888. .Amerman, William Henry Houghton. . Arverne, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. .Amerman, William Libbey New- York. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Anthony, Richard Amerman " B Mar. 31, 1892. .Banta, Albert Franklin St. Johns, Arizona. Oct. 22, 1890. .Banta, Charles Mount Vernon, N. Y. April 6, 1886. Banta, Cornelius Vreeland Roselle, N. J. Oct. 22, 1890. Banta, David Demarest Bloomington, Ind. Oct. 22, 1890 . . Banta, George Menasha, Wis. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Banta, George Aaron Brooklyn, N. Y. 45 June 15, 1886. Banta, Theodore Melvin Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892. .Banta, William Henry Valparaiso, Ind. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Barhydt, George Weed Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Barhydt, Thomas Low Schenectady, N. Y. Nov. 17, 1885 . . Bayard, Thomas Francis Wilmington, Del. Mar. 29, 1891 . . Bayles, Frederick Cruser New- York. Mar. 29, 1891 . Bayles, Robert Kingston, N. J. April 30, 1885. .Beekman, Gerard New-York. June 15, 1886 Beekman, Henry M. T Jersey City, N. J. Dec. 23, 1885. .Beekman, Henry Rutger New-York. Dec. 23, 1885. Beekman, J. William^ June 15, 1886. .Beekman, John Woodhull Perth Amboy, N. J. Dec. 22, 1887 Bensen, Albert Van Voast Albany, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1892 . . Bergen, Abram Winfred Cornwall, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1891 Bergen, Edward Jacob Brooklyn, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Bergen, Francis Henry New Brighton, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Bergen, Frank Elizabeth, N. J. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Bergen, Herman Suydam New-York. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Bei'gen, James J Somerville, N. J. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Bergen, John W. H Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1885. Bergen, Tunis G " " Dec. 29, 1892 . Bergen, Tunis Henry " Oct. 25, 1886 . Bergen, Van Brunt Bay Ridge, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888. . Bergen, Zaccheus New-York. Oct. 22, 1890 . Berry, John F Bath Beach, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Berry, Richard J Flatbush, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Blauvelt, Alonzo New-York. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Bleecker, Anthony James. . . " Dec. 7, 1888 . . Bleecker, James " Mar. 28, 1889 Bleecker, Theophylact Bache, Jr " Mar. 29, 1888 . . Bloodgood, Delavan Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 28, 18S9. .Bloodgood, Francis Milwaukee, Wis. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Bloodgood, Hildreth Kennedy New-York. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Bloodgood, John " Mar. 28, 1889. Bloodgood, Joseph Francis Flushing, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888. . Blydenburgh, Benjamin Brewster New- York. 46 Mar. 29, 1888. . Blydenburgk, John Brower New-York. June 25, 1885 . . Bog-art, John Albany, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. Bogart, Joseph Hegeman Roslyn, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886 . . Bogert, Albert Gilliam New- York. Mar. 27, 1889 . .Bogert, Andrew Demarest Englewood, N. J. Mar. 30, 1887. Bogert, Charles Edmund New -York. Oct. 27, 1887 . Bogert, Edward Strong Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . Bogert, Henry Augustine Flushing, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . Bogert, Henry Lawrence " " Dec. 7, 1888 Bogert, John G New-York. Oct. 24, 1889 . Bogert, Philip Embury Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888 . Bogert, Stephen Gilliam New-York. Oct. 25, 1886. .Bogert, Stephen Van Rensselaer, New Brighton, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1891 . . Bogert, Walter Lawrence Flushing, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1892 . Bonta, Frank Manley Syracuse, N. Y. June 15, 1886 . . Booraem, John Van Vorst Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1885 . . Booraem, Louis Vacher Montclair, N. J. Dec. 22, 1S87. Booraem, Theodore Burges ..... New Brunswick, N. J. Oct. 24. 1885 . . Boorom, Sylvester Daley Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1891 Bradt, Samuel C Albany, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887 Brevoort, James Renwick Yonkers, N. Y. Dec. 8, 1886 . . Brinckerhoff, Alexander Gordon Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. .Brinckerhoff, Elbert Adrian New-York. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Brinckerhoff, Henry Waller Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888 . Brinckerhoff, John Henry Jamaica, N. Y. Mar. 2S, 1889. .Brink, Benjamin Myer Saugerties, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1893 . . Brinkerhoff , Henry H., Jr Jersey City, N. J. Mar. 31, 1892 Brinkerhoff, Robert Bentley Brooklyn, N. Y. June 15, 1886. .Brouwer, George Howard New-York. Oct. 25, 1SS6 .Brouwer, Theophilus. Anthony " Dec. 22, 1887 . . Brower, Abram Giles Utica, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886. .Brower, Abraham Thew Hunter New- York. June 15, 1886 . Brower, Bloomfleld " Oct. 25, 1886 . . Brower, Charles De Hart Mar, 26, 1891 .. Brower, David Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 22, 1887 Brower, John New-York. 47 Dec. 23, 1885 . . Brower, William Levevich New-York. Oct. 25, 188G. . Bruyn, Augustus Hasbrouck Kingston, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886 . . Burhans, Charles " " Oct. 24, 1889. . Burhans, Samuel, Jr New-York. Mar. 30, 1893 . . Burtis, Arthur Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1893 . Burtis, Morse " " Dec. 29, 1892 . . Burtis, Peter Phillips Buffalo, N. Y. C Mar. 27, 1890 . . Cadmus, Cornelius Andrew Paterson, N. J. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Cantine, Peter Saugerties, N. Y. April 30, 1885. .Clearwater, Alphonso Trumpbour Kingston, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1885 . . Clearwater, Charles Knapp Mount Vernon, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. . Clute, Jacob Winne Schenectady, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886. . Cole, David Yonkers, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Cole, Frank Howard " " Mar. 29, 1888 . . Conover, Alonzo Edward New- York. May 19, 1887 . . Conover, Frank Bruen Long Branch, N. J. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Conover, Frank Edgar New- York. Oct. 29, 1891 Conover, Frederic King Madison, Wis. Oct. 24, 18S9 . . Conover, Garret B Englishtown, N. J. Mar. 30, 1887 .Conover, James Clarence Freehold, N. J. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Conover, James Scott New- York. Mar. 30, 1887. . Conover, John Barriclo Freehold, N. J. Dec. 9, 1887. . Conover, John Livingston " " Dec. 7, 1888 . . Conover, Richard Stevens New Brunswick, N. J. Dec. 22, 1887. Conover, Stacy Prickett Wickatunk, N. J. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Conover, Warren Archer New- York. Mar. 31, 1892 . . Cooper, Cornelius Stoutenburgh, Schraalenburgh, N. J. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Cooper, Ebenezer Lane Chicago, 111. Mar. 27, 1890 . . Cooper, James C River Edge, N. J. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Cooper, John Henry New- York. Jan. 30, 1890 . Cooper, Washington Lafayette " Oct. 25, 1886. .Cortelyou, Lawrence Van Voorhees . . .Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Cowenhoven, John Blythebourue, N. Y. $- 0? 48 June Mar. June Mar. Jan. Mar. Jan. Mar. Mar. 15, 1886 28, 1889 30, 1890 26, 1891 7, 1892 30, 1893 30, 1890 30, 1887 30, 1887 Dec. 7,1888. Oct. 27,1887. Oct. 22,1890. Mar. 30, 1887. April 30, 1885. June 25, 1885 April 30, 1885 Oct. 27, 1887. Mar. 29, 1894. Mar. 29, 1894. Dec. 29, 1892 Oct. 24, 1889 . Mar. 29, 1888 . April 30, 1885. Dec. 23, 1885 Oct. 24, 1889. April 6,1886. Mar. 29, 1894. Oct, 27, 1887. Oct. 25, 1886. Nov. 17,1885. Oct. 22, 1890 . Oct. 24, 1889. Oct. 22, 1890. Coykendall, Samuel Decker Rondout, N. Y. . Coykendall, Thomas Cornell " " dispell, Charles Winegar " " . Cronkhite, Aaron Hale Denver, Col. . Cronkhite, Aaron Hale, Jr " " Cronkhite, Justus Abraham Dallas, Texas. Cruser, Matthias Van Dyke Brooklyn, N. Y. . Cuyler, Cornelius Cuyler New-York. Cuyler, Thomas De Witt Philadelphia, Pa. D De Bevoise, George W New- York. De Bevoise, Isaac C Brooklyn, N. Y. De Freest, Charles Rutger Troy, N. Y. De Graaf, Alfred Fonda, N. J. De Graaf, Henry Peek Oscawana, N. Y. De Groot, Alfred Port Richmond, N. Y. . De Groot, William New-York. Delamater, Ezra Doane Hudson, N. Y. De La Montanye, Charles Port Ewen, N. Y. De La Montanye, James New- York. De Lano, William Ray " . Demarest, John " Denise, David Demarest Freehold, N. J. .Depew, Chauncey Mitchell New- York. De Peyster, Frederick J " De Peyster, Johnston Livingston Tivoli, N. Y. De Peyster, John Watts " " De Ridder, John Henry Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Devoe, Frederick William New- York. De Witt, Abraham Van Dyke Albany. N. Y De Witt, Alfred New- York. De Witt, Charles Adolphus Jersey City, N. J. De Witt, Cornelius Norfolk. Va. De Wilt, David Godwin South Orange, N.J. 49 Mar. 26, 1891. .De Witt, Edward Pultz Middletown, X. Y. Mar. 14, 1885 . . De Witt, George G New- York. June 25, 1885 . . De Witt, Henry Clinton " Dec. 23, 1885 . . De Witt, Jerome Binghamton, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888 . . De Witt, Moses J Newark, N. J. April 30, 1885 . . De Witt, Peter New-York. Oct. 25, 1886 De Witt, Richard Varick Albany, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 . . De Witt, Seymour Middletown, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890 . . De Witt, Sutherland Elmira, N. Y. June 25, 1885. De Witt, Thomas Dunkin Pelkani Manor, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 . . De Witt, Thomas King Middletown, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891. .De Witt, Thomas May Cleveland, 0. April 6, 1886 . . De Witt, William Cantine Brooklyn, N. Y. April 30, 1885 . . De Witt, William G New-York. June 30, 1892. .Dey, Anthony " June 30, 1892 . . Dey, Joseph Warren Scott June 30, 1892. .Dey, Richard Varick San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 7, 1892 . . Deyo, Andrew Yonkers, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Deyo, Jacob New Paltz, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890. . Deyo, Jerome Vernet Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Deyo, Peter West Superior, Wis. Dec. 29, 1892 . . Deyo, Solomon Le Fevre New-York. Oct. 24, 1885 . . DiHenbeck, Morris H " Mar. 31, 1892. .Dingman, John Henry Brooklyn, N. Y. April 6, 1886 . . Ditmars, Abram Douwe New-York. April 6, 1886 . . Ditmars, Edward Wilson " Mar. 29, 1888 . . Ditmars, Isaac Edward " Mar. 30, 1887. . Douw, Charles Gibbons Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 .Du Bois, Brewster Graham Marlborough, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. . Du Bois, Cornelius New-York. Oct. 25, 1886 . . Du Bois, Elijah Kingston, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Du Bois, Francis Latta Bridgeton, N. J. Mar. 26, 1891 . Du Bois, John Coert Hudson, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887 . . Dumond, Cornelius J New-York. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Duryee, Gustavus Abeel Newark, N. J. Oct. 29, 1891 . . Duryee, Jacob Eugene New- York. 50 Nov. 17, 1885. .Duryee, Joseph Rankin New-York. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Duryee, Joseph Woodard " Oct. 24, 1889 . . Duryee, William Budington Freehold, N. J. May 19, 1887. . Duryee, William Rankin New Brunswick, N. J. June 30, 1892 . . Dyckman, Frank Hamilton Orange, N. J. E June 25, 1885 . Eckerson, Peter Q New- York. Mar. 29, 1894 Edsall, Clarence '. Colorado Springs, Col. Nov. 9, 1893 . . Edsall, Heury Thomas " " Dec. 7, 1888. . Elmendorf, Dwight Latin-op New- York. Dec. 22, 1887. . Elmendorf, Joachim Mar. 29, 1888 . . Elmendorf, John Augustus " Dec. 7, 1888 . . Elmendorf, John Barker " Jan. 7, 1892 . . Elmendorf, William Burgess Albany, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. Elsworth, Edward Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Elting, Ezekiel Jan ... Yonkers, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887 . . Elting, Irving Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1890 . . Elting, Jacob Clintondale, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1890. .Elting, Jesse New Paltz, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Elting, Peter Jacobus Yonkers, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1892 . . Elting, Philip Kingston, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. .Esselstyn, Everett James New- York. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Esselstyn, Herman Vedder Hudsou, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Esselstyn, Jacob Broadhead Claverack, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1894. Esselstyn, Sherman Brooklyn, N. Y. F Oct. 25, 1880 . . Fonda, Douw Henry Albany, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1880 . Fryer, Robert Livingston Buffalo, N. Y. April 0, 1880. .Fiyer, William John, Jr. New-York. G Oct. 27, 1887. . Garretson, Garret James Newtown, N. Y. April G, 1886 . Goelet, Ogden New- York. April 6, 1880. . Goelet, Robert " 51 Mar. 30, 1887. . Groesbeck, Edward Anson Albany, N. Y. Dec. '22, 1887. . Groesbeck, Herman John Cincinnati, O. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Groesbeck, Leonard Harvey Syracuse, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1S87. .Groesbeck, William Chichester. . . Lansingburgh, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1890 . . Gulick, Alexander Reading .New- York, Mar. 31, 1892 . . Gulick, Arnatt Reading Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 30, 1S90 . . Gulick, Charlton Reading " " Nov. 30, 1890 . Gulick, Ernestus Schenck " " Mar. 28, 1889 . . Gidick, James Callbreath New- York. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Gulick, John Callbreath " H Mar. 31, 1892 . . Hageman, Andrew James Somerville, N. J. Oct. 27, 1887 . . Hardenbergh, Abram Jansen Spring House, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1891 Hardenbergh, John Warren Jersey City, N. J. Dec. 26, 1889. Hardenbergh, Warren New Brunswick, N. J. Mar. 27, 1890 . Haring, Isaac Cornelius West Nyack, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 , .Hasbrouck, Abraham Rondout, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890 . Hasbrouck, Alfred Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890 . . Hasbrouck, Alfred, Jr., Van Couver Barracks, Wash't'n. Mar. 26, 1891. . Hasbrouck, Alvah Deyo Highland, N. Y. Dee, 29, 1892 ..Has Broaek, Daniel Andrew New Paltz, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886. . Hasbrouck, Ferdinand New- York. Dec. 20, 1886 Hasbrouck, Frank Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Oct, 22, 1890 . . Hasbrouck. G. D. B Rondout, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Hasbrouck, George Wickes New- York. Nov. 9, 1893. .Hasbrouck, Henry Cornelius Newburgh, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1892 . . Has Brouck, Howard New Paltz, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 .. Hasbrouck, Isaac Edgar Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 Has Brouck, Jacob De Puy High Falls, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886. Hasbrouck, John Cornelius New- York. Mar. 30, 1893 . . Hasbrouck, Joseph Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . Hasbrouck, Joseph Edwin Modena, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892 .. Hasbrouck, Levi Ogdensburgh, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1 891 . Hasbrouck. Louis " " 52 Nov. 9, 1893 . . Hasbrouck, Louis Philip Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1894. Hasbrouck, Manning " " Mar. 27, 1890 . . Hasbrouck, Oscar, Jr Modena, N. Y. June 30, 1892 . Hasbrouck, Raymond De Lancey Annapolis, Md. Oct. 27, 1887. . Hasbrouck, Sayer Providence, R. I. Oct. 27, 1887. . Heermance, De Witt Rhinebeck, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. . Heermauce, Martin Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888. .Heermance, William Laing Yonkers, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Heermans, Forbes Syracuse, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892. . Hegeruan, John Roger Mamaroneck, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Hegeman, Johuston Niven New-York. Dec. 23, 1885. Hegeman, Joseph Perot Southold, N. Y. June 30, 1892 . Hoagland, Joseph C Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. Hoes, Pierre Van Buren Kinderhook, N. Y. May 19, 1887. Hoes, Roswell Randall Philadelphia, Pa. Mar. 14, 1885 Hoes, William Myers New- York. Jan. 30, 1890. . Hoose, James Harmon Pasadena, Cal. Dec. 20, 1886 Hopper, John Paterson, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Hopper, John Henry " Dec. 20, 1886 . . Hopper, Robert Imlay " June 15, 1886 . Houghtaling, David Harrison New- York. Oct. 27, 1887. . Hoysradt Albert Hudson, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. .Hubbard, Harmanus Barkaloo Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. Hubbard, Timothy Ingraham Flatlands, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1894. .Hulst, Charles Wesley" Englewood, N. J. Oct, 22, 1890 . . Hulst, Edward Tompkins Newtown, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886. Hulst, George Duryee Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886. . Hun, Thomas Albany, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890 . . Huyck, Edmund Niles " " Jan. 30, 1890 . Huyck, Francis Conklin " " J Mar. 14, 1885 . . Jacobus, Arthur Middleton New-York. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Jacobus, David Schenck Hoboken, N. J. Dec. 22, 1887 . . Jacobus, John Wesley New- York. 53 Oct. 29. 1891. Jacobus, Melancthon Williams Hartford, Conn. June 25, 1885. Jacobus, Richard Mentor New-York. Oct. 25, 1886 . . Jansen, John Nathaniel Newark, N. J. Dec. 23, 1885. Johnson, Jeremiah, Jr Brooklyn. N. Y. K April 6, 1886 . . Keteltas, Henry New-York. Nov. 9, 1893. Kip, Charles Augustus Morristown, N. J. April 30, 1885. .Kip, Clarence Van Steenbergh New-York. April 30, 1885 . . Kip, George Goelet Morristown, N. J. Oct. 25, 1886. Kip, Ira Andruss New-York. Oct. 21, 1889 . . Kip, William Fargo Dec. 7, 1888 . Knickerbacker, David Buel Indianapolis, Ind. Dec, 22, 1887. .Knickerbacker, John Troy, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. .Knickerbacker, Thomas Adams " " May 19, 1887. . Knickerbocker, Edgar New- York. Dec. 7, 1888. Kouwenhoven, Francis Duryee Steinway, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1892. Kouwenhoven, Peter Flatland Neck, L. I. L Oct. 25, 1886. Lansing, Abraham Albany, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1892 . . Lansing, Gerrit Yates " Oct. 27, 1887 . . Lansing, Isaac De Freest " Dec. 20, 1886 . . Lansing, John Watertown, N. Y. June 15, 18S6 Lansing, John Towusend Albany, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886 Lansing, Joseph Alexander " Oct, 24, 1889 . Le Fevre, De Witt Chauneey Buffalo, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890 . . Le Fevre, Jacob New Paltz, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890 Lefferts, John Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 .. Lefferts, Robert . .Flatbush, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Leggett, William James Belleville, N. J. Mar. 30, 1S87 .Lodewick, Charles Casper Greenbush, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Longstreet, Henry H Matawan, N. J. Mar. 28, 1889. Longstreet, Jacob Holmes Bordentown, N. J. 54 Mar. 28, 1889 . . Lott, James Van Der Bill; Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 29, 1892 Lott, John Abraham, Jr Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. .Low, John W Middletown, N. Y. April 6, 1886 . . Lydecker, Charles Edward New-York. Jan. 7, 1892 Lvdecker, John Ever Bogota, N. J. M Nov. 9, 1893 . . Mandeville, Frederick Austin Rochester, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Marseilles, Charles Exeter, N. H. Mar. 30, 1887. .Marsellus, John Syracuse, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888. Marsellus, Max de Motte Passaic, N. J. Dec. 28, 1893 . . Mead, Isaac Franklin New- York. Mar. 27, 1890. .Meserole, Walter Monfort Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 .. Messier, Remsen Varick Pittsburgh, Pa, April 30, 1885 . . Miller, Peyton Farrell Albany, N. Y. May 19, 1887 . . Miller, Theodore Hudson, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. .Montanye, George Edward New-York. Oct. 27, 1887. Montanye, Lewis Foster " Oct. 25, 1886. .Montanye, William Henry " Oct. 25, 1886. .Morris, John Jacob Paterson, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Mott, Hopper Stryker New- York. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Myer, Albert James Buffalo, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1892. Myer, Isaac New-York. Dec. 7, 1888. .Myers, Andrew Gormly Fort Jones, Cal. Mar. 28, 1889. .Myers, George Tobias Portland, Oregon. Dec. 7, 1888. Myers, John Gillespie Albany, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888. .Mynderse, Herman V Schenectady, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Mynderse, Wilhelmus Brooklyn, N. Y. N Mar. 27, 1890. .Nostrand, Frederick William Glen Ridge, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889. Nostrand, George Englebert Bath Beach, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886. Nostrand, John Lott Bath Beach, N. Y. 55 Oct. 24, 1885 . Onderdonk, Andrew Joseph Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Onderdonk, Thomas William New- York. April 30, 1885 . . Onderdonk, William Minne Sept, 29, 1892 . . Opdyke, William Stryker " Dec. 20, 18S6. . Osterhoudt, Howard.' Kingston. N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Ostrander, Angelo Peekskill, N. Y. Nov. 17, 1885 June 15, 1886. Mar. 28, 1889 Mar. 30, 1887 Mar. 30, 1887 May 19, 1887 Mar. 30, 1887 Mar. 30, 1887 Mar. 27, 1890 Oct. 24, 1889 Oct. 27, 1887 Dec. 7, 1888 Oct. 24. 1889 June 15 1886 Oct. 29 1S91 Mar. 28, 1889 Oct. 25, 1886 Dec, 23, 1885 Oct. 25, 1886 p Paulison, John Paul Tenafly, N. J. Pentz, Archibald Maclay New- York. Perrine, David Yan Der Yeer Freehold. X. J. Polhemus Abraham Orange, N. J. Polhemus, Henry Ditmas Brooklyn, N. Y. Polhemus, Henry Martin New-York. . Polhemus, Isaac Heyer Newark. X. J. . Polhemus, James Suydam New- York. Poucher, Johannes Wilson Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Prall, John Howard Newtown. X. Y. . Prall, William Detroit, Mich. . Prall, W. Mortimer St. Louis, Mo. Provoost, George Bonsfield Dubuque, Iowa. . Provoost, John Moffat Buffalo, N. Y. . Provost, Nelson Hackensack, N. J. Pruyn, Charles Lansing Albany, N. Y. . Pruyn, Isaac Catskill, X. Y. Pruyn, John Van Schaiek Lansing Albany, X. Y. Pruvn, Robert Clarence " " Q Mar. 29, 1894. Quackenbos. Francis Salmon Hartford, Conn. Oct. 25, 1886. . Quackenbush, Abraham New- York. Dec. 23, 18S5 Quackenbush, Abraham C " fifiiw Vfe 56 ( ►ct. 24, 1889 Qnackenbusk, Cebra Albany, N. Y. April G, 1886. . Quackenbush, -John Makwah, N. J. R Mar. 30, 1893 . . Rapalje, Williamson Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1885 . . Eapelye, Augustus New- York. Oct. 22, 1890. Rappelyea, James P Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890 . . Riker, Charles Edgar New-York. April 6, 1886 . . Riker, John Jackson " April 6, 1886 . . Riker, John Lawrence " Dec. 29, 1892 . Riker, Richard " June 29, 1893 . . Romaine, Christie Hackensack, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889. . Romaine, De Witt Clinton New-York. Mar. 29, 1894 . . Romaine, Isaac Jersey City, N. J. Jan. 7, 1892. Roome, John Van Buren, Jr New-York. Dec. 23, 1885 . Roosa, Daniel Bennett St. John " Oct. 27, 1887. . Roosa, De Witt Rondout, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886 . . Roosa, Hyman Kingston, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1885 . Roosevelt, Charles Henry Pelham Manor, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1894. . Roosevelt, Frank New- York. April 30, 1885 . . Roosevelt, Frederick " Oct. 27, 1887. . Roosevelt, James Hyde Park, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885 Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell New- York. May 18, 1887. Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell, Jr " April 30, 1885 . Roosevelt, Theodore " Oct. 27, 1887. . Roosevelt, William Emlen " Mar. 28, 1889 . . Rosevelt, George Washington Stamford, Conn. Oct. 23, 1889 . . Rosevelt, Wan-en " " Oct. 25, 18S6 . . Ryerson, Robert Colfax Mont clan-, N. J. S Oct. 22, 1890. . Sanders, William Nicoll SiU Albany, N. Y. < )ct. 24, 1889 Schanck, Samuel Mount Hightstown, N. J. Oct. 27, 1887. Schenck. Abraham Voorhees. . New Brunswick, N. J. 57 Dee. 7, 1888 . . Schenck, Caspar Annapolis, Md. June 15, 1886. . Schenck, Edward New- York. Mar. 30, 1887. .Schenck, Ferdinand Selmreman .Hudson, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Schenck, Frederick Brett New-York. Jan. 7, 1892. . Schenck, Henry De Bevoise Kidgefield, Conn. Mar. 29, 1891 . Schenck, John Cornell Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Schenck, Peter Lawrence Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1889 . . Schenck, Teunis Van Pelt Manor, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1891 . . Schenck, William Edward Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 23, 1S85 Scherinerhorn, George F Rutherford, N. J. Dec. 20, 1886. . Schermerhorn, James Maus New- York. Dec. 22, 1887. . Schermerhorn, John Eg'mont ! " Mar. 26, 1891. Schermerhorn, Louis Younglove Philadelphia, Pa. May 19, 1887. .Schermerhorn, Simon J Schenectady, N. Y. Nov. 9, 1893 . . Schomp, William Wyckoff Athens, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886 . . Schoonmaker, Adrian Onderdonk . ... Montclair, N. J. Dec. 23, 1885 . . Schoonmaker, Augustus Kingston, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1885 . . Schoonmaker, Frederick William New-York. Oct. 25, 1886. . Schoonmaker, George Beekman " June 25, 1885 . . Schoonmaker, Hiram " Oct. 24, 1889 . . Schoonmaker, James Martinus Pittsburgh, Pa. Mar. 27, 1890 . . Schoonmaker, John Newburgh, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889. . Schoonmaker, Joseph S Plainfield, N. J. Oct. 25, 1886. . Schoonmaker, Lucas Elmendorf New- York. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Schoonmaker, Sylvanus Lothrop " Mar. 30, 1887. . Schoonmaker. William Davis " June 30, 1892. . Schurman, Jacob Gould Ithaca, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Schuyler, Charles Edward New- York. Dec. 22, 1887. Schuyler, Clarkson Crosby Plattsburg, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. . Schuyler, Gerald Livingston New- York. April 30, 1885 . Schuyler, Montgomery Roosevelt " Mar. 29, 1888 . . Schuyler, Percival Raymond Paterson, N. J. Mar. 28, 1889 . Schuyler, Stephen . . . West Troy, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890. Schuyler, Walter GrinneU New-York. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Sickels, David Banks Dec. 20, 1886 . . Sickels, Hiram Edward Albany, N. Y. 58 Oct. 27, 1887. . Sickels, Robert New- York. Jan. 30, 1890. . Skillman, Francis Roslyn, N. Y. June 30, 1892 . . Skillman, Joseph Hegeman Flushing, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Slingerland, George Wayne New-York. Mar. 31, 1892 . . Slingerland, William Harris Sliugerlands, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892 . Slingerland, William Henry " Mar. 31, 1892 . . Slote, Henry Lowery New-York. June 25, 1885. .Smidt, Allen Lee " Mar. 29, 1888 . . Smidt, Frank Bishop " June 25, 1885 . . Somarindeyk, John William Glen Cove, N. Y. Dec. 28, 1893 . Snedeker, Charles Henry Poughkeepsie, N. Y. June 30, 1892 Stoats, Henry Taylor, Jr New-York. Jan. 7, 1892 . . Stagg, Edward Leonia, N. J. May 19, 1887 . . Starin, John Henry Fultonville, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Stevens, John Bright New- York. Dec. 28, 1893 . . Stilwell, William Moore Mar. 29, 1888. . Storm, Edward Poughkeepsie, N. Y. May 19, 1887. . Storm, Walton New- York. Jan. 7, 1892 . Stryker, Barent William . . Castleton-on-Hudson, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890. . Stryker, Henry Cadmus Minneapolis, Minn. Nov. 9, 1893 . . Stryker, John Edwards St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 22, 1890 . . Stryker, Peter New- York. Oct. 22, 1890. . Stryker, Samuel Stanhope Philadelphia, Pa. Dec, 20, 1886 .. Stryker, William Henry Harrison Paterson, N. J. June 15, 1886. . Stryker, William Scudder Trenton, N. J. June 25, 1885 . . Stuyvesant, Peter J New-York. Dec. 28, 1893 . . Sutphen, Arthur Peter Somerville, N. J. Sept. 29, 1892 . . Sutphen, Carlyle Edgar Newark, N. J. Dec. 29, 1892 . . Sutphen, Herbert Sands Mar. 28. 1889. .Sutphen, John Henry Jamaica, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890. . Sutphen, John Schureman New- York. Mar. 27, 1890 . . Sutphen, John Schureman, Jr " Oct. 22, 1890 . . Sutphen, Joseph Walworth Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890 . . Sutphen, Paul Frederick Newark, N. J. Dec. 29, 1892 . . Sutphen, Theron Yeomans " " Oct. 24, 1885 . Suydam, Charles Crooke Elizabeth, N. J. 59 Dec 23, 1885 . . Suydam, James New-York. Dec. 23, 1885. . Suydam, John Fine " Nov. 17, 1885. . Suydam, John Howard Rhinebeck, N. Y. Nov. 17, 1885. . Suydam, Lambert New-York. June 29, 1893 . . Suydam, Moses Bedell Alleghany, Pa. Dec. 7, 1888 Suydam, William Farrington Hawley, Pa. Oct. 29, 1891 . Swartwout, Satterlee Stamford, Conn. Oct. 25, 188G. . Swits, John Livingston Schenectady, N. Y. T April 30, 1885 . . Tappen, Frederick D New- York. June 30, 1892 . . Teller, Henry Moore Central City, Col. Oct. 25, 1886 Ten Eyck, Jacob Hendriks Albany, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886. . Ten Eyck, James " June 25, 1885 Ten Eyck, Sandford Rowe New- York. Dec. 23, 1885 . . Ten Eyck, Stephen Vedder " Dec. 23, 1885 . . Ten Eyck, William Hoffman " Oct. 25, 1886. . Terhune, Edward Payson Brooklyn, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . Terhune, Henry Stafford Matawan, N. J. Mar. 27, 1890 . . Traphagan, Henry Jersey City, N. J. June 15, 1886 . . Truax, Charles Henry New- York. April 6, 1886 . . Truax, Chauncey Schaffer " Oct. 24, 1889 . Truax, James Reagles Schenectady, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1893 Truax, John Gregory New- York. Oct. 22, 1890. Truex, William Ellsworth Freehold, N. J. V Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Alen, William K San Francisco, Cal. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Allen. Charles Howard Albany, N. Y. June 15, 1886 . . Van Allen, Garret Adam " " Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Allen, Lucas L New- York. Oct. 22, 1890. Van Allen, William Harman " April 30, 1885 . Van Alstyne, Andrew Chatham Centre, N. Y. Nov. 9, 1893 . . Van Alstyne, Lawrence Sharon, Conn. 60 Oct. 24, 1889 . . Van Alstyne, Richard Henry Troy, N. Y. April 30, 1885 . . Van Alstyne, William New- York. Mar. 28, 1889. .Van Alstyne, William Charles Albany, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. Van Antwerp, Cornelius Henry " " Oct. 27, 1887. Van Antwerp, Daniel Lewis " " April 6, 1886. .Van Antwerp, John Henry " " Mar. 28, 1889 . . Van Antwerp, Thomas Irwin " " June 30, 1892 . . Van Antwerp, William Clarkson Tenafly, N. J. June 29, 1893 . . Van Antwerp, Williain Henry " " Oct. 25, 1886 Van Antwerp, William Meadon Albany, N. Y. Dec. 29, 1892 Van Arsdale, Henry Newark, N. J. April 6, 1886 . . Van Arsdale, William James New- York. Dec. 22, 1887 . . Van Auken, David H Cohoes, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Van Auken, James A New- York. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Van Auken, Willard J April 30, 1885 . . Van Benschoten, Eugene " Oct. 24, 1889. Van Benthuysen, Charles Frederick . . . .Albany, N. Y. Oct, 25, 1886 . . Van Benthuysen, Charles H " Jan. 7, 1892 . . Van Benthuysen, Walter New Orleans, La. Dec. 7, 1888.. Van Benthuysen, Watson " " April 30, 1885 . Van Beuren, Frederick T New- York. April 30, 1885. Van Beuren, Henry Spingler " Api-il 6, 1886. Van Blarcom, George Green Paterson, N. J. Mar. 30, 1887 . . Van Blarcom, Jacob Craig St. Louis, Mo. Nov. 17, 1885 Van Brunt, Arthur Hoffman New-York. Oct. 24, 1889 . Van Brunt, Charles Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Brunt, Cornelius New- York. Mar. 27, 1891 . Van Brunt, Cornelius Bergen Bay Ridge, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1885 Van Brunt, John Holmes Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Sept, 28, 1892 . . Van Brunt, Ralph Albert Schenectady, N. Y. April 30, 1887 . . Van Buren, John Dash Newburgh, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . Van Buren, Martin Amsterdam, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. Van Buskirk, De Witt Jersey City. N. J. Dec. 23, 1885. .Van Buskirk, John R New- York. April 6, 1886 Van Campen, George Olean, N. Y. Dee, 23, 1885 .Van Cleaf, John Couwenhoven Montclair, N. J. 61 June 25, 18S5. Van Cleef, Augustus New- York. Dee. 22, 1887. .Van Cleef, Jacob Charles New Brunswick, N. J. Oct. 27, 1887 . . Van Cleef, James Henry " Dec. 23, 1885. .Van Cleef, Paul Duryea Jersey City, N. J. June 25, 1885. Van Cott, Alexander Hamilton New-York. April 6, 1S86 . . Van Cott, Cornelius " April 30, 1885 . . Van Cott, Joshua Marsden " Mar. 30, 1887. Van Cott, Lincoln " Oct, 22, 1890 . . Van Cott, Richard Dec. 7, 1888. .Van De Grift, Lewis Cass Wilmington, Del. Oct. 29, 1891. Van Denbergh, Rutger Troy, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1886 . Van Denbergh, Walter L Amsterdam, N. Y. Oct. 29, 1891. .Vander Beck, George Howard Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 25, 1886. Van der Beek, Francis Isaac Jersey City, N. J. Mar. 31, 1892. .Vander Beek, Francis Isaac, Jr " " Mar. 27, 1890. Vanderbeek, George Howard Allentown, N. J. Oct. 25, 1886. Van der Beek, Isaac Paulis Jersey City, N. J. Dec. 20, 1886. Van Der Bogert, George Oblen New- York. Dec. 23, 1885. Van der Hoof, Charles Albert Jan. 30, 1890. .Vanderpoel, Augustus Gilford " Mar. 14, 1885. .Vanderpoel, Augustus H Orange, N. J. June 25, 1885 . . Van der Poel, Herman Wendell New-York. Dec. 20, 1886. Van der Poel, John " Dec. 20, 1886 . . Van der Poel, Samuel Oakley " Nov. 17, 1885 . . Van der Poel, Waldron Burritt " Mar. 28, 1889. Van der Poel, Eugene Newark, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1885. .Van der Veer, Albert , Albany, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886. .Van der Veer, David Augustus Freehold, N. J. Mar. 14, 1885. .Van der Veer, John Reeve New- York. Dec. 7, 1888. .Vander Veer, Mathew Henry Somerville, N. J. Mar. 29, 1894. . Vandervoort, James Wilkerson . . . . Harveysburgh, 0. Mar. 29, 1894 . Van Der Voort, Paul Omaha, Neb. April 6, 1886. .Van Der Voort, William Ledyard New-York. Jan. 7, 1892 . Van Deusen, Frank Montague Rondout, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Deventer, Charles Henry New- York. Jan. 7, 1892. .Van Deventer, David Provoost Matawan, N. J. 62 Oct. 27, 1887 . . Van Deventer, George Mather New- York. Dec. 8, 1888. .Van Deventer, James Thayer Knoxville, Tenn. Mar. 26, 1891. Van Deventer, Thomas Lenox " " Oct. 29, 1891 . . Vandevort, John Wesley Pasadena, Cal. Oct. 27, 1887 . . Van De Warker, Ely Syracuse, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886. .Van De Water, George Roe .New-York. Mar. 30, 1887. Van De Water, John Walker " Dec. 22, 1887. .Van Doren, Louis Otis " Mar. 29, 1888. .Van Dorn, Daniel Polhemus Freehold, N. J. Mar. 29, 1888 . . Van Dusen, Almon Augustus Mayville, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887 . . Van Duyn, John Syracuse, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885. Van Duzer, Henry Sayre New-York. June 25, 1885. .Van Duzer, Selah Reeve Newburgh, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890. . Vandyck, Henry Lefler Rice Jersey City, N. J. June 25, 1885 . . Van Dyke, Henry New- York. Dec. 7, 1888. .Van Dyke, Herbert " April 6, 1886. .Van Dyke, Thomas Kittera Harrisburg, Pa. Mar. 28, 1889. Van Epps, Evert Peek Schenectady, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886. .Van Etten, Amos Rondout, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. .Van Etten, Edgar New- York. Mar. 29, 1888. .Van Etten, Solomon Port Jervis, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1891. Van Fleet, Frank New-York. Jan. 7, 1892. .Van Gaasbeek, Amos Corwin East Orange, N. J. April 6, 1886 . . Van Gaasbeek, Louis Bevier New- York. Oct. 27, 1887. .Van Gieson, Acmon Pulaski Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1892 . . Van Gieson, Arzy Eben Upper Montclair, N. J. Nov. 9, 1893 . . Van Gieson, Austin Montclair, N. J. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Van Gorder, Greenleaf Scott Pike, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1893 . Van Hoesen, Casper New-York. Mar. 26, 1891 Van Hoesen, Edmund French Rochester, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Hoesen, George M New-York. April 30, 1885 . . Van Hoesen, John William " Oct. 25, 1886. .Van Hoevenberg, Henry Kingston, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889. Van Hoevenberg, James Dumond . .N. Brighton, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 Van Horn, Charles French Philadelphia, Pa. Mar. 30, 1887. Van Horn, Francis Charles Dedham, Mass. 63 June 29, 1893 . . Van Horn, Henry Schenectady, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889. .Van Home, John Garret Jersey City, N. J. May 19, 1887. . Van Home, Stephen Van Alen New- York. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Van Houten, Daniel Berten " Dec. 7, 1888. .Van Inwegen, Charles Francis Port Jervis, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Van Keuren, Cornelius New- York. Oct, 27, 1887 Van Kleeck, Frank Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Van Kleeck, Theodore . . . . , " " Mar. 29, 1888 . . Van Kleeck, William Henry New- York. Mar. 26, 1891 . .Van Loan, Andrew B " Mar. 29, 1891. Van Loan, Charles LeffingweU Catskill, N. Y. June 25, 1885 . Van Loan, Eugene Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 28, 1893 . . Van Loan, Frederick William New- York. Dec, 7, 1888. .Van Loan, Henry Fairbank " Oct. 24, 1889. .Van Loan, John , . . . " Oct. 22, 1890 . . Van Loan, Thomas Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 9, 1893. Van Loan, Zelah New- York. Oct. 29, 1891. .Van Mater, Jacob Eapelye Washington, D. C. Dec. 7, 1888. .Van Name, Calvin Decker ,New Brighton, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887 . . Van Ness, Eugene Baltimore, Md. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Ness, Russell New-York. June 25, 1885 . . Van Nest, Alexander T " Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Nest, Frank Roe Newark, N. J. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Nest, George Willett New-York. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Norden, Warner " Mar. 28, 1889 . . Van Nostrand, Charles Belden Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888. .Van Nostrand, Henry Duncan Jersey City, N. J. June 25, 1885 . . Van Nostrand, John Everitt Evergreen, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. .Van Nostrand, Marshall R Elizabeth, N. J. Mar. 30, 1887 . Van Nostrand, Seymour " " Mar. 28, 1889 . Van Olinda, James Edgar Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 22, 1887 .Van Orden, Charles Hopkins Catskill, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885 Van Orden, Henry De Witt New-York. Sept. 29, 1892 . . Van Orden, Jacob Baraboo, Wis. Jan. 30, 1890 . . Van Orden, Philip Vernon Catskill, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886.. Van Orden, William " 64 Mar. 14, 1885. Van Pelt, Gilbert Sutphen New-York. Mar. 26, 1891 ..Van Pelt, Jacob L Van Pelt Manor, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Pelt, John Van Der Bilt Bath Beach, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . Van Pelt, Townsend Cortelyon . Van Pelt Manor, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Petten, John Bullock .' Claveraek, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888. .Van Reipen, Garret Daniel Jersey City, N. J. Jan. 30, 1890. .Van Rensselaer, Cortland Schuyler New-York. Nov. 9, 1893. Van Rensselaer, John Jeremiah. New Brighton, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886. .Van Rensselaer, Maunsell New-York. Oct, 27, 1887. Van Reypen, Cornelius C Jersey City, N. J. Oct. 27, 1887. Van Reypen, Wm. Knickerbocker Wask'n, D. C. Dec. 20, 1886. .Van Riper, Cornelius Passaic, N. J. Mar. 14, 1885. .Van Santvoord, Abraham New-York. Oct. 27, 1887. .Van Santvoord, Henry Staats Albany, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885. Van Santvoord, Richard New- York. Dec. 20, 1886. Van Santvoord, Samuel McCutcheon . . Albany, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887.. Van Santvoord, Seymour Troy, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892 . . Van Schaick, Benjamin Alexander . . Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Schaick, Eugene New-York. Mar. 14, 1885 . Van Schaick, Henry " Mar. 14, 1885 . Van Schaick, Jenkins " Dec. 23, 1885. Van Schaick, John Cobleskill, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1894. Van Schoonhoven, John Jacob Albany, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 Van Sickle, John Waddell Springfield, Ohio. Mar. 27, 1890 . Van Siclen, Arthur Brooklyn, N. Y. June 25, 1885 . . Van Siclen, Ferdinand " " Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Siclen, George West April 30, 1885. . Van Sinderen, Alvan Howard New-York. April 30, 1885 . . Van Sinderen, William Leslie Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892 Van Slyck, Cyrus Manchester Providence, R. I. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Slyck, George Whitfield New-York. April 30, 1885 . Van Slyck, William Henry " Oct. 27, 1885 . Van Slyke, Eugene Albany, N. Y. April 6, 188G Van Slyke, Evert Catski'll, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1885 . Van Slyke, John Garnsey Kingston, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1885 . . Van Syckel, Bennett Trenton, N. J. Mar. 31, 1892. .Van Syckel, Charles Sloan Trenton, N. J. Oct. 25, 1886. .Van Valen, James Monroe Hackensaek, N. J. Jan. 30, 1890. Van Valkenburgh, John Loucks Albany, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891. Van Valkenburgh, Joseph Dwight, Jr., Greene, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. Van Vechten, Abraham Albany, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 Van Vechten, Abraham Van Wyck New- York. Sept. 29, 1892. Van Vechten, Charles Duane Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mar. 14, 1885 . Van Vechten, Henry Clay Brooklyn, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1892 Van Vechten, Ralph Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Vleck, Abraham Kip New -York. Mar. 30, 1887 . . Van Vleck, Charles King- Hudson, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886 . Van Vleck, Frank Los Angeles, < !al. Dec. 7, 1888 . Van Vleck, Jasper New-York. Oct. 24, 1889 . Van Vleck, John Monroe Middletown, Conn. Mar. 14, 1885 Van Vleck, Robert Barnard Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887 Van Vleck, William David New-York. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Vliet, Benson Ponghkeepsie, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890. Van Vliet, De Forest .Ithaca, N. Y. April 30, 1885. .Van Vliet, Deuse Mairs Plainfleld, N. J. June 15, 1886 . . Van Vliet, Frederick Christian Shrewsbury, N. J. Dec. 20, 1886 Van Vliet, Frederick Gilbert .............. New- York. Mar. 30, 1887. Van Vliet, Purdy June 25, 1885 Van Vliet, Stewart .Washington, D. C. Oct. 27, 1887 . . Van Vliet, William Downs , . Goshen, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 .Van Voast, James Cincinnati, 0. Dec. 23, 1885 . Van Voast, James Albert Schenectady, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. Van Volkenburgh, Edward New-York. Mar. 14, 1885 . Van Volkenburgh, Philip . " Mar. 14, 1885. .Van Volkenburgh, Thomas Sedgwick " Jan. 7, 1892. Van Voorhis, Eugene Rochester, N. Y. June 25, 1885 . . Van Voorhis, John - " " Nov. 17, 1885 . . Van Voorhis, Menzo " " Dec. 22, 1887 . Van Voorhis, Richard " " Oct. 25, 1886 . Van Vorst, Abraham A Schenectady, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892 . Van Vorst, Dickinson Miller Jersey City, N. J. April 30, 1885 . Van Vorst, Frederick Boyd Nyack, N. Y. 66 Nov. 9, 1893. Van Vorst, Hooper Cuinming . Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888. .Van Vranken, Adam Tunis West Troy, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890 Van Vranken, Edward Wheeler Brooklyn, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890 Van Vranken, Geo. Williamson . . .Schenectady, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888. .Van Vranken, Josiah New-York- Dec. 22, 1887. .Van Vredenburgh, Wm. Townsend, New Brighton. N.Y. Dec. 20, 1880 Van Wagenen, Bleecker .South Orange, N. J. Mar. 14, 1885. Van Wagenen, George New- York. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Van Wagenen, Henry William Morristown, N. J. Oct. 25, 1880 . . Van Wagenen, Hubert New-York. June 29, 1893 . Van Wagenen, John Brower West Orange, N. J. Dec. 20, 1880. .Van Wagenen, John Richard Oxford, N. Y. Dec. 29, 1892 . Van Wagenen, Peter Le Fever . . . Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mar. 20, 1891 . .Van Wagenen, Theodore F Denver, Col. Nov. 17, 1885 . . Van Wagner, Albert Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890. Van Winkle, Charles Philadelphia, Pa. Mar. 14, 1885. .Van Winkle, Edgar Beach Litchfield, Conn. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Van Winkle, Frank Oldis Jersey City, N. J. Nov. 17, 1885 . . Van Winkle, Isaac Cold Spring, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1880 . . Van Winkle, John Albert Paterson, N. J. Mar. 29, 1894 .Van Winkle, Marshall Weart Jersey City, N. J. Sept. 29, 1892. .Van Winkle, Waling Walingson, Parkersburg, W. Va. Dee. 28, 1893. Van Woert, Harmon Athens, N. Y. June 25, 1885 . Van Woert, James Burtis New -York. June 25, 1885 . . Van Woert, John Voorhees " Oct. 25, 1880. Van Wormer, Jasper Albany, N. Y. April 30, 1885 . . Van Wormer, John Rufus New-York. Dec. 28, 1893 . . Van Wyck, Albert Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 23, 1885 . . Van Wyck, Augustus : Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec, 22, 1887 . . Van Wyck, Jacob Southart Brooklyn, N. Y. April 30, 1885 . . Van Wyck, Jacob Theodorus New-York. Mar. 14, 1885 . . Van Wyck, John H Mar. 30, 1893. Van Wyck, Philip Van Rensselaer, Jr " Oct. 25, 1880 . .Van Wyck, Robert Anderson Dec. 29, 1892. Van Wyck, Robert White Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887 . . Van Wyck, Samuel " " 67 Oct, 25, 1886. .Van Wyck, Stephen Roslyn, N. Y. June 30, 1892 . . Van Wyck, William Brooklyn, N. Y. April 30, 1885 . . Van Wyck, William Edward New- York. Mar. 31, 1892. .Van Zandt, Henry Clay Schenectady, N. Y. Dec. 7, 18S8. .Van Zandt, Milton Bums New-York. Oct. 24, 18S9. . Van Zandt, William T " Mar. 29, 18S8. .Varick, Edgar Fitz Randolph . .Rockville Centre, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1886. .Varick, George Clippinger Jersey City, X. J. Oct, 25, 1886. .Varick, John Barnes Manchester, N. H. June 25, 18S5 . . Varick, John Leonard New- York. April 30, 1885 . . Varick, Theodore Romeyn " Oct. 27, 1887. .Varick, William Woolsey Jersey City, N. J. Mar. 28, 18S9. . Vedder, Charles Stuart Charleston, S. C. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Vedder, Harmon Albert New- York. April 30, 1885 . . Vedder, Maus Rosa " Mar. 30, 1887. .Vedder, Ransom Hollenback. . Chatham Centre, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1S92. .Vedder, Wentworth Darcy Mansfield, Pa, Oct. 25, 1SS6. .Veeder, Andrew Truax Schenectady, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1S92 . . Veeder, Major Albert Lyons, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1S86 . . Veeder, Harman Wortman Schenectady, N. Y. Mar. 29, 18S8. .Veeder, Ten Eyck De Witt Washington, D. C. Oct. 21, 1SS9 . . Vermeule, Adrian New Brunswick, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Vermeule, Adrian, Jr Oct. 24, 1889. .Vermeule, Cornelius Clai-kson New- York. Juue 25, 1885. .Vermeule, John D " Jan. 30, 1890. . Ver Meulen, Edmund Carlyle Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 22, 1887. . Vermilye, Marion Hoagland New-York. Oct. 25, 1886. .Vermilye, Thomas Edward, Jr " Dec. 22, 1887. . Verplanck, Philip Yonkers, N. Y. Oct. 25, 18S6. .Ver Planck, Samuel Hopkins Geneva, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1S90. . Verplanck, William Edward Fishkill, N. Y. April 30, 1S85. .Ver Plank, William Gorden New- York. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Viele, Egbert Ludovicus " Jan. 30, 1890 . . Viele, John Jay Bronxville, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Viele, Maurice A Katonah, N. Y. Oct. 25, 1S86 . Viele, Maurice Edward Albany, N. Y. 68 April 6, 1886 . . Viele, Sheldon Thompson Buffalo, N. Y. Mar. 26, 1891 . . Visscher, Edward Willett Albany, N. Y. Dec. 22, 1887. .Visscher, John Hayden Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. .Voorhees, Albert Van Brunt Bath Beach, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Voorhees, Alfred M Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 22, 1887. . Voorhees, Anson Augustus Verona, N. J. Mar. 26, 1891 . Voorhees, Charles Cohen New- York. May 19, 1887. .Voorhees, Charles Hagenian Rocky Hill, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Voorhees, Charles Holbert New Brunswick, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Voorhees, Frank S Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889. .Voorhees, Frederick Nicholas Soinerville, N. J. June 30, 1892. Voorhees, Frederick Pentz New-York. Oct. 22, 1890 . . Voorhees, Harry St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Voorhees, James Amsterdam, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1889. .Voorhees, John Henry Mill Point, N. Y. Mar. 29, 1888. .Voorhees, John Hunn Washington, D. C. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Voorhees, John Jacob Jersey City, N. J. Jan. 30, 1890. .Voorhees, John Newton Flemington, N. J. Mar. 30, 1887 .. Voorhees, Judah Back Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888. .Voorhees, Louis A New Brunswick, N. J. Dee. 22, 1887 . . Voorhees, Peter L Camden, N. J. Dec. 22, 1887 . . Voorhees, Peter Van " " April 6, 1886. .Voorhees, Theodore Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 24, 1889. .Voorhees, Warder Washington, D. C. May 19, 1887. .Voorhees, Willard Penfield . New Brunswick, N. J. Dec. 22, 1887. Voorhees, William Dilworth Bergen Point, N. J. Dec, 7, 1888 . . Voorhees, William K Brooklyn, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1S87. . Voorhis, Augustus Marvin Nyack, N. Y. Mar. 31, 1892. .Voorhis, Charles Henry Jersey City, N. J. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Voorhis,. Jacob Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 7, 1888. Voorhis, John " " April 6, 1886. .Voorhis, John R New- York. Mar. 14, 1885. . Vosburgh, Benjamin Fredenburgh " May 19, 1887. . Vosburgh, Fletcher Albany, N. Y. May 19, 1887. Vosburgh, Miles Woodward " " Mar. 28, 1889. . Vredenburgh, Alfred Purdy Bergen Point, N. J. 69 Mar. 28, 1889. . Vredenburgh, Edward Lawrence. Bergen Point, N. J. Mar. 28, 1889 . . Vredenburgh, Frank " " Mar. 29, 1891. .Vredenburgh, La Rue Sonierville, N. J. Mar. 30, 1887. .Vredenburgh, William H Freehold, N. J. Jan. 7, 1892. .Vreeland, Cornelius Derroni Bi-ooklyn, X. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. .Vreeland, Josiah Pierson Paterson, N. J. June 15, 18S6. Vrooni, Garret Dorset Wall Trenton, N. J. June 15, 1886 . . Vroom, Peter Dumont San Antonio, Texas. Dec. 20, 1S86 . . Vrooman, John Wright New-York. Mar. 29, 1891. .Vrooman, Wellington Parkersburgh, W. Va. W Sep. 29, 1892. .Waldron, Cornelius Augustus Waterford, N. Y. Dec. 28, 1893. . Waldron, WiUiam Gunsaul Amsterdam, N. Y. Jan. 7, 1892 . . Wandell, Samuel Henry Washington, D. C. Oct. 24, 1889 . . Wandell, Townsend New-York. Oct. 27, 1887. . Wemple, Edward Fultonville, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886 . . Wendell, Benjamin Rush New-York. Mar. 30, 1887 . . Wendell, Bun- Cazenovia, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1S85. .Wendell, Evert Jansen New-York. Mar. 28, 1889 . . WendeU, Frederick Fox Fort Plain, N. Y. Oct. 27, 18S7. . Wendell, Gordon New- York. Mar. 14, 1885. .Wendell, Jacob Oct. 29, 1891 . . Wendell, Jacob, Jr Mar. 28, 1889 .. Wendell, Jacob Irving Albany, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888. .Wendell, John Dunlap Fort Plain, N. Y. Mar. 28, 1889 . . WendeU, Menzo Edgar Troy, N. Y. Dec. 20, 1886. .Wendell, Ten Eyck New-York. Mar. 28, 1889. .Wendell, Willis' Amsterdam, N. Y. Dec. 7, 188S. . WesseU, Charles New-York. Mar. 26, 1891 . . WesseU, Charles Alonzo " April 30, 1885 . . Westervelt, John Calvin " Mar. 31, 1S92. Westervelt, Otto Wilhelm Pollitz Piermont, N. Y. Oct. 21, 1889 . . Whitbeek, Andrew J Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890. . WUliamson, Cornehus Tunis Newark, N. J. 70 Mar. 28, 1889 . . Williamson, Henry Veight New- York. Sep. 29, 1892 . . Winne, Charles Knickerbacker . . . Fort Snelling, Minn. Oct. 24, 1889. .Winne, Charles Visscher Albany, N. Y. Mar. 27, 1890. .Witbeck, Clark Schenectady, N. Y. Mar. 30, 1887. Wyckoff, George Henry Montclair, N. J. Oct. 24, 1885 . . Wyckoff, Peter Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1890. .Wyckoff, Peter B New-York. Mar. 30, 1887. .Wyckoff, William Forman Jamaica, N. Y. Mar. 14, 1885. .Wynkoop, Gerardns Hilles New-York. June 25, 1885 Wynkoop, James Davis " Z Mar. 28, 1889 . . Zabriskie, Albert Stephen Sufferns, N. Y. Oct. 27, 1887. .Zabriskie, Andrew Christian New-York. Mar. 2G, 1892 .. Zabriskie, George A Bloomfield, N. J. Jan. 7, 1892 . Zabriskie, Josiah H Mount Vernon, N. Y. ^i^a^^c^ W^ ^o?'*?^ W^ *straiider, Stephen M Brooklyn, N. Y Quaekenbush. .Tames W Haekensack. X. J. . Bapelye, Cornelius Astoria. X. Y May 19, 1887. .Nov. 20, 1890 Riker, James Waverly, N. Y. . . . . . Mar. 28, 1889. .July 3, 1889 Riker, John Hancock Xe w-York April 6, 1886 . . Jan. 26, 1 894 Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaick. South Orange. X. J.April 30, 1885.. Sept. 30, 1887 Roosevelt, Henry Everett Xew-York Dec. 23, 1885. .April 29, 1890 Roosevelt. Nicholas Latrobe Xew-York Dec. 23, 1885 . . Dec. 13, 1892 Ryerson, Martin John Bloomingdale. X. J. April 6, 1886. .July 30, 1889 Sanders, Jacob Glen Albany. X. V Dec. 7, 1888. .Sept. 28, 1891 Schenck, Henry Jacob Xew-York April 30, 1885. .Dec. 30, 1889 Schenck, Junius Brooklyn, X. Y Mar. 26, 1891. .Feb. 15, 1892 Sehermerhorn, John Schenectady, X. Y . . Dec. 22, 1887 . . Jan. 27, 1890 Schoonmaker, Cornelius Marius. Kingston, X. Y Oct. 25, 1886. .Mar. 15. 1889 Selmyler, Garret Lansing Xew-York April 30, 1885. .April 20, 1889 Schuyler. George Washington. . . .Ithaca, N. Y Dec. 20, 1886. .Mar. 29, 1888 Stevens, John Baker Xew-York Mar. 29, 1888. .June 10, 1891 Storm. Thomas New-York May 19, 1887. . May 1, 1890 Suydam, John H Xew-York Dec. 22; 1887 . Teller. Henry W Pompton Pl'hs, X.J.Oct. 27. 1887 Ten Eyek. Henry James Albany, X. Y Oct. 27, 1887. Van Auken, Edward Electus New-York Mar. 14, 1885. Van Benschoten. Samuel Brooklyn, X. Y Dec. 23, 1885. Van Benthuysen, Clarence R Xew-York June 25, 1885. Van Benthuysen. Edgar Xew Orleans, La.. . .Mar. 28, 1889. Van Buren, John D Xewburgh, N. Y Mar. 14, 1885. VanderBeek, Isaac I Jersey City. N. J.... April 6, 1886. Vander Bogert, Giles Yates Schenectady, X. Y . . Oct, 25, 1886 . Vanderpoel. Aaron J Xew-York June 25, 1885. .Aug. 22, 1887 Vander Veer, Lawrence Rocky Hill, X. J. . . . April 30, 1885. .June 21, 1893 Vander Veer, Peter Labagh Santa Fe, X. M Oct. 25, 1886. .Mar. 16, 1893 Van Deventer. Hugh B Xew-York Mar. 29, 1888. .April 27, 1891 Vandever, William .Ventura, Cal . . .Oct. Van Dusen, Abram Bovee Xew-York June 25 Van Dyck. Henry H Xew-York Mar. Van Dyke, Henry Jackson Brooklyn, N. Y Nov. Van Gaasbeck, Wynford Xew-York Mar. Jan. 8, 1890 July 2, 1891 . Nov. 29. 1887 April 29, 1892 . Mar. 12, 1892 July 18, 1887 Mar. 21, 1890 Dec. 1, 1885 . Feb. 8, 1893 .Xov. 4. 1892 22, 1890. July 2:!. 1893 ■27>. 1885. Dec. 19. 1889 14, 1885. . Jan. 23, 1888 17, 1885. May 25, 1891 26, 1891. .Sept. 5, 1893 73 Date ok I >\ 1 1. oi Election. Death. Van Heusen, Theodore Van Wyck. Albany, N. Y June 15, 1886. .June 15, 1893 Van Kleeck, Edward Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1890. Nov. 13, 1890 Van Nostrand, David New York Mar. 14, 1885. June 14, 1886 Van Nostrand, Gardiner Newburgh, N. Y . . . . May 27, 1890 . . Jan. 1, 1894 Van Nostrand, Garret Nyack, N. Y April 6, 1886. June 15, 1891 Van Nostrand, John J Brooklyn, N. Y Dec. 7, 1888. .Jan. 7, 1889 Van Sehaick, Anthony G Chicago, 111 Oct, 22, 1890 . . Oct. 13, 1891 Van Slyck, Nicholas Providence, R. I. . . .April 6. 1886. .Mar. 3, 1892 Van Slyke, George Washington. . . Albany, N. Y Oct. 25, 1886 . . Aug. 11, 1891 Van Vlack, George W Palatine B'dge, N. Y. Dec. 7, 1888 . . Sept. 7. 1890 Van Voorhis, Bartow White New-York June 25, 1885. .April 27, 1888 Van Voorhees, Elias William New- York June 25, 1885. .Sept. 21, 1892 Van Vorst, Gardiner Baker New- York June 22, 1885. .Feb. 5, 1889 Van Vorst, Hooper Cummin g New- York June 25, 1885. . Oct. 26, 1889 Van Vorst, John Jersey City, N. J Dec. 23. 1885 . . Feb. 4, 1887 Van Wagenen, Gerrit Hubert Rye, N. Y Dec. 20, 1886 . Mar. 28, 1893 Van Wagner, John Nelson Troy, N. Y Mar. 28, 1889. .Feb. 7, 1892 Van Winkle, John Waling Passaic. N. J Mar. 30, 1887. . Nov. 2, 1889 Van Winkle, Stephen W Paterson, N. J Oct. 25, 1886. .June 28, 1893 Van Woert, John Voorhees New-York June 25, 1885. .Jan. 24, 1889 Van Wyck. Benjamin Stevens New-York Dee. 23. 1885 .Aug. 31, 1888 Van Wyck, John Thurman New- York Mar. 14, 1885 . . Nov. 23, 1886 Van Wyck, William New-York Mar. 14, 1885 . . May 28, 1887 Van Wyck, William Harrison New- York Dec. 23, 1885. .Nov. 15, 1891 Varick, Theodore Romeyn Jersey City, N. J. . .Mar. 14, 1885. .Nov. 23, 1887 Vermilye, Jacob Dyckman New-York April 30, 1885. .Jan. 2, 1892 Vermilye, Theo. Chardavoyne Tompkinsville, N. Y. May 19, 1887. .Mar. 31, 1889 Visscher, John Barent Albany, N. Y Mar. 30, 1887. Jan. 31, 1890 Voorhees, Charles Henry New-York Dec. 22, 1887 . . Mar. 9, 1893 Voorhees, John Enders Amsterdam, N. Y, . Oct. 27, 1887. .Nov. 26, 1889 Voorhees, William Brownlee Blauwenburgh,N. J. Oct. 29, 1891. .June 13, 1892 Voorhis, William Nyack, N. Y April 6. 1886 . . Jan. 4, 1890 Vredenburgh, Alfred Bayonne, N.J Mar. 28, 1889 . . Oct, 11, 1892 Westbrook, Theodore Romeyn. . . .Kingston, N. Y Mar. 14, 1885 ..Oct. 6, 1885 Wynkoop, Augustus W Kinderhook, N. Y. . .Mar. 14, 1885. .April 18, 1886 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY