NAVAL WAR RECORDS OFFICE MEMORANDA NO. 8. OFFICERS IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES NAVY, 1861-65. OFFICE NAVAL WAR RECORDS, 1898. ^^^^^iV' WASHINGTON: GOVERNTMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 18 8. NOTE. ^ This list is prepared from the United States and Confederate Navy '-Eegisters, reports of ofiflcers, records of the Secretary's Office, and ^ miscellaneous papers. The items concerning each officer have been taken from the above -a: authentic records, placed upon cards, and, to insure their preservation, are now put in print. Confederate data of all kinds are meager, and in order that the Naval War Eecords now being published may be complete, it is desir- able that all contemporaneous Confederate records relating thereto be furnished to this office for examination. It is desired that any errors or omissions which may be noticed in "^ this Eegister should be brought to the attention of the Superintendent /t of Naval War Eecords, in order that, as far as possible, they may be \: corrected. 3 u. c t 2488(59 OFFICKRS IN THE CONFEDERATE .STATES NAVY, 1861-1865. Adams, Norton Kent. Born in . Appointed from Alahama. Assistant paymaster. May 23, 11^64. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864 (not accepted). Served on C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), 1864-65. Addison, "W. J. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Assistant surgeon for the war, April 1, 1862. Assistant surgeon (uomiuated and conlirmed) May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mississippi River defenses, 1863. C. iS. steamers FredericJishurt/, Richmond, and Patrick Henry, James River Squadron, 1864. Ahearn, John L. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Sep- tember 27, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Commanding receiving sliij) Dalma, Mobile Scxuadron. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Ahern, Holmes. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers liichmond, Torpedo, Iloanoke, Drewry. .James River Squadron, 18&4-65. Ahern, William. Born iu Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, Septem- ber 30, 1861. First assistant engineer, August 13, 1863. First assistant engi- neer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Georgia and Palmetto State, 1862. C. S. S. Drewrtf, 1863-()4. C. S. S. Florida, 1864; captured by U. S. S. Wachuseti, October 7, 1864! Albertson, A. E. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's nuitc (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Beaufort, lioanoke, and J'irqinia (No. 2), .lames h'iver Squadron, 1863-64. 6 Alcott, Henry. Born ill . Appointed from . Sailmakcr, August 24, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Alabama, 1864. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Alderslade, George E. ISoru ill . Appointed from -. Third assistant engineer, 1862. Alexander, Ed. Born in -. Ajipointed from Novemlier 12, 1861. Commanding C. S. S. Cotton, Red River, 1864. -. Master not in line of promotion. Alexander, Joseph W. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, Oetoher 23, liS62, to rank from October 2, 1S62. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864, to rank from .laiiuary 6, 1^64. Served on C. S. S. Vh-ffinia, 1861. Commanding C. S. S. Raleigh in the hattle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. C. S. S. Atlanta, 1862; captured by the U. S. S. Weeliau-lcn, June 17, 1863. C. 8. S. Viniinia (No. 2); detached Decem- ber 19, 1864, and ordered to command C. S. S. Beaufort. Allen, Benjamin G. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner Provisional Navy (no date). Served on C. S. S. HuntsviUe, Mobile Squadron. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Allison, Richard T. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Maryland. Formerly paymaster, U. Navy. Paymaster, rank of major. Marine Corps, May, 1861. On duty at Richmond, Va., 1863. Anderson, Edwin M. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Midshipman, November 18, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Abroad, 1862-64. C. S. S. Alabama, 1864. Anderson, 'William. Born in . Appointed from 2, 1863. Gunner, July 1, 1861. Died October Andrews, G. Born in — Appointed from Master not in line of promotion, Feb- ruary 21, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special service, 1863-64. Andre w^s, William. JSorii in (itorgia. Appointed from Georgia. Acting midshipman, July 20, 1861. Killed at Gibraltar on C. S. S. Sumter, October 15, 1862, by Acting Master's Mate J. T. Hester, C. S. Navy. Appel, Philip F. Born in her, 1861. Ap])ointed from . ^faster not in line of promotion, Octo- Dismissed, Decemlier 13, 1862. Applegate, John. Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri. Third assistant engineer, Sep- tember 9, 186.3. Third assistant fnf;ineer Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Gaines, Mobile Squadron, 1863-65. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Arents, Fred W. 13„in in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer. Died May 30, 1863, from etfects of Ijoilcr explosion. Served on C. S. S. Chatiahoochk, 1863. Arledge, George H. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida. Master not in line of promotion, Feb- ruary 21, 1862. Lieutenant for the war, .January 7, 1864, to rank from May 25, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Special duty, 1863. Q.^.^. Atlanta; captured June 17, 1863.^. Fredericks- bunj, James Eiver Squadron; detached February 12, 1865, and ordered to temporary command of 0. S. S. Beaufort. Armistead (or Armstead), G. W. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, November 14, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1864. Armour, James E. Born in Alabama, Appointed from Alabama. Assistant paymaster, October 24, 1861. Paymaster, May 23, 1864. Paymaster Provisional Navy, .lune 2, 1864. Served on C, S, S. Gaines, Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Surrendered May 4,1865; paroled May 10,.1865. Armstrong, .^neas. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, November 21, 1860. First lieutenant, April 24, 1862. Dismissed .January 9, 1864. First lieutenant. Provisional Navy (nominated), to rank from .July 26, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Sampson, 1863. C. S. S. Frederickshnrg, 1865 Drowned iu the sinking of steam picket boat Hornet by collision with steamer AUisoii, Armstrong, Richard Fielder, Born iu Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, January 30, 1861. Midshipman, April 17, 1861. Acting master, Sep- tember 24, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Sumter, 1861-62. C. S. S. Alabama, 1864. Assisted in the defense of Battery Buchanan in the attack by the Union forces upon Fort Fisher, December 23-25, 1864; gallant conduct commended Arnold, Thomas. Born in Arkansas. Appointed from Arkansas. Resigned as midshipman, U. S. Navy, September 21, 1855. Lieutenant for the war, March 18, 1862. Resigned, May 16, 1863. Served on C. S. S. McUae, 1862. C. S. S. Louisiana; escaped at the surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, La., Ai)ril 28, 1862. 8 Arthur, Francis. Boru ill Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Midshipman, October 14, 18152. Commaiiding C. S. gnnboat Resolute, 1862. C. S. S. Morgan, 1863. Captured in the Potomac Kiver, May 6, 18G1, and couliued at Fort Delaware, Delaware Bay. Atchison, George. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, September 3, 1863. Acting masters mate I'rovisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served in Savinnah Squadron, 1864. Auchrim (Ancrum?), John L. Born ill . Appointed from South Carolina. Assistant snrgeon, October 24, 1861. Servi'd on C. S. S. Nashville, 1862. Austin, C. W. F>orn in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Octo- ber 15, 1861. Austin, "W. W. Pilot. Ordered to C. S. S. Tsondhia, October 27, 1864; detached December 4, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Savannah. Ordered, January 11, 1865, to C. S. S. Savipson. Averett, Samuel Woolton. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly midshipman, TT. S. Navy. Acting master, August 28, 1S6I. Acting lieutenant, September 19, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, February 6, 1863, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Polk, 1862. Commanded Hoating battery at the surrender of Island No. 10, Mississippi River, April 7, 1862. Ordered to C. S. S. Atlanta (late Fingal), September 27, 1862. Detached and ordered to C. S. S. Florida, October 20,1862; reported October 30. Commanding Lapwing (Oreto) from March 28, 1863, date of capture, to j\Iay 3, 1863, when ordered to return to C. S. S. Florida. Bacon, James. Born in . Appointed from . Acting carpenter, September 28, 1861 (date of acceptauce). Bacot, Richard H. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, December 11, 1860. Midshipman, ]\Iay 16, 1861. Mas- ter in line of promotion, January 7, 1864. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkamas, 1862. C. S. S. Chicora, 1863-64. C. S. S. Neusc. Bailey, John H. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Third assistant engineer, June 15, 18(il. Second assistant engineer Provisional NJivy, .lune 2, 1864. Naval station. Savannah, (ia., 1863. C. S. S. Rivhmond, 1864. Bain, Robert M. IJoni ill Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly carpenter U. S. ^avy, Carpenter, Juno 11, 1861. Carpenter Provisional Navy, Jitne 2, 1864. Naval station, Savannah, Ca., 1863-61. Baker, Adam N. 13orn in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Florida. Formerly IT. S. Marine Corps. Served in Virginia Navy. First lieutenant Marine Corps, June 6, 1861. Dropped October 10, 1862. Baker, James McC. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida. Entered the Confederate service early in the war as a member of Dreux's battalion of Louisiana Infantry, and on .January 23, 18()2, was transferred to the Washington Art illery. Lieutenant for the war, Febinary 2(i, 1862. ^Master not in line of promotion, C. S. Navy, March 23, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Louisiana: escaped at surrender of Forts .lackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. C. S. S. Chattahouchie, 1863. C. S. S. IIiint.sriUr, Mobile Squadron, 1861-6.5. Surrendered May 4, 186.5; paroled May 10, 1865. Baker, Page M. 15orn in . Appointed from . Formerly in C. S. Army. Acting mas- ter's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 18t>4. Mobile Siiuadron, 1864-65. Surrendered May 4, 1865 ; paroled May 10, 1865. Baker, T. Harrison. liorn in . A])pointed from . Coraniissioned by the President of the Confederate States, May IS, 1861, to command the privateer >Saratinah. Baker, Thomas. liorn in . Appointed from . (Uinner, April 8, 1863. Gunner Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Savannah, 1863-64. Bald-win, James G. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Resigned as acting midslii])- man, II. S.Navy, January 16, 1861. Acting midshipman, July 8, 1861. Kesignod, Janiiary it, 1864. Mississippi Defenses, 1863. Baldwin, Robert T. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Vii'ginia. Assistant surgeon for the war, March 13, 1862. Assistant surgeon, May, 1863. Resigned, July 25, 1863. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C., 1863. Ball, William B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master (no date). Resigned, December 31, 1863. Participated in Johnson's Island I'.xpedition, October, 1863. 10 Ballentyne, ■William J. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner, May 11, 1863. Gunner Pro- visional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Naval station, Charleston, 1863-64. Savanuali Squadron, 1864. Banks, John S. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from Florida. Assistant paymaster, Ajiril 22, 1862. Assistant paymaster Provisional Na^y, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1862-1864. Barbot, Alphonse. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from I^ouisiana. Formerly lieutenant U. S. Navy. Master not in line of promotion, November 4, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, March 5, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Floating battery Xew Orleans, 1862. C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. C. S. S. Atlanta; captured by the U. S. S. JVeehawken, June 17, 1863. Commanding C. S. S. Frederickahurg , 1865. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Barclay, A. A. E. "W. Bom in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, November 30, 1863 (appointed by Commander W. W. Hunter, C. S. N.). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Sampson, Savannah Squadron, November 30, 1863; detached December 5, 1863, and ordered to the C. S. S. Savannah. C. S. S. Sampson at time of capture of U. S. S. Water IRtch, June 3, 1864; detached August 1, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Eesolute. Barclay, William. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, Novem- ber 22, 1861. Second assistant engineer, January 10, 1862. Barksdale. Sterling L. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi, Assistant paymaster, March 25, 1863. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Charleston, 1863-64. Barney, Joseph N. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Formerly lieutenant XT. S. Navy. First lieutenant, July 2, 1861. Commander, April 29, 1863. " Promoted for gal- lant and meritorious conduct in command of steam sloop Jamestown, Hampton Roads, IMarch 8, 1862, and Drewry's Bluff, May 15, 1862." Commander Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Jamestown, 1862. Assumed command C. S. S. Florida, Septem- ber, 1863 ; detached on account of ill health, January 5, 1864. Special duty abroad, 1864. Barnum, David. Born in Alabama. Apx^ointed from Alabama. Resigned as midshipman, 11. S. Navy, class of 1858. Master not in line of promotion, September 4, 1863. Prisoner, 1863-64. Barrom, Benjamin A. Born in . A])pointed from . Gunner, May 11, 1863. Gunner Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 18(iL Served on C. S. S. Charleston, 1863-64. 11 Barron, Samuel. Born in Virj^inia. Appoiated from Virginia. Formerly captain, U. S. Navy. Served as captain in tlie Virginia Navy, in cluirge of office of naval detail and equipment, April to June, 1861. Captain C. 8. Navy, .June 5, 1861, to rank from March 26, 1861. Captain. Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 1863. Virginia Defenses, 1861. Prisoner at attack on Forts Hatteras and Clarke, N. C, August 29, 1861 ; exchanged 1862. Flag-officer commanding naval forces in Europe, 1862-64. Barron, Samuel, jr. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, September 14, 1861. Lieutenant lor the war, February 26, 18(i3. First Lieuten- ant Provisional Navy, .lune 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C S. steamers Jamestown, RaleUfh, and Beaufort, .James River Squadron, 1862-63. Special duty abroad, C. S. S. Florida, 1864. C. S. S. .Stonewall, 1865. Barry, Thomas Patrick. Born in . Appointed from Alabama. A.ssi8tant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from August 11, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Chickamaufia. (P^xtract from President's message of Novem- ber 9, 1864: "Mr. Barry has served in the Army since October, 1861. He entered as a ])rivate in Sengstak's artillery company, and was in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, and Vicksburg, at which latter place he was captured. Upon being exchanged, and finding his battery dissolved, he enlisted in Bar- rett's 1 lattery in Mobile, and was in the battles of Chattanooga and Mission- ary Kidge.") Bates, B. H. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. Battle, Richard. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Beall, John Y. Born in Virginia. Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, March 5, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. On the 19th of September, 1863, in charge of party, destroyed four Federal schooners in Chesapeake Bay, taking fourteen prisoners. Participat(?a in Johnson's Island expedition, September 19, 1864; taken prisoner; tried on charges of violation of the laws of war and acting as si)y, and sentenced to be hung on Governor's Island, New York harbor, February 24, 1865. Beall, Lloyd J. Born in . Appointed from . Colonel counnandant Marine Corps, May 23, 1861. Beasly, J. W. Born in . Appointed from Tennessee. Assistant paymaster, February 26, 1863. Resigned, May 27, 1863. Beaufort, M. P. Born in , Appointed from . Sailmaker, April 18, 1861. Saihnaker Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. iiiimter, 1861. Naval station, Charleston, 1863. Na\ al station, Savannah, 1864. 12 Beck, Charles. Born in Ijouisiaua. Appointed from Louisiana. Acting master's mate, 1862. Master not in line of proniotion. Xoveniber '2, 18()3. Mastor not in line of pro- motion Provisional Navy, June 2, 18(54. Naval station, Wilmington. N. C, 1864. Sick leave. 1804. Escaped at surrendeiof Fort-s.laekson and >St. Philip, La., April 28, 1862. Beebee, Marcus J. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy. June 2, 1864. Served on C. C. S. Tennessee, Mobile S(iuadron. Prisoner, August 5, 1864. Beirne, Andrew^ Plunkette. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as acting midshipman, 11.8. Navy, April 20, 1861. Acting midshipman, June 26, 1861. Passed mid- shipman, January 8, 1864. On sick leave, 1863-64. Mobile Squadron. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Bell, Thomas P, Born in , Appointed from . Acting master (no date). Second lieu- tenant Provisional Na\y. .)uue 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers J'injhiia, Iiich7)u»id, Fredericksburfi, Hampton, XaiiHemoutl, .James River S(iuadrou, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Torpedo, 1865. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Bellamy, Marsden. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant paymaster, May 23, 1864. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Richmond, 1864. Belviii, James W. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Assistant surgeon for the war, February, 1864. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Uirhmond, Hampton, and Beaufort, James River S(iuad- ron, 1864-65. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Bennett, John W. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, June 20, 1861. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .fanuary 6, 1864. Served on C. S- S. NushmUe, 1861-62. V.. S. S. Gaines, Mobile Harbor, 1862-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865 ; paroled May 10, 1865. Bennett, ■William. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as sailmakor, U. S. Navy, May 15, 1861. Sailmaker, June 11,1861. Sailmaker Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served ou C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1862-63. Waiting orders, 1864. Benson, J. Y. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- lug master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1864. 13 Benson, Oscar. Boiii in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Third assistant engineer, June 10, 1863. Third assistant (^nu'ineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Tenneasee. Mobile Squadron, 1862-64. Prisoner August .5, 1864. Beuthall, Robert. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Missouri, 1804. Benthall, Thomas W. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Master not in line of promotion, December 12, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 26, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Hampton, 1862-63. C. S. S. Juno, 1863-64. Benton, Mortimer M. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Resigned as acting midship- man, r. S. Navy, April 20, 1861. Acting midshipman, March 12, 1862. Master in line of promotion, October 15, 1862. Second lieutenant, March 17, 1863, First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from Januarv 6, 1804. Mobile station, 1862-63. C. S. S. Tennessee, 1863-64. C. S. S. TaUuhassee, 1864, C. S. steamers lioanoke and Virginia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1864. Berrien, Thomas M. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as acting midsliipmau, January 26, 1861. Acting midshipman, .July 8, 1861. Midshijimau Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Passed midshipman Provisional Navy (no date.) Served on C. S. S. Savannah, 1803. Schoolship Patrick Henry, 1864. C. S. S, Chickatnauga, 1864. Ordered to C. S, S. Macon, August 19, 1864. Berry, Albert S. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Second lieutcaiant Marine Corps, March 6, 1863. Bier, George H. Born in ISIaryland. Appointed from Maryland. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, April 23, 1861. First lieutenant, November 13, 1861. Resigned June 25, 1863. Died at Key West, Fla. (no date). Ordered to duty at Sewell's Point, Ya., February 18, 1862. C. S. S. Chicora, 1862. Charleston naval station, 1862-63. Cai)tured on blockade runner (Irei/hound, May 10, 1864, oil' Wilmington, N, C, by the U. S. S. Connecticut. Billups, James W. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, May, 18r>4 (appointed by Lieut. ('. W. Read, C. S. Navy, from petty officer). Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Clarence-Tacony-Archer expedition, 1863. C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1804. Tor- pedo hoab Hornet, James River Scjuadron, 1805; commended by commanding officer. Bird, P. J. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner. Served on C. S. steamers Drewry and f'irginia (No. 2), 1865. 14 Blacker, J. C. Born ill . Appointed from Captain's clerk on C. S. S. Sheuandoah, 1864-65. Blacknall, George. Born in . Appointed from North Carolina. Resifyned as surgeon, U. S. Navy, May 7, 1861. Surgeon, June 14, 1861. Died January 21, 1862. Blackwood, John G. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Lieutenant for the war, Febru- ary 26, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Sick, 1863. Mobile Squadron. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Blair, "William M. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Served on C. S. S. Atlanta; captured by U. S. S. Weehawken, June 17, 1863. Paroled ou U. S. S. James Adger, June 20, 1863. Blake, Joseph Davidson. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as lieuten- ant, U. S. Navy, February 5, 1862. First lieuteuant, February 23, 1862. First lieutenant, Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Died July 5, 1864, at Charlotte, N. C. On sick leave (registers of 1863 and 1864). Blakeslee, John. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, December 24, 1861. Blakie, Andrew. Born in . Appointed from . Boatswain, May 9, 1863. Boatswain Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Patrick Henry and Virginia (No. 2), James River Squad- ron, 1863-64. Blanc, H.(?) Born in . Appointed from Louisiana. Third assistant engineer. Served on C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1863; on board at time of boiler explosion; escaped uninjured. Blanc, Samuel P. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Acting midshipman, August 29, 1861. Passed iiiidshipraan, January 8, 1864. Master in line of promotion Provisional Navy, .Tune 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-63. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, September 3, 1863. Ordored, July 21, 1864, to C. S. S. Sampson. ^Mobile Squadron, 1863-()4. Chattahoochie, 1864. Commanding tori^edo boat Hornet, James Kivcr Squad- ron, January, 1865. Bohannon, C. B. I'.orn in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Nansemond, James River Squadron, 1864. 15 Bondurant, Walter E. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surfjeon for the war (con- firmed by Senate), May 10, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Bonifar, M. Bom in . Appointed from . Master nofc in line of ])romotion, December 24, 1861. Bonner, S. L. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant paymaster for the war (nominated), March, 1862. Booth, Edwin G, Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Assistant surgeon for the war, April 1, 1862. Assistant surgeon, Mav 1, 1863. Assistiiut surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Monjan, 1862-63. C. S. S. Tuscaloosa, Mobile Sciuadron, 1863-64. Prisoner, August, 1864; paroled, May 10, 1865. Borchert, George A. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Formerly midshipman, U. 8. Navy. Midshipman, July 25, 1861. Master, July 25, 1861. Secoud lieutenant, Febru- ary 8, 1862. First lieutenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-63. C. S. S. nappahannock, 1863-64. Abroad, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Stoneivall, January 10, 1865. Killed in Central America (no date). Borum, Charles. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 7, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Commanding Battery Brooke, .James Kiver, 1865. Boville, T. B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's matt^ (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Bowdoin, Lloyd. Born in . Appointed from , Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Nansemond, JJrewry, likhmond, Virginia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1864-65. Bowe, George A. Born in . Appointed from , Third assistant engineer, March 4, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1863-64. Savannah S(iuadron, 1864. Bowen, Robert J. Born in Virginia, Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as midshipman, U. S. Navy, November 6, 1855. Lieutenant for the war, March 18, 1862. First Keu- teuant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .J :i unary 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Louiaiana, 1862. C. S. S. Chicora, 1862-63. rulmeiio State, 1863-64. 16 BoAwie, Walter. Horn in ^-. Appointed from . Acting master (no date). Resigned May 21, 1863. Bowles, R. C. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Assistant surgeon for the war, February 26, 1S63. Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provi- sional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. 8. S. Tennessee, 1863-61. Prisoner, August 5, 1864. C. S. S. Nanse- mond; detached and ordered to James liiver batteries, October 11, 1864. Bo\\rniau, Isaac. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Tliird assistant engineer, July 31, 1862. Second assistant engineer, Sei)tember 13, 1862. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. llaleigh, 1862-63. Served under John Taylor Wood at the capture of IT. S. steamers SateUiie and lieliance, Augnst 23, 1863. C. S. S. Torpedo, 1863-64. Boxley, James G. Born in . Appointed from . Trausferri'd from tlie C. S. Army. As- sistant surgeon (no date). James river batteries, 1864. C. S. S. Richmond, 1865. Boynton, "William. Born in . Appointed from . Paymaster's clerk. Served on C. S. S. Stonewall, 1865. Bradford, David. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Mississippi. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, November 22, 1861. First lieutenant Marine Corps (no date). Served on C. S. S. Fredericksbary, 1864. Navy-yard, Richmond, 1864. C. S. S. Chiokamauga, 1864. Bradford, Otey. Born in V^irginia. Appointed from Virginia. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, Virginia Navy, 1861. Master not in line of i>romotion, C. S. Navy, September 6, 1861. Resigned Oeto1)er 4, 1861. l^ea])pointe>.>>. Sarannah; ordered .January 25, 1864; detached May 4, 1864. Howlett's ))attery, 1864. C. S. S. JHchmoud, 1864. Bradford, "William L. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, April 17, 1861. First lieutenant, Ajjril 13, 1861. First lieutenant, 0(;tober 23, 1862, to rank from < )ctober 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864, Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862-63. C. S. S. Tennessee, 1864. Prisoner, 1864. Commanding naval shore batteries, .James River, 1861-65. Brady, James. Born in — . A]ipointed from . Pilot, Served on C. S. steam ram .Irkaiisas, 18(52, 17 Bragdon, Charles E. Boru in . Appointed from . Acting master's mute (no date). Act- ing miister's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 18G4. Served on C. S. S. Richmond, 1864-65. Braiue, John Clibbon. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master, May 26, 1864. Master, not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Captured American steamers Chesapeake (December 8, 1863) and lloanoke (Sep- tember 29, 1864). Brand, Frederick B. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as acting master, U. S. Navy, May 1, 1849. Lieutenant for the war, 1862. Breckenridge, Clifton R. Born in . Appointed from . Midshipman (no date). Midshipman Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Fatrick Henry. Bremond, H. D. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master from civil life for special duty, September 24, 1861. On C. S. S. Louisiana when destroyed, xVpril 28, 1862. Brent, Daniel G. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Florida. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, March 30, 1863. Ordered, March 1, 1865, to temporary duty on C. S. S. Macon, Savannah Squadron. Brent, Thomas W. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Florida. Resigned as com- mander, U. S. Navy, January 19,1861. Commander, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Commanding C. S. S. Savannah, Savannah Squadron, 1864. Prisoner; paroled May 22, 1865, at Mobile, Ala. Briscoe, D. S. Born in . Appointed from . A.ssistant paymaster (no date). Resigned November 24, 1863. Briscoe, W. M. Born in Missouri. Ai)pointed from Missouri. Assistant paymaster, October 8, 1862. Special duty, 1862-63. Brittingham, William F. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Gun- ner May 9, 1863. Gunner Provisional Navy, June 2, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Chicora, 1863-64. Broadus, V/. T. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer, 1862. 2a— No. 8 2 18 Brock, Samue±. Bolu iu . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, September 21, 1861. Brockett, William B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, April 29, 1862. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Geonjia, 1862-63. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1864. Brockington, J. Born iu . Appointed from . Acting master's mate. Ordered to Montgomery, Ala., March 21, 1865. Brockington,* Samuel A. Born iu . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, July 15, 1863. Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. 8. S. Sampson, July 15, 1863. Captured, November 8, 1863. Trans- ferred froui Fort Lafayette to Fort Warren, September 17, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Georf/ia, October 24, 1864; detached December 6,1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Sampsoti. ' Bronson, J. J. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Fredericksiurg, James Kiver Squadron, 1864. Brooke, Henry St. George T. Born in Virginia. A^tpointed from Virginia. Acting midshipman, October 10, 1861. Appointment revoked, April 12, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Nansemond, 1862-63. Brooke, John M. Born iu Florida. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Lieutenant, May 2, 1861. Commauder for the war, October 23, 1862, to ranli from Septeml)er 13, 1862. Commander Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special duty, 1863. Chief Bureau Ordnance and Hydrography, 1864. Brooke (or Brooks), Thomas R. Born in . Aiipoiuted from Brooks, Leslie E. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alaliama. Assistant paymaster, March 18, 1862. Assistant paymaster Provisional Na\'y, .lune 2, 1864. On C. S. S. Louisiana when destroyed, April 28, 1862. I'risoner in Fort Warren. C. 8. S. Chattahoochie, 1862-63. Naval station, Columbus, 1863-64. Waiting orders, 1864. Brooks, Swepson W. J lorn in . Appointed from . Master carpenter, C. S. Navy. * Found also Brockenton, Brockinton, and Biookingtou. 19 Brooks, William P. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Second assistant enfjineer, May 11, 1861. First assistant engineer, August 15, 1X63. First assistant engineer Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Sumter, 1861-63. C. S. ^.Alabama, 1863-64. C. S. S. Stonewall, 1865. Brough, John. Born in — 28, 1861. Appointed from First assistant enginf?or, September Brow^n, Eugene H. Born in . Appointed from • Third assistant engineer, 1862. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steam ram ulrkansas, 1862. C. S. S. Florida; reported October 18, 1862. Clarence-Tacony-Archer expedition under Lieutenant C. ^V. Read, C. S. Navy. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Brovyn, Isaac N. Born in Kentuclvy. Ajipointed from Mississippi. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Lieutenant, .June 6, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, July 15, 1862. Commander, August 25, 1862. "Promoted for gallant conduct in successfully engaging the enemy's fleet on the Mississippi Kiver before the city of Vicks- burg, while in command of the ironclad stenmeT Jrkcoisds, on the 15th July, 1862." Commander Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864, to rank from May 15, 1863. Commanding C. S. steam ram Arkansas, by Department's order of May 26, 1862. Mississippi defenses, 1861-63. C. S. S. Charleston, 1864. ' Commanding C. S. S. South Carolina, 1865. Bro^vn, John. Born in — 1864. Ajipointed from Boatswain Provisional Navy, June 2, Charleston Squadron. Brovrn, John B. Born in Appointed from Third assistant engineer, March 4, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Florida; reported Juno 26, 1864; captured October 7, 1864, off coast of Brazil. C. S. S. Chicora, 1863-64. Abroad, 1864. Bro-wn, M. D. Born in — Appointed from Pilot for Skiddaway Narrows. Brown, Marshall. Born in . Resigned November 13, 1863. Appointed from North Carolina. Lieutenant for the wai-, 1863. Brovrn, Pike. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. for the war, January 7, 1864, to ranli from August 31, 1863. Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. Naval battery, Drewry's Blufl', 1864. C. S. S. liichmond, 1864. Assistant surgeon Assistant surifeou 20 Bro-wrn, Robert W. l>orn in . AjJiioiiited from North Carolina. Assistant paymaster for the war (nominated), April 4, 1862. Browrn, W. N. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's niati' Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Charleston, 1864. Bro-wiie, George E. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, September 25, 1861. Brow^ne, James. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, September 25, 1861. Bro"wne, Orris A. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 25, 1861. Served in Virginia Navy. Acting midshipman, C. S. Navy, Jnly 8, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Passed midshipman (no date). Served on C. S. S. Fatrick Henry, 1862-63. Abroad, 1863-64. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Bryan, George D Born in Virginia. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as acting mid- shipman, U S. Navy, March 12, 1861. Acting midshipman, July 8, 1861. Master, in line of promotion, June 2, 1864, Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862-64; captured October 7, 1864; sent to Fort Warren, Boston. Bryan, 'William. liorn in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, January 10, 1862. Buchanan, Franklin. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Formerly captain, U. S. Navy. Captain, Septembers, 1861. Admiral, Angust21, 1862. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct in attacking the enemy's fleet in Hami)ton Koiids and destroying the frigate Cotiynss, sloop of war CiimhcrUiud, and three small steamers whilst in command of the scpiadrou in the waters of Virginia on the 8th of March, 1862." Admiral Provisional Navy, .June 2, 18j4. In charge Office Onlers and Detail, 1861. James K'iver Si|uadron, 1S62. Com- manding C. S. S. Virginia {Merrimack), 1862. Commanding in Mobile Harbor, 1861. Superintended construction oi' C'. S. ram Tennessee and commanded the same in th<^ action of August 5, 1864, in Mobile Bay. Prisoner; exchanged February, 1865. Buck, Lyman. Born in . Appointed from . Master's mate (no dixte). Served on C. S. S. Hampton; re]>orted .July 16, 1863; same vessel, January 23, 1865. C. S. S. Frederieksburij, 1865. 21 Bugg, Billy. Born in . Appointed from . Pilot. Ordered to C. S. S. Sampson, December 3, 1864. Bulloch, Irvine S. Born in . Appointed from . Acting midshipman, August 24, 1861. Acting master (appointed by Captain Raphael Semmes, C. S. Navy), June 21', 1863. Served on C. S. S. Nansemond; reported March 19, 1862. C. S. S. Alabama, 1863-64. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1865. Bulloch, James D. . Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as lieutenant, U. 8. Navy, October 5, 1854. Commander for the war, October 23, 1862, to rank from .Jan- uary 17, 1862. Commander Provisional Navy (nominated), to rank from May 13, 1864. Ordered to command steamer Fingal, November 10, 1861. Special service abroad as financial agent of the Navy Department, 1862-64. Bulloch, James D., jr. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Midshipman, August 29, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Alabama, 1862-63. Abroad, 1863-64. BuUy, A. (or S.) N. (or M.) Born in . Appointed from . Master, April 1, 1865. Paroled, May 10, 1865. Burke, J. A. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer, 1862. Buriey, Bennett G. *Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Sep- tember 11, 1863. Master, not in line of promotion. Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Captured on tug Titan, Rai»i)ahaunock Rivei", May 12, 1864. Special service in Canada, 1864. Arrested in Toronto, December 3, 1864. Burr, H. C. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's m.ate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. Burroughs, J. M. Born in . Appointed from . Carpeuter, February 20, 1862. Car- penter Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special duty, 1864. Butt, Walter R, Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly midshipman, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, January 8, 1862. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, Jime 2, 18(J4, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Prisoner at Fort Warren, November, 1861. Battle of Hampton Roads, March 8- 9, 1862. Drewry's Blnll', l.s62-()3. Special service abroad, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Nansemond, James River Sointment revoked Cobb, Willis B. Born in Appointed from -. Assistant paymaster ; transferred from Company D, Third Kentucky Mounted Infantry, February 5, 1864. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Cocke. Harrison H. Born in . Appointed from 22, 1861. Served in the Virginia Navy. Commanding James Elver defenses, Petersburg, Va., 1861. Resigned as captain U. S. Navy, April Codd, William H. Born in . Appointed from Maryland. First assistant engineer, October 8, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Rappahannock, 1864. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Coffield, R. P. Born in - November 17, 1861. -. Appointed from Acting first assistant engineer. Coggin, William M. Born in . Appointcil from North Carolina. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy (nominated), November, 1864. Cohen, J. H. Born in - Appointed from Paymaster's clerk. Served on C. S. S. Tennessee. Prisoner, August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay. Cohen, M. J. JSorn in (ieorgia. Appointed from Georgia. Third assistant engineer, July 29, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. I'almetto Stale, 18(53-64. Charleston S(iua(lron, 1861. 29 Colcock, Daniel D. 15oni in South Ciirolina. A])pointo<1 from South Carolina. Actinj^ luidshipniau, Octolicr, 22, ISGl. Passed iiiidshipuiaii, January 8, lS(j4. Master in line of l)roniotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 18(34. Chark-ston Sijuadrou, 1861. Collier, Charle.s H. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, April 29, 1862. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Charleston station, 1862-63. C. S. S. Charleston, 1863-64. Abroad, 1864. Collier, William A. Born in . Ap])ointedfrom . Acting master's mate. Acting masters mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Acting midshipman, November 30, 1864. Savannali Squadron, 1864. Collins, B. J. Born in . Appointed from . Acting lirst assistant engineer, June 5, 1861. Collins, William. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of ])romotion, December 18, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Pro\ isional Navv, .June 2, 1864. Special duty, 1863-64. Colton, Lodge. Born in . Appointed from Maryland. Acting master's mate, October 8, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Colyer, C. M. Born in . Appointed from . Lieutenant Marine Corps. Comstock, John Henry. Born in Louisiana. Ap])ointed from Arkansas. Resigned as acting niidshipm.m, U.S. Navy, January 30, 1861. Midshipman, May 4, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, February 8, 1862. Second lieuten- ant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provi- sional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January (!, 1864. Commanding C. S. receiving ship St. Philip, at New Orleans, 1861. C. S. S. Florida; reported for duty, September 29, 1862. Sick, 1862-63. Special duty, 1863-64. C.S.S. Selma, 1864; executive officer; killed August 2, 1864, Mobile Bay. Conrad, Daniel B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly passed assistant surgeon, U.S. Navy. Surgeon, .luue 6, 1861. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Surgeon Provisional Navy, .lune 2, 1864. Leave of absence. 1862-63. Naval liattery, Drewry'e Bin If, James River, 1863-(U. Fleet surgeon. Mobile scpiadron, 1864. C.S.H, Tinncssce; prisoner, August 5, 1864 ; paroled. May 10, 1865. 30 Cook, James V. 15oru iu Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Original entry into the serv- ice, August 30, 1863. Assistant surgeon, January 7, 186-1. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Naval station, St. Marks, Fla., 1863-64. Cooke, Henry S. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 25, 1861. Acting midshipman, June 12, 1861. Passed mid- shipman, January 8, 1864. Masttr in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Xansemond, Frederkkshurf/, and Patrick Henry, James River Squadron, 1862-63. Assisted in the capture of U. S. steamers Satellite and i?e/ia»ce, August 23, 1863; wounded slightly. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-64. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Cooke, James W. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as lien- tenant, U. S. Navy, Jilay 2, 1861. Served in Virginia Navy till transfer. Lieu- tenant, C. S. Navy, June 11, 1861. Commander, July 15, 1862. Captain Pro- visional Navy, June 10, 1864. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct in command of the ironclad steam sloop Albemarle on the 19th, 20th, and 2l8t of April, 1864, in attacking the enemy's ships and l)atteries, and in cooperation with the army in the capture of the town of Plymouth, N. C., and in the action of the 5th of May, 1864, between the sloop Albemarle, under his command, and nine of the enemy's gunboats in Albemarle Sound." Naval batteries, Aquia Creek, Potomac River, 1861. Ordered to command C. S. S. Edwards, October 3, 1861. Commanding C. S. S. FMis, 1861-62; battle of Roan- oke Island, N. C, February 7-8, 1862; wounded; captured; paroled February 12, 1862. Commanding C. S. S. Albemarle in the Confederate attack upon Plymouth, N. C, April 19, 1864. Commanding inland waters of North Caro- lina, 1864. Corbiii, S. Wellford. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Lieutenant for the war, March 18, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, January 6, 1864. Naval battery, Drewry's Blulf, James River, 1862-63. Special service, 1863-64. Cornick, James. Born in Virainia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as surgeon, U. S. Navy, August 2,'^ 1861. Surgeon, September' 13, 1861. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Naval rendezvous, Richmond, 1862-64. Corran, A. G. (Found also A. H.) Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron, 1864. Ordered to duty at Shell Blulf, Ga., March 20, 1865. Covert, E. Born in . Appointed from . Master not iu line of promotion, Sep- tember 2, 1861. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. Cox, William B. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1864. 31 Craig. William J. lioru in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentncky. Resiffued as acting midship- niun, U. 8. Navy, August 12, 18(U. Acting niidshipnian, August 28, 1S61. Passed niidsliipmau, January 8, 1864. Master in line of promotion Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. riniinia, 1862. C. S. S. Chatfahoochie, 1862-63. Detached from C. 8. S. Georqia, Maich 5, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Sampson. C. S. S. Savaniuth; detached .May 4, 1864. C. S. S. I'irginia (No. 2), 1864. Mobile Spointe(l from . Second assistant engineer, June 5, 1861. P'irst assistant engineer, Angust 15, 1863. I'^irst assistant engineer Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864. Chief engineer (nominated), to rank from Octo- ber 26, 1864. Served on C. S. S. I'almetto iSiaie, 1862-63. C. S. S. Charleston, 1863-64. Dart, Born in . Appointed from . Lieutenant. Mentioned in rcjjort, April, 1862, Forts Jackson and St. I'hilip. Daugherty, H. H. Born in . Appointed from . Acting midohipman, June 1, 1861. Kesigned (no date). David, W. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner. Served on C. S. S. Oeojyia, 1864. Mentioned on list of oflicera of Battery Buchanan, November, 1864. Davidson, Hunter. Born iu District of Columbia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, June 10, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Commander Provisional Navy, June 10, 1861. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct in command of the torpedo boat Squib in jtassing through the enemy's lieet otf Newport News on the night of 9th of April, 1864, and attacking the steam frigate Minnesota." Served on C. S. S. Virfiinia; participated in the battle of Hampton Eoads, March 8-9, 1862. Superintended submarine batteries, James River, 1862. Command- ing C. S. S. Torpedo, 1862-64. Commanding City of Richmond, 1865. Davidson, Wilbur S. Born in . A])pointed from . Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), James River Squadi'on, 1865. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Davies, Thomas W. W. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Lieutenant for the war. March 18, 1862 (not accepted). First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864, Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1863-64. C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), 1864. James River S(iuadrou, 1864. Davis, E. D. Born in . Appointed from , Served as ordinary seaman, and "espe- cially distinguished himself in the capture of the II. S. S. Hater Witch, June 3, 1864;" recommended for appointment as acting master's mate by Flag-Oiiicer W. W. Hunter, C. S. Navy. Acting master's mate, 1S()4. Ordered to C. S. S. (Veojv/irt, Savannah .S([uadron, July 28, 1864; detached Octo- ber 24,1864, and ordered to C. S. S, Samjjson. Ordered to C. S. S. i>ampson, November 30, 1864. 2a— No. 8 3 34 Davis, John R. Born in Appointed from . Extract from letter from Lieutenant Maffitt, commanding C. S. S. Florida, to S. E Mallory, July 27, 1863: "I have appointed Mr. Davis, clerk from the office of Major Walker, acting assistant paymaster." Davis, William L. Born in . Ai)pointed from Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry. Midshipman. Dawson, P. W. Born in Appointed from Served on C. S. ship United States, 1862. Acting master's mate. Original entry into the C. S. Navy, Deacon, William E. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from July 25, 1863. Assistant jiaymaster, January 7, 1864, to rank from July 25, 1863. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Marion, S. C, 1863-64. C. S. S. Palmetto State. Deas, Ralph J. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Midshipman, Novem- ber 11, 1862. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Passed midship- man Provisional Navy. Naval battery, Drewry's Bluff, James River, 1862-63. C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1863-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. DeBlanc, Armand. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Third assistant engineer, Aj^ril 11, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Cliattahoochie, 1863-64. Savannah Squadron, 1864. Debois, E. Born in Appointed from Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. -. Second assistant engineer, paroled May 10, 1865. DeBree, Alexander M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, October 5, 1862. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Prisoner in Fort Warren, 1861-62. Ordnance duty, 1862-63. Ordnance works, Richmond, 1864. DeBree, John. Born in New Jersey. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly paymaster, U. S. Navy. Paymaster, June 10, 1861. Paymaster, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26,1861. Chief Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, 1862-1864. DeBree, John, jr. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Assistant surgeon for the wai July 18, 1862. Assistant surgeon, Mav 1, 18()3. Assistant surgeon Provisions June 2, 1864. Assistant surgeon Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval defenses, St. Marks, Fla., 1862-63 Navy, June 2, 1864. ' ^-'" '-'■^ ^' — ^-" ^'' ■ ^""'^ '"' Naval Hospital, Richmond, 1864. al 35 DeLeon, Perry M. Born in Sontli Caroliiiii. Aiipointed Irom 8onth Carolina. Assistant paymaster, October 20. 18(J2. AssiHtaiit payuiastcr Provisional Navy, June 2, 1«64. Naval stations at Kingston anpointed from . Master not in line of promotion Pro- visional Navy, .June 2, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Tt^ivessee, Molnle Sijuadron; prisoner, August 5, 1864; paroled, May 10, 1865. Dent, John H. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Acting third assistant engineer, May 11, 1861. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. ii.H. Mvlxae, 1862. C. S. S. Louisiana, 1862; prisoner at surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862; sent to Fort Warren. C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1862-63. C. S. S. Fatrick Ecnry, 1863. C. S. S. Charleston, 1863-64. C. S. S. Coquette, 1864. Dick, Ed-ward L. Born in . Api)ointed from . Formerly third assistant engineer U. S. Navy. Second assistant engineer, August 19, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. C S, steamers lialeigh, Fredericksburg, and Xansemond, James River Squadron, 1863-64. Dickinson, Luther R. Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri. Assistant surgoou for the war, January 7, 1864. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navj', June 2, 1864. Naval Hospital, Richmond, 1863-64. Recruiting station, Raleigh, N. C, 1864. Diggers, George. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Third assistant engineer, Novem ber 28, 1863. Special service, 1863-64. Discher, Henry. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Albemarle, 1864. C. S. S. Virginia(No. 2), James River Squadron. 1865. Dixon, D. H. (A.?) Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Midshipman, June 15, 1863. Midshipman I'rovisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Doak, A. S. Bom in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Midshipman, July 18, 1863. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1861. Ordered to C. S. S. Saraumth, December 18, 1863; detached May 4, 1864. C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1864. C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2). 36 Doak, Henry M. liorn in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Second lieutenant ]\Iarine Corps, November 12, 1862. Savaunali, Ga, 1864. Doland, James T. l?orn in . Appointed from . Third assistant enf;ineer, March 24, 1862. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. .S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. C. S. S. ralmetio State, 1862-64. Dornin, Franklin B. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Acting midshipman, March 8, 1862. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Passed midshipman. Served on C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-63. C. S. steamers Patrick Henry and Roanoke, James River Sciuadrou, 1864. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. Dornin, Thomas Lardner. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly midshipman IT. S. Navy. Midshipman, June 24, 1861. Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from April 29, 1863. First lieutenant Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Alert, 1862-63. C. S. S, Rappahannock, 1863-64. C. S. S. Florida, 1864. Dorsey, John W. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, No- vember 5, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Bed Rover, 1861 ; reported November 6. Do'wden, J. B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting gunner on C. S. S. Dreivrn, October, 1864. Detached and ordered to ordnance inspection, James River Squadron. Dozier, William G. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as lieuten- ant U.S. Navy, December 21, 1860. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from Octol)er 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .Fanuary 6, 1864. Ordered to prepare C^.'th. Lady Davis for sea, Aprils, 1861. ^.^.H. Pamlico, 1861-62. Naval defenses of North Carolina, 1862-63. C. S. S. Indian Chief Charleston, S. C, 1864. Drayo (Drago?), B. P. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Third assistant engineer, ,hino 10, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Baltic, 1863-64. Mobile Squadron, 1864. Drewry, Samuel D. Born in . Appointed from Virginia. Assistant surgeon for the war, March 21, 18()2. Detached from naval rendezvous, Kiclimond, April 15, 1862. Ordered to C. S. receiving ship United States, same date. Transferred to C. S. S. Patrick Henry, April 23, 1862. 37 Drury, W. R. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, July 7, 1863. Tliird assistant engineer I'rovisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. North Carolina, 1863-64. Ducey, P. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master, September 17, 1861. Duffel, James E.* Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surgeon for the war (con- firmed), May 10, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Nav-y, June 2, 1864. Naval Hospital, Kichiuond, Va., 1864. Dugger, 'William C. Born in . Appointed from . Engineer. Surrendered at Mobile, Ala., May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Duke, James. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master. Died November 20, 1863. Mobile, 1863. Dukehart, John M. Born in . Appointed from . Boatswain, January 6, 1865. Served on C S. S. Stonewall, 1865. Dunderdale, John. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as boatswain, U. S. Navy, April 20. 1861. Boatswain, June 11, 1861. Transferred from C. S. receiving ship United States to Gosport Navy-Yard, April 12. 1862. Charlotte, N. C, 1862. Dunigau, Ed. J. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer. Second assistant engineer. Served on C. S. S. Richmond, 1864-65. Dunnington, John W. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky, Resigned as lieutenant, IT. S. Navy, April 25, 1861. First lieutenant, May 2, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy. June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Died in 1885. Served on C. S. S. Fontchartrain, 1862-63. Commanding naval battery, Fort Hindman, Ark., 1862-63. Special dutv, 1863-64. Commanding C. S. S. rirj/iHia (No. 2), 1864-65. Dupuy, John S. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. Durand, Julius. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner (no dat«). Served on C. S. S. Chickamauga, 1864. * Nominated and confirmed as John E. Duffie. 38 Durniug, James. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, October 8, 1861. On C. S. S. Manassas when destroyed, April 24, 1862. Escaped from C. S. S. Louisiana at time of surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Pliilip, April 28, 1862. Dyke, James H. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida. Acting midshipman, September 24, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862-64; temporary duty on bark Lapwing, March 28, 1863. C. S. S. liappaliannocli. Edinborough, H. B. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion Provi- sional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), James Kiver Squadron, 1864. Edmunds, N. C. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Assistant surgeon for the war, Augusts, 1862. Assistant surgeon. May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval battery, Drewry's Bluff, James River, 1862-63. C. S. S. Morgan, 1863-64, Mobile Squadron, 1864. Surrendered, Mobile, Ala., May 4, 1865: paroled May 10, 1865. Edwards, E. H. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Acting midshipman, September 23, 1861. Died August 27, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Gaines, 1862-63. Edwards, James. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Third assistant engineer, June 10, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Morfjan, 1863. Edw^ards, Robert E. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer Novem- ber 9, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Fredericksburg, 1863-64. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1864. Eggleston, Everard T. Born in . Appointed from . Transferred from C. S. Army. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, May, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Fredericksburg, 1865. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Eggleston, John R. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Mississippi. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, January 22, 1861 . First lieutenant, April 5, 1861. First lieutenant, Octo- ber 2.3, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, Juno 2, IHVA, to rnuk from January 6, 1864. Si)ecial (lutv. New Orleans, 1861. C. S. S. I'irginia, participated in tiie battle of Hampton"^Koads, March 8-9, 1862. Mobile Sijuadron, 1863-64. Egly, Victor. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, January 18, 1862. 39 Ellett, H. J. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Midshipman, October 0, 1803. Midshipman Provisional Navy, Jnne 2, 1864. Elliott, Joseph. Born in . Appointed from . Actingthird assistant engineer, October 3, 1861. Resigned April 11, 1863. Served on C. S. floating battery New Orleans, 1862. C. S. S. Louisiana; taken prisoner at Fort St. Philip, May, 1862; took oath of allegiance on passage to Fort Warren. Emory, Thomas. Born in Maryland. Appointed from District of Columbia. Assistant surgeon for the war, March 15, 1862. Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Georqia, 1862-63. C. S. S. Florida, 1864; captured October 7, 1864, off Bahia, Brazil. Erwin, Charles H. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master, October 28, 1861. Reported for special duty at New Orleans, October 28, 1861. C. S. floating tery Neiv Orleans, 1862. Esnard, J. E. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, Jnne 5, 1861. Mississippi defenses, 1862-63. Evans, James. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, July 29, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Alabama, 1864. Evans, Richard. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly served in U. S. Revenue Marine. Served in Virginia Navy until transferred, June 6, 1861. Master not in of line promotion, December 6. 1861. Master not in line of promotion Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864. Commanding C. S. receiving ship United States, 1862. Naval works, Richmond, 1862-63. Navy-yard, Rocketts, 1864. Evans, William E. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as master, U. S. Navy, February 2, 1861. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieuten- ant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provi- sional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Sumter, 1861. Abroad 1863. Commanding C. S. S. Georgia, 1864. Ewart, Daniel E. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Assistant surgeon for the war, January 7, 1804. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Ckicora, 1864. Ewing, F. M. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master. Special duty (no date). 40 Eyre, Stratford T. lioru in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, September 16, 18G3. designed November 5, 1863. Served on C. 8. S. Florida. Fabian, James L. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, April 14, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Firefly, May 4, 1864. Assisted in capture of U. S. S. Water Witch, Ossabaw Sound, Ga., .Tune 3, 1864. Detached from 0. S. S. Water Witch, November 17, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Savannah. Face "William H. Born in . Appointed from . Served in Virginia Navy. Boatswain, C. S. Navy, July 1, 1861. Face, William W. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of jiromotion (no date). Resigned August 22, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Teaser: participated in battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862, and commended by Commander W. A. Webb, commanding. Fagan, Henry. Born in Florida. Appointed from District of Columbia. Formerly third assist- ant engineer U. S. Navy. Original entry into C. S. Navy, July 23, 1861 . Second assistant engineer, December 25, 1861. Died May 30, 1863, from the effects of boiler explosion on C. S. S. Chattahoochie. Served on C. S. S. AfcBae; taken prisoner at surrender of Forts Jackson and St Philip, April 28, 1862. C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1863. Fahs, Charles F. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as surgeon, U. S. Navv, November 11, 1861. Surgeon, January 1, 1862. Surgeon, October 23, 1862', to rank from March 26, 1861. Naval ordnance works, Selma, Ala., 1863-64. Fairbanks, C. B. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Sep- tember 23, 1861. Mississippi defenses. Fairfax, Archibald B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly Commander IT. S. Navy. Served in Virginia Navy as inspector-general of ordn.ance, Norfolk. Com- mander, C. S. Navv, June 10, 1801. Commander, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Ordnance officer, Norfolk Navy- Yard, 1861-63. Special service, 1864. Fairfax, Julian. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master, March 1.5, 1862. Master not in lino of promotion, .Inly 1, 18(i3. Master not in line of promoticm Pro- visional Navy, .lune 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Saran)iah, 1863-64. Ordered again to C. S. S. Savannah, Novem- ber 3, 1861 ; detached November 15, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Samjison. 41 Fairfax, Reginald. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, April 15, 1861. Lieutenant, June 15, 1861. Died (no date). Charlotte, N. C, 1861. Gosport Navy- Yard, 1861-62. Faithful, Peter. IJorn in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, July 8, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Oconee, 1863; captured near Savannah, August 20, 1863, and confined at Fort Delaware. Prisoner, 1863-64. Parrand, Ebenezer. Born in New York. Appointed from Florida. Resigned as commander. U. S. Navy, .Tanuary 21, 1861. Commander, June 6, 1861, to rank from March 26, 1861. Captain Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 1863. Commanding naval defenses, Drewry's Bluff, James River, 1862. Naval works, Selma, Ala., 1862-63. Special service, 1864. Commanding in Mobile Harbor, 1864-65. Surrendered May 4, 1865 ; paroled May 10, 1865. Fauntleroy, Charles M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Missouri. Formerly lieutenant, TJ. S. Navy. Served in Virginia Navy. First lieutenant, C. S. Navy, June 10, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Commanding naval defenses at Harper's Ferry, 1861. C. 8. is. Nashville, 1861-62. Army duty, 1862-63. Commanding C. S. S. Rappahannock, 1864. Fauntleroy, William M. J5orn in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting third assistant engineer, September 12, 1861. Second assistant engineer. May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. 2^ashriUe, 1861. C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-64. Fendall, James R. Y. Born in . Appointed from . Original entry into C. S. Marine Corps, June 15, 1861. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, July 3, 1861. [Register, 1864.] First lieutenant Marine Corps, December 5, 1861. First lieutenant Marino Corps (nominated), February 13. 1862, to rank from December 10, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Jamestoicn. 1862. Captured in C. S. S. Fort Gaines, August, 1864. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. Fentress, George D. Born in . Appointed from . Carpenter Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. JIhemarle, 1864. Ferguson, James. Born in . Appointed from . Pilot, Savannah Squadron, June 28, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Savannah. Ferment, George W. (Tennent, George W. ?) [Found in 1862 Register.] Ferral, James E. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Neuse, 1864. 42 Finn, Richard. Horn ill Appointed from • -. Second assistant engineer, July 3, 1863. Second assistant engineer I'rovisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served previous to entry into the C. S. Navy under J. E. Montgomery, of the Mississippi Kiver Defense Fleet. " Absent without leave " [Register, January, 1864]. Finney, William "W. Born ill . Appointed from . Acting master (no date). Resigned .January, 1864. Participated in Johnson's Island expedition, October, 1863. Fish, E. D. l?oni in March 20, 1862. Appointed from Midshipman (no date). Resigned Fisher, G. W. Born in — November 20, 1863. Appointed from First assistant engineer. Resigned Fiske, James E. Born in Vermont. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as acting mid- shipman, U. S. Navy, April 16, 1861. Midshipman, June 14, 1861, Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Sec- ond lieutenant, Fcl)ruary 8, 1862. Resigned December 29, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Tuscaloosa, 1862-63. Fitzgerald, William B. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, April 18, 1861. Lieutenant, June 20, 1861. Died August 15, 1862. Served in Virginia Navy at Sewell's Point and Crauey Island, Hampton Roads, 1861. Fitzgerald, William H. Born in . Appointed from ing master's mate Provisional Navy, .Tune 2, 1864. On duty at Battery Brooke, James River, 1864. Acting master's mate (no date). Act- Fleet-wood, James M. Born in . Appointed from Pilot. Served on C. S. S. Atlanta, 1863. Ordered to C. S. S. Macon, October 27, 1864. Fleming, Robert H. Born in . Appointed from Served on C. S. 8. Patrick Henry. -. Midshipman (no date). Flamming, William A. ]5orn in . Ajipointed from , Gunner, July 14, 1862. Gunner Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C S. S. Georgia, 1862-63. Savannah station, 1864. 43 Plinn, P. M. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Gunner, January 18, 1862. Kesigued, .June 9, 1863. Mobile station, 1862-63. Flournoy, Robert. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Na\'y, January 12, 1S61. Acting midshipman, July 8, 1861. Resigned, July 9, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Georgia, 1862-63. Floyd, Charles R. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron, 1864. Ordered, June 8, 1864, to report to Commander T. W. Brent, commanding C. S. S. Savannah; detached July 4, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Macon. Floyd, Richard S. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Tennessee. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 20, 1861. Acting midshipman, May 16, 1861. Acting master (no date). Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862-64. Took charge of bark Luptoing, tender to C. S. S. Florida, May 3, 1863; captured by U. S. S. Wachusett, off Bahia, Brazil, October 7, 1864. Fogartle, B. M. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Foley, Richard F. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Master not in line of promotion, October 13, 1861. Master not in line of promotion, July 24, 1862. Resigned, April 30, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Richmond, 1862-63. Foote, George A. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Assistant surgeon for the war, March 11, 1862. Assistant surgeon for the war, January 7, 1864. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Raleigh, 1863-64; C. S. S. Albemarle, 1864. Ford, Marcellus. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Assistant surgeon for the war, March 11, 1862. Assistant surgeon, Mav 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Louisiana, 1862. C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1862-63. C. S. S. Xorth Carolina, 1863-64. C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Macon, July 15, 1864. Ford, Theodoslus Bartow. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Assistant surgeon, May 15, 1861. Assistant surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Gaines, 1862-63. Ordered from C. S. S. Resolitte to C. S. S. Isondiga, December 11, 1863, on temporary duty. C. S. S. Sarannah, 1863-64. C. S. S. Isondiga, May 13, 1864. C. S. S. Sainpaon, February 28, 1865. 44 Foreman, Ivey. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as acting luidshipujan, l^. S. Navy, April 24,1861. Acting midshipman, October 6,1861. Master in line of promotion, October 1.5, 1862. Second lieutenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from April 26, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Beaufort; participated in battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. C. S. steamers Fredericksburg, Hampton, and Torpedo, James River Squadron, 1864. Forrest, Douglas F. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Virginia. Assistant paymaster, March 18, 1862. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. rUghiia, 1862 (volunteer aide to Flag-Oflicer Franklin Buchanan). Naval Works, Richmond, 1862-63. C. S. S. Bappahannock, 1864. Forrest, Dulaney A. Born in Maiyland. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, February 8, 1862. Died, August 10, 1863. Reported as executive officer of C. S. S.Florida, October (?) 9,1862; detached October 20, 1862. Army duty, 1862-63. Forrest, French. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Louisiana. Formerly captain, U. S. Navy. Served in Virginia Navy. Captain, C. S. Navy, June 10, 1861. Captain, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Commnudant Norfolk Navy- Yard, 1861. Chief of Bureau of Orders and Detail, 1862-63. Commanding James River Squadron, 1863-64. Forrest, W. S. (A. ?) Born in . Apjiointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. 2'enwessee, Mobile Squadron, 1864; taken prisoner, August 5, 1864. Foster, Gustavus. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Served on C. S. steamers Drewry and Beaufort, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Foster, J. L. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Second assistant engineer, Decem- ber 29, 1862. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant en- gineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Isondiga, 1863-64. Foster, Lyman L. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Fredericksburg and Drewry, James River Squadron, 1864. Foster, Sidney M. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, July 14, 1863. Aeting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Hampton, 1863. C. S. S. Beaufort. C. S. S. liichmond, 1864-65. 45 Poster, Seth. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, October 2, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special duty, 1863-61. Foute, Robert Chester. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Resigned as acting midship- man, U. S. Navy, December 4, 1860. Acting midsliii)man, June 11, 1861. Mas- ter in line of promotion, October 15, 1862. Second lieutenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from August 5, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. rirginia; participated in the battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. C. S. S. Georgia, 1862-63. Special duty abroad, 1863-64. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannali, September 28, 1864. Fowler, John D. Born in . Appointed from Alabama. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, October 26, 1861. Died August 31, 1862. Francis, Thomas B. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner, March 21, 1862. Frazee, Carman. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron, 1864. Freeman, Arthur C. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, November 26, 1863 (appointed by Flag-Officer W. W. Hunter). Ordered to C. S. S. Georgia, November 26, 1863. Assisted in the capture of U. S. S. Water Witch, Ossabaw Sound, Georgia, June 3, 1864. Freeman, Hiram. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, December 9, 1861. Freeman, Joseph M. Born in Virginia. Ai)pointed from . Resigned as third assistant engi- neer, U. S. Navy, October 8, 1853. First assistant engineer. May 16, 1861. Freeman, Joseph M., jr. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, iSlay 8, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. aerved ou C. S. S. North Carolina, 1862-64. Freeman, Miles J. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. First assistant engineer. May 11,1861. First assistant engineer Provisional Navy. June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. ASumtn; 1861-62, Mississijipi defenses, l.S(;2-63. C. S. S. Alabama; captured and taken to the U. S. S. Kcursarge, Juno 19, 1864. 46 Freeman, Robert. Horu iu . Appointed from Transferred from C. 8. Army. Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate rrovisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on the C. S. >S. Albemarle, 1864. Freeman, Robert J. Born iu Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy. Assistant surgeon, August 20, 1861. Passed assistant surgeon, October 25, 1862. Passed assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Atlanta, 1862-63; captured June 17, 1863, by U. S. S. Weehawken. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1863-64. Surrendered, May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala.; paroled May 10, 1865. Freeman, Virginius. Born iu Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly first assistant engineer, U. S. Navy. Chief eugineer, July 16, 1861. Chief engineer, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Naval station, Charleston, S. C, 1862-64. Frick, "William, jr. Born iu Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Resigned as first assistant engineer, U. S. Navy. First assistant eugineer, SejJtember 1, 1862. Chief engineer, May 22, 1863. Naval Works, 8elma, Ala., 1862-63. Naval station, Mobile, 1864. C. S. S. Webb, 1865. Surrendered, May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled, May 10, 1865. Frisk, W. Born iu December 24, 1861. Appointed from Master not iu line of promotion. Frobel, David W. (B. W. ?) Born in . Appointed from Formerly U. S. Revenue Marine. Act- ing master's mate (no date). Second lieutaut Revenue Marine. Fry, Joseph. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida. Resigned as lieutenant U. S. Navj', February 1, 1861. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June . 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Ivy, 1862. C. S. S. Maurepas, Mississippi River, 1862. AVounded. Special service, 1863-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. Killed November 7, 1873, at Santiago de Cuba. Fulham, George T. Born in . Appointed from Served on C. S. S. Alabama, 1863-64. Acting master's mate, July 29, 1862. Fuller, Edward W. Born in . Appointed from January, 1863. Died July 25, 1863. -. Lieutenant for the war (nominated). Fulton, J. Born in Appointed from Third assistant engineer (no date). Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; jtaroled Ma,\ 10, 1865. 47 Gait, Francis L. Boru in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as passed assistant sur- geon, U. 8. Navy, March 20, 1861. Surgeon, April l.j, 18()1. Surgeon, Octo- ber 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Sumter, 1861. C. S. S. Alabama, 1863-64. .James Kiver Ijat- teries, 1864. Gardner, Joseph M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 23, 1861. Acting midshii^mau, July 8, IWl. Second lieu- tenant, Januarj^ 7, 1864, to rank from September 22, 1863. "Promoted for gal- lant and meritorious conduct in the capture of U. S. gunboats .Satellite and Reliance, Rappahannock River, August 23, 1863." First lieutenant Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Raleigh, March 4, 1862. C. S. S. Gaines, 1862-63. Participated in Johnson's Island expedition, 1863. Special service, 1863-64. C. S. S. Talla- hassee, 1864. C. S. S. Fredericksburg, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Beaufort, 1864. Gardner, W. A. Born in . Appointed from Third assistant engineer. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. Garnett, Algernon S. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy. Original entry, C. S. Navy, June 24, 1861. Assistant surgeon, August 4, 1861. Surgeon, August 22, 1862. Surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on steamer St. Nicholas, 1861. C. S. S. Virginia; participated in the Ijattle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862; detached Apirl 19, 1862, and ordered to receiving ship United States, 'Not folk. Drewry's Bluff, 1862-63. C.H.ii. Baltic, 1863-64. C. S. S. Tuscaloosa, 1864. Garretson, Frederic. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Assistant surgeon, June 10, 1861. Passed assistant surgeon, September 17, 1862. Passed assistant surgeon Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1861-62. C. S. S. Florida, 1862-63. Tusca- loosa, 1864. Garrett, Thomas G. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, February 26, 1861. Acting midshipman, July 8, 18()1. Ordered to C. S. receiving ship St. I'hilij), at New Orleans, La.. August 21. 1861. Ordered to C. S. S. Famlico, September 17, 1861. Detached from New Orleans station, March 19, 1862, and ordered to Mobile. Ordered to C. S. S. (laines, April 5, 1862. Ordered to C. S. S. Morgan, May 27, 1862; C. S. S. Morgan, 18 3. Gauley, Thomas. Born in . Appointed from . Entered naval service as seaman. Boatswain, October 31, 1862. Boatswain Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Torpedo, 1862-64. Gayle, Richard H. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as midshipman, U.S. Navy, June 27, 1853. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from July 22, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, Jujie 2, 1864. to rank from January 6, 1864. Captured, November 8, 1863, Wilmington, N. C-. Prisoner in Fort Warren, 1864. 48 Geddes, C. Wright. Born in . Appointed from . Declined a])pointment as second assistant engineer, U. S. Navy, August 31,1859. First assistant engineer (no date). Kesigued, July 23, 1861. Gettis, James S. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer, August 22, 1862. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. Mississippi defenses, 1862-63. Gibbes, Robert R. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Assistant surgeon, June 6, 1861. Assistant surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Saraniiah, 1862-63. C. S. S. Atlanta; captured June 17, 1863, by the U. S. S. Weehawken. C. S. S. Chicora, 1863-64. Naval Hospital, Charleston, 1864. Gibbs, John M. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion (no date). Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, .Fuue 2, 1864. Name appears on pay roll of Gosport Navy- Yard and Charlotte Naval Station, N. C, spring of 1862; transferred to Richmond, Va. Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, 1863-64. Gibbs, John R. Born in . Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, March 1, 1861. Resigned, January 12, 1863. Special duty, 1862-63. Gibbs, P. H. Born iu South Carolina, Appointed from South Carolina. Midshii^mau, Jan- uary 27, 1863. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Cliattahoochir, 1863. C. S. S. Savannah; detached September 2, 1863. C. S. S. Boanokc, 1864. Participated iu capture of U. S. S. Under- writer, February 2, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Patrick Henry, June* 26, 1864. C. S. S. Vir(iinia (No. 2), 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Beaufort, 1864. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865- Gibbs, Thomas E. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, July 6, 1863. Acting nuister's mate Provisional Navy, .Tune 2, 1864. Served as gunner's mate, C. S. S. Nansemond, 1863. Ordered to C. S. S. liichmond, . July 6, 1863. Special duty, 1864. Gibson, B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Served on C. S. S. Chickamauga, 1864, Gift, George W. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Resigned as midshipman, U. S. Navy, .January 10, 1851. Master not in line of promotion, December 27, 1861. Lieiitenant for the war, March IS, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. 49 Gift, George "W. — Continued. Served as actiuji master, C. S. floating battery; reported at Columbus, Ky., December 31, 1861. C. S. S. Louisiana; surrender of Forts .Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. C. S. steam rani Arkansas, 1862. C S. S. Chatlahoochie, 1862-63. Participated in .Johnson's Island ex])edition, October, 1863. Naval station, Charleston, S. C, 1863-64. Participated in capture of U. S. S. Undtr- ivriler, February 2, 1864. C. S. S. Chattahooehie, 1861. Ordered, July 5, 1864, to report to Commander Brent, commanding C. S. S. Savannah. Gilbert, John. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, October 29, 1861. Gill, E. C. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Dretorij, 1864. Gill, Edward J. Born in Virginia. A]ipointed from Virginia. Acting third assistant engineer, December 11, 1861. First assistant engineer (uo date). Killed Fel)riiary 2, 1864, at tlie capture of U. S. S. Undenvriter, Neuse Kiver, North Carolina. Served on C. S. S. Hampton, 1862-63. Gill, Emmet P. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, Febru- ar,\' 19, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Second assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Torch, 1863-64. C. S. S. Frederickshurg , 1864. C. S. S. Jinjinia (No. 2), 1865. Gilliland, . Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Savannah station, 1864. Gilmore, "William. Horn in . A])pointed from , Pilot. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. Girardy, C. E. Horn in . Appointed from . Master not in lino of promotion (no d.ite). Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1861. Special duty, 1864. Gladden, W. H. Born in — ^. Api)ointed from . Acting master's mate (uo date). Ap- pointment authorized by the Secretary of the Navy. Glas.=i, John. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in lino of promotion (no date). On C. S. S. Manassas when destroyed, April 24, 1862. C. S. S. Louisiana : surrender of Forts .Jackson and St. Philij), April 28, 1862. 2a— No. 8 4: 50 Glassell, "William T. Borii iu Virorn in Appointed from visional Navy, June 2, 1864. James River Squadron, 1864. Master not in line of promotion Pro- Gonzales. Samuel Z. Born in Appointed from Naval storekeeper at Norfolk Navy- Vardat the outbreak of the war. Quartermaster, with rank of major, Marino Corps, April 3, 1861. Resigned, September 13, 1861. Goode. "William Drayton. l')oni in District ofColumbia. Ai)pointed from District of Columbia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 25, 1S()1. Acting midshipman, July 8, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, .Inne2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. dailies, lS62-()3. Stoanusr Uesoliite, Savannah Squadron, 1863; ordered to ('. S. S. Savannah, ()(rtol)er2(i, 18(i3. C. S. steamers Patrick Henry and Fredericksbnrsoii ; detached .hily 25, 1864. C.S.S. Macon; detached September 1, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Isondiga; detached September 14, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Macon. Grant, Alexander. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Ijouisiana. Lieutenant for the war. May 5, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Naval station, Shreveport, La., 1863-64. Found also Orainger. 52 Grant, James O. Born 111 Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Original entry into the service, August 31, 1863. Assistant surgeon January 7, 1864. Assistant surgeon Pro- visional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on receiving ship Indian Chief, 1863-64. Naval station, Charleston, S. C, 1864. Graves, Charles J. l)Orn in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Formerly lieutenant U. 8. Navy. First lieutenant, December 27, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1863 (2?), to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Morf/an, 1862-63. Special service abroad, 1863-64. C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2) ; flag lieutenant to Flag-Ofiicer John K. Mitchell, 1865. Graves, Henry L. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, October 24, 1862. First lieutenant Marine Corps (nominated), Deecmber, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Savannah; order dated July 20, 1863. Ordered February 1, 1864, to report to Flag-Officer Tattnall, commanding Savannah station. Graves, J. D. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, February 22, 1864 (appointed by Fag-Officer Hunter). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, Savannah Squatlron, February 22, 1864. Graves, 'WiUiain A. Born in . Appointed from . Acting naval constructor, March 22, 1862. Richmond, Va., 1863-64. Graves, 'Williani "W. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Assistant surgeon for the war, April 7, 1862. Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864, Naval station. Mobile, 1862-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Gray. Edwin F. Born in Texas. Appointed from Texas. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, December 29, 1857. Lieutenant for the war, March 18, 1862. (Register, 1862, "not accepted.") Gray, T. S. Bom in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron. Expedition for capture of U. S. S. fVatcr Witch, June 3, 1864. Green, Bennett "W. l'>orn in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly assistant surgeon U. S. Navy. / ' ■ ' " '"" "'"' " 25, 1862. Naval Ilospi Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly assistant surgeon U. S. . Assistant surgeon, May 23, 1861. Passed assistant surgeon, October 62. Passed assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. lospital, Richmond, 1862-63. Abroad, 1861. C S. H. Sloneicall, ISGo. 63 - Green, Daniel S. Born in . Appointed from . Formerly surgeon U. S. Navy. Sur- geon, June 20, 1801. Died (no date). Green, F. B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1864. .Surrendered May 4, 186.5; paroled May 10, 186;"). Green, James F. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Second assistant engineer, .January 29, 1863. Second assistant engiueor Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. H. H. Ealeigh, 1863-64. C. U.S. Tallahassee, lS6i. C.S.S. Coquette, 1864. Senimes Naval Brigade, 1865. Green, William. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as commander, V. S. Navy, May 6, 1861. Commander in the Virginia Navy, 1861. Greene, Israel. Born in New York. Aiipointed from Yiroinia. Captain Marine Corps (nomi- nated), July 30, 1861. Adjutant, with rank of major, June 19, 1861. Headquarters, 1864. Greenhow, J. W. B. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Formerly passed assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy. Surgt-on, August 2, 1861. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Prisoner; paroled off Koanoke Island, N. C, February 12, 1862. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-64. Fleet surgeon, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. Gregory, Samuel S. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as mid- shipman, U. S. Navy, class of 1859. Acting midshipman, June 20, 1861. Passed midshipman, October 3, 1862. Master not in line of promotion, January 7, 1864. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. lialeiglt, 1862-63. Special service abroad, 1864. Griggs, William W. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1861. Assist- ant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 186^1. Served on C. S. S. Xorth Carolina, 1863-64. Grimball, John. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as mid- shipman U. S. Navy, December 24, 1860. Midshipman, April 16. 1861. Master, May 6, 1861. Acting lieutenant, September 19, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, Octt)- ber 23, 1863 (2?), to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank froui January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkanms, 1,S62. C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-63. Special duty abroad, 1863-64. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. 54 Grimsley, "William D. Boiu in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Original entry into the service, February 21, 1862. Second assistant engineer, September 24, 1S62. Resigned, June 2, 1863. Served on C. S. 8. Florida, 1862-63. Guthrie, B. W. Horn in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Master not in lino of promotion, I'ebruary 24, 18(!2. Master not in line of ])romoii()n Provisional Navy. June 2,1861. Served on lloating battery, 1862-63. Receiving ship Arctic, 1863-61. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Guthrie, John Julius. ]'>orn in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Formerly lientenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, .July 13, 1861. First lientenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Assumed command at New Orleans, October 14, 1861. Commanding C. S. floating battery New Orleaus, 1862. Naval Station, Wilmington. N. C, 1862-63. C. S. S. Chattahoochic; boiler explosion. May 27, 1863. Special service, 1864; command- ing North Carolin.i steamer J. i>. }'a)icc. Appointed volunteer aid, personal Btaff, Gov. Z. B, Vance, March 23, 1865. Guthrie, John J., jr. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Octo- ber 21, 1861. Reported for duty at New Orleans, October 21, 1861. C. S. floating battery New Or leans, 1862. Guy, John L. Born in . Appointed from . Acting gunner (no date). Served on C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Gwathniey, "Washington. Born in England. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, April 20, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Jackson and Carondelet, Mississipj)! defenses, 1862 Army duty, 1862-63. C. S. S. Georgia, Savannah River, 1863-64. Gwynn, Thomas P. Born in Wisconsin. Appointed from Virginia. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, September 20, 18()1. First lieutenant Marine Corps, February 15, 1862. Served on C. S. S. liichmond. Drewry's Bluli, 1864. C. S. S. Viryinia (No. 2), 1864-65. Hackley, R. J. T3orn in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer, March 3, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Oconee, 1863. C. S. S. Frcdericksburii, 1M53-64. C. S. S. Bomh- shell; captured in Albemarle Sound, May 5, 1864. Prisoner, 1864 Haldman, "W. D. Born m . Api)ointed from . Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. J'alrick llenrij. 55 Hale, W. K. Horu in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Midshipman, July 28, 1863. Midsliipmau Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Fatrick Henry, 1863-64. Hall, Albert G. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, February 2, 1864 (appointed by Flag-Officer Hunter). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. 7?eso?M/e, Savannah S(|nadron, 1864. Sampson; detached February 22, 1864, and ordereorn in , Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Louisiana; captured at the surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Harris, Jeptha V. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Assistant surgeon for the war, January 7, 1864. Assistant surgeon l^rovisicmal Navy, June 2. 1S64. Naval station, Mobile, 1863-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Harris, John C. Born in . Appointed from . Acting first assistant engineer. .Julv 1, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Georgia. Harris, John K. Born in . Appointed from . Acting gunner, July 25, 1861. 58 Harrison, A. Born in - M. Appointed from Provisionnl Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. I'atrick Henry, 1864. Midshipman (no date). Midsliipman Harrison, George W. Born in West Indies. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as lientenent, T'. S. Navy, April 17, 1861. Served in the Virginia Navy, 1861. lientcn;mt, C. S. Navy, May 28, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank ironi October 2, 18(52. Commander Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864, to rank irom Octol)er 4, 1863. Connnanding batteries at Hospital Point and Pinner's Point, Elizabeth River, April-May, 1861. Conimauding C. S. S. Jamestown, 1862. Naval station, Rich- mond, 1862. Naval works, Charlotte, N. C, 1862-63. Coiiimauding C. S. S. Morqan, Mobile Harbor, 1863-64. Snrrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865'. Harrison, James P. Born in Virginia, Appointed from Virginia. Formerly snrgeon, U. S. Navy. Surgeon, .) um; 18, 1861. Surgeon, ( )ctober 23, 1862, to rank from March 26. 1861. Naval Hospital, Riclimond, 1862-1864. Harrison, John C, Born in Virginia. Appointed from Texas. 1863. Assistant snrgeon, Mav 1, 1863. Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Assistant snrgeon, February 26, Harrison, Thomas Locke. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly midshipman, U. S. Navy. Midshipman, August 12, 1861. Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieuten- ant for the war, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, .fanuary 7, 1864, to rank from,)uue25, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, .luue 2, 1864, to rank from .Fanuary 6, 1864. Died March 18, 1892, Mobile, Ala. Served on C. S. S. Morgan, Mobile Squadron, 1862-1864. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Harrison, William D. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly surgeon, IT. S. Navy. Original entry into C. S. Navy, March 6, 1863. Surgeon February 18, 1864, to rank from March 26, 1861. Surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Fleet surgeon, .lames River Sfjuadron, 1863-64. Harrison, William T. Born in . Appointed from - Served on C. S. S. Richmond, 1864. Third assistant engineer (no date). Hart, Charles T. Born in Appointed from -. Assistant surgeon (no date). Hart, J. H. Born in • Appointed from ■ master's mate Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1864. -. Acting master's mate (no date). Acting 59 Hart, Theodore. Born in . Appointed from . Third nssistant fngineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Loumaua\ captunsd at siirreiider of FortH .Jackson and 8t. Philip, April 28, 18G2, and took oath of allegiance to United States on passage to Fort Warren, May, 1862. Hartstene, Henry J. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as com- mander, U. S. Navy, January !>, lM(il. Served in South Carolina Navy in charge of coast defenses. Commander, March 26, 18(51. Commander, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 2G, 18(51. Commanding naval force, Charleston Harbor, 1861. Army duty, 18(i2-(i:>. Wait- ing orders, 1861. Altroad,. 18(54. Harvey, A. C. Born in . Appointed from . Acting second assistant engineer (no date). Resigned, November 10, 186:5. Served on C. S. S. Florida. Harwood, George. Born in . Appointed from . Acting boatswain, October 9, 1864 (appointed by Lieut. .James 1. Waddell, C S. Navy). Served on C. S. S. Slienmidoah, 1864-65. Harwood, James K. Born m Maryland. Appoint'id from Maryland. Formerly paymaster, U, S. Navy. Paymaster, Fel>ruarv 8, 1862. Paymaster, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26,1861. Naval station, Richmond, 1862-1864. Hasker, Charles H. Born in England. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly boatswain, U. S. Navy. Boatswain, June 11, 1861. Lieutenant for the war. May .">, 18611 First lieu- tenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. iJied July 8, 1898. Served on C. S. S. Virginia, 1861-62 ; participated in the battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. C. S. S. Richmoiid, 1862-63. Captured Sei»tember 7, 1863, at Morris Island, S. C; taken to Fort Warren. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Haupt, John A. Born in . Appointed from . First assistant engineer (no date) Served on C. S. S. Sampson, 1864. Hayes, John. Born in . Appointed from . Original entry into service, January 23, 1863. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served ou C. S. S. Selma, 1863-64. C. S. S. Tennessee, Mobile Squadron^ 1864; captured August 5, 1864. Haynes, "William H. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner, February 24, 1861. Gunner, February 14. 1862. (iunuer Provisional Navy, .June 2. 18(54. Served on C. S. S. (lames, lS(;2-()3. (". S. S. llinitsrille, 18()3-(54. Sick leave, 1864. Surrendered, May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala.; paroled May 10, 1865. GO Haynie, Edward T. Born in — . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. Hays, Andrew J. ]'>oru in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as first lieutenant U. .S. Marine Corps, Marih 1, 1861. Captain Marine Corps, March 29, 1861. Hays. Charles W. Horn in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, July it, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862-63. Commanding C. S. S. Spray, naval defenses, St. Maries, Fla., 1862-63. Commanding C. S. S. iVaitsfrmowtZ, James River, 1861. Ordered to command James River batteries, 1864, Hazlehurst, J. M. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Hazlehurst, T. M. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisitmal Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Hearne, ■William A. ISorn in . Appointed from . Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 9, 1864 (not accepted). Hebb, John W. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master. (Appointment reA^oked December 7, 1863.) Hebbard, Samuel F. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, December 15, 1863 (appointed by Flag-Officer Hunter). Savannah S(iuadroD, 1863-64. Ordered to C. S. S. Sarnnnah, December 15, 1863. Ordered to connnand C. S. S. Sampsou, December 15, 1863 ; detached and ordered to C. S. S. Firejhj, February 15, 1864. Ordered to command C. S. S. Firefly, J uly 7, 1864; tletached .July 11, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Isondiga. Henderson, J. J. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, Novem- ber 5, 1861. Resigned November 14, 1862. On C. S. S. Sealiird, battle of Roanoke Island, N.C.; wounded and captured; paroled February 12, 1862. Henderson, James L. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia, Resigned as commander, U, S, Navy, April 18, 18(il. Serv(!d in Virginia Navy. Commander C. S. Navy, June 10, 1861. Commander, October 23. 1862, to rank irom March 26, 1861, Commanding (Jloucester Point battery, York River, 1861. Army duty, 1863-64. 61 Henderson,* Nathaniel K. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surgeon for the war (nom- inated), February, 1864. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. CIticora, 1864. Henderson, Richard H. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Virginia. First lieutenant Marine Corps, April 16, 1861. Henley, John L. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, January 20, 1862. Hermier, H. Born in . Appointed Irom . Acting master's mate (nodatc). Acting master's miite Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1864. Hernandez, Thomas L. Born in . Appointed from . Pilot. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, October 27, 1861 ; detached, December 4, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Isondi/ja. Heron, ■William. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, Novem- ber 5, 1861. Reported for duty as second assistant engineer on C. !S. S. lied Hover, November 6, 1861. Herrick, S. S. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Assistant surgeon for the war, November 21, 1862. Assistant surgeon. May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile station, 1862-63. C. tt. S. Falmvtto State, 1864. Surrendered May 4, 186a; paroled May 10, 1865. Herring, Benjamin S. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly third assistant engineer, U.S. Navy. Original entry into C. S. Navy, .fuly 23, 1861. Second assistant engineer, August 13, 1863. First assistant engineer Provisional Nav v, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Virginia; participated in the battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. Naval works, Columbus, Ga.. 1862-63. C. S. S. Tennessee, 1863-64. Mobile Squadron, 1864; surrendered June 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Herring, Robert S. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer, August 1, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-64. Herriot,t Basil M. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant paymaster (nominated), May, 1864. Assistant ])aymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. * Found also Nathaniel P. and Nathaniel R. t Found also Ileriot, Harriot, and Ueirst. 62 Herty, James TV. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Formerly assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy. Assistant siirf>con (nominated), Febrnary 10, 1862. Passed assistant surgeon, (October 25, 1862. Passed assistant surgeon Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. Prisoner at Hampton Koads, 1861; paroled, 1862. C. S. S. Bichmond, 1862-63. C. S. S. llappahannock, 1863-64. C. S. S. Stonetvall, 1865. Hester, Joseph T. Horn in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, April 1, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Siatiter, 1862. Imprisoned at Gibraltar, for the murder of Mid- shipman Andrews, October 15, 1862. Hicks, James M. I>orn in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. AsBistant surgeon for the war, .lanuary 7, 1864, to rank from August 31, 1863. Assistant surgeon Pro- visional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Hicks, William A. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as acting midshipman, IT. S. Navy, March 7, 1861. Midshipman, April 22, 1861. Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Served on C. S. S. tSinnter, 1861. In charge of prize Joseph Maxwell, July 27, 1861. Prisoner, 1861. Hill, Caleb. Born in . Appointed from Mississippi. Assistant paymaster for the war (nominated), April 21, 1862. Hill, James C. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Albemarle, 1864. I Hill, Lewis R. IJorn in Virginia. Ap]»oiuted from Virginia. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from June 29, 1863. First Lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Savannah ; detached September 2, 1863. C. S. S. Torch, 1863-64. C. S. S. lUchmovd, 1865. Hines, 'Williani A. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in Hue of promotion I'ro- visioual Navy, June 2, 1864. Participated as pilot in torpedo expedition against the U. S. S. Minnesota, Ajjril 9, 1864. Special duty, 1864. Hinton, S. l?oru in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, Septem- ber 23, 1861. Hite, C. M. Born in Texas. Appointed from I'exas. Master not in line of promotion, December 18, 1863. Master not in line of jtromotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special duly, 1863-64. 63 Hodges, Euclid P. Born ill . Appoiuted from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Died, May 80, 1863, from effects of boiler explosion on C. S. 8. Chattahoochit. Hodges, John. Born in . Appointed from . Pilot. Served ou C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. Hogan, J. J. Born in . Appointed from . Acting carpenter (no date). Served on C. S. S. Savannah, May, 1863. Hoge, Francis Lyell. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly midshipman, V. S. Navy. Midshipman, June 25, 1861. Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from August 2.S, 1863. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct in the ca])- ture of U. S. gunboats Satellite and lielianve ou the Rappahannock Kiver, 23d day of August, 1863, to rank from that date." First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1862. Drewry's Bluff, 1S62-63. C.S.S. Eichmond, 1863-64. C. S. S. Neuse, 1864, Particiiiated in capture of U. S. S. Underwriter, February 2, 1864. Hogg, Thomas B. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in lino of promotion Pro- visional Navj', June 2, 1864. Ordered to the command of expedition for the cajiture of Pacific mail steamer, 1864. Hogue, William S. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida. Midshipman, November 24, 1862. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, St. Marks, Fla., 1862-63. Ordered to C. S. S. Inondiga, December 31, 1863; to C. H. S. lienolate, February 1, 1864. Savannah Squadron, 1863-64. C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1864. Holcomb, Isaac C. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, January ID, 1861. Acting midshipman, May 16, 1S61. Passed mid- shipman, Octolx-r 3, 1862, Master in line of promotion, January 7, 1864. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served ou C. S. S. Savannah, 1862-63. Special service abroad, 1863-64. Holden, John F. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, March 7, 1861. Midshipman, May, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Sumter, 1861. HoUins, George N. Born in Maryhmd. Appointed from Maryland. Formerly captain, U. S. Navy. Captain, June 22, 1861. Captain, October 23,1862, to iank from March 26, 1861. Naval defenses, James River, 1861. C. S. S. St. Nicholax, 1861. Conunandant naval station. Now Orleans, 1861-62. Commanding defenses alloat, Mississippi River and coast of Louisiana, 1862. 64 Hollins, George N., jr. Born in . Appointed from . Served in Maryland Zouaves, 1861. Second assistant engineer, C. S. Navy, November 1, 1861, Serving on steamer St. yicholas under command of Capt. George N. Hollins, when she captured prizes Monticcllo, Mary Pierce, and Margaret, iu Chesapeake Bay, June 29, 1861. Holly, Robert B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Ser.ved on C. S. S. iSelma; prisoner; asks for parole, April 27, 1864. Holmes, George. Born in Maine. Appointed from Florida. Resigned as second lieutenant U. Marine Corps, February 28, 1861. Captain, Marine Corps, March 29, 1861. Holt, Henry Clay. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Resigned as acting midship- man, U. S. Navy, April 20, 1861. Acting midshipman, June 24, 1861. Resigned. Joined Mississippi defense tieet as gunner on the Little Rebel, April 21, 1862. Served as lieutenant in the Army of the West from June 19, 1862; ordered to report for duty to the Governor of Tennessee, September 17, 1862. Homan, E. T. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Firefly, June 7, 1864. Hood, James (or John). Born in . Appointed from . Chief engineer, October 21, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Nashville, 1861. Hooker, Charles H. Born in . Appointed from . Lieutenant for the war (confirmed), April 29, 1863. Hoole, James Liugard. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Formerly niidsliipmau, IT. S. Navy. Acting midshipman, June 22, 1861. Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieu- tenant for the war, Februarys, 1862. Second lieutenant, Februarys, 1862. First lieutenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from August 5, 1863. First lieuttm- ant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Died August 5, 1S66. Served on C. S. S. Florida; reported October 13, 1862. April 29, 1864, ordered to return to the Confederate States and report to the Secretary of the Navy. Hopkins, . Officer of C. S. ram Albemarle, commanding party that burned U. S. mail boat Faivn in Albemarle Sound, September 9, 1864. Hopkins, Franklin. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer. Resigned, August 5, 1863. 65 Hopson, William. Boru in . Apjiointed from . Acting first assistant engineer, Sep- tember 15, 1861. Hornberger, P. J. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, November 1, 1861. Hough, W. D. Born in . Appointed from Maryland. Captain's clerk. Served on C. S. S.Florida, 1864; captured by U. S. S. Wachusett, Bahia, Brazil, October 7, 1864. Howard, George Aug. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Resigned as acting midsbip- nian, IJ. S. Navy, April 19, 1861. Acting midshipman, April 10, 1862. Resigned, March 18, 1863'. Mississippi defenses, 1862-63. Howell, Becket K. (or J.). Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Louisiana. Resigned as second lieuten- ant U. S. Marine Corps, March 1, 1861. First lieutenant Marine Corps, March 29, 1861. Captain Marino Corps, February 1, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Sumter, 1861. C. S. S. Alabama, 1863-64; transferred to the steamer Laurel. Howell, Jeff. D. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Midshipman, February 24, 1863. Midshipman, Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Cbarleston Squadron, 1863-64. Prisoner, Fort McHenry, May 23, 1865. Howie, W. R. Born in . Appointed from . Transferred from the C. S. Army. Act- ing master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, 1864. Captured February 20, 1865. * Hoyle, J. B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, October 22, 1861. Huck, Lew^is N. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, November 14, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1863-64. Hudgins, Albert Gallatin. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, March 11, 1861. Midshipman, April 15, 1861. Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieutenant for tbe war, February 8, 1862. Second lieu- tenant, February 8,1862. Second lieutenant, October" 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rauli from January 6, 1864. 2A— No. 8 5 66 Hudgins, Albert Gallatin — Continued. .Served on C. S. S. Sumlcr, 1861; ordered to take charge of prize brig Cuha, cap- tured July 4, 1861; captured at sea, 1861. C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-63. Partici- pated in expodition for the capture of U. S. steamers SateUile and BeUance, August 23, 1863. .Johnson's Island expedition, October, 1863. C. S. S. lialeif/h, 1863-64. Special duty, 1864. C. S. S. Bombshell ; captured in Albemarle Sound, May 5, 1864. C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2) ; detached January 23, 1865, and ordered to C. S. S. Richmond. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Hudgins, Lew^is M. r^orn in . Appointed from . Master not in lino of promotion, Jan- uary 11, 1862. Hudgins, Thomas Jeff. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Bombshell; captured in Albemarle Sound, May 5, 1864. Hudgins, William E. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia, Formerly in U. S. Revenue service. Original entry into C. S. Navy, May 26, 1863. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from May 26, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Savannah, 1863-64. Huger, Thomas B. Born in . Appointed frorA . Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, January 11, 1861. First lieutenant, March 28, 1861. Killed in battle, Ajiril 25, 1862. Commanding south end battery, Morris Island, S. C, 1861. C. S. S. McRae, 1861-62. Hughes, Benjamin F. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Gunner, October 20, 1862. Gun- ner Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Battery, Mobile, Ala., 1862-63. C. S. S. Florida, 1863-64. Hulse, Albert P. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master. Served on C. S. S. Manassas, which was destroyed April 24, 1862; escaped from C. S. S. Louisiana at the surrender of Forts .Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Serving as secretarv to Flag-Officer Farrand at the time of surrender, May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. Humphreys, Joshua. Born ill Pennsylvania. Appointed from Virginia. Lieutenant for the war, March 5, 1862. Gunboat duty, 1862-63. Hunt, Alex. T. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Midshipman, May 5, 1863. Midshipman l^rovisioual Navy, June 2, 1864. James liiver Sc^uadron, 1863-64. C. S. 8. Fredericksburg, 1864. 67 Hunt, Cornelius E. Born in . Appointed from Virginia. Acting master's mate. Served on C. S. S. Georgia, 1864. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Hunt, J. H. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, April, 1865. Hunter, Charles. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Second assistant engi- neer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. • Served on C. S. S. Palmetto iStatt, 1862-63. C. S. S. Juno, 1863-64. C. S. S. Helen, 1864. Johnson, W. J. Born in Appointed from Boatswain's mate. Participated in the caiiture of U. S. S. Water Witch, June 3, 1864. Johnson, Wilbur F. Born in . Appointed from Georgia. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, June 29, 1861. First lieutenant Marine Corps (no date;. Resigned, July 4, 1862. Johnston, E. J.* Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. First assistant engineer, April 29, 1862. Died October 14, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Atlanta, Savannah Siiuadron, 1862-63. Johnston, E. W. Born in Appointed from May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled. May 10, 1865. Acting master's mate. Surrendered, Johnston, James D. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, April 10, 1861. First lieutenant, April 13, 1861. First lieutenant, Octo- ber 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Commander Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from October 4, 1863. Served on C. S. S. liallic, 1862-63. C. S. S. Tennessee. 1863-64. Commanding in Mobile Harbor, 1864. Piisoner, September, 1864 ; paroled, May 10, 1865. Johnston, John. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. 2, 1863. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-64. * Also found Edward J. Johnson. Midshipman, May 72 Johnston, Oscar F. Born iu Virginia. Appointed from Tennessee. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, May 23, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Georgia, Savannah Squadron, 1862-63. Commanding C. S. S. Oconee when captured by U. S. S. Aladgie, August, 1863. C. S. S. Patrick Henri/, 1863-64. C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), James Kiver S(iuadron, 1864. Com- manding C. S. S. Peedee, Peedee River, S. C, November, 1864. Joiner, George A. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Midshipman, January 22, 1863. Midshipman Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. Passed midshipman (no date). Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1863-64. C. S. S. liichmond, 1864. Ordered to return to 0. S. S. Patrick Henry, June 26, 1864. Surrendered, May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled, May 10, 1865. Jollie, Edward. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, Jan- uary 23, 1862, Jones, C. Lucian. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Georgia. Original entry into the 0. S. Navy, November 29, 1862. Assistant paymaster, January 7, 1864, to rank from November 29, 1862. Assistant pavmaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Secretary to flag-officer commanding Savannah Squadron, 1863. C. S. S. Noi-th Carolina, 1863-64. C. S. S. Tallahassee, 1864. Jones, Catesby ap R. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, April 17, 1861. First lieutenant, June 10, 1861. Commander, April 29, 1863. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct as executive and ord- nance officer of steamer Virginia in the action in Hampton Roads on 8th March, 1862, and in the action at Drewry's Blulf, 15th May, 1862." Commander Pro- visional Navy (nominated to rank from May 13, 1864). Served on C. S. S. Virginia, 1862. C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1862-63. Naval ordnance works, Selma, Ala., 1863-64. Mobile Squadron, 1865. Paroled May 9, 1865, off Mobile, Ala., on board U. S. S. Stockdale. Jones, E. Holt. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surgeon (no date). Prisoner; released on parole off Elizabeth City, N. C, February 12, 1862. C. S. S. Savannah, 1863. Participated in the capture of the U. S. S. Water Witch, June 3, 1864. Jones, E. M. Born in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri. Midshipman, April 4, 1863. Mid- shipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1863-64. Jones, G. M. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, January 18, 1862. 73 Jones, J. Pembroke. Born in \' irginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Served in V^irginia Navy. First lieutenant, C. S. Navy, May 2, IXGl. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Ordered to command Pig Point battery, James Kiver, May 24, 1861. Command- ing Barrett's Point, Elizabeth Kiver, June, 1861. C S. S. (ieor, 1861. Lieutenant for tlio war, March 26, 1861. Commander for the war, October 23, 1862, to rank from May 6, 1862. Special service abroad, 1861-62. Northrop, James DeB. Born in Arkansas. Appointed from Arkansas. Midshipman, Ai)ril 27, 1863. Midshipman Provisional Navy, Juue 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Virqhiia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1864. Participated in the expedition for the capture of the U. S. S. Undenvriter, February 2, 1864. 102 Noyes, A. B. Born in New York. Appointed from Florida. Master not in line of promotion, November 28, 1861. Naval station, St. Marks, Fla., 1862-63. Nutter, Joseph (or James). Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Naval battery, Fort Hindman, Ark., 1863. O'Brien, Matthew. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Acting third assistant engi- neer, May 20, 1861-62. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Acting cliief engineer (appointed by Lieut. James I. Waddell, C. S. Navy), October 8, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Sumter, 1861. C. S. S. Alabama, 1863-64 ; engagement with the U. S. S. Kearsarge, June 19, 1864. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. O'Connell, John C. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Third assistant engineer, March 17, 1862. Second assistant engineer, May 21, 1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navv, .June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1862-65. C. S. S. Tennessee, 1863-64. Prisoner, August 5, 1864 • paroled May 10, 1865. Odenheimer, William H.* Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, April 16, 1862. Lieutenant for the war, March 6, 1863. Drewry's Bluff, 1862-63. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1863-64. Offutt, Z. A. Born in the District of Columbia. Appointed from Virginia. Gunner, July 11, 1861. Gunner Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Sick leave, 1862-63. C. S. S. Gaines, 1863-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. I Oliveira, William D. Born in . Appointed from . Master, September 3, 1863 (accept- ance). Acting master's mate, September 3, 1863 (a]ipointed by Flag-Officer W. W. Hunter, C. S. Navy). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Kated second-class pilot, August 29, 1864. Ordered to command the tender Besolute, September 14, 1863. Savannah Squad- ron, 1863-64. C. S. S. SaraJina//, April 18, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. i^e60??ttte, N. C, 1862-()3. Commanding naval force atloat, Savannah River, 1863. Com- manding naval station, Charlotte, N. C, 1863-64. Page, Thomas Jefferson. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly conunandcr, U. S. Navy. Served in Virginia Navy. Coinuiauder, C. S. Navy, June 10, 1861. ComniandtT October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Captain I'rovisional Navv, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 18()3. Gloucester Point battery, York River, 1861. Chapin's [Challin'sJ Bhill, .lames River, 1862-63. Ordered to command C. S. S. Stonewall, Doecmbor 17, 186^1; commanding when she was surrendered to Spauish authorities at Havana, May 19, 1865. Page, William M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly surgeon, U. S. Navy. Surgeon, August 28, 1862. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Waiting orders, 1862-63. C. S. S. Missouri, 1863-64. 104 Paisley, Hugh S. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surgeon for the war (nomi- nated), to rank from April 28, 1864. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Marion Court-House, S. C, 1864. Parker, C. M. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron, 1863-64 : Ordered to C. S. floating battery Georgia, January 16, 1864, for temporary duty; transferred for temporal y duty to C. S. S. Savan- nah , FehruaTj 1, 1864; relieved from C. S. S. Isondiga and ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, April 30, 1864. Parker, John H. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, January 23, 1862. Third assistant engineer, August 8, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. James River Squadron, 1862-65 : C. S. S. Beaufort, 1862-63 ; detached and ordered to Roanoke, August 8, 1863; C. S. steamers Roanohe and Frederickxhurq, 1864; C. S. S. Namemond, 1865. Parker, John Henry, Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, January 18, 1862. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Special duty, 1862-63. Special duty, Richmond, 1863-64. Parker, William H. Born in New York. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, TT. S. N.avy. First lieutenant, June 10, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rauk from October 2, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Beaufort ; participated in the battles of Roanoke Island, Feb- ruary 7-8, 1862, and Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1862-63. C. S. steamers FatricTc Henry and Richmond, James River Squadron, 1863-€4. Parrish, Lew^is. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, June 24, 1861. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1862-63. Commanding C. S. S. Drewry, 1863-64, C. S. S. Fredei-ichahurg, 1864-65. Parrish, William. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, October 14, 1861 (acceptance). Go8i»ort Navy-Yard, 1861. C. S. S. Merrimacl; ( Virginia), 1861. Parsons, E. C. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. Parsons, Milton T. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Louisiana; captured at tlie surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862; prisoner in Fort Warren, 1862. 105 Paschall (or Paacalle), J. A. Born in Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. C. S. S. Chickamauga, 1864. Patrick, H. C. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, August 25, 1862. Served on C. S. steamers Hampton and Richmond, James River Squadron, 1863-64. Patten, Edwin C. Born in . Appointed from . Formerly third assistant engineer, U. S. Navy. Second assistant engineer, October 8, 1861 (acceptance). Patterson, A. M. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, September 28, 1861 (acceptance). Patterson, William. Bom in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, Novembers, 1861 (acceptance). Patterson, 'William B. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Third assistant engineer, July 22, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Tennessee, 1864. Prisoner, August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay; paroled May 10, 1865. Patton, William P. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as surgeon, U. S. Navy, May 6, 1861. Surgeon, June 10, 1861. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Naval station, Charlotte, N. C; transferred to Charleston, September, 1862. Naval station, Charleston, 1864. Payne, John A. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Master not in line of promo- tion, August 27, 1862. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 18()4, to rank from May 25, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. James River Squadron, 1862-63. C. S, S. Gaines, Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Payne, William H. Born in . Appointed from . Midshipman (no date). Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Resigned as acting master's mate, December 20, 1864. Served on C. S. S. PatricTc Henry, 1864. Pearl, John M. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Assistant paymaster, .January 7, 1864, to rank from October 25, 1863. Assistant paymaster Provisit>nal Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1863-65 ; surrendered. May 4, 1865 ; paroled, May 10, 1865. id6 Pearson, .* Born in . Appointed from . Chief engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Georgia, 1862. Pearson, Charles G. Born in . Appointed from Florida. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 10, 1864 (not accepted). James River Stiuadron (in hosintal), 1864. Pearson, George B. Born in .South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Discharged from the C. S. Army, April 6, 1863. Master not in line of promotion, April 2, 1863. Charleston .station, 1863-64. Pearson, James M. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Resigned as midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 25, 1861. Acting midshipman, .July 8, 1861. Passed midshipman, January 8, 1864. Master in line of jiromotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 18tJ4. Served on C. S. S. Arctic, 1862-63. Charleston Squadron, 1863-64. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Pearson, John A. Born in . Apjiointed from Arkansas. First lieutenant Marine Corps (nominated), to rank from October 8, 1864. "Mr. John A. Pearson entered the Army as a private at the commencement of the war in the Third Arkansas Regiment, and subsequently enlisted in Third Louisiana Regiment. Has been in 13 battles, including Oak Hill, Elk Horn, Corinth, luka, and Chickamauga. Last served in Captain Nolaud's company of scouts." Peck, Charles S. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, April 18, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. North Carolina, 1863-64. C. S. S. Chickamauga, 1864. Peck, Frederick. Born in . Appointed from . Surgeon for the war (nominated and contirmeil). Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Halifax, N. C. Peck (or Peek), George M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in lino of promotion. May 30, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1863-64. Pegram, James W. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Served as midshipman, Virginia Navy. Acting midshipman. C. 8. Navv, July 17, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Nashville, 1861. C. S. S. Richmond, 1862-63. Abroad, 1863-64. *See Official Records Union and Confederate Navies, vol. 3, p. 738; also Scharfs History of the C. S. Navy, p. 803. 107 Pegram, Robert B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Served as commander in Virginia Navj% Lientenaut, C. S. Navy, Jnne 10, 1861. Commander for the war, Seiitember 13, 1862. Commander for tlie war, October 23, 1862, to rank from September 13, 1862. Commander Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 1863. Ordered to assume command of Norfolk station, April 18, 1861. Commanding batteries in Elizabeth River, 1861. Commanding C. S. S. Nashville, 1861-62. Commanding C. S. S. Bichmond, 1862-64. Commanding C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1861. Pelot, James. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surgeon. Served on C. S. privateer Lady Davis, 1861, South Carolina State service. Pelot, Thomas P. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as lieu- tenant, U. S. Navy, January 11, 1861. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Killed June 3, 1864, at the capture of the IT. S. S. Waier WUcli, Ossabaw Sound, Georgia. Commanding C. S. priAuteer Lad;i Davis at the capture of ship A. B. Thompson, May 21, 1861. C. S. S. Savannah, September 16, 1862. Naval station. Savan- nah, Ga., 1862-63. C. S. S. Oconee, 1863. Ordered to take charge of steamer Resolute, June 9, 1863. Commanding C. S. Heating battery Georgia, 1863-64. Pendleton, W. B. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line for i>romotion, December 14, 1861 (acceptance). Peple, G. A. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, July 20, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1863-64. Perrin, H. W. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisi.ana. Master not in line of promo- tion, February 18, 1862. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-63. Participated in Johnson's Island expedition, October, 1863. C. S. S. Tennessee, 1863-64. Prisoner, battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864. Perry, John. Born in . Appointed from . Acting boatswain (no date). "Formerly distinguished himself as one of the crew of tlio ram Virginia." Ordered to C. S. S. Macon, .luly 28, 1864. Ordered January 16, 18(ir), to duty at Shell Bluff, Savannah River; to command of same, March 20, 1865. I'artici- pated in expedition for the capture of U. S. S. Waier Witch, June 3, 1864. Peters, James A. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Arkansas. Resigned as acting midship- man, U. S. Navy, March 15, 1861. Acting midshipman, July 9. 1861. Served on C. S. S. i!;//i.s, 1861. C't^.'^. Scah\rd\ battle of Roanoke Island; cap- tured February 10, 1862; ])aroled February 12. 1862. C. S. S. Atlanta, 1862-63; captured, Juno 17, 1863, by IT. S. S. Wvehaivkcn. C. S. steamers Virginia (No. 2) and Bichmond, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. 108 Peters, "William H. Born in . Appointed from . Served in- Virginia Navy, 1861. Pay- master, C. S. Navy (no date). Gosport Navy-Yard, 1861. Pfister, Born in , Appointed from . Lieutenant. C.S.S. McHae', transferred to C.S.S. Louisiana, April 25, 1862; escaped at the surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Phelps, Jefferson. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Kentucky. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, May 24, 1861. Acting midshipman, July 8, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1862-63. Phillips, Din-wriddieB. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as passed assistant surgeon, U. S.Navy, May G, 1861. Surgeon, June 10, 1861. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Virfjinia; battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. C. S. S. Bivhmond, 1862-63. C. S. S. Tennessee, 1863-64. Phillips, Eugene. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Midshipman, March 19, 1863. MidshiiJUiau Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Phillips, John C. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Third assistant engineer, June 20, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Georgia, 1863-64 ; detached April 30, 1864, and ordered to report to Flag-Officer J. R. Tucker, at Charleston, S. C. Phillips, John L. Born In Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Master not in line of promotion, November 2, 1861 (acceptance). Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from May 25, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. tioating battery New Orleans; reported for duty at New Orleans, November 4, 1861. C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. C. S. S. Gaines, Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Special duty, Shreveport, La., 1864. Commanding C S. S. Webb, Red River, 1864. PhiUips, William H. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, August 8, 1861 (acceptance). Philpot, T. N. Born in , Appointed from . Pilot. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, November 27, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Macon, November 29, 1864. Pierce, J. C. Born in . Appointed from . Acting second assistant engineer, June 25, 1861 (acceptance). 109 Pierce, Joseph. Born in . Appointed from . Master ship carpenter, Norfolk Navy- Yard, 1861. Acting naval constructor, September 17, 1«61, Superintended construction of C. S. S. Misbwsipin at New Orleans, 1861. Selma, Ala., 1863-64. ' Pinckney, R. E. Born in Texas. Appointed from Texas. Midshipman, April 29, 1863. Midship- man Provisional Navy, .Jnne 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, James River Squadron, 1863-64. Pinckney, Roger. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Acting midshipman, October 11, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Drewry's Blurt", 1862-63. C. S. steamers Patrick Henry and Virginia (No. 2), James Eiver Squadron, 1863-64. n \ J> Pinckney, Thomas C. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Acting midshipman, December 20, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, .Juno 2, 1864. Served on C. S. R. S. United .states, 1862. C. S. steamers Patrick Henry and Xanse- mond, James River Squadron, 1862-64. Pinkney, Robert F. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Resigned as commander, U. S. Navy, April 23, 1861. Commander, June 24, 1861, to rank from March 26 1861 Captain Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Livinf/sfon, Mississippi and Louisiana defenses, 1862. Special duty, 1862-63. Commanding C. S. S. Savannah, 1863-64; order dated July 20 1863 ; detached April 12, 1864. Commanding naval defenses of North Carolina^ lo64. Pinkney, William E. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Resigned as acting midshipman U. S. Navy, January 25, 1861. Acting midshipman. May 8, 1861. Resigned Juarch 18, 18oo. Pitts, Lorenzo.* Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate {no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Albemarle. Place, Francis L. Born in . Appointed from . Midshipman (no date). Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Passed midshipman I'rovisional Navv (no date). ^ ^ Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1864. C. S. S. Frederickaburg, 1865, Poindexter, Carter B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, June 10, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862. to raiik from October 2, 1862. Norfolk Navy-Yiird, 1861. Suspended, 1863. Naval defenses, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-64. Commanding floating battery Arctic, 1864. * Found also L. D. Pitt 110 Pollock, 'William Winder. Born in New York. Appointed from Maryland. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, March 6, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Muiitsville, 1863-61. Savannali station, 1861. C. S. S. Macon, temporarily, September 8, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Boanoke, James River Squadron, 1865. Porcher, Philip. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Kesigued as lieuten- ant, U. S. Navy, February 2, 1861. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1862-63. Commanding C. S. S. Juno, 1863-64. Lost at sea, in command of the steamer Helen, carrying cotton from Charleston, to Nassau, N. P. Porter, Charles E. Born in . Appointed from Maryland. Transferred from C. S. Army. Gunner, December 24, 1863. Gunner Provisional Navy, .Tune 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Xeuse, 1863-64. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. C. S. S. Eichmond, 1865. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Porter, Ira W, Born in -. Appointed from . Gunner (no date). Gunner Provis- ional Navy, June 2, 1864. Surrendered, Mobile, Ala., May 4, 1865 ; paroled May 10, 1865. Porter, John L. Born in . Appointed from . Formerly naval constructor, U. S. Navy. Chief naval constructor, January 7, 1864. Norfolk Navy- Yard, 1861-62. Richmond, Va., 1862-64. Porter, Sidney D. Born in . Appointed from . Naval constructor (no date). Porter, Thomas Kennedy. Boru ill Tennesst'6. Appointed from Tennessee. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, July 13, 1863. First lieutenant, Janiuiry 7, 1864, to rank from Octol>er 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, December 18, 1863. C. S. S. North Carolina, 1863-64. Abroad, 1864. Porter, W. G. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Porter, William D. Boru in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland Discharged from Forty-sixth Virginia, Volunteers to ac(e]>t ajipoiiitment as acting master's mate, April, 1862. Master not in line of ])rom()ti()n, Angnst 27, 1^62. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Charleston, S. C, 1862-63.- C. S. S. Eichmond, James River Squad- ron, 1864. Prisoner, 1865. Ill Postell, William R. Uoin m . Apjioiutod from . Formerly passed midshipmuii, V. S. Navy. Commaiulinff Confederate privateer Jefferson Davis in July, 1801. (See Naval Records, vol. 5, pp. 7«7, 794.) Powell, Robert C. Born iu Virginia. Appointed from Kentucky. Assistant surgeon for the war, January 8, 18G3. Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon I'ro- visional Navv, June 2, 1864. Naval Hospital, Mobile, Ala., 1863-64. C. S. S. Tuscaloosa, 1864. Surn-ndered May 4, 1865 ; paroled May 10, 1865. Po-well, William L. Born in . Appointed from . Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, June 11, 1861. Resigned November 25, 1861. Appointed colonel of artillery Provisional Army, C. is., November 21, 1861, and assigned to command of the fortiticatious at the entrance of Mobile Bay. Power, Patrick. Borniu . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Actiu* master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Pratt, Julius A. Born iu . Appointed from Louisiana. Master not iu line of promotion, August 14, 1861 (acceptance). Lieutenant for the war (nominated), February, 1863. Resigued, January 27, 1864. Selma, Ala., 1862-63. Pratt, T. St. George. Born iu . Appointed from . Second lieutenant Marine Corps (no date). Ordered, August 1, 1864, to "report to Commander T. \V. Brent for duty on board the C. S. S. Savannah." Preble, Joseph. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Octo- ber 5, 1861 (acceptance). Served on C. S. S. Fontchartrain, 1862-63; naval battery, Fort Hindman, Ark., 1863; captured January 11, 1863; prisoner at Fort Warren. Mobile Squadron; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Price, John R. Born iu Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, January 16, 1861. Acting midshipman, June 12, 1861. Passed midshipman, October 3, 1862. Master in line of promotion, January 7, 1864. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 18tj4. Served on llo.iting battery Arctic, 1.S62-63. Special service, 1863-64. C. S. S. Florida, 1864. C. S. S. Sanqjson, Maich 22, 1865. Price, Joseph. Born in . Appointed from North Carolina. Formerly in the V. S. Revenue Service; afterwards as lieutenant C. S. Army, and in privateer service. Lieu- tenant for the war, ('. S. Navy, May 5, 1863. I'Mrst lientcnnut Provisional Navy, June 2, 1861, to rank from January 6, 1864. Commandtr Provisional Navy, July 12, 1864. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious couduct in the capture of the enemy's steam sloop ifaler Witch in Ossabaw Sound on the 3d of June, 1864, to rank from the 12th day of July, 1864." 112 l»rice, Joseph — Continued. Served on C. S. floating battery Georgia, Savannah Squadron, 1863-f?4; detached May 14, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Sampson; detached July 21, 1864 ; ordered to temporary command of C 8. S. Sampson, August 29, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Ifeuse, in Neuse River, 1864. Pritchard, D. H. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, May 21,1863. Second assistant engineer Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Morgan, 1863-64. Sick leave, 1864. Pryde, N. B. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (promoted from petty officer by Lieutenant C. W. Read, C. S. Navy). Served on C. S. S. i'Vorirfa, 1863. Clarence-Tacony- Archer expedition; captured; prisoner at Fort Preble, Me., June 27, 1863. Pundt, John W. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Alabaiiia ; prisoner, June 19, 1864. Purse, William C. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, Savannah Squadron, March 21, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Savannah, November 29, 1864. Quigley, Howell. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer (no datej. First assistant engineer (no date). Naval battery. Fort Hindman, Ark., 1863. Mobile Squadron, 1864; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Quinn, Charles W. Born in . Appointed from South Carolina. Second assistant engineer, 1862. First assistant engineer (no date). Acting chief engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862-64; detached on account of sickness, June, 1864; ordered to report to the Secretary of the Navy. Quinn, Michael. Born in Ireland. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly chief engineer, U. S. Navy. Chief engineer, June 10, 1861. Chief engineer, October 23, 1862, to ranli from October 2, 1862. Chief engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Gosport Navy- Yard, 1861-62. Transferred from Richmond to Savannah, May 13, 1862. Naval station, Savannah, Ga., 1862-63. Naval station, Richmond, Va., 1863-64. C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), 1864. Quinn, William. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting third assistant engineer, June 17, 1861 (acceptance). Second assistant engineer, September 24, 1862. Dismissed May 19, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Teaser; ])attle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862; com- mended by commanding officer. C. S. S. Torpedo, 1862-63. Dismissed May 19, 1863. 113 Raabe, John. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner May 15, 1863. Gunner Pro- visional Navy, June 2, lH6i. Naval station, Savannah, Ga., 1863-64. Ramsay, Henry Ashtou. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly first assist- ant engineer, U. S. Navy. Engineer, .Juno 10, 1861. Acting chief engineer, December 2, 1861. Chief engineer, Octobui 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Gosport Navy- Yard, 1861. C. S. S. Virginia; battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. Naval works, Charlotte, iST. C, 1862-64. Ramsay, John F. Born in England. Appointed from England. (Formerly in British East India service; recommended by Maury.) Original entry into C. S. Navy, June !), 1863. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from June !», 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Rappahannock, 1863-64. Abroad, 1864; ordered to sail in com- mand of steamer Laurel, October 8, 1864. Ramsay, R. M. Born in . Appointed from Tennessee. Second lieutenant. Marine Corps, October 28, 1861 (acceptance). Dismissed, July 9, 1862. Ramsey, J. N. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Third assistant engineer, Sep- tember 21, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. Randolph, Victor M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as captain, U. S. Navy, January 14, 1861. Captain, March 26, 1861. Captain, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Commandant navy-yard, Pensacola, 1861. Commanding naval defenses, Mobile. 1862. "Waiting orders." (Registers of 1863 and 1864.) Raney, David G., jr. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida. Second lieutenant. Marine Corps, April 22, 1861. First lieutenant, Marine Corps (nominated), to rank from November 22, 1861. Mobile Squadron, 1864; prisoner; paroled May 10, 1865. Ranger, Frank. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master (no date). Naval battery, Fort Hindman, Ark., 1863. Rapier, John L. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Second lieutenant. Marine Corps, July 11, 1863. Drowry's Blurt', 1863-64. Prisoner, 1864. Mobile Squadron. Surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. 2A— No. 8 8 114 Katcliif, James B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting midshipman, July 12, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Passed midshipman (no date). Served on C. S. S. Selma, 1862-63. Naval station, Selnia, Ala., 1862-63. C. S. steamers Patrick Henry, Fredericksburg, Beaufort, Nansemond, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Ray, Henry "W. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Original entry into the C. S. Navy, May 25, 1863. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from May 25, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Chicora, Charleston Squadron, 1863-64. Read, Charles W. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Resigned as midshipman, ■ U. S. Navy, February 4, 1861. Acting midshipman, April 13, 1861. Actinia- master, September 24, 1861. Lieutenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Mcllae; assumed command on the death of Huger, April 25, 1862. C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. C. S. S. Florida; reported November 4, 1862. Took command of Clarence-Tacony-Archer expedition May 6, 1863; captured June 27, 1863. Commanding C. S. S. ll'ebb, when destroyed near New Orleans, April 24, 1865. Read, Edmund Gaines. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly midshipman, U. S. Navy. Acting midshipman, .June 11, 1861. Acting master, September 24, 1861. Lieu- tenant for the war, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from August 24, 1863. First lien- tenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Baltic, 1862-63. Special service abroad, 1863-64. C. S. S. Stonewall, 1865. Read, J. Laurens. Born in . Api)ointed from . Acting assistant paymaster (no date). Died August 30, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862. Read, Jacob. Born in . Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as first lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps, February 28, 1861. Captain, Marine Corps (no date). Dis- missed, February 1, 1863. Read, N. M. ' Bom in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Assistant surgeon for the war, November 26, 1862, Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Pro- visional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. J'onichartrain, naval battery, Fort Hindman, Ark., 1862-63. Mobile Squadron, 1863-65; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled, May 10, 1865. Read, 'William "W. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 23, 1861. Served as midshipman, Virginia Navy. Acting midshii)man, C. S. Navy, June 11, 1861. Passed midshipman, October 3, 1862. Master in line of promotion, January 7, 1864. .Second lieu- tenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. R. S. United States, Gosport Navy- Yard, 1861. C. S. steamers Patrick Henry, Richmond, Nansemond, James River Squadron, 1862-65. 115 Reardon, Simeon B. Born in Arkansas. Appointed from Arkansas. Resigned as midsliipman, U. S. Navy, class of 1856. Assistant jtaymaster, February 26, 1863. Assistant pay- master Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval ordnance works, Selma, 1863-64. Reushaw, Francis B. Born in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Florida. Resigned as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, January 22, 1861. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Commander Provisional Navy (nominated), to rank from May 13, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Jackson, 1862, Army duty, 1862-63, Naval defenses, Mobile, 1864. Ordered to command C, S, K. S, Dalmon, February 5, 1864. Reynolds, . Born in , Appointed from , Midshipman, (Ordered to proceed in steamer Junaluska to Roanoke Island and report to T. T. Hunter for instructions. ) Ordered from C. S. R. S. United States, September 2, 1861, Rich, Jabez C. Born in , Appointed from Virginia. Formerly captain, U. S. Marine Corps. Captain, Marine Corps, October 26, 1861 (acceptance). Dropped, October 10, 1862. Richardson, Wilson G. Born in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Assistant paymaster, October 18, 1862. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steamers Selma and Alert, 1863-64. Ricker, F. R. H. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, October 7, 1861 (acceptance). Riddle (or Ridle), W, P. Bom in . Appointed from , Acting first assistant engineer, July 1, 1861 (acceptance). Sick leave, 1864. Riddle, William H. Born in , Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, November 9, 1861 (acceptance). Ridgely, T. G. Bom in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri. Original entry into C.S. Navy, October 3, 1863. Assistant paymaster, January 7, 1864, to rank from October 3, 1863. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1863-64. Ridle, Charles W. Born in , Appointed from , Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1864. 116 Riely, J. H. Born in . Appointetl from . Acting third assistant engineer, January 11, 1862 (acceptance). Righter, C. W. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, August 19, 1861 (acceptance). Riley, James. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Sei'ved on C. S. S. McBae; transferred to C. S. S. Louisiana, April 25, 1862; escaped at the surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Riley, James A. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1864. Ritchie, George H. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as paymaster, U. S. Navy, April 29, 1861. Paymaster, Octo)>er 11, 1861. Paymaster, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Kesigned. Settling accounts, Charlotte, N. C, 1862-64. Robb, Robert G. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly commander, IT. S. Navy. Served in the Virginia Navy. Commander, C. S. Navy, June 10, 1861. Com- mander, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Commanding naval defenses, Rappahannock Kiver, 1861. Naval works, Rich- mond, 1862-63. Commanding navy-yartl, Rocketts, 1863-65. Robbins, "W. A. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, October 25, 1861 (acceptance). Special duty. New Orleans. Roberts, H. H. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Third assistant engineer, February 19, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, Jnue 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Raleigh, 1863-64. Naval defenses. North Carolina, 1864, C. S. S. Tallahassee, 1864. Roberts, Henry. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Original entry into C. S. Navy, July 21, 1863. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from July 21, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from Januarv 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. North Carolina, 1863-64. C. S. S. Richmond, 1864. C. S. S. Bomhshdl; captured in Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, May 5, 1864. Roberts, J. DuBose. Born in . Appointed from South Carolina. Formerly a sergeant Hampton's Legion. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, June 9, 1864. Battery Buchanan, November, 1864. i 117 Roberts, Samuel M. Ijoiti in Pennsylvania. Appointed from Louisiana. Second lieutenant Marine Corps, April 8, 1863. Served on schooner (iallego, 1863-64. Detached from Battery Senimes and ordered to C. S. S. liichmond, James Kiver Squadron, November 13, 1864. C. S. S. Richmond, 1865. Roberts, William W. Born ill North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as lieuten- ant, r. S. Navy, May 19, 1860. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 1864, to rank from August 26, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June '2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Charleston, 1863-64. Commanding C. S. S. I'orjicdd, James Kiver Squadron, 1865. Robertson, Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate. Battery Brooke, 1864. Robinett, James T. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Alhemarh, 1864. Robinson, A. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Janu- ary 7, 1864. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special duty, 1863-64. Robinson, "W. Russell. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, Juno 20, 1864 (appointed by Flag-Officer W. W. Hunter). Savannah Squadron, 1864. Robinson, William. Born in . Ai)pointed from . Carpenter, July 26, 1861. Died of wounds received June 111, 1864. Served on C. S. S. SumUr, 1861. C. S. S. Alabama; engagement with the U. S. S. Kearsarge, June 19, 1864. Robinson, William. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner, March 1, 1862 (aiipointod by Capt. J. E. Montgomery), Mississippi Kiver Defense Fleet. Served on C. S. S. Stonewall Jackson. Robinson, William F. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as acting midshi]>ni,iii. U. S. Navy, January 16, 1861. Acting midshipman, June 12, 1861. I'assed midshi[iman, October 3, 1862. Master in lino of promotion, January 7, 1864. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 7, 1864. Mississippi defenses, 18()2-63. Mobile Squadron, 1863-65. I'risoner, August, 1861 ; paroled May 10, 1865. Roby, Francis M. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, January 1(5, 1861. Acting midshipman, May 8, 1861. Secondlieu- tenant, January 7, 1864, to rank from August 23, 1863. Frst lieutenant Provi- sional Navy, June 2, 1864, to ranlc from January 6, 1864. Army tlutv, naval battery. Fort Hindman, Arlc., 1862-63. Johnson's Island expe- dition, October, 1863. C. S. S. Ealeigh, 1863-64. C. S. S. Albemarle, 1864; engagement with U. S. vessels in Albermarle Sound, N. C, May 5, 1864. C. S. S. Chickamauga, 1864. Roche, James R. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Batteries, Aquia Creek, 1862. Rochelle, James H. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Served as lieutenant in the Virginia Navy. First lieutenant, C. S. Navy, June 6, 1861. First lieutenant. Octohf-r 1.'8, 186>, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, .liinc 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Teaser, James River Squadron, 1861. C. S. S. Nansemond, 1863-64. Charleston Squadron, 1863-64. Abroad, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1864-65. C. S. S. TVehb, 1865. Rodgers, M. F. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, Sep- tember 19, 1863 (acceptance). Rodman, B. F. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer (no date). First assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Virginia (No. 2), 1864. C. S. S. Bichmond, 1865. Rodman, James F. Born in . Appointed from . Acting midshipman, August 24, 1861. Resitrned August 20, 1862. Rodman, T. J. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Midshipman^ August 24, 1861. Mississipiii defenses. Rogers, "W. M. Born in Alabama Appointed from Alabama. Third assistant engineer, July 6, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. y)«//ic, 1863-61. C.^.S. Tctinessee, 1864. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. Rollins, Jos. E. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Hampton, James Kiver Squadron, 1864. RoUins, Stephen. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting gunner, February 1, 1862. Resigned June 24, 1863. 119 Rootes, George M. Boru in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Served on C. S. S. Frederickabury, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Rootes, Lawrence M. Born in Virn;inia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting midshipman, July 31, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Passed midshipman Provisional Navy (no date). Served on C. S. S. Virginia, 1862, as aid to Flag-Ofiicer Buchanan. Naval works, Atlanta, Ga., 1862-6.3. C. S. steamers Patrick Henry and Fredericksburg, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Semmes Naval lirigade, 1865. Rootes, Thomas R. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly commander, T\ S. Navy. Served in the Virginia Navy. Commander, C. S. Navy, June 10, 1861. Com- mander, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Commander Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 1863. Ordered to command frigate United States, as receiving ship, Norfolk, April 2tt, 1861. Special duty, 1862-1864. Commanding C. S. S. Fredericksburg, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Rootes, Thomas R., jr. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, December 22, 1862. Special duty, 1862-63. Rose, "Walter. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, Decemtier 16, 1863 (acceptance). Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1863-64. Rosier, John A. Born in , Appointed from , Acting master's mate, July 17, 1x63. Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. -SampKon, July 17, 1863; participated in the capture of U. S. S. Water Witch, June 3, 1864. Ross, R. M. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Nanscmond, 1864. C. S. S. Tallaliaanee, 1864. Roup, Oliver. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, January 23, 1862 (acceptance). Rousseau, Law^rence. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Resigned as captain, U. S. Navy, Februarv 11, 1861. Original entry (;. S. Navy. March 26, 1861. Captain, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1S61. ConStructicm and equipment of vessels. New Orleans, 18()1. Selma, Ala., 1862-63. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. Routh, James E. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no dateV Ordered to James River Squadron, October 5, 186-1. 0. S. S. Fredericksburg, 1865. 120 Rowe, A. V. Bom in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no dato). Served on C. S. 8. Nansemond, 1864-65; detached February 15, 1865, and ordered to the C. S. S. Beaufort. Rowe, William R. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate, Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Beaufort, James River Squadron, 1864. Ruggles, Edward S. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, March 18, 1861. Midshipman, November 15, 1861. Resigned July 8 1863 Mobile sliuadron, 1862-63. Ruggles, * Mortimer B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Served as midshipman, Virginia Navy. Midshipman, C. S. Navy, July 17, 1861. Resigned April 27, 1863. Army duty, 1862-63. Runyan, William B. Born in . Appointed from Florida. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, to rauk from November 4, 1864. "Mr. Rnnyan has served in the Army from the beginning of the war. Entered as a private and rose to the rank of liist lieutenant; was badly wounded in the retreat irom Lookout Mountain; has been in most of the battles fought by the Army of the Tennessee." (President's Message, November 9, 1864.) Russell, Charles. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, .Tune 2, 1S64. Participated in expedition to capture IT. S. steamers Satellite and lieliance, under Lieut. John Taylor Wood, August 23, 1863. C. S. S. Roanoke, James River Squadron, 1864. C. S. S. Tallahassee, 1864. Russell, J. T. Born in . Appointed from . First assistant engineer, February 21, 1862. Resigned November 24, 1862. Rustic, John T. Born in . Appointed from . Formerly carpenter, U. S. Navy. Carpenter, June 11, 1861. Carpenter Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval works, Selma, 1862-63. Rutherford, John B. Borii in Mississippi. Appointed from Mississippi. Assistant surgeon for the war, .lannary 7, 1864. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval hospital, Savann-ah, Oa., 1864. * Found also William B. 121 Rutledge, John. Bom in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Resifjned as lieuten- ant, U.S. Navy, February 23, 1861. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1862-64. Sick leave, 1864. Sage, B. J. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Master not in lino of promotion, October 16, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special service, 1863-64. Sale, 'William D. Born in . Appointed from Missouri. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy (nominated), November, 1864. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Sandford, John "W, Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Formerly assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy. Passed assistant surgeon, June 26, 1861. Passed assistant Burgeon, September 17, 1862, to rank from September 13, 1862. Passed assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. , Naval station. Savannah, 1862-63. Naval hospital, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-64. Saunders, Palmer. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting midshipman, August 14, 1861. Killed February 2, 1864, at the capture of U. S. S. Underwriter. Served on C. S. S. Chieora, 1862-63. Savage, William H. Born in . Appointed from Maryland. Acting master's mate, .January 25, 1865. Served on C. S. S. Stonewall, 1865. Sawyer, Francis. Born in . Appointed from . Boatsvrain, 1862. Served on C. S. S. NashrUle, 1861-62. "I have tbe pleasure to report that Mr. Sawyer, the acting boatswain, has, by his unexceptional con1. Passed midshipman, October 3, 1862. Master in line of promotion, January 7, 186^1. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. C. S. S. Atlanta, 1862-63. Si)ecial serv- ice, 1863-64. Charleston Siiuadrou, 1864. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. 122 Scanlin, "William. Boru in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, December 5, 1861 (acceptance). Served on C. S. floating battery 2\ew Orleana ; reported for duty December 5, 1861. Scharf, John Thomas. Boiu in Missouri. Appointed from Missouri. Midsliipnian, June 20, 1863. Mid- shipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Chattahooclne, 1863-64. Participated in capture of the U. S. S. Underwriter, February 2, 1864. Detached, December 8, 1864, from steamer Water Witch and ordered to C. 8. S. Stttiqjso)!, Savannah Squadron. Ordered to Rich- mond, December 30, 1864, for duty on C. S. S. Patrick Henry. Schneidan, Gustavus A. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Octo- ber 19, 1861 (acceptance). Served on floating battery Memphis (no date). Schroeder, J. Charles. Boru in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. First assistant engineer, June 20, 1861. Engineer, July l."i. 1S62. Chief engineer, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Chief engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on steamer <^^ Nicholas, Chesapeake Bay, 1861. Johnson's Island expedi- tion, October, 1863. C. S. S. Richmond, 1862-63. C. S. S. Chickamautja, 1864. James River Squadron, 1864. Abroad, 1864. Schroeder, Julius. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Served on C. S. S. Alabama; engagement with U. S. S. Kearsarge, June 19, 1864. Schwartzman, Adolphus J. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Third assistant engineer, April 30, 1863. Tliird assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Juno, 1863-64. Charleston Squadron, 1864. C. S. S. Freder- icksburg, James River Squadron, 1865; detached February 15, 1865, and ordered to C. S. S. Nansemond. Scott, Henry H. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Acting midship- man, January 10, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, .lune 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Morgan, 1862-63. C. S. steamers I'atrick Henry, Virginia (No. 2), and Richmond, James River S(|uadron, 1864. C. S. S. Webb when destroyed at New Orleans, April 24, 1865 Scott, W. -W. Boru in . Appointed from . Transferred from C. S. Army. Acting first assistant engineer, August 8, 1861 (acceiitance). Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862. Seay, M. M. Born in . Appointed from Tennessee. Assistant paymaster, April 23, 1862. Assistant ])aymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1S64. Served on C. S. S. lialtic, 1862-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala.; paroled May 10, 1865. 123 Selden, C. M. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Tennessee. Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navj', June 2, 18(>i. Claarleston Squadron, 1864-65. C. S. S. Indian Chief, 1865. Semmes, Raphael. Born in Slaryland. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as commander, U. S. Navy, February 15, 1861. Coininander, March 26, 1861. Captain, .Tuly 15, 1X62. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct in capturing and destroying the enemy's coumierce on the liigh seas, whilst in coriimand of th«^ steamier Sumter." Captain, August 25, 1862, to rank from August 21, 1862. Captain Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from May 13, 1S()3. Ordered to command ('. S. S. .SMm/rr April 18, 1861, which he commamlcd till her abandonment at Gibraltar, April 13, 18(j2. Commanding C S. S. Alabama from August 20, 1862, till her destruction by the U. S. 8. Kearsarge, off Cherbourg, P"'rance, .June 19, 1861. Assumed coniniand of .lames liiver Si ; con- tined in I'ort Lafayette ; tran.sferred to Fort Warren, .September 17, 1861. Com- manding C. S. S. Torpedo, 1865. Smith, Robert. IJorn in . Appointed from . Boatswain (no date). Ke.sigued .Sep- tember 4, 1863. Smith, Robert. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer (no date). Resigned. Served on C. S. S. Georgia. Smith, Robert J. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Savannah, May 2, 1864. Smith, W. W. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate, Xoveinlier !•, 1861; roporteil for duty November 11, 1861. Acting master, January (i, 1862; rejxjrted for duty at Columbus, Ivy., January 13, 1862. C. S. S. lied Rover, 1862. Smith, William. Born in . Appointed from . ."^econd assistant engineer (no date). Ordered on special service to Sliieveport, La., with Lieut. J. L. J^hillips (January, 1864). C. S. S. He^ft, 1865. Prisoner; paroled May, 1865. Smith, William. 15orn in . Appointed from South Carolina. First assistant engineer (uo date). Served on C. .S. S. NashviUe, 1861. Smith, William. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of i)roinotion, .Ian- nary 4, 1862 (aece}»tance). Served on C. S. S. Ocunee; executive officer. I'risoner, August 20, 1863; confined on U. S. S. Madgic. Smith, William. Born in . Appointed from . Boatswain, .luno 15, 1861 (aeteptauee). 2a— Xo. 8 9 130 Smith, William. Born in . A])point(Ml from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Captured at sea August 20, 1863; confined at Point Lookout, Md. C. S. steamers Drewnj, J'irScxuadrou, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Georgia, September 15, 1863. Sothorou, Marshall L. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant paymaster (nominated^, January, 1864. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1864. Sparks, Gale W. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Resigned as acting midship- man, U. S. Navy, April 25, 1861. Acting midshipman, July 8, 1861. Passed midshipman, January 8, 1864. Master in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mississippi defenses, 1862-63. Mobile Sc^uadrou, 1863-64. Charleston Squadron, ■ 1864. Spencer, Julian Murray. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Kesigned as acting midship- man, U. S. Navy, May 16,1861. Lieutenant Jbr the war, September 13, 1862. Second lieutenant, February 6, 1863, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .lauuarv 6, 1864. Drewry's l'.luff, 1862-63. C. S. S. lUiUic, 1863-64. Surrendered May 4, 1865, Mobile, Ala. ; paroled May 10, 1865. 131 Spidell, John. Boru in . Appoiiit(^cl from Alabivma. Third assistant enpfineer (do date). First assistant engineer (actiiig chief), (uo date). C. S. S. NaahviUe, 1861; commended by commanding officer. C. S. S. Florida. 1862-63. Spotswood, Charles P. M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, T\S. Xavy. Served as commander, Virginia Navy. First lieutenant. C. S. Navy, June 10, 1861. Commander, February 13, 1863, to rank from August 25, 1862. Served on C. S. S. I'alrick Henry, 1862-63. Recruiting service, 1863-64. Spots-wood, 'William A. W. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Florida. Resigned as surgeon, U.S. Navy, January 19, 1861. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rauk from March 26, 1861. Chief Bureau of Medicine aud Surgery, 1862-64. Spraggins, Richard N. Born in . Apjiointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate ProA isional Navy, .Tune 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Frcdcricksbxrfj, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Stafford, James M. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as acting midshipman, IT. S. Navy, April 25, 1861. Acting midshipman, July 16, 1861. Resigned May 24, 1862. Served on C. S. S. Fllis, 1861. Stanton, Clarence L. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, April 28, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rauk from Janu- ary 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Ghickamauga, Charleston Squadron, 1863-64. Steinreide, James. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Assistant surgeon for the war, August 22, 1862. Resigned February 17, 1863. Mississippi defenses, 1862-63. Sterett, James S. Boru in . Ap}>ointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Naval battery, Camp Pickens, 1861. Sterling, Niel H. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Acting midshipman, August 24, 1861. Drewry's Bluft', 1862-63. Sterrett, Isaac S. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Resigned as captain, V. 8. Navy, April 23, 1861. Captain, ,)uuo 10, 1861. Captain, October 23, 1862, to rauk from March 26, 1861. Participated in conlerence of officers held May il, 1862, at Norfolk, regarding the C. S. S. Firginia (Naval Records, vol. 7, p. 336). Waiting orders (registers of 1863 and 1864). 132 Stevens, Henry K. Born iu Connecticut. Aijpointcd from Florida. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Lieutenant, November 2ti, 1861 (acceptance). Killed in battle September, lb!62. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. Stewart, David. Born iu . Appointed from . Acting gunner Provisional Navy (no date). Served on C. S. S. I'irqinia (No. 2), 1864. Ordered to temporary duty under Lieut. J. Taylor Wood, July 3, 1864. C. S. S. Tallahassee, 1864. Stiles, Edward C. Born in Pennsylvania. A])pointed from Missouri. Original entrj^ into the C. S. Navy, May 26, 1863. Lieutenant lor the war, January 7. 1864, to rank from May 25, 1863. Special service, 1863-64. Stiles, Randolph R. Born in . Appointed from Georgia. Entered Confederate service as a private iu the Richmond Howitzers July 20, 1861. Wounded at battle of Cold Harbor, June, 1863. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy (no date). Served on C. S. S. Bichmoncl, 1865. Stoakley (or Stoakly), William S. Born in North Carolina. A])poiuted from North Carolina. Assistant surgeon for the war May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron, 1862-64. Stockton, Edward Canty.* Born in Flwida. Appointed from Florida. Dismissed as lieutenant, U. S. Navy, June 30, l>1. Lien- tenant lor the war, February 8, 1862. Killed in Ijattle of Hampton Koads, March 8, 18(>2. " Ho fell gallantly upholding bis country's liag and died with heroic composure." C. S. S. liahlgh, 1862. Taylor, Algernon S. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly captain, U. S. Marine Corps. Quartermaster Marine Corps, with rank of major, December 4, 1861. Richmond, Va., 1864. Taylor, George. Born in . Appointed from ■ . Captain's clerk. Surrendered, April 28, 1862. Taylor, Richard. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Served as paymaster, Virginia Navy. Assistant paymaster, C. S. Navy, September 21, 1861. Paymaster, January 7, 1864, to rank from October 2.5, 1863. Paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. C. S. S.^Vas/iri/Ze, 1861. Gosport Navy-Yard, 1861-62. C. S. steam ram ^rfcawsas, 1862. Mississippi defenses, 1862-63. C. S. S. Florida, 1863-64 ; captured by the U. S. S. Wai-hiisctt. Bahia, Brazil, October 7, 1864. Telfair, David Alex. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as acting midshipman, T". S. Navy, March 18, 1861. Acting midshipman. May 23, 1861. Passed midshipman, October 3, 1862. Master not in line of promotion, .lanu- ary 7, 1864. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Geonjia, 1862-63. Special service, 1863-64. C. S. S. Rappahan nock, 1864. Tennent, George W. Born in . Appointed from . Resigned as third assistant engineer, U. S. Navy, February 6, 1861. Third assistant engineer, March 22, 1862. Second assistant engineer, September 29,1862. First assistnnt engineer, August 13,1863. First assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Atlanta, 1862-63. C. S. steamers J'Yederickshnr;/ and Virginia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1863-64. C S. S. Chickamauga, ISM. Prisoner, 1865. Tennent, John C. Born in . Appointed from . First assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Frederickshiirfi, 1864. Terrett, George H. Born in . Appointed from Virginia. Formerly major, U. S. Marine Corps, Served in Virginia Navy. Major, C. S. Marine Corps, June 20, 1861. Commanding at Drewry's Bluff, 1864. Thorn, Reuben T. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Alabama. Captain, Marine Corps, March 25, 1861. Served on C. S. 8. Virginia; battle of Hamjitou K'oads, March 8-9, 1862. Service with the Army at Mobile, 1864. 135 Thomas, C. Wesley, Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentncky. Assistant snrReon. May 1, 18(13. Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Geori/ia, 1863-61. Partieipated iu exi>edition for the caiiturc of U. S. H. Water Witch, June 3, 1864. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Thomas, Francis M. Born in South Cai'olina. Appointed from Soutli Carolina. Aetiug raidsliipiuan, June 12, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, .June 4, 1864. Passed .Mi:;iueer, May If), 1862. (Ke.uistor, 18()3.) First assistant enjiinccr. May 15, 1862. (Register, 1864,) Acting chief enijineer, 1864. Served ou C. S. S. (leoniui, 1862-63. C. S. S. Tusculoom, 1863-64. C. S. S. Florida, 1864. Thorburn, Charles E. Boru in . Appointed from . Lieutenant, Virginia Navy, 1861. Served ou steamer .S7. Xicholas, 1861. Thorburn, Robert D. I>oru in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as commander, U. S. Navy, April 22, 1861. Served in the Virginia Navv. Commander, C S. Xavv, June 15, 1861. Commander, ( )ctober 23' 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Naval battery, Aquia Creek, Potomac River, 1861. Savannah Sc^uadron, 1863-64. Thurston, James. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from Sonth Carolina. Second lieutenant, Marine Cor])s, Sei)tenilier20, 1861. First lieutenant, Marine Corps, July 4, 1862. C. S. S. Atlanta; captured by the U. S. S. IVeehawken, June 17, 1863. Tidball, Edward. Born in \irginia. Appointed from Virginia. Chief clerk of the Navy Depart- ment, 1861-65. Tift, Nelson. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant paymaster (nominated), to rank from October 1, 1<*"'64. "Mr. Nelson 'I'ift is nominated i'or the appointment of assistant paymaster, to take charge of and superintend the naval Hour mills and bakery at Albany, Ga.. and to act as disbursing officer for the same." (President's Message, November 9, 1864.) Tilford, R. H. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Sep- tember 24, 1861 (acceptance). Tilton, William C. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Third assistant eugineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Scjuadrou, 1864. Tipton, Joseph S. ^ Born in (4eorgia. Appointed from Georgia. Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisional N.ivv, June; 2, ]8()4. Naval station, Wilmington, X. C. 1863-61. Captured. May 5, 1864, in C. S. S. Ilomtislicll. in Albemarle Sound, North Carolina. Onb-ivd to C. S. S. Ixoud'ujn, September 21, 18()4; detachiid September 26, 1864, and ordered to duty ou board C. S. steamers Uenolute and Firejlij. 137 Tombs, James H. Bom in Florida. Ai>poiiitefl from Florida. Declined appointment as third as.sistaut engineer, ['. S. Navy, April 1!4, ISfil. Third assistant engineer, C. S. Navy, June 21, 18(11. Second assistant engineer, Seitteniber 5, 18(j2. First assistant engineer, August 1.5, 18G3. Chief engineer Piovisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from October .5, 18<>3. "Nominated liy Davis to be promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct in expedition to attempt destruction of U. S. ironclnd frigate Nnv IransuUii, in Charleston Harbor, on the night of October 5, 18()3, and to rank from that date." Served on C. S. S. Meliae, Mobih; Squadron. On C. S. S. Louisiana at the time of surrender of Forts .Jackson and St. Philii), April 28, 1862. C. S. S. Chicora, Charleston Squadron, 1862-1864. Tomlinson, J. "W. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, Febru- ary 12, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Beaufort, 1863-64. C. S. S. Hampton, 1864. C. S. S. CMcka- mauga, 1864. C. S. S. Richmond, 1865. Travers, Thomas B. Born in . A]ipoiiited from . Gunner, March 21, 1862. Gunner Pro- visional Navy, .Tune 2, 1864. C. S. steam ram Arlanms, 1862. C.S.S. Jilanla, 1862-63; captured by U. S. S. Weehaivken, June 17, 1863; prisoner in 1864. Trazee, Carman. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Tredwell, Adam. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina, Assistant paymaster, October 20, 1862. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Ellis, 1861. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1862-64. Trescott, E. R. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina, Midshipman, March 6, 1863. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1863-64. C. S, S. Patrick Henry, 1864. Trigg, Daniel. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as acting midshipman, ir. S. Navy, Ajjril 20, 1861. Served .-is nii(lslii])ni:in, \'irginia Navy. Acting midshipman, C. S. Navy, June 11, 1861. Passed midshipman, October 3, 1862^ Master in line of promotion, Januarv 7, 1861. Second lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. R. S. United States, Gosport Navy Yard, 1861-62. C. S. S. Chatta- hoochie, 1862-63. Special .service abroad, 1861 .' Passenger on steamer Marqant and Jesxie when chased by IJ. S. S. h'liode hiand. May 30, 1863. C. S. S. I'iryinia (No. 2), James River S(|uadron, 1864, Trimble, John D. Born in . Appointed from , Midshipman, March 6. 1863. Midship- man Provisional Navy. .June 2, 18(;4. Ordered to C. S. S. Sa'nmuah, De -ember 17, 1863. Participated in the capture of U. S. S. Water Witcli, June 3, 1864. 138 Trovrer, John. Born iu — . Appointed from . Captain commanding Shrapnel. Tucker, John H. Horn in . A]ipointed from . Assistant surgeon Provisional Navy (no date). ("Examined and found (pialified."' — President's mossage, November 9, 1864.) Tucker, John R. Horn in District of Columbia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly comuaander, U. S. Navy. Served ;is conunander in the \'irginia Navy. Commander, C. 8. Navy, June 6, 1861, to rank from March 26, 1861. Captain Provisional Navy, Januarv 7, 1S61, to rank from May 13, 1863. Captain Provisional Navy, June 2, 1861,'to rank from May 13, 1863. Commanding C. S. S. Yorhtowv, preparing at Eichmond, 1861. Ordnance officer, Norfolk, 1861. Commanding C. S. S. Patrick Henrii, 1861 ; battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. Commanding Charleston .Squadron, 1862-65. Tucker, John T. Porn in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly third assistant engineer, U. S. Navy. Third assistant engineer, June 11, 1861. Second assistant engineer, August 27, 1862. First assistant engineer, August 13, 1863. First assistant engineer Provisional Navy, .Inno 2, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Patruk Henri/, 1862-63. Johnson's Island expedition, October, 1863. C. S. S. Xeuse, 1864. C. S. S. VInckamauga, 1864. Tucker, Levi M. Born in Kentucky. Appointed from Kentucky. Original entry into the C. S. Navy, November 10, 1863. Assistant paymaster, Januarv 7, 1864, to rank from November 10, 1863. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. James River Si^uadrou, 1863-64. C. S. S. Hampton, 1864. Turner, G. W. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Mobile Squadron; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Turner, George P. Born in . Appointed from Virginia. Formerly second lieutenant, U. S. Marine Cor]is. First lieutenant, Marine Corps, July 2, 1861 i^acceptance), Dismissed December 11, 1862. Turner, J. C. l?orn in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Turner, Jacob H. Horn in . A])pointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Acting master's mate Provisi(mal Navy, June 2, 1864. Mobile Squadron, 1864-65; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Turner, James E. I5orn in . Aiipointed from . Pilot. Served on ('. S. S. SnuKcmniid, .lames I>iver S(|ua(In)n, 1861-65. Ordered to tem- porary duty at Drewry's I'lluti', February 1, 1865. 139 Turner, Samuel V. Born in Virginia. Ai>pointed from Virginin. Kesigned as sailmaker, U. S. Navy, April 18, 1861. Sailmaker, June 11, 18HI. Sailmaker i'rovisional Navv, .June 2, 1864. Served ou C. S. R. S. United States, (iosport Navy-Yard, 1861-62. Xaval works, Charlotte, N. C, 1862-61. Turner, William Mason. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Assistant surgeon for the war, April 1, 1862. Assistant surgeon, May 1, 1863. Assistant surgeon Provisiimal Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Chicora, 1862-63. Naval battery, Drewry's Bluff, 1863-64. Tyler, Clarence W. Born in North Carolina.. Appointed from North Carolina. Acting midshipman, September 12, 1861. Resigned . I aniiar^' 9, 1864. Served on C. S. steam ram Arkansas, 1862. Tyler, Henry B. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly major, U. S. Marine Corps. Lieutenant-colonel, Marine Corps, June 18, 1861. Dismissed, October 10, 1862. Tyler, Henry B., jr. Born in . Appointed from . Formerly second lieutenant, V. S. Marine Corps. First lieutenant. Marine Corps, August 20, 1861 (aceeptauce). Dismissed December 10, 1861. Tynan, John W. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly second assistant engi- neer, U. S. Navy. Second assistant engineer, .Fune 1"), 1861. Acting lirst assistant engineer, December 21, 18 il. Chief engineer, May 22, 1863. Served on steamer St. Nicholaii, Chesapeake Bay, 1861. ('. S. 8. Virginia; battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862. Naval station, Savannah, 1863-64. C. S. S. Tallahassee, 1864. Tyson, Henry H. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Acting midsliipinan, October 31, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy", June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. il/**)Y/an, 1862-63. C. S. steamers Pa/rJeA- IJenrn iiml IHchmond, James River Squadron, 1864-65. Semmcs Naval Brigade, 186r>. Vail, Edward. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, October 8, 1861 (acceptance). Valery, W. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no d.ate). Gosport Navy- Yard, 1861-62. Van Benthuysen, Alfred C. Born in Louisiana Appointed from l^oiiisiann. Captain Marine Corjis, March 30, 1861. Under arrest, 1864. 140 Van Comstock, "William. Born ill Louisiana. Ai>pointern in . Appointed IVom . Second lieutenant, Marine Corps, Sep- tember 1, 1863. Confirmed by the Senate, March 17, 1863. Resigned Septem- ber 11, 1863. Vanderveer, Peter P. Boru in •. Appointed from . Acting first assistant engineer, June 12, 1861 (aceeptance). Served on C. S. S. Ocoiicc, which was captured at sea by U. S. S. Madgie, August 20, 1863, trying to run the blockade with a load of cotton. Confined at John- sou's Island; transferred for delivery, October 1, 1864, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Van Zandt, Nicholas H. Born in District of Columbia. Appointed from District of Columbia. Formerly lieutenant. LJ. S. Navv. First lieutenant, December 7, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from ( )ctober 2, 1862. Gosport Navy-Yard, 1861-62. Charleston Squadron, 1862-63. Ordnance works, Selma, Ala., 1863-64. Vasser, Elijah J. Born in . A])pointod from Mississippi. Assistant paymaster Provisional Navy (nominated), December, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Wehh, 1865. Vaiaghan, Henry L. IJorii in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Resigned as acting midship- man, April 25, 1861. Acting mif jnomotion. Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Mississippi defenses, 1862-63. Ordered to C. S. S. Isondiqa, December 14, 1863. Savannah Squadron, 1863-64. C. S. S. C'liaitnlioochie, 1864. Ordered, July 6, 1864, to report to Lieut. A. F. Warley, C. S. Navy, on board steamer JVaicr Witch; ordered to command same, September 9, 1864. Venable, Howell A. Born in . Appointed from Texas. Assistant surgeon Pjovisional Navy (nominated), to rank from September 6, 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. iSumjijson, September 24, 1864. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Venable, Nathaniel E. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Texas. Second lieutenant, IMarine Corps, October 24. 1862. First lieutenant. Marine Corps (nominated), to rank from January 14, 1863. Richmond, Va., 1864. Vernon, W. H. Born in . Appointed from . Acting midshipman, July 20. 1861. Resigned, October 23, 1862. 141 Viernelson, Joseph E.* Bom ill . AppoiiitiMl from . 'Jhird assistant eiigineer (no date). Third assistant engineer rrovisional Navy, June 2, iNtil. Served on C. S. S. Frederick xbin-f), James Kiver t^quadrou, 1864-65. Vogel, Lionel. Born in . Appointed from South Carolina. Captain's clerk, 1862. Actiuj master's mate, September, 1863. Resigned, December 10, 1863. Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1862-63. Waddell, James Iredell. Born in North Carolina. Ajtpointed from North ( 'arolina. Formerlj' lientenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutoiuint, March 27, 1862. First lieutenant, 23, 1862, to rank from Octoher 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1861, to rank from January 6, 1861. Drewry's Bluff, 1862-63. Special service abroad, 1863-64. Commanding C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Wain-w^right, George. Born in — ; — . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer, August 25, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Savannah, 1863-64. Wakefield, Thomas A. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer, April 1, 1865. Mobile Squadron; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Walker, John T. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina, Resigned as acting midshipman, V. S. Navy, December 17, I860. Acting midshipimiu. May Ifi, 1?pointed from . Acting master (no date). Served on C. S. S. I':ilis, 1861. (Previously pilot of same.) Wall, William H. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Mississippi. Resigned as acting midship- man, U. S. Navy, class of \xm. Original entry into the C. S. Navv, February 19, 1862. Lieuteiuiut ior tlie war, Sei)tcml)er 30.1862. First lieutenant Pro- visional Navy. 2, ISdl, to rank from .lanuary 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. A lloita, bS(i2-(i3. C. S. S. Chicora, 1863-64. C. S. steamers Fred- ericksburfi iind Frcivri/. Jauies River Siinadion. 1864-65. 0. S. S. /IVt/>, when destroj'ed April 24, 1865. *' Found also Viruelson and \ernel8on. 142 "Walston, W. B. Boru in . Appoiuted from . Master not in lino of promotion, Feb- ruary 7, 1862 (accejitance). "Walters, Joseph P. Born in . Appointed from . Third assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. ITthb, till destroyed April 24, 1865 ; taken prisoner and paroled- Ward, John. Born in . Appointed from Virginia. Eesigned as passed assistant surgeon, April 3, 1861. Surgeon, April 20, 1861. Resigned, December 5, 1862. Ward, P Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Novem- ber 11, 1861 (acceptance). Ward, William H. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. Master, not in line of promotion, October 26, 1861 (acceptance). First lieuten- ant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provi- sional Navy, .June 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Arrested and confined as a military prisoner in Fort Lafayette, August 31, 1861. Gosport Navy- Yard, 1862 ; transferred to New Orleans, March 31, 1862. C. S. S. Louisiana ; surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, A])ril 28, 1862. C. S. S. Richmond, 1S&2-63. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1863-64. C. S. S. Tallahassee, lS6i. C. S. S. Jtichmond, .lames River Squadron, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Ckicka- mauga, December, 1864. Ware, Thomas R. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly paymaster, U. S. Navy. Paymaster, June 12,1861. Paymaster, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26,'l861. Naval station, Mobile, 1862-65. Paroled June 19, 1865. Warley, Alexander P. Born in South Carolina. Appointed from South Carolina. Eesigned as lieu- tenant, U. S. Navy, December 24, 1860. First lieutenant, March 26, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieu- tenant Provisional Navy, June 2, l!-!64, to rank from Janiuiry 6, 1864. Commanding C. S. S. Manassas when destroyed, April 24, 1862. C. S. S. Louisiana, at surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Prisoner at Fort Warren. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1862-63. Naval station, Charleston, S. C, 1863-64. Commanding C. S. S. Jl'ater Witch, 1864 ; detached September 9, 1864. Ordered to command C.S.S. Albemarle, September 10, 1864. Detached from Charleston Squadron, March 21, 1865. Warner, James H. Born in Ohio. Appoiuted from Virginia. Formerly chief engineer, U. S. Navy. Engineer, Julv 18, 1861. Chief engineer, October 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. Naval works, Columbus, Ga., 1862-64. Warren, H. J. l'>orn in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Midshipman, July 21, 1863, Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-61. 143 Warren, Watkins L. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant surgeou for the war (nom- inated), February, 1804. Aseistaut surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, IHM. Ordered to C. ^.H. Iiioudi(ia, Saviinuab S(iuadron, Ajiril 30, 1864. C.S.H. Savan- nah, May, 1864. C. S. S. (!ior(jia, temporarily, June 13, 1864 ; detached July 4, 1864, and ordered to V.H.H. Macon: detached November li), 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Savannah: detached November 24, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Georgia. Washington, H. W. M. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly passed assistant sur- geon, U. S. Navy. Served as passetl assistant surueon in the Virginia Navy. Surgeon, C. 8. Navy, June 18,1861. Surgeon, October 23, 1862, to rank from March 26, 1861. Surgeon Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C.S. steam ram .Irkanxas, 1862. *C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1862-63. Sick leave, 1863-64. C. S. S. Fredericksbunj, 1864. Washington, LeRoy H. Born in . Appointed from . Kesigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, March 18, 1861, Acting midshipman, August 3, 1861 (acceptance). Re- signed, May 5, 1862. Waterman, George S. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. Mobile Siiuadron, 1865; surrcudereil May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Waters, James. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, No- vember 5, 1861 (acceptance). Served on C.^.S. Bed Rover; reported November 7, 1861. C.S.ii. Lonisiana at the surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862; prisoner on U. S. S. C7i/YoH. Waters, John. Born in . Appointed from . Acting gunner, August 10, 1863 (ap- pointed by the Secretary of the Navy from captain of top). Gunner Provi- sional Navj', June 2, 1864. James River S(|uadron, 1863. Detached from Drewry's Bluff and ordered to C. S. S. Naiisentond, September 7, 1863; detached and ordered to Wilmington, N. (*., September 23, 1863. Participated in Johnson's Island expedition, October, 1863. C.S.ii. Rahifjh,lS63-6i . Watlington, Francis. Born in . Appointed from Florida. Lieutenant for the war, May 5, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January (">, 1864. Served on C S. S. Tennesnee, Mobile Squadron, 1863-65; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Wayne, William A. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Resigned as lieutenant, V. S. Navy, May 1, 1«61. First lieutenant, June 20, 1861. Died August 4, 1863. Gosport Navy- Yard, 1861-62. Weaver, B. H. Born in . Appointed from . Acting assistant engineer, April 1, 1865. Mobile S(iuadrou ; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. 144 "Weaver, Edwin P. ]5()ni iu Alabama. Aiipoiiitcd from Alabama. Third assistant eiigim'cr, July 27, 18G3. TbinI assistant on^iiieor Trovisioual Na\-y. .Fuiie 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. (laines, 1863-64. Mobile fcjquadron, 1864-65 : surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. "Weaver, George J. Horn in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, January 10, 1862 (acceptance). Served on C. S. S. .)fanasxa>i. V. S. S. Louisiana at surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28,1862. Trisoncr at Fort Warren . Mobile Sf^uadron; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. "Weaver, J. B. Born in Alabama. Ap]tointed from Alabama, Third assistant engineer, Sep- tember 21, 1861). Third a.ssistaiit engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Huntsville, 1863-64. Mobile Squadron, 1864. Weaver, Jcseph F. Born in . Appointed from . Carpenter, November 8, 1861. Norfolk Navy-Yard (name appears on rolls Iroin January to April), 1862. C. S. S. Scabird; battle of Roanoke Island; captured; paroled February 12, 1862. C. S. S. Chicora, 1862-64. "Webb, John. Born iu . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, Octo- ber 6, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Special service, 1863-64. Prisoner, 1864. "Webb, P. G. Born in . A])pointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Webb, Robert J. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing gunner Piovisioual Navy, June 2, 1864. (Register for 1864 gives also acting master's mate I'rovisional Navy, June 2, 1864.) Served on C. S. steamers liichmond and rij'^ima (No. 2), James River Sy II. S. .S. Wecliauhen, .Jnne 17, 1863. Prisoner, 1863-64. C. S. S. i/amj>])ointefl from Acting master's mate, April 1, 1865. Mobile Squadrou ; suiTeudcred May 4, 1865 ; paroled May 10, 1865. "White, Joseph. I)oni iu Appointed from Master (no date). C'oiniiuiiiding- C. S. S. liivhmond. (Mentioned iu the Secretary's report of Febru- ary 27, 1862.) White, Levi S. (or G.). IJorn in Alabaui;i. Appointed from Alabama. Master not in line of promotion, August 12, 18)i3. Master not in line of promotion rrovisioual Navy, June 2, 1864. Special service, 1863-64. White, T. J. Born in - vVppointed from Third assistant engineer (no date). Served on C. S. S. Richmond, James River Squadron, 1865. Semmes Naval Bri- gade, 1865. Whitehead, James J. Born in . Appointed from iug master's mate Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Wilmington Squadron, 1864. Acting master's mate (no date). Act- Whitehead, William B. Born ill . Appointed from Master not in line of promotion, Jan- uary 14, 1862. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on Heating battery Arctic, 1862-63. Naval station, Wilmington, N, C, 1863-64. Receiving ship Arctic, 1864. Whiteside, S. J. Born in Appointed from Third assistant engineer (no date). Whitmore, Charles E. Born in . Appointed from 20, 1861 (acceptance). Acting first assistant engineer, August Whitney, E. G. Born in Ap])ointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Name appears on rolls of Gos[)ort Navy-Yard, January-April, 1862. Whitney, J. P. Born iu — A])pointed from December 14, 1861 (acceptance). Master not iu line of promotion, "Whitney, Levi C. Born in Appointed from Master not in line of promotion, October 21, 1X01 (:icc(!i)tanfe). l\*(i[)orte(l lor duty at New Orleans, October 21, 1861. Floating battery Neiv Orlcaii8, 1862. 147 "Whittle, William C. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as commander, U. S. Navy, April 20, 1861 . .Served as captain in the Virginia Navy. Commander, C. S. Navy, June 21, 18(51, to rank from March 26, 1861. Captain lor war, October 23, 1862, to rank from February 8, 1862. Commanding officer in York Kiver, 1861. "Waiting orders ' (Registers, 1863, 1864). Whittle, William C, jr. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Resigned as master, T. S. Navy, May 15, 1861. Served as lieutenant in the Virginia Navy. Acting ma.stcr, C. S. Navy, Jnne 16, 1861. Acting lieutenant, September 19, 1861. Lieuten- ant for the war, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, February 8, 1862. First lieutenant, October 2.3, 1863, to rank from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from Jannary 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Nashville, 1861-62. C. S. S. Louisiana, at the surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Prisoner at Fort Warren. C. S. S. Chattahoochie, 1862-63. Special service abroad, 1863-64. C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1865. Wiatt, Americus V. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Original entry into the C. S. Navy, June 20, 1863. Master, 1863. Lieutenant for the war, January 7, 18()4, to rank from October 13, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 4, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. 7^ffl/m//t, 1863-64. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1864. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Wilburn, John. Born in Appointed from September 25, 1861 (acceptance). Master not in line of promotion, Wilcox, N. P. (A. P.?) Born in . Appointed from Second assistant engineer (no date). Serving on C. S. S. Louisiana at surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Wilkes, G. G. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Midshipman, (U'tober 14, 1862. Savannah station, 1862-63. Wilkins, G. A. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Midshipman Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1863-64. Midshipman, October 14, 1862. Wilkinson, Henry. Born in Louisiana. Appointed from Louisiana. Master not in line of promotion, June 5, 1863. Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Johnson's Island expedition, October, 1863. Special service, 1863-64. Wilkinson, John. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly lieutenant, F. S. Navy. First lieutenant, June 10, 1861. First lieutenant, October 23, 1862, to raiik from October 2, 1862. First lieutenant Provisional Navy (nominated), Jinie 2, 1864, to rank from January 6, 1864. 148 Wilkinson, John — Coutinned . Drty in James l^iver. 18(il. (". S. S. Louisiana at surrender of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. Special duty, 1862-'68. C'onimandinj;- Girafc or B. E. Lee, 1863. Commanding C. S. S. L'aleiyh, 1863-61. Commanding C". S. S. Chickamauga, 1864. Wilkinson, William W^. Born in l^ouisiana. Appointed from South Carolina. Resigned as passed mid- sliipmau, U. S. Navy, March 7, 1851. Acting midshipman, .lunel2, 1861. Lieu- tenant for the war (uoniinated), April 16, 1862. JMidsliipmau Provisional Navy, .)une 2, 18()4. Served as master on the ('. S. i^. Stonewall. Served on C. S. S. (leorgia, 1862-63. Abroad, 1862-61. Steamer Coquette, 1864, C. S. S. Stoneivall, 1865. Williams, E. G. Born in . Appointed from . (iunner, October 16, 1862. Gunner Provisional Navv, June 2, 1864. Drewry's Blufif, 1862-63. C. S. S. Eichmond, 1863-64. Williams, Ed'ward. Born in . Appointed from . Formerly carpenter, IT. S. Navy. Car- penter, July 26, 1861. Name appears on rolls of the Gos]iort Navy-Yard, October-December, 1861. Naval works, Wilmington, N. C, 1862-63. Williams, George. Born in . Appointed from — . Second assistant engineer, August 18, 1861. Kesigned (as George W.), December 24, 1862. Willi-ims, Henry S. H. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, March 18, 1861. Acting midshipman, September 14, 1X61. Resigned, January 14, 1864. Name appears on payrolls C. S. K. S. United State><, Gosport Navy-Yard, 1861-62. C. S. S. Palmetto State, 1862-63. Williams, John. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in lino of promotion, Sep- tember 24, 1861 (accei)tauce). Revoked, December 7, 1863. Williams, Le^wis. Born in . Appointed from . Acting engineer, April 1, 1865. Mobile Squadron; surrendered. May 4, 1865; paroled, May 10, 1865. Williams, Samuel. Born in . Appointed from . Acting third_ assistant engineer, Octo- ber 23, 1861 (acceptance). Williams, William T. Born in . A])pointed ironi North Carolina. Assistant surgeon for the war (nominated and conlirmed), February, 1864. 149 Williamson, Charles H. Born in Vir<;iui;i. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly passed assistant sur- geon, IT. S. Navy. Surgeon, June 10, 18()1. Surgeon, October 'J'3, 1X62, to rank from Marcli 26, 1861. Surgeon I'rovi.sional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Name apjiears on rolls of C S. K. S. United Stulcs, (losport Navy- Yard, Januarv- March, 1862. C. S. S. Minauxippi, 1862. Naval Ilosjiital, ('barlotte, N. ("'., 1862-6o. Charleston Squadron, 1863-64. Fleet surgeon, Savannah Squadron, March 7, 1864, Williamson, John A. G. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting midshipman, Oetoher 11, 1861. Master in line of ]>roiuotion (nominattd), to rank from June 2, 1864. Name appears on rolls of C. S. R. S. Initvd Slate>f, Gosport Navy-Yard, January- March, 1862. CSi.ii. Atlanta; captured by IJ. S. S. /ree/(a)rAe«, June 17, 1S63; held as prisoner till November, 1864. C. S. S. Vir(jinia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1865. Williamson, Wihiam P. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly chief engineer, U. S. Navy. Engineer, Juno 11, 1861. Engineer in chief, September 17, 1862. Name appear.s on rolls of C. S. R. S. United States, Gosport Navy-Yard, 1861-62. Naval station, Richmond, Ya., 1862-64. Willink, J. D. Born in . Appointed from . Acting first assistant engineer, .June 12, 1861 (acceptance). Willis, Reuben. Born in . Appointed from . Pilot. Served on C. S. S. Seahird; battle of Roanoke Island; captured; paroled Feb- ruary 12, 1862. Willy, H. B. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. First assi.stant engineer, Febru- arv 1.5, 1861. First assistant engineer Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Served ou C. S. S. Morgan, 1862-64. Wilson, Archibald J. (or G.). Born in . Appointed from . Boatswain, April 16, 1863. Boatswain Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Participated in the expedition for the capture of the U. S. steamers Satellite and ReUance, August 23, 1863. C. S. S. Eiehmond, 1863-64. C. S. S. Homhshell, when captured in Albemarle Sound, Mayo, 1864. Prisoner, 1864. CS.S.Frederickti- Imrg, James River Squadron, 1864. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Wilson, Henry J. Born in . Appointed from Alabama. Boatswain. January 7, 1864. Boat- swain Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Naval station, Wilmington, N. C, 1863-64. C. S. S. Neuse, 1864. Wilson, J. A. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Served ou C. S. steam ram Arkani^as, 1862. mo Wilson, James. Born in . Appointed from . Gunner (no date). Captured at tlu^ surrender of Forts .Jaclisou and 8t. Pliilip, April 28, 1862; took oath of allegiance to tlie United IStates on passage to Fort Warren. Wilson, James. Born in . Appointed from . Acting boatswain, September 25, 1861 (acceptance). Wilson, John A. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Transferred from the C. S. Army. Midshipman, July 15, 1862. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Drewry's Bluff, 1862-63. Abroad, 1863-64. Wilson, Joseph David. Born in Florida. Appointed from Florida. Resigned as acting midshipman, ['. 8. Navy, March 5, 1861. Acting midshipman, April 23, 1861. Acting mas- ter, September 24, 1861. Lieutenant for the w ar, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, February 8, 1862. Second lieutenant, Octol)er 23, 1862, to rank from October 2, 1862. P"'irst lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864, to rank from .January 6, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Siimley, 1861. Abroad, 1862-63. C. S. S. Alabama, 1863-64. Taken ])ri8oner June 19, 1864; paroled by Captain Winslow, U. S. N., com- manding U. S. S. Eearsarge. C. S. steamers Virfiinia (No. 2) and Hampton, James liiver Squadron, 1865. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Wilson, Thomas. Born in . Appointed from . Boatswain (no date). Resigned, May 29, 1863. Wilson, Thomas S. Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Missouri. Formerly second lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps. First lieutenant, Marine Corps, January 24, 1862. Cap- tain, Marine Corps, Octi)ber 10, 1862. Drewry's Bluff, 1864. Assisted in the capture of the U. S. S. Underwriter, Feb- ruary 2, 1864. Wilson, William Francis. Born in Ahibama. Appointed from Alabama. Acting midshipman, November 19, 1861. Served on C. S. S. Morijan, 1862-63. C. S. steamers Patrick Ifetirii, liickmoxd, and Virginia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1864. Aid to Flag-Othcer Mitchell, 1864. Wilson, W. H. Paymaster's clerk. Served on C. S. S. Florida, 1863. Sent back to Confederate States as incom- petent. Winder, B. P. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. 151 Winder, EdTward Lloyd. Born in Maryland. Appointed from Maryland. Formerly lieutenant, V. 8. Navy. First lieutenant, June 10, IStJl. First lieutenant, Octoljer 2'S, 18(52, to rank from October 2, 1892. Name appears on rolls of C. S. R. S. U)nted Staten, Gosport Navy- Yard, lstil-62, Army duty, 1862-64. Mobile Squadron, 1864-65; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Winder, Richard B. liorn in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion. Feb- ruary 1, 1862 (acceptance). Winston, Avery S. Born in . Appointed from . Transferred from theC. S. Army. Act- ing master's mate, April 1, 1865. Mobile Squadron, 1865; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May K), 1865. Wirt, William A. Born in — . Appointed from Virginia. Commander Provisional Navv. June 2, 1864, to rank from May IS, 1863. Wohmsley, John P. Born in North Carolina. Appointed from North Carolina. Third assistant engi- neer, July 31, 1861. Served on C.S.S. Ellis, 1861-62; battle of Roanoke Island; captured; i)aiolcd February 12, 1862. Wood, John Taylor. Born in Minnesota. Appointed from Louisiana. Formerly lieutenant, U. S. Navy. First lieutenant, October 4, 1861. Commander, September 21, 1863, to rank from August 23, 1863. " Prouu)ted for gallant and meritorious conduct in boarding and capturing, with an expedition under his command, on the Rappahannock River, on August 23, 1863, l'. S. g)inboats.S'a^ineer Provisional Navy, Juno 2, 1864. Savannah Squadron. 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. Isoudiga, September 12, 1864; detat' " '"' temb October mnah Squadron. 1864. Ordered to C. S. S. I.soiidiga, September 12, 1864; taclied September 14, 1864, anil ordered to 0. S. S. (leorgia; detached Sep- Jiber 20, 1864, and ordered to V. S. S. Ixondiga. Ordered to C. S. S. lieaolute, ;tober 3, 1864; detached October 15, 1864, and ordered to C. S. S. Ixondiga. Wright, Augustus O. Born in Alabama. Appointed from Alabama. Resigned as acting midshipman, U. S. Navy, April 22, 1861. Acting midshipman, December 7, 1861. Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. ^Savannah, 1862-63. C. S. S. I'atrick Henry , 1863-64. Wright, George. Born in . Apjiointed frorc . Pilot. James River Squadron, 1864. Wright, Henry. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion, November 14, 1861 (accei)tanee). Wright, Henry X. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Formerly third assistant engineer, U. S. Navy. Original entry into the (". S. Navy,. lime 11, 1861. Second assist- ant engineer, September 1, 18()1. First a.ssistant engineer, August 15, 1863. Chief engineer Provisional Na\y, .June 10, 1864. "Promoted for gallant and meritorious conduct as the engineer office)' of the torpedo steamer S(inib in the attack upon iha Minnesota on th(! night of the 9th of April, 1864, under the command of Lieut. Hunter Davidson." Served on C. S. S. Richmond, 1862-63. .Tohnson's Island expedition, October, 1863. Sick leave, 1863-64. C S. steamers Richmond and lirginia (No. 2), James River Squadron, 1864-65. Wright, Joshua C Born in . Appointed from . Midshipman (no date). Midshipman Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Served on C. S. S. Patrick Henry, 1864. Wright, Richard B. Born in . Appointed from . First assistant engineer, September 18, 1861. Ordnance works, Richmond, Va., 1864. 153 Wright, Robert. . ^ . Born iu Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineor, ^ovem- lier 'SO, 1861. Resigned, September 21, 18tJ3. Wyatt, E. Winslow. jiorn in . Appointed from . Ar Born in . Appointed from . Acting third assistant engineer, May 27, 1861, temporary appointment (acceptance). Services dis]iensed with Jan- nary 28, 1865. On steamer Ladii Daris at the time of capture of ship A. li. Thomi)sou, May 19, 1861. Yeatman, Charles E. Born in Virginia. Appointed from Virginia. Master not in line of promotion, January 22, 1S62 (acceptance). Lieutenant for the war, May 5, 1863. First lieutenant Provisional Navy, June 2, 1861. to rank from .lanuary 6, 1864. Served on 0. S. S. Baltic, 1863-64. Mobile Squadron, 1864-65; surrendered May 4, 1865; paroled May 10, 1865. Yeatman, Henry. Born in . Appointed from . Master not in line of promotion (no date). Master not in line of promotion Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Navy-yard at Rocketts, Va., 1864. Yennette, T. C. Born in . Appointed from . Assistant engineer, October, 1864, ' In hospital, Richmond, 1864. Yonge, Bragg. Born in Georgia. Appointed from Georgia. Third assistant engineer. April 27, 1863. Served on C. S- S. Savannah, 1863-64. 154 Yonge, C. J. Born in . Appointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing master's mate Trovisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Charleston Squadron, 1864. Yonge, Clarence R. l^orn in . Appointed from . Acting assistant paymaster. Served on C. S. S. Alahama; ordered .Inly 28, 1862. Expclleil from the service by Semniea at Port Royal, Jamaica, January 20, 1863. Young, G-eorge. IJorn in Mrginia. Appointed from Virginia. Acting boatswain. December 1, 1861. Resigned March 1, 1863. Bush's Blnif, Elizabeth River, 1861. C. S. S. Patriclc Henry, 1862-63. Pilot, James River Squadron, 1864. Young, H. F.* Born in . Appointed from . Sailing master in the Virginia Navy. Young, H. L. Born in . Appointed from . Second assistant engineer, October 16, 1861 (acceptance). Young, J. C. Jiorn in . Ajjpointed from . Acting master's mate (no date). Act- ing muster's mate Provisional Navy, .June 2, 1864. Pilot, .James River Squadron, Jnly-September, 1863. Young, Moses P. Born in >'irginia. Appointed from Virginia. Third assistant engineer, May 19, 1863. Third assistant engineer Provisional Navy, June 2, 1864. Second assist- ant engineer (no date). Charleston Scjuadron, 1863-64. C. S. S. llk-hmond, James River Squadron, 1865. Semmes Naval Brigade, 1865. Youngblood, Wilson. Born in . Appointed from . Original entry into C. S. Navy, .January 23, 1863. Firet assistant engineer, August l."i, 1863. Chief engineer (nomi- nated), to rank from Octobiu- 26, 18()4. Served on C. S. S. Louisiana; captured at the surrender of I'^orts .Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862. * H. A. F. Young resigned as master, U. S. Navy, May 15, 1861. Officers of the Mississippi River Defense Fleet, J. E. Montgomern, Commandinfi. C. S. GUNBOAT GENERAL EARL VAN DORN. Name. Isaac D. Fulkorson . Jobu W. Jordan John Manila William Beach John Henley William M.' Hurst .. Johu Swift J. L.Piirnell. Rank. Captain Eirst officer Second officer do Surgeon Chief enjiineer First assistant engineer . . Second assistant engineer. George W. Watkins ; (.'arpeuter. L. T. Lusk Gunner ... W. G. Kendall i do C. S. RAM GENERAL STERLING PRICE. J. H. Townsend Madison Marsli Thomas E. Henthorne , John Hart George L. Richardson . William Brandon 1862. Captain Jan. Surgeon Mar. First officer Feb. Second officer J-m. do Chief engineer Ian. William Orno I Second assistant engineer- William Benson Third assistant engineer Clayt(m Anderson do John K. Uowdy ' Carpenter Louis F. Deladernier ■ Clerk and acting master's mate. Oscar Postal Pilot William Hardin ' do l)u C. S. GUNBOAT JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE. i i 1862. James B. Smith Captain i Richard Ranger (or Runger) ! First officer ! Feb. 23 ~ ■ ■ ' •■• Do. Do. Do. Feb. 21 David Mahon I Second officer C. E. Whifniore I Cliief engineer M. A. Whitniore First assistant engineer. Johu Raveuscroft Carpenter C. S. GUNBOAT GENERAL M. JEFF THOMPSON. John H. Bnrk. L. A. Cantield. Captain First officer. . Hugh Moore Second officer R. S. Austin William H. Irvin.. Thomas F. Mitchell Green F. Laster William W. Driukwater Carpenter D. Davis Gunner.. . David Thomas ' Pilot Surgeon. Chief engineer Second assistant engineer. Third assistant engineer. . . 1862. Jan. 28 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Mar. 25 Jan. 27 Feb. 24 .May 10 A pi- Apr. 22 ' Found also N. C. Brandon, chief engineer. 155 156 Ofpcei-s of the Missisnppi Bwer Defense Fleet, J. E. Montf/omerji, Commandinq — Cont'd. C. S. GUNBOAT DEFIANCE. J. D. McCoy "William Bunibar. . Thomas A.Elliott A. Winteriujier. .. George Cbarucey. August Ferry N. J. McAdam.... Captain First officer Second officer Chief engineer First as.sistant engineer.. .Second as.sistant engineer. Carpenter Date of appoint- ment. 18C2. Jan. 31 Feb. 2-J Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. W. H. n. Leonard. David Davis Samiiei Collier Hugh Martin John Porter Henry Sissen* H. r.Fortier James Irvin Henry Wlieeler Daniel McDonald.. James E. Kussell.. James Wymer C. S. GUNBOAT GENERAL BRAGG. Captain . First officer Second officer Surgeon Chief engineer do First assistant engineer .- Second assistant engineer. do Carpenter Pilot do C. S. GUNBOAT GENERAL LOVELL. Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. 1 17 31 10 3 Feb. 7 Do. Mar. 2.5 Bnrdett Paris John Smith Charles Concklyn. "W. O. Dewey Joseph Walsh James Thompson. Captain First officer Second officer Chief engineer First assistant engineer . . Second assistant engineer. 1862. Jan. 29 Feb. 23 Do. Do. Do. Jan. 30 C. S. GUNBOAT COLONEL LOVELL. J. C. Delancy "William Nixon David P. Barnes A. Callalian Aug. R. M ann John P. Cooper J. B. Graham "W. T. J. Kewish .... Thomas I'. Johnsim. John Godier Captain First officer Second officer , Surgeon Chief engineer First assistant engineer . . do r. Second assistant engineer Carpenter do 1862. Jan. 30 Mar. 16 Do. Mar. 2.5 Feb 5 Feb. 9 Do. C. S. GUNBOAT RESOLUTE. Isaac Hooper "William A. Gaw .. Thomas H. Jones . John (iib.HOii t Jamc-s Uvrnes Richard Golding . Captain First officer Second offi ccr Chief cn^iiiccT First assistant engineer .. Second assistant engineer 1862. Jan. 26 Feb. 23 Mar. 16 Do. Do. Feb. 23 * Also found second assistant engineer. t Appointed first assistant engineer, February 23, 1862. 157 Officers of the Missisdppi Hirer Defenne Fleet, J. E. Montijomerij, Commaiidhitj — Cout'd. C. S. GUNBOAT WAKRIOK. !Name. Kank. Date of j appoint- Robert S. Whann ... , W.T.May William Smith F. H. Kickera William McGraw... William Silehammer Henry McCormick . 1862. Captain Jan. 30 First olUcer Feb. 2'i Second officer Mar. 7 Clii(?f engineer Feb. 23 First assistant engineer j Do. Second assistant engineer ' Do. Carpenter Mar. 14 C. S. GUNBOAT STONEWALL JACKSON. George M. Pliillips .. Patrick Dutty James P. Jackson William Redmond . . . B.J. (or I.) Collins... John West Joseph Hewett James H. Briggs Hugh Stewart W illiam Robinson . . . Edward C. Edwards . Captain First officer do Second officer Chief (mgiueer First assistant engineer .. Second assistant engineer Third assistant engineer . Carpenter Gunner' Purser 1802. ■ ' Feb. 3 . Mar. 10 _l !i Do. .1 Feb. 23 Do. .t Mar. 3 .1 ! Mar. 17 . Mar. 1 C. S. RAM GENERAL SUMTER. W.W.Lamb J.D.Howell William Patterson * . Richard Brothers — James Wallace J. D.Wilbanks AY.B. Ripley Robert T. Patterson John Ramsay B. F.Wild.." George B. Morrell .. Liss Millikin T. White Fowler.... James Wall Alonzo J. Hathorne . Charles Bergeman. .. David Hall William H. Reeder . . H. C. Holt J. N.Pell John Barnard , Captain do First officer Second officer Surgt on Purser do Chief engineer Second assistant engineer Carpenter Gunner Pilot 1862. Feb. 2 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Mar. 25 Feb. 5 Mar. Ki Feb. 10 C. S. GUNBOAT LITTLE REBEL. Captain First officer do Second officer Chief engineer Second assistant engineer Gunner , Pilot do Mar. 25 Feb. 16 Apr. 9 Jan. 29 Feb. 23 Apr. 21 C. S. GUNBOAT GENERAL BEAUREGARD. J. Henry Hurt Robert D. Court. . N. J. Hen thorn... John E. Rawson. . R. M. Austin Joseph Swift E. Connelly Daniel Hariis Daniel R. Morris . I. 1*. Oldham James S. AViun ... Samuel D. Moore . Captain First officer Second officer do Surgeon Chief engineer First assistant engineer , Carpenter do Pilot do Quartermaster , 1802 Jan. 27 Jan. 30 Feb. U Keb. 5 Mar. 1 Feb. 24 Also found as (irst assistant engineer. p.f^. 89 V UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped helow i NOV 1 1940 ■m J, ^ WM Form L-9-15)«-7,'35 UNlVi^i 1.^ 'f CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY Vll U5U5 U,S. Naval war re cor els office - Off icerlj' - In the Confederate States" navy, 1861- 6 ^. L?' r?'^::i.„ ^^'■'i L 007 116 682 1 lir c;ni ITHFRfj RFr,irifJil I ipRiR^ Ftri' 1 i ill 1 111 mil :: ,. Ml Hill AA 001 372 842 3 V