,. ^UIBRARYQ % i? UNIVERty^ vvlOS-ANGEtfj> rta & Or j-fc ^ -- ^OdllV3-JO^ AOF-CAIIFO% ^MNIVERS// 2- "ii ^~>v t S 3 IV / ^ x s >- I /t 7/4-7 TACK 024 644 LAW INSTITUTION. J. HOLMES, 4, TOOK'S COURT, CHANCERY LANE. . USRgSf, TS AN ACCOUNT PROCEEDINGS FOR ESTABLISHING A LAW INSTITUTION IN THE VICINITY OF THE INNS OF COURT, LONDON. 1825. Bfatk Annex LAW INSTITUTION. 1 HE PLAN of this Institution originated with some indivi- duals in the Profession, desirous of increasing its respectability, and promoting the general convenience and advantage of its Members. It appeared to them singular, that whilst the various public bodies, companies, and commercial and trading classes in the Metropolis, and indeed in many of the principal towns in the kingdom, have long possessed places of general resort, for the more convenient transaction of their business ; and while numerous Institutions for promoting Literature and Science amongst all ranks and conditions of society, have been long established, and others are daily springing up, the Attorneys and Solicitors should still be without an Establishment in London, calculated to afford them similar advantages; more particularly when the Halls and Libraries of the Inns of Court, the Clubs of Barristers, Special Pleaders, and Conveyancers, the Library of the Writers to the Signet at Edinburgh, and the Association of Attorneys in Dublin, furnish a strong presumption of the advantages which would probably result from an Establishment of a similar descrip- tion for Attorneys in London. An outline of the scheme was, in the first instance, circu- lated by the individuals already alluded to, amongst their own particular friends, by whom it was so favourably received that by private application alone, and when it was pro- posed that no person should take more than two shares, a sum of 8000/. and upwards was offered to be subscribed by about 220 professional gentlemen living in London. After such an unequivocal proof of approbation, measures were adopted for submitting the Plan to the Profession at large, and with this view the following Proceedings have taken place. 111712? On the 29th of March last, a Meeting of the promoters of the plan was held, at which the subject was discussed and referred to a Committee, who made their report ; and at a General Meeting, held at Furnival's Inn Hall, on Thursday the 2dday of June 1825, RICHARD WHITE, Esq. in the Chair : IT WAS RESOLVED, I. THAT a Society be established, to be called THE LAW INSTI- TUTION, composed of Attorneys, Solicitors, and Proctors in the United Kingdom, and Writers to the Signet, and Waiters to the Courts in Scotland, and of Gentlemen who may have voluntarily retired from the Profession. II. Thai/ a convenient freehold piece of ground, in a central situation in the vicinity of the Inns of Court, be pur- chased, and a suitable Building be erected thereon, con- taining a large room or hall for daily resort, a library, fire-proof muniment rooms, and such other apartments as the Committee of Management shall think requisite, for the use of the Proprietors and Subscribers. III. That for these and other purposes of the Institution, a fund of 50,000/. be raised by 2,000 shares of 251. each ; and that all the persons for whom this Institution is designed, whether residing within the Bills of Mortality or not, be admissible, under the control of the Committee of Manage- ment ; and that no individual be permitted to hold more than twenty shares. IV. That the annual expense of the Institution, as well as interest for the money raised, be provided for by yearly subscriptions, and by the rent of such part of the build- ing as may be let, under the control of the Committee of Management. V. That the building, and other property belonging to the Institution, shall be vested in Trustees for the Proprie- tors, in the nature of personal estate. VI. That the preparing a proper deed of settlement, the distri- bution of the shares, the receipt and expenditure of the money subscribed, the purchase of a convenient site, the erection and- fitting up of the building, the purchase of the library, together with the forming of necessary rules and regulations, the appointment of officers and servants, and the general management of all the concerns of the Insti- tution, be confided with full powers to the Committee of Management, consisting of twenty-four Proprietors of not less than ten shares each. VII. That the following gentlemen be the Committee of Manage- ment, of whom five shall be a quorum : MR. ADLINGTON MR. LAWFORD AMORY - W. LOWE _ BRUNDRETT MARTINEAU _ T. FARRER - T. METCALFE _ J. FORSTER - S. RICHARDS E. FOSS - J. F. SCOTT FRERE - SEYMOUR _ FRESHFIELD - SPENCE _ JAMES HALL - TOOKE _ R. HARRISON VIZARD HOLME R. WHITE (Essex Street) HUNDLEBY WOODHOUSE. VIII. That such first Committee shall continue in office for the space of three years from the date of the deed of settle- ment, during which period, vacancies by death, incapacity, or resignation, shall be filled up by the remaining Mem- sf the Committee. - ;er the expiration of such three years, six of the ittee shall go out annually, and be replaced by an number, to be elected by the Proprietors. X. That three Auditors be annually appointed to examine and pass the accounts of this Institution; and that Mr. ATCHESON, Mr. GREEN, and Mr. SWEET, be the Auditors for the year ensuing. 6 XI. That an annual meeting of the Proprietors take place, at which, in addition to the yearly elections, a statement of the affairs of the Institution shall be made by the Com- mittee, and other necessary business of the Institution transacted. XII. That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to the Committee, for their services in promoting the formation of this Institution. XIII. That the cordial thanks of this Meeting are due, and hereby given to Mr. WHITE, for his able and impartial conduct in the chair. XIV. That the resolutions adopted by this Meeting be printed, and circulated for the information of the Profession, under the direction of the Committee of Management. THE DETAILS OF THE INSTITUTION cannot be finally settled until they have been more maturely considered, and the ex- tent of the funds ascertained ; but it may, however, be pro- per to explain to those who have not seen the original Prospectus, that the present intention of the Committee, is to provide for the following objects, viz. A LARGE ROOM OR HALL, IN THE NATURE OF AN EXCHANGE, to be open at all hours of the day ; but some particular hour to be fixed as the general time for assembling : to be furnished with desks, or enclosed tables, affording similar accommoda- \ tions to those in Lloyd's Coffee House ; and to be provided with all Newspapers and other publications likely to be gene- rally consulted. In this room it is intended to keep an account and registry of all public and private Parliamentary Business, in its various stages, and of all Appeals in the House of Lords. It will be furnished with the general and daily Cause Papers, Seal Papers, Lists of Petitions in Causes in the Courts of Equity, and in Lunacy and Bankruptcy ; the Sittings Papers, Peremptory Papers, Special Papers, and Papers of New Trials in the Courts of Law ; with a statement every evening of the business done by each Court during the day, and of that which will be proceeded in on the following day, as far as may be practicable ; and early information will be procured of the arrangements made by the Judges of the different Courts, for the despatch of business, either in court or at their chambers, and of all other matters connected with the Profession, of which it is desirable Attorneys should be apprised ; so that the Members will be able readily to ascer- tain what business is depending in all the different Courts, without the trouble and inconvenience of applying for information at the different offices, where alone it can at present be obtained. A LIBRARY, to contain a complete collection of Books in the Law, and in those branches of Literature which may be considered more particularly connected with it ; such as private Acts, Journals, and other proceedings of Parliament, County and local His- tories, Genealogical and other Antiquities, Topography, &c. &c. AN OFFICE OF REGISTRY, in which will be kept accounts of property intended for sale, or sought to be purchased ; of money ready to be lent, or 8 wanted to be borrowed on mortgage, or otherwise ; of appli- cations for articled, managing, and other Clerks : in short, of every matter that may be deemed generally useful to the Profession. A CLUB ROOM, which may afford the Members an opportunity of procuring dinners and slighter refreshments. A SUITE OF ROOMS for private meetings of Commissioners of Bankrupt ; for meetings of Arbitrators and Creditors : and for all other meetings and objects in any way connected with the Profes- sion ; besides the necessary apartments and offices for the Librarian, and other officers and servants. FIRE-PROOF ROOMS. It is proposed, that the basement story shall be fitted up as Fire-proof Rooms, with closets, shelves, drawers, and partitions ; to be let to members of the Profession, either for temporary or permanent purposes : that all such Rooms shall be secured by a principal outer door, of which the Libra- rian, or some other confidential person belonging to the Institution, shall have the key; and that each renter shall have a private key of his own room or division, to which no other person shall have access. The following ADVANTAGES are suggested as likely to result from this Institution : Every Attorney having occasion, almost daily, to resort to the principal Inns of Court and public Law Offices, for the purposes of business, will, by the proposed plan, be ena- bled to meet other Attorneys, with whom he may have busi- ness to transact ; instead of being obliged, as at present, to seek them at their own offices, often at a great distance, and always at an uncertainty of meeting with them. The utility of a Place of General Meeting will be obvious to those who can remember the time, when it was the practice of Attorneys in the city, and other parts of the town, distant from the Inns of Court, to frequent the Coffee-houses in that neighbourhood in the evenings, for the purposes of business. An Attorney or Solicitor, who may have occasion to attend the Courts of the Lord Chancellor, or Vice-Chancellor, in Lincoln's Inn, or the Master of the Rolls, or the Sittings of the Court of King's Bench in Serjeants' Inn, or the Exche- quer in Gray's Inn, or upon Judges' summonses, Masters' war- rants, appointments before the Masters of the King's Bench or Exchequer, or the Prothonotaries of the Common Pleas, or upon consultations of Counsel, or other appointments in the neighbourhood, will be enabled to pass his time at the Insti- tution, both usefully and agreeably, and without inconvenience or expense, until his attendance shall become actually neces- sary ; instead of waiting, as at present, in Court, at the Judges', Masters', or Counsels' Chambers, or at a coffee-house. By facilitating intercourse, it will promote what has long been felt to be most desirable an uniformity of practice in the profession ; and it will enable Members generally, to obtain information and assistance from others of greater experi- 10 ence, or who may in any particular matter, whether of a pro- vincial or local nature, be better informed than themselves. Country Subscribers also, who have occasion to come fre- quently to town, will find the Institution much more conve- nient for transacting their business than a Coffee-house ; and a general intercourse and acquaintance will be thus kept up between the whole body of the Profession, which will be found mutually beneficial. The advantages of an easy reference to a good Library are so numerous and so obvious, that it will be sufficient merely to allude to this as an important feature of the Institution, and to observe, that the expense attending the purchase of those books only which are necessary for daily reference is consi- derable, while that of a complete library, particularly if it include County Histories, Antiquities, Parliamentary publi- cations, and other works of a like nature, is within the reach of but few individuals. The usual mode of advertizing in the newspapers for mak- ing known the objects intended to be provided for by the Registry is very ineffectual and expensive, and to those who have occasion to inquire after such objects, the necessity of consulting the scattered and irregular communications of the different newspapers is extremely tedious and irksome ; whilst the information required, instead of being concentrated as it will be by the proposed plan, and derived from persons of whom some previous knowledge may be obtained, is now to be sought at places widely distant, and often from entire strangers. With regard to the Fire Proof-roams, the Club-room, and the rooms for Meetings of Creditors, &c., the advantages and convenience are self-evident, and need no observation. It is also hoped that this Institution may afford the means of assisting Articled Clerks by lectures on the different branches of the Law. 11 Upon the whole, it may be anticipated, that the Profession at large will concur in the opinion unanimously expressed by the Committee in their report, namely, " That the proposed Institution mill be highly useful and advantageous, by facilitat- ing and expediting the transaction of business, extending the means of information and improvement, promoting liberality of practice, and increasing the respectability of the profession ;" and that with such objects in view, " it ought to be established on the most liberal scale." A list of the present Subscribers is subjoined, and ap- plications for shares may be made to any Member of the COMMITTEE of MANAGEMENT, or to the Secretary, Mr. R. Maugham, 17, Great James-street, Bedford-row. A LIST OF THE SUBSCRIBERS AT AND SINCE THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE 2 JUNE, 1825. No. of Shares. ABBOTT, Charles Thelwell New Inn 5 Abbott, George W Ely-place 1 Adams, Peter Angel-court .' 1 Addison, Richard Verulam-buildings, Gray's Inn ... 2 Airey, John Serjeant's Inn, Fleet-street 2 Alban, W. Y Lincoln's Inn 2 Adlington, Thomas Bedford-row 10 Alderson, T. J Chancery-lane 2 Alger, Owen T Bedford-row , 1 10 Alliston, John Freeman's-court, Cornhill 5 Amory, Samuel Throgmorton-street 10 Anderton, James Lincoln's Inn Fields 4 Andros, Thomas Warnford-court 1 Armstrong, Rich. Baynes Staple Inn 5 Ashmore, Charles King's Arms-yard 2 Ashmore, Cliff Henrietta-street 10 Austen, Benjamin Gray's Inn 10 Baker, George Leeke Lincoln's Inn Fields 2 Baker, William ,.., Nicholas-lane 2 20 Barker, George Birmingham 2 Barney, John Southampton 2 Barren, Edward Essex-street 1 Bateman, Henry Lincoln's Inn 5 Batty, William Hatton-court, Threadneedle-street 2 Battye, Richard Chancery-lane 2 Bayley, Robert R Basinghall-street 10 a Beckett, William Golden-square 2 Bedford, George Bedford-row 10 Bell, William Bow Churchyard 2 30 Benbow, John Lincoln's Inn 10 Bentley, John Carey-street 1 Beverly, C .Garden-court, Temple 5 Bicknell,J Greenwich 10 Bignold, Thomas Norwich 10 Blake John B Essex-street 4 Blower, Joseph Lincoln's Inn Fields 1 Blunt, Joseph Liverpool-street 2 Blunt, Joseph, Jun Ditto 2 Bolton, William Gillmore Austin Friars 2 40 Bolton, T. William Elm-court 2 Borradaile, William, Jun King's Arms-yard 2 Bower, Thos. Holme Chancery-lane 2 Bowker, William Gray's Inn , 10 13 No. of Shares, Bowman, J. B Cushion-court 1 Brace, Thomas Surrey-street 5 Brace, George Ditto 2 Braikenridge, William Bartlett's-buildings 1 Bridger, Edward ; Angel-court 2 Bremridge, Richard, jun Chancery-lane 1 50 Bridges, John Red Lion-square 4 Broderick, William Bow Churchyard 2 Brooksbank, Thomas Gray's Inn 1 Broughton, Henry Arthur Great Marlborough-street 4 Brundrett, Jonathan Temple 20 Buckton, George Doctors' Commons 2 Burfoot, Rich. Grose King's Bench Walk 5 Burfoot, Henry Robert , Ditto 5 Burgoyne, Thomas John Duke-street, Manchester-square .. 10 Burrows, John Parker Austin Friars 2 60 Burton , Septimus Lincoln's Inn 4 Butler, James, jun Nicholas-lane 1 Cancellor, J. H Holborn-court 2 Capron, George Saville-place 5 Cardale, William Bedford-row 4 Garden, James Bedford-square 1 Carr, George Basinghall-street 5 Carter, B. C Staple Inn 2 Carter, F. W High-street, Southwark 2 Castleman, William Wimborne, Dorset 10 70 Chapman, R. C Copthall Chambers 2 Chester, Edward Staple Inn 1 Chisholme, William Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 Clare, Ambrose Frederick's-place 2 Clarke, Thomas Sadler's Hall 4 Clarke, . Arthur Bishopsgate Church-yard 2 Clarke, Thomas Craven-street, Strand 2 Clayton, Michael Lincoln's Inn 10 Clowes, John Ellis King's Bench Walk 10 Coles, John Throgmorton-street 1 80 Comyn, E. R Bush-lane 2 Cowburn, William Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 Cotton, William Henry Basinghall-street 2 Cotton, Samuel Ditto 2 Crafts, John Princes-street, Bank 1 Crealock, W. B . Regent-street 4 Crosland, John Old Broad-street 2 Crosse, Thomas , Hatton-court 2 Cruickshank, Robert Gosport, Hants 5 Curtis, John Bridge-street, Blackfriars 2 90 Davies, Benjamin Crosby-square 1 Dax, Thomas, Jun Holborn-court 2 Dax, Thomas Bedford-row 2 Dennett, Robert King's Arms-yard 2 Desborough, Lawrence Sise-lane 2 Devey, Frederick Nicholls Dorset-street, Fleet-street 2 Dickenson, John Robert Frederick's-place 1 Dickenson, John New Broad-street 2 Dixon, Tinmouth New Boswell-court 10 Dixon, Thomas Henry Ditto 4 100 Dixon, William Tinmouth Ditto 4 Dodd, Charles Billiter-lane 4 Douglas, James Ley Market Harborough, Leicestershire 2 14 No. of Shares. Downes, Thomas Great James-street 2 Drew, Beriah Bermondsey 2 Dyne, Wm. Wilkins Lincoln's Inn Fields 2 Elsam, Richard Great James-street 1 Falcon, Robert Elm-court, Temple 2 Faulkner, George Bedford-row 2 Faulkner, William Sadler's Hall 2 110 Farrer, Thomas Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 Farrer, Wm. Loxham Ditto 10 Fenton, Francis Tarrant Austin Friars 20 Few, Charles Henrietta-street 4 Fisher, William Chancery-lane 1 Forster, John Carey-street 10 Forster, Samuel Lincoln's Inn 10 Foss, Edward Essex-street 10 Foss, Edward Smith Ditto 2 Fothergill, Francis F Great St. Helens 2 120 Fourdrinier, John Coles Austin Friars 1 Frampton, Jas. Alexander New Inn 10 Frere, George Lincoln's Inn 10 Freshfield, James William New bank-buildings 10 Fry, Peter Axbridge, Somerset 1 Fyson, Samuel Basinghall-street 2 Gatty, Robert, Jun Angel-court, Throgmorton-street. . 3 Gibson, John Gray's Inn 2 Girdlestone, Steed Wisbech, Cambridgeshire 1 Gordon, Alexander Old Broad-street 10 130 Grace, Nathaniel Birchin-lane 2 Gregory, J. S Bedford-row 2 Gregory, George P. F Sise-lane 5 Gregory, Jonas Clement's Inn 2 Green, Wm. Salisbury-square 10 Grimaldi, Stacey Copthall-court 1 Haddan, Thomas Angel-court, Throgmorton-street. . 5 Haddan, James Ditto 2 Hall, John Cressy Holborn-court 4 Hall, James New Boswell-court 10 ] 40 Hammond, William, Jun Queen-square 5 Hanrott, Philip Augustus Lincoln's Inn 10 Harrison, Richard Gray's Inn 10 Helder, George Clement's Inn 2 Helder, William Ditto 2 Hicks, Francis Bartlett's-buildings 1 Hill, John Welbeck-street 2 Hine, William Charterhouse-square 1 Hodgson, James Lincoln's Inn Fields 2 Hodgson, Robert Austin Friars 1 150 Hollway, John Hardwick Boston, Lincolnshire 4 Holme, Bryan New Inn 10 Holmes, Timothy Bury St. Edmunds 20 Holmes, O. P Great Winchester-street 1 Hoskins, Alexander Lincoln's Inn Fields 1 Houseman, John 14, Essex-street 4 Hundleby, George Freeman's-court, Cornhill 10 Hurle, Henry Bedford-row 10 Isherwood, R Doctors' Commons 15 No. of Shares. Jackson, George Six Clerks' Office 4 100 Jago, Edward Plymouth 2 Jenings, Charles Elm-court 4 Jenkins, Abel New Inn 2 Jenkins, John Swansea, Glamorgan 1 Jones, R. H Great Ormond-street 2 Jones, John Lincoln's Inn 20 Jones, John Brecon 2 Jones, Thomas King's Arms-yard 2 Jones, Gilbert Salisbury-square 4 Karslake, Henry Regent-street 4 170 Kaye, Charles New Bank-buildings 10 Keightley, Archibald Hare-court 1 King, W. R Serjeant's Inn, Fleet-street 1 King, George Hillyard Copthall-court 10 King, Joseph , Gray's Inn 5 Kirk, Thomas Symond's Inn 1 Knight, Wm. Young St. James's-square 10 Knocker, Thomas Dover 2 Lane, Charles Bedford-row. 5 Lane, Thomas Lawrence Pountney-place 5 ISO Lawford, Edward Draper's Hall 10 Lawrence, Benjamin Dean's-court, Doctors' Commons. . 2 Leadbitter, Thomas Bucklersbury 2 Loftus, Thomas New Inn 5 Lowe, William Temple 10 Lowe, John Ditto 10 Lowless, Joseph Hatton-court 2 Lukin, John Gray's Inn 5 Makinson, William Elm-court, Temple 5 Malton, Wm Carey-street 10 190 Mander, James , Hare-court, Temple 1 Martineau, Philip Carey-street 10 Maugham, Robert Great James-street 10 Mawe, Thomas Jones New Inn 2 Meade, Richard Taunton, Somerset 1 Medcalfe, Robert Chancery-lane 2 Meredith, James Beavan Holborn-conrt 2 Metcalfe, Thomas Lincoln's Inn 20 Miles, Samuel Leicester 10 Milne, Nathaniel Temple 1 200 Milne, Nathaniel Charles Ditto 1 Montriou, William Staple Inn 10 Moore, Daniel Lincoln's Inn 20 Morton, George Gray's Inn 10 Nares, Edward Probyn Chapel-street, Bedford-row 2 Nethersole, William Essex-street 1 Oddie, Henry Hoy le, J un Carey-street 10 Ogle, Edward Lodge Clement's-lane 4 Orme, A. C King's Bench-walk 2 Paddon, Joseph Fareliam, Hants 2 210 Paget, J. W Quality-court 2 Parry. William Temple 2 Paterson, William Old $road-street 1 16 No. of Shares. Pearce, John M Swithin's Lane 2 Pearce, Stewart P. Ditto 5 Phillips, T. B Louth, Lincolnshire 1 Phillips, Stephen Howell Norfolk-street 2 Philpot, John Southampton-street 2 Plumptre,E.H Temple 2 Pocock, John Innes Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 220 Potts, Roger Serjeant's Inn, Fleet-street 10 Potts.Edward Ditto 10 Potts, William Ditto 10 Powell, John Brecon 2 Pownall, Charles Edward Old Jewry 2 Preston, John Coleman-street 10 Price, William Lincoln's Inn 4 Radcliffe, John 2, New Inn 4 Ranken, Charles Gray's Inn 2 Reardon, Daniel Corbet-court, Gracechurch-street . 5 230 Reynal, G. T. R Lord Mayor's Court Office 2 Richards, Stephen Chancery-lane 10 Roarke, James Furnival's Inn 5 Roberts, Wightwick Lincoln's Inn 1 Robinson, William Austin Friars 2 Rowley, George W Saville-place 5 Roy,Richard Broad-street-buildings 2 Sale, Richard C Surrey-street, Strand 10 Salmon, W. W Devizes, Wiltshire 10 Sandys, Hannibal Crane-court, Fleet-street 5 240 Sandys, William Ditto 2 Scargill, John Hatton-court 2 Scott, John Fallowfield Lincoln's Inn 10 Seymour, William Margaret-street, Cavendish-square 12 Sherwood, Thomas Canterbury-square 2 Sherwood, E. A Ditto 2 Smale, Henry Lewis Dean's-yard, Doctors' Commons. . 2 Smedley, Francis Ely-place 2 Smith, Frederick New Basinghall-street 4 Smith, Ralph Colley Lincoln's Inn 4 250 Smith, C. A Greenwich 10 Smyth, William Tyler Northampton 4 Spence, George Sise-lane 10 Spike, William Elm-court 1 Spinks, John Temple 5 Stables, Henry Edward Copthall-court 1 Sterry, Wasey, Jun Romford, Essex 10 Stokes, C. S Basinghall-street 5 Storey, James St. Albans 5 Stratum, H Shoreditch 2 260 Sudlow, John J. J Chancery-lane 2 Sweet, S. W Basinghall-street 10 Taylor, John S Great James-street 2 Thrupp, Joseph William Duke-street, Manchester-square . . 2 Tilleard, John Old Jewry 2 Tilson, Thomas Coleman-street 10 Tooke, William Bedford-row 20 Trower, Robert Ely-place 4 Tusrin, Edward Erskine Bnde-court 2 Tyrrell, Edward Guildhall, London 1 270 Tyrrell, Timothy Ditto 1 17 No. of Shares. Ulton, James , , . . . Downham Market, Norfolk 1 Vander Gucht, T. G Craven-street, Strand 2 Vanderzee, George Exchequer-office 2 Vincent, Robert Basinghall-street] 4 Vizard, William Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 Vizard, Henry Dursley, Gloucestershire 4 Walker, Edmund Lincoln's Inn Fields 2 Walton, Jackson Warnford-court 1 Watson, B. F Furnival's Inn 2 280 Wedlake, H. B King's Bench-walk 1 Welch, John Holborn-court 2 White, Richard Essex-street 20 White, Richard Samuel Lincoln's Inn 2 White, John Meadows Tokenhouse-yard 2 Williamson, J Gray's Inn 2 Wilson, Charles Carus Furnival's Inn 2 W T ing, Thomas Gray's Inn 10 Wing, John Wisbech, Cambridgeshire 1 Woodhouse, Richard King's Bench Walk 10 290 Woolcombe, Henry , Plymouth 2 Wren, William Weld New-court, Temple 1 292 Yatman, William Arundel-street 4 1335 Shares, at 25f. per Share 33,375/. PRINTED BY J. HOLMES, NO. 4, TOOK.'s COURT, CHANCERY LANE. i I s S S t" I I %WNY$m^ ^UIBRARYQr ^ ij x. ^^-^ ^ . a i I i s 6 ^OF-CAIIFO% < I I | 3 c: p-; 000 004 672 2