University of California Berkeley THE PILGEIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE THE PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE, FROM THE FRENCH OF GUILLAUME DE DEGUILEVILLE. EDITED BY WILLIAM ALDIS WEIGHT, M.A., LIBRARIAN OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. PRINTED FOR THE LONDON: J. B. NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. MDCCCLXIX. Club, THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QTJEENSBERRY, E.G., PRESIDENT. HIS EXCELLENCY MONSIEUR VAN DE WEYER. MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. EARL OF CARNARVON. EARL OF POWIS, V.P. EARL BEAUCHAMP. EARL OF CAWDOR. LORD DUFFERIN, K.C.B. LORD HOUGHTON. LORD ORMATHWAITE. SIR STEPHEN RICHARD GLYNNE, BART. SIR EDWARD HULSE, BART. SIR JOHN SIMEON, BART. SIR WILLIAM STIRLING MAXWELL, BART. SIR JAMES SHAW WILLES. HENRY BRADSHAW, ESQ. REV. WILLIAM EDWARD BUCKLEY. PAUL BUTLER, ESQ. REV. WILLIAM GEORGE CLARK. REV. HENRY OCTAVIUS COXE. FRANCIS HENRY DICKINSON, ESQ. GEORGE BRISCOE EYRE, ESQ. CHARLES GRIFFITH WYNNE FINCH, ESQ. THOMAS GAISFORD, ESQ. HENRY HUCKS GIBBS, ESQ. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, ESQ. RALPH NEVILLE GRENVILLE, ESQ. Treasurer. JOHN BENJAMIN HEATH, ESQ. KIRKMAN DANIEL HODGSON, ESQ. ROBERT STAYNER HOLFORD, ESQ. ALEX. JAMES BERESFORD HOPE, ESQ. HENRY HUTH, ESQ. JOHN COLE NICHOLL, ESQ. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ. CHRISTOPHER SYKES, ESQ. SIMON WATSON TAYLOR, ESQ. GEORGE TOMLINE, ESQ. CHARLES TOWNELEY, ESQ. ftortmrgi)* Cluft. 1812. PRESIDENT. 1. GEORGE JOHN, EARL SPENCER. 1812. 2. WILLIAM SPENCER, DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. 1812. 3 GEORGE SPENCER CHURCHILL, MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD. 1817. DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. 1812. 4. GEORGE GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, EARL GOWER. 1833. MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. 1833. DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. 1812. 5. GEORGE HOWARD, VISCOUNT MORPETH. 1825. EARL OF CARLISLE. 1812. 6. JOHN CHARLES SPENCER, VISCOUNT ALTHORP. 1834. EARL SPENCER. 1812. 7. SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. 1812. 8. SIR SAMUEL EGERTON BRYDGES, BART. 1812. 9. WILLIAM BENTHAM, ESQ. 1812. 10. WILLIAM BOLLAND, ESQ. 1829. SIR WILLIAM BOLLAND. KNT. 1812. 11. JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 1812. 12. REV. WILLIAM HOLWELL CARR. 1812. 13. JOHN DENT. ESQ. 1812. 14. REV. THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN. 1812. 15. REV. HENRY DRURY. 1812. 16. FRANCIS FREELING, ESQ. 1828. SIR FRANCIS FREELING, BART. 1812. 17. GEORGE HENRY FREELING, ESQ. 1836. SIR GEORGE HENRY FREELING, BART JOSEPH HASLEWOOD, ESQ. RICHARD HEBER, ESQ. REV. THOMAS CUTHBERT HEBER. GEORGE ISTED, ESQ. 22. ROBERT LANG, ESQ. 23. JOSEPH LITTLEDALE, ESQ. 1824. SIR JOSEPH LITTLEDALE, KNT. 1812. 24. JAMES HEYWOOD MARKLAND, ESQ. 1812. 25. JOHN DELAFIELD PHELPS, ESQ. 1812. 26. THOMAS PONTON, ESQ. 1812. 27. PEREGRINE TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1812. 28. EDWARD VERNON UTTERSON, ESQ. 1812. 29. ROGER WILBRAHAM, ESQ. 1812. 30. REV. JAMES WILLIAM DODD. 1812. 31. EDWARD LITTLEDALE, ESQ. 1816. 32. GEORGE HIBBERT, ESQ. 1819. 33. SIR ALEXANDER BOSWELL, BART. 1822. 34. GEORGE WATSON TAYLOR, ESQ. 1822. 35. JOHN ARTHUR LLOYD, ESQ. 1822. 36. VENERABLE ARCHDEACON WRANGHAM. 1823. 37. THE AUTHOR OF WAVERLEY. 1827. SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. 1827. 38. HON. AND REV. GEORGE NEVILLE GRENVILLE. 1846. DEAN OF WINDSOR. 1828. 39. EDWARD HERBERT, VISCOUNT CLIVE. 1839. EARL OF POWIS. 1830. 40. JOHN FREDERICK, EARL OF CAWDOR. 1831. 41. REV. EDWARD CRAVEN HAWTREY, D.D. 1834. 42. SIR STEPHEN RICHARD GLYNNE, BART. 1834. 43. BENJAMIN BARNARD, ESQ. 1834. 44. VENERABLE ARCHDEACON BUTLER, D.D. 1836. SAMUEL, LORD BISHOP OK LICIIF1EJ.D 1835. PRESIDENT. EDWARD HERBERT, VISCOUNT CLIVE. 1839. EARL OF POWIS. 1835. 45. WALTER FRANCIS, DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEEXSBERRY. 1836. 46. RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD FRANCIS EGERTON. 1846. EARL OF ELLESMERE. 1836. 47. ARCHIBALD ACHESON, VISCOUNT ACHESON. 1849. EARL OF GOSFORD. 1836. 48. BERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ. 1836. 49. HENRY HALLAM, ESQ. 1837. 50. PHILIP HENRY STANHOPE, VISCOUNT MAHON. 1855. EARL STANHOPE. 1838. 51. GEORGE JOHN, LORD VERNON. 1838. 52. REV. PHILIP BLISS, D.C.L. 1839. 53. RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JAMES PARKE, KNT. 1856. LORD WENSLEYDALE. 1839. 54. REV. BULKELEY BANDINEL, D.D. 1839. 55. WILLIAM HENRY MILLER, ESQ. 1839. 56. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ. 1840. 57. EDWARD JAMES HERBERT, VISCOUNT CLIVE. 1848. EARL OF POWIS. 1841. 58. DAVID DUNDAS, ESQ. 1847. SIR DAVID DUNDAS, KNT. 1842. 59. JOHN EARL BROWNLOW. 1842. 60. HONOURABLE HUGH CHOLMONDELEY. 1855. LORD DELAMERE. SIR ROBERT HARRY INGLIS, BART. ALEXANDER JAMES BERESFORD HOPE, ESQ. REV. HENRY WELLESLEY. ANDREW RUTHERFURD, ESQ. 1851. LORD RUTHERFURD. 1846. 65. HON. ROBERT CURZON, JUN. 1846. 66. GEORGE TOMLINE, ESQ. 1846. 67. WILLIAM STIRLING, ESQ. 1866. SIR WILLIAM STIRLING MAXWELL, BART. 1847. 68. FRANCIS HENRY DICKINSON, ESQ. 1848. PRESIDENT. WALTER FRANCIS, DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, K.G. 1848. 69. NATHANIEL BLAND, ESQ. 1848. 70. REV. WILLIAM EDWARD BUCKLEY. 1849. 71. REV. JOHN STUART HIPPISLEY HORNER. 1849. 72. HIS EXCELLENCY MONSIEUR VAN DE WEYER. 1849. 73. MELVILLE PORTAL, ESQ. 1851. 74. ROBERT STAYNER HOLFORD, ESQ. 75. PAUL BUTLER, ESQ. 76. EDWARD HULSE, ESQ. 1855. SIR EDWARD HULSE, BART. 1853. 77. CHARLES TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1854. 78. WILLIAM ALEX. ANTH. ARCH. DUKE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON. 79. HENRY HOWARD MOLYNEUX, EARL OF CARNARVON. 1855. 80. SIR JOHN BENN WALSH, BART. 1868. LORD ORMATHWAITE. 81. ADRIAN JOHN HOPE, ESQ. 82. RALPH NEVILLE GRENVILLE, ESQ. 1856. 83. SIR JOHN SIMEON, BART. 84. SIR JAMES SHAW WILLES, KNT. 1857. 85. GEORGE GRANVILLE FRANCIS, EARL OF ELLESMERE. 86. AVILLIAM SCHOMBERG ROBERT, MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN. 87. FREDERICK TEMPLE, LORD DUFFERIN. 1858. 88. SIMON WATSON TAYLOR, ESQ. 89. THOMAS GAISFORD, ESQ. 1861. 90. JOHN FREDERICK VAUGHAN, EARL CAWDOR. 1863. 91. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, ESQ. 92. HENRY BUCKS GIBBS, ESQ. 1864. 93. RICHARD MONCKTON, LORD HOUGHTON. 94. CHRISTOPHER SYKES, ESQ. 95. REV. HENRY OCTAVIUS COXE. 96. REV. WILLIAM GEORGE CLARK. 97. REV. CHARLES HENRY HARTSHORNE. 98. JOHN COLE NICHOLL, ESQ. 99. GEORGE BRISCOE EYRE, ESQ. 100. JOHN BENJAMIN HEATH, ESQ. 1866. 101. HENRY HUTH, ESQ. 102. HENRY BRADSHAW, ESQ. 1867. 103. FREDERICK, EARL BEAUCHAMP. 104. KIRKMAN DANIEL HODGSON, ESQ. 1868. 105. CHARLES GRIFFITH WYNNE FINCH, ESQ. &ojdburgi)r Club. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS PRESENTED TO AND PRINTED BY THE CLUB. LONDON: MDCCCLXIV. CATALOGUE. Certaine Bokes of VIRGILES Aenaeis, turned into English Meter. By the Eight Honorable Lorde, HENRY EARLE OF SURREY. WILLIAM BOLLAND, ESQ. 1814. Caltha Poetarum ; or, The Bumhle Bee. By T. CUTWODE, ESQ. RICHARD HEBER, ESQ. 1815. The Three First Books of OVID de Tristibus, Translated into English. By THOMAS CHURCHYARDE. EARL SPENCER, PRESIDENT. 1816. Poems. By RICHARD BARNFIELD. JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 1816- DOLARNEY'S Primerose or the Eirst part of the Passionate Hermit. SIR ERANCIS EREELING, BART. 1816. La Contenance de la Table. GEORGE HENRY EREELING, ESQ. 1816. Newes from Scotland, declaring the Damnable Life of Doctor Eian, a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough in lanuarie last 1591. GEORGE HENRY EREELING, ESQ. 1816- A proper new Interlude of the World and the Child, otherwise called Mundus et Infans. VISCOUNT ALTHORP. 1817. HAGTHORPE Revived ; or Select Specimens of a Eorgotten Poet. SIR SAMUEL EGERTON BRYDGES, BART. 1817. 4 Istoria novellamente ritrovata di due nobili Amanti, &c. da LTJIGI PORTO. REV. WILLIAM HOLWELL CARR. 1817. The Euneralles of King Edward the Sixt. REV. JAMES WILLIAM DODD. 1817. A Roxburghe Garland, 12mo. JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 1817. Cock Lorell's Boat, a Fragment from the original in the British Museum. REV. HENRY DRTJRY. 1817. Le Livre du Eaucon. ROBERT LANG, ESQ. 1817. The Glutton's Eeaver. By THOMAS BANCROFT. JOHN DELAFIELD PHELPS, ESQ. 1817. The Chorle and the Birde. SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. 1818. Daiphantus, or the Passions of Love. By ANTONY SCOLOKER. ROGER WILBRAHAM, ESQ. 1818. The Complaint of a Lover's Life. Controversy between a Lover and a Jay. REV. THOMAS FROG ALL DIBDIN, VICE PRESIDENT. 1818- Balades and other Poems. By JOHN GOWER. Printed from the original Manuscript, in the Library of the Marquis of Stafford, at Trentham. EARL GOWER. 1818. Diana ; or the excellent conceitful Sonnets of H. C., supposed to have been printed either in 1592 or 1594. EDWARD LITTLEDALE, ESQ. 1818. Chester Mysteries. De Deluvio Noe. De Occisione Innocentium. JAMES HEYWOOD MARKLAND, ESQ. 1818. Ceremonial at the Marriage of Mary Queen of Scotts with the Dauphin of Prance. WILLIAM BENTHAM, ESQ. 1818. The Solempnities and Triumphes doon and made at the Spousells and Marriage of the King's Daughter the Ladye Marye to the Prynce of Castile, Archduke of Austrige. JOHN DENT, ESQ. 1818. The Life of St. Ursula. Guiscard and Sigismund. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. 1818. Le Morte Arthur. The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Du Lake. THOMAS PONTON, ESQ. 1819. Six Bookes of Metamorphoseos in whyche hen conteyned the Pahles of OVYDE. Translated out of Prensshe into Englysshe by WILLIAM CAXTON. Printed from a Manuscript in the Library of Mr. Secretary Pepys, in the College of St. Mary Magdalen, in the University of Cambridge. GEORGE HIBBERT, ESQ. 1819. Cheuelere Assigne. EDWARD VERNON UTTERSON, ESQ. 1820. Two Interludes : Jack Jugler and Thersytes. JOSEPH HASLEWOOD, ESQ. 1820. The New Notborune Mayd. The Boke of Mayd Emlyn. GEORGE ISTED, ESQ. 1820. The Book of Life ; a Bibliographical Melody. Dedicated to the Eoxburghe Club by RICHARD THOMSON. 8vo. 1820. Magnyfycence : an Interlude. By JOHN SKELTON, Poet Laureat to Henry VIII. JOSEPH LITTLEDALE, ESQ. 1821. 6 Judicium, a Pageant. Extracted from the Towneley Manuscript of Ancient Mysteries. PEREGRINE EDWARD TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1822. An Elegiacal Poem, on the Death of Thomas Lord Grey, of Wilton. By ROBERT MARSTON. From a Manuscript in the Library of The Eight Honourable Thomas Grenville. VISCOUNT MORPETH. 1822. Selections from the Works of THOMAS RAVENSCROFT; a Musical Composer of the time of King James the First. DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. 1822. LLELII PEREGRINI Oratio in Obitum Torquati Tassi. Editio secunda. SIR SAMUEL EGERTON BRYDGES, BART. 1822. The Hors, the Shepe, and the Ghoos. SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. 1822. The Metrical Life of Saint Eobert of Knaresborough. REV. HENRY DRURY. 1824. Informacon for Pylgrymes unto the Holy Londe. From a rare Tract, in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. GEORGE HENRY FREELING, ESQ. 1824. The Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errants or the Bearing Down the Inne, a Comsedie. The Faery Pastorall or Forrest of Elues. By W P , ESQ. JOHN ARTHUR LLOYD, ESQ. 1824. The Garden Plot, an Allegorical Poem, inscribed to Queen Eliza- beth. By HENRY GOLDINGHAM. From an unpublished Manu- script of the Harleian Collection in the British Museum. To which are added some account of the Author ; also a reprint of his Masques performed before the Queen at Norwich, on Thursday, August 21, 1578. VENERABLE ARCHDEACON WRANGHAM. 1825. La Rotta de Erancciosi a Terroana novamente facta. La Rotta de Scocesi. EAIIL SPENCER, PRESIDENT. 1825. Nouvelle Edition d'un Poeme sur la Journee de Guinegate. Presented by the MARQUIS DE EORTIA. 1825. Zuleima, par C. PICHLER. 12mo. Presented by H. DE CHATEAUGIRON. 1825. Poems, written in English, by CHARLES DUKE OF ORLEANS, during his Captivity in England after the Battle of Azincourt. GEORGE WATSON TAYLOR, ESQ. 1827. Proceedings in the Court Martial, held upon John, Master of Sinclair, Captain-Leiutenant in Preston's Regiment, for the Murder of Ensign Schaw of the same Regiment, and Captain Schaw, of the Royals, 17 October, 1708 ; with Correspondence respecting that Transaction. SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. 1828. The Ancient English Romance of Havelok the Dane ; accompanied by the Erench Text : with an Introduction, Notes, and a Glossary. By EREDERIC MADDEN, ESQ. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1828. GAUFRIDI ARTHURII MONEMUTHENSIS Archidiaconi, postea vero Episcopi Asaphensis, de Vita et Vaticiniis Merlini Calidonii, Carmen Heroicum. HON. and REV. G. NEVILLE GRENVILLE. 1830. The Ancient English Romance of William and the Werwolf; edited from an unique copy in King's College Library, Cambridge ; with an Introduction and Glossary. By EREDERIC MADDEN, ESQ. EARL CAWDOR. 1832. 8 The Private Diary of WILLIAM, first EARL COWPER, Lord Chan- cellor of England. REV. EDWARD CRAVEN HAWTREY. 1833. The Lyvys of Seyntes; translated into Englys be a Doctour of Dyuynite clepyd OSBERN BOKENAM, frer Austyn of the Convent of Stockclare. VISCOUNT CLIVE, PRESIDENT. 1835. A Little Boke of Ballads. Dedicated to the Club by E. V. UTTERSON, ESQ. 1836. The Love of "Wales to their Soueraigne Prince, expressed in a true Relation of the Solemnity held at Ludlow, in the Countie of Salop, upon the fourth of November last past, Anno Domini 1616, being the day of the Creation of the high and mighty Charles, Prince of Wales, and Earle of Chester, in his Maiesties Palace of White-Hall. Presented by the HONOURABLE R. H. CLIVE. 1837. Sidneiana, being a collection of Fragments relative to Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, and his immediate Connexions. BISHOP OP LICHPIELD. 1837. The Owl and the Nightingale, a Poem of the twelfth Century. Now first printed from Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, and at Jesus' College, Oxford; with an Introduction and Glossary. Edited by JOSEPHUS STEVENSON, ESQ. SIR STEPHEN RICHARD GLYNNE, BART. 1838. The Old English Version of the Gesta Romanorum : edited for the first time from Manuscripts in the British Museum and Uni- versity Library, Cambridge, with an Introduction and Notes, by SIR EREDERIC MADDEN, K.H. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1838. Illustrations of Ancient State and Chivalry, from MSS. preserved in the Ashmolean Museum, with an Appendix. BENJAMIN BARNARD, ESQ. 1840. Manners and Household Expenses of England in the thirteenth and fifteenth Centuries, illustrated by original Records. 1. House- hold Roll of Eleanor Countess of Leicester, A.D. 1265. II. Accounts of the Executors of Eleanor Queen Consort of Edward I. A.D. 1291. III. Accounts and Memoranda of Sir John Howard, first Duke of Norfolk, A.D. 1462 to A.D. 1471. BERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ. 1841. The Black Prince, an Historical Poem, written in Erench, by CHANDOS HERALD ; with a Translation and Notes by the REV. HENRY OCTAVIUS COXE, M.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1842. The Decline of the last Stuarts. Extracts from the Despatches of British Envoys to the Secretary of State. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1843. Vox Populi Vox Dei, a Complaynt of the Comons against Taxes. Presented according to the Direction of the late RIGHT HON. SIR JOSEPH LITTLEDALE, KNT. 1843. Household Books of John Duke of Norfolk and Thomas Earl of Surrey; temp. 1481 1490. Erom the original Manuscripts in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, London. Edited by J. PAYNE COLLIER, ESQ., E.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1844. Three Collections of English Poetry of the latter part of the Six- teenth Century. Presented by the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G. 1845. 10 Historical Papers, Part I. Castra Regia, a Treatise on the Suc- cession to the Crown of England, addressed to Queen Elizabeth by ROGER EDWARDS, Esq., in 1568. Novissima Straffordii, Some account of the Proceedings against, and Demeanor of, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, both before and during his Trial, as well as at his Execution; written in Latin, by' ABRAHAM WRIGHT, Vicar of Okeham, in Rutlandshire. The same (endeauord) in English, by JAMES WRIGHT, Barrister at Law. REV. PHILIP BLISS, D.C.L., and REV. BTJLKELEY BANDINEL. 1846. Correspondence of SIR HENRY UNTON, KNT., Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth to Henry IV. King of France, in the years MDXCI. and MDXCII. Erom the originals and authentic copies in the State Paper Office, the British Museum, and the Bodleian Library. Edited by the REV. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1847. La Vraie Cronicque d'Escoce. Pretensions des Anglois a la Couronne de Erance. Diplome de Jacques VI. Roi de la Grande Bretagne. Drawn from the Burgundian Library, by Major Robert Anstruther. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1847. The Sherley Brothers, an Historical Memoir of the Lives of Sir Thomas Sherley, Sir Anthony Sherley. and Sir Robert Sherley, Knights, by one of the same House. Edited and Presented by EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, ESQ. 1848. The Alliterative Romance of Alexander. Erom the unique Manu- script in the Ashmolean Museum. Edited by the REV. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1849. 11 Letters and Dispatches from SIR HENRY WOTTON to James the Eirst and his Ministers, in the years MDCXVII XX. Printed from the Originals in the Library of Eton College. GEORGE TOMLINE, ESQ. 1850. Poema quod dicitur Vox Clamantis, necnon Chronica Tripartita, auctore JOHANNE GOWER, mine primum edidit H. O. COXE, M.A. PRINTED TOR THE CLUB. 1850. Eive Old Plays. Edited from Copies, either unique or of great rarity, by J. PAYNE COLLIER, Esq., E.S.A. PRINTED TOR THE CLUB. 1851. The Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Eerumbras his Sone who conquerede Rome. THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH, PRESIDENT. 1854. The Ayenbite of Inwyt. Erom the Autograph MS. in the British Museum. Edited by the REV. JOSEPH STEVENSON, M.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1855 John de Garlande, de Triumphis Ecclesise Libri Octo. A Latin Poem of the Thirteenth Century. Edited, from the unique Manuscript in the British Museum, by THOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ., M.A., E.S.A., Hon. M.E.S.L., &c. &c. EARL OF Powis. 1856. Poems by MICHAEL DRAYTON. Erom the earliest and rarest Edi- tions, or from Copies entirely unique. Edited, with Notes and Illustrations, and a new Memoir of the Author, by J. PAYNE COLLIER, ESQ., E.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1856. Literary Bemains of KING EDWARD THE SIXTH. In Two Volumes. Edited from his Autograph Manuscripts, with historical Notes, and a Biographical Memoir, by JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS, E.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1857. 12 The Itineraries of WILLIAM WEY, Fellow of Eton College, to Jeru- salem, A.D. 1458 and A.D. 1462 ; and to Saint James of Com- postella, A.D. 1456. Prom the original MS. in the Bodleian Library. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1857. The Boke of Noblesse ; Addressed to King Edward the Fourth on his Invasion of Erance in 1475. With an Introduction by JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS, E.S.A. LORD DELAMERE. 1860. Songs and Ballads, with other Short Poems, chiefly of the Reign of Philip and Mary. Edited, from a Manuscript in the Ashmo- lean Museum, by THOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ., M.A., E.S.A., &c. &c. ROBERT S. HOLFORD, ESQ. 1860. De Uegimine Principum, a Poem by THOMAS OCCLEVE, written in the Reign of Henry IV. Edited for the first time by THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq., M.A., E.S.A., &c. &c. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1860. The History of the Holy Graal ; partly in English Verse by Henry Lonelich, Skynner, and wholly in Erench Prose by Sires Robiers de Borron. In two volumes. Edited, from MSS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and the British Museum, by FREDERICK J. EURNIVALL, Esq., M.A., Trinity Hall, Cambridge. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1861 AND 1863. Boberd of Brunne's Handlyng Synne, written A.D. 1203; with the Erench Treatise on which it is founded, Le Manuel des Pechie} by William of Waddington. Erom MSS. in the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries. Edited by FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1862. 13 The Old English Version of Partonope of Blois. Edited for the first time from MSS. in University College Library and the Bodleian at Oxford, by the REV. W. E. BUCKLEY, M.A., Rector of Middleton Cheney, and formerly Rector of Brasenose College. PRINTED FOB, THE CLUB. 1862. Philosophaster, Como3dia ; Poemata, auctore Roberto Burtono, S. Th. B., Democrito Juniore, Ex JMe Christi Oxon. REV. WILLIAM EDWARD BUCKLEY. 1862. La Queste del Saint Graal. In the French Prose of Maistres Gautiers Map, or Walter Map. Edited by FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A., Trinity Hall, Cambridge. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1864. A Royal Historic of the excellent Knight Generides. HENRY HUCKS GIBBS, ESQ. 1865. The Copy-Book of Sir Amias Poulet's Letters, written during his Embassy in France, A.D. 1577. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1866. The Bokes of Nurture and Kervynge. HON. ROBERT CURZON. 1867. A Map of the Holy Land, illustrating Wey's Itineraries. PRINTED FOR THE CLUB. 1867. Historia Quatuor Regum Anglise, authore Johanne Herdo. SIMON WATSON TAYLOR, ESQ. 1868. Letters of Patrick Ruthven, Earl of Forth and Brentford, 1615 1662 DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH, PRESIDENT. 1868. THE following English prose version of Le pelerinage de la vie humame is printed from a manuscript in the University Library, Cambridge, formerly in the possession of Bishop Moore, of which the class-mark is Ef. 5. 30. The MS. is on vellum, and consists of 136 folios, numbered from 5 to 140. It was probably written about the year 1430, a century after the composition of the original poem. The version is slavishly faithful, so much so as to be occasionally obscure ; French idioms being literally rendered, and the order of the words to a great extent preserved. The divisions of the lines of the poem are indicated in the manuscript by the signs ( : ) and ( . ) It has not seemed worth while to reproduce these marks of division in the text, as they might be misleading, and therefore punctuation of any kind has been omitted. The numbers in square brackets indicate the commencement of each folio of the MS. Excepting in these two points, and in the substitution of ' th ' for ' ]?,' which almost invariably represents the heavier sound of * th ' as in ' this,' the manuscript has been literally followed. Of the translator nothing whatever is known. That he lived and wrote after the time of Chaucer may be inferred from his adopting that poet's verse translation of the alphabetical acrostic which is found on pp. 165 170 of this volume, and is known as Chaucer's ABC, or La Priere de nostre Dame, traditionally said to have been written at the request of Blanche Duchess of Lancaster. An a ii PREFACE. English verse translation of Le pelermage de la vie humaine is attri- buted to Lydgate. The acrostic poem he tells us had been rendered from the French by his ' mayster Chaucer,' whose version he therefore ' ymped ' or grafted upon his own. Two MSS. of Lydgate's transla- tion are in the Cottonian Collection in the British Museum, Tiberius, A. vii. (foil. 39106), and Vitellius, C. xiii. (foil. 2308). Both have been injured by fire, and the former is very imperfect. In the latter a blank is left for the insertion of Chaucer's acrostic. Lydgate's version was made, as he himself tells us, by the command of the Earl of Salisbury, Thomas de Montacute, in the year 1426, the Earl being then in Paris. It is this poem unquestionably which is mentioned in the list of Lydgate's works at the end of Speght's edition of Chaucer (1598) as having been ' in the custodie of him that first caused this Siege of Thebes to be added to these works of G. Chaucer.' This was John Stowe, who superintended the edition of Chaucer's works published in 1561, which first contained e The Siege of Thebes.' The poem is called in Speght's or Stowe's list the * Pilgrimage of the World, by commandemeiit of the Earle of Salisbury, 1426,' and Lydgate himself speaks of it as ' Pylgrymage de Movnde.' Copious extracts from it are given in an interesting volume called ' The Ancient Poem, of Guillaume de Guilleville, en- titled Le Pelerinage de l'Homme, compared with the Pilgrim's Progress of John Bunyan, edited from notes collected by the late Mr. Nathaniel Hill.' Warton (Hist, of English Poetry, iii. 163, ed. 1S24) suggests that ' The Peregrination of Mannes Lyfe/ enumerated by Skelton among his prose works, may have been a translation ' from the French, perhaps of Guillaume prior of Chaulis.' He adds, however, doubt- fully, But it should be observed that Pynson printed Peregrinatio Humani Generis, 1508, 4to.' It is difficult to see what is the reason for "Warton's hesitation. The book printed by Pynson was either PREFACE. Ill in English, like the colophon in Herbert's Ames, or in Latin like the title. If the former, it might have been Skelton's. If the latter, it could have had nothing to do with it, as Skelton expressly says he translated from the Erench (G-arlande of Laurell, 11. 1219 1222 ; Works, vol. i. p. 410, ed. Dyce) : ' Of my ladys grace at the contemplacyoun, Owt of Frenshe into Englysshe prose, Of Mannes Lyfe the Peregrynacioun He did translate, enterprete, and disclose.' But it now appears that the Peregrinatio Humani Generis is not in prose but ' in ballad verse or stanzas of seven lines ' (Ames, Typ. Ant. ed. Dibdin, ii. 430), and therefore is not by Skelton. A doubt still remains whether his translation was made from the original poem, or from the prose version of it by Jean Gallopes, of which mention will be made subsequently. Of the author of the poem there is little more known than of his translator. That he was a monk of the Cistercian abbey of Chaalis, which was founded in the twelfth century by St. Louis, in the diocese of Senlis ; that the name of his father was * Thomas of Guilevile ;' that he composed his first pilgrimage in the years 1330 and 1331, and that he was at that time thirty-six years old, we learn from the present volume (pp. 1, 90, 7, 79, 87). He was named Guillaume after his patron St. William, formerly abbot of Chaalis (p. 63). Erom the prose version of Le pelerinage de Fame, made by ' Jehan Galloppes dit le Galoys,' we find that he was prior of the abbey, ' Guillaume prieur de 1'abbaye de Chaaliz.' (Manuscrits du Eonds Erancais, torn. i. p. 61, n. 602.) According to De Visch (Bibliotheca Scriptorum S. Ordinis Cisterciensis, p. 122, ed. 1649) he was a Parisian by birth ; * Guillielmus, cognomento de Guilld- villd, natione Parisiensis, monachus et Prior Chalisii, seu Caroli iv PREFACE. loci.' * Lydgate, in his translation of the passage which corresponds to that at p. 90 of this volume, has, ' God ys thy ffader tak Led her to, And thow art hys sone also Most excellynge off kynrede, That euere was w* oute drede Most noble & off grettest style ffor off Thomas de guillevyle Thow art nat sone on that party I dar afferme and seyn trewly.' (MS. Cott. Vitellius, C. xiii. fol. 147.) The MS. of Les trois pelerinages in the British Museum (Add. 22937) has : Ne cuydes pas que soies fil De thomas de guilleuille. In the printed edition (Le romant des trois Pelerinaiges, Paris, sine anno) the corresponding passage is (fol. 44 6, col. 2), Et ne cuides pas que soyes filz De thomas dit de delguiuille, * A curious blunder is made by La Croix du Maine (Bibl. Franc, i. 329), who says, ' selon aucuns, il etoit natif de Chaaliz, et moine de Pontigny-fille,' a statement which is simply due to a misunderstanding of the lines which form the first stanza of the prologue of the Monk of Clairvaux, who corrected the press for the undated Paris edition of the poem. What he says is perfectly clear : Cy sensuit le noble romant Du peleri bo et vtile Compose bien elegament Par guillaume de deguileuille De chaliz / de pontigny fille Moyne / de lordre de cisteaux. Pontigny being the mother abbey of Chaalis. PREFACE. V the last word being no doubt a misprint for ' deguiluille.' In the same volume are three acrostic poems, one in each pilgrimage, in which the name of the author is given as ' Guillermus de Deguile- villa.' The first of these is in eight-line stanzas, the lines being alternately Latin and Erench, and the acrostic is formed by the initial letters of the stanzas (foil. 84, 85). The second is the same, except that the lines are alternately Erench and Latin (fol. 101). The third is entirely Erench, and is in stanzas of twelve lines (fol. 1676 169) . Of these the first is not found in the British Museum MS., which apparently belongs to what is called the first recension. The second begins at fol. 84, and the acrostic forms the name ' Guillermus de deguileuilla.' The third begins at fol. 1516. The MSS. of both the first and second recensions, if we may trust the account of such as are in the Imperial Library, Paris, which is given in the catalogue already referred to, differ in the form in which they represent the name of the author. In a MS. of the first recension (n. 823), which is dated 1393, it is ' Guillermus de Guile- villa,' while the others (n os . 824, 1139, 1647) have * Guillermus de Deguilevilla.' A sixth MS. of the same recension calls him ' Guil- lermus de Desguilleville;' but this is of no authority, as the form is only given as it appears in the colophon, and moreover it is quoted by M. Paulin Paris (Les Manuscrits Erancais, vi. 371) as ' Guillaume de Deguilleville.' A seventh (n. 376), which is apparently the earliest MS. of the first recension, belonging to the end of the 14th century, has another form, ' Guillermus de Deguillevilla.' All the MSS. of the second recension (377, 825, 829, 1138, 1648) agree in calling the author Guillermus de Deguillevilla or de Deguilevilla. In the description of n. 1649, which is a manuscript of the first pilgrimage, he is called Guillaume de Guillerville. Jean Gallopes in his prose version, Le livre du pelerinage de vie humaine (n. 1137), VI PREFACE. calls him ' Frere Guillaume de Guilleuille.' finally, in the printed editions, which represent the second recension alone, his name appears as ' Guillaume de Deguileuille,' and this form appears to have the strongest evidence in its favour. There is a small village in France, called Guilleville, on the road from Orleans to Chartres, from which either * de Guilleville ' or ' de Deguileville ' might ori- ginally have been derived, but there is no evidence for connecting our author with it either as a place of birth or residence. The date of his death is unknown, but he was alive as late as 1358, when he composed his Third Pilgrimage, as he tells us in the prologue to that poem. The second recension of his First Pilgrimage appears to have been completed about the year 1355, twenty- five years after its original composition, for in the prologue, as it appears in the printed editions, he mentions the year of his first dream as Lan mil troys cens diz par trois foiz, and afterwards adds, Disant a tous comment mauint Passe a des ans vingt cinq Ou monastere de chaliz Qui fut fonde par sainct loys, which is interpreted by M. Paulin Paris (Les Manuscrits Frangais, vi. 358) as fixing 1355 for the date of the second recension. The three poems were printed at Paris by B. Rembolt in a 4 to. volume without date, about the beginning of the 16th century, under the following title : ' Le romant des trois Pelerinaiges. Le premier pelerinaige est de Ihomme durat quest en vie. Le second de lame separee du corps. Le tiers est de nostreseigrir iesus/ en forme de monotesseron : cestassauoir les quatre euagiles mises en vne : et le tout magistralement/ cointemet & si vtilemet pour le PREFACE. vii salut de lame quon ne pourroit mieulx dire ne escpre. fait et 9pose p frere guillaume d' deguileuille en son viuat moyne de chaaliz de lordre de cisteaux.' Prefixed to the poem is the Prologue du cor- recteur,' a monk of Clairvaux, who appears to have superintended the printing. He speaks rather contemptuously of the prose version of Jean Gallopes, though without mentioning his name, as having been made from an imperfect form of the poem. Encor ceste translation A este tyree et extraicte De la premiere ediction De lacteur questoit imperfaicte Ainsi que luy mesme latteste Euidemment en son prologue. The name of this monk of Clairvaux, who superintended the printing of the undated Paris edition of Le romant des trois Pele- rinaiges, is commonly said to be Pierre Virgin, but this is un- doubtedly a mistake. Pierre Virgin corrected the press for the prose version of Jean Gallopes, which was printed at Lyons by Mathieu Huss in 1499, and he could not be the same with the monk who spoke of this very version in such disparaging terms in his prologue. The error seems to have been made in some later edition than I have seen of the Bibliotheca Scriptorum S. Ordinis Cisterciensis by Charles de Visch, for that of 1649 merely mentions the editor of the Paris edition as ' quendam religiosum Clarseval- lensem, virum eruditum.' Goujet, in his Bibliotheque Pranyoise, ix. 74, refers to de Visch as his authority for the statement that Pierre Virgin, a monk of Clairvaux, revised, retouched, and published the three pilgrimages of Guillaume de Deguileville after the death of the author. His reference shows that he had another edition before him. The monk speaks of the poem as one which by reason V111 PREFACE. of its great age had become corrupt, and gives the following account of his own labours upon it : Jadis fut fait a lequite En bonne rime et mesuree Mais par treslongue antiquite A este beaucop deprauee Puis de present bien reparee 'A moult grans peines et trauaulx Et a forme deue redigee Par lung des moynes de cleruaulx. The error by which the monk of Clairvaux has been identified with Pierre Virgin, the corrector of the Lyons edition of Gallopes' prose version, seems to have arisen from a misunderstanding of the colo- phon of that book, which is thus given by Brunet : ' Cy finist ce liure intitule le pelerin de vie humaine par messire pierre Virgin diligentement veu et corrige iouxte le style de celluy qui la tourne de rime en prose.' This clearly shows that by Pierre Virgin the book was f diligently seen and corrected,' according to the version of Jean Gallopes, that he probably lived in Lyons, and that there is nothing to identify him with the monk of Clairvaux who saw the Paris edition of the poem through the press. As the labours of the latter appear to have been simply editorial, he is not likely to have had anything to do with the acrostics which occur in the poems, which may therefore be depended upon as determining the poet's name to have been Guillaume de Deguileville. The prose version of Le pelerinage de vie humaine was under- taken at the request of Jeanne de Laval by Jean Gallopes, who then describes himself as simply a clerk of Angers. Goujet (Bibl. Prang, ix. 91) identifies Jeanne de Laval with Jeanne queen of Jerusalem and Sicily, Duchess of Anjou and Bar, and Countess of PREFACE. IX Provence, who died 22 May, 1382. But though it is undoubtedly true that Jeanne Queen of Naples, the possessor of these titles, died at the date given by Goujet, she certainly was not Jeanne de Laval. There was a Jeanne de Laval, widow of the Conne'table du Guesclin, who was the second wife of Gui XII., Sire de Laval, and died 23 December, 1433. She would thus be a contemporary of Jean Gallopes, who was afterwards chaplain to John Duke of Bedford, Regent of Prance, at whose command he transposed Le p&lerinage de Vdme into French prose, and who died in 1435. In a MS. of Gallopes' Pelerinage de vie humaine in the Imperial Library at Paris (n. 1646), the colophon states that it was written ' a la requeste de noble damoiselle Jehanne Maillart, dame de Savegnies.' As in another MS. in the same Library (n. 1137) the version is said to have been made ' a la requeste de . . . Jehanne de Laval,' I infer that Jehanne de Laval is identical with Jehanne Maillart, dame de Savegnies, and that whether or not she be the same with the widow of du Guesclin, she cannot be Jeanne I., the notorious Queen of Naples. Of Jean Gallopes, who appears to have been of English origin, nothing is known beyond what has been already mentioned, except that he was dean of the ancient collegiate church of St. Louis de la Saulsoye, or la Saussaye, in the diocese of Evreux (Paulin Paris, Les Manuscrits Francois, v. 131, 132), and that he was surnamed e le Galoys.' Indeed it is not quite certain whether he was dean or canon, for M. Paris calls him first by one and then by the other of these titles. These works of Gallopes, the latter of which must have been executed between the years 1422 and 1435, the translation of the Eirst Pilgrimage by Lydgate in 1426, and the translation of the Second Pilgrimage, in part also probably by Lydgate, in 1413, which was printed by Caxton in 1483 under the title of The Pilgremage b X PREFACE . of the Sowle, all combine to show that in the first quarter of the 15th century the allegories of Guillaume de Deguileville had become popular both in Prance and England. To this period the translation now printed for the first time must be referred. It is not within the scope of the present Preface to discuss a question which has been raised, as to how far Bunyan may have been indebted to this allegory for the idea and even the details of his Pilgrim's Progress. But it is at least worthy of remark that in the 17th century there was copied and circulated in manuscript a condensed English version of Guillaume de Deguileville' s first pilgrimage. In the University Library, Cambridge, there is a small volume of 242 pages, of which the class-mark is Ef. 6. 30. The title is ' The Pilgrime, or the Pilgrimage of Man in this "World. Wherein y e Authour doth plainly and truly sett forth y e wretchednes of mans life in this World, without Grace, our sole Protectour. Written in y e yeare of X*. 1331.' The colophon is as follows : ' Written according to y e first copy. The originall being in St. John's Coll. in Oxford, and thither given by Will. Laud, Archbp of Canterbury, who had it of Will. Baspoole, who, before he gave to y e Archbp the originall, did copy it out. By which it was verba- tim written by Walter Parker, 1645, and fro thence transcribed by G. G. 1649. And fro thence by W. A. 1655.' The original here referred to is the Laud MS. quoted in the notes, and is now in the Bodleian Library, among the Laud MSS. n. 740. It is not likely that Bunyan ever saw this, or the Glasgow MS. in the Hunterian Museum (Q. 2, 25), or the MS. from which the present volume is printed, or that in the library of St. John's College, Cambridge (G. 21), but he may at some time have fallen in with a little volume like that described above. With regard to the Notes a few words of explanation are ne- cessary. * The St. John's MS.' frequently referred to, is that which PREFACE. XI has been just mentioned. It contains a translation of the poem which is clearly distinct from that here given, and is written in a Northern dialect. The variations between the two translations are necessarily so numerous that it was impossible to give them all ; only such therefore have been quoted as were characteristic or threw light upon difficulties. The Laud MS., so far as I have examined it, agrees much more closely with that in the University Library. I regret that I have not had an opportunity of consulting the Glasgow MS. ; but from a specimen of it, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. D. Donaldson, Grammar School, Paisley, I infer that it belongs to the same type as the text of the present volume. The only MS. of the original Erench to which I have had access is that in the British Museum (Add. 22937), and my quota- tions therefore are entirely taken from it. It is beautifully written in a hand of the middle of the 15th century, and is embellished with exquisite illuminations. In a MS. note at the beginning Sir Frederic Madden has written, s This volume appears to have been executed for Claude de Montaigu, Seigneur de Couche, Knt. of the Golden Eleece, whose arms appear on ff. 1, 26, 29 b , &c. He died in 1470. His wife was Louise de la Tour, daughter of Bertrand Baron de la Tour d'Auvergne. She died in 1472.' Claude de Montaigu was made Knight of the Golden Eleece at Bruges in 1468, at the same time with Edward IV. of England. The MS., as the armorial bearings show, was written before this date. In another note it is said to have belonged to a Due de Rochefort, whose name it bears. It was purchased for the museum at Mr. Dawson Turner's sale on June 7, 1859. The Paris edition, which is sometimes quoted in the Notes and Glossary, is the undated edition already referred to. Another was printed at Paris by Antoine Verard in 1511, but I have not had access to it. A Spanish version of the Eirst Pilgrimage by ' Erey Vincentio Mazuello ' was printed in 1490 at Tolosa. xii PREFACE. In the Glossary, which has assumed much larger dimensions than I anticipated, I have endeavoured to record all the interesting forms of words which occur in the text, as well as to explain the words which are obsolete. I cannot conclude without expressing my obligations to Mr. Henry Bradshaw, University Librarian, Cambridge, for the valuable assistance he has rendered me whenever I have had occasion to consult him in the course of the work. To M. Prancisque Michel, and to Mr. N. E. Hamilton of the British Museum, I am indebted for their kindness in helping me to information on points connected with the original French ; and to the Rev. J. E. B. Mayor, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, for enabling me to have free access to the MS. of the Pilgrimage in his College Library. WILLIAM ALDIS WRIGHT. Trinity College, Cambridge, 3 June, 1869. THE PILGBIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. [PABT L] [5] To THILKE of this regiown whiche han noon hows but alle as seith seynt Poul be thei riche be thei poore be thei wise other fooles be thei kynges other queenes alle thei ben pilgrimes j wole shewe yow a sweuene that bifelle me the toother day I hadde in wakinge rad and considered and wel seyn the faire romaunce of the Hose And j trowe wel that that were thing that most moovede me to mete this swevene which j wole after shewe yow Now cometh neer and gadereth yow to gideres alle folk and herkeneth wel Let ther be no man nor womman that drawe bakward Alle thei shulden putten hem forth alle thei shulden sitte and herkne for this towcheth alle bothe grete and smale with outen any owt taken In englishe j haue set it so that lewede mowe vnderstande it and ther inne may he wight lerne whiche wey men shulden taken and which forsake and leue and that is thing that miche nedeth to thilke that in pilgrimage gon in this wyilde worlde Now vnder- standeth the swevene that bifelle me in religioun at the abbey of Chaalit as j was in my bed Me thowhte asj slepte that j was a pilgrime and that j was stired to go to the citee of Jerusalem in a mirour And me thouhte it was gret with oute mesure I hadde aperseyued and seyn thilke citee from ferre and me thouhte it of riht gret aray the weyes and the aleyes of thilke citee bothe with inne and abowte weren paved with gold the foundement and the masoun- rye of the citee was set on hy and of newe stones it was mad And an hy wal enclosede it aboute Many ther were with inne of howses of places and of dwellinges ther was al gladshipe ioye with B 2 THE PILGRIMAGE OP oute sorwe ther hadde iche wight shortliche to passe me general- liche of alle goodshipes more than euere thei cowde aske or thinke cap. iii. But it discounforted me michel that eche wyght entred not at his wille For the entre whiche was right strongliche kept Cherubyn was porter ther ate which heeld in his hand a foorbushed swerd wel grownden with two sharpe egges al skirmynge and turnynge Wei he coude helpe him ther with Eor ther is noon kan he neuere so miche on the bokelere that ther mighte passe that ded other wounded he shulde be In so michel that the prince of the cite for he hadde manhode he receyuede deth at the passinge and hadde the spere in his side and lefte his blood in parage al thouh he ouhte no raunsome And so diden also hise knyhtes hise chaumpiouns his sowdiours Alle thei drunken of his chalys and alle thei resseyueden deth at the passage At the kernelles ouer the yate of whiche the porter forbereth noon j seyh the penselles hanginge steyned red with blood Whan j hadde aperceyued al that j sih that entre there j muste needes if ther were noon oother passage And algates bi thilke wey j seyh non but passe Eche was agast whan he hadde seen cherubyn but hennes forthward he may wel putte his bren- nynge swerd in safetee cap. iv. But right as j lyfte myne eyen an by and biheeld a wol gret wunder j sigh wher of j was gretliche abashed Seint Austyn j sigh an by on the kernelles and sat and wel semede a foulere other [(3] a feedere of briddes With him he hadde many oothere grete maistres and doctours that holpen to feede the briddes For for the feedinge that thei hadden and the seed that thei shadden bi croumede mor- celles and here swete songes and faire many folk bicomen briddes and after fly en euene up right Many certeyn j seigh of jacobines of chanownes and of Augustines and of alle manere of folkes lewed and seculere clerkes and of religiouns and of beggeres and of needy that gadered hem fetheres and maden hem grete wynges and sithen bigunnen to flee and for to clymbe bye in to the citee Aboue cherubyn thei flyen Wherfore thei tooken no keep of his dawn- THE LYF OP THE MANHODE. 3 gere Als soone as on that oother side j turnede my sight and my biholdinge yit more j wundrede me of a thing that j seygh Aboue the walles of the citee j seygh oothere folk of auctoritee that holpen here aqueyntees and bi sleyghtes putten hem in First j seih seint Beneyt That on hy ayenst the walles hadde a gret ladder dressed Wher inne weren stiked twelve degrees of humblisse bi whiche cloumben wel swiftliche in to thilke citee thilke that weren of hise folke monk blake and greye and white with oute yndertakinge of any After j seyh seint fraunceys that wel shewed hym freend to ca ? v - thilke of his religioun For as j hadde in metinge a corde wel writhen that bi places was knet he hadde set dounward the wal bi which eche that was his aqueyntee ran up Ther was noon were hise handes neuere so enoynted that he ne ran up soone j nowh and he gripede faste to the knottes Many oothere on the walles j seih of which j am not siker to telle yow alle the names nor how thei maden here aqueyntes clymbe thider on alle sides For only my lookinge was upon the side that was to me ward Ferthere mint j not see wherfore me forthouhte sore But so miche j sey yow short- liche that in the wal that was to me ward j seih a dore litel and streyt which the king of the citee made keepe in equitee The keye ther of he hadde taken to seint Peeter in whom he wel triste and certeyn wel mihte triste in him For ther bi he ne suifrede noon to passe but oonli poore folk For thilke that lyeth nouht hadde seyd that the riche mighte not entre there no more than a camele miht passe thoruh the eye of a nedele The entre was wunder subtile and eche wight onclothed him and naked him at the entringe There men miht en fynde olde robes gret plente For ther bi passede non clothed but if he badde on the kynges robes And thilke passeden aldai whan euere thei wolden Miche likede me this passage for the commune avauntage that alle folk hadden there if thei bi camen verrey poore Ther was no daungere so men wolden despoile hem and here olde robes leue with oute for to haue newe with inne the cloos This citee ouhte wel to like yow For there is not B2 4 THE PILGRIMAGE OF miche to doone ther was neuere noon so riche that he ne may be poore if he wole And certeyn good it is to be it for to entre ther bi in to swich a dwellinge And good it were to faste a litel for to haue ful saulee at the sopere Now haue j seid yow shortlych j nowh of the faire citee how in the faire mirour j aperceyued it And therfore to go j meeved me For thider j wolde be a pilgrime if j mihte elles where see as j mette Noon [7] reste j seygh but wel me thouhte that gret reste j shulde haue had if j hadde be with inne the cloos Neuere thouhte j to departe fro thens if j mihte fulliche come thider cap. vi. As j hadde thouht this anoon after j bithouhte me that me failede scrippe and burdoun and that me needed to haue hem For it is thing wel sittinge to eche walkinge pilgrime thanne j ysede me out of myn hous in whiche j hadde ben ix. monethes of the sesoun with outen any ysinge A bordoun j bigan to seeche and a scrippe neces- sarie to that j hadde to doone cap. vii. And as j wente wepinge and bimenynge me seechinge where j mihte fynde a marchaunt that mihte helpe me ther of j seygh a lady in my wey of hire fairnesse she dide me ioye She seemede douhter to an emperour or to a king or to sum oother gret lord She hadde on a rochet beten with gold and was gert with a grene tissue that was as me thouhte al along arayed with charbuncles On hire brest she hadde a broche of gold and in the middes ther of ther was an amelle and in the middes ther of a sterre wher of certeyn j hadde gret wunder Hire bed was cor owned with gold And al aboute envir owned with gret foisoun of shinynge sterres Wurthi he was certeyn that hadde yive it hire and so arayed hire Curteis she was as me thouhte For she saluede me first and askede me goodliche what j wente so seechinge And thanne j was al abashed For j hadde not lerned that a ladi of so gret aray shulde deyngne to caste hire chere to meward But anoon j avisede me that as j hadde lerned and woot wel that who that hath in him most bountee hath in him most humblesse and the mo THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. O appelen the tre bereth the more she boweth to the folk Humblesse is the signe of goode hertes and of benyngne And ho that bereth not in him thilke banere hath not in him hool bountee Thanne j answerde hire and tolde how it was bifalle me that j was excited to go to the citee of Jerusalem but that j was sori bi as miche as j hadde neither scrippe ne burdoun and that j wente seechinge hem and askinge hem heere and there And she answerde and seide My freend quod she if thow wolt heere goode tidinges of that that thou seech est come with me For ther bifel the neuere so gret good as that thou hast founde me and met with me heere to day For j wol helpe the a noon of al that euere thou hast neede And thanne a noon j miht no lengere holde me that what euere cap. bifel me I ne wolde wite al bothe hire name and what she was Ladi quod j youre name youre cuntre and youre regioun and who ye ben al j wolde fain in sooth wite and praye yow ye wole telle al to me And j trowe j shal be the gladdere And thanne she answerde me and seyde In time j wole telle it thee j wol nother be to thee doutows ne suspeccious I am doubter to the emprour that is lord aboue alle oothere He hath sent me in to this cuntre for to gete him freendes Nouht for that he hath neede to hem but for that it were him riht leef to haue the aqueyntaunce of alle folk and that oonliche for here owen profite Seeste quod she how j am arayed and dight queynteliche with charbuncles and with sterres thow seye neuere noone fairere And that is for to yive light to alle tho that wolen take the weye bi nyghte [8] And it is that eche wight fynde me as wel bi day as bi nihte and bi nihte as bi day so that thei doo no folye I am thilke that thou shuld- est seeche whan thou gost in to straunge londe For as longe as thou hast me in cumpanye thou miht haue no better freend If thou gost with oute me in this cuntre it may not be that thou ne be bihated bothe of my fader the grete kinge and of alle tho that ben with him Ther may no wight do wel with oute me I am needeful to alle folk The world hadde ben lost er this ne hadde j 6 THE PILGRIMAGE OF mayntened it Who so hath me with him no thing faileth him And who hath not me alle thinge faileth him I am gouernouresse of alle thinge and of alle harmes j am leche I make the blynde see and yive strengthe to the feeble I reise tho that ben fallen j redresse thilke that han forfetid and j wole withdrawe me fro no folk but from hem that sinnen dedly and of swiche j haue no cure as longe as thei ben in swich vnclennesse Grace dieu j am cleped ne oother wyse am j not nempned Whan thou shalt haue neede of me ' so thow shalt clepe me and certeyn that shal be riht ofte er thou come fulliche to the citee that thou hast seyn Eor thou shalt fynde lettinges and mischeeves of aduersitees and encombraunces which thou miht not passe with oute me nother thou ne noon oother leeue me right wel And thouh thou mihtest passe foorth or eskape with out me which thing may not be yit j sey thee that in to the dwellinge of Jerusalem thou shalt not entre with oute me ne sette thi foot ther inne Eor althouh thou haue seyn many thinges and aperceyued that summe entren al naked and that summe fleen in bi aboue and that summe entren bi sleyhtes and summe oothere bi Cherubyn ther entreth noon but bi me be thou riht siker For thilke that ben naked j make hem. vnclothe hem with oute for to clothe hem the bettere ayen with inne Oothere j make fethere with my vertues for to flee wel and thanne afterward thei flee as j wole this thou hast well seyn at eye Oothere j putte in the beste wise j can to assaye so that alle j make hem passe in and entre Now thou miht wite with oute dredinge whether myn aqueyntance be good if thee like it sey it anoon and let thi speche no lengere be hyd cap. ix. And thanne anoon j answerde Lady j crye yow mercy for the loue of god that with yow ye wole aqueynte me and that ye wole neuere leue me ther is no thing so necessarie to me to that that j haue to doone And gretliche j thanke yow that goodliche ben come first to me for my goode I haue of nouht elles neede Now ledeth me wher ye wole j pray yow tarieth nouht cap x. Thanne she took me in thilke same houre and taryede me no THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 7 lengere but ledde me in to an hows that was hires And she seide and tolde me that there j shulde fynde al that j hadde neede of She hadde founded thilke hous and masowned it as she seyde xiij . c. yer and xxx. hifore that time as she wiste wel I seyh thilke hows with good wille and yit at the sihte j abashed me For it heeng al on hy in the eyr and was bi twixe the heuene and the eerthe riht as thouh it hadde come thider and alight from the heuene It hadde steples and faire toures and his aray was riht fair But it discoun- forted me riht michel ther was a water bifore it and that needes j muste passe [9] it if j wolde entre in to the hous Ship ne bregge ne plaunke was ther noon and yit the water was deep as j aperceyued wel after whan j was al plounged ther inne And thanne j bigan to speke to grace and askede how j miht askape and whi ther was suich passage and if ther were owher elles any oother and that bi ordre she shulde say me what good that water shulde do me Thanne she answerde thow what seiste quod she art abasht cap. for so litel? thou wolt go in to Jerusalem and thou shuldest passe the grete see The grete see is the world heere which is right ful of gret anoye of tempestes and of tormentes and of gret wyndes And how mihtest thou passe it whan thou hast gret drede of so litel? Heere thou shuldest haue no drede Eor as thou ouhtest wel to wite ther passe heere mo litel children than grete men or olde Heere is the firste passage of alle goode pilgrimages ther is noon oother wey bi noon oother place sane onliche bi cherubyn Ther- forth hauen somme passed and in here owen blood han wasshen hem And neuertheles thouh thou woldest take thi wey bi cherubyn yit is not this wey contrarie but it is to thee cer- teyn & right nessessarye For if thou looke whenes thou comest and the hows foul of dunge in whiche thow hast be ix. monethes thou hast miche neede to washe thee And therfore j rede thee to passe heer foorth For thou shalt passe no sikerere wey Heerbi passede a king sum time that assurede wel the paas and that was thilke that made the paas which was nouht foul ne misdede not If thow wolt 8 THE PILGRIMAGE OF passe it sey it now and j wole do come thee thider a special sergeaunt of myne that of god is official He is keepere of my meyne and ministre of thilke passage Thilke shal helpe thee to passe to bathe thee to washe thee thilke shal also crosse thee For he shal see anoon that thou wolt go ouer the see and conquere Jerusalem And for that thow shalt the lasse drede thine enemyes He shal sette a crosse up on thi breste an oother bihynde thee and also an oother up on thin heed for thou shalt the lasse drede alle mis- cheues He shal enoynte thee as a chaumpioun so that thou shalt sette at nouht alle thine enemyes Now answere anoon what is thin avys And thanne j seyde It is my desire that anoon ye make him come to me cap. xii. Thanne cam to me at hire comaundement the official of whiche j haue spoke bifore and he took me bi that on hand and put me in to the same water there he wesh me there he bathed me and thryes he ploungede me ther inne Grace gabbed me of no thing He crossede me and enoyntede me wel and sithe ledde me in to the hows where ther is riht noble and fair herberwh And there grace made me fayr semblaunt fairere than she hadde do bi fore there she seide she wolde shewe me many thinges and teche me and that j shulde do riht gret wysdom if j wolde vnderstonde it Riht as she spak thus j sigh many merueyles a noon of which j wol not holde me stille that j ne wole sumwhat seye Sithe afterward whan my ' time cometh j wole telle yow of my skrippe and of myn burdoun which j desirede For j shall haue leiser j nouh cap. xiii. Eirst j seih in thilke place as in the middes ther of the signe of Thau which was peynted reed with the blood of the white lamb that is the signe with which goddes seruauntes ben marked amyddes the forhed And this j sigh apertlyche if my meetinge gabbe me [10 J nouht A maister j sigh fasteby that seemede to be a vicarie of aaron or of moyses Por j sigh him holde in his hand a yerde crooked at the eende and his bed he hadde horned He was clothed with a robe of lynene And j trowe wel of sooth that he were thilke THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 9 of which Ezechiel speketh of in his ix. chapitre For in the folkes forhedes he sette the holi Tahu with whiche he hlissede hem It was as he seide the tokne bi which god shulde be to hem benigne For he wole that alle hise folk be marked bi swich a tokne in the forhed With thilke tokne grace dieu made blisse me and marke me in the forhed and therof j was miche the gladdere For j hadde wel neede ther of Nouht of necessite but of sittinge congruitee Afterward j sigh that thilke maister made oynementes that he cap. xiv took to the forseide officiall in seyinge swiche woordes Lo heere iij. wurthi oynementes that j take thee for alle folk with the firste tweyne thou shalt enoynte alle tho that shulen be pilgrimes and wolden be champiouns The thridde shal be for the woundede for the hurte and for the brusede and for thilke that shulen ligge in here dede beddes with oute havinge counfort With this oynement thow shalt enoynte hem and be to hem trewe leeche and suer enoyntinge hem ouer al bisyliche that ban neede Ther of certeyn hauen gret neede alle pilgrimes and alle walkers that passen bi this eerthe For alle thei be euere more in werre Wherfore it may not be that thei ne beeth ofte yuele j led and hurte And therfore neede thei haue at here eendinge of this oynement Now enoynte hem with oute failinge For therfore j take thee the oynement Of summe oynementes to meward to enoynte the newe kynges For moyses vicaryes and for leches as thow art and for the boord on whiche we eten And for tahu that j make in the forhedes I with holde to myself the execucioun the vse and the administracioun Now keep the that thou mistake the not to meward ne misdoo nouht As thei speken thus bitwixe hem tweyne and ordeyned here cap. X v. oynementes anoon a mayden cam doun of a tour to ward hem that was cleped resoun as grace hadde tolde me She bigan to speke to hem and seyde with oute flateringe Lordinges that thus diuisen and speken of youre oynementes and holden heere youre parlement of enoyntinge of oother folk vnderstondeth now two litele woordes that j wole soone haue vnclosed yow Oynement is softe thinge c 10 THE PILGRIMAGE OF bothe forto opne wounde and to shitte Softe it shulde be leyd with an instrument and a softe Softe be shulde be tbat batb it For of to gret rudesbipe mys bifalletb He that is hurte hath noon neede to be rudeliche treted For sum time rude- shipe mihte hurte more than the oynement shulde helpe Thilke ben rude that ben felle and cruelle as lyouns that wolen thoruh vengen hem alle with oute any thing letinge or sparinge And swiche ben no goode surgiens ne leches ne fisiciens For thei wolen take here oynementes to rudeliche to hem that ben hurte And ther- fore j am descended and come to avise you that ther be in yow no rudeshipe ne crueltee ne felnesse but beeth pitous to yowre woundede folk and merciable and softe Treteth hem alle sweteliche and thanne shal youre oynement stonde in stede Ye shulde ofte bithinke yow that ye were enoynted for to bicome [11] softe pitowse and debonayre with oute doinge any crueltee And that ye be not rigurowse bi felnesse no day in yowre live And that ye shulde foryive alle harmes and stonde to god For if the prophete gabbe not he hath with holde to him alle vengeaunces And therfore who so wole bineme it him to yuel ende he may come Whan resoun hadde thus spoken the vicarie of whiche j seide bifore answerde hire and seide Sey me j praye you if ye can whi j haue thus myn bed horned and the yerde sharp at the eende? Is it not for to do punishinge and correccoun of yuel dedes ? j trowe j shulde putte and hurtle the yuel folk with myne homes and prikke hem with the sharpe ende rathere than enoynte hem with the oynement Mi faire swete freend quod resoun now vnderstonde me yit a litel thow knowest wel what thou hast seyd but thou hast not yit lerned al Thow shuldest haue manere as thow ouhtest wel to wite to prikke and to hurtle First thou shuldest softeliche avise hem and teche hem that thou seest erre And sithe if thow seest hem obstinat thou hast good leeue to prikke hem It longeth wel to thin office to do iustice of wikkede folk But first be softe er thou be other prikkinge or rigurowse And yit j sey thee a poynt THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 11 ferther If thou haue rigurowsliche hurtled any wyght other prikked for his misdede looke thou haue not doon it with oute the sweete oyle of compassioun and of pitee For thouh thou be horned for iustice algates in thin herte thou shuldest haue pitee of thilke that thou hast iuged Bithinke thee that thou were enoynted er thow were horned and er thow haddest any prikke and er thow haddest any yerde other staf And that ouhte michel softe thee whan thow wolt correcte any wyght thow shuldest not also foryete of whom thow doost the vicarishipe For ther was neuere noon more debonaire than thilke whos vicary thow art that was he that seemed horned and was not horned that was moyses that made israel to passe thoruh the see that with the yerde he held he made hem good passage Now vndirstonde this lessoun for it is woorth to thee a gret sermoun Thouh thou seme horned with oute lat thin herte be al naked with inne And be merciable with inne what euere thow be with oute Eallas thou miht make heer inne with oute misdoinge Haue thin herte tretable and debonayre after thin ensample thouh thou haue a yerde sharp at the eende Bihold also how it is crooked and stowpeth toward that oother ende Dowte not that that ne tokeneth that ther shulde be in thee hum- blesse whan thou chastisest bi equitee Now vnderstond why thilke yerde is taken thee and graunted thee It is to gouerne with thi peple and make hem passe thoruh the foorde of this world With thi yerde thow shuldest assaye if it be to deep or if ther neede other brigge or plaunke Eor if ther failede eithere brigge or plaunke it shulde longe to thee to make it and therfore thi name is Pontifex Now vnderstonde it this is thi lessoun Now j wule sey thee yit if thow wolt vnderstonde to me a litel whi thou hast this faire yerd and whi horned hed thou hast Sum time in this place riht heere enhabited the hornede of helle and long time bi pos- sessioun he hadde maad heere his dwelling But for it displesed to Grace dieu that hadde mad the hous for to dwelle ther inne hirself she made arme thee with these homes and made take thee c2 12 THE PILGRIMAGE OF the [12] yerde So that hi thee wente out the vntrewe dwellere that wolde be lord Thow hurtledest him with thine homes whan thou puttest him out of the place And thow beete him with thi yerde whan thou madest him goon out of the place The tweyne faire labelles hanginge at thine tweyne homes thou conqueredest at the clensinge and sweepinge and poorginge of the place and that was whan thou dediedest and halwedest and blissedest the place And for that thou were a good champioun in the dedicacoun grace dieu wole that thou arme thee ofte in the armes that thou were victour inne in tokne ther of and warnynge that it falle thee not in foryetinge And to that ende also that thilke vntrewe that thou hast discoumfyted and hurtled and beten doun be no customere to come there as thow art And also to that eende that thou be nih and fresh to fighte newe in alle times and in alle sesouns ayens thilke that wolen exile the hous of grace dieu and dispoile it of hire goodes hi dymes and taxes bi violences and hi extorciouns But ther of as j wot wel of sooth thow doost not wel thi deuoir For thi self grauntest hem and shewest the weyes to haue hem the which thing grace dieu halt no game And therfore j sey thee with oute flateringe that it is but a jape of thine homes and of thi staf Thine homes ben of a snayl that hyden hem for a straw anoon as thei have felt it cap. xvi. Seynt Thomas hadde none swiche homes which strongliche defended the king the entre and the wey in to his hous For wrongfulliche and with oute cause he wolde make it thral ther it shulde alwey be free The wurthi man hadde levere dye than suffre it to be thral Of seint Ambrose also j sey thee that defended his hous ayens emperoures and emperises so that he was lord ther of alone Youre paleys quod he ye haue youre toures youre castelles and your citees with the reuenewes of the empire "Wel ouhte this to suffice yow Of myn hous medle ye nouht leueth it me ye haue no thing ther inne In my tyme it shal neuere be thral I hadde leuere leese the lyfe These hadden not homes ne beren hem nouht THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 13 with oute resoun If thou were also wel horned in defendinge the fre vsages of thin hous that thow hast wedded with the ring which thou hast on thi fynger And if thow vsedest wel thi yerde and argudest wel Pharaon seyinge him that he suffrede thi folk serue god with oute thraldom and that he lettede hem not ne oppressed hem ne greued hem of no thing thanne were thou goode Moyses and seruedest grace dieu with hire goode mes and michel shulde plese hire alle times that she wiste thee armed Now do so hens forward and thi wurshipe shal be the grettere As resoun spak thus to Moyses and prechede the official turned cap. him and bar with him the oynementes and putte hem in saaf And sithe j sigh as me thouhte a womman toward the west and a man toward the est that comen bothe to the official anoon and eche of hem took him his hand and he took hem and ioyned hem to gidere and sithe seide hem as me thouhte Ye tweyne shule be bothe oon and iche of yow here trowthe to oother Neuere dayes of youre lyue shal ther departinge be maad of yow tweyne but ther be certeyn cause and hi Moises that is there it be do Now keepeth wel this sacrament and loueth yow to gideres trewelich [13] And thilke tweyne biheighten that thei so shulden And thanne thei de- parteden thens The official turnede ayen and wente to Moises that was yit at the sermoun that dame resoun made him But as thei weren alle to gederes and speken a gret cumpany of folk maden cesse here parlement anoon Bifore Moises thei comen and maden him requeste that sum seruice in his hous he wolde yiue hem and graunte hem And thanne he took a peyre sheren and made summe of hem cap. come neer him and clippede hem anoon in seyinge to hem that god shulde be here part and here heritage Suffice it shulde if thei weren wise Whan Moyses hadde thus doon Resoun droowh hire anoon to- cap. wardes hem and bigan to speke to hem and seide Lordinges quod she entendeth hider It is gret wysdom what any man saye sum 14 THE PILGRIMAGE OF time to feyne folye Thouh ye be shoren and clipped as fooles up on the hed this folie is gret wysdom For therfore j presente me to be alwey youre freend who so euere hath ther to exivye Forsaketh nouht this loue For ye shole haue it bifore alle folk if it ne be long in yowre folie And if ye wol not haue me ye shule neuere haue good freend in youre lyue I am Resoun bi whom ye been disceuered from oothere bestes And oonliche as longe as ye shule haue me ye shule be men And whan ye wole go with oute me ye shul wel mown avaunte yow ye be but as doumbe bestes and as coltes that ben clothed With oute me ye shul neuere haue wurshipe be ye neuere so grete lordes If ye wol eyther make ju^ementes silogismes othere argumentes with oute me shule ye neuere haue conclusioun that it ne shal come to confusioun Now j wulle telle yow if ye wite it nouht how ye shule keepe my loue Ye muste ete and drinke more sobirliche than oother folk For drunkenesse and glotonye maken me soone turne to flight Ire that is vnmesured and felonye the woode maken me voide the hous in which thei haue here habitacoun Fleschliche loue driueth me al out and soone maketh me voide the place And that with oute glose ye mown se in the faire romaunce of the rose Now j pray yow quod she that ye keepe yow fro alle these vices if ye wole loue me and fro alle oothere also Eor j holde not him to freend that abaundoneth him to vices cap. xx. Yit j wole telle yow quod she tweyne shorte woordes of the shorne place which is enclosed al aboute round with a seercle as thouh it were a castel or a towre A gardyn it seemeth wel enclosed with an heygh wal The place with inne vnheled sheweth that yowre hertes shulden ben opne al holliche to god with oute any mene empechement The rounde sercle that maketh the closure aboute sheweth that ye shuld haue no cure of the world For from it ye muste departe if with youre god ye wole parte Ye mowun not haue bothe tweyne to gideres that mown ye wel wite Eor ye haue seyd youre self that youre god ye haue chosen to heritage and to youre THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 15 party e Bi whiche seyinge j se nouht that ye shulden reioyse of the world For whan any wight wole parte j vnderstonde not he may haue al but taketh that oon and leueth that oother Now taketh that that ye haue chose a better part mown ye not haue Suffice it oughte For I doute not that thilke part ne is worth al the remenaunt Fair to yow [14] thanne is this closure that closeth yow and walleth yow in disseueringe yow from the world and departeth wel yowre part The place shorn is also fair to yow For ther bi men apperceyuen that ye been goode heerdes It is wel right that the goode heerde take sum tyme flees of hise bestes for his labour Shere yow youre shepherde may at his neede but to skorche yow is not yiue him leeue For men han not taken him al but oonliche sheres for to shere yow with dueliche Whan resoun hadde thus spoken to bise shorene and preched to cap . xx i. oothere that weren there Moises yaf seruices gladliche as thei askeden For summe he made princes of his hous and chamberleynes And oothere he made sergeauntes for to areste and putte out the enemyes that ben in the bodyes To oothere he dide gret wurshipe For to alle he yaf leue to be rederes of his paleys and to preche goddes lawe Summe oothere he made holde candeles to serue to the grete boord that was set ther he shulde ete To oothere he took his gilte cuppe void with the which his bord is wurshiped for to serue him ther with To oothere he made bere the bodi of ihesu crist upon here oo shulder ther he sette it and was up on the lifte shulder that to bere with thei shulde be the strengere thilke he wolde bi especial weren ministres and serueres to him and to the official at the boord and coadiutowres Whan al this was ordeyned as it is aboue diuised eche of hem C a P . xx ii. bigan to serue to deserue his office to the bord thei wenten and maden redy For it was time to dine Summe spredden the clothes oothere leyden the bred aboue oothere brouhten the wyn and casten it in the cuppe and therwith as me thouhte a litel water thei dide But bifore thei wenten to dinere Moises wolde deliuere him of 16 THE PILGRIMAGE OF summe that yit abiden him and weren not yit deliuered And thilke he wolde make special officialles of his hous to helpe that oother official which hadde wel neede For as he seide he mighte nouht aloone gouerne swich an hows cap. xxiii. Now j wole telle yow how he dide First he clepede grace dieu with an haunteyn vois al were it she was not fer She sat in hire trone and of alle she took keep And j sat at hire feet wher of j was ioyeful and glad "Whan she herde hire cleped she ros hire up with oute abidinge and wente hire to moyses and with hire she ledde me And thanne whan moyses sigh hire nyh him he bi gan to wexe more hardy and fulliche dide that that j wole telle yow shortlyche cap. xxiv. First he ioynede the handes of hem and ioynede hem to gideres Sithe took a swerd wel kervinge cleer and furbished and brennynge with tweyne egges and handsom turnynge and variable Wel me thouhte it was thilke that j hadde seyn cherubyn holde And thilke it was treweliche wel propirliche figured Thilke swerd he took hem and ther of made hem present with a keye that he heeld that grace dieu hadde take him Grace hire self whiche was there that to do this halp him he yaf hem and seyde hem Loo heere grace dieu quod he taketh hire to yow j yive hire yow in to cumpany to that ende that ye make of hire youre freend Whan j herde thilke woord j was wroth and abashed and seyde Alias what shal j do if j haue thus lost grace dieu thilke hornede hath yive hire to these newe officialles I hadde leuere to be ded than he hadde doon me swich wrong cap. xxv. [15] Whan grace dieu sigh me thus discounforted faste she lowh of me and sithe clepede me and seyde Fool wher to gost thou thus thinkinge? Wenest thou for to haue me aloone to freend? thow ouhtest wite that commune profite is the beste And the profite of a commune welle is miche grettere ther eclie man and womman may drawe water at here wille and haue ther of here esement than is a welle closed ther neuere oon dar neighe ne approche And yit j sey thee that so profitable so good ne so delitable the water thow hast THE LYP OF THE MANHODE. 17 alone ne shal be as thilke shal be ther eche man goth to j am welle of alle goodnesses Neuere holde j me enclosed j wole profite to alle folk and alle j wole loue paramowres and ther inne mihte thou leese no thing but it may encrese thi good For alle thilke that j wole loue I wole make thi freendes And the mo goode freendes thow hast the bettere thow shalt be me thinketh Now haue noon envye thouh j be freend to oothere Whan j was thus counforted ayen of grace that hadde avised me anoon j sygh dame resoun go to the chayere to preche Lordinges quod she vnderstondeth me youre profyte lyth ther ca P- xxvi - inne j trowe Biholdeth wel the grete benefet and the grete good- nesse that grace dieu hath doon yow that this day is comen and descended for yow Considereth what yiftes bi hire that Moises hath departed yow For the swerd he hath take yow that god hadde forged for him for to keepe with that no sinnere entrede in to the cuntre of whiche he is lord Now vnderstondeth what swerd it is how it is perilouse to fooles How miche thei shulden drede it that shulden vse it The swerd serueth of iij. thinges For whan any deserueth peyne he smiteth with the poynt other with the egge other elles with the flat in sparinge The poynt yiueth techinge that ther be neuere do jugement with oute gret discrecioun in the doinge of the execucioun of cause nouht yknowe but hid and vnknowe Michel is he of foolhardiment and of surquideoures thinkinge that bi jre wole venge him or juge bi suspeccioun Michel is a swerd yuel sittinge to blynd man and to purblynd man that wole smyte at the tastinge and kan not cheesen good from yuel Ther shulde no man here thilke swerd that can not wel discerne bitwixe helthe and sikenesse bi twixe the grete meselrie and the mene and the litel A juge shulde wel vnderstonde the circum- staunces of a misdede bi fore that any jugement were doo Swerd as j fynde writen is clepid departinge of throte "Wel aughten alle juges that wolen wel iuge departe the throte and wel discerne that D 18 THE PILGRIMAGE OF men seyn Eor right after that he hath herd allegge he shulde do his jugernent and non oother wise cap. xxvii. Now j wole telle yow of the tweyne egges for whiche the swerd is cleped kervinge Wher to oo paas alone sufficeth not to telle and what techinge lyth ther inne If ye haue yowre swerd poynted and sharp hi discrecioun It is wel riht that ye haue justice in youre lond a boue alle vices that alle misdedes and alle sinnes ye haue leeue to correcte excepted the cas withholden that the grete horned hath withholden And for as michel as youre lond is departed in doble partye therfore it needeth that the swerd haue tweyne ker- vinges as answeringe to hem That oon partye is the bodi of the manhede that men clepen man with oute And that oother is the gost that is cleped man with inne That is youre lond that is in tweyne departed [16] and yit it is withoute beinge tweyne These tweyne as bi justice ye mown whan it is time iustifye To the bodi for hise sinnes ye mown yiue trauaile and peyne j nouh and charge it with penaunces for to driue with out the sinnes To the gost for diuerse cas as whan it is obstinate in his sinne and wol not amende for amonestinge ye mown turne to the kervinge with oute any sparinge Hurte hym ye mown dedliche bi the strok of cursinge And ther is no wounde so cruelle Eor with oute remedye it is dedlych and therfore he auhte michel drede him that feeleth swich a strok perce on him Wel auhte he also bithinke hym that shulde smite with the egge And wel j telle yow that dueliche ther with smyt noon but if he haue first smite with the flat of the swerd other that he hath avised first thilke that he wole so smyte and make deye bi thilke strok Bi the flatte of the swerd j vnderstonde good and trewe avisement trewe amonestinge and liueliche prechinge whiche smit the euele dedes in sparinge and spareth hem in wel smytinge that is the woord of ihesu crist in whom lyth the respyt of the deth With the flatte ye shulden vsen to smite whan ye seen youre subiectes erre Sermonynge and prechinge maketh men THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 19 many times leue sinne And if ye mown so haue hem it is bettere than to smite with the sharpe Now ye hauen thanne how ye mown and shulden after diuerse cap. cas vse both of the flatte and of the kervinge other of the poynt in wel juginge Eor oo time ye shulden iuge an oother time ye shulden punishe an oother time preche And therfore it is cleped with oute fable sharp on bothe sides and varyinge Thilke swerd is taken yow to that ende that ye haue it alwei redy to turne it and to varie it at youre wille and remeve it after that the cas asketh and right and euenenesse is And therfore it is right that ye batten as wel bi effect as bi name Cherubyn ful of kunnynge and of demynge wisdom For if ye weren not Cherubyn many harmes ye mihten doo As whan ye shulden smite with the flatte perauenture ye wolden turne youre swerd and smite with the kervinge Other whan ye shulden iuge ye wolden correcte bifore doinge al the contrarie of that that were to doone And therfore in vnkunnynge hand is not this swerd wel sittinge And also in irows mannes hand this swerd is riht perilous Eor brenninge it was take and graunted bi grace dieu The cause is if ye wole wite it for how euere ye turne it be it in prechinge or in iuginge in punishinge or in correctinge ye shulden shewe it brennynge of verrey loue and charite Eor loue is the brennynge fyre that maketh it to flawme Now j wole telle yow if ye witen nouht whi ye haue this swerd cap. Porteres ye ben as me thinketh of the kyngdom of heuene. The keyes ye haue with oute lesinge for to shette the doore and for to opne it With oute yow may no wight passe Ye keepen the pas of the entre in To yow men muste shewe what thei bringen bifore thei passen the yate Alle manere of fardelles smale and grete maad and in makinge bifore yow musten be vntrussed and al vnfold and al shewed Ther is no thing so wel closed that it ne shulde be vnclosed bi verrey shewinge of hoi shrifte Now looketh wel that ye haue take thilke swerd and thilke keyes bi avisement Ye shulden [17] lete noon passe that wole not shewe his fardelle ye shulden seeche D 2 20 THE PELGEJMAGE OF the sinneres and make hem discharge hem of here misdedes Alle ye shulden weye wysliche and iuge hem discreteliche keepinge wel the verrey interpretacioun of youre name to that eende that men mown hi riht clepe yow and nempne yow Cherubyn And thanne whan ye haue al j seyn and al hiholde and knowe and iuged the misdedes and charged the peynes and enioyned wurthi penaunces thanne ye mown vnshette the doore and make youre penauntes entre in This is the tokne of the swerd and the shewinge of the keyes and the lernynge and the techinge Now keepeth yow wel that ye vse discreteliche with hem as ye shulde cap. xxx. Whan resoun hadde thus spoken and j hadde al seyn and herd lust took me and gret desire for to haue this brennynge swerd and the keyes therwith for to he vsshere of thilke passage and porter But to what ende j shulde come ther of j hadde nowht yit thouht It is thing hifalleth ofte For of hem that wil taketh men seen nouht allwey the eende As j hadde thus y thouht j wente me to moyses preyinge him that he wolde yiue me thilke faire swerd and graunte me that j mihte haue the vsage of the keyes for to keepe thilke forseyde passage cap. xxxi. Moyses whan he hadde herkned me he shethede the faire swerd and bond faste the keyes and enseled al wel wyseliche and sithe took me and graunted me bothe that oon and that oother benigne- liche in seyinge to me that j lookede wel that j vnbond not the keyes ne that j stired not the swerd forto j hadde leeue cap. xxxii. Whan he hadde seide me this j was abashed For j hadde seyn noon to whom he hadde thus j doo neither of woord ne of dede Paste j bithouht me what j shulde do or what j miht do with thilke swerd yshethed seled wrapped And with the keyes that he had take me also enseled and wel y bounden I wende ful wel he had desceyued me Whan j apperceyued grace dieu she led me to resoun that spak to me cap. xxxiii. My faire freend quod Eesoun the wise what thinkest in thi corage where lernedest thou at scole thi thouht is wel foolliche I see wel THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 21 thou hast not lerned the predicament of Ad aliquid Thilke pre- dicament hath reward elles where than to him self He maketh his edifyinge up on ootheres ground wol wysliche Al that he hath he hath of oothere and yit dooth wrong to no wight If oothere ne were ther shulde no thing be of it ne miht he Ensaumple j wole take thee so that thou mowe see that at eye and cleerliche vndirstande and wel lerne and with holde it Whan god had mad the world hifore that man was foormed he was onlich cleped god if Genesis ne gabhe But whan man was foormed thanne was god cleped lord In tokne that whan he hadde seruauntes he was lord and lordshipinge Whan he hadde seruauntes thanne he was lord and yit he was neuere the grettere But the lordes of this cuntre hen not swich as me thinketh For the mo seruauntes thei haue so miche thei make hem the grettere Here seruauntes and here meyne yiuen hem lordshipe Lord- ship was knyt in subgis and engendred And if the subgis ne were lordshipes shulden perishen That oon and that oother Ad aliquid may be seid as me thinketh For that oon hath his comyng out and his hanginge of that oother For whan that oon is that oother is also And whan that oon faileth that oother faileth also [18] Now vnderstond wel this lessoun thow art in subiecioun bihold ca P- xxxiv - wel that thou art subiect to oothere and thou hast no subiect Thi souereyn what euere he be hath jurisdiccoun miht and lordship ouer thee But oo thing disceyveth thee thou hast no subiect as he hath For therbi thou hast failed to haue the faire swerd vnheled naked and vnshethed And of the keyes also to haue hem vnwounden and vnseled With the swerd naked what shuldest thow do and with the keyes vnheled thouh thou haddest hem? no thing thatj see but gret folye If j here a knyf vnshethed and naked and hadde no thing to kerue j shulde make the folk to weene that j were a fool or that j wolde wounde or sle sum wight If j bere keyes also naked and wente thoruh the strete ther j hadde neither dore ne lok sum men miht en weene perauenture that j bere false keyes or that j wente to robbe the folk And lightliche men mihten thinken whan men 22 THE PILGRIMAGE OF cap. xxxv cap. xxxvi. cap. xxxvn. seyen my keyes liche the keyes that oother men hadden that with hem j vnshette here dores Serteyn thi keyes han wardes as the straungeres han and therfore j sey thee sithe thou hast no thing to shette ne to vnshette and sithe thow hast no thinge to kerue ne to kutte it is bettere thi swerd be shethed than vnshethed And it is bettere the keyes that thou hast ben hid than vnhyd For al hi times may men come to vnkeuere both that oon and that oother Thus Moises took hem thee wysliche and dueliche to that ende that whan thi souereyn wole and seeth time he mai vnbynde thee the keyes and vnshethe thee the swerd And that shal be whan he wole take the of his subgis to helpe him whan he wole take thee matere wher upon thou mint werche and elles thou miht no thing doo if thou ne wolt mis doo Perile of deth oonlich he outtaketh thee if it be euident For thanne thou miht vnshethe the swerd and vnbynde the keyes Necessitee yiueth thee leeue and abaundoneth thee the vsage so that ther be noon oother to whom the dede longeth to Thilke to whom this office longeth to is he that holt his swerd naked and hath the keyes vnbownde naked and vnseeled that is thilke that hath iurisdiccioun and lordshipe and is his curat For he is put vnder him If thou haddest subiectes as he thou mihtest do thi miht were ad aliquid but thou hast noone as me thinketh Wherfore thou shuldest not abashe ne wraththe thee thouh the swerd be taken thee shethed ne thouh thou haue the keyes enseled bounden and wrapped Whan resoun hadde thus preched me Moyses wolde go dine and haue his mete al oother wise than it was For ther was no thing but onliche bred and wyn But it was no mes at his wille for he wolde haue flesh to ete and blood ther with for to deface the olde lawe that hadde seid that no blood ete thei shulde To helpe him he cleped grace and she wente to him anoon And thanne j sigh a gret wunder to which ther is noon lich The bred in to quik flesh he turned as grace ordeyned it the wyn he turnede in to red blood THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 23 that seemede wel be of a lamb Sitbe as curteis he wolde clepe the officialles to dynere in techinge hem his kunnynge yivinge hem his power for to make swich conuersioun as turneth to wundringe And sithe he yaf to ete to alle of thilke newe mees with oute daunger and he eet with hem and drank of the blood I seeinge it with myne eyen bi ouht that j haue herd speke ther shulde noon kunne telle of non swich mutacioun that hath so wunderful a renown Whan j hadde biholden this mete j turned me to resoun for to cap . preye hire that she wolde preche me of thilke dynere and teche me But riht asj turned meayen I fond hire al [19] abashed Ladi quod j what is this ? what eyleth yow P Al abashed me thinketh yow Tech- eth me of thilke mete and precheth me ther of j prey yow Serteyn j wole not quod she For j can no thing ther on Heere lakketh me myn vnderstondinge and my wit al outerliche j am blynd I see no thing I haue lost al my sighte I was neuere so abashed in al my live For thouh thilke hornede moyses hadde of an ey j maad a fair brid or of a barlich corn a pipe I wolde haue holde me in good pees ynowh But al abashed he hath maad me For flesh quik of bred he hath maad And of wyn blood for his drink ayens nature and ayens vsage And treweliche j wol sey it to nature whan j see hire And j wole sende after hire to come speke with grace dieu with oute taryinge For al this she maketh do And ofte riht contrariows to hire For she maketh hire bi hire hynesse leese hire custome and hire vsage And anoon as she hadde seid this she lefte me and to hire tour she goth And sorweful in the place she lefte me and sorweful in to hire tour she wente As j was a lone and thouhte upon these thinges j sigh toward the ca P- xxxix - tour an old oon that cam and neihede me She hadde nouht the cheer glad but right wroth She hadde hire handes vnder hire sides and hire eyen glowynge as gleedes I thouhte wel it was nature bi that that resoun had seid me and she it was soothliche as j wiste 24 THE PILGRIMAGE OP wel after Redi me thouhte hire to chide miche more than to preche For toward grace dieu she wente and rudeliche spak to hire cap. xi. Lady quod she to yow j come to chide for to defende myn owen Wennes cometh it yow for to remeve myne ordinaunces It ouhte suffice jnowh to you the party that ye haue with oute medlinge yow of myn and with oute cleymynge maistrye ther of Of the heuene ye haue the lordshipe with oute any oother havinge part ther of ye maken the sterres turne and the planetes varien and the speeres as ye wolen laate or rathe ye gouerne And wol loth certeyn wolde ye suffre and loth wolde ye be that j entermeted me any thing ther of And so wolde j treweliche be riht weri if ye in my part cleymede hynesse or medlede yow I wolde dye as soone as suffre it Bi twixe me and yow was sette a bounde that divideth us so that noon of us shulde mistake ay ens oother That is the wheel in whiche the mo one gooth alwei aboute Thilk wheel departeth us and yiueth eche of us hire part With oute is youre partye there haue ye the lordshipe There ye mowe if ye wole make nouelries ynowe For thouh ye made of venus an horned beste or of mercurye a ram j wolde wel holde me stille ne neuere speke ther of For there j cleyme no thing But with inne al is myn I am maistresse of the elementes and of the wyndes For to make varyinges in fyr in eyr in eerthe in see I lete no thing stonde stille in estaat Al j make turne and drawe to ende Al j make varye erliche and late I make newe thinges come and olde to departe cap xli . The eerthe is of my robes and in prime temps alwey j clothe it To the trees j yeue clothinge and apparamens ayens somer And sithe j make dispoile hem ayen ayens winter for to kerue hem oother robes and kootes seemynge alle newe ther is neither brembel ne broom ne oother tre that j ne clothe ayen Was neuere Salomon clothed with suich a robe as is a bush That that [20] j do j do bi leysere For j am not hastyf And al mutacioun that is doon in haste j hate And therfore is myn werchinge the more woorth THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 25 Witnesse on resoun the wise I slepe nouht ne j am nouht ydel ne j am not preciows to do alwey my deveer after my wit and my powere Men and wommen j make speke j make briddes flee bestes go fisshes swymme dragowns raunpen Comes growen I am lady and maistresse of al to gidere But me thinketh euele that Eor a wenche ye wolde holde me Whan my wyn ye make bicome blood Eor to make a newe beuerege Litel lakketh that j ne were wood Of the bred j am not so wroth Eor j entermeted me neuere to make cruste ne cromme ne neuere bred j sette But sooth it is that j deliuerede and took the matere of whiche men maken it that ye witen wel And therfore j haue wrethe in myn herte whan ye remeeven it in to quik flesh and nakenen me of my right Whennes cometh it yow to do thus ? It liketh me right nouht j cap. xiu. telle yow wel but j haue to miche forbore yow and to miche suffred yow in my cuntre whan ye haue er this j ne wot bi what auctorite remeved myne vsages and myne ordinaunces my dedes and my cus- tomes I remembre wel of the brennynge fyr that ye setten in my greene bush with oute brennynge it And al passinge my wille I bithinke me wel also of the yerdes of aaron and moyses Eor that oon ye maden bicome an addere and that oother that was drye and with oute humour ye maden wexe greene ayen and here leues floures and frute Of water also ye maden wyn at the feste of Architriclyn And many oothere remeevinges of which were to longe to holde parlement Also me luste not to foryete of the virgines chyldinge which ye maden conceyue with oute man wher of ye diden miche ayens me and whan ye maden hire here a chyld and she virgine with oute clepinge me to counseil Swiche thinges j haue suffred longe wher of j sorwe gretliche cap. xim. And neuere erst spak j ne made noise ther of wher of me for- thinketh Eor men mowe ofte suffre to miche and be to longe stille and slepe to miche Eor bi cause j haue holde me stille ye ben now come ayen for to make newe thinges bi whiche ye exite me right now to chide with yow bi right gret ire and wratthe and wel j telle E 26 THE PILGRIMAGE OE yow that ne were ye so gret a ladi ye slmlde right soone haue the werre and at yow j wolde sette And sithe j wolde teche you to remeeve so myne vsages with oute warnynge and clepinge of me cap. xiiv. Whan, nature hadde thus y spoke Grace that hadde al y herd answerde hire in this manere Nature ye he to fers that so fersliche and so prowdliche speken to me I trowe ye ben drunken of youre wynes And drunken and wood ye semen wel hi the grete jre that ye shewen I wot neuere if ye be neewe wexe a fool or elles that ye ben doted It is not longe ago that ye seyd ye weren not hastyf but j see the contrarye in yow Eor with oute avys ye speke to me hasti- liche and niceliche And j telle yow wel that j wolde speke to you riht foule and bete yow also ne were myn owen wurshipe and for the wratthe j see in yow Eor jrowse folk ben to forbere Eor thei mown not discerne cleerliche a sooth for here trowblede vnder- stondinge cap. xiv. Now seith me dame nature that thus of youre owen forfeture vnder- taken me and blamen [21] me and arguen me of boundes and seyn that j haue michel mistaken me whan j entrede in to youre gardyn So god saue yow of whom holde ye and whennes cometh yow that that ye haue ? Ye be lich the wylde swyn that eteth the mast in his busch and hath no reward whennes it cometh him ne of what side The hed and the eyen he hath in to the eerthe and looketh not anhy toward the heuene fro whennes it cometh but oonliche halt him to the mast Also j trowe ye knowe not me or elles ye deygne not to knowe me for j am debonaire and am no chidere Openeth a litel discretliche the eyen of youre vnderstondinge Eor if ye vndo wel the liddes me for maistresse and yow for chaumberere ye shule fynde al apertliche And thanne ye shule speke to me softeliche and do to me homage of al that ye holden of me Sum tyme of my curteisye j took yow a gret partye of the world for to ocupye yow with and to werche treweliche with so that ye weren not ydel and that of al ye wolde to me treweli acounte as chamberere shulde alwey do to hire maistresse And therfore if ye were ribt wys ye THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 27 wolde not speke of bounde that is set bi twixe yow and me For it boundeth yow not me It forshetteth yow from passinge ouer For so j wole bounde it But to that ende that j shulde not entre weene nouht that j bounded it For j may entre whan j wole and neuere wil I speke to yow ther of Yit more if me likede it shulde not neede yow to medle nomore For j wolde wel al aloone do that that is to doone if j wolde but j wole not do so for it longeth not to me It is not riht that a maistresse ne haue alle times a chaumberere Now ye ouhte thanne to wite that with me ye haue no powere cap. and that wole j prooue j nowh bi that that ye haue seid bifore Wel ye knowe that j make the sterres to uarie and to turne And that the gouernaunce of heuene longeth freeliche to me Now seith thanne so god keepe yow if j made a neewe pley that j dide awey the sunne from the heuene and that j meeued it so wel that in an hundreth winter it were not seyn ne founden ne aperceyued What faire thinges wolde ye make ? and how wolde ye eche yeer yiue robes to yowre bushes ? and how mihte ye make meyntene generaciouns this hundreth winter with oute failinge Aristotle that was an hethene that bi argumentes kneew weel soothnesse j make myn aduocat ayens yow in thilke debat He seith and proueth bi resoun that generacioun is mad bi my sunne of whiche j haue spoke And therfore if j had don it awei ye shulde leese yowre powere and riht no thing shulde ye mown do Bight so it is of the walkene and of the planetes also For if j made al cesse or elles that j wolde do al awey ye mihten wel go slepe and reste yow al at leisere For youre power were al ylost and abated And therfore it miht not be that al the lordshipe ne were myn al to remeeve or to meyntene as it come to my lust And therfore ye shulde not grucche ne chide to me so sharpliche For as Isaye seith it is a gret pride and gret despyt whan the axe wole dresse him ayens the carpenteere And whan the pot wole argue the pottere and blame him and asketh him his shap or pleyne him ther of And therfore ye shulde wel wite if ther were in yow any kunnynge that ye doon me despyt riht E 2 28 THE PILGRIMAGE OF gret that ye gon thus arguinge me and vndertaken me thus of my doinge and hauen no powere with oute me For ye ben no thing but oonliche my tool and instrument that j made sum time to helpe me with oute any neede that j hadde [22] Ne nouht that j shulde alwey haue yow with me but oonliche whan that j wolde For alle times that me liketh and that it be my wille many thinges j wole do and neuere clepe yow ther to And wole remeve the wyn in to blood and in to quik flesh the white bred and the browne also if j wolde For j were elles not maisteresse but if j dide my wille alwei at my lust So it ouhte not displese yow whan yit in helpinge yow j do that that ye mown not do As of the brennynge bush that j kepte that it was not brend al were the flaume ther on ther of ye shulde soonere thanke me than chide and crye And of the yerdes j sey yow the same and of the virgine mooder Of the water j turned in to wyn also and of alle that euere j haue doon with oute yow me thinketh that ye shulde more glade yow than wrath yow For the chaumberere shulde glade hire of the faire deedes of hire maistresse and nameliche whan she leeseth no thing And also for a better and for the commune profyte Now dooth al that yow liketh For litel or nouht it is to me Gladeth yow or wrattheth yow if ye wole or chideth For for yow wole j no thing leue to do of that that j wolde doo Whan grace dieu hadde thus argued and spoke nature answerde cap. xivii. Ladi quod she I haue wel vnderstonde yow and wel j see that to argue with yow j mihte not endure Bettere me is to yow obeye than any thing to sey ayens yow But neuertheles if j durste a litel yit j wolde argue to yow Hardiliche quod grace dieu sei on For j holde al that euere ye mown seyn and arguen to day but game And therfore leueth nouht a del that ye declare wel youre herte Quod nature sithe j haue leeue yit wole j arguen and of youre woordes j wole arguen For j sorwe gretliche that ye haue so argued me of my seyinges and rebuked me Ye haue seid that the mais- tresse shulde not be with oute a chaumberere and me for chaurn- berere ye haue holde For which thing j argue that if ye be maistresse THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 29 with yow as chaumberere j shulde alwey be cleped And with oute me ye shulde remeeve ne make no thing here And that ye wolden yit conferme hi the ax which ye seiden shulde not dresse him ayens the carpentere as thouh ye wolden sey or al with oute seyinge vnderstonde that ayens yow that hen carpentere j shulde not ben so fers Bi this confirmacioun me thinketh j haue myn entencioun For ca P- xlviii - as men mown not werche ne the carpentere bylde a good hous with oute an ax riht so ye shulde do no thing with oute me if ye wole nouht misdoo In alle times ye shulden lede me with yow and clepe me And bettere it were as me thinketh that j were with yow alwey thanne these neewe officialles that doon with yow alle heer needes Ye yiven hem al youre powere and for to yiven hem ye binemen me And neuer the lattere j mint neuere haue non suich powere of yow that j kowthe make flesh of bred and that j mihte remeeve wyn in to blood And that j haue alwey doon my deueir in alle times after my powere Serteyn quod grace in no wise j pleine me nouht of youre service ca ?- xlix - I wot wel that ye haue doon wel ynowh But if ye wole sey noon oother thing I wol answere yow soone ynowh ne I wole seeche noon oother counseil Nay quod she I answere quod grace that that confoundeth yow [23] that is that ye vnderstonde nouht a right my seyinges ne thinke nouht on hem For whan j seide that a maistresse shulde alle times haue a chamberere it was wel seyd j meynteene it But in that winne ye no thing For j seyd not in alle places but in alle times And that is not oon For if in alle places she hadde a chaumberere it shulde turne the maistresse to more thraldam and vnwurship than to hire freedam and to hire wurship But in alle times she shulde haue it and that is hire wurship who so well seeth So that she may comaunde hire and ordeyne hire what that she wole This hadde ye not wel vnderstande as ye shulde Also ye vnderstonde not wel the manere of the ax For whan j spak of the ax it was not to that ende that j shulde also helpe me with yow in 30 THE PILGRIMAGE OF alle times as the carpentere with his ax to howse and to hewe but for this certeyn j spak it for j fond in yow feerstee Wherfore j took ther of liknesse for to enfoorme with youre rude vnderstondinge Eor if the ax shulde nouht dresse him ay ens the carpentere yit lasse shulde ye don it Ne were ye of yuel doinge ayens me that haue maad yow forged yow shape yow and portreyed yow for to wurshipe me and serue me whan it cometh to my lust This may not the carpentere sey to his ax for an oother maister made it and he hath the vsage ther of with oute more Necessite maketh him keepe it so that he haue no defaute of breed But of yow j haue no neede Haue youre herte neuere the more feers "With oute ax j may wel werche and forge and shape and carpentere with oute with oute instrument Of al j may do at my lust no wiht compaare him neither carpentere ne oother For j haue singulere miht to do al at my wille And therfore j sey yow shortliche that right litel is woorth yowre argument litel is woorth also youre murmur And also a gret folye me thinketh Whan ye gon thus grucchinge of my yiftes and spekinge and murmuringe Eor j shulde be euele serued if j mihte not yive of myn owen as wel to oothere as to yow It is not matere of wratthe it shulde not hevy yow of no thing Eor it is not good that the good go alwey on oo side that wite ye wel It ouhte suffice yow ynowh the miht that ye holden of me which is so fair that neuere king mihte haue noon swich neither for siluer ne oother avoir If j yive any special yifte to myne officialles I looke that of no thing ye leese therfore It is foly if ye wrathe yow cap. i. Whan grace hadde thus yspoken Nature that hadde herd it bisi- liche kneeled at hire feet and humbleliche Ladi quod she j pray yow thanne on me ye haue merci Argueth no more ayens me for pleynliche j knowe my defaute I haue stired me folilich to yow and fersliche Ye ben my maistresse j see it wel Ouer alle j ouhte obeye to yow Of no thing it shulde displese me of thing that ye wol doo I thinke neuere to speke but that ye wolen at this time for yive me THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 31 al benigneliche with oute with holdinge any yuel wil Serteyn quod grace and j wole it But keep yow wel up on youre eyen that ye neuere ageyn seyn my faire werkes ne my dedes Tor an oother time j miht not suffre so miche ne wolde not suffre Whan this parlement was ended and moyses hadde dyned he cap. 11. wolde departe of this releef and yive almesse and enlargise it to poore erraunt pilgrimes of whiche ther was gret plente ther inne But bifore that he miht yive any thing ther of tweyne ladyes [24] of fair heringe that weren fair with outen filthe of fair manere with oute mistakinge j sigh that of a chamhre comen out and wel cur- teysliche thei putten hem bi twixe moises and the folk That oon heeld a testament a gret chartre and a scripture wher inne was miche lettere writen Al vnfold it she hadde for to rede it as ye shule heer afterward heere seye But first of that oother j wole seyn of which .serteyn j wundrede miche In oon of hire handes she heeld a mailet and in that oother she hadde a good yerde smal and greene and courreyinge Bi twixe hire teeth and hire mowth she heeld a beesme that more toucheth me Wel curteisliche she heeld it and she seemede neuere the lasse wys If an oother hadde holden it so men wolden haue holden hire for out of wit She this spak first to thilke folk ful wysliche Hire beesme letted hire no thing to speke ne to preche Lordinges quod she j wot wel that ye biholden myn array But cap . in. j trowe wel that ye witen neuere what it bitokeneth yow But cometh neer I wole telle it and of no thing j wol gabbe yow I am the fair litel biloued The debonaire y dred the riht wurthi litel y preised the graciowse litel plesaunt Penitence j am cleped wardeyn of the yle hyd Alle filthes j make ley doun bi fore that any wight entre in And th erf ore j here with me mailet and yerde and beesme With the mailet j breke and brose bi contricioun and angwich the herte of man Whan it is fulfilled with old sinne and harded I softe it and make it weepe compleyne sighye and sorwe And riht as the chyld bi be tinge maketh the juse come out 32 THE PILGRIMAGE OF of the harde appel and softeth it with smitenge riht so bi my smytinge j make teres come out and crye alias what j haue forfeted I repente me A. a. mihte j haue allegeaunce With thilke mailet j brosede so sum time Peeter and softed him that so hard ston hadde been that his goode maister he hadde forsake I beet so michel and smot hym that tendre and softe j yelde him So michel j dide in hym bi my smytinge that bi hise eyen j made come out the juse and the teres of weepinge in bitternesse and in sorwe Of the Magdaleyne j dide riht so For thouh that hir herte were harded in sinne bi long time algates bi betinges j made so many teres come out of hire and so michel of hire juse gon out that j wesh hire al ther inne and purgede hire For whan teres ben comen out and ronnen of an herte wel contrite j gadere hem ayen with oute abidinge and sithe of hem j make a bowkinge for to putte inne and bowke and wasshe alle filthes Thilke tere is so riht strong that ther is no sinne so fowl so defamowse that is put ther inne that it ne is wasshe And for that j kan so wel washe so wel lathere and so wel bowke hath god maad me his chambrere and his principal lauendere cap. mi. Now vnderstondeth wel yit whi j here the mailet with me The herte of a sinnere is a gret pot of eerthe filled with a likour foul and stinkinge that men mown not voide for as miche as men mown not turne it at here wille ne remeve it that is that bi his hardnesse and his grete obstinacioun he wole not amende ne may not repente Thilke vessel j smite riht harde and sharpliche with my mailet Peeces j make ther of and contrite and alle the gobettes j make [25] riht smale to that ende that the grete filthe that was ther inne be shed Eor if j knewe hem not wel and made not riht smale peeces of hem ther mihte leue and abide filthe ynowh in the peeces cap. iiv. Now vnderstondeth this lessoun ye that verray contricioun wolen make of youre sinnes Thinketh not ne weeneth that it sumceth to biholde and thinke the sinnes in gret Eor lookinge so in gret is but leue the pot hool And suppose it were brosed yit were not that THE LYF OF THE MA^HODE. 33 j nowh for eche gobet shulde be to gret and in eche of hem mihte leue to gret filthe And therfore ye shulden breke al and brose bi smale gobbettes and parties in grete syhinges and grete hachees in tbinkinge Swich a tyme thow didest thus Swich a sonedai swich a moneday thanne thou didest that and thanne that Gret was that sinne and grettere was that So ofte times thou dist that sinne atid in that manere thou mistooke thee Litel thow were tempted or litel thow were stired or the stiringe thow purchasedest This is the manere to breke thilke foule uessel to make of it contricoun bi swich consideracioun Thus do j witeth it wel with my mailet that j holde in myn bond I breke al with oute any thing levinge and make al contrit with oute any sparinge Yit a litel woord j telle yow of thilke foule pot filled with filthe *. iv. with inne For his grete filthe a worm maketh his norture With inne it is engendred and born and with inne norished and reised that is the worm of conscience that seemeth to haue the teeth of yren For it is so cruelle and so prikinge so remordinge and so persinge that if ther were not who to sle it and smite it and astone it it wolde neuere stinte to raunge so michel til it hadde slayn his maister And therfore j bere mailet to that ende that j forbere it nouht but that j sle it and smite it and astone it That is whan the pot is wel contrite and wel brosed as j haue seid For but it were contrite bifore my mailet mihte neuere touche it ne sle it ne make it dye Now suffreth thanne yon re pot ful of filthe to be wel contryte and thanne j wole venge yow of the worm and sle it bifore yow This is the verray exposicioun and the significacioun of my mailet that ye seen that contricioun is cleped Now j wole telle yow of the beesme that j haue bitwixe my cap . ivi. mouht and my teeth Bifore j haue seyd yow and yit j sey yow that j am chaumberere to god the fader almihty And certeyn it is wel sittinge to a chaumberere and to a wenche to haue a beesme But so iniche ther is that the manere of the holdinge may meeue yow And therfore ye shulde wite that to thilke place bi whiche men p 34 THE PILGRIMAGE OP shulden caste out al the filthe and sweepe thider men shulden turne the heesme Eor elles ther mihte be gret suspeccion that in sum anglet or in sum heerne or crook or cornere the filthe were heled or heped In scripture j haue seyn in diuerse places and haue red it of diuerse yates diuerse names For that oon is seyd of fisshes that oother of heuene that oother of helle that oon of bras that oother of iren and manye oothere of which j holde me stille for it were longe to telle But among alle oon ther is of whiche is seyd in Neemye that it is cleped the yate of felthe Eor ther [26] bi men curen and putten out alle filthes It is better that thilke paas be foul than al the remenaunt weren foul Now beth eche oon wel vnder- stondinge In the hous of whiche j am chaumberere of whiche Grace dieu is the maistresse ther ben vj. yates of whiche ther ben v. bi whiche the felthes gon in That oon is the yate of sinellinge that oother is of herkeninge and of heeringe that oother of savowr- inge that oother of feelinge that oother of lookinge Bi these v yates drede nouht ther entereth ofte filthe ynowh But bi hem mown nouht ysen ne comen out ayen thilke filthes And therfore j shulde leese my time if j turnede my beesme thiderward cap. ivii. That oother yate that is the sexte whiche is needeful to saluacioun is the yate of filthe bi which eche wiht purgeth him and cureth him Bi whiche eche wiht putteth out al if he wole not leue foul This is the mouth of sinneres whiche of the yates is the beste Eor she putteth out alle the misdedes in the fourme thei ben doon and seith hem to his confessour in waymentinge and in weepinge cap. iviii. To ward this yate j haue turned and conuerted and born my beesme also to sweepe poorge and dense Eor as longe as j am chaumberere to grace dieu my maistresse j wolde holde clene hire hous with oute withholdinge of any filthe My beesme is my tunge and my palet with which j sweepe alle filthes and remeeve and dense Ther is no thing ther inne up ne doun neither in corner ne in hole that al j ne wole remeeve and seeche and caste out bi hoi shrifte with oute fraude and with oute outtakinge any thing Al j THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 35 putte out the foule yate ther is no thing with inne that j ne here out with my tunge and with my beesme For j wot wel it is the wille of Grace dieu my maistresse which wole abide in no place but it be riht wel swept and clensed that is to sey that she hath no cure of conscience in whiche filthe is inne For conscience is the hous the chaumbre and the dwellinge in whiche she maketh hire abidinge whan it is wel kept Now ye haue herd whi j holde thus the beesme in my mouth ca p- lix - how also j make confessioun bi certeyn exposicioun Now j wole telle yow also shortliche the tokenes of my yerdes why j holde hem and what j do with hem and ye shule not holde it in ydel Of grete scooles j am maistresse and chastisere of children I correcte the yuel doeres thouh thei be of xx 11 yeer old or of an hundreth For euel doere chyld is cleped bi the lettere that courseth hem Whan any thanne hath misdoo I ley me in a waite to wite the soothe if he be passed bi my mailet of whiche j haue spoke and if he haue put him vnder my beesme and if he be swept ther with And whan j see him so contrite and wel shrive as j haue seid thanne to chastise him wel with my smerte yerdes j smyte him peyne and betinge j yive him for his goode and his amendinge Oon houre j make hym remembre his olde sinne and sey alias whi assented j to that to be now a wrecche An oother time j make him sey ayen Sweete lord god faire sweete lord j bihote thee amendement I wole nomore be so hardi that j dar wratthe thee ne that j dar sinne to for thee Oon hour thus j make to preye an oother to sighe [27] an oother to weepe an oother time j make him yiue and departe that that he hath to the needy and to mendivauns and do almesse An oother time j make him go and trauaile in pilgrimage or in sum oother long wey And an oother time faste and do sum abstinence to withdrawe him fro hise sinnes Thus vnder yerde j holde him and punishe him and bete him wel and smyte him and chastise him to that ende that it bite him nouht ne turne ayen to his sinne of whiche he is cast out and purged And to that ende also that the F2 36 THE PILGRIMAGE OF olde sinnes that he hath doo ben punished For ther shulde no trespas passe with oute punishinge With yerdes shulde thilke be beten that hath consented to sinne Heerfore j holde hem Now ye wite it fro misdoinge keepeth yow And if ye wole wite the name of the yerdes thei ben cleped satisfaccioun Eor satisfaccioun is as michel to sey as to do as michel peyne or more withoute ayen seyinge as ther was delite in the sinne cap. ix. Now j haue seid yow and maad youre sermoun of my craftes and of my name But why j am come hider bi twixe moyses boord and bi twixe yow that abiden and asken of his releef j haue not yit seid yow But herkeneth and j wole telle yow Ye shulde wite thac j am partere and porter of this releef With oute me ye shulden not come ther nyh but if ye wolden mysdo It is no releef to yive to fooles ne to yive to truwauntes It is not to yiue to womman gret but if she be gret with the grace of god It is a releef for hem that ben in langour for syke and for daungerous of whiche who so taketh it digneliche may not be that he ne haue allegeaunce this is the releef that lefte of the grete sopere ther god suppede Thilke that he brak and departede to his freendes the grete thursday with which al the world is fed and quikned and susteyned This releef j wole keepe streitliche and cheerliche Ne thider j wole that no wight go but if that he be beten with myne yerdes and but he be passed bi my mailet and maad clene with my beesme Now eche wiht keepe him wel as for him self Eor j do that that j ouhte And this is the cause for whiche j am in swich wise comen hider cap. ixi. Whan this lady hadde spoke and told hire doinge that oother ladi that was there and heeld the scripture in hire hande wolde also telle hire tale and rede hire scripture bifore alle folk Lordinges quod she wel it is sooth that with oute lesinge and disceyte Peni- tence hath told yow and divised yow hire grete office And therfore j wole telle yow also wher of j serve and who j am I am thilke that hadde neuere in despyte neither grete ne smale Thilke that THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 37 loueth alle folk with hoi herte with oute yuel wil thilke that seecheth no vengeaunce ne neither showveth ne smyteth thilke that hath set hire entente to forbere hire enemy es I am the mooder of vertues thilke that clothed the naked folk thilke that made seint martyn vnclothe him self for to clothe the poore man I am norishe of orphanynes osteleer to pilgrimes that of the harmes of oothere j make myne And to alle my goodes ben commune My name if ye wole wite it charite ye shule clepe me For charitee holt in cheertee that that oothere holden [28] in vilitee I feede the hungri and visite the languishinge I am thilke that of ootheres good am as glad as of myn owen Thilke that debonairliche suffreth al pacientlich thilke that keepith not heere bakbitinge ne murmur Thilke that neuere mis seyde of oothere ne misdide oothere Arid nouht for thanne I haue niaad doo sum harm with oute misdoinge If ye haue ouht herd speke of the king ihesu and told how he ca P- lxii - wolde bicome man and suffre deth for the men Ye shulde wite that j am she that made him haue swich annoye For j made him come doun from heuene and made him take flesh of mankynde I made him bounde to the pileer and corowned with thornes j made him sprede hise armes in the cros dispoile him and opene his side The feet and the handes j made tacche of him and perce hem with grete nailes Sithe j made his blood come out of his tendre body and his gost yelde But witeth wel that j made hise harmes turne yow to gret good For j made him descenden doun in to helle for to fecche yow alle For to caste yow out of the deepe pit and lede yow in to Paradise to yive yow and lene yow a yifte that he hadde riht cheere that is pees bi which the heuene shyneth and of whiche Paradise gladeth The fourme how he yaf this yifte and graunted it is writen in this testament that j holde heere present bi fore yow Testament of pees it is cleped Now heereth j wole rede it I Jhesus the sone of marie weye soothnesse and lyf In my deth cap. ixiii that is nih and that is to me al certeyn I make my laste testament In whiche j leeue freeliche to hem that ben in the vale of weepinge 38 THE PILGRIMAGE OF and in the lond of labour the yifte of pees that is my Jewell the moste graciows and faireste that is in . heuene or in eerthe or that men mown fynde or seeche That is the Jewell w r ith whiche j pleyed me sum time in paradise Of whiche j made my solace whan j was in my cuntre But with it j pleyede no more sithe j entrede in to this world For whan j was bicomen chyld and comen in to this world whan time was j shulde pleye and that j shulde haue had my jewel my ministres of Paradise beren it in to this cuntre and maden present ther of to thilke for whiche j shulde haue turment with whiche Jewell thei haue pleyed euere sithe the time that j was born Nouht for it was hers ne for it shulde be hers For my seruauntes that kepten it mihten not yiuen it hem ne thei weren not wurthi to resceyuen it ne to have it in havinge Thei haue had it oonliche to repele it at my lust For saue y may no wyht yive it ne shulde yive it But alleweys the grete maistresse charite my ledere that ledeth me as a chyld and dooth with me at hire lust bi hire rihtes hath therto brouht me that j haue yiven to hem thilke faire Jewell and yit freeliche yive it hem and abaundone it hem A fairere yifte yaf j neuere but if j yaf my self It is a iewell that was fourmed forged and maad and carpentered of my fader with oute smy tinge of strok and with oute heeringe of makinge noise Eor noyse and strokes maken it nouht but tobreken it and vnmaken it cap. ixiv If ther were any that wolde wite of his facioun j wolde wel take the Patroun propirliche to hem of good vnderstondinge Who so tooke a carpenteres sqwire and sette upward the first ende if he sette that oother doun with the cornere in the euene lyne if it were so that in the [29] poynt in the cornere that ioyneth the lynes were fastned and sette an a. And in the endes were sette p. & x. so that x. were on hy and p. alowh as it is heere figured lightliche he mihte wite his facioun and aperceyue \p there his name right wel w 7 riten cap. ixv. These thre letteres heere doon to wite that to thre thinges shulde thilke haue pees to whom is left and graunted this faire jewel that THE LYF OE THE MANHODE. 39 is that first an hy there x. is set in scaffold bi which j am in short vnderstonde and tokened he shulde haue perfite pees in swich manere that alle dedes don ayens my wille ben restreined and amended Afterward in the anglet wel sett and where she is sett and cap. ixvi. nestled a. bi which is vnderstonde the soule that in the bodi of the manhode is shulde also haue good pees bi destroyinge of misdedes whiche shulden be defaced and arased bi penaunce For thilke may not be in pees that is werred with sinne And alle oother pees is nouht for him if he apese not the werre bi twixe him and con- science bi the instrument of penaunce Afterward yit to his neihe- bour that bi the p. of the laste ende is vnderstonde he shulde haue pees which to haue ouhte to meeve him the same degree that he is inne Eor it is nother hyere ne lowere Bothe in oo degree j sette hem whan the scripture j fourmede and maade Alle ben dedlich bothe that oon and that oother Worm is that oon and worm is that oother It is no thing woorth dispitous herte and fers ne nouht is woorth nother pride ne daunger Alle we shule passe bi oon hole grete and smale michel and litel Now let hem do so miche that thei leesen not my jewel bi here pride Eche wiht haue pees with hise neyhebour And so shal the patroun be ful maad of the squyre of whiche j haue spoke and the pees whiche j haue figured This figure and thilke patroun is a notaries signe with the whiche shulden be signed and marked alle goode testamentes And with thilke signe openliche j haue signed my testament To alle folk j haue yiven pees and graunted and confermed Now eche wight keepe it as for him self after the loue that he hath to me Eor after that men louen me ther after eche wiht wole keepe it Whan charitee hadde al rad this testament and rested thanne she ca P- lxvii - bigan ay en hire parlement and suiche woordes she seyde afterward Lordinges now ye haue herd bi this scripture that j haue rad heere how ihesu hath loued yow and yiven yow his jewel And also how he grauntede and yaf it yow at my request Now wole j yit telle 40 THE PILGRIMAGE OF vow shortliche whi i haue sett me with thilke testament bi twixe / V yow and moyses boord cap. ixviii. Wite ye shulden that j am awmenere and dispenser of the releef And as penitence hath preched you and told yow that with oute hire ye shulden not go ther to but ye wole misdo riht so j telle yow that with oute nrisdoinge ye shulden not with oute me drawe yow thider ne with oute me ye shulde not come ther nygh if ye ne wole offende me The testament of the yifte of pees and the Jewell which the sweete ihesu lefte bifore his deth with me therfore j here to that ende that j teche yow so that to the releef in no wise ye approche ne come but ye haue the jewel of pees For in the anglet of thilke jewel bi cause it is priuee and fair wole thilke holi releef be put and resseyued and gadered And therfore if ye hadden it not ye mihten be punished [30] therfore j rede yow in good feith that ye beren pees and that ye passen bi me that am departere and yivere of the releef For if ye comen nouht bi me and passeden bi oothere weyes thefte it shulde be holde and harm mihte come to yow ther bi Now keepeth yow wel offendeth nouht For j do wel j now my devoir and that is the cause for which j am come hider fro my chambere cap. ixix. Whan charite hadde al ful seid and preched with oute ayen seynge thanne j sigh many pilgrimes that were enclined to obeye bi charitee evene thei wenten and the jewel of pees beren sithe passeden bi Penitence with oute havinge any drede of hire Thei vnderputten hem to hire maiiet and with the beesme thei swepten hem "With yerdes j sigh thei weren bete And afterward of the releef thei resseyueden the which moises yaf hem as charitee ordeyned it Sithe j sigh summe cursede that priueliche bi oothere weyes hydinge hem fro charite and fleeinge Penitence with oute any shame wenten to the releef and resseyueden it Moises with oute any exceptinge and ayenputtinge this releef ammynistrede hem and curteysliche took it hem But j wole telle yow how it bifel of hem and how it mis- bifel hem Whan thei hadden had this releef riht as thouh thei hadden be comen out of a riht blac colyeres sak other out of a foul THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 41 dong hep al blac thei bicomen and salwh foul and stinkinge and elded And yit more ouer hungry thei hi kamen ayen and needy Thei were namore sauled ther with than if thei hadden fleeinge passed hi the doore of an obley makere with oute any thing havinge ther to ete Of the oothere it was not so But whan thei hadden resseyued the releef of whiche thei hadden ete alle thei weren so ful- filled and sauled that oother thing thei wolden noon ne nothing of the world thei preyseden Thei hicomen so faire and so gentel that as to regard of hem me thouhte alle folk foule as wel the clerkes as the lewed Now wole j telle yow with oute lesinge that that made me michel cap. abashed Wunder it is that litel thing may fulfille a gret thing But the wundres ben grettere whan many thinges that ben grete mown haue of that that is not gret fillinge sufficiaunt Alle the releef that j sigh yive was so litel to my seemynge that thouh swiche ten j hadde had to a dyner j hadde not be fed sufficientliche And algates not fulliche oon but thei eche on weren fulfilled and suf- fised A litel to eche of hem suffised and ful of a litel eche of hem was This made me gretliche thinke and trouble myn vnderstondinge cap. And to whom to speke j ne wiste if to grace dieu j ne speke And nouht for thanne to hire durste j not speke ne come nyh hire For she lened hire at the ende of the arayed bord where she hi heeld the releef yiven and al musede Al gates j hardied me and went wel nyh to hire "Whan she sigh me anoon she turnede hire towardes me and goodliche seide What seechest thou heere I see wel ther lakketh thee now sumwhat Serteyn quod j softeliche ynowh me lakketh Eor j vnderstonde nouht how this releef that is so litel sufficeth to so michel of folk For to me aloone it shulde not suffice thouh ther were swich ten Wherfore j preye you that ye wule teche me therof a litel and preche me [31] Goode freend quod she now vnderstonde and annye thee cap. nouht thouh j holde thee longe to teche thee for j see wel thou hast neede This releef heere that is yiven oon houre it is flesh and blood cleped an oother it is cleped bred and wyn whiche is mete to 42 THE PILGRIMAGE OP pilgrimes Flesh and blood it is in sooth but bred and wyn it is figured And sooth it is that sum time it was bred and wyn but thou sigh that in to flesh and in to blood it was remeeved bi moyses whom j helpe Wherfore nature chidde to me and yuele wratthed hire Bred and wyn thouh thow clepe it avise thee and j charge thee that flesh and blood it be vnderstonden of thee and stidfast- liche leeved of thee Ne that shulde not meeve thee that at the taast and at the sighte at the smellinge and at the savouringe bred and wyn it may seeme thee For thilke foure wittes disseived thei ben thoruh out and fooles holden Thei kunne no thing doted thei ben lat hem go ligge Fonned thei ben But the witt of heeringe oonliche enfoormeth the vnderstondinge more than thilke of taaste doth heer ayens other of smellinge savouringe or sighte This heer- inge knoweth more subtylliche and apperceyueth more cleerliche And er this it was figured in ysaak and esau For ysak ful wiel wende of lacob that fedde him that hit hadde been his sone Esau For the foure wittes wolden haue disceyued him al vtterliche as thow shalt see pleynliche whan thow hast rad Genesis But of the heeringe he was no thing disceyued For ther bi he kneew his sone Jacob and apperceyued cap. ixxiii. Right so j sey thee that if thou triste and leeve in these foure wittes thou shalt al vtterliche be disceyued For foolliche thou shalt weene that of the flesh it be white bred and that the blood therfore be w r yn so that the soothe thou shalt neuere haue ne wite bi thilke wittes To the herynge thou mostest leeue thoruh out and triste thee bi it thou shalt wite the soothe and by it thou shalt be enfoormed It shal teche thee al at the fulle that it is no more neither wyn ne bred but it is the flesh that was sprad on the cros for thee and hanged and that it is the blood with which thilke cros was bi dewed and spreynt And if this bred thou wolt nempne and clepe wel and wurthilyche j sey it is bred of lyf of which al the world hath his lyf Also j haue in myn vsage so to clepe it bi swich langage Bred j clepe it and bred j nempne it that from the THE LYF OP THE MANHODE. 43 heuene cam for to feede man It is the bred with whiche ben fedde alle the aungeles that ben in heuene It is the bred which pil- grimes shulden putte in here skrippes thouh in litel quantitee thou haue seyn it Wei j haue tauht thee that to thi lokinge ne to thi sighte thow shuldest no trist haue the heeringe techeth thee oon- liche and taketh thee the lernynge And therfore thou mihte wel lerne of that that thou shalt heere me seyn Charitee that thow hast herd speke and preche nouht longe ago cap. was cause of thilke bred and bi hire it was contrived She brouhte the greyn from heuene to eerthe and seew it The eerthe ther it was so we was neuere ered ne labowred bi heete of the sunne it wex and bi dew that fel ther on Charite made berne it and in straunge berne putte it Manye founden it there and throsshen it and fanned it So michel beten it was so michel fanned it was that from the straw it was disceuered His clothinge was doon of him so that he was naked and naked [32] afterward to the mille he was born and disgisyliche grounden Eor in the hoper of the mille in whiche ther was no lynene cloth he was grounden broken and brused and tormented Thilke mille was maad to the wynd and with the wynd of envye grounde And nouht for thanne this mille hadde stones that weren nouht softe Stones of yuel rownynge stones of bak- bitinge with which it was frusht bifore that it was taken to the hoper Whan it hadde thus be grounde thanne putte hire foorth Charite and wolde bicome bakere for to bulte and make ther of bred Hire oovene al hot was bifore whiche she wolde bake it inne But soth it is that she cowde not turne it ne moolde it at hire wille whiche forthouhte hire But of no thing she abashed hire For j wole telle thee what bifel ther of She bithouhte hire on a maistresse that was the moste subtile that was in burgh or in toun Sapience she was cleped ouer al there men kneewen hire Ther was no thing that mihte be thouht that she ne cowde doon it anoon Bifore that time she hadde lerned thilke wit in the scooles of hire cuntre Al the world if she wolde in a box she wolde wel doo other G2 44 THE PILGRIMAGE OP in the shelle of an ey she shulde wel putte an hool oxe And for this subtilitee Charite was bi thouht of hire for the bred that she wolde make of the groundene corn that was redy she wolde it were so wysliche moolded and so subtylliche that bi seemynge it were litel and that to alle it mihte suffice So that of a riht litel eche were ful sauled and wel sufficed cap. ixxv. Whan charite hadde thus ythouht to fulfille hire wille to sapience she wente and dide so michel that she fond hire She was in hire chayere and took keep of al So michel charite preyede hire that to bake with hire she made hire come Sapience this bred turnede and book it And riht as charite seyde hire riht so of al she dide And yit more subtylliche she dide it and more wysliche For she turnede it gret with oute mesure for to yive ther of feedinge to alle and that eche mihte ther of be sauled and sufficed And how wel how gret that euere she made it bi seemynge she made it litel And vnder litel closure she made it haue his mesure And yit more subtylliche she made an oother experiment For of eche of thilke partyes that of that bred shulden ben broken Whether it were litel or gret she made eche of hem as gret as thouh alle hadden be to gideres Whiche thing plesede nouht to hire that chidde with me But certeyn michel it heviede me For she can no thing but hire riot For eelde that hath doted hire But there algates cam she nouht For of me she bithouhte hire For wel she dredde hire that yit she mihte be blamed and rebuked But j wole telle thee what she dide A clerk of hires Aristotle she souhte and sente him to speke to hire and to blame hire and to argue hire. cap. ixxvi. Whan Aristotle was come bifore hire he seyde hire the greetinges and sithe seyde hire bi likenesse To yow dame sapience sendeth me nature to speke and to shewe yow youre mistakinges Michel it displeseth hire that ye quassen thus hire ordinaunces and remeeven And also it pleseth nouht me For althouh ye ben my freend j wole neuere leue for yow that j ne wole seye that that j woot Wel ye witen [33] that it is no resoun that the vessel or the hous THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 45 be lasse than that that is ther inne On that oother side if j make folk weene bi argumentes of a gret paleys other of a chirche that it were a torell litel soothliche litel thei wolden preyse my seyinge the wise folk and wolden skorne me and holde me for a sophistre These thinges heere haue ye doon in thilke bred that is disgised cap. for the feedinge with inne with which alle folk ben ful fedde that the world miht nouht ne the heuene miht not suffice it ye haue enclosed and put bi a disgise wise in so litel a closure vnder so litel an hopp that thouh ther were suiche foureteene in myn hand I wolde wel holde hem This may j nouht wel suffre ne resoun may not weel preeve it ne it is not riht gret wunder thouh Nature merveile hire But thouh ye hadden so michel doon and that ye mihte haue doon it that the dwellinge were as gret as the feedinge is gret other elles that the feedinge were as litel as the hous* is litel "Wel j nouh j wolde suffre it and Nature wolde it wel On that oother side it were youre wurshipe that with oute desceyte men wisten how gret the feedinge were with oute goinge divinynge And yit more me misliketh and nature halt hire not stille that ye haue preeued my maxime fals and repreeved For certeyn j herde neuere yit speke ne in my lyve sih that al what so euere it were ne were grettere than a part ther of But ye witen wel that ye haue mad the partye as gret as the al Which is a gret mistakinge ayens me and ay ens Nature this is that j am come hider fore and wherfore j was sent hider Now looketh what answere she shal haue that hath sent me Whan Aristotle hadde spoken sapience aresoned him Preend ca P- quod she that cleymest me freend For that thou louest me and ther inne thou hast no thing lost For therbi is al good bifalle thee Wel thou shuldest avise thee if thow woldest and bithinke thee that tweyne scooles j heeld sum time jn whiche thee and nature j tauhte For grace dieu wolde it and hadde ordeyned me ther too to teche in that oon to werche diuerse artes and excersise to make wunderful thinges and subtile and gracious And in thilke was first 46 THE PILGRIMAGE OF dame Nature my scoleer There j tauhte hire and lerned hire noble craftes and riht subtile as to make floures lilyes gaye roses and violettes and oothere graciouse craftes Wher of to seye it is no neede In that oother scoole there j tauhte thee vnderstondinge and enfoormed thee to argue and to dispute and to juge and discerne bi twixe the goode and the wikkede and to make canoun and lawe For therfore was thilke scoole ordeyned And there was my wise douhter science that is so subtile whiche heeld there the parle- mentes and foormed there the argumentes Eor the loue of whom thou come and were in the scooles And so michel thow didest what up what doun that to mariage thow haddest hire In thilke scoole j tauhte and there thou were my prentys and there weren shewed thee alle the secrees of Nature For al that euere j tauhte to nature riht soone after j told it to thee Nouht that thou shuldest mown make any thing ther of but that thou shuldest wel kunne juge Swich wurshipe and swich curteysye shewed wel that j was freend to thee cap. ixxix. [34] And whan thow and nature thus hauen ben vnder my cure that han lerned in my scooles bothe faire dedes and faire woordes thouh ye seyen me now erre yit ye shulden forbere me Ye shulden haue in mynde of the Champyoun that hadde tauht his kunnynge to a poore man and hadde no thing take of his For whan thei weren in the feeld at the requeste of tweyne dukes that wolden defende bi hem eche of hem here owen for which thei hadden gret stryf the maister yit which was miche wisere than the prentys bi gan to speke to his prentys and aresone him What is this quod he come ye tweyne ayens me that am aloone this was neuere of gret wurthi- nesse ne of wurthi corage And thanne whan thilke lookede bihynde him who was there the maister yaf him swich a strook that ded to the eerthe he sente him Yit haue j nouht quod he tauht al my wyt to my prentys It is euele bifalle thee to day whan thow come ayens me cap. ixxx. g j se y thee So god save thee weenest thow that j haue tauht THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 47 thee now al my wit and al myn art and that al myn j haue yiven thee with oute withholdinge any thing Euele thow woldest awurthe with me if j hadde no thing to defende me with bi sum wey Eor doinge to me vyleynye thow arguest me of sophistrie of fraude and of gile bi defaute of discrecioun Now sey me if j were a mercere and shewed thee a purs the which j wolde yive thee and seyde thee Loo this j haue yiven thee here it with thee for it is bi my wille If it so were that thow here it foorth and sithe thou founde ther inne foure floreynes or fyve or sixe shulde it seeme thee that j hadde any thing disceyued thee or that j were therfore a sophistre ? Serteyn quod Aristotle nay but me shulde thinke suich a yifte ful of gret fredom and of wurship and of gret curteysye Serteyn quod she so it is of the bred that j haue maad so subtile cap. Eor with oute j haue not shewed the grete tresore that j haue put with inne but j haue riht priuely hid it for to enrichesse with the poore folk Eor if it were shewed with oute ther shulde noon dore resceyue it Charite ordeyned it so that hath of the poore gret pitee And ther inne is no gile but dede of mercy But if with oute j hadde shewed gret aparisaunce and put with inne thing that were litel to preyse or that hadde not gret quantite thanne thow mihtest argue me of gile and blame me Yit j answere thee oother weys Eor it is no desceyte thouh j shewe cap. it litel to the eye and is gret with inne And j wole that so it be bileeved stidfastliche with oute makinge denyinge But if j wolde not this or if j dide it oother weys thanne perauenture thow mihtest argue me of mystakynge Now sey me yit j prey thee that arguest me of my doinges that cap. ixxxiii. seist it is not resoun that the vessel or the hous be lasse than that that is with inne Seye thou neuere neyther inne ne oute the quantitee of the herte of man Serteyn quod he in sooth j haue wel seyn it treweliche Now sey me quod she bi thin oth how gret it is to thi seemynge ? Serteyn quod he a kyte a litel enfamined shulde skarsliche be ful sauled ther with Eor litel it is and nouht gret Yit 48 THE PILGRIMAGE OF quod she j aske [35] thee if thou wite oulit with how michel his desire may be fulfilled and with how michel it mihte be ful esed and sauled or what thing mihte suffice it Serteyn quod he fulfille it and saule it and staunche it mihte not al the world thouh al at his wille he hadde it Now needeth it thanne quod sapience that ful- fillinge to sumcience thow fynde it Other that false bi thi commune auctoritee that is wide spred bi whiche thow hast preeued and seyd that in the world ther is no thing voyd For of sum thing it shal be filled other it shal be empty Ther of quod he j wole sey my seyinge For j haue wend and yit weene that oo god that is sovereyn shulde make it al ful Soothliche quod she thow seyst wel and of no thing mistakest thee ther of But it needeth that thilke god be grettere than the world is gret and so enclosed in the world it may not be that it ne shulde ouer flowe it. Serteyn quod he j may not to that of no thing wel withseye And how shulde it quod she be put in an herte that is so litel Thanne muste the hows bi resoun be lasse than the good that is put ther inne and so shal thi seyinges be false cap. ixxxiv. Yit j wole shewe thee this apertliche al oother weys Grece and Athenes thow hast seyn and many tymes ben there Now sey me sooth if it be in thi mynde how michel that oon is from that oother And if ther been manye studyauntes and how grete the citees ben Serteyn quod he j mynde me wel that thei ben grete and that ther comen ynowe of studiauntes thider and of scoleeres and of folk of diuerse craftes Now sey me quod she Where hast thow put alle these gretnesses that thow seist In my memorie j haue hem quod he certeyn I wot it riht wel Oo quod sapience and shalt thou ther- fore conclude me if memorye be in thin bed that in lasse place than is thin hed thou hast enclosed tweyne grete citees with alle here studiauntes cap. ixxxv. In the appel of myn eye j wole shewe thee this also biholde it how it is litel and algates ther enhabiteth ther inne holliche al thi visage as thow mint see apertliche Also looke in a mirour thou THE LYF OF THE MA.NHODE. 49 shalt se thi visage and his shap And if thow wolt do oother weys for to assoile better thine arsmmentes that seist i haue falsed and ~ d repreved thi gretteste principle in as michel as eche partye that may be broken of the bred j make as gret as al make that al the mirour be to broken in diuerse partyes and if thin biholdinge be to eche of hem ther shal not be thilke in which thow ne shalt see thi visage al apertliche and apperceyue as wel and as holliche as thou didest first in the mirour whan it was hool wher inne ther was but oon visage Now lady that hauen the engyn so subtil quod he vnderstonde ap ye that localliche virtualliche or oother wise Alle these thinges ben thei put in the places that ye haue seyd and enclosed For ther after j wolde answere or ther after j wolde holde me stille Serteyn quod she localliche j vnderstonde not but oother weys ca P vertualliche j vnderstonde summe and ymaginatyfliche summe and representatyfliche summe of the thinges j vnderstonde And it thurt not recche to wite of this anoon For j haue taken thee ensaumples onliche for avisement for to make thee soone vnder [36] stonde and soone teche thee and lerne thee how vnder litel figure is hid the grete feedinge For as in diuerse wises in the litel places these thinges ben put riht so with inne this bred al the souereyn good is put Soothliche nouht ymaginatyfliche nouht presentatyfliche nouht vertualliche with oute more but it is put ther inne and contened bodiliche and rialliche presentliche and verreyliche with oute any similacioun and with oute oother decepcoun or gile The cause why it is put there in partye it is told to fore For the ca P- herte is litel the bred as litel is maad also And for his grete capacitee the good souereyn j haue put with inne The litele to the litele the grete to the grete j haue euene maad as answer inge For after that the herte is right soo the feedinge is maad If it be litel litel bred it hath If it wole ynowh it shal fynde with inne that that may saule it and fille it and suffice it And ther inne is no mistakinge thouh the hous for suich cause is michel smallere and H 50 THE PILGRIMAGE OF lasse than the good that enhabiteth ther inne And suppose that to thi seemynge j hadde maad thing mis sittynge and that thou were not wel apayed of that thou hast herd me seyd yit j sey thee that if j ne wolde j shulde not answere to thee For if j cowde not make or sum time dide summe thinges more notable and wunderful than oothere for nouht shulde j be maistresse and techere of oothere So that thou maist see heere myn answere If thow wolt shewe it ayen to nature chaumberere to grace dieu and my scoleer For for hire j wole no thing leue to do of that that j wolde do and For charitee j wole alwey do and plese hire that that j can She shal no thing kunne diuise me that j ne wole do it with oute abidinge cap. ixxxix. Aristotle whan he herde this al dedliche he answerde hire Serteynly j apperceyue weel that of yow shal j no thing winne It is michel bettere for me go my wey than more argue ayen yow I go Dooth what euere ye wole good leeue ye haue Thus thilke wente and tolde ayen to nature the wit he hadde founde in hire For whiche he was departed Nature thanne suffrede it she mihte nomore and that hevyede hire cap. ixxxx. Whan grace hadde thus told me this faire tale of hire goodnesse I hadde gret wille and gret hunger to haue of thilke bred to ete Lady quod j with herte j pray yow that of this releef of moyses ye wole make yiv.e me for to ese with myn empty herte Longe it hath be empty ne it was neuere sauled For it wiste neuere yit of whatt men shulden fille it cap. ixxxxi. Serteyn quod she thi requeste j holde not dishoneste Michel is this bred necessarie to thee to the viage thou hast to doone For bifore thou mowe come to the place ther thou hast thi desire bi ful wikkede pases thou shalt go and wikkede herberwes thou shalt fynde So that ofte thou shalt haue mis ese if thou bere not this bred And my leeue thou hast to take it whan thou wolt But alwey s it is riht as j fynde in my lawes that thou haue first that that thow hast asked bifore That is the scrippe and the burdoun of the whiche j seide thee that in myn hous j wolde- purueye thee of THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 51 hem al bi tymes That shulde he [37] whan j hadde shewed thee the faire thinges of withinne whiche alle folk seen nouht Now j haue in partye shewed thee the thinges and opned hem to cap. thee j am redi to holde thee thine couenauntes With oute failinge the scrippe and the hurdoun thou shalt haue alle the tymes that thow wolt And sithe if thou wolt thou miht putte of the bred in thi scrippe and after as good pilgrym sette thee to thi wey Lady quod j miche graunt mercy that is my wish and my desire cap. Dooth me soone to haue it for j haue gret lust to stire me Me thinketh riht longe that j ne were forth ward and set in the wey Eor it is fer to thilke citee to whiche j am exited to goon And thanne in to a place that she hadde where ther weren many cap. faire iewelles she ledde me with oute dwellinge And out of an hucche whiche she vndide rawhte the scrippe and the burdoun Neuere j trowe man ne womman so fair a scrippe ne burdoun lenede to in whiche he mihte bettere assure him and in a wikkede pas triste The fairnesse and the goodnesse of hem bisiliche j lokede Wher of j wole not holde my pees that sumwhat ther of j ne wole seye The scrippe was of greene selk and heeng bi a greene tissu Lysted it was wel queynteliche with xij . belles of siluer Who so euere forged hem a good maister he was For eche of hem was enameled and in eche enamelure ther was propre scripture the whiche right as j sigh it at eye j wole telle yow In the firste ther was writen god the fader as me thouhte the ca P heuene and the eerthe made of nouht and sithe foormede man In the secunde god the sone In the thridde god the holi gost But these thre thinges weren to me wunderful and hard and dowtows For of so nyh thei ioyneden to gideres that thei seemeden to be alle oon And specialliche this j sey that ther was but oonliche oon claper that to alle the thre servede In the feerthe belle writen ther was Goddes sone ihesu cryst fro heuene in to eerthe de- scendede by the holy gost conseyued mad man and of a mayden born In the fyfthe he was tormented for sinneres and on the crosse H 2 52 THE PILGRIMAGE OF doon naturelly ded and buryed In the sixte Descended doun in to lielle for to caste out alle hise freendes and lede hem in to Paradys In the seventhe sussited In the eyhtthe steyn in to heuene and on the riht half of his fader sett for to iuge the quike and the dede In the nynthe was set the holi cristene cherche with the holi sacra- mentes that ben solempnysed ther inne In the tenthe the oonhede and the communioun of the seyntes and the indulgence of sinne bi cristenynge and penaunce In the eleventhe risinge of alle the dede that shulen come to the iugement in bodi and soule and there shulen heere here sentence In the twelfthe guerdoun of alle goode dedes and punyshinge of hem that the yuel dedes haue doon and nouht repented hem This is of the belles the scripture that writen is in the enamelure bi w r hich if ye wole the bewtee of the scrippe seen ye mowen cap. ixxxxvi. NOW T j wole telle yow also of the burdoun that was of an oother facioun It was liht and strong and euene [38] and was maad of tre of Sechim that in no time mai rote ne perishe for cause of fyr On the ende anhy was a pomelle of a round mirour shynynge and fair In whiche cieerliche men mihten see al the cuntre that was fer Ther was no regioun so fer that ther inne men ne mihten seen it And there j sygh thilke citee to whiche j was exited to gon riht as j hadde seyn it and aperseyued it bifore in the mirour also in the pomelle j syh it Wher of j was fayn The better j louede the bor- doun in sooth and the more j preysede his facioun A litel bi nethe an oother pomel ther was a litel lasse than that oother that was maad riht queynteliche of a charbuncle glistringe Who that euere it made and cumpasede and that to the burdoun ioyned it he was not of this lond In an oother place he muste be souht Ryht wel it was sittinge to the burdoun and ryht auenaunt No thing ther mislikede me in it but that it was not yrened But afterward she that shewed it me appesed me wel cap. ixxxxvii. Whan these iewelles weren drawen out thanne seide me grace dieu See heere the scrippe and the burdoun that j haue bihyght thee I make thee yifte of hem In thi viage thou shalt haue neede THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 53 of hem keep hem wel and so thou shalt be wys The scryppe Foy is cleped with oute which thow shalt neuere do jurney that ouht shal availe For thi bred and thi vitaile thow shuldest in alle times haue ther inne And if thow wolt wite this bi oother seyinge than by myn Seynt Poule shal wel enfoorme thee that telleth that it is writen that the iuste liveth bi his scrippe that is to seyn who so wel vnderstonde that he liueth of the good that he taketh ther inne This scrippe is of greene colour For riht as greenesse coumforteth the eye and the sight riht so j sey thee that sharp feith maketh sighte of vnderstondinge Ne neuere shal the soule perfytliche see if this greenesse ne lene him miht and strengthe And therfore she shal neede thee for to redye thee in thi wey Lady quod j seyth me for the loue of god of these belles so litele p- why thei ben thus tacched and stiked in the skrippe Of the thre also that han but oon claper whiche to hem is commune Serteyn quod she in the time bifore that was in the time that j cap. made the scrippe it sufficed al sympilliche to leeue in god perfyteliche And thanne was the scrippe with oute ringeres and with oute belles But j telle thee that many erroures sourdeden sithe and many harmes Eche wolde leeue in god as him likede Oon leeued in oo wise an oother in an oother wise at his devys as thou shuldest wel wite if thow haddest seyn here erroures And so was this scrippe elded and defouled But for to recouere the bewte and for to do awey alle erroures and for oon bileeue shulde be to alle and with oute desceite the twelve apostles setten ther on these twelve belles that ther ben and in eche of hem propir writinge that propirliche techeth and seith in what manere and how men shulden bileeue in god stede- fastliche These twelve belles heere maken the twelve articles of the feith that ben the which thow shuldest stedefastliche bileeue and haue in thi memorie Ofte thei shulde awake thee and ringe at thin ere For nouht be thei not maad belles ne rins;eres For if thow were to slowh other leftest to looke the O writinge at the leste with ringinge of summe of hem thou mihtest THE PILGRIMAGE OF remembre thee On that oother side [39] seint Poul seith and to the Homayns he hath writen that hi heeringe of swich ring- inge men haven the feith perfytliehe so that he putte not the ring- inge in the scrippe but it exiteth the memorie in what manere men shulden bileeue Nouht that it sufficeth onliche to bileeue stidefast- liche ffor ther ben mo oothere thinges that ben to bileeue stidfast- liche as of the wyn and bred that ben remeeved in to flesh and blood Of God also in trinite thre persones in oonhede Wher of thou hast seyn the ensaumple in the belles of whiche thow askedest For riht. as oo claper serueth to thre belles wel and faire riht so is the trinitee but oo god alone in soothnesse God alone and thre it is and eche of the thre is god that thow shuldest bileeue stidefastliche And many oothere of ringinges of whiche as at this time j wole holde me stille and for to lasse ennuye leue it For of the twelve alle thei hangen Who so wel at here rihtes al wel vnderstant cap. c . Ryght as grace dieu spak and diuisede of these belles j that biheeld the scrippe and alwey hadde myn eye ther on sygh dropes of blood sowen and dropped ther on Whiche thing michel displesede me and meevede al my corage for that j hadde not seyn it bifore after j hadde seyn and apperceyued the scrippe Lady quod j newe j am discoumforted euele I se blood shed on the scrippe that neuere er j apperceyuede Eyther apeseth me of thilke blood or elles taketh me an oother scrippe cap. ci. Haa quod she discoumforte the shuldest thou nouht but coum- forte thee For whan thow wost the cause thou shalt loue the scrippe the bettere Ther was sum time a pilgrym that highte steuene that in yowthe bar the scrippe in alle places ther he wente But he was aspyed with theeves For the scrippe that was fair michel thei peyneden him to bineme it him and michel peyne thei diden him But he defended him so wel that he wolde for no thing men shulden bineme him suich a scrippe but leeuere he hadde men sloowen him Algates thei sloowen him and mordred him and stoned him and of his blood was thus this scrippe bi dropped and aproved But that THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 55 time it was fairere for the blood that was al neewe For colour that is red up on greene chaumpe it is wel fair and that apperede open- liche For after his bleedinge it was boren more than bifore michel more and more desired Many folk cornen after and so michel diden that thei hadden it And afterward for to defende and keepe it thei suffreden to dismembre hem and suffreden peynes and tor- mentes to the deth Who so wolde nombre the martyres that for it suffreden deth ther is neither tunge coude telle it ne herte thinke it ne bond write it So that thouh thilke scrippe were bidropped with thilke blood and preeued it is no thing that is to wundre upon but it is thing michel more woorth than a margerye and more preciows And j sey thee wel that if the dropes weren neewe thow woldest holde hem riht faire But it is a long time gon that no wiht bledde of his blood ther on The bleederes ben passed and alle agoon But therfore ben the dropes of blood that ben elded neuere the lasse worth Of the bewte recche thee neuere "Whan thou hast thing that is as michel worth So that the scrippe thus dropped with this blood [40] and so preeved j take thee in ensaumple to that ende j sey it that if men wolden withdrawe it thee other bineme it thee rathere thow shuldest suffre to hewe thee and sle thee than suffre to bineme it thee Now take it thanne anoon for it is sittinge to thee Ladi quod j wel it sufficeth me of this blood which ye haue seyd cap. en. me But me thinketh riht bevy that ye haue take me this scrippe bi couenaunt For j wot neuere how j shal heer after vse it Algates she liketh me and no thing mis liketh me ther inne So j wole take it with oute taryinge sithe j haue graunte of yow And thanne with oute lettinge j took it and abowte me anoon cap. cm. j dide it and grace dieu halp me that arayed it me at hise rightes Wel glad was j whan j seyh it aboute me and felte it For longe bifore it was that j hadde desired it michel and asked it Now j wole telle yow ayen of the burdoun of which grace dieu cap. civ. made me sermoun After quod she that j haue seyd thee of the scrippe whiche gladeth thee wel j wole also telle thee of the bur- 56 THE PILGRIMAGE OF doun at the shorteste that j may The burdoun hatteth esperaunce whiche is good in eche sesoun Eor thilke that leneth him sikerliche ther to may not falle The wode of sechim of which it is rnaad sheweth ful wel which it is To it thou shuldest lene thee in alle euel paas wher thou shalt go In wikkede Paas holde it riht euene and looke wel on the pomelles For the pomelles shulen holde thee up and nouht suffre thee to falle cap. cv. The hye pomel is ihesu crist that is as the lettere seith a mirour that is with oute spot In whiche eche wyght may see his visage In whiche al the world may mire him wel and considere him Eor al the world ther inne mired is nouht as greet as aas in a dee In thilke pomel thou shuldest mire thee and ofte looke ther inne Lene thee ther to and strongliche clyue to the poyntes Eor whan with inne thou seest wel thou shalt neuere haue discomfort of no thing And as longe as thou lenest thee ther to thow shalt neuere falle in wikkede paas Now think heer on if thou be wys and the bettere thow shalt do thi viage cap. cvi. That oother pomel is thilke of whom he was born that is the virgine marie mooder that conseyuede and bar hire fader that is the charbuncle glisteringe that enlumineth the niht of the world Bi the which ben brouht ayen to wey alle that ben distracte and forveied Bi the which beth enlumined alle thilke that beth in derknesse Bi the which beth reised the fallen doun and the ouer- throwen And therfore she hath be graffed hi subtile art and ioyned to this burdoun that is so fair to that ende that she be oo pomel Eor first ther was but oon allone whiche sufficed not Eche miht not come ther hi ther to ne holde it But bi this men comen and lenen ther to anoon So that this is necessarie to eche wight that is pilgrym therfore j rede that thou lene thee ther to and triste in alle times Eor bi it thow shalt be meyntened and susteyned in alle wikkede paas And bi it thou shalt mown come to that oother that is hyere So that whan thou art lened and affi.cch.ed to twey pomelles wel j telle thee that sureliche and sadliche thou miht go And THE LYP OF THE MANHODE. 57 therfore in the burdoun thou miht wel triste thee and assure [41] thee Eor the pomelles that ben set ther on shulen susteyne thee in alle euele paas This is a good burdoun keep it wel j haue yive it thee so that thyn it is Thanne in the hond she put it me wher with to myn herte she ca P cvii dide gret ioye Eor wel j seyh that j was redy in al to putte me to my weye But algates it mis likede me of the burdoun that it was not yrened Lady quod j to grace dieu j may not holde me hi god that j ne sey yow my thouht of thilke burdoun that is not yrened It mis liketh me michel witeth it wel For alle oothere j see yrened therfore if ye wole seith me whi suich ye haue take it me Haa quod she What thou art a fool It needeth thee not a belle ca ? cviii - at thi nekke Haue j not right now seyd thee if thow woldest a litel remembre thee that to the eende aboue thow shuldest triste thee and lene thee to the pomelles Eor the pomelles shulen holde thee up and not suffice thee falle The eende bi nethe dooth thee no thing And nouht for thanne wel thow wost that a burdoun yrened weyeth more than thilke that is vn yrened Vn yrened j took it thee for to my weenynge thou shuldest here it the bettere And on that oother side yrened burdoun stiketh deppere in the fen and in the dunge than thilke that hath noon yren And the deppere it stiketh the more is thilke empeched that bereth it over thilke that bereth it vn yrened Therfore j haue take it thee suich for j wol not that thou be empeched neither in forwh lie in mire ne that thou haue noon encombraunce Haa lady quod j yit oo woord Me thinketh j am not a fool nouht for that that ye haue seyd but for that of which ye speken nouht If houndes assaile me other theeves and my burdoun be not yrened trowe ye thei wole drede it so michel as if it were yrened bifore And for that cause onlich j spak this and noon oother weys Ther to quod she j make thee answere Eor bur- doun is not to smite with ne to fyghte with but with oute more to lene ther to And if thou seye thou wolt with oute more defende thee armures with which thou shalt wel defende thee with oute i 58 THE PILGRIMAGE OP offence and with whiclie thou shalt wel discoumfyte thin enemy s riht a noon j wole take thee For j wot wel where j shal fynde hem Haa lady quod j hi swich condicioun the hurdoun liketh me wel Wherfore j pray yow that ye fecche these armures and taketh hem me cap. cix. And thanne grace dieu entrede in to hire curtyne and clepede me Now bihold quod she an hy to thilke perche I muste go to fecche armure to go fer with Ynowh thow seest to arme thee with Ther heth helmes and haubergouns gorgeres and jakkes taarges and al that needeth to thilke that wole defende him Now take there that that thou wolt haue and arme thee thow hast leeue tap. ex. Whan j syh these faire armures michel j reioysede me of the bewtee of hem but algates j wiste not wel with which j shulde do my profyt best For j hadde neuere vsed armes ne j hadde nouht ben armed Lady quod j sheweth me now j pray yow if ye [42 j wole whiche armures j shulde take and how j shulde arme me For but if ye helpe to arme me ye hadden do no thing cap. cxi. And thanne she took a doublet of a diuers facioun j sigh neuere noon swich ne neuere herde speke of noon swich For riht euene bihynde on the bak was set an anevelte that was maad to resseyue strokes of hameres Of it at the firste bigynnynge she made me yifte and present Loo heere quod she a doublet the beste that euere man sigh For who so hadde neither handes ne feet and were teyed to a pileer If that he hadde that upon him with oute more he shulde neuere be venquished But he shulde with gret wurship be victour of alle hise enemy s And ouer j sey thee and be not abaasht Who so hath on thilke garnement he dooth his profyt with that that oothere doon here vnprofyt and here harm Clowdes maken his corn growe and tempestes fylleth hise gerneeres and pestilence hise seleeres Of grete hardshipes he hath a softe bed and of tormentes his grete delite Hise deyntees he maketh of pouerte and his solas of aduersitees Fastinges maken hym fat and syknesses strengthe Pouerte and tribulacioun maken him his recreacioun The more men THE LTF OP THE MANHODE. 59 prikken it the hardere it is And riht as the doublet is maad with poynynges For whi it is cleped a purpoynt riht so who so hath it on of prikkinges he bicometh armed Bi prikkynges it is worth that that it is and with oute prikkinges it is no thing woorth If thou wolt wite what it hatteth Pacience men clepe it whiche is maad to suffre peynes and to susteyne grete prikkinges for to be as anevelte that stireth not for the strok of a fether but resseyueth and endureth al with good wille with oute murmurynge This doublet wered on ihesu crist whan in the crosse for thee cap. he was hanged up on him it was rihted and prikked and mesured a right at hise rihtes Al he suffrede and al endurede and no woord seyde ne sownede An anevelte he shewede him and was to alle the strokes of whiche he was smite And therfore on him was forged and moneyed thi ransoum The wikkede smithes forgeden him on his bak and money den him So that thou shuldest wel suppose that whan the kyng wolde arme him with these armures thei been goode and that thei ben not to refuse Wherfore take hem and do hem on And so thou shalt be miche the rediere to do on that oother armure that up on these shulden be For bi nethe goth the dowblet who so wole arme him bi resoun And thanne j took the garnement and clothed me j ne wot how cap. hevi me thouhte it and streyt and to here it michel it greeuede me Lady quod j youre purpoynt was not a poynt shape for me swich mihte j not here it with oute greevinge me to michel Serteyn quod she the purpoynt were shape for the ariht if thow were ariht shape But on thee it holt that art not rihted ariht after his riht For thou art to fat and haste to miche grees vnder the wynge and art to boistous and to ryotous and to michel fed Swiche thinges maken thee so gret that with oute grevaunce thow miht not here the purpoynt on thi bak And therfore in al thou muste confoorme thee to it not it to thee Doynge awey that that is to michel on thee [43] Michel smallere thou moste be if thou wolt be wel clothed Lady quod j techeth me now how ye vnderstonden this to wite cap. i2 . 60 THE PILGRIMAGE OF soothliche whether me neede ouht a carpentere to hewe me How j mihte be rihted and shape to his riht Serteyn quod she ryotous thou art j nowh and envyous Wite thow shuldest that the purpoynt wole rihte thee if thow wolt here it with oute dispoylinge thee needeth noon oother carpentere It shal hewe thee to his riht and after it rihte thee But after whan thou art rihted it shal be to thee neither greevous ne harmful If ther be any that misseyth thee or that dooth the vileynye turne the bac towardes him Lawhe in thin herte and sey no woord It shulde no thing recche thee to haue the berkynge of howndes turne the anevelte and lat him smyte al at his wille For hi the strokes that he shal yive thee he shal rihte thee the purpoynt And also j sey thee that ther bi thow shalt haue the gryndinge of corownement For bi swich srnyt- inge and forginge and bi swich knokkinge shal be forged thee the corown that no man kowde make that is thilke with whiche ben corowned these martires that the purpoynt loueden Whiche up on the anevelte suffreden to knokke so michel and strokes to yiven that bi the strokes was forged hem and arayed hem the coroun And therfore in good feith I rede thee that the purpoynt with oute lettinge thow here For in oo tyme that hastliche shal come it shal neede thee That shal be whan tribulacoun shal aspye thee and assaile thee in the feeld in wey and in hous And shal sende thee hire seruauntes that so grete strokes shulen smyte up on thee and so michel shulen knokken up on thee that if thou haddest not on the doublet in gret perile of deth thow shuldest be Now do ther of thi pleyn wille For of the seyinge j do my devoyr cap. cxv. Ladi quod j michel it liketh me that that ye seyn ne of no thing j ayen sey yow But of so michel that my powere is not so gret as j trowe that it mowe suffice and susteyne the doublet Algates afforce me j wole to here it as longe as j may If ye wole take me more looketh wher of j haue neede I wole be sufficientliche armed thouh j shulde berste cnp. cxvi. Thanne she rauhte an haubergeoun of a fair and plesaunt facioun THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 61 and seyde me Take this garnement whiche was maad in the olde time for to fighte with ayens deth and ayens alle thilke of his ost that is ayens peynes and tormentes and alle here dredes For deth is a beste so wylde that who so seeth it he woodeth he leeseth purpos and cuntenaunce and the burdoun of esperaunce He is yuele bitaken and lost that is not thanne clothed with these armures But he that with thilke haubergeoun is clothed preyseth it nouht at a bodde He gooth suerliche in alle werres to haue loos and conquere prys For drede of deth he shulde not deyne to turne ayen ne wolde not This garnement forgede sum time the smith of the hye cuntre that forgede the light and the sunne with oute tonges and with oute hamer In thilke time ther ne was appreeued ne alowed noon oother armure Ne yit he is not wel armed that ther with is not armed ne clothed This haubergeoun hatteth Force whiche ihesu cristes champiouns wereden in old time whiche [44] weren so stable in werre and in tournament and so stronge that thei setten the deth at nouht and that was for the haubergeoun which was of so strong a shap that for no wepene ygrounden ther was neuere mayl y broken But cause ther was al preeved whiche shulde not be heled For with the nailes with whiche was nayled the sone of the smith and ryven the mailes weren endowed and rivetted The yren was also tempred in the blood that com out of hise woundes Wherfore the hauber- geoun was michel the strengere and the more sure And alle thilke that weren that time ther inne clothed weren so riht strong that ther was no mortal werre ne tournament were it neuere so strong ne so cruelle that thei dredden a straw And therfore thow shalt do it up on the purpoynt if thou leeue me and se if thou be meete ther too And thanne the haubergeoun j took and anoon after seide here Lady quod j j pray yow that goodliche er ye make me don on this garnement that ye wole shewe me al that that ye wole arme me with For after that that j sigh j wolde redye me to be armed And thanne a gorger an helme a targe a peyre glooves and a swerd she cap. cxvu. cap. cxvin. 62 THE PILGRIMAGE OF rauhte me with oute any tarynge and seyde With alle these armures it needeth thou arme thee at the leste And if thou kunne defende the wel thei shule suffice thee ynouh al he it that j wolde take thee oothere if j founde gret miht in thee But j wole keepe hem to oothere that j shal fynde strengere than thee "With the helme and with the gorger for to keepe hool thin hed thou shalt first arme thee whan thou hast doon on thin hauhergeoun And sithe the glooves thou shalt take with which thou shalt glooven thin hondes For if in hem thou hiddest hem nouht thou were not wel armed cap. cxix. This helme as thow shuldest wite is attemperaunce of the sighte of the heeringe and of the smellinge thinges that mown greeve thee For riht as the helme keuereth and refreyneth hise wittes and restreyneth riht so attemperaunce serueth to keepe the eye that it he not to open and to miche ahaundoned to folye and to vanitees For if the viseer ne were streyt ther mihte entre in swich an arwe that euene to the herte it mihte go and with oute remedye wounde it to the deth To heere also murmurynge bakhitinge fool speches thilke helme stoppeth so holliche that to the herte ne to the thouht no dart may misdo al be it that the wikkede neyhebore can strongliche sheete his arwes and hise springaldes To the posternes thei mown wel casten but thei shulen no fre entree haue in Of the smellinge also j sey thee For the helme keuereth it so that hi his disordeyned smellinge the herte is no thing hurt So thus for to keepe thee this helm is good to arme thee with For it is thilke that sumtime was cleped helme of saluacioun Of whiche Seint Poul amonesteth that men don it on her hedes cap. cxx. Now j wole telle thee of the gorgeer which shal keepe thi throte hool Sobirtee it hatteth in this cuntre and also ouer see It is a party of attemperaunce which was maad for to restreyne glotonye For she taketh folk bi the throte and ouercometh hem But thow shuldest wite that this armure is maad of double mailure For it shulde not be strong j nowh if it ne were so doubled And the cause is for gloto[45]nye hath double woodshipe Woodshipe of savour- THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 63 inge and woodshipe of outrageous spekinge Bi the savouringe stiren the goomes with which she wolde sle hire self Bi the spekynge maketh the sleyghtes with which she sleth hire neighe- bores as thow shalt after wite more pleynlyche whan thou shalt seen it So that ayens suich a mister man it is good to haue suich a gorgeer For it is a thing wel sure al be it litel armure And ther- fore j rede thee that goodliche and bisiliche thou arme thee ther with Of thi mete and of thi drink be thou neuere more daunger- ous What thou fyndest take it gladliche and of litel hold the wel apayed Of spekynge riht so j sey thee Keep thi mouth and mis sey of no wight and in alle times spek to alle folk resonableliche With this gorgeer was sum time armed the abbot of Chalyt thi goode patroun seint William For thouh he hadde had but bred and water as wel he hadde be payed a,s thouh he hadde had oothere mes ynowe Wherof thou miht fynde in his lyf that he cowde faste wel among grete mes and also haue thirst And there thou miht se also that of spekinge to alle folk he was not oonliche him self atempree but he attemprede also the euele spekeres whan he herde hem Sey he wolde seyn to thilke that is in a feeuere whan he trembleth that he tremble nouht and ye shul see how he wole cesse Biht so he wolde seyn thilke that ye speken of wolde cesse if he mihte wol gladliche So that whan suich a man armede him with swich a gorgeer and gorgered him soo thou shuldest also fastne on gladliche thi gorgeere and arme thee ther with Of the glooves also j sey thee wher of is good thou be mynged cap. For if on thine hondes thou were hurt with the remenaunt thou shuldest litel doo The hondes that shulden be armed and glooved with the glooves ben touchinges and handlinges and tastinges For al be it that men mown fynde bi al the bodi with oute tastinge algates it is most wist and knowen bi the hondes ffor thei maken most the touchinges and the tastinges And therfore it is more leeued of folk than oothere tastinges ben Therefore alle tastinges generalliche is vnderstonde bi the hondes The glooves with whiche . 64 THE PILGRIMAGE OF thilke tastinge and thilke hondes thow shuldest arme ben these that j haue shewed thee that with armures ben armed The thridde part of attemperaunce which men clepen continence the which seyinge in singuler may wel be seid equipolle to a plurelle For of dede and of wille his name shulde be doubled For the dede shulde not suffice if the wille ne were ther with with oo glooue shulde no wiht be wel glooved ne wel armed So to be with oute annuy tweyne needen For dede and wille muste bothe be had Goode thei ben bothe tho tweyne to gideres as me thinketh and couenable cap. cxxii. Swich continence thus doubled is cleped of summe men gayn payn For bi it is wunne the bred bi the whiche is fulfilled the herte of mankynde and that was figured heer bifore in the bred that Dauid askede For Achimelech wolde neuere graunte it him ne take it him bifore that he wiste he was glooued and armed with gayn paynes This thou miht fynde if thou wult studie in the book of kynges These [46] glooues hadde sum tyme seynt Bernard Whan the womman was leyd bi him in his bed al naked For how euere she tastede him and stired him and exited him neuere turnede he him towardes hire ne to hire taste assentede She fond hise hondes so armed that she wende him a man of yren Wherfore confused she departede and wente out of his bed with oute hurtinge him And that maden the gayn paynes with whiche he hadde armed hise hondes And therfore j rede thee that goodliche thou arme thee lich him for therfore j haue brouht hem thee hider and presented thee of hem Of the swerd thou shuldest wite that bettere armure thou miht not haue for if thou kowdest wel helpe thee ther with and haddest noone oothere armures thow shuldest be more dred certeyn than if thou were armed with oothere armures and haddest noon other cowdest not helpe thee ther with This swerd justice is cleped amonges alle the most chosen and the beste that euere girde or handelede kyng or erle Neuere was Ogrers swerd ne rowlondes ne olyueeres so vertuowse ne so inihti ne hadden so michel bountee This is thilke that whan time is yildeth to eche that that is his THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 65 This is a swerd to an emperour a regent a gouernour by whiche alle thilke of his hous ben gouerned with oute mistakinge For in alle times she manaseth that ther be noon that mis do She keepeth the bodi fro rebellinge and constreyneth the herte to loue god She maketh the herte conuerte from fraude and forsake baret The will the affeccioun the ynderstondinge and the entente the soule and alle hire meyne so arayeth hem and chastiseth hem that ther is noon of hem that durste misdoon hire on peyne of drawinge out of bothe here eyen For anoon with oute abidinge it shulde be corrected with the swerd Ensaumple thou hast in seint Beneynt that with this swerd was girt The king had girt him ther with whan he made him lord of lawes For whan he sygh that his body that was tempted wolde not obeye to him as good emperour and as good gouernour With the swerd he smot it so cruelliche and so punished it that wel nygh he hadde slayn it Wherfore it was neuere afterward rebelle ne inobedient to his comaundement This swerd thou shalt bere and bi it thou shalt defende thee from ca P cxxiil - alle thilke that j haue seyd the bifore whiche been thine priuee enemyes For enemy more daungerous more shrewed ne more perilous thow ne miht haue than thine priuees and thilke that ben nigh thee So whan thou feelest any rebelle and go ay ens thi saluacioun smite him so harde that he be no more so fers ayens thee And whan thou seest any of hem forueyne and aperseyuest it as whan thou seest the herte erre and thinke to any baret whan thou seest the thouht gon out of good wey and ordeynee whan thou seest the wille encline to dede disordeynee thanne lat the swerd be shake and put bifore Bi it lat eche be redressed and driven ayen in to his place Now do it thus wysliche For j passe me shortliche Ladi quod j it were wel sittinge as me thinketh that sum shethe ca P cxxiv - j hadde of yow wher inne j mihte putte the swerd For j mihte not alwey bere it thus with oute that it greeuede me On that oother side seynt Beneynt bar it not thus naked [47] but he hadde it girt a boute him as the king hadde girt it And that haue ye wel K 66 THE PILGRIMAGE OF tauht me Bi which thing me thinketh that sum time the swerd hadde a gerdel and a shethe in whiche she was put And that wolde j haue if that it were youre wille Sertes ful wel thou seist quod she and wel me liketh that ententyf to my woordes thou hast hen And therfore al at thi wille the scauherk to the swerd thou shalt haue and gerdel with which thou shalt gerde it cap. cxxv. And thanne anoon j sigh hire gon to ward the noble perche that is toward the perche on whiche that oothere armures weren and hongen Prom thennes the scauberk she vnheeng and brouhte it and seyde me Loo heere thilke that seynt Beneyt putte in the swerd and bar it A good thong ther is for to wel gerde thee and a good bocle for to strengthe it Now take it and keepe it wel and leese it for no thing Thilke scauberk is cleped humilitee hi his riht name jn whiche thow shuldest thi swerd herberwe and thi justnesse hide For if any good thou seest in thi self and that thou hast doon that and that hyde it thou shuldest in thilke scauberk which is maad of dedliche skyn mynginge thi self and thinkinge in alle times bi- knowinge that thou art dedlich and that of thi self thou hast not doon it but that it is bi me Bithinke thee of the pub- lican and the pharisee that diuersliche hadden here swerdes and beren hem For thilke that in the shethe hadde it and bikneewe him self a sinnere was preysed and hyed And that oother for he hadde his swerd vnshethed and vnscauberked was lowed It is michel more worth oon accuse himself and biholde his feebelnesse entende to the scauberk and to the lether than to diskeuere his iustice and to sey bihold my swerd which j haue vnshethed yow For so doon the prowde folk ful of wynd and vauntynge folk that ne seecheen but veyn glorie And that ther be alwey mynde of hem Thow shalt not do so rather thou shalt hyde the swerd in the shethe lowinge thee and humblinge For causes thou shalt fynde ynowe whan wel thou hast biholden thi self cap. cxxyi. And thanne whan thou hast put it in and shethed it with the girdel thou shalt girde thee and with it thine armures thou shalt THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 67 strengthe to that eende that thow here hem the more sureliche and the fastere Eor ther is noon be he neuere so wel armed but it be fastned aboue either with girdel or with baudryk that shulde sey he were wel armed So that the girdel shal be worth to thee a baudryk whan it is wel girt aboute thee and with his bocle wel fastned The girdel hatteth Perseueraunce and the bocle is cleped constaunce whiche shulden in alle times holden hem togideres with oute any departynge Eor at the neede and at the assaut that oon with oute that oother is wel litel woorth The girdel for the grete lengthe holt the armures in miht She holt hem vertuous with the swerd that she susteyneth She holt hem alwey oon keepinge hem that thei ben not doon of for noon enchesoun in no time ne in no sesoun The bocle holt and keepeth faste the girdel that it vnfastne nouht Al it holt in estat stedefastliche and keepeth al sureliche For that is the riht fastnynge and the surenesse of the armure So that whan thow askedest these thinges it liked me wel Eor ther is no thing ther of that it ne is covenable to thee and [48] riht profitable Now vse hem as thou shuldest and thou shalt doo thi wurshipe gretliche Whan these woordes j herde j bicom thouhti and abashed For ca P- cxxvii - of this exposicioun was litel myn entencioun Scauberk and girdel lasse greevinge j wende wel haue had with oute fable And al were it that j wolde that the purpoynt whiche j hadde on hadde be doun alweys j suffrede at that time and no thing answerde Whan of the scauberk she hadde thus seid me she took hire ca P- woordes ay en anoon. Now j wole sey thee quod she yit a woord of the targe With oute targe is no wiht wel ne ariht armed ne wel kept Eor the targe defendeth that oother armure from em- peyringe Bi it been the oothere kept that thei ben not atamed And as longe as it is put bifore so longe been the oothere saaf This targe hatteth Prudence whiche the kyng Salomon bar sum time customableche for to do riht and iugement This targe was more woorth to him than two hundreth sheeldes and thre hun- dreth targes of gold that he putte in his neewe hous For bi this K2 68 THE PILGRIMAGE OF targe lie was wurshiped and preysed in his time And whan he hadde afterward lost it al his wurshipe fel alle hise targes of gold and hise sheeldes weren neuere woorth to him a red hering For lost thei weren This targe targede him as longe as he bar it with him But soone was he lost whan the targe was lost So that ther bi thow miht see and apperceyue if thou wolt the woorth of his targe whiche was more than fyve hundreth of gold Therfore j rede thee here it thee and thin armure to keepe and for to pleye ther with and scarmushe whan thow seest enemyes come thouh thou kunne not pleye at the bokeler or kunne not wel helpe thi self she shal teche thee to pleye oother maister shal thee noon neede Now take it whan thow art armed with that oothere armures that thow hast It were wel time if thow woldest thou tooke hem to doon hem on For therfore j haue rauht hem and vnfolden hem and taken hem thee Do hem on faste for thou hast neede of nouht elles cap. cxxix. Whan these woordes j vnderstood inyn herte al afrighte ffor as j haue seyd I hadde not customed to be armed And on that oother side michel j bisorwede the purpoynt that j hadde on Algates for to hire plesaunce doon and fulnlle to arme me j assay ede And at the haubergeoun j began Vp on the purpoynt j dide it on but that it was wel sey j nouht Whan j hadde doon it on anoon j took the double gorgere and dide it aboute my nekke and sithe shof myn bed in the helm and hid it After j took the gayn paynes and the swerd with whiche j girte me And sithe whan j was thus armed j putte the targe to my side Al j dide as she hadde seyd me al were it it liked me litel cup. cxxx. Whan armed thus j sih me and that j felte the armure upon me greevous and hevi and pressinge me as me thouhte Lady quod j to grace dieu mercy j pray yow that of no thing ye displese yow thowh j she we yow my disese These armures greven me so miche that j may not go foorth Either j muste heere abyde or alle j muste doon hem of The helme alther first dooth me so THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 69 that j am ther inne [49] al astoned and blynd and def I see no thing that liketh me ne heere no thing that j wolde Bi the smellinge I feele no thing the whiche me thinketh gret torment Afterward thilke shrewede gorgeer that yuele passioun smyte it bi the throte maistrieth me soo that j may not speke as j wolde ne haue no thing that deliteth me ne that profiteth me any thing to the bodi Afterward with the gayn paynes wel j wot j shal neuere winne cap. my bred youre glooues ben not for hern that han tendre handes and tendre j haue hem and that forthinketh me And thei ben harde out of mesure 1 mihte not endure hem longe svviche with oute sheendinge myself Biht so of the remenaunt j sey shortliche to deliuere me al greeueth me so riht gretliche that neuere at shorte wordes j mihte telle it but j hadde grettere wit than j haue Superysed j am as Dauid was that hadde not lerned armes Armed he was but bisiliche and hastiliche he leyde hem doun And therfore as he dide wole j doo for his ensaumple liketh me wel Alle the armures j wole ley doun and with the burdoun j wole passe me I haue leeuere go lightliche than abide heer sureliche Go foorth mihte j nouht if j ne leyde doun the armure And so shulde j be letted to go in the faire citee Wherfore j pray yow it anoye you nouht ne holdeth it not for a despyte Sertes quod she now sheweth it wel that with holde thou hast no ca P- thing of al that j haue seyd thee or wel litel thou thinkest ther on Other thou weenest perauenture that in me be so gret vnthrift that my wordes ben fables other that thei ben disseyuable Wenest thou it so god keepe thee Sey it me rathere bi times than to late Lady quod j for the loue of god mercy weeneth it neuere soo I wot wel that ye seyn no thing that it ne is ordeyned for wele But my mint streccheth nouht to that that this armour mowe longe be bore of me Nouht for that j haue foryete youre woordes of any thing Eor certeyn j bithinke me wel that ye haue seyd me that thouh at the firste thei doon me encumbraunce thei shulden not so whan j were longe lerned of hem But j sey yow that j may not lerne hem For j 70 THE PILGRIMAGE OF fynde in me to gret feebilnesse and in hem to gret hardnesse These ben thinges gretliche vnliknynge and discordinge cap. cxxxiii. And whi quod she hast thou put me to trauaile and wherto hast thou required me the armures whan thou miht not here hem other wolt not here hem ? Ladi quod j j thouhte not ther on whan ye setten me in the wey Burdoun yrened j hadde asked yow al onliche But whan of armures ye speken to me and amonested me of hem thanne j required hem For wel j wende my strengthe hadde ben for to haue boren hem But ootherweys it is for in me no strengthe is j se it wel For j am wery as soone as j am armed cap. cxxxiv. Strengthe thou hast not quod she for herte in thee thou hast noon It is nouht for that thou ne art sholdred ynowh and boned Strong and mihti ynowh thou art If any good herte in thee thow haddest For of the herte cometh the strengthe of man as the appel of the appel tre What mihte seye a litel man whan thow that seemest a chaumpioun refusest to here these armures and excusest the bi feebilnesse [50] What shuldest thou also doo j prey thee if thou mostest be armed to keepe thee from oothere thou maist not bere hem as thou seist Yit also j prey thee what shalt thou do whan thi wey thou shalt go vnarmed and that thine enemyes shulen assaile thee and enforce hem to sle thee ? Serteyn thanne thou shalt seyn alias whi woldest thou evere vnarme thee whi leeuedest thou not grace dieu ? now thou art all disceyued Now thou wost what mis- cheef it is and wost also wel that so gret greevaunce was it not of beringe of the armure as it is to endure these harmes Now weren the armures gret counfort to me if j hadde hem Alias whether euere j shal mown fynde grace dieu ayen that she wole arme me cap. cxxxv. Whan thou hast thus j cryed and that thou art wounded to the deth weenest thou so god saue thee that j wole thanne gladliche drawe me thidervvard whan thou hast of no thing leeued me and for thi goode ? And on that oother side thouh j wente so god kepe thee what shulde j do theere ? Thou shuldest be now michel strengere than thou shalt be thanne For thou shalt be thanne feeblished with THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 71 woundes that thow slialt haue So that whan thou miht not now here the armures ne endure hem at that time to come j shulde go for nouht and for nouht j shulde trauaile me Now anoon is the time to lerne to here armes with oute any more ahidinge If thou leeue me aboute thee thou shalt holde hem and keepe hem to that eende that whan it shal be neede thou mowe helpe thee with hem If thei ben hevy go faire Eor softe men fer goth Soonere is the mule ofte times at seynt James that goth roundliche than is thilke that smiteth and sporeth his hors and maketh him go sharpliche For michel soonere he fyndeth encombraunce than the mule that goth round- liche his wey Off that thou spekest of Dauid that the armure sum time leyde cap. doun I sey thee that if of him thou wolt take ensaumple j wole not vndertake thee But j wole thou vnderstonde how thow shalt make thi foundement Eor first thou shuldest biholde and considere his chyldhode Eor chyld he was that time and litel as the story seith Also on that oother side considere the armures whiche vreren nouht for a popet but thei weren for the sone of Saul the gretteste of the cuntre Wherfore thou shuldest wel thinke that thei weren grete and stuffed and right hevy So that these twey thinges biholden and thouht diligentliche with gret riht Dauid dide of the armure and leyde hern doun Eor Saul thei weren goode but for Dauid weren thei no thing woorth Eor that that is good for a colt is not good for a staloun This is that Aristotle seith in etiques where it is writen But if Dauid hadde ben as gret as thou as he was sithe and thanne he hadde vnarmed him Serteynliche thou were thanne caused for to take ensaumple of him and do as he dide but thus dide he neuere ne thus to do tauht not thee Eor whan he was bicomen a man he was armed in alle werres It needeth not to suppose that he vnarmed in to werres wente Eor if so he hadde gon on lyue hadde he neuere turned ayen The armures in alle times he louede And that time that he vnarmed him of the armure of Saul He [51J took oothere with whiche he sloow Golias thilke that time weren to him couenable 72 THE PILGRIMAGE OF If thou were a chyld as he was thow mihtest do as lie dide I wolde wel suffre that in thi chyldhode thou haddest not so gret penaunce But thou art gret ynowh to here these arraures if thou wolt preeue thi self wel and shame thou auhtest to haue if thou forsake to here hem cap. cxxxvii. Ladi quod j I see ful wel that j shulde no thing winne to resiste ne to argue ne to despute ayens you But j telle you that doun j moste ley al to gideres with oute more abidinge Ther is noon that of j ne wole do For ther is noon of whiche j haue ioye Alle these armures han frushed me and pressed me and defouled me cap. cxxxviii. And thanne the bocle j vnboclede and the armures j vnlacede sithe leyde doun girdel and swerd with the targe litel biloued Whan she sygh me so doo anoon she areynede me and seyde Sithe thow wolt thus vnarme thee and al thin armure do awey thou shuldest at the leste biseeche me to fecche thee oon who so it euere were that were mihty that mihte here the armure and that trussede hem on the shulder and here hem after thee to that eende that thou mihtest take hem alle times that thou haddest neede Ladi quod j so michel j haue oifended you that j durst not aske yow that But now j require it yow in biseechinge Now a litel quod she abide me and j wole leue thee suich on j trowe that shal susteyne wel the armure and that wel shal here hern with thee cap. cxxxix. And thanne grace dieu wente hire j wot not wel in to what place and j al aloone abod there Where j vnarmede me of alle poyntes T dide of gorgeer and haubergeoun and helm and doublet Oonlich j withheeld the scrippe and the burdoun for pilgryme Whan j sih me thus vnarmed thanne j was al discounforted Aa goode swete god quod j what shal j doo whan so michel peyne j haue do to grace dieu my maistresse and my goode procuresse She hadde now arayed me queynteliche and nobleche As an erl arayed me she hadde and as a duke No thing failede me But j ayens hire techinge and hire swete amonestinge haue al doon of and haue nothing withholde Eaire swete god Why haue j my vertu lost and THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 73 where haue j doon it whi am j not more mihti more strong more hard more vertuows So that j mihte susteyne and suffre wel the armures Michel j were the more worth certeyn and grace dieu wolde loue me the bettere Also alle folk wolden preyse me the more and loue me the more and drede me the more But now it is wurs j mihte not endure hem hi no wey To grace dieu j committe me and al in hire j wole abide Yit j trowe she wole helpe me and that she wole not yit faile me And ther of she hath maad sern- blaunt Wherfore my counfort is the grettere Eor forto make me ashamed she is gon bisyliche to fecche sum wight and bringe that mihte here these armures As j was in this plyt and diuisede thus my self aloone cam grace cap. cxi. dieu that ledde a wenche that hadde noone yen as me thouhte at the firste whan j syh hire But whan she was nyh comen to me and that j hadde wel apperceyued hire I sigh that hire sighte was set in hire haterel bihynde And bifore she sigh no thing This was thing [52] riht hidous as me thouhte and riht dreedful and j was ther of wunderliche abashed and thouhti As heer of j thouhte and strongliche wundrede me grace dieu cap. exit. spak to me Now j se wel quod she now j see how thou art a wurthi knyht And whan thou shuldest fihte thou hast leyd doun thin armure and art discounfited with oute smitinge of strok Thee needeth a bath to bathe thee and a softe bed to ley thee inne A surgien to sounde and counfort ayen the senewes that ben brused Ladi quod j ther of shule ye be leche and confortouresse Eor ca P- cxlii - soothliche j am so wery That j mihte no more susteyne the armure ne j hadde no more strengthe Wherfore j pray yow ye ben not wroth ne euel apayed For yit j haue trist and hope to yow of alle Now quod she j haue founden thee this wenche and led hire to cap. cxiiii. thee from a cuntre that is ferre for to socure thee at thi neede Eor wel j see but j helpe thee soone thou woldest go a shrewede wey This wenche thou shalt see and thine armures thou shalt take hire and she with thee shal beren hem to that ende that alwey whan it L 74 THE PILGRIMAGE OE is neede as j haue seyd thee thou fynde hem redy and do hem on For but if thou haddest hem alwey nygh thee and didest hem on at thi neede thou shuldest be ded and slayn and euele be taken cap. cxiiv. Lady quod j of this monstre whiche ye haue maad me a sbew- inge of wolde j fayn wite the name And whi it is of swich facioun It is a thing disgisy to me and nouht acustomed On that oother side j wende as j hadde lerned of yow that a seruaunt ye wolde haue led me light and strong for to helpe me For the craft of swich a wenche is but to here a pot Swich a wenche mihte neuere endure to bere swiche armures cap. cxiv. Ther of quod she j wole sey thee shortliche ynowh and answere thee This wenche is nempned and bi hire rihte name cleped Memorie whiche apperceyueth no thing ne seeth of the time coinynge but of the olde time she can wel speke and diuise to the time passed And bihynde ben sette hire yen and hire light It is not thing riht dreedful as thow weenest but it is thing riht ne- cessarie to alle thilke that wolen make here ordinaunce and here prouidence of any wit or science Er this hadden clerkes of vni- uersitees fallen to pouerte if here havinge or kunnynge that thei geten bifore ne kept hem For litel is woorth thing ygoten if after the getinge it ne be kept So she hath the eyen bihynde and therbi wite wel that she is tresorere and keepere of science and of gret wysdom And after that thou shuldest wite that al the wit and the kunnynge she keepeth She bereth it so and in alle places she hath it with hire So that if thou make hire bere and keepe these ar- mures with thee she shal norishe hem ne neuere daunger shal she make ther of And as strong as she is to bere hem as mihti she is to keepe hem And therfore haue hire not in despyt as thou hast seyd bifore that thou boldest hire for a wenche that shulde but bere a pot But thi self thou shuldest despise and litel preyse if so miche good thow coudest For that that thou maist not bere she shal wel bere with oute greevinge hire And [53] that shal be a grettere con- fusioun to thine eyen than if a seruaunt bere hem that were strong THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 75 and mihti And therfore avisiliche and witingeliche j haue brouht hire to thee to that ende that whan she hath the armure and shal bere hem that thou assaye to bere also or elles that thou haue gret confusioun Ladi quod j sitho it is thus j wole to yow neither sey ne ayen sey cap. Ne also ayensey yow miht j nouht wel of no thing Now lat hem thanne alle be houen up on hire and trussed and sithe j wole go bifore and she shal sewe me And thanne she and j hoven hem up and to memorye tooken hem And she took hem gladliche as it was gret neede Whan thei weren trussed grace dieu god yilde hire wel goodliche ca P- cxlvii spak to me in seyinge me swiche woordes Now thou art quod she arayed to go in to the faire citee thou hast memorie thin soomeer that after thee shal come bihynde whiche shal bere thin armure to arme thee whan it shal be time Thou hast the scrippe and the burdoun the faireste that euere man bar Of alle thinges thou were redy if of moises bred thou haddest Go and take it leeue thou hast al be it thou hast not deserued it But keep thee wel that of that thou shuldest do passe thee no thing as thou hast seyn and knowen that men shulden doon And thanne to moyses j wente and of his bred j asked him that cft p cxivm. was of the releef that he yaf and grauntede to the pilgrimes He yaf it me and j took it and sithe in myn scrippe j putte it Sithe to grace dieu j turnede ayen and of hire goodshipes j ca P- cxlix thankede hire preyinge hire that she wolde not leue me ne alongne hire from me And biseechinge hire that at my neede she wolde not be fer fro me For wel j wiste as j seyde hire that with oute hire j mihte do no thing Serteyn quod she soothliche with oute me thou miht no thing do ca P- cl - And soone thou shuldest be discounfited if of me thou ne haddest keepinge Therfore thou doost as the wise whan thou requirest that that thou wost is needeful to thee And for j fynde thy requeste in no thing dishoneste therfor to go with the is myn entente as at this L 2 76 THE PILGRIMAGE OF time and nouht to departe fro the j thinke if it ne be by thin offence Lady quod j michel graunt mercy now j haue ynowh as me thinketh cap. cii. Now vnderstonde quod she how gon with thee j thinke Ther ben sunime men that hauen in here freendes so gret trist and hope that thei ben miche the wurse For thei thinken that thei shulden be for- born and kept hi hem thouh thei hauen doon or doon yuele So for that thou shalt not triste to michel to me or lene thee to that entente that thou do harm in trist of a susteynour of thi sight ne of thin eye j wole not be seyn I haue a stoon that to the folk whan j wole yelt invisible Bi thilke j wole hyde me from thine eyen So that whan thou shalt weene that j be with thee thanne perauenture j shal be ago bi sum oother wey sum time and turned from thee And that shal be whan thou puttest thee oother weys than [54] dueliche As whan thou wolt not deingne to aske thi wey other wolt not go And whan thou wolt leue the goode weyes and go bi the wikkede weyes Therfore be avised to go wyslich hens forth ward For from hens forth j vse and wurche after my stone and anon j parte fro thi siht and thi biholdinge cap. cm. As soone as she hadde that seid more sih j hire not Wher of loowh not myn herte whiche sorweful was but more mihte it not do Algates to go my wey as j hadde purposed it j wolde not leue but j wolde anoon take my wey To memorie j bad that she shulde come after me and that she sewede me that she brouhte myn armure and that she foryete noon She soothliche dide it so Al she brouhte no thing she loste And it was gret neede For after j fond so gret encumbraunce that j hadde be ded sum time if j ne hadde be warnished of armure Nouht that j dide hem on ne took hem alwey at my neede For many times bi my slouthe j suffrede strok of dart of arwe that j hadde not suffred if j hadde be wel armed cap. ciiii. Now j haue seid yow al with oute lesinge oon partye of my swevene The remenaunt j shal telle yow heer after whan j haue time And ye the more gladliche shulen heere it whan ye ben rested awhile With oute jnterualle alle thing enoyeth bothe the faire weder THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 77 and thilke of reyn An oother time ye shule come ayen if more ye wole heere And ther whiles j wole avise me to telle ariht as j mette Heere endeth the fir ste party e of this book And heere Mginneth the secunde Partye After that j haue seyd bifore of that j sigh in slepynge oothere ca P- * wundres that j sigh sithe as j have bihyght yow j wole shewe yow For it is not resoun to hele it As j hadde ordeyned me at alle poyntes to go my wey I bigan ca P- " michel to thinke whi it was that j miht not thus here myn armures or whi that j hadde not as gret power as thilke wenche hadde that bar hem after me Now j am a man quod j that seemeth a chaumpioun For mayme wot j noon in me but am hool of alle lymes and that am maad ynowh to here bothe this wenche and hire berdene Whens cometh it that j am thus failed of miht That j may not endure an hour that that j see hire here Shame and confusioun it is to me whan she is strengere than j As on this j thouhte and that allewey thinkinge wente j mette ca P- iij - in my wey a gret cherl euele shapen grete browes and frounced that bar a staf of crabbe tree and seemed to be a wel euel mister man and an euel pilgrim What is this quod he Winder goth this pilgrim Lord whider goth he He weeneth he be now ful wel arayed and queyntised But anoon with me he shal lette and to questiouns he shal answere Whan thus j herde him speke j bicom wunder sore abashed For ta P- iv - j wende he wolde haue ronne up on me with oute more abidinge Al gates curteisliche j spak to him and humbliche Sire quod j j require yow that ye wole not enoye me ne enpeche me of my viage For j go fer in pilgrimage And a litel [55] lettinge wolde greve me gretliche Serteyn quod he the disturblaunce cometh of thin ouer trowinge cap. v. Whens cometh it thee so god saue thee and whi art thou swich and 78 THE PILGRIMAGE OF swich that thou darst passe the lawe that the king hath wel ordeyned A while ago the kyng made defence that non took scrippe ne that noon bere it with him ne handelede Imrdoun And thou ayens his ordinaunce bi thi foolliche surquidrye hast vndertake to bere bothe that oon and that oother as me thinketh Whens cometh it thee and how hast thou dorre be so hardi Euele thow come and euele thow wentest and euele hider thou brouhtest hem Neuere day in thi lyve ne didest thow a grettere folye cap. vi. Whan these woordes j understood more than bifore j was abashed Eor what to answere j ne wiste ne answerere hadde j noon Glad- liche an aduocat j wolde haue hired me if j mihte haue founden him Eor gret neede j hadde of oon if j hadde wist where to have pur- chaced him Algates j studyede how j mihte escape As j lifte up myne eyen j sygh come that after whiche j hadde gret desire that was dame Resoun the wise whiche men mown wel knowe bi the langage For she wole no thing sey but sittingeliche and wel ordeyned Bifore j hadde seyn hire wherfore she was the more knowen to me I was riht ioyful whan j syh hire For wel j thouhte that bi hire shulde thilke crookede cherl be maat which harde hadde grucched me and so he was at the laste and j pray yow vnderstondeth how cap. vii. Resoun cam euene to him and seide him Cherl sey me now so god keepe thee wherof thow seruest and whi thou seemest so diuers Art thou a repere or a mowere or an espyour of weyfareres How hattest thou and where gaderedest and tooke thi grete staf ? the staf is not auenaunt ne sittinge to a good man cap. viii. And thanne the cherl lened him on his staf and seyde hire What is this Art thou meyresse ? or a neewe enquerouresse ? Shewe thi commission and at the leste thi name j shal wite and the grete powere that thou hast that bi semblaunt thou shewest me Eor if j were not suer therof j wolde to thee answere no thing cap. ix. And thanne resoun putte hire hond in to hire bosom bi a spayere and took out a box of which she drow a lettere and sithe seyde him Serteyn my poowere j wole wel do the to wite Hold see heere my THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 79 commissioun rede it and thou shalt wel wite my name and my power and who j am and whi j am come hider Serteyn quod he j am no clerk ne j can no thing in thi leves rede ca ? x - hem as thou wolt For wite wel j preyse hem litel. Beawsire quod she alle men ben not of thin opynioun Of michel folk thei hen wel preysed and loued and auctorised And nouht for thanne thou shalt heere hem But my clerkes failen me alle I wole putte thee out of suspessioun and shewe thee what powere j haue Come forth clerk quod she to me vndoo these letteres out of plyt rede hem bifore this bachelere that weeneth he be a lord Whan he heereth hem red if god wole he shal answere me And thanne j took hem and redde hem Wherof the cherl was no cap. xi. thing wel apayed For alwey he grummede and alwey shook his chyn And [56] at euery woord j redde j sygh his teeth grynte If ye wole wite the tenure of the lettere heer after ye shule heere it Grace dieu bi whom gouernen hem as thei seyn the kynges and ca p- xii regnen to resoun oure goode louede freend and in alle goode dedes wel proued gretinge and of that we sende dooth pleyn execucioun Of neewe we haue vnderstonde wher of us is not fayn that a cherl shrewede prowd and daungerous that bi his name maketh clepe him and nempne him Rude entendement hath maad him an espyour of weyes and a waytere of pilgrimes and wole binenie hem her bur. douns and vnscrippe hem of here scrippes bigylinge hem with lyinge woordes And for he w r olde be the more dred he hath borwed of orgoill his wikkede and cruelle staf that men clepen obstinacioun The whiche michel more displeseth me than dooth the frouncede cherl For the which thing maundement we yiven you nouht in comaundinge that ye go thiderward and amoneste thilke musard that his staf he ley adoun and that he cesse of the surpluis And if any thing he withstonde other wole not obeye yiueth him day com- petent at the assyses of jugement Of this pleyn power we yiven yow and maken you commissarye Yiven in oure yeer that eche wiht clepeth M.CCC.XXXI 80 THE PILGRIMAGE OF cap. xiii. Whan al was rad Resoun took ayen hire letteres and putte hem in saaftee and sithe areynede the cherl and seyde him swiche woordes Beausire quod she now thou hast herd my power and whi j come heere wolt thou more answere to me of that j haue asked thee cap. xiv. Who art thou quod the cherl Who am j quod resoun for seint Gerineyn Hast thow not herd riht now what men han red heere Thinkest thou on thi loues other to take toures or castelles Quod he j haue wel herd bi seint Symeon that thou hattest resoun -But for it is a name defamed therfore j haue asked who thou art and with good riht Nouht defamed bi seint Beneit quod Resoun But where hast thou founde that ? At the mille quod he ther j haue be there thou mesurest falsliche and stelest folkes corn cap. xv. Beausire quod she heere now tweyne litel woordes and under- stonde Misseyinge is no wurthinesse ne thou spekest not as the wise At the mille perauenture ye haue seyn a mesure that is cleped resoun but therfore it is not resoun but it is fraude and desceyt Bi twixe name and beeinge j wole wel make difference Oon thing is to be resoun and an oother thing haue his name Of the name men mown maken couerture for to hele with here filthe This thing is falle many a time in many a strete that who that is not fair make him queynte And who that is not good make him simple Alle vices gladliche doon it And ofte times maken hem kouerynge with the name of the vertu contrarye for to lasse displese the folk And yit is not the vertu the lasse woorth bi a straw But it is signe that it is good Whan the vice appareth him and clotheth him ther with So that if with my name thilke mesure wole queyntise him and hele him therfore am j not defamed but wurshiped shulde be ther by of alle folk of good vnderstondinge cap. xvi. What is this quod he that god haue part thou wolt be preysed of that that oothere shulden [57] be blamed If j kneewe not a flye in mylk whan thou toldest it me j hadde gret wrong Weene not that whan I heere nempne a kat or an hound that j ne wot wel it is noon oxe ne kow but that it is an hound and a kat Bi here names j THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 81 knowe wel eche of hem For here names and thei be al oon So that if thou hattest Resoun j sey also thou art Resoun And if resoun stele the corn j sey that of thee it is stolen Al the water that maketh the mille turne ne mihte wasshe thee ther of For alle thine slye woordes and fallaces weene not that euere oother weys thou make me vnderstonde And thanne resoun smylinge and al turnynge it in to jape seyde ca P- xvii - him Now j see wel that of art thou hast lerned and subtiliche kanst argue and bringe foorth faire ensaumples And if thou haddest a grettere bely thou woldest weel seeme wurthi O quod he thou scornest me That j do certeyn quod resoun wite it wel And yit more j wole scorne thee for to j wite thi name as thou wost myn And wite wel thou hast no wurshipe of the helinge j ne wot what thou shalt haue of the tellinge Wurshipe quod he what seyst thou the vnwurshipe is thin Thou hast my name in thi leues and askest it Thou art lich him that sit on his asse and yit seecheth it ouer al I ne wot what it tokeneth but if it be scornynge Aa quod Resoun art thou thilke that art set in my leues The name with inne wel j wiste but thee knew j not I heeld an oppinyoun that j and my name is not oon For with my name may appare him eche theef that goth to stele And therfore j wende soo of thee For hadde j not yit lerned that thou and rude entendement weren oon ioyningeliche But now j see wel with oute suspecioun that ye ben oon with oute distinccioun Thine ensaumples han tauht it me and thine seyinges that ben so subtile I wot bi thi woordes that thou propirliche art rude entendement More miht thou not argue but oonliche so be thou nempned For bi existence thou art it with outen difference Wherfore j foryiue thee the vileynee that thou hast seid to me bi felonye For j see wel thou wendest that of me it were as it is of thee But rudenesse tauht thee soo to weene For rude thou art as eche wight seeth wel and euel willed And therfore set thee was this name With these woordes the cherl was ateynt to the herte Nouht he cap. M 82 THE PILGRIMAGE OF seyde for he cowde not but oonliche grinte with hise teeth R/esoun stinte not but song him of an oother song Now quod she sithe I woot thi name gret neede haue j nouht to aske more of the reme- naunt In my letteres it is al cleer For an espyour thou art of weyes and an assaylour of pilgrimes Thou wolt bineme hem here burdouns and vnscrippe here scrippes "Why doost thou it bi thi soule ayens the wil of my lady For that thei quod he witingliche passen the gospel that j haue herd seyd in cure toun and keepen it shrewedeliche Ther it is defended to alle as j haue vnderstonde that no man bere out of his boom neither scrippe ne burdoun So whan that j see hem bere hem ayens the defence of the kyng gladliche for to keepe the lawe j do peyne to make hem to leve hem cap. xix. [58] Oo quod resoun oother weys it goth Thilke defence was longe agon al oother weys turned and remeved to the contrarie Wei it is sooth that it was defended but afterward it was recomaunded Cause resonable ther was for whiche ther needed wel chaunge It is not vnwurshipe to the king thouh he chaunge his lawe for cause honeste The cause of the chaunginge ayen shortliche j wole telle thee if thou wolt Who so is at the ende of his wey hath noon neede to be pilgrime And he that were no pilgrime shulde litel do with scrippe or with burdoun Ihesu the kyng is the eende to whiche alle goode pilgrimes thinken That is the eende of good viage and of good pil- grimage To that terme and to that ende weren comen hise goode o o o pilgrimes bi his clepinge Whan he defended hem that no more thei beren scrippe ne burdoun but leften hem and leyden hem doun Sufficient he was and mihty to deliuere hem plentivowsliche al that hem needede With oute beeinge in any ootheres daunger On that oother side he wolde that whan he sente hem to preche that here herkeners aministreden hem and founden hem here vitailes For euery werkere is wurthi to haue and resseyue byre And eche wight dide ther of so michel that at the turnynge ayen no wiht pleyned him Wher of thou hast herd that he askede hem oones whan him thouhte good Hath yow quod he any thing lakked whan j haue THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 83 thus sent yow with oute scrippe to preche to the folk and to shewe the woord of god ? And thanne thei answerden him Serteynliche sire nay Sufficientliche we haven hadde and no thing ne faylede us Lo heere the cause for whi was defended that thei beren no cap. scrippe and that thei vseden not of the burdoun But whan he shulde afterward gon and passen bi the brigge of deth Whan he sigh that he that was the eende of here wey departede from hem thanne wolde he chaunge his lawe as a softe and tretable kyng and seyde hem that thei tooken ayen here scrippes and diden hem on ayen Who so hath he saide any sak take it and a scrippe ther with As thouh he seyde apertliche and cleerliche Thouh j for ye weren comen to the ende of youre wey defendede yow that ye hadden ne here no scrippe now j muste alonygne me from yow and leue yow j wole that ye taken ayen al as ye hadden bifore For j wot wel whan ye han lost the sighte of me a scrippe shal be needeful to yow and a burdoun to lene yow to Pilgrimes ye musten ben ayen and sette yow to youre wey ayen Elles shulden ye not mown folwe me ne come to me On that oother side whan j am gon ye shule fynde noon that gladliche shal do yow good ne that with good herte speke any thing to yow To youre scrippe ye shule holde you til ye come ayen to me Now taketh it for j graunte it yow for the neede j see ther of So see heere al in apert the cause which is sufficient to here scrippe and burdoun Wherfore thou shuldest not medle thee to areste thilke that hauen it ne that beren it where thei gon Leeue thei hauen and cause ther is in to the time that eche cometh to the ende of his viage and of his pilgrimage What is this quod the walkere What gost thou thus jangelinge cap. me Wolt thou holde the gospel at fable and lesinge thow seist it vncomanded that that [59] god hadde ordeyned Whiche thing if it so were riht so alle hise ordenaunces shulden be put out of the book and defaced and scraped Nouht so quod Resoun For it is riht to wite the time passed how men diden how men seiden Whi that was What cause ther lyth Whi ther weren mutaciouns of doinges M 2 84 THE PILGRIMAGE OF And therfore is not the gospel reprooved ne defaced but to goode vnderstonderes it is the more gracious and the more plesaunt The mo diuerse floures ben in the medewe the more is the place gracious And the more that here facioun is diuerse the more gladliche men biholden hem cap. xxii. And thanne blissede him the cherl with his rude crookede hond What is this quod he thou wolt amase me and enchaunte me Al that I sey thou turnest and stirest al to the contrarye ffalsnesse thou clepest fairnesse and of fairnesse thou seist falsnesse That that was of the kyng defended thou seist was comaunded turnynge the gospel al up so doun bi disgisy woordes and lyinge Thou ne art but a bigilouresse of folk Lat me stonde For j preyse not thi woordes ne thi dedes at thre verres In my purpos j wole holde me and of no thing seeche thee cap. xxiii. At the leste quod resoun thilke staf thou shalt ley doun For thou wost wel grace dieu hath comaunded it and ordeyned it To grace dieu quod he of what it may greeue j see not On that oother side necessarie it is to me to that that j haue to doone I lene me ther to and j defende me ther with and sette the lasse bi alle folk And me thinketh j am michel the more dred And therfore if j leyde it doun a gret fool j were and a gret cokard Oo quod Resoun thou seist not wel thou hast neede to haue oothere frendes Grace dieu shulde neuere loue thilke that bere swich a staf It was neuere leef to hire She hateth it more than the goot the knyf So that if thou leidest it not doun thow were not wys cap. xxiv. Oo quod the cherl How thou art a fool to seyn swiche woordes If the staf greevede hire not whi shulde it displese hire I wole sey thee quod resoun rudeliche For oother mete j se wel thi rude throte asketh not If thou haddest a freend to whiche any wight dide disese It shulde of nothing greeue thee but of as michel as it shulde displese thee Grace dieu loueth alle folk and wole the avauncement of alle And therfore whan any man hath mischeef or that men don him any disese al be it she hath no greuaunce yit hath she displesaunce This staf is enemy to thilke that she wolde THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 85 haue freendes Ne were it the jewes wolden come to hire and conuerte hem Alle heretikes wolden also leue here errour and amende hem Bi it weren put to confusioun Nabal and Pharao For to it thei leneden so that thei purchaseden here deth If it ne were obedience shulde regne ouer al and comaunde Eche shulde do that that he were comaundede and of no thing disobeye If it ne were alle rude wittes wolden ben enclyn and humble hem Thi self that hattest rude entendement if thou ne lenedest so faste to it leeue me and amende thee And therfore j rede thee ley it doun and lene thee no more therto Haa god quod he What I preyse litel woordes that ben of this cap. manere I wole to thee of no thing obeye ne j wole not leue the staf I wole lene therto [60] wolt thou other wolt thou not wite it wel Now quod resoun now j se wel that ther is no more to speke with thee but oonliche to cite thee to assises of jugement j somowne thee with oute more taryinge Come thider with oute sendinge any o other Thanne resoun turnede hire ayen to meward and clepede me cap Go quod she hardiliche with oute dredinge rude entendement Sey him no thing ne answere him not For the techinge of Salamon is that men answere no woord to him that men seen and fynden a fool Lady quod j suinge he seith oother weys For he seith men shulden answere him for to shewe him his shame Serteyn quod she thou seist sooth But thou shuldest vnderstonde and wite that thilke woord was dispenced me for to answere whan it were tyme and therof haue I doon y nowh al be my trauaile lost For he is of no thing amended ne a shamed A fethere shulde as soone entre in to an anevelte as woordes shulden entren in him or profiten He is as hard as adamaunt other dyamaunt For that that he conceyueth first he wole for no thing leue So that with swich a cherl to speke thou miht no pris conquere Go thi wey with oute chidinge with him and lat him grucche ynow shake his bridel and his chin and gnawe on his staf 86 THE PILGRIMAGE OF cap. xxvii. Lady quod j I thanke yow of that ye teche me thus but j telle yow certeynliche that j durst not passe forth for the cherl hardiliche but j hadde what euere it were of yow Wherfore j pray yow that with me ye come and that passinge him ye lede me For j haue also to speke with yow and wole aske yow of sum thing nedeful long- inge to my bisinesse cap. xxviii. And thanne with oute taryinge hi the hond she took me and til j was passed the cherl ladde me In my wey she sette me wher of j hadde gret ioye The cherl bilefte there grucchinge lenynge on his staf grummynge but ther of rouhte me no thing Resoun loowh faste ther of cap. xxix. Whan thus j sigh me ascaped and was wel gon forth of resoun j bigan to aske that of which ye haue herd me speke Lady quod j michel j haue ben in gret thouht and yit am Why j may not en- dure ne susteyne noon armure A wenche j see here hem whiche is shame to me whan j may not here hem also that shulde be more mihti hi the half and more strong if any herte were in me Wher- fore j pray yow and biseeche yow that ye wole teche me the cause whens it may come For gret desire I haue to wite it cap. xxx. Thanne answerde me resoun What is this quod she In the hous of grace dieu not longe agoon j sigh thee and many times thou speke to hire How hast thou be so michel a fool that of hire thou ne hast asked this ? And not for thanne j trowe not that sumwhat she ne haue seyd thee hi which thou miht apperceyue and wite that that thou askest Lady quod j j wole telle yow Many of hire seyinges foryeten j haue Of this wel j mynde me with oute more that she seide me j was to thikke But if j made me smallere or dide my selfe any harm a feloun men wolden clepe me Ne on that oother seide j myhte neuere bere myn armure so wel as jf j were gret and strong But swiche thinges maken me abashed For thei ben nouht in [61] vsage I enquerede not the soothe of grace dieu for j dredde j hadde ennoyed hire or mistake me to hire wherfore j pray yow that ye wole lerne me and make me vnderstonde it THE LTP OF THE MANHODE. 87 Wost thou quod she who thou art ? whether thou be aloone or cap. double thou be ? If thou haue noon to norishe but thi self ne to gouerne and arraye And thanne al abashed j seide hire Ladi in feith me thinketh that j haue noon but my self to gouerne ne j haue noon oother to thinke on I am al aloone ye seen wel I wot neuere whi ye aske it Now lerne quod she and vnderstonde and herkne bisyliche for ca P xxxii oother thing j wole sey thee And of the contrarie j wole teche thee Thow norishest thilke that is thi grete enemy Of thee he is euery day fed yiven drinke hosed and clothed Ther ne is mete so precious so costlewe ne so delicate that thou ne wolt yive it thilke how miche that euere it shulde coste thee Bitake thee it was for to serue thee but thou art his seruaunt bicome Wantounliche thou wolt hose him and take him noble robes queyntise him with iewelles with tablettes with knyves with girdelles with purses with disgisye lases of silk medled red and greene Queynteliche thow wolt eche day aray him and eche niht wol softeliche ley him and do him his ese Oon day thou chaufest him the bath and sithe stiwest him On the morwe thou kembest him thou polishest him and seechest him mirthes and disportes as michel as euere thou miht day and niht Swich as he is thou hast norished him and michel more bisy thou hast ben aboute him than a womman aboute the chyld she yiveth souke and feedeth A gret while it is that thou bigunne and neuere sithe stintedest Thouh j seide xxxvi.* 1 winter j failede j trowe but litel And al be it he hath thus kept him and forbore him thou shuldest wite that he bytrayeth thee and desceyueth thee and dooth thee harm That is thilke that suifreth thee not to here ne to endure thin armure That is thilke that is thin aduersarye alle the times that thou wolt doon wel Lady quod j J am awundred of that ye tellen me heere If cap. ye ne weren so wys and hadden in yow so gret wit I wolde weene al were lesinge or elles that it were meetinge But in yow j wot so michel good that gabbe wolde ye not for no thing Wherfore j pray . 88 THE PILGRIMAGE OF you that ye sey me who is thilke wikkede traytour What is his miht and his shap Where he was bore How he hatteth to that ende that j knowe him and do him disese ynowh For thouh al quik j dismemhrede him wel were j not venged tap. xxxiv. Sertes quod she thou seist sooth For therwith thou shuldest wite that ne were thou of him were noo thing or litel thing it were Ther wolde no wiht biholde it ne deyngne to preyse it For it is an hep of rotennesse a buryelles maad of filthe a restinge for a coluer By it self it may not remeeve ne no thing doo ne lahoure For he is impotent and contract deef and blynd And counterfeted it is a worm diuerse and cruelle that was bore in the eerthe of wormes An herte with inne him breedinge wormes and norishinge wurmes with inne it A worm that in the laste eende shal be mete to wormes and shal rote Al be it of swich makinge and of swich condicioun yit thou makest him to ligge hi thee and in the bed slepe with thee [62] and gost aboute to gete him al that is good for hym as j haue seid thee bifore And yit more whiche is a vyle thing whan he hath eten and is to ful thou berest him to priuee chambres or to feeldes to voide hys wombe Now looke whether thou be verriliche a thral and a wrecche For of al that he can thee neuere thank but is the more haunteyn and the gladdere to do thee harm So michel he is of shrewede doinge cap. xxxv. Ladi quod j his name whi telle ye me not anoon with oute tary- inge For rediliche j wolde venge me and anoon go sle him j wolde quod resoun leeue hast thou nouht to sle him but wel thou hast leeue to chastise him and to bete him and to abate his customes to yive him peynes and trauailes and ofte to make him faste to vnder- putte him to penitence with oute the whiche good vengeaunce of him shalt thou neuere haue ne neuere in no time be wel avenged For as while erst thou seye if wel thou vnderstoode Penitence is his maistresse and oonliche his chastiseresse thilke that hath the rihte iugement of him whan time and cesoun is present Therfore take him to hire and she shal bete him and chastise him so wel with THE LYF OP THE MANHODE. 89 hire yerdes that a good seruaunt he shal be to thee from hens forth- ward And that shuldest thou rathere desire and more wilne and procure than thou shuldest do his deth ffor he is to thee taken to lede thee to the hauene of lyf and of saluacioun It is the bodi and the flesch of thee oother weys can j not nempne it- Lady quod j what sey ye ? haue j met other mete ye Mi bodi and ca P- xxxvi - my flesh ye clepen oother than my self and yit ye seen that with yow j am alloone ne noon ther is heere but we tweyne I wot not what this tokeneth but if it be a fairye It is not so quod resoun For of my mouth cam neuere out lesinge ne fairye ne no thing that men shulden clepe meetinge But sey me bi thi feith thou owest to god If thou were in a place there thou haddest thine mirthes good mete softe bed white clothes ioye reste and gret disport and thi willes bothe day and niht that j mowe wite sooth if thou woldest make ther any taryinge and abidinge Serteyn quod j ye Aha quod she What hast thou seid thanne thou woldest leue thi pilgrimage and thi viage Ladi quod j that shulde j nouht For al bi tymes after- ward j shulde go Al bi times wrecche quod she ther nis man in this world lyvinge that euere may come bi times renne he neuere so faste And suppose that after the mirthes and eses thou thinkest go thider albitymes bi trauaile and bi labouringe I aske thee if thou woldest ouht sette thee to thi wey as longe as thou founde swich ioye and swich solace Alias lady quod j alias ther to can j not answere but that oonliche j wot wel Fayn j wolde abide and also fayn j wolde go Thanne quod she thou hast double wil and double thouht that oon wole abide that oother wole go That oon wole reste that oother werche That that oon wole that oother ne wole Con- trarie that oon is to that oother Ladi quod j certeynliche as ye seyn j feele in me Thanne art thou not fool quod she thou and thi bodi ben tweyne For tweyne willes ben not of oon but thei ben of tweyne that wot grete emperour of nature whos rewme dureth alwey greetinges to tribulacioun suich as we ouhten to sende hire Of neewe we haue vnderstonde that prosperitee the stepdame of vertu hath set hand in oure wordlich kingdam and hath put hoodes bi fore the visages of oure soudyours and hath doon of here armures and bi nome hem here swerdes and bokeleres and with oute abidinge wole lede hem to hange hem with instrumentes of ioye And yit more that she hath uoided the garnisons that we and oure grace hadden bifore this time put in diuerse regiouns "Wher thoruh we hadden goode castelles ther as we hadden many goode vesselles in whiche we hadden put fillinge of the grete tresores of Paradys that was the sweete shedinge of oure grace and the oynture It is michel more noble tresour than is siluer gold or stoones And for oure mootiere thou art and oure sergeantesse we senden thee and comitte thee that thou go bi alle houses and that thou seeche prosperitee soo that thou fynde hire and that thou smyte hire soo that she durre no more be so proud ne rebelle ayens us And also we sende thee and committe thee that afterward thou hurtle alle thilke so cruelliche that hauen here hoodes wrong turned and that prosperitee hath 2B 186 THE PILGRIMAGE OF blyndfelled that thei take avisement and that thei vnblyndfelle so here eyen that thei mown biholde to the heuene Eor thus capped ne bended shulden thei not be but if thei wolden And after that here armure and here mailes ben to broken thou shalt forge hem and make hem ayen and soone make hem clothe hem ayen Of Paradys we haue maad thee smithiere and goldsmithesse therfore Afterward we sende thee that thou take in thin hand and holde alle disportes and solaces and alle ioyes and pleyes that ben wordlich and that thou go not out of the place bifore that thou haue buried hem alle We wole not that oure knyghtes ben hanged with suiche craftes We yiven thee also power that thou go see oure vesselles if any thing be in hem If thei ben voide thei wole sowne whan thou smitest hem If thei be not ful thou shalt heere murmure It is the tokne bi whiche thou shalt knowe hem To do this we yiven thee pleyn power and commaunde to alle grete and smale that to thee thei ben obeisaunt with oute ayen seyinge This was maad the day and the yeer that Adam was put in to exill That oother com missioun ye shule heere if ye wole which is not swich cap. xx. Sathan the amyrall of the see enemy to the kynrede of Adam kyng and lord of iniquitee and persecutour of equitee gretinge to tribulacioun suich as we mown sende hire Ynderstonde we haue of neewe Wher of us thinketh not fair that the seruantes of Adonay ben so pryded ayens us that thei wolen be resceyued to the place from which we [126] ben fallen And eche of hem hauen taken a scrippe and a burdoun men seyn seyinge that thei wolen do the pilgrimage thider and the viage Wherfore maundement we yiven thee and comaundinge that thider thou go with oute taryinge and that thou smyte with oute manasinge alle thilke that thou seest clymbe thider and as michel of heres as thou myght fynde Do more to hem than thou didest to job Erom whom thou tooke hise temporal goodes Bineme hem here scrippes and here burdouns and put thi tonges to the bodi to the lyuere and to the lunges so that THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 187 here hertes and here entrailes comen out as of judas And that thei hangen hem self with hise cordes Of this pleyn power we yiven thee This was maad in thilke sesoun that the king of jewes maade the theef stye in to heuene Whan these commissiouns j hadde diligentliche red seyn and herd ca P xxi j foolded hem and took hem to hire ayen And thanne j seide hire So god keepe thee quod j sey me now if thou wolt vse of hothe or elles of whether thou wolt vse thei strecchen nouht to oon ende no more than triacle and venym Whan j shal quod she smite thee and knokke upon thee thanne thou shalt wite if thou wolt of whiche of the tweyne j shal vse Eor if thou sey ne sowne no woord hut in yildinge thankinge to god thanne thou miht wel wite of sooth that j sergeaunte with the power and with the vertu of the firste But if thou wolt haue thi manere in grucchinge to god and to hise seintes and vnscrippe thee of thi scrippe and castinge doun thi burdoun as dide Theophile thanne thou miht wite also that j do it bi the enemy so that on thee it holt with oute more of which j shal vse Eor j werche al after that j fynde in hertes of men As the sunne bi fayrnesse hardeth the dunge and softeth wex or suette riht so of me j may sey that after that that the matere is disposed and ordeyned ther after j shal sergeaunte and werche diuerseliche Now keep thee from me j may no lengere holde me that j ne smyte thee Anoon as she hadde so seyd she com euene to me and wel cap. xxii dide hire couenaunt and smot me that doun in to the see she felled me lolyfnesse leet me falle and wente hire wey and flygh Ne hadde my burdoun be j hadde be dreynt with oute tarynge To it faste j heeld me for swim me cowde j nouht And yit j mihte wel haue lerned it if j ne hadde to michel aslewthed it Many j sigh certeyn that swommen wel and wel strauhten here handes to poore folk whan thei hadden neede And many oothere that stireden here feet and gladliche wenten bi penitence in to grete viages and in to grete pilgrimages This is the manere of swymmynge that j sigh do 188 THE PILGRIMAGE OF in thilke see But j swam not soo Eor j tristede oonliche to my burdoun which sank not to the botme but swam aboue Now j telle yow as j wente thus swymmynge the smithiere ledde me alwey knokkinge up on me and so faste heeld me in presse with hire tonges that me thouhte j was put in a pressour So michel sorwe j hadde in herte that for litel j hadde lete my burdoun go dounward the see where it go wolde Whan in swich perile j sigh me thanne j preyede to god merci Mercy quod j sweete creatour [127] Be not failinge to me in my mischeef and in my sorwe thouh j haue bi iolyf- nesse my lyf foliliche vsed a while Sweete creatour j repente me ther of For whan j sih iolyfnesse bifore me and that she was a sotte thi grace which ledde me and condyed me j lefte and sufired hire bere me To the forge she hath brouht me Now she hath bore me Now j am falle now is it soothliche misbifalle me if thou redy ne make me a refute as thou didest bi thi grace to Noe in the time of the diluvie Thou seest sweete god that j am peresshed Lord make me of thee a shadwe and a restinge in which j may go showve me and dwelle for thi smithiere And if of thee j may not make it at the leste sweete god that it be thi wille that aboute thi grace mowe be it as it was wont to be cap. xxiii. As j made thus my preyere the smithiere anoon herde me and seyde me sithe j hadde not leyd doun my burdoun and that j cryede to god mercy she wolde leede me and conduye me to grace dieu I am quod she riht as the wynd that ledeth leves in to shadewes and in to corneres Whan any wole flee in to the skyes and afterward hapneth him to falle other mishapneth he hath neede that with oute tariynge he fynde refute and cornere to keepe him and that he be turned in to place ther he be not defouled I am thilke that glad- liche dooth thilke craft whan it is neede I chastise thilke that ben dissolute and bete thilke that j see to dulle Thilke that ben forueyed j putte hem in to wey And neuere shulde j be at ese bifore j hadde founden hem a cornere where j mihte hyde hem Summe j drawe to the pitee of the ryal magestee of god Oothere THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 189 j leede to the grace Summe oothere to the sterre tresmountayne Summe j leede holdinge up here handes to summe of the oothere seintes Thider as any hath vsed to hide hem thider j lede hem And for that grace dieu is thilke shadwe which alwey thou hast founden redy at alle thi needes j leede thee thider E/ecche thee neuere thouh thou haue peyne As tribulacioun made me thus hire narracioun j biheeld that j cap was nyh the Hyuaile that j wolde go too Grace dieu j sih that heeld hire stille and hadde not stired hire Whan j was nyh Hider quod she where hast thou be ? Whens comest thou ? I wende j hadde lost thee For j sigh thee nouht longe Thou leftest me wel nice- liche I wot neuere how thou hast take hardement to turne ayen to me Sey me so god saue thee whi thou leftest me soo and who hath led the thus ayen to me on this side Whan j sigh she argued me so Anoon j seyde hire Merci ladi cap. xxv Soothliche niceliche j departede fro yow and foliliche Deere j haue sithe abouht it But algates j confesse and biknowe that the grete goldsmithesse hath led me ayen to yow Loo hire heere where she holt me and cometh with me mawgre me Driveth hire fro me j prey yow and beth me a rescues for hire That that she hath doon sumceth me wel sithe she hath maad me turne ayen to yow Yit haue j gret hope ye wole not fayle me In makinge thus my preyere the goldsmithesse drouh hire ayen cap and bar awey hire instrumentes Wher of [128] j was not sori But michel weryere she lefte me than j hadde be longe bifore And thanne grace dieu seide me Now thou seest that riht so man to bisy lyth euele as a got that scrapeth to michel Thou hast alway wold so michel medle thee that thou haddest neuere reste Thou hast ben up and doun and in the feeld of thi flowinge left me that am thi refute Sorweful wrecche whider woldest thou flee whider woldest thou go and what shuldest thou doo whan men wolden do thee annoy if j ne were thi shadewe ? Wrecche sorweful what haddest thou doon riht now whan tribulacioun tormented thee soo if thou ne haddest 190 THE PILGRIMAGE OP founde me in this cuntree ? Certeyn she hadde led thee and aryued thee to a shrewede hauene And that shulde haue be to thilke fishere there Of whom she hath a commissioun It is not longe that thou seye him strecche hise angles for to take with the folk Neuertheles and thou wolt come and holde thee with me yit j wole not faile thee but j wole yit be thee a freend and j wole lede thee in riht short time euene to the hegge ther thou menest And if thou woldest abbrigge thi wey and shorte it wel to go to the faire citee to whiche thou art stired to go yit j wolde wel leede thee thider with oute goinge bi the longe wey But nouhtforthanne equipollence ther shulde be of penitence Penitence hath put hire yerdes and hire maylettes in diuerse places and yit most effectuelliche in the wey of which j holde thee speche she hath set hire instrumentes but the wey is lasse and michel shortere to go bi to thee citee ther thou woldest go to so ther of thou shalt answere me my wil thou hast herd cap. xxvii. Whan these woordes j herde of ioye j was al fulfilled Michel liked me the abbregginge of my wey and the shortinge And no thing it misliked me of that she bihight me that yit she wolde helpe me Lady quod j short wey is good for a recreaunt pilgrime And recreaunt j am and trauailed The shorte j wolde gladliche go Leedeth me thider j pray yow and sheweth it me I am no thing aferd thouh ther be equipollence of the hegge of Penitence cap. xxviii. In thilke poynt a ship riht gret and wunderful j sigh flotinge in the see wel nygh the arryuaile al redy to make passage She was bounden with hoopes al aboute and faste fretted But summe of the hoopes weren slaked for defaute of oseres Summe weren to slakke and summe weren to broken the bindinge was the lasse strong But the hoopes hadden not the wrong For thei weren stronge ynowh if thei hadden be bounden In thilke ship weren many howses and many dwellinges and weren riht noble and seemeden wel kynges houses there weren toures and castelles walles THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 191 with arches and kernelles And aboue was the mast of the ship dressed wher upon heeng the seyl ystreight whiche oother weys is cleped veyle al redy to seyle if that it hadde good wynd and that it hadde noon encumbraunce Seest thou thilke ship there quod grace dieu to me ? Ye parde cap. quod j But j am abasht For j sigh neuere erst noon swich Tit quod she thou shalt be more abasht Whan thou shalt be with inne there thou shalt see the faire thinges If. thou dorre entre with me ther in Seith me now quod j how the ship hatteth and who gouerneth it and if j muste entre ther inne to passe the see [129] The - ship quod she bi his name is cleped religioun She is bounden and bounden ayen Fretted with obseruaunces As longe as it is so bounden it may not perishe ne faile To bynde ayen it is cleped to that ende that in it ben bounden ayen the dissolute and defouled soule of thilke that putteth him ther inne If the grete hoopes and the olde whiche the goode religiows setten ther on sum time weren wel kept and wel bounden ayen at here rihtes the ship shulde neuere faile in no time for harm that mihte come ther too But ther ben summe folk that recchen so litel of the smale oseres that bynden hem that the ship is in perile For it is knowen thing that the hoopes seruen of nouht but if the oseres fastne hem The oseres j clepe the smale comaundementes whiche ben restreynynge and keeperes of the grettere Wherfore j seye that who that breketh hem or looseth him to michel al the ship is to michel loosed And neuere shulen the grete olde ben wel kept but if thei ben bounden with summe lighte comaundementes in wise of smale oseres Now wolde god my fader the kyng that religioun were swich as it was whan at the biginnynge she took hire byndinge But of bynderes ayen ben almost noone For alle thei hauen lost here instrumentes The smale oseres ben broken the grete hoopes ben the lasse strong And therfore the ship is michel the more perilowse and the more dredful Nouht that j wole blame it ne despreise it ne disalowe it For yit ther ben goode bynderes and of religious ynowe that 192 THE PILGRIMAGE OF hauen non neede that men putten on hem neewe oseres Of it am j gouernowresse maistresse and conduyeresse And the mast which is dressed hye with the seyl crossed amidde helpeth me wel to lede it whan the wynd wole blowe ther inne The mast is the cros of jhesu Crist and the wynd is the holi gost The which as Gildene mouth seith mown lede the ship to hauene If in to Jerusalem hastliche thou wolt go thou mustest entre hider in and logge in oon of the castelles Either of Cluigni of Cistiaus or in an oother that to thi lust shal leede thee thidir hettere at thi wille Alle ben defensable and stronge for to keepe ther inne bothe body and soule Ther may noon entre there to do harm kunne he neuere so michel caste or sheete if it ne were so that men opened hym the castel and that a man yolde him Go we now thider j rede thee It is bettere than bi swymmynge thei ben in perile thilke that passen bi swymmynge and vnnethes askapen cap. xxx. And thanne grace dieu ledde me in to the ship and there shewede me the faire castelles of whiche j haue spoke And seide me that j wente where j wolde go al at my wille and she wolde make me entre As she seide j chees and to entre j stirede me anoon The porter j fond at the entree which bar an hevi maace Porter quod j let me go I wole entre in to this castel Grace dieu hath ordeyned me soo which hath led me euene hider Frend quod he if j wiste that it plesede the kyng j wolde wel suffre thee entre in But j wot it nouht Is thanne the king ther inne quod j ? Ye certeynliche quod he j were not heere elles I wolde neuere helde me at the dore if j ne wiste the king with inne Whan j holde me at the dore it is tokne that with inne is the kyng of [130] Paradys How art thou cleped quod j ? Paour de dieu quod he j hatte And am the biginnynge of wisdam and foundement of goodshipe And j heve out sinne also that he be not logged in thilke castel Ne j suffre him not entre in to his ship to enhabite ther inne If he entre her inne It is maugre me priuiliche in hideles My grete maace is cleped the vengeaunce of god and the gryselichhede of helle of whiche alle auhten haue THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 193 drede I bete and smyte and chastice the folk that the! doon no folye If this maace ne were eche wolde preyse me to litel What quod j shalt thou smite me ? Ye quod he elles thou shalt not entre in to the castel And thanne j bigan to biholde grace dieu and seide hire thus Goode sweete ladi me thinketh the entre is not so abaun- doned to me as ye seyden me And thanne she answerde me and seide me Hast thou foryete that j haue seid thee ? that thou shuldest fynde equipollence of the hegge of penitence Stroke of the porter is no deth He shal not smite thee so harde but that thou shalt yit mown endure oothere peynes Refuse not to entre in for the maace A knyght oweth wel to suffre colee er he entre in to stour or haue dignitee of wurshipe Is it so quod j to hire ? Ye quod she And j wole entre ther inne gladliche quod j But that j entre not first goth bifore j wole sewe yow and go anoon after yow Thanne entrede she and j after But the porter that was nygh for- cap. yat nouht to smyte me Swich a strok he yaf me that he made me quaake and doun he hadde gronded me ne hadde my burdoun be Alle knyhtes that hauen swerdes resceyuen not swiche colees Gret joye it were and profyte j trowe if thei hadden swiche Now j telle you whan j was passed forth bi the porter that j rap. xxxn. haue nempned j sigh manye merueyles in the castel whiche me thouhte riht faire Ther was ther inne cloystre and dortour chirche chapitre and freytour And j sigh also ostelrye ther inne bi that oon side and fermerye To the ostelrye j wente at the firste think- inge to herberwe me there There j sigh Charitee and seruede and herberwede the pilgrimes and ofte wente to the yate to feede the poore folk that j haue spoke you of heer bifore It is she that heeld the scripture of pees Whan Moyses yaf and departede the releef Poorth j passede jn to the cloystre j wente and to the chirche And there j fond a fair cumpanye of ladyes of whiche j wot not the names of alle Por with oute mo of hem that sitten me most at herte and of which j wundrede most j askede the names of grace Tweyne j sigh that cloumben the degrees of the dortour and wenten to gideres 2c 194 THE PILGRIMAGE OF And that oon hadde a gambisoun and that oother bar a staf Thilke with the gambisoun was at the grees and there she abood me Of oothere clothes she was al bare saue of as michel as she was clothed inne And that oother was armed on the handes and glooued with glooues and with a rochet riht whyt she was arayed wel nobleliche Tweyne oothere j sigh speke to gideres and go toward the chapitre Of whiche that oon bar cordes and byndinges and that oother heeld a fyle stiked [131] bitwixe hire teeth and was armed with a targe cap. xxxiii. An oother j sigh that wente bi the cloistre and as me thouhte she bar mete croumed up on parchemyn And ther sewede hire a whyt culuer in the eyr fleeinge after hire cap. xxxiv. An oother yet j sigh go euene foorth toward the freytour whiche as it seemede me hadde a gorgiere a boute the throte cap. xxxv. An oother j fonde at the chirche that bar a messangeres box and hadde wynges redy streiht for to flee to the skyes and in hire hand she bar an awgere and heeld it hye With that oother hand wher of j abashed me michel she serued dede folk that j sigh ther inne And it seemede that bi hire seruice she made hem bicome onlyue ayen cap. xxxvi. An oother ther was yit ther inne that in hire hand bar an horn and made ther inne a gret soun of organes and of sawtree I thouhte she was a jowgleresse and a disporteresse to folk cap. xxxvii. Whan j hadde wel seyn alle these thinges j was stired to aske of grace dieu Wher of these ladyes serueden and who thei weren Lady quod j to hire j preye yow techeth me who ben these ladyes and wher of thei seruen Eor j am abasht for hem And thanne she seide me I wole that thou see first apertliche at the eye how men seruen in the freytour and that thou see the dortour Go we now thider quod j to hire In to the dortour we wenten And there j sigh hire with the staf that maade the beddes and leyde on hem white clothes cap. xxxviii. And hire felawe with the gambisoun sang swich a song I wole THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 195 singe j ouhte wel doon it I bere no thing with me At the litel wiket j shal not be withholde for j am naaked In the TYeytour afterward j sigh that of whiche j was michel more cap. abasht Many dede folk alle buryed yeven mete to the quike and serueden hem sweeteliche and deuowtliche on knees And the ladi with the gorgier that was fretoreere viseted hem that eeten and filled hem here defautes Now j wole telle thee quod grace dieu of the noble ladies of this cap. xi place and of that thou hast seyn heer inne The ladi that bereth the strenges and the cordes and the byndinges she is the maistresse of heer inne next me She is prioresse whiche leedeth alle the cloystreres in les bounden hi hondes and hi feet and maketh hem prisoneeres with opene dores Bi name she is nempned and cleped obedience Hire cordes and hire byndinges been hire diuerse comandementes whiche bynden propre wille that it doo no thing of his owen lust Heer after thou shalt wite it wel whan thou shalt be holden in hire laaces The ladi that bereth the file she is cleped hi name Discipline She cap. xii is the ladi that keepeth the ordre that thei be not hardy to do euele The fyle that she bereth in hire mouht it is vndernemynge of euele She leueth no thing that she ne correcteth and skowreth and for- bisheth And to that ende that she do alle thinge apoynt and that oothere misdoon not hire she is targed with the targe that thou hast left and that thou took to memorie The name j haue [132] seid thee to reherce it it were litel woorth She with the gambesoun which hath seid the song is wilful cap. x pouerte that hath bi hire goode wille left alle the goodes that she hadde in the world and as michel as she mihte haue ther inne At alle poyntes she hath vnclothed hire Biht now thou haddest seyn hire naked ne hadde j put on hire the purpoynt that bi lachesse thou took to memorie to bere Thow wost wel how men clepen it She singeth thou hast herd it that she hath no thing aboute hire that shal with holde hire to passe to the citee there she wolde go to 2c2 196 THE PILGRIMAGE OF Ther while needeth thou acqueynte thee with hire and that thou preye hire holdinge up both thine handes that she wole comforte thee to that ende that thow mowe singe soo cap. xiiii. Of hire felawe j sey thee also that bereth the staf and maketh thebeddesj rede thou make hire thi freend al thi lyue that she make thi bed alle nihtes and that thou make hire a place with thee Gladliche she wole ligge with thee alle times that the liketh She lith and resteth hire ofte with that oother al niht Good it is to haue swich dortorere swich wenche and chaumberere Thouh Venus come in to the dortour she wolde drive hire out with hire staf and wole suflre hire to ligge in no bed that ther were for no peny And if thow wite not why it is the cause and the resoun is swich For Venus as she seith drof hire and putte hire sum time out of the world Wherfore it is riht that she drive hire ayenward and do hire the same This ladi is cleped Dame blaunche the wasshene Thilke that of no wiht hath cure if he ne be why t and with oute tilthe And if oother weys thou wolt nempne hire Chastite thou miht clepe hire chasteleyne of this castel Ther is nother archere ne querelle that she ne wole defende and that neither arwe ne darte entre She is not for nouht armed with the gloouen and glooued Who so is at the dore hi whiche the assaute cometh with hand armed he is ofte the michel more hardi ayens the dartes that ben cast Weel thou wost the name of the gloouen I tauht it thee in myn hous A fool thou were whan thou vngloouedest thee of hem It wole be hard to haue hem ayen afterward cap. xiiv. The ladi that thou hast seyn goo bi the cloistre and here mete up on parchemyn is pitaunceere of heer inne and suthselerere She yiveth mete to the soule and feedeth it that it hungre nouht She fulfilleth the herte nouht the wombe with hire goode and sweete mete She is also cleped lessoun and studie bi hire rihte name And hire mete is nempned holi writ that is putt ther on and vessel maad of parchemyn for it shulde not shede bi the wey It mihte not be kept soo wel ne so faire in oother vessel With hire j rede THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 197 thou acqueynte thee For bi hire if thou wolt thou slialt lightliche haue the acqueyntaunce of the oothere And the loue and the knoweleche and the grace of the holi gost that folweth hire as a whyt culuer shal shewe thee and sey thee al that thei doon in the londe of biyonde He is messanger and cometh to speke with thilke that he seeth studie and that taken here feedinge bi the hand of lessoun Now j wole telle thee yit after of that thou hast seyn in the ca P- xly - freytour She that hath the gorgiere is ladi [133] and freytoureere Abstinence thou shalt clepe hire whan to hire thou shalt speke Hire gorgiere is Sobrietee thou ouhtest wite it if thou ne haue foryete it I seide it thee er this The dede that seruen and feeden the quike deuoutliche with outen lesinge ben the goode folk that ben gon out of this world that han yiven so michel of here goodes to the quike that thei ben susteyned ther with and sufficientliche fedde Serteyn thilke were riht nice that wiste nouht he hadde seruice of dede and eete of heres and that with oute heres he shulde dye of hunger And therfore seruice men taken of hem riht as thouh thei weren present And in preyinge for hem men shulden thanke hem And therfore thei ben sette on knees as thouh thei seiden Preyeth for us With owres ye liven with bothe youre handes preyeth for us Now quod she that is wel doon heer inne thou hast seyn it in cap. xivi. dede The ladi that is at the cherche that bereth the messangeres box it is the ladi that serueth hem ayen after that eche deserueth And with the augere thou hast seyn she perceth the heuene So that she maketh the goodshipes descende that yilden hem here lyflode This awgere is seid bi name Furaunt continuacioun that bi his goode continuaunce maketh the heuene an hygh to perce And also yiueth hem mete and sweeteliche abaundoneth it hem Half- peny ne peny haue thei nouht yive that it ne is guerdoned hem an hundreth fold For thei haue the lyf that shal neuere faile So thouh thei hauen serued the quike thei ben also serued ayen bi hem Here 198 THE PILGRIMAGE OF messangeere rediliche serueth hem ayen and apertliche maketh liein rise from deth bi the grete goodes that she dooth hem And purgatorie she ahbreggeth hem and here peynes she alleggeth hem If of the lady thou wolfc wite the name she hatteth orisoun and sum time she is cleped preyere in oother manere She hath wynges for to flee faste and for to soone stye up in to heuene for to soone doo hire message hifore god for mankynde And is procuresse whan time is to see him Messangere she is and rediliche presenteth him hifore the kyng And in good feith sheweth that that is bihight him And bi hire is noon put in defaute But that here procura- cioun be seled with deuocioun To hire j rede that thou go and that thou sende hire bifore from thee to the citee to which thou wolt go She shal wel kunne redye thee a place and a couenable dwellinge there as thou shalt make habitacioun It is not resoun that thi comynge thider ne be wist bifore Ther sette neuere man the foot with inne that ne hadde sent bifore Of the theef it was customed that was hanged with jhesu He sente orisoun bifore He was the bettere and euere shal be So shalt thou do and thou leeue me For thou hast neede as he hadde cap. xivii. The ladi that thou hast herd pleye with instrumentes and bereth an horn that is the waite that awaketh the king alle times that he slepeth bi hire blowinge Bi hire cryinge if he ly to michel she maketh him rise In latynlatria she is cleped bi name and nempned Hire horn is the inuocacioun of Dieu in adiutorioun at euery hour with oute weeryinge So she bloweth at the biginnynge and sithe to hire organes she aplyeth hire and deliteth hire to the melodye And to the sawtrye she taketh hire enter[134i]medlinge ther with And thanne ther is gret melodye of sweete song and of psalmodye Thus the instrumentes ben cleped and nempned bi here names These ben the instrumentes that ben plesaunt to my fader the king almihti Michel he loueth swich organe and swich song and swich jogelorye And for that it liketh him wel he maketh of thilke that THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 199 pleyen with hem and doon it hise principal pleyeres and hise special jogeloresses Swich thing longeth wel to a kyng for his disport as whan thei blowen As grace dieu spak thus to me j sigh hire bifore me that heeld cap the byndinges and that she come to me euene Hider now quod she Who art thow what seechest thou in cloistre ? Whider gost thou I wole thou sey it me a noon I wot neuere whether thou espye us Lady quod j espye yow wole j nouht But j shulde go in to Jerusalem the citee Wherfore grace dieu hath led me hider for to abbregge my wey and for to shorte it Hath she not seid thee quod she that heer inne thou shalt fynde hard bed hard lyfe and hard passage al be it that it seemeth not swich ? Yis quod j But j wolde fayn do hire wille if j mihte Ther is no thing quod she thou ne shalt do wel if thou ne be to lache Al holt in good wille And whether thou hast it good to proof j wole putte thee anoon Hider now cum forth quod she take hider thine handes And thi feet I wole sette thee as a faucoun in gesse Whan swiche woordes j herde riht gretliche j was abasht Eor j ca p. xiix hadde not be wont to be bounden ne corded Elee durste j nouht for grace dieu that hadde led me to the place Hider now quod j dooth what ye wole j am abaundoned to yow I durste not be con- trariows to thing that ye wolden doo Grace dieu hath wel avised me that j shal fynde in this place countrepeis and equipollence of the hegge of penitence And thanne she vnfolde hire byndinges and bi the feet bond me cap. i. so that me thoute j was sette in stokkes other take with grinnes The byndinges with whiche she hadde bounden me she heeld with hire handes bi that oon ende and seide me that whan j wolde gon oo wey j shulde go an oother Afterward j wiste it wel But of that strof j no thing I haue leuere sey it an oother time than write it heere in my book Afterward she bond myne handes and seyde me that alle the werkes that j dide shulden be bareyn but if j dide hem bi hire My tunge yit she made me drawe out and aboute it a bynd- 200 THE PILGRIMAGE OF inge she putte and seyde me j shulde nouht speke if bi hire j ne speke This byndinge quod she is cleped silence Benedicite this is thilke that oonliche vnbynt it Of grace dieu j sey nouht ne of hem. that thou hast seyn ne of oothere that thou shalt see that to hem thou miht speke whan any thing thou wolt aske hem cap. H. Whan thus the prioresse hadde sette me and bounden me as hound leced a gret while afterward j sigh tweyne olde Wher of michel j abasshed me That oon bar tweyne potentes on hire nekke and she hadde feet of led and a box she hadde bi hynde hire as a messangeere That oother was also a messangere and up on hire heed bar a bed and hadde trussed hire lappes in hire girdel redy as me thouh[135]te for to wrastle To me thei comen to gidere and sey den me The deth sendeth us to thee for to tourneye For she cometh to thee with oute taryinge and hath seid us and enioyned us that from thee we departen nouht bifore that we haue ouerthrowen thee and to the eerthe felled thee She wole fynde thee tormented and maat so that she mowe sey to thee chek and maat cap. HI. Who ben ye quod j anoon I knowe neither yow ne the deth I wole wite who she is and if deth be youre maistresse And j wole also wite if bothe tweyne ye ben with hire Wherfore seith it me if ye wole and youre names and wher of ye seruen And thanne thei seiden me The arguynge ne the thuartinge is no thing worth ayens us ne ayens deth neither For ther is noon that may be so strong that we ne abaaten him of alle poyntes as soone as we come The deth hath the lordshipe in the world ouer the lyfe of the bodi And kynges and dukes dreden hire more than doon smale poore folk Biche and poore she maketh euene and neuere spareth no wight And in many places entreth ofte there she hath not sent bifore Soo that she hath don curteysye to thee whan she hath maad us come bifore This is a certeyn warnynge that she cometh to thee hastliche Of hire we ben messangeres and specially currowres Eche of us shal sey thee hire owen name And thanne thilke spak that bar the bed up on hire heed and that seemede a wrastlere I hatte THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 201 quod she infirmitee that oueral ther j fynde hele sette me to wrastle with him for to venquishe him and ouertrede him Oon houre he felleth me an oother time j felle him But fewe as j trowe shulden felle me ne were medicine that dooth sum coumfort Whiche was bore to dryue me awey Ofte it bifalleth that j fynde hire lened or sette at the dore bi whiche j shulde passe for to go do my message and so j muste turne ayen or soiourne long time with oute And neuerthelees mawgre alle the boxes and hise emplastres and hise oynementes and hise empassionementes sum tyme j entre in and compleyne to thilke anoon which deth hath sent me to Down j bete him and doun j ouerthrowe him He hath no mary that j ne souke His blood j drinke his flesh j ete So that he hath neither strengthe ne vertu And thanne in the bed that j haue j ley him so that deth fynde him al redy his lyfe to drawe with oute havinge to michel to doone Thou art not quod j messangere to which men ouhten make good cap. im. cheer This that j am quod she For thou shuldest wite that j am thilke that make remembre on penitence whan she is put in for- yetinge Thilke that bringeth folk to the wey whan thei ben out ther of and setteth hem ayen in the rihte wey Sum time thilke that made nature For he sigh that summe ne reccheden nouht of him and hadden foryeten him and litel dredden him clepede me and seide me Go in to thilke wordliche cuntree and wrastle with hem and bete hem doun that thou fyndest boistous ayens me For bi cause thei haue hele thei preysen me litel and hauen put me in foryetinge Correcte hem and chastise hem and bynde hem so faste in here beddes that thei [136] mowe not a rise ne turne hem at here wille And that thei leese savour of etinge and al the appetite of drinkinge To thilke ende j sey it thee that j wole thei preye me of mercy and that thei amenden hem and entenden to saue here soules So that the deth mowe fynde hem in swich plyt that eche of hem mowe sey to him Deth j drede thee nouht a straw I haue sette al myn herte 2D 202 THE PILGRIMAGE OF and al my thouht to my creatour Smyte whan thou wolt my soule is al arayed for to gon out of his bodi Penitence the lauendere hath maad it bi so miche in hire bowkinge that it is porged and wel wasshen. cap. Hv. Now j telle thee that whan he hadde thus seyd me soone j obeyede to him Mi lappes j put in my girdel and wente me bi the cuntree And so michel j haue doon that manye j haue discounfited and ouerthrowe with wrastlinge In bedde j haue maad manye ligge And of thee wole j do no lasse Make thee redy I wole wrastle with thee and soone leyn thee doun in thi bed cap. iv. That oother quod j to hire shal first as couenaunt is sey me who she is I wole it wel quod she And thanne that oother seide I am thilke that whan thou were bore with iolyfnesse thou wendest neuere haue seyn Thou seidest of me she is ferre she shal not come a good while she goth softe she hath feet of leed she may not go I haue tyme ynowh to pleye me Now j telle thee soothliche feet of leed j haue and go softe But ferre men gon litel and litel ful wel er this men hauen seid it Thouh j be comen softe algates ouertake thee j haue and tidinges j bringe thee that the deth whiche forbereth nouht cometh to thee Hire messangere j am She may haue no messangere that may speke ther of more verryliche Mi felawe gabbeth sum time for sum thing contrarye that suifreth hire not to do hire message But me may no thing empeche to shewe it certeynliche Viletee the dotede j hatte the leene the rivelede thilke that hath the hed hoor and wel softe Al bare of her Thilke of whom folk shulden aske counseil and here gret wurshipe too For j haue seyn the time passed and michel good and yuel preeued This is the glose of science and thilke bi which men kunnen the thinges Ther shal neuere noon kunne no science if he ne haue seyn and preeued Neuerthelees ofte it bifalleth and needeth nouht to hele it that al be it that j haue seyn ynowh and preeued ynowh and cowde ynowh and al be it j haue wel an hundreth winter j am sette in the rewe of children and at the laste dote and haue no wit THE LTF OF THE MANHODE. 203 to counseile This is the cause for which Ysaie ciirsede me sum time whan he sigh me Sey me quod j of the potentes and thanne anoon go hens sithe cap. M. thou hast doon thin erande me liketh nouht thi presence Like or nouht like quod she so shal it not be Deth shal first come to thee er j departe fro thee I wole anoon bete thee so michel that gret ioye shalt thou neuere haue Courbe and impotent j wole make thee with the grete strokes j shal yive thee Neuertheles so michel auauntage thou shalt haue of me if thou be wys that the twey potentes that j haue to lene me too [137] I wole take thee Nouht that j wole for this enchesoun bineme thee thi burdoun For with the spiritual staf the temporal is good My potentes ben bodiliche and for to susteyne the body thei ben For this cause j dide make hem and took hem and trussed hem Curteys j am Eor hem that j bete j ouerthrowe hem nouht soo soone that on that oon side thei ne ben susteyned if on that oother side thei ben smitten Wherefore so lightliche fallen thei nouht ne so soone misbifallen So that now take hem if thou wolt thei shule neede thee wel bothe tweyne Mi strokes ben sore to here Soone thou shalt wite it if j ne deye Hider now quod she to hire felawe It is time that we doon him annoye Wrastle with him and make him ligge in thi bed And on that oother side j wole helpe thee and annoye him to my power. And thanne bothe to gideres thei tooken me and maaden me ca p. ML anoon falle doun and bi the throte thei tooken me to streyne me and harde to pinche me Crye and braye j mihte riht wel Oother solas hadde j noon In the bed at the laste thei leyden me and seiden to me Araye thee the deth cometh If she take thee sodeynliche It is not long on vs We haue wel warned thee and yit we warnen thee As j was holden in this plyte and thus lay on the bed I sigh cap. MIL a lady come that made myn herte glade She hadde a symple bi- holdinge and a visage benigne and plesaunt and hadde drawen out hire oon brest bi the vente of hire cote and she hadde a corde in hire 2D 2 204 THE PILGRIMAGE OF hand as thouh she wente to hey To me she com hire and vnfolded hire corde and thanno seyde me Hider now come to the fermorye For thou art not wel heere And thanne j seide hire Sweete lady j bihoote yow bi my soule and swere yow that with yow j wolde glad- liche go but for j wot not who ye be I biseeche yow that ye wole teche me And j wole quod she sey it thee Wite of sooth that j am thilke that after sentence yiven in alle jugementes j shulde he resceyued but if wrong be doon me Whan the souereyn kyng sum time hadde doon jugement of mankynde and put to deth bi here folve thanne i maade hime leue of his hand And for to V >l haue in sum bileevinge j maade him sette a bowe with oute corde in the heuene for cause of accord With the corde which the bowe was corded and that j haue vncorded j drawe and bringe out the wrecches of miserie whan I fynde hem ther inne And therefore accordeth hire Resoun that j hatte Misericorde that is to seyne corde of wrecches for to drawe hem out of foul wrecchednesse My mooder Charitee was cordere and thredere of this corde As soone as it breketh shal neuere noon mowe stye in to heuene cap. iix. Why quod j haue ye drawe youre brest? is ther milk ther inne with whiche ye wole yive me souke ? Ye quod she thou hast more neede ther of and yit shalt haue than of gold or of siluer. Pite it hatteth It needeth wel to yive souke with to the poore folk I yive ther with sowke to the hungrye and j werne it not to thilke that in time passed hauen misdoon me Aristotle seith that milk is noon oother thing but blood that is remeved and maad al whyt bi decoccioun of heete that blyndeth his rednesse If thou wost not what it is to seyn [138] thou shuldest wite that man ful of jre hath nouht in him but red blood the whiche shulde neuere be whyt but if charite boiled it and turned it in to whitnesse whyt milk it bicometh whan it is soden and the rednesse goth al awey And thanne thilke that hath swich milk foryiveth al that men han mysdon him To him is wel sittinge swich a brest and wel auenaunt My fader that was put on the cros was not vn war shed of swich a brest al were it nouht neede to she we THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 205 it He maade perte and kerue his riht side the side of his manhode Ther dide neuere no mooder ne norice so michel for hire chyild Thanne his breste shewede wel To eche it seide Come forth haue Who so wole souke come forth In me is no more blood of Ire , Charitee hath remeeved it and soden in to whyt milk for commune profite Ther sookneuere noon non swich milk ne droouh noon swich brest Now j telle thee thus j yive sowke to thilke that j wot hauen cap. ix. neede and so j am lich my fader and also charitee my inooder And therwith thou shuldest wite that in alle places that j may see any poore that hath hunger Anoon j yive him bred Mete and drink j yive after that j haue foysoun of good If j see any discomforted any naked any vnclothed j clothe hem ayen and coumforte hem and stire hem and counseile hem to pacience The pilgrimes j resceyue in myn hous And whan any is in prisoun j go visite hem ones in the moneth at the leste Thilke that ben dede j burye hem and thilke that been in bedde bi eelde or bi syknesse j serue hem in hurnblesse And heerfore hath grace dieu maad me enfermerere of this place I serue the grete and the smale and ofte make hem ayen here beddes and suffre hem endure no defaute that j may amende If with me thou wolt come j am redy to serue thee Gret wil quod j haue j ther too But how it shal be j ne wot These mes- sageres holden me so nih that j ne may goon after yow If ye diden hem from me gret bountee ye diden me Doon hem awey quod she may j nouht But with my corde j wole lede thee with me if j may in to the fermerye to reste The messangeres shule come thider also and j trowe wel nouht leue thee bifore that the deth come ne forbere thee And thanne hire corde she bond to the bed and ledde me forth cap. ixi. The olde also foot bi foot comen thider wher of j was nouht glad Power was nouht myn and amende it mihte j nouht Whan in the fermerye j was and hadde leyn there a while sodeyn- cap. ixii. liche and a soursaut j sigh an old oon that was clumben anhy up 206 THE PILGRIMAGE OF on my bed Wherof j was gretliche abasht She afryghte me soo that speke to hire mihte j nouht ne no thing aske of hire In hire hond she heeld a sithe and she bar a cheste of tree and anoon she hadde sett oon of hire feet up on my brest for to streyne me Ho ho quod grace dieu thanne that was not fer fro that place Abide a while I wole sey him twey woordes that j haue to sey him Sey now thanne anoon for j haue to go elles where cap. ixiii. And thanne com grace to me and sweetelich seide me Now j see wel that thou art at the streyte passage of thi pilgrimage Loo heere the deth that is comen Which is the ende of alle eertheliche thinges [139] and the terrnininge She thinketh to mowo thi lyfe and putte it al in declyn and sithe in hire coffyne thi bodi she wole putte for to take it stinkinge to wormes This thing is al commune to eche man and womnian Man in this world is ordeyned to the deth as the gras in the medewe to the sithe For that that is to day greene and to morwe drye is hey Thou hast now be greene a long time and hast had reynes and wyndes But now thou mostest be mowe and to broke in twey peeces That oon is the body that oother the soule Thei mihten nouht passen to gideres The soule shal first go and sithe afterward the bodi shal go But that shal nouht be so soone The flesh shal first be roten and nee we geten ayen at the general assemblee Now looke whether thou be wel apoynted and arayed If it ne be long on thi self thou shalt anoon come to the citee to whiche thou hast ment Thou art at the wiket and at the dore that thou seygh sum time in the mirrour If thou be dispoiled and naaked thou shalt be resceyued with inne Thou haddest wel chier thilke entree at the firste whan thou seigh it And algates so michel j sey thee that thou crye mercy to my fader in biheetinge to Penitence that thouh thou haue nouht doon heer sumcience gladliche thou wolt don it in purgatorie there thou shalt go too cap. ixiv. Now j telle yow if j mihte haue spoke j hadde maad hire many deniaundes of whiche j hadde doute and kneewe nouht It is folye for to abide to the neede Whan men weenen that deth be riht fer THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. 207 he abitte at the posterne Wei j wiste that j was supprysed The deth leet the sithe renne and maade the soule departe from the hodi Thus me thouhte as j mette But as j was in swich plyte and in swich torment I herde the orlage of the couent that rang for the matynes as it was wont Whan j herde it j awook and al swetinge j fond me And for my meetinge j was gretliche thouhti and abasht Algates up j ros me and to matines j wente But so tormented and weery j was that j mihte no thing doo there Myn herte j hadde so fichched to that j hadde met that me thouhte and yit do that swich is the pilgrimage of dedliche man in this cuntre and that he is ofte in swich periles And therfore j haue sett it in writinge in the wise that j mette it Nouht that j haue sett al for the writinge shulde be to long If this meetinge j haue not wel ymet j preye that to riht it be ca P- lxv - corrected of thilke that kunne bettere meete or that bettere mown make it Thus michel j sey also that if any lesinge ther be ther inne that to meetinge it be arretted For bi meetinge may nouht alle sooth be shewed Errour wolde j noon meynteene bi noo wey But gladliche j wolde and haue wilned that by the meetinge that j haue seyn alle pilgrimes ryghteden hem and kepten hem from forueyinge Eaire he chastiseth him self men seyn that bi oothere is chastysed The errour and the forueyinge of oothere shulde ben warnynge that eche take his wey soo that he mowe come to good eende Thilke eende That is the guerdoun and the rewarde of the ioye of heuene Whiche god grawnte to alle quike and dede Amen Heere endeth the romaunce of the monk of the pilgrimage of the lyfe of the manhode which is maad for good pilgrryme that in this world swich wey wole holde that he go to good hauene and that he haue of heuene the ioye Taken up on the romaunce of the Hose wher inne the art of loue is al enclosed Preyeth for thilke that maade it that hath maad make it and wrot it Amen NOTES. p. 1, 1. 12. In Englishe j haue set it. The Glasgow MS. has 'In frenche i haue sett it,' following the French Quar toute en francois mise lai. 1. 13. may he wight lerne. The St. John's MS. has 'maye ilke man lere.' Per- haps 'he' is a fragment of 'iche' as in p. 2,1. 1. The French has chascun, and the Laud MS. ' eche wyght.' 1. 17. Chaalit. So in the French MS. The St. John's MS. has < Chalice.' p. 2, 11. 29, 30. lewed religiouns. The St. John's MS. has ' of lerede of lewidde of seculere of regulere.' ]>. 7, 1. 27. contrarie There is an erasure here in the MS. The St. John's MS. has 'contrarye to the,' and the Laud MS. ' contrary to J> e .' p. 9, 1. 1. Ezeldel ix. 4. 11. 2, 24. Tahu, an error of the scribe for ' Thau.' 1. 8. maister : gloss, ' or vicarie.' p. 10, 1. 2. with an instrument. There is again an erasure in the MS. The French has De ouny et doulx instrument, and the St. John's MS. reads ' with an eueyn instrument and a softe.' 1. 3. of to gret rudeshipe. Perhaps we should read ' ofte ' for ' of.' The St. John's MS. has ' for ofte sithis ouergrete reddour falleth amisse.' 1. 10. avise : gloss, ' teche.' p. 11, 1. 20. ne tokeneth. Originally ' betokeneth.' p. 12, 1. 19. the which thing grace dieu halt no game. The French MS. has, La quelle chose grace dieu Ne tient a soulas ne a Jeu. 1. 23. Seynt Thomas. The St. John's MS. adds ' of Caunterbery.' 1. 29. quod he: gloss, 'i. Ambrose.' See Ambrosii Epist. xx. ' Ad imperatorem palatia pertinent, ad sacerdotem ecclesiae.' See also his Sermo contra Auxentium, De non tradendis basilicis in his 21st Epist. 2 E 210 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. p. 13, 1. 2. with the ring : ' and with the ling ' was first written, but ' and ' is struck through with the pen. 1. 19. thilke. The text has 'thilke,' but the catchword is ' ]>ilke.' With few exceptions, J> in the MS. represents the heavier sound of ' th ' as in ' this,' and the lighter sound is denoted by ' th.' p. 14, 1. 12. me: gloss, 'i. resoun.' 1. 14. j : gloss, ' i. resoun.' 1. 20. See Chaucer's Romaunt of the Rose, vol. vii. p. 116, ed. Bell. 1. 28. with oute any mene empechement. The French MS. has sans point aucun empechement. The St. John's MS. reads 'withowten mennes em- pechement.' p. 15, 1. 8. After part, ' of ' has been erased. 11. 28, 29. eche . . . office. The French has : Chacun commenca a seruir Pour son office desseruir. 1. 32. a litel water thei dide. The French is Que de leaue vng petit y mis. p. 16, 1. 8. hire : gloss, "grace dieu.' 1. 9. me : gloss, ' i. pilgrim.' 1. 21. ,;' herde: gloss, 'pilgrime.' p. 17, 1. 6. me: gloss, 'grace dieu.' 1. 7. j. : gloss, 'pilgrim.' 1. 8. avised : gloss, ' i. taught.' 1. 16. Now j : gloss, 'resoun.' 1. 31. Isidore of Seville, in the 18th book of his Origines, chap. vi. says, of the etymology of gladius, ' Proprie autem appellatur gladius, quia yulam dividit, id est cervicem desecat.' p. 18, 1. 4. Wher to oo paas alone sufficeth not is literally from the French Pour quoy vng seul pas ne suffist. 1. 26. avised: gloss, ' i. warned.' 1. 27. j : gloss, i. resoun.' 1. 28. avi&ement : gloss, ' i. techinge.' p. 19, 1. 3. Now ye hauen thanne. Something is apparently omitted. The St. John's MS. has ' have 36 herde.' The French is Or sauez done, which looks as if the translator might have read auez. The Laud MS. has ' Now 36 haue herde.' p. 20, 1. 11. j : gloss, 'pilgrim.' p. 23, 1. 23. she : gloss, 'i. grace dieu.' NOTES. 211 p. 23, 1. 24. hire ; gloss, ' i. nature.' she : gloss, ' i. grace.' hire : gloss, ' i. nature.' 1. 30. wroth : The St. John's MS. has ' wrathelatehY p. 24, 1. 3. she : gloss, ' nature.' p. 25, 1. 5. After euele, ' for ' is struck out in the MS. p. 26, 11. 1, 2. This passage, which is rather obscure, is made clear by the French : Et bien vous di se ne feussies Si grant dame tost eussies La guerre et ad vous me preisse. p. 27, 1. 18. See Aristotle, De generatione animalium, ii. 3. 1. 29. Isaiah x. 15, xlv. 9. p. 28, 1. 18. leeseth. The MS. has ' leeseeth,' but the last ' e ' has a dot under it to in- dicate the error, p. 29, 1. 21. she : gloss, 'nature.' 1. 26. And that is not oon. A translation of the French qui nest pas tieulx. The St. John's MS. has ' and that nought alle ane.' p. 30, 1. 8. he : gloss, ' carpenter.' 11. 12, 13. with oute with oute instrument. There is an erasure here in the MS. The French is sans oustil et sans instrument, and the St. John's MS. has ' with oute tnle and with oute instrumente.' 11. 13, 14. lust no wihi compaare him. Another erasure in the MS. The French is A moy comparer ne doit on, and the St. John's MS. has 'to me schulde na man make comparyson :' the Laud MS. 'to me schuld no wyght compaire hyme.' p. 31, 1. 6. Of this releef should be 'of his releef as in the St. John's and Laud MSS. The French has de son Belief. 1. 20. for marked through in the MS. p. 32, 1. 3. allegeaunce. In the margin ' or Foryeuenes.' 1. 24. he inserted above the line, p. 33, 1. 18. if ther were not who to sle it is literally from the French Que sil nestoit qui le tuast. 1. 31. sittinge to. The MS. had originally 'J>at,' which is struck out, and ' to ' written above. p. 34, 1. 33. outtakinge. The first syllable has been erased by mistake in the MS. p. 35, 1. 7. kept. The St. John's MS. has ' swepede,' which is no doubt the time reading, as the French is baliee* The Laud MS. reads ' swepyd.' 2 E 2 212 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. p. 35, 1. 31. punishe him and bete. The MS. originally had ' punishe him and chastise him and bete,' but the omitted words are struck out. 1. 32. it: gloss, 'conscience.' p. 30, 11. 15, 16. The French is, Cest vng Relief pour langoreux Pour maladez et dangereux. 1. 20. For grete thursday the St. John's MS. has ' schire thursday.' p. 37, 1. 15. ouht. We should read ' nouht.' The French is se point auez oy parler. 1. 26. lene. We should read leue as in the Laud MS. The French has tmsser. 1. 32. nih. The MS. reads ' niht.* p. 39, 1. 6. the soule. The St. John's MS. has ' Anima That es the sawle.' 1. 33. yit inserted above the line, p. 40, 1. 12. is wiitten above the line. priuee. The St. John's MS, has 'precyous,' but the reading in the text is correct, as the French is priuee. 11. 31, 32. and how it misbifel hem. Written in the margin, p. 41, 1. 2. ouer. Written above the line. bi. Written above. 1. 10. j: gloss, ' i. pilgrime.' 1. 21. she lened. Between these words 'was' stood originally in the MS. but is struck out. p. 42, 11. 15, 16. For ysak Esau. Inserted in the margin by another hand. p. 43, 1. 2. which. Originally ' with which,' but the former word is struck out. 1. 32. if she: gloss, 'i. sapience.' p. 44, 1. 20. hire: gloss, 'nature.' 1. 21. it heviede me. The St. John's MS. has 'hit heuyed hir,' and rightly, as the French is Mais moult forment li en peso. 1. 26. hire: gloss, 'sapience.' p. 48, 1. 19. Grece. The French is Romme. p. 49, 1. 3. that : inserted above. 1. 10. he: gloss, ' arystotyl.' 1. 22. presentatyfliche should be ' representatyfliche ' as before. The French is representatiuement. p. 50, 1. 4. seyd. A mistake of the scribe for ' seye.' 1. 5. dide. The St. John's MS. hass 'did nou5t,' but it is not absolutely necessary. The French is ne faisoit. 1. 7. maist: written above the line. NOTES. 213 p. 50, 1. 9. and: written above the line. p. 52, 1. 29. yrened. The St. John's MS. has ' hupyd ne pyked.' p. 53, 1. 1. Foy: gloss. ' feyth.' 1. 26. The St. John's MS. has ' and on ilkane of thaym twelfe sere wrytynges that properly techeth : ' where ' sere'=several. p. 54, 1. 30. thei peyneden him to bineme it him. For the first ' him ' we should read ' hem.' The French is De lui oster moult se penerent. 1. 34. aproued. The French of this passage is, Sic que de son sang ainsi gouttee Fut lescharpe et ensanglantee. p. 55, 1. 3. boren. The St. John's MS. has ' it was mare brym J>an before,' where ' brym ' is a corruption, as the French is portee. ' Brym ' signifies ' re- nowned.' p. 56, 1. 1. esperaunce: gloss, 'hope.' The St. John's MS. adds, 'that esperaunce that es als mykille at saye on Inglische as hope.' p. 58, 1. 8. to go fer with. The French is loing aler. 1. 32. Fastinges strengthe. The French has, Jeunes le font engraisser Et maladies enfourmer. The St. John's MS. reads, ' Fastynge makes hyrn fatte and sekenesse athende5 hym.' The Laud MS. for ' strengthe ' has ' strenthis hym.' p. 59, 1. 6. as anevelte. We should read ' as an anevelte.' The French is coninie vne enclume. The St. John's MS. has ' a stithy,' where oddly enough ' as ' has dropped out for the same reason as ' an ' is omitted in the text. 1. 23. was not a poynt shape for me. French, ne mefut pas faille a point. p. 60, 1. 11. that: written above. 1. 13. thow shall haue the gryndynge of corowaement. For ' gryndynge ' read ' grauntynge ' as in Laud MS. The St. John's MS. has ' J> 11 schalle have graunt of the crowne of lyfe.' The French is, Et si te di que emolument En auras de courounement. p. 61, 1. 12. ne: written above. 1. 15. Force: gloss, 'strengthe.' 1. 19. no: written above, p. 62, 1. 2. at the leste. The St. John's MS. has ' atte the beste,' but the reading in the text is right, as the French is A tout le mains. 1. 9. in hem : gloss, ' glooves.' 214 PILGRIMAGE OP THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. p. 62, 1. 12. hise wittes. We should read ' thi wittes.' The French is, Quar ainsi com coeuure et refraint Le heaulme tes sens et restraint. 1. 13. the eye: 'the' written above. 1. 15. streyt. The St. John's MS. has 'strayte olierd,' i.e. with narrow holes for the eyes, and perhaps rightly, for the French is Quar se nestoit loilliere estroitte. 1. 17. fool The St. John's MS. has ' fowle,' but the text is right. The French is folz parlemens. 11. 27, 28. thi throte hool The St. John's MS. has < the throte bolle.' 1. 33. she: gloss, < glotonye.' p. 63, 1. 2. goomes. The French is Par gouster le talant ment. 1. 13. Seint William. Guillaume de Donjeon, formerly abbot of Fontaine-jean, became abbot of Chaalis in 1187, was made archbishop of Bourges in 1200, and died 10 Jan. 1209. He was canonized by Honorius III. in 1218. See Gallia Christiana, torn. x. col. 1509. p. 64, 1. 10. continence: written in the MS. ' continenence.' 1. 18. she tastede him: French, le tatast, 1. 19. to hire taste: French, de son taster. 1. 29. noon: gloss, 'i. swerd.' 1. 31. erle. The St. John's MS. has < cayser.' Ogrers. This should be ' Ogiers.' The French has Ogier. Ogier le Danois, or Oddegir the Dane, was one of the heroes of Charlemagne's court. His exploits are the subject of an old French poem by Adenez, under the title of Les enfances d' Ogier le Danois. See Warton's History of English Poetry, i. 139, ed. 1824. The Romans d' Oger by Raymbert is described in the Catalogue des Manuscrits Fra^ais (Bibl. Imp.), torn. i. p. 258, n. 1583. Roland's sword Durenda, or Durindale (Ellis, Metr. Rom. ii. 315, ed. 1811), was broken by him at the battle of Roncesvalles in cleaving a block of marble just before his death (See Turpin's Life of Charlemagne in Rodd's Anc. Span. Ballads, i. 42, ed. 1821). According to another legend the hero threw his sword into a poisoned stream, where it still remains. The three heroes, Ogier, Roland, and Oliver, are frequently mentioned together in the romances relating to Charlemagne, as for instance in the romance of Sir Otuel (Ellis, Metr. Bom. ii. 326), and in that of Roland and Ferragus (Ibid. 313). p. 65, 1. 3. she: gloss, 'Justice.' NOTES. 215 p. 65, 1. 10. swerd: gloss, 'justice.' 1. 11. he: gloss, ( beneyt.' p. 66, 1. 19. lime: gloss, 'grace dieu.' p. 67,11. 27,28. empeyringe: written in the MS. ' emperyringe,' but the first 'r' is dotted for erasure. p. 69, 1. 5. soo that. Between these words several others are omitted. The French is, Quit semble questrangler me doie Si mestraint que ne puis parler. The St. John's MS. has, 'that me thynke it schulde strangill me. It streyneth me so that I maye noujt speke as I walde &c.' 11. 12, 13. at shorte wordes : French, en briefment. \. 14. Superysed: gloss, ' i. ouercome.' 1. 33. longe: written above, p. 70. 1. 21. shalt : written above, p. 71, 11. 2, 4. to come . . . to bere. These four words are written above. 1. 18. for the sone of Saul. The St. John's MS. reads ' for Saule hym selfe.' p. 72, 11. 7, 8. dounj moste ley. The St. John's MS. has ' me bus nedes laye downe,' where ' bus '= behoves. 1.21. leue. Perhaps we should read ' lede ' as in Laud MS. The St. John's MS. has ' brynge,' and the French line is Et Je tamerrait tel ie cuit. 1. 23. j wot not. The Laud MS. originally had ' J note,' but ' wott ' is added in a modern hand. 1. 24. al aloone. The St. John's MS. has ' be my ane.' p. 73, 1. 29. to : written above. p. 75, 1. 25. alongne: corrected in the MS. from ' alonygne.' p. 76, 11. 9, 10. The French is, Jai vnepierre par qui lagent Quant vueil voi inuisiblement. p. 79, 1. 13. grummede. The St. John's MS. has 'gruyned:' Laud MS. 'groyned.' 1. 14. his : corrected in the MS. from ' hise.' 1. 25. orgoill : gloss, ' pride.' p. 80, 1. 16. resoun but. Between these words several others have dropped out. The Laud MS. inserts ' for to couere wyth his grete vnreson,' following the French, Pour sa graunt desraison celer*. 1. 24. yit is. The MS. originally had 'yit it is,' but ' it' is dotted for correction, p. 81, 1. 11. quod resoun. The MS. originally had 'quod she resoun,' but ' she ' is both dotted and struck out. 216 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. p. 83, 1. 13. alonygne. The 'y' is written over an erasure. 1. 26. pilgrimage. Originally ' viage pilgrimage,' but the former is struck out. 1. 28. holde at fable. From the French tenir a fable. 1. 30. be : written above, p. 84, 1. 8. al : written above, p. 85, 1. 6. were : written above. 1. 18. to meivard : gloss, ' pilgrim.' p. 86, 1. 10. grumminge. The St. John's MS. has ' groynande.' p. 87, 1. 25. he hath. We should read ' thou hast.' The French is Et comment quainsi a son gre Laies semi et deporte. \. 30. that. Originally ' |>is that ' in the MS. p. 89, 1. 16. woldest lene. Originally 'woldest |> u leue ' in the MS. p. 90, 1. 16. Thomas of Gvileuile. The French is thomas de guilleuille. 1. 18. which: written above, p. 91, 1. 3. and : written above. 1. 5. wille. The St. John's MS. has ' witterynge.' The Laud MS. ' wytte.' But the text is right. The French is Se ce nestoit par ton voulour. 1. 18. whiche eres. The French is Qui ne sont prises es oreilles. 1. 33. cloude : gloss, ' i. pe body.' ]>. 92, 1. 25. so : written above. 1. 30. she : gloss, ' i. resoun.' p. 93, 1. 3. The French is, En resortissant A lui sa vertu et rendant. 1. 4. thou. The MS. has fouh.' 1. 5. gouernayle. The French MS. has gouerneur, the St. John's MS. ' go- taemaunce.' Perhaps we should read ' gouernowr ' as in 1. 8. p. 94, 1. 5. that the contracte was ouerthrowe : French, Qne le contrail fut trebuchie. 1. 21. doinges. The MS. has ' dunges.' Laud MS. ' dong.' St. John's MS. ' doynge.' The French line is Fi de lui et de son maintien. p. 95, 1. 7. At the goode parte : French, au bien partir. 1. 12. oo for to seye in oo moment : French, En vng moment oy a dire. p. 96, 1. 3. that that. The former of these words is added above the line. 1. 31. so slugged. The Laud MS. reads 'to slugged.' p. 97, 1. 20. he werreth thee : French, il te guerroie. 1. 24. god yilde yow : French, Je vous mercy. NOTES. 217 p. 97, 1. 28. with me. Some lines are here omitted. The French is : Quauec mot deussies lauoie A la cite ou men suy Quar ie croi bien que maint ennuy En mon chemin ie trouuerai " Pour Ids maux pas. Q' pas ie ne scei Pourquoi sauec moi estie. The St. John's MS. has : ' gladly I walde that 36 helde the waye w 1 me to the cetee whither I am styrred to ga. For I trowe ryght wele that I schalle fynde many ane enmy in my waye for the schrewid pathes whilke I knawe noujt wharfore and 36 ware with me,' &c. p. 98, 1. 28. costed. Originally ' costed it ' in the MS. p. 99, 1. 4. a malcere ayen of mattes and arayour. The St. John's MS. has ' a bithere or a reparalere of mattes.' p. 100, 1. 6. it : written above. 1. 14. it : written above. p. 101, 1. 2. the see : ' the ' written above. 1. 12. biholde. We should probably read ' be holde,' that is, be held or regarded. The St. John's MS. has ' be halden,' and the French is, Que ne te faces fol tenir Pour la pieur voie tenir. \. 25. he : gloss, bodi.' p. 102, 1. 29. But I ouhte make a crosse. Literally from the French, Mais fair e la crois en deuroie. The St. John's MS. has, ' But I scholde hakke in the poste.' 1. 32. hath : ' hath he ' originally in MS. p. 103, 1. 5. soone mown ayen to my wey. The St. John's MS. reads ' sone turne agayne to my waye,' perhaps rightly, as the French is, Bien tost retourner a ma voie. The Laud MS. has ' shuld mowe sone turne ayen,' and ' mowe ' is struck out. 1. 9. perce. The St. John's MS. has here and elsewhere ' perche.' 1. 23. Peresce : gloss, ' slewthe.' 1. 25. Oiseuce: gloss, 'jdelshipe.' p. 104, 1. 2. Compare Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, i. 4. 65 : ' Not half so big as a round little worm, Prick'd from the lazy finger of a maid.' And Beaumont and Fletcher's Woman Hater, iii. 1 : ' Keep thy hands in thy muff and warm the idle Worms in thy fingers' ends.' 2 F 218 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. p. 104, 1. 4. thou: 'jni' in the MS. 1. 28. S. Bernard, De consideratione, lib. ii. cap. 13. ' Fugienda proinde otiositas, mater nugarum, noverca virtutum.' 1. 32. and leue the wey ofbiyounde. The French is En laissant le chemin de la. p. 105, 1. 21. that : originally ' that hath.' p. 106, 1. 4. any hole : The St. John's MS. adds ' or muysse,' that is, an opening in a hedge made by game. 1. 13. And fool. The St. John's MS. has < ane ebber fole.' 1. 20. in the strenges. The St. John's MS. has ' in gildres.' p. 107, 1. 7. for the. The MS. has e.' 1. 32. heled to thee. The St. John's MS. has ' layned fra the.' p. 108, 1. 22. Peresce : gloss, ' slewthe.' p. 109, 1. 28. Oiseuce : gloss, 'jdelshipe.' p. Ill, 1. 19. In here hand. So the MS. We should read 'hire.' p. 113, 1. 30, &c. The St. John's MS. has more details: 'To white garmentes rede sleues garmentys lawe colerde forto schewe the white nekke & the white halse opere with standande colers wele enbrowdede and sette with perle or w l spanges of siluer or of golde. Garmentys to lange or to shorte to wyde or to strayte. Sum reved in many Jagges, sum cutted and corven strayte of dyuerse coloures, with resons and poyses. Hudes to litelle or to grete sum with mare cleth in the tepet than in alle the hude efter.' p. 114, 1. 1. After brod the St. John's MS. adds 'homes and wistles harnaiste with siluer and golde and alle opere swilke newe gyses.' 1. 20. lasse. The Laud MS. has ' more ' over an erasure. The French is, Saucun de mon sens bien petit A. tantost Je lai en despit. 1. 25. fame. The French MS. hasfaulte. p. 115, 1. 2. Boloyne de grace. A town in the extreme south of France in the de- partment of Haute Garonne. 1. 11. am : written above. 1. 22. j see wel. After these words there is an omission. The St. John's MS. has ' but of thayre godscheps I see neuere a dele and perfore I &c.', and so the Laud MS. The French is, Mais de bien Je ne voi Rien Et pour ce suis ie mocqueresse. 1. 26. orgoill : gloss, 'pride/ NOTES. 219 p. 117, 1. 2. or: written above. 1. 3. that j drawefor oon. Literally from the French, Affin que ie traie pour vne Et que lui oste sa merelle Du soufflet se ie le ventelle. merelle: The French is merelle, and the St. John's MS. reads 'meryte,' which seems to be a corruption. ' Merallus ' is defined in Du Cange as ' Tessera quae in pluribus ecclesiis, canonicis, capellanis, aliisque pra?- bendariis datur in prsesentise signum, ut his quolibet sabbato exhibitis testentur, quoties et quibus officiis interfuerint, et debitas recipiant distributiones.' In some such sense ' merelle ' appears to be used in this passage. 1. 31. in: omitted in the MS. 1. 32. vantaunce : gloss, ' i. bostinge.' p. 119, 1. 11. " This horn was endued with such power, that all other horns were split by its sound ; and it is said that Orlando at that time blew it with such vehemence, that he burst the veins and nerves of his neck." Turpin's Life of Charlemagne, ch. xxiii. given in Eodd's Ancient Spanish Ballads (vol. i. p. 43, ed. 1821). Scott alludes to it in his Marmion, Canto vi. 33. ' for a blast of that dread horn, &c.' 1. 28. Of euel time was he gentel man. So the St. John's and Laud MSS. French, De mal heure fut gentil horn. p. 120, 1. 9. prowde : corrected in the MS. from 'poudre.' 1. 23. blowe: gloss, 'i. burioyne.' The St. John's and Laud MSS. have 'bowe,' and this is possibly right, as the French is ployer. I. 31. Peres ce : gloss, ' slewthe.' p. 12.1, 1. 31. Renard: gloss, 'fox.' See Roman du Renart, ed. Meon, i. 29 35 ; ' Si coume Renart manja le poisson aus charretiers.' p. 122, 1. 2. it : gloss, ' mantelle.' 1. 12. Peresce : gloss, ' slewthe.' II. 18, 20. orguill: gloss, 'pride.' p. 123, I. 1. soor hed. The MS. had ' forhed,' which is corrected in the margin. 1. 25. resouenaunce : gloss, ' remembringe.' 1. 29. haue. We should read ' heue,' as in the Laud MS. The French is leue. p. 124, 1. 1. talinge : ' talkinge ' in the St. John's and Laud MSS. The French is, Ainsi comme a plait me tenoit Flaterie et a moi parloit. 2r 2 220 PILGEIMAGE OP THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. p. 124, 1. 10. visage : gloss, ' visure.' 1. 30. slaufiter : The MS. has < shauhter.' p. 125, L 24. he : gloss, ' dauid.' he : gloss, ' saul.' 1. 27. longius. The traditional name of the soldier who pierced the side of Jesus, p. 127, 1. 5. accomplise : gloss, 'i. fulfille.' 1. 29. with the tooth : repeated in the MS. but corrected. p. 128, 1. 7. set on. The MS. originally had set on hem, but ' hem ' is struck out. 1. 17. The story of St. Nicholas, archbishop of Myra, who restored the mur- dered children to life is told in Mrs. Jameson's Sacred and Legendary Art, p. 269. The event is frequently commemorated in the pictures of the saint, or, as is more probable, the story may have grown out of the pictures which originally referred to a different cirannstance. p. 129, 1. 8. the raven : ' the ' is written above, p. 131, 1. 13. j wole. The MS. had originally, ' also j wole,' but 'also' is marked for erasure, p. 132, 1. 6. Fiat : We should read ' Fuit ' as in the French MS. 1. 14. feelinge. Originally 'no feelinge,' but 'no 'is dotted for erasure. 1. 20. womman and : ' and ' is written above, p. 133, 1. 13. caliowns : gloss, 'i. flintes.' 1. 20. fir : added in the margin. p. 134, 1. 3. that haue anoon sorwe in weylinge. This obscure passage is not more clear in the Laud MS. which reads, ' J> 1 has anone curamen in ve,' or in the St. John's MS. which has ' that has als sone carmen and ve.' In the French MS. the whole runs thus, Jai nom Noli me tangere Qui at tantost cuer moult ire Men a petite achoison Et fait vng sault quant daguillon Suit pointe en delaissant cellui Qui par deuant mestoit amy. The Paris edition reads ' carmen en ve ' in the second line, ' Mue ' in the third, ' fais ' in the fourth, and ' Suis ' in the fifth. 1. 7. in : added above. p. 135, 1. 1. yren: gloss, 'impatience.' 2. She: gloss, 'iustice.' NOTES. 221 p. 135, 1. 28. piloures: an evident mistake for 'perilous,' which is the reading of the St. John's and Laud MSS. The French has perilleuses. p. 136, 1. 18. serueth : written above. 1. 21. oyseuce : gloss, 'ydylnes." 1. 30. murderers. The MS. has ' murderes.' p. 137, 1. 25. She hadde There is an erasure in the MS. which probably should be filled up with the word ' drawen.' See p. 152. The French is, Set langue que hors traicte auoit. The St. John's MS. has, ' Hir tunge whilke scho hadde drawen oute.' p. 138, 1. 12. it: gloss, ' deth.' 1. 4. Which an old oon so foul j sigh. We should probably read ' When swich ' for ' Which.' The St. John's MS. has ' When I sawe swilke ane aide delle that was so fowle and so vggly. The Laud MS. reads, ' When such an old so foule I sygh,' and the French is, Qvant telle vieille si laide vy. p. 139, 1. 19. Before Soothliche the MS. originally had ' q d she,' but these words are struck out. is : written above. 1. 23. the poyntes : l the ' is written above. 1. 30. a : written above. p. 141, 1. 6. Besachis Apemendeles. The reference is to the apocryphal book of 1 Esdras, iv. 29-31, where the story is told of Apame, the daughter of the admirable Bartacus, and King Darius. In the Vulgate, Bartacus is called Bezax. 'Apemendeles' is a corruption from the French, which stands thus : Je suis lafille de besachis Apemen delez qui sest mis Le Roi qui Rit quant ie lui ris Et dolent est quant ie le suis. \. 9. it: written above. 1. 11. to dispende : written above, p. 142, 1. 3. engendrede. The MS. has ' engendre.' p. 143, 1. 18. store. The St. John's MS. has ' warnestore.' 1. 23. yrayne: ' or a loppe ' added in the margin, p. 144, 1. 14. thing: added in the margin. 1. 23. stelen U nihte. The St. John's MS. has ' steles venyson on nyghtertale.' 1. 20. After resoun the St. John's MS. adds, ' Fals scheperdes also that falsly 222 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. serues Jjaire maistres false baxteres and brewsters also that falsly bakes agayne tlie assise and delyueres faire brede and thayre ale with fals mesures. Also false taylours, &c.' Compare p. 80, 1. 16. p. 145, 1. 16. poudre. The MS. has 'pondre.' The St. John's MS. reads ' poudre.' Laud MS. has ' powdre.' The reading is probably corrupt. The French is, Elle est faute contre nature Quar en tons temps elle met cure Darrain etfer mettrer couuer Pour aultre prendre et engendrer. 1. 19. alwey. The translator read tousiours for tournois. The French is, Quar tournois par enchantement Fait conuertir en pdrisis. See Glossary, s. v. Parisis. 1. 32. vsinge it : added above. p. 146, 1. 23. up on the stok. The St. John's MS. has ' vp on the stouen.' p. 148, 1. 2. panteneeres should be ' pauteneeres.' See Glossary. I. 21. After ableye the St. John's MS. inserts, Sum askes gloues, sum knyfes, sum says I am a beggere and hafe myster of tymbere, I pray 3owe giffe me a tre or twa. Sum says I am a 5onge husbande, I pray jou giffe a stotte or twa to my plught, [sum] sayse me buse make a Journey, I pray 3owe lene me for aght dayes or nyne, &c.' 1. 24. After moneth the St. John's MS. has, ' Sum forto spare with thayre awne purse when thay passe thorowe the cuntre, leves ostries and ynnes and goode townes and lyes atte abbayes, sum with x hors, sum with xx, and thare thay muste be serued with alle the deyntees that may be geteii. And but 3if thay be, they schalle wayte the abbaye with ane euylle turne.' p. 149, 1. 23. leyd. The St. John's MS. has layde in wedde.' p. 150, 1. 2. thei: gloss, ' i. prestes.' 1. 9. hauen: MS. ' hauem.' p. 151, 1. 23. periurement : gloss, ' forswerynge.' mensoige : gloss, ' gabbinge.' 1. 26. menterye : gloss, ' lesinge.' II. 28, 29. mensoige : corrected in MS. from ' mensonge.' p. 152, 1. 7. molle. The St. John's MS. has ' moldewarpe.' NOTES. 223 p. 152, 11. 23, 24. the style j haue: French, le stille ai. Cotgrave gives ' Stil: m. The stile, vse, course, or fourme of pleading, or of proceeding in Law.' p. 153, 1. 29. that : written above. p. 157, 1. 5. hele. The St. John's MS. has 'layne,' i.e. conceal, p. 159, 1. 1. yueresce : gloss, ' drunkeshipe.' 1. 15. thanne : added above. 11. 24, 25. Niceliche . . , . . Niceliche. French, Sottement nicement. 1. 30. out : written above, p. 160, 1. 12. lace. The French MS. has laissier, which must have been read lasser as in the text, and laisser as in the St. John's MS. where we have ' lose.' p. 161, 1. 25. nempned. The following sentence is much condensed. The French is, Lun a nom dist elle rqptus Lautre stuprum lautre incestus Lautre est dit adulterium Et lautre fornication Et lautre qui nest pas a dire Te pent il bien a tant souffire. p. 162, 1. 13. me: gloss, ' soule.' 1. 31. the : added above. p. 163, 1. 33. me: originally in the MS. ' it me.' p. 164, 1. 10. that : originally ' that to ' in the MS. p. 166, 1. 15. me chastyse: written over an erasure. The common editions have 'cor- recte me.' In the St. John's MS. the line stands thus : ' Bot ]? u ar that daye correcte my folise.' p. 168, 1. 2. The St. John's MS. reads for this line, ' Brynnande of whilke neuere a qwist brent :' where qwist is the Icelandic qvistr, Swedish qvist, a twig. 1. 7. defende : ' deufende ' in the MS. p. 169, 1. 12. hys : added in the margin. rihtful : < rihful ' in MS. p. 171, 1. 24. me: added above. p. 172, 1. 7. A welle. The St. John's and Laud MSS. have ' and fulle,' but the reading of the text is the true one. The French is, Volentiers fontainne seroit Pour fair e le mol si pouoit. 1. 15. also: added above. 1. 28. abeescede : gloss, ' stouped.' 224 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. p. 172, 1. 32. hele. The St. John's MS. has 'sloken.' p. 174, 1. 23. here : corrected in the MS. from ' heere.' p. 175, 1. 2. swich : written above. 1. 12. ivode : so in MS. 1. 25. had : added above. p. 177, 1. 25. that : originally repeated in the MS. p. 178, 1. 23. Prov. xxxi. 30. p. 179, 11. 7, 8. for to drive . , . fleeinge. Probably corrupt. The French is, Et pour chacier faire panneaux Et retz volans pour les oiseaux. 1. 8. fetheren : gloss, ' vertues.' 1. 24. S. Jerome, Comm. in Ep. ad Eph. lib. ii cap. 4 : ' Potestas quippe diaboli non in temeritate illius atque jactantia, sed in tua est voluntate.' p. 180, 1. 4. hindre : ' himdre ' in MS. p. 181, 1. 4. than: ' J>at ' in MS. 1. 11. stir ing e : l striringe ' in MS. 1. 19. After here thee the St. John's MS. adds, ' Schalle 36 bore me quod I, Damyselle whate hafe 36 sayde 30 wille noujt bere litelle when 30 speke to bere me. 3it I wille bere the quod scho, &c.' The French has, Vous me porteres quauez dit Dis Je . damoiselle . petit Fais porte mie ne voulez Quant de moi porter vous parlez Si te porterai ie dist elle fyc. p. 182,1. 13. uaryen alwey in here jdem . The French is, Tousiours en leur ydee reuiennent. p. 183, 1. 2. that oother : gloss, ' prosperite.' 1. 25. up on the anevelte it shal falle. The St. John's MS. has ' For ow)>ere vpon the or vpon a stythy they schalle falle.' Laud MS. ' apon ye or apon an anueld it shalle falle.' 1. 31. torment. The St. John's MS. has ' tournemente ' and rightly. The French is tournai. p. 184, 1. 4. platte it. The St. John's MS. has 'penes it oute.' See Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary, s. v. Pene, ' To beat out ; to forge.' 1. 25. In the space which is left blank in the text the scribe has in the MS. written ' uacat,' which must have originally stood in the margin to call attention to the omission. The St. John's MS. has ' For by the skynne and by the schame whilke es alle ane.' The French is, NOTES. 225 Quar a la conuenue et a la pel Qui est vng forain deuantel Cognoist on oil que Je parsui. p. 185, 1. 14. which hath the power in the eclips. The French is, De qui le pouoir point neclipse. 1. 20. abidinge: written over an erasure. 1. 22. garnisons : ' garnisoms ' in MS. p. 187, 1. 16. Theophile. Pei'haps Theophilus the Arian bishop, who lived in the fourth century. p. 188, 1. 20. was wont : 'wont was' in MS., but the words are marked for trans- position. p. 190, 1. 19. she : written above, p. 191, 1. 11. bi his name. The St. John's and Laud MSS. have 'hir,' and this is the true reading. The French is par son nom. 1. 25. if: written above. p. 192, 1. 23. Paour de dieu : gloss, 'i. drede of god.' p. 193, 1. 8. Stroke : written in the margin. the porter : written above. 1. 12. dignitee of wurshipe. The St. John's MS. reads ' or ' for ' of.' The French is dignite ne honneur. p. 194, 1. 11. croumed. The St. John's MS. has ' muled.' The French is enmiellee, p. 195, 1. 6. was: corrected from ' wat.' p. 196, 1. 10. in : written above. p. 197, 1. 28. Furaunt : written in the MS. ' Fu-rafit.' p. 199, 1. 6. Whider gost thou : written above. 1. 17. as : written above, p. 201, 1. 2. he : originally < she ' in the MS. p. 202, 1. 25. well softe. We should read ' wel ofte.' The French is lien spuuent, and the St. John's MS. has fulle ofte.' p. 203, 1. 1. Isaiah Ixv. 20. 1. 15. ne : written above, p. 205, 1. 1. perte. We should read ' perce.' The French is percier, and the St. John's MS. has ' perche.' 1. 27. wel should be ' wil.' The French is et point ne te lairront, and the St. John's MS. has ' thay wille.' p. 206, 1. 23. be : written above. 1. 29. heer : written over an erasure. 2G GLOSSABY. Abbreviations, v. t. = verb transitive ; v. i. verb intransitive ; pr. p. = present participle ; p. p.= past participle. The others are obvious. ABASHE, v. t. To confound, astonish, 117 ABASHED, p. p. Put to confusion, not only by shame but by other emotions, as wonder, 2 ABAUNDONED, p. p. Given into anyone's power, 193, 199 ABAYE, v. i. To bay as a hound, 142 ABAYINGE, sb. Baying or barking, 127 ABEESCEDE, pret. Bowed, stooped, 172 ABIDE, p. p. Abode, 144 ABIDEN, pret. of Abide, 16 ABIDINGE, sb. Stopping, delay, 16, 50 ABIGGE, v. t. To suffer for, 184 ABITTE. Abideth, 207 ABOD, pret. Awaited, 137 ABOOD, pret. Awaited, 194 ABOUHTE, pret. Suffered for, 181 ABOUHT, p. p. Suffered for, 189 ABOWTE, adv. Without, 1 ACCORDE, v. i. To be reconciled, 160 ACCROCHERES, sb. Encroachers, 144 ACLOYED, p.p. Fastened upon, tormented, 184. The French MS. has endoe, which in the Paris edition is changed to tour- mente. ACORDED. Agreed, used reflexively, 102 ACROCHE, v. t. To catch with a hook, 144 ACUSTOMED, adj. Usual, customary, 74 AD ALIQUID. The third of the ten predica- ments or categories of Aristotle TO. npos , 21 ADAUNTED, p. p. Daunted, 96 ADIUTORIOUN, IN, 198. ' Deus in adjutorium meum intende ' is the beginning of Ps. Ixx. in the Vulgate. ADOUN, adv. Down, 79 AFFICCHED, p. p. Attached, 56 AFFORCE, v. t. To force, compel, 60 AFFRAY, AFRAY, sb. Fear, terror, 124, 175 AFRIGHTE, pret. Was frightened, 68 AFRYGHTE, pret. Frightened, 206 AFTER, adv. Afterwards, 1 AGAST, adj. Afraid, 118 AGILT, p. p. Offended, 169 AGON, adv. Ago, 82 AIOURNE, v. t. To cite, summon, 170. See Cotgrave, Fr. Diet. s. v. Adjoumer. AL, sb. ' The al,' the whole, 45 AL, adv. Altogether, 19, 41 A LA MORT, int. 128. Cotgrave has (Fr. Diet. s. v.) ; 'A mort a mort. Kill, Kill ; the cry of bloudie souldiors pursuing their fearefull enemies vnto death.' ALDAI, adv. All day long, constantly, 93. Translation of French, tousiours. ALDER, gen. pi. of All, ' oure alder foo,' the foe of us all, 167. See ALTHER FIRST. ALGATES, adv. Yet, nevertheless, 11, 32,41 AL HOL, adv. Completely, 146 ALIGHTE, pret. Descended, 170 ALL, conj. Although, 166 ALLEGEAUNCE, sb. Alleviation, 32 ALLEGGE, v. t. To alleviate, 198 ALMESSE, sb. Alms, 31, 148 ALONGNE, ALONYGNE, v. t. To separate, remove, 75, 83; pret. ALOYNGNED, 111; GLOSSARY. 227 pr.p. ALOYGNYNGE, 111; p.p. ALOYNED, 162 ALONG ON. On account of, by reason of, 163 AL ONLICHE, AL OONLICHE, adv. Only, alone, 70, 151 ALOSED, p. p. Famed, renowned, 138 ALOWE, v. t. To praise, 115 ALOWH, adv. Below, 38 ALS, conj. As, 3 ALTHER FIRST, adv. First of all, 68 AL TO AL, adv. Altogether, 111, 113. ' From al to al ' is a literal translation of the French de tout en tout. AL WERE IT, conj. Although, 68, 99 ; comp. albeit. ALWEY, adv. Always, 79 AMASON. Amasa, 127 AMELLE, sb. Enamel, 4 AMIDDE, adv. In the middle, 98 AMMENUSE, v. t. To diminish, 145 AMMYNISTREDE, pret. Administered, 40 pi. AMMINISTREDEN, 82 AMONESTE, v. t. To admonish, 62 pret. AMONESTED, 70 AMONESTINGE, sb. Admonishing, admon- ition, 18, 72 AMYDDES, prep. In the midst of, 8 AMYRALL, sb. Admiral, 186 ANCILLE, sb. A handmaid, 168 AND, conj. If, 3, 121 ANEVELTE, sb. An anvil, 58, 134 ANGLE, sb. A fishhook, 175, 190 ANGLET, sb. A little angle or corner, 34 ANGWICH, v. t. To fill with anguish, 31 AN HIGH, AN HY, adv. On high, 2, 94 ANNOYE, ANNUY, ANOYE, sb. Hurt, injury, 7, 37, 64. Tedium, irksome- ness, 108 ANNYE, v. t. To annoy, vex, 41 ANOYE in the constraction ' anoye to,' 174 APARISAUNCE, sb. Appearance, show, 47 APAYED, p. p. Pleased, 50, 73 APEMENDELES, 141. See note. APERCEYUED, APERSEYUED, p. p. Per- ceived, 1, 2 APERT, IN. Openly, 83, 132 APERTLICHE, adv. Openly, 26, 48, 194 APESE, v. t. To satisfy, content, 54 APESHIPE, sb. A monkey-trick, 122 A POYNT, APOYNT, adv. Fitly, aright, perfectly, 59, 195. French, a point. APPARAMENS, sb. Apparel, 24 APPARE, v. t. To apparel, array, 80, 81. The French is parer. APPELEN, sb. Apples, 5, 129 APPESED, pret. Pleased, 52 APPREEVED,^. p. Approved, 61 APPROPRED, APROPREDE, pret. Appro- priated, 146 APROTJED, p. p. Proved, 54. See note. AQUEYNTE, v. t. To make the acquaint- ance of, associate with any one, 6 AQUEYNTEE, and pi. AQUEYNTEES, or AQUEYNTES, sb. Acquaintance, 3 ARASE, v. i. To tear away, 143. French, arracher. ARASED, p. p. Erased, torn away, 39, 143 ARAUHTE, pret. Reached, 163 ARBLAST, sb. An arbalest, or crossbow, 130 ARCHITRICLYN, sb. The master of the feast, 25. The allusion is to the mar- riage at Cana. AREECHIN, 2 pi. pres. Reach, 163 ARENED, p. p. Addressed, 74. Comp. ARESONE. The French is ma arresne. AREYNED, pret. Addressed, 128 ARESONE, v. t. To address, converse with, 46 ; pret. ARESONED, 45 ARESTINGE, adj. Hindering, adhesive, 183 ARGUE, v. t. To reprove, rebuke, 13, 26 ARRETTE, v. t. To attribute, impute, 151; p. p. ARRETTED, 207 ARYUAILE, sb. A landing-place, 1 90 ARYUE, v. t. To bring to shore, 190 ASKAPE, v. t. To escape, 107 pret. ASKAPEDE, 132 ; p. p. ASCAPED, 107 ASLEWTHED, p. p. Delayed, 187 As MICHEL TO SEY AS. As much as to say, 36 ASPYE, v. t. To spy, GO; p. p. ASPYED, 54 ASSAYS, v. t. To try, 129 ASSOILE, v. t. To absolve, acquit, put out of the way of attack, 49 ; to solve a question, 118 228 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. ASSUREDE, pret. Secured, 7 ASTOKE, v. t. To stun, 33, 108 ; p. p. ASTONED, 69 AT. 'To hold at fable,' to regard as a fable, 83 ATAMED, p. p. Injured, 67. The French is entamees. ATEMPREE, adj. Temperate, 63, 122 ATEYNT, p. p. Touched, 81 ATTEMPERAUNCE, sb. Temperance, 62 ATTEMPREDE, pret. Eestrained, 63 AUCTORISED, AUTORISED,|>. p. Authorized, invested with authority, 79, 183 AUALE, v. t. To lower, 158 ; v. i. To de- scend, 182 AUALEDE, pret. Went down, descended, 137 AVANTOUR, sb. A boaster, 118 AVAUNCE, v. refl. To put oneself pro- minently forward, 150 AVAUNTE, v. refl. To boast, 14 AVAUNTINGE, adj. Boastful, 115 AUENAUNT, adj. Fitting, becoming, 52 AVENTED, p. p. Provided with a vent, 117 AVENTOUR, s&, A vent, 117. French, souspiral. AVISE, v. t. To advise, 10 AVISEDE, pret. ' J avisede me,' I re- flected, considered, 4 AVISEMENT, sb. Discretion, consideration, 18 ; advice, 114 AVISILICHE, adv. Advisedly, purposely, 75, 137 AVOIR, AUOYR, sb. Possessions, property, 30, 141, 152 AVOWE, v. t. To avouch, vouch for, 110 AVYS, sb. Opinion. ' What is thin avys ' = what do you think? 8 AWEYWARD, adv. Away, 152 AWMENEER, AWMENERE, sb. Almoner, 40, 164 AWUNDRED, p. p. Astonished, 87 AWURTHE, v. i. To become, fare, 47 AXE, v. t. To ask, 165 A YEN, adv. Again, 23 AYENS, prep. Against, 23 AYEND WARD, adv. Again, 95 AYENPUTTINGE, sb. Opposition, 40 AYENSSEITH, contradicts, 145 AYEN SEYINGE, sb. Contradiction, 36, 40 AYENS STONDE, v. t. To withstand, 96 BACHELERE, sb. A young man, 79 BACOURESSE, sb. 143, a doubtful word. The French MS. has bacouneresse or baconneresse. In the printed edition the passage is omitted. The St. John's MS. has ' faconeresse ;' Laud. MS. ' fau- coresse." BAISHTNESSE, sb. Bashfulness, 91 BALEYS, sb. Brooms, 105 BARET, sb. Strife, contention, 65 ; cheat- ing, deceit, 150 BARMFELL, sb. A smith's leather apron, 184 BASENETTES, sb. Small helmets or head- pieces, 113 BASILISKE, sb. A fabulous serpent, the glance of whose eye was believed to be deadly, 125 BAUDRYK, sb. A belt, 67, 111 BAUNDON, sb. Command, control, 94 BE, p. p. Been, 4 ; BEETH, 3 pi. subj. 9 BEN, 3 pi. Are, 1 BEAWSIRE. Fair sir, 79 BEEDE, v. t. To pray, 168 BEEL, sb. Bel, 157. The reference is to the story of Bel and the Dragon. BEESME, sb. A besom, broom, 31 BEET, 1 s. pret. 32 BEETE, 2 p. s. pret. Didst beat, 12 BE GRAFFED, p. p. Grafted, 56 BELIGH, BELYES, BELYGH, sb. A pair of bellows, 111, 112, 177 BEN. In the phrase ' ben not to refuse ' = are not to be refused, 59 BENDED, p. p. Bandaged, 174, 178 BERE, 3 s. pret. Bare, 92 BEREN, 3 pi. pret. Bare, 66 BERINGES vp, sb. False flatteries, 115. The French is loberiez. BERNE, v. t. To put in a barn, 43 BESACHIS, 141. See note. BETE, p. p. Beaten, 41 BETEN, p. p. ' Beten with gold,' is covered with beaten gold, 4, 113. The French MS. has a or batu. GLOSSARY. 229 Bi ABOUE. Above, 6 ; French, par dessus. Bi CAUSE, adv. Because, 25 BICCHEDE, adj. 128. ' The bicchede shrewe ' is the translation of the French la lisse pautonniere. Of ' lisse ' Roquefort says, ' ce nom etoit particulierement donne a la chienne, et par metaphore on le don- noit aussi aux femmes debauchees;' and ' pautonniere ' he explains as ' prostituee, fille publique.' BICOMEN, v. i. To become, 167 BICOMEN, p. p. Become, 38 Bi DROPPED, p. p. Spotted, 54 BIDUNGE, v. t. To cover with dung, 161 Bi ESPECIAL. Especially, 15, 123 BIFALLE, p. p. Befallen, 45 BIFORX, adv. Before, 166 BIGGE, v. t. To buy, 149 BIGGERES, sb. Buyers, 147 BIGILOURESSE, sb. A female beguiler, 84 BIHAATED, BIHATED, p. p. Hated, 5, 120 BIHEETINGE, pr. p. Promising, 206 BIHEIGHTEN. Promised, 13 pret. BIHIGHT, BIHYGHTE, 111, 125 p. p. BIHIGHT, BIHYGHT, 52, 143 BIHOLDE, v. i. To look, 106, 138 pret. BIHEELD, 133 p. p. BIHOLDE, 20 BIHOLDINGE, sb. Look, appearance, 203 BIHOOTE, BIHOTE, v. t. To promise, 35, 163, 164 BIHOTINGE, sb. Promising, 149 BIKNOWE, v. i. To acknowledge, 189 pret. BIKNEEWE, 66 pr. p. BIKNOWINGE, 66 BILEFTE, pret. Remained, 86 Bi LEYSERE. Leisurely, 24 Bi LIKENESSE. Apparently, 44. The French is par ceste semblance. Bi LYMED, p. p. Caught with birdlime, 106 BIMEENE, v. i. To bemoan, 95 BIMENYNGE, pr. p. Bemoaning, 4 Bi SEEMINGE. Seemingly, 44 BINEME, v. t. To take away, 10, 29 p. p. BINOME, 154 Bi PLACES. In different places, here and there, 3 Bi PLEYNE, v. t. To bewail, 104 BISCORN, sb. A club shod with iron, 115. See Du Cange, s. v. Biscorna. The French is bicorne. The St. John's MS. has ' twybille.' Bi SMOKED, p. p. Smoked, 91 BISORWEDE, pret. Sorrowed for, lamented, 68 BE TAKEN, BlTAKEN, p. p. * Yuele bi- taken '= in evil case, 66, 74 Bi THOUHT, p. p. Remembered, 44 BITRAPPED, p. p. Entrapped, 133 Bi TWIXE, prep. Between, 7 BIYOUNDE, THE WAY OF, 104. See note. In p. 99 ' the citee of biyounde see ' is from the French la cite doultre mer. BLAKKED, p. p. Blackened, 155 BLECCHED p.p. Blackened, 112. The St. John's MS. has ' blak.' BLEENDE, v. t. To blind, 134 BLEYNTE,j>re. Flinched, started aside, 177 BLISSEDE, pret. Blessed, 84 BLOWE, v. i. To bud, or blossom, 120. But the reading is doubtful. See note. BLYNDFELLED, p. p. Blindfolded, 178 BOBAUNCE, sb. Boast, 167 BOCHERYE, sb. A butcher's slaughter- house, 129 BODDE, sb. A bud, 61. See BUDDE. The French MS. has ne la prise vng bouton. BOISTOUS, BoisTouse, BOYSTOWS, adj. Limping, lame, 108, 114. In p. 108 it represents the French boiteuse. In p. 59 it is the rendering of the French drus, which Roquefort interprets ' gros, epais, &c.' BOISTOUS, adj. Rough, churlish, 176 BOND, pret. of Bind. Bound, 20 BOOK, pret. Baked, 44 BOONGREE MAWGREE. Will he nill he, 154. The St. John's MS. has ' niltowe wiltowe.' BORD, sb. Table, 15 BORDOUN, sb. A pilgrim's staff, 4. French, bourdon. BORE, p.p. Born, 88, 118 BORE, p. p. Borne, 69 BOREN, p. p. The French MS. has portee, 55. The St. John's MS. reads ' brym,' that is, known, renowned. 230 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. EOT, pret. of Bite, 132 BOTHES, used as the genitive of BOTH. ' Youre bothes pavnes '=; the pains of you both, 167. The St. John's MS. has ' 30 r bather paynes.' BOUCHE, BOWCHE, sb. A hump, 153 BOUCHE, v. i. To become humpbacked, 153 BOUNTEE, sb. Goodness, 4, 5, 165 BOUCHINGE, sb. Bulging, 157 BOWCHED, BOWCHEDE, p. p. Made crooked, or humpbacked, 153 BOWKE, v. t. To wash, 32 BOWKINGE, sb. A washing, 32, 172 BRAMBERE, BRAMBRE, sb. A bramble, 98, 108, 133 BRAS, sb. Money, 142 BRAYE, v. i. To yell, 156, 203 BREDE, sb. Breadth, 121 BRENNE, v. t. To burn, 176 p.p. BRENT, 176 BRENNYNGE, adj. Burning, 2, 157 BRESTE, v. i. To burst, 114 BRETHERHEDE, sb. Brotherhood, 135 BRID, sb. A bird, 23 ; pi. BRIDDES, 2 BROCHE, sb. A prick or spine of a hedge- hog, 133 ERODE, in the phrase ' sette to brode '= set breeding, 145. Compare Shakespeare's ' breed of barren metal.' BRONNCHED,J. p. Hoodwinked, 159. The French MS. has embronchee. BROSE, v. t. To bruise, 31 pret. BROSEDE, 32 p.p. BROSED, 32 BROWEN, sb. Brows, 115 BUDDE, sb. A bud, 128. The French MS. has ne prise vng bouton. See BODDE. BULTE, v. t. To bolt, sift as flour, 43 BULTEL, sb. A bolting cloth, 137 BURYELL, BURYELLES, sb. A burying-place, 88, 121 BUT, conj. Unless, 119 BUT IF, conj. Unless, 28 BUTOUR, sb. A bittern, 158 CALIOUNS, CALIOWNS, sb. Flints, 133, 134 CARAYNES, sb. Carcases, 129 CAREFUL, adj. Anxious, 136 CARPENTERE, v. i. To work as a carpenter, 30 ; p. p. CARPENTERED, 38 CASTRIMARGYE, sb. Gluttony, 156. Greek, CERTES, adv. Certainly, 166 CERTEYN, adv. Certainly, 4, 9 CESSE, v. i. To cease, 13 CHAPITRE, sb. Chapter-house, 193 CHARBUNCLE, sb. A carbuncle, 4, 164 CHARGE, v. t. To load, 142 CHASTELEYNE, sb. The mistress of a castle, 196 CHAUFE, v. t. To heat, 87 CHAUMBERERE, sb. A chambermaid, 28 CHAUMPE, sb. A field, 55 CHAWFED, p. p. Heated, 173 CHEER, CHERE, sb. Countenance, 4, 23 CHEERE, adj. Dear, 37, 129 CHEERLICHE, adj. Dearly, carefully, 36 CHEERTEE, sb. Literally dearness, esteem. ' Holt in cheertee' = holdeth dear, 37 CHEESEN, v. t. To choose, 17 pret. CHES, 168. CHEES, 192 CHEKEER, CHEKER, sb. The game of chess, 96, 102 ; a chess-board, 139 CHERLLICHE, adj. Churlish, 121 CHERUBYN, sb. A cherub, 2. Used as a proper name. CHEUENTAYN, sb. A chieftain, 113 CHEUESAUNCE, CHEUISHAUNCE, sb. Profit, thrift, 108, 152 CHEVACHYE, sb. A campaign, 113 CHEVICE, v. refl. To thrive, succeed in an undertaking, 99, 175 CHIDDE, in the construction 'chidde to me,' 42. The French is a moi tensa. CHOLLE, v. t. To bandy, knock, 181 CHYLDHODES, sb. Childish acts, 113. The French MS. has enfances. CHYLDINGE, sb. Conception, 25 CLAWE, v. t. To scratch, 148 CLEEK, adj. Bright, polished, 16 CLEERNANS, sb. 109. A mistake for ' Cleeruaus.' The French MS. has Cleruaux. CLEPED, p.p. Called, 6 CLOS, sb. Enclosure, 131 GLOSSARY. 231 CLOSURE, sb. Enclosure, compass, 14, 44 CLOUMBEN, pret. Climbed, 3, 193 p. p. CLOMBEN, 122 CLOYSTRERES, sb. The inhabitants of a cloister or convent, 195 COIFE, v. t. To dress the hair, 122 COKARD, sb. A simpleton, 84, 101. French, coquard. COKARDYE, sb. Silliness, 100. French, coquardise. COLEE, sb. A blow on the neck of a knight with the flat of a sword when he was created, 193 COLEYINGE, pr. p. Turning the neck this way and that ; hence, spying, peeping, 106, 115. In the latter passage the French is coliant. COLLACIOUN, sb. Information, account, 153 COLUER, CULUER, sb. A wood pigeon, 88, 192 COLYS, sb. Broth, 130 COME, 2 s. pret. Camest, 46 COMEN, p. p. Come, 17 CONDUYE, v. t. To conduct, 188 CONDUYERESSE, sb. A conductress, 192 CONDYED, pret. Conducted, 188 CONDYERESSE, sb. Conductress, 113 CONDYT, sb. A conduit, 94. Used here of the passages of the body. CONFORTOURESSE, sb. A strengthcner, 73 CONSTABLESSE, sb. A female constable, 113 CONSTAUNCE, sb. Constancy, 67 CONTEENE, CONTENE, v. t. To contain, 92 CONTRACT, adj. Contracted, deformed, 88 CONTRACTS, sb. A deformed person, crip- ple, 94 CONTRARIOUS, CONTRARIOWS, adj. Con- trary, 23, 93, 199 CONTRARYE, V. t. To OppOSC, 95 CONUERTE, v. refl. To be converted, 85 CONUERTE, v. i. To turn, 65, 145 CONUICT, p. p. Vanquished, overcome, 167 CONUOYE, v. t. To convey, 152 COPWEBBE, sb. A cobweb, 179 COQUINERIE, sb. Eoguery, knavery, 147 CORAGE, sb. Heart, mind, 20 COROWNE, sb. A crown, 183 COROWNED, p. p . Crowned, 37 COROWNEMENT, sb. Crowning, coronation, 60 COSTE, v. t. To go alongside, 175 COSTED, pret. Bordered, lay alongside, 98 COSTLEWE, adj. Costly, 87 COSTYINGE, sb. Going alongside, coasting, 177 COUNFORT, v. t. To strengthen, comfort, 73, 177 COUNTREPEIS, sb. Counterpoise, 199 COURSE, adj. Bent, crooked, 203 COURREYINGE, adj. Pliant, 31. The French MS. has biens ploians. COUTTE BURSE. Cut purse, 144 COUENABLE, CovENABLE, adj. Agreeable, fitting, 64, 67 COUENAUNT, adj. Convenient, suitable, 202 COUENAUNTE, v. t. To make an agreement with, 125 COUENT, sb. A convent, 207 COWUELE, sb. A vat, 173 CRIAUNCE, sb. Trust, credit, 167 CROCHET, sb. A. hook, 137 CROIS, sb. A cross, 167 CURE, sb. Care, 14 CURIOWSTEE, sb. Curiosity, 157 CURROWRES, sb. Couriers, 200 CURTEIS, CURTEYS, adj. Courteous, 4 CURTEYSLICHE, adv. Courteously, 31 CUSTOMABLECHE, adv. Usually, 67 CusTOMEDjjp.j). Used. ' I hadde not cus- tomed to be armed '=1 had not been used to be armed, 68, 198 DAMISELE, sb. A damsel, 180 DAUNGER, DAWNGERE, sb. Used in the feudal sense of jurisdiction, 2, 82 DAUNGEROUS, adj. Used apparently in the literal sense of ' subject to,' under the control of, and hence, anxious about, in fear of, 63. The French MS. has : De ton boire et de ton mangier Ne soies oncques en dangler. DEBAAT, sb. Strife, 96 DEBONAIRELICHE, adv. Gently, 37 DEBONAYRE, adj. Courteous, gentle, 10 DEBONAYRTEE,S. Gentleness, courtesy, 163 232 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. DECOLOURED, p. p. Having a low collar, 113. The French MS. has escoletee. DEDE BEDDES, sb. Deathbeds, 9 DEDIEDEST. Didst dedicate, 12 DEDLICHE, adv. Mortally, 18 DEDLICHE, adv. 50. Possibly the reading is corrupt. The French MS. for ' al dedliche ' has Tout maintenant. In the Paris edition this is altered to Tout laschement. DEDLICHE, DEDLYCH, adj. Mortal, 18, 91 DEE, sb. A die, 56 pi. DEES. Dice, 102 DEFAMOWSE, adj. Infamous, 32 DEFAUTE, sb. Fault, 30 DEFENCE, sb. Prohibition. ' Made de- fence '= prohibited, 78 DEFENDE, v. t. To forbid, 12, 82 DEGREES, sb. Steps, 3, 193 DELITABLE, adj. Delightful, 16 DELT, p.p. Distributed, 171 DELUE, v. i. To dig, 139 pret. DOLUEN, 140 DELVINGE, sb. Digging, 108 DEMYNGE, adj. Judging, judicious, 19 DEPARTS, v. t. To divide, 17, 24 p. p. DEPARTED, severed, 180 ; pret. DEPARTEDE, 193 DEPARTERE, sb. Divider, distributer, 40 DEPARTINGE, sb. Separation, 13 DESPERACIOUN, sb. Despair, 109 DESPORT, sb. Sport, 183 DESPYTE, sb. Spite, 69 DEVEER, DEUEIR, DEUOIR, sb. Duty, 12, 25, 29 DICHE, v. i. To dig, 100 DIDE. ' And therwith as me thouhte a litel water thei dide,' i.e. mixed, 15 DIFFAME, v. t. To defame, disparage, 130 DIFFAMACIOUN, sb. Disgrace, 161 DIFIGURED, p. p. Disfigured, 154. The French is deffiguree. DIGNELICHE, adv. Worthily, 36 DILUVIE, sb. The Deluge, 188 DIMES, sb. Tithes, 140 DISALOWE, v. t. To disapprove, 191 DISCEYUAUNCE, sb. Deceit, 150 DISCLOSED, p. p. Uncovered, 121 DISCOUMFYT, p.p. Discomfited, 179 DISDEYNOWS, adj. Disdainful, 114 DISENCRESE, v. t. To deprive, 149 DISGISE, DISGISY, DISGYSEE, adj. Dis- torted, monstrous, 45, 74, 133 DISGISYLICHE, adv. Monstrously, hide- ously, 43 DISIOYNCT, adv. Asunder, 135 DISKEUERE, v. t. To disclose, 66 DISORDEYNED, p. p. Disordered, 62 DISORDEYNEE, p. p. Irregular, 65 DISPARPOYLINGE, sb. Scattering, disper- sion, 117 DISPENDE, v. t. To distribute, expend, 141 DISPENDERE, sb. A dispenser, 144 DISPENSEER, DISPENSERE, sb. A steward, 171 DISPITOUS, adj. Spiteful, 39 DISPORTERESSE, sb. A maker of sport or mirth, 194 DISSEYUABLE, adj. Deceptive, 69 DISSIMULE, v. i. To feign, 179 DIST = didst, 33 DISTINCTED, p. p. Separated, 97 DISTRACTE, p. p. Distracted, 56 DISTURBLAUNCE, sb. Disturbance, 77 DIVISE, v. t. To describe, 133 p. p. DIVISED, 36 Do, Doo, p. p. Done, 8, 17 Do in the phrases ' do come '= cause to come, 8 ; ' dooth me to haue,' 51 DOONE. 'To doone'=to do, 178 Do ON, v. t. To put on, 121, 122 DORE, v. i. To dare, 47 2 s. pres. DORRE, 191 3 s. pres. DUKRE, 185 p.p. DORRE, 78 DORTOUR, sb. Dormitory, 193 DORTOWRERE, sb. The superintendent of the dormitory, 160 DOTED, p. p. Made foolish, 26 DOUHTREN, sb. Daughters, 125 DOUNWARD, adv. ' Dounward the wal '= down along the wall, 3 DOUTOWS, adj. Distrustful, 5 DOWTOWS, adj. Fearful, dreadful, 51 DRED, p. p. Dreaded, feared, 133 DREDDE, pret. Dreaded, 44 DRENCHE, v. i. To be drowned, 123 GLOSSARY. 233 DRESSE, v. t. To set up, 29 DRESSED, p. p. Set up, erected, 3 DRESTES. sb. Dregs, 184 DREYNT, p. p. Drowned, 175 DROF, pret. Drove, 159 DROOWH, DROWH, pret. of Draw, 13, 94, 171 DURE, v. i. To last, 168 DYMES, sb. Tithes, 12 EDIFYINGE, sb. Building, 21 EELDE, sb. Old age, 44 EELDED, p. p. Aged, 161 EERTHEDENE, sb. Earth-din, earthquake, 118 EES, sb. Bait, 179 EET, pret . Ate, 23 EGRET, sb. A young eagle, 95 ELDED, p.p. Aged, 41 EMBOSEDE, adj. Humpbacked, 114 EMPASSIONEMENTES, sb. Remedies, 201. The St. John's MS. has ' pocions.' The French MS. reads emprisonnemens. The Paris edition has pocionnemens. EMPECHED, p. p. Hindered, 57 EMPECHEMENT, sb. Hindrance, 94 EMPEYRINGE, sb. Injury, 67 EMPLASTRES, sb. Plasters, 201 EMPRESSED, p. p. Crowded, thronged, 115 ENAMELURE, sb. A piece of enamelled work, 51 ENBOSED, adj. Humpbacked, 137. The St. John's MS. has ' bouge bakked.' ENCHESOUN, sb. Cause, 67, 134, 203 ENCLOWED, p. p. Nailed, 61 ENCLYN, p. p. Inclined, 85 ENCRAMPISED, p. p. Cramped, distorted, 108 ENFAMINED, p. p. Starved, 47 ENFERMERERE, sb. The superintendent of the infirmary, 205 ENFOORME, v. t. To instruct, 30 ENFORCE, v. refl. To strengthen oneself, 70 ENGYN, sb. Wit, 49 ENLARGISE, v. t. To give as largess, distribute abroad, 31 ENLUMYNED, p. p. Illuminated, 167 ENNUYE, sb. Irksomeness, tediousness, 54 ENOORNED, p. p. Adorned, 162 ENOYE, v. i. and t. To annoy, cause an- noyance, 76, 77 ENOYINGE, sb. Ennui, tediousness, 101 ENOYNTE, v. t. To anoint, 171 ENPECHE, v. t. To hinder, 77 ENQUEROURESSE, sb. A female inquisitor, 78 ENRICHESSE, v. t. To enrich, 47 ENSAUMPLE, sb. Example, 69 ENSELED, p. p. Sealed, 20 ENSELEDE, pret. Sealed, 20 ENTENDAUNT, adj. Attentive, 93. The meaning of the passage is doubtful. See note. ENTENDE, v. i. To attend, give heed, 13, 66, 95 pret. ENTENDED, 112 ENTENDE, v. refl. To busy oneself, 201 ENTENDEMENT, sb. Intention, 79 ENTENTYF, adj. Attentive, 66 ENTERMEDLED, p. p. Mingled, mixed, 98 ENTERMETE, v. refl. To interpose, employ oneself, 122, 127, 158. < Entermete me of ' is a translation of the French irfen- tremettre de. ENTRE, sb. Entrance, 12 ENVENYME, v. t. To poison, 125 EPICURIE, sb. Epicures, 156. The French MS. has epicuri. EQUIPOLLE, adj. Equivalent, 64 EQUIPOLLENCE, sb. An equivalent, 190 ER, adv. Before, 54 ERBES, sb. Herbs, weeds, 174, 178 ERE, v. t. To plough, 104 p. p. ERED, 43 EREN, sb. Ears, 124 ERRAUNT, adj. Wandering, 31 ESEMENT. sb. Refreshment, relief, 16 ESPERAUNCE, sb. Hope, 56 ESPYOWRESSE, sb. A female spy, 136 EUELE, adv. Ill, 54 EUENE, adj. Straight, 52 ; equal, 176 EUENE, adv. Straight, 133, 194 EUENENESSE, sb. Justice, 19 EXCITED, p. p. Stirred, 5 EXILE, v. t. To make desolate, 12 EY, sb. An egg, 23, 44 2 H 234 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. EYE in the phrases ' see with eye,' or ' at the eye,' 176, 177, 194. ' At eye ' is a translation of the French a lueil, 6, 21 EVEN, sb. Eyes, 2, 117 FACIOUN, sb. Features, 155 FAIREYE, sb. A fairy scene, 139 FAIRNESSE, sb. Beauty, 4 FAIRYE, sb. A faiiy tale, fiction, 89 FAITOURYE, sb. Sluggishness, 96 FALLAS, sb. Deceit, guile, 11 pi. FALLACES, 81 FALSE, v. t. To prove false, 49 FALSETEE, sb. Falsehood, 123 FANNED, pret . "Winnowed, 43 FARDELLE, sb. A bundle, 19 FARDRYE, sb. Face-painting, 161. The St. John's MS. reads ' faidry.' FAUCE, adj. False, 127 FAYN, adj. Glad, 52. ' Us is not fayn ' = we are not glad, 79 FEEBLISHED, p. p. Enfeebled, 70 FEEDINGES, sb. Food, 116 FEERS, adj. Proud, 30 FEE RS TEE, sb. Fierceness, pride, inso- lence, 30, 115, 123 FELLE, adj. Fierce, 10 FELNESSE, sb. Ferocity, 10 FEMYNYE, sb. The land of the Amazons, 111 FEN, sb. Mud, 57 FENESTRALLE, sb. Window, 92 FERMERYE, sb. An infirmary, 193 FERRED, p. p. Far removed, 101 FETHERE, sb. Feathei-s, 6 FETHEREN, sb. Feathers, 179 FICCHED, FICHCHED, p. p. Fixed, 124, 207. French, fahe. FIGURED, p. p. ' Bred and wyn it is figured? that is, it has the figure or form of bread and wine, 42 Fii, pret. Fell, 152 FILLINGE, sb. That which fills, 185 FissHED=Ficched, 149 Fix, adj. Fixed, firm, 165 FLAWME, v. i. To flame, flash, 19 FLAWME, sb. Flame, 133 FLEE, FLEEN, v. i. To fly, 6, 169 p. p. FLEEN, 91 FLEINGE, pr. p. Flying, 175 FLEWMATYK, adj. Phlegmatic, 134 FLOWE, p. p. Flown, 174 FLOYTE, sb. A flute, 117, 123 FLY, pret. Flew, 95 FLTfQHjpret. Fled, 187 FOISOUN, FOYSOUN, sb. Abundance, plenty, 4, 128 FOLILICHE, adv. Foolishly 189 FOND, pret. Found, 44 FONELLE, sb. A funnel, 155 FONNE, sb. A foolish person, 180. There is some doubt about this word. It is omitted in the St. John's and Laud MSS. The French MS. has for ' the fonne the lepere,' La sauterelle la saillant. It may possibly be an old form of ' fawn.' FONNED, p. p. Foolish, 42 FOOL, adj. Foolish, 62 FOOLHARDIMENT, sb. Foolhardiness, 17 FOORBUSHED, p. p. Furbished, 2 FOR, conj. Because, 49, 80 FOR, prep. ' A rescues for hire' = a rescue from her, 189 FORBERE, v. t. To let pass, 2 pret. FORBAR, let alone, 111 p. p. FORBOREN, 123 FORBETEN, p. p. Beaten, trodden, 103 FORBORE, p. p. Forborne, endured, 25 FORDOON, p. p. Destroyed, 140 FORGERESSE, sb. A female forger or smith, 134 FORS, sb. Care, 106 FORSAKE, p. p. Forsaken, 32 FORSHETTE, v. t. To exclude, 27 FOR THANNE, adv. For that reason, there- fore, 43, 86 FORTHINK, v. refl. l Me forthinketh ' = I repent, grieve, 25, 114 FORTHOUHT, p. p. Previously thought, 114. In p. 140 it is the translation of the French pourpensee. FORTHOUHTE. ' Me forthouhte,' it grieved me, I was vexed, 3, comp. 43 FORTHWARD, adv. Forward, 51 FORTO, conj. Until, 20, 81 FORVEIED, p. p. Strayed, wandering out of the way, 56. French, fourvoyer. FORUEYED, pret. Strayed, wandered out of the way, 162 GLOSSARY. 235 FORUEYINGE, sb. Straying, 207 FORUEYNE, v. i. To go astray, 65 FOR WHI. For which reason, wherefoi'e, 59,83 FORYETE, v. t. To forget, 11 ; pret. FORYAT, 193 ; p. p. FORYETE, 69 FORYIFTE, sb. Forgiveness, 130 FOUNDED, p. p. 108. The French is len- fondue. Cotgrave explains ' Enfondu ' as ' Mucke-wet, wringing-wet.' The St. John's MS. has ' affounded.' FOUNDEMENT, sb. Foundation, 1, 71 FOY, sb. Faith, 53 FREDOM, sb. Liberality, 47 FRETOREERE, FREYTOUREERE, sb. The superintendent of the refectory, 195 FRETTED, p. p. Bound about, 190, 191. In the former passage the French is ferree, in the latter fretee. In both the Paris edition has confortee. Roquefort gives ' Freter: Croiser, entrelacer.' FREYTOUR, sb. A refectory, 193. FROREN, p. p. Frozen, 108 FROSSHES, sb. Frogs, 159 FROTE, v. t. To rub, 127 FROUNCED, FROUNCEDE, p, p. Wrinkled, 77,79 FRUSHED, FRUSHT, p. p. Bruised, 43, 72. In the latter passage the French is froue. FULFILLE, v. t. To fill, 41 FULFILLED, p. p. Filled, 31 FURAUNT CONTINUACIOUN, 197. In the French MS. it is Servant continuation, but in the Paris edition it is correctly given Feruent continuation. The St. John's and Laud MSS. have ' feruent continuaunce.' GABBE, v. t. To deceive, 8 pret. GABBED, 8. French gaber. GADERETH, 2 pi. imper. Gather ye, 1 GAMBESON, sb. A quilted and padded coat worn under the armour, 183 GAN, pret. Began, 168 GARNEMENT, sb. A garment, 58, 113 GARNYSON, sb. A garrison, 185 GAYN PAYN, sb. Breadwinning, 64 pi. GAYN PAYNES, 64 GERFAUCOUN, sb. The peregrine falcon, 107 GESSE, sb. The jess of a falcon, 199 GIESY. Gehazi, 149 GIEZITRYE, sb. The sin of Gehazi, 149 GILDENE MOUTH. Chrysostom, 192 GLADE, v. reft. To gladden, 28 ; v. i. To be glad, rejoice, 37 p. p. GLADED, 126 GLEEDE, sb. A burning coal, 23 GLISTERINGE, adj. Glittering, 56 GLOOUE in the phrase ' sette at a glooue,' 180 GLOOUEN, sb. Gloves, 196 GLOOVEN, v. t. To cover with gloves, 62 GLOSE, v. t. To flatter, 101 GLOSE, sb. A gloss, commentary, 147 Go, p. p. Gone, 111 GOBET, sb. A bit, lump, 33, 108 pi. GOBETTES, GOBBETTES, 32, 33 GON, 3 pi. Go, 1 GOODLICHE, adv. Kindly, 4, 6 GOODSHIPE, sb. Kindness, 192 GOODSHIPES, sb. Kindnesses, 75 GOOMES, sb. Gums, 63. Apparently used metaphorically for the appetite. GORGER, GORGERE, GORGIER, GORGIERE, sb. A piece of armour defending the throat, 58, 61, 194, 195 GOST, sb. Spirit, 90 GOSTLICH, adj. Spiritual, 9'?, 121 GOUERNAYLE, sb. A rudder, 93. The reading is doubtful. See note. GOUERNOUR, sb. A pilot, 108 GOUERNOWRESSE, sb. A female pilot, 192 GOUTOUS, adj. Gouty, 108 GRACIOUSE, adj. Graceful, becoming, 46 GRAUNTE, sb. Leave, permission, 55 GRAUNTMERCY, sb. Literally, great thanks, 76 GREHOUND, sb. A greyhound, 148 GREISILER, sb. A gooseberry bush, 133. The St. John's MS. has ' scharpe whynnes.' The French MS. has gro- sillier. GREES, sb. Steps, 194 GRET. ' In gret ' = in the gross or mass, 32. French en gros. GRINNES, sb. Gins, traps, 199 GRINTE, GRYNTE, pret. Gnashed, 79, 82 2H2 236 PILGRIMAGE OP THP LTP OP THE MANHODE. GRONDED, p. p. Felled to the ground, 193 GROUNDEN, GROWNDEN, p. p. Ground, 2, 43, GRUCCHE, v. i. To grumble, 30 GRUMMEDE, pret. Grumbled, 79 GRUMMYNGE, pr. p. Grumbling, 86 GRYSELICHHEDE,S&. Grisliness, horror, 192 GUERDONED, p. p. Eewarded, 197 GUERDOUN, sb. Eeward, 52 GUSTE, sb. Taste, 157 GUSTEN, v. i. To taste, 157 HABITE, v. i. To dwell, 121 HABOUNDINGE, pr. p. Abounding, 169 HACKEES, sb. Pangs, torments, 3 *. The French is hachieez. Roquefort explains ' Hachee ' as ' Peine, fatigue, penitence, tourment, peine imposee aux gens de guerre.' HAF, pret. Heaved, 138 HAFTE, v. t. To make a handle for, 105 HALE, v. t. To drag, 167 ~H.Ai.p,pret. Helped, 55, 127 HALT. Holds, 12, 92 HALTE, v. i. To go lame, 132 HALUELINGE, adv. Half, 106 HALWEN, sb. Saints, 133 HAN, 3 pi. Have, 1, 6, &c. HAUEN, 3 pi. 7, 135 HANDSOME, adj. Easy to handle. The French MS. has maniable. HANGESTERE, sb. A female executioner, 144 HANGYNGE, sb. Dependence, 21 HANSELLED,/).^. First used, 119. The St. John's MS. has ' haxselde.' Cot- grave gives ' Estreine . . . Handselled ; that hath the handsell or first vse of.' HAPPE, v. i. To happen, 106 HARDE, v. t. To harden, 120 HARDED, p. p. Hardened, 31 HARDEMENT, sb. Hardihood, courage, 189 HARDIED, pret. Hardened, emboldened, 41 HARROW, int. French, Haro, 110, 138. Cotgrave (French Diet. s. v.) has, ' Crier Haro sur. To crie out vpon, or make huy and crie after. ... In which case those that are within the hearing thereof must pursue the malefactor, or else they pay a fine.' HASSOK, sb. 139. The French is fosse. HASTED, p. p. Hastened, 147 HASTELET, HASTELETTE, sb. A slice of meat roasted on a spit (French, haste), 130, 156 HASTLICHE, adv. Hastily, 60 HASTYF, HASTYFE, adj. Hasty, 24, 128 HATEREL, sb. The crown of the head, 73 HATTE, 1 s. pres.. Am called, 115 HATTEN, 2 pi. pres. Are called, 19 HATTEST, 2 s. pres. Art called, 131 HATTETH, 3 s. pres. Is called, 56 HAUBERGEOUN, HAUBERGOUN, HAWBER- GEOUN, sb. A hauberk or breastplate, 58, 110 HAUNTEYN, adj. High, 16. Haughty, 88 HAVINGE, sb. Keeping, 38 HAYNE, sb. Hatred, 135 HEEF, HEFF,pret. Heaved, raised, 111,171 HEENG, pret. Hung, 7, 143 HEERDE, sb. A herdsman, 15 HEERNE, sb. A nook or corner, 34 HELE, sb. Health, 167, 201 HELED, p. p. Covered, 34 HELME, sb. A helmet, 58 HELYE. Elijah, 108 HEM, pron. Them, 1, 3, &c. HENNES FORTHWARD, HENS FORTH WARD, adv. Henceforth, 2, 89 HERBERWE, v. t. To harbour, shelter, lodge, 66, 193 HERBERWH, sb. Lodging, shelter, 8 pi. HERBERWES, 50 HERE, pron. Their, 3, &c. HERES, pron. Theirs, 197 HERKNE, v. t. To listen to, 20 HERS, poss. pr. Theirs, 38 HEUENE, genitive case, as in ' heuene queen,' 165 HEVY, adj. Sad, 55 HEVY, v t. To make heavy or sad, 30 pret. HEVIEDE, 44 ; HEVYEDE, 50 HE GENTEL MAN, 119. The French of this passage is De mal heure fut gentil horn. Compare 'he Moyses,' Chaucer, C. T. 10564. HE WIGHT. Each person, 1. See note. GLOSSARY. 237 HEY, sb. 204. ' As thouh she wente to hey ' is in the French MS. Comme alast au fain. HIDELES, HYDELES, sb. Hiding places. ' In hideles ' = in secret, 126, 136 HIDOUSSHIPE, sb. Hideousness, 124 HIPPE, v. i. To hop. 152 HIPPINGE, adj. Hopping, limping, 152 HOL, HOOL, adj. Perfect, 5, 19 HOLDE, p. p. Holden, held, 28, 136 HOLLICHE, adv. Entirely, 62 HOLPEN, pret. of Help, 3 HOLT, 3 s. pres. Holdeth, 22, 100 HOMICIDYE, sb. Homicide, 135 HONGED, p. p. Hanged, 137 HOPP, sb. A hopper (?) 45. The St. John's MS. has 'hepe.' The French is si tres petite masure. The Paris ed. has mesure. See Cotgrave s. v. mesure. HOSE, v. t. To clothe with hose or shoes, 87; p. p. HOSED. Shod, 87. The French has chaussie. HOUEN, pret. and p. p. Heaved, 75 HOUNTEE, sb. Shame, 184 HOUPE, v. i. To shout, 175 HOWSE, v. t. To build houses, 30. The French MS. has edifier. HULLOK, sb. A hillock, 133 HUMBLESSE, HUMBLISSE, sb. Humility, 3, 4. 168 HUNDRETH, adj. Hundred, 117 HUNTE, sb. A hunter, 107, 119, 157 HURTLE, v. t. To push, thrust, 10, 115 HYED, p. p. Exalted, 66 HYGHTE, pret. Was called, 141 HYNESSE, sb. Haughtiness, 23. Supe- riority, 24 JDEL, IN, In vain, 183 J DOO, p. p. Done, 20 J FIGURED, p. p. Figured, 155 J LED, p. p. Led, 9 IMPLICACION, sb. Entanglement, 182 IN, prep. Used where we should say ' on,' as 'in hire nekke,' 111, 181 INDULGENCE, sb. Forgiveness, pardon, 52 INOBEDIENCE, sb. Disobedience, 119 J NOUH, adj. Enough, 18 IRCHOUN, IRCHOWNE, sb. An urchin, hedgehog, 133 IROWS, JROWSE, adj. Angry, 19, 26 J SEYN, p. p. Seen, 20 JAKKE, sb. A coat of mail, 58 JANGLE , v. i. To chatter, 118 JANGLERESSE, sb. A quarrelsome woman, 104 JAPE, sb. A mockery, jest, 12 JAPERE, sb. A mocker, 115 JOGELORYE, sb. Minstrelsy, 198 JOGELOUR, JOGELOURESSE, JoWGLERESSE, sb. A minstrel or jester, male or female, 120, 194. For ' jogelouresse ' the St. John's MS. has ' menstralle ' or ' mynstralle.' JOLYFNESSE, sb. Jollity, 180 JOYNINGELICHE, adv. Jointly, 81 JOYNPEE, adv. With feet close together, 180 JUNIPERYN, sb. The juniper tree, 108 JUSTIFYE, v. t. To pass sentence upon, 18 JUSTNESSE, sb. Eighteousness, 66 KANST, Knowest, 132 KARAYNE, sb. A carcass, 159 KEEMBE, KEMBE, v. t. To comb, 87, 103 p.p. KEMBED, 133; KEMBT, 160 KEEP, sb. Heed, care. ' To take keep ' is to take heed, 2, 16, 137 KEEP, v t. To care for, heed, 177 KEEPITH NOT HEEBE = careth not to hear, 37. The French MS. has nai cure. KERNELLES, sb. Battlements, 2 KERVINGE, adj. Trenchant, cutting. 16, 130 KEVERETH. Covers, 62 KITTE, pret. Cut, 122 p.p. KITT, KITTE, 142, 146 KNET, p. p. Knitted, 3 KNORRED, p. p. Knotted, gnarled, 120 KNOWE, p. p Known, 20 KOLEYE, v. i. To bend the neck this way and that ; and so, to spy, peep, 106. French, coloier. See COLEYINGE. KOWUELE, sb. A vat, 171. The French is cuuier, and the St. John's MS. reads 'fatte.' 238 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. KUNNE, v. i. To. be able, 23, 46, 68. ' They kunne no thing ' = they can do nothing, 42 KUNNYNGE, sb. Knowledge, 19 KYNDE, sb. Nature, 90 LABOURE, v. t. To work, 99 LABOWRED, p. p. Tilled, cultivated, 43 LACHE, adj. Negligent, 199 LACHESSE, sb. Negligence, 195 LAMBREN, sb. Lambs, 180 LANGUETINGE, LANGWETYNGE, sb. Bab- bling, chattering, idle talk, 153. The French is de langueter. LANGUETTED, p. p. Babbled, 153 LAPPES, sb. Skirts, 200 LASSE, adv. Less, 30 LAT, imper. of Let. 11, 167 LATHERE, v. i. To make a lather with soap, 32 LATROSYNIE, sb. Robbery, 144 LAUENDERE, sb. A laundress, 32, 202 LAWHE, v. i. To laugh, 141 LECED, p. p. Leashed, 200 LECHE, sb. A physician, 1 69 LEDE, v. t. To make heavy like lead, 109 p.p. LEDED. Lumpish like lead, 109 LEEF, adj. Dear, 84 LEESE, v. t. To lose, 12, 23 LEEUE, v. t. To believe, 6 LEEVED, p. p. Believed, 42 LEEUERE, LEDERE, adv. Rather, 12, 54 LEEUEST, adv. Most agreeable, 99 LEFTEST. Didst omit or neglect, 53 LEGITIME, adj. Legitimate, 131 LEHMAN, sb. A paramour, mistress, 141 LENE, v. t. To lend, 37, 53. It is difficult in the MS. to distinguish between ' lene ' and 'leue.' On p. 37 we should read ' leue,' as the French has laisser. On p. 53 it is probably ' lene,' as the French is porte. On p. 72 ' j wole leue thee ' is a rendering of Je tamerrait. The St. John's MS. has ' brynge.' Read ' lede.' LENGERE, adv. Longer, 7 LERNE, v. t. To teach 46 LES, sb. A leash, 195 LESINGE, sb. Lying, falsehood, 19 LETARGIE, sb. Lethargy, 109 LETHIE, adj. Lithe, supple, 109 LETTE, v. i. To remain, 77 ; v. t. To hinder, 113 LETTED, pret. Hindered, 31 LETTINGE, sb. Hindraunce, 6, 10 LEWEDE, sb. Laymen, unlettered people, 1 LIGGE, v. i. To lie, 42, 136. ' Lat hem go ligge ' is a translation of the French Voisent couchier. LIGHTLICHE, adv. Easily, 21 LIGHTNESSE, sb. Brightness, 91 LIKE, v. t. To please, 3 ; v. i. To be pleasing, 169 LIKNESSE, sb. A similitude, 30 LOKEDE, pret. Beheld : used transitively, 51 LOKYERE, sb. A locksmith, 144 LOND, sb. Land, 38 LONG. In the phrase ' On me it is not long ' = ' it is not my fault,' 106. Com- pare 203 LONGE, v. i. To belong, 10, 11 Loos, sb. Renown, praise, 61, 114 LOPPE, sb. A flea. Note on p. 143 LOPYNS, sb. Morsels, 156, 157. French Lopin. LORDSHIPINGE, sb. Lordship, 21 LOSED, p. p. Praised, 112. The St. John's MS. has ' alosed.' LOWED, p. p. Made low, abased, 66 LOWH, pret. Laughed, 1 6 LOWINGE, pr. p. Making low, abasing, 66 LOYNE, sb. A hawk's leash, 148. The French is vnes longes, and Cotgrave (s. v. Longe) gives ' a hawkes lune, or leash.' LUST, sb. Pleasure, 38 LUST, pret. Was pleased, 170 LUSTE. ' Me luste ' = I desired, 25 LYFLODE, sb. Livelihood, 142 LYFTE, pret. Lifted, 2 LYSTED, p. p.. Bordered, edged, 51 LYVE, sb. Life, 45 MAAT, adj. Mated, confounded, 78 MAHOUN, sb. Mahomet, 138 MAIDENHEDE, sb. Virginity, 168 MAILES, sb. Pieces of mail, 61 GLOSSARY. 239 MAILET, MAYLET, sb, A mallet, 31, 105 MAILURE, sb. Mailed work, 62 MAISTRYE, v. t. To master, overpower, 159 MAKE. In the phrases ' make deye ' = cause to die, 18 ; ' make do ' = cause to be done, 23 ;' make mayntene ' = cause to be maintained, 27 ; ' made tacche ' = caused to be fastened, 37 ; ' made berne it ' = caused it to be put in a barn, 43; ' make yive ' = cause to be given, 50 ; ' make kitte ' = cause to be cut, 147 MALESCHIQUE, sb., 158. See note. MALE VOYSIGNE, sb. HI neighbour, 158 MALICE, sb. A mischievous trick, 126 MANASETH. Threatens, warns, 65 MANASSES, sb. Menaces, 111 MANERE, sb. Kind, 139 MANERE. ' To haue manere ' is a literal rendering of the French, 10 Maniere si com dois sauoir Dois de poindre et hurter auoir. Compare p. 187. MANGRACIOUS, adj. Ungracious, 106. Probably the reading should be ' mau- gracious.' MANTELLE, v. t. To cloak, 121 MARCHALE, v. t. To shoe a horse, and so, to play the farrier with a horse, and doctor it for sale, 150. The French is cotonne. MARCHAUNDE, v. t. To traffic with, 150. The French MS. has ; Ou qui de marchander sont nice Defaulz pois et de faulse mesure. MARGERYE, sb. A pearl, 55 MARIGH, sb. Marrow, 143 MARY, sb. Marrow, 201 MASOWNED, pret. Built, 7. French maqon- ner. MATTERE, sb. A maker of mats, 101 MAUNDEMENT, sb. Commandment, 79 MAUNGEPAYN, sb. Literally, cat-bread, 147 MAWGRE. In spite of, 140 MAWMET, sb. An image of Mahomet, and hence an idol generally, 138 MAYME, sb. Blemish, fault, 122 MEDLE, v. refl. To intermeddle, mix one- self up with, 24, 152 MEDLED, p. p. Mingled, 87 MEES, MES, sb. Mess, course of meat, 13, 22, 23, 125. French me's. MEETISTGE, sb. Dreaming, 8, 87 MEEUE, v. t. To move, 33 MEEVED, pret. Moved, 4 MEEVINGE, sb. Movement, motion, 182 MENDIVAUNS, sb. Mendicants, 35 MENSOIGE, sb. Deceit, 151. The gloss quoted in the note is ' gabbinge ' ; men- terye ' being explained by ' lesinge.' MENTERYE, sb. Lying, 151 MERCIABLE, adj. Merciful, 10, 165 MERELLES, sb. The game of morris, 102, 128. Cotgrave (Fr. Diet. s. v.) gives : ' Le leu des merelles. The boyish game called Merills, or fiue-pennie Morris; played here most commonly with stones, but in France with pawnes, or men made of purpose, and tearmed Merelles.' For ' merelle ' as used in p. 117, see note. MERLYOUN, sb. A merlin, 107 MERVEILE, v. refl. To marvel, wonder, 45 MESEL, adj. Leprous, 137, 151 MESELRIE, sb. Leprosy, 17 MESSAGERE, sb. A messenger, 205 METE, v. t. To dream, 1 pret. METTE, Dreamed, 4 ; MET, 89 pr. p. METINGE. Dreaming, 3 MET YERDE, sb. A measuring rod, 150 MEYNE, sb. A company, or household, 8 MICHE, adv. Much, 1, 3, &c. MIDDES, sb. Midst, 4 MIHT, 2 s. pres. Mayest, 5, 6 MILLEWARDES, sb. Millers, 144 MIRE, MIRRE, v. refl. To look at oneself in a mirror, 56, 123 pret. MIRREDE, 123 ; p. p. MIRED, MIRRED, 56, 123 Mis, adv. Amiss, 175 MISBILEEUED, sb. An infidel, unbeliever, 169 MISCHEEF, sb. Misfortune, 188 MISDIDE, pret. Did harm to, wronged, 37 MISDOO, MYSDO, p. p. Misdone, 35, 36 MISERICORDS, sb. Mercy, 166 MISLIKE, v. t. To displease, 52 240 PILGRIMAGE OP THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. MISSEYE, v. t. To revile, speak evil of, 60 MISSEYINGE, sb. Reviling, evil speaking, 80 Mis SITTINGS, adj. Unbecoming, 50 MISTER. * A mister man ' = a kind of man, 63, 77 Mo, adj. More, 4 Mo, adv. More, 17 MOLDEWERP, sb. A mole, 154 MONEYED, p. p. Minted, 59 3 pi. pret. MONEYDEN, 59 MONYERE, sb. A coiner, 144 MOODER, sb. Mother, 37 MOOTIERE, sb. 185. The French MS. has merciere. The St. John's MS. reads ' mascere,' which appears to be ' macer.' MORSELLE, sb. Muzzle, 161. The French MS. has musel, the St. John's MS. ' murselle.' MOSTEST, 2 s. pret. Must, 70, 110 MOWE. May, 1 2 pi. MOWN, 14 ; MOWEN, 52 MOWLED, p. p. Mouldy, 147 MOWN. Used as an auxiliary verb. ' Ye shul wel mown avaunte yow,' ' ye shall well be able to vaunt,' 14. ' Thou shuldest wel mown make,' 46 MUSARD, sb. A dreamy fellow, 79, 104 MUSERYES, sb. Amusements, 102 MYNDE, v. reft. To remember, 48 MYNGED, p. p. Reminded, 63 MYNGINGE,^. j9. Reminding, 66 NAKED, pret. Made naked, 3 NAKENE, v. t. To strip, 25 NART. Art not, 166 NAY, adv. Nothing, 116. ' But nay of his song he ne rouhte.' The French is nennil. NE. Nor, 37 NE NEITHER, 37 NEEDE, v. i. To be necessary, 64. Used impersonally in the phrase ' it shal neede the ' = thou shalt have need of it, 60 NEEWE, OF. Of late, 185, 186 NEEWED, p. p. Renewed, 113 NEIGHE, NEYGHE, v. t. To draw near, approach, 16, 126. pret. NEIHEDE, 23, 128; NEIGHEDE, 132 NEMPNE, v. t. To name, 20 p. p. NEMPNED, 6 NERE = were there not, 165 NEUEROON, No one, 121 NEUER THE LATTERE. Nevertheless, 29 NICE, adj. Foolish, 100 ; Graceful, 180 NICELICHE, adv. Foolishly, 26, 159. See note on the latter passage. Nis. Is not, 89 NOBLESSE, sb. Nobility, 149 NOLDE. Would not, 166 NORISHE, sb. Nurse, 37, 123 NOTES, sb. Nuts, 102 NOTHER, adv. Neither, 5, 6 NOUELRIES, sb. Novelties, 24 NOUHTFORTHANNE, adv. Nevertheless, 190 0, adj. One. ' tyme ' = at one time, 150 OBEYE in the construction ' obeye to,' 65 OBLEY, sb. A wafer cake, 41 OBSTINACIOUN, sb. Obstinacy, 32, 79 OCCISIOUN, sb. Slaughter, 135 OF, in the phrases ' doun o/' = down from, 9; 'To do iustice o/'' = to do justice upon, 10 ;' Lowh of = laughed at, 16 ; ' Serueth of = serveth for, 17 ; ' Vse of = use, 19 ; ' Hangynge /"'= dependence upon, 21 ; ' Drunken of = drunken with, 26; ' bifel of = befel, 40 ; ' Michel of = much, 41 ; ' doon of = done off, stripped off, 43 ; 'under- took of = reproved for, 120 OF, prep. Out of, 164 OF BIFORE. From before, 140 OISEUCE, OYSEUCE, sb. Idleness, 103 ON, in the phrases ' witnesse on ' = take witness of, 25 ; ' bithouhte hire on ' = bethought her of, 43 ON redundant in ' wered on ' = wore, 59. Compare Chaucer, C. T. 6600 : ' That werith on a coverchief or a calle.' ONHEDE, OONHEDE, sb. Unity, 52, 135 ON LYUE, adv. Alive, 71, 194 Oo, adj. One, 48 OON, in the phrase ' that is not oon,' 29. The St. John's MS. reads ' nought alle ane.' GLOSSARY. 241 OOTHERE, pron. Others, 3. It occurs as the genitive plural, ' othere goodes ' = other men's goods, 144 OOTHERWEYS, adv. Otherwise, 70 ORDEYNEE, p. p. Ordained, regular, 65 ORGOILL, ORGUILL, sb. Pride, 79, 115, 122 ORLAGE, sb. A clock, 207 ORPHANITEE, sb. The condition of an orphan, 163 ORPHANYNES, sb. Orphans, 37 ORTIGOMETRA, sb. Greek o'prvyo/iijrpa, probably the landrail, 178 OTHER, conj. Or, 1 OTHERWHILE, adv. At other times, 119 OUHT A = any, 60 OUHTE. Owed, 2. In the construction ' ouhte obeye,' 30 ; ' ouhte haue,' 144 ; ' ouhte biweyle,' 162 OUTERLICHE, adv. Utterly, 23 OUTTAKE, v. t. To except, take from, 22 pr. p. OUTTAKINGE, excepting, 34 OUER, adv. Moreover, 58 OUERBIGGE, v. i. To overbuy, 180 OUERTHROWE, v. i. To upset, be over- thrown, 120 pret. OUERTHREEW, 120 ; p. p. OUER- THROWE, 94, 202 OUERTREDE, v. t. To trede down, 201 OWETH. Ought, 193 OWHER, adv. Anywhere, 7 OWT TAKEN, p. p. Excepted, 1 OYNEMENT, sb. Ointment, 9, 126 OYNTURE, sb. Anointing, 123, 127 PANTENEERES, sb. 148. We should read ' Pauteneeres.' Cotgrave gives ' Pau- tonniere,/. A shepheards scrip.' PAAS, PAS, sb. Passage, path, 34, 56, 161 PA OUR DE DIEU. Fear of God, 192 PARAGE, sb. Payment, 2. The true reading is no doubt ' Paiage,' for the French MS. has peage, that is ' toll.' Laud MS. ' payage.' PARAMOURES, 17. The French MS. has Et toutes gens par amour amer. PARDE, int. Forsooth, 191 PARESIS, adj. Parisian, 145. The French MS. has parisis. The meaning of the passage is illustrated by the following quotation from Cotgrave's Fr. Diet. ' Sol Parisien, ou de Paris. The Pa- risian sol ; is as much as the Tournois, and a quarter; for twentie of them amount vnto twentie flue of th' other.' See also Cotgrave, s. v. ( Livre Parisis.' PARINGE, adj. Comparable, 114 PARLEMENT, sb. Conversation, discourse, 25, 31, 39. To holde parlement of '= to talk of, 118 PARTERE, sb. Divider, distributer, 36 PARTYE, sb. Part, 18, 45; pi. PARTIES, 33 PASSE, v. t. To transgress, 82 PASSIOUN, in the exclamations ' Yuele passion smyte it,' 69 ; ' euele . passioun come to hire,' 128. In the former pas- sage the French MS. has Que la male passion fiere. PASTORES, sb. Shepherds, 149 PATROUN, sb. Pattern, 38 PAUTENEERES. See PANTENEERES. PEISE, v. t. To weigh, weigh down, 142 pret. PEISEDE, 137 PENAUNTE, sb. A penitent, 20 PENDAUNT, sb. A hanging or precipitous slope, 111 PENSELLES, sb. Flags, 2 PENYWOORTHES, sb. Purchases, bargains, 150 PERAUENTURE, adv. Perchance, 19 PERCE, v. t. To pierce, 103, 115 PERESCE, sb. Sloth, 103 PERFITE, adj. Perfect, 39 PERIUREMENT, sb. Perjury, 151 PEYNE, v. reft. To give oneself trouble or pains, 54, 147 PEYNE, sb. In the phrase ' do peyne with me ' = take trouble with me, 93 PEYNTURE, sb. Painting, 121 PEYRE, PEIRE. A peyre sheren, 13. A peyre glooves, 61. A peyre spores, 111, A peyre belyes, 116. A peyre gessis, 148. A peire tonges, 183 PEYS, sb. Weight, 109, 152 PIKOIS, PIKOISE, PICKOYSE, sb. A pick- axe, 139 PIGHTE, pret. Pierced, 170 PILEER, sb. A pillar, 37 2i 242 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. PILOURES, sb. 135. -An error of the scribe. See note. PISTEL, sb. An epistle, 178 PITAUNCEERE, sb. One who distributes the pittance or dole of provisions at a monastery, 196 PITOUS, PITOWSE, adj. Compassionate, 10, 122 PLACEBO. The vesper hymn for the dead, ] 22. ' To sing a song of Placebo ' (Bacon, Essay xx. p. 88) became sy- nonymous with ' to flatter.' Chaucer says (Parson's Tale), ' Flaterers ben the develes chapeleyns, that singen ay placebo.' 1 PLAT, v. i. To become flat, 134 PLATTE, v. t. To make flat, beat out, 184 PLEINE, PLEYNE. To complain, used re- flexively, 27, 29 PLENTIVOWSLICHE, adv. Plenteously, 82 PLEYN, adj. Full, 79, 187 PLYT, sb. Folding, 79 POMELLE, sb. A knob, 52 PORTREYED, p. p. Drawn, designed, 30 POSSE, v. t. To push about, toss, 181 p. p. POSSED, 182 POTENTES, sb. Crutches, 200, 203. It should be written ' potences,' as in the French MS. POUCE, sb. The pulse, 94 POUDRE, sb. 'To make poudre flee,' 118. The French MS. has Et de faire fouldre voler. POUERTE, sb. Poverty, 104 POWN, sb. A pawn at chess, 140 POYNT, IN. On the point, 166 POYNTES, in the phrase ' of alle poyntes,' 141, 200. The French MS. has de tons poins. POYNYNGES, sb. Prickings, 59. The French is pointures. PRECIOWS, adj. 25. Evidently a mistake. The French MS. has Et sine suis point paresseuse. The St. John's MS. has ' for seyinge.' PREEVE, v. t. To prove, 45 ',p.p. PREETJED, 55 PRESSERAGE, sb. Pressure, 184 PRESSOUR, sb. A press, 188 PREYSE, v. t. To prize, value, 128 PRIKIKGE, pr. p. Spurring, 112 PRIME TEMPS, sb. Spring, 24 PRISE, sb. The note on the horn which the hunter blows at the death of the deer, 118 PRIUEE, adj. Secret, 40, 65 ; pi. PRIUEES, intimate friends, 65 PRIUELICHE, adv. Secretly, 40 PRIUYTEES, sb. Secrets, 91 PROCURACIOUN, sb. The office of mediator, 198 PROCURESSE, sb. A provider, mediator, 72, 198. In the former passage the French is procurarresse. PRYDED, p. p. Filled with pride, 186 PRYS, sb. Esteem, estimation, 61. 'To haue prys of alle ' = to be superior to all, 114 PURCHACE, v. i. To procure, 141 PURFYLED, p. p. Adorned with trim- mings or edgings, 113 PURPOINT, PURPOYNT, sb. A doublet or corslet, 59, 184 PURUEYE, v. t. To provide, supply, 50 PURUIAUNCE, sb. Provision, 142 PUTTE, v. t. To butt, 10 PUTTE AYEN, p. p. Opposed, 158 PUTTEN, inf. of Put, 1 QUASSE, v. t. To quash, 44 QUERELLE, sb. A quarrel, the square- headed bolt of a cross-bow, 196 QUEYNTE, adj. Neat, elegant, 80 QUEYNTISE, v. t. To adorn, 80 ; p. p. QUEYNTISED, 77 QUEYNTISINGES, sb. Ornaments, 113 QUEYNTRELLE, sb. 160. ' And a litel make the queyntrelle ' is a literal ren- dering of the French Et vng pen fais la cointerelle. QUIK, QUIKE, QWIK, adj. Living, 23, 52, 134 QUIKNYNGE, sb. Kindling, 116 QUINZIMES, sb. Periods of fifteen days, 146 QUYKENE, v. t. To kindle, 116 HAD, p. p. Bead, 1, 39 GLOSSARY. KATHE, adv. Early, 24, 140 RAUHT, p. p. Reached, 68 RAUNPEN, v. i. To crawl like a serpent, 25. French, ramper. RAUESHED, RAUISHED, p. p. Snatched, caught up, 94, 121 RAWHTE,^*^. Reached, 51 RECCHE, v. t. ' It shulde no thing recche thee ' = thou shouldst not care, 60 RECCHINGE, pr. p. Caring, 108 RECOUPE, v. t. To retort, 118 REDE, v. t. To counsel, advise, 40 REDYE, v. t. To prepare, make ready, 53, 61 REDYINGE, REDYNGE, sb. Preparation, 110, 175. In the former passage the St. John's MS. has ' redyinge,' which is probably the true reading. REFUIT, REFUTE, sb. Refuge, 165, 166 REGARD. ' As to regard of hem ' =: in comparison with them, 41 REKEUERE, v. t. To recover, 111 RELEEF, sb. Remainder, 31, 36. Roque- fort explains ' Relief ' as ' Restes de pain et de viande qui se trouvent dans une cuisine.' RELIGIOUN. ' In religioun ' is in the mo- nastic life, 1, 160 RELIGIOUS, sb. A person who has taken a religious vow, a member of a monastic order, 141 REMEEVE, REMEVE, v. t. To remove, change, 24, 25 ; p.p. REMEVED, 204 REMEEVINGES, sb. Removings, changes, 25 REMORDINGE, adj. Biting, 33 RENNE, v. i. To run, 89 RENNERE, sb. A runner, 180 REPELE, v. t. To recal, 38 REPREEVE, v. t. To disprove, confute, 45 ; p. p. REPREVED, 49 REQUIRED, p. p. Asked for, 70 RESCUES, sb. A rescue, 189 RESOUENANCE, sb. Remembrance, 123 REUERSE, v. i. To turn back, 119 REUYE, v. t. Torevie; a term at cards, 159 REWARD, sb. Regard, 26 REWE, sb. A row, 202 REWELLYS, sb. Rowels, 111 2 REWME, sb. Realm, 185 RICHESSE, sb. Riches, 183 RIGHTES, RIHTES, in the phrases ' at here rihtes,' 54, 191 ; 'at hise rightes,' 55, 59. Aright. French, a son droit. Comp. 1 after his riht,' 59 RIHTED, p.p. Adjusted, fashioned, shaped, 59 RIHTE, v. t. To fit, adjust, 60 RIUELED, RIVELEDE, adj. "Wrinkled, 134, 161 ROCHET, sb. A loose outer garment worn by women. 4. Chaucer uses the forms rokette and rochette, ' Rom. of the Rose,' 1240, 4357 ROILE, v. t. To roll, 158 RONNEN, p. p. Run, 32 ROUH, adj. Rough, 107 ROUHTE, pret. Recked, 116. ' Rouhte me ' = I cared, 86 ROUKE, v. i. To crouch, 156 ROUNDLICHE, adv. Straightforwardly, steadily, 71 ROUNGE, v. t. To gnaw, 126 ; p. p. ROUNGED, 129 ROUNGERE, sb. A gnawer or biter, 144 ROUNGINGE, pr. p. Gnawing, 124 ROWNYNGE, sb. Whispering, 43 RUDESHIPE, sb. Roughness, 10 RUSSHE, v. t. To strew with rushes, 122 RYUAILE, sb. The bank of a river, or the sea-shore, 189 RYVEN, p. p. Pierced, 61 SAAF. ' In saaf ' = in safety, 13 SAKKE, v. t. To put in a sack, 142 ; pret. SAKKED, 137 SALUE, v. t. To salute, 122 SALUEDE, pret. Saluted, 4 SALWH, adj. Soiled, sallow, 41, 107. In the former passage the French is salts. The St. John's MS. has sulwy.' SAPIENCE, sb. Wisdom, 43 SAULE, v. t. To fill, satiate, 48. French saouler, to glut, cloy. SAULEE, sb. Satiety, repletion, 4 SAULED, p.p. Filled, satiated, 41 SAUTHEE, SAWTREE, sb. A psaltery, 116, 194 i2 244 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. SAUE, prep. Except. ' Saue y,' 38 SAUOURE, v. t. To taste, 129 SAVOWRINGE, sb. Tasting, 34 SCARMUSHE, v. i. To skirmish, fence, 68 SCAUBERK, sb. A scabbard, 66 SCOLEER, sb. A scholar, 46 SCOTTE, sb. Shot, payment, 147 SCRIPPE, sb. A small bag, 4 SCRIPTURE, sb. A writing, 31 SECHIM, sb. Shittim, 52, 56. An error of the scribe for ' Sethim.' SECREES, sb. Secrets, 46 SEECHE, v. t. To seek, 4 pr. p. SEECHINGE, 4 SEELDE, adv. Seldom, 119 SEELDEN, adv. Seldom, 98 SEEMEDE. In the construction ' seemede wel be ' = appeared really to be, 23 SEESTE. Seest thou, 5 SEEW, pret. Sowed, 43 SEIH, 3 ; SEYGH, 3 ; SEYH, 2 ; SIGH, 2 ; Sm, 2. Saw. SEISTE. Sayest thou, 7 SELEERES, sb. Cellars, 58 SEMBLABLE, adj. Like, 164 SEMBLAUNT, sb. Appearance, likeness, 73, 111. 'To make semblaunt ' =. to pretend, simulate, 114 SERCLELICHE, adj. Circular, 182 SERGE ANTESSE, sb. A female bailiff, 185 SERGEAUNTE, v. i. To play the sergeant, 187 SERMONYNGE, sb. Preaching of sermons, 18 SERMOWNED, p. p. Discoursed, preached, 109 SETTINGES, sb. Traps, snares, 180. The French MS. has tentes. SEUYNGE, pr. p. Following, 106 SEWE, v. t. To follow, 176; pret. SEWEDE, 76 SEY, v. t. To tell, 10 SEYE, 2 s. pret. Sawest, 5, 179 SEYEN, 2 pi. pret. Saw, 46 SHADDEN, pret. of Shed. Scattered, 2 SHAKE, p.p. Shaken, 65 SHALMUSE, sb. A shawm or clarionet, 117 SHAPE, p. p. Shapen, 30, 59 SHED, p. p. Spilled, poured out, 32. Scattered, 117 SHEDE, v. i. To spill, 196 SHEENDE, v. t. To injure, 130 SHEENDINGE, pr. p Injuring, 69 SHEETE, v. t. To shoot, 62, 192 SHENTE, adj. Damaged, injured, 129 SHET, p. p. Shut, 90 SHITTE, v. t. To shxit, close, 10 SHODE, v. t. To part the hair, 103 SHOP, pret. Shoved, pushed, 68 SHOLDRED, p. p. Having good shoulders, 70 Snoop,pret. Shaped, made, 155 SHORTE, v. t. To shorten, 157, 190 SHORTIKGE, sb. Shortening, abridgement, 190 SHOVEN, p. p. Shoved, thrust, 91 SHOWVE, v. t. To thrust, 188 SHREWED, SHREWEDE, adj. Wicked, mis- chievous, bad, 65, 73, 119 SHREWEDNESSE, sb. Wickedness, mischief, 125, 182 SHULDE, SHULDEN. Would, 121, 125 SHULDEN, 3 pi. Should, 1 SHULDREN, sb. Shoulders, 115 SHULE, 2 pi. of Shall, 13; SHOLE, 14; SHUL, 14 SHULEN, 3 pi. of Shall, 9 SIGHYE, v. i. To sigh, 31 SIKER, adj. Sure, certain, 3, 152 SIKERERE, adj. Surer, 7 SIKERLICHE, adj. Certainly, 160 SIMPHAUNES, sb. Musical instruments of some kind, the form of which is not known, 102. The word is clearly bor- rowed from the symphonies in the Vul- gate of Dan. iii. 5, rendered in the Authorized Version ' dulcimer.' SIT. Sitteth, 81 SITHE, adv. Then, 8 SITHEN, adv. Then, 2 SITTINGS, adj. Becoming, suitable, 4, 9 SITTINGELICHE, adv. Suitably, 78 SKIRME, v. i. To fence, 120. French escrimer. SKIRMYNGE, pr. p. Making passes as in fencing, 2 SKORCHE, v. t. To flay, 15, 143 SKORCHERESSE, sb. A female flayer, 143 GLOSSARY. 245 SLATTERY, adj. Slobbery, 160 SLE, v. t. To slay, 33 SLEWTHED, p. p. Delayed by sloth, 108 ; pret. SLEWTHEDE, 108 SLEYGHTES, sb. Artifices, 3, 63 SLOOW, SLOOWH, 3 s. pret. Slew, 71, 124 SLOOWEN, 3 pi. pret. Slew, 54 SLUGGED, p. p. Rendered sluggish, 96 SLUGGINGE, adj. Sluggish, 97 SMIT. Smiteth, 18 SMITE, p. p. Smitten, 18, 59 SMYTHIERE, sb. A smith, 134, 183 SOBIRTEE, sb. Sobriety, 62 SOPTE, v. t. To soften, 11, 187; pret. SOFTED, 32 SOLAS, sb. Pastime, recreation, 123 SOND, sb. Sand, 172 SOOMEER, sb. A sumpter horse, 75, 148 SOOTH, sb. Truth, 8 SOOTHLICHE, adv. Truly, 48 SOOTHNESSE, sb. Truth, 27 SOPHISTRE, sb. A sophist, or sophistical reasoner, 45 SOTH, adj. True, 169 SOUDYOURS, sb. Soldiers, 185 SOUNDS, v. t. To make sound, 73 SOUPE, v. t. To sup, 130 SOURDEDEN, pret. Sprung up, 53 SOURSAUT, A. 205. The French MS. has en sursault. SOWE, p. p. Sown, 43 SOWNEDE, pret. Swooned, 59 SOWNERE, sb. A snorer, 109 SPARCLES, sb. Sparks, 116 SPAULINGE, pr. p. Spreading out the shoulders, 115. The French MS. has espauliant. SPAUEYNE, sb. The spavin in a horse, an excrescence growing on the inside of the hough, 151. ' For it draweth of the spaueyne ' is a literal rendering of the French, Pour ce que trait de les- pauain. SPAVEYNED, p. p. Spavined, 151 SPAYERE, sb. An opening in a dress, 78, 98, 101. In the latter passages it is the rendering of the French laisselle, the arm-hole. In p. 203 it is called a ' vente.' SPEERES, sb. Spheres, 24 SPERHAUK, sb. A sparrow-hawk, 107 SPEKE, 2 s. pret. Didst speak, 101 SPOKE, p. p. Spoken, 39 SPORES, sb. Spurs, 111 SPRAD, p. p. Spread, 42 SPREYNT, p. p. Sprinkled, 42 SPRINGALD, sb. An engine of ancient warfare for throwing stones, 62. Here it seems to be applied to the stone or shot. SQUYRE, SQWIRE, sb. A carpenter's square, 38, 39. French, esquierre. STAL, pret. Stole, 141 STALOUN, sb. A stallion, 71 STEERE, sb. A rudder, 178 STEERNE, sb. A rudder, 108 STENTED, p.p. Stretched, 177, 179 STERCHE, v. t. To stretch, 179 STEYN, p. p. Ascended, 52 STEYNOWRESSE, sb. A female dyer, 150. The French is estrendresse, and the St. John's MS. has ' extendresse.' STIKED, p. p. Stuck, fastened, 3, 53 STINTE, v. t. and v. i. To stop, 167 ; pret. STINTE, 82 ; p. p. STINTE, 159 STINTINGE, sb. A stoppage, 182 STIWE, v. t. To stew or put in a hot bath, 87; p.p. STIWED, 172 STONDE TO, 10. The French MS. has JEt a dieu vous attendissiez. STONT, 3 s. pres. Standeth, 110 STORPAILE, sb. 161. A doubtful word. The French MS. has, Par lui ainsi in abstracto Laide suis mais in concrete, &c. STOUR, STOURE, sb. A fight, 113, 173, 193 STRAUHTE, pret. Stretched, 155 ; pi. STRAUHTEN, 187 STRAUNGED, p. p. Estranged, 113, 162 STREIHT, p.p. Stretched, 194 STRENGERE, adj. Stronger, 120 STRENGTHE, v. t. To strengthen, 58, 66; pret. STRENGTHED, 125 STREYNE, v. t. To press, 203, 206 STREYT, STREYTE, adj. Narrow, 3. Tight, close fitting, 59, 113 STRIKE, v. t. To stroke, smooth, 103. French, enfourmer. 246 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. STRONDE, sb. Strand, beach, 175 STUDIAUNTES, STUDYAU.NTES, sb. Students, 48 STUTINGE, sb. Stammering, 153 STYE, v. i. To climb, mount, 95, 187 STYINGE, sb. Climbing, 95 STYLE, sb. 152. See note. SUBGIS, sb. Subjects, 21, 159 SUICH, SWICH, adj. Such, 7, 9 SUINGE, adv. Literally : following, after- wards, 85 SUM TIME, adv. Once, 7. Sometimes, 10 SUPERFLUE, adj. Superfluous, 153, 157 SUPERYSED, SUPRYSED, p. p. Surprised, 69, 113 SURPLUIS, SURPLUS, sb. The rest, 79, 183 SURQUIDEOURES, adj. Arrogant, 17 SURQUIDRYE, sb. Arrogance, 78 SUSCITED, pret. Eaised again, 128 SUSSITED, p. p. Raised again, 52 SUTHSELERERE, sb. An underccllarcr, 196 SUSTEENE, v. i. To sustain, maintain, 165 SWELEWE, v. i. To swallow, 142, 157 SWEUENE, SWEVENE, sb. A dream, 1. A.-S. swefen. SWYN, sb. A hog, 155 SYMPHANYE, sb. 116. See SIMPHANNES. SYMPILLICHE, adv. Simply, 53 TAARGE, sb. A shield, 58 TAASTE, sb. Touch, feeling, 42 TABLES, sb. The game of backgammon, 102 TACCHE, v. t. To fasten, 37 ; p.p. TACCHED, 53, 124 TAKE, v, t. To give to, entrust, 9 ; pret. TOOK, 9; p.p. TAKEN, TAKE, 3, 16 TALINGE, sb. Telling tales, gossiping, 124 TARGE, sb. A shield, 170 TARGEDE, pret. Shielded, 68 ; pi TAR- GEDEN, 135 ; p.p. TARGED, 195 TARIE, v. i. To await, 120 TARYEDE. Delayed (used transitively), 6 TASTE, sb. Touch, 64 TASTEDE, pret. Felt, touched, 94 ; hence, tempted, 64 TASTINGE, s.b. Feeling, 63. ' At the tastinge ' = at a guess, 17. The French MS. has a tantons, probably for a tas- tons, TEENE, v. t. To grieve, give sorrow to, 125 TEENE, sb. Tone, 155 ; sorrow, 165 TEMPESTED, p. p. Disturbed by tempests, 174 TERMININGE, sb. Termination, 206 THANNE, conj. Then, 33 THAR, v. i. ' Him thar not drede ' = he need not dread,' 167 THAT, art. The, 8, 15 THE redundant in ' the deth,' 18 ; for the men,' 37 ; ' the sweete ihesu,' 40 ; ' the greetinges,' 44 THER, adv. Where, 15 THERE AS. Where, 12 THERFORTH, adv. By that way, 7 THER NYGH, THER NYH, adv. Near to that place, 36, 40 THER WHILES, adv. In the meanwhile, 77 THIKKELICHE, adv. Dimly, obscurely, 98 THILKE, pron. That, those, 1, 117 THINK used impersonally. ' Us thinketh ' = we think, 186 THO, pron. Those, 5, 64 THORUH, adv. Thoroughly, 10 THOUHT, sb. Sorrow, 161 THOUHTI, THOUHTY, adj. Sorrowful, pen- sive, 67, 73, 131 THRAL, sb. A servant, slave, 88 THRAL, adj. Enslaved, 12 THRIST, sb. Thirst, 172 THROSSHEN, pret. Threshed, 43 THURSDAY. ' Grete thursday ' is Maunday Thursday, 36. The St. John's MS. has ' schire thursday.' THRUSTE, pret. of THAR. ' It thruste not reeche ' = there is no need to care, 99 THURT. Need. ' It thurt not reeche ' = there is no need to care, 49. See THAR, THRUSTE. THWARTINGE, adj. Cross ; used of the eyes, 176 THWART OUER, adv. Across, 176 Tissu, TISSUE, sb. A fillet or band of woven stuff, 4, 51. French, tissu. GLOSSARY. 247 To in the construction ' j askede to hire,' 159 To redundant after ' vnderstonde,' ' dis- plesed,' 11. The phrase ' hold to friend ' = regard as a friend, 14. Com- pare ' have to freend,' 16 ; ' Ches to mooder ' = chose for mother, 168 TOBREKE, v t. To break in pieces, 38, 99 ; p. p. To BROKEN, 49 To BRESTE, v. t. To split asunder, 154 ; v. i. To burst in pieces, 165 To CLOUTED, p. p. Covered with clouts or patches, 142 To DRAWE, v. t. To draw in pieces, 130 To FOR, prep. Before, 35 To FORE, adv. Before, 49 To GEDERE, To GIDERE, To GIDERES, adv. Together, 1, 13, 25 TOKENED, p. p. Betokened, signified, 39 TOOTHER, adj. Other, 1 To PULLE, v. t. To pull in pieces, 130 To RAGGED, p. p. Covered with rags, 142 TORELL, sb. A turret, 45 To RENT, p. p. Kent in pieces, 176 TOURNEYE, v. i. To engage in a tourna- ment, 200 TPRW, int. A word intended to imitate the cackling of a hen, 118 TRAUAILE, sb. Toil, labour, 70 TRAVAILE, v. refl. To labour, take pains, 71 TRAUAILED, p. p. Wearied, 178 TRAUAILOUR, sb. A vexer or troubler, 101 TRESMOUNTAYNE, adj. 189. The ' sterre tresmountayne ' is the pole-star. TRETABLE, adj. Tractable, 11, 83 TREWANDE, TREWAUNDE, v. i. To cheat, 148 TREWAUNDE, sb. A knave, 151 TREWAUNDISE, sb. Beggary, knavery, 148 TREWAUNDRIE, sb. Beggary, roguery, 147 TREWES, sb. A truce, 155 TRIACLE, sb. An antidote to poison, 130, 187. The word has degenerated into the modern 'treacle.' Its derivation is from the Greek Oj/pm/d}. TRICE, v. t. 180. French, baler. TRICOT, sb. Cheating, 150 TRIST, sb. Trust, 43 TRISTE, v. t. To trust, 3, 42 ; pret. TRISTE, 3 ; TRISTEDE, 188 TRISTESSE, sb. Sorrow, 108 TROWE, v. i. To think, believe, 10 TRUSSEDE, pret. Packed, 72 ; p. p. TRUSSED, 75 TRUSSES, sb. Packages, 107 TUMBISTERE, sb. A tumbler, 180 TUNDER, sb. Tinder, 134 TUNNE, v. t. To put liquor into a cask, 158 TWEY, adj. Two, 56 TWEYNE, adj. Two, 12 TWINNEDEN, 3 pi. pret. Separated, 98 VNBLYNDFELLE, v. t. To strip off a band- age from the eyes, 186 VNBOND, pret. Unbound, 20 VNBYNT. Unbindeth, 200 VNCHARGED, p. p. Unloaded, unburdened, 94 VNCLOSED, p. p. Disclosed, 9 VNDERNEMYNGE, sb. Reproof, rebuke, 195 VNDERSETTERE, sb. A supporter, 123 VNDERSTONDE, p. p. Understood, 39 VNDERSTONDEN, p. p. Understood, 42 VNDERTAKE, v. t. To reprove, 26, 71 VNDERTAKERE, sb. A rebuker, 114 VNDERTAKINGE, sb. Reproof, 3 VN ENPECHED, p. p. Unhindered, 110 VNFOLD, VNFOLDE, p. p. Unfolded, 19, 199 VNFOUNDE, v. t. To tear up the founda- tions, 139 VNGLOOUE, v. refl. To take off one's gloves, 196 VNHEENG, pret. Took down from a peg, 66 VNHELED, p. p. Uncovered, 14, 124 VNHELERE, sb. An uncoverer, one who strips off the covering of anything, 144 VNHYD, p. p. Unconcealed, 22 VNIOYNE, v. t. To disjoin, 135 VNKEVERE, v. t. To uncover, 22 VNKNOWE, p. p. Unknown, 17 VNKUNNYNGE, adj. Unskilful, 19 VNLIKNYNGE, adj. Unlike, dissimilar, 70 VNMAKERE, sb. A destroyer, 144 VNNESTLE, v. t. To turn out of a nest, 116 248 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. VNNETHES, adv. Hardly, 192 VNPLYTEDE, pret. Unfolded, 164 VNPROFYT, sb. Loss, 58 VNSCAUBERKED, p. p. Taken out of the scabbard, 66 VNSCRIPPE, v. t. To deprive of a scrip, 79 VNSHETTE, v. t. To undo, unfasten, 20 ; pret. VNSHETTE, 126 VNSTAUNCHABLE, adj. Insatiate, 142 VNTAME, v. t. To break open, injure, 167. The St. John's MS. reads 'entame,' perhaps rightly. VNTHRIFTE, sb. Worthlessness, 121 VNTRUSSED, p. p. Unpacked, unloaded, 19, 94 VNWARNISHED, p. p. Unfurnished, 127 VNWARSHED, p. p. Unprovided, 204 VNWEMMED, adj. Unspotted, 168 VNWOUNDEN, p. p. Unwound, 21 VNWURSHIP, sb. Dishonour, 29, 128 UP so DOUN, adv. Upside down, 84 VTASES, sb. Periods of eight days, 146 VANTAUNCE, sb. Boasting, 117 VAPOURE, v. t. To puff out as vapour, 117 VELEWET, sb. Velvet, 113 VENGE, or VENGEN, v. reft. To avenge, 10, 17 ; p.p. VENGED, 88 VENQUISE, v. t. To vanquish, 90 VENTE, sb. An opening, 203 VERRAY, VERREY, adj. True, real, 19, 33 VERRES, sb. 84. A doubtful word. The French MS. has noires, which may be a mistake for nois, as appears from the rhyme. The St. John's MS. has ' benes ;' Laud MS. ' barrys.' VERRYLICHE, adv. Truly, 202 VEYLE, sb. A sail, 191 VIAGE, sb. Travel, journeying, a journey, 82, 187 VICARIE, sb. A vicar, 8 VICARISHIPE, sb. The office of vicar, 11 VILESSE, sb. Old age, 181. Fr. vieillesse VILETEE, sb. Worthlessness, 122 VILITEE, sb. Literally cheapness, con- tempt. Holden in vilitee ' = hold cheap, 37 VILEYNESLICHE, adv. Villanously, 112 VINTERE, sb. A vintner, 158 VIRLY, sb. A virelay, 152 VOID, adj. Empty, 15 VOIDE, v. t. To quit, 14 ; To empty, 32, 88; To clear out, 185 VOID PAUNCHE, sb. Empty-paunch, 117 VOUCHED SAF. Vouchsafed, 166 VOYDNESSE, sb. Emptiness, 185 WACCHE, sb. An ambush, 126 WAFRERE, sb. A seller of wafer cakes, 154. French, oublier. WAITE, sb. A band of music, 198 WAITE, sb. Ambush, 35 WAITE, v. t. To watch, 154 WALKENE, sb. The welkin, firmament, 27 WARNISHED,P. p. Garnished, equipped, 76 WASSHE, p. p. Washed, 32 WASSHEN, WASSHENE, p.p. Washed, 172, 196 WASTEL, sb. A cake of fine white bread, 117 WAXE, p. p. Grown, become, 112 WAWE, sb. A wave, 182, 183 WAYMENTINGE, sb. Lamentation, 34 WAYTERE, sb. A waylayer, 79 WEENE, v. i. To think, 21 ; p.p. WEND, 48 WEL, adv. Eight, very; used intensively, 20 WERE = wert, 33 WERED, p. p. Worn, 122 WEREDEN, 3 pi. pret. Wore, 61 WERRE, sb. War, 26, 111 WERRE, v. t. To war or strive with, 97 WERRED, p. p. Engaged in war or con- flict, 39, 112 WERRYE, v. t. To war or contend against, 125 WERNE, v. t. To forbid, 204 WERPE, v. t. To lay as a warp, 179 WESH, pret. Washed, 8, 32, 173 WEXE, p. p. Grown, 26 WEY in the phrase ' brouht to wey ' = brought back to the right path, 56 WEYLATE, sb. A place where roads meet, 161. The French MS. has quarrefour. In Suffolk the word still remains, though GLOSSARY. 249 much disguised. Forby (Vocabulary of East Anglia) gives it in the form 'releet,' as used in the compounds, ' four-releet,' ' three-releet ; ' but these are in reality nothing more than ' four- wayleet ' and ' three-wayleet.' The for- mer easily became < four 'yleet,' and this as easily when written became ' four- releet,' from which ' three-releet ' would be formed by analogy. The St. John's MS. spells the word 'walett.' WHAT. The phrase ' What thou art a fool ' is a literal rendering of the French comment tu es fol, 57 WHAT UP WHAT DOUN, 46 WHETHER, adv. Whither, 102 WHICH, pron. Used where we should say 'what,' 139. 'Which gret woodshipe is this.' WHICH AN, 138. See note. WHO, pron. He who, 118 WHO, pron. Used indefinitely for 'one, some one,' 33. So in the phrase ' as who seith,' 136 WIGHT, WIHT, WYHT, sb. A person. ' Eche wiht ' = every one, 38 ; 'no wyht ' = no one, 37 WILNE, v. t. To desire, 127; p.p. WILNED, 207 WIKKE, adj. Wicked, 166 WISE, sb. Way, manner, 45 ; pi. WISES, 49 WISSE, v. t. To teach, show, 170 WIST, p. p. Known, 63 WISTE, pret. Knew, 7 WITE, v. t. To know, 5, 7 WITH, pret. Used after a passive parti- ciple where we should now use ' by.' ' Aspyed with theeves,' 54 WITH, put after the verb in such phrases as ' for to ese with,' 50 ; ' for to kille with swyn,' 107 ; ' to quykene with,' 116 ; 'for to mantelle with,' 121 ; 'for to hook with,' 124 WITH HOLDE, p. p. Withheld, With- holden, 10 WITH OUTEN, prep. Without, 1 WITH SITTE, v. t. To sit in opposition to, 96 WITHSEYE, v. t. To contradict, 48 WITHSEYINGE, sb. Contradiction, 101 WITINGELICHE, adv. Knowingly, 75 WODIERE, WODYERE, sb. A woodman, 146 WOKE, WOOKE, sb. A week, 122, 146 WOL, or WOLE. Will, 1, 4, 5, &c. ; 2 pi. 6 ; 3 pi. WOLEN, 5 ; WULE, 11 WOMBE, sb. Belly, 88 WOMBED, p. p. Big-bellied, 115 WONINGE, sb. Dwelling, 169 WOOD, WOODE, adj. Mad, 14, 26 WOODE, v. i. To become mad, 61 WOODSHIPE, sb. Madness, 62, 131 WOOT, pret. Knew, 4, 44 WORDLICH, adj. Worldly, 178, 183, 186 WORPEN, p. p. Having a warp, 121 WOST, 2 s. pres. Wettest, knowest, 54 WOXE, p. p. Grown, 153 WRATH, WRATHTHE, WRETTHE, v. reft. To make angry, 22, 28, 153 WRETHE, WRETTHE, sb. Wrath, 25, 113 WRITHEN, p. p. Wreathed, twisted, 3, 120 WRONGE, adj. Twisted, distorted, 152 WRYINGE, pr. p. Twisting, perverting, 114 WUNDER, adv. Wonderfully, 3, 77 WUNDERLICHE, adv. Wonderfully, 73 WUNDRE, v. i. In the construction ' to wundre upon ' = to wonder at, 119 WURMODE, sb. Wormwood, 134 WURSHIPE, sb. Honour, 26 WURTHEN, p. p. Literally, become. ' Wur- then up ' = gotten up, mounted, 131 YATE, sb. Gate, 2 Y BOUNDEN, p.p. Bound, 20 Y BROKEN, p. p. Broken, 61 YDELSHIPE, sb. Idleness, 100 YDOON, p.p. Done, 117 YDRAWE, pr. p. Drawn, 126 Y DRED, p. p. Dreaded, 31 YELDE, YILDE, v. t. To reward, 75, 96, 97. In the phrase ' God yelde yow.' In the latter passage it is a translation of the French Je vous mercy. YELDE, YELTE, pret. Kendered, 32, 150; YELT = renders, 76 K 250 PILGRIMAGE OF THE LYF OF THE MANHODE. YEN, sb. Eyes, 73 YERDE, sb. A rod, 10 YGOTEN, p. p, Gotten, 74 YGROUNDEN, p. p. Ground, 61 Y HERB, p. p. Heard, 26 YHURT, adj. Hurt, 155 YIFTE, sb. Gift, 17 YILDETH, rendereth, 94 YIUE, v. t. To give, 13; pret. YAF, 15 ; p.p. YIVE, 4, 16. In p. 132, ' anoon with his yrened foot he shulde yive me in the visage' is a rendering of the French, Assez tost de son pie ferre En mon visaige auroit donne. YKNOWE, p. p. Known, 17 YMPED, p. p. Grafted, 124 YNOWH, adv. Enough, 178 YoLDE,^w*e. Yielded, 192 YOLDEN, p. p. Given up, 160 YRAYNE, sb. A spider, 143, 179 YRENED, p. p. Shod with iron, 52 YSAWED, p. p. Sawn, 135 YSEE, v. t. To see, 166 YSEN, v. i. To issue, 34 YSEDE, pret. Issued, 4 YSEYE, p. p. Seen, 92 YSHETHED, p. p. Sheathed, 20 YSINGE, sb. Issuing, going out, 4 YSPOKEN, p. p. Spoken, 30 YSTREIGHT, p. p. Stretched, 191 YUELE, adv. HI, evilly, 42 YUERESCE, sb. Drunkenness, 159 Add to Glossary, p. 238, col. 1 : LIFTE, pret. Remained. ERRATA. p. 104, 1. 29. For mor estepdame read more stepdame. p. 106, 1. 31. For mangracious read maugracious. p. 109, 1. 8. For cleernans read cleeruaus. p. 120, 1. 33. For thew read thow. p. 143, 1. 25. Dele full stop after ' pulleth it.' p. 144, 1. 12. For apperceyned read apperceyued. p. 148, 1. 2. For panteneeres read pauteneeres. 1. 18. For aloyne read a loyne. p. 165, 1. 4. For yekunne read ye kunne. p. 182, last line. Dele it. p. 205, 1. 1. For perte read perce. Westminster: Printed by J. B. NICHOLS and SONS, 25, Parliament Street. 1 rr\ Rl